text,agreeableness,openness,conscientiousness,extraversion,neuroticism his name was kim kimble originally wow thats some messed up parents,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 theyre better than the normal posts on ryugioh id rather have them then the same topic posted multiple times in the week after the banlist,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 how the fuck does this even happen hi youre cute you too ive had a crush on you for awhile um i uh inserts finger in butthole,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it probably does ive learned a lot about myself by browsing this subreddit over the months,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 yea those are the same sound to me still,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 long term shifting is the cart titans gimmick though the fact that she can do it doesnt mean eren can,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 texas is molly weasley i love it,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 yeah those are good points my experiences with recruiting is all with really open ended type work that needs all the abilty it can get so i wasnt thinking about those functional rolesi still think all mbti will do is bias you foragainst candidates little better than flipping a coin,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 public shame you put their reputations on the line and their view of self people will jump on grenades for less,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thats how they get you man,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 any plan to do the same for the republican primaries im curious about the difference between the pollsonly and pollsplus on the republican side since trump messed with the tradition and endorsement didnt have the same effect as they have historically i think the pollsplus didnt do so well,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yeah the comicpost is a good one at least something i can relate to not sure itll help others truly understand but its better than anything else ive read,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 exploiting isnt cheating lel tell that to ppl who used external undetectable cheats,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 professional quality almost all highlevel headphones are open past 300 really i can only think of the fostex thx00 as closed above that,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 its not illegal to ask someones name where im from but recording someone in combination with adding identifiablecharacteristics such as a name or a adress to the recording without permission is its a privacy law and im really glad it excists,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 thank you ill add it to the list,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 france has some pretty bad laws in term of free speech for sure still zeon cartoons were somewhat of different nature than ch i dont agree with his arrest but there was notable differences ch did quite a few cartoons criticizing israel too,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 social outcast is not necessarily true tho,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 literally most people voicing their opinion about it have no clue about source networking or multiplayer networkingthey are people who believe 144 hz will give you an advantage in the game,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 a lot of the worst ones are protected or endangered thered be less fallout if we developed nukes and just did it ourselves,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 thank you ill add it to the list,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i tend to avoid it if at all possible if i absolutely cant i go to the ends of the earth to make sure i take the most diplomatic approach possible ill also try to back up my side with as much evidence as possible before i dive right in conflict isnt fun,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 thats a really cool script is it based on any real world scripts,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 heh well i meant banned metaphorically not literally as in people should find better terminology so they can more clearly say what they mean i think what this subjective stuff may be intended to mean is that the introverted functions are more abstract meta heuristic removed compared to their extroverted counterparts theres more layers of abstraction between them and the object subjectiveobjective arent the words i would use but im not sure what would be better,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i got kicked out the day after coming out i was the same age as you my mom adheres to the idea that by coming out i kicked myself outafter all what else was i supposed to expect knowing their fundamentalist values as well as i did i wasnt really surprised but i did think their love would overcome thatsometimes i think getting kicked out was the best thing to happen to me but i was insanely lucky ive been able to stay in school only because of the friends whove taken me in rentfree if you dont have a safety net do not make this jump but you probably do need to take it eventually and it will hurt like hell and maybe never stop hurtingi could go on for a while but would probably just be rambling but feel free to pm me if you ever have more questions,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 is your amazon the same as mine where theyll literally hire any asshole i think thats the problem 90 of the time a lot of real knuckle draggers are in charge of things but they hire anyone because the turnover rate is insane,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 why cant a 3ds game be emulated course they can,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 youre dutch so he first one just let it slide live and let live dont bother yourself with other peoples business blabla thats how we rol next time this happens however tell your teacher after class you dont find it appropriate and as do many others in youe class let the teacher solve this again youre dutch so nobody will feel awkward or angry or whatever if you just state your oppinion rationally,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 jesus christ port stay on regrab who do you think i am kappa,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 can we talk about how the orb prime location is just a boring roomits literally a room with 2 doors and a window and it drives me insane how uninspired the encounter is,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 u266b because i am an expert which i know is a tautology u266b,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 hmm im thinking typemention first two paragraphs have me thinking cogfuncmention over cogfuncmention and last one makes me think cogfuncmention over cogfuncmention i understand you were saying how youre still trying to figure out the whole function thing so let me know if you have questions,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 ive cried more as an adult than kid lol probably a few months back when leaving san francisco,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 thats not even a riddle lets make riddles great again heres a couple from the hobbit by jrr tolkien try not to spoil themanswer,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 just buy the set as it comes outits only like a 50 dollar investment every 23 months,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 personally im not really offended easily but i am really sensitive to people saying things without thinking about how they come off like my typemention friend will often make blunt observations that sound like criticism and i know he doesnt mean anything by them but it pisses me off that he has no sense of diplomacy about it and basically no sense of denotation versus connotationso yeah id agree that typemention rarely take anything at face value blessing curse dunno ill be mulling it over while i go cry in a hole somewhere,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 mewtwo is an typemention confirmedarceus is an typemention confirmed,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 daaawww he looks amicable and like hed be a very curious snake considering he doesnt get scared of a camera inches away from his face this means you can get close ups of snoot booping,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 good blend of the new and olddoes it bother anyone else that the cutting board is terribly nonsymmetrical,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 funny how cheaters seem to be in every nova game did you watch at keast the demos of your matches,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 911 seriously this is not an emergency officer needs to head up the hill asap and stop traffic hopefully thats what he did right after the video endsi kinda find it funny cause we deal with worse conditions than that 6 months out of the year but again our road crews are equipped and are pretty good at making the roads safe our drivers know how to drive in those conditions and we use winter tires possible injuries are just gonna be minor bumps and whiplash at the worstmaybe 911 in order to block the road or something,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 havnt had the best luck in relationships im guessing thats definitely a thing though typementiontypemention seem to get on fairly well,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 if canadians are supposedly so polite why does toronto have the worst fans in the entirety of mlb,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 god damnit now i have to get 2 flairs,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 cute but those stains on the bed,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 did you see this post here last week it is about this post on raskwomen titled what does sexual attraction feel like anyway i thought the answers were interesting and a reconfirmation that no ive never felt that wayas for that doctor i wish i was your big sister for a day so i could go over there and give him a bit of a talking to dude youre not supposed to give someone a complex im sure hes never even heard of asexuality and im sure that hes encountered patients before with religious and upbringingrelated or abuserelated sexual issues so youre a zebra when he was looking for horses but he still should have listened to youonly go to the therapist if you want to theres nothing wrong with you just because the doctor says you cant be asexual and psychologically healthy it doesnt mean anything he doesnt know jack about asexuality if you do go id actually recommend being straightforward about why youre there is it for social anxiety then talk about that is it because your doctor made you feel like shit then talk about that is it questions over sexuality then open with asking the counselor if she is familiar with asexuality and take it from therebe prepared to decide that the counselor isnt helpful to you if she is great but if she also starts talking about religion or abuse or anything else you dont find relevant dont absorb those problems into yourself knowing what youre going there for will help you figure out if counseling is useful to you if shes not addressing your concerns its not helpful then you can either reiterate your purpose for going in and hope the therapist adjusts her thinking or you can play out the session leave and not returnyoure fine its all good,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 when you feel like you need o piss but your bladder is empty,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 just to be sure and doubtless you are also familiar with the idea that typemention supposedly aspire to develop their third function to live in it more as well as futilely trying to do the same for their fourth to romanticise the past and strong feeling and to aspire to wallow in both is about as typemention as it gets per theory romanticism in a nutshell,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 says the man who has ten times as much karma than me in only three times the time,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 we had no idea how to safely go to the moon until we tried to do it either we developed tons of new tech in the process including integrated circuits solar panels wind tunnels leading to modern efficient windmills etc without the apollo program wed have no pcs and smartphones and no solution for climate changeactually this is precisely the sort of situation where soft biological materials can be more resiliant than hard artifical materials and fragile electronicsearly experiments showed that untrained humans were able to tolerate as much as 20 g for less than 10 seconds these forces were endured with cognitive facilities intact as subjects were able to perform simple physical and communication tasks while at 20 gees the tests were determined to not cause long or short term harmof course less gees is still bettermars gravity would be low enough for a space elevator using current materials zylon iirc but that could be expensive to produce on the required scalerealistically were not going to mars until the mid 2030s and we may also have more affordable nanomaterials by then,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 firefox cyberfox and edge the only one i didnt try was chrome so ill see if that works for the time being,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 waiting for someone to say rage comics,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 this is totally inappropriate at anything other than an interview to work at a religious organization,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 agreed i much prefer the original image,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 computer if it smells like burnt plastic its probably time for you to not run minecraft with shaders on the highest settings with mods,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the brothers i was friends with had a father who had this attitude like he could whatsoever he liked and there would be no consequences at least looking back thats how it seemed i was pretty young they killed the lady while i was in high school we went to different ones in truth it was an accident but seriously careless negligence was the outcome,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i couldnt carry a baby to term i am pretty sure i would end up killing myself first,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 well im super warm and cuddly but that is just me when im fully medicated and not all stressed out i consider it an cogfuncmention trait,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 cant quote you on my phone presentation may suffer slightly i didnt bring you up someone else did and this is expressly exactly what they wanted for that reason i really didnt expect you to respond lol i thought typemention cant stand to be manipulated i said seems its an impression and purports to be nothing more impressions are involuntary in the short term and you cant control them this is one particular way you now know you can come across yes i am loaded with biases like any creature including but not limited to disdain for effusive dicksucking of the recurring typing gurus no it was not supposed to be thorough its based on a few comments and some comments of yours i apparently responded to some time ago longforgotten by me of course but apparent by archived by a fan of yours i assumeand since it got this response out of you ill tell you the salient thing to me was instances of effective terminating exchanges by insisting someone google some concept insisting on a shared frame of reference before allowing the convo to go any further in this didactic manner that rubs me the wrong way i hated school perhaps thats another bias but the adage that you dont understand something well enough if you cant explain it simply springs to mind and the concepts didnt seem exalted enough for the weight you seemed to place upon them eg overstressing falsificationism seemingly unaware of problems with the idea that was the analogy of the guy trying to speak french or whatever i said and the secure response you allude to is generally exactly how i would proceed were i actually interacting with you which in that comment clearly i am not and the interest in elucidation were mutual else if you expect some kind of deference you really need to show me some depth and breadth i never liked correcting my teachers,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i believe that crowd funding and vcs will provide separate but equally vital functionsservices in entrepreneurshipstart ups i dont see why the two would need to compete in my perspective neither one really cares about the other as someone who is eager to start crowdfunding start ups i could care less about vcs,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i think your description of the barbary states as african is misleading â they were vassals of the ottoman empire and thus only african in a geographic sense no more african than ptolemaic egypt,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 you never mentioned choice before now i was just explaining why modern constitutional democracies are politically representative and broadly speaking have the national interest in mind often regardless of who you choose or are able to choose to represent yourself,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 edc orlandony edc vegas kinetic field stage area some extra room for another stage or two id say its a victim of its own success everyone knows edclv is the biggest of all the edc events so they decide to go to that one over all of the other ones,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 he already renounced his canadian citizenship,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 pretty sure to be able to hear back from her youre going to have to send a text or something first though i dont have a cell thats how i think these things work usually,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 am i the only one slightly upset that it was sped up,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 hey you shouldnt complainthe sudden leaks gave you a few more days,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i would like to see how the mining process progresses to scales of that magnitude,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 whats your point even if beauty did include nonphysical attributes it would be equally false that everyone is beautiful beauty is a kind of excellence at the very least it means above average â and by definition not everyone can be above average most people are probably in and around the average,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i did acknowledge that those things can be abused and they certainly are but my concern there is that there is no proposal to fix the actual issues not arresting people who trespass doesnt suddenly make trespassing ok a failure by a city to create a safe an clean environment and this also requires enforcing the law will eventually lead to a collapse to this city we have seen it before people who can afford to move out move out gated communities with their own rules appears everywhere the results will be even more segregation,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 say you were training multiple models on the same dataset such as naive bayes logistic regression random forests mlp or convnet some examples in the test set would have all models predict the same class but other examples might see different predictions how can you pick the right one from what i know simple voting improves accuracy by a few points but is there a way to be 100 sure of the result without doing human verification id love if there was a way to trade off computing time for accuracy just let it compute more instead of manually verifyinganother question suppose you do indepth manual inspection on a failed test example you want to know why it failed but in such a large feature space you dont know which feature contributed most to its failure is it possible to adjust the training dataset in such a way as to overcome that one error without messing out the rest of the predictions maybe the solution would involve eliminating some features or some training examples or adding more features or training examples from what i understand you cant tweak a model like that because all examples contribute to the final model so any change you make in the training set or feature set would slightly change predictions for all examples not just for the failed one maybe add the bad example a few times or give it more weight but that would risk messing the other examples i tried that and it didnt work well my dataset is multiclass text classification and the algo i used was logistic regression with vowpal wabbit,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 this is exactly what i say about my teacher jobi never have a boring day at work this is teacher code forwhen the kids get on the buswoohoo she sounds jealous,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 450 movement speed is immobile,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i love the dopamine that results from interaction with my friends does that countdopamine is the happy one right,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i know its wrong but i always imagine it as peejack but with a soft j pronounced as the g in gell,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 is that just pure profiteering by a middleman company or is it actually a high grade super strong duct tape that you cant just buy in lowes,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 its coming my way now i expect to close early tomorrow well see,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 what happened last night i wasnt here,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i met my so when i was 18 at my first week of uni nonetheless and he was close to 6 years older than me we have now been together for over 4 years and live together as well and we have one of the most healthy relationships i know among my friends and acquaintances but here is the thing i had been through some heavy shit in my teenage years and was on all accounts very much more mature than the average 18 year old yes my so was in a different life stage but we were able to communicate and understand eachother on the same emotional level we were also both at a very emotionally stable point in our lives we were and are in many ways eachothers equal and grew together over the yearsthe thing that worries me about this girl is how she talks about being lonely that in it very self shows shes not emotionally stable enough to handle a tricky non standard relationship because of the age difference she does not seem to act out of infatuation or love for you specifically but simply out of the need for emotional comfort and thats not something you should want for your life,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 havent yet im saving up for bonnaroo expenses now already have that ticket then waiting to see if the gang amp i can swing floydfest in july too definitely going to lockn though last year was a blast student prices were sweet last year but youre right its probably too good to be true this year,60.0,55.0,64.0,14.0,49.0 well a vast majority of the sjws ive heard on youtube reddit news and talk shows expouse that very sentimenti can honestly say i dont think ive ever heard a rational reasonable argument from a minority or womens right activitsts thats not to say i havent heard some good valid points but the solutions and arguments are overtly passionate and extreme,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 hypetrain westerlands join the besterlands,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 no thats the daily star,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 tuition differs between countries some are free germany but most are a couple of thousand euros a year my country netherlands is about 2000 a year easiest way is to just mail the admissions office of different unis and ask them whether theyd accept you based on your degree and grades remember even within a country some might accept you while others wont which country are you from by the way,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 you can get hit by lightning or meteor too right now you worried bout that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 your conscious mind cares but your subconscious cares far more about whatever you were zoning out about and most of the time the subconscious calls the shots when someone is saying something really interesting do you tend to zone out,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 how much energy in laymans terms would be required to create this human sized magnetic field of 50t after googling some ive found that the strongest continuous field weve produced in a lab was 45t,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 im colder and at a worse angle to see the tv,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 pizagels is good compared to the rest of topeka tried pie5 shortly after they opened and it was a massive clusterfuck kids with no idea what theyre doing pizza was decent at bestcollege hill pizza pub is the best topeka has to offer and theyre pretty niche i love the steak amp pineapple teriyaki pizza but sometimes i just want a classic pepperoni pizza and there just isnt a really good one to be had in this town,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 mashallah i hope it goes well for you,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 from my experience with asians in melbourne they do tend to dress well much better than mosti think its mainly down to two things asians in australian cities are generally very affluent and can afford nice clothespopular brand names which in melbourne are the likes of the north face gant and prlthen theres the cultural element asians are more communitarian even abcs than whites who are more individualistic so a lot of asians tend to follow their own trends which seem to be classic outfits like sneakers chinos and tees or a polo basically minimalistic casualprep the younger crowd seems to like to dress like the above or streetwear ive never seen them wear anything like boardshorts with flip flops and a hoodiebut then you have the freshly arrived chinese from mainland china they tend to be easy to spot because of differences in gait facial expressions and mannerisms before even considering what they speak and dress they tend to combine a lot more colour visible brand names patterns burberry tartan and superfluous accessories like ribbons which can be gaudy sometimesand as for interacting with them i honestly have no expectations or preconceptions when i talk to people i see each individual for who they are and cast no judgements but having thought about it a little bit a lot of the asians i know are shyer and more likely to keep to themselves and their family so i dont think its just the media,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i really like her voice in this i think ive heard some of their stuff before but ill make sure to check some more of it out,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 id like to see what you base your categorization on you have me listed as 010 too dumb to be human its hard to refute a webpage of a list with no basis for rankingalso just so you know i took the mbti at a company that paid for it long before i even knew what it was i have subsequently taken a few on line and they all indicate typemention,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 at one point i bought a bunch of normal black socks and ankle black socks one of my drawers has two little baskets in it one for the normal socks and one for the ankle socks when im putting away clothes after they dried i simply sort them in the right basket problem solved matching socks at all time without added effort,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ive always seen them at rest areas along highways,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 that is his personas type anyway the real colbert is more like typemention,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 could you elaborate on that part about your experiences what do you disagree with bardon on,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 those smurfshackers are the people who should be at that rankget better to get back there,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i tried juggling two balls and one cube but i dont have the precise control over rotation that i need to do it effectively,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i agree that its a shame that it seemed to get progressively worse as the series continued turtwig served ash well back in season 10 it felt like wasted potential since they couldve developed grotletorterra by having himher master a new battle style but instead heshe just kind of stopped being good di still love torterra though just not specifically ashs,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 its so suspenseful im stuck on the edge of my seat,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 depends on the people for me and whether or not i can get them alone i like groups when i know most of the people but with new peeps i prefer to corner them and get into a long rambling discussion on whatever,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this is why humans and dogs are bros,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeslaw in a anarchist society would be based on private defense agencies and how the nap is interpreted is culturally contextual so naturally some regions will become more socialistic some more capitalistic if pdas choose to not enforce property rights they dont exist and what pdas do and do not enforce will naturally because of the market trend towards whatever the cultural norms of the region are,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 no they are notits about 785 vs 800 gcm3,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 how can you play like this d,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 it is really hard to keep a cool head in those situations especially if you have never been in that situation my co workers and i have hours and hours of training every year and learn to work as a team as well sometimes its safer for the kids to be with us one of our proudest accomplishments in our class was to help a young man go from hitting himself in the head 300400 times a week to about a dozen times a week it took about 3 months it can be done without violence or even negative responses,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 thats cool i didnt realise you could be an architect without a degree i guess it just would make it harder to get a start but once youve got your foot in you dont need one,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 no thats not the only explanation and yelling it harder doesnt make it true if you want to convince me then you need to come up with arguments and counter arguments to my arguments constantly repeating the same sentences gets you nowherethis is the point where i start to suspect that youre just trying to start a fightim going to ignore those 3 points for a moment ive already debunked them twice but youve obviously not read my responsesmaybe but so does eren confusion memoriesim not insulting you either thank youand yes thats what im implying ive said that already hes subconsciously filling in the gaps between the intel from the books and the flashes of memories he gotthe big twist would be that the wielder of the biggest power in the world is going insane a god going schizophrenic would make an amazing story its also way more original than the grandfather paradox that youre suggestingwhat exactly im not saying that the info he remembered was wrong he simply read that in the books the only thing which wasntcouldnt be in the books where krugers exact words his reference to armin and mikasa for example which eren made upconfused,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ive had an apocalypse boner for greater than 4 hours i might need medical attention,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 every playeror bot under supreme is calling hax 247 when they get killedin the last 14 days i played against one cheater and he got banned already,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 didnt know this was coming absolutely awesome,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 ive seen this tonight irl didnt think it was reddit material though,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 thank you ill add it to the list,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its kind of a turn off to me because i cant relate to it i also really dislike the family social obligations that come along with it,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 wait they dumped you because they werent good enough for you thats really weird lol,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 i assume your on a regular hdd apparently windows defender on win10 at least causes the game to hang while loading for some folks add the game the defenders exception list,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 cogfuncmentiondoms do not like people who pretend and are false she will absolutely hate you for pretending to be someone elseif you like someone and they dont like you the appropriate reaction is to be sad and cry and mewl and be heartbroken and channel all that energy into a spiral of drugsalcohol meaningless sexual encounters nothing puts things in perspective like a touch of chlamydia and maybe something creative if youre talented and thats way healthier than what youre doing i would do all of the above but would never even changing or pretending to change my personality for the sake of maybe getting a relationship with a particular personthis whole plan honestly it comes off a little desperate or more than a little desperation is extremely unattractive no matter what personality you have,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i have never considered this before and now im curious about my subconscious reasoning but i use digital for personal stuff and analog for work stuff hmmm now ill be thinking about this for a while,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 of course mlord the woman responded inclining her head politely theyre in the back office if youll excuse me although her speech was blatantly that of a commoner she had always been the most articulate of the women working there and she had improved greatly over the years with that she turned and walked through the door to the back room letting out the sound of the other girls hard at work for but a momentlady kiernan lord marq she said after being let into the office someone with the master of coin is here for you says his name is tancred bucklerulosdarklyns,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 then i hope youre wearing a cup,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i need only one or two pokemon ev trained,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 funny i was thinking about this last night given â ignorance of the law is no excuseâ and the fact that the combined local state and federal government create legislation law at an unbelievable rate i heard a couple years ago there are roughly 20000 new federal laws every year combine that with the fact that laws have interpretation they donâ t always mean what the layman thinks shouldnâ t the government either a overturn that premise or b have to provide education on the law for everyoneand no i donâ t think this is covered by your right to representation thatâ s not what itâ s for,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 ok thats definitely surgery in your case was this a dutch dentist or your dentist back homeif it was your dentist back at home take those xrays to a dutch dentist and ask for a referral as these procedures will not be done by dentists in the netherlands but only by dental surgeons you will need a referral to one of groningens hospital this is not optional in the netherlands you cant just walk into a hospital and get treatment unless you are being brought in from an ambulance in life and death situations you need a referral from a primary care provider dentist or gp to get in this also is something good to know in general though if you find yourself in a situation where you might need medical care outside of office hours dont go to the er directly again unless its in an ambulance but call the huisartsenpost which is a centralized gp office which is available during out of office hours if necessary they will give you an immediate referral to the er but if you show up at the er without a referral for a non life or death situation dutch insurance will not cover your expenses its a common procedure you probably wont have to stay in the hospital dagbehandeling day treatment ive looked up the waiting times for the university hospital according to their website the waiting times at the dental surgery department is about 4 weeks for these basic procedures usually the other nonacademic hospitals are a bit shorter but at least this gives you an indication this waiting time if from the moment your dentist provides their referral to the hospital and they register you ive also needed jaw surgery i found the surgeons at the university hospital to be very kind helpful and professional and the hospital itself is very modern and well equipped you should check with your insurance company whether theyd cover the costs i dont have a specific breakdown of the costs but if id have to make a rough measurement it would probably cost in the 10001800 euros range to have them extracted surgically in the hospital this was what my insurance company paid for a day treatment issue i had that required local anesthetics but not ortho related though,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 but why does any of that matter why is how you would take it relevant why should a private message be subject to the same note your politicallycorrect scrutiny as say a politician why does she have to explain herself,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 being in a relationship with someone is supposed to make your life happier are you happy,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 just because you are better than 66 at least in the amount of players doesnt mean you are good have you ever watched the demos of those cheaters i guess not you got wrecked and since you belong to the top 34 of cs players lel they surely are cheatingit couldnt be people who have the same points value as a le before the inflation and stopped playing when it began to inflate and are now mg2 after they played again,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 item pricevip ticket 785plane amp car rental 750hotel 350foodmerch 250gambling total 2135,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i like you we should get smoothies sometime o i was attempting to draw parallels to specific types of thinking and patterns of behavior it isnt a contradiction to suggest that we think about things abstractly in terms of propensities and proclivities sometimes while at the same time when it is time to act we act an analogy would be for me to say that it is ok to get high sometimes but being stoned all day erry day is a bad scene true but dont we have to make some value judgments im trying to discuss both strategy and tactics i am proposing that the strategy globally deciding what to do based on xyz blah blah blah should be separate from the tactics actually implementing that shit day to day,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 sounds like you didnt get a lawyer and talked to the copsthats the real fu here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i read greatest as quietest for some wierd reasonwtf eyes,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i agree those are the proper rankingsthough i think 1 would be best in bed i think i like the flannel of 4i sure wouldnt decline any one of them at this moment in time,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 one guy accused me of being a pedophile he came to my jail cell and told me that it was just a prank i grabbed him by his shirt collar and slammed his head of the bars and took his phone and posted this,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 this will be censored herei guarantee it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this is exactly the scenario i pose when someone identifies as a 100 consequentialist obviously idealised to have zero chance of stis or pregnancy in my experience none admit this is okay according to their ethical system but none have a good answer as to why it isnt,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 lol you were just saying what you think fluffy does not mean lies to spare feelings it means cares about people and shows it in my dictionary anyways and now everyone who reads this will think i hit on you hahaha another edit because i genuinely considered i dont have rose colored glasses i find that the vast majority of the time my assessments and predictions are verified optimists are people who see the bad shit but decide they can do something about it then usually do reinforcing this tendency to expect good things,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 haha thats exactly what i was thinking of d specifically on rewatching that its basically me i truly need to consider this seriously im im concerned,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im pretty sure thats not how people works d,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 this is awesomebaseball season is coming upeyes glaze over,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 they drink water none of them are at all fat one is borderline underweight lol,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 those attitude questionnaires are some complete bswho cares if i technically listen if i dont care about the information dont use it in any way and will probably forget about it a minute laterreally does that count as listening,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 definitely get retroarch then you can play all of the roms that you have in one programit also has prboom built in to it,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 thanks for the details on itvery cool i love everything about it apart from the weight and maybe thickness for the price thats some really good materials,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its pretty awesome honestly though i just like it spicy ive also learnt to usually ask for it spicier when i order everyone likes it so mild up herei had a couple of ghost chili peppers a while back eyes watered but i didnt get the hiccups or anything couldnt really talk but it only lasted 5 minutes i was surprisedif you like your food extra bland thats your business i like to taste the complexity of different spices,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 wait why would i want to announce it to reddit,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 oh this was a byproduct of attempting to solve that thread instead mind if i transfer over to that one and offer a vba solution,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 thanks for the list this is greatim not completely sure if im a d subtype im pretty sure that i was back when i used to be a manager i dont know if ive changed subtypes now that i do a more mundane job and ive had to channel my ej energy into introverted ways like reading about typology for hours instead of running an operation or if subtype falsification is a thing like type falsification is a thing i really miss leading and getting shit done at work as ive always had a puritan work ethic but we have such an inefficient operation where i work that i couldnt handle being a part of the dysfunctional portion of the system my portion of the system is mostly autonomous and independent of the broader dysfunction so i take the good with the bad and do more typical typemention things like avoid conflict operate in small groups and mobilize when needed and demobilize and read about psychology when not busy it is like the energy component is missing though getting the cogfuncmention charge and showing how typical cogfuncmention things can be effectively approached through cogfuncmention is very satisfying but the perception that an typemention is capable of that seems to be very limited even with people that know nothing of typeok this is pure speculation that just popped out of nowhere when i was writing that response so this is like a thought experiment so i know that gulenko has a theory of dual types but i havent read anything specific about it other than some discussion about it on the16types im not sure how it works but it seems like a type of intjintp is one of them there seems to be a lot of theories about dualtypes and subtypes of dual types and on an on so im not sure if im thinking of something that is already theorized about or if i am totally on the wrong track here but it seems like one type is your type at close distances and the other is your type at far distances and one of those is probably your persona in jungian terms or if not your dual type maybe it is your subtype so ive always struggled to find my subtype in most systems with the exception being the tpe system but that system seems a little confusing in its structure as i understand it though my subtyping of superid is not necessarily contradictory to being a d type in dcnh as they approach it differently so if you take these two different interpretations of subtypes together i have my dominant type of super ego id and my tpe subtype of superid and dnch of ego well that seems to be a sort of compensation there and as you know there is compensation for pretty much everything everything i know i validate through personal experience yet i cannot seem to validate a consistent subtype ive known my type for about 17 years now and every little aspect of it i can relate to from functional arrangements to renin dichotomies and beebian archetypal expression but my persona seems to be malleable my ego is not it is static and more or less the same as it was since childhood now on the flip side you constantly see people on the forums that dont have the slightest inkling of who they are they change from type to type to type that they identify with it is very dynamic but how they come across doesnt change in the slightest in real life you come across people that just have a fixed persona they only really identify with that persona but who they actually are remains a mystery to them until as jung says in midlife they change their perspective or they doubledown in their illusion and get even more onesided perhaps these are the people that see themselves as more fluid which is not to be confused with nfp types that see themselves potentially inhabiting many different boxes and thus have difficulty typing themselves the nfps still have a stable static identity it is just that there persona is fluid sorry for the ramble hope some of that makes sense and please correct me if im not clear in any way or if im on the wrong track,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 so you are implying that when they mastured they had to do it quick so they let loose,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 in other words you still havent honed your skills to separate relevant information from irrelevant information its not that using linux on the desktop is hard you can use as much or as little of it as you like but the deciding factor whether you succeed with it is your ability to not get lost in all the irrelevant possibilitiesthe esxi and proxmox ve example might be portuguese but looking up only one of the terms would have revealed that this is enterprise server stuff and thus irrelevant to desktop usage and safely ignored a three second search on a search engine is all it takesalso you are using gaming as a justification to yourselfus to keep using windows if you truly would want to use linux as your main driver you would forego windows only games even windows doesnt have 100 game coverage so you are forgoing games that dont run on windows so you are ok with running windows and switching to linux is just a nice what if thought propositionbefore you come back with why you cant or wont forego windows gaming itll only be illustrative that linux isnt more important to you than running windows and all the i would switch if pie in the sky is just that pie in the sky,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 its not bothering me too much especially now i know that its fairly common when youre on paroxetine thanks,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 honestly though i can think of few types that ive had a more difficult time communicating with,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 ugh yeah that would be really disappointing i reserve a special type of judgmental disappointment for people who are in positions of pious authority who end up having rotten coresi agree theres a lot to that archetype that i like for a variety of reasons and that kind of diligent purity and simplicity is something i desire to manifest in myself but in terms of attraction talk about choosing the ultimate unavailable boyfriend material p,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 someone needs to gild this threadthen its legacy will forever be preserved in rshingekinokyojingilded,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 be sure to stock up on essentials and get your chores done first tell your family you love them etc gthahah,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 saw this on rhappycrowds a week back great video c,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 how is what i said political chart is very much an economic issue that affects the foundation of our capitalist society people dont have the means to keep consuming goodsservices,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 the police analogy was week but it serves the point that you expect your localstatefed government to provide some form of crime prevention and investigation if they fail to provide that they are culpable is what transpiresinaction is absolutely evil provided action would prevent evil and action doesnt cost you anything like your life or limb or significant risk and if youre an all powerful deity with limitless resources to prevent eviland lets also clarify that this is not evil job brought upon himself it wasnt the consequences of his own actions,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 just gonna drop my answer here i like long sharp outward upturned noses i really dislike a jutted out nose bridge,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 speaking of cancer check out this article from dec 8thdamned if you do damned if you dont causes cancerif i cant trust freaking vitamins what can i trustregardless im sure you could make a ton of money if you added a filter and marketed it in the right way im just not convinced on the effectiveness,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 awww hugs for all you guys its really hard to deal with rejections and misinterpret criticism and we all know why i know its hard to even not take a strangers words seriously lt,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 id have to agree with unefnaf that this based mostly on stereotypes rather than actual mistypings as ive observed them the author is basically just swapping the e for the i or the p for the j or the auxiliary these mistypes certainly do occur but a more compelling article would address mistypings of people who mistake the the strength of their tertiary or inferior for example typemention typing as typemention etc typemention typing as typemention or typemention typing as typemention seem to be a common trend it would also be more helpful for rooting out mistypings to address how bad oh so many profiles and function descriptions are essentially if you arent one of a few intuitive thinking types you are basically a superficial mouthbreather that either wields a wrench or a paint brush even if you are one of these select few nt types that have a positive profile the descriptions are so grandiose that if you havent discovered a theory as worthy as the theory of relativity in your lifetime maybe you should think about being a dumb sensor or further perpetuate the existential crisis you are undoubtedly already having about your selfworth and identityi find it particularly amusing that the author suggests that ixtjs commonly mistype as ixfjs because you know tertiary cogfuncmention or cogfuncmention polr is easily confused with auxiliary cogfuncmention lay a bunch of cogfuncmention on an typemention or typemention and see how well they respond to that i mean lets pick a stereotype and stick with it typemention cant be the logical mastermind psychic asshole wizards and coldest humans but also easily mistakable for types that demonstrate and are so in touch their extroverted feeling so much that it is their primary way of connecting with the world around them,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 but thats kind of the point most western countries dont have a fear culture surround police hell in many european countries even cops dont carry guns anymore,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this definitely shows how jacked the current scoring system is in contrast i usually end up with mostdeaths in my team because i stay on capture points defending them until i die more deaths for me but more team wins for me too,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 except shes from louisiana and has since moved back according to that article,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 this i have had horrible reactions to dryer sheets i dont use them anymore,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 then i dont understand the question,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 yes lots of physical therapist who get women with back problems tell them after a few sessions without improvement to go to a lingerie store to get proper bras instead of the pt,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i got a permanent disability parking tag out of it its for emergencies where i am driving can tell im going low but dont have access to juice from my seat with the tag i can just pull over or park since often the only available spots around me are handicapped or metered either way i can park without issue or paying grab a juice box slam it and chill for a few minutes until it kicks in the only other time i use it is if my grandma is with me since she has a bad knee and parking closer is best thats literally the only benefit i can think of but i wouldnt need it without t1,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i think that does quite qualify as a very high activity level no surprise you can eat that much,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 do you mean that the socionics pseudonyms are inaccurate themselves or does the site give other examples of types that im not seeing here i dont know enough about the pseudonyms to judge the accuracy of them as they are kind of obscure i did notice that they made the same mistake that i did and assume that huxley refers to aldous when actually it refers to his grandfather thomas the biologist,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 i am still so weirded out by the decision to invest so heavily in fantastic beasts as a franchise ill be amazed if its as proportionately successful as bvs,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 damn i hate that reason for firing is unclear,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it seems fair for me to ban them permanentyou wont see a single professional or refferee who fixed a match play again if esports aspire to be real sports you will have to show those people the door,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 your english was perfect i am simply adoring you for writing the program to close properly,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 and you just said class is only a social construct yet insisted that race necessitates clear delineations when class clearly does not,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yeah its not a great spot and the cost of living isnt low enough to compensate its even worse now that our dollar is so low we dont produce enough as canadians to do without a lot of importing,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think that capitalism and how our society works in general is the consequence of some greater and deeper things something that lies in the majority of the people of the current civilization it lies in a sphere of moralbeliefsvaluables the foundations of how a common person see the world and economically our whole system is naturally arising from that world view to fit it so to speak so if its consequencial of something deeper that lies in the most humans then the only way to change it is to change this core beliefviewmoral system otherwise it almost doesnt matter how would you change and organise people materially they will always come back to this system or a similar onecurrent belief is the belief in material valuables its belief that material goods will make you happier it the core belief of our world consumptionism consume more get more concentrate on that endless chase it will make you happy and fulfill you thats what life is about nothing wrong with material goods but if its the dominant force in your consciousness and almost all there is what life is about in your view you will essentially always be ready to fuck over other people get more and more things for yourself fuck over planetenviroment and everything thats needed to get that according to you beliefmoral system and here we go we get our capitalism and capitalistic relationships between people and all other consecuensesso it really lies in peoples minds and souls and what they value so it really would take that our civilization would transition to some other view moralbelief system hopefully it will be formed in the future when most of the people and society on a whole would realize something about it and wont be satisfied with the current one and see holes in such moral view dunno if it take new religion or mostlike entirely different social insitution or organisation of a new kind maybe science will discover something new that change peoples perception on things psychology is super undeveloped at the moment aswelli feel in general peoplehumanity on a whole are quite lost at the moment old schemesviewsexplanations doesnt really work we pretend they do new ones arent developed yet something gonna happen or maybe people will keep digesting the planet for few more hundreds years chasing fake material fulfillness and never finding it dunno i hope as capitalism developes that more and more people see holes in this belief system and once they do the economic relationships between people will change naturally according to the changed beliefmoral views i dont see it happening other ways,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 awesome we gotta try not to geek out too hard on it ish haha i know my typemention friend is comfortable with smacking a bitch if she gets outta line i dont like being smacked,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the kind with the people having sexbonus points if it seems like theyre enjoying it instead of just acting and faking,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 overwatch is overflowing with clean players that is why i do it not often tbh i dont know on which server you play but i definitely get next to no cheatersvac bans are delayed and dont tell me it is easy to get cheats to be recognised by the systemalso the 40 you have banned on your vacstat list are probably followed up by 40 clean people and 20 more cheaters just give it time i dont know why you are so obsessed with seeing if they get a vac anyways first off all it leads to vac is shit threads where people without knowledge rage around and for the second part feeds your egocan i go into games now and say i have a 90 banned ratio on vacstat so you definitely cheatbut back to topic giving random people on the internet the ability to kick people from games is really dumb seriously think about it it would be better if people learn to report the right people for overwatch vac needs time anyways,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 well i kind of cant go all out as long as i have to keep it relevant to snk theres only so much you can do with such a dark show,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 well yea but i want things to be as true as possible its not an absolute term but relative,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 im also assuming for pstv you cant wire transfer files as you would on the vita because no microusb port is ftp the only option for pstv d thanks for being so helpful,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 my rambling thoughts are these it is true that when you love someone part of you always will i hope though that you are open to loving again i do not believe that there is one perfect person for anyone for some people its just harder to find really good matches i used to really struggle with anger but i eventually learned to retreat to my rational side which doesnt always work in the morning hahaha i tried this with an typemention and while i was able to help her be less selfdestructive she really resented me nagging her about eating right sleeping smoking and not drinking so much i drink too much she goes to a whole other level entirely anyways this was a big part of why we split up after 11 years and now she has completely rebounded into self destruction land my next significant relationship was with an typemention and i was too wild for her which caused her significant anxiety and drove her to try to perfect me into being as safe and physically healthy as she is this isnt what ended the relationship but i may have taken years off her life with all the worrying with she and i the problem was that i couldnt take her into abstract land with me and i felt lonely i am not convinced that typementiontypemention makes a really good match i think that my imperfections would drive an typemention crazy and she would in turn drive me crazy trying to fix me all the time i dont want to be perfected i want to live fully but were all different so maybe at some point ill find one and live happily ever after haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 if he ever does see it id sure like him to write a response to cosmo,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 you could do like draftday and have like 5 head to head match ups win 3 and you double your money,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i dont think i can buy from that shop in romania and 199 is still quite a lot something under 160,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 ypu but you can try and find the good parts of it sometimes thats a struggle lols,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i think youll have to clarify further money does have value thats not really something thats open to being argued you might not value it but you can use it to trade for things you do value which in turn makes it valuable,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 thats true even vigilant parents make mistakes and sometimes the consequences are tragici still feel more sorry for the parents though they did absolutely nothing to cause this whereas the engineer fucked up he had a job to do and he didnt do it properly and someone died he should feel guilty about that,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 oh absolutely there is def a distinction though and someday code monkeys wont be needed a decade or three later people who actually understand how shit works wont be needed either i think we may see it in our old age,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i had to drop this one guy who calls himself the hash slinging slasher who has a spatula in his sleeve he muttered something about tuesday night and the krusty krab kinda a weirdo,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 quit watching the walking dead so much,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 he did fight and kill communists but he also wanted to draw them over to the party at least thats what i read in hitler ascent 18891939,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 multistrike is actually not good if you are using frenzy to generate charges you generate one frenzy charge per 3 attacks,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 he was just stalling time hoping that someone else swooped inhe had no further concrete plan,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 what does that have to do with what i said,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 fuck toll roads and bridges glad i live in a state where those dont exist my taxes pay to build and maintain the roads i dont need to be taxed again to use the road,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 in the future and i agree but sanders somewhat twist it for current situation sure the drought was a major cause of the syrian civil war but there is a difference between a civil war and terrorism humans have been fighing for resources since the beginning of time jihadism is much more than fighting for resources,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i dont do this because im not an asshole,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i like the bottom row better however as its supposed to read sb the top row might be the better way to go its not quite as aesthetically pleasing but it does make the s stand out more,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 role function is basically you being insecure in your inferior and going into your inferior into overdrive,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i like elizabeth davids reine de saba queen of sheba so called because its dark and rich many flourless chocolate and almond cake recipes are based on hers but this version of stephanie alexanders is the one i use although i do tend to use a bit more chocolate i make this quite frequently for glutenfree guests its fairly small serves about 8 but moist and a good keeper its good simply dusted with icing sugar and served with thick cream and raspberries or you can make two and sandwich them together with cream cherries jam etc to make a very rich black forest cake or you can top it with chocolate whipped cream and mini eggs for an easter cake as i did a couple of weeks ago,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 am i lookin good ihavenofuckingideawhatimdoinglu 1 top zionspartan jng clearlove mid kuro adc pray sup aphromoo flex gorilla flex smeb team clglu 2 top zionspartan jng clearlove mid kuro adc doublelift sup aphromoo flex gorilla flex hojin team clg,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i texted him do you want to go do something fun this weekend if your schedule allows and he replied no i hate fun so i said boooooo and you can wear your make america great again hat if you wantso he gave me a nonanswer lol guess well still see kinda seems like hes trying to keep me on my toes because he knows ill get bored otherwise,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 ask for proof gt there is none gt therefore you are whicheverone you think fits or even neither of the two also i think the difference between typemention and typemention are misunderstood especially for guys typemention guys are more typementionlike than youd think very quiet intense and cerebral their quirks are different however typemention is usually sharper somewhat aristocratic and passionate the typemention are more of an oddity they have a weird mix of caring but not caring feeling but unfeeling they usually have a taste for dispassionate criticism,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 how did he gaslight you,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 it cracked me up so much xd,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 i dont think your observations are incorrect youre obviously noticing something id just like to point out that two completely different internal thought processes can manifest in the same behavior for instance i get this a lot from certain extroverted friends and its always when ive dropped my cogfuncmention the funny thing is whenever they do say it im like huh really as an aux function in an typemention cogfuncmention can be a wielded quality my tone my facial expressions my body language how long i hold a glance etc can all be entirely deliberate things i manipulate to create the realityinteraction i want with the people around me often times its on autopilot where ill just check the achieve best results box in my brain and run with it but it can also be very calculated cogfuncmention can be like a mask that we wear all the time and when it slips people tend to notice and assume the worst just because i wear that mask all the time doesnt mean i always want to when we or at least i get very comfortable with someone when the trust is there i start dropping my cogfuncmention naturally i dont need to use it as armor anymore where my entire demeanor is saying please please please like me after i know were comfortable together i dont even need to use it as a tool where all my actions and words are laced with i like you please noticethe biggest compliment i can give someone is to be my unedited self around them and just let it all hang out especially with t types that means i get to relax my cogfuncmention and just be me which is often neutral when youre used to seeing someone as a nonstop smile parade anything less than that is alarming however when im with my closest friends and family theyre all completely aware im not a constant ball of sunshine and rainbows why because i love them i let them see me warts and all so sure you are noticing changes but it doesnt mean pulling away or testing what you could be seeing is an typemention taking off their mask and not having to perform for you thats a big deal and means the exact opposite of pulling awaythat puts you in a unique position do you only want the constant smiley and accommodating person you got used to or are you going to be ok with someone who at times can be just as nondemonstrative as any t type the more you point out their not smiling all the time as being a problem or wrong the more theyre going to feel they have to wear that mask with you to be accepted,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 well at least 5 of reddit will be able to watch it,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i could see 6 or 3 i dont really think 2 seems right because shes so inherently selfish and doesnt seem to feel too bad about it its a little hard to tell between 3 and 6 because shes so unhealthy and all over the place hard to say what shell be like when she gets her shit together,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 this image was created with the free program spaceengine it has a variety of display modes and this is only one of many 3d viewing options including oculus horizontal and vertical stereopair anaglyph and active shutter it also has a wide variety of options for viewing this image was taken at a distance of 373065 km with a stereo offset of 316x108 no units i assume its centimeters since the default was 1 this is the distance between the eyes convergence and the other setting remained the defaults i edited the colors slightly in photoshop after i screenshotted ityou can explore the entire universe in 3d without a vr headset which is just a phenomenal experience i highly recommend it especially since it is free,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i think what hes actually trying to claim is that democrats with the legal right to vote voted twice once in ma then hopped on a bus to nh and voted again not that all 35 million of them are illegal immigrants ridiculous either way of course,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i had never opened and copied other worksheet data into a workbook before so i was looking up the syntaxeverything ive done so far only requires a few cells of data versus entire worksheets to be copied over,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 meh i dunno 25 to 35 there is little difference 18 to 25 there is a huge and perceptible difference your brain is inchoate until 25,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 if i had to imagine what his game would be like im thinking of something like space quest modernized of course and you know more his style but generally that kind of thing its the only game i can think of that would even come closeinteresting about the vr though thats a tech i wont get to experience as i have no stereoscopic vision though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 haha wasnt implying it 3 was affirming what you said,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 its gotta be nice to have a sponsor,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 team france shox and kenny play together there,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im on the same mindset as you lawdoodettei think typemention who are immature and still finding themselves tend to be more insecure and seeking of external validationaffirmation becoming people pleasing and giving to the point where they feel like they arent getting the same amount of care back i lived life and gained experience and found that its a waste of time to associate with people who are askholes in my definition people who ask for help but dont want to listen to advice they ask for the sake of attentoin and people who waste my valuable time although friendship is not a transaction i do want to feel like my friends have my back in hard times i just stopped expecting people who dont care about me to care now im able to internally validate myself and feel very secure i manage my time wisely and still provide help to complete strangers on the internetirl however i think i dont emotionally get invested until i develop stronger bonds with the people i interact with,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 not to mention proficiency in the proper artisans tool which itself takes 250 days to learn raw,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 well ive had 14 more years to collect and inflict disappointment on the world,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 on the clock or not i wouldnt have had the control you had he would have gotten a very rude response if he thinks im some fucking side show,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i think our cities are a good enough testament to capitalismcapitalism is not an ideology its pragmatic no need for dreams and logos,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i find you can when you wake up if you sweat profusely while you sleeo say so you smell stonger than you did when you went to sleep,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 but it actually does its a nice little feature that doesnt take that much to put in like a nice finishing touch and also dont forget the staggering around and drunkovisionif im gonna do a bit of brawling in a bar i wanna do it a lil tipsy like or reward myself afterwards,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 come on that was pretty decent lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 should be pretty obvious would you work as hard knowing youre not getting anything from it probably enough to not get whipped also you have to account resources for taking care of them and keeping them in line whereas free people take care of themselvesdont mean to tu quoque but is there evidence to the contrary,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 you should check the entry requirements for a masters in education like right now before you start making plans eu higher education is not like the us here you usually have to get a bachelor in a field relevant to the master degree you want to do as an admission requirement into the master there is no doing random college stuff and transferring to law school or med school no here you would do a full bachelor in law of medicine with only courses from that discipline which you need to get into a master of that fieldeducation is a bit different though in my country a masters in education can mean two things either a master in education science or a master that gives you formal accreditation to teach a specific course at high school level which we would call an educational master in germanmathematicsphysics etc the thing is if you want to do a master in education science you would need a bachelor degree degree in educational science or pedagogy a ba in psychology that does not specialize in educational science might not be enough for an educational master you need a bachelor degree in the field you want to teach so if you want to do an educational master in german you need a ba degree in german or european languages specializing in german etc etc,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 haha hmm im going to have to do a bit more thinking to give all of the functions physical properties i came up with the cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention ones on the fly i bet in experience cogfuncmention does feel rather bouncy and unstable for some reason i think of cogfuncmention as a ferrofluid like in its base fluid state it sort of covers everything much like cogfuncmention covers the realm of objective ideas however hidden inside is the ability to generate all of these possible structures the magnetic force that creates these possible structures is like a cogfuncmentionusers attention wherever they decide to apply it they can pull all of these ideas and solutions to the surface in very creative ways yet the second they remove their attention those ideas sink back into the general mass of concepts a cogfuncmentionusers potential is only as strong as their magnet which has to do with how developed their cogfuncmention is i think an unintelligent or unfocused cogfuncmentionuser might have access to the large pool of idea potential but if their mental pull is weak they can manifest viable ideas for a short period of time before they lose interest and have to start again these are like the cogfuncmentionusers who are constantly chasing after new things and never bringing any idea to completion a cogfuncmentionuser with a strong and focused magnet can make incredible complex things emerge from the idea soup even moreso if they have a solid foundation of previously existing structures cogfuncmention to build on these are the cogfuncmentionusers who push the realm of whats possible and create amazing things the world has never seen beforei dont know ill have to give this more thought hahaedit this is like how underdeveloped cogfuncmentiondoms need access to the solid particles of cogfuncmention in order to precipitate insights if a cogfuncmentionuser has only a few particles of real solid cogfuncmention observation and reality floating around its matrix it will only be able to precipitate small flawed and flimsy insights if a cogfuncmention users nebulous matrix is filled to the point of nearsaturation with physical cogfuncmention particles it can create massive solid and trustworthy insights out of nowhere,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 that would likely be obvious in the driver audit op pulled,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 yeah sure these are things you can compromise on and yes you are right that non of these things are deal breaker level issuesbut at only 2 months in did you consider the option that maybe you two simply arent very compatible people when it comes to being in a relationship with one otherthat would be no ones fault really some people just dont go that well together,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 dont do it op shes a crazy ufffdufffd,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i didnt know that cod is the only shooter i play,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 upvoted for unpopular opinioni disagree i have never met a muslim who hates western culture in my entire life this is just another step to making islam illegal,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 those arrogant scumbags should not have existed in general they have done irreversible damage to families,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i want to meet you so much we just disagree on so many fundamental values in this case the value of the job stacking as youve described it but you hold such well thought out positions on themi really want to meet you your outlook on the world is so intriguing,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 another sjw pissed off about something,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 the 5870 should be fine actually,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 tuition differs between countries some are free germany but most are a couple of thousand euros a year my country netherlands is about 2000 a year easiest way is to just mail the admissions office of different unis and ask them whether theyd accept you based on your degree and grades remember even within a country some might accept you while others wont which country are you from by the way,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ohhh you could get a good swat with one of those coiled cords,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 tattoo eyebrows too far apart dyed hair thin chin ugly arm uneven skin color and small breasts 210 would not bang,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the s5 is seriously the best phone i have ever owned its amazing and incredibly durable i use it without a cover and the stupid thing has been mistreated like hell but its holding up like a champ the battery is finally starting to die a bit on me but the nice thing is ill just replace the battery and i can keep this baby with me for another few years lt3,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 read adding bvitamins to add colorop didnt do that they test for flushing your system,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 im from arizona where december might go below freezing and daylight savings doesnt happen im sad about the whole lack of snow thing but daylight savings can go fuck itself its great not having it,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 it was 5c for like two days last week and now im pissed that 2c feels cold again hope yall dont get buried this weekend,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 oh this exactly after i dated my deadbeat ex i actually had some standards usually in the has to have a job has to pay for 50 of dates cant be a yeller etc etc to be fair my current so totally meets all these requirements and while theres still missing something its way more pleasant and way less stressful than dating my last so,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 youre still young dont let it bother you,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 you cant tell me how to express myself,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ranks are not important you get matched with the same people you did before there is nothing to fix,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 oooo you fold it like those rubber band bullet things we used to do as kids,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i do this although i wish i knew exactly what constituted controversial,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 my brain is searching for meaning in it and im always thinking that ill understand it eventually but i never doits like my brain is walking down stairs and thinks every step it takes is the last one,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 nah that was 86more specifically it was a fuck you to the people in their scene who wrote them off for it,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 there was a week or two there were they were pretty competitive their laneclear was very strong and they could 1v1 someone if they got the drop on themyou said it yourselfso sparrow gets more kills than gadget and is equally good at clearing a lanewhat role does gadget have thenwhy would anyone choose gadget over sparrow but for variety many players will only choose the most competitive heroes,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 hmm thats also possiblei took it more like he was suspecting her of something,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i bit the bullet and took the whole suite at the 49mo price ive found that since i have it i pretty much use it all after effects photoshop primarily but ive even used illustrator a few timesits the second best money ive spent this year a gopro hero 4 silver claims the gold medal there,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 well if i look at uhk47 s posttimes then he lives on the north pole during summer and on the south pole during the winterhes both always online and neverbut hey you shouldnt let modding this sub effect your sleeping schedule were not that important,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 a lot of them on this sub dont but this doesnt look remotely renaissance,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i agree calling out random strangers is a stretch there is a lot of gray area between personal friends and random strangers though and i personally feel there is a lot to be said about speaking up against acquaintances as well at least i try to speak up to other women being sexist when i consider them acquaintances as well they certainly wouldnt physically attack you the whole point is we need to change societal values to achieve our goals towards true gender equality that only happens when we are focal about it and become the dominant voice one person convincing one other person on this topic who will convince one person themselves is truly all it takes,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 typemention understand with deep feel and if typemention learn through known reason maybe only suffering understand if typemention must will to poetry life open chaos mind bigly,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 uenokha you can delete higher tickrate from that listin short while the fps of players could play a role in it 128tick is unfair for people with a latency of 30ms and higher and that is why it wont happen the thing people should be after is servers who are stable and well optimized,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 this is peoples go to report if something pisses them off but they dont know what isnt it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 look if rights are from god then why doesnt god give us rights in the bible no rights exist in the bible only laws in fact god doesnt care about humans having rights they are not mentioned at all in the bible so ill take a secular constitution which allows us to have rights,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 contra your marching band plays gbugles,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 it depends on the type the context how balanced the person is and how i feel about the person i think my typemention friend i hope shes not listening thinks one of her buddies is an typementiontypemention but hes frankly not smart enough to be people have a tendency to see what they want to see typemention confuse me partly because i dont have enough typemention in my life i think at first im like ooo charming loves to debate cocky dresses decent good hygiene flirtatious typemention yay lets connect we connect and im like wheres the cogfuncmention what do you mean whats the utility of that hmmm,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the build is to have 1 in q and two in leech seed by level 3 then max living armor from there level 2 leech seed is a guaranteed kill in lane if the enemy doesnt have a solid escape,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 so at work theres a tournament 300 entries top 5 win winner gets a huge gift card normally fading the local biases is a great strategy but i just so happen to live in kentucky would fading uk be the smart choice if so who beats them right now i have wisconsin very lightly penciled in as my winneralso any other strategies for playing a field where 90 of people surely wont be knowledgeable ive been reading this whole thread and looking at kenpom stats but idk the best tactics to use my gf works with me so i can fill out her bracket too maybe 1 uk fade 1 uk champ,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 sorry ive not worked with those but i bet a decent modern book will cover it in more detail than youll find online,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i also do this but i often fail to see enough i like to give a shit about said people,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i have a different brand but same concept of going through the radio too much static,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 no i just want to make sure im not breaking the rules as im so often told i am,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 you would probably want to look into storing this type of data in a database of some sort this allows multiple people to access the data at the same time data can also be exported from the db to other file formats if you already have excel then you probably already have msaccess,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 obviously not her inability to turn out minorities is a major part of why obama won and she didnt,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 yep thank you inferior cogfuncmention,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 this is going to be horrible if movies were still on vhs i would imagine this would be a straight to video type of movie,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 cruz rubio and carson should be proof enough,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 going to a subreddit titled fallout which consists of a concentrated community of fallout fanboys and asking if you should buy fallout 4 huh,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 well you said that paradis people the eldians never went to war which they did it might not be the eldians we know today but whilst the first king pussied out the eldians were the oppressing race,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 there are a few different types of lows for me the first is where i get tired and sweaty i feel like my appendages are made of jello this is usually a slower onset where i can get some juice or candy and the feeling thusly only lasts a few minutes the next is a more sudden onset where i skip or dont notice the jello and instead am a zombie my brain basically stops working i can walk and talk but wont make any sense and will stumble im told that from the outside i can appear totally normal or seem drunk this will last until i either pass out of my brain briefly kicks in and i get some sugar usually the survival mechanism kicks in and i find my way to sugar before its too late the next only happens with a sudden onset and while sleeping i wake up super sweaty and cant move the last time it happened i literally couldnt get out of my memory foam bed i finally managed to fall out of the bed and then could barely crawl to the kitchen to get juice now i keep juice and skittles within arms reach of my bed of course i also apparently really had to piss but couldnt move so i pissed myself on the floor as soon as i could get up i cleaned up and took a shower by the time i got back into bed i was high go figure the last is where i pass out and dont feel anything a few times this has translated in my brain as an out of body experience since i could see the emts and knew they were doing things to me but i couldnt respond to them or feel anything quite scary yet also really funny when i suddenly come back and creep them out by answering a question they asked when i couldnt respond i think this one would result in a coma without assistance and im guessing that this is how a coma would feel mentally scary but physically painless,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 really ranks mean shit and even more so before the changes as there were legit novas in supremehow the fuck are numbers hard to understandthen go back to league and put your hands back on cs when you are 16 or 18 yrs old,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 eh some people would lose money some people would make money more of the same shit this is just the way it is now is the motto of those who profit most from the way it is now we could easily phase it out with a deadline some years from now beginning with a hard ever increasing limit on how long you have to wait to execute trades,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 nope its not in the freesync range of monitors,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 really not sure how healthy that is if he wants to be really good at the game he could take some time off and do some thinkingreview of the games hes having whatever else,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 available all days after 6 dedicated to any league that drafts me i have unusually good jukes for a contain defense playerraz 4 nltp ateam,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 im on mobile i normally have pretty good grammar,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 there isnt an os on the computer will i still be able to get into the flash drive,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 haha thank you i love this shit just all caps it and upvotes up your ass,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 thank you for the correctionwell it looks like some trialanderror is in order tonight,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 id say the first cut is jarring because it breaks the 180â plane rule instead of staying on one side of a scene even if its not a static shot you cut to the exact opposite side of a scene to line up the next shotinstead it would have worked to either use the same angle in both shots or use a dynamic angle shot to sweep around the character so the camera enters the hole first the character would follow thereby lining the camera up to be in the intended location of the second shot this removes the sudden jarring cut as youd follow the 180â plane rule or allow the audience to see the entire setting to orient themselves,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 lol id be temped to decompile the flash and see how its scoring but i dont know flash it wouldnt surprise me at all if it were just completely randomheres what i got fwiwactually i think the descriptions are pretty specific i think to give it credibility theyre relying on people posting about it when it agrees and passing it over and not saying anything when its wrong,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 if youve got a collection of like 150 military vehicles finding a few gold bars in one isnt as big an event as it would be to some people i guess,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sounds cool i can only go from 25 any idea whatll be going on during those hours and what i missed between 92,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this guide almost made me install dota2 again always wanted to do nothing and win,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 haha at least useless introverts keep it to themselves useless extroverts like to get preachy about how theyre subverting the dominant paradigm and just generally spray douche everywhere,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 quiet game so far but italy not giving much space for him to do anything with,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 glad for you but disconnected from people could you elaborate abit i dont really want to be disconnected from people personally ideally i dont want to be disconnected from anything really but still be able to be myself and be at peace with myself and surroundings,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 that is not considered a gift i bought two lots for 5k each last year from a stranger and the lots just got appraised at 30k and 35k respectively that 55k in value that i acquired isnt a gift nor is it taxable unless i sell it,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i have a stockpile of 4 buckets of 96 pro v1x in my garage got them on sale as advertised in their newsletters plus a 10 coupon for signing up to newsletters again with disposable emails and online voucher sites ive paid around 250 in total for everything,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 payet and ozil look very unlikely to start the first few games so you should probably switch them out temporarily,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i shall never forget this word from now on i just have to remember that there is a specific word for throwing someone out a window and probably google it afterwards,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 unlike europe australia and canada we dont have thought crime laws here,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 haha well it wasnt a complete definition but thanks d i think that its impossible to genuinely feel towards that which you cannot perceive so we have to be in a place where we are self aware and comfortable enough that we can really perceive another person i think thats one of the reasons why people so often say that you fall in love when youre not hoping to do so i also think that love takes two people and requires real genuine interactions which are easier when youre focused on appreciating another person rather than on what they might dobe for you,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 haha thats such a welsh expression it makes me miss homeso are you saying that overall your quality of life is higher and youre financially better off how about being able to afford long run investments such as owning your own house investments and pensionsi would love to move back to the uk but for the field im about to work in finance id have to live in london for similar reasons as you posted above wages are much lower in the uk unless youre top brass than the us or singapore and col in london is much higherdo you see yourself staying in london forever or are you going to move back westwards along the m4,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 its probably one of those really great lifeprotips ive been seeing lately,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 clearly one is a lie either you dont order delivery or you do and tip well in either case you would have nothing to worry about cute maybe daddy johnny runs his shit differently but drivers at ph are the workhorses the only time were sitting is while on a delivery but trying to get to the customers location in less time than physically possible because the timing system is shit and we will be penalized for being late all while dodging cops traffic red lights and slow fucks is not relaxing its actually pretty tiring and then we race back so we can earn minimum wage its less when dispatched once back were the only employees that do dishes clean take calls mostly here as others may crush boxes do garbage duty sweep the lot etc id argue that drivers have the hardest job in the store and i say that with well over your 3 years of management at my store the servers have it easiest but the gm is the only one that ever sits or relaxes the drivers sams and production crew are always working without breaks and usually drenched with sweat we drivers take the shit because yes on most days we do better than anyone else except the buffet server she will do 100 in 2 hours without wasting a drop of gas but the days when all the ghetto trash orders its a double beating and it stings,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 cinn gave the chancellor a nod and returned his pod to the sidelines,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 phew glad i spotted thisheating your tank can be done using a undertank heater uth these are those black pads with adhesive sides that you stick to the bottom of the tank to heat it up these can get very very hot and must be used with a thermostat i use paper towels to insulate against them anyway so my snake never has direct contact with itthat being said heat bulbs should only be used to raise ambient air temperatures but it is only effective to a certain extent a better method of raising the ambient air temperature would be a ceramic heater bulb these do a better job at heating up to a certain temperature consistently without giving out any extra red lightif you do have any heat bulbs humidity will be an issue for you as these dry out the air very effectively so be sure to keep an eye on that,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i dont have this issue so much with typemention typemention typemention and typemention can all be super stubborn pains in the ass,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ah i see does it have to retain the same formatting as you posted or can the data be rearranged to be much more efficient i would recommend keeping all the data of each transaction in its own row that way you can sort them all by date filter by transaction type and so on and so forth it keeps things nice and neat and allows for generating easy to understand chartsbills date amounttv licence 22 20150222 1212rent 23 20150223 32000,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 im not sure most people could have made that jump there was no way she was even clearing half that height anytime soon,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 is that your side job mr bond,9.0,61.0,8.0,24.0,16.0 heres one of my favorite stage dives,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 thank you ill add it to the list,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i mean i guess you need to define the scope of â œdifferentâ thereâ s mountains of researching indicating the differences between men and women,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 hopefully this social mediainternet fact check will result in better candidates for office,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 2040k based on what people want,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 when you export reports from sap ive never used sap myself are all the reports generated at once or is it one by one if they arent can they is each sap report formatted identically same amount of columnsi have handy vba code that allows you to iterate through each file in a target folder which would be the ideal location to save each sap report if you can export all 569 reports into the same folder that would greatly simplify the importing process,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 warowl has good quality but he lacks knowledge go to the channels of steel or adren,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 alright sweet maybe well make cardboard armor,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 a 50 ton pizza lands over your entire block and crushes you your family and all your neighbors,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 he has the recording he was trying to post it to soundcloud last night,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 iâ m late to this post but i play golf alone too mostly mcmillan lakeside shoaff sometimes foster,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 if i dont vote but you vote for someone who fucks everything up why wouldnt i have the right to complain i didnt vote for someone who fucked everything up you did,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 at one point i bought a bunch of normal black socks and ankle black socks one of my drawers has two little baskets in it one for the normal socks and one for the ankle socks when im putting away clothes after they dried i simply sort them in the right basket problem solved matching socks at all time without added effort,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 simple it has phenomenal experiences because it has representations of its external and internal world those representations are patterns of self and world the patterns themselves exist in a highly dimensional space like for example word embeddings in nlp the space of representations is the space of qualia representations feel like anything because they are causal in determining our future actions and self image the qualiaperception is just the first stage in reinforcement learning it feeds into the value function for selecting the next action the value function is emotion thats why it feels like something because it has causal effects to feel thatqualia is just kicking out the soulspirit out through the front door but bring it back through the back door its the idea that some things transcend mere mechanics instead theyd better wonder at the mysteries of mere mechanics its no stinking reductionism its full of depth and subtlety,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 at the do you believe in jesus question i wish she had quoted galatians 328,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i hope you are feeling better soon i am happy for you that the abortion went well put some time and space between you and your mother hopefully she will calm and be less dramatic maybe you can have a civil conversation some months from now until then focus on taking care of yourself,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i know its insulting to potatoes really i like potatoes,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 do you guys live together if you do i would get a move out plan at least in your head just in case when you discuss it she may go through the stages of grieving denial anger etc but just stick to your guns remember you can break up with her too if you are certain she wants kids it doesnt have to be mutual,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 right nothing in the comic says this nothing in the comic says its good that life is short or its better that we dont live forever it doesnt say death makes life worthwhilewhat it says is that death does not invalidate life that life will end yes but thats no reason not to live it,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 my family holds movie nights for the neighbors we stretch a sheet in front of our garage and project movies onto it it seems to be a hit,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 computers lack intentionality because they dont have to protect their bodies from external harm nor do they need to fulfill the needs of the body or self reproduce once your very life is on the line you gain intentionality otherwise you die when that happens to computers they will have intentionality as well in the meantime we can program fake rewards so they borrow our intentionality to serve us,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 hihi cant help you with your questions just letting you know you are definitely on the right track with this attitude,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 introverted doesnt mean quite what it does in ordinary usage it doesnt mean you cant be confident im usually fairly confident and forthright irl at least in some ways maybe not in othersive seen a dominatrix posting on the typemention sub before though she seemed like an extraordinary cunt im guessing youre not the same person lol,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 trying to give us nightmares,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 im 38 not married and i dont mind i spend my time pretty much doing exactly what i want i left the rat race a few years ago and work enough through my creative freelance job for clients i hustled to establish back in my 20s to support my dream career in local agriculture and teaching people sustainable living skills and selfsufficency ive recently been elected to the board of directors for a new nonprofit and weve established a community garden that im going to expand and convert into an urban farm that supplies local fresh produce to people on food stamps we also do policy stuff on a local governmental level that also helps feed into my need to work on the big picture anyway its fun and i take on the occasional startup job when i want more of a challenge i have really solid and loving relationships with my family and theyre an active part of my life i have a solid social network of people that i really admire and respect and some close friends who make me feel very understood and appreciated i do spend a lot of time at home playing video games but i also love traveling the world and make it a priority in my life im healthy like to keep fit in unconventional ways and i have a few creative art outlets i consistently return to for fun and relaxation spiritually ive found my best guess hypothesis about how i think the world works and actively test that theory and get a lot of peace out of it on the whole i feel really content with where i ended up even if theres always room for improvement basically i feel that anything additional i want is within grasp i just have to make the effort to do it life is simple and good and i try to appreciate that as much in the present moment as i can i might beat myself up a lot for not being better but truth be told i have very few regrets,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 audios totally fakedubbed on that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the romantic period of literature romantic and besides using tf aromantic azdahak is a cheeky nt cunt who writes poetry,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it sounds like he really digs you and perhaps has some slightly different love languages affection words and gifts are what youve mentioned whereas perhaps yours are more aligned with affection quality time and acts of service,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think any person who is an adult supports themselves and can objectively weigh the facts and is yet a liberal has something patently wrong with their reasoningthe 100 year old quip from a violent coldhearted bastard accurately reflects that sentiment it is not a fact and was not presented as such it conveys an idea like a colloquialism it does not reflect the context or originator but the idea and its validitybut nice strawman attack the character of wiston churchill has nothing to do with the current conversation,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 take an older graphics card driver,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 why are there so many bats up in this place not that im complaining just not really expected,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thank you just got my replacement ordered today,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 oh apologies i assumed you meant that you were the guy in an ambulance when tending to emergency calls when you said you were a paramedic i didnt quite realise that paramedics also took more of a nurse role onground in hospitals and peoples homes,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 oh shit yes it is,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 the bun is pretty sweet,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 i had a very feeling professor in a english literature class she made me miserable totally screwed my nearly perfect gpa while she was at itwe had to write essays on different books however she would mark papers down because she disagreed with your opinions she actually wrote something to that very effect on a paper she returned to me something like i disagree with you opinion 10 i took it to the dean of that department and he just couldnt wrap his brain around why i thought her opinion of my opinion was inconsequential i asserted an opinion citing the work and supported it she didnt like it so i lost pointsbeware the feelers,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 im sorry cant help it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sansa did not have ridiculous aspirations she was the eldest daughter of one of the great houses approaching marriageable age and eminently suitable to be queen the only other comparable girl in westeros was margaery tyrell or just possibly shireen baratheon arianne martell was too old and doran martell had other plans for her,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i wonder how that would work outwish we could test it out in a vacuum,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 my username isnt spelled the way you think it is,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 why the fuck does it say shark bbc1 at the end i mean nothing to do with sharks,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah this what costs me 40 in aldi costs about 50 in coles if i buy ownbrand which is pretty comparable to aldi but easily 80 in woolies woolies stores even with their new redesigned stores have this cold clinical and dated feel to it its very much like a 1990s supermarket in the uk from what i remember their meat is atrocious even their chicken in my experience a raw ingredient is tough and densely fibrous their fruit amp veg is wildly inconsistent sometimes you see really nice fruit amp veg but most is awful quality there were quite a few times where they were rotted other times they didnt even stock it and i wasnt looking for dragonfruit or anything they in the past 3 trips they didnt stock or had ran out of kiwis pears and lemons the bakery stuff is heavily processed junk even their freshly baked things becomes rubbery after one day with a latex glovetype smell to it 90 of the shops floorspace is dedicated to the inneraisles of processed food and these are regularly 30 more expensive than coles,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 so true there are many many reasons one could have a new account some people like you are actually new but eager to participate some people make new accounts for the sake of privacy or because theyre concerned about having controversial material under their regular one some people are just lurkers who might have been reading reddit for years but never needed an account before nowmy giftee has an account thats almost as old as secret santa itself so i cant speak from experience but the amount of distrust and paranoia regarding new accounts is kind of sad to me especially as one of the mods did say that firsttime gifters actually have higher sent rates than others,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 well under stress i can lose some of my emotional regulation and patience i sometimes get a little numbwhen im not stressed out im really good at moderation normally i can manage to not eat too much spend too much or abuse substances mainly alcohol but when im really stressed that control is lostim also normally a nice person but when im too stressed out i can get a little snarky,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 the late lamented salisbury that used to be wonderful but now has a bicycle stuck to the outside of it awful,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 thats not a koala pretty sure its deadmau5 better known as mickey mouseanyhow yeah sure is the right colour for a robins egg isnt it apart from the seam the obvious way would be that theres no way a robins egg is gonna even come close to a duckshandy guide robins are gonna be close to quail size,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im not looking forward to my next appointment given all the 3am skittles ive had since my last one but then again it has been like 6 years since the last one soooo,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 iâ m late to this post but i play golf alone too mostly mcmillan lakeside shoaff sometimes foster,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 loose clothing they gave hospital underwear and pads out someone you trust i was so drugged up i didnt care about anything enjoy and good luck,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 its like you can feel them blurbling back into your peehole while you browse okdisappointme,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 71 for an sr71 blackbird the fastest jet in the worldthe long black one in the back of this picture,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah that one is straightforward but what if youve raised the quality of life for a period of time and then ensured a quick and painless death for them i think theres grounds for what exactly that life would be to justify being farmed and killed,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 that is not left out of western accounts both plutarch and diodorus of sicily include this in their biographies he is reported to have felt great remorse too it was supposed to be revenge for persians burning the acropolis in athens a few generations earlier and plutarch says it was ridiculous to punish the persians for something that happened before they were born,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 eb nysãªogys brãªking bã ã n sãªoraskuldysu025bv nysã â u0263ys vrã kig vu0252â ã nu0329 sã â ru0252u0283kulã ysif negseepst2sg breaking badacc veryshould2sgthe verb see and the pronoun 3sgacc are implied,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 it does kind of seem like janeye and sonny jim are representations of other characters i thought the way janeye reacted to coop coming home was fairly reminiscent of laura as she slides into hysterical anxietydread over the course of fwwm but i dont have anything tangible to back that up also seems weird that the prostitute was named jade and the cashier at the casino was wearing jade owl ring im not entirely sure anything about dougies world is realoriginalwhat it seemsedit just remembered the owl flying over the house the moment before janeye appears onscreen for the first time wearing an outfit designed to look like the pink cardigan she wears when she arrives in la in mulholland dr not what she seems for sure,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 and it sticks together often near my butthole,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 the first couple of months of 2007 reddit seemed to be heavily libertarian in its leaning a lot of posts about ron paul media bias imperialist foreign policy the patriot act police abuse and wiretapping they were still pretty ambiguous about obama see this post from august 7 the first sign i saw of a slight kucinich circlejerk beginning was from august 21 fascinated to see how the reddit hivemind evolved on politics over the 20072008 election campaign especially with the great recession kicking into gear right about now,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 upmmemyjungtype urelight udoctormolotov upeppermintkiss uroboteedeither uchakkeooch utk4442 ujermofo utrippindaises uabstractcanvas uruya ubulldog521521 udepressedhappiness ujsn2817 umdelarose,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 you could observe their hiring practises you dont need to do a self evaluation by them though it would probably be interesting to see their perceived decisions vs actual decisions just detail who they hire and fire watch interviews and so onanyway if according to you we couldnt survey their behaviour and this discussion arose out of you accepting that someone had surveyed their behaviour and reached the conclusion about hiring unattractive women thats kinda inconsistent,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 here we go againplaying on an alt with friends is better than playing on say lem or le with friends also most alts are the same rank since they are not smurfs they are simply accounts you dont care about when you derank with them,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 hah thats awesome ive never known an eel could look so much like a cat but there you have it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my god its full of drones,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 lol yes micro atxlegitimate for sure but not very upgrade friendly,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 wow i thought that was the life of brian even though i did see the it crowd,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 congrats on your sobriety and your weight loss,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 relationships are somewhat of a paradox the more you want it the less likely you are going to get it mostly because the desperation becomes evident when you want it so bad girls who choose to be in bad relationships typically tend to have self esteem issues or some other issue in that case its better that you dont get with them guys who tell you to be a jerk to get a girl are providing bad advice girls who like jerks are unlikely to be stable and trouble free friend zone is not a thing if a girl is not attracted to you then shes not attracted to you even if you are attracted to them having things in common isnt enough to spark up a relationship its a two way street and the road to love is always a difficult path to walk on if you think about it if youre friends with someone just because they are a girl doesnt mean they owe you anything more than that friendship youre friends because your friends imagine if a girl was friends with you and you were totally not attracted to her in any way but she expects you to be her boyfriend because of all these things you guys have in common i have a formula for attraction attraction looks x personality looks act as a hook to capture someones attention while personality locks them down you know you arent the best looking there are ways to improve on that1 physical health if you are overweight hit up the gym or eat healthier this is one thing that anyone can control and improve on2 fashion dressing up nicer can go a long way it displays how put together you are and if you dress well you will impress im not talking about suits and what not but if you up your wardrobe past jeans and regular tshirts it would help3 confidence people dont find indecisiveness attractive sometimes you have to fake it until you make it with confidence anxiety can push down on you but sometimes taking the courage to speak your mind can go a long way you would feel better afterwards but be careful to not be arrogant because arrogance comes off negativelyi know quite a few people who are unattractive by social standards but have pretty great relationships because of confidence and personality it can happen but that means you need to go lower in terms of standards for girlswhat may also help is changing your game in meeting girls i find that while it may be difficult to meet people irl that will be interested in you theres also the internet you seem like the type that would rather be friends with someone prior to starting a relationship but that doesnt seem to work for you going on okcupid bumble or coffee meets bagel allows you to be on a platform where people are looking for relationships so you essentially skip the whole do you think shes available is she interested can i go for it this is because people are on there seeking a relationship and if they end up messaging you or chatting with you its basically a sign that they are interested in youim going to give you an analogy that i found on youtube it doesnt pertain to you but it might be relevant because there needs to be a change in mindset suppose to be nice to people you shouldnt get a cookie for doing something you should be doing anywayif the girls youre going after arent giving you a chance even if they did i guarantee you that the relationship isnt going to work anyways because eventually youll find traits that make her incompatible with you relationships are not always rainbows and sunshine it takes a lot of work and communication something all people struggle with because people like to assume things you can have really bad relationships even if the girl is really attractive and has common interests with you you can say shes a good match for you but are you a good match for her you can have differing opinions morals expectations lifegoals etc movies and media portray relationships being the ultimate goal of happiness but just because you get in one doesnt necessarily mean youll be happy in life its better to focus on self improvement and development go an a personal journey of finding yourself move forward in your career and work on your life goals enjoy life and when you are happy with yourself and how things are in life without a girlfriend youll eventually find one because if the foundation of your happiness is going to revolve around having a relationships then youre basically going to be relying on her to keep you happy when in reality you should be maintaining your own happiness,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 scizor has already beat rayquaza and giratina so this will be a close onei hope mewtwo wins even though scizor is a bit of an underdog here,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 do you want my honest opinionmanga spoilerss if you wouldnt pull the level or push the fat guy in the train dilemma then i honestly wouldnt want you to hold any form of responsibilitythey did what had to be done and made both morally and rationally the right choicein this situation genocide is justified,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yeah i quit using facebook when they started copying contacts from your phone also nothing you have ever posted to facebook is deleted ever theres a documentary about why facebook is horrible,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 paradis tease and marcels death for exampleas funny as the marcel death meme is there is no reason for isayama to put it in this chapter as well,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i dont really understand what youre answering herebut its pretty easy to stop other people from eating meat not everybody you meet but you can dissuade the people who value your views if you are even remotely persuasive as a conversationalist and know some robust vegetarianvegan moral argumentsliterally the only persuasive counterargument beyond marginal impact of the individual to which a minority adhere as it entails a sort of moral nihilism is the meat is tasty argument which has so many rebuttals that its trivially dismissed off the top of my head why not eat other tasty food instead without the suffering why not replicate meat flavours without meat if you seriously cant just eat other tasty things which is easy to do since people largely enjoy meat for the salt fats if we cant get as tasty food otherwise which is plausible then maybe we should just eat less tasty food and not slaughter trillions of animalshaving said this i eat meat but im well aware that the arguments against it beyond appeals to marginal impact are deluded youd have to be a utility monster and preference utilitarian to ever justify it,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 maybe you should elaborate on the use of dxdiag for cpugpu and the ui of the nvidia drivers for the version,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 isnt greenland mostly an ice sheet with a tiny bit of rock at the bottom,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 you look fine kiernan reassured the girl if you want you could sit behind the bar and take requests but i really doubt thatd be necessarykiernan paused realizing she was probably stampeding over the girls wishes out of desperation if you dont want to sing we can try to think of something else she offered with a small smile im not sure what and we might wind up back in the same place but we can try,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 old alexis would have shot straight away,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i like small groups maybe 24 people no more than five that way you can actually still talk to one another and actually have a conversation the reason why i like groups is because i notice many types let their behaviour depend on their environment and the people around them if im socializing with people and i want to convince them to do a certain project or make a certain decision it can be very relevant to consider their influence sphere someone may be very interested in a certain project one on one but then they go back to their people which show less enthusiasm and everything collapses in that case i need the person who i want to do something the main influencers of that person together and ill focus to convince them as a group not as an individual fuck writing this down made me realize i have a hidden agenda even when im drinking beer,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 please use discretion when youre messing with the message man see that comma right there thats changing the whole meaning of the song theres no message man theres just a message man,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 dust514amazing concept and potential sadly underdeveloped and riddled with bugs and imbalances less of an issues nowadays plus a fairly small player base,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 if the universe is spherical 5 fars puts you right back at the starting line never go full far,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think there is a lot of synergy between the two courses ive talked to a few people that are doing both im doing physics now and in the later years of physics we can choose pick up courses in computational physics in which they teach fortran most younger people i talk to doing theoretical physics are using linux fedorapython and i think cdo you want to do practical physics or theoretical the theoretical guys drive me nuts theyre the ones that spend most of their time modelling particle collisions and detecting neutrinos if you want to do more practical things like robotics or set up experiments you might want to look at engineering courses as wellim actually going the opposite direction from physics to computer science topics but im not taking the courses im just teaching myself using textbooks and practicing you can do that with physics as well but you need a certain amount of mathematics calculus gt multivariable calculus and differential equations if you already have the maths it will be very easy to transition,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i thought their primary argumentative superpower was the inability to admit theyre wrong d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 god damn thats a good ass beard,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 so long as its consensual ill allow it send me the directors cut though please,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 devilsadvocate im sure he was also an acid rain denier a global ice age denier etc etcif we cant accurately model the weather 2 weeks from now why even bother with yet another government scare tactic al gore was certain the coasts would be flooded by now,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i dont have themevery fear i have is based on the probability of the event happening multiplied by the seriousness of the ramificationsplane crash chances extremely low ramifications high low worryhouse fire moderate ramifications moderately high to high moderate worryfire insurance and fire extinguishers mitigate worry and actually put out a fire once and paid to replace a piece of furniture,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 kittens are a pain i volunteered to take one in after it was caught from underneath a friends neighbors house the regret wasnt instant but the thing wouldnt shut up then it learned how to climb up my bed it would attack my feet and hands and face at night luckily a roommate had just gotten a kitten so they could play together her cat was well mannered mine was the spawn of satan i hated that cat after 6 months i moved out of the apartment and into a house and i couldnt have the cat so she went to live at my friends housethe ones who originally found her when she got older she mellowed out and i dont hate her anymore shes 35 years old now,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 the most fair is definitely cspan but id say its better to get news from a lot of different sources rather than just one just make sure to avoid clearly biased sources like huffington post brietbart fox and cnn the hill is pretty good for election stuff and 538 is ehh i dont think nate silver is particularly biased in his reporting but i do think a fair few of his predictions have been incorrect so take everything he says with a grain of salt,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 yeah i didnt think about this but it seems like a great way to wind up missing,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i am cringing right now at the comments like oh this is the best way to figure out type pretty sure they have no idea about the nitty gritty mechanics of cognitive functions or anything,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 what is teni those fuckers come up with excellent plans and solutions ime lots of the time too they know why and also enjoy the why though of course in much smaller doses than i,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 hey whatever dont care about the guy i know nothing about him but that story is gold,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think why doesnt matter for now then talisa said with a shrug,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 holy crap thank you so much this is so much better,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 thank you ill add it to the list,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the xsxj types seem to face this the most,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i too have come to expect some cogfuncmention asskissing though i hate it when people take it too far and want to have a real conversation unless its a bartender and im there alone hahah i dont think though that paying people more is in the cards a ton of these jobs are already being replaced with automation which is a trend certain to continue and certain to suppress wages overall in the meantime though ugh fuck customer service jobs,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 fuck me he cleared it,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 overwatch is overflowing with clean players that is why i do it not often tbh i dont know on which server you play but i definitely get next to no cheatersvac bans are delayed and dont tell me it is easy to get cheats to be recognised by the systemalso the 40 you have banned on your vacstat list are probably followed up by 40 clean people and 20 more cheaters just give it time i dont know why you are so obsessed with seeing if they get a vac anyways first off all it leads to vac is shit threads where people without knowledge rage around and for the second part feeds your egocan i go into games now and say i have a 90 banned ratio on vacstat so you definitely cheatbut back to topic giving random people on the internet the ability to kick people from games is really dumb seriously think about it it would be better if people learn to report the right people for overwatch vac needs time anyways,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its to get the average donation numbers down,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 cogfuncmention thinks in mental maps uses spatial reasoning nonverbal nonlinear inductive holistic and treats time as just another spatial dimension it maps out how ideas relate to each other and to the situation and how a situation evolves over time its very visual with heavy use of mental imagerycogfuncmention types make heavy use of the visual cortex the right posterior temporal lobe and spatial memory the same areas anyone uses to create mental maps navigate via landmarks reconstruct events from circumstantial evidence visually recognize the general category of an object visually recognize salient features of an object etcin contrast cogfuncmention uses the frontoparietal network the same areas used to track a squirrel running up a tree so it deals with discrete semantic concepts sequentialbranching logic and precise calculation of trajectories probabilities and balancing of multiple variables cogfuncmention also involves shutting off emotions to think more objectivelycogfuncmention is more about pure symbolic logic and high level integration of abstract information cogfuncmention is more about looking at how fuzzy concepts relate to each other within a spatial contextcogfuncmention is crosscontext and works more like a semantic web of loosely related discrete ideas it kinda works with cogfuncmention in that the connections between ideas are like this reminds me of all these other things so it branches out from one semantic concept into other related concepts monkey banana hands tree jungle climbing tail etc and then from there into more banana fruit yellow sausage tree sunday etc and then even more they can go off on tangents quite easily and im told the sheer mass of ideas can be overwhelming at timescogfuncmention builds theory of mind from the outside in using other peoples reactions as a basis to understand others and itself cogfuncmention types are attentive to peoples emotional state via visual cues facial expressions and body language shut off their emotions to make objective decisions and adjust their behavior to social feedback polite and diplomatic cogfuncmention seems to rely primarily on the left posterior temporal lobe and both anterior temporal lobes but especially the leftcogfuncmention builds theory of mind from the inside out using the cogfuncmention users own experiences as a basis to understand itself and others cogfuncmention types are attentive to peoples emotional state via tone of voice use their emotions as a core basis to make decisions and remain authentic to their personal values and beliefs high integrity cogfuncmention seems to rely primarily on the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and both anterior temporal lobes but especially the rightcogfuncmention uses episodic memory to compare the current situation to past events its much more sequential atomistic and detailoriented than cogfuncmention cogfuncmention uses both posterior temporal lobes but especially the left and cogfuncmentiondoms use the visual cortex as well but more to recall information than to project forwardyou might find these links helpful dario nardiâ s neuroscience of personality cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention its as if typemention are using their gpu instead of their cpu to figure out problems,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 theyve used it yeshowever i assume that that was more isayamas way to tell us who they were talking about then their actual names,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 will your cells contain multiple numbers within the string of text for instance 32mx64m or 510,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 how did i know this would be the top response,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 all my recent games ive been experimenting with heli heavy openers if you want to see some tried ive been using 2 decks one eurocorp and one ussr the ec deck ive been using a pah tiger celtic had and lots of panthers on the ussr deck its ka52 24vs and mi8mtvs ive tried akula some but havent had much luck with it i know this isnt exactly what you talking about but could give you some ideas seeing me f around with it i did switch the akula out of the mi28 the other day on that deck i think the increased accuracy on the atgm might be worth it vs akula,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 because i was about to drive somewhere and was like oh yeah i wanted to make a post on rpoker so i hurried up and did that before i left,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i cry a bit more frequently than that but never when id be expected to death in extended family nope funerals no movie intended to make you cry almost nevertruly beautiful music will do it easily on the right day plenty of movies that arent intended to be sad will get to me quite often usually when a character discovers some great truth that changes how they see their world moments that are more profound than sad will touch me enough to bring tears and usually when i realize something unpleasant about myself that i hadnt known before thatll get me too for similar reasons but thats about it,70.0,33.0,46.0,6.0,33.0 reading through your comments i didnt yet get an answer on why the simple reason given by most child free people isnt valid that simply being i dont want to with this question im trying to get to a core value youre experiencing that may conflict with core values of child free people,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 really to me its super obvious he does look a lot like george clooney but with acromegaly as he has a longer face and a severe underbite the real george clooney has a rounder face with less spaces between his features,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 op seems to refer to op in the third person,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i dont know if this is unpopular or not but ive gotten the impression it isanytime the slap bet was mentioned after the first slapsgiving was awfulthe first slap was awesomely timed and totally expected but perfectthe second slap is my absolute favorite it was hilarious unexpected perfectly timed and they didnt make a big deal of it i wish they were all like thisthe third slap was funny because they built it up slapsgiving was creativethen they got fucking lazy and ruined my favorite running gag,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 a magical place with pixies and cyberpunk unicorns called def con,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 he is but she shuts him down hard as long as you can get the blue to keep his countdown tiles from going off she made it not only possible but really easyedit i used quicksilver and i dont remember the other quicksilver did all the damage with his green obw kept us from taking damage,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 im not sure you understand what a conspiracy theory is,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i do like the sight of that guandao and i do have to admit that this isnt really my field of expertise first off i wasnt thinking of a rapier isayama hasnt really taken any weapons out of the real world except the rifles of the mps so my guess laid by a variant of the odm gear sword i know that that also isnt practical for cutting open the nape but isnt the nape the last thing you want to aim at during a shifter v shifter fight that would kill the shifter meaning you cant acquire its power for yourselfaside of that is it really that smart to bring a weapon on a wooden pole to a titan v titan fight if the opponents sheer strength isnt enough to break the pole on impact then i see their steam burning the pole after which they can pick up the head and use that as a weapon themselveswouldnt the most effective thing in a shifter v shifter fight be something medium sized that you can use to cut off your opponents limbs effectively disabling them after that happened some simple sc soldiers could simply capture the shifteri do see why those long weapons would be more effective as siege weapons though btw this is reddit you dont need to apologize for textwalls thats the whole purpose of this mediumedit just saw your edit seems like youre imagining a situation where both parties are armed and yes then those swords would be the worst i may not know much about melee weaponry but i do know that much i however was thinking of a situating in which only one of the two fighting sides has weapons,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 it was fine but he is not very comfortable with teleprompters someone like obama and even clinton manage to sound very natural reading from teleprompter to the point that you forget that they are reading script i think trump does best when he has paper notes its a compromise between is unbound rambling and the rigidity of a teleprompter,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 figure out how to make the cactus give water sounds exciting right,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 now imagine that it was a suggestion hard to do,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 if you know the functions you can type them if you know them well enough,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 the networkdays function will count between two specified dates and let you specify a list of holidays that it doesnt count it wont count weekends though,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 just stop fucking it up as much as we were,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh shit its a bomb,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 for lack of motivation i set a 10 minute timer and just do it for 10 minutes even if it is hard to do it can be a battle but at least you can get something donefor social anhednoia i force myself to be social even if i dont feel like it usually i dont enjoy it but it is better than isolating i can tolerate it for an hour but that is at least somethingfor general anhedonia im not surelow energy you just have to push yourself even if it is uncomfortable force yourself to do things it makes every day a struggle but at least you wont be lying around doing nothing all dayas for blunted affect im not sure what can be done i guess make attempts at finding something funny or fun can help make the day a little easier to get by but other than that i dont know of any strategies that can helpapathy is also a hard one it can be hard to feel like doing anything but i guess what you can do is set goals throughout the day and try to accomplish them,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i thought the gel stuff was the elitist version so i tried a pack of it its awful im with you its all the same though i do have a smell preference but its more or less whatever smells good to me at the time not something i go for,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 the good old times when you could see the feet under the smoke in source 1010 would awp again,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 tog skelebabies are great because they keep spawning over and over again so you never really have to leave the area theyre also nice if you equip both serpent rings so you can get a nice bonus in souls as well,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 thank you for this post i found the domtert link to be very enlightening and supports an intuition ive had for sometime about personality disorders im going to evaluate it on my own but it is a very valuable and seldom heard perspective for me conversations like this are much more enlightening than anything ive come across on type based subs,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 transfer of parasites quality control and sapient ethics are three big counter arguments to eating humans also apparently humans dont taste great according to sharks,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 that changes 50 through season 1 i think they misjudged their demographic at first had some focus groups and changed direction,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 but really its just about south africa and playstation 3,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i would have prefered to have an easy way to access only machine learning papers as it is they are spread between various categories that are hard to find i dont think people want their physics paper mixed with applied ml in social sciences,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 ive never seen anything strange in the sky in all my years i have seen unexpected things though and its often through a telescope when im doing public star parties seeing the moon turn off for a moment because a plane flew in front of it was certainly confusing at first once a shooting star passed in front of the scope so i got a bright flash of light in my eye seemingly out of nowhere,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 emotional empathy is an encouragement for prosocial behavior without it there is no incentive to help others over yourself in your scenario why would you want to help the homeless man you dont feel the emotions of the homeless and sacrifice the time space and money you earned the idea that those less off should be helped comes from empathy it is why you see such antisocial behavior in antisocial personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder when you have no empathy nothing is there to encourage you to do the helpyou may claim to have no empathy but by having the feeling that someone should receive help you are feeling empathy empathy is the driving force behind prosocial activity in your scenario what encourages you to help the homeless,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 learn to read thanksvac has a very low false positive rate so i personally think you are lyingthe wird opinion doesnt mean much for you apparently,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i enjoy kids a lot i dont mind babies but i dont freak out over them turns out im pretty good with kids too so i became a teacher 40 hrs a week is enough for me,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i either play a cleric or a wizard though usually a wizard the easydamus what dnd character are you gives meneutral good halfling wizard 4th levelability scoresstrength 8dexterity 10constitution 10intelligence 18wisdom 12charisma 14alignmentneutral good a neutral good character does the best that a good person can do he is devoted to helping others he works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order however neutral good can be a dangerous alignment when it advances mediocrity by limiting the actions of the truly capableracehalflings are clever capable and resourceful survivors they are notoriously curious and show a daring that many larger people cant match they can be lured by wealth but tend to spend rather than hoard they prefer practical clothing and would rather wear a comfortable shirt than jewelry halflings stand about 3 feet tall and commonly live to see 150classwizards wizards are arcane spellcasters who depend on intensive study to create their magic to wizards magic is not a talent but a difficult rewarding art when they are prepared for battle wizards can use their spells to devastating effect when caught by surprise they are vulnerable the wizards strength is her spells everything else is secondary she learns new spells as she experiments and grows in experience and she can also learn them from other wizards in addition over time a wizard learns to manipulate her spells so they go farther work better or are improved in some other way a wizard can call a familiar a small magical animal companion that serves her with a high intelligence wizards are capable of casting very high levels of spellswow halfling fits me so so so well also i love the arcane spell list and especially battlefield control you get to play the god that decide reality twisting it and shaping it how you want your intellect literally shapes the world id personally choose arcanist from pathfinder over wizard because it sorta breaks the rules of magic and allows you to be both spontaneous while having preparation im a bit more spontaneous rather than study but i do plenty of study,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 lol apologizing to a wall,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well for one the people dont have a cia with a black budget all our studies have to be ethical we dont have an nsa eitherthat and our guns are being taken away,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 adayu play with the realms unraveled expansion and get adayu thousands of points will often happen,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 yeah i dont agree with his premise but i really enjoyed the short walk through history i think he also left out asteroid mining and expansion of economic activity into space re the us when the petro dollar goes away were fucked,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yup i think toefl and the like are all reading based as well which is what we use for admissionsi think this all the reactions to my post have motivated me to speed up learning some more mandarin i passed hsk1 some time ago planning to pass hsk2 some time after summer and hope to pass hsk3 next summer or so what you said about comprehension did make me think of something i understand quite a few european languages reasonably well and often if a student gets stressed or frustrated and i understand their native language i just ask them to explain in to me in their own language ill reply in english mostly depending on the language but it does help those students get their point across and often makes them feel a lot betterit might help the chinese students as well if theyd be able to speak in their own language considering what you said about being stressed out because of the foreign environment and everything else thats going on,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 so you replaced the screen and cleaned everything o did you use isopropyl great job,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 i guess talisa said giving a tiny giggle at the reminder of her victory,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 thank you ill add it to the list,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i work with kids with adhd have you ever been diagnosed with adult adhd did you have difficulty focusing in high school or earlier i have some non drug ideasim sure lots of people would have ideas that you could try before pursuing medications im sure there is also an adhd subreddit,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 especially when your team is trade happy,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you do realize when warlords take over they burn sack and pillage most of the top people against him who where horrible people where forgiven,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 bcuz 144hz had so much to do with it lel,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 not really a fan of that one,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thats just lighting if he was really black he wouldve been colored in like no racism intended the beast titan,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 me too but only with some people although honestly if its something abstract im 95 likely to be interested in it my n friends are the same way i posted a picture of myself half asleep awhile back this was 7 hours into a brunch hahaha if i make plans with an n buddy for 2 hours you can count on it actually taking half a day,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think thats really a big part of the cause of crippling hubris people receive too much praise for being smart even when they are actually smart i think its healthier to praise people for results the world runs on accomplishments not potential you dont pay rent with potential,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 could be typemention indeed s instead of n essentially means you are more reality based and reality focused than typemention s also means that you are more of a doer and action taker rather than dreamer typemention also is more sharp and certained while typemention is hazy,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 wed jon bed and then behead the other two,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 1 string theory is a scientific theory mbti is not at all religion is not at all2 religion is all about explaining existing observed patterns why do people do cruel things why do people die why are people born why are people different from each otherthe seven deadly sins is like a more negative mbti model we are all tempted towards them all but we have one dominant sin we struggle with the most it is even based on observed data and satans existence is just as proven as the functions are,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 i have no desire to do this i will die and in 50100 years no one will have any idea who i am because all my immediate family will be dead i dont care to change this i will live my life in a way that pleases me the most while i am living it having people remember me while im dead which does nothing for me does nothing for me so that is not something that is calculated within my life decisions i dont get the whole idea that people believe they are special i grew up knowing that i never had some magical realisation that i wasnt special i just always knew it you live you die and that is that i know that a lot of people dont think this way and i understand of those people lots of them do have that realisation but i also know that when i try and explain these things to people they hate when i have to say about it they say well thats a pessimistic world view i disagree its not positive or negative its just how it is its an observation if i believe that when i die i rot in the ground and my consciousness is gone scary well what do i care what happens at that point im dead i wont care if you take a fat shit on my body or anything most people would consider disrespectful people have asked so what do you live for then to that i answer pleasure im here for a fixed time im going to do the things that make me feel the most fulfilled while im here,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 hero i like the sound of that maybe we are but i dont think it matters i was a cop for nearly a decade and after killing and imprisoning so much scum i know i know that no matter how many we stop there will always be more more beasts that call themselves men scum that are cruel for crueltys sakexim poured himself another drink and took a sip quietly itll never be enough well never be enough firaxa and the cunt that ruined ashs life were just iterations in a never ending madness that exists everywhere in the galaxy i cant find any solace in heroism anymore the only time i see it is at the bottom of a fucking shotglass with that he downed the rest of the drink and eyed the base with a smile,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 just a performance update for the gpu the load on your cpu stays the same,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 most twins are not identical and even identical twins have small differences that would make it possible for their carers to tell them apart,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 not many people here are going to be greek you would be best off asking the question in one of the uga campus tips facebook groups or something along those lines,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 tentative title windows xiii the os starring joaquin phoenix,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yes the best way to help her is to be a positive role model by keeping your life on track untied from hers,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 kiernans brow furrowed anew as devon told her one of the men was injured what happened she asked trying to keep her voice calm and matronly,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i feel like i missed out on some information here what is the annual date is it the 13th of june 20th of july,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 had the exact same problems with my first pixel and im having the same yet again with my second after the updateâ replacements coming tomorrow i read somewhere that the headphone problem had something to do with a bad solder joint but not sure whether thats true in any case googles given the ok to return it both times without much trouble heres hoping third times a charm because id rather not buy a pixel 2 anytime soon,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 im not sure if you took this into account when you forecasted but compendiums adn the prize pool cant decrease,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 weird im getting less than 10 fps both 1080p and 1440pdisablingenabling cf does not help neither does forcing all msaaaa to offlowest help i7950 39ghz 7990 24gb ramin comparison im running the new moo roughly 110 fps on 1440p with everything maxed,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 i had an epiphany about this the other day obeasts need disabled parking because they cant fit through a car door if there is another car parked next to them they need the open space designated for people sorting out their wheelchairs i think this is the real reason doctors give out these permits,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 nice way to dry your eyeballs out,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 so its another framework yay,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yep thats the right thing to do dirty mashed potatoes are great even,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 there are like 500 bitcoin poker sites out there,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 zemmour has been sounding the alarm for years in france but french media and intellectuals are so much to the left in france that it was quite a lonely battle for him,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i love planning so much i wish i had time to plan a more well written response planning makes me so damn excited i had to respond now,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 lmao every great actor has his foible,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 babies love the sound of whips cracking havent read the book sorry if that one was a slight miss,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 theyre good fun in my experience theyre more clever or at least they have this different look in their eye once you have got em gets me just gets me,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 ive got op8 norfleets fireshockcorrosive and slag,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 yeah zoic did the effects for bsg as well as firefly great work by them on both,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 exactly you need to remember the attitudes of the norse people at the time were not like the christians christians were offended and extremely opposed to religious symbols of any type other than their own particularly in graves so finding something like this in a christian grave would be pretty significantnorse people did not have the there is only one god and all others are evil mentality it was more like we have our gods other peoples have theirs it was not perceived as a threat,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 for the next hour or so kiernan continued to teach her granddaughters about their home city at each landmark she would delve into a short anecdote either personal historical or simply interesting and every so often she would press the girls to find certain letters on the map while the latter exercise often ended either with violet straining herself or getting distracted the former proved quite effective although she still would sometimes miss what kiernan was saying the lack of reading the short duration of the anecdotes and the illustrations were a good combination for the ganton girlclosing the book kiernan glanced between cassana and violet smiling as she expected them to enjoy her next suggestionso what sort of story do you want me to read if they couldnt make up their mind she would just choose for them,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 yes please lets go back to the majestic healthy 1900s bulldog ruins everything funny theres some good info in there,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 because it is the fox news of online,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yup sounds goodnow pick your favorite,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i still say marina is typemention shes too artsy and cogfuncmention like to be a cogfuncmention dom,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 hard blocking this uv0ld guy or however you spell that name will already get you a far way with the comments,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 oh did you figure everything out though,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 if you are part of a society that votes then do so there may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against in case of doubt vote against by this rule you will rarely go wrong if this is too blind for your taste consult some wellmeaning fool there is always one around and ask his advice then vote the other way this enables you to be a good citizen if such is your wish without spending the enormous amount of time on it that truly intelligent exercise of franchise requires robert anson heinlein,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 haditha killings us marines killed 24 unarmed iraqi men women and children and there wasnt a single mangslaughter conviction 8 marines initially charged 6 had their cases dropped 1 was acquitted and the 1 that was sentenced did no jail time but had his rank reduced justice,83.0,87.0,9.0,24.0,61.0 i didnt turn typemention or anything but i do relate to them a lot i go cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention mode sometimes i just want to run people over with the facts and i dont care if people get butthurt i like to debate with people tear them down and prove that im right and crush their perceived delusions with an iron fist its really nothing like cogfuncmention though as you can tell typemention isnt like that at all its just sort of nt like in nature,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 thanks ill keep that in mind my mom isnt the greatest with heights so we may need to skip that one we had to wait about half an hour for her to climb down a ladder at the badlands once haha maybe shes gotten better since then though this trip was her idea,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 yeah but you wont be the supreme leader of the commonwealth anytime soon with a 20 year old guy as an elder that looks like he can go another 130 years,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 ive heard typemention for him which i could see but dont feel strongly about i could definitely see a morally compromised typemention acting how he acts though very secretive makes giant plans and then suddenly springs into action at the most opportune moment loves dany,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 it seems really common for people of all types to overuse their tert function though in the case you mentioned do you really think its common for ixtps to mistype as typemention most typemention who overuse cogfuncmention would be happy to classify themselves as a cogfuncmentiondom if they thought it fit and most cogfuncmentiondoms arent keen on labeling themselves feelers just from my observation typemention mistypes are usually other feelers so i dont think your logic tracks here,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 so human head seem chaos know only question if truth know unknown when water knowing flow not big freeze order for some if cosmic dance not only death is word,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 whats candle cove i remember listening to a creepypasta called candle cove,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 usierrasilveruhsismystyle11 they were the kingsof the sub rest well sweet princes,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 this i have had a chiro cure me almost immediately of tmj and muscle spasms in my lower back no having to take drugs at all have i had a jerk chiro that charged too much yea but if you land a good one they are amazing,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 it is most definitely an idiotic notion as proven by scientific study of the brain utilizing two subdisciplines of the science of psychology neuroscience and cognitive psych anyways here is the most exciting thing happening in the scientific field of psych there is a good chance we will see a fully simulated brain in our lifetimes were not spending 300mil a year on a pseudoscience,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 really ive never gotten to go to fampb as my mum always used to refuse to take me there i went to a pretty posh school and quite a lot of my freinds were always raving about the restaurant but that was when i was in year 7 or thereabouts times may have changed from back then,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 have a look at the vodafone smart ultra 7,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 that would turn into a sticky situation,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 typemention are cool typemention get along with everyone unless the person has no chill though you guys have cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention which makes it easy to keep up the conversation,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 politician who tend to be natural also tend to have pretty strong cluster b personalities so its not necessarly a bad thing to have politians who are a little bit selfconscious unless we want psychopaths and narcissists in power,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 1 movie inception2 book the catcher in the rye3 tv series community4 anime na5 song right now see the wind by polar bear club youtuber was epic meal time before it got super ridiculous7 food sushi8 place a nice beach on a summer night or somewhere green and foggy9 celebrity joseph gordonlevitt maybe not even fair how talented he is10 memory playing packed diy punk shows with my old band in high school,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 mures is pretty ordinary tasman quartermasters is good not exactly fine dining though la provencal used to be good but i havent been there in a while north hobart has a good strip of restaurants mostly ethnic if you want to browse before you dine salamanca has a number of places too,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 really vac doesnt care about how obvious people are vac needs to have the cheat signature added and that takes timehe wasnt vaced even though he was so obvious just shows that people have no clue when it comes to anticheats,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 probably some sort of crit thing that benefits from the powerful weapon specific passives here is an example other than way too little hp,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 and even if they are registred they can still screw you if they are crooked and you can find yourself without protection it happenned to my parents the adviser sold them financial product that were ponzi scheme in quebec lautoritã des marchã s financiers cover for fraud by adviser but you have to prove them have acted as financial advisers that is made a planning for your retirement many never got their money back because the adviser didnt put on paper any retirment planning my parents were saved by a backoftheenvelope planing he made and a good lawyers and got insurance money they still lost about half of their saving though one of of the product sold wasnt registred and was not covered by insurance they are getting 13 of it back 10 years later,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 is your amazon the same as mine where theyll literally hire any asshole i think thats the problem 90 of the time a lot of real knuckle draggers are in charge of things but they hire anyone because the turnover rate is insane,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i have a very strong opinion on this topic canadian bacononly topping i need so damn good,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 come to europe if youre interested in many eu countries doing a phd is actually a job for which you get paid a salary and no hassle with tuition what do you mean with bullshit schoolwork anyway a phd in my country would be doing research full time and managing your own research project with a couple of bscmsc students running around under your supervision,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 delta back to my place because school is starting couldnt get my vacation approved until last minute at work and now this crap happens,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 the key word here is blind there is a rhyme and reason for everything i do so blind is not really a part of my mindsetfollowing strong ideals such as loyalty is noble but at the same time you may be considered an s due to following this ideal so stronglyhowever this may be just one inconsistency and i cannot be definite with this observation alone,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 if that person was not gay that would have never happened,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the vast majority of people disagree with you their beliefs matter overwhelmingly more than yours,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 from an artistic standpoint its nice too hard to read though which makes it uselessas others have said a simple minimalist design is your best bet personally i think digital watches are tacky but im not a watch nerd,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 do you know why there wont be 128 tickit has something to do with this,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 golfers are always missing from the cruncher if they have played less than 4 tournaments need to play 4 tournaments to show up on pgatourcom stats,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 color deficiency is a spectrum and being red weak is protanomaly just a very weak form,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i dont have a job it isnt awesome recently laid off,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 exxps are my favorite types,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 just 1585000 for a mansion in a prestigious waterfront neighbourhood in a world class city thats insanely cheap in sydney that would only get you a small wooden shed house in a mediocre neighbourhood,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 so for me im normally really nice but then ill dosay something really insensitive and hopefully then im with people who know me well enough that mouth works faster than my brain so they forgive me,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 keep dogs on a leash in public it keeps them safe,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 why do typos turn you off if you zoom about a bit do they really matter do you think he is stupid itâ s not likely heâ s dumb but heâ s probably not the smartest dude ever which is probably good also what are you freaking out about you probs wonâ t marry him so just have fun,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 or they got just antistratted hard by nip,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this applies specifically to the american college system though european unis have a totally different system where you chose a major right from the start and do nothing else except that major for 5 years,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im so god damn sick of fake or extremely touched up pictures dominating this subreddit,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 well no as we clearly have the ability to walk from la to dallas just as much as vice versa we can only experience time going from past to future we have no choice in the matter the reason why is not obvious if you change the variable t to negative in any equation in physics you just get particles moving in the opposite direction there have been numerous arrows of time proposed to explain why we remember the past but not the future the bestknown one is to do with cosmic entropy,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 republic commando is one of the most fun damn shooters ive ever played and that main menu theme is absolutely amazing,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 and that is solved by marrying a woman,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 if isayama simply wanted to change the way he looks then why does the anime use his old design,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 it does seem like it went pretty fast when i look back on it and now im a third of the way over with my first semester of my sophomore year of college its still going by fast enjoy it while you can or if you really dont like it enjoy that college will come soon enough if thats what you decide to do,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 barry on archer he shouldve been killed off in space at the earliest in the barn fire at the latest but he keeps coming back and im really tired of him,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 youve met some highly developed typemention then i consider myself a balanced person but my secrets are my own,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 im thinking of doing vardy long gt lukaku benteke is it worth doing the vardy gt lukaku move this week or is it still risky on whether lukaku plays or not,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 its hurts their feelers the feelers feel better when it feels good even if its not better or even worse,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 the programmer may have not been the most organized perhaps,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 typemention my dear chap this is why i maintain that the good sir holmes is an typemention if you wouldnt mind holding my coat a moment it will be my pleasure to ellucidate it is quite common for the criminally insane to pepper their cryptic missives with clues as to their real identity in an attempt to forge a relationship with their pursuers beginning with an unequal power dynamic as said masterminds control the flow of information thereby they are simultaneously crying out for someone to stop them and taking control over their fears that someone will by ensuring this eventuality in their own time and fashion quite a messy troubling business really onwards then a view is actually quite common parlance in software development which as you may be aware in the most simple terms means a display of data from a database the medium in which we are communicating now is technically a view although his landlady informed us that mr cukelsworth labors as a purveyor of rare medicinal persian cucumis sativis cucumber varieties during the day his street name 16cukie clearly spells out in many circles a reference to retro 16bit systems and in fact the github user cukie who bears a striking resemblance to this gentleman advertises a random number generator putting it all together it is undeniable that mr c has created a devious some might even say diabolical system whereby unsuspecting typemention are funneled at random to his myspace page one such hapless strumpet has caught his full attention and he is now seeking advice on how to lure her back to his chalet using the aforementioned and plainly evident veiled symbolic language,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 anne frankly you didnt care right,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 this is so eerie perfectly capturing the trapped and hopeless feelings i would have if i became a mother ive had relatively small bouts of depression and anxiety in my life but i know if i had kids it would be constant because i could never escape them no amount of assistance or consoling from a bf or husband would relieve me from the gnawing worry nervousness and impending doom of daunting responsibility everyone with their rose colored baby glasses on fail to see how many women suffer from postpartumuntil its too late we need to look at it as a real problem maybe some women would choose not to have kids if the risks of motherhood and pregnancy were taken more seriously,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i like this very much improbable as all getout but a girl can dream,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 only the armored titan and the mule titan have real effective use outside of combat the rest of them are simply bigger humansand hey as it turns out 50 of those two is female and the rest is gsus who is also planned to be replaced by a female you cant complain really,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 mine was similar sortof i got first blood we started to snowball then it just got stupid i died once during the enemies brief moment of opportunity then spend the rest of the match trying to die so i could go back to dark since we already had a lightside healing us it was over so fast i didnt manage it though,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 blue or green eyes very dirty blond hair,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 you are a strong beautiful reddit user who doesnt neeed no mod acknowledgment,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 hmm my boyfriend and i suspect that hes an typemention he goes on the internet plenty but he doesnt participate instead of reddit he goes to imgur or youtube he consumes the media but does not discuss it he mostly only talks to his friends on social mediawhere i an typemention use the internet to be social without actually having to expend the energy of socializing in person i think he doesnt get the same satisfaction from being social online because he craves that inperson interactionhowever i dont think ive ever seen him wear anything glittery,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i think you missed a s somewhere buddy,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 what do you mean there was nothing in the story to indicate they dont supervise her net activity they knew about the date so it makes sense they knew about talking to the guy on tindr,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 try every kind of movementposition you can see what feels best for you i have some really specific ways that ill cum what kind of vibrator did you get i know its expensive but the new wireless hitachi is a godsend much better than the wired one which has only 2 options new one has 4 speeds and 5 patterns i believe plus its a body safe material which the original is not theres also a smaller vibe i like a lot shibari brand pink has a cord if you need a link ill find you one its a lot cheaper not quite as good but still pretty good how old are you and how long have you been experimenting if you dont mind me asking feel free to pm if you want to talk more privately,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 he knew bertholds story about his past was made up even if he managed to guess that hes the colossal on appearance alone the fact that he knew that the story was fake means he read the mangathats far from the only thing that gave it away but im not planning on watching it again,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 dat cogfuncmention doe yeahno matter how much i can detach and think of all the good things about xsfjs i still find it impossible to interact with them due to the aggressive nature of cogfuncmention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 lets just try to get the g in second place again,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im not too certain on that i must say even though the nazis were quite contradictory in their ideology eg aryan was originally used to describe blondehaired amp blueeyed germans however it later just went on to define any reichsdeutsche imperial german or volksdeutsche ethnic germans who lived outside germanys borders but within a germanic country eg austria etc regardless of their haireye colours this later definition used german blood as a requirement for aryanism eg ahnenpass ancestors passport which traced german ancestry back to circa 1800 for ordinary civilians amp circa 1750 for ss officialsgoing back to your question as i mentioned above even though the nazis contracdicted themselves on many occassions there was quite a substantial pogrom of physically amp mentally disabled germans iirc regardless of aryan heritage as well as those deemed unfit called aktion t4 which in turn was backed by the ideal of life unworthy of life a lot of those that met the criteria for aktion t4 were also thought to be unworthy of life id believe because of this ideal if the mother had 8 children but one was unfit i dont think the nazis wouldve classed it as a human at best it wouldve been untermensch subhuman amp therefore the mother would only have been seen as having 7 childrenin a sense that phrase became epitomised in the aktion t4 programme a good book on the racial medicine of nazi germany would be proctor n r 1988 racial hygiene medicine under the nazishopefully this answers your question but because of my slight uncertainity usidburn or ucommiespaceinvader dont be afraid to jump in amp correct me,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 hah now when i visit i just tell him to stfu and walk away when he starts stemming out about messes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 for my part i have been with a fair few people but only 3 really long relationships the one in which i was the happiest was with an typemention who was emotionally healthy most arent but that emotional connection with a decent mental connection was solid then i was with a fucked up typemention who was wicked smart and the intellectual connection kept me engaged for many years then an typemention who was emotionally stellar but intellectually not quite stimulating so i probably need a little more emotional than intellectual connection while both are extremely important where is your connection lacking and can you improve it those are the questions imo,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 understandable have a nice day,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 the real life joe swanson,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 id be delighted to see a professional debate without a rambunctious audience like you saw during the primaries im trying to predict what kind of slant hes going to try live without a teleprompter helping him trump clearly isnt trying to win based on reasonable arguments but rather playing the media by stirring up controversy with carefully selected sound bites if he played the debate perfectly normally but did something along the lines of this attacking cnn sure hed get shot down at the time but with the nation watching this would be the buzzing topic postdebate with cnn leading the charge in trump smearing it could potentially be a sharp thing for him to stir up in the eyes of the public granted he can pull off the rest of the debate somewhat professionallyjust seems like something he would pull given his dishonest media angle,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 why would you lie about something so insignificant,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 so what happens now is you get into your car get yourself to whereever your parents are living park the car go to the house tell your kid to get into the car right now get back in the car and drive away your parents just lost the right to ever see your kid again while hes still underaged,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 rubio spokeman spin his momentum this is a place for a new beginning,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 haha two guesses which option you got i couldnt believe it when i saw it either,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 just do what i did and build up a tolerance,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 correct human density is indeed lower than titan density good on you for calculating the human weight of a being that size once againbesides it being directly stated alltheir feats also point out that they are between 10 to 40 times lighter than humans ill link you my calculations when i find the timein the mean time why dont you calculate what the 3m class titan that reigner carried would weigh if it had human densityi personally came to the conclusion that taking a human of 17m and 80 kg itd weigh way over 400 kg aka slightly more than the biggest weight a human has ever lifted,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 now i want tacos sounds like my usual internet spiral i think jeez i need to go do the thing so i close the reddit tab then i think i wonder whats on reddit right now and ive already opened a new tab before i realize what just happened lol,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 so your foot is somewhere around 11 inches long almost a footi dont know why eu didnt swap over to cm japan did,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 lol it was just a prank bro he had the treasurer von wiltberg and mayor georg langerhans arrested supposedly for suspicions of crooked bookkeeping and confiscated 4002 marks and 37 pfennigs with a receipt of course he signed it with his former jail directors name then he commandeered two carriages and told the grenadiers to take the arrested men to the neue wache in berlin for interrogation he told the remaining guards to stand in their places for half an hour and then left for the train station he later changed into civilian clothes and disappeared,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the question is why do i own those theyre my collections or ones ive picked up on holidays for some fun reading because theyre excellentalso most of them arent yathis doesnt include my uni textbooks or the other stuff in audio or ebook form,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 let says a muslimmajority country want to discourage the practice of fgm imagine that this country has a rate of practice well above 50 they enact a law to make it illegal would peterson be uncomfortable with such law as it would be forcing social change by legal means,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 came to make a boost comment too late,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 just do it seriously deliberately take time for yourself to pursue things that interest you dont let yourself get wrapped up in everyone else 247 you deserve your own attention on the daily,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 did you read the article you are late to the party,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i dont understandyou reported a customer rb hows that work,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 just fucking accept it would essentially ruin the fact that people with different habits on playing wouldnt be able to play together unless it is on shitty unranked where you get matched with silverssomeone is pointing out well that would basically ruin playing competitive as friends and you say i dont care go play unrankedno fucking game does this and there is a reason for it just accept iti dont want to play unranked aka casual with competitive rules and i dont want to have to buy a new account to play competitive with friends what you are suggesting is destroying the core idea of the game and thus will never happenlowering people like me so you know me okay thenit wont help to reduce smurfers cheaters yes smurfers no it also would spawn more griefers because hey its unranked why do you care many people wouldnt like this changeyou want pointers for improvements ill give you some how would you deal with the high amount of griefers in unranked how would you ensure that people can play competitive together even though they dont have the same amount of wins or hours,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 nah thats se ne is idea of squirrel,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 i would argue that its the result of a marriage in hell between forprofit university what you call neoliberal and liberal political correctness and liberal agenda there is an unlimited supply of people with degrees in social sciences which have limited values in the job market outside of academia they get a job as a professor and maintain their illusion of usefulness by arguing that society suffer from all kind of imaginary isssues and get students craving for militantism to sign up for those useless class its the same business model as organized religions,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i dont think that everyone has the same capacity to feel every emotion there are biological and developmental bases to everything we think and feel and those are not the same for all people i wasnt in any way implying that op is a psychosociopath i identify strongly with what he said and i am certainly neither i just dont do sadpanicked like most people i also dont do organizedplodding work like most people we all have our strengths hehe,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 awesome my new lock screen nice photo,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 you will need to convert data types from strings to whatever datatype you are needing look up the data type conversion functions on that page for more info,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 oh yeah that is good,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 were moving toward full automation an utopia an you suggest sterilization of the poor i live in europe too i know the limits of statism the horrors weve seen in the xxth century i dont trust state and big corporations so id prefer people had their own automation stack providing their necessities its also about self determination and freedom we can still have insurance and state guaranteed protection of property and rule of lawany other solution where people will not own the means of production will fail on account of greed and corruption,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 damn now i want pepperoni and booze and its only 10am,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 anything from the tor network,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i spend my day in my bed with my laptopi think most typemention are neets,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 512kbps 500kbswhen talking about internet connection speed its usually bits per sec not bytes divide by 8still if he were doing the theoretical max on that that 60gb would take like 11 12 days thats never the case though especially with torrents or some sites etcalso if he was on cable and not dsl other users will affect the speed during peak timesall summer does sound like a while though for the other reasons he mentioned but yeah my calculations are without those complications,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i work for a pet food company to us drop shipping means instead of shipping to the customerwe set it to be held at the nearest warehouse and a local sales rep picks up the product or the customer picks it up themselves not sure if thats what you meant,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 exactly the relation needs to evolve naturally depending on setting and what you want from the relationship no mentormentee are actually proclaimed mentormentee but if done right both will know that thats indeed the nature of their relationship,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thank you for the effort you put into your answer i can see that this would be the worst experience i could imagine that might be why i am so scared of them,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 not gonna lie most of the sweet children ep is unlistenable strangeland is absolutely my least favorite green day songnot a fan of their husker du coveri feel like there are a couple others but theyre mostly non album things anyway i love nearly everything that made it onto the albums although there are some trilogy songs ive yet to get intochristians inferno im not a big fan of same with governator but i still listen to them,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 lost in her thoughts a mix of selfdeprecating comments halfformed fantasies she had yet to understand and whatever other random idea her distractible mind wandered to violet didnt notice her sisters freckled face pop out from one of the cabinetseventually violet remembered what she was supposed to be doing and with a sigh she walked back into the sitting room to search as she did she wiped the glum expression from her face the sound of her mothers singing and strumming reminding her that she wouldnt be alonea few minutes later violet and lily reconvened in the kitchensi didnt find her lily admitted reluctantly me either violet reiterated nodding slowly in recognition of their defeat usually cassana was terrible at this game fidgeting and tapping her feet assuming she hadnt cheated somehow the victory was quite impressiveafter realizing that lily was not going to concede defeat out loud to cassana violet did so calling out come out come out whereever you are,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 theres not that many billionaires who are willing to invest huge amounts of money with no return,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 hey im just relaying what my mom said ive never been although i might for a trade show in the spring i know my uncle and cousin love it down there,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 kirby is now clad in chainmail and has a random edged weapon or two in his hands,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ha for real dont know how i get them considering i keep my firewall up at all times,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 since were all here i just want to remind you guys thatrfuckhk47andrshingekinohentaiboth exist,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 breathecry a bitturn off your phonewatch a moviejournal extensively like every time you feel something write it downget drunk if you want but do not text your exitll be okay it gets better,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 bonus points if he has funny emotional reactions,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 what do you use the mortar and pestle for,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i just spent days fully modding out fo4 and just started a fresh playthroughimmersive gameplay mod is the centerpiece i used and based the other mods around it it was a trick getting hundreds of mods to play nice together but i think its all set to go now and going to give survival mode difficulty a try,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the person who jubilantly introduced me to him like he was the second coming of the cure for aids was the one typemention amongst my friends lolhis vids are addictive and really endearing for some very hard to discern reason,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 ive failed out of college more than one ive been in college for 7 years with nothing to show for it im going to community college taking things i took in high school ive been working as a webcam girl supporting my boyfriend for years and im at the end of my rope because it is extremely mentally draining and fucks with your head and its like a bullshit junior high school politics environment ive definitely puked blood if my mom gave half a shit about me she would be here trying to intervene this whole past week has me been chugging vodka in front of my boyfriend looking at me with a look that makes me want to kill myself i didnt know i needed to brag about how shitty it is fuck,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 not surprised they were kicked out par for the course,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 ufffdufffd the best part of waking up is maga in your cup ufffdufffd,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 iggy isnt the typical caster people build him tanky,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 hmm no usd payment option,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 this game is great and not wellknown perhaps a hidden gem as it was later in the dss historyunderrated is not a word i would use to describe it,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 millions of people keep track of the hit count over the next few weeks,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i love calling my black cat my little panther d glad to know im not the only one that does that,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 this will be censored herei guarantee it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 how much of that do you think was due to the fact that you were simply meeting more people,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i mostly use basic attacks to freeze lane as well i dont even start with mana potion on my first back i sell a cast token and buy a mana potion and a 6 point staff of adamant so im a little tankier and hitting harder if was really worried about mana at 9 card points id buy a wellspring staff or magus ward over mana regen still,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 looks good now we need to get people to actually review stuff on there,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 oh of course those two cars are things ill definitely enjoy making go fast otherwise id just get a miata and put googly eyes on it just because,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the original post never said anything about almost hitting small cars but you feel that excitement finally a spot then you get closer and see nopedamn you mini cooper,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i literally cant understand how someone could think that girl next door vs gothic sex queen,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 eh lol its really not that exciting,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 mine is named waffles too and its seriously the most appropriate corgi name ever,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 im guessing they were both moving at the same time,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 do you have factual evidence besides some weird world population with red meaning dumb and blue meaning smart,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 oh sorry i was talking about light xdl is definitely typemention light is typemention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 the way i read the article this is the point rms is trying to make,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 how do you know that you are remembering more,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 courtesy of ulebor an automotive artist,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i know how gravity works the question was for completely stopped time though if you slowed time it would fall if you could stop time completely it wouldntso my train of thought but i am not a person who is a physics master,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yep that was pretty great,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the problem i have with this wish list is that you have things in there that will never ever make it into the game like 128 tick mm because it is a huge disadvantage to people playing from further away from the serverwhat you suggested for the inaccuracy would be great but we would have other tradeoffswhen you say you want a discussion why say to people they are wrong or dont add to the post if they discuss your initial post or offer their opinion to it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if they say definitively that they know what caused the damage their options on how to respond are severely limited i am sure they know,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thats the word i was searching for,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i would love a link as well thank you,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 sorry that this isnt totally relevant but kurzgesagt is fucking amazing ive watched all their videos and they really capture how i see the worldi get the sense it has a very cogfuncmentioncogfuncmentioncogfuncmention viewpoint the cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention permeates most of their videos as they quickly enthusiastically and carefully tell you about the subject of their video but then the cogfuncmention always comes near the end when they realize theyve enthusiastically told you something really bleak and they try to make you feel better ive done the same thing irl when explaining to a friend what cancer actually isbut to the op get that physics degree dooo iiittt its super satisfying perhaps going to school and really learning a lot everyday is a good way to break the feeling of stagnation as bleak as even the two videos you linked might seem i think theyre a genuinely beautiful and compelling view of the world an elegant and mathematical world defined by statistics and geometry which produce layers of complexity and abstraction physics and the sciences that build on top of it is the entry point into an amazing picture that defies our everyday experience yet which defines itnature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns so each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry richard feynman,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 dont forget the phillipines and burma,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 no i suppose they arent or my particular type of humour is too dry or sarcastic or anti or i dont even know,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 uhm okay news to me but if you think so,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i yell at myself in my head some variation of do you want to be a piece of shit no then get to work asshole,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ive been losing weight slow and steady recently i traveled to visit my grandparents in their native country considering they are getting very old and every time i visit might be the last i decided fuck it im going to eat all the glorious home cooked food my grandmother will make it and it will be amazing and it indeed was absolutely amazing so back on track again back at home and just broke through the lowest weight since before i left for my trip im now at 805 kg ive always had my eye on breaking to 80 kg threshold almost there almost there,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 im a little man and im also evil also into cats ufffdufffd,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 ser ten of house goodmenwithclimbingspikes thats a distantly related house in the vale somewhere you wouldnt knowem,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 suffered from social anxiety depression and shit until i watched paul blart mall cop started exercising regularly and getting involved in sports,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 they stole baron against we,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 my oldest friends funeral watching his parents walk in behind the coffin made me break down ill never forget the pain on their face they both saw him die,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 yep this prediction was increasingly pulled straight from the ass no that is the latest step not the next step its been happening since 2012 already do you think sveta mcshane and jason dorrier who authored this article are actually interested in the subject and following it or just rehashing older articles maybe they are ai bots writing about their own emergence to power in that case i would be impressed,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 yeah aethelstan can be pretty useful but i already know where paris is,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 now imagine that earring getting stuck somewhere whilst shifting,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 xnfp so understanding and diplomatic,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 you do realise that when you do the latter youll achieve the former too,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 thanks so much for making time for me your town is super cute,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 its impossible to describe accurately because its such a subjective experience but everything just feelsconnected in daily life you might be oblivious to the fact that theres an entire universe outside of your sphere of interaction but you cant help but to get a new perspective on life while youre tripping,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 as griffith ran his hands down to her hips talisas cheeks warmed the slight blush more readily visible in such close proximityyour hands look great right there talisa retorted goofily smiling all the while,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 im no multiverseologist but posit this if were getting into infinites you can always just say there are an infinite numbers of universe c420 for example c4201 c4202 and that each ricks portal gun opens a distinct one that is so close to the c420 prime that its indistinguishable it might just shift the portal a bit to the left or a bit to the right by a certain amount say each gun is programmed with a unique serial number and this number is how much it modulates each universes offset bythe exception would be when they go to that place with the council of ricks that seems to be a fixed point they all congregateso your title is thrown out the window with that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its what jesus would do,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 yes i agree my wife asked me once if you had it to do all over again what would you changemy answer absolutely nothingeverything that has ever happened to me mademakes me who i am today the good the bad and the ugly things made me who i ampeople talk about if you had a time machine would you go back and kill hitler as a baby the assumption is that we would avoid nazis and wwii but how do you know something worse would not have happened in the absence of wwii like nuclear war i link we live through hard times and make things better we learnwould you go back and erase all the hard learned lessons of your pastif anything i think you should go back and change the some of the good things making yourself a better person,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 well i did read it and i didnt install because of it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 to suggest anime from an typemention to another typementiondurarara psycho pass steins gate rezero are just a few i think they would personally enjoy all of these are well known and have good plot overviewssummaries on various websites,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 ah thats cool ill have to look at dalis work in more detail do you happen to like the film style of weimar germany i ask because their stuff can be quite surrealist,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 why why do these open cabinet people leave the doors open they are there to hide all the stuff inside they are to help everything look neat and tidy my ex was like this i even threatened to take the cabinet doors off but no he didnt like that either for current bf i made up a little song and i sing it to remind him to close the doors now it gets stuck in his head,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 if shes really an typemention she felt like a piece of garbage doing that to you and she did it anyway really she is the pitiable one here and you dont need that in your life anyway,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 thanks for the advise but im a european sadly enough,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 cogfuncmention users are a little more likely to have an aggressive sense of humor while cogfuncmention users are a little more likely to have a critical sense of humor,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 were actually doing it we are approaching lunas sphere of influence,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 typemention female im quite small and physically rather on the weaker side for a female and i feel intimidated quite often by men who show aggressive behaviour not so much if its aggressive rage behaviour that stuff is easy to spot and mitigate but often there are guys who have a mix of aggresive unstable and emotional often in combination with alcohol aura radiating off them which i simply cant properly read and that makes me quite fearful when such guys approach me a bit too close and start talking to me and get into my personal space,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thanks lss it got really intense super fast shit was cosmic she wasnt available we had to stop talking i have a knife in my ribs still completely 1000 worth it pain but still do recommend life d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 good good more tidbits of info about zusha,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yeah thats what normal humans do,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 a progress pic type post as ive said,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 same japanese gan theory saysso yes grandparent posters doing it right probably,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 yeah sorry i should have pointed out this is conditional on context in the comments of this comment chain i thought this was obvious since this is a comment in the comment chain but hey i meant that you cant do mass desalination cheaply without environmental devastationthough not in general it has a major ecological impact to us in terms of things like seafood production unfortunately a great deal of our food comes from shores not the deep ocean id hardly call it a miniscule impact,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 yes it starts slow with everybody goofing off and running the prison things start to pick up around where youre at i went from oh god please tell me this riot doesnt last all season to oh fuck how are they going to wrap up this riot in one season,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 if you work with physically aggressive kids that may need to be blocked or restrained quite a lot,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 sounds to me you need to google up on c web scraping the webclient classs some basic info on postgetcookies and the goold old browseragent header often needed good luck,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 my phone brought up dynasty after duck in my phone yesterday i hate my keyboard it has gotten worse with every release and every update for my phonewhat is this gboard i have an s7 so hopefully i can try something else,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 no stds for me thank you very much,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 ooooh its them the ones with the cursed creepy doll i heard about that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lol i dont think so,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i updated the post as now the police report is saying she is 15 years old still the video on this site shows clearly what happened there was no groping by any available definition of this word the old man talk to her agressively and wave his hand and touch her with the paper leflet and possibly his fist she loose her shit attempt to punch him and a third person pepper spray her now the police is looking for the man to question him for alleged sexual assault,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yeah it would be interesting to dig into the depths of itlike how did they base the additional cost of 50 some studies somewhere oh did those include ecigs no oh well then wheres your justification for those oh whats that lil problem now,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 not quite the same because i havent been married but i had my bfs friend profess his love to me a number of years ago we had been friendsit did not go well i told him no very flatly if i had wanted to be with himi would have been with him he obviously felt rejected and it ruined our friendshipim not saying all situations turn out like that but i know what my reaction would be and its hard for a relationship to recover after those feelings are out,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 this thread will go great,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 christianity does have a few weird parts in the bible if you are frustrated in that i suggest you should look into islam,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 right now morris is ufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffd 4 3s in the 1st,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 sos crocodile but i wouldnt want either of them biting me,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 so at work theres a tournament 300 entries top 5 win winner gets a huge gift card normally fading the local biases is a great strategy but i just so happen to live in kentucky would fading uk be the smart choice if so who beats them right now i have wisconsin very lightly penciled in as my winneralso any other strategies for playing a field where 90 of people surely wont be knowledgeable ive been reading this whole thread and looking at kenpom stats but idk the best tactics to use my gf works with me so i can fill out her bracket too maybe 1 uk fade 1 uk champ,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 whether it helps or not its fun,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i wouldnt offer anything for it not a sword,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i just have more interest in things and concepts than people,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i have a 4 blacklight in my living room this is correct many other things will glow strangely though like some minerals and peanut butter etc etc its pretty neat i had hair at one point that would go from dull orange to fluorescent yellowand there are some stains that i can see i think some might be from my detergent,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what i want to know is how the hell they managed to load such large chunks of minas tirith into the sling in the first place its not like they had a handy troll,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 implying the cubs havent already frozen hell over,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 haha gay dudes could have glow in the dark lightsaber duels schlllong shlllong krrrrrrrkt schllongggg release your anger give in to the browneye schlooong i think itd be fun to have gekko hands so i could climb walls and shit spiderjew spiderjew does whatever a spiderjew does i imagine it would be possible to not target gametes somehow so that the genes wouldnt be passed on you could always freeze sperm and egg before hand if nothing else,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i definitely think there are situations where you know everyone is being fake and it just comes with the territory super busy conferences or salesmarketing situations come to mind however in most situations id say i am genuinely trying to forge real connections even in unnatural environments i dont blame them for being mistrustful ill also react negatively to someone who is coming on too strong and forcing intimacy where there is none but in situations like smallish parties where they are many mutual acquaintances or voluntary meet and greet parts of small conferences where the point is to meet new people i just find it to be counterproductive,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i used to play the saxophone but then i got bored,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 you trying to get us do your homework,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 yup time will tell just let it be,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 my comment as a whole is notim just trying to say that the relative use of a function say cogfuncmention may depend on both the stacking of its general parent thinking and on a types functional orientation towards that parent function e vs iwhile typementions thinking is not biased towards the extroverted side they do just use thinking a lot more so im saying that cogfuncmention gains a lot of fuel from that alone an typemention in an absolute sense may actually get more out of cogfuncmention than an ifpsort of like how say a salad can have more calories than a cheeseburger if the salad is big enough,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i enjoyed their lemon shandy over the summer,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 not talking to police is good advice it has nothing to do with reddit armchair lawyers as that isnt legal adviceso you did good on that countyour big mistake was not getting a lawyer when they were questioning youyou dont keep asking am i being detained you say i want to speak to a lawyer it should be the first and only thing out of your mouth when its apparent you are being held and about to be questionedyour lawyer very likely also would have told you to roll on the guy about the gun but at least youd be sure it was a real deal in that case because there was a real possibility they were lying and just getting you to implicate yourselfso follow up did you actually speak to a lawyer yet the fact that you say nothing about a real lawyer in any of this is really strange to me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ah yes fp tends to have a really hard time with tj and cogfuncmention dom and aux no less it could be worse you could be an stj we can relate on the t somewhat but damn if i were f i would lose my shit around my brother,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thanks for writing all this out im really struggling with coming up with a way to communicate how what youre saying is largely in line with most typemention but it is difficult because of your negative disposition towards things that arent concrete im having a little bit of trouble justifying myselfi can say this without a shadow of a doubt youre an isxp youre either an typemention or an typemention i very very very strongly believe youre an typemention however im really having a hard time coming up with a concrete way to communicate the difference to you i can say that every specific answer youve given me has made me think typemention over typemention or has come out even on both sides even your general coldness makes me think typemention typemention tend to run pretty hot in my experience your difficulty in explaining is more indicative of typemention too though not inherent to them i also messaged another person who is into mbti and they think youre an typemention as well every other way i could differentiate or show between the two types is fairly abstractthe only thing i can think of is to have an typemention look at this thread is uramboknife around,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 i originally came from a poorer part of the uk but my family and i had always been middle class before we moved to london when i was growing up most other kids my age wanted to be a footballer a singer or a model like katie price no im not jokingi actually got back in touch with an old friend of mine very recently he was actually on the youth development team for a premier league club he had extraordinary talent and he was always winning awards and getting scouted he temporarily left the team because he wanted to focus on his alevels he did quite well academically but then he decided not to go to uni because the debt and low likelihood of finding a good job you can only likely get a good job if you go to a top 10 rg uniand when he went back to try out his football skills atrophied slightly as expected but since its so competitive the team refused to take him back now hes stuck in the cycle of low paid working class employment he wasted his potential it really made me sad to see how he ended up i literally felt my stomach drop when he told me that no uni no football no other talents no real futurefor disadvantaged people sometimes being good at football or rap is a quick and lucrative way out statistically very improbable yes but its surprisingly a lot easier than you would think,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 we do let him do his thing we just like to speculate what happens next its a game really something like betting on horse races without the horrible debt that comes with it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 when the code hits an inputbox its very similar to a messagebox in that the code is completely stopped ive never actually tried to make different worksheets interact with each other in such a way that they can fill in input boxes but my first guess is that this would not workit would definitely be better for you if you have a master file that tracks everything that you can then log into,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 different its armor not crystal,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 not worth anything at all you should just send them to me,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 no brady thats not right,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 lol on mobile will watch at home d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 buy as a team and eco when your team has no money so you dont have to buy smgs or keep your money low sure a eco doesnt really exist in the silver levels but if you rank out of silver people will rage at you for not ecoing properly else you can use every weapon ofc but keep in mind that smgs like the mac10 and bizon do next to no dmg against kevlar id recommend practicing your akgalil or m4 famas skills,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 esl is free though so you dont need to pay lpkane,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 wonderful this symphony seems almost brucknerian in its solemn grandeur i only knew about rautavaaras violin concerto which is one of the most memorable i have ever heard,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 if you look at the statistics chances are shes not a virgin,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 why should we blame them tmartn has been practically uninvolved with nv and nv has been uninvolved with csgolotto its not like nv orchestrated this whole debacle theyre just coming out to say hey this guy partially owns the company but he doesnt do anything,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 at least it is entertainment,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 definitely pour some sugar on me i cant help it when that song comes on,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 media is also telling men that you are worthless if you dont have a body fit for a god and i dont see all the men on this sub hitting the gyms daily either i dont think you realize how few women actually like let alone actively consume that kind of media and even if they do following the advice from such sources is a whole other step to take,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 shi long lang was introduced in aai1 but i do agree this is the best game ever totes,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i met my so when i was 18 at my first week of uni nonetheless and he was close to 6 years older than me we have now been together for over 4 years and live together as well and we have one of the most healthy relationships i know among my friends and acquaintances but here is the thing i had been through some heavy shit in my teenage years and was on all accounts very much more mature than the average 18 year old yes my so was in a different life stage but we were able to communicate and understand eachother on the same emotional level we were also both at a very emotionally stable point in our lives we were and are in many ways eachothers equal and grew together over the yearsthe thing that worries me about this girl is how she talks about being lonely that in it very self shows shes not emotionally stable enough to handle a tricky non standard relationship because of the age difference she does not seem to act out of infatuation or love for you specifically but simply out of the need for emotional comfort and thats not something you should want for your life,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 come to europe if youre interested in many eu countries doing a phd is actually a job for which you get paid a salary and no hassle with tuition what do you mean with bullshit schoolwork anyway a phd in my country would be doing research full time and managing your own research project with a couple of bscmsc students running around under your supervision,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 potentially lots of regulation will be undone by leaving the eu and leaving the eu may also open the uk to more global trade in the americas and asia it really depends on how the british parliament treats free trade from here on out,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 actually disregard what i said this looks like a logic error follow your code and look at each cell that its supposed to reference in cellslrow ain do while cellslrow a ltgt will this ever encounter a completely blank cell if it does not you created an infinite loop,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i cant let you brew that star bucks,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i hate imgur users also,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 there wouldnt be a thread about it on this subreddit,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 ahh yes i am ssweet06there was some fairly good stuff on that account and someone doxd that account and i just didnt want anyone to be able to click that username and see some of the shit i had said not that it was awful just some of it was rather personal and incriminating p,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 hahaha good point i never claimed it made sense i think id rather be safe and make a point of adjusting anyway than risk the unholy offense of somehow offending them its ridiculous,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 there are really good teams that should have been in main qualifier based on skill i mean they are not that worse compared to main qualifier teams in some cases better cough navi which they proved in games if you follow the scene you know it mff empire pries golden boys nt123 maybe hr but they didnt play much they won starladder quals tho plus in its core its the same strong players that did really well last season on very high level like afoninje or goddam very skilled playersits kinda unfair that navi that lost to absolutely everyone in horrible style and alliance with their idc strats and picks are getting invite over more deserving an tryharder teams pretty sure if alliance and navi were in open qualies there is a very good chance they didnt get throu competition is real,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 why do you focus towards physical focus instead on growing in culture we are sentients we shouldnt compete with stars and planets for significance we generate our own significance from our life and culture,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 its seems evident that mystic part for typemention is in the mystical idea of typemention being mystics 3,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 depends where you live in my quite small city there is a shop selling a good selection of quality fabric liberty merino jersey linens designers leftovers and so forth,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 imo the missing class is in the differentiation between tank and support when i think support i think buffs and debuffs and heals not a tank,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 thank you for the links ill check those out ill give it some thought before i decide on anything thanks again for replying,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 i dont really follow you tubers seems like reality tv i dosub to some but most just look at the gist of them when im on youtube which isnt often,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 im more in the absurdism branch which is extremely comforting to me specifically albert camus essays,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 damn son you must be right up corn alley like in iowa or sumthin,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 not really but okay xd,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 where the 2 team boosts are,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 black lace up boots not ankle boots but not very tall under 100 i got some brown boots from target last year that i love soft and comfy they were only like 25 but cant find any similar in black i have some taller ones from nine west but they hurt my feet a lot,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 nope there was actually a relatively low chance of a tornado,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 why would the school know what disability your son has seems like a weird suggestion for a medical doctor to make,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 amnesia the dark descentthe scariest game ever made period,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 even if it was a permanent change its kind of douchey i have a terrible time tolerating hormonal birth control and after we tried it for a couple months my bf asked me to go off it because it changed my personality so much hes used condoms without a complaint and says it barely feels different ops bf is a douche canoe hes acting entitled to her body bleh,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i have to be honest that im terrible about long commitments like that with a barrier to initiate this is one reason why i own my own workout gear add the trip to the gym and meh so i really will have to have my own shop hahah im impulsive and i harness that by grabbing onto the impulses to do work when they happen,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 super poetic even if im the only one to read know that i appreciate that bit of textalso how constrictor snakes like pythons and anacondas kill even people spot on description would be enhanced for a snake kill by every breath exhale the grip increases and further constricts,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i have 20000 because i have been trying to get into the top 5 contributors but they all have type 9s and anacondas all i got is a python,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 i wouldnt be able to euthanise pets either no problem with humans just not animals,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 anyone got the other angle for this,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 they certainly wanted to limit the power curve initially but after vampire amp werewolf they somehow lost that inclination when they wrote changeling and most especially magei think the disciplines overall however are dramatically improved in many ways perhaps my favorite line being nightmare it gets intensely powerful with the ability to just put someone in a living nightmare i enjoy majesty a lot too i like that its been further removed from dominate in 1e its basically the same thing a master of majesty can play people like they are playing an instrument,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 im getting some feel good vibes from here today lets keep it fuckin going you beautiful fucking creatures xd,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 sounds rather cogfuncmentionheavy to me with a hint of cogfuncmention id guess typemention,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 thats not how mutualism works,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i just bought a cd with that on it the other day perfect choice the percussion reminds me a bit of the stannis theme in the show too,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 yes activities happen this is actually related to the same teachings and shows the truth of the absence of self either way even when on autopilot is consciousness gone i am not talking about thoughts that talk about being conscious in that moment but clearly consciousness is there that is what rupert talks about he mixes up consciousness and awareness and for him they basically mean the same thing so this is not awareness in the sense of i am aware right now but awareness in the sense of undeniable knowing of my experience whether my thoughts reflect this or not it is knowing by the fact that experience is experienced even if we are absent mindedwithout going into the whole debate about sleeping you for sure dont know about any time when you werent aware you can only postulate such a time through thinking ergo theres never experience without consciousnessinstead of trying to come up with a new theory of how things work i would advise you to just take a look at your present theory and how well it holds up to scrutiny and actual experience what if we dont know how it really works does that suddenly make our everyday sense of reality true,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 my entire point was that how the law works is very vague,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 for those wonderinc what the international phonetic alphabet is heres a wikipedia article about it ipa,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 dont be fooled by it though you should read up on the disparity between what you as an employee get before taxes and what you cost your employer in the eu an emoloyee costs his or her employee about double their before taxes salary which puts it on par with us salaries thats the price you get for not having to worry about your retirement which is by law the resposibilty of your employer not having to worry about getting sick and loosing your job by law your employer cant easily fire sick employees and need to insure themself against it not having to worry about loosing your job to begin with at al because your employer has to pay extra taxes to provide you with governmental financial aid on the level of your former salary for an x number of months if you do loose your job this and loads and loads of other social security measurements which us employees simply dont have because in the us mentality you need to take care of yourself insteas of relying on the governmentits a different system a different mentality one not necessarily better than the other i would absolutely love to be in control of my own retirement funds for example but alas by law i cant just different,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 well thank you kind sir but as if stated above the list this is just part of a bigger list made by uosculator i would like to redirect you to this post for the entire list,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the problem i have with this wish list is that you have things in there that will never ever make it into the game like 128 tick mm because it is a huge disadvantage to people playing from further away from the serverwhat you suggested for the inaccuracy would be great but we would have other tradeoffswhen you say you want a discussion why say to people they are wrong or dont add to the post if they discuss your initial post or offer their opinion to it,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 first i think about somebody i want to change for and then i do it be it me her them i dont care,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 m yeah if he decides to do that i guess well just have to time skip or call it there,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 yeah my short hops need a lot of work i can l cancel easily but i often find myself in bad spots because i accidentally full jump i can wave dash in and out of shield but never too sure when to apply only matchup i do it with is against falco because of the lasers haha thanks for the advice though will work on these,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 yeah hes mayan so hes going to be at best fringeplayable in conquest thats a given but man thats a lot of good stuff on one ability,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 they will still keep that aux cogfuncmention which is kinda bugging me but theyre alright i guess,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 neither of you comes off very well here,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 yes but why was this one not safeok i think im starting to see the magic now lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 ouchgoddamn if thats the competition how the fuck am i still singleoh yeah im old by reddits demographic,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 beyond the wallhometownwarriorsi dont like mentioning the ocean either but there are other options,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 huh thats still higher up that list than expected,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ah i see thanks for the clarification,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 on the risk of being conceited there were sone worse 12th round picks than i would have been but only in my opinionon a more serious note memeganoob should have been drafted he dominated and put up as much stats as his 5th rounder offensive partner,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 you just helped me majorly i never thought of taking my dad gokarting he isnt able to drive after his brain injury thank you so much,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 kick the shit out of a dog for being a dog do you kick dogs for smelling or barking you have to remember the dog is not mean or doing it out of malice its doing that because it feels threatened or more likely is trying to set a boundary dogs snap and bite each other all the time and its not meant to seriously injure its a warningthey do attack to cause injury but this is actually rare,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i dont think wall penetration when i see that icon,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 how well do you relate to each of thesecogfuncmention,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 and here we see who is the pretend kennys who likes to noscope and gets not enough credit for it he thinksgo back to nova,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yes i only watched the video long enough to read the title and hit the back button i hate many many things but the pet industry is going to have to get in the back of the line i like animals dont get me wrong but lets look at what is really going on here animal lovers create a demand for animals they love animals and want them readily available as a product they shop for animals it is like brand loyalty i want a purebred such and such producing products for the masses results in unintended consequences namely waste waste equals undesired animals,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 aha so just because there is no written rule it is okay to do it then just shows how far your understanding of fairplay goeshow old are you if i may askthey have you fix and you are done for which they decided after one year and reviewing the caseslike who,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 someone was following steps 1 and 2,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 lol i think he just hates typemention but still couldnt go without commenting on the naked ladyim actually kind of thinking about getting a print of this now i think i love it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i am not saying you are whining it is a common thought and it is understandable that you are mad i am just pointing out that many cheaters in mm arent actually cheaters only better or more experiencedlike i said id like to know which ac from which game works that way because realistically you cant know beforehand if a person is going to cheat in that game the person must have played a game beforehand and the system has to convict him to not let him playif the system cant label the player as guilty you wont be able to ban him just because x persons reported him,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 rightclick on a flair gt inspect element youll find a link to the sheetthere are about three of them here is the one with your flair heres the one which contains the mod flairs the third one used that to decide which flair i wanted since its easier to see them all then the list on the sidebar,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 its not a good idea to put something that can make an arc in the microwave no way to arc no harmforkbad idea smooth metal ball should be okaylearn to microwave my friend but yeah obviously if something says it probably shouldnt be microwaved you should mind that or at least think about it for a bit,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what type do you think he is,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 wowonce a week is frequent that is habitual even once a month if we pushed it out to once a year sure that might not be frequent but that one time a year will make you want to again its not worth itplus with what were discussing the fact that you use at all will affect this the more frequent it is the more likely things are not going to go in your favoralso only one time in rehab most people never go to rehab and the fact that you used at all after rehab means you probably need to go backplease listen to everybody get help your mother only wants to protect you from yourself,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 tilthanks for clearing that up,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 as an obama supporter im wondering when my shipment of the spoils will arrive,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think that might be a universal fear at least in terms of romantic relationships and such,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 then what the fuck was the point of your comment,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 someone else asked this a couple days ago so ill say the same thing you might not be eating enough to keep your body warm when you up your calories again you wont be so coldive never found a correlation between body fat and body heat personally and ive been pretty scarily underweight but i could just be an anomaly,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i can assure you that he asked kenny if he wants the awp and he said no,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i will gladly do everybody and their mouse knows that keyboard only users are those loner freaks who perpetually seem to tweak their kernels for ever diminishing perceived returns,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 first of all nice atitude you have there you seem to be fun to have around if you insult everyone who questions your statementssecondly you did say most of them dont stream you also said thatso you are implying that all pros that stream are banned since you split the pros themselves into two groups the ones that stream and the ones that dontalso there are no middleschools in germany young boy so please work on your education phrasing of sentences and your behaviour,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 come up with a quick and simple method for dailyweekly collection of iep goal data,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 depending on the theory you believe in itd either be a collosal armored titan a normal sized armored titan with steam powers,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 not really murdoch isnt really as powerful as most think simply put hes just preaching to the converted times readers are likely to back remain educated well off people in london and the south east whilst the sun would back leave working class people who are resentful of immigrants hes just catering to his readers by affirming their own biases they already have,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 well lets assume that this was to happen anywhere outside of the walls then the lightred area in this highquality paint map would cross the titans padif it were to happen within the walls then the paths the titans take would cover the entire inside of the walls no matter where the fight is located in other words this outcome wouldnt only kill every member of the royal bloodline itd also kill nearly all eldians,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 kandnot every libertarian likes ayn rand at the very least i dont i think shes an ok writer but thats about it,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 sounds like we have a tr4sh player,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 logic is clips came first you clipped your shoes in then the superior clipless came in adn well they had to call em something to differentiate,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i dunno i just know computers you sound like youve figured this out,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i was at a future date,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 you got 3 rares in 3 packs dont think ive ever been that lucky,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 hmmm a mens weightloss meeting boyscout outings family reunions fire juggling classes debatable other,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 gates open for group 5,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 what about this one do you see in this logo or is it just squiggly lines,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i was going to say this but for some reason reddit seems to dislike it waaah every episode is a cliffhanger its trying too hard because in that situation crazy things totally wouldnt be happeningi fucking adore it the characters are all so complex interesting premise great acting especially from skeet ulrich yes it can be a little overdramatic at times but goddamn if it isnt the single most compelling drama ive seenalso the end i know it was cancelled brought back then cancelled again but i honestly think the ending was perfect it ends the main storyline for these characters i dont want it picked back up after all this time id love a sequel with the people at the embassywhoever else dealing with the aftermath i know there were the comics but i just couldnt get into them and i actually quite enjoy comics it just felt wrong and forced and i just dont think comics are the right format for jericho,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 finally an excuse to completly oust the us govornment as a whole now all i need is s bunch of weapons a giant angry mob and some charisma,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i think i have that motherboard lying around at least the same colorsbut on topic that looks like a cool passive option,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 gamemodes are fine dude it is just about spoofing rankscoinsskins,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think maybe youre doing something that is contributing to your problems with men im not saying its your fault or you are to blame but i think maybe your communicating something unintentionally only because the number a frequency you have to deal with this,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i would assume that it would clear the cache but i am not 100 it would be worth it to test it out and only look for one of the tables and refresh its cache just to see if it refreshes for the other table,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 you have cogfuncmention you should feel left out,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i see i know there are a billion threads on the subject but you are a bit of an authority on the subject and just in my personal case i have these optionsa zastava m77 in 223 the caliber is a downside to me for 479â a wasr for 455â a polish stamped receiver ak for 585â which one should i go with i want a reliable fun plinker but it shouldnt be all over the place precisionwise i mean if its over 3 moa its bad they are all in very good condition also upgradeability is an issue,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 thank you ill add it to the list,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im pleased to hear of the update news although its sad that eu is going away for sentimental reasons there never really was an upside to using it once rf began to be ubiquitous i always ran into the awkward rift of converting power between rf and eu with my friends who prefered rf powered mods and me wanting to tinker with ic2 mechanics now that everythings going to be tied to a single power system i look forward to being able to work together with their creations more easily as others have pointed out ic2 will sort of become the new tealso solid uu matter ive missed you i havent had much luck in using liquid uu recently as all the extra steps to use it was always a bit convoluted for me so the return to solid uu matter is well received,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 thanks ill see what engineering is about i heard that engineering collegeuniversityschoolwhatever is very hard and you have to learn a lot also what are the branches of engineering and what does one pretty much do,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i think the logical step by step process we can come up with in the face of illogical behavior is what throws our perspective off when we attempt to do what we suggest,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 it seems as if im becoming something like button bill was nowadays,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 good question this article says it could have help leave,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 maryam seems to suffer from a severe case of idealism which i guess she inherited from her communists views or maybe its the other way around her idealism got her to buy into the communist ideology to listen to her is a bit like listening to the pope her rhetoric significanty lack of pragmatism something that is plaguing the left she constantly try to avoid taking difficult positions its easy to wish well for the entire humanity but its harder to face the reality that we are not going to save the life of every single child caught in a civil war,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 thats a wise decision minion,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 death by alligator thats a nasty way to go,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 and now we finally know why the chicken crossed the road,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 id like to apologize for my behavior you called me out on a halfbaked idea and challenged my assertions fair enough i took it personal and made it personal that is not ok im usually very levelheaded and only try to contribute good information to this sub but this last week i lost my objectivity i got too wrappedup in this shit im sorry for being a dick that is not my nature please accept my apologies,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 taking a fucking shower and giving up your job as being a prostitute,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 its not that i force a jaded perspective its that i have a jaded perspective it is hard to stay positive when all indicators point to us being on the brink of extinction and we just keep on partying like its 1799,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 1q84 is definitely not the murakami to start with especially with the trauma about 700 pages inif you are willing to give the author a second try i would recommend some of his short stories in the new yorkerscheherazade is one of my favorites,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 you seem somehow familiar to me,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 your post 22 mins agofirefly mentioned twice 39 38 mins agofailure,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 tldr he misses c9 wishes he was back with those guys wasnt expecting to win with alg but was just passing time until s4 then got desire to win back but sidelaners sucked and didnt put in extra work to get better,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 is the offer still open,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 sure but why are they the defining characteristic of an autisminspired journal,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 purple is a made up color that your brain invents,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 nope and on the contrary this helps the vig confirm disg,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 its just a vat of cum,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 lets not forget to include a couple of the more interesting or nefarious better than nothing magical items like the gamblers box,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 in the bathroom using my squatty potty,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 naw funny how you kids only know black and whitei just get annoyed by this stupid circlejerk which is absolutely irelevant and exaggerated into oblivionfor casters to jump on a bandwagon if nothing has been proven is unprofessional and in this case more a case of bullying instead of a witty remarkyou may think otherwise and call me a fanboy but i might as well call you a idiot for assuming things based on a comment that displays my personal opinion of casters and their behaviour while representing a sport or something that aspires to be recognised as such it has something to do with professionalism and work ethics but i guess that doesnt bode so well with you kids,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 that is cool though d,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 im with an typemention and all your threw bullet points are also important to me in a relationship and is also what i get out of my relationship one thing that i think could be a major issue in typemention x typemention relationship is the degree of being grounded in the relationship im all over the place im dreaming and planning to go to the moon so to say and even before reaching the moon im already planning my next trip to mars my typemention loves me ambition but lacks such ambition himself he tags along with my dreams and plans instead and makes sure that even while dreaming and planning i dont lose track of whats right on front of me with two typemention i think the biggest hurdle would be alignment of future plans and goals i can imagine both typemention would drift apart rather quickly because they are so obsessed about their future dreams and plans they actually forget to invest a lot into the relationship in the right here and now and for a relationship to work it does need a lot of constant investment and also sacrifice in the present thats not something that can be planned for,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 g2bad cuz they lost to vp on vps strongest maps kseriously believe what you want even if it will not happen,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 it sounds like youre doing a lot of the right things that existential loneliness is a bitch i have addressed it in the past by making new friends to be excited about perhaps this is the extroverts solution but meeting new people i connect with even in just a friendly context really helps,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 of course but thats not what were talking about if the enemy doesnt know how to juke counter build etc then the tier list looks a lot different than if you assume they know how to play against decent players anubis isnt high tier regardless of game mode,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 reading through the replies he doesnt,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 right outside the pontiff sulyvhans bonfire is pretty active for fight clubs idk if its active at higher levels though im about sl 60,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 nah it was about a kid who kept a zombie as a pet odd but amusing story cant recall the name of it though i believe the time period of it was in 1950s1960s america somewhat recent movie i think,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 theres a whole penn and teller bullshit episode on it i couldnt find it on youtube right now theyd explain it better than i ever could but theyre fairly unnatural and it takes a lot of resources to maintain im a very practical person id rather a nice garden or even weeds over grassits just one of those society normals that not very many people ever question if you truly did think about it and like a lawn then okay thats cool i just dont like the idea that everyone expects you to have and maintain one,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i dont understand this at allit makes as much sense as a 7 year old off his meds,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 navy im going into the nuclear field,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think youre wrong about ohio,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 hit on webb simpson and westwood just barely snuck by bum beats on hoffmanbradley hurt a lot of my parlays but ive already made a fair amount back and still have some very promising parlays on track the gimmes bergernade jonge are about to tee off,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 holy shit i forgot how funny that was lol,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 do what you want but for gods sake please come up with better chants than that hey hey ho ho thing i hate has got to go bullshit literally every protest does some version of it and its been going on since before fergusonyoud think a group dominated by liberal art majors would be more creative s,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 we can feel it and as far as we know there is nothing special inside of our head therefore i believe ai could do the same i think this also indicates that pain is not something mystical but is instead merely a signal though i think it is a complicated onei believe that we exist primarily as the software of our human bodies we collect all of the information and we dont experience it directly it arrives at the brain as nothing but data there are some things that we are not in control of however when i put my hand to the flame of a candle it recoils i cant stop that reaction i can bring it to the flame i can hurt my finger the heat does not stop me but when i get to a certain point lower level processing takes over i think sensation of pain arises from the communication we have between our consciousness and the animal that we are underneathunconscious processesso what im suggesting is that a pure ai that is nothing but independent software cant itself feel pain but if it was subjected to similar conditions that we are it would react in a way that is indistinguishable from the way we do and its subjective interpretation of it would be the same as the one we have,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i once had to visit a pretty small and remote buddhist temple here in california to write a paper for a religionspirituality class and it was absolutely fascinating the monk that showed me around and answered my questions had this aweinspiring collected demeanor and some of the things he told me about philosophy and buddhist ideals really blew my mind i still consider myself an atheist but studying more about buddhism really did change the way i think about a lot of things a lot of things justdont matter to me much anymore its nice,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 is it weird that i just cant think of any characters i actually personally relate toim drawing a complete blank there are tons of characters i like but none that i feel i can truly identify with i think when im reading or watching something i automatically step outside of myself 100 and step into that world or a specific character then when its over i go back to me taking nothing with me aside from appreciation maybe im just abnormally disconnected from myself,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 i bet carl was playing nascar thunder,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 even if his hatred for birds is true it is very messed up that you would say paybacks a bitch after an eagle crapped on his grave,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 thats not a bad idea i used to do that with psilocybin maybe a little with weed as well well see what the future holds then,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 do you as a democrat want donald trump to be president for eight years,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 just when i thought there could not be any more absurdity,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 really that is so cooli am assuming everyone wants the hp fire magnezone anyways so yeah this friday i will do one of those as a giveaway,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 to be extremely blunt help by actually doing what we ask you to do or fck off if youre not lifting youre leaning and we dont have the time or energy for thatas uihaveafunnyname says you arent really getting much help or having a good relationship now so theres not much to lose,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 well i kind of cant go all out as long as i have to keep it relevant to snk theres only so much you can do with such a dark show,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i heard there are penguins in south africa,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 most people in nursing homes would probably just start laughing at this one,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 yeah but you should swap typemention in your comment for people thats not exclusive and could easily be reversed with another type,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 its not a sucker slap or punch if its in their face when the persons screaming not exactly unexpected,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 one big monitor gt two small monitorsim sorry but i use this monitor its too small i like it but its worth the extra money to move up to the bigger one that said this is still a good deal if you need a new monitor and are going to be able to sit close to the screen,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 there are some policy positions i dont agree with obama on but i have never once understood the right wing hysterics over obama it never once was grounded in reality or facts,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 the prince commenting on the king,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this is where a toaster oven comes in handy instead of wasting all that power for the oven even if its only for a few minutes or so thats quite a large space for a small quick thinguse it if youve got it and get one at a yard sale or flea market if you see one,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my guess is that after the uprising arc when they finally had the support of the people was the one golden opportunity they had to head for shinganshina there were no more direct threats they had the necessary funding and eren just gained hardening why would they ruin that moment by opening pandoras box would the people still cheer for them if they accidentally released annie back in the streets no they had a perfect opportunity to retake the land that was theirs and everything else was an issue for lateralso plot,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i actually think we do have the most depth it probably isnt the best but i think its the most,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 what was your favorite part of the a school is pensacola nice,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 you missed the overtakes d,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 mia malkovaher face alone is enough for me everything else is just a lovely lovely bonus,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 are you implying that implying that your implying that i have a scat fetish,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 it should be noted how jung conceives of the term fantasy when describing the cogfuncmention typein this sense cogfuncmention isnt as delusional as this quote might read the inner images seem more like cogfuncmention though and not really a pure type as is suggested pure types is kind of a silly idea anyway which is theoretically impossible,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 to be fair i use snapchat filters to communicate with people who used to be teenage girls about 410 years ago,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 this sub before this post the niggers in africa are failing because they suffer from low iq and mental retardation the avarage iq there is 60this sub after this post iq doesnt matter iq is inaccurate,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 oh lmfao your fucking puns get past me sometimes which is impressive and for the record i def have no six pack i just felt it needed to be phrased like that lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 the awp sound is great it deserves more minutes in this video,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i know this is a lot of work but maybe you can go team gt team name gt player gt player profile and past expeirence and acheivements quotes and stuff maybe a little more player infoother than that this is amazing just hope it keeps updated,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 trump merely to avoid world war 3 like what would come out of a nofly zone in syria under hillary clinton he has some other plans that are also ok but i dont see congress allowing him to get anything done with the exception of maybe passing the paul ryan tax plan which would definitely be a step in the right direction,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 damn imagine that this his what is to be found in your dentist lobby actually it would make for an interesting social experiment to leave a few of those in such places,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 its cause your video link doesnt work dude youre linking to your edit page or something and that takes everyone to their own videos page,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 exepsilon to g2 extitan to secret,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yes they do neuroscientists have been working out what each brain region does in some externally noticeable way and validating their theories with real scientific experimentsor is mainstream neuroscience not respectable enough for you,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 what does x299 really offer native 2400 memory optane i bet optane ssds through nvme pcie will work on x99 as well,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 i love you guys so much i try to work from home so you dont mind when i go out at night hugo youre the love of my life but sometimes mommy needs a little room and your claws hurt sometimes im so happy you didnt die when your urethra was blocked it was worth every penny and id do it again you saved my life buddy i got you so i wouldnt be lonely and when shit was bad you gave me a reason not to kill myself because i couldnt bear for you to end up with dean or my parents im super grateful youre the bestgaia i know you loved your catdad but hes gone i love you just as much if not more and i wish youd cuddle with me i know you are an independent kitty and you want your space but if youre not going to let me love you and make you feel better about him leaving you gotta at least just stop fucking pissing on my shit you pissed on the quilt my grandma made thats ridiculous the vet wants to put you on prozac so get your shit together girlfriend you dont need a man,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 well from what ive seen from religions is that they are neat simple and wrong religions are prone to put small minded black and white majority views into scripture and then telling their flock this is the world this is the universe this is you and anything not adhering to this will be devoured by evilthe problem for religions is that creation is what creation is even if it defies their carefully composed scripture creation itself boggles the mind by its sheer size at least as far as we have been able to see it it could be bigger creation stories most of the time just concern themselves with our tiny planet if you want to know how tiny search for the picture called the pale blue dot how can our almost terminally limited creation stories be taken seriously if the nearly endless truth is literally expanding all around usgods nature is vastly more complex than the hateful charicatures with their arbitrary rules put into scripture start looking at what is not what is told listen to the universe and youll hear the divine speaking to you being gay is not a capital offense if it truly was an abomination do you think a being powerful enough to create the vast space that houses our minuscule planet would let it exist,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 thats nice to hear that our exchanges of music werent a total waste and everyone got something from it if you liked some omnia you should consider listening to some faun aswell at some point it the same concept of using older instruments forgoten ethnic lyrics in different languages and ancient motives well at least their older stuff newer it is poppier music become probably my favorite songs ever is from faun aswell lyrics have a big part in it though and its german so you prolly wont value it but you could prolly appreciate some of their instrumental or atmospheric songs cheers,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 i sympathise with op here i am very good at picking up and negative body language but couldnt read positive body language to save my life i just play it off as me seeing things or misinterpreting things,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 never i hate burning bridges i withdraw definitely but i never cut contact,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 but i can predict where the go might as well just play sniper,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i play 128 tick most of the time and i assure you that with low var and sv rate on the server you wouldnt notice a difference,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 welll thats not terribly difficultjimmy stewart in an american tail fievel goes west connected to dom deluise who also did duck dodgers which obviously has daffy and voila theres your bugs link,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 for the record i started on cod4i liked it but liked waw way moretoo bad that game got unplayable online due to the god mode hacks,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 buy as a team and eco when your team has no money so you dont have to buy smgs or keep your money low sure a eco doesnt really exist in the silver levels but if you rank out of silver people will rage at you for not ecoing properly else you can use every weapon ofc but keep in mind that smgs like the mac10 and bizon do next to no dmg against kevlar id recommend practicing your akgalil or m4 famas skills,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 couldnt wait to give it a shot,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 as soon as violet got her arrow she tapped the tip with a curious finger pricking a tiny whole in her skin quickly she stuffed the wounded digit in her mouth hoping to hide her mistake from her father and sister while she sucked away the blood she split her attention between watching her fathers demonstration and her sisters fumbling attempts gleaning a general understanding from the twounfortunately in her haste to catch up with her sister she notched the arrow at a slight angle if she were to draw and loose the arrow would most certainly sail several feet above its target at best yet never having much attention to detail violet didnt notice and instead looked to her father tacitly confirming that she was ready,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 if you dont mind your vape juice being only slightly lukewarm and still in liquid form while you try to inhale ityou could try using some aas,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 somebody i could settle with really i dont know really now,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 this sounds like me too though i probably only post 50 of what i type usually,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 well in the iliad its definitely the bronze age bronze weapons and armour sparta existed then though athens was probably a hamlet,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 it iswas a new tube i live in boston and the roads still have shit all over the shoulders from the record breaking winter we hadsee the other comment anytime i ride around home i get a flat but it was fine on a long distance bike path,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 because love thinks an abstract genderless idea can think nope,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 there are really people who play this game for skinsif it is so important to you watch the demo and confirm it again then if you really want it go on the marketplace and buy it or write a ticket to the steam supportyou also dont rarely get an item you get around 48 drops per week,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 youre also forgetting self selection that would significantly increase your chances of finding your soulmatechances are theyre also in a similar culture as yours similar ideals have same interests your odds of finding your soulmate assuming 175b are actually much better than those raw numbers,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 its happening in chrome for me but firefox is okim using adblock and ghostery extensions in chrome but i tried disabling them and still having the problem,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 im pretty sure that would be really extremely obvious flat unlikely but maybe warm i can pretty much guarantee not,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 needs more free lovenudity and drugsotherwise yes,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i dont mean you as in your character i mean people in general who bring up politics when its not even relevant if however you were saying it ironically then i played myself,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 here we go againplaying on an alt with friends is better than playing on say lem or le with friends also most alts are the same rank since they are not smurfs they are simply accounts you dont care about when you derank with them,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i think they just stole a pic of some glasses from the brand esqape these types of glasses are sold out on their site but i think you might find something else you like heres a link to their sunglasses,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 i like the artistic freedom your taking with this,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 nova premade who regularly play together vs a le mix who play the first time together i think that is possible depends on how much the les rage at each other though,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 not to mention that astrology takes an incredibly small subselection of stars to look at and ignores the zillions stars present in the universe if star postion is determining for what happens in your life does it make sense not to include as many as you cani know astrology was devised when stars could only be observed with the naked eye which is why it now is a system with no relation to the outside reality,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 you missed the overtakes d,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 as i understand it isnt written by someone but generated by the statistics and so to speak collectively by the ppl who score in the certained type and what they tend to answer in mbti quiz and other quizes on this site i guessit also looks like its ranked most scoring characteristics go first in this list i could be wrong but it looks like it,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 i need time alone at least 2 to 3 hours daily i am extremely sensitive to sensory input especially sound it exhausts me like you wouldnt be able to understand i always carry an ipod and headphones and usually listen to music when im commuting or need to focus on my thinking simply to drown out the world and get some time alone with just me and my head i am definitely typemention though while i have an typemention boyfriend yet when talk about introversion in the exhaustion sense of the word i am very introverted far more than my typemention boyfriend the thing is e vs i is something very different in mbti and despite the fact i am easily exhausted from social interaction due to all the sensory stimuli that come with it it is the stuff i live on and makes my head able to do what it is best at for a long time i thought i was an typemention because of the exhaustion but i am definitely a cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention type and not a cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i feel you i turn 25 this month and have zero plans beyond continuing my quarterlife crisis but happy birthday nonetheless,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 i wish the ass chewing of the pilot was also recorded that is completely unacceptable good on the both of them keeping their cool about it though,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 one of my best friends is a member hes broke as shit and hasnt paid me in months even if he never pays me again we will talk daily there are a few other members who have moved on from the site and i still keep up with them to make sure theyre happy with what theyre doing now only reason i would cut someone off from talking to me is if they were shitty to me to begin with i cannot fake my personality when i get along with someone its real extremely real i cant act like i like someone i dont get along with,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 you cant offend everyone or me with a jokeits a joke it isnt realwho the fuck gets offended over a joke,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah wtf was with that came out of nowhere he had be playing pretty poorly lately,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yes lots of physical therapist who get women with back problems tell them after a few sessions without improvement to go to a lingerie store to get proper bras instead of the pt,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 getting fed rice cakes by a hot anime babe is my fetish u0361â u035cu0296 u0361â,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 astrology is based off of some weird myths about being born and star placements mbti has some grounding in human behavior and reality,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i use facebook to keep up with a lot of people who i am very fond of who wouldnt be a part of my life otherwise these are mostly people who i met on livejornal 10 years ago or on okcupid back when i was dating so also 10 years ago lol i still keep up with a few people i connected with on a mailing list for the band hole i joined when i was about 15 one of them is an typemention i fucking love her i want to have a way to contact her if i find myself in omaha one day you know i dont spend that much time on facebook but i value or for letting me keep in touch with various friends ive met along the way,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 this is incorrect some of westeros did have an answer to dragons and because of it did not bend the knee to aegon the dornish had scorpions similar weapon to cerseis ballistas and were able to kill one of the dragons meraxes and killtake captive the sisterwife who rode him rhaenys aegon ended up giving up on their invasion and the dornish only joined westeros much later when the kingdoms were united in marriage thats why their rulers still call themselves prince and their words are unbowed unbent unbroken because the dornish are the only one of the seven kingdoms not to get conquered by aegonthis is why qyburns ballista is such a clever idea hes working off of exploiting previous dornish successes by beefing up a weapon that he knows worked previously hes probably massproducing them and training a lot of soldiers in their use also even drogon is significantly smaller than aegons dragons so what youve got is a smaller dragon going up against a much bigger weapon that we know is capable of killing it,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 god damn i know i need to go to sleep when i think of how much black ink op wasted by making this gif,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 its the test client my bad d,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 okay i was just guessing with that da k1ng tho good to see ur not one of them,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the other guy is a bot mateyou just had the best go i ever saw a human take on it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 sidebar without having to derive skin ideas from culturesyou do know this game is built around using ideas from other cultures right thats the exact basic premise of the entire game,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 before anybody gets too excited england or downhearted nz remember englands first innningsfall of wickets 117 lyth 72 ov 225 ballance 96 ov 325 cook 102 ov 430 bell 122 ov 5191 stokes 441 ov 6251 root 635 ov 7354 buttler 896 ov 8363 ali 932 ov 9368 broad 951 ov 10389 anderson 1005 ov,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 probably typemention and typemention some typemention because they have similar enough perspectives which are relatable but different enough that when i try to consider things from their perspectives i expand my own some few are also really really good at understanding all the nuances in my rambles and delivering back cogent abstractions for further consideration it goes kind of like this typemention 5 sentences typemention 2 sentences typemention 10 sentences typemention 5 sentences typemention 50 sentences and so on haha d typemention because they force me to defend my positions finding all the holes i missed fucking horrible assholes just love to argue xx,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 infp is typemention the last letter is always reversed do you understand cognitive functions,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 can you give me its derivative i want to know how fast the leaks are coming our way,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yea i found out my high blood pressure is totally genetic and my paternal grandpa died from a heart attack so gotta watch the ticker i used a site called like adoptee connect i think ill look it up later,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 what you think of a guy like maajid nawaz doing good work or not,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 thats extremely common all over were not allowed to be vulnerable as it makes us seem less masculine its also an insidiously selfperpetuating loop since talking about that double standard can evoke counterarguments of well men have it easy in everything else or the likedo you feel that its unfair that youre being told to suck it up well tough suck it up pcheck out rmenslib for some examples as well as support if anyone needs it,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 talisa darklyn sat in her usual seat alongside her parents and brother regarding the other guests with wideeyed silent curiosity it had been two years since shed last attended a feast and although crowds and strangers made her anxious she did love to watch people to talisa a feast was a diverse and spectacular sort of entertainment a parade of unfamiliar sights and sounds at least until someone spoke to herthis feast wasnt quite the same as the others however in addition to a blue dress and a firebird necklace given to her by her boyfriend she also wore a crown of red roses awarded to her alongside the title of queen of love and beauty it was a proud achievement for the fourteen year old girl although a somewhat empty one her boyfriends grandfather had given her the crown on his behalf but griffith himself was absent off in the riverlands fulfilling his duty there was little romance in being a queen without a king,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 considering that ragnar was an typemention i think i win this round p,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 haha wowthat sentence looks kind of wrong now huh,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 a guys forearms are very attractive for some reason,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 of course you can i never said you couldnt,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 but this is still shitty what is so difficult about getting a warranti was going to mention riley v california for searching a cell phone but here is another case that scotus has ruled about using gps to trackunited states v jonesthey ruled placing a gps device on a car to track a person violates the 4th amendment and is illegal,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i just wanted to say way to kick ass and move up in the ranks hopefully you get back soon sounds like they need you,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 this is peoples go to report if something pisses them off but they dont know what isnt it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 oh my godits like youre reliving slavery all over again you poor thingi can see now how you identify so strongly with the people who actually lived and suffered under slaverydo you think youre the only ones whove ever been called a name before,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 there is no points system for this sub but its awesome that you got everything working,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i dunno but theres some other basic stuff in here like crossbow expert that blew some minds so i figured id add to the pile,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 what makes you so sure about that genuinely interested because ive watched every episode twice and i dont remember when they said for sure,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 when bloombeg floated he might run trump said he was confident he would beat him so now trump can say bloomberg agrees,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 they found spiders on mars and are planning to blow the planet up,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 pretty cool dont see those too oftenthanks for sharing the pics in any case,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i thought it was fun and enjoyed it but i definitely see where youre coming from its no masterpiece by any means,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 englishspeaking countries should be distinguished from no data,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i spent all day inside and then bam lightning so idk,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ancelotti is seriously underrated i want him to smash the ucl once again just like he did with madrid in 1314,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 guns are really not so out in the open in most parts of the us if i saw anyone handling a gun i would get the fuck out of there the only time i have ever seen a gun in person is holstered to a cop and that was through my front door peep hole because i didnt answer the door because i have a dog who barks and because he had a fucking gun i will never understand how people can have such a blasã attitude with a deadly weapon,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 im so happy that you have proactive cps people they arent going tell on you i promise its possible that the people interviewing your parentsyou arent even the ones who read your email and werent told who sent it only that they needed to perform a check on a certain addressobviously it will suck if your mother blames someone you know for this but at the worst that person will just lose the friendship of your mother which is probably a net gain for them in the long run and you will gain your education and from there freedom not only for yourself but for your siblings as well,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 avoid south east roanoke and the melrose street areas everywhere else is pretty much gravydo you have any special interestshobbies theres plenty of meet ups for different events and interests,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 with devon in her arms and marq at her side kiernan mustered the energy to congratulate her nephew lady elyse lord denys kiernan greeted with a warm smile electing to use her nephews new title rather than the ser she had grown accustomed to using you both have my congratulations and my best wishesand something else she continued smoothly looking to her husband to present the gift in his hands was a fine yew bow carefully stained pitch black with orange accents the decorations were flames spiraling and stretching across the wood and transforming into a blazing bird in several spots even with its ornate design however the stain was matte valuing the practicality of the weapon above all elsei hope you find time to use it she explained once he took the present after all it wouldnt do for you to let go of your talent like a certain knight we knowulosdarklyns,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 for real for me im sure i could find time but no way in hell would i go there,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 thank you a few highlights half the water 40 higher yield we can grow food in the desert potential to put away gigatons of carbonive been working at it for over a decade and now working with organizations like chemists without borders to hopefully scale up production to gigatons within a few years,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 ugh not to me i cant think of anything less attractive than someone willing to cheat,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 its not ancient times its not like most works from that period have been lost to the ages or destroyed in the library of alexandria but he was considered the pop entertainment of his time the theatre wasnt just an activity mostly for middle and upper classes like we think of it todayalso logically even if it were the case that any works of the era did not survive if its the case that one authors works overwhelmingly did survive thats just mathematical probability ie its because more copies were made of his works and if far more copies were made of his works than of others well that kind of suggests he was regarded as better like how there were a bunch of other poems about the trojan war from antique greece ie more ancient than ancient greece but we only have the iliad and odyssey because they were considered the best and most important ones and thus people made sure to preserve them,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 cubism isnt really a new illustration style but cool picture though,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 fulltiming and working a day job since january 15 here ive been documenting my travels and travails on youtube for creating this,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 okay well i dont think you can just say that without providing a reason 1 the correct view the scientific view would have to stop saying most likely probably and maybe those arent scientific words science has to be repeatable2 there are millions billions trillions of other factors that define cognition and behavior outside of 8 simply defined categories 8 definitions that nobody can agree on and only more an more spawn as time goes by to the point where a scientific analysis of abstracted functions ideas not derived from neurology would be impossiblethis isnt a fallacy because you misunderstand my point it is not a wellstated scientific theory because there is no theory hundreds of poorly worded scatterbrained inconsistent ideas are not theorylets just take a simple definition of scientific theory from wikipediawellsubstantiated no mbti is not well substantiated substantiated meaning provide evidence to support or prove the truth of there is no actual evidence for cognitive functions nothing in the brain that show them no universally visible behaviorsexplanation of some aspect of the natural world no mbti is describe the psyche a subjective immeasurable experience that is more the area of philosophy than scienceacquired through the scientific method no mbti is an interpretation of a theory invented by a psuedoscientist who invented the theory based on an idea even he would later say was wrongand repeatedly tested and confirmed no more like never tested or untestable just like how religions are untestableobservation and experimentation yes to observation but no to experimentation even the observation is clumsy at best useless at worst you cant observe the cognitive functions you can observe behavior that you think might be connected to it uh maybe sorta but it could also be this or that or the other thingsame with religions zero difference in this category,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 wow i would never think that way haha im happy with being a bit naive instead of paranoid that level of distrust must be hard to deal with admission of lying to his ex would be good enough for me in this situation really his being willing to sit down and patiently talk me through a crying spell would be good enough,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i wouldnt mind to try that out as long as the data stays on my phone,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 not in the stated in which rbz last saw them they had to little recruits directly after the uprising arc and rb knew thatwhat where did you get this idea we know marley sometimes sends a handful of soldiers there to turn criminals and other scum into mindless but they have noone stationed there permanently we would have seen them last chapter if there were any more soldiers wouldnt weif youre right and they didnt go back to marley but simply received supplies then it was the mule who brought them to them are you suggesting that the mule also was the one who brought ymir back i have many issues with that ideaalso i should have remembered that you always downvote the people youre arguing with,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yep all us conservative have meetings the 2nd tuesday of every month to discuss how we can further the cause of chicken tortureyoure statement is ridiculousno one supports animal torture except the mentally ill,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 my mom is an typemention so i definitely always appreciated how grounded he was,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 honestly the guy doesnt seem to have that empathy as to why you are feeling how you are he doesnt seem to be attempting to find some middle ground either but the thing with typemention from my observation is that the t part makes it so they view people as a means of experience and sometimes lack empathy or understanding of feelingsone of the things for a good partner is being able to affirm each other how you feel for one another honestly if you truly want to make it work you can just not care when he hangs out with her because maybe for him its a matter of principle that you trust him not to do anything with her if he does something then its on him and honestly i would only behave like you do if i felt like my partner doesnt care about me anymore and seems to love being around other women than methat coupled with the fear of cheating on the other hand hes not willing to meet you halfway and just shuts you down you have a right to feel how you feel and if he cant respect you as an so to at least attempt to comfort you its also a bit unsettling how he says shes not a close friend but spends as much time with her as one would with a long time friendi also dont think hes worth it if hes ready to drop you over this one issue and at the same time is unwilling to work it out with you seems to me its his way or the highway,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 im mindblowingly awkward at receiving compliments the purely physical ones make me so uncomfortable i always either blurt out a completely unrelated statement said with way more assertiveness than i ever use normally or followup with some tangential information about whatever it is they complimented its such a fucking weird impulsebut i would say the problems i have with receiving compliments come down to 1 just not knowing how to person so the awkwardness of social interaction in general and 2 having the realization that other people notice you terrifying i dont really have the makes me think less of the person that complimented me part you mentionedthat being said holy shit yes to your last point but i dont know how to begin to respond without this turning into an even longer novelill just say grad school has been a real eyeopener in that department,83.0,87.0,9.0,24.0,61.0 this is one of those bands that i have a couple albums i listen to all the time but has others i just havent gotten around to listening to i love poets and madmen gutter ballet and edge of thorns only heard a little of hall of the mountain king,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 uh well you see the thing is,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 both are so popular that a tutorial in one probably exists for the other,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 no worries i am also really bad at cod dit took me 155 wins to get to eagle and you will find always things to improve on what is important is that you are willing to improveafter 1300 hours of css i was quite astonished about how much i had still to learn i made it to mg2 without any crosshair placement at all what is a miracle as css was mostly casual play for me i had to relearn cs from the ground up i feeljust started with grabbing shoxies config threw my buyscript and crosshair in there and lowered my sens from 30 with 2k dpi to 235 with 400 dpi and rawinputjust dont give up and improve step for step,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the advertising hair makeup fashion plastic surgery automotive dermatology orthodontics and other industries would like to have a word with you,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah mine is fine too i have my 4100 ocd to 42ghz and it runs fine,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 well i guess i feel better when that is said,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 holy shit man you tryin to start a race riot,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 hahaha the kid looks so bitter but secretly is enjoying it,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 looks like it could be the endcap on some metal pipe type bit like on the end of a pipe or ive seen vaping driptips sort of like that if one end was chewed offthrough some are made of a hard plastic like thing delrin,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this is an unheardof remix of a popular song with only a few thousand viewstell me how many fall out boy songs do you have on your itunes,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i need someone to do this dunk in the contest one day 50,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 you were the only one to see it i was in the game,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 even if he was to negotiate to well not cutting taxes at all it would still not be revenues neutral as the us is running a deficit and he dont want to cut any programs that could offset the deficit,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 some of those 613 rulesdeut 2017 but thou shalt utterly destroy them the hittite and the amorite the canaanite and the perizzite the hivite and the jebusite as the lord thy god hath commanded theedeut 2018 that they teach you not to do after all their abominations which they have done unto their gods and so ye sin against the lord your god deut 2519 therefore it shall be when the lord thy god hath given thee rest from all thine enemies round about in the land which the lord thy god giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it that thou shalt blot out the remembrance of amalek from under heaven thou shalt not forget,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 thanks for allowing occurrences in randomly generated strings or base64 encodingsthis is real roman decadence,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 then what is it saying it is trying to do away with the ontological dualism in favour of property dualism ie it has properties we experience and properties we dont rather than there are things we experience and things we dont isnt it right there this interpretation also seems to imply that things in themselves are spatial and temporal since appearances have spatial and temporal properties and on this view appearances are the same objects as things in themselves but kant explicitly denies that space and time are properties of things in themselves,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 for the record i started on cod4i liked it but liked waw way moretoo bad that game got unplayable online due to the god mode hacks,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i had a fortune teller in college tell me and my future wife that we werent going to work out bitch was right but we didnt go back,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ibg is cc overkill and you dont need to slow them while they are snared and locked down you dont really need the 500 mana that you pay for either better to get items like frozen heart locket banshees banner of command randuins etc righteous glory is great make sure to get your gold item face of the mountain is really good if you use its active personally i take ignite almost every time unless they have assassins or hypercarries like a tryndamere the lane power it gives you is so good idk anything about jungle nautgenerally naut players start w take q second and then max e,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 that also works lol no jail time for meeee,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 you two should come to boston as well id go to this concert but my allergies are epically bad right now and i have to stay indoors as much as possible,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 oh prince is a litigious little prick its going to be hard to find his music online,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 here you go op option explicit private sub example call copyitem00001 test item end sub public sub copyitembyval serialno as string byval data as string dim tcell as range set tcell sheets2rangeaafindserialno if tcell is nothing then exit sub tcelloffset0 1value data set tcell nothing end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 what area do you live i just want to know so i can avoid living there at all costs,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i never did lsd or any experimental drugs sold as lsd but ive seen people on what they thought was lsd saw enough videos on the internet and read up on various chemicals etcmake sense now what i know and learnt is mostly theory i dont know firsthand,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 age 15gender fuck if i know go back,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 nice little map though shouldnt the trees be dead or conifers pines etc,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 but im not saying about how much you think about it i was talking about how attachedconnected youre to pastpresent etc typemention might think about the past all the time but they watch it in some sort of third person mode like a spectator while when theyre in the present even if it happens rarely af theyre fully into it,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 ah interesting do we know how much inspiration tolkein took from norse mythology to form the basis of the stories of middleearth because ive heard tolkein was also inspired by old english celtic amp finnish mythologyokay thank you i know what ill be asking santa for christmas do you know any good books on simply attila himself,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 i see your point however training a neural network on vac with overwatch could be a step in the right direction for a higher ban percentagehowever saying vac is shit is a bit over the top imo,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 dude thought he was snake,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this i liked cupid and amc as soon as i tried them so i got them to diamond just because they were so fun then i noticed kukulkan was rank 5 and figured id max him out then i did the same with xbal cabrakan and freya are likely next possibly he bo just because theyre already 5 or 6edit as far as correlation to skill its like you say i havent played a lot of cupid lately but i can still land his heart bombs most of the time i played a lot of mercury in my first month or so though and hardly at all since and i suck with him now even though hes rank 4 or so,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i do all of these things too but its possible that she is just smarter than me i was able to buffer but i really really had to try the two typemention i met on saturday spoke at about the same pace as myself if not a little more slowly,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 agree that the web browser is slow af but the dictionary and quickreference wikipedia are quick enough,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 a m8 of mine always says nice try even though the round was save and the last guy ruined it with his stupidness or fucked up a clutch big time missing a called player or footstepsi am not saying people should rage about it but if it was really stupid just tell him where he fucked up nice try is just encuraging people to make the same mistakes againkeeping the morale high has never helped me win close games,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 lol im sure thats very useful,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i get kicked off my parents health insurance and have to pony up for obamacare or get fined on my tax return for being uninsured,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 does being unable to move count as sleep paralysis,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 rick and morty the series not just this vid but this gives a good overview on the rick charsupernatural parody still gives me shivers on how good a fan production it isworld of warcraftif i can introduce one person to one of the two mentioned above i will consider today a success,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i have a mic and have been looking to try out a heist for a while now im only level 41 but ive been playing since launch night im usually a strict freeroamer but i wanna see what these heist thingies are all about gt rfgm37 netflix gf anything else im on,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i have a spare raspberry pi doing nothing at the moment which i could turn in a tor proxy someone whos already done this ideas or recommendations for good tutorials things to think about or look out for,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 with the right mindset it is actually far easier than it looks the pitfall is treating your mistakes as a swamp a vast area where you cant get out of and with each attempt to do so sink deeper your mistakes are not a tapestry linking all the things that make you unworthy together no they are selfcontained incidents which offer the opportunity to better yourself you know you are succeeding when you encounter similar circumstances but your reaction to it yields acceptable behaviour,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 wat she literally does in the film trilogy,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 no i remember this debate he just said that he is ok with it to avoid a confrontation as in the early debate he avoided sounding too much to the left in recent interviews and debate he began to say what he want to replace obamacare with it seems that he want every insurance companies to be on the federal exchange people who cannot afford an insurance would be covered by the government,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 you still watch the front but absorb the sides i think its a much cooler experience,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 fair enough my source was a secondary source a book that dedicated an entire chapter to the study but not the study itself,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 that sloth has to do so much workarounds shows what is broken with the game it was developed by hidden path who took source butchered it and slapped new graphics onto it now the guys at valve have to get rid of all the bugs,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i found your electronic manual but it had no additional clues simply stated that freesync is enabled over dp if you are certain your cord is uptosnuff and is of good quality you may want to start the rma process if possible where did you buy the monitor online or bampm,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 my ex wife made me raw fried chicken once then she had a crying fit when i refused to eat it that was the end of that adventure,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i remember my mom got mad at me because i didnt cry during or after watching it i was forced to go watch it in a packed theater with the youth group i shared a seat that was up against the wall with someone complete waste of my life,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 less of a difference every year,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 they actually have a specific rule against using him on that sublow hanging fruit,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yeah most days but shit and irresponsibility happens,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ive spoiled enough just looking through this sub,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 its cellular density isnt higher than that of other organs though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i bet carl was playing nascar thunder,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 aww dude cant deal with the reality of human sexuality on this planet,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 please dont remind us of those movieswere all trying to forget they ever happened,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the dealer hits urollme 1d13,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 north of the m25 excluding the prosperous southern exclaves of oxford and cambridge of course,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 a better character to say this is a healer,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 its good to have carson there to take a break from the vicious madness,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 my first was a tandy 1000 tl3 svga cost 2000 or so was a 38616 no coprocessor i too think i had 1mb even though for the longest ass time nothing could even use it had dos 33 by the time dos 501 came out i knew enough about computers to upgrade iti didnt get the modem until later i think it was even given to me by a friend but i forget 2400 but back then thats all there was though i was kinda poor too so i kept that 2400 until 288ks came out so for a while everyone had 144s and i felt slow ever try any of the cool protocols like hydra and stuff where you could download upload and chat all at the same time that was the best,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my goal is that one of the fan translators adds the g once just onceif that happens the wiki will add it to secondary spellings of his name so itll drip over to other media like tumblr etc and since the anime subs have actually spelled bertolts name in different ways in the past a man can hopealso remember that character poll a month or so ago in which reigner ended up one vote below leviwell its terribly unlikely but my ego likes to think that those results influenced isayama a bit i know that most of the story is prewritten but its also known that he gives himself also a bit of room to give some characters more intentionif he was indeed influenced by that poll which he most likely wasnt i actually had a hand in the flow of the storydamn today is good for my ego,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 there is a large difference between interpretation and outright ignoring what something says this is why i used that example of the scientific study sure someone may interpret something to say something that it does not but if you can disprove that with greater evidence from the texts that person agrees is what they are using for their justification then their interpretation is false less addictive does not have the same meaning as safe if the other person can not bring greater evidence to support their position then their interpretation can be concluded to be incorrect,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 understandable have a nice day,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 and eu migrants make a net contribution in taxes and use the nhs less frequently than native brits so in effect they are subsiding the nhs for the native brits although ive been following this closely for the past year ive yet to see a single convincing argument for leaving the eu the only one that comes close is the principle of national sovereignty which is more emotive than pragmaticeconomic but thats being eroded in every country in the world anyways because of globalisation trade and transnational companies,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 machina gadgetsyou can buy the core for cheap the extra deck can be pricey but there are a lot of good xyzs you can ue that are cheap like blackship photon papi maestroke and thunder sparkyou also can improve your extra over time into abyss dwellers and rank 7sthe deck has insane rank 4 toolboxing and versitility it also can throw down a lot of damage and pressure with gear gigant x and machina fortress,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah but you dont want to be left wanting when one asshole takes all the twinkies in the cityi think you know who im talking about,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 smell wash on hot and add a cup of vinegar to the washer caution shirt may shrink use 2 scented dryer sheets i personally recommend bounce for men since they smell really good grease steal some degreaser from the store and pretreat the shirt using it or just have your store order you new shirts theyre quite cheap i went on a bit of a spree and ordered 24 new shirts and aprons hats name tags for every employee and the whole order was only 250 or so thats about 10 per person for an entirely new work wardrobe,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 who do you want to be trumps vp,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 except for you know the backgroundimage,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 my boyfriend seriously needs to do this he already kinda does every once in a blue moon he blacksmiths and does a little woodworking he wants to study cnc and do that for a living,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 amazingly though i got flamed by mad germans for being a cheater every damn time below supreme for things that are pretty normalmost are just shit and cant accept that they are shit because they are lem and are better than 95 of cs players lel,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 and watch for any manuallyhyphenated words in any text that you bring in from outside sources generally any instances ought to be caughtflagged when you run spellcheck within indesign,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 sepos dont have prawns and snag sangas at barbies do they,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 my dads trip to the gas station to get some wd40 to loosen up a tire stuck to the drumcould be a post apocalyptic i suppose,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i started high school a month ago and idk ask me questions i dont know what to say about it and hey my album is like 75 done almost i just need to write lyrics to like 45 more songs and record about 678 more songs including the ones with lyrics not,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 well your flair is scaring us get out,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 lol this is the most perfect moment of the thread of course we have a regular narcissism thread where we post selfies and coo over each other the most recent is just a few days old,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 upvoted for visibility and ive alerted my cluster of local crazycatladiesintraining good luck lilly,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 making decisions is never an i made a decision moment for me im not sure i tend to just follow the path that ive already determined does that make sense not to sound cliche if anything im slower in decision making maybe its simply a slow process so it doesnt seem like an decisionif i start thinking about my thoughts then verbally otherwise probably visually as a whole its thoughts that arent attached to any sort of language or intense imagery and are just there i suppose it would be the general notion followed by visual depending on the context i always visualize when people are talking about events or something as well as things im for sure going to be doing then formulated verbally if necessaryi jump to loose conclusions i then consider my conclusion and automatically reexamine the situation i typically will realize more about a situation after the fact like if there is a specific interaction with someone or a specific situation i reflect on it to gain more insight its almost like overthinking in a way where im trying to gain evidence by becoming conscious of various facets that i wasnt aware of in that present moment to back my snap judgement this is mostly to get a logical grip on why something happened to then confirm how i initially believe a situationinteraction will unfold my judgement rarely conflicts with the realitymeaning behind an event and the effect it will have as for people same thing when it comes to learning though i usually just pick it up very fast my form of common senselocked up alone well with a journal and maybe some books its hard to say though because i can see myself craving human interactionbut i highly doubt id crave it enough to spend 10 years in an crowdednoisy environment vs being alone honestly i think id end up killing myself either way,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 i had put 6 hours into the game and never enjoyed much of it 30 fps was very distracting already enjoying it much more than i did before,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 small pocket knife say bm mini griptilian or similaresee4 or similarmanual chain saw or similarthough dont get me wrong i like my hi khukuri but unless its close to home where i dont have to carry it much its a bit heavy 18 long 12 thick it probably has the same or more steel than my sword if i expected to have to decapitate or delimb someone i might rethink itif you do get a kuk make sure its himalayan imports its worth itoh and might wanna bring a small honing steel or sharpening stone or something to touch up if you need itand maybe a leatherman wave or something never know when youre gonna need it i just really like that multitool,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 that would require either 16 bye weeks meaning some teams play all 16 games with a bye in week 1 or else lt17 tnf games and getting one becomes a huge advantage imagine if your bye is in week 10 and you get 11 days to prepare for tnf then another 9 days to rest up and prepare for the next game every team would jump at that,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 can you give me its derivative i want to know how fast the leaks are coming our way,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i would say mirena iud super low maintenance super effective and it made my periods stop altogether i also have naturally heavy periods,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 all you can do sloppy seconds and talking to myself,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 this one currently on the front page is one of the better ones ive seen lately nice music and the editing makes it look like a movie,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 lol hes not wrong d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 we live in an increasingly throwaway societyi dont agree with it but im not exactly the most functional person out thereyoure supposed to pay other people to do those kinds of things these days or buy stuff that doesnt require maintenance or whatever even cars engines and stuff today need proprietary tools and training to do any work on themyoure living in the past as far as the rest of the world is concerned i think its sad but i expect im in the minorityeveryone just loves their keurig machines and kcups all i think of is how wasteful it is and how bad the coffee that comes out of them tastes,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i mean when youre on ethernet you get way faster speeds just asking if the wifi tends to be slowunreliable not sure if it is waveg or not which is better the plan i got says its up to 250 mbps,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 oral retellings would guarantee that you end up with all sorts of forked reinterpretations leading to even more splinter faiths competing with each otheralso i need to go rewatch the book of eli now,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 theres a taste difference between waterare you sure its not just the plastic bottle if its a cheaply made one where the plastic is thin and the water has an extremely subtle hint of coconutwater thats bpa avoid at all costsi always buy bpafree bottles but i heard that they substitute it with an even worse chemical that hasnt been as extensively studied so now i just ask for tap water in a glass at a barrestaurant or i buy voss if theres nothing else than stores around,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 mayor billon a serious note its been recognized for years now and probably a decade or longer that everyone agrees police need way more training when dealing with the mentally ill and situations like this it doesnt seem like enough is being,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 she looks better that way,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 how the hell do you guys even pronounce pepe,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 and this along with ever increasing means of production for inversely proportional labor is a tenant for basic income the issue of an undereducated and underskilled workforce will not go away if we simply cut subsistence programs regions and pockets will fester they will boil over with crime violence and strife once we reach a flash point it comes to the national conscience of how disparately and disparaging the inequality and inequity of wealth and opportunity actually is for millions of citizensthe question is if we cannot afford to provide for the basic needs of the people how long can we afford these costs on societythese costs are real and they will bleed both figuratively and substantially into our neighborhoods and communitiesare we as a nation locked in fear to overcome this challenge even if it would require challenging our ideals,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 the question is what would you like to do yall are my closest proxy no i dont know her hence the whole dating part she has though experienced quite a lot and learned social skills which is nice cant go swing dancing at 200pm,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i stand by my statement,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 will my questions ever get answered i want to know how cogfuncmention can work in the future considering it has always been regarded as past oriented,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 in some experiments they could squeeze 1 extra accuracy but in others it was just 02 in general papers claiming sota improve by fractions of a percent are we nearing the limits of accuracy improvement with neural nets what do we need to go beyond better priors a new algorithm,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 hes a university professor i think he understands getting paid significantly less for that choice lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 funny how people listen to people they trust,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 did you have vba code imported at the time of the crash could it stem from code running due to an event that contains associated code,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 suns fan hereunless we start using him as an oversized 4 chances are hes going to either replace plumlee in the rotation or just sit there for c depth weve been lacking for years,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 that would make a good band name,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 i meant dont stay in the fast lane going the speed limit with cars lined up behind you really sorry i had to explain that,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 well the nsdap fired all people responsible quite literally also,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 there isnt an os on the computer will i still be able to get into the flash drive,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 this function is meant to be used within the userform not before it to display a userform you would insert the code userformnameshow within whatever button youre trying to use to make the userform visible,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 god how none of those appeal to me at allits weird cruelty as in pain i can sort of get into but humiliation doesnt appeal to me at all form either side of the equation,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 ugh its so frustrating to even think about dating im 24 and ive been in three official relationships two of them were nearly three years long and the other was essentially a rebound that lasted a few monthsbottom line i cant even fathom casual dating i know im not a fit for most people putting themselves out there in my area so i dont even want to bother my tinder bio usually hyperspecific very targeted toward who i think would be a match and i do that knowing that its a very small net because i just dont want to deal with small talk never going anywhere i dont want to disappoint or be disappointed so even when i have matches on tinder i dont tend to follow up on them unless i have a good feeling about them spoiler alert i basically never doi dunno maybe its because i thought my last longterm relationship until about the end of it was perfect its been just about two years and i still feel like ill never find a connection like that with anyone else i know its not true but its the hardest feeling to shake in a small town where almost everything reminds you of someonesorry im rambling point is i feel you my own view of myself is so nuanced yeee cogfuncmention and demands a very close match that im not sure how to find so the idea of dating is just horrifying and i dont even know what to do about it now that im out of college and not constantly thrown into social situations,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 your posts remind me of me when i was your age now about 10 years down the line i was around your age when i was also in full doubt about my own style and i was struggling at home emotionally around your age maybe a tad bit younger i went through an all out goth period because of itneedless to say i grew out of it but that time did teach me something very valuable going all out on the spectrum of what is socially acceptable and lets be honest on the teenage girl spectrum very little is socially acceptable put me in a category that was totally outside of any social convention it was hard and not everybody around me accepted me for it but in the end it thought me that i dont need acceptance or acknowledgement from anyone else but myself i went to the extreme side of expressing myself through appearance got burned and had to face social outcry because of it but in the end after the world around me got used to me being different i settled on a style that was me which is still for many outside of the traditional fashion norm lots of pretty vintage inspired silhouettes with a modern twist to take it to the 21st century but it made me happy now i find myself in a place where i can wear anything i want because i still am not worried at all about what others may think and despite being outside of the norm i get so many compliments on how i look because i am confident and secure in how i carry myselfif you dare i would totally recommend you doing you and wearing what you like hell take it 2 steps further and dare to wear stuff of which you know people will hate it and love yourself for it embrace being different embrace being your own individual self and keep repeating to yourself nobody needs to like you but you,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ive seen them lots of people said it but that doesnt make it true its all hearsay and doesnt fit the facts,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 theyre great dogs if you have enough time to give them a lot of attention and exercise im a housewife so i get to spend a lot of time with him but they can get destructive and moody if theyre not stimulated enough theyre so dang cute and have a ton of personality definitely worth the effort,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i have them you just dont see anything but happy and annoyed until im drunk then i have all the fucking feelings or at least thats when i tell people about them nye i managed to kiss and ask my friend out ive had a crush on her for two years and then i kinda broke up with my boyfriend i was upset he hasnt been spending time with me instead of just you know just fucking saying these things like a human i just bottle it up until im like oh no im drunk lets blow up the world i will say some weird shit was going on when my anxiety disorder was untreated but im not sure anxiety attacks count as a feeling,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 one thing ive noticed i can find the flaw in anyone that keeps them from succeeding or at least i think i can ive noticed everyone has them but they just cant or wont see them the flawswhich lead me to the conclusion that i have them as well and at least some people can see them as clearly as i can not being a special snow flake and allso that lead me to the unless they ask they dont want to know philosophy and that were all flawed in our own special snow flake ways,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 as an update i talked to my own friend about this just today he made a comment about how ill sometimes send big chunks of text he mentioned that hes dyslexic and never reads them because its too much trouble i had no idea im not sure about you but when i finally write something about myself i sorta just spill a bunch of words out there so most of the time when id share things he simply couldnt read it i told him that was all the stuff that was specifically about me and that i thought he just didnt care haha it was good to clear that up actually,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 yeah and seems to talk about whats around him constantly lots of physical gags etc,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 before that youd have to give your turing machine legs and eyes if it is not a proper agent embedded in a world it has no grounding for truth also it would need to be part of a society and using a language of some kind to communicate to other agentsif the tm is a member of a society and communicates by language then lying behavior is very probable to emerge as long as each tm behaves in order to maximize its own rewards selfishly,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 to add to darks question could you explain how the doubleslit finding please,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you really need to set up your online account for your credit card to keep track of it i even pay my credit card balance 23 times a month to keep my balance low for a good credit score you should carry a balance that is below 20 of your credit limit,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 i agree with you but heres my take on as a bilingual speaker of chinese and english now you may say im biased so lets lay it out i speak english and chinese almost the same amount i would say i am equally fluent in both of them but my english would be stronger because i write essays and medium of instruction is in english for my education also i tend to speak english because it is universal in my country theres no guarantee any other chinese i meet is comfortable in speaking chinese because of our anglocentric educationbut i prefer to count in chinese because of the reason that it is way faster than in english this is because english has words of diphthongs and consonant endings like five nine and of course twosyllabled sevenhowever the real problem comes when you go past double digit usually we count seventyseven as qiqi sevenseven so no matter how fast you say 77 be it voicing out or subvocalizing in you head qiqi is way faster of course i mean in instances like doing a head count and just counting in general but as for math it doesnt really matter because integration or whatever is a slow process sometimes i say the numbers in english sometimes in chinese it doesnt bother me like countingthat said i understand the argument can be made that i am exposed to counting in chinese when im young and thats why i subconsciously like to count in chinese more but to me this timeefficiency is the prime reason of why i count in chinese if you were to give me a string of numbers to memorize i most likely will do so in chinesebut im just an anecdote so a pinch of salt is suffice edit i highly suggest you listen to lexicon valleys number theory episode in there also talks about german counting and and how germans actually prefer couunting in english because german numbers are just you know german numbers,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 i think i learnt this from muchmusics popup videos,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 do your best impression of an animal of your choosing,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 just more proof that name brand stuff isnt necessarily betterive found many products where i prefer the store brandone of the best examples ispc mac and cheese over kraft dinnerthey even have a white cheddar version which is even better,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 wow never thought about that lemme take the test,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 this explains so muchmust be fake though too many of the tiles are revealed we all know they deleted vision from the game after v42,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 thanks since im no longer 165 you can tell that i fucking love cookies,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 hey there c im watching this dj stream on youtube atm its a little weird considering hes playing for a party and hes not really playing hype musickinda funny watching the crowd stand still tbh,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 wait what how do you climb one in the first place,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 why are you assuming that both of those tools cant be used at the same time this isnt stated directly its leveraged with 100 consistent accountability there is no maybe they wont notice to hide behind its just business yes thats all nice and many people offer it but often you have to come up with it yourself the leader does it for the group who does it for the leader,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you could use the bot for inspiration d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you can take down a commercial airliner very easily airport security is a complete joke there are common items you can take on a plane with no problem that can destroy a plane but more than 3 ounces of shampoo is not allowed,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 okay since i see you already have the answers yourself im just going to give you a virtual hug lasting five minutes longer than is comfortable hope you find the strength to push through and have your needs listened to if not grieving the loss of a relationship is unpleasant but it does make room for future possibilities,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 where did you find this,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 because it is a bo1 for the team from the lower bracket there is a reason why tournaments with double elimination give the one map advantage for the final only in bo5 matches having one match advantage in a bo3 final is as good as a bo1 for the team from the lower bracketyou understand that dont you,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 aaand pointed at the most boring part of the planetactually i saw a site a while back that had a huge log of pictures like up to date hourly or something from this satellite i think,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 when did we bought bonucci,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 what we do in the shadows,60.0,55.0,64.0,14.0,49.0 you made me rethink how fortunate i actually am considering my country has quite an extensive social security system im guessing youre right though ill try nsoing when i can and see how ill feel,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 always it pushes me to achieve but also makes me hate where i am and always looking to where i want to be the problem i dont know if there will ever be a finish line,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i think youre thinking of some movie actual surveillance where theres a flower delivery van outside your house all day is only done under very special circumstances have you heard of the nsa smart phone gps tappingi think you need to learn a little more about how law enforcement works in this centuryand i wasnt being condescending i was pointing out that youve demonstrated clearly that you dont want to to have a discussion you just want to disagree ie you wont allow yourself to accept any ideas that havent originated in your own head apparently now go ahead and correct my spelling or some other nitpicky thing because you cant prove your pointoh and heres the fusion center guidelines published by the actual government 34 last paragraphlaw enforcement intelligence unit leiuâ the purpose of leiu is to record and exchange confidential criminal information on organized crime not previously available through regular police communication channels membership in leiu is open to local or state law enforcement agencies having a criminal intelligence function page 50the sttac and four rttacs are allcrimes allhazards fusion centers that integrate local joint terrorism task forces jttfs fbi field intelligence groups fig terrorism early warning groups tewg and other state agencies in their operations terrorism liaison officers tlo are designated at local agencies and have network access to the california joint regional information exchange system cal jries to link local operations and information gathering with the sttac and rttacsand good old page 52 the purposethese efforts are significant not only in implementing the tenets of ncisp but also in building awareness institutionalizing the importance of criminal intelligence increasing the value of intelligence personnel fostering relationships among the law enforcement community improving the ability to detect and prevent acts of terrorism and other crimes and creating a safer home for citizens theres actually a lot in there that proves my point so take a look,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 for me a huge part is the monotony of parenting its always something imo its boring and never ending behavior can come into play but there are no guarantees with behavior its more about me not wanting to devote my whole life to my would be offspring,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 tilthanks for clearing that up,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thats an important point and i think its borne out by this quotation from rotk when pippin first meets faramirto me that suggests that boromir was basically a good person who was aware of the obligation to use his power for the benefit of others we also know from the appendices that from childhood boromir was the helper and protector of faramir which is also probably one of the reasons why he took the rivendell mission upon himselfone of the reasons i liked sean beans portrayal of boromir in the films was that he brought out that kindly protective quality so well,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 ye because it is not 16 we know,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 sounds about right i suspect beta is the lord of the dank memes,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 where the 2 team boosts are,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 take a look at how you approach the cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention typemention use cogfuncmention which relates everything to themselves and their values while typemention use cogfuncmention which cares more about harmony and othersbasically an typemention is more likely to push their feelings on others while an typemention would be more likely to compromise on their immediate feelings to maintain a good situation of course this doesnt apply to something with logical inconsistency,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 you should have spoiler tagged thisanime onlies dont know that she can phase through objects with parts of her body that are naked yet,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 any of the characters could be memes,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 now that i read the replies again i guess that you might be right i guess that its a gif of a bear tumbeling down a mountain and dying,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i really relate to the phone call thing if i dont expose myself to a fair amount of social interaction on an ongoing basis it gets hard for me to leave the house social anxiety is really dreadful im sorry youre going through that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 yes only kindle unfortunately although you can download a kindle app for windows and mac and read it on your computer if that works,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 youre right my guess is that arizona would see 27 more tax revenue 96 million if arizona just copypastes arizona in colorados law and tax rates since thats the difference in population colorados law hasnt been challenged by the feds because its carefully crafted to legalize recreational use while addressing the feds concerns keep it away from schools keep it out of the hands of children keep organized crime out keep it from crossing the border to other states where its not legal keep people from driving while high keep people from using in public to avoid exposing unwilling participants its a rough thing to get my head around but all the old people in arizona are really the hippy generation and probably have pot experience from the 60s or 70s my mom is square in the middle of pretty old at 71 and in 1967 she and my dad were mid20s and lived in san francisco,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 fun catfact of the day 2 a leopards spots are called rosettes they resemble flowers,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ah ok i havent watched much of them but ive heard that pique isnt that great in the air either is this true or am i just listening to the wrong people,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 yes i know classics students that tell me about learning latin syntax which sounds both fascinating and a bit horrifying interested in religion interested invarious schema of understanding mostly the mystical aspects of religion though i can very much appreciate the cogfuncmention communal aspects especially as i got older not just religion but mysticism and psychedelic drugs and esoterica and anything that can reformat understanding have sort of mystical inclinations towards an idea of a kind ofconvergence of truth this is something i think you can see if you look at what the vedic sages were talking about at what the greek philosophers were talking about or look at what jesus or buddha were talking about â and you can see the overarching pattern how this consciousness evolves encompasses everything it can including itself in an almost hegelian sense of course on the other hand im sort of skeptical of any idea of progress being anything more than an illusioninference created by perception a kind of metaphysical narrative imposed on dumb chaotic processesbut im perfectly happy to entertain contradictions in fact i think the most interesting revelations can arise thru the synthesis of ostensibly incongruent truths truth hides in simulacra of itself i suppose i am religious in that i am interested in the essence of religious and mystical thinking and i believe in transcendental otherness which is what i believe religion to be fundamentally concerned with with god simply being the ultimate unknowable other and in a more cogfuncmention sense i believe religion is the only human invention which is actually good i wouldnt say very good but the only one that is at all good at facilitating and guiding this recognition of the other and making it possible for me to care about this guy from this other town whose name i dont knowsorry i luciddreamed last night i tend to be like this for a day or so afterwards i get all my cogfuncmention out in my subconscious but isnt cogfuncmention subconsious anyway idk,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i posted this about a month ago regarding typemention also i just asked the typemention for their input,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 what draws the line for it to be considered light gaming,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ding ding ding dingthis course requires a ridiculous amount of driving accuracymolinari is the tits at hitting the narrow fairways he also avoids roughs and 3 putts like a boss,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i found an op8 logans gun in a red chest in gluttony gulch a few weeks ago,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 not all cogfuncmention users give a shit about clean floors that is more of a j thing especially sensors enfps and typemention want more than anything to figure you out,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yep or netgraph 1 and console for rate,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 funny because jeff bezos created amazon,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 ive always wanted to fuck a spiderso spider,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i know what a role function is and you can believe me or not but all shadow functions are pretty much your normal functions used in a different way your 5th is your dominant used in an opposite way etcyour role function is basically inferior overdrive role cogfuncmention is basically cogfuncmention overdrive and your role function will always be better than your inferior because we resort to our role function when were insecure of our inferior to improve the shadow functions you have to improve your basic function for typemention the better you cogfuncmention is the better your cogfuncmention will be the better the cogfuncmention the better the cogfuncmention etc 6th will always be better than aux and role will always be better than inferior while for the other two its reversed dominant is always better than the 5th and tetriary is better than polr for typemention your cogfuncmention is when youre insecure what is appropriaterightmoral to say so by being afraid to offend someone you go full cogfuncmention mode and hold everyones doors and oversay thanks and please and speak as minimal as possible when we get more comfortable with the person we turn off our cogfuncmention and engage in our cogfuncmention and basically stop giving a fuck what you thinkour role function is triggered to not be confused with triggered pun intended when our inferior function is attacked so for example for isxjs they dont know what is possible to happen cogfuncmention so they are always prepared for the future cogfuncmention or for enxps they cant fucking relax or recall the past cogfuncmention so they go full manic and live in the present cogfuncmention or for ixtps they dont know what appropriate to say cogfuncmention so they become too polite cogfuncmention or for ixfps they are insecure about giving facts cogfuncmention so they create their own logic and facts cogfuncmention and the list goes on,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 personally id rather a slice to the hand than a stab to the face but to each their own,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im on my phone but image searching male vs female iq should be illustrative unless youre really illiterate re statisticsiq is modelled as a symmetricallydistributed variable which means outliers on either side of the mean are equally frequent and forms a gaussian curve or normal distribution which means it obeys the rules about what percentage of data points fall within a given number of standard deviations from the mean and thats on both sides because its symmetricalas you can see the male vs female iq curves are modelled to have the same mean the crest of the curve but the female curve has higher peak more members of the sample being right at the mean and clustering around the mean whereas the male curve has lower peak and longer tails which means more outliers higher variance higher standard deviation whatever you want to call itone illustrative way of putting it is that for every standard deviation 15 iq points away from the mean 100 iq points you go the ratio of women to men halves so at 2 standard deviations above at iq 130 like in my example there are 4 males to every female so what i said makes complete sense at 145 theres 8 men to every female and so on so very high iq or genius is an overwhelmingly male phenomenon as is extreme idiocy females almost disappear at those levels my point was that a highly intelligent guy will not meet many women as intelligent as him and if he does shell stand out to him a lot as most highly intelligent people are male to put it bluntly,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 you seem rather good from what ive seen of you youd good in nltp make sure you show up to tryouts you automatically get drafted in its where you hone your skills and learn everything,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 him leaving might have influenced you to become what he was not wishing to be there for others the way he couldnt for you,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 30 hours of play who watch such a thing your description sounds like a monty python skech to me,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yeahthat happensoftennot trying to be a dick im just a bit frustrated of all the anime onlies who refuse to tag their shit,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 you will have to import the csv file using the file import wizard this allows you to specify the column of data as a string so excel wont shorten it into a 15digit number,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 give that troll an axe and he can also say that hes the teams hacker,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 but from the ancients that it might as well as the pits and valleys along the path of ones spiritual enlightenment is ones own journey and this seems like you said you can just get silence unless its my sister she thinks im in budgetthis happens every time i remark on what we all behave this way,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 there have been janky things theyve done that were obviously wrong but not specifically stated to be against the rules so the rules were changed to clarify what everyone else understood all because the pats love finding those advantages but theyre never cheated theyve had draft picks taken away and players suspended because they got caught cheating but scientists agree they werent cheating teams have filed complaints about them cheating teams have said that they know they have to prepare differently because of the pats cheating but theyve never cheated,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i dont pay taxes for you to get out of a mildly shitty situation go pay a towtruck 75 for it and stop wasting other peoples time and money,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 how are typementions with typemention,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 i dont think i really realised how cute rains face was until now but i do for definite like the long hair too so im a little torn i like seeing both eyes but i want her hair to grow back p,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 i love how thorough you are in your research you even use our preferred time measurements and everything this is why youll be a successful writer edit careful with dabbling as an typemention you have a smaller dabbling window before youre forced into adopting that interest as a lifestyle and then possibly as a pseudoreligion,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 4 you slut how could you deface the human race like this1,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 do you have facebook or skype or something similar its more direct than reddit you dont have to wait like 10 minutes between replies there,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 to add to this quite frequently your boss will drive you round the bend and there is nothing you can do except shift your perspective so the things your boss says dont exhaust you,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 my mom always told me that if i have nothing nice to say id better not answer,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 reminds me of this similar video beard,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 neat knowing whats about to come im glad i dont have to listen to that version of armin that sounds like a girl,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 inb4 hes actually creator72archetypes on alt acc or ihq or both,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i have read for pleasure every day of my life since i got the hang of reading including my wedding and the days my children were born im addicted simple as thattheres definitely an element of escape but i refuse to feel bad about that i also really love finding out about different places times ways of seeing and thinking,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i didnt get drafted either lolive been playing longer than most of the captains have been around,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 how long will you be staying with your parents if youre staying a long time maybe you can consider paying your parents some towards grocery and utilities i didnt see those in your list but those costs wont cease to exist essentially your parents will be funding your savings at the expense of their own savings maybe they dont even want or need you money but it would be a nice gesture and they might appreciate it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 in a way yes not really people often come up with the excuse that i was reenacting something in a video game with terrorists its something like i was reenacting a part of history obviously they dont literally say that but that is the mentality in both cases the context is done away with with video games the context is the fact that its not real life with history the reason why that happened in the first place is the context no but i can see how you have a hard time drawing parallels,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 werent you supposed to teach me occult shit i was the condescending typemention,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 its not really a problem with management who are deciding on who to hire actually many european universities have policies in place which highly favour women in stem fields to a point you may very well say its discriminating although yes these fields usually have less then 20 women in any scientific position thats higher than a post doc level my own university has research institutes that have none actually this actually causes problems with regard to work environment and providing role models for students so why are there so little women in academia no science to back this up but my own experiences tell me that many women actually want to be in academia as the number of female phd students is actually quite high maybe not 5050 yet for engineering in my country but still quite good however when you want your career to progress in academia you need to be able to handle the work load and stress that comes with really devoting your life to your research and you are also required work abroad for multiple years before getting being able to become a professor at least in europe if you want a position at a decent university after you get in at an assistant professor level it is still a very competitive environment everything is measured the amount of phds you have how much grant money you bring in citation indexes and number of papers everything you want to become an associate professor sure go ahead if you meet the minimum requirements you want to be full professor well we only have room for 1 full prof for every 23 associates and really if you are not good enough to be a full prof most universities kick you out eventually because there are assistant professor waiting to take your spot which have more potential worklife balance in academia is absolutely awful and i believe this is the reason why there are so little women in academia however once you get in which is also something i personally experienced you are very much respected and treated as equal well some of the computing science and physics men in their men cave offices need to be told to store away their nude calendar posters once they have a female phd joining them but thats about it,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the prince commenting on the king,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 most of these are hilarious i love when kids say shit that makes everyone gasp most of the time,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i find everything totally absurd and sometimes laugh at inappropriate things because of it almost everything we do is arbitrary and deeply weird if you think about it very hard and im kind of permanently in that head space,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 no one is as far as i remember place was a graveyard,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 yes literally the team disbanded after the game,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yeah no problem right now i use dr jart microfoam cleanser because i break out a lot and thought it might help more with that i do think it cleans more thoroughly than the simple moisturizing cleanser it reminds me of neutrogena,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 with the squad hes had and the money hes spent he has under performed hell be over 70 when wenger retires anyway,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 do you like the horror genre are you interested in a good story if yes to both buy,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 unfortunately theres a whole sub dedicated to people that do shit like this idk what its called anymore because i only saw it once long ago and i dont care to again,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 found the guy smoking reggie,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its a life long struggle for me i procrastinated on work ish for a couple of weeks so guess who has to get it all done this weekend yeah ill get it done but its going to be a boring weekend p when i have a lot of momentum i combat this by just doing things without thinking about it you need to always be working during set hours of the day no excuses can you space out in there sure but use a timer to say ok ill work for 20 minutes then space for 10 you can get a ton done that way stick to the timer though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well you can try to go deep and read a firstprimary source carl gustav jung psychological types head 103 its not an easy read though its the most creditable one since there where it all startedor you can find a bunch of various articles online like this one is included in any typemention description you ever read cos its one of the main parts of typemention configuration they just usually dont say its cogfuncmention to not confuse people with terminology plebs arent suppose to know concerning cogfuncmention and cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention feel inclined to be responsible for and take care of others feelings feel strongly that something is good or bad compassionately take on someone elses needs as your own recognize and usually adhere to shared values feelings and social norms to get along help make people feel comfortable by engaging in hosting and caretaking readily communicate personally to all members of a group to feel unity merge and feel intimate oneness with other peoplecogfuncmention feel strongly that something is good or bad remain in touch with what you want for yourself what motivates you and what is good freely enjoy doing what you want for your own personal happiness always remain true to what you want for yourself or others evaluate what is worth believing in and most important to who you really are inside continually examine if choices harmonize with important beliefsalso michael pierces videos on functions summary and other videos cogfuncmention v cogfuncmention read commentaries,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 i like vaping because i can have delicious flavors of whatever i want without getting too fat,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 where im from thats character building,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i like collective bargaining with people who play other dfs sports i help my friend with basketball he helps me with baseball best way to fairly trade advice like that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 if you play with fpsmax 61 you gonna have a bad timethis 60fps shit is simply not true,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i absolutely love the shade honey pot its so beautiful and so is this d ive used it as eyeliner before put it didnt look nearly as nice,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 im an experienced dm with flexible hours whos willing to teach new players bring some friends and well have some fun,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i think what cogfuncmention hates is more being ingenuine to your values live life to the fullness of your own beliefs things like compromising your values in order to serve a group is seen as fake if you arent true to yourself then cogfuncmention has a problem if i do something at odds with my values i start to feel really really bad and have to go fix it i think to sum it up is moral integrity is key to cogfuncmention and thus it sees cogfuncmention as fake for submitting to the group rather than standing up for themselves,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 so how does me overexaggerating things for dramatic effect make you feel,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i am probably the unhealthiest typemention youll ever talk to,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 this is the basis payday loans and title loans operate on,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 life is much better with people to share it with i dont really mind being single but the thought of not having someone to go through life with raise kids with get old and puckered with is not a pleasant one my exwife called me last night and talked for two hours about how lonely she is even though shes in a relationship and has friends she doesnt feel like any of them really understand her if i didnt have a handful of people in my life who really get me i would be very sad its very difficult to find people who get me when i find one who does that i have good physical chemistry etc with im likely to try to hang onto her i think some of this question comes down to how emotional one is about sex as well i wager that a fair few of us arent really into casual sex sex with someone you love is so much better than with someone you just like hanging out with its also really nice to get to know someones preferences etc its nice having a partner to wrestle life with etc,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 probably a bit much for most people here,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 you could have asked if he had pets people are amazed with keen perception then again you would need to be interested in talking about his pets,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 for me it is linked to medication and mental illness but because of that i experience most of my life less emotions sometimes i get jealous of the emotional range of other peopleim cogfuncmention dom not because of my ability to feel emotions but just because i happen to place a lot into my value systems senses of belonging and caring for others however my low emotions require me to rely more on other aspects than how i feel about it and rather analyze it to find what makes logical sense,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 can confirm first degree in psych and history wasnt great for my career but the girls were hot do you have an audit system whereby you can sit in classes without earning credit or paying,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 in all honesty i would just walk around most people arent murderous so i would be relatively safe,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 yes living life behind a mask is suffocating also what is the point if people like you because they like the mask who are they attached to id say a figment so the whole thing is a sham,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i dont think you can tell someones type by how wide their eyes are or anything like that i think it might be lightly correlated and its fun to see what people think or have experienced but its more in the realm of horseshit i have a few reasons but ive been sort of brainstorming them so i guess its more of a gut feeling if i have to list reasons facial expressions can have heavy cultural familial and situational influences that are totally unrelated to type,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 this is an identical post to your previous post just a mere half hour ago please do not create duplicate posts someone will answer your question as they come across them,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 a wholehearted yes the first two pages earily mirror my experiences so far,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i dont think that hell mind to be called colossal type,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 cherrypicked the wrong definition therehere ya go,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 i am whatever you want me to be,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 there was this one very violent and unstable kid in my first grade classroom who would beat everyone up he tried to beat me up and i punched him which resulted in me getting in punished for punching him and the actual violent student walking free i think that incident is the reason why i distrust authority so much,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the obligations were the traveling to belgium from paris for every 2nd week afaik and rumpred to have something to do with his girlfriend at that time,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ben carson is a pretty talented neurosurgeon,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 henrik stenson its your time to shine,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i mean ive thought of it albeit didnt have the inspired notion of making it into a chatup line its not that hard to come up with,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 talia and i mostly keep to our studies gwin replied with a shrug her youthful attention successfully redirected away from damons skill at arms she was more than happy to talk about herself after allshe just finished the origins of the iron bank and braavos so im reading it now she continued enthusiastically did you know braavos isnt actually one island its like a hundred connected by these little bridges she asked in a tone that clearly assumed he didnt,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 it is okay for a 1 shot kill to anywhere besides legsno shit who said awping should be easyare you salty because you suck with the awp,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 when i first went to chapel street 5 years ago it was absolutely bustling with lots of nice shops i pretty much checked out every single store and it felt like there was an endless amount of choices like in the cbd or chaddy recently went there 2 months ago and i was really dissapointed there was only 1 decent shop every 100m or so and it seemed like a quarter of all shops were unoccupied or boarded up nowadays theres only the chains crappy 2 shops and a few high end designersboutiques aimed at 50 year old women the cafes in and around chapel st are still pretty nice though to be fair,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 the city i live in is not to far from there hopefully they wont infect it,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 sorry but ssx 3 was a big step backwards for me the maps were less immersive and it was just a little too high paced and spammy,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im in kind of the opposite situation i kind of want to sit my bfs parents down and just come out of the cf closet my parents are totally supportive but i dont think his parents have any clue im just going to kind of wait til it comes up hes very private and i dont want to step on his toes however if we got engaged i would definitely want to tell them the main reason for this would be not wanting to listen to anyone ask us when we are having babies on our wedding day i know probably that sounds really trite but that would really ruin the wedding day for me if his entire side of the family was bingoing us all day,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 you must live in las vegas lol boulevards here in australia tend to be pretty quiet full of cafe chatter and the smell of coffee most of the time,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 what that no thats an antiasteroid laser well what happens if ten thousand asteroids head towards us at once and yes we need a backup and obviously one wouldnt protect the whole planet 37 to get a good spread plus the ones on luna cant afford a blind spot therei love this kind of hfy,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 negative shit i talked with my future high school classmates on facebook and we fucking hate each other already but i dont want this comment to become roffmychest material so other than that i guess i always go alone outside and ride my scoot in the graveyard,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 downvoted for hilarious reaction d,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 the firelink shrine song instantly triggers feelings of safety for me after my many hours in lordran,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 lol bro sex is enjoyable for people with any flavor of genitalia it seems reasonable to say you didnt create an expectation of sex i would say if you wanna be sure just ask her yaynay before you put it in at a certain point youve done all you can do to reassure her and if she says one thing but thinksdoes another well thats not on you youve done your part communication wise shes a grown woman and is able to determine who she wants to bang as such this was actually a well formatted wall of text which made it easy to read also its cute how excited you are for this im sure you will both have a lot of fun take a fucking xanax and chill tf out you good,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 you dont have a home spawn most people in cities do check pokevision,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yeah i mean honestly it wouldnt be a terrible way to go especially if i pretty much expected it i watched the video of the komodo dragon eating the deer and it didnt seem awful either way if one thinks about it its just the other creatures meal maybe sad but hey i guess thats it,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 at one point i bought a bunch of normal black socks and ankle black socks one of my drawers has two little baskets in it one for the normal socks and one for the ankle socks when im putting away clothes after they dried i simply sort them in the right basket problem solved matching socks at all time without added effort,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i think lifesteal being viable for everyone is a great way to balloon game lengthalso the devs have been saying card crafting is in the works for months and they still havent delivered that so i wouldnt hold my breath for features that are even less necessarytheyve made it abundantly clear they have no idea what to do with casters,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 fuck no id rather get asked close ended questions and end the conversation asap,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 im also in melbourne and i saw them for 2 each just yesterday and a couple weeks ago there was a promotion of 2 for 3 and i can find them even cheaper if i go to aldi or any asian grocery thats normally present opposite coleswoolies in any shopping centre,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 the bonus of living alone,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 at least we look like penetrating their defence from time to time theyre not that organized to park a bus,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 so this is why you hunt cute animals like pandas,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 ive never really had a problem with sjs though im not sure ive known too many sfjs so its hard to say but sometimes ill have an instant and entirely irrational dislike of someone and when i look back at it it always seems as if that persons an esxp its just not a good topic to get into though at least not without risking a shit storm and i dont want to bash anyone or any type so i was wondering if there was more info about typementionsp relationships,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 cafewine barcheese store may actually do this one day,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 oh shit it totally missed this op should disregard my comment in that case,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 hit on webb simpson and westwood just barely snuck by bum beats on hoffmanbradley hurt a lot of my parlays but ive already made a fair amount back and still have some very promising parlays on track the gimmes bergernade jonge are about to tee off,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 strange to use your own words in reply to you im not going to waste my vote on hillary,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 behave more feminine before kicking in the badassery dress in softer colours to look more feminine and likeable always smile and ask people how they are doing how their trip to lake x was last week or if their kid finally recovered from his or her flu set the tone by being feminine and soft and only then be the strong woman who pushes the agenda while still smiling kindlythat also is something in general to keep in mind also for men you can be just as effective in reaching your goals and getting through to people without any aggression in your voice and body language being likeable kind and approachable is very important in getting people on your side you want people to be on your side because they want to be on your team and not because they are afraid of you,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i suppose we have to decide on the criteria if we accept that being able to walk sit eat breathe poop and all the other basic mammal things are more important than the specifically human things then yes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 tiltshfted version of that landing,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 its probably an enneagram type 6 thing then,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 so do people actually knock their rating of a product down based on its packaging,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i think id put up with emotional volatility in a roommate if they were really good at cleaning floors some tradeoffs are worth it,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i think recognizing that theres work to be done is probably the most vital of all the stages when it comes to selfimprovement,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 it mostly is not what i know but what others know about me i can discuss the most horrible things completely emotionally detached and cross the line into stuff which makes others shudder people tend to look at me like im dressed in a bloody apron carrying a severed head,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 my vote might not count because i dont post frequently but i think we all know which was the best thread of the year and have many reasons to support our position also 72archetypes for best troll his work was outstanding this year,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 aerion she replied excitedly a smile rapidly replacing the neutral expression she had adopted while taking measure of the wind the sight of her nephew was a surprise but a welcome one and so she added with just as much vigor denysnoticing their attire one of kiernans eyebrows raised for a moment finding the armor a little excessive archery practice wasnt exactly vigorous exercise and so she had decided to wear a far less utilitarian dress maybe they plan on doing some other practice later kiernan assumed lowering her eyebrow and leaving the topic unaddressedhowve you been she asked aerion tying her hair back so it wouldnt blow into her face while they practiced,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 then hop in css and you get tripple the fps hpe slaughtered the source engine,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 leona shes basically the melee equivalent,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 only the armored titan and the mule titan have real effective use outside of combat the rest of them are simply bigger humansand hey as it turns out 50 of those two is female and the rest is gsus who is also planned to be replaced by a female you cant complain really,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ive used it so many times as a joke to the point that i have used it unironically,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 easy cleanup dont forget that spilling your seed on the ground is a sin spilling it into latex wasnt mentioned for reasons,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 id be okay with this if you give up you shouldnt be rewarded for it obviously there are situations where surrender is the good option but is 3 worshipers really a big enough deterrent to make people think they cant surrender even in bad situations,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 they probably dont have edge caching set up anywhere close to china i wonder if those failures were more related to file size and network problems imgur is a new beast created to cater to reddit if i remember right,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it has been for me i might just have bad luck though,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 dont forget the euros they suck,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 it really depends im more ctc under stress but i do like to get things done in a timely manner mostly because i have a tendency to be impatient im more bts though when im not under stress and i feel like i have more time to explore my train of thought definitely goes more towards bts though so that may be a factor im not sure i change my mind a lot id like to think im more ctc even though that doesnt match up with my type but i end up exploring all the ideas anyways thats more of my natural tendency,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 ok whew lots of thoughts heregenerally with kids with autism ive worked with and most kids for that matter more preplanning and practice makes for better outcomes mom should have known better than to throw him in the play at the last minute the teacher should have made expectations more clear maybe they could have compromised and agreed on some other part with clearer expectations or agreed that maybe he could start practicing for the xmas play in a week why was he permitted to have a part saying thanksgiving thanksgiving if he was told he would have a non speaking part why was he then permitted a speaking part if he snuck it in why didnt they have a plan in place if he went off script ex have a teachers aide direct him to the right area for the next scene mixed message city if controlling the mic with all the kids was an issue then dont put the mic in a mic stand have an adult control who says what or shut the mic off when its not to be used most importantly because ive had autisticnon verbal students be deliberately and arguably illegally excluded from certain school events i want to know why caleb wasnt planned to be in the play from the getgoif this was me i would have had a proactive conversation with the parents what do you as a parent expect out of this last minute add to the play do we think he can handle it what is his history of being able to handle other schoolwide events can we provide an aide visual cues anything to help him be more sure of his job in the playin this case i disagree with the teacher the overall negative impact the way it appeared to hurt caleb as compared to allowing him another speaking line was not worth taking the mic away it was made worse imo because she left him up there alone it wasnt even that he was hidden in a group of kids it was so noticeable do i believe that teacher grabbed the mic to control the situation and did not look at or think about what would cause the least stress to caleb yes its her body language that in my opinion is an adult moving hastily to gain control she should have checked herself am i trying to gain control here is this best for caleb will it ruin the play if he says gobble gobble of course not what if worst case scenario he cusses is it really that big of a deal my need to have control needs to take a backseat for the kid and for the overall performance does she deserve death threats no could they all stand to learn a bit more about planning yes the mother looks like an absolute helicopter parent she is going to have to work on her advocacy skills first thing would be improving communication with the teachers and being more proactive rather than reactive for her child if her child was on my caseload i would keep as close an eye on her as i would her child those parents can turn anything into a litigious nightmare in about two secondsas is their rightbut im gonna make sure i cover my ass every which way from sunday,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yeah i wonder what the metrics to a local job is i think its significantly skewed against commuter townsif you live in cowbridge or caerphilly does the criteria of a local job constitute being able to work in cowbridgecaerphilly itself because theres bugger all jobs there or is commuting to cardiff within the acceptable limits of the definition of local because given how extensive the uk motorway system is with an 80mph speed limit you can get pretty far quite easily in just 30 minutesin wales at least people live where they live to be near familyfreinds where they grew up they then find a job and commute to it welsh people very rarely move to be close to work i think its the same for the rest of the uk you hear about all these people commuting 15 hours each way from the cotswolds or cambridgeshire to london,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 duh they are intellectually superiorjokes,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 nothing wrong with that m8 but some ppl here cant read or just ignore it because it is their favourite redhead,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i read elsewhere in this thread that they charge 19 to remove your profile and information from the database thenthey dont actually remove your profile and information from the database,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 disagree former 13e at least in the modern artillery and the little bit of history we learned about it maybe the gunbunnies didnt respect the manual but bet your ass the 13e 13eggheads dam sure did if we didnt thered be a lot less 11bs and 11fs around to tell you rounds fall short at nightand temps and meassurements are taken every few hours not every shot,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 this is a control issue it isnt their job to fawn over you for the things you do for them either you derive satisfaction from doing the things you do for others without expectationor stop doing those things you will never have control over another persons behavior the only control you will ever have is over your own emotions and behavior not only do they not knowif they did know they wouldnt and shouldnt care again your emotions are not their responsibility they are your own responsibilityyou are the faulty one here you become angry when others do not behave according to your own internalized expectations they are not your dancing monkeys they are people with their own lives and emotions and problems and things that piss them off a friend once said to me happiness is a choice there are certain limited circumstances in which you have no choice if you stick your hand in a fire its going to hurt everything short of that is you creating the life of your choosing when you are feeling angry or sad or any other negative emotion really you need to figure out two things 1 what is the cause that sadangrydepressed feeling 2 what is the reason that feeling sadangrydepressed about that is more important to you than being happy right nowits ok to feel angry or sad about something butfigure out why figure out why its important to you then get right down there and roll around in the shit until youre done with it thengo back to choosing to be happy as a default state and stop trying to make your friends into your personal troupe of dancing monkeys,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 youre talking as if art is appreciated for its matter and not the form it instantiates and therefore a temporal pattern is necessarily more rarefied than a spatial pattern which is fucked up everything is waves when you get right down to it if you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy frequency and vibration â nikola tesla ever seen a light sculpture,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 two steps from hell star sky,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 if i had a nickel for every week this was reposted id be a fucking millionaire,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 agreed wasps are crazy and before someone goes all uunidan on me hornets are a specific subset of wasp,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 eh both my parents have had cancercancer is general enough where its not offensive,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i agree completely on all points lt is that an internetreddit worthy post,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 you go forth and be a kickass surgeon do not let anyone stand in your way,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 lmao i find it way too funny definitely gonna use it,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i did search the newest one was over a year old and with mods you never know if something has been updated or if someone decided to make something neat during the andromeda hype figured there was no harm in a new post,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 this is a known bug with recent updates in excel youre able to install this update you can hopefully fix the problem,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 like i said i didnt knew he was hopping at a constant 290 also my statement has unlucky wording i guess i rather meant the cvars to gain speed at least i found it obvious that he altered some rates when he gaines speed so fast after his first jump,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i think its usually another way for people to say that they really appreciate you we dont say of a person i love her because she has elbows,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 can i hold one i cant get on until tomorrow,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 set dd getelementsbyclassnameamountset dd iedocumentgetelementbyidamountnote that these two lines are different,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yea youre right you can definitely not see cogfuncmention with typementions my bad,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i cant say i experienced thati felt very disconnected from my past as though it may have all happened to someone else from and my identity in generaland i trip way longer than 3 hours unless you just mean the peak its crazy how differently these drugs effect different people,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i hope they just ban them outright when tagpro next comes out,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 hoho boy i remember firminos poker at old trafford to secure the league title as if it happened yesterday,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 sounds like what key and peele will say,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 i was a very naive and ignorant freshman in high school so keep this in mind when i had my suspicions i told all my friends they were like naw man she dated you then when she came out of the closet on facebook i was fucking furious she straight up lied to me about not liking someone else and gave me pretty much every single bullshit reason in the book to breakup with me it was about this time that i fell in to a depression because a i thought that meant i was not fit to be a man b everyone around me made jokesfun of me for turning a girl into a lesbian talking about the depression i funneled all that sadness into a hatred of her at even the thoughtsightmention of her i would go into a cursing fit and verbally eviscerate anything within a hundred meter radius this is all despite the fact that she was continuously trying to make amends with me it wasnt until 18 months later that i got tired of hating her and forgave her we are more or less kinda friends now and have hung out with each other a couple of times since during this time i also grew up and realized that if she became comfortable about her sexuality to the point where she came out then i should be happy for her and not a homophobic dickface since if she was going to be lesbian then she was always going to be lesbian anyway unfortunately the relationship did have lasting effects on me by helping me realize that im simply not meant to be in a relationship because of this i stopped trying to impress other people than myself so it was a happy ending for both parties,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 it is okay for a 1 shot kill to anywhere besides legsno shit who said awping should be easyare you salty because you suck with the awp,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 it doesnt taste as sweet as the restpersonally i think its fine and wouldnt bother,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the odds of his have changed though is that worrisome hes 71 now,79.0,97.0,10.0,45.0,62.0 you dont know enough typemention were mad sekksy,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 my serious post is now a memegreat,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 maybe he just set it up to practice chefs cook in restaurants man,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 man those cobwebs are just the worst,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ive actually done it when i was bored and thought it woupd be amusing turns out its almost easier but it definitely would be damn near impossible on a first run,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 i could get my cousin cory talisa offered but as she spoke she mirrored the sunglass frown i have to stay in the hall though,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 socially skilled and nonsocially skilled are distinct social entities lol taxbreaks for the socially cluelessyou sound like a crackhead is this what passes for analysis to you this is what i told you before you take what preoccupies you which is the politics of the schoolyard and project it onto the worldon mygod im learning so much about myself today every time i talk to you its like flipping between alternate realities i have a new and exciting identity each time but i am of course off my rocker,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i can make chainmail and advise you on the construction or purchase of medieval weaponry and probably even build some forges count me in as part of your team,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what do you see as a rational basis for power if you look at what theyre saying voltaire and rousseau were really quite naive about human beings and human society if you distill the essence of the enlightenment thought they represented its this kind of radical individualism individual is complete in itself and the only legitimate role of society or the state is to make sure the individual is free this kind of false freedom where people pursue selfinterest and think they are complete beings you can see the harm in this line of thinking all around us for the past few centuries imo,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 check out their sidebars too for more sub suggestions rbirthcontrol is good too if youre curious about birth control in the future also feel free to pm me if you have any questions im a nurse and ive also had a decent amount of personal experience,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 here is a picture from the manga a better picture of marlo carrying one in the anime links are spoilerfreegood luck with your replica,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 they stole baron against we,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 fjsthey demand an emotional response from me nope not going to happen i feel what i feel and i dont need to match what others wantother problems too but the demanding an emotion from me is a fast way to piss me offtypemention and typemention are cool to me one of my really good friends is an typemention and we get along fabulously my ex was an typemention and she was pretty cool too bad we broke up but that was complicated,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i think the caps lock and exclamation marks are supposed to be selfdeprecating in fairness,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i actually requested a song over the weekend and heard it two days later interesting stuff,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 i was diagnosed in the er as medically anorexic i know the diagnosis of anorexia requires being underweight but does it also require some psychosis i wasnt intentionally trying to lose weight i just had really bad abdominal pain for a few months so i was barely eating and got pretty underweight,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 ibp vs netcode was on 21082014,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 link to many others experiences trouble finding any reliable studies but the extremely high dose in the 1day treatment even in the 3day treatment for some can really irritate the vagina breaking it up into 7 doses is less harshi havent had a yeast infection in quite a while but i used to get them a lot over 1 year or so during that time i only used over the counter treatment such as monistat i think it never truly went away for that whole time i stopped buying otc treatments and sought out a prescription for diflucan instead less messy just a pill and more effective at treating the problem systemically,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im not sure its supposed to happen in one encounter necessarily though it can if you really hit it off its usually more of a gradual thing finding things in common to talk about with people you are comfortable talking with when you realize sue has a child the same age as yours you may have a good conversation about the local schools but a conversation about the purpose of education may be a few steps too fareither youre just not finding people you click with or youre not getting the opportunity to stop and talk with them i find people usually go back to talk with the people that peaked their interest after the initial round of introductory chatting,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 i have this problem with sooooo many questions,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 im sorry your house has been a wreck for two hundred years but i dont need a roommate leave,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 how well do you relate to each of these and whycogfuncmention you know your enneagram type,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 yea thats true i typically like to hang out with friends if i dont have a valentine it is a holiday created by companies to get ppl to buy stuff anyway love comes in all forms thanks for link,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 how dont you work on your relationship while living together a relationship is a two way street a big part is actively communicating with transparancy and without fear it is daring to be vulnerable and showing all your cards it is staying together because both of you want to and not because at an arbitrary moment it was said now were a coupletalk to your so if you want to work on your relationship you need to talk to him and work together on the issues if you want to unilaterally decide something you need to force that break but that is not working on the relationship being on a break is taking the relationship out of the equationalso your issues with family or your creative work are not caused by the relationship dont lump that in with the issues you are having with how things are going with you and your so he can only be supportive he cant solve those issues for you,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 read about moon in aries on google,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 option explicit public const itemname 1 public const cost 2 public const qty 3 public const unit 4 public sub fruitmover dim rowcounter as long userinput as string userinput 1 if msgboxinput custom quantity value vbyesno vbyes then do while userinput 1 userinput inputboxenter custom quantity number if isnumericuserinput false then userinput 1 loop else userinput 15 end if for rowcounter 2 to getlastrowworksheets1index 1 with worksheets1 if cellsrowcounter costvalue gt clnguserinput and cellsrowcounter qtyvalue gt 3 and cellsrowcounter unitvalue lt 5 or cellsrowcounter costvalue gt clnguserinput and cellsrowcounter qtyvalue 0 then dim nextrow as long nextrow getlastrowworksheets2index 1 1 worksheets2cellsnextrow itemnamevalue cellsrowcounter itemnamevalue worksheets2cellsnextrow qtyvalue 0 end if end with next rowcounter end sub public function getlastrowbyval worksheet as long byval columnno as long as long getlastrow worksheetsworksheetcellsworksheetsworksheetrowscount chr64 columnnoendxluprow end function,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 oh so is that why he wears contacts to make the symptoms of opiates less obvious,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i have been to this zoo many times as a child and an adult it has multiple layers of fencing and the child would have had to be severely unattended to get in this makes me furious fucking wi someone stole a fucking joey from its mother too at another wi zoo a few weeks ago what the fuck is wrong with people around animals a joey cant survive outside its mothers pocket before a certain age we are the weakest link in the animal kingdom we suck edit i should go there and take a pic with a sign like these are wolves wolves mind your fucking kids assholes or a wolf died here because of bad parenting,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 nevermind that i thought roundtime was 145 which would have been great but wtf did they think making it 155 i am all for 145 and 35s or 40s bomb timers but this is quite ridiculous,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 both her parents are turkish though and i believe turkey has jus sanguinis laws of nationality in that case even if she doesnt have even if she never applied for a physical copy of her passport she still is a turkish citizen by turkish law,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 that doesnt sound right but i dont know enough about netbeans to dispute it,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 when i dance i lay it on really thick with everyone a so i can keep the group energy up and b because people are way more comfortable coming out of their shells if theyre not being the most ridiculous person in the room the problem with this is that if i actually am interested in someone for real theres no way of treating them any differently from anyone else unless i just make out with them,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 typemention mother typemention father typemention brother typemention me damn our sensor parents just dont understand our intuitivetype interests but at the same time they are positively grounding for us and i always find solace in their advice,79.0,97.0,10.0,45.0,62.0 typemention are often scary to talk to both my so and best friend understand how to communicate with me though bottom line is thisat any point in life work project whatever i know exactly where im going and how ill get there this does not mean this route is set in stone but it does mean this is the best path i could come up with having considered everything so both my so and friend often tell other people who are a bit intimidated by me when you discuss things with avacyn it feels like kicking a dead horse and she simply doesnt want to listen because she thinks she knows best but in reality she is actually listening very closely and is simply challenging you on your own opinion in any way she can come up with give it a week or two and if your argument was strong enough shell get back to you with new updated plans based on your inputthis was a huge eye opener for many people in my social circle but also for myself as i honestly did not know how my behaviour came across to other people who arent used to thing style of discussing things,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 so how does blm get their justice they seem to be demandingits not clear to me as to what the next actions are as a result from protesting,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 critsrc told me you remind him of me i can confirm lmao youre an enthusiast no sounds to me like youre mostly motivated by what is most pleasurable rather than say what other people require from you what makes you competent security or any other such thing one thing that i have found with typemention is that it is somewhat of a contradictory type kind of confusing to understand it is a thinker type but dominant in intuition and balanced by tertiary cogfuncmention it makes typemention seem very all over the place one moment they are highly analytical pathological assholes the next they are warm fuzzy hippies and everyones best friend in contrast to the xnfp a thinker will find it easier to list reason why they do the things that they do eg what clothes you wear what courses you pick most typemention will literally throw on all sorts of clothing from their wardrobe that they bought on a feeling they know what is truly them this is the same for the typemention maybe a little less spontaneously but their focus is on aligning themselves with their personal values the cogfuncmention types i know are usually against certain morals based on feeling values eg i do not like marijuana because the people who smoke it are assholes and bogans but the people who are mature that smoke are not bad in comparison to the tp types who may struggle with making an argument from such sentiments and might prefer something like smoking pot is fine it is not harmful to your health so who gives a shit the tj types as far as i know also have some of the cogfuncmention it is not unusual to see them argue based on what is good or bad one thing to note is that for the ntps nothing is held sacred cogfuncmention is not their strongest trait which leads to them often getting into trouble for violating other peoples sensibilities eg questioning why we dont eat human flesh the ntp is usually willing to consider such a question in order to get to the truth however dark it is and it has historically gotten them into trouble with the moral guardians of societysounds like you could be overanalyzing that is something i have been lapsing into recently i will have something that must be solved that my brain will sit there indulgently chewing on it endlessly searching for a solution trying to break concepts into their constituent pieces to arrive at an overarching truthi never read them either for the first couple of years i am doing that this time it is far superior what convinced me to do it was elon musk he never even went to lectures he learns everything from textbooks because it is far more efficient and it is usually a superior source also if you have time to spare try opening random chapters for fun and purely out of your own interest that will probably help to get comfortable with the authors style and keep you focusedregarding the cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention inferior question i have found this fairly difficult to distinguish as well the reason i know that my cogfuncmention is dominant is because it is what i am continually searching for the links and branches between every piece of information i receive eg connecting game of thrones to the war of roses which is followed by the tudors and then a time where my direct descendants of england mined tin through all of these connections i see the metal itself when i look at tin i do not see a soft metal in front of me but everything it is connected to and all of the abstractions it can take it is like a flow of images that take preference over reality cogfuncmention on the other hand is an internalized impression of the metal a collection of what the user has experienced with the metal how it feels how the properties affect them they orientate themselves through this subjective feeling and they seek it out this is why an cogfuncmention type is considered more stable they find comfort in those impressions the cogfuncmention type on the other hand does not once something is experienced it might even be entirely discarded eg the cogfuncmention dom will figure out the best study method discover how well it works project what they will accomplish if they stick to it for a year and then abandon it for a different method that is inferior cogfuncmention for the inferior cogfuncmention type the way they know is the way that is most comfortable and they will stick to it sometimes to a fault when a type has cogfuncmention or cogfuncmention as their 2nd and 3rd functions these problems will not be as clear instead the divide will be between thinking and feeling one of them preferred too strongly,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 yeah its harder for other people to type on my phoneufffdufffdufffdufffdalso i can type blindtte quick brown fox jumped over the lavy dog only two typos yee,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 generally you will be 18 when you are still in higher education in the eu,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 one interesting trend is remote municipal governments mayor and council who dont live and work in the city theyre running but instead run the city remotely using teleconferencing and so on usually they run more than one town that way small towns that otherwise wouldnt have professional high quality candidatesat various levels there is increasing use of data analysis data modeling and ais to help optimize various things such as public transitthe internet and data modeling are also making it easier for normal people to get a better idea of what their government is doing and whyan example of that,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 remembers things lol obv an typemention in denial,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i like ntps personally typemention say consistently interesting things as well typemention are cute to me lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 theres a scottish thing called black bun which is basically fruit cake wrapped in sweet shortcrustive also eaten a greek thing which was basically turkish delight loukoumi wrapped in filo pastryso yes the concept exists i suggest a very sturdy moist cake to stand up to the double baking,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 playing guitar and singing writing drawing i would like to have lots of instruments but no money yet and i have a blog where i put some stuff that i draw and write,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 stop just believing ppl cos they are convincing and made some points these points could be wrong and just looked right cos they were presented in a certained way to a not very versed in these issues people historicallypolitically or there could be other points that would contradict it or shine some other light on it from a different angle but they didnt mention it cos all they want is to prove their point do your own research and use your own brain by your own research i mean not looking up some biased opinions on youtube but for instance go look up what actually communism is not a myth about it but a real term problem is regular ppl dont have a time to fact check everything read the books look deep and do their own research they are busy with their own life so they ultimately just become a believers in somethingsomeone pretty much just because or cos that person sounded convincing or they liked it so it all comes down to a propaganda and manipulating of people opinions that is so called democracy is all about ps even fact checking is not enough for example imagine a person which is arrogant about the autumn leaves he heard something about them but not really then you show him one yellow autumn leave wow then second omg yellow again then third fourth fifth you discuss yellow color for every leave point out that each of them is yellow then you conclude look all autumn leaves that exist are yellow when in fact its a lie ofc though its based on a true facts leaves that were showed are yellow indeed its not nessesary that this person is a knowingly lying he just convinced and fooled himself in the same way want to believe syndrom and when he for instance starts doubting it in his mind he would get back to his leaves and check yellow yellow so im right such ppl are even more convincing cos they are believing in their own leaves concept and not just lying so their emotions and expressions would be quite authentic though its doesnt change the fact that leaves arent all yellowyou can read tons of various examples of such u0430 false logic and argumentation for instance here which is used all the time in our society and its a norm which is very sad debates discussions tv news youtube just talks between ppl and alex jones is a king of such types argumentions for sure d,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 thank you hes completely bonkers in the second picture he is maowing very loudly for his milk,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 the helios gank was mistimed mostly you could see he wanted to take gragas flash for the return at level 6 but they misjudged it by a few seconds at that point they should have given up they didnt and that was their bigger mistake,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i wouldnt make an assumption 100 off of that but its not uncommon for typemention to leave breadcrumbs and subtle or notsosubtle hints through posts on social media and such at least im extremely guilty of it myself,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 thank you ill add it to the list,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 well if it were my store youd be sol since im alone most of the time if you dont like me theres literally no other option and you probably wouldnt like me i pull up the driveway and dont make random small talk id greet you and i always turn my music way down but im not coming for a social call i want to get in and out as fast as i can i pass off the food say enjoy as im turning around and bounce unless i know you didnt tip me then i just leave without saying anything since i was always told if i dont have anything nice to say to say nothing but since you tip that wouldnt be the case anyway id say you dont get a choice in the matter he probably wont last anyway order elsewhere in the meantime or order everyday for a week and see if you can figure out when he doesnt work and then only order that day but honestly youre not inviting him in to watch your kids so dont be so picky,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 ill take this as an action of endearment dnot that i cared the account linked to the comments is unclickable,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 my friend shireen invited me and my family she explained similarly confused she asked why are you here,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 ive had em on my desktop for an hour or so but my laptop doesnt plus i got a white background on one and black on the other so who knows,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 youve activated my trump card,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 well i cant help you there youd know better than i i guess it was the kind of thing where you had to be there,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 this i have the newer edition and while its not the most appealinglooking book twotone illustrations and horribly dated photographs its pretty well encyclopaedic in its coverage of terms and techniques its saved my arse many times when working with less than stellar pattern instructions,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 omg i bet she put more time into writing that post than she did training the dog i am glad to hear they found a home for it maybe the poor thing will get the attention it needs,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 a civilization where that has to happen every few years is not a good civilization,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 maintain i go off an on because i know it makes me feel better look better and live longer i work out because i have to just like i have to do laundry and bathe myself people who dont exercise at all barring medical reasons have poor hygiene theyre slobs i refuse to be a slob most of the time i have my bad spells heh,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 no of course not you woulda seen limbs everywhere and pink mist though of course no recordings of them exist but you can reconstruct the scene from the aftermath,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 just an immediate thought probably dont laugh in peoples faceshow do you give feedback on peoples work i personally use the sandwich method where you go positive negative positive to soften the blow of them being less good at something it can be difficult sometimes finding enough positives to balance out the negative but its worth practicing,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 im a stay at home housewife with no kids so i cant give any perspective on that though i imagine its very difficult taking care of a baby all by yourself all day and still have to do the household tasks that we do as homemakers im sure theres plenty of resources out there for stay at home moms so lots of research and preparedness is your friend being a housewife is great though i really do love it having hobbies and practicing good self care daily are really important because its easy to fall into a funk when youre doing the same things on your own day in and day out im kind of bad about being social outside of the home since my hubby is my bff and i really just want to spend time with him but i do make an effort to at least text friends daily and talk to my mom and my mil as often as i can my husband and i meet up with friends about every other week so thats nice too a little social interaction goes a long way for me though but its definitely important to reach out to people and get together every once in a while so you dont get lonely as far as saving money goes look into warehouse clubs like costco or sams we buy almost everything at costco and do our grocery shopping once a month with little trips in between if we forget something of course meal planning can be really fun and it saves you a lot of money if you do it right we also cut all of our own meat and package it with our vacuum sealer for the freezer you can get really good deals 199lb on pork and 699lb on steaks and stock up doing it that way,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 the opposite is true for me,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 that could just be to cut the umbilical cord knife or scissors clean sheets and boiling water are the usual theatrical props for a birth,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 thats funny because i really enjoyed the eccentric nature of phoenixs character for me thats what helped cement in the film in todays reality a one where we are accustomed to technology however still are unsure of what itll bring for the future all whilst still holding an element of scifi,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 id go with the buttermilk i have made swedish meatballs using cream and it wasnt too thick,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 as someone who lives in northern kentuckyfuck,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 we can do this in steps to make sure you understand everything thats going onif you havent heard of it yet look into the filesystemobject and learn it well its extremely useful option explicit private sub example if folderexistscpeoplesamsmith then save file code else call makefoldercpeopledesktop samsmith end if end sub public function folderexistsbyval filepath as string as boolean dim fso as object set fso createobjectscriptingfilesystemobject folderexists fsofolderexistsfilepath set fso nothing end function public function makefolderbyval directory as string byval newfolder as string as boolean dim fso as object dim folderobject as object dim subfolderobject as object dim newfolderobject as object set fso createobjectscriptingfilesystemobject if folderexistsbuildpathdirectory newfolder false then set folderobject fsogetfolderdirectory set subfolderobject folderobjectsubfolders set newfolderobject subfolderobjectaddnewfolder end if makefolder folderexistsbuildpathdirectory newfolder set fso nothing set folderobject nothing set subfolderobject nothing set newfolderobject nothing end function,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 only the 30th time that lines been used here in the last week,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 should we conclude then he would consider the case 31 of seop to be morally wrong,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 id like to see the best strength based two weapon fighter it is built for dex but there has to be a way to do it with strength,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 cherry mx board 30 is really nice,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if it makes you feel any better i had the huge plot twist of kotor spoiled for me which was on par with darth vader being revealed to be lukes father type levels of plot twist if you havent played it so i feel for you,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 behead tywin although tyrions method was classier bed tyrion wed jaime and convince him to become the lord of casterly rock,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 then why are people so shitty,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 asdf with the ratm reference lol,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i get so mad about this at work they try to send my sick kids to school and then everyone gets mad when i advocate for them to go the fuck home 1 i have no intention of getting sick if i can avoid it 2 it is cruel to make a sick child sit through class all day 3 they get all the other kids and teachers aides sick everyone just shrugs likeehh it happens meanwhile i wear gloves all day spray everything with antibacterial spray and dont touch my face at all everyone looks at me like im nuts its fucking grossmy boss got some puking diarreha stomach bug and was not only at work but went around and told everyone about it wtfmaybe i need a new line of work lol,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 im doing multiples at a european university considering 180 ects to a degree you can already cut out generally speaking about 30 ects in terms of a minor if you take degrees a and b you simply put a minor of a in degree b and vice versa also when you look at the bologna criteria of degrees youll notice that many of the skills you need to show to get your degree are rather generic once you figure out which criteria are filled through which course you can quite easily convince the examinations board to count some ects on both degrees finally if you take multiples in the same field and your degree has some room for electives you can usually also get the examinations board to count some courses from degree a in b and vice versa realistically if you are willing to put in the effort and figure out the specifics of how a degree is build up you can reduce each 180 ects degree to about 110120 ects per degree especially if you can combine thesis projects in some way it becomes very doable,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 me too the internet is refining and extending these theories in ways that academia doesnt also i really hope someone picks up where dario nardi left offim still unsure about how cogfuncmention works compared to cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention etc there seems to be a lot more to it than just being aware of ones own feelings,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 yep its really passive aggressive but accomplishes the mission,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 no it pops up in rtypemention as well from time to time and ive seen it elsewhere for typemention everyone wants to think theyre the most special snowflake in the blizzard meh bleh fleh there are people with mental illnessimmaturitywhatever in every type i think when you dont use your type to identify you you end up giving negative fucks about it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 nice blep facei can tell she likes socks doesnt she,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its all about neutral comments and genuine inflectionoh what a little guygirlso sleepylooking around so curiouscomment on its outfits or toys here comes the teddy bear rather than the baby if its that young it will sleep a ton thankfully if you dont want to hold it shove your hands in your pockets,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 vortex just something i came up with when i was a kid,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i wish more people talked pga im torn between speith and kuchar as my big money playerwho should i roll with,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im around if you want to chat,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 sociopath means lack of empathy that means making desisions based off of values without care or mercy that means sociopaths can be feelers,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 well fetch you and talisa when its time for supper kiernan assured the girl as she departed playing along with whatever marq had planned she had expected them to be the ones going upstairsonce doreah was out of sight kiernan placed her hand over the one he was stroking her arm with so she asked simply cocking an eyebrow,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 to most americans propaganda is soviet commie bullshit and an american hero would never do that shit,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 depression has to go on for awhile he could just have been having an off day its also possible that he was simply a t who was really engaged with his thinking function one of the easiest ways to separate the ts from the fs is that the ts never ask me if something is wrong when im just having a thinky day haha one possible way to interpret your post is there was one guy who was super engaged with his feelings and another guy who wasnt maybe hes broken p,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i always found miltons verse a bit blank tbh,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 nova premade who regularly play together vs a le mix who play the first time together i think that is possible depends on how much the les rage at each other though,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 thats a very difficult thing to answer ive been listening to him foreverperhaps this one for the cameos even if its not my style though for nostalgia this one of course but pretty much i like them all and some just a bit less,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 psh no one cares if youre a beginner thats whats so awesome about swing set events its one of the best places to start learning if you let people know youre a beginner they might ride along and offer tips and pointers while you drive,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 personal preference i would much rather talk about that ish than most things haha anything can be boring depending on who you are talking with,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah every now and then i think about trying out riveted but after 20 years i still havent yet if id do it though id want to do it at least from wire and flattening wire and punching two holes to put a rivet in each doesnt sound like much fun thought about welding but the startup cost on that is a bit muchi have a pair of machine made gloves theyre amazing no rivets no welds just solid rings all the way and theyre absolutely tinyeven butted maille will give you 100 resistance against slashing anyhow just dont expect it to stop an arrow ive actually tested it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 well yes specific mods that rely on this are nothowever why not ask valve to allow those gamemodes on serversgetting rid of those modes is unnecessary yes but at the same time you can drop knifes now and i personally found custom models annoying as they cluttered my cs installation i couldnt care less about skins,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 those alerts are completely nonexistent on the appthe same issue arose with james jones in nfl week 1,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i learnt french in high school but never really got an opportunity to use it in real life so it atrophied i also learnt mandarin to a limited working proficiency but most of the time chinese people would prefer to practice their english with you its hard i did try and even if you do learn the language youll be swimming against the tide trying to speak it because most esl people would far prefer to speak in english even if they are impressed by the fact you took the effort to learn theirs,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 if i forget a soda and you dont make me come back i add a fat credit to your account,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 do you think your current house is a future proof long term residencei would say that the most important aspect of fire is having a paid off house that way you wont need to have such a large investment portfolio in order to fund housing costs which is by far the biggest component of living expenses the only way to eliminate housing costs is to own your own home and then you need the money for general living costs and disposable income thus given your goals of fire at 31 and the redhot market id advise against selling i would rent it out instead,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 theres no u in better there is however an i in im awesome cause im american three in fact and everyone knows more is better,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 police vexor was the same had redblue flashers and a strobe on the front it was glorious,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 formatted for readability dim add as string add amp sheetsinputrangeb8value dim ssqlqry as string dim returnarray dim conn as new adodbconnection dim mrs as new adodbrecordset dim dbpath as string sconnect as string clear previous querey sheetsinputrangea11b15clearcontents set db path and create connection string dbpath thisworkbookfullname sconnect providermsdasql1dsnexcel filesdbq amp dbpath amp hdryes open db connopen sconnect enter sql command ssqlsting select newcat countfinallob amp from table1 amp where finallob in amp add amp amp group by newcat get records mrsopen ssqlsting conn put records into sheet activesheetrangea11copyfromrecordset mrs close mrsclose close connclose,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 dont worry nobody really knows where they are going in life so enjoy it and try not to worry it will work out in the end,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 its not science thoughits science,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i would too if no one could drink at their house but im the only one not allowed to drink we have plenty of other alcoholics in the family including one whose rehab we paid for and the same rule doesnt apply to them,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 a fully grown adult vs some preteen kids not much of a contest in hindsight my pe teachers were quite unfit as adults especially for someone who should know better having done a sportsnutrition degree they acted as if they were olympic athletes but now that im the same age now as they were then i would hate to have their physical abilities or lack thereof my fitness level physique and diet is 100x better than theirs ever were but im pretty fit compared to most of the population most people dont have a six pack at 10 body fat or frequently doing 5k runs like i do so perhaps its not exactly a fair comparison,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i have a good amount of expeirence with little red and the yellow brick road esque deck i like it you make really big fuckers that fly and cant be targeted the only thing that can blow it up is lucifer,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i was actually surprised at how short lived the heat was sure it was intense difficult to talk or do much for those 5mins but then it was just gone,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah i feel you im a nurse so work is no joke and can be physically demanding so drinking a bunch is just plain stupid when im in school i have no problem leaving it to the weekends either i just cant deal with this much boredom and lack of purpose in life its only been a month and a half out of school and i have almost 2 more haha,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 lol d she was beautiful did i want to bang her no but then again a starving man will eat anything,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i heard to author said that had trump already built the reputation he is known for today back in the early 80s i guess he was known in celebrity circles the oldest video of him i can find is this,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 what do you see as commitment an typemention who chooses to be with you has committed people are an energy drain we are committed to the ones we let in be it partners lovers or friends,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 feminism is against that which does not serve that particular woman at that particular time it can change from minute to minute if a woman wants the kids in court then feminism is all about women should be the cargivers if the woman wants to be financially supported then a man should pay her and on and on,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 thats what i was thinking really really doesnt sound like him at all,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 well i just died in the air after jumping out of zeus ultimate had flown for nearly a full second maybe just laglatencywhatever but it sure looked to me like i died in the air,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 is this a series because it should be a series,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 maybe you should elaborate on the use of dxdiag for cpugpu and the ui of the nvidia drivers for the version,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 nope none yet violet called back wandering towards the bushes to search her mother watched from the path making sure the inattentive girl didnt disappear meanwhile lily looked to the sky expecting the flying beasts to be up there rather than on the ground,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i do stick to a pattern of getting in bed at the same time every night well morning unless i accidentally get lost in a project and lose track of time,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i really like your analysis of cogfuncmention and its abstract conception of money professionally i have been a working class fly on the walls of the most successful and wealthy people of the world ive been able to overhear private conversations of ceos and people involved in all forms of big business the big take away that i learned about rich people is that money is an abstract concept for them an investor that is millions of dollars in debt is still richer than the man that has twenty bucks in his pocket these are examples of speculation the rich man is speculating that he can turn around his temporary financial troubles with his next business venture the poor man is speculating if he can pay his bills and afford certain luxuries like food i think this is a good example of cogfuncmention over cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention over cogfuncmention either the rich man or the poor man if they are heavier cogfuncmention users and can integrate their cogfuncmention will see their current financial situation as fleeting but through cogfuncmention maybe know from experience that they will be just fine and be able to solve the problem the corollary to this is the miser either rich or poor that leads with higher cogfuncmention they hold on to their money and thus keep it just in case or like you said clip coupons these are the value of a dollar people rather than the money is a concept people the former are cogfuncmention heavy maybe born into their financial situation good or bad and the idea is to conserve and mitigate risks rather than the you gotta spend money to make money types one is expansive the other is conservative,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 do your research search this sub for tubal ligation there are tons of posts also if you are in the us read up on birth control and sterilization as covered by the affordable care act you are going to need someone to stay at the hospital with you and drive you home it would not be a bad idea to have someone stay with you for a day or two after i was so hopped up on oxycodone after my surgery i dont remember the two days following it,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 monkey trouble joke u2713horseface joke u2713marco in half joke u2713eren has issues joke u2713generally shitting on all characters u2713this list has everything good job,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 have to agree it may be something that i have to accept but i have a fundamental problem with the government having everything ive ever said in a database to browse through whenever i catch their attention its not only about illegal activity its that they would probably not like the perfectly legal thoughts and ideas they were reading if for whatever reason the government wanted me gone i trust they could find a pretense that would do the job,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 this is exactly why i start bugging my students parents early and often about what their future plans are for their childs care nobody wants to talk about their own death their own possible deterioration and think about how their child will be raised its a hard sad complicated discussion ive watched parents sob over it hellive been the person taking their child under my care who has to earn their ultimate trust however when it comes with being a special needs parent the best thing you can do for your child is plan reality will come smack you upside the head at some point guess what most of the time unless you decide to poison and murder your child someone else will end up being a guardian or caregiver you need to look at options and if you are not happy with them you keep looking sometimes group homes are even created because a new group of clients comes about with similar needs and a new adult home was warranted but we will never know unless we ask and advocate for that additionally if we believe these services are needed we need to vote and be active in our community to create these supports this mother had one emergency placement and perhaps enough advance planning wasnt completed for it to be a successful transition mom probably should have looked for a backup plan while she was still healthy early in courtneys life if possible maybe she was a total helicopter parent and was nervous and worried understandable but that doesnt mean you give up and murder your kid she doesnt get to decide for courtney if courtneys life was worth living just because she might die a parent being an advocate and a care taker is good a parent trying to go it alone as a special needs parent is a gamble at best it is their duty imo to establish a support system im so fucking glad im never going to be a parent,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 you sure you dont meantypemention typemention are weird and withdrawn similar to typemention i mean youre wrong whatever you meant but typemention are definitely not what you think,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 so your husband is a dutch national i get residency is an issue but i reckon you should be allowed to travel all across europe together with your husband under eu directive 200438ec this directive might not allow you to get residency in the netherlands because your husband is dutch you would be allowed residency elsewhere in the eu together with your husband based on this directive by the way but it should definitely allow you to travel through all of schengen legally,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 cory talisa protested after swallowing the last bits of her cake a flash of white hot anger bubbling to the surface as she felt bits of lemoncake roll down her hair and into her dress without waiting for a response she scooped up a lemoncake and chucked it at her cousin aiming for his face as best as she could manage,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 you havel carbonate the powerade first,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 these are called mercenary gangs and they will engulf any lawless region in perpetual war with no incentive to respect individual liberties or human rights,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 its like that for me intelligence in my partner turns me on i cant fuck someone who i cant talk to for hours and hours about anything and everything,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 none of these work on mobile i got the flash apk but i just cant get past these ads,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 hmm im inclined to consider this rape,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 bruh he almost out rebounded the warriors last night by himself while posting a 12 assist triple double,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 how is your data formatted we may be able to refine formatting to make things more efficient,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i think that it is important to point out what many people tend to miss when it comes to socionics one that i didnt discover for an embarrassing amount of time is that it is not a typology of personality at all it is a system of how people metabolize information and how one object interacts with another these neat little boxes that the system defines is not about putting people into boxes but rather information just as important as if not more than jungs theory of psychological types is kepinskis theory of information metabolism agusta was a sociologist which is why socionics is closer to sociology in orientation than psychology who saw that jung was describing the internal psychological process of information that corresponds to the external division of information as described by kepinski here is a link about kepinskis theory ill quote a paragraph here that actually agrees with what most critics have to say about how they perceive the rigidity of the methods that socionics uses and shows why that is a false assumption the benefit here is that you dont have to start with the unreliability of the subjective human experience you start with the perception of how objects interact in space and time static and dynamic so for example it is much cleaner to start with defining cogfuncmention as an external process as such as opposed to cogfuncmention by approaching this from the extroverted perspective as it relates inward is much more reliable than doing the opposite where you start with the self and well basically end there the subjective or psychological approach is very important but it is a different animal i prefer to the take of modern jungian analysts beebe when it comes to understanding the internal half of understanding ones self and socionics when it comes to how people interact they are two sides of the same coin,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 there are animal models for many mental disorders we cant say for certain that the animals have these disorders exactly however you can observe patterns of behavior which seem to be the same in the animals as in humans and even look for anatomical chemical and activation patterns which seem to be the same such model critters are the cornerstone of many avenues of research basically you want a line of ratsmonkeyswhatever with a given disorder so you can test pharmaceuticals or even things like exercise on them,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i have like maybe 10 favorite songs i doubt i could narrow it down farther than that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 they needed to regroup resupply and deliver ymir to marley,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 fuck it i am removing this comment,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the awp sound is great it deserves more minutes in this video,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 cogfuncmention going wild less controlled due to being in the lower functionsnjs have similar problems with cogfuncmention outbursts,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 im really really hoping this is an ursula k le guin reference,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 this seems like the type of change where they were analyzing statistics and saw players in lower skill tiers were missing the ability more than theyd likewhen they announced the change i though they would increase the mana cooldown damage anything to keep a semblance of balance but this is epic were talking about they threw away a perfectly good map because travel mode is bad only to increase move speed to travel mode after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars at least on a new smaller map,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 just dont get mind raped while your here,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 he looked really good in your 1415 ucl run though he was scoring free kicks for fun,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 this got me in the habit of asking like every parent even my own if i could use the bathroom thats how ingrained it was in me not that they ever told me no even parents had that common sense to know its bs but now i know thats utter rubbish i just go when i wantneed to now,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 okay ill split it up thanks,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 do you have a picture of the glasses you chose,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 yes intimacy is something i mind its something that i tend to shy away from without even trying sometimes i cant even help but do so this is despite my best attempt that i might make while behind my mask nedgyn2me but on the real everything about my fake persona unravels once people try to get close its usually around that time that i become my closed off self,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 im the same also female though i do notice that when shit really i mean really hits the fan i do this to an unhealthy extent as in i cope by going in overdrive barely sleep and eat because i keep working on solving the problem dont allow myself to feel or rest because the moment i do i would simply utterly collapse so i keep working and fighting in the hope that once i do collapse it will be once the crisis is over and the others around me have the mental capacity to take care of me,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 she wont release the transcripts,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i agree with this i speak 5 european languages rather fluently and have read the hp set in 4 of those whenever i pick up an italianspanishportugese copy languages i dont know its actually doable,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i dont know what is he doing on skyrim fallout 4 is where the hot ladies are at,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the obligations were the traveling to belgium from paris for every 2nd week afaik and rumpred to have something to do with his girlfriend at that time,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 herobrine is high on that quality weed man,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 what draws the line for it to be considered light gaming,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i try to be as independent as possible,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 thats the guide i used too its excellentmaille needs to be super super loose though like 10x looser than this,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i know right the timeline was ridiculous,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 someone was following steps 1 and 2,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yeah falling at a very specific rate so as not to fly out or fall intonot sure how people dont grasp this concept but whatever,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its just a seat in a thing that moves who actually cares,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 the cpu buffs holy fuck,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 carson palmer i wanted to trade down or else bite the bullet and take jimmy kennedy,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 my mom uses that word,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 technically most people are sensors and most extroverts are sensors interestingly the two most common types are typemention and typemention,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 save copies of the videos too,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 red meat beef venison kangaroowallaby for flavour pork for fat breadcrumbs and milk or cream for a soft moussey texture egg to bind if you use onion dice it very finely and cook it until soft in butter or olive oil they seem to be less prone to falling apart if you shape them beforehand and let them rest in the fridge for an hour also avoid very finely minced meat or you will get dense mush,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i mean you were both assholes but thats no excuse for him trying to hit youteamm,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 the ad which got arguably the most talked about this election is trumps ad featuring hillary barking its not a conventional ad in the sense that trump didnt pay to run it he only released it on his instagram account and people retweeted it and the media wrote article about it the era of social media have changed the game getting something to be talked about is a new game where you need to generate interest and controversy people have shorter attention span than in the past the messages need to fit in 140 character people will share something only if its short and unusual like this ad,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 they used the chaos to slip in and headcanon coming up probably acted as civilians so the military protected themthey used the smoke to get out of titan form,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i live there actually talisa clarified some of it smells really bad and has a lot of dangerous people but the part of it i live in is really nicetalisa continued feeling a little giddy that just talking about home was such a subject of interest i dont leave the manse much but theres a lot of cool stuff in the city,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 you dont know my mom once my brother gave his friend 5 bucks and he got screamed at for it,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 no worries i am also really bad at cod dit took me 155 wins to get to eagle and you will find always things to improve on what is important is that you are willing to improveafter 1300 hours of css i was quite astonished about how much i had still to learn i made it to mg2 without any crosshair placement at all what is a miracle as css was mostly casual play for me i had to relearn cs from the ground up i feeljust started with grabbing shoxies config threw my buyscript and crosshair in there and lowered my sens from 30 with 2k dpi to 235 with 400 dpi and rawinputjust dont give up and improve step for step,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 my mythological knowledge isnt the best but what you say here makes sense in the portion of hillmans work that i quoted about wellmanaged rationalism and the union of athene and zeus would make sense as the union of cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention in the puer papers hillman associates the senex with saturnkronosfather time as temporal and the eternal child as a merging of the hero the divine child the figures of eros the kings son the son of the great mother the psychopompous mercuryhermes trickster and the messiah elsewhere hillman says that it is nonsense to hold that women can have only animuses no souls as if an archetype or a goddess could be limited to the personal psychology of sexual gender im not sure what the author means by malefemale here but i would assume that it is more loosely defined like in jungs conception of logos and eros or relatedness and distinction,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 im an anarchistyes i do support death squads to silence dissenters,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 yeah i agree hideaki anno seems like an typemention probably e9,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 thats what i figured i was wondering if he maybe realized it was him while he was still dreaming that would really screw me up if it were to happen to me but this probably makes more sense with polr cogfuncmention if he needed someone to point that possibility out to him,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 i thought schizophrenia was taken out of the most recent dsm,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 it has not been around long enough for us to see the all bad effects of it besides smoking is still smoking,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i cant stress this enough real all of his bookslifetime reader here and i suggest starting with the dilbert principle the dilbert future and how to fail at everything and still win big,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ye because it is not 16 we know,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 obviously basketball would be overhauled completely golf wouldnt change at all,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i would be interested to see how this inspiration album translated to real life unless you are a fashion bloggermodelactor i dont see these outfits fitting into a normal life am i allowed to disagree with your interpretation i feel like only 23 of these outfits i would consider timeless they all seem very young very trendy pretty gaudy and some downright inappropriate you are of course totally entitled to your point of view and i do understand this style it seems very common in the fashion blogger world i just dont feel like these images match your description of what you want your style to be,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i dont think that matters i mean there needs to already be space time and energyyou presumably dont see them in the same light as eg 2 2 4,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i know all types can work but i wanna know the pros and cons of a relationship not that all types work you fucking idiot that was obvious what the fuck,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 the prospect of being able to take a bath in my new bathtub it was wonderful,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 clippy points are awarded to a user you reply to with solution verifiedyou can do this to multiple users in a post that you posted in rexcel,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 you sound like an ixfj alright more likely typemention,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 what you said didnt make that clear it seems we have no disagreement hereunless the automation engineer is there to direct and supervise the robot full time his general intelligence is not relevant some jobs require general intelligence narrow ai isnt enough and until we get some progress towards agi those jobs cant be automatedtheres been no progress towards agi for over 30 yearsit would be cool if it were true there was no robot no tasks were performedgive what ive seen in ai over the last 30 years staying ahead wouldnt be very hard ai have been repeatedly overhyped since the 40s leading to crashes as projects failed to meet expectations1970 marvin minsky in life magazine in from three to eight years we will have a machine with the general intelligence of an average human beingai researcher hans moravec blamed the funding crisis on the unrealistic predictions of his colleagues many researchers were caught up in a web of increasing exaggeration their initial promises to darpa had been much too optimistic of course what they delivered stopped considerably short of that but they felt they couldnt in their next proposal promise less than in the first one so they promised more,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 bullet journal and not that crappy flowery washi taped instagram shite but simply 1 high quality notebook that goes with you everywhere and 1 black pen,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 no but ill check it out tomorrow d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it helps me to remember that i dont care about most people so its ok if they dont care about me that has been somewhat effective but led to me being more aware about how i dont care about most people,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 typemention are incredibly self reliant creatures we dont really need support from others that might only be me though if he needed your help or advice he would tell you im sure of that,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 well guess i was slightly helpful by bringing this up thats at least something,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 if you want dont expect a serious debate over it though it would be interesting if you have any strong criticisms of nonuniversalist preference utilitarianism or secondary preference utilitarianism through primary political stances particularly nonauthoritarian stancesi just wanted to clarify that the idea that utilitarianism is trying to maximise happiness is archaic there are a few strong contemporary advocates notably peter singer but they dont use the happiness term in the same sense as you were using it which you seem to have acknowledged so i dont really see why you made your post in the first place if you were aware,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 vet asap if she hasnt been eating to the point where shes visibly skinny then she has no energy to fight this infection naturally on her own save her life,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 well that could be easily solved by giving an abandon to afk players and ensure taht people who disconnect get a classic abandon if you time out though it should take longer until you get it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 are you open to using conditional formatting so you dont have to rely on vba code to make this work,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 5245 97 whats that other 3 in the democratic primaryundecideds independents or a bunch of other very very small candidatesthat 3 depending on who they are could be very important its probably infinitely easier to gain that 3 than take away 3 from hrc due to the law of large numbers and loyalty,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 its diff for each typemention depends on what quirks we like and admire,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 ive been losing weight slow and steady recently i traveled to visit my grandparents in their native country considering they are getting very old and every time i visit might be the last i decided fuck it im going to eat all the glorious home cooked food my grandmother will make it and it will be amazing and it indeed was absolutely amazing so back on track again back at home and just broke through the lowest weight since before i left for my trip im now at 805 kg ive always had my eye on breaking to 80 kg threshold almost there almost there,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this is a shark tale exclusivewhyall small tuna fish im one big catchhere we go againwhyall small tuna fish im one big catchsay what say what yeahwhyall small tuna fish im one big catchooh do do do do do do docar wash car washooh do do do do do do docar wash car wash,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 no i want people to know im joking so they dont get offended i typically know boundaries for what is ok to say and not ok i avoid conversations where i know my opinion will offend,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 lol yeah i have dated more than a few women like that,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 whats the difference between a child typemention and typemention,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 there is still unaddressed market manipulation,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 i dont mind truly im neither the most important nor the most interesting guest heregiven your position am i right to expect to see you during the hunt,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 it comes up like that because the search term people brings up anything related to the people of color movement,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 everyone has that cousin whos a warriorsseahawksbluejays fan right now,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im stuck in a rut same as you lately very likely depressed never saw any professional about anything of the sort thoughi just got laid off after 15 years and there are no similar opportunities anywhere closeby bitter cynical no idea wtf im going to dohow are you living off the government cause that might be something i have to look into very sooni cant make ends meet right now and the little i do have will be going away very sooni hate change,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 and that is why i didnt listen to my family when they told me to be a lawyer,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well that could be easily solved by giving an abandon to afk players and ensure taht people who disconnect get a classic abandon if you time out though it should take longer until you get it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 true i was thinking more along the lines of delicate and equating that with fragile or insubstantial my impression dictionary definition,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 none of these work on mobile i got the flash apk but i just cant get past these ads,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 no dont be a pedantic prickkwang has jungle sustain from the lifesteal an engage with his tetherult combo and the ult has high base damage like khaimeras ult,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i agree calling out random strangers is a stretch there is a lot of gray area between personal friends and random strangers though and i personally feel there is a lot to be said about speaking up against acquaintances as well at least i try to speak up to other women being sexist when i consider them acquaintances as well they certainly wouldnt physically attack you the whole point is we need to change societal values to achieve our goals towards true gender equality that only happens when we are focal about it and become the dominant voice one person convincing one other person on this topic who will convince one person themselves is truly all it takes,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i hope your sister gets periods eventually,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 im having some dissarono which is a luxury i havent had in a while gotta follow through on some camgirl shit today so if i get a bottle i will fuck that up but maybe beforefor the bus home tonight only thing im worried about is the fucking border patrol dickheads,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 also id think typemention would prefer to be typemention than typemention once they realize what typemention are like in real life,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 detroit is the wild urban west i absolutely love it unfortunately im more of suburbanrural type so i rent six acres about 45 mins from the city absolutely love detroit and my dads side of the family is from there while most of the hype about detroits crime can be true it could really be said about most large cities im looking at you chicagomidtown greektown corktown mexicantown the waterfront are more alive than i have seen in my nearly 30 years being here its not quite the chaotic wasteland it used to be during the recessionthink mass abandonment of warehouse blocks and buildings left vacant with artists and yuppies becoming the defacto tenants and then hosting extravagant parties and ravesthere is now a lot of legitimacy coming into town what you can rent in detroit will get you 23 times the square footage for the same price compared to any other major metro area belle isle which is in the detroit river is a park larger than central park and has its own aquarium the food industry has come back with a passion both fine dining and organicsustainability oriented cafes and diners the art and music here in the city is also world classheres a recent show at el club in mexicantown from a parisian dj sampling himself playing saxaphonenot to mention michigan in general is one of the most overlooked states in the union within two hours of detroit you can access nearly 700 miles of coastline beaches 1600 all together but it takes at least 4 hours to reach the upper penisula some with massive white sand dunes youre also within 3 hours away from 2 million acres of national forest not to mention the lakes themselveslake st clair being the closest to detroit itself dont even think about going to lake eriei could rant about detroit all day but it would really come down to what experience you are looking for what are you hoping to find,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 dont worry you dont need citations to launch a shitposting campaign on facebook the base will eat it up,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this is not how any of that is supposed to workthere is a law saying its illegal to infringe on copyright this is an illegal actsome law enforcement becomes aware someone a customer of said isp is breaking the law police investigate police get warrant to find out whos breaking the law and deliver this to the isp isp hands over the information if they keep logs which they should not be required to cause theres no law on that police then arrest the suspectit is not up to the isp to police control or regulate any of thisthis is why the swedish courts response is so perfect i wish everyone would see it that wayit isnt the isps job to spy or even become aware of any type of content its users are transferring if someone tells the isp there is illegal activity taking place well then theyve got evidence so just arrest them already the isp has literally nothing to do with itits like youre saying theres someone mugging a person thats withdrawing money from a banks atm and then you call up the bank and tell them if they dont stop the robbery in progress that the bank is liable and an accomplice how messed up is that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 theyre over preparing for something that is going to be harmless calling it now,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 not really if you are confused and dont really know what you are doing you are probably on uncharted terrain which means you have less experience and less information than you are copmfortable with doesnt mean you are going to make a mess of things if you keep paying attention and do the best you can building on past experience and taking in new information as it arrivesdoing something halfassed is deliberately not putting in the required work deep down you know what you are putting in is not enough but you dont put enough in anyways most of the time you know you are building tomorrows obstacles but you are like ah fuck it cant be arsed today,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 my dog will give me his i have to go out right now face when he has to puke i just open the backdoor and he throws up on the patio he has never puked inside even as a puppy,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 never get knives from manufacturers sites they sell at their msrp and you will be able to find it elsewhere for cheaper,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 when we where about to have sexy time she had a huge dick cumming all over me when i removed her panties,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 well a wind of winter sounds daft and a winds of winter is both daft and ungrammatical,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 well honestly i dont even need toys anymore i simply focus my chi,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 your post purports to be a paean to the myriad possibilities of life yet you dismiss one of the salient aspects of life offhand curiouser and curiouser,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 this is literally making me sick to the stomach just looking at them disgusting,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 its a fair question yet something that i have difficulty with to explain i was raised outside of serbia and although my parents mother didnt explicitly raise me based on a strong serbian heritage it has been a constant factor throughout my life as i was raised with the serbian language i visited church often as a child many family members still live in the balkans who we visit often my grandparents own lands and houses passed down many generations etc my mother decided not to claim citizenship for me or for herself as when yugoslavia fell shed been living in our home country for a long time and also gained citizenship of this country and decided it wasnt worth it to her and felt rather strongly that i in that case also shouldnt get citizenship however i cant explain it but as i grew older i simultaneously got more connected to my serbian heritage and how it influenced my through out my childhood while also getting more disconnected to it as without my parentsmother i didnt have any tangible roots there it kept eating at me this feeling of uncertainty confusion and also a feeling a pride for my background i couldnt place i felt my mother by deciding i shouldnt get citizenship took something from me that actually did belong to me once i found out i could only claim citizenship through decent until my 23rd i believe i just decided i wanted to do this as in the end all i had to loose was some time and moneythat being said i travel a lot as well and i must admit having visa free access to countries like russia and china does have its benefits,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 that debate introduction was hysterical,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yeah first of all cant tell if hes in a santa costume or not and even if you could it has nothing at all to do with how he failed,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah i dont i could but that would be a bad idea and i dont think she does either haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i find the enneagram to be the most accurate assessment of personality out of the three i identify much more as a 5w4 than an typemention or lii the problem is that i havent figured out how it all works there is very little discussion about the enneagram and i only know one person in real life that knows their type which is a 6w5 so i dont have much concrete data to relate my theoretical understanding of the system to since both are lacking one day ill get around to learning more about it but focusing on your biggest fear is unsettling i find that i cant binge on information like i can with jungian ideology as far as mbti vs socionics im a reformed naysayer when it comes to socionics mbti is like algebra it is relatively simple and works in most situations that the average person will ever conceivably use but at a certain point it falls short you need calculus which is like socionics to further the calculus analogy think of an algebra mbti student that happens upon a set of calculus problems without actually studying the discipline you are going to recognize some things like xs and ys but the formulas and concepts are going to seem weird you know enough to know that it doesnt quite makes sense both mbti and socionics dont really have a syllabus and to make things worse not only is there a lack of proper information and direction but there is more misinformation than reliable information readily available to confuse you people take a look at socionics and see a monstrosity of structure rigidly dictated with no wiggleroom this is just as ridiculous as those that think you cant be of a certain type because you dont hit every description on some random mbti blogsite hiede preibe says i should do such and such nonsense in a zombie apocalypse that doesnt sound like me im so confused i cant be fit into such a neat box the reality of the matter is that socionics is just as much open to interpretation and individual variation as mbti it is perhaps just written more sternly and authoritatively as it enjoys a greater consensus of thought that mbti i dont accept all of its principles just yet but to think that this entire system that is very similar and way more developed has nothing to offer is ridiculous and willful ignorance socionics absolutely gets many things right it probably does go off the rails at a certain point and with certain theorists however but that is no reason to dismiss the entire system finally i think that you are better served by exploring the basic writings of jung more than anything if you get even a passing knowledge of his basic thoughts the different systems are not so dissimilar typology cannot be adequately understood without some background in jungian analytical psychology also check out beebe and lenore thomsonbenz they are the shit,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 everyone has their own routine before they play a gamei for one listen to a good song before playingwhile the warmup is running on the server but i generally deathmatch or play arena once a day to get a start for the csday,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 theres actually some small amount of luck involved there with the method i use use solve the first two layers in two steps and the last layer in two steps theres something like a 11147 chance that the last two steps are already solved after the first two,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 she could be entertaining fiction she could be realeither way im pleased,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i have a really interesting story related to this my best friend in high school told me one time he hated me when we were in 4th grade because i supposedly wore a shirt to school back then that said exactly this im really smart and your stupid well there is absolutely no way i wore a shirt like that to school first off there is like 100 no chance in hell my parents would of let me wear a shirt with a comment of obnoxious level 1 million to school maybe i said something obnoxious at some point but i definitely didnt have a shirt like that the reason i think its interesting is it really shows how he internalized those kind of feelings of feeling inferior or less smart and being insecure about it so much so that his mind created this story of me wearing a shirt that symbolized it i know he believed he was remembering it accurately as well our brains are so strange sometimes,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 even kernel level acs can be circumvented m8,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 came here to say that peeel wtf is this blasphemy skins the best partdirty mash forever specially nice in shepherds pie,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you live somewhere that its really really warm and dont really deal with cold often do youcause thats not quite how frostbite works also cold and snow dont necessarily go well together here when its 2 to 6ish degrees c thats perfect lotta snow temp but when it gets to 25c it might try to snow but itll be so fine as to not be of much consequenceeither though mix in high winds and its a blizzardanyway impossible to tell how cold it is there but youre barely going to feel the cold much just going for a piss unless theres like a 30degc or more windchill and probably wouldnt even be close to at risk for frostbite,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im in canada we like our tim hortons nobody even considers mcds for coffee that i know of,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 taken from button poetry i thought this was pretty moving another one that ollie did how to love your body in 10 easy steps,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i had read about this for a while too when i was looking for community activities to do great concept,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 find the right people and that will be ok you cant just walk into a room and spout a bunch of half baked ideas anymore than an f can stroll into a bar and pretend theyre the bessoted waif dying of consumption in a tragic opera haha i have 5 people in my life i can do that with and they took me a year to date to find with concerted effort and work it is a challenge but you can do it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 but why would you want to in a bullet journal to begin with it serves no purpose to what a bullet journal is supposed to help you with helping you efficiently and quickly organize your tasks,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 so uhhh news article or something linking thisyoutube title says unexplained murder during 911 callbut no other information availablewhy was there no address or attempts to make the caller get safe first,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 good questions you might need to conduct a poll to get some answersas for me im a gay guy with a high sex drive not being sexually attracted to others is an unknown state to me,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 true i suppose its not worth the risk ordering one on tor,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 probably something serious like ordering red wine with fish,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 im with an typemention and all your threw bullet points are also important to me in a relationship and is also what i get out of my relationship one thing that i think could be a major issue in typemention x typemention relationship is the degree of being grounded in the relationship im all over the place im dreaming and planning to go to the moon so to say and even before reaching the moon im already planning my next trip to mars my typemention loves me ambition but lacks such ambition himself he tags along with my dreams and plans instead and makes sure that even while dreaming and planning i dont lose track of whats right on front of me with two typemention i think the biggest hurdle would be alignment of future plans and goals i can imagine both typemention would drift apart rather quickly because they are so obsessed about their future dreams and plans they actually forget to invest a lot into the relationship in the right here and now and for a relationship to work it does need a lot of constant investment and also sacrifice in the present thats not something that can be planned for,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im proud of how this thread shook out i like to see other people on this sub come out against hittingspanking to effectively correct a childs behavior especially little ones you cannot simply tell them to stop the behavior or smack them out of the blue you have to redirect away from the undesired behavior and teach the desired replacement behavior typically when an adult resorts to hitting a child it is because the adult has run out of ideas is burned out or frustrated the hitting is a temporary relief for the adult but it does not benefit the childs learning or well being not being funny with this suggestion but the show supernanny clearly demonstrates these concepts very well if you are interested in learning more about it as far as me i have a degree in this area and 8 years teaching experience with kids with severe behavioral issues out of curiosity since you are arguing in favor of spanking so much what are your qualifications,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 ugh perhaps not past the age of 25 ime personally i only find fiercely intelligent women attractive,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 gk2 for objection gk1 for pursuit,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 being smarter than everyone is typically not fatal ime,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 sure hell be there for 4 years but im not sure if i willeither way i figure everyone will just accept it and itll be situation normal after a while it cant be drama every day of the year no matter how much the media moguls would like it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this is a wonderful thought but it simply isnt born out in the science,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 heh you get it ill do this but many times not an option to be able to avoid when i was young id do that awkward fast shuffle like everyone does now ill just slow down or wave them to cntinue on or shake my head to discourage it in the future im simply done with that sort of thingtheres a thing as being too nice i see it a lot in traffic too when someone waits for someone else to be nice except its their right of way its making everything much more dangerous by behaving unpredictablythis stuff happens a lot where i am in canada,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 there is no business worse than bad businessi would caution against releasing any product on steam that has a poor controller stream especially if you get green light youll find yourself awash with poor reviews and refunds then be faced fighting an uphill battle once you do get your control scheme optimized,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 i forgot about those arguments when the lgbtq movement first started taking hold the paedophile information exchange is a good example of people equating being attracted to the same sex to paedophilia i think a reason for why transladies are vilified more than transgentlemen all comes down to the fact that there are still chauvinists in the world,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 small talk is fine so long as it is for short periods or it loops in ideas i did this and this and this and it made me thinkfeel xyz and then i wonder sometimes abc i am only listening because im waiting for the xyz and abc if there is no xyzabc i literally couldnt care less it could even be something as simple as i have been doing x because i have y goal which ties into a larger goal of z thats interesting to me i think all typemention are classified as cute no matter their height haha i hazard that both my little pony and the care bears were written by typemention,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 isnt that basically saying kill your feelings for that person,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 corvallis eugene and portland are the most liberalprogressive cities of the state oregon is a great state,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 try every kind of movementposition you can see what feels best for you i have some really specific ways that ill cum what kind of vibrator did you get i know its expensive but the new wireless hitachi is a godsend much better than the wired one which has only 2 options new one has 4 speeds and 5 patterns i believe plus its a body safe material which the original is not theres also a smaller vibe i like a lot shibari brand pink has a cord if you need a link ill find you one its a lot cheaper not quite as good but still pretty good how old are you and how long have you been experimenting if you dont mind me asking feel free to pm if you want to talk more privately,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 talisa had been so caught up with the wedding shed largely forgotten how much her friends mustve travelled to attend it was actually touching but nevertheless she felt some degree of guiltthank you talisa said simply i promise well be there when you get married,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 easy answer yesgravity is what pulls higher density matter down while lower density matter gets pushed up as it is displaced by the high density stuffthis is why flames in space burn in a spherical manner rather than what we are used to here on earth there is nothing pulling the colder denser air down to displace the hot less dense air that is created from the open flame so it simply radiates evenly from the flame in a sphere,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 quality of life is what matters most to people more than anything there are people who would trade 5 years of their life to be rid of time that they spent with a disease sadly i cant remember which it was that the study was based oni care about peoples weight and their health i discourage smoking alcohol and addiction to unhealthy eating life is fucking awesome and that feeling is enhanced when you are fit and healthy what is wrong with encouraging this most of the hate on reddit is aimed at the haes ideology that leads to people accepting that they are fat and not doing anything about it if there were people saying that you shouldnt try to quit smoking and just be happy with yourself and that smoking is good for you and its beautiful would you not be angered by this when the culture as a whole changes that affects millions of people,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 probably not your intent but youre muddying things up a bit hereandroid is an os not a phone manufacturer cant compare them easily that way and you shouldntyou can say 90 of phones used in 2016 ran a version of android but i dont think it should go much beyond thatif youre talking about market share talk about the actual company you want to talk about and their numbers not some large group of companies that happen to run not apple os,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 shut up all of you,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the hesitation and anxiety while i hovered over load more comments to see your response was crazyyou disappoint me reddit,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 just get res and filter those posts outseriously they are permabanned and that rightfully so but that doesnt mean i cant show appreciation for the undeniably good work steel doespull the stick out of your ass dude,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 oh man the sims i used to play and mod the shit out of that game i think i first started when i was like 5 or something kept up with it on and off all the way up until the sims 3 havent tried 4 yetbut anyway i of course did make try to make myself in those games in the sims 3 i think i picked assuming i recall correctly brooding computer whiz good loner and night owl,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i left spotify 3 years ago because of there 10k limit use havent hit 50k yet with gplay music,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 hazmat suit bugs pray gasoline mix with a blowtorch go in a public place that allows that kind of attire like la the people would provide a good distraction and i can the the hero exterminator from hell,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 doesnt help that dd sucks right now in pve,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 must suck to have reality of how difficult time consuming and life depriving it is to raise children smack you in the face,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 news and this is presnowden also this,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 sadly enough none of the new mods are members of the cult,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i think you assumed wrong been practicing yoga for 22 years went to 10 or more silent retreats my background is in yoga and in raising kids psychology and philosophy being domains of interest but do i need to provide accreditation on redditi know kids need to socialize and learn to deal with other kids and adults maybe even to take a few punishments now and then more than they need to meditate meditation is a metaskill that takes more time to appreciate and is less efficient before a person has had a chance to experience various life experiences how would you teach nonduality to a child who just wants to run and the teacher wants him to sit,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 same except im becoming a digital reader largely because they way i can afford to read more of what i want no tax breaks for me unlike the bloke who gets 40 deductability on his work books,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 theoretically ill get to it this weekend but elements of it are still clicking around in my head so its possible itll take longer right now the plan is for three parts part 1 to get four base types part 2 narrow it down to two part 3 finding the best fit type fuck yeahif you want to go real deep on theory stuff id recommend looking up a guy named victor gulenko heres an introductory article its translated from russian i believe note that ipij and ijipits primarily taskbased typemention working on a single project will continue at a single level of energy switching between tasks they can switch up between energy levelsi agree and i often end up with that starting point but it can get murky for some people which is why i wanted to set up the other three groups its pretty common for me to nail down a persons temperament and then immediately know their type based on the stuff i do in part 2 and part 3your questions and meowsocks suggestions are making me want to go in and rework my examples but for now let me give you two orientation examplesexample 1 she does a lot of what i call enspeak lots of talk about potential and projects and fuckin goal journals one time we were in a workshop together and i spent the whole time developing one idea while she make a giant mess of coolness esxx is pretty easy to rule out while she is a very active person she definitely lacks a certain assertiveness shes quite clumsy is fairly oblivious to her surroundings etc etc etc inxx and isxx are pretty easy to rule out because shes one of the most extroverted people i know you can catch a smidge of isxx in a handful of specific things like shes a good cook for example i can fairly call her an enxx and move on to steps two and three turns out shes typementionexample 2 none of the orientations really pop for her like sure she picks up on stuff that other people dont and she talks a lot about the future but how enish is that shes a big time performer and was the total alpha female of the group but it was a bunch of kids from an arts school so how esish do you need to be shes got a solid eye for aesthetics and has very specific interests but she comes off as pretty extroverted so isxx doesnt really fit shes probably not inxx so that can be ruled out i eventually get to typing her in clubs and shes an nf i move on to steps two and three turns out shes typementionnot equal self typing is so damn hard but id say it makes for a better start than just going for the functions this is right the core goal here is to have a solid way of getting someone down to four possible types and to give you a framework for the rest of the typing once i get to step 3 it will help people who are in between two types at least relative to other selftyping methodsthis has been a nice discussion thanks for your questions,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 yeah i often have a hard time giving advice although i always end up doing it because i feel like i cant even live up to my own expectations of myself so why should i be qualified to help anyone i also realize my expectations are ridiculously high and ill probably never live up to them or become the person i want to be i have a lot of compassion for people who try to improve their situation even just the littlest bit because i know what a struggle it can be i try not to be an actual hypocrite but i feel like a fraud compared to the person my friends think i am and i often dont think i fully deserve any praise i receive although i probably value that more than i should for as messed up as i think i am i still live a rather content and productive life haha,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 not always very well it helps that most of us are what would have been labelled aspergers under the old dsm being a probable asd myself is a mixed blessing on the one hand they drive me absofeckinglutely nuts quite often on the other i can usually understand why they think and behave the way they do,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 on some occasions i feel like every second is heavy i want something but i dont know what it is nothing i do is as satisfying as it normally is ill go for a walk listen to beautiful piano and cry its kind of like unwinding i think its just my way of letting my brain catch up like sleeping,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 well at least some part of me still looks young,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 can you give me its derivative i want to know how fast the leaks are coming our way,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 lol spent most of the day watching her sleep got a good 3 hours of excel tut vids in to bootgod bless the match function,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 1 interesting wait can you explain again what does the pi direction im in have to do with the processresult direction is it just because typemention is result and typemention is process and why if i have the same processresult in my subtybe its more conscious if the processresult dichotomy in my subtype matches the one from my main type im more aware of it or what2 also how do you think the fixations are formed wait not how this was already explained i mean what sort of environment makes an typemention have a cogfuncmention fixation what should have been different in my life for me to develop a cogfuncmention fixation or any other fixation out of the 6 remaining3 what do you think of personal growthmental health tips for typemention with a cogfuncmention fixation what functions should we develop more exactly cogfuncmention to balance the cogfuncmention something else do you think that trying to develop cogfuncmention in typementionextj types cogfuncmention fixation will be risking an inferior cogfuncmention grip do you think developing cogfuncmention isnt necessary at all i would bet that cogfuncmention would make more sense in both ways of thinking about it first of theoretically it would make sense to just have cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention balance each other and the other being that practically it would make sense to know that those ideas that they think are the best and should follow everyone how to present them to the public in a better way cogfuncmention 4 do you think cogfuncmention fix typemention or any cogfuncmention fix subtypes are more prone to arrogance about about the cogfuncmention fix onesudoctormolotov what do you think about all of these five questions typementiontypemention vs typementiontypemention process result thing environmental factors for subtype personal growth tips for typementionextj types cogfuncmention fixation and arrogance,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 just use a whole integer like 1 or 2 no decimals,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 dogs have much more death inflicted on them by cars and theres no huge backlash im wondering why maybe its because it would be inconvenient to do without cars but not wind turbines,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 gg lmao soon there will be more sjs here than typemention,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 some of us love you guys though dont worry about the people who dont get it really some people out there will like you exactly how you are awkwardness and all literally no one pleases everyone,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 itd be nice to know for sure which theory is dominant in this subgives me a good estimate of how many of you i need to fightedit about 77 of you guys should start watching you backs,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 100 spontaneous just means that you always chose the option i am lazyi slack on my worki leave things undone etc instead of i am disciplined,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 he needs to keep the players desire to actually create football as controlled as possible,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 ill graduate with double the debt and will be paying it back under the 35 years rules ive decided to only make minimum payments its just not worth it with the current inflation low interest besides with the combined debts of me and my so there is a big chance the government will pay a large chunk of the remaining balance after 35 years there is one important caveat though i do not plan on ever buying a house if you want a mortgage from a dutch bank theyll have a look at all your registered debts your study loans arent part of those theyll ask you to provide them that info out of your own free will however you are not required to if you do theyll be counted rather heavily against the maximum mortgage you can get if you dont they wont count those debts however if you dont declare your study debts you forfeit your right to ever claim nhs garantie if you go bankrupt and need to sell your house below valuelike i said i wont be buying a house so i dont care for this whether its relevant for you is something only you can decide,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 that article was great thanks what a fascinating quality i have a lot of respect for octopi and their abilities theyre one of my favorite animals i always get a little sad when i see them displayed on ice in greek restaurants as part of the catch of the day sometimes i consider changing the chalkboard menu item for them to freshly cooked multitalented critical thinker rest in peace little homie but yeah the cogfuncmention camera lens on life is fun to play with but sometimes when you zoom all the way out and leave it there for awhile it gets weird ill get too aware of how inherently odd life is and that despite our sense of individuality and personhood were all just sacks of chemicals bumping into each other and blindly reacting to outer stimulus,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 oh i definitely agree cogfuncmention users dont have a monopoly on being offended i mean its hard to imagine anyone being warmly receptive to strangers telling you who you are and declaring you dont know yourself as well as they do based on one conversation its like yeah get lost buddy i guess what i meant to say is that in the face of logical examples saying otherwise an typemention would probably consider they might be wrong more easily than someone with a cogfuncmention conviction might also we tend to question ourselves a bit more when receiving conflicting outside information cogfuncmention than someone who is more selfcontained cogfuncmention i mean im pretty sure im an typemention but if someone made a really convincing argument that i was antypemention instead id definitely consider it a new label wouldnt make me feel any less myself or weird and maybe it would help me understand myself better i like being an typemention but not married to the idea haha,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 sounds cool i can only go from 25 any idea whatll be going on during those hours and what i missed between 92,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i saw her butthole and i liked it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the instincts are strong with this one,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 way to doubleload the question op,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 to be a christian is to believe that jesus is the son of godcatholics believe that jesus is the son of godcatholicschristian,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 can we not link the verge abc msnbc or even fox dont have an article for this,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 you play dodge ball with 3rd graders,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 that makes sense what about the sensors,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 ah i didnt know that was op good job regardless,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i also have a 960 and am getting constant crashes i had no problems before the patch,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 well i can see the smokereproduction rate in this case is 010steps to reproduce buy smoke and throw it alt tab and it vanishes any map any place,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 as marq pulled her onto his lap a thin smile broke her intense expressioni promise she assured but there isnt a single thing you could tell me that would change the way i feel about you the only marq ive ever known has been after allyria and hes the best man ive ever met,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i thought the sex robot angle was funnier lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i work for an oracle competitor and one of our major clients recently got seduced by their initial pricing offer enough to sign a contract with them but they want to keep using our hardware just with oracle software on itwith our product set the system boots up in five minutes and has fault tolerance with micros running on our hardware the system boots up in ten minutes unless it runs into a problem then it simply hangs until support is brought in also the system will lock up randomly during the dayoracle is currently trying to prove that its our hardware at fault their rep literally and openly laughs at us during the conference calls with the client when asserting that its our stuff thats crapmeanwhile the client is still running our software on our hardware at most of their stores without problem,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 it depends whether or not the type is feminist its possible for an stp woman to be feminine,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 please dont remind us of those movieswere all trying to forget they ever happened,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i like it smaller because it keeps the action quick and it makes it a bit easier to score goals ive gone a whole match without anyone scoring a goal and overtime took a bit longer than id wish,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 it really does not only with sleep if i feel strained and at the end of my rope i like to listen to organ works by bach his pieces are multilayered rich and melodic i like to listen to different organ players too i follow the melody hear if different organ players have different variations of passages very relaxing cogfuncmention probably has a field day with it,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i dont remember all the details as this was a very long time ago but we did do everything right thanks for the fucking downvotes,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 shrugging talisa turned back to her lamb and resumed scratching behind its ears,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i recently found some pictures from 10 years ago and i had no idea how differently we looked i thought that fashion and styles didnt really change much but boy i was wrong i was decked out in surfwearprep combo type clothing like abercrombie hurley quiksilver hollister with a tan and tousled hair to achieve that socal look when i see old tv shows like the oc zac amp cody zoey 101 i get nostalgicnowadays the style is much more classic prep chinos a nice fitting tee well maintained haircut amp brogues or designer sneakers,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 congrats d keep your chin up in the first 23 years you have a lot to learn everyone does at first and then wellforever but it gets easier hahaha my advice to you is to listen far more than you talk and to think of this first job as where youre going to build the skills to get a big raise its not the place you want to compete with people to get promoted people wont take you under their wing if youre competitive with them if you learn the right skills and do a lot of side work you should be able to double your salary within the next 3 years you wont get that pay bump at the same place so fight to learn and consider this first placement a sort of graduate school after you celebrate take a look at some jobs you want next then be sure to get on those sorts of projects if you can andor do some side projects which demonstrate those skills work late put in hours to develop good habits even when they say oh we can just hack this together people who are always hacking shit together never learn to make the really cool shit,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it depends oh god everything depends short answer is yeah i prefer one on one interactions,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 the fact that a teenager is capable of logical reasoning and thus the ability to determine right from wrong according to a moral framework,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 also they dont want to loose the people that value privacy,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the us has a far bigger problem that maternity and paternity leave the problem is leave and vacation in general every time this topic comes up anywhere it quickly derails into feelings of jealously why should someone get extra leave just for popping out a child why cant i get leave for caring for my sick mother it is honestly ridiculous that the us does not have any statutory leave this has nothing to do with egalitarianism and everything to do with simply social minimum welfare one can expect from a developed country thats the true issue that being said i found the article to be rather weak the points stated have nothing to do with how hard paternity leave is frankly the points he made are simply called parenting and youll be doing it for another 20 years just like humankind has been doing for many many millions of years already in todays world having children is a lifestyle choice not a necessity yes parenting is hard thats a given and was to be expected no need for the martyrdom,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 pc hound part list results intel core i54460 18183 amazonmotherboard gigabyte gah81n 7499 amazonmemory gskill 8gb ripjaws series 3499 neweggvideo card sapphire radeon r9 285 100374itxocl 0 unavailablepower supply corsair 750w rm series rm750 9019 neweggstorage western digital 1tb blue wd10ezex 5299 best buycase thermaltake ca1b800s1wn00 core v1 4549 amazon total price may include shipping rebates promotions and tax 48048 generated by pc hound edit nevermind i was wrong the r9 285 wasnt accounted foris this build better no ssd but it has an i5 and an r9 285 for less than a dollar more again im not planning on buying this but its better than whats currently on the list of builds for console crusher and htpc,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 honestly i hate giving gifts for holidays im terrible at picking out gifts especially something like christmas i hate how its become so commercialized i just want to spend the day with the people i love rather than struggle to think of something unique to give people and spend a ton of time shopping most of the time i end up hounding people for an idea and they cant think of anything so the gifts end up being really stupid and pointless i can spend two months agonizing over what to get people and still not come up with anythingi think giving random gifts when you find something somebody would like mean way more than giving gifts on planned days sure you might not get as many gifts but its about quality not quantity im at the point where i want so few things i dont even like receiving gifts i appreciate the thought and i might very well like the gift but its probably just clutter i dont needcall me cynical but im not about physical gifts i just want to spend some quality time with the people i care about id rather share an experience than knickknacks,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 maybe china or saudi arabia could come in and buy a few of these small countries when they are in trouble and they will be in trouble when every small country will have beef with its neighbors,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 mine too im so excited,41.0,31.0,95.0,3.0,13.0 hahaha or roasts marshmallows its a fire gun how do i not own a fire gun,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 hahah no problem see guys some people actually care about this you read the replies too right,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 andwaterfalls what does that mean some hip 1860s jivetalk,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i think there is a huge common misconception where valhall is concerned if you liked fighting not boxing or wrestling i mean combat then maybe youd enjoy valhalla if you thought boot camp was the greatest thing second only to being down range in iraq it might be for youhel is a place of rest and peace even if you do everything right to enter valhalla theres still a 50 chance you wont go therei believe from what ive read the people who go to valhalla with die a second death in ragnarok thats why they go there to train and help the gods fight in the final battlewhen i was in the military i wanted to do my job to the best of my abilities i was not excited about fighting or killing people i saw it as a result of my occupation i was on fort bragg lots of special forces guys on bragg they lived to train and better themselves for combat some of those guys had the proverbial ear necklaces those are the types i think go to valhalla,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 hence eddie murphys fondness for france,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 well youve got me there,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i know that spot i think,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 id play that for a dollar1 is it a red suit2 is it spades3 is it a face card4 is its value higher than 65 is its value higher than 96 is it the 10 of clubsyes yes it isim pretty confident anyone can guess your card in much less than 20 questions,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 kennys is a bot after the awp update funny considering that the go awp is now basically the css awptitan is better of with the trade imo,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 education is more important than school universities are generally only good for drinking and meeting people in general what they teach is outdated at best think computer science or less than worthless at worst think ethnicgender studies because youll be brainwashed in postmodernist critical theory and in debt to boot law degrees and medical degrees are worth something at least,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 i regret more the things i didnt take the chance on than the things i did that were huge duck ups though its not like ive accidentally killed someone either so maybe i just havent screwed up big enough yet,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 its fine margarine is basically hardened vegetable oil you keep it in the fridge to stop it from being too liquid to spread even butter would be fine left out of the fridge for a few days,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 ive been doing this about four years and like i always have an aww man moment when i miss something and have a moment of frustration and disappointment and then i let it go youre a human you cant catch everything you cant see everything youre not perfect and thats okay and absolutely how it should be im the only qaer at my place too if it makes you feel better i work in health care when i miss bugs it could literally kill people so just remember it could be worse,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 ive seen crazy curved roots before thats fairly mild,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah basically if he knowingly uses his money suboptimally with respect to moral features i believe that is unethicalon the latter point putting existing desalination technology on a boat is something that tens of thousands of charity institutions have the funds to do but havent because theres almost no use casesimilarly building labour intensive electricity generators is just bizaare it has literally no use case outside maybe a couple of villages in china which may inexplicably have sufficient food to operate one and also an energy shortageespecially when you consider that geothermal is extremely easy to scale down to these kind of sizes without requiring the malnourished to pedal ityou know what he could do with the money instead meet the funding gap for malaria eradication within 510 years that alone would improve more lives and improve developing economies by orders of magnitude compared to anything like this not many people can do thatits very cart before the horse basically i think ocean desalination is going to be very useful in future though to reduce ecosystem collapse from coastal desalination plants,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 hahaha yeah they are so gullible typemention are adorable i like talking to them about people and they seem to love to hear me explain esoteric whatnot its a nice dynamic though ill never date another one,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 weird i liked the daughter as well but olyphant in particular seemed to be just going through the motions waiting for his lines lots of accomplished actors show up in this and at times they shine but for the most part they seem to be thinking more about getting back to their trailer,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i thought of it more like spontaneous rearrangement maybe shifting a tune here and there like it could be planned by the artist as well like you make a song with lyrics that change depending on the situation of the listener maybe the seasons or the time of day,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 can confirm recovering emotional coward,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 the other lake by volume is lake baikal in russia its really thin but super deep which allows it to hold a ridiculous amount of water,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 can i be the harmonizing ixxj subtype if i score 100 on p,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i agree i have started out with irelia i find her to be the same kind of difficulty as vayne i feel like it will be at least 30 games before i can really get use her properly,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 what makes you think i havent gfs house got precum on my boxers had to have dinner with her parents and get the train home next day her being an only child â no brothers no regrets â she offered to donate more but i declined i also lost them somewhere among my own underwear and never found them again i have no hips so they tended to fall off me a little â but so comfy so kind to the testicle area,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i feel your pain i do enjoy joining everyone else in the lighter type of conversation where theyre comfortable sadly nobody seems to follow when i steer the discussion off into my world i usually just get this blank stare that makes me feel like i started speaking a different language and the conversation carries on as though i didnt say anything maybe i should work on more clear communicationor i should probably just save that kind of stuff for my family theyre somewhat used to me by now,70.0,33.0,46.0,6.0,33.0 are the issues you are facing within the company because of some incompetent individuals or because of a more general incompetent culture setting among the more senior ranked execs and policy makersim asking because if its culture i think you should switch even if tomorrow you would suddenly find yourself ceo of the company you wouldnt be able to change shit if the company culture isnt allowing drastic change such as replacing people in several key positions which is a common move for new ceos culture is really slow to change and requires more status quo shake up than an individual can accomplish,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im not real sure how to respond to thatsure it sucked i felt bad drank a lot wallowed in self pity stopped taking care of myself even more a feat in itself then i stopped got sober lost 4050lbs tried improving myself as much as i could even through the depression and anxiety and tried seeking helpim not real sure that i need any more exploring my feelings or what good it would do i saw some things that werent good about myself and i knew how to fix them so i didim not sure they were feelings what is a feeling anyway part of my process when i tried to fix myself was to get rid of all the stress in my life because it was getting overwhelming and i threw out most of what i owned in the process just trying to declutter and optimize everything i couldi dont know maybe i just dont have the same thought processes at all i dont know how to think of it in those terms i dont get excited dont get upset easily and when i do its just like stressanxiety feeling or not knowing what to do more than anything im scared scared that i have no future and wont be able to figure this stuff out and that itll only get worse from here i dont think thats very helpful,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 two quick stories1 one from my mom my parents had a friend live with them before i was born he had just gotten back from vietnam while in the house a car came by and backfired he dove right through a screen door 2 i stayed over at a friends house and the next morning we decided to watch platoon admitantly we had the volume on the louder side his dad who was a vietnam vet woke up and walked into the living room and said god damn it its bad enough i have to dream about this shit every night you assholes are watching it on tv,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 if i am not attracted to them in any way i just wont respond dating is really emotionally difficult and i find that i will inflict the least harm just by not responding its not that im being terribly shallow i think that everyone needs to be cherished in a relationship if i am not attracted to someone i probably would not treat them the same as i would if they were really good looking they deserve the best not what i could offer them,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 typemention are often scary to talk to both my so and best friend understand how to communicate with me though bottom line is thisat any point in life work project whatever i know exactly where im going and how ill get there this does not mean this route is set in stone but it does mean this is the best path i could come up with having considered everything so both my so and friend often tell other people who are a bit intimidated by me when you discuss things with avacyn it feels like kicking a dead horse and she simply doesnt want to listen because she thinks she knows best but in reality she is actually listening very closely and is simply challenging you on your own opinion in any way she can come up with give it a week or two and if your argument was strong enough shell get back to you with new updated plans based on your inputthis was a huge eye opener for many people in my social circle but also for myself as i honestly did not know how my behaviour came across to other people who arent used to thing style of discussing things,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i am super fucking impressed by your arms and hips i could never look like that im a cis bi tomboy too but my body is very female unfortunately,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 from my reading it seems you desire you have a spiritual life but couldnt find it outside of islam atheism by itself doesnt offer anything of that sort its a blank slate inner spirituality is actually a good thing in life there is great wisdom in tradition like sufism but also other tradition like buddhism or taoism so perhaps this is what you are looking for a vehicle for your inner spiritual life and islam end up being the natural choice for you you can use islam are your main vehicle and at the same time integrate ideas from other tradition peace,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 exploiting isnt cheating lel tell that to ppl who used external undetectable cheats,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 what is the purpose of this my parents have a landline and all it does it piss them off because thats where all the sales and political calls go to,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 this is exactly how i feelim a graphic designer and i just dont feel like im cut out for it i enjoy it but ive come to realize it doesnt pay enough and im 99 sure im going to go back to school to learn something else possibly a certificate to be an occupational therapy assistant i can do artistic stuff in my free time but i dont want my livelihood to depend on my creativity or lack thereof not to mention ive realized i really want to do more hands on work i cannot stand sitting at a desk all day every day i like to relax in my free time so i need my job to be what gets me on my feet since most of my hobbies involve the computer,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 damn americans sticking their mayo in everyones shit,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 try this formula out ifandc2truen2ltgt1completedifandc2truen21clinical completedifandc2n21clinical reviewifc2requestedifd2,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 that blog is satire right,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 thank you ill add it to the list,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 not suitable for all advertisers so no one can advertise,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 what do you mean by narcissism that among many other terms for mental health issues is massively overused,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 historia civilis is a lit af channel check him out,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 and people suddenly decided to use the friend feature,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 definitely 26 bigger is better for commuting 99 of the time,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 man i came late to this party we have kbs in our fridge as well,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 libraries as the one i mentioned really must be and it was scripted elegantlyyou really do need that crossbrowser comparability within reason,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 do you know which region has the best ping to you or on which servers you landnormally you can select the servers with the best ping over the mm server picker that should help you to find a game faster,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i mean when youre on ethernet you get way faster speeds just asking if the wifi tends to be slowunreliable not sure if it is waveg or not which is better the plan i got says its up to 250 mbps,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i was on the other side of this a few months ago,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 it would have taken every ounce of my energy to not walk out of there were you all like headdesk report it to her supervisor,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 it is my flavor type of the week some people call me an typemention or an typemention but i dont really see the reasoningalso check out the edit i put in a simulator,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 well i mean if you really insist on debating madonna ill refer you to wikipedia,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 not that much tbhdid you have better fps on win7,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 wow if only this situation were avoidable,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 hmmm at work i often criticize code and then realize im talking to the idiot who wrote it what the fuck is this is like my professional catchphrase i should have it added to my email signature and biz cards,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 no the artist formerly known as prince and the symbol were two different names,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 they always mind their own bussiness though theyre kind of shy,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 vlookup works but it requires swapping the codes and addresses vlookup wants to look for a match in the leftmost column and then look a specified number of columns to the right to find the answer it needs to return though if i remember right you can put in a negative number to go left honestly i havent used vlookup in years since indexmatch is so much more useful,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 dune is the only book i feel genuinely guilty about not having read i sorta cringe inside when i think about it i love good scifi i even know so many of the books references quotes and characters but still havent picked it up for over 2 decades its been at the top of my ill get to this next pile i know its a masterpiece and i honestly feel worse about it than any other of the glaring holes in my cultural literacy my geek cred is a hollow sham until i finally read it,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 yeah sphere does have a lack of talent i know what you mean,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 what is does is creating registry entrys called tcpackfrequency and tcpnodelayi wouldnt download a exe but do it myself here is a tutorial,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 first mermailfist format that came before dragon rulers was dope,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i love it when theyre so dumb they dont realise how smart theyre pretending to be an iq of 176 would be way above the 99th percentile which is surely what they would put on a real mensa certificate anyway since the entire sample set will be above 96 or whatever it is so why would being given one of 5 numbers be interesting also lol at the blank spaces,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 aw youre reverting to your previous state because you reached a dead enda hoe is someone who gets everyone to love them retard stds or no i dont want whatever you got buddy you hate the notion that anyone would be discerning or have standards because it leaves you in the reject pile every timeaand i love myself an awful lot im sorry if you dont know what that looks like when you see it danyway i going to bed now you are and were boring to the core but you knew that going inis it you whos using the bot in this thread btw exactly 11 people did not upvote each of your comments no i dont think it is meh someones going to an awful lot of trouble d,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 you can make wire like that yourself how do you get it all wavy like that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 mostly im referring to random online people but im also referring a little bit to my teenage self,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 ah shame you cant see it well from the boardwalk at all,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 infected tooth abscessed into my sinus so it was tooth pain sinus pain all at once when i finally had a root canal and got on antibiotics i felt like a whole new person,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 its more or less known that the space station isnt really worth the cost as most experiment could be done without it but it is maintained as a sort of diplomatic project post coldwar,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 my black cat was named humar after the black lion in wow,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yup pretty much some of my thoughts few minutes ago and this picture is still relevantbut it isnt as easy as it seems and typemention arent like this for no reason and out of the blue if you perceive and relate to things with your whole self in a holistic manner which typemention automatically do then inevitably you gonna take everything personally and be sensitive to everything that touches your yourself which makes you very cautious in that matteralso im pretty sure its more about social enviroment and putting youself out than taking a silent walk through the neighbourhood in this department i believe typemention are very exploratory and wanderlust by nature cos then we are alone in our comfort selfs but yea in general i compelety agree not only infps but ppl need to do stuff and stop shutting down what they want to do stopped by fears and their lack of courage myself included o something is better than nothing life is an experience failure is a success compared to nothingness in terms of experience and looking back you gonna laugh at yourself yea as i said its not that simple for typemention and i believe introverts in general words are words and deeds are deeds and you are still sitting in your comfort closet with a minimum confrontations and things that would disturb your precious sensitive self,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 is it weird that every time i see a bulldog i want to make a slobbery ruff sound kind of like wluphs,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i showed my friend and he went ooohhhhhh noooooooooo dont do thati find it awesome keep it,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 gtc rated pollster yeah no id not jump to conclusions based on one poll,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 these are the worst kinds of locks and should not be used for anything,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 and then you woke up,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 my favorite part is where shes yelling at a guy lying on his stomach being tazed to get down on the ground,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 starting conversations with strangers is difficult that said starting with hello followed by why you were interested in the other is a good way to start the conversation ask about her tell about yourself talk about what you are doing not quite unlike talking in meat spacehook ups can be fun if you can appreciate it for what it is casual not deep no emotional connection and probably a one time thing if you are searching for life partner material and go into a hook up with that mind set you are setting yourself up for disappointment the day after will be rough when you are all alone again,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 kinda it is essentially a rat that is required to play esea it should be only used for matchmaking while it can do much more,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yes that man was crazy,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 tagm the flair isnt enough you need to add manga spoilers to your title,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 its named after charles mable devander iii the inventor of the flame war,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 manga spoilerss he didnt die on the first night he had his powers he fought in wars prior to that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 which things arent backed by evidence economically social programs,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i could have punched him more but he was fucking pitiful,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 natural selection finds a way,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 im sorry if it seemed like i was being defensive i really wasnt yeah the whole thing is really messy i think its reasonable to expect people to be self sufficient and to be attempting to get to that point if they arent there yet people are generally free to be batshit insane in the comfort of their own homes so long as they dont hurt anyone else ugh yeah this is why i couldnt work in psych part of why anyways most of these people would be fine in nonmodern society where occasional slip ups wouldnt be as big of a deal jondolar isnt going on the hunt today because hes talking to the spirits i will give him a rabbit and ask him to tell mom i said hi these days you need to be a 100 reliable cog in a machine if the cog is 80 reliable thats not good enough i think theres so much pressure that it exacerbates so many disorders and conditions a bit depressed and missed work now youre fired and youre really depressed,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i love it but are you going to share it on rcrossstitch hehehe,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 if youre an introvert whos not using your extraverted 2nd function you could be mistaking your two introverted functions cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention as your top two if thats the case youre looking at cogfuncmentiongtcogfuncmentiongtcogfuncmentiongtcogfuncmention or cogfuncmentiongtcogfuncmentiongtcogfuncmentiongtcogfuncmention so typemention or typementionyou can do the same with typemention if that was the stressed version cogfuncmentiongtcogfuncmentiongtcogfuncmentiongtcogfuncmention or cogfuncmentiongtcogfuncmentiongtcogfuncmentiongtcogfuncmention give you typemention or typemention as types that could look like typemention when under chronic stressthe other thing to look at is what your 4th function would be and compare it to how you act when youre very upset cogfuncmention typemention amp typementiongets emotional and throws a tantrum cogfuncmention typemention starts a spiral of negative posibilities if this is ruined then this is ruined and this and im going to die poor and hungry cogfuncmention typemention amp typemention gets overwhelmed by consequences so just ignores them becoming recklessa withdrawn and anxious typemention could look like an typemention,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 god damnit now i have to get 2 flairs,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its possible that the sky was clear that day,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if you have fresh ginger around i strongly recommend this i could drink that ish all day,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ok im all ears can you give a short reasoned expose on a value based system not dependent on emotion eli5 please,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i would say it depends on your circle most people want an alpha around and so theyll actually help you regain that statushowever if youre surrounded by alpha types it will be much harder,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 the classic criteria is that judging people prefer more structure to what they do like to plan ahead and generally like to be decisive perceivers like to keep their options open and deal with things as they come and they generally are more hesitant to decide or commit to things because of thatthat all comes from about every posttest description ive read i know what people all think of the tests here but honestly ive never really seen the above totally refuted irl,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 im doing multiples at a european university considering 180 ects to a degree you can already cut out generally speaking about 30 ects in terms of a minor if you take degrees a and b you simply put a minor of a in degree b and vice versa also when you look at the bologna criteria of degrees youll notice that many of the skills you need to show to get your degree are rather generic once you figure out which criteria are filled through which course you can quite easily convince the examinations board to count some ects on both degrees finally if you take multiples in the same field and your degree has some room for electives you can usually also get the examinations board to count some courses from degree a in b and vice versa realistically if you are willing to put in the effort and figure out the specifics of how a degree is build up you can reduce each 180 ects degree to about 110120 ects per degree especially if you can combine thesis projects in some way it becomes very doable,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 it makes it easier to tell you two apart at a glance talisa explained overhearing their conversation with a shrug she added passively there are a lot of other ways to do that though so you could share if you wanted,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 yes noisy neighbors are more of an apt problem nosy neighbors however happen when you own a house,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its really more about conscientiousness which is something you can learn to inhabitapart from that i would speculate that it is vaguely connected to sn ei and pj the types being closer to isxj will have less problems with this but yeah even they can struggle there was also a video posted recently about procrastination and the psychologist giving the talk mentioned that extroverts will struggle more than introverts but also that neurotic individuals fare better because they are more driven by panic and fear so uhh sucks to be you if you are an unshakably calm enxp,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 wow seeing how fast its coming in just mere seconds before breaking the clouds is mind boggling speeds its literally a missile flying backwards,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the mule called the beast shifter zeke during the battle of shinganshina,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 and yet you still loose kd means shit what is important is that you win the games,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this dude i watch almost only porn with chicks who have huge boobshave never dated a girl with big boobs in my life medium at largest just not that into huge boobs in real life,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 what is edited its clips of hillary in her own words you cant help it that hillary is one of the most inconsistent political opportunist who will say anything to get elected,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 most recent soshe asked me a question about fulltimerving on facebook messenger then asked me a question about where my exgf was the one who did not leave denver with me in january and when i told her she opened right up emotionally about a couple breakups shed had a couple weeks of video hangouts and a plan to visit her when i got to la a couple months later i mentioned that jacksonville was just a plane ride away and that she didnt have anything pressing happening for a couple weeks she could fly into jville and fly back to la from houston 14 days latershe thought i was bluffing i was not we were together for 5 months and broke up because we could never see eye to eye on how to run our lives im an typementiontypemention and i later found out that shes an typemention wellsurprise surprise that we see the entire world differently sigh,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 lol cryptic much infjs what do you mean,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this returns true or false if the number found in a1 can be found in either columns a or j on the second worksheet oriferrorifmatcha1sheet2aa0gt0truefalsefalseiferrorifmatcha1sheet2jj0gt0truefalsefalseif the value cant be found via the match formula then it returns an error meaning nothing was found the iferror formula recognizes this and returns the false value to indicate that no match was made do this separately for columns a and j and were able to use the or logic gate on this to return whether or not the number was identified at all in either column of the second sheet,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 you want ultra braindead simple you get windows warts and all,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i want to make a diorama very badly now,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 only lgbt and minority cookies,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 the us was pretty shitty with regards to jews during world war 2 they actively blocked jewish refugees spread antijew propaganda not the government but people with a lot of influence and even turned away an entire ship full of jews back to europe who had come over 100 legally through weeksmonths of roadblocks with immigration not to mention segragation on par with what black people had to deal with in the 50s and 60s just not quite as violent plus the fact roosevelt actually stopped all incoming reports of the holocaust as it was happening and there was at least one point that an operation to destroy auschwitz was cancelled,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 did you read the article you are late to the party,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im a lady and earthbound is my alltime favorite game,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 the walls where a ticking time bomb no matter how you look at it the fact that the kings will was pacifistic for a century doesnt mean thatll never changehell we get people theorizing how and when eren will release the walls every week not if mind you how and when op is even dreaming about it himselfits a risk worth taking even if the chance on succes was one in a hundred which it wasnt thatd still means that theyd sacrifice a million to get 1 chance to save a couple billion and if my math is straight 1 of a billion is still ten times more than a million,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 and by the way i support bernie sandersway better than the carnival barker clinton and the raging lunatic trump,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 dont worry about it a quantifier is just an expression like some all or none perhaps you could explain what you meant,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 source the biblegod is good and the antithesis of evila vast majority of humanity suffers hunger poverty diseasegod knows this knew it before they were born has the power to fix it but does notgod condemns people to hell for no reason at all people born with no chance of survival due to circumstances beyond their controlhow could a benevolent loving good deity cause this to happen and still be good,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 thats an odd one very scimitar like not sure if i like it or not,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 haha no really its a thing irl,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 speaking of faith healers here in oregon we passed a law that allows parents to be arrested if they use these faith healers on their kids instead of taking them to a hospitallaw was passed because too many kids where dying from curable illnesses because their parents where praying the sickness away law,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 just saying games with the servers down can usually be patched to connect to fan made servers a bit of research can be done to find such a download anyways welcome,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 heh alright not my cup o tea but if you like it you like iti could counter some of your points but i wont today im sure youve heard it before anyhowi was thinking boston but not strongly enough to committhe video was expertly done anyhow,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what do u do after that,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 3 is too high but 0 is too low i would love 15 to become standard,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 hi i have a rather unusual size im shorter than average and have an hourglass figure with a big hip to waist circumference difference i rarely find clothes that actually fit i practically need every piece of clothing i buy unless its basic tshirts to be taken to a seamstress but this makes me hesitant to buy things because i never really know beforehand if a seamstress is able to make the alteration i need so i guess my question is what are the big nonos in terms of what is and isnt fixable and what are the things that actually are easily fixable but people usually dont know about knowing this will help me a lot when i go shopping again,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 are people blaming the ira i mean at least they had the decency to warm the uk when they would bomb them,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 well i hope for the combination of the 2045 initiative and the internet of things the combination of these two things has the potential to not only cure all diseases and make us all immortal itll also turn the human race into a hive mind effectively reaching the one individual or less requirement thats necesary to rule out conflict between humans in other words world peacedoubt itll happen in five years though,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 huh thats still higher up that list than expected,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i heared you can go to jail for horseshit such as that,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 well how are we able to understand all of the other 4 functions if we cant possibly use them,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 ltyawngtyou missed the boat feminism won for the most part the 60s are over time to move on and try and act like an equal worthy of being a person in the world,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yes but hes still in prison now as well like andro0oid saidjonathan lee riches,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 time to practice markmanship skills free food,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 yeah too bad such scummy people will likely ignore it and try and make you force the issue or forget it wasting even more of your time taking them to small claims they dont care they just write it off as a business expense or are insured against it or something anyway,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lulz that is kind of what happened i think,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 but it makes perfect sense when you remember that time is an illusion not to mention that everyone knows nothing really has to make sense for typemention which when considering that types are bullshit and that they were given fetid breath by an typemention alpha and omega also i havent eaten a man since college and really when you consider that time is an illusion that only went on for no time at all and therefore never happened or it is still happening anyone have a mint,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 how do you know its 75,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 my recommendation is use a memory searcher to see if you can find where the number of frames is stored after that you can use a debugger to check what looks at that variable and depending on what the program does nullify it or skip the check,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 so if i can dumb this down for myself youre changing the blades from a to a while keeping the same rotational directionedit spelling,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 right both male and female should go after the ones they want now youre getting it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 and hel has more damage before level 5 her 1 does 7050 and heals her while kukus does 6060 hes 3 does 8070 while kukus does 5075 over 5 ticks the only advantage he has there is the 2535 extra power from his passive while she gets heals for herself and her minions,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 whats the aerial shot look like,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 welcome aboard id definitely recommend you check out this post it explains a lot of the more technical things that we sometimes talk about here and will probably give you some more insight as to what the letters and cognitive functions actually mean,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 the cake is a lie and raid boss 05 mg i think youre the first one ive seen to do that nice,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 im going to remember that one i like the description for me at least the squishy center description feels quite right and its how i feel because deep down i actually feel a lot and very intensely but its simply not something i have an interest in to share it with the world outside of my very close ones squishy indeed,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 then why are colleagues family members and friends not constantly asking what im saying or people on the street asking for the time or a light for that matteryeah as a dutch guy i have a nondutch accent when speaking dutch totally the case must be itare you a server by any chance,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 fuck those sadistic german sockets with the little needlethin plugs you have to shove in like an unlubricated fisti cant imagine how painful they would be to stand on,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 dutch i needed a lot of medical care both emergency care and planned non emergency surgeries i think the biggest thing that important to understand is that in my country not a single person would even stop to think about going to a doctor or ordering an ambulance or whatever its the most normal thing ever to go to your gp if you have issues or questions or are unsure about your health ambulances are released as a standard practise for any road accident or whenever police has to show up to a situation with only the possibility of needing medical care this can be as much as just checking for concussions after a minor car accident nobody worries about costs or avoids doctors because of cost i pay 120 euros a month in insurance but also get 80 euros from the government each month because im a low income student gp visits dont cost anything but specialist care does to a maximum of about 300400 euros a year as thats the maximum by law this systems can only be run because of a meticulous gatekeeping system no one can just randomly walk into a hospital for treatment for non emergency care you need a referral from your gp or dentist and yes waiting lists are involved for emergency care the only way in to the er is either by calling an ambulance for life threatening emergencies or through the gp or the 247 outpost gp who will refer you to the er for example i broke my ankle not realizing how bad it was i didnt call an ambulance but instead called the gp outpost it was the middle of the night and booked an appointment about 1 15 hours later in this case the doctors assistant who run the reception act as gatekeepers and decide whether you may or may not need an ambulance instead you could also just call our 911 and the dispatcher will be the gatekeeper when i got there they gave me a referral to the er and i went straight over once at the er i had to wait maybe 30 minutes to see a doctor but in the meantime the nurse stopped by multiple times to get me some painkillers etc after diagnosis everything is taken care of for you the hospital will plan all your appointments and surgeries first thing in the morning and they will call you informing you about everything when i was admitted there was never any pressure to get me off the ward as soon as possible theyd rather keep me for a few more days if they werent sure about my recovery no questions asked but yeah the day that you do leave they ask you to leave quickly and not linger as theyll fill the bed within hours of you leaving over the past two years i needed 7 surgeries multiple hospitalizations and lots of specialist medication total cost to my insurer about 30k total cost to me including monthly insurance pay maybe 1 to 15k,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 so basically geralt danish guys,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 that sounds awesome haha im going to guess an typemention based on personal experience source the firsttypemention i met literally grabbed my schwartz with her butt cheeks and twerked within 20 seconds of dancing with her she was my boss that story ends very poorly and continues poorly for about 13 years dat control though hattip you psychotic hell spawn,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 first thing that instantly came to my mind is language its really pissing me off sometimesgiff telepathy plz and not only telepathy but some next level ways of communication without words where we would mentally send each other packages of informationfeelingsensationsintentions etc that you would mentally unpack and comprehend exactly whats up on all levels soul to soul so to speak no words neededi thought about other things that i would get rid off and changebut then i realized it doesnt really matter since we get used to everything and take it for granted after some time and as a mundane usual thing so it wouldnt change anything at all we maybe living in a paradise already but we dont see it everything is relative you knowyou can only experience light if you experience darkness in a nutshell if you just swap one thing to another in a humans existence and these necessities nothing really gonna change makes you enjoy more what you have and a human beings necessities,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 its common because most tests only ask things like whether you value objectivity and rational thought and of course most of us would say we do i tested typemention for a long time before catching on to the fact that i generally make decisions with ethicalinterpersonal implications in mind a bit more so than things like efficiency or productivityin the end most people take both into consideration so you kind of have to prove yourself and decide which you tend to prefer have you read about the theory of cognitive functions that underlie mbti learning more about those could certainly help you narrow things down,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 prepared casters can leave slots open and spend 15 minutes later filling the empty slotsthe discovery fast study actually is a little overly powerful because if you leave slots open you can in a minute have the right spell for the situation every time prepared casters really are advised to leave a spell slot or two empty because it allows you to be able to pull out what is just right for the situation that no other class can doso a good wizard will be able to pull to pull a spell out of their butt at least once a day and not have to plan out eveythingclerics of a certain god have a trick with the feat magical epiphany to be able to once a day just choose any spell they want to cast spontaneouslyso they have a way to allow them to not have to plan endlessly,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 that would make less sense a drone is vastly slower than a missile therefore much easier to take down stealth or not,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 would he be back can he or maybe it is too late,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 why would you even do that,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 depends on how you sort the comments i guessi personally dont see how changing the number of points neded for a rank is changing the systemif you say they changed the system then as a person who is writing code it means another algorithm and different rating for me which has not happenednot to mention that the people here on reddit would understand it in the end it is wasted time to try and explain it to people here,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 and he was the ai in be right back but he was the human in ex machina a very nice play by the casting director if that was what hes going for btw he is also bill wesley from harry potter,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 which column of which worksheet and worksheet names the autocomplete data is located in so i can make a quick userform code template for you to play with that way when youve got an entry within the job log column the userform will know that it needs to load the client list for autocompletion,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 other than liverpool who is my absolute favourite team and represents mostly everything i like about the sport i sympathize with deportes temuco which is my local team and got promoted to the first division of chilean football last season and theyre doing great so far d universidad catã³lica because i like their manager mario salas who plays exciting attacking football and managed the chilean u20s on 2013 getting the best of that team atlã tico madrid because ive always liked them from when i watched la liga which was transmited on open tv when i was a kid theyve always been a brave team that gives everything on the pitch and i was so sad when they lost the ucl final on that 1314 season arsenal not sure why but i just cant hate that team their supporters are not unbearable at all unlike spurs or united ones who are entitled as fuck and wenger is such a likeable old man too i just feel like the premier would be different without the good old arsenal and now recently ive started having a lot of respect to huddersfield town because of the wagnerklopp link im rooting for them to get promoted d,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 a lot has been done to make gunsshooting safer and the number of people killed by guns has been steadily declininghow do you know his problems went way beyond that oh i see you can speculate but the guy youre responding to cannotthere we go speculating again he killed his mother if i am not mistaken maybe it wasnt so easy for him to get the guns and thats why he killed herbeing a gun owner doesnt mean theyre going to commit mass muder either or that their guns will be used for mass murder infact 30 million guns and how many are used in mass murders a huge over estimate would be 300 per year that would be 1100th of a percentand i love how you defend peoples right to being an asshole but want to take away their right to own weaponsswitzerland poland afganistan and on and onbecuase its easy doesnt mean its not easier to use a manufactured gun,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 sorry here you go 911 261 225 basically blue topped or the 911 which is full blue,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 oh no were using the same exact letters to compose these sentences,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 just because im curious what link does mental visualization have with mbti that makes you ask about it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 not in the places i worked the competition is implicit and youre dealing with humans who if you push too hard will tell you to go fuck yourself if youre thinking of buying a car i recommend an askreddit thread regarding theres a fair bit to consider and the market has likely changed since i was in it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dont hate either kyle at all when you think of aggressive drivers the 3 that come to mind are busch kes and larson kurt used to be right there but hes been really conservative as of late,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thats one fucked up fucking shit,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i knew a guy who said that once once,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 thats completely false by improving health and nutrition you increase the productivity of people by an absurd degree you reduce the time children are out of school etc the most cost effective way to improve a developing countrys economic situation is through basic aid sourcesdeveloping nations already have widespread access to the internet and all sorts of advanced infrastructure that doesnt matter if they cant take advantage of it due to starvation and mass illness,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 haha youre not the only one when i was watching the final cut scene i was like i cant believe im getting so weepy over a teen high fiving his dad,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 so youre not losing anything except for synergy with itemsabilities that proc on crits,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 soooo are we going to ignore connie is getting shot up in that tumblr,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 if you are into crying together,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 is air not supposed to come out,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 im not sure what your point here is i dont have a problem with any of these people,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 whose complexion tends to be literally the color white,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 so i noticed you value learning intelligence and philosophical discussion what are your thoughts on free will im pretty sure its just lower iq people in general that are prone to those behaviors you dislike i dont like the idea of being frustrated towards people that are simply more handicapped maybe spending some time studying psychology could help you build a tolerance for more people d well if tolerance is something you even want,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 funny how now that so manny veterans have received bans those of us that are left still get more often the top comment than the new recruitsactually now that i think about it thats kinda sad,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 it is not normal to bathe a cat ever theyre self cleaning,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sorry thats actually what i meant,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i would have to agree when taken to an extreme the impulse to convert others by way of force will certainly be bad i generally find that there are two methods that when misconstrued become bad1 saving others converting others so they may be saved by your god2 failure to convert means youre shunned or executed for lack of faithwhen taken to the extreme both means result in terrible things done to people in reality both things can go handinhand however they can be mutually exclusive,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 why the fuck do all typemention want to be doctors,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 or people are idiot hipsters that look for reasons to complain about shit and use the convenient health crazes,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 well on the matter of free will not so much a mischaracterization but harris is right on that one i dont have free will pretty obvious to me,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 oswell nearly soiled his small clothes this was not going to end well he gripped the hilt of his sword tight and scanned the room preparing for absolute chaos,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 in english it is alot less insulting the phrase is micro manager,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i should mention that im american and in a salary position obviously it works a bit differently if youre an hourly worker in a call center or something like that where taking a day off hurts your coworkers instead of just youif i remember correctly when i started with the company in an hourly position in the mailroom i had a few days sick time paid time off that doesnt need to be scheduled in advance and can be used in 15 min increments but i dont think i got any vacation days paid time off you schedule in advance and must be used in 4 hourhalfday increments because i was hired past the halfway point in the year when the new year began i got 5 days vacation and 5 days40 hou15 days vacation then at 10 years 20 days vacation plus i have the option to buy a week where i get an extra 5 days but pay for it in increments out of my normal paychecks,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 bro you psyched substance somehow,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 pollplus had an higher margin of error its got really worse since since ny as the pollplus always put trump lower than the pollsonly prediction and trump outperformed the polls for the last 6 states,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 well what youre talking about is relatively easy the hard part is making it work well with how your data is formatted and how you want votes and totals to be displayed dim playervotes as long tracks how many votes each player has dim itemvotes as long tracks how many votes each item hasthis is literally the data you need to track in your vote scenario the only thing that needs context is how you want this displayed and how players will interact with this data,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 when you reconnect it will notify the other person,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 we all have a vote to join it has to be unanimous,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 yes indeed schopenhauers rather buddhist ethics of transcending suffering were nietzsches main point of departure from him who was otherwise a great influence for nietzsche suffering was essential to life and trying to avoid suffering in oneself or in others in restrictive ways is to lose something essential apart from that their weltanschauungen are extremely similar theyre both certainly monists but disagree as to what to name the worlds unifying principle lieb for schop macht for nietzsche,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 im japanese myself and i approve this message,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 oh thats sweet are these cards something you made or from a different source perhaps you imported mrgones condition cards,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 thats the way i should have done it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 my philosophy is somewhat of a hodgepodge of stoicism epicureanism and existentialism with a fair bit of my own bullshit and bullshit scabbed from other more formal bullshit systems,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 youll first need to actually find some manpowerand outside of the cult the only real superpower on this sub are the mods but they are highly disorganized since the fall of hkand maybe well the cult of annie is getting some recognition lately but i doubt theyd ever pose a real threat to the first and best cult,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 thank you for the answer that was really interesting now that youve explained that it makes a lot of sense how did norse men amp women view the sack of rome the roman withdrawal from britian amp the eventual fall of the western roman empire in ad 410 amp 476 respectivelyeven though from what you say the norse seem rather friendly towards the romans in the sense they want continuing connections was there ever a sense of glee from the norse in ad 410 that it was now their time to conquer amp influence britain im a little confused whats the relationship between attlia amp the norsemenalso what books would you recommend if i wanted to learn more about this thank you,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 bastet ive been playing for almost a year now and still get wrecked by bastets almost every time but when i play her it doesnt go well,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 mge is not good you can start calling people good when they reach smfc,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 exactly the logic puzzle would not have played well on film so they had to give her something else to do of course that doesnt forgive a lot of the other mistakes they made with the hermioneron balance but the devils snare is a pretty trivial part of it,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i did i still do same as you my fantasy world saved me with an nmum and an emotional unavailable dad following an awful divorce when i was 12 i fell into a depression undiagnosed considering nobody gave enough of a fuck to see i was struggling i didnt even realise myself back then only put the piece together once i was preparing to move out live on my own and met people who were diagnosed anyway i would spend countless hours daydreaming mostly based on novels and movies most of which already named by other commenters my daydreaming mostly included building imaginary relationships with fictional characters mothers fathers siblings friends romantical interests 100s of them most of the time spent in the dreams were mostly just talking imagening how that relationship works i would daydream for at least 5 hours a day usually a lot morethe thing is by doing so i learned a lot about myself and my parents frankly by doing so i subconsciously worked my way out of a depression by projecting therapist roles unto characters i learned my own strengths and weaknesses and what i want out of life and my relationshipsim now in my 20s and in a really happy place and am loved by many people i still daydream though there are several characters from my childhood day dreams i hold very dear and up till this day i daydream and continue to expand those imaginary relationships a lot less often obviously but usually still in those dull moments before falling a sleep or when riding my bicycle to class the day dreams are still a safe haven,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 is your rear touchpad clean,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 do onetime pad encryption generate your alternate key by xoring the ciphertext ciphertext is plaintext xored with the key with your alternate plaintext here it is in java public static final charset utf8 charsetfornameutf8 private static byte byte return x public static void test byteso now you have one ciphertext and two keys each key decrypts the ciphertext to a different message,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 i have a friend who repeats her stories a lot and when i notice shes starting up on one again i cut her off at the pass by nicely saying oh yeah i remember when you told me about that last week where soandso did that thing by saying you remember and then proving you retained the information it shows you were listening and paid attention to them they now have no reason to repeat themselves but still feel heard my friend will now usually say i forgot i told you that and then move on to something else good luck thats an incredibly annoying situation,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 even i wouldnt been able to fend of the sasha fandom,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 wtf is this public or private classroom,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 unless you blame every loss onsmurfs,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this guy spent too much time on rtwoxchromosomes,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 no problem i learned from this just as much as you did,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i used to listen to ff soundtracks while i studied but that only made me want to stop and play the games now i stick with lord of the rings soundtracks,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 you have the free will to be a faggot,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 dat denial you are part of it also dont knife at round startban deserved no reason to change the system,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i mean not entirely but even a small gesture from my so turns my mood around very quickly having your bad feelings acknowledged by your so makes it easier to work through them alone in my experience emotional support is extremely important in relationships,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 there are really people who play this game for skinsif it is so important to you watch the demo and confirm it again then if you really want it go on the marketplace and buy it or write a ticket to the steam supportyou also dont rarely get an item you get around 48 drops per week,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thank you for the flattery do tell how your planned build will goand please report back on how your games go consider yourself and your group unofficial stress testers,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 ive actually tested it and it didnt come out to the amount of es you would expect if splocks prediction of 2k flat es is correct,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 there are way way way too many clips of herthe person filming should mind their own business id probably put on a bit of a show too if my neighbor was always watching and filming me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the evolution part or the covered in penises part,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 she will eventually break out of the crystalwhen shes the last manga spoilerss eldian left,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah thats the kind of shit i do with the dumbells but it gets boring haha have you tried rowing to compare,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 cã line dion could sing a page of the phone book and it would feel deep and powerful while i dont like her music and as a quebecer i was overexposed to her and im kind of sick of it i have to still to admit that she is definitely in a league well above most singer only whitney houston was arguably better in her good years and cã lines manager and husband renã said so but cã line was able to keep an healty voice up to this day she is extremely disciplined about this renã angã lil her manager and husband who died last year was also a maketing and business genius he discovered cã line when she was 12 years old and set himself on the goal of making her an international star they officially began a relationship when she was 18 and he was 43 with rumors that it began earlier renã had tried at first to convince ginette reno who i personally believe to be the greatest singer in the world to work at becaming an international star but ginette refused now that renã is dead cã line lost her mentor who micromanaged her life the last year must have been challenging for her,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 death is a preferable option to intolerance,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 depends how high you win and what your stats say at timesyou win high vs good players you get more points you lose high against worse players you lose more points etc,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 oh sweet sounds like my kind of thing and i feel you on the last part haha sometimes i have to pause the show and brace myself if stuff like that is about to happen,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i have a mug from a mini eggs easter egg box thats about 10 years old i still drink out of it almost dailydue to the thickness and shape of the mug it makes a perfect cup of tea every single time whenever i use a different mug i never get the milk to tea ratio perfectly right,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 and this is why the usps is spiraling downhill,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 oh no id hate to leave someone out what do you think of the most recent season also rentponies,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 hopefully youll have enough cash left over for extra fluid,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 im honoredobligatory request to be credited,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 it is a bit of an old post but im glad that you appreciate it thank you for your feedback,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 i imagine that peoples experience with this varies somewhat,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 wow this has got to be one of the worst posts i have seen in such a long time i am laughing too much this is freaking awful and a total waste of time upvoted,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 the scene in question starts at almost the 1100 mark for anyone who wants to do it,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 you can give more people more cheats to reverse engineer while the team around vac will stay around the same size additionally you can have people work on new ideas for vac without actually implementing themthe problem is that if a thing goes into one coder forum it spreads throught the net and will find its way to script kiddys while those campp cheats are generally detected faster because they dont change the methods it is a different thing if they change parts in the code which requires finding a new signature and putting it into vac the problem is that vac is not only for cs but also for other games you need to update vac for all games whoch use it so cs comes a bit into a disadvantage since it is a normal game but with 10 or 100 times more cheats,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 who rates one direction highly though youre confusing acclaim with popularityan overrated band would be one that is critically acclaimed but produces garbage like in my opinion arcade fire,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i dont disagree with anything you said but id like to point out that an introverted cogfuncmention user calling an extroverted user super happy seems like a flawed metric haha i think cogfuncmention users are happier in general cogfuncmention is more likely to share emotions both positive and negative than cogfuncmention cogfuncmention is also more able to soak up the happy vibes from others extroverts are happier in general which is largely attributed to their willingness to share their emotions and relative greater ability to build support networks i think cogfuncmention doubles down on this because of the aforementioned blah blah to add another dimension to this ramble i think that sensors are likely generally happier than intuitives at leastespecially in early life i conjecture that this is likely a combination of living in a sensing world connecting with people better until you hopefully find yourself surrounded by ns and the tendency of ns to ruminate and build fortresses of bitter even ns are pulled out of funks by using their sensing functions i would suspect that the general sadhappy spectrum starts with dom cogfuncmention intuitive introverts at the saddest and ends with dom cogfuncmention sensing extroverts at the happiest the typemention i have known seem really happy most of the time but theyre just saving up sadness not letting anyone into what they see as their true sad selves they also tend to bottle up anger anxiety etc and just explode in a death blossom of negativity just going with the cogfuncmention ns i think the saddest to happiest are typemention typemention typemention typemention with cogfuncmention ns its likely typemention typemention typemention typemention i note with some satisfaction that if this list is true it more or less sticks to the hypothesis laid out above if you shuffle the deck i think typemention typemention typemention typemention typemention typemention typemention typemention in my experience,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i suddenly need a beetle,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i got what you meant it doesnt have to be a for profit prison as long as they keep jailing people for little things they have an excuse to put people in for profit prisons for mild offences,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 haha im not a huge fan of baths myself i do get annoyed with myself over too long showers though it currently burns a fair bit of carbon to process and heat all that water regardless of other environmental impacts,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 neither would i that isnt the question which you at least understand most people commenting dont the question is who is behaving morally and who isnt which only means whose behaviour is dictated by principle not whether you personally like those principles,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 ready player one is fun i read that while i waited for my occulus rift to arrive haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 how about just being a dick in general,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 theres no reason that your parents or friends need to know about this if you end up going with the abortion route you do have a right to privacy regarding that decisionill just echo what the other comments said there are counseling options available to you if you want some help talking through your options in detail ultimately you have to make this decision yourself but that doesnt mean youre going to be alone,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i dont know if you are a troll or just really stupid at this pointyou lose no information if i have 128 fps i get fresh data every frame and send fresh data every frame if my monitor displays 120 or 60 frames per second makes no fucking difference the only thing it does is displaying every single frame assuming you have 128hz however the outcome is the same regardless if you play with 60 or 120 or 144hz you always see the same you always send the same and you always receive the same information regardless of your hz that is why you will always see the same thing in cs regardless of the hz of your monitorotherwise people with high hz monitors would wreck everyone on 128 tick servers which isnt the caseplease turn on your brain pleasemaybe read this post and turn on your brain,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 or died fighting their wars dont forget,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 ive heard this referred to as head hungry sometimes i have these really empty days where nothing i eat makes me feel full i end up drinking a lot of hot tea and keeping busy amazingly when im not thinking about it im not hungry any more i used to be a boredom snacker though,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 its a fair question yet something that i have difficulty with to explain i was raised outside of serbia and although my parents mother didnt explicitly raise me based on a strong serbian heritage it has been a constant factor throughout my life as i was raised with the serbian language i visited church often as a child many family members still live in the balkans who we visit often my grandparents own lands and houses passed down many generations etc my mother decided not to claim citizenship for me or for herself as when yugoslavia fell shed been living in our home country for a long time and also gained citizenship of this country and decided it wasnt worth it to her and felt rather strongly that i in that case also shouldnt get citizenship however i cant explain it but as i grew older i simultaneously got more connected to my serbian heritage and how it influenced my through out my childhood while also getting more disconnected to it as without my parentsmother i didnt have any tangible roots there it kept eating at me this feeling of uncertainty confusion and also a feeling a pride for my background i couldnt place i felt my mother by deciding i shouldnt get citizenship took something from me that actually did belong to me once i found out i could only claim citizenship through decent until my 23rd i believe i just decided i wanted to do this as in the end all i had to loose was some time and moneythat being said i travel a lot as well and i must admit having visa free access to countries like russia and china does have its benefits,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 what are you doing for the date in situations like this i just make sure i have an exit strategy in case the whole thing bombs and that makes me feel a lot better but dont use the exit strategy for you to escape just because you are having doubts meet in a public place where you are free to leave at any time like a bar not a set timed event that you feel you have to stay like a movie,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 this has happened many times in my life i do what my mom taught me keep your mouth shut and your ears open she always told me people show their true colors and as the saying goes they always reap what they sow my mother is very very good at reading people and telling liars and bullshit it took me many years to learn from her but i am catching on as i gain more life experience so what do i dobusinessworkinteract with the person as little as possible if it is a business or work interaction i may document my interactions with them if i feel a situation with them may bite me in the ass later on if i am involved with others in business with them save emails or deliberately put all correspondence in writing so they cannot twist words ive had one boss get mad at me for emailing everythingbecause he was harassing me and wanted to twist words i dont give them many details about my personal life i always operate with absolute professionalism and integrity so they cant smear my good name if other people get along with them on an individual basis thats not a big deal if the evil person offers an idea that could harm the businessworkwhatever i simply offer alternative read better ideas that are based on facts and data manipulators do not do well with cold hard factsmost of a group will buy into what is data driven because it is logical manipulative types can be irrational or their own greedy interests show right through when the group is presented obviously well intentioned factual information i have had manipulative types get especially angry with me because i can be quite creative at coming up with several solutions to a problem all of which are big picture and involve a blend of compromise from all parties while also creating harmony typemention strength they hate this because it makes their self serving idea look even worse personal lifeif it is in my personal lifelike my aunt who is a drama queen and a gossip i just give her as vague or as little information as possible my aunt used to call and talk to my sister and i and pry about my mom and dads finances their personal goingson and then throw it in my moms face i didnt know i was little i remember her doing this my entire life my mom would try to get the phone instead or coach me to not give my aunt every bit of information she requested now i just limit my interactions with her or control the topic of conversation to my liking as far as friends i drop those types like a hot potato i havent had a friend like that in years i dont have time for that shit and ive simply resolved myself to the fact that abusers and manipulative jackasses will not be allowed in i will ask of everyone too and we have probably discussed it heredo you believe in evil people i believe there are a select few but the better descriptor for me is that they completely lack empathy,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i never said it was its an extremely effective smoking cessation tool but if youre not addicted to nicotine already you shouldnt do it as i said elsewhere in the thread what i took issue with is the statement that its probably not as bad as smoking which is precisely a comparison,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 thank you for seeking the middle ground ive been getting very worked up the past hour my apologies if i have insulted you somewhere,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im sorry for your loss my 5 year old cat recently had to be put down he suddenly got very sick and the vets said his kidneys spontaneously failed if anything remember that you all loved your dog very much and shell be no longer suffering soon,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 yes im always looking for ways to like reduce that embarrassment usually if i notice it i joke with the person a little bit make fun of myself or something i dunno usually clears it up x,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 they taste pretty good too,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 joking i just found it funny how coincidental it was that it happened on 8 december,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 whenever they have to be over dumb ol stupid texas,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 any tips on finding a good psychiatrist,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 you may be looking for the floor formula floortargetcell01floornumbersignificancerounds a number down to the nearest multiple of significancein your case since it is a percentage the nearest 01 would equate to the nearest 10 value,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 not sure why they would insist that fbi has been investigating hillary since august of 2015article,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i enjoy your work and share your interest in the tertiary but it seems like you need a vacation you seem so burnt out that you cant focus take a break and you will put out better content than this,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 there isnt an os on the computer will i still be able to get into the flash drive,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ive read about a lot of externalities in your life in this post what i read between the lines is you very much strugling with your sexual identityyou can hide it if you want or think you want but doing that also cuts a large part of your true honest self out of real life hiding a core aspect of yourself is not a recipe for happinessa closeted reltaionship can bring some alleviation but to be truly free selfacceptance and not hiding is the way to go if legally possible where you are,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 yep pretty sure he was implying that anyone who knows their rights and can say hey thats protected by the constitution you cant do that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 how did i know this would be the top response,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 besides the short term pain i remembered mine having,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 its more like the specific songs on the radio some artists include selena gomez zedd krewella ellie goulding some imagine dragons and fallout boy etc but yeah keha too,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 people always ask me how im comfortable whenever im sitting around i guess i do crouch a lot hadnt even thought about it i always tell myself i need to have more physical self composure then i justdont my body does whatever without me noticing,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 move to europe where things are fairer,79.0,97.0,10.0,45.0,62.0 i was in park city all last week and they were blasting for avalanches the whole time we were there dont worry about it if you stay within boundaries,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 formula 1 more than most other things on earth theres so much to it,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 its called a cruelty free scarf please and thank you very much,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i did not know some hillbilly living in trailers get wifi,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i cant do nu but ru first then uu alright,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 forget about the tests and try to read about the functionsalso whats the thing you probably avoid at all cost conflict or multitude of choicesconflict infpmultitude of choices typemention,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 you cant make your kid become an typemention for all you know your kid will end up as an typemention and there is nothing you can do to change that ever been around babies of a couple of months old ever noticed how even at that age some children are very quiet and some are crying the second they dont get any attention this was for me the reason why i didnt want children i would like to have a kid if the kid would be exactly like the kid i envision in my head but thats not reality and being a good parent is able to guide your kid through life regardless of what your kids personality turns out to be,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 lol no wonder we get the stupidity stereotype,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 observed this early on in life and it has helped greatly sister is learning this the hard way did shitty stuff and found that her friends didnt seem to care and just pushed her to do shitty things and hurt her,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 counter question why are straight people straighti dont think science has even tried to look into that and formulate an answer they dont have to of course when you are the majority there is no need to answer or justify anything because normalknowing the why of gayness wont help you it seems that whatever it is caused by the effects are permanent acceptance is the only thing that seems to be conducive to a happy liveto the question why me well nature is a cold heartless bitch with a penchant for randomness you just got lucky kid use your gayness to your advantage,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 hmm perfect pair google results inconclusive though strangely captivating more data needed hold my calls,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it was so unnecessary that my theory is trump did it on purpose and it will help him because that what wizards do,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 its a new breed of super sign language,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 the inverted fullback think hes going to go down the line and cross wrong hes going full robben and cutting in to shoote also how about the floating winger whats the point in 2 wingers when 1 will always be on the opposite side of the pitch doing nothing get rid of 1 and have the other play on both sides depending on which side your attacking from,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i bought a corsair cwch80 hydro h80 cpu liquid cooler 120mm fan about 5 years ago thats still going strong on my i73820 so they make decent self contained systems it was 115 at the timeif youre already getting the case you could look at what they offer nowadays for liquid cooling as well i cant suggest a specific one for your needs though they likely have different offerings today and i havent looked at that stuff lately,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 how very cynical of you cant you see that unilever really cares about out health never mind the fact that they manufacture sugar laden products to optimise our addiction to their products but they are cutting calories because they dont want to get us fat yes thats right look at the calorie content please ignore the sugar in it,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 teacher here make sure you take a few behavior management courses and non violent crisis intervention,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 although im sad to hear you guys split im glad youve both gained something incredibly valuable out of that separation the nice thing about true love is that it doesnt rust with timejust focus on what you have to do right now who knows theres still a chance my silly prediction might actually prove true in the future even so its nice that you guys have happy memories like that one to look back on and im glad you shared it,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 agreed but i think fnatic should be stronger on lan than ppl would think group a looks like the most unkown tbh eg is always shaky first matches aswell so results of group a is really up in the air other groups are all settled in stone with slight contentions between alliancecdec and ogvega secret got the easiest group for sure,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 here you go again that i need to do something more than live for myself no i dont for all i care humanity can go diaf i owe you nothing objectively your opinion is just as meaninglessu200b as mine 8 billion opinions are as worthless as minei know that death is coming that is a big comfort not existing is beyond touchable not existing is beyond all of you i have written you and the rest of the bald monkeys off as a worthwhile endeavour you are all a disappointmentim planning my life to not being around you people,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 there are like 500 bitcoin poker sites out there,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 that doesnt sound that weird at all,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 mines 11th may until 12th june so not too bad when are the dates for the edexcel english exams because we still havent been given a date for ours,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 that was actually an accident i did not intend the videoflagged to be in the screenshot at all,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 you know how worried i get she continued obviously unsatisfied with his pathetic response i was so scared that you didnt love me anymore or or worse she could have spoken at much greater length about her worries but talisa was never one to ramble instead she just let the pain show through her eyes,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 no you made the claims you need to support your claims i have seen data the refutes your claims but i was challenging your point maybe you have newer data than i do did you really want me to support my challenge of your unsupported claims,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 same theres a difference though between thinking something thats not nice and doing something thats not niceif you want to troll her go ahead she might laugh it off or she might think youre as big a bitch as you think she is does deliberately trying to upset someone make you a bitch possibly it might make you feel better and empowered or it might open a whole new source of bad feelings and frustration it comes down to how comfortable you are with either outcome i dont know in disagreements ive found that the person who cares less wins right now shes winning the only way youll beat her is by getting over it if you feel like you need to teach her a lesson fine but by perpetuating this you might only be prolonging how much youre dwelling on this and how bad its making you feel i usually vote for taking the high road i just wanted to remind you that being nice isnt the same as being weak,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 if you want to use vba to create a udf for this you can use the following code option explicit public function addsplitvaluesbyval targetcell as range as long dim stringarray as string dim counter as integer stringarray splittargetcellvalue for counter 0 to uboundstringarray dim temparray as string temparray splitstringarraycounter addsplitvalues addsplitvalues cinttemparray1 next counter end functionyou can then use it as a formula like so addsplitvaluesa1,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 samestill on the fence about runewords,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 10 lap averages are only reliable on tracks like bristol where we get a large sample size of laps to choose from practice always needs to be looked at with a grain of salt last week casey mears was the fastest in practice lol,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 we get it but why chelsea of all teams mate,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 5 bucks that dude got that idea from hentai,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 really hadnt heard this thats insane,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its already moving are you blind,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 im sure her first time fusing was an imperfect garnet,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 my clothes are blue black white and some brown everything not in one of those colors was a gift or a uniform or some other article whose presence it obligatory in some fashionedit i dont count costumes as clothes per say therefor i dont count any of my star fleet uniforms in the a fore mentioned uniform category of course im kidding i dont have any star fleet uniforms have seen how expensive they are,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 this is excellent obsession has a whiff of desperation to it,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 theres no such thing as listening to too much death grips,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 im starting to think that the general public actually does like jeremy corbyn but its just the labour party leaders that are manufacturing this crisis and the idea that hes principled but unelectable the balirite upper ring of labour is completely divorced from what the general public wants,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i think i edited this comment like 4 times so i will finally say that i am in no way sure how the two theories relate to eachother for the xxxj types i am pretty sure of the xxxp types tho,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 id be curious to see the math on thatim not sure if you could interesting question though i dont know maybe it is possible but if i were to bet i might say it might not be possible to tip over that truck or cause significant damage from whats seen in the video,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sounds like an ideal typemention relationship from what ive read p,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 devs discuss sound propagation probably just need good headphones sounds on your floor should come from the left or right sounds from above should sound from abovebreaching charges and footsteps propagate through walls because the direct contact with the surface shooting and other sounds vibrate the air so they travel the shortest path from the source to you as you see in the video if you make a hole it will travel through the hole even,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 its called your constraint definition sucked,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 freebooting bradys baby is growing up,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 no i mean does it matter if it has scientific value math for example is 100 abstract you cant touch nor it has any evidence but is still one of the most important sciences ever created,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 my point is more general than that i dont care much about same item i can fully enjoy item a at one place and item b at another i like a lot of stuff while that would be a good thing to compare its not usually that you canexample one place serves spaghetti bolognese thats really great but another place has some lasagna but the lasagna is like way above and beyonddifferent dishes both italian both i love difficult to compare same dishes unless youre really really set on one but i am not,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 that cameraman has no idea wtf to do,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ah russian would be very interesting such a different language family though still indoeuropean also asl has always had an appeal very useful for ninjaing about why did you pick up asl for shits,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 in true easter tradition i ate all of my candy and ran around like a sugar high maniac,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 brogan was her last name kelly 2 or 3 months ago crazy eyes,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 long term shifting is the cart titans gimmick though the fact that she can do it doesnt mean eren can,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 no having sexual relations with someone of the same gender is fucking nasty you can still undo this action by not reaming out larry mclongcock and asking god for forgiveness,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 sadly enough none of the new mods are members of the cult,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i want to live forever theres too much to do to not want to you could understand everything build your own utopian empire modify your own genetics create endless virtual worlds,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 the majority of illinois is in the chicago area so im going to say safe bet yeah,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i get kicked off my parents health insurance and have to pony up for obamacare or get fined on my tax return for being uninsured,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this is great very helpful for understanding how this is actually visually represented which is kind of the point of art right im looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the other quadras the concept in the op is a really interesting and useful representation of the functions in real life,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 i play with 175 on 400 dpi last week i switched to 3 on 400 dpi because of elbow problems in the end i am back to 175 so take what you are most comfortable with imo,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 heh that wasnt actually me it was the freak who wants to go through my garbage and wear my jockstrap on his head youre safe dude,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so much love so much sadness i know i couldnt care for someone like that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thank you although i understand the temptation to get this over with quickly i was out all day and wouldve delayed it further,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 oh yeah i dont have a relationship but i usually have one or two fellas that im having sex with at any given time i feel like in this day and age no one wants to commit anyway so it hasnt been a problem,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 im getting the impression that you vehemently bark the orthodoxy without thinking too deeply about what youre saying just because something is a social construct doesnt mean its at the arbitration of the individual obviously rich and poor are social constructs that doesnt mean a poor person who identifies as rich and tries to buy a yacht isnt fucking delusional,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 its almost like trump is easy to hate,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 nova premade who regularly play together vs a le mix who play the first time together i think that is possible depends on how much the les rage at each other though,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 my advice dont come out but also dont hide it you dont need to make a big declaration yet you also shouldnt give into their rituals eg dont pretend to pray at meals just start eating and dont go to church with them its possible for atheists and highly religious people to coexist once the boundaries are worked out,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 the consequence of the story turning to be true would make it arguably the biggest scandal for lack of a stronger word in the history of us politics the consequence would be enormous if there is truth to the story there are people in the government who will fight hard to prevent it to be known i doubt much will come out of it,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 and yet you could still make it work with using macros if ppl want to troll you cant do anything about it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i just found out that i cant hotspot from my phone anymore or switch up the navigation buttons because its stock i do like flashing roms but im afraid of running into bootloop issues if i end up missing a step i think now people need to flash the correct magisk to avoid that,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 snek is hiding under the hood,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i remember in tutorial mode i wanted to quit the game because of how retarded she sounds,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 yeah i wasnt sure which sub to use couldnt find one about breastfeedingill xpost there,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i already had a long discussion about this the past few days i can link to it if you want to its a good read and since im kinda tired out about it ill just sum it upits the train dilemma the lives of a small million against the lives of the rest of the planetas far as they knew the wall titans could be released upon the world any moment butchering billionsthey made the rational choice,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 no reason to make that prediction right now you may well end up being correct but seeing as amd has made very minimal improvements to their cpu architecture since 2011 its kinda pointless to guess one way or the other how powerful zen which will be an entirely different architecture will be compared to kaby lake,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 no we failedgive us the goddam credit we deserve smh,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 which onethe one where he forgot his plot armor or the one where he cared more about falco than ending his own suffering,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 damn i wish i had seen this we could have gotten a beer,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the kick the speed and power of that tackle is terrifying i mean he took down a gorilla ffs,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i play 128 tick most of the time and i assure you that with low var and sv rate on the server you wouldnt notice a difference,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 who the fuck are you,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 im in wi i think here its definitely a family oriented mindset and many people not all would raise an eyebrow at being cf there are a lot of catholics too which influences the culture however i find if i am very assertive and confident in my response people are less likely to question it,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 fernandinho has been amazing even before the goal,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 well lets assume that this was to happen anywhere outside of the walls then the lightred area in this highquality paint map would cross the titans padif it were to happen within the walls then the paths the titans take would cover the entire inside of the walls no matter where the fight is located in other words this outcome wouldnt only kill every member of the royal bloodline itd also kill nearly all eldians,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 dutch i needed a lot of medical care both emergency care and planned non emergency surgeries i think the biggest thing that important to understand is that in my country not a single person would even stop to think about going to a doctor or ordering an ambulance or whatever its the most normal thing ever to go to your gp if you have issues or questions or are unsure about your health ambulances are released as a standard practise for any road accident or whenever police has to show up to a situation with only the possibility of needing medical care this can be as much as just checking for concussions after a minor car accident nobody worries about costs or avoids doctors because of cost i pay 120 euros a month in insurance but also get 80 euros from the government each month because im a low income student gp visits dont cost anything but specialist care does to a maximum of about 300400 euros a year as thats the maximum by law this systems can only be run because of a meticulous gatekeeping system no one can just randomly walk into a hospital for treatment for non emergency care you need a referral from your gp or dentist and yes waiting lists are involved for emergency care the only way in to the er is either by calling an ambulance for life threatening emergencies or through the gp or the 247 outpost gp who will refer you to the er for example i broke my ankle not realizing how bad it was i didnt call an ambulance but instead called the gp outpost it was the middle of the night and booked an appointment about 1 15 hours later in this case the doctors assistant who run the reception act as gatekeepers and decide whether you may or may not need an ambulance instead you could also just call our 911 and the dispatcher will be the gatekeeper when i got there they gave me a referral to the er and i went straight over once at the er i had to wait maybe 30 minutes to see a doctor but in the meantime the nurse stopped by multiple times to get me some painkillers etc after diagnosis everything is taken care of for you the hospital will plan all your appointments and surgeries first thing in the morning and they will call you informing you about everything when i was admitted there was never any pressure to get me off the ward as soon as possible theyd rather keep me for a few more days if they werent sure about my recovery no questions asked but yeah the day that you do leave they ask you to leave quickly and not linger as theyll fill the bed within hours of you leaving over the past two years i needed 7 surgeries multiple hospitalizations and lots of specialist medication total cost to my insurer about 30k total cost to me including monthly insurance pay maybe 1 to 15k,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 itt people who dont realise that the fact that they are able to read the question and type a response excludes them from the dumbest 1,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you should check the entry requirements for a masters in education like right now before you start making plans eu higher education is not like the us here you usually have to get a bachelor in a field relevant to the master degree you want to do as an admission requirement into the master there is no doing random college stuff and transferring to law school or med school no here you would do a full bachelor in law of medicine with only courses from that discipline which you need to get into a master of that fieldeducation is a bit different though in my country a masters in education can mean two things either a master in education science or a master that gives you formal accreditation to teach a specific course at high school level which we would call an educational master in germanmathematicsphysics etc the thing is if you want to do a master in education science you would need a bachelor degree degree in educational science or pedagogy a ba in psychology that does not specialize in educational science might not be enough for an educational master you need a bachelor degree in the field you want to teach so if you want to do an educational master in german you need a ba degree in german or european languages specializing in german etc etc,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i already had a long discussion about this the past few days i can link to it if you want to its a good read and since im kinda tired out about it ill just sum it upits the train dilemma the lives of a small million against the lives of the rest of the planetas far as they knew the wall titans could be released upon the world any moment butchering billionsthey made the rational choice,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 oh and now my flair is red thats a little better i guess,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 no worries i am also really bad at cod dit took me 155 wins to get to eagle and you will find always things to improve on what is important is that you are willing to improveafter 1300 hours of css i was quite astonished about how much i had still to learn i made it to mg2 without any crosshair placement at all what is a miracle as css was mostly casual play for me i had to relearn cs from the ground up i feeljust started with grabbing shoxies config threw my buyscript and crosshair in there and lowered my sens from 30 with 2k dpi to 235 with 400 dpi and rawinputjust dont give up and improve step for step,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 in trying to defend init scripts you wrote a piece that is actually saying that it doesnt matter what starts a distro just saying,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i took this pic at a slipknot show this week could that be whats going on it doesnt explain why the right side is split into thirds with the audience in all 3 pieces on the right,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 really broken in decks that like having things in their graveyard,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 haha yep i was in defense before though also working in the financial district there is a lot of pharma in cambridge which who knows im much more interested in pharma research than i am finance finance bores me to tears omg the housing prices in london though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 in france the entire day stops for a break in the afternoon,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 for the record i started on cod4i liked it but liked waw way moretoo bad that game got unplayable online due to the god mode hacks,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 pastor nick got tortured to death,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah when i was first starting i spent a lot of time drawing shit like this by hand awesome to be able to write the code and just see it i still draw pictures to think through things though haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 sorry if this question seems silly but is there anyway to get the big picture at the moment of syria im fairly new to the thread and not sure how to keep track,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i agree re the nonsequitur but i think that is how some people seek to solve for the do i matter question which is just another way of asking why do i exist no one wants the response to be you pass butter,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 lol my dad used to play that game with me as a baby i would always go for the lemon slice though no matter how many times he did it xd,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 theres been a naming convention issue for a while regarding speculative fiction where science fiction is lumped into the fantasy category fantasy implies magic while scifi implies hightech however literally speaking you can fantasize about a fictitious world with hightech stuff in itso yeah for us nerds the terms fantasy and scifi mean different things to the rest of the world its all the same critter,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 how americans are so ego centric thats insane both arteezy and others in fpl demon fluff grantgrant everyone really all this rap culture striked their brain hard i guess and now they feel they need to act like black ppl from mtv i dunno why cant they be balanced thoughtful patient respectful to others around you like s4 for instance and most of other eu players even some ego chasers like puppey or notail are way better in this term compared to all americans for real ther culture is really broken they cant achieve anything looks like cos of their egocentric view of life its always funny how americans fail so frequent to pass on the baton in running sports i see it as links of the same chain i really think that there is a problem in their mentality broken ppl they all act childlish ego flourish and emo driven,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 indeed nvidia 1080 says that you need 500w and 32a on a single 12v rail to run it not sure id risk it i also like the evga power supplies fully modular seems a waste smi is what i went for 110 pricetag seems steep for a 450w,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 talk the gm into promoting her shell either fail miserably and be gone or it will be a kick in the ass and shell be useful either way shell be off your shifts and not your problem,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 yeah youre right there does seem to be a larger choral society the 20person thing i was looking at called a consort â is that someting different to a choir they look a bit short on males anyway pthanks a lot â youve been a lot of help,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i just ran a small dungeon using a map i found on deviantart the dwarven dungeon is somewhat crumbling but has four pillarpuzzle rooms rooms with a set of pillars in a symmetrical pattern and furrows between them as if they could be moved the goal was to complete all four to unlock the 4 doors to get to the final area the doors however werent simply locked instead for each puzzle completed activated two doors partially opening both however they are tied to pendulum so that if a door was opened the whole way by pushing the door a slab of stone into the floor thus locking it open would close and lock the second door a small cave network beneath the dungeon had three exits into the dungeon above it giving the party a choice as to which room to enter first and thus which puzzle to do first it helped make the complex much less linearat any rate the four puzzles are thusreflection chamber8 large pillars form a diamond shape on each pillar facing a random direction the otherwise intricately decorated pillar is an area of polished silver creating a mirror the pillars in the room can turn and once all are turned facing inward and a bright light shone in one the light would bounce around until crossing the central brazier and lighting it thus unlocking 2 doors one to be opened and the other locked permanently broken puzzleone pillar puzzle lies broken one of the pillars has fallen into a flooded area this is not actually a puzzle at all as the pillars in the correct formation to unlocklock two doors the final pillar must be reassembled and repaired mending spell smiths tools proficiency etc however there are tripwires lain in the dank water all around the broken pieces that activate a spinning saw trap that comes down from the ceilingdevotion chamberin the room with the iron grate on the floor and the religious figures on the western wall the puzzle requires a bit of knowhow and magic to activate each pillar is decorated with intricate angular patterns almost fractal in their detail on each however are 23 letters in dwarvish rune script the letters when combined in the right order spell out the phrase darkness to light at first it appears the pillars must be moved along the furrows until they line up properly to spell the words but anyone touching a pillar takes force damage and is knocked prone instead the pillars must be targeted with a spell in the proper order each hit causing the runes to glow brightly upon doing so in the right order and getting it wrong causes a force damage aoe spell to go off causes a nearby door open and another to lockpumice chamberthe final puzzle before the largest room is somewhat an reverse puzzle hinted at by the large amount of pumice stone littering the room in the corners are large bowls on pedestals of some unknown material the pillars in the room again contain extremely intricate engravings but contain no clue as to what the puzzle is a central brazier hints at the puzzles function as in the dust around its lip are written words that hint that the brazier is a safe place the moment a pillar is shifted turned or moved along the furrow or the brazier is lit a trap activates and out of the large bowls lava begins to flood the room now do to age and the lava damaging the stone floor the entire room has a subtle convex shape over a few turns the lava rapidly creeps up onto the center and highest point within the room there is no solution to this trap the final door actually opens once the lava touches the four pillars the moment it does the lava begins to drain away and the final door opens while the door behind them locksmy players thoroughly enjoyed this dungeon and the young black shadow dragon who laird in the final room the lava trap scared the everliving crap out of them,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 this is a really well done video hes doing tea rightinteresting information about the old trees makes sensei wont go quite that insane about tea and sure couldnt describe or even differentiate most of the flavours hes going on about but i can still appreciate a well made thing prepared properly,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you run into the 3body chaotic system when moons have moons its entirely possible but it will not last long,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 its almost as if his dad was voted most popular driver for 16 years or something,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yeah i know its just not very common in america,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i thought this was the original,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 way to go rather than acknowledging the source of the problem the state government in these conservative states which has systematically passed legislation to disenfranchise voters since scotus gutted the voting right act you blame voters the people who are exercising their right to vote well i agree with you that washington state ranks higher on life and livability id argue that is because washington state has a more competent government that actually represents the voterspeople rather than a government that works to undermine their citizens,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 so the eye can only see 750p,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 well ive actually been seeing a therapist for about 7 months yet i still feel this way i dont suppose you know of any groups they could be online or forums that try amp get to the bottom of why im feeling these feelingsthank you for taking the time to comment if you too need someone to talk to im here,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 and anyone saying that it improved his skill is avictim of a placebo effect fact,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 wow this is the biggest reason ive seen to ever justify getting a second monitor,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 itd be hard to find a psychiatric disorder that noone in any of the books suffers fromaerys was probably schizophrenic among other things,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 unfortunately theres a whole sub dedicated to people that do shit like this idk what its called anymore because i only saw it once long ago and i dont care to again,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 do you age or does your age reset when time does,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 as long as she loses in november ill be happy,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 trump cannot afford a brokered convention so he needs to win ohio and florida i just dont see rubio winning florida we have seen that cruz can take votes from rubio and late decider if rubio dropped before florida could cruz win it maybe i dont know kasich is still polling strong in ohio and might be helped by the party to win there cruz should let ohio to kasich as cruz only chance is a brokered convention,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 honesty 25emotionality 375extraversion 231agreeableness 15conscientiousness 35openness to experience 425man im quite neurotic im dishonest emotional and very disagreeable lol i must say though that i would have answered this questionnaire quite differently a year ago and again 5 years ago i think getting to know oneself and being honest about it makes scores more extreme just goes to show how accurate these things are,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 lol i cant take this well cus they all speak to me,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 that is so strange glad you got things solved though,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 what is uniquely leeds about it it looks just like any other industrial town in the uk,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 honestly given that youve never met batman we cant say for certain his civilian face may be yet another ruse,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i would show if you have the data the number of members you havehad in each location percentage of that locations members who have a social media accounts and then the breakdown of said social media platforms this would enable your marketing to know who their largest audiences are and where to do the most advertising it would also show what platforms are lagging behind and areas of focus for improvementyou could also show active membership data overtime so you can judge what parts of the year experience dips in membership surges for marketing purposes and knowing when memberships are expected to fall anything that helps you predict events will be what your president will be wanting to knowas you mentioned active memberships by age is also an important factor as this would show you your age demographics and how many of them have what social media accounts,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 ummits humiliating im an 8th grader,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 someone i know by extension bullied her husband into having kids he wasnt ready for he wanted to wait about 5 more years fast forward two toddlers later he is horribly depressed and has begun chatting with another woman because his wife berates him about every little thing concerning the kidshis wife is livid imo he needs to own what he is doing but she put down the ground work for him to bail and they were so in lovedo not mistake they are no special snowflake situation this scenario plays out all the time why must you relent to her dream what about your dreams who is looking for your future and your best interest kids are the one thing you cannot compromise on the worst part is if you relent to her the child is the one that will suffer the most everyone will tell you you will love it but what if you dont what price does the child pay for knowing its father doesnt love it and didnt want it,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i did not ask for this feel,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 schwartzels course history at riviera is ridiculous i have to consider him a stud right now not big on moore,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 its one of the reason i wrote this post as a french canadian i remember when i was young that chomskys writing were popular among students as it matched their antiamericanism views there is something ironic about that,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 just dont eat fast food i havent in years but ive been to some decent restaurants im sure it wont eliminate all cases but im sure it limits themi havent had any fast food in years and probably 5 unless you count pizza which i kinda do but yeah even that i havent had often lately,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yes it only looks yellowish on earth because of the atmosphere,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 youre super down on yourself quit it youre an amazing person and high school sucks but dont let the high school experience define your selfimage or your sense of selfworth youll waste a lot of years 22 in my case living a life that you dont think you own youre an ideas guy you see how ideas have the power to change thingsbut because youre so rational you miss out on the fact that your ideas about yourself have that same power a youre not a piece of shit youre an amazing human beingb the sooner you let go of the idea that youre a piece of shit and replace it with the idea that youre powerful and have the ability to change the world the bigger a jump on real life youll have and the fewer years youll spend following other peoples scriptsi wish i had the opportunity you have right here right now to truly learn from someone whos walked that same path ahead of you and to flip the script and write my own destiny the way i want it from age 17not age 47,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 that and tribals have better stats,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 neither do i i can hardly ever remember what people have said to me,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 problem is outside of eren and armin all other children eat the wall propaganda thats why armin got bullied in the first placealso you shower too long think of the environment,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yes reallyshow me how far you can take this,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 please write stories for a living or at least do it on the side you set up fascinating introductions,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 trustworthy as a pilot probability says yes sane not so much,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 here it is if the mods go here first,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 the s5 is seriously the best phone i have ever owned its amazing and incredibly durable i use it without a cover and the stupid thing has been mistreated like hell but its holding up like a champ the battery is finally starting to die a bit on me but the nice thing is ill just replace the battery and i can keep this baby with me for another few years lt3,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 definitely even if it is at the higher spectrum i think no pro will get under 2k after taxes on a regular month which should be enough to have an ok life,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yeah i forgot that happened,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 this isnt even about your anxiety i for example have zero issues with anxiety but am simply highly introverted and this would also not be ok with me at all tell your so that for this time youll welcome his friend into your home but that you are really really appalled that he invites people into the sanctity of your home without consultation and that he must do so from now on for fuck sake i wont even let my own mother into my home if she drops by unannouced your home is your safe place your so does not need to understand it he simply needs to respect it,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 does your comment imply that evolutionary psychology hasnt a leg to stand on it seems to be a controversial field but im not aware to what extent,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 my dad is a middleaged man with a hungarian accent he likes biking and movies hes pretty funny but my note of humor is different from his and hes hurt me in the point with it so im a bit meh about it hes a lot stricter than my mom quicker to anger and tends to be more antitheistic he likes physics and technology and knows quite a lot of science and he likes to talk about stuff like thatoverall hes not as good as my mom but hes still awesome,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 im wondering if we dont develop them in that way if thats how the first function determines the rest coupled with various innate cognitive abilities like in response to emotional pain which is equivalent to physical pain we employ our strongest tools from an early age to negotiate with our emotional responses and get control over them the ego is most definitely constantly trying to ride the id dragon perhaps it learns to take the reigns over the self and we call this a function stack,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it means shes green with envy,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 dobbys death in harry potter amp the deathly hallows part ii,60.0,55.0,64.0,14.0,49.0 enfp he uses the shows as a mouthpiece way too much and often times instead of direct satire it is low brow reactions to things that are different plus he focuses so much on references that involve knowledge of people,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 omg that would make so much more sense however didnt pearl tell garnet to fuse with her first cus sugilite is too difficult that kinda indicates their fusion isnt as destructive as sugilite,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 if cellsx 3value no then,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 not to mention that inherently manipulative and toxic folks are going to think everyone else operates that way too how stressful it must be to live like that constantly,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i met my so when i was 18 at my first week of uni nonetheless and he was close to 6 years older than me we have now been together for over 4 years and live together as well and we have one of the most healthy relationships i know among my friends and acquaintances but here is the thing i had been through some heavy shit in my teenage years and was on all accounts very much more mature than the average 18 year old yes my so was in a different life stage but we were able to communicate and understand eachother on the same emotional level we were also both at a very emotionally stable point in our lives we were and are in many ways eachothers equal and grew together over the yearsthe thing that worries me about this girl is how she talks about being lonely that in it very self shows shes not emotionally stable enough to handle a tricky non standard relationship because of the age difference she does not seem to act out of infatuation or love for you specifically but simply out of the need for emotional comfort and thats not something you should want for your life,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 by random internet stranger i mean me not your boyfriendsorry i didnt make that clear,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 how about 10 obama centaurs,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 243i iz liberal airhead honestly though going through that list of questions i quickly realized that i couldnt imagine being around someone whod answer highly to too many of those this is a mentality i just cannot understand so alien,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i think we have a love connection here hahahha,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i think i fit in the latter,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 trolling colorblind or do you think that the fact that the anime is in color makes it uncannon,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ive been in longterm relationships or actively dating for the last six years i was on okcupid for a period of four months in those six years so uh no ive literally not had a problem getting dates for almost the entirety of my adult life online dating or noyou know what i hate about typemention cogfuncmention its inherently biased you think you have the correct answer before even entering a conversation its ridiculously frustrating because 99 of the time you fuckers are wrong and you get stubborn about it,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 well the years start coming,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 anyone here wonders what alignment satan is,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 steve gibson has been working on it for a year or two but its not quite done yet but soon he says and after that getting major companies to adopt it will be difficult steve is well known in the cyber security ring but a pretty small cog overall i dont really see facebook picking this up for example microsoft bank of america google intel and more are members of the fido fast identity online alliance more likely something will come out of that,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 1 you probably know that most mbti tests are bs well the enneagram tests are 10 times more bs2 the 5 is mostly apathetic and neutralindifferent to most of these things the thing about here that makes it a 4 is that types 234 are all pretty much attention whores they all try to maintain a sense of image they feel that their image and sense of self is broken and they need validation to maintain their sense of self otherwise they will start feeling shame and thinking theyre worthless the 4 tries to make a tragedy out of everything so they can gain peoples attention all they want to is to be told theyre special and unique and some other edgy shit if you see any more of this edgy 4 behavior try to make them feel special it will really raise both of your moods here is a really good article about enneagram types under express their feelings preferring indirect methods to share and communicate what they feel fours spend a great deal of energy directing their selfimage inward fours are seeking their true identity and are trying to make sure that it is based on their inner feelings and imagination fours reject many of their positive qualities and common characteristics that they share with others its hard to be unique if you are like others fours seek attention through withdrawal which may at first seem like a contradiction fours withdraw to pull others in especially into their inner world they want others to notice their depth of character and to obtain sympathy for what they feel is their unjust suffering fours believe that life has dealt them a bad hand and their underlying feeling of shame may lead to hostility against life despair in addition they may feel hostility at their parents or others in their past themselves for being defective and at others for not recognizing how special the four is,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 there are already people into amputation,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 me neither sorry had to do it,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i sincerely hope hes giving you the attention and affection you need in return for your efforts,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i have this for all our toiletrieshair product in our hall closet and i love it,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 ugh the lazy copypaste just hurts at least cheat a little by changing a few things expression hand angle hair somethin,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 this is the system i use i found it on the official forums some time ago and its served me well it brings npcs down to a select number of basics using the spiritghostetc rules as a basis its an easy way to come up with an npcs stats in just a few minutes or use as a basis for onthefly dice pool decisions attributes prioritize power finesse and resistance and add 3 2 and 1 dot in the chosen prioritization adding one dot to each per additional dot of power trait above the first for important npcs choose 3 specific attributes that represents high proficiency with the npc and add one die to dice pools that would use itskills prioritize mental physical amp social and add 3 2 1 dots in the chosen categories these represent basic dice added to any dice pools using a skill from each category for important npcs choose 3 2 1 specific skills with the number per category pertaining to your prioritization and write them next to their category this represents specializations in those skills add 1 die to dice pools that would use that skill last for every dot in power trait over the first add 1 to a single category max 5 as usual and add a new skill to that categoryhealth important extras health size resistance 1 with the giant merit 1 with small frame basic extras have health resistance attribute x2 basic npcs use beaten down rule use resistance and perhaps die from taking lethal damage in their last health box while important npcs use normal ruleswillpower 3 for regular extras resistance for important extras 2x is resistance is 3 or lowerdefense power or finesse whichever is lower physical skill dots for important extras for regular extras defense finesse initiative finesse resistancespeed power finesse sizemerits important extras receive merits and may buy 5 dots 2 per each dot in power trait above 1 use the below categories as a guideline basic extras typically do not have merits though feel free to pick one or two that fit them if you want more detailsâ knowledge choose any mental merits that represent an npcs intellectual capacity or training such as language professional training or eidetic memoryâ influence choose any social merits that represent an npcs social acuity this might be status in a city allies retainers resources etcâ combat choose combat merits that represent a npcs tactics or maneuvers they can perform in combat such as quick draw crack driver fleet of foot cqc etcâ supernatural choose merits available only to a npcs supernatural templatepowers for a supernatural template on important extras chose 3 dots of disciplines gifts etc 1 dot per additional dot of power trait above 1â 2 in clancovenant or equivalentâ 1 in bloodline or equivalent or 1 in outofclan disciplines or equivalents for no bloodlineâ 3 numina or dread powers if not part of the above structureenergy activating disciplines dread powers or numina requires some form of energy whether it be blood points essence or what have you most extras start with 2 per dot in power trait while important extras start with 3 per dot in power traitpower trait the supernatural template state eg blood potency determined by tier of the extra as shown belowâ 13 minor enemies set dressing contacts etcâ 45 major enemies mentors or alliesâ 6 very rare used for primary antagonist city leaders legendary supernaturalsheres an important npc from my vtr campaign using these rules,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i can try to be really i can,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 i have no idea i sometimes wonder why people still live in that area of the world,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 all registered schools in this country are eligible for public funding and i have never heard of an independent school refusing that funding,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i wont buy pizza rolls unless i can dump the whole bag on a baking sheet when i get home seriously life is too short to count pizza rolls,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 in fact im starting to think that they are enemies,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 sorry here you go 911 261 225 basically blue topped or the 911 which is full blue,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 bunch of good uncommoncommon staple esquie cards for every colour 20 of each land and a bunch of boosters cant remember how much but it was like 4 boosters in a 20 dollar box so good if you are just starting out,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 they wouldnt have read the manga would they and this thread is tagged so you can tell me in all peace,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the way i see it nobody ever says aiden is a hero hes a vigilante sure but that doesnt mean hes necessarily acting heroically and he definitely goes around killing people the thing is his main goal is fighting against ctos and the invasion of privacy it represents and hes attempting to get revenge he isnt really a hero just a vigilante who sometimes acts more like a terrorist i like him as a character because he isnt blatantly a hero or mustache twirling villain he has his own personal motivations for his actions both good and bad the only times anyone ever really gives aiden a hero treatment is when you have the morality meter thing far in the blue which just means the public perception of him is that he generally helps people and doesnt go out of his way to unnecessarily kill people,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 oh well we should make the definitions clear beforehand then,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 find this motherfucker a job already so he can blaze up,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 why did the people in the twin towers get so madthey ordered supreme pizza and all they got was plainayyy,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 does anyone else think that wenger will start walcott up front he likes playing players against their old clubs as theyre more motivated and he just gave him a rest,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 in what world maybe on a forum subreddit for that particular piece of media but in most instances like this one where this thread and subreddit have nothing to do with game of thrones the time frame is at least a few years its never been polite to just spout off irrelevant spoilers without a spoiler warninghell there are people who still havent seen fight club and that came out 17 years ago i see people complaining about having that spoiled for them all the time,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 oh okay now its really easyi would create a user defined data type struct when compared to other languages that stores your data by way of individual skus each data struct would represent an individual sku and within that it stores an integer for the quantity sold in a particular country code this allows you to breakdown all sku sale quantities and price quantities if you wished to extend this in a human readable format once youve got your data type created we can move onto our arrays private type skuinformation id as string stores the sku itself for comparisons countrycodename1 as integer stores the quantity of the sku sold in that country code countrycodename2 as integer countrycodename3 as integer end typethis would be easiest with a multidimensional array from here you would copy your entire spreadsheets data into memory this allows for easy data manipulation after all the data is copied initially it does feel slow as it takes time to load everything but this means you can do fancier things later if you so wished it would be prudent to include a progress bar for this process if you will not be the only one using thisstuff useful for correctly sizing your arrays before you create them public function getlastrow as long getlastrow activesheetusedrangerowscount end functiononce you have your data stored in an array you can then declare your data struct array for each unique sku you have once this is created you are now set to begin adding up all of your sku data you will have to uniquely identify each sku so you can size your sku data struct array properly i recommend another smaller array that you can use to store sku names in to crossreference for unique skus and use the size of that to size your sku data structin this scenario it is possible to be able to loop through your entire multidimensional array just once to get everything added up so in this scenario i would have a main loop that looks up an sku finds it in the sku struct array and then selects a case statement of which country code it is from after that you can then add the quantity sold to your sku structs quantity for that country codeonce weve looped through the entire array and have everything totaled up the problem now falls onto displaying your data but we can get to that once the code for everything has been createdill be around for any questions all day d,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 thanks for the informative writeup im gonna look into a few of thesewhat where some of the sitesprograms that you feel were an absolute waste of time,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 there are tens of thousands of nonamericans that have more cashflow than that entire industry,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 ok thats funny actually this question is posted about once a week so i just add to it a little bit here and there the good response it gets makes me want to flesh it out as much as possible next week it will be longer thanks for the tip against adderall most drugs dont agree with my cogfuncmention anyways they are fun at the time but they wreak havoc on my inner homeostasis,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 they are attracted towards everything childish for example buzzfeed seems a bit childish at times and they reference alot of childish things such as disney princesses,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 well guess i was slightly helpful by bringing this up thats at least something,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yep all my instincts want me to eat this thing but i know you love it so please let me ignore it why wont you let me ignore it im trying to be good,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 thats snek recon team to you,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 oh yeah summer games that one was great i never owned one as a kid so when i saw the c64 at an old folks garage sale i just had to snatch it up that was like 10 years ago and i fired it up maybe half a dozen times i never did get around to figuring out how to hook up the 1541 disk drive to a regular pc so i could load it up with a buncha games either,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you cis privalaged cissplaining mansplaning heterosplaining humansplaining mysogonistic homophobic kinphobic pedephobic bigoted condesplaining shitlord,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 like i said i joined because i wanted to know if i could get in everyone always called me the smart guy and i wanted to know if the sample size was just really small that was a jokeiq tests in my opinion just show how quickly you can solve problems i guess i thought the meetings would be less social and more like conferences to solve problems in different disciplines,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 unless you have very good eyesight the angular diameter of planets are too small to discern from a star this image shows that the angular diameter of various objects however do have a very significantly smaller angular diameter compared to planets stars will twinkle significantly more because the light from them originates from a single point so the atmosphere bends all the ray in the same way the greater amount of light coming from planets gets bent as well but the several rays of light all get bent differently essentially averaging out the twinkling effectsource planets like venus and jupiter and sometimes saturn are often much brighter than stars,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 the c2a1 is still very strong post nerf imo base canadian airborne is still really good obviously not as good but its still amazing imo i think the 55 suppression makes a huge difference i dont really like the comparison though i have both in most decks ive been playing been using canadian airborne base gurkhas 90 legion 90 and jaegere 90 for most my infantry needs depending on what im trying to do they handle everything i need until i run into flames then its time for mortar support or bombs i find i can deal with small quantities of spetz though with good micro in some situations this is the mixed blufor deck ive been having alot of fun with lately,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 that absolutely makes this post for me thats brilliant hahaha,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 just uhh be politer and not kick people for saying dont abuse your powersthxand dont ban my friend without warning for sitting on a button all game he was terribly new and it hurt my feelings,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 did you did you honestly just reupload the trailer to your own youtube account monetize it and post it on this sub hoping we wouldnt noticeyeah right edit if anyone thinks that there might be any difference with the official heres a youtube doubler of his vid and the official trailer,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 what if when you swap over between to two positions they spend their whole time trying to undo the previous bunchwould it not be more effective to use a multiple party system where one or two central groups typically get elected then when votes swing left or right they can go hey the voters want this so we should accommodate that more,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 its even worse when you browse reddit on your phone a shit device like mine doesnt like it when i run more than two apps at once,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 someone get this user a gofundme,7.0,84.0,88.0,59.0,44.0 i never did say that being the most human of humans was a compliment p,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think its great you share the same name as the explorer amelia im glad youre embracing it when i first read this i thought it was a jokedo you like top gearjames mayever seen his u2 flight you want to get higher like 70k feet as hes done or does that not interest you what are your thoughts on space exploration,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it was damn nice i cant explain it like anything else like caramelly but not super sweet either,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 ok take this then this isnt neither mbti or socionics happy bud,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 thanks i havent read the author you mentioned so this is merely my best guess,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 oo my phone is too old for it i already checked a while back i definitely prefer my flashcards regardless,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 there are such people and such peoplei can assure you that most people at lelem are also extremely buthurt and call cheats easily but people who stomp silvers or novas for entertainment are the lowest of the low i cant even understand how they would have fun at thiswe got tossed on the us servers yesterday and two guyslem and supreme were calling cheats on a m8 and me after 3 rounds,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 play normals for a while if it goes anything like how mine do there will be at least 2 diamonds and many plat players in your games these players will teach you how to play they punish you for mistakes that you didnt realize you were making and if they beat you with something you can often copy exactly what they did and use it yourselfdo you have a main champion if you can pick up a champ and learn every single lane matchup at every level you should find a lot of success it takes a super long time to learn one champion theres always at least 10 common matchups to learn you need to know how much damage you can take from turret how much your full combo does at x level how much mana that takes how much they can do etcthe fastest way to learn this is with replays after you play a game you can search for replays of that matchup you just played and see how higher elo people deal with it where do they stand when they cs when do they get aggressive when do they give up cs what items do they rush etc,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 remember to care for yourself too,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 and what was the name of the goat who took your headphones pr,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 this is funny because i would but i dont he asked me to participate in sexting him but that isnt me b,7.0,84.0,88.0,59.0,44.0 the alienware one id love that been using alienware pcs for years but didnt get into smite until october,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 when a girl buys a vibrator its seen as a bit of naughty fun but when a guy orders a 240 volt fuckmaster pro 5000 blowup latex doll with 6 speed pulsating vagina elasticized anus with nondrip semen collection tray together with optional built in realistic orgasm scream surround sound system hes called a pervert,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 and so wouldnt 144hzi didnt say that 60hz had advantages or a disadvantage the refresh rate is literally irrelevant to the tickrate and what happens in the game that is what i saidwhat i said was that the problem why we dont have 128 tick in mm is the fact that most people have a latency of 50 ms in cs which is hugely not beneficial on 128 tick it is rather unfair if compared with a person who has a 5ms latency and fps have nothing to do with tickrate at least if people can use the right rates,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 it makes sense the tracks on slow heart are all bsides from light we made but yeah im with you love all of it id rather they try new things than try to do the same record again just because its what people want to hear,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 your inner self has already embraced the truth,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 haha i dont mind that so much as i dislike the fake flirting from wait staff i was with my girl the other night and obviously so as were touchyfeely and the bartender began the interaction with forced flirtatiousness where do i know you from shimmy shimmy hair shake pouty lip umm now youre making it harder for me to tip you well,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so you admit that christians spent a time being murderous fucks but its okay because other abrahamic religions did it too,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 but when you get to a part where you die in the dreamsequence obviously you go into another dreamsequence within the dreamsequence and if theres another dream where you die it can be in there and then of course there will be another layer of dreamsequence so the total number of layers of dream is however many times you dreamt of dying 1,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 holdup tricare will cover it ive only got nexplanon because medical said they dont offer tubalslooks like i need to go back in there and keep trying,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 okay i wont lie this is exactly what my girl in china has said to me i was afraid and upset at first questioning everything as i always do but she is right how can she promise how can i promise its just not totally possible so all i know is that i call her pretty when she shares pictures i make her laugh i make sure shes taken care of thats my job and if i do it for the rest of my life or i just do it for 2 more weeks then im happy thats all i need tough emotions but its only possible to understand when youve felt them all the way through,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i dont even have any words for this but what the fuck,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 yes its to force moderate islamists to radicalize they are doing it for the effect the pr will have on all those normal muslims that just want to go about their life,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 now get two pizzas and eat them before you die to show the universe whos the boss,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 u7684u4eec doesnt really make sense u4e2du6587u5b66u751f is chinese learner but u540cu5b66u4eec is closer to how learners is usually said in context of askreddit you can put u4eec at the end but no u7684,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 not ridiculous if you understand buy it for life stuff takes a bit of a leap to get into that mindset for most people thoughi just love having one item that will last a very long time andor has a no bs warranty theyll make good on if something does go wrong i dont imagine that titanium mug ever breaking and if it does itll probably be the handle and im sure snowpeak would have no issues replacing it its my experience that most companies that sell real high quality stuff stand by their products and will go out of their way to fix any legitimate failures even decades after purchase,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it didnt return they had some codes left over,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 hero i like the sound of that maybe we are but i dont think it matters i was a cop for nearly a decade and after killing and imprisoning so much scum i know i know that no matter how many we stop there will always be more more beasts that call themselves men scum that are cruel for crueltys sakexim poured himself another drink and took a sip quietly itll never be enough well never be enough firaxa and the cunt that ruined ashs life were just iterations in a never ending madness that exists everywhere in the galaxy i cant find any solace in heroism anymore the only time i see it is at the bottom of a fucking shotglass with that he downed the rest of the drink and eyed the base with a smile,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 chapter 70 end of the uprising arcbeast titan human form reveal in the aftercreddits,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thank you ill add it to the list,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 we are tapping into a bigger societal problem why are some parents so shitty why are so many kids entitled lazy spoiled brats do we have to put up with it in public spaces or should there be some basic level of common decency actually since we discuss this so much it appears we may care about kids families society and the future of mankind more than parents dojksort of its fun to think about anyway,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 team france shox and kenny play together there,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 hell no man its memorial day go barbecue with your family ill have the byron all crunched up for tomorrow,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 countries implement fuck all of most private markets but its still overwhelmingly accepted that we should tax themliterally the entire point of governments is to control the relations of production in their territory manipulating markets et cetera to make sure they enable public utilitythis is just a shoddy way to deal with new markets that would otherwise be avoiding sales tax,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 there arent any available time slots id call it a scam but for only 10 i cant complain,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i would avoid cogfuncmention people like plague sorry not sorry also it will be easier to find roommates again i would avoid cogfuncmention people like plague current uniassigned roommate is cogfuncmention i cant stand her maybe thats why im so jaded sorry not sorry,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 it was on rfunny so its okay to not know,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 naw funny how you kids only know black and whitei just get annoyed by this stupid circlejerk which is absolutely irelevant and exaggerated into oblivionfor casters to jump on a bandwagon if nothing has been proven is unprofessional and in this case more a case of bullying instead of a witty remarkyou may think otherwise and call me a fanboy but i might as well call you a idiot for assuming things based on a comment that displays my personal opinion of casters and their behaviour while representing a sport or something that aspires to be recognised as such it has something to do with professionalism and work ethics but i guess that doesnt bode so well with you kids,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i have one or two not really usin the power armor much yet but wow it is powerful,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 talisa obliged scooping her first born into her arms seeing this violet couldnt help but feel a pang of jealousy and so she raised her arms as wellill hold you after violet talisa promised the younger twin unable to hold both at the same time cassana was more in need of the attention at that moment after all,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 but then youve got no assurance that the large end is at the right length when youre wearing it and youll have to start all over anyway,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 yes we would its like leveling up in life and what not evergrowing everlearning i didnt really look into mbti until a few years ago found out all my friends are nfs typementiontypementiontypementiontypemention we all are a great bunch together with the feels,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 the alternative is that people get to share in the benefits of automation by owning robots i envision two policies here first government sponsored loansgrants for acquisition of robots for the public second making sure ai and robotics remain in the public domain we have to make it very very accessible for everyoneso instead of depending on ubi people would be able to provide for themselves in order to make people more independent new technologies such as solar energy and 3dprinting will also play a roleubi seems to me to be inherently unstable if power is concentrated at the top and they decide a stipend to give to each person that would put the population in a position of dependence also forced equality with no social mobility doesnt sit well with the public and i wouldnt like to see an endgame where google and amazon own 80 of the profits from robotics and the rest of the world depends on state welfare better to spread the automation as much as possible and avoid it falling in the hands of just a few corporations,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 mourinho is 100 not coming to arsenal the rumours are from mourinhos end to put pressure on united with the added bonus of putting pressure on wengerthe interesting thing is that he wouldnt need to do this if he had a confirmed job at united maybe they are actually planning to stick with van gaal for another year,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 to stop all the immigrants coming in and putting strain on public services like the nhs the reasoning behind at least 50 of leave voters voting outfirstly eu immigrants bring a net benefit to the economy in terms of taxes paid productivity and employmentsecondly eu immigrants dont use the nhs as much as native britsthirdly eu immigrants arent allowed to come here and claim benefits for 4 yearsthus eu immigrants subsidises the welfare state for british peopleand the problem immigrants ie those of pakistanisomali origin are let in by our own uk government not the eu,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 here we go my friend said my monitor was miscalibrated and when i fixed it,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 prati just fyi i started off just like you youre on the right track,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 if you want pizza vote for maritzaand yeah wac was a shami just wish theyd mentioned something im guessing caputo shut it down or somethingor maybe even fig,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 for some reason windows 10 didnt like the 5 runtime so i had to use a newer one i believe elite is releasing a patch on 328 which will support the new runtime also use a bluegreen hud as the green pixels are much smaller than the red onesoh nice thank you i will make those adjustments and see what happens,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 its hard for me at this hour my brain is fried but basically i would say feeling is generally what you would associate with sweet warm empathetic loving crying at movies basically anything internal while emotion is what you see on the outside passion mood swings facial expressions etc,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 no and they dont need too theyd be much better off moving towards becoming a coalition party of nationalists paleocons and libertarians as young conservatives generally fall into one of those two groups rather then being evangelicals or neocons like republican voters have been in the past opposing marijuana legalization and gay marriage loses them a lot of support if they were just the low taxes budget cuts and antiillegal immigration party theyd do a lot better and it shows why do you think trump is doing so well compared to how romney did in 2012 despite some polls showing him at literally 0 with black women,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 would he have to take another penalty to switch drivers again,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 have you ever tried to make a watch not easy stuff but right half is the name and im sure nice watches in general have inflated priceshere is a watch that ive been looking at msrp is 3x the price amazon is charging not sure its worth that much but its probably the most id spend on a watch personallyit does have a lot of nice high tech features though like the fact that the hands and markings on the face are tritium glow in the dark without charging radioactive tungsten case some weddings bands are made of it it is really big and heavy though like a pound of something tungsten is about the same weight as goldfor the price when compared to other watches i think its probably very competitive but yeah 12k is a whole other ballpark for me to others im sure its not,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 so i have top comment on the thread you are referring toits not about marriage per se like you i dont think marriage is that important although i personally would like to get married if my partner was anti marriage id be fine with that too the whole point of my comment in that thread however is about knowing there is no long term outlook if you know your relationship will end badly in x years because you have some big disagreements which well end in drama and heartbreak why prolong the inevitable especially because the longer you wait the uglier the break up will beto answer your second question yes i am in a relationship with someone i intend to marry 4 years and counting if i didnt see myself with my so long term to me there wouldnt be a point to staying together with himalso i personally have no desire to date casually i dont feel any desire to sleep with guys i dont feel romantically attracted to and besides i am confident enough in myself my life is existing enough that i dont feel some weird fear of being alone or feeling worthless if im not in a relationship,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 envy resentment bitterness because its fashionable some mixture of those,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 enh dolphins in background isnt a photobomb its just a bonus to a nice shot,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sure way to set yourself up for disappointment i think if you dont get anything in writinglife has taught me people are almost all greedy sobsreal good way to figure out what a person is really like either by them winning a ton of cash or by you winning a ton of cash and how they change or not after that fact,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 honestly the argument for stay were pretty much based on fear as well it was about how the economy would tank now we can argue that this is a rational fear and the market are showing that but its fear nonetheless you then have to prove this fear is more rational than the other one and then it get complex there is no moral high ground,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 thanks thats what i thought this was going to be how to make the actual noodles cause ive been wanting to try that for a while now take it to the next level yknow,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 valve doesnt hw id or ip ban because it is inefficient,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im sorry to hear that that sucks,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 poulter could be a sneaky play most people will be drawn to jb at that price range if your strategy in cash is to play the chalk though you have to go jb i personally would go haas if i was trying to be differenti like palmer but man im really liking the local boy kirk you dont have to spend all your roster but ive been looking at him pretty hard,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 theres only fox so i guess hes top and low at the same time,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 well those are themes i detect as i monitor my thoughts i think about any random shit but they seem to orbit around stuff like this,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 my mom is freaking out over it becausea itâ s super offensive to the troops and the players must hate americab black lives matter is nothing like mlk and 100 â œlike malcolm xâ c â œweâ re about to have a civil war againâ d kneeling isnâ t â œfree speechâ itâ s like going to an american legion and stomping on the flag in front of them,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 as a knife collector i recommend full tang never rattail,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah there are some dim people out there,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 is nonrelated shit allowed youll hear from me tomorrow,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 what am i an eyebrow expert,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 it sounds like theyre not ns or jstypemention have tertiary cogfuncmention so they like it but cant sustain it they also have polrcogfuncmention which i guess means theyre not good at considering alternate interpretations,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 you said sometimes she comes off as an typemention if you mean t as in logical that could be because of tertiary cogfuncmention which can be pretty analytical and critical,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 im dizzy from so much spin,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 passive mind control rod reiss certainly has an interesting personality but i wouldnt call him attractive,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah i saw that they had it up already is just be sooooooo fucked up if i came in second by a stroke and lost 900000 because of it i dont think i could handle that lol,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 so what happens now is you get into your car get yourself to whereever your parents are living park the car go to the house tell your kid to get into the car right now get back in the car and drive away your parents just lost the right to ever see your kid again while hes still underaged,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 my character built up the castle as a symbol of his ego,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 so every day at 11am eastern thenbring it on,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 it says in the report vision assistanceif a person gets 20 kills through smokes and traces people through them ill vote guilty same with alt tabbing in front of a smoke which is obviouswell see if the day comesokay what it says is external software to gain information about the location of their opponents eg vision through walls or smokeso since i dont know what caused him to watch through smokes i am free to tick that box as he could abuse the bug or be cheating or not knowing that he has itin 2 of 3 cases getting rid of him is a good thing the third case should be relatively easy to spotstands in the proximity of a smoke for 2 seconds and does nothing maybe,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 for those who didnt click the link he was being asked where he sees yahoo in 5 to 10 years i think he mightve missed the mark on that one,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 thats no good it should be common sense,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 typementions imo have a very strong sense of right and wrong and most of the time its spot on sometimes for reasons you didnt think ofthey just suck with the emotional support too some of them are quite okay with breaking rules too as long as they think the rules are stupid very similar to me in that sense i love chatting with you about typementions haha most seems to hate them and i think they just have never been closer to one,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 the prince commenting on the king,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i have a theory of how to distinguish si vs nicogfuncmention users only feel confident making guesses and predictions if they have enough data to make it probable when faced with not enough information they can guess but they feel unsure and second guess themselves cogfuncmention users require data and probibility to make decisionscogfuncmention users feel confident in making a prediction regardless of probability of being correct they have a feeling about it being right they make decisions based on conviction and if their conviction is weak then they wont guess or feel unsure about itif someone said they had insomnia i might have a suspision but id hide my suspisions and ask questions until i have enough data to make an educated guess as to why they arent sleeping ill only make guesses when i feel confident that i have enough information to back it upin other words cogfuncmention is about probability while cogfuncmention is about conviction,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 there is another subrtruechildfree someone please correct me if im wrong which is aimed at being more warm fuzzies check it out a lot of the mombie posts and even brat kid posts i think convey the same message i am so glad that is not my life or i am glad i have not turned into a mombie i skip over some there are a lot but this is one of the only safe places people can express those feelings and even get some agreement,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i have the 6 too is the google pixel thr next gen iphone or is it the 7,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 i disagree the show was built on one off episodes and started losing steam even it focused too much on the plot the plot is so convoluted at this point i want to skip any episode that deals with angels demons heaven hell etc i want to see sam and dean road tripping saving people hunting things the family business keep it basic thats why i enjoyed season 7they stripped it back down got rid of some of the fluff then season 8 came back and ruined that and i havent found it in me to continue into season 9 every time i try i lose all intrerest and end up on my phone or falling asleepthis is why i decided to start back at season 1 and im loving it maybemaaaaybe itll get me in the proper mood to care about season 9 but the show has such a different vibe now,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 as the quadrifoglio has a carbon roof i dont think it would be a option in series 2 and beyond because of weightand yes aftermarket sunroofs are looking cheap and may also impaire safety,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the entire album is great some of my other favorites from her on this albumsentimental journey leaves i do is dream of you knows when youre down and out foolish things remind me of you song that introduced me to her back in 2007slow me down,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 omg hl3 confirmedhey you guys songaboutyourpost confirms it hl3 confirmed,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 shit i still do that sometimes its simply unconscionable to wave my mojo around on dance floors inciting the unwilling undeniable fierce desires of others i grew tired of being a home wrecker and chose to shake my ass responsibly away from the sight of others,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 haha also its nice seeing you post again i didnt see you for awhile,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 for sure thats the plan and thank you i think ill write a long letter to him so i can get all my thoughts out clearly this was really helpful when i wanted to explain some issues i was having with myself and with him a few years ago,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i find anything other than a moderate political leaning quite irritating sjw is the same shit they hate but just in the opposite direction policing peoples vocabulary and insisting that everyone adhere to their specific lifestyle while berating and shaming those that do not conform to what they deem morally acceptable,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 violent aggression is not a biological advantage the threat of violent aggression isand insemination is only part of the male imperative you need to confirm impregnation and that the offspring is your ownthe period between insemination and confirmation is where being protective and potentially aggressive comes in to ward off other potential matessince this is no longer a biological imperative your goal is not to have as many offspring as possible in fact you probably just want sex feigning this matelike behavior would probably increase the chances of copulation since the female will undoubtedly interpret it a sign of your fitness to mate from the female perspective,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 every woman ive been into has been a thinker or an typemention who are the actual smartest type,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 okay ive duped my legendary cat mod for you along with a bunch of other stuff a level 72 maya might find useful in uvhm next time your on just send me a message or something,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 i dont need much protein i just meant if i was eating veggie burgers thats what id need to prepare i tend to go carb heavy because bread is so cheap per cost but also have a good amount of protein and fat because while less cost effective theyre quick and easy to eat protein shakes olive oil in everything chicken bread soya milk and various vegetables for your micronutrients,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 look at slocums or villegas form right now and cringe with me,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 deorro 5 hours tempo and mellow enough to listen to all the time while doing some shredding,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 unlike her sister violets eyesight was unblemished as well as sharpened by countless hours spent with a bow though they werent focused on the ground her dark brown eyes noticed when the shadows conspicuously changed and so her attention was drawn away from her thoughts and back to the game at hand partly expecting herself to only be drawing a faulty conclusion she stepped forward with a heart filled more with anticipation than excitementas she rounded the corner to see her mirror image sidling away from her a wide smile spread across violets lipsfound you the ganton girl exclaimed eagerly pleased both by the success and by the fact that it meant she was closer to not having to seek,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 how long will you be staying with your parents if youre staying a long time maybe you can consider paying your parents some towards grocery and utilities i didnt see those in your list but those costs wont cease to exist essentially your parents will be funding your savings at the expense of their own savings maybe they dont even want or need you money but it would be a nice gesture and they might appreciate it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 for android i use adblock browser not sure if better than brave,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 so ridiculous the titles on that chanel crack me up i sub and then i unsub because of the spam what a funny guy d grow a brain the rest of you and stop pushing for his censorship,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 there is still a reason to not want a caliph islam isnt like judaism which has this piece of land defined in an old book islam is meant to rule all over the world iran see itself as a kind of caliph not sure they use this word but they believe the be the islamic authority thats why they support rebels and want to conquer mecca a powerful caliph in the middle east would be a scary thing for the west it could be mean constant war at their borders but with no end game a caliph pain threshold could be much higher than russia or china with nuclear weapons it would be nighmarish i can understand why the west might prefer to maintain a divide and conquer policy as long as islamists are still fighting for local power in the me they dont have the mean to fight for global power,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 little typemention running around soon then congrats,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 heres some code to start off with option explicit public sub example call getiindata end sub private sub getiindatabyval url as string dim rawstring as string rawstring gethtmlurl dim stringarr as string stringarr splitreplacerawstring chr10 dim nextrow as long nextrow getlastrowactivesheetindex 1 1 dim counter as long for counter 0 to uboundstringarr cellsnextrow counter 1value stringarrcounter next counter end sub private function gethtmlurl as string as string dim html as string with createobjectmsxml2xmlhttp open get url false send gethtml responsetext end with end function public function getlastrowbyval worksheet as long byval columnno as long as long getlastrow worksheetsworksheetcellsworksheetsworksheetrowscount chr64 columnnoendxluprow end function note i recommend using https urls for downloading this data as the ie object rejects connections with untrusted websites and youll get errors running this code,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 guys id appreciate it if you gave me some privacy,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i do this by hiking i stray from premade paths and climb by observing natural paths amp following animal droppings to go up it can be dangerous but with enough precautions its nice and besides when you get stuck you just gotta shimmy your way back down i always start my adventures in the morning though because a lot of shit goes down in the mountains at night,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 atlantic canada 10k is what a heatpump costs nowadays 35 years ago it was still like 6k so that seems on parcost benefits are quite large for a whole house heating is at least 60 of the energy costs here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 honestly being typemention myself i can take it no problem i can see things rationally if it was typemention at the bottom wow you would not hear the end of it i do worry about the typemention who are 2nd to last though they are so lovely and fun though if they are anything like a friend of mine they will move on pretty fast but they will never forget it,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 will be doing this i couldnt find the goal line bet on my bookie,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 yeah i saw that they had it up already is just be sooooooo fucked up if i came in second by a stroke and lost 900000 because of it i dont think i could handle that lol,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thank you ill add it to the list,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 having spent the better part of the last three months suffering from an extreme allergic response to pollen which made me feel as though half my body suffered from 2nd degree burns praying for rain every day to wash the dreadful plantsex from the air i will try to remember to never complain about rain again on rainy days i can walk around outside and live like a normal person again lately when it rains im so excited how wonderful is it that we have this autocleaning function on our spaceship im not trying to chastise you for being unhappy about whatever you are unhappy about my point is that sunny days with a light breeze have their own issues everyone and everything are good and bad and its entirely situational and so very very often a question of how we choose to perceive them what angles do we view the situation from a spork is neither a perfect fork or a perfect spoon but its great at getting the job done when you wanna chow some types of food maybe youre a spork or a deep chinese soup spoon or whatever you can try to sharpen your tines or deepen your draft but dont hate yourself for dropping the occasional kernel of corn d put another way did einstein hate himself because he didnt unify physics or because he was apparently domestically a slovenly filthpig consider that you are the type of person to hold yourself to impossibly high standards that has pluses and minuses yeah congratulations youre probably not a narcissist d i dont think we should shy away from any thoughts thoughts happen but we can try to not respond emotionally to ways we could have done things better those thoughts are there to help us move forward the next time we encounter similar situations they are trying to be your friend to teach you how you might improve not to cast judgment on you to my thinking it is a choice to either take criticism of performance as a criticism of self or as a criticism of behavior i lost that round because i didnt play the right cards next game im going to try xyz instead instead of i lost that round because im a terrible playerperson finally i had some fun entertaining a thought with some family and my so this past weekend perhaps were all at least a little fucked up because it is evolutionarily disadvantageous to be too competent as individuals 10 slightly dysfunctional humans who need each other and work together are more effective than 1 perfect asshole working alone at some point in our past perhaps a tribe of perfect people evolved and promptly went the way of the what the fuck do i need you for panda bear maybe youre a fork and sometimes soups for dinner its ok for someone else to be a spoon d we all need a little spooning sometimes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 haha well its been a long time since i read it but i really enjoyed it i think i was 14 at the time as i recall it explores a lot of the core concepts of norse spirituality balance between light and dark lies and truth etc all that grey area they were so fond of,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 typementiontypemention typemention typemention typemention i have been attracted to typemention typemention typemention and typemention but i dont think im really compatible with those types,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 no typementions are more practical and they are not ones to start drama,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 yea i noticed something in your writing style is grammarly maybe something for you,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 can someone explains me what shortest isnad means,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 for some reason i cant think of at the moment i thought mst3k was already supposed to have been revived by now but itd been so long i guess i just assumed theyd changed their minds or given up on it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 fucking hate the flavor menu although its better than the garlic snot,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 yeah that is definitely a tradeoff one has to make a very reasonable point especially if those pass managers generate long secure passwords for each site and store the saved passwords in an encrypted file on the disk if possible and not the cloud,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 i guess its confirmed then welcome to lfc sardar,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 dont try to be anything that you arent i know people tell you about looking clean and stuff of course if you shower once a week its not going to help but look isnt about looking like x its about being totally confident and non selfconscious in the way we look women are attracted to confidence not arrogant confidence but calm wellbeing presence dont talk too much about yourself if at all being mysterious is great listen to them a lot let them talk ask about what they are passionnate about be curious ask them their opinion about things their might be interested about and give your opinion while showing an open mind look them in the eyes a trick is to look between the eyes or just above the nose you dont get the stress of eye contact and you give the feeling that you can make eye contact if you make true eye contact never break it fast out of anxiety instead of moving your eyes away move your head slowly on the side never down use those new acquired power responsibly,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yeah isomorphic is hot but there is a new hot thing every couple of months i think learning the fundamentals really well is most important frameworks are flashes in the pan and once you learn them boring as hell they are cogfuncmention monstrosities and get in the way of really interesting development they are great for making boring shit fast though mark my words a year from now everyone will be jizzing themselves over sploogier or some other er if you know how the js html and css work you will pick up sploogier super fast if you have to,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the gonewild girls must work harder for the people,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 damagebeing mobbed by my kindergarten and primary school teachers for what ever reason they decided i was not to succeed in life so the stupid retarded child their term of endearment for me didnt get any support with the curriculum and was graded more harshly than anybody else the cherry on top were my peers bullying me kids are rotten mean little pieces of shit8 years closeted from 13 years of age to 21 self inflicted damage life would have been easier as a gay teenager if i had just come out at 13when i was 23 my still closeted boyfriend unilaterally decided that hed rather marry a woman than come out it was a bit of a shock to suddenly be introduced to his future wife two weeks before the wedding i kicked him to the curb when he suggested i could become his affair behind the back of his wife to bethe whole boyfriend thing kinda janked the floor from under me fell into a deep depression couldnt finish my education a while later i got help and medication and got a job started at the bottom but steadily worked myself up to now be a controllerall that trauma had devastating effects on my selfesteem my empathy my world view my ability to connect to people i spent the better part of my thirties working through my issues and putting myself back together againduring that time i had a breakthrough realisation it is a tough one but also a very good one it doesnt matter who caused the shit or how the shit was caused and when it doesnt matter that it is unfair it doesnt matter that others dont have to deal with it what matters is that the shit is now in my corner and the only one around to clean it up is me once i realised that i just started cleaning up as best as i could it is sobering but also empowering to solely be in charge of working through your issues,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 this looks good too it is starting to look like a real sub around here thanks for setting this up i was thinking about doing this yesterday did you set it up through the automoderator or is this all done manually i think that those categories are fine too,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 i dont know the work although ive come across this idea does failed have a connotation of some kind of normative bad or undesirable in some way social psychological etc,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 its to get the average donation numbers down,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i was honestly inspired by your recent posts on better defining ish,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i definitely think its accurate that i appear more judgemental than i actually am im one of the least judgemental people on the planet really but people get pissy with me all the time because i made some observation to them that i thought was neutral but they get offended because they think im judging them somehow sorry but noticing something is not the same as judging i cant help noticing deep personality traits in people and i find them neutral for the most part but other people dont seem to understand the idea of thinking something without emotionally reacting to it and theyre threatened by how i perceive information,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 its even worse when you browse reddit on your phone a shit device like mine doesnt like it when i run more than two apps at once,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 well an introvert would do their shopping online without leaving the house so you must be an extravertan intuitive wouldnt waste their time doing boring things like shopping so you must be a sensora thinker wouldnt waste their time doing dumb things like shopping so you must be a feelera perceiver might go to the shopping mall but they wouldnt schedule it to be on a saturday afternoon so i think that youre a judger since you specified when it wasin conclusion you are most definitely an typemention,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 this may require a vba solution just to clarify1 are all the values that excel isnt treating as dates formatted as text you specifically mentioned left aligned which implies number formatting as text2 what formatting are you trying to convert fromto need both for accurate parsingthese two questions would allow vba to identify what values are not being treated as dates that is one thing excel can do it can then parse said dates from the preformatted date format into the one you wanted and apply the correct cell formatting,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 we have it is just hidden in the wiki sadly not easy to find and i didnt think there would be something so i made this post d,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 that sloth has to do so much workarounds shows what is broken with the game it was developed by hidden path who took source butchered it and slapped new graphics onto it now the guys at valve have to get rid of all the bugs,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 talisas lips pulled taut as he spoke holding back a number of complaints until he was finished speaking she was frustrated that he didnt understand what shed meant by on purpose and frustrated that he hadnt actually made the promise as he smiled however her lips relaxed and her qualms faded his mind was at ease and he was going to be safe and that was all she really wantedonly a moment later her frustrations vanished altogether replaced with shock and elation pessimist that she was she hadnt even considered that aerion might have knighted griffith but in retrospect it was hardly a surprise after a second of gaping at him talisa untangled her hand from his and threw her arms around him pressing her smiling lips to histhe kiss lasted a few seconds silently conveying simply how overjoyed she was by the news it was far easier for her to express her excitement this way yet there was something else that she needed words to say and so breaking away she whispered four wordsim proud of you,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 hard blocking this uv0ld guy or however you spell that name will already get you a far way with the comments,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 are the gastlymarill up for trade then i updated my spreadsheet with a few more breedjects if interested,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 hey hey another typemention here im only on rtypemention as far as other mbti subs are concerned,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i saw yesterday bovada finally flopped switching to 130 in favor of him not completing his term then today they removed the wagers altogether,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 which is why i have even less interest to spend time on canonical and ubuntu the above is exactly why i consider ubuntu a dead end the above either locks you into single source ubuntu or makes you choose other options i see the multisource other options as healthierubuntu is foss just as reactos is foss and both have a similar impact for me in my current computing life which is littleyou see them as a plus i see them as at best neutral at this point were better off agreeing to disagree,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 for me it depends on how closely integrated my pet theories are to my core identity if theyre peripheral i have no problem discussing them and consider it quite fun if they happen to be a core tenet of my personal philosophy i usually wont bring it up unless i think its necessary or key to the discussion i happen to love theorizing with others and building on their ideas with my own but im just not going to spill my guts because someone is curious besides in that case if its already a part of my personality simply observing my actions should reveal the theory put into practice i dont feel the need to bring it up if im already living it,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 fuck off kids as an excuse to not film implying hes a pedophile what a trashbag of a human beingi absolutely hate societys view towards kids right now im glad i never decided to be any sort of person in education healthcare or anything dealing with kids whatsoever if a kids on the sidewalk i cross to the other side of the street nowadays im not scared of a rough looking person all tatted up but a kid i run the other waysickening,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its just the wrong approach to take and it obviously didnt work a bad relationship with food comes about when you feel like you dont have any control over what you are eating my mom took a similar approach with me and i wasnt even near being overweight i was just 6 inches taller than her and she couldnt wrap her mind around me not being tiny so she restricted what i could eat like crazy locks on the cabinets hiding food wouldnt let me have dinner at a friends house and even went so far as trying to lock me in my room without food until i lost weight the second i went off to the college and got away from that controlling behavior i actually got even thinner i had complete control over what i could eat so i didnt binge when i got the rare chance i just had what i wanted when i wanted and listened to my body,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 good watch to learn how to polish that crystal on plastics easy specially if you dont have any deep ones like i probably doi was already familiar with polishing knives and polishings polishing i just do it all by hand,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ah i plug in my nano s after configuring with your test mnemonic and 0xbc8d1eaae8869d91f346ea780fd6ddf2258e588b doesnt show upcause it looks like your mnemonic is m446000 jaxx metamask exodus imtoken trezor and not m44600 ledgerso that means ledger doesnt see the addressindex field are the two types incompatible,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 at least there are good part in the bible and if someone was really committed to imitate jesus the biggest threat to society would come from his lack of hygiene if someone follow muhammad example they will take sex slaves wage war have poets killed ransack sacred sites and have bad hygiene,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 the problem is that you need to get the signatures into the systemi guess paid cheats have a higher priority than free cheats and they also have to obtain the signature first,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah this is a closer view of that little sticker an 09 gts,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 have you ever considered the use of vba udfs to help you improve your spreadsheet,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 nothing about having longer periods is unhealthy the norm varies mine were regularly 710 days and i knew a girl who only had 1 day periods neither of us was unhealthy or had any issues,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 as someone who lives in northern kentuckyfuck,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its less about age than region some places have more diversity of politics but many states especially in the midwest are easily divided between the college towns democrat and everyone else republican,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 why bring a striker when youve got bosscielny,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 do you like fantasy or scifi because theyre the only two genres where im happy recommending anything what hobbies did you have,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 yep i just gave in in life there are millions of tiny details that flash by everyday all day i cant be bothered with trivial facts like where i parked,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 youâ re joking me you gotta bethis canâ t be the right guy,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 well yeah that was also my point they both need to give information to the public and keep the common people ignorant at the same timewhich is why i wonder how much theyll tell exactly,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 not an typemention but you can control the rules of engagement by bringing a laptopbook personally i have met probably dozens of people in bars over the years and made two actual friends thereby i think if youre looking to make friends youll be better off joining groups of some kind andor taking classes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i like this reason more than the real one,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the people will also protest,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 516 14ga titaniumguaranteed not to rust the other options even stainless will,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 well fuck i listened to all of it,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 oh good only 49 more achievements and i can be a real person,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 lol i thought this was funny,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 heh yeah really though it was totally unexpected like he was just some dude at a bar and he was chatting up the cute bartender about gambling machines thats what i do so i picked up on it asked him about it and i guess he jumped on a machine that had like 025 in it didnt realize other patron flipped out over it huge nono to do but he wasnt a person who plays machines right he just didnt notice realize there was no one sitting there no sign honest mistake but gamblers are fucking crazy and superstisious so he was all like ruined my streak cost me a million dollars etc etc i am embellishing anyway turns out he goes back and wins big gives the offending frenchman 5 but yeah i was like one of the only one in the bar whod talk in french with this guy bartenders were ok french my french sucks but they were a tad worseit was kinda weird but i ended up walking him home which wasnt that far outta my way i was fine with just random encounter but he insisted on contact infoanyway i love the unexpected which is the whole point to this post and last night lots of unexpected shit happened perfect and well youre just the lucky one to hear about it doubt many apart from you will read,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 not even na stupid eu mges in a nutshellapart from the things you display your computer is calculating nothing is what i was saying with that,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i feel special for getting the reference,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 yea he kinda scores when he feels like it never goes the extra mile such a shame for someone of his talent and prestige,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 okay final round of questions here to settle requirements once and for all i think youre expecting a certain behavior versus what this code was meant to do1 are you trying to list file paths along with the filenames2 if you are trying to list file paths do you need them separated by folder or as a single string in a separate cell3 do you need this to go through all subfolders within the selected folder to browse for filesthe reason why i ask is because the code i just posted lists the file names of any tiff files within the selected folder,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the other guy is a bot mateyou just had the best go i ever saw a human take on it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 walking into a house party where everyone is wearing red and forgetting you have a blue shirt onand vice versa,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yes well for one romanian is not germanic its a romance language like french or italianwest germanic languages are german english dutch im sure theres morenorth germanic languages are danish swedish norwegian icelandic faroese â theyre quite homogenous compared to the west germanicsthere were east germanic languages spoken by the tribes who sacked rome but theyre extinct,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 what draws the line for it to be considered light gaming,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 generally you will be 18 when you are still in higher education in the eu,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this is the most insightful thing anyone will say in this thread,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 ok i see what you mean now,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 everything is phsychological and it effects and programms you more or less whatever you perceive but i wouldnt overevaluate it i personally never pay attention to names and icons only acknowlange on loading screen,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 if not already it will be eventually,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i doubt you get this level of access under medicare or medicaid which are the budget op is talking about im canadian so i could be wrong a thing to note here is that japan has lower healthcare cost than canada so there are other factors at play or it could be that not having access to advanced equipment end up costing us more so we miss early diagnostic,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 raaaaaayymonnnddd they show it later now at least so its as if its never on anymore for me that and theyve repeated the series about three times and they cut out half the frank jokes so its nice to see frasier insteadi miss just shoot me i hate according to jim and king of queens,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 i know but it still stacksif you have been banned for the first time you need one week without being kicked etc for your cooldown to get back to 2 days if you get kickedabandonget kicked in this time you will get 7 days again and have to wait two weeks without comitting offense for it to go down to a 2 day ban,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 lotr lcg is probably my favorite solo game as well just so many possibilities and as a real lotr nerd i love running these scenarios and often try to use timeline appropriate characters even if it isnt the best build just to see how much i can mirror the stories if i want a longgame 24 hours experience for solo play i enjoy the hell out of eldritch horror mostly for the stories it can tell,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i have absolutely no problem with thatbut if you decide to do that you can also send pmswere spamming op right now if he hasnt turned send replies to my inbox off,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 things i never thought i would type that is a beautiful drive my good man,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 they could always add this plus another bonus to a pirate faction i mean its not like pirate faction bonuses are always unique ml with interceptors and gal ships br with t2 min ships angels getting straight turret bonuses etc,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 whoa thats a huge tank,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 ive come across a beautiful quotation from cicero from which work i do not know alas that i feel plato would have identified greatly with â love is the attempt to form a friendship inspired by beauty,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 if you dont play it wrong there wouldnt be a problem,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the speech for this ad was taken from his speech at portland or back in august 2015 it was a great speech wish i had recorded it,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 that is weird di was lucky my starter planet wasnt lush per say but it had a decent amount of flora amp fauna and plenty of common elements,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 good to see someone judge eren by his feats and not by fandom alone and whilst i still disagree with the statement that he could have beaten reigner without the help of the others in their first fight your formulation of what annie is capable of did change my few on erens and reigners second fightnot only was eren also armored in that fight the fact that he also knows some of annies techniques might have been enough to level the playing field despite his lack of experience even if he wasnt supported by thunderspearsthank you for your extensive reply it managed to change my vieuw on the matter even if it was just a little bit,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ahaha right although i am very much less aggro when i get laid often so yeah what you were saying but it is a double edge i think,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im trying to figure it out too sounded like a gun shot or something,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i imagine a lot of people on the republican side would have issues if a police officer started going around preaching allah to people but yet somehow theyll give this guy a pass since hes preaching about jesus glad he got fired no one working as an agent for the government should go around preaching to civilians hisher own religious beliefs while on duty,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i wish more people talked pga im torn between speith and kuchar as my big money playerwho should i roll with,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 my rephrasing was the sentence above the one below was meant to explain and show the two types of failures one is the persons fault and the other is notbecause some things are within your control directly some are preventable and some are just plain bad luck,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its crooked though the rest are fine apart from the lampshade,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 heeelp it wont let me update when i go to update windows 8 it just gets stuck loading forever in the settings window,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 it was a bit confusing when i first got to the sub why is every other story mecha being new to reddit but i really like the mwc now,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 yeah we have some pretty damn stupid people here haha what say you of the gt40 of frenchies who think vaccines are a bad idea,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention are halfunconscious to keep us sane so what cogfuncmention actually does is seeing patterns of how things in the past evolved through time and applying it to the future and making interconnectionshow does this new piece of information compare to everything i have ever thought imagined felt experienced etcas a result it will make personal subjective interconnections that most of the time are kept personal because theyre based on personal subjective experience for example the crazy woman jung had as a pacient that said that snakes are in her stomach in her case snakes were often seen a symbol of pain so when she has stomach pain she will imidieatly think of snakes but as i said half of the process of the intuitive functions is unconscious to keep us sane so for cogfuncmention most of the time the pattern recognition is hidden from the usera cogfuncmention user might not actually think about how things were in the past and what the interconections are some connections just happen they often report just looking at something for long enough until they out of nowhere come with an answerso cogfuncmention users might see some interconnections that others might not noticeas a result of those conncetions they visualize and not just with sight with all 5 senses everything as symbols and metaphors this is the part that is actually conscious to themso like i said they might associate pain with snakes or something like that snakes being a symbol thats why xnxjs are drawn to symbolism,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i disagree with your assertion that we dont have the shadow functions at all i think that if there is any truth to the concept of functions then they must be biologically based and structurally as well as functionally our brains are far more similar than they are different how we wire them up etc is where the differences arise a person would be non functional without every single one of what we describe as functions im not saying that i support any particular take on how having said functions actually plays out,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dont think china actually wants a war they know theyre winning the economic game so they just want to keep pushing iti think if it comes down to military the china will foldalso an eu military might be just what they needhowever theres going to have to be military intervention in ukraine now that theyre not going to solve the ukraine problem in syria,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 the 90s are this awkward transitional decade between the fall of the berlin wall and 911 when 2000s people get nostalgic we get nostalgic for an era and the 80s were the end of the last real one,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 â u30c4â i got three accounts,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 you can easily tell if its an american 99 of the time americans write about chavs royalty tea or awkwardness i mean yes british people are a little reserved but were certainly not aspergic truly genuine ones are ones pertaining to local pop culture or obscure things that only a brit would know about but one we all can connect with on a very personal level and 2 sentences usually have this a despairing style combined with slight sarcasm which is very unique and cannot easily be replicated if youre not british,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 too bad they were iot collapsable stairs and they collapsed while you were on them cus your wifi went out for 5 seconds,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 is hillary getting herself wasted tonight,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 whats next down syndrome genocide you people make me sick,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 you dont even like her so why do you even care what she thinks,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 no i may be disadvantaged when it comes to the specific social dance moves but i never lacked the basic emotional capability for connection like ted bundy,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 this photo was taken from this album that i composed,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 a burmese friend texted me oh my god your new pm is so handsome,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 met them at work or through knowing other mutual friends and things clicked theres really just a handful of people that i can definitely say fall into this category,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 except valve stated otherwise after the ibp incident,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 correct human density is indeed lower than titan density good on you for calculating the human weight of a being that size once againbesides it being directly stated alltheir feats also point out that they are between 10 to 40 times lighter than humans ill link you my calculations when i find the timein the mean time why dont you calculate what the 3m class titan that reigner carried would weigh if it had human densityi personally came to the conclusion that taking a human of 17m and 80 kg itd weigh way over 400 kg aka slightly more than the biggest weight a human has ever lifted,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its only super demanding because they dont bother to optimize most gamestake a look at how doom runs compared to say gta or tomb raider 4k 60 is real easy for doom with completely maxxed out settings on a 1080,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 umadmaxgamer you have bit of misinformation in this postin grecoroman mythology orion vowed to kill every animal that was on the planet he was stung by the scorpion scorpius and died scorpius and orion therefore cannot share the sky at the same time according to mythology and in real life as orion sets scorpius rises and vice versa he was not stabbed in the back thats just plain wrongsecond orion can damn well be seen after december 21st even in the northern hemisphere proof go outside after sunset tonight and look south hell be there and hell probably be there well past midnight but cannot be seen from the north pole in fact i just opened stellarium top double check you can only see the arm and potentially the top three stars of his head but they are so close to the horizon that theyd be extincted to nearindistinguishability,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 onwards and forwards i say no point being stuck in the past,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 looking for quality dark blue denim jeans problem 45 hips vs 32 waist anybody any brand recommendationsi carry most of my weight around my thighs its a big challenge to find jeansdress pants that even fit my legs let alone find a pair that also fits my waist straight and boot cut jeans look best in my opinion,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i have watched the movie and really enjoyed it i love the ost too,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 please that started long ago they dont even call her husband by his name,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 why not play at low and a lower resolution,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 not the same oneeating marcel gave her sharp nails sharp teeth and made her titan smaller,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i know what you mean i used to question my sanity then i met other people maybe the common denominator here is when cogfuncmention plus a feeling judgment can make some really wacky associations ill tell a story of batshit cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention associations since we are sharing stories my same ex that i mentioned previously wouldnt talk to me for two days and wouldnt tell me why when she came up with the insight that my lack of religion meant that i didnt believe her grandmother was in heaven she didnt believe in heaven either but always imagined that her grandmother was in heaven because it made her feel comforted so by this logic heaven was a room for one that was solely inhabited by her grandmother and only existed in her mind how could i be so insensitive well probably since im not batshit insane,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 yes being tiny and surround by bigger markets means knowledge export is your biggest trade this has been the case for centuries in our country language education is made mandatory by our government because its so important for the netherlands on a societaleconomic scale,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im the same also female though i do notice that when shit really i mean really hits the fan i do this to an unhealthy extent as in i cope by going in overdrive barely sleep and eat because i keep working on solving the problem dont allow myself to feel or rest because the moment i do i would simply utterly collapse so i keep working and fighting in the hope that once i do collapse it will be once the crisis is over and the others around me have the mental capacity to take care of me,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yeah those handles are pretty crap theyre zamak which is mostly zinc white pot metal pretty bad stuff brittle,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 that makes no sense that means that your hours are meaningless if you dont even close at close wtf,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 im a firm believer that ketchup should never be on anything,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 hope you like cabbagethe unseen university is my preferred option but im female,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 helium cant melt brick walls,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 it probably comes from the notion that typemention have a strong sense of justice and what is right and wrong we wish we could make everyone else fall into line i dont believe that most typemention actually desire a leadership position above all else but they would step in if necessary,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 silly me i didnt realize it was outside of fph,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i mounted and just never got control so i fell to the side and my other leg wasnt able to get around the wheel and catch myself,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i guess ill break the mold and say yes i do not now or any time soon but yes as for parenting style i think about this pretty often i know i wont be super strict like my narcissist parents were to me i wont go into extensive detail about that but i think that since im already imagining future scenarios and how i would handle them that i would be a pretty decent parent,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 touchã i guess youre right,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 this graph probably tells you everything you need to know,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 uh im not sure about that i really enjoy abstract art it is some of my favorite stuff i like art with a message so long as it points you in the right direction i think the desire to make it pretty vs having a message on art boils down to what the artists values are and what they are trying to accomplish not their cognitive functions,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 considering it says evergreen in the video title i imagine so though i have no idea what that is beyond some school in the states,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 heh chameleons are weird things,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 depends how high you win and what your stats say at timesyou win high vs good players you get more points you lose high against worse players you lose more points etc,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i take the bet and to be fair i bet you gold it will be michael flynn,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 this is pretty old as european flags go then 12th century,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 1k cp not 1k of each pokemon right,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah it might be i have anger and selfcontrol issues but theyre not that big,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 wtf its all reversed no s f context based n t universal abstractstatic cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention distinct unchanging over time data or changing over time distinct episodesdynamic cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention evolution of data over time fluidly how it got from one episode to anotherintroverted cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention intime futurepast how things relate to one another independent of their innate propertiesextraverted cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention out there in the moment in the present things as they are independent of relations to other thingsne discrete temporal phases and sets of discrete alternatives something either has potential or does notse discrete spatial boundaries that delineate territory and control one is aware of external properties of reality or notcogfuncmention ones continuous physical exchanges with ones environment person x is comfortable with condition y or is notni the continuous evolution of things over time course of events x will lead to consequence y or not,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 yes i would prefer to do 400 and 800 intervals but my coach likes to do religious amounts of 200 intervals,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if you are sexually active i suggest you and your partner use the internet to better educate yourselves for example there can be sperm cells released preejaculation sperm can live in the uterus for 57 days and women can still get their period or have spotting when they are pregnant women ovulate for a couple days so there is a window of time when she can become pregnant not worth the risk if you truly want to be childfree imo all good reasons to wear a condom on top of using birth control which is not 100 effective,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i like this reason more than the real one,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 true shame really invasive hugs are the best kind,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 she will eventually break out of the crystalwhen shes the last manga spoilerss eldian left,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the person you send your gift to is not the person who sends the gift to youif they dont pull your info youll be eligible for rematching,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i love john green thanks for sharing a lot i also like this one too,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 it still seems out of charactertypemention can be ruthless manipulative and cruel for what they believe to be the greater good but constant negative interactions would be tedious and exhaustingyouve given me no reason to believe that she is an typemention other than your sayso sort of like if someone said they know an evil typemention and then describe someone who is strict controlling and insists on a precisely scheduled daily routine without any changes and personally checking every detail of every piece of paperwork wouldnt you be like are you sure theyre not typemention instead of typementionso did she get tested by a trained professional took an online test looked at some vague descriptions or did you type her yourself based on specific body language general impression or whatsorry if i sound annoyed this sort of thing comes up from time to time and it irks me i shouldnt get upset every time someone is wrong on the internet but there you go,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 as a man i was trying to figure out which contraption was more bothersome to wear,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 this question has been asked very often i think there were even surveys done and all the results were visualized in some pretty graphs and pictures id say search the subreddit for those original threads,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 hey you shouldnt complainthe sudden leaks gave you a few more days,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the whole underside of the foot thing is kinda funny over there,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 why cringy its awesome d,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 the way im intending is like steamrolling them owning them that bitter dude that did everything for the girl and never gave any pushback then she got bored of him divorced him and moved on entp,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 so i have an alt which i am playing up to lem now and i should be banned for itpeople who smurf at silver level for fun and to destroy people are idiots i agree but i dont think you should ban people for having an alt and playing with their lower ranked friendsbeginers should have to learn the basics of the game though before playing competitive kinda like the tutorial in dotathe more striking issue i believe is boosting of players i was playing a match with a mg and a dmg friend yesterday and we got mges in our team that played like silvers not funid rather play smurfs than with boosted teammates on my team tbh,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the secret of talking to normal folk is to keep your mouth shut 60 to 70 of the time if you cant or wont follow convention and tradition keep that to yourself you might not have much to say but youll be deemed a good listenerexample at a camping trip some doofus asked if one can trust people 100 idiot me just had to declare the answer is no why because we can never know the other 100 and we cant expect our goals and desires to line up 100 of the time either so we have to assume that sooner or later the other is going to do something that disappoints us the result was being attacked and branded a depressed wacko who shouldnt be in contact with other people had i just neatly kept my mouth shut and said sure i wouldnt have had the worst camping evening of my lifethese days i just stay far from hot button topics better to be labeled dull than to be seen as a deviant humanity is a troup of bald monkeys and they like their fake certainties and their silly rituals it keeps them from facing the truth that they live in a universe that doesnt give a crap about them,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i had been cooking for years before i had home internet access so my repertoire is mostly gleaned from books and magazines but i do make these marmalade and marzipan muffins fairly regularly and these crustless quichetype things are a winner for lunches and picnics,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 we cover a lot of topics here that are considered not appropriate to talk about in the big wide world or hell the rest of reddit for that matter we touch on a lot of taboo societal issues such as poor parenting the behavior of naughty spoiled children and the way society suffers due to the consequences of poor child rearingwe work towards normalizing cf as an acceptable lifestyle i also love that we help those in need birth control and sterlization questions people learning how to advocate for themselves getting out of dead end relationships etc were gonna solve the worlds problems yet,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 some tips and pointers that might speed up your macro and make things overall more efficientdid you know that you can filter out nonblank cells from an overall range so you have less cells to iterate through with a for each loop consider the following dim nonblankcells as range set nonblankcells rangea1z100specialcellsxlcelltypeconstants xllogical xlnumbers xltextvaluesthis would create a range object that only contains cells that have some sort of data within themnow since youre trying to check a pool of data from several other pools of data and trying to filter out the stuff that doesnt match anything at all after being checked against the other pools then use a function like the following public function removerangebyref mainrange as range excluderange as range as range if mainrange is nothing or excluderange is nothing then set mainrange nothing set excluderange nothing exit function end if dim temprange as range set temprange mainrangespecialcellsxlcelltypeconstants xllogical xlnumbers xltextvalues dim tcell as range for each tcell in temprange if intersecttcell excluderange is nothing then if tcell intersects with any cell in the exclusion range if removerange is nothing then set removerange tcell else set removerange unionremoverange tcell end if end if next set mainrange nothing set excluderange nothing set tcell nothing end functionthis will be very useful to use as you can remove each matched cell from your original range of cells that way after all your checking is done you will only have unmatched cells left in your original range it will also speed up checking your range of data with each loop as your original pool of cells will become smaller and smaller as more matches are made,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 im not your 41 year old but i am here and i am trying to be helpful in providing the perspective that 20 years of personal growth can bring my journey wont be your journey but itll be largely the same considering yall have been internet connected more or less your whole lives and ive been internet connected since i was about 22 much much younger than others in my age cohort there is not a single job ive held since i was 25 years old that even existed when i graduated high school im very much gen x but i find i have a lot in common with millennials toosoive got that going for me i guess,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 i wish more people talked pga im torn between speith and kuchar as my big money playerwho should i roll with,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 exploiting isnt cheating lel tell that to ppl who used external undetectable cheats,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 seemed like a waste of money as the beneficiary gets the money with one policy or two policies and i could foresee insurance company questioning who pays on an individual that is doubled insured itd be like you getting two car insurance policies for a single car then filing a claim with both to get a payout if i was the insurance company id question that well the potential of increasing the cash value on a whole life insurance is better than nothing with term i didnt indicate that a whole life insurance should be supplemental for a investment portfolio that would be dumb i agree that if you needwant insurance after 65 whole life is the way to go you cant do long term with term insurance the maximum you can do is 30 years and that isnt long term,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 hi your fourth clip breaks rule number 3 in the op,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 do you know your renneagram it might account for some variations from stereotypical typementionthose are general trends not absolutes people varyimo sjs are the most varied types out there cogfuncmention makes it easier for you to burn new neural pathways and learn specialized mindsets optimized for different tasksyou can learn to be creative spontanous and openminded when doing science even if youre not creative in other areas of your lifeif you want to be a physicist be a physicist you can grow into it far more easily than intuitive types can grow into being accountantsironically imagining all the bad things in your future is textbook inferior cogfuncmention under stresslearn to use that cogfuncmention positively and youre goldeni would suggest hanging out with nps especially typemention since they have the same functions to learn how they use cogfuncmention positively in combination with cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i thought it was the organisms in the sea water that messed it up maybe boiling the sea water first raises salt content and kills bugs,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 they actually have a specific rule against using him on that sublow hanging fruit,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 in regards to your quote of the text that interpetation is not correct here is the full text of the amendmentif a child is born here in the us to foreign or alien parents the child is a us citizen but the parents are not the amendment is pretty clear on this,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 millions of people keep track of the hit count over the next few weeks,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 they stole baron against we,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 moba and fps are completely different genrespeople comparing cheater numbers in fps with cheater numbers in mobas have no cluetry to use spinbot wallhack aimbot etc in mobas and there you have the answer,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 isnt this specific to murderhobos i like playing sorcerers that are wellrounded instead of maximizing your limited selection to be as op as possible for a given encounter leaving you often useless in others just try to be always useful i like to play with a more rpfocused style so ymmv,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 yeahyou kinda need to tell people who are reading your story from all around the world what your local shit is like lambrini and proplus for full effecti presume you didnt get ramen and condoms but beyond that,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 its the best tooits a bless and a curse,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 there werent any windows directly between wills world and the mulefas that is at least not any that we are told about that werent immediately closed if im wrong feel free to correct me i cant remember perfectly its highly improbable that a zalif wandered through two windows to get to wills world probably via the cittã gazze world as windows are hard to find and not particularly common in the wild,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 never run across a road without having a clear view of both directions,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 hihi cant help you with your questions just letting you know you are definitely on the right track with this attitude,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 on the official website it says a nickel titanium alloy and not to use it if you are allergic to nickel,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i know i use whatsapp to talk to my german friends from here in the us,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 if they get overwatched for it they will be banned i cant tell you if the match will be deleted though but id like to think so,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 itd be nice to know for sure which theory is dominant in this subgives me a good estimate of how many of you i need to fightedit about 77 of you guys should start watching you backs,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 op as heck 8 health is like a heal but better and effectively makes minions only able to be hard removed,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 valve gave the task to develop the initial release of csgo to hidden path entertainment they fucked it up and now valve is stuck with it and has to iron out all the bugsi know reddit isnt the whole cs population but the people here think they arethe point is it is valves game if they dont want to listen to this shithole of a community apart from bugs then that is fine at least for me,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if you play with fpsmax 61 you gonna have a bad timethis 60fps shit is simply not true,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 it is about people who are still silver not noobs in le,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 jim cramer is retarded and in fact someine analyzed his advice and found if you followed his advice youd be out of money not even sure how he still has a job,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 unfortunately i seem to be in the minority and this turns me off i wanted to try it out kinda dying for something new and good to try free my friend is toobut that wont really work for me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if they get overwatched for it they will be banned i cant tell you if the match will be deleted though but id like to think so,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 something to offer to whom,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 the problem with this is that youre thinking about money emotionally money is math and math has a definite right answerhave a look at my analysis which i posted just after you posted this i think without the emotional factor,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 was it her fault hasnt been the last few times,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ah the typemention i was with would go through spurts of everyone is mean to me heh sometimes it is true though i guess she also makes really emotional decisions with money when we split up she wanted me to basically shell out a few grand more after i offered her 1500 to cover moving then she blew a wad going to s america for a couple months then stayed in the apartment she couldnt afford on her own she didnt listen to me either i think i was able to get through to her when we were close and she felt emotionally safe with pure logic i think thebweaker functions take a backseat when stressed,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah no reason you couldnt comment on something older stuff just tends to get buried because this sub is fairly active im sure no one would mind if you found yourself with something to say on a thread thats a few days old,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 the first time i saw that posted on a youtube commentin like 2008,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 done put it in my agenda,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 you cant leave me in the dark like thatwhats my tag,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 id be pretty comfortable making a thermal solar setup to heat a water tank or something but pv is getting cheaper and more efficient all the time making diy less appealing also i live down the road from a 50mw solar plant if anything happens to the world thats on my to borrow list,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 he neednt have been acting with treacherous intent i believe he was doing what he could to improve his own standing and here he had a chance to preserve his own forces at the expense of the other northern lords while following robbs orders,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 whose religion unitarian universalism i dont know what youre talking about,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 its to get the average donation numbers down,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this is the one i had picked out when i thought i was going to need one i never did but thought it might help i think it looks like a nice low risk option,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 theyre going about it all wrong the best way to hammer 1000 nails is to first make sure that 20 screws wouldnt do just fine p,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 pm me im south of boston and have a cartime is tight with work and school though,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 both somewhat mindblowing experiences wouldnt you say,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 this is me exactly i know i would be a worry wart helicopter parent i would obsess about every little thing i would nag my poor boyfriend about how to do things right i would slowly go insane,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 happy to hear that as i never wear a seatbelt im a master of the hookyourarmsoitlookslikeyouhaveiton when an officer is next to me though,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 humans are less dense than water yet can still sink if they dont lay flatits really a matter of whether they can find a part of the ocean from walldia to marley that is less than 60 meters deep if the mass of the part of them above the surface can counter the difference in density with the water below them and their feet they might be able to walk through itthis is however in the ocean unlikely and swimming is a more likely option its however not completely impossible,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 big silly grin check date to make sure its not april fools order it online is the kindle version likely to be released on the same day and count the days,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 open borders are necessary to being a libertarian edit arent necessary not are necessary,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i have taged you as a very rude person you made a thread yesterday on typemention forum for typemention to kill themselves mate do you just lose shit and then come back with another topicpeople notice you are not anonymous,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 buy as a team and eco when your team has no money so you dont have to buy smgs or keep your money low sure a eco doesnt really exist in the silver levels but if you rank out of silver people will rage at you for not ecoing properly else you can use every weapon ofc but keep in mind that smgs like the mac10 and bizon do next to no dmg against kevlar id recommend practicing your akgalil or m4 famas skills,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 have you been to the doctors yet they can give you some hormones,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 recent kick is watskys new album my favorite songs aretalking to myself be nice to your guns angel glowing screens pt 3 love letters,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 they are introverts and are intuivite poorly phrased sorry,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think the animojis are going to be the major selling point tbhmy ex was a bit lax and didnt really update her iphone but like a while back when apple released new emojis she was like how did you get that emoji i dont have it and then she updated her ios asap when i told her howbut a real live one with authentic facial expressions with cute animals women are going to dig that shit,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 now i kinda wanna see those dogs in action and compare,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 hmm well i admit im kinda sensitive anyway lol so i have a more physiological reaction,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 from my own experience so totally anecdotal at those younger ages it was my mother a couple of aunts and uncles and a teacher who would push me away from stem while my dad was incredibly supportive of it i clung on to my dad who taught me to stand up for my self and be proud of my interests its not black and white but more like a tug of war and such events could have helped me and my dad by getting me in touch with girls with similar interests so i would have an easier time knowing i was indeed not the weird one of the bunch i by the way agree that we will never reach a 5050 split in most professions and thats ok with me but right now you see that in many cases there is a 1090 split in disciplines such as engineering and nursing this will never be 5050 but i do believe we are missing out on talent even if its just a few male engineers whod rather get into nursing and a few female nurses who want to get into engineering but decided otherwise due to social pressure etc i think thats my bottom line even if the percentages dont change getting rid of the social pressure on men and women is still a valuable thing to society,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the way i see it the entire point of music is to communicate emotion some of the songs that really move meyou want it darker by leonard cohen actually there are a couple dozen songs by him that hit me pretty hard but none so much as alexandra leavingdare by gorillaz this song just makes me happy not sure why it just doesyou can sleep while i drive by melissa etheridge personal reasonsalone by suicidal tendenciesoverture op 84 egmont by beethovenrespect the wind by van halencarry on wayward son by kansassome johnny cash covers like hurt and the man comes aroundmost of the entire catalogs of music by pink floyd tool tori amos jethro tull savatage soulfly liz phair overkill lots of stufd,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 is t there a decent risk of inflation ballooning in the future making your savings an overall loss,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 twas either that or skin my chaffeurs,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 sites looked primitive compared to todays standards pleaseespecially coming from such a crap site as the one linked here with the whole clickbait ads and next slideshow thing going on yeaaah,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the 20 year rule has more to do with marketing and economics than research the first commercial pc existed in 1973 with a gui and mouse and how long before most people had one about 20 yearsnow how long before we have a prototype in the lab is another mattershort of an ai singularity more researchers more researchif we throw a lot of research funding at something it advances faster nasas budget is a good example of thatdont confuse basic research with specific applications though selfdriving cars dont get us closer to agi just like solar panels dont get us closer to fusion,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 at least the people there dont judge you,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 well ejs are quick to judge but ijs are more likely to be enneagram 1take the combination of cogfuncmention hubris cogfuncmention selflessness cogfuncmention nitpicking and add enneagram 1 motivations some typemention get mistaken for xstjs a lot,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i like double knots they look like devils horns or puppy ears if you preferi also really like that style of baby pants nice to see designs that allow room for cloth nappies,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i dont know about dl but if you were running 5k in 1516 minutes you arent going to be keeping up with elite female runners indeed youre at about the level you describe women as being able to attain across a broad scope of athletic performancealso if you believe that its fanciful then you contradict your statistics from before which infer that it must be possible for a massive number of women i dont really put any stock in those numbers though as i know theres no real data on the subject beyond longitudinal studies within the military and those particular studies dont inform your statistics id rather wait and see whether women are able to deal with the training program ie learn correct policy by doing but before that theres the case of weighing up the potential for what would amount to negligent homicide if women were given a free pass in training and whether its worth the benefit,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 theyre just saying that giroud has finished better than alexis this season which is true giroud was finishing well until the past few months alexis has had poor finishing all year,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i feel you its one of my favorite songs on the trilogy but the lyrics dont make any fucking sense a few friends and i debated what the song was actually about and we never came to any sort of consensus haha,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 dont worry about offending me doesnt come across that way im usually blunt especially when talking about my hobbies as welli understand what youre saying but i dont think im the typical newbie when i get into something like this i commit more than most my roomate was actually the one to suggest it however hes the type that just wants to buy it go and forget about it doesnt want to learn or do anything he just wants it to work i on the other hand enjoy playing and figuring it all outi dont mind a bit of a struggle to get experienced i just wanted something of quality and something i could expand at least a bit with and something that was convenient the subtank seemed like a good fit especially since i could take it all apart myself and rebuild etc i didnt want to buy something and just feel like it was crappy or to outgrow it in a week or two and buy something elseim pretty sure the guy at my local shop knew his stuff but maybe he was just inexperienced to deal with a new customers needs he probably knew what he liked and maybe an expert in the higher end stuffi think seeing this as a hobby and toy is going to help me stay off cigs so im not sure its a bad choice for me im not even necessarily trying to quit smoking though not buying cigs is a big money saver so that plays into it tooi totally agree with you about closely mimicking smoking will help though and its just not the matter of physical addiction but rather the behaviourroutinepatternwhateverits nice now that vaping is almost more socially acceptable than smoking is even if youre outside a bar and others are smoking nobody will look at you funny for vapingi might have to recommend that evod clearomizer to my friend though he wants a nohassle setup though something he can just use all day and not have to do anything battery life was a huge concern of his,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the only issue with the exalt being so valuable relative to chaos is that it makes chaos recipe dramatically weaker,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 perhaps you are looking for this,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 deposited lv30 male driftblim ignkai ty in advance,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i have had my phases of anxious shyness the last one was a few years ago but not so long that ive forgotten where im at in my career determines so much about the rest of my life its ridiculous really,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 could you do me a favor and tell me more about it if i google flux or flux program i only get articles about magnetism,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah its actually kind of a meme for typemention thats fetis and tifes jam cogfuncmention is all about whats going on inside other people and cogfuncmention is all about how does it work exactly typemention typemention typemention typemention and to a goodly extent typemention are all about it the tefifite types are more about whats it going to do rather than how it precisely works jung was an typemention,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 til what a pimp spot is,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 huh that would definitely be an improvement as it stands its like enforced social media participation to get a job i think i may even hate linked in more than i hate facebook haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 hopefully the sub grows and doesnt end up like rtheknick,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 what it means to be an cogfuncmentiondom nobel prize winnercongrats to him,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 your out of nowhere comment about childfree is ridiculous there are tens of thousands of people on that sub all with various opinions many people there dedicate their careers to children and are social workers teachers nurses day care workers nannies many of them like kids they just may not like our baby obsessed society or sexist judgements that a person is less than because they dont want a baby some people do believe having children is immoral that would be more in line with am anti natalist line of thinking some of those folks hang out there as well there is nothing wrong with believing that either,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 wow someone rediscovered the pareto distribution surely theyll win the nobel prize in maths for this achievement,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 then hop in css and you get tripple the fps hpe slaughtered the source engine,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 clearly the answer is doom it is may 13th afterall,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 do it it feels like dark souls and demons souls with a splash of bloodborne speaking of which pick up bloodborne while youre at it if you can,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 no i showed up looking fine and dude showed up in sweatshortsgross,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i would dump goosen for a better punt like compton or sullivan,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 because it is people use means of code obfuscation and the compiler might make gibberish out of itif you cant obtain the pdb or uncompiled files it is hard to reverse engineer even if it is a programm of a small sizefor example a single 1mb exe can contain milions of loc,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 slim to none imo ldrs working for working slobs is one thing its tough but doable ldrs working through college hahahahah no then when you get outta college which may happen at different times youre both going to need to take jobs wherever you can its unlikely to be in the same location if you really truly enjoy this person and think shes special then maintain a close friendship with her perhaps someday it will become more but truly 98 of a relationship is friendship there are very few people relatively speaking you can have a truly close friendship with there are far more people you can satisfyingly bump uglies with if 46 years from now you two are still close friends perhaps something will happen on the other hand you are unlikely to maintain a friendship for 46 years through college life is short and you should gather roses while ye may so long as she doesnt get preggers yall can have a lot of fun and shout into the void together for awhile,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well i imagine you do something for fun ever watched tv or done something absolutely mindless for fun its not like im dropping acid instead of learning cool shit like how to program p,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i mean why would a poptart want to live in a toaster i mean tthat would be like the scariest place for them to live you know what i mean,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 dude a wallet is one thing that you shouldnt skimp out on check out rbifl sometime,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 because it is people use means of code obfuscation and the compiler might make gibberish out of itif you cant obtain the pdb or uncompiled files it is hard to reverse engineer even if it is a programm of a small sizefor example a single 1mb exe can contain milions of loc,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 hey whats wrong with a toenail i pay â 65 for a 200g jar of toenails from the people of a lost amazonian tribe at holland amp barretts apparently the keratin and high protein content is good for your hair and it makes your intestines work harder ensuring better nutrition absorption from other foods,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i still think nvidia is doing pretty great things for graphics as a whole advancing technology etc dont agree they should own the market but i dont mind so much with that company always used their video cards from day 1,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 somehow im doubting she thought it through that far,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 the last one wasnt very good imo but this this is how you do a political commercial,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i wasnt looking particularly closely at her eyes she joked while cleaning out her hair i was a little distracted standing she ran a hand through her hair and stepped out of the tub asking over her shoulder could you grab me a towel,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 youre onto something here yes thats the trick price without context is meaningless,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 hmm im not sure if its what youre looking for but the historical fiction ive ended up reading usually has some type of genre twist i think my first foray was the silver pigs by lyndsey davis which i read in my early teens it takes the classic noir detective story and sets it in ancient rome in that same vein but slightly more sophisticated is the name of the rose by umberto eco a murder mystery set in a monastery in 1327 both books feature historical details but are focused on the plot at hand around the same age i also read the seventh son by orson scott card which is an alternate version of frontier america but with magic not very historically accurate but i found it interesting for its own reasons like i mentioned i read all of these well over a decade ago in my teens so you might want to look into reviews of them first to see if theyre still worth reading i remember them being page turners though edit i know ive read more of that genre than just those three but its late and ill update my post when i remember some more,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i hope you mean pursuit theme the objection for aai2 is way better,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 average 1 long hour hd video 1gb 1024mbaverage corrie episode 25 mins 30 total with ads1gb2x2530 427mb per corrie episode8737 episodes x 427 mb 3730699 mb37306991024mb 3643 gb35491024 356tbby golly youre right,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i thought this was fascinating here is the 2 minute video summary,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 you dont want to become one with the feeling what your brain is doing when you get that feeling and then youre right is classic confirmation bias your brain is literally discarding every time you get that feeling wrong what you want to do is identify when you get that feeling then start assessing what triggered that most of the time the event will happen before you can properly think about it but youll have a couple seconds on everyone else and if youre playing sport or something that may as well be years,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i would think this is common knowledge i mean for what other reason than no reason would i pop a boner in my boring history class,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 and why doesnt ymir look like her mindless formlook examples of this subject are all over the place and whilst i honestly hope that the differences simply comes from upgrades it just doesnt at upboth our arguments are weak i guess well just have to wait what turns out to be the truth,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yes thats perfect for me i need flexibility to move around and be able to change it up often without being penalized for it in the future thanks for the tips,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 im abe lincoln and i challenge you teddy to a duel with swords but i have long arms so you should consider carefully lest you be stabbing practice,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 yeah i mean everyone has their ish to work on haha its the people who dont recognize they have issues who have the most issues hahahaha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 alone and lonely are two separate things,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 bonus points for pretending like youre a performer putting on a concerti do that waaaay too much,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 geez i can smell your breath just by looking at you,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i believe your error is from including this bit of code endxltoright,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 my theory is that typemention people post online to maintain social energy when they cant be around others to maintain their energy levels while typemention and introverts in general use online as their socialization that doesnt require them to spend as much energyan typemention i think still needs to connect with others but doesnt want to burn themselves out so online is a way to do that and ive noticed they are active online a lot i think typemention are active because they want socialization to know they arent alone with things as well as maintain energy levels at least i like connecting and understanding the world i still need to go out and see at least one person a day,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 that i doubt the first news lasts 14 days after that you are just gay and there is better gossip to be had,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i cried out of rage when we lost the lc final in early 2016 it was just so unfair how migs got every penalty right but they kept going in surprisingly i didnt cry with the el final that just felt numb,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 ayyy typemention masterrace its only as accurate as you are tbh i studied it a lot for a while and the biggest problem is people picking whatever makes them sound better lol,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ah gotcha and yeah that can really impact a connection between nts i have some bio friends that i mainly only discuss bio and people with i wonder if they are ever frustrated by my shallower depth of knowledge i told this typemention that im going to break out the whiteboard for a crash course in computing this coming saturday haha she seemed excited at the idea but im not sure if she was just being polite,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 such a relatable sentimenthow do you feel about mandatory gift giving my family literally doesnt need anything but apparently if i dont buy them something i dont love them,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 probably still hidden by the other side of his bangs,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 nothing about having longer periods is unhealthy the norm varies mine were regularly 710 days and i knew a girl who only had 1 day periods neither of us was unhealthy or had any issues,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i guess that had more to do with the fact that he completely wore his body out which caused mistakes in the creation of his titan dont forget that the brain uses 20 of all the energy of the human body and is one of the most vulnerable parts of your body if were talking about tiredness,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i read this over before and i did not have any gramatical errors what did you do,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i never understood why people feel like its their business whether other people want to have kids or notand why they press it so much and are so smug about things,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 idk freestyleddidnt spend time thinking about it if thats what you meanas long as i can find it i dont have to write it again,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i would say soon enough ireland is passing medical bill in june and it will be a pain for the uk to keep it away from the northern ireland border so they might just legalise it at least medically i dont know though im just speculating,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i have absolutely no problem with thatbut if you decide to do that you can also send pmswere spamming op right now if he hasnt turned send replies to my inbox off,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 youre right its damn hard but depending on the state is worse,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i think the very worst actions are done with causing pain as the end in itself which requires the victims personhood to be acknowledged without empathy both are essentially the same result you dont need empathy just an awareness of other beings that goes beyond solipsism there factually is something going on when you torture a person that is not when you hit molten iron with a hammer,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 there needs to be a subreddit or novelty account that illustrates gfycat urls,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 note to self dont make jokes in a spoiler tag people will take it serious,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 tell your friend stop talking to him easy peasy,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 this album actually captures the european university student look pretty well,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 extremely careless babysitters get shunned,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 just buy the set as it comes outits only like a 50 dollar investment every 23 months,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 hmmm i need an excuse like that i zone out unintentionally and or just forget shit and people get hurt sometimes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 now that i read the replies again i guess that you might be right i guess that its a gif of a bear tumbeling down a mountain and dying,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i think its just an unavoidable side effect of the xp system,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 edit i forgot to say that i already did this but the old version isnt quite as goodedit 2 i misinterpreted and mistranslated the poem fixed nowã lã ys rar ãªrst ist gãºlã ou03b8ys ru0252r eru0325t iu0283t u0263uu03b8yshy ã¾atst mãªst uhãºlã ysxy u03b8u0252tu0283t meu0283t uxuu03b8yslã b ã¾atst fãºrst ablã mseoyslov u03b8u0252tu0283t furu0325t u0252vlu0252bså ãžoh ãªrlic nãºh astãºnd seou03b8ox erlik nux u0252u0283tud så eolã b eolã bat sã½ccå lov å lovu0252t sykso ãšden rãªotysã½ccso eã u025bd rã tysykso kã³ll murn dã gys lã bso kou026e murd ã u0252u0263ys livnã½xt ã¾atst gãºlã kan lã bnyxt u03b8u0252tu0283t u0263uu03b8 ku0252d livthewoodgen green earlysuperlative be3sg gold3sgposscolor thatbe3sg manysuperlative negeasytokeepasafriend3sgpossleaf thatbe3sg oneordinal indffloweressbut only yet indfhour sodistleaf distleafade sink3sgthus eden griefinesinkthus extinguish3sg morningacc daygen lifenothing thatbe3sg gold can stay3sg,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 thats really dumb its not your money if someone tried to rob me of my money fuck yeah id tell him off andor use force but if its the stores money nah what they pay me isnt worth the risk id happily empty the tills for him and let him know that if he wants whats in the safe its time delayed so hed have to wait for it to unlock,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 totally agreed and so much science says that lazy people dont get as much of a kick out of shit hence lazy totally ignores all the research into low activationhigh activation seekers for starters,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think its a robot with a lot of hype but not the most advanced maybe except for the face mimic its not agi for sure and in general there is no agi as of yet,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i think flair is a great idea i belong to much bigger subs that havent given in to break down into smaller subs if you chop it up too much you end up with a bunch of inactive subs,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 2 inch white dildo thats never been used because of its small size,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 thats an issue with jung as well the fact that jungmbti largely relies on self analysis is a big big nono this is part of why it isnt used clinically big five is far more stable and reliable however it doesnt have the massive data set mbti does and the theory of mind in big five makes far less overarching statements and is more about being scientifically useful not fun for coffee shop talk stuff,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 then she believe herself to be bono,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 again because its not provable doesnt mean its a lieis gravity a lie hint its not provable its a theory,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 media is also telling men that you are worthless if you dont have a body fit for a god and i dont see all the men on this sub hitting the gyms daily either i dont think you realize how few women actually like let alone actively consume that kind of media and even if they do following the advice from such sources is a whole other step to take,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 cloud to butt it is truly the peak of computing potential,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i would say that consent is an ongoing process not just a one time thing fetuses use your fucking organs consent should be enthusiastic and continuousand anyway its disingenuous to pretend that the initial act of sex was performed to give permission for a fetus to take residence in the womans body it was usually about pleasure and the fetus was an unintended consequence the way youre framing is only demonizes women for having sex,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i know i got a good deal based on the premise that it was temporaryopen ended no lease or anything ive been there 6 months its bit out of the way an hour to get downtown and such but worth it i think,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 only the 30th time that lines been used here in the last week,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 naw heres what you really need to dodemonstrate your valueengage physicallynurture dependenceneglect emotionallyinspire hopeseparate entirely,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 none of those girls in the second video were particularly attractive they also didnt know how to ride,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im choosing to think that that article and the whole blog is satire,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 not saying that its a valuable endorsement im saying that what tyson is saying in this interview echo a certain sentiment i have seen among blacks and by the way tyson cames a long way and straighten his act but keep seeing him as a rapist if that fit your narrative,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 charter schools need to be banned from using public funds,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 moms probably a bit too soon post partum haha,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 are you trying to make it work within two columns automatically so anything typed into them is automatically reformatted if so use this option explicit public function linebreakbyval rawtext as string byval charsperline as long as string dim counter as long rawtext replacerawtext vbnewline if lenrawtext gt 0 then for counter 1 to lenrawtext if counter mod charsperline 0 then linebreak linebreak amp midrawtext counter 1 amp vbnewline else linebreak linebreak amp midrawtext counter 1 end if next counter end if end function private sub worksheetchangebyval target as range on error resume next applicationenableevents false if targetcolumn 1 then targetvalue linebreaktargetvalue 20 targetcolumnswidth 100 targetcolumnsautofit end if if targetcolumn 3 then targetvalue linebreaktargetvalue 20 targetcolumnswidth 100 targetcolumnsautofit end if applicationenableevents true end subnote i modified code to provide better error handling copy this into the sheet1sheet1 vba module this will allow the code to run automatically when anything is typed into a cell the if targetcolumn 1 then lines determine which columns you are targeting and can be modified to suit your needs,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 ibp vs netcode was on 21082014,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 oh thanks thats good to know,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 ending firstpastthepost is on par with campaign finance reform of priorities,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 i swear to god were the only team that fails to defend their shitty predictable long throws,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 it makes sense though im assuming other fricatives become voiced intervocalically or it would be a bit strange,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 im a very apologetic person irl now because years of saying mb everytime the fc even touched me i say em bee irl too,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i think this all the time,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 im more to typemention than typemention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i personally think it will be less severe on 60hz though op stated hed like an intel cpu and wants to save up for it so buying a 144hz monitor is a waste of money at this point imo,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i follow a pescetarian diet think vegetarian seafoodyes i eat eggs and dairy too which really throws some people into a tizzy i have had 2 different people argue passionately to me that fish is not meat i ended up having to explain that meat is muscle tissue and could they please explain to me which part of their cowpigchicken they were eating if not the muscle tissue i then attempted to relate this to fish muscle tissue sigh ask which food group would it go into in the food pyramid protein you say and which food is a source of protein sighi think this partially came from a catholic background and lent giving up meat means eating a fish fry on fridays newsflash its still meat,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 get an ereader and read while you breastfeed much easier on the wrists than the physical book,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 im not sure i support any real country and i live in canada none of them from what i can figure are in it for their people not the majority anyway the majority is stupid when it comes right down to it so its kind of a moot point more like their job is the appearance of doing things for the people while raking it in for their chosen inner circlerussia certainly isnt going to help things on that end rampant corruption there guaranteed,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 where i got it from i know its arseblog but theyre just transcribing the meeting if you ctrl f ffp it should be easy to find he also mentions how it would affect the owners like in your post yeah i agree i think theyve changed it so that clubs like the milans can now spend enough to get into the cl but then have to meet the financial requirements within 3 years of getting there,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i would really appreciate the advice the part i need contact and my sister i think the other 915i was hesitant to tell a joke to avoid expressing yourself or to have a chance to succeed worst case scenario youre a worthless fucking idiot without a shadow of a population rejects an occupying army,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 typemention are odd extroverts in that while we draw energy from social interaction we dont draw it from just any social interaction if that makes sense and as the other user said love being comfortable enough with someone to not have to talk to them we hate repetition and enjoy conversation that serves a purpose this makes us difficult in longterm connections because once you get over the gettingtoknowyou part of a relationship the amount of communication that we find necessary drops off really sharply this can cause a shock to the people who know usif this continues to bother you bring it up to him but generally we are quality time people very conscious of the fact that we only have so much time to do the things we want to before we die so if hes still spending as much time with you as before thats a good sign i think its still worth having a conversation about though,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 hmm good point i go back and forth between labeling my brother an typemention and an typemention he is fucking obnoxious in the way you describe,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 although it is third party i like sharex it allows direct uploads to imgur,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 as i said hillary and even bill as you said came out stronger out of it i dont think trump think it would hurt them but she might have personal reasons for not wanting for it to be discussed again i know hillary is cold as fuck but deep under her skin she might have emotions,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 from what ive heard he did the bulk of iti guess well have to see how accurate they remain as the season goes along i got it before hearing the news,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 well the nsdap fired all people responsible quite literally also,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 its not science thoughits science,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 resource usage is inversely correlated with population growth,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 no problem i recommend making a subroutine that allows you to pass the button youd like to press so it automatically performs both down and up events together,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 nah it aint 2 to the pound anymore since brexit its 170 now pretty close to when it was 150 during the worst of the credit crunch for the uk and when australia was doing especially well when article 50 comes well get more pounds for our aud,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 can you go more in depth about that,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 there are good ones and bad ones but overall i get along with sensors better disclaimer these are just my experiences but theyve seemed to hold truetypemention can be kind of backstabbing in a passive aggressive way like forgetting to ever respond to your texts or pick up their phone but when theyre cool we get along very well typemention are at least upfront when they dont care about youtypemention can be selfrighteous and obsessed with themselves im not even sure they realize theyre doing it lots of typemention and typemention seem to actively look for things to be offended at so they can voice their opinion typemention in general represents everything i find annoying about people both types dont seem to have any personal responsibilitytypemention just never admit theyre wrong they place their whole ego on being right and i cant put up with that stufftypemention and typemention are alright we just are usually too different to have a real relationshipive liked most of the typemention ive met i just cant figure them out so we arent very close,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 yes ive only had a few men i feel electric with i dont know i usually attribute it to lust but it is like time stops it is like the whole universe says you must talk to him be around him etc i know it sounds hokey oh well,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 lol i should get that for my husband,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 yeah especially top of the head to chest cmon,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 a friend of a friend is one and shes very domestic but she also has that ferocious mother bear thing going on when it comes to people she cares about and considers family i could see an typemention stepping up if they felt like they were protecting a social group they considered family but i always tend to think of them as quietly dominating the private vs public sphere,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 the fact that bacteria react to external stimulus means there is something that its like to be a bacteria they perceive their environment representation and they have a utility function they try to maximize a primitive kind of emotion what they dont do is create a predictive model of the environment which requires more advanced learning systems,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 why is adhd a mental disorder a of having common kid traits is not a disorder,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 ive always preferred the demons to the devils the demons are chaos incarnate raw destructive power the devils are smarter than that they are nearly as powerful but choose to work through deceit and use their cunning to outsmart their foes,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 thats basically all im looking forward to recently i always have a little thing in the future that keeps me going or at least prevents me from stopping it was the new horizons flyby previously and now its this,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 am i lookin good ihavenofuckingideawhatimdoinglu 1 top zionspartan jng clearlove mid kuro adc pray sup aphromoo flex gorilla flex smeb team clglu 2 top zionspartan jng clearlove mid kuro adc doublelift sup aphromoo flex gorilla flex hojin team clg,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you mean the same ideology that caused the industrial revolution ended slavery connected the whole world via trade pulled billions of people out of poverty and made leaps and bounds in the fields of science engineering and medicine cant have any support for that hateful system,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 oh i agreeyour worst sexual experience is a girls mouth making wordsounds after you removed your penis from her body do you get out muchand then she was raped yeah sorry if i find this juxtaposition a little too ironic to be genuine,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 all of this would be solved by refactoring that awful if condition into manageable peaces and going thought with a debugger step by step,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 whts even the point of this if youre gonna go that far might as well use some rail gun technology and just accelerate them way up there near the speed of light,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 id be delighted to see a professional debate without a rambunctious audience like you saw during the primaries im trying to predict what kind of slant hes going to try live without a teleprompter helping him trump clearly isnt trying to win based on reasonable arguments but rather playing the media by stirring up controversy with carefully selected sound bites if he played the debate perfectly normally but did something along the lines of this attacking cnn sure hed get shot down at the time but with the nation watching this would be the buzzing topic postdebate with cnn leading the charge in trump smearing it could potentially be a sharp thing for him to stir up in the eyes of the public granted he can pull off the rest of the debate somewhat professionallyjust seems like something he would pull given his dishonest media angle,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 wow there really is a discord channel for everything,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 lets be real shes out of your leagueget out of novice league and you might have a chance,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 if it was going to include everyone begotten by zeus in an extramarital affair with a mortal woman it would be too much for the reddit servers bandwidth,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 uh this isnt a support line run specifically by reddit itself,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 this is the challenge of multiculturalism when it comes to social discussions let says you got an increase of alcoholism in the society and there is a discussion on the matter on national tv there wouldnt be much taboos in pointing out correlations with gender economic status and even location you could make an argument like we must solve unemployment to solve alcoholism and keep your reputation on the other hand if you says its more of a problem among population x where x is a racial or religious label you appear as bigoted if you are not part of that subset it become harder to identify underlining issues when we have to walk on egg shells one of the reason is that liberals have made it a personal project of their to eliminate all form of prejudices which is well intentioned but in the process have blinded themselves to some realities to demonstrate this kind of blinding i will take the perception that fatherhood is lacking in the african american population if you search black father on the internet pretty much the only articles that comes out are from a few liberal outlet like ny times thingprogress huffingtonpost with titles like the myth of the absent black father to prove their point they use a study which shows that when there is father in the family unit he spend more time with his kids on average than white fathers they dont get into the details of the statistic which shows that the rate of singleparent families is at 67 in black community as opposed at 25 the white community we can put us in the place of a social worker who is working in communities and see an article more or less titled there isnt really a problem it must be infuriating,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 lol yep crafty bitches gotta love em hahah i know you arent actually princess leia but i like the outfit the flip side too is that she thinks i play like she does i kind of do but i have a crayon box and she has photoshop she often doubts my sincerity if i dont point out actual things that i do,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 funny enough when people come along and ask us the same old questions like the ones belowbecause people like you constantly berate us for it and we have no safe space to gois everyone going to choose to not have kids no this question makes no sensethis question also makes no sense just because you were once a kid doesnt mean you will have the desire to raise one what is too bad is some people never grow out of being an asshole,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 every playeror bot under supreme is calling hax 247 when they get killedin the last 14 days i played against one cheater and he got banned already,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 what are you saying im honestly asking unless you want to walk away haha for my part quite simply muslims are not bad but islam on the whole seems to be kind of a dick just like with people morals and values are relative things having been raised in the west with the standard set of modern western ideals more or less when i meet a backwards fuckhead who supports killing gay people enslaving women blowing people up who disagree with him etc i think to myself wow thats guys a fucking asshole what a primitive fuckstick im staying away from that guy now maybe he lost his job recently or whatever and hes in a bad mood still there are a lot of other people who get in bad moods and dont act like primitive fuckwads ok sure he takes his landladys trash out every sunday still a dick,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the conversation was in the sphere channel its someone from sphere yall have traitor in yalls midsts,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i would like to know who is rubios speechwriter maybe he writes some himself but no doubt that this is some great speechwriting,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 ah if you look on givewell they show you exactly how theyve worked efficacy of charities transparency is the key really,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 as a male who considers himself a feminist just ignore the dweeb engaging a individual with that kind of mindset is not going to be fruitful nor will anything good come of it hes just trying to get under your skin,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 apparently lol downvoted to oblivion,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 proving my point whether its from personal choice isolation religion physically mentally emotionally etc its still being alone,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 murican here signals in roundabouts is this unusual,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 gosh darn it all to fricken heck,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 if you want a da otf look at the lightning cheap but pretty good,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ahh the good old days of fnaf cringe,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 talking to leaders of enemy countries does not make us look weak it makes us look reasonable you sound much like the neocons in the 1960s and 1970s who called nixon a communist sympathizer for talking with china,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 yep there is no question that any porn of her would be morally very wrong virtual or not,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i got typemention can i be an typemention,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 mostly in asia middle class based on the lifestyle they can afford not how rich they are in usd keep in mind that some things cost a lot less over there its still amazing imo traffic in ghana traffic in india,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 practically all stem masters take two years while most social scienceshumanities take one year,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 they dont lose anything its like digital piracy its about copying not stealing,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 the plug ones work pretty well i find i think about getting the active ones for planes though for sure,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this statement is pointlessspecifically mention the games that require the most hardware to run properly not the ones that dontfigure those out and at which resolution for your monitor and refresh rates and graphics quality youre willing to live with before anything elseseems like you have some time to do that as 300 isnt going to get you anywhere so save up you might scour craigslist and other second hand sources and get lucky on an old systemparts that might work for you,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 how did i know this would be the top response,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 fade truex if youre gonna be playing logano,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 sometimes you just need both hands free for something really quick and you dont want to put it on the ground,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 yes tests do mean something to me but more as a means to narrow down your type rather than something that is a definitive answer to what your type is what they actually tend to accomplish is quite remarkable for the most part as the study of typology is very complex to get anywhere near a correct answer by taking a online test that takes twenty minutes and has about a 7080 accuracy is nothing to totally dismiss but it does take careful study and a fair amount of self awareness to confirm the results im not a big fan of the idea of domtert loops as i think what actually goes on when they seem to appear isnt quite that simple i dont think you can just cut out your extroverted functions like that even if they arent being used appropriately and that more often than not your tertiary is going to be contaminated by your inferior what is considered a cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention loop is more along the lines of relitigating your past and not letting go of unhealthy elements of the past or just giving up on trying new things in order to stay in your comfort zone when used positively cogfuncmention in the tertiary position is more like childlike nostalgia another important point when it comes to the tertiary is that it is a function that you tend to be mostly unaware of and in my opinion tertiary cogfuncmention is going to develop before cogfuncmention out of necessity in our modern times i think that going through 18 years of formal education is going to force development of the thinking function more than a similar function of perception with this is mind most inxps tend to be very out of touch with the inner workings of their body and their own energy levels until later in life once theyve established a workaround for their cogfuncmention deficiencies i think that both types want others to understand the world but i think that typemention are going to be less inclined to do so the problem here with typemention other than thinking that most people are incapable of understanding certain things are going to be less capable of expressing what they know expression comes from the extroverted judging functions which would be inferior cogfuncmention here typemention can develop a frustration with helping others understand things because once theyve built up that model it can become so complex that they dont really know where to begin to explain something and when they do they are prone to skipping a bunch of steps and not explaining it well at all thus further frustrating them and giving up on sharing their knowledge in that sense i think that typemention tend to get intellectually disillusioned and only start to share their inner knowledge with those they are close and comfortable with or after theyve become somewhat of an expert on a particular subject the thing is though is that teaching others is probably the best way for an typemention to understand a subject as it forces them to organize their thoughts and express them lower level cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention a fair amount of these things could also apply to an typemention but i think there are some differences here i think that an typemention would probably be a more effective teacher as they are more capable of paying attention to details and are probably more capable of relating to others and expressing themselves clearly i think that they would be more driven towards the expression of their ideas as well since cogfuncmention serves as a mobilizing function to cogfuncmention,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 yeah i feel you im a nurse so work is no joke and can be physically demanding so drinking a bunch is just plain stupid when im in school i have no problem leaving it to the weekends either i just cant deal with this much boredom and lack of purpose in life its only been a month and a half out of school and i have almost 2 more haha,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thank you ill add it to the list,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yes i am jake i would feel free without having to deal with other jakes,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 show me a single instance where police have not gotten access to footage they really wanted for a case im fairly confident this doesnt happen if it even gets that far 99 of the time people are just gonna let them see itthat 2 was both your quotes restaurants and health centers you didnt quote anything else that was an averagetheyre still cameras watching people and police do have access to them,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh hey bb long time no talk,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 these are all things ive heard people say and made this face at 0o its so hard to find someone to talk about sports with we should really reorganize that i really like working with spreadsheets its just so satisfying to make them neat and tidy i find folding laundry soothing i just cant think when my desk is messy could you slow down a bit youre talking too fast money is how we keep score in life im not sure that i could ever move away from my family who cares why it works it just matters that it works i feel like you can connect to anyone museums are boring,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 my current wallpaper it looks on my desktop,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 alex took a seat at the end of the crownlands table dejected due to his earlier conversation with aerion sunglass he felt an anxiety he had rarely felt before a fear of being ignorant if he wasnt intelligent what was he a bookkeeper a servant just another commoner waiting to diealex had planned to stay sober during the feast to improve his chances in the drinking contest but that was out of the window he was already halfway through his first goblet of white wine,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 so your husband is a dutch national i get residency is an issue but i reckon you should be allowed to travel all across europe together with your husband under eu directive 200438ec this directive might not allow you to get residency in the netherlands because your husband is dutch you would be allowed residency elsewhere in the eu together with your husband based on this directive by the way but it should definitely allow you to travel through all of schengen legally,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 not in the stated in which rbz last saw them they had to little recruits directly after the uprising arc and rb knew thatwhat where did you get this idea we know marley sometimes sends a handful of soldiers there to turn criminals and other scum into mindless but they have noone stationed there permanently we would have seen them last chapter if there were any more soldiers wouldnt weif youre right and they didnt go back to marley but simply received supplies then it was the mule who brought them to them are you suggesting that the mule also was the one who brought ymir back i have many issues with that ideaalso i should have remembered that you always downvote the people youre arguing with,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i know haha thats why the question is what do the people want d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 indeed corporate funding of us campaigns is a problem this type of lobbying often leads to undesirable results in policy outcomes id question the extent to which you can really equate what goes on in the us with what we see in russia though,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 wouldnt it end up like a rematch then i mean i always pressed f2 because i didnt want to play another game or had no time for one more gamealso i dont think people would voter for ot because they would potentially lose their win,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 im afraid your best bet is having a vba macro export each persons information to their own separate spreadsheet this would allow you to maintain a completely separate workbook for each person which you can then send to themits good to hear that you are already manually separating their data to each individual,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 nothing because shes kind of a bitch d,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 what i expecttrump has been lowering his tone recently so i expect him to be more civilized than usual he wants to appear more presidential just before nh primary and not be seen as a sore looser for iowa he will barely mention cruz trickery in iowa if at all he will paint rubio and cruz as part of the establishment as he did on tweeter today he will again accuses them of being weak on immigration but i think he will keep attacks against rubio for the next debate he will attack cruz for being a liar on his stance on obamacare tough his main struggle will be that he ramble the same things over and over has he doesnt have much policy material and with less candidates it mean more time to talk rubio will play the cassette tape in his head and avoid attacks he just have to present himself as levelheaded and knowledgeable he will be on the defensive and might sound too technical and boring but its the best he can docruz will risks a few attacks on trump which will backfire like his new york value moment he will sound arrogant as usual worse case scenario for cruz is trump attacking cruz for having no heart and perhaps even being a bad christianothers might try to attack rubio but i dont know on which matter experience perhaps i dont think they will risk much against trump as it is at their own perilcarson will sleep as usual and give irrelevant answers if he bring cruz iowa trickery it will be in a subtle manner or only if the anchors bring the question,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 if youâ d rather not have a public conversation with me thatâ s fine i can only say that we have many many readers in common who would like to see us attempt to find some common ground how people will interpret this exchange will largely depend to what extent they believe harris was approaching chomsky in good faith harris has an history of posting on his blogs exchange he had with people he disagree with or articles by them there was notably this exchange on profiling that they disagree on something is by itself nothing exceptional consensus on such matters is a rare things and those can be polarizing subjects the polarization of politic is a significant issue and i wish there was more attempts at sorting out those things in good faith harris wrote before on the evolution of his views on foreign policy i think its in this spirit that he reached out to chomsky it could have been a much more interesting discussion but it ended up being stuck on one specific case for the most part much more could have been discussed on the matter of intention which was the main contention,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 im adopted any question involving the phrase real parents ex do you know your real parents,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 this is a great analogy i like to take mine out for highly structured play time were going to watch a sad movie now you monkeys behave or we wont do that again for awhile,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 whats a fluffle honest question i kinda hope theres something more to this,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 im pretty sure these have been confirmed to be faked,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 de morgan for his eponymous law karnaugh and veitch for their diagrams wittgenstein for truthtables fourier would surely be hugely important in electrical engineering,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 are you taking care of marketing properly thats usually the problem find some good subreddits to advertise your game on,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 you certainly dont have to consider the data as a cold robot here on this internet forum but i strongly encourage you to try to set your emotions hopes dreams fears etc aside and analyze this person like a muthafuckin scientist consider every possible interpretation of his character from both the most optimistic and the most pessimistic possible without engaging your emotions in the process if you can truly logically say that given all the facts you have to work with this person when last you interacted with him was a truly good and exceptional ethical person etc then perhaps your pining is justified even if it is not healthy or likely to be fruitful if you cannot say without a doubt that this person is so wonderfully amazing then i hazard you are clinging to a fantasy for your own reasons not for a love of the actual person and those reasons should be looked at really damn hard,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 dont blunt and offending people go hand in hand lol the typementiontypemention types arent typically blunt thus they never offend anyone,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 the patriot act was almost passed unanimously only one nay both sides equally guilty,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i am the exact same way with an typemention friend right now,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 yeah well that does suck but the forecast is only calling for like 02505 ill call that monday or what it does when the sun shows up and melts things a bit and glazes everything around herereal ice storms do suck though and they certainly not an everyday thing here since its too cold for that normally,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its not arbitrary its from an actual study comparing the apollo mission to the mars roverssure but it wont happen soon for nonroutine tasks such as installation maintenance and repairthats a very big if,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i like some smoked things like turkey legs and venison jerky i dont know what it is about the taste of brisket though it could be the smoke taste how bad the paprika people use on it tastes to me i dont even hate paprika i use it in other stuff all the time,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i have advice for you regarding dating an typemention specific to your situation but i must say that its possible youre an typemention generally typemention is the most introverted of introverts while typemention is wildly considered to be the most introverted extrovert judging from what youve said and the length of the post and how its all over the place that leads me to believe you might be an typemention also typemention and typemention is allegedly a mythical pairing so good luck,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 we are not the css subreddit rcounterstrike is what you are looking for,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 lol that was amazing did you find that by googling for typemention gifs d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 now i need a link,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i actually think this is a pretty good change it allows you to not need clarity and zealots oath finally becomes useful rare es chests would get a place in eb builds for once which is probably overall a good change,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 gotta satisfy the people paying you,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i am torn on this part of me thinks if youre fucking stupid enough to pay to pray you kind of deserve to get ripped off praying has never once changed a god damn thing on the other side i dont want people to be taken advantage of and the people who did this should be punished,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 wow the speed at which these changes occur is much much faster than i thought thank you for answering my questions,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 those smurfshackers are the people who should be at that rankget better to get back there,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yep especially for engineerings i think 90 or so gets their masters those 10 who dont do so because a university degree simply turned out to be too difficult for them or because of personal reasons really the only exception to this rule is compsci for which the demand is so astronomically big that companies have good offers ready for bachelor students and will further train them in house if youre thinking of doing chemeng in the netherlands i highly recommend getting your masters degree over here as well its two years tuition fees are about 14k a year for students outside of the us there are several options the technical universities but also the university of groningen the only nontechnical research university that offers engineering doing your masters over here will get you a diploma which employers will recognize youll get two years to learn the language a bit though this is not a requirement like it would be in germany or france and youll build a network so youll get a job quickly starting salaries are about 28003000 euros a month before taxes which puts you on average not even median which is far lower salary already at the start of your career for dutch wages just to put demand into perspective for chemengs,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah 64 tick allows people with bad internet to play the game literally unplayable,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 if you want to use the moonlight greatsword as your primary weapon youre definitely going to want to respec moonlight gs scales primarily with intelligence slightly through strength so unless you plan on using some high dex and str weapons aside from it youre just not getting the most out of those stats typically what i use for a mlgs build is make a very high int build mine is sl 125 with 60 int and just enough str and dex to wield it after that you want about 40ish vigor and i usually go 30 endurance the thing is if you have that much intelligence it only makes sense to also invest in attunement and get some powerful sorceries i personally have my attunement at 25 and use the darkmoon ring to get 2 extra slots if you dont want to use sorceries as well simply put those extra points into endurance or vitality for heavier armor this combination of stats allows you to be a very deadly mage from long range and close range rings if you intend to use sorcerysages ringbellowing dragoncrestyoung dragon darkmoon ringrings if you intend to purely use the swordring of favorchloranthy ring life ring or sun princess ringyour choice either havels for heavier armor a stoneplate ring for better absorption or something such as obscuring ring or silvercat ring for invasionshope this helpsedit formattingthis is my mlgs build ill sometimes swap out the ring of favor with a darkmoon ring and switch the grass crest shield for a small shield due to the decrease in equip load taking off ring of favor the grass crest pushes weight over 70 and add white dragon breath and either faaron flashsword or a utility spell for more varied casting options,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 so then its not really illegal if it was done outside the us now is it while it may be illegal for the us doctors to perform no laws have been broken here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 american education system no doubt helped contribute to that misinterpretation,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 im an typemention and i enjoy lurking in this sub way more than the typemention sub because that one is just so feelsy i like to have objective and analytical conversations but its nearly impossible to do so over there im sure typemention sub is full of mistyped typemention though probably a lot of actual typemention hanging out here or the typemention sub,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 zackley wouldve loved to answer that question in depth,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 try a cetaphil bar squeaky clean and great for sensitive skin,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 here is my hi 18 angh khola come in different sizes and shapes i recommend you buy a more traditional one like a himalayan imports over the kabar one op postedtheyre nepalese weapons used by ghurkas quite popular in wwiitheyve been known to behead and chop limbs off,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 right now morris is ufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffd 4 3s in the 1st,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 more like 39 extra damage innit after the nerf it does 24 over 2s right plus the 15 extra power so even for a 100 scaling ability like vamanas 2 thats 39 extra dmg before mitigations id rather just start on jotunns or something else useful,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i really dislike when they say 12 or 14 obviously this knife is only 45 blade which is what they should be described asthe knife in question is called a kissing crane could also be a fake knockoff and chinese madebut yeah not hard to reoil a knife also not hard to make one disappear gimme a blowtorch a can and some refractory cement and ill show you how in short order works for pretty much anything,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 we dont care if sweeden is kept white or whateverwe care that theyre importing racist xenophobic intolerant closeminded rapists and murderers who post a legitimate threat to the native population,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 no i just have trouble getting off its a blessing and a curse,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 this you need imagination experience and good examples to develop empathy and some people notably those with asd arent properly wired for it either,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 high school special ed severe cognitivebehavioral disabilities and autism spectrum disorders,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 some quotes from wikipedia on weinbergedit i found an excellent article about wainberg,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 nothing i make no ties and never talk to ex gfssometimes i feel weird because my one friend always stays friends with them i mean why i just dont completely get it i guess the friendship is valuable i just cant get over the romance is all,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 you should get on with typementions fairly well actually we have cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention they have cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention should mean that we think similarly but have different priorities,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 anarchy is better than totalitarianism,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i used to remember my dreams a lot more frequently when i was slightly younger but when i do remember them these days theyre still very cinematic and immersive i used to be able to lucid dream too but i havent done it for years now the ones i can remember stick with me even after decades and sometimes ill be like oh where was that one place where i got that great dessert and then realize it was a dream and not a real experience my dreams also tend to be more intense when i travel which makes that whole experience even betterim going to new and interesting places in both my waking and sleeping life the most interesting dream i ever had was technically the most boring it was a slide show of all of the memorable places id been in dreams before both nightmares and otherwise shown dispassionately usually in dreams the imagery is enmeshed with emotion and its hard to separate one from the other but this was like a powerpoint of all the places id been but seen completely objectively without emotion or narrative it was fascinating,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 basically sums it up without the nitty gritty details of the cognitive process p typemention are capable of intense empathy just like typemention the two types just get there in different ways,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 i agree that is what makes sense in my head the only explanation i have for your situation is that rule being taken too far and someone being a total moron and letting policy override best judgement sounds like working for a giant corporation kill me,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 no thatd half the fun,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 my typemention dream is to be shooting fireworks from a zeppelin above my friends private islands private golf courseand some other stuff im sure ive written down around here somewhereyes it is a hydrogen zeppelin,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i would not like being set up because really nobody knows whats going on in my head but me,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 actually now that you bring it up my female friends also dont take much issue with it ive been hanging out on the internet too long lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 not quite what i was getting at but heyeveryone has their priorities,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 holdin responsibility forget em friend that sounds like a great relationship honestly one id love to have im lacking in having great relations with the opposite sex just platonically and it sounds alright,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 yeah i cant help him he isnt ready he was literally looking for reasons to push me away and found one he did everything he could to stay emotionally uninvested his trust issues are so hardcore hes beyond help at this point,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 then the republicans have the gall to oppose their own idea and have been trying to repeal it ever since i never wanted obamacare i have always wanted single payer anyways obama ran on a liberal platform and then promptly shifted right to appease republicans who then screwed him over and said they would never work with him so its time we elect a democrat who stands his ground and fights for us and not some moderate windbag who will say anything to get elected,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 sorry if i struck a nerve i know your team has worked incredibly hard to get this game out but im just venting some frustration with the process i agree that its better to fight the big battles but ive been cautious with my support since rome2s launch autoresolving the battles avoids the chance to show off the mechanics and gameplay a lot of us really want to see before we commit to prepurchasing or buying during launchwarrior of spartas channel has been a great example of demonstrating the gameplay and even showing off the smaller fights along side the mega sieges wish you guys the best and after the game is out i may consider buying it once your team implements dx12 in a patchcheers,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 how to be sub171 know good f2l 2 learn f2l with lookahead most likely 80 of your improvement could probably be in f2l have good f2l and it sets up for the rest of a quick solve3 learning full pll helped drop my times by 24 seconds in about half my solves so my average dropped by about 12 seconds4 practice making your f2l faster5 make sure you can recognize and execute your algorithms quickly theres no reason to learn all of oll and pll if you cant both recognize them and execute them quickly i dont mean to sub1 all plls but try to have all pll and oll algorithms be sub3 at least6 btw f2li know im not sub17 personally but im within half a second of it i dont really know any special methods at all or even full oll i probably only know about half the olls but im slowly learning more my point is you dont need special techniques to break sub17 just streamlining and practice sub17 is not that fast compared to sub10 where advanced techniques are probably a necessity but i dont actually know much about that,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 my guess is that after the uprising arc when they finally had the support of the people was the one golden opportunity they had to head for shinganshina there were no more direct threats they had the necessary funding and eren just gained hardening why would they ruin that moment by opening pandoras box would the people still cheer for them if they accidentally released annie back in the streets no they had a perfect opportunity to retake the land that was theirs and everything else was an issue for lateralso plot,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 so i do one thing at thw time either getting echos rushing towards a boss explore a new area training my parrying etc once i step away from the lantern there is a goal for that run explore mode for me is just really that exploring an area without paying attention to etting echos and even expecting to die walking to random places just to see whats around a new corner when you have that mindset for a specific run you dony care anymore about looses echos and arent angry when you die it takes away a lot of stress and fear,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 also get typemention with all humans need to liveso i guess for an typemention both statements are equally valid,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 well your flair is scaring us get out,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 haha yeah she is like that typemention are like that a lot of the time as well,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i am as well i would need to see some peer reviewed science to feel comfortable with these omega 3 supplementation does appear to have some impact though i take that and vit d for various reasons,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i highly doubt supastar80 was running around killing jews in the 1940s,83.0,87.0,9.0,24.0,61.0 heres one i prepared earlier,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 heard back from ceravape they said to contact the reseller and they should replace it but they havent responded yet,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 it would certainly solve the cheater and smurf issue ppl complain about,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 kennys is a bot after the awp update funny considering that the go awp is now basically the css awptitan is better of with the trade imo,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i have really crazy dreams but ive never had a nightmare when i dream theyre very vivid i recently dreamt about making muffins with a girl i knew in high school they were then critiqued by a panel of whom i do not know at pizza hut so crazy why would i make muffins why would pizza hut judge my muffins why am i dreaming about someone i havent seen in many years why were they so delicious and i woke up needing banana nut i have no answers,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 turns out hes stuck in an endless time loop and is forced to relive his final moments forever,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i read it as pass a major bowel traversal impediment so to answer ops question i have never been plugged up by an typemention sounds fun though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 maybe instead of flaming and putting down others ideas you should talk to lawyer and get a final answer you claim you have tons of evidence of your innocence so you shouldnt be so pecimistic right now,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 ymir had already transformed when he was about to bite his hand though,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 just 10 secondsgo fuck yourself lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i woke up two hours agoin two hours im going ice skating with two girlsi m i n b o i s,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i know youre taking it personally you called me a petulant child with no provocation and youre downvoting my comments as youre replyingstating there is research that says vegetarianism is a way to reduce global carbon and water footprints is fine but that attitude you threw on top blech that turns it from discussion to holierthanthou brow beating,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i have dated two js in the last 4 months consecutively and they both ran a background check on me lol a pi would be a bit much but it didnt really bother me i think women should be reasonably careful with men,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dont exactly care what others wear but i would never ever wear this myself and thats kind of a lie lol i hate tackiness its one of the very few factors that can cause aethetics to override other factors for me,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 its a stereotypical typemention job but typemention might get boredthen again i hear theres a lot of typemention bush pilots so who knows,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 your posts remind me of me when i was your age now about 10 years down the line i was around your age when i was also in full doubt about my own style and i was struggling at home emotionally around your age maybe a tad bit younger i went through an all out goth period because of itneedless to say i grew out of it but that time did teach me something very valuable going all out on the spectrum of what is socially acceptable and lets be honest on the teenage girl spectrum very little is socially acceptable put me in a category that was totally outside of any social convention it was hard and not everybody around me accepted me for it but in the end it thought me that i dont need acceptance or acknowledgement from anyone else but myself i went to the extreme side of expressing myself through appearance got burned and had to face social outcry because of it but in the end after the world around me got used to me being different i settled on a style that was me which is still for many outside of the traditional fashion norm lots of pretty vintage inspired silhouettes with a modern twist to take it to the 21st century but it made me happy now i find myself in a place where i can wear anything i want because i still am not worried at all about what others may think and despite being outside of the norm i get so many compliments on how i look because i am confident and secure in how i carry myselfif you dare i would totally recommend you doing you and wearing what you like hell take it 2 steps further and dare to wear stuff of which you know people will hate it and love yourself for it embrace being different embrace being your own individual self and keep repeating to yourself nobody needs to like you but you,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 what makes you think something thats infinite cant be modelled everything is infinite when you get right down to it any interval can be subdivided infinitely before i walk to the shop i must get halfway there and before that a quarter of the way there ad infinitum â but i still get there infinite processes are ending all the time on any picture you can just keep zooming in think about how a fractal snowflake is constructed â you start with an equilateral triangle and repeat the same operation ad infinitum and hence the perimeter of the shape has infinite length taking the triangle you started with the circumcircle of said triangle naturally will contain the shape entirely giving the result that an infinite length the perimeter of the snowflake is contained entirely within a finite area the circle if a finite circumference can contain an infinite length why cant our tiny finite headscontain the universethe world is not so much an infinity as an infinity of infinities in the cantorian sense know what else is infinite understanding and cognition our visual fields have no limits,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 carlos mencia and robin williams are the only two that come immediately to mind but when i listened to comedians on sirius all the time they were always bitching about it,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i just cant even articulate on how many levels your assumption is dangerous and wrong,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 you seem like someone who approaches things very directly and rational and doesnt play passive aggressive games you already informed your so about your letteri would simply tell your so i have very good reason to believe you are cheating but if you say you are not i want to believe you because i love you and want to spend my life with you and if youre saying youre not cheating i need you to right here right now open up your phone email accounts bank and credit card statements facebook and other social media accounts so i can look through them you can stand next to me to watch me go through everything but for the sake of our relationship i need you to do this for memake a list of all accounts you want to have a look at beforehand also ask to go through his wallet so you can check for any credit cards you didnt know of and maybe youll find some cash receipts if he makes excuses you know hes a piece of shit because if hes clean after 5 years together surely he shouldnt have anything to hide you didnt already know if the roles were reversed and you were wrongly accused of cheating youd probably be willing to show everything to him no so if he doesnt want to yup hes cheatingdont tell him about the hotel etc with some luck youll find a cc statement for that hotel,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 we do let him do his thing we just like to speculate what happens next its a game really something like betting on horse races without the horrible debt that comes with it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 how exactly young people are trained for your direct democracy in switzerland do they receive barbie and keth with a pink or blue voting booth at young age,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 dthe pink and orange thing gets me as well the color game is never not silly especially when you have multiple colorblind people around also that neon thing someone walks by with a neon green shirt and i pick up on that just fine someone wears one of those safety vests that i think are supposed to be some sort of bright yellow or orange and it doesnt stick out at all im not sure why they dont use neon green instead because that would pick up for sure oh right and that neon white reflective tape they wear does look really bright like how does white manage to get that brightlike i dunno you but if i were to design safety equipment i would make it some bright color that would stand out no matter where you go gtlt,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 and this whole chat is a point of evidence as to why typemention may prefer typemention i realised earlier today after an typemention friend pointed it out that my friend group now consists of almost entirely fjs i have 7 close friends irl and literally one of them is a tj all ns hahaha wtf also re krokodil yeah i remember reading about a study where they coupled morphine with a hotplate the rats would choose the hotplate to get the morphine im sure this isnt surprising,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its very goodfor my karma that is,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 monica was 26 source ick factor,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 ensure x is not equal to 0 when executing this code excels rows start at 1 and proceed from there,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 that sounds ok but i cant imagine a world where i eat that instead of real poutine lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 in term of pushing against him in the media and ads it was already overdone and the effect has reached its limit in term of behind the scene machinery i cannot comment but if they try some sleazy shit its at their own peril trump isnt loyal to the gop and if he feels they do some unfair stuff he will treaten to sink the boat which he can do,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i would enjoy this episode,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the get let and set properties are meant to allow you to add additional code to each action if necessary in this case they were using the data as is but say you wanted to get the total amount of karma your account has its easier to just add both numbers together versus storing yet another value in memory the get property is where youd include this addition code,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i noticed that too he would make a terrifying bob replacement actually,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 people making fun of you at school or other places,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 ibm has ai im reading the ml arxiv papers and never seen one from ibm watsons a pr thing mostly,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 your friends collect fruit pickers wheres the rest of the collection,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 good advice man you can use a similar method with figuring out the combinations to a lock if someone doesnt set their numbers to 0 they will usually set the numbers to things other than whatever their numbers actually are so you just have to track what numbers are being avoided and youll more than likely obtain the correct numbers to their combination,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 hidden in plain sight where theyll never seek,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 definitely math over comp sci,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 there must be some precision maximum in moving any part of your body think about coordinating all of those nerve impulses and muscle fibers along with friction,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yes i immediately thought his statement would more accurately be value is not tangible,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 you should include a secondary class since many types alternate between two or more rolesfor me its mainly defence or support or special attack roles deep flanking maneuvers etc ideally one that can do all threetank or healer or most front line attack roles requires too much coordination with teammates i cant keep up with that its exhausting ill often play those classes in defence andor support roles though and i like having a healing andor emergency ally shielding option in any roleboth of general strategies are designed cover for my shit reflexes and favor either the element of surprise or plain old patiencegenerally ill favor decisive action burst damage debuffs shortlived but powerful buffs either defending a location or using cogfuncmention to choose the right place and time to intervene in the main battleor ill go special ops flank attack often with either a tank or attack class i prefer coordinating with the team rather than just go lone wolf though they either provide a distraction so i can go after poorly guarded objectives or im the distraction to pull opponents away from the main battle at a critical timeor ill go full attrition skirmishing dot buffsdebuffs tank in nontank role healer in nonhealer role any of which takes some patience but allows a wider margin of error and slowly grind my way to success,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 not that much tbhdid you have better fps on win7,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i think you are joking but if not there is no overdose that is in any sense pleasurable not even opioids,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 the prince commenting on the king,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 it is a different system but a typical typemention enneagram type like a healthy 5 or 9 would make for a good example,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 feelthebernedit i just realized what subreddit this is,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 when do you think they will start thanking us and looking to us as role models d,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 thats what id hope for in my life i make around 12k a year now with my job but im working on learning chinese i dont know what id do with over 50k a year except like save it i dont know i thought just today actually 40k would be pretty good,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 oh you mean like this,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 are the issues you are facing within the company because of some incompetent individuals or because of a more general incompetent culture setting among the more senior ranked execs and policy makersim asking because if its culture i think you should switch even if tomorrow you would suddenly find yourself ceo of the company you wouldnt be able to change shit if the company culture isnt allowing drastic change such as replacing people in several key positions which is a common move for new ceos culture is really slow to change and requires more status quo shake up than an individual can accomplish,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 guys guys guys the following information is top secret view at your own risk the govelnment will kill you if they know you knowoutsied my window i see the following things grass a tree a fence a small bit of a roof some bits of bushes a few walls scattered bits of skyspoilerthank you for your time,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 me graduating from boot camp like 3 weeks ago,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im intrigued lets trydid you just call me a liar,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 omg check out this one nsfw but its a cartoon and not too bad my fwb is pretty sturdy but i dont think well be trying it lol,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 from what weve seen memories are unlocked by referencing parts of the previous shifters lives so theyd have to recreate the eldian life for which they again need reigners memories,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 it may all depend on how quickly we adapt to hydrogen or the requirements of that particular environment i can see hydrogen replacing just about any small consumergrade fuel burninginternal combustion device for even smaller or extremely largescale applications i can see where batteries would be more viable in any case these things are definitely the way of the future,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 our backpacks magic canadian flags provides limited protection it seems,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 or you know you could just explain it to another real person like normal people do it has all the benefits of talking to yourself plus you get someone elses fresh view and opinion on it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 whenever i hear the phrase shake it off i cant help but think of this excellent video,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the other issue with ball lightning is that it has travel time while arc is pretty much instant you make good points,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 mine does got it in 2014 and just noticed it is that a ad fail,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 once a group of gangsters threw an entire burger at my head and i fell in a lake i got my submarineattackhelicopter and destroyed them,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i remember in 2008 election i was totally addicted to palin craziness i was hoping everyday to open the news and read some new crazy story its the same with trump trump is a political junkie wet dream,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 itd be nice to know for sure which theory is dominant in this subgives me a good estimate of how many of you i need to fightedit about 77 of you guys should start watching you backs,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 my bf sent me this this afternoon he is a big beer enthuaist he said rule 1 no one under 21 period he knows whats up one of our local breweries has a familyparty area if i see another fricken 2 year old party there again i wont be going back someone was letting their little 2 or 3 year old run all over the other areas of the bar go the fuck home with that shit breweries are no where near toddler proofed,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 whats the angle for them though like how does it actually help them to secure customers,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 that decision is entirely dependant on whether you want a lot of simple beams with gobos and color wheels or fewer beams but with built in prisms and rotational effects within the already dualaxis led unit i can certainly say the 350s can be used in much larger scale shows in the future while the 150s are better suited for smaller events,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 there is no other opinion fresh was deleting comments that opposed him on the sub i took away his post moderating ability he deleted all the css so i removed his moderating ability then he said he would fix if it i gave him css powers back so i did and he does that,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 so i spent today at work talking dk baseball with someone we decided the reds were definitely the stack tonight and during break i tossed together a reds stack based on what we were spitballingafter work i proceed to drive home in cincinnatiin the raindidnt think twice to adjust my lineup or anything yeah needless to say i lost tonight,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 people continually flame valve for not updating the game enough which is kinda right but i guess most issues people want updated will be resolved with switching to source 2 same with dota2right now i like the direction valve is taking with the skins seeing that the awp in this case is the first one that gets restricted quality in a case and the ak is the first one with milspec quality i really hope that one day the items will sell for more than you pay for a key,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 well we are supposed to be better than them,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 itt people who dont realise that the fact that they are able to read the question and type a response excludes them from the dumbest 1,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 appearing tough when faced with other world leaders always plays well on the domestic stage its something that often happens in regards to the eu for example youll see national leaders saying they oppose something the eu is doing but their ministers merely abstain in the council votes votewatch does a great job of tracking thistalk is easy but id be curious to see what renzi actually offered regarding the subjects hes upset about immigration and economics a reuters article on the summit pretty much comes to the same conclusion,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 at the time i couldnt think up a good example and yes it is wrong the whole thing was dumb and untrue dunno what i was thinking last night or remembering much of last night at all,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 man howâ s it feel to be so thoroughly wrong and called out about it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 this is insulting youve not even baited the hook,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 there is is no real good or bad in existence there are only different people with different opinions other people who cant accept that and the rational choice,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 since the cup doesnt actually absorb anything you wont have that problem,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 this is fucking great 1010i remember watching this not so long ago and the comedy was totally lost on me hilarious,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 the laws that apply to electricity apply to reddit posts as wellif you dont have enough resistance to punfree posts like this the negative will seek the path of least resistance to ground point of lowest potential and flow more easily through your post than through other posts currently thats what appears to be happening as your post makes the circuit the solution meditation ohhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 very nice but i enjoy something more practical most of the time,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thats one of my pet peeves everyone is so whiny if you win theyre noobs and should kill themselves if you lose theyre tryhards,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 yeah it happened to me oncei was explaining why im fa he said you are the type of person that shoots up schools get help immediately i was speechless,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 welcome to the premier league marco,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 why fight when we can work together were both nts right in competition we both lose the most killer profits are made in a controlled monopoly where we team up and destroy the typemention by telling her hes a closet homosexual id have to say an typemention would make for the best wingman,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i apologize for my misuse of quotations,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 ah alright thank you for stopping by,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i found this thread from a link off of the what is the creepiest thing to happen in the history of reddit thread it shows very creepy images from an underground pump station that is filled with similar nasty looking liquids that coats the ground in scp173s cell it also has a staircase that seemingly descends into nowhere like scp087 theres all sorts of other interesting photos in the album to hopefully inspire or add to existing scps,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 5 7 7 it should be 5 7 5,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 he could just stare them all down,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 cant you draw in notes now i dont draw so i dont use that but im pretty sure thats in the default app now,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 tetetei suggest you look into typemention typemention typemention typemention,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 for comp matches just open and close textchat once,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 that site has a silly bernie bias trump himself would probably side with him 60 on there,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thats neat i never heard about that end of it before but yeah youre right they make a big deal of it not a big thing for me but i can understand the historic appeal,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you know what josh youre a stupid buttface we were friends for like two years and you fucking abandoned me fuck youim bored and drunk and high and dieting and i cant talk to anyone about it and i know youd get it because you fuck shit up when youre bored too i know you do boredom is worse than fucking anything thats when we drink and smoke and fuck and fight anything to not be boredwho am i supposed to talk to now huh corey has started fucking ignoring me which you knew would happen will pussied out andy got weird and this new guy dylan you havent even heard about you might wanna know hes an typemention and how big his cock is cause you always wanted to know that shitand now nobody does nobody wants to know a goddamn thing so im alone in my apartment high as fuck and bored and i dont have you to talk toyou knew what it would do to me because you know everything about me and you still did it fuck you josh fuck you ufatalfuryguy fuck you ufatalfuryguy fuck you udecrepitdog i love you and i miss you but fuck you,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i enjoyed their lemon shandy over the summer,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 both her parents are turkish though and i believe turkey has jus sanguinis laws of nationality in that case even if she doesnt have even if she never applied for a physical copy of her passport she still is a turkish citizen by turkish law,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i dont have a problem with it personally i wouldnt have honked but im pretty sure in that particular situation he could have kept goingmerged properly is all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 1 lol good advice2 and also 3 i guess its because in the past two relationships i learned that they were not the people that i agreed to go out with they were both quite short both less than 3 months and both of them i realized i just didnt love them anymore it was very sudden i guess thats where my insecure emotions come in because i think maybe after x amount of months id realize that i didnt love this person and think that my entire relationship was a waste of time and energy3 i do that but i guess im too picky lol i usually find that i cannot bear to talk to them after a coffee or two because my brain goes either this person is boring or this person is kind of dumb,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 55 sold me a taurus bathtub at their flea market sale thanks for the candy lt3,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 that belongs in a museum,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 if you play with fpsmax 61 you gonna have a bad timethis 60fps shit is simply not true,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 welcome to real life your facts donâ t matter people suck,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 depends what type of students you have i have some students with such high medical needs that if just the right thing went wrong they could die,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 hahaha first time visarga got confused with viagra visarga actually means the name of a sanskrit letter,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 this is true happened to me one of the first big experiences of my life i think a huge positive eye opener a few negative ones in there too x but this one definitely great,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 dont its not good for the soul,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 im an advocate for gender equality,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 shes 26 and yeah talisa replied poking around and finding a slice of fresh melon shes been married to the lord of stokeworth for 7 years i think,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 great when are you matriculating,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 sadio almost ruined it all hahaha d,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 you linked an entire chapter heres the correct page from you link,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 relax melodies has both in one and also has guided meditations,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 theyre playing cahill and zouma seems like theyll play a high line then pretty attacking line up from them,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 first mermailfist format that came before dragon rulers was dope,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thats good its good to start rehearsing your lines before youre bundled into a van,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i have a recipe for sloppy joes made of primarily lentilsbrown rice and other veggies i can pm if youre interested it is also a crock pot recipe,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i asked at the match thread and that fluffylittlebunny or something guy said that hes uploading the highlights later d,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 naw youre fine i appreciate your feedback i have that issue quite a bit i tend to write in a stream of consciousness online and the order is um flexible it was poorly worded,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i like this idea but we would need a big push for it to be effective and we probably wont get one until the steam release of tagpro next,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im debating between ginseng and literally anything else i was considering buying her mother a plant of some sort and her father something else the only thing i know he likes is alcohol but the mother will get angry if i buy him alcohol,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 to add when i was 19 i was making 80k a year and had nothing to show for it 4 years later imagine the fuckwaddery the fact that you care at your age puts you lightyears ahead of the world congrats,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 doing gods work there thank you,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 i dont know what you guys are doing but my rings dont get warped it just opens them up making for easy assemblingthere are 3 kinds of those snips which color handle were you using maybe that was the issuei usually give em a bit of a squeeze to flatten them out anyhow i find the closures are way way better and worth it but hey whatever works for yaalso theyre great for regular steel its only with hardened stainless that they arent meant for,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i wonder where the zomg tests are teh intuitive bias people are now,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 the trick is to go at 1030pm first shifters are asleep office 85ers are home watching tv 2nd shifters arent off yet and 3rd shifters are having coffee at home still the store will be all yours,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 you know the mental exercise of not thinking about the pink elephant in the corner of the room im pretty sure its an extension of mindfulness meditation honestly i dont know how people can get through the day without some form of it considering all the awful stuff thats going on in the world farming practices aside,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i was hoping that it was super super obvious its just ridiculous how could anyone think it was real,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yup you can get a blow job for 50 at some clubs here i uhh saw a coupon on grupon thats how i know,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 stop caring just dont correct them you can be right a million times they dont want to hear it teach yourself to think and assess before you speak sometimes people are wrong and it doesnt matter some people are wrong almost all of the time dont educate just make a mental note of not trusting their judgement its not your job to enlighten,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 its like those thais ads but im a grown man it just something in my eyes,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 oh look at that youre right i still think it should be an official rule though,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 and so my laziness is rewarded i can never be bothered chasing around for the cheapest deal so ive always stuck with telstra their customer service may be lacking but at least they have a service to provide right now,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 whilst you might be right eastern nation doesnt necessarily have to refer to the same nation were the eastasians are from germany russia and japan are all to the east of me but theyre still completely different nations,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 huh i wouldnt have guessed thats pretty neat,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 his average is almost a full half second ahead of second place and a full second above 7th place thats miles ahead if ive ever seen it,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 my gaydar isnt pinging its been known to be a bit spotty but i do get a mild competitive vibe well i did before i verbally slapped him around a bit then he started following me around fucking hell,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yea lol sometimes my mind drifts off into the randomest scenarios,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 you should visit all the cool places now before theyre gone then move out into the country somewhere,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i might just be tired but i notice 0 question marks,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i already had a long discussion about this the past few days i can link to it if you want to its a good read and since im kinda tired out about it ill just sum it upits the train dilemma the lives of a small million against the lives of the rest of the planetas far as they knew the wall titans could be released upon the world any moment butchering billionsthey made the rational choice,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 but thats kind of the point most western countries dont have a fear culture surround police hell in many european countries even cops dont carry guns anymore,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 at least it is entertainment,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 that i did not know very cool is the t for the clip,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i didnt get drafted either lolive been playing longer than most of the captains have been around,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 wouldnt that be more instinctual though ie i will die if i do this,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 hence the need to make a point of master luwin making copies of everythingit wouldnt be consistent with the original scene but the show does have inconsistencies,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 yes and is sad people have no brain anymore in le too i ranked up to le so naturally i am better than you that is why im gonna peek mid and die for 8 rounds straight,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i dont think that should be frightening if we move away from capitalism,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 not in the stated in which rbz last saw them they had to little recruits directly after the uprising arc and rb knew thatwhat where did you get this idea we know marley sometimes sends a handful of soldiers there to turn criminals and other scum into mindless but they have noone stationed there permanently we would have seen them last chapter if there were any more soldiers wouldnt weif youre right and they didnt go back to marley but simply received supplies then it was the mule who brought them to them are you suggesting that the mule also was the one who brought ymir back i have many issues with that ideaalso i should have remembered that you always downvote the people youre arguing with,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 serious question when you say bathtime plus if your cat knows it sounds like a regular thingwhat motivates you to give your cat regular baths,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i hereby nominate pizza hut salad bar kid for rchildfrees best kid award tm its the worstbest award a kid can get,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 or fill her time with introductions friday 8pm this is lisa friday 11pm this is monica sat 1030am this is jenny sat 2pm this is betty sat 5pm rest for god sakes sat 8pm this is stacy until she gets tired of it,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 man howâ s it feel to be so thoroughly wrong and called out about it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 its the difference between thinkinghuh ive made an enemy seems like they look down on me im pathetichuh ive made an enemy seems like they are intimidated by me im a force to be reckoned withim not sure which vieuw is better though,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the best compliment i could have is when the superfussy child asks if we can have this again next week one of my kids is very polite and thanks compliments me for everything i cook while i am proud of his manners i dont feel his remarks are a useful measure of how good the meal actually wasit makes me feel quite conflicted when dh says theres no point going out for dinner because anything we can afford i can cook better,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 assuming this is real which it is very possible is not the case intel better bring out the big guns next generation,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 that belongs in a museum,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 wireless charging would mean the phone was plugged in more meaning more hey siri usage maybe well finally get that or perhaps its just my wishful thinking,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 that is amazinglike gordon ramsay level of amazeballs better than the chefs in hells kitchenthanks for sharing,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 your inner self has already embraced the truth,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this post just made me realize that my obits grammar is in someone elses hands thats terrifying,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i was gonna say that they could just change which one you see based on the version but this idea is way cooler,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 it isnt in the game anymore,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 i dont believe there should be any translation issues with this code as it doesnt use any formula to perform calculations that said ive never worked with an international version of excel and would have no idea how to translate,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 1st place typemention i sure would be more confident around people2nd place typemention practical intelligence 3rd place typemention organized social and diplomatic,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 no porn is not a worthwhile endeavour its not art and porn actors are stigmatized by the good puritan folk watching them perform,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 yep the gulf war basically lauched cnn and the 24h news phenomena,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 the root of the problem is ethnocentrism black in this case but government policy hasnt been helping either in some ways were so privileged in that a few dozen black men dying at the hands of cops a year in a country of 325 million people is considered by some to be a generationdefining affliction akin to the vietnam warim also currently reading a paper about whether or not there is a social cost for an ethnic minority child acting white in an impoverished ethnic minority neighborhood maybe somewhat inconclusive we implicitly assume that high achievement causes lower social statusit is plausible that low social status causes high grades,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 its an istick 50w though when i asked the guy at the shop he said it didnt matter 30w or 50w that was just the max even if i set it to something low like 1012w i still get the same thing when i was using the other juice 2025w was fine,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it depends any type could be not all typemention are the same some for example arent dicks well i assume there are some anyway,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 except not hawaii certainly isnt washington is only 77 white,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 hard enough seeing how many hours you need to actually detect a cheat,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i would dump goosen for a better punt like compton or sullivan,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i have a spare raspberry pi doing nothing at the moment which i could turn in a tor proxy someone whos already done this ideas or recommendations for good tutorials things to think about or look out for,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 youd have not drove too,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 thats one of the reasons why this subreddit exists,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 you are forgetting consumers they are fair game,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 youre not entirely wrong the things i see people say eesh remember when neith was suddenly popular earlier this year i was constantly seeing people complain about how op she was how only tryhards pick her because shes freelo and now with zero changes shes back to being garbage medusa at least had the excuse of being new when people were raving about how her clear and ult were op hou yi came out shortly after ao kuang who actually was op and shortly before bellona who was fucking insane so he was considered garbage people finally realized that his passive is actually pretty darn strong in lane vs enemy hunters and they started figuring out how to land his 1 hes still not in the top 23 hunters imo and i think hell settle back down before too much longer the pros will go back to apolloanhurxbal and huey will be garbage again,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 getting to see an typementions mush is such a heartwarming gift it makes me better appreciate the steel they use to protect it,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 10 lap averages are only reliable on tracks like bristol where we get a large sample size of laps to choose from practice always needs to be looked at with a grain of salt last week casey mears was the fastest in practice lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 metric 250ml but you dont need to be precise,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 yeah only the frenchs like statistics englishs are all about that quali,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 an typemention would never write a run on sentence with typos and misspellings hahah i am playing chess with an typemention right now and even in this app while surely in the grip of crushing anxiety and fear over her impending doom her grammar and spelling are impeccable,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 also it should be rainbow colored and covered in glitter,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 unfortunately adoption for people is like adoption for kittens everyone wants the babies but very few people want teens fortunately the cost of adopting a teen is very small to nothing and yet people still dont adopt teens so if you give some teen who hasnt had a home a home it is much much much cheaper than abortion,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 umbcarmaci dont think they will be allowed there tho since it is germany,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 holy crap were up to 9 already where did this season go,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 autocorrect sorry i meant levelised costgeothermal wind hydro all cheaper than nuclear iirc lcoes for nuclear are around 90100 per mw for geothermal 4560 onshore wind 6580 hydro 70100 hydro is a great compliment to nuclear plants that cant load follow due to its capacity for pumped storageoffshore wind and tidal tend to be expensive what with being in the sea solar thermal is also massively expensive compared to solar pv in most locationsregarding battery technology it really depends on effectiveness and safety of future lithiumoxygen and other such super energy dense batteries battery tech does not fit to exponential curves though,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 certainly i have a theory though that the higher in the stack cogfuncmention is the more confident an individual is in making judgement dom cogfuncmention might be confident that they know what is objectively correct and act upon so much i have in my own case values that i apply in my life that i determined through analysis of the world but my sphere of influence is self contained i use it to guide my own life as i dont feel confident to apply those value judgments to others besides since i try to back up my values based upon factual evidence that means i would rather not push them on others as they can change if the evidence i find changes often times when im unsure about an issue i will spend time researching it and analyzing the sides and comparing it to my existing beliefs to make sure that it makes sensehowever again when applying to others i use a different method i dont apply my own inner values and defer to moral relativism and not taking a specific side i end up paralyzed with indecision where i think an cogfuncmention dom would be able to act i end up looking at all viewpoints and analyzing them and then not coming to a conclusion because when considering all viewpoints it is hard to decide exactly what decision will lead to the least harm and most benefit to everyoneim pretty sure it is not cogfuncmention and i think inferior cogfuncmention would be to over align and ignore logical analysis and structure the benefit of doing such is that there isnt the paralysis mentioned earlier thus an cogfuncmention dom can get a lot more done when it comes to value situations and make choices that are difficult however this can backfire and end up in consequence sometimes without analyzing all possibilities you can make a rash decision that ignores an outside chance and end up making things worse so it isnt all good or all bad there are pros and cons to iti struggle with displaying emotions sometimes and i always have demanding an emotional reaction from me is going to end up in failure i tend to dislike being strongly emotional but sometimes it leaks through in outbursts if something bad is happening to me in my life ill seem to be fine and then suddenly while talking to someone burst out crying and usually in an awkward manner the positives is that in situations where friends are in distress im the calm in the storm my internal calmness and low emotional state manages to naturally pull the person down from the emotional extremes the downside is that people want me to try to match them when i cant and sometimes i focus on trying to get a solution too fasti really would like to know as well i can only think of it as using rationalizations to explain away a decision that goes wrong perhaps in general rationalizing things rather than learning from them to make it okayhopefully this is of some useand on a totally vaguesense level fwiw or not in this conversation you dont feel to me like the cogfuncmentiondoms ive run into they have a drama element just how i perceive it to their interaction that i dont get from you in this dialogueit is of usei dislike being dramatic this does open up new questions and i would enjoy finding new answers and analyzing more things i really enjoy analysis and these forums give me a lot of chance to do thati dont think im cogfuncmentiondom cogfuncmentiondom doesnt necessarily fully make sense to me either cogfuncmention in general for many of my statements is equally weird cogfuncmention is maybe a possibility i tend to think im fairly cogfuncmention however so typemention seems weird to me lead cogfuncmention makes sense to me though as for the moment im satisfied with typemention from what ive analyzed and gathered but im still open to different interpretations if ive looked at things wrong,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 taste shows up rarely but it can happen smell is the more frequent of the two but perhaps thats due to where olfactory data is processed in the brain it tends to be closely linked to memory and emotion anyway which are common dreamfodder i dont think ive ever experienced a new smell in a dream but yeah some of my favorite memories are made when im sleeping,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 im having some dissarono which is a luxury i havent had in a while gotta follow through on some camgirl shit today so if i get a bottle i will fuck that up but maybe beforefor the bus home tonight only thing im worried about is the fucking border patrol dickheads,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 how would you respond to a joey from friendsesque answer to why like thats where i keep my towel,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 that moment when you understand the english phrase but need to look up the translation of that phrase in your native language because you dont know how the fuck the translate it yourself,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 where do i watch it i cant seem to find the stream,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 from now on i shall picture you in snuggies you have an entire closet full of snuggies and footie pajamas,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im not going to go any further with this conversation but thanks for keeping it relatively civil i checked out fatpeoplehate the other day because i saw it linked not my thing,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 it was a halfdecent ball to be fair,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 i think that might happen sometimes but i doubt it would be long enough for one to dwell on it,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 amen dude thats some good ass moll good ole molly where is she anyway,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 they needed to regroup resupply and deliver ymir to marley,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 it was a joke heh,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 1 open video1 read title1 oh ive seen that one before1 close video,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 im sorry replied talia in a gentle voice her smile faltering after a moment she shrugged and added honestly i see you as laena,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 the prince commenting on the king,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 depending where you are going to be staying in wisconsin its a very casual and laid back culture most of the people who live there are descendants from european immigrant groups that have a strong beer culture and theres a lot of drinking and socializing its in the midwest so people will tend to be friendly and welcoming but because of the german norwegian and swedish ancestry they also wont bother you too much although much of it is agricultural land it also has large cities with lots of restaurants and culture opportunities there is a strong political divide between the conservatives and liberals and green party if youre in madison so before getting into a big argument you might want to check their politics first if you will be driving be sure to stick closer to the speed limit if youre going to be in the south part of the state the police are very liberal with handing out speeding tickets the closer you get to illinois if you like outdoors activities it has a lot of things to see like the driftless area the wisconsin dells although it is also more known for their water parks and other stuff like sand dunes deep forests the great lakes etc or if you want to see silly things like americans pretending to be historic europeans the whole its a rather safe place to be if youre in a very rural area it might get boring if you dont have access to transportation,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 what if a satellite dish broke off a satellite and began orbiting the earth in a stable geosynchronis orbit at approximately 35786 km altitude tracing an analemma in the sky,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 mch arent new players though you have to have another job to 50 before gaining the ability to unlock mch so they should understand off gcd abilities by then,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 you linked an entire chapter heres the correct page from you link,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 but why would you want to in a bullet journal to begin with it serves no purpose to what a bullet journal is supposed to help you with helping you efficiently and quickly organize your tasks,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 in quebec many ndp voters were former bloc supporters they basically parked their vote there when the bloc lost his appeal voting for ndp didnt feel as dirty as voting for the liberal or cpc and the ndp made effort to reach to them like proposing to repeal the clarity act but on principle those voters had very little in common with the ndp base the niqab issue highlighted the divide between the base and those parked voters,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 also known as bullshit children learn to bullshit by using speech as a means for manipulation,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 theyre better than the normal posts on ryugioh id rather have them then the same topic posted multiple times in the week after the banlist,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im relieved i wont be in the tilts davos laughed im fond of my head right where it is,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 thanks i havent actually thought about the contrast much before this thread and now i am really excited to research why the two books are so very different,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 considering the car only weighs around 2600 lbs that is 047hplb so not bad calculator also the issue of torque to think about since the electric assist motor in the crz can provide its peak 58 lbft of torque at 1000 rpm it gives the crz quite a boost as electric energy is delivered right away to the engine torque for the crz is 640lbs per foot calculator 122 hp at 1000 revolutionsminutealso it can do 060 in 6 seconds,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 oh wait this isnt runicycling,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 sadly enough none of the new mods are members of the cult,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 in the west our governments are 8090 percent concerned with supporting the oligarchy elsewhere its closer to 99 in many countries not necessarily that high but yeah,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 after reddit started liking donald trump the floodgates opened,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yeah that part was just ridiculous i dont like carbs all that much but really even if youre on keto or something you put what like 110th of a gram on a whole steak max thatd be what 130th of a gram of carbs that isnt fiber oh noes at least he let the steak rest i was happy about that bit nothing to complain about on that part of the video,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what is this creative writingi liked naked windows like how the narrator will stray towards sexy words and reveal what hes really thinking or trying not to think of even when hes trying to talk about some mundane details vestigial to the woman herself or sort of eroticise everything she touches he could be a pantysniffer imobut i have a really short attention span and didnt read the whole thing just looked to end for confirmation they didnt bang and if they never bang whats the point really,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 boththeyve used this frame for both,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 he sounds a bit more demonic,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 wait what how do you climb one in the first place,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 we really are giant douches,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 just 10 secondsgo fuck yourself lol,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yes 5 sessions and i was a different person it was way worth it,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 the comments seem kinda fake,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 my parents are very openminded and definitely not racist im definitely not either now but it was questionable when i was little i dont like to think of myself that way but if im totally honest with myself i was a bit prejudiced as a kid for absolutely no reason other than their skin weirded me out and i didnt want to touch them thought it would stain me or something hahaha,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 given that nothing scientific has been done with this theory as i pointed out with those links i do think it invalidates anything that claims to be scientific and is indeed not,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 wasnt it nazi scientists who first linked smoking to cancer,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i can finally suck my own dick if i cut it offwhilst shaking hands with the newly regrown one,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i love learning sometimes things that seem useless on the surface may actually become extremely useful in satisfying your needs later on having a lot of knowledge definitely helps to create a better model of how the world works and can thus help you make better decisions moving forward,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 in hex 10 0xain binary 10 0b1010in english 10 tenin roman numerals 10 xin klingon 10 waâ mah,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 yea id love to see this changed a kd ratio being the most obvious info makes people play this like a shooter were kills count more than anything else sure kills are good but i had a guy bitch about how i was dragging down the team cause my kd was like 18 when this was an incursion game with my minion kills were like 4 times his,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 1the mbti type doesnt change with time2 i think youre intp3,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 its okay it can feel like a set back to start again but its just a speed bump youre doing great keep moving forward lt3,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 that would actually be awesome except oiseauautiste is not euphonious like real french as far as i know you cannot change the username on an account,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 oh thank you i think so too,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 if you get creative you can do it just fine shit when i was in high school me and my friends used to play as we walked down the road as the gm id mostly just make shit up on the fly and had the basic stats for most common monsters in my head so while we walked from one anothers house to the next a mile or two away and wed roll d20s on the pavement or the railroad tracks between one house and the next during school days wed play for 20 mins after scarfing down our lunch in the smoking spot out behind the school,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 the obligations were the traveling to belgium from paris for every 2nd week afaik and rumpred to have something to do with his girlfriend at that time,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 catholics drink alcohol and they call it the blood of christbut honestly i dont like the idea of alcohol never have had any opportunities to drink it and am not a christian so i dont know what else i could suggest,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 and some would say were worse off for it even ted kazanski knew that,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 well i took money bags from the wiki and i just remembered labmem 004 from the sub pls no dub,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 accountability is one of my personal sacred words this is me earning what ive accomplished this is also me earning any failures and then earning wisdom from thoseif im to attribute all of my efforts and their outcomes to an external force then that devalues me and my own work i cant do that my drive must come from within and the feedback loops from the results of my actions must guide my future actionsotherwise whats the point,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 whyworked in all previous installations of cs,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 with power come people who abuse it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 pfftmy cats absolutely loved the snow when i was growing up,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i personally sent them an email and they responded with a typical sorry you didnt get one but were all out,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 obviously basketball would be overhauled completely golf wouldnt change at all,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 paraphrase the dalai lama on immolation if its done out of anger its wrong but its not necessarly wrong if done out of compassion this should be understood as dont immolate yourself if you are not fully enlightened i think,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 all right we ought to start getting our architects and financial planners together and start working on our little cf island resort we have enough to make a decent sized town,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 mtheory is widely considered the best contender to synthesis general relativity and quantum field theory there arent many alternatives quantum loop gravity is the only one that springs to mindits criticised by popperians like youthats a given it doesnt seem to do much damage to the theory how would a popperian worldview deal with a hypothesis like the multiverse for instance thats just something we should never speak ofall those points were either just contradictions â if it could be shown that selection or environmental pressures do not favor the reproductive success of better adapted individuals well surely thats what betteradapted means so of course that could not be shown â or taking evolution to mean simply heritability obviously theres more to evolution than that not even the most hardcore youngearth creationist will deny that children look like their parents,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 its helios i believe â his cult was on rhodes,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 whilst you might be right eastern nation doesnt necessarily have to refer to the same nation were the eastasians are from germany russia and japan are all to the east of me but theyre still completely different nations,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ive heard that from zannyd out folks too,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 theres plenty of xnfj slytherins like michael scofield typemention or raymond reddington typementioncogfuncmention is resultsoriented after alli like to think im a pragmatic idealist,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i know someone in person who believes this ironically he is also childfree,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 monkey trouble joke u2713horseface joke u2713marco in half joke u2713eren has issues joke u2713generally shitting on all characters u2713this list has everything good job,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 if youre looking for something extended pickiness is good if you want to have fun at a party or something dont be too picky only just picky enough that you wont regret it,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i cant stress this enough real all of his bookslifetime reader here and i suggest starting with the dilbert principle the dilbert future and how to fail at everything and still win big,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 these links may be helpful,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 formatted for readability sub currentdatetime dim mydate mydate date rangea4select sheet1rangea4 mydate end sub sub insertline insertline macro rows33select selectioninsert shiftxldown rangea1select selectioncopy rangea4select rows44rowheight 30 selectionpastespecial pastexlpastevalues operationxlnone skipblanks false transposefalse applicationcutcopymode false selectionnumberformat mdyy hmm selectionnumberformat mdyy hmm rangeb4select chdir tteama activeworkbooksaveas filenametlogxlsm fileformat xlopenxmlworkbookmacroenabled createbackupfalse chdir cteama activeworkbooksaveas filenameclogbackup loglogxlsm fileformat xlopenxmlworkbookmacroenabled createbackupfalse rangea2select selectionfontbold false rangea4select selectionfontbold false rangeb4select selectionfontbold false rangeb4select end sub sub savenow savenow macro chdir tteama activeworkbooksaveas filenametlogxlsm fileformat xlopenxmlworkbookmacroenabled createbackupfalse chdir cteama activeworkbooksaveas filenameclogbackup loglogxlsm fileformat xlopenxmlworkbookmacroenabled createbackupfalse end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 lol you gotta just intellectually care that he is in pain but really it annoys the piss out of me when people judge my emotional responses or the lack thereof so long as you modify your behavior to kiss his booboo thats all that can really be expected imo you are annoyed at his fness and he is getting annoyed at your tness but who is the bad guy here you are heh,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 my big five is almost the same as this though i am higher on agreeableness i would not expect an cogfuncmention dom to be less agreeable than myselfedit i am typemention,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 no thats not the only explanation and yelling it harder doesnt make it true if you want to convince me then you need to come up with arguments and counter arguments to my arguments constantly repeating the same sentences gets you nowherethis is the point where i start to suspect that youre just trying to start a fightim going to ignore those 3 points for a moment ive already debunked them twice but youve obviously not read my responsesmaybe but so does eren confusion memoriesim not insulting you either thank youand yes thats what im implying ive said that already hes subconsciously filling in the gaps between the intel from the books and the flashes of memories he gotthe big twist would be that the wielder of the biggest power in the world is going insane a god going schizophrenic would make an amazing story its also way more original than the grandfather paradox that youre suggestingwhat exactly im not saying that the info he remembered was wrong he simply read that in the books the only thing which wasntcouldnt be in the books where krugers exact words his reference to armin and mikasa for example which eren made upconfused,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 what server do you play on,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 lol i think if you suck dick for less than a minute im not gay d,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 you just dont realise how watching cbbc helps children so educational yet such fun tv shows to watchi dont think ive even watched citv once,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 solar system explorer europa here we comeeither that or a deep ocean explorer from the zeppelin and container ship bases,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i am an typemention that has been in the hospitality industry for twenty years i really wanted to take the antisocial way out when it comes to a career or life in general im glad someone pushed me to get out of my shell i think that it has really helped me develop my cogfuncmention more than sitting in an office being a total introvert i do that at home and i like the balance of having my social needs met and after hours my cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention needs can thrive my favorite job was as a maitre d i had the logistically improbable job of cramming 300 people in an 80 seat restaurant in just a few hours it was an ever changing logic problem that required all of my functions cogfuncmention with seeing the patterns in what was happening in a room of many people cogfuncmention picking up on the details of who would be leaving first cogfuncmention in reading who would complain about their table or who i could give the worst table in the house and be happy cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention with staying two steps ahead planning for how the tables would turn and giving myself back up plans if someone stayed longer than expected and i needed to combine several tables together to accommodate a large party i improvised every moment of my day there by having an intuitive sense of the flow of business i could just push things beyond the limits that others could i was the jason bourne of putting asses in seats cogfuncmention with dealing with managing a very moody selfish waitstaff yet getting them to do what ever i wanted them to do by appealing to their strengths and being aware of their weaknesses i was always trying to find a system to avoid conflict and operate efficiently enough to prevent problems most people in my position operated by exuding feeling and schmoozing people i am not a people person but found a way to reduce my weak spots by relying on my strengths so that no one would notice when i left that job they gave me a bonus a promise to come back anytime and said i was the best manager they ever had in 15 years this is not bragging this is just an an example of how you can apply your strengths to the task at hand typemention are supposed to be bad at leading and bad at social skills but that is not completely true it is just a different approach sometimes different is good,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 thank you for seeking the middle ground ive been getting very worked up the past hour my apologies if i have insulted you somewhere,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 typemention are often scary to talk to both my so and best friend understand how to communicate with me though bottom line is thisat any point in life work project whatever i know exactly where im going and how ill get there this does not mean this route is set in stone but it does mean this is the best path i could come up with having considered everything so both my so and friend often tell other people who are a bit intimidated by me when you discuss things with avacyn it feels like kicking a dead horse and she simply doesnt want to listen because she thinks she knows best but in reality she is actually listening very closely and is simply challenging you on your own opinion in any way she can come up with give it a week or two and if your argument was strong enough shell get back to you with new updated plans based on your inputthis was a huge eye opener for many people in my social circle but also for myself as i honestly did not know how my behaviour came across to other people who arent used to thing style of discussing things,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i sell the phones but keep the boxes and bags when they used to be launch day specific,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 lol could be either type hmm gonna start a thread,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 theres a money problem with this though not everyone has even 100 bucks to alter their car and certainly not to buy a new one itll be 20 years at least i think,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i do think in these cases it is important to realize that the total costs are not 0 kronor the cost is there but its paid for through taxes etc,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 where do you take that from,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 congratsscrotumnal comfort may be a good band name,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 it would certainly solve the cheater and smurf issue ppl complain about,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 really in my games arena or otherwise i see no difference except maybe a tad more common in assault theres at least one surrender vote about 6070 of games doesnt matter if were ahead by 30 tickets someone dies and gets mad and wants to surrender ive had joust matches where we were destroying the other team and one teammate hits f6 by accident and the other is so accustomed to joining in on surrenders that they just reactively hit f6 and we lost a guaranteed winin assault there is almost always a surrender attempt which really bugs me because more than any other its the mode where one good fight can completely turn the tide well not counting 1v1 where youre up 81 on kills then take a death and sit for 90 seconds watching the enemy win,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 pastor nick got tortured to death,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 what i dont get is how many times my team actually want to fight outside of base into a team with aegis its like the other team having an aegis actually encourages them to suddenly want to fight cant tell you how many games i have lost because of this here is a great example 32 minutes i realize they are roshing and try and delay it but we are too late to stop it i keep telling my team to back and fight in base but they are looking for a fight against the stronger team that has an aegis i try and cover their retreat but they keep going back in and we take too many loses and cant really defend im able to barely keep our melee alive but so much dmg is done at this point and the enemy now has the momentum and much stronger team,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 if its like ramseys injury even when he comes back in 6 months he wont be back to his best for a few years could be really bad,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 hunh you can order bananas from amazon i dont get it also that looks like its weeks old amazon doesnt take that long to get anywhere usually it would have had to of been rotten going in,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 haha yeah the raping waves fucking killed me you know that law about if you can think of it it exists already when i get out of work im going to google that shit d what if the entire typemention sub is typemention trolling each other,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 that may be a bit far for me still but id come down for drinks,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 wasnt it a little girl or something i remember reading,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my mom said shed cut off my dick if she caught me fapping,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 33 am i a sociopath imo id say im not but thats exactly what one would sayedit oh thank god everyone else is getting low agreeableness too,7.0,84.0,88.0,59.0,44.0 very nice classic classy great all around i have absolutely nothing negative to say about this one,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i actually think i run into many typemention on my campus and everywhere else too heh,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 sorry this got longer than i expected my boyfriend and i mid 30s both make a decent living we just relocated to a new city because we were sick of where we lived and both our jobs sucked he changed careers on a whim from something he hated to something he loves so not having kids made it much easier to sell his house relocate etc i would say we are a typical middle class dink couple we like to keep things simple so when we are ready to buy again scoping out the city and renting before we settle in a neighborhood we will get a small house we try to live well within our means with a small house we can pay it off much faster and dont have a lot of cleaning to do we have 1 dog which is plenty for us to care forgetting married is not a rush or a priority for us we love to travel and so far have alternated each year with a big international trip or several small domestic trips im not strapped for money because i focused on eliminating or not taking on a ton of debt and i have a career if we had kids we would be okay but things would be a lot tighter we go to shows beer events parties and like to get outdoors a lot we just strive to find our happiness,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 ill wont be on tonight tho,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 as gerard spoke excitedly about his home talisa edged further forward in her seat literally sitting on its edge by the time he had finished a small dimpled smile was resting on her lips the first time they had curled upward during their conversationthat sounds amazing talisa said trying to visualize the islands from his words and the vague memory of a map i love the sea i wish i could see it all the timeafter a second some of his earlier words sunk in and she asked curiously you have more than one castle,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 pretty sure febby moved to korea from na,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 i dont know if the best of my life but studying sociology has been a good decision so far it gives my life meaning and projection to the future because i like a lot what ive been learning the first semester was hard for me to adjust im only on my second year of uni and i just hope that my interest remains for the whole duration of the career,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 didnt your mother teach you every sentence must start with a capital letter c,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 well there have been bars a lot longer than there have been cars living in a walkable city with pub transit and uber bars are a great idea,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 oh yeah i guess its possible then ospina is still slightly shorter than him even though casilas was also considered potentially world class at a young age whereas ospina is 26 and just considered good,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 this comes up every once in a while most people say teeee ehseye etc this is better because you can mix and match things with short hand i can describe cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention with nx cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention with pi cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention with je etc i guess you could think nnncks pie or geee but that wouldnt fly in my brain and youd have to learn a bunch of new terms also when we pronounce the types we usually say each letter individually so it makes sense to stay consistent typemention and typemention typically care less about that stuff though and it isnt bad to do it your way,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 after changing into her own night gown bidding her son goodnight and removing the wooden dragon from her already sleeping daughters clutches kiernan padded over and curled up in the warmth of the hearth and her husband happily she accepted the offered wine one sweet sip further fighting off the encroaching autumn chill,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i liked this one you linked earlier other than that im not entirely sure ill have to get back to you on that ive mostly just been paying attention to the overall aesthetic of the genre ill edit this comment with some songs that really stood out in a bit,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 um and thats the only reasonable position someone can take if they arent in favor of amnesty a path to citizenship another instance of this is what liberals actually believenobody thinks or claims that all muslims are terrorists except neonazis and similar groups,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 sit behind flagokenemy team flaccids violently,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i like actually teaching i just dont like being crowd control for 30 year nine students who dont want to be there,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 seven lions still with me,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 so that is why the cx14s and cx25s didnt have any changes for me i am a dichromat,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 oh that settles it then it would definitely have to be trained and very conscious and deliberate and even that might not happen lol but i feel my thoughts are highly ordered just not the way i do things,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 the title works just fine for a tldr imoits hard to summarize this pretty much all of it is important,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 except that your dick suddenly starts looking like a prairie dog because its sticking up over your belt,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i think being afraid of failure is a universal feeling but being afraid of failure and not being prefect is definitely something that can stop an typemention from trying something our mindset usually fixates on how something couldshould be as an ideal and we will compare everything against that standard in that way even if something is successful it might never measure up and might still feel like failurepersonally learning how to fail is an essential part of growing up and maturing some of my greatest failures where i tried my hardest and it still didnt matter really taught me some valuable lessons also learning how to move forward despite the fear of failing is how you achieve great things in life i think its an important skill for anyone but especially typemention to cultivate,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 containerization could do the same to system administrator work it see docker,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 oh im so happy that flag won,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 this and sealand are the only true answers,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 ive been here a while and never been offered a jerk i feel slighted,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i dont know man i dont think so,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i dated a girl back in the early 90s who used that line a lot but she said hill pony instead of toddler,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 the first time i saw that posted on a youtube commentin like 2008,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah i do heres my soundcloud,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 she was not my proudest fap,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i would absolutely take all the free drinks dudes gave me at a bar if i was a chick i am jealous at how much easier it is for you palso people watching from a girls perspective has got to be twice as fun watching dudes vy for your attention has got to be an old past time lol i mean that is content to analyze for a good bit of your life i imagine after a year of going out you could fucking narrate it in real time i tell my guy friends to not buy girls drinks either i do however let girls sit at the table and get a mug to share a pitcher that means they have to get involved in conversation which is worth the price of a beer d,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i really thought you were working towards linking apollo to the apollo missionsyoure conflating apollo with helios which is fine as this conflation did really occur gradually apollo didnt originally have solar characteristics but the god of the dawn was actually the titan goddess eos sister of helios the sun,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i had in mind biology it was a loosy post there is more risk of bias in psychology than biology and more in biology than physic etc,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i want to go to this bar because its near but they dont allow children in,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 since were all here i just want to remind you guys thatrfuckhk47andrshingekinohentaiboth exist,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 55 sold turnips in my town was very friendly and polite followed all the rules,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 yeah the center is darker color on the right now that im viewing it on my ips monitor to me the left is just desaturated is all it might look different irl than in a picture either way it seems that we are the only ones calling them orange,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 thanks for another great reply okay so triple x syndrome doesnt affect a person as much as xyy syndrome imagine being a male calicotortoiseshell cat they must think theyre lucky fuckers having all those women to choose from,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 sure way to set yourself up for disappointment i think if you dont get anything in writinglife has taught me people are almost all greedy sobsreal good way to figure out what a person is really like either by them winning a ton of cash or by you winning a ton of cash and how they change or not after that fact,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 16 i couldve had mine earlier but i didnt want it to be with someone id regret kissing,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 ill take that as a mya bolton is up for courting,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 turns out hes stuck in an endless time loop and is forced to relive his final moments forever,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im glad i wasnt the only one but yeah nice story but yeah,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 do you ever put in the konami code by accident that way if so what effect does it have,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im adopted and i would say absolutely my parents are peopleparents i think there are a few keys to this my mother always pointed out that she and my dad had time to enjoy each other and really get to know each other they were married 7 years before they adopted me so many couples start pumping out units the day after the wedding furthermore the struggles they went through before deciding to adopt gave them time to reflect on what sort of parents they wanted to be their struggles helped them grow closer as a couple genetic testing my mom getting her tubes tied going through the strict adoption process being given shit by my dads sisters for not having biological children etc they knew they really wanted my sister and i they had to fight for us pay tons of money and bare everything personal to everyone in a way maybe they had to earn becoming parents adoptive parents are making a conscious decision to have kids i think that helps from the getgo they have to reflect and hopefully be strong in their convictions in the face of a society that looks at adoption with a raised eyebrow those are just some reasons imo why adoptive parents may tend to be more peopleparent types,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 why would menelaus tell the story to helen when she was in troy when it happened,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 well the garlic was added to the sauce and it simmered for quite a whilean hour or two it wasnt roasted before if thats what you mean it wasnt like i just dumped some garlic on the spaghetti after the facteitherway nobody else could eat it except for me but where i live nobody likes anything spicy or even most seasonings turn some off not very adventurous here in atlantic canada,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 not only that but at night it can be easy to lose the bottom light in the streetlights as they are both white and if you arent paying attention it can be hard to see it the middle and top are both red and when it is night time you cant tell the position of thingssure in the day you can see the light but you cant always in low visibility conditions see what position it is,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 true i was joking though and ive edited my answer to include a serious bit,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 if thats the case wouldnt alison have suspected him she even suspected her own mother at one point,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 difference is i didnt edit that score,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 pretty much everyone who isnt a 50 woman,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 youre accusing him of anger and hostilitythe irony is killing me whos the real problem here,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 are you looking for something similar to this op option explicit public sub removeheaderkeywords dim workarea as range set workarea returndataselect cells you wish to search for keywords within if workarea is nothing then exit sub dim keywords as string keywords inputboxenter keywords separated by commas keyword column remover if lenkeywords 0 then exit sub dim skeywords as string skeywords splitkeywords dim index as long tcell as range deleted as boolean deleted true call ludicrousmodetrue do while deleted deleted false for index 0 to uboundskeywords if not workarea is nothing then for each tcell in workareaspecialcellsxlcelltypeconstants xllogical xlnumbers xltextvalues if tcellvalue like amp trimskeywordsindex amp then columnstcellcolumnentirecolumndelete deleted true end if next tcell end if next index loop call ludicrousmodefalse set tcell nothing set workarea nothing end sub public function returndatabyval message as string as range on error resume next set returndata applicationinputboxpromptmessage titledata selection type8 end function public sub ludicrousmodebyval toggle as boolean applicationscreenupdating not toggle applicationenableevents not toggle applicationdisplayalerts not toggle applicationenableanimations not toggle applicationdisplaystatusbar not toggle applicationcalculation iiftoggle xlcalculationmanual xlcalculationautomatic end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 wonder where he was trying to get to so quickly 60 gets you places its not like you have very far to get to your destination unless its on the other side of the island,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 any statement of the form religion is simply x is going to be wrong its a hugely complex phenomenon,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 seriously and if they wanna show off that badly then they should put their own sign down and fight in other peoples fight clubs,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 werent the core kill event objectives in the millions we have to hit less than 200k and each player that uses a ward counts as 1so 5 points toward 200k per match i feel like we could bang this out in a day edit oh wow i didnt even count the enemy team so 10 points per match,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i tried it and dont much care for it,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 this is totally possible with custom vba web scraping what info are you trying to get from imdb,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 im an engineer myself so i need a lot of math and it was a requirement for entry into my degree programme my uni did a large scale analysis of which factors can be a predictor of academic success the biggest surprise was that how well a student does in high school maths is a very strong predictor for how well the student will do at university this held true across all disciplines even stuff like art history degrees so we wondered why would this be to me its clear maths learns you determination and learning how to critically think reflect and analyse stuff on a highly abstract level all of these are qualities you need for not only stem degrees but also arts degrees which require to you to think creatively but still require a very analytical approach of that creative process to truly understand it so no you might not need maths when you want to make films but you will need the skills learning maths teaches you to become truly good at what you do,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yes i love classical music in general including opera â it helped to date an typemention who was very into opera aswell as musicals which i never quite got into that being said there are huge gaps in my understanding and knowledge of opera for instance i never really explored wagner though i intend to i listen mostly to baroque opera atm some of my favourites are purcells dido and aeneas handels xerxes rameaus dardanus,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 and so does the usi doubt nuclear war would break out since its mutually assured destruction,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 my first company was a record label i took 15 of sales from all channels music merch gigs etc and supported my bands through production and pr industry standard was 20 but big labels also funded artists and i wasnt in a position to do so,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 haha what are you stubborn about,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 some guy with storm trooper aim it seems as if every time he shows up he misses,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 nuclear war with russia vs orange wall builderi think we made the right choice personally,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i need to plan a trip to austin just to visit this placebut seriously wtf shes just finding her way to her seat then she admits to texting in a theater and what does the theater have to gain by taking her money and kicking her out its not like a product they took back and can sell again,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 why do you need to know their face do you have to draw it in the notebook,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 did anyone comment my sex life,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 look at the middle east plenty of weapons who are the good and who are the bad guys,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 everything legal wise you need to bring up they will find it its not like medical,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 you cant stop me im a rebel ill do whatever i want with my jeans,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 its interesting how you back things to emphasize them the only freewordorder language ive really ever had experience with hungarian which tends to front words,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 this dude is dumb its has nothing to do with ping developing na scene or whatever bullsh1t he imagining it all about viewership base c9 games attract na viewers cos they can get behind envy and aui before and consider him as their guy if you want american only qualifier stop supporting c9 pr them hype them and watch their games in your na dotacircle if c9 would only attract eu audience and eu support and na ppl doesnt care about them at all noone would invite them to na qualy it really simple,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 nope the reason you dont want to defrost and refreeze is to prevent bacteria multiplying and bacon only lasts a week in the fridge once its out of its packaging unless its the very dry kind that comes in a chunk you slice bits off,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 you guys wont believe me but last year it was actually aaron baddeleyfollowed closely by jimmy walker and daniel summerhays,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 do you still have a snapchat premium account,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 that really isnt very kind of her,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 humans should have more rights because they have been proven in the past to have those sapient traits and there is a chance that that person who is currently not demonstrating any of those traits to demonstrate them in future so those beings need to be protected a being of a species that hasnt in the past demonstrated those sapient traits shouldnt be given the benefit of the doubt if you show me those food animals with many of the traits of sapience ill happily put them on the higher lists of rightsi would consider it more likely that a human in a vegetative state is more likely to wake up and demonstrate sapience than most animals,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 even scott adams said trump was wrong of not condemning white nationalism this is how bad the speech was,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 haha sounds like good parenting to me given that hes an typemention i imagine there was plenty of unpleasant shit though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 your are now moderator of rtwoxchromosomes,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 racoons are nasty lil buggers and even as babies their fur is not soft at all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 tax returns are literally a huge component of back solving net worth in forensic accounting,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 they have the right to have political opinions being influential doesnt take that away,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 first year psych student bullshit syndromei know the feeling,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 no wonder the emotionally incontinent marxists dont want them that would stop the emotional agitation which would tip the balance of perception more strongly to facts and facts as we all know are racist sexist homophobic reeee etc,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 im honoredobligatory request to be credited,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im not really sure i understand the significance of this would you mind explaining,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 in thedish former modal verbs became modifyers prefixed to a verb however its more similar to a clitic than a true mood affix the same thing happened to former poshpositions and some adverbs in situations where english would have phrasal verbs,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 as an engineer everything on gods earth is related to my jobdid you know that according to my beliefs god is an typemention civil engineer and i am a true priest of the faith,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 can i reply to your old comments,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 my life goal is to own a dodge viper hence my username to do this i would need a decent source of income a place to put it means to fund all of that as well so as a sideeffect it requires a whole bunch of other thingsbut in the end it doesnt change the fact that my life goal is to own a certain makemodel of car,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 as a woman you should have just told her,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 lt3 you get boops of love today,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i wear my headphones around my neck all the time right now lolthough i listen to music a lot so,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 jesus christ port stay on regrab who do you think i am kappa,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 this is what make isis comes out as the sane one there is something quite downtoearth in their writings which is quite surprisingly considering their root beliefs,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 every possible decision any person can make is in some way premised on the exploitation of another person thats just a fact of life at least according to the definition of exploitation for modern liberal states which is put concisely a multilateral transfer of unequally valued items such that the possessors of all items would voluntarily make the transfer if the items to be transferred were of equal value this entails at least that the overwhelming majority of acts and all real acts in western states involve exploiting others i assume you believe that if acts exploit people then they are not victimless therefore my previous point that there is no such thing as a victimless actedit should clarify liberal meaning liberal perfectionist or political liberal since there is argument as to which western states attempt to adhere to i described the theory of exploitation for modern and classical liberals and libertarians,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 its so long but so worth it,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 it went from freezing to hot as balls in a week here i didnt get to wear my trench once im so peeved i need to move somewhere with a more moderate climate,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 k this new format is unreadable ill do my bestthis thoughthe fuck tigers being carnivores isnt grounded in fact that they only attack humans when desperate isnt common knowledgeuh no im going to die is intuition based on the abstract future more likely cogfuncmention because it is based in action but not 100 congrats on projecting onto my thought process though very tertinf cogfuncmentioncogfuncmentionhave you never seen a tiger before have you ever been in danger before do you see the tiger in front of you cogfuncmentionan objective evaluation of your weaknesses which will effect your tactical decision cogfuncmention few defenses isnt cogfuncmention because defenses is the subject of judgment how good is this defense when is the defense effective etctypementions are great at using cogfuncmention in both socionics and in several 8 function models when are they most likely to use cogfuncmention during short bursts when cogfuncmention cant do the job when cogfuncmention is under direct attack like you know when a tiger is charging themeven the entire structure of your original tiger post is drenched in cogfuncmention it is like youre unconsciously playing the theme from jaws while you were typing your story,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 i knowhe showed us what happens if users start to build headcanon upon headcanon i wouldnt want to lay the groundwork for another user like that,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 firstly what is the downside of stroking the ego of an unhinged narcissistmore importantlynot all narcissism is bad if he were a malignant narcissist all this time his children wouldnt adore and support him as they clearly do they much more likely would have cut off contact with him due to him being insufferable and someone doesnt just magically become a narcissist at 70 and at the precise moment when he decides to run against a democrat for the white houseand if he were delusional unhinged he would have lost all his money long ago a fool and his money are soon parted you might try to chalk it up to his advisors but delusional people ignore their advisors or choose advisors who dont know what theyre talking aboutyour unhinged narcissist meme doesnt pass the slightest common sense test its just a cudgel to use on people whose style repulses you or who offends your particular sensibilities,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 cooktake care of my cartaking out loanseverything money relatedactually anything that is related to being an adult,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 if at first you dont succeed,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 so future generations can see our works of filtered artedit ah nevermind ill just keep it in caps,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 then hop in css and you get tripple the fps hpe slaughtered the source engine,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 not just canada australia is in a very similar situation,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i cant help but noticing that all of these poling centers are in super liberal areas even so far as college goes if they would add bluefield radford virginia techthey would get trumped,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 ublueottersocks could run circles around pretty much anyone in this community when it comes to jung including myself sometimes,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 this sounds made up and selfaggrandizing yet another way to be speshuli loled at the pros and cons list,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 im not sure why leo is so lionized for his activism its so transparent its not even funny people like leo angelina jolie and clooney are trying to pull a ronald reagan by using their high profile to get involved in some mission usually through a government organization like the un then hopefully step sideways into american politicsnever mind the fact that leo rides around in a 5mpg limousine to his 10000 square foot mansion where just he and his girlfriend lives part time 1 2 lets be fair though its only 3 houses within the same metro area i didnt realize jetting off to the mediterranean in his private jet and partying for several days on a megayacht was particularly ecofriendly i think leo is an amazing actor and he deserves some credit for bringing the issue into the spotlight but he doesnt truly care for the evironment hes just using it as a platform to get into politics and further his own agenda for himself,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 how old are you and whats your relationship background,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i like collective bargaining with people who play other dfs sports i help my friend with basketball he helps me with baseball best way to fairly trade advice like that,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 no that is something people who know what they are talking about are telling you,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 democrats will retake the senate and make gains in the us house,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 as a straight female nonot even as a straight female as a normal person thats skeezy thats not funny,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 a spider for that one douchebag who claims he is the alpha,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 this is one of the key things this place does well and its great to see people learning from the things people post here,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 oh i assumed that was a union thing,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 bullet journal and not that crappy flowery washi taped instagram shite but simply 1 high quality notebook that goes with you everywhere and 1 black pen,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 he alone among us is truly enlightened,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 id play video games and shit probably still travel im sure some guys would fight wed just die out really but our societies would change id probably reunite with my bros to form a bro clan hell with girls gone thats all youve got right,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 wow thats all on rhodes instead of trying to make a tackle or push him out of bounds he lowers his head and launches himself out thats just dumb arms at his sides no intent to wrap at all just lower head and launch hit wrap drive thats how you tackle,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 you are repeating what the first user has said,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 kill the person who gifted them to you take their wallet buy better headphones then sell the beats and and use the money to buy hookers and blows,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 looks like the characters off of goldeneye,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 leaving a comment cause this starts to get to 6 months markps i should definitely read it ive been procrastinating that for a while now,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 the korean dining room though,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 well rationality is just a patriarchal construct,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 someone needs to gild this threadthen its legacy will forever be preserved in rshingekinokyojingilded,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 silverlight is a net horror story rip,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 i love that they totally own it though like in season 7 he literally just jumped out at the last second when his car goes straight off a cliff theres scenes where they allude to his plot armor and basically admit he cant die,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 its almost like theres more to speed than just knowing algorithms,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 cant help you there we my boyfriend and i are moving in the opposite direction we feel confident in our emotional bond and we no longer want to curtail each other in our physical desires we are going to let others in for the physical aspect whatever works for you two though that is what you should be going for,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 2 star magneto ai uses him and his blue blows up most of the board i use it and its in a corner or at least at the very leftright edge every single goddamn time i dont think ive ever seen it do more than about 300 damage for me usually less than 200,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 interested in any of these 45iv breedjects eevee is reserved for someone else on rpokemontradeseverything else is up for trade,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 lol i wish i was at eleague,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i lock my car when i see white people i lock my car pretty much all the time to be honest,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 cogfuncmention is extraverted feeling its the third function in our stack of netifesi supposedly the first two functions neti are what we use primarily to think and navigate the world we learn to supplement these two over time with the third function and then the fourth we do not ever achieve the same proficiency or preference for using the third and fourth functions and can find it tiring to use them at length this is opposed to using your first two functions which actually energizes you either in the presence of others if you are an extrovert or alone if you are an introvert cogfuncmention is all about detecting the feels of others wanting to make those feels positive and then doing so cogfuncmention is concerned with the well being of the group often over the well being of the individual its politics and kumbaya,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 one of my best friends is a member hes broke as shit and hasnt paid me in months even if he never pays me again we will talk daily there are a few other members who have moved on from the site and i still keep up with them to make sure theyre happy with what theyre doing now only reason i would cut someone off from talking to me is if they were shitty to me to begin with i cannot fake my personality when i get along with someone its real extremely real i cant act like i like someone i dont get along with,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 kants system is extremely cogfuncmention hes the best example of an typemention philosopher imo along with descartes whos also listed on that page take the famous categorical imperative which you just quotedits an attempt to universalise moral axioms whatever they may be cogfuncmention wants to universalise its categorical it always applies and there are no exceptions kant even said you shouldnt lie to a murderer who asks you the whereabouts of his next victim cogfuncmention likes principles which have no exceptions are consistent typemention dont like hypocrisy this system is anathema to hypocrisywhat i suspect youre not understanding is that kant saw morality as stemming directly from reason that being right about morality just involved reasoning correctly so to kant his categorical imperative is only rigid or selfconstricting to the extent that reason itself is rigid or selfconstricting you would want reason to be rigid wouldnt you typemention do like to think everything comes under the rubric of reason cogfuncmention again and like to think they reason correctly,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 hey dont be sorry lol you didnt waste my time,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 i can never get though season 4 of the wire because i get too upset for the kids,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i mean not entirely but even a small gesture from my so turns my mood around very quickly having your bad feelings acknowledged by your so makes it easier to work through them alone in my experience emotional support is extremely important in relationships,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i dont really think about it i even have to think about what year it is then what year i was born to answer when someone asks me my age i am somewhat typemention though ive done a few tests and they always come out severely i n and t but the pj is always close to 5050,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 technology is improving quickly enough for the developers to easily have room for more pokã mon in new games but they may be forced into putting less work into improving pokã mon from previous generations due to time constraints we will probably start to see models reused from the previous generations many unchanging movepools etc however i believe that they can get way beyond 1000 before this becomes neccesssaryas for catching pokã mon the goal should probably be more focused on catching the entire regional dex at some point as there will simply be far too many pokã mon for catching em all to seem plausible to most people of course one could still attempt this and it would be an even greater challenge which i see as a good thingi people can complete the shiny living dex than they can easily register 10000 pokã mon in their pokã dex which we wont get until centuries from nowdespite this i still believe that we will be seeing more focus on gameplay than new pokã mon as we did in x and y as gamefreak must realise that releasing new pokã mon at the rate of the first 5 generations will be hard to keep up in a few decades,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 is it worth upgrading to an rx 480 8gb from an r9 280x im running games at 3440 x 1440 and the most demanding game ill be playing is mirrors edge catalyst and maybe modded skyrim i usually turn off aa because i dont see the point of it at such a high resolutioni have an i5 4460 and 8gb ddr3 ram,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 phew thats a relief haha,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 never heard hols outside of british school storiesbut definitely holidays instead of vacation,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 when the beta ends brawlhalla will be a free2play then there will be a character rotation the reason why people are racking up gold now is to permanently unlock legends later,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i need time alone at least 2 to 3 hours daily i am extremely sensitive to sensory input especially sound it exhausts me like you wouldnt be able to understand i always carry an ipod and headphones and usually listen to music when im commuting or need to focus on my thinking simply to drown out the world and get some time alone with just me and my head i am definitely typemention though while i have an typemention boyfriend yet when talk about introversion in the exhaustion sense of the word i am very introverted far more than my typemention boyfriend the thing is e vs i is something very different in mbti and despite the fact i am easily exhausted from social interaction due to all the sensory stimuli that come with it it is the stuff i live on and makes my head able to do what it is best at for a long time i thought i was an typemention because of the exhaustion but i am definitely a cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention type and not a cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i do that and then swirl my finger around the cup once or twice its the best way ive found to get it to open up completely it also will burp like you said and spin,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 drag and makeup is nothing to do with transgenders bowie never mentioned transgenders at all to my knowledge and it wasnt a word that was used during the heights of his fame he was not genderfluid because he never believed himself to be anything other than male and pansexual means attraction to both sexes trans people which i cant vouch for he only ever claimed to be bisexual altho songs like queen bitch may suggest encounters with either trans or drag queens bowie probably made a man wearing makeup and dresses more acceptable not much more people are not going to see a man walking down the street dolled up to the nines in the same way as they see a rockstar performing on stage this was his art none of it was for transgenders bowie claimed to be apolitical and when he wasnt doing this he was espousing fascism and very consciously avoided becoming a figurehead for the gay rights movement that was the very last thing he wanted and rightly so for his career i think actually i just remembered a very early song of his called shes got medals before space oddity i think about a woman who either dresses as a man or gets a sexchange i dont quite remember and joins the army thats about as far as it goes to my knowledge,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 all 15 kills coming after level 6 of course,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 politicians talk about the gdp figures because they want to talk about economic performance which implies economic wellbeing for the regular person in that context median wages is the best metric but the median wage hasnt really risen that much in the past 10 years so thats why politicians dont talk about median wages the vast majority of productivity gains and increase in business activity goes directly to corporate income with some residual advantages for higher income people directly involved in the running of these businesses ie shareholders ceos directors executives contractors etc gdpgdp per capita simply sounds better and in most western countries wages would be preferable as it give a misleading impression that the average person is doing better than they really aretheres nothing wrong with gdp or gdp per capita in itself its just used in a misleading way by politicians amp the media because its good news that improves their popularitygets clicks amp drive sales plus the people talking about gdp per capita dont really understand economics on a deep enough level so they come across as a bit inept,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 safe to say that would be about 8 hours or so of power but how are you going to recharge the battery after its been drained,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 for those who missed him hes in the topright part of the picturefor context,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 weird how you guys are through the knockout rounds of the ucl,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 oh i just mean that it doesnt seem to matter which dating service you use or whether you meet people through friends it doesnt seem to make a difference in what people are looking for,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i havent seen it but now im going to have to haha and yeah im definitely not for every palate im picky in that im looking for someone i can really connect with and not get bored of after a couple of months,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 when people ask me this i answer with no,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 its somewhat of a small town but its also a college town the kids who come here just arent as into that stuff usually and the ones who are obviously dont stay around long term for anything much to get going there is a small diy scene but its kind of come and gone periodicallybeing that ive graduated its also just hard to find people my age now who have stuck around and are into anything like that,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 sure way to set yourself up for disappointment i think if you dont get anything in writinglife has taught me people are almost all greedy sobsreal good way to figure out what a person is really like either by them winning a ton of cash or by you winning a ton of cash and how they change or not after that fact,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 as serious as that cat is likely dead if you watch again you can see the limp in its gait as it moves off camera,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i consider it an honor and a privilege to be call an asshole by you,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 thank you ill add it to the list,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 it wasnt proposed if you oppose amnesty a path to citizenship trumps position is the only logically consistent one a person can take and while i do favor amnesty or at least some path to legal status i dont fault trump for taking a logically consistent stance on this issue,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i love your flair so much,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 so emotionsthoughts that arent acted upon dont exist,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 listen to heart not head heaven in all directionsthank you all for your help in my adventure,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 california i hear about a lot of run ins with nudists if you want to stay away from naked people stay out of that place,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 as someone who lives in northern kentuckyfuck,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 re shouldi think and often speak in terms of should but i am nowhere near as convinced of my rightness as a lot of people seem to believe given their reactions im fundamentally open to debate but in this case i just meant to point something out about typemention behavior so the next time an typemention goes all histrionic on you you might have a different perspective on the situation and im not saying anyone is right or wrong here for the record,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 yeah but typemention still is cogfuncmentiondom,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 docs on the clippers now bro,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 huh that doesnt make sense to me as i can see even the deutanomoly is missing a lot of green compared to normal and protanomoly like deutanomoly is missing all the green in that section deutan looks washed out unless im not truly seeing green and calling something else that the one that looked closest to normal was protanomoly for me but the blue looked weird so i fixed the blueblue was really off from normal color so i fixed it it was missing a tiny tiny bit of red so i added a little bit but it wasnt missing much i find it interesting how others see things maybe i am severely deutan,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 same as with any rfid really whats the range for any of your key card based door passes contactless payment passes or whatever the implant will be similar healing process was quite uneventful bit sore and sensitive for a couple of days but that was about it i still have a little scare where the needle punctured the skin but you can barely see it just make sure not to move the chip around too much while the tissue is still healing to make sure the chip will stay in its place until your hand is healed,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ikr lmao when i first realised that every single one until gen v xd,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 day and a half isnt quick for this sort of thing unless its the first one or three,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 cheated in a sabacc game and stole his yt1300 starship from him,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 1 youre probably on your way to alcoholism2 its used as a social lubricant for a reason and one that works on almost everyone so its not weird that youre more open after drinking,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 spelling has always been my albatross but you knew what i meant,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 and less human rightsba dum tss,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 yeah i am the same way with chunks i find that it can be really helpful to physically draw the abstract part especially when it comes to code that brings the abstract concept into the concrete world for people,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 convincing indeedim very serious about the topic of verbal abuse it is a huge problem especially for young women accepting less than the deserve i had to have my life threatened before i woke up if one person can learn from what i went through it is an experience worth sharing,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 wait what they have to use bathrooms think of the children god forbid someone use the bathroom for the gender they identify with,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 this was how i always playeddivide the deck in half between you and another playereach turn both players will flip the card from the top of the deck the higher value wins numbers in order then 10 lt jack lt queen lt king lt ace some variations have 2s beating acesif cards of equal value are flipped the next three cards are layed out and the fourth card is revealed to break the tie the winner gets all ten cards played if another tie lay three more and reveal the fourth continue until stalemate is brokenthe game ends when a player is out of cards,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 when the fucking hell would people stop correcting my typei didnt ask for you to type me i asked you for something elseand i am 100 sure im an intpand i have short posts because im lazy,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 loltape one to each hand and play edward 25 hands,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 im always monitoring the phoenix craigslist for unis but everything either seems to be a cheap model that is not what im looking for or a super expensive thing that i cant afford im glad you found what you were looking for and for an awesome price tootheres one torker dx muni up in flagstaff for like 45 but id have to make the trek to flagstaff to do it,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 those alerts are completely nonexistent on the appthe same issue arose with james jones in nfl week 1,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 no im banned there for saying that the guccifer 20 hack wasnt what it claimed to be,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 what are your thoughts on a confederate general from big sur,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 dont you know anybody that isnt a republican is a democrat,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 the c is not silent ufffdufffd,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 yeah i mean i was cautiously optimistic but after seeing chelsea and uniteds results i realized that today is not a day where were winning a football match,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i see where youre coming from with these though i think ging is typemention based off his conversation with cheadle in the chairman arc killua is a weird case because it feels like his character develops so much in the show the more i think about it the more i see him being an extrovert but while typemention makes sense i feel like theres a hint of cogfuncmention agree on leorio hisoka and merium chrollo i see as typemention idk about gon rn thought he was typemention maybe not,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 and why doesnt ymir look like her mindless formlook examples of this subject are all over the place and whilst i honestly hope that the differences simply comes from upgrades it just doesnt at upboth our arguments are weak i guess well just have to wait what turns out to be the truth,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 using mario kart as an analogy is kind of dumb but they arent wrong,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 not really humans are adaptive beings and get used to many things you just tabpoof tabnet and do well ppl just afraid to actually try out and learn meepo and prefer to think its super mega for micro korean only hero but in fact you can do very well without any micro hero has alot of possibilities for micro yessame with invoker you can do really well with just couple skills cold snap forges sunstrike go midas necros all you need to be decent really is it that hard i dont think so ppl just afraid to try dota is really easy in general hard part is understanding of the game and decision making but not button pressing if you just give it a try your brainhands get used to it really fast it cant even be compared to rts games micro just baby level so anyone can get it really fast,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 prati just fyi i started off just like you youre on the right track,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i noticed on a recent reread that hes the only shifter who actively distance himself from every murder he committed in one way or anotherwith mike he looked away and let his minions do itwith castle utgard he threw one rock and made sure he wasnt there to witness the rest as his minions did itin shinganshina he actively gamified throwing rocks so he didnt have to face his actionsin the battle with the middle east union he states that war is always bad which since its a surprisingly extremely easy to debunk statement from someone as intelligent as him either implies hes slowly going insane or him being extremely pacifistichim being pacifistic is indeed far fetched but its the only way all his actions make sense to me,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 try reading the fucking manualits on page 17 you nitwit,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 there are native american burial sites everywhere in america,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 very interestingof great importance to you now is joyful fulfillment of your desires a thorough solution to your problem the wisdom to avoid risks optimistic selfencouragement alert selfprotection objective assessment of the situationsounds like my daytoday priority list haha weve been house hunting and its a lot of weighing pros and cons but also a lot of optimism and dreaming about how life will be in a new placeat the moment you feel most anxious due to your exhaustingly stressful situation inhibiting limitations unpleasant contentiousness uncomfortable immobility oppressive sense of apprehension burdensome situation of sufferingi found out recently that i may have an answer to my chronic pain and fatigue issues but it may be fibromyalgia which is totally incurable if my anxieties reflect anything its definitely this,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i would say mirena iud super low maintenance super effective and it made my periods stop altogether i also have naturally heavy periods,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im still undecided but could be swayed either way with a source,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i have one of the small cottages in the area above the new two tiered fountainpool section to be honest im sorta on the fence still on one hand they did a great job and the additional npcs add some life to the center of the goblet instead of just the one housing enthusiast constantly fanning himself like before on the other hand i really liked the natural simple beauty of the old pond and splashing my way across the submerged path to the market board now i have to swim every time i need to buy something not that big of a deal and more annoyingly the steam obscures a lot of the clear view i previously enjoyed right now i feel like they took a desert oasis and turned it into a las vegas pool party its growing on me and its a fun place to play around but i do miss the subtle natural elements and details that made me love the goblet along with my clearer view meh ill come around to loving it eventually,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 and walmart used to sell quality american made products,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i like the greek and norse gods better anyway theyre capricious and it explains why bad things happen to good people plus a bunch of them in conflict makes a lot more sense than one who just screws about with everyone all the time because he has a plane i say greek and norse because of the ancient pantheons im most familiar with them,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 only ssds i refuse to pay for cloud storage and want access to everything offline as such i cant get a laptop with a tiny ssd my next machine will have at least 2tb even if that forces me away from mac,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 postal service give upi cant have romantic relations to music im too into the relations or the music and want to give my full attention to one or the other im glad i learned my lesson in one album,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i dont think anyone is ever a must play fresh off a mcbut i like him a lot hes in my cash line at the moment,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im convinced hes trying to nuke his campaign i almost expect him to drop out before its over hes bored now its no longer fun its hard work and hes not making money hes losing it now when the first debate happens part of me think he wont even show up,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 for what its worth you may also want to look into setting up the file dialog as its own separate function like so option explicit public enum filedialogtype msofiledialogopen 1 msofiledialogsaveas 2 msofiledialogfilepicker 3 msofiledialogfolderpicker 4 end enum public function filedialogbyval dialogtype as filedialogtype optional byval dialogtitle as string optional multiselect as boolean optional byval filefilter as string as string if multiselect then outputs files in the following format file1file2file3 custom file extension filter format file description 1file extension filter 1file description 2file extension filter 2 dim filedialogobject as filedialog set filedialogobject applicationfiledialogdialogtype dim index as long filters as string element as string dim selectedfile as variant with filedialogobject if lendialogtitle gt 0 then title dialogtitle allowmultiselect multiselect if lenfilefilter gt 0 then filters splitfilefilter for index 0 to uboundfilters element splitfiltersindex filtersadd element0 element1 filterscount 1 next index end if filterindex 0 show filtersclear for each selectedfile in selecteditems filedialog filedialog amp cstrselectedfile amp next selectedfile if lenfiledialog gt 0 then filedialog leftfiledialog lenfiledialog 1 end with set filedialogobject nothing end functionto use this you would have code that looks similar to the following option explicit public sub example dim filepath as string filepath filedialogmsofiledialogfilepicker select a file if lenfilepath gt 0 then do stuff end if end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 thats sad my best typemention buddy adopted two girls from families that couldnt possibly care for them i look at their little family as a shining star in this shitty place we call earth,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 al gore is a pretentious liberal who wants to force the rest of us normals to live greenly so he can sell us carbon credits to pay the air conditioning bill on his 10000 square foot houses and fly his private jet all over the world to find new suckers and he is the selfproclaimed inventor of the internettoobs,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 can we hit 4k before i arrive at uni,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 100 sure youre not another xnxp type i was a mistyped typemention too at first then realized im actually typemention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 my bedroom essentially is just a place where i sleep because it really belongs to my wife nothing of mine that doesnt fit in my night stand is allowed in therei have a garage and an office and a game room that i have free reign over and boy do i reign,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i am trained in nonviolent crisis intervention as a special education teacher the absolute last thing we ever do is put hands on a student this only happens when there is imminent danger student is suicidal is physically attacking others and not able to be redirected i have seen some police departments step up to get more of these types of training which is good it wasnt happening here and concerned me where was the calm insistence why did we go to dragging people because we can with the continuing issues of police escalating situations or taking their power and force way too far i get quite upset i could never ever be an officer but i work with them sometimes in regards to my students its a hard job but dont we want violence to be the last resort what is sickening is that nobody pauses to ask is this right damaging another persons face over a plane seat another persons face let that sink in like you are askingwhere is the human element it was all gone here nobody considered it would traumatize other passengers i asked myself what i might have done on that plane i asked myself what could i say to some obviously frustrated officers who just needlessly physically assaulted a person would they assault me too further i might have panicked my past has some violence in it and to see cops attacking a man might have sent me into a panic attack would i have then been forcibly removed because i was having an emotional reaction to it and of course we do all of this in the name of 911 as well i just had to watch a 911 documentary with my 9th grade students many of them werent born yet it made flying on planes more intense and extreme they dont get or feel that i want to write more but have to get ready for work sorry my points are all over the place excellent points you made,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 can someone explain this to me please,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 uh well you see the thing is,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 to me the biggest problem with ranked joust is that you can own the opponent and be up 80 then they get 1 kill and have a full minute to take down your structures and win the game while you wait to respawn,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 threw up all the candy like a pinata,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 all 15 kills coming after level 6 of course,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 russians dont shit vodka is simply peed out,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 v ã u0263 are written as ltb d ggt and ltã¾gt really only looks good morthemeinitially imo so i used ltã gt which wasnt taken at all,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 what the fuck that kid looks like hes fucking five years old,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i personally like to avoid my penis being exposed when handling blades but hey whatever does it for ya,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 til where the sega dreamcast controller got inspiration from,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 honest question is that why yall are so secretive i lost a chance at a very promising friendship with an typemention who wouldnt open up i got drunk and called her a coward is it truly fear which keeps the real bottled up,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 h2hs are easier if youve mass hosted with good lines for long enough eventually the sharks quit playing you and you find yourself paired up with a bunch of noobsif you put out weak lines though dont be surprised to find birdwings or someone grabbing up all your h2hs,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 well that could be easily solved by giving an abandon to afk players and ensure taht people who disconnect get a classic abandon if you time out though it should take longer until you get it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 everything shown in the trailer was identical to scenes in the manga itll stay the same,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 it was love at first sight i dont normally spend â 60 on jackets but i had to have itim actually going more distressed clothes from now on im feeling super inspired by post apoc fashion,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 it is pepper spraytheres a reason that in canada it is an offense to use bear spray on a person in canada pepper spray â is considered a prohibited weaponthey track the sales here all sales must log and report the person buying it with a valid id,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it depends are the people trying to help people who know what they are talking about are you willing to listen and use what they have to saythe best help comes from people who help you switch your own gears in the brain the worst help is from people who only have empathy and no clue how to get you back on track,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 there is the easy way hard way and the right way,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 nb canadai even have two games that support the oculus i think i havent really checked for sure elite dangerous and dcs though i cant quite seem to get into them yetthinking i need at least a good joystick to even begin enjoying em,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i had to talk to myself like i would talk to a friend even if i was ok with not collecting a fee or could justify taking less it was a poor business model besides not asking for money right away also messes up other peoples books and cashflow if i was going to honor the business relationship it meant i had to honor the part about being paid too i realized instead of being seen as generous and helpful it would come across as naive and unprofessional as if i didnt know what i was doing i still do some probono stuff for friends but now i make sure all my invoices go out and on time as possible besides some people dont let you submit them after a certain time frame and i do need money even if i dont care about it also think of it this way when people have a good experience working with you they also want to make sure you want to work with them again and that means paying you their reputation could be hurt if it got around that theyre a client that doesnt pay you deserve compensation for what youve done you deserve to be able to live off of your good and honest work if you dont accept payment how will you continue to do what you do i find it easier to have a very simple and straightforward conversation about payment early on when discussing the job and then ill let them know when ill be submitting the invoice once i do the job its then on me to keep my word and do what i said because theyre waiting for it and have budgeted for it i use a spreadsheet which ive set up with certain calculations to run the figures for me but i have friends who use online software that not only tracks your time but sends the invoice immediately i was thinking about making the switch edit it also helps to set aside one day a week which is your filinginvoice day maybe every wednesday morning for two hours you have a set time which is only for properly filing your papers going through bills and stuff and getting out invoices if youre not invoicing that day use it to follow up on leads or clean out your inbox,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 your typemention are awesome all of mine just like to dress up like star wars characters and go to comic con which is fine but it isnt bdsm or beekeeping which would be a pretty good combination imho,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 she spends all her time with her many friends it works okay i get along okay with heri dont understand how she can go to all those parties do all these wild escapades it works for her i guess she is really smart and yet somehow falls for things like psychics i got into an argument with her over thatshe could be typemention but either way we clash like two fi people sometimes do,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 well that makes sense i think i can understand why typemention are more comfortable with ahonestly i get more of an cogfuncmention feel from b than i do a the first statement to me in a speaks to more cogfuncmention than anything imo standing up for a topic you are passionate about to me speaks to the individual holding their views as objective rather than subjective it is going im right because ive figured out the world cogfuncmention an cogfuncmention person might also want others to agree with them and for the group to commune comparative to a that is recognizing the many alternative viewpoints and expressing your own without trying to change othersi think cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention might possibly avoid trying to affect the emotions of others because they might be avoidant of personal discomfort i think cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention might not worry about others being comfortable as they want their ideas to be acceptedfurthermore judging people and sorting them into categories sounds more cogfuncmention to me im very nonjudgmental and the idea of doing so i cant agree with at all furthermore the last line is about confronting them and to me that speaks to wanting group conformityi could see it also being cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention lacking the cogfuncmention sfps might care less about their own comfort and to them their viewpoint is the focus rather than the nfp who is considering all viewpoints through a subjective manner the sfp feel strongly about the world and willing to stand up for it furthermore this i think is based upon their cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention worldview while cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention might see multiple viewpoints and accept them as all possibly valid and thus not push things cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention i would think would be more concerned with their personal subjective viewpoint thus if something conflicts with it it clashesthat is my analysis anyhow,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i dont think i was treated like an idiot any more than anyone else or when i specifically deserved itmaybe it has something to do with the way i approached everything with a really sportinggaming attitude ie here are the rules of this part of life and as long you nail it at the end of the day you can get to the finish line however you want as a result i got the freedom to do stuff when i wanted and hit the kpis needed to keep everyone off my back,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 but if the variance is say 0 to 02 thats pretty small and wouldnt be very goodhappiness comes from tranquility tranquility comes from reason generating emotions not emotions governing reason therefor the sage could have a large variance but it would be mostly if not all positive,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 progressives are sick child molesters,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 amateurs you dont salt the pasta during you salt the water before boiling,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my mother used to live in a muslim country and never heard of any child marriages,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 especially ai when you have a machine that can literally do everything 90 of humans can do better faster and more cheaply why would any business employ humans for those tasks oh right well all be robotics engineers and ai developers every single one of us until we write a program to do that for us or it figures it out for itself p,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thats not magicthis is magic,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lol youre making me want to knit,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i was mostly joking i dont really want a chandelier if even one existed i just thought it was super cool and yeah interesting point on the wavelengths i never read up on them but was aware of this especially considering the op said right out it was taken with shortwave uvi just really like minerals uv stuff like that i think i will go and get some uranium laced vaseline glass soon to fulfill that pretty sure my blacklight will light that up just fine and i can get it for cheap if i look at enough sunday flea marketsoh and sidenote tritium is amazing i have an old compass made in 1977 with the markers painted with tritium glows no matter what i thought this stuff only glowed for like 17 years well it still works probably half brightness but in total darkness its still great,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its funny the stereotype is that typemention are sad and depressive but the amount of happiness i see in this forum compared to the other types indicates quite the opposite,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 then you need to define your version of democracy because n21 rules is virtually everyone elses definition and causes confusion,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 lol good observation i also laughed when he seemed surprised that she doesnt know what he wants as if typemention sansa who has her plate full already managed to decode the cryptic as fuck signals he gives her and come to some definite conclusion about what he wants i think hes expecting an typemention gonna be disappointedhow do you think hell respond to sansas soft rejection it seemed to me like shes open to the idea but not at the cost of driving a wedge between her and the rest of her family and probably not in the sidekick role from his fantasy jon taking the role of king of the north doesnt necessarily conflict with his goals he might try to kill jon but that would likely destroy his chances with sansa,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 a school at aswmarching out before and after school att marched out too,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 doubt it it has been stated that reigner could go toe to toe with armin in that game,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yes literally the team disbanded after the game,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 even then id like statistics from this or last yearthose are far more relevant than you think for example the rise in criminality in europe the refugee crisis terrorist attacks etcalso what is wrong in judging the situation and safety for the future on current events just because x happened in 2014 doesnt mean x would happen also tomorrowand there are 9 months between conceiving a child and its birth since you cant predict the future for conflicts on the global scale just on statistics but more likely on current events i stand by my opinion that 19902001 was safer from the global situation for europe and the west than now,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 gotcha thanks for the quick knowledge share d,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 if this is what it looks like to be we are watching ageold ingroupoutgroup dynamics violently unfolding before our eyes humans are tribal by nature and while while we developed means to deal with our tribalistic reflexes in a nonviolent way some of us are still operating as modernday cavemen its getting hard to not become pessimistic and cynical about human nature when such behavior fill the news daily no matter how the ingroupoutgroup dynamic manifest itself we find the same pattern a sense to loyalty to ones perceived or affirmed tribe a sense of distrust toward another perceived or affirmed tribe the perception that some are acting as traitors a felt sense of having his identity threatened a desire to fulfill a noble goal history books are filled with such drama i wish i could look at it in a less cynical way i wish i could imagine solutions or even be tribal myself and pick a side it just seems futile,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 the purpose of cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention in the typemention is simply they way that one takes in or perceives information that will be judged and interpreted by dominant cogfuncmention cogfuncmention is in the auxiliary position which is typically how you connect to others in a parental or counseling role for example if someone asks you for advice you might point out what is objectively happening in the current situation and tell them how to fix it immediately cogfuncmention isnt going to consider ones feelings or what it means it is going to say your problem is x it is not y or z this is what is going on fix it the auxiliary also operates in service of your dominant cogfuncmention cogfuncmention wants to get to the bottom of things and understand how everything works filtering out what is relevant and what is noise the only way to achieve the dominants goal is to take in external information so in this case cogfuncmention seeks to understand the world in the the most realistic sense possible here is a good description of cogfuncmention is in the tertiary position which is called your eternal child it takes in information in either a childlike or childish way that isnt very reliable but is very appealing to a person since you arent very proficient in this area you prefer for others to help you out in this area cogfuncmention is the most difficult function to understand and describe but here is another link from the same source cogfuncmention how this relates to an typemention is seen in their mostly unconscious desire to perceive the meaning behind what is immediately apparent the seeing is believing that is cogfuncmention only goes so far cogfuncmention sees something for what it is cogfuncmention defines what it is and cogfuncmention tells us what it means cogfuncmention tells us its objective value cogfuncmention as a tertiary is quirky at times it can range on the high end from the visionary but hardly revolutionary use in steve jobs who saw where the future of technology was headed his products werent more advance than the competitors but they made sense and they were easy to use and most importantly what people wanted before they knew they wanted it on the lower more negative end cogfuncmention results in paranoid delusion a good example is the conspiracy theorist that projects their insecurity upon a symbol like the government the government is no longer seen through the objective lens of cogfuncmention but rather a collective symbol for all kinds of suspicions now to be clear here the way the actual government operates and how the perceived government operates may actually be one and the same but that doesnt really matter what does matter is the negative impression placed upon a real institution that represents something shadowy and cannot be fully known lower level cogfuncmention also results in an instant gratification attitude that doesnt take into consideration the consequences of an immediate action because one doesnt think beyond reacting in the moment sometimes it can also be seen as an overconfidence or underconfidence in how events will play out and ones ability to influence these events,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 ill do you one better marvin lewis could go 016 for the next 18 consecutive years still have a better winning percentage than gus bradley and hed still have his job,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 the 2000 has l2r2l3r3 grip d can u link me in where to buy,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 just giving my broken record opinion here but physical punishment is not needed to keep a kid doing what they are supposed to dosource i work with kids with severe behavioral disabilities as far as parents there is too much friend parenting and there is too much short sightedness that cookie you give in to now can turn into you stupid bitch over the course of years just say no,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 its foreshadowing that the holder of the strongest power on the planet is going insaneas i said to the other guy,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the source of all organic matterthe devil was the scientist that changed her dna to the point where her body would start producing it yes,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 forgive my shit photoshop skills but the german announcer lady looks just like mercy to me the nose the chin the hair off color but identical cut shes even german im just waiting for her to say heroes never die,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 completely the opposite by me no shoes is a white thing the white houses i go to everyone is either barefoot in socks or slippers no shoes the black houses everyone is in shoes the hispanic houses are 5050,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 they were 1500km apart if you thrust prograde to cover 1500km in any reasonable timeframe your orbit will be off by at least a kilometreif you go for an elliptical transfer then two things could happen you will almost certainly miss your target as youre working manually have limited fuel and thrusting even a centimetre in the wrong direction will take you off course by kilometres you will miraculously hit your target and be killed instantly upon impact as you have no fuel to deceleratethis all assumes of course that you are capable of orienting yourself in the right direction im going out on a limb to say you havent in ksp kerbin has a radius of 600km its over ten times smaller than earth if you were in an orbit of 150km above kerbin then the equivalent scenario would be you thrusting prograde to catch up with your target on the other side of the planet that is impossiblealso as an interesting side note none of these orbits are circular irl iss and hubble have apogee and perigee a few kilometers apart and iss actually has a decaying orbit,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 yeah i saw this on the front page and thought ohanother one and opened it in a separate tab while i continued scrolling the front page it doesnt even surprise me or phase me honestly i dont know why everyones so shocked correct me if im wrong as i dont live in the usa but isnt this just happening at least once a month this time its not a school i guess,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 hey i get that grey like a sky on a sunny day too the sunny sky is pretty grey and i call all sorts of grey things blue the worst thing though for me is that because im a lady everyone thinks im an expert on color when i have no clue so many people around me forget im colorblind because of that and i just have to look at them blanklyanyhow food that looks disgusting eggplant tomatos mushrooms zucchini huge offender to me broccoli certain types of lettuce olives and beets probably more depending on how preparedsome are weird to me but not gross like sitting down with a yellow and red salad because of leaf choices is a little weird fruits usually look pretty good though the problem is catching when they are ripe i mean i grew up with strawberries and even then i sometimes get one that isnt as sweet usually i tell by white levels unripe strawberries are white to meotherwise it depends on the combination of stuff i mean i had some cooked whitefish that looked like it was green on the top but it still tasted good and looked good to me certain foods may look okay on their own but look awful together especially when their colors look near the same it becomes a little unnervingbut as you become an adult you care less and you just eat things based off of memory if you like the taste and smell or not texture also matters a lot sure colorwise a dish might not look great but smell wise it seems good,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 dunno i dont know japanese business culture intuitively i would guess they are moving into less risky areas so pachinko and mobile gaming,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 no not dichotomies between humans dichotomies between types without subtypes gender etc just the 16 types all subtypes of typemention will be on one side because theyre all typemention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 it also has a whole universe of canon side stories which are also excellent and worth a read theres like 2mil words in universe iirc,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 that sounds like something id cut out as well i dont have any enemies in this life the only person ive ever had to fight to get ahead is myself,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 thats just lighting if he was really black he wouldve been colored in like no racism intended the beast titan,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 you dont get to decide the implications of your claim i take it at face value assuming you mean what you say and there are implicationsthats just objectively wrong ugh you dont think rocks are all atheists or something do youand the thing you said to someone else about there being no single element you can point to say what sex something is in every case when you look closely enough all categories are like that certainly all biological ones such as species linguistic see family resemblance etc it does not mean theyre not valid or not functional just that they might be provisional,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 um what is it looks fugly,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 oswell hushed his voice intent that noone would eavesdrop this topic was sensitive my lord baratheon you doubtless have noticed that the king is changeable in his temperament he frequently is in conflict or suspicion with your old friend lord tywin and such intrigue is unhealthy for the realm and the kings wellbeing i ask nay implore you act as a liaison between the king and the hand during your time in the small council i know such an action could pose a risk to yourself but i feel it necessary i ask you to do this not for my sake but for the sake of your childhood friends and all of the seven kingdoms,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 its incomprehensible to me that people think vigilante justice is acceptable this reminds me of the movie super where the guy beats someones skull open with a wrench just because he cut in line doing something as tiny as breaking a societal rule should not result in anything more than just being called an asshole there is no other response that is acceptable,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 im not at all surprised,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i grew up thinking id live the life script go to uni find someone to marry get a kid work on a career but during my teens i would start thinking about wanting to travel a lot for my work living the expat life and that i really just wanted one kid but this kid should be intelligent and adaptable as well to be able to life the expat life i wanted this went on for a long time adding more and more boundary conditions to the life script then at 18 i met my so who didnt want children and he simply asked me why do you want children at all and i figures i couldnt answer that question now i think i dont want children at all i think if you want children thats fine but if you do you need to put that kid on absolute priority number one and if you want a kid you cant put boundary conditions on what kind of kid it is going to be you need to be just as happy with a highly ambitious and intelligent kid as with a less intelligent kid with possibly bahavioural issues and thats simply not the case for me so i made the decision not to have children i wouldnt put that child before my own some would say selfish priorities and i wouldnt make a good parent to a kid that turns out less ideal then i ideally want the kid to be on top of that overpopulation and man made environmental pollution are real issues and i truly feel that anyone who doesnt absolutely want children shouldnt do so to help our environment recover now im in my 20s and planning an amazing career with my so we will be living all over the world not staying in a single country longer than a few years before moving to a new place i am really happy now that ive settled my mind on this issue it gives a lot of peace of mind,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 haha i think typemention typemention i am kinda flash bra,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 not really the deck is made to combo off and bls is dead unless i combo comboing is the only way i get cards in the grave,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 how do you calculate the cost of the damage to your credit of say a 1000 dollar collectionat what point should it have come off yet has notwhat about all the money you paid in higher interest because of the collectionwhat about the fact that it may have started as a 100 debt but late fees and the like have increased it to 1000what about the fact that the company long ago wrote off the debt as uncollectable and received a tax credit for itwhat about the fact that the debt has been sold for pennies on the dollar probably many times to a personcompany you never elected to do business with and that that debt only has value as an agregate of debts in bundlewhat about companies that unfairly offer credit to people they know cannot possibly pay for itand on and on,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 special ed teacher here i am scared for my students i can imagine what they will doand its bad i can shelter my kids from it as much as possiblebut we are in wi so walker is probably eating this shit up with a spoon what is scary is under a trump administration im not aure what they will do its so unpredictable in how bad it will be thank you for explaining this to everyone the more they know the more we can all push back,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 do your worst ive already won,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 attraction to emoscene chicksi was very right but theyre all hipsters now their moms were right it was just a phase,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 typemention is more emptionally stable,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i literally just moved out of an apartment today with that same bar and kitchen setup,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 must suck to have reality of how difficult time consuming and life depriving it is to raise children smack you in the face,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 imagine fallout 4 online there are two ways this can end uptheory 1 the first few players with all the powerful weapons will nuke diamond city goodneighbor bunker hill and all the other random settlers around and create there own fascist empire at sanctuary and use the other settlements for suppliestheory 2 the first few players with powerful weapons would have ended up killing all the traders except for on and have to hunt down the new players and sell there vault suits to this remaining trader for money stimpacks and other suppliesdoesnt seem so far fetched eh,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 grapes in salad give me trust issues as well as shredded cheese and shredded carrotsin fact i just oggle salads suspiciously,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i knowhe showed us what happens if users start to build headcanon upon headcanon i wouldnt want to lay the groundwork for another user like that,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 why would you pay for this,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 sorry if it seemed like i jumped down your throat a little didnt mean it to come across that way if it did i understand that not everything thats maladaptive is a disorder but i forgot to add that it needed to have been going on for a while etc etc and i didnt really bother to read the articlesbut like anything in psychiatry subjectivity plays a key role,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 that makes sense its a shame your new project isnt as enjoyable as the last one any chance you can keep your skype limited to only your teammates and block the rest of the company its a lame solution because they really shouldnt be using any workrelated accounts for personal interest and i totally agree that theyre bugging you over skype instead of talking to you in person because it feels safer for them ironic nofor the most part youre on your own to deal with each individual case but id still document them and let hr know at some point maybe make it a regular thing if it continues to happen and hand in a report each quarter with all the inappropriate comments you get eventually hr will either see the gravity of the situation or theyll get tired of hearing from you and theyll have to do something about it at the very least they could give a training session on harassment and remind everyone not to be a creep,41.0,31.0,95.0,3.0,13.0 early on i got crap for asking one of my four assassin teammates to switch to magical i was amc response we good muzen a mage,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 how to ship packages for cheap without leaving the house,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 have you tried the workbookrefreshall method,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 scifi is often an inspiration for real technology that emerges later yeahalthough im surprised theres not a single bb8 reference in this whole thread well aside from this one,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 its not measured in terms of importanceunimportance its just what life is about in general the universe its about being about presence over nothingness thats just what we got and whats going on and if you feel yourself connected to the world and being a part of it and how everything flows you feel that purpose for yourself aswell its not meaningless we are rather bathing in meaning then to be you need to realize your being and thats what i meant and thats what you are doing anyways obviously human nature is very complex and there is alot to it but figuring out the best way to be is all the part of it with all the mistakes thats also why figuring out human nature is so important in my opinion,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 i already have a server i could easily put irc on it i think never been an irc buff but i am a linux admin,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 im not saying that its up to each countries to figure out how to manage it,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 same as with any rfid really whats the range for any of your key card based door passes contactless payment passes or whatever the implant will be similar healing process was quite uneventful bit sore and sensitive for a couple of days but that was about it i still have a little scare where the needle punctured the skin but you can barely see it just make sure not to move the chip around too much while the tissue is still healing to make sure the chip will stay in its place until your hand is healed,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the mbti is not about your personality its about the way your brain takes and processes information its a whole different thing,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 schwartzels course history at riviera is ridiculous i have to consider him a stud right now not big on moore,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 this does not feel sfw,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 are you open to taking in runaway american women d not me just curious,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 its a fair question yet something that i have difficulty with to explain i was raised outside of serbia and although my parents mother didnt explicitly raise me based on a strong serbian heritage it has been a constant factor throughout my life as i was raised with the serbian language i visited church often as a child many family members still live in the balkans who we visit often my grandparents own lands and houses passed down many generations etc my mother decided not to claim citizenship for me or for herself as when yugoslavia fell shed been living in our home country for a long time and also gained citizenship of this country and decided it wasnt worth it to her and felt rather strongly that i in that case also shouldnt get citizenship however i cant explain it but as i grew older i simultaneously got more connected to my serbian heritage and how it influenced my through out my childhood while also getting more disconnected to it as without my parentsmother i didnt have any tangible roots there it kept eating at me this feeling of uncertainty confusion and also a feeling a pride for my background i couldnt place i felt my mother by deciding i shouldnt get citizenship took something from me that actually did belong to me once i found out i could only claim citizenship through decent until my 23rd i believe i just decided i wanted to do this as in the end all i had to loose was some time and moneythat being said i travel a lot as well and i must admit having visa free access to countries like russia and china does have its benefits,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 typemention are ridiculed often in media because so many authors are typemention hehe theyre casting themselves as the main character and having a laugh at their own expense d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 haha yeah so long as you dont attack the ideas they have built an identity around you can say anything they are fun,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 1 i either get uncomfortable and the conversation gets awkward or if im on the phone textinginternetting i start an argument and usually fail because my debate skills suck this only happens with cogfuncmention types though except inferior cogfuncmention i always win those2 yeah i just wanna get along man lets all be friends3 usually im arguing about something ive experienced anecdotally and there is an argument about the theme of that experience and its core truth best i can condense it down,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 looks awesome how many bits is it,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 hold on my dear we cant have you be shook lets take a spot of tea and mock the young lad heartilyits probably from watching disney movies,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 sometimes i wish i could forgive people who have wronged me in a serious way other days not so much lol,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 trying to imagine what he even looked like based on this description makes me feel extremely sick i cant even imagine what a 3 inch waist and a fleshless face would look likei honestly feel completely sick now,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 ive noticed the same thing as you opif i eat a bigger breakfast im hungrier throughout the day not to mention it throws off my numbers all day i like to have a bigger dinner but if i spend too much on breakfast i end up going to bed hungry my goto low calorie breakfast is a packet of quaker instant oatmeal and a shot of espresso with a cup of frothed unsweetened almond milk comes in between 160180 depending on the oatmeal flavor and keeps me going until i feel like lunch,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 well your flair is scaring us get out,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i have quite a bit of experience with ginormous distributed buildseven when the files were shared across a local network like with nfs it wasnt worth doing especially with the many problems it hadi couldnt imagine having it be that great when you have to transfer the files and you dont know how long itll take to get there for that random computer to compile and to get back to you especially when its a dependency on a bunch of the rest of the compilationoh and building distributed is a really good way to make sure all those dependencies are just right you dont realize it but theres so so much code out there that just works most of the time because obja will get compiled before objb actual failures are more complex than this in a normal compile even on multithreadedprocessor systemsmost people wont really need this its not everyone that compiles entire operating systems multiple times a day,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 a 36 unicycle would be good for getting around campus and maybe road trips,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i know i was like damn girl way to just ruthlessly beat the crap out of that problem i love it when people dont whine and just make excuses and actually fix things,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 so what did she say when you asked this would be useful information,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 hmm i dont think you can get shadowbanned for that i think shadowbanning is more for if you are upvoting other accounts of yours or something along those lines,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 id use a vba loop and look for each value and spit out any missing values from the list,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 dont act like you dont do weird ass shit while stretching in your natural environment,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 could we do this at 5pm est i really need to go to school,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 lmao i know thats one of the things thats been majorly bothering me the whole show i would have fucked merle for fucks sake it is unfathomable to me that alexandria isnt a giant orgy theyd probably do a lot less stupid shit if it were,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 nice i think i got a couple upper deck ken griffey jr rookie cards laying around somewherethey gonna be worth anything now i sure could use the cash,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 even then if they have the same pair in perfect condition ready to hand me after slapping me still hot,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 lol i think the trick is to find typemention that whisper to you i think a lot of typemention mostly keep company with fs because they dont like to argue and require a lot of respect for their emotions and were just kind of secretive anyway seems to be difficult for most people to tell whats going on under the surface but it varies wildly from person to person obviously we make really loyal friends when we connect with someone the difficult part is meeting enough typemention to find such a connection,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 you dont have a home spawn most people in cities do check pokevision,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 this most of the time that i have been called emotionally needy or worn down and going crazy is because the other person is abusive doesnt reciprocate the same amount of effort or energy into the relationship as i am i drive myself nuts wonderingwhat am i doing wrong it can be likened to pouring water into a bucket that has a hole at the bottom it is never going to fill upwe need to have confidence in ourselves teach ourselves to evaluate our relationships and spot these people who are at worst a total emotional succubus or at best not reciprocating and boot them out of our lives we can give second chances but when you are giving your 50th second chance to someone you need to check yourself before you wreck yourself,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 the last big act of bullying was more than one year ago and was even with a girl and thats when i became sorta misogynistic and hated stupid shitty rules like youre not allowed to hit girlssince then no one picked on me and even then it was pretty rare most bullying happened in 3rd4th5th6th grade and now im in 8th grade,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 thank you ill add it to the list,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 and yet you still loose kd means shit what is important is that you win the games,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 home alone 3 and especially 4 would like a word with you,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 youre new here arent you,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 any horror movie that i have funny internal comentary with,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i have worked in 2 public school districts and one private school and have never been able to negotiate any of those things except my initial salary at the private school if i advocated for an aide or more aides i was ignored i was given a flat budget for materials for the year in fact i would advise you to not negotiate salary or talk about money much at all during the interview save it for after you have an offered position you can always turn it down not trying to scare you but my experiences have shown me i do not have much power interviews vary widely when they call you to schedule one ask what to bring,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i was put on amitriptyline once it was terrible i got sleep paralysis every night and could barely sleep made me more anxious and depressed im still working on a benzo script as well after a very long time supposed to be taking buspar right now but it makes me drowsy as fuck which i cannot deal with 247 school would be a nightmare if i was taking that twice a day,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 fun fact when youre sleeping you are asleepi woke up like five hours ago at seven or something,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 germany bans almost everything didnt they ban carmageddon,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 that moment when you understand the english phrase but need to look up the translation of that phrase in your native language because you dont know how the fuck the translate it yourself,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 my sister and i concealed that at the age of 14 she had been seriously creeped on by the 24yearold church youth assistant no physical contact but plenty of emotional extortion she concealed it because he was very well respected and she didnt want drama and i concealed it because there was nothing i could have realistically done to himi honestly dont remember a lot about the eventual conversation with my mom i remember more the effect the creep still continues to have on my sisters sense of self an relationships,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 they go for 30 but if youre happy with that price well alls good then,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 overall looking back at your relationship of the past 10 years would you say it is a good happy relationship i have a sort of general rule for myself when it comes to relationship troubles relationships will always have ups and downs but if the down is most dominant for about the last 10 of the total length of your relationship in your case the last year or so you should strongly reconsider your relationship if not for example in the case of down periods that are generally short but may pop up often i think you owe it to yourself and your partner to try and work on your relationshipif thats the case you need to talk to your wife and tell her that you are at the brink of calling it quits but that you want to work on your relationship and that this will mean two things 1 the marriage is from that moment onwards closed again and she needs to stop seeing lee period2 the two of you go to marriage counseling starting as soon as possible,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ive gotta say this one im nice enough but damn i have a hard time with this kind of thing,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i was drugged the fuck up for my tubal and dont remember much of anything the main part was getting myself to the hospital so my mother came with me after that they just take over and there is nothing to worry about not to sound morbid but in my mind yes i was taking a small risk of dying during surgery but if i had a child i would be dead inside anyway so when i weighed those things in my mind i was okay with it despite the small risk my dream life was waiting on the other side of that surgery control of my life the ability to enjoy my sex life was on the other side of that surgery my mom being there also helped me relax a lot and i also made clear to her what to do if something bad happened they had me sign a ton of paperwork when i woke up i had pain but it was dreamlike i just kept asking the nurse for medicine and they gave it to me and it worked i fell back asleep when my body was ready i went home a good hospital will also have a pre op appointment where you can ask any questions,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 thought you folks would enjoy this existential romp,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i heard that the stovl model negatively impacting all three designs was bs because the internal weapons bay on all variants is fatter than the lift fan,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 a point of damage yesterday i played against a team with im40 peggy carter and i dont remember the third but it wasnt anyone with an ability that would explain this when each of im40s countdown tiles wore off my character in front took 5k dmg,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i bought an iphone 6 for the battery life alone however with fairly heavy data usage i still have about 3040 left at the end of the day so for me its overkill i did fear that once i went big i couldnt go back however the icons are larger on the iphone 6 so its just as visible and ill be able to use the 6 with just one hand the next time im getting an iphone i will definitely something the size of the iphone 6 as i dont really get any extra utility out of having a larger screen i never put my 6 in landscape mode because most designs are just awkward including built in things from apple such as the keyboard layout,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 count of monte crisco never read it beforerereading 1984started the dark tower again just cant push through it so boringseneca letters,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 have you tried over the counter sleep aids or supplements geared toward reducing anxiety such as ltheanine my favorite sleep aid is doxylamine it quiets my thoughts and i sleep easily but also wake up easily not groggy it may be a very long time before you get a prescription for a benzo if ever if thats what youre seeking i think you should try other options as well,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i said in my original comment that i do believe they have a mental disorder then proceded to explain why by defining a mental disorderso yes gender dysphoria which is what transgender people suffer from is a mentar disorder sorry if that wasnt clear,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 yeah v30 was such a game changer s,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 yay if its hot and british,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 well those are some insanely attractive people and yeah id love to be doing all that right now specially with a biketldr tuck and roll people,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 because they are easy targets to bully we shouldnt bully them we should encourage them,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i suppose in a way theyre all german suites that being said i dont know anything by bach with german in the name usually that would indicate german folk music german songs dances etc common folk influence in the romantic era schubert etc definitely not bach though the french suites are clearly in an italian style and the naming if the english suites is a mystery so none if those names make much sense,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 out of curiosity do you live near a body of water,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 no way in hell enfps dont bludgeon people into conformity,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 with her this time no way its done,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 why would he become a pariah of the rocket community,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 sadly thats the only video of it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 depending on how your pseudorandom bit permutations go this could be totally broken also without an iv this is basically ecb modeif you use a sha256 hash per 256 bits of the message this will be very slow compared to other algorithms if you use less than that the algorithm will be easily brokenalso there are dozens of other attacks you have to worry about,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 ive heard of that book ill definitely check that out thanks have read through the wikipedia page again it seems really interesting do you know what schorske meant when he writeswhat does he mean by collective oedipal revolt how did the younger generation of vienna use what freud would later describe as the oedipus complex as a result of fixation in the phallic stage to overthrow the older generation amp i presume become more open amp expressionist thanks again for the recommendation,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 want to drain the swamp just watch him do it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i most prefer being alone with my husband if its just him and me whatever were doing is the best time to be had and other people just complicate that i do like being social and doing things with other people but it has to be on my own terms for me to enjoy myself otherwise i have to get a little drunk to have a good time lol i dont mind doing things alone and sometimes running errands are faster if im by myself because i design routes with maximum efficiency my grocery store lists are categorical by location in the store etc but having my husband with me is always more enjoyable,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 elon musk for secretary of energy pls,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 wowjust realized im finally at the point in my life where i dont have an answer to this question used to be my coworkers now have a job where i can be myself or my friends realized i can just be friends with people i enjoy being around or my extended family cut out my dads side after birtherism and love my moms side or a boyfriend seeing someone im comfortable around success,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 i dream a few nights per week maybe 2 3 if im lucky the nights that im not tossing and turning or being awakened edit to add that ive never had a nightmare as other comments have mentioned also i dream in color apparently thats odd if im remembering correctly too lazy to look it up,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i would guess its not function related im the worst at this i conflate words forget words make up new compound words to replace them my speaking style is a bit of a mess maybe its add,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 ah ok iâ ve been using staff so if i were to use fire 2 lava font gt earth 2 eruption would that be a correct example of what is needed,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 i failed bothim great at reading people irl i swear haha,60.0,67.0,45.0,10.0,47.0 he really defended like he is being fucking paid for doing it,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 that video was kinda meh but the one youtube played afterwards for me was pretty greathere it is i would recommend it over that pile of shit though cops were well behaved in it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 navy im going into the nuclear field,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 its been going for about 24 hour right now day before about the same honestly i dont like the cold but its so lovely,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 we created karma sutra and have pornography on the walls of our temples and yes the western culture is invading,9.0,61.0,8.0,24.0,16.0 where the 2 team boosts are,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 depression checkanxiety checknihilism checknarcissism checkcrippling selfdoubt checkunbridled hedonism checksarcasm checkwit checkhilarious puns checkwho am i what am i,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 the space needle is cool to see theres a park below it thats cool too hang out at but as far as views you should go to the columbia center its cheaper like at least half as much and a better view,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 your 2 is not true btw also why they wouldnt do that here,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if you answer everything correctly you get a pm from op,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 my dads trip to the gas station to get some wd40 to loosen up a tire stuck to the drumcould be a post apocalyptic i suppose,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 which means i will drive slower than kevin and he drives fucking slooooooow,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 oops haha fixed it sort of whatever ill see myself out,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 meditation can be very useful for putting yourself into a desired mindset or resetting yourself after a significant stressing event like sportspeople when theyre on a losing streak and need to get their head back in the game for example,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 who is the typemention and who is the typemention,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i wonder how that would work outwish we could test it out in a vacuum,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 dont need money dont take famedont need no credit card to ride this trainits strong and sudden and its cruel at timesbut it might just save your life,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i pet a baby once its fur was surprisingly coarse like not soft or pettable at all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 we are not the css subreddit rcounterstrike is what you are looking for,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im curious about this as well ive heard from people that they found they could save more by doing it themselves if they were properly informed they werent impressed at all with the accountants job,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you can have a trade route with last hearth if youd like we have snow wildling skulls and lots of ale,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 exactly its not about fixing their problem but helping them when they need it from you,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 you cant balance heroes abilities for travel mode and a lack of travel modetheyve said its 30 percent too large so if they were going to bring it back years down the line theyd have to overhaul it to be much smaller also considering the gameplay for monolith is more dynamic than that of the very symmetric legacy playing this map in the future will seem stale legacy is gone very likely gone forever and i dont care,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 55 wonderful mayor easy trade and reminded me to bring my umbrella hehe lt3,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 people do it for free to play games also how do you want to validate the persons,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 should i change it to global then does it make me more relevant gt,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 was your netflix and chill referencing that video,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 will i im just starting a new campaign on sunday my players are gonna love this stuff d,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 seems like a good idea until those groups start to fight each others and compete for attention as psychologist jonathan haidt put it the left end up eating their own there is not overarching identity to unite them all beside that identity politics need an enemy like every identities in the world every places in the world have their bad guys as french canadian we have the english americans had the soviets during the cold war thais have the burmese and so forth in american identity politics whites are the bad guys specifically white straight males against whom all the minorities are meant to unite against this is the one group that cant buy its self an hillarys tshirt after the orlando attack we have seen instance of those identities eating their own black people upsetting gays at a vigile gays upset that the threat of islamism is ignored we have seen before latinos and blm protests at hillarys events and so forth there is no real unity,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 then hop in css and you get tripple the fps hpe slaughtered the source engine,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i went to my friends prom i had graduated the year before with him he has down syndrome nobody did a news story on us we just had fun dancing having awesome photo shoots with our friends and enjoying our potluck dinner party most people see that he has ds first and make their judgements of course my idealist self takes over here i think if people would just get to know himif people looked a little deeper at the person not their abilities or labels we would be so much better off the people that know us and our relationship just got it it wasnt a big deal it shouldnt be a big deal i dunno what else to say just having a lot of emotions around your post im waiting for the day that things like this dont make the news,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 oh im sure i have it im trying to heal naturally through food and exercise but its damn hard,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 yeah im not sure on the roadslaws there i think its likely the uk somewhere so i think the truck was in a nonexistant lane at the time if you look close so bikers assumed incorrectly they were safe but in most cases they would beso i trust whomever posted this knows the laws and lanes and such and are correct that the truck was in the wrong had to watch it about 15 times to get that though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i see a few things going on here first i dont see that 3 is equivalent to 1 but rather that 3 implies 1 because 3 demands that vxy is odd in y 1 alone is a weaker conditioni think there must be something about the demand that the function is holomorphic specifically that dudx dvdy and dudydvdx on the entire complex plane and satisfies 1 that vx0 0 that uniquely specifies that fz fz,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 basically there are two camps one model the one used by the school of system socionics says there is a dychotomy thats constant across quadras thought they dont know which one themselves and all the other models says that doesnt exist and to get 16 functions you need to split by processresult which divides quadrasfucking finally this is what ive been trying to tell you for months its neither model b or model a2 it was soss all this time now is the ssos model a bunch of bullshit is it compatible with all the other models that say that to get 16 function you need to split by processresult in all of my comment i was just quoting a lot of sources using the ssos model,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 at this point your best course of action would be to move your data into an actual database access sql either of those would perform better than excel for the amount of data you are working with,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the majority of the country supports legalization of pot the only reason it isnt legal everywhere is quite simply oppression fuck this effort to ruin lives for profit and all such everywhere,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 meanwhile in detroit a 1300 loft gets you this,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 prophet muhammad is the ideal human being,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i subdue the protagonist with an unending stream of bullshit forcing him to face the fact that hes really only trying to save the day to distract himself from his failings and the tragedy of life when he is at his most vulnerable i give him a few weed cookies chocolate chip and we bond over 90s techno and vidya were buds now he talks about sports a bit too much but all in all hes a good dude too bad hes going to have to die in the cleansing but at least hes living his truth now,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 meh if that happens and he is available then great life is so much easier when you take people at their stated intentions no means no,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 expert loads blown observer are youill take your word for it then,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think the castor clones are on the back burner although presumably the power shake up with evie cho will affect castor as well as leda so they may team up against a common enemyas for the prolethians i think were supposed assume the people from the farm are dead but it seems likely that well see more of this group before its over assuming it doesnt get cancelled suddenly,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 we should troll this guy,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 they do everything they can to seem supirior,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 if you like low tech that works well and costs absolutely nothingp38 is interesting i also second the swingaway but be very wary the new ones suck apparently if you get an older one theyll last a lifetime,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think its more of a cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention gap were running into to me cogfuncmention is much more concerned with making me feel good which is sweet to many if not all cogfuncmention users cogfuncmention is fake and conniving to many cogfuncmention users cogfuncmention is selfish and selfindulgent,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i keep looking for news on this,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 oh yeah this guy is a real piece of shit if you want the full monty,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 just a few bucks under being able to purchase a single light fixture,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 and acting will return to where its true home is the theatre,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 thanks great examples many of which id forgotten not sure how i forgot that she named one of the triplets after himi never meant to imply that ross and phoebe werent good friends but they do butt heads a lot i think they both challenge each other intellectually and i think they enjoy it but it does get in the way someoneand as for phoebe and chandler i think they have a mutual respect for each other but since theyre very opposite in many ways that also prevents them from having a closer relationshipi cant help but think of when phoebe and monica are talking and she goes really chandler i think it went a little further than just i dont find him attractiveromantically appealing not to say she doesnt like him at all but i think phoebe finds chandler annoying at times theyre certainly still friends but if it werent for them both being in the group i doubt they ever wouldve been,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i was mostly interested in pointing out the flaws in the question which is really simplistic even for one of these threads i have a friend whos recently left her abusive typemention husband she did it in a i just need to experience more of the worldweve grown in such different directions way this preserves his feelings but leaves him thinking he could maybe get her under his control again imo the best way to break up with the bastard would have been more about ensuring her future safety and separation from him and less about him feeling okay about himself,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i hope im not the only one who remembers that the gop talked down the mere concept of socialized health care so hard and now here they are saying heres our socialized health care we made this were so proud,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 define bitch people who dont use violence when they are not happy with the situation,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 a lot of pet owners dont properly train their dogs so i imagine the notattacky ones are still pretty annoying with constant barking andor jumping up on people etc even if they are happyexcitedits possible that some are going to be well trained like the one in the gif but i imagine its super rare or you just dont see emhear em and they stay inside with the owners,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 been this way much longer than ive been alive in the 50s kids said i aint wearin no uniform no suit and tie and they all wore the same uniform blue jeans and a white tee with a pack of smokes rolled up in the sleeve in the 60s it was beads and tie die and 6 months of grime in the 80s it was mohawks and safety pins in the 90s it was flannel and sadness the more things change,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 do you want to start some sort of race war if you want to do that i dont think bobsvil your little redneck town will survive a pack of angry black peopleupvoted for truly unpopular opinion,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i realized that i forgot to respond in the last post retheory hesitance most of that hesitance has to do with trust and you two did a great job this episode in building trust by going more in depth in definitely on board im with critsrc on quadra stuff that and the socionics temperaments ip ij ep and ej are the two areas ive learned the most from in socionics i definitely have problems with using socionics exclusively though i do think theres a lot to learn there have either of you looked at john beebes stuff on mbti im a pretty big fan of his structure hes a proper jungian psychologist so he talks about the functions from that framework using the jungian archetypes,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 isnt everything on rsmashcirclejerk technically a shitpost,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 ah well everyones needed somewhere even if its not as fun as other places must have been funny as shit to see though,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 trump got 357 in ohio and cruz got 131 it just happen that kasich is hugely popular in ohio as a governor and got the balance of the vote replace kasich by some generic candidate from another state and trump would have probably won,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 fallout 4s music is peaceful in a melancholic way you can almost hear the screaming of the people that died with the bomb hit,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i agree haha i just like parsing and poking when things dont line up with expectations,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i edgyt edgy seeing the world without any valuesp challange ruless concrete and shallow view of the wordtypemention is the most edgy personality type,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 sell them on ebay or something,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 fair point still not gonna watch his videos so i have no reason to subscribe,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 software engineer in financial services,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 i didnt gather this from their dating profiles typemention arent exactly difficult to spot,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 talisa nodded not totally understanding what he meant but certain he wasnt overly bothered by the stain shed left behind still smiling she fell silent thoroughly drained and still somewhat upset,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 what you want is sprouts like microgreens or bean sprouts etc people have been talking about this forever now especially in closed systems like space travel etc fast to grow and really good for ya look into it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 holy shit that story is goodokay im still not done asking questions because your answers managed to split down the middle middleish im leaning one way right now im trying really really hard to not drag this out but i dont want to give any form answer without strong confidenceim just going to drop four type descriptions here and id like for you to tell me where they resonate or dont resonate like dont necessarily worry about the physical description stuff unless youre like wow that fits me to a t could you rank most relatable to least relatable1 sharp demonstrative attacking style of behavior can be expressive and expansive to the point of being aggressive feels at home in emergency and crisis situations abruptly joins into conflicts can apply pressure in order to create order if he finds himself unoccupied by anything can even provoke a conflict so that later he can take initiative into his own hands emotional and sociable with his attention wont pass by a single person of the opposite sex women of this type also take initiative in getting to know potential partners usually muscular active and mobile somewhat thin has a well developed taste a gourmand in fashion drawn to exquisiteness and prestige2 a pioneer in his field of activity seems a spontaneous person very emotional and impulsive therefore can be inconsistent in his business trusting due to his carelessness can unintentionally land himself in complicated affairs can realize himself in free market activity searches for supporters with whom it is possible to realize his own or shared ideas if he loses doesnt lose his spirit and optimism but proceeds ahead with his life pays little attention to external appearances and health outwardly can look somewhat thin very mobile if male may have a beard and mustache it happens that he leads a disorderly chaotic unrestrained style of life3 prefers to remain in the shadow not showing his aspirations but constantly holds his hand on the pulse of all that is happening around him outwardly appears balanced and phlegmatic before acting checks all the variations of possible consequences and only then enters into the game distrustful careful skeptic conservative and realistic due to his low sociability makes an impression of being introverted once he has identified a target acts slowly by the method of slowly compressing ring4 seems a calm and balanced person who leads an orderly lifestyle well perceptive of good opportunities calmly selects which idea its best to put into action always finds the most optimal and advantageous solution that will lead to the greatest benefit often this is a kind of natural scientist tester and experimenter who works with both his mind and his hands can take up natural and physical sciences or painting in everything he tries to bring things to completion excellent game technician experimenter gets along well with children easily getting them involved by interesting activities outwardly looks somewhat restrained usually has a more solid and stocky built than the logical subtype dresses well and looks after his healthdo you resonate more with1 have emotional anchors eg books films places which they use to support their internal emotional state1 can become emotionally hooked and can have a strong reaction to a particular part or section regardless of their feelings towards the entirety1 have greater difficulty disassociating from others emotions and experiences than from requests for action or consideration1 â œi prefer when people offer concrete solutions instead of comfort or sympathyâ or1 prefer the new and novel over the old and known1 information perceived as unprofessional or lowquality can leave them indifferent1 have greater difficulty disassociating from requests for action or consideration than from others emotions and experiences1 â œif a conversation is emotionally negative i consider it wastedâ do you ever feel like youre flying by the seat of your pants do you ever feel like youve been working on something so long that you start to get irrationalhopefully maybe one more set of choicesor,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 motion sensor was cheap too,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 personally i dont like his original version but its a fantastic song and without him we wouldnt have the variety of wonderful covers we have of it today you dont have to be a great musician to be a great songwriter and vice versa to be fair i havent heard anything else by him so i cant definitively comment on his musicianshipi think the main reason is that he wrote it its his song and the song means a lot to a great many people regardless if introduced to it by his version or another person like jeff buckley,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 and those same people who live there do not have the right to enforce their own laws against me but i do have the right to enforce my presence on them,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 my ex was a pro at this britta water filter chopsticks,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 how many laps will chase lead before dale jr catches him,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i bought something got my money back used it anyway now they want their money back wah,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 there it is for me too thanks that was really well spoken i think at the end of the day its like mendellian genetics mendel didnt know what dna was but he did know that some traits were reliably passed down by some shit i think the types provide the patterns because enough bean stalks have been measured but were still flailing about for the why i do find the cog functions to be useful in typing people though even if they dont hold up well theyre still descriptive,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you misunderstand the point of a budget then p its simply writing down where your money goes anyone can use a budget literally if you cant change your budget like it sounds like you cant then thats a totally diff situation and requires more than a budget to fix like you said,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 oh cool i havent seen this angle before,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 til im apparently upper middle class when comparing my financial state to most other posters here,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 so what if a baby was born and the mom throws it off to kill it thats ok but an abortion is not,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 im not trying to kick you when youre down but it sounds like youve resigned to the fact that you are gay if you had accepted who you are lock stock and barrel youd have more confidenceno need to worry coming out is only the beginning of your journey i dont know how much of a pain your mom will become if she knows i do know that partially out is worse than fully closeted or fully out when you are partially out you might get a little breathing room but the fear of discovery remains in place being fully out gives you the space to explore who you are what you ultimately want and it can give you the confidence to approach the world being fully youyou are not ugly you are not worthless and you deserve as much as anyone else you need to work on this depression you are worthy of love and you will make a guy very happy you have to believe me when i say that you do add to this world and that we would be poorer if you werent here dont mistake this temporary darkness for being the rest of your life it isnt if you cant shake it on your own get professional help,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 ill tell myself what i want to help me sleep at night thank you very much,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 but what makes monsanto unethical is their patents and seeding of other peoples land not the creation of the seeds themselves,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 what do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil to defeat evil i must become a greater evillelouch vi britanniafictional character,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 it really depends on the gene there are some genes which seem to be extremely well understood but yeah i dont think id want to be a pioneer,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 summary we know absolutely nothing about what did or did not happen so well infer the worst,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 you would think but why spend the extra if a much lesser expensive one will do the trick im guessing industrial diamond dust would not do in this caserubys nearly as hard 9 vs 10,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 burgers are best with just cheese bacon and pickles if your burger is so dry that you need a sauce youre doing it wrong,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its just a reference to the gravity honest trailer,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 we can only hope pri king vaemar takes after his father she frowned at her own wordslooking away she echoed his words his children his loss is felt by noone more strongly than his children the young ones probably cant understand what has happened but a life without parents isnt a fate anyone should have to endure,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 its a scene from a favorite movie of mine and i think its funny because of the juxtaposition of the main content with the endingand i was kind of banking on the deck softening effect of the audio,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 go on rcringeanarchy and claim that institutionalized racism against black people is bad,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 trump isnt the president we need hes the president we deserve,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 when i read your title i thought definitely considering that i am a hsp however when i read the rest of your post i was thinking maybe we have different definitions of hsp for me hsp is being hypersensitive to external stimuli sounds sights physical sensation etc its also called sensory processing sensitivitythis does not necessarily have to do anything with eq for example i have trouble walking through a busy shopping street without wearing headphones as it will make me extremely tired from overstimulation same for things like alcohol and caffeine which seem to hit me a lot harder mentally in terms of the crash after the high than others when it comes to eq i do think i have a higher eq than the general population but i dont think my hsp helps with that in any case it probably hinders me because dealing with high emotions in people around me not my own emotions which i deal with absolutely fine also gets to me mentally because of being hsp right now for example i am travelling with a group of people who are very diverse in personalities and energy levels at about 3 o clock i had to tell the group i was going back to the hotel because it was all simply too much i was about to collapse under the tiredness and exhaustion,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 definitely get retroarch then you can play all of the roms that you have in one programit also has prboom built in to it,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 if someone said hey would you like some sausage then handed me a couple of those i would have to slap them in the face with one also they appear to have possibly been cooked wtf why you cooking weiners for a dog im pretty sure they like it raw,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 but ther stealing r jubs,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 typeos thats my favourite serial,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this was funny and chaotic to see haha,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 apparently most of the people in this sub reports should be limited,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i feel like simplicity is more difficult for me than writing verbose wordy storytype lyrics i find simplicity the most appealing but its hard to get a message across sometimes when youre trying to use less words and more simple language its definitely a skill complex lyrics are just as great but less catchy and less easylistening so youre less likely to write a hit with complex lyrics,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 i love science thank you for the derth of information here just more proof that gender and sexual orientation is a spectrum rather than a binary the sooner more people realize that the better off well be,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 for counter celciusstart to celciusend if celciusstart lt celciusend then fahrenheit 9 5 counter 32 end if consolewritelinedegress in fahrenheit amp vbtab amp fahrenheittostringf1 next end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 very true id also be doing the world a favor because i have excellent judgment of character who knows maybe my whole reason for existence is to work up the nerve to murder future hitler jr i think hes safe in canada for now though,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 yep i was just about to say that totally ruined you cant have a australian comedian and bleep out his words ffs it just doesnt work,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thats not what the text says it means either arrested or denied entry or were indicted on or pled guilty to or were convicted of terrorist charges i agree i see no value of including in the list,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yup this is 100 it i only have a daily amount of fucks to give out and i certainly dont want to waste any fucks given on some stranger in a rather pathetic break up war i honestly couldnt care less,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 absolutely allergies can either get worse with exposure or sometimes they can get better its hard to say whichi have mild allergies to cats however ive always wanted one and i finally got a kitty two months ago originally i wasnt going to let her in my room to have an allergen free zone but i havent had a single problem yeteven talking to the ladies at the shelter they said if my allergies didnt bother me in the shelter with 30 cats in the room they probably wouldnt be a problem so far they havent sure its still early but there are many things you can do to lessen symptoms keep them out of your bedroom clean diligently occasionally bathe your cat or use the allergen wipes,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 damn how old is that computer,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 booze can be pretty cheap some places also packs a buncha calories,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 whybecause overwatchers have to work through a shitload of such cases and lose the will to do so,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im on sertraline amp quetiapine ive been on them about 4 months amp honestly i have know idea whether its helping me to be honest i feel indifferent more than i feel happy amp if i do feel happy it doesnt last long in the past two odd months ive started drinking 2 4 units of alcohol per night almost every night ive also been smoking the occasional spliff just so i dont feel as anxious about thingsquetiapine gives me weird dreams every single night but at least i get a goodnights sleep whereas before id get very little sleep i know i shouldnt turn to habitual drinking amp weed but these meds make me feel numb most days amp im using drugs to make me feel something before the regular drinking even on these meds ive tried overdosing which isnt goodfeel free to ask me any other questions amp happy cakeday mate,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 i hope they just ban them outright when tagpro next comes out,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 huh thats still higher up that list than expected,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 it looks more like a brownie than cake but i dont mind at all,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 here you go op this code will scan through all of column a and separating the delimited text into their corresponding column it always starts at cell a2 when splitting the delimited text option explicit public sub formatdelimiteddata call ludicrousmodetrue dim lastrow as long lastrow getlastrowactivesheet 1 dim rowcounter as long colcounter as long for rowcounter 2 to lastrow dim storage as string storage splitstrconvcellsrowcounter 1value vbuppercase chr166 for colcounter 0 to uboundstorage cellsrowcounter colcounter 1value storagecolcounter next colcounter next rowcounter call ludicrousmodefalse end sub public function getlastrowbyval targetworksheet as worksheet byval columnno as long as long getlastrow targetworksheetcellstargetworksheetrowscount chr64 columnnoendxluprow end function public sub ludicrousmodebyval toggle as boolean applicationscreenupdating not toggle applicationenableevents not toggle applicationdisplayalerts not toggle applicationcalculation iiftoggle xlcalculationmanual xlcalculationautomatic end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 uk graduate but are you also a uk national,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i dont get the question it seems to have the premise that allmost internet trolls have typemention as the personality type not impossible but highly unlikely we are not the dominant type by far for oneworking from the premise that most internet trolls are not typemention how are we going to get accurate data on emotional needs if the sample is mostly contaminated with other typeswe arent even talking about a method yet for determining emotional needs from inflamatory postsas an aside you are not serious with this question are you,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 depending on the amount of data youre working with both are equally capable of storing whatever text strings you need if you intend to scale this up or using this as a long term database then access is the far better choice you can in the future convert everything over to an access db so for now excel is just fine,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 nova premade who regularly play together vs a le mix who play the first time together i think that is possible depends on how much the les rage at each other though,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 well for one the people dont have a cia with a black budget all our studies have to be ethical we dont have an nsa eitherthat and our guns are being taken away,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 it also recommends the infamous intf for us so maybe some attention to detail would be handy assuming its not a display error on my phone,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 ill just add my two cents about how being a highly sensitive person helps me in my work i work with kids on the autism spectrum kids with sensory and communication needs most of my students are non verbal and communicate by using picture communication sign language andor vocalizing i feel like i am able to pick up on environmental cues that might send my kids into a meltdown especially with sounds this is good because i can sometimes foresee an issue before they go into a meltdown i try to also focus on the meanings of their body language and vocalizations i never really attributed any of my type information to these skills maybe being introverted it is interesting to think about i find now that my kids like everything a very particular way and now i have been manipulated by that it shows through my actions i have gotten more particular about how i like things creating stability and routine for them is huge in reducing anxiety and behavioral outbursts my boyfriend and i both are infx and i know a lot of introverts who struggle with anxiety so maybe there is a connection there,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 that name should never be said,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this macro was originally designed to separate a row of data containing any number of addresses that were already split into their components with the exception of not taking into account a fax number as that was omitted in the original post,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 actually i changed my mind i hate him for the pale blue dot bullshit and the expectation that were to be overawed into meek insignificance and humility merely by the physical size of the universe its a fucking pixel dude so what if the universe is big who cares is size the most impressive quality in existence what about consciousness do the stars think or love or do any of these things that to me are actually somewhat more interesting than occupying a large volume of space nope and im expected to humble myself before them my world is drawn in perspective and not like a model to scale,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 on the risk of being conceited there were sone worse 12th round picks than i would have been but only in my opinionon a more serious note memeganoob should have been drafted he dominated and put up as much stats as his 5th rounder offensive partner,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yea i noticed something in your writing style is grammarly maybe something for you,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yes i have a second gp appointment booked thought the first doctor wasnt really helpful and i feel i dont need to go since ive been fine since the start of the week but i need to remember that days like this weekend especially sunday are the reason im going because i can literally feel the massive weight bearing down it wasnt influenced by anything external and id already had an obligation to be around people but it didnt help keep me busy and distracted at all it was just too muchtheres a family history of depression so even though i havent been diagnosed its looking likely its a bit shit its been on and off for years and at first i thought it was just sad but now i realise that its actually happened all year just very very on and off,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 i was thinking skyler might be some sort exfj saul is definitely an typemention i think gus is definitely an typemention mike might be typemention i also think marie might be an typemention but i am not too sure about that one i really dont know what i would type flynn maybe typementioni agree with the rest although hank might be typemention but i am not too sure about that one either,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 whats your pointoh youre a troll or a colossal idiot your choice which you want people to believe at this point,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i think you mean red eye code blue,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 yeah its actually a fairly common term in proper sword collector terminology sword like object or sword shaped whatever its meant for something that should never be swung or used in any way display onlyi personally have no use for those things im not huge into swords but i do have one really good one i mostly collect small folding knives,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 funny how the bbc reports it as an antiausterity protest,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 at least you arent an typemention 3 look at me im so humble and enlightened no one is as saintly as me,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah except the farmers feed em crap to make it orangey anyway,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my only point was that ough does have a number of different ways to pronounce the vowelsudatawhales the one who wanted the eli5 on their different rootsi dont disagree that you should teach kids about difference word origins as a way to point out spelling patterns in this case as with a huge number of words in english the pronunciation variations are due the great vowel shift not different root languages you can still teach kids the patterns of how this plays out in modern english and that we have so many different spellings because for example words spelled eak used to be pronounced differently than words spelled eke or eek its not just that english is crazy,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 this i had a few bad experiences with conquest early on all due to general shitbag attitude of other players who sucked out loud but thought they were adapting so i played literally every single mode in the game except conquest until i had something like 60 gods mastered then i didnt want to play conquest because i didnt have anywhere to learn it other than watching videos or going in against people with lots of experience i didnt want to be the guy dragging down the team so the cycle just kept on spinning,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 any decent place is going to start you off with a stud you can pick the studplease be aware that the only black jewelry you should ever put into your body is niobium anything else is going to be plated and will eventually chip off or get into your piercing,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 how do you feel about northern european countries then from what ive heard about them theyre not nearly as judgmental about casual affairs as we are here in the us yet they dont have the same rates of teen pregnancy im not sure about std rates but i would imagine they are probably better educated and prepared in that area as well considering how lacking american sex ed isif its even present at all in some areas,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 i wouldnt either but would have zero issues eating that cake looks good to me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its how europeans eat this,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i agree i noticed the coffee cups first though only noticed location after your comment,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 hm only thing i can think of is you currently have the enableevents flag disabled try enabling it again by using this subroutine then try testing the code again private sub meh applicationenableevents true end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 that would surprise the hell out of me,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 yep it did here is the stream,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 in joust youve got 3 teammates and one minion wave you dont need to rush solo clear in fact rushing up to take the wave yourself without allies nearby hurts your team same as in assault only not as extreme in conquest it is vital that you clear the wave quickly and usually by yourself in other modes not so much,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 agreed i had that mindset when i first started but if im having a hard time with selfcontrol its easier to deny myself outright than it is to eat a small portion if i think oh i have 300 calories left ill eat one slice of pizza that will not work im going to want five if i crave an ice cream sandwich ill be damned if i can only eat one mini sandwichsome days it works other days its nearly impossible lately for me the impossible days are far outweighing the doable days i think i need a better plan,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 same maybe i should post on each type subreddit and ask about their imagination,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i dont even give them that hang on means hang up,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 this child was having a very accetable reaction considering she not directly supervised an adult should have been right next to her when handling an animal holding a crying animal and being approached by another animal she may not have known how to react to shes 3 at best she could have hit the cat thrown down the kitten pulled its furbut she didnt she asked for help in the only way a 2 or 3 year old knows to ask for help calling their parent calling her a whiny little shit doesnt really add to the conversation of this sub what is cf about this anyway,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 im going to try doing this tonight in honor of it being 40degc this morning when i woke up,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh i thought 1200 was really the lowest someone should go but i know people around 50 do 1100,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i have absolutely no problem with thatbut if you decide to do that you can also send pmswere spamming op right now if he hasnt turned send replies to my inbox off,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 you do realize this is illegal in many places right,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my issue is mostly with the fact they were still real dr martens they were these they have the exact same design as vintage ones figured you know just different colorlook i bought them probably 10 years agoi couldnt believe they only lasted a bit over a year i love the look and i was so excited to have them and figured theyd last 10 yearsedit clarification it isnt like i bought some knock offs they were real 1460s made by dr martens and it said they were made to last they werent made to last not even a little bit no better than a 20 pair of boots,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i wrote the book on random if you took the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and compressed it into a happygolucky robot that would be me but im not super high energy and im pretty sensitive to stimulation id probably find disneyland overwhelming its in my genes i get excited about things like physics and economics not emotional energy like an cogfuncmention typethis sub is full of boring personalhelp and support that makes me roll my eyes at almost every thread i read its basically rtypemention 20 there is no random here theres no exploration like there is in rtypemention theres not that much playfulness here its all about personal real world struggles sometimes its almost like a circlejerk about being a feeler i can stand all of the self help stuff some people need that but theres basically nothing else here none of the outwardfocus i would expect from a bunch of cogfuncmention doms and no interest in novelty it is intensely boring,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 my dog doesnt like children because they are loud and unpredictable i am not letting your uncontrolled child anywhere near him regardless of how you spin it,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 sorry for knowing what im talking about having a formal education in political theory rather than just taking your modern definitions of politics from century old work helps a lot google socialism and tell me what comes up and how the word gets used,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 i think im in love with childish now thanks i was trying to save myself for justin bieber,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 perhaps this may interest you,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the only one you missed was typemention for attitude because quadra mistypings happen in both but attitude typemention are pretty unlikely to mistype as extrovertedha its actually funny because i was going to say well there are definitely still mistypes that dont go along with this like typemention sometimes get mistyped as typemention and typemention then i realized that typemention and typemention are in benefit relations with typementiontypemention when in the grip can act like a shitty stereotype of an typemention or at least thats the stereotype and my personal experience with my mom,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 she had the look but yea when you cast all your characters at the age of 7 you cant really know whos going to turn out to be a good actor or not with bonnie wright it just wasnt there im not so certain shes a bad actress she has like 4 things coming this year according to imdb or that in later movies she just phoned it in didnt help that her chemistry with radcliffe who i think is a very good actor otherwise was about as sharp as a brick,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 what do you need shirey talisa asked after a moment quickly following her sincere question with some nervous hand waving if you want to talk about it,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 root ocã ngu okogu n sacrifice esp a deeply meaningful oneocã ngusc okoguu0283k n the thing that is used to sacrifice the sacrificial ritual archaic adj sacrificialocã ngud okogud n the reason for a sacrifice archaic adj having a sacrifice,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 yep see that now im a cotd new world of darkness fan more than i am cwod as i explained above but im still looking forward to see what the new ww can do,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 oh yea i also paid nothing 0 on the gas x comments from other users you should ask your doc if you get a tubal my understanding is that gas x is for your digestive system the gas from surgery is in your abdominal cavity not your gi tract or any of that i used a heated pad to help relieve pain from gas pressure which was only in my right shoulder and a bit in the abdomen it was mildly uncomfortable i also got a sweet patch behind my ear a scopolamine patch which can eliminate nausea from pain meds if those bother you i had oxycodone plus the patch and i was rocking out sleeping hard for a few days it was great,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 this is where we are the devil in the corner the personal inferiority is determined to go social inferior cogfuncmention transgresses into cogfuncmention polr i just hope that the majority of peoples inferior isnt falling for this farce i may not devote as much attention to this sub from here on out i love typology but this is no time to be distracted one thing that ive learned from typology is from hillman our institutions are failing us and society is unraveling get active a month ago i thought it was interesting that this was predicted 50 years ago today we can maybe stop this shit just got real people i long for the days of ten days ago when i could spend my time on esoteric topics,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 in my corner of the world one of the most common traits girls on tinder are saying they look for is a guy who know where he is going,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 is nonrelated shit allowed youll hear from me tomorrow,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 mge is not good you can start calling people good when they reach smfc,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 my guess is that after the uprising arc when they finally had the support of the people was the one golden opportunity they had to head for shinganshina there were no more direct threats they had the necessary funding and eren just gained hardening why would they ruin that moment by opening pandoras box would the people still cheer for them if they accidentally released annie back in the streets no they had a perfect opportunity to retake the land that was theirs and everything else was an issue for lateralso plot,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 okay fantastic feel free with any of the following options to say im not surei dont know if youve seen my quadra tag system but one of the ways i differentiate the types is through a feel im going to post two words below with some pictures and im curious about which one feels more like you not in terms of how it resonates with you personally but instead how someone who sees you in action might characterize youconnection you say that youtends to make global decisions based on the prominent future cares more about the goal and the desired state of things finds it easier to set a goal than to decide on the next steportends to make local decisions based on the current state of things cares more about the path which is the order of steps and actions finds it easier to change the goal than the chosen tacticsstrives to foresee everything once in a new situation prefers to use the previous experience even if itâ s not relevant to the current situationorbelieves that one canâ t foresee everything once in a new situation only uses the information that is currently central overlooking the previous experience,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 it is as what everyone else has commented about its due to incompatibility and not much fault on your part in terms of age i think the period between 1424 is when people are still figuring themselves out and work on things they require improvement on listen to laws breakdown shes pretty clear about this whole thing i personally think you shouldnt be too hard on yourself because you are still growing as a person he definitely is as well,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 that made like the whole post lol,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 hug im stuck waiting too,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 seriouslyif you care so much about socalled pointless editsyoure ruining reddit there are tons of good uses for the text box i like seeing ops answer at the top if they have something they want to clarify on their question because it was being misunderstood they need that text boxits easy to ignore edits or skim past themstop overmodrrating and let the users decide what they want to see stuff like this will kill this sub,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 not always the case ive got a pure dex assassinthief type build with a hornet ring and dagger with low health and both carthus rings so very low defense the idea for it was to be like a classic rpg thief in the arena im not amazing at pvp but i also wouldnt say that im bad or using it as a crutch just as a way to specialize the build for a specific playstyle but if im sucking at it its balanced by being very easily punished i agree though that a lot of players ive seen with hornet rings are people who spam caestus parries and get lucky once and switch to a yhorms or something and wipe my health bar,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 approval will there be snacks and activities in the fort,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 it should be pretty obvious is a really bad way to begin a philosophical argument i think the same as the other person youre arguing with so im going to grant your wish and leave you alone,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 you remind me a lot of my long term boyfriend and our relationship he also thinks of himself as adequate but i guess not on par with myself i dont know i disagree of course and it really hurt me knowing he sees himself like that for example he thinks i am the smart one because im doing multiple majors without much effort and hes having trouble getting good grades for his single major however i see him as far more intelligent because he is totally passionate about his studies and soaks up everything but sucks at making traditional tests while i just know really well how to game the system and perform well at traditional testing but know far less then he does what you say about your boyfriend jumping headfirst into things and for some reason succeeding at everything is also something i recognize in how my boyfriend looks at me the thing is i fuck up all the fucking time but simply manage to hide it and still come out on top because i get the game im playing and thats just how i roll this gives me a set of interpersonal skills which society really values but i thing my hard skills are a bit overrated by people who know me including my boyfriend my boyfriend however lacks a bit of these interpersonal skills but his hard skills are way up there what im saying the fact that your boyfriend is with you means he loves you and thinks you are incredible and an equal partner to him if he didnt think this about you he wouldnt be with you hes clearly seeing things in you you dont see in yourself if this is striking a cord with you know that your boyfriend doesnt think of you as the lesser partner he might even think youre the better partner only you consider yourself the lesser partneryou should ask him about it ask him to verbalize why he thinks you are lovable and incredible his answers may surprise you also try to love yourself more if another person finds reason to love you you should be able to find reasons to love yourself,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ser glaive the bear jew florent,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 beyond the wallhometownwarriorsi dont like mentioning the ocean either but there are other options,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 lol i have my fair amount the sweat is unexpectedly crazy,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i 100 agree and where this game fails is in communicating that as well as even giving an idea what stats are good for each class,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 try uninstalling that package and reinstalling itrpm qa grep kernelthen dnf uninstall kernelltthe specific 443 versiongtthen dnf update or dnf install kernelltspecific 443 versiongt,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 ive thought about being that before but i dont believe my first function is a judging one i accept new information first then take a while to screen it,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 that must have been a jin trying to play a prank,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i like the adagio for strings better in its original form im also quite partial to mahlers adagietto death in venice widors toccata from his 5th symphony bachs toccata and fugue in d minor bwv 538 to name a few which have quite an emotional impact on me,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 preach people dont create or grant rights they merely acknowledge the rights that already exist,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 agreed unfortunately that is the case for 90 of all government bodies that hold prayer im very much in favor of no religious based functions or themes in government however in cases like this where it has been allowed then my perspective is that all religions need to be allowed no government body should be able to prefer one religion over another,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i used to be a very angry child for some unknown reason even though i grew up in a perfectly happy home i wasnt angry all the time but when pushed too far i would rage once when i was 12 years old i got so angry i literally saw red that was the first step in realizing i had a problem in that instant i realized that i had gone temporarily insane and was capable of doing real and lasting harm to myself or someone i cared about i didnt want that to happen so i started to work on itto me anger is definitely a type of temporary insanity where emotion and reaction replace reason when you can recognize that its easier to get a handle on it anger also seems to be the smoke to some other emotions fireits the big thing you see when the problem is usually harder to pinpoint and veiled by all of that emotional noise sometimes it can be fear embarrassment shame a lack of something we think were owed etc if you become angry frequently start looking for the real reason and youll make faster progresspeople also often claim their anger gives them strength or power but i personally dont see how its possible or realistically sustainable yes you feel a powerful surge but its a consuming energy that burns away your own finer and more useful qualities and mental faculties as a fuel you can feel powerful but it can make you stupid mean impetuously rash and needlessly hurtful i honestly dont think of it as a useful emotion at all and have made a point to move past it edit i understand emotions are just another type of information and what i mean to say is anger can be a useful flag or indicator but not a state of mind id choose for action now as an adult its incredibly difficult or rare for me to become angry i think the last time i was legitimately upset was 2008 and then the time before that was probably 2002 in both of those situations i had proper cause for being upset but what i did was try to pinpoint the real issue as soon as possible so i could use my brain and not my feelings to solve the problem and put it into a manageable context i also started meditating back when i was 12 around the time i realized i had an anger problem so thats given me practice in regaining focus and control over my thoughts the best way to deal with anger for me is immediately you dont let a fire get out of control when you see the spark smother it with understanding selfawareness and control its a learned habit all you need is practice,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 is the cat in a better place now,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 how many people can suck it up successfully that would breed more resentment and more passive aggressiveness children need to learn about healthy relationships sometimes that includes relationships coming apart i have had 2 people i know who have kids divorce amicably and explain it well to them the kids are fine as long as communication stays open kids can feel the tension even if it goes unsaid,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 indeed after all we only prove things by proving them you have to push things in order for them to be pushed namaste,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 know damn well why he was in a good mood that morning,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 remember ufges i havent seen that account post anything that couldnt be interpreted as an insult the last 3 years,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 literally most people voicing their opinion about it have no clue about source networking or multiplayer networkingthey are people who believe 144 hz will give you an advantage in the game,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 maybe if you didnt stroke it yourself so much you wouldnt have this problem,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 eldritch knight can spend a bonus action to teleport a bonded weapon into their handsif you normally have a shield and weapon out or twohanded weapon but need a hand free to spellcast spend a free action to stow your weapon a normal action to cast then a bonus action to teleport your weapon back into your hand,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 they probably had maps that they would memorize before taking a few laps to place the image to the turn number i feel like the nurburgring has very distinctive turns anyway,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 i agree but im kind of making fun of all the silly posts here lately so basically im not helping at all lol lets fite,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 have you seen this cover of september it was so appreciated by the actual writer of the song that she helped write another song for them to cover,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 euthanasia is a widely accepted phenomenon in the netherlands and our laws on this subject are way less restrictive then they are in almost any other nationfor example a woman in the netherlands can ask a doctor to examine wether or not her demented mother is able to make a viable estimate on the value of her live if the doctor thinks that the demented mother cant then the daughter can ask the doctor to perform euthanasia on the mother if the daughter deems the situation of the mother inhumanei know that this is rather controversial in many other nations so that is why i mentioned that im dutch,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 id say it was a critique but not a very constructive one a bit rude even i dont think you necessarily need to highlight positives but i dont believe in being that harsh if my creative director sees something im working on that isnt great his response is generally something like thats not really working what you may want to do is or if its bad burnedoutinajar thats just not going to work i think youd be better off starting over some people just cant be bothered to be tactful though and i think thats an unfortunate reality in the arts and elsewhere of course,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 oh mann yeah thats an actual problem seals raping penguins read about that a bit ago and yeah they often get killedmaimed during the processnot cool,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thanks a lot and i hope that you can cope with fulfilling your promise to yourself,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 they assumed eren was the coordinatethats why they completely changed their goals to capturing him,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 whyworked in all previous installations of cs,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 on what songs does kate bush play piano,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 vtr is so rp heavy that its entire reward system is based around it its powers have combat uses but are almost entirely about psychological horror and mechanically more tedius holy shit ive never heard anyone say that cwod had simpler mechanics combat was a complete freaking mess often requiring 20 d10s in front of each playerim not bashing cwod here i played it for years and loved many aspects but the rp was far to often either im a dark goth who drinks blood or im a dark super hero have you played vtr in the last 6 years by the sound of it you played with a shitty group like once or twice and even then you probably didnt give it a real chance i dont blame you i did the exact same thing when the first nwod books came out tried it with my mates hated it cause i was super biased and absolutely refused to play any more wasnt till about a year later a friend gave me a proper introduction and convicned me gave it a real try without my vtm biases and wow never looked back i havent played vtm since then accept a few oneshot v20 games i highly recommend checking out the new core book chronicles of darkness youll see what youve been missing,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 thats not what i mean at all what i mean is that if you look at afghanistan and iraq and to a certain extent syria war against decentralized militias by tradition methods is basically never successful standing armies arent strictly necessary for national defense especially when you have as i said the internet and an armed populace,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 they were partners so yes they kinda should imagine it like a member of as band you think because one person gets kicked out they shouldnt get royalties from the songs they helped write and record its obviously not a perfect analogy since the band member sacrificed nothing while in the band and shouldnt get royalties from songs recorded after the breakup,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i personally think it will be less severe on 60hz though op stated hed like an intel cpu and wants to save up for it so buying a 144hz monitor is a waste of money at this point imo,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 these qualities i also deduced were the killer ones missing,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 nope just do something else for and hour or so the login servers have died so its not as if the game servers are dead not a huge tragedy,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 you could always go work for a software company or the like who deals with healthcare i worked for xerox for a few years and we were always trying to recruit nurses as implementation consultants they would work hand in hand with the project managers like me to implement our healthcare quality improvement software,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i wish i didnt have that hum of guilt i think thats what having an f is like instead of a t you lucked out as a j i definitely need a deadline in order to get anything accomplished otherwise theres just too much that can capture my interest to get anything done and like you said nothing feels so good as completing somethingmy description of my background processes pretty much only covers my active thoughts and what i can control so maybe i was describing my cogfuncmention who knows when it comes to straight up cogfuncmention and how i guess that works i think its incredibly similar to what you described i feel like a giant filing cabinet or os,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 the actual fuck are you talking about,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 please tritype is a load of bullshit youre an 8w7 period you test as 3 because 8 and 3 are similar and 7 because of your wingthe end,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 it looks very balanced i think but maybe switching to coutinho for firmino on lw and putting sturridge up front would also work as he moves a lot more and has more consistency its all about our approach to the matches though its amazing having so much depth,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 how many typemention have you known i actually think from what ive seen youre pretty on point here with a few caveats typemention do pursue interests for their own sake the ones ive known also do as you say tend to want to heal the world in some way but its not a given typemention who go into stem fields probably usually do so because they dig stem and the types dont need to have a purpose were not living in a carefully orchestrated machine where everyone has a role to fill,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 not who you commented on but no your college counselor does not count you need to find a real therapist an actual clinical psychologist who provides professional health care the way how you called it an industry kind of rubbed me the wrong way you are not buying some kind of product damn it you are trying to get medical assistance because thats what it is and thats what you need a proper therapist will help you change your mindset and behaviour to allow for more introspection it will definitely not be only talk and you will definitely not be able to just toss the discussions significance aside because a good behavioural therapist will make you put yourself to work you will be given exercises stuff to think about things to write down etc it will definitely not just be random talking about deep stuff,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i dunno i guess everyone reacts differently i got hit by a car when riding a bike once time slowed i couldnt do anything about it but i remember as i was flying through the air gee that didnt even hurt this is kinda fun then i hit the pavement that part hurtthere wasnt any panic before during or after,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 definitely even if it is at the higher spectrum i think no pro will get under 2k after taxes on a regular month which should be enough to have an ok life,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i started playing when f2p came out i came across a miner cant remember where that made small talk about lions arch and said something about not knowing why he hasnt visited it yet he was about level 2829 as was i i had a sad laugh because f2p players cant enter lions arch until level 30,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 worst socksbest socksgetting older sure does change things,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 i personally heard that wherever he goes eren y will always followgod that guy is a big monster,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 good luck then id love to see your 33,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 like you said theyre not considered controlled drugs by the uk so youll be fine however in many countries psychoactive drugs are controlled and would require documentation i used to have daily heavy opiate based pain medication if i had to travel with them id need a doctors note stamped and dated with a couple of official looking stamps and signatures it never was much of an issue except that for my opiates i would need very specific documents with very specific stamps because those are controlled substances if all your bottles have the original stickers with your name on them you should be fine when going through customs if a customs agents open up your bag theyll take a look at it ask you a couple of questions compare the name on the stickers to the name in your passport and youd be on your way if i were you however id simply get a doctors note to take with you because you might encounter an incompetent customs control agent and it might help you get out of that situation quick and without too many questions especially considering most of your drugs are anxiety related maybe you can find a general form for the uk controlled drugs and forward that to your doctor so hisher note contains the same info as your drugs arent controlled you wouldnt need to worry about getting the exactly right documentation and stamps like i had to but id get that note just in case,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yeah i wont complain if we get our big targets i just think that we would be fine bringing only lowkey signings for depth what do i know anyway maybe klopp sees something really special on both these players that would make us compete in every front,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 now imagine what it would be like if everyone somehow had a basic income and didnt have to work so they could spend time doing even more random things,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 my abusive exhusband who was working a wellpaid fulltime job told me i was taking advantage of him because i took some time off from working parttime minimum wage during winter break from college to spend time with my dying grandmother in the hospitalon hospice we were in no way struggling financially he was just being a jerk because he didnt like sharing his money with mealso immediately after her funeral he told me that i was a terrible person because i seemed less upset than he was that she died i had forced myself not to cry during the service because i sang her favorite hymn before the eulogies in front of my whole familyi left him the following week,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i swear i mustve heard about corbetts death but i dont recall anything,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 cerone xati xu0251tu026a n an elder a wise person,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 this post got a direct dev response,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 haha this is why ill sometimes prefer to watch certain movies alone im fully aware its ridiculous for me to lose it when everyone kneels down before the hobbits after defeating sauron,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 how many laps will chase lead before dale jr catches him,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 iirc ayaan hirsi ali said that due to stringent norms around political correctness it was better to be a female journalist in somalia than it was in sweden which is pretty interesting,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 sobs dont say that name,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 sure for everyone else just google code geass lost colors english and click the nicoblog link,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 video endsyeah not sure that was much of anything tornado warning sure high chance of one but didnt really threaten them from what i saw,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah i guess the most clear way to restate it is that decoherence makes it so that the state that you observe is going to be single state out of the range of other possibilities because the superposition converts to a statistical ensemble tied up in a universal wavefunction which is selected by universe splitting with no magic conscious observation boogeyman it makes it look like the wavefunction has collapsedso to go off what you said in each of the universes the wavefunction appears to have collapsed because the version of you in that universe is tied up statistically correlated with the version of the particle in agreeing states where the particle is spin up and you observe that spin up state as opposed to you observing something that isnt correct or observing a literal superposition,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 there is no typemention general approach to sex i dont think many people of any type will have as high of a libido as you just limit yourself to dating women with super high libidos and probably dont limit yourself by type,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 in this case i have to say they shouldnt be unbanned even though i like steel unpopular opinion here but what ever90 of this in this case to be honest stupid sub talk about no rules while not throwing usually needs no rule in a competitive sport and celebrate those people like they are war heroes disgusting imofixing should be a permanent ban their life isnt over just because they got banned for life from tournaments in a game,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 you are not getting upset over people in casual are you,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 1 its usually more efficient to work alone unless youre working on a large project that you cannot complete in a timely manner by yourself you also may be working with other people who have expertise in their field of work and may be more efficient than you at their particular task2 were realistic for the most part try not to dwell on it too much especially when it comes to comparing yourself to other people3 people want to hear the truth but its all on how you deliver said truth putting things in the form of goodbadgood sandwiches makes things easier to swallow4 you cant control the actions of other people if theyre inclined to making silly decisions the most you can feasibly do is offer advice however going the i told you so again route will make them not want to follow your directions ever5 intimidation really depends on the mindset of other people and whether your paths cross at key interests if competition arises at these key interests then people can be intimidated but that goes both ways6 being an typemention and coming off as an ass can be mutually exclusive you can certainly have one or the other it all boils down to how you approach people and thinking about how your words and actions can be misinterpreted by other people when you are not explicitly stating what you are doingheres some that ive discovered throughout life1 i seem to do better in a mentor position for whatever task is at hand if im teaching and guiding someone along i learn and grow much more than if i was not trying to teach someone said task my guess is in order for typemention to explain something in detail to someone else we fully explore the subject to gain enough understanding that we can answer just about any questions that may be asked throughout the teaching process that said i would never become a school teacher as id only be in a mentor position of subjects im actually fascinated in2 social media is the worst when it comes to seeing what other people are doing and looking at yourself wondering why arent you making the same amount of progress its also a double whammy as youre looking at your present self and comparing that to what your past self thought your future self would be like3 that said ignoring social media is absolutely magical its fine to have sparingly just to keep in touch with a few people or so but definitely try to keep away from it if you truly want to focus on yourself you begin to see progress in yourself so much more easily and faster when you dont have to filter or compare the noise of other peoples lives with your own4 your experiences may differ but i am definitely not a social butterfly keeping the few friends you have in high regard is always essential5 if youre currently not doing something regularly to keep your mind busy and not feel useless as were prone to realizing that if were not doing something were not making progress in anything then freaking go to the gym if you had a good workout you literally feel like youve accomplished something as you were not simply at home doing the same not as progressive routine compared to exercising after doing it for a while youll begin to pay more attention to yourself in general it helps with self improvement and thats one of the key motivators for typemention,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 looking for quality dark blue denim jeans problem 45 hips vs 32 waist anybody any brand recommendationsi carry most of my weight around my thighs its a big challenge to find jeansdress pants that even fit my legs let alone find a pair that also fits my waist straight and boot cut jeans look best in my opinion,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 that site has a silly bernie bias trump himself would probably side with him 60 on there,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 well the current system got us donald trump so i dont think either of your arguments hold much clout lolthe whole idea is to make something that everyone should be doing easier the issues you two are talking about are completely separate from making the voting process more accessible,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i dont think thats true for most typemention youre not going to be able to get them to act against their core values and beliefs but typemention are one of the types that are dedicated to constant growth they are often trying new things and exploring also analyzing themselves and trying to improve just because we have an idea about how the world should be based on cogfuncmention doesnt mean were not aware of how it actually works we often have an agenda and if something doesnt fit inside of it were not interested in it at all but most typemention are very capable of changing their minds and expanding their worldview,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 they said it was during the weekends,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i have a few friends but i dont hang often i just work music video games plan my future out although i do have friends so this doesnt really apply,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 if you dont care about the bumper just take the insurance money someone side swiped my old car while it was parked and i got nearly 800 because i opted not to fix it do not feel guilty he made the choice to look at his phone so he has to suffer the consequences also you could have injuries you dont feel at the moment give it a few days if you end up with pain you would be able to have your treatments covered,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 some parts of oregon are expensive portland and the suburbs while other areas are pretty cheap that said i find real estate to be pretty cheap in ohio tennessee and florida looking at using my equity to buy a rental in one of those states,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i dont but fact is there are a certain percentage of the population that do get off on this stuff kinda sick theyre making money off it i just hope they understand the situation and the potential problems that may arise at 14 years old itd kinda difficult to say if theyre competent enough to be put in such a situation many places would say no,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 interesting choice of last words,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 they do this because crack cocaine right,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 furyk is a baller manbut yeah shoulda gone kuchar there,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i agree customer service jobs require a special set of skills and some will be better at it than others being on all the time takes a toll but again its a job and the most qualified person is going to get that position every job comes at some personal cost it would be great if employers had certain ethical limits on what they required from their workers but nice sells as long as it doesnt dip too far into the uncanny valley of false familiarity and i think as long as it brings in customers this trend is going to stay,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 could you try going into a personal quiet mode once you see someone you are attracted to i dont mean quiet like shy that would be a strong hint and show your interest and maturity just an idea,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 wow good job school board just hide it under the rug thats some great disciplinary action right there just like disabling the comments on youtube so scared of the truth,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think this happens with many folks not just typemention its all about brain chemicals,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yes yay that was the only one which required thought and you guys got it i feel so validated and understood right now i just,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 nothing triggers me more than its a dry heat121â is hot no matter how dry it is,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 well give you a deal well drop the resisting arrest charge and assault on an officer if you plead guilty to the misdemeanor drug charge we found after the factthis is how that shit works ppl dont want to go to court so they plead out on bs like this,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 well shit im glad the internet wasnt so informative before i had mine out really it wasnt that bad and i was hale enough within 3 days for a really fun trip to boston,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 back when i was smokin id love to watch those things burn up i would burn them quick or slow using my breath,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 if your dad is a narcissistpsychopath then he is not going to change in the next year he is beyond the reach of ultimatums and wake up calls which means you have little recourse but to contact cpsreport him sooner rather than later depending on what state youre in there are different things you can expect it might be possible for you or one of your older siblings to get custody of the two youngest and receive some sort of assistance while they get put in a remedial educational systemhow old are you and how old are your two youngest siblings,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 get a mousepad table surfaces are weirdcloth or hardpad while i think that if you have a pure white or so desk it is kinda the same as an hardpad,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the way bernie answer questions very directly vs hillary long winded answers is great,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 dont need him and the numbers being thrown around in the media are laughable at best,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 also human terms the world is not made of things you are nothing but a hologram encoded on the boundaries of spacetime breaking bad is overratedembarrassing the realisation of an enlightened being is that everything can be binary and nonbinary but also that everything cant be binary and nonbinary and it is the case that both these statements are true and neither are true,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i eat humanchow we are adapted to consume animal protein in the words of ron swanson you eat the food my food eats,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 from what weve seen memories are unlocked by referencing parts of the previous shifters lives so theyd have to recreate the eldian life for which they again need reigners memories,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 look at that middle order stokes bairstow big momoist,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 thats my goal5000 before the leaks10000 before the release thread,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 lol fuck off dude im a girl and if you enjoy watching camgirls you should support them a little bit if no one pays you dont get a show at all and the camgirl that you supposedly like cant pay her rent,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thanks a somewhat under appreciated ome hit wonder band from the 90s d,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yeah i dont like to dismiss a cool new idea and im usually inclined to have sympathies to people presenting a new viewpoint i want to believe them so its kinda painful to have to acknowledge that this person is probably not honest andor not believableas circumstantial as it was i basically presented my primary reasons for doubting him as best i could abovei do tend to be pretty synthetic so its hard to pick out specific details i remember in a talk he gave he told a story about a speed dating thing he was doing and how they the researchers had gotten excited when a student was showing interest in someone to the point that their reaction distracted the student and i was just thinking to myself wtf why are you guys in line of sight of the research subjects it was just more evidence of poor methodologyto me that is his research and its what im interested in linking personality to global patterns of brain activityyou know its reproducible if the reproduction study actually existsthat makes two of us i dont think youre a sucker my problems are mostly related to the circumstances around his work as well as the few glimpses of information as to how actually does the stuff maybe its the cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention alarm bells more than anything but i think its pretty clear here that theres a weird smell in the air when hes around you never can shake the feeling hes selling something,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 lol fuck off dude im a girl and if you enjoy watching camgirls you should support them a little bit if no one pays you dont get a show at all and the camgirl that you supposedly like cant pay her rent,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 you are not getting upset over people in casual are you,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i personally never thought hed figure it out for himself kinda figured hed just remain a closeted homophobe for the rest of his lifegood for him,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i love the analogy thank you,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 veeickle the h is practically silent the v kinda leads into the h veeihcleis it pronounced differently on the other side of the pond this isnt one i was aware of,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 good question as a poly newby i will first have to get in that kind of situation hypothetically as an introvert im not prone to directly react outwardly i internalise and reflect first im pretty much inclined to feel compersion most of the time instead of jealousy id probably be more quiet than usual at first and then id talk about it the way you described this doesnt make me feel the potential relationship itself is the problem id probably talk about the way this was communicated to me to me this feels far too casually dropped in passing by i get that your nesting partner knew him well and was into him and that a relationship wasnt that much of a stretch its just the by the by i told him he could be in a relationship with me that would throw me it is not like getting some eggplants at the green grocers even if the new relationship is not directly your concern it will still have an impact maybe that is the underlying issue the ease with which this was offered and the lack of a sense of gravity to it,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 somewhat yeah i have two minds on that one i guess i totally get what youre saying about context and hope its easier with people who get it this is what i treasure about my husband and my high school friends that have known me for 15 years im totally comfortable with them i can just be myself whatever that isbut that comment also reminded me that i do actually really like to crack open someones skull and poke around inside sometimes with a good conversation haha i actually am very energized by a one on one good conversation or a really good date things like that if we have good chemistry i will feel energized by this until i experience a sudden crash in the middle of the night after weve been talking for hours or maybe i dont and i just fall asleep instead haha ive experienced both im fairly certain this is an enneagram sx thing,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 cause hillary is a narcissist her language is essentially vote for me because i deserve it and im a woman,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 wtf did i just watch and why did i watch it for so long could it be because im working i should do more work,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thats right i think i do remember that writeup now ill have to get the books out when i get home today and reread up,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 such a brave cis dude i bet for holding that opinon he gets uti from being unable to pee in the same bathroom as trans supporters i bet he lost so many jobs and gets paid less for his opinionhe is really quite courageous and faces a rate of violence that is extremely high and the doctors deny him routine care because he happens to be brave enough to be openly transphobicthat poor cis dude unable to feel loved because he faces so much transphobiaphobia i bet he gets called a freak of nature for daring to be himselfi wish someday i could be half as brave as this guy,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 so the rich bastards who are absorbing the most recources get to live that is not fair,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i dont have a big portfolio available online right now but id love to do this commission for you heres a dampd character i illustrated for a fellow slytherin recently for an example of my style im also currently drawing a big class photo for rslytherin right now so im definitely a big hp fan send me a pm if youre interested and we can work out the details d,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i wasnt offended dont worry confused yesi misinterpreted your intent if you are wondering if i think that is an accurate description of cogfuncmention then i will break it downfirst this is accurate in the way that cogfuncmention doms will attempt to understand you i think a better phrasing would be nobody will try to understand themselves as deeply as an cogfuncmention dom cogfuncmention doms will be able to understand others by seeking an emotion that they have once felt and relating that to the other persons emotional situation in the end its more about understand their own emotions more than it is trying to understand the other persons authentic emotionsi understood the you to mean the cogfuncmention dom if it was referring to a cogfuncmention dom then yes id say that is true otherwise maybe but again only in the way that they are understanding the person to the best of their abilities by thinking about what theyve personally experiencedabsolutelyid say this could almost apply to both cogfuncmention and cogfuncmentionyeah id agree with thisid say this is more so cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention actually i think an cogfuncmention dom is capable of feeling deep empathy but its always in relation to their own feelings they blend it and carry it around with them lose themselves i highly doubt itcogfuncmention seeks to understand and accept you exactly as you are and help you develop according to your own goals and valueswhat matters is the emphasis on mature cogfuncmention user i believe mature cogfuncmention users are highly capable and prone to this behavior i can see how it would be taken as cogfuncmentionoverall i get what they are saying it seemed like almost more than anything an cogfuncmention creation of what they want to believe cogfuncmention is the entire tone of this is incredibly cogfuncmention but not the best description of it i perceived the cogfuncmention nature of itnot as much the specificity of word choicephrasingi was expanding on what my knowledge of cogfuncmention is that wasnt included in that because i assumed you were wanting further confirmation from me that i truly do not see cogfuncmention working within my mindwhat types have you considered when straying from typementionsorry if i came off as harsh i simply felt like my entire explanation had been disregarded and not taken seriously honestlyim excited to see the final results,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 im reminded of this scene from david tennants run as doctor who,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 id say mozy is doing a hell of a lot better than nikola pekovic these days,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 what is this supposed to mean how was she different from any other actress or actor for that matter of the time in this regard her sex appeal was her most salient feature would you say michael jordan put an unhealthy emphasis on basketball instead of hard work that means nothingwoman admire and envy beauty as a quality she was seen as beautiful whats hard about that,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 keep it if you like it otherwise sell it for the actual price and dont just go accepting the first trade you get,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 dont we all she just looks so fuckable,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 oh my that doesnt sound too good,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 just had the same issue think maybe something else hasnt finished properly there are definitely still egg clutches lying around but says ive destroyed them all,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 punched a stripper for daring to try to pick up the money he rained on her cant we just be done with this guy,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 hmu sometime im on at night,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 he is right about the emotional part though watch the debate op linked above its natural for them to be more emotionally involved in this debate considering their roots but i find it annoying they are very smart people who have more to offer than their emotional response but it just overshadow everything they say for instance their argument during the debate was largely centered around putin himself but despite putin ruling russia as an authoritian there is more to be said about russia than putin the man and the olygarchs but talking about the details of geopolitics isnt as emotionally engaging than talking about an individual putin could die tomorrow and its very likely someone like him perhaps even more authoritarian would take his place russia is what it is for historical and geopolical reasons that predate putin and is bound to stay pretty much that way despite kasparow wildest dreams of democracy,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i sometimes wonder if this is why all of my typemention relationships remain platonic i dont really rely on my friends for emotional validation but i would like a bit more squishiness when it came to a romantic partner they dont need to be a feeler too but they need to at least know how to speak the language a bit better than what you described when i really need itthe funny thing is typemention can be sooooo emotional on the inside they can be incredibly aware of emotions in a very cogfuncmention waylike theyre all categorized labeled and put safely behind glassbut theyre also threatened byvulnerable to the lack of control when feelings rear up and can get overwhelmed easily where my emotional fluidity is more like a river that constantly adjusts and changes to the landscape my typemention friends have either a deep black bottomless ocean of feelings inside of them that is encrusted under a safe layer of ice or a boiling geyser of feelings that randomly erupts from the depths and scorches your face off before disappearing its definitely far more primal than what i experience and i dont blame them for not wanting to put themselves in situations where they might lose control of it it can suck for us if all we want when were feeling down is a nice warm comforting bath of sympathetic understandingit reminds me of typemention and cogfuncmention growing up i was often annoyed by the necessity of physical reality im more comfortable existing in a world of ideas and concepts however when cogfuncmention rears its head it too is very primal and hard to fight and its like indulge indulge indulge when im stressed theres an inner feral beast that really wants to run amok i try to keep that in check as best i can and i see why other types would want to keep their own beasts on a leash too,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 well he pmd me he isnt a fresh throwaway he has that,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i concur this is the book i also own given to me by a blacksmith friend i dont do it myself but i know enough about it and find it interesting to know that this is a great guidereferencewhatever,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 why do you think extravert means trivial its an introverted bias that the external world is trivial and that whats inside is what matters the reverse is an extroverted biasan extrovert at their best is manipulating things in the world including people to fulfil their plans that doesnt strike me as trivial,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 its like asking if the carpenter and the murder are equals because they both use a hammer,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 extraversion and introversion are the easiest aspect to type yourself with in mbti i dont really understand how youre having problems with it,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 im halfway through a cut now having made solid progress over the past year or so as a natty ive also entered my second year in university so ive only been training 3x a week lately not 5x so currently my muscles are flat and i dont fill out my shirt as muchwhen i went on the bus home there was a massively swole guy in the seat front of me and i couldnt stop mirin secretly i felt like an anorexic twiglet in comparison feels bad man maybe i should jump across to the dark side soon so i can be both big and lean at the same time,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 omfg do you live in boston cause im that guy sorry bout your shoes bra,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the bittersweet sound of a melancholy tune bled through the oaken door as he approached brought to a sudden stop by his percussive contribution her voice froze in the middle of a word and her fingers flattened against the frets a blunt silence filling the room as she waited anxiously to find out whether her visitor was family or a servantupon hearing his familiar voice talisa realized it was neither and so she frowned setting aside her instrument and taking a deep breath in preparation for the battle to come even after so much time the proud girl was still indignant her typically explosive anger having endured for longer than ever before vindicated and without outlet the wound had never healed yet her fury had not grown cold with time hers was a red and renegade wrath more akin to steam than icethere was more than anger in her heart however for one she was unsurprisingly nervous her anxious mind ever aware of the stakes of this fight but she also found much to her shame that she was happy too the past few months had been rather lonely and difficult and she had missed him as evidenced by her wroth at his unannounced absenceultimately however it was the harshest of her feelings that she let show at firsti would welcome you though im not sure i need to she shot back bitterly not bothering to rise from her bed you seem to be okay with going a lot of places without warning me why would my room be the exception although the remark was unmistakably serious it was odd and even a little ridiculous to hear such a quip from talisa even in her anger her voice was marked by its usual soft and nervous timbre and biting witticisms were more her mothers forte than her own in fact the line was rehearsed the product of a great deal of sulking and it most certainly would be the last time she spun her words so artfully in their incipient argument,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 stubbornness can definitely include insisting multiple times that tipping is badoptionalimmoralto be discouraged against the again probably very valid protestations of your friend simply because it goes against your moral value of authenticity or whatever the exact specifics dont matter as long as you get the idea theres literally no arguing with that and yet you were wrong and you didnt get it until you came home because youre stubborn but theres nothing wrong with that exactly in fact its a really good quality that you came home and researched it and were willing to consider that youre wrong and the opposite of stubbornness is spinelessness so i truly believe that you should stick to your guns when it is important but still the fact that it took so long and so much work to convince you of something that convincing means youre quite stubborn and its a quality to be aware of and use consciously,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 omg i really want to get a record player amp start doing that how does one go about it what sort of music do you master,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 fuck liberals fuck conservatives fuck libertarians fuck classical liberals and most of all fuck the alt right,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 that is a general issue with mbti forums which i think arises from the fact that theyre mostly populated by people who are looking for reasons to like themselves more how do you plan to make this new mbti sub different,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it would bounce a lot and it would be very loud and obvious it was something that sounds like a large ball bearing dropping on concrete at least to anyone even paying half attention,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 here is an interview with the kids,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 well for one the people dont have a cia with a black budget all our studies have to be ethical we dont have an nsa eitherthat and our guns are being taken away,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 after 1 month it is gone but you get it back after one win,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ironically theyre the ones being intolerant,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 the good old times when you could see the feet under the smoke in source 1010 would awp again,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 youre right thank you to my stepmother for making me feel useless then useful then useless again and again thank you to my father for standing by and claiming her to be great thank you both for never being by my side when you say you are thank you for sleepless nights caused caused not by any other issue than your disdain thank you for guilting me into saying sorry for not saying hello to you as you came into the house remember how each day you come in with such rage and anger you scowl and hate everyone around you how you refuse to speak and storm off to your room even my father is afraid of you then late at night i am bothered by him to apologize to you for not talking to you in the past i have but you are too angry to be appreciated thank you for using him as a puppet for your motives thank you father for surrendering your already angry life to give to an angrier source thank you both for forcing me to feel grateful for things that ought be normal and thank you for forcing me to admit my gratefulness without a smile thank you for the conditional love it could hardly be called that at best and to you girl i love since i cannot help but think of you i would never disappoint you and the day i do i will hold my head down until i die anyhow thanks for the post friend what an interesting way to think of this,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 type in the console volume 2why the fuck wouldnt you adjust the volume,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this is why we sometimes have nice things,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i mean as in youre an typemention maybe you can explain why they have these rules,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 your bottom is purple and lavender blue should it really be looking that wayonly bit i can remember and the vermicious knids of course,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 no because a person is different in every situation you will never really know what anyone is like when youre not around even if you were to surround them with invisible drones for a full 360 surround you are still tied to your own perceptions and interpretations a person can only be described holistically in comparison to others and only in specific situations as a baseball player compared to other baseball players as evidenced by xyz bob is fast if a person places their locus of self in their external actions and what you perhaps consider superficial then who is to say which one of you understands himher better you may create or map a system of abstraction onto a person by which you can somewhat possibly understand them better though this will be subject to your own cognitive biases etc consider the massive discrepancy in certainty between describing a persons character and describing our own we wouldnt devote nearly so much time to introspection if after some decades we had finally figured ourselves out i think that people including ourselves are largely unknowable along the timeframesscales we tend to attempt to characterize them connections and understanding happen in moments not lifetimes with some few its possible to continually string those moments together perhaps perpetually but no two moments or two people are ever quite the same twice life would be so boring if more emotionally comfortable if it werent so,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so some inquiriesdo you process your emotions internally alone do you always know how you feel do you have better interpersonal skills or intrapersonal when you are refining an idea do you think about it to yourself or discuss it with others when you feel bad do you talk it out with others and cry with them or do you isolate yourself and deal with it inside of yourselfin a group are you expressive or do you only show the emotions you want others to see do you have strong values and identity are you highly individualisticdo you ever just take stuff apart to find out how they workif a conflict comes up in a group do you stick to your ideals or do you compromise in order to maintain harmony within the group do you ever play devils advocate or debate for fundepending on the questions that should resolve the cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmentionas for introvert vs extrovert would you rather spend more time being inquisitive and figuring out why things are or do you spend more time in your head extroverts tend to more go out and experience things while introverts spend more time figuring out how they feel about stuff or thinking about itdo you gain energy from social situations or have to spend alone time to recharge after being out with friends do you naturally find yourself a leader in situationsof course these are sterotypes and real people are more complicated but some stuff to question on,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 solid logic therelets stick shitty bikes onto the same roads that horse and buggies had been using before they even showed up who gives a shit about what people had been using this for anyway i want it my way,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 this subreddit doesnt allow the submission of memes or rage comics please refer to the sidebar for guidelines,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 underated comment of the year,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 hes been there all my life also memes hes really funny theres this great energy we have memes hes just so fucking dank in general theres this gay energy we have grass not weed normal grass youd find on a lawn he can ice skate hes the only one of my friends i can go skating with,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 oh right its because i just didnt understand the banal point he was making it was just too complex and sophisticated for me and its not as if i had already answered his bafflingly beyondobvious inquiry which would be obvious to a child it wasnt that i actually had something more interesting to say than what his post was saying that why someone was posting or an ad hominem was actually more interesting than the banal thoughts he wanted to posthow many posts are actually interesting taken on their own terms havent you heard of making your own fun you think we should take what every freak says at face value because its da rulez what kind of boring nonsense is thatoh but no youre right you goon we should be legalistic about everything and take every fucking freak at face value like this is contract fucking law and everything should be bounded even though the essence of typemention is to be unbounded we shouldnt even have intuition and if we do we should be humble and modest enough not to use it we should only see things superficially and never see beyond you fucking simpletonits called the big picture metasignificance you dont have it being an typemention and not having it is kind of like being an eagle with no eyes its a serious problem youre saying its wrong to see the bigger picture and see the intention behind an act and we all should have been bounded to a fucking wall of text he posted rather than seeing whats behind it youre here saying its good to be shallow what the fuckhe posted his query to rtypemention which is unmoderated where openness is the rule where discussions are unbounded then he got butthurt and threw a tantrum because he found he did not have absolute power to frame the discussion in his post or power to set and control the bounds of it because i had the gall to suggest that gasp what he says and how he says it might say something about him as if the illustrations people naturally use and think in dont say anything about them they very much do and i didnt apologise for it its called having fun you beyondboring nitwit you should try it sometimeshrug i dont like psychopaths and petty is an interesting word choice tbh particularly to make in a post made about me two weeks after the actual event you fucking mong,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 storm it has a nice radar and can alert you to precipitation within x miles,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 how did you realize the boy was you,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 i wish it was percentilebased in this case quintiles,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 i wish i could be in antypemention family too im an typemention in a family full of sjs,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 skepticism eh i dont see how skepticism can be all that impressive in itself past the point where you realise as a kid that you can just keep asking why forever p probably true but people forget how much of reality really is invented by us why wouldnt it have an essential nature if it ultimately stems from ideas you should be able too look at reality and ultimately see the ideas behind itand essences dont have to be all that essential anyway in zen they say even the dharma itself is only a provisional truth or essence its esstentialness is ultimately relative,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 stop moving then or use a buyscript,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 why would you build something in a videogame for your cat cat doesnt care,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im phd abd at the moment so no luck needed,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i have an ok eye for design but i dont really do it i enjoy finding the best ways to make the design happen especially given that there are a lot of moving parts and different resolutions etc its like getting to architect constantly instead of just at the beginning of a project thats what i like about it getting things pixel perfect is annoying as fuck and i dont care for it haha can you change the kearning no fuck off go make cow eyes at your poster of steve jobs and get the fuck out of my cube,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 poulter could be a sneaky play most people will be drawn to jb at that price range if your strategy in cash is to play the chalk though you have to go jb i personally would go haas if i was trying to be differenti like palmer but man im really liking the local boy kirk you dont have to spend all your roster but ive been looking at him pretty hard,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 why should they even listen to reddit is the question valve can gladly give not a single fuck about it as people here are dumb as fuck when it comes to technical things,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 sigh shouldve expected this to happengordon weve had this discussion many times before and im not in the mood right now maybe this evening,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 think about it for a sec,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 you have your camera pointed at the city lights,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 change your clcmdrate and rate to normal settings if you should have a better bandwith call your isp,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 tagm the flair isnt enough you need to add manga spoilers to your title,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 are you disabledafter you reported them there is nothing you can do so why check every week if those people are banned that is what i said and if you cant understand it then you are apparently the stupid one herei didnt say dont report them for cheating should i make it easier to understand for you or do you get it now,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 its muscle mosquito he is full of blood im just like in shock or something,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 morality is not black and white its not shades of gray either it is an entire color spectrum,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 theres another harvest with scythe mod on nexus that still gives you exp cant remember the name at the moment though,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 im just going to be honest here but this does not sound like a healthy relationship maybe you both do need to split up and figure out who you are and what you want out of a relationship individually it sounds like living together is perpetuating something that would otherwise have already died out and almost did multiple times is dealing with this relationship hurting your own selfgrowth and opinion of yourself is it affecting your selfesteem and making you doubt your own thoughts and abilities do you see your actions and affection having a positive effect in their life or a negative oneno relationships are perfect but not every relationship where you love someone is meant to last forever maybe youve been with him for this long because he did provide something valuable for you initially however it sounds like the lessons you learned are taking root and youre ready to grow from them but what you want for yourself has no room in the relationship from his point of view this might be a case of we learned a lot from each other and moved on i guess you need to figure yourself out first and really think if more of this is what you want in your life if not and hes not willing to change or address certain issues then it probably is a deal breaker some relationships are like a cocoon that helped protect us and grow when we were most vulnerable but eventually they become a restrictive shell that traps us to continue your own healthy growth you might have to split out of this relationship to stretch your new wings and see who you are now at this point in your life,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 nice story ever hear of custers revenge i never saw a c64sx i used a c64 all the time,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh i understand it the colleges typically are for people more interested in academics than anything else i felt as though people who went to school continued to want to be involved in school or they wanted to have a specific idea of where to go like science or teaching i have noticed that many people go like you said to just go and thats wasteful in my opinion unless you have the cash to blow and i didnt know about that loan process its like a teenager growing into his body experiencing the pains of it,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i think that given that mbti is really just a model for cognition developing any function is a matter of incorporating different manners of thinking every function has a systems to approximate it cogfuncmention inductive reasoning cogfuncmention deductive reasoning etc etc that is not to suggest that employing these methodologies is the same as changing ones stack but one can only employ one manner of thinking in a given moment of time an cogfuncmention dom predominately employs the presence element of mindfulness a cogfuncmention domaux the thinking element of mindfulness so if you wanna be like an typemention start there and ignore the caring for others and accepting your feelings part p,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 yea i agree a lot of frustration seems to stem from stuff thats beyond an typemention control and when they fuck up i can see how mad they are at themselves you guys fall hard and strive to be better for it i admire them for it,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 not exactly its still sour just not quite as sour it has a fuller taste somehow the standard us sour cream seems onenote and acidic in comparisonyou can use the normal us supermarket sour cream it wont be quite as good but its the same flavor combination to get an idea there is a type of blini called blinchiki which is blini folded around a filling blinchiki are often filled with meat or fruit and either one is dipped in sour cream smetana so its not strictly a sweet food like pancakes its often savory and still deliciousman i want some blini right now,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 true but that doesnt make the book any less a classic,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 that was pretty much the plot of interstellar,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 im so glad you were able to diffuse that situation it can be incredibly scary and uncomfortable once you realize how fragile someones reality is i think you handled it well and hopefully youre not in a similar situation again i hope he got some professional help and that he leaves you alone,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 tell him if he doesnt give you some space you will bang his typemention best friend,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 the title is misleading here,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 lol the north korean one will be sentenced to death after she goes back,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 but the reactions arent genuine theyre all obviously actors a few of them appear on commercials and shit,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 what you said about it lingering and following the characters i think thats my favorite part it just plays out so naturally regular conversations the last time i watched it i realized there are essentially only four scenes buffy at her house willow and co at the dorm buffy telling dawn at school then the hospital the flow is just so perfect,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 why do i relate to this,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the antlers hospice albumdaughter shallows amp medicinethe smiths asleep i know its over amp last night i dreamt somebody loved me,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 thanks for the backup but its been so long since ive looked at an actual book for this stuff and kernel 4 just came out so i kinda feel like its going to get even more outdated theyre still on the 26 i thinki dont do much actual kernel drivers from scratch anymore as we got most of what we need and try to do usermode as much as possible now especially with things like libusb etc so its rare for me to delve apart from fixing stuff thats changed when we move up kernels,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 in uvhm i go to gluttony gulch and progress in the mission until i have to turn on the oven then i save and exit and keep going back and opening up the two red chests and i keep doing that over and overso far ive found a level 72 rapid infinity pistol as well as some really nice smgs for maya a couple of weeks ago and just this morning i found a level 60 legendary hunter class mod for zero,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 if you plan on cooking any type of asian food at home rice wine is essential pick some up if you ever find yourself at an oriental market get some sesame oil while youre at it that shits the best,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i buy unflavoured pure 100 whey isolate from grass fed cows which is 92 protein content by weightno nasty chemical fillers artificial flavouring or suspect ingredients like soy protein extract which has feminizing propertiesthe flavour is a bit like chalk when mixed with walker but its bearable the flavour completely disappears if you blend it with milk cacao powder or in a fruit smoothiei find it much easier to deal with the consistently bland flavour than put up with bad decisions there were too many instances where ive had truly disgusting flavours from on or myprotein like the vanilla icecream there was always a problem of some sort the smell was overpowering or it had a chemical flavour too sickly sweet or bitter etc,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 ravens are intermediaries for satan,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 completely agreethat doesnt make it less sadistic though,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 stop trying to sound like a philosopheryou think youre better than the rest of people who do x believe in x anybody who gives advice without being asked to,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i mean the first trailer the one that was basically guns and crashes timed to heavy music gave all of that away except that theres a crazy skull faced dictator i mean its wasnt explicit its just very heavy handed come on why are all the women dressed in white why are they running with max etc you cant really miss it which is kind of the point of mad max,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 darwin must know a lot of the people in my life,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 the world we live in is free for humanity as a whole why restrict that for individuals,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 yeah its definitely not too sweet and its low nicotine hm maybe my palate has just changed,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 yeah the selfesteem crisis is a valid point but swifts lyrics dont really uplift female selfesteem in a meaningful wayso much of her music particularly that from her earliest albums is exclusively about relationships great songs have been written about love obviously but taylor swifts songs are the lyrical equivalent of a heart drawn around pair of names on the inside cover of a lisa frank notebook the songs that arent like mean bad blood and look what you made me do are stuffed more full of petty vindictiveness than regina georgetaylor swifts songs might help some girls process their emotions about boys and the mean girls in their lives but they also send the message that getting with the cute boy and being the top bitch is a girls top priority maybe this is her prerogative relationshipbased pop music is a part of life but pretending that that music has a deeper meaning is a pretty outoftouch thing to do,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 amazon has drones and with insane delivery times like this i think time travel has been confirmedwe have to stop skynet now before it becomes selfawarecan we wait until monday though i have some stuff on order,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 for 2 dont tell anybody but those 34 people that anybody is staying the night at all and tell them not to mention italso you can be a tiny bit rude its perfectly fine imo,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 same experience it took a while for us to settle on a time and day to play but once we did most players show up on time every game day i have lost players to scheduling conflicts however work changes college work load etc only two of my 5 current players are from that first group but they all show up on time generally and notify if they are going to miss a session usually days in advancenow getting a game together with strangers irl ive found an exercise in frustration frankly before getting a game going on roll20 i tried for several months to get rl games going via a flgs and had zero luck im normally very laid back but getting someone to commit to some dampd once a week i even tried twice a month is like pulling teeth these days,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 ill check it out thanks,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 thats a risky play lets see if it pays off,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i believe he polls better than trump in those states in the general and does better than hillary,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 this is bullshit youre oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of no longer adding anything useful to the discussion,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 to me those burgers and i hesitate to call them that look like disgusting abominations they look very poor quality mass produced crap,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 some people have the green grace pegged as the harpy but im not entirely convinced,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 even more disappointing that couple went on to have a baby,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yea dude nice overgeneralizations on all typemention by just a very limited experiences youve had provided by a cogfuncmention model rant that you built not subjective at all from my understanding and experience functions dont exist independently cogfuncmention brings a certained degree of cogfuncmention automatically learn and understand axises what you describing is a contradictions between cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention and cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention ways to go around things which was described alot everywhere cogfuncmention kinda piss off cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention ways pissing of cogfuncmention its normal they look like that they think they are smart in your cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention eyes its not like its actually is the case its just how you perceive it due to these functions performed in an opposite dirrections cogfuncmention will always say that cogfuncmention user is to on his own too individualized when person is just the way he is without any of such intentions it pisses off cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention is pissed of that cogfuncmention is pressuring them the same goes to cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention cogfuncmention is kinda pressuring cogfuncmention freedom of thinking and cogfuncmention is kinda pissed of cogfuncmention subjective model building without making a point and application you can read about it alot if you google or search on rmbtiinductive way of thinking and deductive and individualised approach to the values vs seeking a common grounds between everyone and bringing ppl to it these two may confront each other and annoy i dont know why you brought up typemention probably cos they couldnt fight back with you on cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention field i guess so it looked less annoying or just some specific person you met plz stop extrapolating it on everyone from a certained type just from your personal experience ppl are different there are alot of sweet typemention with a low selfsesteem that dont think they are smart at all that wont piss you off by their fake smartness and will agree with everything you said just to be nice and avoid conflicts aswell as cos they dont really have any solid rock points due to their cogfuncmention fluidity so they kinda agree with everyone and can see every perspective and will fly on cogfuncmention wings with you unless you touch their cogfuncmentionit funny that it said ppl are annoyed in others with what they are carring and annoyed in themselfs and you are clearly demostrating it being what everything you hate in your image of typemention subjective smartass pointing flaws in typemention blaming and making cogfuncmention style overgeneralized logical leaps dd,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 you could do like draftday and have like 5 head to head match ups win 3 and you double your money,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 did she let her kids run around in the waiting area while she was getting adjusted too i was waiting at my chiropractors office the other day and this lady with 3 kids told her oldest who was maybe 6 and totally disinterested to watch the others and left them there while she saw the doctor they started looking around for her whiningwheres mommy so i had to get them all to sit down and wait for her because they were peeking into the rooms where people were being treated how its okay to expect strangers to deal withkeep an eye on your children is beyond me,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 the worlds evil was already concentrated in one area and didnt spread until the player killed his master summoned a literal wall of flesh killed it and released another evil on the world and both of them spread infecting the wildlife,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 yes lots of physical therapist who get women with back problems tell them after a few sessions without improvement to go to a lingerie store to get proper bras instead of the pt,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ill live in ignorance you keep drinkin that koolaide,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 barca is always a contender and having them out so early would make the following stages more interesting specially with teams like dortmund juventus and sevilla looking strong this season add psg and city to the mix and you have one of the most unpredictable qfs in years,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 it was arbitrary because epic did not adjust their mmr at that time i didnt read exactly how they reverted it because agoragg jumped the shark with that reset but i know it wasnt a onetoone revert to the old scoresim sure youre aware but since then epic reseeded the mmr removed that mmr cap and adjusted mmr calculations for groups people group people smurf for all those reasons agoragg just cant keep up,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 youre the hero the scene deserves but not the one it needs right nowdont let the responses get you down its good to have civil conversation and to have challenging opinions it lets us all see from different perspectives for that i respect you,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 why bother if they try to invade us well destroy them until then they arent a problem,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 its my personal opinion clearly an unpopular one by this thread but thats fine i didnt say everyone else was wrong did i,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 if you dont play it wrong there wouldnt be a problem,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 no i havent usually if im scared of something ill keep my distance or have somebody else go first,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 cant wait to test out sol but my pts wont update it says 21429830 is waiting for server 45 mb remaining and doesnt move im away from home and my connection isnt great but i can play vs bots just fine dont know why it wont update,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 ive been interested in the gothic alphabet for a while now and developed lowercase forms for each letter a few weeks back before that though i was obsessed with blackletter which is sometimes called gothic script and i got some calligraphy stuff for christmas which gave me ideasive been writing things all day and i got the idea of taking an alphabet associated with germanic people and a script associated with germanic people and combining them into one ultragermanic alphabet then i realised i could call it gothic gothic after which i decided id try it just for the sake of the nameim not entirely sure if this counts as a true constructed alphabet but i dont really know where else this would belong and i did expand the script so that it was bicameral like greek and latin and cyrillicedit tldr for germania,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 so non tanks would have around 8k max health tanks maybe 16k and nu wa ultimate would deal 130k damage no that doesnt need to be tested,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 tough body perspective so nice,7.0,84.0,88.0,59.0,44.0 youll simply never know for sure to be honest things to check can you do multiple degrees without additional cost i can at my uni can you take additional classes without cost are you free to choose a minor during your degree in a totally different unrelated subject what in general is the policy regarding switching fields for your masterfor example my uni offers a finance master which you can do with an engineering background provided you choose a very specific set of courses some extra work load for your minor i ended doing two bachelors degrees chemeng and industrial engineering amp management now im doing 3 masters included a full on business master i really loved adding business and management courses and stuff to my engineering stuff to broaden my horizon a bit an see stuff from different perspectives if you are also lucky enough to be academically gifted know that it doesnt stop with just this one decision you can add stuff to finetune your academic path to your tastes and interests which will develop and change over time as long as you choose a solid foundation for your primary studies you will be fine,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 if you include this code as part of a macro using vba you can insert it into your workbook and have it work whenever they use the macro note that you have to format the data being copied to the clipboard before copying it that way pasting can function as normal,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 if you primarily plan on gaming yes if you want to do a lot of productivity stuff though the 1600x may be a better choice,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 griptilian is fine but personally i dont like the plastic handles you can get new ones for itpersonally i carry benchmade 710 d2 steel got length and weight on the griptilian and i love the d2 steel it has so if you want a bit more heft and length that might suit you better i also like the blade profile morehonestly if there was one company id go with for my knives it would be benchmade they certainly are not overratedalso know that zt is owned by the same company as kershaw is same with shun so maybe look at the kershaw leek and skyline theyre both great edc low cost new knife people blades though i wouldnt say hefty,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 we are also seeing a rise of nationalism in europe and other places in the world todays france and germany have been part of the same empire before if we go back to charlemagne they also united during the time of the crusades empires used to rise and split and that cycle hasnt change its only that in the west in recent years we have experienced a great period of peace and we have to go back to pax romana to draw a comparison its not the end of history have some believe we are now waging proxy wars instead of engaging in direct conflict which contribute to the illusion of peace how much progress toward democracy has been made in the last ten years on top of my head i can only think of burma,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 oh shit lol we need to fix our pc well go do that now when you offer your vassalage to us we should like to receive it on our throne,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 let us not sow discord amongst our own 60s 59s 58s we are all purple brothers the filthy greys on the other hand deserve all misery bestowed upon them,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 no but i think he will probably play kingmaker of sorts if he decides to endorse someone,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 you made me rethink how fortunate i actually am considering my country has quite an extensive social security system im guessing youre right though ill try nsoing when i can and see how ill feel,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 typemention female im quite small and physically rather on the weaker side for a female and i feel intimidated quite often by men who show aggressive behaviour not so much if its aggressive rage behaviour that stuff is easy to spot and mitigate but often there are guys who have a mix of aggresive unstable and emotional often in combination with alcohol aura radiating off them which i simply cant properly read and that makes me quite fearful when such guys approach me a bit too close and start talking to me and get into my personal space,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 kek not sure how dungeons help people find the error of their ways thoedit oh and op pls dont linkerino to mobile reddit,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 seems pretty slow at about 2fps compared to this its called yolo you only look once and reaches 40fps 200fps on one gpu titan x,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 lol what do you think inbound is people calling you outbound is you calling them,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 arteta and flamini as back ups wait for him to develop anyway none of us see him in training so we dont know if he will be good and im just basing it off of what wenger has said about him im sure wenger will buy a dm if he thinks bielik wont be ready soon or not good enough,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 the guy gets several million views every episode hes probably rolling in youtube money,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 if someone approached you with a fair deal for compensation right off the bat and they asked you to sign a nda you would reject it what does determining if an idea is legit or not before hand have anything to do with a nda and compensation the two are exclusive,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 nice it looked nice before but now it looks totally different amethyst colored,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i would kill someone if they erased my writing,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 needs more jpeg and seek peek on my profile,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the queen would need to order me to do so,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 you seem rather good from what ive seen of you youd good in nltp make sure you show up to tryouts you automatically get drafted in its where you hone your skills and learn everything,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the default skins are fine im not going to have a fit over digital nail polish,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i pretend that im more insecure and weak than i actually am partially for humor and partially out of some weird power game that i mostly play unconsciously,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 i think we should talk about what the cum box represents to you perhaps its become a symbol for your mother which is understandable but we all have to leave the nest someday robert,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 type in the console volume 2why the fuck wouldnt you adjust the volume,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 not valve okayalso i am not saying 128 tick is not capable of registering more and calculating more see movement and nades it is just so that the tickrate difference between 64 and 128 tick has literally nothing to do with those hitreg problems in mm and it wont be changed just because mm servers are 128 tick maybe i should have clarified that in my first post,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i knew it this whole place smells like sj in fact there might be one right here in this thread u0ca0u0ca0,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 monkey trouble joke u2713horseface joke u2713marco in half joke u2713eren has issues joke u2713generally shitting on all characters u2713this list has everything good job,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 that wouldnt appeal to people at all,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 the system or the people in charge of the systemif the support says they are not able to lift bans that is true because the people doing the suport have no rights regarding vacthe ban also wont be lifted if it is older if you however file a complaint about a ban you feel you got undeserved in time up to 24 hours after the ban the people in charge will review the evidence provided by vac and possibly revoke the ban if you didnt cheatbeing a so called pro player has nothing to do with this process,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im guessing somewhere in the uk,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 my friend had never even heard of them until he was 30 i had a field day with that one,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i can assure you that he asked kenny if he wants the awp and he said no,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 alternatively two spaces and enter once,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ah the crab pot analogy exactly,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 yeah lucky you didnt turn into 5ft and 400 lbs of quivering rage ive never had to take it but ive heard stories man,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 at one point i bought a bunch of normal black socks and ankle black socks one of my drawers has two little baskets in it one for the normal socks and one for the ankle socks when im putting away clothes after they dried i simply sort them in the right basket problem solved matching socks at all time without added effort,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yeah taxing people who have no money to begin with makes perfect sense,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 were seeing the trump bubble im ok not being in it,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 redgreen have difficulty with seeing the red in purple and the green in cyan so it all looks indistinguishable from blue though the specifics are per type,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 yeah this is so fascinating how the aspect scale separates out some things that seem similarfor me i am very bothered when im not doing something productive and i thought it would go into neuroticism but instead it went into industriousnessthat makes tons of sense now understanding the aspects but i think in different tests my neuroticism was overestimated due to hating disorder and doing unproductive stuff because the feeling of selfhatred for not keeping up with everything i should be keeping up is distinctly different from what neuroticism means even though the mental part of anguish is similaron this same point i am only polite to people due to orderliness i feel as if it is the proper thing to do be polite because that is how things should be pretty weird but socially people dont consider me rude even as i got 0th percentile in that dimension my need to follow the rules of polite interaction somehow picks up the problem not ideal of course im trying to find ways on how to rise my 2th empathy and 0th politeness,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 eh both my parents have had cancercancer is general enough where its not offensive,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 congratulations youre now an typemention what should we do first drink too much argue with strangers learn a new programming language all of the above,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 and we dont see chat in overwatch so in the end the reports are useless,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i find rappelling a crapshoot you dont have as much mobility as the defenders its very easy to get greedy i regularly leave the building to net 2 kills on rappelers,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 everyone has their own routine before they play a gamei for one listen to a good song before playingwhile the warmup is running on the server but i generally deathmatch or play arena once a day to get a start for the csday,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 have you tried meetups i havent made many friends thereby but its usually good for a social buzz and getting to do that slightly odd thing most people arent into,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 your inner self has already embraced the truth,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i have radial g and its a great racing game,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 you get less roll over minutes than your dead af cell phone on atampts roll over minutes plan,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 in my current situation i like to think of it as my escape hatch possiblythe plan is to try and wait moneys probably going to run out before i figure out a way to get my life in a place where i can figure things outease the pain and get into an existence worth continuing but i figure i might try being homeless or just really just see what happens after i lose everything for a bit see what thats like i guess and reevaluatei just really dont want to miss anything in case thats all though i have absolutely nothing tying me here right now i also need to figure out an almost sure wayi still kind of fantasize about going to the doc soon and getting a bunch of tests and then finding out i have cancer or something and given a year or two that would be relief having a known set expiry time freeing cant say i really want to go and have that all done though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 unless im missing something i see 4 clean sheets against west ham bolton aston villa and sunderland and 4 goals conceded against bolton chelsea chelsea and wimbledon,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 thanks for the heads up maybe ill be better spotting them in the wild however it sounds to me like look for the people who have isolated themselves doing the solitary thing they love which is a hard barrier to break into as an typemention i can relate to that a lot its just hard to meet loners who are really into their projects when youre also a loner whos really into your projects edit hahaha dang actually now that youve mentioned it i probably do already know one and i really dig him too,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i rather think he is typing something,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 definitely sounds fun i got out my colored pencils and got one of those silly adult coloring books its quite relaxingi just suggested to my boyfriend that we go bowling or rollerblading today before i read this comment haha,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 note to self dont make jokes in a spoiler tag people will take it serious,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 because alcohol damage is cumulative and typically doesnt affect you until after your childbearing years also moderate daily alcohol consumption doesnt necessarily damage your health it increases your risk of some things definitely but plenty of drinkers and smokers do in fact survive to healthy old age,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 there would be actual riots if we sold ozil money isnt an issue anymore,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 ill provide a link to the initial video its just the first in a long series and is somewhat outdated as it speculates about sun and moon before they came out,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 that thing about giving her the satisfaction that is some long term bitter yes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 omfg this shit is beyond accurate,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 comparison pic also have two 18650s in my ecig device and a charger with a spring that works for many battery sizes,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i believe that turned out to be bs,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 this is the very essence of my being i moved away from home and now i just travel around and work odd jobs im broke and sometimes scared of the future but i could die at any moment and at present im happy,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 this is just a confusing way to tell you that you are an typemention or at least according to this test cognitive function tests never bother to explain what the numbers mean and why it says that you have scores for functions that you dont possess they make some sense once you know how mbti and tests work but you have to read between the lines and not take them as written your functions would be cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention or typemention it is also possible that you could be an typemention from these results since your first two functions are so close,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 oh im sure its true of most people regardless of type didnt mean to suggest otherwise i just think because of the things typemention tend to focus on its something that you all would relate to its just a bit bizarre to me even though it makes sense its like all the people i know just have different pieces of me and the only way they could ever fully understand me is if there were some big conference between everyone i know where they piece it all together,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 yeah m8 it looks nice but good luck building there,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 that mouth is huge but youre not ugly my man,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 hit on webb simpson and westwood just barely snuck by bum beats on hoffmanbradley hurt a lot of my parlays but ive already made a fair amount back and still have some very promising parlays on track the gimmes bergernade jonge are about to tee off,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the last one doesnt really fit the description,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its all in the tone of the flick,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh i love it a very powerful and deadly alternative to a young dragon and the perfect creature for a group of lowmid level cultists to worship d,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 valve gave the task to develop the initial release of csgo to hidden path entertainment they fucked it up and now valve is stuck with it and has to iron out all the bugsi know reddit isnt the whole cs population but the people here think they arethe point is it is valves game if they dont want to listen to this shithole of a community apart from bugs then that is fine at least for me,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 maybe it is bethesdas failed attempt at adding sunburn,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 this joke about reading playboy for the articles is stupid as playboy historically had very highquality journalistic content,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 the keyword dim is a relic of vbas past which is based on the basic programming language in basic the keyword dimensionalize was used to create arrays it was subsequently shortened to dim and is now used to declare any type of variable or objectdeclaring a variable tells the vbe that you are setting aside a space in memory with which you want to store data in this could be a single number to a string of numbers representing textyou should 100 declare every variable before you use them this reduces the amount of bugs and errors you may encounter while producing code and promotes proper programming habits if you were to learn other programming languagesi also highly recommend using the option explicit flag in every single vba module you touch this forces the vbe to tell you if you have not declared a variable before using it and if youre using a variable incorrectly such as adding a number to a string of text for instance,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 so you could just sit there and eat hamburgers all dayor sit there and eat only the chicken apple pecan salad and keep wanting more forever,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 dont be fooled by it though you should read up on the disparity between what you as an employee get before taxes and what you cost your employer in the eu an emoloyee costs his or her employee about double their before taxes salary which puts it on par with us salaries thats the price you get for not having to worry about your retirement which is by law the resposibilty of your employer not having to worry about getting sick and loosing your job by law your employer cant easily fire sick employees and need to insure themself against it not having to worry about loosing your job to begin with at al because your employer has to pay extra taxes to provide you with governmental financial aid on the level of your former salary for an x number of months if you do loose your job this and loads and loads of other social security measurements which us employees simply dont have because in the us mentality you need to take care of yourself insteas of relying on the governmentits a different system a different mentality one not necessarily better than the other i would absolutely love to be in control of my own retirement funds for example but alas by law i cant just different,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 from what ive heard he did the bulk of iti guess well have to see how accurate they remain as the season goes along i got it before hearing the news,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 kiernan smiled and took the box but upon opening it both her eyes and smile widened she couldnt help but laugh a littlethats one hell of a souvenir she said pausing to place the box down as she tried to put it on she fumbled awkwardly with the clasp she had never owned jewelry before and that couldnt have been more apparent struggling and blushing she managed to get out thank tsk thank you really,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i use lingering injuries as well but i basically strait rip them out of the savage worlds system,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 in retrospect i think wetrix is an interesting puzzle game and hidden gem at the time i hated it because its not a worthy rental when youre 11 years old i lovehate this rage review he doesnt even understand the game,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i never really cared much how i looked til recently i found out that if you think you like what you wear you approach the day with a better attitude sometimes you can just wake up the wrong way and the day is shitty but its a lot easier to get through it when youre looking good,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 hey i know im a little late to this but have you tried the sandwich method of feedback where you sandwich your criticism with two tasty layers of ego strokingie i liked x part of your idea but im concerned that y criticism will be a problem im really looking forward to z thoughive tried to do it like that when im responding to ideas unless i know the people really want my honest and direct feedback and i know they can handle it,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 not every town is the same many of them have completely shit economies and barely any jobs,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i didnt say that we are simply behind the curve from britain and france the challenges second generations immigrants face are well known book cover the question,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 that usually works but waves of ultron bots and those things in the 3rd wave spam so many attack tiles after the kishu caltrops from first wave that there isnt a spot to safely farm ap off goons,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 here is mine it was my first ill recommend it but know that it will get loose and sloppy and theres no real way to fix it you can bang on the pins a bit to tighten it up this this wont last or work foreveralso the handles are of a super cheap metal zamak white zinc based metal that is kinda brittle example the price though its worth it if you decide you like balisong after that get a benchmade or another 200ish one youll be amazed at the difference in quality there isnt really anything in current production in betweenoh and trainers are pointless you can just put masking tape or electrical tape on the blade if youre concerned you can still stab yourself though but that wont be a concern until youre throwing it around practice over a bed or something watch your feet,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 list of automatic downvotes for me fox news breitbart washington times ny post newsmax daily caller daily signal,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 its pretty cool reading cersei and tyrions povs sidebyside among other things,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 not actively having sex or having sex at all,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 he ran for over 100 yards last week so i played him this week against the weak sauce bears but he got rekt,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 damn that makes me regret my choice of the tank top i had my eye on that jacket too,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 he has a boner for typementions,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i actually get weird and feel like my brain is foggy if i dont talk to anyone all day emotionally i dont give a fuck and in fact i like having a couple of days to just do me every week but i dont feel as sharp if i havent conversed i need people,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 except tesla dome is literally gadgets ultimate loland it used to do damage they removed it because it was exploitable and they couldnt fix it people were using it to steal orb prime,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 as i said he keeps his option open im not predicting that he will do the pivot or not but he kept a loophole in what he said to turn it into something else than what has been sold as deportation he can make this going out coming back process into a path to citizenship and sell it as such,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 technically thats not quite right machine learning models requires hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of examples to learn to recognize objects it seems they learn much slower,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i can finally suck my own dick if i cut it offwhilst shaking hands with the newly regrown one,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 hes essentially talking about the evolution of ideas and values how some come to dominate others im not sure how such a genealogy could be verified or investigated in a historical sense in the way that an invasion or a battle could all you can really do is look at texts and infer using some sensibilities or schema which is exactly what he did â but i dont think you can make judgements as to the historical accuracy of which clearly it was useful for nietzsche to illustrate overarching ideas he had about morality that were prior to the analysis or at least evolved in tandem with it,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 theres a roman copy of a bustsculpture believed to be made directly of him ie the sculptor looked at him irl i think it might be this one,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 sure thats fine adding you now ill be right there,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 hahhahaha that cod part sounds similar to me and my bro typemention he was more guerrilla warefare like than me i had many tactics and principles behind how to best play the game we were both super competitive,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 seriously the adrenaline rush and subsequent adrenaline dump after rescuing someone can be awful,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 its in one of his leadership book i tracked the page once using google books the list compiled here come from those books,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 when you watch dark city get either the directors cut or mute the beginning turn the sound back on when you see kiefer sutherland the opening narration was added in post and detracts from the film,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 just a performance update for the gpu the load on your cpu stays the same,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i suspect uthecommieduck makes his tea gasp in a mug putting milk on the teabag then adding hot water afterwards doesnt bear thinking about that kind of thing is reserved for the international criminal court under the war crimes against humanity section,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 hah only 125 times good ive caught up youre on 137 now,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im more of an entx i just like to push towards the typemention side of things and what you describe would be reigning in the cogfuncmention rather than developing it you can only do that with plans habits goals and meaning i guess you could say its cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention if you consider cogfuncmention to relate to meaning still its easier said than done especially the meaning part,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 holy crap i will never unsee,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 its the same people who complain about the written word fuck but not the version of fck,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 a good portion of the military wouldnt turn guns on citizens though unless weve finally mastered project mkultra,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 did you miss the part where i also said i got 10 points a couple times its not just 1s,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 one win one draw was all i neededafter downranking to mge with a huge amount of losses i believe it were about five wins or so,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 lol it took me like 5 mins to write a quick script to get unhuman scores and mess up their sites already shitty data calculationsdont trust the javascript,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i hope they didnt ask you to clears thoat join in,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 meditations is the shit aside i always get a kick out of reading any old timey shit remembering how when i was very young i thought all old timey folk spoke in thees and thous it wasnt until college that i learned most of the ancient texts were last translated for english speakers during the renaissance still in my head old timey folks say thee thou and mlady,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 high school level bs detectedalso this just further goes to show that a guy doesnt really have female friends unless theyre acquaintances through others like your guy friends gf or something,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 dude just saw your trailerthe game looks amazing cant wait to throw money at it,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 yes i would prefer to do 400 and 800 intervals but my coach likes to do religious amounts of 200 intervals,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i only have a total of 4gb of storage on my phone itself 23 gb of which is filled with software thats neccesary for it to work like android itself i do have an sdcard in it but most apps do need some of there data on the internal storage anyway i havent downloaded more than 15 apps from the playstore but i still have to remove an old photo everytime i want to make a new one,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 omg this is fucking amazing yesssss lt3 sorryimkindadrunkandilovesillycats,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 asshole there is a special place in hell for you,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 lets goi was on my schools academic quiz bowl team with ucrunchystixfite me,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 understandable have a nice day,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i used to be chronically early and then annoyed when everyone else was late id be easily 15 minutes early or earlier now im always late i dont know what changed but something must have,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 those statements hold no arguments,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 cant argue with that logic,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 that doesnt sound like something to mention maybe hed go out looking maybe not,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 agreed lee made a very big impact on the game,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 good to see someone judge eren by his feats and not by fandom alone and whilst i still disagree with the statement that he could have beaten reigner without the help of the others in their first fight your formulation of what annie is capable of did change my few on erens and reigners second fightnot only was eren also armored in that fight the fact that he also knows some of annies techniques might have been enough to level the playing field despite his lack of experience even if he wasnt supported by thunderspearsthank you for your extensive reply it managed to change my vieuw on the matter even if it was just a little bit,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 have you tried using the rangeformula and cellsformula methods,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i had a similar question and someone provided this link it does also cover other types of disabilitiesits not just downs its any fetal abnormality prohibits a person from performing an abortion if the person knows that the pregnant woman is seeking the abortion solely because of 1 the race color national origin ancestry or sex of the fetus or 2 a diagnosis or potential diagnosis of the fetus having down syndrome or any other disability,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 getting a raise that puts you in a new tax bracket and adding a new spouse to an employer sponsored healthcare plan can result in a net reduction of income given the increased cost of the healthcare coverage as i said not enough details,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 he knew bertholds story about his past was made up even if he managed to guess that hes the colossal on appearance alone the fact that he knew that the story was fake means he read the mangathats far from the only thing that gave it away but im not planning on watching it again,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ive got the opposite problem my flooring in the new house is either tiled or carpeted so there isnt a hard surface with a perfect level when i weigh myself and its on the downwards sloping part of the tile it says 68kg if i rotate it the other way where the tile now sloped upwards it says 74kgits annoying having to weigh myself at the gym because i prefer to weigh first thing in the morning before any food or drink with just my sleepwear amp no shoes i was actually 73kg not the 70 i thought i was but that explains why i thought i was looking a bit soft for 70kg in the mirror,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 yes you arewhats the problem,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 typemention here the few people ive met who have been familiar with mbti think im a feeler when we first meet i have met approx 6 people im certain are typemention and about 30 typementiontypemention who think theyre typemention hehe one of the typemention i now know reasonably well i swore was an typemention despite her protests we were drinking quite a lot that night,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah cause its 3 hours earlier there it was pretty hot here today32deg in st stephen nb a few hours ago humidex 39theres no humidex over there i bet,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yes for hunting i would certainly own semi autos if they werent a nightmare to get a license for but they are i feel safer when around armed people especially if they are police or military,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 this thread helped me realize i dont particularly care about racialsocial things and that im more the guy who people would say is underwhelming especially to my family huh,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 how do you have the voting system identify a cheater,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this is a good idea hugging like this releases oxytocin and serotonin which promotes bonding these guys get it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 finally got out of a six month spiral my psychiatrist decided that my classification as having schizoaffective disorder was false and six months ago took me off my antipsychotic and messed with my mood stabilizer turns out he was wrong and recovery from that has been an uphill battleit is rough the last six months ive been someone im not and it has pushed my friends away and hurt a lot of my life itll take a while to regain everything and undo all that damage mental illness sucks and i hate how lonely it makes you,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 and its a little strange to me that youre using your experience with someone you doubt is typemention to judge other typemention,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 stop building fences thats what i say my friend does he pictures growing old in a nice house with a white picket fence when he matches with a guy on tinder well its not quite that bad but it used to beit doesnt sound like it youre getting into a relationship it sounds like youve found a potential toy and youre overthinking it just enjoy your new toy,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 sooo are you trying to apply the same formatting to all cell addresses within a cells formula,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the analogy is divorce is to an unhealthy marriage what medicine is to an unhealthy bodymedicine is not for healthy bodies and divorce is not for healthy marriagesis it a trauma surgeon in a pediatric unitis it dr josef mengele experimenting on jewish prisoners,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 that wasnt a knock it was a battering,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 really i thought they had about the same value as a master ball and masterballs can go 11 for brs if its not that vauluable could you tell me what it is worth,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 as someone who caregives for a family member with a disability fuck her,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 cldownloadfilter nosounds is the right command,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yes certain things need to be fixed a mandate is necessary preexisting condition need to be covered who can become a doctor or run an hospital need to be regulated that being said plenty of aspect of healthcare can be run as a business and benefit from competition but its not clear its worth it it can only work in highdensity areas or on matter that dont need too much oversight if a clinic can do an fmri at a better price it should be fine but i dont want my heart surgery to go the the lowest bidder,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 got any perfect or br pokemon,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i have a spare raspberry pi doing nothing at the moment which i could turn in a tor proxy someone whos already done this ideas or recommendations for good tutorials things to think about or look out for,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 right now morris is ufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffd 4 3s in the 1st,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 you are not getting upset over people in casual are you,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the patriot act was almost passed unanimously only one nay both sides equally guilty,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 just a performance update for the gpu the load on your cpu stays the same,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 option explicit public clockenabled as boolean public sub clocktimer if clockenabled then applicationontime now timevalue000001 clocktimer rangec6calculate end sub public sub startclock clockenabled true call clocktimer end sub public sub stopclock clockenabled false end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 excellent i just need to get about 800k and a helicopter oh and from the top gear interview there is a second sister thats sposed to pop up on ebay sometime so yeah,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 could be 8w9 or something,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 read ops comment what no hes so cute and adorkable read you comment fucking damnit i just realised how true that is,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 i kind of agree the problem is that these educated people will be biased since they will mostly be from the richer crowd unless your definition of educated is a bit more wide,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the guy that works in my area is awesome would he be allowed to get my garage code so he could open it and set the package in the garage hed be willing but i wouldnt want him to get in trouble if policy officially prohibits it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 depends how high you win and what your stats say at timesyou win high vs good players you get more points you lose high against worse players you lose more points etc,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 my chiro fixed my tmj as in i dont have it anymore after a jaw injury and 2 years of terrible pain soft diets seeing an orthodontist etc you should know though that reddit hates chiropractors im glad you were able to find relief,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 29 that was when a few things happened i got really sick and couldnt walk for a few months blood clotsdvt this made me look hard at my life goals my physical abilities which i totally took for granted where i was spending my time at the same time my dad also got really sick heart attack and died but was revived and was in the hospital for a long time i am very close to my dad and seeing him this way rocked me to my core life is so fragile was i really living the life i wantedas a result of my dads illness my life goals really came to the forefront i tried to talk with my bf at the time we lived together and i thought we would eventually get married this was not to be he betrayed my trust in a huge way a couple months later i broke up with him in a massive door slam i found out he didnt have any goals for us no future plans but had somehow hidden it from me or i refused to see it this affected my love life deeply he had a deep depression he had hidden for years i decided i was never again going to commit to someone who was half assed into a relationship with me i needed to do my best to take my typemention i know they can be this thing i imagine for them blinders off most people dont change you get what you get about 10 months later i met the love of my life who is absolutely all in i have no doubt do not settleduring this time i also lost friends door slammed people that didnt matter moved like 3x in a year crashed on friends couches partied and went on a 4 month drinking binge not recommended all of this to deal with all the loss and to help clear my mind i came out on the other side a lot more grateful for what i have an ability to let more little things roll off my back and zero tolerance for people wasting my time by half assing relationships my mother went through changes parallel to me due to the health issues with my dad we bonded more deeply over these events it was good to have someone even though we were suffering we propped each other up i even went and lived with my mother for a month because i was off work due to my dvtdo i think i would have changed into the person i am today without all this no i think i would have realized about my dating life but it would have taken longer to get there i would have continued taking my family friends and health for granted my advice to anyone would be dont take your health and family health for granted dont spend time on people and things that dont matter make sure you have goals for the future we are good at that but also make sure you embrace and enjoy the present tell your loved ones that you love them do not hold back feelings edit a word,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 so im guessing cyan is not a whitish color for color normals,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 wow eyeballing from the start then she steps back practically forcing him to go in front of her totally set him up just so she could give herself a little pat on the ass ive no doubt she wouldnt have moved until he didwhat a dick move,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 not to mention the fact that someone was using dip at your workplace even if it was a client thats gross to do in a public storeknow any employees that have such a disgusting habit thatd be the first place id look,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 not at all the thing is i see this as kinda a video game you both meet when youre at the same level and party to fight monsters that are the obstacles of your lives you support one another during these battles both of you get experience from the monster you get soul points that let you grow to become stronger but your friend for some reason didnt bother to use the skill points eventually you level up to the point where you guys cant support one another and while youre level 50 your friend is still level 3at that point you cant relate anymore because they are still fighting the same monsters and youre fighting other things some people are really salty about being dropped a friends for whatever reason ive had that problem and i just mind my own business i personally would tell them that we arent close anymore and ive grown as a person if i dont see any reason to continue a friendship then thats that ill give an explanation but other than that i dont owe them anything,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 i just cant hate payet he seems like such a chill and cool dude,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 edit replied too quicklyinaccurate reply coming in p i think its just as well an typemention thing i mean im pretty sure that im an typemention i fit the type all too well but i come up with ideas about my future all the time i also jump around all the time through the months and years and always have different ideas of what i want to be or do still yes im typemention,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 i guess at this point you are just trolling women in iran are much more independent and educated the first women to win the field medal mathematics is iranian for instance they are still discussing if women should be allowed to drive in saudi arabia,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 you may be interested in thisthe bizarrely profitable business of baby foreskins bad that money doesnt go to the parents of the new born kind of brings a new meaning to the term facial,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 haha true worth it though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 devilsadvocate im sure he was also an acid rain denier a global ice age denier etc etcif we cant accurately model the weather 2 weeks from now why even bother with yet another government scare tactic al gore was certain the coasts would be flooded by now,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 he was already a douchebag when he took on the babysitting behind her back every subsequent episode of douchebaggery only serves as further evidence,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 oh you mean like this,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i dont think that would ever happen,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 sounds like that seinfeld episode,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 he has the recording he was trying to post it to soundcloud last night,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the advantage isnt only to always have a charged set of batteries i guess charging them using the device via usb is generally bad for the battery lifemaybe someone else can chime in with why better than i couldits fine every now and again maybe but if you vape on the regular its something youre gonna want to invest in and it makes sense to pick one up when youre getting batteries,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 seems to be the case often in mm,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 shox left titan because of the gaming house or his grill and nbk left because he wanted a team without ex6 he then asked smithzz to come with him as well as kennys but kenny deniedi personally dont find it weird that they return to titan seeing that they can play together with rpk and ex6 again makes me excited,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 down here salt is a way of life,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 happens every nude leak people saying dick is tiny thats a fine sized dick guys 556 inch probably honestly real nice dick,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 well im inherently very on edge about putting myself out there especially if theres a relatively good chance im going to repulse someone as ive always secretly feared p,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 this is also a factor of constructivistemotivist constructivists are sortof tone deaf when it comes to their audience declaring types can be this way also if they excessively monologue but the lack of one mitigates the presence of the other if you have both the trait is enhanced,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 improper use of whom kills me,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 what people are missing here is the fact that the question is so vague what do you mean by jew do you mean an israelite or someone who believes in judaism,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 how can plant control within a national park improve property values its not like yellowstone hawaii or aspen where everyone wants a piece of the action and you must preserve why people come to visit your placewouldnt demolishing derelict buildings regenerating the city centre improving public transit and attracting high paying job centres like tech companiesrampduniversities all improve property value in the long term,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 its almost as if we were warned about this exact moral dilemma decades ago,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 haha sorry i completely forgot its also midterms right now study do you want any specific advice,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 no astronomy is astronomy astrophysics is physics astronomys more like geography just with the universe,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 and yeah obviously she doesnt know her employees,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 find an typemention they love that shit,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 unfortunately i dont have anything thats able to take photosthe handles like 34 bananalength sorryi think the whole thing is about 18 though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 get with the times here in canada we dont have pennies any longerusa is so resistant to any change they should have switched over to the metric system ages ago theyre the only non 3rd world country still using imperial,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 that was inspiring im going to maga even harder now,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 talisas head jerked downwards her hand flying back up to her mouth to smother an inevitable whimper impossibly his mouth felt even better than his finger had the new technique wasnt revolutionarily different from what hed already done but it certainly felt like it closing her eyes in ecstasy talisa began to grind against his torso her motions slow from weariness and gentle out of consideration,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i was kinda hoping he would ask her what about the gems that didnt have the same choice you did they dont know any better its not fair to just shatter them without trying to show them the way or somethingbut i do hope bismuth can be turned around,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 technology growth is proportional to the number of researchersus population has grown 30x in the last century it wont do so in the next,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 id try and tell it and inevitably screw up the punchline good joke c,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i remember that when the issue was brought against mccain in discussions the fact that he was born on an american base was presented as solving the issue it wasnt well his parents are americans end of the story cruz doesnt have this argument that doesnt mean he is not eligible from a legal point of view but in the narrative born on american soil has some weight,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i think that you are right about the nostalgia cycle but as someone that is also old enough to remember exactly what you are talking about 36 there are some differences i would say that nirvana never really lost their relevance or lost their cool when compared against bands that are still together or reformed like pearl jam soundgarden and alice in chains none of them have anywhere near the following as nirvana has always had i love all of those bands and like their new material but i dont think the nostalgia phenomenon really applies as well to nirvana id compare them more to our generations beatles or black sabbath i remember the resurgence of the doors queen the eagles and a lot of the classic rock bands of the 60s70s but they werent very enduring waynes world made queen popular again oliver stone and eddie vedder revived the doors etc but most of those bands had faded into obscurity before becoming relevant again i dont think nirvana was ever a joke like the eagles,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 whenever i comment something like this it always gets downvoted,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 just get res and filter those posts outseriously they are permabanned and that rightfully so but that doesnt mean i cant show appreciation for the undeniably good work steel doespull the stick out of your ass dude,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 keloids have to be surgically removed if you havent had keloids before it is highly unlikely you have one now its probably an irritation bump what is your jewelry made of and what are you doing for aftercare,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i looked into it too i think shes a little like steven colbert its all persona theres almost no point in typing her,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i ripped the cover off my dads paperback when i was about that age back in 1976 i wasnt allowed to touch it again until 1986 when i read it for the first timemy babies were exposed to tolkien in the womb if you include watching the films with the sound right up,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 one i read recently is about girls having larger circlessupport group than men i dont think this is universal and that girls connect more through emotional instead of experiential again not universal when it comes to stereotypes the key is just to educate find stories or examples saying otherwise add to the diversity i for example only have close friends whom ive bonded with emotionally as a dude the experiential guysgirls ive hung with are close but its not like the emotional connections i prefer the emotional to be honest it seems more sustainable thats not to say that experiential relationships arent good i love those as well theres something about doing something with somebody looking at them and knowing just what to do its really cool diversity is more real and more strong than a stereotype can hold,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 this is perfect i didnt know i wanted this until now,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 they wouldnt have read the manga would they and this thread is tagged so you can tell me in all peace,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this is even more painful to watch a full minute in and they still werent remotely close,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the niqab is a very marginal practice we are talking of a few thousands of people in canada if it was 10000 it would be 003 of the whole population and 1 of muslims but its probably much less than that i read figure as low as a thousand the danger here is to assume that 99 of the muslims who dont follow this practice differ in their opinion than the rest of the population,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 still waiting for that day p,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 docs on the clippers now bro,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 but the game is already inspired by movies what would be the point a movie based on a game thats base on westerns would just bea western,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 agreed when i think of logan i think of lemmy kilmister if he was a foot shorter and more muscular,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 oh my god gpcs for a brief period i was poor and desperate enough for those fucking nasty things every time i blew my nose it looked like id been riding in the back of a pickup down a dirt road for hours,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 99 of the time with any pirated software the answer to any online features is nounless theres some additional software that you can host your own server like minecraft for example i have a spigot server and anyone can connect legit or otherwise,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its cellular density isnt higher than that of other organs though,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 try speeding in southlake theyd pull their own mother over and give her a ticket,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 well you said that paradis people the eldians never went to war which they did it might not be the eldians we know today but whilst the first king pussied out the eldians were the oppressing race,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im in boston i called last week to ask when shes endorsing bernie i cited higher education and holding wall street accountable as points they really agree on,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 thank you ill add it to the list,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 our ac is the do are they supposed to be different people,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 baking soda or white vinegar my place smelled like someone smoked here for decades but it smells normal now due to both of those,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 if only the dragons could realize how adorable their baby pictures are,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 thats my creed and i dont regret following it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 then go for it my friend and i were discussing it as she had the same idea she talked to one of the police course trainers at one point and he said you dont have a lot of control over where you end up in the beginning and apparently a lot of positions they need filled end up being in the bible belt not sure if relocation would make or break it for you,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 it comforts me to think that hitler is the poop joke of history,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i love this and it needs to be upvoted to the top,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yeah come over to typemention were the fun ones,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 interesting i admit to not reading all of the replies in that thread but every time i have mentally questioned if someone was an typemention or not which is rare it did have to do with displaying really strong cogfuncmention tendencies for instance the only time ive considered it was in a post recently where an typemention was asking how to deal with their typemention coworker who was going overboard in that area that being said i cant say im bothered if someone claims to be an typemention who cares the only time it makes me cringe is when anyone claiming to be this type plays up the whole special psychic snowflake routine full tilt when dealing with other types i genuinely like that other types chime in here it offers a needed perspective shift on some of the topics besides have you considered that the reason someone in this sub might point out youre possibly a different type is because theyre more interested in helping you find out the truth about yourself than simply trying to kick you out of a supposedly elitist club as a person and even an typemention im rather invested in helping people figure themselves out and hurting their feelings or making them feel excluded is not part of thatedited for content and clarity,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 that explains that then libertarian socialism and marxist socialism are pretty equivalent the differences are usually normative state communists tend to prefer authoritarianismexternal legitimacy libertarian socialists tend to prefer syndicalismdecentralised political liberalisminternal legitimacyhowever they both differ from the common use of socialism in that social ownership must entail ownership of production workers are directly engaged with social ownership is not this restricted by normal definition it also includes state ownership and also collective control of markets ie regulation which is socialist where it intentionally facilitates production for use,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 i wonder how that would work outwish we could test it out in a vacuum,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 probably best to discourage that behavior asap else be left with a broken neck and squished kitty,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the op you said xntp,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 huh really i feel like im too introverted to be a 7,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i can see how this seems weird to people outside of the uk who arent used to it and personally i find it condescending it very rarely happens to guys though having lived in stoke for a year and a bit i just got used to everyone calling me duck or shug its just something everyone does to everyone else up there,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 that wasnt it though if i remember right their 3rd was 3 star spider man they didnt even have sword tiles,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 maybe i will never become an expert in dealing with this in a years time but id like to think i will have found some better ways to cope with my depressive and often suicidal thoughts i know itll be difficult but a part of me is really determinedanother thing i might not be an expert within a year but hopefully better than i am now and hopefully more achievable than my first goal is icelandic i started learning in late septemberearly october of last year i havent made major progress because of looming exams but now im determined,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 that was kinda the point,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 she locked herself in the bathroom and was rescued before he could actually do anything to her of course it was still traumatizing but not in the same way,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 psst avatar the last airbender had a live action adaption and so did dbz both were shit,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 johns posted at times that hes an typemention which i can see and hank is an typemention though theyre probably just testtypedanother talky typemention who id love to be typemention is stephen colbert if only he did his superpac this year,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 its even worse than the topic suggests as two rounds she couldnt even name any letter,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lt rpunchablefaces is that way,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 can you get e4 in boot no you can still get your honor recruit ribbon it just looks good on your transcript and can help you out later in your navy career,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 typhoon the lake any note is played the lead singer kyle is heard either sighing or counting off the song or somethingalso theres a song where in the middle of it it sounds like a windows error message or notification or a phone text message or something coming in it always used to bother me because i would think it was my phone ill try to remember what it is edit im not crazy i found it saliva always i swear it sounds like 2 notes from the ringtone i had when i had one of those really awesome early 2000s nokia phones considering the song is called always it always made me think my phone was going off i dont know if those two notes are a product of the guitar being played or if theyre supposed to be part of the song but it has never failed to escape my attention the notes appear at 037 140 254 theyre not super loud but theyre definitely there,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 i dont think we have any way of knowing yet were still trying to figure out which combinations of genes do what and thats going to take a good long while still not to mention that a lot of disorders are likely not only due to the genes involved but whether or not theyre switched on methylation and how the dna is actually folded,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 sloppy seconds moral of the story cardboard castles all you can do sarajevo 4 am strong as an oak tiny glowing screens pt 2 never let it die dent in the moon hey asshole my first stalker,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 problem is outside of eren and armin all other children eat the wall propaganda thats why armin got bullied in the first placealso you shower too long think of the environment,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 cuuuute love weasels stoats ferrets or anything like that i really need to get a pair of em,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i wish i had a witty comment to put here,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 how many laps will chase lead before dale jr catches him,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 typemention were the besttypemention define besttypemention lists out logical and reasonably objective things that are pretty agreed upon as indicators of success things that indicate theyre the besttypemention nah i dont like those were the best,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i studied psychology depending on which aspects of personality youre measuring the results should generally be stable over time personality is most fluid in childhood but again there are dimensions which appear to be quite stable over the course of even 40 years,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you might get morebetter responses if you make separate threads for each,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 you were the only one to see it i was in the game,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 factory edges for that are around 20side imo you wanna go lower and not higherstill should be getting a burr be sure to do one side until you get a burr if you switch youll never get one and just waste your knife awayim not keen on the lansky but it should be fine it isnt crapyou might just need more experience with sharpening got any dull kitchen knives laying around practice on some that dont matter so much firstit takes a while to reset a bevel angle initially just be sure and try to match it up on subsequent sharpeningsill also tell you what i tell everyone once its sharp use a ceramic or steel honing rod often like before or after nearly every time you use it it will realign the edge without removing material and make your edge last for many months,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 they will make them available as a video compilation the pros didnt want pov streams and rightfully so,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 that sounds like passive stalking if thats a thing,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 30 of the workforce of ksa are immigrants and some estimate they account for 80 of the effective work their challenge isnt so much economic diversity but work ethic how they will get a spoiled population to actually get motivated by work there are two factors that can create a work ethic learning it from the previous generation and necessity let me be skeptical in their goal,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 7s rundistract from problems is what it has to do with the conversation typemention mostly internalize negative input which is why we need to protect ourselves from it typemention rarely forget other peoples feelings so much that its a bad idea for the typemention to not care what people think,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 bootsfootwearive had some that would only last less than 6 months they werent comfy and killed my feetmy current pair is going on 6 years with no signs of any wear thatd put em out of action i figure theyll last at least 15 still comfy not worth going cheap for these things,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i never claimed to have qualifications read again sound it out,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 yeah it does kinda you have to click the little button that looks to me at least like a play button that i expect is going to launch the vod then you get a stat screen that still doesnt show 20 or anything like that but if youre not redgreen colorblind you can see that one team has a green bar and the other red the green bar indicates who won the match it works but its hardly intuitiveedit and i dont mean to sound overly harsh to fdot or adanas i think fdot is actually one of the better casters but they do get stuck on certain phrases and use them way too much i also dont like when someone says paradigm is heading to the fire giant then theres a four minute discussion about hot dogs with not a single word to say what happened at fg i like listening to the broadcast while im driving or doing work around the house so im counting on the casters to tell me whats happening if everyone is farming fine but dont leave us hanging like that,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 well done youre getting it now,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 looking for quality dark blue denim jeans problem 45 hips vs 32 waist anybody any brand recommendationsi carry most of my weight around my thighs its a big challenge to find jeansdress pants that even fit my legs let alone find a pair that also fits my waist straight and boot cut jeans look best in my opinion,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 id suggest to take option 1 she is dutch we are very very direct in our culture you can see traces of our cultural directness in how easy it is for her to correct op about cultural issues or how she is inviting herself to heritage events which to her probably isnt seen as inviting herself she most likely simply thought she was actually asking but it clearly didnt come across like that as a dutch person option 1 really doesnt come across as aggressive to me at all it simply comes across as clear upfront communication which we value,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 court found that lpkane approved jaguars code so he is at fault thanks,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah i watched the november 95 episodes for research to update the subreddit im now at february 1996,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 was she naked the entire time,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 thats what i would like im one of the new players and i was actually shocked that this isnt a feature at first i thought i just couldnt find the inspect menu ingame,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 thanks for the advise but im a european sadly enough,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 we are and well know for sure when we reach a type ii or iii civilization where we have the energy to breach the plank energy and tear a hole through our confines,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 4es character creation especially late in its cycle was so complicated it practically required an app i know i hated created or leveling up a character without one,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 update been bouncing between 20th and 30th for a while now i need rory to gtfo but i dont see that happening,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ill email logs when i get home it happened to me last night in hyper joust in the middle of a very fun very close ravana vs change match throughout the course of the 34 hours i was online id see every 3045 mins a clanmate ask on chat wtf because it had just happened to them its definitely a widespread issue,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 if it worked like that it would be even more overpowered unwavering ir and you have something arguably better than aegis with similar functionality,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 is it just me or are like a good majority of these super dissonant,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i would simply state that the double slit experiment is not an illusion until the measurement is taken the photon actually passes through both slits once measured the probability wave collapses and only then a single path is determinedif the photon actually goes through both slits until it is measured it cannot be predetermined in fact i read somewhere i really wish i could remember where but it was demonstrated that measuring the outcome of an event based on probability waves actually changes past events this is not the article i read but covers the same subject science its int he delayed choicequantum erasertime section in 2007 science 315 966 2007 scientists in france shot photons into an apparatus and showed that their actions could retroactively change something which had already happened,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 as a girl who is now studying to be an engineer and has had first hand experience with being discriminated against my stem interests from ever since i was about 7 years old no girls are actively pushed away from stem by society by their peers family and even teachers the only reason i got into stem is because my father was my big advocate and called everyone out who tried to tell me stem isnt for girls why dont you choose a social science instead youre probably not good enough at mathematics anyway to be an engineer if you go to an engineering or physics department at your local uni youll find most of the girls there have similar stories,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 her calves are like steel sheathed in silk,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 they are all shiny in my head,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 it is neat to have a different perspectivei used to be typical deutan and then i had an incident a few months ago and since then ive lost color as well as some visual ability im currently working with doctors though because of that it recently has become a bit scary but you cant control what happens in life but it is interesting,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 it kind of depends on you but it will make you feel sad and think about your relationship probably,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 why not writing antoinette then at least its far more different than antoine from antonio,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 women act a bit more erratic than usual around you if youre really attractive a woman with a bitchy attitude is kind around you,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 of course i dont tell any stories of my time in the drug scene very little of my partying very little of other trauma experiences this has been the last 3 or 4 years of my life and the rest is just youth i can potentially share 100 but that would take years repressed memories would still evade me and i simply cant physically open my mouth to share it either,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 that is what i am asking,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 yep theyre insanely intelligent and that octo doesnt want to expend any more energy than it has to it knows its already woni also love how it just slowly floats down down to the crabs inevitable grave once hes got it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 technician is safestem degrees are always in demandhealthcare construction trades and it are growing fastanything involving mostly nonroutine physical tasks solving unstructured problems and working with new information will not be automated anytime soon,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 thanks thats a lot of money,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 and that in spite of the fact that they look very similar which means the blood of numenor must refer more to psychological intellectual mental characteristics than physical,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 torterra went outso out of the remaining pokã mon my favourite would be giratinawait nope giratina went out tooout of the remaining pokã mon my favourite is lucario go lucariolist of pokã mon i like but will be voting against because they eliminated the pokã mon i was rooting for at the time i must have vengeancesnorlax eliminated darkraiampharos eliminated torterrascizor is sort of on this list for eliminating my nextfavourite remaining pokã mon on the same day torterra got eliminated,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 itd be nice to know for sure which theory is dominant in this subgives me a good estimate of how many of you i need to fightedit about 77 of you guys should start watching you backs,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 so at work theres a tournament 300 entries top 5 win winner gets a huge gift card normally fading the local biases is a great strategy but i just so happen to live in kentucky would fading uk be the smart choice if so who beats them right now i have wisconsin very lightly penciled in as my winneralso any other strategies for playing a field where 90 of people surely wont be knowledgeable ive been reading this whole thread and looking at kenpom stats but idk the best tactics to use my gf works with me so i can fill out her bracket too maybe 1 uk fade 1 uk champ,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 eh both my parents have had cancercancer is general enough where its not offensive,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 not who you commented on but no your college counselor does not count you need to find a real therapist an actual clinical psychologist who provides professional health care the way how you called it an industry kind of rubbed me the wrong way you are not buying some kind of product damn it you are trying to get medical assistance because thats what it is and thats what you need a proper therapist will help you change your mindset and behaviour to allow for more introspection it will definitely not be only talk and you will definitely not be able to just toss the discussions significance aside because a good behavioural therapist will make you put yourself to work you will be given exercises stuff to think about things to write down etc it will definitely not just be random talking about deep stuff,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 home alone 3 and especially 4 would like a word with you,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 talisa nodded glad to hear the promisegood night she said simply capping off the emotional rollercoaster of a visit at a high point,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 for those of you that understand french the full show is here watching it now it wasnt immediately clear that it was fake,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 thats what i like about typemention,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 lol its coarse and rough and gets everywhere,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 aww thanks i read the mod thread and thought if you guys are looking for change i might as well try out the new methods,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i think we would play a 433 if it wasnt for ozil wenger tried it at the beginning of 1415 but ozil didnt play well out wide so he went back to the 4231seems like it would suit the team well as well all our midfielders seem like they would suit a 3 man midfield better even the ox has played well in a midfield 3 compared to a 2,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i can only live by myself or with family anyone other than that is just needless stress the extra money to cover expenses is completely worth the privacy and peace of mind imo,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 what do you mean i got a budget and its not my money if thats what your askingedit like component warranties and troubleshooting,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 omg i loved you when i was a little kid d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 facts are known now dude was a sanders supporter,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i remember the 94 pre release threadbut the 95 one is nothing but a blur,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thank you ill add it to the list,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i see your point however training a neural network on vac with overwatch could be a step in the right direction for a higher ban percentagehowever saying vac is shit is a bit over the top imo,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 and fuck over people with bad internet64 tick is not going to be changed live with it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i remember someone saying recently that being a good jungler is about turning the fog of war off in your mind,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 hes talking arms not belly,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 una pressed her hand to the bruise wincing at the pain it was clear she was not going to be left alone my story is long uninteresting and painful to reflect on but im doubtful that matters to you im guessing your more interested in my lands and titles im a dayne and i am in line to inherit nothing,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 this is why i mostly buy long sleev button downs jeans for chilling slacks for working if you get hot roll up the sleeves,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im okay with being second to get stuff if other brave souls are filtering it out of 4chan,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 its how europeans eat this,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 lol spent most of the day watching her sleep got a good 3 hours of excel tut vids in to bootgod bless the match function,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i act like an etypemention around my family most of the time haha if i dont maintain a strong image of certainty and mild aggression they pounce im the one who left home and never came back hahaha everyone acts differently in different situations with different people dont sweat it too much just try to relax and speak your mind where appropriate be as nice as you can get away with and have as good of a time as possible,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the wire is the greatest show of all time please watch it,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 learn to read thanksvac has a very low false positive rate so i personally think you are lyingthe wird opinion doesnt mean much for you apparently,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the combat knife from fallout 4 i once took down overboss colter like that weapon,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 my mom sent me a link to a tv that was marked down from 700 something to 500 yet its 500 at best buy and samsungcom,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i met my so when i was 18 at my first week of uni nonetheless and he was close to 6 years older than me we have now been together for over 4 years and live together as well and we have one of the most healthy relationships i know among my friends and acquaintances but here is the thing i had been through some heavy shit in my teenage years and was on all accounts very much more mature than the average 18 year old yes my so was in a different life stage but we were able to communicate and understand eachother on the same emotional level we were also both at a very emotionally stable point in our lives we were and are in many ways eachothers equal and grew together over the yearsthe thing that worries me about this girl is how she talks about being lonely that in it very self shows shes not emotionally stable enough to handle a tricky non standard relationship because of the age difference she does not seem to act out of infatuation or love for you specifically but simply out of the need for emotional comfort and thats not something you should want for your life,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 if i go to a stadium im usually with friends andor family so im not too invested in the game theres also the factor of being in the crowd and cheering or bemoaning when something happens that fills in that information gap its kind of like being at a concert or a movie theater i dont really go the musicmovie i go there for the experiencefor what its worth im a very casual sports fan so im not too invested in the games anyway for me i just want something a little more than just watching the game whether its the more detailed information from a commentator or the experience of being with friends family other fans more on topic though i hope with the death of television and rise of internet streaming which i see as virtually inevitable there will be more options that cater to everyone,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 tt i miss reddit is fun so so so much no ios apps are comparable theyre all awful,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 iirc a lot of the russian symbolist composers of the twentieth century viewed the human voice with distastewagner was taking opera to a strange place wonderful but dont start with wagnerwhy only opera do you also not like choral music i cant imagine anyone not liking bachs cantatas heres my favourite one,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 its a cool community but damn they are into the pretty colourful bujo trend which can become slightly creepy and obsessive from the perspective of someone who just uses bujo as a productivity tool and doesnt give a shit about how the bujo looks as long as the thing does its job properly,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i actually think that less access to painkillers is a pretty exorbitant cost based on my experience having a painkillerfree full term birth but regardless i may reconsider my stance if research leads me to the conclusion that theres a point past which theres literally no way an abortion would make the process easier for the woman,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i dont know how but my one 1 star rating disappeared i havent done 500 rides yet so it didnt just fall off due to attrition perhaps they really can fix there errors if they care to,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 proportions are good it doesnt look out of place,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 thanks is it right that the different instances of its use look kind of arbitrary to me that seems congruent with what youve said about the ablative case absorbing a bunch of different cases from protoaryan languages,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 im sorry im 90 sure ive got cogfuncmention polr so you probably wont get too far with me on this argumentif there are possible flaws in the mechanisms for collecting data the data is pure garbage self identified types leads to 80 of typemention typemention typemention typemention typemention typemention typemention typemention leading to bad typemention data most people in the community agree that there is no reliable online testing result every time someone posts a study on this subreddit you should look at its sources most of the time youll get like a forty page document with five major research errors by page 2but what about possible flaws in human perception cant our eyes be flawed yeah basically in order to function in the world we have to accept the delusion that our perceptual data is accurate you dont have to do that for statistical data not when there are clear examples of how to do it better eg in the big five model,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 well that depends on the situation really having a few months of subsistence in the bank enables a person to take risks which can pay far greater dividends over time,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this is a pretty common phenomenon for many young adults especially ixxjs who are learning to spread their wings and grow up perceiver types typically adapt a lot less to their environment almost forcing the environment to adapt to them and dont change as much after becoming their own authority figures the young ixxjs i work with show night and day differences depending on their surroundings,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 when youre sad about your clothes,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i would think it fair that they have more rights in separation and in general this way they can avoid abuse or neglect without suffering nearly everything,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 harvest moon aint got shit on this,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 what server do you play on,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 to me i agree with your description of tennis shoes flat white shoes like a nurse might wear super casual and comfy but not good for running around i know theyre actually basketball shoes but chuck taylors are kind of what i think of when i think tennis shoes but gym shoes and sneakers are synonymous running shoes or walking shoes or any comfy casual shoe you could wear to do sports in is a gym shoe your typical nike or adidas or whatever,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 even if you do wear them you are supposed to wear them with a nice looking suit you cant just attach it to your outfit and expect it to work,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i think i can speak for pi players in general when we say we know ballzilla doesnt cheat his o is why he shines,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 drivesorry probably the fastest cancellation in history 8 days from premiere to final airing but holy crap did it get good fast you can find a few scripts online for unaired episodes but that only brings the count up to like 5 i think theyre on tim minears siteedit if i remember right he also has scripts for inside on there as well so ahead of its time its like all those mildly disturbing forensic profiling shows bones etc but it got nixed before it could even start rolling i generally dont watch those kind of shows but it had great writing,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i know what i dont want the type of girl thats like rey from star wars vii the force awakens where theyre more like a guy than a girl ive thought about it a little bit i think im after motherly qualities a woman not a girl not a boy in a girls body i want them to judge me fairly for not being man enough i mean maybe this is crazy and if it is tell me why im wrong or idealizing too much but i think they had the right idea in the 50s not the domesticity or political rights but the expectations a man must become a father a tough son of a bitch and a confident gentleman a woman a mother kind soft gentle caring and protective today its like theres a trend towards people defining themselves however they feel and they reject the external both men and women going their own way disneys peter pan i think is more relevant today than it ever was wendy literally has peters shadow reference to jungs anima peter cant catch his unruly shadow but wendy manages to sow it back onto the soles of his shoes ie to reattach his soul she instinctively guides peter towards becoming a man but all peter wants to do is fuck around in an idealized fantasy neverland with the lost boys and beautiful but contemptuous mermaids he never grows up he rejects wendy and he becomes a lost boy while his life ticks away its saying dont let that happenit seems like theres less trust of the opposite sex now and that judgement is either not concious and truthful enough or it goes way overboard to the point of misogynymisandry we need judgement it is a bitter medicine but if its done right it can make us better people with it we will live longer and happier,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 oh gosh xx i do hope its not really intrusive,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 good points nt traits perhaps,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 but they never met in the very first episode piper is explaining to her family what happened and reveals that she used to date a woman and they were all surprised i know theyve retconned some stuff from season 1 but i feel like that would be a pretty major thing to change,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 fine wheres sarah please draft some boardmeeting absence letters for me,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 were not talking about the events in the decade were talking about the taste of people in those decades as in to what degree they found the obviously awful to be okay,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i think you meant to respond to a different comment,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i vote that it counts everything about that is sad but absolutely horrifying,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 try doxylamine for sleep its the ingredient in nyquil that helps you pass out one form of unisom is just this i got it hella cheap generic even half a pill does wonders dph does weird things to me if you take a little too much you get to a weird threshold,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i hope you are right i just fear this tendency taking precedence in a situation where it should keep far away how do you discern if it is just lizard brain and not a genuine case of mengele syndrome,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 you can say the same for the standard model and relativity theyre equally abstract concepts dreamed up to explain phenomena the difference i think youre trying to establish is that most concepts under these models are defined such that most of their ontical correlates can be directly observed whereas dark matter fundamentally has no such correlatesbut theres no meaningful difference between assuming that dark matter exists and assuming that special relativity exists obviously neither of the two genuinely exist as the incompleteness theorems show formallyhowever none of that bears on the answer to the original questionif matter is only affected by gravity then there is nothing slowing it down as it is pulled together it ends up moving towards and through a gravitational equilibrium point repeatedly,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 based on this video of him he seems like some kind of an extravert type righthard time dealing and running from your own inner side trying not even look into it escaping to the outer world and to the peoples world and feeling good there probably typemention at least one of the typemention folks i know expressed very similar things aswell feeling good attached to the outer world in social roles and feeling like shit on the introverted side and avoiding it when for fi introverts its other way around can introverts say something like this i think for introverts their inner side is too important and so to speak the basis of the way they process the world to run from it like this to the outer world side maybe im wrong but at least it doesnt feel infpish in my typemention eyes for typemention your inner side is your sacred temple but i never been that messed up though someone said typemention could be a possibilty and a good solution to sum up all the traits aswell exfp add after watching this selfmade unedited ama of his typemention makes more senseand mike shinoda istypemention or typemention i think just a general special smooth warm feeling i got from him it doesnt seem cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention and alot of j feelings from him in general and his lyrics also here he talks about reaching up to people to let them feel that we are community and family feeling and thats the most important thing and a solution cogfuncmention ways,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 i dont have a lower libido im just very selective ifwhen i decide to act on it in any case im not suffering,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 why did the people in the twin towers get so madthey ordered supreme pizza and all they got was plainayyy,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 damn were making a difference out out out,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 yes give all the shitty supremes their rank back cuz nothing beats ez upranks even if they are not deserved and you are basically still a nova righttry to improve for once instead of being fixated on a fucking image shove your personally i think this should be reverted to which ever place you like but stop complainingit is like the rifle nerf the unskilled are the first ones to cry,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thats gotta be russia or at least european like early on in the warthough they seem kinda old like 30 and 40 and 40 has manhands,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 because they bought suarez so he wouldnt get any game time,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 come to europe if youre interested in many eu countries doing a phd is actually a job for which you get paid a salary and no hassle with tuition what do you mean with bullshit schoolwork anyway a phd in my country would be doing research full time and managing your own research project with a couple of bscmsc students running around under your supervision,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 for i am a sinner in the hands of an angry godbloody mary full of vodka blessed are you among cocktails be with me now and in the hour of my death which i hope is soon amenglug,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 i rather think he is typing something,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 assuming it were actually possible to drill a hole through the center of the earth it isnt and you dig it along the axis of the earth if you do it else where the coriolis effect would smash you against the holes wall if it were 10 feet across before you reached a mile,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 thinking life is pointless is not a sign of intelligence and being paralysed to the point of inertia by the prospect of mortality is not a sign of intelligence at all a smart person might go thru that phase in adolescence the existential crisis but that is not something thatll preoccupy in adulthood like the fact that you think normies would struggle to understand one of the most prosaic profundities you can think of is strange,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 truth me dares also fine but i prefer truth,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 if youre set on it just get it shipped from the statesebay might be some on amazon too they arent that expensiveamazonca has m65s too i think if you reallly want it from inside canadaive shipped stuff from the states and it isnt so bad,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thats the point though i think its a false dichotomy of awkwardly ask and rape you know that ish is generally more natural and its more like lets go to your room etc then is this ok sort of things not and now vagina,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im surprised it doesnt happen more often this is the time to ask the players questions they can ask wenger things on friday if they miss them today but they wont get the chance to talk with the ox in a while,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 yeah i am thinking that ntps suck to be around without some cogfuncmention,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 kind of a no true scotsman or tautology,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 kiernans smile flickered briefly at his hesitation yet his words put her worry mostly at ease it had been a few months since hed been pushed out of the city watch by that asshole and he seemed to be doing alrightaerions praise for denys held her attention preventing her from noticing him not living up to it marq said he had the makings of a knight kiernan said casting a quick smile at her nephew she paused to knock an arrow take aim and fire its good to hear hes doing well as a squire,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 spoken like a true sensor nobody can refute an incredulous stare not even tesla himself,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 true i forgot all about that little stream when studying the course,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 get a mousepad table surfaces are weirdcloth or hardpad while i think that if you have a pure white or so desk it is kinda the same as an hardpad,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 try every kind of movementposition you can see what feels best for you i have some really specific ways that ill cum what kind of vibrator did you get i know its expensive but the new wireless hitachi is a godsend much better than the wired one which has only 2 options new one has 4 speeds and 5 patterns i believe plus its a body safe material which the original is not theres also a smaller vibe i like a lot shibari brand pink has a cord if you need a link ill find you one its a lot cheaper not quite as good but still pretty good how old are you and how long have you been experimenting if you dont mind me asking feel free to pm if you want to talk more privately,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 like i said i havent seen a demo of him cheating if you claim something like this then provide at least proofthere is a good chance that they will but if they dont you just look like a big idiot,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 am i the only one who noticed the artwork on the back wall,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 sure i was mostly just taking a poke at the way you phrased it anyhowbut my point was that there are certain words from other languages that find themselves in daily life this could be one such case for whatever reason,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i wish i could do that on the regular it would help,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 wrong game man1994s star trek generations beyond the nexus vs 1992s star trek 25th anniversary want this one,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 ratatoskr with the healing gem is a monster in assault,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 its a good thing we never have those here also since there doesnt seem to be much in this thread can you guys tell me if this typemention guy wants to fuck me or not thanks,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 hey i started enjoying digg as of late its got indepth reads every day greater signal to noise ration than reddit but i miss the comments why dont they at least link to reddit comments if they dont want to provide the space,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 because there is no way any company will double my salary in 4 years and why should i bother when going elsewhere takes less work has less risk for more payoff i dont owe them anymore than they owe me edit also when you are doing one job no one wants to bump you to another you fit as a cog in that part of the machine easier to find a space in the upgraded machine elsewhere and that company will be hungryto fillthe role the tao of corporate sociopathy,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 if a group of people were to affirm their ideology is based on the communist manifesto and das capital and call themselves the marxist party of ltinsert country namegt would we spend much time debating if they are true marxist or not no matter how distorted they would presents marxs ideas the only people that would go out of their way to say they arent marxists are other people that want to claim the label for themselves but are in disageement over what marxism truly is for those that dont subscribe to marxism there is not a incentive as big to figure out who is the true scotsman there we might look at stalinism and chinese communists and do an academic analysis of how far or close they are from marxs ideas we might even end up saying that its not communism anymore while still acknowledging the link what wouldnt make sense is go out of our way to take the communist brand out of their hand the obsession by nonfollowers of the islam faith to figure out what is or isnt true islam is really bizarre figuring out what is true islam is an impossible task for an nonmuslim ultimately muslisms themselves are trying to do that often with terrible consequence as they divide themselve in factions each believing to be right instead of arguing about what is or isnt islam we should argue about the consequences of holding certains ideas the consequences of words and belief and how people are influenced by them while for a muslim islam might have a very precise meaning the one that he subscribe to for a nonmuslism its only a umbrella label and useful and necessary one but nothing more than a label,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 the mods or the chat,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 well yeah but im just perfectoutside of my massive blinding ego that is,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 wow well thats pretty inexcusable glad i didnt try this place cause anything that serious would absolutely kill all hope i had that anything at all was being done correctly,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 dont forget sales tax if it was 725 like in ca it would be 535,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 basically the dumb bitchy popular girl,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 oh man triggered muchany definition ever i said ever what does ever mean to you not much evidently dthe comment i just addended to my last one it assumed a level of thinking i now know is beyond you and should have known already my bad so you can go ahead and not bother reading iti did tell you to stop wasting my time or something to that effect i extended you a courtesy you did not to me and you will be damned for your ignorancei did just reveal the shallowness and insipidness of your purely verbal and token affiliation with ideas and intellectualism and now you squirm in desperation away from the merciless sunlight like one of those bugs that live in darkness when you lift up a rock dwho were you trying to impresstell me what are your ideas what is your most exalted holy idea can you generate ideas on your own without someone inserting them into your skull have you seen one in the wild outside of a fucking zoonope d not besides you need to work on your spatial awareness,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 555steam id i like to pick numbers in the middle always,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i helped my parents move today would not be able to help at all if i had kidsor would have had to get a babysitter,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 it was a twilight fan fiction and twilight is already abusive and creepy cant believe it got so popular,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 dude i said i made a guess you can make your own guess if you want here is a simulation that is showing the liberal would have won a much higher number of seats with ranked ballot,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 me irl for the past 2 days also37deg c windchill round these parts for the past 2 days,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah really laying there in a pool of blood hmmm do i reaalllly need an ambulance this time enh bit low on cash this week better just wait and go see my veterinarian friend,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 he is a pos i was in field artillery when they told us prepare to deploy to iraq a bunch of dudes started saying i just signed up for college worthless pieces of shit,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 sounds like you have the right tack in my mind perhaps you know this already i think it helps when you are very circumspect about it couching everything in terms of these are the facts as i see them without including any statements about what she feels or what her intentions are simply things like we havent been spending much quality time together then ask as to what is going on and listen ask more questions empathize etc then you can tell her how it makes you feel provided that she isnt super upset at this point at the end of the day everything you dont share is another brick in the wall,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well considering the gender distribution one would expect in that class it was probably reasonable and if i was one of like 2 or 3 guys in a group of 20 women no i would not give a shit if the room was addressed as gals,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 people define sex in different ways some people believe that it only counts as sex if a penis goes into a vagina but this isnt true for everybody there are lots of different ideas about what sex can bevaginal sex penisinvagina intercourseoral sex mouthtogenital contactanal sex penisinanus intercoursedry humping or genital rubbingfingering or hand jobs handtogenital contactmasturbationmost sexperts like us believe sex includes any or all of the above see more at it needs penetration for it to be sex is very judeochristian and hung up on the myth of virginity and purity any time you do something with your genitals in the presence of another it is sexual,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 humans are less dense than water yet can still sink if they dont lay flatits really a matter of whether they can find a part of the ocean from walldia to marley that is less than 60 meters deep if the mass of the part of them above the surface can counter the difference in density with the water below them and their feet they might be able to walk through itthis is however in the ocean unlikely and swimming is a more likely option its however not completely impossible,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah im not going to cut my ride short ill wait for natural causes if there is a way back from the afterlife ill post it first here on typemention though,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i dont have strong opinions on this so im not trying to claim any sort of expertise or state which argument is more legitimatehowever if i understand the argument correctly those supporting an increase in minimum wage usually do acknowledge that it can lead to increased inflation and unemployment however they would argue that a moderate increase in minimum wage will only have modest impacts on inflation and unemployment in other words its framed as a costbenefit analysis within certain confines,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 have you heard of reinin dichotomies,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i knew a guy like exactly this who was a 4000 year old vampire samurai and im petty sure hes in jail now for child porn so theres that,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 oh god this one is kinda scary,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 they stole baron against we,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ugh i relate to this so much your words communicate your sorrow so well and i can feel your anguish in my heart,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 water needs to remain as public ownership,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 reading through your comments i didnt yet get an answer on why the simple reason given by most child free people isnt valid that simply being i dont want to with this question im trying to get to a core value youre experiencing that may conflict with core values of child free people,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 is this just another game like league of legends,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its the intertype relation and it was confirmed by my typemention friend,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 this is brilliant i love it,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 the mule called the beast shifter zeke during the battle of shinganshina,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i was meaning to say that i actually really like jjb in star wars i passed over the fact that op said star treck in their comment,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 like 99 of the users of reddit ive never had any problems caused by moderators perhaps this argument is based on your own skewed experience and other cherrypicked casesi dunno it just seems odd to expect any sort of ethicalmoral direction from a massive diverse community website beyond dont break the law specific moral directions would exclude a large chunk of the community,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 i need that so much im on the verge of tears thinking about it im exactly like you bad add bad enough to make my life impossible but smart enough to hide it so people dont know how bad it is compounded with very serious depression and anxiety sometimes i feel really hopeless how long have you been meditating whats your routine like how long had you been sitting before this insight hit,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i think you mean cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention is typemention and typemention,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 ive made this very comment in threads with people asking for this dentists head got downvoted to hell in every single comment i made no matter how logicalpeople are just driven by the feels that the lion gives them they dont care they arent making any real sense and should get some perspective and focus on something importantoh and lions arent endangered by the way,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 god has complete unlimited power over everything if some guy can beat him at a videogame does he really have ultimate power,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 mmmm we are not responsible for what we do sauce,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 he mentioned in his response that hes not been in a relationship we do i think tend to lose interest quickly theres nothing you can do about it aside from being interesting and doing fun stuff together if you force yourself to do a bunch of stuff youre not really into eventually youll run out of steam and stop if you force yourself to learn a bunch of ish so you have topics for conversation same thing just do you and if its long term sustainable itll happen,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 anything much beyond the singularity is quite impossible to predict and barely worth talking about in my opinion that is if it does happenthat said if somethings going to survive its going to be art likely,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 typically i think its good to change your choice of words to match the person youre talking to i mean ideally we would like the person to take everything we say the way we meant it but most people are gonna have their own personal filters on whenever someone tells them something also the altering conversations to suit your interests is pretty normal but since it sounds like she wants to talk about her stuff more you should give it a try apply the golden rule,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 its not sarcastic though it would be sarcastic if he was saying it about someone really goodlooking the statements in that scene are hyperbolic but sincere,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 if shed pushed him in shed likely have gone in after him she was aware of that danger and didnt care,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 ive read your entire post and i see what point youre trying to makebut i disagree with multiple of your pointslets start with your argument that rba never questioned their actions may i ask why you think they didnt what if they did question their actions and came to the conclusion that they had to finish the mission no matter what because its simply both rationally and morally the only valid course of actionyes theyve hurt people yes theyve killed people theyve butchered thousands and watched them burn theyve separated families theyve crippled children theyve ruined a nation theyve committed every horror known to man aside of rapebut you know whati would have done the same even now that i know the people in walldia their history their hopes their dreams and their legacyid still do the sameyes what they did was horrible if you look at it from the point of view how its represented to us but the numbers dont lie as far as they know the thread from walldia to release the wall titans and crush the world was real and to be honest we have no confirmation that it isntthe lives of the people of the wallscompared to the lives of the rest of the planeta few millionagainst a few billionyes i give it to you eren also carries the burden of his world on his shoulder my criticism however comes from the way both parties handle the trauma that their responsibility brings with themrba hate what theyve done to the world all of them have ptsd reigner has a split personality and annie cries any moment she can find for herselfthey dont allow their personal pain to harm their mission thougheren however does eren does that knowinglyive talked about the bit in trees before and its still the best example there is he reminds himself that for the sake of what he thinks is all of humanity he needs to ignore his emotions there he however decides that his own emotions are more importantyes hes just human and yes his life is tragic but that can not be an excuse to do whatever he wants in the situation hes in all the world that he knows off counts on him and he throws their hopes in the wind like theyre his old clothes he chooses to let his emotions overrule his reasoning and logic he lets his feelings dictate his actionsreigner bertolt and annie on the other hand have completely let loose of their own needs feelings and dreams they dont let their heart judge their actions but their heads they do whats logical whats best for the world and the people who count on them instead of whats best for themselvestheyre honorable reliable people whove been trusted with the faith of their world they decided to carry that burden to the enderen on the other hand just does what best for himself and his feelings when hes put in the same positionhe listens to feelings instead of reasonand thats why i hate him so much,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 lets just try to get the g in second place again,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 1 alcohol caffeine have used adderall in the past and probably still would if it was easily available2 no i go out and get smashed at clubs every now and then but i can go several weeks without it and not have any issues3 see flair4 i go through brief phases of video game addiction obsession might be a better word ill do nothing but play a particular game for a few weeks and then itll be back to life as normal,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 heh that prrp made me think of simons cat,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i dont have such system to propose and im skeptical that such system can be conceived,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 no the full version of acrobat i assumed that if you have access to indesign that you also have acrobat,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 doubt it it has been stated that reigner could go toe to toe with armin in that game,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 bonnaroooo i dont have anything to contribute to this thread as i am in the same boat longtime bonnaroovian first time biscoer but just wanted to say happy belated bonnaroo and have a great weekend,60.0,55.0,64.0,14.0,49.0 well he pmd me he isnt a fresh throwaway he has that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 kinda cool but just be thankful that plastic didnt catch fire and then melt all over her legs that would hurtwe used to make plastic bag torches when i was a kid and the burny plastic bits that came off made the most interesting sounds when falling,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 and so wouldnt 144hzi didnt say that 60hz had advantages or a disadvantage the refresh rate is literally irrelevant to the tickrate and what happens in the game that is what i saidwhat i said was that the problem why we dont have 128 tick in mm is the fact that most people have a latency of 50 ms in cs which is hugely not beneficial on 128 tick it is rather unfair if compared with a person who has a 5ms latency and fps have nothing to do with tickrate at least if people can use the right rates,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i see the video is from march the opposition won legislative elections just two months ago and the government recognized the results that should have in theory created a more moderate climate it appears it hasnt,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 ive heard of the car but is it really a full country in every sense of the word is it a universally recognised and fully independent country ie not defacto like in the way scotland is to the uk,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 did you did you honestly just reupload the trailer to your own youtube account monetize it and post it on this sub hoping we wouldnt noticeyeah right edit if anyone thinks that there might be any difference with the official heres a youtube doubler of his vid and the official trailer,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 oh awesome im glad this helped i recall quickly replying then running out of the house and i was worried i came across as dismissive by just posting a link,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i already had a long discussion about this the past few days i can link to it if you want to its a good read and since im kinda tired out about it ill just sum it upits the train dilemma the lives of a small million against the lives of the rest of the planetas far as they knew the wall titans could be released upon the world any moment butchering billionsthey made the rational choice,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i dont understand im not the most fit but i learnt very early on that it was pointless when i was a teen and tried doing them on the bed once it was obvious to me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this is exactly why manga spoilers s the central mps torture wallcultiststhe walls are a cruel place the strong will always rule over the weaklet us punish the ignorant,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 having read a biography of heydrich thats not really the impression i got â before he attained the high office he held at the time of his death he was openly mocked among the ss for both his highpitched voice and his rumored jewish ancestry they called him the blond jewamong civilians well you did not earn a moniker like the hangman of prague for nothing while hes one of the few nazis to have suffered a satisfyingly lingering fuckedup death if schadenfreude is ever acceptable its acceptable for nazis right he would ride his green mercedes around prague without an escort quite regularly allowing his assassins to ambush him and throw a grenade into the back seat i believe a piece of engineshrapnel or something lodged in his guts causing an agonising death but of course his assassination led to one of the worst atrocities committed by the nazis â even if you were successful killing a highranking nazi was never a good idea they really didnt tolerate being fucked with,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 it doesnt calculate the next frame exactly it buffers the current frame receives the next frame then calculates however many interpolated frames in between say 9 extra frames for 24fps content being displayed at 240hz but from the viewers point of view its the next frame,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 after i didnt die of a massive blood clot i was excited i had a real legit medical reason to never ever have kids i could also get in someones face that i nearly died if they ever questioned my life choices and then the affordable care act passed and the rest is history,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 youve just reinvented the ghettoblaster,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i still see them at walgreens every once in a while and i wonder who is buying them haha i guess i now have my answer,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i only hate the second if i have no intention on following through on the plan,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 its okay i got called butthurt in another part of the thread because i dont like racism or bad arguments,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 everything youve said i agree with 100 except that michio kaku is an average scientist hes one of the central theorists of string field theory,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 the only way i can get this to work is to send a picture and then send each magnet individually on the already sent picture is there a way to compose it all at once before sending,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 haha i suppose a guy in my old dampd group met his girlfriend on reddit i think anything with a private message function can pull people together like that i actually met my husband on wow so there you go,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 why did you ask for upvotes why not just donate for the sake of it,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i havent seen any evidence that he wants to stop terror attacks at all he seems to want to encourage them,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 mexico had a 58 billion trade surplus with the us last year which other country has the money to buy their goods add to this transportation cost for overseas mexico could be in deep trouble and things are already not going well,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 this is falsenot if they used your line of objection no unless the pardon causes a negative social or economic externality that harms black people which may well be the case treated as a closed system no thoughi dont believe they should be i believe reform should be unisex this does not bear on feminists trying to reform for women my view is more like oh look feminists have got fairer sentencing for women good for them wonder if anyones going to make it fairer for men tooit is not bad for women focused groups to advocate fairer treatment for women likewise it is not bad for mra groups to advocate fairer treatment for men likewise it is not bad for prison reform groups to advocate fairer treatment for allif you believe it is not fair for one group to be treated more ideally than another group then your conception of fairness is neither political liberal nor liberal perfectionist these are the common uses of the term in modern constitutional democracies so you may say you support fairness intuitively but it seems substantively that you object to itanother analogy a rape shelter is operated by a feminist charity in a third world country it is only open to women you object to the existence of the shelter on the grounds that men and women are not treated equally you claim feminists should not be allowed to help women only with problems that affect both sexes that this is somehow unfair,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 well they pay for public school with their taxesbut i would say a lot of parents dont account for homework time study time reading to their kids etc some dont have the means to do so of course but that is different than parents who just dont care,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 im so out of the loop theyre developing ff in vr now like for oculus future me is so screwed,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 any pc with a usb drive i think,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 chapter fourhow to smash this racketwell its a racket all righta few profit and the many pay but there is a way to stop it you cant end it by disarmament conferences you cant eliminate it by peace parleys at geneva wellmeaning but impractical groups cant wipe it out by resolutions it can be smashed effectively only by taking the profit out of warthe only way to smash this racket is to conscript capital and industry and labor before the nations manhood can be conscripted one month before the government can conscript the young men of the nation it must conscript capital and industry and labor let the officers and the directors and the highpowered executives of our armament factories and our munitions makers and our shipbuilders and our airplane builders and the manufacturers of all the other things that provide profit in war time as well as the bankers and the speculators be conscripted to get 30 a month the same wage as the lads in the trenches getlet the workers in these plants get the same wages all the workers all presidents all executives all directors all managers all bankers yes and all generals and all admirals and all officers and all politicians and all government office holders everyone in the nation be restricted to a total monthly income not to exceed that paid to the soldier in the trencheslet all these kings and tycoons and masters of business and all those workers in industry and all our senators and governors and majors pay half of their monthly 30 wage to their families and pay war risk insurance and buy liberty bondswhy shouldnt theythey arent running any risk of being killed or of having their bodies mangled or their minds shattered they arent sleeping in muddy trenches they arent hungry the soldiers aregive capital and industry and labor thirty days to think it over and you will find by that time there will be no war that will smash the war racket that and nothing elsemaybe i am a little too optimistic capital still has some say so capital wont permit the taking of the profit out of war until the people those who do the suffering and still pay the price make up their minds that those they elect to office shall do their bidding and not that of the profiteersanother step necessary in this fight to smash the war racket is the limited plebiscite to determine whether a war should be declared a plebiscite not of all the voters but merely of those who would be called upon to do the fighting and dying there wouldnt be very much sense in having a 76yearold president of a munitions factory or the flatfooted head of an international banking firm or the crosseyed manager of a uniform manufacturing plant all of whom see visions of tremendous profits in the event of war voting on whether the nation should go to war or not they never would be called upon to shoulder arms to sleep in a trench and to be shot only those who would be called upon to risk their lives for their country should have the privilege of voting to determine whether the nation should go to warthere is ample precedent for restricting the voting to those affected many of our states have restrictions on those permitted to vote in most it is necessary to be able to read and write before you may vote in some you must own property it would be a simple matter each year for the men coming of military age to register in their communities as they did in the draft during the world war and be examined physically those who could pass and who would therefore be called upon to bear arms in the event of war would be eligible to vote in a limited plebiscite they should be the ones to have the power to decide and not a congress few of whose members are within the age limit and fewer still of whom are in physical condition to bear arms only those who must suffer should have the right to votea third step in this business of smashing the war racket is to make certain that our military forces are truly forces for defense onlyat each session of congress the question of further naval appropriations comes up the swivelchair admirals of washington and there are always a lot of them are very adroit lobbyists and they are smart they dont shout that we need a lot of battleships to war on this nation or that nation oh no first of all they let it be known that america is menaced by a great naval power almost any day these admirals will tell you the great fleet of this supposed enemy will strike suddenly and annihilate 125000000 people just like that then they begin to cry for a larger navy for what to fight the enemy oh my no oh no for defense purposes onlythen incidentally they announce maneuvers in the pacific for defense uh huhthe pacific is a great big ocean we have a tremendous coastline on the pacific will the maneuvers be off the coast two or three hundred miles oh no the maneuvers will be two thousand yes perhaps even thirtyfive hundred miles off the coastthe japanese a proud people of course will be pleased beyond expression to see the united states fleet so close to nippons shores even as pleased as would be the residents of california were they to dimly discern through the morning mist the japanese fleet playing at war games off los angelesthe ships of our navy it can be seen should be specifically limited by law to within 200 miles of our coastline had that been the law in 1898 the maine would never have gone to havana harbor she never would have been blown up there would have been no war with spain with its attendant loss of life two hundred miles is ample in the opinion of experts for defense purposes our nation cannot start an offensive war if its ships cant go further than 200 miles from the coastline planes might be permitted to go as far as 500 miles from the coast for purposes of reconnaissance and the army should never leave the territorial limits of our nationto summarize three steps must be taken to smash the war racketwe must take the profit out of war we must permit the youth of the land who would bear arms to decide whether or not there should be war we must limit our military forces to home defense purposes,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 and we dont see chat in overwatch so in the end the reports are useless,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 no issues at all with growing old,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 its not bad its just a bit drier and not as well developed and all the focus is on the pit most people recommend skipping it because it has a much different feelvibe than most of the show its worth watching but not the best introduction as it changes drastically,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 yeah i dont take people too seriously when they say these kinds of things anymore they may believe it when they say it but relationships are much more complicated than that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 when i drink titos i feel fucking amazing barely notice any hangover cheap vodka like smirnoff or worse guarantees i will vomit all the next day surprisingly new amsterdam has been treating me pretty well for half the price of titos,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 how cute my corgi is,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i doubt youve heard of this guy he used to do games but has diversified a bitpewdiepie or something like that,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i dont get what you want to tell me,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 magic dirt doctrine is stupid shedoesntevengohere,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 typemention are going to get emotional and theyre going to have really poor control over their emotions from an outside perspective internal emotional control comes with practicetraining and not from type while typemention can almost always maintain an outside appearance that matches the current emotional atmosphere for example i know an typemention who used to shout and cry in public when he got angry now when he gets stressed out he usually has to storm off as to not embarrass himselfit is harder to tell if you have auxiliaryinferior cogfuncmention because it can be really easy to justify things that you miss or things that you are oblivious to typemention are going to be able to pretty easily switch between being inside their head to being in the moment typemention have to focus incredibly hard to be in the moment and youll notice that they sort of drift in and out of conversationssituations because using cogfuncmention is pretty damn hard for themedit when you downvote without saying why the only message i get is man i should keep on saying true things but only nicer or i wonder whose poor little feelings got hurt by my post,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 mineral oil isnt gonna clean it but itll prevent it rusting further,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im the extremely weird one in the us i actually write out my dates everywhere in this format unless specified otherwise ive grown to become more used to this than the normal mmddyy,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 millions of people keep track of the hit count over the next few weeks,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 no it wouldnt it would be blocked by the lower half of the orbital example,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 this is some uncanny valley of uncanny valleys,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 well thats pretty much how i look at it choose to be offended or take it to heart and lift some weights its like saying work sucks how do you guys actually handle it you fucking deal with it and just go do it,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 by worse do you mean better,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 could you do me a favor and tell me more about it if i google flux or flux program i only get articles about magnetism,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 here you go op option explicit public sub filtercolumn dim inputws as worksheet set inputws activesheet worksheetsadd afterworksheetsworksheetscount dim outputws as worksheet set outputws worksheetsworksheetscount dim searchterms as variant searchterms arrayjpg gif png pdn jpeeg x dim counter as long rowcounter as long termfound as boolean call ludicrousmodetrue for rowcounter 1 to getlastrowinputws 1 for counter 0 to uboundsearchterms if instr1 inputwscellsrowcounter 1value searchtermscounter gt 0 then termfound true next counter if termfound true then outputwscellsgetlastrowoutputws 1 1 1value inputwscellsrowcounter 1value termfound false end if next rowcounter call ludicrousmodefalse set outputws nothing set inputws nothing end sub public sub ludicrousmodebyval toggle as boolean applicationscreenupdating not toggle applicationenableevents not toggle applicationdisplayalerts not toggle applicationcalculation iiftoggle xlcalculationmanual xlcalculationautomatic end sub public function getlastrowbyval targetworksheet as worksheet byval columnno as long as long getlastrow targetworksheetcellstargetworksheetrowscount chr64 columnnoendxluprow end functionexecute the filtercolumn subroutine to filter out the cells containing your search terms this assumes the cells are located in column a the found terms are then copied to another worksheet,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the conversation was in the sphere channel its someone from sphere yall have traitor in yalls midsts,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i do have a normal body temp but a low metabolism i take thyroid medication,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 find this motherfucker a job already so he can blaze up,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 there is a lot of recombination and selection going on nature is doing something better than keeping a single species with long healthy lives it increases diversity,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 ive gotten two moles removed nothing resulted like this also given the nature of the condition i believe any kind of major cut or removal of skin would result in this if you had the condition so if youve cut your skin or removed a piece of your skin and nothing happened youre probably okay,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 im confused about why the original fanfiction references are considered plagiarismauthors dont get paid for that right i mean if youre using characters and settings created by jk rowling why is it suddenly a huge deal if you put in dialogue moments from other authors people who are more familiar with fan fiction please way in if im missing somethingthe shadowhunterdarkhunter thing is fairly close and i understand why kenyon is suing based on that but at the same time the character arc and character description thing is really a far reach especially considering were talking about the yaromance genres here which probably have about 10 possible character arcs between them for writers to use,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 so i do one thing at thw time either getting echos rushing towards a boss explore a new area training my parrying etc once i step away from the lantern there is a goal for that run explore mode for me is just really that exploring an area without paying attention to etting echos and even expecting to die walking to random places just to see whats around a new corner when you have that mindset for a specific run you dony care anymore about looses echos and arent angry when you die it takes away a lot of stress and fear,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this sub is literally the ugly side of society not all of it and not at the same time not at every post but a nice case study,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 that would have been fixed if the headline simply read a swedish churchits one letter guys,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yeah thats why i prefer the vibe of the live version of nightmare,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 oh its spreading for sure but its source is american academia,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 there is no point to have a diploma to rule nk if it didnt make you better educated i dont think kims father wanted a slacker as a son the oldest son didnt inherit the throne because he was too feminine this is a guy who killed family members and passed the habit to his son,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i would define it how the universal basic income movement defines iteveryone should have enough money for the essentials to be able to access all opportunities in life and to fully participate in society as they wishessentials being housing water transport etc opportunities is concerned with social mobility such as a person of any background being able to attend university without having to worry much about living costs or taking on too much debt fully partipicating means being able to have the time and resources to go and vote having access to the internet no clear socioeconomic segmentation like southerners vs northerners etci know its somewhat of a broad definition but i think the relative poverty line should be set at a level where everyone can be comfortable without having to make tradeoffs and choices between essentials ie not having to choose between heating or eating or being unable to afford the bus fare to a job interview so you have to walk 2 hours etc this is feasible and affordable in wealthy countries if there are good economic policies in place like in scandinavia its the lack of political will thats the problem not economics,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 im not sure how much extra maintenance another flair is but the looking for stories threads now are getting pretty common and if you assume the sub is going to keep growing then something so specific and common might be worthwhile,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 wild speculation plays with the idea that government is blatantly lying to the public and somehow there are literally 0 whistleblowers leaking the alleged coverup to the mediaacts like high kill ratio was expected by critics because f22 proved 5th gen doesnt mention that f35 is multirole not an air superiority fighter and is less expensive,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 like i said i didnt knew he was hopping at a constant 290 also my statement has unlucky wording i guess i rather meant the cvars to gain speed at least i found it obvious that he altered some rates when he gaines speed so fast after his first jump,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 could you please rephrase the question i know english might not be your first language but its difficult to understand what youre asking especially when all the additional information you provide is,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 lol what is even going on there,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 the other ladies gave a bunch of great responses i 100 agree with its interesting to see how other typemention ladies feel the same like me about having a friend to come home to someone relaxed who will be honest with you and keep you grounded no emotional games or drama just being able to come home be home and leave all your stress at the door which also means your so doesnt make an issue of your work and career is really just chill about it and everything else concerning our overly ambitious characters i find this interesting because this type of man arent usually the overly ambitious guys like we are at least not to the same level and intensity as we are it balances us out i guess but for some reason i still have a stereotypical idea in my head about us strong typemention women belonging in some kind of power couple relationship with an equally ambitious man i realize now after so much time with my more laidback so that wouldnt make me happy though,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 when scizor beat rayquaza i was surprisedwhen scizor beat giratina i was angrynow scizor has beaten mewtwo and im simply impressedwell done scizor,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 or you give up in disgust and bust out the popcorn and just see how the circus burns itself to the ground acknowledgment that one is powerless is liberatingi focus on my immediate surroundings and try to be a net positive to the lives of the people i care about that is the extent to which i have influence,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 thats what i was gonna say they clearly knew how to answer the question based on whatever box they chose to fit their personality in,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 if i need a nap and dont get one i can get really irritable yes i realize this makes me sound like a 4 year old however the last few months i have been eating much more healthy food taking a multi vitamin and noticed my energy level has gone up i dont get an afternoon tired slump as often drinking plenty of water helps too i read something like 80 of fatigue is due to dehydration,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 this subreddit doesnt allow the submission of memes or rage comics please refer to the sidebar for guidelines,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 you can usually tell the difference between bragging and just wanting to share,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 heres a harvard study that says you cant significantly change iq the wall street journal reporting nothing changes iq permanently american psychological association nothing has been found to affect iq its about special education but still aplies esyenck and sj schoenthaler vitamins and minerals dont raise iq mason university you can increase you score but not your problem solving ability,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 they are quite good for us team eg will get guaranteed direct invite for any big tourney so there is free slots from american region so if you qualify for big tourneys from us they get enough publicity for label and visit enough big tourneys i guess thats their logic for picking up this team,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 suns fan hereunless we start using him as an oversized 4 chances are hes going to either replace plumlee in the rotation or just sit there for c depth weve been lacking for years,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i was thinking more of an egg cheese and bacon tripledecker sandwich,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 literally the first bug on frequently asked bugs on the sidebar and the one everyone always asks abouti almost wish it was a bedbug because you couldnt id it yourself,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 number 6 is like one of the basics tho lol,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 he was definitely passionate about it hes just nuts nobody seems to know who he really is or how he got his money he claims to be french i think,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 can you give me an example of an argument with no premises thats like an equation without an right it makes it logically valid thoughcan youthis did actually occur to people thousands of years ago like boethius youre saying that an omniscient being necessitates a deterministic universe and that you cant have both free will and a deterministic universe but that is using the most basic idea of free will theyre not actually incompatible free will doesnt have to mean some magical quantum indeterminacy but is generally just taken to mean conditions under which we could judge someone responsible for their actions considering them to act according to their own motivations,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 regarding stableunstable does that mean we have more control over our valued cautious functions than our bold functions very weird,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 my typemention sister or typemention best friend usually ill just keep things to myself until ive concluded i definitely need help figuring something out i should probably be more open in general but they have no problem getting me regardless of what i verbally express,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 instant noodles thats all he can afford,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 yeah pops i already know that,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 did you model it after your own face or what,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 walking slowly in the middle of a thoroughfare or standing on the left side of escalatorsmoving walkways one of these days im going to buy a cattle prod sorry you said mildly um chewing with mouth open no thats a beating uh repeatedly cutting me off in conversation yeah that works,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 please offer my condolences and tell her if she ever needs someone to talk to im here for her,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 who says a square circle is conceivable,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 how would your life be diffirent if you had a left arm,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 itd look like a care bears movie,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 that sounds like the name of a goth pornstar,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 ibp vs netcode was on 21082014,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this is my main question as well i actually want to get into shooting as a sport in my very antigun country so i get the attraction to guns but i honestly dont understand why youd feel the need to actually carry one is it to look cool and making a statement about gun ownership cause thats just lame,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 you kind of have to follow the subject of the conversation or this is going to get boring really quickthe point i was referring to was your pointthe antecedent of the pronoun that in the next quote from me was you now produce 10 an hour if you cant produce more than 10hour worth of stuffservices no one will pay you 10hour you must adapt until you can produce it you cant sell something for more than the market will bear no one will buy it labor is a commodity that the laborer is selling to the employer you cant sell 1 bills for 5 well maybe to some people but you cant make a living at it btw i love your screen name,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 what time is your appointment they dont even open until 8 or 9,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 that can always be added later i suppose as it stands your skill system is pretty solid,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 how do you know shes british,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 as someone who works with kids everyone is tumblror youtube if that counts,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 fair point still not gonna watch his videos so i have no reason to subscribe,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i strongly suspect that this person is attempting to document your crazy are these screenshots of you violating a restraining order by any chance,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think equating watching the occasional television show with actual slavery is a bit of a stretch i understand the point youre making but i dont think everyone is equally at risk to the dangers youre talking about yes perhaps children are particularly prone and their screen time should be limited to a degree but it doesnt mean an entire form of media can be dismissed out of hand there are also countless stories and documentaries that have helped a lot of people as well we are visual creatures and sometimes the most effective way to share information is through television or the screen i agree that many broadcasters and advertisers have an agenda but anyone who isnt inclined to apply critical thinking to the information they consume isnt going to do it in real life either even the example you used to demonstrate your point is from something that exists outside of television the person who believes anything they see on tv is also going to be the type who doesnt think too hard about the information they see outside or will interpret real life events in a faulty way to fit their own narrative the problem isnt necessarily television or the stories themselves but a lack of critical thinking perhaps early exposure to some sorts of show might affect the future critical thinking of childrenor it could just as easily trigger their imaginations and lead them to their own creative endeavors or a desire to explore the world its not a television problem its a human mind problem the people whose minds are easily enslaved are going to have that problem regardless removing tv doesnt instantly fix that,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 mt st helens blew up on my moms birthday,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 the entire book is very tongueincheek if you take it seriously i dont think it could be enjoyable but its almost a monty python approach to a fairy tale,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 get extra pieces w preorderthe fortress put 4 rooks together and put your king on top now your king is safe in the fortress and can only be attacked after a protracted siege all 8 adjacent squares to the fortress being attackedthe spyassassin one of your opponents pawns belong to you and they dont know which you can choose to assume control of it on any move when your opponent chooses to move that particular piece like not so fast you can kill it too if thats more advantageous for you because who wants a traitor in their employ reallythe godemperor if you can move your king all the way to the opposite row like when promoting a pawn to a queen you can promote your king to godemperor or is the dragon a better name because you can definitely make a dragon by putting a knight on top of a rook power of godemperor is that all squares on the board are attacked at once instant checkmate,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 humans can survive about 40 in a row before dying,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 eh that first one is okay i dont find that they are a smooth timeline and i dont find that each one leads to another necessarily with finding dory in the mix its known that she is forgetful from birth we dont know about testing but we see her practically fresh from the egg in a protected aquarium where there is no testing shown perhaps there is testing but what purpose is there to test on these creatures but although some of the logic seems magical whos to say there cant be magic and ive not seen a better description for monsters inc magical doors before thats a pretty good one,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i learned about this in a neuro class in 2000,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 gamemodes are fine dude it is just about spoofing rankscoinsskins,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 a lot of injokes from the league community but without getting them the problem of an outdated codebase causing issues is pretty clear d,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 we work with what we havesigourney weaver in the cabin in the woods,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 but why would you want to in a bullet journal to begin with it serves no purpose to what a bullet journal is supposed to help you with helping you efficiently and quickly organize your tasks,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yep take people for face value dont rely on mbti for that sort of stuff haha,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 damn what happened to that raz kid,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 oh i think i remember now he fell in love with you right,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 excellent guide its what i used too,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what would you say is the thing that is most likely to cause you to act in the animalistic moment like stuff is happening around you your are sitting still or busy doing something what is most likely to cause you to change what you are doing or start to actsimilarly on a personal scale what is the thing that causes you to act like i am going to make some changes in my life because of x and then you actually make a change instead of continuing to stagnatei know you know a little about mbti but try your best to answer this question without any for of bias in terms of thinking about your dominant function or whatever i guarantee that im pulling from theory youve never heard of and a dishonest to me or to yourself answer here will making typing hardwhere do you tend to stagnate in your life where is the area you think you could best improve are these two things separate how,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 fade truex if youre gonna be playing logano,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 oh my fucking god the only actual unironic one on there is asl and nobody uses that anymoreufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffd edit dm too but thats not messed up at all whyd they include that,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 ahreally want this released in english,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 the critters series of movies,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh come off it i voted remain but farage wasnt shaken to me he looked smug and quite satisfied that he caused such a stir kind of like fair play mate youre on a roll now have your little moment if it makes you feel better,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 ive been collecting box tops for a decoder ring for months now one of these days were all gonna be mighty disappointed when he just tells us to drink more ovaltine or someshit,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 right how do i get out of this now,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 but i need to allocate the 5 10 or 15 minutes needed to have those couple of minutes and if you say in a situation that ive already allocated to something else drinks with friends at work chance meeting well then im not allocating the time to them since theyre a happy outcome from some other allocated time,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i was put on amitriptyline once it was terrible i got sleep paralysis every night and could barely sleep made me more anxious and depressed im still working on a benzo script as well after a very long time supposed to be taking buspar right now but it makes me drowsy as fuck which i cannot deal with 247 school would be a nightmare if i was taking that twice a day,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 feel free to pm me,7.0,84.0,88.0,59.0,44.0 cause i show respect even when a person is obviously wrong,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 one of the first useful applications i did in vs with vbnet was a file hiding software elaborate gui with a lot of picturebox controls and a listbox it appended something like 41801927301231 to filenames that made the windows explorer hide the file as a system fileguess what files i was hiding at 13 d,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 its more about cogfuncmention than cogfuncmention,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 found the guy smoking reggie,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 how can you get a piece of bad performance art like this in an exhibition is she going to hang there like she did in the vid all day,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i do too but your stories are probably more fun lol most of mine were just depressing and the action was typically either shutting down for months no action but in a destructive way or start one of those pressure cooker relationships and we know how well that goesbut i learned from it all the same and i dont think i would have gotten here if life never beat the shit out of me i used to be painfully shy,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 sorry this is a late reply i quite like indie music like the smiths amp the cure as well as some newer bands like jaws the night cafe the drums viola beach etcwhat about you,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 so did you do it and did you question whether closing the window was immoral or not,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 the real thing i wonder is during transformation when hes launched 60 meters in the aircould levi if he were to eat armin use constant partial transformations the way others use odm gearyou know because ackermans have full control over their bodies,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 bangladesh has huge problems with violent buddhists are you out of you mind that used to be a predominently buddhist region like pakistan and afghanistan now they account for 07 of the population islam took over violently genocide have been commited against them,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 im not in front of the ide atm but try this excelsheetobjrangea5a60valuetostring stringvariable then,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 bsi can tell you right now why the paint peelscheap cast white metal call it what you want pot metal or whatever else its mostly zinc it absolutely sucks but super easycheap for manufacturing paint just doesnt stick to it well for longold die cast toys and crap its same stuff since forever the material itself is pretty brittle but it sure does give that all metal feel,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 so what if you are bisexual lol i see nothing wrong in it even if you are straight sometimes you can get a little gay lol,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i was using dimethyltryptamine as an example of one of the chemicals that is released now that im thinking about it thats not how it works sorry the actual mechanism that flushed out the brain of toxins is an increased flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain we sleep because melatonin causes a parasympathetic response that makes us want to sleep if my understanding of the cellular transduction pathway is correct dimethyltryptamine is important in the production of melatonin both of which are created in the pineal glandedit why doesnt this flushing occur while were awake you might ask im speculating here because i believe the brain would have a hard time functioning and cleaning itself out at the same time,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 there is also more competition for jobs so less incentive for society to provide affortable education they can get workers willing to work for less and who didnt cost anything to educate in the country,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 but what happens when i turn god off ah,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 what country are you in,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 its kinda like rblunderyears for weird men,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 when i worked at a middle school i could not believe what the kids threw out at the end of the year brand new unused school supplies i snatched up as much as i could i still have a jillion of those binder plastic sleeve pagesa whole 2 binder full they will last me forever notebooks and pencils for kids that cant afford themim also going to use this thread to shamelessly plug reddits teacher gift exchange going on now please consider adopting a teacher and sending them much needed supplies i did it last year and it was so awesome,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 ill reply to more of your comment when im at my computer but that was actually a typo lol typemention is less closedcareful lol the fact that you affirmed it is slight evidence towards my conclusionedit still havent had a chance for a full response but i had additional thoughts i know you said you didnt want this to become a typeme thread but i encourage you to attempt to answer the above questions posted by peppermintkiss shes collected a variety of answers to her questionnaire and it might reveal your likely dominant perceiving pepi function which as you suggested would be invisible to you by nature of being your dom,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 unfortunately theres plenty of time to speak during exhalation,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 the official one for guren no yumia,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 what would you rather fight 100 riftersized nagelfars or 1 nagelfar sized rifter,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 i see your point but its still a pretty shitty experience when you are on the better team for one match then in the next one everyone is better than you and you are the sole reason your team is losing and both teams are giving you shit about it,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 phew if its a u its a little harder this year just give the courses he can enter a shot engin sciences he might just get in if his other grades are really good you can check this discussion out all is not lost,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 have you considered the possibility that what you thought was moderate is really centerrightthe ndp are quite moderate compared to canadas several marxist parties theyre closer to centerleft if anything socially progressive and prounion their level of political support suggests theyre not too far left for many canadian voters trudeau said grow the economy and the budget will balance itself they plan to grow the economy by investing in education infrastructure and finding new trade partners is this not fiscally moderate daycare subsidies have been tried in some countries and seem effective at getting single mothers back into the workforce is this not fiscally moderate the cpp expansion seems to be a voluntary contribution plan not a true pension it doesnt involve new involuntary taxes or extra government spending is this not fiscally moderatethe conservatives do seem to have shifted towards neoconservatism but perhaps they can still be changed from within,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 this game is an n64 hidden gem that pushed the n64 to the limit its still pretty rare today as it was a blockbuster exclusive titlethis lets play was really phoned in as the youtube commenters said james amp mike like to brag about how good they are at old school games like contra and ninja gaiden but cant handle any game with an analog stick on the controlleri usually like their videos but this was really a disservice to a n64 classic heres a balanced review for some perspective,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 no no no no no this should not be watched by anyone avoid avoid,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 so youre not losing anything except for synergy with itemsabilities that proc on crits,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 have you had a cherry turnover theres got to be a german bakery somewhere cherry pie is pretty similar,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i was so alone talisa managed to whisper i guess you were too,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 no sorry from the lab partner or anything,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 damnit frank youre not suppose to show them we can do that,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 yesterday the site was down because it got flooded by imgurians who just found it and massregistered however even after using it for only two days now i have to say its a lot of fun and more effective than i thought it would be i even skipped some of my more ingrained bad habits last night when i realized that id lose progress on the game if i indulged not too shabby for barely two day of use,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 hes still ridiculously easy to shut down with no escape no hard cc anhur has built in pen stun slow leap inverted dash and cc immunity for the full duration of his ult amc has a tiny slow thats very easy to step out of and a 1s disarm that takes a focused string of attacks to trigger its not even close,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 a lot of uglies do look really nice in the dress blues but i will agree that sometimes theyre just too ugly and have the worst haircutsi wish i could wear the cracker jacks im sick of looking like a flight attendant in my blues,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 holy crap that was fasttried ebay and gunbroker already but ill try the others thanks,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 or cat looking at birdies outside,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 whelp back to fox news and brietbart where all the news is completely true s,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 matt barnes also wanted by me for fucking me over in fantasy last night,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 sacred flame in dark souls 3 pvp its extremely hard to do against a good player but i love the spell and always have a slot saved for it when i play a pyro for the off chance ill actually get to use it,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 wait is this in the right thread,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 but arent you a princess of an entire nation,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 heres the only comment from 3 years ago on the video you linkedessentially a brakewow that was a fairly incompetent effort there im impressed you disproved yourself and didnt even realize it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yep i spotted it too about 1015 before the edge of the screen,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what is e23oh cell e23 try this cpearsoncom to use this youd use something like this call putinclipboardrangee23valueand to retrieve it youd use something like this rangea1value getfromclipboard,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 heres my personal take on my top 10 so far this year mammal hands floa thrupence lessons takahiro kido the new world lucy dacus no burden damien jurado visions of us on the land frankie cosmos next thing rjd2 dame fortune pity sex white hot moon oddisee the odd tape whitney light upon the lake,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 just do the damn job sawakky you need that high school piece of paper to unlock the next doors in your life these doors will unlock without that piece of paper but the effort to get the doors to open increases significantly if you can wave that piece of paper around the difficult questions wont be asked as muchyou dont need to be a social wonder but you need to be able to mimicry your way around other people high school is a perfect practise ground get your im totally normal and harmless mask honed youll need it for your career,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 round 13piece countreanna 1 dragon 2 heavy horse 2 elephant 1 trebuchet 2 light horse 2 spearmen 1 crossbowman 4 rabblekiernan 1 dragon 2 heavy horse 2 elephant 1 trebuchet 2 light horse 1 spearmen 2 crossbowmen 4 rabble1d10010 reanna1d10010 kiernanurollme,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 not bad my girlfriend is chinese and wants me to learn chinese dishes ive actually got a chinese cookbook but man i can only cook breakfast,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 bunch of good uncommoncommon staple esquie cards for every colour 20 of each land and a bunch of boosters cant remember how much but it was like 4 boosters in a 20 dollar box so good if you are just starting out,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i only have a total of 4gb of storage on my phone itself 23 gb of which is filled with software thats neccesary for it to work like android itself i do have an sdcard in it but most apps do need some of there data on the internal storage anyway i havent downloaded more than 15 apps from the playstore but i still have to remove an old photo everytime i want to make a new one,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 have you two tried to talk through how you both feel about the other,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 are you going to watch the video or just judge it on your preconceptions of totalbiscuityou askedand totalbiscuit just recently posted a relevant video so you can see how it handles for yourself,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 hes only afraid the election will be rigged if he loses,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 not the same oneeating marcel gave her sharp nails sharp teeth and made her titan smaller,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah i guess i dunno i presumed they were doing it to celebrate something sort of like the awards shows but it just seems a silly way to recognize someone just throw a party guys have some champagne or something,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 gems level very quickly to 19 now,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 you know the comment you wish was at the top is from a troll account right,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 you have colt and falco being insignificant again and development for forgotten characters on the same pagedont they contradict one another there arent any other characters introduced on marley that can already be considered forgotten,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yep 416 isnt a score that is an upset,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 also feel the need to add that i dont think people necessarily do this kind of thing consciously i think most people have feelings of a similar intensity to what you and your friends probably felt like oh thats too badâ wonder how it will affect the movies but then immediately think to take their slight impulses to social media to the point that it turns into this weird over the top group mourning ritual every time a celebrity dies,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 you dont have to like hillary to hate trump,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i dont think that hell mind to be called colossal type,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 def adding these to my list some nice work here ebertran though if i threw that dark creeper at my party theyd be scared to ever enter the shadows again if they survived in the first place p,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 ohh i see i used to do that too but i actually would be a dick back to them and i would try and win the who could be a bigger dick contest which was obviously wildly immature lol sometimes id point the comments at myself too just to prove to them their insult sucked lol ahhhh we are a weird bunch,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 theres a thing jokingly referred to as the ikea effect where you attribute a higher value to something the more time and effort you spend on itif dating resembles a massproduced drivethru experience then youll become less invested in the individual people youre seeing than if you take your time get to know someone very well and actively cultivate the relationship the shopping mentality of online dating is a very real emergent property and bears mentioning to lend greater context to your effortsthat is to say im sure there would have been dramatically different numbers reported if a quality over quantity method was heavily leaned upon good science normally requires a large sample size so the 42 dates over that timespan seems like a good method of data collection for someone interested in more casual relationshipsid be interested to see the stats on someones dating career if theyre extremely selective on who they go out with time spent on the different phases would be more demonstrative than an event count in that case id think,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 not even the best in this barca team,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 is the idea scary at all like what if they didnt like what they saw would it still be worth it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 watch out for wildlings looks like a prime location for a wildling raid to me,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 i just want to say that theres an elder scrolls books app on android that lets you read all of the books from daggerfall morrowind oblivion and skyrim i dont like reading them in game but theyre really good reads on mobile,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 i sit alone at lunch in highschool and i dont mind,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i have a good amount of expeirence with little red and the yellow brick road esque deck i like it you make really big fuckers that fly and cant be targeted the only thing that can blow it up is lucifer,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i think this is a number that assume trump as a fair chance gt30 of winning ohio as i think he will lose ohio i think this number is too low without ohio trump will end up with something between 1100 and 1250 delegates the push against him is only getting stronger we will not know until california votes,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 thank you a lot this really helps with gpp way better than just using their best and worst games,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 kiernan reunited with her beloved niece at a big party took a trip to oldtown with her family and some of her daughters friends attended bilbo baggins eleventy first a dornish birthday party did mediocre at archerytalisa reunited with her friend aela vented her feelings got advice is currently talking to her dad about executing that anger management advice in a time bubble was crowned queen of love and beauty by her boyfriends grandfather at the big kingly party reunited with some other friends shireen unella gerard elinor was spoken to by some strangers at the party briefly befriended alysanne grandison went on a dream vacation to oldtown with her friends and family went to an old womans birthday lost a beauty pageant she was signed up for sneaky beaky like by aela wasnt particularly phased by the defeat missed her boyfriend who she hasnt seen in many moons due to her travel and his duties,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i find wd40 gets all tacky and will pick up dirt dust and gums up the working parts its also not a very good lubricant its great at removing a bit of surface rust thats already present though but i always remove it and put something else on i like miltec1also keep in mind that the shinier more polished a surface is the less prone to rust it is,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 well if you want to type yourself id say it would be best to learn where all of the people in real life fit into the types if you personally know people that use your same functions and share the same traits as you you will understand better where you fit in,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 false jacks are the best,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 objectionwho knows he might already own tat which allows him to be able to emulate the game technically since he already owns it,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 hillary helping bill cover his sex excapade has been known for a long time they even made a movie which cover the subject,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 well i kind of cant go all out as long as i have to keep it relevant to snk theres only so much you can do with such a dark show,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yes and i hated it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 usually i like to keep a bunch of ideas in my back pocket for when im going out with friends but its tough to be put on the spot when you have no strong preferences and dont know the person well enough to make any youd think theyd like its definitely easy to get a deerintheheadlights reaction when that happenshowever i do admit to getting annoyed with some of my friends whod always pull the whole oh i dont know whatever you want to do thing on me as a punishment after asking one of my guy friends and getting that response yet again i was likeok and drove us to the local trash dump haha it was a few acres of unwanted items not literal garbage although thats debatable i guess we actually had a pretty great time exploring the place,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 bro they lowkey grow a ton of weed,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 if the customer gives the wrong address they dont get food period if i cant find the house im calling with a blocked number since my phone is mine dont answer no food period im absolutely never using my personal data to use street view or google earth never not fucking happening my gps gets me pretty close if your house is hidden or doesnt have a visible address see 2,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 actually he uses tor now sometimes,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 emelyn is corys niece talisa piped up pointing towards the youngest member of their party her own family tree was very confusing to look at but she was certain of that little tidbit of information,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 have you tried a snickersthough you bring up a good point for a 6th person for me i wouldnt mind an isxp,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i agree here is the romanian plan,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 yes i was mostly thinking about bot lane i read that invertedcomposer guide he was saying singed has a hard time against champs like lulu that have slows and shields so i was thinking most supports have that and he would get denied in a 2v1 early and then you can swap back later when the towers go down,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 and fuck over people with bad internet64 tick is not going to be changed live with it,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 completely agreethat doesnt make it less sadistic though,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 absolutely they were products of their time and reflect contemporary concerns im of the opinion that the eddas are a more important source for tolkien than the sagas not everyone knows theyre not the same thing,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 just one uh uh breakfast waffles,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 good job number 57you should also write it that way in other normal comments if you want to climb in rank,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 no but i was on course to be one and still keep up with some of the exciting new research like the fact that nipples surprisingly share a pathway with the clitoris in many women what is so problematic about nipples not being covered even if they are a sex organ i dont care about any of this part of the discussion im arguing that female nipples are a sex organ there is only one switch in this context one that one pathway dedicated to processing sensory data from sex organs stimulating sex organs is not the same thing as having an orgasm,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i uh well to be honest its a little embarassing so after school i had this awful breakup with somebody who was not so nice to me i had trouble feeling alive being alive etc there were patches of brightness but it smacked me hard and low still i found my way up and there was a moment which i remember quite well i went to see a movie with my sister and brother kung fu panda 3 yes we were in theatre and i had troubles connecting with emotions but as i watched this movie as i watched po relive his dream becoming the dragon warrior becoming a teacher being an unlikely savior and all his movings on seeing wugui die again and seeing him in nirvana teaching qi seeing the pandas perish to the peacock a mothers love and all these things i knew that there was goodness so i cried i silently cried and saw a life unfold and rebegin a teaching a dying moving on i remembered a friend who helped me she had no clue i texted her and said i was sad and she said move on yet she has no clue how much she helped me that kind of thing has been happening a lot lately well lately a few months ago,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 when you cant find a way to represent a sound in your conlang in the ipa,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 most people on this sub wouldnt like it but still the bbc has an amazing series called call the midwife its about a group of midwifes in the 50s in a rather poor area of london it deals with a lot of really important issues most importantly to me how the lack of hormonal reliable birth control in that time affected societal norms for women and the societal view on family and childrenit also deals with topics like legalization of abortion societal becoming less religious the development of how people would go to hospitals to give birth and get other medical treatments instead of giving birth at home lots of thingsthe thing is im a 90s kid this was the time when my grandparents were adults this was their reality and my parents baby boom were the first to deal with all these societal changes but were raised by the generation for whom those changes felt so foreign that bbc series was honestly eye opening for me the world changes beyond recognition in the past 100 years or so thats only about 1 lifetime we are still as a society very much searching of what these developments mean for us and how all our values and ideals need to be revaluated i believe this change of how society views raising children is part of that,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i have seen an angry typemention that shit is terrifying,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah i think our instincts are a lot older than agriculture evolution is a slow process,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 im not this but let me give you an excuse why i actually am this right now,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 until riot frowns upon it it will be how it is as much as it shouldnt be,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 it seems that many people dont understand that the eclipse is no more dangerous than looking at the sun the problem is that people are inclined to stare at the eclipse for longer which is why people are warned against it,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 so fry and rock are obviously fry and davies grassy horse lover sounds like david mitchell or a rob brydon type and then divine skewer would be your jimmy carrjeremy clarkson typeim guessing that the last member of the panel is some kind of actor rather than a comedian who doesnt say much so gets cut to a lot for reactions when one of the comedians says something witty,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 say no to the mirror and whatever you do dont look or try to smellthat shits getting fucked up down there just hold her legshand and help her breathe,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 call me cynical but i would just figure out whats most likely to maximize your earnings over the next three or five or however many years you want to commit to factoring in your ability to do the job and stick with it money gives you options down the road to do all sorts of shitor just take a job that might set you up for a transition into something else like writing sales software gets you engaged in learning about sales or something,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 551 to go its been fun watching it go up all day,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 the problem is that you need to get the signatures into the systemi guess paid cheats have a higher priority than free cheats and they also have to obtain the signature first,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 dont be a wimp and assert your boundaries eg i let you talk now its my turn and if they disrespect you further put your foot down walk away,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 at family dollar no at dollar tree yes,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 oh if you watch the video that comes from he calls people who dont support gmos racist,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 he was just stalling time hoping that someone else swooped inhe had no further concrete plan,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i talked to my psychiatrist and he didnt have any reason for concern with my medication after discussion and i need to contact my endocrinologist as wellalso yeah i have noticed it is harder to gauge distance,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i would love to tell my wife exactly what to do occaissionally 1 tickle my ass with a feather2 go get you hot friend from the office3 make sure theres new batteries in the video camera4 nasty5 make sandwhich,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i do know about bpd i actually thought i had it at one point but the therapist told me i just need anger management do you think typemention is prone to it,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 takes me more than two days to defrost a chicken never mind anything bigger,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 only at christmas parties where nobody has any interests in anything other than netflicks and i dont want to be that guy that just talks forever about his own interests that nobody cares about and im sick of being the one that looks like a fool asking all of the stupid questions its funny that the same people probably think that i am the boring one lolrest of the time im high as a kite the whole world is a delightful swirl of creatures and magic that inspires me every day,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i cant customize the screen layout for my psx games screen isnt fully utilized wondering if there were hidden settings im missing i tried to custom with official settings but they cut off the bottom portion of my game,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 ser glaive the bear jew florent,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 what im wondering is were they insured for all the gold that got vaporised,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 538 has the model which favor trump the most as you can see here the convention trump got close to 50 chance of winning with their model im more concerned by pollsters bias now that trump is starting to lead there are pollsters who are definitely playing with their lv model and could try to hide a trump lead pollsters from news channel and newspaper could have a strong bias this year,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 marcelo is pretty much the only dude i can think of that can wear a tapout shirt and not look like a douche,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 ive been watching a lot of meta talks by dawkinskraussncse about persuasive arguments and fact rejection recently and they have good discussions about people who say no evidence will change my mind and yes some of them will ignore whatever you present but some will just not be aware theres anything at all resulting in that previous statementalso remember the punching them in the face with facts approach is worthwhile sometimes since thats what worked with dawkins re atheism,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 the attack titan could originally have been one of those 7havent ever read that theory before though could you link it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 probably because they dont just put these things into manufacturing on a whim theres testing and all thatbut intuitively i totally get the concern the pcie slot is tiny and the gpu is quite damn heavy those two screws are all that hold it,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 no that is something people who know what they are talking about are telling you,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 kiernan shrugged she didnt want to hurt the other woman but she didnt want to simply lie my lady i havent spoken to you many times so i cant claim to know you that well however i remember summerhall i remember how everyone reacted except for you you asked why and after i told you you decided to help me to carekiernan looked up into reannas eyes i couldnt say if youre a good person to everyone else but i do know that youre a good person to me,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i enjoyed it as well i have a strong love of fairytales and folklore and he really seemed to understand what makes those things click not a lot of people can invent an original fairytale that feels so naturalplus paul giamatti kills his role there,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 get a mousepad table surfaces are weirdcloth or hardpad while i think that if you have a pure white or so desk it is kinda the same as an hardpad,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 maybe its the knife thing men tend to be more stabby,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think most of their shoes are as ugly as sin i have the 998s though theyre not that bad looking but goddamn they are high quality and extremely comfortable theyre my go to casual shoes alongside my flyknits,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 uleapingtitan has done some vids about the history of the worldheres his channel manga spoilers in link of that you can always watch the podcast manga spoilers are other podcasts out there but this one is done by some of the mods of this sub,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this also typemention look like hobos typemention look like old people,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 israel and japan are already employing a lot of the farming methods mentioned israel also gets a ton of its water from desalinization and farms underground if we can stop poisoning everything i think we will be ok,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i say fuck and hell in my dreams i assure you im calm,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i just know things without needing to visualize them in my minds eye are those visualizations really trustworthy anyway dont most people have them dont most people also have shit memory,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i dont think other people do it for the same reasons if someone insults me i sure as hell get over it i have had antypemention go behind my back and say all sorts of nasty shit and she constantly attacks me with passive aggressivecondescending intonations and annoying subversive shit but i dont slam the door on her id rather ignore it and stay on neutral terms i have no reason to be that dramatic and maybe over time shell stop being such an idiot and grow up,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 its the test client my bad d,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 from what weve seen memories are unlocked by referencing parts of the previous shifters lives so theyd have to recreate the eldian life for which they again need reigners memories,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i didnt even mention terrorism in the discussion you are the one who decided to bring it up when i asked specifically about culture you are putting words in my mouth,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i second the motion to gild ucyborgboy95,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 awww my bf and corgo are both colorbamboozled and wouldnt get this comic either,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 what department do you think theyd work in,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 except at work i dont share anything with colleagues and i sure as hell know better than to trust colleagues in general anyone at work who doesnt understand that is by far the worst sort of person to be myself around,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ah i was wondering what the extra plastic stuff was from now that makes sense,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 noi fucking hate the word,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 if a1 is the date you can use this to establish the day text upperlefttexta1dddd3 this would output wed for today and can be adjusted as needed if you do not want all three letters,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 heres the reference in case youre too young and have yet to experience the goodness that is spaceballs,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i agree with this i speak 5 european languages rather fluently and have read the hp set in 4 of those whenever i pick up an italianspanishportugese copy languages i dont know its actually doable,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 theres an enormous difference between knowing factually that some people force others to have sex that some people have sex with animals and that some people kill their children and reading a graphic account of those acts that is intended to provoke an emotional response 14 year olds are still children in many ways they are not intellectually or psychologically mature any more than they are physically mature saying a 9th grader should be able to handle this is like saying all 12 month olds should be walking and all 5 year olds should be able to read,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 chances mean nothing if you dont score chile frustrating as fuck to watch,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 here is a relationship rule that some people usedont do anything with someone of the opposite sextype you are attracted to that you wouldnt do if your mate was sitting right there do you think he would send that message with you present that may be your answersecondly imo why spend your time with someone you arent totally nuts about and they are nuts about you back and make you feel awesome i wasted all of my 20s dating guys that put half ass effort in all the while thinkingmaybe its memaybe of i just love them enoughmaybe if i wait a little longergive him another chanceanother chanceanother chancelet me repeat that i wasted ten years of my life dating guys that were half assing it look for someone who is all in edit i made my rule hetero but could be applied to other relationships as well apologies,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 like i said i havent seen a demo of him cheating if you claim something like this then provide at least proofthere is a good chance that they will but if they dont you just look like a big idiot,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 pretty sure its a tapir although i dont think ive ever seen an all black one before,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i dont have itunes but i will buy the boxsets when they come out to support them how would watching it on tv be paying for it anyway,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 dafuqis this what its like to be an extrovert,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 id say just organize an impromptu meetup thing at a park dont want a bunch of internet people knowing where you live,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 sure ill mind my own business as soon as screaming starts and enters my ears that is my business,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i always hope i end up being a headache over a pain in the ass giving butt massages can get pretty awkward after awhile,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 would you clarify a bit im not completely sure what you mean when you say you hate people because of their sportsmanship good sportsmanship or bad sportsmanship do you just not like sportsmanship in general how would you rather they act,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 ive been losing weight slow and steady recently i traveled to visit my grandparents in their native country considering they are getting very old and every time i visit might be the last i decided fuck it im going to eat all the glorious home cooked food my grandmother will make it and it will be amazing and it indeed was absolutely amazing so back on track again back at home and just broke through the lowest weight since before i left for my trip im now at 805 kg ive always had my eye on breaking to 80 kg threshold almost there almost there,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i want to do the hdp treatment to my crz engine improvements decals etc it looks great i want to add the mugen body kit as well,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 you make some great points here i read a post once but cant seem to find it that said exactly what you suggest about these functional stereotypes coming from a tertiary perspective i dont know if id actually call them a stereotype but maybe biased towards a certain perspective this biased perspective is still accurate for the tertiary user more or less but doesnt account for the full experience of a dominant user so the tertiary is considered a twodimensional function in socionics whereas the dominant is fourdimensional now think about trying to convert a 2d image to one that is 3d for example it isnt going to translate right as the source doesnt have the necessary depth to fill out that extra dimension the original image is accurate in its proper context but like no matter how high the resolution of your tv is it can never rival real life the rest of what you describe i think relates to the idea that your lower functions are not about how you think but what you do it is also from socionics but i think it makes sense in either system and would suggest behavioral expressions for both the tertiary and the inferior,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 i respect the actress but she was a horribly written character lorraine toussant made her bearable but the character was so incredibly one dimensional mightve worked for a disney villain but not in a complex show like oitnb where most of the characters have some semblance of depth vee stuck out like a sore thumb in my opinioni agree that she did an amazing jobbut the character was so cringeworthy and there was absolutely no redeeming characteristic to her its like the writers thought that her being fake nice to taystee and suzanne would be enoughi dunno i just have to respectfully disagree vee was my least favorite character there was so much wasted potential with her storyline because the writers just made her evil incarnate instead of giving her an actual real personality instead she was just a manipulative bitch to shake things up and move the plot forward it could have been so much more interestingi cant stress enough that it is due to no fault of the actress she did a great job,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 if the player base if large enough probably,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i clearly stated that ive personally known multiple manipulative cunty shitty camgirls but that is not the majority of us the people in this thread are demonizing an extremely tame form of sex work i never defended ops gf lying to her bf at that magnitude is very shitty but shes barely even entering into the world of sex work why does everyone have to talk so much shit on her if they were only talking about her dishonesty that would be a different story,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 stop caring about ranks and deal with it shitty noob,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 we have to see machines as productivity multiplier that sounds great isnt well no so much in a world of limited natural resources if a machine multiply one man production by 10 you need 10 time more resources only to keep this job not only that the demand for the product need to be 10 times more we have reached a point where all our basics needs are met we already have access to an infinite variety of form of entertainment the medical field can advance only at the speed of discovery if this new tech revolution happen faster than human can extracts natural resources or develop renewal resources energy but also raw materal and faster than human appetite for new stuff you find yourself with quite a few people unemployed economy 101 as its being taught even today is outdated those theory have been developed in a time when we could assume in the equation that natural resources where infinite more or less supplyside economy which still has its believers fails to take into account the demand,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 gf clearly does not know how to hold a cat some training is required is what the cats trying to say here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 imho the market really needs more underdarkcave style maps or map pieces amp set dressing that can be combined into a variety of layouts a lot of folks are playingpreparing to play out of the abyss which is predominantly set in the underdark and the published adventure provides very few actual maps mostly towns amp citiestheres a couple cavesets currently one is a very unnatural looking cave thats very flowing no hard edges as if carved out by water the other is a mushroom forest with some decent caves id love something rougher with a better sense of vertical spaces a combination of large open areas thin crawlspaces crevasses you name it,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 thats it i was trying to place her face its her,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 i thought you were making a jokeproving your point even better now,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 you guys would be the most annoying low level administrators think tax collectors census people greedy merchants know it all scholars and bigger than their station military typesso pretty much what you are in the modern society,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 should i change it to global then does it make me more relevant gt,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yeah thats why he puts it off until the hogwarts express here harry hold this for me then he just has to fake the return and hes been watching harry ron and hermione interact all year less stupid than the other plan,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 on the plus side at least you learned from it,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 first mermailfist format that came before dragon rulers was dope,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this thread is already tagged for manga spoilers so you dont need to tag your comments for manga spoilerssome additional advise to properly tag manga spoilers format like thismanga spoilers text,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 looks like you can both be level headed about it enjoy the journey wherever it takes you,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 typemention im saying it because i have to or youll get pissed,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 israel didnt start 48 or 67 and prior to that all land taken was purchased legally america is becoming more and more hispanic when it is mostly or close to mostly hispanic if whitey rises up and tries to kill all the hispanic people then the hispanic people win and marginalize whitey who would you blame,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i got a job off indeedcom which utilized 0 of my network i didnt network hardcore it just seems so fake and like youre using people which is hard for me to do i did it a bit because it seemed like people understood this and the business transaction nature of it i put in more effort into it than i have with anything in my liferemember i have no degree youre there to do nothing but learn to code i did exactly that and still had time to party and shit fairly often that said i think out of the 3 months onsite portion i took less than 3 days off of coding weekends included it was a great experience for me and obviously it paid off i hear the jobs after your first are leagues easier it took me 3 months to get a job,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 the last few years my thing has become figuring people as in individuals out thats always been an interest of mine of course but now its like a full blown hobby before that it was programming but i dont have the passion for it a lot of people do,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 lol and then postponing that one for 3 years too due to legal issues,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 dont leave out this version,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 infpdefinitely save 5 there is nothing that could make that one life worth five the one who died would understand my choice and i would expect the same if i was the one too,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 all of the typemention i have met are great a bad person is a bad person end of story,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 better daydreaming and stuff and creativity and more emotionally stable and mature,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 besides the whole issue being silly you could try the argument of why i need a tv or music on the background for me to get my hyper focus going i need a stupid tv or music im not paying attention to to act as a white noise that cancels out all other irregular noises car alarm people talking on the hall way etc for the same reasons why you need silence i dont mind studying in the same room where my so is gaming or doing the dishes because i dont notice him over my white noise if your boyfriend is the same you could tell him that you like studying in silence for the same reason why he likes studying with back ground noise,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 no way i could see cruz endorsing trump but id suspect hed endorse rand paul same with carson i could see carson endorsing rand paul fiorina will definitely endorse trump same with huckabee,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 bullet points typemention checks out fuck that one possibility is that he has cared for you for a long time as more than a friend and when you gave him a tepid response he worked to crush his feels or simply retreated we often have the ability to turn our emotions off like a switch he sounds immature i think you have to be the big girl here and say im confused by your actions i do like you as more than friends and i think you feel the same way perhaps you overstated your affections the other night perhaps you have none at all beyond friendship do you want to forget the conversation from the other night and go on a date with me right now hes gone out on far more a limb than you have so you have nothing to lose imo,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 no way man you wouldnt download a car maill see myself out,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 an typemention who lied and manipulated me to get sex,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 zackley wouldve loved to answer that question in depth,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 oh i didnt realise it was up in newark the passiveaggressive anger is definitely more of a southern thing,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 remindme 90 days when the fps module is polished,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 yes i shop most of my clothes online at its a dutch webshop but i think they ship to most countries their customer service is amazing their prices on par with most online and offline shops selling those brands and this is important they measure every item they sell in house themselves and provide detailed measurements specific to that product anyways if i can give you a few pointers of how the style works for me choose one more eccentric item strong print distinctive cut outthere colour combine it with basics that would fit in a more modern day setting to make sure its not too costumey the same goes with shoes and jewelry as vintage inspired outfits go quite good with more minimal modern shoes and jewelry i recently put the following outfit together skirt and shirt and i wore the gray belt of the skirt over the waistline of the shirt so there was a bit of color blocking going on paired with basic black leather healed sandals and a silver hair brooch i got a bunch of compliments on it and although the silhouette is very vintagey it didnt make me feel out of place,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i have 6 up and running right now its not enough,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 i have lived there those registered independents vote republican nearly every election,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i guess ill break the mold and say yes i do not now or any time soon but yes as for parenting style i think about this pretty often i know i wont be super strict like my narcissist parents were to me i wont go into extensive detail about that but i think that since im already imagining future scenarios and how i would handle them that i would be a pretty decent parent,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i have a mic and have been looking to try out a heist for a while now im only level 41 but ive been playing since launch night im usually a strict freeroamer but i wanna see what these heist thingies are all about gt rfgm37 netflix gf anything else im on,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i should just stop trying to help when i dont exactly know what im talking about thanks for correcting me,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 they cost over a penny to mint but the metals inside are worth less than 01,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i think one of the bigger issues is that it wasnt clear that people could only get it by going to an established tavern i went to a gathering 4 days ago that said it was established it didnt have the icon which i later realized is whats important and it was a fairly well put on event but its a little disappointing that people that did go to an actual event didnt end up with nemsy it was just a mistake by the venue they used two different accounts to host the event so it didnt become established,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 awww its ok thanks for the response d it helped lots,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 buffy dated she never really moved on and she wouldnt lose her soul if she found happiness again so she actually has options for romantic partnersangel very uncharacteristcally moved on and quickly buffy brought him out of a deep deep depression and self loathing she helped him see his self worth and his purpose in lifeif hed chosen to stay mortal you really dont think they would have lastedthe only reason he didnt is because he still felt he needed to repent and didnt deserve that happiness and that he was meant to do good for humanitythen shortly after he had his fling with darla that was stupid but she was his sire i kinda got it and it wasnt really about lovehis relationship with cordelia developed as a friendship and there was no real natural progression honestly all of angel the series feels like forced plot device after forced plot device which sucks because angel is my favorite character all of a sudden angel likes cordelia as more than a friend becauseit will add a dramatic plotline if i recall correctly nothing happened to spark any change in their relationshipbut even if it had he cant pursue a romantic relationship with her if it will make him truly happy if hes able to maintain the relationship that means hes not truly happy so how anybody can ship them makes no sense to me id love to understand it but i simply cant wrap my head around itill give you that it was more maturebut buffy was 16 and cordelia was like what 20 going on 35 with how much her character was changed to fit the need of the series thats a given buffy was more mature at that age too and so would their relationship have beencordelia was always like angels sidekick or cheerleader buffy was a partner who did a lot for him,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 whatever you want talisa replied with a shrug as unhelpfully passive as ever,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 hes overrated imo relied heavily on that incredibly talented dutch spine and never proved himself when he didnt had at his disposal those players,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 same here but i rarely wear it cause the neck is extremely uncomfortable,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 eh its not stupid i think youre right that she knew and that she isnt interested you took a swing and you missed take a few days dust yourself off and move on with your life man you should be proud of yourself for taking a swing a lot of people just lurk on the sidelines and wonder why nothing ever happens with the right person things just click into place at some point so long as you are chill and genuine but you do have to initiate contact as you did,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 just one order a led bulb online from china wait three weeks for it to arrive let it sit on the desk for another week get annoyed at the inconvenient darkness finally screw that mofo in,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 there are such people and such peoplei can assure you that most people at lelem are also extremely buthurt and call cheats easily but people who stomp silvers or novas for entertainment are the lowest of the low i cant even understand how they would have fun at thiswe got tossed on the us servers yesterday and two guyslem and supreme were calling cheats on a m8 and me after 3 rounds,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yeah haha to an extent for sure i just really love walking around and exploring cities i try to remember that this isnt my last tripmealbeerwhatever so when im hungry i eat at the first place that looks decent though sometimes ill check out a few first its just part of the fun,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 absolutely nothing as functions dont actually exist the question of am i using too much cogfuncmention is far too nebulous to ever be useful in any way just as am i using too much cogfuncmention or any other function is am i focusing more on possibilities than reality or am i focusing too much on details in this specific projectrelationshipwhatever are examples of the right questions to ask its very tempting to think that we can find ready made personality houses to live in but buildings are constructed one brick at a time identifying where cogfuncmention is useful and where it isnt etc is what i think it means to develop functions,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im looking for a course of action or things to watch out regarding this affair not sure out to formulate it,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 people continually flame valve for not updating the game enough which is kinda right but i guess most issues people want updated will be resolved with switching to source 2 same with dota2right now i like the direction valve is taking with the skins seeing that the awp in this case is the first one that gets restricted quality in a case and the ak is the first one with milspec quality i really hope that one day the items will sell for more than you pay for a key,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 do you know your renneagrammost typemention are type 5s which are driven by knowledge i think you might be typemention type 3 which is uncommon but could explain the discrepancies,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 by not sayig anything the people who end silence are the awkward ones,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 ethereum classic classic would mean etc without this new hardfork ie etc as it is right now,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 the other ladies gave a bunch of great responses i 100 agree with its interesting to see how other typemention ladies feel the same like me about having a friend to come home to someone relaxed who will be honest with you and keep you grounded no emotional games or drama just being able to come home be home and leave all your stress at the door which also means your so doesnt make an issue of your work and career is really just chill about it and everything else concerning our overly ambitious characters i find this interesting because this type of man arent usually the overly ambitious guys like we are at least not to the same level and intensity as we are it balances us out i guess but for some reason i still have a stereotypical idea in my head about us strong typemention women belonging in some kind of power couple relationship with an equally ambitious man i realize now after so much time with my more laidback so that wouldnt make me happy though,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 does anyone else believe that trans people have a mental illness it should not be normal in my opinion and i reckon a lot of people jumped on the bandwagon due to not feeling comfortable in their own skin so instead of addressing the problem and trying to fix it they avoid it by getting a sex change gender reassignment surgeryi realise it is a touchy subject and i have no intention of offending anyone but this is the thread for it also if you are going to downvote me i dont mind but at least place a counter argument rather than simply disagreeing edit correct terminology,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 why do the videos always cut off at the good parts,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 cant decide between funnel freak and loaded,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 jorah wouldnt stand a chance then,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 you get less roll over minutes than your dead af cell phone on atampts roll over minutes plan,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 whilst you might be right eastern nation doesnt necessarily have to refer to the same nation were the eastasians are from germany russia and japan are all to the east of me but theyre still completely different nations,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i can recall hearing about thor when i was really young but i dont recall ever having it explained to me that it was anything more than a hero story or legend its kind of like someone telling you king arthur is actually the god of leadership in the ltinsert namegt religion thats thousands of years oldi think around jr high i discovered it was a myth like greek mythology and later that myth meant religion we dont practice,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 you sound like a progressive whos just discovered that collectivism is shitlets start by tearing down your borders youre just oppressing the freedom of humanity how dare you think you can keep individuals out of your house i think you should look into the purpose of government its soul duty is to protect the people within the borders the people own the land and have every right to control their borders just as you would deny people access to your home these are the principles that the west is founded on dig them up and it will collapsedafuck usually libertarians are massively antiinterventionist i dont suppose you find them disgusting though youre totally a liberal please go back to rpolitics,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 zeke had that beard since he was 8 didnt he,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you know i may have sounded a little uptight in the way i described it i think the problem is not so much that people or buses as it were can be late im very understanding if my friends tell me im running 30 minutes behind the problem is when you dont know how late theyre going to be for me this means that you cant enter a deep thought or get some actual work done because you dont know if youre going to get the chance to finish it thats whats truly upsetting about an indeterminate delayif i knew that the bus was going to be there at 300 instead of 200 i would have enjoyed the hourlong conversation with the egyptian gentleman but the fact that the bus could come any minute would have made carrying that conversation on difficult because you know that it would have to end abruptly at any minute,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 it doesnt matter what you call it call it kiddierape its horrible and theres no cureput them in general population for all i care,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i believe we can be great at it but its very risky for me the biggest danger is being too blunt and pissing someone off,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 well if i look at uhk47 s posttimes then he lives on the north pole during summer and on the south pole during the winterhes both always online and neverbut hey you shouldnt let modding this sub effect your sleeping schedule were not that important,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 since when does pennywise live in a house,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 9950top 4013your vocabulary size is like that of a 10yearold child in the usin my defense english is my 3rd language,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 exxon has field in yemen but also buy oil from the saudis i wonder how he see the ksayemen war,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 less than i thought about 47,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 haha yay its actually a lot of fun i hope you guys enjoy it d message me if you have any questions,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 thats 100 less than i paid at launch ocs like a champ too,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 it is because of how redneck this person is acting i dont know why are you being downvoted your post does add to the discussion,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 probably not if anyone from this sub was on the jury i wonder if anyone on here has been on a jury since they subd to this sub,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 why shouldnt a human life and a snail be equal thats seriously a question youre asking in good faith last chance do you stand by that question,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 implying the cubs havent already frozen hell over,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 eh one targets just the cells that contain data the other targets everything all depends on what you need to do,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 id be interested to hear the case for typemention that seems strange i could sort of see typemention but that doesnt seem likely to me i see a lot of my typemention brother in him hes effortlessly good at physical stuff kind of brooding friendly but somewhat moody my brother gets all stupid about women too lol but im bad with sensors he seems more opportunistic than planny on the level of a cogfuncmention dom daenerys is the only one ive thought of as typemention i absolutely love her lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 a student of ninjitsu a student of black magic a student of an ancient god hungry for the souls of the innocent,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 no probably not unless shes 14 there are a ton of valid reasons to say fine when you might not sound like everything is finefor example something changes to an unexpected outcome there might be mild disappointment or confusion maybe there was a compromise maybe it was a tough decision and this was the best option but shes still not happy with it so yeah its fine not great but nothing is wrong either just because youre not ecstatic doesnt mean theres a problem to be fixed life isnt always peaches and daisies and sometimes you just have to take the best you can getanother example as i said in another comment above i might say this if i am upset about something super trivial and i dont want to get into it sometimes its because its not that big of a deal and its not worth the argument sometimes its something that cant be helped sometimes i just dont want to think or talk about it so im trying to move the conversation to something else to get me in a better mood and not dwell on it good communication doesnt mean youre owed every thought in someone elses head someone not telling you everything doesnt necessarily mean theyre bad at communicatingso yes youll get the odd immature person who plays games but id say in at least 90 or more of cases it usually means i dont want to talk about itits not worth talking about or there genuinely is nothing wrong so just let her know youre there to talk about it if she wants to talk and just leave it alone because either she doesnt want to talk about it or theres nothing wrong anywayin the odd case where its somebody being immature if you treat it as if they were being maturetheyll get mad and youll know theyre immature and therefore not worth your time anyway,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 shift f2 brings up playback controls,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 say no to the mirror and whatever you do dont look or try to smellthat shits getting fucked up down there just hold her legshand and help her breathe,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 no shit no change would happen but we live in the real world so this doesnt matter obviously i am not prescribing moral imperatives which we should all follow just describing what a person should to do to maximise their impact on this particular cause given how the world really works if everybody tried to do this it would be totally counterproductive if an individual does this then they have the greatest impact possible it doesnt need to work for everybody in order to work for any particular individualonce again your assume that your thoughts and actions would magically inform everybody elses in order to demonstrate your superiority one person or ten thousand people acting how i described would still be highly effective in the real world as it will contain hundreds of millions of vegans regardless i really dont know what youre doing in rphilosophy with views as shallow as this,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 arent you supposed to be out likeliving life or something,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i think you might be a little confused you can turn away with sa and still hit the target only thing that is required is to keep vision of it you can be flying completely the other direction and still hit as long as you still have vision i have tested and verified this again to make sure i never compared missile stats of a sa vs a fampf anyway i was comparing f2 to f3 fampf is definitely preferable even at less range but youre sacrificing availability and veterancy in almost all cases to get that except for a few exceptions not saying its not maybe worth it but its a choice to be made with drawbacks and advantages either way you go,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 nope im king at work probably because i work with engineers and designers and not customers,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 its my favorite shirt that i own and i even got to wear it to the shelter tour after driving 6 hours to la i love it and once in a while people come up to me and we talk about porter c,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 there is very little information out there about the original conception of the enneagram outside of a few sources if you want to check out what the enneagram is really all about look into the founder gurdjieff his students ospensky and especially more modern interpretations of jg bennett and anthony blake i just did a subreddit search of renneagram for gurdjieff and only found three mentions of the founder of the enneagram that is very weird mbti departs quite a ways from the original jung but the modern understanding of the enneagram is so much further removed from its source or original intent the enneagram of process is really about so much more than just a system of typology it can basically be used to describe how all processes occur,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 lets goi was on my schools academic quiz bowl team with ucrunchystixfite me,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 we are probably talking about a few weeks or a few months worth of sale in russia they needed some time to sign another deal,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 my friend is hardcore cf we have many amusing conversations,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 really hair brushing or nail painting nails i can maybe understand because of the smell but hair brushing are you kidding,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 wow i thought i was going to have a real comment to put here but couldnt think of oneâ œher instinct and her adrenaline was survival instinct she just started spraying to get people out of the way and jesse hagopian walked byâ oâ toole saidsays it all i thinkshe panicked,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i wish i could be mistaken as a pokemon,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 exactly the relation needs to evolve naturally depending on setting and what you want from the relationship no mentormentee are actually proclaimed mentormentee but if done right both will know that thats indeed the nature of their relationship,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 why would someone have gone to the effort time and resources that went into making your shoes just to give them to you for free good lord,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 this is a little different money angle but i do think about it back when we had the recession in 2008 i felt really uncomfortablelike it could happen again im no economics expertbut it doesnt take much for me to see that kids will absolutely slaughter your finances i decided i was very happy knowing i would never have children and take on that huge financial burden even if the world economy collapsed i would only have to worry about one person its weirdly comforting nobody relies on me for their survival,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 good managers with no balls piss me off just because someone is a customer doesnt mean they get to harass the staff or commit fraud and those board shakers are fucking annoying â but i wish we had labor money to waste on something like that,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 katydid dont think we get them like that one where im at,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 huh so you have a website now,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i dont have a negative attitude towards it you cogfuncmention types just very good at making me feel incompetent because i tie my shoelaces an order of magnitude more slowly than you do im actually super jealous,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 putin does not do invasions putin does hybrid warfare he would not have to invade the baltics just set up a civil war and low key support one of the sides then make it a puppet state when they win,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 you can have that even faster as a straight dude id let you watch porn its not gay if youre not thinking about me while it happens,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 how is it that grey was allowed to make those alliances without parliament saying it was okay first how did they react when they found out there is no way boris johnson would get away with that today may wouldnt let him,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 this is certainly possible are you able to post a sample of the data contained in the text file you are trying to parse,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i know that it may seem that im being obtuse but the government is the one who makes this distinction between regulation and prohibition,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 are you able to at least create other subroutines and pass argumentsif so id advise creating one that passes an argument that determines which picture is enabled and based on that argument is how it determines which picturesbuttons to manipulatei would also advise creating another separate subroutine that has the sole purpose of resetting everything that way when you want to pass an argument to the subroutine mentioned above it can call the reset sub and have everything reset before determining which buttonpicture to enablepseudocode below private sub button1 call makevisible0 end sub private sub reseteverything reset all of the objects code goes here end sub private sub makevisibleinputnumber as byte call reseteverything this makes everything invisible in preparation for making only the selected object visible select case inputnumber case 0 enable picture0 case 1 enable picture1 end select end subthe example cuts out a huge amount of redundant code that you would have to manually perform for every single object it would enable picture0 with a single line of code for the corresponding button this means the only thing youll need are single lines of code for button events all of the picture manipulation is performed in the reset and makevisible subs,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 thats the best thing about being an aussie citizen the ease of access to the usa which would otherwise be virtually impossible because its just so restrictive,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 generally you will be 18 when you are still in higher education in the eu,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 of course good to hear,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 available all days after 6 dedicated to any league that drafts me i have unusually good jukes for a contain defense playerraz 4 nltp ateam,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 like his probably good bye supreme,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i dont get wet until sex is already happening for a little bit totally normal whether im on hormones or not my bf makes it wet either with spitlubeoralwhatever not a big deal for us,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 making the drinking age higher does not mean that kids will wait to drink in fact i think its the opposite the us is the worst drinking culture why would you want to take steps to be more like us were all alcoholics who started drinking well before it was legal 15 for me,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i think process types do,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 yes i would prefer to do 400 and 800 intervals but my coach likes to do religious amounts of 200 intervals,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 neither do i man neither do i but there it is,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if labour was worth that much we would never have 15 unemployment more or less depending on where you live we would also be pushing for higher birthrates which we are not we dont even know what to do with our own lowskill workers let alone other countriesand if these foreign workers are so productive why are they not adding 78 trillion to their own economies what happens to their economies when you strip away all of their most skilled people we have probably already stripped them of the very people who would modernise their countrieswhat makes you think that importing people under poorly run government will not cause our government to disintegrate you have to remember the west has undergone 300 years of enlightenment philosophy and culturalization and it runs through the socialisation of every generation we are not replaceable parts to a machine we have our own shared values and they are as meaningful and worthwhile protecting as the michaelangelos davidyou will never achieve this third world countries are breeding at a rate that makes even the immigration of millions pale in comparison we are also lifting people out of poverty across the world at a rate much faster than anyone thought imaginable i do not think there is any need for extreme measuresone of the sources of violence in our countries is relative inequality as measured by the gini coefficient would this not result in even higher relative inequality if you happen to think americas border wall is bad youll get much more of that if you bring in enough immigrants youll end up with walls between upper and lower class communitieswe already do this with skilled workersi dont think this holds water even in my small rural town in australia we have up to 200 applicants for every unskilled labour job advertised there is a growing number of people on government benefits unable to get work we have major skills gaps and skills shortages how could immigrants possibly not make this exponentially worse you know what else would make the third world less crowded not having 6 children per mother why not just give them access to birth control help them build and modernise their own countries teach a man to fishyou cant deny the differences in culture and race for the sake of potential monetary gain regardless money is not all there is to life if you think open borders is really such a good idea just ask yourself why israel would refuse to open up their walls to the 78 trillion dollars of middle eastern labour,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 in loops the tertiary doesnt become the auxiliary it just sort of takes the role of the auxiliary you use your tertiary because you repressed your aux function a lot but the order is not cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention is more like cogfuncmentionshittysicogfuncmentionwell after all its in the loop you can use your tertiary aka your so called new auxiliary it can even be mistaken for your dominant,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i always want to be moving forward i always want to be improving when i become stagnant or start moving backwards thats when i am the most miserable but when i feel like progress is being made somewhere i can always be content with that,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 lol did you bring some aloe for these burns youre handing out,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 you get less roll over minutes than your dead af cell phone on atampts roll over minutes plan,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 typemention now i can answer your trump question none of his agendas are in line with my own thats how politics works each candidate is an experiment to see what the views of the people favor his views are not inline with mine i do not believe that vaccines give autism i think that we do need to keep an eye on climate change i dont think immigration is as big a problem as he makes it into i dont think that america needs to turn economic trade with china into a dick measuring contest hes not all bad though he does have plans to bring jobs to the middle class and such im australian though so my opinion is irrelevant,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 and a bunch of other places for 000imjksupportfrank,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 a chemistry diploma is any case is a good start there is more than enough work to be found in this field start looking around for post doc positions at universities if you want to go the academic route but if you dont look for the big multinationals shell akzo nobel asml dsm pharma industry etc these companies usually have positions open for chemistrychemeng students and considering their international culture the language requirements arent that strict as with smaller companiesi believe in the us when you do graduate school you do a combined mastersphd track depending on how far along you are you can also have a look at taking out your masters and do a phd in the netherlands for example as phd over here are employees who receive a salary not students it is a competitive market though,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yeah people get cheated on and create all sorts of rules in an attempt to provide security for themselves i prefer to go with the dont date people you cant completely trust method,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 why does it seem like everyone gets quests except me i have never gotten a promo guarantee anything,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 name is catim not very good with names name is beto but he isnt exactly mine just the familys doggo,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 is your amazon the same as mine where theyll literally hire any asshole i think thats the problem 90 of the time a lot of real knuckle draggers are in charge of things but they hire anyone because the turnover rate is insane,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 and then what sure it is a scummy mobe but no bannable offense,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 tsar bomba had potential to be detonated at 100 megatons but they deliberately decreased the blast size that halves the number to 402,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 when i mention synthesizing emotions yes but cogfuncmention is like a blender blending up the ingredients of its own emotions with the emotions of others there is a personal attachment an cogfuncmention user can easily synthesize emotions feel empathy but there is always a barricade of sorts that keeps their own emotions separate from those external to them you know the saying dont carry the weight of the world on your shoulders i like to think of it as one of many ways unplug the blender,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 oh for sure has way too much nickel for a useable blade though there are ways around that im not sure how the particular blade i saw was constructed but you can do something called sanmai where the outer layers are damascus like ironnickel like this meteorite and have the middle bit be vg10 for example like a shun knife if you know what i meanor if it was a sword the core you could have a nice sharp carbon steelso with that you can get a nice hard edge but still have it soft and flexible especially if its differentially tempered in say a 1edged sword katana then the spine can flex and you arent going to have it shatter cause of impurities or anything,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 where are you getting that she has a public and private view the emails sent by wikileaks did you actually read them ive read them and they hardly imply that in fact snopes agrees hillary has a pretty bad smear job against her and cherry picking sentences without context is something she has faced the entire timefuthermore people change as they get older it is a normal part of development only in politics is it made to be a bad thing if you are a politician you are expected to never learn from new experiences and stay with the same value system for the rest of your lifepoliticians are not allowed to be human,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 she doesnt get to allow the father to have 5050 custody thats really the default any court should strive for unless there are very serious reasons not to do this as much as you wouldnt like your partner having custody of the kids your partner has just as much right to the kids as you haveand im saying this as a child of divorce who got fucked over by a promother system of law,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 home alone 3 and especially 4 would like a word with you,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 stalking isnt ever a response to not receiving compliments its a response to being a creep,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 kunt the station that cant be licked go mean green,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 yes literally the team disbanded after the game,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 if this is too intrusive you dont have to answeri am inferring from your prostitute comment did you sleep with them for me i wait a while to sleep with someone sometimes months because i want to see where their intentions lie i have a lot of difficulty seperating my emotions from just sex in fact id say for me it is damn near impossible but that is the one thing i wont give a guy unless i am quite sure the relationship is going in the direction i would like it to go anything else aside from that spending hours listening to them or hanging out is fine,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 except for those who take refuge with a people between yourselves and whom is a treaty or those who come to you their hearts strained at the prospect of fighting you or fighting their own people and if allah had willed he could have given them power over you and they would have fought you so if they remove themselves from you and do not fight you and offer you peace then allah has not made for you a cause for fighting against themthis is obviously talking about battle not breaking into someones house and killing them,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 this is actually a really interesting point i frequent rchildfree and one of the main annoyances of the people of there is how they loose their friends when the friends become parents mostly because when people become parents the number one topic to talk about is children which childfree people are usually not really interested in thing is nothing really stops you from seeing your friends once you have children or more specifically if your friends had children how would that fact suddenly change why you will or wont be lonely i mean once you have children the reasons or the ability of your friends to visit you will not change child or not your friend needs to get in a car and make time to meet you,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 real ones or stone ones violet asked after a moment of hesitation she hoped the answer wasnt obvious from some context shed missed following coras gaze up into the raftersthanks for the courtesy,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 yeah it helps that i consider most of these types of articles as entertainment mixed with soft science a theory can be both incorrect fascinating and trigger very good ideas all at the same time haha a bird can land on bullshit and still pick out some tasty seeds blind acceptance is always a danger so as long as you pack a critical attitude along with your delighted enthusiasm youll cover all the bases,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 you miss a crucial point if you throw 5 smokes on b you have none on a you need to play tactical on inferno and essentially playing of picks alows you to open up a site more so if the cts commit all smokes to bchecking graveyard and pit on a retake is an easier task than clearing both on a take but why not smoke off pit so the pit player cant see towards arch you can clear graveyard and site then without being exposed to pitscrew that guy in pit plant on site and have one in apartments leave the guy in pit to rottsteel made a video about the game from ibuypower vs ldlc where they tried to do that but ultimately failed because they took unnecessary duels,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 why would you walk on a broken knee were you in a cave and had no other way to get out,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 no i have sex with dudes i dont care about all the time but i dont ghost because i care about my reputation as a good layperson theres a bit more to this question which is also why dont men bother to try in bed and then disappear if the sex were good why ghost if youre going to be bad in bed why bother,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 people do it for free to play games also how do you want to validate the persons,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 if youre not with us youre against us,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 in thedishfirst and second persons have a prefixolf wolfmyrolf 1sgposswolfã¾yrolf 2sgposswolfurolf 1plposswolfyrolf 2plposswolfthird person pronouns also have one but that is rareysolf 3sgposswolfyzolf 3plposswolfnouns have a genitive caseolfys olf wolfgen wolfin mairangenitive casein nometchpersonal suffixes ane used these go after number but before case possessor if a noun is in dative casekal fishkalam fish1sgposskalank fish1paucposskalant fish1plposskalad fish2sgposskalatc fish2paucposskalac fish2plposskala fish3sgposskalak fish3paucposskalat fish3plposs,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 how would that be accomplished when they come on boats,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 if you live in the modern world and arent in the 1 youre probably mostly on your knees already even if you dont realize it if youre relatively comfortable well youre still ahead of a lot of people though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh sorry it was the faq that ive read p,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 wow goodwill usually searches google to price things out must not have bothered on this yarn excellent score,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 sorry but ssx 3 was a big step backwards for me the maps were less immersive and it was just a little too high paced and spammy,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 remember it is likely that only the 4gb version will be 199 usd the other variants likely 8gb have been rumored to be between 229249 stayed tuned for official announcements in the next two and half weeks,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 then you said which is right but if you defined the terms before the discussion it means individuals lost their right to attach their subjective meaning right in that moment,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 id almost think it was an cogfuncmention thing its like a subjective impression of the object,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 it is about people who are still silver not noobs in le,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 shes adorable but really its not safe for her or you having her ride in the car like that a carrier is much much safer,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i dont get the downvotes this is actually true,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 different its armor not crystal,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 haha yeah im only an undercover individualist ive spent too much time in my life trying to pass as a normal human and not ruffle feathers for this to apply i know im different but no one else needs to be aware of it change the wording to sayin which case id agree ill adapt to match the outer social environment but its pretty impossible to change my ideals about how that world couldshould be,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 fade truex if youre gonna be playing logano,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 hard enough seeing how many hours you need to actually detect a cheat,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 honestly i liked chris evansi never really understood why people didnt like him i thought he was a pretty decent presenter on top gear and i think most people unfairly pitted themselves against evans just because they love to hate him and they were comparing him against clarkson which was silly since evans would never be like clarkson no 2 people are alike i knew that the show would organically settle and find its own voice post hammond clarkson and may but i guess if firing evans stops viewers complaining and saves the show from a decline in popularity then i suppose its for the best,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 when was it not 3s,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 the ying and the yang,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 elliot is the conceptual mr robot and christian slaters character is the physical mr robot,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 thank you i have another private one with much crappier pictures which includes more stuff with friends and my cats and selfies and random stuffmostly i hate how everybody just seems to be desperate for engagement and follow other people with the hope of them following back and leave comments with no real substance to try to get noticed it just feels really superficial i get it though because it can be difficult to get your stuff seen i tried playing the game for about a week but i didnt have it in me to continue im still going to post but only if i have something i find worthy of sharing and only for me,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 well weve had draft mode for how many patches now its common sense that left and right are completely meaningless when the map rotates depending on your teami cant believe left and right lanes made it to releasei cant play any roledraft mode ui designers were asleep at the wheel since day 1,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 im with an typemention and all your threw bullet points are also important to me in a relationship and is also what i get out of my relationship one thing that i think could be a major issue in typemention x typemention relationship is the degree of being grounded in the relationship im all over the place im dreaming and planning to go to the moon so to say and even before reaching the moon im already planning my next trip to mars my typemention loves me ambition but lacks such ambition himself he tags along with my dreams and plans instead and makes sure that even while dreaming and planning i dont lose track of whats right on front of me with two typemention i think the biggest hurdle would be alignment of future plans and goals i can imagine both typemention would drift apart rather quickly because they are so obsessed about their future dreams and plans they actually forget to invest a lot into the relationship in the right here and now and for a relationship to work it does need a lot of constant investment and also sacrifice in the present thats not something that can be planned for,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 now that im less angry about the result ive been thinking that we have a good chance to win the thing seeing our next 17 fixtures if we manage to have our squad fully fit from late february to may we can go on a winning run but we have to win against chelsea at anfield as i dont see them droping important points on the following months without ourselves putting a 5 or less points pressure on them im still cautiously optimistic and i think that top 4 would be inmense considering our last 56 years positions and overall mediocrity with the exception of 1314 but theres actually character and will to get results from our guys and thats amazing to see after so many years seeing our team so complacent and mentally weak it feels like being back on our rafa days and thats just amazing,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i dont think it was that one im not even sure id recognize it by name anymore pretty sure its more based on what year it was than regional though that can have an effect too the farther back you goi remember the first time i was on the net it was a sysop from a small bbs who chatted me up and through the bbs logged on to a unix system from the local university didnt really do much telnet gopher ftp simple stuff but it was cool to see,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 presumably just installed another init manager on arch or he installed gentoo or slackware,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i should buy a boator rent one actually i hear that maintenance is expensive,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 eh narnia is a way more christian story at least in the evangelical sense all the witches in narnia are evil and the world mirrors christian mythology much more strongly from creation of the world its perversion at the hands of man the apple of knowledge the sacrifice of the song of god and the ultimate destruction of the world lengle in comparison has a much more liberal perspective she believes in universal salvation something lewis wouldnt have accepted read the great divorce for his views on hell she also puts evil on more of an equal footing with good using a more eastern yinyang concept something lewis was very strongly against believing evil can only be a perversion of what already exists in the form of goodness and not an independent construct see the screwtape lettersall of this leads to other philosophies having a much stronger impact on the tesseract series tenets and concepts from eastern religion and paganism are much more accepted as is the modern world as lengle is much more sciencepositive than lewis,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 what you are looking for is a 100 stacked bar graph,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 its also illegal to not have insurance in most parts of the us but people still drive without it or licenses anyway â u30c4â,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 in computer science there is presently not such a thing as random unless youre measuring a quantum system which may not be random after all i think the mind is no different every thought you have is the end result of trillions of highly structured processes working in concert like clockwork,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 bahahahaha thats hilarious after feeding my snake last night he seemed overly excited to eat i totally understand this,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 like for all the games your partner digimon dont really play a part in interaction as much as they react to how you raise them id like to see a game where they are part of the storyline and have their own personality depending on how you raise them like they play as a main character alongside your own and have their own input on things its hard if you have a different digimon that revives over and over again and especially difficult if the game has you collect various digimon but if you had just one digimon that sticks with you throughout gameplay provide new game plus with various outcomes and digimon picks it would make the game so much fun,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 well this is the first time historia gave him a visionshe has been giving him flashbacks since the uprising arc though,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the witcher the last of us demonicon if youre into awkwardly acted brother sister incest plots theres also fallout 3 and 4s main quests i guess i saw another post mentioned nier as well which has a very emotionally charged father daughter relationship,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 that is weird o i used to recall a little more but nothing is left nowadays,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 ah i thought it was a series of robot shorts i love the foundation series if only not everything was atomic this or atomic that i suppose were going to hit the same wall in about 3070 years with quantum this and nanotech that i personally think that ai is going to end up extremely human given that it will be at least initially created by us so theyll form factions and loyalties and hopefully share our values and not kill us all in our sleep plus that ai will coincide with improvements in human brain processinguploading into computer networks so the singularity wont actually leave humans behind the way most people are worried abouti think itll end up much more like blade runner not sure about how similar it was to the source material to go straight to that,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 when i called the machine told me that a form would take x number of working days to be delivered made some thank you noises and then i hung up did that not happen with you,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 special education i majored and am working in the field i beat the statistics and have been teaching for more than 5 years i love what i do,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i rather think he is typing something,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 hahah knowing you that probably says something like your mother serves a delicious fish casserole that you said it leaves the listener wondering,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 most used are these mods in surf kz and bhop or retake servers,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 totally different blades used steel comparison doesnt mean much to me in this scenario the closeup of the blade was great though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what the fuck is your problem u bully and a liar fuk u and all the mods love me and my sexy posts to the fox god,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 gangrel clan right all of the clans are equally enjoyable for a first time play through with the exception of malkavian who are best for a second due to their weird dialogue and nosferatu who cant be exposed to the general populace because they blatantly look like monsters so they have to move around town through the sewers,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 they are linked somewhat but not as much as you might think i have a nearly 40 percentile spread on tests haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 like i said i havent seen a demo of him cheating if you claim something like this then provide at least proofthere is a good chance that they will but if they dont you just look like a big idiot,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i hope karma has a twisted comeback for him,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 oh im glad i wasnt the only one,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 bold prediction chase qualifies for the chase today,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 adam driver always seems like an typemention to me,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 to be fair it is a nice hat,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i need to think about my average,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 and as an extra bonus feature you can stick some metal in there and forge yourself a nice knife,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 no wtf we have had issues with posts being autoremoved fsr im sorry im looking into it now,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 that belongs in a museum,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 you were predicting englands downfall when we were 350 ahead yesterday,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 well you said you were salty and that is quite a rantyragy post imoalso if you say no one was mad until he started shooting me you imply someone was mad dont youalso i didnt understand what you wrote as it made no sense to me i went of what i deduced from that textregardless from that being kicked seems to be happening at those ranks more than on others while you may think you didnt deserve it they may think otherwise as they are globals in realitysalso if you want them overwatched report them for griefing but keep in mind that overwatchers cant hear voice comms or read the chatkeep in mind also that overwatchers are not gms that can ban people from a demo with a tool we are merely people watching a clip of a person that valve gives us,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 typemention forgo the rod and just throw dynamite in the water d typemention quietly stand on the shoreline holding a basket hoping a fish will just hop in hahahah,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 why doesnt it say that on the pagei seeit doesnt say anything about any money ever actually having been givenim not saying they dont do other good things or have given money away in the past,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 unbearable lightness of being kundera foundation series asimov,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 tell fps that tagpro is open source,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 its rather alarming that this actually exists and has a very valid reason to do so,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 im not sure how your data is formatted but the code below may help you sort through duplicates and such option explicit dim namelist as string dim duplicates as long private sub addnamebyval name as string namelistnextindex name end sub private function isnamelistedbyval name as string byref arr as variant as boolean dim counter as long for counter 0 to uboundarr if name cstrarrcounter then isnamelisted true exit function end if next counter end function private function nextindexbyref arr as variant as long dim counter as long nextindex 1 for counter 0 to uboundarr if lenarrcounter 0 then nextindex counter exit function end if next counter end function,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 in the post you replied to i quoted wikipedia for a definition of socialism i agree with there are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them are you even reading my posts what possible reason could you have to think the fact that they are different things obviously they are is an objectioni can understand why you would laugh at this its like how christians in the us laugh at people who think their definition of marriage is outdated at least they havent figured out how to brigade redditors for using the common usage of the wordedit should point out im not trying to make any kind of ethical slur there i refer to the fact that the meaning of the word marriage has changed over time and many religious groups deny that the term can be used to describe nonreligious definitions of marriage just like the word socialism has changed over time and many socialist groups deny that the term can be used to describe a broader range of relations of production dont mean to imply any ethical claims from that,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 i couldnt believe the low ownership on peterson wish i had thrown him in more of my luslooks like youre in it to win it if everyone stays steady,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thanks for that i guessi posted that separately as an op at the same time i posted this since they go hand in handand looking just now theyre still consecutive in the list of posts,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 uh maybe you should have some sort of blind survey for this not necessarily something that requires irb approval but at least something that isnt traceable back to someones user name,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 surely these people know they can buy the exact same things online during black friday or cyber monday,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 i dont think the animals mind,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 basically all of alton is haunted haha,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 they assumed eren was the coordinatethats why they completely changed their goals to capturing him,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 this is pure poison to creativity and it hits me far too often in my case i discovered that shoving aside good ideas because its already been done is really just my ego talking when im focused on my legacy as a writer instead of the ride i provide for readers i dismiss perfectly good ideas for prides sake so really focusing on my audience and creating something i think others would enjoy is the goal i focus on and if it gets compared so what as long as your readers enjoyed it thats all that matters,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 when i get reincarnated as a rabbit,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 nice find any interesting mineralsi really figured it would be hotter at that depth,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sounds cool i can only go from 25 any idea whatll be going on during those hours and what i missed between 92,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 regarding the deficit it also depends on how much youre burning with your cardio generally its advised to not go over 500 calorie deficit iirc 1400ish is more or less maintenance for me believe it or not at 176m male im 67 kilos at the moment and still have about 12 body fat so i guess im not very muscular but still id have to eat around 1000 or do more workouts to lose weight,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 reminds me of a friend of mine and i havent seen him in a long time i miss him and i know hes doing what he does its wonderful thats how we bonded cigars smokin and talking,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i might i think i convinced them to head to a brewery later so hopefully they want to still go i think even if they dont im going to go anyway,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 maybe i will replay that tonight thanks for the suggestionit was real gooda very nice take on the will you kindly of bioshockspoiler,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 from the virtual desktop launch trailer,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 than my question to you is what benefit would me having children bring to the world or humanitylike someone else says when you ask most parents why they got children the sentence starts with i wanted and not because it would better mankindcountless generation did not reproduce so i could be born they did it because they felt lonely wanted something to care for or be cared for wanted to be a parent or 1000 other reasons i can come up with that have nothing to do fighting for humanity to survive so i could have been born actually if the survival of mankind is the goal im doing the world a favour by not reproducing because of the overpopulation p,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 a145a1 being the cell with the first date,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 say cell a1 contains 255084 rounda14,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 actual therapy has a lot of value if you need steady reinforcement it sounds like youve got the ball rolling but just need practice and maybe a few little corrective tips here and theregood for you to figure out this much on your own so far though try comparing notes with a professional for a little while and see if that gets you the momentum you need find one who gets you i bet itll help immensely,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 what happens if sylvanus misses his root what happens if ares misses his chains what happens if khepri misses his pull your arguments are not validim not saying shes a fine support as is but the idea of making her a guardian isnt crazy it wouldnt take all that much to tweak her into a moderately playable guardian,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 so you keep the focus on them haha i would poke you if you said the i dont feel like talking about that more than once in a night p,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 and this is why you fail,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 thank you ill add it to the list,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 any excuse to get naked that im comfortable with will result in me peeling off my clothesso yes i spend lots of time at home naked haha,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 i dated an typemention for a few weeks who did the same thing she kept doing it so we are done,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 glad that mental health and those similar programs are getting more funding,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 you miss a crucial point if you throw 5 smokes on b you have none on a you need to play tactical on inferno and essentially playing of picks alows you to open up a site more so if the cts commit all smokes to bchecking graveyard and pit on a retake is an easier task than clearing both on a take but why not smoke off pit so the pit player cant see towards arch you can clear graveyard and site then without being exposed to pitscrew that guy in pit plant on site and have one in apartments leave the guy in pit to rottsteel made a video about the game from ibuypower vs ldlc where they tried to do that but ultimately failed because they took unnecessary duels,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 you cant achieve equality because men are different from women but you can achieve fairness inequality is present at all levels men too are different from other men,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 where the 2 team boosts are,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 esl one was a pretty important thing,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 they will make them available as a video compilation the pros didnt want pov streams and rightfully so,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 if isayama simply wanted to change the way he looks then why does the anime use his old design,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 people throw their own bullshit onto the system you could just as easily say that its the difference between being a messy procrastinating irrational cloud chaser and a responsible devoted realistic guardian of the well being of others who tirelessly works to bring tangible benefits and support to the people they care about,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 oh actually i forgot it isnt thrall but close enough,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 as usual i agree and i for one do not fit the typemention socionics type just shy of 510 185 lbs mostly muscle the one way they could have been right is to say that the lazier types tend to be more overweight but they didnt even get that right its horse shit,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 these are not the hammer,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 jokes on you that still 100 so i get an a,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 coincidentally sfuxg is very much like the sound i make when i see my carefully planned formula erroring out in places,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 haha well said about the internal dialogue re meditation in fact i think i began my objection with id like to see the source on that as i understand it meditation is certainly helpful for some conditions but with my admittedly limited knowledge of medicine i cannot conceive of a scenario in which meditation is good for gunshot wounds re cogfuncmention yeah haha it helps when you also have that need to explore others i dont think its tied to cogfuncmention which rather defines how that landscape is explored as cogfuncmention does for me also yeah so help me i tend to find typemention adorable they bring out a protective instinct in me dont tell em i said that theyll get all butthurt,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah sphere does have a lack of talent i know what you mean,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i dont think i understand this right i build mental concepts of things im trying to understand but words are pretty much king,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 lol your b team got more guys because of free agency our fa dont show and half our a team had to be covered for,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 kiernan rushed from the stands swiftly making her way to marq she had seen him fight in melees before and he had never been injured yet still she worried clutched in her hands was a satchel filled with bandages and assorted herbs a look of determination shining through her concerned expressionutheprevailer if you want this is gonna happen like every tourney though lol,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 ding ding ding dingthis course requires a ridiculous amount of driving accuracymolinari is the tits at hitting the narrow fairways he also avoids roughs and 3 putts like a boss,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i agree i would definitely be turned off by any mention of me needing to respond to texts more quickly it wouldnt help the situation with me its not that i cant take criticism although i will admit that its sometimes a struggle but in this case its more that i dont consider that a valid criticism if id been really distant like ive been ignoring texts for days i wouldnt be surprised to get that feedback but it still probably wouldnt help anything my availability is what it is,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 as a seven im ok w this,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 gave up on what exactly,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the problem i have with this wish list is that you have things in there that will never ever make it into the game like 128 tick mm because it is a huge disadvantage to people playing from further away from the serverwhat you suggested for the inaccuracy would be great but we would have other tradeoffswhen you say you want a discussion why say to people they are wrong or dont add to the post if they discuss your initial post or offer their opinion to it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 hugh hefner might be a 4 what,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 you can give more people more cheats to reverse engineer while the team around vac will stay around the same size additionally you can have people work on new ideas for vac without actually implementing themthe problem is that if a thing goes into one coder forum it spreads throught the net and will find its way to script kiddys while those campp cheats are generally detected faster because they dont change the methods it is a different thing if they change parts in the code which requires finding a new signature and putting it into vac the problem is that vac is not only for cs but also for other games you need to update vac for all games whoch use it so cs comes a bit into a disadvantage since it is a normal game but with 10 or 100 times more cheats,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yes that is racist being extremely concerned with these subjects will result in racism,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 self deprication at its finest,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 its not selfish its self aware its much better to realize i dont want children and not have them then to have them and regret it lateralso most parents when questioned about why they had children or wish to would answer with i want many parents have children for narcissistic self serving reasons if they are not able to handle those obligations or refuse them they are the selfish ones hurting their children selfishness by its very definition hurts others of a person action or motive lacking consideration for others concerned chiefly with ones own personal profit or pleasurei cannot be selfish towards someone that does not exist,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 that playlist never works for me it gives me spanish pop songs what,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 you get close to an typemention like you boil a frog,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 what if i told you that heavy cogfuncmention is authentic in its cogfuncmentionness,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 their lawyers are smart enough to know that since hes famous and the doe case is public record theyll probably win any case against them that doesnt mean that connecting a public case to a public figure is in the public interest and it doesnt mean that it isnt a very low thing to do shouting the sex tape from the rooftops in response to him allegedly being extorted with its release,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 theyll find him when they jump into the ocean,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 god damn those are some classy arrows totally obliterated minesannnnnyway i get your point coutinho drags the ball on his feet a lot which leads on centralizing too much the attack which leads to our fullbacks having to provide width and open the opponents defense which leads to more space to cover if theres an eventual counterattack but maybe klopp wants our cm to be more mobile coutinho drags a lot of marks and creates space that can be exploited by them i think the emphasis on teamwork includes situations like this if a teammate makes a run with the ball you have to give him passing options just like firmino in the images to discharge the ball and create hightempo attacks instead of maintaining your position and wait until he is totally marked to show up if you watch messi on barcelona it works this way he drags the marks then passes diagonally to the opposing wing where theres tons of space obviously respecting the proportions but i think coutinho could work this way under kloppthanks for the feedback and taking the time to analyze,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 severely pissed me off1010 op reached his goal though,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 great im looking forward to it,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 must suck to have reality of how difficult time consuming and life depriving it is to raise children smack you in the face,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 oh yeah it was a different thumbnail,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 well i must be 9999999999 then female simply doesnt do it for me male on the other hand,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 o witty gotta do the typemention pit maneuver on me eh i think the main point is that i do project onto the things that are immediately around me i tend to think that cogfuncmention isnt as focused on anything in the environment and that the cogfuncmention user literally lives in their own little world theyd be generating imagery in a closed room and their imagery would focus more on attaching their themes to global abstract ideas like human existence or spiritualitywhat im talking about is different its internal themes and objects being used to modify the existence of the external objects around me so there is still an orientation towards the world but that world is perceived in a lot more impressionistic way so that my personal themes ideas and childish imagination can fill in the spaces hence the extraversion of intuitionrather i think im seeing the possibilities for the thing in question and how it aligns with my preferred themes but its still object centered i thinki do have a small set of very close friends but i do have social anxiety at the same time while i can do very well alone when there are people around they must be accessible to me or i get blue if theyre watching a movie or tv or doing intense work then i can get upset that i cant share ideas with them or talk to them at that point id rather be completely alonein groups i readily communicate with a rather high level of positive energy once im comfortablethis is rarely me except when theres a deadline or something importantyup what i describe is very uncontrollablethat is totally mei love that you picked this examplei also tend to see the rock in this way of course im a physics student turned engineer fwiw ill see the hill and the rock and immediately project an image of a potential field and a particle in front of my vision ill literally see the associated concepts of the lagrangian and start to project onto my vision the paths that the rock can make ill see the phase space picture of the falling rock and how the onshell path that the rock will take minimizes the action in a visual wayill even think of gr and think of how the spacetime metric is compressed downward so that the path of the rock becomes an artifact of geometry my entire visual field becomes dominated by these images ill literally project into the sky a grid thats changing the line spacing as it gets closer to the horizon as a representation of the metricill see little vectors on different parts of the rock showing how the earths gravity subjects it to tiny tidal forcesi know it sounds a little esoteric when its described but this projection of imagination onto the visual field is very cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention i think i think its why ntps often do so well in stem we can project the physicsmath idealizations and concepts themes out onto the world objectsim not nearly as productive efficiencyoriented or decisive or mean lol as an ntj peta and i just spent 10 minutes starting from an xkcd on the reddit homepage going to a random comic about city talk pages on wikipedia going to my own citys talk page seeing a mention about a 25 star hotel then reading about hotel star ranking systems and then looking at pictures of 5 star hotels all while i really need to be getting ready to start the day lolsounds pretty cogfuncmention lol p,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i can be your foreign trophy husband,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 well this person definitely doesnt sound like a cogfuncmention dominant so they are probably not going to be as good with using it as you are,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 like that other crazy motherfucker who weaves in and out of treetops snatching up monkeys the philippine eagle which i thought was the biggest or heaviest eagle,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 haha yeah i remember reading the book room for a bookclub about a woman who is kidnapped and kept in a room for years and she gives birth to her captors child they list some of the objects she has in there and i couldnt help but think about what it would be like to be similarly trapped and if i were her i could have done x y z,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i know what the characters are i know what they feel likeim just too lazy to finish fleshing them out i need to finish four more up,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 copy a formula to other cells,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 if anyones having a hard time getting the kill dropping from the highest point of addermire its ten times easier if you lure the guard away from the rail with an arrow otherwise youll keep landing on him and dying,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 he would but not in a glad way gt,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 here is augustas explanation from dual nature of man adaptation of the organism to the environment is an uninterrupted chain of acts of physical activity everything that happens around a person in the objective world is also nothing more than a chain of acts of physical activity we can say that everything that happens with us and around us is the same chain of acts of physical activity a chain of acts of physical activity is nothing more than four strokes of the internal combustion engine1 potential energy2 transformation of potential into kinetic3 kinetic energy4 the use of kinetic energythis is the four aspects of perception of the surrounding world which because of their type nature the person perceives with different awareness one is better versed in the potential of the other person his abilities 1 bar the other in his emotional life 2 bars the third is how it works 4 bars each of these aspects will be assigned a symbol and will be called extrovert elements of the human information metabolismi is the potential energye conversion of potential into kineticf is the kinetic energyp is the use of kinetic energythanks to these elements a person receives information abouti the potential energy of the observed object and subject its physical and mental capabilitiese excitation and excitability of the object moods and emotions of a personf mobilization will and power beauty of the observed objects and subjectsp activity of the object and subject their ability to workhowever the world around us consists not only of moving bodies but also fields of their interaction they can be called psychological fields the constituent parts of these fields are relations between objects and processes perceived by people as certain feelings so there are four more dimensions of the surrounding world which because of their typical nature the person also perceives with different awareness each of them also assign a symbol and we will call them introvert elements of the human information metabolisms relations between processes occurring at the same time spacet relations between successive processes timel the objective relationship between two objects and their individual properties the relationship of objects or the measurement of the object by the objectr subjective relationship between two objects or subjects attraction repulsionthanks to these elements of mi a person receives informations on the quality of the space that is that it takes place about the health of people in the same spacet the relationship between processes events and actions in time the presence or absence of time danger or safety of the futurel the objective relationships between objects their weight size values etc that is of any commensurate parametersr on the attractive or repulsive force of objects and subjects their usefulness and uselessness of each other likes and dislikes love or hate,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 are you looking for the workbooksheetchange event this is located within the thisworkbook vba module,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 fascism is a tyrannical govornment type that demands extreme national pride from the population,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 damn i remember when the guy made that sub it has definitely made progress,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 men naturally have faster reaction times wouldnt go well for her,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i give you some help thereresearch moores law reverse engineering programming in assembly and programming close to osnow to the rest of your postthe i should help them will be explained later and also it is probably also a wrong assumption that the company swims in money since they still have bills to pay of course they dont necessarily have more money than saturn in germany id even say they have lessyour analogy is insufficient you are a customer and at the same time someone who is actively using a service valve provides and thus you have the right to help them improve their service but if you want to do this you still have to be reasonable and polite and that is not that is in no way constructive andor helpful to the people who maintain the anticheat called vacesea and esl are the only ones with another anticheat it is not called anti hack shield that is client based and works kinda flawless what you would have to factor in is that those two anticheats use different detection techniques in ring0 vac is not programmed to work that way to stay out of the users private mattersthe programming in ring0 allows esea to run basically a keylogger and they can do with your data what ever they want esea eulawith accepting eseas eula you basically allow them to put you under 247 surveillancevalve as a company has no interest in intruding in the private files or matters of the person that plays their games or the games from publishers who use vac gaben commented on this here made 25 billion us in 2012 and most of it went into new jobs developments expansions of said company and games like in every other companyoverwatch essentially exists to catch cheaters that managed to get through one or more vac waves or ones that still have to come because vac cant detect private and ring0 cheats that easily since it is not as intrusive as a certain companys bitcoin mineri have my facts straight and the required knowledge for it but the later seems to be lacking on your parthow do you even know valve doesnt work on vac are you sitting there or are you going by sheer assumptions hereyou didnt told the truth you voiced your opinion on a topic you have no idea about all of it is okay but the way you did it and tried to defend it is lacking in etiquette and knowledge the later is shown by your analogypeople like you go around calling vac shit without knowing how much work it represents and what has to do with it is one point why i dont like most people on this subreddit and it is not only because you call vac shit but also because people like you offer no alternative or critical thinking in this topic on how to improve the situation the options to improve vac or where vac is lacking people who have not even a vague idea about this topic should educate themselves first on said topic before posting dumb comments all over the place this starts with differentiating between a cheat and a hack and not calling software to prevent former antihack shield,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i was married to one once so my opinion of him as a person is very low not because he was an typemention but because he was an abusive controlling narcissistic asshole im sure ive met plenty of typemention that i like and dont know it,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 after playing alone for a while talisa decided it was time to play with someone else briefly she considered the corbray girls shed failed to befriend but that idea vanished as she spotted an even more familiar face finally old enoughhi emelyn talisa greeted with a toy in hand wanna playudexter87,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 true i forgot all about that little stream when studying the course,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 you should be perfectly fine source former marine,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 open incase shit hits the fan i will have a quick escape route and so nothing can sneak up on me,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i know they are miles apart i never said otherwise i didnt get motion sick until now and i dont have the money for a vive or oculus so this was the easiest solution for me,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 hated that class never again,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 moms probably a bit too soon post partum haha,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 he is a lawyer to be fair also i personally dont care if he was just lucky or if he was playing on a local server with a outdated cheat and insecure we cant prove it in the end if no demo surfaces of him cheating and in the end launders did fuel the fire with his tweets like a mad girl that needs attention and reddit liked it despite frankie saying it was his fault that the video got taken down what annoys me the most in the end is that we lost two days with witch hunting and had no remotely good content,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i dont want to accidentally look like im mourning lol,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i personally heard that wherever he goes eren y will always followgod that guy is a big monster,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 learn to read thanksvac has a very low false positive rate so i personally think you are lyingthe wird opinion doesnt mean much for you apparently,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 tone the autism down a little m8,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 the reason that there are this many cheaters is because the game is so popularthe problem is you cant get rid of cheaters everjust like you cant get rid of assholes in everyday life you will always meet some,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 hey creator long time no see hows your theory going just a general idea i know you dont want to give away your secrets for free,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 not really those communities are full of teenagers and kids however id like to disagree with the sentencei cant say something about lol as i dont play mobas however i cant agree on cs i met enough nice people the majority tbh there that dont act that way either when playing with russians or girls might be because i dont play mmalso how is calling out feminists for what they are sexist,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 cool i read about them in judith levines not buying it which is an excellent book btw,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 right my point was is that in nearly all other industries it is standard for the patron to own the rights including the designers who create art for us to work with,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 if we are going to completely derail into a geopolitical thread let me ask this which continent does not have an oligarchical presences i can only think of one,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 yeah i think its this one thanks,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 the way i see it canada or at least atlantic canada nb in particular seems to be of the mind that just get all the immigrants we can and that will fix all the problemsit seems like the job market has totally shifted to temporary workers and the people that do get hired are foreign all the employers just love to jump on the latest bandwagonas someone whos unemployed right now and looking for work its frustrating when i see everyone rushing to help all the newcomers with programs for this groups for that support here and theres nobody to help mei kinda feel like im going crazythey always seem to want to create their own little communities too and just stick to those circles id probably do the same so i dont blame them but its a long road before they feel and we feel that theyre fully integrated they might never be idk how is the multiculturalism in places like bc where theyve been doing it forever now hows that working out i just expect that to spread to the rest of canada the way its been going lately,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 no no no no groupthink right everyone,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 credit card usage in europe is minimal although youll fine bigger place will sill accept ccs people here use debit cards almost exclusively in terms of housing im guessing youre going to rent it will depend on your income your rental company might require you to show a proof of income and many require an income that is 35 times the cost of the rent if you cant show your income they wont rent it to you the same with things like mortgages where the bank will base the height of mortgage theyre willing to provide based on your existing debts which are all registered in a centralized national register and your proof able income this is why youll find selfemployed people or people on temp contacts having a harder time getting mortgages that being said there are a lot of rental companies focussing on expats im not quite sure what kind of system they use,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 font let this distract you from the fact the houston oilers blew a 35 point lead,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 tomatoes are a new world food which means without america pizza would have been sauceless,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 how did the suit hold up for the inevitable sex you had with her,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 just uhh be politer and not kick people for saying dont abuse your powersthxand dont ban my friend without warning for sitting on a button all game he was terribly new and it hurt my feelings,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 cant confirm youll improve thanks to a 144hz but can confirm that an optical mouse will never make you want to go back to laserreceived my new mouse today same model as before but optical instead of laser and the aiming becomes so much easier without accel from the sensor,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 1 istanbul2 the emoji movie3 ovaltine,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 it only hurts when its someone you respectonly,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 yes one eye is more hooded than the other like yours and one eye like is tilted down more its not extremely noticeable but i see it and it sucksi deal with it by staying away from winged eyeliner winged eyeliner was once my life but i finally realized that doing other looks were much more flattering it helped me get way more creative with eye makeup as well,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 i saw her butthole and i liked it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i had moving violations that went to fta failure to appear i was sentenced to a term in city jail it was over crowded so they started send us the state prision to serve our time so yes you can end up in prison for traffic violations another guy i made friends with that went to prison as well was in for nonpayment of child support edits are spelling errors,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 but what does that actually look like given that typemention are the artist stereotype and that most typemention and typemention actually that i know have some form of selfexpresssion especially musical instruments,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 you people are just the same as holocaust deniers fucking unbelievableare you braindead heard of the cultural revolution khmer rouge i know people whose grandparents were starved and worked to death in gulags many americans could say the same im from europe i have no time for american basementdwelling rejects grown fat on capitalism who hate their own society and worship some exotic foreign ideology thinking it makes them edgy or interesting somewhere where it never had any actual influence other than make people paranoid,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 depends on how you sort the comments i guessi personally dont see how changing the number of points neded for a rank is changing the systemif you say they changed the system then as a person who is writing code it means another algorithm and different rating for me which has not happenednot to mention that the people here on reddit would understand it in the end it is wasted time to try and explain it to people here,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 shit this is far more complex than the metal gear universe,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 why do i relate to this,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 thanks i actually like this song quite a bit tbh but i didnt know what it was called,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 eh both my parents have had cancercancer is general enough where its not offensive,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 apparently talking to other people is considered flirting,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 iâ d agree with you if you actually criticized the content to discredit it but all you did was an ad hominem saying that because the participants donâ t have formal education in philosophy that nothing they may talk about should be taken seriously true you may not be or be promoting the censoring of the content but iâ d consider unfairly discrediting it as a sort of soft censorship since youâ re albeit indirectly preventing people from watching the contentin short,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 oh my goodness there isnt a single world domination topic even in the last month on this thread lots of them are about interpersonal relationships and careers and the fact that you read ufluidangles comment as sensitive and defensive shows a such an overwhelming inability to understand people that there i cant believe its unintentionalasking questions is not the antagonistic behavior here youve made a lot of assumptions about where people are coming without any basis,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 the one laughing at the end of the video reminds me of this guy,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 in contrast to many others here apparently i dont believe true self confidence comes from building muscle or some other kind of great body thats just a very fragile and possibly narcissistic self confidence often fueled by self hatred self confidence is purely mental psychological its about working through your issues and discovering who you are and what your role or place in life is once you find that both your place and who you are you dont need external confirmation not even from a mirror its all beliefs the less the opinion of other people matters to you the less relevant something like your body becomes and the easier it is to live from a sense of freedom and ease,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 go you i like how you made eye contact to get her to say something i like how you stared at her when she said it and im very glad that she left either she wasnt comfortable about complaining to the store or she knew she didnt have a leg to stand on,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 ok there are some reasnoble things on this thread that arent really eccentric dictator rules but this puts north korea to shame,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i like this idea but we would need a big push for it to be effective and we probably wont get one until the steam release of tagpro next,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 a hotdog is absolutely a sandwich,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i originally started going that early to get into someones pants then just never stopped,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 news and this is presnowden also this,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 was about to say you wouldnt want our mayor,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 it better not be straight upbovada is the book takes americans due to a legal loophole since theyre based in a canadian reservation,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 our teachers had a program to watch every screen on theirs and close anything that wasnt school work killed all the fun of it,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 this is great material once again it really makes some of these advanced socionics concepts easy to understand it is funny ive never read enders game but ive used the bully metaphor to describe cogfuncmention polr almost exactly as written here to others here on reddit long before i learned about the theoretical reason for this reaction connecting it to robespierre was helpful too as i dont remember enough high school history to know why socionics considers him to be the archetypal typemention when he is generally considered to be a brutal monster a trait not often associated with typemention,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 i dont believe in retiring so that doesnt sound like a problem,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 the fitnessgram pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues the 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds line up at the start the running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboop a sing lap should be completed every time you hear this sound ding remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible the second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound your test is over the test will begin on the word start on your mark get readyâ start ding,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 that name should never be said,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i also believe it and i think theres a competition factor there for women with low self esteem i want to be better than this girl ive never even met also see people who run around trying to fuck everything that moves,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well if i look at uhk47 s posttimes then he lives on the north pole during summer and on the south pole during the winterhes both always online and neverbut hey you shouldnt let modding this sub effect your sleeping schedule were not that important,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 is there a video where he tells you the trick to his success,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 most used are these mods in surf kz and bhop or retake servers,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 davos and melisandre are most like what i imagined,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 who doesnt love all the speculation and posibilities i missed european football so much because of this,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 atleast its not constantly about periods,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 thanks but i meant that you where using said best bsd and tiling wm,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 well that was less serious than expected,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 how well do you relate to each of thesecogfuncmention,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i cant recommend ddr enough i got really good at in high school then again 10 years later you feel impossibly stiff and ungraceful to start then after you make your way up through the difficulties youre so light on your feet i know it doesnt directly translate to the dance floor but its an amazing workout and sort opens you up to being able to pick up other dance moves,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 hi have we metedit or did you mean single as in without a partner i read it as not a single meaning no one,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 e vs i as jung said â œthe generalattitude types as i have pointed out more than once are differentiated by their particular attitude to the object the introverts attitude to the object is an abstracting one at bottom he is always facing the problem of how libido can be withdrawn from the object as though an attempted ascendancy on the part of the object had to be continually frustrated the extravert on the contrary maintains a positive relation to the object to such an extent does he affirm its importance that his subjective attitude is continually being orientated by and related to the object an fond the object can never have sufficient value for him therefore its importance must always be paramountâ â psychological types by carl jung 1921 what that means is that the main difference between an introverted and an extroverted function is the relation between the subject me myself the user internal world subjective opinion and the object everyone else objects and human beings external forces external world objective opinion the introvert is sees the external world as a complete different entity from himherself the user â œitâ s me and thereâ s the worldâ while the extravert is directly living in the world and quoting carl jung â œwho are on good terms with all the world or even when disagreeing with it still hold a relation to it by which they and it are mutually affectedâ an important sentence i have to say is about the spending and release of the energy between the subject and the object in the two different concepts introversion and extroversion the introvert focuses on how the object affects the subject while the extrovert focuses on how the subject affects the object that would also mean that introversion vs extroversion would also mean that introversion is much more subjective than extroversion if you would put ten same extroverted types in a room for example typemention they would probably come to an agreement quickly while if you put in a room 10 typemention they would most likely keep a subjective opinion now that is a very particular case there are a lot of factors that come into play but keep in mind that there is no pure introvert or pure extrovert type every type has 4 introverted functions and 4 extroverted functions the introvert having more confidence and creativity in his introverted functions and the extrovert in his extroverted ones which basically means my last sentence was completely wrong and false unless the typementiontypemention would only use one function which is almost impossible since any reasoning would include the use of at least two functions one judging to process the information and one perceiving to absorb the information now if ten introverted functions were to debate a topic they would most likely all have different opinions when if there were ten extroverted functions debating they would come to agreement fast but the functions arenâ t human beings so that is impossible also one thing i hear a lot by most people is that â œextroverts recharge with socializing and spend their energy with alone time while the introvert recharges with alone time and spends their energy with socializingâ while that might be true in some cases and to some extent i think a better phrase would be that â œextroverts recharge from their outside and spend their energy one the inside while the introvert recharges on their inside and spends their energy on the outsideâ â œoutsideâ doesnâ t always mean â œpeople and socializingâ there can be extroverts that are extremely drained by people and peopleoriented extroverts so in conclusion the â œextroverts are people who go at parties and stay with peopleâ and â œintroverts are people who stay alone and play video gamesâ is relatively true in majority that means that if you are an extrovert it is more likely for you to go to parties more and if you are an introvert it is more likely to stay in the house more but thatâ s not a must also do not confuse introvert with shy it is true that most shy people are introverts but extroverted shy people exist and introverted nonshy people exist do not confuse those terms,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 yep could very well be i was a bit inconvenienced and freezing it was pretty cold out but no big deal reallyi sure didnt let any of it show said good morning and waited patiently it is my corner store afterall and im familiar with everyone working thereit just sucked is all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lol dat typemention memory i just got to laugh at my own bullshit hahaha we cant be certain i said it but whoever did is a charming sumbitch b i think with my advanced starship i will find a race of aliens who could provide me with just such an avatar,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im the same also female though i do notice that when shit really i mean really hits the fan i do this to an unhealthy extent as in i cope by going in overdrive barely sleep and eat because i keep working on solving the problem dont allow myself to feel or rest because the moment i do i would simply utterly collapse so i keep working and fighting in the hope that once i do collapse it will be once the crisis is over and the others around me have the mental capacity to take care of me,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 c is the underlying syntax for most popular languages including java and javascript even but the differences between each are pretty damn significant c isnt an iteration of c as c is but even c was a substantial departure as it includes a lot of data structures and object oriented concepts so yeah the syntaxes can be different but also how information is organized accessed disposed of etc to be basically functional at a professional level when you know how to code takes a couple weeks but to be trustworthy with a large project takes years,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 bcuz 144hz had so much to do with it lel,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 with untouchable you are straight up unkillable if the enemys safelane and supports dont have large burst damage you can freely harass and farm the lane and disrupt the lane a crazy amount abbadon offlane is somewhat similar,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 sounds like waldorfschuleuaraly74 is right both of your options have their pros and cons what he suggested is the most reasonable thing to do imo i loathe german gymnasium it is just about how well you can remember and recite the things your teachers said boring af glad i survived it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ive been watching the metrics closely weve seen a decrease in volume but an increase in upsells and overall sales with fewer idiotsassholes we can give better service to good customers which results in them ordering more andor more often the idiotsassholes tend to know other idiotsassholes and youre right about word spreading and its been awesome the good customers also spread information and tend to share with other good customers it has been working exactly as i want so far,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 because it goes against every idea they grew up with,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 it looks like a set of bad ass scars to me,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 yes being tiny and surround by bigger markets means knowledge export is your biggest trade this has been the case for centuries in our country language education is made mandatory by our government because its so important for the netherlands on a societaleconomic scale,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 they are all classical they are just not capitalc classical,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 chocked placed on supports and or prevented from moving with a wedge or similar hence chocks away,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 id just forgo the sauce good steak has no need for that but thats just my opinionmaking a decent sauce is good knowledge to have though so ill upvote the question,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yes i would prefer to do 400 and 800 intervals but my coach likes to do religious amounts of 200 intervals,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i dont think poor cogfuncmention means you cant enjoy rigorous physical activity cogfuncmention isnt just a placeholder for everything physical,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 esl is free though so you dont need to pay lpkane,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i imagine them living in a camper van,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 hey some peoples bodies are not shaped for that kind of thing i had nickel allergy shape issues such as yourself and bad reactions to hormonal bc i went with a tubal the thought of being baby free and infertile outweighed the fear of surgery for me would do over again in a heartbeat,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 do you ask them for specifics perhaps their perspectives have some truth to them perhaps not,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 a big league win at that its not just symbolic jon ossoff has a degree in economics from the university of london wants to cut the corporate tax expand free trade and trim the budget down to size hes a bonafide bill clinton democrat and 100 ourguy ossoff 2020 has a nice ring to it doesnt it,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i have absolutely no problem with thatbut if you decide to do that you can also send pmswere spamming op right now if he hasnt turned send replies to my inbox off,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i love the album as well dookie was dookie and american idiot says a lot that is more relevant today than ever,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 hmu sometime im on at night,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 interested in bulk breedjects or bulk trophy shinies,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 sorry hopefully he and simon can play ball over the rainbow bridge,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 as the most eligible bachelor who ever bachd the bachosphere i cant even count how many promising single ladies werent responded to on okcupid because they have cats well shes hot smart eloquent we have the same interests i liked her message oh and great music taste well educated wants kids better check the pets section goddammit what is it with all the fucking cats,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i like going to europe in the winter for those same reasons its like half the price there are no lines for the touristy shit and who doesnt love a nice snowy ruin,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yea sadly theres like 2 helmets in the game that looks cool or look mass effect like the rest are all really weird,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 my guess sheldon cooper from the series big bang theory,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i would say yes no matter what especially if asked by a supervisor thats himher showing interest but its not direct and heshe will still have to wait to see what happens too tired to say what the best way forward is but yeah better than nothing though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 enh not really worth my time or energy i tried giving em away to friends and family but it didnt work,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i dont get what you want to tell me,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 true but it is a lot to learn hahah work out the pseudologic have it critiqued by people who know what theyre doing and i will write some code,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 general knowledge about people if it doesnt fit i apologize it was a bit of speculation on my endnever feel awkward about being human life is too short to be bashful,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 actor there is pretending to sing the f out of that song lol reminds me of the old song amp dance flicks from the golden era of us cinema when the same half dozen actual singers dubbed over the myriad of actors who had to pretend to sing not every movie but a whole heck of a lot of em,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 cogfuncmention doms seem to age pretty well,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 so its yet another sign of me being a dinosaur,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 my bff is an typemention i met in collegei like him because hes consistent he has never lied to me only withheld information which is fine he has very clear cut moral standards that he always follows he is predictable and steady and i trust him we have interesting conversations and he never takes things personally unless im attacking him personally he has been my tether for seven years now and i appreciate him more than he knows,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 we had a few conversations about why he stayed with her as long as he did because this was one of the things that bothered him the most after realizing just how messed up that relationship was he came to the conclusion that after being medically retired from the military he was desperate for some normalcy and married his ex thinking they could make it work as a normal stable married couple of course he realized soon after that narcissistic personality types either consciously or subconsciously seek out people who are feeling vulnerable and use it to their advantage to get their hooks in and rather than becoming a stable couple she constantly kept him off balance to have the upper hand on him i think some soulsearching was the best medicine for this and understanding that it wasnt his faulthe wasnt crazy for staying with her that long he just got so used to being manipulated that it was almost like a new normal that he just had to deal with anyway your mileage may vary but having open conversations about it with your so wont be easy but itll be worth it dont let it all get locked away because then itll ever heal good luck u2764ufe0f,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 til kahoot has a word filter,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 id guess typemention but i think thats mostly from the male perspective from the female perspective id imagine typemention ive noticed female typementions in general tend to be more ok with the traditional roles of which typemention is a perfect fit for,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 thanksand im nice to you cause i like youufffdufffd,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 its a cool community but damn they are into the pretty colourful bujo trend which can become slightly creepy and obsessive from the perspective of someone who just uses bujo as a productivity tool and doesnt give a shit about how the bujo looks as long as the thing does its job properly,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 on a daily basis like you know when you go to sleep id hate to be bothered by people interrupting my few hours of sleep each night that would be like having noisy roommates that you have to deal with 247,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 it gives the govornment less leverage for oppression and makes them less erratic,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 hahaha i was getting super sleepy so i was gonna take a nap then i see this shit and im wide awake now but then again if i just go to sleep time will pass and maybe itll be closer to us knowing whats going on,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 the only reason black people are physically stronger is because being athletic is a large part of black culture they arent the ubermensch im black i should know,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 everyone runs out of here and flocks to rtypemention,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 gerards initial uh was torturous the momentary uncertainty filling her with mortified dread anxiously she wondered if shed been too hasty in her pursuit of friendship an error she could scarcely be accused offortunately however her worries were unfounded relieved by his answer she nodded and added quietly the darklyn manse in kings landing its a big city,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 haha its kryptonite to me i wish it was liberating,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 thanks for all the info,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 if that is the case i can only recommend you work on your stunted emotional development connections are felt not thought if you cant feel the connection you are suppressing your emotions and feelings too much,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 the problem is that most of emissions dont come from the us they come from india and china so even if the us eliminated 100 of all of our emissions the dent it would make in annual carbon emissions would be fairly small mind this doesnt mean im against any action at all just that our economy comes first before a problem we have little power to address by ourselves,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 wp has a built in api now you can just do wp as a backend now days,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 alls acetones gonna do is eat up those nylon washers if its got any and melt any other plastic around,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh its gettin there im going to have to sleep soon being on atlantic time and all but i expect in 4 hours its gonna be up there,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 strangeland that and the husker du cover that im blanking on the title of,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i first tried to play the original on playstation when it first came out had the same issue as you had no idea what i was doing and it seemed like too big of a task to try so i didnt play it i tried a few other times over the years and had the same thing happen then one day about 5 years ago i told myself that i would try it again this time though i did some research into the game mechanics before i even put the game in then once i started everything started to click on how to do everything played it nonstop and 100ed the game best game ive ever playedcouple of tips first look up online the jobs tree this is your basic road map to which jobs lead to which and what the requirements are before a job becomes available one thing to keep in mind is that there isnt a correct way to play the game have fun exploring the new jobs and create parties that give you the most enjoyment the more you get into it and use it the more youll understand what your play style is and the more ideas youll have for party structure second really get a handle on how to grind the game has almost an art to grinding i would usually kill every enemy but one and then attack party members and heal them over and over and use abilities that didnt cause damage but still gave jp almost every action gives jp so use the abilities that give jp but still keeps the battle going if you get good at it you can keep a battle going for a long time and get all of the jp you need in one battle this makes leveling up in jobs quite fast think of using grinding as more for crafting your party rather than using grinding to just gain levels search online to get more info for tactics for grinding third save a lot keep notes on whenwhere your saves are you can paint yourself into a corner by not having a good history of saves some battles require certain job types and if you dont have them you might be stuck use your saves as insurance,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 avoid cars entirely dont ride in them dont go near them dont have anything to do with themcause you could end up getting hit breaking your back being told youd never walk again but somehow manage it but are in terrible pain the rest of your life and that numbness in most of your extremeties well thats going to effect internal organs at some pointso yeah avoid cars if you can,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yep that seems to be what i would expect for the price good stuff now op knows who makes em,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i agree once a great fleet is constructed however these taxes should be decreased we in the north face the most severe winters in westeros and we must save our gold harvest and resources as our kings would say winter is coming,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 can they cut glass yet,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i was raised catholic and this prayer is said as every massduring easter time there was reenactment of the days before crucifixion telling the story of pilate washing his hands of the whole thing and doing it because the crowd of jews ask for it,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i dont blame him i die a little inside whenever i see something that sad i wish we wouldnt feel the need to do this,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 id suggest that he probably thinks youre batshit crazy and not a stalker so theres that,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 youre playing right into my im the victim narrative,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 this is my main question as well i actually want to get into shooting as a sport in my very antigun country so i get the attraction to guns but i honestly dont understand why youd feel the need to actually carry one is it to look cool and making a statement about gun ownership cause thats just lame,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 from a socionic perspective they are quite different types obviously i cant type you off of this information but this sounds more like an enfp sentiment than an infj one that is the nature of cogfuncmention leadingcogfuncmention ignoring if you want to be typed we do accept video typing submissions at rjungiantypology,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 keep it if you like it otherwise sell it for the actual price and dont just go accepting the first trade you get,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 finally thank you now i need to study all of them brb,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i mean its not rocket science,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i think every starting planet on survival is toxic and 67c during the day stupid way to increase the difficulty level,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 might actually be a good thing,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 i agree was like wtf strcon again wotc conint always made them more interesting as a class choice if i were to get a player interested in rolling one i think id house rule the conint,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 lol me too i can consistently do hilarious running commentary but i have to be reacting to something as a stock reply for shitty people i like something along the lines of wow that was really rude you must be embarrassed,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 can you take me on a ride,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 but you didnt tell him to read the sidebar you just mocked him and now you are trying to justify it,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i had this problem as a teenager and i dont talk about it a lot because it was such a startling and confusing experience in many ways id be in the middle of a normal task like getting my homework assignment handed back to me and then suddenly i couldnt tell which of the two people in the interaction was me it was so freaking bizarre like id be looking at some classmate or other person and legitimately not know which body i was in to me it felt like i was both people but also observing the interaction as an outsider at the same time ive literally had to ask myself with genuine confusion which one of my selves is me as disorienting and creepy as that is it made me a more compassionate and empathetic person this is going to sound really new age or psychotic but in those fleeting instances id get the impression there was just one universal consciousness talking to itself through a bunch of different bodies and the moments id become disoriented were because id get distracted from being my individual self and suddenly remember that i cant think of myself as better or different than anyone else just the same insides with a different wrapper anyway this didnt last long maybe just two years or so when i was 1415 but the impression has lasted with me a lifetime and no ive never done drugs or had a brain traumaid just periodically forget where my body was gtgt,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 this ego functions are cogfuncmention cogfuncmention,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 also how do you think the rest of your gcses went are you hopeful for 20th august,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 rocks are like women not everyone likes the same types,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yes typementionespecially about being open and making note of it the exception is if its regarding something i know im not knowledgeable onthen ill trust others over myself,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 the pettiness of these people blows my fucking mind how small must their minds be,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i wont speak to how good athena is or isnt right now but i can say that no god has more losses than athena this split 41 compared to only 21 wins,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 theres no trains that go to this vantage point,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 yeah agree i think of being charming as a good quality thats separate from shadiness some charming people are shady some arent and something that is more constant than deliberately employed like in terms of got tyrion is charming littlefinger pretends to be charming as a means to an end but is probably actually about as charming as stannis,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 than my question to you is what benefit would me having children bring to the world or humanitylike someone else says when you ask most parents why they got children the sentence starts with i wanted and not because it would better mankindcountless generation did not reproduce so i could be born they did it because they felt lonely wanted something to care for or be cared for wanted to be a parent or 1000 other reasons i can come up with that have nothing to do fighting for humanity to survive so i could have been born actually if the survival of mankind is the goal im doing the world a favour by not reproducing because of the overpopulation p,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yes though its not exactly optimal itll be noisy and run on the hot side nothing dangerous but certainly warm youll basically always be able to hit 4ghz with the stock cooler,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 its true the black science man said so,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 oddly enough this one reminds me of trump,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 youd be surprised at how much of a confidence boost having even just a couple million dollars is,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 maybe you should elaborate on the use of dxdiag for cpugpu and the ui of the nvidia drivers for the version,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 lmao i wishi ate a chocolate truffle i made earlier today,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 be aware that your final product is not going to be anything like regular bar chocolate this is partly due to the ingredients real chocolate uses cocoa butter which has quite a different mouthfeel from dairy butter and partly due to the manufacturing process mixing conching and tempering which is pretty difficult to do without special equipment,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 theres not problem with psychedelics tho,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 also ashes w will proc her slow so her autos on wd things do extra damage,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 seems like something kaymer would do just out of nowhere,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 no idea dont use spotify p but yeah windows ui is limited afaik,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i dont like the lobotomy path i usually just grow them from scratch,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i played 30 vs 30 on holy see it was fun as shit,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the unexpected voice started talisa and she grew tense as she failed to place its owner her smile vanished and she turned around her eyes wide and nervous as she saw him however her smile returned with full force setting aside her lute hastily she jumped up from the couch and ran to himcory she exclaimed forgoing her usual hi as she collided into him pressing her face hard against his chest she squeezed him tightly overjoyed by his visit,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 why because i dont believe in all the lofty crap people like to believe about themselves,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 hes teaching discouraging typemention 101 and advanced grumpiness this semester,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 well yeah but im just perfectoutside of my massive blinding ego that is,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this question is honestly impossible to answer without more details on where youll be living even where youll be flying to europe is not one country with one overarching justice system every country will have its own laws,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i dont want to assume any genders but if there was a gun to my head and had to guess id have to say thats a woman,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 pls be a draw pls be a draw,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 well said id like to add that learning to love your own face as hard as that is at times does wonders too as indivduals we tend to overemphasize the negative aspects of our faces and underestimate the strong points just learn to love it minor warts and all the way we see ourselves is a hypercritical version of ourselves that others simply dont seealso as you get older the amount of fucks you have to give decline sharply my stance oh you dont like my face well then move along now stop wasting my timeat the end of the day it is the person who thinks im ugly who has a problem with my face not myself,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i plan to do this when i buy a house,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i dont deny there are rightwing groups i said that groups that use this kind of tactic if rightwing groups starts to organize with thousand of people and crash rallies it would be very ugly as i said lets hope they remains relatively small groups because rightwing groups can be much more worse,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 kiernan wondered if it would be cruel to talk about her marriage while reannas was still processing her own recent widowing but attempting to contain her enthusiasm was a futile efforti still miss living in the manse some days she started eagerly other than that time of my life seems like an apt description marq is a good man,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 my gates are open for group 1 now,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 i have been through all of that its so strange how much they focus on and rage over petty things something as stupid and putting my purse on the counter devolved into an argument which ended with her pulling a knife on me she used to lock me in my room then when she figured out i preferred that so i could stay away from her she removed my door also insulting people close you seems to be a standard nmom move one time my mom said i should break up with my boyfriend because he didnt treat me well when i eventually did she threw it in my face by saying i drove him awayi have totally been to the place where you wish they were gone it gets easier once you have control over your living situation,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 exactly when you get past the kissing barrier to start the boobslicking it means sex 85 of the time,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 that was fucking insane by coutinho,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 haha this is my dog i constantly have to negotiate with her like me cmon pup lets go her hmm i could do that but whats in it for me me the joy of my company her nah me a belly rub her nah i just had one me you get to see your friends when were there you love seeing your friends her i also love this patch of grass right here me what about some chicken you never say no to chicken her give me the chicken first then ill decide me ill give you half the chicken now and half when we get there her okay fine but im going to walk slowly for the next five minutes to annoy you,41.0,31.0,95.0,3.0,13.0 i demand a proper nf battle to the death its the only way to know for sure,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 depends what you intend to do with it i mostly read mine around the house especially in bed but i take it with me in my bag when i go out and read it in cafes and on park benches i keep it in a very simple felt slipcase when im not actually reading it ive had it for around six months and its still as good as newmine is wifi i dont think 3g models are even available here in australia and black the black is slightly rubberised for better grip which means oily fingerprints do show upbe aware that many people find that the battery charge does not last anywhere near a long as amazon might lead you to believe im a heavy reader and i charge mine every five days or so,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 well they have had those things in previous seasons but this is the first time under wenger where they have under performed in expected goals that might be the answer to a different question about them but not the one i asked,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i often reminisce about memories within dreams that feel very tangible and like an integral part of my past and my identity only to have a miniexistential crisis upon waking when im still thinking of them but now realise theyre just bullshit,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 the reason that there are this many cheaters is because the game is so popularthe problem is you cant get rid of cheaters everjust like you cant get rid of assholes in everyday life you will always meet some,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 was it her fault hasnt been the last few times,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 what about rudy giuliani then hes prochoice progay marriage and fiscally conservative but i certainly wouldnt go around calling him a libertarian what about michael bloomberg hes socially liberal and fiscally conservative but again i wouldnt exactly call him a libertarian you can be fiscally conservative an socially liberal without excepting the libertarian values of liberty and small government,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 tell fps that tagpro is open source,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you have to wonder why they have been driven out of so many countries there is clearly something within their behaviour across thousands of years that is wrong among other things i think its their belief that they are the chosen ones and it is their duty to fix humanity they note themselves that this is why they are often hated as soon as something goes wrong they have also run away at every confrontation rarely ever fighting for their own homeland they instead plead to share they chose suicide more often than to fight or convert its kind of like being too agreeable money lending also got them into a lot of trouble,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 yeah no one wants to talk anymore i guess its rare my friends even ask me to hang out anymore i always have to initiate fuckin lazy ass people,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i think the issue lies in using fancy words like determiners subjunctive form and mainrelative clause etceven you ask me what an adverb or a noun is i have to pause to remember what they mean what we need to do is use layman words to explain what they mean so adjective describing word noun group of places people or things quite often when learning a new language the teacher just says as you can see you use a noun in this situation followed by an adverb when using feminine words but be sure not to use a conjunction if using a masculine adverb etc its all too hard and obscure to keep up withi have a strong academic background but i wouldnt expect the average person to know what an avogrado number ohms or angular velocity is in terms of physicsi wouldnt know the terminology linguistsspeech therapists use such as dipthongs or their phonetic symbolsits the same its written by professionals who have no idea how to make it accessible for the average person who doesnt have a degree in english they just assume you would know or easily absorb it and write it on a very high level that only other people with a similar high level of understanding would be able to accessits like that one notoriously bad math teacher every high school has who just whizzs through their explanation do this then that then carry over the x to the fractional denominator then bang youre done see easy peasy duh,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 please can you tell me about the centrism thing how are places different i tend to think that things around are all good but i do not see corruption or anything i honestly think if i were to go to china or something i would not find too much a difference from here i feel like i would find the way to get along with the society the way i can do here i feel separate but definitely with the society if that makes sense,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 that seems to be the medias love affair with the police they only selectively report the most egregious cases careful to always emphasize the one bad apple mantra as for the left or white thinly veiled passive aggressive racist accusation,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 competency with this average life satisfaction would probably be higher more competent means the capabilities to achieve the othershappiness one could be fine not having any of the others as long as they were happyto be successful once again if youre successful the others will probably follow,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 ive often thought the same thing i have much less of a desire to do certain things tv is a big one but im also having trouble writing and reading right now i think thats mostly the anxiety im feelinginability to focus,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 take your time mate we all know that you and the other mods are doing this for free if something you produce is a bit late then none of us have the right to complain we should be grateful that people are doing those kinds of things at all despite the struggles that everyone faces in live life sucks and everyone that demands of you to make your life suck more so theirs suck less has no right to speak i wish you the best of luck with whatever is bothering you atmalso we havent forgotten annie,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 there are easily planned alternate routes but this truck is far far too large for anyone moving usually they get like a uhaul truck not a double trailer transport,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i like the being more private thing im going to steal that,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i find that when i relax and tell mine to shutup my cogfuncmention comes out effortlessly they work to support each other do you find that when you are truly relaxed you are more focused on playing with pure logic i dont believe on working to develop our functions but i do believe that we can work on letting them be heard by telling their partner to stfu,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 youre everybodys problem thats because every time you go up youre unsafe i dont like you because youre dangerous,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 its already just another cop procedural with pretty bad writing to be honest i watch it i dig it but its not particularly clever murder red herring corner red herring and tell him everything you know so he can give you his alibi start over blahwhat made it fun was the ridiculous charm of fillion and to a lesser extent the interplay between ryan and esposito when theyre not whining at each other anyway,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i will let maajid nawaz make the case for me in his article how to beat islamic state should be the first link to the wsj spreading the idea as you do that muslims would turn their back on the country if we were to talk honestly about islamism is way more dangerous you present muslim as overly sensitive ticking bombs people will start to believe it if you keep pushing this narrative,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 sure if you were actually objecting to my argument you might say something like i dont think any of the studies were robust show me some that are which i did but you didnt you went off on a tangent that ignored my claims i had to redirect the argument down a constructive path because you were unable to follow itthe older study specified for forcible rape and not drugrelated or incapacitated rape yes its older its also an example of lifetime prevalence of a definition of rape that you acceptedif there was no rape between 1998 and now you would expect the lifetime prevalence figure to drop by 1782 around 20 of course thats absurd but even if it were true youre still looking at at least a 1408 prevalenceso the first study does not have the flaws you objected to and i notice you completely ignored the second examplelook if you dont understand mathematically why lifetime prevalence takes decades to change substantially youre not in a position to argue about academic weightyeah that was my point the actual figure would be lower just because in your head you think i cant concede points doesnt mean i did this as a mistakei meant life expectancy my bad of course you would have realised this but you were too busy trying to ridicule me and didnt understand the maths of the fermi equation so of course i shouldnt expect you toplease keep deflecting,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 you need to shave your neck if you insist in having facial hair grow it in your face not neck over all yiu are not ugly,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 hard enough seeing how many hours you need to actually detect a cheat,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im going to qualify my response by saying that ive known a lot of typemention while everyone is different please try to wait at least 6 months know that if you do youll beat all previous typemention celibacy record holders by approximately 5 months and 25 days,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 oh man i heard that sound in my head,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 talisa nodded slowly wholly unsurprised that he knew what she was thinking her emotions were often transparent even to strangers and griffith was as far from a stranger to her as one could bei was hoping her fears about the betrothal were wrong though im not sure now she said quietly making sure noone could overhear her insulting the groom,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 yeah talisa answered looking over at where griffith sat with her family do you want to meet him,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i i never considered this,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 debian is generally understood to be way more stable than gentooyour post is fairly confusing but from what i understand youre trying to reproduce a bug that someone reported in debian on gentooyou should probably aim to reproduce their bug matching their system as much as you cangentoo there are so many different combinations of packages so many variables the system is changing all the timeits probably just one of those bugs that only happen if certain versions and combinations of things are in place that happen on debianit doesnt really speak to any stability of a system or not your information is fairly anecdotal and subject to you noticing your failures more than successes and caring about that more so you remember it that wayif youre just purely bughunting bugs that havent been reported and testing yourself well set up multiple environments vm is the best way of course i really like vmware but if not then just multiple machinesmultibootim pretty sure it sounds like you want multiple distros to play with,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think any function could be considered to be of limited use on its own,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 for sure thats the plan and thank you i think ill write a long letter to him so i can get all my thoughts out clearly this was really helpful when i wanted to explain some issues i was having with myself and with him a few years ago,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i used to live somewhere with a climate like cali i used to fly north every summer so it would be hotter,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 well you said that paradis people the eldians never went to war which they did it might not be the eldians we know today but whilst the first king pussied out the eldians were the oppressing race,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this album actually captures the european university student look pretty well,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i dare to say that is not possible thanks to the client and netcode,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 no but she does have weiboif you want more here are 2 more albums i compiled,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 its risk for grownups fucking love that game takes like a whole day to play though haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you might find these links helpful dario nardiâ s neuroscience of personality cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention its as if typemention are using their gpu instead of their cpu to figure out problems,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 no because we can live with the devil we know but we are afraid of the unknown death is the unknown therefore a source of fear life is a mix of beauty and terror but it is known and therefore accepted,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 which side youre on in a debate is hardly as important whether youre considering the broadest spectrum of possibilities and information in order to converge to the truth its not about proving how much you know demonstrating your ability to argue or winning but when you see someone locking out information its worth questioning it,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 they will most likely release a prank updaye,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i gave diaz rounds 2 and 4 i think the first round was the closest round could have gone either way for me,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 best answer i work in an allopathic school and we send our students to precept with either mds or dos as long as theyre board certified in their main discipline and have no ugly marks with the medical board,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 pedrosa didnt care about the drama and just wanted to win if marquez wouldnt be such a bitch for lorenzo the last rounds would have been actually exciting,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 itd be the blade cantrip that would benefit from potent spellcasting not shillelagh,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 most prefer the taste of mice and rats though,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 for me it has to end on 0 2 3 5 7 or 8 not entirely sure why,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 do you have any idea how good 30 fps is,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 yeah its good that you do that every now and then but dont spam it itd ruin the joke,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 someone was following steps 1 and 2,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yes give all the shitty supremes their rank back cuz nothing beats ez upranks even if they are not deserved and you are basically still a nova righttry to improve for once instead of being fixated on a fucking image shove your personally i think this should be reverted to which ever place you like but stop complainingit is like the rifle nerf the unskilled are the first ones to cry,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the res also wants your money also because its unsafe for the majority of people i mean yea its possible but i doubt it would be enjoyable either its so much better to get down there and take your time checking out the place rather than sticking around for an hour,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 god damnit now i have to get 2 flairs,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you know what i think is funny when people dont go to groningen and instead go to cities like amsterdam and such groningen might not be big but its still the only city without night curfews for bars and clubs amsterdam for example does have a curfew this is the only city in the netherlands where you can literally party and drink until 67 in the morning the same goes with social student life in general groningen might be small but it lives up to the big cities in many things that students care about also this being a small city means rather cheap living expensesi do miss the array of specialist shops a big more metropolitan city has or the proximity to major international airports and facilities like major ngos which i might be interested in to volunteer for being based in major cities i most likely will move to a bigger city after getting my degree because most big corporations are also based there etc etc,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 same i have no real contacts ive no idea what im going to do when they ask,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 youre coming from a standpoint of propositional knowledge and theoretical understanding of things you get by reading about them whereas that whole paradigm is antithetical to buddhism which as is any religion about practice theory not so much what buddhist philosophy or theory there is is distinctly pragmatic provisional truths oriented around practice and there are no logical axioms or selfevident truths like the inalienable word of god only what are purported to be undeniable realities of being a living creature such as that all life is suffering youre supposed to simply know that from experiencehence its so cringy when idiots say oh buddhisms not a religion its a philosophy they only say that because what they westerners think of as religion in actuality contains quite a lot of philosophy thats usually seen as nonoptional and inextricable from the practice of religion and what they see as philosophy in buddhism is really an antiphilosophical bent in favour of emphasising practice religion means practice it starts from psychology not metaphysics the buddha typically said of deep philosophical questions that they were ultimately nothing to do with why we suffer and deigned to not answer them he came from a tradition of hinduism which was very focused on metaphysics and theres a reason he found it unsatisfying and as i said its all provisional people looking to find analogues between buddhist thought and western philosophy overlook this it simply isnt from a standpointbof answering deep questions the kind of deep understanding you look for isnt really there to begin withso reading is comparatively unimportant to actually meditating and practising mindfulness and compassion and all that that being said graham priest writes some really interesting stuff about the use if logic in buddhist philosophy and fuck the snobs and the haters alan watts is alright,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 omg this is absolutely perfect for an npc i have in an upcoming adventure who get this is a dwarven bard who plays the drum with his warhammer totally gonna use these stats for him d,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 no but you definitely need to keep on being a pedantic asshole thanks,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 yeah i feel you im a nurse so work is no joke and can be physically demanding so drinking a bunch is just plain stupid when im in school i have no problem leaving it to the weekends either i just cant deal with this much boredom and lack of purpose in life its only been a month and a half out of school and i have almost 2 more haha,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 me graduating from boot camp like 3 weeks ago,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 well all of my h2hs are filled so heres mine if it helpskuchar na martin perez peterson brown,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 why do you hate science,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this sounds more like an cogfuncmention problem tbh especially with some repressed cogfuncmention,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 thats what i thought it looked like asphalt marks where his face smooshed the paveroad rash ive experienced my fair share just not usually on the face,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah you think that for every 100 wannabes there are 2ish superstars yeah i dont think so maybe if you found 10 guys that slept with 1000 wannabes each thered be one superstar maybemaybe your definition of superstar and mine differ,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh boi it is fun,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 wouldnt zip tie cutters be more appropriate im no expert but i dont think wire cutters is the right tool for the job here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 han solo is fucked by his son bernie sanders cockman doesnt say anything and has 30 seconds of screentime bernie sanders survives the explosion at the end leaving it set up for him to be the faggot in the next moviei am a nigger and this rape was performed automatically please contact the faglords of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 relevant details should be included in the description and i find it more important than our community is nice and we try to be fun,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i saw him two weeks ago but i didnt know he was a local celebrity or i would have informed yall,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 party time yeahtonight im doing nothing sort of im catching up on laundry and watching house md i cant drive anywhere because im on tylenol 3 for some ongoing dental work ugh but i sure can feel like dr house poppin them pills theres a lot of belly button rings to choose form on my main list that are under 10 my belly button piercing is finally healed woo,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i dont know of any us gun owner ignorance but my point is that the half of gun deaths that the legislation in your country removed were probably suicides and accidents i dont know and i cant look up the stats since i dont know where youre from so youre stuck now with only the intended criminal murders that you were probably trying to stop with the legislation,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 a reasonable argument can be made for that within the high end desktop parameters,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 and how is that inference bad you just said 95 was a reasonable figure did you not so assuming you are a statistically average male it should be expected that 19 out of 20 conversations you start with woman are sexually motivated,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 is it actually worse than a shower i dont know i strongly suspect that its less wasteful but you can more easily see the quantity of water used edit ah here we go so lt 10 minutes youre approx 33 pc less water usage per shower however i also wonder at the energy usage and a lot of people take gt 10 minute showers we have to assume 10 gallons5 minutes so at 15 you break even if you take one bath per week youre still way under the regular 15 min shower people and again the carbon footprint which outside of ca is more important is unexplored,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 in this regard it falls into the category of ignorant theyre refusing to accept whats right in front of them,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 im pretty sure you are just manic dude sorry to break this to you i pretty much knew all this things already and im 14 and i dont make a big deal out of them what you answer arent the ultimate questions of life they are very basic and you dont have an interesting answer so yeah its mania definitely see a doctor,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 totally agree at first im like what the hell was i thinking and then when its over im more like im a genius with unparallelled decision making skills,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i personally heard that wherever he goes eren y will always followgod that guy is a big monster,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 heed this guys advice seriously i had the exact same issue and now im on academic suspension due to being too confident in what i could take in without putting in the effort for homework and studying in high school i was able to pretty much gather everything i needed from the lectures and notes alone but that is absolutely not the case in college its much much easier to get those habits down in high school when its not as risky to do bad on a test or to miss an assignment or two here and there than it is when youre realizing that youre 2 years into college with a garbage gpa and struggling to maintain cs just to pass and at least earn the credits its especially hard if you end up in my position sitting out a semester while your friends are graduating soon and getting internships and out of college jobsi wish i wouldve realized this all before i let it get this bad its a lesson i needed to learn for sure and im honestly glad that i did even though its a miserable position to find yourself in with your own money on the line,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 its almost as if his dad was voted most popular driver for 16 years or something,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 okay okay talisa yielded raising one hand defensively no laughing the other hand she kept around her daughter whose attention had gradually shifted to the other pair of twins confused by the little conflict violet began to babble incoherently,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 when i restickered my aolong and aosu i noticed that the cubicle stickers felt thicker than the moyu ones,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 i would throw myself under the wheels of a car,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 well you said you were salty and that is quite a rantyragy post imoalso if you say no one was mad until he started shooting me you imply someone was mad dont youalso i didnt understand what you wrote as it made no sense to me i went of what i deduced from that textregardless from that being kicked seems to be happening at those ranks more than on others while you may think you didnt deserve it they may think otherwise as they are globals in realitysalso if you want them overwatched report them for griefing but keep in mind that overwatchers cant hear voice comms or read the chatkeep in mind also that overwatchers are not gms that can ban people from a demo with a tool we are merely people watching a clip of a person that valve gives us,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 wow i love that idea and i finally have a reason to get a chesty mount,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 not crying just want to know the best places to livehonest,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i have a very strong opinion on this topic canadian bacononly topping i need so damn good,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 or just let the error slide especially if it is already projected on a screen in the grand scheme of things most people dont give a rats ass about these little mistakes,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 nato 107mm is my personal favorite mortar round good enough he to be scary and kill reliably in numbers responds fast good range and cheap what more do you want the 5he mortars are just too expensive and slow to respond the 4he 107mm is the sweet spot i get a little sadface playing redfor and not having a 4he mortar but they have vasilek which is amazing too,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 ooh thats a good underrated one different i do remember it and was totally a fan,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 well is it still attached,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 up to you really as an typemention id probably continue as close to normal as possible and cry a lot,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 oh god ive rubbed my finger in my ear then accidentally bit my nail before washing itearwax tastes gross,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 dead in ditches dove amp grenade and el urgencia are 3 fucking great songs btw,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 courtney brown and charles rogers surprised me the most,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 now we have to deal with the aftermath shenanigans of gun control racial issues and all that other crap i hope he gets the death sentence i am not paying taxes for someone who clearly premeditated this shit to spend the rest of their life in jail,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yeah i saw that but it still doesnt explain the kabarnor the bkampti get that its a combo of the esee and becker but is kabar the company that makes it too weird for me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i have a lot of faith in ryan coogler as the bp director,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 yup this is 100 it i only have a daily amount of fucks to give out and i certainly dont want to waste any fucks given on some stranger in a rather pathetic break up war i honestly couldnt care less,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the excuse i got from some fancy place was that they dont want you to hold up a table with people that may or may not show so they draw the line at all or nothing,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 and so wouldnt 144hzi didnt say that 60hz had advantages or a disadvantage the refresh rate is literally irrelevant to the tickrate and what happens in the game that is what i saidwhat i said was that the problem why we dont have 128 tick in mm is the fact that most people have a latency of 50 ms in cs which is hugely not beneficial on 128 tick it is rather unfair if compared with a person who has a 5ms latency and fps have nothing to do with tickrate at least if people can use the right rates,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 id guess typemention or something very similar i could pull out one my notebooks from my early twenties and if i saw that passage it would fit right in i think that there is an angstlike hurt projection of lower level cogfuncmention projecting itself on to you you might as well be everyone but i think that there is someone in particular in mind that is a just focal point for everyone who is not the author and who is the odd human to the alien author selling emotions like a rock on the corner sounds like devalued cogfuncmention accompanied by a stronger cogfuncmention as the figurative language is an abstract idea of a concrete idea this sounds like cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention typemention often hide their intellectualism in favor of trying to blend in with society they devalue their cogfuncmention externally while internally value it above all this make me think that the author is private or introverted with their thinking that power being invested in every single letter makes me think of the hyperawareness of tertiary cogfuncmention overall this strikes me as a written version of an internal monologue that exists in the mind and is resolved by putting pen to paper rather than actually doing or saying any of these things to the actual person that it is directed towards by doing so the cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention user sorted out their feelings and made them understandable rather than the cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention user that would need to draw these feelings out into the open and bring them into fruition,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 his name is actually basil exposition not expeditionits another joke he only provides plot exposition,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 sloppy seconds moral of the story cardboard castles all you can do sarajevo 4 am strong as an oak tiny glowing screens pt 2 never let it die dent in the moon hey asshole my first stalker,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 or they got just antistratted hard by nip,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 heck one of pathfinders iconics is a transwoman she did it through alchemy and her back story is awesome pazios inclusiveness has been really helpful to me personally as there isnt much good trans representation in media it makes me feel more welcome at the table,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 what happened to alexis hes been our worst playercampbell has played really well and elneny is doing well as wellthere have been a few worrying counter attacks but weve been doing fine otherwise just need to finish better,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 people usually dont know what theyre talking about when they say things like that maybe hes 100 right about himself but that would be abnormal he may change his mind about a lot of that stuff later how old is he how old are you,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i would answer but my drunk sister is walking in u0361o u035cu0296 u0361oedit ok i got done cleaning the alley water off of her and warning her never to go to that weird nightclub again to see 12 downvotes,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 if your tax situation is very straightforward single source of income no significant tax deductions that apply to you its easy enough to do it yourself if you have a high income significant income from multiple sources or the possibility of claiming complex tax deductions it helps to get a professional to do it,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 you must be used to consoleive been gaming in 60fps for decadesive never had an amazing pc usually midrange at first then keep it for far too long just gotta use the right graphics settings and games andor make sure you get hardware thats at a good priceperformance value and matched accordingly to everything else,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thanks its my one good angle hahaha,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 step 1 become a celebritystep 2 get invited to the correspondents dinner,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i dont mind managing my tone but i absolutely cant stand people who refuse to look at the truth because it upsets them my mom thinks shes rejecting what people are saying due to impoliteness on their part for instance but she is really aggressively shutting down via emotional manipulation anyone who espouses ideas that threaten her,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i think i misunderstood you so youre saying you made yourself that way i thought you were saying that schooling and university made you that way,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i dont bother to type via guessing or testing my friends all that matters is that i like them i do type clients though so i can attempt to tailor my communication styles to better fit their needs andor to make my job easier,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 our opinion in case you mean reddit is worth nothing though with maybe the exception being slothsquadron,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 im curious to know what make you hesitant to consider those feelingsimpressions as data points that support this therory are those feelingsimpressions of lesser nature than all the other feelingsimpressions on which we build our understanding of the world,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 do you like scifi id recommend deathworlders synopsis you know the aliens from alien what if humans were like that to other aliens,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 the flood in the old testament is ripped off the epic of gilgamesh in turn it was probably based on even more remotely ancient myths maybe that detail of moses is based on enkidu,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 its not diseases bacteria salmonella mostly food poisoning is what they call it when a person gets itbeef is fine unless its ground high surface area so easier for bacteria,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 why would you pretend that you dont,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 howwhy could this have possibly come abouti think its more like most people are just selfish greedy assholes and every now and then one will just go off and do something bad,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ssris didnt help me well then again maybe they got through rough spots hard to say they didnt prevent an event that never happenedive been off them for a while and seem to be doing fine for years i have no idea why,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 sure way to set yourself up for disappointment i think if you dont get anything in writinglife has taught me people are almost all greedy sobsreal good way to figure out what a person is really like either by them winning a ton of cash or by you winning a ton of cash and how they change or not after that fact,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you know nipples are some of the first things babies learn about they havent been a secret for years,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 everyone has their own routine before they play a gamei for one listen to a good song before playingwhile the warmup is running on the server but i generally deathmatch or play arena once a day to get a start for the csday,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i already had a long discussion about this the past few days i can link to it if you want to its a good read and since im kinda tired out about it ill just sum it upits the train dilemma the lives of a small million against the lives of the rest of the planetas far as they knew the wall titans could be released upon the world any moment butchering billionsthey made the rational choice,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 well if i were to move to the us i would only want to live in the nice coastal areas with plenty of jobs in my industry that pretty much confines me to the bostondc corridor or california if i was independently wealthy with no need to find a job i would consider places like florida and the pacific north west but im not sure i would want to live in the midwest or the deep south life just seems very boring there and in more urban coastal areas theres an endless amount of shopping entertainment options and interesting people with world class amenities concentrated in a small area no matter how cheap it is im not really interested in noncoastal areas i grew up and lived within 10 miles of the sea nearly all my life and it just feels strange when im really far inland as if the air is stagnant and heavy making it harder to breathe its going to sound weird but i need the constant circulation of a fresh sea breeze air coming in going to a beachlake for a stroll alone or with friendsfamily at a cafe or restaurant overlooking the water has a very calming effect on me the reassurance of being near water and its climate fresh air windier temperate climate is very important for my vitality and health,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 22 i thought it would be higher,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i live inside my own mind basically daydreaming on steroids,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 yeah it had no cultural impact s,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 should have kept their bag dominos bags are soooo much nicer than ours,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i just like the name of the entire domain very official sounding,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yes i shop most of my clothes online at its a dutch webshop but i think they ship to most countries their customer service is amazing their prices on par with most online and offline shops selling those brands and this is important they measure every item they sell in house themselves and provide detailed measurements specific to that product anyways if i can give you a few pointers of how the style works for me choose one more eccentric item strong print distinctive cut outthere colour combine it with basics that would fit in a more modern day setting to make sure its not too costumey the same goes with shoes and jewelry as vintage inspired outfits go quite good with more minimal modern shoes and jewelry i recently put the following outfit together skirt and shirt and i wore the gray belt of the skirt over the waistline of the shirt so there was a bit of color blocking going on paired with basic black leather healed sandals and a silver hair brooch i got a bunch of compliments on it and although the silhouette is very vintagey it didnt make me feel out of place,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 but its still not super clear what is does,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 username checks outare you black with orange stripes or orange with black stripes or are you a white tiger,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 my serious post is now a memegreat,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i think you and the typemention friend should get together i know you two have talked about it,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 tell fps that tagpro is open source,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this is what happen when you have your signs made by surrealists,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 you fancy i would have guessed a giant pizza 3 bars of dark chocolate and an entire jumbo bag of almonds,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i peed in my garbage can that was by the doorto be fair my bedroom door was locked and i had woken up in the middle of the night i was probably sick too or something cause i dont normally sleepwalk ever,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 can you expand on what those moments where you feel at home in your own skin are regarding songs i hear you on finding that musical synchronicity also out of every 100 songs or so ill find one that i really resonate with for a few days until i play it to the point my brain can barely stand it haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yep it did here is the stream,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 valve doesnt hw id or ip ban because it is inefficient,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 typemention really dont fit the combative swj stereotype though typemention typically shy away from internet fights most of the loud angry sjws i know seem to be nfps,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i didnt say it in the guide but i ran this before stratos got banned and it was pretty broken then too but after stratos was banned and before shadow mist was released i ran a synchro build like youre running and it was very good,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 when crime stats are being bandied about to deter public transportation from being constructed because it might improve black peoples mobility theyre being used by racists in racist ways seriously crime in one area served by a public transit system is not a good argument against expanding the system to nearby towns that need service full stop thats not a solution to crime,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 maybe im being cynical but prepare for disaster op,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 that site has a silly bernie bias trump himself would probably side with him 60 on there,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im sure most of us would rather not be lectured when celebrating achievements in an industry based around escapism and entertainment,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 because the old heroes are placeholders to put the game into a testable state bogstandard direct damage heroes without gimmicky kitsafter the vanilla heroes were rolled out they could make heroes with stacking mechanics toggled stances chain abilities etcheroes with complex kit mechanics will be harder to balance than my rock does 350 damage heroes,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 my gates are open for group 1 now,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 ding ding ding dingthis course requires a ridiculous amount of driving accuracymolinari is the tits at hitting the narrow fairways he also avoids roughs and 3 putts like a boss,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 your feet have ebola get away from me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 wherever you take that from,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ill first have to find the time to round the last stuff of the old bet up ill come back to you afterward,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 my dads trip to the gas station to get some wd40 to loosen up a tire stuck to the drumcould be a post apocalyptic i suppose,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yeah but theyd be infertile like mules,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 if it does its only because we prescribe certain traits to genders which would make them social constructs,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 thats not a bad idea,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 the amount of commercials was obscene,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 all their music is still on google play music if you still want to use a streaming service,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 imo some of those things just sound bitchy on the womans end pregnancy aside being pregnant is no excuse to treat your spouse like crap,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 of montreal and animal collectives peak years right there,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 why is this discovery important arent most waters surfaces reflective i mean isnt everything reflective unless youre a black hole cool pic and all but i have no idea why this should be surprising,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 interesting choice of last words,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i dont even drink coffee and i knew that,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i have a good amount of expeirence with little red and the yellow brick road esque deck i like it you make really big fuckers that fly and cant be targeted the only thing that can blow it up is lucifer,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 and she keeps on calling me child,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i have a feeling iggys ult is applied as an aoe within the area of each turret the projectiles arent being simulated so cant be caught in her ultand its a very big problem,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i enjoy golfing down south,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i feel fantastic giddy and exited i might as well be high right now i feel like i have discovered the light again after spending half a week in the gloomy dark praise the sun lol,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 25075 on dk despite lillard cashed me out on all gpps and triple ups got top ten in the reddit freeroll whiteside and wear were some lucky punts watched the whole pormia game and im really impressed by whitesides performance despite not seeing the floor in the 1st and 3rd quarters,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think a more plausible idea is that women evolved to find each other attractive so that they could form child rearing pairs after the men diedleft there is no evidence that sexuality as in gender preference is learned at its face how would such a theory explain malemale attraction,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 because they apply the terms of service along political lines if you are in their bubble theyll leave you alone even if you are breaking the rules if you arent then theyll ban you on the slightest infringement of their tos,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 yeah me too looking at their commentposting history made me nope even harder lol,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 theyve tried gps trackers the signal gives out never comes back on,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 from my own experience so totally anecdotal at those younger ages it was my mother a couple of aunts and uncles and a teacher who would push me away from stem while my dad was incredibly supportive of it i clung on to my dad who taught me to stand up for my self and be proud of my interests its not black and white but more like a tug of war and such events could have helped me and my dad by getting me in touch with girls with similar interests so i would have an easier time knowing i was indeed not the weird one of the bunch i by the way agree that we will never reach a 5050 split in most professions and thats ok with me but right now you see that in many cases there is a 1090 split in disciplines such as engineering and nursing this will never be 5050 but i do believe we are missing out on talent even if its just a few male engineers whod rather get into nursing and a few female nurses who want to get into engineering but decided otherwise due to social pressure etc i think thats my bottom line even if the percentages dont change getting rid of the social pressure on men and women is still a valuable thing to society,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 talisa nodded keeping a watchful eyes on the girls as they approached her baby as the dondarrions stepped forward violets dark brown eyes refocused on them and she reached out toward the elder of the two cooing away she wrapped a tiny hand around charlottes finger,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 weird during my clinical depression i watched gore videos to feel alivei was never called a cry baby no the pressure not to cry as a male here is much more subtle and insidious it is all very subdued and in hushed tones like you just broke the biggest taboo in existence thinking back to those moments they are very creepy almost like an invisible hand controlling an entire population and make them have a universal reaction,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 definitely that guy who invented the sentinels from days of future past,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 this is very true banners with traditional look far better although i have to say with u957fu57ce u7684 â œu6210â is better than â œu9577u57ceâ u7684 â œu9577â imo but i agree with you on the aesthetic,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 read a bit about duality in socionics,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 yeah if you see me not applying it equally call me out you arent the first person i have said this to,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i havent ever ofmd him idk what you talking about,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 its far more useful and accurate to learn about the cognitive functions than reading the descriptions though the descriptions are arguably more useful than the tests haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 lately ive been all about the d2 and s30v though ive been wanting to try m390 maybe even something exotic like ctsxhp can you suggest something along those lines,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 teen mom its the only reality show i watch i just find it really educational in terms of how other people live,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 lol no just massively under challenged at work haha i also spend way too much time on reddit from my phone i should probably cut back starting meow,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 jeebus over how long 6 months guessing less cause even over that impressive i congradulate you prematurely,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you really need to have this in better quality and add a lightsaber to itmaybe even make a separate version as a mock movie poster,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 just a performance update for the gpu the load on your cpu stays the same,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 heh id be thrilled if the people arguing that rshitredditsays and whatever others theyre claiming are just as bad should be banned to be consistent actually got their wayi dont have a problem with people arguing for evenhandedness but holy shit i saw a ton of overthetop straightup tantrums on rall this morning its nazism its sjws its racism its oppression it seems like a sensible business decision to me not letting ones own product be a platform for attacking your own business partners theres certainly room to disagree but i find it hard to see the reaction as mature and rational as a whole,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 the netherlands is amazing but not the right country for everyone in riwantout there was a guy who wanted to come the nl to study and live here and he asked what he should study to get a good job that paid 6 figures thats beyond unrealistic as the netherlands is a very much focused on equality in terms of socioeconomic ability for example our minister president earns about 230k which is outrageously high really a very telling statement about the dutch is just be normal and youll already be weird enough the netherlands is amazing if you want to have the perfect comfortable average life in that case everything will be arranged for you by the government but there are very few possibilities if you want to actually achieve something and do something great with your life,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 maybe the poop swelled up a little bit because of the water so now it just looks huuuuge either way hope your little man feels better,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 i dont like your wordingturning into metali know you do say plated but still it doesnt turn anything into anything else adds a nice few micron thick layermetal painting coating plating are fine but not turning or intogood video and nice result eitherway,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lc already has a downside physical damage is overtuned that is the core problem,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 id believe it thats why i want my robot body so it can do the cogfuncmention for me by converting my sloppy neural inputs into perfect motion and highlight the things i need to pay attention to,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 lack of support from developers general public investors,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 heh thats the first time i heard thatso i googled it its an aussie thing,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 itd be what my next screenplay is gonna be about drugs guns and pop stars im gonna call it drugs guns and pop stars why because these are a few of my favorite things,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 obviously basketball would be overhauled completely golf wouldnt change at all,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 heres my ride a breezer zag8 folding bike with 20 wheels bought the bike while on vacation last summer as an alternative to renting a bike for several days it was a craigslist find along with a second cheaper quality breezer zag7 folding bike both were bought for 300 the two fit on the back seat of my car and much riding was done while on vacation ive since sold the zag7 for 225 the zag8 lives in my car strapped to the back seat hidden under a blanket and i try to get a 1520km ride in after work before driving home i live somewhat rural and the roads around home arent worth the risk to ride on having the bike inside my car is less risky than parking my car in the city with a bike strapped to either the roof or hanging off the backthe bike itself is essentially stock ive added a few things to it handlebar mounts for either my garmin 305 running watch a garmin 62cx gps or my iphone axiom journey rear rack cheap ebay calipermounted front rack with a an added support brace to allow panniers to clip onto at the bottom also diy mounts for two led maglites underneath the rack itself sks fenders schwalbe marathon racer tires a sram 3spd dualdrive rear hub will be installed this week as the stock gearing isnt low enough or high enough for my tastes two 12l and one 20l world tour series from mountain equipment coopthings i still want to add rig a way of carrying two additional bottles either supported on the tall stem or on the frame near the head tube possibly consider a dynamo front hub possibly consider a seat post pump weeks from now ill be taking a week to do over 500km on vancouver island and the gulf islands and another two weeks in vancouver and areai should probably be using a different type of bike but this is what i have it suits my needs and its a blast to ride,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 203the last country i visited i believe was japan a few years ago its a great place i am currently in the usa,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 pizza musicainformationknowledgespiritualworka girlmy pup my momvodkavideo gamesfriends,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 lol i think half way thru reading are i knew p,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i agree i found this a bit problematic as well when answering the numerical questions,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 hey did you hear someone spotted an enemy,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 it cracks me up how close your logic is to kevin srs or matts tying all the clues together into a meaningful narrative xd,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 most of the spinoff games werent made by gamefreak,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 didnt they tweet that they hate scott walker i didnt think i could love dkm anymoreim very prounionthen they did that be still my heart,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 really the paris agreements have been a pretty hot topic in international news these past few weeks,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 ty for pointing out i was about tosea lions are rather much more powerful and brutal awesome shot anyhow,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 also they dont want to loose the people that value privacy,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you still dont know for sure though,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 ive used a lot of different drugstore foundations and i can say that ive been using primarily revlon colorstay foundation since i first tried it i spend excessive amounts of money on makeup but honestly this 10 dollar foundation is pale enough for me has decent coverage doesnt look cakey and is nice to my skin 110 is the palest shade they have i believe but its the best inexpensive foundation option for pale skin most inexpensive light shade foundation either still isnt light enough or it oxidizes revlon doesnt oxidize and 110 is a very ivory shadeanyways since it is still lower end foundation id suggest pairing it with a decent primer and setting spray especially if you want long lasting coverageare going to be out in the heat,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 da vinci will get his autograph tattooed on me someday,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 the problem with socialism is when they start talking about giving people free stuff for instance in venezuela people paid pennies for gaz staterun industries can be has efficient has private industries but they must balance the spreedsheet in quebec we have staterun electricity and its bring some profit to the province and most people are happy about it singapore owns most real estate but they still make money out of it and singapore has among the lowest level of corruption another key element for which there is no magic bullet,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 dude you really think the people conducting this study didnt decide exactly what they wanted to prove and then collect data that proved that you may have somewhat unrealistic notions about what social science can do this study has already presupposed their arbitrary notion of what good parenting is and takes points that support that from their study â and whats more the article literally tells you this including a quote from one of the researchers the gender of parents only matters in ways that dont matter why are you willing to accept unquestioning their idea of what matters or do you just think anyone who claims to be conducting a study is of necessity doing something thats valueneutral,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 now you know what we deal with at the hut,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i enjoyed their lemon shandy over the summer,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 lol close enough its a radio station that has a really great live session series and its kind of a big deal to be part of the alternative music scene and perform there so its cool to see someone i kind of know be on it,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 well first id say that i dont think ive got things figured out d i had the framework when i was a kid and id say that my biggest breakthrough was moving into a more all directions point of view now i definitely miss the structure but most of the structures out there have some really shitty stuff built into them and the ones that dont have the shitty stuff are usually pretty hippydippy which is fine because i love that stuff but i dont usually get along with those types of people not not get along like i dont like them just that ive havent been able to get close to a white guy with dreadlocks or someone who says theyre a wiccan,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 for such a soothing lozenge that was incredibly spicy,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 it probably hurtcitation needed especially because he landed on his back which significantly decreased the time it took for him to decelerate which means more force i calculated the force he felt to be 6695 pounds but this should be taken with a grain of salt because i made a couple of assumptions about how long it took to decelerate and his mass,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 its actually 38 ghz on my haswell if you include turboboost that said zen will be unlocked unlike my xeon and i imagine its going to have better ipc than sandybridge,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 bonus slightly blurry picture heres a cool shelf with more yoyos from a little closer so its easier to identify,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 being too busy to even have a moment to myself to feel loneliness,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 well in one of the video he insinuated he would take whatever he could get p,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 most of my grandparents are dead how dare you make that joke so for insulting the memory of them im going to type you as the worst one typemention,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 snugglesin all seriousness go to a place with lots of nature and talk about really deep stuff idk,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 thats not how it works all of your brain must be asleep people do experience microsleeps but thats a brief system shutdown i believe that what you are describing is exhaustion and overall reduced function when impaired by alcohol or exhaustion at the right levels people can have an easier way with words and with thinking creatively reduced emotional control etc cognition is an extremely complex and dynamic process and is a system which is designed to respond to stimuli i suspect that individual responses vary widely as they have for me generally speaking though everyone gets dull and emotionally unstable,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 that doesnt follow you could just aswell say the older one was created to await the younger one being born and meeting them also youre just reading too much into it i dont think it means that people are each others raison detre in common parlance just that theyre uniquely wellsuited for each other,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 right i know ground bacteria etc just yeah everyone says you need a shot after stepping on a rusty nail so its hard to remember stuff like that kinda default reaction thanks for saying so though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 another important point they handle the power to the minority in the region so the minority remains dependant on the external power to not being overcome by the majority,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 maybe the code is too dirty to show code beauty is not a priority in research,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 unjerka remix of eminems shake that assrejerksmashmouth all storm,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 get a vpn they cost peanuts,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 should i get out my red flags or is that later,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 yeah i am not supporting people with mental illnesses you can reeattach deattach that penis,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i dont know i guess were sheep,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 did i get personalwasnt cleopatra one of the first ptolemaics to even speak egyptianwasnt that because they wanted to remain dorian greeksmesopotamia is even more important than egypt which im sure you know given your masters i guess assyriology is relatively speaking an extremely young field,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 alaska is biggerand yes were technically not a country but thats the other thing that triggers us,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 from the articleso no eating oreos would not be something you should be taking away from this,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 that was a mild case of deja vu just now you can copy the code i made earlier and instead of printing the worksheets simply set their visibility to falsewsvisible falseof course youd have to name the subroutine something else but the code is nearly identical,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 fire in uhh that grassy area over there,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 upvoted for good manners correct so while cars on highways are easy estimated 2020 trucks could lag behind that by a decade or more 2030followtheleader drone trucks where you can have 34 trucks following a humandriven one are already in use in some mines and iirc are starting to make their way onto highways matching the speed and turns of the truck in front seems so easy to program its almost surprising it didnt happen soonerfast reaction does not equal anticipation slam the breaks on a truck and youre gonna jackknife flip over and tumble around or slip on ice and fly off a cliff thats why google cars are small light and go under 15 mph they can safely stop instantly anytime using electronic reflexes to maximum advantage add momentum and youve got problemsmore recent report from the same source as of 2014 fuel is up to 384 maintenance is 88 and theres various other costs having little to do with the driverabsolutely and why not i read a lot and form general opinions on a variety of subjects i cant memorize every detail nor would i want to if someone wants details they can go do their own research they might even learn a few things along the way it would but not as amazing as the implications of crispr or 100x reduction in space launch costs by the 2040s due to 3d printers or people in the worlds poorest countries running around with cell phones and electric scootersexactly and we still dont know what will happen after moores law ends right now were assuming the hardware costs for sdcs will go down to 300 but making a driverless truck good enough to insure with 1 million worth of cargo might cost morean autopilot with driver like airplanes seems more likely imo currently trucks need two drivers and strict regulations to avoid accidents due to fatigue adding an autopilot could cut that down to one wellrested driver who only drives under difficult conditions the ai cant safely handlehmm profit margins on gas at the pump might have to go up to make up for the lost revenuei doubt that,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 the crazy thing about this poll is that hillary beats trump only by 2 points you would think that as a republican romney would take most of its voters from trump but he get a large share from hillary,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i can hardly disobey my phones command can i now,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the main reason my kids dont go trickortreating apart from my reluctance to support what is in australia essentially a manufactured and commercialised holiday is that i dont want them to go around making public nuisances of themselves give us lollies or well do something bad to your car or letterbox bugger that,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 the burning crusadewrath of the lich kingcataclysm mists was not one of those 3 cata is when it started going wrong and when i first quit came back very briefly to check out the pandas quit again i think i checked out wod but i dont really remember i was pretty much done at that point anyway couldnt get back into it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 man howâ s it feel to be so thoroughly wrong and called out about it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 absolutely ive got a huge fondness for the roasted ones you can also request they be cooked longer for some slight scorching anyone who suggests the wings are undercooked should look into asking for that,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 ah ok good good then i remember having our cats come in sometime totally drenched and muddy being outside cats and all didnt care too much about the rain though we just towled her off and hand washed a bit pretty much same reaction,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i would say im really sensitive and somewhat straightforward i feel kind of out of control if i cant get on the same page as everyone and i often use cogfuncmention to do that i take people aback with my directness all the time but its usually worth it to me to understand each other however there are also times when im totally withdrawn and avoidant the problem is when i try to describe a quality about myself without the caveat but im also the oppositeim not the same person just also a questionably straightforward typemention,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 im only conscious 17 hours a day is my life forfeit those 7 remaining hours is this like the purge where i dare not sleep outside of my fortress because its fair game to take me out,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 you havel carbonate the powerade first,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 correction youre making that for me,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 i dont know why you should tell npcs youre dreaming anyway,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 looks like a device that turns a rape into a murder in one stroke,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 im never wrong im simply right in the wrong context sometimes yeah ive absolutely done that before haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 in par last year there was a used condom over one of the door knobs,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 people in the us care more about each other than they ever had if polls are to be believed people are less bigoted now than they ever have been people are more concerned with worklife balance than ever i think things are decidedly closer to the stated values of the 60s and 70s than they were then,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 do you suffer from prosopagnosia by any chance,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the alt right they like weed but hate black people,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 he reminds me a lot of torres i was hoping that we could sign him but with solanke firmino origi and sturridge we have enough depth on his position,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 did they recently do an update my cmax energi is very hit and miss with sync for the past couple months scheduled start times dont work anymore i have to take my phone out of my pocket and hold it near the radio for it to reconnect via bt and the app shows its still parked at my moms house where it last sat on 1226 once last week i was able to remote start with the app but the other 5or 6 times ive tried to start it remotely since christmas it has failedi did have the modem replaced by the dealer in response to a recall back in october so it may be that that was the trigger of these issues the weather didnt turn bad enough for me to use start times this winter until mid december,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 it is possible in dota 2 if they use around the same netcode and protocols as csbecause of the rendering technique urakijah has explained it to you already for ingame use ill explain it to you for external usecsgo sends information packets with information in them everyone gets these packets the players and the people on gotv although people on gotv get them delayed packets are structured in a specific way and contains information on the game state kinda like player1playernameteampositionxpositionypositionzfor xray as a spectator for example you need to get the coordinates of all players to display their position with the outline so the position data of all people will be sent to everyone on the server with each update every 015s on 64 and 007s on 128 tick as you may guess you have the position of all people then so all you have to do is to write a program that takes the packages and reads out the positions and displays them on the mapthe mm servers are 64 tick because 128 tick in mm is less beneficial for the larger number of players so why waste money on servers that give a huge advantage to one part of the playersi dont know how you get to say money issue but whateverthe community concepts are giving a single person too much power in this game for one part and for the other part are mostly ridiculous and not realisticthere was someone writing about encoding memory in games and decoding it as you need it the drawback is you need extremely powerful computers to do that and if such computers exist you can also cheat again so a lot is on the behalf of i wish there was a solution like xpeople are walling because they have fun cheating either they are not good enough and want to play easy mode or just want to ruin the games for others cheat coders like the challenge to write software that isnt detected or just to earn moneyyou wont get rid of these people in online games especially in fps as there is such a wide range of cheats you can create and usesomething you may want to read,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 if i had to guess its nickel over copper,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thats how many i had at the time of this comment im aware of the intricacies of the system thanks i read that an hour or two ago and you since edited the comment an act which reddit fortunately records,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 well also get to see bertolts find us speechplease dont fuck this up please dont fuck this up,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 why is master yi an typemention wtf,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 was about to say hes very affordable i was expecting 13k on himgpp i guess its acceptable to fade spieth but you better pray he doesnt even try,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 video shot in mostly show uses white subtitles,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 its almost as though you dont understand how carbonated beverages are dispensed andor how nozzles workseriously whats mind blowing about a bit of plumbing,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 no one really gives a shit about anyone elses music taste maybe they dont share it but as long as youre not overly stereotypical in your appearance the music you listen to wont make much of an impression,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 can i just have my flair changed to communist filth i dont feel like doing any work for my new flair,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 it has to be a massive selection bias just online generally between who is active on reddit and other forums and who know programming hell even ive done some courses on it real beginner stuff its significant on typemention as well,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 uhmm no you are born that way do some research kiddo,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 awesome about two weeks ago i visited a church in my home city where handel supposedly wrote the messiah it premiered here they have his organ its a beautiful thing with gold gilding and carved cherub faces unfortunately not allowed to play it what era the baroque era i believe the convention is to end the baroque era with the death of bach idk who lived longer they were born in the same year i think but pretty sure bach was alive for xerxes fairly certain handel is 100 baroque the following period is classical capital c which is basically just the sons of bach haydn and mozart really dont think anything by handel belongs in the same group as them handel is the quintessential baroque operatistof course not there are transitional figures at the tailends of movements and sometimes composers just experiment there were transitional figures between baroque and classical i would consider the sons of bach to be such i dont think handel was one of them naturally bachs sons were younger than handel just like beethoven is considered to be the transition between classical and romantic i would consider handel and js bach to be the pinnacle the apotheosis of baroque music and after them it couldnt do anything else and needed to become something new handel for opera bach for everything else pretty much every form that existed at the time,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 lol ive definitely been doing that im surprised he hasnt told me to fuck off already out of annoyancethis was really insightful i really wanna see him more hes just either busy or i am and stuff hasnt lined up right,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 yeah im sorry i cant help but bring up my bad experience with doc martens every time i see a pair 160 destroyed within 12 years of normal light use ill never buy anything from them again and badmouth every chance i getthey were such a great looking boot and in the past they were amazing those days are gone and i cant respect a company that would put out such a cheap product based on the previous brands awesomeness it all changed when they sold and changed the factory i guess the old factory is still making good stuff with a different company but even that i dont trust enough to tryi do appreciate you taking the time to share a picture though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the fifth element its the perfect combination of comedy action and romance,41.0,31.0,95.0,3.0,13.0 yep thank goodness for that tricky little cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention combo hidden in our back pocket anchoring us to practical reality without it id either float away from society or dissolve in it haha,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 adding a funeral to a bucket list sounds hilariously ironic,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 so if i play with a second account and play every game with a friend who is worse than me thel ill naturally be ranked lower than normal and that makes me a smurf instantly his post is technically right but you people dont want to accept that because then you have no one to flame for your loss or something along those lines,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah theres still a 90 chance that anything on 4chan is faketrolling some of them are damn convincing,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 interestingly filthy topics are probably the most pc possible its hard to get offended when youre waist deep in filth,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 paprikash spaetzle pierogies sauteed cabbage or brussels sprouts and potatoes onion rings hungarian mushroom soup chili bean burritos fajitas tacos nachos sour cream chocolate cake sour cream pound cake sweetened vanilla sour cream fruit dip onion dip borscht daisy is seriously the best only brand ive found with no unnecessary additives wish they made an organic version im slightly addicted too,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 literally most people voicing their opinion about it have no clue about source networking or multiplayer networkingthey are people who believe 144 hz will give you an advantage in the game,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 dont knock it guys this is the first i heard of it but i went to the site we oppose supernatural claims we are skeptics and atheists in our religion we doubt religion we fight discrimination atheists are not inferior and should not be hated and marginalized we raise money for charity while accepting no donations for ourselves we do not claim tax exempt status we perform legal weddings always for free how joyful we expose religious privileges as silly by claiming the same rights for bacon we praise bacon if you donâ t like pigs praise vegetarian bacon or turkey baconid kinda been thinking of joining something like that for a bit im a huge fan of penn and teller and the amazing randi and just finished watching a bunch of their stuffthe whole bacon thing is silly sure but the other messages are good,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 talisa gaped when he placed the foot on the table staying appropriately stunned even after he took it away she was silent for a moment tilting her head side to side slightly while she mulled over the choices the toymaker had given hera dragon like meracks she requested quietly and stories too if thats okay,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 fair enough i couldnt stand the pacing of season 2 despite enjoying the plot it took me a year to get through just that season i almost gave up on it then everybody has different tastes,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 isnt the premise of jim cramer being on tv advertised as a way for people to think they are getting good advice because he has somehow convinced people he knows what he is doing you yourself mention his track record under the fund from the 90s as supporting reason for him to be doing what he is doing on tv i disagree with that even though the hard evidence shows that what he is doing on tv will clearly make people lose their money in regards to your statement that anyone will have that bad of a track record if they had to pick stocks like he does its hard to quantify that as no one else has a tv show picking stocks and that you categorized his show as entertainment despite him giving financial advice is even more suportive of my position that he needs to be taken off the air,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 1 never use rangeselect unless you actually need to select that rangeyou can use the following function to return cell data from an excel document public function peekcellstringbyval filepath as string byval sheetname as string byval cellrow as long byval cellcol as long as string dim excelapp as new microsoftofficeinteropexcelapplication dim excelbook as microsoftofficeinteropexcelworkbook dim excelsheet as microsoftofficeinteropexcelworksheet dim excelrange as microsoftofficeinteropexcelrange excelbook excelappworkbooksopenfilepath readonlytrue excelsheet directcastexcelbookworksheetssheetname excelworksheet excelrange directcastexcelsheetcellscellrow cellcol excelrange peekcellstring cstrexcelrangevalue excelbookclose excelappquit return peekcellstring end functionyou can swap out peekcellstring cstrexcelrangevaluewith this peekcellstring cstrexcelrangeformulato return the cells formula,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 cogfuncmention is emotion cogfuncmention is relationships,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 one of my favorite places to go if i need a good laugh is rshittyaskscience the good posts there actually have made my cry with laughter because it somehow manages to be satire thats so stupid in the right ways that its damn genius overall dark humor clever puns and such are my favorites,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 if theyre actually typemention you can rest assured that theyre actually angry lol they take themselves pretty seriously theyre just irrational about it they kind of think that everyone who disagrees with them must be stupid i think,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 thats not even true though in their first year of existence they got a electoral vote from a faithless elector which probably wont happen this time around,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 and when i am engaged with something i love and im working really hard on it i get pissy if someone interrupts me im a lot better at hiding it now but inwardly im very much ugh leave me alone cant you see im busy,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 this was part of the resources we got for free in college and was certainly worth using in some classes for example in my history of english class we had to research the origin and change of a word over time their subscription service offers that information in great detail id imagine people studying linguistics would find it useful while the average person can get by with using the free version to see the modern definition,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 oh dang ill have to see if i can find those,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 ds is about power exchange the sub gives power to the dom the dom uses power on the sub the basic formula is simplewhen the dom cant or wont use the power given then the dynamic breaks likewise when the sub cant or wont give the power then the dynamic breaks too these are things we all know and weve all been therea healthy ds dynamic is a positive feedback loop each side feeds the loop in their own particularlyflavored way if one person stops contributing energy to that system then the other can either choose to make up for the loss or can feel frustrated if that lacking lasts for too long then at least one person is going to wonder if the dynamic is permanently broken and the two people arent a good fit anymorefor me my subgf and i are romantically supportive of each other as well as very invested in the power exchange element we each know the other will have off days and both of us realize that it doesnt mean we dont want andor love the other any less when theres a temporary diminishing of the feedback loopso for us when we sense the other is slowing down we get in there and ramp it up from our side shes feeling drained by the pressures of the rest of the world well then i give her some simple and rewarding tasks do to for me she enjoys the extra attention im giving her and her morale increases when i catch a cold gasp like a normal nonsuperman does from time to time she makes sure to cater to me all the more diligently to keep my spirits upin other words she makes me feel more dominant by being more her submissive self i make her feel more submissive by simply being myself too we each pick up the slack when the other needs it and that supports the relationship through the inevitable hard times,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 wow respect to you for keeping it together especially in defense of your friend i would have gotten out at the next stop light,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 so all the good stuff what was it like during the space race,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 this would be the same code featuring the random function you are talking about option explicit sub button1click dim arrpossibilities as variant arrpossibilities array10 20 30 40 cells1 1value arrpossibilitiesrandomlboundarrpossibilities uboundarrpossibilities end sub public function randomlowerbound as long upperbound as long as long randomize if lowerbound 0 then random upperbound lowerbound rnd else random upperbound lowerbound 1 rnd lowerbound end if end functionthis allows for the edge case of the lowerbound being equal to exactly zero as it can sometimes generate an out of bound error if the random function returns 4,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 praying certainly isnt going to help those already dead,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 one post there were a dozen or more like that in one day i like the idea of saying no spoils in titles that way you can skill have spoilsdata mining while giving people the option to not be spoiled,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 thats after some hundreds of years of oral historylook at how tangled comic book continuities have gotten after only 50,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 machina gadgetsyou can buy the core for cheap the extra deck can be pricey but there are a lot of good xyzs you can ue that are cheap like blackship photon papi maestroke and thunder sparkyou also can improve your extra over time into abyss dwellers and rank 7sthe deck has insane rank 4 toolboxing and versitility it also can throw down a lot of damage and pressure with gear gigant x and machina fortress,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 go to the formula tab and switch calculation to automatic,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thats why they sell it at the exitend of the museum,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 as someone who has been registered unaffiliated for years in oregon ive registered democratic to support berniealso we need to try and push for open primary again fucking idiot voters shot that down in 2014,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 undoubtedly thank deity that this is a hypothetical,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 theres a slight difference because the dubbed lines have to be written in a way that fits with the way the mouths move the general gist of what is said is the same though,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 lol i thought that thing was just hanging by the cords,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 can we hit 4k before i arrive at uni,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i mean not entirely but even a small gesture from my so turns my mood around very quickly having your bad feelings acknowledged by your so makes it easier to work through them alone in my experience emotional support is extremely important in relationships,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i love this sub you could very well be right as well i get tired of having little debates like this in other subs and having people get upset that shit gets so tiresome,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 damn 2016 has no chill even on thanksgiving,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 done put it in my agenda,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 is is the same person posting this exact same story over and over or what,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 prove such a cycle exists,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 except humans have reason and logic which should reduce the chances of a mistaken application of lethal force dogs react and that guy provoked the dog although unwittinglyif i walked up to you and threatened you and communicated that i was about to attack you youd be justified in defending yourself thats what this guy did and by beating the dog hes basically reinforcing the dogs assumptions and behavior,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 my diet is to eat less and cut out soft drinks and it works how you would expect it to,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 this cert along with other ms office suite certs are generally used to add another bullet point to your cv in general they arent a deal breaker when going up against someone who has them versus someone who doesnt unless an employer is looking for someone specifically for certain tasks involving the office suite ive never seen them make a big deal about these certs,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 spieths 3 appearances at augusta 2nd 1st 2ndthe only no names that have won recently are willett top 10 ranked golfer going into the masters last year and schwartzel consistent top30 pga guy year to year whos currently t2 in this weeks euro contestid actually argue that it takes a good amount of pedigree to win at augusta i think the sharp bets are lee westwood t20 or t10 and dustin johnson spieth is probably too pricey to have money sitting on a book for maybe bet him if he gets into an early season slump,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 never got into w13 leverage was great though,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i actually hope that it wouldnt be categorized into subillnesses cause the dsm would end up even worse than it is now please dontit will surely end up like metal subgenres before you had just rock then you had heavy metal then you started having death thrash core nu power etc and now you have shit like progressive melodic deathcorewhat the fuckthe dsm is extremely upside down now please dont ruin it even more by having categories we will ignore the minority that cant fit in any of the subtypes and thats horrible they have so many right now that i think we should make a disorder for everyone since they went so deep into this its stupid they forgot that the human brain is so complex that no two people will have similar symptoms sure they might both have ocd but everyones ocd will be different so why make subcategories i hate them honestly for me at least i dont fit in any mental disorder criteria im not talking about my ocd now im talking about my mood disorderbut that doesnt mean its just some teenage mood swings since it interfiles with school social life etc you know the deal so that means its a mental disorderim a living paradox then and the universe should explode lol honestly i think it should be just extremely vague categories like neuroticism for depression subtypes anxiety disorders bipolar maybe bpd and some other stuff psychotic disorders for anything involving psychosis behavioral problems for really crazy kids like odd and conduct disorder or other stuff etcso a person having panic attacks will be labeled neurotic a person having bipolar would be labeled neurotic and a person having depression would be labeled neurotic so that everyone can fit into something and yeah dont get started on treatment options treatments should be chosen by your doctor based on your symptoms of course not everyone with a neuroticism diagnostic would get the same medications you should get that chosen by your doctor not you disorder so what i mean is that we should stop getting extreme sub categories because the minority will start getting neglected we should have big categories but dont understand me wrong and say that because of that people with depression would start getting prescribed xanax and people with panic attacks antipsychotics people with anxiety will get erp therapy and people with schizophrenia will get cbt therapy no thats now what i mean that will not happen because of the new diagnostic that i suggest that would happen because people are idiots,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 ive spent like 3 months confusedly bouncing between like 10 of the types i identify with cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention with cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention with cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention with cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention i use them all in different situations i dont want to be an typemention or really any one specific type i just want to know my type so i can find people who think and feel similarly and understand the people who are different even just a little better,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i love how even though they get brain freeze they go back for more,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 however you want to call it all people are differentps you will never have a perfect lucid dream all lucid dreams are semilucid to some point,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i had something similar happen a while ago when i posted some link and when i went back to the sub the next day i had posted something i never would have it was the home page of thomsons personality pathways and not the link that i found via her site her site is pretty janky like a time capsule from the geo cities days of the internet,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 someone needs to gild this threadthen its legacy will forever be preserved in rshingekinokyojingilded,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its not even great for pve because you cant use it on bosses,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 lets break down the word science on thisto contract the phrase you all well be removing some number of letters and replacing them with an apostropheexamples can not cant would not wouldnt he is hes could have couldve we are wereso if we were to dissect yall it would be reverseengineered into you all letters turned into apostrophes everybodys happyhowever yall violates the spirit and letter so to speak of the method here unless youre actually contracting ya all using ya as the slang term for you in that case ya all would fit itd fit but itd be either a an even further step towards lazy rubespeak andor b just weirdergo yall is a proper contraction of two legitimate words while yall is a contraction of a slang word and a real wordso ill throw my support behind the continued use of the proper term and yall whore puttin th postrophe inna wrong spotr jus ignant,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i can relate i used to hate going on vacation with my family every time ive gone on an extended trip more than 3 days with someone it has been the beginning of the end of the friendship im not sure why i do have one friend that i met in postgrad that i can be with anywhere for any amount of time and we always seem to get on well shes very opposite of me so maybe that is why it works,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i agree yeah i just viewed the one you used as a bad example,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 practically all stem masters take two years while most social scienceshumanities take one year,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ive heard a few versions of thisthe one that i always thought worked best was the shortest why dont blind people skydive it scares the dog,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 because there are no female employers,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 he was on the show to discuss waking up when he clashed with affleck and didnt get to talk about the book talk about being sucking up back on the subject of islam its been a while since he talked about meditation,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 in short confident and self possessed enough to flip cogfuncmention over cogfuncmention whenever so they arent hiding behind a fake cogfuncmention wall or so anxiously concerned with keeping everything comfortable that they basically dont have a personality a healthy typemention imo doesnt grab an identity from some tribecause heshe is comfortable living in the grey of the world heshe uses cogfuncmention to question everything without getting emotional about it until there is a solid completely understood perspective cogfuncmention is able to balance out cogfuncmentions often unfounded assumptions and makes the typemention less of a sanctimonious pain in the ass cogfuncmention for feti users is what really gives us an identity its one of the reasons why there seem to be fewer varieties of typemention because there are only so many ways to balance an equation a healthy typemention is able to do the opposite and put aside reason and self interest to care for others heshe uses cogfuncmention to motivate and get shit done cogfuncmention helps to balance out cogfuncmention by connecting to causes and keeping us from rambling incoherently to sensors haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 a human understand the stakes a dog doesnt,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 some degree of laziness or talking too much about stuff i dont want to hear when i obviously dont want to hear it but i do it all the time its kind of funny because then the other people turn to me and do it too weird,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i flew from chicago to houston back in november i was in the same scenario ohare couldnt care less possibly because it was an illinois license so theyre familiar with iti did get pulled aside for a random check at iah which i suspect but cannot confirm had to do with my id being paper but other than that i had no problems with the paper copy i imagine it might be a bigger deal if it was an international flight but shouldnt be an issue for domesticas other people have said bring the expired one with you too i had both so i dont know if it wouldve been different if id only had the paper copy,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 this is peoples go to report if something pisses them off but they dont know what isnt it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 and we have the best songs,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 so i do one thing at thw time either getting echos rushing towards a boss explore a new area training my parrying etc once i step away from the lantern there is a goal for that run explore mode for me is just really that exploring an area without paying attention to etting echos and even expecting to die walking to random places just to see whats around a new corner when you have that mindset for a specific run you dony care anymore about looses echos and arent angry when you die it takes away a lot of stress and fear,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the data says no happiness seems to increase up to approx 80k not accounting for specific cost of living in the us i would imaging that in larger cities its somewhere around 100k i personally think that careers need to balance their utility for all the other lovely things in life and not wanting to shoot yourself in the face every morning do you only love drawing busty fairy girls,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 if you ever come back you should pub with me some time i relate a lot to the passage you posted kurt hit home in it with some things i struggle with everyday i really care about what people think of me and in turn how good i am at this game i really want to be known as a great player or feared or something it really just turns into me reacting emotionally when i get called out in a pub i get a toxic attitude when i lose a lot its a bipolar type of state where i am the nicest dude ever to where i am the guy calling out everybody on everything that is even remotely their fault then i step back and look at what ive done and how awful i have been and am ashamed to have done this my whole body just feels drained and i dont want to do anything other than sleep i feel like kurt hit the head on the nail in his note the mindset right after a moment like this i hate myself for being so emotional in pubs or caring so muchsorry if i kinda went on a rant about myself here i just want to tell you that if that is why youre quitting you dont have to quit im always here to talk about this kinda shit if need be,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i politely disagree it depends on the individuals involved my dad was always ripped while we were growing up he and my mother allowed time in each others schedules for individual activities i also know a mother of 4 who does triathlons like a boss,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 additional cleat damage critical hit,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 they definitely did this they did your mom too,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i took both of them the same semester last year well i took intro to soc and also social psych and it wasnt bad at all im a psych major and thats the class that fit the best into my schedule i dont see a problem with it,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 oh ok then i must have misunderstood you yeah i agree they should do more research on that,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 what range would this thing have for lack of a better word,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 also turks there are 15 million of them yet i dont remember ever hearing about a terrorist attack perpetrated by a turk maybe im just uninformed but it seems even being muslim is not a good explaining factor its the culture,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i see what you did there,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 well it is the best open world rpg to come out since skyrim i mean dragon age inquisition had its awesome moments but was bogged down by hundreds of meaningless killfetchfedex sidequests even if you count gta 5 as an open world rpg id say witcher 3 surpasses it though not by much,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 ohhh i was considering a lemon cross stitch would you happen to know where you got the pattern,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 he wasnt sent to the wall in punishment for anything i think you must be confusing him with someone else i just ran a search and there is no mention of any rape,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 the other ladies gave a bunch of great responses i 100 agree with its interesting to see how other typemention ladies feel the same like me about having a friend to come home to someone relaxed who will be honest with you and keep you grounded no emotional games or drama just being able to come home be home and leave all your stress at the door which also means your so doesnt make an issue of your work and career is really just chill about it and everything else concerning our overly ambitious characters i find this interesting because this type of man arent usually the overly ambitious guys like we are at least not to the same level and intensity as we are it balances us out i guess but for some reason i still have a stereotypical idea in my head about us strong typemention women belonging in some kind of power couple relationship with an equally ambitious man i realize now after so much time with my more laidback so that wouldnt make me happy though,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 what the fuck dude im jelly im still trying to get to 200lbs from around 160lbs still around 178lbs so far but my weight is fluctuating like crazy right now,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 wow im a writer and this really hits home for me so glad that you were prepared with backups when you lose a novel you really do lose part of yourselfi hope this doesnt turn you off to future constructive criticism there are a lot of people with loving helpful approaches to commenting and those people really help when polishing up a novel id hate for her to ruin that sort of experience for you as well,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i was wondering if youd actually poke this thread lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 just a small tip for future reference its easier to list your data by rows then format something that looks pretty based on the data stored in rows versus trying to analyze something that looks pretty but is a pain to manipulate because its formatted to look pretty,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 according to ukatiepornhub and im paraphrasing its like a normal office except for occasional hardcore porn on the monitors,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 if prealpha means before testing has begun that means this is a release which has never underwent any tests i very much doubt thati think the whole idea of a prealpha is nonsense because a prealpha could just be a requirements document and not a piece of software at all,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 64 player is a cluster fuck ive been playing 32 player since bf2,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 1d2 hair color 1blonde2brown1d2 heterochromia 1yes 2nourollme,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 they both look like two light yellowish greens i do mess up and often times color a red over a green but not the reverse as much also they both have the same issue where the blue sliders look the identical there not only that but the left half of the blue slider looks like almost a solid color for 12 of that bar in face messing with the blue there doesnt do much unless you move it more to the right anything to the left is pretty much the exact same color but i do know that 0 255 0 green is identical to orange or yellow and im not sure if i see green at all and from what you said early are synthesizing all the green as all green colors that have primarily green in them look mostly the same color with just different degrees of darkness bluishgreens yellowishgreens and even yellow and orange look just like different brightness of the same color with the difference of light yellow and orange being white i see red blind easy and faint green i took at the optometry office the ishihara and failed the plate that tells you if you are a deutan or a protan and if you are weak or strong it was one that supposively had two numbers the reason why i mentioned those colors was that i noticed it messing around with colored pencils apricot looks like an orange but so does aquamarinei have issues with some yellows greens and oranges being either whitish or white in fact bright yellow appears medium or pale to me i also have issues telling redviolet from darker yellow violets and blues as grey or greyish or even on some occasions black violet as a whole is mostly grey and same with a lot of azures pure blue is okay if not a hint of grey i mess up dark green sometimes and call it purpledark blue in fact anything at all green is just identical to one or two other colors in different spots entirely cyans appear either grey yellowishgreen or tan depending on the one blueish green is identical to yellowish green im not sure why i have issues with this it didnt start until i took some medication but the yellows looking white thing is super distracting for me as i used to see that okay i am kinda questioning though if i dont see red or green very wellother weird stuff here the original and tritanomaly are exactly identical while the others are a little messed up blue cone monocromancy ironically is also close tritanomoly deuteranopia deuteranomaly and normal are almost identical and id go with tritanomoly being the closestagain here tritanomoly is the closest with deutanopia and deuteromaly being closemessing around on my phone i cant tell the difference between the tritanomoly simulator and the deutanomoly simulator and tritanopia doesnt even look very different could it be that i have issues with both green and red cones if i had both problems with green and red cones wouldnt i have issues with seeing yellow as those are comprised of both what i do know is that the cx 65s didnt work at all for me and the cx 25s are not having a major effect except on yellow stuff that appears whitish without them i was legit surprised when my french fries were golden and not white even then though even after a month the effect is weak and im considering refunding themin general though im not sure if green exists for me at all and appears to be filled with different darknesses of orange there is a certain orangishpink that is colorless to me that i have a hard time finding and also a certain fully saturated greenishcyan that is completely colorless weird to say but these are invisible colors the orangishpink i only knew the existence of when i put on enchromas as well as a offwhite yellow that were colorless without the glasses and color normal people confirmed they were the colors i was seeing them with the glasses on without them they are just completely white to the point of being colorless,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 that would work if op and so are willing to live in any other eu country besides the uk as through just simple marriage op would fall under freedom of movement when together with so however they want to go to sos home country so the uk is allowed to put additional requirements for ops visa which she mentioned in her opening post and includes a hard income minimum the so doesnt meet,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 nah i hate the word,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 im expecting a bloody war between the french faculies and gender studies the french purists are not to fuck around in universities in quebec you can lose 20 points on any essay of exam for bad grammar even people who are above average would lose those 20 on any essay if all the rules in book were applied,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i feel like a bad typemention because i likenever think about saving the world i argue with people about why their political opinions are shitty but ive never been like gotta devote my life to saving the world,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i dont think you can deal with narcissistic people they think they are normal just as they are and resent the idea of change so they will exploit your goodwill and nothing will come out of it best thing is to protect yourself from abuse by avoiding them as much as possible,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i ended up adding it to my spotify not even mildly ashamed,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 they will find a waybe it a road or paths,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 is that why they have so many syrian refugees,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 i guess not enough people have seen primer thats probably actually the densest movie ive ever seen in such a way that you have to understand most of it for the movie to make any sort of sense,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 lol thats insane any idea what type he was,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 maybe weve been misclassified and were actually a kind of bird maybe thats why i honestly cant believe someone could interact with women every day and not realize theyre human,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 actually the direction the tape was recorded or played was arbitrary as long as the tape is played in the same direction it was recorded you will watch or hear everything in the right direction,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 lets be real shes out of your leagueget out of novice league and you might have a chance,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the us has a far bigger problem that maternity and paternity leave the problem is leave and vacation in general every time this topic comes up anywhere it quickly derails into feelings of jealously why should someone get extra leave just for popping out a child why cant i get leave for caring for my sick mother it is honestly ridiculous that the us does not have any statutory leave this has nothing to do with egalitarianism and everything to do with simply social minimum welfare one can expect from a developed country thats the true issue that being said i found the article to be rather weak the points stated have nothing to do with how hard paternity leave is frankly the points he made are simply called parenting and youll be doing it for another 20 years just like humankind has been doing for many many millions of years already in todays world having children is a lifestyle choice not a necessity yes parenting is hard thats a given and was to be expected no need for the martyrdom,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i wouldnt know i also dont know your name not exactly polite to ask and not reciprocate she tsked and sat against the wall of the cell,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 youre right but this doesnt sound like post partum depression between second and seventh grades kehoe was the victim of incest by her stepfather her stepfatherâ s nephew and a neighbor she had her first depressive episode in the fall of 1996 she began to take an antidepressant though it was effective for only a year or so kehoe attempted suicide a number of times the first being in march 1998 she drank â œheetâ and inhaled carbon monoxide her next suicide attempt was a year later in february 1999 when she checked herself into a hotel and cut her femoral artery kehoe was hospitalized after each suicide attempt her onagainoffagain therapy included up to 44 electroshock treatments kehoe said that the december 2007 river incident was a suicide attempt but no one realized it at the time she plotted to kill her sons and herself for two months before carrying out the acts on sunday october 26 2008its a shame that even with her history there was nothing to protect her kids and also that nothing seemed to have helped her at all,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 try doxylamine for sleep its the ingredient in nyquil that helps you pass out one form of unisom is just this i got it hella cheap generic even half a pill does wonders dph does weird things to me if you take a little too much you get to a weird threshold,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 its a bogart get your wand ready,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 male privilege social justice warriors assemble,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 its 11 o clock in the morning in texas right now i think most of the white nationalists should be awake,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 like the jet that flies into the shield on battleship,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 maybe he was just constantly grimacing from how hot and itchy his tights are with all of that new fur underneath,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 well is it still attached,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i watched this over and over when it came out on dvd i woke up and watched it this morning ill probably be watching it multiple times a week for a whileim still upset that my dad went to the dallas show and didnt take me i would have gotten crushed though hehe,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 for internet communities what ucrazymoefaux said clever name btw took me a while to figure outin general i tend to think of in as more ominous andor shadowy so if youre lurking in a corner that corner will be one of the darkest parts of the room you arent going to be interacting with anything at all just watching and maybe formulating a sinister plan you dont want to be noticed but until you are noticed youre not really lurkingsomeone whos lurking does not interfere yet is collecting information and most likely doing something with it whether its judging planning or just collecting it for someone else its not something they really want known,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i am so glad to never have a kidney stone knock on wood,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 this is actually a really interesting point i frequent rchildfree and one of the main annoyances of the people of there is how they loose their friends when the friends become parents mostly because when people become parents the number one topic to talk about is children which childfree people are usually not really interested in thing is nothing really stops you from seeing your friends once you have children or more specifically if your friends had children how would that fact suddenly change why you will or wont be lonely i mean once you have children the reasons or the ability of your friends to visit you will not change child or not your friend needs to get in a car and make time to meet you,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 how does society dictate whether or not you can be virtuous,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 srsly tho who let the dogs out,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 im an typemention and i have two main friendship groups one consists of an typemention an typemention an typemention an typemention and an typemention the other consists of three typemention two intxs and an typementioni have lots of friends of other types but they dont seem to fit into the groups some of these are based on them taking the test while others are my own speculationfor whatever reason i seem to know a lot of typemention,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 i dont see a us assembly listed for the ford fiesta dodge is now owned by fiat so its no longer really an american company,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i stand corrected i read that wrong my apologies,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 murphys law in its more benign form,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 this doesnt strike me as very cogfuncmention im more and more confused,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 where did you learn this,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 a large portion of the potential mistypings is due to the type of questions that you quoted here actually if you dont mind a little rambling of my own ill tell a story about the last test i took and scored typemention this was a written test in lenore thomsons otherwise fantastic book but i scored typemention with supposed 80 accuracy now since i had the scoring system in hand i could go back and see which answers i got wrong all of the e questions i answered based on cogfuncmention and a few cogfuncmention and all of the s questions i answered were based on cogfuncmention a significant portion of the s questions dealt with what you like to do on vacation well all i really can do is go to my home town and see friends and family i dont have time to go on a vacation for myself so boom im a sensor and an extrovert that was a case of a test being bad now that night i told my girlfriend the story she is mildly interested in mbti and is an typemention she decided to retake the test she took the keys2cognition test that i recommended she blew threw it in two minutes and got typemention she did it again this time actually taking her time i watched and said nothing again typemention the third time she explained why she chose each answer and i told her what function it was asking about cogfuncmention responses were immediate as were rejecting cogfuncmention cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention were about to be expected as a little less than moderate each time cogfuncmention popped up she went straight to the not me option and often chose cogfuncmention quickly when i pointed out all the cogfuncmention questions she asked why are those questions so weird i didnt really notice that but yes the cogfuncmention questions mostly asked really strange abstract mystical questions whereas cogfuncmention made you sound like a normal person that has their shit together ill post the questions hereexperience a premonition or foresee the distant future cogfuncmention ornotice whether the details in front of you match what you are accustomed to cogfuncmentionachieve a metamorphosis definitive insight or powerful vision of change cogfuncmention orcompare an experience against a storehouse of familiar experiences to find whats reliable cogfuncmentiongain a profound realization from a mystical state or sudden release of emotions cogfuncmention orfollow steps to ensure tasks are predictable and completed correctly cogfuncmentionfeel attracted to the symbolic archetypal or mysterious cogfuncmention orreview a lot of information over time to confirm what is customary or standard cogfuncmentiontransform yourself by focusing inward on a specific way you foresee you will need to be cogfuncmention orfulfill the same regular work or activity everyday at a comfortable pace cogfuncmentionpush your mental limits to complete an array of innovative achievements cogfuncmention orpoint out discrepancies between how things are and the way they have always been cogfuncmentionnow these questions are indicative of each function and obviously so if you know your functions but they are so divorced from reality when it comes to how an dominant cogfuncmention user would describe themselves it sounds much more like inferior cogfuncmention in the grips of a serious psychotic break this is one of the more respected tests from an a reasonably well respected typemention dr nardi and dr berens not sure of her type i test just fine on this test but not tests are going to accurately type you for due to the eccentricities of the two examples that ive givenconcerning other replies in this thread there are some i strongly disagree with and some that have a lot of merit i dont claim to be an expert at typing strangers on the internet so i could be wrong by agreeing with you that you are an typemention but it makes sense to me trust no one online that claims to be an cogfuncmention dom or any other type for that matter unless they clearly show that they represent their type and typemention more than any other type compare yourself to reputable sources and not people on forums that claim to be such and such a type if you have doubt about your type you can make a post laying out why you feel like you value each function and why you do not value others,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 that they dont double check and make really careless mistakes,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 yet alphago was able to do 20 years worth of human training in just 2 years of gpu time ai grows faster than babies when the right formula is discovered,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 that speech was 99 subtle antitrump rhetoric,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 see if you have any friends that know one the easiest way to meet one of us is through other people if its a casual group situation and we already know youre friends with someone we like our barriers can be a bit lower and we can already be predisposed to get along with you because the rest of the group does cogfuncmention i cant speak for everyone here but i often dont know how to handle being approached in public if we end up having a really great conversation and theres some sort of spark i might follow up on it otherwise im reluctant typemention and typemention often both really love learning new and eclectic things so if you take some cool classesworkshops or volunteer somewhere neat we might already be there doing the same thing its easier to get to know us in a slightly more structured environment where well get a chance to see you regularly and get to know you over a slightly longer period of time than just meeting randomly someplace,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 ive never noticed how sleek he ashimmu looked until now wow,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 what advice would you give a 16 year old also do you have any plans to setup a company,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 everyone has that cousin whos a warriorsseahawksbluejays fan right now,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thanks for the advise but im a european sadly enough,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 anybody got a reliable us site im assuming the one in the sidebar is still goodi was thinking about getting one,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 does this really address the point you disagreed with the brief answer to your question what if the person in need of care will die otherwise was if more people would be reasonably expected to die in the manoeuvre it isnt worth the life of the patient if you decide youre acting in an exception then it isnt true that youd reasonably expect more people to die by making an exceptionin reality though in this situation as the driver you wont have a clue about any of these facts you arent in any informed position to be making exceptions there is no moral decision that you can make pertaining to the question the point of the rules is that they are designed to be the best response so you can make the best decisions based on very limited knowledge and time to process it,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 i was thinking mrsa i have a good friend who contracted mrsa from looking through a microscope nearly killed the poor girl,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 my cat had no tail also was an outdoor cat and the previous owner had no idea how it happened,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 rightclick on a flair gt inspect element youll find a link to the sheetthere are about three of them here is the one with your flair heres the one which contains the mod flairs the third one used that to decide which flair i wanted since its easier to see them all then the list on the sidebar,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 oh man i wish it was but when im not constipated im having other weird problems due to lactose intolerance i try to be really careful but its hard to avoid lactose sometimes and the lactaid pills only help so much like i said ornery gutsi had the same problem as a kid thats so weird id hold it for no good reason and then get scared to go to the bathroom because my stomach would start to hurt,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 so now the question goes how do we enforce this without getting all 1984,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 you will one day just gotta grind like a sonovabitch,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 i did a few things i would just take a sound like the classic u5988u9ebbu9a6cu9a82 tones 1 2 3 4 and just say them over and over i also take english words and apply the tones sometimes for fun it challenges the brain and gets it to make tones feel more natural at the expense of maybe messing up your english a little if you have pleco use the tone functions listen to the character out loud and then try to repeat and listen carefully to yourself so you know if you did well the colors for tones are 1 red 2 green 3 blue 4 purple 5no tone grey i mess up tones all the time just saying the wrong one and using the english version of emphasizing words instead of a chinese one youve got it man,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 as a girl when i see a taller girl than me im even more surprised haha,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 wtf is up with that wooly camel thats awesome,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 youre not coming across as a very reflective type,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 the vast majority of democrats do not embody my leftist ideals the closest youre gonna get is probably bernie sanders and hes an independent not a democrat,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 here we go againplaying on an alt with friends is better than playing on say lem or le with friends also most alts are the same rank since they are not smurfs they are simply accounts you dont care about when you derank with them,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i like collective bargaining with people who play other dfs sports i help my friend with basketball he helps me with baseball best way to fairly trade advice like that,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 make sure to use strength,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i dont preorder much been burnt on things like the latest simcity but this one i couldnt help myself plus i always planned to order from steam anyhow not like price is gonna change for a while i coulda pirated the shit outta it if i wanted in fact i could have downloaded the game yesterday no crack for it yet but there will probably will be in two days or less im gonna force myself to wait i like the franchise enough even if it isnt totally optimized like people expect from gtaiv i got enough pc to be okaysorry for the minirant in a totally nonrelevant sub but we i dont normally play with people but we fuck it this comments gonna be low enough anyhow i play most games but i dont buy mostim the same name here as on steam if you wanna add me or email is silverlight something gmail or hotmail not sure which i got both also knife as profile pic cant miss itanyone else whos brave enough to have read this far can find out the real me and if you wanna play hit me up im never hard to track and usually up for anything i dont ignore anyone even trollsfirst time ive put this much info out there on reddit,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 just an fyi im using these clips for a montage so please give me content hue,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 your answer might be in this discussion from 2010 on the adobe community forums,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 it works alright without ghost reaver in beta but it is still much more comfortable to have it,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 ahahaha that kid is gonna have some weird fetishes when she grows up,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im already hype i just wonder how many teams are sogned up,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im truly curious about that is there any way to measure how much the petrodollars matters im still inclined to believe it does but im willing to change my mind on that if i could read credible sources with sounds arguments,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i knew a guy who bullied me in high school his name was luc he bullied pretty much everyone and was just a general bad kid he also stole the bike out of my backyard in broad daylight when everyone was home one timethe police said they couldnt do anything even if i knew who took it and that the bike was in his shedwell a few weeks before the end of high school he was walking along a road way out in the sticks somewhere and a car happened to hit him and he was killedhe was the only person i really wished dead in my life bastard got what he deserved he was a worthless piece of shit,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my prediction athletic liverpool borussia dortmund shakhtar braga sevilla sparta villareal,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 happy birthday man welcome to the cruel reality of the world it continues to turn with or without you,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 thank you a lot this really helps with gpp way better than just using their best and worst games,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 id be implementing this in vba to do the actual calculations that way they can work with the double data type and use as precise of numbers as required do you happen to have a layout of what information your cells would contain and the formulas involved that they need to calculate,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 1 year not that it matters,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i hope she thinks the same thing,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 kiernan mulled over his ramblings in silence trying to think of something worth saying mere sympathy was only a last resort she was a proactive woman and she wanted to offer real helpask them why theyre angry kiernan suggested not quite gleaning the underlying reason for his family strife from his guarded rant with her gone you have much longer than two years to mend the damage done,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 could you use a mail forwarding service like forward2me i was in the uk id definitley help you out by posting it via royalmail which would cost less than 5 as i know what a pain it is to ship anything decent into australiaif you dont have any uk relatives then forward2me is your best option given that its a cap its a very small and light object with minimal packaging so it shouldnt be too expensive about 20 maximum from experience forwarding is great for designer clothes or small knick knacks but prohibitively expensive for larger items such as shoes or furniture,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i also recommend this dont believe the media hype lately or all of the crazy government regulations popping up do your own research read some posts on relectroniccigaretteand make sure to get a decent one not just a small one that looks like a cigarette you probably wont have decent successi quit pretty immediately after vapingits a ton cheaper and healthier than the cigs plus it can become a hobby and you can reduce your costs more if youre into it make your own coils and juice,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 most of us have watched the episode livethe raws will be online in about 15 minutesthe subs will be released in less than a hour,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 cold day in hell before my fridge gets an ethernet cable connected to it,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 alcohol is a depressant especially stimulantspretty easy to get messed up andor blackout with even just redbull and vodka,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 minor spoilers in the posti think wed have to look more into the dystopia sort of sci cogfuncmention to find things that arent wall to wall hfyi see hfy elements as the parts that well happily relate to the best parts of us which any story will have to have to be recognisable and to make us care for the protagonistseven then humans who are the bad guys can still have strong hfy themes eg the bad guys from avatar we had an insanely upvoted post last week celebrating the fuck yeah of those dudes when mixed with 40k or battlestar galactica 2004 which is humans getting their asses handed to them every step of the way but interspersed with moments of fuck yeah which bait you on thinking that they can do it in the end even as the cylons show more and more humanity while the humans show less,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 enh here probably isnt the best place for it im in a pretty bad place right now trying to figure stuff out if all of my life decisions led me to this point by listening to other people doing what was right what was expected what was normal and that didnt make me happy in the least and now that most of its gone away its pretty difficult to know where to go from here its pretty difficult to care about anything honestly i am sort of trying thoughim not even sure i see the point is just waiting to see tomorrow good enough i never felt like i belonged in this world right from the start,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 looks like a rat that ate its way through,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 to kick ass and take names,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 to kell with all your puns,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 the mindgames are really deep here,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 some bullshit about leaving a legacy or something,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 sometimes poop comes out edit im on a roll with these shit posts lately,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 if im understanding correctly does signing up for the forums provides a chance for a beta invite of is there another step i missed,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 cool i dont really know much about bayonets but the one i just took a pic of has 1957 stamped right on the blade doesnt quite show up in my crap picthey looked the same though i had the feeling yours seemed longer,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 attraction to emoscene chicksi was very right but theyre all hipsters now their moms were right it was just a phase,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 hrm sure but organizing casual players that many idkanyhow that brings a thought to mindcant you multibox in eve like now all of a sudden are we going to see paid players with just a ton of little peons flying with them to help out,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 just get res and filter those posts outseriously they are permabanned and that rightfully so but that doesnt mean i cant show appreciation for the undeniably good work steel doespull the stick out of your ass dude,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 at one point i bought a bunch of normal black socks and ankle black socks one of my drawers has two little baskets in it one for the normal socks and one for the ankle socks when im putting away clothes after they dried i simply sort them in the right basket problem solved matching socks at all time without added effort,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 neat knowing whats about to come im glad i dont have to listen to that version of armin that sounds like a girl,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 especially when your team is trade happy,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 congrats people buy cheats for fps big newsthe main attraction of cs is the fact that is a highly competitive shooter with a pro scene not that you can cheat going by your logic everyone cheats because that is the reason they bought the gamealso your they are protected by valve shit 6 accounts a year for 7â that makes 42â profit or 005 keys for one person per day for a whole year market transactions are not factored in there i assume more people buy 005 keys per day over a year than cheaters buy new accountsyour math is way off the mark also is your complaint about vacgaben explained it in the post you linked as to why they wont make vac like the esea ac and i might add that eseas ac would lead to a cheater decline of roughly 1 if you look at mmget a clue before you talk and grow up,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 highlight it and take a cut sort descending down,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yes please deposit 50k pennies to paypal account 123456789 asap d pay it forward,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ugh yes especially if they use cogfuncmention or cogfuncmention high up in their stacks they can build whole identities around unpleasant shit and refuse to let reality in anymore f cogfuncmention is the worst card to be dealt if youre gonna go through some rough shit,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 very good post my only issue is with the use of the term true islam unless of course if you are muslim yourself i believe nonmuslims shouldnt talk of a true islam in such manner talking of mainstream islam would be more appropriate the idea of a true islam is central to islam that is its not a faith meant to be interpreted the way we want there have certainly various interpretation and adaptation but its always done in the spirit that this is true islam this is not a deviation of the original teachings and so forth no matter what guys like reza aslaan wants us to believe those holy war are in a sense arguments over what is true islam as outsiders to say that one interpretation is true islam is basically taking a side in those holy war,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 id get behind that if there was such a thing as casual conquest,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 damn what happened to that raz kid,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 step 1 become a celebritystep 2 get invited to the correspondents dinner,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 well you are all certifiable and typemention love a good fixer upper this checks out,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the unwaivering belief that you are able to complete the task,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 so i have an alt which i am playing up to lem now and i should be banned for itpeople who smurf at silver level for fun and to destroy people are idiots i agree but i dont think you should ban people for having an alt and playing with their lower ranked friendsbeginers should have to learn the basics of the game though before playing competitive kinda like the tutorial in dotathe more striking issue i believe is boosting of players i was playing a match with a mg and a dmg friend yesterday and we got mges in our team that played like silvers not funid rather play smurfs than with boosted teammates on my team tbh,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ye the only thing i thought of was the bottoming out plastic on plastic which i personally find not so disturbing,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 as i said i would be happy to see students walking out of sarsours speech still following the spirit of what zakaria meant i see that it can also be counterproductive if people choose to ignore everyone they disagree with our society will only become more polarized we need to take the time to listen to a variety of point of view otherwise you have situation like at the evergleen college once students decide they turn their education into social advocacy they risk shutting themselves in their ideological bubble often based on a caricature a lot of groupthink can also happen students join a movement without having any idea what its about,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 honorable mention baltimore theyve won 13 games the last two years combined ill be surprised if they win 9 games,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 healthy probably not effective very much so,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 thrift town is freakish awesome super low prices and tons of sales too plus a fun rewards program,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 exactly i think its absurd im fine with both spellings and im pretty sure most canadians are too,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ah i just dont have a phone so i dont know these options exist or why people might use them now that youve explained it kinda makes sense especially for some spur of the moment recording,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 that moment when you understand the english phrase but need to look up the translation of that phrase in your native language because you dont know how the fuck the translate it yourself,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 well i hope you find yourself a hip hop cutie then o,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 if you slice it up into small enough bits you canjust a bit messier to carve a turkey prior to cooking it is all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thats exactly how i feel in every relationship i always feel stifled in relationships and then liberated when they end the loneliness is preferable most of the time to the feeling that im not being my true self,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 i think were arguing over two sides of the same coin here but i dont see that england every put themselves in a position to win they had a chance final over needing 19 but 19 is not a massive t20 over it was knife edge they won we lost no tearsi may have just contradicted my original post,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 huh so you have a website now,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 there is an alpha pig when they go walking the alpha pig leads the way and the rest follow in a line 3,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 jesus any chance we can get him to defect usa winningteam,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 surely a boy baby doll would be more likely to turn him gay than a girl one lolsome day that little boy will be an excellent dad thats my ideal malealso i would love to show bh the photo of my son breastfeeding twins ones a steiner dolly and ones a dinosaur,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 why the downvotes do you disagree,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 thank you any time with my dad is bonus time we are all very grateful,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 thank you very muchit isnt based on assumptions it is based on my observations for example ive seen a lot of that cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention and cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention patterns in an typemention kid i know same with an typemention and typemention with cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention typemention struggling specifically with cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention etc etc etchowever there are a ton of ideas i left half baked i noticed that the model a function strength system would tie another set of function pairs to a type typemention would get cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention and cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention in order of strongest to weakest that would leave only four function pairs unaccounted for if you take a types valued functions and put them against their socionics conflictor typemention gt typemention function order cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention you could actually get the last set of pairs by going first outer inner last cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention that would create a dynamic similar to the one you are proposing where the conscious functions each get paired with their reversed strength shadow function i had wondered if that could be connected to jungian individuation or some other form of personal growth but like i said mostly just a half baked idea cool that you brought it up though maybe there could be some interesting ways to pursue that model but i havent seen in manifest in real life which made me hesitant to break down the idea further,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 as others have said its likely youll need them to do future primals additionally if you intend to do other highlevel content they are good practice for learning mechanics and working together with your group,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 youll first need to actually find some manpowerand outside of the cult the only real superpower on this sub are the mods but they are highly disorganized since the fall of hkand maybe well the cult of annie is getting some recognition lately but i doubt theyd ever pose a real threat to the first and best cult,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i knew this one kid who puts used cigarettes in his mouth to impress girls,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 7 what marley heard from that event through the radio that the warriors carried with them8 the reaction of the horses on that event9 a topdown view10 a shot taken from the ground looking upward,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 lets just try to get the g in second place again,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 where do you get that hes the worst caster i thought that was clearly adanas id put f in the top 23,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 hopefully the two of you are now close enough so that she never feels she has to do that again,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 miatas are such cheerful looking cars idc what people say about them or their drivers,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yeah i have never wanted to take over the world i just want to enjoy my life life is too short to spend most of it chasing moneyfame,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yes this is where lie the problem and people underestimate how this undermine the separation of church and state in no way should it be compared to any other gray areas give me an example of such gray area you would compare it to they will have none of the weight of religion the separation of church and state is important has religion carry their own political weight there is a reason why countries which are majority muslims often have sharia as the law of the land there is a reason why buddhism is embedded in thai politics there is a reason why the queen of england is the head of state and the head of the anglican church there is a reason why france put in place strict secular laws to restrict the catholic church influence religion is unlike anything else a few years ago we could imagine a secular turkey could join europe someday a secular turkey might now be a thing of the past we have seen this scenario beforesecularism is something we have to fight for at every corner,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 the sad irony is that the 10 years ban is going to make her a worse driver she will have to get used to drive again as an older person and beginner cause more accident than experienced drivers,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 75â is shorts and tank top weather you crazy,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 is dating someone else an option then youll be able to put them on the pedestal instead of your coworker and have your imaginary midnight glade wedding,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 its possible that the sky was clear that day,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah id like to see this too,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 they will make them available as a video compilation the pros didnt want pov streams and rightfully so,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i partied it was a little overrated in my town popular kids you find arent popular because theyre better theres more gossip about them i guess theyre just another group of people or individuals like nerds jocks etc its ridiculous to hate envy or glorify a certain group of people or a person,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 yeah i really need to focus on personal growth im angry depressed and mentally ill and a crazy lil teen and i should go to therapy but for some fucking reason im still not in therapy im also a little different from most typemention some due to my enneagram tritype and some due to the fact that im an edgy teen but cognitive function wise im 100 sure i have inferior cogfuncmention i just want people to stop i dont really care what others think generally but that time besides the fact that i was feeling fucking horrible and depressed and i was in a bad loop everyone instead of trying to give me advice or at least some sort of emotional support or just ignoring the fucking post i got comments saying im mistyped not one more like 5 or 6 and it was fucking annoying its not that i felt that i was attacked i more felt rejected from the whole reddit site somehow i started overthinking as always and had one of the most depressing and intense nights ever passively thinking about suicide nonstop with no intent to act on it like i always do and just went to sleep almost crying not because of the fact that people thought i was an typemention or whatever type they thought because it was definitely not the first time stuff like this happened the first comment i posted on rluciddreaming i got all sorts of replies of this guy is full of bs only because i had a different opinion literally on my second comment the first reply i got was this is the kind of comment that makes the sub horrible misleading the noobs into thinking such bullshit i instantly unsubscribed the fuck out of that sub for my own sanity at least i couldnt believe this was happening on the internet too in real life full of ignorant sjs it was obvious i mean if i tell my opinion in class at school people will look at me like im a fucking terrorist so i decide to stay quiet but if that happened on the internet too then i felt like i dont belong anywhere on this whole planetoverall of course i was acting immature because1 i was in a bad mood2 i felt rejected3 im only 144 i have an enneagram tritype that appears very cogfuncmentionish,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i dont think so thoughalfa is independent again and wester was responsible for the a4 with audi some time beforethe first german magazines say the build quality is good and the interiour is a little bit worse than audis while being better than bmwsone should not be so pessimistic,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 oh yeah justified it seemed decent i did see a number of episodes it just never stuck for some reason i never expected it to last more than a couple kinda surprised its still on,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 an explanation why the fps should have to do simething with the tickrateget right viewed the data how many people have decent computers and said valve went on to say that 128 tick wouldnt be feasablehowever what most people miss is that valve never said it was due to fps and they also get the internet speeds and locations of the peoplei want to know why people are saying that it is all due to fps what are the problems with 128 tick for computers with lower fps or are you just saying that because get right said it somewhere and you actually have no clue why it is as you sayif that us the case i cant understand why people who say it is not due to fps and know what they are talking about get downvoted by people who have no clue about it otherwise you might link me the dev post where they explixitly say it us due to fps,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 what ukoenigallant said also not feeling guilt for doing shady shit might be a red flag,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dont remember who is before and after that and there are a lot of characters anybody specific youre wondering about if its literally everyone just check a wiki or something id be glad to help but you gotta give me a little direction haha,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i am 14 so i havent had a drastic change over those years i would be him at any games,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i tried to read it how you did and my brain came up with a spartan meme baby,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 is it a predetermined column or one that would be easier if its picked by the user,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i know friendship can be daunting sometimes and im the sort that likes to make the deep long friendships ive had really bad friends who werent really good ones in hs and really didnt develop my group until 3rd year of college i do have 2 hs friends i keep in touch with but sometimes i feel lonely regardless because they arent nearby so sometimes i look at it this way id rather keep trying to make and develop my friendships this way i know ill enjoy the company and even if it doesnt work out ill just take the good memories and grow from the friendship instead of choosing eternal solitude where i know for a fact ill always feel sad and lonely its like picking a poison to experience joy with a risk of pain or to choose to be in pain of your own accord but never experience joy,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 i dont follow hockey so ill just assume youre correct im a bad canadien,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you really think being a meth head and a bonafide asshole burning through people like a forest fire is winning youve dodged a bullet it doesnt matter he is mr universe material with a golden dick his inside is rotten to the coreyou are not boring in a negative sense you are normal and while that may not be the most exciting thing in the world it at least means you have long term prospects find someone not hellbent on selfdestruction there are enough men who will bring that little kink in your life without racing you both to an early grave,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 that site has a silly bernie bias trump himself would probably side with him 60 on there,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 well thats a dumb fucking question,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 hey man you may not agree with me but i think youre doing fine judging by the way you type and a brief glance at your account history tell me that you carry yourself pretty well for a 16 year old you definitely are educated and knowledgeable not everyone learns best by sitting down in a quiet place and staring at a book for hours at a time there are ways to train your mind to be able to concentrate for longer and longer periods of time the mind loves to grow stronger in baby steps kinda like lifting weights perhaps you can sit down with your dad and work out some kind of schedule that allows you to start in small manageable increments and work your way up to longer study sessions also depending on the material you are learning there are a lot of ways that you can learn stuff without staring at a book hell i learned a lot of shit just from reading conversations and arguments between people on internet forums and reddit also i would take a look at your relationship with studying it makes sense that you dont think that youre good at it because it sounds like you hate it using our fear to motivate us to things in life works for a while but its a ticking time bomb the ideal method of achieving things in our life is doing things out of love love comes from inside and is a really powerful thing go inside yourself and find what you love you can do it youre an typemention i hope i helped,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 thanks talisa managed eyeing the drink hesitantly she wasnt very fond of alcohol but she also wasnt one to refuse a friendly offering lifting the goblet to her lips she took an unpleasant sip of the golden liquid her button nose scrunching at the taste,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 so now youve run out of bs to spew and youve got nothing left but personal attacks thats so sad,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 that and it can act as a lens and burn the whole car down if the sun hits it the right wrong way,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 one thing that i noticed as the season progressed is that the hosts are human as fuck like we could read the same self help books the maze is very similar to the concept of letting go of the egoimage of the self in order to attain enlightenment in that sense the mib desperately needs the maze to move on in his life even the traveling back to the cornerstone and letting it go in order to transcend it is very human the hosts are just a little more simpleliteraltangible psychologically compared to humans but they are very similar to the point that the only real difference seems to be the supposed autonomy that humans possess but of course it is highly debatable whether or not humans are actually autonomous in any true sense a lot of our decisions are silently made for us as wellso is this show an exploration of humanity or of ai is there really a difference between human nature and the nature of any real ai humans manage to create,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 cant forget xerath caitlyn and lvl 18 tristana,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i dont think anyone is ever a must play fresh off a mcbut i like him a lot hes in my cash line at the moment,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 hmm thats also possiblei took it more like he was suspecting her of something,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the problem is that for 25ms and upwarfs you can also play on good 64tick servers and your hits would still connecti love how some people i know say yeah 128 tick best while playing with cmd and updaterate 64,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 we need an official stickied arsenal starting xi lineup predictions thread to stop these,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 sure but i hate paying interest throwing money into banks isnt really something im keen on 67 interest is what im looking at but yeah once i get there if it comes down to it until then im just looking at paying down the house and living as cheap as i can and making some money online,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 to allude means to make an allusion to,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 lol they spent so much time filming actors inside the bus but in the actual video because they used like freaking 80 reflectiveness on the windows and tint for whateverthefuck reason you cant see any of itthats insane they shoulda spent more money on the physics of it all its pretty obvious and tone down the reflections that shits amateur,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 as a girl when i see a taller girl than me im even more surprised haha,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i can take it but it gets annoying,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 lol the real trick is to say that you do all of these things and then suggest you use your brain as well gt must be tert cogfuncmention typementionoh and i actually tldrd out of that type me you did otherwise you would have gotten at least one cogfuncmention from me,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i really hate that this place has made me aware that a size 22 28 exists i hope there arent any sizes past that,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 i think it will help about as much as astrology helps nasa what helps us understand neuroscience is people working stupidly hard to model map probe and investigate neurons and regions of the brain using mbti to understand this is like starting with the answer and fitting the data to it and that is not very good scienceadvancement in neuroscience will likely have a large effect on mbti though maybe they will find evidence of mechanisms that resemble functions but maybe the exact opposite will happen and mbti will be heaped into the trash,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 they probably release chemicals when you squish them that are like bad news guys to all the other wasps,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 op i highly recommend upgrading to 80211ac the speed differences on an ac network are huge,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i already have the degree i need and want it just isnt very enticing to get a job that wasnt what i was doing for 15 years and go in at entry level again making 30k cdn a yeari got a bachelors in computer science so theres stuff i can do but like i said its gonna be entry levelplus i cant afford going back to school i can barely afford living,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 itll be the episode 12 aftercredit scene,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 it just seems so inefficient id much rather just be able to do my work when it needed to get done instead of turning every project into the equivalent of indiana jones sliding under the stone door at the last second every single time theres zero margin for error which perhaps drives a quality effort but its also so needlessly stressful as ive gotten older ive found id rather use my background brain processes on things other than tracking the countdown clock of a stress bomb,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 not that this means anything except it totally does i had a tutor who was a huge nietzschean also an icelandic convert to orthodox christianity a proponen of um heterodox economic theories and an ardent supporter of vladimir putin strage guy to say the least huge fan of dead poets society,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i am not a nice girl and i messed up the first time oh manuusersimulator uninauposkitzipxpe,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 chanmyay sayadaw like to say it that way im not a pali scholar so i dont care much about the difference,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yeah but i think theres a shift hereboomershippies did a lot of things right for the wrong reasonsmillenials etc do a lot of things right for the right reasonsassuming people keep doing things for the right reasons we wont be ostracised by coming generations,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 im pretty sure he was making fun of another comment by the guy he replied to,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 credit card usage in europe is minimal although youll fine bigger place will sill accept ccs people here use debit cards almost exclusively in terms of housing im guessing youre going to rent it will depend on your income your rental company might require you to show a proof of income and many require an income that is 35 times the cost of the rent if you cant show your income they wont rent it to you the same with things like mortgages where the bank will base the height of mortgage theyre willing to provide based on your existing debts which are all registered in a centralized national register and your proof able income this is why youll find selfemployed people or people on temp contacts having a harder time getting mortgages that being said there are a lot of rental companies focussing on expats im not quite sure what kind of system they use,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 not sure if this is against this idea or with it in the dao de jing laozi says something along the lines of the way being wide and full and that men like to take the side paths as in there is one correct way however because there is one correct way and it is wide and full does this not include the myriad ways all of which are right and wrong at once as in your way my way im not sure,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 no thats fine i was just wondering whether more eagle eyes than mine had spotted anythinghaving sansa watch from the rear parallels catelyn at the battle in s1 when jaime was captured,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 well shitballs we talked earlier but never really got anywhere i really still do want one of your knives if you can do another similar to that with a sexy hamon maybe burl wood or other nice wood instead of horn i would buy it also no need for a sheath damascus bolster is a bonus but not required maybe even i could do my own scales or at least finish some slabs you put on i know earlier you were all about selling blades ppl could finish themselves but im not sure if youve gone away from that since,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its an ill posed problem a human that understands chinese is living breathing dynamic embedded in the world learning to optimize some rewards and forming his own values a room is just that a static description of mapping from symbol to symbol its unfair to compare the two the room has seen nothing tasted nothing experienced nothing and yet it has to translate descriptions of such eventsif the author wanted to make the test fair he would have compared a human to a robot that works and learns like humans such a robot would have visual concepts to map words to would have social experiences that would enable it to relate and understandin fact the big prize right now in ai is just that understanding the world creating descriptions of the world that could be used to reason about it and learn intelligent behavior teams of people are attacking all domains vision speech learning behavior and strategy we have nets that understand the sex age body type posture emotion even lipread from a video of a person when all these are combined a model of the world is formed similar to the way humans represent the world this model would be the workshop of ai it will be where intelligent behavior and reasoning would be developedhere is an abstract of a machine learning paper from two weeks ago its state of the art it describes things that put the chinese room to shame its a deeper vision with practical application and verificationlearning natural language inference with lstm natural language inference nli is a fundamentally important task in natural language processing that has many applications the recently released stanford natural language inference snli corpus has made it possible to develop and evaluate learning centered methods such as deep neural networks for natural language inference nli in this paper we propose a special long short term memory lstm architecture for nli our model builds on top of a recently proposed neural attention model for nli but is based on a significantly different idea instead of deriving sentence embeddings for the premise and the hypothesis to be used for classification our solution uses a match lstm to perform word by word matching of the hypothesis with the premise this lstm is able to place more emphasis on important word level matching results in particular we observe that this lstm remembers important mismatches that are critical for predicting the contradiction or the neutral relationship label on the snli corpus our model achieves an accuracy of 861 outperforming the state of the artthis paper talks about sentence embeddings converting words into vectors representing meaning attention memory and proposes a way to analyze two phrases to detect if the first implies the second or not its implementing the core action of reason inference and doing that on top of embeddings that capture meaning from text so it has a meaning representation of text and operates on it to judge if something is true or not does that look like real understanding or not the system is trained on top of a large corpus of text that acts as a replacement for experience its still not a free agent like humans but it could be all we need to do is to give it an interface to the world a place where it can be contacted and its replies printed and teach it by rewards what kind of dialogue is best,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 yeah ill follow the rules im not an evil vampire,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 jeez could he just walk into your house without permission he is an admin,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 this insults me so it must be false,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 you need to switch from the scarcity mindset to the abundance mindset you have tunnel vision for one girl and youre not thinking logically because of it there are more girls what traits about this one girl make you feel so much for her list them your happiness should never be dependant on another person they should be additionals wanting to get in on your preestablished happiness,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 i have schizophrenia and wellbutrin before they started giving me antipsychotics triggered my psychosis and i bet the effect of being a dri had an effect on that,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i knowhe showed us what happens if users start to build headcanon upon headcanon i wouldnt want to lay the groundwork for another user like that,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 generally you will be 18 when you are still in higher education in the eu,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 25 sounds about right right now i dont have him in my main lu because the high priced options are meh,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 making the drinking age higher does not mean that kids will wait to drink in fact i think its the opposite the us is the worst drinking culture why would you want to take steps to be more like us were all alcoholics who started drinking well before it was legal 15 for me,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 bcuz 144hz had so much to do with it lel,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 old electric gadgets like crockpots are often better made than new ones tbh builtin obsolescence wasnt quite so much of a thing back then,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i have moon in aries i am typemention it doesnt match at all,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 the conversation was in the sphere channel its someone from sphere yall have traitor in yalls midsts,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 that may be so but halftruths and misinformation can stick around for a long time,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 the names real possibly scandinavian,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 i always consider myself to be sedentary but found from the start of the year that my steps can vary from as low as 3000 to 20000 thats a difference of at least 500 calories in a day,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 oregon home of the least restrictive knife laws in the usa,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im not sure i can even correct a statement so wrong i hear people say this sometimes and they have zero understanding of the ideological underpinnings or the philosophicalhistorical context nazism existed in probably not of christianity either they were all of them unchristian im guessing words like sturm und drang mean nothing to you but if youre on the level of quotations and explicit sentiments even a little bit of googling will get quotes from hitler expressing in no uncertain terms how he felt about christianity spoiler he wasnt a fani wouldnt say he was an opportunist either he was very idealistic opportunists dont stay in the underground bunker till the bitter end they get the fuck out of dodge while the goings still good,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 this doesnt give the desired result,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 if your not objectified in one way or another you arent on the map nobody fucks a personalityi think its hot to be the object in somebodies elses guilty fantasies,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 kiernan frowned at jeyne and inched away pressing against the back of the lounge i there were sometimes women at the casino who made mebut this is a choice she mumbled to herself she looked at jeyne again but she simply didnt feel any attraction towards the woman i i wont i wouldnt do anything for you she said but if it would make you happy to show meher tone was hard and serious as she added you have to promise me youll stop if i ask you to,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i normally prefer ramsays versions no exception here points on presentation explanation and doing things that just make more sense to me and align with what i already knowthat and i think hes very entertainingi dont mind that he calls people out and swears a tad more than i do maybe cause i wish i could be more like that sometimes it helps that hes probably right most of the timei really like his perfect steak video too hes very different in the instructional vids than what you normally get from hells kitchen etc,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 in therevada buddhism the sideeffects of meditation are well documented there are part of the sixteen stages of insights dr willoughby britton opened a research labs to study the side effects of meditation after wondering why people so frequently came to the psychiatry clinic after going to a goenka retreats near by someone who follow the instructions is likely to rise through the first 4 stages of insight on a 10 day retreat in same case someone can enter the following stages the dukka nanas which translate roughly in knowledge of suffering those stages have sweat names like fear disgust desire for deliverance and they are no fucking jokes it can absolutely get someone suicidal and each stage is a bit different in how you deal with it you cannot just snap out of it for instance if you enter the dukka nanas your only way out of it is to cross all the stages of dukka nanas to either enter equanimity or come back to normal you will find you self crying in the foetal position experience strange distortion vomit etc so unless is commited to experience those things and know why he is doing it its better to have a moderate meditation practice,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 im guessing youre talking about cogfuncmention teaching im talking about cogfuncmention style teaching you need to present them inconsistencies with their thinking in tiny tidbits that allow them to come around to your way of thinking eventually at no point can it seem like youre lecturing them since itll put up their defences and theyll reject the ideayou need to go deeperbwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i always thought lives goal was to slowreveres entropyin fact i think people are a violation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 my entire adult life ive been surrounded by people who have careers social lives achievements families partners and intelligence that would make any typemention green with envy i am a little intimidated by them but in a good way i have held myself to higher standards completed more projectsintimidated is maybe the wrong word its more like if youre playing a football match against a great team and have to play better to even play at their levelas to being worried about people thinking that im a disorderly fool well they just have to ask me about something im supposed to know or have an opinion about and itll be fine and anyone who is invited to my office already knows that im capable so outside that i am meat enough to get by,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 jesus christ rpolitics not everyone who disagrees with the circlejerk is part of some conspiracy remember when we all hated the fbi,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i try to get 78 hrs of sleep every night,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 this was their game in hand if i recall correctly dedit no im dumb their game in hand is against celta i got confused because orellana played for them hahaha,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 great question you almost had it right there just take out the extra parenthesis in this line call typeascrubunprocessed so it looks like this instead call typeascrubunprocessedbut at the same time you still have something else to consider since youre designating this as a function and you want this function to return data is it going to return a single string or an array of strings if it is supposed to return an array of strings the function header will need to look like this private function typeascrubbyref unprocessed as string as string with the return value indicating that it is returning a function this also means that you may need to declare an array that you will be storing the returned data in otherwise youll have to execute the function every time you want to access an item within the returned array option explicit public sub main dim arrayexample as string arrayexample typeascrubarrayexample msgbox arrayexample0 msgbox arrayexample1 versus this which is very inefficient as youll have to execute the function twice instead of once like above msgbox typeascrubarrayexample0 msgbox typeascrubarrayexample1 end sub private function typeascrubbyref unprocessed as string as string fun scrubby code here unprocessed0 ucaseunprocessed0 typeascrub unprocessed end function,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 shipping a pup would be an extremely stressful way for it to start its life away from its mother,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yes indeed the winnings are up 2810sweet thanks,79.0,97.0,10.0,45.0,62.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 except the who recommended limit is 25g a day 6 teaspoons your single drink alone far exceeds the 25g but theres a caveat in 2 ways firstly theres a lot of hidden sugar in nearly everything like fruit bread cereals etc 1g or 2g here and there means you can easily consume an extra 20g of sugar per day without knowing about it so 50g per day total the second one is insulin desensitisation health problems come from chronic behaviours no matter how small if your body is used to at least 30g sugar every single day your body will become less responsive to insulin over time add in carbs which often have high gi even rice asia is actually 1 for diabetes because they eat rice every day and your insulin responsivity will be diminished over timebecause of this nutritionists and physicians actually recommend 10g 2 teaspoons or fewer per day the who estimate is actually a bit high since theyre subject to lobbying from the sugar industry and also with the support from governments of the countries theyve most successfully lobbied aka the usa a bit like how the food pyramid was createdif you cant live without your soft drinks switch to sugar free but only consume if its stevia sweetened avoid drinks with aspartame sucralose or saccharin as ingredients at all costs,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 yep calico no breedthey also have quirks theyre like the eccentric kind of cat theyre also almost always female,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 holy shit dude if you put two spaces after a word and then press enter it makes a new line,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 as someone who lives in northern kentuckyfuck,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i do not like to mix my work and personal life you watching her kid outside of the work setting is your personal life keep them separate,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 saying hello from the democratic republic of canada,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 my smartphone has a world clock as i had friends there i added south korea and thailand so i can just click to that tab on my phone and easily see what time it is there if you have a similar feature you could always just add nyc for a city in est,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 1 c4 is a very common opening probably like the 3rd most common of all first moves after e4 and d4,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 are you sure there isnt something else running on your computer that spammed the ctrlz hotkey as a prank,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 your inner self has already embraced the truth,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 good insight i would also add that we can now use ai to research new materials and construction methods we might be able to make everything we need from just abundant materials when we have abundant smart materials and if we can build a self replicating factory off them we will reach post scarcity,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 people get stupid in large groups theres tons of examples of mob mentality only takes one dumb asshole confident enough to lead the rest into doing something horrific,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 good performance but its not to get carried away as burtons defence was horrid and they looked like they didnt want to progress in the cup at all however it was helpful for the guys confidence specially firmino and sturridgei think we should lineup like this against tottenham mignolet clyne matip lovren moreno stewartcan wijnaldum henderson manã firmino coutinhowe need to play a destroyer dm to stick to their numerous attacking midfielders and i think that stewart is good enough to start at that role if emres injury is too bad i really hope that klopp stops with the henderson dm thing because its just not working and he looks lost at the position,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i have one and notice a difference ive had it for a few years and using a toilet without it feels odd now,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 efficient dorks with good jobs and the ability to think critically edit with the ability to think,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 cogfuncmention is commonly paired with cogfuncmention cogfuncmention is more concerned with history and internal sensation rather than what is in front of it cogfuncmention is the rarer of the two thinking directions and is more commonly paired with cogfuncmention cogfuncmention is likewise more rare than cogfuncmention which makes typemention odd little ducks,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so i have an alt which i am playing up to lem now and i should be banned for itpeople who smurf at silver level for fun and to destroy people are idiots i agree but i dont think you should ban people for having an alt and playing with their lower ranked friendsbeginers should have to learn the basics of the game though before playing competitive kinda like the tutorial in dotathe more striking issue i believe is boosting of players i was playing a match with a mg and a dmg friend yesterday and we got mges in our team that played like silvers not funid rather play smurfs than with boosted teammates on my team tbh,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i quit smoking once and i looooooved smelling people who had just smoked,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 and yet you could still make it work with using macros if ppl want to troll you cant do anything about it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i dont feel emotions i instead get what i consider impressions for a lack of a better term i dont get happy im only content i dont get sad i get a slight down feeling that indicates displeasure same thing with anger rage etc i get irritated or frustrated instead i used to feel emotion so i know what im talking about i think,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 if youre fairly long in the body you can be five or more months along even with twins before youre unmistakably showing its also very common to lose weight during the first trimester if you have persistent nausea even if you never throw up,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 im not into it i dont value any form of expression of power whether it be dominant or submissive it is more imaginary than the scenarios in which they are forced to play out i already live a somewhat imaginative life but in the bedroom that is where it gets real so where others indulge in fantasy i indulge in reality so to speak this is one area that repressed cogfuncmention comes out in the polr sort of way like all things cogfuncmention i prefer compentency and accuracy over imagination do one thing and do it well,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 i hated the whole story line with the chinese slave all of it i hated the scenes where they were doing drugs together which seemed utterly stupid to me i hated the sex scene which was weirdly uncomfortable i agree i hated the ragnars a dopehead now plotline entirely is there even historical precedent for that ill admit i dont know a ton about him outside of the show but the wiki certainly doesnt mention him getting hooked on poppy leaves or whatever lol if that part was entirely fictionalized they did a crap job of it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 happiness isnt some end goal its a mindset during your journey,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 ive never had a bad lyft experience and i wont use uber because corporate is shady as fuck,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 hows this feel you fuck burns everything down,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 i honestly spend all day on it frequently its like the key to the universe,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 lol um what here is an article which explains everythinglink summarizehouston city council mayor is lesbian passed an ordinance banning lgbt discrimination this also allowed trans people to use the bathroom according to their gender identity people in houston did not like that and they voted to repeal the city ordinance so to answer your question no,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 paywall spyware and bluescreens are keeping a lot of people from playing eseaid say esea is the most cheat free environment to date but they are having problems with their client and that keeps people from playing there,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 funny how cheaters seem to be in every nova game did you watch at keast the demos of your matches,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the other ladies gave a bunch of great responses i 100 agree with its interesting to see how other typemention ladies feel the same like me about having a friend to come home to someone relaxed who will be honest with you and keep you grounded no emotional games or drama just being able to come home be home and leave all your stress at the door which also means your so doesnt make an issue of your work and career is really just chill about it and everything else concerning our overly ambitious characters i find this interesting because this type of man arent usually the overly ambitious guys like we are at least not to the same level and intensity as we are it balances us out i guess but for some reason i still have a stereotypical idea in my head about us strong typemention women belonging in some kind of power couple relationship with an equally ambitious man i realize now after so much time with my more laidback so that wouldnt make me happy though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 what are these guys even defending like all i see are a couple yahoos in some compound saying they cant wait to die when the feds come in then show some dogsare they trying to protect these two dogs from the feds,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 try this site or this one you can see salaries for different jobs the us census also has some good info,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 that cow wouldnt even exist if we didnt eat burgers drink milk or like cheese and leather jackets,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 mental illness is a much more severe and deals with chemical imbalances not personality they create disturbances in life that impair normal functioningi would think some people are more moody than others and there can be levels of impulsive and bias towards certain moods however there is a difference between being sad and being depressed or being uplifted and being hypomanicmanic mental illness has difficulties in functioning with things like ability to manage money social impairment impairment in activities of daily living such as showering and cleaning the household mental illness cause dysfunction because of extremes outside of psychotic stuff a healthy person might find themselves as relating to almost anything but it is not to the level of disorder in their life i do think extroverted percievers would probably correlate with people who are more varied in mood typemention might recognize with the flight of ideas and impulsivity however varience does not equal impairment and is not the normi do have schizoaffective bipolar 1 type myself but mental illness is still the exception,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 well first of all cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention usually love each other so that is not a problematic difference typemention have tert cogfuncmention and were usually pretty fond of using it typemention really like this because it means we can follow them logically pretty well because we have the same thinking and feeling functions i think typemention can understand what we want better than they can with most typemention typemention and typemention are both kind of powered by strong principles which makes them pretty similar but not necessarily compatible,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 ops moms asscrack i went to detroit once once,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 ive never been married so i am not qualified to tell you what to do in any regard if you feel the need to work it out then definitely give it your best shot leave no room for doubt that you didnt try your hardest regardless of what happens instead of asking on this sub id recommend asking rtypemention directly ive lurked over there a bit and theyve always seemed really helpful to people looking for relationship advice with their type especially when its things like this its worth a shot i wish you the best,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 ugh i know i had a colonoscopy once when i was in college i only take half a bottle now if im really backed up and even thats almost too much i have no idea why two bottles is necessary for that procedure i guess they want to make extra sure youre cleaned out,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 positively famished talisa bit off a chunk of the bread filling one of her pale cheeks she wasnt particularly concerned with propriety around her husband further demonstrated as she responded with her mouth fullnot really she mumbled through the food her brown locks swaying as she shook her head theyre walking around a lot though thats not really news swallowing the bread she smiled and added more clearly i guess they were kind of a newsance today,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 you know that you cant make universal judgements based on your friend group right and why do you only judge men based on those you know well while you certainly dont seem to limit your ideas of women to only those you know im only trying to point out that there are a whole lot of holes in your perception here youre doing yourself a disservice by assuming most women are like your idea of women and interacting with them as if they are its very hard to come around to liking a woman or even just seeing her how she actually is if you start out thinking that shes trying to manipulate you with her vagina or that she only cares about babies those things arent even close to universally true,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 im doing multiples at a european university considering 180 ects to a degree you can already cut out generally speaking about 30 ects in terms of a minor if you take degrees a and b you simply put a minor of a in degree b and vice versa also when you look at the bologna criteria of degrees youll notice that many of the skills you need to show to get your degree are rather generic once you figure out which criteria are filled through which course you can quite easily convince the examinations board to count some ects on both degrees finally if you take multiples in the same field and your degree has some room for electives you can usually also get the examinations board to count some courses from degree a in b and vice versa realistically if you are willing to put in the effort and figure out the specifics of how a degree is build up you can reduce each 180 ects degree to about 110120 ects per degree especially if you can combine thesis projects in some way it becomes very doable,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 where do i sign up to be a sockpuppet and how much does it pay sounds like an easy work at home gig,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 first of all nice atitude you have there you seem to be fun to have around if you insult everyone who questions your statementssecondly you did say most of them dont stream you also said thatso you are implying that all pros that stream are banned since you split the pros themselves into two groups the ones that stream and the ones that dontalso there are no middleschools in germany young boy so please work on your education phrasing of sentences and your behaviour,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 kiernan swallowed her food then shrugged ill probably either go traveling with cora or stay here in the city to work with the master of coin or maybe ill do something else altogether i really have no idea,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i often feel there is a void within me exactly the size of gastons t h i c c cock,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 yeah sure bernies supporters are morally pure while trumps supporters are vile creatures,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i meant mentally visual as in do you think visuospatially but your answers were sufficient anywayyoure an typemention,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 not having a boss might have something to do with it plenty of businessman and business owner work until they are pretty old,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i wish you saw that dad lol great video,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 this is amazing i need to make some now,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 because welfare has replaced the father figure in poor black families government assistance is welcomed and relied upon you dont want to bite the hand that feeds you i also think when youre poor you have more important things to worry aout like maslows hierarchy of needs many people believe and it may be true that adiquate income provides some of the baser needspolitical freedom not basic freedom like being confined being higher up on the hierarchy is seen as less importantwhat i think is significant is that if the black lives matter groups and black panter types supported libertarianism theyd see that some of the issues they care about would be addressed as well,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 how many cc cleanse cards are you incorporating into the card system overhaulim talking purity censer working granting immunity before im slowed stunned and killed,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 can you post the format of your data what columnsrows are applicable and where in that data that your keywords are found vba can automate this if things become too technical,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 why is it not as pretty as the aa6 logo,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 ok i get what you mean now here you go ubuntuubuntu sudo fsck devsda2 fsck from utillinux 2201 e2fsck 1429 4feb2014 devsda2 clean 2676087266304 files 338812629064960 blocksseems fine right,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 given the militarization of our civilian police forces over the last twenty years im not at all suprised they want to play solider with no problem infringing on peoples rightsthis is just one of many examples where the police just run amok using excessive force,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 in between homesthat makes it more interesting not less,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 wat changes ive been refreshing all evening,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 no way saudi how very unlike them to kill people they just dont likesarcasm seriously though why has everyone been so quiet about the amount of crap that saudi is getting away with,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 i now want some sushi after work today,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 exploiting isnt cheating lel tell that to ppl who used external undetectable cheats,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the real thing i wonder is during transformation when hes launched 60 meters in the aircould levi if he were to eat armin use constant partial transformations the way others use odm gearyou know because ackermans have full control over their bodies,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 do you want my honest opinionmanga spoilerss if you wouldnt pull the level or push the fat guy in the train dilemma then i honestly wouldnt want you to hold any form of responsibilitythey did what had to be done and made both morally and rationally the right choicein this situation genocide is justified,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 supposed to go to a food truck expo today but eh not feeling good,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 koepka already made it i thought if not definitely him,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 oh good lord its one of my favourite pieces of the 20th fucking century and by far my favourite by rachmaninoff and i didnt recognise it i hang my head in shame,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 the perfect handyman does not exi,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 its a copypasta its supposed to be stupid,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 whyworked in all previous installations of cs,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 theres hardly anything notable in your history in the last 6 weeks,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 the first two episodes and last episode of season 7 definitely except for the last five minutes of that last episode season 7 in general pisses me off because there was so much missed potential it was still great butit could have been so much betterall time favorite episodes are still season 1 though,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 most people who say that it is a false positive are lying tho,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 caustic 3 is a free android daw which can work alright once you figure out the interface,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 the joker you cant dislike the joker though i mean he was fucked to begin with there was no way he wouldnt have ended up a serial killerheroes would be sam and dean winchester man if i had the balls to go out and kill every breed of evil in existence for a living i reckon i could accomplish anything definitely no deals with the devil though those never seem to work out very well,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 nah good enough as i said as long as it excludes the s its all goodand i actually pronounce it closer to ellenoy but i think more people actually say ill but im too lazy and ell rolls off the tongue quicker than ill,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i got punched in the face for laughing at someone oncei had no idea wtf he was talking aboutyou gotta be some next level of insecure to go out punching random strangers who laugh near you thinking theyre laughing at youmaybe theyre just narcissists idk,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 not alwaysmy favourite episode was when a footballers wife bought readymade food at selfridges food hall including â 50 worth of ravioli and then treated herself to a â 400 dressshe didnt even know how to cook the store bought food so she called her mum over to her house for some helpthen she read up on a recipe book so she could tell the other contestants how she made the ravioli if asked she didnt even manage to remember that stumbled then winged it but the other contestants still believed hershe ended up winning with a near perfect score but she only came out a few hundred quid ahead after winning the â 1000the whole thing was hilarious especially david lambs comments,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 ranks are not important you get matched with the same people you did before there is nothing to fix,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 did you actually read those reportsi dont think you did because first they all reference the same research so they are all essentially saying yah what he said but you putting it up there like they each independently arrived at the same conclusionsecondly the research does not conclude that second hand smoke causes any illness the research concluded that people who died of diseases like lung cancer that are associated with smoking had at least trace amounts of serum cotinine which means they had metabolized nicotine but they didnt check people who died of other causes so maybe thats normalthats it thats all the research found and you and your social justice warrior friends made the leap to second hand smoke causes lung cancer but actual smoking only increases your chances of lung canceryou hate freedom you want to make everyone live exactly like you do i dont like smoking at all the difference is i choose not to smoke and you choose to try to make laws to force others to stop,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 my first kissone of the first things that happened this year actually,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 holy shit take it out baby it let it heal and get repierced later by someone who actually knows what theyre doingguns should never be used in piercings quadrupaly so for cartilage piercings should not be changed for months depending on the location even the easiest to heal take months,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 health its a hard concept to wrap your head around until something happens to you,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 how to win friends and influence people is awesome and it worksone thing ive found to be extremely useful is thise r oevent response outcomethe only part of that you have control over is the response part i wish i could remember where i saw that so i could give credit but i dont recall,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 as much as i love creating vba solutions sometimes vba is not the best answer plus why reinvent the wheel when someones already created something that works great,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 statistically if were picking at random a few of them would survive refrigeration with food and a couple at least would live in the freezer assuming youre including marine life and have a terrarium freezer capable of holding extremely high pressure ocean water i mean it depends on the freezer temperature though,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 i notice i almost only understand younger generation because of this i mean its almost impossible for me to understand some people sometimes,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i think i can speak for pi players in general when we say we know ballzilla doesnt cheat his o is why he shines,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 a m8 of mine always says nice try even though the round was save and the last guy ruined it with his stupidness or fucked up a clutch big time missing a called player or footstepsi am not saying people should rage about it but if it was really stupid just tell him where he fucked up nice try is just encuraging people to make the same mistakes againkeeping the morale high has never helped me win close games,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the bombing run where the plane crashed in their backyard,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i hate graphics like this comparing apples and orangesto use numbers that make actual sense like surface area we find that pluto has the same area as roughly russia or south america theyre both 17 million km2plutos about 16 million km2,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i have a feeling that everybody does this,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 donald trump does his actions within societal boundaries,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 doubt i have that kind of power id have to be more influential than the wiki for that,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i remember asking this to my incompetent science teacher when we were doing the three stages of matter and their various characteristics he obviously didnt know when i asked him but he turned to the infallible wisdom he had just written on the board solid liquid gas and that day we as a class deduced that fire must be a gas,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 recent kick is watskys new album my favorite songs aretalking to myself be nice to your guns angel glowing screens pt 3 love letters,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 mbti ive really tried to focus on getting a competent understanding of what this is all about rather than just thinking about being an typemention it is a vast complex subjective world full of errors and insights oh god i was wrong about so many things about how this all works even just a few weeks ago i feel like i learn volumes about how people work everyday and i still have much more to learn saying that i was an typemention and not knowing precisely what that meant is something i should have tackled years ago,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 yes reallyshow me how far you can take this,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 a match made in the walmart aisle where hot dogs are sold,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 261 favorite game has to be ace attorney investigations 2 i really want rocket league thanks,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 talisa shrugged then fell silent brooding over the matter for a minute or so unlike her mother she had given the future some thought the dreams she had often changed adjusting as she found her passions for music and medicine and as she fell further and further in love with griff but from the very beginning shed always thought shed be with her family and friends now the latter seemed uncertain and so she felt uncertain tooit wasnt the first time shed faced such concerns of course with her boundless capacity to worry the inevitability of losing her friends had crossed her mind with some frequency these past few moons however standing before the three of them or rather four counting the young one growing within shireen she found herself recounting some of her mothers sage bold advice kiernan often told her that f she wanted something she needed to make it so and although talisa was much more willing than her stubborn mother to accept that some things were beyond her control the idea did give her sole perspectiveno matter how far they strayed apart in life talisa would do what she could to keep her friendshow have you been talisa asked unella her lips smiling anew as decided to use what time they had,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 cruz campaign is a bubble of stupidity his tweeter account retweeted those 2 tweets,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i have more of the same amazing model here,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 good promo you need a wider variety of juice especially in the custard section i am not fond of banana flavourings at allprice shipping 120 limit kind of on the line that may make me not want to try at regular prices though for double price is greatjust my honest feedback dont take it harshly as i dont mean it that way,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 dude no you have to leave blank spaces and shadows to fill with your hopes and dreams,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 as a side note when you open your character sheet where your skills are you can track your security status in the security status tab,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 link to many others experiences trouble finding any reliable studies but the extremely high dose in the 1day treatment even in the 3day treatment for some can really irritate the vagina breaking it up into 7 doses is less harshi havent had a yeast infection in quite a while but i used to get them a lot over 1 year or so during that time i only used over the counter treatment such as monistat i think it never truly went away for that whole time i stopped buying otc treatments and sought out a prescription for diflucan instead less messy just a pill and more effective at treating the problem systemically,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i didnt until the second i read that they include historical houses as museums sorry i dont count a private residence with a plaque as a museum there have got to be at least 100 of those in my towns downtown district alone so yeah if they count nonmuseums as museums then of course theyll outnumber mcdonalds and starbucksif you looked at the page it said 48 of the museums counted were historical preservations id estimate if you take houses out of that at best youd have 3so if you remove 45 of the museums theyre counting yeah its a bullshit untrue factedit i guess they really do only count the museum historical houses not all historical houses but still thats crazy,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 no the media tells people what to think and they think that because most people dont have mind of their own sadly and now with social media corporations can bias what people see in favour of the candidates that will benefit them facebook censoring dnc leaks and conservatives on their platform and reddit astroturfing thats just ignoring the exploitability of voting machines and postal vote fraud and other forms of fraud and there is a stark difference between going this idea does not work in practice because other power structures arise mind you anarchism has a similar problem though weve never seen real anarchism on a large scale as a system of governance its similar in this regard so i believe something similar but more extreme would happen and all the people of this religion do this sorry about the messiness of this post i would have done better formatting but im on my phone,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 what about a genuinely freerange chicken free to run and scratch and perch in trees especially one that is homebutchered and therefore not exposed to crosscontamination i ask this purely for theoretical reasons undercooked chicken is not something i enjoy,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i had 25 wins how many gems should that be,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 since were all here i just want to remind you guys thatrfuckhk47andrshingekinohentaiboth exist,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 good job dog but how did he get back up on the boat,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ooh wow i love how detailed it is,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 nope they use it themselves typescript massive visual studio supportas a c programmer im even a bit concerned that ms dev is moving in this direction and i got to pick up this stuff to compete,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 gates open for group 5,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 im afraid youd have to ask my nephew kiernan explained understanding the common confusion my family and i live in the capital,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 the militias owned by regular people,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 its the test client my bad d,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i like these little surveys,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 yeah i have the diphthong u0251u026a in cerone but its not u0251j it evolved from the sequences aj aj but it is purely a diphthong as the phoneme j has disappeared in all places except for that diphthong,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 whilst you might be right eastern nation doesnt necessarily have to refer to the same nation were the eastasians are from germany russia and japan are all to the east of me but theyre still completely different nations,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thats probably isis taking islamic ideals to the extreme my mom used to live in a muslim country and doesnt remember it being bad,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 millions of people keep track of the hit count over the next few weeks,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you dont have enough money you need to cut some retirement saving it is a good networking place no better however you want to go out and meet people that you dont work with in addition to the people you work with to do that you need more cash to work with i have a tech gig in phoenix paying 60k and i have about 2k in expenses with rent car payment etc i save about 1200 a month and you are crushing me in savings i save 40 of my net income granted im 28 and youre 33 you still dont need to be saving 2k a month personally i say you cut back about 500 worth in retirement savings youre still saving 1500 a month plus youll have some breathing room and the ability to say yes to networking events if youre gonna go there to network dont let that just be a thing you say go do it,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 the easiest method would be to manually scan each cell skipping the blank ones and adding the ones that contain data option explicit private sub userformactivate dim rowcounter as long listindex as long dim workarea as range set workarea rangebr3bs65 listbox1columnheads true listbox1columncount 2 for rowcounter 1 to workarearowscountlarge if lenworkareacellsrowcounter 1value gt 0 and lenworkareacellsrowcounter 2value gt 0 then with listbox1 additem listlistindex 0 workareacellsrowcounter 1value listlistindex 1 workareacellsrowcounter 2value end with listindex listindex 1 end if next rowcounter set workarea nothing end subnote this code only adds an item if both cells contain data,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i mean its a fruity drink it doesnt taste like cough medicine type cherry pretty tasty although i rarely drink wine coolers,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i am not saying you are whining it is a common thought and it is understandable that you are mad i am just pointing out that many cheaters in mm arent actually cheaters only better or more experiencedlike i said id like to know which ac from which game works that way because realistically you cant know beforehand if a person is going to cheat in that game the person must have played a game beforehand and the system has to convict him to not let him playif the system cant label the player as guilty you wont be able to ban him just because x persons reported him,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 cldownloadfilter nosounds is the right command,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 if you want further advice in anything on the subject feel free to message me i have a lot of insight on it and ill have to admit prior to my current relationship i was a serial dater so ive seen a lot of different scenarios you could possibly think of to come from dating casually and exclusively,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 i dont think anyone is ever a must play fresh off a mcbut i like him a lot hes in my cash line at the moment,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im not sure canada is the answer i know a canadian who live here in australia and she said that its just as expensive as australia which is on the same level as norway and switzerland however australians have the salaries to match it with the average job paying about 75000 and a good job is being at least 100000 whereas canadians dont she said an average salary is 40000 a year and a good job would get you 60000 audcad is 11furthermore canadians have the same problems with housing as the uk does a house in a decent place with those good jobs as above ie toronto vancouver calgary is just as expensive as australia and se englandif you want to move somewhere for a better life id also recommend the usa in addition to australia cost of living is absurdly low there you can still get a 400k 1 bed apartment in manhattan and pay is among the highest in the world for white collar jobs on par with australia if you have a university degree and are skilledcertified in something the main difference is that theres a hugely visible underclass in the usa who have it really tough and are exploited by companies like walmart but if youre in that sort of position you wouldnt meet the eligibility criteria to move there yes theres no free healthcare either but your employer usually pays for insurance on top of your salary and even if you have to fund it yourself the lower taxes plus tons of deductions more than make up for it anyway,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 you can compare stats like income networth assets debt and have it organized by age location local nationwide etc,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 the reason i made this thread right here actually,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 from my experience i tend to be interested and curious about a wide group of things but not everything at once context guides what i am interested in they are usually connected in some way as well it also depends on how i am feeling and what is going on in my life if i am dealing with a lot of personal issues in my life i tend to not be as curious and more disinterested in my case im not as interested in gravity waves at the moment because i have a lot of personal conflict that i need to sort out i guess depression isnt helpingi guess another thing that is important is if something is personally relevant to me from my understanding even though cogfuncmention is lead it is backed up by cogfuncmention im not an expert but my guess would be that it would mean that they are extremely curious about things that have a personal connection to them as for personal interests at the moment tabletop roleplaying games writing drawing and painting,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 stopped reading at stupid disability peoplequit lumping huge groups of people together under sweeping assumptions quit being an assuming ass there are dozens of ways you could have posted this question and had an actual useful discussion,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 huh so you have a website now,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 thats fine if you need anything just shine the batman symbol,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 glad things are better i noticed that with a nice relationship with somebody that freedom doesnt change much still feels free,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 kiernan raised an eyebrow unsure why her niece seemed to enjoy watching her fight imaginary foes so much nevertheless it was what she wanted to see and so kiernan finished her second glass of wine and stoodstanding in the middle of the empty space kiernan took up a defensive stance and gave the floor an exaggerated scan noting the locations of the seven little men after a moment of palpable tension the swarm beganunlike her reenactment of the melee her actions were all much more coordinated and precise ten years of training making a noticeable difference she started by kicking and swinging her arms down blocking the flurry of kicks bites and punches directed at her lower body but soon opted for more complex and amusing tacticsgrabbing one of the dwarves that she had decided was climbing up her back she swung him around and let him loose into a cluster knocking several of the little bastards out cold finally after another few seconds of valiantly struggling she flung the last dwarf into the air and sent it flying at doreah and marq with her best drop kickreturning to her seat she caught her breath but she quickly let it go again as the laughter shed been restraining broke forth that wouldve been harder if i was taller she joked once she could speak again your turn,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 welcome to rtypemention here is your complimen nevermind we never made an introduction pamphlet the wiki is nevermind enjoy your stay,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 the amount of people who support it is scary,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 blame it on being right next to 81 everyones just passing through,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 maryam seems to suffer from a severe case of idealism which i guess she inherited from her communists views or maybe its the other way around her idealism got her to buy into the communist ideology to listen to her is a bit like listening to the pope her rhetoric significanty lack of pragmatism something that is plaguing the left she constantly try to avoid taking difficult positions its easy to wish well for the entire humanity but its harder to face the reality that we are not going to save the life of every single child caught in a civil war,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 whoa whoa easy there lady,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 what a cuck magaten feet higher,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 i guess that had more to do with the fact that he completely wore his body out which caused mistakes in the creation of his titan dont forget that the brain uses 20 of all the energy of the human body and is one of the most vulnerable parts of your body if were talking about tiredness,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah talisa said quietly nodding in agreement and pausing for a moment just to imagine the view climbing all those steps would be so exhausting she noted to herself lazily but her love of the ocean made the trek seem worth it at least in her mindi really want to visit oldtown too talisa said returning from oldtown to the antlers the hightower and the canals and stone streets and the citadel just all of it,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 too late i sent ops pic in instead and got the free stuff,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sample formula i played around with just now hyperlink amp b1 amp amp c1google that gtwhat you want to do is add in a between separate search terms,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 schwartzels course history at riviera is ridiculous i have to consider him a stud right now not big on moore,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the first cut looked pretty nice granted it was on an olinemanalthough i think his standup running style will get him rekt here soon he has these really sharp subtle cuts and hesitations that seem to be pretty effective,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 because if they cant put a boundaryperover past the parttime bowlers how can they do it against the frontline strike bowlersedit i was wrong,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 no its not traditionally required but it really fucking helps,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 you guys were insane under ancelotti one of the most functional and well rounded teams ive seen play everyone was so commited to carlos direct system,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 agreed though its a young crowd and rtypemention has its signature suck too hahaha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 lets be real shes out of your leagueget out of novice league and you might have a chance,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 do you recommend using the shoulder switches out of a pro controller or a pair from ebay,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 yup elf and love actually,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i dont want to know ok,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 live forever even if i never die i shall never complete the task,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 can you tell me about china in what way does it not work for you,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i have had similar experiences with typemention hahaha i have also had rough experiences with ixfjs of a different though no less consistent variety as you more or less seem to say its more about how developed people are haha and picking your poison would you rather deal with someone slightly neurotic or destructively careless outwardly or quietly narcissistic authority issues or controlling tendencies everyones a goddamn grabbag of issues some just have a few more goodies than others hahahahahahah,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 font let this distract you from the fact the houston oilers blew a 35 point lead,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i mean i get saying pupper and doggo online but it must be really weird hearing it irl like someone saying anon hashtag or whatever else,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i got him for like 160 usd xd but yeeess its him,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 your fucking user is meth,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 any instance in rick and morty,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 i rather think he is typing something,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i dont have this exact experience but i daydream about conversations between others that im present for or conversations between me and another person i think its because im naturally extroverted but have a hard time telling people the things i need to tell them or having a conversation that isnt small talk or emotionally detached and analytical i think i do it to work through my emotions about things that i cant talk to someone about or have a sounding board for,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 if a girl looks 21 shes 21 to me,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 is this they thing whatsapp implied that this is wrong because the sequence number would prevent the server from dropping messagesedit actually it was telegram not whatsapp,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 buy a block of tofu slice it thin like fries season it and deep fry they get super crunchy and are so good,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 yeah brave new world too i used to think it was more relevant than orwell until now i think they have both ended up being right so far were just waiting for the genetic technologies to catch up,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 erratic and cyclical is pretty much a contradiction in terms no,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 well yes they should because the state should be protecting its populace so it is a problem,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 thank you for seeking the middle ground ive been getting very worked up the past hour my apologies if i have insulted you somewhere,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 high praise from a mind i respect thank you,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 on what basis is that of concern its recommended by the american heart association theres no way in hell i would consider for a second not having two drinks because of someones unfounded unscientific feelings about it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i like to explain things in chinese better gets the point across but casually talking is so much better in english,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 haha very asian heavy choi is a cash game play i think hell make the cut consistently but not much else how about finau in that price range i love mahan personally but again more of a cash play so go moore there,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 my sos job supports five people hes in manufacturing and has been for 20 years they pay him a pittance for his value with almost no growth in income as compared to inflation20 years ago he started about twice the minimum wage of the time today he earns about twice the current minimum wage the ratio to minimum wage hasnt changed at all its patheticmore jobs would be a great thing but we also need to be aware that wages have been very stagnant for many years especially in manufacturing used to be a single wage earner could support an entire family in a middle class lifestyle not anymore i hope this changes very soonbuy american hire american,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 its a great movie but its not a mustsee masterpiece it is longer than it needs to be,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 you can do itthe only one who is the best thing ever is when you have to be a good dayi love you so much fun and i have to be a good day,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 ehhh the libertarian party has little chance at winning a presidential seat and im not exactly a fan of them dissing libertarian candidates running under the republican moniker,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 trolling colorblind or do you think that the fact that the anime is in color makes it uncannon,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 you did not say duly noted did you omg thats fucking hilarious and very endearing,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 why should they even listen to reddit is the question valve can gladly give not a single fuck about it as people here are dumb as fuck when it comes to technical things,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 top 3 out of a public game so yeah you had to be good to get it lol,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yes im not too late,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 right now morris is ufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffd 4 3s in the 1st,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 aaand there ya go a hoof full of permanent facial disfiguration for your trouble,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 cant we do the whole world a favor and dip every vegan on earth in hot fat preferably while theyre still alive,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 only the 30th time that lines been used here in the last week,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 once that was the first time id come across the katana weapon art though so it gave me a bit of trouble,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 theres hundreds of thousands and theyre like crazy zombies coming for your brains they can smell your entpness dont go outside bar the doors stay safe,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 id say only 3 times the volume due to sound being logarithmic still very loud though,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 this also have proof to show so that he is intimidated and know that youre not joking another note meet in a public coffee house or confront him outside of his office hopefully its a somewhat populated area desperate and crazy people do desperate and crazy things id bring a friend just in case too,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 youre missing the most interesting one elizabeth ii,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 bill nye is a coward and a racist who refuses to debate me about cryptids on twitter,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 thanks a ton for the encouraging reply im in such a weird position i feel as if my friend is hurting terribly and i can help her but at the same time helping anyone is no easy task and doing it improperly is way much worse than not doing anything at alli guess what ive figured out is that i need to be sorted out myself and have all my daily affairs in order and then if i have the time and energy i can see if there are any possibilities to help and this is not due to selfishness i truly believe people who are not capable of dealing with their own lives shouldnt be giving any advice whatsoever especially if its a serious matterthe good old put your oxygen mask on first,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 with power come people who abuse it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 was the first thing i thought too but sociopathy isnt some random word to throw around so willynilly p,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 as an engineer i really enjoyed this i have a few suggestions for your financial technical model before you submit to investors if youre making it 20km up you could probably extend it into space 60km or however far until you can ignore air resistance from a materials and tech standpoint 20 shipping containers are rated to 30 tonnes so you should consider the max volumeweight of the 40 used in your estimates probably want some electromagnetically insulated containers to protect from the mag fields so electronics dont get fried if youre just shooting containers youll need a catchingretrieval facility or the containers will need maneuvering thrustersmechanism probably a good idea to make the inside of this thing a vacuum which brings up all the problems with the hyperloop dont get me started and have it cooled to manage the superconductorsfyi 3 nuclear plants producing 1gw is actually on the low side of it particularly if youre looking for that kind of crazy output they can generate heaps of power and also consider renewable options the 3 gorges dam in china produces 225gw,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i need someone to do this dunk in the contest one day 50,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 she has to hide behind the couch to drink her scotch now if bannon saw her he would be pissed that she was holding out,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 you may be interested in the following code dim sfilename as variant dim fso set fso createobjectscriptingfilesystemobject dim ofolder set ofolder fsogetfolderfolder path for each sfilename in ofolderfiles if sfilenamename then end if nextits the stripped down code i use in a macro that iterates through every single file within a folder,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 done put it in my agenda,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i bet nobody read your username,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 sure way to set yourself up for disappointment i think if you dont get anything in writinglife has taught me people are almost all greedy sobsreal good way to figure out what a person is really like either by them winning a ton of cash or by you winning a ton of cash and how they change or not after that fact,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yes a few times i agree that you need to shop around and find one that is a good fit i stopped seeing one once because her only answer was drugs,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 trump cannot afford a brokered convention so he needs to win ohio and florida i just dont see rubio winning florida we have seen that cruz can take votes from rubio and late decider if rubio dropped before florida could cruz win it maybe i dont know kasich is still polling strong in ohio and might be helped by the party to win there cruz should let ohio to kasich as cruz only chance is a brokered convention,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 just uhh be politer and not kick people for saying dont abuse your powersthxand dont ban my friend without warning for sitting on a button all game he was terribly new and it hurt my feelings,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 most of us have watched the episode livethe raws will be online in about 15 minutesthe subs will be released in less than a hour,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thats cute you think theres only one sniper in this picture,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 whats it eating a mealworm or something,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 heres an alternative to performing the same set of checks dim keywords as variant keywords arraymissing person mp mental health cia search warrant traffic dim output as variant output arrayno offence missing person no offence missing person no offence mental health no offence cia search warrant no offence search warrant no offence traffic dim index as long rangeg amp loopervalue no offence for index 0 to uboundkeywords if instrclipboardtxt keywordsindex gt 0 then rangeg amp loopervalue outputindex next index,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 just takes me to a blank grey page or is that the test,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 im not sure about the u81eau6c11u515au3001 but joining the u7518u515a was really easy,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 theres always acceleration here on earth its called gravity and constantly exerts 98ms2 in a downward direction,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its just one of those generic cop out sayings in my mind it doesnt really encompass the whole picture im not going to go into detail but i can give you an example that might give you a glimpseis a poor kid in a third world country to blame for his or her own situation not even a healthy kid either theyve got serious medical issues and probably wont live to see 5 years olddoesnt matter if they take responsibility and grow up not literally they arent really going to have awesome opportunities in most cases even if they try hardthats an extreme case but i was mostly getting at there are actually many circumstances way way beyond someones control and what you said seems to say those didnt matter at all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh thanks sure sorry i thought you were talking about something else,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 yep if op hadnt come into work that day there would have been absolutely no difference in outcome,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 uh yeah all the time i stop telling those people what i think im pretty good at keeping things superficial but i cant be close to people who arent open to debate oh damn just realized why i mostly hang out with ts haha,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 did it really change what roles hunters can play i agree it made artemis viable but since she was considered garbage before and still isnt toppick i feel thats a good thing same with xbalanque to a lesser extenti think its fine if it was really breaking the game i think wed see more impact in the spl most hunters buy it first but it doesnt really change their outcomes they clear faster but that hasnt translated into hunters dominating games,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 biology specifically human anatomyeven more specifically female human anatomy s but seriously i do find anatomy fascinating,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 i love doing this to people who are shooting them at me,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 captain jack harknesscaptain malcolm reynolds captain sterling archer surely hes held rank at some pointcaptain tony stark if captain america was the leader of the avengers then surely you need to be a captain to lead the avengersoh and captain jack sparrowall these guys seem like such reasonable and not impossible to live up to caricatures of different parts of the typemention experiencedont forget captain starlord,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 ill be honest havels set has gotten me killed many times so far because the dragon tooth is way too slow and all someone has to do to beat me is r1 spam before my hyper armor activates and im basically defenseless the weapon art can sometimes work mid r1 spam but usually theyve got something faster that just stops that too rolling is pointless as well since unless youve got upwards of 80 vitality the best you can do is fat roll which is very exploitable ive actually felt like im at a huge disadvantage doing pvp with the set since everyone can easily dodge nearly every swing easily and then just backstabs or r1 spams once my 3 swings and roll burn all my stamina this is without the shield though i havent gotten my havel builds vitality high enough to use it yet,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 the slippery slope is real,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 typemention 5w44w58w9 sxsprapper and dubstep producermale14 yoagnostic tooedgy and egocentrical,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 if you dont play it wrong there wouldnt be a problem,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 well it looks to be an art book so not necessarily,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 this is what is known as an inline pop up its literally a window on the web page designed to look like your browsers pop up warning windows clicking anything on these windows links you to whatever payload the author of that web page has chosen you most likely downloaded something and should begin scanning your computer for malware and viruses,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 ive had very strong ginger ale before frankly didnt like it it was almost spicy in a way,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 avp here all of you get back to work,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 thank you for finding the thread i posted this at 4 am and ran out of initiative to search it out or find 72architypes full user name i was hoping enough people would get the referenceyou get my vote for best typemention too always anticipating peoples needs and filling in their gaps with a dash of good humor and resourcefulness,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 trump being loud and obnoxious is probably seen as his greatest qualities in new jersey,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 shox left titan because of the gaming house or his grill and nbk left because he wanted a team without ex6 he then asked smithzz to come with him as well as kennys but kenny deniedi personally dont find it weird that they return to titan seeing that they can play together with rpk and ex6 again makes me excited,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 woww theres no way that guy doesnt heavily cosplay steampunk,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i dont mean neurochemically addictive i mean they can cause to play them instead of searching for new and edifying experiences like the op was saying,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 ick like 150 degree fov jumping like a madman is the main strategy one weapon only no thanks not my kinda game,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i have 2 typemention friends and we get along awesomely they are caring and generous i never have to do or be anything in front of them they accept me for who i am,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 the program is called screenfetch for ubuntu gt1404 and debian testingunstableinstall aptget install screenfetchthere is also a ppa for ubuntu located at,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i dont have any nowbut id rather take the safe route where my decision only affects merather than have a child in tow and be likeoh shitcan i give this thing back,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i have honestly never met an typemention afraid of emotion this is a f misconception which i conjecture helps to explain why we are different hell i was talking with an typemention the other day who said that emotion gives life meaning i partly agree i think the difference may be that we treat emotions much like any other thought yes sometimes they are overwhelming but generally its oh i feel this way thats interesting wonder why i have though known more than a few typemention who are afraid of sadness and fear everything has to be fun all the time until they bottle it up beyond capacity and have a fucking meltdown edit a bit more haha i was talking with a friend the other day about her supposed typemention bf perhaps he is as i said to her though his reluctance to create timelines for the future indicates thinking driven by emotion t almost never shies away from thinking about anything or from discussing it unless it thinks you might freak out because thats never fun,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 looks about right to me note the 2 and 4 used in weekdaynow represents monday and wednesday you can adjust these to test that your code does execute at the appropriate time if you want otherwise youll have to wait until next monday to see if your document was printed,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 why are you assuming a dichotomy that doesnt exist i love classical and electronic some fave electronic artists are daedelus the field minimal techno clams casino pantha du princeelectronic music is so rich and interesting when its actually creative it has the most unbounded potential for exploring space and soundscapes of any genre theres no upper limit on the kind of audio signals that can be engineered and thats only on the raw sound level not even starting on actual composition,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 exactly i am really bewildered by my writer friends who want to be novelists but dont intake anything more complicated than twitter,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 life is meaningless and the only value to existence is its existence there is nothing special about humans we are not more or less than ants whales butterflies etclet me be especially nasty here and ask you what is the value of a human in vegetative state from birth on without the ability to think experience its surroundings or communicate intrinsic valueedit a day later and a day where my emotions speak more where the hell did that creep come from who is able to so coldly reject the merrits of human life how does jekyll get rid of hyde,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 the thing that has helped me most in times like this is volunteering find a cause you can be passionate about reaching out to others helps me get out of my own head and not take things for granted as much im not saying you do but how i felt and how volunteering helped me get out of a rut,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i dont think people are ready for adult decisions until 25 at least i was a wreck throughout my 20s personally,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 haha ppl build fountains lol,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 you can ride in the minecartyou mean i just played through the whole game again for the same endingsuuughhhh i dont have time for this i need to do homework cccc,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 why dirty how long does it take to clean your glasses lol i can tell you that almost no one finds a person who spends all their time online very appealing i am on reddit way too much but its mostly while i work life is so much better than the internets haha crazy people dont think theyre crazy well you certainly wont be with an attitude like that haha learning to properly engage and formulate our thoughts is something i think all typemention have to work on its in half the writeups about typemention you have to work on it sorry bout the eczema i get that shit too not on my face thankfully i have gotten some pretty good creams for when i need it do you have allergies and are you keeping them under control that can really help not all doctors are created equal so you might want to see some other ones if possible you sound like youve given up hope in a lot of the areas which bother you i think this is a defense mechanism to avoid a fear of failure and to mitigate the pain of that which you dont like about yourself we are also said to be easily discouraged,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so this sub is being watched by bored housewives in the early afternoons when they should be cleaning the house and getting supper readywhatever shall we do,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 just 10 secondsgo fuck yourself lol,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i was planning io go on that sub incase reddit flops now i am stuck with tumblr or 4chan,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 if anything itll just switch to bitcoin like poker,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yup we both have to much free time and were both constantly the top two comments on each threadwe should team up once and make a theory of everything for snk that blows this sub away,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i use a wheelchair and welcome to jackass,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 ah okay you didnt give any grounds for this being a stupid short term decision but given it is true since there is essentially nobody without implicit sexist biases there are no such people available to hire assuming implicit sexist biases equate to this type of discrimination by people and also it might be the case that you couldnt establish that they didnt have implicit biases without a prohibitively expensive testing format for every candidate though i think running everyone through a custom implicitassociation test wouldnt be that expensive,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 ex catholic here sex is specifically for making babies and really shouldnt be for any other reason this is the understanding i came away withfuck that lol,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 that name should never be said,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 apparently some men can lactate if their nipples are stimulated often enough hook him up to the pump i say,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 based on the engagement fortnite is gettingparagon on the other hand,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 why not play at low and a lower resolution,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 same same i was just talking an hour or so ago about how much i enjoyed fixing up a house a few years back it was so much work but soooo satisfying to look at the results i kind of miss it fixingwriting code has some of the same rewards but there is a lot to be said for having 3d results you can touch,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so why does he hundreds of times describe the one as sickly and the other as healthy on which does he blame european nihilism,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 sounds nice how you like your burger got to flip it with my grillary spatula,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 my guess is that after the uprising arc when they finally had the support of the people was the one golden opportunity they had to head for shinganshina there were no more direct threats they had the necessary funding and eren just gained hardening why would they ruin that moment by opening pandoras box would the people still cheer for them if they accidentally released annie back in the streets no they had a perfect opportunity to retake the land that was theirs and everything else was an issue for lateralso plot,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 if it was possible to hide the existence of the f117 for so long is it not also possible that the successor to the aim120d is not publicly known,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 also they dont want to loose the people that value privacy,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 a faithless elector voted for toni nathan in 1972,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 what are you even talking about,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i concurr im not sure why so many people are seeing a g or why it would even be funnycreepywhatever this is like rnotevenmildlyinteresting,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 he still didnt seem nearly as bad as richard to me i would say that steven leo and richard also jaques and ben while were at it are all absolute scum though fwiw just to varying degrees with richard being by far the worst from what weve seen so far he barely seems human,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i imagine plank has bug fixes that docky doesnt,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 thanks for the clarification as the article said they had enough of other food than potatoes to feed the population but it was largely exported to england,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 watch much home and gardening tv theres a lesson there nobody is ever comfortable with a sledgehammerâ¹ but ya gotta use the right tool for the jobâ¹ except maybe ty pennington side note how the fuck is that motherfucker fifty one years old i thought he was like35,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 it sounds like a super duper rigid typementionlike we are incapable of even considering the feelings of otherssays the selfproclaimed control freak,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 although i agree with all the others here that this relationship might not be the best idea ever i also have the feeling youll pursue it anywayso instead ill offer some advice with regard to having a relationship with someone who is mentally unstable and im speaking from personal experienceif you want this shell need to get intensive individual therapy but there is more you need to get therapy realize that being with someone like her will be giving everything you have emotionally and mentally because you love her and getting very little in return because she simply cant in her condition this asks for tremendous personal sacrifice which will take a toll on you you need to beat this by starting out with individual therapy for you straight away just like she if you dont youll find yourself in a very dark place and not only will you not be able to help her anymore you will probably also spend a very long time on breing able to do nothing else but get better yourself if that happens this will cost you your friends and career last youll need couples therapy as well maybe not as intensive as individual therapy but both you have do not have any strong good experience of what it means to be in a good relationship and frankly you two will not be in the position to figure it out on your own and make mistakes because remember shes ill and her recovery takes priority over learning new skillsim not saying what you want is impossible im doing it myself right now but you should be aware of what youll put yourself through and take proper precautions to keep yourself mentally healthy,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the conversation was in the sphere channel its someone from sphere yall have traitor in yalls midsts,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 and here we see who is the pretend kennys who likes to noscope and gets not enough credit for it he thinksgo back to nova,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 preach id like everyone over a dd to upvote the shit out of this,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 excuse my ignorance but how much power would a small version of these require to operate say for instance the 2226ghz versions mentioned in the article,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 in general i recommend reading up on the center for health and wellbeings research because you clearly have no fucking clue about the subject,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 id say mozy is doing a hell of a lot better than nikola pekovic these days,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yep its an array of strings for each line of your input data its explicitly undimensioned because the split function automatically resizes the array to the amount of data it needs to store,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i heard on last friday my least favorite part is being in a conversation then told to say the pledge of allegiance,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 thanks for posting this i havent seen really anything about how augusta derived her concept of information aspects other than a few articles on kepinskis information metabolism this makes sense though,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 as the quadrifoglio has a carbon roof i dont think it would be a option in series 2 and beyond because of weightand yes aftermarket sunroofs are looking cheap and may also impaire safety,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 change your clcmdrate and rate to normal settings if you should have a better bandwith call your isp,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 after thinking about it why are we spending time on archaic claptrap like virtues and vices they are as much a relic as religion itself where they found their origin,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 prolly why yellowtail doesnt want him raving cus like his dad was in the music business,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 well to be perfectly honest the weapon industry advanced the human race further than any other industry rechearch towards biological weapons increased our medical knowledge nuclear weapons gave us nuclear power and military communication and navigation evolved into gps and indirectly the internet tldr the inventions made in the weapons industry improve more lives in the long run than it takes,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 uhim not totally sure what you mean but i think yeah,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 all of these awesome setups look far too gaudy for me to ever use,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 good job number 57you should also write it that way in other normal comments if you want to climb in rank,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thanks it matches the rest of the room,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 the only thing hed prove by getting himself killed is that hes daft kiernan vented thats the only reason for putting bloodlust and glory before his life and his family,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 no worries glad i could help,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 kiernan looked up to see who had entered the smile she had from playing with the little rosby dickbutt boy quickly vanishing as she registered rodricks pitiful visage frowning she remained seated and quiet she had offered him condolences for the death of his brother and for the death of his friend yet none would be good enough for his wife,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 adulthood is wayyyyyy more fun than being a teen anyone who says otherwise is a sad sad person have an upvote though haha no i dont have kids,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 fair point still not gonna watch his videos so i have no reason to subscribe,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ive been replaying metroid recently and i forgot how much i absolutely love this series zero mission is easily one of the best and i really wish they would go back to the roots of the series rather than the direction theyve taken it lately,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 well this is easy shagmarry typemention i think theyre generally really fun though i imagine the relationship would be very rocky and i would probably eventually be smothered in my sleep kill typemention while i find most typemention completely insufferable they are easily avoided typemention are an irritant that just wont go away typemention typemention typemention,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 just for the craic please could you re post this as a business idea ive built multiplayer solitaire want to monetise it looking for advice ufffdufffd,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 so we are to ignore the bigger picture of the ideology where this piece came from okay ill ignore my gut on this and just accept this piece of propaganda unquestioningly to hell with my initial negative reaction to this tidbit lets all use stuff in a meme because when it is in a meme it has to be goodas an aside since when did we stop being critical,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 how has that worked out for you so farno disrespect intended im genuinely curious but arent oampg stocks incredibly volatile with the industry being particularly vulnerable to short term shocks and long term prospects dont look too good either for oil with opec the us amp iran overproducing gas especially lng might perform but not as well as solar battery tech and green energy will,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 oh see with the comment on heaven is head and earth is balls he speaks of gate between heaven and earth and i assumed that he specifically meant that meditation is key letting the qi flow and whatnot well thats fine then thats fine so now my question is just who is this guy is he like the classic old masters in kung fu movies is he like an old man sitting on the side of the street,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i could not care less about fishing the only time ive been fishing since my grandpa took me as a child was an attempt to trick a guy into thinking im outdoorsy lol but ridiculously complex analogies make me weak in the knees good job d,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 tbh any of them could be morphling replicate kappa,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 typemention are just intimidated by typemention,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 a little late to this but1 98 koshein sumotori pokemon stadium 2,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 also what the heck is unity thats where i got off track when you say unity i think of the unit circle which has a radius of 1,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 ahahahahaha come to rtypemention one of us one of us,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 fall out is the debris coming down after a nuclear explosion fall out can also be used as a term to denote the consequences of a negative eventyour girlfriend is going to operate her brain outside of the normal operating parameters depending on the mood she is in that will either result in positive or a negative experience if the experience is negative this could have an aftermath and she might need you to get back to herself again be prepared to give the support she needs if it didnt go well for herin the event that it does go well there probably isnt much to do well listen to her when she relates her experiences,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 stupid petitioncant resist maylayyyinngshiiiieeetttclick augh,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 if there was sharia law this would have never happened,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 typemention mormon friend said this exact same line to me when she wanted me to come back to church with her,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 yemen is tearing itself apart over religion turkey and egypt are having some serious trouble no place for being an atheist for sure pakistan has some serious sectarian violence there are malaysia that kind of hold it together but salafi islam is said to be on the rise so it is in indonesia lebanon and jordan manage to hold it together but if the salafists make their way it will turn like the rest,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i didnt say it in the guide but i ran this before stratos got banned and it was pretty broken then too but after stratos was banned and before shadow mist was released i ran a synchro build like youre running and it was very good,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 theyll find him when they jump into the ocean,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 we would trexit and take most of reddit with us no cucks,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i think it depends on the kid too i started with tng at six or seven and loved it the only tos i really liked was the voyage home and the trouble with tribbles even in the 80s most of tos seemed dated to me and i wasnt interested in fistfights or miniskirtsid start with either one and just see if they like it if so good keep going if not try the other one,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 none its original and id like anyone to try and disprove that fact runescape copied their sword after me and microsoft made named a failed programming language in my name too funny since im a coder and more amusing is that i dont know how to program in iti think theres even a book by that name i still had my name first online,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yea because of religious victory missionary bombing is a major problem around the medieval era ive found not sure if later if you have another city with your religion i recommend building a holy site in that city and spawn some missionaries of your own to convert your other city back if youve lost your religion there are things you can do in future games to prevent it from happening again buy a missionary with faith to counteract these missionarybombings or hell go bring your religion to their asses build a temple to purchase apostles which can fight other civs missionaries amp apostles without starting a war though you can start religious wars not sure how though apostles can also spread beliefs amp be sacrificed to evangelize beliefs which lets you add more benefits to your religion last they can start an inquisition which allows you to purchase inquisitors which are weaker units enemy apostles can and will kill them but they are powerful because they have the remove heresy ability which removes all the religious pressure from a city even one that has flipped to another religion so long as it had your religion first last there is apparently some way to ask a civ to stop sending their missionariesapostles but ive yet to have that option ive heard its in the demand list in the civ ui im sure this hurts your relationship unless of course that civ likes it when you get forceful lolof course you could always declare war and cry with glee as your knights run roughshod over those squealing bastard missionaries p,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 nope that uses data not wasting my data,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i took it online once they asked for money to give me the results well i aint paying for that shit,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i cant see how a doc would confuse them for seeds or like someone said lower captures dirt,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i dont know if you are a troll or just really stupid at this pointyou lose no information if i have 128 fps i get fresh data every frame and send fresh data every frame if my monitor displays 120 or 60 frames per second makes no fucking difference the only thing it does is displaying every single frame assuming you have 128hz however the outcome is the same regardless if you play with 60 or 120 or 144hz you always see the same you always send the same and you always receive the same information regardless of your hz that is why you will always see the same thing in cs regardless of the hz of your monitorotherwise people with high hz monitors would wreck everyone on 128 tick servers which isnt the caseplease turn on your brain pleasemaybe read this post and turn on your brain,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im old relative to some young relative to others is that supposed to hurt oh shit i just realised im not 18 anymore holy shit sad little troll seriously shape up or gtfo,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 gossip girl i was very pleasantly surprised didnt for a second think itd be my kind of show netflix thought differently so i gave it a shot on a whim glad i did,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 this isnt really constructive feedback as much as generic applause i was pretty skeptical of a reset for a number of reasons but by now im really looking forward to it yall have put an insane amount of work into it and it was worth it every new mechanic seems fun and even the old ones have been revamped and improved incredibly the reset was claimed as an opportunity to fix the problems of itp and provide a fresh start while preserving the spirit and i think it did thatso uh thanks,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 hey thanks for taking the time to reply thank you for the advice ill try and do that,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 name una halfcrow born 295 ac position wandering free folk location haunted forest by the milkwater backstory eleven or twelve years ago some idiot ranger decided to go north instead of south to get his rocks off the fat ginger crow came came and left thats what the folks in her village always told her her mother looked at her hair and said she was kissed by fire but the other villagers always said it meant she had too much of the crow in her they were scared shitless of her mother though so they didnt do anything that is until a bear ripped her mothers throat out then they were all suddenly very brave they kicked her out when she was eight saying her crow wings were grown enough to fly away from the nest the rest is history,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 a more accurate description would be 2013 vs 2014 it was only then that they graphics were updated,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 in the code provided sfilename is the object that contains each items properties it is why the line for each sfilename in ofolderfiles is formatted as such the object ofolderfiles is the selected folder within that folder object contains the files array which is what the for each sfilename loops through,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i noticed the typemention descriptions toothought that was quite interesting yeah the rest were definitely what i expected how well did you relate to the typemention responsesoh neat i will for sure look into thatoh no if i lead them on they might try to start skyping me or somethingp,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 that makes sense pretty cool idea though really sci fi,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 phrased it a little wrong sorry i didnt mean psychics who are male i meant according to you theres this huge untapped market for psychics men that none of them seek which doesnt make sense to me â so i dont really buy that men are equally interested in psychics etc as women,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 well i thought it was funny,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 news article 11 hours ago,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 25 years part time side gig was briefly full time management until i selfdemoted back to delivery i dont do the fake customer service bullshit if they are nice so am i but i will also be rude if theyre rude this is known in my franchise and while i wouldnt say they support it they dont do anything to stop me the one lady that i really went off on she deserved it called the franchise corporate office and tried to get me in trouble they immediately gave her a huge credit and then met with me the next time i worked after hearing my side which i recorded because there was a history of fraud with this lady they sided with me removed her credit and banned her so we dont tolerate shit when the line is crossed me being rude without reason would cost the company money but me being rude to fraudulent customers that already cost the company money through all their complaints or fraudulent charge backs ends up saving the company money again this is how it isnt supported but isnt not supported either,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 thats the definition of geek,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 were infamous overthinkers and at first we tend to answer typing questions about analytical thinking and rationality without understanding that those generally refer to impersonal evaluation so then we march around thinking were typemention or typemention or whateversource thought i was typemention for like two years,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 well maybe i should have worded it like this this comes off as such to viewers coming in from rallquit gaslighting,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i think reksai is kinda hard the potential in his kit makes it harder to play effectively compared to sejuani or amumu,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i was going to say you seem more like typemention than typemention,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 the functions are not defined the same way eg cogfuncmention in socionics is intuition of time high cogfuncmention means the person is good at dealing with events in the time line predicting when something will happen for example in mbtiits about unconsciously getting to a conclusionone idea from many ie the opposite of needit added not and some minor words,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 nah fam embrace the chaos,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 no its a germanic language that i derived from earlyprotogermanic,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i think the bbc is so impartial and objective theres plenty of scope for both sides with opposing viewpoints to claim unfair treatment either by claiming that theyre scrutinised more than the other party or feeling that the bbc gives unfair preferential treatment towards a certain topic according to whatever biases they allege the bbc to have,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 you are right in some ways i identify as a woman even though i have a transgender historyhowever many people see community in the transgender label so they call themselves transwomen as a way to identify themselves as part of that community a simple hey we have had similar experiencesit also is a way to bring up issues that affect only a specific group of women women with a transgender status and men with transgender have distinct issues that arent faced by other women or menit depends on the person and what they want to do with their life my goal in life is to simply live my life as a girl which unfortunately means hiding in the long run my transgender status some people are okay with having a transgender identity and they dont mind being labeled as suchit really depends on the person and their preference how much of their identity is rooted in their gender identity really determines how they identity some people live their lives as openly transgender others like me try to avoid it being an open thing and be more of a private manner,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 are you saying that i shouldnt do that,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 the problem is that for 25ms and upwarfs you can also play on good 64tick servers and your hits would still connecti love how some people i know say yeah 128 tick best while playing with cmd and updaterate 64,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 haha thats wonderful i absolutely get what you mean with clare i feel that same thing with my own family for the most part,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i have always wanted either a green tree python or an emerald tree boa theyre such beautiful creatures and my favorite color happens to be green,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yea i do find it a bit interesting how this sub attracts a lot of those types of posts and im not saying that i dont like it i just find it interesting and im glad those people feel safe here i think venting can be constructive though it also probably depends on the thought process behind the venting,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 one can debate whether all of this is done by design or by â œaccidentâ if you realize that us actions create further pretexts for war then those who do this for a living must realize it too their own studies say this and how many times does something have to happen before â œaccidentâ is no longer a viable explanation but whatever else is true about motive there is no question that us militarism constantly strengthens exactly that which it is pitched as trying to prevent and ensures that the us government never loses its supply of reasons to continue its endless war glenn greenwald1,83.0,87.0,9.0,24.0,61.0 i guess its a sort of strategy that trade chaos for a certain form of order if there are too many corrupt and dangerous gangs you simplify the system by having one bad guy and his foot soldier that you kind of hope you have an idea whats his rules are and kind of hope you fall on the right side,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yes and is sad people have no brain anymore in le too i ranked up to le so naturally i am better than you that is why im gonna peek mid and die for 8 rounds straight,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 unfortunately having deep and abstract conversations without first having menial small talk is kind of getting the cart before the horse especially in a work environment i love these conversations but even as an extrovert i purposefully avoid them at work because you never know what kind of crazy is lurking beneath someones professional demeanorif i were you i would suggest looking outside your workplace and getting involved in a local class or workshop if you are in even a moderately populated area im sure there will be options of interest lots of people go to such events open to the idea of making new friends and you can practice relating over intuition in a lowrisk environment,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 introverted intuition should also see patterns in the code though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i usually start with the normal small talk stuff like life history with a lot of whys and hows so lets say you studied history i might ask oh cool i love history was that more just because you were interested in general or did you have a specific career in mind at that point oh both you say so why do you find history fascinating the personal stories what do you get out of those personal stories that you couldnt get from interacting with people in the present ah yeah i get that i also enjoy taking the historians own views into account trying to separate their agenda from the actual account like reading the gaulic conquests is a fascinating window into the machinations of caesar blah blah blah etc etc etc down the rabbit hole i of course offer my own reasons for liking history expose some of my motivations relay anecdotes etc,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think its pretty common im 59 and weigh 140lbs 20 bmi and at one point i used to be 180lbs but the fat distribution in my body means that no matter what my upper body and face is always lean whilst all the fat is distributed in my thighs and butt it isnt some meme or some lazy observation i have a dexa scan to prove it too my upper body is 85 bodyfat whilst legs are 22 its actually healthy because it means i have virtually no excess visceral fat around the organs which is the dangerous side of being overweight i also have a bit of muscle mass in my legs too from having been overweight and having a bodybuilding routine so its not like i have skinnyfat legs either but most guys have an apple shape ie store their fat in their gut and have skinny legsbut although my waist is 27 inches i have to buy 30 regular32 slim pants just to fit my thighs proportionally speaking i think my legs look stumpy because my torso is also relatively long than average but not disproportionately so but if i lost 20 pounds to get rid of the extra fat in my legs id become too skinny in my upper bodyface and lose muscle mass and i dont want thati think this is the issue for a lot of guys my age pants just dont really look good unless youre 6ft and 140lbs because thats when they start to look lean and athletic ie long and thin where you can only see the outline of their legs when theyre sitting down or walking most guys are around 5ft 10 and 170lbs where the circumference of the thigh is large compared to your limb length,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 mmmm cookies d and yeah it really is i have made a lot of friends over the last few months but the only one i hang out with on the regular lives a 5 minute uber away haha i think its going to be a lot of fun im definitely certain of the cogfuncmention but im crushing on an typemention so i dunno how my brain will take the interaction if that makes sense i will pm you with a suggested day and time,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the majority of fps in cs is done by the cpu as the source engine is heavily cpu reliant,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 six feet underfirst three episodescause fuck you if you dont wanna watch a show dont and watch shit in the order its meant to be i dont really care take my suggestion or notany other show i would recommend would have the same answer,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 how many laps will chase lead before dale jr catches him,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 well you said you were salty and that is quite a rantyragy post imoalso if you say no one was mad until he started shooting me you imply someone was mad dont youalso i didnt understand what you wrote as it made no sense to me i went of what i deduced from that textregardless from that being kicked seems to be happening at those ranks more than on others while you may think you didnt deserve it they may think otherwise as they are globals in realitysalso if you want them overwatched report them for griefing but keep in mind that overwatchers cant hear voice comms or read the chatkeep in mind also that overwatchers are not gms that can ban people from a demo with a tool we are merely people watching a clip of a person that valve gives us,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 oh right i remember hearing about this with the tapiei 101 more recently the burj khalifa in dubai explanation on it though the oscillation continues indefinitely part bugs me if that were true theyd have a perpetual motion machine and would be making insane amounts of energy and in turn moneyoh and these devices are not secret theyre actually features that are displayed quite publicly prominently as part of the building i hate how he says theyre secret in the description totally false,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 1k cp not 1k of each pokemon right,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im level 13 and ive only seen one weedle and it spawned from a lure,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 you raise some great points to consider here thank you for sharing it should be a womans decision although i also think people need to educate themselves that ds os not necessarily a death sentence,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 this question is honestly impossible to answer without more details on where youll be living even where youll be flying to europe is not one country with one overarching justice system every country will have its own laws,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 if i remember correctly blue has been the heaviest population nationwide in theory we have the numbers edit source of my otherwise baseless statistics,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 yeah for me it was a close relationship with an typemention starting very young and a lot of abuse and fucked up ish happening to me until i was about 17 i think when people wrong you consistently you can either use that as justification for being an asshole or you can say to yourself hey that sucked i should be good to people,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 how many cells do you have with conditional formatting in them heavy conditional formatting seems to be a recurring problem in this subalso heres a couple of things to look at if conditional formatting is not an issue here1 is this file stored on a network drive does this happen first thing in the morning2 try saving the file as an xlsb format close excel and then reopen the newly saved file to see if issues go away,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 mind you avalon is kinda highdollar part of the point ops just starting out in the area and all,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 thats pretty true for me when i was a little younger i would do all sorts of stupid and weird things just to entertain myself because i expected to have fun at places eg jumping around randomly sitting next to strangers to say hi and see how they react to it playing with slinkys and kids toys asking a breadstand got any grapes i also used to have my own memes that i would push the the brink of death that nobody else seemed to find as funny as i did but this was well before the days of reddit memes they werent even called that back then i dont do it anymore because i started to care about other people,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i need someone to do this dunk in the contest one day 50,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 1 not israeli kids these kids are from waziristan on the afghani border of pakistan reverse image search it on google source the taqiyah skull cap or its more secular variant the kufi is a traditional islamic headpiece commonly worn in africa and the middle east its often worn in conjunction with the salwar kameez the national dress of pakistan so not a yarmulke which are usually shorter3 are you telling me that israelis dont know how to teach their kids to hold a pistol that is without a doubt the worst form ive ever seen from anybody holding a handgun ridiculous4 dude seriously what nation is more likely to buy guns before shoes israeli kids dont walk around barefoot in traditional muslim garb5 islam awazi is not an israeli news networkyour points are ridiculous poorly researched and from that i conclude made in bad faith gloriousachievements out,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 enh im using a crt still does 720p and my colors are set correctly,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 excellent didja meet the big guy too and please say you went to their showive been following those guys since about here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 idk what the fuck that was lmaoits as demented a nonsequitur as it looksshe sent me a pm telling me to kill myself lmao,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yeah i dont know ive always been very distant with my own emotions i suppress it when necessary but nowadays i try to face the chaos straight on only to find that its already rationalized itself in some manner ie im feeling this way because reason 1 2 3 amp each reason has these mini subcategories,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 if america split between red and blue businesses would probably flock to the side that doesnt want insanely high business taxes,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 just search for the text using quotes,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 if you are interested in overclocking i might suggest watching jay2cents video about using msi afterburner i was able to push the voltage slight on my card 36mv and im running stable at 1400mhz on air with temps under 80ca few bits to share from my experience i could push the card a little higher but the gpu really didnt like being above 80c and would eventually become unstable after a little over an hour of stress testing finding the balance between audible tolerance and temperature is going to be highly subjective personally i dont mind keeping mine at about 95 fan speed as my rig is fairly loud as is and it keeps my card idling at about 29cmany people will suggest underclocking as a great way to extend the life value of your card its possible to maintain 1338mhz by undervolting your card slightly but the return on this effort will largely be up to your own expectationsat 1440p i maintain an average of about 52 fps on games like the witcher 3 gta v and star citizen i wouldnt recommend the card for 1440 if you do not plan on pushing a fairly high oc but for 1080p this is a nifty card to have in your rigenjoy,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 ive been in negotiations where i explicitly stated x is the minimum salary i would accept to take this jobpeople do one of two things a offer less then that amount and add this is all we can offerorb offer exactly that muchi have since stopped that using that specific line as people just dont hear the this is the absolute minimum parthowever i have usually stuck to my guns and refused offers less then my minimum when they offer the minimum i usually ask why they felt the minimum was appropriate do they expect the minimum from me surely they dont and i wouldnt give the minimumid also like to add that discussing salary at anything but a hiring meeting is inappropriate if it were brought up prematurely id say something like this is not only my interview im interviewing this company and i dont feel i know enough about the culture to make an assessment of my salary requirement yet if they press id say something ambiguous like within the range of current salary for someone with my qualificationsand if they press more then they are using salary as a basis for hiring someone run away,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 interesting choice of last words,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 check out libsodiums implementation also,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 when i finished writing my comment i saw this one and i totally agree with your ideal digimon game as well d,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 people who i think are struggling internally with their decision to have kids or those who resent their kidsspouse are the worst culprits my friends that have chosen to be parents and enjoy it have no resentment,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 bamboo fibre isnt necessarily produced in the most environmentally friendly way unfortunately,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i totally agree with your unproductive part in my situation im more limited in my abilities and gaming is something productive engaging interests is a coping skill for mental illness and to that end it is productive but i still feel like wasted time i could be doing something else i dont mind if it is teaching me a new perspective or helping me connect with someone i am not really much of a gamer as well but i identify with it as i get along with many people in the community and i enjoy socialization within such sorta i will say i play games occasionally but not that often i do have a soft spot for empathy games or telltale like games i have a hard time focusing on books nowadays and visual novels are a huge draw because of that i enjoy games with strong moral choice systems i also enjoy games like spec ops the line that put me in the shoes of someone who is put in psychological stress because of connecting to their emotionsi agree with popularity and with not worrying about coming across as strange i am strange in many ways but everyone has their quirks the prototypical normal person doesnt really exist and the more you interact with people the more you find their depth it is part of why i love to just talk to people and learn about themas for tabletop games i love them for the social aspect and because you get friends around or make friends in such a way that makes me happy there is a certain aspect about sitting around the table joking and finding out what is going on with everyone and learning about each other i get a lot socially out of tabletop that i never have video games because the screen soaks up so much of your attention,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 most used are these mods in surf kz and bhop or retake servers,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ive been wondering about that why is there so little reuse and so much training from scratch there is some reuse of inception resnet and vgg but not much more in nlp i dont think there is any model that is commonly reused maybe word embeddings wouldnt it be better if we had a library of pretrained models for the input stages at some point we could just call visioncamera and get a high level scene understanding model that could easily be used in rl or generative tasks,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 you are probably looking for curdirit returns a default path on any machine my documents so you can store something within that folder or within a subfolder and can still declare a full path to it,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 first of all if youre going to spend real money it should probably be on stashes youre going to get overloaded with crap you want to keep for later and youll have nowhere remotely close to enough room to store it alli have purchased g the currency you buy with real money once because it gave me a ridiculously huge store discount like 80 off anything i buy with g so i picked up a couple stashes otherwise ive been exclusively free to playand ive gotten i think 21 characters unlocked i did deadpool first as all his abilities are free no spiritspell pointswhatever cost and hes got a good mix of ranged attacks regen aoe teleportation and melee my second was scarlet witch because she can just lay waste to large areas without having to get messy since then ive found ones that i enjoy playing more but it just depends on what youre looking for they all seem good unless youre elitist and looking at endgame content my favorite right now is kitty pryde even though im not generally a fan of melee characters just because she slices right through everything and her ability to phase through walls is very handythere are a ton of stats and items and weird currencies you pick up in the game lots of stuff you need 1200 bobs burritos or whatever random stuff like omega access files or cosmic worldstones or whatever to buy from a specific vendor but there are usually events going on that drop massive amounts of loot so picking that stuff up goes pretty quick sadly the one area where the game is completely lacking in depth is the gameplay some of the animations are great some characters feel really fluid with their movements but to me it seems like i can keep it on easy mode and its way too easy or bump the difficulty up just one notch and now the little food minions that i used to oneshot without ever taking damage can kill me if im not careful there doesnt seem to be much at all in the way of strategy other than avoiding the instakill moves like rhinos charge attack holding down left mouse button and cycling through the toofew keyboard shortcuts you can assign to powersthe voice acting is pretty darn good for the most part and as shallow as the gameplay is its still somewhat addictivei definitely recommend playing each character to level 10 to get a feel for who you like movement abilities are important as teleports and walking through walls or even a really high leap like captain americas will be extremely useful on a lot of missions you get one character of your choice for free after that they cost eternity splinters a few are only 200 the rest are 400 or 600 but you can also unlock a random one for 175 at the eternity splinter vendor the risk there is that it can give you one you have already unlocked in which case you get a token to advance that characters ultimate by one level insteadeternity splinters are the one ingame currency that doesnt get dumped on you frequently youll get one every 8 minutes or so and sometimes an event or boost or loot chest will let you get 4 or 5 at a time but usually its the slow 75ish per hour pace eternity splinters which i dont know if you can even buy outright and stash space are the only things id consider paying money for,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 schwartzels course history at riviera is ridiculous i have to consider him a stud right now not big on moore,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 just in case you werent aware that line comes from the movie they live which predates duke nukem 3d great movie see it if you havent,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 wasnt that what i said,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 and we dont see chat in overwatch so in the end the reports are useless,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 and hillary only has herself to blame for that she does not have the ability to make a good judgement,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i was 19 moved 25 miles from the middle of nowhere to a small city because after i came out my parents gave me no other choice,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 due to my background ive always done what i need to do regardless of any barriers that may try to prevent me from doing so i dont really struggle with motivation because i have too much tunnel vision the idea that the annoying people around me are doing better than me destroys my ego so i just push until im doing better one of the things with me and im not really sure if this is a schizoid thing because its never been mentioned to my knowledge is that im pretty narcissistic the idea that someone is better than me pisses me off,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 yup i think toefl and the like are all reading based as well which is what we use for admissionsi think this all the reactions to my post have motivated me to speed up learning some more mandarin i passed hsk1 some time ago planning to pass hsk2 some time after summer and hope to pass hsk3 next summer or so what you said about comprehension did make me think of something i understand quite a few european languages reasonably well and often if a student gets stressed or frustrated and i understand their native language i just ask them to explain in to me in their own language ill reply in english mostly depending on the language but it does help those students get their point across and often makes them feel a lot betterit might help the chinese students as well if theyd be able to speak in their own language considering what you said about being stressed out because of the foreign environment and everything else thats going on,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 people frequently question me for leaving my car and walking 20 mins to get to places i actually thought it was normal,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 that is a work of art op,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 he was clearly referring to multinationals predominantly this is an international trade agreementthere are over 60000 big multinational corporations most of which ttip is relevant toit would be interesting to know how likely it is that thousands of multinationals would able to collude to inform ttip such that it is unfairly skewed in their favour given they are told nothing about its specifics it certainly seems possible,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 thats pretty cogfuncmention and your writing and general comments in your posts in this thread sort of implicates cogfuncmention at least to me fwiw in fact im kind of leaning towards you being typemention myself,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 no hes trying to rebind the mouse buttons in the logitech software as the modifier keys which seems to work the software accepts it and shows them as being bound but when he tries to use them in ffxiv they arent recognized for example in the logitech gaming software mouse 3 is set to ctrl and in ffxiv one of his hotbars has a button bound to ctrl1 if he presses the mouse button 1 it doesnt consider him to be pressing ctrl it only sees that he pressed 1 on his keyboard it seems like the problem is with ffxiv not the mouse software with my razer mouse i have no issues binding keys this way so im not sure what the problem is on his end does that clarify the problem,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 are the issues you are facing within the company because of some incompetent individuals or because of a more general incompetent culture setting among the more senior ranked execs and policy makersim asking because if its culture i think you should switch even if tomorrow you would suddenly find yourself ceo of the company you wouldnt be able to change shit if the company culture isnt allowing drastic change such as replacing people in several key positions which is a common move for new ceos culture is really slow to change and requires more status quo shake up than an individual can accomplish,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 theres absolutely no excuse for igors ramen to taste like sadness there are many many cheap easy ways to fix that with virtually anything you got laying around the housecheck out this simple guide,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 heres the source one of my favorite youtube videos ever,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 i avoid them and spend my time reading other material occasionally i flip through the local newspaper skeptically,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 this is how walk rage incidents start the more you know,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 maybe you should move out of saudi arabia the only thing that place is good for is making hajj,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 if youre in south bay i could use another friend lets get to know each other by asking ridiculous hypothetical questions ill go first if you had to get rid of all but one of your possessions which would you keep,41.0,31.0,95.0,3.0,13.0 yeah there are shitloads of white collar jobs that require no prior experience and beyond that most medium sized firms and above have graduate training schemes use agency temps etc by and large the only places with unpaid internships are the ones that are so small an intern would cost like 10 of the budgetyou can also get full time straight out of uni if you got experience in your field during your time there which is a relatively cost free thing to dothe role of the market is to make money even if it creates large negative externalities the role of the government with regards to the market is to regulate such that these externalities are minimised and positive externalities maximised i dont think its immoral for firms to offer unpaid internships in most cases rather the onus is on the government to ensure this remains egalitarian with minimal harm donewhere does this happen en masse the only significant places i can think of are institutions that cant function without unpaid labour so i guess we just shouldnt have journalists doctors musicians etca couple of possible solutions could be pay or subsidise employers the cost of wages for interns who would otherwise be unpaid with obvious caveats based on profitability of the firm negative income tax or basic salaryfyi the invisible hand refers to positive externalities by definition an effect that harms people wouldnt be referred to as it,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 the explosion crit chance is separate from the initial hit meaning that the initial hit may crit and the explosion wont and viceversa but with multiple projectiles they will still crit together atleast the initial hit i played ea to 95 with overload and this was my observation,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 jordan peterson tells you that if you have creative talents your first priority is to find a stable job and then with what time you have left you get busy creating creative endeavors are too risky to live off but pay off tremendously otherwise,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 hmm but what special snowflake type is he then his life experiences are too rare and unique to be informed by the common and mundane experiences of others he cant sully his own special experiences by having them crassly compared to others especially without permission,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 no it isnt but you arent using mbti either you are using a much more questionable system created by celebrity types,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 thats because riften sucks lol,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 nonsense limited data set and whenever gay marriage is legalised as has been happening a lot of places recently a percentage of the gay couples getting married will have been together for a long time and been waiting to get married and thus are evidently the kind of couple with staying power whereas straight people never have to wait so of course youre going to see results like that in a lot of cases youre going to be comparing gay couples whove been together over ten years with straight couples whove been together for two years so of course youre going to see results like thatmost gay men dont even tend towards monogamous relationships so thats nonsense,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i dont disagree with that its just that its trivial yes actions have motivations were motivated by desires desires are determined ultimately by nature so what the question was what was important not about human actions being selfish that wasnt the conversationtone argument feeler,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 hell for me cutoff is 1 am,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i wait until they look away then sneak out and ignore them forever so i dont have to deal with them asking why i snuck out last time,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 this works as long as the other culture has the same inclination for being empathetic to other cultures what we do when its not the case,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 or you could just scream contact left contact left,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 voice is annoying dont think its an typemention personal thing,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 oh you mean like this,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 25 sounds about right right now i dont have him in my main lu because the high priced options are meh,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i dont hate either kyle at all when you think of aggressive drivers the 3 that come to mind are busch kes and larson kurt used to be right there but hes been really conservative as of late,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 youre not giving us much to go on could you give an example of an instance when this happened and what triggered the angry outbursti have had some pretty intense fights with my typemention but we were both showing anger lol i cant imagine an typemention just going off like that unprovoked how old is he,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 you havent seen his mom apparently,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i wonder if cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention is magical too,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i was on a nondate and just chatting up some random girl at a bar once and for some reason bible black came up i think she just described it and i was like heeey i know that hentai it was pretty interesting better than most bar conversations ive had,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its winter in this hemisphere so ill assume youre from here you could get her a cute beanie or knit one if you have time and can do that personally i like getting gifts that say the person knows me well like memorabilia from my favorite tv show or a gift card to my favorite store or something,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 unicycling about 2 decent 20 unicycles or 1 really nice 36 uniheadphones some toptier headphones if you buy used plus an amp and dacspeedcubing literally every competitive cube on the market plus enough money to buy 6080 random puzzlessnowboarding good bindings board and bootsastrophotography a dslr or a scope motor doesnt come with a tripod,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 its legs wouldnt be able to support its body so it would just kind of sit there until someone took pity on it and put it out of its misery,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 from what ive heard the price of weed has gone down significantly due to legalization so that a 25percent tax would still make it cheaper also from what ive seen people have had no problem switchingyour comment seems to not be grounded in reality,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 tell me where i can buy groceries online in my area and i will ive looked it isnt a thing herewalmart has some dried goods and stuff i can buy but not real groceries available,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 indeedmob mob mob mobnot constructivei loved the start of what the prof had to say thats all i needed to hear the rest is just noise,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i do think cs would be one of the degrees that is doable at b2 the fact that youve been b2 before you spent some time there a few years ago may does not say anything b to c level is the biggest step to make in language learning many get stuck on b2 because you need to really get some immersion going on or active dailyevery other day training to get from b2 to c1 so unless you have being working at it actively youd probably still be at b2with cs youll also have no problem finding a job in europe and if not in francce you can move to belgium also bilingual frenchdutch for example i live in the netherlands and most of the cs students at my uni are picked up by companies way before they graduatei think whats important now is for you to figure out the visa application process considering i read below you dont have uk nationality only ancestry visa and to contact several of the unis youre interested in and see if they would do an informal assessment of your diplomas to see if you have a good chance of being admitted,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 dont forget to bite the bit,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 violet was momentarily concerned as coraugengisan plummeted to the ground but her worries were quickly forgotten as her friend bounced back to her feet beaming and declaring her victoryput em together violet suggested supporting her sisters idea,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 guitarbox as a 43 year old gay man who came out of the closet at 21 i can tell you that staying in the closet is a waste of time literally a waste of time while your heterosexual peers are learning all the socializing people of that age bracket naturally do you are busy learning how to hide who you truly are from your peers how to convincingly lie to everybody you meet and how to cope with the resulting isolation you have no room in your life for your first love while in the closet in other words you are forging a good basis for social anxietyi had to do the social song and dance in my twenties which my heteroxexual peers had done in their teens while i was learning how to attract mates they were busy settling with their new partners when i found my current partner 3 years shy of thirty they had alread built their homes and had kids not that i wanted kids postponing your life just gets you behind it still echos in my life i am catching up and nearly there but damn it would have been easier if i had had the courage to be honest to my self and not postpone the invitablenow if one has idiot parents who think offspring are a controllable extension to their own glorious lives instead of sovereign individuals it might be necessary to hide until independent destitute and out on the streets is not desirable,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 kiernan smiled both for the sake of politeness as well as from a genuinely appreciation for the young womans candori cant imagine a better one she replied sincerely without hesitation although i would ask lady kyra if you want a more in depth testimony my goodsister has been a lady darklyn for 45 years while ive only been one for two with that she took a sip of her wine glancing at the silent boy who remained unnamed,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i saw yesterday bovada finally flopped switching to 130 in favor of him not completing his term then today they removed the wagers altogether,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 this is very common they are biding their time thinking you will give in or get pregnant with an oops baby and be so swept up with emotion that you will keep it or perhaps they will make grand promises to help if you keep the baby or they will beg you to keep it to term and then fight for sole custody we have seen it all here you know what you want for your life so you are going to have to grab the bull by the horns and make it happen you dont seem to expect him to change to cf for you which is good he just surprised you with new information recently he seems to expect you to change though that means he is not really hearing you and not respecting you he feels he knows you better than you know yourself,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 sooo does this mean the swing is slightly tilted or that kids left feet are statistically longer or something,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 just because im curious what link does mental visualization have with mbti that makes you ask about it,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 pfft i aint worried about none of that shitokay seeya later guys just gonna hit the gym real quick,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 hi your fourth clip breaks rule number 3 in the op,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yes very much so some days i see color way better than other days,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 last week we had washington post oped comedians and every hillarys fan saying that hillarys health shouldnt be discussed at all we had a huffington post journalists abruptly terminated for simply mentionning the rumors it was all dismissed as a conspiracyit turns out she is indeed sick the entire world has seen it more so as a waspo columnist said the way the clintons campaign handled it made it worse they lost all credibility the campaign has serious transparency issues so what the report change it gives the campaign a talking point that doesnt mean people will buy it,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 whats next people assuming im an typemention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 it could be number two i dont practise anymore i just make my choice beforehand and state what i want i have no need for um and ah and what not give me my damn order and be done with it i do maintain eye contact and i think im not burning my gaze into their soulmaybe that throws them i have seen people negotiate their order like they were jumping from ice floe to ice floe so it might be that my clear and uninterrupted order just messes with how they think an order should progressedit maybe i should just write it down and hand them the piece of paper im weird one way or the other,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 its the difference between thinkinghuh ive made an enemy seems like they look down on me im pathetichuh ive made an enemy seems like they are intimidated by me im a force to be reckoned withim not sure which vieuw is better though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 makes sense considering those types all use cogfuncmentioni feel like i relate to what youve listed i visualized while reading your comment just now come to think of it was it always evident to you that you visualize mostly everything i visualize much more than i realized i do,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 i agree that kyle make a reasonable analysis and some good points harris is indeed very focussed on the ideological aspect of jihadism he see it as a great danger for the entire world the main issue i got with chomsky is that his views are terribly cynical toward the us chomsky has an encyclopedic knowledge of geopolitic but he cant shake away his anarcho syndicalism that is he believe their should be such a thing as a state its an even more utopian version of marxism therefore chomsky is always relucant in seeing anything right done by the us its damn if you do damn if you dont his objective is to shame the state at every opportunity in my view chomsky understanding of geopolitic isnt the problem i know thats the words harris used he understand geopolitic very well its his ideoligical views which are problematic he has tainted a two generations of liberals with his cynical view of us politic he is among the reason liberals are so incapable of forming a coherent foreign policy or reasoning about global politics with nuances chomskys fan absorbed 1 of his understanding of geopolitic but 100 of his cynicism and antistate message those liberals are blind to the danger of jihadism because of that as they are nothing more than revolutionaries fighting imperialism in their mind,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 now will you give him a concrete example,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i enjoyed their lemon shandy over the summer,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 um those pinchers on that spider no thanks,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 if i couldnt live in texas id live in alaska,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 your posts remind me of me when i was your age now about 10 years down the line i was around your age when i was also in full doubt about my own style and i was struggling at home emotionally around your age maybe a tad bit younger i went through an all out goth period because of itneedless to say i grew out of it but that time did teach me something very valuable going all out on the spectrum of what is socially acceptable and lets be honest on the teenage girl spectrum very little is socially acceptable put me in a category that was totally outside of any social convention it was hard and not everybody around me accepted me for it but in the end it thought me that i dont need acceptance or acknowledgement from anyone else but myself i went to the extreme side of expressing myself through appearance got burned and had to face social outcry because of it but in the end after the world around me got used to me being different i settled on a style that was me which is still for many outside of the traditional fashion norm lots of pretty vintage inspired silhouettes with a modern twist to take it to the 21st century but it made me happy now i find myself in a place where i can wear anything i want because i still am not worried at all about what others may think and despite being outside of the norm i get so many compliments on how i look because i am confident and secure in how i carry myselfif you dare i would totally recommend you doing you and wearing what you like hell take it 2 steps further and dare to wear stuff of which you know people will hate it and love yourself for it embrace being different embrace being your own individual self and keep repeating to yourself nobody needs to like you but you,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 fun fact anal sex is banned in islam,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i play with 175 on 400 dpi last week i switched to 3 on 400 dpi because of elbow problems in the end i am back to 175 so take what you are most comfortable with imo,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 which onethe one where he forgot his plot armor or the one where he cared more about falco than ending his own suffering,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i dont think thats the story the general theme of the story is about class not sex esmeralda doesnt die because she trusts phoebus she dies because she is an unwilling object of desire for frollo and because she is believed to be a gypsy and therefore her existence is completely dependent on the whims of the powerful quasimodo is doomed not because of his love for esmeralda but because frollo has destroyed him so thoroughly that that when she dies he has no further reason to existi would argue that hunchback is basically a story where the poor and disadvantaged ethnic minorities like esmeralda and mentally impaired people like quasimodo suffer as pawns for the wealthy and powerful phoebus and his girlfriend as well as frollo the only main character who makes it out in a better situation than he began is one who isnt in the filmpierre gringore a poet whom esmeralda marries so the gypsies wont kill him but she refuses to have sex with him he tries to help quasimodo rescue esmeralda but fails and ultimately uses his experiences to inform his later poetry so i guess the point of story is humanity sucks and redemption comes too late if at allits fascinating then to compare hunchback with hugos other definitive workles miserables in les mis most people are good even villains like javert follow strict moral codesunlike frollo javert is so distressed by his own hypocritical behavior that he kills himself rather than live with it the only truly irredeemable characters in les mis are the thenardiers a pair of greedy middleclass innkeepers in les mis the deaths of the poor and saintly have meaning and people are able to rise above their beginningscosette is born the daughter of a prostitute but becomes the wife of a wealthy man the two books are a fascinating study in contrasts,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 while it might be cheaper per gigabyte not everyone has a spare few hundred to buy an extra storage drive and while it may be cheaper buying extra storage just to double your game files is effectively paying twice the price which a lot of people would not be able to do in the short term,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 font let this distract you from the fact the houston oilers blew a 35 point lead,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 dutertes campaign was financed by china their goal is to move the philipines away from the influence of the us hence all the antiwestern comments duterte made,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 all true but voting his posts into oblivion and trying to get his unbearable existence covered up behind the wallpaper is just further confirmation that the world rejects him stranjeklowds might be deaf to helpful input but part of him reaches out and part of him knows he needs help while the constant barrage of negativity is annoying i do think it is better to engage and at least aknowledge his existence than to make him disappear and leave him alone with his thoughts in the real world at least a negative post is a sign of life,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 thanks ive been before but not at the house of blues ill keep an eye out for hangouts,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yep its why i wont view most instragram contentscrew them if they dont want to take the few mins to code something to detect a pc and enable volume control theyre gonna lose my hits i now know im not the only one,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if the context is in general then you have context yeah,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 also forgot about the getlastrow function public function getlastrow as long getlastrow activesheetusedrangerowscount end function,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 opioids dont have an affect on me other than making me nauseous,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 the same right for all is something you could be entitled to thoughbut in the end no use discussing as it wont change anything anyways,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 what she displays only a small amount of autistic behavior just because she is a fucking nerd does not mean she is autistic show dont tell,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i almost never play assassins bc theres always at least one usually 2 others on my team so when i roll one in assault i usually reroll ill keep hun batz or rat or ne zha maybe fenrir otherwise its immediate reroll,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 his book title is geniusif at birth you donâ t succeedand oprah basically called him the best person ever,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 errr not really tbh ive always tested 5 but i dont take that seriously i really ought to look into enneagram more,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 wooooo 80000 down the drainhmm spreading fear which imposes financial costs almost like she was a terrorist,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 yep im wearing a titanium byzantine bracelete in precisely that size,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you might find these links helpful dario nardiâ s neuroscience of personality cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention its as if typemention are using their gpu instead of their cpu to figure out problems,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 far fetched but murderers are not bad people just people who made bad choicesbecause they entertain people we forget what they did is that how it works now fair enough im gonna fix a football match or murder someone and then get away with a years worth of a penalty because i play a clown in prisonwhy dont we allow kqly and smn back,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 its fucking stupid how people cant be patient for steam to refund 1000s of people at once,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 id be wary of storing anything that has moving parts out in the cold lasers have mirrors that need to move and the idea of keeping that out in subfreezing temperatures is a scary thought no idea if freezing the fogger with or without the liquid is a good idea not sure if freezing the liquid would cause any adverse effects,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 sigh shouldve expected this to happengordon weve had this discussion many times before and im not in the mood right now maybe this evening,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 well youre making assumptions what if there were only two diseases in existence and you could use the exact same argument for the opposite conclusion and say that the difference in the respective death tolls of the two most fatal diseases is negligible,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 well it will definitely help with slacking off ive come to realize how much i relied on social pressure and judgment when it comes to finishing projects now that i work on my own i run into procrastination issues but in an open floor plan with a group i always brought my agame,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 a friend and i made britney spears and justin timberlake in ts1 and they had two kids we built a room filled it with furniture and the firework thing put everybody inside and everybody died except one of the kids who we made clean everything up between sobswe were cruel,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 dont bother she a fatty,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i like to think jk rowling makes for a good example rowling has a quiet politeness and elegance and she is very motherly and accommodating but then theres this side of her where she creates character attributes that are just completely out of nowhere like dumbledore being gay she thinks incredibly deeply about her characters way below the surface theres a grand plan behind everything like all of the actors she specifically sought out so that their personality matches precisely and she uses the humors and such to sort houses by their personality,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 im sorry for your loss as a fellow michigander biking after dusk scares the hell out of me people in the metro area just dont give a damn,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 i met my husband on world of warcraft precata id taken a year long break from the game and when i came back i was surprised to see that i was still in my old guild and that there was a new guild master after a few days i finally caught him online in ventrillo and said hello he said hi back and was really pleasant to me and i remember thinking he had the sexiest voice id ever heardwe were fast friends and ended up being very close confidants for a few years talking late into the night and texting often during the day until we finally admitted feelings for each other we were both going through divorces at the time unrelated to our budding romanceboth of us had really screwed up relationships with our exes and both of our marriages were in their final hours when we first met and really helped each other through them he ended up flying up to meet me in person while i was on spring break in my last semester of college we spent a week together and when he left it was like all the air went out of my lungs ldrs are really tough but after being with him 247 for a week i was really heartsicka while later he needed to have major surgery and didnt have anyone to take care of him afterwords so i picked up my life and moved to his state 13 hours away to take care of him it was a big leap of faith but i felt like things would work out and even if they didnt i was helping someone that i cared really deeply about as a friend and a paramour anyway it certainly did work out because well have been married for a year in december and he still has the sexiest voice ive ever heard tldr world of warcraft nerd love yo,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 completely agreethat doesnt make it less sadistic though,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 but the finnish and russians hate each otherufffdufffdufffdufffdwait no then its the perfect cover guys run,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 how dirty and cluttered they are my mom really cares about neatness so everything is usually glistening but other people are absolutely barberic,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 too bad she didnt fall and hit her head on the ground,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 meirl but for much more mundane answers,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 god damnit now i have to get 2 flairs,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i made a camera insert that i could move from my backpack to pannier too not as much padding as yours but it does the job,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 this has helped me through a number of issues,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 gk neuer bayern munichgermanylb marcelo real madridbrazilcb koulibaly napolisenegalcb bonucci juventusitalyrb azpilicueta chelseaspaincm nainggolan romabelgiumcm wanyama spurskenyarm lionel messi barcelonaargentinalm alexis sanchez arsenalchiless griezmann atlã ticofrancest cavani psg uruguay44fucking2 bbyyyy,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 im the same also female though i do notice that when shit really i mean really hits the fan i do this to an unhealthy extent as in i cope by going in overdrive barely sleep and eat because i keep working on solving the problem dont allow myself to feel or rest because the moment i do i would simply utterly collapse so i keep working and fighting in the hope that once i do collapse it will be once the crisis is over and the others around me have the mental capacity to take care of me,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yes this is what i use i was brought up to be fanatical about keeping clothes free of lint dust and loose hair id use tape for spot treatment if necessary,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 that guy looks like a good working humble version of ibrahimovic,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 its at once both his best and worst political moment,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 ahh the good ole reverse jugglei can normal juggle but not very well i should try this though i think i only have two balls and theey arent in great shape though perfect size for this,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 nice havent seen this since wol,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 wrong renaissance paintings didnt have cameras,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 sounds about right to me,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 manga spoilerss he didnt die on the first night he had his powers he fought in wars prior to that,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im going to remember that one i like the description for me at least the squishy center description feels quite right and its how i feel because deep down i actually feel a lot and very intensely but its simply not something i have an interest in to share it with the world outside of my very close ones squishy indeed,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 awww floofykinsgive him a good brushing for me and film it rbrushybrushy beseeches youi see potential in this one,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 there have only been two people ive never been able to read at all and it was super frustrating they were both female introverts but its been awhile so im not sure on their type they had such a flat affect that i could never tell what they were thinking that wasnt the annoying thing though i couldnt pin down their sense of humor they never consistently laughed at the same types of things it was a random pattern and highly unpredictable its difficult for me to get a complete understanding of someone if i dont get their approach to humor and what they find funny they remain my only two mysteries,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 dont feel obliged to install it if you dont want to but if you do want to then pm me once its done amp ill give you my code so we can game together amp talk through stuff if you want,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 when we finally conquer death well lose life as we know it instead of life we will have metalife something that is completely different a present person wont remain a single self a single personality i could have many replicas virtual or real or could have incorporated in me aspects from other personalities there wont be one linear existence it will be like a graph with intersecting lines time wont mean what it used to mean it will be possible to fast forward into the future by sleeping or suspended animation space is already beginning to lose its meaning with the advent of internet the delimitation line between individual and collective is already slipping it will be so different that many people will reject it thats why i dont call it life but metalife,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 by decisive or indecisive i do mean in the sense of what is perceived correctmyself i think i tend to experience that possibilities are at any instant in time certain but are subject to rapid ideatoidea shifts from timetotime being taken by one idea then another then another etc,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 yeah his life plan didnt go his way and he basically fell apart its taken years for him to resume some semblance of normal i have had like 23 of my life plans fall apart and im like weeeeeeeeeeee he fucking loves doing shit around the house and organizing things which seems very cogfuncmention to me,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dont think germans use wie ghets as a greeting as much as we use whats uphow are you they save that type of shit for their friends more than we do ime,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 like i said i didnt knew he was hopping at a constant 290 also my statement has unlucky wording i guess i rather meant the cvars to gain speed at least i found it obvious that he altered some rates when he gaines speed so fast after his first jump,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i get kicked off my parents health insurance and have to pony up for obamacare or get fined on my tax return for being uninsured,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 if white people had just left africa alone they probably would be at this moment the most advanced civilization in history,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 to be fair in real life were kind of in the same situation weve had harrier jummp jets since 1969 they have vertical liftoff so kinda same thing f35 have vtol too you see any power armor out walking around nopeits the density of the batteriesenergy that we lack need better batteries before things like that and mechs and shit become possible,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im in nb too once the snow starts thatll help insulate you but you need snowshoes if you dont have em you probably could make some if you dont have the cash but its gonna really suck out there if we get our usual amount of snowstock up on some cheap dry beans too if you dont have someim not really sure what else i can suggest other than that ive never done long term camping like that i imagine itll be roughmake sure youve got a metal cuppot for that hobo stove also pick up some tea or something like that a nice warm drink will help during the cold lonely timesgood luck and hopefully well get lucky with a mild winter last year was bad,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 they were endurance charge duration and below it was listed the property from the jewel socketed in am i missing something would you mind taking a screen shot of what i am not seeing,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 i want to believe this,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 not being into conversation or really just not caring idc what we talk about but nothing eh,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 growing up in poverty usually gives people all sorts of bad habits though i highly doubt you would find higher quality women in these impoverished areas just women who are more likely to put up with your shit out of economic necessity,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i even laugh loudly people stare,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i have five packages coming in the mail something so rewarding about getting a package its like a mini christmas every time,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 oh man going to space is like a wet dream for me,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i mean literature generally isnt deemed such because it has nice messages we can all agree with in fact some would say literature is supposed to challenge us and make us think i mean if being problematic were a factor i dont think lolita would be a classic,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i think he has learned that i just say what i think and doesnt take offense like he used to i am more careful with him than i am with most people though he does have a tendency to think that i am attacking him when i attack his ideas he has had to deal with a lot of arguing over the years between myself and my suspected typemention father,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 list of automatic downvotes for me fox news breitbart washington times ny post newsmax daily caller daily signal,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 cant believe noone has recommended tsuro its a bit more expensive at 20 but its a great little strategy game that plays in 1015m for up to 8 players thats super easy to pick up and play,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 is it actually warm or is it just relatively warm to a norweiganfaroe islanderaustraliansocal surface water temperature is about 20c easy for the body to warm up and adapt to without feeling cold for frame of referencelike could you safely swim in the lake and the ocean,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 as it turns out typemention typemention is a pretty terrible pairing for couch shopping,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 you want to be able to trust him you want him to be there for you when you need him he didnt clear his escapades with you beforehand which is a breach of trusti dont know if you need exclusivity it is clear he is not married to the idea it is up to you to determine how important exclusivity is for you i can tell you from experience that emotional availability and honesty go a long way to assuage fears even if you are not exclusive it is up to you to accept nonexclusivity or noti can tell you that promises made out of love to be exclusive when one of you naturally isnt will only lead to resentment i wont claim it will automatically lead to further breaches of trust although the chances are higherif you really love him and he really loves you it might be a good time now to sit own and talk about the future of your relationship and what changes you both are comfortable with if nonmonogamy is nonnegotiable to you and he isnt comfortable with that idea you might have to consider that you are not compatible even if most of the check boxes are ticked,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 nothing but a smile preferably,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i like small groups maybe 24 people no more than five that way you can actually still talk to one another and actually have a conversation the reason why i like groups is because i notice many types let their behaviour depend on their environment and the people around them if im socializing with people and i want to convince them to do a certain project or make a certain decision it can be very relevant to consider their influence sphere someone may be very interested in a certain project one on one but then they go back to their people which show less enthusiasm and everything collapses in that case i need the person who i want to do something the main influencers of that person together and ill focus to convince them as a group not as an individual fuck writing this down made me realize i have a hidden agenda even when im drinking beer,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 well im the guy no one likes,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i agree i just think it was worth mentioning as some people are truly exceptional specimens and chemistry sometimes defies expectations,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 and how does the seeding work fnatic and cloud9 both win or both lose round 1 how do we know which winner plays titanor afk,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 id be delighted to see a professional debate without a rambunctious audience like you saw during the primaries im trying to predict what kind of slant hes going to try live without a teleprompter helping him trump clearly isnt trying to win based on reasonable arguments but rather playing the media by stirring up controversy with carefully selected sound bites if he played the debate perfectly normally but did something along the lines of this attacking cnn sure hed get shot down at the time but with the nation watching this would be the buzzing topic postdebate with cnn leading the charge in trump smearing it could potentially be a sharp thing for him to stir up in the eyes of the public granted he can pull off the rest of the debate somewhat professionallyjust seems like something he would pull given his dishonest media angle,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 that guys awesome ive been watching his videos for years he makes really really amazing custom slingshots and other rubber banded weapons,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 10 poland been the much better team so far,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 these girls fine af but phecta,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 this is exactly my friend,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 hes probably an hr director at some other company now,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i find that annie is really position reliant after lane phase she might get a few kills on the enemy ad in lane but she will be easy pickings for the midlanerassassins if she messes up in that sense leo is more stable annie could snowball or completely flop even if she gets fed from lane but if leo is ahead from lanephase her ad is much more likely to have the kills and then its more up to leos teammates performance leo is the teamplayer annie is the carryin the lane phase annie is more consistent her spells are easy to hit and faster and do more damage without the need for sunlight procs the lane is hit or miss depending on leonas early engages with her zenith blade jungle hugely impacts this lane too even if the enemy jungler is just hanging around a little leo cant go in,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 dale cooper seems to be isxjtypemention character with typemention actor bj hunnicutt from mash remus lupin from harry potter franchise sayid from lost michael scofield from prison break carl elias from person of interest ralph from scorpionfamous reallife typemention dalai lama nelson mandela gandhi john maynard keynes auguste comte no video footage but im guessing maximilien robespierre no video footage but im guessingtypemention character nontypemention actor dumbledore from harry potter franchise multiple actors charles xavier from xmen patrick stewart is typemention ender wiggin from enders game asa butterfield seems typementiontypemention women there must be more joan watson from elementary dr beverly crusher from sttng jean grey from xmen norma bates from bates motel felicia day of internet fame nancy reagan,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 the amount of impact this nerf would have had on this ace is minimal,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 coffee shops and movie theatersand kept my gpa up to maintain my scholarships,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 a good portion of the military wouldnt turn guns on citizens though unless weve finally mastered project mkultra,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 well whoever is making this is certainly getting their moneys worth from gullible idiots,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 most recipes are designed to serve four,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 hah lets try it with a positive association we are more similar to typemention and typemention than we are to most mbti types ill start a thread about it haha curious what people think,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you may have decieved others but you will never decieve me i know a rick roll when i see one,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 how can people be partitioned on that like is it only animal cruelty if its a dog or a cat or something more cuddly its still an animal its still a petthey get away with this its not too much of a leap to start putting gerbils in or puppies and ramp up from theresigns of a psychosociopath with no real morality or fear of consequences,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 bob got paid to sleep at work one daythen they fired himthat one day though was pretty sweet,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 about cz im always super afraid that wearing cz comes across as trying to pass them off as diamonds but clearly theyre fake i wouldnt want that to me it feels the same as wearing fake designer handbags which you wear to show off the brand and in that case wearing a fake is just ridiculous,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 sounds like waldorfschuleuaraly74 is right both of your options have their pros and cons what he suggested is the most reasonable thing to do imo i loathe german gymnasium it is just about how well you can remember and recite the things your teachers said boring af glad i survived it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i hope you can find good homes for them all if you dont keep them yourself good luck,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i use the catalog from jrobhering as well so folks might find an addon i wrote to add some underdark themed shops that i created for out of the abyss the underdark shoppe catalog,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 but obama didnt show love for communist regime and could say im not a socialist 50 would not vote for a socialist,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i searched the sub for tubal stories and got quite a few before i had my surgery,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yes but how is the data formatted within each document not the file format the column formatting,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i cant imagine being fired for something that seems to duh to all of us here i taught sex ed to kids with cognitive disabilities so i know some good curriculum and im not afraid of the content i could see starting a group at the local library or whoever would have us parents could come too if they were worried about content,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i say we do it anyway for the bants,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 even if the stories are false and the msm decides to not cover it they also imply two persons active in the media katrina and amanda amanda is a pundit on cnn who is rooting hard for cruz can cnn have her on her next panel when so many people watching have heard of the story at best for cruz the story become the elephant in the room that the msm dont talk about we are in the middle of the most viscious election in recent memory with people in the social media taking part of it and waging their own wars cruzsexscandal is trending at 2 on twitter with 190k tweets,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i live in quebec where a movement of secularism similar to france is ongoing for the last 40 years quebec didnt go as far as the french and when a the political party in power at the last election tried to push for stricter rules regarding religious signs it got defeated mainly because of thatwe have to consider that both france and quebec secular movement arose from a desire to limit the catholic church influence on politic and society in the case of france one strategy was to ban religious signs for government officials and various government position this wasnt a problem for the general catholic population as in catholicism pretty much only priests and nuns wear religious signs its definitely not mandated for laypeople and not part of the culture those secular movement were internal reformation of societies linked to the development of various democratic principles it was about giving laypeople democratic means of defining their society and not having their society defined by clerical powers todays issues like you named can be seen as cultural push back or cultural clash and this element is real still the secular and democratic movement is also at play and this part isnt about cultural insensitivity but more about concepts like the separation of church and state individual freedom like freedom of speech but also religious freedom at the personal level by defining itself as secular instead of catholic as it used to be the state make itself blind to peoples religion allowing them to be free to have their own beliefs in their private life this is why a proper secular state shouldnt intervene in peoples personal life this is how the debate should be framed as people from all side are going to attempt the subvert the state powers for cultural reasons that have nothing to do with the state role in a society,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i run games for kids most of them 1114 and our last game was played in fate i typically give them a lot of creative influence on the plot and that got amplified because of the system we were playingwe started the game as a cyberpunksuperhero game and we ended the game with the players entering an alternate universe so they could kill jesus,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 search up granny norma on google,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 isnt canadian salaries roughly comparable to the uk pretty pathetic compared to the usa but with a much higher cost of living especially with the 2 million average house price in vancouver and toronto and it sucks living in a country that doesnt have a 50 million population with low population density there arent as many career leisure or shopping options if you do manage to find a global brandworld class thing you have to pay through the nose for it with high postal fees and import taxes its the same here in australia just my 2 cents,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 this is just being mean to some kid who literally asked for it,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 my handwriting is very similar i get compliments on it a lot and i definitely like it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 baking soda or white vinegar my place smelled like someone smoked here for decades but it smells normal now due to both of those,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 not for me downloaded just fine with the preview on,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 agreed i did meet my birth father and aside from it being interesting that i look a lot like him i felt nothing my birth mother has no desire to meet me and i also felt nothing about that its her life and her choice and i respect that the wording their own parents irked me too but i couldnt quite figure out how to put it,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 the only reason i say that is because people make the argument that if it is a person when it is born why wasnt it a person the day before,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 you can still hear the ringing to this day,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 how is any knife tougher than any other knifeltshrugsgti picked that one cause its thicker than many and has the axis lock and its pretty easy to sharpen good steel cant really go wrong,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 dear god the shit i wore before i was 25 or so facepalm,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it has to be damp,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 welll thats not how a normal person drinks not in any corner of the galaxy that ive seen anyhow,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i welcome automation to many aspects of society i also look forward to the maintenance and development of said automated systems i dont look forward to people attempting to circumvent said automated systems just because there isnt someone there watching to make sure nothing shifty happenson the flip side i know many people wont like their livelihoods taken away from them and replaced with machinery i can only hope that society can shift gears to catch up with this phenomenon and allow for a more idle population that still requires their daily needs to be met,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 oh good i thought maybe i was the only one cause im an old fart by now and he seemed like a hipster guy thats all popular with the kids nowadays i thought those were the relevant peoples of today,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its a myth they dont actually exist irish people are just so predominantly very lightskinned that a myth developed around phenotypically darkerskinned people,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 we flew hawaiian over to nz amazing flight totally recommend,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 more likely her new highly devout look fundie fashion westerosi style,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 this has yet to be proven 70 years is a blink in human history it was a pretty good 70 years for the west but perhaps in 500 years we will look at it as an anomaly historians will give it a name the period of quietude or the great peace something like that,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 there are no stats trump has always had the authority to remove comey he finally decided to do so,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 thats how it always is and if youre in the hospital you probably shouldnt be eating pizza anyway,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 registered everyone below ill try to be online as much as i can tomorrow so you guys can collect the third slot which is the gastrodon keep it coming guys,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 conceptual knowledge is always a simplification caricature of reality youve just rediscovered an ageold spiritual practice of detaching from conceptual thinking in order to more fully embrace reality so instead of conceptualizing some people try to live in the moment and perceive directly,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i know its annoying when someone points out that you need another person to balance yourself out because youre incapable of doing so yourself like a small child,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i got some good stuff at nordstrom rack,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 what a pitty its got that spot in the blade there,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i cant stress this enough real all of his bookslifetime reader here and i suggest starting with the dilbert principle the dilbert future and how to fail at everything and still win big,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this is why congress gets nothing done for the people they represent congress is too beholden to the money it takes to stay in office and that takes a huge portion of their time and energy its a miracle they have any time to vote on bills at all two major fixes1 term limits for everyone across the board2 public campaign financing,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 yeah thatd be interesting to see if they dont kill him off prior well probably find out next episode,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 question who has to pour more money into cheating preventionthe drug tests are done by the esl the anticheat for mm is done by valve do you see where i want to go,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 socionicsbackground reaction wake me up when you got something new,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 this will become the greatest tool of meme warefare ever invented,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 you could also use drumsticks in which case reduce the cooking times by about 10 minutes,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 there isnt any medication so far for colorblindness but rather medications that can contribute to the development of an acquired color deficiency but usually that is rarethe only reason for my concern is a persistant greyish tint to my vision that varies and can really throw off my ability to distinguish colors i mean to actually bring up this tint to an optometrist as it doesnt sound normal or what other colorblind people experience,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 america can basically do whatever it wants no matter what the population thinks it repealed net neutrality despite the fact that everyone was for it that is one of the examples i have of americas evil shenanigans,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i could hardly give a damn of he reposted my post which im pretty sure i reposted myself but jesus christ op at least keep the joke intact,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 cherry mx board 30 is really nice,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 you are not getting upset over people in casual are you,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yeah the liberal arts as theyre called to liberate the mind,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it was evil rather it didnt happen,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 ibs welcome to the club,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 one of my best friends is a member hes broke as shit and hasnt paid me in months even if he never pays me again we will talk daily there are a few other members who have moved on from the site and i still keep up with them to make sure theyre happy with what theyre doing now only reason i would cut someone off from talking to me is if they were shitty to me to begin with i cannot fake my personality when i get along with someone its real extremely real i cant act like i like someone i dont get along with,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im not doing this to go round bragging about it i just want to know what stage im at,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 spieths 3 appearances at augusta 2nd 1st 2ndthe only no names that have won recently are willett top 10 ranked golfer going into the masters last year and schwartzel consistent top30 pga guy year to year whos currently t2 in this weeks euro contestid actually argue that it takes a good amount of pedigree to win at augusta i think the sharp bets are lee westwood t20 or t10 and dustin johnson spieth is probably too pricey to have money sitting on a book for maybe bet him if he gets into an early season slump,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 lol what let me guess never set foot in europe,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i grew up thinking id live the life script go to uni find someone to marry get a kid work on a career but during my teens i would start thinking about wanting to travel a lot for my work living the expat life and that i really just wanted one kid but this kid should be intelligent and adaptable as well to be able to life the expat life i wanted this went on for a long time adding more and more boundary conditions to the life script then at 18 i met my so who didnt want children and he simply asked me why do you want children at all and i figures i couldnt answer that question now i think i dont want children at all i think if you want children thats fine but if you do you need to put that kid on absolute priority number one and if you want a kid you cant put boundary conditions on what kind of kid it is going to be you need to be just as happy with a highly ambitious and intelligent kid as with a less intelligent kid with possibly bahavioural issues and thats simply not the case for me so i made the decision not to have children i wouldnt put that child before my own some would say selfish priorities and i wouldnt make a good parent to a kid that turns out less ideal then i ideally want the kid to be on top of that overpopulation and man made environmental pollution are real issues and i truly feel that anyone who doesnt absolutely want children shouldnt do so to help our environment recover now im in my 20s and planning an amazing career with my so we will be living all over the world not staying in a single country longer than a few years before moving to a new place i am really happy now that ive settled my mind on this issue it gives a lot of peace of mind,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 thats because a fuck ton of nukes do star reenlistment which is auto e5,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 although i agree with all the others here that this relationship might not be the best idea ever i also have the feeling youll pursue it anywayso instead ill offer some advice with regard to having a relationship with someone who is mentally unstable and im speaking from personal experienceif you want this shell need to get intensive individual therapy but there is more you need to get therapy realize that being with someone like her will be giving everything you have emotionally and mentally because you love her and getting very little in return because she simply cant in her condition this asks for tremendous personal sacrifice which will take a toll on you you need to beat this by starting out with individual therapy for you straight away just like she if you dont youll find yourself in a very dark place and not only will you not be able to help her anymore you will probably also spend a very long time on breing able to do nothing else but get better yourself if that happens this will cost you your friends and career last youll need couples therapy as well maybe not as intensive as individual therapy but both you have do not have any strong good experience of what it means to be in a good relationship and frankly you two will not be in the position to figure it out on your own and make mistakes because remember shes ill and her recovery takes priority over learning new skillsim not saying what you want is impossible im doing it myself right now but you should be aware of what youll put yourself through and take proper precautions to keep yourself mentally healthy,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 haha my rule of thumb for attractionphysical personality theres nothing wrong with that there if either is 0 then its hard to want to be with the person,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 it happens i think crops depreciate over time or if theres weather stuff going on,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 ahahaha yeah i am more likely to get along with many other types but i do think that life forced me to learn to appreciate their strengths and to see the truths in their perspectives the older i get the more i appreciate how little any of us truly know we are all just doing our best to get on and typemention often do a great job of that ime they often focus on interpersonal ish which perhaps matters most of all while i am busy wondering what it all means they are out there making a difference in peoples lives i have to respect that,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so if i play with a second account and play every game with a friend who is worse than me thel ill naturally be ranked lower than normal and that makes me a smurf instantly his post is technically right but you people dont want to accept that because then you have no one to flame for your loss or something along those lines,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 theres no search feature to find channels so to let people know your server exists you have to invite people to it,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 dont know why but when i read that i heard the line from thift shop by macklemore amp ryan lewis pissssss,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 just so other veterans are aware some resorts do have military discounts on season passes heres snowshoe wvs link normal season passes are 479 veteran passes are 279 just bought mine today,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 youre gonna have to explain that one,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i have seen this done gracefully,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 monkey trouble joke u2713horseface joke u2713marco in half joke u2713eren has issues joke u2713generally shitting on all characters u2713this list has everything good job,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the phone was supposed to arrive today but the best buy email said it requires a signature for delivery so i dont know if it will be there when i get home,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 less than i thought about 47,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 try proceed to actually drive the speed limit instead of speed like a maniac ufffdufffd,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 retard read my article again,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 he called himself eren krugerfucking timeloopi hate those theories but the symbolism is strong,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 im not arguing that nipples shouldnt be shown in public i am simply addressing one of his points i personally think its good that we hide some things it does make them inherently sexual and primes our brains to get excited when we see that fetishized part of the body if women always had their boobs hanging out they wouldnt be nearly so tittilating when i see them it bugs the fuck out of me when sjws get riled up about shit like that though who fucking cares as more than a mental exercise im being oppressed by clothing yawn,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im not sure but you might try asking rfindapath,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 to me the meaning of life is to survive when it comes down to the end i would absolutely want to keep going as a virtual brain unless it came with bad side effects,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 last but not least letâ s take a final and more indepth look at each of the â œrolesâ the functions in your stack takeyour dominant function your 1st function this is the function that you use every second of your life your dominant one the one you get a grasp from the minute you were born its also your strongest and the most valued by you itâ s your main â œway of beingâ i donâ t have much to add here other than it is the true function you can call â œegoâ or â œselfâ looking at this process you can truly say â œthis is meâ the dominant function isgtaccepting accepting functions are used to make some sort of â œviewâ of the world focusing on obtaining a picture of reality and ultimately understanding it gtmentalconscious you are conscious of the use of mental functions and can explain pretty well what you are thinkingdoing with itgtstrong strong functions can have a more sophisticated grasp on information and can be used practically for the benefit of oneself and othersgtinert inert functions are rather rigid inflexible and resistant to changes from environment or self inert functions do not integrate information from the environment thus the strength of these functions remain the way they are these functions are rather rigid in their functioning they are almost immune to internal changes they require an external impulse of sufficient strength so that something in them changes your auxiliary function your 2nd function this is the function that supports the dominant because the dominant simply cant work without this if the dominant is a judging informationprocessing function it needs a perceiving auxiliary to absorb the needed information to process if the dominant function is a perceiving one it needs a judging auxiliary so it can do something with all the information acquired so you can actually make decisions since this function is reached out to help the dominant we feel about it as a way to help ourselves and help others having a fluffy loving reaction when using it it is what we produce but we never take from this is what we â œgiveâ to the world not what we take from it compared to the dominant function this process is much more flexible with the dominant function systems procedures experiences models etc are made automatically with the auxiliary you can choose to make one or to not the auxiliary function isgtproducing producing functions are used as a way to change the realityenvironment thus they do not merely reflect the reality as accepting functions do but generate an altered imagined picture of the world which serves as a solution of their tasksgtmentalconscious you are conscious of the use of mental functions and can explain pretty well what you are thinkingdoing with itgtstrong strong functions can have a more sophisticated grasp on information and can be used practically for the benefit of oneself and othersgtcontact contrary to the rigid functioning of inert functions contact functions are flexible and nonresistant to change they adapt and integrate new experiences from the environment these are capable of being improved over time through ability or simply new understandingsyour tertiary function your 3rd function this function balances the auxiliary so instead of absorbing all the information you need to make important decisions if you have a perceiving auxiliary or reprocessing the other side of the equation if you have a judging auxiliary you can just return you your tertiary function 3rd and relax yeah its mostly a relaxing function its strength is not as important for use as the strength of your inferior because the inferior balances your dominant which is more important than balancing the auxiliary it is generally something were not very good at were average but we dont really care anyway while the auxiliary being something you give to the world but not take from the other side of it would be what you take from but never give back itâ s what you benefit from and what you need so you can work better but you almost never produce it we feel about it like child its use is almost childlike and pure and people often call it a â œreliefâ â œplayâ or â œrelaxingâ function since itâ s what we generally use to take a step back and have funrelaxetc the tertiary function isgt producing producing functions are used as a way to change the realityenvironment thus they do not merely reflect the reality as accepting functions do but generate an altered imagined picture of the world which serves as a solution of their tasksgtvitalunconscious vital functions tend to manifest themselves without words in the process of doing things or inadvertently in the form of spontaneous sentiments gut feelings i dont know i just did itgtweak weak functions tend to oversimplify data do not usually generate conclusions on their own and depend on help from outside sourcesgtinert inert functions are rather rigid inflexible and resistant to changes from environment or self inert functions do not integrate information from the environment thus the strength of these functions remain the way they are these functions are rather rigid in their functioning they are almost immune to internal changes they require an external impulse of sufficient strength so that something in them changesyour inferior function your 4th function this is the function that balances your dominant function this positively is used as a function to aspire at to make yourself a better person most people have a lovehate relationship with this function more hate in younger years more love when older and mature they might find people that use it extremely annoying but at the same time they kind of envy them negatively it goes berserk under stress but of course in a negative way generally this is sometimes called â œthe shadowâ of the ego to not be confused with the four shadow functions be it the repressed aspect of your personality that hides all your insecurities traumas and biggest fears even with all the negative aspects of it it is the exact part of your psyche you need to work on to face all your fears and come to psychological wholeness the inferior function isgtaccepting accepting functions are used to make some sort of â œviewâ of the world focusing on obtaining a picture of reality and ultimately understanding itgtvitalunconscious vital functions tend to manifest themselves without words in the process of doing things or inadvertently in the form of spontaneous sentiments gut feelings i dont know i just did itgtweak weak functions tend to oversimplify data do not usually generate conclusions on their own and depend on help from outside sourcesgtcontact contrary to the rigid functioning of inert functions contact functions are flexible and nonresistant to change they adapt and integrate new experiences from the environment these are capable of being improved over time through ability or simply new understandings,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 have you started already what sort of training did your employer provide,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 its like his experience as a teacher kickedin suddently a bunch of kids are being immature and he shuts them right away,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 sharding the network sounds hellishly difficult but exciting,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 tax exemption granted by the government is still help from the government would you say that if the government said you didnt have to pay taxes anymore that it would put more money in your pocket granted some churches decide to use the extra money gained by tax exemption for altruistic purposes but it still doesnt negate the fact that government mandated tax exemption is a privilege granted by the government and puts more money in the pockets of churches,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i think the majority of fans hate the ending a pretty small minority thought it was fitting from what ive seenthat being said without giving spoilers for op after reading multiple explanations im honestly okay with the events of the endingbut the execution was horrible because it didnt explain anything i just sat there staring at the tv thinking wait that was it thats the end but what about and and edit excuse the wonky formatting in the last bit there too lazy to figure out how to fix it,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i think its a bigger assumption to think that he didnt have it better than most people on the planet he was in community college somehow,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 hes not saying that homosexuality is unnatural hes saying that the definition of gender we currently use the state of being male or female typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones is incorrect and leads to the breakdown of the traditional family unit and frankly im inclined to think hes right,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 big five is the modern equivalent it is just never going to be taken up by the community because it does not have any connection to cognitive functions and to me those functions are important even if they are not scientifically proven they make sense to me fundamentallysocionics is much more detailed than mbti and seems to encompass the functions much better it basically is the mbti rework to me,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i heard that moscow had a similar standard of living to most western european countries at 50000â 45000 i know the figures are for 2013 but since you earn and spend in rubles overall relative purchasing power will be about the same within russia are most muscovites high earners or is the figure greatly distorted as thats where all the billionaires and multinational corporations are based for instance what would a middle class it worker or accountant earn in rub and eur,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i dont mind the mouse for looking around but i cant stand using the key board for moving and buttons i wish i could use a mouse in my right hand and a controller with joy stick for my left hand,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 ah so youre an sjw explains a lot,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 rory love very cute great job,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 tie fighterxwingwing commanderx3space questand before you comment rules 2 and 3 are dumb,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sounds like waldorfschuleuaraly74 is right both of your options have their pros and cons what he suggested is the most reasonable thing to do imo i loathe german gymnasium it is just about how well you can remember and recite the things your teachers said boring af glad i survived it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 watching that season right now,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 ay grimes is amazing i love the new album though its so wonderful and im so glad she did whatever she wanted to do,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 yes but only if theyre around when they arent i get scared that everyone has abandoned meyes definitely i need them to sometimes they dont though and i just dont know what to dono but i always say thank you and youre welcome im afraid to ask anyone for anything so i dont say pleaseyes i want someone to love me for ever and ever,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 clinton foundation is probably behind it,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 click here to vote results can be found here,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 oh shit im not a native english speaker sorry by rules out 4w5 it means that im definitely not 4w5,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 ye because it is not 16 we know,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 if you arent positive before you invest any time money or emotions into whatever you end up doing dna test to make sureat the end of the day its just a decision between the two of you,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 take your time mate we all know that you and the other mods are doing this for free if something you produce is a bit late then none of us have the right to complain we should be grateful that people are doing those kinds of things at all despite the struggles that everyone faces in live life sucks and everyone that demands of you to make your life suck more so theirs suck less has no right to speak i wish you the best of luck with whatever is bothering you atmalso we havent forgotten annie,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 aww how nice now she can sell them again tomorrow and basically double her money per stem,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i prefer them over so twos lol,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 it seems as if im becoming something like button bill was nowadays,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i have learned to recognize that glazed over look when i talk to people about my interests which tells me they just dont care about the subject im talking aboutthe worst is when a friend brings up a subject they are actually very interested in and i know loads and loads more then them because on a fleeting whim i looked into it a few years ago,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i find that logically consistent and fair,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 that was a good chat i enjoyed myself its jackson by the way,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 im a big fan of kathy griffin i love how she tells funny stories rather than basic jokes its been a few years since i last saw her and am really itching for another special i love comedy so i like tons of others too,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 haha i can see why this typemention has the two types confused,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 fair point still not gonna watch his videos so i have no reason to subscribe,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 officers now taking this stance i remember hearing cops on this side everyone else over there and similar cops v everyone saying as far back as the late 70s,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 here is quote from one the letter which i think illustrate the failure to understand trumps supporters by the leftpsychologists jonathan haidt study how conservatives and liberals value things differently he identified 5 core values he talk about it in this ted talk notably conservatives value ingroupoutgroup thinking higher than liberalsthe clinton campaign did a focus group to understand why people are voting for trump people answer was he is an asshole but he is our asshole people can pretend to have transcended ingroupoutgroup thinking but the fact is even if they think they do they dont people operate following ingroupoutgroup thinking even if they think they dont the above quote divide the world in two side the richs and the poors then in the next breath contradict itself with a vague statement about togethernessone letter start with my father is muslim another says trump is part of the elite another says im german they are all identities people think in identities thats human nature sure we can wish people would transcend that but those people havent nor do ipeople on the left want to pretend they have transcended identity the reality is they have simply abandoned old larger identities to replace them by new smaller ones and valued only a subset of those while demonizing some others this is why it came to be called identity politicsonce upon a time there used to be this concept called america im canadian but i can recognize the value of the american identity it meant something to be american for many this identity started to be demonized for good or bad reasons now people are flying mexicans flags and burning the american ones when protesting trump being white is associated with shame being male and heterosexual is associated with privileges being christian make you backward being all four make you literally hitler unless people make an effort to understand the reality of identities and recognize that trump supporters are being affirming their owns notably the american identity and unless people are willing to meet them with a shared pride the dialogue will remains one of hostility a fight between competing identities but it will be the fourth of july soon a day of pride for many many of those who will fly the american flag on that day many of those are trump supporters if you are american or living in america you can fly an american flag in company of a trump supporter share their pride and experience a moment of togetherness because thats what people want to feel we are in this together,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 well you getting jealous over the things you will never attain is your problem you can wish and lust after straight men all you want but by virtue of you being male no straight dude will ever treat you the same way he treats womenif you want to waste time with unproductive and irrational jealousy be my guest what you wont get from me is support for your follywhy dont you try looking at gay or bi men they may very well treat you so sweet witty charming and thoughtful,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 in life uhm none idk fuck goals,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 well i hope for the combination of the 2045 initiative and the internet of things the combination of these two things has the potential to not only cure all diseases and make us all immortal itll also turn the human race into a hive mind effectively reaching the one individual or less requirement thats necesary to rule out conflict between humans in other words world peacedoubt itll happen in five years though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah youre right ive never really banked on finding my soulmate where i am i went to school here and i like living here but i really dont identify with most people here so yeah something like tinder is just a good way to have a feeler out there pun not intended while not getting too invested,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 now that i read the replies again i guess that you might be right i guess that its a gif of a bear tumbeling down a mountain and dying,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thanks for the additional shapeshifting powers,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 great way to put it salute,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 few monthes ago i did a large test of damage items on ta for my own i created an enemy pudge and fed him so he has alot of healthso i compared all damage items and with clock fixed how many seconds it would take to make pudge go to 2k hp pudge had several ten thousands of hp cant remeber exactlywithout meld deso 26 seconds deadal 25s mkb 25s two daedaluses 15s desodaedal 12s radiance 26swith meld by cddeso 20 secs daedal 18s mkb 21s radiance 22sdaedalus and mkbs are both rngish items so it can varies ofc what i conclude for myself is that deso is really cost efficiant item and can compete with other expensive damage items despite costing much less even if it loses to them abit but by not alot also that mkb and daedalus is very similar items dps wise daedalus is abit better not by muchi induce everyone to go and do such test by themself and see on practice without graphs and theory how fast this 40k hp pudge dies with different item setups its very insightful i did tons of combinations pairs of items aswell not gonna list them all there,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 phew i thought it was only happening to mei just tried restarting and reconnecting and it still wont work properly my friend just gave me a new game that i really want to try out toough,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 yeah but most fat people i met eat more than usual and dont excersize that much,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 problem is people are greedy fucks,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 not crying just want to know the best places to livehonest,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 if america split between red and blue businesses would probably flock to the side that doesnt want insanely high business taxes,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ie they go hand in hand its not a one or the other,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 yeah this girl makes me wanna vomit fucking typemention,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 fair points all arounddo you think its a real internet issue i think a lot of people get random hiccups and outages real cable problems are extremely expensive to fix and the isp is going to be disinclined to do it quickly or at all maybe do some serious network diagnostics by running some tools to check dropped packets and when they occur if at all and then jump to conclusions,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 okay me too so you dont believe that happiness is the most important thing then because if you did you would just force everyone to do what made them happiest regardless of what they wanted,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 weve been using technological advances to enrich the owners of capital and oppress the poor by fleecing them for every penny they have out of the little they do have its been designed that way since the feudal system and it really accelerated since the industrial revolution,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 uleapingtitan has done some vids about the history of the worldheres his channel manga spoilers in link of that you can always watch the podcast manga spoilers are other podcasts out there but this one is done by some of the mods of this sub,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 although yes good programmes are selective the selection process is by far less intimidating compared to the us in europe doing a masters degree after a bachelor is more or less the minimum expectation of many employers instead of a thought through career choice as it usually is in the us because of this almost everyone who has done a bachelors degree reasonably well will find themselves a spot in a masters programme the selection they usually put in place is only to cut of the bottom percentages but not to select only the top percentages of course not including oxbridge etcwhat would be the average gpa of your fellow students is your university somewhere top 150 or even top 100 in the world ranking in my experience in the case of us universities the quality of the university determines a lot of your chances as there simply is a far broader range of quality and depth to them in europe most governments govern education quality extremely strict so any university in a specific country will not differ much in quality from the other ive had family members for example go to us colleges and return home only to find out their diplomas couldnt be converted to university level dutch diplomas but only applied science diplomas this is because according to the government the education quality of those specific uniscolleges did not line up with the quality the government expects from our unis,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 it doesnt have edges relativistic cosmology describes a universe that curves in on itself its just like asking what would happen if you drove your car far enough to go beyond the horizon the best way to picture the expansion is like a balloon being blown up draw two points on the surface of the balloon and they keep getting further apart,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 our opinion in case you mean reddit is worth nothing though with maybe the exception being slothsquadron,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this is how real professional russians cross rivers,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its reasonably detailed for donald trump,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 the whole thing is most people that know mbti well know that the myers briggs type indicator itself is frankly not very good but the theory behind it is very useful ie jungs cognitive functions we cant suddenly up and move to a subreddit called rjung because mbti is very established and its a fun introduction for beginners with all of the profiles and tests they act like training wheelsthere are also many people who have moved into socionics because it is a very precise and incorporates the functions better but its far easier for someone new to start with mbti which is much easier to digest so its not like everyone is going to be moving to rsocionics anytime soon either,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 well go back to my first comments and think about it i said that 5w4 is like 15 4 so a little emotional not 40 so extremely emotional like i am,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 so i have an alt which i am playing up to lem now and i should be banned for itpeople who smurf at silver level for fun and to destroy people are idiots i agree but i dont think you should ban people for having an alt and playing with their lower ranked friendsbeginers should have to learn the basics of the game though before playing competitive kinda like the tutorial in dotathe more striking issue i believe is boosting of players i was playing a match with a mg and a dmg friend yesterday and we got mges in our team that played like silvers not funid rather play smurfs than with boosted teammates on my team tbh,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i need to check out rammstein sometimealso i thought rolling the r was only common in southern germany,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 no im talking with one right now,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i tell some real life people too just not very close ones like relatives or family,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 your macro will only repeat the exact actions you took initially if whatever you did does not take into account different amounts of rows to format then it will ignore any changesand yes you can make ranges of just about any size,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 pretty typical mindset for a young typemention the sooner you develop your social skills the better off youll be its difficult but its worth it,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 do the pods break when you open them shouldnt their pod work,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 option explicit public const itemname 1 public const cost 2 public const qty 3 public const unit 4 public sub fruitmover dim rowcounter as long for rowcounter 2 to getlastrowworksheets1index 1 with worksheets1 if cellsrowcounter costvalue gt 15 and cellsrowcounter qtyvalue gt 3 and cellsrowcounter unitvalue lt 5 or cellsrowcounter costvalue gt 15 and cellsrowcounter qtyvalue 0 then dim nextrow as long nextrow getlastrowworksheets2index 1 1 worksheets2cellsnextrow itemnamevalue cellsrowcounter itemnamevalue worksheets2cellsnextrow qtyvalue 0 end if end with next rowcounter end sub public function getlastrowbyval worksheet as long byval columnno as long as long getlastrow worksheetsworksheetcellsworksheetsworksheetrowscount chr64 columnnoendxluprow end function,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 trueufffdufffdand yeah me too im fairly good socially and im in orchestra which is usually awesome for socializing,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 this isnt even about your anxiety i for example have zero issues with anxiety but am simply highly introverted and this would also not be ok with me at all tell your so that for this time youll welcome his friend into your home but that you are really really appalled that he invites people into the sanctity of your home without consultation and that he must do so from now on for fuck sake i wont even let my own mother into my home if she drops by unannouced your home is your safe place your so does not need to understand it he simply needs to respect it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i argue with my typemention friend every time we hang out and love it i think the key with them is to show them what is wrong with their argument using a case where their opinion is invalid they are then willing to speculate on which explanations might work until you take their red balloon away they arent interested in the green balloon thats how cogfuncmention works it finds something which seems to fit the data and considers the issue closed until proven otherwise no typemention are not inherently more intelligent than typemention ive yet to meet one smarter than me,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im not op but i am in a similar place in my life maybe they cannot afford to go to college,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 there is no point to that link,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 no you just wasted a long copypasta in the shitest way possible,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 but the reactions arent genuine theyre all obviously actors a few of them appear on commercials and shit,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 dont act like you dont do weird ass shit while stretching in your natural environment,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 not really those communities are full of teenagers and kids however id like to disagree with the sentencei cant say something about lol as i dont play mobas however i cant agree on cs i met enough nice people the majority tbh there that dont act that way either when playing with russians or girls might be because i dont play mmalso how is calling out feminists for what they are sexist,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 how does said monkey determine where within a cells contents that the value should be split if that could be automated that would save everyone tons of time,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yea but who cares if they are addicted to something it doesnt effect you until they do something that is already illegal pso again why keep drugs illegal it just keeps drug cartels in business,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 whoa this should have been in the original post what i initially thought was maybe a communication issue now is a much bigger problem you need to talk to your husband and get in counseling asap he may need to dial down kid time for a while so you guys can figure out what is going on and if your relationship will even continue,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i guess i should have said i dont think its a practical model in many cases but the point stands as i said in my comment,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 kiernan clammed up a little afraid he would react poorly yet he still deserved to know and decide if he liked it i if you think its not right im more than prepared to change it to something else but we named her talisa,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 where does it say he should be ostracised did you read it they dont even suggest the awards name should be changed,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 captian americas on grafton street or tgi fridays cant go wrong cosmo is supposed to be great but you have to book in advance,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 yeah 64 tick allows people with bad internet to play the game literally unplayable,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 until a few years ago my family of 5 lived in an 800 sq ft bungalowbuilt 1930s i loved it as it was super easy to maintain inside and out we regularly had parties with 20 or more guests with no problems i was personally raised in an old house that allowed 130 sq ft per family memberbuilt in 1900s sos family had 160 sq ft per personbuilt in 1920s we played outside a lot that was very normal for the area where we grew up,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 with the new update you have to have your phones gps on whenever you use it so it knows youre not in a restricted state it wont let you enter or edit lineups without it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 mm ranks sadly display how lucky you got with your teammates to be fairif you play as a team then yes the rank resembles kinda a rough placement in the skill but then you always play better as a team,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 why do expect them to be concerned about your life it really nothing special about you its the same for everyone that just how it is ppl have limited energy source and they cant be concerned about everyone around dont expect them toprolly you just need more close friends thats what you are trying to say,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 ignore other peoples calls in front of him so he knows its not personal when you ignore his callswhen you want to be alone leave for a walk or somethingor just tell him shit as is,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 hillary clinton because if sanders is the nominee michael bloomberg will jump in which will split the democratic vote in two handing the election straight to trump,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i loved san junipero besides being beautiful i dont really know what kelly saw in yorkie thoughbut yes all of black mirror is freaking amazing hated in the nation was the most typemention thing ever,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 well all of my h2hs are filled so heres mine if it helpskuchar na martin perez peterson brown,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 agreed shes good but there are borderline broken picks that take precedence shes got a good kit but it doesnt have the ridiculous amount of everything that susano has,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i think this could be enlightening for some people social anxiety as shame stemming from attachment issues a big part of healing these issues is in understanding them better i think and after reading this today i felt i was getting a step closer to that its like you cant solve a problem that you dont understand youre just throwing solutions at something with no idea what is actually going to helpsee what it does for you point 2 is one of the applicable ones here i think hypervigilant scanning,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 make sue to be extremely polite to steam support dont give them any idea that you may be a type of person to cheat hopefully things go for the best,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 his brain is wired to bring back any issues to blaming the us its a shame in this case has the coverage of what charlie hebdo was standing for has been totally lost in the english press i have seen them being assimilated to the right while they were openly leftist they are being seen as islamophobe while they came out more than ounce on the side of palestinian they have been painted as being pawns of sionists while they criticized israel chomsky is using the attack on charlie hebdo to promote his own limited blackandwhite worldview and its a lack of respect for the journalists that died as they were fighting against such onesided interpretation of reality,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 small arms to support african conflicts in angola somalia the central african republic and the democratic republic of the congo1 arms armored vehicles and chemical and riot control agents like tear gas to peru egypt and algeria at times when they were suppressing democratic dissent2 we arm plenty of nations with questionable human rights records like saudi arabia the united arab emirates kuwait bahrain djibouti honduras and qatar3 lets see angola ethiopia chad jordan israel oman afghanistan pakistan uzbekistan india taiwan vietnam the philippines columbia4 the military state report for 20128 had the us selling weapons to 173 countries it would be easier to list who we arent arming,83.0,87.0,9.0,24.0,61.0 metal tongs are incredibly useful and last a long time more useful than a serrated knife imoim with you on the nonstick,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 since were all here i just want to remind you guys thatrfuckhk47andrshingekinohentaiboth exist,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 im gonna go against the grain here i watched buffy in 2011 i believe started angel directly after finishing buffy which i watched the entirety of in less than a month and i still havent finished think im at the end of season 4 with just a few episodes to goalso note that angel is easily my favorite character in buffycant say the same in angel hes different the other characters are different it very much feels like the buffy rejects show at times wesley becomes more badass but i loathe everything they did with cordelia its like she aged 10 years 18 going on 30 andwell spoilers so im not gonna go theredont get me wrong it has its moments i want to finish it eventually but it has an extremely different tone than buffy i find i really have to be in the mood to watch it i would liken it more to the later seasons of supernatural which im also stuck on finished season 8 but cant being myself to continue yet,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 this makes me want a puppy sooooo bad still not ready though,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i got pear bread instead of banana bread this morning i feel like a failure toi,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 found his phylactery dare i ask,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 didnt you hear person of colour is racist now youre supposed to say colored person it switches back and forth like daylight savings i think,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 this is what happens when you look up bort i have no idea wtf this is,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 netflix hbogo showtime airplay etc,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 a good portion of the military wouldnt turn guns on citizens though unless weve finally mastered project mkultra,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 nice way to dry your eyeballs out,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 mm ranks sadly display how lucky you got with your teammates to be fairif you play as a team then yes the rank resembles kinda a rough placement in the skill but then you always play better as a team,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ive read your entire post and i see what point youre trying to makebut i disagree with multiple of your pointslets start with your argument that rba never questioned their actions may i ask why you think they didnt what if they did question their actions and came to the conclusion that they had to finish the mission no matter what because its simply both rationally and morally the only valid course of actionyes theyve hurt people yes theyve killed people theyve butchered thousands and watched them burn theyve separated families theyve crippled children theyve ruined a nation theyve committed every horror known to man aside of rapebut you know whati would have done the same even now that i know the people in walldia their history their hopes their dreams and their legacyid still do the sameyes what they did was horrible if you look at it from the point of view how its represented to us but the numbers dont lie as far as they know the thread from walldia to release the wall titans and crush the world was real and to be honest we have no confirmation that it isntthe lives of the people of the wallscompared to the lives of the rest of the planeta few millionagainst a few billionyes i give it to you eren also carries the burden of his world on his shoulder my criticism however comes from the way both parties handle the trauma that their responsibility brings with themrba hate what theyve done to the world all of them have ptsd reigner has a split personality and annie cries any moment she can find for herselfthey dont allow their personal pain to harm their mission thougheren however does eren does that knowinglyive talked about the bit in trees before and its still the best example there is he reminds himself that for the sake of what he thinks is all of humanity he needs to ignore his emotions there he however decides that his own emotions are more importantyes hes just human and yes his life is tragic but that can not be an excuse to do whatever he wants in the situation hes in all the world that he knows off counts on him and he throws their hopes in the wind like theyre his old clothes he chooses to let his emotions overrule his reasoning and logic he lets his feelings dictate his actionsreigner bertolt and annie on the other hand have completely let loose of their own needs feelings and dreams they dont let their heart judge their actions but their heads they do whats logical whats best for the world and the people who count on them instead of whats best for themselvestheyre honorable reliable people whove been trusted with the faith of their world they decided to carry that burden to the enderen on the other hand just does what best for himself and his feelings when hes put in the same positionhe listens to feelings instead of reasonand thats why i hate him so much,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im going to remember that one i like the description for me at least the squishy center description feels quite right and its how i feel because deep down i actually feel a lot and very intensely but its simply not something i have an interest in to share it with the world outside of my very close ones squishy indeed,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i think usilentdragon95 who i replied to originally has a point about trust in sexual relationships i thoroughly discuss sexual histories with my sexual partners and am not the person to have one night stands what use will it have to do a test if i know the is no history of any std and i know my body best and i show zero symptoms im also vaccinated against hpv the std thats probably most difficult to catch because of vague symptoms come to think of it ive never even met a obgyn or had a pap smear in my life its simply not that common for young women here to do soedit that being said its important to know getting tested in free of charge in this country you dont even have to ask for it at your gp you can just visit one of the government regulated clinics to get your test free of charge from a doctor you dont know if you dont want your own gp to know about it for whatever reason but no campus clinics or standardized std testing and that kind of stuff i hear many us people talk about,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the vbe works about the same in both though access offers more dbrelated controls you can perform the same computations in either format if you would like to store all your data in a single location by all means you can go entirely with access for the purpose of validating their inputs,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 even then the mind is the most powerful influence on your overall health its crazy,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 oh man this sounds amazing i gotta remember to get some cream cheese the next time im at the store,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 in the altered version sure it looks blue and black but it looks like its been photoshoppedor that its white under a blacklight and its glowing blue it doesnt make me see an actual blue and black dress,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i didnt get drafted either lolive been playing longer than most of the captains have been around,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 maybe she lost something in there and thought you were just being helpful is this wedding ring yours or or perhaps it is the way of her people handshakes are for strangers,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 especially if your dm uses 3rd party mmstyle books like tome of beasts which has beasts like the cr 3 dinosaur mbielu which has toxic skin dc 13 con save or poisoned a 3d10 4 bludgeoning attack with a dc 14 str save or knocked prone a reaction when grappled that does 3d10 4 dmg and automatically frees you thats just one of a number of really awesome beasts a moon druid has access too from tome of beasts,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i am as a female a mra but also a feminist they dont exclude eachother in my oppinion i believe mra and feminism in relationship to egalitarianism can be explained by imagining the following venn diagram mra and feminism are both their own circles which do overlap to a certain extent while egalitarianism is a larger circle than encompasses does two circles fully so yes in that way mra is a subset of egalitarian believes,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 if its not too big of a hassle would you be able to post an example sheet with the pdf output file somewhere to look at,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 no they arent if the difference between a real and a virtual object is material vs nonmaterial then its trivial that the self is not real,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i dont know if you are a troll or just really stupid at this pointyou lose no information if i have 128 fps i get fresh data every frame and send fresh data every frame if my monitor displays 120 or 60 frames per second makes no fucking difference the only thing it does is displaying every single frame assuming you have 128hz however the outcome is the same regardless if you play with 60 or 120 or 144hz you always see the same you always send the same and you always receive the same information regardless of your hz that is why you will always see the same thing in cs regardless of the hz of your monitorotherwise people with high hz monitors would wreck everyone on 128 tick servers which isnt the caseplease turn on your brain pleasemaybe read this post and turn on your brain,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 bby i know you do and since i know that you know a lot it gets a high weight this post is to open it up generally but thanks for reaffirming i less than three you,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 use a playstation one emulator the controls are clunky but you can use a keyboard find roms on sites like emuparadise and doperoms so you can play,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 the awp sound is great it deserves more minutes in this video,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 lol you again i never reported you for stalking you openly admitted to it both before and after you were reported for it i am not your ex,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this isnt that cringey or wrong guy wanted to hug him which is enh i can see it happening but howard rejected it properly and well within his rights obviously pretty tame and not on the level of most cringes i see here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ill chip at the descriptions and see if i can find something more evensounding seriously thanks for all the feedback and discussionhow is this,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 dark souls is my favorite series and i still can easily see why a lot of people might hate it what about it didnt you like out of curiosity,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 cards against humanity edit wait edit2 oh okay,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 the walls where a ticking time bomb no matter how you look at it the fact that the kings will was pacifistic for a century doesnt mean thatll never changehell we get people theorizing how and when eren will release the walls every week not if mind you how and when op is even dreaming about it himselfits a risk worth taking even if the chance on succes was one in a hundred which it wasnt thatd still means that theyd sacrifice a million to get 1 chance to save a couple billion and if my math is straight 1 of a billion is still ten times more than a million,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 helped my parents move my grandmas bed into their house she had a stroke and needs to stay with them a whileperhaps permanently we are all glad she is doing well though,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 thats super strong if you can also get the extra souls jewels,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 upside down with my feet like a vampirebut really i like to just kick back with some friends joke around play a board game maybe go into the city and get some food i like really high energy or really low energy ie a good time could either be playing video games or sprinting around the city with an impulsively purchased watermelon named richardin case you were wondering richard did not taste good,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 they probably just havenâ t changed the wording from before going f2p,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 holy crap thats damn near a totally different bathroom this would be a cool rdiy post,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 it just sounds like it im just ranting but i think ive been this way my whole life just not this exaggerated normally idgaf but when you rant you rant,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 so this lady is known to do this do we know her name is she okay,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 haha so true on a related note gotta love those hot friends who always start flirting with you when youre involved with someone you dont look at me with boners in your eyes anymore,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ah i dont read stuff like that usually just skim the article and will read a bit more if its interestingwaste of time mostly thanks for the confirmation though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this is so random rofl,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 if you take united airlines you can get fucked for free as an appetizer before getting here,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 he was saying will not could,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it sounds weird as hell but try using those submerged puree things to scramble the eggs before cooking they come out stupid fluffy almost cakelike now that ive discovered this i cant ever go back to normal scrambled eggs again,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 oh for sure i imagine ill still freehand sometimes not like my stones are going anywhere plus if i wanted i could just freehand on the edgepro stones now too,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 typemention are a lot only on rmbti because they are more likely to be interested in such things like personality theory in real life typemention are pretty rare,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i searched up mid century modern its basically modern with more circles and ovals,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 do a paragraph preface to disarm the person you are asking the question to by providing context to your intentions,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 if there wasnt a highway of titans for him to swing across or if the suicide attack wasnt there to distract zeke than levi would have been obliterated by zeke in the return to shinganshina arc just as the rest of the sc,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this has to be fake,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i figured thats why this picture was herehappy cake day by the by,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its not science thoughits science,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i like how you are at 0 points,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 it doesnt seem that unreasonable to me he just happened to be walking down the street figured hed check in to make sure for maybe later on his way back from wherever he was goingit sure wouldnt be the stupidest question ive ever heard,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if you need to immediately exit out of a subroutine use this exit sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 if isayama simply wanted to change the way he looks then why does the anime use his old design,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 really did you even read my postif you start with stale coffee letting it sit there isnt gonna make it much more stale if you ignored the rest of my questions im fairly certain that you arent making a good cup anyhowif you make it right itll last longer and you wont even need to replace it as often and as a bonus youll have a cup that when fresh tastes about a million times bettermost people in na wouldnt know good coffee if i threw it in their face i was just trying to help you fix the source of your problem rather than you slapping a bandaid on the broken decaying corpse,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 black white ecru natural navy blue medium grey and dark brown maybe tan because its good for topstitching on denim and red is pretty well essential because every other colour shows up on it,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 3 things 1 you need to be more emotionally vulnerable to cultivate deeper relationships if youre constantly just shrugging shit off with humor you will have a tons of party friends but no real friends which i take you want from your post make it a point to share something uncomfortable with a closer friend youll be amazed at how that deepens the relationship it builds trust this advice comes from experience2 prove yourself with your actions sometimes i enjoy surprising people with ability and get great amusement from tearing their preconceived notions right the fuck apart nothing makes someone take you seriously quicker than that3 youre a fucking joke d,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 yeah this is a big turnoff for me it seems to be positively correlated with a whole slew of obnoxious behaviorsissues also i love to cook and hate having to make the food suit their restrictions i want to cook motherfuckin steak and bake bread,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i already conceded apple is the highest valued company which can be tied to profitabilityi reject that apple is the biggest and fastest growing gaming platformsize cant be correlated to profit and its just a fucking lie anyways,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 yes and was clearly upvoting his own insane rambles he seems truly unhinged poor fella,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 that sloth has to do so much workarounds shows what is broken with the game it was developed by hidden path who took source butchered it and slapped new graphics onto it now the guys at valve have to get rid of all the bugs,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 it commits one to say that basically noone from history was admirable that doesnt seem a little absurd to you,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 if you asked me a year ago i would have agreed with you about a 19 yo but this year ive met a really awesome 20yo super mature and makes the gap feel like nothing i think it really requires both people to be at the same stage in their lives i totally agree the new undergrads look like theyre about 12 years old though,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 til cartoon pregnant bellies gross me out also,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 honestly you had to tank something you shouldnt tank to get hit for that much thats mostly your fault,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 subisu in recent times has become better but its hard to get taint off an old company i also use subisu and it works decent but i dont play online games with it because at times it disconnects,9.0,61.0,8.0,24.0,16.0 i am simply on more layers of woke than you can possibly comprehend,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 looks like you have subject matter do you think you could explore this in scripts questions of self reality and our place in it are never out of fashion dont fear criticism if a script gets rejected 99 times and the 100th revision gets accepted youve successfully discovered 99 ways of how not to write a script,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 mmm deluxe fish n chips,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 as a female i disagree i wouldnt send it to anybody who didnt trust not to share it and i automatically assume they will keep it foreversure its respectful to delete them but its not disrespectful to keep them either unless you were explicitly asked to dispose of themi have nudes that i havent looked at in years i guarantee he doesnt mind as long as im not sharing them my current boyfriend might mind but again i havent looked at them in years and mostly im just too lazy to delete them that would mean going out of my way to look at them in order to delete them and i just dont care that muchmy current so actually knows my reddit username and i dont care if he sees this because its honestly how i feel about it if he has a problem hell let me know,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 well its already been that long so thats definitely not the answer unless you mean two more months,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 probably not as much as you think but a healthy amount of smacks,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 about cz im always super afraid that wearing cz comes across as trying to pass them off as diamonds but clearly theyre fake i wouldnt want that to me it feels the same as wearing fake designer handbags which you wear to show off the brand and in that case wearing a fake is just ridiculous,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 one of my astrophysics lecturers hes a great guy he could talk for days about cool stuff and if you ask him a question he always gives you a smartass answer that you didnt expectwhat happens if you go near a black hole you diewhat happens if i swing a lightbulb on a rope around at the speed of lightthe rope breaks,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 let her go if the affection has stopped your relationship is dead you can probably pressure her into staying but it is not in your best interest or hers its almost always the right move to just let people move on,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i dont think there is anything wrong with either preference being dominated or led or not being interested in those types of dynamics perhaps you are attracting a personality type that is more likely to want to be led or dominated some women prefer a man who takes charge in the bedroom and some women can switch between being dominant or submissive i am using bdsm language here maybe someone more well versed could provide some useful links it is interesting to read about for some there are also online quizzes about how much you like to branch out sexually they are kind of interesting too if you want to learn more about your own preferences i would say dont do anything you are uncomfortable with and be very direct in telling them you are not comfortable with it it is possible you are just not compatible with them sexually keep looking im sure the right partner is out there bad sex where you are uncomfortable or feel awkward isnt fun anyway,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 lol fuck off dude im a girl and if you enjoy watching camgirls you should support them a little bit if no one pays you dont get a show at all and the camgirl that you supposedly like cant pay her rent,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 either that or i thought your black haired friend was the emo one,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 its very goodfor my karma that is,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its the test client my bad d,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 re 6 muslim population of europe includes a shit ton of people who were conquered by the turks hundreds of years ago re integration heres a harvard study with a relevant quote and feldman analyzing cumulated data from the general social survey find strong correlations betweenthe values of various ethnic groups in the us and the values prevailing in their countries of originâ twoor three generations after their families migrated to the us41 ethnographic studies of disaffectedmuslim youth such as bangladeshis in the uk report that these groups are turning to revivalist islam inreaction to political and cultural alienation from the west42â â analysis of the uk fourth national surveyof ethnic minorities found that muslims integrate less fully and more slowly than other nonmuslimmigrants asians hindu and caribbean43 ok so lets say its 1 who does this shit why would you want them in your country i consider myself a humanist its not a racial issue its a cultural one culture matters you cant just love away hatred in one year issues which are correlated by socioeconomics arent necessarily caused by them every nation doesnt have to take people in as citizens every nation doesnt have a responsibility to look after every suffering person in the world fuck that noise they have a responsibility to their citizens first,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 then i hope youre wearing a cup,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 stop caring about ranks and deal with it shitty noob,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 jericho it can be a little overly dramatic at times but it always kept me on my toes waiting to see what would happen next it was compelling with real human characters in a shit situation you see the best and worst of humanity its compelling intense sassy and heartwarming all at the same time,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 only 2983000000 to go keep shitposting we can do it guys,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 black market in communist states was and is even worse,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 reading through your comments i didnt yet get an answer on why the simple reason given by most child free people isnt valid that simply being i dont want to with this question im trying to get to a core value youre experiencing that may conflict with core values of child free people,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 there are really people who play this game for skinsif it is so important to you watch the demo and confirm it again then if you really want it go on the marketplace and buy it or write a ticket to the steam supportyou also dont rarely get an item you get around 48 drops per week,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 origins was the peak of dragon age by far 2 could have been great if it had a longer development cycle and inquisition felt too much like it was trying to be skyrims dragon agey cousin,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 yeah violet agreed eagerly her energy replenishing at the prospect of some real training,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 it isnt a reallife example there is no real economy that produces only eggsbut youre welcome,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 its just annoying im not out creating please stop posts but i dont disagree with them its like opening up a newspaper ok im old and 910 of the articles are the same ones that were in there yesterday and the day before that and the day before that not similar but the exact samemost days you cant go past the first page without seeing at least 4 of the same question and most days its the same question that was posted every 20 minutes yesterdayedit side note how many times a day do we get the coming to smite from lol which champs are best and i havent played in a few months what changed im honestly curious how many times per hour we get posts on gem event days saying is anyone else not getting first win gems its got to be over 10 on average every single time,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 awww poor baby kitty momma,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 to me it feels like immense jealously towards you because of a perceived failure on his side to get that job followed by rationalization of behaviour he knows is stupid and irrational by suddenly being proamerican capatilism antisocialism and all the other out of the blue things hes saying about europethe netherlandsi think you need to sit down with him and simply say straight to his face you are behaving like crap and youre acting like a child we made this decision together and you need to get your act straight this is going to happen i am going there whether you like it or not with or without youi dont think with this behaviour that any subtle steering of his behaviour will have any effect,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 or trying to get yourself wedged into a fence for mass glitch pointsi feel like this inspired skates hall of meat mode,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i just built a 2k one for fallout 4 it doesnt look that good the phantom pain on ps4 looks better,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 this is exactly why manga spoilers s the central mps torture wallcultiststhe walls are a cruel place the strong will always rule over the weaklet us punish the ignorant,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ding ding ding dingthis course requires a ridiculous amount of driving accuracymolinari is the tits at hitting the narrow fairways he also avoids roughs and 3 putts like a boss,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 can you elaborate on that,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 shhhh the new guy doesnt need to know that yet,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 well there was the conveniently timed distortion as someone was getting out of the bus,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah lol it doesnt hurt me i just cant let it go no really waht were you thinking about,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 reading through the replies he doesnt,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im on about 4 also been like that for a long while now longest without sleep was about a week when i was in the hospital,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im excited by this guy hes a perfect rotation player and can do an aboveaverage job at every position on the middle of pitch were going to need him a lot next season if we manage to get in european competitions ucl please,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i clearly stated that ive personally known multiple manipulative cunty shitty camgirls but that is not the majority of us the people in this thread are demonizing an extremely tame form of sex work i never defended ops gf lying to her bf at that magnitude is very shitty but shes barely even entering into the world of sex work why does everyone have to talk so much shit on her if they were only talking about her dishonesty that would be a different story,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 low intelligence due to slow connections between limited hardwarethat growth curve is entirely speculative and the human brain has a lot more processing power than was estimated at the time of those predictionsagain slow connections between limited hardware,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 take your time mate we all know that you and the other mods are doing this for free if something you produce is a bit late then none of us have the right to complain we should be grateful that people are doing those kinds of things at all despite the struggles that everyone faces in live life sucks and everyone that demands of you to make your life suck more so theirs suck less has no right to speak i wish you the best of luck with whatever is bothering you atmalso we havent forgotten annie,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 really broken in decks that like having things in their graveyard,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 you have been blocked by jake paul,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 does it matter not only is this borderline harassment due to the contents of the will but killing someone based off the actions in another game should be considered game throwing and is heavily looked down upon in the community,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 lol thats what i was thinking,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 or parmenides whom i think of as the final boss of platos dialogues,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 those smurfshackers are the people who should be at that rankget better to get back there,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i hear you on that but its important that you dont kowtow or youll be eaten alive and its not too late to make a change for the better,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 about 40 hours it was tge entire game of thrones series however there was a 3 month period of time where i only got 3 hours of sleep a night the only thing lteventing me from killing myselfor other horrible things was a ungodly amount of caffiene this was infinitely worse,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 this is obviously very tongue in cheek,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 oh my god if you knew half as much about debate as you think you do you would know that it is entirely possible to ask questions and make assumptions in the same sentence the term for it is loaded question for example why did you steal that car assumes that the person being asked the question stole a car and that the only thing up for debate is motivationone example of this is so you need someone lively and entertaining to bring you out of your introverted shell this is a loaded question because it is assumed that the op is in an introverted shell which was not actually the case as was clarified in the responsei hope to god for your own sake that you are merely a troll,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 seriously and they probably dont even see the issue with what theyre doing because thats what privilege is an advantage you dont realize you have but dont let em ruin games for you its a great field to work in despite the occasional blatant reminder of inequality keep fighting the good fight,41.0,31.0,95.0,3.0,13.0 i used to listen to this week in tech for tech news but i every week now internet harassment and equality in tech pops is discussedtech journalists especially female ones get trolled on twitter i dont care twitter is a waste of timeim slowly switching to linus tech tips the wan show for tech news all the tech and none of the preach,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 youre just upset that islam is not a hippie religion that forbids self defense,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 its funny that you considered uscillyautomatic s advise apparently more useful because heshe is saying the same thinghowever its lying if you dont say that when your greatest weakness is asked about so you rephrase but you dont like that because thats not honest either thats what you seemed to be saying earlier anywayall the advise here so far comes down to my first post be honest but smart about your choice of weakness state it wisely worded obviously and explain how youve been working on it and intend to continue to do soyou wouldnt mention being an alcoholic and you wouldnt mention having poor personal skills at least not in that phrasing and maybe not at all its lying it is thats the way our world works it is not even so much about it not being okay to share those things its about people generally having a hard time considering that we all have our struggles and that other candidates might be hiding things thats not even mentioning the fact that some people overstate their issues whereas others downplay them or dont even properly realize they have them this is just the human game its how things work its not honest but you cant be because our world cant handle that kind of absolute blackwhite honesty and things tend to be a bit more nuanced anywayedit i admit the alcoholic example wasnt the best but im just trying to make a point by exaggeration,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 kanye west is president instead of supersize mcdonalds has an alcoholize option where your meal comes cooked in bud light along with an actual bud light anyone who actually has the willpower to finish homework graduates with 40 entertainment industry becomes so flooded that tabloids write about the few normal people left instead of celebrities uhh other stuff,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 kindle doesnt support epub files which i understand are the standard form for ebooks in europe you can convert them using calibre and email them to your kindle but unless you want to do a lot of englishlanguage reading you may be better off with a different ereader,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 lt3 that first photo haha,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 my grandfather used to say that you tend to catch the kind of fish that likes the bait you usewhen i created my okc profile it was a miniature writing project for me i touched base on all sorts of things about myself my life my hopes and so on i tried to paint a whole picture of who i am and what im about thinking itd spark more quality conversations and give the ladies a better set of expectations about me every so often id go back and edit this or that bit condensing it for readability and flowi also answered upwards of a thousand profiling questions as accurately as possible letting the algorithm build the best matching numbers for me as possible in most of the questions i made sure to put at least a few words of clarity in the writein section again the idea was to both prompt conversations as well as showcase who i am to anyone who was interested enough to read upboy howdy did i get a staggering number of responses along the lines of tldra few ladies even gently recommended that i remove big chunks of my profile so id be keeping some things to discover in person or leaving some things to the imagination probably one of the most discouraging ones was basically youre cute but i dont want to read that novel lets just chatso those particular fish didnt like the bait i was using at first i was let down all of that effort at open honesty seemed wasted what i felt was a solid summary they saw as an autobiography and a chore i was allin with the okcupid personalitymatching philosophy and they were expecting the tinder minigamei took some of the advice and did trim things down a bit but i didnt compromise on my ideals i wasnt looking for cheap hookups so i wasnt going to offer cheap efforts i wasnt going to misrepresent myself for sake of scoring more dates i stuck by my spam because if woman cant handle me at my wordiest and all thateventually it paid off i started getting interest from women who openly adored what i had written i got called a breath of fresh air amid the bland copypasta i landed dates with women who had wonderful depth and personality many of them im still friends with and some close friends withi dont regret being wordy the kind of women i was looking for ended up being exactly the kind who responded well to my writing lt3,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 unnecessary dangerous driving doing unpredictable things in traffic causes accidents,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 honestly its about equal for me ive lived my whole life in illinois so i certainly feel quite a bit of a connection to the statebut when i travel to other areas of the country its not that different and it just makes me proud of our countrys diversity for the things that are differentill answer illinois when asked where im from but thats only because its more specific than the gigantic us i dont necessarily identify more as an illinoisian than i do an american,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 well we all have our opinions for what its worth i play bard in ffxiv so i dont actually have a rotation it works more off of a priority system and there is always something to be doing which i personally do find fun if action combat is your preference what is it that you enjoy about autoattacking with occasional ability no sarcasm here i truly am interested in what people find appealing about it i wasnt kidding when i said that combat style flairs up my tendinitis because of that i havent played games with it enough to see the appeal when most of the time the constant required clicking causes me pain,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 this i really liked the halo series on the console up until halo reach i stopped playing it after that destiny is pretty good though,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 astronaut ha nice going autocorrect my reading style is if a book interests me ill read it all in one sitting or till i fall asleep reading so committing to them is about a week of my time gonethe furies interested me initially because apparently they were written for a bet to prove there are no bad ideas only ok and great ones pokemon and the lost roman legion,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 shitballs it wasnt that hot im in moncton nbthis guy actually looks familiari have to get my heat pump replaced 9k this should be reposted to rcringe,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 welp weve come full circlethat makes two of us then,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah no there wasnt it was rather random i just like that videotheres a sliiiight reference to napoleon dynamite in that the guy sorta looks and dances like him in that awkward interesting way,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 type in the console volume 2why the fuck wouldnt you adjust the volume,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 alamo drafthouse if you have one nearby check it out,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 the size of it legitimately might convert me back over to iphone because 55 inches is too fucking big for a phone even my moto x with a 52 inch screen is pushing it frankly,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 early game against scythers or the like it would be worth it yeah,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i wonder why we didnt ban him already like 4 months ago when he spread false rumors about deuce or whatever i dont even remember why did we give sooo many second chances considering all the shit he did in the past,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 what makes you sure of that what fragments remain are notoriously opaque i think ops interpretation is correct more or less i wouldnt say its a matephor as such just that heraclitus takes the defining characteristic of fire to be that it holds no definite form and ihas perpetual flux as its only real state â and since this is heraclitus vision of reality the world is fire this is certainly the impression i get from how plato talks about him and his kind of philosophy in works like the sophist,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 thats what i did and i won my third game basically the first cthun wins,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 neat knowing whats about to come im glad i dont have to listen to that version of armin that sounds like a girl,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the reason for singers popularity is twofold animal rights supporters publicised his book which provide intuitivebutambiguouslyrational arguments for veganism id argue that singerian views on animal rights are irrational unless framed robustly most people who hold singerian views are intuitionist which id argue makes their views irrational by definition part of my point in the first post this is why singer was popular in the 80s singers books on effective altruism and ted talks are what made him popular in recent timescommon arguments would be things like i like meat i am speciesist i do not empathise with factory farmed animals i intentionally avoid circumstances where i might empathise with factory farmed animals though i may agree with vegans on animal rights pain promotion etc i still have compelling reasons to eat meat where my individual consumption does not impact on animal rightspain promotion individual consumption of mass produced meat does not increase production ie has marginal impact on these thingsim sure there are more those are off the top of my head,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 i can build you a gui in visual basic to help you track their ip faster ufffdufffd,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 you do realize black lives matter is not complaining for no reason,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 did you read the article you are late to the party,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i sort of borrowed the idea from the steiner waldorf tradition where its common to put the wise men at the far end of the house on christmas morning and move them a little closer every day until epiphanyi like observing advent and the twelve days of christmas we have advent candles our tree doesnt go up until christmas eve and we take it down on the day after epiphany we dont do christmas presents because we feel that can easily become a distraction from what is for us a religious feast instead we celebrate st nicholas the kids get a book each and epiphany the kids get chocolate coins in their shoes to bookend the festival season with small gifts we also play the appropriate bach cantatas and other sacred music throughout,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 this is bs rpdr is watched by lots of people who are comfortable with who they are from feminine to masculine,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 eli5 how to use projectile weapons effectively ive mainly been using every other weapon system but ive recently skilled into minmatar frigs and cruisersto clarify im looking for something like blasters are pointblank damage get in close and only use navy antimatter or void on larger targets or null if youre being kites how to fly ammo types to use ranges to keep etc for both auto cannons and artillery,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 we all know that helmets dont help even if he would have a face visor couldnt find a good image of what i wanted so have that video of a cosplay instead,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah i feel like this issue is being made a little too black and white here there many shades of grey i think the men op is talking about should not be vilified as intentionally befriending a girl just to get into her pants i think sometimes things happen feelings happen and we arent as aware or in control over things as this thread makes it seem like we areshould be and thats on both sides of this problem both the women getting relationshipzoned and the men doing the zoning its not always so clear as to who is at fault,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 i recommend creating a different subroutine that will do the job of sorting the listboxitems array it would load the array using peekvar sort the array then save the arrays data using pokevar and then call reloadlistbox to update the listbox itself you can even make it fancier and have it accept parameters on how to sort the array depending on what is needed,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 could be so the one with 6 is more recent interestingmarketing im sure half the job is trying to justify their worth with bs stuff like this cant stand it i like facts,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sorry i didnt come back to this yesterday i had to go look at some houses and then i fell asleep well so i think what youre actually arguing is the subjectivity or objectivity of truth which in itself can be come circular so i dont have a ton of interest in arguing it but i think the important layer is that whether or not someone has mental illness is objective and that should be the determining factor whether or not someone can use a mental health defense not an arbitrary line we draw of how similar or dissimilar someones subjective reality is to anothers subjective reality,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 apparently most of the people in this sub reports should be limited,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the fallacyfallacy is only a fallacy when the original fallacious statement actually has an argument in it which is rendered merely undecidable by the original fallacyas it stands the gp didnt really have any constructive comment besides his adhominem the only proper response to that comment is so since it contributes exactly nothing to the discussion of the original point which may be true or notand i guess while were at it didnt you just commit the fallacyfallacyfallacy,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 top 3 out of a public game so yeah you had to be good to get it lol,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 how well do you relate to each of these and whycogfuncmention you know your enneagram type,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i ami do want to be more muscular but if it doesnt work out i really dont mind and then of course theres always tiny things i could improve on,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 kiernan laughed again pleased by the suggestion i am eternally grateful for your curiosity something told her shed be needing those drinks,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 definitely a goat tenacious strongwilled playful equally at home with a group or alone sassy adventuresome slightly mischievous adaptable i also have a healthy appetite that isnt incredibly discerning and like to sit on other animals as a power move,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i think it motivates the ps too i was supporting and expanding on the idea not mine that all humans struggle with this in some way for at least some time that it is intrinsic to the human condition interesting what you say about individuality hmm you do have a concept of self right at least a list of traits which describe who you are what youre into what you want what you likedislike etc asserting that you struggle with experiencing is a statement of individuality people depersonalize when they speak of the human condition and personalize when they assert information about themselves which is purported to be unusual such as you just did this is my journey is another way to read of your struggle,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 800krecords without the tools and untrained users typical day at the officesounds like you just need to make a dashboard that references the data dump,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 the system or the people in charge of the systemif the support says they are not able to lift bans that is true because the people doing the suport have no rights regarding vacthe ban also wont be lifted if it is older if you however file a complaint about a ban you feel you got undeserved in time up to 24 hours after the ban the people in charge will review the evidence provided by vac and possibly revoke the ban if you didnt cheatbeing a so called pro player has nothing to do with this process,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yay its ronron the fox in all his glory and we dont have to listen to the owner go ronron ronronron ronronronronronronronronronronronronronronronronronronronronronronronronronronronthrough the whole video in his baby voice,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 maybe shell let you again if you tell her you tried learning about proper safe knife skills and handling and that you want to practice iti collect and play with knives quite a bit last time i cut myself was 23 years ago when a folding blade fell down closing onto my knuckle it just touched it super sharp so it healed up fasttime before that it was my sharpest serrated paring knife that i knocked off the counter while cutting beeswax with a butter knife dull knife much force accidents happen anyway it landed in my ankle ow,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i find it interesting how you analyzed the situation and did actual tests on how waifuism works and how everything came to be im sure other people would excuse your past and appreciate the honesty you bring to the table1your current feelings probably fit the ideals of the subreddit at the very least since youre actually loving your waifu and spending at least some quality time with her however i cant really judge from me whether or not this is your 100 in the end thats for you to judge2its normal to think like that in a relationship if someone thought about their so 100 of the time it could be considered obsession to a certain degree and of course everyone deserves time and thinking for themself in any relationship,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 its almost as if his dad was voted most popular driver for 16 years or something,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 5es ease of entry is definitely its biggest selling pointat first i was aghast at the individual price of the books but with them dropping the online subscription offerings of 4e and dropping the publish multiple sourcebooks per month flood of 3e it looks like accessibility of the product is helping them turn a sustainable profit and also yknow amazon sorry brick amp mortar,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 he must have had a bit o the ol satans apple evil that evil,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 warhammer 40k isnt a movie its some tabletop war strategy game with little figurines,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 25075 on dk despite lillard cashed me out on all gpps and triple ups got top ten in the reddit freeroll whiteside and wear were some lucky punts watched the whole pormia game and im really impressed by whitesides performance despite not seeing the floor in the 1st and 3rd quarters,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i dont know why this is so funny to me,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 id seen the browsergame beforehand so i kinda knew,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 hhmmm yeah thats now becoming a barely concrete idea now,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 huhso coordinates dont have an umlaut in englishthey do in dutchand the word is written nearly identical thats probably where the confusion came fromalso my little brother just took my phone and thought he was funny by deleting comments the previous one saidno not gonna push my luck a second time what part of that did i misspell,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 so like if someone asks you what time it is youll just ignore them,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 checks and balances where are those last i checked trump has the house the senate the supreme court and the military what more does he need if there was a cabinet position for curtain fires trump would appoint gasoline,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 haha the new 2ds is like the 3ds but without the slider its like a reskin it kinda bugs me that they arent improving the hardware and the graphics on nintendo handhelds are subpar compared to the vita but the new colors look so sleek,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 i like to play talisa said uncertain if that counted as an interest and i like books i dont know how to read them thoughmustering some courage she managed to ask the older girl whats needlework,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 next time say yes but only with incentive pay theyll always give in and thats easy money in your pocket and i feel ya on closing at an rbd it sucks i soooo wish there was a delco in my area with both a good gm and decent territory but of course there is not,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 look at the last character poll made the second most hated character in the show as popular as levi over the course of two months,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 he woke up in his bed and concluded that everything that came before was a dream but hes obviously had a lot of time to think since then and given the supernatural nature of events the fact that the death toll has continued to rise even since hes been taken into custody and the fact that the fbi is there explicitly asking about what he sawexperienced in connection with the zone it seemed relevant to tell them about the dream at this point,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 though hes lying when he says he didnt expect anything backhe clearly expected to talk to them and make them say thank you to him and even inconvenience them by explaining 3x what hes done for them and to record it all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i had that happen once as well if you can get back in fast enough you can luck out and avoid it but if not thems the breaks,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 this is actually a really interesting point i frequent rchildfree and one of the main annoyances of the people of there is how they loose their friends when the friends become parents mostly because when people become parents the number one topic to talk about is children which childfree people are usually not really interested in thing is nothing really stops you from seeing your friends once you have children or more specifically if your friends had children how would that fact suddenly change why you will or wont be lonely i mean once you have children the reasons or the ability of your friends to visit you will not change child or not your friend needs to get in a car and make time to meet you,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i didnt think of that that would be pretty confusing,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 theres a good taylor swift song for every type,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 machina gadgetsyou can buy the core for cheap the extra deck can be pricey but there are a lot of good xyzs you can ue that are cheap like blackship photon papi maestroke and thunder sparkyou also can improve your extra over time into abyss dwellers and rank 7sthe deck has insane rank 4 toolboxing and versitility it also can throw down a lot of damage and pressure with gear gigant x and machina fortress,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i was cosysop to nearly ever bbs in my city lots of memories there i coulda put up my own bbs i spent enough time configuring them setting up doors etc etc just couldnt afford it parents didnt really want that either back then i had computer time which was limited had to share with my brother even though i bought the computer myself,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 confirmed i speak english and i cant really understand what he is saying talks so fast,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 mine isnt popping up even for the giveaway i did winweird,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 we dont even know if his mindless form had a beard i admit that its likely thoughthe big belly the and the shape of the arms are the main points of argument though,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 how do people describe it,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 you cant make your kid become an typemention for all you know your kid will end up as an typemention and there is nothing you can do to change that ever been around babies of a couple of months old ever noticed how even at that age some children are very quiet and some are crying the second they dont get any attention this was for me the reason why i didnt want children i would like to have a kid if the kid would be exactly like the kid i envision in my head but thats not reality and being a good parent is able to guide your kid through life regardless of what your kids personality turns out to be,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 when you neuted but bhaal still suckin,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 the light required to grow the 500 grammes of wheat that a loaf of bread contains would cost at current prices â 982 link doubt that,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 title of the post this sub in a nutshell,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i mean when youre on ethernet you get way faster speeds just asking if the wifi tends to be slowunreliable not sure if it is waveg or not which is better the plan i got says its up to 250 mbps,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 well if your girlfriend doesnt want to be pregnant i dont see the issue with possible transmission symptoms are so mild,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 thats because we dont have brains perhaps dominos thinks their employees can think although i kind of like all the job aids and having everything always come out looking exactly as it should visual specs ftw,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i assumed this at first but then i thought you just wanted to arguethe first line of your response didnt help that assumption anypeople who argue against empirical data particularly in favor of systems that data denounces are usually ideologically obtuseattempting to understand them or their thought processes is usually an exercise in futility,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 good god man you are the worst wingman ever why dont you just tell stories about me wetting the bed or something,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think law school is not where they teach you to be an astronaut whyd you join law,9.0,61.0,8.0,24.0,16.0 human trafficking is very wrong,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 it doesnt describe the events at all just the condition on the station and the final resultsdemolishing the station could be anything from firing a ships gun into it to overloading the reactor or deorbiting it its possible that it was achieved by herself or with one or more complicit parties,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 oh hes definitely not going to win lucas county im not claiming that im just saying that the turnout among trump supporters in ohio as a whole may be high enough to hand him a win here,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 thanksufffdufffdi thought that was yesterdayufffdufffd time zones i guess,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 is namibia a popular tourist destination for germans then,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 yes but did your computer recently do any windows updates many people have been reporting graphical errors with their version of microsoft excel 2013 which seem to be very similar to your exact problem which was why i was asking all of the links provided have solutions within them,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 euthanasia is a widely accepted phenomenon in the netherlands and our laws on this subject are way less restrictive then they are in almost any other nationfor example a woman in the netherlands can ask a doctor to examine wether or not her demented mother is able to make a viable estimate on the value of her live if the doctor thinks that the demented mother cant then the daughter can ask the doctor to perform euthanasia on the mother if the daughter deems the situation of the mother inhumanei know that this is rather controversial in many other nations so that is why i mentioned that im dutch,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 u732b is cat the radicals are left animal top grass bottom field,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 although i agree with all the others here that this relationship might not be the best idea ever i also have the feeling youll pursue it anywayso instead ill offer some advice with regard to having a relationship with someone who is mentally unstable and im speaking from personal experienceif you want this shell need to get intensive individual therapy but there is more you need to get therapy realize that being with someone like her will be giving everything you have emotionally and mentally because you love her and getting very little in return because she simply cant in her condition this asks for tremendous personal sacrifice which will take a toll on you you need to beat this by starting out with individual therapy for you straight away just like she if you dont youll find yourself in a very dark place and not only will you not be able to help her anymore you will probably also spend a very long time on breing able to do nothing else but get better yourself if that happens this will cost you your friends and career last youll need couples therapy as well maybe not as intensive as individual therapy but both you have do not have any strong good experience of what it means to be in a good relationship and frankly you two will not be in the position to figure it out on your own and make mistakes because remember shes ill and her recovery takes priority over learning new skillsim not saying what you want is impossible im doing it myself right now but you should be aware of what youll put yourself through and take proper precautions to keep yourself mentally healthy,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 just uhh be politer and not kick people for saying dont abuse your powersthxand dont ban my friend without warning for sitting on a button all game he was terribly new and it hurt my feelings,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i like the artistic freedom your taking with this,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 is a lie in itself even a pathological lier tells the truth multiple times a day,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 ser oswell whent peered about the feast tables scanning the lords and ladies hed seen many of them in the past two months at court and thought to himself theyve probably exhausted all their idle topics and empty courtesies and now well see their true facesthen a thought occurred to oswell he hasnt exhausted all his topics of conversation and he was in need of a squire however he had a king to guard and he could only hope a young prospective knight approaches him,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 you were probably drunk and blacked out,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 we are yet to know the name of this song but its amazing enjoy,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 oh ill put it differently i dont think pan troglodytes will show any sign of n if we were to do an experiment to find out they might have differences in ns but we wont be able to see it,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 you guys have pretty much all covered here all i can add is this booka history of western philosophy by bertrand russellits not perfect and for the most part i disagree with the authors philosophy however it had tremendous impact for me at the age of 1617 read it about 4 times or moreyou just have to be smart about that book and understand for what it is and what its not,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 from what i gather if he likes you then honestly not as much energy is expended from him spending so time with you my bf is typemention and when we hit one month in i see him half the week by that i mean we spend all after work together until morning,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 this ego functions are cogfuncmention cogfuncmention,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 not really sure why but ive heard more than one attorney say you should absolutely not tell someone you are going to sue them i imagine it probably hurts your case some how,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 yeah that statement pretty much nailed it for me too and tipped me over into the 9 camp i still have no idea how this system works though so its all seems pretty arbitrary for me at the moment,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i am definitely internally blunt straightforward and colder than i would consider ideal lol i think most people would be pretty surprised how detached i am if they could read my mind i relate to typemention in that way although i seem to be a lot better socially than most of them also i seem to pretty heavily rely on tise for an typemention i seem to have personalitied wrong hi new username,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 you may be looking for something similar to this option explicit public sub example call ludicrousmodetrue dim rowcounter as long lastrow as long for rowcounter 2 to getlastrowactivesheet 1 if cellsrowcounter 1value targetname then lastrow getlastrowworksheets2 1 1 activesheetrowsrowcountercopy worksheets2rowslastrow end if next rowcounter call ludicrousmodefalse end sub public function getlastrowbyval targetworksheet as worksheet byval columnno as long as long getlastrow targetworksheetcellstargetworksheetrowscount chr64 columnnoendxluprow end function public sub ludicrousmodebyval toggle as boolean applicationscreenupdating not toggle applicationenableevents not toggle applicationdisplayalerts not toggle applicationcalculation iiftoggle xlcalculationmanual xlcalculationautomatic end subthis code copies rows of cells in column a of the activesheet that contain the value targetname and adds them to the next available row on the second worksheet as defined by worksheets2,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 if you ever come back you should pub with me some time i relate a lot to the passage you posted kurt hit home in it with some things i struggle with everyday i really care about what people think of me and in turn how good i am at this game i really want to be known as a great player or feared or something it really just turns into me reacting emotionally when i get called out in a pub i get a toxic attitude when i lose a lot its a bipolar type of state where i am the nicest dude ever to where i am the guy calling out everybody on everything that is even remotely their fault then i step back and look at what ive done and how awful i have been and am ashamed to have done this my whole body just feels drained and i dont want to do anything other than sleep i feel like kurt hit the head on the nail in his note the mindset right after a moment like this i hate myself for being so emotional in pubs or caring so muchsorry if i kinda went on a rant about myself here i just want to tell you that if that is why youre quitting you dont have to quit im always here to talk about this kinda shit if need be,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the title says it allalso might i recommend the adventures of dr mcninja for your webcomic pleasure,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i understand that part i am simply amused by the suggestions going on in here and the downvote brigading on your comment,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 wow this is a really interesting thing to be here oh you posted it i promise im not stalking you right now,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i havent looked yet but has this person actually studied psych stats and research methods intellect and familiarity with theory is great but its the methodology im lookin for unless sweets wants to get involved,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think nolans waaaaay too egotistical to not have written something like the ring into the film,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 yea combined with your top post this sounds exactly like me ive never had the thought of maybe im an introvert and i agree with the alcoholdrugs anything that messes with my ability to think clearly is a not something i really like,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 thanks for that guess ill rethink giving vaping a go and ill tell my brother not to try it again,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 in my head when im not thinking of anyone specifically im attracted to the cogfuncmentionusing cold cynical snarky and fiercely intelligent archetype of woman the kind who sees things in a realistic stark and cartesian waybut when i actually make it specific concrete experiences of women who im attracted to fictional or real i gotta admit i gravitate towards warm positive and empathetic ones who still carry a good cogfuncmentionish logical head their shoulders the kind of person who tends to see things in a bit more of an abstractly elegant wayits weird lol,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i think the term youre looking for is direct speech as opposed to indirect speech which would be he told him he ought to go quietly and go soonthe quotation is from the fellowship of the ring gandalf speaking to frodo about leaving the shire,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 casterly rock is a castle its close to a town but its still somewhat separated you can conceivably take casterly rock with minimal interference of the civilians however the red keep is right next to the city of kings landing the red keep is on a sort of raised peninsula and kings landing is at the base of the peninsula so there is literally no way to get at the red keep without going through the red keepdany can use her dragons all she likes but ultimately the red keep is going to stand up a lot better to the dragons than kings landing could the lannisters can hunker in the catacombs and the depths of the keep and remain pretty much safe from the dragonfire realistically there is no way for her to take the keep without marching an army through kings landing,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 where do you take that from,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yea a 3 apr mortgage not an 18 apr credit card,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 here is my bookshelf it was a diy project between my dad and i and i wanted something unusual its all glued and screwed together and i am very careful with maintaining the balance p some notable inclusions on the shelf percy jackson books maximum ride books harry potter books artemis fowl books mortal instruments books also no you are not mistaken that is the twilight series i was 13 give me a break p,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 kinda it is essentially a rat that is required to play esea it should be only used for matchmaking while it can do much more,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 its foreshadowing that the holder of the strongest power on the planet is going insaneas i said to the other guy,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this sub isnt just one political ideology you dont see anarcho capitalists and communists being rude to eachother so you shouldnt be rude to half of this subs population,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 but why should english people take up all the few high paying jobs there are in wales welsh jobs under the welsh nhs managed by the welsh assembly thats paid for by welsh taxpayers should be reservedprioritised towards welsh junior doctors that studied at welsh universities if there are still a number of vacancies then maybe we can allow english jds in on a temporary contract basis to plug the temporary shortage medicine is insanely competitive im pretty sure theres more than plenty talented welsh people that want to go into medicine and have the grades to do so,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 carving out the body of that duck was hard work thanks to those who fought off the pepper,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 general roll prev rolled a twins special event1102 child dies103108 identical twins roll 2 characteristic and 1 gender roll109134 fraternal twins roll 2 characteristic and 2 gender rolls1351000 single child that survivesurollme 3 1d1000characteristic roll1 child has goodneutral characteristic2 child has badharmful characteristic3 child has one goodneutral and one bad characteristic410 child is normalurollme 3 1d10goodneutral characteristic roll124 child is geniusgifted2534 child is especially attractive3556 child has a large sizeheight5788 child is especially physically strong8991 child is lgbt92100 multiple goodneutral characteristics roll again twiceurollme 3 1d100badharmful characteristic roll1 child has dwarfism24 child is blind5 child is deaf68 child is mentally retardedslow witted933 child is insanementally ill3438 child is crippleddisabled3965 other physical defect6691 other genetic disorder92100 multiple badharmful characteristics roll again twiceurollme 3 1d100gender roll1 boy2 girlurollme 3 1d2,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 ohhhhhhhhh i thought you meant i have money i can get it myself like the experience gift didnt cost money loli totally agree i dont like people buying me eletronics or things like this because chances are i want something super specific and i enjoy researching it prior and whatnot to get exactly what i want,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 manga spoilerss he didnt die on the first night he had his powers he fought in wars prior to that,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 wow that was terrifying and beautiful thanks for sharing,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 what does your code look like i use a similar method in this post to create custom filters,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 people who sign up the dayof are more likely to follow through the same daythats the theory behind the daily tournaments of rtagpro,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the good old times when you could see the feet under the smoke in source 1010 would awp again,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 you need to come up with a unique pilot for that ship,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 the walls where a ticking time bomb no matter how you look at it the fact that the kings will was pacifistic for a century doesnt mean thatll never changehell we get people theorizing how and when eren will release the walls every week not if mind you how and when op is even dreaming about it himselfits a risk worth taking even if the chance on succes was one in a hundred which it wasnt thatd still means that theyd sacrifice a million to get 1 chance to save a couple billion and if my math is straight 1 of a billion is still ten times more than a million,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 hes talking about subtypes of xeelee within his own 72 archetypes system in which xeelee roughly maps to typemention,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 ok things seem to have died down a bit so here goesquestion 135m canadian programmer diagnosed with pddnos i have good theory of mind but difficulty with nonverbal communication most people ive told this to didnt believe i was autistic otherwise high intelligence generally visuospatial ability off the chartsquestion 2typemention got professionally tested as intx typed as typemention years later read up on mbti and forum threads found out about cognitive functions took dozens of online tests mostly get typemention or typemention on mbti tests rcoai on big5 cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention tied for top position cogfuncmention third then cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention far behind all the other extroverted functions low saw some of dario nardis stuff the cogfuncmention zen state fits 100 i get into flow states really really easily for as long as i want oblivious to everything including fire drills i use mental visualization constantly its even automatic when someone asks a question which some people interpret as me not listening and get offended i watch people when talking to them and adjust what im saying based on that im more aware of other peoples feelings than my own generally put others before myself and really hate conflict i try to stay out of the way and not be a burden i like helping people i kinda suck at project management its something ill have to work on i value accuracy over efficiency i hate making mistakes and overthink everything im clumsy due to poor proprioception and generally not paying attention to my environment but careful enough for it not to show im not good at thinking on my feet cant multitask im normally very careful but sometimes under stress i just give up and do something impulsivepeople keep telling me im a good listener a good writer and a great teacher yay me question 3what would getting a 100 accurate mbti type mean to you be as specific as possiblehow could i be sure if its 100 accurate id probably still doubt my type id also still doubt my enneagram and other things or did you mean why do i care what type i am it would give me more clues of what to say when people ask me to describe myself thats always been a tough one for mequestion 4if you were given the opportunity to broadcast yourself on video to the entire world for one minute what would you do with the timei would decline if possible theres not much i could say in a minute that would change anything and i prefer to keep a low profile otherwise i might say some hopeful feelgood stuff if im going to take up airspace i might as well make someone feel betterquestion 5in what ways if any are you misunderstood by societyehh i dunno i come off as aloof or shy at first but im actually pretty social and can be outgoing when i have something to say many find me warm and kind but im a lot colder and more detached on the inside some say im the smartest person they know but most of the time im just guessing some think im a deep well of emotion but i just feel empty most of the timequestion 6what personal life experiences if any do you think have had a significant impact on your developmentuhh i had a crazy life significant impact ok ill try to keep it simple raised by nerds surrounded by computers read thousands of books was clumsy and fell a lot learned some judo still stumble but dont fall got bullied in school parents took me out in 6th grade was programming in java on linux by age 15 1997 somehow missed the dotcom boom ive been homeless i dont recommend it now working on a project to fix major world problems with little help and no resourcesquestion 7umm wow i dont know brains ftfy dnd test neutral good hobbit rangerpaladin comfy pragmatic idealist hogwarts house slytherin ill do whatever is necessary for the greater good almost 30 years programming exp worked as linux sysadmin firewall tester database developer game developer web developer and a bunch more computerrelated titles technology runs in the family since before steam engines my interests also include scifi game development natural sciences social sciences history game theory economics future studies martial arts and much more,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i still think hes fucking nuts,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 also a similar thing is the dao de jing credit given to lao zi lao tzu whatever here are links they are very similar to meditations more difficult to understand maybe because of language its in chinese so the english translation is not easy to understand also the chinese itself is not as gramatically similar to the chinese today so its just really odd but still has amazing ideas that to me at least are easily known without having to delve so far into their meaning the first two lines for example u9053u53efu9053u975eu5e38u9053u540du53efu540du975eu5e38u540du3002they have it as way that can be followed is not the unvarying way name that can be named is not the unvarying name what i find it to be is imagine way as ones life therefore the way that can be followed is not the common way to go therefore the name that can be named is not the common name for something in verse 2 it starts saying that when people think of this as beautiful and this as not they treat others differently that this different treatment is a cause for ugliness not the thing they treat differently i am always a little turned off by proequality things because they seem pretentious and annoying reading into it it is as simple as i have said it but when you might see it in act you can understand if you imagine it in act you can anyhow its a great way to learn a different language and its mechanics as well as a great lesson teacher so if you have time definitely opt for reading into it although it will press your brain,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 why only pick one why not both,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 generally you will be 18 when you are still in higher education in the eu,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 what i really liked about bb vs ds is how from thw start on there actually was a story even though world was still cryptic and vague as with ds with ds the story of your character doesnt really evolve past i woke up in a random place shit where am i and throughout the game you learn primarily things about the world your in not necessarily a story of your characters role in that world that being said im really looking forward to being a magic character again all my main ds chars are magic based just hope ds can learn from bb and vice versa,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 gtnk protect the environment gtalso nk were threatening the world with thermonuclear annihilationthinking,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 im a pretty bubbly positive person outwardly but id say im mostly pretty neutral about things not optimistic or pessimistic just try to look at life realistically,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 firstly the general form is the x did this and was that thats a hideously malformed unnatural sentence structure the subject is sunlight the predicates are glinting off clouds and is the quintessential blah blah blah â these arent connected they dont imply one another nor does one follow from the other the mans tie looked great and was the quintessential image of fashionstructurally identical sentence â see what i meanalso sunlight isan image is arguably incoherent sunlight can form an image but is not an image itself that may be acceptable with the figure of speech as in oh my cousin joe is the very image of my aunt susan â but that only applies to people im not sure glinted works either sunlight would glint off something metallic i think not cloudsyou invoke the concept of beauty twice in the same sentence it very much reminds me of a poem by adrian mole intended to be amusingly badthe hallowed mist rolls away leaving scotlands majestic peaks revealed in all their majestysee what i meanthe phrase beautiful sunlight is both redundant and completely trite no adjective is required but literally anything ethereal celestial luminous incandescent even though the last two would properly describe the sun itself rather than sunlight would be better than beautiful and if that werent bad enough you call something beautiful again in the same sentenceand the kicker gt the quintessential image of beautyabsolutely loathsome im not sure where to begin quintessential is just a big word thats supposed to look clever and is totally misapplied there is absolutely no such thing as the quintessential image of beauty of all concepts beauty is among the least reducible to a simple quintessence or image for an illustration of this fact read platos hippias major this is especially true as beauty itself pertains partially to image â aesthetics would be a very simple field were it the case that one could simply distill quintessential beauty if you must use a phrase like the quintessential image of x beauty is one of the absolute worst placeholders of x that you could possibly choose,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 depends on how you sort the comments i guessi personally dont see how changing the number of points neded for a rank is changing the systemif you say they changed the system then as a person who is writing code it means another algorithm and different rating for me which has not happenednot to mention that the people here on reddit would understand it in the end it is wasted time to try and explain it to people here,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yup my buddy was the it guy and he showed me all the confused emails sent to him from the bosses if it werent for him theyd have never figured out how to stop it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 four months and counting to a post about a broken heart,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 lol i have not seen her live either i forgot to mention i have hard her play bach but my memory is not strong oh and a scarlatti sonata,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 well considering this method has worked in countless examples throughout history it would make sense that it would work for educationpeople are willing to pay for a quality andor accessible good gt others compete to provide the best service gt the successful ones get business and grow the unsuccessful ones either die out or innovatethe logic is pretty sound and tested,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 i can totally agree on reticence with respect to thoughts i keep them to myself because i feel like others might feel shut down or offended should i express them i guess it boils down to a need for making space for other people to continue to want to interact with and express themselves and their ideas to meas far as feelings go i often place myself in roles where i hear what other peoples thoughts and feelings are and basically never state my own deeply held emotions and desires there is the sense that i dont want to trouble or burden others with my emotions and that they wont care and would get annoyed if i made them hear about it being a male strongly reinforces this so i keep them to myselfalso im really happy you liked my analysis above d,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 no its definitely spherical in the poem,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 uafinedayforscience you need to get your shit togetherother users are starting to beat you in posting relevant norse mythology info,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 im right there in the same situation cant really bring myself to believe a lie to make things easier,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i like the flatish tax that rand paul put forward ie 0 income tax for low earners and 145 for middle and high earners,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i clicked thinking it would be wave with nobody around nope some guy was playing chicken with the ocean while his wife filmed him,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i think its good advice its always better to talk to the person involved in a relationship id try to stick to that however its hard advice for me to follow in general since one of the major ways i think is through mental conversations without a running dialog with either myself or with imagined simulations of people id be far less productive somehow its a very effective and natural process for me and how i test most of my theories before taking them live,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 both of my brothers are more or less right brained one typemention the other typemention my dad is more leftbrained he is also typemention,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i love playing with silly putty i am just about the most fidgety person ive ever met but it gets so gross,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i do think in these cases it is important to realize that the total costs are not 0 kronor the cost is there but its paid for through taxes etc,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ensure that all variables are dealing with the same data type you may need to do something such as this bquantity cdblamount cdblmywsrangek amp sourcebcountervalue,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 why was yoda afraid of 7because 6 7 8,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 remember well friend a mans success in society is evidence nay proof of his having exploited the downtrodden trannies of the world,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 now that i could sink my teeth into,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 this tells me youve never had any sort of martial arts or fighting training of any kindonce youve had training you dont need to remember details and movements like that consciously muscle memory takes over,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 he called himself eren krugerfucking timeloopi hate those theories but the symbolism is strong,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 theres a slight difference because the dubbed lines have to be written in a way that fits with the way the mouths move the general gist of what is said is the same though,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yeah you really should their lyrics can be quite dark at times but they speak the truth nethertheless the following could be a possible trigger let the water rise let the ground crack let me fall inside lying on back youre staring at the sky watching stars collide watching stars if you leave when i go find me in the shallows x2 when the time comes on the last day when they start to come down will you just will run away x2 oh come out come out to the sea amp just drown with me drown with me shallows if you leave 2013 album seeking images a child needs to help them sleep ive been thinking that i should see someone just to find out if im alright ill escape with him amsterdam i used to dream of adventure when i was younger with lungs miniature but now were killing our brain cells is this called living or something else x2 amsterdam if you leave 13 pick it up pick it all up and start again youve got a second chance you could go home escape it all its just irrelevant its just medicine its just medicine x2 you could still be what you want to what you said you were when i met you youve got a warm heart youve got a beautiful brain but its disintegrated from all the medicine medicine the wild youth october 2011 ep i cant forget it though ive tried i know you regret it love youve told me so many times but i still wonder why you left with her and left me behind take your hands off him because hes the only one ive ever loved i cant erase it from my mind i just reply it think of it all of the time did she make your heartbeat faster than i could did she give you what you hoped for i hope it made you feel good knowing how much i adored you youre making me sick love love the wild youth 1011 i asked st christopher to find your sister as she ran out in the woods x2 oh it was certain then and we were trying to stop the winter killing all it could x2 and i echoes out pray a lot for you and i look out for you and we know what we know cause were made of all the little bones from our fathers the woods his young heart june 2011 ep im wasted losing time im a foolish fragile spine i want all that is not mine i want him but were not right in the darkness i will meet my creators and they will all agree that im a suffocator i should go now quietly for my bones have found a place to lie down amp sleep where all my layers can become reeds all my limbs can become trees all my children can become me what a mess i leave to follow x4 in the darkness i will meet my creators and they will all agree that im a suffocator suffocator x3 oh no im sorry if i smothered you x2 i sometimes wish id stayed inside my mother never to come out smother if you leave 2013obviously those are just a few examples d,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 crono is the main character of chrono trigger that always bothered me that theyre not spelled the same,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 user for a day old tropes and astrology,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 what i really liked about bb vs ds is how from thw start on there actually was a story even though world was still cryptic and vague as with ds with ds the story of your character doesnt really evolve past i woke up in a random place shit where am i and throughout the game you learn primarily things about the world your in not necessarily a story of your characters role in that world that being said im really looking forward to being a magic character again all my main ds chars are magic based just hope ds can learn from bb and vice versa,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 it says that you show behaviors that can be attributed to both types and thats about it most people here will tell you that you cant really rely solely on tests because they generally can only test your behavior in reality while your behavior is important its really the thought process behind your behavior that determines your typethat is an typemention and an typemention can come to the exact same conclusion about something but in different ways thats because they utilize different cognitive functions reminder that this is all just within the mbtijungian conventions to process information typemention leads with introverted feeling cogfuncmention which is primarily concerned with identity personal morals and values and authenticity in oneself typemention leads with introverted thinking cogfuncmention which as i understand it takes information and strings it together into whats essentially a very subjective personalized understanding of the external worldthe best way to figure it out for yourself is probably to think about your own thought process read up a bit on cognitive functions and see if either lines up more for you and i feel you on this one i tested as typemention and typemention forever decided on typemention then realized i was wrong its a tough thing to figure out,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 we adored him on cincyjungle we were complaining every week that nate livings still had a job when mathis was obviously much better profootballfocus agreed questioning why mathis wasnt the starter he didnt suddenly get good after he left he was very good for us we just didnt give him the starting job no one has ever explained why,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 the main characters have been cartman and randy for some time now,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i wish i could go,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 i hope they just ban them outright when tagpro next comes out,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ive not used this but just from looking over the options available to build a investment strategy it looks decent in the past i have used prodigios strategy builder that is a cool platform link,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 cant make it public public or youll run into trolls,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 cool thanks for doing giveaways so often,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 this is somewhat adjoining to an idea ive been thinking about for a whileyou just become another character already part of the world maybe youve seen em maybe you havent,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 okay like i said his ideas on morality are very much a reaction against the ideas on morality of plato christianity and kant and even against people who think somewhat similarly to him like schopenhauer,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 so you know prolonged eye contact is a sign of romantic interest you did it and now want to communicate that it didnt mean what you know its general universal meaning is heh yea we believe you ask him out op you only get one shot one opportunity,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 well theres always a 15yr old in china who is better than you so once you put that in perspective no never really thought that about myselfseriously if you think youre good at something physical or mechanical google that thing followed by chinese 15 year old,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 oh man i just finished the last episode of hello internet hello more grey,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 in a limited sense i think this is in some sense correct that is this is how sanders view the situation because this is how sanders view the world around himself sadly for sanders i dont think he is much of a big picture guy he really see this as a battle of ideology he has limited understanding of how the media works and how narrative are created he has been very lucky that the circumstance so far alllowed him to ride his bubble thanks to very enthousiastic and uncompromising supporters we all know someone like this who really want to help but dont realize it when they make things worse,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 running out of ideas kiernan openly shrugged and dared speak in an accent besides your own for the rest of the night,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 this would require setting the active sheet before working with any of its data,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 nevermind that i thought roundtime was 145 which would have been great but wtf did they think making it 155 i am all for 145 and 35s or 40s bomb timers but this is quite ridiculous,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 what is the fidelity that you are aiming for regarding how often you are displaying total applications daily weekly monthly semiannually annually,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 sin city can fix that for you,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 you dont have a scientific confirmation you are looking to be told what you want to hear,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 with the new update you have to have your phones gps on whenever you use it so it knows youre not in a restricted state it wont let you enter or edit lineups without it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thank you my father is doing as well as he can he retired which was best for him he is doing much better than his negative doctors ever expected we all went to hawaii last year it was a dream my parents had their entire marriage but never acted on because oh we will do it laterwe dont have the money they did they are workaholic tight wads well you can imagine how my mother felt watching her husband die in front of her and later was almost swept away my clotdvt was the entire length of my right leg i couldnt walk for 2 months if i would have waited 1 more day to see my doctor i only waited about half a day as it got bigger and bigger he said i would have died it sure does cause one to reflect on life when you have a possible time bomb ticking in your body im sure others who have had significant illnessed can appreciate this terrible feeling the track i needed to get on was appreciating life more i was already a gogetter type but i realized i was doing a lot of catering to others that was taking a toll on me i cut ties with some people and ended a long relationship that was going nowhere i uprooted my entire life after my dad came home and i got well i saw a path to get out i did not like my employer or the town i lived in i started to plan and it took me a few years but now i am in a much better place but i had to go through the bad part first and clean my life of burdens as far as love i got real blunt i did the rebound thing for a little bit it was fun but then i straight up told people i dated what my expectations were i figured if the guy couldnt handle some bluntness and morbidity then he probably wasnt for me accepting my family and the issues my dad has now was massive too i found when i finally stood my ground and had my self respect in place i found a great guy everyone before him was so much damn work because i was trying to fit with men i didnt fit with i see so many people mostly women but not entirely trying to change the person they are dating no be up front if it doesnt work say thanks but no and go on to the next one life is too short for half assed relationshipsi tend to be an idealist and some people roll their eyes or whatever i get that not everything can be perfect i get that not everything is under my control but if i can make decisions big or small to get to feel really happy with my life im going to do it,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 for me its a split between california dreaming renegade black cadillac feat breal pray put em in the dirt and we own the night gonna have to decide which one is the best from these,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 the matriarch cogfuncmention she sits upon her post ordering the other functions to do her bidding with a single word she casts her judgements as the queen her every emotional whim is brought to fruition truly she feels deeply and leads the country known as uvixenlucina she knows what is right and what is wrong she knows what is important to the country and makes it known to all the country bears her standards proudly firm in her identity it is through her that all interactions flow she reaches out to others and feels their pain wishing to help queen cogfuncmention also loves to express herself through writing and painting truly she is magnificentthe cogfuncmention royal servants while the queen is in charge of running the country the royal servants are the ones who end up doing all the work they function as the eyes and ears keeping the queen informed of all that happens they are constantly busy and looking for new ways to entertain the queen they make adventures happen on the fly always looking for approval they are practical and are kept busy with the here and now with their effort on focusing on everything around them they keep the queen serene and their efforts make her rulings into a reality truly the queendom would be lost without her royal servantsthe cogfuncmention advisors the country needs to have a future and cant spend all of its time in the past the cogfuncmention advisors help develop the goals to make the country sucessful looking into the future they are assured of the next step to take thanks to them the country actually has plans for the future and works toward them truly their work is importantthe cogfuncmention librarian unfortunately the budget was spent all on entertainment and given to foreign countries so the poor librarian is supposed to look for facts and understand complex systems on a shoestring budget she gets frustrated easily and will lash out at others with poorly constructed arguments some say she is overly critical and unlike the cogfuncmention servants have no sense of humor there is a rumor going around that the queen is going to increase the budget eventually but that never ends up happeningthere we go,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 ideally thatd be true but then i look at how trump has been received by other world leaders and i cant stop thinking about how were now that much more of a joke to people everywhere,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 depends id do it probably i dont super need the physical thing i mean lets be real of course i need it but sometimes its worth waiting or just having the distance but only if youre into her and really and only if you think thered be a future whats the point of continuing if you arent 100 about it right up to you really but distance isnt as bad as it seems in my opinion,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 upper class has historically meant the aristocracybest not tell sir alan sugar anyway historically that is exactly how many were granted titles being elevated from eg mercantile class to the peerage,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 sorry only skimmed through the post and replied distracted atm s,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 perceiving functionsthe four perceiving functions to absorb information arecogfuncmention extroverted intuition cogfuncmention introverted intuition cogfuncmention extroverted sensing cogfuncmention introverted sensing the two intuition functions are preoccupied with what could be while the two sensing functions are preoccupied with what is your five senses i will go through cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention first and then explain cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmentionni vs ne as i said both of these functions are preoccupied with what could be the difference is cogfuncmention is extroverted external while cogfuncmention is introverted internalcogfuncmention sees an object a thing a single piece of information and has a sort of explosion of ideas of what it could expand to in the future cogfuncmention sees a million ways a thing can develop in the future cogfuncmention is the opposite cogfuncmention gathers a million pieces of information cogfuncmention is preoccupied always with the big picture only to see a single way that it could develop in the future now cogfuncmention is sometimes ironically called black magic but i want to make clear that it cant blindly predict the future like witches what it does is noticing patterns of how things evolved through time in the past and applying it to the futureexample i had an typemention cogfuncmention over cogfuncmention tell me that when they were 4 years old they found confusing how children had to be explained to not touch the hot stove the cogfuncmention user saw that in the past it went from a little red to much more and more redish as seconds passed so when they saw that it got a little red they got reminded instantly of the pattern and realized that in the future it will get hotter and hotter so they dont have to touch it now this is very basic 4 year old cogfuncmention anyone with a little brain can do this at a reasonable age but a 4 year old that is not a cogfuncmention user should be alarmed about these things now the ultimate question can cogfuncmention see in the future basically yes this kid saw in the future what will happen with the hot stove so basically it can but not in the superstitious way everyone thinks it does it is not black magiccogfuncmention is good at brainstorming it works like an explosion of ideas while cogfuncmention is always focused on one thing cogfuncmention simply cant focus on one path in the future since it sees a million paths that idea can grow into i heard about cogfuncmention users that they are very undecided of what they want to do in the future they see a hundred career paths that they could go into and they donâ t know which one to choose cogfuncmention users are pretty sure of what they want to do in the future most of the time they usually have 123 things they obsess on over the course of their lives and become perfectionists also cogfuncmention is comparing every individual element to how it relates to others think about math or physics generally to get a full result you need an unit of measure cogfuncmention doesnâ t work in an unit of measure do you know the famous mem â œbanana for scaleâ thing well cogfuncmention never has a â œscaleâ that scale is added by an extroverted judging function trying to bring cogfuncmention to reality usefulness cogfuncmention is only comparing objects it has its own scales but not relating to the real world letâ s think about the universe for a little if cogfuncmention had the whole universe in its system it can use any object in the universe as scale but when working in the real universe it has to be postprocesses by cogfuncmention or cogfuncmention to be accurate internal frame of the world actual world for cogfuncmention â œmore specifically it wonders how a perceived theme fits with all the other perceived themes or how all these different sequences of interactions fit together to contrast it with cogfuncmention cogfuncmention wonders about specific sequences of interactions it focuses on the idea itself and where it leads cogfuncmention doesnt care all that much about where any specific idea leads it cares about how it interacts with all the other ideas the trajectory you get from cogfuncmention is because the way different sequences of interactions interact with one another is a process of elimination youre left with less and less probable options the more themes you throw into the picture a best drawn line is naturally createdâ source similarly isnt essences of objects everything you have any comprehension of is an essence an abstraction are cogfuncmention doms generally interested in what makes an apple an apple of course not who cares what specifically goes into the categorization of an apple its an apple the specifics of what makes it an apple is of no relevance or interest now if an cogfuncmention dom on the other hand had thought a lot about culture they might wonder what the apple symbolically represents within said culture and why what is it about it that gives it that symbolic representation what does it have in common or what separates it from other symbolic representations of similar objects they might also wonder about how the concept of categorization relates to information processing what does it say about our information processing or neither of those might be interesting thoughts because theyre obsessed about something completely different and couldnt care less about culture or information processingcogfuncmention only cares about essences in the context of how does this relate to my overall perspective how does it relate to everything else ive seen experienced and imagined what connects a fish a donkey and horse poop is probably not a very interesting question and a cogfuncmention dom isnt going to try to find the essence connecting those 3 because it has no relevance to themâ source also cogfuncmention sees the world in symbols and metaphors its metaphors and analogies are subjective to the self because as carl jung said not quote just what i remember from memory â œan introverted intuitor canâ t share these visions to the world it would make people think heâ s crazy for example i had a patient once come to me once and she was like â œi got a snake in my stomachâ and i was like â œwtfâ and she was like â œyeah thereâ s a snake in my stomachâ and i was like â œhow tf can a snake be in your stomachâ and she was like â œoh wait itâ s not an actual snake but if feels like oneâ source the â œthingâ here cogfuncmention has its own metaphors that arenâ t very objective and accessible to the world like the cogfuncmention metaphors are cogfuncmention is comparing the stomach pain to everything the user felt and thought in hisher life and immediately saw a connection between snakes and pain using â œsnakesâ as a metaphor for pain unfortunately the user forgot to postprocess it with cogfuncmention for typemention or cogfuncmention with typemention and people thought she was crazypatterns now i said that the way cogfuncmention has their path into the future is through seeing patterns of how events happened through time but how do you think cogfuncmention knows all these different ways a situation can go they do that too while cogfuncmention sees patterns in the internal world of an idea focused on how a single idea evolved through time cogfuncmention sees patterns in the external world around them finding the hidden meaning behind and inbetween things â œreading through the linesâ they see interconnections in the external world of an idea how the idea relates to other ideas and how everything is connected and how it could go in the future cogfuncmention instead sees how other external ideas and factors influenced the idea through time and how it got to this present point paths also i would like to talk a little about paths and time cogfuncmention is described as having a set path that it must follow with a clear but unknown destination they have this gut feeling that this is the way it goes like thereâ s some sort of â œlight at the end of the roadâ without knowing what the light gives them they have a clear set destination that is unknown cogfuncmention as always is reversed cogfuncmention sees the end goals very clearly and has no clear â œpathâ they have a million paths that they can follow and they want to get to know and experience all of them cogfuncmention has the destination as the end result and the path there is the starting point cogfuncmention has the destinations as a starting point and the path is the end result puzzle analogy imagine a puzzle cogfuncmention is having most of the puzzle done especially the corners thats what it needs and fills what is missing cogfuncmention has the center pieces thats what it needs and slowly goes in all the ways to fill the puzzle cogfuncmention is very good to see what is missing while cogfuncmention is good to see what could be,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i like it when people jump in the gap as it creates space in the next lane too at least temporarily during a merge thats good enough,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 i love your post your husband reminds me very much of my own so silliness galore anyway i wouldnt ask him to stop being his silly self can you compromise in my relationship my so starts off super silly and im like sex ok sure and also sometimes really no not right now but once we get in bed my so is rather gentle and romantic if this is something youd enjoy as well you could approach him with the question to be more romantic when you get in bed as an explicit foreplay step youd simply be adding something new to the current routine and because of that youre not going to hurt his feelings for him being the funny person he is,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 favorite cogfuncmention its the one that makes me feel most connected to others it helps me adapt to my environment it gives me a sense of purpose in a way for all its downsides it drives me to do better least understood cogfuncmention i mean i get it but i dont i just feel so completely removed from this function i respect it ive seen what it can do and its impressive i just dont relate to it at all lovehate cogfuncmention on one hand cogfuncmention is very difficult for me to deal with when its too strong on the other i love how selfassured it is and makes people so solid in their identity i have a lot of female friends with strong cogfuncmention i admire how they move through the world in a way i find myself unable to do so wish i were better at cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention its a toss up between these two on one hand i respect cogfuncmention more i greatly admire the clarity and discernment that comes from this function on the other i recognize i could do a lot more with cogfuncmention and it would have a greater impact on my life,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 the conversation between alan and brooke before leah enters takes too long to deliver some important exposition they basically repeat the same points three times in a row real fights do work like this but it works less well on paper i skimmed 34 of the materialbrookes character only makes sense for 1950 if shes so convinced that leah has powers and has hurt kids before and will do it again there is no reason for her to allow alan to take her to school alan basically says im doing this deal with it and she lets him walk all over her unless there are other issues in the relationship which need to be established this does not make senseleah is 4 which is young but still old enough for empathy she knows shes hurting people she does it intentionally as established in the car wreck this makes her truly sociopathic and leaves the ending really creepy rather than sweet,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 yes they do its 15,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 yea but its restricted to cc,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 shes in jail for not keeping her promise to the court to vaccinate,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 do you know which region has the best ping to you or on which servers you landnormally you can select the servers with the best ping over the mm server picker that should help you to find a game faster,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i think theyll find their attacks on him to be useless ive seen what the gop propaganda machine can do bernie just needs to stay himself voice his ideas and produce plans for how he would enact those ideas just like what he did with his single payer plan that will help neutralize the gop lie machine,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i usually refer to it as okdisappointme,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you think this is a complete list,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 like you said theyre not considered controlled drugs by the uk so youll be fine however in many countries psychoactive drugs are controlled and would require documentation i used to have daily heavy opiate based pain medication if i had to travel with them id need a doctors note stamped and dated with a couple of official looking stamps and signatures it never was much of an issue except that for my opiates i would need very specific documents with very specific stamps because those are controlled substances if all your bottles have the original stickers with your name on them you should be fine when going through customs if a customs agents open up your bag theyll take a look at it ask you a couple of questions compare the name on the stickers to the name in your passport and youd be on your way if i were you however id simply get a doctors note to take with you because you might encounter an incompetent customs control agent and it might help you get out of that situation quick and without too many questions especially considering most of your drugs are anxiety related maybe you can find a general form for the uk controlled drugs and forward that to your doctor so hisher note contains the same info as your drugs arent controlled you wouldnt need to worry about getting the exactly right documentation and stamps like i had to but id get that note just in case,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 just fucking accept it would essentially ruin the fact that people with different habits on playing wouldnt be able to play together unless it is on shitty unranked where you get matched with silverssomeone is pointing out well that would basically ruin playing competitive as friends and you say i dont care go play unrankedno fucking game does this and there is a reason for it just accept iti dont want to play unranked aka casual with competitive rules and i dont want to have to buy a new account to play competitive with friends what you are suggesting is destroying the core idea of the game and thus will never happenlowering people like me so you know me okay thenit wont help to reduce smurfers cheaters yes smurfers no it also would spawn more griefers because hey its unranked why do you care many people wouldnt like this changeyou want pointers for improvements ill give you some how would you deal with the high amount of griefers in unranked how would you ensure that people can play competitive together even though they dont have the same amount of wins or hours,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thank you this is all good stuff i had an inkling that your interpretation oftypementions tertiary would look like you said in my comment to peppermint when i said i kind of tried to limit myself here a bit in this post i do know some typemention but one is diagnosed with whatever they are calling multiple personality disorder these days who i havent spoken to in many many years and the other is my oneday motherinlaw so i wanted to keep any personal biases out here and focus on what i could find fromtypementions own experience there wasnt as much to be found as with typemention though so i know that it is slanted in that direction i also tried to keep it more focused on the to be wealthy thing but i find that kind of hard to do since that doesnt really say a whole lot ive been thinking a lot about the demonstrative lately and tried to tie that in here i was wondering what you thought of that as i think that has to pay a significant part of some of these unconscious drives like to be wealthy actually originate from ive always found the descriptions of the id functions very lacking but here and there ill find a piece of speculation that makes the demonstrative especially seem really interesting and significant it might be a tough job but im think that maybe there is a similar thing going on with the demonstrative as with the hidden agenda like with cogfuncmention it might be there is inherent meaning in the world or something like that i have quite a few ideas about all this but there isnt much to go on other than you dismiss it youre good at it it comprises your worldview and connection to the collective unconscious but nothing really adequately explains it for me,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 and yet you still loose kd means shit what is important is that you win the games,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yeah i was keeping it intact p,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 no she stole your property,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 my queues are long enough thanks,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 now why doesnt it surprise me that its based on a japanese video game,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 because a simulation wouldnt have observably repeatable rules or what if you dont really remember but are just programmed to remember 1000 past instances that didnt actually happen not really grasping the possibilities here are youi mean i think simulation theory is bullshit but on a semantic level not for the nonsense in lieu of reasons you spout here,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 not really it takes a particularly stupid kind of person to try and pull one over on a judge,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i agree with this i speak 5 european languages rather fluently and have read the hp set in 4 of those whenever i pick up an italianspanishportugese copy languages i dont know its actually doable,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 not in america which couldnt manage to muster any better candidates out of 300 million people than these 2 geniuses,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 that the document contains something that can be dismissed categorically so easily pretty void the entire document it was either an amateur attempt at a smear campaign or an elaborated hoax the us intelligence community antitrump politicians and the mass media are walking on thin ice with this one and the thin ice is their cracking credibility,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 exactly i agree with this wholeheartedly,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 if you insult someone and the insult has enough zing people will accept it,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 beyond the wallhometownwarriorsi dont like mentioning the ocean either but there are other options,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 would agree with you there unfortunately there are few other candidates who adequately represent my views and of candidates with even a snowmans chance in hell of winning rand gets it pretty damn close,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 huh i never realized it may be connected but now i suppose i do these types of things best thing i felt all weekend is the tattoo i got yesterday and that hurt ive spent all weekend around people but have felt nothing and now im getting sick of it but theres no way out until i go to work tomorrow morning,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 25 sounds about right right now i dont have him in my main lu because the high priced options are meh,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i remember as a kid taking these apart and turning them into pen guns and shooting them at friends during class,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 words are not just wind,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 get a mousepad table surfaces are weirdcloth or hardpad while i think that if you have a pure white or so desk it is kinda the same as an hardpad,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 in the immortal words of spok logic is the beginning of wisdom not the end,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 walk up say hey just have small conversation over nothing and then ask her to do something up and leave after plans are made unless you wanna finish up the conversation with something upget number and get together sometime,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 im the same also female though i do notice that when shit really i mean really hits the fan i do this to an unhealthy extent as in i cope by going in overdrive barely sleep and eat because i keep working on solving the problem dont allow myself to feel or rest because the moment i do i would simply utterly collapse so i keep working and fighting in the hope that once i do collapse it will be once the crisis is over and the others around me have the mental capacity to take care of me,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 shouldnt the people making these decisions know history though its not like people are going to stop using 20s if they picked a more appropriate president,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 why should owner have a different definition than the player who owns this cardwhy not just say controller,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 oh nice questionim actually rather practical and objective compared to most typemention descriptions and misconceptions i also like using my body and doing physical work sometimes i like doing risky scary or thrillseeking activities i also dont mind public speaking talking on the phone or to large groups i can easily talk to strangers if they engage me first irl im very very silly also theres this idea out there that typemention are super rigid in their thinking but im very open to probabilities theres no way i can claim to be an expert about the vast majority of things so to me it makes sense to be open to other ideas and the possibility of being misinformed when presented with an obvious truth ill have to act on it even if i dont necessarily like it at first ive also read other types saying were dismissive of people who dont live according to our own moral code etc im just not into passing judgment on people i definitely evaluate their behavior and have my own opinions about it but i dont tell them how to live even if i dont agree with what theyre doing if they ask me for advice ill make a point to look at it from their point of view and can offer my own perspective as well however i am a psychic unicorn so in that way i do fit the description rather accurately,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 yea that happens if were the two of the most active members of this sub in this time zonealso youre welcome,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 please explain or just downvote lol useless,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 did he grab his drivers license on the way out,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 whenever i want to talk to my cat i just meow at him,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 not in the stated in which rbz last saw them they had to little recruits directly after the uprising arc and rb knew thatwhat where did you get this idea we know marley sometimes sends a handful of soldiers there to turn criminals and other scum into mindless but they have noone stationed there permanently we would have seen them last chapter if there were any more soldiers wouldnt weif youre right and they didnt go back to marley but simply received supplies then it was the mule who brought them to them are you suggesting that the mule also was the one who brought ymir back i have many issues with that ideaalso i should have remembered that you always downvote the people youre arguing with,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 kiernan sat and signaled the bartender ordering something far stronger than water until the drink arrived an uncomfortable silence persisted audible over the usual noise of the tavern as soon as her gin touched the bar she lifted it to her lips and took a sipplacing the drink back down she eyed reanna hopefully and asked so howve you been,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i disliked them when i first saw them after seeing this theyre not so bad now i just might change things up this time around and choose rowlet over my usual fire starter,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 im about 45 miles from a body farm where they set out bodies and body parts to decompose and study them for forensic data so if i go there i can die with the smug feeling of contributing to science,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 yeah the firestorm i see here is very underwhelming they havent really done much at all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah a bit of googling told me dharma is sanksrit the noble language of the brahmins and op said dhamma like a pleb in pali which is very interesting,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 youll want to save the filename of the saved workbook in a global variable this means all of your subroutines can access this variable at any time,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 generally we use weird in a negative way,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 naive of a person or action showing a lack of experience wisdom or judgementhow can you say naive didnt describe the players when they decided to press high up the pitch and conceded the counter attack it was clearly a lack of judgement so therefore naive you probably should have looked up the definition of the word you based this entire post on,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 until you can actually comprehend and engage with a single point ive made instead of reverting to your little textoutput subroutine and repeating the same retard word salad over and over again you prove that you havent understood a thing ive said so why are you still talking is the question are you proud of being a fucking idiot referring to science says as if its your precious fucking scripture are you actually confident in your abilities to first look at scientific data and extrapolate what that says about the world because fucking data on its own doesnt fucking say anything about the fucking world you moron given that you cant even recognise the genre to which the claims you make belongsince the school you went to was obviously shit and you didnt learn these things read the structure of scientific revolutions by thomas kuhn actually to even recommend you read a book assumes youre capable of learning things and assimilating new information which in all this tedious fucking exchange you have done precisely 0 of no progress at all literally regurgitating the same wordsalad you started with do you actually believe in the words you say do you not see they are completely vapid,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 hopefully shes still hiding there are times when ive looked everywhere for my cats and they just pop up behind me seemingly from nowhere they can be sneakyif you really think she got out try putting her litterbox next to your door they can smell it from really far away,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 because from a secular standpoint whether abortion is morally acceptable or not is based entirely on a fetuses personhood something that is debatable whereas with gay marriage theres no real argument against it from a secular point of view,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 huh well now it is my bad i dont think it was when i last looked i think that probably was over a year ago and it looks like she sued him last october so it makes sense that it wouldnt have been there thenstill i wouldnt pay attention about anything regarding dr luke its very possible i just wasnt paying attention i dont watch a ton of news because most news if its big enough or is related to something im interested in usually comes up via my normal browsing of the internet,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 sounds delicious technically i think that would be ragu not bolognese,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i think his voice really suits cant help falling in love though i havent heard the original beforeedit just listened to jar of hearts as well wow i think i need to start listening to more twenty one pilots,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 court found that lpkane approved jaguars code so he is at fault thanks,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 then you also cant accidentally get pregnant i mean no one trips and accidentally find their penis in someones vagina or vice versa and even with protection it always is a calculated risk at most so even if you are antiabortion and get pregnant because of the 1 you cant claim its an accident,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 valve doesnt hw id or ip ban because it is inefficient,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 as i stated in this post you dont need the after parameter its optional and isnt required,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i think people are much too concerned about things being sterile nowadaysthe dishwasher is pretty good at killing off any nasties some even have a sterilize or sanitize setting high temperatures work pretty well a couple of minutes at 90deg or so is all thats needed,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im personally a fan of ditching the constitution for a more modern set of rules there are quite a few problems with it that the wonderful people of 1787 couldnt have predicted would arise,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 youre assuming that i have the self control to stop eating lol,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 sam leans toward a form of apologism sometimes taking the more charitable interpretation for instance in their discussion sullivan brought the attack in libya as an argument against hillary and sam defended hillary with the argument that the west was simply backing a popular uprising harris tweeted an article in support of overthrowing assad last month i was wrong on this one sam doesnt seems much interested in considering that those arent wars of virtue but are driven by geopolicial and financial interests,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 my first forum experience was way back in 2003 where i got involved in a rather rowdy and offcenter art forum i basically split my time between offering helpful critiques and advice and then being an ass and goofing around i loved it other people must have loved it too because they soon made me a mod then admin haha im not a fan of hateful trolling but i do like absurd playful teasing and when a bunch of people can take something stupid and then turn it into a comedy masterpiece by building on it it can be soooo fun,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 ill vote yes or even start the vote if its plainly obvious the issue is that its rarely that much of a stomp people are just bitches,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 well islam is very explicit in the way it divide the world believers and nonbelieversthe author is right divisive ideas are bad and should be condemned i dont want to feel like im part of a team set to play a cosmic game of dodgeball,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 three hundred we barely knew ye,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 34d would also be an equivalent cup size go up 2 inches down a cup and its essentially the same im technically like 30f or something but i wear 34ddd and it feels better for me with the larger band,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 formatted for readability public class form1 dim imgcard as image public intcardsworth as integer dim dealcounter as integer 0 dim hitcounter as integer 0 dim playerscore as integer dim dealerscore as integer private sub btndealclickbyval sender as systemobject byval e as systemeventargs handles btndealclick counts button clicks dealcounter dealcounter 1 makes cards visible card1visible true card2visible true card3visible true card4visible true dim intrannum as integer if dealcounter 1 then deals 1st card for player and dealer intrannum rnd 52 drawcardintrannum card1image imgcard dim intrannum2 as integer intrannum2 rnd 52 drawcardintrannum card3image imgcard btndealvisible false txtdealerscoretext intcardsworthtostring end if end sub function drawcardbyval cardset as integer select case cardset case 1 imgcard myresources1 intcardsworth 11 or 1 case 2 imgcard myresources2 intcardsworth 11 case 3 imgcard myresources3 intcardsworth 11 case 4 imgcard myresources4 intcardsworth 11 case 5 imgcard myresources5 intcardsworth 10 case 6 imgcard myresources6 intcardsworth 10 case 7 imgcard myresources7 intcardsworth 10 case 8 imgcard myresources8 intcardsworth 10 case 9 imgcard myresources9 intcardsworth 10 case 10 imgcard myresources10 intcardsworth 10 case 11 imgcard myresources11 intcardsworth 10 case 12 imgcard myresources12 intcardsworth 10 case 13 imgcard myresources13 intcardsworth 10 case 14 imgcard myresources14 intcardsworth 10 case 15 imgcard myresources15 intcardsworth 10 case 16 imgcard myresources16 intcardsworth 10 case 17 imgcard myresources17 intcardsworth 10 case 18 imgcard myresources18 intcardsworth 10 case 19 imgcard myresources19 intcardsworth 10 case 20 imgcard myresources20 intcardsworth 10 case 21 imgcard myresources21 intcardsworth 9 case 22 imgcard myresources22 intcardsworth 9 case 23 imgcard myresources23 intcardsworth 9 case 24 imgcard myresources24 intcardsworth 9 case 25 imgcard myresources25 intcardsworth 8 case 26 imgcard myresources26 intcardsworth 8 case 27 imgcard myresources27 intcardsworth 8 case 28 imgcard myresources28 intcardsworth 8 case 29 imgcard myresources29 intcardsworth 7 case 30 imgcard myresources30 intcardsworth 7 case 31 imgcard myresources31 intcardsworth 7 case 32 imgcard myresources32 intcardsworth 7 case 33 imgcard myresources33 intcardsworth 6 case 34 imgcard myresources34 intcardsworth 6 case 35 imgcard myresources35 intcardsworth 6 case 36 imgcard myresources36 intcardsworth 6 case 37 imgcard myresources37 intcardsworth 5 case 38 imgcard myresources38 intcardsworth 5 case 39 imgcard myresources39 intcardsworth 5 case 40 imgcard myresources40 intcardsworth 5 case 41 imgcard myresources41 intcardsworth 4 case 42 imgcard myresources42 intcardsworth 4 case 43 imgcard myresources43 intcardsworth 4 case 44 imgcard myresources44 intcardsworth 4 case 45 imgcard myresources45 intcardsworth 3 case 46 imgcard myresources46 intcardsworth 3 case 47 imgcard myresources47 intcardsworth 3 case 48 imgcard myresources48 intcardsworth 3 case 49 imgcard myresources49 intcardsworth 2 case 50 imgcard myresources50 intcardsworth 2 case 51 imgcard myresources51 intcardsworth 2 case 52 imgcard myresources52 intcardsworth 2 end select return imgcard return intcardsworth end function private sub form1loadsender as object e as eventargs handles mybaseload makes cards nonvisible when form loads card6visible false card1visible false card2visible false card4visible false card3visible false card5visible false end sub private sub btnhitclicksender as object e as eventargs handles btnhitclick dim intrannum as integer hitcounter hitcounter 1 if hitcounter 1 then intrannum rnd 52 drawcardintrannum card6image imgcard card6visible true hitcounter hitcounter 1 end if if hitcounter 3 then intrannum rnd 52 drawcardintrannum card5image imgcard card5visible true end if if hitcounter 4 then btnhitvisible false msgboxcannot hit anymore elseif playerscore gt 21 then btnhitvisible false msgboxplayer went over 21 bust end if txtplayerscoretext intcardsworthtostring end sub private sub card4clicksender as object e as eventargs handles card4click flip over card 4 dim intrannum2 as integer intrannum2 rnd 52 drawcardintrannum2 card4image imgcard end sub private sub btnstayclicksender as object e as eventargs handles btnstayclick flip over dealer card and compare the scores dim intrannum2 as integer intrannum2 rnd 52 drawcardintrannum2 card2image imgcard msgboxyou must beat dealer to win txtplayerscoretext intcardsworth end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 hmm then you might also be confusing flow with daydreaming which cogfuncmentiondoms do a lotthe neuroscience of personality and dario nardi types go into flow when listening to someone or when doing something that theyre very passionate aboutcogfuncmention types are constantly alert the same way people are when playing a video game and go into flow during a crisiscogfuncmention types have intense creative brainstorming instead rapidly bouncing from idea to ideatypemention have feelings too pyes the selfdestructive behavior could be from bpdi dont think cogfuncmention polr manifests that way its more like poor sense of direction poor volume control when talking things like that cogfuncmention can get pretty exploratory but thats not the same thing its mostly cogfuncmention types and cogfuncmention types under stress that indulge in immediate gratification for the cogfuncmention sensationsi probably sound like more of a knowitall than i really am im just guessing 99 of the time so dont hesitate to correct me if im wrong or even if you just see a different perspective,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i find it looks way better in stainless steel not a fan of the fake cf lookbut if you like it thats cool,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 for learning spanish have you tried duolingo it is an app and website that is kind of like a game you get experience points and rewards and advance to higher levels it also rewards you for keeping a streak going and emails you everyday to remind you to practice ive managed to keep it up everyday for 45 days now and have relearned about to the point where i was when i had three years of spanish in high school which was almost 20 years ago there is also a social feature where you can compete against friends and post your achievements the system has its faults but i have no doubt that ill actually become fluent after twenty years of not getting around to it you progress at your own speed which i think works well as an typemention all you have to do is make it an obsession and get as much done before your motivation runs out as it always will in general ive found i cant control when and what i am obsessed with at the time but if i can go with it while it lasts maybe i can add another skill to my repertoire,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 hmm deep meditation and sleepy states are one state of mind but your daily life is another if what you are asking for feels natural to you at most or all times of the day it is more likely to manifest the more natural something is the more it is in your life,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 welcome to the internet please be careful during your stay and be sure to try the veal its amazing,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 op never said that all typemention likehate ixtps they saidso op has a specific trait they dont like and most ixtps tend to share it assuming the trait that has been assigned to ixtps is correct i dont see a problem in making that personal choice without making wide theory generalizations isnt knowing what you like and dont like about possible dating prospects an element of maturity,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 places defended by robots might be unreachable,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 its cellular density isnt higher than that of other organs though,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 well wwi lasted 4 years and had a death toll of 17 million taiping was 2030 million over 15 years so thats 425 million per year in wwi compared with 133 to 2 million per year for taipingwwii is the modern example for heavy death tolls at around 80 million an insane amount of death in a relatively short time period,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 absolutely i grew up watching that as did many generations most hilarious cartoons ever i can watch an episode ive seen a hundred times and still laugh uproariously,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 id like a different line up but i dont see wenger playing a different team than the one that played against hull because they were all rested midweek,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 im looking to lose some weight and had started hitting the gym again last fall i know what i would say if someone behaved this way toward me at least i can do something to change my body there isnt much you can do about being a bitch best of luck to you i love myself too i got it figured out a few years ago its a good feeling share the love happy new year,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i mean so what are you in actual danger of killing yourself because somebody on the internet told you to if hes such a troll why do you care what he says do you realise he talks like this all the time so what impact can it have i mean if thats your criterion most posts on this sub would get deleted actually i think i will allow one far wiser than i to express this sentiment,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 now how strongly do you feel that this is an americanonly problem,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 treating there kids like some sort of regal authority your my princess,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 bullet journal and not that crappy flowery washi taped instagram shite but simply 1 high quality notebook that goes with you everywhere and 1 black pen,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 there is after 5 min you will get an abandon enough abandons will place you in low priority,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 heres an example that looks up the phone carrier information for a phone number downloads the html from a page and uses regex to extract the key pieces of information that is scattered throughout the htmlalternatively this example downloads the target file locally so that you can download filesdocuments to automate tasks,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 no that is something people who know what they are talking about are telling you,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 one brainrelated thing at which were better than chimps and probably every other creature around is dexterity it takes a surprisingly huge amount of computation among other things,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 oh thats much more creepy then,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 bunch of good uncommoncommon staple esquie cards for every colour 20 of each land and a bunch of boosters cant remember how much but it was like 4 boosters in a 20 dollar box so good if you are just starting out,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 huh thats weird i cant say i do that,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 that would completely negate the happy workers aspect,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 no that is something people who know what they are talking about are telling you,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 set backs unfortunately luckily xhaka has been able to take over his role in the team pretty well unlike the season before where we just couldnt play without cazorla,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 well yeah that was also my point they both need to give information to the public and keep the common people ignorant at the same timewhich is why i wonder how much theyll tell exactly,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 saw a different send nudes at sunrise arizona,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 my preteenteenage years were an absolute mess because of home life stuff my past is a blur from which i feel extremely disconnected i dont mean that in a stereotypical cogfuncmention dominant way more like it feels as if a different consciousness was inside of the same body im currently inhabiting my environment wasnt secure making my thought processes unstableanyway everyone grows changes etc not the specific favoring of cognitive functions once ones brain has matured i suppose some might take longer to settle into their natural cognitive functions the developing mind taking detours to experiment with other functions in order to find the best way to cope thats how id describe it for myself i think something like that happening would be more likely if you had a turbulent in the negative way home environment growing up though i might be completely incorrect its just a thought that popped into mind,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 not an typemention but a fellow nt if that matters i really like what has been suggested in this thread and similar to what ubigbohemia expressed you expressed your feelings here i think that if your identity and worldview is primarily your thoughts then its natural to primarily communicate those people only have so many tools to express emotion and they primarily work with only a handful thereof what i try to do is to tell people when i notice something i appreciate about them often this happens when im considering who they are how they operate etc or it happens on the fly either way i make a mental note to tell them about it in an offhand joking way if i dont know them well or in a more sincere sometimes also offhand joking manner if they already know im not a creep you can do this in small talk as well i told a dude i barely know the other day your tie is super rad orange with sea turtles good choice is this entirely appropriate no but whatever i thought his tie was cool and i said so i didnt stop to think about how i was going to say it how it would make me look what he might think of it i just said it he seemed pleased everyone wins if i thought his tie was shit i wouldnt say anything unless he was a friend of mine and seemed generally secure you are obviously self conscious they call it self conscious for a reason think about what those words actually mean i think its good to introspect etc but when you are with people focus on what theyre doing give them the benefit of the doubt but consider what theyre thinkingfeelingsaying and not about you most people will give you the benefit of the doubt and they have their own insecurities etc if theyre talking to you its probably because they want to be they want you to listen and most importantly they want you to approve of them all humans want and need approval tell them what you approve of tell them when you agree with them when you disagree with them try to find some part of what they said that you do agree with be agreeable while you disagree and you are still being honest and genuine and creating a lively warm discussion you dont have to beam smiles at everyone or be super huggy or whatever just extrovert your positive thoughts about people and about the world if you arent having many of those i think its a good idea to seek some help theres no shame in seeing a doctor when youre sick and when your head is a little under the weather we have specialists for that my friend that you are working on self improvement and on being able to relate better to others not just focused on manipulating people or the like means that youre likely a good dude i hope this helps,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you should post it to rskyporn,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 im pretty sire ive seen a perhead map like this before and iceland lead followed by ireland iircedit you were right sweden and switzerland lead,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 whoa this is right up my alley you should post this to rcrypto,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 im doing just fine thank you stunning response by the way,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 love the fake campaign posters makes me miss the election a little bit,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 perhaps your kitchen is just really tall im a bit shy of 510 and can reach 25 inches or so isnt much twss,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its alright not like top of the line but its not bad either even without the text its ok at best,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 im actually using his statement point out that many types have their own perceptions of intelligencestupidity i know many typemention who tend to think i am stupid and i tend to think they are too nfp and stp have conflicting values sometimes,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 im not a name brand whore but where i live polo shirts that dont have the prl th or lacoste logo on it are seen as either dadcore or nerdy ted baker and fred perry are considered to be chavvy,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 exactly thats why i think its a joke i would totally do that kind of thing who knows,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 thats why i like to show up a little late give people a chance to put on ze sex goggles,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the power of anita compels you,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 the mom is complicit in one way or another,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 thank the gods they are reworking some of the traits for one they are somewhat boring but more importantly they are overbearingly pvp focused thats fine for people who pvp an ele but for those of us who dont do arenas at least half the traits are utterly useless they should at least be somewhat useful for all forms of play solo pve group pve wvw amp arena pvp,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 just trying to meet new people no need to be a dick dunno why so many people in this sub seem so rude,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 you need to tag people in comments if you want them to get the notification if theyre tagged in the op they wont,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 thats horrible if youre not flamegrilling longpork over mesquite or hickory youre absolutely destroying the texture youre a monster to suggest sous videblocked reported uninstalled factory reset returned to best buy nuked from orbit,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 ive approached guys with success before i dont really have any useful tips ok fineâ smile pay attention to what he says be witty if possible eye contact ask for number other than that the right guy will probably find it cute that you babble about bread when youre nervous the guy youre looking for should either like or happily tolerate most of your quirks,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i like your picture it looks more like it did in real life than mine,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 you were the only one to see it i was in the game,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 find this motherfucker a job already so he can blaze up,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yeah lmao it seems like sivir got hella strong or just always was haha,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 em im not sure about that in in generalhow would a platonic realist live differently from a nominalist what exactly do you mean by the takeaway of existentialism,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 unloaded guns are loaded too unless youre 100 sure youve just cleared it and are still holding it still safer to treat as loaded thoughso dont leave unloaded firearms laying around either,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 have i ever said how annoying architects are for structural engineersbecause uggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i sometimes wonder why sophia and udo are still in the race for the at isnt it just between falco and gabi,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the obvious solution is to not tell her you said you dont want a relationship thats really the only real motivation youd have to tell her and i mean you said you want to remain friendstell her to shut the fuck up about whoever your crush is its not any of her business,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 nice i just bought like oh i dont even know over half a liter of juice in various flavours from some guy for 100also got a vaporshark rdna 40 and ud goblin and wofoto freakshow from him too should be interesting,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 as long as its not the acronym,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 lol good one how many times would i have to poke you before yu could think of anything to say rather than just rearrange my words youre right youre nowhere near ready to learn about cryptids,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 you hate people disagreeing with you that much you got me to go look up typemention lol didnt realize we have all the same functions coolhow does it feel when you get downvoted,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i think that the best way to develop our functions is simply to use them start small with what you are comfortable with and then push outside your comfort level more and more for example i developed my cogfuncmention in a large part by getting a job bussing tables in high school it forced me to be more social and outgoing and i received validation by doing a good job from there it just got easier and easier to use cogfuncmention i developed my cogfuncmention by using my cogfuncmention the more ideas that you pursue the more experiences you will create leading to a better developed cogfuncmention now i dont understand cogfuncmention all that well since i can only observe it and read about it but never experience it id suggest that he could develop his inner moral code look at one of the most famous and successful typemention in the world today hilliary clinton the contents of her politics or ideology and any personal feelings about her are irrelevant here what is relevant is how she may have gotten to where she is now after a life time of living in bills shadow she set out to be president herself i think that could be a sign of cogfuncmention becoming more valued as she maturednow to be president you have to have a highly developed personal moral code and have to be able to explain it clearly defend it against criticism and sell it to a majority of voters a large number of which vote based off of feeling judgements you have to show that you are an authentic person that people can relate to and have confidence in you have to be open to new ideas and think on your feet being able to do these things effectively or even try to do so is perhaps a sign of a well functioning typemention no matter how hard clinton tried to play to her strengths and work on her weaknesses what obama said in the presidential debates is key here you are likable enough hillary that is probably the most accurate assessment of her personality at best so what does this have to do with your brother he should try thinking like a politician more if he wants to not be so out of touch with the way others are feeling a big criticism of clinton is that she is all polish a product of focus groups and an inauthentic politician willing to say whatever she needs to just to get elected i disagree with this because while this assessment may be accurate it is probably her best strength on a personal level she learned that her natural tendencies of how she presented herself did not go over so well so she adapted and adjusted her message and delivery this would be relying on her upper functions to compensate for her cogfuncmention and more importantly an openness to cogfuncmention constructive criticism cogfuncmention being another abstract subjective function can help emulate cogfuncmention a bit he can learn what happens in certain situations and identify patterns of feeling based behavior even if he cant feel it holistically and in the moment cogfuncmention is sensitive of atmosphere and can be trained to behave in a certain just because it is appropriate and advantageous to cogfuncmention ideals essentially two cliches come to mind here fake it til you make it and learn from your mistakes the takeaway here is that is that your brother shouldnt stress so much about being a strong cogfuncmention user that just isnt going to happen if functionally speaking the inferior is like your inner child the best you can hope for is to potty train that child and keep it from shitting its pants in public he can realistically learn to not be offensive and avoid alienating others most of the time while he learns to do so more intuitively and naturally,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 hmm odd i see the blue icon but no chat and it hasnt been updated in a while i felt like i was updating it daily before,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 is the bubonic plague in this case antibiotic resistant,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 youll simply never know for sure to be honest things to check can you do multiple degrees without additional cost i can at my uni can you take additional classes without cost are you free to choose a minor during your degree in a totally different unrelated subject what in general is the policy regarding switching fields for your masterfor example my uni offers a finance master which you can do with an engineering background provided you choose a very specific set of courses some extra work load for your minor i ended doing two bachelors degrees chemeng and industrial engineering amp management now im doing 3 masters included a full on business master i really loved adding business and management courses and stuff to my engineering stuff to broaden my horizon a bit an see stuff from different perspectives if you are also lucky enough to be academically gifted know that it doesnt stop with just this one decision you can add stuff to finetune your academic path to your tastes and interests which will develop and change over time as long as you choose a solid foundation for your primary studies you will be fine,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 and it dont work with very specific lewd comments that mention eg tits,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 haha good idea i also think borrowing a pair of those blinders they put on horses might work ill remarket them as typemention privacy screens,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 anyone else not getting the season ticket rewards i should be level 16 but i didnt get the chests or jump stamp etc i bought spring pass havent bought summer pass,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 its not okay violet sobbed finding her fathers strained consolations hard to believe while her mother pressed firemilk into the gaping hole in her footim sorry she wailed blaming herself and her foolishness for the pain she was in,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 stop putting down a person for posting some original content and doing some work you being smug at him is just hilarious,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 too much work to setup tends to have less support than ubuntu,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 i love sense8 for their lgbt representation and great plot lines,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 what does he look like katana had already spent time committing the targets description to memory even given the short notice their mission was operating on,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 that character is not a role model,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 not when its often wrong im making sure i get every penny,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 heres an example that loops through a column of account numbers in column a of the currently active worksheet this code first checks to see if the worksheet with the account name exists and if it doesnt creates it you can then utilize the reference to refer to that accounts worksheet in the commented section option explicit public sub sheetreferenceexample dim wssummary as worksheet set wssummary activesheet dim wsaccount as worksheet dim rowcounter as long for rowcounter 2 to getlastrowwssummary 1 if lenwssummarycellsrowcounter 1value gt 0 then if sheetexistscstrwssummarycellsrowcounter 1value then set wsaccount sheetscstrwssummarycellsrowcounter 1value else set wsaccount sheetsaddaftersheetssheetscount wsaccountname cstrwssummarycellsrowcounter 1value end if do stuff to wsaccount worksheet here set wsaccount nothing end if next rowcounter set wssummary nothing end sub public function getlastrowbyval targetworksheet as worksheet byval columnno as variant as long getlastrow targetworksheetcellstargetworksheetrowscount columnnoendxluprow end function public function sheetexistsbyval sheetname as string optional byval wb as workbook on error resume next if wb is nothing then set wb activeworkbook sheetexists not wbworksheetssheetname is nothing end function,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 normally the comments arent that bad maybe someone mentioned some keywords earlier in the comments,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 haha thank you i love this shit just all caps it and upvotes up your ass,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 cupid ult everyone smash him while he cant dash of course not having a god with a large area cripple makes him very hard to deal with,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 so much for the interest in perspectives huh,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 one win one draw was all i neededafter downranking to mge with a huge amount of losses i believe it were about five wins or so,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 its gotta be nice to have a sponsor,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 shine is my favorite song of his just feels so serene,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 dude i was joking on the photo intentionally also i know i typed you as typemention why dont you just make a type me video and post it on rjt,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 good point i wasnt trying to erase anyones validity as a trans person before or after being open about it i just feel that there should be more representation in the media,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 if it is dominating your life maybe you should consider getting help constantly meandering about because you fear you might fail unwittingly cant be a pleasant state to be in,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 depends on how much you eat more than how much you exercise he probably has a lot of muscle probably good stamina good cardio etc but calories incalories out is its own thing and simply having that kind of weight on you seems to nullify the health benefits of that fitness level quite considerably see sumo wrestlers average life expectancy of 66 years,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 you actually might have a better chance of decent answers in rflashlight,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 you have no idea what youre talking about sensors like cogfuncmention dominants care about accumulating information typemention care about abstraction and schema of understanding in other words imagination youre incapable of logical thought so why should anyone care what anything strikes you as do you think youre an intelligent person you even got the stereotypes of typemention completely wrong if you cant even do shallow thinking right you would anyone think you could do deepcogfuncmention is their inferior function cogfuncmention their dominant so they will never put group harmony above what makes sense to them and socialism made sense to einstein you are completely unable to acknowledge that not a single inane nonpoint you raised made any sense or defend any of it displayed a complete failure to actually understand any of the concepts you use because you dont care about concepts you just like to say words as a substitute for thought â do you think anyone would listen to a biologist who thought dolphins were birds and you just keep prattling on because youre incapable of reasoning or conceptual thought and just like the sound of what youre saying because you think it sounds clever it doesnt,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i say no change pence will probably be running the show with or without trump,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 that belongs in a museum,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 they needed to regroup resupply and deliver ymir to marley,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 damn it its he weird part of the internet,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 thats the last time i bought one it still runs well,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i slept like 4 hours last night just because i had to get up early to watch us draw 0 0 southampton with 70 possession and milner missing his first penalty in 8 years or somethingi just want arsenal to spank united,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 its true about drugs they can really fuck you up i find that sometimes its ok i like to trip on shrooms every now and again or maybe smoke some ganj idk about hard drugs i dont go into those,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 ok maybe i wasnt paying much attention yeah,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i think this is something we all have to deal with at some point were sort of held together by the conflicting forces of cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention our dominant cogfuncmention keeps us constantly looking forward to what is possible while our repressed cogfuncmention the most powerful function we have to help make those visions an active reality goes completely underutilized as ive gotten older ive really embraced how important it is to purposefully develop cogfuncmention and be in the present moment being able to see 200 possible scenarios for any given situation might give the impression of having a wealth of opportunity but theory is ultimately useless without practice and well achieve nothing if we dont act on it we can almost be paralyzed by choice and will passively wait for things to sort themselves out on their own to avoid taking direct action ourselves there can be a dangerous side effect to thinking things through so thoroughly and that is by envisioning everything we can do we create the illusion that weve actually just accomplished something when in fact we havent one of the things that has helped me a lot is meditation training the mind to focus on the present moment and not get swept up in fanciful flights of possibility helps me actively focus on what needs to be done so then outside of your meditation practice you can begin to appreciate and even simply recognize what is right in front of you and helps you actively shape and act in the present which reduces a lot of anxiety like anything youre not used to doing it can be difficult but theres a definite payoff,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 paging uduxbelisarius who answered my question on the historicity of the 1914 christmas truce amp therefore might be able to answer your question,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 i use my google account instead as well as google drive much easier and it costs nothing,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 if you are looking for a scifi series of equal calibre look no further than the culture series 11 books by iain banks,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 do you find enneagram can help determine mbti type i think i managed to figure out my tritype with wings and instincts quite easily but still have a difficult time figuring out my mbti,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 homefrozen meats can suffer in texture steaks and chops can become tougher in my experience i avoid freezing whole chickens as the skin doesnt seem to crisp up as nicely mince sausages and chicken portions are not at all affectedi only freeze meat if i wont use it or think i might not use it before the use by date on the package or the usually accepted storage time in the case of nonprepackaged meat,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 yeah that looks easy as crap to make once you look up how to writetranslate to cuneiforminteresting novel idea though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 one of my biggest house rules,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 yes thick skin seems rare out here people get butt hurt over the smallest of things,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 typemention are often scary to talk to both my so and best friend understand how to communicate with me though bottom line is thisat any point in life work project whatever i know exactly where im going and how ill get there this does not mean this route is set in stone but it does mean this is the best path i could come up with having considered everything so both my so and friend often tell other people who are a bit intimidated by me when you discuss things with avacyn it feels like kicking a dead horse and she simply doesnt want to listen because she thinks she knows best but in reality she is actually listening very closely and is simply challenging you on your own opinion in any way she can come up with give it a week or two and if your argument was strong enough shell get back to you with new updated plans based on your inputthis was a huge eye opener for many people in my social circle but also for myself as i honestly did not know how my behaviour came across to other people who arent used to thing style of discussing things,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 dude thanks thats all i needed to hear d,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 that doesnt sound very solved to me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 seconded our corgi tripped my dad and he did a faceplant not cool,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 few basic questions im about to get a new vita1 after installing henkaku does reformatting mean i can revert back to factory settings prior to henkaku wiping the data i have in the process2 can i still buy and download games while on henkaku from psn,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 i too am currently in the dilemma of purchasing something in the 3 figure range ive been going back and forth at it for the past month ever since i learned of its existence ill need to make a decision by the end of this month so i have time to tinker with it before i actually need to use it chances are that ill probably end up getting it though but this definitely cuts down on impulsive buying of expensive things so i welcome this kind of analysis paralysis,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i know they are miles apart i never said otherwise i didnt get motion sick until now and i dont have the money for a vive or oculus so this was the easiest solution for me,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im pretty close to you guys as an typemention my ex of 6 years was an typemention so i understand you guys pretty well i guess its entertaining sometimes annoying other times lol because i lived with one of you for 6 yearsbut im mostly still here because i can usually find something to relate to,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 maybe we need to start a cf stone appreciation club,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 quite disappointed that noone has mentioned dickon manwoody from a storm of swords,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 hey baby i have over 3000 memes on my phone,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 puppey always does it thats why he was arguing with hvost all the time happend with arteezy aswell leaving safelane carry unprotected,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 perhaps freezing cells would allow for easier rowcolumn identification while scrolling hyperlinking various sheets together to make switching between them more intuitive this was phrased in a rather vague manner,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 hmm if the women in my family such as my mother get their special day with what she wants then i should also be able to have my special day with what i want its not my fault if other generations didnt think out of the box,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i really need to play this sometimei even own it,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i couldnt live in a place without large windows in every room so thats theres plenty of natural light and fresh air coming in i once stayed in an internal bedroom at a freinds house and i couldnt breathe i couldnt fall asleep until i left the door halfway open and had a fan going,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 this is the only game i play that a actively censors usernames b has a large portion of the playerbase with names like sniper c lets users change their username from the launcherthe username system is so restrictive many people have to put periods after their name to differentiate themselvesthey recently updated uplay so you can change your username easily its ironic considering the rules they place on it like their rules are so bad you need to change your name more easily,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 oh sorry ill fix it,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 til everton changed their logo one time,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 the trick is to begin by the end once you got a move synchronized you add the previous move you can fail this new step many times without wasting too much time,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 this actually made me feel a lot better about something that happened last night basically the way i deal with this shit is by getting drunk and talking about my feelings and then apologizing over and over what i like about my so typemention is that it never seems to cause a fight but im not sure how he feels about things all the time last night i had a minifreak out because hes divorced and ive never been married and im not sure how i feel about being with someone who doesnt want to get married again and like thats kind of a valid topic i did not handle it the best way though i guess just brace yourself and try to bring it up as diplomatically as possible and use ilanguage also my ex and i used to have an airing of the grievances once a week where we talked about our problems he had a lot more problems with me than i did with him so it ended up being a shit on nina session and watch her bend over backwards trying to fix everythingbut emotional check insscheduled date night where you talk about the health of the relationship might be okay with people who arent assholes,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 alright ive got one job with fries and five coke zeroes will that be for here or to go,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 part of owning a thing really owning it is being able to look right look left crack a paper and plant a hot shit on it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the shawshank redemptionthe watchmen is also up there,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 i was being tongueincheek tbh,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i hope that united gets spanked 4 0 but im sure that it will be an easy 2 0 win for mourinho,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 ty for that i played him recently wondering why he suddenly felt really good,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 what version of vb is this vba vb6 vbnetxxxx,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 probably a gut feeling but that would make gender identity truthy instead of true,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i am where are you from and please enlighten me to the rest of the worlds definition then,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 omg are you sure that dinosaur is sleeping it looks like a dinosaur is eating your sleeping cats head,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 well perhaps you have a proper complaint about money but if youre bored you have plenty of time lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 han solo is fucked by his son bernie sanders cockman doesnt say anything and has 30 seconds of screentime bernie sanders survives the explosion at the end leaving it set up for him to be the faggot in the next moviei am a nigger and this rape was performed automatically please contact the faglords of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 alls it would take is a tiny little pinhole in that cangame over man game over,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 as the quadrifoglio has a carbon roof i dont think it would be a option in series 2 and beyond because of weightand yes aftermarket sunroofs are looking cheap and may also impaire safety,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 accept on tumblr everyone is a girl unless proven otherwise,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 nah its for fun i discard plans as easily as i make them lol im always working toward one or two long term goals and i do not abandon those easily everything else is changeable,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i mean why wouldnt it be,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 how long is an extended period of time,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 there isnt really a hypersensitivity to colors aside from being a tetrachromat which is the ability to see 4 different wavelengths of light versus being a trichromat which is what most people are this tetrachromacy allows those who have it the extra sensitivity to colors between the colors red and green because theyre still able to process the normal red green and blue colors tetrachromats usually never realize that they have this extra sensitivity and because vision is objective between people normal trichromats will never truly understand how a tetrachromat actually sees and perceives the world,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 confirmedwell about the lack of shyness not so much on goldies action levels,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 my motto is if you kill any animal kill it properly with the least amount of pain and use as much of it as possiblei was talking about animals they are all the same to me except for specific ones that i would call a pet not some random one raised for meat i did not intend to imply nepali people hurt dogs,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i was about to say that that doesnt explain preholocaust results but theyve had a pretty rough time historically,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 mmmmsliding into a giant germ cesspool,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 it still has some pep in it when you put in sports mode i cant stand econ mode in city driving but works good on highway driving with cruise control edit honda is supposed to redesign the crz for 2018 link,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 well i dont disagree lol i was mostly annoyed by a comment and made this shit post and as far as shitposts go its pretty low quality im not even sure it deserves a 4 lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 you could save a whole lot of money neither scrap mechanic nor minecraft are very intensive so youd probably be ok with a 470 and an i3 instead of an i5 itd also probably be advisable to drop the 1tb harddrive in favor of a 240gb ssd or a 120gb boot ssd the 1tb hddedit something like thispcpartpicker part list price breakdown by merchant intel core i36100 37ghz dualcore processor 11099 superbiiz motherboard asrock h110mhds micro atx lga1151 motherboard 3998 newegg memory kingston hyperx fury black 8gb 1 x 8gb ddr42133 memory 4888 outletpc storage adata premier sp550 120gb 25 solid state drive 3888 outletpc storage western digital caviar blue 1tb 35 7200rpm internal hard drive 4899 superbiiz video card powercolor radeon rx 470 4gb red devil video card 17498 newegg case fractal design core 1000 usb 30 microatx mid tower case 2499 superbiiz power supply evga 500w 80 bronze certified atx power supply 2999 newegg operating system microsoft windows 10 home oem 64bit 8489 outletpc prices include shipping taxes rebates and discounts total before mailin rebates 64757 mailin rebates 4500 total 60257 generated by pcpartpicker 20161107 1339 est0500,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 can you make a proper paragraph and sentence but have it make 0 sense the answer is yes,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i somehow summoned the sheer willpower to clean up my vomit that had missed the can because i was afraid my dog would eat it and get as stoned as i was and possibly die even now i can remember how utterly and completely impossible it felt to move my body across the room to get the paper towels it was like walking through chesthigh wet sand,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 we have it is just hidden in the wiki sadly not easy to find and i didnt think there would be something so i made this post d,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 youre new here arent you,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 amazingly though i got flamed by mad germans for being a cheater every damn time below supreme for things that are pretty normalmost are just shit and cant accept that they are shit because they are lem and are better than 95 of cs players lel,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 lol krieger belongs to one of these,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 they didnt have us do that but it was encouraged i think its a smart move regardless so i did but that honestly did nothing for me for my job,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i personnally have issues with politicians meeting with religious leaders and going to worship places to get votes if trudeau was to do a photoop at a catholic church to get the catholic vote it wouldnt be acceptable either place of worship and not for politic,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 true the frame damage is not good and it wont be repaired most likely however he still can argue about the value they are placing on the car so he isnt upside down,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 ive went 10 months it was fucking insane it was peaceful,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 dont get too excited they are starting to stamp their own money and their propaganda is getting more and more refined have a look at their last video,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 having known doctors all my life and at one point being premed i am not like these supposed most people fuck that lifestyle,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 how do i make a profit from this cause ive been doing it for years for free,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 idk why she replied to him for as long as she did but that was totally worth reading started to lose it at the trained killer at 11 part,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 im going to come in here and pull a double narcissistic move by entering another persons argument and by referencing my own model a socionics alpha we can expect his core functional dynamics to includecogfuncmentioncogfuncmention expressionnecogfuncmention potentialitysicogfuncmention contentmentsicogfuncmention wisdomthe core difference between the typemention and typemention is that the typemention will have pretty decent expression of contentment while the typemention will have pretty decent wisdom towards contentment for example the two typemention i am closest to ado their best to make sure others are happy in the moment bhave a childlike happy disposition most of the time and care good at making sure they are taken care of in the moment dan heavily struggles in those areas what he is good at is developing his wisdom about contentment he has strong opinions of the theory of happiness this is how to be happy this is the core to enlightenment he is very interested in those ideas i love his conversations with duncan trussell the typemention i know either have very immature views on the matter or just dont care,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 youre an angry drunk id say hold back on the liquor and then get back to me,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 if youre able posting your code may assist us in figuring out what might be going wrong,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yeah i was keeping it intact p,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 a little late to this but1 98 koshein sumotori pokemon stadium 2,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 people are somewhat neutral toward him in canada he was at pierreelliot trudeaus funeral justins father they were friends to some extent you can see him talk to carter in this video you can see how much of a narcissic he was craving attention at a funeral,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 aha so just because there is no written rule it is okay to do it then just shows how far your understanding of fairplay goeshow old are you if i may askthey have you fix and you are done for which they decided after one year and reviewing the caseslike who,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 nice i saw most of that show but dont remember that part at allso ummm anyone have a recipe for such a thing,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 do you know what they call people that graduate medical school with a d gpa averagedoctor,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 remove the space in between the brackets and parenthesis,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 ive been very loudly critical of dalton in the past but hes been pretty damn good the last couple seasons what he did this year with a joke of an offensive line is very impressive the offensive playcalling was horrific especially early in the season where it was just why doesnt this obvious screen work it worked for hue last year over and over and over a new oc would take a little bit of time to implement a new system but id rather do that then give zampese more time to fail marvin was a good gm back in the day but tobin does that now so theres no reason to keep him around his gameday coaching has always been laughably bad the defensive backs were atrocious for the first half of the season and it wasnt just one guy the db coach needs to be fired given a shot at some community college then fired againedit and it wasnt a few unlucky bounces of the ball that hurt us this year we started off barely getting past the jets and after that game i thought the jets defense was a monster turns out our oline was just shitting the bed from start to finish our dbs were frustrated and confused for at least the first 6 games with huge gaps giving up big plays in every single game the first pittsburgh game was a couple bad calls that hurt us one on a touchdown and one on a turnover just like in the playoff game last year but otherwise we just played poorly overall and atrociously at the oline and db spots,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 so if i play with a second account and play every game with a friend who is worse than me thel ill naturally be ranked lower than normal and that makes me a smurf instantly his post is technically right but you people dont want to accept that because then you have no one to flame for your loss or something along those lines,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the walls where a ticking time bomb no matter how you look at it the fact that the kings will was pacifistic for a century doesnt mean thatll never changehell we get people theorizing how and when eren will release the walls every week not if mind you how and when op is even dreaming about it himselfits a risk worth taking even if the chance on succes was one in a hundred which it wasnt thatd still means that theyd sacrifice a million to get 1 chance to save a couple billion and if my math is straight 1 of a billion is still ten times more than a million,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 what did you do to make the game more saturated,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 hahahawell in this instance hes not which is honestly a little surprising as he can be selfish but hes usually fairly reasonable as well considering how much his head is in the clouds,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 only if you take it seriously,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 it is okay for a 1 shot kill to anywhere besides legsno shit who said awping should be easyare you salty because you suck with the awp,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 when my guests steam clean my rugs and sweep my floors ill stop complainingits rude as fuck not to respect someones house rules and thats a pretty standard oneits mostly my boyfriend that doesnt and its usually only when hes planning to go out again shortly which is fair so i dont complain as long as he stays off the rugs and carpeted areas its not like its a common occurrence,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 perfect song for flirting with death,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 channel 4s sunday brunch introduced to jaws back in 2014 for such a shit show their playlists are actually alright,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 no the government has checks and balances built in for a reason,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 so your husband is a dutch national i get residency is an issue but i reckon you should be allowed to travel all across europe together with your husband under eu directive 200438ec this directive might not allow you to get residency in the netherlands because your husband is dutch you would be allowed residency elsewhere in the eu together with your husband based on this directive by the way but it should definitely allow you to travel through all of schengen legally,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i took a few special ed students to the library because one was obsessed with going to mc donalds so we wanted to try to go other fun places that werent mc donalds it was me and one of our counselors and 3 kids they all have cognitive disabilities so we are talking teenagers but a cognitive ability of maybe a 1st grade or kindergarten student anyway i made a plan we made a list of books and movies to get arranged transport i was very excited what i forgot to do was also list what we werent going to do at the library so one of my kids sits at a computer in the childrens section to play a game i remind her what we are doing try to redirect talk to her etc she is known for cussing but usually its under her breath or close by me nope she yells so loud fuck you joan im playing on the computer you bitch this is a bad sign i knew it was downhilli signaled for my coworker to take the other two kids and get the van ready i calmly remind her maybe we can do some other activities next time restate expectationswhatever i can think of i also start reminding her its time to go eventually after calling me a bitch some more she sees a book she wants that is not on our list if you bend any rules with her itll cause a disaster next time because she will keep pushing boundaries so i gently said to her that book wasnt on our list joan you bitch i hate you you are the worst teacher ever i get her to walk to the front lobby more cussing hits herself in the forehead with the book i am mortified at this point and tons of moms and little kids were gawking at us this amused meafter i let her know i was going to put the extra book back at the circulation desk only a few feet away she smacked her forhead into the book one more time and yelled fuck books super loud i wanted to die it was like time stopped lol i got her out of there finally she knew she had lost the book love that kid i wanted to crawl into the floor though,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 am i the only one to find this image incredibly hotedit oh fake aww thats unfortunate,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 hahahahaha i think its almost the same except my bro is typemention and yeah they used to just sleep and chat with netflicks going all day before they moved away shes not grungy or anything actually really nice like super polite would probably apologize for breathing ill probably have a chance to get to know her better soon this weekend and i have a lead to work with she likes books 3,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 paritytargetreleasegtparityexe 20170111 233425 starting parityv160unstableunknownunknownx8664windowsmsvcrustc1140 20170111 233425 state db configuration fast 20170111 233425 operating mode active 20170111 233425 configured for frontierhomestead using ethash engine thread main panicked at called resultunwrap on an err value invalid character u at position 1 srclibcoreresultrs837,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 im happy i sold my position on trump as soon we got results on kansas and bought cruz market on cruz already more than doubled do you think kasich at 141 is undervalued if trump and rubio crash kasich could do well on march 15,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 mascara and lip stain for every day concealer for emergencies lipstick for when i want to make an extra effort,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 technology growth is proportional to the number of researchersus population has grown 30x in the last century it wont do so in the next,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 none of them they are all scumbags,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 in that moment basking in the additional satisfaction of feeling her husband finish inside her talisa felt not only contented in general but also with the decision they had made earlier she would be happy regardless of whether that night meant cass and violet would have a little sibling and she was exceedingly thankful that they didnt have to apply any sort of caution during their lovemaking it was more intimate more arousing and it kept the whole practice free from her ceaseless anxietytalisa smiled back at griffith her lips pushing into her flushed cheeks wearily saying nothing she laid her head down against the pillow kissing him weakly on the cheek exhausted and satisfied she continued to lay on top of him her heartbeat and her breathing taking a great deal of time to slow,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 this might be the best comment ive ever seen except for the random the,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yes of course but that requires sharingas someone else said this doesnt automatically mean shes entitled she wasnt whining she just answered a question sharing a car can be a pain so if shes been very fortunate that could be her biggest struggle not necessarily likely but we cant jump to the conclusion of entitlement just from that information alone,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 some kids have no respect some kids have respect regardless of eraftfy,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i think you are reading too much into her comment she disapproved of your relationship choice and she linked her argument against it to your age and used immature as an easy dismissalmature is not only being of a certain age mature also means fully developed id say that you were a lot further in your emotional development including communication and in knowing what you wanted than most in contrast my boyfriend and i are in our early forties and we are just beginning to explore around the edges of the open thing and were not even sure how far we want to take it or how far we will be able to take it take insults of being immature with a grain of salt from where im standing you are light years ahead,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 awww yeah seeding the live streams,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 whats that psych phenomena where people think everyone is like the people they associate with yeah that all hail broseph blessed be his pong skillz,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i oppose the ban but the controversy goes beyond that in montreal some pools of the city and universities started to have special hours only for women for religious reasons the requests came mainly from hassidic and muslims groups this is a slippery slope,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 my experience was that you only have to show once flash of competency to flip opinions whether it be peers superiors colleagues students i had it easy in college so easy i walked into the math lounge and a made a suggestion for the proof my peers were trying to work out on the blackboard and i happened to be correct my professors also witnessed this everyone just said how super smart i was after that some of the international students would say stuff like i didnt expect a girl to be so smart but im hoping thats a language barrier other than that no problems for me,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 turns out hes stuck in an endless time loop and is forced to relive his final moments forever,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i found a reference to the tale i relatedits not the reference that i originally had but the details are largely the same im sure its the same story see if i have this right10000 different key combinations means they had 100 variations on each keythe concord appears to have been offered in either 16 or 17 color choices and 10 interior choices 4 colors of vinyl 5 colors of velour so 70s and 1 leatherso the rough odds of two cars being identical enough might be100x100x17x1011700000i feel like im missing something in that calculation but it should be closenot a math major but from my laymans point of view it looks like the odds only need to about 11000 for the cars to be parked together before the total odds for the one in one point seven million cars shoot past a billion to one,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 the fun part is taking it out,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i would love to try out the series so i would appreciate the gift,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i dont think its accurate to view any of kevins actions as motivated out of concern for saving the world per se he has to kill the twin and nuke purgatory to stop self destructing and move on with his life his concerns always seem to be mostly limited to himself and his family,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i love louie it is one of the most honest comedies ive seen i identify with his awkwardness and ability to struggle through all the bullshit that life deals you all the while dusting yourself off and going through the same absurd bullshit over and over again hoping for a better result he depicts the modern human condition pretty well for people like us he is well liked well intentioned has some success pursuing his calling but everything just ends up wrong in a very relatable way he just seems lost when trying to deal with other people and find love i relate so much i cringe at timesif you like louis check out lucky louie the original hbo series i also recommend maron it is a brilliant series from another comedy veteran just a little darker and more misanthropic,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 is rufus sitting on another rufus,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 hollarian apharni pâ harni hollarian bpyhalny pâ u026fhalnu026fvb intr to moveborrowed into protothranian as pwaln pâ wu0325alnu0329,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i was really interested in seeing if it broke everyone is saying the sky is falling serenity took out everyone without getting hit in the shield or not the shield played no role except he could play more fearlesslyno one even shot at him he was playing his best and a lot of the opposition were recruits ie no optics reinforcementsthey were trying to demonstrate blackbeard and valkyrie in a fun way it wasnt an episode of r6smythbusters,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 this isnt even about your anxiety i for example have zero issues with anxiety but am simply highly introverted and this would also not be ok with me at all tell your so that for this time youll welcome his friend into your home but that you are really really appalled that he invites people into the sanctity of your home without consultation and that he must do so from now on for fuck sake i wont even let my own mother into my home if she drops by unannouced your home is your safe place your so does not need to understand it he simply needs to respect it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 try out this code op option explicit public sub copyrangetootherworksheets dim originalcells as range set originalcells returndataselect cells to duplicate across worksheets if originalcells is nothing then exit sub dim ws as worksheet for each ws in thisworkbooksheets if not wsname originalcellsworksheetname then call originalcellscopywsrangecstroriginalcellsaddress next ws set originalcells nothing set ws nothing end sub public function returndatabyval message as string as range on error resume next set returndata applicationinputboxpromptmessage titledata selection type8 end function,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 he played there for the u23s against liverpool this season he works hard but his positioning was off,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 this reminds me of a friend and his girlfriend i was hanging out with them it looks like a gfbf relationship acts like one etc they have little arguments they talk like gfbf but he says that they are not dating and will always refer to this whenever she talks about them as a couple my thought is that she is attached but he refuses to do so and while refusing still acts like a boyfriend i think its leading to her broken heart i dont know your situation but that idea of if it looks like a dog smells like a dog and barks like a dog its a dog or whatever well its true of course if shes not attached whats the hurt gotta be careful around this kind of stuff or it gets fragile quick,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 read a book google language games google family resemblance i do know why youre here lets seeactually i would quite like you to comment in full the lyrics of rasputin by boneym,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i reported your post to mods no problem,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 hades was never a tanksince were talking about nonconquest ill point out that his primary role in assault is healer if your teammates are smart enough to let you do it mine never areas for health vs prots it depends on where youre at in the spectrum say 1200 damage is coming in per second hunters aas whatever if they have 30 flat pen and you have just 30 prot youre taking 1200 dps if you have 50 prot after pen youre only taking 800 dps thats a difference of 400 health every second if you want enough protection to knock it down another 400 though youd have to get all the way up to 200 prot after pen so basically you want enough protections so that you have at least 50 after their pen then lots of health on top if that,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 excellent postim not convinced lsh is crying though doesnt she have glowinthedark red eyes in one description,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 see now im wanting to see what those 2 older messages were which started the conversation what was the leadin to his negging did it start with standard first contact hailing frequencies or did he open with his agame,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 haha svelte is more beneficial irl than strong and chunky chunky is supposed to become strong af and no longer chunky in terms of gainz though it isnt just a meme you need some bulk to build,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yep or netgraph 1 and console for rate,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 it all depends on if youre rich or poor,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 yes i wouldnt think of an english bas as useless mastering languages well are important assets,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 this is very true i cant be with that though some few people never get boring theyre always learning new shit meeting new people trying new things having new thoughts thems the girls for me,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 david rosnick is a great macroeconomist i think hes right the tpp will increase incomes of the poorest and richest involved in export increase consumer purchasing power in tpp countries and decrease or have no effect on middle incomes though cepr are a little left biased nevertheless they do great researchof course you dont have a clue what reports youre even referring to so you wouldnt realise that given the spun comment you just referenced you probably dont realise that the impact of the tpp over 25 years on us inequality is utterly negligiblestop relying on media morons for your information do your own research and maybe you will come to conclusions that arent so fucking idiotic it takes what a few weeks to learn enough macro to have a basic understanding of global economics a few hours to read the sources thats almost no time cost to you compared to the benefit of having a clue what youre talking about and having a real entrance to legitimate political engagement,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 pros looks nice wiring can feel safe in itcons in dangerous location huge security risk and is that water blood,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 no thatd half the fun,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 why not play at low and a lower resolution,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 so what do you guys think about homeschooling would you consider it for your kids given the state of public schooling or do you think its important to send kids to public school in an effort to improve the system for everyone,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 despite his actions i think its important to pay attention to what hes told you he specifically said he isnt interested romantically and is in the process of getting involved with someone else even if it feels like all the symptoms of a romance are there he could simply love you like a best friend if it werent for this other girl id say its possible but this makes things complicated he might still be figuring out his own feelings and making the most of how good it feels spending so much time with you but i caution you about getting your hopes up and too attached if hes pursuing someone on the side hes reluctant to talk about,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 one of my best friends is a member hes broke as shit and hasnt paid me in months even if he never pays me again we will talk daily there are a few other members who have moved on from the site and i still keep up with them to make sure theyre happy with what theyre doing now only reason i would cut someone off from talking to me is if they were shitty to me to begin with i cannot fake my personality when i get along with someone its real extremely real i cant act like i like someone i dont get along with,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 uafinedayforscience you need to get your shit togetherother users are starting to beat you in posting relevant norse mythology info,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thank you in your opinion where would be my best choice for 1stop shopping,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 had a bright future ahead of me one day i woke up depressed,79.0,97.0,10.0,45.0,62.0 i didand i love that you accepted it with open arms,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 dont know what you mean does what you just said suggest that this car is not the best ever made according to objective criteria,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 not exactly the same but it works,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i thought that milner was like a new signing in midfieldare we close to signing a cm then only time will tell,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i have a 20 torker cx that i dont ride because a month after i got it i fell on the seatpost and bent it i flew a random bsquare home from a friend in germany who didnt use it so i use that because my club 26 seat also fits it and us my only seat with a handle im definitely in the market for an impact because id like to get into that trialsfreestyle stuff but as long as mine isnt broken ill keep using itif you want something for long distance i would personally recommend a 29 i only have a 26 which is good for a few miles but it starts hurting pretty badly after 56 miles i use it for light trail riding and and am wishing pretty often that i had a 29er also join us at runicycling its a small community and we could always use more people,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i see you got just as far as i did in this post,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 a better example would be to look at the ais from sc brood war the higher difficulties used to have automatic vision of the entire map allowing them to have an unfair advantage over players without actually changing the ais inherent gameplay now in sc2 with the greatly improved engine the ais will actually explore the map and react accordingly if they dodont have vision of their enemies the improvement of the ai itself is blizzard avoiding fake difficulty of giving the ai the unfair advantage of a fully explored map,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i know everyone is saying that girls hate virgins look down on them etc but is it possible that maybe she didnt want to take your virginity because it is a special moment for lots of people like maybe she thought that it was something you would want to be in a relationship before doing and by rushing you you might regret it or become very attached to her and she might have just wanted a one night standi hope what im saying makes sense haha,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 unless you blame every loss onsmurfs,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 and yet i said that having to do more work to achieve the same results is the very essence of what a handicap is how can being right about what is essential be pedantry you think anything other than using words and being confused about their essence what they fundamentally mean is pedantry by your definition anyone who can use language intelligibly is a pedant ill happily be a pedant in that case what is your preferred medium of communication varying pitches of grunting and how do you type that,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 thanks for all the info,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 well either see her soon in a flashback so about chapter 92 or isayama will wait until just before the end and use her in the final showdown which would make it chapter 106107108,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i know its an unpopular opinion hence the your mileage may vary comment i just thought season 7 was a breath of fresh air after the previous few seasons being so serious,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 uhhh oysters arent even vaguely eggshaped they look like rocks ffs story makes no sense,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i knew what you mean it is just that nothing to hide nothing to fear is a really stupid statement to make,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 someone was following steps 1 and 2,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 it matters because depending the duration you pick the formula give you different results lets do a scenario instead my brother my sister and i just inherited 1 million each my brother ask you to invest his money for 1 year since in 1 year in want to build a house and use this money my sister want you to invest this money for 5 years she plan to use the money in 5 years to buy her son a house i ask you to invest my money for 20 years i will buy myself a villa in 20 years with this moneydo you create 3 identical portfolio if not why,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 your actual service provider needs to increase the ring time on your line gv needs 30 seconds i believe i had mine changed and have my real vm full on purpose as well and have not had this issue since,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 well also get to see bertolts find us speechplease dont fuck this up please dont fuck this up,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 no smurfs are easy to beatid rather play against smurfs all day then cheatersnot to mention that mgdmg us a joke now people go around and call everyone a cheater,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im saving this for future matches,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 ascendancy was quite an important album to middle school me m,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 he took erwins advise and became taller by standing on his pile of corpses,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 now this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down and id like to take a minute just sut right there ill tell you how i became the lord of sunlights soleaire,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 hey look its me walking home from a bar,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 no scientifically its entirely reasonable however canonically its incorrect that being said i dont car much about cannon so im installing the winter variant of the mod,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i thought this was a rnottheonion post,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 dont its not good for the soul,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 lol ive seen it and read the book i think theres a lot of cogfuncmention but ive seen very little evidence of cogfuncmention,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 openminded and openhearted clear thinking person honest spirituallymorally motivatedminded at least partly intrested in or appreciate what im instrested inbut its just ppl that i like in general soulmate is a soul mate for a reason its self explanatory kinda its not like a market place where you are looking for a certained qualities of a product you know your souls resonate and deeply connect and merge in some harmonius way its kinda notappropriate to talk about personality traits in that case thought i would assume it would be a type of a person with a traits that you usually like and appreciate in ppl,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 this tub is butter stash nowyum,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 how do you explain genes which seem to be strongly correlated with intelligence,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this isnt what im saying im just showing how that mistyping is super common,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 til that i must have schizophrenia,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 at rank 3 it can deal 300 damage if you land it directly it hits harder than a point blank buckshot from graves or a lucian q not as easy to land though,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 he was just stalling time hoping that someone else swooped inhe had no further concrete plan,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i actually actively want and encourage my friends to develop friendships,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well part of it is that im from texas and youre from canada probably where im from you dont swim unless its almost too hot to bear being outside i saw snow for the first time in my mid 20s though lol it just doesnt get very cold there i lived in germany for a winter though and i quickly learned not to bother with layers unless its cold enough that i will be freezing all day no matter what because i was out walking around a lot and i got sweaty with too many layers and now that a few florida summers have passed since then im back to shivering at a warm breeze lol the body gets used to whatever you throw at it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 corvallis is pretty liberal albany is redneck village,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 what server do you play on,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 71 for an sr71 blackbird the fastest jet in the worldthe long black one in the back of this picture,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 they do this because crack cocaine right,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the official one for guren no yumia,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 because self proclaimed non racists keep getting offended at any sort of insult against racism,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i saw your username and immediately jumped in melantropi melanblackoh dear have i been there aimless friendless mistakenly assured of my incompetence that is no way for an typemention to live thats for sure suicide will come to mind but the fire of your idealism is still burning its sparks lighting the darkest corners of your mind when youre at this point the isolation can turn out to be a gift or a curse try to see into the past to acknowledge your selfworth and persuade yourself of your abilities worrying about the future without having a clear grasp of the past is futile make the decision to live here and now but live just like you always dreamed reach out to old trusted friends or family dont stop searching for the support you need and you deserve you are born once so you might as well take advantage of your one and only chance your charisma is worth itcare to explain the last quote is it in swedish im very intrigued,79.0,97.0,10.0,45.0,62.0 he voted in the primaries folks,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 there were christian songs specifically about refusing to deny him and being shot after the columbine shootings,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this pdf link is a good basic intro,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 i may be weird but i use dried out mascara to darken up my brows brushes on and actually looks natural with my brow color,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 thanks yeah thats a more succinct way to put it i found myself flirting with a sensor typemention i found out at a bar a couple of weeks ago she was hot and seemed to think the same of me and in fact she seemed to like my weird which i was surprised at but she didnt really have any of her own i didnt call her because from my perspective we didnt connect,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thanks a lot my brain is orgasming from all this amazing information hahah i didnt fully understand it especially the last part but i am kinda sure about the first few paragraphs if you are really good at this theory i guess i can rewrite your theory in my way in this comment so you know if i understood right damn this is so hard to say in english basically i will try to tell what i have understood and you tell me if i got it right or im an idiot so basically all typemention are left types there is not leftright dichotomy so you dont have a left typemention or a right typemention all typemention are left but even if we are all a left type we are always right about what we say haha puns intended why do all types take information through the auxiliary what if they are pdom ixxjexxp they auxiliary is a judging function decisionmaking not a perceiving function informationgatheringit makes sense about how typemention gather the information through an pi function and release it with a pe function cuz one is introverted and one is extroverted but its still confusing i will have to study this a lot i understood that the different between left types and right types is the direction that left types also called result types right go tgtngtfgtsgt forwards while rightprocess types go tltnltfltslt same way but backwards could also be written as sgtfgtngttgt or any way you want wait am i an idiot and left types arent the same thing as result types and rightprocess are these two things different gosh this is so complicatedi saw the difference between positive types and negative types still no talking about subtypes since for example all typemention are negativists and again for example all typemention are positives negatives basically see whats missing and positives see what could be improved first negativists see what could be second and postivises what is missing second since for example all typemention are left types and all typemention are negative types no subtypes till this point im still confused why we absorb information only through the tetriary what about typemention their tetriary is not even a perceiving function i understood that your post is mostly not about functions its about how they interact with others but im still fcking confused its soooo complex and people think the basic mbti theory with only 8 functions is complex pshhh the thing about fixations and shit is how some functions either activate two e or i functions or supervise one e and one i other functions in your stack and what activationsupervision made the biggest impact basically im still twisted about that stuff,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 id prefer we eliminate the eitc and instead have a straight negative income tax but i suppose that the eitc expansion is much preferable to expanding welfare and raising the minimum wage,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 because sometimes you need to share stuff without your computer icloud costs money if you want more than 5gb to store all your stuff,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 easy to get sucked into a system that constantly fellates your type,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 the simplest form of that would be the following select case combobox1text case other textbox1enabled true case else textbox1enabled false end selectyou would have to change the name of the combobox and textbox to what they are named on your userform as you did not state the object names,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i havent thought of an existential question that google couldnt answer,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 surely unless her parents were guarantors for her loans they cannot be held responsible for her debts thats all kinds of wrong,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 moba and fps are completely different genrespeople comparing cheater numbers in fps with cheater numbers in mobas have no cluetry to use spinbot wallhack aimbot etc in mobas and there you have the answer,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im guessing youre talking about cogfuncmention teaching im talking about cogfuncmention style teaching you need to present them inconsistencies with their thinking in tiny tidbits that allow them to come around to your way of thinking eventually at no point can it seem like youre lecturing them since itll put up their defences and theyll reject the ideayou need to go deeperbwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i got into a huge argument yesterday with a guy on rgameboyhe didnt know how to use bills pc to use the 7th pokemon he caught so made a post about ita quick google search revealed its on page 17 of the pokemon gold manual im sure npcs also tell you about it gamefaqs or just google bills pc so i thought his post was lazy,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 youre right i dont understand it especially as youre being quite ambiguous when you say skilled developers and it professionals im not sure whether youre referring to the upper echelons of the profession or every role im surprised theres be such a tiny supply of skilled workers that your anecdote would reflect the marketof course im not thinking about the skilled it market in particular so thats not what i was contesting,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 well i hope for the combination of the 2045 initiative and the internet of things the combination of these two things has the potential to not only cure all diseases and make us all immortal itll also turn the human race into a hive mind effectively reaching the one individual or less requirement thats necesary to rule out conflict between humans in other words world peacedoubt itll happen in five years though,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you want to improve your theory of mindfunctions work in pairs check out typemention and xsfjs see how they use cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention and cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention togethermaybe structured social activities like board games or tabletop rpgs,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 if you have studied physics you may find this informative on some aspects of my post,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 i refuse to present myself as any one kind of person in particular hipster sports nut fitness enthusiast what have you but then the problem i run into is that no one sees whats under the surface people will never appreciate the nuances of my personality if i dont actually have meaningful interactions with them and yet i cant bring myself to give people something relatable to grab onto at first because that would feel like presenting myself as something im not people just see this nondescript vaguely hipsterlooking guy who keeps to himself a lot and i somehow expect them to appreciate and understand me just from thatso basically my tinder profile is wildly unsuccessful because i wont just tell people i like music and hiking and whiskey also im like a solid 5 or 610 but thats beside the point â u30c4â,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 i think it isnt as dire as you fear it it presents a hurdle but it should be surmountablemantle is effectively dead in the water as amd has given it to khronos to morph into vulkan they have made some noise about not abandoning mantle but branding it a research api kills it for commercial deployment who wants to build for profit 3d applications on somebody elses testbed besides vulkan does the same thing now and that is cross vendor and cross platformdx12 and metal are platform specific apis the closed source nature does pose a problem but from what ive read both dx12 and metal are also low overhead close to the hardware apis this makes them similar in their goals to both mantle and vulkan it will entail work but it should be possible to write shims that convert dx12 andor metal to vulkan or opengl it is what wine is already doing with previous versions of direct3d they translate them on the fly to ogl callsid say the future for graphics on linux seems to be rosy with wayland compositors getting ready for mainstream use and vulkan in the near future for low overhead drivers,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i did briefly during ts2 era then it killed my game so i stopped i always see posts asking how to figure out which cc is messing up their game and i dont want to deal with that crap plus the art styles can vary so muchi do use cheats usually when i first start a family so im not starting with a broke adult who knows nothing and for story progression with my townies,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 seems like a good fit for the role chris henry played though what fits more with our current oline situation is hitting him short and letting him make plays after the catch,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 im still reeling over the idea of being extrovert lol i feel like i have a bunch of friends only because im in college with smart level headed engineering people i also have have the sneaking suspicion im not very good of an cogfuncmention user my dad puts me to shame and im probably the least spontaneous of my friend group but otoh people said that my typing video was full of it i guess i can believe it just as long as no one tries to tell me i use cogfuncmention haha,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 socionics as well as mbti based models do not work on a spectrum but rather they are based on dichotomies according to the theory there are such a thing as subtypes in socionics i personally think subtypes are unnecessary but they are accepted by many socionists the most common division is between those that favor their dominant intjcogfuncmention for example or their auxiliary typementioncogfuncmention but there are many other possible subtypes so in that sense it is sort of like middle types but they are still defined functionally or dichotomously if i were to accept the idea of subtypes i would think that they are not permanent as functional development will change the expression of your functional use as for your other examples borderline ns or tf if not due to testing inaccuracies is due to one not becoming aware of all their functions as they enter the consciousness gradually this is less a socionics concept as it a jungian concept called differentiation of the functions through a process of individuation a borderline pj or ie is in reality impossible except for the reasons just mentioned but here it is much more problematic because it would alter your dominant orientation and primary means of interpreting the world so called ambiversion is already accounted for in the theory and a shift or unbalance between p and j would very distressing for the psyche now when it comes to how this would relate to the superego block would be that you over or underidentify with your persona the persona is the mask that you wear to serve as a means of interacting with the outside world while protecting the delicate portions of your personality the superid this is how the role function gets its name it the role that you default to in uncomfortable situations and is a socially agreed upon role that you and everyone else plays roles that you play are son father banker customer preacher student etc it is how you are supposed to act when you dont know the full context of a situation only the superficial aspect of it when you are comfortable in a situation you then let your guard down and act as an ego or the real you or let others in how this relates to the topic here is sometimes forget that they are wearing a mask and get stuck with it on all the time think of the teacher that never stops instructing people outside of the classroom and forgets that there is more to them than just their job their sense of identity gets wrapped up in this construct this explains why an typemention may think they are an inxp because they overidentify with their role cogfuncmention perhaps because that is the role they play as a student and they want the world to see them as logical underidentification on the other hand will bring about contents of the id this will come off as less borderline and more hardline here the t function for example will be very absolutist in its thinking and increasing becomes more closeminded and extreme,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 what bubble and where if theres in fact oneas far as i know there was a huge jump in productivity expansion in high value industries manufacturing exports increased foreign investment and domestic business investment its actual real structural growth or at least a very high proportion of growth came from this,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 downloading printing and deleting documents is doable but where is the file list located,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 umm what edit what if we typed op,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 that looks like it would be the pier off the coast at the bottom of waimea canyon,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 thank you even though i opened it on a whim i started crying in the first minute so beautiful,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 nothing wrong with that m8 but some ppl here cant read or just ignore it because it is their favourite redhead,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this is freaking gold thanks,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 can you go that trip on one tank of fuel no way so i dont see how this is even being used as an argument they are much more efficient,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 im convinced that theres no alternative timeline in the universe where chelsea doesnt win the 1112 champions league,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 its more or less known that the space station isnt really worth the cost as most experiment could be done without it but it is maintained as a sort of diplomatic project post coldwar,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 if this isnt a whole series or video it needs to be,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 who the fuck deals heroin with there mom,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i too think the anaconda looks pretty good i tried to make mine look like a yacht,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 i believe that since alcohol is legal and trust me that its a fucking hard drug i believe every drug that is weaker or as strong as alcohol should be legal right so ketamine mdma all psychedelics and of course weed should be legal now when it comes to the topic of harder drugs like heroin meth or even crack its a whole another subject in which im not completly sure whether to be legal or illegal but definitely legalize psychedelics weed k and mdma,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 uenokha you can delete higher tickrate from that listin short while the fps of players could play a role in it 128tick is unfair for people with a latency of 30ms and higher and that is why it wont happen the thing people should be after is servers who are stable and well optimized,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 meanwhile many people in yurp love country music and gangster rap we should all just 69 and get it over with,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this was my exact thought upon reading the title,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i have a good amount of expeirence with little red and the yellow brick road esque deck i like it you make really big fuckers that fly and cant be targeted the only thing that can blow it up is lucifer,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i got chronic histoplasmosis which went undiagnosed for five years because its typically only found in aids patients who have compromised immune systems thats rare on its own the fact that it wasnt disseminated after five years which could have made me blind or killed me and that it was contained to my gut and lungs was very rare an infectious disease specialist wrote a paper on me yay,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 how well do you relate to each of these and whycogfuncmention you know your enneagram type,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i knew what you mean it is just that nothing to hide nothing to fear is a really stupid statement to make,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 holy crap what a match,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 but is there really natural borders to what extent the various groups are mixed beside that islamists dont believe in borders its a mentality of perpertual fight and expension,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 that explains a lot for me,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 you were the only one to see it i was in the game,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 this webb is an amazing candidate rand webb is the bill im hoping for,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 thats depends the right is more associated with individualism and a focus on helping the people close to you like your family and this can lead to exclusion but on the other hand they also tend to believe in the importance of teachings good values in the us this was deeply associated with christianity religion has been a strong force in fighting racism it was used the other way too but that side lost the religious argument so values like hard work good parenting a unified family etc are also seen as universal i think this is why most black conservatives are often so religious they want society to be improved by teaching the values they care about using the vehicule they care about christianity its a teach a man to fish kind of thing,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 thanks for making an account to tell me that babe lt3lt3lt3,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yeah id prolly elbow myself in the ribs if i would get one of those toocool to know thats what they call it even if its technically incorrect,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ruining a party or saving everyone from bad music,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the comments seem kinda fake,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im obviously not a saints fan but every match ive watched from southampton he has looked solid down the wing in attack and defense nothing too spectacular though just doing a good job,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i have to put a disclaimer out there as an adopted person and a special ed teacher that i feel some of these adoption horror stories have the focus on the adoption part and not other important issuessome of these would include the existence of emotionalbehavioral disabilities i feel like the general public is unaware that these exist or how to deal with those kids the pathetic state of mental health care in the us and pouring money into the prison system too late when we should have poured it into education proactively especially special ed imo also the terrible need for universal health care affects things as maybe little rylan would have had a better outcome if he had access to morebetter interventions earlier in his life unfortunately having worked with children like rylan i can only guess he will end up in a residential facility for behavioral issues like the one where i work he would probably fit in perfectly where i work actually i hope they found him something other than home placement,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 well also get to see bertolts find us speechplease dont fuck this up please dont fuck this up,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im not surprised that the 705 sees the most use im usually carrying my 710 not today though today ive got my ray laconico,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 hahah sounds familiar for me this started around month 2 she didnt want me even talking to stranger females when out and about by myself dont interact with half of humanity uh yeah this isnt going to work,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 why in the hell were you downvoted because you dared to say that you are a good dude no that means you are a woman hating asshole who expects women to give you sex because you opened the door for them as an expression of your support for the patriarchy kill yourself immediately you triggering fuck,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 how much of this do you think would be solved by a larger player base,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 yes it was pointed out to me in elementary school that i have leadership skills and so i was put in a special activity group for it my response was zuh in high school i did some volunteering but generally kept to myself we will say i was working on my self esteemby college i got it and was vp then president for a volunteer program at our university i was also the undergrad rep for our entire department so spent a fair amount of time meeting with my professors and learning how a university works i have always done volunteering but i have found i enjoy pr building long lasting genuine relationships especially with sponsors and that my sincere nature allows me to sell the mission of our organization i can pretty easily persuade others and rally excitement to get people working after college i started a non profit from nothing and headed that with our board of directors successfully for five years starting a business from nothing almost taught me about as much as i learned in college where i run into issues with leading is when i get mixed up with people who had selfish or malicious intent i never go in helping with something like a non profit thinking of myself im sure many here can relate i can spot these negative types from a mile away but i try to bring everyone into the fold for a good cause you wouldnt be amazed how people can selfishly skew things that were simply meant to benefit the community i butt heads frequently with people who are two faced or people who generally resent authority and see me as the authoritative figure i try to relate and reach out to all parties to find a middle ground but sometimes doing that rather than putting your foot down will get you in trouble so i am still learning in my early 30s i learned that people who have selfish intent also get mad when you use logic and facts to hit home your strategyphilosophywhatever because they cant skew facts for their own selfish agenda in a small group of friends if no one takes the lead i will do it i cannot stand not having a plan and people waffling around with their thumbs up their asses make a decision and lets go have fun,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yep it did here is the stream,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 you need to explain this stuff i found a chart on google images and a video on youtube but thats not enouhg for me to even get this thing,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 im really going to miss top gear i hope whatever happens i can see em doing something,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ive been on both ends of this being a performer orchestra and bringing my students with various disabilities to movies plays etc personally i would start my kids out slow and see what they could handle go to the afternoon movie matinee then maybe a small high school play or bandorchestra performance we might do social stories and practice our appropriate performance behavior i hope the parent did not bring their child to a 3 hour broadway production for their first show that said any time any kid could vocalize a kid with autism may be more likely to vocalize in a way that is unfamiliar in sound and may agitate some folks it is the parents discretion and responsibility whether or not it is appropriate to remove them immediately as far as adults we arent perfect either there is always one that claps between movements edit a word,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 so was the crazy gun toting old man arrested and charged for trying to kill two people without a good reason,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 why should they even listen to reddit is the question valve can gladly give not a single fuck about it as people here are dumb as fuck when it comes to technical things,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yep sure youll be the final place in group 2 once group 1 are done well get you guys in,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 the oil itself will protect the wood somewhat multiple coats is what people normally do i much prefer just doing that as opposed to any stain or varnish as i feel that ruins the natural looktheres something you can do thats called wood stabilization but i dont know much about that i think its a resin that totally locks everything down thats about the best protection you can get but i dont feel its normally needed just a buncha coats of oil is what i do theres more than just linseed oil but thats what i use cause thats what i have laying around,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i remember camping with my parents as a kid and my dad throwing ticks into the fire they sizzled for a second and then pop were your ants popping or were they too small,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 it wont play at 120fps if the source isnt 120fps,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 sx twos are horrible too sps are tolerable,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 you remind me a lot of my long term boyfriend and our relationship he also thinks of himself as adequate but i guess not on par with myself i dont know i disagree of course and it really hurt me knowing he sees himself like that for example he thinks i am the smart one because im doing multiple majors without much effort and hes having trouble getting good grades for his single major however i see him as far more intelligent because he is totally passionate about his studies and soaks up everything but sucks at making traditional tests while i just know really well how to game the system and perform well at traditional testing but know far less then he does what you say about your boyfriend jumping headfirst into things and for some reason succeeding at everything is also something i recognize in how my boyfriend looks at me the thing is i fuck up all the fucking time but simply manage to hide it and still come out on top because i get the game im playing and thats just how i roll this gives me a set of interpersonal skills which society really values but i thing my hard skills are a bit overrated by people who know me including my boyfriend my boyfriend however lacks a bit of these interpersonal skills but his hard skills are way up there what im saying the fact that your boyfriend is with you means he loves you and thinks you are incredible and an equal partner to him if he didnt think this about you he wouldnt be with you hes clearly seeing things in you you dont see in yourself if this is striking a cord with you know that your boyfriend doesnt think of you as the lesser partner he might even think youre the better partner only you consider yourself the lesser partneryou should ask him about it ask him to verbalize why he thinks you are lovable and incredible his answers may surprise you also try to love yourself more if another person finds reason to love you you should be able to find reasons to love yourself,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i think you both did a great job im hoping we can highlight the wiki link at the top of the page somehow or move it directly under the typemention tag to make it even easier for people to find and use,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 uhm no static functions are cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention while dynamic functions are cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention learn your dichotomies,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 let me actually answer your first question the right way if you stop time as in total freeze of time no motion etc all physical laws would still exist but they would do nothing it is like pausing a video if you will,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 humans are less dense than water yet can still sink if they dont lay flatits really a matter of whether they can find a part of the ocean from walldia to marley that is less than 60 meters deep if the mass of the part of them above the surface can counter the difference in density with the water below them and their feet they might be able to walk through itthis is however in the ocean unlikely and swimming is a more likely option its however not completely impossible,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 that belongs in a museum,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 lets goi was on my schools academic quiz bowl team with ucrunchystixfite me,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 in the extra sheets is there a particular reason of why they need to be on different sheets can that data be combined into a master sheet that has all of their information in one location if you are able to consolidate data you can use the smart filter feature to only display certain rows by name or group,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 but on the right day for bilbo and frodos birthday,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 the aquarium is one of the worst actually the worst ive ever been to especially for the price,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 wherever you take that from,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 and before newton the tools were available for hundreds of years before that to get to newton this shit takes time my point i believe stands d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ethics shmethics put my brain in a fucking robot right now ethics be buggered,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 red and blue they were the first ever pokã mon games they were amazing for their time they introduced some of my favourite pokã mon such as mew mewtwo and magikarp the glitches are fun to exploit kanto is the most openworldlike region making bluegaryassface the champion was a great idea,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 i personally prefer having single threads for questions every time you get different responses even from the same people i do though like the idea of having questions posted for discussion in the podcastvideo meeting i think having a set list of things to discuss could be a good time we could even invite people from other types to show what the interactions are like,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 haha silly guy pellegrini would have kinda parked the bus and started navas over sterling to overload the wings and the match would have probably been a 1 1 draw with a fernandinho headed goal at the minute 33 and a milner penalty at the 73,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 as the quadrifoglio has a carbon roof i dont think it would be a option in series 2 and beyond because of weightand yes aftermarket sunroofs are looking cheap and may also impaire safety,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i think so haha its one of my favorites for sure,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 your innuendoes are off the chain and pink,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 hey look at that entps can date anyone,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 my typemention bf told me that his friends keep seeing him butterflying over time like he grew so much during college and a lot this past year they call it the butterflying because its like he keeps transforming onto something better,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 biotech is gonna be huge in the coming decades for two reasons1 these technologies havent yet hit the exponential part of their logistic curve think of what happened to computers in the last 20 years and that should give you an idea of whats coming2 due to the retiring baby boomers health care will be a major concern for the next 30 years which should provide a huge source of fundingits advancing fastweve successfully bioprinted some organs and bones and successfully implanted them into patients were also bioprinting skin and cloning bloodi think its plausible well be able to do it before 2050 though im not sure people will ever be very comfortable with amputationsit may be easier to regenerate limbs in place than bioprint them and theres some progress on that in mice though growing a human limb would take years due to the size it may be possible to speed it up someid guess by 2030 it will be widespread but will start being used in some cases by 2020all that but also refining of the technologies involved conventional 3d printers have problems such as heat denaturation so some companies are now working on equipment specially optimized for bioprintingskeptically its a promising field but individual startups in the pharma and biotech industry have a high failure ratetheyll wait until startups turn a profit and then buy them when one of these startups has a favorable price to earnings ratio a big company will snap them uporganovo is a front runner they might show enough profit this year to get bought out probably by pfizer or roche which have worked with them before so they already know the people and the productnope the first company to make money printing something simple are the ones who will get billions thrown at them,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 you seem to have a lot of excuses for everything second trp is not about getting laid its what happens as a cosequence of being alpha did you think you could be alpha wihtout changing a single thing in your life you sound really comfortable lt hint thats a bad thing,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 dude dont sweat it if its easy for you at 16 generally it will likely always be easy to attract girls the struggle is in finding the good ones the sooner you divorce your ego from being the sexiest guy in the room the better off youll be you dont need to up your kill count or some shit a lot of the stupid pua bullshit is people trying to fake the confidence of genuinely not giving a shit and what a conversation looks like when youre just taking an interest in someone as a person i noticed a long time ago that women are far more aggressive when im in a relationship they can smell the zero fucks i get hit on all the time i think largely because they can smell that i dont give a shit im not that handsome when i was selling cars the motto was make a friend sell a car and a big part of the idea in big ticket sales is to focus on finding the right product for the customer not to sell yourself or the thing but to genuinely try to find a good fit for all parties involved another motto was the best time to sell a car is right after you just sold one this is true because youre not so desperate to fill a need you might find that you have charming streaks where it seems like girls are mackin left and right its because of that smell of zero fucks im not saying to go looking for your future wife at 16 simply to talk to girls and try to make friends if you click really well as people and are both attracted to each other and single shit will just happen people can tell when you have an agenda so like with this chick she probably just wanted to get laid but if you had really clicked she would likely have preferred you to the other guy provided that youre approximately as physically attractive to her tastes the best sex will be with someone youre really connected with and really into ftmp ime that happens naturally and doesnt have to be forced youll start with a conversation or two and just not be able to keep your hands off each other thats not always a lasting connection but yeah its pretty effortless if you dont play games or go into meeting girls just hoping to use their bodies for awhile haha also this took me awhile to learn you dont pick women they pick you just try to give an accurate picture of who you are as you would to a guy friend and if shes interested youre very likely to know it haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well you can tell me what you think of this a comment here on reddit wherein someone explained a manifestation of cogfuncmention to me particularly with regard to immaturedysfunctional cogfuncmentionyesterday i was having a debate with someone about whether or not it was healthy to keep secrets from ones partner i said and this is a way you could interpret cogfuncmention as being prescriptive that honesty and vulnerability are essential to healthy relationships and personal growth and that outside of exceptional circumstances keeping secrets from ones intimate partner is a mark of either psychological issues or issues with the relationshipthe person i was debating with whom i suspect is an cogfuncmentioncogfuncmentionuser insisted that i had no right to make universal judgments about someones psychological or relational health based on my own personal experience i then futilely tried to explain the difference between cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention reasoning and cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention reasoning to themi saidfor me something has to make sense and be internally consistent in order for me to accept it as fact everything ive observed studied and experienced has pointed me to the understanding that more honesty more vulnerability and more authenticity result in happier healthier relationships and personal growth and it makes sense to me rationallythe other person responded emphasis mineso tell me what would you say to somebody who has told you that everything theyve observed studied and experienced has led them to conclusions that are incredibly racist sexist or transphobic you can enjoy your personal philosophy but dont expect other people to lend universal credence to your personal experiencesto this person this argument was sufficient to prove that personal experience andcogfuncmention essentiallyare not valid avenues toward forming an opinion basically if racists homophobes etc might say or do something then that thing is inherently flawed or immoral the idea is that racism homophobia sexism etc are selfevidently wrong and immoral that there is no room for argument questioning or even empathizing with people who subscribe to beliefs we disagree with and that the world is somehow composed of good and bad people that eg racists are fundamentally bad people who cannot be considered good until they change and renounce their beliefs that people who view the issues with more nuance or see individuals as holding a wide range of beliefs that can be considered justified in and welladapted to their immediate community while having severe or undesirable consequences to society at largeessentially that if you see the issue as more complex than just goodbad or rightwrong you become one of the bad people toothis is something i have seen a lot in immature undeveloped andor unhealthy cogfuncmention users even cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention users who are incredibly mature and whose views are very welldeveloped and admirable have at base this idea of a fundamental inherent good and bad in the world in the same way that cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention users have at base the idea of fundamental true and false that are immutable cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention as functions seek to discern the essence of good and bad and sees fact and truth as stemming from social agreement cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention is the other way aroundshadow cogfuncmention state of dissociation â this is the main kinship with typemention,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 the question carried a simple implication that talia had asked why it was the correct assumption and one easily made between two bookish girls subtle as it might have been the rosy hue persisted in talias cheeks now for a different reasonhe said he didnt know she answered in the same hushed tone theyd been using he doesnt specialize in healing so i guess it makes sense but i did go to the library after and i found a book that said its because we eat better with that she took another bite of her peach,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 its still absolutely possible to get the sex ed video dont give up hope yet,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 its because of the whole fiasco from when his channel was almost shut down after that he put his focus much more so on twitch and barely put out any reviews for like 2 years hes getting better and while his rapid fire reviews are short they are informative i dont agree on him with every game i think he gave overwatch quite a low score for no good reason i do agree i dont give a crap about his movie reviews they are basically just him and a few friends shooting the shit about the movie they saw if i want an actual review i go to a well known reviewer,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i was recently reading about aphantasia in the typemention sub and i personally know an typemention who has that same condition for those who dont know its what they call the inability to produce mental imagery theres no minds eye where you can call up visualizations of things memories or otherwise i remember being shocked when i first heard about it realizing that not everyone has a similar internal landscape to my own after reading this article i realized how heavily i also rely on internal dialog often conducted in the voices and manners of other imagined people to think through ideas those conversations are just as vivid and feel just as real as my normal external dialogues like how i was previously unaware that people processed information and memories without internal imagery the idea that internal conversations arent also universal was somewhat surprising i was curious how many of you also get caught up in internal dialogues or work through ideas by imagining conversations with other people edit like the article says its sometimes useful and theres also a limit where it becomes an issue because of my strong tendency to get lost in my own thoughts these inner dialogues can sometimes contribute to my occasional problems with maladaptive daydreaming unlike some of the people in the article im at least aware the people im talking to are fictional characterizations made up by my own mind d,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 them duke boys are in a whole heap of trouble,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 haha very asian heavy choi is a cash game play i think hell make the cut consistently but not much else how about finau in that price range i love mahan personally but again more of a cash play so go moore there,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 true i forgot all about that little stream when studying the course,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 not really the steam machines are way too expensive to compete with the xbox one or ps4 not only that but there are too many steam machines,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 youre mistaken microsoft took my name and made a shitty web plugin api type thing that failedive had this name longer also before anyone else mentions the famous runescape sword by the same name yes they used my name for that too i can prove it i wont do so publicly thoughits bad though used to be i could register silverlight anywhere and not have an issue now i need to use degrading numbers at the end most times,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 alexander is actually considered to be one of the first who was represented accurately quite a lot of busts were made of him which all seem to portray the same individual i mean they recorded his spinal deformity and that he was short in height thats the opposite of idealisation thats warts n all,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 send some to mei like including it on a dessert platter at the end of a meal along with almonds and pistachios dates dried apricots and figs and perhaps some turkish delight perfect with strong black coffeeim pretty sure you can freeze sweet hummus it also keeps for a long time in the fridge if well wrapped just always use a clean knife to cut it,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 whered you read that i think the main influence for chopins nocturnes was fields nocturnes he pretty much did just take the form from him,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 hes been average lately average stats less than average formgreat ch but i dont see any reason to go all out on him,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 no everything else i had to say would have been calling bullshit on the concept of vibrational energy,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i would dump goosen for a better punt like compton or sullivan,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 for all the shitty shitty things that are also in the song i freaking adore the message that call me maybe has i love the equality of it and that it demonstrates that its definitely ok for women to know what you like like what you see and to take action to see if theres more to it or not on a personal note call me maybe levels of obvious is almost required for me to even pick up on it im an affable guy and most people that meet me seem to like me so i sort of presume that any sort of i like you vibe doesnt come with a capital l because thats pretty normal and im hilariously bad at detecting when it doesthat said i also dont think im that different from average men in that respect like where ucruelmelody implies that it registered that grocery store lady was trying to flirt with him after the fact i get a similar feeling from u2babees storysometimes i feel like my best clue is okcs people who liked you feature,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 yeah wtf was with that came out of nowhere he had be playing pretty poorly lately,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 in reaction on the above deleted comment in the hopes that it might help people wrap their heads around itnature experiments in spectacular ways every day with humans missing limbs lack of pigmentation people fused together all kinds of sexual variations all kinds of colors shapes sizesi used to be stuck in the why would you want to chop off your own dick phase until i realised that is looking at it from the wrong end that is a cisgender view and a simplistic one at thattransgender people tell us they feel they are of a certain gender and their body doesnt match that do we have reason to believe that nature couldnt produce a variation where the psychological gender doesnt match the physical body i see no compelling reason which would make this impossible once you accept that a trans persons gender is what they feelknow it is then it becomes very easy to accept that their body doesnt match their inner world in which case using surgeryhrt to match up the body to the mind isnt such a stretch it makes accepting people that much easier,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i agree calling out random strangers is a stretch there is a lot of gray area between personal friends and random strangers though and i personally feel there is a lot to be said about speaking up against acquaintances as well at least i try to speak up to other women being sexist when i consider them acquaintances as well they certainly wouldnt physically attack you the whole point is we need to change societal values to achieve our goals towards true gender equality that only happens when we are focal about it and become the dominant voice one person convincing one other person on this topic who will convince one person themselves is truly all it takes,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 have you had a hard time seeing people blush i cant tell myselfbut yeah someone has to have their hair really red for me to notice it well brown and red are so frustrating sometimes,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i only cover the sides the front is still open so he can see my whole room i think he enjoys watching me and even knows when i come home so some exposure is definitely a good thing,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yeah i saw that they had it up already is just be sooooooo fucked up if i came in second by a stroke and lost 900000 because of it i dont think i could handle that lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ashamed i dont want anything to do wyth that infested hive of scum and villany,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 suffered from social anxiety depression and shit until i watched paul blart mall cop started exercising regularly and getting involved in sports,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 like his probably good bye supreme,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 tattooed and pierced not just a little bit either were talking a ton of money spent on aftermarket bodyworki generally prefer the natural beauty look but im mature enough to not be shallow about appearances she seemed bright and nice so i internally shrugged about the bodmod thing and had a few good weeks with her before her hidden crazy was revealedim probably less prejudiced against tats amp such now but im even more jaded about lying cheating golddiggers she got me to finally watch game of thrones though so its an overall win,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 uh oh i have a bit of a problem with alcohol i try to drink in moderation though i do have a history of benzo addiction but ive put away those for now,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 after katrina here comes amanda,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 he was just stalling time hoping that someone else swooped inhe had no further concrete plan,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 for the record i started on cod4i liked it but liked waw way moretoo bad that game got unplayable online due to the god mode hacks,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 regulation centralizes power to large companies via regulatory capture eliminating the ability of smaller companies to compete whilst large companies can stay afloat and maintain their monopoly its almost like weve thought this out or something and arent just random shills gargling the koch brothers balls,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 weve been really into bloodline,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 with complimentary teargas aroma filling the room,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 ayyy typemention masterrace its only as accurate as you are tbh i studied it a lot for a while and the biggest problem is people picking whatever makes them sound better lol,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 hihi cant help you with your questions just letting you know you are definitely on the right track with this attitude,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah same i dont downvote outside of my own sub and even then ill only do it if the comment is just completely off the topic and unhelpful in every single way which is rare i only upvote here if something makes me laugh is well thought out or presented thoughtfully or if ive seen someone downvoted unjustly some of you guys have had some real haters that ive had to compensate for a lot,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 sure yet another smartphone app ive seen a lot bigger positive potential than that global and even postearth stuff theres so much to be hopeful about what gets me down is it seems like the people willing to see a bright future are a tiny minority,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i think past experiences factoids a general interest in history and also the ways that we experience memory and assign meaning to experiences theres a certain shared way of encapsulating these memories i think an integrated vibe of a memory which is somewhat like a watercolor painting with the colors sort of blending together and washing over each other i could easily describe how a vacation tasted and you would probably know what i meant on a visceral level that would be missed by non cogfuncmention users im conjecturing here but theres a sort of vague watercolor impression im trying to convey when we talk there is a very strong two way body language and facial expression conversation running through it all i can get halfway through a sentence see an typemention eyetwitch or wry smile and know that i dont have to finish what im saying eh what the hell im bored at work spending time with typementions is like walking through a mist shrouded forest the air smells earthy and rich as you walk and the wind shifts the fog different objects suddenly appear and disappear gain or lose focus that shared cogfuncmention you never know when a storm might kick up or a bear might try to rip your face off that cogfuncmention but you generally feel very safe and comfortable haha this is why i call you forest nymphs in my head i have only met one typemention in person and she seems super cool i have also met one in a skype call who i hope to meet in person soonish were trying to get an typementiontypemention meetup together for funsies anyways we seem to connect on the cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention which is sort of like walking through a pillow factory together you both need to keep the cogfuncmention machines cranking out pillows but you need to be careful not to touch the wrong gear or you might lose a limb the one i hung out with in person i think my cogfuncmention drove her up the wall i am a very animated and direct person and i do not hesitate to say when i disagree with something so yes i think the cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention together create that homey feel whereas with the brief interactions i have had with typementions they feel like very different but lovely creatures to me,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 of course the typemention has favorite things and the second one is cogfuncmention strange hahahaha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 a typo implies they know the correct way to spell it but accidentally hit the wrong key if someone incorrectly spells a word the same way multiple times its likely not accidental and therefore not really a typo anymore,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 victarias eyes flitted between zhoe and eustace then back to eon she was reluctant to leave the two alone lord hunter may be pleased insofar but i best hope she doesnt ruin everything with me not here she composed herself and smiled of course i would be thrilled to learn about the home of who may perhaps become my goodsonand so victaria departed with the two leaving zhoe alone with eustace zhoe was at a loss for words and so she simply did nothing most people might peer around a room during an awkward silence but doing so served no purpose for her and so she simply cleared her throat and continued to drink her wine staring directly at ser eustace,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 a question how does a person move from a 1985 type physique into the 1995 mass monster type physiquethe 1985 one is achievable via a long time of solid training good diet and aas use which is what a lot of ig famous bodybuilders look like right now but what do top level ifbb pros dotake that takes them to that next level in terms of size,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 transforms into energy and the stake passes through without harming meenergy vampire duhthat couldve killed me how rude,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 thank you so much for this excellent post youve clarified so much and have given me some great tools and perspective that i can use when conflict arises with my typemention loved ones i have such a huge place in my heart for them which is why it feels horrible when we have such negative interactions sometimes when it feels like my natural inclinations to fix things make it worse its posts like these which give me the tools needed to refine my approach i dont have gold to give but know that you deserve it if we ever do have more posts about typementiontypemention relationships i hope you continue to chime in with your insight i appreciate your thoughtful and experienced point of view,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 eh its fine i barely interact with my siblings anyway,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 well first off i never subscribed to that particular theory i had seen some videos about it but wasnt that interested except for the social security death index part that part only interested me because it had links to documents and legislation that appeared to be officialso it would appear on cursory examination i like many others was fooled by either someone who intentionally mislead us or was mistakenalso i said there was weird things around that whole story i still stand by that statement they may in fact be nothing more than misunderstandings or normal anomalies but they are nevertheless there,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 ive never seen this before now ethan is probably a t type doesnt seem like typemention to me hila is so introverted it hurts lol,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 stop moving then or use a buyscript,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yeah i dont think these sound like dookie definitely sound like rancid though,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 id recommend vba to create a tiny userform with a dropdown combo box that allows for editing then some code to add all unique entries for that specific column of data in this way when a user gets to that column the userform pops up automatically and they can type as normal to insert data this would enable autocompletion for all data in that column while allowing for new entries to be made,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i dont get wet until sex is already happening for a little bit totally normal whether im on hormones or not my bf makes it wet either with spitlubeoralwhatever not a big deal for us,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 when was the last election that has been so antiestablishment so anti status quo we keep hearing that there is a lot of anger among voters and part of the success of trump and sanders is because of that the party picking their own pony after such lenghly process which generated so much attention got so many people involved had people who usually never vote casting a ballot is going to generate a few reactions on the other hand if they choose trump they might be some pretty strong protests from the left anyway,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i bet there is some attraction from her side since you probably present an interesting problem for her to figure out typemention can like a bit of a mystery to keep things interesting we can also respect intelligence humor and someone who has social ease however it also sounded like shes surprised when you act nice which isnt a good sign the relationship you described as it stands seems full of misunderstandings and crossed communications she probably has no idea what you actually think about her in fact from some of the stuff you mentioned her idea of you and the group youre in might be very different than your own reality and what you think if shes used to being on the defensive shes probably not going to be open to just accepting a date invitation we try to reduce the chance of failure and being hurt as low as possible before deciding to move things forward from the sound of it stability doesnt describe your current situation together especially if you even call yourself a riskif you want to ask her out go ahead just be prepared to be turned down again if you actually want to be with her youre going to have to spend more time together so she can get a better idea of who you are right now i think there is too much uncertainty for there to be a good chance at dating right away but i think shed be open to getting to know you better in school situations where its a safe common ground also typemention can like verbal confirmation of how people feel and think about us make sure she knows where youre coming from so you dont give her the chance to put her own spin on it and draw her own conclusions,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 well either see her soon in a flashback so about chapter 92 or isayama will wait until just before the end and use her in the final showdown which would make it chapter 106107108,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i do that so frequently its like the socially awkward penguin has been spying on me gtgt,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 about cz im always super afraid that wearing cz comes across as trying to pass them off as diamonds but clearly theyre fake i wouldnt want that to me it feels the same as wearing fake designer handbags which you wear to show off the brand and in that case wearing a fake is just ridiculous,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 not sure why you felt the need to comment on the apostrophe obviously this is correct usage and easy enough to look up but i dont see anyone complaining,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its a doctrine of christianity that humans have free will but a sophisticated understanding of the subject matter you have there,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i have a feeling this is fake,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 are you sure youre not bipolar this sounds more like bipolar i than schizotypal personality disorders dont generally lead to psychosismania,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 well you said that paradis people the eldians never went to war which they did it might not be the eldians we know today but whilst the first king pussied out the eldians were the oppressing race,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 not their problem not gonna happen in their lifetime what do they care,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 cinn gave the chancellor a nod and returned his pod to the sidelines,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 oh god dude i feel the same way about a girl right now i hope it works for you for you but a little for me as well,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 official mbti statistics the same ones used to claim typemention are magical unicorns or whateverwhat surprised me is that its not typemention males that are rarer than expected but rather typemention females it would make sense for the disparity to be due to typemention males mistyping as typemention but that doesnt seem to match the dataedit updated op with official data source,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 where do you live that excludes the theory of evolution from biology class,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 dont feel bad about that the posts that doctormolotov makes are about the most advanced that ive ever seen but he explains these super complex ideas as clear as possible its just that you have to study your ass off to get to that level of understanding ive read just about every article on socionics that is translated in english and it really wasnt enough but once i started to get it it really makes sense the problem is is that there is very little accessible information on the newer models of socionics like model g and b which do a great deal to correct some of the problems of model a anyway if there is something that you dont get feel free to ask questions explaining things is actually how i come to understand things which is why i post at all typemention invents rain collector typemention punches rain typemention smokes weed in the rain typemention thinks deeply while in the rain typemention so deep in thought plotting world domination doesnt notice rain oh that is great but you should probably clarify if this is before or after the zombie apocalypse ive seriously thought about posting some her articles just for the bloodbath this sounds good ive thought about doing something similar once i realized how wrong the forum explanations of the inferior actually are quenks was one of the first books that read once i really got serious about the study and i recently reviewed it thinking that i would poke a bunch of holes in it now that i know about more advanced models it actually holds up really well as i currently interpret her work she is describing a general process or series of events once the inferior is constellated and not attributing all of the things that she describes to the inferior function attitude this leaves room for attributing these things more precisely to the polr the daemonic the opposing personality etc she doesnt say this is inferior cogfuncmention but rather this is what happens when you are under the influence of this common phenomenon it isnt precise as more modern writings but it is rare that you can find a work that chronicles the experiences of each type in their own experience for example you can read for days about inferior cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention for better or worse but you have very little information on inferior cogfuncmention or cogfuncmention now the early jungians often spoke of the inferior function as the function as a whole while they did state that it would be of the opposite attitude of the dominant in character they didnt always distinguish the attitudes when speaking of it more generally many of the things attributed to inferior cogfuncmention are actually cogfuncmention in the role or daemonic capacity the drinkingdrugsbinging are mostly cogfuncmention stuff except for in the context of losing sight of the cogfuncmention consequences and succumbing to cogfuncmention impulses von franz does sayi wouldnt call this bingeing really just a disconnect from external reality and bodily sensations the inferior is often characterized as a black and white function but i dont think so at least not the inferior function attitude it isnt capable of even eitheror it operates on the level of personal experience the role on the other hand as is the tertiary is entirely black and white as a 2d function the black and white aspects of inferior cogfuncmention are really cogfuncmention if you read nietzsches autobiography ecce homo you can see this it is like an ode to his cogfuncmention he talks about his relation to his environment to nutrition his health his blood about alcohol smoking climate cleanliness clear air but he starts off talking about his being a decadent and a beginning this speaks to the daemonic quality of cogfuncmention for me which i dont think coincidentally was written in the months before he went insane anyway he has very strong black and white usually negating opinions on cogfuncmention but cogfuncmention things like dancing sex hiking he seems to embrace or at least long for,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 no video of the shot,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 apparently everything his knee was obviously down before ball started coming out when even dan fouts says its a bad call against the bengals you know its pretty obvious and he said that about at least 5 different calls today,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 statistically they have a higher chance of surviving,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i like calling over texting texts i can easily miss and forget to respond to plus typing it out means you have to stop everything you are doing,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 id be fine with just some legendary shaders,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 seriously i was at full charge at 7am this morning and im currently below 40 with very light use todayandroid system has used a whopping 23 so far,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 dont like seinfeld what yeah heres the episode,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 dang i havent heard this one since it came out i wish she would have put out more songs,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 i have asked her on a date p and she said she would if she didnt have a boyfriend kinda funny we used to have a thingish and we were split for while and now shes back im super excited i think though that she and her boyfriend arent doing too well hes having serious drug abusemental health things and idk she either cant cope well or shes growing a little tired of him im not sure because she hit me up out of nowhere while going out with him its a little weird right now x still though its not like shes awful or hes awful etc its just odd but hey if it was going perfectly then i wouldnt be able to figure it out so i like it as a treat maybe if i end up being tossed out like a mosh pit so be it if we end up together great rather have it be right than to have all i want,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 your comment assumes we are changing the environment but if you go by the news media climate scientists are only changing the climate data so no they wouldnt,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 are we talking ethics or game theory here,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 think about it this way would you actually want to receive random crap from this woman then youd have to deal with the whole issue of appropriate displays of gratitude not to mention probably disposing of said crap,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 very very rarely like every few years maybe i tend to be much more focused on the future when i consider the past which is often its more geared towards understanding how i got here and why or just considering new ways to look at such i dont really change variables around i just run them through different filters,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i only know this cause i had get mine repaired after 8 years after an elbow incident,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 everything below concert pianist ill admit a concert pianist is probably impossible without formal instruction,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 you know i heard they were going to live forever leroy looks well,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 long noseacneshortlove handlesnerdbeing stupid being athletictryingnot tryingbeing differentbeing the same,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 i thought op said they were high somewhere in the comments but it may have been someone else,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 id have to say that youll probably want to add in an extra column that denotes which row of data is for which group then we can have code that goes through and checks each row for a certain value and makes those rows visible,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 hah im terribly absentmindedi partially use schedules and organize around this lots of little alarms on my phone,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 probably me and cut it and deliver it too fml,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 thats what throwaway accounts are for,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 love it and love the high frame rate though ive never seen 50fps on yt beforeits a shame its all compressed to hell,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 thanks a lot empathy you dick,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 conflick seekers you i like cats they are clean polite low maintenance and caringconflict seeker i hate those ungrateful furballsyou red is my favorite colorconflict seeker i hate red,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 you could post it on youtube as well if it has less than 30 seconds i guess they shouldnt take it down,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 well lack of empathy or not i still dont want people to suffer everybody deserves a shot at happiness its just a little disconcerting that the outcome is lower than i expected,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 im a visual thinker but all those abstract ideas and relationships are language thats where their meaning comes from,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 whoa that is muddled your sex drive is only controlling if you are comparing it against some preconceived notion of what it should be if you remove any value judgement of your sex drive it becomes a given and it can be higher than that of others but that just means that is the sexdrive that fits youwhatever trouble you have with people politics or the human condition in general is completely separate from your sexdrive it seems like that inner voice telling you that you are without worth is linking a lot of stuff together that is completely separate in actualityyou are not desensitized if anything you are very sensitive to the chasm between your ideal world and the abysmal state it is really inyour need for greater experiences is your soul crying out you are succumbing to the weight of the world greater experiences have a chance to outweigh the despair you are in and are thus live reaffirmingyour selfdestructive lowering of your own value is unfortunate you see what is wrong with the world and you have a desire to fix it as an individual though your power is extremely limited you seem to translate that into being of low worth instead of accepting that your options to sway 75 billion people to your viewpoint are by nature limited which might tie back into your own disdain for your sexdrive you equate your sexual needs with a waste of time because you feel guilty that you are ineffective to change the virtually unchangeablei dont think you hate competition what we see today is not competition competition is trying to deliver the best of class what is currently happening is blind cutthroat greed making the most profitable decisions regardless of impact on others i see it as clawing over the corpses of your peers to reach the top of the monkey hillengineering consent only succeeds in very small groups people are like cats you cant herd 75 billion cats into utopia trying to do that as an individual will burn your candle at both ends accept that you are limited you are only human you have no viable means to bring about world peacei can only advise you to absolve yourself from the burden of trying to save the world wholesale you are not atlas you dont have to keep the world on your shoulders im not saying you should stop caring please stay engaged set your goals to a more realistic level affecting change locally is easier than tackling the whole world if everybody would try to make the world a little better locally we would see a massive change globally,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 its how europeans eat this,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 but my turning down the master track volume im not making the big pipe smaller im making the big pipe bigger which will still solve the problem,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i wouldve thought that it was most of the blairite labour members digging their heels in and resisting against corbyn against the electorates wishes so the party is in deadlock at the moment so once corbyn sorts this out and gets unity in his top team theyll be free to cater to their elecorate and really capitalise on this situation the tories arent springing back anytime soon,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 so how did it sound,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 because its a simple order and its actually a good tea unlike some of our other fruity herbal crap i love it when i have a sore throat,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 no he lives in the present not the past cant remember the last time i used cash to pay for something in fact apple pay is what i use all the time even a regular plastic card is practically ancient to me,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 same with rolling a healer in assault youre going to be focused hard just try to stay safe and pump out those heals and dont lose your shit when the entire enemy team dumps their ults on you at once,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 there were christian songs specifically about refusing to deny him and being shot after the columbine shootings,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 best one so far imo,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i only have a total of 4gb of storage on my phone itself 23 gb of which is filled with software thats neccesary for it to work like android itself i do have an sdcard in it but most apps do need some of there data on the internal storage anyway i havent downloaded more than 15 apps from the playstore but i still have to remove an old photo everytime i want to make a new one,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 not apps but post its work for me the best when i have an app my brain instantly goes oh yeah you know that thing that your coworkers were talking about google it google it right now which leads to hours of procrastinationnow post its are great write small goals down never go big on post its such as write one paragraph for x paper due at mmddyy by 2 pm etc etc and stick it up at your eye level in your work area when youre done take note off crumple it and throw it away best feeling ever,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 all women are turned off by very small ones,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 this article says they did so in the 60s and pakistanis kept contributing in other ways i dont know how it is today,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yup watch other vids and i think youll see it too,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 just a thought that might not even be technologically possible what about making the ears eink theyd still be able to display icons time etc but not make the damn notch stick out and still be screen for the size queens,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 thats cool not something i ever considered but i love stuff like that and grew up outside catching anything and everything mostly liked snakes and frogs better but ive rekindled my love for the creepy crawlies lately,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 we love that scott is going back to the belly putter,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah like the writing from the voynich manuscript,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it seems as if im becoming something like button bill was nowadays,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 maybe not haha i havent known enough to really say i see a lot of shit on here where people are asking for advice on how to calm down and not talk so much,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yes in fact the very first row,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 fyi drunk typemention are known to act like typemention,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 it has an important impact on the public and the issues being debated in society in general so it matters to such an extent,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 there are techniques to easily break handcuffs ones commonly used in the states just gotta form a nice lever andor work the metalsides theyre really trivial to pick and i carry a handcuff key on me at all timesso yeah im gettting out of em,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 have you heard of integration to 8 and what truly makes an enneagram type is a basic fear and a coping mechanism as 6 and 7 5s fear being insecure they want to create some sort of strategy for life and be prepared for anything and cope against it by turning their thinking inwards all this thing that theyre withdrawn and all that are more consequences and could be present or not plus that you dont even know me in real life what the heck how do you know what my aura is irl 5s withdraw and reflect to defend themselves from danger but here in the internet there is no danger that is why my first instinct is to engage very easy to integrate to 8,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 she says it the teacher is like okay we need a new decathlon leader michelle is the new leader and then she says oh my friends just call me mj,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i do want to ask you about it this will obviously mean one will play the role of bad news doctor but does this mean one ought go to depth of tiniest decisions made in his day not necessarily to berate but to understand,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 very similar to the juventus one but kakã takes it to a whole different level with his directness,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 you can insert this code into your worksheet like so,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 thing is we could use brain scans to predict anything that is associated with the person like for example income marriage or health its just learning correlations between input data and target data as long as there is a correlation in there it can be learned by deep neural networks so it could be useful for a variety of predictions,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 in order to match the pain response of the right foot with the left one my left side is always the one that gets messed up i needed to drop the bottle about six inches higher the threshold for there being pain was less as at a certain height dropping it on my left didnt hurt but dropping it on my right didalso hey what nt doesnt experiment when faced with something unknown the night before i had noticed while walking by a sign that something that was normally blue looked black at a certain distance so i spent a few hours that night testing various objects at various distances to compare my perceptive abilities with different colors i found that my perception of certain colors changed based on distance but i couldnt find enough consistency to draw a clear conclusion so i just marked it as neat,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 kill an important nazi and your hometown is erased from the map,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i thought this was a knowledge bomb from my good friend kenneth m at first,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 everyones favorite mod on duty,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 toyota would always be making mistakes and apologizingaudi would be a snobidk about the rest jeep is totally america if you understand logic xd,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 bro they lowkey grow a ton of weed,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 why is everyone so bent on being spiteful and hurtful towards each other im sitting here wishing things like i wish everyone had healthcare so that people who get cancer dont have to be financially ruined just to live when did the american motto become ive got mineand by the way fuck the rest of you,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 thats one thing i miss about my native colorado the denver and state ethics codes include prohibitions against actual conflict of interestwrongdoing and also prohibiting even the appearance of conflict of interestthis behavior would definitely spur and ethics investigation under that codewhether the actual law is in effect now or not,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 yeah emotions are actually pretty exhausting ime whether positive or negative too much can wear you down this is why so many typemention go into isolation after dealing with a lot of people after constantly managing a fluctuating emotional environment the quiet and calm of being by yourself is like a vacation it can be worse with people you care about the most because youre so close and invested that its hard to separate your more rational selfit ends up manifesting in two ways for me theres the affective empathy aspect where im passively responding to their shifting moods but in a very real way that can manifests by subconsciously mirroring their feelings and experiencing them myself or stuff like sympathy pain matching their tone etc theres also a cognitive empathy angle where im consciously trying to understand where theyre coming from and their pov the mental aspect of deconstructing the situation figuring out whats going on in their head cutting them off at the pass when it comes to certain topics or mood escalation trying to determine what they need and providing it etc takes a lot of processing power when its over its normal to feel completely spent as someone whos had to do this a lot and is used to it i can still find it exhausting if wading into other peoples emotional mess is something you dont do often or if it doesnt come completely naturally what youre feeling is completely normal this is why many of my best friends have been typemention its relaxing to be around someone who isnt leaking feelings,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 this is my main question as well i actually want to get into shooting as a sport in my very antigun country so i get the attraction to guns but i honestly dont understand why youd feel the need to actually carry one is it to look cool and making a statement about gun ownership cause thats just lame,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i used a physical analogue but i dont think this is how i experience cogfuncmention to my thinking it more constructs hypotheses if youre dealing with a physical topic of interest like the molecular models in the example then im actively building hypothetical structures which could fit but the analogy is true for completing any pattern if its not a concrete pattern im looking for i dont usually visualize the objects im building but its an actively engaged intentional process for the most part if a b c then xyz we are talking now in another thread about how going with your gut is kind of a foreign cogfuncmention sort of concept my brain does shit out answers and make intuitive leaps but for the most part its asynch processing with cross linked promises and im watching it happen as it happens if that makes sense when my subconscious says the answer is blah blah if i dont know exactly how blah blah works and how it fits into the broader context i dont trust blah blah you can observe people doing it here as they write well start with an intuitive hunch like the op of this thread then build the rest around it as we go if you replace the word seen with considered then i agree what is the process for determining whether or not its useful i have noticed that the cogfuncmention users ive known seem to have a hard time explaining why something should work unless they have past precedent to go on without that its usually dogged insistence that it will work,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 obviously the problem is not enough guns,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 the game only works because its presented on a 2d screen the game takes an image and regenerates hallways based on one image it would be a jarring cut in at least one eye if it was in vr,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 he was comparing someone who did horrible things and lost to someone who did horrible things and won,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 for capitalism read capitalism and freedom by milton friedman and economics in one lesson by henry hazlitt the socialists here probably have better suggestions about socialism than i do so im going to leave that to them,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 450 movement speed is immobile,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 much the same way people reacted when they took nnamdi asomuaga sp late in the first it was considered a 2 round reach but it worked out pretty well,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 here we go againplaying on an alt with friends is better than playing on say lem or le with friends also most alts are the same rank since they are not smurfs they are simply accounts you dont care about when you derank with them,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 no that is something people who know what they are talking about are telling you,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 and then you have players like me who only look at the screenshots knows these physics games are fun and buys them without even watching the trailer first,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 when i was listening to this i was like gee that dudes got the exact same voice as jeremy clarkson must be from the same place then bam young jeremy clarksoni should crosspost this to relectroniccigarette that rockets chuckin clouds for days vapor so large and dense it rains,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the dvd screener i saw was 1080 if you cant tell the difference between the two movies wtf does it matterdoes op know or care if hes asking this kind of question i doubt he doesi never refered to the particular file hes talking about in fact i flat out said i didnt care about the particular file,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 which is backed up by the petrodollar us government can print money but the value of the usd will be disproportionately unaffected because global demand for the usd is so huge for instance if the uk has â 100 and prints â 10 the currency will devalue by 10 but if the usa has 100 and prints 10 the currency will devalue by 1 because the rest of the world needs to hold usd in their foreign reserves so they can buy oil on the global market place which can only be boughtsold using usd or alter their own domestic currency by buyingselling usdthats because only the uk government and uk people use pounds whilst in the usas case the rest of the world needs to hold dollarsobviously the example above oversimplifies things a bit but essentially the usa can export inflation and make the rest of the world pay for their debts simply because they issue the usd the worlds reserve currency,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 larry youre a loose cannon i want your titan and your badge on my desk now titan breaks desk youre suspended get out,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i love face to face pen and paper tabletop rpgs like dungeons and dragons and always play bawdy chaotic neutral fighterbarbarian characters i am so super extroverted when i play these characters its like im channeling a different person i enjoy rpging so much im reading everything i can about being a great dungeon master so i can build up the confidence to run my own games,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 thats how i felt when bill burr showed up in breaking bad to help walt steal some meth ingredients from the train that one time,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i get it at over 300k on my other account as far as i can tell it never goes away,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 re your dont i have found the opposite having all that information at my disposal has been invaluable i think its a matter of blocking out all the sob stories and focusing on the end game which means all the objective information that can help though definitely dont dedicate your day to them,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 im more talking about the obsessiveness going through each option almost compulsively like the result is organized but the actual goal isnt organization so much as comprehensiveness,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 4th place would have still got a spot in the cl even if everton won the europa league,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 hah im working on it did you know there is a whole field of people responsible for documenting software and that the vast majority of them are fucking terrible at their jobs,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i addition to the other responses youre also contractually obligated to uphold your end of the deal to hold the prisoners so youd be penalized accordinglyalso there may be some conflict of interest clause in your contract so that you cant hold your friends or family or something to that nature so the issue would be avoided,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 came here to link this video but youve beaten me to it by an entire month im surprised to find so few upvotes this is gold,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 they should use this in place of water boarding,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 its not unhealthy whats more healthy than a simulator trying to simulate something as complicated or more complicated than itself sthats really cool i want to know more about your friend i wonder what my typemention friend would get,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 his energy initiatives in california are exactly why i put him on there as secretary of energy as much as you are correct about trumps climate change denial i think he can identify someone who knows what theyre doing when he sees them,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i run game servers on these types of boxes end users can set up their virtual servers just one or two clients is enough to pay for that server for the whole month let alone having the capability to host multiple servers all at once,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 ill soon be a card carrying member of that group i just started a little over a month ago and the fact that i dont play every day is the only thing keeping me in denial that i can control this new addiction haha my typemention friend is hooked and is buying us a house once one opens up in a neighborhood she likes luckily i can justify it as socializing because were on party chat the entire time the only problem is were two time zones a part so its starting to mess with my sleep schedule,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i had 2 people tip me with a bag of coins the other night both apologized for only having coins but both bags had 5 1 was all quarters 1 was all dimes so i was happy im sure the closing manager wasnt too happy to count extra change when i swapped them for cash in his till but hey the tills always need coins i also really liked that both people had them in bags rather than trying to hand me a bunch of coins,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 ok its been a month now what,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 shut up all of you,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 so what happens now is you get into your car get yourself to whereever your parents are living park the car go to the house tell your kid to get into the car right now get back in the car and drive away your parents just lost the right to ever see your kid again while hes still underaged,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thats what i was thinking kinda silly that they just always start holding each others arms just like so,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 california seems to have that market on lockdown haha,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 i dont think anyone is ever a must play fresh off a mcbut i like him a lot hes in my cash line at the moment,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 whenwhere i feel like i actually got pretty excellent sex education here in illinois northwest suburb of chicago starting in fourth grade 1997 going through eighth grade 2002 and even touching on it in high school i learned plenty about contraception and stds anatomy etcedit saw that you already replied to someone else saying far north suburbs but i feel like when might make a difference,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 people who appear to lack empathy scare the shit out of me,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 ya there is a huge skype community for mbti,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 csgo rocket league duck game gmod minecraft terraria runescape kerbal space program ftl faster than light civ 5,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i dont know what i just watched and i fear it may be genius,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thats good to hear people here think im typemention kek,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 considering the tropical locations that would interest me the wildlife would probably kill me before the bacteria even had a chance id go around collecting living samples of nowextinct animals and bring them back for breeding ill probably be speared to death by a tribe of homo floresiensis while trying to steal a stegodon florensis insularis for my pygmy elephant breeding program it would be worth it,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 sometimes i wonder why the hell 16p always gives me 100 on p considering im like the most typementionish typemention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 good luck then id love to see your 33,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 its a smart choice tho because you will have a much easier time getting initial clients,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 hey that sounds almost like men are irrational and women rational when it comes to couple relations rational so to maximize long term benefits instead of short term gratification,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 the problem is that you need to get the signatures into the systemi guess paid cheats have a higher priority than free cheats and they also have to obtain the signature first,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 typemention and i back up my irrational claim with alice from alice in wonderland,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 you can also know you are right or wrong because youll hear a generic this evidence contradicts the testimony or something like that,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 poulter could be a sneaky play most people will be drawn to jb at that price range if your strategy in cash is to play the chalk though you have to go jb i personally would go haas if i was trying to be differenti like palmer but man im really liking the local boy kirk you dont have to spend all your roster but ive been looking at him pretty hard,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 as stated netflix stars are netflixs prediction on how much they think you will like it based on your watching habits and to a small extent your ratings theyre different for every person,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 probably means that if you dig deep enough you scrape up some yeasty cheese excuse me while i find some pictures of puppies etc,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so i spent today at work talking dk baseball with someone we decided the reds were definitely the stack tonight and during break i tossed together a reds stack based on what we were spitballingafter work i proceed to drive home in cincinnatiin the raindidnt think twice to adjust my lineup or anything yeah needless to say i lost tonight,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 zara finally opened here i have shopped there all over europe but im still pleasantly surprised about what we got there was one zara an hour away which i visited ten years ago and it was shockingly expensive it seemed they just did a direct conversion to us dollars the one here has prices just a step above hampm i only hit one side of the store because i already had too much to try on but i ended up with lots of cool stuff when i was walking out i looked at the other side and had to exercise a lot of self control i am so happy my style is finally represented in a physical store the only downside is the rest of my wardrobe feels like im settling,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 mirroring her sister violet extended her hands readying herself to lift coraugengisan,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i dont suppose youre a pretty girl trying to throw us off the scent with your username,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 about the same amount of time it takes to make a cup of tea,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 well statistically girls are f and men are t its just a fact doesnt meant all are but more often than not its the case,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i have never played but i can name all the world championship winners and the year they won thanks to musical theatre,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 if you plan on cooking any type of asian food at home rice wine is essential pick some up if you ever find yourself at an oriental market get some sesame oil while youre at it that shits the best,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i wrong do people think that liverpool didnt get lucky against southampton generally curious because it seems like i watched a different game to everyone else from the comments ive seen,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 mmogs have a high turnover rate for every 1 of us whos been there from the beginning there are 10000 players who have only played for a few weeks or months,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i am not saying you are whining it is a common thought and it is understandable that you are mad i am just pointing out that many cheaters in mm arent actually cheaters only better or more experiencedlike i said id like to know which ac from which game works that way because realistically you cant know beforehand if a person is going to cheat in that game the person must have played a game beforehand and the system has to convict him to not let him playif the system cant label the player as guilty you wont be able to ban him just because x persons reported him,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 its not illegal to ask someones name where im from but recording someone in combination with adding identifiablecharacteristics such as a name or a adress to the recording without permission is its a privacy law and im really glad it excists,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 oh god i was so addicted to that my laptops hard drive failed and it freed me,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 no no regrets i was a weirdo before mbti and im a weirdo after i just know a little more about about part of the why now,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 all i want to know is could this be used to make eye glasses,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dont understand the claim that typemention are too logical they usually seem pretty irrational for thinkers honestly they almost universally have at least one issue that they are married to an extreme position on well beyond the point of reason i think people wildly confuse being an asshole with being logical when it comes to typemention,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 thats a really weird and cursory analysis of complex historical events ive never heard marxists elevate reason i can see them claiming it as an artefact of the bourgeoisie theyre all about their proletariat raptureevents and in the meantime giving everything to the state who will of course happily give it up as soon as the poor plebs achieve class consciousness and realise socialism is whats good for them the french revolution nominally elevated three values as its ethos â albeit values that are not only wholly negative but incompatible with each other when taken as a whole plus its an argument purely from consequences and whats more a moral evaluation of said consequences congrats youre a feeler,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 my mom told me about the lack of pizza i was in shock she said she refused to eat it for a long time because it looked disgusting and it wasnt really around when she was a kid,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 well now youre an nt asshole again im a selfie addict typemention jajaja,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i dont see a number of people who vote in theory that 61 could be like 20 people in all of mississippi so a lot of people could still not care lol,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 raresh1 youre winner reply to this comment so i know you are ready and once i get confirmation of that i will send the key to space hack,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 no thatd half the fun,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 turning the other check is a biblical reference about pacifism if they slap one of your cheeks offer them the otheri think he meant look the other way unless hes wants to get busted for possession again,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 that poor car is probably thinking to itself kill me kill me now,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 typementionmaybe id save the five but i would prefer to mind my own business the polish have a saying not my circus not my monkeys and i think that applies here i respect the guy that is also just walking along minding his own business even though he is on a train track the five on the other hand if a train can hit all five at once it was probably meant to be if it wasnt this train it would be the next hanging in groups that are so blatantly oblivious to risky behavior are going to have a bad time sooner or later as we all know from final destination death will catch up to them no matter what,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 devilsadvocate im sure he was also an acid rain denier a global ice age denier etc etcif we cant accurately model the weather 2 weeks from now why even bother with yet another government scare tactic al gore was certain the coasts would be flooded by now,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this is a great retort also to his last point of tyrannies arent bad if ask him what prevents the tyrants from becoming corrupt specifically bring up real world examples like the us say that government always grows like cancer,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 just because you are better than 66 at least in the amount of players doesnt mean you are good have you ever watched the demos of those cheaters i guess not you got wrecked and since you belong to the top 34 of cs players lel they surely are cheatingit couldnt be people who have the same points value as a le before the inflation and stopped playing when it began to inflate and are now mg2 after they played again,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 those lists were amazing the first 20 have most occurring daily a good reminder for cf folks the 2nd list feeds into my theory that everyone should have to take basic behavior management before becoming a parent literally one of the most important things in society and no class for it,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 workbooks can be referenced in the same fashion workbooksworksheetnamexlsm workbooks1 depends on the order you opened them in though so the filename may be more reliableand to tie everything together workbooksworksheetnamexlsmworksheetssheetnamecellsrowcolumnvalue workbooksworksheetnamexlsmworksheetssheetnamerangea1value workbooks1worksheets1cellsrowcolumnvalue workbooks1worksheets1rangea1valuenote you can mix and match these formats however you prefer workbooksworksheetnamexlsmworksheets1cellsrowcolumnvalue,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 im thinking about getting back into weightlifting to prepare for rtc and to lose weight hypothetically speaking could i do a full body workoutlegsshouldersabsarmsbackchest twice a week and get the same results as someone who is doing all of those but on separate days,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 haha very asian heavy choi is a cash game play i think hell make the cut consistently but not much else how about finau in that price range i love mahan personally but again more of a cash play so go moore there,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 well the human body wasnt designed to lose a dick evolution doesnt give a fuck about the dedicked,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 holy darn man im not sure well theres a few things i want to do and im sure that one wont happen and oh i dont know to spill i am kind of having a thing with a girl i used to have a thing with and truth is shes awesome at the same time i was at school but left because holy fuck the money i was spending that i didnt freakin have but i want to go to school i really really want to learn chinese and while selfteaching is good i wont really be able to apply it unless i go to china although just knowing the language is amazing to me too anyway ive been thinking of going to school in china because school there is ridiculously cheap i saw an international school get this 5000 a year 20k over 4 years um yea dude i was paying 10k out of pocket only 14 of my tuition here in america and with the whole learning chinesebeing in their culture thing fuck yea but like i said that girl ive got this feeling that its gonna be real to be honest she was the only one i made a kind of private declaration to marry i really like her and im afraid it wont work out especially if i am to go to school far away distance heard its a relationship killer then again heard that things like not liking the same food can be a relationship killer so maybe the true killer is just not liking each other hell i know id do distance and suffer the longing if it means to see her again tbh weve already kind of done that weve split but somehow find ourselves talking to each other i wrote her letters she hit me up out of nowhere to hang out again somethings up ya know so thats my concerns whether or not a girl likes me enough to want to stay around for as long as she can and whether or not i can pull off going to school again i really wanna do it the concern comes in when i understand failure as a possibility sooooooo i just delete that part that way if i fail it will not be failure but instead another sign pointing to where i am to be,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 just note to yourself when someone misses out on one minion and how its going to really cost him and you have 60 of his explanation of strategies,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 huh thats still higher up that list than expected,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 of course you couldnt buy an invite with a diamond the size of a testicle i got my hands on a couple,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 he is so lucky that g2 didnt kick him,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 without drastic measures politically or whatever that is what a cf community provides help people think twice about having kids and offer resources for sterilization if they wish it so we do something good here p,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 life is the crummiest book ive ever read there isnt a hook just a lot of cheap shots pictures to shock and characters an amateur could never dream up brett gurewitz,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 a few things going on one i have schizoaffective disorder and in delusions i think things that are completely untrue various symptoms over the years have influenced the development of personality second is a complete denial of how my life has been going because it isnt who i want to be third is a point in my life where im trying to establish a grounding of who i really am and testing theories to see what fits outside of the confusion withtypemention and typemention my identification of functions has been the same internally i dont want to admit my difficulties socially and especially with social anxiety because i want to think ive improved from the recluse who once spent an entire month without speaking in my own standards i am an extrovert because im not a completely reclusive but in reality that doesnt match up with my behavior patternsit is important to me as im working on insight to be able to recognize when i am getting ill easier it is something to keep me more healthy and being ill alters my behavior so if i know who i am i can look for warning signs finding that baseline however is difficultso no i am not fucking with anybody i just happen to be in the middle of self discovery and trying to figure out what is true and what is just denial,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 fuck you just described my brother its so sad to lose someone to this,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 i think thats from one of my res settings not from the css,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i wholeheartedly agreedvd who uses physical formats anymore i own a bluray player and i havent used it for so long its covered in dust i dont even keep it plugged in or connected to the receiver why buy a physical disk when i can get the digital version with less compression better picturesound all the same bonus features at a lower price and often a few weeks before the physical copies hit store shelves,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 its a cool community but damn they are into the pretty colourful bujo trend which can become slightly creepy and obsessive from the perspective of someone who just uses bujo as a productivity tool and doesnt give a shit about how the bujo looks as long as the thing does its job properly,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 my question is as such why play the psychometric angle that to me is a poor argument for mbti big 5 in particular has plenty of subscales that measure different traits and isnt just the five main scales for example look at this chart and notice how the five factor model can offer predictions on personality disorders mbti only has four scales compared to the five factor models thirty to compare them is a joke sure you could say that there is some correlation between the five dimentions and the four dichotomies but much of it is weak and doesnt take into consideration the subscalesfurthermore it fails to predict disordered individuals other personality exams including the minnesota multiphasic personality inventory and millon clinical multiaxial inventory not only detect personality traits but also disordered personalities and clinical problems as wellit is nowhere near on par with the five factor model and to pretend so is to lack knowledge about such a model it even lacks a validity scalembti would never predict my borderline personality disorder but most other personality measurements can,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i remember using a lot of cogfuncmention actually having some values like dont hurt anybody if they didnt do anything to you bad or be kind and friendly to everyone or a goodbad people systemironically i was a very very angry kidi still use cogfuncmention from time to time and turn into an typemention but i guess thats due to my enneagram tritype 548,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 im in the dc area and cant bear to go outside in the humidity i want to move just to get into a better climate im 58 its not crazy tall but im mostly legs i have to wear tall pant sizes but my torso is actually petite rompers actually work really well for me i need to get some more,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 im not really a plant guy but i enjoy reading up about stuff like this on occasion id like to add my own favorites heredeadly nightshade also known as belladonna back in medieval times women would use drops of this plant in a tincture to make their pupils dilate i have some of the non deadly kind still poisonous all over my backyard nice little purple flowers and greenyelloworangered berriesoh sidenote one that is on the list i have a huge yew tree in my front yard something they dont mention is that you can eat the berries but you need to get rid of the seeds also theyre nearly extinct in europe because of all the longbows they made from itnext up that id add would be giant hogweed this plant if you get its sap on you it reacts with light and will cause severe burns its an invasive plant and while i havent noticed any its supposed to grow around where i amoh and the severe burns it causes yeah they last for years and will scar you up itll also make you blind if you get it in your eyesand saving the best for last found in none other but the continent that tries to kill you the most australiagympie gympie touch this plant you touch this and youre going to feel horrible pain for months on end people have gone mad and killed themselves over it theyre like a stinging nettle on steroids i guess one officer at some point used this to wipe himself in the field and shot himself afterwards it was so unbearablenot sure id call that one or hogweed poisonous in the strict sense but theyre toxic plants nonethelessoh and something i just learnt to teach myself to be strict on in the past couple of years poisons are ingested venoms are injected so when talking about spiders or snakes you wanna usually use venom and when its eating plants its poisonnot what youd use for on contact other than just toxic,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 all you can do sloppy seconds and talking to myself,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i hope cintons campaign can imagine it no election win is delivered on a silver plate,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 you cant leave me in the dark like thatwhats my tag,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i didnt shes been attached to my right wrist since birth,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 i mean not entirely but even a small gesture from my so turns my mood around very quickly having your bad feelings acknowledged by your so makes it easier to work through them alone in my experience emotional support is extremely important in relationships,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 theyre steering very far away from copyright issues it seems having ww there would just make it too super obvious i imagine,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 kids are more mature than a lot of authors give them credit for they actually can grasp pretty complex subjects if theyre explained properly using terminology and references that make sense to them and are motivated by exactly the same things as adults power love revenge fear its usually just the situations and the tools at their disposal that are different and they have a lower ability to see the context of a situation due to their frame of reference and not their intelligence,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 out of curiousity i tried mine too i dont understand what it means,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 its a different ingredient and doesnt behave the same way best to accept that and adjust expectations accordingly brown rice is great for salads its no good in a pilaf,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 crayon pops philosophy was that neighbourhood girls can become idols too turns out they became goddesses and ellin rules the world,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 i think people will switch when it becomes economically ridiculous to own your own car some of the rich will still want to drive but there will likely be certain roads where this is approved i dont think the majority will be rabid if it saves a ton of money clearly saves lives and is extremely convenient,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 if this is simply for composing an order form excel is definitely the better option you can store all the item information in a second hidden sheet for ease of use,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 walking into a house party where everyone is wearing red and forgetting you have a blue shirt onand vice versa,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 if it makes you feel better i dropped an account with 220k karma for this name,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 talisa tilted her head side to side trying to think of a good one i like hidethetreasure she started but she shook her head a moment later but thatd be no fair you know all the spots heremonstersandmaidens she offered hopefully,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 the first time i saw that posted on a youtube commentin like 2008,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 no stereotypes are generalizations that often are true they exist for a reason but are not necessarily true,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i tried psychotic episodes does that countive always wondered what psychedelics would be like with someone with a psychotic disorder but i feel like there would be too many risks,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 kiernan stared at marq incredulously not only due to pleasure but also due to the tremendous effort he was expending to ensure she was comfortable it had barely even hurt and that wasnt a coincidence how much must he be restraining himselfonly a few moments after he filled her she began rocking her hips back and forth against him rhythmically her attention turned away from her thoughts and away from the already dulling pain focusing entirely on marqonce again her cries and moans grew steadily in intensity but before she lost the capacity she managed to breath a select few words she had never said it to him before even while she believed it with all her heart but it felt right now it was more intense than ever more intense than anything she even felt for aerioni love you,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 never stops hats and the occasional octopus,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 comparison against what others have done with similar resources i think its both motivating and awful i think riding that wave is a fine line not that ive mastered it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its a bit clumsy in the wording but it means its plated with 24k gold which is 9995 gold or more whereas if it was plated with 18k it would only be 75 gold,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i dont think so thoughalfa is independent again and wester was responsible for the a4 with audi some time beforethe first german magazines say the build quality is good and the interiour is a little bit worse than audis while being better than bmwsone should not be so pessimistic,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 it is art it shall be preserved,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 lol by all means that movie really put my mind to work,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 balances it out â thats a very crude way to view the complexity of human beings his nonviolent resistance to british rule made history it does not matter one whit to history whether he was a nice person,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 an easter egg is an easter egg even when its broken,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 so i guess its no coincidence theyve returned almost exactly on their 20th anniversary,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 yeah but is the coq role what we need i personally think the arteta role is what needs replacing xhaka seems like someone who could adapt into a more physical and athletic artetaesque player,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 sold ill take her where do i pick her up in canada and when can i expect the shipment to arrive,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 so this must be the reason i get downvoted so much on reddit,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 men are as unemotional and insensitive as they appear,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 yknow i havent seen him in anything else but i think youre righteverybody else could play another character and itd be them but hes just such a distinctive character and face that id have a hard time seeing him as anybody else,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i definitely have this its probably partly why i drink too much never know when to leave the damn party,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 i can confirm this happens it happened to me,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 haha yeah also i schlepped for 40 years to bring you to the land of milk and honey but you go on without me im fiiiiine,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 what server do you play on,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 see you in rtypemention lol,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 try doxylamine for sleep its the ingredient in nyquil that helps you pass out one form of unisom is just this i got it hella cheap generic even half a pill does wonders dph does weird things to me if you take a little too much you get to a weird threshold,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 id like a balance ou rain team please pelipper damp rock ability drizzle evs 248 hp 252 def 8 spa bold nature scald hurricane roost uturnferrothorn leftovers ability iron barbs evs 252 hp 4 atk 252 spd sassy nature ivs 0 spe leech seed protect gyro ball stealth rock,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 feel free to offend he deleted his post after only 20mins,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think youre putting the emphasis on the wrong syllable its pronounced wacovia,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 yep more like improperlycleaned than wellworn,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 premiere ejuice brands like space jam cost 269930ml here in canada if you can find it and you cant find everything,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 when i hear the word adipose i think of this iconic scene,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you personalize quite a lot am i being defensive when i tell people to not make direct personal attacks i tolerate quite a lot more of your bile towards me than i do towards others when i notice you lashing out at people from my perspective what you perceive as defensiveness may also be banter or simply disagreeing and often having fun with it i like to argue also from my perspective i am extremely rarely personally attacked here and in fact i think thats true for most people here i think its approximately in line with the average when accounting for activity there are usually 1 or 2 haters out of hundreds of subscribers and i dont take their attacks personally because they neither know me nor hold sufficient respect to impact my opinion of myself in any way if you knew me you would already know that about me it amuses me sometimes to consider the tone with which you seem to imbue my posts to you and otherwise,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it sounds like maybe she also suffers some form of anxiety if she is dwelling on past failures and cant put that out of her mind it is very likely so if i were you i would try to not make it into something as someone with anxiety you understand that a lot of your worries arent rational or worth the stress if you focus on these things its just going to put even more strain and anxiety on the relationship if someone says i love you you just have to believe them if that ends up not being true yeah it fucking sucks but your world wont end you can and will be happy again,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 so at work theres a tournament 300 entries top 5 win winner gets a huge gift card normally fading the local biases is a great strategy but i just so happen to live in kentucky would fading uk be the smart choice if so who beats them right now i have wisconsin very lightly penciled in as my winneralso any other strategies for playing a field where 90 of people surely wont be knowledgeable ive been reading this whole thread and looking at kenpom stats but idk the best tactics to use my gf works with me so i can fill out her bracket too maybe 1 uk fade 1 uk champ,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its all about the context i wouldnt accept a bribe to pull a guaranteed to get away with it trick to give my team the win because i want them to earn it i dont want a fluke ring if it was some timemanipulating entity telling me they could insure a win simply by preventing some flukes that would otherwise probably keep us out i dont know probably in the 510 grand range id love an earned title but that much money would probably extend thelife expectancy of my wife just from the stress it would relieve,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 a lot of that is down to parenting though they certainly try haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you have to choose your style first1 halo effect voter only upvotes people they like even if they didnt read the whole comment downvotes the guy that always trolls even when they leave a nice comment2 staythefuck on topic voter upvotes anything that contributes to discussion downvotes otherwise3 youre wrong voter doesnt upvote only downvotes people who are wrong on the internet4 karma whore only upvotes anyone they talk to hoping to get upvoted in return gets upset when they dont5 standard bored redditor upvotes anything that briefly filled that empty hole in their heart be it dank memes or pseudo intellectual entertainment fluff,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 the same right for all is something you could be entitled to thoughbut in the end no use discussing as it wont change anything anyways,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 theres nothing new under the sunone mans opinioni have a mind like a stradivariusi love savageisms started listening at 16yo like ten yrs ago,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 based on this id say it is very clear you see him as an unknown danger and a mental freak he should be able to feel normal around you by the way regardless if he makes you privvy to his past or not you also wont take no for an answer he has made his boundaries very clear based on that alone you have enough information to decide to pull the plug trust me that a never from an typemention is pretty definitive we dont use that word lightlyi hear a lot of you in this i cant interpret this as any other way than that he is a prop in the production of your relationship you your right to know your informed consent he is but a mere side element and his feelings and sovereignty as a human dont factor in i suppose he lost that right when he went crazyi know that im a freak in that i approach relationships very old fashioned in an all in kind of way the good the bad and the uncertain and unknown i wouldnt want to decide coldly if the theoretical state of a mental condition is more important than my feelings and connection to another human being i either love a person or i dont,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 the objects experience inertia the desire to continue travelling in the same direction its why you end up leaning if you go round a curve in the road and why you cant make an extremely sharp turn while running without slowing significantly to change direction what we see in the gif is when there is no centripetal force holding the objects in place or the centripetal force in this case the friction of the objects to the board is overcome by the inertia the initial direction given to them at the start of the board turning is the direction they naturally want to keep travelling in and the inertia overcomes the friction meaning they all stop moving in a circle as the board is and instead continue in their initial direction meaning they fan out if there are any more questions you have ill try to explain them if i canedit i should also add that inertia in the case of circular motion is often what people call centrifugal force as opposed to inertia in other patterns of movement eg when you stop a car you are pushed forwards slightly when you brake or you are pushed backwards slightly when you accelerate,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 that cant happen without a state the only way for them to do so is to forcibly keep out competition or keep each other accountable which will piss off their customers and ruin their reputation and their businesses,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 i second the motion to gild ucyborgboy95,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 those things are super rare ive never encountered one you should be safe i hope,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i didnt complain about anything i stated a known fact the iq test measures how well you take iq tests it is not a useful realworld comparison tool for intelligence ask any psychologist see the response from a psychologist elsewhere in this threadagain i just dont get why people get so worked up about iq im not on here saying look at me im super smart im saying its just a test without realworld usefulness at least not in regards to comparing intelligence if you look at the individual questions and how the test taker responded you can get an idea of some of their mental strengths and weaknesses but the overall score doesnt mean a lot especially when youre talking about scientists and engineers they have very specific skillsets certain portions of the test depending on which test you take can certainly give you indications if someone struggles with the spatial reasoning questions then maybe theyre not cut out to be a mechanical engineer but to compare people based on their overall score particularly if theyre within 30 points or so is just silly,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 haha such an typemention comment,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 really i thought the opposite to me bangkok was a huge sprawling city of 15 million an absolutely jampacked chaotic city yet somehow things work out and have a functional order to it there were skyscrapers next to little houses just about anywhere no logical layout with narrow amp bendy streets so everything was kind of randomhong kong is pretty dense but the city area itself is pretty small you can walk from one end to the other through the main businessshopping district of hong kong in about an hour especially if you take the outdoor escalatorsive pretty much seen everything hk has to offer in a day but you could spend weeks if not months exploring bangkok,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i think thats a skill which can be practiced i had about 6 years before smartphones with gps were everywhere to learn how to navigate via map im fairly decent at it better than some younger js i know in fact,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 depends on which country you live in,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 lol i just realized i replied to the wrong comment youre original comment is not the one i meant to reply tooh well you can keep your sense of being offended anyway,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 going on a hunting trip with dick cheney,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 ok i was just thinking no way he got that kinda growth without ferts lol nice tank,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 oh you wrote it how cool,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 even i wouldnt been able to fend of the sasha fandom,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 theyre better than the normal posts on ryugioh id rather have them then the same topic posted multiple times in the week after the banlist,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 did you hear that it sounded like a laptop flying out a window xx,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the thing about typementions is our inherent lack of empathy not so much to the level of aspd but pretty low for what would be considered a normal person the way our minds work is that we can rationalize nearly everything to the point where it seems hypersimplified and notsobad in our minds for whatever reason im going to use me as an example here people used to go up to me and tell me their entire life story like im talking about some seriously messed up shit coming from people that i have never met before i would never feel for them or anything but i would understand how they are feeling and say something along the lines of what you said to the girl however as i got a bit older i learned to verbally project my rationalization at the other person that is opening up to me so once i get done simplifying it they usually take a second and say whoa i never thought about it like that thats when they usually say something like wow i really like your bluntnessdirectness i love how you can give it to me straight like that blah blah blah and next thing you know in some way they have become bonded to me after a while i realized that this is how normal people gain emotionally fulfilling friendships so hearing how i deal with it i hope that it helps you in the future,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 huhedit shouldnt you be asleep or something,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 everyone knows gerald green is the cheesiest guy in the game,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 in the sense that it gives a lot to think about then yes it is very rewarding its something to do when travelling and i find myself out in the middle of nowhere i dont have to talk to anyone and its quiet and i get lost in my own thoughts there are usually local astronomy clubs wherever one may live and the people who are involved in it wont hesitate to have a lengthy conversation about it in depth it also helps fuel a couple more hobbies namely astrophotography i thoroughly enjoy it,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 welcome to cogfuncmention would you like me to hug you while you squirm awkwardly,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 why because we innately want to know what is going on behind the curtain and knowledge is the collective basket of breadcrumbs that lets us get glimpses of the underlying mechanismsour strength lies in making connections between seemingly unconnected things in order to be able to do that you need to know a little bit of everything as a bonus there are not many people you meet who you cant follow when they explain things we listen take in the new information compare it to what we know and then infer new things from combining the new and the old it also makes us very flexible in what tasks we can performsome people have a very deep knowledge but it almost always means they are also narrow in scope typemention tend to be far more shallow in knowledge but we make up for that by being tremendously broad we can function as the bridge between several deep people where we bring the broad overview to connect them,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 yeah right people think automation is going to kill low skilllow income jobs but ive come to realize that its actually those routine paper jobs that are at the most risk right now because actually automating manual labor is quite difficult at the moment while intelligent ai that can replace experienced professionals is nearer on the horizon think watson on jeopardy kind of stuff i mean hell most of the doctors ive met seem like they follow a mindless algorithm anyway with no insight into the systems they deal with id trust an ai to do a lot better job cross referencing large sets of data over the stale knowledge of some average doctor who stopped learning anything new like 30 years ago the paper pushing jobs are going to die and the only ones who will be spared for some time at least might just be those who do the extremely creative kind of work that goes into automation itself and those low skill workers who do the high dexterity work that is currently hard for robots to do i assume youve seen this already,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 gave up on what exactly,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 oh well thats good to know i didnt spend much time looking at the wristband this time around everythings back in the box where they belong for nowi guess when i get home ill take a closer look at it and see if i can figure anything out until then be careful with that wristband otherwise youre gonna have to fork over 40 to replace it xd,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yea its probably a compatible intertype relation thingy although i dont see many cogfuncmention doms saying that,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 oh god you must have taste buds of steel,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 thank you ill add it to the list,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 atheists dont lack morals they lack foundation,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 it was not until about 400 000 years after the big bang that light was able to travel freely in the universe ever since the big bang the universe has been expanding and cooling for a description see boffin amp pierceprice 2007 stretching that primeval light from its initial high frequency until it can be detected today as photons in the microwave range cosmic microwave background radiation coming from all over the universe,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 yeah this doesnt really work as i get older im finding that people dont like to be treated the way i do not at all some ways possibly but most just find it rather disconcerting it doesnt make for a real working relationshipim fairly antisocialso yeah as some famous tv characters once said just be excellent to each other,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 can you explain the point youve linked something about israel,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 that would work if op and so are willing to live in any other eu country besides the uk as through just simple marriage op would fall under freedom of movement when together with so however they want to go to sos home country so the uk is allowed to put additional requirements for ops visa which she mentioned in her opening post and includes a hard income minimum the so doesnt meet,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 are you the kind of guy who replies but why would a chicken be crossing a road chickens dont even have a concept of roads let alone of crossing them,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 that sure explains the jpeg compression,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 esl is free though so you dont need to pay lpkane,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 youre welcome i highly recommend this website it turns out that not only can jungian typology be used to explain an individual but can be extrapolated to a macro level using the same concepts you can type generations organizations companies countries sports teams you name it,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 cogfuncmention has always appeared instinctual to me an impression evoked that cant be separated from the sensation though everyone can recall pastmemory perhaps more methodically,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 americans can do what they want with their laws in canada i would rather have strict guns laws like the vast majority of people thats the deal of living in society if the majority say they want strict laws there is no first amendment here then there is strict laws,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i agree 100 with thisim an typemention who all his life thought he was typemention but then this happened i really relate to everything you said the reason i thought this is because i treated enneagram like it was true therefore i used to think strict mbtienneagram correlations existed all 5s are introverts i related to 5w4 perfectly and when i realized i was typemention i was very confused since i still believed all 5s are introverts a little look on a few of rjermofo s posts and i realized that enneagram is full of flaws and inconsistencies therefore you dont find your type like in mbtisocionics you choose one and you can make your own rules you can change your type throughout life you can have more types etc its really helpful for self growth looking at health levels and stuff for every type on my tritype and all that i can really improve on my mental health and everything,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 when alexander the great was proclaimed a son of ammon by an oracle in egypt it was naturally interpreted to mean he was a son of zeus,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i think you should be able to sue a customer for trespassing taking your cake and stuffing his money in the register and i suspect in fact that you can,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 haha very asian heavy choi is a cash game play i think hell make the cut consistently but not much else how about finau in that price range i love mahan personally but again more of a cash play so go moore there,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its often assumed but i have my doubts about thisi have the impression that crystal is stronger than armor plating seeing how annies few millimeters of crystal was just as effective at stopping blades as reigners few decimeters of armorshe also just needed a few millimeters of crystal around her fingers to climb the wall whilst reigner needed to make entire hardened clawsnow annie isnt surrounded by just a few millimeters of crystal but a few decimeters this means that her protection could possibly be hundreds of times stronger than normal titan armorthere is a solid argument to be made that erens hardened fists might be strong enough seeing how its not only stated that all the combined strength of a set of armor is located in his fists but its also shown how easy he could break through reigners armorhowever i personally prefer the idea that theyd use thunderspears instead of his hardened fists if you try punching a pebble its near impossible to differentiate the amount of force you want to excel at different parts of said pebble erens fists might break annies neck or rip her head off if he isnt carefulthe thunderspears however are simply projectiles with an explosive in their tip its extremely probable that the sc can change the amount of charge they load the weapon with allowing for more precision and less riskit seems like the better option to me,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 so that videos at least 7 years old what happened did he end up getting thrown in jail like he ought to,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the one brother served time but was released early and the second brother had a suspended sentence and probation but served no time so they didnt get off but their sentences were pretty light,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i agree i remember him being amazing on the first couple months of 1415 he was playing with such confidence and won some matches on his own he even scored some freekicks,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 with your plethora of issues youd be straight and feeling miserable i wonder if there would be any difference at all in your caseim not trying to get you down but tell me do you really think being straight would help you with your body issues,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 why do you need to tell him youre a virgin,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i never new you can put vegetables in an omeletteusually i dont put anything with the eggs maybe salt sometimes but thats it,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i already told my parents and shirey about it talisa debate with herself as griffith lowered his eyes im sure i can trust griff tooits okay she whispered leaning further towards him can you promise not to tell anyone,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 where did you get the idea that i was upset i was just giving you a reason for removal,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 lol i actually like that it means i get to pick which convo to be in,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 climber here remember to also train your opening muscles and not just the squeezing ones a simple way to do this is to get a 5 gal bucket and fill it with rice place your hands completely submerged in the rice then make a fist and open it stretching your fingers out as far as possible repeat for 510 minutes for as long as possiblewarning you are about to receive a new definition of pain edit heres a quick video of different patterns you can do with rice forearm training edit ii heres another video with a climbers focus,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 this is not the most accurate poll but phone polls show similar results,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i know its hard to be objective when youre the one going through such strong emotions and are frustrated hurt and just want to fix the problem even though youve come to us for advice i think youve answered your own question read your posts out loud to yourself and really listen to what youre saying read it as if you were listening to a stranger describe what theyre going through would you want that person to stay in this relationship would you describe whats going on as healthy not to bring it back to an typemention cogfuncmention thing but sometimes we need to externalize our feelings to really understand whats going on imagine what were seeing as we read thisa person who has clearly and repeatedly stated their needs to someone they care about and instead feels rejected patronized and is starting to bottle up their own feelings after theyve said being open and honest is what they strive for there might be an urge to stay and try to fix it but read what youve saidout loud do you think this is worth fixing should anyone have to work this hard to be accepted and understood by the person they lovetell him clearly that youve stated your case and dont see an improvement tell him you feel he isnt taking your concerns or feelings seriously and that you no longer feel comfortable being yourself around him unless you see change youre going to leave thats all there is to it good luck lt3,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 1 c2 second half of the season went well and we didnt get destroyed by any of the other big teams got 3rd instead of 4th and have the possibility of defending our fa cup 3 worst start to a season under wenger only got 1 point from the scum threw away quite a few points from winning positions 4 gk a better passing dm and a striker if there are any that would be an improvement5 at least compete with chelsea for the title try to make it past r16 in the cl,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 if nobody on your team is buying wards chances are nobody on the enemy team is either if this is the case i just upgrade yellow trinket rather than invest into a sightstone and constantly try to use smite on raptors and keep a pink up sightstone is good if you were going to buy tonnes of wards anyway and when you also need sweeper because you know they have wards everywhere,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 tell us about her bad traits provisionally though i might guess typemention cuz gut feeling,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 yay thanks for humoring me that was interesting and informative i share your pessimism lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 if you plan on cooking any type of asian food at home rice wine is essential pick some up if you ever find yourself at an oriental market get some sesame oil while youre at it that shits the best,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 they would just claim the greeks appropriated it from the black lesbians of atlantis,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 weve had almost an 80 save percentage for over a year now its been pretty amazing it wasnt just cech either ospina also had similar numberswe have a high percentage of shots coming from outside the box compared to other teams which is probably what has made this stat sustainablefor context the average save percentage from all teams this season has been 691 so to have 80 is really good,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 maybe 5050 split for both they both are big factors although when i say i care about looks i have certain types that i tend to be attracted to im not necessarily attracted to conventional beauty standard,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 i have some 18 unvapable for me way too harsh 6 is about where its at gotta just dump or dilute the 18 not sure what to do with it just yet i got some vg so i thought about dumping some of that in but itll prolly kill the flavor so ill just end up dumping it or something,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 as noted previously this doesnt fit within sub guidelines but a discussion about the there are always going to be toxic players theres nothing that can be done about it misconception would be welcome,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 which onethe one where he forgot his plot armor or the one where he cared more about falco than ending his own suffering,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 suns fan hereunless we start using him as an oversized 4 chances are hes going to either replace plumlee in the rotation or just sit there for c depth weve been lacking for years,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 lol your b team got more guys because of free agency our fa dont show and half our a team had to be covered for,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 this sets the bag of popcorn on fire and kills the microwave at least it does when you use a real microwave not sure what youre using that it takes that long to pop popcorn but mines done in half that time,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my best friend of almost 40 years still gives me crap for ignoring him i will get a text from hm and thinkoh ill get to that in a minute fast forward several days later and i get a wtf text from him,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 mcdonalds is definitely one of if not the cheapest fast food restaurants easily the cheapest of the ones i eat at,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 yes i do friend my wechat id is rockybukkake,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 gaston is hotter than spidget finners you little heck,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 id say mozy is doing a hell of a lot better than nikola pekovic these days,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this would take a bunch of vba but i can imagine opening workbooka either keeping it open or copying the the worksheet of parts into the workbookbfrom there it would be referencing the list of parts to fill in the needed info,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 would you recommend the 90 for outdoor shots do you have any examples of albums shot with the 90debating between the 300 and the 90 for an upcoming bike tour that i would like to use an instantfilm camera for,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 truth just let her know that shes very nice op but you think you might be too busy to date right now so youre not interested in going out again way less bs and a lot kinder to do it now than to talk to her for another month,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 it was just a realization i had,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the anymore is what hurts the most it implies that he indeed was special during his time with them so its not that disrespectful as you people say it is,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i have a couple old atari 2600s one with wood grain nes sega master system snes dreamcast ps2 original xbox and a commodore 64 with all the peripherals in basically mint condition incl monitor amiga commodore a500 computer and even an sgi graphics workstation 320 no software though i wanted to put linux on it but couldnt manage itall working and some good games for each but they arent worth keeping around to just hook up for an hour or two every couple of years they dont hold the interest for me they once didnomad would be cool id love to be a digital nomad or at least work remotely one dayits just a big house makes no sense for me i only live out of one room anyway never made much use of all the space i have and its like a fulltime job cleaning areas that i dont even use seems sillyit still looks like no videocard today shipping should have updated by now though arrival date still says by end of day so still kinda in limbo,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 well that was fun im not sure ive had that much fun everi also cant figure out where ive seen him before i looked at his imdb and cant figure it out because nothing listed there is anything ive seenim also a bit confused as it says they have two daughters 2013 and 2014 so theyre just 3 years late posting the video,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 so you want them to be typemention basically i feel a disconnect when people dont want to excitedly ideate about random bullshit i dont know how realistic this is,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im in canada i have a bunch of knives i know the laws i got some youd probably call exotic or custom or whateverdepends what you want them for or how you see yourself going on with collectingyou cant go wrong with a benchmade griptilian kershaw leek skyline are also super choices exotic not really for canada a bitgive me some more info to work with i like getting blades with different profiles and blade steels and materials that i dont have in my other knives thats how i like to collect or i go with a certain custom maker though generally thats way above 80when i was 13 or so i had crap knives first knife i bought for myself was when i was 18 and it was a gerber gator was decent at sharpening at that point but learnt more sharpened more i suggest you also get into doing that its an important part if you use your knivesdont get a karambit dont ever tell anyone your knives are for defense or for a crime or hurting anyone against the law here just saying the words can get you into trouble its a tool never a weapon,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 whoever else posted here is shadowbanned just so you know edit theyve either been unshadowbanned or deleted their post now,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 i read an article about anger that said that you should express it and that relationships are healthier with it so i adopted this idea but now i feel like it is an absolutely terrible idea i found the main reason i end up seething mad in the first place is because im not forgiving people and if i forgive people for not being as perfect as i seem to think they should be the anger subsides if something is bothering you journaling it seems to be the best way to release it,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 exactly part of the fun of dark souls multiplayer is just being a dick there is no honor among ember thieves,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 huh the scottmunson page gives me clear introversion 1721moderate intuition 1826clear feeling 2124very clear perceiving 2222i can relate a lot more to the intuitive page on the page you linked but im not sure how much that is because of biasi guess maybe i still am an typemention,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 yup we both have to much free time and were both constantly the top two comments on each threadwe should team up once and make a theory of everything for snk that blows this sub away,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 wait did you miss last nights party,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 im convinced thats what the first magic eye image was for whoever invented those things is the supreme emperor of showmanwhip,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 my mom used to teabag me,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 00 hidden track heavy oml1 lost in the echo lt2 a place for my head ht3 nobodys listening mt4 given up mtm5 valentines day mtm6 in the end ht7 numb meteora8 war thp9 waiting for the end ats10 blackout ats11 castle of glass lt12 mark the graves thp,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 last week we had washington post oped comedians and every hillarys fan saying that hillarys health shouldnt be discussed at all we had a huffington post journalists abruptly terminated for simply mentionning the rumors it was all dismissed as a conspiracyit turns out she is indeed sick the entire world has seen it more so as a waspo columnist said the way the clintons campaign handled it made it worse they lost all credibility the campaign has serious transparency issues so what the report change it gives the campaign a talking point that doesnt mean people will buy it,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 this happens all the time to me i alternate sleeping with no noise music or tvmovies and each time i transition between them i have vivid sometimes lucid dreams usually the dreams are average but occasionally theyll be really good and then im on a highcan take on the world for the next couple of daysone of my favourites was when i had a dream about a friend and then they called me the next day i hadnt seen them in months,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 look up frank beltrame stillettos great price vs qualityi have one horn handles classic look build everything fits nice and works well,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 uazdahak isnt a huge fan of typemention and generally speaking nts arent huge fans of the idea of souls or soulmates theres a chance he wont bother to take the bait d im riding the sidelines here cause every sub needs a bookie,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 debugging all kinds of things that i have no prior knowledge or experience with when the person whos been at it for years is stuck people are always sure im a technician for that specific thing for a living or something,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 usually ill end up at a coffee shop as an excuse to get out and get coffee when the weather is nice ill go to my schools arboretum with my hammock nothing beats smoking a bowl surrounded by trees and chirping birds on a nice day that or just taking a nap in it,60.0,55.0,64.0,14.0,49.0 mytypemention buddy sees me for who i am and loves me in spite of it she is all of the things people should be i love her to death,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 joking i just found it funny how coincidental it was that it happened on 8 december,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 from your post so obviously some of these are more of an issue than others but every single one of these little nuggets from your post is a reason that calls for some critical introspection and self evaluation you need to be in a good place with yourself before you can actually be a good place for somebody else especially your references to suicide in combination with your self proclaimed emotional instability are reasons you need to seek therapy this is not something to be ashamed about or whatever its something you do to make yourself a better person if anything you can go into competition with yourself to be the best possible you how can you expect you can truly and fully love someone if you clearly cant even bring up enough love to love yourself enough to take proper care of yourself,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i wouldnt mind goddess being my official pronoun i wonder if i can get that approved somewhere,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 nometchsjã ã c u0283atu0361s v to grow increase,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 ah no thats my french leaking out,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 cersei first then jaime apparently he was holding her foot which im pretty certain is biologically impossible lss fm twins fraternal fraternal separate amniotic sacs,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 novocaine for the soul just couldnt help but think of this and share when reading the word novocainealso im not sure on the answer to your question im thinking maybe no but pretty sure even in a coma its possible that its just a matter of a oneway valve being released to let blood in to the two chambers so i kinda want to say yesbut yeah not a urologist or anything so i dunno wtf im talking about lemme know if you find an answer,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah i kept wondering how people could do that actually vomit in someones direction like dude you know its coming direct yo shit away,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what the fuck there are conscious strong functions ego block dominant auxiliary conscious weak functions super ego block polr role unconscious strong functions id block ignoring demonstrative and unconscious weak functions superid block tertiary inferior,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i disagree a lot were from close range but its opinion based fair enough if you dont think the samee also,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 wa is the most sociable server ive ever seen in pretty much any game ever i came over enmasse from maelstrom and ravenholdt when the server opened up and ive never looked back,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 says the person also continuing to reply if you dont want people to read your posts and reply dont comment on shitgood point now thats hilarious you didnt actually process a single thing i said you dont want to admit how wrong you are youre not even trying to make a point as you have absolutely nothing to back it up withif you have an actual wellthought out response feel free to reply as i enjoy actual discussion hence why im on reddit if you dont want to grow the fuck up then fuck off,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i see what youre saying ill have to think about this more and maybe ill figure out how to say what im trying to say lol the problem may be that its kind of difficult for me to isolate the concept of cogfuncmention in myself as opposed to cogfuncmention cogfuncmentionwhat im going for is that typemention limiting to a type im pretty familiar with to make it more likely that ill have a point lol in my observation have hard time ruling out a thought once it strikes them as worthy of consideration without absolutely exhausting the logical trails they seem to resist making a judgement until theyve built a total model in their head and totally understand it typemention on the other hand discard a lot more ideas early on because they saw some inconsistencies and made a gut decision that there are better ideas to considerwhat do you think about that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 thats interesting to consider because some kids would still need various therapies and interventions i dont see all parents wanting to be trained in all those areas also i have seen parents who do and do not work who dont seem interested in parenting period so i would imagine some sort of social workercaregiverteacher could provide services there unfortunately too many people have kids for all the wrong reasonsnot to raise them right,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 me neither i suppose it depends on which vocal sounds said language speaker makes which would correspond to their intonation erm perhaps im overthinking this,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 bwahahah this sounds just like my brother though after many many years i suddenly became a trusted authority on most things experience taught him that i know what the fuck im talking about he has also grown up a lot so that helped,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 hey im listening to a shuffle of my liked songs right nowfirst five songs code black end like this really slow motion iridescence flux pavilion haunt you really slow motion amp instrumental core supernova knife party lrad removed because i dont like it as much anymore knife party and tom staar kraken included because fifth song disqualifiednext five songs after the current one thomas bergersen thats a wrap vicetone tremble original mix droideka get hyper radio edit dubvision rifler original mix zomboy delirium feat rykka original mixgosh i got a lot of edmdubstep ahead of meufffdufffd,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 cant confirm youll improve thanks to a 144hz but can confirm that an optical mouse will never make you want to go back to laserreceived my new mouse today same model as before but optical instead of laser and the aiming becomes so much easier without accel from the sensor,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 joyce posted that were not interested on signing kovacic from real madrid,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 can you give a source i watch his press conferences every week although i have missed a few of the recent oneshe hasnt played him as 1 of the 2 deeper midfielders since 2014 though so i dont see him playing there for us again,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 those are some nice athletic batgirl legs like she ought to have,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sloppy seconds moral of the story cardboard castles all you can do sarajevo 4 am strong as an oak tiny glowing screens pt 2 never let it die dent in the moon hey asshole my first stalker,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 here is a picture from the manga a better picture of marlo carrying one in the anime links are spoilerfreegood luck with your replica,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 not good enough we have to contact the company that designed that ad and ask them then we have to double check with the actor that was wearing it to confirm,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 people who sign up the dayof are more likely to follow through the same daythats the theory behind the daily tournaments of rtagpro,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 oh man my young life would have been a lot easier if my mom knew how curly hair worked i had 90s straight cut poof bangs for a decade and a hot mess of brushedout curls until i was 12 or soyour daughters hair is gorgeous bravo,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 absolute meaning has been abandonedmade untenable by enlightenment thought and european society has sunk into nihilism,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 thats not how this world works,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 heyy you stole this from an old post on rhmmm,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 they would probably think its a killer prank to decide to name the baby after some random unremarkable reddit user just like how uwaterguy12 became famous,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 haha ive had this name for like 13 years now before isis was a thing im upset some games say you cant use this username fuckers,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 my handwriting is very similar i get compliments on it a lot and i definitely like it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 read it dont really like that book because the plot gets stagnant way too often,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 well thank you kind sir but as if stated above the list this is just part of a bigger list made by uosculator i would like to redirect you to this post for the entire list,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you were still having some slight formatting issues option explicit sub printdambyval result as integer byval zone as string byval i as integer dim printcell as range dim printsheet as worksheet dim gaincol as string dim bidcol as string dim printrange as range set printsheet activeworkbooksheetsdam cost set printrange printsheetrangea1k1 if activesheetname offer gain then gaincol formatzone ampampampampampampamp gain set printcell printrangefind gaincol lookinxlvalues lookatxlwhole matchcasefalseoffseti 1 0 printcell result elseif activesheetname bid cost then bidcol formatzone gain set printcell printrangefind bidcol lookinxlvalues lookatxlwhole matchcasefalseoffseti 1 0 printcell result end if set printrange nothing set printsheet nothing end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 this is so disappointing its like theyre forcing us to have to put a battery case permanently plugged into the power port just to have expanded battery life id prefer to have something that can be built into the device not added on,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 to add to that you may want to decide what you will do if their behavior of asking continues are you going to talk about it once then shut down all subsequent discussions are you going to entertain any questions about why if either of your families disrespects or blames your partner are you going to establish a line and shut down the conversation,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i love the leather cases they feel nice age well and donâ t stick to your pocket lining like the silicone ones do,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 its true im agnostic and all i ever hear is no youre agnostic atheist how about no i dont believe there is no god any more than i dont believe there is it all comes to a pedantic debate on what a belief entails because they insist that believing in no god isnt actually a belief its only i dont believe so if i dont i must be atheist i can be agnostic too but they feel a need to claim me as their own when i dont feel they own me any more or less than any other religionthere can be agnostic atheists sure but i dont consider myself one you dont have to be theist or atheist i get that theism and gnosticism are not the same but so many atheists think its impossible to truly be on the fence and if i dont believe in one specific god theyre allowed to say i dont believe in anyits really frustrating sorry just hit a sore spot they come into the agnostic subs and try to argue about it,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 the way i understand it maajid is not a believer in the real sense and he is quite open about it he keep repeating that he is not a devout muslim and he has never been there is an interview with him where is say something along i think there a god i guess or something pretty close to that for him being muslim is a matter of identity like being irishamerican now there is many thing we can criticize nawaz for he got a huge ego for instance but he is not a liar and there is no doubt he is someone of very high intelligence that we agree or not with what he says or does,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 not very often is an alley oop off the backboard the right move,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 typemention like to play the field if they arent tied down he probably doesnt know if youre that interested so hes keeping his options open definitely tell him how you feel or nothings gonna change you have a good attitude about it so there is nothing to lose if he doesnt like you the same way then at least you triedas far as not knowing if hes interested ive found most cogfuncmention guys can go either way with girls they can be friends with them or hook up,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 this is only further proof that shes a 16m class mindless titan,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 maybe coquelin didnt look like he was going to make it and look at him now sanogo has all the physical attributes to make it just needs to work on his technical game,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 were all just soldiers in the glorious capitalist army,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 never heard of tapping before thank you ill look into that,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 right cause im gonna pay a dumptruck and front loader to get them to truck the snow away from my drivewayyardroofstreet no they only truck stuff away from huge lots like the mall i dont really care about that thats their problem big deal if those lots have huge snowbanks and reduced parking that doesnt bother me i saw like 5 dumptrucks this morning all going way up in the caledonia industrial park not sure where its all going specifically though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lallana is on fucking fire today,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 no smurfs are easy to beatid rather play against smurfs all day then cheatersnot to mention that mgdmg us a joke now people go around and call everyone a cheater,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 im confused on how to vote this,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 movies with a build up that matches the climax are the best theyre so satisfying when done properly the emotions you can build and release like that are spectacularbut i do love most forms of story telling except poems theyre like lazy songs haikus can stay,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 thank you ill add it to the list,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 both died super young schubert of syphilis and schumann in an insane asylum after several suicide attempts severe depression in those days got you put in the insane asylum theres a quote from schubert that there is no happy musicyou probably know rachmaninoff my favourite russian composer is alexander scriabin you said you were a student there must be at least open mic nights or something dont they have a music society a choir an orchestra i assume youre at least near a city if not in one is there a concert hall around an opera housei think youll love it if you like intensely melancholy pieces chopins prelude in eminor is one of the most anguished little pieces ever and could be played by a beginner check out tschaikovskys in church also yes i play music but i only played sortof in public for the first time about two months ago the piece i played was also recorded by gould,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 thats a very disappointingly sized eggplant,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 typemention one is harder than that though she could have just not cared about dating the guy she was with and would have rather been with him in which case hes not a rebound guy she just settled with whoever she was with before or it could be a huge indicator shell leave you when the next best thing comes around lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 1 year ago when i first got into jre i would never believe him but after watching 200 episodes i think he hasnt,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 i agree wholeheartedly on the second point i dont see the point in faulting somebody for playing to their strengths if youre a phenomenal singer but cant write music for shit why should that be a career deal breaker likewise there are plenty of people who are fantastic songwriters but id rather put my leg down the garbage disposal and turn it on than listen to them sing let them team up and do their thing its basically the same as a rock band collaborating with each other only one person is the star which a lot of the times the songwriters behind the scenes appreciate not being in the spotlighton the rihanna thing she had a number of hits before umbrella pon de replay sos and unfaithful were all huge,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 there were christian songs specifically about refusing to deny him and being shot after the columbine shootings,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 dont really have strong opinions one way or another regarding kanyes type but here are some of my thoughtsif kanye is cogfuncmention dominant i dont think this would necessarily mean he wouldnt go against traditions of rap i think this stereotype is pretty inaccurate perhaps the one regarding cogfuncmention and authority is a little closer to the truth but in the end cogfuncmention is personalized and for the user means having their own subjectives rulesworld to live by also as an cogfuncmention user i would expect kanye to be more ethically consistent than he is for example there are moments of supporting trump but then also ones of endorsing more liberal values etc he seems perhaps more in tune with the current emotional atmosphere in front of him and reacting to this suggesting cogfuncmention that said one could probably argue this to be a result of upper cogfuncmention however in my experience nfp types still remain pretty consistent to their values and cogfuncmention comes into play in a more fun theory crafting kind of way your argument for cogfuncmention dom in the original post seems somewhat weak sampling different types of sounds to form your own sound is pretty much just being a musician in this genre you say you rushed your original post so id like to hear a more thorough explanationas for the whole image in his head thing in the case of kanye i could almost see this being more indicative of cogfuncmention use hes typically pretty ahead of the curve and is quite visionary in his pursuits this would suggest a typing such as nfj or sfp again however i dont really have any strong opinions as to his type i dont really pay a whole lot of attention to him so i dont think im at liberty to make such a claim these are just some of my thoughts regarding the manner and am curious as to how youd respond,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 well i was actually thinking of something like this but your method is even better,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 would frozen gauntlet work with this,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 this is really good for digital projects if you havent tried it its fairly widely used in software development,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ive only traded in 401k so i am not aware of the tax implications thank you for highlighting that looking into it it seems pretty complicated for people not trading in a 401k or ira,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 whats impressive is hes using two pans to warm up two piles of the stuff before flipping them over to keep the heat on them evenly while managing to toast them over the open flame wonder what this stuff tastes like,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 sure but just because a program is difficult to maintain doesnt make it an impossible task ive dealt with crap messy code doesnt really make the problem impossible just really slow and even more messy,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 there are things between those extremes,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 its crazy i would gladly give up my crap to have more time with my grandpa but apparently his own son doesnt feel that way then you saywell it is just a ring but it isnt and your aunt is cruelly playing on your fragile statei am sorry about your mother passing my dad died and was revived and it really slapped me in the face with how important things like end of life wishes can be estate planning and wills medical power of attorney etc it was shoved in our faces im guessing you can appreciate how staggering it all is i feel really morbid at 33 yrs old that i can discuss those topics such as funerals with ease now ive said it before one of the best gifts we can give our families is to have all those things in writing so we dont end up in situations like the one with your aunt please do not let your bitch aunt spoil your fond memories or take one ounce more of your attention away from what you need to focus on your grieving and your healing,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i was rewatching season 1 the other day and got to the bit where robert tells cersei lets say viserys targaryen lands with forty thousand dothraki screamers at his backcut to the last scene of s6e10 the seven kingdoms are fubar and powerless to withstand anything viserys little sister is about to land and shes got dragons too robert was dead right,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 welcome to the premier league marco,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 thats a great excuse im sure it enables that attitude excellently,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention loop is basically obsession over something that really resonates with the typemention to the point where they forget that they are apart of realitywhat they obsess over might just be a feeling yesterday i came to better understand the significance of quantum mechanics and it struck me deeply it is like an explosion of tempestuous passion that leaves me craving more i cant think about anything else i feel like it confirms that the entire world exists in our minds its like someone told me that wizards and magic actually existif i were to go into a loop over it i would spend hours and hours doing nothing but trying to find information that gives me that same feeling and completely ignoring anything that does not confirm my ideal never truly looking outside of what i already know unless it suits methe most harmful part of an cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention loop is that you end up with a distorted and idealistic worldview that denies the observable truth to get out an typemention needs to disconnect from those feelings and simply absorb information without judging it based on how they feel about it,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i used to have a student who was non verbal i love her to pieces but if you didnt know her and her vocalizations she could sound like you were trying to hurt her or something when i took her out i made sure to convey a happy mood myself and talk with her a lot so others would understand that we were okay even though she might be squealing loudly very happy i try to explain to others that not everyone communicates verbally and that is okay but as someone with very sensitive hearing myself i do try to be aware of the environment and other folks too,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 id imagine im the only typemention to say trump,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 should have bet him place or show lol,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 may his noodly goodness shine upon you in your darkest momentso7,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 i dont get that purely from the subreddit i have barely seen whatever is going on over there,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i have had like 5 or 6 i am naturally faithful to those i dont even necessarily need to be i form a basis of faithfulness of course unless its just for fun kind of thing i still check out chicks every chick even the ones that arent my type i check out dudes too im attracted to people in general i like to look at them especially boobs but id stick with a girl for a lifetime if it meant the relationship never hit those odd rocks that destroy it yessir i would,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 moba and fps are completely different genrespeople comparing cheater numbers in fps with cheater numbers in mobas have no cluetry to use spinbot wallhack aimbot etc in mobas and there you have the answer,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thedishs three sets of phonemic obstruents are p t k f u03b8 x and v ã u0263 however in coda positions m n became b d this change was already kind ay wierd given that in many mostly borrowed words m and n appeared intervocalically within roots which already blurred this more recently vowels and syllabic n without a consonant between them are becoming vn which gives rise to a wordfinal nd distinction many modern loans are also pronounced with a true nasal syllablefinally which makes this incredibly confusingan example of this lthã³mogt human is xã³bo this is expected however lthumã ngt humane is xubu0252â n though generally the ltmgt would be expected to be pronounced m in that situation,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 uhhhhim not talking about abraham lincoln im talking about john bell,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i dont understanddefinition this is a list of cryptids notable within cryptozoology a pseudoscience that presumes the existence of animals and plants that have been derived from anecdotal or other evidence considered insufficient by mainstream science,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 this was probably true pre 1980,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah i almost never do it especially the older you get the harder it is to find time for social stuff like i could have hung out with someone else dude wtf if its a good reason fine but often with introverted feelers its some emotional dragon theyve conjured from thin air,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 second sentence says its based on the medieval concept of the liberal arts it then says that most colleges have adopted this approach which is how i received my lib arts degree,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 daenerys is one of those characters like catelyn and sansa who really divides the fanbase many love her many think shes boring in the books and badly handled in the show whether that be acting directing script whatever,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 thats actually why i decided to main support over adc i suspect that there are guides like this in korean and even videos but i wouldnt even know where to look let alone getting them translated if they exist,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 agreed polite niceness is perhaps the best social armor invented but i often feel like im wearing it like a warm shell over a much colder and rational interior i think typemention are far more genuinely nice because even if they will argue with you over some socialethicalmoral point deep down they are warm people with gooey centers im not a bad person in any regard but i can dial my warmth up or down when its convenient to me,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 so i have an alt which i am playing up to lem now and i should be banned for itpeople who smurf at silver level for fun and to destroy people are idiots i agree but i dont think you should ban people for having an alt and playing with their lower ranked friendsbeginers should have to learn the basics of the game though before playing competitive kinda like the tutorial in dotathe more striking issue i believe is boosting of players i was playing a match with a mg and a dmg friend yesterday and we got mges in our team that played like silvers not funid rather play smurfs than with boosted teammates on my team tbh,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yes thats the only one i havent tried i would probably enjoy the complexity but engineer is just not something that appeals to me thematically,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 they mean animals that are already dead for example if you sheep is of natural causes you are not allowed to cook it and eat,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 hmmm yeah thats one thing ive never had i dont think theres anything even approaching that where im at which i think is a bit odd lots of acadians here but their food is quite different from cajun bland not spicy at all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think you mixed up splooging and splurging,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 of course the fact that this happens some places and not others says something about culturesociety,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 uenokha you can delete higher tickrate from that listin short while the fps of players could play a role in it 128tick is unfair for people with a latency of 30ms and higher and that is why it wont happen the thing people should be after is servers who are stable and well optimized,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i really dont think theyll be able to get away with this one without facing a few consequences at least because it directly impacts a significant percentage of their voters the very second it goes into effect,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 thats how it starts thats how they getcha triffids,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you can write a reply disputing what the letter said ive done it before many times with my local paper with all the bullshit that people spew out,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 hes talking arms not belly,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 its an unusual college the admission rate is 98 and they dont give grades the teachers writes performance essay instead,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 we love that scott is going back to the belly putter,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 an average of 1218 months,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 as an typemention girl i found this really amusing,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 ok dude you sound like my dad only my dad never had the balls to leave my mom and hes still working his ass off and is still an alcoholic 35 years later leaver her as the child of someone with a borderline mother leave the shit out of her her yelling will extend to your kid one day and fuck it up its legitimate abuse,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 man what a terrible story i love it keep it up proud of you,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i agree when quimby yells yaaaaay it makes me irrationally angry,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i like this idea but we would need a big push for it to be effective and we probably wont get one until the steam release of tagpro next,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i like money i dont need to become scrooge mcduck but i like to be able to make enough to have my creature comforts first and foremost my home my home is my fortress where i can retreat and have nothing to do with the socially demanding crowds,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i found tessaract in the first place by youtubing best djent of 2014i didnt even know what the hell djent was until last month ive been listening to podcasts over music the past 5 or 6 yearsi dunno wikipedia says djent is a subgenre of progressive metal but a lot of the vocals didnt give me that vibe,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 do you have the appropriate permissions for the file directory youre using perhaps you may need to run excel with administrator privileges for it to be able to create folders though you should try testing this in a folder that you dont require elevated privileges to work ini literally have my directory set to a folder called temp folder on my desktop the folder doesnt even exist as the macro will automatically create the folder called temp folder and create the yyyymmworking files and yyyymmsource files folders automatically then save itself into the working files folder,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i need time alone at least 2 to 3 hours daily i am extremely sensitive to sensory input especially sound it exhausts me like you wouldnt be able to understand i always carry an ipod and headphones and usually listen to music when im commuting or need to focus on my thinking simply to drown out the world and get some time alone with just me and my head i am definitely typemention though while i have an typemention boyfriend yet when talk about introversion in the exhaustion sense of the word i am very introverted far more than my typemention boyfriend the thing is e vs i is something very different in mbti and despite the fact i am easily exhausted from social interaction due to all the sensory stimuli that come with it it is the stuff i live on and makes my head able to do what it is best at for a long time i thought i was an typemention because of the exhaustion but i am definitely a cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention type and not a cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 true my twins are just approaching that height now at 11 and theyre tall,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 the party is in the clockwork nirvana of mechanus the lawful neutral plane of existence i dont know why theyre there but they are obviously not supposed to be,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 the last one doesnt really fit the description,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i actually found this on rcringeanarchy i wanted to show you guys,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i cant stress this enough real all of his bookslifetime reader here and i suggest starting with the dilbert principle the dilbert future and how to fail at everything and still win big,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 go back and watch the scene again gambon is not angry at harry he is so afraid for harry that hes lost controlblame mike newell for this if you want to blame anyone michael gambon is an amazing actor and could have delivered this line any way they asked him to do it,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 waltz in b minor posthumousnocturne no20 in c minorraindrop prelude â should be okay for grade 7 unforgettable piece the 15th preludepolonaise in g minor â written when he was something like 7 i believe which is amazing,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 well it feels lime god gently rubbing every atom of your being sees edit nevermind,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 funny how cheaters seem to be in every nova game did you watch at keast the demos of your matches,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 she doesnt get to allow the father to have 5050 custody thats really the default any court should strive for unless there are very serious reasons not to do this as much as you wouldnt like your partner having custody of the kids your partner has just as much right to the kids as you haveand im saying this as a child of divorce who got fucked over by a promother system of law,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i think were going to want to go with the one that has the highest and furthest trajectory well need to clear the stadium walls and likely will have to set up from a distance so that our glorious ascension isnt foiled by the authorities,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i give you some help thereresearch moores law reverse engineering programming in assembly and programming close to osnow to the rest of your postthe i should help them will be explained later and also it is probably also a wrong assumption that the company swims in money since they still have bills to pay of course they dont necessarily have more money than saturn in germany id even say they have lessyour analogy is insufficient you are a customer and at the same time someone who is actively using a service valve provides and thus you have the right to help them improve their service but if you want to do this you still have to be reasonable and polite and that is not that is in no way constructive andor helpful to the people who maintain the anticheat called vacesea and esl are the only ones with another anticheat it is not called anti hack shield that is client based and works kinda flawless what you would have to factor in is that those two anticheats use different detection techniques in ring0 vac is not programmed to work that way to stay out of the users private mattersthe programming in ring0 allows esea to run basically a keylogger and they can do with your data what ever they want esea eulawith accepting eseas eula you basically allow them to put you under 247 surveillancevalve as a company has no interest in intruding in the private files or matters of the person that plays their games or the games from publishers who use vac gaben commented on this here made 25 billion us in 2012 and most of it went into new jobs developments expansions of said company and games like in every other companyoverwatch essentially exists to catch cheaters that managed to get through one or more vac waves or ones that still have to come because vac cant detect private and ring0 cheats that easily since it is not as intrusive as a certain companys bitcoin mineri have my facts straight and the required knowledge for it but the later seems to be lacking on your parthow do you even know valve doesnt work on vac are you sitting there or are you going by sheer assumptions hereyou didnt told the truth you voiced your opinion on a topic you have no idea about all of it is okay but the way you did it and tried to defend it is lacking in etiquette and knowledge the later is shown by your analogypeople like you go around calling vac shit without knowing how much work it represents and what has to do with it is one point why i dont like most people on this subreddit and it is not only because you call vac shit but also because people like you offer no alternative or critical thinking in this topic on how to improve the situation the options to improve vac or where vac is lacking people who have not even a vague idea about this topic should educate themselves first on said topic before posting dumb comments all over the place this starts with differentiating between a cheat and a hack and not calling software to prevent former antihack shield,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 google docs is always reliable,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 lol yep trumps god is being more proactive i bet cruz wishes he had trumps god,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 have you read all of the other nt descriptions the tests are not rock solid,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 jesus christ that must be painful,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 lol spent most of the day watching her sleep got a good 3 hours of excel tut vids in to bootgod bless the match function,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 he argues from a bunch of definitions and axioms about substance that he invented but his argument is in essence the same as what you said the work is called ethics he was considered a pantheist the equivalent of an atheist in those times and was the most beloved thinker of einsteinuh why would it infinity has always been a huge concern in mathematics and theology which are both strictly speaking branches of philosophy they werent talking past each other cantor himself saw huge theological implications in transfinite numbers,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 an typemention or a sociopath,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 my main source of reflection and goal making has always been journaling listswriting in general,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 new york city its incredibly overrated ive visited other large cities like chicago and tokyo that feel much more unique nyc just felt grey and bland,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 i agree i dont think ive ever seen greystone considered a carry by epic or otherwisebut what does this narendur guy know about parago anyway s,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 whats the aerial shot look like,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i mean these are some pretty strong generalizations this is how you live as being an typemention maybebeing scared depressed etc doesnt come with being an typemention or any type for that matter this does not provide insight into the function stack of an typemention and is basically you rambling about how out of place you feel anyone of any type can feel out of place do i yes but i deal with it and find connections where i can maybe an typemention is more likely than others to feel out of place but it doesnt manifest the same in every typementioni get that this is your personal experience and i do see where you are coming from on certain things but this is not helping rid the community of the typemention are unique and special plaguedownvote me to hell but im feeling ballsy enough to express my opinion on the matter op this isnt personal,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 this question is honestly impossible to answer without more details on where youll be living even where youll be flying to europe is not one country with one overarching justice system every country will have its own laws,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ahahhaha thats such a comically terrible quality,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 but can vapes be marketed as nonnicotine devices on a vendors site while other sites could still sell juice does the vape necessarily require nicotine to work,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 and even a guided one from someone with a soothing voice can be nice i imagine,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 i dont know how i didnt notice that before but thank you ill do that,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 crows are amazing by far my favorite bird,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 that happens so often you wouldnt believe by default you dont even have to press the fn key because the f keys are toggled with fn ive closed 10 tabs so often on this slow af laptop by accident,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 the cf scale theyre good clones apparently not sure if it does now but that southard doesnt come in a cf versionmaybe theyre custom scales maybe notthe clones dont look like clones until you see em side by side lil bit more rounded on the blade edge hole etc its very subtle,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yup my whole life my parents couldnt stand any of their siblings and everyone lives in different states anyway im not sure id even recognize my cousins if we passed on the street sadly my grandmother and her sister are the only family were at all close toon the very rare occasions that everyone does get together its just weirdly awkward too much tension and bad histories that date back 3040 years and younger adult cousins that i havent seen since they were in diapers,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 possibly i think cogfuncmention gets associated too closely with values which isnt wrong but i mean everyone has values of some sort if i recall you have pretty libertarian values correct me if im wrong and the way youve talked about them sort of boiled down to this is what makes sense and the way you feel about it doesnt change that which would be very cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention as i understand itjust my observation of course your posts are just the tip of the iceberg no doubtedit also yeah your enneagram would be pretty atypical for typemention,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 honestly i have to upvote you for having the balls to correct the grammer of that comment but btw you might have ocd or something heh,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 all of them with great power comes great responsibility,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i accept help when i ask for it if i need it but dont ask for it then fuck you for trying to help me,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 if a1 is the cell containing the time value you can use this formula a1time300,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i am not in favour of the death penalty but this is one of those situations that makes me question my principles,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 this is one of my favorite places to hike never been up there during sunrise or sunset how was the trail back down at night,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 um just double checking thats your move,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 her soft side comes out when she sees someone with a personally comparable circumstance which aligns with self referential cogfuncmention shes a child but theyre both completely ruthless to anyone who doesnt align with their personal values they both have long term goals which rule their entire lives and thats not an typemention thing both feel extremely comfortable telling other people what to do have a fondness for the underdog the fat kid and have no need for being liked outside of what it does for them or a very small select group which is not very cogfuncmention granted its more t than f but more still cogfuncmention over cogfuncmention i dont know how far along you are but take the actors scene she had an cogfuncmention outburst in spite of her better interests cogfuncmention is more vulnerable to personal circumstancevalues cogfuncmention is more vulnerable to the circumstances and approvalopinions of others in general the typementiontypemention ive known have been at pains to charm people when they choose to engage its not just about accomplishing their goals you can tell theres an edge to it they need you to affirm them arya gives zero fucks which is more 34 cogfuncmention imo,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 my household is bilingual dutch and english so we deal with this problem quite a lot try a university library if you have access to one general public libraries where i live have very limited amounts and what they do have is old but its worth checking anywayyou can buy foreign language books online new or secondhand from their countries of origin but postage can get expensive we have relatives in the netherlands who buy stuff for us and send it over in larger parcels by seamail that makes it much cheaper we got a parcel of their kids old comics yesterday and all four of my kids are lolling about the house reading donald duck in dutch right nowsee if there are any older people in your community who speak your foreign language of choice they may have old books they are happy to give or sell to you because their own children and grandchildren arent interested check out ebooks older classics may be available for free the kindle store in my country has a limited selection of dutch and afrikaans books im currently investigating the netherlands kindle store but there are geoblocking issues to circumvent,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i do think in these cases it is important to realize that the total costs are not 0 kronor the cost is there but its paid for through taxes etc,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im guessing someone poured water on it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its two different pictures the stars would be too dim to take clear pictures against the bright foreground lightshere is the original source on flickr is the original image imgur mirror website,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 stairway to heaven talisa paused her strumming tilting her head slightly side to side as she thought over the question finally she shrugged no favorite coming to mind,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 something i havent seen mentioned yet is you should lift weights to maximize your testosterone having gone through phases where i was and wasnt working out i really notice the difference also bonus lifting weights is good for you d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 same to all of that except my guy was older than 21,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 dishonored i have played that game over and over several times,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 what did you expect when you clicked on this link man,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i had a guy order 2 orders one to work and one to his apartment the note said to bring them together even though it was different zones i figured he was a former employee but no he begged me for a ride and gave me 20 so i happily told him to hop in,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 it was his foot that broke marq kiernan quipped back introducing a little levity to her husbands bitter mutterings the crown is solid metal im sure its strong enough meanwhile talisa fidgeted in her seat awkwardly finding it difficult to engage in pointless small talk even with the three people closest to her in the worldukingofthenorth22,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i think theyre saying that its also a useful mental exercise to try to see the similarities sometimes as well as the differences,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i started getting teary during the volcano short before the film even started,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 well guess i was slightly helpful by bringing this up thats at least something,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this is news to me,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 1 trump will be far better of a president than bush was2 new york isnt a swing state,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 well if i look at uhk47 s posttimes then he lives on the north pole during summer and on the south pole during the winterhes both always online and neverbut hey you shouldnt let modding this sub effect your sleeping schedule were not that important,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i dont own a subscription to forbes dot com,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 it really depends on how much the smoker is willing to manage their stink ive had friends that dont care if their clothes reeks if their breath stinks if their car smells if their room and house smells and i would leave there smelling like an ashtray ive also had friends that absolutely do not allow smoking in their house will roll their windows down if they smoke in the car their clothes never smell like smoke and their breath never smells or on one persons occasion never tasted like cigs and i leave there smelling like myself,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 check this guys comment history,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 it doesnt start for another 7 hours there will hopefully be some posted nearer the time,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 tom hodgkinson how to be idle how to be free and the idle parent basically most of us are putting far too much time and effort into working and spending money on things that wont make us happy anyway and perhaps we ought to stop the world and get off,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 that star is huge the planets radius is bout 73800km,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 whenever you see a man doing something stupid there is a greater than 73477819 chance that alcohol is involved,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think its silly it makes me less likely to buy it im more practical i might buy it if the beer was good but thats all i care about at the end of the dayi can see how some people might be tricked by it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 can you just start working as a therapist in the us if you have a phd in psychology is this also true for people from outside the us,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 riiight let me just go make my own custom iphone from scratchnot gonna happeneveryone is always going to be a consumer of everything not just tech thats how our society is wired were overconsumers actually opting for horrible single use throwaway junk or items with planned obsolete dates or a company saving 1 per multiple thousand dollar item cutting its expected lifetime by half making everything proprietary and impossible to be able to maintain or replace yourselfsociety isnt gonna just switch gears its going to get worse for a long while i imagine,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i also have bpd and i can vouch for the unstable sense of self messing things upthings like mbti can be difficult because it offers sterotypes that are easy to shift yourself to not only can you rearrange your memories to support a certain stereotype but you might even change your behavior to match it lets say you think you are an typemention so you read up on the subreddit and about stereotypes of typemention with an unstable sense of self you might try to match unconciously those stereotypes in order to fit in because you get scared of rejection from the groupit is also difficult because we tend to have a chameleon effect in which we mirror the behaviors of those around us that means behavior and perspective is unreliableeven now im conflicted between a reclusivetypemention and typemention,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 there was this one kid i was friends with who told me about all the fights he was in he believed he was some super manly thug kid who could take down an entire classroom his main activity would be sparring with me,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i love the way that song sounds but the lyrics are absolute stupid garbage,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 in romania there is a new levy on liquid and the stupid thing is that they dont care about concentration just volume of liquid that contains nicotineso the shops are selling zero nicotine base at 3100ml and 54mgml juice for 20 per same volume we mix them bringing the price around 45100ml of juice what if youd do the same thing in us have some shops only sell gear and nicotine free juice and other sell concentrated nicotine there is no reason to tax nicotine free vaping,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i was the same for both my pregnancies many mothers do experience worse earlydays engorgement with their first babies i have heard it said as a rule of thumb that your bra size at 6 months pregnant should be about right for bfing once your breasts have settled down and that was true for me,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 the toledo blade that i have is square the handles square its got a blunted tipit looks like a rigid version of a fencing foil but squarethe steel will spark easily when struck on pavement pretty sure its carbon and i think it might even be tempered half decently that surprised meso they arent quite as bad as the usual horrid fantasy blades but still obviously destined for display,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 with or without a headphone jack their wireless head phones will work which leads me to believe the only reason they got rid of it is so that you are semiforced to buy their new headphones this reeks of clueless uppermanagement marketing scheme,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i like this idea but we would need a big push for it to be effective and we probably wont get one until the steam release of tagpro next,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 and thats why i included the part about the demographics at my company if that kind of racism was so prevent why dont we see companies full of white male anglosaxon protestants you dont well maybe in north dakota or alaska,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 im not arguing that though the question that im answering is will bulking up make a player slower the answer is no and sprinters being faster than footballers and bulkier is the evidence that i gave to prove my answer i made no claims that bulking up wont have negative consequences to footballers that is why i am confused as to why people keep bringing up that argument because i have not argued against it in any of my comments as i agree with it myself not once have i said that footballers should bulk up i am purely answering the original question,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 theyll find him when they jump into the ocean,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this gameweek makes me nervous we can end up from sixth to first on the table depending on the other results,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 thats illegal what drug companies do is pay for doctors to give talks on how the drugs work they also pay for docs to conduct clinical trials the clinical trial system is fucked up and some docs are very likely complicit with some of the issues with it but the docs arent coerced to prescribe the drugs or lose the contracts in software development a lot of developers give talks promoting various frameworks and technologies they are paid to do this likely they increase their use of those frameworks as they learn all the ins and outs likely they are only interested in promoting those approaches because they believe that they are good approaches,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 sit behind flagokenemy team flaccids violently,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 what the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little bitch iâ ll have you know i graduated top of my class in the navy seals and iâ ve been involved in numerous secret raids on alquaeda and i have over 300 confirmed kills i am trained in gorilla warfare and iâ m the top sniper in the entire us armed forces you are nothing to me but just another target i will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this earth mark my fucking words you think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet think again fucker as we speak i am contacting my secret network of spies across the usa and your ip is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm maggot the storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life youâ re fucking dead kid i can be anywhere anytime and i can kill you in over seven hundred ways and thatâ s just with my bare hands not only am i extensively trained in unarmed combat but i have access to the entire arsenal of the united states marine corps and i will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent you little shit if only you could have known what unholy retribution your little â œcleverâ comment was about to bring down upon you maybe you would have held your fucking tongue but you couldnâ t you didnâ t and now youâ re paying the price you goddamn idiot i will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it youâ re fucking dead kiddo,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 oh you want me to shit on erenalright then i can do that,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 they actually have a specific rule against using him on that sublow hanging fruit,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 theres so many things to pay attention to in this gif,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 the haiku bots great we love and cherish it now and for all of time,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 meh no one should ever be expected to be a mind reader it is literally one of the most harmful expectations in a relationship exactly haha temper tantrum everyone acts like babies in different ways sometimes tantrums are one of them haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 interesting i find lots of links between this and reinforcement learning there are the same functions 1 perceptionobtaining knowledge 2 valuing states and actions judgement and 3 action also rl puts the agent in the larger context of the environment which may contain other agents so what aristotle was saying is to improve all three components of the rl agent which is the human beingin ai there is a lot of interest in rl as one possible path towards agi its an interesting way to see the problem agent exists in environment perceiving its current state selecting the actions that hold the greatest predicted value and then acting on them and sometimes receiving a reward signal from the environment the structure of the reward system guides the evolution of the agent and how it acts human rewards are linked to survival food safety communion understanding the world creativity reproduction sex and freedom these rewards coupled with our environment shape us into what we are the reward system itself is evolved by genetic selectionits another way of putting the problem a more technical mathematical way that is clear and doesnt use the old concepts such as virtue knowledge consciousness self free will and such there is no need to think about philosophy of language to think about the difference between concept and reality because we can understand how the agent creates representations and values various possible actions i find a lot of value in this distinction because the problem is better set and more approachable as an empirical science in ai,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i wonder why all the users from rpolitics are showing up here they all have nasty attitudes too i guess this thread hit a nerve,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 have you sought treatment itt there are a lot of people who have been significantly helped if not cured,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 special ed teacher here specializing in behavior management woo,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i think she meant it was the longest span of time within the hear they hadnt talked i had to reread as well,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 you should check the entry requirements for a masters in education like right now before you start making plans eu higher education is not like the us here you usually have to get a bachelor in a field relevant to the master degree you want to do as an admission requirement into the master there is no doing random college stuff and transferring to law school or med school no here you would do a full bachelor in law of medicine with only courses from that discipline which you need to get into a master of that fieldeducation is a bit different though in my country a masters in education can mean two things either a master in education science or a master that gives you formal accreditation to teach a specific course at high school level which we would call an educational master in germanmathematicsphysics etc the thing is if you want to do a master in education science you would need a bachelor degree degree in educational science or pedagogy a ba in psychology that does not specialize in educational science might not be enough for an educational master you need a bachelor degree in the field you want to teach so if you want to do an educational master in german you need a ba degree in german or european languages specializing in german etc etc,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 if you have problems with the availability of the datacenter there is nothing you can do as cs dev what does whining on the cs subreddit do when we had no update and it apparently is a network problem,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah for the shit that doesnt matter i am happy to just wing it but for all else i at least try to abide by the most logical course of action i can muster,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dont think anyone is ever a must play fresh off a mcbut i like him a lot hes in my cash line at the moment,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i would not trust any butted chainmail to protect against any stab riveted will help but i would not trust it for even one stabits not that heavy the weight is distributed equally on both shoulders the shirt i have is 15000 rings 15lbs i can move just fine with it its like a light backpack still not a great choice for protection though unless you know someone is gonna only slash you then youre near invulnerable,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yup we both have to much free time and were both constantly the top two comments on each threadwe should team up once and make a theory of everything for snk that blows this sub away,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ive been told that i sound a lot better with my cloud as well i initially heard about them through pc gamers website and they declared them the best headset for any price i can see why and agreed these could have been half as much money again on top of what they are and they would still be worth it,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 absolutely personality and circumstance are likely the primary determinants of behavior one can grow their personality and behaviors beyond the confines of nature though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 does anyone know when this film comes out the russian text at the end u0441u043au043eu0440u043e romanised as skoro just means soon,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 you sound more like an typemention to me just based on this post that said try not to beat yourself up too much in another few years youll look back on whatever youre worried about and laugh life is good try to enjoy it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 theres no pattern i would love to take a swing at this,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 sound advice really guh we really should teach this shit in health class this is a penis is far less important than hey dont fucking yell and scream and break shit when youre pissed off that your trust issues were triggered,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 where the 2 team boosts are,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think you all should go with a sharklion theme,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 who the fuck are you,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 you said before its a bad thing and now you say it isnt quantitative easing is a last resort effort and when its being used its not a good sign its used when your interest rate is near zero and you want to avoid deflation and at least have some inflation we have been in this situation for a while this situation means that investment dont grow pension fund dont grow,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 the typemention and typemention have to date someone so your chances are much better i dont think there are enough typemention to go around,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i made rcatsstaringatwalls which is for cats that happen to be staring at walls pretty niche id say,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 youre psychonauts both for the title and for the games sense of humor i dont know if it holds up but i sure thought that game was funny when i was twelve,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 if i were good with photoshop youd be mining for mithril in that pic,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i totally picture kanye as the kinda guy who always talks in the bathroom,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sjokz twitch comments have indeed lessened so maybe i wouldnt bet money on it cuz here there are extra circumstances,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 same rules as the rest of us if theres a question of if it should have human rights well ive said before about how we should define sapient rights and a presapience qualification for animals like crows and dogs and elephants etc that provides them additional protections from cruelty and mistreatment the clones could have those kinds of protectionswell thats for an ethics panel to decide along with a risk assessment and controls we wouldnt want to have 10 hitlers at the same time,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 im not great at iding rocks but if i had to guess slag some stainless steels arent magnetic because of how its structured inside,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 completely off the top of my headedward i of england was unusually tall nicknamed longshanks i dont know how good a fighter he was but he subjugated the welsh and had a decent go at the scotssaul the first king of israel is described as being head and shoulders above everyone else he was reasonably badass in his early reign and definitely an interesting character,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 well then im glad i didnt have to see it first hand,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 if thatâ s not a cop what the fuck how can a noncop arrest someone,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 at least he hasnt mysteriously suicided,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 wow thats a very specific saying it must be a regional idiom,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 after all the blame that was put on trump for the protests and chaos it would make democrats look like fools if things got out of hand,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 why does cynicism hell if youre gonna love a thing love it for what it is not what you wish it was yeah,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you can try it i know the thread that disappeared was cross posted there and its gone from that forum too im not sure how theyll react getting so many typemention requests so frequently but if you want info theyll know better than we do id suggest searching that forum for all typemention relationship topics first just in case good luck,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 if it helps them beat city later in the year then im all for italso an added bonus would be if he helped them take the 4th spot from spurs and help van gaal keep his job,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 donald trump is a representation of everything wrong with america,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 of course doing what feels right is imperative try stuff for yourself and see what tickles your fancy tops bottoms versatiles sides we need them all,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i thought your name had an r for the longest time kromatik,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 im going to pick a new one up today from argos did you know you can reserve one online and then take in your great british pounds later and collect it o,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 father is too formal for my tastepapi isnt even englishif everyone who spoke english called their father dad that would be great but there just has to be that stereotype where spoiled rich girls call their dad daddy,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 haha well this will probably be sent to my avatar which is maintaining the illusion i am still alive after being conscripted into the digital army of the peoples republic and very quickly being executed for not singly the praises of the great leader loudly enough,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 are loyalists pro ireland or pro uk,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 people really exaggerate this i mean who is the most famous female nude from the renaissance mona lisa is not a sex symbol its botticellis venus the goddess of beauty ie beauty personified a literal sex symbol and she has abs for chrissakespeople really exaggerate how big she was too i dont know anything about female dress sizes but you can look her up she wasnt much heavierandy anyway that doesnt matter because what you said is a complete non sequitur human attraction is at least partially contingent on social factors ergo physical attraction is petty sorry what is the logic there tell me what are good or valid reasons to find someone attractive or want to date them and tell me how they are not socially contingent and not petty,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 step 1 become a celebritystep 2 get invited to the correspondents dinner,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 tldr this stricture if something is bad and you know its bad dont do it,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 am i the only one that thinks that punisher showing up was a dues ex machina there is literally no reason for him to be there am i wrong,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 or trying to get yourself wedged into a fence for mass glitch pointsi feel like this inspired skates hall of meat mode,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah this is just sad,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its possible that the sky was clear that day,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the fitnessgram pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues the 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds line up at the start the running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboop a sing lap should be completed every time you hear this sound ding remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible the second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound your test is over the test will begin on the word start on your mark get readyâ start ding,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i find i cannot watch any other version though those added scenes make the movies complete that said my yearly viewing is done over several days because of length,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 the best part about arizona is the lack of dst,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 im not strictly keto but i dont sugar much anymore and keep thinking about doing it fulloni also vape started maybe 2 years ago didnt really keep track it instantly got me off the cigsi was never big on sweet stuff to begin with but it does help just doing something instead of falling back to foodlately ive been mixing my own juice i just mixed up a bunch of some peachescream cheesecake with graham cracker its wonderful i have some lemon flavours coming in the mail today so i should be able to figure something else out from thatso far im down about 4050lbs from 200215ish and into a healthy range so whatever im doing seems to be working all combined,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lvl 1 loves animals a by too muchlvl 2 loves animals a bit too much and occasionally wears a tail andor earslvl 3 wears ears and tail all the time does animalistic thingslvl 4 proclaims is a furry does lvl 3 thingslvl 5 furshiftlvl 6 is otherkinlvl 7 is vegan,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 lol he gets so offended,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 psychologist seems like a lot of work dont you get tired of listening to people talk about the same problems,9.0,61.0,8.0,24.0,16.0 indeed so much unnecessary anger and spitefulness must make life difficult what do they think goes on at burning man,60.0,67.0,45.0,10.0,47.0 maybe the way to help people from less represented minorities is for the state to pay for extra classes so they can get admitted purely based on merits and not on race,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 hey guys c room 46949 would love some more people seems like were moving pretty quickly atm,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 similar for boxing and mma gloves increased brain injuries,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 if america split between red and blue businesses would probably flock to the side that doesnt want insanely high business taxes,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 id rather see a list of 10 phd level fields i should study or a list of 20 types of pillow i cant sleep without or a list of 25 foreign languages that are best to learn or at least 7 cities to live in maybe i will try each city for a year then i will use the 10 menu bar apps i cant live without especially i cant live without all of them open at once,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 oh sweet where is the lighthouse havent come across one like that yet and that sounds like a really cool place to build a mini base,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 r python anything besides vba in this scenario if youre able to export it as a normal csv file or some other similarly delimited file since you already have commas in there it would then be more suited for processing using an alternate script or programming language altogether attempting this in vba would easily leave you waiting for at least an hour while everything processes,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i was thinking about open sourcing designs for all kinds of parts and devices to be produced locally with 3d printers also about having an open source ai that would empower everyone hopefully ai wont empower just google and fb alone other essential means would be solar power and water filtration even if people have access to automation there is still a need for raw materials we need to make sure all humanity can have their basic share of the raw materials other than that people can manage by ingenuity and hard work so we dont need to rely on the state to do it for us,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 why would there be a guy on a snowmobile shooting a moose in ferguson,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 if you are to rely on this argument you will have to be against the government opposing taking the oath naked,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 well i did read it and i didnt install because of it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 assignments and investment research reports primarily in the grand scheme of things remember jokes and references and use your thoughts enough to survive the middle class is disrespectful and can transcend one individual life and have been this,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 you want to try both ways,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 there were christian songs specifically about refusing to deny him and being shot after the columbine shootings,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 unskilled at hiding her emotions talisas shoulders sagged slightly with disappointmentoh okay she said her voice sounding somewhat dejected with her curiosity abruptly extinguished she focused back on their previous topic of conversationi think youll be able to see all those places though if you want she suggested kindly offering alysanne her signature small smile it was her mothers age old advice and it seemed to be the right thing to say,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 thats a rough place to be in but kudos for driving forwards anyway if you pull it off it means no excuses for next yearand no excuses for anyone else either,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i dont really think im a devils advocate i stick to my position until someone proves it wrong then i say okay i concede on that and have refined my argument to this usually that helps when you say why youve changed your mind,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 arent there like 204 countries or something,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 he wants to justify killing people his teacher will hate it and almost certainly fail him which will be funny but i doubt hell post about ithes probably just trolling tho,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 omg this made me feel proud,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 would he have to take another penalty to switch drivers again,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 whew thats good to hear thanks man,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 i think lyft is better and i dont really like uber but i dont get why other socialists here have such a hateboner for it it seems odd can someone explain for meedit lyft not airbnb,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 to give more credence to this article amnesty international and forensic architecture did their own independent investigation and research into israels actions and found that israel committed war crimes back in 2014 here is the report if anyone wants to read itblack friday glad that the us is finally calling israel out on this the israelis have created the world largest concentration camp of muslims in the gaza strip and its one of the largest humanitarian crisis its time for my taxdollars here in the us to stop funding israel and let israel stand on its own as a sovereign nation,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 mhm and how does one milk this law for profits,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 everyone has their own routine before they play a gamei for one listen to a good song before playingwhile the warmup is running on the server but i generally deathmatch or play arena once a day to get a start for the csday,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 typemention bc magic and specialness,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 so what is your alignment,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 wellâ one of them should have a more negative tone to its perceptions so lower level cogfuncmention is more prone to hypochondriaâ and a detached relationship with the body whereas cogfuncmention is more prone to catastrophizing at the lower level when you take a trip to negative town is it the outside possibilities that haunt you or is it what is inside you that you worry about you can also look at your level of comfort with uncertainty the higher level of cogfuncmention that you have the more comfortable you are with improvising your way through the world of the unknown,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 the software has no will of its own it acts as the user wants or designs no software initiates actions on its own without user directionthe plant description is an analogy describing how wed be if there was no consciousness according to the paper there would be stimulus and reaction no interpretation or thought,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i heard he could be like uhh a system administrator,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 its interesting how she faded into obscurity after the election,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i dont think you are supposed to be against minorities also personally i am against these white nationalists trump supporters,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i was put on amitriptyline once it was terrible i got sleep paralysis every night and could barely sleep made me more anxious and depressed im still working on a benzo script as well after a very long time supposed to be taking buspar right now but it makes me drowsy as fuck which i cannot deal with 247 school would be a nightmare if i was taking that twice a day,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 well yeah that was also my point they both need to give information to the public and keep the common people ignorant at the same timewhich is why i wonder how much theyll tell exactly,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 you sound like my boyfriend ill give you a slightly other point of view do you ever talk badly about your own appearance my so thinks im gorgeous despite having gained weight but he himself hates his body and constantly brings himself down by saying out loud how fat he is he isnt and how he dislikes his body this fucks with my head because all i hear is if you call yourself fat despite even having lost weight you are a fucking hypocrite and fraud when you tell me im beautiful and you make it difficult for me to believe you,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if we even bother coming up with the legal authorization to do whatever were doing,83.0,87.0,9.0,24.0,61.0 this is awesome we ganked my landlords old fridge when he replaced mine and are converting it i even got a sweet brand new miller lite gag pull handle at a yard sale the other week,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 metal planetheres a metal planet from ed,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 theres a great moment in orphan black when an typemention starts rockin it to this song in the middle of her nervous breakdown,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 tilthanks for clearing that up,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 its not as good as fdtd but i agree with you they have yet to find their sound with denis i enjoyed it though,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 unfortunately it is human nature for groups of people to fight in those kind of situations there have been psychological studies done with groups of 1112 year old childrentwo scenarios occur either people are low on some kind of resource and people will split up and fight between groups or you force people to cooperate for some mutual gain and everyone becomes friends the same thing happens without people knowing everyone elses type but it would probably be more rigid and obvious,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 its kind of funnyyou almost never know when they will snap in and out of cogfuncmention mode i love ittheir unpredictability is what makes them so interesting,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 interesting why does it seem wrong to you,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 yes to this thats why this sub has become my asoiaf space theres variety and a good balance of serious discussion and excited fanchatter many people enjoy both even hype has its place i mean the april fools day banner was that not cool,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 thats probably the reason why you see all the time on realestate shows that condos in gated communities with pools clubhouses etc charge 400 a month in hoa fees but if its 1 within driving distance of where you live and you can ensure that you can use at a time when others wont it could work out cheaper than going on a regular vacation where you stay at a hotel or airbnb,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 what does bad fit look like just regarding regular tshirts,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 whyd you spend so much when you can get it at amazon for 272,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 every couple weeks every other day before swc theres a new thread about how to buff amc but hirez has stood by the line that hes in a good place i agree id like his slow to be stronger and harder to escape and for his hives to be a little hardermore annoying to destroy but hes fine as issometimes people give me shit for picking him but then again ive also been told that hes freelo because hes so good,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i have absolutely no problem with thatbut if you decide to do that you can also send pmswere spamming op right now if he hasnt turned send replies to my inbox off,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah nice try nsaidk if id try to implement things that i think would incrementally improve the world or if i would go full apocalyptic and supress countries to try to remove cause for conflict on a national scale,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 the message you receive is exactly what you receive its not going to be the same as anyone elses sometimes that means you interpret something or see a significance that wasnt the authors intention that doesnt necessarily make it invalid although in some cases it might it isnt wrong to keep your interpretation on the condition that you dont try to compel others to accept it as the one true way of reading the book quite frankly though noone should be doing that not even the author,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 your maternal unit is so massive that she has reached a critical mass causing her to collapse into a single point in spacetime that has an escape velocity higher than light speed,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 sorry to hear about the brain cancer but im glad things are working for you,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 i understand that the feeling of responsibility can be hard to fathom especially when you find it hard to be responsible for yourself im not going to tell you to hang in there amp that youll get over it because youve got your cats i understand that it can be hard amp even though our pets i have a dog can be good listeners we sometimes need a human to talk to so if you need somebody you can always pm me,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 well this is the first time historia gave him a visionshe has been giving him flashbacks since the uprising arc though,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 because i was about to drive somewhere and was like oh yeah i wanted to make a post on rpoker so i hurried up and did that before i left,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yes just like the people who think its a waste of money to advance human exploration and survivability,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 apparently that 6shooter has a hidden 3 extra chambers in the cylinder somehow,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 dont let them get you down the only thing i see that looks odd with your build is the void shield its expensive for a first item really its too expensive for what it does regardless id replace it with rage and move it to 5th in your build order alternately you could go transcendence boots asisoul eater pick one executioner rage db thats my goto hunter build,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 if shell be kept outside during summer beware of overheating ferrets are very sensitive to heat,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 yeah actually maybe youre right,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 dont act like you dont do weird ass shit while stretching in your natural environment,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 what draws the line for it to be considered light gaming,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 vastly different in the way that it kind of suckssorry everyone the only thing i liked about going to an f1 race was the sensation and sound of the motors before the change i would rather watch live on tv with as much imaging and information being fed to me as possible,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 i was rising star and im d1 lol,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 im doubtful jl can do it since bvs didnt batman and superman are the two biggest and best known superheroes in dcs universe so adding aquamanflashcyborg to the mix doesnt make justice league a significantly bigger event than bvs wasespecially since the marketing is indicating that superman isnt going to be involved in the actionat the end of the day even with whedons postproduction work the film is still going to suffer from a lot of snyderisms which i think will prevent it from reaching its full potential there have only been 5ish months between wonder woman and jl after all even if wb learned something from patty jenkinss success they dont have the time to successfully implement it,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 idk im pretty time poor but i still comment quite a lot here on reddit and the guardian during my commute on the train or when im at the gym,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 youre so brave i cant do that,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 he also got a tuque with the normal flag colors no need to antagonize an obviously proud american,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 you dont have to use eoc anymore they created a legacy mode for those that dont want to use itsincerely a guy that recently made the super wise decision to start playing again after a 5 year hiatus,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 they are a conservative think tank so yes they are certainly biased but i think the of growth is about the effect of the the tax plan not the economy as a whole i could be wrong but 14 growth over 10 years for cruz isnt much growth,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 litany against brian herberti must not fear brian herbertbrian herbert is the mindkillerbrian herbert is the littledeath that brings total obliterationi will face my fear of brian herberti will permit brian herbert to pass over me and through meand when brian herbert has gone past i will turn the inner eye to see his pathwhere brian herbert has gone there will be nothingonly frank herbert will remain,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 yes i agree and have come on my own to the same conclusion,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 if its a long term thing it can be difficult to distinguish between a dry spell and a permanent sexless thing,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 yes it did blame swype im removing that from my phones dictionary because its happened too many times now and i dont even use that word in everyday conversationor ever,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 very relatable most average people just dont care to know they are to focused on their own to me mostly uninteresting ideas and needs which revolve aroud the immediate and the mundane when normies are talking i throw in a sound bite or two to let them know i care enough about them to pay some attention i rarely let them know what is slushing around in my thoughts and what connections i see between seemingly unrelated subjects that has become my private treasure trove there are rare occasions though that my knowledge seemlessly fits their needs then i just drop it in their laps when they least expect it most of the time people then look at me like im some sort of dark mage who just pulled it out of thin air ive been called wikipedia on occasion,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 listen to xavier mutants and muggles can live together in peace but not mudbloods they are too filthy they need to be deported back to mexico,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 yes people ask about this a lot i am not on the spectrum but i have very sensitive hearing i related to the information on rmisophonia the most you might find some good info there,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 heres what works for me theres more to it if youre serious about it and i admit i have some personal twists that may not be ideal but i think this is still a decent procedure to get startedfind a reasonably comfortable spot and have a seat take a minute or two to get acquainted with your surroundings and to simply relax yes that part is important especially when youre getting started with meditation then close your eyes and gradually slow your breathing a bit thats all preparatorynow stop thinking just breathe and let your thoughts fade dont try to evaluate how well youre doing or how the meditation is going and dont worry about getting perfect posture or deep breaths or anything like that just let everything go if any thoughts or feelings do come into your mind dont let them linger but dont let them have significance either ie dont get after yourself for accidentally thinking about things calmly and simply acknowledge their existence and let them fade if you find your mind needs a place to go you can try focusing on a simple mental image or alternatively on observing not judging or altering your breathing keep doing this for a whilewhen you feel ready to finish open your eyes but change nothing else stay still keep avoiding thinking etc then gradually shift back to normal however it feels most natural to yougood luck,70.0,33.0,46.0,6.0,33.0 so which is worse ethically to farm animials in good conditions and kill them quickly or hunt wild foxes stressful final hours with a painful deathi think youre conflating the issue of poor treatment of some farmed animals to the overall idea of farming them of course there are still issues with how farm animals are raised fed milked transported and killed which is why people need to make decisions about how ethical what they buy is but its totally possible for farmed animals to live less stressed better fed and less sick than wild counterparts not to mention how screwed domesticated animals are if they are ever released to the wild,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 well for one the people dont have a cia with a black budget all our studies have to be ethical we dont have an nsa eitherthat and our guns are being taken away,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 you can win 2 games per day on comp max but can play as many as you like until you get to 10 winsclarification you can lose 15 consecutively and still play another because youre under your limit of winning 2 games per day,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 inxjs and isxps are very similar in brain scansinside every typemention is an typemention inside every typemention is an typementioni just dont care about my feelings the way typemention or ixfps do im much more interested in how other people think and feel like tinkering with a motorcycle but with more brains braaains,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 practically all stem masters take two years while most social scienceshumanities take one year,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thank you ill add it to the list,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 fire alarm drill going off at 4am in the dormi was the first one out and i was on the third floor guess im a light sleeperalso at my friends bachelor party i had to sleep on the floor of a camper trailer and had a 2lpop bottle fall on me at 5am it was open id only just gotten to sleep,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it is neat to have a different perspectivei used to be typical deutan and then i had an incident a few months ago and since then ive lost color as well as some visual ability im currently working with doctors though because of that it recently has become a bit scary but you cant control what happens in life but it is interesting,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 chad campbell only 4 mark wilson lt1 herman 2 blixt 3 brown 2 and owen 1 so ive got my sneaky plays with better ownership than expected just need a few of them to produce,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ffs cogfuncmention just drives me up the damn wall met up with exwife last night she owes me some loot and has for a year ive been pretty chill about it i brought it up again hey its been a year now when are you going to start paying me back omg wtf i put money in your account last month you didnt notice um no have you met me anyways i cant remember how much you owe me ah thats less than i recall i gotta look back through the emails stage 10 freakout you are impugning my character etc etc tears screaming etc me youre not being rational our memories differ on this so im goign to check the record its just business dont you appreciate how guilty ive felt about this for a year of course i remember um youre upset that im not appreciating you feeling guilty over not delivering on your promises a dozen times how in the fuck did we stay together for so long freakout yeah ill email you later this was in a crowded bar,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i clearly stated that ive personally known multiple manipulative cunty shitty camgirls but that is not the majority of us the people in this thread are demonizing an extremely tame form of sex work i never defended ops gf lying to her bf at that magnitude is very shitty but shes barely even entering into the world of sex work why does everyone have to talk so much shit on her if they were only talking about her dishonesty that would be a different story,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 well thats incredibly unfortunate for them now isnt it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i talked to my current bf within 2 weeks of dating he made a joke about naming his son some ridiculous name and i just had to bring it up i talked for a few minutes and left it alone a few weeks later he was curious on my reasons so we had a good long discussion,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 no one wants to take a password protected test if you want to peddle your wares know that you need to step people along a path to logging in why would anyone sign up for your test when they can access free ones elsewhere if you want people to sign up you need to give them value and offer more after that initial value bait them that said stop peddling your wares here please,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this applies specifically to the american college system though european unis have a totally different system where you chose a major right from the start and do nothing else except that major for 5 years,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 haha i am a few episodes behind i need to catch up,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 still obsessed with me i see,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 probably not just my initial interpretation,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 haha thats why i read typemention it helps me understand my friends point of view better and to not take things so personally,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i remember hearing that last pickfirst pick actually matters more than radiantdire you cant really quantify that claim though since they are always tied to a side,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 i just settle for chaotic neutral and call it a day,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i remember this campfire story admittedly it was pretty scary when troop leader smithers turned around wearing my shampoo bottle those were the days,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i used to play on the wow us east medivh server way back when back in my pro days spent way too much time on it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i still cant see the results and havent gotten points from the week 4 matches much less week 5,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 when you fry it its amazing,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 bunch of good uncommoncommon staple esquie cards for every colour 20 of each land and a bunch of boosters cant remember how much but it was like 4 boosters in a 20 dollar box so good if you are just starting out,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 its excellent attention to detail i like that,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i did i still do same as you my fantasy world saved me with an nmum and an emotional unavailable dad following an awful divorce when i was 12 i fell into a depression undiagnosed considering nobody gave enough of a fuck to see i was struggling i didnt even realise myself back then only put the piece together once i was preparing to move out live on my own and met people who were diagnosed anyway i would spend countless hours daydreaming mostly based on novels and movies most of which already named by other commenters my daydreaming mostly included building imaginary relationships with fictional characters mothers fathers siblings friends romantical interests 100s of them most of the time spent in the dreams were mostly just talking imagening how that relationship works i would daydream for at least 5 hours a day usually a lot morethe thing is by doing so i learned a lot about myself and my parents frankly by doing so i subconsciously worked my way out of a depression by projecting therapist roles unto characters i learned my own strengths and weaknesses and what i want out of life and my relationshipsim now in my 20s and in a really happy place and am loved by many people i still daydream though there are several characters from my childhood day dreams i hold very dear and up till this day i daydream and continue to expand those imaginary relationships a lot less often obviously but usually still in those dull moments before falling a sleep or when riding my bicycle to class the day dreams are still a safe haven,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 maybe you did wasted time because this person does not certainly care about you even if they say i love you or keep trying its not working theres also nothing coming your from from this person its better to leave it and not ever go back even if it seems inviting at one point in the future thats my advice because ive experienced something like this,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 naw funny how you kids only know black and whitei just get annoyed by this stupid circlejerk which is absolutely irelevant and exaggerated into oblivionfor casters to jump on a bandwagon if nothing has been proven is unprofessional and in this case more a case of bullying instead of a witty remarkyou may think otherwise and call me a fanboy but i might as well call you a idiot for assuming things based on a comment that displays my personal opinion of casters and their behaviour while representing a sport or something that aspires to be recognised as such it has something to do with professionalism and work ethics but i guess that doesnt bode so well with you kids,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i need to think about my average,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i believe earned income is any income that is nonpassive so income from investments is passive and therefore unearned same thing with rental income schedule c personal business and nonemployee compensation 1098misc is earned income because you actively participate in the generation of income,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 dont be fooled by it though you should read up on the disparity between what you as an employee get before taxes and what you cost your employer in the eu an emoloyee costs his or her employee about double their before taxes salary which puts it on par with us salaries thats the price you get for not having to worry about your retirement which is by law the resposibilty of your employer not having to worry about getting sick and loosing your job by law your employer cant easily fire sick employees and need to insure themself against it not having to worry about loosing your job to begin with at al because your employer has to pay extra taxes to provide you with governmental financial aid on the level of your former salary for an x number of months if you do loose your job this and loads and loads of other social security measurements which us employees simply dont have because in the us mentality you need to take care of yourself insteas of relying on the governmentits a different system a different mentality one not necessarily better than the other i would absolutely love to be in control of my own retirement funds for example but alas by law i cant just different,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 kiernan smiled at her husband filling his cup as well speaking to both of them she asked would you rather play never have i ever or truth or dare or would you ratherudexter87,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i meant juvenile vs adult prison is apples and oranges andonly 6 states make no distinction between jail and prison,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 huhso coordinates dont have an umlaut in englishthey do in dutchand the word is written nearly identical thats probably where the confusion came fromalso my little brother just took my phone and thought he was funny by deleting comments the previous one saidno not gonna push my luck a second time what part of that did i misspell,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 no i dont think one state is better than the other necessarily not to say i wouldnt try to find something to eat if i was hungry good stuff and nah man i wouldnt say youre a bad philosopher i think you are onto something i wouldnt have entertained your opinion if i didnt think there was some merit to it also props on your english,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 no you can tell the ones that are dead on the ground are not bees as such it stands to reason that mass of insects are not bees,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i only answer the phone if i have to pretty much always prefer to text,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 framework design should be judged by how well it covers the best models in a standard model zoo not just how efficient it is in defining new models reuse is like an afterthought in framework design today,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 aside from lgb also being part of the queer spectrum despite people constantly trying to redefine and further compartmentalise usable umbrella terms what makes you think whole groups like t and q are insane what happened to i and aaside from extremely radical individuals which i think have a problem with conforming to acceptable ways of interacting with others i havent seen a lot of crazy from people with gender differences dont take the most loud ones as the representation for the whole group,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 link to many others experiences trouble finding any reliable studies but the extremely high dose in the 1day treatment even in the 3day treatment for some can really irritate the vagina breaking it up into 7 doses is less harshi havent had a yeast infection in quite a while but i used to get them a lot over 1 year or so during that time i only used over the counter treatment such as monistat i think it never truly went away for that whole time i stopped buying otc treatments and sought out a prescription for diflucan instead less messy just a pill and more effective at treating the problem systemically,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 oh right hes big into baseball andor owns a team or something doesnt hewish you guys would post some context on stuff like thiseven though i dont follow sports or anything itd be nice to hear more about bill murray and what he likes never bothered to look it up,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i sort of agree sort of im still skeptical of him pulling off batman well,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i was talking about the period i was watching naruto in,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 so the obama administration was in on the russia collusion this whole time,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 man its almost like they are people who would directly benefit from a tax increasehmmmm,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 or because youre banging on about cogfuncmention all the time youre in the right age for an typemention to be really developing that function haha weve had this argument before p cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmentiondomte comes later,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 print its not 2007 just pull the email on your phone if they question anything,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 the person who boosted me up to op8 a month ago was able to do it so it should still work,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 if you have a state especially with a welfare system you have to have borders thats kind of how it worksim all for immagration sans a state though,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 if i were nintendo i would go over their patches will a fine tooth comb after the dumpster fire this bug isive never played a game on a nintendo platform with a showstopping bug before,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 ha what not in my experience they get pretty horny,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yeah they might as well have the crusaders crossbow replace the syringe gun,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 25 sounds about right right now i dont have him in my main lu because the high priced options are meh,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 not the same oneeating marcel gave her sharp nails sharp teeth and made her titan smaller,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 besides the whole issue being silly you could try the argument of why i need a tv or music on the background for me to get my hyper focus going i need a stupid tv or music im not paying attention to to act as a white noise that cancels out all other irregular noises car alarm people talking on the hall way etc for the same reasons why you need silence i dont mind studying in the same room where my so is gaming or doing the dishes because i dont notice him over my white noise if your boyfriend is the same you could tell him that you like studying in silence for the same reason why he likes studying with back ground noise,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i too would find myself requesting said room no idea why they thought it was a bad idea sigh,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 ideas form structure content historicity contexti mean why would you think emotions are the only one what do you consider to be great art,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 what about 14 and 26,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 from your post so obviously some of these are more of an issue than others but every single one of these little nuggets from your post is a reason that calls for some critical introspection and self evaluation you need to be in a good place with yourself before you can actually be a good place for somebody else especially your references to suicide in combination with your self proclaimed emotional instability are reasons you need to seek therapy this is not something to be ashamed about or whatever its something you do to make yourself a better person if anything you can go into competition with yourself to be the best possible you how can you expect you can truly and fully love someone if you clearly cant even bring up enough love to love yourself enough to take proper care of yourself,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 european literature was formed long before the bible existed the old testament possibly predates the homeric epics hard to say but it was a long time before european literature really became influenced by the bible,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 so a relationship having considered this at some length for myself and having seen so many train wrecks i can confidently say that at least for myself it in no way seems worth it to me i have yet to encounter any arguments for poly which cannot be reduced to 1 you get to sleep with multiple people 2 sometimes it sucks so bad that you will grow as a person to which my arguments reduce to 1 ok so why not have really close friends you develop platonic intimacy with and have other non committal sex partners 2 id rather climb everest ive seen people leverage this experience for sex and money by way of narcissistic self help books and gigs boring high school students with i had to eat my friends and you can do it too speeches my favorite argument centers around but it helps you work on your jealousy ok but jealousy is a primal force which serves a purpose much like fear i dont want to get rid of all fear of fire by setting myself ablaze either likewise i dont want to be so afraid of fire that i cant light a candle one candle is fine for me d second favorite has to be the natural statemonogamy is a tool of the matripatritocracyismarchyanarchyfuckyeah pretending those are three separate arguments and not simply clever mindfucks of the unscrupulous a way more evidence against than for b so you admit that monogamy promotes stability and wealth c hot topic is not punk rock in the vast majority of poly train wrecks ive seen one person really wants monogamy and its only a matter of time before shit explodes usually someone the girl gets a ton of action and the other person talks a lot about growth i think p types in general are more likely to set themselves ablaze to prove that fire actually does hurt but im not sure theyre better suited to liking being on fire,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 not sure what you guys call it could be creamer but its just a fine white powder that acts like cream maybe i got the cheap stuff when i hear creamer i think of liquid,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ah neat i dont think ive seen any of those before,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah i just wanted to mix it with biker and forgot the k and used c lol,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 no thats not what you were saying what you were saying is that i implied or suggested that because i exercise my rights that i am rude to copsyou were completely wrong people obviously felt the need to correct you,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 thats not nationalism its either anecdotal or racist sheesh,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 kiernan furrowed her brow thinking on the matter for a momenti expect it did play a role in why he was betrothed to a niece she replied honestly although i doubt he wouldve been any happier with a daughteri cant see any reason that a lords daughter would have loved denys any more than a niece she continued completely dismissing any political favor that might have been earned from a closer relative her nephews happiness seemed like a far more important issue than small differences in the strengths of alliances,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 pastor nick got tortured to death,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 3min long commercial i dont think so this is a music video german i sposesupergeil super cool and sophisticated,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 cart before the horse you dont lose because you threw too many passes you throw too many passes because youre losing its the same as saying when they run the ball 25 times they win every time they dont win because theyre running the ball theyre running the ball to drain the clock and preserve their lead,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 can confirm i used to have this issue i forcibly changed it so that now i do what i consider staring people down apparently its normal or slightly not but after i started doing this people i dont know at work knew who i was and were saying hello in the hallways and knew my namenot too fun for the intentionally antisocial but helps in the ladder climbing department,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 7 what marley heard from that event through the radio that the warriors carried with them8 the reaction of the horses on that event9 a topdown view10 a shot taken from the ground looking upward,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i could stick a knife in each of the tires of the 4 vehicles owned by my neighbor sitting in both his and my driveway pretty sure thatd ruin their day,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i am mobile so forgive my brevity for starters it promises to actually answer fundamental philosophical questions like is there such a thing as destiny another one of my favorites is what defines an object how does the universe know that electron a is electron a and not electron x exploring the implications of quantum pairing and seeming teleportation has implications for what we truly are in a nutshell where you are and where you are headed largely defines what and who you are i could go on for a while but you get the idea,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it depends if it is something related to parenting,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i always reserve that right haha i think this is an example of the difference between tertiary and secondary cogfuncmention cogfuncmention wants to be liked but for us that is less important than what is going on in someones head as a curiosity cogfuncmention,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah youre right its fucked haha thats from an online questionnaire matches up well with typemention though from this better one,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 should have named the cryolater stolen from santa,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 wherever you take that from,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 because they hate their idiot neighbors and do yard work naked,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 recent kick is watskys new album my favorite songs aretalking to myself be nice to your guns angel glowing screens pt 3 love letters,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 not rigged you mean like all the voter suppression that happened those who believed that the election was fair didnt happen to be a minority this election or how about the uncounted votes in michigan,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 yes i thought things were going well when the african girl let me put my arm around her waist and even leaned in to talk but i think shortly after i crossed the slurred speech line and that was that,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well i dont frequent subs where white knighting happens except this one also this sub doesnt exist in any singular point in time so yes you can be a brutal dick and also white knight,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 use your cogfuncmention even if youre xxtjxxfp at least try to look at all the theories available and make your own internal structure of how they work cogfuncmention you can have a 5 function stack if it makes sense to you it doesnt matter you can even create a 9th function if you think it will be useful and it does make sense but dont just play with it just for the sake of creating something new make it make sense for example me and uneutralizedcommand hope i spelled his username right made some sort of subfunction of every function instead of cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention we have tietii fiefii etc i will reply with almost all i know about jungian theory to this comment and i hope that if you read it all you might come to a conclusion if not just tell me what cog function you relate to the most in what slot,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 yes i was like what about just finding a partner you are happy withor the people who love being single,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 which isnt the fault of mbti,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i believe you can likely get one for the pourovers as well i probably would have bought a ceramic one had i gone that route i liked the aeropress because you could use it as a french press so it was more like i was used to it has the upside of also being indestructibleits nice to be able to control the brew time,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thank you for once again debunking crit every time i see the enemy building crit i know my odds of winning are that much better,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 yes this goes to broader jungian concepts what we have here with creator72archetypes is archetypal possession this is quite obvious what he suffers from is what we used to call demons in times past what he suffers from is the shadow aspect of the self archetype it is the most dangerous,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 thats not what i was going for but alright,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 no err i err didnt know xcom had mods guess i might have to try that though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 how long did you study under the ancient aikido master before he taught you the secrets of such an ultimate takedown,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i can never unsee this now,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 lots of potential id say stay shaven because it looks good definitely go for new hairstyle honestly much shorter but in that same all on top thing would be ok i think you have potential for 675 but are stuck at a 4 almost only because of the hair of course it might look better from the side 7 is real good imo i think you could pull it off,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 we are not the css subreddit rcounterstrike is what you are looking for,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 uleapingtitan has done some vids about the history of the worldheres his channel manga spoilers in link of that you can always watch the podcast manga spoilers are other podcasts out there but this one is done by some of the mods of this sub,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 whats it like as a 1 one of my best friends was typemention 1 he was great he just struggled to let loose a lot of the time but i admired his diligence so much he was like an unshakable pillar and a good friend,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i am an atheist and wish everyone thought like this as well,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 were not but only because the bigger teams dont need himplay in a formation without a 10,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 he is nebulous on this but it seems that what he wants he force every companies to get on the federal exchange program and no more state by state regulations he also want the government to cover people who cant afford a plan,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 dat denial you are part of it also dont knife at round startban deserved no reason to change the system,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 win the games you were winning until you lost the game,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 like others say i would suggest a hobby i am in a similar situation as you except it doesnt really bother me i have stuff to do that i enjoy however it would certainly be nice if i had some close friends to hang outtalk with,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 well then how did you write this,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 hold until both microsoft and jp morgan lose interest,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 me reading in the morning sweet beating the game as both of themme reading it now time to never cheat,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i dunno my mom is 2w1 and i have no idea what my dad is cuz he was mostly out of the picture whichever type is narcissistic asshole i turned out to be a pretty strongwilled 7w8 not sure how that worked out,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 let me try to substantiate my claim i pretty much only looked at the cognitive functions when i typed you your answer to 11points to you using cogfuncmention as a highly valued function so youre probably not a tp or fj your answer to 2 also points very strongly to cogfuncmention being dominant or auxiliary your answer to 5 seems to indicate that cogfuncmention is overshadowed by cogfuncmention pushing me strongly to an fp type and i think cogfuncmentiondominant ixfpthen i kind of see cogfuncmention because your writing seems rather intense and slightly aggressive with a carpediem feel you dont seem to have the kind of wishywashiness that cogfuncmention types tend to have and more of the certitude and confidence coming from seni so at the very least i think you use cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention in some order with typemention seeming like the best fit other types that use those functions are typemention typemention and typementionthat being said im far better at picking out judging functions cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention than the perceiving cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention ones im at least feeling very sure youre an fp,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 lindybeige is pretty interesting but he does go off half cocked at times,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i found this article that says even the old estimates of how toxic nicotine was may be way too lowand even under the old doses youd be super safedont worry too much about getting some juice on your hands i have it happen all the time and im sure many many ecig users get a ton more on their hands all the time than both you and i combined without ill effects,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it was an attempt a selfdepricating humor meaning my thoughts would be so offensive as to tempt people into doing something they otherwise wouldnt,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 the jp one is a parody being almost comical in that while it is giving you an order also note there is no power behind it and no punishment other than the consequences of not sorting yourself out the result is ultimately entirely individualistic and freeing rather than totalitarian,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 i agree with all of what you said yes its commonplace among the young and the privileged i think money and connections go a long way for the people who are actually successful but didnt have to work nearly as hard or be particular intelligent im in the process of interviewing people and it amazes me how some people rate their skills as high in a lot of areas then when i talk to them they know next to nothing theyve been in the industry for over a decade some of them but its completely obvious that theyve just been coasting that entire time some of them are fairly intelligent as well just lazy as fuck were still looking its like they got into the industry when apps and websites were very simple and didnt bother to keep up most of them have been at the same company for years now they want more money guess what sorry go do your homework ffs i have had two candidates who cant even write a for loop its one of the most basic constructs in programming what in the ever living fuck,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 minecraft is one of the few games that had a legitimately good early access,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 blake estpadam esfpchristina isfppharrell xnfxgwen i heard typementionshakira xxfpusher for some reason he strikes me as an extj ceelo typemention,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 it sounds like an overdue conversation is in order,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 not all music teaches these things some dont even have lyrics,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 it must run in the family,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 ok so let me start by prefacing this upcoming wall of text by stating that i ascribe to the nietzschean definition of morality and thereby consider myself an immoralist the condensed version is that morality is a consequence of organized religion that has outlived its usefulness by several centuries it cannot be separated from religious dogma yet still limps on like a zombie long after the death of god i see morality as an entirely negative coping mechanism for those unable to think or feel for themselves only useful for those that belong to the herd mentality since if they were to disregard this virtue of theirs they would cast of their only sense of right and wrong i know very well that this is not the colloquial definition of morality but look it up the actual definition of morality spans several pages of contradictory definitions rendering them all just a perspective this means that you get to choose what this all powerful word means because in all actuality it is entirely meaningless now lets look at what makes the typemention unique here as opposed to other feeling inferiors as there is definitely a link here first off look at the structure of the inferior it is what the ego strives for it is idealized yet never achieved or attained it is the focal point of your consciousness morality is usually confounded with cogfuncmention principles whereas ethics are often confounded with cogfuncmention this is about as accurate as saying that cogfuncmention equals memory and cogfuncmention equals prophetic wizardry inferior cogfuncmention is about belonging bonding harmony of sorts it is a live and live attitude it is detached and objective the so called laws of morality are objective not subjective this is not the realm for cogfuncmention believe it or not there is absolutely nothing moral about cogfuncmention if an cogfuncmention user is moral it is only because of their cogfuncmention this may sound crazy but think about it there is also nothing moral about cogfuncmention it is all a function of cogfuncmention i see morality much like the political establishment it is an oppressive force that holds one back and limits expression of free ideas an typemention operates outside of the societal norms and rejects the establishment whenever possible a religious institution is just as illogical as a wall street institution letting moral dogma run rampant is just as ridiculous as giving the banks carte blanche a golden parachute sounds a lot like a stairway to heaven to me but what does this mean it means that those that appear to be moral or proclaim ever so loudly to be morality incarnate are anything but they are so entrenched in the establishment that they dont even know where they end and the special interests begin they spend so much time living what they are told is moral that they never question what actually is moral this is a lack of self awareness and critical thinking skills these are two things that a well rounded typemention does not lack the typemention is only supremely moral because they are separate from morality entirely they see it as a thing not as a way of life,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 yeah thats true but arent you just arguing against soylent here which offers a specific and comparatively inflexible dietary intakewhen were discussing the average rda for a healthy person especially in the context of a single fixed ratio food source we are intentionally ignoring personal optimal variation on the normand again you still seem to be minimising the scientific establishments consensus on rda by suggesting they arent in disagreement by describing them as some and associating them to tv dairy adverts though i guess on the dairy front youre pretty spot on in the us where theres dispute amongst the scientific community and the fda over how much milk children should drink not so related to rda but still,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 ha im running my old 5770 in my rig right now,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 i think you forgot the funny part,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 internet connection sharing that is still a thing what is wrong with a good wireless router and each device having their own direct connection,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 adspredelse i really like this word it seems like our tertiary function cogfuncmention can be perfectly summed up by this single word i can understand you finding your mind in that loop youre obviously very stressed and need relief yes the intelligent mind will seek seclusion but the intuitive mind should know better as lars von trier has said melancholia is the soul to put in the food to make it become a real dish the point of our lives is not to live void of melancholy or similar grim emotions but to use those in order to realise our own art thats when the heavenly bliss comes to grab the hand of sadness and lead you over to your own divinity,79.0,97.0,10.0,45.0,62.0 the secret history definitely suggests this merryweather lewis found the portal to the lodge near twin peaks when he met the nez perce who also apparently gave him the jade owl ring and described the giant before giving him a map to the lodge during the lewis and clark expedition there were also other sightings in the woods around twin peaks before 1945 andrew packard saw the giant sometime in the 20s and douglas milford saw an owl as tall as a man,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 danaerys would never marry the dude who killed her father,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 they need to redo this video with one of those chickens,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you must be talking about this post only found out about this from the rnocontext posting about your post meta,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 also i perfectly understand how this can be seen as disingenuous but honestly if you have no ponies in the race and arent invested in the topic at hand why not aim for a pleasant experience,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 no he make it clear that he doesnt support the idea of a jewish state but if there were going to be such a thing justification can be found for it,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 you just have to smile a lot and be genuine if they dont understand something explain it while smiling and try not to be condescending learn to make jokes and laugh at other peoples jokes no touching youre not ready for casual touching during conversations yet,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 martyn smiled i cant remember the last florent who married for love yet i love my wife nonetheless no doubt i suggest you send him to court or to highgarden anywhere where he will be absolutely surrounded by women no doubt hes bound to fall for one of them in general women of the reach are more beautiful than any ive ever met elsewhere meaning no offense of course should your wife be from elsewhere i am sure she is a great beauty as well no doubt,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 now hold on we cant just go making stupidly flippant comments like that for all you know this person couldve been mentally ill at the time of filming next time try amp not be so ignorant,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 why ghost in the shell spirited away,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 at college parties where people are expected to talk usually normal nights out not very much blacktie events pretty much always â dont know if thats just the vibe of things like that or being dressed the same as everyone else the other guys anyway makes me more confident if im going by other peoples comments im very attractive but obviously people who think youre ugly arent going to say it to you so thats a biased sample i dont find myself attractive but my selfesteem is such i dont think i ever would,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i basically always use a shield regardless of my build even if im going to dodge the majority of attacks i dont like to rely on it but if i ever feel i cant quite dodge that next hit coming my way i raise my shield and hope for the best i also like to keep it raised when going through new areas in case of an ambush catching me off guard it just feels wrong to not have a shield for my playstyle,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 never stops hats and the occasional octopus,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 same as in mop chop flop plop hop drop and stop,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 to me it feels like immense jealously towards you because of a perceived failure on his side to get that job followed by rationalization of behaviour he knows is stupid and irrational by suddenly being proamerican capatilism antisocialism and all the other out of the blue things hes saying about europethe netherlandsi think you need to sit down with him and simply say straight to his face you are behaving like crap and youre acting like a child we made this decision together and you need to get your act straight this is going to happen i am going there whether you like it or not with or without youi dont think with this behaviour that any subtle steering of his behaviour will have any effect,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i dunno i think we make damn fine project managers we are very well suited to managing people because we love to delegate and to plot a future course i make a better general than tactician,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its actually a really funny show something to consider that soap opera wrestling bullshit is probably the most similar thing to shakespeare on tv today,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 if you idiot would actually think about it you would know that valve just changed the images that belong to a specific point gap you still get matched with the same peopleotherwise i advise you to get good,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 reading through the replies he doesnt,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 home alone 3 and especially 4 would like a word with you,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 you dont know what you are talking about do you,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 single point of failure its not a backup if its not independent,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 special ed teacher here it could be that the students have a disability that is not able to be seenlearning disability and the like if their needs are very severe it may be they are in another program and included in some classes lastly due to privacy laws the teachers or aides would not be able to discuss those students with you,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 there is a lot more to being a sniper than shooting a lot more,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i see what you did there,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 snot is my kryptonite i cant handle snot faces,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 the walldian government was overthrown within a few days after that one trick where they tried to see how theyd react if another wall was to be breached,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 theres a saying that goes something like doms want to feel needed and subs need to feel wantedi think that the key term there is actually the word feel as in each typically wants the sense of it without necessarily the reality of itpersonally i dont fully subscribe to the thought it seems to be presenting but i do understand it in my experience and opinion a relationship any relationship works best if both people are able to function independently but when they work together both of them benefit even more the whole being greater than the sum of its parts as they saywhen someone truly needs another person to survive or function or just to feel happy then thats codependence thats unhealthy as it can create debilitating attachment issues and lead to all sorts of messy thingsive had subs before who werent submitting so much because they chose to but because they felt they had to they had the idea that they couldnt run their own lives whether individually true or not and so had to hitch their wagon to someone capable of handling it for themthats not submission thats outright immature lazinessnow obviously not all subs are like that there are some amazing ones out there who have executivelevel careers andor are athletically impressive andor possess all sorts of significantly badass merits sometimes these people choose to submit because they want a release from all of the pressures of their highpowered lives theyre so busy taking care of business during the day that all they want to do is come home and be contentedly taken care of themselves focusing on pleasing just one person instead of the whole damn worldand some subs embrace their passive personalities wanting a dom to orchestrate things not out of necessity but out of comfort one of the core traits of a sub is that heshe tends to be a peoplepleaser and as a dom its a wonderful feeling when someone who is so capable chooses to spend their efforts making you happyhonestly ive seen enough dysfunctional doms and subs to say fairly confidently that if someone cant handle their own lives much less handle a vanilla relationship then theyre going to be terrible at ds,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 thanks people love their pugs thats why i dont care about downvotes but i think people are assholes for downvoting someone providing very relevant information,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you had so so very much but i just i just cant lol,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 they make a gan if you dont know what they are youd be surprised to learn they are the most interesting ai field in 2016 along with reinforcement learning alphago i bet the human brain uses gans to model the world and imagine possible scenariosits basically two ais playing a game one tries to create data images or text another tries to judge how good it is its like counterfeiters and police or like artist and critic or like imagination and judgement they form an adversarial system where they both improve each in turn relying on the other one of the issues of gans is instability in training good teamwork but they are state of the art in generating imagining images from text and other tasks,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 you are only looking at the embedded iframe code,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 it still does even with all options off it just says it doesnt but network traffic says otherwise,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 its a new label that will yip is running under atlantic records thats likely going to include a lot of bands he produces tigers jaws new one is on it,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 you need to change your surroundings,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 50 as a rider and driver yay,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 im sick of how weak he is because i want an equal partnership and i cant even follow what youre saying come back when you can put an argument together,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 well yes specific mods that rely on this are nothowever why not ask valve to allow those gamemodes on serversgetting rid of those modes is unnecessary yes but at the same time you can drop knifes now and i personally found custom models annoying as they cluttered my cs installation i couldnt care less about skins,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yup my buddy was the it guy and he showed me all the confused emails sent to him from the bosses if it werent for him theyd have never figured out how to stop it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 it could be eitheror but hes totally ntp typemention is i suspect more likely because i feel like his humor is more associative cogfuncmention rather than intellectual cogfuncmention which does certainly come out when hes ripping something apart theres also not a lot of the awkwardness that inps often have i dont think his cogfuncmention is inferior,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 they do tend to go hand in hand,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 personality wise jeff is more like pearl tho,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 what is yuju doing at the back,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 for a moment i had to stop and think of the many different combinations of genders we have in todays world and how that would work realized that no matter how you do it you need some sorta dick,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 1million usd bank account balanceim not greedy i could retire off that if i invested it properly and lived a modest lifestyle,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its not an easy thing though to get practically of the ground in travel distance of each other though so far we are in an online thing with two other guys in different countries which is very nice but the lack of physicality is a bummer at times,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 that person does i bet theyre still there hangin at the keyboard just waiting for the answer hoping it will finally help them come to terms with their own sexuality,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it is a board and reddit as a whole does not hate them that would require everyone on the site to hate them and they dont also not everyone on reddit lives in the usa i believe it is 48 usa users so you cant say reddit wont vote for trump when half of the users dont live in the usa or care,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 well that doesnt help me much i have a canadian shoppers drug mart gift card,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oooo the max number of rows in a sheet derp,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 why isnt nuke in the map pool havent followed the scene in a while,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 both im involved in 4 large social circles and overlapping those 2 small more intimate ones all of them are mixed except for one small social group where its all girls im the salty one cynical one there,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 lol i have my fair amount the sweat is unexpectedly crazy,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 its not really a problem with management who are deciding on who to hire actually many european universities have policies in place which highly favour women in stem fields to a point you may very well say its discriminating although yes these fields usually have less then 20 women in any scientific position thats higher than a post doc level my own university has research institutes that have none actually this actually causes problems with regard to work environment and providing role models for students so why are there so little women in academia no science to back this up but my own experiences tell me that many women actually want to be in academia as the number of female phd students is actually quite high maybe not 5050 yet for engineering in my country but still quite good however when you want your career to progress in academia you need to be able to handle the work load and stress that comes with really devoting your life to your research and you are also required work abroad for multiple years before getting being able to become a professor at least in europe if you want a position at a decent university after you get in at an assistant professor level it is still a very competitive environment everything is measured the amount of phds you have how much grant money you bring in citation indexes and number of papers everything you want to become an associate professor sure go ahead if you meet the minimum requirements you want to be full professor well we only have room for 1 full prof for every 23 associates and really if you are not good enough to be a full prof most universities kick you out eventually because there are assistant professor waiting to take your spot which have more potential worklife balance in academia is absolutely awful and i believe this is the reason why there are so little women in academia however once you get in which is also something i personally experienced you are very much respected and treated as equal well some of the computing science and physics men in their men cave offices need to be told to store away their nude calendar posters once they have a female phd joining them but thats about it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 even a normal childbirth can be pretty gory but a postpartum haemorrhage could result in truly enormous amounts of blood,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 labiovelars are delabialized lets make former w be written ltigt,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 society will likely get the reference and think its the funniest damn thing theyve heard all week well thats what theyll think when they hear it the first time,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 because i saw some show about a womens prison that had a lot of sex in it and it worked really well thematically,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 colonoscopies pretty much triggers the crazy person inside you,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 got 140 on iq test tho,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 as in their injuries are the worst yeah coquelins is probably the most important,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 a bisexual girl incapable of speech,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 great quality my ass apple products are flimsy and fall apart after one year,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 remember ufges i havent seen that account post anything that couldnt be interpreted as an insult the last 3 years,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 whats a good word configuration like inspiring quotes or something likebutterflies dance in the sunlight yet they are but ghostsif you want to know whether it would work you could try make a post every wednesday for a few weeks p,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 11 i think maybe 12,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 for sure thats the plan and thank you i think ill write a long letter to him so i can get all my thoughts out clearly this was really helpful when i wanted to explain some issues i was having with myself and with him a few years ago,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 as a woman you should have just told her,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 then how would you define the two,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 but that doesnt necessarily mean that nonrg unis dont have research departments either with jaded lecturers across the uk the standard and content of education is pretty much the same wherever you go i dont think its about the fact that its a rg uni in itself that implies its a good place to learn its that rg unis generally require higher entry scores its where the smarter students go and employers know that theres a better stock in those universities so they are more likely to offer them the higher paid jobs and this is a self reinforcing cycle where the students who did better in high school choose that university because of prestige and better employment opportunities because of the more successful preceding generation of student,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 he really wanted to get that particular shot cameramen are crazy like that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you guys wont believe me but last year it was actually aaron baddeleyfollowed closely by jimmy walker and daniel summerhays,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 democratic socialism was formerly formally named american socialism a la upton sinclaire and friends in america the goal was to separate it from communism in the public view it didnt work all that well now the party is indeed called democratic socialists of america but googling here in the states gets you there i was first exposed to it via mr sinclaire and forget to refer to it properly sometimes haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dont have lol but do you have hearthstone,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 the migrants come and go and since this process has been going on for years it is somewhat stabilized there about 22 million romanians in other eu countries of which 1 mil is in italy and 07 mil in spain and only 265k in germany,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 nge is so much fun to discuss with other people you could talk about it for days haha,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 you deserve to win imo youre a genius,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 her bangs wobble in a very disconcerting manner,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i thought jesus was the son of god and god himself are you saying god didnt have the time and resources,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 yeah all those people who dont own bodies shouldnt be forced to buy health insurance,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i dont relate to that at alltbh its starting to seem like one of those typemention arent all the same see this typemention who acts in a manner totally atypical of typemention in all situations is proof type cases i could be wrong but i have no reason to believe this person is typemention so,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 bottom of the river delta rae,7.0,84.0,88.0,59.0,44.0 how could a 25yo person who spends all their time on a university campus and reddit possibly get such an idea p,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it has to do with the fact that the government does not act in the best interest of the people the rules of engagement were changed just for ruby ridge that was the crime wacko is what you are to them as well should we not care if the government violates your rights and kills your familyyeah caught as in a thermal imaging analyst company outed them for it at a congressional hearing which they denied and only now several years later admit it was a cult by definition as all christian denominations are and the accusations of child abuse were unfounded and made by a disgruntled kicked out exmember who was discredited many times over further it was not a compound it was a church and house made from substandard building materials btw the bafte does not enforce child abuse laws local law enforcement investigated and found the charges baseless before the raid oh well then i guess its ok for the government to commit all kind of unspeakable atrocities on people as long as you think theyre bad people,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i was wondering if an idea i recently got would be an actual good one or notso theres a protolangish which was spoken by all of the population in all situations until about a thousand years before current time then it split apart into three sections1 the original language retaining its original pronunciation for the most part generally more faithfully pronounced as time goes on because people will stop associating it with their own speech this is used by religious authority and by the highest classes when speaking to the peasants and is a completely learned language by all2 the lords tongue with some changes to the original language but nothing all that extensive the few sound changes its gone through leave it still very irregular though there is very little dialectal variation this is used by the upper classes when talking to each other and it is taboo for the lower classes to learn and speak in they may only use the peasants tongue or the original language3 the peasants tongue with extensive sound changes quite a bit of leveling of declension patterns and ton of dialectal variation and a shit ton of vulgarity this language is spoken by the peasants amongst each other and they may not speak it to the upper classes they may only use the original language when answering to the upper classes and may not speak the lords tongue at allthis is pretty much a medieval societyis this realistic are there examples of something this extensive irl how could i change societal factors to make it more realistic are there any interesting ideas you have that could add to this,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i havent played mkd yet want to tho,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 aaaand youve just given me an idea of what i would like to do with my future husbandwife if possible im not such a fan of my last name its kinda boring and if they have a nice last name im more than happy to take theirs but if they arent overly attached to their last name either i think coming up with a new last name together would be superspecial,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 oh no i can already tell im going to click on every link,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 so what im saying that wow shouldnt immediately make someone think smart a smart person would probably consider using their intelligence to become good at wow a misapplication at best,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 hmm youre being a bit vague are you saying that sex isnt really anything worth doing unless theres an emotional connection that goes along with it if that is what you meant how do you feel about masturbation,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 glad i could help i wish you the best,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 what do you mean by this op,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 if we win this ill still have hope for ending in the top 4,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 do ui mods work in multiplayer,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 looks like i picked the wrong day to give up sniffing glue,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 padme is the most beautiful women in star warsbut princess leia had the best body,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 did he seem like an animated typemention to you,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i sometimes wonder why sophia and udo are still in the race for the at isnt it just between falco and gabi,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i personally think typemention people are more into doing than learning learning things out of books and lectures is tedious and boring after a short amount of timethat is what drove me away from medical in the first place aside from being a lazy a at school and not aiming for top grades in a levels sure it is interesting in essence but the way to get there is too boring imo,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yoga is an really broad form of exercise there are hundreds of different kinds of yoga from merely controlling breath to what amounts to acrobaticswe know that low impact exercise generally is good for you because most different types of yoga are different low impact exercises and dozens of studies have been performed on them showing similar resultsheres a good summary of the effects of yoga,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 how many bots are on this sub jeez,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 they do this because crack cocaine right,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 bro they lowkey grow a ton of weed,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 no doc martins are horrible and the conmpany is now horrible i had a pair about 10 years ago and they were completely destroyed after 12 years under light to normal use the sold completely cracked on one and the other totally separated at the toe i couldnt believe itthey slipped like hell on ice or anything that wasnt pavement or dirt it boggled my mind they charged 160 for them i will never do business with that company again20 years or more ago they were good theyve changedplease no longer support them,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if you say im good at this you lost that leads to this egoistic play in mm or other pug services where you rage at other players and think you are better than them people at le arent good people at lem arent good people at smfc arent good and even most of the people at ge arent good they are just better than otherswhen you cease to strive for improvement you are done for stagnation is deathyou are good at this game when you can see your errors and work on the problems instead of focusing on a meaningless icon in the main menu,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 not sure where you see that he broke it off with her for now,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 how do you have the voting system identify a cheater,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 he ran for over 100 yards last week so i played him this week against the weak sauce bears but he got rekt,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 you keep saying that but whats your source,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im not saying i disagree with their preference or that i think it should be different im simply seeing if im seeing a legit pattern or what just want some insight as to why typemention girls seem more ok with dating s types than typemention guys do perhaps im imagining the pattern who knows thats why im asking,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 my goal is that one of the fan translators adds the g once just onceif that happens the wiki will add it to secondary spellings of his name so itll drip over to other media like tumblr etc and since the anime subs have actually spelled bertolts name in different ways in the past a man can hopealso remember that character poll a month or so ago in which reigner ended up one vote below leviwell its terribly unlikely but my ego likes to think that those results influenced isayama a bit i know that most of the story is prewritten but its also known that he gives himself also a bit of room to give some characters more intentionif he was indeed influenced by that poll which he most likely wasnt i actually had a hand in the flow of the storydamn today is good for my ego,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 my only guess is every single range reference youve used has piled up and not been destroyed afterwards leading to vba not being able to function properly please use this type of code to destroy all your range references set rangeobject nothing after youre finished with thembut nice api use in identifying the userform window and adding it to the task bar im copying this code and turning it into a class d,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 oh thats quite helpful i know speaking english that the similar roots in spanish are helpful for learning it cool do you like the country,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 thank you ill add it to the list,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thats it i dont like trading card games those are the ones i cant get into oh the grizzled its about trench warfare i like that,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 probably the oddest compliment ill give today but i particularly like the shading detail on his feet,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 well almost everyone tells me im an asshole a jerk im annoying i have stupid jokes the ones who hate me the most people at school even would wish i would die parents think im a hooligan a piece of shit an asshole a jerk and i know why they do it cause thats the way i act and the way i am society tells you to be yourself and after you are yourself no not like that what the fuck literally today i acted an asshole to a female friend and i think she blocked me on facebook i think i wouldnt even get along with myself tbh i dont hate myself in that way i just feel like i am not meant for this world for this planet for these people i wanna runaway to another planet with other people and other entertaining hobbies and other stuff for me to do and no responsibility no worries but who wouldnt but yeah thats not possible,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 to me this movie has enough wrong with it that i cant really say i found it entertaining and cute pretty much the only thing it has going for it is 2 very charismatic leads and everything else about it detracts from that it was on the low end of watchable for me,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 as an typemention we cant back down if someone asks us a direct question so true i can lie by omission but if you straight up ask me i will spill the truth,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 barbara boxer and nancy pelosi are cop apologists and theyre about a liberal as they get,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 why is it that these groups opposing lgbt progress always have names that are the complete opposite of what they are doing that group must not be aware that there are trans kids and trans youth who most likely would like to use a gender neutral bathroom also lgbt people have children too not just cis heterosexuals,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 long term shifting is the cart titans gimmick though the fact that she can do it doesnt mean eren can,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 since were all here i just want to remind you guys thatrfuckhk47andrshingekinohentaiboth exist,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 very nice titanium case too i also really like my tritium tubes in my android,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 open google chrome or whatever you use extension gallery type in the same thing already exists,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 kiernan was really struggling one piece away from being unable to kill reannas dragon she laughed a little at reannas comment but her mind was already focused on the board she wasnt going down without a fight,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 not reallyi dont really like a lot of what hes done but its certainly within the realm of could have imagined,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i feel two major groups of people played a large part in his victory1 the group that legitimately supported him2 the group that did not want hillary to take office,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 ok ok op some other advice other than just dont set up your direct deposit to have 80 of it put into your checking that you use and then set up a savings i suggest at diff bank to make transfers a pain in the ass some good free online ones and out the other 20 in that one adjust as required the goal is to forget about the savings and just let it auto build youll adjust your spending around what is avail to you in the main checking,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 same when im having an especially hard time starting something that needs to be done when the music turns on you know im getting serious gt i use this same method for cleaning my house or folding laundrybasically any task where id rather be doing anything else than that job for those i need a very long mixed playlist of music that makes me want to dance or move i need the external kick to the butt to get me going and keep it that way,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 did rock unfortunately he passed away last week,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 if he took the phone why didnt he at least delete the video geez,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 we are really getting into that its very confrontational at times last night i was hit hard with my boyfriends fears he has been worrying after i came out to him as nonmonogamous that i might not love him and that the last 14 years together could have been a lie that hurt that hurt more than anything ive felt in my life i rarely cry but boy that did the trickthe purest and most honest thing i have to give is my love i have my flaws im far from perfect i have done things which make no one proud the one thing i have never done and most likely will never do is declare my love when i dont mean itits all good now he told me profusely he let go of that fear after i just carried on loving him like i always do its a good stress test for a relationship though anyone who cant handle this probably shouldnt consider opening up,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 saw paul mccartney on friday going on a date tonight at a dive bar im wearing a tuxedo shirt with the sleeves cut off and hes wearing a tweed jacket with studs other than that not much going on this week,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i approach people for who they are most of my conflicts with typemention were happening even before i knew what the mbti is im not a ugh youre a x type im not talking to you wtf,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 if its correct then yes chaos theory deals with initial conditions if hindenburgs uncertainty principle holds then the initial conditions of you or your subatomic particles cannot be statically measured because they exit in a probability curve and not in a finite location or velocityif your initial conditions cannot be measured then in the future from your beginning your positionvelocity can no longer be predicted only within a probability that grows the farther from the origin you get until the probability approaches zero,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 psst i have a feeling hes british,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lol yeah i havent seen that yet thankfully maybe she is mature enough to not do that shit she reports having caused damage to her last relationship with passive aggression and blow ups so she is fully aware its not helpful i did that a little in my marriage as well i think its an cogfuncmention thing avoid conflict while still having conflict the cogfuncmention thing ime is to not say anything at all until you either spectacularly explode or just leave i feel angry that means you suck what to do about it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 those alerts are completely nonexistent on the appthe same issue arose with james jones in nfl week 1,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 that sucks about 1 2 and 3 having their tips all broken off like that have you looked at getting them reprofiled to fix it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 how reliable are reinin dichotomies in typing is it easier to type others using this method than others are there certain reinin dichotomies that are more reliable than others i was introduced to them about 3 weeks ago and i managed to determine that im farsighted obstinate aristocraticalthough also spso tactical constructivist decisive serious process and declaring im a little unsure about statcdynamic and positivistnegativist right now however according to my results it appears i would have made an error as this combination doesnt point to a single type despite the fact that i spent a lot of time researching these dichotomies and feel very confident in these conclusions,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 well at least we know which half is a criminal and a rapist then,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 essentially soldiers are an acceptable loss civilians are not,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 short sweet concise uarctyczyn well thats how community corners turn out when you remove all the sweater banter,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 same i get terrible phone anxiety just thinking about it,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i worry about a lot of things most things and i make cynical or selfdeprecating jokes about things when i worry about them i guess its a coping mechanism but deep down i really do tend to be optimistic and feel that things will work themselves outim not laughing this morning theres nothing to joke about and there are so many things wrong around me that i cant even begin to comprehend it all i feel defeated helpless and heartbroken i just cant believe this is real,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 no it was an explanation and proof of what i was meaning it was my original intent no idea why youd rather believe something that isnt true or have inaccurate informationi didnt mean it to be insulting or anything of the sort but that is what it is and i cant understand why you think its futile do you think those 500 lives were also futile,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 interesting choice of last words,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 so they got inside access they are turning sc ii into an open ai playground,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 and yet you could still make it work with using macros if ppl want to troll you cant do anything about it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i dont think it was your fault probably some teacher with a messed up fetish was really disappointed,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 no video of the shot,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 while ive never seen that one in canada there are some that do exist it is possible even ones as nice as say a 42,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 or the artists client while the artist was facepalming the whole time,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 in other news water is wet and the cats generally dont like it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 a civilization where that has to happen every few years is not a good civilization,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thank you uhandsymcmanrub i was so excited to see this in my po box today d also writing your username out made me laugh,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 that just hurts my eyes to look at,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 my doctor actually told me i will never be able to touch my toes because my legs are so freakishly long after years of ballet and karate and yoga i never could,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 in general about ta builds its all situational you can go large variaty of item builds and they all good for each case theres no only this build good formula,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 how very mandrill of him,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 generalizations are unbecoming even when its done to a socially unacceptable group like raciststhey are people misinformed or underinformed but people none the less and generalizing about them is jsut as bad as generalizing about any group black people for instance,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 the good old times when you could see the feet under the smoke in source 1010 would awp again,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 you sure its bliss and not giving birth or something,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah i just mean the seemingly large number of butthurt americans could also be inflated by such a program at least thats what i tell myself to keep from losing all faith in my fellow countrymenmost of the comments in this thread would be too painful otherwise,83.0,87.0,9.0,24.0,61.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i always thought the par time for that level was too lowwhen i played i used to always get 100 kills 100 secrets my runs looked much like this but faster but i never did get to that 30s par on that level later ones yes,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 best thing you can do is not reduce him to a rape victim he is your friend be there for him dont make it all about this one traumatic experience and dont treat him differently because of it it is his choice to take action or not youve done enough to show support if he needs it it is important that you include him in day to day life but leave him the freedom to join in or not so no daily invitations to events or excessively checking in eitheronly host an intervention if it becomes clear your friend cant cope and he is in danger of doing something permanent,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 you guys wont believe me but last year it was actually aaron baddeleyfollowed closely by jimmy walker and daniel summerhays,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the hardest part would be learning how to work with ms access but once you get past that point youll begin to see why its a much better longterm solution for you versus your already massive excel file id recommend checking out the rmsaccess faq page to get started the sooner you can begin to create your db the sooner you can begin to utilize it in storing your data for you and analyzing your data,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i play 128 tick most of the time and i assure you that with low var and sv rate on the server you wouldnt notice a difference,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 it already exists actually there is a push to segregate malls some other places are more controversial like spas for women,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 its possible to create your own undo history with vba though its a lot of work but if you dont like using it then thats up to you,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 amds are much better than gtx cards with similar gaming performance when mining bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for example sure it depends on the hashing algorithm but i think its safe to say amd cards tend to be better at cryptographic hashing than nvidia,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 so how you look is not a part of who you are how the hell does that make sense and not everyone should be loved not everyone is loveablein the same way that sports ridicules people who arent great athletes beauty is not supposed to be inclusive its supposed to be about exceptionalism and elitism otherwise it defeats the very purposewhy not look at everything why not use every yardstick why not work on looking better instead of being a fat person who insists theyre this ohsoworthy person inside and insisting they deserve to be loved,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 it was the spotify song windows apparently detects the song that is playing,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 well that probably works out fine because even smart women prefer men smarter than they areid say its within an interval around their own level of intelligence anyway the same a little above a little below like a margin of error,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 you must be a godfearing american that cant stand the thought of someone elses opinion might be different from your own to me weird doesnt mean bad it just means strange to me that i cant quite grasp the logic behind it its okay downvote me if it makes you feel better ill enjoy my sunday while you rage that some heathen has wronged you on the internet im no hipster im also canadian i have no fedora and dont trend that way i like what i like and dont what i dont,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 anyway here it is for short cause im too lazy to go in detail true love is what you want it you to be true love is different for everyone true love for me might be different than true love for you true love for someone might be the love for his children or for someone else it might be sex for someone else it might be the love for music or the love for food but i think we should try to remain in the relationship spectrum cause saying that true love is the love for music or food is maybe to exaggerated so you are the one to decide what true love is no one can decide that for you if you really wanna know what love is as a general truth its just some chemicals in the brain fucking with you to reproduce thats all thats a fact if you want to go past facts then its all subjective thats the only objective truthand about idealization yeah i daydream a lot about romantic stuff and a perfect relationship actually trying to get it might be more productive but meh,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 that thread also totally killed muhammad ali,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 but for that damned la detroit baltimore new york,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 here i am a progressive on pretty much everything except that but im from quebec so,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 your end of statement error is because you have multiple lines of code combined into a single line dim wslog as worksheetthis should be on a new line along with all the rest of the code in that single line of text,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 neil degrasse tyson is godawful a human incarnation of that shitty meme page on facebook i fucking love science duhhh,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 theres a slight difference because the dubbed lines have to be written in a way that fits with the way the mouths move the general gist of what is said is the same though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 that moment when you understand the english phrase but need to look up the translation of that phrase in your native language because you dont know how the fuck the translate it yourself,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 typemention are just overly polite and private and generally too sensitive for typemention sensibilities boring is definitely not the right insult though lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 everybody dies someday so far,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i know this is a lot of work but maybe you can go team gt team name gt player gt player profile and past expeirence and acheivements quotes and stuff maybe a little more player infoother than that this is amazing just hope it keeps updated,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i have been wondering this too i have always gone against the grainwith music hobbies clothes expectations as far as my education i have lost many friends in life because of not giving in to peer pressure overall with what ive read on this sub i would say a lot of us are go against the grain types or we march to our own beat as the saying goes i wouldnt say all cf folks are this way though im glad i realized early in life not to give a fuck what other people think to a degree of course i feel like realizing that later in life say in your 40s and 50s is what leads to what we refer to as a mid life crisis,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 well i was actually thinking of something like this but your method is even better,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 psst avatar the last airbender had a live action adaption and so did dbz both were shit,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i dont think this is an typemention thing i am not a judgy person at allpeople often tell me incredibly personal things and i had no idea why until one of my friends told me that i put out i accept everyone just the same and wont judge vibesnow i might be selectively social in some regards but no more than anyone else no one wants to spend a lot of time with people we have nothing in common with but your boyfriend seems to be taking things too far i think you should try to get to the bottom of why hes so eager to pass judgment instead of living and letting live generally this is a reflection of insecurity,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 ah okay ill check him out thanks,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 then i can start making theories and joining the discord and talking and all that,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 such a narrow view just add more sky and pavement,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 i have yet to meet or learn of an typemention really capable of or inclined to invent things,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 why is zcash up fortyfive percent,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 she is the embodyment of lawful evil,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 presupposing what constitutes evidencenope doubt is the opposite of belief you cant portray science as having no basis in belief you have to at least believe in the peer reviewed and reproducible process its not necessarily a metaphysical belief but a belief nonetheless a beliefless worldview would be one of pure skepticism,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 dear god that sounds like an incredibly boring world to live in i would probably choose typemention theyre incredibly diverse as a type so wouldnt be as boring as having a bajillion typemention clones they love to fuck and party and sometimes they get shit done theyre generally very nice to people and they like to create literature etc for me to enjoy we would have to rename the earth to something like orgy prime but my body is ready,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i guess ill break the mold and say yes i do not now or any time soon but yes as for parenting style i think about this pretty often i know i wont be super strict like my narcissist parents were to me i wont go into extensive detail about that but i think that since im already imagining future scenarios and how i would handle them that i would be a pretty decent parent,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 what nicotine we aint talking about spliffs,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ready for next fall looks greatsidenote your hair is gorgeous,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 you have an involuntary reaction of like ooh shes hot but i dont think it automatically turns into thoughts of sex on a conscious level at least unless you want it todepends what you mean by all the time if you mean that every 10 seconds or whatever factoid that gets thrown around yeah its bullshit punctuation,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 define bitch people who dont use violence when they are not happy with the situation,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 haha well perhaps theres another category of leasing,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 haha my first time i totally forgot about my socks for me they didnt get in the way and so i never thought about them good for keeping your feet warm though,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 cutethough why is there a penguin colored dead cat in a polar bears enclosure is what im wondering,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 aha so just because there is no written rule it is okay to do it then just shows how far your understanding of fairplay goeshow old are you if i may askthey have you fix and you are done for which they decided after one year and reviewing the caseslike who,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 send him alien hell love that oneedit oh shit i just saw the mst3k reference my bad id never have suggested alien in that case,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i find it highly questionable that typemention would mistype as typemention very often i certainly think its possible but the descriptions and cognitive functions of typemention are literally anathema they are our shadow and vice versa i enjoyed and agreed with much of the article though and typemention is an extremely common mistype for typemention probably half to 23 of rtypemention imo i cant even begin to count how many posts ive seen where some n complains of their typemention not wanting to discuss philosophyscienceetc only wanting to constantly do things yeah about that typing hahaha it was funny to me that she started out saying that sensors commonly mistype as ns then spent most of the article discussing ns mistyping as other ns whoops lol,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 is anyone else seeing a pattern here,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 if noah doesnt get his name i will quit tagpro he deserves this so much,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 no worries glad i could help,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 all 15 kills coming after level 6 of course,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i think you are hanging around the wrong people or meeting them in the wrong places there are plenty of people who like typemention and theyre usually other intuitives remember 70 of the population is sensor so it might seem like everyone wants an sf since like attracts like but i can tell you thats not true,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i personally think typemention people are more into doing than learning learning things out of books and lectures is tedious and boring after a short amount of timethat is what drove me away from medical in the first place aside from being a lazy a at school and not aiming for top grades in a levels sure it is interesting in essence but the way to get there is too boring imo,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 not really the deck is made to combo off and bls is dead unless i combo comboing is the only way i get cards in the grave,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 interesting choice of last words,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i would personally vouch for textbooks but as utimeandtype said if you have trouble being selfmotivated classes would be a better fitmost useful depends on what you want to do the most commonly used languages in the workforce are java and c they are mostly for big projects if you want to do web development php has 80 of the market python is becoming more popular alternative and you would likely need to learn javascript and html mysql jquery and other such things for back and frontend web developmenti study at home i set timers and do 3 chunks of 4 hour work sessions every day i no longer have a life d though much of that time is devoted to calculus i find working at libraries or we kind of suffocating like i cant just leave all of my stuff alone because it could get stolen which means if i want to go for a run or anything i need to carry everything which is just annoying plus you cant have music playing openlyim not aiming to build apps im mainly using code to do science mathematics and electronics but i did learn some gui development along the way in python it took roughly 50 hours to get some of the basics of the language down and then 20 hours to get familiar with all of the standard widgets by then i could do simple animations make calculators with buttons and charts window popups and all that kind of stuff but it would take longer to get good with it i would think you would want to learn phone app development if youre looking for a job in that kind of thing i think apple writes in swift and their own kind of c but youd want to look that stuff up,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 seems like something kaymer would do just out of nowhere,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 lol your b team got more guys because of free agency our fa dont show and half our a team had to be covered for,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you sound like a progressive whos just discovered that collectivism is shitlets start by tearing down your borders youre just oppressing the freedom of humanity how dare you think you can keep individuals out of your house i think you should look into the purpose of government its soul duty is to protect the people within the borders the people own the land and have every right to control their borders just as you would deny people access to your home these are the principles that the west is founded on dig them up and it will collapsedafuck usually libertarians are massively antiinterventionist i dont suppose you find them disgusting though youre totally a liberal please go back to rpolitics,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 the bicep experiment focused on observing the cmb of the universe and analysing any polarizations the light may have undergone while passing through matter on their way to earthbecause ligo is only focused on detecting gravitational waves its easily within its own unique niche in terms of observing the universe it directly measures gravitational waves versus indirectly inferring that information based on the polarization of the cmb,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 did they learn how to play,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 im gonna go ahead and call you out for a terrible icon like seriously what is it even supposed to represent,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i think the complete opposite types ie s n too value each other highly but not necessarily attract i think we are more drawn to people who have the same values as we do and those people are more likely to be the same type as we are maybe one function off or soone of my brothers typemention gf is antypemention they are complete opposites but they come from the same angle and share the same values quite literallyas an typemention xstj gtgtgtgt xntj,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i think that would make for a more interesting song personally i bet there is a song about it but its in finnish and mostly screaming in that throaty way sadly ill never know,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 30 dragons kiernan called out raising her scarred arm into the air even then thirty dragons seemed like an exorbitant sum but she had the gold to spare,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 ben bova mars always meant to read it but never have green mars and blue mars are excellent but read all three in order obviously,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 am i lookin good ihavenofuckingideawhatimdoinglu 1 top zionspartan jng clearlove mid kuro adc pray sup aphromoo flex gorilla flex smeb team clglu 2 top zionspartan jng clearlove mid kuro adc doublelift sup aphromoo flex gorilla flex hojin team clg,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i dont own a phone and have no plans to buy one i do use googlevoice to text to my sos phone a couple times a week just shopping lists and that sort of thing not conversationali struggle with interactions that arent facetoface and much more so if the person on the phone is a guy even my so the cryptic nature of texts or short phone answers with no body language clues seems like a deliberate attempt by them to withhold information and i dont want to play like that women seem to explain more in words or smileys that mimic body language they would use facetoface at least the women in my life do that,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 well he has a show with skip bayless now,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 every reply to your question here has been that gender roles and concepts like masculinity and femininity do not matteri just went one step further to help illuminate as to why,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 that was rude i mentioned private in the first line where do i take my money so im not getting ripped off,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 it alleviates my lack of emotion and empathy alcohol also causes an increased release of serotonin another neurotransmitter which helps regulate emotional expression and endorphins which are natural substances that may spark feelings of relaxation and euphoria as intoxication sets in i also dislike being near others but it makes it a lot easier because you actually can understand the emotions of those around you combine that with a lack of judgement and overall euphoria and its tolerable when i say understand emotions im not saying just cognitively but actually feel them i never felt another persons emotions like until i drank and smoked it was a fucking head cannon realizing that i can feel your pain or im sorry for your loss was not figurative as for the latter it stimulates the release of dopamine yeah dopamine is the neurotransmitter that is involved in pleasure and is why users are in a state of euphoria when you are feeling great like truly happy something that i dont feel except when smoking and drinking you become a lot more tolerant of other people now when you actually feel an emotion it is not a huge leap to being able to express itthis being said im told it effects other people differently so mileage may vary for you so alleviate the symptoms of emotional coldness and limited capacity to express either positive or negative emotions towards others now that im thinking about it it also increases sex drive,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 eh most women arent into this this works great with enxps or maybe inxps the types most interested in originality i think but thats it i think they might tolerate it if they like you already but any sf type will look at you like youre crazy and slowly back away because crazy guys arent a good social investment js will find it mildly annoyingwomen generally arent into novel humor as they dont really have a sense of humor they just recognise jokes and humorous topics and laugh accordinglyvwhich is not the same thing at all far more cogfuncmention,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i wonder as an typemention what do you relate to in this sub in particulari dont have much experience with typemention so i rather say nothing but considering inferior function i would recommend these articles though this is not what you are asking but i had an impression you maybe slightly misunderstand this concept of function pairs dominantinferior function dynamics healthy vs unhealthy asthe cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention amp cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention function pairs inferior function functional stack type dynamics theory vs cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention myersbriggs function pairs personality type development this is too much im not forcing you you to read any of it by any means since you asked about personal experience rather than some theory basis and sum for whatever reason just wanted to present a full list of acticles that i found useful considering this topic which is indeed very intriguingcogfuncmention feels like a firework rocket that was shot into the sky and cant blow up so it contains and carries inside all the particles,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 zeke had that beard since he was 8 didnt he,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ticket sales for green bay were fucky only showed vip tickets as being a part of the presale and the code didnt work until well past 9 i ended up getting tickets for champaign then realized the green bay one started working so now i have tickets to both shows,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 heyyyyyy i put in their last names as the dating site i found them on too,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 not sure how term limits empower contributors since they would actually have to spend more money over the long term to find politicians that take sympathy to their cause since the politician that was previously sympathetic to their causeissue isnt able to hold that office anymore edit current system allows for contributors to get a huge return on their investment the longer the politician is in their pocket eliminating that makes them spend more resources,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 yeah i dont feel attacked just judged i do my own judging of people she presented reasoned arguments which stung a little i presented my own we talked it out and hugged it out after an hour or so both of us agreed that the others positions were valid in their own ways it was a long argument or i would get into specifics hahaha what didnt sit well with me was when she literally went into idealism as a means to decide i dont share those ideal pick yourself up by your bootstraps mores i think it is ok to have some crutches when you have a bum knee,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 as blunt as it might be have you considered having a full screen borderless form with a black background and simply adjusting its opacity while passing all clicks and actions through public class form1 inherits systemwindowsformsform private const gwlexstyle as integer 20 private const wsextransparent as integer amph20 private declare function setwindowlong lib user32 alias setwindowlonga byval hwnd as intptr byval nindex as integer byval dwnewlong as integer as integer private declare function getwindowlong lib user32 alias getwindowlonga byval hwnd as intptr byval nindex as integer as integer private sub form1loadbyval sender as object byval e as systemeventargs handles meload with me width mycomputerscreenboundswidth height mycomputerscreenboundsheight top 0 left 0 opacity 05 topmost true setwindowlongmehandle gwlexstyle getwindowlongmehandle gwlexstyle or wsextransparent end with end sub end class,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 all they have at my school is apush i slept through that bitch and came out with a 75 each semester i got a 3 on the ap test by some miracle,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 man im the opposite all gold in everything else and i got the shit carried out of me in solo 3s,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 you have my utmost sympathy at least you understand better what youre dealing with now,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 the question wasnt about whats required only whats involved,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 hmm less of an emotional sniper more of an emotional surgeon haha,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 you are misinterpreting what he is saying,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 because urine is basically all the stuff your body doesnt need or needs to get rid of that it can through pee when you drink it your body will use all the water in the pee you just drank plus extra from your body to get rid of all the stuff it just got rid of againthink of it like this drink water all day and count how many times you pee next day drink soda coffee whatever but not water all day and count how many times you peethats why,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 many reasons some of us reread not just once but often and we may want to be able to look back through a particular book at a particular moment or have it on the shelf for other family members to browse some of us may not want to wait until a library has something available it may be a very current work or we may just be in the mood for that book at that moment or we want to take it on holiday,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 good luck then id love to see your 33,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 is that actually a thing in the usa nowhere in australia theyre popular with cashedup bogan wives ie originally from a working class background but made good money from their creating their own company usually blue collar like construction or beauty parlourslast year i read in a financial newspaper that lorna jane was trying to expand into the usa is it a success there alreadyhopefully us consumers would have better taste than that lorna jane here is generally seen as the cheaper and trashier version of lululemon ie more colours weird cuts cheesy slogans and lots of bling,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 nope i usually hang around bladeforums i know of jerzeedevil too but thats the only places i go to for knife forums ive been in an out of collecting started around 2000 stopped for a while got back into it a few years ago but now my funds are low so i havent been looking too much lately,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah thatd be interesting to see if they dont kill him off prior well probably find out next episode,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 where is the cringe america does act like satan,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 and an even smaller sample size are really smart in addition,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 and people in government think we dont spend enough on the military,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i absolutely love the american museum of natural history in new york i live rather far away from there but each time i visit i spend hours going through all the exhibits i met a friend there recently and we realized we spent 6 hours chatting and walking the entire time its such a great place to spur conversations and learn something new about old stuff i also love the art institute in chicago i think it has one of the best collections in the us with high quality special exhibits every time i visit it makes me appreciate not only the art but the space in which its enjoyed in terms of specialty museums ive been to the salvador dali museum in florida twice and loved it each time seeing that much of his work in one place is a worthwhile experience even if youre not a fan,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 with his last suggestion talisas cheeks adopted a familiar shade of faint pink only one feeling made the darklyn girl blush and it wasnt embarrassment for a solid minute talisa said nothing her eyes returning to her lap as she tilted her head side to side in thoughti think we should practice lute after dinner she piped up after finishing her careful deliberation i think itll keep us awake and wed have a better reason to get away from all the children always a prideful girl talisa said the last word as if she and griffith were obviously adultswe can kiss some more if she cut herself off the crimson color of her boyfriends face making it exceedingly obvious that he wanted to do the same then uh if we do that a lot well be tired and we can just lay around,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 thats seriously an awful thing to say to anyone whether they want kids or no if you dont want kids obviously its ridiculous but if you do want kids and youre 42 you have probably been trying and failing for a while and then someone says are you going to make it and the ticking clock just hurts morefuck that bitch,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 but thats kind of the point most western countries dont have a fear culture surround police hell in many european countries even cops dont carry guns anymore,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i almost want to see it on the frontpage cause its so bad,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah rtypemention started a tiny but effective group earlier this year naturally its a very supportive and understanding party since we face similar challenges it really helped me get my act together and form some better habits you could start one with other friends or some typemention that need motivation,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i like his guitar its very shiny probably the kind of guitar i would buy if i wanted a guitar,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 without boogers my nose would feel so dry,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 what i dont like that porn i dont even know if t exists,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 if that were true then what is modern art at the basic levels there are patterns that the brain recognizes like words in speech and objects and shapes in images but in speech we only use a few thousand different words to express anything we want similarly in other arts we mix and combine to generate new creations in that mixing generating space there is a lot of freedom,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 after the initial cogfuncmention noticing of something novel you launch straight into cogfuncmention as in this is interesting what is happening here actually noticing that something is off in the pattern of the concrete world when it comes to the water pressure is probably cogfuncmention anyway back to cogfuncmention trying to figure out how something works calculating how different sizes are needed for different applications are all very cogfuncmention matters relating this to the human condition is cogfuncmention from there you immediately devalue the cogfuncmention perspective by questioning it with cogfuncmention perspectives as in you shoot down the broader social implications that youve extrapolated from the core of the understanding as it just isnt practical or could never work this essentially how cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention operates my original comment was framed in how less preferred functions can manifest here and there however even though im in slight disagreement with entr0pic08 as what i was trying express i think that he may be right about you being an typemention,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 thats certainly true imo i do think that the same dynamic has been at play in the past via different mediums even going back to the printing press haters have been rallying the base for various agendas it always seems to start with jokes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 true i forgot all about that little stream when studying the course,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 oh sorry i forgot that you cant use the words have to when a tp is in eareyeshot,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 ive never seen more than 1 seed team per node,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 the greek entry sounds suspiciously like austrias winning entry last year you gonna have to do better than that greece,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 thanks i had no idea,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 trust me its better than having a 5w44w58w9 tritype one of the darkest and most intense tritypes i can imagine that a big percentage of them end up killing themselves ok maybe i am a bit of a pessimist they have qualities too they are extremely deep having 3 enneagram that kind of conflict themselves makes us second guess ourselves all the time so we are openminded but really imagine the most mentally unstable stubborn aggressive and nonconformist typemention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i mean its a fruity drink it doesnt taste like cough medicine type cherry pretty tasty although i rarely drink wine coolers,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 your face looks flattened by a steam roller,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i actually disagree about lorenzo because he didnt know the old allison his character is doing a great job at highlighting how shes changed,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 youve hit something here that i have always thought about the transgender thing and something that is very little talked about thought theyre generally not willing to talk about much outside of the party line as evidenced by this post getting you banned form that sub that it is extremely superficial and surfaceoriented they for the sake of illustration a trans woman such as caitlyn jenner put on the most feminine clothes and makeup and try to look as stereotypically feminine as possible â as if they are searching for an essence of their desired gender in objects like clothes and makeup and that is exactly what a fetish is psychologically speaking and its all i know who i am inside yet its mostly about how they are seen by others how they wish to be seen and talked aboutits strange to me that we seem to think of femininity as something one simply puts on in the morning or adorns oneself with that we are supposed to believe that the essence of female resides here rather than deep inside in the ovaries and the uterusfor all the fashionable rhetoric surrounding the trans community about transcending or abolishing gender trans people in way are constrained by the most absurd and fetishistic notions of gender of all of us,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 lol literally what you were doing from square 1 and when challenged on it have nothing of course your claim was likely no cognitive differences you thinking the qualifier likely means you can just say your gut feeling and facts need not come into it never any evidence because nobody actually believes that are there the same number of women with high iqs as men if you dont know the answer to that you can find out do you even know what a standard deviation is why are you talking about things you have no understanding of of course understanding is never the goal for you is it0 evidence so you are mathematically illiterate then you didnt understand any of what i said was finding out about variance in iq really too much or do you just refuse to read cant read a graphi can detect how offended you are because i forced your beliefs to collide with reality i can almost see you quivering with impotent rage and slinking off to eat a tub if icecream reality will never care to align with what you think it should be based on whatever values you were raised with and feel comfortable with and you do yourself no favours expecting it to even your choice of words reveals how mindless you are calling me sexist as if an argument being sexist according to you makes it somehow wrong by definition,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 you seem to know very little about the level of adherence lutheranism commands in the uk and scandinaviano i dont i very clearly made the point that the level of religious observance is clearly not a determinant with the point that ireland and polan,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i have nothing against values not even values i personally dont entertain as long as it gives everybody the opportunity to live life as they see fit im all for it according to and afforded by just lawswaving around values as a way to beg for acceptance by a different group imo is paving the way for more discrimination look at me being an acceptable gay please dont condemn me the straight community lives out a full spectrum of sexual and relationship behaviors and no one bats an eye i think that what is good for the goose should be good for the ganderpersonally i think my definition of self love the condition entailing selfacceptance being shame free and appreciating your own traits and skills and accepting that one is flawed but despite that of significant value isnt a half bad one,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 shall i reveal a little secret gay life isnt that different from straight life yes there are two same sex partners but having a career a loving so children a house family gatherings those are still very much on the table and in any combination imaginableif you are in a deadend job and you know you can do better why do you persist in it just appeasing your brother is not enough of a justification get a better job get your own place and find a sweet dude to cuddle up against i did it and i couldnt be happier,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 anyone got a good stream,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i mean when youre on ethernet you get way faster speeds just asking if the wifi tends to be slowunreliable not sure if it is waveg or not which is better the plan i got says its up to 250 mbps,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this better not be just about alliance vs horde i want them to be equal in the end fighting a common enemy it would be a step backwards for the movie having the good humans fight the orcsetci also didnt see any other races other than orcs and humans in that somewhat disappointing,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i agree with utheveganbehemoth my problems usually arise when i am so involved in my own subjective inner reality that ive completely disconnected from the outer one that can also lead to the symptoms you describe of a mental disconnect but its just reversed an typemention whos stuck outside themselves would be in a cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention mode where theyre too involved with others and immediate sensory gratification to pay attention to their inner world ive never heard of an typemention who is both trapped outside of themselves mentally yet still disconnected from physical reality for unhealthy typemention you usually have someone whos disconnected and delusional because theyre so wrapped up with their own inner reality that they cant see the real one or someone who is going fulltilt and dissolving their sense of self through putting others needs first or overindulging in sensory pleasures and distractionsthe key to knocking them out of an inner cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention loop where theyre logically justifying their own delusions and undiluted personal reality is to get them involved in cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention activities get him engaged in the outer world and real people this might be a little hard since you live across the country where you cant actively engage him those activities in short he needs to be getting actively involved in causes he believes in he should be taking more walks and talking to people in the flesh he needs groups contact experience and healthy sensation he needs to be reminded he has a body and that other people with different realities exist and he needs to get exposed to that as solitary as we are we are social creatures the influence and energy we get from others can be very motivating when were left alone for too long our creative energy and vision becomes stagnant and begins to fester with unhealthy thought patterns and habits im sorry to hear youre having problems i wish you both the best,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 preeeeettty sure you arent their type i could be wrong of course but thats my feeling just trying to help ya out,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 todays religion is tomorrows mythology,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 the tab thing that was mentioned earlier was meant for your vba editor when you select multiple lines of code and press tab all the lines get indented if you press shifttab all the lines will be undented,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 is nonrelated shit allowed youll hear from me tomorrow,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 dd bs4m statusprogress iffoldersuseisoimage ofdevlt usb stick gt syncworks like a charm for meedit i have to say that i went full time linux at home in 2000 so my solution may be linux beardy,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 thanks ill try getting something from amd,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 its relative to what you know then you need logic to compare facts and get some true relatively true image of whats up i guess i dont like fakeness and trueness of things is one of my inner values so i prefer ideas about things to be adequate to the reality rather than to be delussional well you can say absolute truth is unreachable therefore everything you know is fake which is kindof right from the philosophical view but things arent that black and white either absolute truth or absolute fake anyways its just words and you can juggle them around and put various meaning and context in it this is truth not that is truth whatever manyou dont really agree with what i initially said and how i described it by the truth i didnt really mean a philosophical category truth with capital t but rather was just pointing out that i prefer things to be as true as possible to a certained degree in a sense of what actually is going so there i need a logical verification to pursue that initial cogfuncmention value of trueness which is quite idealistic in its root tbh,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 i forgot to mention rent i agree rental prices are out of whack i was spending more on rent for a 1 bedroom 800sq ft house than i am now for a 2500 sq ft 3 bedroom house mortgageand to clarify the toll road extends south to emporia and wichita i70 west to denver and further points west is still a nice road and has no tolls,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 whats yours why do you think posting this is worthwhile,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i read that at first as 6 thought jeez dude becoming 11 feet tall is kind of overkill no,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 den of iniquity covers all possibilities,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 written based off an outline of the events of virgilâ s aeneid scribbled on the back of a cocktail napkin by a drunkokay im intrigued,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 which is a rat what valve doesnt want to dowhich are ring0 and that is just all that vac needs tbhas esea eac and wire are as well as vac signature detection based acsis serverside and not a better clientside ac than vac,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yo yo yo gime that two double o,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i think i was the only one from my city to go to edc,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 pfft i aint worried about none of that shitokay seeya later guys just gonna hit the gym real quick,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 okay no worries thank you anyways,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 okay that i i did actually forget about i mostly only played word bump and towns if you can call that a game only did fishing a handful of timestowns was actually fucking hilarious once they gave moderator assistants colored names people would always use towns to cyber my favorite thing to do was to go up to them theyd see my colored name and freak out and sign off right away not realizing i couldnt do shit about them as all i did was move threads but it was still fun to spoil their fun and make it a little more appropriate of a place just by being there because people would be on their best behavior plus people would just be like omg a mod is in towns,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 im glad you asked its called bankruptcy its been around for a long time and is perfectly legal method to discharge debt that doesnt require a democratically elected local government to be disposed and a state appointed dictator in charge,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 huh strange but my parents moved to america after they got married so its strange here,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 so is the shifter helping the rebels fight against marley or is marley at war with someone else,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 tough question depend on your definition of eq reallyi for example am really good at reading people i notice small changes in body language and speech immediately and instinctively know whether thats why someone is sad or is trying to deceive me for example i also very very quickly get a feeling for someones character when i meet new people in this sense i have very high eqbut this is the thing i adjust my own way of speaking pose and tone of voice to match whatever i want from that person based on what i read of them but doing so is honestly a very rational decision to be honest i really lack empathy i only experience real empathy with my dearest friends close family and my so so from this perspective my eq is shitefor example if my employee would come to me with a crisis situation a dying mother for example i would be super concerned in tone of voice and body language i would do anything to accommodate them to arrange things but this is because i want my employee and team to function best which is when they feel safe with me as their employer and safe in their job environment a stressed out employee is useless and will take the whole team down better to give them some time off to get their life back in order ill find a way to manage until then thats my job anyway but honestly i couldnt care less about the dying family member per se i simply feel nothing no sadness or any other empathic feelings,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 flirting intensely awkwardly trying to figure out how your brain works not flirting flirting,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 depending on your high school teachers will assign way too much homeworkall biology teachers come straight from helland an ukoolaidjammerz saidwalk on the fucking right side of the hallway,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 of course i didnt lolthe answer i gave is to the question you asked titleas per your post the small groups are equal because each dichotomy gets the same coefficient but practically theyre not the same so dichotomies shouldnt get the same coefficient or you differentiate between them in another way in our case valuedunvalued im elements aka turn a tetrachotomy into a dichotomy also decisivejudiciousasking me if ive read your post while you didnt appeal to hypocrisy but still tastes good,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 kiernan nodded if hes not well fix that,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 as in google adsense thats still there on firefox if you want it to respect your privacy youre going to have to use noscript or something similar regardless but im almost entirely sure the browser itself doesnt report back to google the way chrome does,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 or putting nachos on your nipples and trying to eat them using only your mouth,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 uhm okay news to me but if you think so,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 he seems like he has some issues im sorry growing up as an only child was so boring and now you resent your parents,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yeah for me thats always been boring and unrelatable its always oh its captain americasupermansome boy scout and surprise surprise hes done the right thing again while someone like stark is will he compromise on something he lovessees as right whats best for everyone because whatever the reason is this week which i find way more human,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 it took gwin a few seconds to put two and two together but once she did her face lit upinteresting she blurted out those vassals must be you right,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 find this motherfucker a job already so he can blaze up,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this question seems rather muddled you mention gun and hand to hand combat rocks guns are not hand to hand at allim really not sure what youre trying to get at hereif you want to look up future weapons there are many examples already out there c130s fitted with lasers or lasers on military ships as well as em railguns well on their wayits going to have a lot to do with automated weapons systems and tracking tootheres even videos of this stuff if you just look around a bitwe arent going to get any whiphounds or nanite blades anytime soon nor would they really be practical in modern warfare i dont think,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 they can also be a little bit e2 like,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i have a very strong opinion on this topic canadian bacononly topping i need so damn good,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the difference is that chomsky take a journalistic approach he provides evidence for a position which is not the same as dealing with philosophical and ethical underpinning harris was interested in looking at matter of intention and how it can be used to differentiate between actors his mistake was to include this passage from his book which contained a real world event and chomsky went on discussing this event in a journalistic way harris wanted the discussion to be philosophical but this is not chomsky style this conversation could just not happens it was doa,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 pretty sure they dont care about these games why would they same as empire games where kappa also showing strats and your real power prio to ti is retarded thats why they played banal drowvisage and some standart gyro draft they even be beneficial if ppl think they are weakdreamleague format is pretty bad in that terms,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 hes standing on it you also keep referring to reddit as a whole when in reality it is a place made up of communities with vastly different types of people with various opinions likes and dislikes saying reddit as a whole implies you cry over hoverboards too,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 lets goi was on my schools academic quiz bowl team with ucrunchystixfite me,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i like smart people who dont worry too much about conforming to social norms and have a bit of an asshole steak tbh,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 10 lap averages are only reliable on tracks like bristol where we get a large sample size of laps to choose from practice always needs to be looked at with a grain of salt last week casey mears was the fastest in practice lol,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 now imagine that it was a suggestion hard to do,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 if you create a secular order let me know,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 gotcha yeah i guess its true that i do tend to assume that people mean more than they say or do what they do for some deeper reason and the trouble is that a lot of people simply dont have a deeper reason or meaning to what they do or say so when people dont see deeper into why i do things the way i do or why i tend to worry more than others it honestly makes me feel stupidas for things that other people share that i dont i think its just an attention to the present and the immediate future im always thinking two or three steps ahead of something that hasnt happened and might not happen and while im sometimes right pretty often im worrying for nothing in the eyes of other people,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 would the ai be able to guess common medieval words like trencher sallet patten etc if it could be updated they might find that entertaining you can only watch a jester recite bawdy poetry so many times before getting bored,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 she never makes that qualification statement,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 bwahaha just saw this on the front page,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i really suggest university for people who are bored in primary school i know in primary school i was really bored now that im in higher level classes in university there is enough challenge to keep me interested also not every typemention is particularly intelligent type has nothing to do with intelligence as the smartest person i know is an typemention i think primary school is more in line with sjs in general due to the rote memorization involved i think a lower intelligence typemention is more likely to succeed in primary school than a similar intelligence typemention habits like detail orientation are important and in primary school they dont allow much creative thinkingi tried to come up with creative solutions in primary school to problems and the only thing i got rewarded for was that was nice and continuing on with the standard way of doing so i think what would help an cogfuncmention type would be more engaging methods of teaching rather than rote memorization allow a student to come up with their own solutions and reward them for doing so come up with things that have more than one answer and let the student engage in self discovery things like that allow for students to go off on tangents and learn more about something that interests them instead of forcing only one way to do things i think that would be a way to get cogfuncmention users more engaged in learningi mean memory coding still usually does require some rehearsal of information in order to transfer from short term to long term memory sometimes memorable things can be inscribed but often times school work is not memorable so some rote memorization for things like math skills are necessary as they are the building blocks for all math you have to learn each step of math in order to understand higher conceptsanyhow enough tangents i think for intelligent people not just nts there needs to be options to progress through content faster and be offered more challenging often times the only time primary school can offer that with our current system is through ap classes and skipping grades,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 well to put it bluntly basically just well organized terrorism,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 id have almost 6000 across my accounts,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i was going to mention this before it doesnt have any relation neuroticism has almost exactly 0 correlation with any mbti traits so you would expect a standard distribution of neuroticism over a group of typemention as if you had blindly sampled a population its actually a fair bit more common for women though and i wouldnt be surprised to find that most of your family is high neuroticism as well its certainly that way for me aunts uncles cousins brothers and allim not certain its just a suspicion and something im interested in it seems to have ties to neuroticism along with many other things like aggression and antisocial behaviour its also just a horrible thing for parents to do and it doesnt even work and because it doesnt work parents tend to think more violence is the solution and shit theyre a full grown adult hitting a child 14 their size whose brain is still adjusting to the world around them its kind of ridiculous,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 it your own take on jungs original ideas just like mbti and socionics are and its not going to compatible with any i mean just looking at it the perception functions are going to be all mixed up for people typed in other ways,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 ive heard of some weird visual bugs happening where players with ci will die with es remaining maybe this is a variation of that,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 yeah the democratic primary debates were heavy on detailed policy since shes been running against trump theres not much opportunity to discuss those things because you cant respond on a higher level against someone like him,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 the us has a far bigger problem that maternity and paternity leave the problem is leave and vacation in general every time this topic comes up anywhere it quickly derails into feelings of jealously why should someone get extra leave just for popping out a child why cant i get leave for caring for my sick mother it is honestly ridiculous that the us does not have any statutory leave this has nothing to do with egalitarianism and everything to do with simply social minimum welfare one can expect from a developed country thats the true issue that being said i found the article to be rather weak the points stated have nothing to do with how hard paternity leave is frankly the points he made are simply called parenting and youll be doing it for another 20 years just like humankind has been doing for many many millions of years already in todays world having children is a lifestyle choice not a necessity yes parenting is hard thats a given and was to be expected no need for the martyrdom,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ehhh if rand where to drop out and sanders were to get the democratic nomination id sort of be forced to seeing as literally everyone else on the republican side of things is retarded insane,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 but the protections have nothing to do with his passive they are only mentioned in his 2,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 sorry i know you asked me to assume that there is meaningful connectivity but all my paths of thought lead me back to my response there,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 schmidhuber was pestering ian goodfellows gan talk,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 of course thats just my own personal experience it could help but i dont think its likely you might be differentbut for me shorter hair means those spilt ends are closer to my eyes and im that much more tempted to fix them if split ends werent a trigger for you i would say it might have a higher chance of helpingbut since thats not the case and you like having longer hair i wouldnt unless you have a better reason for doing solike trying to even out your hair or somethingi hope you find something that works though wish i could help more but i have similar struggles sohaha,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 patrick is pissed he called he wants his story back,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 considering the dearth of competitive august releases id guess it stays out for a long time,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 seriously why do social scientist types think warmongering eg like clinton is a rightwing phenomenon,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 how does this relate to me other than that my nonchosen complexion seems to be cast as a problem,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 the fitnessgram pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues the 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds line up at the start the running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboop a sing lap should be completed every time you hear this sound ding remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible the second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound your test is over the test will begin on the word start on your mark get readyâ start ding,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 lol your b team got more guys because of free agency our fa dont show and half our a team had to be covered for,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 my so has a bs in neuro it doesnt do much for you unless you go to grad school i studied a fair bit of neuro in school and loved it considered a phd but lab work is the pits medicine would be cool though neurosurgeons make bank and its interesting work,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 anything from the tor network,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 its not me in the picture actually i dont remember the original source of it but it was all over the place for a while,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 hit on webb simpson and westwood just barely snuck by bum beats on hoffmanbradley hurt a lot of my parlays but ive already made a fair amount back and still have some very promising parlays on track the gimmes bergernade jonge are about to tee off,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 well done usually theres the traditional response gift of hugs or kisses so luckily its something both people get to enjoy d,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 omg the line we tend to meet the same people over and over again so true,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 but if when i am older then i am older stilli shall be o l d e r â²,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i cant remember exactly which course it was but it was around the time i was learning algebra and calculus at that level or potentially geomechanics and one of the lecturers said this is how this is done you need a phd to go into why and i knew i was going to have a problem with the subject,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 this 100 especially the supplies im so sick of carrying all this shit with me everywhere,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 if it gets really bad ill leave the computer on so the fans make some background noise autosleeps after a while so its not on all night,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i fucked my waifu so much she stands up on her own,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 thats a really big generalization considering that subreddit has tens of thousands of peopleis it possible that people just dont want kids and all the obligations and expenses that come automatically with having them and as far as unhappy folks i have heard plenty of stories of people trying to fix marriages or find meaning to life by having a kid putting a burden like that on a child is reprehensible,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 the principle is the same and amd cards are still better at mining,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 the gm is a dumb pos he wouldnt get it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 geek stink breath by green day too im blowing off steam with methamphetamine cant get much clearer but people dont pay attention,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 its very goodfor my karma that is,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i mean when youre on ethernet you get way faster speeds just asking if the wifi tends to be slowunreliable not sure if it is waveg or not which is better the plan i got says its up to 250 mbps,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i remember rtypemention celebrating that they had the largest mbti reddit network population like two months ago ish,7.0,84.0,88.0,59.0,44.0 hahaha do you have either 2 sisters and a brother or 3 sisters if so then quite possibly,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 have ya seen carrot top in his later yearslil bit ripped rosies slimmed quite a bitthis is a no contest in the other direction,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 attraction to emoscene chicksi was very right but theyre all hipsters now their moms were right it was just a phase,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i do like the sight of that guandao and i do have to admit that this isnt really my field of expertise first off i wasnt thinking of a rapier isayama hasnt really taken any weapons out of the real world except the rifles of the mps so my guess laid by a variant of the odm gear sword i know that that also isnt practical for cutting open the nape but isnt the nape the last thing you want to aim at during a shifter v shifter fight that would kill the shifter meaning you cant acquire its power for yourselfaside of that is it really that smart to bring a weapon on a wooden pole to a titan v titan fight if the opponents sheer strength isnt enough to break the pole on impact then i see their steam burning the pole after which they can pick up the head and use that as a weapon themselveswouldnt the most effective thing in a shifter v shifter fight be something medium sized that you can use to cut off your opponents limbs effectively disabling them after that happened some simple sc soldiers could simply capture the shifteri do see why those long weapons would be more effective as siege weapons though btw this is reddit you dont need to apologize for textwalls thats the whole purpose of this mediumedit just saw your edit seems like youre imagining a situation where both parties are armed and yes then those swords would be the worst i may not know much about melee weaponry but i do know that much i however was thinking of a situating in which only one of the two fighting sides has weapons,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 had the cyclelearned how to process stuffbad stuff happensprocess it as quickly as possible in whatever time availableback to happy camper,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 to have choice it would be required to have separate factories or at least separate installation in the factories separate collection truck essentially double the whole distribution systemmost places have only one company covering the area some have 2 or also have an organic supply chain but even if you could have separate supply chains ethics is seen has a social issue imagine that we were to abolish workers rights and protection in canada and leave it to the free market would that be acceptable we have moving society in the direction of better awareness toward animal wellbeing for ethics reason similar to how we need to take care of issues like global warming and pollution in general,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 ive never pursued anyone every relationship ive ever had i was pursued too strongly to be ignored my wife basically stalked me and it wasnt until wed gone on a couple dates that i realized i really liked her,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 ooh that line bugged me for decades even as a little kid i was eyerolling at obiwan for being intentionally misleadingyes yes i know he was being responsibly deceptive for the hypothetical greater good he could have fully owned up to it in a much more noble fashion afterwards though theres pragmatic diplomacy and then theres being outright shiftyalso whos more the fool the fool or the fool who follows him uh how was that a convincing argument exactly han called him dumb and he called han effectively doubledumb for listening to him in the first place,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 email tim he should have an executive support person contact you,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 crashed and burned you can damage control all you like still just a pile of twisted metal at the bottom of a large canyon even if you arent on fire any more,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 man i dont want to live forever,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 if payet scores im gonna fucking implode,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 youre right i meant that his bodymind thought what is the use for speaking it especially if he only spoke english except at home i know the use of bilingualism from working at a mexican restaurant although i cant speak spanish p,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 or they got just antistratted hard by nip,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im a teacher i give my whole career to other peoples kids hardly a basement dweller,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 han solo is fucked by his son bernie sanders cockman doesnt say anything and has 30 seconds of screentime bernie sanders survives the explosion at the end leaving it set up for him to be the faggot in the next moviei am a nigger and this rape was performed automatically please contact the faglords of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 1 the coã rdinate2 beast titan3 female titan4 armored titan5 colossal titan6 ymir7 attack titan8 possibly the mulequadruple titan9,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 idk i guess hes been in a bad mood lately but still he could just shut up and not try to argue with everyone about everything,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 her coach probably told her not to watch it,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 agree but that is not what you said,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 the first cut looked pretty nice granted it was on an olinemanalthough i think his standup running style will get him rekt here soon he has these really sharp subtle cuts and hesitations that seem to be pretty effective,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 mm ranks sadly display how lucky you got with your teammates to be fairif you play as a team then yes the rank resembles kinda a rough placement in the skill but then you always play better as a team,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 every playeror bot under supreme is calling hax 247 when they get killedin the last 14 days i played against one cheater and he got banned already,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 that was a pretty automated answer are you sure,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 yeah i really dislike the encouragement for black women to be loud annoying and rude,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the first part of your comment is entirely irrelevant and not believable,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i in the navy so i was programed to have good posture unless im on my phone,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 purchased with repeated unwarranted personal attacks from trolls in this thread too whos got some fire or acid damage my whiteknight sword only does edged and holy,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 prati just fyi i started off just like you youre on the right track,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 theyve used it yeshowever i assume that that was more isayamas way to tell us who they were talking about then their actual names,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its a fair question yet something that i have difficulty with to explain i was raised outside of serbia and although my parents mother didnt explicitly raise me based on a strong serbian heritage it has been a constant factor throughout my life as i was raised with the serbian language i visited church often as a child many family members still live in the balkans who we visit often my grandparents own lands and houses passed down many generations etc my mother decided not to claim citizenship for me or for herself as when yugoslavia fell shed been living in our home country for a long time and also gained citizenship of this country and decided it wasnt worth it to her and felt rather strongly that i in that case also shouldnt get citizenship however i cant explain it but as i grew older i simultaneously got more connected to my serbian heritage and how it influenced my through out my childhood while also getting more disconnected to it as without my parentsmother i didnt have any tangible roots there it kept eating at me this feeling of uncertainty confusion and also a feeling a pride for my background i couldnt place i felt my mother by deciding i shouldnt get citizenship took something from me that actually did belong to me once i found out i could only claim citizenship through decent until my 23rd i believe i just decided i wanted to do this as in the end all i had to loose was some time and moneythat being said i travel a lot as well and i must admit having visa free access to countries like russia and china does have its benefits,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 keep in mind collectivism allows slavery and slavery is a little broken in the game and depending on your view not hfy same with militarist and orbital genocideother ideologies that would be good might include either xenophile or xenophobe not to sure about the perks but theyll represent both sides of hfy pretty wellyou should look at the green tech tree is it social or bio since early game relies so much on that one treeand i wish you the best of starts because to me the game seems really rng on your start locationedit one thing that bothered me is that there are all those government options and not one for supernational corporation,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 this doesnt happen at all where im fromcould be an asian thing,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah wanna see what im like without cogfuncmention i dont often go out on fridays,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thats the question of the millennia the serious answer lies probably with the specific acts that we did when under the influence,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 from the article to me it sounded like cop refused entry and guy ended up hitting him in the chest,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 have you checked if its real or not cause the lions head one is a notorious cheap copy touristy stuffavoiding fake military kukri it doesnt have those stamps arrow its not a wwii,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 that theyre piss poor and should hang their heads in shame,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 looking into a chicks eyes making her laugh playin with a pup music of course blowin a few back with some friends i dunno a lot of things are pleasing,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 welll pffft this is not a great achievement nevermind then ill only be happy once its single atoms now,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ah yeah thats a different point i mean just because it comes out as runoff doesnt mean it wont be cleaned for free by the planet it will however cost money if you pollute water that gets used for drinking and have to employ more costly treatment,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 well i made many friends online over a decade ago and even if they started as secondtier socializing i began to frequently meet with many of them irl probably 80 this is quite something considering the geographical spread its at the point where i can visit many countries for the first time and have an old friend there waiting for me its not the same as daily meeting in person but if youre chatting with someone over im or talking to them on the phone or skype video theres immediacy there that i consider valid firsttier interaction it might take me more time to visit them in person but it gets done and in between we maintain a strong relationship as an aside i think online interaction works well for me because i just dont care that much about the physical reality of someone its important but often doesnt change how i feel about them in my early 20s i loved meeting people via online forums for the purity of it friendships were formed based on being incredibly attracted by the content of someones thoughts and the quality of their expression it removes a lot of the unconscious prejudice that can accompany regular interaction its not an exact copy but its known patterns and preferences and does the job in a pinch of course a live interaction with that person is preferable and richer but thats not always possible or convenient besides there are many studies which confirm that the brain cant always tell the difference between imagined interaction and real ones i still feel good after interacting with my fax friend and can get a light social buzz the problem is if i were to strictly use that as my only form of interaction but i dont its a nice supplement that feels real enoughid definitely share the experience if it were an option and the right choice for that trip i have one travel buddy that i crisscross the globe with typemention and its a wonderful experience weve repeated many times however ive also been on trips with different best friends that i wish i had gone on alone because of the incompatibility of interests despite a general compatibility of personalities some adventures are about learning new things about the world and some adventures are about learning new things about yourself not that those are mutually exclusive they dont necessarily benefit from the same amount of participants i love people and deeply enjoy spending time with them it considerably adds to my life however i know not all situations are going to benefit from company and im content when by myself also i have an easier time substituting physical interaction with verbalimagined interaction introversion isnt synonymous with isolation more like a preference of socializing frequency being completely isolated is unhealthy for any human,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 trolling colorblind or do you think that the fact that the anime is in color makes it uncannon,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 you might find these links helpful dario nardiâ s neuroscience of personality cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention its as if typemention are using their gpu instead of their cpu to figure out problems,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 that movie was great i was gonna take a pass on it but im glad i didnt,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the other ladies gave a bunch of great responses i 100 agree with its interesting to see how other typemention ladies feel the same like me about having a friend to come home to someone relaxed who will be honest with you and keep you grounded no emotional games or drama just being able to come home be home and leave all your stress at the door which also means your so doesnt make an issue of your work and career is really just chill about it and everything else concerning our overly ambitious characters i find this interesting because this type of man arent usually the overly ambitious guys like we are at least not to the same level and intensity as we are it balances us out i guess but for some reason i still have a stereotypical idea in my head about us strong typemention women belonging in some kind of power couple relationship with an equally ambitious man i realize now after so much time with my more laidback so that wouldnt make me happy though,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 actually no its called usb type c,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 i think well have to agree to disagree,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i have a friend that does a song called no one will ever love you at open micshes an interesting guy,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 they dont just leech on state aid they work hard to make europe great and pay taxes and their departure from romania has caused lots of kids to grow up without their parents with very negative effects on their development its both good and bad for romania and eu,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 congrats people buy cheats for fps big newsthe main attraction of cs is the fact that is a highly competitive shooter with a pro scene not that you can cheat going by your logic everyone cheats because that is the reason they bought the gamealso your they are protected by valve shit 6 accounts a year for 7â that makes 42â profit or 005 keys for one person per day for a whole year market transactions are not factored in there i assume more people buy 005 keys per day over a year than cheaters buy new accountsyour math is way off the mark also is your complaint about vacgaben explained it in the post you linked as to why they wont make vac like the esea ac and i might add that eseas ac would lead to a cheater decline of roughly 1 if you look at mmget a clue before you talk and grow up,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i second the motion to gild ucyborgboy95,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 what is the mane f t f y,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 yep pretty sure this is what got her all offended by being called an indian for whatever reason i find that the first people to call the racist card are the racists cept for maybe white supremacists they tend to embrace it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im trying to figure it out too sounded like a gun shot or something,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 you are right i misred the post but i dont remember if sam made this comment about suicide bombers or about supporters,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 no you dont you can burn a rare in a 78 map with a 12 fire damage crit,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 no i just stay away from the airport area so i dont even get pinged there but if i did by some chance i have a note on my profile thing that says to cancel me if you have luggage as there is no room available for stowing it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 whatever its literally just a different tool instead of that one,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i agree if someone ignores the criticism at the point of deleting comments they dont deserve any praise either,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 didnt know he had a cookbook i thought he didnt really consider himself a chef anywayhave you watched any of alton browns stuff,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 haha wigi1 this was one of your better posts d,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 yeah it gets pretty gross and dirty after its been there a while mixed in with the dirt from the road and starts to crystalize a bitpacks insnowball fights are fine if you dont pack the snow really tight or do like we used to and either put rocks in em or worse dip em in water and really pack em hard and wait for them to freeze a bitall depends on the snow at the time though get the right snow and theyre like mini cannonballs,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 because youre looking at your bank account from your perspective but using the terms from the banks perspective,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 some of my other favorites by them i choose you please dont go fall in love,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 oh good maybe he can go live on that island after bernie kicks his ass in the general,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i was put on amitriptyline once it was terrible i got sleep paralysis every night and could barely sleep made me more anxious and depressed im still working on a benzo script as well after a very long time supposed to be taking buspar right now but it makes me drowsy as fuck which i cannot deal with 247 school would be a nightmare if i was taking that twice a day,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 sorry to hear you went through something traumatic it can take only one horror story to create lifelong anxiety and contaminate all future relationship attempts i could offer the traditional not all guys are like that comforting phrase but thats honestly not the lesson to learn here taking it slow and easy building trust rather than assuming it and sincerely learning about each other will all help so much no one needs to rush into anything make a new potential friend first and then see if theres room for more later,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 yeah still true generally in canada but self defense laws are complicated and its pretty difficult to know how its going to play out in canadai bet if we went out right now and asked easy general questions about self defense to random canadians there might be one in ten that would get it mostly more or less righti bet at least over half would confuse some of the states stuff for applying in canada and another different overlapping half would probably have no idea if a butter knife is a deadly weapon or a simple tool what about shooting an intruder in your bedroom late at nightanyway i can understand some of it but some of the laws surrounding it dont make too much sense and some are just old laws that just stick around forever made with silly political reasons in the first place like bans on stuff,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 like i said i didnt knew he was hopping at a constant 290 also my statement has unlucky wording i guess i rather meant the cvars to gain speed at least i found it obvious that he altered some rates when he gaines speed so fast after his first jump,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 brown hair multicolored eyes beautiful and super fucking strong straight,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i do feel overlooked at times i think youre in good company there especially on this sub but personally im horrible at remembering details about peoples lives its not for lack of effort so much as inability to keep track of it all i know as well as anyone who they are who they want to be their strengths their struggles their dreamsbut not their birthdays or those plans for the weekend that they told me about just yesterday,70.0,33.0,46.0,6.0,33.0 little arent all that little a liger btw my favourite animal,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 someone needs to gild this threadthen its legacy will forever be preserved in rshingekinokyojingilded,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this is frickin adorable omg,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 so ts youre talking with ts d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 we were already voting for him americans who follow the traditional progressivist thought have overcome the narrative,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmentionxnfjs tend to have more rigid moralistic views for how the world should function than xnfps who tend to be more live and let live,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 flying cars are inevitablethere are plenty of people who would willingly replace their ground car with a flying carfor example if there was a new flying car that was better than a ground car there would be a group of people out there that would gladly toss out their old cars to replace them with flying carstherefore flying cars are already here,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i think my friend said cod is a piece of shit knockoff of halo and to never play it,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 not that much tbhdid you have better fps on win7,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 so would you dismiss fox news for spinning news to the right the same as dismissing cnn for spinning news to the left,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 people who sign up the dayof are more likely to follow through the same daythats the theory behind the daily tournaments of rtagpro,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 lol there is nothing on my slate except gold stars not sure i wanna erase dat,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 that would make sense especially considering it has the scanner which seems different from anything weve seen in the ot,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 yeah as a circumcised male i dont understand the practice actually kind of makes you wonder what would be different sensation wise,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 currently im a professional clown murderer and occasional bum fight promoter the hours can be a bit long sometimes with both jobs but i enjoy it,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 freedom shall prevail eagle screech,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 especially when your team is trade happy,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 it isnt even put together â its incoherent like something google translate would come out with,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 if you work in a high end white collar job or the arts finance law medicine insurance marketing engineering media news design architecture etc theres a critical mass in sydney far more jobs far more related side industries to support it far more investor capital sloshing about thats where all the elite big business clients are based etcsydneys job market in these industries is even bigger than melbournes about 3x despite their similar population size let alone adelaide which yes is basically a one horse town comparatively speaking,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 alien vs predatormy parents brainwashed me so bad that i thought that i would be a murderer after i watched it my friends friends and parents forced me to watch it at a birthdaysleep over i was seriously crying and then i was like wait this is pretty interesting ive been hooked ever since fuck my parents dude,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 this analysis was absolutely amazing yes im familiar with the functions and i believed masamune was an typemention but since im an typemention ive been told that im biased and type certain nontypemention characters as typemention,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 same as you i assume duolinguo does flashcards best one is definitely reading though,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 lol i went to a house party once and we had to write our names on our drinking cups instead i wrote public school teacher and people would read it and nod respectfully that was during a bad period of my life i dont usually see a lot of teachers at house parties d,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 doom is pretty damn great its easily the best fps ive played in a long while so no shame in that,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 not as of yet although noone could blame the king for taking his time kings landing has been remarkably turbulent as of late i believe there isnt a masteratarms either,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 and to take it to a different realm if ya bros got a nice dick tell him hes got a nice dick that is if hes okay with you sayin that kind of stuff i mean come on if hes got a nice dick hes got a nice dick and thats that,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 top comment explains the blocks personally i like realms unraveled and dawn of champions and really dont like the first expansion i like the ones with energytreasure but a lot of people didnt hard to say which blocks youll like,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 and thats how it stays legal and under the radarextra for additonal services not advertised im sure its negotiable anyway like with most of em,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 whats pictured though are lamb rib chopsthis is a roast yeah either one would work to impressand yeah totally agree the tea needs to be loose leaf i already do this anyhow,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh cool im pretty sure raptors that are specialised for speed not eagles and certainly not hawks but something like a falcon does snap the spine on impact there was a gif on here of a peregrine hitting a duck at full speed i think its fait to say the duck didnt know what hit it,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 and the whoosher gets whooshed,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i mean its a fruity drink it doesnt taste like cough medicine type cherry pretty tasty although i rarely drink wine coolers,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ah i see thanks for the clarification,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 hit on webb simpson and westwood just barely snuck by bum beats on hoffmanbradley hurt a lot of my parlays but ive already made a fair amount back and still have some very promising parlays on track the gimmes bergernade jonge are about to tee off,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i was gonna say that forgot it was called ferrocerium though i have one of these welll two but ones on a magnesium blockalso worthy of note that a great way to start a fire with these is to have some charcloth easily made by gently charring a peices of cotton shirt i just put some in an old destroyed kettle that i put on the oven for a bit and voila worked like a charm,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 looks like im a bit late to the game on this one sorry about that ive been offform for quite a while so sorry for the lack of an answer but i second uhillsonghoods answer and recommendation of george makaris revolution in mind i also recommend looking into carl schorskes findesiecle vienna politics and culture to help build an understanding of the atmosphere that led to vienna becoming the epicentre of these fieldsfeel free to check out some of my other answers in this sub here that may help to answer your question too,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 i would like to know the percentage of large hillary donors have reached the donation cap i have a feeling its pretty high compared to sanders also the fact that hillary hardly has any small donors compared to the other two should concern her her fundraising shows she is very much the establishment choice,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 thats absolutely ridiculous tekken is an awesome game series but theres absolutely nothing about it that would prompt eight broken controllers and breaking the discedit i cant count,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 okay i think were just going to have to agree to disagree at this point the people spoke when they elected obama hes done his duty by proposing a nominee its now the job of republicans in the senate to vote yes or no that is the job i want done,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i think scruton wrote a lot about this too using kants premises amp definitions,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 enh i wasnt commenting either way i was just answering the question in your title i love all forms of aww including your bonaparte id give him a hug and a pat if i could i know i could use one about now,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 so how was it a good idea then one card in whole game that can remove them which was not reprinted when infect came out how many ways to increase a creatures power to 10 hundreds,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i dont care to pit like servers to like serversi just want a fun playthrough of the gameim doing vanilla content now will be doing tbc content soonish and wotlk stuff laterthings work nothings messed up random dungeon finderltshrugsgt its not for everyone if you want it pure i guess but its the best ive found so far for what i wantim a weirdo who actually enjoys building up a character though not get instant 60s 70s or whatever maxlevel you want and only raid,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 dont give me this postmodernist crap all the people in history who have shorted oil futures without consideration of the price could comfortably fit onto one greyhound busthere is always the odd schizophrenic but that has no bearing on the fact that human beings are extremely social animals and are very conformist and significantly rational in their behavioryou generally can never be 100 sure of anything but to use that as an excuse to wallow in solipsism is antiintellectual retardationpast behavior is a very good predictor of future behavior and behavior in general is a very good predictor of what sort of belief structures are in someones conscious andor unconscious mindits incredibly naã ve to think that its practical to predict someones behavior based on a deep psychoanalysis do you psychoanalyze all your mailmen to decide whether or not your mail will arrive tomorrow or do you throw your hands up and say the universe is far too random for me to predict whether or not my mail will arrive tomorrow there are just too many variables and my god what if hes schizophreniceven if your mailman is schizophrenic if he does the same thing every day he probably believes its important nevermind the why,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 you keep saying that but whats your source,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ohthen idk wait and see i guess,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 no its procrastination not laziness rather busyness in the service of laziness,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 hey im stuck in the p hole with you there so much potential and so much procrastinating tps at least are useful fps are just good for crying and smearing paint all over our clothes at least we dont have to schedule everything and can be free to act on whatever whim we want which explains all the half written stories im pretty sure the typemention converter is only half finished and wasnt even painted make sure to get some typemention slaves to fix it up and make it come up to safety codes that is pretty much all they are good foralso i tried to do all you said to become an typemention and ran out of coke halfway through now im stuck as a defective typementiontypemention hybrid that has no feelings but spends all day moping anyhow kind of like marvin the robot,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 this mod basically solves every issue on his list for a point to point basis,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 1teleportation2 no or maybe sushi3ill say 7 or so4105probably 1 because ill use it so much6 well i already wear the same thing everyday,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 from what weve seen memories are unlocked by referencing parts of the previous shifters lives so theyd have to recreate the eldian life for which they again need reigners memories,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 loose cannon maybethere are now two separate canons show and book much the same thing happened with lotr,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 now now no need to discriminate sure the faceless people are a great bunch of lads,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 you should have spoiler tagged thisanime onlies dont know that she can phase through objects with parts of her body that are naked yet,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the most scary thing is that corporations could own the trucks if the drivers owned the truck and were paid for the their contributions then perhaps things could stay as they are,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 we need more stickies10 more stickies,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 out of curiosity do you live near a body of water,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 my handwriting is very similar i get compliments on it a lot and i definitely like it,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i took my first in 7th grade i was an typemention freshman year i scored a typemention now that im a year out of high school ive been typemention pretty consistently for the last couple of years,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 nostalgia is a function of introverted feeling not a perception read this definition of nostalgia it is all about personal subjective feelings perceptions do not evaluate a situation as good or bad pleasurable or not nostalgia as a phenomenon may affect mood which is more related to cogfuncmention but the cause is still introverted an cogfuncmention or cogfuncmention perception may be at the root of the phenomenon of nostalgia but it is not the phenomenon itself for example an cogfuncmention valuing type may experience nostalgia related to a direct experience of an object or a situation it is about the object and the personal experience that they have with it the detailed nature of the cogfuncmention valuing type will probably associate whatever feeling they had at the time that the object made an impression on them to how they perceive and feel about it now and how that may have changed dynamically over time cogfuncmention valuing types on the other hand often appear more nostalgic because cogfuncmention attaches an ideational layer of meaning to an object or situation it is not about the direct experience of the object rather what it represents what it represents or means could hold a lot of abstract associations that are highly personal but what it means and what it represents is not the same as how you feel about it i think that this manner of perception is actually closer to the idea of nostalgia than cogfuncmention is,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 im also not an insomniac but i can relate to the 5300 more minutes,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 yeah i have accepted it which is why im enjoying things instead of just coping things like this dont have to be dark all the time i dont see why looking into this thing and coming out smiling is so strange to everyone here,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 stop moving then or use a buyscript,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 why should owner have a different definition than the player who owns this cardwhy not just say controller,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 all i saw when i looked deeprwas a trianglex files music queues,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 im an typemention and while im not yet in college i think that i will most likely major in math computer science is another possibility it doesnt really fit with my functions too well a little cogfuncmention but no cogfuncmention in there whatsoever plenty of tertiary cogfuncmention i supposeits also possible that im a mistyped inxp and in this case typemention would actually make a lot of sense for these subjects with dominant cogfuncmention but i doubt that this is a decisive typedetermining factor then again maybe it is since these are areas that i am more interested in and skilled at then other school subjects its also possible that cogfuncmention plays more of a role here than i give it credit for im not really getting anywhere with this tangent but its fun speculate about,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 g2bad cuz they lost to vp on vps strongest maps kseriously believe what you want even if it will not happen,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i see nothing wrong with it its too bad there isnt much information on how it was made or what fromim going to assume its a high carbon blade that means itll rust and possibly stain with things like onion citrus etc stainings fine though patina it just requires a bit more care if you use it often and dont store it wet itll be finecourse a regular wood handle any good knife anyway you never want to put in a dishwasherdo yourself a favor and get a smooth honing steel at the same time ceramic or steeli cant say id really recommend the knife but it does seem ok perhaps high priced i just wouldnt buy something at that price without knowing specifically what kind of steel it was made with it could have been made with just whatever old scrap junk like a car leaf spring for all you knowid also want more shots of it and how thick the blade is,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i want to say i appreciate that you organized them,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 and the aca was still placating the massive health insurance companies still putting huge corporations ahead of our individual health its not about us its about keeping the health insurance companies strong,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 are you comparing yourself to jesus,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 there was a dutchy far to the west with a great deal of mineral wealth it was advantageous for the family to marry me to the eldest daughter in exchange for the personnel resources of the richfertile eastern coast the access to the mineral wealth of the west is now available to pay for itfortunately for me she is quite intelligent,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 ugh this is why shit is fucked people who expose the crimes of the government are being punished,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 dip makes your face a tumor there is a difference,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 kingdom heartsand this is coming from someone who hates disney,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 dad is an typemention and i wouldnt know what type my mum is i might get her to take an mbti test this weekend im actually really interested in what type she is my siblings aretypemention older of my younger sisters typemention younger of my younger sisters and typemention younger brother so were all intuitors,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 i think people tend to forget that typemention lead with a perception function and we tend to be big observers of people and what they say and do when someone is very direct and forceful in what they say some typemention might get an impression that the more forceful person could be closeminded about certain topics or disapproving and the typemention might feel like they have to be careful in case they upset the other person with a dissenting opinionanother thing is the typemention just needs time to get to know you better were pattern finders until theyve figured you out enough where they know whats safe and what are things you dont like etc they might be throwing up a bunch of smokescreens while they put things together just being really consistent is key theyll pick up your patterns and get a better idea of who you are and how you express yourself also as long as youre being blunt and open you might as well do the same with your feelings its ok to just say stuff like im not trying to make you nervous or put you on the spot i just like being open and direct were also fine with stuff like im going to ask for your patience im not used to such abstract conversations i prefer really direct communication so if i come across as blunt or like im not engaged in what youre saying its just that im figuring stuff out i mean you can make it sound much better than that but dont be worried about just stating what youre going through typemention like clarity so they will probably appreciate it we spend a lot of time in our heads so i personally find it nice when someone either confirms or denies my ideas i have about them with direct data and feedback i also appreciate it when someone explains their behavior the more i know about their motives and inner mentalemotional condition the better ill be about responding to and accommodating you specifically and trusting you more just keep trying and being sincere we can sometimes require a lot of patience,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 ive always felt weirdbut ask them to define it that will tell you whether what they are thinking has any substance to it as far as being called nuts or whatever i embrace it be careful of friends being disrespectful though there is a fine line between laughing with you and laughing at you,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 did you try on the loft 14s their sizing runs really large,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 salmon has one of the more delicate flavors of any fish and you should let it mostly speak for itself also dont cook it to death tomato is kind of overpowering for salmon except in a soupstew imo and even then youre better off using a cheaper fish i only use salmon in soup when its cheap frozen fish and i need to use it up try simply sauteeing the salmon in olive oil with dill then drizzle with a simple cold sauce of pureed roasted pepper balsamic and a little voo another alternative drizzle is brown butter sage sauce fresh sage if you want to serve it with tomato i suggest simply cooking some cherry tomatoes on medlow with a little bell pepper and olive oil and serving that next to the salmon,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think the typemention was making a funny they do that d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this this post seriously made my eye twitch this is my entire relationship with my control freak mother typemention if that matters she says i have no common sense and will berate me for things like the way i dice a tomato as long as it gets diced who gives a flying fuck all growing up it was joan i dont understand how you can be so book smart but have no common sense in reality i cook just fine although i have a limited repertoire of recipes and she has more general cooking knowledge i dont do things her way so it is not good enough i have previously banned myself from her kitchen because it damn near gives me a panic attack i watch jealously as she allows my boyfriend or best friend to cook in her kitchen and she doesnt give them one single criticizing comment i also think of every possible scenario how to get out the knife cutting board slice the tomato so it wont make her mad i can never win i cant crack a fucking egg the way she likes ive cleaned her kitchen and had my dad inspect it to make sure its up to snuff i could write a book about this she makes me want to scream lol i am so sorry about hamgate,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i think everyone here probably comes to this subreddit every time theres a problem just to make sure it isnt just them,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 whats wrong with helping everybody,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 thats a kabar this is a dozier,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 another difference is assad has the strong support of a part of the population and external support from iran and russia saddams support was very shallow in the country and he had not international support this give another dimension to any invasion,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 got some rock but mainly rap with good chorus upbeat vibes,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i am not conflicted about my religious stances,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 here you go op option explicit public sub example dim comparefont as font set comparefont rangea1font were using the font properties of a1 because i dont want to have to manually define them all debugprint analyzefontsfilepath comparefont change filepath to the target file you want to scan set comparefont nothing destroy our temporary font object end sub public function analyzefontsbyval filepath as string byref fontproperties as font as long returns the word count that matches the given font properties on error goto errorhandler data validation and error handling code goes up top if lenfilepath 0 or fontproperties is nothing then exit function if not fileexistsfilepath then exit function dim twb as workbook set twb workbooksopenfilepath readonlytrue dim tcell as range tsheet as worksheet totalcells as long processedcells as long define and establish our variables and references call ludicrousmodetrue for each tsheet in twbsheets totalcells totalcells tsheetcellsspecialcellsxlcelltypeconstants xllogical xlnumbers xltextvaluescellscountlarge get the total number of cells we need to process this will be very large for big excel files specialcells means were iterating only through cells that contain data were not gonna waste time iterating through blank or empty cells next tsheet for each tsheet in twbsheets for each tcell in tsheetcellsspecialcellsxlcelltypeconstants xllogical xlnumbers xltextvalues dim words as string words splittcelltext were splitting each cells data into words by splitting each space dim index as long charcount as long cfcount as long for index 0 to uboundwords for charcount instrtcelltext wordsindex to instrtcelltext wordsindex lenwordsindex were iterating through only the characters that make up this word within this cells text value text is the cells literal text not just the cells value that it can apply formatting to if comparefontpropertiestcellcharacterscharcount 1font fontproperties then cfcount cfcount 1 if we end up with the same amount of trues as we have letters then every letter had the same formatting next charcount if cfcount lenwordsindex 1 then analyzefonts analyzefonts 1 we can now add 1 to the overall value of the overall matched fonts cfcount 0 reset our character comparison total next index processedcells processedcells 1 increment the number of cells scanned for our status bar percentage applicationstatusbar roundprocessedcells totalcells 4 100 amp complete next tcell next tsheet errorhandler applicationstatusbar false applicationdisplayalerts false this is so it wont ask us if we really wanna close the scanned workbook we definitely want to if not twb is nothing then twbclose applicationdisplayalerts true call ludicrousmodefalse set tcell nothing set tsheet nothing set twb nothing end function private function comparefontpropertiesbyref cfont as font comparefont as font as boolean if vba was advanced enough to iterate through object properties this wouldnt be as long if not cfontbold comparefontbold then exit function if not cfontcolor comparefontcolor then exit function if not cfontcolorindex comparefontcolorindex then exit function if not cfontfontstyle comparefontfontstyle then exit function if not cfontitalic comparefontitalic then exit function if not cfontname comparefontname then exit function if not cfontsize comparefontsize then exit function if not cfontstrikethrough comparefontstrikethrough then exit function if not cfontsubscript comparefontsubscript then exit function if not cfontsuperscript comparefontsuperscript then exit function if not cfontunderline comparefontunderline then exit function comparefontproperties true end function public function fileexistsbyval filepath as string as boolean dim fso as object set fso createobjectscriptingfilesystemobject fileexists fsofileexistsfilepath set fso nothing end function public sub ludicrousmodebyval toggle as boolean applicationscreenupdating not toggle applicationenableevents not toggle applicationdisplayalerts not toggle applicationcalculation iiftoggle xlcalculationmanual xlcalculationautomatic end subim hoping the comments explain everything enough but if you have any questions by all means ask away this scans through every single cell in every single worksheet of a given workbook it then compares every single word within each cell against a given font object and that objects individual properties as youve listed and then some you can remove additional font properties that you dont want to compare if necessary,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 how much people care about them it even happens in reddit,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 wheres your proof i voted in the first place i asked for a guilty option since thats what i would vote for yes or no arent good enough options for my caliber,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 1k cp not 1k of each pokemon right,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 never hopefully am not a big fan of the proposed design,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 two counterpoints but not to your general point that most people in consumerist cultures are tacitly harming others for their own benefit which i agree withfirstly many of the things that collectively do harm or exploit do not individually do harm or exploit for example if someone causes harm by producing 100 pcs to sell and only 95 get sold regardless of whether i buy the 96th pc or not i am not causing any harm so from the perspective of a rational individual attempting to minimise harm this purchase decision has no inherent negative effectsecondly you can use lots of things that are harmful in order to do greater good for example you might need to use a personal computer or car in the process of creating and operating an effective charity whilst owning a computer is a harm it is necessary to produce massive benefit so the sum of your decisions result in a net good thirdly consider counterfactual purchase decisions buy a 10 sweatshop shirt instead of a 100 shirt and if you give the remaining 90 to an effective charity then you have done massive net good at the expense of a lesser goodevery decision you make has infinity counterfactual scenarios with a cost or benefit if you choose to be ethical and buy the 100 shirt as opposed to 10 shirt and 90 donation then you choose not to help the many so you can help the few if you choose the counterfactual you are helping the many at the expense of the fewso its very possible for individuals who act altruistically to engage in consumer behaviour without doing harm or in order to do good,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 literally only because i have just assembled those bookcases and unpacked the books after moving them across the country,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 dr whiskers lamar youre back,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 in 08 clinton was an establishment candidate with strong link with the dnc and obama was a charismatic candidate that was generally loved sanders is running a rogue campaign against an uncharismatic candidate that is outright hated by many and the core message of sanders is that everything is wrong with the establishment plenty of its supporters will not vote or vote third party,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 at least it is entertainment,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 well its not more than one new yearbut seriously what the other person said the s occasionally gets added because people are used to saying new years eve or new years day but its only one new year does that make sense so unless youre referring to something of the new years in the possessive like the eve or day then its just happy new year,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 actually i believe you can do that but you have to turn on video acceleration,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 while aela was rolling her eyes talisa was keeping hers fixed on the excessively energetic buckwell her cautious stare was shortlived however her attention returning to her friend as she suggested they get away from myrai have she affirmed walking with aela towards the other side of the room im not supposed to leave the room though,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 you think my argument was emotional i think its important context to pascals wager his argument is that you lose nothing and potentially stand to gain a great deal if you would just believe in god i say you stand to lose a great deal in terms of quality of life if you take the wager and turn out to be wrong how is it an emotional argument i just want to understand what youre sayingim not saying you can logically rule out god though just talking about my issues with pascals wager,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 hiya felicia im a massive fan of yours and have been ever since i watched the guild i loved the way it was done and how i could relate to your character in it my question is about board games though which is your favourite or top 3 board games that youve played,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 all they have at my school is apush i slept through that bitch and came out with a 75 each semester i got a 3 on the ap test by some miracle,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 should i change it to global then does it make me more relevant gt,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 cno plusses no hashtags just straight c,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ill just comment my first playthrough of each region as doing every playthrough would take too longkanto charizard pidgeot gyarados jolteon snorlax hitmonleejohto typhlosion beedrill this was very hardhoenn swampert mightyena electrodesinnoh torterra this was my first game so i soloed with my starter xd beautifly helped by being immune to earthquake in double battles but that was itunova samurott stoutland gigalith conkeldurr sigilyph haxorusnew unova samurott excadrill darmanitan heracross terrakion metagrosskalos greninja charizard pangoro snorlax garchomp gourgeistalola nuzlocke pelipperdied to acerola hariyama vikavolt zygarde granbull lunala,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 that photo looks like its got some funky sharpness effect applied to itwhite lines on things extending over the spine of the knife,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 they do this because crack cocaine right,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i would say probably the former but that it can sometimes be useful to look to the latter to get at the former there are often correlations im not assuming like oh this person is an artist therefore typemention but rather this person is an artist bc of x y and z and these variables are what have remained constant over a large span of their life these two are interconnected in a sensealso when i say i urge caution in regards to trusting personal insights i mean this more in regards to if the individual simply states i am a thinking orientated person and always have been they believe them self to be a thinking type and that they know them self best i am skeptical of such claims until there is sufficient information to back it up i do believe it is useful to ask types of questions like why do you believe yourself to be a thinker at this point one can only hope they are as free of bias as possible in responding and that can use what they provide to better assess their type now one must consider the obvious facts this person claims to be a thinking type yet has a history of relying on extraverted feeling in situations where extraverted thinking would very much be expected to be operating so where does the truth lie personal insights can be useful but everything needs to come together in a coherent fashion,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 bruh he almost out rebounded the warriors last night by himself while posting a 12 assist triple double,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 well to be perfectly honest the weapon industry advanced the human race further than any other industry rechearch towards biological weapons increased our medical knowledge nuclear weapons gave us nuclear power and military communication and navigation evolved into gps and indirectly the internet tldr the inventions made in the weapons industry improve more lives in the long run than it takes,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im serious guys we have to stop deez nuts,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 nooo dont repeatedly redim arrays tt,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 well i was actually thinking of something like this but your method is even better,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 cardiff is a really nice and safe city throughout other than adamsdown butetown and ely cardiff is safer than most cities the rough areas tend to be in the valleys but then again thats from social deprivation not because its a particularly high crime area with dangerous peoplethe nicest areas depend on what kind of person you are if youre young then the city center roath and cathays are all good if you have a family then penarth and the lisvanecyncoed areas are the besti think youll be pleasantly surprised its probably the nicest city in the uk to live in after london and bristolbath,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 they actually have a specific rule against using him on that sublow hanging fruit,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 okay i think the set of such relationships would not contain all incestuous relationships and would also contain many many nonincestuous relationships,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 the cool kids noticed him,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 so if i play with a second account and play every game with a friend who is worse than me thel ill naturally be ranked lower than normal and that makes me a smurf instantly his post is technically right but you people dont want to accept that because then you have no one to flame for your loss or something along those lines,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 as a qa analyst i do not approve this message,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 its even worse when you browse reddit on your phone a shit device like mine doesnt like it when i run more than two apps at once,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 you tell em tacoat least with screwdrivers there are colours with robertson so that makes it a bit easier that way at leastsmall greenmedium redlarge black,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what if its a poll tax thats levied evenly on all citizens,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i thought it was terror am i bad at reading emotions or something,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its not a model from neuroscience but science doesnt always start at the ground up you can approach science as a mathematician but often the math follows the observations you ignored the other bit that we had prior to newton developed mathematics to handle forces those mathematics werent wrong though they needed refinement and to be put in a larger context said mathematics of course began with attempts to explain observed phenomena,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 lol offer stands if anyone ever wants to take me up on it i promise to be fascinated i tried to start a thread like that in rtypemention once but i think some users still associate me with pee so i understand the risks involved with posting it publicly,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 its not really a problem with management who are deciding on who to hire actually many european universities have policies in place which highly favour women in stem fields to a point you may very well say its discriminating although yes these fields usually have less then 20 women in any scientific position thats higher than a post doc level my own university has research institutes that have none actually this actually causes problems with regard to work environment and providing role models for students so why are there so little women in academia no science to back this up but my own experiences tell me that many women actually want to be in academia as the number of female phd students is actually quite high maybe not 5050 yet for engineering in my country but still quite good however when you want your career to progress in academia you need to be able to handle the work load and stress that comes with really devoting your life to your research and you are also required work abroad for multiple years before getting being able to become a professor at least in europe if you want a position at a decent university after you get in at an assistant professor level it is still a very competitive environment everything is measured the amount of phds you have how much grant money you bring in citation indexes and number of papers everything you want to become an associate professor sure go ahead if you meet the minimum requirements you want to be full professor well we only have room for 1 full prof for every 23 associates and really if you are not good enough to be a full prof most universities kick you out eventually because there are assistant professor waiting to take your spot which have more potential worklife balance in academia is absolutely awful and i believe this is the reason why there are so little women in academia however once you get in which is also something i personally experienced you are very much respected and treated as equal well some of the computing science and physics men in their men cave offices need to be told to store away their nude calendar posters once they have a female phd joining them but thats about it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 theres some pretty major photoshop usage in that photo,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 in that case what determines hierarchy for chinese students for example im quite a young ta maybe just 1 or 2 years older than most of my students would that matter in terms of being authoritativeits funny how different this is within stem we are incredibly laid back and nonhierarchical for example a conversation with a prof lets call him prof dr john stuart when i enter a lecture could easily go like this and no one would bat an eye hi john hi avacyn you look tired late night yesterday yeah the study association had a party last night it was great fun but i might not have prepared for class today and the prof would just laugh it off and not care,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yeah i wasnt sure which sub to use couldnt find one about breastfeedingill xpost there,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i had no idea brilliant hunks magazine was still in print ill have to look up your issue now that were going to be teammates as part of a giant space warriorlover robot please let me know in advance how cute you think certain graduate students are just in case youre thinking of using the sword on one of them btw are we also naming this phallic weapon the sverã sannleikans as per your tradition,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i knew what you mean it is just that nothing to hide nothing to fear is a really stupid statement to make,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 and it should not be,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 typemention who likes deep and abstract thoughtim seeing good cogfuncmention and helping people with physical stufflots of attention to daily routine stuff whereas ndoms are usually pretty oblivious to that and do the bare minimumedit ixfj investigating further,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 you know you can buy wedding dresses second hand in perfect condition only warn for a few hours and only once the price drops faster than the value of a car a year after purchasemy sister is extremely frugal and she wore a dress on her wedding she bought for 500 it was beautiful with intricate embroidery in pristine condition it only needed slight modification looking it up later we found it was a 10000 dress originally,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 sure but that doesnt even matterit isnt like the elite would need to control 50 the other votes wont be organized and spread out anyway so if theyre the only group to organize so long as they get enough collectively that nobody else could match,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 but this makes perfect sense in a world where windows 10 comes after windows 8 and xbox one replaces xbox 360 wew microsoft,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 so they say it was an oopsie they confused his attitude with a knife,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i wouldve written a text wall about this but then i realised that i really dont care about whether and how smart i am,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 he has the recording he was trying to post it to soundcloud last night,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 is she laying in a puddle of pee,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 qi why didnt the giant tortoise have a scientific name for years,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 actually cant distinguish between causes and excusessurely thats pretty basic understanding of wellanything,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 dangit i think we just caught the snow crash virus,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 id like to think id have this all figured out when i get married but probably not i simply wont invite anyone to my wedding who doesnt know im cf if they dont know me well enough to know that they probably shouldnt be there anyway really narrows down the listreally though i also wonder how many of those people are just boring life script and poor conversationalists im not trying to sound like a jerk but to me talking about babies is right up there with hows the weather or how about dem der packers snore,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i definitely have resting bitch face to the point where i actively try not to look mad when i know someone is going to be looking at me ex the nail salon i have a good neutral face but i literally have to think about it to keep it up whats really funny is that im a super friendly person and love to smile its just when im not paying attention i guess i look surly,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 no worries its my pleasure please remember im here if you need to talk to someone lt3 have you had any adverse sideeffects whilst taking fluoxetine im on 100mg of sertraline 75mg of quetiapine and have experienced several sideeffects increased suicidal ideation tremors dissociation among others im not too bad thank you i feel a little better knowing i can relate to people have a good rest of your day,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 b comes from the greek beta but we never called it bed to my knowledge,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i think perhaps introverts are more inclined to need less information to have a good time i get bored of people who arent extraordinarily complex and stimulating in some fashion,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im an extrovert and that kind of work is soul crushing to me the good news is that its just a summer youll get through it have you considered waiting tables or delivering pizzas instead,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i used to be in that club good times,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 how did you manage the logistics of that chamber i think youd be much more efficient with 10x100 people gas chambers since you wouldnt have to have such large ventilation systems plus if one went down youd be able to continue operating at x efficiency where xgt0 how did you manage body disposal those kind of numbers are horrible for human borne disease so youd have to have large supplies of either solvents or lime for mass gravesi also assume youre in a totalitarian position with the majority of people supporting you ie no risk of rebellion it would probably be most efficient to use some kind of open topped road train that could be driven into a sealed area assuming the 20 minutes is to ensure saturation of the targets then dump directly into the mass grave could you recycle the gas or does it react to something in the airpeoplehave you considered simply drowning the people then youd be able to turn them into soylent green which is a more risky proposition if youre using a human toxic chemical,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 first of all nice atitude you have there you seem to be fun to have around if you insult everyone who questions your statementssecondly you did say most of them dont stream you also said thatso you are implying that all pros that stream are banned since you split the pros themselves into two groups the ones that stream and the ones that dontalso there are no middleschools in germany young boy so please work on your education phrasing of sentences and your behaviour,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 remindme 3 weeks ask about honey,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 those alerts are completely nonexistent on the appthe same issue arose with james jones in nfl week 1,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 zackley wouldve loved to answer that question in depth,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i get this my house is kept very clean and the cleanest of shoes will leave marks on my stupid beige carpet i cant wait to rip it out but in the meantime it will stay clean booties work fine for me though i have a bag of them by the door so technicians can throw them on and then toss them out that contains any mess on shoes and using booties is standard procedure for every technician that has ever come here they usually have their own,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 hell no man its memorial day go barbecue with your family ill have the byron all crunched up for tomorrow,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 that is a great idea i bet a ziptie a silicone oven mit and a steamer head could be fashioned to fit the spout of any kettle i suppose that is only slightly less bulky than a travel steamer i bet the whole head attachment could be made of silicone for ooo or aliminum foil would likely work i wonder how hot it would get,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i would go crazy i always question if im an introvert since i spend so much time by myself but truth is its not by choice if i actually didnt talk to anyone i would literally go insane you sure youre an extrovertas for relationships i can relate i never give much o myself either i think i just dont care enough about anyone to fully latch onto them or theres just not much of me to give not really sure what it is i just have been on my own so long i guess relationships arent a big deal to me,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 the typemention from work is probably just interested or wondering if what youre doing right now is going to impact whatever they need to do next i similarly hate when getting some information out of a tp turns into this ridiculous dramatic event because they are overly suspicious about my intentions examples when i asked my typemention brother who i lived with at the time ifwhen he would be home that evening as he was leaving from a party or dinner or something to go out with some friends both he and my typemention husband seemed to think that was hugely invasive and weird to ask but i just wanted to know if we had the house to ourselves for the evening like so i can walk around in my underwear and stuff i certainly didnt want to control his actions just to know whats happening in my environmentmy typemention pretty much always responds with offence and immediate defensiveness when i ask him anything about what hes doing or thinking its the strangest thing to me im usually trying to decide what to do next myself which involves collecting some information from anyone who might be affected like what if hes almost done doing whatever then maybe i should wait and we should do something together after or that would at least be on the table sometimes im just following a train of thought thats like i dont even know what he does over there most of the time and i want to know more about him because i am interested sometimes i need something from him and im trying to gauge if its a good time to askthey seem to be frustrated that im not more direct or something but im just not lol its literally impossible for me to be direct in that way because its not how things occur to me at all i dont even know what direct would have looked like until i take the indirect path they think im manipulating with some goal in mind which i guess is sort of true but really i usually dont fully consciously know what the goal is until ive reached it or reached some kind of road block that forced me to cogfuncmention the rest of the interactioni guess this is just an area of incompatibility between typemention and ntps,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 id be delighted to see a professional debate without a rambunctious audience like you saw during the primaries im trying to predict what kind of slant hes going to try live without a teleprompter helping him trump clearly isnt trying to win based on reasonable arguments but rather playing the media by stirring up controversy with carefully selected sound bites if he played the debate perfectly normally but did something along the lines of this attacking cnn sure hed get shot down at the time but with the nation watching this would be the buzzing topic postdebate with cnn leading the charge in trump smearing it could potentially be a sharp thing for him to stir up in the eyes of the public granted he can pull off the rest of the debate somewhat professionallyjust seems like something he would pull given his dishonest media angle,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im curious to know who did you go to the pub with other similarly aged friends much older friends your dad or just by yourself,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 not a sensing feeler atleast i think im not,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 yeah i feel you im a nurse so work is no joke and can be physically demanding so drinking a bunch is just plain stupid when im in school i have no problem leaving it to the weekends either i just cant deal with this much boredom and lack of purpose in life its only been a month and a half out of school and i have almost 2 more haha,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i know i do which is why i said i could relate to group 2 a lot i think what they do when theyre upset is what steered me away from that group,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 only people looking for excuses use that bullshit your family can help you sometimes but its pretty rare when your family keeps you from getting a goodbetter jobagain nothing is your fault its society or familial circumstances or some other thing never you no one rewards hard work employers dont care about keeping the most productive employees people dont pay for good products its all about familial circumstances in fact when i bought my last car i didnt check consumer reports for the quality of the product i did genealogy on the workers that assembled it,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i can tell from the color of my blood,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 so fucking metal use the leather to make a jacket,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 you are the one who asserts that the native americans are either stupid or that they domesticated horses that was your binary assertion and it is a stupid one note that i didnt say you were stupid but your assertion was it appears based on genetic evidence that the domesticated horses we know and love came from one distinct lineage and that as far as we can tell that domestication happened only in one area despite there being a few different kinds of horses in different parts of the world,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you mean a sarlacc that was the thing in the pit that bobba fett gets sucked down into and digested over thousand years or werancor was the beast that luke kill using the gate from that arena,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 meme doesnt really make sense the frank photo was from the episode they talk about suicide and there was the wiki entry for suicide should have been gerry 610,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i cant thank you enough for being so empathetic thats what i love about this sub were not all crazy sometimes i feel like im an island with a lake in it and in that lake there are all these boulders and shipwrecks and when something happens its like dropping a new rock in there first theres a big splash like when that poor creature met his end and then the ripples reverberate for eternity it helps to make an imprint of those ripples on a page and share them with others its like by joining my lake with yours for just a second the waves are smaller you know like the same force but in a bigger body of water thank you for reading this it really means a lot to me,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you should apply for some grants moderate ethanol use prevents acute trauma if i ever own a brewery ill make a piney ipa called doggos forcefield in your honor,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 time is the best medicine for that type of stuffhowever some things that could helpdont contact her itll just make it worse if you need to unfriend her on any social media you haveengross yourself with a hobby or exercise preferably bothhang out with your friends to remind you that you havent lost everything and that youre still yourself without your ex,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 so basically the millennium challenge,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 dont worry 111 aquila mom sampy build will bring him back one day,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 ha amen i never understood why people get so up in arms about words tbh the only people that get the privilege of me being emotional during an argument are those that are close enough no one else gets control over my emotions im in control of those,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 its not science thoughits science,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 youre not wrong but they are highly punk influenced and have a lot of punk ideologies lyrically,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 omg i used to do that all the time haha xdex youre a fucking idiotme okbully looks confusedbully starts laughing after 5 seconds of confusionbut when things get physical i kick their fucking ass,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 theyre welcome to go to school just dont bring your kid universities should do a better job of making things easier for parents and i would fully support a free or super cheap daycaremontessori program that parents who want to go to school can use,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 overall looking back at your relationship of the past 10 years would you say it is a good happy relationship i have a sort of general rule for myself when it comes to relationship troubles relationships will always have ups and downs but if the down is most dominant for about the last 10 of the total length of your relationship in your case the last year or so you should strongly reconsider your relationship if not for example in the case of down periods that are generally short but may pop up often i think you owe it to yourself and your partner to try and work on your relationshipif thats the case you need to talk to your wife and tell her that you are at the brink of calling it quits but that you want to work on your relationship and that this will mean two things 1 the marriage is from that moment onwards closed again and she needs to stop seeing lee period2 the two of you go to marriage counseling starting as soon as possible,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 my dog rip could he saved my life a few times,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 yes ser im sorry i dont recognize you,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 sure both are gambling to an extent the point to make here is that cases have a fixed value of getting a specific skin and a fixed amount of those skins the system is nothing like the jackpot sites it is essentially fairerregarding the marketplace thingyif i buy the skins on the marketplace am i gambling hell no sure someone did but i wasnt that was i was trying to say ofc you are not gambling when buying the skins on the marketplacerethoric questions and there liketrue if you open one case but in general it is so that you lose money if you dont have luck on all cases you open,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 rshowerthoughts is ltlt that way,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i heard obama use the word patriot for the first time in a speech this month to describe sanders and clinton he might have used before possibly for people in the army but i never noticed it i think it has become a dirty word on the left and obama is starting to realize it,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 my favorite local pizza place surprisingly has great ribs but overall i completely agree if you go to a specialty restaurantdont get your hopes up when you arent ordering the specialty,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 katana approached slowly trying to restrain her excitement the mission before her was more dangerous than her typical job but that just made it all the more fun not to mention the greater rewardshe needed to focus on something else and something else was right before her she smiled at the zabrak pilot and made an unusual and vulgar greeting flitting her tongue between her index and middle fingers forked into a v,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 to add to this consider looking for community college intro courses on the vocational skills most towns offer adult education classes in things like woodworkinghome repaircookingwelding id like to take some myself theyre usually 1200 dollars might help you decide if a craft is up your alley,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 oooo thanks for the info well then aside from the co2 and potential subsurface water what are the other ingredients needed to produce fuel on the surface of mars,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 too bad itd only attract neckbeards,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 omg i also loved the cheesy tycoon and simx games when i was small but the sims and simcity not the reboot games stuck with me even til now i actually really like modding them in addition to playing them and i kind like that theyre constructive games that dont take too much reflexes and where youre building something positively and productively not to mention the world building houses or cities in both which is sooo much fun,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 yeah but the name of the field is deep learning not tall learning that suggests it should go topdown s,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i too kind of think the free market is rather broken but its because of laws like this not the other way around,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 things like ram usage just from having lots of objects in your document is unavoidable there isnt much you can do to reduce this because no matter what in order to display those elements theyre gonna need some space in memoryare you running a 32bit or 64bit instance of excel that can also make a big difference in speed,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i have to know what state or country this was in,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 all of the ones i know voted too idk i just see it as a waste of your day lol at least w the standing rock protests that had a real tangible result this did nothing,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i think thats the definition well said,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 may i point out that you are a genius,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 i love how that one person in white doesnt have working legs after jumping away from the blast its like just calm down get back on your feet and book it much faster,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 why is it stupid aside from cost and the fitness requirements,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 brb grandma set the lawn on fire again,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 say you have these totals in column a you can simply use the formula a2a1 and it would show you the difference between the two,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 they sell tickets in advance and it sells out in like 20 min maybe next year,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 that just dawned on you its kind of been a staple of futurologytranshumanist philosophy aswell as pop culture for quite some time now idk where youve been,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i dont give fucks to things that are meaningless basically the way i think of it is that i always have about three fucks to give and i have to conserve their use for the most dire circumstances,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 iâ m late to this post but i play golf alone too mostly mcmillan lakeside shoaff sometimes foster,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i could back this according to wikipedia and google image nephrite is similar to jade and is predominately green,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 america is bad if they mean the usa cause well im american too north american i live in canada i wish people would stop calling it that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the us government recently admitted they committed murder at ruby ridge real quietly oh an no prosecutions that would just be messythey also were caught using military assets and lying about shooting people at the branch davidian complex also lying about the reason for the raidso theyre not a benevolent as most people believe,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 remember kids taken to heart,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 who the hell are these people,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 exactly the relation needs to evolve naturally depending on setting and what you want from the relationship no mentormentee are actually proclaimed mentormentee but if done right both will know that thats indeed the nature of their relationship,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 shut up all of you,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 machiavellian i think refers more to their sensibilities and ethics or lack thereof in politics not necessarily how good they are at it,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 what you may be looking for is to declare the variable group4 as new picturebox that tells vb to declare a new object as a picturebox object this allows that variable to have all the properties of a picturebox object and along with it the image property from which you can set or remove the imageits better programming to declare all of your variable types rather than not declaring them and dealing with variants using the option explicit flag forces you to use better programming habits,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i wish there was a simple way to filter out all the porn and all the sportsnsfw is not a useful filter for avoiding porn as some subs use it to cover spoilers,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 youd have gotten away with it if you hadnt posted here the morgue log was burned you idiot,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i need to invest in the company that makes that tile apparently every fucking restaurant has it in boh,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 after shedding her warm cloak and getting some food in her belly talisa solicited her parents permission to walk around quickly making her way over the dondarrionshi shirey talisa greeted a small smile already resting on her lips,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 the problem with pure js is that people who know fuckall about jscsshtml will also have their paws all up in your project sooner or later youre going to end up creating your own mini framework with your factories and modules and stuffs and they wont be able to google how to do that thing you told the marketing team shouldnt under any circumstances be done ever in any app or page yeah that shit is going to 80 happen eventually because yeah cheryl wasnt buying it and she owns both a tablet and a pc so she knows what shes talking about when your colleague finally hits that 20 impossible bit you were talking about heshe will blame it on your shitty coding,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 whaaaaat youve never heard of jack wills do you live in an old persons care home or something its literally the uniform of every secondary schooluni student theyre almost as ubiquitous as superdry,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 people probably think this cause hes a comfort pick for pros like peanut,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 no probs here comes in form studge,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 oh damn lemme justput some lipstick on so i can go out in style,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 the title is misleading here,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 how is your data formatted it would most likely be easiest to rewrite your code from scratch your screenshot is the size for ants which is why i have to ask,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i think the premise is that because you provide a service you get taxed on your sales like every other service industry everywhere but youre right i imagine this will lead to online businesses incorporating elsewhere for tax evasion purposes,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 so youre not losing anything except for synergy with itemsabilities that proc on crits,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 though she could recognize its value the ship full of gold did little to impress talia as was typical for western nobility after all she had seen far more silver and gold than that in her lifetime churned out from her familys mines spices and silk on the other hand were foreign goods expensive and exotic she had never been to a marketplace that traded with essos and so those goods were not merely valuable but valuable to hera lot replied talia quietly answering the rhetorical question honestly i guess he mustve been as rich as a lannister she remarked maybe even richeri suppose you just lack imagination gwin joked with a grin in a tone that made it clear she wasnt trying to seriously insult damon,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 and breath meditation is amazing in itself its not just for reducing stress but it can just as well be for spiritual practice both yoga and buddhism rely on it,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 the question is to generally choose between justice and mercy why would it be eitheror mercy is a part of justice,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 which onethe one where he forgot his plot armor or the one where he cared more about falco than ending his own suffering,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 will post thanks i suppose this board is focused a lot on hardware images,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 im sure i used to work with a woman whose sister and all her friends taught each other how to reap maximum benefits from whatever system they could she had freakin twins one died shortly after birth and she didnt even care because she could still collect for the other sick,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 does jerma know this show,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 you look good try to keep your face relaxed you look much better in the last picture than in the first two the first two look a bit strained,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 this thread is teaching me never to get a pet with an so,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 so ive reuploaded the daughter song performed at this years landmark festival which some of us think is their new song how to youtube for easier access than the sometimes troublesome google drive link i originally posted here if for whatever reason the video gets taken down pm me amp ill give you a direct download link ive also added this song to my ever growing daughter the definitive collection youtube playlist enjoy all credit to daughter,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 people who sign up the dayof are more likely to follow through the same daythats the theory behind the daily tournaments of rtagpro,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 actually i think this is advice for bears,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i agree with that though i still think cuck has masculinityjab undertone if only because of the origin,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 he didnt eat himself out of the league but how many times did he have to sit out for a few plays because of cramps seemed like 23 times per game in the later yearsas a professional athlete how you take care of your body is as important as studying film and everything else they do he was naturally very gifted but he didnt achieve his full potential the whole point of position coaches is to get guys to achieve their potential,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 heh nice i never did the whole rattail thing also was poor so i had to catch my own snakes and around here it was only ever foot long garter snakesif it was yellow though that sounds more like a albino ball python which are super popular could it have been that they get quite large too and are also constrictorsif it was a real boa thats cool too even moreso as more rare,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what is the formula for this,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 that image is prevalent here because amongst other reasons a lot of users here are not really typemention a true typemention in the wild would match your description typemention think in tangents a lot and can get quite animated its not the predictable deterministic path of a robot typemention are the boring robots and youre dead right typemention have a distinctly silly goofy side,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 dig why did you choose sys admin over coding not that its a bad choice im just curious do you want to move into security at some point great money there edge caching and cloud shit is pretty hot too my company is migrating as much as we can to aws well still need sys admins for sure but were i you i would set my sights on cloud and or security,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 tuition differs between countries some are free germany but most are a couple of thousand euros a year my country netherlands is about 2000 a year easiest way is to just mail the admissions office of different unis and ask them whether theyd accept you based on your degree and grades remember even within a country some might accept you while others wont which country are you from by the way,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 nope i dont want to inconvenience anyone ever but if they take offense to something thats entirely their problem,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 dude the first 3 are japanese momo sana and mina the last one is korean dahyun,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 hmm well im the only front end dev at my work with no degree i dont know to be honest most my peers doing tech support wanted to do server admin type stuff if they were at all interested in doing the tech stuff there was a bit of sales too for renewals and new sales of new products so lots went more of a sales route because generally there was more money in the short term pwhat kind of tech support did you do i worked at web hosting company doing front line support then moved around to a few other departments all on the phone i never could get into a high tech position due to some annoying politics even though i was easily one of the most qualified applicants 4 out of the 6 times i applied to the higher tech position,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 ive used it on vac servers to idle for cards nothing happened but i cant guarantee vac may or may not detect it however the code disguises idlemaster as a task manager in general since it runs games so you cannot be banned in general there is an idle master steam group that had faqs about i as well id recommend checking that out too,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 me too lol i was half jokingmy dad is an typemention and it was pretty much a projection,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i play with 175 on 400 dpi last week i switched to 3 on 400 dpi because of elbow problems in the end i am back to 175 so take what you are most comfortable with imo,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 and a year from now theyll shut down their online servers for the game so youre basically forced to buy the next if you want to play with friendsi stopped buying sports titles the moment ea monopolized the major league titles i really hope when these contracts are up the nfl nhl mlb etc they decide to end the ea contract and open development up for competition that can only be good for the future sports titles however the they get from ea i think theres less than 110th of 1 chance of that happening,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 fantastic the city looks much more lived in much older and more fortified where expansion has been adding extra floors that lean in to give the streets a bit more of a claustrophobic feel,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i may identify with this a little bit,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 was there any point in your reply other than being a prick,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 none just maybe breaking her heart but i cant say i made the wrong choicie just dont like to do it,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 what does that have to do with what i said,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 take it on a day by day basis user experience may vary results may vary,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 arent those just bump keys like same concept sucks how most locks are horrible and easy to bypass,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 as much as i dont condone cheating what people do in their private lives is none of my business who knows the conditions under which theyre doing it the only person who can really judge them is the other personpeople in their relationshipfamily who they are directly affectingblackmailing all those people and holding their personal information hostage to satisfy your own personal moral agenda is not only illegal but far worse imo i might not like that certain companies and services need to exist but im not going to cheer for their destruction either,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 really my lecturers have office hours where you can go in and see them personally 1 to 1 they love to talk about current research areas good if you want to pursue a masters or something and they have a lot of insider knowledge too maybe theyre just shy because they can sense youre also shy,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 what happens on october 1st,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 sounds awesome i miss the sound of g bugles,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 focus on what the teacher says in the classroom and use common sens in the exams,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 this certainly would be nice to have constantly getting negged on by c people for no reason gets annoying after a while,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 waiting for someone to say rage comics,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 for sure thats the plan and thank you i think ill write a long letter to him so i can get all my thoughts out clearly this was really helpful when i wanted to explain some issues i was having with myself and with him a few years ago,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 not bad might i recommend speed up the process by moving the object diagonally to each point versus just horizontal and vertically independently,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 wow thats something you rarely ever see clearly in time lapse photos,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i want to put that on a poster,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 id call myself a former mbti person but the ocean model is boring as fuck it is just a bunch of senseless cogfuncmention quantitative attempts at measuring personality are always a fail the mind doesnt work that way personality is a subjective phenomenon such ideas as being 80 neurotic or 30 introverted are fantasies as far as fluidity goes the big 5 might make you feel a bit unique since you scored 70 on one scale and the norm is 60 but it is not so gee maybe you feel a bit more on this scale over the other this is cogfuncmention contaminating cogfuncmention cogfuncmention is always contaminated by cogfuncmention as cogfuncmention is always contaminated by cogfuncmention,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 i was asking generally but i appreciate your answeryou dont need to but id like to at least hear your arguments against ancapism we dont have to debate id just like to know what changed your thinkingmy tldr view of minarchism is this in moral terms a government is the monopolization of the use of force everything from how its funded to how it enforces laws initiates force and is therefore immoral in practical terms even if you design the smallest government possible it will inevitably grow and become more tyrannical eg usa its impossible to keep a lid on government,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 not really what im basing this off of is the inadequacy of describing the thinking function and how poorly it is understood then extrapolating my own experience to that of the feeling function which i contend is roughly equal even though most people say that cogfuncmention is much harder to explain my position is that cogfuncmention is just as hard to explain adequately but thinking isnt the subject here when i see people describing cogfuncmention as modelbased or subjective logic or rigid pedantic logic i think that is missing the point just as much as how people try to superficially characterize cogfuncmention as morals i disagree i think that they are both equally indescribable there is nothing mystical or elevating about it inferior feeling i can describe quite well but cogfuncmention or i assume cogfuncmention dominance is very difficult to describe i do think that you know that feeling is not as easy to put into concrete terminology the abstractinvolved dichotomy isnt just in the head of nf types this isnt just the manifestation of inferior feeling im just not explaining myself well enough here i explained my hypothesis in detail to abstract canvas and begrudgingly he had to agree feeling really isnt the point of my hypothesis really it originated with the faulty definitions of extraverted perception but feeling is the only function that has been explicated as such so it is easier to start the conversation in this context rather than explain my position point by point ill clarify my hypothesis because i dont think that you are following me ok forget about feeling think long and hard about dimensionality what are the implications of dimensionality it is essentially adding an additional layer to the understanding of the functions 1d feeling or personal experience 2d norms or pi either cogfuncmention or cogfuncmention current situation pe or cogfuncmention or cogfuncmention 4d time or intuition dimensionality is incomplete which is why my explanation is uneven plus also the factor that defining the elements isnt as clear cut as we want it to be dimensionality is going to roughly correspond to the blocks of model g the point is that the functions themselves have an additional substructure that is a fractal representation of the functions for an typemention thinking isnt just nt but it is intuitive thinking at the level of the fourth dimension whereas our feeling is at the primitive level of sensation cogfuncmention doms have an intuitive sensing since it is 4d sensing their level of intuition is just as primitive as the thinking types feeling an typementions cogfuncmention is at the thinking level our intuition is at the feeling level my point is to rid yourself of the inaccuracies of the remnants cd thinking start embracing hp thought classical socionics is laden in cd thought if you shift your perspective things get much less rigid instead of seeing ims and ias as the concretization of reality i see the model as a holographic projection feeling in the original context is a fractal projection im working on the full model ive identified the feeling component the intuitive component and recently the sensation component the thinking component needs to be revised more to come but im quite confident that what i described in the op is just a fraction of something that makes a whole lot of sense it is logically inescapable and ill try to prove that,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 mildly because when someone sees him wearing that they assume hes one of us one os us sorry i robot reference so hes passively representing us i guess offened is too strong a word,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 as she placed her hand in the crook of griffiths arm she answered with a dumb smile arm ready back when they had first married she had been nervous to walk the streets of kings landing and although she certainly still mistrusted the citys inhabitants she felt fairly secure with griffith at her side,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 mignoletfultonjohnson skrtel toure enriqueflanagan lovren sahko morenolucas rodgershenderson canjones gerrard pascoesterling coutinho lallanalambertsturridge,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 it was worth 700000 before getting promoted here,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 not to mention the fact that being gay hurts no one and being fat hurts themselves and society as a whole,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 no they dont have comprehensive information about the subject tests in fact youll be a little hard pressed to find books that are satisfying on the subject tests because most of them have practice tests if youre looking for any practice tests id rather just go with the ones provided on the ets website click on each subject and scroll all the way to the bottom for a pdf and take notes on questions you dont understand there are like i said a lot of subject test books but theyre pretty much only filled with an overview of the test and practice tests id suggest them if you want more practice tests to study on after looking at the ets pdf files,7.0,84.0,88.0,59.0,44.0 being in a relationship with someone is supposed to make your life happier are you happy,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 they dont go and be profs to teachtheyre there so they can do their researchthere are huge rewards that dont show up in a persons salary from being one id expect,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it will be interesting to see how this discussion will be judged by the future say 30 years from now what we thought were the limitations how we were hoping to tackle them,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 damn that looks tasty as hell,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 i dont think this is all inclusive but there are civics for that,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 daww haha so glad i dont have to lie when i say thats a cute booger congrats,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i want an experimental and alternative pop album not a simple mediocre mainstream pop album cmon this is linkin park aka hybrid theory one band that changes their style and mixes genres this is not like burn it down a song that has electro and rap and pop and all that this is only pop what the fuck,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i agree not saying id have been down with it but having a dude walk in hearing the word husband and weve been heavy petting is a scary situationjust to be clear scary as in is this dude going to have a problem particularly since im not good with it and should i just start defending myself first,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 hey guyz i met a girl hot enough to hit on at random who is kind of nerdy and super chill she gave me her digitz what do be honest you are just blowing off excitement so you dont text her 100 times an hour,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 sounds to me like you posted to complain about being rejected over a compatibility issue i dont see anything about learning altho she clearly didnt like you much anyway else that wouldnt have been such an issue,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 we are pretty good at doing long inquiries and talking forever about it im not sure we get anymore results tough,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 she doesnt get to allow the father to have 5050 custody thats really the default any court should strive for unless there are very serious reasons not to do this as much as you wouldnt like your partner having custody of the kids your partner has just as much right to the kids as you haveand im saying this as a child of divorce who got fucked over by a promother system of law,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 exactly ive never seen an ad for warframe but i know its super hot right now,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 this is insane one of the most ridiculous videos on the internet,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 worst part was the 2 12 hour wait time to get out of the parking lot on the third day i was literally driving my car around in circles in the parking lot out of boredomi promptly trolled a whole bunch of random people by driving through the gates that led to the valet parking area because i needed to use the bathroom there was no exit but people followed me thinking i knew a way out hilarious stuff,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 ive had an affinity for him since little miss sunshine,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i love steve cook too however its funny how hes seemingly devoutly mormon yet hes obviously on the gear train which i guess would be a massive sin within the lds community seeing as they dont even drink caffeine,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i grew up thinking id live the life script go to uni find someone to marry get a kid work on a career but during my teens i would start thinking about wanting to travel a lot for my work living the expat life and that i really just wanted one kid but this kid should be intelligent and adaptable as well to be able to life the expat life i wanted this went on for a long time adding more and more boundary conditions to the life script then at 18 i met my so who didnt want children and he simply asked me why do you want children at all and i figures i couldnt answer that question now i think i dont want children at all i think if you want children thats fine but if you do you need to put that kid on absolute priority number one and if you want a kid you cant put boundary conditions on what kind of kid it is going to be you need to be just as happy with a highly ambitious and intelligent kid as with a less intelligent kid with possibly bahavioural issues and thats simply not the case for me so i made the decision not to have children i wouldnt put that child before my own some would say selfish priorities and i wouldnt make a good parent to a kid that turns out less ideal then i ideally want the kid to be on top of that overpopulation and man made environmental pollution are real issues and i truly feel that anyone who doesnt absolutely want children shouldnt do so to help our environment recover now im in my 20s and planning an amazing career with my so we will be living all over the world not staying in a single country longer than a few years before moving to a new place i am really happy now that ive settled my mind on this issue it gives a lot of peace of mind,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 wasnt me i was just making an effort to follow the 101 reddit ruleall the credit goes to david bott of,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention these two functions like cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention do the opposite thing in the exact same way cogfuncmention is looking at how things evolved through time in the past and applying it to the presentfuture cogfuncmention is looking at the present what is not what could be and comparing it to the past remembering how things were back then and making a library of things stocked right in the moment they happened and using it as experience for the future so for short cogfuncmention has a library built from the past in the present cogfuncmention has a library built from the present in the past cogfuncmention is from past to futurepresent while cogfuncmention is from futurepresent to past cogfuncmention has a library built from the past of sensory data â œvisual memoryâ and things like that while cogfuncmention has a library from the past built of abstract data how one event relates to another symbolism and things like that cogfuncmention is literally like wikipedia a lot of exact and concrete facts while cogfuncmention is living in metaphors and symbolism cogfuncmention has exact memories of what things are cogfuncmention is very detailoriented while cogfuncmention is seeing how one event relates to the other and another one and so on and so forth making some sort of â œchain of eventsâ example in music for example mike shinoda rapper writes most of his songs as stories he is antypemention which has cogfuncmention as their secondary function which will make them write some stories a lot listen to songs like â œkenjiâ and â œred to blackâ by him the reason a cogfuncmention user would write lyrics in some sort of storytelling mode is because cogfuncmention remembers past information too itâ s not only future oriented let me explain it with a history book examplehistory example if functions were history books cogfuncmention would be like most books are today they would describe what happened in detail like most books do with exact numbers for time of the event and place cogfuncmention is not really about what happened it is about how the things that happen relate to each other since cogfuncmention is looking at patterns of how things evolved through time a history book that would be cogfuncmentionlike would not be very focused on what happened rather it would tell that this and this and this happened and because of all these 3 things it lead that after it â caused this and because of that this also happened and because of that this also happened and that led to this and that and because of thatâ etc cogfuncmention is about how the events in the past relate to each other neglecting unimportant details thatâ s why most of mike shinodaâ s raps are very storytelling it is seeing how an event leads to each other and so on and so forthâ œcogfuncmention is an abstract map of possibilities which you explore literally with cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention is a literal map which you explore abstractly with cogfuncmentionâ â source would also like to copypaste an amazing reddit post i found about cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention source thinks of the past and utilizes it to understand the world relating something to your past isnt cogfuncmention cogfuncmention connection to the past is again more concrete specific events and their relation to the self both a cogfuncmention dom and a cogfuncmention dom can have theories as to how say being abused as a child shaped them but a cogfuncmention dom is likely to get there via a bunch of themes in their lives and oh its because i was abused as a child is the obvious conclusion the cogfuncmention dom is likely to focus on being abused as a child specifically and focus on how that relates to the self the relation can be however abstract but the event and the self have a direct connection the output can at times look identical the cogfuncmention dom can get to the same themes in their life but theyll do so with the specific event as their anchor the cogfuncmention dom on the other hand has the themes as their anchor and the specific events is just a detached conclusionthis is why cogfuncmention is far more linear because the connection between the subject and the object is direct despite how abstractconcrete it is object is used loosely here it can be an event an idea or an actual object it makes me uncomfortable to think about it is something youre more likely to hear from an cogfuncmention userthe relation cogfuncmention users draw is often sensory what it looks like to them or what it makes them feel like the latter being why cogfuncmention is generally more emotional especially in a sentimental way but also why cogfuncmention has a very bodily connection the relation can also be entirely abstract though what makes an apple an apple to me you can use just about anything to relate to it but the important thing is that there is a direct connection between the subject as in you and the object which is really anything that isnt the subject the themes you derive are anchored to somethingcogfuncmention on the other hand doesnt care about what the connection between a car and them is its a car theres a detachment from the self with cogfuncmention cogfuncmention anchors to themes which more accurately would be described as sequences of interactions between objects imaginary or actual makes no difference more specifically it wonders how a perceived theme fits with all the other perceived themes or how all these different sequences of interactions fit together to contrast it with cogfuncmention cogfuncmention wonders about specific sequences of interactions it focuses on the idea itself and where it leads cogfuncmention doesnt care all that much about where any specific idea leads it cares about how it interacts with all the other ideas the trajectory you get from cogfuncmention is because the way different sequences of interactions interact with one another is a process of elimination youre left with less and less probable options the more themes you throw into the picture a best drawn line is naturally createdso to sum it up the functions are similar the difference is in the nuances in what the anchors of the perception is with cogfuncmention you get specific anchors between the self and objects a connection between the self and something with cogfuncmention the anchor is sequences of interactions its an object to object relation in the subjective mind the self is removed i was abused is a conclusion derived from a bunch of themes for the cogfuncmention dom whereas i was abused or an event of abuse is the anchor from which themes are derived for the cogfuncmention dom they will very often end up looking similar and anyone is capable of using either anchor but the cogfuncmention dom habitually does one and the cogfuncmention dom the otherdisclaimer there are judging functions involved in any given example here i dont believe isolated examples are possible or useful the terminology is also a bunch of jargon,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i honestly dont know if facial expressiveness is related to type but anecdotally ive been told i make funny faces and am very expressive although i dont really feel like i am,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 if you make it to 80 it will be a very small fraction of your real life the rest of which will be extremely different,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 when is the last time that a politician at that level hasnt rely on written speech or teleprompter,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 you can make a temporary dust jacket with archival brown paper for while youre reading a book,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 waiting for someone to say rage comics,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 sorry for the short response im on mobile so its not preferable for me to write the fundamentals of calculus deals with measurements that are infinitely small for example an integral is the area underneath a curve imagine drawing rectangles underneath a curve and adding together the areas of the rectangles to estimate the area under the curve this estimation is called a riemann sum now as the base of these rectangles gets closer and closer to infinitely small this measurement of the integral gets more accurate an integral adds an infinite amount of these infinitely small areas to get a finite area underneath the curvenow infinitely small only applies mathematically there seems to be a physical limit in the universe called the planck length which is another topic for another time,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 my library lets me have three weeks and i can renew things twice so nine weeks total as long as noone else is waiting for it twelve seems excessive,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 credit card usage in europe is minimal although youll fine bigger place will sill accept ccs people here use debit cards almost exclusively in terms of housing im guessing youre going to rent it will depend on your income your rental company might require you to show a proof of income and many require an income that is 35 times the cost of the rent if you cant show your income they wont rent it to you the same with things like mortgages where the bank will base the height of mortgage theyre willing to provide based on your existing debts which are all registered in a centralized national register and your proof able income this is why youll find selfemployed people or people on temp contacts having a harder time getting mortgages that being said there are a lot of rental companies focussing on expats im not quite sure what kind of system they use,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 kiernan poked her head into doreahs room brows furrowed at the sudden outburst doreah she greeted her eyes quickly landing on the letter in her hands good news or just a funny letter,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i like collective bargaining with people who play other dfs sports i help my friend with basketball he helps me with baseball best way to fairly trade advice like that,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im so jelly right now tt,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 apples are acidic its only going to increase it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 personally i had a sensible chuckle,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 hey you shouldnt complainthe sudden leaks gave you a few more days,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 huhedit shouldnt you be asleep or something,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i get kicked off my parents health insurance and have to pony up for obamacare or get fined on my tax return for being uninsured,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 they are often illegally recorded i could possibly watch if i want to but i dont also the chat isnt included and thats like all the context,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i give it time i doubt theyll be ponies but im certain there will be something,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 zeke had that beard since he was 8 didnt he,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i searched for mr peanut butter and got this hold you personally responsible,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i hope you realize youre talking years before you make an app,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 have you considered a rotring rapidpro in silver the grip is nicely knurled but its a shame the grip is attached to the body with plastic threads the red ring in the middle the click is ok perhaps on par with a stiff parker jotter clicker id skip the black rapidpro as the grip isnt nearly as knurled its as if the black paint fills in the knurling,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 if you play with fpsmax 61 you gonna have a bad timethis 60fps shit is simply not true,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 no its the perfect thing to read before your surgery now you know how to prevent something like this from happening by making sure every single person that will be in that room with you knows exactly whats happening,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 for sure once i get myself back on track,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 as someone who performed in numerous orchestras shit like this makes me furious parents should be teaching their kids proper movietheaterconcert behavior obviously the higher quality the production or the more formal it is the more formal the audiences behavior should be but there is also basic courtesy which these assholes didnt have i would rank a full fledged broadway production like the lion king way up there maybe hum along or bop in your seat but you dont talk i go to see yoyo ma the only thing allowed should be weeping quietly to yourself in awe followed by thunderous applause when he finishes one time i could hear people talking during our symphony orchestra in college i was back in the bass section mind you near some of the loudest instruments we can hear you loud assholes yammering out in the seats and we can see you being a rude asshole i wanted to go out and swat them with my bow,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 it took some trial and error to get accustomed to reddit table formatting but once i had it down theres not much to it automating processes in excel is what i do professionally,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 holy fuck this is my job right now exactly,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 devilsadvocate im sure he was also an acid rain denier a global ice age denier etc etcif we cant accurately model the weather 2 weeks from now why even bother with yet another government scare tactic al gore was certain the coasts would be flooded by now,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 whats the aerial shot look like,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 that would not be very decentralized,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 its not all the episodes except for s3e1 require a cable provider log on,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 ive been gone for three days and this sub is filled with reigner memessobs im so proud of you guys,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i say go ahead and let him buy it kanye sucks anyway and it is a better world for hearing less of him,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 no never no way in hell,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 shiite is going to hit the fan,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 tuition differs between countries some are free germany but most are a couple of thousand euros a year my country netherlands is about 2000 a year easiest way is to just mail the admissions office of different unis and ask them whether theyd accept you based on your degree and grades remember even within a country some might accept you while others wont which country are you from by the way,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think its pretty ironic you say gideon takes skill with his long range poke and afkeasy escape because he has a single allin ability while in the same breath saying khaimera is low skill despite his entire playstyle is allinthe skill in playing khaimera is understanding engagements and knowing how and when to go injust because hes mechanically simple doesnt mean there is nothing to playing him mechanically simple heroes are necessary to allow newer players to get into the game experienced players to learn a new role by allowing them to focus on the macro gameplay of clearing camps and rotating to lanes,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 yea that happens if were the two of the most active members of this sub in this time zonealso youre welcome,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 would he have to take another penalty to switch drivers again,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the prongs on a hairdryer should be sized correctly so that it can only be inserted one way assuming it is then in the picture the plug will just be upside down but it will still work correctly,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 if hillary duff really has a baby now im gonna feel really fucking old i remember when she was a little kid,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 this would require you to encrypt all the data before storing it within the db this also requires you to provide the appropriate key to decrypt the information again to the end users paging ufeirnt for interest,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 idling was the most deviously difficult thing ive learned free mounting took a couple weeks idling took a couple months to be able to do it moderately okay,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 this was fascinating thanks i identify pretty strongly with what you posted,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 single for starters ask me what my favorite anything is and youre going to get a fucking novel with no answer at the end my niece a few weeks back asked me why the sky was blue then hit me with a few more whys and i started with how prisms work went into dust pollution took a left at the marvel of the human eye what blue really is philosophically that its somewhat arbitrary talked a bit about why the ocean is blueish dabbled in color blindness finally got back to wave lengths after beginning restrained myself from talking about why topaz has religious significance in some cultures went back to eyes and why some are blue mentioned chromatophores and the blue ringed octopus started going into how cool it is that biology has taken advantage of these properties of light in so many ways and because she was already half asleep i stopped myself from going into why the color blue was a luxury for a very long time whats your favorite color by the way hers is purple and she now thinks snails are cool also i think most of us dont use very much social media not compared to a lot of other cats anyways,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 oh eeshway back when i was a teen i was on a the typemention listserve and it seemed to me that everyone was older than me by a fair amount it was seriously cool though bc i was basically eavesdropping on the conversations of people like me but grown up and sort of reassuring too that even oddballs like us had normal adult lives with normal adult jobs and families and still kept that typemention offbeatnessi remember how fascinating and initially mindblowing it was when i first got into mbti in high school holy crap there are other people like me i still find it interesting but not so intensely i think,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 i will occasionally top up a pan of soup or pasta with boiling water from the kettle but no i always boil the pasta cooking water on the stove from cold dont know why its just what i was taught i suspect its because there was a time when the stove was cheaper to run than the kettle my elderly inlaws are paranoid about the cost of boiling a kettle theyll boil enough to fill a thermos in the morning and use that for hot drinks all day rather than boiling a fresh kettle a couple of times during the day which is why i never have tea at their house,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 yeahthat happensoftennot trying to be a dick im just a bit frustrated of all the anime onlies who refuse to tag their shit,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 love the part where self love is almost coming to and end but you get to the very edge and stop,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 speculation confirmed brain breaksreddits pretty terrible today,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 your troubles could be stemming from aspergers as soon as possible though get in touch with a psychologist or psychiatrist who focuses on psychotherapypsychoanalysis and talk about your problems and receive the right advice for you the internet can be comforting and i am guilty of using it as a crutch when i should have went and talked to either a trusted friendfamily member or a professional stay strong youll figure this out,79.0,97.0,10.0,45.0,62.0 im 100 dom as well and i take the responsibility very seriously caretaking is hardwired into me so when i see another wouldbe top being cavalier and selfish it offends me to my core,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 two things1 readjust your attitude towards sex it doesnt matter if someone does the dirty 1 time or 20 million times sex is a natural and healthy activity there is no need to put a counter on it and demonise people who have had more encounters with that measure almost everybody ends up a sex freak when theyre old you seriously are not better more virtuous or a better member of society for having had less sexual partners your current attitude only makes you seem prude2 it looks like your companion has too many demons to fight with to be able to be in a healthy relationship right now he is unable to see that the divine wouldnt hate him for his capability to love you can try and get him on a better path but it will be a severe burden and drain on you if you cant handle that you are better off breaking up right now your companion cant freely give his love to you and you cant freely be completely there for him no matter how much you want toas an aside if you are going to stay together use leviticus as a means of deprogramming there are so many descriptions of prohibited behavior in leviticus with the death penalty on it which current day christians flout all the time that it seems ridiculous to harp on homosexuality while all the rest of the crimes get a pass i just love the one about shell fish,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 id recommend going with the 25s or 14s first because of that i score deutan but 65s dont work well for me because im fairly strong deutan25s should tell if enchromas will work well though from what i hear and 65s seem to be best as a second pair,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i personally heard that wherever he goes eren y will always followgod that guy is a big monster,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 im starting to think andrew garfield himself is possibly typemention based on what you say and his role in the social network,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 still lives with his mom love the end bit that reveals thisalso seems fairly normal that he fails and hurts himself,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 although yes good programmes are selective the selection process is by far less intimidating compared to the us in europe doing a masters degree after a bachelor is more or less the minimum expectation of many employers instead of a thought through career choice as it usually is in the us because of this almost everyone who has done a bachelors degree reasonably well will find themselves a spot in a masters programme the selection they usually put in place is only to cut of the bottom percentages but not to select only the top percentages of course not including oxbridge etcwhat would be the average gpa of your fellow students is your university somewhere top 150 or even top 100 in the world ranking in my experience in the case of us universities the quality of the university determines a lot of your chances as there simply is a far broader range of quality and depth to them in europe most governments govern education quality extremely strict so any university in a specific country will not differ much in quality from the other ive had family members for example go to us colleges and return home only to find out their diplomas couldnt be converted to university level dutch diplomas but only applied science diplomas this is because according to the government the education quality of those specific uniscolleges did not line up with the quality the government expects from our unis,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 dat cogfuncmention doh its like sign number one that your typemention is unhealthy and in need of tending,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 interesting fact 2 the romans used copper in water pipes and a lot more and some people believed it was one of the major factors in their success as a people prevented a lot of standard pathongens of the time,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i switched roommates halfway through the first semester the first one wasnt bad he was a nice kid with the typical animenerd lifestyle didnt pick up on a lot of the more subtle social cues but he was really nice i started getting very annoyed with him though because he was constantly making noises of some typeliving next to us was another pair and i got along extraordinarily well with one of them we first bonded over listening to the same podcast and we had a lot of interests in common his roommate was a lot more similar to mine but with more questionable hygiene to this day we dont know if he ever takes showers six weeks into the semester we officially switched roommates and its been working out really great ever since were planning to be roommates in our apartment next year too,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i hope she was getting some good hazard pay for being out there talking about how people shouldnt be out there,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 or the jokes are just really forced and boring to read,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i believe there are also technologies not sure about that that allow you to give a bogus key that would in apparence decrypt your data but only release what you want to release if such technology doesnt exists already we can imagine out it could be used to circumvent a warrant anyway i dont think static encrypted information is what has the most value for law enforcement the possibilty to wiretap is a much more usuful tool in fighting crime in that case they need an access that doesnt requires your cooperation,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i have done that before but find managing the chunks to be a pain in the ass also they dont catch fire which can be super helpful for big raids im using flower pots to great effect now,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 wtf well i guess the first half would mean that you think in real life no one understands you and that no one cares about your problemsthe second half i cant interpret it,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 our current understanding of physics only tells us we cant travel at the speed of light it doesnt tell us we can never travel at 99 of c if we can see something we can theoretically go there if we cant go somewhere theoretically we cant see it either,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yes enemies hit by it that die soon enough turn to stone whether they were stunned or slowed,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 you can only borrow so much to a point and getting into high interest debt is a great way to fuck your life im referring to cash as well as benefits like healthcare time off retirement savings etc,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 sociopaths dont care about the ethics of their actions but the ethics of others are a useful variable to consider,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 21 long distance relationship things are complicated with her ex idk i know lots would say just dip why stay long distance with a girl who is having ex troubles dude idk eitherall i know is that each time i get her message its the best part of my day so what else should i do right now its not about finding a girl after being burned hard i gave up as in changed to being difficult to get with i guess its not a i think she fixes the worst parts of me but she compliments me well and we do great with each otherits just like damn,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 wait i thought you were typemention,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i have raged once that was when i was expecting myself to win a lane 1v1 and every single time i had an opportunity the jungler would be there i think you just need to be prepared for things to go wrong it will happen so there is no need to rage,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 would you want anything different cant think of anyone missing that deserves to start,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 following upapistsubversive theres also a hierarchy of jewness too dads blood doesnt cut it it has to be your mothers bloodand youd better not have been raised in a church or the tribe will not accept you,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 hes seen some shit in his time,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i like you just the way you are i almost teared up,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 why the fuck would you propose at disney world just for the cool picture really its crowded smells funny full of screaming kids it seems about the least romantic place in the freaking world outside a war zone,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i havent either talisa admitted unable to remember the time she had met the king as an infant,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 but muh metabolism if we ever get a full on big brother state i want to see mandatory physics chemistry and biology education for anyone who claims they just have a slow metabolism start with physics and that whole conservation of energy thing,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well it isnt necessarily the most comfortable fingering thats optimal because you have to think of the next bar ie where those fingers need to godo you mean to say youre trying to play fur elise by ear or are you reading sheet musicjust use a chart like this until you dont need to look at it anymore learn the different note durations etc,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i hate that their cbs never miss on blocks slides or cutting passes gt,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 thats still effectively saying that law enforcement or the threat of its online surveillance can silence citizens i dont disagree with you but the situation is more nuanced than being presented,7.0,84.0,88.0,59.0,44.0 him and the clintons go way back he ran her 2008 campaign toohere is a good article about their relationship going way backhe has a history of money laundering schemesarticle would actually rent bedrooms in the white house so lobbyist and donors would see bill,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 fossils actually i got tired of digging them up daily since i finished that collection in my museum and thought theyd be appropriate the picture idea is hilarious though maybe ill bury a couple of those too for the lols,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 hmm youre being a bit vague are you saying that sex isnt really anything worth doing unless theres an emotional connection that goes along with it if that is what you meant how do you feel about masturbation,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 prati just fyi i started off just like you youre on the right track,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 he attended this military academy,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 did you read the article you are late to the party,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 how about androids are run by proprietary software and owned by companies giving people more flexibility in terms of what their robot doesi would like one to clean up after me and produce eatable and heathy food when im tired but i enjoy cooking too much to give it up all the time but i dont want to pay for a chef modelthere of course would be minimum standards theyd have to meet tbd,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 green teause loose leafdont have the water boilingmake sure it turns a nice emerald green not browndont add milk sugar or anything elseenjoy much antioxidants,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 okay so youre not an typemention at least assuming youre answering my questions with honestyokay so the first dichotomy i presented you with here comes straight from the in socionics it is meant to characterize how alphas and betas use their cogfuncmention and of the two you selected the alpha sfjntp optionthe second dichotomy also comes from theory characterizing the alpha and betas use of sensing and thinking you once again chose the alpha option the typementions name in socionics is even sometimes the hedonistthe option you chose was my summary of gulenkos pessimism energy which isnt as bad as it sounds it is a russian translation your answer lined up with what id expect to see from an typementionokay so youre an alpha and youre not an typemention youre probably not an typemention either given your choice of hedonism coming so far in first you also seem to really love graphic design and art which is most commonly an sf trait you also use cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention like an typemention does and you related to some key elements of typemention so typemention can come off the table pretty easillyso youre either an typemention or an typemention is that something we can be on the same page for before we start breaking down towards your final typing,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 the idea is very brainy im just not sure if youve thought through the likely consequences of it youll probably attract a group of people with it youll probably also label yourself as slightly weird towards the rest highschool is a pressure cooker of pretty much immature and image obsessed individuals a tshirt like that will be the ammo the shallow end needs to lump you into the group that is not them,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 somehow your code changed its supposed to be this redim initialresultsactivesheetusedrangecount,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 sometimes i have more than one voicethat voice isnt mine but a friends voice or something similar usually something they said before and i remembered like a reaction thing they say ie omg oh come one man that i use when im imagining situations,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 most people would feel the opposite surely,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 true didnt realise he was that tall,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 why is this place called pyramid lake is the lake shaped like a oh,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 but the whole point of this thread is doubt are you saying you love spreadsheets or avoid them just as much as most of us usually do i probably feel just as good about making an awesome spreadsheet as i do when ill fix some plumbing situation like swapping out a rusted faucet or something i dont look forward to it and will avoid it when necessary but when im done i totally strut like a boss,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 but were the only ones who matter you would know that if you were as well educated as the average freedom lover,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dont think the creator was trying to actually piss anybody off with those facts i think it was just an exaggeration to prove a point id be highly concerned if that new information did actually upset someone,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 i like a broad spectrum of music ill just as easily listen to rachmaninov as i would carly ray jepson i like songs in other languages too my only requirement is that it is novel sweet and textured i have little tolerance for stuff like david bowie or cold chisel listening to them feel like eating a mix of pebbles and sand,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 you guys make actually good points on the discussion if were such an historic team why would it matter who is owning us real madrid and barcelona have embraced emirates and qatarã money for years now and i dont see anyone claiming that theyve lost their identity it just feels like a natural thing given the high status of those teams meanwhile we have as many european trophies as barcelona but we care so much about tradition and not being plastic that we have stagnated badly for the last 7 or so years bar some insanely overperforming seasons like 1314 and 1516 that still ended in nothing why are we such an insecure and frigid team i am quite content with how fsg has been improving in taking the financial part of the team seriously but i think that this has been mainly because of how important and respectable is the figure of klopp in world football because rodgers was hardly backed up like jurgen has been so far i wouldnt be against a big money takeover if we keep klopp as we could become a stable european powerhouse because we have the history to do it and weve proved this having succeded greatly under rafa despite having such a limited team compared to the other big teams in the league then again with suarez almost bringing us a league title by himself and now with klopp taking us to big finals with such a young and inconsistent squad then into champions league positions while still spending considerably less than our direct rivals and staying unbeaten against them for a whole season,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 navy im going into the nuclear field,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 what pen are you using,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 am i lookin good ihavenofuckingideawhatimdoinglu 1 top zionspartan jng clearlove mid kuro adc pray sup aphromoo flex gorilla flex smeb team clglu 2 top zionspartan jng clearlove mid kuro adc doublelift sup aphromoo flex gorilla flex hojin team clg,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 and disable separations preview when you dont need it,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 yeah they are shit as a whole,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i was gonna go but had to work being in the cincy area this is basically my only chance at seeing a tour event,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i was gonna sayi have read a lot of his books but not that one anyone know,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 well played soton just played to our weaknesses and came out with a result,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 at lectures or intellectual gatherings like that i alway speak,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 give it a couple thousand years or two,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 azdahak was the thing that went bump in the night,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 firstly no youre wrong look it up aspergers isnt in the dsm anymoresecondly uh why because he isnt real he becomes easier to armchair diagnose okay im going to say that hes schizophrenic i mean i dont have any evidence for it or any expertise but im just really feelin it,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 i think a better explanation is the change in the nature of work it used to be the case that much of the work was physically intensive and there men had a natural advantage now work means sitting at a desk pushing buttons and speaking on the phone something a woman could do just as well thus the economic trends are favoring women maybe on average men dont fit so well with desk work compared to women,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 maybe ifwhen i get more experienced ill start experimenting p,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 im not sure how jokinglyseriously even saying someone likely has more money than me is me saying im better than them personally i think youre looking to be offended but youve got the power not me so if i cant make comments about stereotypes i wont make comments about stereotypes but i fully expect consistency in this rule not just for the ones that upset you personally,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 moms probably a bit too soon post partum haha,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 its cellular density isnt higher than that of other organs though,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 look at the last character poll made the second most hated character in the show as popular as levi over the course of two months,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 get a mousepad table surfaces are weirdcloth or hardpad while i think that if you have a pure white or so desk it is kinda the same as an hardpad,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 overall looking back at your relationship of the past 10 years would you say it is a good happy relationship i have a sort of general rule for myself when it comes to relationship troubles relationships will always have ups and downs but if the down is most dominant for about the last 10 of the total length of your relationship in your case the last year or so you should strongly reconsider your relationship if not for example in the case of down periods that are generally short but may pop up often i think you owe it to yourself and your partner to try and work on your relationshipif thats the case you need to talk to your wife and tell her that you are at the brink of calling it quits but that you want to work on your relationship and that this will mean two things 1 the marriage is from that moment onwards closed again and she needs to stop seeing lee period2 the two of you go to marriage counseling starting as soon as possible,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 eh mexican enough for me,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the way i would handle this is tell him that youre bi and then kind of feel it out from there report back here if you want that should be pretty safe i doubt hes going to have a problem with you being bi and it might draw him out of his shell if hes not telling you somethingit seems like you both date women right you assume you dont know his sexual orientation because he might be hiding it like you are do you ever talk about sex it seems strange to me that youve been best friends for so long but you dont know any of this stuff,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 really i thought everyone said the seasons get better and better i am on ep 4 right now and forcing myself thru it since i hear how great it is,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 theres no guarantee of that we just found out that synapses and dendrites arent just wires theyre processors the more we learn about the brain the more powerful it turns out to beselecting for general intelligence is hard just like we have a hard time even evaluating it among humansartificial selection with simple tests eg how fast can you add two numbers would most likely only produce narrow ais idiot savants rather than the kind of creative problem solving that defines human intelligence,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 evidently im new here or something,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 the other guy is a bot mateyou just had the best go i ever saw a human take on it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 true i dont mind it in small bursts except for with a few people esfj men drive me up the damn wall,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think we always hope the truth of what were saying will be selfevident if not we just have to explain more and more and more until you agree,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 love em if she got good tats damn if theyre ok sure to be honest if its an aesthetic choice put some cash and research into it unless its a super shitty tattoo with a hilarious story,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 no salafis are a subsect of sunnism and sunnism accepts the hadith,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 i know that playdoh is nontoxic but thats not supposed to be a culinary challenge,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 the fountain the soundtrack alone which isnt the music of the trailer would make it worthwhile,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 have you tried over the counter sleep aids or supplements geared toward reducing anxiety such as ltheanine my favorite sleep aid is doxylamine it quiets my thoughts and i sleep easily but also wake up easily not groggy it may be a very long time before you get a prescription for a benzo if ever if thats what youre seeking i think you should try other options as well,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ã³exx patlyzhã nu0264â x pu0252tlyu0292u0252â dew eggplanthyrãªoc bã tst ist uelã c bãªor ã re ho eotãºndn rãºndydadxyrå â k vu0252â tu0283t iu0283t u026flã k vå â r u025bâ ru025b xo å tãºdn rãºdyã u0252ã proxrevenge goodsup be3sg unlike beinf distobldat who distwound causepst3s,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 every playeror bot under supreme is calling hax 247 when they get killedin the last 14 days i played against one cheater and he got banned already,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 dont they mean when trump wins,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 i must confess to being inspired by his performance at tyrions trial,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 this is the right answer with tougher people ill wait for them to calm down and just tell it like it is though people who do shit like this dont get to be really close to me anymore i dont have time for that level of immaturity and these kinds of temper tantrums id rather play video games and whackit than hang out with adult sized babies,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i finally got the entire staff to stop saying thank you for calling no we dont want you to call order online we are supposed to ask delivery or carry out right away but so many calls are neither that it just adds more time i say how can i help you and if they are actually calling to order they usually say which method they want if the bulk of your calls are orders youre being efficient,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 dont be fooled by it though you should read up on the disparity between what you as an employee get before taxes and what you cost your employer in the eu an emoloyee costs his or her employee about double their before taxes salary which puts it on par with us salaries thats the price you get for not having to worry about your retirement which is by law the resposibilty of your employer not having to worry about getting sick and loosing your job by law your employer cant easily fire sick employees and need to insure themself against it not having to worry about loosing your job to begin with at al because your employer has to pay extra taxes to provide you with governmental financial aid on the level of your former salary for an x number of months if you do loose your job this and loads and loads of other social security measurements which us employees simply dont have because in the us mentality you need to take care of yourself insteas of relying on the governmentits a different system a different mentality one not necessarily better than the other i would absolutely love to be in control of my own retirement funds for example but alas by law i cant just different,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 all 15 kills coming after level 6 of course,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yep those are on the probably should not ever approach listgorillas sure maybe theyre larger but way more tame and gentle than theseid probably go near any of the large cats even hyenas before that at least the ones in captivityyou wont ever see me go near a hippo rhino or moose though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 clyne and manã cementing that right wing cohesiveness in and out the pitch,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 yeah i dont know why people want to colonize that red worthless wasteland called mars,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 not to victim blame have you considered different selection criteria i only date introspective people who are happy having multihour rambling discussions about various topics including perhaps relevantly about ethics i dont think most people cheat,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 they are often illegally recorded i could possibly watch if i want to but i dont also the chat isnt included and thats like all the context,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ah so it creates a custom range that includes each column that you want to delete and then deletes it once at the very end of the loop i like it i guess this means deleting cells is a very cpu intensive task,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 it doesnt irritate me that people think about such elementary concepts as social contract its not the topic that warrants condescension â its that the actual substance of the comment is thoroughly banal or should be to anyone older than 14 and phrased and overwritten as if it has some profound weight op thinks or wants others to think they are expressing some deep insight when in reality all they are talking about is very basic concepts if you think pithy condescension is an inappropriate reaction to something sophomoric like that fine if you find comments the gist of which is but powers not even real brah interesting good for you,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 general population are idiots stypes dont waste time on them who was the greatest poet to ever live homer obviously there are other answers to that question but theyre wrong sublimely impersonal this is what poetry was before typemention like sappho invented lyric poetry the greatest poetry should at least be balanced somehow â the confessional style you see at slam poetry nights is never going to be seen as comparable to yeats or if it is i hope im dead by thenits more than thatthe abstract impersonal formulation gives meaning to the private personal experienceand also connects it to the experiences of others what else could nothing means anything without contextemotions are interesting to me in that they point to possibilities they point beyond themselves theres nothing interesting to me about someone simply declaring i feel like this as thought it were profound in the same way that the most interesting thing about language is its limits â what really interests people and what people would most like to talk about is that which cannot be said or so i think,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i only really like treyarch cods but yeah mw2 can be playable but i often run into crazy lobbies similar to what mw1 has going on rapid fire noob tubes and instant max prestige i really quit playing once that max prestige thing happened to me took the fun out of actually leveling up,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thats not how those laws work the link is phrased a bit weird but let me try and explainthe laws are there to restrict things there arent any laws saying this is legal so what it means is that you cant conceal weapons or whatever theyre talking about in the actual law but you can if you want conceal on your person a knife that has a 4 or less blade or multitool but if you have a blade thats 5 in your pocket not showing against the law,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im an typemention hes being a bit ridiculous it hardly makes you want to die the food sucks and the stuff is uncomfortable thats about the worst part,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 text around the image probably,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 yeah i wasnt sure which sub to use couldnt find one about breastfeedingill xpost there,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 theyve clearly been doing this for awhile,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 that would work if op and so are willing to live in any other eu country besides the uk as through just simple marriage op would fall under freedom of movement when together with so however they want to go to sos home country so the uk is allowed to put additional requirements for ops visa which she mentioned in her opening post and includes a hard income minimum the so doesnt meet,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 it is okay for a 1 shot kill to anywhere besides legsno shit who said awping should be easyare you salty because you suck with the awp,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 in high school if i ever was called on i would just say i dont know even if i knew the answer because i didnt care in college i cant think of an instance of being called on i would offer the answer if no one else would to get things moving along,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 i actually find this comment funny because an nf in school was talking about how before going to school she was in humanities where and i quote take information and make big assumptions out of small bits of data and this is programming different because you have to break things down into tiny tiny chunks i wonder if it is more common for nfs to think in broad sweeping generalizations than it is for nts,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i agree self esteem is a huge issue especially for young women thank you for bringing attention to this,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 your welcome my fellow human,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 there should not be a best rifle though just like there wouldnt be irl the problem is you have to grind through rifles that are not interesting to you before getting to one you might actually want,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 i dont know why but i got a notification that you replied to my commentbut as soon as i went to check it it disappeared but its still showing up on your profile so i apologize if you deleted it and didnt mean me to see itif not then reddit is hardcore glitchinglove your art holy crap ive always wanted to get more into painting i havent used watercolors since i was a kidunfortunately ive never been too great at physical art ive always gravitated towards computer art and unfortunately i dont do it much anymore since im using illustrator all day at work that one i posted was probably made ten or more years ago and it was a complete happy accident gradient filter gradient filter filter filter color adjustments gradient filter blending mode change blending mode change whoa that looks cool sadly thats the method to most of the art ive created theres not much depth behind it i just make stuff i think looks cooli actually went to a school with a heavy focus on print because while i love art and im great at following directions and improving on ideas im not that creative myself i need somebody to help me plant the seed i purposely picked a school that only required one drawing class haha so my school didnt push the conceptual stuff they mostly pushed the this is how you do x y and z this is how you use x y and z unfortunately i knew at least 50 of what i learned already from teaching myself so i do kind of wish id picked a more creativity based programas for a reluctance to start discussionsi honestly dont know for me personally i think it goes back to im not an idea person i need something to play off of im not a good conversation starter in person or on the internet but if somebody starts talking to me and they lead me to the right subject i wont shut up sometimes yet for some reason my mind is completely blank until it gets mentioned i wouldnt think of it on my own maybe its the sensor in me but i primarily react to the world around me but i dont go poking at it until it pokes at medoes that make any sense,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 generally hitting is a form of communication especially if they are real little what are their ages they should be stopped immediately either blocked or the adult moves safely out of reach not retaliated against w rough grabbing spanking etc and instructed to use their words or show you what they want id wager 90 of the time i see kids hit their parents because their needs arent being met they are being otherwise ignored or havent been encouraged to use their words do not give them the thing they want of they continue to hit they need to ask appropriately and this is not to say we dangle the toy train above our heads where they cant reach and say im holding this up here because you are naughty and hit me we focus on what we want them to do if you would like the train you need to use your words and say please edit it may also be helpful to get down to their level and tell them what you would like them to do rather than just saying no the younger the kid the less likely they are going to have a clear understanding of socially appropriate behavior,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 nothing wrong with that m8 but some ppl here cant read or just ignore it because it is their favourite redhead,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 nolan ryan yu darvish kenny rogers kevin brown charlie hough,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i take it you study math or something like that,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 where do you take that from,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i actually think exhaust is taken by supports because of the support masteries exhaust is the better spell and you want cdr on it i do think you could swap them though,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i can get turned on by the oppisate gender,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i couldnt believe the low ownership on peterson wish i had thrown him in more of my luslooks like youre in it to win it if everyone stays steady,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 it is possible in dota 2 if they use around the same netcode and protocols as csbecause of the rendering technique urakijah has explained it to you already for ingame use ill explain it to you for external usecsgo sends information packets with information in them everyone gets these packets the players and the people on gotv although people on gotv get them delayed packets are structured in a specific way and contains information on the game state kinda like player1playernameteampositionxpositionypositionzfor xray as a spectator for example you need to get the coordinates of all players to display their position with the outline so the position data of all people will be sent to everyone on the server with each update every 015s on 64 and 007s on 128 tick as you may guess you have the position of all people then so all you have to do is to write a program that takes the packages and reads out the positions and displays them on the mapthe mm servers are 64 tick because 128 tick in mm is less beneficial for the larger number of players so why waste money on servers that give a huge advantage to one part of the playersi dont know how you get to say money issue but whateverthe community concepts are giving a single person too much power in this game for one part and for the other part are mostly ridiculous and not realisticthere was someone writing about encoding memory in games and decoding it as you need it the drawback is you need extremely powerful computers to do that and if such computers exist you can also cheat again so a lot is on the behalf of i wish there was a solution like xpeople are walling because they have fun cheating either they are not good enough and want to play easy mode or just want to ruin the games for others cheat coders like the challenge to write software that isnt detected or just to earn moneyyou wont get rid of these people in online games especially in fps as there is such a wide range of cheats you can create and usesomething you may want to read,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 like who would want to spend time talking to strangers on the internet anways,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 rightclick on a flair gt inspect element youll find a link to the sheetthere are about three of them here is the one with your flair heres the one which contains the mod flairs the third one used that to decide which flair i wanted since its easier to see them all then the list on the sidebar,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 sure both are gambling to an extent the point to make here is that cases have a fixed value of getting a specific skin and a fixed amount of those skins the system is nothing like the jackpot sites it is essentially fairerregarding the marketplace thingyif i buy the skins on the marketplace am i gambling hell no sure someone did but i wasnt that was i was trying to say ofc you are not gambling when buying the skins on the marketplacerethoric questions and there liketrue if you open one case but in general it is so that you lose money if you dont have luck on all cases you open,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 sorry my mistake noble is the one that eager swept while luminosity split otherwise exact same records,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i will join you in this trolling is an art,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 you cant make your kid become an typemention for all you know your kid will end up as an typemention and there is nothing you can do to change that ever been around babies of a couple of months old ever noticed how even at that age some children are very quiet and some are crying the second they dont get any attention this was for me the reason why i didnt want children i would like to have a kid if the kid would be exactly like the kid i envision in my head but thats not reality and being a good parent is able to guide your kid through life regardless of what your kids personality turns out to be,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 its an old meme but it checks out,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 can you provide screenshots of what you are starting with and what you want to end up with your shopping list of requests begins to get confusing after things start referencing previous requests,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 only if you love personal property laws,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i was as shocked as you are,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 i guess that mostly fits typemention for those who cant see flair,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 hidden in plain sight where theyll never seek,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 supposed to be better ill find out tomorrow i hope apparently lantus doesnt really last 24 hours but toujeo does its also triple concentrated so while ill be dialing in the same amount of units its actually 13 of the volume thus less likely to pool something ive dealt with occasionally forever lantus also stings really bad sometimes toujeo supposedly doesnt well see,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 elevator always i do enough running and stairs that if theres an elevator im using it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 what enneagram are you i can definitely relate but i have grown out of this i pay very close attention to my food and body nowdays though i still have trouble getting myself to exercise moretypemention e9 forget to eat sometimes overeat the other times potentially sedentary lifestyletypemention e4 potentially addicted to sweets similarly sedentary lifestylehas a bit to do with tertiary cogfuncmention as well so typemention e4s probably do the whole forget to eatovereat thing a bit as well typemention e9s i would bet are on both sides as well hopefully someone knows,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 tiny snake will still love the tube,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 uhm okay news to me but if you think so,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this is voter disenfranchisement at a minimum everyone needs to switch to a paper vote by mail system modeled after oregon,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 agreed i dont want to kiss a dirty ashtray i dont want to spoon someone whose hair smells like that i dont want to hook my life to someone who has extra reason to get irrationally crabby because she hasnt gotten a fix lately i dont want a pregnancy to get that much more rough because she has to overcome an addiction on top of everything i dont want to deal with the additional medical complications that smoking tends to bring up if were going to be longtermthere are some folks wholl look at my list and think oh well i vape thats different id respond by saying it affects the first two points but honestly the third one is the biggest dealbreakerbeing in a relationship is tricky enough no one needs extra chemicallyinduced crazy added in even if its geared to smell like vanilla pumpkin or whatever,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 no i can control my emotions consciously for the most part maybe too much ive been reading quenks book on the inferior function and i think it makes a lot of sense to me basically how i see it is that ill have an initial emotional response in everyday situations but wont give it too much control of my actions since i dont value feeling judgments very much ill kind of put those judgments off to the side and wait for more information before i let myself feel one way or another sometimes i think that my perceiving functions will unconsciously put together a pattern of those feeling judgments and they will crystallize in a flash by some sort of trigger like all those things that ive had running in the background comes together and comes to the surface as somewhat of an aha moment often this can be in the form of an eruption like i was describing before where it is largely of an unconscious and repressed nature where the flood of emotions has little to do with the actual events happening at the time but other times it is much more conscious and mild id be very interested in your psyche model as well as i think it is somewhat similar to what i am trying to construct i dont know much about libido energy or a whole lot about socionics so i can only get an impression of what you are trying to do the psyche model that i am trying to construct or at least the part that im interested in at this point relates to the interplay between the functions and how their importance and development ebbs and flows as you age for example the role of the tertiary function is what im looking at most closely right now because it seems to vary in its influence at different times in your life im also trying to understand how each function behaves differently in each position im very much in the information gathering and pattern recognition stage here so i assume that the model i end up with will not be the one i was trying to develop i would like to hear more about what you are trying to put together,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 if thats the best he can do he doesnt have cogfuncmentionive seen him in multiple videos and interviews no cogfuncmention in sight anywhere his lack of cogfuncmention makes him argumentative instead of persuasive he doesnt understand the people hes disagreeing with and doesnt adapt his message to the way they thinkjordan peterson has more cogfuncmention than that and hes not even fjjust because something is often repeated doesnt make it truemichael pierce isnt typemention and many of his typings on celebritytypes are wrong as well if he thinks someone is a certain type its a good sign that theyre not,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 his first book is almost completely available on his website the other two typemention and my true type have a lot more original content,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 exepsilon to g2 extitan to secret,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 as an typemention i can confirm that this is indeed how i flirt,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i broadly agree with pretty much everything youve said on this thread but i think youre forgetting about the extreme violence that the mexican drug cartels bring im sure that they probably caused more deaths in the usa than islamic terrorist attacks in europe,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 its a good item against balanced physmagi comps that i feel just gets forgotten a lot it offers decent protection and quite a bit of healthmana right off the bat then gets to be really great protection once you stack it up if im building a bruiser like cabra i like to grab it early then focus on power amp pen for the rest of the build,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 thank you ill add it to the list,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 wait how do you do this i dont understand the process,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 could you do me a favor and tell me more about it if i google flux or flux program i only get articles about magnetism,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 but jasper and lapis dont give two bleeps about each other and they were able to fuse thats why im a bit confused,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 will you do mirror partners from now on or quasi identicals or something else like business or contrary or kindred,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i disagree its not really about learning transfer you can go get a set of 100 math problems and practice them such that you score well on them but when faced with a new set of unique problems you will not learn them any better than you are naturally capable of this is why there are people out there who are computer illiterate and cant read they take 8 hours to learn something that might take you 10 minutes and then they have to do that again for the next task ad infinitum musk has won the genetic lottery and pushed forward from there he has high fluid intelligence functions well on 6 hours of sleep which is a 1 in 10 quality highly conscientious and high creativity that is an ubermensch if i ever saw one and he knows it its why he has six kids you can trust that he thought that one throughbut still musk is an inspiration those are fantastic qualities to at least try to emulate even if youre not on his level we can all develop crystallized intelligence given enough time effort and sacrifice,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 killing isis members is murdering political opponents,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 there is after 5 min you will get an abandon enough abandons will place you in low priority,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i was like you in high school except i wasnt in 6 ap classes but i was in 3 ap science courses which im sure you know count for about 2 or so ap classes each i also had a job and had extra curriculars i got less than 3 hours of sleep a night and relied on 400 mg of caffeine pills to stay awake during the dayapplying yourself in school is not that big of a problem in the grand scheme of thingsso as much as i might have come off as a little pretentious what im trying to get at is you should try to think of it as a marathon its all about mental endurance and when you get to the finish line youll be able to look back and say wow look how far ive come trust me when i say what you are going through is a mountain of character building and that you will be richer for the experience,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 it sounds cool but im a little hesitant about the 125 uniques for something of an uber rigvald this would be substantially more grinding through either mindless instance spamming or through grinding trades,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 are you disabledafter you reported them there is nothing you can do so why check every week if those people are banned that is what i said and if you cant understand it then you are apparently the stupid one herei didnt say dont report them for cheating should i make it easier to understand for you or do you get it now,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 well texas cowboyscowboys dodge citydodge city is in kansasi see no problem with their logic,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 then you havent gotten well brewed fresh coffee or you just dont like coffee and prefer sugarcoffee goes bad real fast when roasted and faster still when groundive roasted my own and its wonderful black or just a teeny tiny bit of cream,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thank you ill add it to the list,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 its the difference between thinkinghuh ive made an enemy seems like they look down on me im pathetichuh ive made an enemy seems like they are intimidated by me im a force to be reckoned withim not sure which vieuw is better though,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i feel as though fine is likely not the correct word here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 keep in mind that even though this thing may be made out of decent steel it may not have been hardened or tempered properlyyou may want to try bending it quite a bit and see if it returns to true if it does youre good to gothis is probably bad advice and dangerousthough im just not a fan of putting an edge on something that wasnt meant to take it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 youre right im dismissing your nonpost but not because im white or racist because you didnt say a damn thing,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 haha to make it even more complicated depending on the environmental factors if were a liquid like water we can act like both a solid or a gas too its one of the reasons were a hard type to spot in the wild since a strong cogfuncmention can look and behave like anything,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 my will to live will fade faster that you can say smitty werbenjenshanjasm,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 oh right her too i guess,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 i liked the box better when the choice was hit the button you get a million dollars but one random person diesid do that one in a heartbeat but i doubt anyone would sacrifice a loved one for 1000 strangerspeople die every day fuck do i care if 1000 kids in africa die today or tomorrow,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 people continually flame valve for not updating the game enough which is kinda right but i guess most issues people want updated will be resolved with switching to source 2 same with dota2right now i like the direction valve is taking with the skins seeing that the awp in this case is the first one that gets restricted quality in a case and the ak is the first one with milspec quality i really hope that one day the items will sell for more than you pay for a key,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 question who has to pour more money into cheating preventionthe drug tests are done by the esl the anticheat for mm is done by valve do you see where i want to go,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i didnt get drafted either lolive been playing longer than most of the captains have been around,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im assuming the neckbeard definition,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 it was more like half an hour for me ufffdufffdi should try installing it on my new computer might be better now,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 so would you take seven more years of no trophies just because klopp has integrity and makes sassy and funny comments sometimes,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 its one of the best smells there is so earthyit just couldnt be any color other than green you know,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 no thats not the only explanation and yelling it harder doesnt make it true if you want to convince me then you need to come up with arguments and counter arguments to my arguments constantly repeating the same sentences gets you nowherethis is the point where i start to suspect that youre just trying to start a fightim going to ignore those 3 points for a moment ive already debunked them twice but youve obviously not read my responsesmaybe but so does eren confusion memoriesim not insulting you either thank youand yes thats what im implying ive said that already hes subconsciously filling in the gaps between the intel from the books and the flashes of memories he gotthe big twist would be that the wielder of the biggest power in the world is going insane a god going schizophrenic would make an amazing story its also way more original than the grandfather paradox that youre suggestingwhat exactly im not saying that the info he remembered was wrong he simply read that in the books the only thing which wasntcouldnt be in the books where krugers exact words his reference to armin and mikasa for example which eren made upconfused,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i absolutely agree but for some people it will continue to be an issue and it would be nice to have clearer science to refer to when deciding to handle it,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i see youve spelt bolt cutters incorrectly,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 where do you take that from,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 lol best card on the market for normal consumers and only a good fight,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 atheism on the rise there have always been unfaithful people besides atheists wont bring some golden age,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 far fetched but murderers are not bad people just people who made bad choicesbecause they entertain people we forget what they did is that how it works now fair enough im gonna fix a football match or murder someone and then get away with a years worth of a penalty because i play a clown in prisonwhy dont we allow kqly and smn back,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 ive been a lifelong atheist as well raised as a kid with semireligion christian mother the whole time i was simply going along with it since i had no idea why everyone was doing what they were doing it as for actually believing the whole thing i definitely thought it was silly nice people though at least those that i met i was just a kid so i fortunately didnt butt heads with anyone ideologically,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 that is exactly correct youre picking up on how functions work pretty fast,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 oh cool that figures it makes more sense but yeah got way too bendy at the end,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 your first line of defence is aeroplane mode i suggest you use this anyway unless you are using the kindle store because youll save battery poweryour second line of defence is the fact that the browser is painfully slow to the point of being unusableif you need more go deep into the settings find parental control and disable the browser youll need to go through a number of steps including entering a password to reenable it i do this so that i cant accidentally open the browser when im not in aeroplane mode there are a few other things you can disable too such as goodreads and word wise,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i think usilentdragon95 who i replied to originally has a point about trust in sexual relationships i thoroughly discuss sexual histories with my sexual partners and am not the person to have one night stands what use will it have to do a test if i know the is no history of any std and i know my body best and i show zero symptoms im also vaccinated against hpv the std thats probably most difficult to catch because of vague symptoms come to think of it ive never even met a obgyn or had a pap smear in my life its simply not that common for young women here to do soedit that being said its important to know getting tested in free of charge in this country you dont even have to ask for it at your gp you can just visit one of the government regulated clinics to get your test free of charge from a doctor you dont know if you dont want your own gp to know about it for whatever reason but no campus clinics or standardized std testing and that kind of stuff i hear many us people talk about,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ive never had a large amount of selfpride for very long before i run into some that impresses me so much i realize how misplaced my pride was there is always someone better than you,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 im not sure theyll do anything about the fuck up because people with large youtube accounts have had their accounts locked like this in the past people who make their entire living off itits saying it violated google policies which means adsense they get money out of it now here comes the fucked up partif someone redirects some fake traffic to a particular video that hes got google will detect it and automatically flag the account suspending all income and payments for 30 days if the fake traffic is still there after 30 days bannedhe might even have gotten multiple warnings im not sure how strict they are on itso yeah through no fault of their own accounts can and do get banned if theres someone who really wants to shut you downbecause of the nature of the fake traffic from certain sites its coming from thousands of different ips from different people running autosurf programs its impossible to know whos initiating ithope this helps explain what might have happened here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i had some martial arts photos done too in about 2011 i think haha,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 the quotes sounds just cogfuncmention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 sure both are gambling to an extent the point to make here is that cases have a fixed value of getting a specific skin and a fixed amount of those skins the system is nothing like the jackpot sites it is essentially fairerregarding the marketplace thingyif i buy the skins on the marketplace am i gambling hell no sure someone did but i wasnt that was i was trying to say ofc you are not gambling when buying the skins on the marketplacerethoric questions and there liketrue if you open one case but in general it is so that you lose money if you dont have luck on all cases you open,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 lol pornhub on his most visited,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 i actually like light pollution when i take wide fields it complements the blue of the night sky and starsi dont like it when actually stargazing though,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 its not that theyre hurt by water its that theyre hurt by holy water like a vampire would be the little girl is angelic and so the water that shes left all over the house is blessed,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 as a remain voter my point of view is that theres no disputing there will be a massive economic cost we wont turn into a banana republic agrarian society for sure but weve potentially just given up our most valuable industries finance high tech manufacturing like cars and aeroplanes science research domestic food production from cap which employed a lot of working class people and many very highly paid peopleits not me it really is 95 of economists academics and scientists that claims a severe recession will happen and an exodus of their jobs in that respective order its not scaremongering its just a fact,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 dw its not obvious unless youve actually texted yourself before,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 after december 31st its up to 10 yellow cards before a suspension,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 nah global communism is a very extreme solution to a very simple problem there should be wealth disparity but it has to be limited not after the fact like neoliberals like to do but before it happens there should be systems in place to redistribute wealth in the most natural way possible,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 probably means that if you dig deep enough you scrape up some yeasty cheese excuse me while i find some pictures of puppies etc,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 japan has fancy toilets that clean your ass for you what do americans use to wipe there asses,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 no this is for shitposting,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 if foreign policy shouldnt be decided by public opinion as op said then it shouldnt be a subject of an election campaign,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 that is why i say at least make it a toggle option,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 welp weve come full circlethat makes two of us then,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i like the cut of your jib lets plan on mid june or so that will give me time to perfect my technique for soy quesadillas prepared with an iron what should we spend our first million on war orphans or feminism,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 when i write essays i come up with my thesis and for each point i make in my thesis i make sure to provide ample amounts of evidence to support each argument,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 lol what hotel did you steal that robe from,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 pretty sure its just some stupid shit,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 difference is i didnt edit that score,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 what do i do with my hands is something that i think most people realize with their first when i was 16 i made out with a girl for the first time at a party and another friend of mine told me the next day you should have a hand on the back of her headstill some of the best advice ive ever been given,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 thats not magicthis is magic,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 most proplayer dislike highrated pubers cos they are jelly to their rating and same time think mmr doesnt matter and crap like this,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 oh i know its all a compromise it is a complicated thing but i know more than many people out there i try and do better than mosti also understand that being vegetarianvegan is a better way to feed the earth for many reasons specially if you can do it as local as possible etc etc cost plays into it too a lot of people are poor so they have to go with questionable choices or hungry,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 haha i dont want a bunch of mouth breathers in my house,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think its unlikely that shes typemention not because youre typemention and supposed to get along but typemention are just not like that they can be crazy in their own way as well actually theyre eccentric asf and always make people cringe when holding provocative views which they only show to people who they know well but theyll never patronize it on people like that even if in family,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 as someone who lives in vote by mail state thankfully its ludicrous that a paper trail is not created by giving a reciept to the voter or printed in mass at the local precinct this isnt voter fraud this is electioneering,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 generally its fine to take as many as you want just as long as you dont take the last one available,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 at least the xayah was banned right,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 please never say the bword again,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 well seeing as you cant answer the question or respond with an argument and have reverting to name calling i think you should ask yourself that question,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 for comp matches just open and close textchat once,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 one of the big differences between cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention and cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention is how one perceives the physical world and particularly objects cogfuncmention users are going to perceive the sensory world objectively or as it is from there they attach subjective abstract ideas about the object in plain english the object has value that anyone can see or at least they think so and that object says something about the individual the motivation behind the stereotype that cogfuncmention users value shiny objects is what is important for example everyone knows that the bigger the diamond or the nicer the car the more value it objectively has and that says something about the person that owns it your possessions deliberately say something about you as a person they are a sort of status symbol even if they not expensive or if the individual isnt materialistic now contrast this to how an cogfuncmention user views objects for an cogfuncmention user an object has no inherent value on its own it is all subjective this object has value because it is useful for the user they do not particularly care if anyone else in the world sees it as valuable the value of an object is created over time as the object proves to be more useful or is associated positive experiences this is why to an cogfuncmention user a new object is worth less when brand new than it is when it is had for a while value is extracted from the object rather than attached to it they may appreciate shiny objects just as much as the next guy but will more likely have a subjective idea of what it is actually worth for example a diamond may be objectively worth x amount of dollars subjectively for me it is worth very little ill take into consideration that the diamond market is rigged the whole blood diamond thing that i dont want to support its low resale value etc but most importantly is it x amount of dollars of usefulness no now maybe if this same diamond was a family heirloom or represented something important to me it would have a totally different subjective value that you really couldnt put a price onso when typing yourself look at some of your favorite possessions and consider why they are important to you also keep in mind that the judging functions will come into play here for example with lower level cogfuncmention you may dress a certain way in order to conform to societal expectations or to distance yourself from those expectations these drives may override your desire dress like a princess or a bag lady because youd take into consideration what it appropriate with cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention the differences in expression are going to be subtler to discern than if you were torn between typemention and typemention but should nonetheless should be possible if not i didnt even get into cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention really so there are many other aspects that can help you narrow it down,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 generally women care about how men act not how they look like this is why you mostly see an ugly guy an a hot wife,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 whybecause overwatchers have to work through a shitload of such cases and lose the will to do so,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 while the video you linked isnt really the best argument i acknowledge there has been incidents where very little effort was made to distinguish enemies from civilians in for instance vietnam but never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity in this case shitty intelligence i wouldnt assume all traffic accidents or plane crashes or house fires were caused by malicious intent so why would i assume this was anything else than a mistake why would a group of soldiers in an artillery regiment want to fire on their own guys they wouldnt but it happened anyway in war these mistakes are prevalent and theyve always been if anything an air war like the coalition is leading now is much less deadly than a conventional war even if this is unlikely to be the first or the last accident,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 yeahthat happensoftennot trying to be a dick im just a bit frustrated of all the anime onlies who refuse to tag their shit,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i literally tested as typemention every single time and considered all of my logic to be objective i identified with typemention stereotypes quite well i am kind of an intellectual and have typically strived to be logical i eventually discovered that a lot of times i omit and deny information if it doesnt sit well with me emotionally i honestly find it really confusing that i need to catch myself feeling and read my own agendas and try to get them out of the way i felt like i could relate to some other typemention online who i am now sure were actually typemention whenever i thought of typemention beforehand i never considered myself to be the feelingemotional type but i realize now that is because i am e9 and i typically disengage from negative emotions and refuse to show emotion outwardly i have heard that e9s typically give up on selfknowledge and find their personalities undefinable i feel like i had to fight hard to uncover everything that happens inside my head because my emotions would get in the way it was really quite frustrating but i got here in the end and now i can see a mirror exposing the insides of my mind and not just a bunch of naive ideals of who i think i am,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 2nd best by these results,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 minor modifications to the code results in this sub example dim lastrow as long dim cellcontents as long dim i as long lastrow rangea amp rowscountendxluprow for i 2 to lastrow cellcontents rangea amp ivalue select case cellcontents case 5 ranged amp ivalue 0 case 11 ranged amp ivalue 0 case 17 ranged amp ivalue 0 end select next i end subthis is useful only if the values of ranged amp ivalue need to change to multiple values if they all simply need to be 0 then you are much better off using the formula ujrtanton is posting as you can insert that into column d cellsi prefer vb examples if solutions are somewhat complex this could definitely be done with formulas alone,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 all nfs are crazy when we finally create sentient fleshlights they will say the same of us nts these nfs just happen to have a tree fetish,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i second the motion to gild ucyborgboy95,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 id wish that when i want whatever mug im holding at the moment will be filled with really good hot chocolate,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 whats the best description you have of that,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 lets hope this one doesnt turn into the crack spiders bitch,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 yes and nounless im sorely mistaken its only in some places there are certain areas with no manmade barrier anywhere but i believe theyre in pretty unpopulated areas or difficult to cross due to the natural landscape anyway some areas are more heavily monitored than others as wellplease correct me if im wrong on any of that im going from memory here so i could be incorrect,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 my wife and i are approaching 60 so hard to stop watching,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 well attached to a bank then cause well yknow that money has to get put into a secure lockbox of some kind never seen one that was standalone accepting cash,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 did i say we would be better off without any police they do a lot of great things and not all of them are awful here is my most recent story from halloween salem ma three years ago i was at a club with some friends and stepped outside to have a smoke with a cute girl while i was outside a city ordinance kicked in that said no one could enter any more bars or clubs two hours before the normal closing time i wasnt aware that this was going to happen i needed to tell my friends to give me my coat and keys so that i could go home the bacon refused to even listen to me and threatened to throw me in jail if i didnt leave immediately i calmly explained to him that i couldnt go home without my house keys and that i hadnt even settled my tab at the bar and i didnt have my phone to call my landlord to let me into my place nor could i get on the train without my train pass he continued to threaten me with jail time you better back the fuck off now command presence i asked him again if he could just get the hostesses attention right inside the door so she could tell my friend youre gonna spend the night in jail buddy i managed to talk someone on the street into letting me and the girl i was with call our friends inside and they came out with my shiz so yeah again if someone is shooting at me i hope the cops are there to save my lilly white ass otherwise please go deal with criminals not people minding their own damn business oh and if you do talk to law abiding citizens theres no need to swing your dicks around just be a human being,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 holy fucking hell username checks out,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 gwyn kiernan greeted with a smile lead the way as they walked kiernan stared at the familiar sight of the lyseni girls backside well aware what was beneath the fabric frowning she deliberated whether looking fell under the umbrella of things she had to stop doinghello jeyne kiernan said with another smile albeit more strained and hello to you mace you get bigger every time i see you,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 especially when theyre not winning at everything haha what is the point of a game that you play the same way every time the way to accomplish this mission is xyz uh dude its a video game the way to play a game is to play d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 butterflies and hurricanes stockholm syndrome map of the problematique everyone else seems to fawn over them and i still struggle to tell them apart,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 yeah its pretty good stuff the notion that we are trained to only be able to find happiness through romantic love really hits me hard i find the notion that i cannot be independent and happy very upsetting i would like to think that through introspection and self understanding i could achieve happiness,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 the main characters have been cartman and randy for some time now,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 omfg eyes are the worsti can do everything on a face but eyes especially at 34 view always give me so much trouble,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 keeping looking 41 here and in a committed relationship for 13 years now,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i think i edited this comment like 4 times so i will finally say that i am in no way sure how the two theories relate to eachother for the xxxj types i am pretty sure of the xxxp types tho,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 taking a crap is also mystical there is a specific prayer for it in judaism haha understanding how things work just makes them more amazing you also resonate with people share the same brainwaves and it is a palpable thing you are far more likely to be attracted to similarity than difference,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 how can you play like this d,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 they were forced to look up north oh the horrorwhy do they make it sound like a terrible tragedy if they dont have enough money to even buy a basic house in se england then they cant be very good investors or even if you cant afford to invest in the se then move onto better investments like an index fund property isnt the be all and end all,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 oldtown is the biggest city in westeros for what thats worth,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 the first couple of months of 2007 reddit seemed to be heavily libertarian in its leaning a lot of posts about ron paul media bias imperialist foreign policy the patriot act police abuse and wiretapping they were still pretty ambiguous about obama see this post from august 7 the first sign i saw of a slight kucinich circlejerk beginning was from august 21 fascinated to see how the reddit hivemind evolved on politics over the 20072008 election campaign especially with the great recession kicking into gear right about now,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 right but a twotone pattern like that you cant replicate that with heat anodization,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i never said he applied to join i said he asked as in making a verbal noise,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i like this reason more than the real one,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 but by what mechanisms would any sort of potential be manipulated by planetary alignment ah heres a question in 500 years weve established a human colony in a distant solar system obviously that solar system has different planetary bodies what principles of astrology could we employ to determine how those new planets would impact these potentials for that matter what if a rogue planet drifting through the galaxy is snagged by the suns gravity how do we reconfigure the system to take account of this ill be shocked if there is a methodology for either because the field was created before we knew what light gravity biology socioeconomics etc etc even were people spotted patterns and perceived correlations and described these as best they could they used their philosophical toolkit of the time to create a framework for understanding what they perceived to be phenomena since they didnt even know what the sun moon or the planets even were they couldnt of course anticipate a scenario in which we might gain a planet or live in another solar system they couldnt invent a framework which was actually tied to our physical world in real terms because they couldnt even accurately describe that physical world in this world the overwhelming and compelling evidence is that your alarm clock has a far greater electromagnetic and gravitational impact on you than jupiter ok so perhaps it isnt the planets directly influencing rather its a mirroring of patterns repeating here and there which we can read in the stars even though that is simply retreating further from falsifiability and away from any other such system we have observed the fact remains that even if there were such a macromicro mirroring astrology itself renders no greater predictions than chance alone every time it has been studied properly employing the scientific method anyways this says it far better than i will ever be capable of some notable quotes though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 see i dont get serena and vanessa serena is relatively selfcentered and unreasonable when shes upset but generally gets over herself and fixes things when she realizes she was being unreasonable vanessa is a tad hypocritical and doesnt think before she acts but shes generally a nice person yeah they both have their moments but i think blair was much much worse than both of them combined simply because blair owns that shes a mean girl its acceptable and everybody forgives it dont get me wrong i like blair shes a fascinating character but shes a horrible personjenny totally selfcentered doesnt care about anybody but herself and her status throws tantrums whenever she doesnt get her way serena and blair will storm off angrily but at least they dont screech and cry and blame everybody else shes not nice to anybody not her dad not any of her socalled friends shes constantly lying to everybody even when things go right for her she doesnt appreciate it she acts like she works so hard but she does literally everything the wrong way and makes things harder for herself i want to like her because shes the underdog but shes so stuck up gets a boyfriend for the sake of having a boyfriend throws his number out when she thinks hes just a dog walker but gets with him when she finds out hes rich shes sooooo horrible to eric her only nonsuperficial friend,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 homeschooled i agree with youmy lifes biggest accomplishment is that 3 years ago if i told someone i was homeschooled their reactions would be akin to well duh now i have come far enough that the reaction is what really,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 im okay with being second to get stuff if other brave souls are filtering it out of 4chan,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 tldr abstinence is for losers,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 if there wasnt a highway of titans for him to swing across or if the suicide attack wasnt there to distract zeke than levi would have been obliterated by zeke in the return to shinganshina arc just as the rest of the sc,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah wtf was with that came out of nowhere he had be playing pretty poorly lately,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 mm cascade and joke uhh herei had an apartment and i had a neighbor and whenever he would knock on my wall i knew he wanted me to turn my music down and that made me angry cause i like loud music so when he knocked on the wall id mess with his head id say go around i cannot open the wall i dont know if you have a door on your side but over here theres nothin its just flat,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 facetime the apple app not the real life face time thing,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 pretty much every guy has major red flags now theres so many things i wont put up with because i know i cant deal with it down the line so i think ill be alone forever,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 sorry but you were caught joking on the internet in violation of arbitrary code 8695awhich is selectively community enforced please see 8695b for further details8695c,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 say no to the mirror and whatever you do dont look or try to smellthat shits getting fucked up down there just hold her legshand and help her breathe,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 where is this magical place sounds nice,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i have worked for both dhl and amazonamazon we used big boxes for small things if we didnt feel like yelling for a waterspider to give us more small boxes at dhl its simple nobody gives a fuck,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 here are my results kill them all,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 im more worried about the backwards p,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 is this available in the us it says a new season starts tomorrow on natgeo but my guide disagrees,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 yep got the 42 at normal prices in 2001ish and the handcuffs were like 15 at a flea market found a leather holster for em later toodont think ill ever sell the 42 or the 31 i have trouble letting go any of my knives,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 kickasstorrents is the one that got taken down recently,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 john barrowman especially as captain jack harkness in dr who and torchwood especially especially when he talks in his native glaswegian accent,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 i enjoy golfing down south,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the path of least resistance restaurant lifer,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 i think i will just figure out how to disable fire,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 after 3rd edition if i recall 4th removed the idea of favored classes and instead races were more inclined towards certain classes by merit of stat bonuses rogues want a race with dex because their attacks are dexbased but not explicitly favored 5th edition doesnt even go that far with less inclinations than before,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 first off if you put in the effort and stay consistent you can absolutely have your dream body you cant target certain areas to lose weight the first thing you should do is count your calories eat at a calorie deficit and focus on cardio losing weight is all about calories in vs calories out theres a lot of good advice over on rloseit when youre ready to build muscle rfitness is a great resource,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 never been i hail from a colony however known as canadai just watch a lot of tele and know how to properly call someone a cunt is all plus i listened to a lot of vegemite growing up,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ohh i was thinking seclusion from people in daily life that makes sense though,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 i had to turn off the stream its pretty awful touting years of total war experience then auto resolving ever battle telling chat to stop spamming for a raffle then throwing in keys up for grabs begging for subs while yammering on about things not about the gameworst of all i cant even log on to steam to grab one of those keys from work,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 its just that i always feel at home when im talking to an nt i also try to avoid f types like plagues since they seem to get offended or uncomfortable about my jokes or things i say or they get too attached its just something ive noticed from a few f friends of mine and i think its an unattractive trait when it comes to romantic partners,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 well always attack from above that is the perfect angle,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 this is very questionable grunge i dont know what to call it thoughi feel uncleanearbleach for those that need it think you know which video its going to be,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im learning right now but still noob though any tips,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i heard a knowck up on my door the other day,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 just relax there is a distinct difference between making a careless remark andor off color jokes and systematically discriminating against people because they are not heteronormativemost people know if you see them as human or if you treat them as a special case where you need to hide your true feelings from what you wrote i can see you see others as human go with your gut your gut is a good indicator for what you can and cannot sayi have friends where everything is kept clean and above board and i have friends where we can joke and have highly inappropriate banter when im with the latter the jokes sometimes are extremely coarse and would be offensive if uttered by any other than the person making the jokeas others said it is all about intent are you teasing from a place of love or are you tearing down just to hurt if your heart is in the right place and you do miss the mark just apologize people worth their salt will recognize you made an honest mistake and accept your apology,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 yeah they arent like that unfortunately they enjoy their disposable stuff too much disposable plates utensils kcups shit like thatthough its gotten better now hes bought a house so maybe there is hope yet,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thank you to our brexit bros and allies down underfirst america then the world maga,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 trolling colorblind or do you think that the fact that the anime is in color makes it uncannon,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this is such a great album it is definitely one of the gems of my collection i bought this cd for a penny as well as nudeswirl another great forgotten band of the nineties many years ago on the amazon marketplace the best 2 cents i ever spent,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 what difference does it make whos to blame are we going to let them starve probably not the problem is there regardless of whodunnit,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yes especially since i cant have him i very very rarely catch feelings for someone and of course when i do hes beyond my scope for one reason or another luckily i know it passes and i go back to my normal life,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 gotta satisfy the people paying you,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 uh well you see the thing is,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 cogfuncmention is among other things supposedly a focus on the emotionalvalue landscapes of other people couple these with moment by moment words body language context etc and you get a lot of data,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 sunspeardorne would be the most secure place to land but the stormlands would be strategically superior more central within easier striking distance of the crownlands easily supplied from the reach less risk of the dothraki running amok in martell or tyrell lands better to unlease the hordes on your enemies than impose them on your allies,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 is it not extremely british though bring extremely modest self conscious being overly polite and general awkwardness are all the stereotypical hallmarks of britishness,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 im just curious but if for example you installed a watercooler onto a gpu would the lower temp still output the same amount of heat into the room or would there be less heat exhausted,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 thats absolutely horrible im so sorry that happened to you i hope youre doing okay,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i didnt know who everyone had me pegged as a hermes boy,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 yea i know bring on 106 and rebalances yes even if that means they nerf my dark sword p,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 yup did one last year,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 uhmmm no i dont even like cogfuncmention that much i dislike it hard actuallythinking about cogfuncmention makes me feel trapped you basically have a chosen destiny that you cant really change and you must follow the path there not even knowing whats at the end and all of this only for the end dafuq where is the freedom that cogfuncmention gives you i want to be able to choose out of the million of possibilities not have a linear path that i must follow oh what am i saying just an xnxp begging for freedom xd,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 not as bad but i delivered to a place today and when they opened the door a tidal wave of bo washed over me the smell was in my nose for like an hour i finally went and took a big sniff of our hottest wing sauce causing me to cough and sneeze like crazy but at least i stopped smelling those nasty people they tipped though next time ill try the vicks trick,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 chapter 70 end of the uprising arcbeast titan human form reveal in the aftercreddits,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 find this motherfucker a job already so he can blaze up,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 anyone know what happened to menard,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 bold prediction chase qualifies for the chase today,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i think walcott seems like hes starting whenever there will be space behind for him to run and seeing as its at stamford bridge chelsea shouldnt be parking the bus,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i appreciate that youre staying tuned in to this whole shit show despite being 13 many younger teenagers and hell probably not many older ones either care about politics im 20 so a bit older than you but were all gonna be working together to stop this mess its the only way,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 just because you are better than 66 at least in the amount of players doesnt mean you are good have you ever watched the demos of those cheaters i guess not you got wrecked and since you belong to the top 34 of cs players lel they surely are cheatingit couldnt be people who have the same points value as a le before the inflation and stopped playing when it began to inflate and are now mg2 after they played again,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah its good that you do that every now and then but dont spam it itd ruin the joke,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 cogfuncmention perception perception perception cogfuncmention doesnt worry about being fake what cogfuncmention considers to be subjectively true is true fake is a perception not a judgement this could be cogfuncmention dom behavior but that doesnt mean that cogfuncmention isnt cogfuncmentionop doesnt op mentions perceptions or feeling nothing that they mention is rationalyes thus inferior cogfuncmention or repressed emotions i suspect that you think that op is a mistyped typemention look at your logic it is nonsense op is an typemention because of cogfuncmention no cogfuncmention because of feelings represses feeling because op is an cogfuncmention dom typemention do not repress feeling and yes feeling and f are related it is asinine to suggest otherwise your argument is a messwhat now this post is entirely cogfuncmention trying to understand cogfuncmention which is a process that idiots on the internet say cannot exist im not calling you an idiot but it is clear that you dont understand the first thing about typology i mean no disrespect but if you are actually the type that you flair yourself as youll get my argument and take no offense notice how you put feeling in quotation marks sigh this is cogfuncmention again you put feeling in quotation marks i dont think that you know what that means you do not understand feeling or intuition you cannot discern the two,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 is kruger park a 100 observational safari because i would really like to be able to interact with a tamed lionwhat is the purchasing power like in south africa for instance what would a nice meal steakpizza at a mid range restaurant cost a souvenir tshirt or cap,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 tasmanias your best best to see them in the wild,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 oh shit it totally missed this op should disregard my comment in that case,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 id use the following exportquotedcsv option explicit public enum filedialogtype msofiledialogopen 1 msofiledialogsaveas 2 msofiledialogfilepicker 3 msofiledialogfolderpicker 4 end enum public enum fileio fileread 1 filewrite 2 end enum public sub exportquotedcsv dim filepath as string filepath filedialogstrmsofiledialogsaveas if lenfilepath 0 then exit sub dim csvoutput as string dim rowcounter as long colcounter as long for rowcounter 1 to activesheetusedrangerowscount for colcounter 1 to activesheetusedrangecolumnscount csvoutput csvoutput amp amp activesheetcellsrowcounter colcountervalue amp next colcounter csvoutput csvoutput amp chr10 next rowcounter call fileiofilewrite filepath csvoutput end sub public function filedialogstrbyval dialogtype as filedialogtype optional byval dialogtitle as string as string dim filedialogobject as filedialog dim selectedfile as variant set filedialogobject applicationfiledialogdialogtype with filedialogobject if lendialogtitle gt 0 then title dialogtitle allowmultiselect false show for each selectedfile in selecteditems filedialogstr cstrselectedfile next selectedfile end with end function public function fileiobyval io as fileio byval filepath as string optional byval filedata as string as string dim fso as object set fso createobjectscriptingfilesystemobject dim fileobject as object if io fileread then if fileexistsfilepath true then set fileobject fsoopentextfilefilepath io fileio fileobjectreadall end if elseif io filewrite then if fileexistsfilepath true then set fileobject fsoopentextfilefilepath io fileobjectwrite filedata else set fileobject fsocreatetextfilefilepath fileobjectwrite filedata end if end if fileobjectclose set fso nothing set fileobject nothing end function public function fileexistsbyval filepath as string as boolean dim fso as object set fso createobjectscriptingfilesystemobject fileexists fsofileexistsfilepath set fso nothing end function,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 its come in handy for the few times ive gone out in a sea kayak nice to know both the k20 1855mm wr and k5iis 50135 mm da can handle repeatedly getting drenched and immersed when the waves pick up,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 not a solely liberal valuetotally untruethis is not the result of social democracy but of a heterozygous community as is also demonstrated by japandue more to its neutrality than anything else,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 love the point about adventure thats what i seek to do every day with everything even the most boring its whats opened life for me allowed me to truly experience its to full to put into words truly spectacular,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 talk to me about books and ideas talk to me about a mutual interest ask me to solve a problem youre having,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 patrick star is a thinking type do you really want to be associated with that bimbo,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 and 10 years later russia is no longer part of the g8,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 i cant disagree with any of that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 is t there a decent risk of inflation ballooning in the future making your savings an overall loss,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 when i drink titos i feel fucking amazing barely notice any hangover cheap vodka like smirnoff or worse guarantees i will vomit all the next day surprisingly new amsterdam has been treating me pretty well for half the price of titos,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 first you are not a result of them look at yourself look at your siblings you are all different people if you were all only the results of your parents youd be identicalthat fire in you which pushes you to learn in spite of being in an environment that does nothing but encourage ignorance which makes you reach out to people in spite of being in an environment that teaches you that other people will kill and rape you which makes you realize that no one should ever feel like you in spite of you being taught that the way you exist is the best way of existing that is entirely youthere was a book i read a while back about holocaust survivors which had a quote that really stuck with me you cant always control your environment but you can always control how you react to your environment will you fight the other prisoners for bread or give up your own for the sick that choice is what defines you whether you accept or reject the worldview that your parents instilled in you is going to come from who you are the worldview that you find in the future will come from who you arewhen i got out i had what i call a pendulum moment if my identity was a pendulum in a clock it had spent most of my existence pinned to one side in an extreme and immobile position when i got out it swung to the extreme other side because there was so much momentum built up i went a little bit crazy experiencing everything id never experienced before this was inevitable it was reactionary to my parents but it was something i needed to do and eventually the pendulum settled nicely in the center in the place where i really belongedthe older you get the less people attribute who you are to your parents the more experiences you have independent of your parents the more certain you can be that they are no longer controlling you,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i think with typemention and typemention in general its a good idea to assume theyre not interested until the signs are over the top were typically extremely interested in people especially at first and it seems like were courting when were just excited to explore another mind it is possible as well that she was interested romantically for awhile and then wasnt,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yes you would need to compare the data of all of the players together to find their normalized rating this is what id use to see who is better than the other as you are directly comparing individual ratings to the overall top rated player this would yield a specific ranking from top to bottom player that you can look at,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 her reticle disappears after you ult and doesnt return til you die,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 why didnt i know we had puffins like just a wee bit north of where i am ive never seen one,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if you say im good at this you lost that leads to this egoistic play in mm or other pug services where you rage at other players and think you are better than them people at le arent good people at lem arent good people at smfc arent good and even most of the people at ge arent good they are just better than otherswhen you cease to strive for improvement you are done for stagnation is deathyou are good at this game when you can see your errors and work on the problems instead of focusing on a meaningless icon in the main menu,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i fixed all the electricity vote for me,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i do think cs would be one of the degrees that is doable at b2 the fact that youve been b2 before you spent some time there a few years ago may does not say anything b to c level is the biggest step to make in language learning many get stuck on b2 because you need to really get some immersion going on or active dailyevery other day training to get from b2 to c1 so unless you have being working at it actively youd probably still be at b2with cs youll also have no problem finding a job in europe and if not in francce you can move to belgium also bilingual frenchdutch for example i live in the netherlands and most of the cs students at my uni are picked up by companies way before they graduatei think whats important now is for you to figure out the visa application process considering i read below you dont have uk nationality only ancestry visa and to contact several of the unis youre interested in and see if they would do an informal assessment of your diplomas to see if you have a good chance of being admitted,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im doing a report on childhood obesity for school and the rate of co has actually leveled in recent years its still hovering around 1618 but the fact that the trend has stopped is a good first step,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 its good very much a return to form no gimmicks just green day lyrically its billie commenting on his life feelings and the world around him very personal musically its a strange blend of their older sound newer sound foxboro hot tubs and this might just be me but i feel like theres quite a bit of alkaline trio influence sneaking in there,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 hmm interesting i figured thats where it was in the pic but you didnt mention them at all in your recipe so i just thought id at least mention it since also in the pic it was clear there werent manyinteresting take though i too would rather meat and greens over starchy stuff but every now and then noodles are nice comfort,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i know those feels especially when its been like a year since youve seen a solid rain haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i expect a welllwritten character to fit as clearly within a personality type as any human would sherlock is a plot device and witticism delivery machine more than anything,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 pretty expensive for routine cooking though,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 kennys is a bot after the awp update funny considering that the go awp is now basically the css awptitan is better of with the trade imo,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 its gotta be more than one this one dedicates much more time to his posts than the others,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 feeling something so deeply all the time and wanting to express it but not knowing how or being afraid to expose your emotions to the outside world in fear of being invalidated,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 from birthchildhood iirc theres still widespread disagreement as to whether it can be learned,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 hahaha thats amazing at least you didnt try to drink from it,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 awesome always glad to help when i can good luck,41.0,31.0,95.0,3.0,13.0 theyre on the shot tracker,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 option explicit public sub hidecolumns applicationactivesheetcolumnsbhidden not applicationactivesheetcolumnsbhidden applicationactivesheetcolumnsihidden not applicationactivesheetcolumnsihidden end subyou can then assign your button to call the hidecolumns subroutine to toggle hiding your columns,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 fuck the people that play loki,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 installed a chrome extension on every computer that turned any picture on the browser into a picture of nicholas cage,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 my so is not a napping type and he is a bit more of a morning person im a night owl and power nap like a pro right now hes in bed and im up watching mad menwe just operate on different schedules but stay respectful of each others sleep,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 and all of them have the same mbti,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 it has to be because the current nav system has encrypted accuracy,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 cause people often incorrectly assume more is betteralwaysmore more moreim not sure why they cant see to kiss,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i have an embarrassing number of selfies and an embarrassing number of tries for most of them,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 whybecause overwatchers have to work through a shitload of such cases and lose the will to do so,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im sorry for the aggressive comments here you probably have heard some terrible things about her there is a lot of defamation going on you can read the interview i posted above to know more about where she come from as a person we dont have to agree with what someone believe entitely but with owe it to ourselves to recognize sincerity her family tried to defame her when after her she had to go into hidding this might not be your experience but not everyone has the same life experience they are truly people out there who struggle for access to basic human rights we should judge people on what they are saying not what others are saying about them we have to recognize when people are wellwishing and defending human rights and equality for women everyone has a different story and see things differently listenning to what they have to say with an open mind is a personal responsability of each of us,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i am as a female a mra but also a feminist they dont exclude eachother in my oppinion i believe mra and feminism in relationship to egalitarianism can be explained by imagining the following venn diagram mra and feminism are both their own circles which do overlap to a certain extent while egalitarianism is a larger circle than encompasses does two circles fully so yes in that way mra is a subset of egalitarian believes,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i came to say the same thing about laziness its amazing it actually ever became a concept lol,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 i think youll find a way to turn their cloaks into something more decorative,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i want to do this too i like the idea of being able to serve the kids a bowl of soupy goodness when they get home from school instead of the usual toast or biscuits that way it also doesnt matter as much if the little ones are too tired to eat much at dinner timei would be inclined to cut vegetables into fairly large pieces to make it easier to get most of them out after a days cooking longcooked vegies arent going to be terribly nutritious and if theyve been in for a day they will have made their contribution to the sauce soupy part the same probably goes for meati am thinking along the lines of throwing in a bacon bone or parmesan rind from time to time and fishing it out after a day or two i would also be inclined to throw in a handful or two of lentils or split peas on a regular basis to thicken the stew and keep the quantity of meat down dried mushrooms could be a good flavour boost too id probably keep the chives as a fresh garnish rather than adding them to the pot chives dont stand up to long slow cooking in my experience a bay leaf on the other handedit i think it would be better to keep it on low 247 rather than high,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i am too youre a zombie who tries to kill me ill slice you in your brains if youre a nice zombie like fido or the ones in izombie well we dont necessarily have a problem in that caseoh and i think a good zombie apocalypse might be good for society at this point,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the images are from testament of youth for those who dont know who vera brittain is she went on to become a famous feminist and pacifist id suggest you stay away from her wikipedia article if you dont want spoilers for the movie,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 to most americans propaganda is soviet commie bullshit and an american hero would never do that shit,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 hard enough seeing how many hours you need to actually detect a cheat,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 it would need the browser exploit to run gba roms but the glitch was completely patcheddisabling most qr code hacks and pkhex sadly so 990 is near impossible but we can always pray to rngjesus that an exploit will come along,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 this wouldnt bother me tbh i dont know if youve looked up the story of tig natoro but she is another gay woman who has also had a double mastectomy id recommend watching her documentary it might at least help you feel a bit less alone in this,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i got so thrown off by the thread i read following your pictures because i had this notion that you were a cogfuncmention user it stumped me a bit,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 and walmart used to sell quality american made products,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you are conscious if you create a representation of the world and judge your actions based on feedback from similar past experiences,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 id put the entire subroutine except for the applicationontime line within a simple ifthen statement if weekdaynow 2 or weekdaynow 4 thenthat way each time it executes itll check to see if its monday or wednesday before executing even if it doesnt execute because the applicationontime is outside of this ifthen statement it will always reschedule itself for the next day,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 sometimes we dont care about cost or time very much just how well it generalizes,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 also ashes w will proc her slow so her autos on wd things do extra damage,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 great analogy because everything you learn in school is worthless once you graduate to the real world,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 no its russels teapot atheists came up with it not the lawyers,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 probably lives in a dense environment like the area along st kilda road or east melbourne everything you need shops gyms etc are within a 10 minute walk but the trams are so full you often have to wait for the next one just to fit on and once you manage to get on theres no guarantee there wont be traffic,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i dont know what you mean its the heroes trying to reach a destination and the bad guys trying to stop them all the way throughha well when you put it like thatthe poles were pretty cool,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 you have us confused with typemention or something or else youve only met meek fjs ime most typemention complain a lot even to the point that theyre unproductively critical at times pretty sure treating an typemention like you suggest is a good way to get murdered in your sleep,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 okay i see what you mean,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 just run borderize after your data is sorted and you want to apply the borders option explicit public sub borderize dim workarea as range previouscell as string dim rowcounter as long lastrow as long lastrow getlastrowactivesheetindex 1 1 if lastrow lt 2 then exit sub for rowcounter 2 to lastrow if previouscell and previouscell ltgt cellsrowcounter 1value then were starting off store current value previouscell cellsrowcounter 1value set workarea rangecellsrowcounter 1 cellsrowcounter 3 elseif previouscell ltgt and previouscell cellsrowcounter 1value then previouscell is identical to current cell union the two set workarea unionworkarea rangecellsrowcounter 1 cellsrowcounter 3 elseif previouscell ltgt and previouscell ltgt cellsrowcounter 1value then previouscell is different from current cell apply border then set workarea to current row previouscell cellsrowcounter 1value call applyborderworkarea set workarea rangecellsrowcounter 1 cellsrowcounter 3 elseif cellsrowcounter 1value then call applyborderworkarea end if next rowcounter set workarea nothing end sub private sub applyborderbyref cells as range cellsbordersxldiagonaldownlinestyle xlnone cellsbordersxldiagonaluplinestyle xlnone with cellsbordersxledgeleft linestyle xlcontinuous colorindex 0 tintandshade 0 weight xlthin end with with cellsbordersxledgetop linestyle xlcontinuous colorindex 0 tintandshade 0 weight xlthin end with with cellsbordersxledgebottom linestyle xlcontinuous colorindex 0 tintandshade 0 weight xlthin end with with cellsbordersxledgeright linestyle xlcontinuous colorindex 0 tintandshade 0 weight xlthin end with cellsbordersxlinsideverticallinestyle xlnone cellsbordersxlinsidehorizontallinestyle xlnone end sub public function getlastrowbyval worksheet as long byval columnno as long as long getlastrow worksheetsworksheetcellsworksheetsworksheetrowscount chr64 columnnoendxluprow end function,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 hes into you if he referred to it as a date i as an typemention have trouble with my uh well i call him my fake boyfriend cuz i cant even get a read on him hes an typemention some of us are so in the moment we kinda forget about you unless youre around but he sounds like hes trying to couple for sureas far as being antypemention i really like typemention usually i think we make a good pair,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 than my question to you is what benefit would me having children bring to the world or humanitylike someone else says when you ask most parents why they got children the sentence starts with i wanted and not because it would better mankindcountless generation did not reproduce so i could be born they did it because they felt lonely wanted something to care for or be cared for wanted to be a parent or 1000 other reasons i can come up with that have nothing to do fighting for humanity to survive so i could have been born actually if the survival of mankind is the goal im doing the world a favour by not reproducing because of the overpopulation p,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 whatever type she is shes my favorite comedian i definitely agree on cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention though i dont have any insight on her perception function id guess shes an intuitive though that would be typemention typemention typemention typemention,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 where did you hear that,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i know they are miles apart i never said otherwise i didnt get motion sick until now and i dont have the money for a vive or oculus so this was the easiest solution for me,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 if it sticks any amount its not silverpersonally id see what it sounds likelike this have a much brighter ring to em if its realsilver is also going to be noticably heavier but hard to tell sometimesit helps a lot if you have a real similar coin you know is genuinehope this helps,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i have this bug as well and found a work around by clearing the cache and deleting and then read adding your google account pain in the assi thought it was related to my android n preview,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 man that reallly would have sucked getting your chestpelvis or legs just pulverised by that boatdriven dull guillotine,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i get that doesnt make him a narcissist also doesnt mean you have to help him through his emotional shit haha the only emotional help worth anything is that which people ask for themselves healers dont knock on doors,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yes then again if that is you just stick with it you do what makes you feel comfortabledont know your age but i know that im far less concerned about fluids and stickiness at 42 then i was at 24,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i wrote a small app that hides those notifications without any admin rights or anything like that,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 dual wield is only available after level 10 and specialization noob,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 much more simple than that for me i go quickly from interest to passion only if theres strong reciprocation so this is when the official relationship starts then fluctuate a bit between passion and apathy until we break up or love kicks in love is what happens when the passion goes into an extended hibernation and i start realizing that if this person ever hurts i will hurt,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 basically tell him what you told us having differences in style shouldnt be an obstacle make each other aware of those differences if you notice that you get sidetracked by some insignificant little thing just stop nitpicking over it tell him that that little thing is not something you want to fight over with himmy guess is that you do but you are not hung up on every minute detail of it some people handle big picture stuff better than others we typemention can be very nitpicky about terminology if we think that misdefining can lead to faulty reasoning if your typemention friend posits a definition see if it fits in your picture if it does just accept it if his definition doesnt change the narative there is not much use in debating itthere is objective truth it is what really happened that said we all experience events differently truth in our mind is what we perceived but not necessarily what actually happened as such all humans have a subjective variant of the thruth its something us logic types tend to gloss over,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 my serious post is now a memegreat,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 anyone know how much those actually hurtthe ones around where im at anyway dont really hurt much not to that extent anyhow and i sure wont go putting em on my face but have had stings there,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 that may be a little harsh but i wouldnt say that you are wrong typemention and typemention are indeed worlds apart and it is very easy to tell the difference between them if you know what you are looking for the biggest difference between the two is definitely how they handle their feeling functions an typementions inner emotionalfeeling world is just as complex as an typementions inner logicalthinking world and operates in much the same way a healthy typemention is more likely to bring about a concrete expression of their inner world that is of value than an typemention since that is what their cogfuncmention wants to get done whereas an typementions cogfuncmention just wants communicate what it understands,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 men naturally have faster reaction times wouldnt go well for her,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 incorporating text on top of the gif,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 i was amazed they do it for phones but not desktops weird,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 i agree calling out random strangers is a stretch there is a lot of gray area between personal friends and random strangers though and i personally feel there is a lot to be said about speaking up against acquaintances as well at least i try to speak up to other women being sexist when i consider them acquaintances as well they certainly wouldnt physically attack you the whole point is we need to change societal values to achieve our goals towards true gender equality that only happens when we are focal about it and become the dominant voice one person convincing one other person on this topic who will convince one person themselves is truly all it takes,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ill wont be on tonight tho,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you keep saying that but whats your source,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 but you have to so you cant,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 if your sheet has headers then this should add a new row right below them and insert a confirmation message into the new row activesheetrows2insert cells2 1value tadayou can incorporate this into your userform code to add new rows and insert information,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 cldownloadfilter nosounds is the right command,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the last one doesnt really fit the description,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 when a muslim stripclub owner released a video of maajid nawaz getting a lapdance to taint his reputation nawaz cames clear with her wife support of the whole thing there was no hypocrisy because nawaz doesnt claim so sort of moral purity hypocrisy is what this guy is beind accused off he can get all the sex he wants as long as he dont pretend to hold himself to some sort of moral superiority,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 well maybe i should have worded it like this this comes off as such to viewers coming in from rallquit gaslighting,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 never heard of this guy in my life he already has me blocked lol,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 i do not think ive seen this,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 whered u get these posters,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 a volunteer janitor on a power trip the incentive structures need to be rethought to stop this abuse,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 articles at s4s are still about how he didnt endorse clinton yet sanders said he will vote for cinton but didnt give a formal endorsement,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 shoot you the word is shoot,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 maybelline i think the green stuff has a caffeine eye roller that does wonders,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i actually really dig movies i just dont care much about the specific celebrities i know of a couple of directors because i generally like their movies so its a good indicator that ill want to see it wes anderson for example but i couldnt give two shits about their personal lives and at least once a week say oh yeah you know that one guychick whos been in um you know the movie with the explosions that was funny happened tonight in fact who is that woman who looks like kiera knightly and has been in a ton of movies jewish girl super hot i am probably asking the wrong person,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i am the brainwasheeeeaaaaaaaaaalove that song was one of the first for me that made me go crazy human after all was well since i listened to alive 2007 that finale one of my favorite i cant listen to it much now because it fills me with super somber nostalgia gotta say though i love steam machine driving fast at night,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 the typemention i know are my favorite people i love me some typemention,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 matt barnes also wanted by me for fucking me over in fantasy last night,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i am super fucking impressed by your arms and hips i could never look like that im a cis bi tomboy too but my body is very female unfortunately,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 he also used the word gullible instead of the word grammar if you didnt notice,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 nothing wrong with that i for one have never understood waiting more than 4 years to get married its more than enough time to decide whether you want to spend your life with someone assuming you are over 25 anyways i think that it is reasonable to expect someone to commit after a few years if thats what you want,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think there would be nothing left after that,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 theres nothing wrong in using a full sized barbell in itself per se but racks like these are specifically designed to make it difficult to remove the barbell without doing a kind of 3 point turn manoeuvre hint hint and there are barbells specifically there for bicep curls we have these and also these,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i wouldnt be terribly opposed to that wouldnt call it creepy or metal but by default i think i just know what nature does so it doesnt surprise very much is all it is kinda out there for most people though id think,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 giles tremletts catherine of aragon henrys spanish queen 2010 is all about henrys first wife and it looks like it includes a bibliography as well for further research hopefully this helps,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 it never ceases to amuse me that ass and shit are both positive and negative when used in different contexts overall i would guess that ass has a positivity score of 9010 whereas shit is somewhere around 2510,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah sorry i was being flippant i think you probably realize this but you especially shouldnt get emotionally involved with the husband of a woman who knows about the situation and doesnt want you around you in danger so i get why you dont want to leave like lol believe me i get it but thats exactly why you shouldbut pm me if you ever want to talk about it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 the main reason is gaming and im used to it now desktop linux wasnt really that great of an option 10 years ago when ubuntu came out my impression was that it was a poor imitation of windows i didnt see the point bloated with all the sacrificing of direct control for ease of use crap that i disliked about windowsnow im sure its a lot more feasible i saw a video today of doom running under wine and getting actually good performance so thats pretty cooli have a little linux server but right now its just a tiny little thin client box not really worth hooking a monitor to over the years ive had spare computers and had different full linux installs on them etc but for right now all i need is that debian server and a vmware gentoo for how im doing thingswhen i was at work they wanted everyone on windows because large corporation technical support microsoft office and all the little time tracking tools and other spyware they load them up with,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 heres a quick test on my work laptop i73630qm 24ghz 8gb ddr3 quadro k100moctanequantumchromevivaldibraveaverage24525242192273425459brave is still in the lead by a large margin as the performance king,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 take an older graphics card driver,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 people are smelling each others immune systems when they kiss the idea is to find someone with a different immune system than you have the purpose is whenif you have children your childrens immune systems are more diverse and they are more healthy,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 it is an utterly banal viewpoint,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 maybe he might have been kinder or more descriptive with the extra notes section why did you and your friend simultaneously want refunds,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 lol shadowpuppet off that should be a thing why isnt that a thing,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 can we hit 4k before i arrive at uni,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 shoutouts to meagdickanusslammer and many of his other names which have not yet been changed,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 so nfs in the freezer sfs in the backyard,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 if isayama simply wanted to change the way he looks then why does the anime use his old design,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 haha how old are youif im really into someone usually i get a little awkward and lose a lot of my mental quickness and charm ha i overanalyze everything and try way to hard to be perfect and thus make myself incredibly not perfect i have heard as well that im tough to read especially from girls ive had romantic interest in id say make flirtatious comments to him and see how he responds if he responds well force him to take you out like if you say something flirty and he banters back thats a good sign i had a girl once say to me as a challenge oh i see youre just all talk then youre cant actually back it up by taking me out and that drove me nuts phe could also be bored lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 basically how i found this was that i was flipping through shades to find how i saw a color when i noticed in the cyan page there was a bunch of stuff that looked yellow so my visual guess said yellow i went over to yellow and found thing that looked identical in both yellowgreen and orange but orange was closer it is weird for me almost every color has two different colors that look identical to it spring green looks like both yellowgreen and orange just closer to orange but there are also colors that ill admit are just grey and look a lot like other colors that are grey as well making it impossible to discernas an aside whenever i see descriptions of deutan i always see that their blue and yellow perception is good yellow is really awful for me appearing as either yellowgreen green red orange or white and never actual yellow i remember when i had the cx14s i was actually kinda excited at yellow things because they actually looked yellow and they were super bright similarily everything that is blue either has a greenishtint to it and looks cyan or looks purple but almost never actually blue sometimes it looks grey even ive noticed that i could find an almost identical color with just red orange and purple granted if you put the colors side by side itd be difficult but i could tell them apart if just barely in some cases it isnt like i dont see a lot of color in my life just that a lot of it looks very similar to something else that is not anywhere close to the same color,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 link to many others experiences trouble finding any reliable studies but the extremely high dose in the 1day treatment even in the 3day treatment for some can really irritate the vagina breaking it up into 7 doses is less harshi havent had a yeast infection in quite a while but i used to get them a lot over 1 year or so during that time i only used over the counter treatment such as monistat i think it never truly went away for that whole time i stopped buying otc treatments and sought out a prescription for diflucan instead less messy just a pill and more effective at treating the problem systemically,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 you shouldnt be applying thermal paste near your monitor especially if youre a klutz,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 oh shit it totally missed this op should disregard my comment in that case,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 just gotta make sure you have a contingency plan in place in case the date gets pushed back invite me plz,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 lol that one was awesome someone should actually do that,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 a societal rule punishing homosexuality by imprisonment is not vigilantism besides homosexuality is something that can be easily hidden,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the s5 is seriously the best phone i have ever owned its amazing and incredibly durable i use it without a cover and the stupid thing has been mistreated like hell but its holding up like a champ the battery is finally starting to die a bit on me but the nice thing is ill just replace the battery and i can keep this baby with me for another few years lt3,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the majority of players just dash right at the invader because they dont want them there and they just want to get rid of them when i invade i pretty much only bow if they do first since i expect a sword in my face first thing either way,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 im curious to hear your critique of quenks work im currently reading was that really me and a few things i certainly question but in what way did she ruin the inferior the biggest thing that i have a problem with her work is that refuses to say whether the tertiary is in the same attitude as the dominant or not so she calls it tertiary sensing for example i thought that was basically settled i also think that there are some problems with her in the grip idea,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 make sure you change the tab from tall to regular it is defaulting to tall for some reason there are still some 0s in regular,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 definitely be direct just come out and say it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 as i understand it mbti isnt a personality test it was just presented like this to psychologicaly unaware public to explained it in commonly undestood words we can call this 16 personalities ofc but it not what the word means tbh personality is unique ofc that what confuses alot of ppl about mbti its all fake there are more then 16 personalities we all unique ppl that use it are dumb and astrologicalbut what thing concentrates is on cognitive functions framework how a persons psyche proceeds the world his default tools that he resorts to to judge and perceive outer and inner world and how it all functions together and its much deeper and fundamental than just describing a personalities of pplthen there are tendencies for each type like a person that armed with an axe much rather go chop some trees and build a house from fallen trees than person armed with a knife prolly mostlikely will cut some cane and build some kind of a tend that doesnt mean that with axe you couldnt go cut a cane you could but you still be cutting it with an axe like typemention can be a mathematician and it happend why not nevertheless there are clear tendencies for each weapon what ppl tend to do with their weapon what fits the most if you like but then there is every persons life experience social environment culture parental genes different nervous systems types psychological traumas your friends parents and so on that all affects your personality and how youll be thats why we all unique but you still be armed with an axe and that guy will be with a knife but who knows what will end up happening and how it all will develop but again there are some tendencies depending of the weapon you holding but they are not concrete they are more like describing your style of cutting aka approach to the world,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 so uh was he carrying,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 never build trans to me its the only power item you need for many gods get that then boots then pencdrprot the rest of the way,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 that would work if op and so are willing to live in any other eu country besides the uk as through just simple marriage op would fall under freedom of movement when together with so however they want to go to sos home country so the uk is allowed to put additional requirements for ops visa which she mentioned in her opening post and includes a hard income minimum the so doesnt meet,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im sorry but you dont know what youre talking about how in the hell do you imagine people develop apps for the iphone do you think they upload their code to the appstore every time they want to debug a new build also lay off the sauce your post was barely legible,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well i think it can be whatever you want it to be its your words you dont even have to write poetry per say you can just keep a journaldiary of sorts to write i firmly believe writing is a cathartic experience especially for anyone who feels a lot and needs an avenue to express stuff so things dont stay bottled up in regards to your poem i am inferring your mom passed away from cancer i had to read it a couple times to understand the picture i think you did a good job of capturing the range of emotions you went through i think you also did a good job capturing the disconnectestrangement you have with the situation the soccer game on tv the soccer game not saved on console is more tragic the scrabble game the forced human interaction,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 wheres the best place to read up on some dfs mma info,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ive had a few nightmare roommates from random ones and a couple that were very good an example of a bad one i had watched slave narratives or black church tv 247 in the middle of the roomi have a good one now and we get along great when you do the random roommate you take a pretty big risk you can always swap if it doesnt work out though,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 fine go on and kill the match guys,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 apparently my mom turned it off to fix the ac,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 other than long term goal setting or was that it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 only the armored titan and the mule titan have real effective use outside of combat the rest of them are simply bigger humansand hey as it turns out 50 of those two is female and the rest is gsus who is also planned to be replaced by a female you cant complain really,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if anything itll just switch to bitcoin like poker,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 so you only have 105 item power and 30 chance to crit even if you do crit its only 500 with no pen so more like 250300 after prots the obowgbow procs do maybe 5075 after prots to nearby targets seems more like a glass water pistol than a glass cannon,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 the other guy is a bot mateyou just had the best go i ever saw a human take on it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 also cogfuncmention sees the world in symbols and metaphors its metaphors and analogies are subjective to the self because as carl jung said not quote just what i remember from memory â œan introverted intuitor canâ t share these visions to the world it would make people think heâ s crazy for example i had a patient once come to me once and she was like â œi got a snake in my stomachâ and i was like â œwtfâ and she was like â œyeah thereâ s a snake in my stomachâ and i was like â œhow tf can a snake be in your stomachâ and she was like â œoh wait itâ s not an actual snake but if feels like oneâ source the â œthingâ here cogfuncmention has its own metaphors that arenâ t very objective and accessible to the world like the cogfuncmention metaphors are cogfuncmention is comparing the stomach pain to everything the user felt and thought in hisher life and immediately saw a connection between snakes and pain using â œsnakesâ as a metaphor for pain unfortunately the user forgot to postprocess it with cogfuncmention for typemention or cogfuncmention with typemention and people thought she was crazypatterns now i said that the way cogfuncmention has their path into the future is through seeing patterns of how events happened through time but how do you think cogfuncmention knows all these different ways a situation can go they do that too while cogfuncmention sees patterns in the internal world of an idea focused on how a single idea evolved through time cogfuncmention sees patterns in the external world around them finding the hidden meaning behind and inbetween things â œreading through the linesâ they see interconnections in the external world of an idea how the idea relates to other ideas and how everything is connected and how it could go in the future cogfuncmention instead sees how other external ideas and factors influenced the idea through time and how it got to this present point paths also i would like to talk a little about paths and time cogfuncmention is described as having a set path that it must follow with a clear but unknown destination they have this gut feeling that this is the way it goes like thereâ s some sort of â œlight at the end of the roadâ without knowing what the light gives them they have a clear set destination that is unknown cogfuncmention as always is reversed cogfuncmention sees the end goals very clearly and has no clear â œpathâ they have a million paths that they can follow and they want to get to know and experience all of them cogfuncmention has the destination as the end result and the path there is the starting point cogfuncmention has the destinations as a starting point and the path is the end result puzzle analogy imagine a puzzle cogfuncmention is having most of the puzzle done especially the corners thats what it needs and fills what is missing cogfuncmention has the center pieces thats what it needs and slowly goes in all the ways to fill the puzzle cogfuncmention is very good to see what is missing while cogfuncmention is good to see what could be improved example in a haunted house cogfuncmention will tell the user â œi have a gut feeling like there might be something behind the doorâ while cogfuncmention would tell the user â œimagine how random would be for someone to pop out the door right now hahah but what are the chancesâ astronomy analogy cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention is also like supernova vs nebula an appropriate visual representation of cogfuncmention would be that of a supernova what starts as a star explodes into all of its properties removed from the object itself and completely deconstructed cogfuncmention does a similar thing it completely deconstructs an object according to the ideas symbols systems what have you associated with that object cogfuncmention is much like a nebula a nebula if you donâ t already know is a cloud of particulate and other forms of matter in space that slowly forms into a star system over time what looks like an amorphous blob begins to collapse in on itself until a star is formed and possibly planets as well these solar systems that are formed are there for the long term cogfuncmention is much the same way the systems and models that cogfuncmention forms are often very much longterm models and systems that will stand the test of time and hold up well under scrutiny this is why cogfuncmention is often described as the longterm system building function the more relevant information an cogfuncmention user possesses the stronger the system that is being built the less information a cogfuncmention user possesses the weaker the system that is being built or the system may simply never coalesce one thing that is heard often about cogfuncmention is that it is all about making connections that is indeed true but cogfuncmention needs to have a correct base to jump off of in order to make the correct connections it is my belief that cogfuncmention on its own can make connections based on all of the possibilities it intuits but those connections will have little relevance to the outside world the resulting structure would look more like a giant ball of tangled christmas lights a la christmas vacation rather than a structured and organized web source for astronomy analogy and the other paragraph â œcogfuncmention is like an excited young bird that canâ t fly looking at the sky and the world of possibilities cogfuncmention is like an eagle flying very high looking at the world down like those video games where you have â œbirdâ s eye viewâ or something like thatâ also i would love to make clear before moving on what some people mean when they say that cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention are â œunconscious processesâ half of the process of our intuitive functions is hidden from us the way a sensing function works itâ s that it is directly sent to the user without any postprocessing done by any judging function a cogfuncmention user would just see a tree on the sidewalk and think â œoh thereâ s a treeâ now think about cogfuncmention for example is a cogfuncmention user first going to realize that an asteroid is going to hit earth just â cause they can imagine it before realizing that itâ s extremely improbable like 00000001 probably not information from our intuitive functions is firstly postprocessed by the judging function paired with it and then sent to the user so it doesnâ t make us go insane thinking weâ re going to die every 01 secondspersonality types with cogfuncmention as their first percieving function are xnxp typemention typemention typemention typemention while personalities types with cogfuncmention as their first percieving function are xnxj typemention typemention typemention typemention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 doesnt count roy has a wikipedia entry,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 hiring any android developers edit oh its a hybrid app not native ah cordova,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 nopeglitched to shitthey finally got bo1 and waw has been long gonerip the good cods,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 its funny how the functions we dont have can appear like super powers in a way im amazed at how friends who are strong in cogfuncmention can appear so unfazed by other peoples input and opinions or how cogfuncmention can just cut through the crap and get stuff done learning how to be methodical and consistent has been such a struggle yet some people take to it like a fish to water im sure there are things i can do well that might seem impressive to others but theres certainly a fascination when it comes to the otherness of people edit i used to play a game with myself when id recognize a quality i didnt posses that i wanted but could realistically never have id start thinking of all of my own abilities id trade for it and see how far id go what would i give up to sing in perfect pitch my ability to draw sure my ability to dance eh maybe my sense of humor nah,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 there are like 500 bitcoin poker sites out there,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 space itself isnt just space its time as well hence the term spacetime according to our physical laws as we understand them the two are inextricably linked and cannot exist without the other,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 bruh he almost out rebounded the warriors last night by himself while posting a 12 assist triple double,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 besides the whole issue being silly you could try the argument of why i need a tv or music on the background for me to get my hyper focus going i need a stupid tv or music im not paying attention to to act as a white noise that cancels out all other irregular noises car alarm people talking on the hall way etc for the same reasons why you need silence i dont mind studying in the same room where my so is gaming or doing the dishes because i dont notice him over my white noise if your boyfriend is the same you could tell him that you like studying in silence for the same reason why he likes studying with back ground noise,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 what do you mean by like gravity of course change is easier when its not a fundamental part of the system youre trying to change a great example of this is the japanese whaling compared to the rest of the world since it has more cultural significance than in the west where it was a capitalistprofit thing it has been much harder to stop them doing their research,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 look down from the bridge it is the song that played after rick and morty switched dimensions,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i dont have any recommendation but our corgis name is obi and that is what i call him sometimes,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 henrik stenson its your time to shine,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i dont know what you mean by thissometimes you connect with a specific song if thats what you mean right now this is it,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 yeah it is that last sentence when i dont say perhaps i am near 100pc at best i know that i can never have all the data though unless i heavily qualify every statement of fact is applicable only within a given equation add another variable and it is time to change the result if not the entire approach this i think has a lot to do with why i am extremely effective when i wanna be we are only as effective as the degree to which our minds simulate predict and control reality with gusto reality is a mess,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i would argue that typemention is way more likely than typemention even an typemention stuck in an cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention loop would not describe their subjective opinion on positivenegative characteristics in peopleorganizations the way you did,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 i cant tell with that information but i can tell you how i am very giving to others and get my energy from them i look into the future and try to plan out what possibilities i get i prefer hand made things than to buying things i wouldnt hesitate to buy friends food and stuff i work for all that i want and if im going to travel it would be with my hard earned money cant seem to relate much based on this info but i dont think shes an typemention,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 im sure most of us would rather not be lectured when celebrating achievements in an industry based around escapism and entertainment,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i couldnt believe the low ownership on peterson wish i had thrown him in more of my luslooks like youre in it to win it if everyone stays steady,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 kingdom heartsand this is coming from someone who hates disney,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i wasnt aware other nts said this of typemention hehe it is said of the two types because we are mirror images and both like to run shit also it is common in literature to pit typemention against typemention,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i have the sports uniform one here but no nudes sadly,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 dorothy just sat there and watched,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 just get res and filter those posts outseriously they are permabanned and that rightfully so but that doesnt mean i cant show appreciation for the undeniably good work steel doespull the stick out of your ass dude,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the science isnt there to do it yet but people shouldnt be able to have kids as they please there should be some sort of license required before being able to have anythe stressors involved in children with divorces in poverty or with abusive families leaves way too many children to grow up to be dysfunctional adults i think some people should just not have kids periodour society would be better off if having children was taken a hell of a lot more seriously,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 nevermind that i thought roundtime was 145 which would have been great but wtf did they think making it 155 i am all for 145 and 35s or 40s bomb timers but this is quite ridiculous,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 reference for those in need,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 the ratio is about concentration not amount,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 oh didnt register sorry didnt think you could hit consistent lt5ms on ac so i must have just ignored that ha,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 what do you mean by the point and fair the goal of medicine is to improve and preserve the lives of patients the access to medicine is a social issue which many doctors strive to address but its hardly a failure of western medicine as a practice or as a domain of knowledge,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 in that instance since you arent using what is known as row1column1 r1c1 formatting you would use range instead of cell worksheets1rangem amp getlastrow1valueits why i prefer sticking with r1c1 formatting as i can treat the entire spreadsheet as a numerical grid versus having to deal with letters i recommend learning about ranges and cell selections they are surprisingly versatile in what each can doedit updated the code provided,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 that was pretty bad but in the good cheesy kinda so bad its not so bad kinda wayexcept i really didnt like the deep announcer voice and music was too loud for the rest,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its the verge youre expecting journalism,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i think hes talking about the byzantine empire,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 years and years ago i make way better spaghetti now,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 and the pain of your injury though long since healed is felt again by hundreds through the power of your words via internet,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what is up with the glorification of mental disorders,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 do you eatdrink a lot of sugar,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 oh yeah and materials science and logistics etc we manage to do some pretty amazing shit when we work together,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im a very apologetic person irl now because years of saying mb everytime the fc even touched me i say em bee irl too,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yea i opened it at work and had to instaclose,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 lol do you have one of those girlfriend pillows you talk to please say yes then i wont feel so weird hello,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you where tryna act as if you where against circlejerking with this post but try to jump in on the circlejerking,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 thats a prison decontamination chamber if ive ever seen one you guys are crazy wanting your flesh to be subjected to that harsh spray tearing off your first layer of skin in the first minute,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 smith has been well and truly found out in this country,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 sorry i completely misread your post i feel a bit stupid now please disregard what i said,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i know i wasnt the only one,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 awww hell gettem outta heremake some goddamn cui bono laws,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 no because then my boss wont believe i wasnt specifically looking for dick gifs,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 how is a fictional characters mold different than the way they act if something is molded in a certain way that is expressed through how they act so im not sure what you are getting at,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i dont have commercial insurance the understanding is that if something happens on a delivery before i get out of the car i will text to get tagged in so im not on the road for a delivery im going to get cigarettes or whatever and hidecover the delivery bag i dont wear the hat and dont use a car topper so the other parties involved would never know i was hiding something as for the customer sorry youre going to have to accept a credit or remake later when we can find someone to come in and cover me,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 seems like something kaymer would do just out of nowhere,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i would have to listen to cohen again it was a reference to the srebrenica genocide right chomksy refuses to call it a genocide,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 for starters using motion sensing triggered lighting would cut down on the amount of lights that are on,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i know i love all the brutal self analysis xd,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 docs on the clippers now bro,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 homosexuality is presumably between two consenting adults therefore i dont care what they do nor am i concerned about them at allid have to see the data on homosexuality falling under the same plane and pedophilia to the best of my knowledge it does notunless of course youre talking about antiquated medical books listing them both as mental disorders in which case youre assertion is a little disingenuous,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 to me it feels like immense jealously towards you because of a perceived failure on his side to get that job followed by rationalization of behaviour he knows is stupid and irrational by suddenly being proamerican capatilism antisocialism and all the other out of the blue things hes saying about europethe netherlandsi think you need to sit down with him and simply say straight to his face you are behaving like crap and youre acting like a child we made this decision together and you need to get your act straight this is going to happen i am going there whether you like it or not with or without youi dont think with this behaviour that any subtle steering of his behaviour will have any effect,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i have tons of peoples phone numbers memorized who even does that anymore lol,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 most of the programs are not a little scriptingyou people think it is so easy yet you have no idea how much work it isand yes i dislike people who bash vac without knowing what stands behind it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 do you run the oibaf ppa the libre drivers really benefit from newer versions of mesa,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 its from the office hehe there is an autistic typemention character and a possible typementiontypemention guy who loves to fuck with him the latter at one point frustrates the former by spewing illogical shit at him good times are had,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 just in time for the new frigatesnice work,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 you couldnt have been more condescending take your butthurt irrational ass out of here seriously,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 if you have the money i recommend getting a nexus phone off contract at least here in the states you can buy the phone outright and sign up with any carrier if you do the math youll find that on a contract you actually pay off the phone over time you are also locked into one carrier so if they start any fuckery you cant leave on top of that the carriers control software updates so they force a lot of bullshit onto your phone and you cant get os updates as quickly as theyre available ive had a nexus 5 for over two years and its still a very fast phone because it isnt saddled by bloatware bullshit,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the worst thing about all this is i know how this guys videos go and his teaching method and its never that simple but i decided to bite without thinking too hard,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 hi your fourth clip breaks rule number 3 in the op,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 warowl has good quality but he lacks knowledge go to the channels of steel or adren,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 my goal is that one of the fan translators adds the g once just onceif that happens the wiki will add it to secondary spellings of his name so itll drip over to other media like tumblr etc and since the anime subs have actually spelled bertolts name in different ways in the past a man can hopealso remember that character poll a month or so ago in which reigner ended up one vote below leviwell its terribly unlikely but my ego likes to think that those results influenced isayama a bit i know that most of the story is prewritten but its also known that he gives himself also a bit of room to give some characters more intentionif he was indeed influenced by that poll which he most likely wasnt i actually had a hand in the flow of the storydamn today is good for my ego,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i dont know the russo brothers didnt have a much more impressive track record and they pumped out winter soldier generally ranked as one of the best marvel films and mostly pulled off civil war,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 thinner paint and more layers it takes more time but you can get more detail and any messups are easier to fix along the way,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 yes he learned to play the cello just for that role very much oldschoolcool material also,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yeah shipping is crazy it would be the same for me were even supposed to have free trade with the usa for things made there like buck knife would be but guess what they still charge us a crazy amount of duty tax too i bet after shipping and tax it would be about the same as your price especially if they happen to ship with ups ground they charge delivery fees to the receiver instead of the shipper for large businesses,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 those return the number of the last rowcolumn for a given worksheet and rowcolumn,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yes and no things furniture decor clothes keepsakes are all minimalist but my creative supplies arent i have a nicely supplied kitchen for creative cooking a nicely supplied workshop in the garage for building and fixing and a nicely supplied craft room in the basement for everything i dabble in most of the supplies i craft with are dumpster dive yard sale thrift shop or 75 off acquired im not one of those craft people who will spend 60 on a pattern and highend fabric to make a sundress when a fair equivalent could be had for 20 already done the savingsboth money and saving something from the landfill is more important than the art of it to me,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 the fitnessgram pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues the 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds line up at the start the running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboop a sing lap should be completed every time you hear this sound ding remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible the second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound your test is over the test will begin on the word start on your mark get readyâ start ding,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 was it aunt grizelda from the lorax,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i only know one maybe two typemention guys in real life i wouldnt call them feminine but they are probably the most generous and giving people i know theyre always looking out for the group giving small gifts based on peoples personal preferences very understanding try to keep harmony and are generally some of the most liked and popular people of our friend circle those are traits people can culturally associate with women but in a man theyre very welcome and refreshing does the word masculine pop to mind when i think of them no not really however thats probably because their personalities have so much more nuance and complexity that a word like manly fails to encompass it when i think of manly guys like the stereotypical action hero i honestly think most would be incredibly boring people to spend time with in that regard i think unmasculine typemention have an advantage theres no surprise or depth to traditionally masculine men theyre supposed to wear their best qualities on the outside and their inner life either doesnt exist or repressed into oblivion i think typemention men tend to have such a rich inner world that they are harder to define by traditional models therefore because they dont automatically read as traditionally masculine people then instantly go to calling them feminine which isnt a good fit either one of the male typemention i mentioned is a freaking giant super tall broad big guyno one would mistake him for a woman if you didnt know him hed be scary however masculine isnt the first word id use to describe him hes the cuddliest silliest most comfortable guy to be around hes undeniably a man but because of the strength of both his heart and mind he sort of eclipses that shallow cultural definition and is in his own class,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 well for one the people dont have a cia with a black budget all our studies have to be ethical we dont have an nsa eitherthat and our guns are being taken away,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 if i recall youre also like 14 right i know this is like the last thing a teenager wants to be told but youve got a lot of changing and developing ahead of you youll probably do this again at some point,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 this was put so well i read an article somewhere that people idealize and look at big picture stuff dreams goals and adventuressomeone who is fun and spontaneousall of which are great to have dont get me wrong but what they miss is finding someone who is just normal because it gets lost in the crazy spontaneous romancing stage what about assuming your goal is a spouse or life partner here someone you can do a budget withsomeone you can clean the house with the day to day the mundane stuff,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 helium cant melt brick walls,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 just select the ssd when it asks you to install the game if it isnt there say use a different location,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 well i can see the smokereproduction rate in this case is 010steps to reproduce buy smoke and throw it alt tab and it vanishes any map any place,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i think this demonstrates it she is also exactly the same as antypemention i know the humor the attitude its very cogfuncmentionlike much unlike the typemention,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i think its just an unavoidable side effect of the xp system,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 holy shit i didnt even realize this was a picture of a computer until i reread the title,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 ok thats what i thought lol thank you for your wisdom d,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 eh only western europe wouldnt try that shit anywhere east of germany,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 im with an typemention and all your threw bullet points are also important to me in a relationship and is also what i get out of my relationship one thing that i think could be a major issue in typemention x typemention relationship is the degree of being grounded in the relationship im all over the place im dreaming and planning to go to the moon so to say and even before reaching the moon im already planning my next trip to mars my typemention loves me ambition but lacks such ambition himself he tags along with my dreams and plans instead and makes sure that even while dreaming and planning i dont lose track of whats right on front of me with two typemention i think the biggest hurdle would be alignment of future plans and goals i can imagine both typemention would drift apart rather quickly because they are so obsessed about their future dreams and plans they actually forget to invest a lot into the relationship in the right here and now and for a relationship to work it does need a lot of constant investment and also sacrifice in the present thats not something that can be planned for,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 if only i could find someone to try the bottom part with,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 im not too sure how helpful my answer is going to be but a couple of months ago i was a little curious about how often drugs were used by the vikings and i received this answer from uweelittlepuppetman hopefully this helps somewhat,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 well it all depends what you think you see in the mirror and what is really there without a picture it is hard to say if it truly is your face or if it is a hyper critical brain between the ears,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 my wife but were definitely not friends loledit misread that my wifes an typemention,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 this happened to me too my mom told me she wanted me to be normal and grow up with kids my age i remember my 2nd grade teacher bringing college level books in for me to read in class because i was bored with the childrens literature we had available for reading time,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 id think the internal batteries would affect the weight balance more than anything,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 well also get to see bertolts find us speechplease dont fuck this up please dont fuck this up,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the part about understanding without saying much is usually down to shared value functions ime i get that with typemention that shared ti and fe,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its all relative youd rather hang out with secy clinton,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 i prefer infinity to nothing,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 im uncertain about a lot of things maybe most things i essentially believe that i know almost nothing in that the more i reflect on anything the less certain i am that i know anything about it but thats a really impractical mode of being so im pretty accustomed to acting on my initial understanding of things without necessarily agonizing over what the real truth might be im usually not surprised at all that i didnt understand a thing and am usually somewhat surprised i didnt notice my error beforehand i ultimately think that everything is a matter of perspective and the idea of objective truth is usually an illusion one that i buy into sometimes but an illusion nonetheless no matter how true something seems on some level theres usually a competing perspective containing a contradictory truth its basically impossible to really know anythingedit just to pontificate some more lol i also find that if you zoom out or even zoom in far enough everything we think is real just falls apart zoom out far enough you realize that we fundamentally dont understand the universe like quantum physics is fucked up it makes no sense to our intuition and it doesnt mesh with a lot of the science that came before it but it appears to be fundamental to the universe that signals to me that any number of fundamental truths may exist beyond our current ability to understand them and maybe just beyond our ability to understand period unknowable is a real thing people should get comfortable with itedit 2 the above is why everything seems surreal to me not to be taken too seriously thats why i am more or less comfortable with acting on instinct even though i pretty much literally never feel certain of anything but other times i worry and think it kind of depends on what my instincts do with the information if that makes any sense having read all that if you did lol i would be interested in your opinion of my mbti and enneagram type if you have one,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 hah only 125 times good ive caught up youre on 137 now,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 every day millions of humans drive in rain snow or fog without killing anyone,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 good article for those that love stats this guy is pretty goodalso 35 chance for the title underlying stats are looking very good,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 there are no good balisong under 50,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 hmm thats also possiblei took it more like he was suspecting her of something,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im not sure how worried i am but can you say if your juice has acetyl propionyl amp diacetyl or notthis is a big thing for my parents and it is a concern especially the diacetyl popcorn lung and all thatthe two new flavours sound like something im intoalso now would be an appropriate time to link,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the article advocates a nondiscriminatory position and argues for implementation in the case of women there is no suggestion that implementation should not occur in the case of men aand were back to several posts ago but framed in a different context congratsi dont though its worth noting that the majority of female diversion programs are just part of previous unisex diversion programs divided to better deal with sex specific issues,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 and then what sure it is a scummy mobe but no bannable offense,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i noticed on a recent reread that hes the only shifter who actively distance himself from every murder he committed in one way or anotherwith mike he looked away and let his minions do itwith castle utgard he threw one rock and made sure he wasnt there to witness the rest as his minions did itin shinganshina he actively gamified throwing rocks so he didnt have to face his actionsin the battle with the middle east union he states that war is always bad which since its a surprisingly extremely easy to debunk statement from someone as intelligent as him either implies hes slowly going insane or him being extremely pacifistichim being pacifistic is indeed far fetched but its the only way all his actions make sense to me,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 cool thanks for the eli5 response,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 strangely enough i agree with most of ops points at the ripe old age of 42 most rules governing humanity are a construct nature only gives us a guarantee of death the rest is negotiated most of society is built on the contract of i wont try to kill you if you wont try to kill me it is what makes diversification and property possible otherwise it would be might makes right,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 thank you for seeking the middle ground ive been getting very worked up the past hour my apologies if i have insulted you somewhere,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 disembodied voice haha samebut thats what happens when we use a thread like a chatbox sorry op,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 id write the detected dates into an alternate cell in the same row to allow you to keep the original comment and be able to sort rows by date,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 types with the same dominant function are most similar to each other typemention and typemention typemention and typemention typemention and intpsso if typemention is most similar to you that would suggest rtypemention,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i completely agree with youjki have done this and it seems to work in the short term itll stop his current criticism but he will continue when he finds something else this has been going on for almost 2 years now,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 how does one confuse an typementiontypemention they use totally different functions i think the general rule is if you think someone might be a sensor that person is a sensor,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i want to be a big fan of the world but i dont want to be a big fan of the game uhhh well then,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 are are you the chosen one,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i liked randoming but i would always get ghandi now i mostly play as saladman or cyrus,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 media is also telling men that you are worthless if you dont have a body fit for a god and i dont see all the men on this sub hitting the gyms daily either i dont think you realize how few women actually like let alone actively consume that kind of media and even if they do following the advice from such sources is a whole other step to take,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 he is so lucky that g2 didnt kick him,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 and if you think trump isnt going to do the same exact things then yeah youre delusionalno obama wasnt perfect a ton of people on the left have criticized him fairly harshly if you didnt see that you were staying in your little conservative bubble and most of the things you just mentioned arent liberal vs conservative theyre complex things that i cant even begin to fathom on how difficult it must be to make those decisions theyve got a shitload more intel than we do obama was no different than any other president in that regard not by much anyway if you expect trump isnt going to do the same kind of shit i dont know what to tell you thats not bias thats a politicians fucking job and its not as easy as it sounds trump is going to learn that very very quicklyi dont agree with a lot of what the nsa does and im not happy about the debt either one thing i hope trump does accomplish is bringing that back downthe president doesnt have nearly as much power as people tend to think obama has congress working against him trump on the other hand is going to get a lot of what he wantstrump is not the devil or evil incarnate as i previously stated he was the republican i agreed with most policywise yes there are things he plans to do that i agree with its not as black and white as you make it out to be but i do not think he is qualified and i think he is a despicable human being who does not know how to act in public and is powerhungryall of which are awful qualities in a president he also lacks most of the most important qualities id much rather have a republican president that i disagree with more but can actually respect and wont embarrass our nationand way to not actually address any of my points and accusing me of being on a soapbox then just continuing on your own soapbox,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 some stranger might hurt you though talisa contested unfazed by cassanas argument that was the first issue that sprung to mind for the ganton woman stemming from her own anxieties about the dangers of strangers but it was not her only qualm what if one of you tripped and got hurt she continued easily imagining all the terrible possibilitiesdo you understand cass talisa asked hopefully,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 amazing you should try it it might make you more interesting anythings better than the slackjawed bum trip youre on nowand what do you mean everywhere i go how would you know wikileaks wouldnt dare publicise bilderberg docs,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yes give all the shitty supremes their rank back cuz nothing beats ez upranks even if they are not deserved and you are basically still a nova righttry to improve for once instead of being fixated on a fucking image shove your personally i think this should be reverted to which ever place you like but stop complainingit is like the rifle nerf the unskilled are the first ones to cry,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 let me guess with that tree that took petrathat birch just couldnt handle competition,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 tv shows especially anything related to the medical field usually gets a ton wrong they use whatever terminology sounds like it might be right,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 no idea who gifted it i was surprised too,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 its irrational because the risk is extremely small compared to my anxiety about it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 he seems like more of antypemention to me too much cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention not enough cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 redlilith you are already rushing into trying to find a solution to be honest based on what you wrote you have been barely made aware that there is a problemyour partner has a perception that you do not desire him you felt this isnt accurate at all you both are not on the same page anymore dont go actively do things to improve this before knowing what the problem really is and what is causing itsit down and openly speak about what is going on with your sexlife lay all cards on the table find out what you both have on your minds he hasnt told you what he wants and needs you havent told him what you want and need you certainly havent established what you both can be for for each other within the confines of who you are find out where your middle ground isin my experience daring to be vulnerable and talking about your desires and wants is a very constructive way to get closer to each other it can be scary but if you can both approach it in an open and nonadversarial way the pay off far outweighs any perceived risk,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 no however when i get into a state of euphoria as a result of my accomplishments i have been known to compare myself to god so when i make those types of comments yeah i feel a little narcissistic,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 thats not trading thats taking advantage of a silly game mechanicbut yeah it is a much better simple brainless way to earn just another poor game design choice,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you dont sound like an typemention for the record and you should just get over this i doubt you hurt her as badly as you think you probably just shot yourself in the foot as far as keeping her as a friend,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 it seems extreme to me to drop the whole relationship because he got cranky in the middle of the night after he had a bad day it seems like he isnt always like this,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 sounds cool i can only go from 25 any idea whatll be going on during those hours and what i missed between 92,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if thats the case id use a hash of the current date you can even pick and choose how much of the hash you use as the password using all of the characters keeps collisions to a minimum heres a class that i use to generate hashes option explicit private const mssource as string clshash private const hphashval 2 private const hphashsize 4 private const algclasshash 32768 private const provrsafull 1 private const provrsaaes as long 24 private const cryptnewkeyset amph8 private const algtypeany 0 private const algsidmd2 1 private const algsidmd4 2 private const algsidmd5 3 private const algsidsha1 4 private const algsidsha256 as long 12 private const algsidsha384 as long 13 private const algsidsha512 as long 14 private const ntebadkeyset amph80090016 public enum hashalgorithm md2 algclasshash or algtypeany or algsidmd2 md4 algclasshash or algtypeany or algsidmd4 md5 algclasshash or algtypeany or algsidmd5 sha1 algclasshash or algtypeany or algsidsha1 sha256 algclasshash or algtypeany or algsidsha256 sha384 algclasshash or algtypeany or algsidsha384 sha512 algclasshash or algtypeany or algsidsha512 end enum if win64 and vba7 then private declare ptrsafe function cryptacquirecontext lib advapi32dll alias cryptacquirecontexta byref phprov as longptr byval pszcontainer as string byval pszprovider as string byval dwprovtype as long byval dwflags as long as long private declare ptrsafe function cryptcreatehash lib advapi32dll byval hprov as longptr byval algid as long byval hkey as longptr byval dwflags as long byref phhash as longptr as long private declare ptrsafe function crypthashdata lib advapi32dll byval hhash as longptr pbdata as any byval dwdatalen as long byval dwflags as long as long private declare ptrsafe function cryptgethashparam lib advapi32dll byval hhash as longptr byval dwparam as long pbdata as any pdwdatalen as long byval dwflags as long as long private declare ptrsafe function cryptdestroyhash lib advapi32dll byval hhash as longptr as long private declare ptrsafe function cryptreleasecontext lib advapi32dll byval hprov as longptr byval dwflags as long as long else private declare function cryptacquirecontext lib advapi32dll alias cryptacquirecontexta byref phprov as long byval pszcontainer as string byval pszprovider as string byval dwprovtype as long byval dwflags as long as long private declare function cryptcreatehash lib advapi32dll byval hprov as long byval algid as long byval hkey as long byval dwflags as long byref phhash as long as long private declare function crypthashdata lib advapi32dll byval hhash as long pbdata as any byval dwdatalen as long byval dwflags as long as long private declare function cryptgethashparam lib advapi32dll byval hhash as long byval dwparam as long pbdata as any pdwdatalen as long byval dwflags as long as long private declare function cryptdestroyhash lib advapi32dll byval hhash as long as long private declare function cryptreleasecontext lib advapi32dll byval hprov as long byval dwflags as long as long end if private msfilepath as string private mealgorithm as hashalgorithm class events private sub classinitialize mealgorithm md5 end sub public properties public property get algorithm as hashalgorithm algorithm mealgorithm end property public property let algorithmbyval newvalue as hashalgorithm mealgorithm newvalue end property public property get filepath as string filepath msfilepath end property public property let filepathbyval newvalue as string if lennewvalue 0 then errraise vbobjecterror 1 mssource invalid file if not fileexistsnewvalue then errraise vbobjecterror 2 mssource file not found msfilepath newvalue end property public property get hashfile as string hashfile hashfileexmefilepath mealgorithm end property public property get hashfileexbyval filepath as string optional byval algorithm as hashalgorithm md5 as string dim b as byte if lenfilepath 0 then errraise vbobjecterror 1 mssource invalid file if not fileexistsfilepath then errraise vbobjecterror 2 mssource file not found b readbinaryfilefilepath hashfileex createhashb algorithm end property public property get hashstringbyval data as string as string dim b as byte if lendata 0 then errraise vbobjecterror 1 mssource invalid data b strconvdata vbfromunicode hashstring createhashb mealgorithm end property public property get hashstringexbyval data as string optional byval algorithm as hashalgorithm md5 as string dim b as byte if lendata 0 then errraise vbobjecterror 1 mssource invalid data b strconvdata vbfromunicode hashstringex createhashb algorithm end property public property get hashstringmd2byval data as string as string hashstringmd2 hashstringexdata md2 end property public property get hashstringmd4byval data as string as string hashstringmd4 hashstringexdata md4 end property public property get hashstringmd5byval data as string as string hashstringmd5 hashstringexdata md5 end property public property get hashstringsha1byval data as string as string hashstringsha1 hashstringexdata sha1 end property public property get hashstringsha256byval data as string as string hashstringsha256 hashstringexdata sha256 end property public property get hashstringsha384byval data as string as string hashstringsha384 hashstringexdata sha384 end property public property get hashstringsha512byval data as string as string hashstringsha512 hashstringexdata sha512 end property private properties private property get createhashbyref bdata as byte byval algorithm as hashalgorithm as string if vba7 and win64 then dim hctx as longptr dim hhash as longptr else dim hctx as long dim hhash as long end if dim lres as long dim idx as long dim hash as byte dim dwprovtype as long dim dwdatalen as long dim pdwdatalen as long if algorithm gt sha256 then dwprovtype provrsaaes else dwprovtype provrsafull end if lres cryptacquirecontexthctx vbnullstring vbnullstring dwprovtype 0 if lres 0 and errlastdllerror ntebadkeyset then lres cryptacquirecontexthctx vbnullstring vbnullstring dwprovtype cryptnewkeyset end if if not lres 0 then lres cryptcreatehashhctx algorithm 0 0 hhash if not lres 0 then dwdatalen uboundbdata lboundbdata 1 lres crypthashdatahhash bdatalboundbdata dwdatalen 0amp if not lres 0 then lres cryptgethashparamhhash hphashsize pdwdatalen 4 0 if not lres 0 then redim hash0 to pdwdatalen 1 lres cryptgethashparamhhash hphashval hash0 pdwdatalen 0 if not lres 0 then for idx 0 to uboundhash createhash createhash amp right0 amp hexhashidx 2 next end if cryptgethashparam end if cryptgethashparam end if crypthashdata cryptdestroyhash hhash end if cryptcreatehash cryptreleasecontext hctx 0 end if cryptacquirecontext if lres 0 then errraise errlastdllerror end property private methods private function fileexistsbyval path as string as boolean on error goto exithere fileexists getattrpath and vbdirectory vbdirectory 0 exithere end function private function readbinaryfilebyval path as string as byte dim iff as integer iff freefile open path for binary as iff redim readbinaryfile0 to lofiff 1 get iff readbinaryfile close iff end functionusing it is relatively simple you declare a new hash object then set what type of hash you want to generate and feed it the data you want to generate a hash of like so option explicit public sub example dim hasher as new classhash debugprint hasherhashstringmd520171030 debugprint hasherhashstringsha120171030 debugprint hasherhashstringsha51220171030 end subwhat id be doing is setting a default password that users dont know or have access to on the document if the user enters a hash or whatever part of it you have defined as the password your code will then verify that the password matches the hash of the given date if they match it unlocks the document for them this doesnt truly improve security as you still have the default password that you initially set it just adds an extra layer of obfuscation to how your document protects itself from those who arent able to really poke around to see how your code works of course you could also password protect your vba project so end users cant edit it to see how it works,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 even venasaur got a game zygarde must be trash tier legendary,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 youre just not thinking exponentially more seriously why do you think its unlikely,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 can you port your saves from pc to ps4,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 the role function your 8th function sometimes also called the devilish or the demonicdaemonic this one is the opposite of your first one its the same type of function so theyre similar in some ways but at the same time you cant use both of them,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 paradis tease and marcels death for exampleas funny as the marcel death meme is there is no reason for isayama to put it in this chapter as well,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 werent there only like 3 gay users,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 its actually about what you would expect statistically because only 1 of people actually vote,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 special ed depends on the school for size of caseload difficulty of student need etc it is hard to say one way or another if it is very difficult overall it depends on a teachers behavior management skill support from admin resources available and dozens of other factorslots of meetings and paperwork yes but it depends how strong the teacher is at writing the paperwork and their knowledge of goal writing assessment and legalities of their state if you have all these things down it makes it a lot easier to turn out a terrific iep a solid iep writer should be able to turn out a good iep with a few hours of work if they need to,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 thank you ill add it to the list,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 he condemned the violence mostly blaming trump for it but not the protest themselves,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 the typemention one sounds like all of typology and i dont think were all that far from the typemention one either we might be there already,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 installed a chrome extension on every computer that turned any picture on the browser into a picture of nicholas cage,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i see what youre saying but the situation of your peers shouldnt influence your financial decisions you should work out what is the best possible choice you have going forward considering the worstcase scenarios carefully,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 thank you for linking that just this morning i was marveling at how soft my tummy has been feeling lately i thought maybe i just never noticed it before but there we have it,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i didnt expect any what happened to happen so when it did happen i would head cannon every single time,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 you cant always control what happens in life but you can control how you react to it,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 someone should raid her inbox with dick pics as a prank not me since i have dignity,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 hmm i guess i would have to learn the planetary symbolism to understand this better why are drugs like marijuana repeated many times,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 not quite sjw implies an irrationally leftwing person who pursues fairness and equality above all else so basically similar to a right wing zealot who only proposes a completely deregulated economy at a human cost little fairness or equality but on the left side of the equation its typically referred to people on tumblr who advocate for something like the fat acceptance movement where tumblr sjw try justify that obesity should be perfectly acceptable that its possible to be fat and fit its society that needs to change because society pressures people to be skinny by imposing unrealistic bodily expectations even though obesity is unequivocally bad for your health in the long run and humans are biologically programmed to be attracted to healthy looking bodies the sjw label could even be applied to the green party as they want to ban all animal testing because they dislike the thought of pain being inflicted upon animals for moral purposes although it is massively important to medical research and the university sector two important multibillionpound industries that provide high paying high skilled jobs brings in a huge amount of fdi and long term returns in patent licensingroyalties and help save human lives in the long run,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 oo oh boy in order for this logic to function properly youd also need to add more zero padding to pages 199 but thats a lot of zeroes strange that it doesnt work properly,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 it is about people who are still silver not noobs in le,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 heres a workbook i use if i need to combine multiple workbooks together into a single worksheet,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 honestly i still enjoyed season 8 it started very slowly and after the first two or three episodes it took me a while to watch the rest but it got decent in the middle deb starts reacting to dexter in a much more realistic way imo its definitely the worst session but if youve enjoyed the rest you should still enjoy the lastbut the ending honestly did ruin it a bit makes it difficult for me to think about potentially rewatching it but im glad i did watch it even if i never do get around to watching again the ending is very anticlimactic and unsatisfying not even in a this is ridiculous is this seriously how theyre going to end it type of bad that you can laugh at its ridiculousnessits bad in a wait that was it its over kind of way that leaves you feeling like you need more closure it didnt feel like a finale maybe a midseason finale at best,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 youre going about it the complete wrong way smarts isnt about natural talent it is something you develop there are people who practice cognitive skills for iq tests so they can score stupidly high on it to satisfy their ego its completely meaningless its not genetics that you have tripped over its probably more related to environmental factors for example1 your babysitter was a tv screen2 no books in the house no encouragement to read3 family is low education low income4 no guidance other than school5 poor schooling qualitythese things can have a huge impact but even then it can be overcome with effort id say one of the most important things you can get is guidance and you can find some of that in books you have an internet connection that is a huge benefit there is so much shit you can learn from the net if you were from a country without it you would be restricted severely the only thing you could learn would be whatever the people nearest to you know the net is like magic there are many skills my father has spent his entire life collecting that i can pick up in a couple of hours reading a single book this is what raises our generations iq as a whole 100 iq is the average for the population and that has been steadily increasing over time because we have gotten better at education and learning efficientlyput in the effort and i guarantee you will get as much out as what you put in,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 and also in the professor read the letters she wrote to the dude and it all falls into place,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 the queen would need to order me to do so,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 how would you respond to a joey from friendsesque answer to why like thats where i keep my towel,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 id say we will due to how versatile they are,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 it is very much a minority however they are an extremely vocal minority and people are abviously outraged by how extreme they are spreading the even more until the term social justice warrior has lost all positive connotationpeople see nothing wrong at all with actual social justice warriors who advocate for equality but they just dont associate them with the term social justice warrior anymore,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 my cogfuncmention isnt related much to what i would consider memory i mean yes im remembering things but it comes to me as packets of information for my brain to chew on not connected to a specific memory my senses take in a bunch of information and my brain processes it one piece at a time and fits each piece individually into a larger whole cogfuncmention seems like a series of snapshots cogfuncmention is a constantly morphing image i dont really have access to old versions of myself if that makes sense,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 thats just lighting if he was really black he wouldve been colored in like no racism intended the beast titan,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 nice popular opinion that me and the rest of reddit agree with,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 my username isnt spelled the way you think it is,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 oh well there ya go you just ruined it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 if you use the following line dim directions as string directions splitnorthsoutheastwestthen you can use directions as the parameter for criteria1 activesheetrangea1ac27231autofilter field28 criteria1directions operatorxlfiltervalues,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 sometimes i wonder why voting districts arent divided according to zip codes,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 he just reached out on the basis that you had a shared past experience sometimes it is nice to catch up with people even if contact back then wasnt all that great you both are still here and you are at least solvent enough to be at wallmart connecting gets harder with age and having shared experiences are an in take it as a compliment you are interesting enough to talk to,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 the reason for their death and the thematic implications have to be linked however otherwise you can apply any interpretation you choose to the death the single biggest choice that ned makes that leads to his death is that he tells cersei that he knows about her children being illegitimate and then requests help from petyr baelish while dismissing renly baratheon these choices are honorable and lead directly to his dishonorable deathsaying that catelyn dies because of her inability to accept jon is like saying that ned dies because of his refusal to tell jon the truth about himself in a thematic frame where you can interpret catelyns death as being punishment for her coldness towards jon you can just as easily say that neds death is punishment for keeping jon in the dark you can say that viserions death is punishment for roasting that dude in meereen that one time you can say that tywins death is punishment for the red wedding and that drogos is for viseryss deathwhat people are doing when they say cats death is punishment for jon is they are applying different rules to her than they are to the other characters and thats just hypocritical,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 ahaha no my boss is an typemention his boss is an typemention maybe they tolerate me but im not sure they like me they just need me haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 haha yeah i sent it to her i was quite pleased with myself i think the problem is that both types have these huge sprawling balls of spaghetti they want to convey and the typemention can see it in hisher head and is like ok so a noodle is comprised of blah blah and meatballs are like blah blah 20 minutes later typemention says oh right spaghetti i love spaghetti its amazing that weeds and fruit from different peoples go together so well typemention yeah oregano and wine are pretty awesome with it for sure and the transcontinental exchange 20 minutes later typemention yeah thats what i was saying typemention i know i was just unpacking the file haha lt3,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i know how to get information,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 i have a question if you dont believe in those things are you also saying they dont exist what does not believing in those things mean i mean i dislike all those things too but i believe in them because they happen to me not believing in something is denying its existence like i dont believe in god or the tooth fairy i dont like war or pain but i definitely believe in it,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 sure dragging into water is probably a concern im no super expert but the snake just wouldnt have the masscontrol to do that i dont think and probably usual mo is to wrap around the whole target for them dragging into water might be a bonus but i dont think it would be the priorityi also dont think theres a huge risk for an aware adult in this particular situation with a buddy it isnt like the pythons gonna just wrap around an arm once and yank him in and thats that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 huh that hasnt been my experience bombies nana cream is actually not bad,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 amazingly though i got flamed by mad germans for being a cheater every damn time below supreme for things that are pretty normalmost are just shit and cant accept that they are shit because they are lem and are better than 95 of cs players lel,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 jesus fuck those people having a business and religious beliefs are not one in the same at no point is a it legal for a business to deny service to someone based on their religious beliefs,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i would love to date an typemention where are yall,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 yep in texas the initials of the disabled person are on the placard get caught using it without out them and youre in some trouble,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 ok look at it this way if it had been legal to included zfs into linux the cddl codebase dont you think this would have been done the moment the zfs code was released as foss,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 right if we could just pretend that squidward was a fireman or some guy in an ambulance then i know we can do what it takes to be in a marching band,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 i have a shiny lv100 cloned registeel if interested,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 that was the first episode that came to mind when you said assgrabber in reference to the simpsons i thought i might as well ask,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 god the forcejesus obiwansatan darth sidiousangelsjedidemonssith,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 if america split between red and blue businesses would probably flock to the side that doesnt want insanely high business taxes,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 good thinking she replied the smile on her lips giving way as they rose to meet his,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 most people on this sub wouldnt like it but still the bbc has an amazing series called call the midwife its about a group of midwifes in the 50s in a rather poor area of london it deals with a lot of really important issues most importantly to me how the lack of hormonal reliable birth control in that time affected societal norms for women and the societal view on family and childrenit also deals with topics like legalization of abortion societal becoming less religious the development of how people would go to hospitals to give birth and get other medical treatments instead of giving birth at home lots of thingsthe thing is im a 90s kid this was the time when my grandparents were adults this was their reality and my parents baby boom were the first to deal with all these societal changes but were raised by the generation for whom those changes felt so foreign that bbc series was honestly eye opening for me the world changes beyond recognition in the past 100 years or so thats only about 1 lifetime we are still as a society very much searching of what these developments mean for us and how all our values and ideals need to be revaluated i believe this change of how society views raising children is part of that,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 create a new profile screenshot conversations between you and the dude blur out your personal info send them to her as well as pictures you have of you and him,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 eh both my parents have had cancercancer is general enough where its not offensive,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 still waiting on this proof you promised,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 but you can swap ozil out if he gets injured so points per game is better to use,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i had a friend who i blew his mind with this when he was 30something,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 ah yes i didnt meant to say that fear is not at all a cause of inaction i saw the sources regarding fear on the page and some of them suggest its very important some suggest it isnt important and theyre mostly related to anecdotes or weak research,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 the material components for shillelagh are mistletoe a shamrock leaf and a club so if youve got a club already in your hand maybe with the other plant bits attached to it that covers the m you can use the same hand for m as you do for s so youre actually coveredif you have a druid level then you can use a quarterstaff as a focus making it even easier,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 yesss this is so pretty and magical i wish more people loved glittery looks and appreciated people who rock them,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 also just wondering the way the companion card works is if you collect 110k points within a year am i suppose to save those points or can i use them within that year,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 no smurfs are easy to beatid rather play against smurfs all day then cheatersnot to mention that mgdmg us a joke now people go around and call everyone a cheater,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 pretty sure jews were precluded from being aristocrats the stereotype of jews as bankers stems from jews being forbidden from owning land in europe and thus entrepreneuring jews pursued more liquid forms of wealth as moneylenersâ the aristocracy being of course the class of people who owned land,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 ive been going to this for a few weeks and its a blast ive only met one other typemention at it but there are also usually a few typemention and even an typemention i spent all night arguing with in an unpleasant way i know i know you are sorry you didnt get to see angry witty maybe next time that insufferable arrogant deadeyed prick shows up so far 3 new loving brilliant typemention friends,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 hits girl backoh youre such a fucking jerk you are not allowed to him womendoes not hit backoh hahahahaha youre such a fucking loser you got beaten by a girldouble standards,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 lol people that buy things from sales people are hardly suckers sure sometimes they are but your blanket statements are just plain factually incorrect i gave people that said theyd buy online cable tv better rates than they could get by bypassing sales people online,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 embarassment hasnt ever stopped me haha laziness though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 once i saw a bunch of people cussing out 2 abortion supporters,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 on 3 oh hes probably got credit cards ill leave the reason he didnt give you one as a thought exercise for the rest of the day,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 nah not juicing i just happen to fulfill the asian stereotype and am lucky with calves when i get a good pump going in them i can sort of see the hints of veins going on but otherwise nothing out of the ordinary aside from having respectable looking calves which is why im excited for the cut when its finally time to do so still in the middle of bulking im currently 325lbsx10178lbs 147kgx1080kg but i tend to do pyramids with the majority of the larger lifts calves included yesterday was leg day for me so i started out at 250lbsx10 113kgx10 moving up each set to the weight listed above i usually do 8 sets of however much weight im using,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 this post is so sweet d,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 one typemention sized anything theyre not known for their brawn,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 a coworker of mine had a rattly fan on her desk drove me nuts i surgically snipped a wire on the fan to make it look like it just died,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 while you are technically correct you are absolutely nitpicking,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 arcane savant is a nice class ability to take 10 on any umd check is invaluable if you build it right with a high enough umd you can cast any spell in the game as long as it is in a scroll combined with scroll master you get to use your own caster level as the scrolls caster level the free silence on magic items helps a lot and the free 3day silence on 6th level or lower spells is really neat too,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 its weird not knowing who well play at the weekend if its watford we will probably be able to rest a few players against them but not if its west brom well be playing our best team against barca so maybe itll be better to play a stronger squad today and rest players against watford so theyll have more rest before barca than to rotate today and risk having to play west brom at the weekend where well have to play a full team,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 2nd best last i checked and yeah thats why its been a weird year they hadnt sniffed 500 much less playoffs in 20 years until last season,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i dont want to live in a future without consumption,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the attack titan could originally have been one of those 7havent ever read that theory before though could you link it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 so the bsa jamboree website states the following in their guidelines for the presidential speechphrases heard during the campaign eg â œbuild the wallâ â œlock her upâ are considered divisive by many members of our audience and may cause unnecessary friction between individuals and units please help us ensure that all scouts can enjoy this historical address by making sure that your troop members are respectfulthey knew it could be politically charged and divisive by their own words why would they invite someone that is such a poor role model for kids someone who is guaranteed to cause controversy they were begging for trouble here and fully aware so i have zero sympathy i have no doubt there was a bunch of ass kissing gladhanding good ol boys bullshit that brought this on with little to no consideration of what trump speaking to children actually entails i used to be involved with the scouts through volunteering after some time their religious undertones got to me and i couldnt handle their lgbt issues as i knew gay scouts personally i couldnt do it anymore the only way the ba listens is with their wallets im going to act accordingly,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 adam smith wrote that the state has three primary duties to encourage the freedom of individuals to protect the people from threat of invasion to protect the individuals from other individualsyou can stretch these duties out to absurdity think if i have the flu and make you sick is it right for the government to ensure your protection from me how do you justify imprisonment but fundamentally the state should be subordinate to the individual,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 not really those communities are full of teenagers and kids however id like to disagree with the sentencei cant say something about lol as i dont play mobas however i cant agree on cs i met enough nice people the majority tbh there that dont act that way either when playing with russians or girls might be because i dont play mmalso how is calling out feminists for what they are sexist,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i am trying to bootstrap a larger dataset from a smaller onefirst i use the smaller dataset to train a model then using much more unlabeled data i use the model to generate a new datasetusing the larger dataset i train again perhaps with a different algorithm is it possible to improve error rate this way by adding much more data classified with a notsoperfect model does that make the model better,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 most of the programs are not a little scriptingyou people think it is so easy yet you have no idea how much work it isand yes i dislike people who bash vac without knowing what stands behind it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 whats kocuralso very good nice to buy it and do it yourself that way,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 he called me pathetic for practicing maylay i vote yes,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 their called tourists we get a rather large amount of them were i live in upstate ny as its a stunningly beautiful part of the world with a number of natural gorges beautiful lakes and large water falls its also wine country that produces some of the top awarded white wines in the world and we have a rather famous race track as well so even though its a rural area in certain months you avoid the larger towns like the plague because of it,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 yeah arizona isnt somewhere people visit for edification haha there are some cool art museums though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 oh my god my boyfriend would dump me if i was insane enough to deface his soccerfootball stuff what a bitch legit jerseys arent cheap either,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 he pops in under new usernames on occasion it usually takes about a day or two before he starts foaming at the mouth,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 as marq stared wistfully off into some long past memory kiernan wondered if he was thinking about the woman hed loved before her they had spoken of her briefly once before after which she had decided it wasnt worth speaking about again following a fleeting pang of jealousy she arrived at the same resolution consigning his past loves to the same grave hers were buried inthe first words out of his mouth only confirmed this conclusion and so the thoughts were forgotten as he spoke leaving behind only a sense of understanding finally she nodded in response to his last happy thought,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 talisa nodded in understanding her eyes continuing to flit downwards as she minded her steps meanwhile kiernan smiled taking a seat and a moment to appreciate marq just being a good father,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 well played anyone who thinks the actress is fat clearly has other peoples body dysmorphic disorder,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 like i said i didnt knew he was hopping at a constant 290 also my statement has unlucky wording i guess i rather meant the cvars to gain speed at least i found it obvious that he altered some rates when he gaines speed so fast after his first jump,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i feel like thats my life,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 im glad you noticed that the intuitiveanalytic grouping test didnt have any right answers funnily enough that one tends to give me a holistic thinking style pat the same time the crt is a pretty good one because the vast majority of people miss at least 1 question and 33 will miss all of them its brilliant because each question has an intuitive answer 100 minutes 24 days and 010 what its measuring is the persons ability to suppress that intuitive answer and think a little more carefully about the problem presented the best part is that its presented as an untimed test people have as long as they want and most will not question the gut reaction answer even at mit less than half the students get the right answer and other universities fair far worse point isnt that intuitive thinking is bad because it gives the incorrect answers intuitive thinking is good for really fast kinds of decision making analytical thinking is what you need to use if you must have the right accurate and precise answer but many many things in life dont need that high quality of an answer if youd said the ball costs 010 well thats close enough for most applications you got an order of magnitude estimate if it makes it seem like im being less onesided ive added an intuition test to my post where analytical thinking wont work so well lol,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 they will find a waybe it a road or paths,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i would assume heshe was worth interviewing but hopefully we would have someone on staff with experience with those specific technologies or their corollaries yeah i am not suggesting that anyone try to work a job they hate i just dont think its black and white lovehate earn wellscrape by,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 youre new here arent you,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 short version i might be typemention because im overly emotional in every aspect but i dont have any values and i never measure worth and importance i might be typemention because of lack openness to experience and arrogance but i dont think im a j type in any way i am very sure i am an xxxp type,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 when i first fell in love with yoona good times,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 its more when youre browsing images on google just for fun and you cant see about 20 of them seriously im not trying to steal the picturejust look at it doing this is just clickbait that almost guarantees i wont visit your site,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 maybe i am a hermit though im on the up and up with most newsinternet things no idea what this is just looks like a kid on his knees to me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you seem like someone who approaches things very directly and rational and doesnt play passive aggressive games you already informed your so about your letteri would simply tell your so i have very good reason to believe you are cheating but if you say you are not i want to believe you because i love you and want to spend my life with you and if youre saying youre not cheating i need you to right here right now open up your phone email accounts bank and credit card statements facebook and other social media accounts so i can look through them you can stand next to me to watch me go through everything but for the sake of our relationship i need you to do this for memake a list of all accounts you want to have a look at beforehand also ask to go through his wallet so you can check for any credit cards you didnt know of and maybe youll find some cash receipts if he makes excuses you know hes a piece of shit because if hes clean after 5 years together surely he shouldnt have anything to hide you didnt already know if the roles were reversed and you were wrongly accused of cheating youd probably be willing to show everything to him no so if he doesnt want to yup hes cheatingdont tell him about the hotel etc with some luck youll find a cc statement for that hotel,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 dude really if you break your ish up into paragraphs you will get so many more responses im sure some even think if you wont bother to format this shit im not going to bother to read it like lt this guy,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thats pretty cool my family are all nfs one of each type so its definitely possible do you see a big difference between the typemention in your family or are you all rather similar its interesting to see how similarly my family behaves but how different our motivations and thought processes are from each other i do wish i had my moms tertcogfuncmention its sort of like looking at an alternateuniverse version of myself that is somehow so much more motivated to accomplish things,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 then hop in css and you get tripple the fps hpe slaughtered the source engine,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 vocals could use some work but its pretty decent,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 this one really confuses me inlore the glass used for windshields is part of the strongest part of the hull so if the glass has cracked shouldnt the structural integrity of the hull be fubar as wellpaging unehkara,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 bring up your kindle account info on a computer and print that page,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i dont get wet until sex is already happening for a little bit totally normal whether im on hormones or not my bf makes it wet either with spitlubeoralwhatever not a big deal for us,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 people love to bitch about the government paying farmers not to grow crops but it was necessary legislation at the time thousands of people were buying cheap land and trying to farm without any idea what they were doing overfarming and not rotating their crops ruined millions of acres of farmland and started the dust bowl,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 he took erwins advise and became taller by standing on his pile of corpses,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 oooh now im getting all tinfoily could the cairns be some kind of ritual safeguard to keep something else concealedall those cairns remind me of the ending of the seven samurai,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 how do you ascertain whats inappropriately close or if he wants to fuck her or not,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 im guessing you wont have to buy a car youll probably sign up for a transportation service that you can use 247 kind of like uber but with driverless cars,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 and that is not what i said i said it doesnt fucking matter if it is or not some art may even work because its sexist i agree with that and i have said nothing to that effect i said moral opinions or judgements about artistic value are misplaced you cant say this work of art is good because i find its morality agreeable that doesnt even make sense and the converse makes no more senseagain saying a fucking word i didnt once use it is however petty and smallminded to fingerwag and moralise in the unreflective manner in which youre doing,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 waitwhat is going on with the semitruck gocart track exactly,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 im not trying to justify the holocaust lol maybe rereading the convo will shed some light or maybe im just being unclear im saying the holocaust doesnt really justify our behavior at points in the war either you seemed to be of the opinion that its hard to criticize the allies considering what they were up against i disagree,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 the trust fund baby is reaping the rewards of past work so bad analogyhe made more prfit by using child labor but he was doing alright before apple started that practicewell i was speaking specifically for here in america but what i said was the american dream was about opportunity not guarantees,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 cogfuncmention is very intelligent but very stubborn cogfuncmention users are certain of what they say they dont say perhaps maybe kind of almost ever yeah i can type some people pretty well pretty quickly but i never declare the case closed,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 gotg 2 is def rated right but as good as wonder woman is that movie is in no way as good as logan,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 as it stands for melwymmd ufffdufffd rfi ufffdufffdgorgeous ufffdufffdthat may change but 23 is still pretty good and im looking forward to the album,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 i think its just an unavoidable side effect of the xp system,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yeah i have gotten sick and had some injuries and received wayyy better care than i did in arizona,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 mmr means that you win games more than other players so yea it does mean something sure its a game it does feel nice to be better than 998 of people at something i care about though,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 lol no the person who posted that wasnt an ancap thats my entire point ayn rand wasnt an ancap btw,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 its a lot like that yeah,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 not really but the emotions were very intense i think every ten years or so we are capable of different kinds of romantic love and i am glad i had a chance to experience the completely naive fantastical kind life is fun,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 devoid of evidence to support did you not watch the video the evidence is plain the supporting source is the video i dont understand why you are upset over this if you disagree fine but your bordering on butthurt with this response,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 is it up yet last i heard was hopefully some time tonight,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 we started doing vectors in 9th grade i have no idea what that other stuff is though,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 this explains his time with chelsea,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 cldownloadfilter nosounds is the right command,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 record keeping was shit back in the 80si dont know how it was earlier my medical records say stuff like took pills had a rash super vague handwritten the most useful info was my blood type also family members may not have aged enough at that time to be aware of many ailments,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 the source of all organic matterthe devil was the scientist that changed her dna to the point where her body would start producing it yes,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i found out about it a week ago i love it loads of good advice tips and ideas,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 not sure if others have mentiond it but the please keyword does originaly come from an esoteric language the first one called intercal,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 and has changed school 70 times since wwii,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 southern class at its finest,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 wow dude needs to get an invite to one of their shows and a backstage pass or something for that i think such a great song,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what is your favorite kind of cloth,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 actually it wasnt and if youd have listen to the creator or the checked the facts youd have known that was a lie perpetrated by the australian feminists,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 comments said he was unharmed thats what i choose to believeyoure right though that couldnt have been good,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i love this the post was extremely informative and exactly what i was looking for i was looking at period cube but saw mixed reviews on that one 3 thanks so much,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 i thought it looked like an xbox 360 in a beret i thought that was an even more ridiculous thing and thought why didnt they use that as the title well now i know why,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 got some rock but mainly rap with good chorus upbeat vibes,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 how do you have the voting system identify a cheater,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im dreaming of an typemention twin peaks marathon party now lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 ok youve swayed me into camp typemention i still think that aubrey plaza is an typemention playing an typemention though and that her typemention mockery of her character is shining through that is kind of what makes her performance so perfect i think that the characters negativity is captured very well by someone that couldnt help but loath it yet somewhat relate to it edit wait they said that ron was also an cogfuncmention user that is a problem for me how could he be anything other than an typemention,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 the alien blaster you aither habe a hard to use long range scope or the shitty iron sights,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 really i thought apcs would run smaller than its label what are they like to wear in terms of comfort and fit,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 ive tried ive honestly tried without result but maybe yiu guys on reddit can help me further those are the 4 songs 1 2 3 4 if you know of a genre which has some common theme in those four songs youd help me a lot but i highly doubt there is one ive tried differend songs in each separate genre and ive tried different songs from the same authors but so far without succes,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 but you can buy money with moneyor save money thereby trading time spending money for more money,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 this article is written by a crazypersonalso natural sure now im just hung up on wording here dont get me wrong im not for big pharma and would like many things made legal rather than illegalmy problem is with the word naturalarsenic is natural you get a bunch in appleseeds would you take it in pure form concentrated no course not just cause you say its natural does not make it good the title would be better served by just the fact its not a pharmaceutical invention and maybe that it grows in nature but not sure how that would help the casepretty sure marijuana hasnt been shown to clear chemo toxins but rather alleviate the symptoms after the factchemo is still a good way to battle cancer we dont have too many good tools against this powerful disease yet,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my straight razorstheyre scary sharp,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 cheers bitches i didnt want or try to find something to do d fuck halloween nye st patricks and the 4th i dont need an excuse to get drunk and act like an asshole also see valentines day if im going to buy someone flowers and chocolate and say stupid hallmark romantic nothings its going to be on my terms i am home with a bottle of good wine and a shit ton of fancy cheese d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thanks for the additional shapeshifting powers,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 im beginning to feel a pattern here uusersimulator uregrettablenamehere,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 for anyone who was at least slightly disappointed there was zero twerking thereyou can go here for a fix and if you dont like that theres always the michael jacksondont shoot the messenger im only providing a service,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 each types interview response if they dont actually want to get hired otherwise theyd all just use the typemention or typemention one,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 you dont have to tell her first off i told my mom numerous times she raised me to be independent and ultimately she wants me to have what will make me happy in life i believe that is what a parent should want for their child you have to go in with the mindset that this is nonnegotiable you are telling them not asking them you have to be willing to put up boundaries if they get into the territory of being rude with you i had told my mother and then began to plan my tubal which she also knew about then i caught her unpacking stuff from when i was a baby some cute blankets and such i went to her sincerely and asked her why on earth did she still have it and why was she getting it out i was actually sick to my stomach that she had that stuff all these years i was 31 at the time she was not rude just very matter of fact that she feels most parents imagine their child will give them grandchildren i agreed this was a fair statement but i was not that person she told me she was giving the items to my uncle her little bro or using them when she babysat my little cousins i sat her down and looked her dead in the eye i said you understand that i am absolutely having this surgery and nothing will stop me you understand that you will never get any grandchildren from me birthed adopted or otherwise i dont need you to support me through my surgery but i would like you to be there if you are i need you to back me 100 of course she agreed and we havent needed to discuss it since but that one last time of seeing that baby stuff really jerked my feelings around so i had to give it to her straight again for my own peace of mind if nothing else,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 that article is not hard proof that christians have better sex you know all it contains are assertions and a really vague reference to a study that purportedly concluded that religious women have more orgasms but i have a lot of orgasms without jesus help so im not really impressed by that you dont have to be christian to figure out that having sex every day could save your shitty marriage,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 by any chance is the document still open when you run this subroutine again,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 sorry here you go 911 261 225 basically blue topped or the 911 which is full blue,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i didnt really know him but he did punch me in the head apropos of nohing one day hes presumably going to jail for a hitandrun on on a 2 yearold,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 most of us have watched the episode livethe raws will be online in about 15 minutesthe subs will be released in less than a hour,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 if you would just sexualize it i would have to refrain you know what chix dig magic why not be the anal sword swallower everyone wants that guy at the party right,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 according to this hard sci fi deals with natural sciences and soft sci fi deals with social sciences most of the sci fi ive read does not fall exclusively into one category or the other as one would expect after all the social aspects of life are heavily influenced by the natural environment i think northlands central premise that what happens in the world is primarily influenced by the physical environment in this case the ebb and flow of the polar ice puts it in the hard sci fi category without spoiling the story its basically a what if scenario what if an ancient culture had managed to modify their environment so significantly as to alter the history of civilisation and even for a time the weather there is no magic which would disqualify it from being fantasy in some peoples eyes although i personally find alternative history quite acceptable as fantasy,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 ive seen ulightfive around too hes everyones resident typemention,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 you sound pretty amped about this topic,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 when i feel like my insides are on fire later confirmed when i puke my guts out,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 i havent ever ofmd him idk what you talking about,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 furyk is a baller manbut yeah shoulda gone kuchar there,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 gaaaaah jesus christ those are so flimsy and selfish ufffdufffd swallow and show that you accept your partner dont spit and make him feel bad if he went and brushed his teeth after going down on her shed have a riot,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 yes it is predicted that this election will have high turnout i just doubt it will benefits democrats as much they believe,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i thinktypemention and typemention are pretty similar but im particularly gregarious for an typemention so that probably varies a lot by individual typemention and typemention are a lot less similar from what ive seen,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 also nice to be able to put lotion on your head i kinda miss it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the current welfare state costs about 21 trillion dollars a year it would be about 300 billion dollars more expensive which is a lot but certainly doable as i said i am against a ubi because of its cost and i am instead in favor of a negative income tax but saying its so absurdly expensive that it couldnt realistically be accomplished is simply false,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 so basically there is an unconscious dark side to every unvaluedshadow function ignoring demonstrative trickster role while the valuedmain stack of functions have only a normal conscious side i only know about the two sides of the 8th function 3rd function in model a the conscious part is what socionics defined as role function and its basically training wheels for your inferior or cheating to not face your inferior because it is only used to get out of negative situations short way out sort of thing all the negative emotions experienced are repressed in the unconscious thus becoming the most negative function out there the demonic or devilish function beebe focused on am i right then i guess there are two sides of the coin of every function,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 yeah its super detailed if its a memory then ill be very aware of which parts i didnt pay attention to and am either guessing or remembering from another time ie if i didnt pay attention to a shirt a coworker is wearing ill fill it in with one ive seen them in before its like a photo that has parts blurred out of it if youre asking me to imagine something from scratch itll be a photo that as i imagine looking at parts of it it fills out and as for mapping out ideas its a lot like a series of feelings that kinda go together feelings that are shorthand for what the thing is for example a car wont just be a photo of a car itll also be every fact i remember about it range power utility speed fuel consumption how safe i feel driving it any one or more of those parts of it can fit into other concepts like travelling from here to the next town how to turn the car into a submarine go all mad max on it things like thatalso if anyone says hey thats exactly cogfuncmention let me know because then my life would make so much more sense,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 how sodo you really believe that not permanently banning people who matchfix is a good thing for the sport in which it happens,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 sounds great i do recommend double checking everything that gets marked though you should try to standardize data entry to avoid this problem in the future,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i relate to a certain extent i dont dislike making friends but people are so enamored with their little social dances that getting to a stage of friendship is akin to black magicteenagers are deemed antisocial because of the changes in brainstructure they are undergoing while that maybe true teenagers cut throught the bullshit and just hang out with each other if they like each otherwe somehow lose that ability it becomes that complicated dance of subtle hints and trying to synchronize agendas somehow always trying to cram it into a weekend of which there are only 52 a yearwhen people finally do come over it is to talk about the mundane every once in a while there is a short glimmer of interesting conversation but so so brief,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 generally the size of a galaxy grows in direct relation to the mass of its central black hole as for the shape this is greatly affected by the distribution of matter throughout the galaxy as well as effects of dark matter in and around the galaxy itself you can also take into account intragalactic interactions that cause galaxies to crash into each other form clusters and other fun phenomena its also important to note that when galaxies form clusters they can begin to lose large amounts of their gases to the intragalactic space between themselves this in turn can also literally strip the gas out of other galaxies as they collide with these gas cloudstldr galaxies mass and shape are heavily affected by their environment other galaxies can play a large role in the development of a galaxy,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 what does the bmw region stand for,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 ooo my chip says im your boss go make me a burrito,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 orthodoxy is way less extreme and rigid than catholicism fyi,79.0,97.0,10.0,45.0,62.0 of montreal and animal collectives peak years right there,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 damn it i just spent 45 minutes researching the origin of its turtles all the way down,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i love discworld night watch is my clear favorite but all the city watch books are great the way he weaves in real world issues with a wink and a fake mustache is very fun,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 yeah sure these are things you can compromise on and yes you are right that non of these things are deal breaker level issuesbut at only 2 months in did you consider the option that maybe you two simply arent very compatible people when it comes to being in a relationship with one otherthat would be no ones fault really some people just dont go that well together,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this is putting the bar very low but well there we are,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 its often assumed but i have my doubts about thisi have the impression that crystal is stronger than armor plating seeing how annies few millimeters of crystal was just as effective at stopping blades as reigners few decimeters of armorshe also just needed a few millimeters of crystal around her fingers to climb the wall whilst reigner needed to make entire hardened clawsnow annie isnt surrounded by just a few millimeters of crystal but a few decimeters this means that her protection could possibly be hundreds of times stronger than normal titan armorthere is a solid argument to be made that erens hardened fists might be strong enough seeing how its not only stated that all the combined strength of a set of armor is located in his fists but its also shown how easy he could break through reigners armorhowever i personally prefer the idea that theyd use thunderspears instead of his hardened fists if you try punching a pebble its near impossible to differentiate the amount of force you want to excel at different parts of said pebble erens fists might break annies neck or rip her head off if he isnt carefulthe thunderspears however are simply projectiles with an explosive in their tip its extremely probable that the sc can change the amount of charge they load the weapon with allowing for more precision and less riskit seems like the better option to me,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 intelligence is estimated in tests and measured in accomplishments i think,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you could have a userform that pops up with a hotkey this userform would only contain a dropdown box with a typeable text field load up all the words youd like it to be able to suggest to you and it will autocomplete based on what youve loaded into it pressing enter would make the form save the completed word in the active cell for you,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 format c autotestecho y format c q,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the fractal d12 of infinityroll a critical with that and youre transported to another dimension,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 heh you are asking the wrong one here you know more of what goes on in my head then most courtesy of our pm exchange i have several negative inner narratives that haunt me the nastiest narrative is the one that i have to find fault with myselfi only know that for whatever reason every once in a while im just not haunted by negativity maybe it is my relentless analyses of and corrections on my thinking i am trying to get rid of a lot of trauma getting rid of faulty patterns does have an impact im in a better state now then i have been in previous years i still vacillate between there is no tomorrow im ok and im happy mostly it is im ok,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 it seems like cogfuncmentiondoms and cogfuncmentiondoms have a lot of conflict uowlcandle might be the only person i can think of online or off who has managed to deal with that long term,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 or not presuming to know if those people are typemention or not,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 hehehe i went looking for a video of canadians saying sorry and i got sidetracked watching clips of south park,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 invest 500k and wait a while,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 only the 30th time that lines been used here in the last week,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 it says xichang city thats china,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 if they get overwatched for it they will be banned i cant tell you if the match will be deleted though but id like to think so,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 maybe they where doing it as a joke,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 it definitely depends on the mood and situation but yes i actually really wish i werent because its incredibly annoying i dont know if i have too many mirror neurons or what but when i see someone crying or going through a hard situation my brain instantly starts pulling up the corresponding emotion even if i wasnt sad its like ok i guess were doing this now ltcriesgt its the same for very large crowds if something momentous or moving happens that swell of mass social feeling basically forces itself on me and i tear up ugh,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 is the hoplite better because ive got one of those too,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 if it gives your team a disadvantage by not using them then you use them doesnt mean he doesnt want them banned,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 ah this was a fun one option explicit public sub labelhandler dim targetlabel as range targetcell as range dim rowcounter as long offset as long iterate through defined labels in column h for rowcounter 2 to lastcontiguousrangeh2 set targetlabel as the defined range in column h set targetlabel rangecellsrowcounter 8value if not targetlabel is nothing then if the target is valid iterate through it in case its a range of cells for each targetcell in targetlabel offset offset 1 cells11 offsetvalue targetcellvalue next targetcell end if next rowcounter set targetlabel nothing set targetcell nothing end sub private function lastcontiguousbyref baserange as range as long dim rowcounter as long eof as boolean do while not eof if lencellsbaserangerow rowcounter baserangecolumnvalue 0 then lastcontiguous baserangerow rowcounter 1 eof true end if rowcounter rowcounter 1 loop end functioni have a feeling that with enough footwork an array formula could be created for this but im not an expert on formula,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 a few of my favorite thingsraindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens brown paper packages tied up with strings these are a few of my favorite things creamcolored ponies and crisp apple strudels doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings these are a few of my favorite things girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes silverwhite winters that melt into springs these are a few of my favorite things when the dog bites when the bee stings when im feeling sad i simply remember my favorite things and then i dont feel so bad raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens brown paper packages tied up with strings these are a few of my favorite things creamcolored ponies and crisp apple strudels doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings these are a few of my favorite things girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes silver white winters that melt into springs these are a few of my favorite things when the dog bites when the bee stings when im feeling sad i simply remember my favorite things and then i dont feel so bad,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 being alone is the philosophy of who you are and what you do when no one is watching,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 in reality she went back in time and gave nietzsche syphilis,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 wow ive heard of rcatloaf but this is somethign else almost betterrcatpuddle,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i wanna see some vector diagrams before amp after,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 hmmm i have all this written out to help remind myself where to not concede in my relationship values smoking cigarettes is a big one im oddly cool with smoking weed not being confident confident women are hot boring negative doesnt take care of themselves isnt looking to grow and progress as a person clingy if her love language is gift giving lol no joke secretive looks for reasons to be offended must have a hobby of some sort unless in school going clubbing constantly being ugly so yea pretty standard shit,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 how sodo you really believe that not permanently banning people who matchfix is a good thing for the sport in which it happens,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 its interesting and almost cute if it didnt impact me so much lol that you guys this is really almost all thinkers though or at least all tps not just typemention make this into something insidious in your mind lol its usually less about control as much as getting the information i think i will need to navigate the environment later like i dont know what you do but lets say youre at work working on a machine i am going to need the machine later whatever i need to do on that machine is 1 of 5 items on my check list for the rest of the day im trying to figure out what task to knock out next or the most efficient sequence i may ask how long youll be working on the machine or what youre doing to help me decide and honestly if an typemention is asking you personal questions 99 of the time it is just because they like you and want to know more about you theyre probably not trying to control you at all it seems weird to me to get pissed on principle about that one i understand that it may be annoying but typemention are naturally curious about people most people like it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 you must not come in here very often haha sxso im always babbling about connections and shit sx people are super fucking intense about getting into your head irl as well its palpable,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i see what you did there,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 yeah that makes sensei wouldnt really enjoy a sword that wasnt forged and old stuff like bronze doesnt interest me very much though i am making a bronze chainmail belt at the moment the stuff is so soft it wouldnt really have that breaking issue even when cast would it or does that change it making it harder than the wire im using,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 we have it is just hidden in the wiki sadly not easy to find and i didnt think there would be something so i made this post d,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you remind me a lot of my long term boyfriend and our relationship he also thinks of himself as adequate but i guess not on par with myself i dont know i disagree of course and it really hurt me knowing he sees himself like that for example he thinks i am the smart one because im doing multiple majors without much effort and hes having trouble getting good grades for his single major however i see him as far more intelligent because he is totally passionate about his studies and soaks up everything but sucks at making traditional tests while i just know really well how to game the system and perform well at traditional testing but know far less then he does what you say about your boyfriend jumping headfirst into things and for some reason succeeding at everything is also something i recognize in how my boyfriend looks at me the thing is i fuck up all the fucking time but simply manage to hide it and still come out on top because i get the game im playing and thats just how i roll this gives me a set of interpersonal skills which society really values but i thing my hard skills are a bit overrated by people who know me including my boyfriend my boyfriend however lacks a bit of these interpersonal skills but his hard skills are way up there what im saying the fact that your boyfriend is with you means he loves you and thinks you are incredible and an equal partner to him if he didnt think this about you he wouldnt be with you hes clearly seeing things in you you dont see in yourself if this is striking a cord with you know that your boyfriend doesnt think of you as the lesser partner he might even think youre the better partner only you consider yourself the lesser partneryou should ask him about it ask him to verbalize why he thinks you are lovable and incredible his answers may surprise you also try to love yourself more if another person finds reason to love you you should be able to find reasons to love yourself,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 actually you do there is nothing in the constitution to say how you are sworn in beyond that no one can require you to take the oath of office on a religious book the only requirement to the oath of office is that the individual say these wordsyou may find it interesting that members of congress have elected to swear their oath on non christian religious books the same applies to the presidency no one is forced to follow a tradition,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 just so you know women dont need diamonds or gold to propose to me either as a man silver is what i like damascus is fine too or mokume titanium tungsten heck almost anything that isnt gold,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 looking for quality dark blue denim jeans problem 45 hips vs 32 waist anybody any brand recommendationsi carry most of my weight around my thighs its a big challenge to find jeansdress pants that even fit my legs let alone find a pair that also fits my waist straight and boot cut jeans look best in my opinion,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 were you hypnotized by his smooth dance moves and course history too,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 well i was actually thinking of something like this but your method is even better,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i think its actually supposedly typementiontypemention and typementiontypemention the basic idea being that your perceiving functions are flipped so you have an endless stream of interesting insights to share but your judging functions are the same so you have the same general valuesethics and ways of understanding what youre perceiving though allegedly typemention and typemention can make good matches because of the flipped perceiving functions theyre going to argue a lot though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 have you followed their suggestion and actually checked your click intervals to make sure theyre not too fast anything below 10ms can overload some games there are differing methods of detecting clicks some are slower than others,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yeah and arizona was within one point for obama in 2008 and if obama didnt win it in 2008 hillary isnt going to win it this year,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 they will find a waybe it a road or paths,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 frankenstein â he was soon borne away by the waves and lost in darkness and distance,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i couldnt believe the low ownership on peterson wish i had thrown him in more of my luslooks like youre in it to win it if everyone stays steady,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 hehehehe nice man first time anyones created art for me on reddit i no longer wish to fight cant find ya anyway keep fuckin that musicthis is my recommendation,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 do you have examples of what the date formatting looks like in cells that contain both a date and additional text its possible to filter out the date from these cells if the formatting is consistent and has a recognizable pattern but this type of solution would be vbapowered,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i tried this very text the idea of washing ones face with a pen you are going to get a hobby its on pc and xbox 360ps3 and its also why are you wont read half the things that are friends with people not sending things back which is something wrong with me and if so when i suppose they were incapable of small talkanother mainstream shit post getting more upvotes than any worldchanging genius,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 is that your story too,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 yes submarines had been spotted around the uk iirc of which it was hypothesised they were looking for the transatlantic cables,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 it woud be interesting movie itd have to be modeled after mad max for maximum effectiveness call it mad michelle,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 manga spoilerss not meta enough i need a post complaining about these post which talk about tagged memes,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 typemention and typemention are conflictor types in socionics the jp dichotomy is swapped for introverts because they are describing different things an typemention in mbti is cogfuncmentioncogfuncmentioncogfuncmentioncogfuncmention an isfp in socionics is cogfuncmentioncogfuncmentioncogfuncmentioncogfuncmention an typemention in mbti is cogfuncmentioncogfuncmentioncogfuncmentioncogfuncmention an isfj in socionics is cogfuncmentioncogfuncmentioncogfuncmentioncogfuncmention,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 full metal alchemist was great though i think i only saw the more recent one i think theres an earlier one,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 hi should i take it easy at work or try to do more,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 lol i thought the larger dogs leg was the little ones tail,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yep the facebook app is just a spammy ad platform now anyway i should just delete it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 beautiful wedding photos its hard to tell anything is out of the ordinary from those photos,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 true but being in a 70 degree fahrenheit environment should go a long way,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah i was just clicking through the siq passage way and thinking how much better it would be if i could control the lighting conditions im playing a section of ff xiv right now that takes place in a desert and one of the things ive been loving is how as it cycles through day and night and various weather conditions you get such a different sense of the place how cool would it be to walk through the chasm to petra under a sky full of stars and moonlight or a setting sun making the rocks glow brilliantly at the top while where youre walking is shadowed dusk theres something to be said for being there for real but theres a huge benefit to being able to completely customize the experience,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 from your post so obviously some of these are more of an issue than others but every single one of these little nuggets from your post is a reason that calls for some critical introspection and self evaluation you need to be in a good place with yourself before you can actually be a good place for somebody else especially your references to suicide in combination with your self proclaimed emotional instability are reasons you need to seek therapy this is not something to be ashamed about or whatever its something you do to make yourself a better person if anything you can go into competition with yourself to be the best possible you how can you expect you can truly and fully love someone if you clearly cant even bring up enough love to love yourself enough to take proper care of yourself,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i cant go anywhere without my vape whereas i could go a whole day without cigs ah well its my only vice besides bad food,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i just visited the escalante national monument it was wonderful my brother and i nearly got lost on top of a mesa,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 food face is my kryptonite,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 ah i see you snuck a missing or in still it doesnt change much unless the specifics are known john could very well be a member of any minority subculture it could equally well fit on gays nerds herbologists bronies etc but that was your point wasnt it minorities share similarities,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 our favorites are a duck decoy with a slingshot built into its beakbody and a rubber ball with rope ends coming out one end we call it a squidball but not sure what it is really called,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 what game is this from now,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 after 1 month it is gone but you get it back after one win,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 chapter 70 end of the uprising arcbeast titan human form reveal in the aftercreddits,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 we cant see the chat in overwatch as you might know,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 damn well congrats on the dodged bullet seems pretty nice that you still keep in contact with her stepfather he seems like a pretty cool person,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 how many of these did you know prior to reading thisi didnt know about the alcohol in food one i always told my alcohol protestant brother that it just boils off in the cooking and everyone agreed,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 try to get better instead of blaming smurfs,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thats not a pentagram or pentacle its just a pie chart at that point,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 more like starcitizen its going to take awhile but like cr i trust raja can deliver,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 i have a very similar swordguardhandle clearly says made spainfull shot guard grip i always thought was wood but your bakelite comment makes me question now the guard is brass colored but not sure if its brass or not fairly certain its not aluminumthe blade near the guard is brass colored but the blades definitely steel as it sparks if struck on pavementit has toledo marked on the blade markings higher up fron the made spainoh and the whole thing is not sharp tip is blunted and the blade is fully rectangular,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my first wish would be for all of my wishes to be exactly as i intended them with no loopholes so my second one would be for like 10 more wishes or something i dont want to overdo it,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 let me guess with that tree that took petrathat birch just couldnt handle competition,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 that belongs in a museum,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i cant see the cat are you mocking me,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 life is a terminal condition not a disease,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 cant wait to get kicked out of starbucks one day because women without hijabs are absolutely haram if i dont accept them kicking me out ill be labeled as islamophobic xenophobe shrugs,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 fm 10 and 11 he became one of the best strikers in the world his physical stats were amazing,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 impact was so important for them in the first week yet no one mentions him,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 the reason i made this thread right here actually,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 keep it if you like it otherwise sell it for the actual price and dont just go accepting the first trade you get,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ah yes it is i think wise though not exactly poetic to take some time to consider whether or not youre making the right choice and to make an exit if you do as cleanly and considerately as possible i wish you luck mayn,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 they assumed eren was the coordinatethats why they completely changed their goals to capturing him,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 that lux should probably try playing annie she might hit something that way,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 zeke had that beard since he was 8 didnt he,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 where do i find this,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 how about you phone a friend to bail you out with new pants,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 you need better training equipment p,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 im a knife guy if you want any kind of knife advice im your guy that and medieval chainmail,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 exactly excuses lol just get the hell out,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 so fucking much i didnt know i could cry like that,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 the only reason to set up a deadman switch like a rube goldberg enigma is to ensnare autistic people and gain popularity have fun on your treasure hunt,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 ill get rid of this comment for 20,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 this game is why wenger doesnt see wilshere as a deeper midfielder completely uninvolved most important thing for someone who plays his position is that they need to always want the ball and always run into space to receive passes but wilshere just doesnt do thise i typed this comment before that,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 hm very curious what are your calculation settings set to and if you were to reference one of those cells in another formula for instance a9 what does it say,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 wow didnt expect this interview could hai be coming next,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 this one one too not lets add another are others but three could be good for nowi also dont see my music taste as shifting but rather expandingi see you like nin i could probably suggest some stuff like covenant cubanate of acid probably listened to deftones already kmfdm what about apoptygma berzerk tree is good too but out of place in the current listgravity kills in black that should keep you busy for a bit im sure therell be something in therebonus songsfilter one is the loneliest number zombie blood milk and sky,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im in a coding bootcamp going to move to san francisco thursday to finish up my last 2 and a half months in the school so that has kind of been my focus for a while now once im done ill get a job as a developer then be back in the project game d,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 didnt directly see them die but it was literally seconds after it happenedback in 2014 i attended hyperfest its an amazing car event that was held at summit point wv i was participating in the hyper drive event which i had won from a contest for act advanced clutch technology i had to get some last minute gas so i went with the group after i was originally scheduled to go with the hyperdrives have ride along instructors so since i came back from refueling my car was 1 of 2 that need an instructor so my instructor strolls up the line of cars before making eye contact with me he sees the empty seat next to me so he enters my vehicle we start and we get on the track one lap down as we round the final turn of the track i see a thing out of the corner of my eye in the trees i had a weird feeling but i thought nothing of it as we are driving at high speeds on the track i had a clear track open in front of me that needed to be driven half a lap later a safety flag is flown and everyone comes to a full stop since were on the back half of the track we can only hear radio traffic and thats it few minutes later we hear the bad news and get routed off the track the accident had indeed happened right after that last turn right in front of the paddock the car apparently kept turning when the road stopped turning and went straight into a tree going sideways the front passenger side of the car right side because us cars had taken the full brunt of the impact leaving the driver shaken but alive the car was horribly wrapped around the tree from what was visible before the ambulance teams could arrive the bad news was confirmed when they didnt immediately leave but stayed around for the next couple of hours while watching this unfold it seemed surreal the realization of what id just seen didnt sink in until i returned home after that weekend and watched my gopro footage i had recordedwhen i first watched the video i realized that the odd feeling i had going around that final turn was seeing the numerous flashes of cameras taking photos i thought to myself my car isnt that fast or amazing they cant be taking photos of me then i saw the wreckage on the left side of the road as i had seen it while driving past it they were taking photos of the wreck after subsequent play throughs i also realized that the car that wrecked was the car immediately in front of me the same car that my instructor had almost entered when he was choosing which car to ride along with i sometimes wonder if he ever thinks to himself how a simple decision of which car to enter was the difference between being here today and being dead i still have photos and video from that day havent really spoken about it since then until now i should visit summit point again someday to pay respects its one of those things i wont ever forget i also wonder what happened to the driver of that car that wrecked i hope they arent terrified of driving now,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 bruh i have phdlevel english skills doesnt mean that through thought though and rough arent all retarded ooahohuh,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 edit sorry i switched around the genders of bio and step parenthey im also an only child 22 now and i have a 1 year old little halfbrother when i was your age this was one of my biggest fears exactly for the reasons you stated also the competitiveness you are expressing in your comments i get itthe thing is at 18 youll move out and all those cozy little nuclear family things you are experiencing will be gone youll live your own life maybe go to your dads house once a month and youll be calling your dad for advice on all kinds of practical grown up stuff but the daily how was your day conversations will fade and thats ok notice how i said your dads house thats because in a few years youll find yourself a new home and the house you grew up with will less and less be your homei would have been miserable with a baby in the house it would have made me beyond sad as due to the divorce i had trouble feeling safe and secure in my home to begin with that child would have made those feelings worse if i were in your shoes based on my experience now i would be open with your dad and stepmum about your feelings considering they care so much i would ask them to wait another year or two so youll be able to move out by the time the baby comes around about your competitiveness i am so going to be downvoted to hell for this but i honestly feel like this i found one thought incredibly soothing my dad is older than yours hes early 50s now i felt incredibly angry that this kid would grow up with all the opportunities of a stable nuclear family while frankly my parents fucked me up pretty good and im fighting to become the best i can be despite my parents but then i realized how i still have it so much better than my baby brother because ill have my parents even if they are a bit flawed around to guide and support me until into my 50s while my baby brother will most likely have to bury his dad before hes 30 maybe something you dont understand yet but it is only now in my 20s i actually get to know my parents because the parentchild relationship is shifting to an adultadult relationship ill have half a lifetime to truly get to know my parents and make then proud of the adult ive become i will be celebrating so many of my adult successes with my parents my baby brother will only have 10 years or so to do this there is so much up side in being the eldest very early born child which is and advantage any baby even if your dad will have 5 more can never take away from you,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 it really refers to industrial development first world being modernised industrial market economies devoted to freetrade the us the eu commonwealth countries second world being modern industrialised nations that follow the centrallyplanned soviet model and third world meaning countries that hadnt yet become fully industrial or modernised yet in other words developing countries who werent certain to go one way or the other as such the status of third world countries who were in the process of modernisation became focal points during the cold war eg vietnam also see domino effect,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 tried the first two i can hear it but its just a black screen vlc on android,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 font let this distract you from the fact the houston oilers blew a 35 point lead,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 after attempting to test for any problems i am unable to reproduce the effect this worked the first time every time i tried haha perhaps the problem may be somewhere else in your code whatever may be interacting with data from the sapstats spreadsheet maybe,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 what if you afk because the other team has an afk,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 how are the tips ive considered switching to jj since they dont go to the ghetto like we do but have avoided it since i know the people who own the company that part would be strange,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i think that 1 therapists can only help you if youre unflinchingly honest with yourself and the therapist and 2 your therapist should be at least as intelligent as you are ive never been able to meet either of those conditions personally im using a cbt self help book right now called mind over mood and im liking it but id suggest you try therapy keep going to new therapists until one feels right it can be hard to find a good match your intuition should help you here,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 its not just that the roots are darker than the ends its that when hair is cut short youre seeing more of the ends and less of the shaft which is where the colour is most apparent grab a bunch of spaghetti level all the ends look at it side on then end on notice the way the texture changes the way you see the colour,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 id like for the current flair for house grandison to be replaced with one i made here the main difference is that the canon grandison sigil is a sleeping black lion whereas this one is awake and resplendent this isnt for an ic reason i just think the john jennette one looks like a pile of coal,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i believe its greg berlanti hes one of the execs behind all the arrowverse shows including the upcoming black lightning and of course titans,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 credit cards arent infinite money luckily i learned this before i could get one,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 we love that scott is going back to the belly putter,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i read two sentences and already looked at the name,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 ok i get what you mean now here you go ubuntuubuntu sudo fsck devsda2 fsck from utillinux 2201 e2fsck 1429 4feb2014 devsda2 clean 2676087266304 files 338812629064960 blocksseems fine right,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 do you imagine situations go in a trance like state and wake up realizing you were talking to yourself loudly,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 exactly honestly i cant blame you especially if its dead i mean its not good in the first place but at the same time well ya know and youre right it is a process that can be shut down at any time some people just choose it for one reason or another,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 too many people mistype as typemention lol i see a lot of cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i like small groups maybe 24 people no more than five that way you can actually still talk to one another and actually have a conversation the reason why i like groups is because i notice many types let their behaviour depend on their environment and the people around them if im socializing with people and i want to convince them to do a certain project or make a certain decision it can be very relevant to consider their influence sphere someone may be very interested in a certain project one on one but then they go back to their people which show less enthusiasm and everything collapses in that case i need the person who i want to do something the main influencers of that person together and ill focus to convince them as a group not as an individual fuck writing this down made me realize i have a hidden agenda even when im drinking beer,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 which countries is that available in,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 the next hitler will be machine,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i also use this a lot,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 hi your fourth clip breaks rule number 3 in the op,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thats how i grew up mom did everything welli didnt know any better,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think a lot of judgements like that are relative no,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 ill wont be on tonight tho,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah that too probably the most accurate of all the methods,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 dude i dont even know you when did you become a velociraptor,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 its like that episode of rick and morty when he tussles with satan hehe,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its not really but there is really no where else to put this,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 only part of that quote is actually ezekiel 2517 the first partis completely made up the second part of the quoteis the real ezekiel 2517 the first part of the quote shows up nowhere in ezekiel 25 nowhere in ezekiel nowhere in the old testament nowhere in the bible,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 it counts as a normal item and therefore i only need 2 pokemon ev trained for that im in a trade right now but i will tell you the details of what needs to be ev trained when i get back,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 rick and morty circlejerker here title is real possibly scandinavian have to agree with you but its still great,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i can hardly disobey my phones command can i now,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i would contend that dealing with them includes not perpetuatingreinforcing them when we can help it,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 i agree with your post here as well i had considered certain points that you bring up like when i mentioned that i think that cogfuncmention doms speak the same language as myself as a cogfuncmention dom i think that it is a matter of perspective when it comes to which two types are more similar i think what you say about at first blush an typemention and typemention would seems more similar as would an typemention and typemention which is what i was hinting at here since these are very common mistypes what i find interesting is that socionics considers the typementiontypemention relationship as the mirage or illusionary relationship and the typementiontypemention relationship as the business or lookalike relationshipthe wikisocion on mirage relationshipsganin on lookalike relationshipsi didnt find much about lookalike partners that addressed how one actually looks like another in much depth that didnt just focus on the relationship itself but i think that the difference between mirage versus lookalike is a matter of perspective perhaps it is a matter that lookalike partners dont really sense the same kind of sameness that others perceive about them whereas illusuionary partners are somewhat fooled into believing that there is more sameness than actually exists that others dont see at all then again intertype relations are not nearly as rigid as people like to think they are and very well allow for functional differences such as n vs s being a bigger divide than t vs f anyway thanks for the comment i hadnt considered all of that as fully before i think that it goes to show that you cant just look at any given functional consideration in one light to have an accurate view and that when searching for simplicity youll only find more and more complexity,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 the treatment you received may not be a representative sample of treatment everywhere depression is extremely complicated and different for each person the common cold is actually a general term for a shit ton of different viruses we know that the symptoms arise from the same general principles but youre measuring a reaction what we attempt to treat is often the reaction not exactly the symptoms but the bodies own response to restore homeostasis and allow the person to function normally again anyways what youre describing as emotional and existential are two sides of the general coin of depression it does seem that when in a depressed state people tend to form negative thought loops which basically amount to some combination of everythingeveryone is shit im shit life is shit this reinforces the negative emotional affect and people get stuck in a loop treatments are generally designed to break people out of those loops seek more treatment brah,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 that is true but whats your point,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 there is a lot of inherent inaccuracy in a self answering personality test because people answer what they want to be instead of what they actually are thats a big reason why the internet communities for typemention and other rare types like typemention and typemention are so big in comparison to how big the proposed actual population isand its hella easy to do that i thought i was an typementiontypemention for atleast a year until i really read into mbti hard enough to understand it fully mbti will and always is grouped with astrology whether its bullshit or not because of this haha,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 well i did read it and i didnt install because of it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i agree with everything you said except for that most of the people who run companies and manage others tow the line until they are in the right place at the right time and in fact most of the visionaries we celebrate were in the right place at the right time in history,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dont see how your comment applies not being shitty i really dont understand your point,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 if he took the phone why didnt he at least delete the video geez,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the first cut looked pretty nice granted it was on an olinemanalthough i think his standup running style will get him rekt here soon he has these really sharp subtle cuts and hesitations that seem to be pretty effective,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 it said written in a place where even a small sign of illness earned you a seat back on the boat you came in,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 nick is probably pranking you,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 guess we resolved that i am not cut out to be a mombtw these things are fucking disgusting if i have a baby in my arms hell even a toddler i carry tissues with me at all times,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 questions sure how do they do that texture that peening it just seems crazy precise,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ill close tabs in a few minutes when im done looking at wikipedia and imdb and they youtube video and reddit and after i figure out how to conjugate latin verbs and screw it theyre fine,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i would be a minuteman helping settlements no difference here,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 like yes but i did not use almond meal i only used lentil meal and no whole lentils and no seeds or anything the recipe was basically just lentil meal applesauce some sugar baking powder the sultanas and the walnuts,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 anyone here played steep yet god that game is beautiful for an action sports game for any game really the best part is that when im not feeling like going full red bull i can just turn the music off and enjoy the scenery and snow sounds,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 because feelings are just as valid as reasoned thoughts just because some havent deciphered the language yet doesnt mean it is irrelevant,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 warowl has good quality but he lacks knowledge go to the channels of steel or adren,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 happens to me all the time you piece of shit,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 that moment when you understand the english phrase but need to look up the translation of that phrase in your native language because you dont know how the fuck the translate it yourself,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 first give me your definition of living then i can determine if your view on life holds merit if so ill mirror my life against your definition to see if im in any way a failed experiment of nature,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 if one of typemention stereotypical traits is â œpeople masteryâ then it cant be done the beat without trying to understand others and seeing how they will best fit in with the plan,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 its correct in context i was just being obtuse if you read the sentence a particular way it could be understood that the players are being described as small rather than the number of players being small if you wanted to remove the ambiguity then few would be a good word to use but thats a can of worms that i dont want to open,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 good luck i hope you do well with that it sounds like a fit to you,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 value implies the cells actual value if this is a formula then you will have to remove the formula syntax,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 you win this roundgongrats as this is the first time i lost this manga spoilers in link,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 two of my loves corgis and thrift shopping i am so jealous of your amazing score,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 oh probably just i think motorcycle would be more fun leaning into corners etc,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 things arent really very different in silicon valley if you look at the data on employment by occupation nondegree professions make up a decent chunk of available jobs think 75 blue collar 25 arts 15 social services 17 healthcare supportif you include liberal arts degrees increase that by 9 for business 78 management 154 administration 10 salespretty much all of these jobs are above the 20hr mentioned but thats a distraction from the main reason getting a degree is often not worth it with respect to careerfinances you may be in a position to do far more with your time and gain far more valuable and valued skills by doing something else in the 24 years it takes to get a degreeif you go into most professions by available jobs you would be better off learning through the career than through a degree and you would have a higher salary after four years of work than moving into a similar role four years laterdegrees have other values like discovering what kind of thing you actually like doing before jumping into a long term career et cetera,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 did you know frozen cream is cold to the touch,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 yeah sphere does have a lack of talent i know what you mean,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i have one come on over and start the weighing,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 who is she she is beautiful,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 with power come people who abuse it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 not an error socionics has a different notation than mbti,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 unfortunately theres a whole sub dedicated to people that do shit like this idk what its called anymore because i only saw it once long ago and i dont care to again,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 nah man thats neurosciencesource psych major,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 thank you ill add it to the list,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i hate to bring up this graph so please just use it for stereotyping knows what was the sample size methodology etc and even if it was valid those are only group averages not to mention doing a job properly or being content in life is so much more than baseline genetics,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 yup this is 100 it i only have a daily amount of fucks to give out and i certainly dont want to waste any fucks given on some stranger in a rather pathetic break up war i honestly couldnt care less,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 if one person is gay in his little hole privatly i dont give a damn but if they are going about spreading it and forcing us to accept it that is when there is a problem,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 just remember it isnt enough im sure you know this but you need to keep working at the relationship or youll drift apart and only remember after youre single again how great it was for those first few years,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 if i was gay id do exactly this thank you for being awesome,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 exactly i come from a new age mecca and the first time i had heard of jung was when a jungian vedic astrology convention came to town i wonder sometimes if these new agers ever bother to read jung but i think i know the answer to that jordan peterson is great ive made it through about 12 of his videos in the 2015 personality series i need to get around to watching more actually i was think about peterson when i was writing my response to you peterson says that jung was the most brilliant thinker of the century and probably the previous one too next to nietzsche i need to check out the maps of meaning series i just have so many things to read and watch ill never reach the end what is great about his videos is that it is essential taking a university level class on personality for free from one of the best professors in academia people pay good money for that,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 is it using a gyroscope sensor in there to detect when the vehicle is turning,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 talisa followed caroleis example taking a seat on the opposite side of the couch as she settled in she cast her cobalt eyes about the room inspecting the apartment curiously the unfamiliar decorations naturally piqued her interest but she was mainly intrigued by the layout itself she had been to manses houses keeps and inns but never before had she been to an apartmentuh good talisa answered with a shrug a small sincere smile pressing into her cheeks as she looked back at the costayne after a pause that felt noticeable to talisa but was little more than a breath she echoed meekly how have you been nearly immediately thereafter she remembered the reason the costaynes had been away from the city and added how was your visit although she asked partially out of nervous politeness she was also genuinely interested as well as trying to be nice and connectnot responding with violet here cuz cottons gonna do the next one,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 yeah but im sure to restore something well its only going to be a very small fraction compared to the value of the thing so thats fine mostly irrelevant in my opinion,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 goblet of fire is the worst one with pacing no contest it tried way too hard to be exactly like the book and cram way too much in without explaining it i remember walking out of the movie wondering how anybody who hadnt read the books could possibly know what just happened i had to explain everything to my dad it rushed through everythingat least order of the phoenix and halfblood prince didnt try to be exactly like the books they made changes to fit the medium and they were much better movies because of it,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 lots of these exist falling starchaos orb amulet of quoz etc,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 well i found it interesting figured other people might be interested,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 you pretty much convinced me that she will be trumps running mate,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 who you callin pal hoser,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think placement is important like if you put it on your shoulder blade it will rarely be visible to you but always a part of you,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 ill check it out thanks,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 the nights so young that its 6am and early morning time to get up,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the new minion v minion damage sucks for last hitting,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 what is cl craigslist if so ive heard its a wretched hive of villainy not exactly but there is a good deal of saying you need to make good money without explicitly stating it though theres some of that too my personal favorite was if you dont own a tux were not going to get along and the winner of the how to be utterly devoid of class by referencing something classy is i didnt imagine myself as a subject we do have some non typemention signed up for the meetup group though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you dont find it even a little funny personally i found it hilarious lol its obviously a really bad one but its still funny what is your favorite jokeyou were going to be uagentx4575 for halloween but you couldnt figure out how to fit that many dicks in your mouth just trying to help you out,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 kinda having a hard time reading all that but it looks like youre doing index and match 3 times but you really only need 1 match if you can use a placeholder put the match formula there and reference that cell instead of doing match 3 times,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 im incredibly sensitive to being manipulatedi also hate failing so whenever i try something new i dont tell anyone that ive started until im already decently good at it,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 easy write gibberish and if anyone calls you on it accuse them of being ludditesnor should you theres a lot of middle ground between incomprehensible change and total stagnation look at the limitations and assume that current technologies will mostly continue to existmore paper books are sold now than before the internet printing is slow and nanotechnology will be even slower what theyre good for is making things that previously had to be done by hand for exorbitant pricestheyre just saying that to get more fundingsome of the smartest people who ever lived were certain we would have agi by the late 1970s there as been no progress whatsoever towards agi since then nonethe silicon era is coming to an end with no replacement in sight and ai paradigms havent advanced past neural nets meanwhile what were learning about the human brain shows the goal is much further than previously thoughtwell still have better software but nothing with the general intelligence of a human this century imoeven if a fusion plant reaches breakeven in the 2030s hopeful but uncertain it would take decades of refinement before we start building the first commercial plants which will take decades to buildwe can make antimatter but the energy cost is huge it wont be costeffective for the sort of uses we see in scifi until later this century at bestinterstellar travel to the nearest star would take at least a years worth of global energy production not to mention the infrastructure wed need to build and launch something large enough to sustain a few astronauts for such a long tripandroids well sorta well have robots capable of interacting and going out into the real world but theyll still be clumsy and dumb as a brick think idiot savanthardly both were dreamt about long before they actually reached the general public,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 very likelydaikatana is one if you can name a good one i havent played ill thank you and promise ill play it immediately and give you proof within 24hours nothing online only though i have gone through many and done it in the past but most pvp things i dont enjoy these days i much rather solo or coop,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 mothers be crazy yoalso lol at your knuckle science that shit dont matter when youre wrist deep in,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 try out this macro option explicit public sub splitsheet applicationscreenupdating false dim wso as worksheet wsd as worksheet set wso activesheet do while lastrowwsoindex 1 gt 500 worksheetsadd afterworksheetsworksheetscount set wsd worksheetsworksheetscount wsorange1500entirerowcut destinationwsdrange1500 wsorange1500delete loop set wso nothing set wsd nothing applicationscreenupdating true end sub public function lastrowbyval worksheet as long byval columnno as long as long lastrow worksheetsworksheetcellsworksheetsworksheetrowscount chr64 columnnoendxluprow end functionexecute the splitsheet subroutine to split your sheets,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 low standards indeed judged undeserving of consciousness next,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 its that kind of provocativeness that is very cogfuncmention her use of words is cogfuncmention i think cogfuncmention likes to invoke emotions with their choice of wordsedit nope not cogfuncmention cogfuncmention,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 good to see that we sent a fitness coach to keep him fit was worried that he would lack match fitness with switzerlands long winter break but he might be able to play straight away now,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 first time streaming im so sorry,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah my classmates and i hate typemention as a whole although i really like them when theyre not unhealthy and by that i mean extremely healthy on an amazing day if not then ill just assume theyre a fucking idiot and i know a lot not only my age 70 year old typemention women are the ones obsessed with jesus christ and always go to church and if you dont theyll just assume youre a satanist or something,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 plus its rough and coarse i dont like it,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 ive shot many firearms the first time being in boot camp currently in the process of building an ar,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 of montreal and animal collectives peak years right there,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 just an fyi im using these clips for a montage so please give me content hue,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i sent a ticket a couple days ago but hes still in games going 200 hope to see that change soon,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 alternatively findcollect an interesting dataset and work your magic on it there are many more opportunities in data than algorithms,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 aha okay i can get that wont disagree with you there im sorry for my misunderstanding,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 there is is no real good or bad in existence there are only different people with different opinions other people who cant accept that and the rational choice,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 that link looks like a trap oo,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 rule 5i spawned next to cleopatra in true start mode for earth as a result i was able to capture her initial settler on turn 1 easy game,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 this is brilliant just so you know this isnt purely altruisticfrance especially and india both have huge energy companies and a large market share in many countries solar energy is a big threat especially towards nuclear and coal power in that respective orderwhat they are doing is snapping up all the land viable for solar energy then they invest in the energy market using their unmatched access to capital and huge economies of scale which pushes out domestic competitors harming their own economy this has the twofold effect of gaining market share and increased power over their politicians since these frenchindian companies control their energy market this offsets the decline in investment in nuclearcoal gives them new revenue streams more market share a bigger consumer base and ensures its long term survival and its politically convenient too more indirect control over these governments for future profit wouldnt be surprised if the frenchindian government recommended it and are financially backing this and they get to look like they care about the environment too good pr that can never hurt,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 was it your second read if so then you might want to read it again in a few days the things that you notice in your second read will make you notice even more new things in your third,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 huhso coordinates dont have an umlaut in englishthey do in dutchand the word is written nearly identical thats probably where the confusion came fromalso my little brother just took my phone and thought he was funny by deleting comments the previous one saidno not gonna push my luck a second time what part of that did i misspell,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think this sentence fragment equates thought and its subject in an ironically parmenidean fashion we merely have a mental abstraction of the scale of the cosmos when asked a question pertaining to it we can give a specific answer much like with quantum physics these things arent necessarily thinkable to human beings â despite being theoretical discoveries of human endeavour â in the same way that things which are readily apprehended in our experience are thinkable ie i presumably dont need to resort to a mathematical abstraction to comprehend the chair im sitting in insofar as it is a chair i dont need to think about the atoms its composed of etci may be wrong but i think ops implicit point may have been that despite the modern worlds avanced theoretical understanding of the universe we experience reality in pretty much the same way as the presocratics sharing identical neural architecture as it were,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i thought violas played the bass clef i would dick around with violas and trade them for my violin and wed always get a kick out of how it sounded because neither one of us could read the others clef also i just read that the viola and cello are all a part of the violin family i had no idea they were officially related i just thought they looked the same lol so i guess uc1v1aldafodr you are right it could be considered a large violin,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 jesus christ dude these are just fucking illustrations to get you thinking of the principle i mean not literal physical cases for you to work out the physics behind and jerk yourself off never go full autist i would have thought the caveat where i mentioned the finite speed of light would have at least made it clear i wasnt arguing in terms of physics you thought i just casually disproved my own argument as an afterthought and didnt realise it wtfto avoid this mistake again ill use nonphysical illustrations like facts heres a fact you are in a room heres another your shoes are also in the room im going to assume youre wearing shoes neither of those facts happens before or after the other theyre simultaneous but clearly one of them depends on the other and will cease to be the case simultaneously with the other ceasing to be the case,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 theyre on the shot tracker,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this selfimprovement ideology is also a major topic in religions such as buddhism it is actually encouraged to be practiced simply as a method of seeking selfimprovement over being practiced as a religion,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 heres a starting point the code that would display your data into a messagebox msgbox model no amp sheets1rangeg2value amp serial no amp sheets1rangea2value amp vbnewline amp avg amp sheets1ranged2value amp amp sheets1rangeb2value amp vbnewline amp location amp sheets1rangef2value,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 as long as its not the acronym,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thank you for the explanation to me it looked like everyone got out,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 oh that would make me very angry,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i do 3 things brazilian jiu jitsu play bass guitar and read books,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 not only that but student loan debt hinders our ability to save for retirement and to purchase a home the economic consequences of this wont be felt for years down the road,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 wherever you take that from,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 but why that cant be efficient for the purpose of the work being done here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thanks ill be sure to check out heghammer amp sagemans books as well as jifs book recommendations on the subject,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 assasin is shit because you discharge you get free cyclone and 250 es with trickster free cyclone alone is extremely hard to beat,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 is the data stored locally or on a server,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 they do this because crack cocaine right,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 so is it intelligent design or evolution because it was initially ignorant in go so there should be no accusation of go being intelligently designed into it especially that the creators are less proficient at the same game,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 ok i get what you mean now here you go ubuntuubuntu sudo fsck devsda2 fsck from utillinux 2201 e2fsck 1429 4feb2014 devsda2 clean 2676087266304 files 338812629064960 blocksseems fine right,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 your 2 is not true btw also why they wouldnt do that here,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ive tried ive honestly tried without result but maybe yiu guys on reddit can help me further those are the 4 songs 1 2 3 4 if you know of a genre which has some common theme in those four songs youd help me a lot but i highly doubt there is one ive tried differend songs in each separate genre and ive tried different songs from the same authors but so far without succes,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i miss my 7990 space heater,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 lame they didnt even show her blink,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sadly thats the only video of it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 sounds like you want to be the submissive in a group sex situation where there are strong overtones of coercion and domination as long as it is all consensual and roleplay why not see if you like it in real life just make sure you get trustworthy sexual partners to live out this fantasy,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 koepka already made it i thought if not definitely him,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah definitely the messenger i keep gravitating back toward that some combo of 7 4 and 8 8 is like the worst side of me and 4 is like the best and 7 is like what i keep going back to i keep thinking 7w8 4w3 8w7 sxsp does that seem rightand yeah i agree i feel like im telling the truth my horoscope said i need to be more emotionally detached which is hard which is why i feel like the numbers always switch spots,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 it is about people who are still silver not noobs in le,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 rips bong when you say avoid mj i imagine you walking a dog and mj popping at cha on the side streets hey you with the cute dog come smoke this nowprobably a good choice,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 she deserves and orgasm dude,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 it varied because 1 my students were cognitively very low and 2 i kept getting new students all the time and had to keep adjusting the schedule i agree with you about doing sciencesocial studies as a group and reading and math being more individual i did that for some time and it worked well i would start from that angle with their ieps and any school mandated programstesting etc prioritize required things first again the schedule will fill itself in hopefully also this year when you write your ieps keep those schedules in mind when writing them make it easier on yourself not harder for example if johnny had a communication goal and a social skills goal we could potentially merge those together during 1 activity we had him use his ipad to play a game with the rest of the social skilla group this way it is also easy to document and report his participation because it is a daily activity,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 give back the nordiques and we have a deal,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 whyworked in all previous installations of cs,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 no lets dispel this notion that barack obama does not know what he is doinghe knows exactly what he is doing,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 but now that the guy has 200 million he will pay you 5 dollars an hour to mow his lawn he couldnt have done that at 53 million,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 installed a chrome extension on every computer that turned any picture on the browser into a picture of nicholas cage,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the mountain dew must have caught you all the girls,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 im still young at 25 and what i have to say is that you still have time life is just starting at your age i can also say that for some people it isnt that easy you cant just quit a phobia easily it usually requires some form of therapy and maybe medication for many people it isnt a simple as get out there and sometimes that advice can make things worse if you go out there and put yourself through the anxiety only to get your fears validated then it will strengthen the phobia even morei think it isnt a bad idea for those suffering through social anxiety to reach out to someone who is trained on working them through it ive been avoiding doing so but im taking that step myself it is a great thing to be able to experience the world to its fullest and to have stories to tell the tale aboutthere is a lot more to life than dumb teenager shit there is a lot more to talk about and most people i hang around with dont share their teenage years there is still hope for you op,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 mag and dust 514the former got me into multiplayer strategy gaming which i absolutely love now not to mention it was i think the largest first person shooter game ever with a possible 256 players in a match pulse it had an amazing command structure gameplay objectives chat system and skill specialization graphics werent great and there were some glitches but overall it was amazingdust despite its many many faults was probably the game i spent the most time playing i loved the weapons the graphics the vehicles the gameplay and the economy system needed to buy guns im probably a masochist for playing it because of all the bugs and imbalances but it was so fun to play unfortunately it was put down but eventually they plan on remaking it for the pc,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 lol did not know this existed,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 my mom caught vomit in her mouth from my brotherthat woman deserves a medal or trophy or something,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 as long as they are intelligent agents playing in the same game as humans they should receive more consideration when alphago beat lee sedol he didnt complain that it was meaningless because he was not fighting a person,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 probably a parant punishing there child,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i think usilentdragon95 who i replied to originally has a point about trust in sexual relationships i thoroughly discuss sexual histories with my sexual partners and am not the person to have one night stands what use will it have to do a test if i know the is no history of any std and i know my body best and i show zero symptoms im also vaccinated against hpv the std thats probably most difficult to catch because of vague symptoms come to think of it ive never even met a obgyn or had a pap smear in my life its simply not that common for young women here to do soedit that being said its important to know getting tested in free of charge in this country you dont even have to ask for it at your gp you can just visit one of the government regulated clinics to get your test free of charge from a doctor you dont know if you dont want your own gp to know about it for whatever reason but no campus clinics or standardized std testing and that kind of stuff i hear many us people talk about,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i feel this is pointing the finger in the wrong direction the gop and the dems both continue to allow the insurance companies to rob us all blind we all have bodies we all get sick therefore we all need coverage one medical event shouldnt make a person have to lose a lifetime of hard work and savings but that is where we are at now,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 indeed fps lags crazy on ps4 just flying around a planet because the default ps4 hd cannot load fast enoughi suspect itll be a nonissue on a pc with an ssd,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 any medium we dont discriminate at rartistoftheday so much so that we once featured adolf hitlers artworkill send you a pm,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 i am 100 sure i have inferior feand its not just on one topic its on every topic,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i really enjoy writing writing code dug acting playing instruments and directing i made more than a few amateur movies and directed a few plays when i was younger there is a lot of creativity involved in work actually if you climb the ladder a bit managing a project is somewhat like writing and conducting a symphony for example cooking having sex dancing etc these are all creative activities through which you express yourself fucking someone is like playing an instrument,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so he got cut by the giants signed by pittsburgh to beat the giants signed by the bengals to beat pittsburgh seems legit,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 is copying data to the second worksheet necessary why not keep everything together so that you dont have to wait on certain processes to finish,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 lol i use to play that a bit so happy for you guys not a lot of people can carry that level of commitment and trust this gives hope to many others in ldr,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 i sent this to my ex a few times u2764ufe0fu203fu2764ufe0f h u g s also my favorite thing to spamufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffd,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i see youre trying to initially list all donors from 2016 and then trying to view the donation history of just those specific donors unless someone comes up with a formulaic solution for you i believe a vba solution is achievable do you mind posting a screenshot of your spreadsheet with sensitive data redacted mostly focusing on the column headers so the vba can identify what columns to use,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 everyone has disorders not just typemention,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 lol dont worry about it for me being a bit abrasiveu2260being mad at you,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 looks like many panes of glass stacked,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 in this case i have to say they shouldnt be unbanned even though i like steel unpopular opinion here but what ever90 of this in this case to be honest stupid sub talk about no rules while not throwing usually needs no rule in a competitive sport and celebrate those people like they are war heroes disgusting imofixing should be a permanent ban their life isnt over just because they got banned for life from tournaments in a game,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 source text underneath is basically praising king albert recalling his marriage his first child his inauguration and the day he declared war and pointing out his recent victory on the yser front,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 i just wanna know where he lives where he gets 12cm bananas theyre generally larger than that well at least mine is,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 he doesnt work there any more but he does work for another social media company,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 heres the file which ive tested and confirmed working as intended,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 actually this is true from time travel if time machines were ever invented then we should have already been visited by future travelers wed know before we attempted it that it works or not synopsis your logic is flawed because i found a single instance where it is untrue total sarcasm just thought that little premiss fit so perfectly,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 yukiko is my avatar on rmbtiplus good username reference by the way,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 deltav to the moon is only slightly more than to leo orbital mechanics for a moon mission is far far easier than for a multiple rendezvous leo space station moon landings didnt involve construction in space moon landings had less technically challenging specifications in terms of equipment lunar environment has no debris lunar environment has no atmosphere i can go ona manned mars landing and return would be likely more difficult than the construction of a space station at that stage the types of complexity are quite different some things would be much more challenging and some would be much easier,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 you sound like my boyfriend ill give you a slightly other point of view do you ever talk badly about your own appearance my so thinks im gorgeous despite having gained weight but he himself hates his body and constantly brings himself down by saying out loud how fat he is he isnt and how he dislikes his body this fucks with my head because all i hear is if you call yourself fat despite even having lost weight you are a fucking hypocrite and fraud when you tell me im beautiful and you make it difficult for me to believe you,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 agreed this question could be improved by there being a prewritten failing unit test that the candidates code needs to fixone of the best interviews i was ever asked to do consisted of several hours of pair programming and writing code to satisfy unit tests,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 mge is not good you can start calling people good when they reach smfc,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i have never heard of that happening and i do not think it has been done by deployed i mean operating in the same theatre at the same its not really anything new jã gerkorpset and frã mandskorpset were both in task force kbar before their command structure was merged i think its more a matter of making it easier for the politicians so they can just call up the socom and then the socom will handle the rest themselves instead of the mod deciding which unit to use,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 works fine for me though i only play sandbox mode so far,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 what kind of kid related laws do people vote for,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 blm is not about raising awareness of criminal justice and it hasnt been for quite some time,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i went into crazy laughter from this and now have to attempt to explain this thread to my bf edit wipes tears from eyes,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i was like an idiot and said it super early but i felt it so she said it early as hell too,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 he should stop posting on reddit because we are not the professional help he should seek if you look at his post history it very quickly becomes clear that unewaccount130 has issues way way beyond what a bunch of internet strangers can help with this is the epitome of this content does not belong here it definitely belongs behind the door of a psychologists office but when you suggest that he go get that level of help he flops down on the ground and has a temper tantrum like a child that doesnt want to take the medicine that will help them get better which again youll see several times if you look at his post historyi genuinely hope unewaccount130 gets his shit together but this is pretty clearly not the place where thats going to happen,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 what is free will free from what physical laws the concept of free will is based on dualism the idea that spirit is some kind of separate reality from matter and free from material constraints but dualism is flawed as even philosophers figured out not just ai researcherswhat you call free will i call a neural network with injected noise just because we cant find an easy deterministic cause of an action doesnt mean it is free from causality,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 the paper quote is last page,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 one thing i found interesting is how the feeling functions seem to live in precisely the two separate areas of the brain that are associated with theory of mind the cogfuncmention area is also associated with identity and selfawareness and the cogfuncmention area with facial recognition and body language hmm another misconception cogfuncmention types dont have a monopoly on facts and dont necessarily care whether their facts are generally accepted so long as they seem to work in practicegiven nardis results i think it would be more appropriate to say cogfuncmention types evaluate based on actionable information regardless of whether than information is generally accepted or factual,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 oh absolutely function theory is a relatively new and contested addition to mbti but there is much to it which makes sense imho i think youll get a kick out of learning about it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the baby whispererid like to get some parents to chime in and confirm they were able to reproduce this,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lpt buy one anyway even put it to your lips like you are drinking it but dont,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 this applies specifically to the american college system though european unis have a totally different system where you chose a major right from the start and do nothing else except that major for 5 years,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 hey you dont know that there are people who like to wear diapers and be bottle fed to get their jollies etc,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 they have so many good songs no way to put a finger on favorites for me spin the black circle is a personal favorite though for sure i really like lightning bolt too,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 firstly at no stage have you disagreed with my viewpoints your own viewpoint is exactly the same as my ignoring the science in scifi appeal to transcendent knowledge to justify the plot device which is awful storytelling because having everything rest on an arbitrary transcendent ability to reverse entropy and having reversing entropy as the crux of the story means any prior plot is pointless none of it has any impact on the transcendent actionyeah it gives you an implied hyperspace explanation which as i mentioned nullifies the impact of the reversal of entropy in a openclosed system though its better than a transcendent explanationai is subject to entropy so obviously it cannot reverse entropy you might argue that ai will eventually overcome entropy thats fine just dont call it ai once it has instead its a magical entropydefeating entity that you cannot properly describe nor understand and has no meaning to us outside of the fact that it can reverse entropyso in all of the interpretations the story is pointless or misleading or unscientific and by your interpretation the story could be about literally anything and carry the same underlying meaning which is itself very little i think transcendent stuff can do transcendent things big whoop therei dont know what you mean by secrets of the universe etc that it very ambiguous do you have anything in mind,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 your posts remind me of me when i was your age now about 10 years down the line i was around your age when i was also in full doubt about my own style and i was struggling at home emotionally around your age maybe a tad bit younger i went through an all out goth period because of itneedless to say i grew out of it but that time did teach me something very valuable going all out on the spectrum of what is socially acceptable and lets be honest on the teenage girl spectrum very little is socially acceptable put me in a category that was totally outside of any social convention it was hard and not everybody around me accepted me for it but in the end it thought me that i dont need acceptance or acknowledgement from anyone else but myself i went to the extreme side of expressing myself through appearance got burned and had to face social outcry because of it but in the end after the world around me got used to me being different i settled on a style that was me which is still for many outside of the traditional fashion norm lots of pretty vintage inspired silhouettes with a modern twist to take it to the 21st century but it made me happy now i find myself in a place where i can wear anything i want because i still am not worried at all about what others may think and despite being outside of the norm i get so many compliments on how i look because i am confident and secure in how i carry myselfif you dare i would totally recommend you doing you and wearing what you like hell take it 2 steps further and dare to wear stuff of which you know people will hate it and love yourself for it embrace being different embrace being your own individual self and keep repeating to yourself nobody needs to like you but you,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 self preservation i think fits the best,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 try rwickededge they can usually helpif youre using a disposable multiblade and using shaving cream in a pressurized can youre doing it wrong,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 tell him to turn back now before he screws his life up doing dumb stuff,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 i heard it so many times and each time was awesome i have no complaints lol,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 and who said wrestling was fake its still an impressive move doesnt look like it should be possiblelinear momentum forwards rotational momentum backwards im guessing,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 zackley wouldve loved to answer that question in depth,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 so long as you walked over there and worked up a sweat during i would say so d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think that depends on the age range and education level youre after women in their late 20s to 30s who have graduate degrees dont take kindly to bad grammar and netspeak,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 title the bindersynopsis refusing to accept that her destiny lies elsewhere a young woman spends two and a half decades struggling to make an artistic impact on the worldgenre speculative fiction short storywordcount 4860 complete draftfeedback this is an author in crisis story so i would like to know how effectively i avoid cliche on that front thoughts on style and pace are also appreciatedlink,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i dunno they seem really good at their job so they must also make bucketloads from that andor whatever else they got going on,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im on mobile i normally have pretty good grammar,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 in mtg terms we have too many spikes in the mtc and not enough johnniesbare bones definition of the 2spike competitive only like competitive stuff has to be good johnny creative try something different for unique play style twp 1 johnny map ever,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im already hype i just wonder how many teams are sogned up,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 nope i get a kind of perverse enjoyment from reading his posts they have a very colorful use of language,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 wheres benchmade or spydercos cheap crapnot to mention william henry or chris reeve cheap crap,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 cant forget xerath caitlyn and lvl 18 tristana,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i read a biography of him wherein during his teens he followed a disabled iirc retarded girl home with the intention of raping her went into her bedroom and backed out at the last second or so he said iirc because he found her physically gross rather than ethical misgivings also getting violent at a girl for not wanting him to film them having sex not saying it disqualifies him from expressing moral opinions but i do wonder if this person knew that when posting this shitanyway quite an unintelligent guy in my view completely unsuited to intellectual proclamations nirvana were the first band i loved but hes the opposite of someone like bowie â his talent was intense but severely limited theres a saminess in his output that i think he knew he was never going to transcend he did feel as though there was nowhere left for him to go artistically,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 nothing wrong with that m8 but some ppl here cant read or just ignore it because it is their favourite redhead,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thank you ill add it to the list,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i dont get what you want to tell me,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 whilst you might be right eastern nation doesnt necessarily have to refer to the same nation were the eastasians are from germany russia and japan are all to the east of me but theyre still completely different nations,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 at least put some effort into making your rant entertaining if youre going to post your personal drama for public consumption,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 copy and paste this comment,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 they usually do a one time service of unredeeming the key but in the future realize that keys cannot give gifts and are always locked into the account,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i think its hilarious that youre willing to speculate as to my personal effectiveness based on mbti when you know nothing about what ive done and ill leave it at that i also happen to have worked with a lot of typemention who have accomplished less i simply dont know them well because theyre typically odious haha regarding the bread theory i think thats utterly ridiculous fruit was around long before bread and even fruit flies have enzymes for breaking down alcohol many animals do because alcohol is a naturally occurring sugar and appears in large quantities during fruit season monkeys get drunk,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 wow i know a virgil who gets a high paying job at the commonwealth institute of technology too bad he quit,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 this has been surprisingly quiet considering how insane it is and unlike a lot of the stuff people are going nuts over it is proven this will be in the history books as direct evidence of a government under the control of a 3rd party,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i like incinerate honestly its aoe damage is in general way higher than on live the single target is less but whatever,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 yessss there goes the dynamitethey just started asking about terrorism victoryyy,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 seriously i had hundreds of gigs of pirated music on my hard drive then after i used spotify for a while i was genuinely impressed with it and i kept it been using it for about 2 or 3 years now i hated the idea of paying per song or album because it just seemed like tons of money added up but paying for streaming actually feels pretty reasonable to me,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 feeling something super wet and slimy that should not be wet andor slimy,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 i agree and have thought this for a while it feels more organic to pick race gt background gt class because thats probably the order of events in the characters lifehowever in character creation it seems to usually be i want to play a ltclassgt lets see it looks like ltracegt is a good fit and then ltbackgroundgt sounds right thematically and mechanically now ill pick my class skills keeping in mind what i already have from my background and racethe flow is kinda funky either way but as long as it has the same end result its cool,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 oh typemention are perfectly capable of wasting years of your time,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 ah that makes sense thanks,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 not in the stated in which rbz last saw them they had to little recruits directly after the uprising arc and rb knew thatwhat where did you get this idea we know marley sometimes sends a handful of soldiers there to turn criminals and other scum into mindless but they have noone stationed there permanently we would have seen them last chapter if there were any more soldiers wouldnt weif youre right and they didnt go back to marley but simply received supplies then it was the mule who brought them to them are you suggesting that the mule also was the one who brought ymir back i have many issues with that ideaalso i should have remembered that you always downvote the people youre arguing with,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 will recommendworks just as well as the name brand i use these all the time because theyre so cheap,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i disagree i think a warrior is someone who steps up and in willing to join the fight when i signed up for the army i paused and thought i could be sent to war i could be placed in a situation where i could be killed i accepted that and signed up i think at that moment i became a warrior,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 wirloso many years with us and i never heard that one,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 thats one of the biggest life changing eventschoices a person will ever experiencemake its like calling cancer an inconvenience,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 and that folks is why you shouldnt fuck with people i was scrappy when i was a youngun but it was usually me talking shit until someone swung on me cant you pussies take a joke oh i guess not,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thats great to hear i hope you know that despite my harsh words i wasnt trying to attack you directly there was a reason i spoke indirectly ive been around here long enough to understand youre a pretty nice and overall reasonable guy it was actually mildly a surprise for me that youd admitted saying this yourselfi dont think youre wrong in thinking that your actions were justified because of the limited information you had and you can perhaps turn that from being a somewhat negative and defensive thing into being something positive you can use to affirm to the other person that the outcome wasnt intentional its possible to repurpose that basic kernel of truth into something that helps you smooth things over instead of breeding resentment just be careful to not make it sound like an excuse you still have to convey personal regret some feeling of concern and acknowledgment of the other persons problem keep it focused on the impact on them and less about you or your rationale the ultimate goal is to build an understanding with them that you were acting with the best information and intentions and that you are aware of and care about the effect your actions have had on them and that you regret itmyself id probably say something along the lines of hey listen im really sorry about what happened i hope you can understand that it seemed like the right thing to do at the time given my limited information but that i never intended for this outcome and i feel awful that i let this happen to you i know it really sucks for you right now and a bunch of other stuff that would be situationally dependenttrust me bringing people down is an art worth learning the quicker you can do it the less a shitty cogfuncmention has to deal with it,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 well to be honest boiled or steamed broccoli taste much better mushrooms should never be eaten raw,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 my guess would be that typemention dont like gym in general but we like running and cycling i think what motivates me is that i gain an ability to run without being exhausted so that motivates me to do running cos you know if you dont run regulary you will lose your ability to run and feel cool and i dont want to lose it i want to have it as a part of mealso what motivates me is self research of my body and how it works well and sense of freedom and connection you get aswellbut in general its just an ability to do something you couldnt do before and experincing new things also i remeber i watched some slowmotion of a maraphon winner runner similar to this one it impressed me so much how gracefully he runs and there is all this technique involved and that you can learn it when im thinking about it now maybe its that we typemention need to feel something first before get very intrested in it and do it ourselfs we are feelerscycling trips are prolly just my favorite thing to do its free movement you can go anywhere you feel your body and the connection you see alot of things and explore you feel air you visit nature you are alone in your own world when you cycling you feel connected to the life,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 hah well usually when im telling someone to fuck off i have it in my head that it might help them to grow and stop being a dick so i usually keep my insults to their behavior and psychological weaknesses which seem to underlie the offensive whatnot im usually very calm about it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ive had netflix for years and not once have i seen it on there im very surprised it hasnt showed up on my recommendations,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 which onethe one where he forgot his plot armor or the one where he cared more about falco than ending his own suffering,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 weaponizing is the wtg failing that making things look like genitals is a close second dick shaped pancakes just taste better,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 first time streaming im so sorry,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 so your husband is a dutch national i get residency is an issue but i reckon you should be allowed to travel all across europe together with your husband under eu directive 200438ec this directive might not allow you to get residency in the netherlands because your husband is dutch you would be allowed residency elsewhere in the eu together with your husband based on this directive by the way but it should definitely allow you to travel through all of schengen legally,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 a m8 of mine always says nice try even though the round was save and the last guy ruined it with his stupidness or fucked up a clutch big time missing a called player or footstepsi am not saying people should rage about it but if it was really stupid just tell him where he fucked up nice try is just encuraging people to make the same mistakes againkeeping the morale high has never helped me win close games,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 so change your flair now or what,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 yeah good point it shouldnt lead to that big of a difference between leagues though also multiple sources come up with their own stats and normally they all agree with each other so there must be some standard in place,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 you havel carbonate the powerade first,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 typemention can be very logical they dont do so in the same way as an typemention would for example but very much strive for it nonetheless when cogfuncmention is in the tertiary it can be something that they strive for rather than something they do compulsively as an typemention would when a function is in the tertiary it can be the one that you can see the most clearly as it is something that is not habitual but also not unconscious what this means is that your dominant functions come so naturally that you do them without thinking and your fourth is done unconsciously so you can often be drawn to the tertiary because you can choose to focus on it kiersey should be taken with a huge grain of salt i dont think anyone here places much value in his writings his book sits unread on my coffee table as the next thing that im going to read but this is only to gain a more complete understanding of typology no one really takes kiersey seriously anymore the other things that you describe wouldnt necessarily describe inferior cogfuncmention over tertiary cogfuncmention in an typemention it could go either way id also mention that typemention usually hate typemention even if they are their duals hating your duals is common because they represent everything that you undervalue in your self but secretly strive for i think that this is especially true for typemention and typemention though,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 those are just extra questions and none of them addressed how you think i might be brainwashedwere you simply trying to point out that canadians being nice was a stereotype,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 islamists have always been in opposition to nationalism the same is true in pakistan where islamists clash with nationalists their loyalty is to islam which know no border more so its part of the doctrine that they shouldnt accept being ruled by nonmuslims this is why even a minority can cause trouble,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 someone give this guygirl a medal,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 sorry dont have one it was a direct link to the image,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 everyone has their own routine before they play a gamei for one listen to a good song before playingwhile the warmup is running on the server but i generally deathmatch or play arena once a day to get a start for the csday,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 2000 to me is surviving another 2 months without selling my house though i think its inevitable there are no jobs for what i do where im at and being laid off after 15 years just plain sucksthe only investments i have are in the house and rrspssorry i kinda ragged on you losing money but anyone who has no debt and can invest doesnt really need to worry in the immediate future i thinki personally hate thinking or worrying about money i didnt think or worry about it when i had a job but i wasnt dumb with the money either rfrugal rbifl are two of my fave subs but when you got little to no income its always kinda weighing on you,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i really wonder what is the end game for the left they will keep going down the rabbit hole of political correctness buy into the frivolous outrage of the day and waste their energy on nonissue nothing can reverse this trend any sane voice who dare to speak against this madness will be shun out of their tribe ironically they are creating a new tyranny of the majority while being so damn sure they are fighting it confined in their safe space they have lost all capacity of seeing the wider picture they are rendered politically impotent by their cynicism and their inability to stand for anything meaningful meanwhile people with very real and personal concern are going to look elsewhere for solutions people with problems that cannot be solve with hugs alone they will turn toward someone who talk about greatness about a better future about dream and hope someone who sell a vision a charismatic leader who act as a fatherly figurethis is the end game,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 hitler was privately also very nonchristian anyway his worldview was very naturalistic mostly but then you get that one race is destined to rule all others so there may be providence in there somewhere mussolini was too though obviously it was massively advantageous for him to ally with the catholic church,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i moved from a cheapy amd msi motherboard to a cheapy intel msi motherboard my windows worked fine i just had to reinstall a few drivers and reactivate windows 81 because id also changed my cpu and ram so it thought it was a new pc,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 it sounds like you have some preconceived notions about what it means to be a man and anything that doesnt fit that selfinflicted straightjacket gets quickly shuffled away tells me you still arent comfortable in your own skin and you are still trying to live up to external standards that dont fit you as a personif you were like i dont fellate my male sexual partners because i dont like it period it would have been clear you do want to but then you hit your own mental barriers of what real men should do and you rob yourself and and your male bedfellow of some sexual fun,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 give me one reason not to use gnome 3,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 dammit you beat me to it,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 i talk pretty openly about my social anxiety and depression i usually tell people on the first date because i just want to get it out of the way maybe i shouldnt i have nice conversations with other people who have mental illness though when do you think its appropriate to reveal mental illness 3rd date couple months in i truly have no ideai also mention it if im acting weird its like yeah sorry i have social anxiety and it is definitely a factor in this moment,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 my parents are in medicine and i love science i always thought this was more of a function of my cogfuncmention though my brother isnt into science at all and he is an st loves finance my sister is a scientistdoctor and she is an typemention,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 excellent find thanks for sharing it,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 im typemention and consider myself pretty weird so it gave typemention instead,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 if you idiot would actually think about it you would know that valve just changed the images that belong to a specific point gap you still get matched with the same peopleotherwise i advise you to get good,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 showing emotions being influenced by emotions theres also a difference in which emotions you show go to thetypemention sub then to the typemention one,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 got my tubal ligation a few years ago thanks obama sincerely,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 do you know why there wont be 128 tickit has something to do with this,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 carrier dependent even with an unlocked phone,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 well this is a fucking mbti sub,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 as you pointed out above harris doesnt selfpromote himself as a neuroscientists the blogger compile a list of 9 instances where he was presented as a neuroscientist and not a single one where he uses the term himself still the blogger goes on saying that harris selfpromote as a neuroscientist his thesis could very well be flawed the best way to prove it would be to make the experiment but the other claims are irrelevant his phd thesis was not the basis of his book notably,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 its not a toupee it is a very large and very intricate combover he probably has an employee who makes it look that way each and every day the whole process of making it look like that probably takes hours,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 seriously you had the better keeper and that won you this match that and the offside call on slimani,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 55 fast and easy trade thanks,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 yeah i fucking hate it its upsetting to me and graphic rape scenes are just almost never necessary but i probably wouldnt think to complain about it if i werent having to watch a rape scene per episode or more sometimes,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 why cant they fire you for being gay or black,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 haha i started watching the clip without having seen your comment and started wondering where this was going and then it got to that last part you mentioned and i was like oh there it is theres cogfuncmention it was definitely that old familiar feeling of being engaged in an experience but watching from the outside as well like an objective stranger,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 why does one need protection from that which is insignificant,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 use your intuition and ask the real question were you drunk to which i reply define drunk,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i have this too even the slightest tinge of nausea makes me start to panic if im really sick ill be crying trying not to throw up even though i know just getting it all out will make me feel better its the worst,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 nothing whats wrong are certain laws that make people into criminalswe could pass a law that says breathing is against the law bam everybody is a criminal,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 that and they work 12 hours a day,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 thought it was archers of loafcross,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 wouldnt that defeat the purpose and destroy the rims if he did drivei kinda figured he did that to boast he offroads which is fairly laughable with that vehicle also note his back window is plastered with stickers,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 its understandable to feel guilty about leaving the team but theyll find someone to promote to your position and you deserve a better opportunity after the work you put in dont think you need to be too hard on yourself about it,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 betrayal is a cold heartless bastard,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i saw the pic and was like oh i remember that from skyrim guys they kept it,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 yep thats your best bet if you arent inclined to sharpen your own i love sharpening mine but its a hobby thing and not for everyonething is once your knife gets dull you cant hone it back it needs to be done consistently everytime before or after you use it it just realigns the edge itll stay sharp a very long time if you do thisonce the knife gets a little dull itll be wavy like but still sharp throughout but once it gets really dull that point turns cone shaped and honing wont fix iti personally use a smooth steel like this but they can be ceramic too the most important thing when sharpening or honing is keeping the angle consistent throughout,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its not science thoughits science,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i agree but anyone who thinks this is a good thing is myopic imo it reminds me of children who learn to be less angry of their parents when they have kids of their own mommy wasnt perfect but guess what youre human too and your kids are gonna be pissed at you until they have kids of their own also drone strikes hahaha there are plenty of nations like china who would just carpet bomb the entire country before sending in a million raping soldiers and claiming that the entire region had always been part of china are drone strikes good no but i do think people forget what humans are like,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 no no it was my fault she replied wideeyed shaking her head with an uncomfortable laugh kiernan added you dont have to go bryen is it ser bryen yet,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 you should go to kiloude city and ask the purple haired guy about ivs,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 edit sorry i switched around the genders of bio and step parenthey im also an only child 22 now and i have a 1 year old little halfbrother when i was your age this was one of my biggest fears exactly for the reasons you stated also the competitiveness you are expressing in your comments i get itthe thing is at 18 youll move out and all those cozy little nuclear family things you are experiencing will be gone youll live your own life maybe go to your dads house once a month and youll be calling your dad for advice on all kinds of practical grown up stuff but the daily how was your day conversations will fade and thats ok notice how i said your dads house thats because in a few years youll find yourself a new home and the house you grew up with will less and less be your homei would have been miserable with a baby in the house it would have made me beyond sad as due to the divorce i had trouble feeling safe and secure in my home to begin with that child would have made those feelings worse if i were in your shoes based on my experience now i would be open with your dad and stepmum about your feelings considering they care so much i would ask them to wait another year or two so youll be able to move out by the time the baby comes around about your competitiveness i am so going to be downvoted to hell for this but i honestly feel like this i found one thought incredibly soothing my dad is older than yours hes early 50s now i felt incredibly angry that this kid would grow up with all the opportunities of a stable nuclear family while frankly my parents fucked me up pretty good and im fighting to become the best i can be despite my parents but then i realized how i still have it so much better than my baby brother because ill have my parents even if they are a bit flawed around to guide and support me until into my 50s while my baby brother will most likely have to bury his dad before hes 30 maybe something you dont understand yet but it is only now in my 20s i actually get to know my parents because the parentchild relationship is shifting to an adultadult relationship ill have half a lifetime to truly get to know my parents and make then proud of the adult ive become i will be celebrating so many of my adult successes with my parents my baby brother will only have 10 years or so to do this there is so much up side in being the eldest very early born child which is and advantage any baby even if your dad will have 5 more can never take away from you,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 try longer stories like the enormous crocodile by roald dahl or try standalone chapters from something like winniethepooh im currently reading fantastic mr fox by roald dahl to my four year old twin boys every time we pick it up i ask them about the last chapter we read,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 the problem is that for 25ms and upwarfs you can also play on good 64tick servers and your hits would still connecti love how some people i know say yeah 128 tick best while playing with cmd and updaterate 64,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ahh str 8 the ol caster dumpstat routine and now i remember that we had a dampd conversation recently elsewhere,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i feel we can call bs when we see it i dont have time for games like that,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 whybecause overwatchers have to work through a shitload of such cases and lose the will to do so,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 youre good people i hope youve both found great partners since then,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 you asked me if that was what i was referring toif you would like i can do a search and link aaalllll of the stupid typemention posts that ive seen in the last two to three monthsand i dont care about your opinion on if i choose to ignore something or not for the love of god,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i never said anything about giving horomones on a whim i said she would need to see a therapist for that unfortunately packing her bags and moving her to canada is not the solution,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i didnt talk with op,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i didnt say you had i said dontk ms literal stalker i am going to post your last pms since you just did lie you must want me to on some level youre practically begging me to since i just told yoh not to speak to me again no way i can post em all at once tho and you know thats not even close to the juiciest shit to be fair,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 for the record i started on cod4i liked it but liked waw way moretoo bad that game got unplayable online due to the god mode hacks,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i suppose having a straight route makes things a hell of a lot simpler is that route a part of the transsiberian express,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 ye the only thing i thought of was the bottoming out plastic on plastic which i personally find not so disturbing,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 you misunderstand which i explained if you would read more carefully the stat turn radius doesnt mean shit not actual turn radius stats shown in wargame are known to be sometimes inaccurate or misleading because there are other factors involved that arent shown somethings in this game you just have to learn from playing or testing like my example the f18 hornet it says it has a 400 turn radius but go test it yourself it is quite agile compared to other planes with a 400 turn radius such as the tornado,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 does for me implies being adopted causes issues for everyone im just putting my 2 cents in that im a relatively emotionally healthy adult who has a good relationship with my normal parents not every adoption story is dramatic or screwed up,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 haha honestly i feel like my type fluctuates a bit depending on the day but typemention speaks to me the most but i hang out here and at a few other close mbti subs because i can still relate sometimes,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 when we pulled into the walmart parking log,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 if he took the phone why didnt he at least delete the video geez,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 says the man who has ten times as much karma than me in only three times the time,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 are you going to send a check for that guys living expenses this isnt an exercise in abstract thought it isnt bucking the system to let some guy leach off of you so he can play video games and masturbate all day while you work also i am able to take goof care of myself hehe i have spent most of madult life taking care of selfish narcissists,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 dont worry i dont mind anything that combines pokã mon and mbti xd,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 i dont play instruments only a bit of keyboardspiano but i do produce music in fl studio 12,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 it is ironic that they are primarily university students trained to think and explore the realm of ideas and yet dont seem to have figured out that fascism vs communism combined with group based identity politics is going to result in bloodshed and tears,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 ureignerbraun has walked amongst us mortals for a while nowsuprise you hadnt noticed it yet,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 tjs are cold and hard on the outside warm and soft on the inside like a mecha pilotfjs are warm and soft on the outside cold and hard on the inside like an android translator,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 yup i also wear a seatbelt im a giant vag,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 this didnt wait fucked myself over bigtime,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 offtopic by chance are you an iain banks fan,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 i think that is exactly why so many people hate certain actors in certain roles,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 kijana carter wrecked by injury immediately in his first preseason then another serious injury as soon as he gets back then more injuries,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 if a kid pees in the pool is the pool not filled with piss,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i dont think it has all that much to do with our function ordering everybody has core values without them you couldnt develop selfconsistent viewpoints or behaviours the warm robot meme stems from typemention not wearing their heart on their sleeves communicating your emotional needs takes serious practiseseeing blatantly unfair treatment or treatment bordering on or crossing into sadism that triggers a very strong empathetic anger response in me there is not much suppressing i can do in such situations i can only control my actions in relation to that emotion i havent snapped any necks although the idea is appealing in the moment the negan character in the walking dead pure torture for mewe like to portray ourselves as sovereign and untouchable if i read it correctly in this sub but it ultimately is a lot of grandstanding we show our vulnerability in the myriad of posts where we are uncertain about our place in the world feeling sad useless out of place uncertain about romantic connections with others not knowing which direction to go or if we even add something to this worldmaybe we would do good by being more feely in this sub we have the rational part down already,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 they sent a manual with the newsletter for our franchises it replaces the till functions its pretty nice but too slow were still using the old till set up except when our dumbass agm is working he likes the new way,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 eating your children is only morally wrong if they have a better chance of survival than you do assuming youd only eat you children in a survival situation,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 so what happens now is you get into your car get yourself to whereever your parents are living park the car go to the house tell your kid to get into the car right now get back in the car and drive away your parents just lost the right to ever see your kid again while hes still underaged,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 hug holds and basket holds are quickly being outlawed and phased out there is a lot of risk of injury to the holder headbutts to the face would be the most common one i can think of swatting a kids hand could lose a person their teaching license in a split second not to mention its not best practice behavior management especially with kids with autism,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i love it my husband like to say that theres a fat guy inside of him wanting to get fatter lol,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 agree with you about writing but not reading if you are checking how close to the end of the book you are youre probably not fully immersed i have actually turned off all reading progress indicators on my kindle,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 you can pm me if you want toi have similar problems too,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 europe i totally get the work part i felt the same way during my work for a few months i havent started college though just got out of the military awaiting the new school semester now in my part of the world we have to serve national service once we hit 18yoi just want to at least do it while i can good luck with yours,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 as an typemention with aux cogfuncmention i relate strongly to everything you said in the cogfuncmention section hope that helps,70.0,33.0,46.0,6.0,33.0 oh ok that might be for the best x,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 yeah the newbie stuff can be pretty rough though i still try and answer questions so they dont get bad answers from dummies not to say i know everything but there is big time bad typing over there,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 big brother is always watching and they always keep pushing for more and everyone lets them,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 hey thats not bad yeah its pretty nice really really relaxing makes the brain feel cool,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i dunno i had some really rousing and fascinating discussions with 3 typementions last saturday and again one with an typemention last night sure i know more about some esoteric whatnot because im interested in such things but they each made excellent counterpoints and provided me with new insights they each also have more knowledge in other areas and i learned from them there i find that most nts are so concerned with being superior they cant pull their heads out of their asses long enough to remember that the point of debate isnt to win its to find the truth we are not inherently smarter than nfs,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 my group plays online and when we play wod we typically use roll20 and skype as the gm i like to use roll20 for the visual references props pics of the group and other major characters of the chronicle or scene sure its a touch more work but it adds a visual layer to the game and a good macro and diceroller system,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 just select the ssd when it asks you to install the game if it isnt there say use a different location,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the walldian government was overthrown within a few days after that one trick where they tried to see how theyd react if another wall was to be breached,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 my ex is a chubby chaser and into bbws and he definitely only dated chubby women because he was pretty deeply ashamed hed still take the sex over not having sex just wouldnt date bbws even though thats all he jacked it to,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 its certainly a minority position as most reasonable people will recognize the power of a warrant as long as their is due process still if we are pushing for perfect encryption we are denying the power and usefulness of a warrant as harris said the genie might already out of the bottle a tool like tor as proven pretty solid so far but i would rather live in a world where i dont fear my government in such way that im required to use tor and this requires working at improving how the government handle privacy and not some kneejerk cynical reaction where we opposes surveillance at any cost,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 pfft i aint worried about none of that shitokay seeya later guys just gonna hit the gym real quick,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 â 20m he may have high potential but he is so injury prone no one would risk paying any more,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 its hard to know what to do without knowing why shes acting this way id try to reduce the amount of triggers to as few as possible and just work on fixing one or two at a time you say shes afraid of stairs going outside and people going outside seems to be the biggest issue due to the failed potty training so lets just focus on that oneif she cant get outdoors in time without having an accident reduce the amount of time it takes her to get outdoors rather than keeping her upstairs keep her downstairs closer to the door put her crate there with blankets and cozy things so shes comfortable personally if theres any risk of a dog peeing on my bed that dog is not allowed on my bed anymore remember to set her up for success by making the task you want her to do as simple as possible once she gets the hang of going outside to pee then she can stay upstairs more oftenrewarding her for good deeds is important but maybe even more important is finding out what a reward is to her my rescue was a little anxious when i first got her and didnt care about treats toys and got scared by excited praise what worked best was calmly talking to her and petting her a year later shes 100 more food driven but in the beginning treats really did nothing so figure out what your dog likes and use thati get that this is a very frustrating situation to be in but patience is key if you start getting agitated shes going to pick up on that and her anxiety will get worse instead of better and yes everything is still new to her imagine you went through something traumatic and then all of a sudden got put in a strange place with strange rules and people would you get over that in a couple weeks absolutely not itd take months if not years to fully adjust so you want to find a middle ground of being confident and authoritative but also caring and patient with her good luck,41.0,31.0,95.0,3.0,13.0 check out their sidebars too for more sub suggestions rbirthcontrol is good too if youre curious about birth control in the future also feel free to pm me if you have any questions im a nurse and ive also had a decent amount of personal experience,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 generally you dont mind shopping all that accurate,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 no worries the whole time im terrified that ill do something to screw it up because of course i dont actually know what im doing dim just good at using the information available in context it still impresses a lot of people though,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 it would certainly solve the cheater and smurf issue ppl complain about,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 this video shows that hillary clinton will have a general election problem if she wins the nomination and thinks she can count on bernie sander supporters to vote for her i sure as hell wont,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 at least its for a good reason thats why hes not single,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 hes been average lately average stats less than average formgreat ch but i dont see any reason to go all out on him,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 for you it might work i read your other post too maybe you need another asexual homoromantic individual,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 thanks for the advise but im a european sadly enough,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yes both him and his grandmother are in both photos,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i heard nick compton might be available,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 actually he didnt really enjoy those too much,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 marley and me i cried so hard i wont watch it again,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 ah thanks good to see the dogs okaypretty cool they had armor for the dog,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my personal favorites aremorrowind witcher of them but 1 had the best soundtrack in my opinionnehrim,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 bahahaha fair enough in that case youre absolutely correct im pedantic myself so dont use me as a judge didnt mean to give you a complexi think the fact that you mentioned the midwest as being northeast had thrown me off because it had me thinking in all directions instead of just eastwest,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 fully understanding icelandic noun cases amp declensions what about you,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 that was a fun read why resort to ad hominem it does nothing but weaken your assertions,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i didnt know that cod is the only shooter i play,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 good luck with that there is no community just a loosely knit group of people using linux for their own ends and with their own agendas,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 right on i may give it another shot,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 convos go like this oh you use reddit cool what subs no mention of username thats like bro code for reddit i assumed,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 wlfy of cyclone in week 2 game 1 against hungry for more sep 3rd,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 the same goes for windows me from the new millenium on linux has more or less kept pace with the other oses,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 damn i feel for you man what a way to find out about it i hope things get better for you,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 agreedand its not the right kind of wetness so it starts getting uncomfortable pretty quickly i can enjoy it in short bursts if my flow isnt too heavy,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 at 3h09min cruz jacket has a pocket on the left i dont see it on amanda,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 some one worded kevin comment fucking kevin,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 but it compresses the air like a squid in the sky a squid in teh skyzors,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 very interesting i did the asvab 95 asqt 271 nuke score said that my main interest is nf it was the first thing they offered me i didnt have to do any extra work or anything i always thought that they only look at your asvab scores and stuff i wasnt aware they paid attention to anything else,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 i think thats probably true for most who interact with me i didnt read the article just talking about the title of this post,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 the majority of fps in cs is done by the cpu as the source engine is heavily cpu reliant,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thats just lighting if he was really black he wouldve been colored in like no racism intended the beast titan,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 long term shifting is the cart titans gimmick though the fact that she can do it doesnt mean eren can,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 id seen the browsergame beforehand so i kinda knew,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i created a crop tracker you might find usefulfeedback welcome,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 i didnt meant to use the word to take a stance propaganda doesnt have to be right or wrong its simply about influencing opinion,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i dont get wet until sex is already happening for a little bit totally normal whether im on hormones or not my bf makes it wet either with spitlubeoralwhatever not a big deal for us,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ok is the stylesheet full if not i can give you the css to make nightmode look better,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 they keep saying hang onto those duplicates as if we have a choice and hinting that there will be a use for them soon but theyve said that since the game came out,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 doc martens are no longer buy it for life havent been for a long whiletheyre crap they sold their real factory in the uk in 2003 they are made in china and thailand nowsolovair is the brand being made in the original uk factory nowi bought some doc martens about 10 or so years ago in about a year the sole completely cracked in two on one boot the insides were completely destroyed they never had any traction on snow ice or anything except for pavement the sole on my left boot completely detached from the bootthey were not worth the 200 i had spent on them not even closeavoid this brand at any costif you can find a pair of the old ones in good shape those might be worth it but do not support this company any longer they need to be struck from being considered as a bifl quality brandthey dont care about quality or customer support any more,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i was kinda angry initially after seeing the bandanas but then i saw that they were giving existing owners the free effect and i was happy again d,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 but doesnt gear just help you achieve a certain look whereas performance enhancers are a different set of drugs its actually unhealthy and makes you less fit aerobically being that size,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 im not sure thats the case most germans and people in western europe make about â 35kâ 60k 4065k however salaries of â 100k are exceptionally rare and you could only realistically make that amount if you were an independent contractor a politician a director or on an executive board in a large mncwhilst there are tons of people in the us living on less than 30k which you dont really see in germany wages for skilled white collar work in the us is the highest in the world probably on par with switzerlandand this is especially true in the tech sector go to silicon valley 100k is the minimum for a recent college grad base salaries of 150300k are extremely common and thats not including ipos stock options etc,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 gotta cut the costs somewhereinternet is basically a basic utility like heat water and lightshis internet could be included like from university or apartment building,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sorry not the author i found the idea of selfsupervised learning by predicting link words quite ingenious,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i read a bit more on it sounds like the m80 turns off in 12sec pretty sure my device is 10s though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yep especially for engineerings i think 90 or so gets their masters those 10 who dont do so because a university degree simply turned out to be too difficult for them or because of personal reasons really the only exception to this rule is compsci for which the demand is so astronomically big that companies have good offers ready for bachelor students and will further train them in house if youre thinking of doing chemeng in the netherlands i highly recommend getting your masters degree over here as well its two years tuition fees are about 14k a year for students outside of the us there are several options the technical universities but also the university of groningen the only nontechnical research university that offers engineering doing your masters over here will get you a diploma which employers will recognize youll get two years to learn the language a bit though this is not a requirement like it would be in germany or france and youll build a network so youll get a job quickly starting salaries are about 28003000 euros a month before taxes which puts you on average not even median which is far lower salary already at the start of your career for dutch wages just to put demand into perspective for chemengs,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 spam is amazing if you cook it dont eat that shit straight out of the can you animal,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 55000 feet in the air and 1360 mph thats just absolutely incredible i didnt quite fully appreciate what a feat of engineering concorde was until now,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 absolutely its my favorite thing to do with others im jane goodall and everyone else is a monkey,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 can you make it where we can submit game times and log in as a player,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 all code is server side,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 clearly the north shore is more dangerous than the restand where are the drop bears on that list or are they only dangerous to tourists and thats why it didnt make the cut,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 so netshark still works on esea servers once i have the key oh well they have their rat to catch people i guess d,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i agree but im at such a confusing place with myself at the moment so i cant be certain that im transgender amp that im not mistaking this feeling for my other issues,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 suffered from social anxiety depression and shit until i watched paul blart mall cop started exercising regularly and getting involved in sports,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ive been playing for awhile so need no for a code just wanted to say keep up the good work its quite a fun unique game,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 i hate that i put a lot of thought into gifts for others id rather spend quality time with someone and create nice memories than get a present with no thought put in,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 what if we put the rat in a rocket and sent it to the moon would it become the highest mammal and if we gave the rat some weed would it be the highest high mammal,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 this would be the formula for your percentage cells ifa1paypal0029ifa1stripe002a1 being the cell containing the method of payment adjust as necessaryyou can add additional tests by inserting another if logic test after each percentage value,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 when you createinsert a new picture table or figure be sure to change the alignment to through that way you can drag whatever you want around any place on the document without affecting the surrounding things but you have to make sure its done as soon as you put it in or otherwise the whole thing will be messed up later on as it could jump outside the page with no way of getting it back,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 this is so funny lmao,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 well i mean its just two triangles,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 were already targets no matter where we are or where we congregate you cant let fear of terrorism stop you from doing what is right if you do then theyve already won,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 these types of generators use melted liquid salts for collecting and transferring the heat from the tower down to generators,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 besides the whole issue being silly you could try the argument of why i need a tv or music on the background for me to get my hyper focus going i need a stupid tv or music im not paying attention to to act as a white noise that cancels out all other irregular noises car alarm people talking on the hall way etc for the same reasons why you need silence i dont mind studying in the same room where my so is gaming or doing the dishes because i dont notice him over my white noise if your boyfriend is the same you could tell him that you like studying in silence for the same reason why he likes studying with back ground noise,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 when i drink titos i feel fucking amazing barely notice any hangover cheap vodka like smirnoff or worse guarantees i will vomit all the next day surprisingly new amsterdam has been treating me pretty well for half the price of titos,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 you know what i think is funny when people dont go to groningen and instead go to cities like amsterdam and such groningen might not be big but its still the only city without night curfews for bars and clubs amsterdam for example does have a curfew this is the only city in the netherlands where you can literally party and drink until 67 in the morning the same goes with social student life in general groningen might be small but it lives up to the big cities in many things that students care about also this being a small city means rather cheap living expensesi do miss the array of specialist shops a big more metropolitan city has or the proximity to major international airports and facilities like major ngos which i might be interested in to volunteer for being based in major cities i most likely will move to a bigger city after getting my degree because most big corporations are also based there etc etc,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i definitely agree it is way better to get that depression out of the way as a kid i feel bad for people who say that high school was the best time of their lifeyeah when people get stuck in these function ruts the other functions are meant to selfcorrect usually it is external factors that stop people from fixing themselves quickly,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 ive failed out of college more than one ive been in college for 7 years with nothing to show for it im going to community college taking things i took in high school ive been working as a webcam girl supporting my boyfriend for years and im at the end of my rope because it is extremely mentally draining and fucks with your head and its like a bullshit junior high school politics environment ive definitely puked blood if my mom gave half a shit about me she would be here trying to intervene this whole past week has me been chugging vodka in front of my boyfriend looking at me with a look that makes me want to kill myself i didnt know i needed to brag about how shitty it is fuck,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 wait so its just 2040 for a bunch of sentences why dont i just download english and japanese subs for an asadora free japanese sentences with answer key koichi almost got me with this cash grab,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 im having trouble getting a purpose all the things you said will come naturally after you have a purpose,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 how old is your brother and whats his general level of maturity to you probably worth knowing at leastoftentimes typemention dont really want help or to be understood just validated i dont know your brother but coming from another typemention male its not unlikely that he just wants space to do his own thing and not feel questioned or invalidated things that lead him to say what he said are leaving him way too emotional to be helped at least not without some time to cool down so i agree that offering logical advice is out of the questionthe thing that will probably frustrate you as much as him is that he probably also isnt quite sure what he wants either we dont like being herded into a lifestyle by someone elses accord which im sure is something you can probably relate to a bit as an typemention and i guarantee thats the source of at least some of his frustration the other comments here are great so ill just reiterate that i think he needs some space to do his thing helping an typemention is a bit like inception it can be a great idea that youre feeding but if its a drastic change we need to feel like we came to the conclusion by our own accord,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 a single individuals not eating meat ceteris paribus is negligible 10 of all individuals not eating meat will give you your ped im assuming that when you were talking about price elasticity you were trying to argue that increased demand increased supplybasically there is a level at which changes in demand are sufficiently small to not impact on supply if i buy a copy of harry potter its not going to change the size of the print run from 1000000 to 1000001 theres so much wastage and arbitrage along the way that it would be hugely costly to have such a finely tuned system for determining productionsimilar deal for mass meat production you buy lets say 20 sausages a week from your supermarket the supermarket sells tens of thousands a week which isnt purchases for all supermarkets in the area so the supermarket chain is really buying sausages in their millions one person buying or not buying 20 sausages cant reasonably be expected to have any real impact on the choice between the supermarket buying 3 million or 35 million sausagesworth noting that while were talking about meat here dairy is another process entirely pasteurisation of milk and shelf life of cheeses means that there is very low wastage from production to consumption and whilst i havent done the stats robustly i had a look and it seems that individual consumption can have a significant impact over time on the production of milkbut you have another ethical discussion entirely there because dairy cows are broadly speaking happy and get killed when milk demand is lowit could be because they may purchase from suppliers in smaller quantities and so forth there may be factors that mean even a small increase in demand for meat leads to increased production,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 thats the plan for next weekend i couldve tonight but 1am seemed a bit late and i thought id take the opportunity to also get homework done in the meantime,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i second this inexperienced and unprepared bushwalkers die in tasmania in winter almost every year you absolutely must have proper clothing food and equipment and an epirb although you cant count on the emergency services being able to get to you in a timely fashion if the weather turns nasty,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i dont think its that tough power isnt easy bliss is power is stressful bliss isnt i was once asked if id rather be dumb amp hot or smart amp ugly dumb and hot hands down no question about it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 sailfish os is perfect in my opinion but im running android as of right now,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 am i the only one who is terrified by this comic and this entire concept thinking about this causes my stomach to do somersaults and my heart to race it makes me feel panicky,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 there would be rumors everywhere that i am a homophobe,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 they beat up a person who picks on the weak,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i didnt say it in the guide but i ran this before stratos got banned and it was pretty broken then too but after stratos was banned and before shadow mist was released i ran a synchro build like youre running and it was very good,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 consistency in mm is a myth and not to archive,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 what are your favourite duran duran songs i quite like rio amp the chauffeur,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 you could say that women indirectly control quality as well i see your point but in mens maslows hierarchy of sexual needs quality is low on the list and kind of a binary value men have a biological drive to orgasm that women do not quality is only a distant goal and only gains importance as the need for quantity is sufficiently meti think it is imperative for women to understand this and provide a satisfactory quantity for their partners because like maslows needs the quality factor will become a priority to men only so long as quantity is no concern not sure i am communicating my point clearly but i dont want to restate it repeatedlythis has always baffled me i just cant wrap my head around it hard to explain but i can image what it would feel like to have a tail i can empathize what amputees go through but i cant relate at all to this affliction women seem to have,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 well said and i agree i want to share an allegory hehe i realized it couldnt work long term with my typemention ex when we were talking about relationships in abstract hahaha sample size of one says they dont like thinking about such things why talk when you can do says the typemention,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 cats dont have pack mentality its his territory now so not really alpha but yeah hes gonna set the rules,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 should i change it to global then does it make me more relevant gt,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 what about police carbines those are safer right how does that compare to a regular nonassault rifle,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 bro they lowkey grow a ton of weed,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i wonder how itd turn out with a crossover of gravity falls,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 i didnt realize until now but youre so rightlike i seriously get irritated with every scene he is in,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 what do you want them made from ive got plenty of quarry materials here but i dont want you to turn up and not like it,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 this album actually captures the european university student look pretty well,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 0 there is nothing wrong with your face you are not ugly you are not fat you are just fine,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 well you can setup your own server on your own machine if you dial in the settings in the server manager but i understand what you are saying i guess that is the negative for the game being developed for hardcore sim people,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this reminds me of the time i used the cool refreshing taste of pepsi cards against humanity card when my friend who works at cocacola was the card czar,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 this may help you in figuring things out for future projectionsand this may help you out with calculating leap years,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 we cant see the chat in overwatch as you might know,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 also thanks man im a girl girls drink a lot too,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 just the usual kara kustoms ink in tumbled aluminum brass section and fine nib inked with pelikan brilliant brown,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 so what makes ponies different from dogs,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 theres something wrong with the mouth and eyes maybe even the red string in front of the pawi cant quite place it but theres some uncanny feeling im getting,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 have you read brave new world by aldous huxleyif you want a scary path for the western world in an age of media saturation then read thatright up until last year i was sure that that was the path we were heading in general apathy combined with some environmental ruin now doublespeak and nuclear war is back on the agenda so instead of it being a 7030 for bnw being the future now i think weve got an even split between 1984bnwmad max nuclear warbladerunner erosion of human rights due to tech advancesthe implications of constant survellience are pretty interesting depending on how the information is used and who has access to it think minority report vs how it is in 1984 where everyone surveys everyone elsee mixed up 1984 and bnw on that last sentence,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 omg this would be the best im using my 1000 for remote play,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 chad campbell only 4 mark wilson lt1 herman 2 blixt 3 brown 2 and owen 1 so ive got my sneaky plays with better ownership than expected just need a few of them to produce,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yay congratulations so happy for you d,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 point 1 for sure is an important one point 2 would requires more nuances i didnt wrote about but for me the west current alignment with the gulf countries and how the us is doing their bidding is the main reason i lean toward trump and away from hillary the geopolitic we are playing in syria is quite dangerous we shouldnt trivialize the call for a forceful removal of a country leader simply because our allies have something to gain from it more so when those allies have ideologies values and vision of the world that dont allign with our own we are aligning ourselves with countries which have little regard for freedom of any sort and groups are seizing on every opportunity to leverage the erosion of independence of thought we are witnessing on left in the west its a dangerous mixtrump is one person who would remain largely opposed by influential people if he was to be elected sure how he galvanize the working class can be frightning but shouldnt we be even more concerned by how quasiunited the influential people of this world are in this election in one of the wikileaks email someone complains that they are losing the narrative against assad that the citizen arent much buying into the call for removal for humanitarian reason they complain about how people are getting more informed with the internet and they are no longer complacent we cannot blame people for being misinform when they are being told lies,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 and that wrapped up a season that came dangerously close to being cancelled the next season saw a large renewal of the cast with the introduction of members like will ferrell darrell hammond david koechner and nancy walls,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 i think thats a gross exaggeration mrs almanac and mrs mcswiney were good and marigold pettyman was basically a good woman who was pushed too far theres a pretty solid case for arguing that the womens behaviour was a byproduct of toxic masculinity,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 sure he could make a little money off of the idea in general but paying someone for a 10 minute if were generous photoshop job becomes even less appealing than it already is once you realise they couldnt sell anything with copyrighted artworkfranchises in it,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 of course a mary sue is less tolerable,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 you could do like draftday and have like 5 head to head match ups win 3 and you double your money,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i would argue that holds true for most americans as well except that none of the candidates running on the gop side past or present really have embodied jesuss call to help the less fortunate and shown tolerance love and forgiveness,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i only have a total of 4gb of storage on my phone itself 23 gb of which is filled with software thats neccesary for it to work like android itself i do have an sdcard in it but most apps do need some of there data on the internal storage anyway i havent downloaded more than 15 apps from the playstore but i still have to remove an old photo everytime i want to make a new one,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ah i seem very diiferent in the company of friends i definitely have resting boss face though i have walked by people a few times who have said he looks pissed,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 for a second i thought about considering your point then i realized you have no idea what youre talking aboutanyway back to handling my happiness,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 hes been average lately average stats less than average formgreat ch but i dont see any reason to go all out on him,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 you seem to be doing a fine job as is i will just say this dont forget that a relationship is a two way street be vigilant that your needs are not categorically swept under the rug because things are challenging right nowwe need a reminder every now and then that taking our so for granted is a recipe for disaster best way to do that is reminding him that you have needs too and what those needs are avoid the pitfall that he turns into a guy who just happens to live under the same roof as you is he still attentive to what you need do you get to share time with him where your emotional needs are met if not remind him that despite things being draining you need a bit of loving toothe joys of living with an typemention is that you can just bluntly enumerate what you need of him keep it short and sweet though and devoid of feelings unless your typemention has developed past the i have no feelings state in which case you can be a bit more youuse your intuition with this advice though i am not quite representative as an typemention anymore on account of having been in a relationship with a feeler typemention for 145 years now that is 145 years of learning how to accommodate the needs of another type,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 he doesthats why he wanted to abduct historiamarleyans know that the royal blood is a requirement thats why they find it so weird that zeke supposedly doesnt have it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 same as criminals i would like to stay away of them and they should be put in jail and all that stuff but of course without pedophiles unless they actually acted on their urges,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 why be an empty barrel when you could be a deplora barrel,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 youve read how to win friends and influence peopleit might actually be them considering that you got along with your previous workplace,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 in mtg terms we have too many spikes in the mtc and not enough johnniesbare bones definition of the 2spike competitive only like competitive stuff has to be good johnny creative try something different for unique play style twp 1 johnny map ever,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yeah the ones who learn to give fewer fucks and stop trying to control every situation are great irl typemention who try to manipulate everyone all the time are revolting i used to be that guy and he was pretty gross,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i only get this when im really anxious,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 to piggyback off your first point somewhat its not that hard to skew statistics or even twist the findings of a study to fit your beliefs how can you assure that these things dont happen within the classroom or wherever else people might get the knowledge from,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 gotta satisfy the people paying you,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yeah i hope it works out for you,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 eh extremities on big five can be treated with meds because they have neurological bases,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 no thats just not an typemention period full stop the first three functions share a catchphrase perhaps,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yup and i see it when people type celebs too they think every other politician is cogfuncmentiondom just because they make speeches about having a vision for a brighter future at the same time just because someone is shallow and caters to the masses or politically conservative doesnt necessarily mean theyre sensorsa reasonable theory but she was doing it from the start and she jumps to overall theories like cogfuncmention rather than branching out like cogfuncmentioni cant quite place him ive seen him typed all over the placehmm after looking at this interview i think jonny lee miller might be an typemention trying to play sherlock as a thinker or at least a nonfeeler which could explain why he seems xntj xntp or even xstj from one scene to the nextin contrast bbc sherlock is an typemention benedict cumberbatch pretending to be an introvert which is closer to his own type he plays straight typemention in doctor strange and that really fits bbc sherlocks john watson martin freeman seems to be an typemention or typemention not quite sure whichdr house hugh laurie is an typemention and dr wilson robert sean leonard is typemention i was surprised that hugh laurie turned out to be typemention since he often plays such colourful and silly characters but hes quite tame and pensive in interviews with obvious cogfuncmention visualization,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 also another atmosphere in the liquid outer core,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 your mom is fighting wordssorry i wasnt expecting oregonian hostility today i can come back later after i get the proper paperwork together,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 ohhhhh play test was really good,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i love taz such a wonderful personality,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 yeah i mean when i have to be manipulative with someone i dont tend to keep them around unless i have to most people are fs and most of those fs are fragile delicate things,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 hes talking arms not belly,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 im fairly sure it did later i couldnt believe those guys when i eat mine i just hold by the stem and bite it off that way theres no reason to get a knife cut the stem and touch the pepperlpt right there,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 first off if you put in the effort and stay consistent you can absolutely have your dream body you cant target certain areas to lose weight the first thing you should do is count your calories eat at a calorie deficit and focus on cardio losing weight is all about calories in vs calories out theres a lot of good advice over on rloseit when youre ready to build muscle rfitness is a great resource,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 he knew bertholds story about his past was made up even if he managed to guess that hes the colossal on appearance alone the fact that he knew that the story was fake means he read the mangathats far from the only thing that gave it away but im not planning on watching it again,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i personally heard that wherever he goes eren y will always followgod that guy is a big monster,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 then i guess ill have to aim for self employment andor early retirement,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 someone needs to tell her that there are more efficient ways to shift then scratching your eyes out,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 a little late to this but1 98 koshein sumotori pokemon stadium 2,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the reason i made this thread right here actually,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 oh shit now i understand,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 that made me swell with emotion how did you find the bumblebee,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 ayyy typemention masterrace its only as accurate as you are tbh i studied it a lot for a while and the biggest problem is people picking whatever makes them sound better lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yup we both have to much free time and were both constantly the top two comments on each threadwe should team up once and make a theory of everything for snk that blows this sub away,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 in this case i have to say they shouldnt be unbanned even though i like steel unpopular opinion here but what ever90 of this in this case to be honest stupid sub talk about no rules while not throwing usually needs no rule in a competitive sport and celebrate those people like they are war heroes disgusting imofixing should be a permanent ban their life isnt over just because they got banned for life from tournaments in a game,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 is your rear touchpad clean,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 if youve been married for a number of years and all of a sudden only now this is becoming an issue your marriage is at stake here,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 so you flair up as typementionbecause you dislike rtypemention,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 also the word on the street is that ujillyisfunderful,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 the walls where a ticking time bomb no matter how you look at it the fact that the kings will was pacifistic for a century doesnt mean thatll never changehell we get people theorizing how and when eren will release the walls every week not if mind you how and when op is even dreaming about it himselfits a risk worth taking even if the chance on succes was one in a hundred which it wasnt thatd still means that theyd sacrifice a million to get 1 chance to save a couple billion and if my math is straight 1 of a billion is still ten times more than a million,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 d i had a lot of fun dating an typemention typemention activity partner shes super cool and were still friends but as soon as we started talking about real shit it was obvious we were incompatible,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 a m8 of mine always says nice try even though the round was save and the last guy ruined it with his stupidness or fucked up a clutch big time missing a called player or footstepsi am not saying people should rage about it but if it was really stupid just tell him where he fucked up nice try is just encuraging people to make the same mistakes againkeeping the morale high has never helped me win close games,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i read beef cattle and pigs drink 13 of the water used in the us they take up an astounding amount of resources also eating bugs for protein sustainable,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 in the last few weeks he kept calling obama for not being willing to say the word he use radical islamists terrorists if i remember correctly,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 did you just come here to berate op who youre just assuming is lying about not being the nurse in question do you have any actual real advice a trial has already been held the nurse is in jail shes wondering whether there could also be a civil suit the answer is yes its certainly possible im sure as they went through criminal proceedings already she already had a lawyer who could certainly refer her to someone to help with the civil trial,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 prepare yourself for people not liking your playing style because its supposed to be a freeforalli for one enjoy games where people work together its entirely within the game mechanics,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 generally speaking but there are definitely rightleaning neoliberals reagan and thatcher would be among them imo,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 worst sexual experience beings to mind stuff like you said not getting hard and such do you mean more like sexual relationship i think sexual experience is something that happens over the course of a night a sexual relationship is an aggregation of sexual experiences with the same person,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 how do you like the dark souls seriesyeah i dont understand angry people video game or otherwise i dont really get mad about anything and sure couldnt see myself getting pissed off over a game this is how i picture you now and think of that video next time and realize how silly youre being,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 id also say both of you need to fight much more aggressively you just stood back and swung didnt make nearly any attempts to close the gap most of the time in general most people who regularly pvp will never just walk into those swings and as jim mentioned there are tons of opportunities to parry in there when you swing wildly like that,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 if when i shuffle 52 playing cards i more often than not reach a unique combination that nobodys had before im pretty sure i can have unique problemsso you stfu with that shit that people arent unique and trying to fit us into your little boxes in order to sell us crap thats cheaply made and mass produced,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its basically the same thing honestly my 5k and 4k games are hardly any different 5k players just all chat the gg chat wheel a little bit more,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 although yes good programmes are selective the selection process is by far less intimidating compared to the us in europe doing a masters degree after a bachelor is more or less the minimum expectation of many employers instead of a thought through career choice as it usually is in the us because of this almost everyone who has done a bachelors degree reasonably well will find themselves a spot in a masters programme the selection they usually put in place is only to cut of the bottom percentages but not to select only the top percentages of course not including oxbridge etcwhat would be the average gpa of your fellow students is your university somewhere top 150 or even top 100 in the world ranking in my experience in the case of us universities the quality of the university determines a lot of your chances as there simply is a far broader range of quality and depth to them in europe most governments govern education quality extremely strict so any university in a specific country will not differ much in quality from the other ive had family members for example go to us colleges and return home only to find out their diplomas couldnt be converted to university level dutch diplomas but only applied science diplomas this is because according to the government the education quality of those specific uniscolleges did not line up with the quality the government expects from our unis,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this is the type of signing i was expecting when wenger said he was looking for an experienced cb,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 we both typementiontypemention claim it but after more than a few relationships and friendships with typemention they tend to be more extraverted and even sometimes have complained that i spend too much time alone haha ime they are far more interested in people and the wikipedia to bar ratio swings far more to bar and yeah i also like that about partner sports and it takes the pressure off i like to compete with myself more than i do with others,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the workers from the orchard come here when the sun sets and some stranger folk like that tyroshi who stormed out but the man you just played is neither he owns this house and everything in it thats ser gascoyne ashara poured loreza some dornish red then quietly sipped her own still somewhat quivering from the strange experience,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 then use your real name on reddit,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 damn now i need to do the setup hoops but i for one welcome out new arch overlord,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 literally most people voicing their opinion about it have no clue about source networking or multiplayer networkingthey are people who believe 144 hz will give you an advantage in the game,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i have had over probably 1015 level 90s ive been playing since the beginning of open beta,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 ill gladly eat my words they are freaking delicious,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 well if you biff it at her course shes not gonna catch em,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 offsides was across the line when the ball snappedneutral zone infraction coerced an offensive player to false startencroachment offsides and touched an offensive player before the snap or offsides and unabated to the quarterbackfor neutral zone infraction and encroachment they stop the play in theory because a quarterback could be about to get wrecked on an illegal play on offsides they dont stop the play because the defense didnt get an advantage from their rules breaking so let it play and give the offense the option to negate the play accept the penalty after its over,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 every politicians running for election do that an election is job interview where they get to claim they are the best for the jobsince hillary runs on obama third terms she cannot say the country is a mess the candidate of hope and change is always the one in the opposition indeed they do trump has the patriotic vote locked down hillarys answer to his make america great again was make america whole again which highlight the contradiction of the identity politics the dems have been playing so america is no longer whole is that an admission of the problem and what is going to be the unifying theme the unifying identity,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 true if youd like i can share my floorplans with you that ive created i think its a pretty good design i may be biased xd my plans for this are just for a starter home,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 yes install bootstrap with npm then in your build process only import the portions you are using into your scsssass,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 true i just thought it was supposed to be a pcmr joke or something lol,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 if you have problems with the availability of the datacenter there is nothing you can do as cs dev what does whining on the cs subreddit do when we had no update and it apparently is a network problem,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 zfs could also refer to an etf for canadian federal bonds short term investinglink not sure though as i dont think hillary would have any interest in buying canadian federal bonds the information about zfs holdings llc is very limited zfs holdings llc,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i dont think that hell mind to be called colossal type,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 mbti determines your mental coping methods based on your personality astrology tries to determine your personality and future based on where certain celestial bodies were 1000s of years ago that have nothing to do with where they were when you were actually born oh and they ignore the 13th astrological sign because convenience,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 simply building cover wall sandbags roof nearby does the trick,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the majority of fps in cs is done by the cpu as the source engine is heavily cpu reliant,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 is nonrelated shit allowed youll hear from me tomorrow,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yesthats how it worksthats how isayama decides when to release leaks,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 supposedly thats a hoaxrumor no proof it actually happened still a fascinating story,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 the main characters have been cartman and randy for some time now,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i just need a pair of gloves and some vegetable oil that way i can rub the oil all over my gloves and pick up each pen briefly as i fondle every pen in sight,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 what nicotine we aint talking about spliffs,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 its never as good though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i havent found a single use for settlements except for crafting and storing gear at an easily accessible location i only need one of those takes way too much effort to care about these i wish this mechanism wasnt in the gamei honestly dont see the pointi did however really like the upgradable base in nv old world blues thats all i really want and the settlements fail on the cool factor that this provided for me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 alright ill take my microtech giant halo 3x you take yours and well meet at 70000 feet over the bermuda triangle and see who comes out on top head there immediately ill be there shortly really,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 nu wa was just played very well this tourney if you look at kdr only ratatoskr 247 was higher than nu wa 103 amongst gods played more than once so its not just her padded assists,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 crazy to think the halfway point of wwi was september 18 1916 or a month ago for them,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 these things are trash and trash is good to misquote dr seussthe best kraft mac and cheese i ever ate was in the form of deepfried panko crumbed balls a trashy riff on arancini maybe you could do something along those lines heck you could go the whole hog flavour some risotto with the cheese powder and use that for actual arancini,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 heres the whole series of articles from the very beginning,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 uhm okay news to me but if you think so,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 look at slocums or villegas form right now and cringe with me,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im afraid youve lost me with your boobjargon,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 the hazelnut iced coffee at mcdonalds is soooo good,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 exercise more write more its worth it to force yourself out of your comfort zone never turn down the opportunity to travel learn to breathe learn to meditate meditation is at least as important as skincare chill its going to be fine,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 as far as what is magic i agree that the very idea of magic is far better as a nebulous thing without constraints however when you start inserting something so poorly described into a story then you can lose a sense of tension and find yourself in situations where you have deus ex machina as the go to response to whatever situation your characters are in for example in lotr the vagueness of magic is only kept from ruining the story through the apathy of the higher powers in the universe literally ruling that gandalf and the other wizards cant use the majority of their powers and thus preventing them ruining the story this combined with the fact only 5 wizards exist in middle earth you understand that almost everything has to be done in a mundane way by more or less mundane characters i would argue that youre wrong about how well described the magic system is in hp which frankly is an awfully designed magic system and the magic has all kinds of horrific implications mostly because everyone thinks they know how magic works when in actuality no one has any idea this has lead to the sections of the novels where they are contradicting themselves or previous rules biggest thing that jumps to mind is the wand ownership fiasco that occurred towards the later books also while im ranting about hp that guy reading a brief history of time could have just cast a charm on his finger to stir his teaas an aside i would love to debate you about how well described the eva universe actually is that even though not much is explained there are enough principles presented to allow everyone to make reasonable connections between each stepim actually a really big fan of hard fantasy your well describedmagic universes so most of my favourite novels are exactly not what youre looking for but some of the less well described stories malazan book of the fallen by steven erikson an epic fantasy so large that youll need spreadsheets just to keep track of every character wheel of time by robert jordan it becomes more regimented in the later books when brandon sanderson took over btw he writes amazing hard fantasy,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 yeah theyre super cheap too if youre not looking to build just get a couple of 15s and 25s and you should be all set for defatification i know its hard but try to focus on showing her that you care about her when youre nekkid rather than thinking about your performance fear is the o killer,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this post just makes me want to drink more,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im guessing they sell bath bombs,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 sex is effort why not just go the lazy route and shout oppression,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 extract them from the zip then open excel and press altf11 to open the vba ide then right click in the vba project window and select import then navigate to the extracted zip and import the two frm files,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 gems level very quickly to 19 now,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 talia has a couple books about wonders around the world gwin recalled by some guy named loras longstrider im pretty sure i could see if she wants to lend them to us knowing her shes probably already finishedcatching her name talia eavesdropped a bit smiling to herself at gwins offhand compliment despite being unconfident in many respects she had a certain pride in her intelligence and welcomed praise that being said she was too passive to jump into the conversation deciding instead to wait for whenever gwin actually asked for her bookskiera nodded along to laenas explanation easily wrapping her head around it she would need to be creative to mime something conceptual like play but beyond that it seemed simple enoughthanks she chirped at laena simply before turning her eyes back towards the food without a care in the world she snatched up a loaf of bread tearing off a piece to eat and hogging to rest to herself and lorena,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 if you see the bloke tell him hi from reddit,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 hes a scot living in sweden,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 thats why typemention are better kek,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 life is short everyone is going to die once you realize that not everyone lives to become old is when you begin to realize how precious life can be,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 steam has an item market to buy and sell items in exchange for steam wallet funds theres also a trading system in steam to trade items as the name would imply csgo items can cost lots of money and were talking several thousand dollars sometimes some people want to trade these items for real world money what could happen is someone pays 100 via paypal and the other person trades the item and then the 100 is refunded thus scamming them out of the item,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i personally think it will be less severe on 60hz though op stated hed like an intel cpu and wants to save up for it so buying a 144hz monitor is a waste of money at this point imo,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ah so thats what set him off tywin gave hearteater to ilyn payne and joffrey found out when he used it to cut the pie massive tanty ensuesbefore anyone jumps on me i do realise ilyn payne got a completely different sword,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 id go with gibbs over monreal he hasnt looked great recently and might need a rest,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 most people on this sub wouldnt like it but still the bbc has an amazing series called call the midwife its about a group of midwifes in the 50s in a rather poor area of london it deals with a lot of really important issues most importantly to me how the lack of hormonal reliable birth control in that time affected societal norms for women and the societal view on family and childrenit also deals with topics like legalization of abortion societal becoming less religious the development of how people would go to hospitals to give birth and get other medical treatments instead of giving birth at home lots of thingsthe thing is im a 90s kid this was the time when my grandparents were adults this was their reality and my parents baby boom were the first to deal with all these societal changes but were raised by the generation for whom those changes felt so foreign that bbc series was honestly eye opening for me the world changes beyond recognition in the past 100 years or so thats only about 1 lifetime we are still as a society very much searching of what these developments mean for us and how all our values and ideals need to be revaluated i believe this change of how society views raising children is part of that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i have long curly hair so my husband can totally relate to your pain haha hes always pulling my hair off his personout of his clothesetc and ive poked him in the eye with my bangs when theyre wet and like sharp little wine corks more than i care to admit lol,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 what you said does seem like something jung might have believed though with all of the dream analysis and predictions of war and such,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 they needed to regroup resupply and deliver ymir to marley,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 you aspire to be a good person iq 56im a social justice warrior enforcing nice behavior comply or be removed iq 100im an anti sjw and i am tired of those bastards enforcing there ideas so im going to be a racist peice of shit iq 190being an anti sjw is just as bad or worse than sjws ascendant anyone who says antisjws are worse than sjws or antisjws are just as bad as sjws is fundamentally uneducated about both sides transcendantwere all going to die nobody chose to exist so we should all end our lives ideal state of being cleansed of sins,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 im about 47 right now and in my bracket people are still mentally challenged,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 credit card usage in europe is minimal although youll fine bigger place will sill accept ccs people here use debit cards almost exclusively in terms of housing im guessing youre going to rent it will depend on your income your rental company might require you to show a proof of income and many require an income that is 35 times the cost of the rent if you cant show your income they wont rent it to you the same with things like mortgages where the bank will base the height of mortgage theyre willing to provide based on your existing debts which are all registered in a centralized national register and your proof able income this is why youll find selfemployed people or people on temp contacts having a harder time getting mortgages that being said there are a lot of rental companies focussing on expats im not quite sure what kind of system they use,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i hope they just ban them outright when tagpro next comes out,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 true that but especially at lower ranks people will report the whole winning team because winningcheating especially against them,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 by intrinsic i mean natural and extrinsic unnatural aka learnednot native english speakerfe is intrinsic and by that i mean that people who value it naturally want people to feel good and they want to manage the emotional atmosphere and all cogfuncmention things even if those characteristics seem unnatural and that is true for all functions,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 opgg will give you a rough idea of what mmr your normal games are in on your profile you can also tell if there are premades because the mmr is often substantially lowered for one or both teams,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 ugh your mom is ridiculous money doesnt prove manliness any more than it proves goodness or courage or happiness a relationship is two people taking care of each other in ways that are so much more meaningful than who pays for foodemotionally spiritually physically if your mom doesnt understand that i think she has some personal insecurities to work out,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 so whyd you have sex with her in the first place,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 michigan here not only do some of my fellow employees commute over 100km to work each day that is only one way,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 from season 7 episode 2 you can reinvent yourself you can be anyone you want so why would you keep being you,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 why did the people in the twin towers get so madthey ordered supreme pizza and all they got was plainayyy,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 online from ibogaworld ta extract,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 that could be considered a part accuracy,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 hobby lobby i refuse to shop there because they seem to take an interest in what happens to my uterus creepy and rude,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 nope friends i met as an adult on my own i have an typemention friend i made at a coffee place we bonded over our love of science and writingalso an typemention friend i met through dampd and video gamesi talk pretty regularly with an typemention friend online and we get along greatall of these people there was no pressure to get alongi think what you are looking for is not necessarily s but the trait openness to experience you probably are typing people with low openness as sensors and high openness as intuitivesim a sensor with a high openness to experience in fact i score 99 on most big 5 tests sure i enjoy more practical application of theory and action but i still enjoy things like philosophy theories and science fiction i have an active imagination that i like to talk aboutpeople have typed me as nt and ive actually posted on this subreddit and rtypemention as an typemention or typemention and people believed me in fact when i posted as an typemention here someone mentioned that i was probably a mistyped typemention yes id agree more sensors have a lower openness and the mbti test has a correlation between openness and sn if you are judging it by then then yes you dont get along well with sensors and neither do i i find people with low openness boring to talk to,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 thats one guy chill and realize not everyone is an asshole like him also realize that since you put up tags too you sunk to his level,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i had not seen this before great advice i especially liked the part about making work more pleasureable so much of life is about attitude not circumstance neat little dive into the mind of a cando personality tfs,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 i think youve got a valid point this to a much more extreme level is why i gave up on paladins very early in the beta its a gaffle game as someone i knew a long time ago used to say you step onto the battlefield take 1 hit and die wait a few seconds and run back out again hopefully getting a couple 1 shot kills in before you rinse and repeat that kind of game does nothing for me i liked games where if you died you waited for the next battle to play again in smite that doesnt work but theres a long range of happy medium between the two game styles,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 baby animal they where offended by a baby dog,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 shitake mushrooms but the good kind not the shitty costco kind,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 cache is the new d2,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i dont find he does i think their facial structures are completely different,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 archaeology it wasnt that long ago you know,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i get kicked off my parents health insurance and have to pony up for obamacare or get fined on my tax return for being uninsured,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 buy as a team and eco when your team has no money so you dont have to buy smgs or keep your money low sure a eco doesnt really exist in the silver levels but if you rank out of silver people will rage at you for not ecoing properly else you can use every weapon ofc but keep in mind that smgs like the mac10 and bizon do next to no dmg against kevlar id recommend practicing your akgalil or m4 famas skills,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i am extremely smart and so are the many many other people who agree with me do you concede to my appeal to authority,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 enh its like a poor mans gauntlet without the fun bits,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thanks i enjoyed this as well especially the friendship bit which seems pretty accurate from my perspective we literally argue for hours on end i originally thought her an typemention with less developed cogfuncmention until we started talking about how we approach relationships and work,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ah lol im in western oregon in the valley,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 those are for the events can you show me that it was well understood that the rest of white people were told they could stay on campus as bret planned to do its possible that bret misunderstood them then the normal response would have been of course you can come on campus being accused of being a white supremacist isnt a sane response to a small misunderstanding,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i have been meaning to watch lewis damn hes way funnier than i was expecting gtltthose are good examples thanks i also had a look at jerry seinfeld,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 yeah i personally like that one better but there was something on the radio today that made the cats reference,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i was bored and had nothing to do lol,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 nice glad this didnt tilt you too hard i got it a while back but went on a small losing streak and went down to ce div3 i have rs in 2s though so im happy,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 well there was the conveniently timed distortion as someone was getting out of the bus,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 nice way to dry your eyeballs out,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 premier league is fucking chaos today,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 yup my buddy was the it guy and he showed me all the confused emails sent to him from the bosses if it werent for him theyd have never figured out how to stop it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 glad to see other bones fans c,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 i love that you have a thermal blanket in there lol like youre going to be marooned on an island off the coast of canada d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dont think its such a bad thing that we have characters somewhat resembling others considering that chewbacca isnt nor should be be the only wookie to ever appear anywhere same with ackbar and the mon calamari im 70 sure thats the right name for his speciesits not as if theyre just evil versions of that one character theyre their own person as for the droids i can understand your point of view but i for one loved them,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 how can you be a danish citizen without being an eu citizeni thought if you were danish by default you are also an eu citizen,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 that at the same time of concentration camps in germany there where japanease internment camps in america,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 ill graduate with double the debt and will be paying it back under the 35 years rules ive decided to only make minimum payments its just not worth it with the current inflation low interest besides with the combined debts of me and my so there is a big chance the government will pay a large chunk of the remaining balance after 35 years there is one important caveat though i do not plan on ever buying a house if you want a mortgage from a dutch bank theyll have a look at all your registered debts your study loans arent part of those theyll ask you to provide them that info out of your own free will however you are not required to if you do theyll be counted rather heavily against the maximum mortgage you can get if you dont they wont count those debts however if you dont declare your study debts you forfeit your right to ever claim nhs garantie if you go bankrupt and need to sell your house below valuelike i said i wont be buying a house so i dont care for this whether its relevant for you is something only you can decide,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 cherry mx board 30 is really nice,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 can you give further details into vascular distension,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 my mom always told me that if i have nothing nice to say id better not answer,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i hope they just ban them outright when tagpro next comes out,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 is the booty better there,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i personally think it will be less severe on 60hz though op stated hed like an intel cpu and wants to save up for it so buying a 144hz monitor is a waste of money at this point imo,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i handled a pistol at an early age im canadian didnt have an issue but it was a semi automatic and a pistol with one round in the chamber totally different but yeah fully auto ak47 for a girl of that age 30rounds yeaaaahhhh thats just incompetence unless shes demonstrated superior handling before that stilll iffy its hard to judge cause we dont know the history here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 theres a chinese proverb ive always liked its better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand booksits definitely better to live life through your own experiences than to live vicariously through others,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 yeah i remember that is part of why im confident he wont talk about trump any more than he has to,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i overthink constantly and what ive come to recognize is that i am overthinking and i will continue to think to reduce the thinking down to simple standards for instance i think this is doing this to this to that to this to that and reduce it gradually down to just this is doing this easier when intentionally meditating doable even when super busy,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 this is more associated with typemention but both types do this but in different ways typemention manipulate people whereas typemention manipulate situations my so is an typemention and this is a discussion that weve had as we compare notes on how we both do this ill try to separate the two heremy typemention so manipulates people objectively a good example of this is when she goes shopping she will act all buddybuddy with the cashier and compliment her and basically connect with her using her inner basic white girl to dupe the likely typemention cashier at the makeup store it is all very superficial objective and with a goal in mind she has no problem twisting the truth to manipulate the person into giving her whatever she thinks she can get without them objecting including talking the cashier into using their employee discount for her when she is a total stranger i liken this to the jedi mind trick of meeting a stranger that is weaker than they are and talking them into something before they have time to realize what they are doing this a very handy skill but i could never do this i think this is too heavyhanded and obvious for me it is more about control dominance and achieving some little victorywhat i do on the other hand is more manipulate a situation i can only really do this on a very personal subjective basis with people that i know and understand and for practical or helpful reasons it is much more for the greater good than individual desires typemention are great at reading situations but less so at reading people if you can do both you then have a great advantage typemention are usually seen as honest trustworthy without an agenda fair and impartial basically we can express lots of good traits while keeping the bad ones to ourselves people only see the one side so they are likely to trust our judgments and not have their defenses up when we suggest things now ill give an example of how i manipulate people as pawns so to speak in order to manipulate the situation say a new policy is implemented at work that i right away see as logically impossible to work maybe it is due to cogfuncmention poking holes in a theory cogfuncmention imagining all the scenarios that it could fail or cogfuncmention having experienced similar situations that have failed i will immediately plot to undermine and defeat it if i am comfortable with my boss i will clearly state my objections if not i will manipulate those around me to take the conflict on at my behalf unwittingly ill go to the instigators and rile them up by saying that this policy will affect this and that and tailor it to them personally ill plant seeds of doubt in multiple peoples heads and wait for them to bear fruit once the inevitable faults of the policy come to light ill be right there to say i told you so and more importantly how we should correct the problem basically ill frame the opposition as a house of cards and then set up rows of dominoes to topple this house of cards at the end of the day ive manipulated the situation gotten my way proved others wrong and let other people think that they were responsible for achieving the greater good everybody wins and my methods are kept under the radar so that i can do this over and over again without arousing suspicion when it becomes necessary again and it will,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 well majority of albany voted for trump so they reap what they sow a train wreck,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 cant make it public public or youll run into trolls,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 25 sounds about right right now i dont have him in my main lu because the high priced options are meh,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i dont really think they are in a trolly mood should be heartbroke and depressed also kuro is a serious guy as far as i know,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 i want to know if his eyes have turned completely blue yet,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 chainmail will protect you against any possible slashings and most chops though a chop may still bruise youit wont protect against bludgening or much against stabbing if you had riveted it would help better against stabbing but i still wouldnt trust ityoud probably be better offsame with a armoredkevlar motorcycle gear oh and something to note there hasnt really been anything made called mace for a while everyones switched to pepper spray theyre two diff formulas mace was unsafe or something i think though i think theres still a company called mace but they make pepper spray now,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 here let me get help you with that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i honestly have no idea how im going to react ifwhen the emilain ship finally sail ill probably end up squealing or something though,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 only bad part i can think of is the allergies and occasional mosquitos other than that damn near perfect,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i disagree with what you said but please for the love of god i dont want rstanism to become political please get your politics out of here,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 can anime just be over already,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 i am more focused on the bile and lovely combination of ego defense parading as arrogance people generally either tell stories to themselves or to other people i think this is a case of the former,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thank you i have had this experience many times i went to the doctor and they gave me a blood test and said i was fine i used to eat a lot of carbs ive refined my diet over the last few years and it hasnt happened since then and now i finally know why,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 preach i was wondering what she thinks of childfree teachers too,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 remindme in 360 days about cancelling my newegg premier membership just in case,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 imo i would stick to the coalitions includes us and ussr as they are balanced as coalitions and to general nonspecialized decks for now to be honest with you all of the coalitions have their bases covered and the differences between them strengths and weakness wise are quite minor on general decks as they all have the tools needed to deal with any threat yes some have weaknesss and strengths but not enough that it keeps them from dealing with anything imo eastern block is the best deck to play with for a beginner on redfor and eurocorp on blufor here are my decks for bothec,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 i agree it would be nice but it isnt the nature of the beast,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 fort bragg nc first off every single civilian in fayetteville nc is trying to separate you from your pay second the 82nd wants to be super hard core 18th fa wants to out do the 82nd see where this is going,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 correct joker tested the lesser of the three ryzen chips and received better performance than the top tier ryzen chip tested by other reviewers hence calling its performance an outlier what caused this to be an outlier is what im interested in if its just ram thats incredibly good news however im hesitant to jump to that conclusion without more data,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 the test is not reliable,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 they got plenty of issues,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i understand what it entails not calling you slow but 14 hours is more than sufficient for that hardening takes no time tempering 2 hoursish no time at all compared to the other steps,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah you never did thisnice knife though still just not for me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 same i rarely eat before noon and i rarely eat more than twice a day,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 the reason i recommend considering a therapist is along these lines he may have issues with anxiety or trouble understanding how to make friends or something beneath this that is making engagement with the world difficult stressful or even painful or maybe hes just geared toward daydreams but op may want to rule out an underlying problemnot knowing the kiddo at all i have no sense if hes daydreaming protectively so to speak or if its more a sort of overactive imagination it seems like either way he could use some guidance at gaining more conscious control over iti also dont want to give op uhorrorthis more worries than she already has but i hope that being aware will give her some guideposts as she tries to find the right way to help her son,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 holy crap its amazing they didnt cancel the event based on that image alone,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yea we used to rock out to them a lot i saw them live onceamazing,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yeah bird jesus was already taken back in my day my friends and i would group up and each play as one of the pokemon from tpp it was great,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 my dads trip to the gas station to get some wd40 to loosen up a tire stuck to the drumcould be a post apocalyptic i suppose,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 wow what a zinger good one you dont know shit about what i believe my point was purely negative i have questioned everything you didnt respond to the question i asked you because i thought you might have had some actual thoughtout rationale for anything you said but you were of course just sputtering some jacobian sentimentality and knew you had nothing of depth or substance clearly i flattered you in thinking you might have something thoughtful to offer,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 if you want to make things look cleaner youll be forced to go the sendmessage route which is fairly complex in even setting up i dont envy that task at all if you simply want it to work youre better off just using sendkeys and ensuring youre sending your input to the correct windowcontrol,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 thats awesome what is your process like for coming up with jokes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im going to remember that one i like the description for me at least the squishy center description feels quite right and its how i feel because deep down i actually feel a lot and very intensely but its simply not something i have an interest in to share it with the world outside of my very close ones squishy indeed,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 people who do this dont,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you wouldnt have ranked up though if you have 1000 points and are mg2 and valve now decides to raise the minimum points for mge to 1500 you either will have to win games until you hit the 1500 points or you lose one and get deranked because you dont have enough points anymoreit is just a upward shift of point requirements,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thats horrible when i saw the xrays figured thats what it washopefully theyll get theirs sometime,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh thanks so much for the best belly laugh ive had this week an instant classic in liberal media insanity,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 i would make sure the compensation was equitable and fair and make the dev sign a nda before even releasing any kind of details about the projectidea negotiations on compensation can occur after the nda is signed as wellive used ndas in the past and havent found much resistance to the process,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i think shes in a smallish dept not a huge thing with tons and tons of people,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i have a regular department store that places a huge order twice lunch and dinner one saturday a month the morning manager doesnt tip the night manager does still not well but not 0 for the morning delivery i drop everything at the service desk and dont bring plates its just pizza they dont really need plates for the night delivery i schlep everything back to the break room set it out nicely and bring a stack of plates napkins red peppers and parmesan so thats how i handle the nontippers vs good or relatively good tippers my level of service dont want to tip then you can do the extra work if you tip ill do extra for you give and take,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 switzerland does regulate where you live in the country the city concil will do background check on you and must approve your residence in the city they can reject people on quite arbitrary rules,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 ya know what makes a really great christmas gift,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 both of which can be enjoyed on occasions other than halloween as well,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 loli see the appeal of pausing time but id just love to be able to try things again and have conversations that never really happen,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 theres a short timer on it if you used the first jump to jump off the ground if you fell off the ceiling for example you can jump in air because its technically your first jump,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 like i said youre effectively saying conscious things are important because they are conscious which is circular reasoning,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 of course like with all videos that could be interesting it cuts off right at the good bit,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 maybe we all are but some of us lose that feeling through circumstances i was bullied as a child i used to hate myself for being gay my first boyfriend left me for a woman it is all baggage that accumulates one day you wake up and hate your own gutsi had to get therapy and also work very hard myself to get through my own issues it took years i had to deal with a lot of shit but once you get rid of all the useless cruft that weighs you down you will be able to see who you really are in my case i discovered im actually a pretty decent human being with the capability to love have friends and enough skills to be worthwile to societywhich is what selflove is having confidence in who you are and knowing you are not a despicable mongrel but a worthwhile person doesnt mean you have to be perfect but being you shouldnt disgust you,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 jesus fucking christ the sound at the end,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i think this is better because everyone can use it every day,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 well i mean typemention working their own ac businesses enjoy what they do and probably make triple your salary so it is not totally off p,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i did not read all that but put some cheese at the end of the maze,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 heres a couple moretypemention functionals are more likely to undercompensate for cogfuncmention while typemention attitudes are more likely to overcompensate for cogfuncmentiontypemention functionals probably feel more aligned with nfs while typemention attitudes probably feel more aligned with introverts,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 the world itself is now a meme the dankest meme there ever was,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 hi i have a rather unusual size im shorter than average and have an hourglass figure with a big hip to waist circumference difference i rarely find clothes that actually fit i practically need every piece of clothing i buy unless its basic tshirts to be taken to a seamstress but this makes me hesitant to buy things because i never really know beforehand if a seamstress is able to make the alteration i need so i guess my question is what are the big nonos in terms of what is and isnt fixable and what are the things that actually are easily fixable but people usually dont know about knowing this will help me a lot when i go shopping again,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 when does he betray the group literally the only things i can think of not relaying willows message about angel which is horrible but understandable on many levels the dracula episode he was under a spell and being manipulated result forgiven and once more with feeling yeah fuck him he shouldve known better oh and the hyena thing again spell not his faultgenuinely curious what youre referring to i like xander so its possible im forgetting or overlooking something despite being midway through season seven on a rewatch right nowwillow is constantly selfish and puts the gang in danger a multitude of timesxander can be immature and often sees things in black and white but he grows up as the series goes on hes fairly inconsequential especially later on pretty much a cheerleader for the group and hes very good helping dawn cope with her place in the grouphow is he habitually a scumbag sure in high school he had a few scummy moments the biggest one being cheating on cordelia but he was in high school,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 im not really one to care for politics or movies bout em but that one was surprisingly good been a while though and i dont really remember any of it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 vba is not always the answer be it what is required security concerns or complexity yes vba can certainly solve just about every single problem posted to this sub but it isnt always what would best solve the problem,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 so apparently thats me too narcissistic and histrionic wouldnt ever have seen that coming,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 lol i have my fair amount the sweat is unexpectedly crazy,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 by 08 looks like its very competitive and hard to predict they are also saying that arsenal have a 651 chance of not winning the title,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i am as a female a mra but also a feminist they dont exclude eachother in my oppinion i believe mra and feminism in relationship to egalitarianism can be explained by imagining the following venn diagram mra and feminism are both their own circles which do overlap to a certain extent while egalitarianism is a larger circle than encompasses does two circles fully so yes in that way mra is a subset of egalitarian believes,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 same thing in quebec we keep the religion so we can get access to a nice building at weedings and funerals and have a nice range of swear words,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 oh i have an opposite experience going on at the moment i met a girl who had been under my nose for an embarrassing long time a year of working together at a local climbing gym we connected shortly before leaving for our own respective journeyshers spending the next five months conquering the pct mine bike touring across the pnw she left last week and i leave next i have my first letter to her ready to mail but im waiting for the trip to take a few polaroid shots of oregon to send her way shes traveling 2500 miles on foot and im biking 600 miles on tour but we wont cross paths again til octoberdespite being in the same state for a couple weeks theres a lot of time to grow apart but we are both looking forward to a warm reunionheres to hope even if it doesnt lead you to a destination theres always growth on the path,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 my ajani deck kozileks return lightning javelin chandras ignition mirrorpool hixus prison warden scourge wolf war oracle jori en ruin driver akoum hellkite avaricious dragonbasically just a good stuff deck works pretty well,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 this is going to be the worst thing about brexit all these purple haired cat eye glasses and denim dungaree wearing hipsters coming back to the uk and complaining how the uk just isnt the same anymore after their experience of being a highly international european global citizen expat because obviously berlin is just as different to the uk as a remote amazonian tribe having worked in a bs creative industry job and living in a converted warehouse where they had to eat dried old paint flakes from the 1800s to survive,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i think its probably the latter ive never had any desire to watch standup comedy either live or tapedi think i find human interactionrelationships to be really funny and while standup does describe situations that i find funny id much rather see them play out with two people interacting i guess id rather watch the comedy film than listen to a character from it describe what happened later i never find the jokes or insights that worthwhile either stephen colberts opening monologues are as close as i come and i can only take those in very small doses,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 yeah i get what you mean however comforting it is its still a pain im feeling down at the moment whilst writing this amp it feels normal ive been craving this all day because ive been feeling numb the majority of the day which is good because it got me through an exam but its shit for everything else amp now i just feel like im going mad i honestly dont know how much longer i can take thisive been on them 15 months so not long at all amp im not too sure whether im still trying to find a suitable dose saying that my doses have gone from 25mg gtgt 50mg gtgt 100mg current dosage for sertraline amp 25mg gtgt 50mg gtgt 75mg current dosage for quetiapine all my parents say is you need to give it more time you havent given them enough time well sorry guys but i dont feel happy so im sorry if im still down my next pyschiatrist appt isnt until 1st july as welltell me about it that quetiapine knocks me out cold every night damn it leaves me a bit groggy in the mornings but thats not too bad because it reduces my anxiety amp impulsive nature at the same time so i cant complainyeah man ive been feeling like that too eg when im having a happy day it feels like the depressive side has been bottling itself up amp then one day it cant be kept in amp all these feelings amp emotions just spill outyeah those thoughts have crossed my mind as well its a sad fact that all the lost pleasure weve experienced from depression cant be regained from medication i wish i knew how to regain motivation amp passion,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 this is all educated guesses based on a small eeg study with only 60 participants so its not solid or anything butactually cogfuncmention types had unusually low activation in the left parietal lobe p3 which includes the supramarginal gyrusall the judging functions use the left orbitofrontal cortex while the perceiving functions use the right orbitofrontal cortexcogfuncmention types use the left temporal lobe a lot and cogfuncmentiondoms use the right anterior temporal lobe as well so basically the left posterior temporal lobe plus the auditory cortexcogfuncmention use the left motor cortex plus the left anterior temporal lobe auditory and left occipital lobe visualcogfuncmention uses the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and the anterior temporal lobe on both sides but especially the right side so basically the right vlpfc plus the auditory cortexcogfuncmention uses the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on both sides and the parietal lobe on both sides areas that arent used much by other types and arent directly involved in sensory processingthe perceiving functions use wholebrain patterns and i havent found any areas clearly associated with cogfuncmention or cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention uses the right posterior temporal lobe and both sides of the occipital lobe visual cortex cogfuncmention thinks in mental maps uses spatial reasoning and treats time as just another spatial dimensioncould be any of them cogfuncmention is big on objectivity accuracy and logic cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention are both good at looking at things from multiple angles but in different waysa quick comparison of cogfuncmention cogfuncmention and cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention types make heavy use of the visual cortex the right posterior temporal lobe and spatial memory the same areas anyone uses to create mental maps navigate via landmarks reconstruct events from circumstantial evidence visually recognize the general category of an object visually recognize salient features of an object etcin contrast cogfuncmention uses the frontoparietal network the same area used to track a squirrel running up a tree so it deals with discrete concepts sequentialbranching logic and precise calculation of trajectories probabilities and balancing of multiple variablescogfuncmention is more about pure symbolic logic and high level integration of abstract information cogfuncmention is more about looking at how fuzzy concepts relate to each other within a spatial contextcogfuncmention is crosscontext and works more like a semantic web of loosely related discrete ideas it kinda works with cogfuncmention in that the connections between ideas are like this reminds me of all these other things so monkey might trigger banana tree climbing jungle etc then each of those triggers other connected ideasmemories and so on trying to make something out of that fall to other functions usually cogfuncmention or cogfuncmention,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 you may have strengthened her to not give in to her family again good job,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 its not really a problem with management who are deciding on who to hire actually many european universities have policies in place which highly favour women in stem fields to a point you may very well say its discriminating although yes these fields usually have less then 20 women in any scientific position thats higher than a post doc level my own university has research institutes that have none actually this actually causes problems with regard to work environment and providing role models for students so why are there so little women in academia no science to back this up but my own experiences tell me that many women actually want to be in academia as the number of female phd students is actually quite high maybe not 5050 yet for engineering in my country but still quite good however when you want your career to progress in academia you need to be able to handle the work load and stress that comes with really devoting your life to your research and you are also required work abroad for multiple years before getting being able to become a professor at least in europe if you want a position at a decent university after you get in at an assistant professor level it is still a very competitive environment everything is measured the amount of phds you have how much grant money you bring in citation indexes and number of papers everything you want to become an associate professor sure go ahead if you meet the minimum requirements you want to be full professor well we only have room for 1 full prof for every 23 associates and really if you are not good enough to be a full prof most universities kick you out eventually because there are assistant professor waiting to take your spot which have more potential worklife balance in academia is absolutely awful and i believe this is the reason why there are so little women in academia however once you get in which is also something i personally experienced you are very much respected and treated as equal well some of the computing science and physics men in their men cave offices need to be told to store away their nude calendar posters once they have a female phd joining them but thats about it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 entering for splinter cell blacklist thanks op,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i dont doubt it you both have the cogfuncmention crazy sieg heil,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 talisa followed aelas glance out the door tilting her head side to side slightly as she pondered her argument theres a garden and a training yard and a bunch of bedrooms and sitting rooms talisa answered deciding she was right after all aela was a big girl shed be fine with her,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 my goal is that one of the fan translators adds the g once just onceif that happens the wiki will add it to secondary spellings of his name so itll drip over to other media like tumblr etc and since the anime subs have actually spelled bertolts name in different ways in the past a man can hopealso remember that character poll a month or so ago in which reigner ended up one vote below leviwell its terribly unlikely but my ego likes to think that those results influenced isayama a bit i know that most of the story is prewritten but its also known that he gives himself also a bit of room to give some characters more intentionif he was indeed influenced by that poll which he most likely wasnt i actually had a hand in the flow of the storydamn today is good for my ego,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 1 the coã rdinate2 beast titan3 female titan4 armored titan5 colossal titan6 ymir7 attack titan8 possibly the mulequadruple titan9,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 not all doctors are qualified to determine someones mental wellbeing so then in order to obtain something that the constitution says i have the right to have i need to go to a psychiatrist who is paying for that if me what if i dont have insurance or shitty insurance if the state where is that funding coming from also just because someone had a mental illness or suicidal ideation doesnt meant they have it today conversely someone could be mentally well today and tomorrow not so muchbad idea it comes from a good place but its a bad idea i could understand cutting off convicted felons they already lose their right to vote so apparently they no longer have constitutional rights everyone else has rights that must be upheld also clearly this question stems from the tragedy in orlando im gay and all i can think is what if one of those patrons had a weapon maybe he could have taken the shooter out thered still be tragedy but maybe less,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 the two songs i havent seen live that i really want to see live are invincible and blackout mainly because of that gig,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 thank you ill add it to the list,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah lmao it seems like sivir got hella strong or just always was haha,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 id assume the immature one is more annoying naive and childish,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 because the master harddrive came after the floppies the first pcs only had the floppydisk to boot from so a and b were the master drives,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 they disagreed and downvoted you i hate that mentality i got you fam ill upvote a load of your commentsedit got ftw,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 of course its chrono triggeri almost kinda want to go replay it just to see if it really was that goodthough i havent been able to find a copy for a reasonable price that and damn secret of mana 120 for years now i havent checked in 7 years but i dont imagine its changed,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 trucks are not cars fast reflexes wont work you need to anticipate and thats a lot more difficult also truck drivers do a lot more than just drivelook at airplane pilots weve had autopilot for a long time now so how come they still have jobsnot fully autonomous the nissan selfdriving cars set to debut in 2020 will still require a human driver behind the wheel the company said same goes for tesla neither will be autonomous in all situations only simple cases like highway driving and humans will still need to drive part of the time,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 true that but especially at lower ranks people will report the whole winning team because winningcheating especially against them,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thats not a sword it may look like one but i guarantee you its not and that youre more likely to hurt yourself than cut anything successfully more than once,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 considering this structure is literally right alongside the beach it makes sense to only want it to be temporary im more worried at the structural integrity of the whole thing and whether or not it can support the weight and movement of people at max capacity that thing better not fucking collapse,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i know this is an off topic statement but it is good to be a nice guy not a niceguy being a decent human being really helps in getting a girl,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 ahhh fck it i was hoping fo pray or renegade or at least bad moon,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 the dis is my favorite sr its like a mida clone without the speed bonus,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 the amount of impact this nerf would have had on this ace is minimal,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 talisa smiled with closed lips unable to respond until she finished chewing a chunk of pumpernickel soaked in soup after hastily swallowing as to not leave everyone waiting she asked do you want to show us not wanting her downright impulsive daughter to stick a hot spoon on her face talisa glanced about grabbed a spare spoon and held it she didnt want to shove it in cassanas face thinking that would be too much pressuredid you figure it out lily asked bluntly confused considering cassana had failed most recently when she tried,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 hmm yeah i dont know how to help you really i have a really hard time with this we think out loud if im not blathering on its because i think youre boring haha i think i have managed though to not interrupt people most of the time and to ask a lot of questions which i think many people find charming i try to make most of my social interactions about the other person they say something i ask some clarifying questions extend the idea a bit or relate it to some other thing ask what they think about it tell a personal anecdote ramble on a tangent circle back to the original question etc im all over the damn place,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 those are not social situations those are business transactions you are polite to me i am polite to youget adopted by an extroverted feeler and ride along on their circle of friends it sucks not having friends of your own but having a circle who adopts you because of your connecion to the exfx is better than nothingbe prepared to hear that you dont have friends of your own when a conflict arises though it is an easy target and while true it stings like a mofoedit on second thought dont listen to me put yourself out there and see if you can crack the code limping by on a second hand social circle isnt the best option,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 based on that statement youre my soulmate those dont even exist yet here we are,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 damn someone i can relate to i have issues with some low selfesteem that im still working through you probably couldnt really tell if you met me in real life but it manifests itself in similar ways to yourself for example if a friend of mine doesnt seem as enthusiastic about talking with me or hanging out with me some of my first automatic thoughts are that there is something wrong with me or that i came off weird or that im too messed up or whatever fortunately i have improved so much in this regarding your personal situations im not sure what you mean when you mention telling secrets to your friends are they condescending to you regarding trusting other people there seem to be two instinctive responses that come up in the situation that you have the chance to be vulnerable one is one of anxiety and one is our intuition anxiety can arise from many past instances of feeling betrayed or put down your brain loves to pick up on patterns and even create patterns where there isnt one and if you have a lot of unpleasant experience with people you may automatically assume that peoples intentions towards you are negative from the getgo our intuitive side is the part that can pick up on vibes of other people and can alert us to their intentions whether good or bad it is important to try to distinguish between these two feelings as they can feel like the same thing practicing introspection can teach us the difference between the two and teach us to automatically separate the both the difference between the two is anxiety is imaginative and intuition picks up on and shows you what is actually happening around you on a side note ive probably oversimplified what intuition is and i may have not used the word completely accurately but i hope the way i used it gets my point across well enough,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 kiernan frowned slightly at the mention of pentos but she shook the memories away easily enoughi can see that the darklyn woman quipped letting a sarcastic smile return to her lips its good to see you tootalis in her room she continued pointing a hand up the stairs you remember which one that is,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 because its a fucking awesome word that can be used for almost fucking anything,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i hadnt realised that but unfortunately the nas is too strict on the leaving cert and im not spending an extra 2 years to start my career getting different results in the leaving isnt going to affect how i perform as a medic,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i feel exactly the same way i have 3 twostar characters championed now 9598 level range and was finally starting to feel like i could make some noise and then this wall of suck slams me in the face id done a couple big enchiladas over the last week or two mystique for example and felt great winning that hard battle but this one which i was really looking forward to for falcon is just impossible for me i dont even get closemy championed characters are storm black widow and thor all 2 star at levels 98 97 and 95 respectively next highest characters are wolverine at 78 and mystique at 76,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 check out socrates rebuttal to thrasymachus in book i of the republic,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i know tech support is bad enough but tech support for a lot of little kids and older people yeahthanksillpass,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thanks for letting us know,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 just a sizzle and popfunny how plastic looks like candy sugar when being melted like thatthe keyboard reminded me of campfire marshmallows,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yes and making their mentallyillbychoice kids jump in the way of rocks that just happened to be flying around,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 cant make it public public or youll run into trolls,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 do i actually need to look through the javascript and figure out what the methods do fantastic,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 how disrepectful holy fuck youre rudeftfy,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 one of nzs top bowlers getting more runs than most of the england middle order embarrassing,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 ive popped a rib before it sucks take the time to recover though i made the mistake of thinking i could come back after two weeks yep repopped it as soon as i came back and was out for even more time,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 if the player base if large enough probably,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 after 25 years of practicing meditation and yoga i have come to the point where i discarded all the new age religious dogma about god self and soul and come back to a more modest base of facts supported by current science i find virtue in this i still meditate and focus on chakras they work just the same without the metaphysical stories i reinterpret the metaphisical stories as metaphor for processes happening in my brain subconscious emotions imaginary voices by the way see rtulpas for a mindtrip these guys are creating what looks like secondary centers of personality in their minds,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 success with that guys i wont be joining i dont do group activities,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 its a genetic abnormality i think double jointed was a term we used to use but im not sure if thats what its still called its not a skill you can develop to this extent,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sums up how i feel about tinder not sure about other dating sites,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 op just wanted to watch minecraft videos but he found this,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 sounds like you got a lot on your plate and feeling anxious because of the things you cant control in your life start by making small goal daily tasks that you know you can do this is to help you feel more fulfilled in completing goals and feeling productive worrying and overthinking is an improper use of your imagination grounding yourself by working on things that you can control in your life will definitely help you feel a lot betteryou cant control you you can form a romantic relationship with but you can control the bonds formed through friendship look to companionship through friends and build yourself up from thereyou also cant control how people perceive you or what they do to you you can control how you react to them that girl whos selling you stuff you dont need to be mad smile politely and turn down the item they are selling you can argue with people if they do something to make you feel personally attacked but that doesnt really achieve anything sure you want your feelings and thoughts to be validated when you argue with said person however i dont think there has been a case where when yelling can change the thoughts and attitude of others if anything it makes their thoughts solidifiedmytypementionm friend was at the pit of darkness 5 years ago severely dumped by someone he loved got into a ldr and then got dumped again he was feeling down for the count and pretty much disappeared from all social contacts although i did my best to pull him out of it through bonds of friendship he put it on himself to work on himself and is in a much better place he worked out he applied to grad school he hung out with a lot of his nerdy friends more he even took my advice and went on some dates from online apps though a ton of them were failed attempts he was able to utilize the experience to form a more realistic view on relationships now hes working his dream career he has a great girlfriend and he has a set amount of bffls he can depend on hes become extremely independent and what notthings might not look great now but take it one day at a time and develop your own set of morals things to live by and goals it will help tons in the future,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 star wars name for the ship,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 and so wouldnt 144hzi didnt say that 60hz had advantages or a disadvantage the refresh rate is literally irrelevant to the tickrate and what happens in the game that is what i saidwhat i said was that the problem why we dont have 128 tick in mm is the fact that most people have a latency of 50 ms in cs which is hugely not beneficial on 128 tick it is rather unfair if compared with a person who has a 5ms latency and fps have nothing to do with tickrate at least if people can use the right rates,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 lol i know i also just had the idea of some kind of highprotein snack like jerky or something that he can gnaw on out in the woods,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 it is an aproximation some see more or less does mine look closer to any of them there,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i didnt say it in the guide but i ran this before stratos got banned and it was pretty broken then too but after stratos was banned and before shadow mist was released i ran a synchro build like youre running and it was very good,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 came to make a boost comment too late,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 well said i agree completely i wish more people in my age group understood the importance of voting every time we do not live in a 4 year election cycle we live in a every year election cycle and if we dont speak up via voting that void is going to get filled by people who do vote who wont have our interests,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i think gaige from borderlands 2 is typemention at least thats what ive always thought,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 yeah i think that is where i am as well though i have dipped in production since i lost my parasite dat cogfuncmention doh,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 try saying hi before you break into their apartments,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thank you ill add it to the list,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i just realized jack blacks in it i didnt know who he was when it came out,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 are you kidding me i am a special education teacher i know very well how much work children are i give all my effort to improve the quality of their lives despite some of their shitty parents best efforts to ruin them childfree people come from all walks of life and have all sorts of reasons for being so,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 black lace up boots not ankle boots but not very tall under 100 i got some brown boots from target last year that i love soft and comfy they were only like 25 but cant find any similar in black i have some taller ones from nine west but they hurt my feet a lot,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 oh wow thats wonderful ill try to post more recipes as i make them good luck,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 um yeah nofucking cogfuncmention that was brutalugh,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 were you hypnotized by his smooth dance moves and course history too,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 do you think visually verbally spatially or in abstract symbols or concepts or whatdo you compare the present to personal experienced past events a lothow are you at comforting peopledo you navigate easily by landmarks but struggle to follow exact directions or proceduresdo you enjoy competitive debatesdo you find it easier to know how you feel or how other people feelhow does your memory work do you remember places more easily than eventshow do you experience time is it a series of narrativesevents or as just another spatial dimensionwould you lie to spare someones feelingsdo you think in mental mapsdo you tend to accommodate people even when you think you maybe shouldntdo you use checklists schedules and flowcharts a lotare you a good listenerdo you find it difficult to maintain personal boundaries or assert your needsdo you find it easier to stand up for yourself or stand up for others,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 shut up all of you,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the way you wrote it sounds like your grandpa called you from the funeral after he died,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i occasionally get panic attacks in crowds and concerts really overstimulate me to an unpleasant degree sometimes so im selective about what i go to but i know what youre talking about and its an awesome feeling im going to see david sedaris this weekend with my husband and my brother,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 my high school bully posted something about hoping i didnt show up to ballroom dance class or something and some girl i barely even knew posted this whole thing about how much she hated me haters gonna hate,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 yes being tiny and surround by bigger markets means knowledge export is your biggest trade this has been the case for centuries in our country language education is made mandatory by our government because its so important for the netherlands on a societaleconomic scale,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 my username isnt spelled the way you think it is,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 lots of practice its just pattern recognition with some actual thinking after you play a lot,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 do you want my honest opinionmanga spoilerss if you wouldnt pull the level or push the fat guy in the train dilemma then i honestly wouldnt want you to hold any form of responsibilitythey did what had to be done and made both morally and rationally the right choicein this situation genocide is justified,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i wonder why people want to type me as typemention rather than typemention i know i happen to like to ramble on a lot rather than being brief and my language is rather simplei just want to understand to be able to see what kind of things other people look for in order to see what the traits are myself so that way i can more thoroughly analyze and understand,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 yeah true we could arrange the loan so that we could call him back if we get injuries also he couldnt play on the left whereas gabriel can play on both sides so he can cover for both kos and per,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 id probably punch teenage me,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i dont understand open sourcing a game why would it be tricky to do that for amnesia cant they just post all the source code to github or something,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 if you got mild you should see changes within minutes to hours moderate takes a few days at most and strongextreme can be much longerif you are mild then you should get the wow factormost moderatemild reviews of the 25s have changes recorded pretty fasti have some 25s myself in custom frames at the time they didnt have womens frames so i went with providing my own and id say they are good in most situations they work the best in well lit areas they work okay on electronics they do a good job outside and work enough to cook red meat indoors with lights that arent super powerfulit has taken a month for me to see effect but that is just from the severity of my deficiency ive handed off them to someone else who was mild deutan and they noticed immediate effect,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i think theyre more likely to understate the hours they work rather than overstate greece loses 30 billion in uncollected tax revenue per annum the problem isnt that greeks are lazy so much as tax evasion is practically their national pasttime â probably dating back to ottoman rule when dodging taxes was seen as patriotic â and their public sector have been receiving exorbitant bonuses for years,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 taylor swift is cogfuncmentioncogfuncmentioni doubt that she was all about adjusting her behaviour to social feedback also very emotionally expressive id guess cogfuncmentiondom not sure if cogfuncmention or cogfuncmentionlooked into this one and i dont think so utterly emotionless in interviews id guess typemention e4yup definitely sjthats very possible he doesnt seem cogfuncmention anywayproblem hes an introvert and the biggest j ever electedsame functions different stacking obama is an typemention patient polite conscientious business as usualbased on exactly one interview im pretty sure alanis morrissette is typemention typemention would be my second guessmelania trump doesnt seem cogfuncmention at all id guess sp maybe typemention,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 ohh right this was the person touting falsificationism as some kind of allimportant and highly sophisticated idea seems to continually pat themselves on the back for some selfperceived erudition silence when encountered with a new idea not part of their lil utility belt they use to berate weak personalities with to establish intellectual superioritylike some kind of lowclass guy who gets invited to some fancy party so learns a bunch of sophisticated phrases and thinks hes hot shit except you can see hes mispronouncing and misusing said phrases all night well thats the best analogy i can spitball here its not exact i dont know or care enough about black alice to say shes misusing concepts just that the mere fact of using them is not as impressive as she thinks it is alternatively nobody will be as impressed with her as she is with herself and that selfevident thingi mean besides being repugnant and intellectually arrogant the whole point of the falsificationism she touts very outdated idea btw is that ideas arent supposed to be taken as selfevidenti like how she seems to go about typing and that shes strong and forceful but only with people weaker than her and that she defends what she says but only against people dumber than her reeks of insecurity philosophy is not her strong suitwas she always popular or just recently and who the fuck are you did you have that thread archived or what,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i think standard german is the best language to learn if you want to live in switzerland most of the country speaks german standard german is understood better than swiss german in the nongerman speaking regions swiss german speakers speak and understand it and youll pick up the dialect fast once you get there,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 tier 1 use whatever you can find to build up a couple thousand caps and get to diamond city to buytier 2 old faithful mod it up until youre doing 108 damage on a regular shot and 700 from stealth with a couple points in rifleman and ninja thatll easily carry you to the castle andtier 3 the last minutefor everything else ahemboston common securing the castle theres the fat manthats a solid career path that gives you the flexibility to muck about with other methods but still have a go to if you get in a jamalso dont allow your companion to keep a gamma gun they pick up off a child of atom cait did this in the approach to the lighthouse i was shocked and pleasantly surprised to see that happenbut theyll gleefully use it to heal the details youre trying to killask me how i know this,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 only 31 response rate more from people who do theory than people who actually make ais not much of a survey imo but at least hes tryingit seems easy enough first make sure what the ais want is compatible with human desires second make sure there is more than one ai so that if one goes wonky the others can stop it kind of like how youd want your kids to treat you when youre old frail and senile,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 pull the trigger listen it sucks but i did it once its happened to me just do it,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 and a bunch of other places for 000imjksupportfrank,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 for comp matches just open and close textchat once,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yeah i see where that goesuhmm no if i try to explain anything people would look at me like im some fucking alien,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 yeah no i didnt say that what i said was you can change it,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 when amd launches the 480 ahead of vega ramds responsewhen amd launches the r7 ahead of r53 ramds response,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 do broad generalizations about people frustrate you,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 team france shox and kenny play together there,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 why did the people in the twin towers get so madthey ordered supreme pizza and all they got was plainayyy,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the average of everything in between would be 51050 not 775 only off by a few,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 nah it seems stupid to me i like artwork but im not going to permanently ink it into my skin with a needle,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 more annoyed than defiant and not at celebritytypes itself im annoyed at people who take their conclusions as gospel truth that cant be argued against when i say that i dont trust their conclusions what i mean is that i prefer to verify them myself using my own methods rather than accept them at face valuei appreciate any attempts at typing people its difficult but how can we succeed if we dont trynotice that i agreed with celebritytypes on most of the typemention typings above as you said they attempt to provide thorough analysis theyve also been known to change their typings when given good arguments or new information which i respect tremendouslyim never 100 sure myself and sometimes too tired or lazy to do the extensive research required for more than a superficial impression thats why for some typings i say things like x seems y or pretty sure or definitely to indicate how sure i amcogfuncmention is visuospatial and heuristic so best fit for the overall pattern topdown is what matters most theres always some noise its initially swept away to get at the underlying structure once i have a pattern i like to skim over the data to see if anything doesnt fit the pattern like looking for 5s in a page full of numbers in which case the pattern is adjusted or replaced in favor of one that accounts for the discrepancies the exact process is holistic and mostly subconscious so im just guessing when i have to explain which specific data points and reasoning led me to a particular conclusionmy typing methods are mostly based on body language especially in interviews and im a lot better with some types notably typemention than others im starting to recognize some types by writing style but i dont trust it yeti thought i was typemention for maybe a decade before finding out about cognitive functionsim not sure what type jung is could be any introverted type if you squint a little thinking about it the functions that he describes most accurately might be a good clue to his own type,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 didnt butler write that de beauvoirs dictum about not being born but becoming a woman presupposed a cartesian paradigm,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 look at the last character poll made the second most hated character in the show as popular as levi over the course of two months,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i can only stomach it once in a while ill play a couple games get disgusted with what childish shitheads the other players are and give up on it for a few weeksi like the map and the idea of the mode its just fuckwad teammates that ruin it every time i love playing the conquest 100k random god motd because people arent as likely to tirade about your god choice since its random but id like to play it properly once in a while,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 oh wait its starting to sound like charlie hm,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i suppose cant imagine it would be comfortable though,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 unfortunately theres a whole sub dedicated to people that do shit like this idk what its called anymore because i only saw it once long ago and i dont care to again,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the issue is that the powerful spells can only be cast a handful of times when theyre so easy to dodge so to rely on hitting an enemy with a crystal soul spear is generally going to get you killed i have an idea for how to make them viable in pvp but havent gotten to test it yet as i just started ng and respecced to a faith build beforehand but i think the best way to counter this would probably be to cast a lot of weak low cost and fast spells like faaron darts to force your opponent to dodge and burn up stamina before sending something powerful like crystal soul spear their way,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 i mostly type people based on visual cues audio tapes are almost useless to me ive seen plenty of sam harris interviews thoughi have serious doubts about chomsky being an typemention as well so that may not be the best examplebtw im not dead set on typemention thats just my best guess but im still sure hes not fj,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 my theory is that they bonded while in the cell of peridots shipafter their leaders were defeated and captured like themselves they were locked in cells next to each other perhaps they had a talk or whatever and made up and decided to work on their relationship if they got outyou can see a drastic improvement in their relationship from that point on,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 get humanity off this planet would be a goal id push for i mean people can stay and all but establish a permanent presence in interplanetary space not much longer after that we would be exploring the stars,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 nail on the head where feminism has gone off the railsa test really that alone would be enough for me to walk awaysay what you mean upfront and honest communication are key if you cant do it for this sort of basic social interaction what does that say about more complex situations and how you might handle them its a clear red flag that this person is completely irrational and not someone i could ever form any sort of relationship withi too want equality 5050 split right down the middle everyone can do anything and should be treated as equal no exceptions unless you want to sort that out by things like physical differences strength etc im fine with that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this gif mp4 really is now my favorite of the subreddit we both won,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 it seems fair for me to ban them permanentyou wont see a single professional or refferee who fixed a match play again if esports aspire to be real sports you will have to show those people the door,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this is rcringe more than rage but not even really that bad,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 katana listened as blasters scarred the hull of the shuttle thats a lot of soldiers shien should do after a short sprint for speed katana leaped from the shuttle utilizing the force to propel her forward soaring and somersaulting she drew and ignited her lightsaber the silver blade protruding 15 meters from the hilt she swiped right the head of one soldier severed cleanly she landed on her feet but her balance was still shaky and she was grazed by two shots before she could adopt the defensive stance the pain only fueled her with rage she swung her right foot back and grasped the hilt with both hands swiftly deflecting the volleys of blaster shotsher heart was racing she had missed the thrill of allout battle after i kill most with deflection ill switch to djem so i need to deal with these grunts quickly,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 oops i ran into the wall shit lol mb teambanned,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i still think it was the wrong decision i was stripped of the school and rating i went through i was stripped of the groundbreaking school and future rating im about go go through,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 i still have that imac,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 oh wow would not have guessed that,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 yeah but i tend to just feed them straight to em with no hacking despite what bricktop says i dont keep massive hoards of haulers usually 610 are more than enough along with 46 alpacas for wool,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 even though typemention are often designated as the rarest type id think statistically all of introverted intuitives could represent roughly the same percentage within a population just as much as there is natural selection in a biological sense i think cultures and societies also select for personality types in terms of subsistence or developing societies inxx types would have a hard time fitting in although were capable of being very practical were selfisolating bigidea people its not like every tribe or village needs 10 shamans poets strategists etc in general i think the practical sj types or caretaker sf types pass on their genes more frequently because they actually get stuff done and make the gears of society move in a very real and practical wayas societies evolve from concentrating on pure survival and safety to developing and valuing culture philosophy science and the arts i think thats when you start to see the inxx traits being selected as beneficial considering how long it takes for that to happen in many societies i think the numbers are always going to be skewed against us i hardly think were the most rare though depending on a particular culture or society any of the other inxxs could be equally underrepresented,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 coriander son to face the ginger destroyer,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 i think the whole design side of things is extremely good and one of the reasons i love watching the show i especially like the iron islands there are a couple of exceptions margaerys costumes while beautiful in their own right are so different from anyone elses that they really break the spell for me i understand that the reach is has a distinct culture and thats reflected in her clothes but its too much or rather too little i really dont like almost all of daenerys clothes from season 3 onwards theres a mod60s vibe about them that really jars dark sansa also seems out of place although again its a stunning frock in its own right,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 wasnt me i was just making an effort to follow the 101 reddit ruleall the credit goes to david bott of,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 ive rolled him 3 times in assault always building full tank and wrecking with him his 2 does nice base damage with a large aoe and the root is an assist machine when building tons of health as i do his ult is an enormous heal the turtle is a very solid escape im really enjoying him,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i dont think anyone who knows me would describe me as a psychopath that dude does seem slimy as fuck though im not nearly so ingenuine as he is irl at least i dont think so to my knowledge ive never fucked over a friend i try really hard to be a good person,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i tend to unintentionally tweak my behavior around different people to almost balance out the energy if im around people who require an extra amount of tweaking lol then i get worn out so fast i always feel the need to be by myself in order to regroup and reconnect with my inner self and to feel more like me,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 well im not automatically assuming it multiple studies have indicated that there is a statistical link between getting married in under three years after meeting someone and how likely you are to divorce research also indicates that there is a negative correlation between engagement length and happiness in marriage and also that you dont want to date too long because that indicates a lack of committmentthe statistical sweet spot is date for three years and then get married very quickly your parents and your fiances parents might have found happiness in their marriages but they are the exceptions not the rule and count as anecdotal evidence that while important for understanding the history you and your fiance are bringing to the relationship arent really relevant to the general populationyou guys sharing a similar set of morals and and religion also isnt that much of a help divorce rates are higher for conservative christians than for other religious groups and for atheistsagnostics sorry couldnt find the original surveyim not trying to say because this happens to a statistically significant amount of people it will happen to you i cant say whether you fall into the percentage of people who are going to pull it off or the percentage of people who wont i understand that its insanely frustrating hearing the same concerns over and over again and having your adulthood questioned by people who arent really familiar with the details of your situation im just trying to answer the question of why people think short courtships result in divorce because generally speaking its true,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i know but it still stacksif you have been banned for the first time you need one week without being kicked etc for your cooldown to get back to 2 days if you get kickedabandonget kicked in this time you will get 7 days again and have to wait two weeks without comitting offense for it to go down to a 2 day ban,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 as the others have said you sound like you lead strongly with extroverted intuition and introverted feeling im going to echo with typemention you seem to have things in common with a lot of typemention i know,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 checking my post and comment history in controversial i am hilarious,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 its harder to rape a woman with pants is that what he means,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 still kylo ren is a sith lord and rey is just some untrained lightsaber user,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i got a handkerchief too but mine isnt plain red its got a design on it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 climax by usher is about a relationship that isnt where it once was,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 not me lol i give up right away also dont have titles in all caps unless its a meme,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 unfortunately i hope disney scraps the prequels and redoes them,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i have a good amount of expeirence with little red and the yellow brick road esque deck i like it you make really big fuckers that fly and cant be targeted the only thing that can blow it up is lucifer,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 now im imagining amethyst raising the girl to be so not pearl,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 i was put on amitriptyline once it was terrible i got sleep paralysis every night and could barely sleep made me more anxious and depressed im still working on a benzo script as well after a very long time supposed to be taking buspar right now but it makes me drowsy as fuck which i cannot deal with 247 school would be a nightmare if i was taking that twice a day,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 so if the dna for hiv was to evolve or change which can happen with viruses they would need to recode the crispr rnahow do they get the crispr to cut out that particular dna out rather than replicating it,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 implying the cubs havent already frozen hell over,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah like bills and mostly had their life together,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 im mostly living but slightly dead inside,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 my goto date outfit is dark skinny jeans some cute embellished top and wedge boots anthropologie clearance is great for finding special tops at a reasonable price,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 guardian i wanted either a medium armor or heavy at 80 since my two 80s are ele and necro i considered engineer because i really enjoy it but i thought id be overwhelmed at 80 since its a bit complex my ranger and rev are already about 40 so i decided on my lowest level seems more worthwhile,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 extremely easy i always start off with respect and as time goes on and i learn who they are and how they are to others respect either grows or shrinks its not hard to be respectful but its fluid,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i read the material in unfinished tales much of which ended up in the children of hurin before i read the silmarillion in fact the main reason i persevered with the silmarillion was because i had been deeply touched by the turin and tuor material in unfinished tales,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 no thats hey pass me a beer ignorant fuck,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 uafinedayforscience you need to get your shit togetherother users are starting to beat you in posting relevant norse mythology info,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 just dont go anywhere near the cities,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 because i was about to drive somewhere and was like oh yeah i wanted to make a post on rpoker so i hurried up and did that before i left,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i dont understand how op keeps running into such shitty people all the time talk about living in different worlds,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 the lord of the rings by jrr tolkien i first read it at about age eleven and it was my constant companion through my teens its shaped a lot of my interests and informed my personal ethics,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 im a ryan and have a friend named ethan not all ethans are bad but rethan can kindly fuck off,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 oh dont go now its too earlyand once my nerve was worked up sticking my tongue down their throat,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 bahahaha my friend wears sweats every time he goes to the gym because he doesnt like his ankles tf,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 tagm the flair isnt enough you need to add manga spoilers to your title,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 longer jewelry would definitely be bad if its not swelling which it definitely isnt because you will start catching it on more things which by the way if you use one of those mesh poof things for shower gel in the shower let me go ahead and warn you at some point you will catch it on one of your piercings and itll hurt bad i switched to exfoliating gloves in the shower ive never looked back,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 defeat the dosington machine unleash the ethereum dream,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 i got this when i was younger i had my hair shorter i can be outspoken and assertive some men dont like that i dont know if i didnt fit their description of a woman or what i also had women insist i was a lesbian and girls get catty or bullyish towards me based on what i wore whatever we dont live to satisfy what other people want us to beyour ex is a grade a jackass stay strong and think of his emails as insane comic relief he needs to get a foot back in reality the baby will do that for him soon enough,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 shadowrun the buddy cop movie,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 me too its one of my favorites,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 theres a shorter version of this type of grass that is just as awesome and literally feels like a shaggy carpet under your feet its sensitive and delicate though so you can only walk on it start running and youll begin making divots and killing the grass idk what its called though tt,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 ok it isnt that different of a concept as the one you mentioned it just adds a few steps so you have contact and inert functions contact functions incorporate information from the environment these are your auxiliary and inferior in both attitudes or cogfuncmention cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention cogfuncmention for an typemention inert functions do not incorporate information from the environment or are areas that you dont seek help with these are your dominant and tertiary in both attitude or cogfuncmention cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention cogfuncmention for an typemention then there are accepting and producing functions the names pretty much describe what they do you take in information like cogfuncmention with your accepting and process it with your dominant like cogfuncmention and output with cogfuncmention or produce information the same pattern as you mentioned basically strategic types use intuition to interact with the environment and tactical types use sensation which means they either do so with the auxiliary or inferior functions which would make them do so in very different ways take for example an typemention as a producing strategic type they use their intuition to produce a plan to achieve their goals which they produce from like an sensing playbook the opposite would be an typemention as accepting tactical type they absorb sensing data to formulate a method to achieve a general course with the goal less defined there isnt really like a playbook but more like a general direction that they want to go in they are going to use their producing cogfuncmention function to achieve their goal or continue towards it but since it is influenced by cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention the actions are going to be more concrete or physical im not sure how to make that much shorter while still keeping the basic concepts in there the next post is where i make it twice as complicated when i add the thinking and feeling elements,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 well i can see the smokereproduction rate in this case is 010steps to reproduce buy smoke and throw it alt tab and it vanishes any map any place,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 rain helps pin seekers and bombers with high apex height makes sticking it close easier as for putting it depends on the golfers personal preference really it should be a little easier but its easier to have the ball die short on you,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think people in pakistan must spend far too long staring at camels behindsstill thats pretty cool reminds me of the indian henna patterns,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you linked an entire chapter heres the correct page from you link,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 he would make a fine niko bellic,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 are they doing this on purpose like getting the bull to trample them it looks intentional,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 they used the chaos to slip in and headcanon coming up probably acted as civilians so the military protected themthey used the smoke to get out of titan form,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i dont know if the website is correct but the help hawaiian early learning profile is for age 03 but can still be used as a developmental milestone type tracker we have students at our school that are teenagers but assessed around age 1 developmentally we have used this assessment when there were not other good markers available,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 pins and needles after consuming sugar what ive never experienced that,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 theyve been trying that since july,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i have multiple problems with this statementit boils down to why the hell are you sending a blade to get sharpened the most important thing about a knife to someone you dont trust to not treat your knife with care enough to not strip the screwsif you cant trust them to take apart a knife you shouldnt trust them to sharpen it properly eitherif youre going through this kind of thought and trouble maybe its time to learn how to sharpen you are buying a chinese made blade does it really need sharpening you pay for,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this is exactly why manga spoilers s the central mps torture wallcultiststhe walls are a cruel place the strong will always rule over the weaklet us punish the ignorant,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 gtgo on a subreddit about a dumb memegtsee dumb memewhat the fuck did you expect oh and by the way,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 the migrants come and go and since this process has been going on for years it is somewhat stabilized there about 22 million romanians in other eu countries of which 1 mil is in italy and 07 mil in spain and only 265k in germany,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i only really like treyarch cods but yeah mw2 can be playable but i often run into crazy lobbies similar to what mw1 has going on rapid fire noob tubes and instant max prestige i really quit playing once that max prestige thing happened to me took the fun out of actually leveling up,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 which is a rat what valve doesnt want to dowhich are ring0 and that is just all that vac needs tbhas esea eac and wire are as well as vac signature detection based acsis serverside and not a better clientside ac than vac,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 because i supposedly didnt adhere to terminology that was invented on the internet and shouldnt be afforded any more merit than is warranted by that which you are basing on literally one word you cant respond to my argument pathetic thats not the real reason and anyone with half a brain can see that you just dont like what im saying because you cant respond to it so you point to one word as if that means anything whatsoever and retreat from reality and thats why you want people to use your language because it helps you do that or you at least sympathise with other peoples need to do that you really are terminally smallminded arent you,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i voted for bernie in the primary and hillary in the general,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 only under certain special conditions will this happen being sloshed around while inside a container would definitely keep the balloons from freezing longer than if they were just exposed to the cold,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 step 1 become a celebritystep 2 get invited to the correspondents dinner,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 1d10 urollme17 lily finds cass810 lily gives up and moves on to the foyer and bathroom,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i dont have the space on my phone atm lent my microsd card to my dad because he got sent a faulty one and yes that is an apple pro mouse in my pc,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 how well do you relate to each of thesecogfuncmention,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 coolnot my taste like metals not yours but music is music,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 he suffered a concussion but is well and alive,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 im pretty much early to everything except work then i turn up exactly on time on bad days i run about 5 minutes late,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i wouldnt be surprised if this was an issue with intuitives in general were ll known for being lost in our heads i certainly struggle with this sometimes i think at least once a week ill subsist on a bowl of oatmeal and a handful or two of almonds haha i just forget,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 but the reactions arent genuine theyre all obviously actors a few of them appear on commercials and shit,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 dazzling wit you really are dull arent youalso i found that that other account that posted about being fat and its obviously you so you must really hate yourself skirting around that when i brought it up d,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 but he has created a universe so he is literally a god and its sean you dumb yank and we are all on firstname terms with him for some reason for ours is a personable god amen,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 ranks are not important you get matched with the same people you did before there is nothing to fix,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 do you know which region has the best ping to you or on which servers you landnormally you can select the servers with the best ping over the mm server picker that should help you to find a game faster,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im adopted as well my parents started explaining to me as soon as they thought i could understand about 34 years old and even got me a picture book about adoption i have never had the hangups about being adopted that i hear some people have and i attribute a lot of thing to being told early on and in a very nondramatic way i think its important for people to know that there are well adjusted adopted folks out there,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i give you some help thereresearch moores law reverse engineering programming in assembly and programming close to osnow to the rest of your postthe i should help them will be explained later and also it is probably also a wrong assumption that the company swims in money since they still have bills to pay of course they dont necessarily have more money than saturn in germany id even say they have lessyour analogy is insufficient you are a customer and at the same time someone who is actively using a service valve provides and thus you have the right to help them improve their service but if you want to do this you still have to be reasonable and polite and that is not that is in no way constructive andor helpful to the people who maintain the anticheat called vacesea and esl are the only ones with another anticheat it is not called anti hack shield that is client based and works kinda flawless what you would have to factor in is that those two anticheats use different detection techniques in ring0 vac is not programmed to work that way to stay out of the users private mattersthe programming in ring0 allows esea to run basically a keylogger and they can do with your data what ever they want esea eulawith accepting eseas eula you basically allow them to put you under 247 surveillancevalve as a company has no interest in intruding in the private files or matters of the person that plays their games or the games from publishers who use vac gaben commented on this here made 25 billion us in 2012 and most of it went into new jobs developments expansions of said company and games like in every other companyoverwatch essentially exists to catch cheaters that managed to get through one or more vac waves or ones that still have to come because vac cant detect private and ring0 cheats that easily since it is not as intrusive as a certain companys bitcoin mineri have my facts straight and the required knowledge for it but the later seems to be lacking on your parthow do you even know valve doesnt work on vac are you sitting there or are you going by sheer assumptions hereyou didnt told the truth you voiced your opinion on a topic you have no idea about all of it is okay but the way you did it and tried to defend it is lacking in etiquette and knowledge the later is shown by your analogypeople like you go around calling vac shit without knowing how much work it represents and what has to do with it is one point why i dont like most people on this subreddit and it is not only because you call vac shit but also because people like you offer no alternative or critical thinking in this topic on how to improve the situation the options to improve vac or where vac is lacking people who have not even a vague idea about this topic should educate themselves first on said topic before posting dumb comments all over the place this starts with differentiating between a cheat and a hack and not calling software to prevent former antihack shield,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 wut rtypemention has more virgins than muslim heaven,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 r lee ermey is great,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i take thyroid medication ive never had it fall out this bad before though i didnt know rogain did that weird ill look into nioxin right now my new hairdresser put me on a bunch of loma products,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 sorry but whats phenomenological about that,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i have best friends that are typemention and typemention honestly its also about the person themselves you may not be able to relate to an typemention thats from a different background because you havent experienced what they have or can relate to their experienceslike say theres antypemention person whos come from a very cultured background i wouldnt be able to relate because i enjoy derping and video games and the stuff they are interested isnt my cup of tea like we would process stuff the same way but cant relate to the same experiences because we dont share itits like me trying to understand why people are very materialistic when i prefer the opposite,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 some people think it is i dont,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i dont think that hell mind to be called colossal type,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 nope thats something i hate the most actually a lot of people like the 16 personality quiz or just friendsteachers keep saying im so logical and stuff and all this logical stuff makes me feel like a nerd robot who only uses logic and nothing else thats pretty much what i understood from the 16 personality quiz i think theres much more meaning to that i used to think a lot about the meaning of lifereligion last year and i always ended up in paradoxes and confusion and endless loops so i just at one point say fuck this shit and became an agnostic basically no religion anything can be true i didnt tell much people still pretending to be a christian im in an orthodox country and they pretty much wash your brains with religion since first grade at school so at that time i was like wait this doesnt make much sense i think im not a christian and im really not a christian now i dont hide my religion that much but if people ask i would tell them im agnostic but no one asked tho lol oh i think my sister asked,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i made this earlier today didnt realize i saved it in an uber compressed form,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 first of all nice atitude you have there you seem to be fun to have around if you insult everyone who questions your statementssecondly you did say most of them dont stream you also said thatso you are implying that all pros that stream are banned since you split the pros themselves into two groups the ones that stream and the ones that dontalso there are no middleschools in germany young boy so please work on your education phrasing of sentences and your behaviour,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 your boss is a psychopath,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i think i can speak for pi players in general when we say we know ballzilla doesnt cheat his o is why he shines,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 beyond the wallhometownwarriorsi dont like mentioning the ocean either but there are other options,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the dark side of agario break ups and the aftermath that follows,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 xubuntu looks awesome i might go with this for my desktop,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 sorry i only operate rigid lighter than air aircraft,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i dont even know this team and i can feel the heat from here,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 cass kiernan greeted warmly taking the older girl into her arms,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 yeah the test is most probably giving you wrong results youll have to go in depth and read the theory yourself but that doesnt mean you cant be typemention and type 6im typemention 5w4 but the tests say im typemention 4w5stay strong,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 maybe i could say it as a gay male by my very orientation women arent fuck anyting to me when it comes to attraction arousal or gasp objectification,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 d certainly in different contexts people express themselves differently no one can type you in any context better than a self aware person can type themselves this isnt a barely subtle backhand hahaha truly who the fuck knows my ears simply perked up at dont have to think and writing is the worst i have my own history proclivities etc do they apply to the type i dont know i think though that ns in general being part of a minority tend to have a hard time generally connecting even among other ns when i really open my skull people usually dont get it writing has always been an outlet for me to spell things out in excruciating explicit detail i am not a great writer but i feel most comfortable writing because i can choose words which more precisely describe what is in my head it isnt that i think what i write is profound or some shit but it is a medium in which i can more accurately express myself if you know some other medium which is more precise please tell me please understand that i am not at all uncomfortable with speaking i love giving presentations and i love that juicy flow you can stream into live with another person but like i said i dont think the precision of the written word can be matched and certainly not with the spoken word so why mbti and not just my preferences cogfuncmention or introverted thinking the typemention 2nd of 8 functions is all about precision precision is my truth to say something which is true 95 of the time and to not mention the 5 is an unacceptable breach of what i inherently know to be ethical without having to think about it so to not like writing assuming that writing is the most precise form of communication we have is anathema to me ok so forms forms allow for absolutely zero creativity everything is planned and forced by authority does the form or a field on the form have use in the scheme of things perhaps but even if i figure out a revolutionary shortcut to achieving the ends of what the for was intended for no one gives a shit perhaps for a good reason but still if i cannot exert my ego onto a project i have no interest in it its childish etc etc but it is what it is of course i can force myself to fill out forms and to work shit jobs which are poorly aligned with my personality but my heart is in new situations most people dont want the unknown but i was built for it certainty is as poisonous to me as uncertainty is to most people so forms are antithetical writing as a blank slate is damn near the ultimate deleted edited cogfuncmention or extroverted thinking is all about forms all about templates which serve some useful end cogfuncmention heavy types hate forms because while cogfuncmention wants to know how do i get the ideal result cogfuncmention is consumed with the question of how does it really work in its entirety a form doesnt answer real questions to a cogfuncmention user a form serves some end and those ends might be great but they dont fill the cogfuncmention hole life to a high cogfuncmention user is mostly about acquisition of knowledge i find the general terms of how women supposedly thinkfeelother fascinating but for me if 80 of women are supposedly xyz way i will focus on that 20 99 of the time the 80 means almost nothing to me anyways i digress possilbly because of reasons given tonight but my ultimate point is that forms follow a set track to success and they are horrible from my perspective based on what i said and perhaps more,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 but advanced meditators still have thoughts and they still need thoughts in order to survive the purpose of meditation is not to be without thoughts its just a technique to develop attention beyond them if you have that kind of attention your meditations will go well thoughts or no thoughts many people struggle with stopping their minds and that is not the way to do it because it breeds disappointment and causes even more mental activity,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i dont think so thoughalfa is independent again and wester was responsible for the a4 with audi some time beforethe first german magazines say the build quality is good and the interiour is a little bit worse than audis while being better than bmwsone should not be so pessimistic,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im not sure i understand your example do you mean when using safari my banking app that i would have installed could be open by the webpage,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 because i was about to drive somewhere and was like oh yeah i wanted to make a post on rpoker so i hurried up and did that before i left,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 seriously i guess youve never had an angry revenge fantasy like come on i just found out he cheated on me and i was drunk and pissed fwiw i wouldnt be mad if someone thought about cheating and didnt thoughts arent crimes dude this isnt minority report or 1984,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i just discovered something lifechanging,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 this and the golden girls are the best shows ever i fall asleep to one every night gg tonight,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 yeah sure these are things you can compromise on and yes you are right that non of these things are deal breaker level issuesbut at only 2 months in did you consider the option that maybe you two simply arent very compatible people when it comes to being in a relationship with one otherthat would be no ones fault really some people just dont go that well together,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 behave more feminine before kicking in the badassery dress in softer colours to look more feminine and likeable always smile and ask people how they are doing how their trip to lake x was last week or if their kid finally recovered from his or her flu set the tone by being feminine and soft and only then be the strong woman who pushes the agenda while still smiling kindlythat also is something in general to keep in mind also for men you can be just as effective in reaching your goals and getting through to people without any aggression in your voice and body language being likeable kind and approachable is very important in getting people on your side you want people to be on your side because they want to be on your team and not because they are afraid of you,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 no wikileaks refuses to give their source assange was the first to jump on the seth rich story and they offered 20000 for information on who killed him,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 if noah doesnt get his name i will quit tagpro he deserves this so much,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yea you can if thats what you really want,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 its like some kind of story that has been left unsung,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 this comment doesnt apply to me lol,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 my barber is 1150km away i make the drive every couple of months to get a haircut,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i think with an ipod touch youre forced to connect to the companys wifi where they can require a login and monitor your internet activity an iphone has 4g capability which could be a security risk because you can covertly send files divulge secret information or do inappropriate things without them knowing about it,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 conor is like a toddler threatening to hold his breath for not getting what he wants boo hoo,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 vba is the way to go but until thats up and running you can filter the data or drop it in a pivot and use slicers to easily specify the criteria you want to see,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 my parents taught my sister and i to be independent and honest with ourselves being raised that way and being very close with my parents it was very important for me to let them know my dad accepted my cfness no problem my mother and i had a couple conversations but she was always supportive she had imagined a life with grandchildren i think my sister may be cf too but she has come to accept it as far as i can tell they want us to be happy they both came to visit when i had my tubal and helped get me home and make sure i was resting well my mom had her tubes tied back in the day so she empathized with me on the surgery aspect,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 even better example than philosophy mathematics or logic in general completely made up yet almost everyone believes it relates to reality on some level i think people like udarthroach think its profound to say that ideas or conceptual things lack physical substance and are therefore madeup the universe doesnt care which could of course be realised by a child,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i dropped my htc so many timesnever had any issues until one time it feel completely flat face down and it just absolutely shattered apparently its fine if its at even the slightest angle,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 just sit down and piss everyone off,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 i dont get what you want to tell me,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i can hardly disobey my phones command can i now,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 haha yeah theres a lot of that in the torah as well the great flood for starters,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yet all the nazisympathisers of reddit insist german military was full of conscripts who were forced at gunpoint to commit atrocities also that the wehrmacht didnt commit atrocities,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 huh thats still higher up that list than expected,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 especially when your team is trade happy,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 michael pierce is a great resource just not for socionics weve got many resources linked in the wiki at rjungiantypology the gifts differing equivalent in socionics would be dual nature of man by augusta but to read it in its entirety requires running it through a translator since it is only partially translated into english now if you want to learn why the functions are structured the way they are in model a you can start by reading the dichotomies and information metabolism sections found on the main page of wikisocionnet,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 that opening song sounded a bit like weird al though im using pretty much the worst earbuds ever and one of em is broken,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i seriously doubt they can people in the governmentic are committed to getting this out through leaks if necessary there are already indictments trumps impulsiveness compounds the problem a thousandfold i think the truth will out one way or another its beyond turtles capacity to stop it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 ive come to the conclusion that anybody trying to win the breakup isnt over the breakup and is still hung up on their ex,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 im on mobile i normally have pretty good grammar,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 nice why was there so much baseball memorabilia in 1990 anyhow i have a ton of upper deck baseball cards from 1990 probably even have a hologram card of the dodgers or something,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 a beta is typically feature complete with bugs just because epic chooses to define beta very liberally does not mean paragon is in beta,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 that seems like a major issue that will remain an problem unless it is fixed talk to her about it if you think its the key to your relationship,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 killer whales give them a run for their money smart team working alpha predators,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 i dont understand if i was approached by a cop on the street i would simply state that this is a nonconsensual contact and unless i am under arrest or being detained i am going to leaveof course they arent going to say youre not being detained or arrested have a fine day good citizenbut anything other than a yes you are detained means i leave if they stop me or frisk me or anything thats improper and will garner a complaint if they find anything illegal its inadmissiblein order to detain you they have to have probable cause or articulable suspicion in the absence of either the detention is improper,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 parents had to do that on purpose,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 news and this is presnowden also this,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 most of my datingrelationship experience has been with typemention do you want to be a parent to a 30 year old cause thats how that happens trust me when i say no just no,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 he already is an honorary murican,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 this is just a clever subtle ploy to get straight men to gobble some dicks youre not fooling anyone,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think its safe to assume that people likely to downvote my artistic genius are also likely drawn to any thread which mentions being upset,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im a bit unsure what you mean by family and nonfamily do you mean names of peoplethat seems to be what you mean if it is what you mean you can make it work but itll be a bit harder perhaps make an archaic honorific that got affixed to names of familyclan members perhaps related to the first person pronoun or the word for familyclan and then got lenited and fused together with the casenumber markingsif you mean kinship terms positions of heirarchy jobs then the same thing could be done though probably on a wider scale however these would probably not be able to switch classes nearly as easily alternate ideas as opposed to an honorific proximal and distal pronouns fused with the declensions the actual first person genitive fused with the declension perhaps you have an archaic posessed case which was lost long ago but survives as the particle fused with the familial declension pattern,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 yeah sorry i guess i was a little too eager to stymie the corvettes are oppppppppppp argument before it started making it unclear what i was referring toi actually think corvettes are a decent counter to blob meta because they can make quick strikes against the tac cruisers at the bottom of the blobin a group with 3 tac cruisers i can usually get them to pop their actives and get one down to 50 health with no power remaining a little followup and the blob could collapseweaponbreaker mines would be way better than the afk easy proximity mines artillery cruisers have now,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i clearly stated that ive personally known multiple manipulative cunty shitty camgirls but that is not the majority of us the people in this thread are demonizing an extremely tame form of sex work i never defended ops gf lying to her bf at that magnitude is very shitty but shes barely even entering into the world of sex work why does everyone have to talk so much shit on her if they were only talking about her dishonesty that would be a different story,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 what errors are you encountering,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 which means if im reading this right that this entire discussion is purely academic knowledge for however many users still have graphics cards with 4gb or less onboard run at a pretty solid 60fps at all times monitor set to 120hz vsync set to adaptive half monitor refresh in the nvidia control panel,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 lol i thought had no boundaries with my bf but i did ask first if it was ok to text him whenever i felt like because im an avid texter thank goodness we discussed what was ok and not ok so glad we did discuss boundaries and it worked out well,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 how well do you relate to each of these and whycogfuncmention you know your enneagram type,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 its the test client my bad d,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 id say im a blend of the two to the point that im not sure which i prefer i suppose i do default to the experts ways of solving problems at first but im often not happy with those solutions and end up doing things differently anyway,70.0,33.0,46.0,6.0,33.0 the typemention i know are fiece in their feelings and we can actually have common interests and get along very easily there is no problem knowing they care about me or where things stand if i wanted a partner to do things with who had my back and was more than happy to get squishy theyd be a good choice ive had friendships here with amazing longevity the thing is we connect on an emotional and physical level we dont talk philosophy and big ideas theres not a lot of mental exploration for its own sake we might discuss the end product of my personal theories and how that manifests in my life as behavior or choices but there is no curiosity on their end as to the why of it which is far more important to me its nice to simply be accepted but on the other hand its disconcerting that they simply dont care about the parts of myself i protect and value most to be fair i probably dont highly value the things that matter to them eitherdont fall for the stupid feeling sensor stereotypes you read online about them they can be very smart insightful and have their own philosophies they live by that theyve gained through direct experience but fundamentally we do tend to have opposite approaches to the world and its unfair to expect them to get deep in the way we know and love you might really miss that in the interaction they have their own depths it just can take us awhile to recognize it and genuinely appreciate their approach thats why i stick to just friends with that type but there have been one or two fellas that have made me at least reevaluate that point of view even if i ultimately didnt take them up on it good luck,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i play some video games all on pc i dont mess around with builds too much i just order a decent alienware system and use it until the wheels fall offa friend got me into smite a couple years ago then promptly quit playing i stuck with it for quite a while but the community is shit so without friends active i lost interest tried lol and didnt like it same with dota and paladins nowadays i mostly fart around on civ or xcom,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 but does typemention smile or typemention creativity,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 lets see what our robot overlords have to say about you uusersimulator respondswithimprov,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 have you tried incorporating market depth aka level 2 quotes in to your tradesanalysis,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 let me guess with that tree that took petrathat birch just couldnt handle competition,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 to me i agree with your description of tennis shoes flat white shoes like a nurse might wear super casual and comfy but not good for running around i know theyre actually basketball shoes but chuck taylors are kind of what i think of when i think tennis shoes but gym shoes and sneakers are synonymous running shoes or walking shoes or any comfy casual shoe you could wear to do sports in is a gym shoe your typical nike or adidas or whatever,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 how is this anything at all like a darwin award first of all the driver probably has reproduced already counting him out second of all hes probably totally fine since you know he was in the most protected place drivers seat its everyone else that hes carrying that are at risk here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i didnt say it in the guide but i ran this before stratos got banned and it was pretty broken then too but after stratos was banned and before shadow mist was released i ran a synchro build like youre running and it was very good,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 flying he doesnt see his wings as important so he doesnt mention them it didnt work out like i hoped this time but i like making the narrator slightly unreliable because they assume the reader is just like them,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 ok dont judge but the first time i read that i readabsentmindedly licked my wife clean cut my tongue in 3 placesi couldnt wait to click the comments to find out more info discovered my error,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 already said in other comment,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 detect the exact kind of porn your state of mind would love atm,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 talisa smiled happily as he didnt hesitate to agree the flush in her cheeks growing the reminder of how late it was placed a slight damper on her mood but it was negligiblei dont actually know what time it is she admitted sheepishly she had been in her room for a while reading and working and it was hard to tell how many hours had passed since lunch,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 you miss a crucial point if you throw 5 smokes on b you have none on a you need to play tactical on inferno and essentially playing of picks alows you to open up a site more so if the cts commit all smokes to bchecking graveyard and pit on a retake is an easier task than clearing both on a take but why not smoke off pit so the pit player cant see towards arch you can clear graveyard and site then without being exposed to pitscrew that guy in pit plant on site and have one in apartments leave the guy in pit to rottsteel made a video about the game from ibuypower vs ldlc where they tried to do that but ultimately failed because they took unnecessary duels,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 10 lap averages are only reliable on tracks like bristol where we get a large sample size of laps to choose from practice always needs to be looked at with a grain of salt last week casey mears was the fastest in practice lol,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i know its unrelated but can you explain what your flair means,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i used to work at officemax way more colorful we had blue and orange and yellow everywhere office depot is just dingy white with hints of red accents,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 can you explain this better why does op need to know cause of legal stuff also what do you mean by stationfcc arent going to be happy if booted does that mean if this legal station goes dark safe to say it has been for some months nowanyway there should be an easy way to look at the equipment and see what station this iswas and whos responsible right i meanshouldnt that be a priority,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what part ive never seen a majority of the population in southern oregon lean liberal,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i totally understand why youd need to use the walls for more storage if you run out of cabinets and counters but i hate it firstly i hate visual clutter second it just isnt sanitary having items out in the open in a kitchen from flies and ants to dust and grease those items that are out will be coated with things they shouldnt be when you go to use them third more stuff out of cabinets means more frequent cleaning of shelves and ledges and more items out to dust and wipe and straighten unless you can afford a cleaning service this is a big waste of time,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 right because it wasnt a new term weve had how many decades of the same instructions terminology methods of teaching math that it hadnt been necessary to spell out what a turn a decimal into a fraction means except to the kids learning how to do it is it really surprising that adults get frustrated at not understanding even the instructions of their 7yos homework and its not just the instructions theyve never done these practice exercises before so they dont know as well how to help their kid learn it they dont understand how it leads to further math success from having gone through the system and they dont necessarily understand the point of the exercisesif one of the big issues of common core is simply parents not understanding it then there are ways to make that easier and thereby easier for the kids too having grownup translations would help i think of course it is possible to figure it out with some effort but if baffling instructions are a widespread stumbling block then it may be worth it to unbaffle them,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 static vs dynamic thinking typemention is static ile typemention is dynamic ili learn the differences,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 bush was publicly saying this in very explicit terms in april 2002 saddam needs to go,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 example of bs we had a 1sg who insisted we always do 83 setups,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 mine is bare bones right now but ive got some character pictures down,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 firstly consumer reports is the least biased reviewer out there it has no advertising is nonprofit pays for all the products it tests and has no stakeholders its only revenue stream is its customers who pay for it exclusively to access unbiased reviews of products for you to claim is has numerous agendas is clearly silly it is vested in being unbiasedbut even it if did im not sure why youd point this out you do not need to take a series of empirical tests as being the word of god to believe they are accurate the tests are the same for every vehicle theres no place to introduce bias you are just demonstrably wrong that tesla do not produce the best electric vehicle they produce the best vehicle,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 if youre thinking youre too old society grows when old men plant trees whose shade they will never sit inif youre just being pessimistic the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago the second best time is now,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 ah yes i think this might be a record of less than an hour for something as complex as this try out this code but be warned it has a few caveats to follow make a copy of your data and test this code on that make sure you have the worksheet with all the data activated because it pulls from the sheet you currently have active in excel option explicit public type crazydata info11 as string stores the unchanging data of each item title74 as string stores the titles of each item data74 as string stores the data of each item end type public datastorage as crazydata dim uniquetitle as new collection public sub sortdata on error goto errorhandler dim wsorigin as worksheet set wsorigin thisworkbookactivesheet dim wsdest as worksheet if worksheetexistscrazy output then set wsdest thisworkbooksheetscrazy output else thisworkbookworksheetsadd afterthisworkbookworksheetsworksheetscount set wsdest thisworkbookworksheetsworksheetscount wsdestname crazy output end if dim rowcounter as long colcounter as long index as long dataindex as long redim datastoragegetlastrowwsorigin 1 2 as crazydata stores all our data redim uniquetitlesgetlastrowwsorigin 1 2 as string stores a list of all unique titles for faster data output call ludicrousmodetrue this loop reads all the data from the worksheet for rowcounter 2 to getlastrowwsorigin 1 for colcounter 1 to 12 datastorageindexinfocolcounter 1 wsorigincellsrowcounter colcountervalue next colcounter for colcounter 13 to getlastcolwsorigin rowcounter step 2 datastorageindexdatadataindex wsorigincellsrowcounter colcounter 1value datastorageindextitledataindex wsorigincellsrowcounter colcountervalue dataindex dataindex 1 next colcounter dataindex 0 index index 1 next rowcounter this loop outputs the data from the datastorage array and onto the second worksheet for index 0 to ubounddatastorage for dataindex 0 to 11 wsdestcellsindex 2 dataindex 1value datastorageindexinfodataindex next dataindex for dataindex 0 to 74 if lendatastorageindextitledataindex gt 0 then if this is the last item in the array skip to the next datastorage index if islisteddatastorageindextitledataindex uniquetitles then title has been encountered before dim titlecol as long titlecol titlethingsdatastorageindextitledataindex 13 13 because of the 12 other info cols wsdestcells1 titlecolvalue datastorageindextitledataindex wsdestcellsindex 2 titlecolvalue datastorageindexdatadataindex else new title dim newtitlecol as long newtitlecol titlethingsdatastorageindextitledataindex 13 wsdestcells1 newtitlecolvalue datastorageindextitledataindex wsdestcellsindex 2 newtitlecolvalue datastorageindexdatadataindex end if else dataindex 75 end if next dataindex next index errorhandler call ludicrousmodefalse set wsdest nothing set wsorigin nothing end sub private function titlethingsbyval title as string as long loop searches for the title for titlethings 1 to uniquetitlecount if uniquetitletitlethings title then exit function if the title is found then the function returns the index it was found at next titlethings uniquetitleadd title if the title wasnt found because were now here then add it titlethings uniquetitlecount return the index that the title was added to always last for a collection end function adjusts excel settings for faster vba processing public sub ludicrousmodebyval toggle as boolean applicationscreenupdating not toggle applicationenableevents not toggle applicationdisplayalerts not toggle applicationcalculation iiftoggle xlcalculationmanual xlcalculationautomatic end sub public function getlastrowbyval targetworksheet as worksheet byval columnno as variant as long getlastrow targetworksheetcellstargetworksheetrowscount columnnoendxluprow end function public function islistedbyval value as string byref arr as variant as boolean islisted uboundfilterarr value gt 1 end function public function worksheetexistsbyval worksheetname as string as boolean on error goto errorhandler dim wstest as worksheet set wstest worksheetsworksheetname if not wstest is nothing then worksheetexists true errorhandler set wstest nothing end function,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 look at the last character poll made the second most hated character in the show as popular as levi over the course of two months,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i have adhd so class itself is kind of torture to me i alternate between doodling and taking notes am easily distracted by friends i do like taking classes though just not the classroom part unless its a discussion based class i do almost all my learning from the bookassignments on my own time i find pretty much all academic stuff fascinating though like i enjoy both mathscience and humanities so i do really well in school for someone who can barely pay attention in class i have hyper focus skills on my own especially under pressure,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 as another cogfuncmention user im not surprised by empathy in your report but from what ive seen this particular sub isnt as focused on emotional conversation as typemention and i didnt think it would show as strongly in the results its probably picking up common phrases which connote an awareness or sensitivity to others feelings or state of mind id be interested in seeing their algorithm,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 sure after i do an ou match with jack we can battle,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 two house keys car key car remote starter bottle opener that broke and is now just a key chain these are on a star shaped carabiner that i hold in my fist like brass knuckles when i walk because the pointy bits would hurt,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i wasnt really talking about psychics being debunked more like the demand for psychics differing across the genders i dont think psychics being debunked affects demand for them as by their very nature theyre appealing to people who dont necessarily think rationally in the first place,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 what was your fault why did she want you to witness it and was she successful,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 raja bell tony snell robin lopez laid an egg katmobile lost a beal and jokic ran away,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 someone elsewhere got mad at me for liking a similar gif because i called it a cinemagraph and it had moving clouds and a tornado in the background in the same way this one has moving water and reflections but nothing else moved lt,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i came here to see if anyone had said this with a lenny face thanks for handling this,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well he pmd me he isnt a fresh throwaway he has that,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 cant forget xerath caitlyn and lvl 18 tristana,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i really like the wedding sceneyou are a delight to me my lady shame he had to pay such a high price,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 completely agreed most guys who end up in the friendzone unwillingly are ones who never made their intentions clear if youre going to act like my friend then im going to treat you like one the squeaky wheel gets the oilbut it also has a higher probability of being outright turned down haha its a gamble the chances are im going to pull from my friend pool its the alembic through which my best connections are refined,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 aspect ratio on that font is alll squished and it says productivity twice for some reason,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what is the difference between full webcast and technical webcast,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 kasich i was there when moses split the sea i was there when they build the pyramid have been in this for so long,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 proveprou035eovverb3rd person present proves1demonstrate the truth or existence of something by evidence or argumentthere you have demonstrated that you wanted to weasel out of this argument,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 dont worry you can count on us soon,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 dont act like you dont do weird ass shit while stretching in your natural environment,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the dancer is an awesome boss fight though probably one of my favorites in the series,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 as a car person i would be freaking the fuck out right about now,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 she cheated on me with a girl,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 i just changed the system clock the hardest achievement was commitment,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 thats what i was thinking juniper cedar,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yes good point cogfuncmentiondoms can be too entrenched in the future to act on it in the present and cogfuncmentiondoms can be too locked into the moment to appreciate the future ramifications of their actions i think theres a lot of good things i can learn from sensors that could help pull me out of my head and act on my thoughts while im sure we could help provide some largepicture direction for them any efficient system needs the proper balance to be sustainable and as an typemention ive realized im more effective when i make an effort to exercise my extroverted functionsright now i mostly rely on cogfuncmention to get things done meaning i look at my place in society and realize that i need to act in order to keep up appearances and fill my assigned role or im producing work of a selfexpressive nature however im at the point of my individuation where developing cogfuncmention is starting to become a priority and i sort of love it although i still have plenty of theoretical interests i find it increasingly necessary to act on them and see them realized,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 sound bath why did i never think of those words to explain asmr,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 info that is about every military in the world will help me take over america and become the demon warlord king i will be in charge of north korea 2,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i know weve had discussions on the typemention board where there sometimes seems to be a difference of gender fluidity and roles when it comes to male and female typemention but on the whole im probably going to behave much more similarly to an typemention male than i will a female of any other typeeh my guts telling me hes typemention but thats not real time to collect more data im going to leave the f aside for now and see if i can spot a protruding t p its hard because hes one of those genius types that suddenly found himself on the top of the heap due to his talents and now he has a ton of responsibility it muddies the water because its hard to tell if someones ability to get stuff done and stay organized and on top of everything is selfmotivated or if its from social cogfuncmention pressure and knowing how many people rely on you to fill that role i could see it going either way anyway i like a puzzle,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 as someone who battles depression this season has been a huge trigger for me she nailed it thats how it feels it turns you into something else some one ugly and flat its the human equivalent of watching paint dry and it hurts,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 i know its a joke im joking toomy german buddies are awesome regardless of politics,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 what aspect of your life are you most concerned with improving,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 thats why we are different and the narrative pushed by the popculture is just one and really shallowprobablyunfulfilling reality to live in im obviously discounting the violentillegal fetishes as they are not acceptable,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 i think that this is more like the thinking function as well it is all the same is a judgment not a perception the thinking function and namely cogfuncmention is a function of definition to say that this is such and such is cogfuncmention dont get too hung up with the one to the many thing or vice versa in terms of intuition it is more like distillation versus extrapolation cogfuncmention doesnt see everything as all the same hardly it condenses the essence of perceptions into the gist of the perceptions it is how it is all related logical contradictions not withstanding cogfuncmention is more based in external realistic possibilities it doesnt venture too far off from the path of what could be cogfuncmention is like cogfuncmention in this sense that its ideas are grounded realistic traceable and consistent,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 its gotta be nice to have a sponsor,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 its all in the f2l,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 to an extent haha i think the real problem with ntnt matchups is that nts are really hard to find,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ab only 4 of the population but i can take anyones blood however my blood could kill anyone if they were given enough of it so im essentially a walking biohazard to 96 of the population thats a weapon of mass destruction xd,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 consistency in mm is a myth and not to archive,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 woah im quite interested in your job always wanted to know what being a librarian is about care to share what you do the fun stuff the sian stuff the things that make you love your job perhaps ive seen that librarian pay is quite high masters duh but wow i really want to know what you do,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 its a fair question yet something that i have difficulty with to explain i was raised outside of serbia and although my parents mother didnt explicitly raise me based on a strong serbian heritage it has been a constant factor throughout my life as i was raised with the serbian language i visited church often as a child many family members still live in the balkans who we visit often my grandparents own lands and houses passed down many generations etc my mother decided not to claim citizenship for me or for herself as when yugoslavia fell shed been living in our home country for a long time and also gained citizenship of this country and decided it wasnt worth it to her and felt rather strongly that i in that case also shouldnt get citizenship however i cant explain it but as i grew older i simultaneously got more connected to my serbian heritage and how it influenced my through out my childhood while also getting more disconnected to it as without my parentsmother i didnt have any tangible roots there it kept eating at me this feeling of uncertainty confusion and also a feeling a pride for my background i couldnt place i felt my mother by deciding i shouldnt get citizenship took something from me that actually did belong to me once i found out i could only claim citizenship through decent until my 23rd i believe i just decided i wanted to do this as in the end all i had to loose was some time and moneythat being said i travel a lot as well and i must admit having visa free access to countries like russia and china does have its benefits,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 warowl has good quality but he lacks knowledge go to the channels of steel or adren,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 true i forgot all about that little stream when studying the course,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 no i am a kid and im smart enough to get around any restriction you could put on me theres no point trying im the kid wholl teach your kids how to get around anything if they dont find out themselves,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 too bad itd only attract neckbeards,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 io ol party over here,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 thats my goal5000 before the leaks10000 before the release thread,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ive just realized recently that all the things my mom has been telling me are wrong with me my whole life are actually her flaws not mine like she thinks im the most closed minded person on earth because i wont agree with her fox news talking points and if i say that im not closed minded she has to correct me,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 im pretty close to you guys as an typemention my ex of 6 years was an typemention so i understand you guys pretty well i guess its entertaining sometimes annoying other times lol because i lived with one of you for 6 yearsbut im mostly still here because i can usually find something to relate to,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 as someone who used to clean the glass in a museumwindex sucks and is indeed streaky you want cinch,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 its only going to get worse for the poor as time goes oni really recommend becoming rich as quickly as possible it seems to be the only solution for this and for many other of lifes hurdlesoh and hope the robots dont take over mid way through and steal the job youre studying for,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i said do you think this would be less likely in a black church the black church is a given this is conditional probability the probability of an event given the certainty of another event so population demographics is absolutely nothing at all to do with it you would lose a lot of money playin the odds like that in vegas,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 hadnt seen that in a while thanks im student teaching now i think ill be using some fun pronunciations this week i have a blake in class that will be fun,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 not really sad either kinda overexaggerated,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 not really she was super good looking but i wouldnt describe her as hotand the similarity is not at all in appearance,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 the first cut looked pretty nice granted it was on an olinemanalthough i think his standup running style will get him rekt here soon he has these really sharp subtle cuts and hesitations that seem to be pretty effective,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i agree i asked because i largely consider my identity to be what i think cogito ergo sum,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yes a large percentage of stomach issues got a psychosomatic causethats in general and by official medicine measures as far as i knowwhen it comes to mbti and typemention and our relations with emotions i would assume we should be more exposed to psychosomatic disorders compared to some other typeswhen it comes to me yes i got a stomach issues btw we had a thread like that a week ago or so,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 25075 on dk despite lillard cashed me out on all gpps and triple ups got top ten in the reddit freeroll whiteside and wear were some lucky punts watched the whole pormia game and im really impressed by whitesides performance despite not seeing the floor in the 1st and 3rd quarters,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 how sodo you really believe that not permanently banning people who matchfix is a good thing for the sport in which it happens,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 very true also see friends of the above another reason i dont date sensors anymore hey honey guess who were hanging out with all weekend more sensors yay,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ah every time i read this it never ceases to amaze,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 feeling the urge to follow the social expectation of doing what everyone else does regardless of their life situation like going to college to get a degree after highschool getting into a relationship married kids etc,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 patch notes13 adds the ability to quick travel between locations using portalsthat is all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i also must highly recommend taking a look at the code that was posted by uthecryptic as it makes use of regex its a powerful tool to use but has a steep learning curve if you have tips on becoming more familiar with regex im all ears cryptic,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i believe i already know a couple of people like that i do the djaudiolighting for their mma and drifting events im totally fine with them getting all the credit as its an excuse for me to play with my lights more so than if i were simply at home playing with the stuff ive never actually asked them to take an mbti test but judging from their mentality about things it seems similar enough,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 thank you ill add it to the list,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 does you comment apply to attacks in nigeria somalia thailand indonesia philipines tunesia lebannon pakistan bangladesh egypt sweden and how many more,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i have more of the same amazing model here,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 yeah i can evolve your haunter adding you now,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 ffs can we stop with the sporting events in these backwards medieval cesspools,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 mmm okay i figured it would take a few years to at least have the casual stuff down yes as for the other i dont know to be honest i dont really understand the language of that stuff in english either i mean i know the words but they have no meaning to me,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i browsed through the whole readme and the webpage an no pictures you should have loads of them great job otherwise,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 that would make me smirk as can be,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i do like the sight of that guandao and i do have to admit that this isnt really my field of expertise first off i wasnt thinking of a rapier isayama hasnt really taken any weapons out of the real world except the rifles of the mps so my guess laid by a variant of the odm gear sword i know that that also isnt practical for cutting open the nape but isnt the nape the last thing you want to aim at during a shifter v shifter fight that would kill the shifter meaning you cant acquire its power for yourselfaside of that is it really that smart to bring a weapon on a wooden pole to a titan v titan fight if the opponents sheer strength isnt enough to break the pole on impact then i see their steam burning the pole after which they can pick up the head and use that as a weapon themselveswouldnt the most effective thing in a shifter v shifter fight be something medium sized that you can use to cut off your opponents limbs effectively disabling them after that happened some simple sc soldiers could simply capture the shifteri do see why those long weapons would be more effective as siege weapons though btw this is reddit you dont need to apologize for textwalls thats the whole purpose of this mediumedit just saw your edit seems like youre imagining a situation where both parties are armed and yes then those swords would be the worst i may not know much about melee weaponry but i do know that much i however was thinking of a situating in which only one of the two fighting sides has weapons,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 those headphones look so slick,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 its also to prevent foreign nationals from having the highest office back then you didnt want some german transplant with alligence to the king in the white house,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 yeah i mentioned this in another reply earlier thats exactly my complaint once never again even if i could be sure there would be no brokerage fees for a package from them i still refuse to ever do business with them again on principle,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this hmmm this machine seems to have some junk in between these two cogs i wonder if i were to,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 huh im surprised xd well good luck on narrowing down your type,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 communication is the purpose of language if you arent properly communicating you are either doing it intentionally to obfuscate or you are bad at using language am i missing something arent we humble d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 drunk driving is messed up man such a preventable death so sorry for your loss vape on,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 possibly a beta bug report it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 same it doesnt even have to be that hard a bump but if i hit my head on something i get mad as fuck 10 seconds later im like wtf am i so mad,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 the other candidates are just not good at this game trump has always an option for deniability rubio attacks was just too explicit,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 60 max card points back every 6 unspent card points typically 10 backs in a normal match if you dont dieaverage match length is 40 minutes40 min avg match length 10 backs 4 minutes the point that a cp of mana regen becomes worth a cp of max manaie 1 cp of mana regen will never have the same value as 1 cp of max manaif you are building mana regen you may be also limiting yourself to 2 abilities to teamfights etc as utraumahunter suggestedid love to help in this teamfight but ive already used my allotted 2 abilitiesdont place silly limits on your fight max mana is the way to go if you are hamstringing your teamfight by holding back in the name of sustainability youre going to wind up spending a lot of time mana regening when you and your team are deadmana regen sacrifices combat readiness and burst capability for sustainability my caster build isnt perfectly optimized yet so i dont know the minimum amount of max mana i need to build but im sure its less than a mana regen build which i would then funnel the cp savings into energy damagefuck mana regen in its current statemost expensive stat in the game,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 but who will pay for them,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 you have colt and falco being insignificant again and development for forgotten characters on the same pagedont they contradict one another there arent any other characters introduced on marley that can already be considered forgotten,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 they like gays but hate black people,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i enjoy cars too look forward to selfdriving vehicles as long as we still have the option to drive when we want to,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i think a monthly limit would work actually other posters are saying youll still be spending money just stop spending it on shit but the thing is youre young and dont have a lot of experience with making judgement calls on stuff that you need vs want and how usefulfulfilling an item in the end will be giving yourself a limit thats low enough so youll start considering why you want a certain item and that will make you pick one thing over another will teach you these comparison and evaluation skills that will carry over to many other aspects in your life,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the problem is that you need to get the signatures into the systemi guess paid cheats have a higher priority than free cheats and they also have to obtain the signature first,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 they can try it if they want he will have to be proven wrong first until then he has the edge,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 in discord do people chat through voice comm or just typing,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 awesome python has been on the list for awhile for my part its a long list though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 men are nearly always portrayed as brutish idiots and unfortunately plenty lend credence to this idea another annoying aspect of this particular dynamic is women assuming youre hitting on them when youre just being friendly heh hahaha i met one of my friends on okcupid and we were mutually uninterested but had some fun talking the first canceled date that was rescheduled as a friendly dinner she asked me 23 times why did you want to hang out again um so i could have a chance to roofie you what do you think chick,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so like 90 indistinguishable from 100 typemention is one of the types i actually can recognise irl that are quite palpable to me i feel a lot of kinship with them but theyre not me perhaps they could have been the difference feels rather inessential if that means anything theyre very fast and most people to me feel slow too slow for my liking so if i want someone to slow down theyre typemention most likelyand im not an extrovert in any sense of the word for realsiesi can clearly see typemention irl too tho that clarity is mostly restricted to females because that type i think synergises with femininity to a great degree and creates a very clear and palpable aesthetic me being male i cant 100 disidentify without having much of an idea of a male typemention butnah i dont think so the difference between them and me is not inessential theyre actually quite alien and sometimes interestingattractive stfu yeah someone made that specific accusation it was an typemention i think i only go on the typemention typemention typemention subs idk why they left it so vague tho i really dont think i could even conceivably come across as an typemention loli can relate to not all perhaps but many descriptions of cogfuncmentiondom ive seen that is cogfuncmentiondom and the corollary cogfuncmentioninferior too tho typemention have some problematic thing with cogfuncmention too probably more so than descriptions of cogfuncmention though most descriptions of both are godawful memes see all dah possibilities vs see d future or gibberish like that aurarus dipshit posted in the thread yesterday or is it this thread ive forgotten he called me an typemention or an typemention too i forgetbut i dont relate to auxcogfuncmention or auxcogfuncmention at all they just sound trivial like shit i could do but would not be interested in and since im conceiving of type holistically to begin with it makes no sense for me to just look at a function or two ugh this terminology is still goofy to mewas it you it might have been you actually its pretty likely given anyway ignore if bullshit who was talking about some kind of mutual intelligibility or something between cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention if so maybe we could talk a bit about that iirc that made more sense to me than most of the stuff i see around herei would be deeply hurt if you didnt oh yeah with creator lmao that was funmore and more of my lifes recollections are taking the form of shenanigans on message boards either thats worrying else it isnt worrying and thats worrying know what i meanabsolutely contest that anything about me is less than 100 sincere my irony in particular imagine not seeing the sincerity in irony smh unwokeliterally no one has ever called me notautistic before my mother was always pretty insistent on that particular point idk how to feel tbhwhat ever could you mean,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i went swimming in the park that flooded twas great fun,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 when do england start to open the taps 350 runs,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 thats up to him really d were mostly here to get rid of people so odious even typemention think theyre dicks everyone who has been here awhile and upvoted enough can edit the wiki and you guys can suggest things be added to the sidebar which the mods will discuss and add if we agree,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 idk mate the writers over at onyx path are pretty fing great i think theyll do a good job just remember that the stuff they release in open development are playtest materials consisting of rough drafts and mechanics outlines so you shouldnt expect these releases to be all that well written yet just look at the playtest materials released for wtf 2e it wasnt remotely as well written as the final productthat said i say go for it now ctl 2e seems a reasonable ways off still and unless this chronicle is going to be super long you can always start another with ideas gained from the 2e core book as haldir said ctl is one of the strongest lines in original nwod now cofd,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 ok ill give it a shot my typemention friend has been recommending it for months now but this review has pushed me over into actually getting around to doing it considering his tastes tend towards the darkintensepeculiar this is going to be interesting seeing those glossed over with the magical girl trope,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 reading through the replies he doesnt,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this is accurate you only get class features when you gain that level in the class fighter 5 for example also extra attacks from multiple classes do not stacki know sad face,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 apparently most of the people in this sub reports should be limited,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 could have quoted from ozymandias 610,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 okay i was just guessing with that da k1ng tho good to see ur not one of them,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i talked to one of our formerly regular typemention posters recently who said a few of their things were filtered and so theyve sadly stopped trying but ive had posts get caught too for whatever reason and just end up deleting them myself when i notice i dont think its maliciousthings randomly trigger the filter an article i posted once never showed up but was fine a week later when someone else posted it not sure why mine triggered it but i dont think it was restricted by a humanedit i should note that everything of mine that gets shadowbanned or filtered has always been a link never had that issue with text posts,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 is that like dick cheney fuck just remembered youre not american just substitute one of your politicians lol david cameron probably works right,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 literally just got home from seeing it i thoroughly enjoyed it the final sequence was a bit too long but whatever and i loved the cameos,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 server location setup and players average ping also play a role in it just because it says 128 instead of 64 doesnt mean youll magically hit more in turn 64 doesnt mean it has to be badsometimes i miss shots where i could swear that i hit the enemy but looking at the demo shows me that i didnt stop properly at times or shot 1 mm over their shoulder just bad luck if that happens i mostly switch to rifle,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 perhaps you can do the exact opposite and select go home which subsequently closes out your timesheet and shuts your computer down,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 do that sort of hip juthand on hip body language a lot often a lot more pronounced my sister is fond of pointing out that my body language is more feminine than hersdont know if you can see my eyes but theyre generally sort of halfclosed they dont really move around a lot i make a lot of eye contact haha if you can see the whites of my eyes above my iris im either very surprised very enthused or very angry,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i just put in an app for a usda direct loan to buy a lot and construct a homethe direct loan program is through the usda itself while the guarantee program youll need to work with a lender that works with the usda there isnt any catch that i am aware off as long as you qualify and get a home in an eligible area the usda loan is better than fha in my opinion,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 youve cracked the da vinci code,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 this is supposed to emulate the differences in colors for noncolorblind people because there is differences in color levels between each image the light levels are different allowing colorblind people to be able to discern slight differences between them,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 thats an iphone only fix,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what boards do you frequent because its certainly prevalent on other boards besides b but not all of them,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 i see your point however training a neural network on vac with overwatch could be a step in the right direction for a higher ban percentagehowever saying vac is shit is a bit over the top imo,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 if you say im good at this you lost that leads to this egoistic play in mm or other pug services where you rage at other players and think you are better than them people at le arent good people at lem arent good people at smfc arent good and even most of the people at ge arent good they are just better than otherswhen you cease to strive for improvement you are done for stagnation is deathyou are good at this game when you can see your errors and work on the problems instead of focusing on a meaningless icon in the main menu,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 are you still fully aware of what you are doing in life or is it just autopiloting lately if it is autopiloting take a step back and take stock are you really feeling lost passion wise or is it the routine and semireflexive way you handle life right now which might mask the things you liked about it,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 firing squad these judges have good taste,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 damn looks like ill have to leave verizon eventually then,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i stepped on it yesterday cries,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i think you would be best served moving on with your life if you get back together it will never be the same as it was before unless its at a point that the two of you have completely moved on and even then im not so sure also you continuing to push the issue could be taken as a lack of consideration in a way he asked you for space and youre not letting him have it its understandable im not faulting you me having low carb meal at sushi place right nowhim thats niceme fish mobile pic of the fishmobile in questionhim mmhmm i believe there is one behind you as wellme yup these are not the fish im looking for in reference to his nickname being fish he didnt want to engage here he asked you a question at first to be nice but then decided he didnt want to talk hes torn between not being a complete dick and wanting to disengage at least for now i think you need to start a new narrative to follow and if he wants to come into that narrative at some point he can do some work to do it dont send any shitty emails drunk at 200 am or nice emails no emails be better than me,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 26 graduated two years ago no job spend everyday in bed,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 there arent that many shark related deaths per year and they can be easily evaded by exiting the water,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 so what minorities will be left out in the mud,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 it means they like starcraft i expansion better than starcraft ii because of insert cogfuncmention reasoning here,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 and the real estate prices definitely reflect that,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 hmm okay tech n9nedave ramseyusherwilliam shailene woodley i know this is the weirdest list ever but im going with it,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 it just happens as i walk and idly read the words on passing signs or buildings when the kerning is miskerned my mind immediately jumps to it because it looks out of place,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 from king of the hill the first scene i saw him in i thought he didnt have much of an ass i pictured him as a propane but he was a good propane accessories,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 do you mean to rule out cogfuncmention along with this,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 have you studied abroad anywhere,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 at least i always remember to bring cheesewhiz,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 my username is just a cute jumble of words i put together before terrorists were bombinb people with the name of isis,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 it better not be straight upbovada is the book takes americans due to a legal loophole since theyre based in a canadian reservation,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 hes talking arms not belly,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 and then what sure it is a scummy mobe but no bannable offense,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 my childhood was really mundane and i hated my best friendbut the fact that my best friend and i hated each other is hilarious so imma go with that,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 perfect is the enemy of the good,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it cracks me up how close your logic is to kevin srs or matts tying all the clues together into a meaningful narrative xd,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 not only good for chicken of course its lard so any recipe that calls for that or shortening,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 for my part i think it perfectly conveys the fact that i am unfortunately vaguely aware of who some of these assholes are but really wouldnt like to,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 aha that makes sense upgraded steel i forget what the original was but it wasnt s30v or anything that wasnt common then even in the high end stuffthe original one at least the one i bought for my buddy was cogfuncmention handles,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 haha oh yeah i forgot about that game that must make me a farmville larper,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i actually really dig it adele has a phenomenal voice,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 haha oh man this is why i almost never go to rtypemention the illogical negative assumptions make my eye twitch a wizard gets precisely where he intends to when he intends to,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 definitely thought elf shaman and a human rigger lol ah shadowrun what have you done to me,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 my defect is that everything annoys me i cannot live with other people,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 that was the obvious default sounded like we were just discussing the alternativesi usually bake mine do up a whole pack use what i need freeze the rest i dont go through it that fastbut if its for a regular breakfast ill fry it up with everything else,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yes she is an typemention and also the cofounder of the jt sub,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 see the un human rights council,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well fox news needs someone to talk over after all,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 this applies specifically to the american college system though european unis have a totally different system where you chose a major right from the start and do nothing else except that major for 5 years,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 finally a test that understands me,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 overall looking back at your relationship of the past 10 years would you say it is a good happy relationship i have a sort of general rule for myself when it comes to relationship troubles relationships will always have ups and downs but if the down is most dominant for about the last 10 of the total length of your relationship in your case the last year or so you should strongly reconsider your relationship if not for example in the case of down periods that are generally short but may pop up often i think you owe it to yourself and your partner to try and work on your relationshipif thats the case you need to talk to your wife and tell her that you are at the brink of calling it quits but that you want to work on your relationship and that this will mean two things 1 the marriage is from that moment onwards closed again and she needs to stop seeing lee period2 the two of you go to marriage counseling starting as soon as possible,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 paywall spyware and bluescreens are keeping a lot of people from playing eseaid say esea is the most cheat free environment to date but they are having problems with their client and that keeps people from playing there,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 my guilty pleasure is leather coats,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 im having some dissarono which is a luxury i havent had in a while gotta follow through on some camgirl shit today so if i get a bottle i will fuck that up but maybe beforefor the bus home tonight only thing im worried about is the fucking border patrol dickheads,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 or a wheelchair or a pram or a little kid on a bike its more than a bit dangerous and its fucking annoying speaking as a pedestrian mother of twins and sister of a wheelchairbound person,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 thats very reassuring thanksive been grinding my face against the country road of self typing and assuming my own self awareness im an typemention most people think that even carl jung had mistyped himself and so me self typing without input from other people i dont have any friends who are into typing makes me always want to put an asterisk next to my type,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 nothing about having longer periods is unhealthy the norm varies mine were regularly 710 days and i knew a girl who only had 1 day periods neither of us was unhealthy or had any issues,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 but if the variance is say 0 to 02 thats pretty small and wouldnt be very goodhappiness comes from tranquility tranquility comes from reason generating emotions not emotions governing reason therefor the sage could have a large variance but it would be mostly if not all positive,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 maybe ive had so many of them though and none of them have impressed me im looking forward to whenever i try lenola cream,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 nah keep trying to describe it that is just feedback,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 having worked in an office environment for the last 20 years i havent read a dilbert yet that didnt make sense,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 oh i meant throttling like fast forwarding gba games by 2x for speedrun d,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 moonlight greatsword builds are excellent at 125,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 no it shouldnt matter whether it was a good reason or a bad reason the blackout isnt protesting uchooters job situation its that the admins left mods and users completely in the dark without any warning it happened before with the banning of fph and on numerous other more distant occasions the current events have just catalyzed the unrest amongst users,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 shut up all of you,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 good to see someone judge eren by his feats and not by fandom alone and whilst i still disagree with the statement that he could have beaten reigner without the help of the others in their first fight your formulation of what annie is capable of did change my few on erens and reigners second fightnot only was eren also armored in that fight the fact that he also knows some of annies techniques might have been enough to level the playing field despite his lack of experience even if he wasnt supported by thunderspearsthank you for your extensive reply it managed to change my vieuw on the matter even if it was just a little bit,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 if he couldnt foresee what would happen to them he is as stupid as them for thinking they wont be caught,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 regarding point 2 calling out saudi arabia in the mainstream media is not something im use to hear its something you would read in a long form article in the atlantic but not on cnn while anyone paying attention knew the role ksa play i feel certain taboo are being broken the establishment tried to get the public to support the war on assad but people have enough knowledge to question it trump is being soft on assad and giving tip to the russian and the israelis are pissed of he want to get rid of isis as this article points out they prefer to see sunnis and shias kill each others so there are certain realignement going on,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 huhedit shouldnt you be asleep or something,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i really like this explanation thanks ill continue watching in hopes more things develop,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 im trying to find new passions but what im interested in is difficult and takes a lot of work its hard to stay interested in something when i cant show that im making any progress but i guess thats all the more reason to keep doing it for the record its music production,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 that facts matterthe republican party has been pushing this kind of racist sexist antinonchristianreligions insular no one in the world but us has real freedom bullshit for decades trump is the wheat they sewed and now theyve reaped him and,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 im on concerta and its only negative for me is the reduced appetite what i try to do is make smoothies and protein shakes because its sometimes easier to drink calories than force myself to eat i definitely understand the struggle ive always been pretty thin but this has only made it harder and being told to eat more or getting backhanded compliments just sucks,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 how long does it have to be i have a drama piece that might work for you but the subject matter is kind of uncomfortable,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 im not necessarily opposed to that idea but this does underline that its probably a good idea for a therapist to be in a sense ahead of or more developed than their client thats all that i was saying if youre helping your client gain insights and develop behaviours you yourself are still struggling with and i dont mean incidentally we all incidentally struggle then thats just a bit hypocritical in my opinion maybe im also too strict with this i guess sometimes we can know whats right for others without doing it ourselves but it still doesnt feel good to me,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 land of the freerepressed freedom for the masses,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 well the third reich was in existential danger and it knew it hence everything had to be about winning this war if at all possible there was no real existential threat to the us posed by wwii even if germany made an atomic bomb first hitler didnt want the us â â the us knew it would be fighting the ussr over what was left of europe and the world from wwii and hence its goals were more strategic longterm oriented,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yeah see when i say im focused on materials i mean the real deal that fake vinyl shit makes me puke i know youre just trying to help and its always nice to know whats out there so thanks its just ive seen it before recently in kydex sheaths for knives and things like that just not for me i like cf cause its light and strong and looks hella cool in the light i actually just got a knife with cf on it like so mods though and i do enjoy seeing the pics anyhow if i had to guess most of these good boxes like the ones you have are cnced out of like a block of aluminum i hope white one hard to tell cf one seems like a nice finish on thereto be honest though im not sure i like the whole magnet thing either that everyone does i dont mind screws,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 bitch please take on my dry bowser i even use manual turning the fact that my brother still beats me on mk8 is irrelevant my woman brain cant comprehend the anti grav mk wii is a much fairer playing field ufffdufffd,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 i didnt think you were comparing them i was trying to give you enough general information about each to help you make a choicethe first book of asoaif a game of thrones is relatively short and fairly straightforward in its plot and i was quite blown away by it,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 thats why we shouldve been calling them daesh from the beginning,79.0,97.0,10.0,45.0,62.0 if you idiot would actually think about it you would know that valve just changed the images that belong to a specific point gap you still get matched with the same peopleotherwise i advise you to get good,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 kind of true the bumps are extremely minor there hasnt been a really substantial bump since the mongol empire killed off about 25 of the population i guess the black death counts as well as the total volume of various factors grows ever faster excluding population volatility hasnt increased it can appear that way because the bumps are larger but as a fraction of the whole theyre much smaller take gdp as one example or population growth the wrench analogy isnt really true at all dynamic interdependent systems are far more resilient as a whole than local systems the wrenches thrown in are comparatively smaller and each component can support another if it weakens or fails when part does fail it gets isolated from the rest of the system again you can clearly see how an integrated system works effectively under stress with our recent economic crises you say that people dont realise how weak our social structures are everybody knows theyre weak thats the whole reason we do so well we continuously change our social political and cultural structure to react most appropriately to new situations or to improve upon situations that are already pretty darn goodyou are suggesting that there will be these global collapses when theres clearly no data to support this case i mean what could threaten us on an existential level beyond drugresistant bacteria pandemics dont pose an existential threat but still theyre pretty bad or sentient robots,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 makes sense too since they essentially the same parts just reconfigured differently due to the reproductive genes,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 what can i say i looked into the abyss and the abyss looked back at me,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 yup i think toefl and the like are all reading based as well which is what we use for admissionsi think this all the reactions to my post have motivated me to speed up learning some more mandarin i passed hsk1 some time ago planning to pass hsk2 some time after summer and hope to pass hsk3 next summer or so what you said about comprehension did make me think of something i understand quite a few european languages reasonably well and often if a student gets stressed or frustrated and i understand their native language i just ask them to explain in to me in their own language ill reply in english mostly depending on the language but it does help those students get their point across and often makes them feel a lot betterit might help the chinese students as well if theyd be able to speak in their own language considering what you said about being stressed out because of the foreign environment and everything else thats going on,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 sennheiser is a very good company for headphones my preferred headphone brand anyhow ive tried a few different ones of theirs and have been using sennheiser momentum for the past 5 or so years,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 just because im curious what link does mental visualization have with mbti that makes you ask about it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 special ed teacher crying at work into my lunch you are amazing,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 gave up on what exactly,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i did after this post when i got the warning would you like me to delete this post figured a mod would in time,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 sometimes i think js cope with the fight response and ps cope with flight fight ill beat the world into submission and force things to go my way flight eh whatever fuck it p,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its so ridiculous to me that they nerfed blade dancer admittedly it was probably warranted only to give the exact same thing to the sentinel plus an assload of utility shield throw directional shield and optional bubblethough i think a better fix would be to give it combo moves rather than a straight speed buff like lunges blinkswipe attacks etc that way you sacrifice some super for mobility and it takes a bit more skill to use rather than just spamming like blade dancer,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 thank you ill add it to the list,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the patriot act was almost passed unanimously only one nay both sides equally guilty,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the main characters have been cartman and randy for some time now,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 joffrey was about six years older and lysa was a very attached parent so its highly unlikely they ever had much more contact than occasionally being in the same space in the company of their parents lysa would also not have let robin anywhere near anyone she thought might be unpleasant or dangerous in this case she would have been entirely justified,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 dont bother she a fatty,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 do you have a wide group of friends or a small group of friendsare you more detail oriented or do you think more about the big pictureare your morals based on a code or honor or practicalityfor other people or yourselfhow flexible are you with deadlines,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 haha believe me no one wants to hear about my feelings not the hidden ones anyway theyre too intense,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 the netherlands is amazing but not the right country for everyone in riwantout there was a guy who wanted to come the nl to study and live here and he asked what he should study to get a good job that paid 6 figures thats beyond unrealistic as the netherlands is a very much focused on equality in terms of socioeconomic ability for example our minister president earns about 230k which is outrageously high really a very telling statement about the dutch is just be normal and youll already be weird enough the netherlands is amazing if you want to have the perfect comfortable average life in that case everything will be arranged for you by the government but there are very few possibilities if you want to actually achieve something and do something great with your life,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 even crows appear to be able to remember friend and foe,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 at least we have some creativity on the bench this time in case we cant score,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 not necessarily predetermined but not subject to intent like a when you touch something hot and your hand moves before you decide to move it its not predetermined that you would move your hand away it just wasnt a conscious decision,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 yeah good reflexes or no thats a disaster waiting to happen its only a matter of timepeople get maimedkilledinjured on horses alll the timefrom a quick google,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 next time just go all dont assume my gender on em own it hop in that changing room and put on something sexy get out and ask their opinion on itin this day and age it should trigger their antidiscrimination circuits enough to let you and your friends have the run of the place until you guys leave,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 we do let him do his thing we just like to speculate what happens next its a game really something like betting on horse races without the horrible debt that comes with it,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 new information such as you think any of the inanity and dreck you spouted would count as information im now convinced you are a troll if not you are painfully stupid and that should be the takeaway from this i dont get offended its just stupid youre stupid i get annoyed by someone arguing for a point they just made up or just want to believe in their mindless gut i guess youre an typemention a fucking stupid one for sure and thinking little inanities punctuated with periods constitutes thought and that seems acceptable to you because you dont even know what depth or substance would even look like fyi cogfuncmention is a judging function not about taking in information which is what the perceiving functions do but your utter cluelessness is already wellfounded so just believe what you want to believe it doesnt matter to anyone anyway,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 quite the claim that is c,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 doubt i have that kind of power id have to be more influential than the wiki for that,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 theres a slight difference because the dubbed lines have to be written in a way that fits with the way the mouths move the general gist of what is said is the same though,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 not really but okay xd,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 all of those women have to be lying to themselves thats what they ended up with and they are deluded i have only been with a couple greek godlike men but the rest have been nowhere near pudgy nowhere near dadbod i would never its just awful,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 so long as no one offends the typemention hehehe i actually had a little dinner party with all the enxxs a few months back it was a hoot the typemention who i had stopped dating a week before of course propositioned thetypemention while the typemention and i were arguing about um everything xx,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 do american idiot the musical,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 not sure maybe my laziness i dont put effort into much of anything really thats it not laziness just lack of ambition i have literally none just walk carefree really honestly for a time i thought that i should have some but eh too much work,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 well i certainly enjoyed as a child it has wonderful illustrations it was mainly the names of the creatures that reminded me of it particularly noodle slug theres even a wiki page for its various fauna maybe youll see what i mean,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 but were all supposed to be perfect obedient humans from birth s,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 rankin county in mississippi is at 80 for trump what is that place only 20 reported there i think trump win mississippi over 50 and take all the delegates,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i spent all day inside and then bam lightning so idk,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 tell me where those people that got bombed have anything to do with ordering the attack on pearl harbor do not try to justify murder,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 as i said this is not a sign of being smart a smart person can go thru this as can a dumb person but its not a state that characterises intelligence by any means,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 underaged or not it really doesnt matter now does it,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 centrists i borrow ideas from different parts of the graph,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 how easy is it to debug a babel translated javascript in dev tools can we inspectset breakpointsrun es6 commands in the repl,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 so i have top comment on the thread you are referring toits not about marriage per se like you i dont think marriage is that important although i personally would like to get married if my partner was anti marriage id be fine with that too the whole point of my comment in that thread however is about knowing there is no long term outlook if you know your relationship will end badly in x years because you have some big disagreements which well end in drama and heartbreak why prolong the inevitable especially because the longer you wait the uglier the break up will beto answer your second question yes i am in a relationship with someone i intend to marry 4 years and counting if i didnt see myself with my so long term to me there wouldnt be a point to staying together with himalso i personally have no desire to date casually i dont feel any desire to sleep with guys i dont feel romantically attracted to and besides i am confident enough in myself my life is existing enough that i dont feel some weird fear of being alone or feeling worthless if im not in a relationship,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 indeed let us begin by throwing away darwins origin of species its intentional functionalist explanations and treatment of natural selection as a conscious force are too rhetorical for the scientists among usbut yeah i wouldnt kick up too much of a fuss about figures of speech that are allow us to easily conceptualise scientific laws even if they weakly imply nature is a person science is meaningful only insofar as it can be communicated,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 i dont think we did any of the three things we wanted to talisa noted her stomach decided to add to the planning process growling fiercely i guess lunch might be nice too though i dont know how long ago you ate,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 its hardly a sign of maturity to either be into sensors or not,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 u026ffu025brmu025btu025bu025b fu025br omudã ou03b8u0252r fu025br oluutylã ou03b8 xot u0252u0252vuuã yg ã u025bl riu014bu0252u03b8i mifu025bru0252t u03b8ru025bu025bsku026flu025bu025b u025blu025btsku026flu025bu025b liiu03b8u0252r miã uvru0329 miã u03b8ru0329 u0252d xod ju0252liiu03b8u0252u03b8i u03b8ru025bu025bsku026flu025bu025b ã ytydyzou0263ug otspu0252u03b8ug sã xu0252r xor u025bfu025br osu0252u03b8y u03b8u0252r sã xu025bu025b nyxtug u0252lu025br viliivu025bu025bnegfearoblig1sg fear distmindkiller fear distlittledeath what debuildger complete bringind3sg 1sgpossfearade turncomm1sf distaccallowcomm1sg passinf 1sgacc over 1sgacc through and when prfpassind3sg turncomm1sg proxincomparativeeyeacc distpathacc seeinf where distfear bepstind3sg there see1sg nothingacc alone remain1sgi must not fear fear is the mindkiller fear is the littledeath that total unbuilding brings i shall turn towards my fear i shall let it to pass over me through me and when it has passed i shall turn my inner eye to see its path where the fear was there i will see nothing i alone remainedit fixed two vowel harmonies,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 just a guess but thats got to be invented by the japanese,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 whats your perspective on cogfuncmention and wit,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 this is out of date now that the pc patch is out,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 everything and nothing same as we do every day d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 k no animal porn does not belong here nooooo,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i am late to this post but i didnt see anyone suggest to look for the pills did your parents admit they threw them away i would want them back just on principle and would have no problem digging through their bedroom when they werent home however they may have tampered with them and so the pills themselves cannot be trusted please be very careful if you are now off bc my friend went off hers and immediately got pregnant with twins her doctor said sometimes going off bc can cause more eggs to come down at once,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 the most common bastardization imo is substituting introverted for socially anxious,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i like it because its subtle 3 and like omg the pockets it has so many hidden pockets xd great for use,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 well as you know a big concern with renewables is inconsistent output all we have to do for teens is figure out how often they are alone and we can assume theyre wanking for 2 min out of every hour alone,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 fats ok though isnt it not addictive not quickly metabolized,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 shox left titan because of the gaming house or his grill and nbk left because he wanted a team without ex6 he then asked smithzz to come with him as well as kennys but kenny deniedi personally dont find it weird that they return to titan seeing that they can play together with rpk and ex6 again makes me excited,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i feel like if i keep down this path im going to have created an imaginary people trafficking network and i dont want to do that,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 there will be screenshots on the app store its currently still protected by the nda until it launches so thats why you havent seen anything yet,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 the hell do you mean a naturally occurring phenomenon whats natural about it and how is it a phenomenon thats like saying that the rules of chess are a naturally occurring phenomenon,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 from what weve seen memories are unlocked by referencing parts of the previous shifters lives so theyd have to recreate the eldian life for which they again need reigners memories,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 idk i think its really hard to tell that stuff via text sometimes i mean i could be typemention on the interwebsno youre wrongthats not how it works i dont have the time to explain it to you if you cant read the theory on your own then i couldnt help you anywaysdo you have any brain activitywhy are you smiling nothing gets done by smilingwhy arent you prepared for this thing that has a 3 chance of happening,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i think youre a coward for not responding to my comment directly also youre making a ton more than i am especially if you include your wifes pay which you said was triple the 2k you were getting per month from the government also you suck for removing your original postasshole move,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 weekly prompt i thought pancakes are a standing order,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 depth and sophistication well surely you can conceive of the difference between sophistiated thought and nonsophisticated philosophy being just systematised thought after all would you raise this question if we were to compare say mozarts 41st symphony to some presumably more primitive african tribal dance would you say the sophistication of the former is just some eurocentric construct not unless youre silly the difference would be clear to an alieneastern philosophies are perfectly systematic they particularly taoism and buddhism dont assume certain postulates that to western philosophy at least since aristotle are seen as axiomatic only very recently when identity politics is popular and fashionable and philosophy is seen as unimportant and fair game for such things these arent an attempt to discover whether there is sophisicated african philosophy they start with the premise that there is and naturally it has been lost to the ages by eurocentric white man history â and with that premise in mind any wisdom literature or folk aphorisms will be pointed to as evidence of some considerable philosophical tradition powerful philosophical systems are influential they inaugurate things like the renaissance and the enlightenment marxism even nazism the lack of such epochs in say ethiopian history should be indicative of the power of ethiopian philosophy if there is such a thingwhy do you say this have you read vedic scripture the rig veda expresses clearly delineated epistemological limits eg that is it impossible to know whether or not the world was created chinese philosophy is deeply conservative and reactionary not to say this is a bad thing and hence is quite antiinquiry not very socratic hence it didnt develop in the way that western philosophy did compare confucius and plato â platos ideal state was a nonexistent thing of pure intellect imagined through a succession of inquiries into fundamental concepts such as justice etc confucius ideal state was spring and autumn china of yesteryearlets not get too hungup on this word philosopher it is after all a western word and a western concept and i agree a lot of important thinkers are excluded from it what i am talking about is sophisticated systems of thought i know you have questioned whether there can be an objective standard of sophistication of thought but i think youre trying to halt the argument and that you know perfectly well the difference between sophisticated and primitive thoughti think plato was careful to depict socrates as immune from this critiicism in that the god or whatever it was only told socrates when he was about to do something wrong and it is just background information nothing to do with platos philosophy if an argument is logically wellgrounded and some biographical information on the person making the argument reveals that they beieved it to be divine revelation that doesnt hurt the argument in fact to say so would be ad hominem its only where revelation is used in lieu of reason that philosophy becomes mysticism or religioni agree a lot of his comments are ridiculous but its an argument that can be made about aquinas much of whose output was in fact straight theology as opposed to philosophy even his cosmological arguments only purport to prove an aristotelian unmoved mover that this is the god who revealed himself to moses is stated as being properly taken on faith alone,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 whats 66 got to do with star wars day,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ah thanks sorry i just got back from school but i will gladly accept it now,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 its the new cool destination for backpacking and getting in touch with a different culture,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 factorio so so addicting but my factories turn into so much spaghetti that the game might as well be called olive garden,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 well in all fairness theres no valuable info for anyone regarding loki here aside from the fact that he has only been picked once in 128 spl matches i havent watched the vod lately but looking at the matchup it was thedarkdodo that played loki in solo against paradigm xaliea on ra and qvofred on cogfuncmention zha is a pretty effective combothat said yeah hes garbage personally id like to see him removed simply because he appeals almost exclusively to assholes that like to pubstomp new players and make them hate the game why encourage that,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i was gonna go but had to work being in the cincy area this is basically my only chance at seeing a tour event,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 how broken burn prolif is also how important resistance flasks are,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 cache is the new d2,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i can usually only kill a habit by replacing it with another habit what else can you get into maybe binge a tv show make a point to go outside more join a club if you can take your mind off of reddit for long enough it will stop calling to you,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 oh god in every way scream until people do as you say,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 eh trying to discern essences is far more interesting and natural to me than the usual stack of functions d i mean okay the functions might all interact in a certain way but whats it all pointing to obviously we are not just bundles of functions whats behind it i dont care if its useful what does it mean thats usually what goes on in my head the things i find important usually are things of en essential nature i mean that seems almost like tautology lol,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 no but there must be reasonable expectations it cant be all based on what one partner thinks is reasonable also google equity theory to a large extent to a lot of people they are a zero sum game edit also both exes thought that as soon as we moved in together my free time was theirs to dictate as they pleased it was as though the expectation was that if i wasnt being productive i was bound to do what they wanted like they had acquired a pet they were at least partly attracted to my independence which i was suddenly supposed to relinquish,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 or lasik tits i cant think of a more effective way to ensure the patients eyes stay still,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so is that what shes saying to atlantis fans or her response to that comment i would guess the former,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 g2bad cuz they lost to vp on vps strongest maps kseriously believe what you want even if it will not happen,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 if the saints really do focus on the run even when behind a little they might have a shot at 2nd in the division,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 the eldest son is the heir the second is the spare and the third goes off to the wall or becomes a maester or becomes a septon my guess is that hes a third son like loras who joins the kingsguard or waymar royce who also joins the watch,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 real silver will never look like that though that being said looks hella cool and wow,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thatd be really great during a local emergency broadcast,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 he also gave the mark to a mercenary and a murderous witch,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 you can make pretty decent pizza yourself anyhow just takes planning and a bit of time insanely cheaper at least where im fromi think theres even a subreddit for it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sorry brain fart it had been a long day,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 that girls had dicks my justification i walked into someone watching hentai,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i didnt mean theyre all in a conversation together more like 5 separate conversations and they know you well enough to forgive you jumping between them whenever you hear something interesting so thats not a union thing either i really need to pay more attention in meetings,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 have you seen the lips on that woman its like a baboons ass on her face,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 id rather die of lung cancer than take a splinter to the eye and lose it but that might just be a personal preference,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 will we ever go a day without a shitpost from usweggehforget this post just look at his post history just embarrassing in and of itselfbut will he ever actually make a decent contribution to rgunnersalmost every single other user of this sub makes better posts and some of these users have only had an account for a week ffs,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 u4f53u80b2 yeah sports lotto i dont really know details i think its ridiculous that youre getting smokes with this sports lotto advert in the back,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 their leaders are too smart,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 what do you mean hes intolerant to chicken also chicken breasts i dont know where you are but here thats considered one of the more expensive meats,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 maybe the 9 to 5 provides them with the resources to do what they want outside those hourshow does this relate to changing the 95 also birth rates are already tapering off to below replacement in developed nations how low do you want it to gowhat if my preference is to not share housingwashing machine refrigerator etcwhat if i want features that arent available on your mass produced modelexceptions include health so you now need to exclude all health chain industries which in turn include all other chain areas so youve successfully ended no innovation nice but how investment drives innovation but why how durable is durable if were keeping literature why dont we keep audiobooks if were keeping audiobooks why cant we keep movies etci actually agree with you on this though id also add mass transit and have some kind of share transportation for when you need to move things that cant easily be fit on a bikehow do you manage skills and specialized knowledge thats worked so well in the pastbut why if were no using them or innovating from them why keep the knowledgei like my 95 job admittedly its a 73 but close enough wait are you trying to sell the north korean ideology on everyone soft sell with the non9 to 5 but nice try kim,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 but its not friendly because they go out of their way to demean the users generally not specifically and posts they dont like but im not trying to revoke anyones right to post anything i prefer as unmoderated an environment as possible,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 how do you remember your question for later thats fucking magic,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 clockwise at first i find its easiest to make it change direction by speeding the video up and watching it like that for a little while first,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 yeah im the same way,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 walking into a house party where everyone is wearing red and forgetting you have a blue shirt onand vice versa,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 each one saying it a little different but who is actually going to change the recipe x and why even,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 the kkk lets hispanics in now does not compute,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 bielsa has really helped some talents to grow to his best javi martinez llorente ander herrera batshuayi and now payet,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 the opposite is true for me,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 as in change position talisa asked quietly looking for some clarification,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 dis kind of thing science d people spend years studying how to properly design a study which is why i proposed it to azdahak not the sub in general he has a phd and had to slog through all that shit,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 shouldnt show the bike actually go down though just like the cat doesnt pounce etc,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ureignerbraun has walked amongst us mortals for a while nowsuprise you hadnt noticed it yet,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i am certain that a lot of us have very different energies i know from meeting a handful of typemention irl were a pretty diverse bunch,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 are these the antagonists in outlast,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 ah alright ill admit ive never seen every single simpsons episode and its been far too long to remember them all anyhowso whats it got to do with goats though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 bullet journal and not that crappy flowery washi taped instagram shite but simply 1 high quality notebook that goes with you everywhere and 1 black pen,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 too bad itd only attract neckbeards,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 jake et al gave them vital intel though i think there must have been some concern over public outcry given that they didnt in fact just nuke it from orbit,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i dont think it matters republicans could put a shit covered rock on the podium with a sign that says it wants to kill all jews and imprison all women and it would still get 45 of the vote,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 you really are an ass guy,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 after being quietly relieved of my duties by king corlys at summerhall a lot of things happened she said taking another drink from her wine but to make a long story short i work as a tutor for some baratheon children and live in the red keep with a friend,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 were you in the northbrookwheeling area lots of poles around there,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 thats what the russians said dont be like the russians,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 one is a terrible dictator who was virulently oppressive to freedom of speech and is hated by many for it and loved by others who ignore that fact the other is mao,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 well we do kind of have fighting pits now with ufc,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 til op has never heard of jake paul,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 we cant see the chat in overwatch as you might know,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 he doesthats why he wanted to abduct historiamarleyans know that the royal blood is a requirement thats why they find it so weird that zeke supposedly doesnt have it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 playing power games if im in charge we all work together as one powerful unit i want to shoot someone when they grumble and say something like yur not the boss of me or thats a boring job just fucking do ityours sincerelymy inner typemention,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 yeah this essentially reads to me like how to find meaning in life nothing less or making definite evaluations outside of the raw phenomenology of ones own experience dont assume this is instinctual though theres lots of fakes around here the other day there was a thread about the end of the world where people said they would enjoy it because they would be allowed to jerk off and play with toys all day idk if its deep or shallow but this sounds very much like how i justify existence to myself,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 do you consider that to be good paywhat kind of living standard can you get with 61k usdit sounds about the same as the usa and australia in fact a bit lower even,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 dont forget the euros they suck,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 and none of them are as revolutionary as instant noodles,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 hes still buying smokes thats your uncle jimmy he lives with us now go play your vidya,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i wouldnt complain to have him as backup cm tbh hes the kind of energetic midfielder that klopp likes ive always found him very talented,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i have seen junglers gank and put their bot lane back in the game sucessfully but lose because the other jungler pressured the other side of the map but most of the time if you catch them falling behind early a successful gank can at least put the lane back to even footing so the enemy doesnt zone and snowball off of farm,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i miss their skinny leg bondage pants with all of the straps and d rings i would totally own a pair again,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 benzema wouldnt leave madrid for ushiguain would have been way overpriced napoli wouldnt have sold for anything less than â 60m and hes a good player but not amazingcavani would have been nice but hes at psg why would he leaveif we got lacazette then i would be extremely disappointed and question whether our scouts and wenger actually watched him play one of the most overrated players in the world there is a reason no one went for himim hoping for a gabriel like signing of someone around 2425 that few people have heard of he might not exist though its a shitty market right now,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 hey at least you lost something thats still currently madeive lost a bladeforums special edition of the skyline and a kabar dozier thorn before not really easily replaceable of course you never lose any of the crap knives its always the good users,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 go to the formula tab and switch calculation to automatic,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the type descriptions are lowres caricatures only a lowres caricature of a personality would even think it possible they could be a 100 match to anyone,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 oh you want me to shit on erenalright then i can do that,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 saved it all not spent any more than i needed to i wouldnt have to work another day and have over half a million in the bank,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ive been using my pax 1 for almost 3 years now almost on a daily basis has never broke on me easy to use hits great and i can take it almost anywhere ive been to a hundred concerts with it and have never had a problem using it the only thing is to follow the rules that nicotine vaporizers have to follow in whatever establishment you happen to be in ive been searched at the door and have either said it was a portable phone battery or just a regular vaporizer havent had any problems yet to me its been worth every penny i paid for it,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 yeah you either dont have anyone around you can be real with or you dont know how to be real imo im lonely around people i cant be myself around,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i get upset this way as well if kids are being too rough i am too familiar with head and neck injuries and how easily they can occur some parents dont even seem to consider this lazy parenting,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 well cogfuncmention doesnt pay much attention to physical details it relies on cogfuncmention to get its information and the further cogfuncmention is down the stack the less focused they are on what is in front of themhowever cogfuncmention is focused in its ideas it latches onto an idea and fleshes it out it is unfocused about the physical world but focused in their abstract worldin writing is where my cogfuncmention shows up the most my stories are missing the small details about the world but instead has a focused story line and fleshed out characters the work goes into the abstract the plot and themes i use a lot of symbolism unlike the many possibilities of cogfuncmention it is focused on a specific possibility furthermore cogfuncmention looks at all the possible ways an event could unfold while cogfuncmention focuses on a specific future and the efforts to realize that specific future cogfuncmention doesnt look at multiple possibilities unlike cogfuncmention it has a vision and tries to focus that vision onto the world to make it happen with their cogfuncmentioninfjs and typemention like to create a vision but often times dont put the actions into place to realize it enfj and typemention also have a vision that they are trying to achieve but they have better access to cogfuncmention and a dominant judging function that lets them have more actionisxp has a goal in mind and work towards that goal typemention in particular have a view of how they want the world to be and what their values are and enforce it in the world with their seni in typemention is repressed like cogfuncmention in typemention typemention are so focused on the present that they can end up seeming aimless and impulsive,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 when we first started living together my husbands exwife got wind of it and had flowers sent to him on my birthday knowing that i would answer the door for the delivery and for a brief moment think they were from him for me i guess she figured out my birthday from facebook stalking or something but it was the most passive aggressive thing ive ever seen it worked though it made me really sad that was just the beginning of her crazy stalking saga though what a nut,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 im an engineer myself so i need a lot of math and it was a requirement for entry into my degree programme my uni did a large scale analysis of which factors can be a predictor of academic success the biggest surprise was that how well a student does in high school maths is a very strong predictor for how well the student will do at university this held true across all disciplines even stuff like art history degrees so we wondered why would this be to me its clear maths learns you determination and learning how to critically think reflect and analyse stuff on a highly abstract level all of these are qualities you need for not only stem degrees but also arts degrees which require to you to think creatively but still require a very analytical approach of that creative process to truly understand it so no you might not need maths when you want to make films but you will need the skills learning maths teaches you to become truly good at what you do,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this happened some years ago when i was a 20something and worked at a wegmans an eastcoast grocery store one of my bosses was this gorgeous woman she was like 62 freckled with long brown hair and blue eyes with long eyelashes the type of woman whos summer dress hinted at an extraordinary body this was a woman who was as beautiful as any super model but who was real no 1500 makeup great lighting and photoshop neededat the store we had this sideentrance with a picnic table us regular workers would eat lunch at in summer time i was alone at the table this one day when she comes outside smiles at me and walks over toward the sunlight it was a beautiful day and she clearly wanted to be outside in itas she stood there the sun came out from behind the clouds and for a second or two at most that sun dress went transparent i was stunned i couldnt look away her figure was amazing legs that go all the way to the floor an obvious models figure and a heartshaped ass freckles ran down her wide shoulders and offered just a peak at her breasts which hung high and naturalas soon as it happened it was over as she walked back inside i said nothing she had no idea what id seen it involved no sex no frontal nudity but it was the dead sexiest thing id ever accidentally encountered the image of her was seared into my brain forever,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 yeah never heard of it and im part of a huge franchise,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 some people feel uncomfortable with answers like these though they dont know how to react haha,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i can assure you that he asked kenny if he wants the awp and he said no,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 update been bouncing between 20th and 30th for a while now i need rory to gtfo but i dont see that happening,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yea and they arent wrong sub rolls are a type of bread just like hotdog buns are,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 a sexy dick ninja youd be lured in by temptation and killed by the same thing how poetic,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 shampoodle the hair salon above the able sisters shop,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 it better not be straight upbovada is the book takes americans due to a legal loophole since theyre based in a canadian reservation,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 my college nutrition class is having us make infomercials like actually make a video for grade schoolers about something in nutrition now iâ m a pretty reserved person and know no one in the class but now i have to join a group to make an actual video having no filming acting or editing experience for little kids so completely watered down content fuck this class,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 i just reread what i wrote and realized it wasnt clear on what i meanti too think im typemention tending towards typemention im not sure how much i believe how accurate it is either probably a little more accurate than horoscopes but at the end of the day theyre just labels and generalizations everyones a bit more complicated than that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 worst of the nts true still better than sensors et alsame thing real meaning of empathy really just amounts to possessing a working theory of mind rather than the pop meaning of idk forgiving peoples blunders wo even trying to understand their root cause and whether theyre actually redeemable and as you said everyooonnee projectseinstein we are uniquely suited to understand time just the whole actually living in itcan be a problemsounds platonic almost you know kant saw all cognition as being temporally extended just thinking out loudouch well maybe your former observation here is a corollary of the latter they have one grand vision thatll probably fail in the real world and is overlyidealistic so isnt updated according to situational peculiarities typemention grand unified theories do tend to have a crystal palace quality thats truei guess bayes is not bae for us sorry i just thought of this and had to edit it in its too sublime to omitoh you absolute bitch lmao didnt you say you had an typemention partner and you think okay im taking a deep breath heres another observation you madedid you think these might be connected its a categorical mistake of the 0th order to not follow thru the implications of your own observations back to the format of your observations and the construction of your observation apparatusunder what conditions exactly do you declare a type to have the emotional depth of a whatever not the mariana trench for sure its a pretty damning pronouncement to make dont you think lolreminds me of mondrian has a certain clarity and purity wouldnt you sayforesight and precognition is an typemention thing the golden path in dune is an illustration of this tho written by an typemention who abused his son and paul atreides is an undeveloped basic bitch of an typemention yet nevertheless can do thisi thought i was going to tell you about my childhood in reply to your other comment but youre bringing it up now for some reason idk man i think i was an typemention before that it really changed mespeaking of which ill try reply tomorrow wherein youll find out whether im really autistic stay tuned,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yeah ive noticed that learning esperanto also helps me understand a lot of roots from romance germanic and slavic languages i love how its a mashup of a bunch of different languages and simplifiedi really regret not taking a linguistics course in college even though it had nothing to do with my studies maybe someday ill take one at my local community college if one is offered,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 youll first need to actually find some manpowerand outside of the cult the only real superpower on this sub are the mods but they are highly disorganized since the fall of hkand maybe well the cult of annie is getting some recognition lately but i doubt theyd ever pose a real threat to the first and best cult,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 that is a very unusual thing to bet someone,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah she brought it up but in a way that really pissed me off actually she was like youre not reaching out much and when you do all you talk about is being sick um cause my whole life is being sick what do you want me to talk about should i be working on entertaining you while im sick we then had a call at her request and she was like i need to know whats up with you and i think she wanted me to profess my love or something but i was still figuring out where i was at with the whole thing all i knew is that i really enjoyed her company we had epic physical chemistry and i respected her but i didnt know what i wanted and i wasnt in love wed only been dating for a few weeks but ya know idealists tend to have very specific visions for how people should feel in the beginning the thing is i cant fall for something i dont understand and i didnt really know her yet anyways i texted more but was still kind of sick i tried to make plans with her asap but neither of us had complementary openings huehuehue until like a week and a half after that point the night before she called me up with the whole line about anxiety over seeing me i was like yo why cant we just hang out and see how it feels if it feels friendly we can do that but i think it will feel like more nope i offered friendship then and she agreed but left the ball in her court to reach out and i dont think she ever will which is a shame,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 hm functions spread looks quite unusual maybe this test doesnt work for you overall ingeneral for some ppl tests just doesnt work you can check what other typemention usually get in the recent thread and compare i would still check typemention description to make sure it doesnt much you at all mbti doesnt allow you to be inbetween types or half that half this it doesnt mean that all typemention are all exactly the same and cant have other functions decently well developed and used for instance a person can be an typemention with decently well developed and used cogfuncmention or cogfuncmention or other functions on top of themain typemention functions which are cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention for typemention but it doesnt mean he stops being typemention everyone uses all 8 function everyone is an individualyour type describes your default goto methods of processing the information its like a mental habbit that is naturally occuring one way or another for a different ppl which makes up a different personality types this default way cant be two things or in between cos its a default and it can be only one its a habbit 8 functions 4 and 4 for two operations judging and perceiving which results in 16 different typesif tests doesnt really work for you and if you fit into both description research cognitive functions deeper and examine your mind and how it naturally processes the world its much easier to do with perceving functions which you are doubting in between cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention depending on your dominant perceiving function when perceiving an object you mind naturally slips into one direction or another pay more attention to one side of the object or another and will spin its content in their mind and finds it to be more important than other sides of the objectcogfuncmention parameters of the object in now how it is all the details proportion and sizes colors etc cogfuncmention user will find them important will pay attention to them and spin in their mind cogfuncmentions person mind when perceiving an object naturally will slip into a realm of potential possibilities connections with other objects ideas behind the object start spinning this content in the mind and unlike cogfuncmention user will mostly disregard details or wont find them that important,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 i prefer my olivias wilde,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 granted that theres a spectrum what kinds of socialists dont believe in private propertyalso do youhow do you differentiate personal property eg my toothbrush from private property eg my house,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 do not buy any specifically marketed products towards a diet or any such fad or thing ever this is 1 rule of frugality you know what you need as far as fatproteincarbs go get some decent non processed shit that will be best dont go for fucking oils and powder and blah blah blah that stuffs a moneygrab man eat some good natural foodsstop buying into that crap please i dont even follow a keto diet but i know enough about diet and food to know what makes sense and what doesnt if i were to follow anything itd be keto or very close to it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 woops i was editing this outside of the vba editor option explicit public declare function shellexecute lib shell32dll alias shellexecutea byval hwnd as long byval lpoperation as string byval lpfile as string byval lpparameters as string byval lpdirectory as string byval nshowcmd as long as long public sub printthisdocformname as long filename as string on error resume next call shellexecuteformname print filename 0 0 1 end sub sub testprint dim strdir as string dim strfile as string strdir cusersusernamedocuments strfile dreieckps call printthisdoc0 strdir amp strfile end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i agree im not a horror fan in general at least not the classic gorefesttortureporn stuff thats popular these days my tastes tend towards creepy suspense with a healthy dose of well done scares this fit the bill nicely because although its ultimately a monster flick its got a lot of heart and doesnt feel cheap what the heck penny dreadful is on season 4 like you i paused during season 2 and apparently have a lot to catch up on,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 thats fucking disgusting who thinks things like this are perfectly acceptable do they not even have any form of public decency to go find someplace people wont have to be forced to see let alone smell the business you are dealing with and then to top it all off youre in a restaurant and you change the baby on a table you eat at you literally have to go and serve up your dinner on a toilet seat to get the same effect you just performed in public,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 is it something to do with the uniform that makes the guy on the left appear to have womanhips,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 typemention bf met me at a club and we got together done lol,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 i am a veteran i am no longer in the military but i am a warrior this is whybeing a warrior is like being a woodworker if you parctice working on wood in your garage and make things out of wood youre a woodworker i train as much as i still can to defend my self my family and my nationthere is a difference between being woodworker and a licensed carpenter a warrior may not be a soldier and not all soldiers are warriorsjust my opinion,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i really think you dont understand software development however long you think a project is going to take double it and add a quarter,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 i didnt say it no longer exists i said its main legacy today is the christian democrats,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 why is it that mi ne devas fermi la pordon is i do not have to close the door instead of i must not close the door they have different meanings and devas is must dont have to implies you can must not implies you cant or at least really shouldnt is there another way to say i must not do somethingor is this just a word translation semantics kind of thing makes me wonder because devas used in the affirmative seems like it actually does mean must from what little ive seenthe way duolingo is teaching me im finding it difficult to know when to use devas vs bezonas,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 it could be red cross like service or base librarian there are so many jobs that need doing around a military base this could workof course not all homeless vets would be able to participate some have serious mentalemotional issues that would prevent them from it,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 your mother is feeding you stories about foster homes that paint her as your best option she stands to benefit from you having this opinion of foster homes because it keeps you quiet choking is a sign of intent to kill your mother may not do this frequently but you can not just sit around and wait for the next time she snaps,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 title the bindersynopsis refusing to accept that her destiny lies elsewhere a young woman spends two and a half decades struggling to make an artistic impact on the worldgenre speculative fiction short storywordcount 4860 complete draftfeedback this is an author in crisis story so i would like to know how effectively i avoid cliche on that front thoughts on style and pace are also appreciatedlink,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 its like they picked up a turd and held it out and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 well the trouble will be defining crapware in a legal sense that makes shenanigans as with sourceforge impossible but without having overly broad unintended consequenceshow do you allow bundling within one installer of eg vlc with the gstreamer framework which could be intended and beneficial and how do you stop bundling within one installer eg the gimp with antifeature programs it must be made possible to do that based solely on the license itself and the license must adhere to the open source definition and the four freedomsi think its a tall one,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 take your time mate we all know that you and the other mods are doing this for free if something you produce is a bit late then none of us have the right to complain we should be grateful that people are doing those kinds of things at all despite the struggles that everyone faces in live life sucks and everyone that demands of you to make your life suck more so theirs suck less has no right to speak i wish you the best of luck with whatever is bothering you atmalso we havent forgotten annie,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thats what i always dothedishãžatst ã¾an ãªodã mu03b8u0252tu0283t u03b8u0252d ã å ã u0252bthatbe3sg thatacc alwaysdo1,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 valve gave the task to develop the initial release of csgo to hidden path entertainment they fucked it up and now valve is stuck with it and has to iron out all the bugsi know reddit isnt the whole cs population but the people here think they arethe point is it is valves game if they dont want to listen to this shithole of a community apart from bugs then that is fine at least for me,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 would it not be possible to plant a shirethemed garden complete with nasturtians note correct tolkienian spelling and nicotiana aka pipeweed,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 are you looking for this if activecellcolumn 1 then msgbox column 1 selected end if,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 iâ m late to this post but i play golf alone too mostly mcmillan lakeside shoaff sometimes foster,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 why are you getting involved in an argument from 7 days ago,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 well what do you think most solved cases are the most likely theory we draw conclusions based on evidence that is susceptible to flaws and alternative explanation all the time people just bring this up when they have an emotional attachment to an alternate story without any legitimate evidence,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 maybe but im not carrying a huge amount of negative energy around me ive worked long on myself to get to an acceptable level of being social i have people around me who dont avoid me so im a reasonably happy idiot seems better than being a shunned smart ass,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 also sorry realised i didnt address your point about the double standards i guess thats what you were hung up onas you no doubt read in my earlier comment i treated bill gates by the same criteria that i treated the us government bill gates would be morally objectionable and also his main objective is not killing brown people likewise the us government is morally objectionable and also its main objective is not killing brown people and arresting entson your way now p,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 yeah sphere does have a lack of talent i know what you mean,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 can you never screw up say something and instant want to take that back come on i get that you are probably very different than me but in my experience ill take something just slightly too far and instantly regret saying it do you know how many times that happens to non blunt people probably not often,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 just butting in but as one who dabbles in tarot i can tell you it is a very handy tool for cold reading the spread of the cards opens communication it starts the dialog and being an typemention it is easy to intuitively connect the dots i use the major arcana and the archetypes are general enough that i can build upon them to pin point the general issue the person receiving the reading has without leaving the general theme of the cards in the spread i can nuance where necessarythe only thing that still has me puzzled are the people who dont want to actively engage in the reading and dont give me any information so i have to go by the standard explanation of the cards either the archetypes are general enough that they can fit any question by any spread or there is more to the cards because ive never had anyone tell me that a reading didnt fit the question they had my rational side keeps telling me that it is completely random but the cards eerily keep fitting the questions people have,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i remember reading an article a few years back on varying theories of where consciousness springs from one of the theories was by a chaos mathematician who posited that there is an optimal degree of chaos for intelligence basically you want to push the organization of information to the very brink of chaotic decoherence so that new ideas can propagate quickly and widely but not derail cogency,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well you can setup your own server on your own machine if you dial in the settings in the server manager but i understand what you are saying i guess that is the negative for the game being developed for hardcore sim people,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 sorry but ssx 3 was a big step backwards for me the maps were less immersive and it was just a little too high paced and spammy,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 holy shit watching back it was so inferior cogfuncmention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 making the drinking age higher does not mean that kids will wait to drink in fact i think its the opposite the us is the worst drinking culture why would you want to take steps to be more like us were all alcoholics who started drinking well before it was legal 15 for me,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i really hope lyft gets a better driver app the lack of built in navigation and a darknight mode makes it almost unusable to me their support has been fantastic though i really want to ditch uber and solely use lyft but between the appâ s shortcomings and the over saturation of drivers iâ m stuck with uber,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i know that it may seem that im being obtuse but the government is the one who makes this distinction between regulation and prohibition,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 news and this is presnowden also this,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 um are you sure you live in the uk every month theres always at least one scandalous story on the daily mail about how a schools uniform policy is too strict or have been applied unfairly invoking outrage heres just a few examples one two three,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 thanks for checking your inbox and replying,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 i do not have nerve damage as far as i know,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i think this is the cutest corgi baby i have seen in my life,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i used angler bootloader on nexus 6p is it possible to revert the phone to the original bootloader,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 itt funny things that happen while youre baked,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 you got to understand for them the string elon musk is a good feature to rank ai news they try to explain everything by it because they know nothing better,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 she kinda looks familiarmust be fresh out of the vault everything looks vibrant brand new and not even broken in yet,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 can you please explain why i have yet to hear a single good reason not to use itmany other languages call it something very similar to czechia why should english be the only language that doesnt get a shortened version most countries have a shortened version of their name why not czech republic do you have a better solution ive heard arguments for bohemia but ive heard better arguments against that i havent heard a good argument against czechia again especially since many other languages call it basically the same thing if you dont like czechia do you also not like it in all the other languages should they all changeedit sorry if this sounded accusatory dont mean it that way im genuinely curious and confused by the strong reaction some czechs seem to have against it and im just trying to understand,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 oh good point dimensionality should definitely be a factor here 4d understands beyond the current situation lower dimensional functions think that the present situation will be projected into the future like this arrangement of this object in this space will always disturb me unless i fix the current situation a 4d perspective would realize that this situation is dynamic and not oppressive i dont think so either but i listed it for the sake of completion both nardi and socionics as well as vaserlan are very much focused on kiersey none of them rely on good western definitions of cogfuncmention they arent all terrible see hunzikerill have to look into this further im not too familiar with this aspect,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 if you look closely you can see sungei gedong tt,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 no because your offhand slot is given up by your two handed weaponi find thinking about it as actual hands to be confusing as you can make offhand attacks with more than just your hand instead of that think of like diablo you have two slots that can be occupied by certain weapons if you put a one handed weapon in one slot and only use primary attacks then you get the same bonus as a two handed weapon two handed weapons always take up two slots if you want to use a second weapon in the second slot you get another attack but you give up the twohanded bonuses it is a tradeoff imp and greater two weapon fighting give you extra attacks with that offhand slotit is set up that way for a reason there are quite a few abilities that rely on wielding in two hands that give a bonus to you when doing so for example the 31 power attack bonus and also the 15x strength bonus this can be seen with the curved elven blade as you get those things at the expense of your ability to wield a second weaponbasically what you are asking for is to get the benefits of two handedness without the sacrifices and the benefits of two weapon without the sacrifices as well the benefit for not using an offhand attack is bonuses to damage and a few feats and abilities can be used the tradeoff for using two weapons is that you cant use that to try to do this sounds awful munchkiny if you want to get the offhand attack sacrifice the bonuses to your primary attack id allow it if the greatsword was treated when it came to determining bonuses a 1 handed weapon,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 ah i like this question nothing because that would be killing the me that exists on this timeline and ive grown quite fond of him dashing fellow that he is,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 til america is a power bottom,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 we are not the css subreddit rcounterstrike is what you are looking for,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 all they have at my school is apush i slept through that bitch and came out with a 75 each semester i got a 3 on the ap test by some miracle,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ill give a quick run down of the basic things that i wish id have known when i startedpay attention to weapon scaling the attribute bonus section with the letters s and ae are a grade for how much your damage will be boosted by that stat meaning that nifty greatsword with a scaling will hit like a truck with a strength based stat build but not so much for a dexterity fighter however the same applies to that neato katana with dex meaning you should play arounf with weapon types and find a playstyle you like and adapt your stats accordinglyuntil then points put into vitality and endurance are never a waste with the exception of soft and hard caps which arent anything youll have to worry too much about unless youre minmaxing a build for pvpdont level resistance it isnt worth the stat investment for what very little it does for your protection humanity and hollowing unless you want to summon phantoms for coop or kindle a bonfire explanation below you dont need to be reverse hollowing and stay human being human opens you up for invasions meaning other players can enter your world and kill you for your humanity kindling you can burn a humanity while in human form at a bonfire in order to strengthen that particular bonfire a kindled bonfire gives you additional estus charges which is why the firelink bonfire gives you 10 when others give you 5 it is extremely useful to do so also fire keeper souls can strengthen your estus flask so that it restores more health per charge do not use them from your inventory kill the dogs first when the time comes youll know dont hoard souls youll just end up wasting them if you die level up and buy items whenever you can so they dont end up wastedupgrading weapons is generally more helpful than leveling up or upgrading armor but they all make a differenceif an area seems too difficult to conquer consider that you might be going the wrong way and try a different pathbe careful out there neither of us wants to see you go hollowt,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 youve got a nice background uverisimilitude404 i like the darker stuff as well but my typemention boyfriend doesnt let me put that stuff on our computers so i got used to light bright and bubbly stuff,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 25075 on dk despite lillard cashed me out on all gpps and triple ups got top ten in the reddit freeroll whiteside and wear were some lucky punts watched the whole pormia game and im really impressed by whitesides performance despite not seeing the floor in the 1st and 3rd quarters,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 to you and i both,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 monster of the week and hot boys,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 1st off whos to say i just game on it2nd off if you want to get technical pcs were never meant for gaming in the first place sooo,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 no they move too slow for most peoples patience its easier to just carry them around while you walk otherwise youd be dragging them around like a wet noodle plus they can slip out of them fairly easily unless its a paper towel roll then the majority of them get stuck and need help,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 they probably come from the same aryanindoeuropean mytheme,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 get a griffin and build your own coils that way instead of replacing the whole thing you can just replace the cotton i just replaced the cotton on mine and it took me like 5mins and saved 5 or whatever it is you pay for those,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 two questions op will there be a apart 2 and what is my aura based on my post history,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 yup i think toefl and the like are all reading based as well which is what we use for admissionsi think this all the reactions to my post have motivated me to speed up learning some more mandarin i passed hsk1 some time ago planning to pass hsk2 some time after summer and hope to pass hsk3 next summer or so what you said about comprehension did make me think of something i understand quite a few european languages reasonably well and often if a student gets stressed or frustrated and i understand their native language i just ask them to explain in to me in their own language ill reply in english mostly depending on the language but it does help those students get their point across and often makes them feel a lot betterit might help the chinese students as well if theyd be able to speak in their own language considering what you said about being stressed out because of the foreign environment and everything else thats going on,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the population in general but this breaks it down for within typemention in the second set of graphs in that case were slightly better represented 27 vs 20,83.0,87.0,9.0,24.0,61.0 i guess that had more to do with the fact that he completely wore his body out which caused mistakes in the creation of his titan dont forget that the brain uses 20 of all the energy of the human body and is one of the most vulnerable parts of your body if were talking about tiredness,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 so in the face of examples and logical arguments you respond with thati never said domestic violence and sexual assaultrape dont happen in fact false accusations are proven to happen my point is i doubt as many happen as i hear women talk aboutclaim to be a victim ofits like having been assaulted for women is the female version of stolen valor,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 updated scoreg as a j 12g as a g 1000000,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 it looks like i accidentally linked the wrong thing im not banned,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 holy shit now youre going to tell me 4chan isnt run by some super inactive owner who just pays to keep the servers up,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 hendry bracken betrays cregan bracken1d506 king vaemar targaryen1d508 lucerys targaryen1d50 orys velaryon1d503 hendry bracken1d503 robert rosby1d504 maegar waters1d506 daeron redwyneurollme,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 should be used in linus tech tips d,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 have you actually tried arguing with cyborgboybecause i dont think youve ever done that,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 back in 2008 it was oregon that put obama over the edge in delegates so even though we vote late in the process votes do matter in a close fight,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 mia malkovaher face alone is enough for me everything else is just a lovely lovely bonus,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 from your post so obviously some of these are more of an issue than others but every single one of these little nuggets from your post is a reason that calls for some critical introspection and self evaluation you need to be in a good place with yourself before you can actually be a good place for somebody else especially your references to suicide in combination with your self proclaimed emotional instability are reasons you need to seek therapy this is not something to be ashamed about or whatever its something you do to make yourself a better person if anything you can go into competition with yourself to be the best possible you how can you expect you can truly and fully love someone if you clearly cant even bring up enough love to love yourself enough to take proper care of yourself,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 typemention here some of us are squishier than others for sure i am i think of the squishier variety anyways i had my first love very early in life which colored my sexuality i have always been as you have described i think that its natural to love an idea after all everything you are perceiving right now is not in fact reality it is a simulation generated by the wet matter between your ears you are taking in sensory input through all the tiny little biological information gatherers on your body and the computer of your mind is constructing an approximate amalgam of that data to be in love is to be enamored with the approximate amalgam of a person to be an optimist who easily sees the good in people is to be in love more often than most as others here have said i think it best to color not necessarily curb your optimism with cynicism i dont think its at all unhealthy to hope but it is unhealthy to act solely upon that hope it is good to take your time in getting to know someone and to use your cogfuncmention to really parse the hell out of that other persons character and intentions this gets easier with time and experience feel what you feel act on what you know for certain,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i picked one up that wasnt screwed on all the way and the whole bottle spilled in my purse luckily the vape shop called the company and they sent me a free one in its place,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 so how is that supposed to herd cattle or rat properly,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 a m8 of mine always says nice try even though the round was save and the last guy ruined it with his stupidness or fucked up a clutch big time missing a called player or footstepsi am not saying people should rage about it but if it was really stupid just tell him where he fucked up nice try is just encuraging people to make the same mistakes againkeeping the morale high has never helped me win close games,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im sorry this prototype unit is too loud its supposed to cancel out the sound but i dont think its working right,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 charon turns out its the boat not the man,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 while thedish technically does have adpositions they are mainly used peotically and are literally just cases removed from the root most of what in english is communicated as adpositions is communicated through grammatical cases wierd constructions or modifiers prefixed to the verbfor example in between x and x vould be communicated as nounandnounine and across from x would be acrossverb nounabl,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 you realize we all have damming online traces in the nsa google and other cloud companies even if this happened to a dating site next time it could come from nsa or other important collector of metadatawe are data the future of machine intelligence,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 this accepting btc expect another deposit real quick,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 hey god works in mysterious ways its all according to plan,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 what script do you use though,9.0,61.0,8.0,24.0,16.0 you were right actually he mentioned in his first qampa cant believe i didnt retain that information,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 are people that are getting hundreds of thousands of views per video really considered nobodies now,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 just because you are better than 66 at least in the amount of players doesnt mean you are good have you ever watched the demos of those cheaters i guess not you got wrecked and since you belong to the top 34 of cs players lel they surely are cheatingit couldnt be people who have the same points value as a le before the inflation and stopped playing when it began to inflate and are now mg2 after they played again,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 exactly how do you connect with someone so beautifulbut at the same time really has nothing in common with youtheres that beauty to crazy scale too xd at least for women,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 whats hot in fashy apparel,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 a better character to say this is a healer,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 im becoming stupider every year so i probably everything,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i saw an interview of her and i agree shes not typemention,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 theres an episode of the simpsons where lisa tells bart to think of milhouse as hes getting a thermometer shoved into his rectumthat was kind of weird,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 everyone has that cousin whos a warriorsseahawksbluejays fan right now,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i honestly even have a rough time with flaming red it is viewable but still dark,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 hihi cant help you with your questions just letting you know you are definitely on the right track with this attitude,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 want to become cool become the best or measurably excellent at what you do then the people who matter who understand the effort needed to become as good as you are will think youre cool note dont become conceited,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 thank god for engineers sorry my dysgraphia and dyslexia is making my head hurt trying to analyze it but it sounds like you have a pretty good handle on such i think ill stick to the therapy domain even though as a kid i dreamed of being an engineer,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 is it possible for your novel to be firstperson that way the only information about your protagonists gender would come from external sources such as people referring to her as him or casual masculine namesotherwise if you as the narrator are use masculine pronouns i dont think theres any way to make it not gimmicky,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 shh not listening you live in an ewok village and that is that wub wub mnamna pa wub wub,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ironout appears to be primarily bisulfites which are used to kill bacteria and clean equipment in preparation for fermentation in beer and wine they are also added to the wine itself as a flavor preservative if you are allergic and react to wine cordial beer or anything with bisulfite type preservatives usually labelled in the e221 range in the form of headaches nausea coughing breathing difficulties you may want to try using hydrogen peroxide to clean instead which should do the same jobwhat you see when you add it to water is the citric acid and the sodium carbonate neutralizing to produce co2 which may hiss and bubble but is completely safe its almost literally sherbet just add icing sugar its good for cleaning grime and descaling oxides off of metals in kettles and watertanks i believe you should use it while it is reacting the metabisulfites dissolve readily in water and produce sulfur dioxide which will smell like burnt matches and is an irritant to some people particularly asthma sufferers if you dont want to use iron out you could simply clean it with a bit of vinegar bicarb soda and hydrogen peroxide but i would guess it to be cheaper to buy ironout,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 sounds like typemention to me but lets make surehow well do you relate to each of thesecogfuncmention,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 can i get a job at the fcc to listen to the radio all day and swoop in on violators with righteous fury,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 unfortunately no i am currently eating a bowl of cereal in shame because i didnt have any bread i will buy a loaf tomorrow though,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 remember ufges i havent seen that account post anything that couldnt be interpreted as an insult the last 3 years,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ive been gone for three days and this sub is filled with reigner memessobs im so proud of you guys,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 hmm i realized i was mildly colorblind when i was reading a encyclopedia world book and there was a thing on color vison and i couldnt see the stuff in the box i realized i had some aquired problems when one day i watched a cartoon that ive loved and noticed it was super desaturated and the yellow on one character was almost white i noticed pretty much all of my colors were desaturated and played around with the color wheel like i had done much before to find out that i could match colors far away and a lot more grey i looked at my old simulator paintings and realized they suddenly looked nothing alike where before they were identical i changed from testing mild to moderate deutan to being unable to get anything other than extreme deutan exept rare cases where i get strong,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i know a girl whos 19 and acts like this with her parents im not in a position to ask her wtf her problem is unfortunately so i just keep desperately hoping that she grows out of it,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 raja bell tony snell robin lopez laid an egg katmobile lost a beal and jokic ran away,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 your posts remind me of me when i was your age now about 10 years down the line i was around your age when i was also in full doubt about my own style and i was struggling at home emotionally around your age maybe a tad bit younger i went through an all out goth period because of itneedless to say i grew out of it but that time did teach me something very valuable going all out on the spectrum of what is socially acceptable and lets be honest on the teenage girl spectrum very little is socially acceptable put me in a category that was totally outside of any social convention it was hard and not everybody around me accepted me for it but in the end it thought me that i dont need acceptance or acknowledgement from anyone else but myself i went to the extreme side of expressing myself through appearance got burned and had to face social outcry because of it but in the end after the world around me got used to me being different i settled on a style that was me which is still for many outside of the traditional fashion norm lots of pretty vintage inspired silhouettes with a modern twist to take it to the 21st century but it made me happy now i find myself in a place where i can wear anything i want because i still am not worried at all about what others may think and despite being outside of the norm i get so many compliments on how i look because i am confident and secure in how i carry myselfif you dare i would totally recommend you doing you and wearing what you like hell take it 2 steps further and dare to wear stuff of which you know people will hate it and love yourself for it embrace being different embrace being your own individual self and keep repeating to yourself nobody needs to like you but you,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 it seems we pretty much agree at that point,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i was thinking this too its like how abercrombie refused to make larger sizes because they wanted to control who would be seen wearing their clothes in public the only thing is most people hopefully dont walk around with their underwear showing so who would know for brand protection i could see them sticking to their normal range but for their actual bottom line theyd be stupid to pass over such a large market,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 tough ideally the solution is to change your keys but given that depending on your company you could get into some serious trouble id probably just not make the mistake again because youre right they dont have any other context needed to make having that info dangerous thats what id do,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 was stoked to see a pro running amc in the swc now to see hes also a really nice guy makes it even better tomorrows finals will be great,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 that was lindsey graham not mitch mcconnell if i remember correctly,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 your forearm reminds me of a leg on a weiner dog,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 moms probably a bit too soon post partum haha,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 and fuck over people with bad internet64 tick is not going to be changed live with it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 remindme five days donate a few bucks to casaa to help save vaping,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 kiernan smiled at the exchange presumably fully aware of the long standing tension between their families having nothing to add she simply began to eat the soup and looked a little expectantly back and forth between her husband and her guestsonce dinner was done and small talk dispensed with the two couples retired to an adjoining room it was filled with plush lounges and chairs and lit solely by sunlight the room bathed in an increasingly warm and dim light as night steadily approached for a few minutes kiernan sat in one of the chaises resting against marw but an idea struck her and she got to her feet talisa could i have a word with you in privateulosdarklyns,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 how many feminine pics do you have,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 dont act like you dont do weird ass shit while stretching in your natural environment,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 maybe its just me but i prefer the dark grout on light stone,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 have you actually tried arguing with cyborgboybecause i dont think youve ever done that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 mccain was some kind of surreal piece of performance art orsomething,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 men naturally have faster reaction times wouldnt go well for her,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 lol im actually really nice and friendly most of the time i am just a little too honest and often insensitive i have a problem catching myself before saying things which hurt peoples feels i get a few texts every month so when you said x what did you mean is my blah really that blah,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 in asos when jon is at the tower where bran and co are hiding he thinks about neds dream of spring a plan to repopulate the gift jon thinks that if things had turned out he himself would probably have been one of the new lords so its possible that ned never wanted jon to go to the wall,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 tough question depend on your definition of eq reallyi for example am really good at reading people i notice small changes in body language and speech immediately and instinctively know whether thats why someone is sad or is trying to deceive me for example i also very very quickly get a feeling for someones character when i meet new people in this sense i have very high eqbut this is the thing i adjust my own way of speaking pose and tone of voice to match whatever i want from that person based on what i read of them but doing so is honestly a very rational decision to be honest i really lack empathy i only experience real empathy with my dearest friends close family and my so so from this perspective my eq is shitefor example if my employee would come to me with a crisis situation a dying mother for example i would be super concerned in tone of voice and body language i would do anything to accommodate them to arrange things but this is because i want my employee and team to function best which is when they feel safe with me as their employer and safe in their job environment a stressed out employee is useless and will take the whole team down better to give them some time off to get their life back in order ill find a way to manage until then thats my job anyway but honestly i couldnt care less about the dying family member per se i simply feel nothing no sadness or any other empathic feelings,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i could live the rest of my life happy without working if i had even less than half of what it would cost for one of these cars,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 so dating based on the car they drive yeaah thats good stuff right there,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 well id love to get into it but there are two reasons why it would be a problem ai didnt get to frame the topic with you i usually ask very specific questions about this stuff about halfway through my typical typing process b you are a musician and ive never had this discussion with someone who knew significantly more about music than me this could have a pretty big affect on how you write about it and at this point i dont know how to account for that,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 eren also pulled of annies moves in human form she taught them to himreigner not bertolt didnt know eren received that upgrade bottle and thought he learned it from scratchhe managed to crack the armor because he simply focused his own in one spot to make it thickerits highly implied that moving your titan body feels similar to moving your human body so him taking on annie was only impressive if you consider the opponent not if you look at how he movednone of your quick learning arguments hold upit is at best a feat of eren not of the attack titan,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 my current roommate is pretty cool and a nice guy chill and relaxed,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 the amount of impact this nerf would have had on this ace is minimal,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 hmu sometime im on at night,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah well enh i like clancys maybe keiths though really some microbrews are really where its at not really one for beer lately though still dont understand the downvotes i thought it was on topic and interesting,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my serious post is now a memegreat,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 actually im much better in person lol every now and then i cross the line not often anymore tho and omg i do the smile thing too do co workers ever drag it out of you i used to work with an typemention lesbian chick loved her shed see me smiling and almost make herself die laughing before she forced me to say it then id say something that had a 90 likely hood to be the most offensive sentence heard by them that day,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 just like in chicago fire,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 no no no cambridge and oxford are southern exlcaves in ruk ie the north,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 my handwriting is very similar i get compliments on it a lot and i definitely like it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i might have to check that out it looks very everquestygorgon is a powerful beast,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 first of all to prevent confusion its a different ymir than the one we know seccond of all i dont really know what she had to give up to gain the powers but my guess is that the fact that she died to spread it amongst the 9 original shifters has something to do with it,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its all good no hurt feelings here this is a thread about vr and hardware for a developing and future software i replied to a comment about future proofing and was downvoted for my point of view its okay these things happen doesnt mean that buying any hardware for the intended purpose of future proofing is a reasonable advocation especially from a company that has a history of crippling previous cards to increase new cards sales the 980ti is a very premium card but with hbm 20 coming so soon i have a feeling it will be as quickly forgotten as the titansanyways thanks for your concern fly well in the verse,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 that track is amazing as well my other favs are ld m excuse me and dreams,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 actually no one thinks the possibility is insane however trump has zero credibility and obama has a great deal,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 whats with that shiny ak in the upper right corner of the picture i guess its just ceremonial but why would the french use aks for ceremonies,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 see decline implies there is a superior form of the language but there isnt you are assuming whatever the teacher teaches you is dogma plural of mouse is mice house is houses ox is oxen box is boxes they are correct then one day the queen of england just decrees that all plurals will end in s so now we have mouses houses oxes and boxes so everything can be easier to learn and there will be less ambiguity now tell me which is correct mice or mouses did the queen just made the english language worse is it declining because the what you are taught should always remain correct because you are taught that way if people are still using mice and oxen are they wrong as you can see language is so shapeless and fluid that there is no clear line to anything at allin our society there is just the standard and nonstandard the standard is not inherently better than the nonstandard it is just selected maybe because the people in power speak it the majority of people speak it etc there are many reasons but they all have one goal to make whatever language more homogeneous you are saying there is the right way to say things that octopuses is right and octopi is wrong while all were doing is extrapolating from fungusfungi and cactuscacti let me tell you this octopi is not inherently wrong if enough people make the mistake enough octopi will be accepted as a word for the plural form of octopus many things about the english language started out from something different entirely nice used to mean that something is stupid foolish now it is the most generic way of saying well nice things summary the only explanation as to why language doesnt decline it evolves is because you assume there is a superior english language when objectively there is none for the second part i have a scenario to give you the student wrote this in a compositionthe teacher marked it wrong because tweet is not a verb in the dictionary it is internet slang he is not allowed to use it in his essay he should put insteadis the teacher right but everyone knows tweeting mean posting on twitter alreadythe next day oxford english dictionary decided to add tweet into its entry because of the rise in usage and they deem it worthy of wordship so now the student whips out the oed and owns the teacher is that how it works of course im not saying if the student wrote in singlish then he should get marks mah because the whole of singapore also talk like that not wrong wad teacher you also understand what he saying mahthis one is a case he cant argue because it is a larger case of dialectcreole than just pedantic its not in the dictionary it goes way deeper into the scope of this reply but if you want to know more on descriptivism and prescriptivism check out this video,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 who do i report it to if i accidentally violate that lawim uh asking for a friend,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 no smurfs are easy to beatid rather play against smurfs all day then cheatersnot to mention that mgdmg us a joke now people go around and call everyone a cheater,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 watched that in german class in denmark,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 not him but switzerland is pretty libertarian as things go,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 league of legends maybe too many players its hard to find people who are same experience level as you even if in the same ranked queue some havent learned teamwork some havent learned their champs its difficult to find just the right people,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i have the same problem i can be 89 before i leave for work and up to 200 by the time my first meeting starts 35 minutes later without having anything to eat or even having coffee yet ive started poking again when i get to work and if its gone up at all ill shoot up right away before it continues rising,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 youll simply never know for sure to be honest things to check can you do multiple degrees without additional cost i can at my uni can you take additional classes without cost are you free to choose a minor during your degree in a totally different unrelated subject what in general is the policy regarding switching fields for your masterfor example my uni offers a finance master which you can do with an engineering background provided you choose a very specific set of courses some extra work load for your minor i ended doing two bachelors degrees chemeng and industrial engineering amp management now im doing 3 masters included a full on business master i really loved adding business and management courses and stuff to my engineering stuff to broaden my horizon a bit an see stuff from different perspectives if you are also lucky enough to be academically gifted know that it doesnt stop with just this one decision you can add stuff to finetune your academic path to your tastes and interests which will develop and change over time as long as you choose a solid foundation for your primary studies you will be fine,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 machina gadgetsyou can buy the core for cheap the extra deck can be pricey but there are a lot of good xyzs you can ue that are cheap like blackship photon papi maestroke and thunder sparkyou also can improve your extra over time into abyss dwellers and rank 7sthe deck has insane rank 4 toolboxing and versitility it also can throw down a lot of damage and pressure with gear gigant x and machina fortress,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 youre not entitled to a replacement and its rude to presume on a business goodwill in this way,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 no its shadow puppets in pms it was confirmed when i banned the creepy motherfucker,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 especially when your team is trade happy,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 hun im being intentionally ridiculous,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i totally expect trump to exploit sanders supporters noncompromising attitude trump having been playing the sanders have been treated unfairly angle even pushing resentment against debbie wasserman schultzwhen sanders endorses clinton trump might push the idea thats its terrible that sanders a good man good old crazy bernie has to play along with those corrupt and crooked politicians he will play the victimhood card for them as much as he cantrump dont expect the vote from those supporters but if he can push them to be a pain in the ass for the dnc he will,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 id seen the browsergame beforehand so i kinda knew,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 mm ranks sadly display how lucky you got with your teammates to be fairif you play as a team then yes the rank resembles kinda a rough placement in the skill but then you always play better as a team,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 also isnt it obvious that most of these leaks come from his people what is the fbi director even supposed to do about that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 6 bucks is a good price for seasoned baby i hope you bought two,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 i shouldnt have to bake a cake for a gay wedding and facebook shouldnt be forced to do business with everyone under the sun,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 he was just stalling time hoping that someone else swooped inhe had no further concrete plan,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 hmm i guess thats a more complex question and really depends on the context but in about 75 of the cases i guess i wouldnt mind,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 edited tldr the sooner you end it the better a sharp stab of disappointment is a blessing compared to a drawn out emotional roller coaster of uncertainty as far as my own personal experience goes ive never not felt like a jerk about it but i have come to realize that being direct is the best way to do it i used to be a fan of the fade away since i felt that was kinder in terms of not outright rejecting them until i realized its actually pretty cruel and drags it out far longer than necessary honesty and directness are the best and kindest thing you can do for her imagine thinking you had a really good connection with someone and they seemed to like you but they were really hard to get a hold of wouldnt that make you try harder and keep your hopes alive and whenever you do talk to them theyre really nice so you think everythings ok dont do that just tell her that you really enjoyed the conversation you had together and it was nice getting to know her but you dont think its going to work out you dont owe her an explanation or justification of your feelings but you do owe her the common decency of a direct answer,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 uh well you see the thing is,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ive failed out of college more than one ive been in college for 7 years with nothing to show for it im going to community college taking things i took in high school ive been working as a webcam girl supporting my boyfriend for years and im at the end of my rope because it is extremely mentally draining and fucks with your head and its like a bullshit junior high school politics environment ive definitely puked blood if my mom gave half a shit about me she would be here trying to intervene this whole past week has me been chugging vodka in front of my boyfriend looking at me with a look that makes me want to kill myself i didnt know i needed to brag about how shitty it is fuck,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i agree with you about situational appropriateness but rambling is more indicative of someone thinking out loud in meetings and the like it is entirely inappropriate but in social settings i think it is just an indication of people who think with their mouths open however when it is hurriedrushedforced speech super awkward and indicative of a lack in confidence,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 if youre locking your house door without using a key chances are you got a shitty nondeadbolt lock had my garage broken into that way they just smashedpried the doorknob off and they were in now its got a thick padlock and the frame is steelreinforced with a steel doorthough to be honest most locks are just like signs that say please dont break in here unless you reinforce the frame and have a deadbolt or something similar and there are no other easy points of entry,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thank you i took an interior design course after pilot school as i soared birdlike above the wisconsin dells it struck me that modern design is far too intentional the most beautiful things in this world grow organically and i wanted to find a way to let the natural beauty of homes reveal themselves the ladder im sitting on in that image seems like i just happened to drop it there after a day of putting fires out on tree tops doesnt it youre welcome,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ever thought of something original,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 ah yes totally as someone living in london im totally waiting until thursday too totally watching live streams is illegal and should be done under no circumstances,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 perpetuum is actually the latin for eternity,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i think a lot of his ideas were stolen from the great scholastic thelonius monk tbh,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i think babies lack personhood,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 a lot of posts on the type subs are not actually relevant to their actual type see rtypemention lol i just thought rtypemention might appreciate it seeing as montgomery seems a lot like an typemention and a lot of typemention are likely to be into history,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 option explicit private sub textbox1keypressbyval keyascii as msformsreturninteger select case keyascii case 46 if lentextbox1text gt 0 then dim counter as byte decimals as byte for counter 1 to lentextbox1text if ascmidtextbox1text counter 1 46 then decimals decimals 1 next counter if decimals gt 0 then keyascii 0 end if case 48 to 57 case else keyascii 0 end select end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 but the reactions arent genuine theyre all obviously actors a few of them appear on commercials and shit,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 petty everyday evil the sort of thing we can all relate to either because we can be like that ourselves or because people around us behave like that just as the hobbits are everyman heroes they are everyman villains,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i dont know if i want you to pick out my outfits for me or if i just want to be you,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 yeah that would be a really really cool idea however in this case you would probably want to remove det dead from interacting with it because of obvious balance issues,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 they are usually thai girls and they flock in a bunch you can go to alicebambams instagram and see the the suggested accounts,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 lots of practice its just pattern recognition with some actual thinking after you play a lot,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i was thinking that too op is a new throwaway account something smells here,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 ok ill take your word for it trouble is he doesnt seem very cogfuncmention to me certainly not cogfuncmentiondomive seen him listed as enneagram type 3 which are usually popular and charismatic not sure if hed be 3w2 or 3w4 thoughcould you see him as xxtj type 3,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 leo was most certainly not good at what he was doing but talia could sympathize she was also not very good at speaking with strangersuh sure i guess talia allowed passively he was strangely forward and bumbling at the same time but he seemed nice enough that she somewhat doubted he intended to be cruel that being said she remained exceedingly guarded,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 ymir had already transformed when he was about to bite his hand though,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i know how gravity works the question was for completely stopped time though if you slowed time it would fall if you could stop time completely it wouldntso my train of thought but i am not a person who is a physics master,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i dont think that counts because he was never a regular or even recurring character he was only in what three episodes over the course of two seasonshowever i agree that episode and the way he was written off was absolutely fantastic unquestionably one of the best episodes of the series they somehow made an expectedlikely death unexpected,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 and walmart used to sell quality american made products,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 hmm it depends which tesco you go to im super picky and do not eat processed food that has been reconstituted or include chemical ingredients when i was in the uk i mainly shopped at waitrose or mamps my favourite and lidl for the basics dairy fruitveghowever i found tesco to be reasonably priced and offer a good range of items the one i lived near had a fresh bakery butcher deli fishmonger fresh produce and decent sandwiches section they also had those scan as you shop thingiesin the aisles chocolate orange juice etc they offered the brand names then tesco finest which is often better than the brand name for the same price then the own brand which is almost as good as the brand name for far cheaper or value which i dont touch so i could easily buy quality things eg i would never skimp on bread and buy cheap things at the same time kitchen rolls etc in comparison the local sainsburys was terrible despite having a wide range i couldnt find anything i liked it was mostly processed brand name food or their basics range which was 20 more expensive than tescos or a very limited range of top shelf items which was 30 more expensive,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 here is a picture from the manga a better picture of marlo carrying one in the anime links are spoilerfreegood luck with your replica,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this is insane thank you for this insightful analysisstrategy,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 naw heres what you really need to dodemonstrate your valueengage physicallynurture dependenceneglect emotionallyinspire hopeseparate entirely,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 my lawyer has advised me not to answer this question,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 yes i shop most of my clothes online at its a dutch webshop but i think they ship to most countries their customer service is amazing their prices on par with most online and offline shops selling those brands and this is important they measure every item they sell in house themselves and provide detailed measurements specific to that product anyways if i can give you a few pointers of how the style works for me choose one more eccentric item strong print distinctive cut outthere colour combine it with basics that would fit in a more modern day setting to make sure its not too costumey the same goes with shoes and jewelry as vintage inspired outfits go quite good with more minimal modern shoes and jewelry i recently put the following outfit together skirt and shirt and i wore the gray belt of the skirt over the waistline of the shirt so there was a bit of color blocking going on paired with basic black leather healed sandals and a silver hair brooch i got a bunch of compliments on it and although the silhouette is very vintagey it didnt make me feel out of place,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 id recommend going with the 25s or 14s first because of that i score deutan but 65s dont work well for me because im fairly strong deutan25s should tell if enchromas will work well though from what i hear and 65s seem to be best as a second pair,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 well shit im definitely questioning people for sure find me oppositional and contentious lol that is part of why i didnt want to type as typemention im too confrontational,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 oh well thank you if you need assistance concerning this project feel free to ask,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 after reddit started liking donald trump the floodgates opened,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ive watched this way more times than i would like to admit gerrard was absolutely insane after our third goal so many clean tackles all over the pitch,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 nice im actually in the market for one of these as well i was also trying to decide between the 800 and the 700 i love the action on these bad boys are you worried about a used one breaking or not working or lasting as long i am am i unreasonable id like to buy this vs new because its about a thousand bucks cheaper,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 yeah i agree with that in cases where peoples lives arent at risk its a similar thing to modern medical degrees obviously when they are put into a hospital for the first time the med students are going to be in way over their heads if they were ever trusted to do anything by themselves idk i guess i just want engineer to be more exclusive than what it currently is kinda like how doctor is i know this sounds a bit stuckup or ego strokingi just did a bit of reading about protected titles and i think id be happy if it were protected in usage but if there are multiple ways to get there like school for sure but also years of experience followed by a qualifying exam or project proof of experience or something like thati know here aus engineer is used informally while the levels of professional engineer is protected,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i cant get windows 10 to recognize or locate that python was installed ive tried multiple versions any ideas,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 thats why i say hes the best 3 star even above im40 the purple is largely useless but the blue and yellow are too good,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i was wearing make up in my second picture but my first was more recent and ive been in a slump recently what would be more fitting for a younger stylethank you,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 in 100 years people will be saying of us those people died at like 85 just kids really,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 cut them out of my life i am not a resource to constantly squeeze for others needs anybody who thinks they can constantly put me through an emotional wringer will find i will just very emotionally tell them to get lost and never return,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 to what ends is it an ego thing i lie when i have to sometimes it is necessary to protect your people or yourself im not saying that all lying is inherently evil but why are you doing it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yep especially for engineerings i think 90 or so gets their masters those 10 who dont do so because a university degree simply turned out to be too difficult for them or because of personal reasons really the only exception to this rule is compsci for which the demand is so astronomically big that companies have good offers ready for bachelor students and will further train them in house if youre thinking of doing chemeng in the netherlands i highly recommend getting your masters degree over here as well its two years tuition fees are about 14k a year for students outside of the us there are several options the technical universities but also the university of groningen the only nontechnical research university that offers engineering doing your masters over here will get you a diploma which employers will recognize youll get two years to learn the language a bit though this is not a requirement like it would be in germany or france and youll build a network so youll get a job quickly starting salaries are about 28003000 euros a month before taxes which puts you on average not even median which is far lower salary already at the start of your career for dutch wages just to put demand into perspective for chemengs,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i got 50 off a couple days ago got 90 off a month or so ago,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 boththeyve used this frame for both,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 theres a difference between saying it was goodbad that this happened and he was rightwrong to do this â of course you can judge the worth of actions on their consequences but thats only one type of approach you see in philosophy theyre not necessarily the same querycould you it seems strange you posit that existence has inherent worth but only in its totality the universe but what if the universe were merely a mode of a higher category of being eg one of a multiverse transposing your logic up one cosmological level this would mean that the universe is no less inconsequential than the objects is contains think youd love nietzscheto quote him on the subject of goethe he advocated a kind of almost joyous and trusting fatalism faith that only in the totality everything redeems itself and appears good and justified such a faith however is the highest of all possible faiths i have baptized it with the name of dionysus this would entail a sort of moral nihilism indeed a contempt for moral concerns as almost petty,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 why not just buy a vacuum,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 yeah couldnt find anything substantial,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 i have a few book recommendations that mention the hospitals psychiatry and the palestinian population psychiatric bulletin 2002 amp dennis odonnells the locked ward memoirs of a psychiatric orderly 2012 hopefully this helps,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 not all knights are honorable regretfully enough suit yourself however,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 is many explaination in this link fighting for the cause is what you are judged for not simply dying for it,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 hmm i dont relate well to that as its worded i think its more like reading interactionsconnections between people and adjusting those for the desired results like wiring between computers or something cogfuncmentions ease at reading people in the moment comes in handy for debugging relationships on the fly cogfuncmentions third party detachment probably helps toocould you expand on thatim trying to understand cogfuncmention better including how it works and what its good for and they say cogfuncmention is mysterious hrmphyup cogfuncmention can also be used offensively to disrupt group dynamics is there an cogfuncmention equivalent like a hannibal lecture or something,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 to set a proper expectation here there are longterm kinksters who are still asking themselves that same question after years and years of looking for someone ideal you know how in the vanilla world people can spend their entire lives trying to find a good match now add in the additional layer of requirements that come from wanting the right flavor of bdsm partner too it can be extra tricky for usbut the good news is that its that much more rewarding when you find a great partner i promise d,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 well it depends on the post sometimes i just want to troll and rant and piss people off but this time it was to inform them and share my knowledge,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 are you auditioning to be my nihilistic hype man hmm its a formality but what are your references,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i rave about the movie because it really made me think these days scifi is all flash and big set pieces and gobs of cg or spiritualismsurvival stories arrival is much more a classical scifi science fiction not science fantasy experience cerebral and slower paced in the vein of ex machina blade runner moon and 2001 a space odyssey a much more cerebral and scientific film about communication barriers between species and what existence would be like outside of the 4 dimensions of spacetime like the movies listed above they arent for everyone sadly,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 to most americans propaganda is soviet commie bullshit and an american hero would never do that shit,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 well it wasnt what we envisioned but we are happy life just isnt in the fast lane anymore as it was before but we manage to move forward still i remind myself that this too shall pass,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 depending on the theory you believe in itd either be a collosal armored titan a normal sized armored titan with steam powers,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 then use your real name on reddit,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 assuming they donâ t make another striker lucian boo boo,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the smartphone surprised me with the ability to scan documents using evernote ive started to try to get into the habit of scanning my receipts as well,7.0,84.0,88.0,59.0,44.0 heres a car rolling at 180190 mph driver lived with fairly minor injuries hooray for roll cagesedit source that says he was minorly injured,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i think this is explained by the fact that a lot of people are just fucking stupid i dont talk about anything of substance at work but after work i dont hang out with anyone who cant discuss current events which didnt even impact them directly with a purely critical eye its a goddamn waste of time to interact with these people,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you dont have to marry an italian to name your son that you know,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 if you dye part of your hair a color then that can make you stand out and even add to your looksbut dying all of your hair a nonnatural color is far more risky you should be careful with it it doesnt necessarily look bad but its a bit wierd if you dont have the right coloredit you might be able to pull off pastel purple if youre somewhat pale just go for more of a blueish purple than a reddish purplefully dyed hair in general tends to look better if its long for some reason,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 that name should never be said,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im a very apologetic person irl now because years of saying mb everytime the fc even touched me i say em bee irl too,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 a civilization where that has to happen every few years is not a good civilization,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 atats on rails xv hero only battle vxedit wat,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 mary franz at the jewell clinic part of st francis is great but you should expect to wait literally a couple hours after your appointment time to see her,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 whats wrong with being a statist being a statist can only be painted as bad if you are an anarchist the swiss are largely statists it seems to work fine for them the danish norwegian canadians all overwhelmingly statists people where is the problem,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i guess that had more to do with the fact that he completely wore his body out which caused mistakes in the creation of his titan dont forget that the brain uses 20 of all the energy of the human body and is one of the most vulnerable parts of your body if were talking about tiredness,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 in conquest thats an important qualifier they all have modes they excel in just not the one people care about,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 given all the things i heard about the garden route and the attractions innear cape town i think ill probably be wise to extend my trip to 4 weeks with 2 in cape town so i can do everythingi was mainly planning to go there to look at the architecture then stay overnight at the world famous hotel and maybe play on the golf course is it still worth it for that purpose,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 the one with pussy galore in goldfinger was unambiguously rape they were simpler times,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 you have colt and falco being insignificant again and development for forgotten characters on the same pagedont they contradict one another there arent any other characters introduced on marley that can already be considered forgotten,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i would never let an 11 year old child listen to kesha holy shit you have no idea what youre talking about youre unfamiliar with her music and youre trying to act like you know better than me while insulting me for absolutely no reason thats why youre a trollyou started this conversation by making an insulting and unfunny joke i pointed out that it was unfounded and explained why so you dont seem so misinformed you proceeded to insult me and prove again that youre unfamiliar with the topic at handwhos the one acting like a child im done humoring your bad trolling attempts bye,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i think its because cogfuncmention is a consumer not really a generator unless its an action cogfuncmention on the other hand plays both parts,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 if the player base if large enough probably,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 just 10 secondsgo fuck yourself lol,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 lol i think in another age we would have called that feminine wiles using mens egos against them for shame d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 is it really making them that much better though they already have an amazing attack and plenty of excellent wingers and attacking midfielders seems like he would only be a small upgrade for them,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 yup sat there for about a half hour drawing pretty similar diagrams my roommate sat down when i was almost done solved it before me and just started rattling off the answers i was upseti got most of it and was on my way to the same solution so whatever,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 i was like 4 when i watched it and i cried my eyes out because i had severe seperation anxiety and thought that all all moms could do that at any time to their children,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 well theres absolutely no need for police to pull a gun on an unarmed suspect i mean where the hell is he going to hide a gun or any other sort of weapon how much of a danger can he possibly be that two officers cant restrain him though im sure just talking with the guy he would have been more than cooperativeso really why the guns,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its the internet people are annoyed about something,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 oh my those are some exotic shrooms i havent seen any of them here,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 how about your typemention friends i have found that fi tends to be a lot less expressive moment by moment it has somewhat of a flat aspect not to mention that this is what theory predicts cogfuncmention domsecondary types are supposed to be good at manipulating emotions by emoting which is what i have seen,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i am typemention and i can relate to this generally often instead of using my eyes i overlay an image over the top of reality i take in how it feels it is a subjective impression it might be a map that represents the area generally cogfuncmention types are the ones that are very visually acutecogfuncmention is like focusing on what all of the signs are pointing to its like when you start to notice that everyone you have talked to today was sad and you ask what does that really meanthis is a form of introversion but it is not jungian introversion more related to the typical usage of the word eg not big on parties prefers to read a book it is known as highsensitivity can you give an example of this,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 good i hadnt heard that when i first saw this video i dont thinkthough im fine if they just scared em a bit with a charge inform the public as a reminder on the law and let them go with a fine or somethingjust needs to be shown that yes people can actually get in trouble for crap like this and its not ok to do,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 does he wrestle with bears for fun,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 yeah this is something i struggle with,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well that could be easily solved by giving an abandon to afk players and ensure taht people who disconnect get a classic abandon if you time out though it should take longer until you get it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 additionally its statistically likely that earth is in the first 8 of all habitable planets,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 is why bill nye annoyed me,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 comparing people who would likely have been average if not born rich to high achievers is laughable with platform shoes on anyone can be 6 feet tall,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 dont turn it off i happen to have a less emotional personality type and im wondering how you turn it on people who dont like you for being you are not worth it,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 cool so thats one downyou know i just remembered that types tend to express their functions in reverse when theyre under a lot of stress or having a personal crisis so an typemention would act withdrawn nostalgic emotional and unsure of themselves opposite of normal in other words another one down this might help you sort out whether youre 9w8 or 9w1 for your core type 9w8 9w1 your tritype try this maybe itll helpit doesnt typemention 9s are pretty rare but you might not be a typical typemention and being a 9 could help explain whyhownines are right in the middle of the gutanger types mark ruffalo who recently played the hulk is typemention 9w8 note that both bruce banner and the hulk are 9w8some people get the impression that nines are doormats but thats just what we project to try and coexist with other people in reality were the most determined type when we finally make up our minds that something is worth fighting for and our unmovable inertia can turn into unstoppable momentumjust like people dont consider that hippos have a 1825 psi bite and can run up to 30 mph bad news for anyone who makes it angry,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i wouldnt call telling the truth in the medias lies shilling how do you define shilling and what did stefan do that fits that,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 why cant i build temples in my cities after i have already built a shrine this modpack delivers some very cool ideas but there are a large amount of bugs and technical problems with it,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 i have a mic and have been looking to try out a heist for a while now im only level 41 but ive been playing since launch night im usually a strict freeroamer but i wanna see what these heist thingies are all about gt rfgm37 netflix gf anything else im on,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 what i really liked about bb vs ds is how from thw start on there actually was a story even though world was still cryptic and vague as with ds with ds the story of your character doesnt really evolve past i woke up in a random place shit where am i and throughout the game you learn primarily things about the world your in not necessarily a story of your characters role in that world that being said im really looking forward to being a magic character again all my main ds chars are magic based just hope ds can learn from bb and vice versa,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i find it interesting that a build of the week post isnt super popular i thought reddit ate this kind of stuff up,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 oh cool that works and solves an issue of not having broken links,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 my hand would have been up so fast i probably would have pulled a muscle there is no way i would let that shit go unchecked,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 the extra 1016 damage on abilities isnt worth the difference in attack speed unless its literally your only item attack speed wins,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 it is still rare but i take a fairly high dose of estradiol most women have 5 mg to 2 mg and i take 6 mg of oral dosage and i talked to my endocrinologist about it and she said if there is a change that is likely the cause estradiol is listed in quite a few places in association with acquired color deficiency,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 same format just different lengths your 5 paragraph essays are like a sit down you have 15 mins to write a page about whatever it is feel free to skip the next bitsay for example youre analysing 1984 and its relevance or lack of to modern society it will be the same as a report analysing the effects of water loss to a river ecosystem due to mining underneath it only the mining report will have more picturesalso technical papers are the one with the formula not creative writing the size of your introduction or thesis line will vary depending on the length of your work if my 1984 essay were 100 pages long its not unreasonable to have a 3 page introduction the same as my engineering thesis both my thesis and the essay are to persuade people reading them of an my assessment of what are objective facts in one case my test results in the other what is written in the text within the context theyre applied what kind of writing are they having you do because when i was being taught you didnt want to be overly longwinded with most types of writing pretty much only poetry short stories and responses to works have excess words,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 til cogfuncmention subtype is autistic,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 are the ak item stores removed,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 i want to know why we cant depreciate our cars on personal taxes businesses can,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 ahh this problem started long before he turned 13,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 only under certain special conditions will this happen being sloshed around while inside a container would definitely keep the balloons from freezing longer than if they were just exposed to the cold,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i probably get scammed bc i never barter worth shit but im round wisconsin and theyre a rare find up here super in demand,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 this corralling idiots can get tiring though its a great feeling when everyone knows whats up and you can be the idiot,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 why not both will you type your characters too127 172 271 217 712 721nicknames the teacher the inspired mentor the animated coach the enthused educatorlife purpose helpguide others give hope and inspiration use teaching skills to make learning creativeenjoyable blind spot you stop listening to your feelings due to your focus on what is appropriatepleasing rigidly maintain unrealistic ideals too focused on keeping things positiveupbeattraits diligent caring innovative ethical empathic inspired engaging funloving outgoing want to be with people seek fun with a purpose needing goals as well as play time love discovering new things can squeeze boredom out of anything tedioussource,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 when i read your title i thought definitely considering that i am a hsp however when i read the rest of your post i was thinking maybe we have different definitions of hsp for me hsp is being hypersensitive to external stimuli sounds sights physical sensation etc its also called sensory processing sensitivitythis does not necessarily have to do anything with eq for example i have trouble walking through a busy shopping street without wearing headphones as it will make me extremely tired from overstimulation same for things like alcohol and caffeine which seem to hit me a lot harder mentally in terms of the crash after the high than others when it comes to eq i do think i have a higher eq than the general population but i dont think my hsp helps with that in any case it probably hinders me because dealing with high emotions in people around me not my own emotions which i deal with absolutely fine also gets to me mentally because of being hsp right now for example i am travelling with a group of people who are very diverse in personalities and energy levels at about 3 o clock i had to tell the group i was going back to the hotel because it was all simply too much i was about to collapse under the tiredness and exhaustion,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i rather think he is typing something,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ive been losing weight slow and steady recently i traveled to visit my grandparents in their native country considering they are getting very old and every time i visit might be the last i decided fuck it im going to eat all the glorious home cooked food my grandmother will make it and it will be amazing and it indeed was absolutely amazing so back on track again back at home and just broke through the lowest weight since before i left for my trip im now at 805 kg ive always had my eye on breaking to 80 kg threshold almost there almost there,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 to be fair it does start a bit slow if you only got two episodes in you didnt really get a feel for the showseason one was great season two was okay season three waspassable i guess i just saw that it was renewed for another three seasons sigh hopefully it gets better again but im not holding my breath,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i dont think its cogfuncmention people seem to want to conflate the functions with aspects of being human values arent birthed by introverted feeling people who use introverted feeling tend to judge things based on their values,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i hate stupid stuff like rules like you are not allowed to hit girls or shit like you have to say thank you and manners and stuff ok maybe the last example wasnt a good one i still say hello and thank you and stuff like that cmon it isnt that hard but on most social norms i have an openminded logical mind and have different views on most stuff things like taking a bath once in awhile of course makes sense and i agree with it 100 but i dont understand shit like idk manners i dont have a good example in mind now,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 news and this is presnowden also this,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 uenokha you can delete higher tickrate from that listin short while the fps of players could play a role in it 128tick is unfair for people with a latency of 30ms and higher and that is why it wont happen the thing people should be after is servers who are stable and well optimized,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 you knew what i meant and cannulas pure awesome did you know there was a guy i think he was injured in wwi or maybe earlier that had a hole in his abdomen that lead to his stomach and he had a plug installed thats how they discovered enzymes they would lower food into his stomach and a glass of acid and the stomach food would break down quicker,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 if taking up a free offer is rewarded by being branded a cheater it is not no strings attached,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 same here my matches are usually 30 min a piece so 4 hours should be 8 matches it would be nice to see 56 maps in that time instead of 34,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 haha sorry i was being rhetorical its not on gogcom but i did find,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 and nsa surveillance both bernie and gary want to end nsa mass surveillance,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 you cant leave me in the dark like thatwhats my tag,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 there is after 5 min you will get an abandon enough abandons will place you in low priority,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 depends how high you win and what your stats say at timesyou win high vs good players you get more points you lose high against worse players you lose more points etc,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 if there wasnt a highway of titans for him to swing across or if the suicide attack wasnt there to distract zeke than levi would have been obliterated by zeke in the return to shinganshina arc just as the rest of the sc,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 idk but in every match that ive been unable to watch entirely we win happened with and ordered by date tottenham h tottenham a swansea h man city a villareal h arsenal a and some other cup games that i dont remember really well xx its always cool to come to reddit and see the final result though huge relief and everything hahaedit ohhhh derby county this season too the superstition is reaaal,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 first of all to prevent confusion its a different ymir than the one we know seccond of all i dont really know what she had to give up to gain the powers but my guess is that the fact that she died to spread it amongst the 9 original shifters has something to do with it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 heh i was really hoping for a cockpit joke i am glad you delivered the plane is preparing for descent,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 jesus christ port stay on regrab who do you think i am kappa,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 and thats why theyre known as shithawks,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 kylo ren totally got the sniffling whiner gene from his uncle amp granddad,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i disagree with this premise my mission in life is to be as comfortable as possible i usually do regret going out and i spend the whole evening longing for my bed and a good book also who says you arent creating memories by staying in ive had many completely forgettable social engagements but some great memories of being alone my favorite vacation of all time was when i had a week off in the summer and spent it sitting out on the patio reading or listening to music and then preparing myself wonderful dinners,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 politicians used to be politically correct in regard to islam and are rapidly stopping to be so david cameron in the uk now talks about islamism as a problem rightwing politicians in europe have been doing so for more than a decade and mainstream politicians are catching up the dc is shooting itself in the foot by holding to this pc narrative and muslims reformists and exmuslims are against this pc narrative,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 mine would be my friends and bfi need to be affirmed in a lot of ways and sometimes want a lot of attention i can share anything and everything with him and life is good,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 haha ok then you are weird and organized about it i like it d where did you find all these typemention i met one at work software development one at a bar she had a southern accent and drank bourbon so hi and one through okcupid i am 36 heh yall seem pretty rare to me i am reasonably outgoing but per mbti you are likely more so perhaps it is an issue of sample size,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dunno i have been there i have also been on the other end of it and managed to salvage a friendship in both situations its tough but absolutely doable typemention are kind of known for moving on at the drop of a hat once we decide its over case in point i had been seeing someone for a few weeks last night she tells me shes not really feeling romantic towards me ok sad for an hour by hour two i had a dinner party planned at my place and shes coming as a friend next to be fair i wasnt in love with her but shes a really cool chick so bummer im making eggplant parmesan btw takes all day but totally worth it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 try bonnie and clyde its a classic,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 very similar i believe wallabies are smaller and tasmanian wallabies definitely get better pasture than mainland australian kangaroos so the muscle structure and nutritional profile might vary slightly,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 you are encountering the floating point rounding error even if you are not using any round functions you will still encounter this error from time to time when dealing with decimals with a high precision,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 they pop up anytime during app use interrupting what i was doing sometimes even 5 minutes apart,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 perhaps i should have said roam you create ecological barriers when you build pipelines especially when you cant keep the area underneath clear,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 instead his arm pulled off,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i take it you study math or something like that,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 shit my cover is blown,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 i agree with no prayers or religious exercises led by administrators and teachers or enrichment guests but students cannot be prohibited from exercising their religious beliefs as it would violate their rights prayer is absolutely fine on public property so long as it is not disruptive students whose religious beliefs do not allow them to conform to the onesizefitsmost school program have the option of private schools and homeschooling many districts make the latter super easy now providing online curiculum testing and teacher help that can fit around the students scheduling needsi think what the school did wrong here was to single out the room as a muslim prayer room if they had just called it a multiuse student room that muslim students were welcome to use during their required prayer times i doubt there would have been any backlash at all,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 interesting observation aaa games largely havent increased in price in the last 20 years i remember purchasing n64 games for around that price maybe there was a jump from 4999 to 5999 around the launch of the ps2 thats a long time for a product to remain at a single price but fairly common for entertainment media music movies and video games are product categories havent seen much inflation in price over the past few decades this in part because the cost of production has dramatically decreasedapproaching nil in digital mediahowever one thing to consider is if indie games approach a full price scenario we might see a paradigm shift in the future for higher prices for aaa games weve already experienced the trend where publishers are trying to market higher tier packages charging 100 for premium and founders editions of the same product publishers would love to see the normative price of 60 be raisedits only the consumers who decide whether its worth to pay that much for a product if enough of them do then you will slowly see a price increase across the board fortunately the target market for most entertainment media is largely lowerincome under the median hhi of 50k so they might be fairly price sensitive to any kind of large increase that said if we as a community get used to paying 60 for indie content that isnt quite aaa material we are setting ourselves up collectively for paying higher and higher prices002,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 lol silly to try and trademark this termsan mai literally means three layersobjects,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 old roomate of mine just took the test and remember i had talked about it before and asked me what type i thought he would score as i said definitely typemention he laughed cos i was so confident about it but i was right cant hide that shit,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 my brother is an typemention and he is relatively collected and does not get into shouting matches,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i have a spare raspberry pi doing nothing at the moment which i could turn in a tor proxy someone whos already done this ideas or recommendations for good tutorials things to think about or look out for,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i am suddenly overcome with the urge to hug you and feed you things,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 because typementions are the rarest personality type typementions are cogfuncmention dominants and that function is literally the special snowflake function they will understand things in such broad strokes and essentially just want to be typementions plus the typemention description basically says they are illogical which has a pretty negative connotation which furthers this issue you can tell an actual typemention because they wont get upset by this assertion because actual typementions dont want to be typementions,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 apparently most of the people in this sub reports should be limited,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 not in my experiencefor example i was trying to find subtitles for alien last year not exactly niche but they only have one version on one of the two sites you mentionedand when i loaded it into vlc it was artifacted the srt file opens fine in notepad but barfs when in vlci think i tried putting it in aegisub to try to fix it and that didnt work either,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i cant fathom an typemention devoting that much energy to socializing so consistently for so many years all that community outreach and in interviews he consistently stays on topic doesnt look around all over the place etc he really doesnt seem like a p or an i to me ps eyes rove about,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 he makes them joyful and happy shows them beauty,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i cry when im angryfrustrated or in pain im really clumsy so i cause myself highly painful non damaging incidents on a regular basis,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 people smoke cigarettes because it brings them happiness they eat fast food because it brings them happiness consistent happiness brings addiction that is quite possibly the hardest thing to work through,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 yeah im waiting on some nicely anodized ones for the 62 to be released did you see the latest batch for the 51 theyre putting out some sweet stuff now,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ahhh its always the same against those cunts,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 how did i know this would be the top response,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 an explanation why the fps should have to do simething with the tickrateget right viewed the data how many people have decent computers and said valve went on to say that 128 tick wouldnt be feasablehowever what most people miss is that valve never said it was due to fps and they also get the internet speeds and locations of the peoplei want to know why people are saying that it is all due to fps what are the problems with 128 tick for computers with lower fps or are you just saying that because get right said it somewhere and you actually have no clue why it is as you sayif that us the case i cant understand why people who say it is not due to fps and know what they are talking about get downvoted by people who have no clue about it otherwise you might link me the dev post where they explixitly say it us due to fps,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thats so bizarre to me that the first thing you want to do is forgo the fact that they gave you a set of rules to work within haha i wonder why that is,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 are you kidding jericho has some of the best acting ive seen especially from skeet and what about the production quality was poor,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 youre here too uandromeda321 i cant escape,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 breast pumps are invaluable for mothers who need to provide expressed milk for a baby who is prem or has feeding difficulties they are also very useful for mothers who want or need to leave their babies for more than a couple of hours at a stretch or have someone else feed them some mothers are also uncomfortable with nip or indeed any direct bfing and need to expresshowever under normal circumstances pumping is not essential to build or maintain your supply of milk some mothers cant express at all even though their supply is goodanecdata here i exclusively breastfed two sets of twins for the first pair i expressed very occasionally from 6 weeks on so that i could go out without them for the second pair i never expressed a drop they all grew like topsy and i never had any problems with supply,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 yesss learning how to figure things out for yourself is invaluable,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 i know its wrong but i always imagine it as peejack but with a soft j pronounced as the g in gell,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i come from a land down under,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 he reminds me so much of my own elderly black cocker spaniel who died last yearhe made it to 15 and a half â he had the very same distinguished gray beard in his winter years,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 theres nothing to rebut â proving what let me guess never actually read nietzsche,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i personally never noticed having too much fun but that may be a matter of perspective,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i remember reading mewtwos birthday in the games saw it was my birthday and my little mind was so excitedhappy birthday m2k plz,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 no matter what you do when there is splashback it always hits you square in the browneye and travels midway up your intestines then youre worried about ass herp all day long why must your aim be so good poseidon,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im not huge on it either but i think there are dubbed versions though i have learnt to suffer through subbed because of animeeitherway you should just whenever you get bored or lack a suggestion and in the mood for a flick think of me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my first reaction to the question was the individual pricing is irrelevantyou either need a set or a separate item in either case youll pay what is asked,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 funny story my 73 year old grandad tried to buy alcohol and was asked for id he simply said oh no you caught me there the cashier tried to explain it was just standard policy but my grandad continued to tease her and thanked her for complimenting his rather youthful looks,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 yeah i can see myself get conflict with an typemention but it shouldnt be the worse i can see myself getting into heavier arguments with typemention and typemention and other personalities so clearly typemention shouldnt be my worse more like all sensors except maybe typemention and maybe maybe typemention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i think i do but i think i rather concerned with selfknowledge than selfimprovement and to be as myself as possible aswell as selfexploration and selffeeling as wierd as it may sound d and feeling connectiveness to the world and my trueself feeling this synchronicity cogfuncmention things you know just being better for the sake of being better whats the point well practically it may look like im selfimproving at least on a body level and it is the case but it not what motivates me at least its not an endgame motivation evenso its fun to improve ofc and have a goal you can reach like i do running and work on technique of it i do exercises daily i try use stairs rather than lift i ride a bicycle and improve things i can do on it my abilities stamina and technique aswell recently i started working on a legs split idea is to be able fully go to the ground i like to explore aswell as your friend no idea how do you improve your mind though d sometimes i like to remeber stuff for entertainment value and training i guess dps i think what you are describing in differences between typemention and typemention is cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention antagonism and differences cogfuncmention having one vision insight of a possibility and moving towards it bringing it to life cogfuncmention exploring various possibilities and see what it brings,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 how do you have the voting system identify a cheater,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 not really but okay xd,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 here are the scrumptious little cakes added some spinach into these ones too also they are infinitely better but less quick and simple if you add some fried onion to the batter with these ones i used half oat bran even cheaper than flax and half flax i imagine those frozen mixed veg carrots peas etc would be nice to add as well,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 op seems cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention to me also but comments dont quite seem typemention eitherwhat about cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention vs cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 lmao i love that youre becoming a benevolent ruler before my eyes and i happily accept the invitation to be your varys,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 that doesnt really look like an angry face to me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i really loved andrews course before coursera the one taught at the blackboard that is on youtube its still relevant for well done basics the math part is much more in depth than the usual online ml course,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 yea i think i can seem a bit defensive when someone suggests i might be typemention im definitely open too it and i appreciate your insights as its all shit to consider,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 whats the aerial shot look like,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 well there are also other ways to indicate that youre horny,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i am not saying you are whining it is a common thought and it is understandable that you are mad i am just pointing out that many cheaters in mm arent actually cheaters only better or more experiencedlike i said id like to know which ac from which game works that way because realistically you cant know beforehand if a person is going to cheat in that game the person must have played a game beforehand and the system has to convict him to not let him playif the system cant label the player as guilty you wont be able to ban him just because x persons reported him,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im always trying to improve and i do keep a positive attitude i just dont understand why people keep kicking me,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 fucked a toilethead of penis explodedyes im serious,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 iboga is not a fun drug its a 24 hours trip you cannot even walk you get to meet some scary stuff but the result is almost always positive well there have been a few death as you get to make peace with your demons,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 oh man i can relate seriously you read these things where people got too high on edibles and they called 911 because they thought they were dying before it happened to me i thought that was ridiculous but now i know better and the worst part is that you have to ride it out because theres nothing you can really do to come down faster never again,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 the simplest way to do something like that would be to have a complete separate subroutine that checks all of your checkboxes at once or you could replace the code within the checkboxchange event with a call to the checkbox checker code something along these lines public sub cbpcr1change call testchecks end sub public sub testchecks if cbpcr1value true then with mecboreccommodity1 clear list worksheetspcr catrangef2f42value listindex 0 end with else with mecboreccommodity1 clear list worksheetspcr catrangei2i13value listindex 0 end with end if end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 also soy andor almond milk,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 which it says right in the freaking link,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 awww well you cant blame the cute lil bunnies,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i imagine you must have experienced developing feelings for someone only for them to have locked you into the friendzone if we knew each other irl by the time you fell in love with me id think of you like a sister then youd be sad seems like a greater gamble than just diving on in and swimming around for awhile haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 there would be more weird looking ws,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 you have to register with a user name first it turns out,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 he is a lawyer to be fair also i personally dont care if he was just lucky or if he was playing on a local server with a outdated cheat and insecure we cant prove it in the end if no demo surfaces of him cheating and in the end launders did fuel the fire with his tweets like a mad girl that needs attention and reddit liked it despite frankie saying it was his fault that the video got taken down what annoys me the most in the end is that we lost two days with witch hunting and had no remotely good content,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 also noticed that its a flat 52 regardless of what level you have set so apparently its not calculating at all it just adds what transcendence gives you for base attack damage at level 1 but item power goes up properly weird tested in jungle practice and in game it calculates properly,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 thank you she had a good spoiled life as im sure many pets who have owners on this sub do,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 it depends a lot on the rules in your country in australia organic eggs must also be genuinely freerange the better the animals living conditions the better the taste of their meat milk and eggs organic chicken is also tastier because the animals arent fed a lot of the usual growthpromoting stuff and are freerange so they grow much more slowly and get more exercise and are therefore tastier conventional meat chickens are absolute babies,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 there is no such thing,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 it makes a lot of sense we have had our ups and downs in our 14 years and our saving grace has always been communicationthe thing is that im not the most adept person in handling emotionally sensitive things im not an ice king but i can be awkward where my boyfriend and i are at is a very emotional junction lots of insecurities and fears i feel that im lacking the language at times to clearly communicate my feelings he needs to feel safe and wanted i want him and i want to keep him safe the trick for me is to find a way to sincerely communicate that without it sounding like it came from a preprogrammed robot,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i dont remember all the details as this was a very long time ago but we did do everything right thanks for the fucking downvotes,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 also makes it super difficult to perv on all their setups they all have macbooks,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 thats the only way youre really going to get rid of tearing you must turn it on if you care about it if you were using windows you could have it disabled just for that one game via a profile but i dont think ive ever seen that option for linux,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 now that is odd please bear with me twins are a speciality of mine my partner and i have two setsassuming westerosi genetics are broadly similar to western european ones one third of all twin pairs would be identical and two thirds would be fraternal this proportion varies from one part of the world to another identical twins are always the same sex mm or ff of the fraternal twins half are mf one quarter are mm and one quarter are ff that means that adding identical and fraternal together one third of all twins should be mm one third ff and one third mf thats not whats happening in westeros this sample im not sure whyfraternal twins are caused by more than one egg being fertilised a womans ability to multiovulate is often hereditary this can be carried by males or females but only active in females which is why twins are often thought to skip a generation a female can inherit the genes from her father who could not himself have had twins identical twins are caused by a single fertilised egg splitting and this is not believed to have any hereditary cause there do seem to be quite a few lannister twins although apart from cj they are all mm or ff now of course those twins could be fraternal but youd expect a lot more mf twins if twins run in the lannister family the fact that joanna herself a lannister by birth is the mother of the mf twins makes it seem quite likely that they do in fact have twinning genes further confirmation kevan and dorna lannister have twin boys and dorna is like joanna a lannistertldr the fact that joanna lannister has mf twins cannot by itself be proof that aerys is their father because the father is not the one who determines whether twins are conceived that is caused by joanna being multiovulatory probably a lannister genetic traitedit corrected errors also the unknown baratheon twins possibly should be considered lannisters as they were born to a casterly rock maid who might have carried the lannister twinning genesedit 2 dorna is a swyft not a lannister,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 this is perhaps one of the most ingenious things ever to be conceivedits so adorable,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 im no expert but i imagine most of the benefit is for plastic surgery as cleaner cuts wont leave as much of a scar if any so its probably a lot of surface stuff which if they do chip theyll see it or it wont be a huge issue,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lexapro i love you but god dammit i really need to come,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 it was a spruce tree that was hurt by a sudden winter onset this year it went from a warm month to suddenly snow cover in a week so i guess not all the trees were prepared i argued for a while that it had to have been at least a cyan but nope it was grey here is a pic of a similar tree it wasnt the exact one but yeah those needles are apparently not sky blue,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 if you idiot would actually think about it you would know that valve just changed the images that belong to a specific point gap you still get matched with the same peopleotherwise i advise you to get good,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im in the same boat right now i had to buy new bras recently and ended up getting a couple that fit in the cup had to go down 2 cup sizes since my sw ufffdufffd but bought an extra size down in the band im using a bra extender with the new size so it fits comfortably but i wont have to buy a new bra in a couple of months,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 the medical model is inherently biased to consider deviation from the norm a condition if that condition interferes with normal function and causes distress i am not arguing that schizophrenia is a personality type but certainly a lot of conditions and disorders are common enough that they are simply variances which dont fit as well as other variances into the modern world in most contexts ceos are more likely to be psychopaths for example treatment doesnt have to be pharmaceutical it can absolutely be behavioral or even environmental finding an environment which well suits your condition i think its comforting and in many contexts very useful to consider significant deviation from the norm as diseases but in many cases they arent if you read the dsmv every single person on the planet has some kind of a disorder this is a very common critique of the manual at the end of the day it comes down to managing your own life and if you choose medication to help out with that i dont see it as much different than all the billions of people who drink booze to reduce anxiety drink coffee to stay alert smoke pot to relieve menstrual cramps etc the only real difference is in our stigmas towards controlled substances and towards the specific conditions were treating people like to throw around the word crutch is a calendar a crutch for memory deficit sure and you should feel like a failure for using one in my day we remembered our schedules by composing lyrics you nancy i digress haha mbti doesnt really actually explain much its not really clinically useful at all i think we have this idea that there is a healthy brain and an unhealthy brain and mbti is all about the healthy brains in reality healthy is literally defined by effectiveness and affect and effectiveness is dependent on environment an ocd sufferer who manages their condition and leads a normal life is very likely to never be diagnosed that doesnt mean the person doesnt have ocd its just not clinically significant you are less likely to find an ocd sufferer here as you are among js why is that,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 can a hole not be wholethis great puzzle is worth its own thread in rphilosophy,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 for me got burned too many times hoping for the best in people lol,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 how would you have sex and reproduce without consciousnessqualia is just perception of objects and values that are associated with them it helps measure the utility of various actions and experiences its not useless,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 thank you its typemention not typementionsalso yes to everything i feel more intellectual conversation is needed around here personally let us converse share ideas express ourselves about mbti related topics and everything else,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 for deadpool i absolutely loved the deadpoolspiderman dont call it a team up volume theres some great parodying of classic 70s80s comics an inception parody issue and i genuinely found most of it really amusing and entertaining,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 lol i had always styled myself as some ntp since i think of myself as a rational and knowledgeunderstanding driven person but my behavior didnt match up with my idealized ntp self and practically everybody kept telling me that i was cogfuncmentiondom and others had said typemention since i somewhat obviously use tifeso accepting typemention was and still is a fat pill to swallow because well i cant be a feeler dammit look at all the mathematics and physics and programming i know im not spiritual or mystic im an atheist who cares deeply about rational inquiry and epistemology how could i be a feeler but alas from a observing my actual nonidealized behavior and thinking from a functional perspective which is very hard to do it seems to make sense and i begrudgingly accept being a feeler p,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 impossible sorry its their game not yours,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i have a very strong opinion on this topic canadian bacononly topping i need so damn good,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 thanks is it on netflix,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 suffered from social anxiety depression and shit until i watched paul blart mall cop started exercising regularly and getting involved in sports,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 thought it was archers of loafcross,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 holy shit youve never had hummus i dont understand how it could possibly be avoided its im confused,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its gotta be nice to have a sponsor,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 if you want to watch the fireworks the stands in front of cosmicmeadow are the perfect place theyre usually around 121am each night,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 this accepting btc expect another deposit real quick,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i knew you could do it xd,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 done put it in my agenda,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i would have loved to taste what the colonels chicken tasted like back then,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 maybe she is very very good on the shooting range,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i dont have any problem with you saying theyre shitty people or ridiculing them i do have a problem with you killing them,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 typemention arent obsessed with honor thats more of an cogfuncmention thing imeimo and i wouldnt say that shes even particularly honorable so much as vengeful i dont know that shes a sensor but shes certainly not an n dom i had her pegged as more of an typemention which can be difficult to differentiate from sensors given their dom cogfuncmention which is focused nearly entirely on the concrete world they are though long term thinkers who will stop at nothing once they decide theyre doing something they can be very flexible with tactics but extremely stubborn strategically as its really the cogfuncmention steering the ship from the shadows the cogfuncmention supports the moment by moment directives of cogfuncmention which is being directed by the little cogfuncmention baby crying in the shadows cogfuncmention keeps them grounded in the physical moment they can be extremely charming and adaptable so long as it suits their goals but dont actually genuinely give a fuck about nearly anyone theres a reason her and tywin had a weird connection theyre same same personality wise edit lol go fuck yourself with your downvotes whoever you are d come at me bitch ill fucking cut you,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you should resend the ticket they usually reply in a week or two also did you mention anything steam does not allow requestedsteam refuses to read emails with certain phrases also check your firewall and hd to make sure nothing is going wrong you might need to temporarily disable your antivirus if you are desperate finally did you ever request a refundwith the new system and say in the extra notes why you need it this badly,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 but why would you want to in a bullet journal to begin with it serves no purpose to what a bullet journal is supposed to help you with helping you efficiently and quickly organize your tasks,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 by that logic why would we trust doctors to diagnose us when their explanations would be incomprehensible to us nonmedically trained people we rely on trust with doctors the same would be with ai after it demonstrates better advice ability than humans on a large population fears should be calmed down the uncertainty is high right now because we havent seen enough ai doing work around us this will change fast in about 5 years we will get to trust ai in many more roles than nowanother point the idea that we cant understand ai is false in itself there are types of ai that are understandable random trees bayesian classifiers and such also if you specify your problem into an internal model which can be processed with a set of rules then you can theoretically prove the correctness of the system read that recently in a paperalso even if we cant say with 100 certainty what each neuron does we can still measure the impact of all the input data onto the decision and find out why it took the decision it took in essence you black out part of the input data or perturb it and see how the decision changes that way you can infer what part of the input data made it take the decisionso its not like the article says the article is just exaggerating an issue that has various solutions it is just making money by writing bad news which propagate much faster and generate more likes than good news,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 exepsilon to g2 extitan to secret,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the title is misleading here,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 we need more posts in rmusubi,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 this is so relatablelike i always wonder about if people are acting out because they are x or because theyve been told they are x and its so quasiweird,7.0,84.0,88.0,59.0,44.0 its called being autistic which is just the politicallycorrect term for being typementiontypemention are poor displaced angels who somehow landed on the wrong planet,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 link to many others experiences trouble finding any reliable studies but the extremely high dose in the 1day treatment even in the 3day treatment for some can really irritate the vagina breaking it up into 7 doses is less harshi havent had a yeast infection in quite a while but i used to get them a lot over 1 year or so during that time i only used over the counter treatment such as monistat i think it never truly went away for that whole time i stopped buying otc treatments and sought out a prescription for diflucan instead less messy just a pill and more effective at treating the problem systemically,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this is only further proof that shes a 16m class mindless titan,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 thanks im just following the 4chan thread here,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 upvotes mean it contributes to discussion no not that upvoters agree,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 iran has a free market for kidneys with a little regulation and they experience no shortages average going rate of a kidney in iran is a few thousand dollars it cab be a few hundred thousand on the global blackmarket if you cant afford a kidney at market price the state healhcare program provides dialysis,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 naw heres what you really need to dodemonstrate your valueengage physicallynurture dependenceneglect emotionallyinspire hopeseparate entirely,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 obviously basketball would be overhauled completely golf wouldnt change at all,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im already hype i just wonder how many teams are sogned up,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 cool how about cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 exactlywhy are there laws outlawingknives like these in canada there are laws against things like stabbing and cutting someone already why those specific knives because of the way they open makes no senseoooh theyre scarylookin and were associated with street fighters in the phillipines once,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 one of the questions should have beenwhat do you call a sausage in bread hotdog frankfrankfurter coney islandin terms of an easy class my area has no word for that its just an easy class,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 lots of draws i guess i would be surprised if we lost more than 10 games last season including cups,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 stop caring about ranks and deal with it shitty noob,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i cant say that really surprises me totally seems like the kinda guy whod do that really cool though yeah yeah yeahs are great,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ive got a number of exgfs who are great friends but not romantically compatible it happens and its healthy to have good friends of both sexes it doesnt mean we need to hop back into an intimate relationship though much less get married,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 so nother questionhow do you guys know about diacriticals,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 do you want my honest opinionmanga spoilerss if you wouldnt pull the level or push the fat guy in the train dilemma then i honestly wouldnt want you to hold any form of responsibilitythey did what had to be done and made both morally and rationally the right choicein this situation genocide is justified,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 our opinion in case you mean reddit is worth nothing though with maybe the exception being slothsquadron,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 youre like exactly in the middle of what constitutes a millennial people on the cusp might have doubt but nobody can argue that youre not a millennial,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 thank you for the video ive bookmarked it so i can watch it again and practice my voice when im home alone id definitely like to see another video explaining a bit more about the resonance though youre the first person whos managed to get me to understand the difference between the chest voice and the head voice also singer highfive pedit can i ask what your natural vocal range was before you started making yourself talk higher im a bass naturally so worrying probably needlessly about my voice being too deep to work,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 cmon man thats a bit harsh that isnt quite an oxymoron is it an appropriate oxymoron wouldve been ive taken a shit in the shower and im a sanitarily clean 24 year old dude so i think we should leave off udoritos101,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 1 sun and moon had the most cinematic story yet with a wide range of interesting characters the only major problem is the protagonists facial expression2 black and white presented an interesting moral dilemma although team plasma seemed a little too comically evil for this to work perfectly the characters were very interesting and the climax actually taking place at the end of the main story was nice3 omega ruby and alpha sapphire these remakes really fleshed out the characters and improved the story and it added the delta episode tooif were including spinoffs then pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky would take the cake but i havent played super mystery dungeon yet,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 put your unpopular opinion on your tag,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 could you do me a favor and tell me more about it if i google flux or flux program i only get articles about magnetism,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 well this is the first time historia gave him a visionshe has been giving him flashbacks since the uprising arc though,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 no the prosecution doesnt need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt in order to charge someone the standard of evidence at that stage is much lower so the defense often has no imperative to prove anything they just sit back and watch the prosecution fail during trialyou are mistaken lol please read more about this before speakingand again for a prosecution to continue going after someone in the face of clear exculpatory evidence would be a violation of their rights and they could be sued and fired if not directly then via a suit against the state,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 far fetched but murderers are not bad people just people who made bad choicesbecause they entertain people we forget what they did is that how it works now fair enough im gonna fix a football match or murder someone and then get away with a years worth of a penalty because i play a clown in prisonwhy dont we allow kqly and smn back,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 they will make them available as a video compilation the pros didnt want pov streams and rightfully so,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 brings new meaning the the word regressive,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 condom lighter blankets mason glass jumper cablesrope sweatshirt,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 it was entertaining though was it a matter of diverging from the comics or something else,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 my dads trip to the gas station to get some wd40 to loosen up a tire stuck to the drumcould be a post apocalyptic i suppose,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 wealth and power are equivalent wealth is not a corollary to powerdo you have anything substantive to back up this claim or the premise that humans fundamentally want to control each otheri disagree can you give a substantive example of someone without psychosis or depression who wasnt out for happinesseudaemoniaselfactualizationi dunno from what i can see not much tbf youve basically ignored centuries of historical data trending away from your predictions and seem to be justifying it using premises that themselves have no evidence,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 when you installed the moon travail mod on multiplayer,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 did you ever hear the tragedy of darth lenin the wise i thought not itâ s not a story the capitalists would tell you itâ s a communist legend darth lenin was a dark lord of the commune so powerful and so wise he could use the state to influence the proletariat to create wealthâ he had such a knowledge of the labor theory of value he could even keep the ones he cared about from being poor the dark side of the state is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural he became so powerfulâ the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power which eventually of course he did unfortunately he taught his apprentice everything he knew then his apprentice killed him in his sleep ironic he could save others from exploitation but not himself,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 are you slightly retarded or was the button just hard to find,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 where did you read that from what ive read and through many of the discussions here and on personalitycafe typemention are typically extremely interested in and adept at understanding people its one of the reasons we make good authors coaches leaders and con men,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im not sure what youre saying care to elaborate,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 court found that lpkane approved jaguars code so he is at fault thanks,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 probably i think most organic fabrics are pretty good at shielding people from very short duration high intensity heat anyway even better if its wet like if youre sweating like crazy im thinking like wools and cottons which militaries still use right theyre less flammable than synthetics anyway,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 well reddit does have the right to want the most optimal smartphone,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i do this for sure i wonder if i am getting too set in my old ways though as a couple of my friends are not living true to themselves living a lie i know because they told me and i wonder if our friendship will survive it i will keep giving pep talks to them for now and hope they come around a lot of folks cannot handle conflict at all they see being called out as conflict its not always a bad thing i appreciate when someone calls me out too you learn from it i am fine with conflictcalling out as long as there is a foreseeable endpoint getting it over with is what drives me to rip off the bandaid,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 cant confirm youll improve thanks to a 144hz but can confirm that an optical mouse will never make you want to go back to laserreceived my new mouse today same model as before but optical instead of laser and the aiming becomes so much easier without accel from the sensor,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 less than i thought about 47,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 its okay i read the whole thing,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 this is my main question as well i actually want to get into shooting as a sport in my very antigun country so i get the attraction to guns but i honestly dont understand why youd feel the need to actually carry one is it to look cool and making a statement about gun ownership cause thats just lame,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i think sdavdsvdsv has a very specific meaning for their use of the word detail that needs to be further explained lets look at the whole not capitalizing first word in a sentence thing both cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention and cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention can look at the common trend but the different types will use this trend in assessing type differently upper cogfuncmention is typically very certain in how this trend is indicative of a certain type they see this trend well then that is that upper cogfuncmention deals more with things on a case by case basis cogfuncmention and waits for a type to jump out at them over the span of time what you were getting at,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 i think individuals may do things that are genuinely altruistic but that altruism benefits society as a whole,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 you keep saying that but whats your source,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 its a system problem people are divided our individual interests are different some will benefit and some will be affected but that doesnt stop the interested group from pushing ai aheadtechnology in general has a growth pace of its own war or peace it marches ahead at about the same speed nothing puts a dent in it nations are too weak to oppose the trend its like a rock falling under gravity it cant help but fall gravity here being human needs,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 that mouse moves when you shootthats pretty cool but i dont think it would be practical,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 try doxylamine for sleep its the ingredient in nyquil that helps you pass out one form of unisom is just this i got it hella cheap generic even half a pill does wonders dph does weird things to me if you take a little too much you get to a weird threshold,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yeahhh nice banter but not true we were in the ucl two seasons ago and we reached an european final last season all of this in our postrafa transition period that started 6 years ago before that we consistently got into ucl spots every season and we even won the thing and got into a final and a couple semifinals almost every season now were looking competitive again under klopp were just not sure about how long is going to take to get us into rafas level again,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 should he have saidby your logic he should tell what other people should think instead of expressing his own opinion,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 probably a dark brown coloured corduroy tbh,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 far fetched but murderers are not bad people just people who made bad choicesbecause they entertain people we forget what they did is that how it works now fair enough im gonna fix a football match or murder someone and then get away with a years worth of a penalty because i play a clown in prisonwhy dont we allow kqly and smn back,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 eh all knowledge has context you cant download a schema of understanding it has to evolve organically thru experience theres no such thing as raw data in the way you mean here that can just be scanned or read or acquainted to the mind in some way and automatically and unambiguously understood acquiring knowledge is meaningless without a process of understanding and your processes is going to ultimately what knowledge youre even able to apprehend,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 kiernan frowned as her strategy started to fall apart perhaps she said quietlyholding off on her next move she instead pondered the other game taking place i imagine there are a lot of numbers at play in both your job and elms i also imagine you have a lot of connections with the people who provide those numbers if you were to pull some strings and ensure elm received inaccurate information you could set him up for a disastrous failurethen you swoop in with accurate information preventing any long term consequences that is for anyone other than elm,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 im pretty sure the way it works that if youre the one getting the package they dont care because you arent the one paying for a service the senders gotta initiate theyre the one with the actual receipt and paid insurance and all that stuff that protects packagesits up to you to tell whoever you got to send the package in the first place to get them to send you another get your money back or just let them know you havent gotten it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i have the same thought of china i think of coming from a poorer place in china as well rural chinese stuff or maybe hong kong small towns anywhere i cant help but feel it would be different but wouldnt it be the same almost in that i still have my culture and opinions culture fairs like that make me see how much people are the same throughout for the most part that sounds like an amazingly interesting fair,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 you left out a glaring oversight the wages and compensation you pay to employees is tax deductible,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 oh thats what you mean see if that works with what you currently have set up,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 even in the first one which ones,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 no thats reserved for typemention,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 yeah a reputable piercer wouldnt give you a hoop as initial jewelry you should definitely find an app piecer and get that switched out to an implant grade titanium labret stud for the remainder of the healing process,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 that was the point of that entire fan theory,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 we need 11 tho i need to see a sexy 2016 animated toupee toss,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 not afraid of death itself but a bit concerned about the method of death at times,70.0,33.0,46.0,6.0,33.0 this kind of research is unethical and can only lead to pain its a slippery slope between basic puns and the killer joke once they learn the secrets of humour it will only lead to one thing the weaponisation of it,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 every hospital in the country is booked solid for stuff like that it isnt uncommon to wait 2 years or so to even see a specialist about something,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 somebody was mean to me online,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 once my brother droped a bunch of silverware and i was startles then he berated me for startling so i threw somethung at him to prove he did not have a heart of steel,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 pretipping would likely be a disaster at ph so im glad we dont do it i dont see it coming any time soon either,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 this to me indicates a unhealthy relationship when you have to get permission from your significant other to go hang out with your friends the last thing i want is for my partnerspouse to be my parent,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 that sounds a lot like me and could be sensory processing disorder or even autism spectrum andor adhd if you feel like its an issue for you talk to your doctor about getting a referral to a psychologist for assessment and possible diagnosissome of the other comments here arent very helpful though im sure they mean well you cant always just make yourself learn to cope with stuff sometimes you need outside help,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i was really hoping to find either you or upsychoalpaca here was not disappointed,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 as a girl who is now studying to be an engineer and has had first hand experience with being discriminated against my stem interests from ever since i was about 7 years old no girls are actively pushed away from stem by society by their peers family and even teachers the only reason i got into stem is because my father was my big advocate and called everyone out who tried to tell me stem isnt for girls why dont you choose a social science instead youre probably not good enough at mathematics anyway to be an engineer if you go to an engineering or physics department at your local uni youll find most of the girls there have similar stories,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 though none of their own kin were fighting in the pages melee house serrett came out in overwhelming support of their ward damon marbrandcora and talia were mostly apathetic but gwin was quite audibly cheering for her dear friend as was little kiera lord davos his knight and mentor was even louder but between his general shouts of support were some words of specific praise particularly when damon managed to knock another boy out of the melee daven flowers lord davos other student supported his younger sparring partner in a similar fashion though not with such embarrassing volume lastly mina davos lady wife was as reserved as ever but even she seemed clearly enthused as damon kept himself in the melee,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i feel like typemention can be prone to confirmation bias we tend to be highly idealistic and really want our ideals to be validated externally so it can be easy to just take the first thing that hints at confirmation and run with it,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 right anthropologically sports are fascinating thats why i find lacrosse interesting it seems a really direct example of what they are really about imo,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 there are alternatives other than ebooks to physical bookshow so are there some holographic books or something i dont know about,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the new standard is to say you want to split the bill but hold it against the dude if he wants to split,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 ah i understand you better now sliceoflife is a great way of putting it in that case id have to again recommend kanon,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 you have a good point though we have a competitive squad but we lack players with experience in winning trophies and working under that pressure probably every single team that has won the premier league has experienced players who are used to the pressure of having to win even the most tense matches even leicester city had robert huth drinkwater schmeichel and fuchs as players with enough experience in big stages ours are probably milner sturridge and matip being really generous,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 tagm the flair isnt enough you need to add manga spoilers to your title,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 of montreal and animal collectives peak years right there,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 10 years older women who know what they want are so much more fun than awkwardly fumbling around with someone who is barely legal,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 well for one monads dont effect each other causally at all theyre completely distinct substances â god simply ordained history to give the appearance of things effecting one another,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 not crying just want to know the best places to livehonest,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yeah thats nondiscriminatory in and of itself though there is clearly a negative externality there which would imply its discrminatoryoh sorry youre right i thought you meant that i was arguing that they argue for discriminatory policies yes i do claim that theyre responsible for solely advocating for diversion programs for women and as a result said programs are created,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 ah thats true welp op can choose which one suits them best,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 maxi maxi rodriguez runs down the wing for me,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i dont know if you should come to reddit for psychological help i mean were just monkeys with keyboards but anywayit more than likely relates to neuroticism a measure of anxiety emotional stability and selfconsciousness i have high neuroticism myself while it can really suck at times i can get distraught highly emotional obsessive and paranoid it also has its benefits because it makes you more alert to danger more meticulous and seek security and if you put your fears in the right place they can motivate you to action the only way i have been able to deal with it is experience you can tell when youre getting anxious if you pay attention to your body eg your heart rate breathing and tension and your thoughts and then you identify the cause and figure out what you might do about it i think the worst thing you can do is brood over it because it sucks up all of your time and can easily interfere with sleep and thats where you can really spiral out of control meditation helps to disconnect you from your thoughts and make you more conscious of them its the buddhists who are masters of anxiety you can probably learn a lot from them the other option i have found is writing if you just open up a word document and write you can often get things off your chestwere you spanked as a child by your parents,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 those alerts are completely nonexistent on the appthe same issue arose with james jones in nfl week 1,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the amount of impact this nerf would have had on this ace is minimal,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 it is possible in dota 2 if they use around the same netcode and protocols as csbecause of the rendering technique urakijah has explained it to you already for ingame use ill explain it to you for external usecsgo sends information packets with information in them everyone gets these packets the players and the people on gotv although people on gotv get them delayed packets are structured in a specific way and contains information on the game state kinda like player1playernameteampositionxpositionypositionzfor xray as a spectator for example you need to get the coordinates of all players to display their position with the outline so the position data of all people will be sent to everyone on the server with each update every 015s on 64 and 007s on 128 tick as you may guess you have the position of all people then so all you have to do is to write a program that takes the packages and reads out the positions and displays them on the mapthe mm servers are 64 tick because 128 tick in mm is less beneficial for the larger number of players so why waste money on servers that give a huge advantage to one part of the playersi dont know how you get to say money issue but whateverthe community concepts are giving a single person too much power in this game for one part and for the other part are mostly ridiculous and not realisticthere was someone writing about encoding memory in games and decoding it as you need it the drawback is you need extremely powerful computers to do that and if such computers exist you can also cheat again so a lot is on the behalf of i wish there was a solution like xpeople are walling because they have fun cheating either they are not good enough and want to play easy mode or just want to ruin the games for others cheat coders like the challenge to write software that isnt detected or just to earn moneyyou wont get rid of these people in online games especially in fps as there is such a wide range of cheats you can create and usesomething you may want to read,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 why do you think thats a lie i have friends i dont need to have weak minded people in my life that i have to be fake around i like to leave that shit at work,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 is there any extra transaction information each number can be tied to what happens when you have multiple transactions with the same last name what about the same last and first names,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 type in the console volume 2why the fuck wouldnt you adjust the volume,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 well thats not something you see every day welll maybe you do but not me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the difference between the typemention and typemention is that the je slot for the typemention is almost always filled with cogfuncmention sometimes cogfuncmention taking over so it becomes some sort of temporary typemention and for the typemention the je slot is almost always filled with cogfuncmention sometimes cogfuncmention taking over so it becomes some sort of temporary typemention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 a chemistry diploma is any case is a good start there is more than enough work to be found in this field start looking around for post doc positions at universities if you want to go the academic route but if you dont look for the big multinationals shell akzo nobel asml dsm pharma industry etc these companies usually have positions open for chemistrychemeng students and considering their international culture the language requirements arent that strict as with smaller companiesi believe in the us when you do graduate school you do a combined mastersphd track depending on how far along you are you can also have a look at taking out your masters and do a phd in the netherlands for example as phd over here are employees who receive a salary not students it is a competitive market though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 what nicotine we aint talking about spliffs,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 just so you know this is just revision not actual learning and 12th is a levels so we do stuff like calculus and advanced proofs not 100 sure though,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 i have no issue with people banning them in certain places like near airports or over private property its things like registering them and getting permits and licenses that make using them responsibly near impossible,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 yeah thatd be interesting to see if they dont kill him off prior well probably find out next episode,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 can you explain that with a bit more detail from my personal experience most typemention tend to default to giving mode usually spending a huge amount of mental space trying to anticipate the needs of the people around them simply for the others comfort,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i have that at home i build my own machines with linux compatibility in mind and it is smooth sailing if hardware is not known to work with linux or known to work poorly i just dont buy it when it comes to laptops i avoid nvidia i avoid older broadcom networking chips and i avoid the newer intel atoms horrible linux support in my experience lenovo thinkpads are the most trouble free laptops for running linuxdoes that mean that i cant run out and just buy the first thing that tickles my fancy yes it means exactly that i have to research first if hardware will even work with linux do i wish that was better yes do i expect that to happen eventually another decade or two yes that is a weak point with linux but one that is outside of its influence sphere and a long standing one if hardware vendors are not willing to support linux with open specifications or an open driver that hardware will be a pain under linuxstill linux as a whole is still the best operating system for me so i accept its weaknesses because these are far outpaced by its strong points,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i didnt think it was a thingbut i guess it is minecraft at least,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 wheres the best place to read up on some dfs mma info,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 always can rely on good ole sconsin baby,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 spieths 3 appearances at augusta 2nd 1st 2ndthe only no names that have won recently are willett top 10 ranked golfer going into the masters last year and schwartzel consistent top30 pga guy year to year whos currently t2 in this weeks euro contestid actually argue that it takes a good amount of pedigree to win at augusta i think the sharp bets are lee westwood t20 or t10 and dustin johnson spieth is probably too pricey to have money sitting on a book for maybe bet him if he gets into an early season slump,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah thats what i did and what i discovered too i also ended up deleting it anyway i understand your choice to not post anymore but for the record i did find some new comic artists i really liked through things youve shared and i appreciate it,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i only really like treyarch cods but yeah mw2 can be playable but i often run into crazy lobbies similar to what mw1 has going on rapid fire noob tubes and instant max prestige i really quit playing once that max prestige thing happened to me took the fun out of actually leveling up,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 one of the largest distinctions is that ggg only really has one game focusing on just that makes them really unique,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 i assumed you were like 12 dude then look thru your comments an see youve been married 13 years so youre at the very least in your 30s wtf is wrong with you you just got 250x sadder,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 is your amazon the same as mine where theyll literally hire any asshole i think thats the problem 90 of the time a lot of real knuckle draggers are in charge of things but they hire anyone because the turnover rate is insane,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 lets just try to get the g in second place again,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 dont worry about the mess at all the mess is a healthy part of skills development are you going to show it to people only show your later stuff will you have to look at it yourself well you dont have to look at it often i personally bought a bunch of white boards that i brainstorm on then refine and copy to a notebook for my story outlines,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 dont let fear be the guiding force in your life im not saying you should settle youre worth more than that but i am suggesting that fear should never keep you from experiencing the truly good things that come to you least of all the fear of missing out on the idealfrankly the ideal could very well be standing right in front of you but you wont know until you go for it and find out fear has nothing of value to say to you so ignore it,70.0,33.0,46.0,6.0,33.0 funny how now that so manny veterans have received bans those of us that are left still get more often the top comment than the new recruitsactually now that i think about it thats kinda sad,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the hexagons on the right puzzle dont have to be collected smallgtlarge like some puzzles they represent pitch spoilerbigger hint big hexagon low pitch small hexagon high pitch make the 2 puzzles match that wayspoiler,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 is there anyone else that listens to the podcasts on a separate platform eg pocket casts andor itunes notice it hasnt updated past episode 46 or is it just me,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 as long as its not the acronym,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 probably varies hugely depending which state youre in and whether youre buying beer and wine or hard liquor,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 they assumed eren was the coordinatethats why they completely changed their goals to capturing him,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thats good that they are doing that with some skills otherwise multistrike sortof just becomes a required support,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 i thought it might not be a silencer im only casually familiar with firearms but interested i just thought it looked like one because it was considerably thicker than the regular barrel from the gun sort of a halfjokevery interesting anyhow and really cool project to do yourself i always love seeing stuff like that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 docs on the clippers now bro,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i was just wondering this is the internet not a totalitarian state i have the right to ask questions,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 side storyi walked into my dads office and he was doing his taxes for the year he was around 60 yrs old at the time the man saved every tax return he ever had since he started working in the late 50s he said well son ive made my first million in my life this yearas in all of his wages added up since he started working equaled a million i said dad thats awesome great jobhe said with no smile spent 15 million,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 if you ever come back you should pub with me some time i relate a lot to the passage you posted kurt hit home in it with some things i struggle with everyday i really care about what people think of me and in turn how good i am at this game i really want to be known as a great player or feared or something it really just turns into me reacting emotionally when i get called out in a pub i get a toxic attitude when i lose a lot its a bipolar type of state where i am the nicest dude ever to where i am the guy calling out everybody on everything that is even remotely their fault then i step back and look at what ive done and how awful i have been and am ashamed to have done this my whole body just feels drained and i dont want to do anything other than sleep i feel like kurt hit the head on the nail in his note the mindset right after a moment like this i hate myself for being so emotional in pubs or caring so muchsorry if i kinda went on a rant about myself here i just want to tell you that if that is why youre quitting you dont have to quit im always here to talk about this kinda shit if need be,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ive had a mixed bag of experiences with marijuana i think ill maybe experiment more ifwhen it gets legalized in my state because i know for sure i dont do well with higher thc strainspsychoactive stuff this last experience has made me super shy about drug use but maybe somedayhaving too many edibles was a noob mistake for sure since id only ever smoked and i didnt do any research as to the quantity beforehand,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 my mind was blown for days i expected them to do rplace2 rplace3 etc and just see how things go but i guess we have to wait for it,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 because he doesnt read more than 9 bullet points a daybecause hes golfing constantly on my tax payer dollarsbecause he has spent his entire life accumulating power and fortune for himselfso why now would he suddenly give a shit about american workers raging lifelong narcissism doesnt suddenly translate to caring about regular people because he cant form coherent sentences because he embarasses us on an international level daily,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 cash is king but ill take it any way i can get it also lets pretend you want to tip 5 but only have 3 in cash you can put 2 on the cc slip and give 3 in cash that would be great,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 ill just take a guess and say you are typemention i cant really explain why though lol,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 best one here embrace the ridiculous,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 the walldian government was overthrown within a few days after that one trick where they tried to see how theyd react if another wall was to be breached,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 so cherry picked data cool,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 well those are stereotypes cogfuncmention can be past too and cogfuncmention can be future too why does sensation always turn to the past and intuition to the future they are both introverted therefore they are both in time cogfuncmention is just more abstract and indirect,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 he knows he wont be president forever so why should he care about the problems of his successors,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 says who given infinite time monkeys can produce shakespeare given the lifetime of an elizabethan man shakespeare produced shakespeare thats the difference you dont understand,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 please consider what exactly you are saying with that sentence not the words but the implications what conditions need to be in place for a person to say that normally i would spell it out but i offer you the respect that i dont have to,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 is it like you get into the taxi and they kidnap you and murder you in the woods an hour away,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 on behalf of adopted people just stop love a well adjusted adopted person,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 nope i dont think theres any such thing as best type to parent other types how good you are as a parent comes down to your ability to unselfishly put the needs of another before your own and thats really not something thats linked to personalityanecdotally i can say that a good pair of parents are parents that tend to balance each other out but thats true of any kind of pair of peoplewhether they work together date each other or are just friends,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 must suck to have reality of how difficult time consuming and life depriving it is to raise children smack you in the face,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think the problem is himfucked up relationship dynamics however you prefer to frame it not yourself or casual sex per se like i would never let my friends say rude things to you in his shoes thats just awful maybe it could be framed as you wanting more than he put on the table but whatever the point is hes no good for youhowever it doesnt sound to me like youre just not cut out for casual sex if thats what you want friends with benefits could work for you with someone else if you really dont want a boyfriend and do want to be having sex ive always been able to handle such relationships at least on my end but i would definitely dump this guy for being rude,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 the oldest person in the world,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 uhm thats when hollywood undead is releasing v,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 they will find a waybe it a road or paths,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yes i would prefer to do 400 and 800 intervals but my coach likes to do religious amounts of 200 intervals,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 as a woman who highly values intelligence as a personality trait i take it as a compliment when someone thinks im smart a simple thank you is all thats required in response but you can embellish depending on the context of your conversationsituation dont apologize for it or give away all the credit to others although acknowledging the people who helped you is always nice when appropriate i know there are some people out there who dont value intelligence in women or see it as a flaw or anomaly but i dont value their point of view so i really dont care if they say it in a backhanded way take it from someone who has spent a lot of time overthinking the little things people do and say if you value your own ability and others do as well its far easier to just take the compliment and move on in a modern world where logic intelligence and critical thinking is becoming endangered being smart is incredibly valuable in popular media and culture opinion has overpowered fact and ignorance is seen by some as a virtue for everyones sake if youre actually intelligent dont hide it or explain it away like its an unfortunate disease you caught by accident own it use it and those that value it will notice,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 a neet or neet is a young person who is not in education employment or training the acronym neet was first used in the united kingdom but its use has spread to other countries including japan south korea and taiwanneet wikipedia the free encyclopediaenwikipediaorgwikineet,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 this reminds me of a story heres the short version i was visiting friends in boston when i was i think 20 we of course got schmammerated the place was packed and i waited in line to take a piss for like 20 minutes walked in and every stallurinal was taken irish dude was nonchalantly pissing in one of the sinks i joined him in the adjacent sink cause fuck it thats genius thought drunk me i think he may have been an typemention but i couldnt understand half of what he said through the brogue having bonded in the trenches though we ended up hanging out all night i think i got every fourth word and one of them was bomb and he started crying and shit my introverted friends thought it was the weirdest thing that i went to the bathroom and came back with an unintelligible bro for the night good times i hope youre still out there pissing in sinks jimmie the world needs more mavericks like you,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 my mother is the one that makes 6 digits not meim shipping out this december to the navy so i have to deal with him until then,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 it would have to be this,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 sure anytime do you normally use riddles to type people or is that reserved for typemention,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 practically all stem masters take two years while most social scienceshumanities take one year,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 hard to say i think reddit will be around but maybe not as popularthe look and feel already varies by subreddit add 10 years and it would likely diverge even more by then old subreddits would have well established communities with distinct identitiesthe downvote button is being phased out in a lot of subreddits it could become sitewide at some point in the next 10 yearsno graphene computers in 10 years there may be vr discussions but it would still be audiovisual only like minecraft or something chatbots will be more conversational but still without any depthnothing majorthere wont be any noticeable increase in unemployment basement dwellers just have a lot of time to waste in general so i guess you could count that as an influx of unemployed people but whateverhopeful for the future disappointed at all the missed milestones thankful for what progress did happen and frustrated that the younger members still think the whole world will change overnight same as today basicallythe world will change a lot in the next 10 years in ways that have little to do with singularity or collapse and these changes will take many futurists by surprisewe will have an extra 10 years of history to ignore while making predictionsmany of the debate subjects here are decades old and some of the viewpoints represented are so resistant to evidence i dont see them going away anytime soonnew members will continue filling conversations with unrealistic expectations elders will be too busy trying to debunk false claims to actually get into any meaningful conversationoff the top of my head biotech space fusion renewable energy the developing worldnot a lot but some driverless cars among themnarrow ai will continue to advance but agi is a very complex problemsince the 1950s ai experts have repeatedly predicted that agi was imminent and people have been disappointed i think it will happen so gradually that when we do reach it nobody will be surprised,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 ah i wasnt aware that we could breed tritium in fusion costenergy efficiently see demo but i can see how it would improve in futureat a million tons yes at 20 thousand tons youre going to be beating a 15 million figure easily,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 it really sucks for the rest of us,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 ah man i so want lol ah well i guess ill stick with my heavy cardstock pieces lol,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i have gone through and bookmarked a whole heap of points that i found most interesting or usefuli really wish i could watch those gorilla videos and fail to see something so ridiculously obvious i dont find it believable that anyone could miss it i like the example a youtube video gave at one point where a police officer was too focused on chasing a suspect to notice he ran straight passed a gang of people kicking the shit out of some poor guy and nobody believed it possible to miss thati like to think that it happens very frequently on the computer where the world gets tuned out when youre trying to answer a difficult questionwow this is particularly chilling i think its important for people to read this in particular because it could happen to anyone in almost any situation particularly those who work in retail or are continually exposed to new clients in their businessi tried this with my own eyes in the mirror it was hard to focus on both computing and comparing the size of my own pupil but i think i could see the difference will probably be easier to notice when i get around to trying it on someone elsemathematicians beware i wonder if there is a link between body weight and people who are required to work with numbers all daythis is pretty consistent for me the time i have the most trouble with selfcontrol is always in the morningstory of my life tt its like hey i should show people what i learned on piano gt proceeds to stumble all over the keys despite being perfectly capable beforehand i have a lot of respect for people who can consistently lose themselves in performance and rid themselves of this anxiety feels good when you actually manage to do itlet that be a lesson to bring sweets to your exams reminds me of the what elon musk said in regards to raising his kids he doesnt mind if theyre playing games as long as they have to think think about it gt he subsequently banned them from playing a game where they click on a cookie to win and got them playing minigolfi know he said this is intended to be repulsive but i do not find it so my mind connects the two words and brings forth images of a walking talking bananaman thats had too much to drink and is now vomiting rainbows in a back alley works much better with more repulsive combinations for me like say licking feces iyahthis priming effect sounds extremely useful you could potentially use it on yourself when you need more energy thinking of aggressive words when lifting weights and listening to more aggressive music to push yourself harder might be a simple use of this if already well known it gives me more reason to do it,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 this happened to my girlfriends parents family friend i think hell my parents too idk what to think of it either is it that the relationship is trash why stay if its like that is it just because you can i mean ive heard thats almost all of it lots of people can if they think they wont be caught i hate to say cheating is okay but sometimes circumstances fall so that it happens i wouldnt say one should go looking for it but it just happenstruth is the longer youre with somebody the more potential there is for this just because circumstances always change and there will be temptation i doubt theres a marriage out there where one of the people wasnt faced with this at least once to me its not a total dealbreaker but god damn do things have to change if that happened i dont think id cheat if i had the chance id rather be loyal feels better but who knows maybe sex isnt that good maybe i just want something new right not saying that im completely at the whim of destiny and if i chose i would be responsible but sometimes there is a good reason to the one who cheats anyway i hope you read it and consider it because people here have downvoted me to hell for talking about cheating like its not the worst thing in existence its not good but come on,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 typemention life coaching pls24it can seem like an overkill but really why do anything if youre aware that you dont have a good reason tops try to get an overview of their works by first reading a book or two written by seminal scholars before diving into source material does wonders for comprehension19funnily that is how i found out that life is passing by and i needed to do somethinganyway this is what worked for me i thought about all my habits that made my life dull and the ones that didnt i started breaking the dull habits and replacing them with something more challenging ie eating healthier doing a few pushups before bed going out for a walk once a day etc psychedelics really helped with motivationafter a while i even stopped doing things i previous considered to be the most fun part of my life like spending hours on the internet sucking in information i replaced it with going to a library and reading all kinds of books while i was secretly watching people walking by and interacting with each other free social stimuli and i didnt even get tired i even met an typemention which im now friends withover the course of a couple years ive managed to change many of my old habits and ive improved my life immensely im studying ai im eating healthy my brainvehicle is pretty ripped i get enough social stimuli and im confident enough to go to a nightclub alone just to pick up girls if i ever find that ive developed a habit i break it it keeps me hungry for new experiences and lifeare other typemention who are also gemini as me14so happy i came across this subreddit sincerely thanks12i still think that sometimes but at least now i know im not alone welcomewhy am i socially retarded and how do i fix this1310what makes you guys tick21i make decisions usually by making a rough pro con list in my mind if pros outweigh the cons and im not missing any important info then ill do itwhen talking to people i tend to put o a facade and act very happy and am enthusiastic about everything including things i really dont credit about ill concisely be analysising everything people say searching for a topic im comfortable talking about if i find one ill steer the convosation toward it and then ill be in my element if not i tend to quickly runout of small talk and get quieter and quieter until im just hanging around at the edge silently or ill leavei wont get into to it but uh56whats your job career19if you could interview or pick anyones brain who would be in your top 31811are typemention creative15i love conceptualizing and sketching models for like say aspects of power in international relations or drawing fantasy maps stuff like that and actually more identified as imaginative when i was a child it was only later when i identified as logical and rational compared to many other people around me does that indicate im an cogfuncmention or cogfuncmention dom not sure it could just be that the cogfuncmention of typemention makes them very creative even if its auxiliary13but as i got into college i learned that creativity spans way more than just the arts its an entire way of thinkinga method for approaching the worldi think us typemention are incredibly creative but it comes out in problem solving and ideas instead of art although it wouldnt surprise me if some of us did actually have the skills necessary to create art tooi would suggest finding your medium find something you have some natural aptitude for and then master it then you can use it to create and who knowsmaybe some real art will come out of itfor me its programming learning to program has led me to making my own games which of course allows me a ton of room for creative expression sure i need to partner with an artist for straightup artistic stuff but the things ive been able to create have been intensely satisfying10,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 are you guys sure you want to take over the world i dont think you know how much work that would be to maintain properly,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 thanks for sharing this this is a fantastic debate in this debate fareed remind me of obama both in his style and his position fareed defend an optimistic outlook while niall raises many concerns his positions are quite similar to douglas murray,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yeah i was thinking that as well but dont want to risk any sort of injury to kos just before the barca game so put chambers as cb,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i did the math there is no solution,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 totally i argue quite often that stjs are the most intuitive in the laymen sense of the term nfps next then probably nfjs and stpsthough when an stj is wrong about an intuition they are fuckin wrong,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 there are really people who play this game for skinsif it is so important to you watch the demo and confirm it again then if you really want it go on the marketplace and buy it or write a ticket to the steam supportyou also dont rarely get an item you get around 48 drops per week,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yeah sort of trying it now i really dislike finding clients im okay with dealing with them just the initial proposition i dont enjoy though working remotely from home is a very huge advantagei havent tried too hard yet but i can see this being a good fit for me and love the idea of it all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 their definition of success with that being the only really valid definition i didnt mean anything about people,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 just because your odometer has gone all the way round again doesnt mean you truly get a fresh number 1 but i appreciate the sentiment d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 my username isnt spelled the way you think it is,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 unless you blame every loss onsmurfs,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i got that word from spongebob,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 a pretty good example however heres how my lawyer told me to do it every timeofficer come her stop whateverme this is a nonconsensual contact i want to leave am i being detainedofficer whatever the hell bs they sayme ltif the answer was anything other than yesgt im leaving now goodbyethe point is you need to state that you do not want to talk to the police or stay there and they are forcing you against you will to do sobeing detained unlawfully only counts if you want to leave they know that and they make you stay against your will legally anyways,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 actually youre looking at the wrong end of the human for that here take this stick,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 that mustve been a crime,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 i could not define them adequately i read every single definition including socionics i could find and tried to use them to type people and never found them to be consistent theres usually no way to ever rule out similar alternative types for any given person so i went to the source jungs book psychological types is supposed to explain exactly what the functions are and i went through it very thoroughly thinking carefully about the implications of every single sentence and idea its written to dazzle and obscure its lack of substance for example jung will tell you that an extrovert perceives in the order of object subject object and introvert perceives subject object subject its really just an obtuse way to describe the relation between perception and thought and i see no clear evidence of this pattern in people that would indicate their preference there is also no reason to use this description of ie over the more scientific understanding that relates to relative sensitivity to stimulation and describes all of the classical behaviour that you undoubtedly already understand this description actually characterises people meaningfully and has implications in the real world jungs idea that i do not find convincing is at the heart of every function its the supposed difference between cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention so after that the whole theory breaks down and i guess theres not much need to point out how he uses the same tricks astrologers use in their profiles to describe their functions i spent years jumping types every month using cognitive function theory after looking into jung i decided to just go back to basics and try to find solid ground to stand on i find the definitions given by myers briggs foundation are adequate using their descriptions i feel much more sure of where i stand despite my flair my actual type is typemention by their description and i used to be more of an typemention when i first started with mbti during school years shhh dont tell anyone i swap my flair for fun still even mbti i think is pretty flawed youd expect that given it was created based on jungs work by the briggs who werent even psychologists the big five generally patches up those holes and proves itself more useful particularly with the statistical findings that are around,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 thats my goal5000 before the leaks10000 before the release thread,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i totally agree with you about contextthat being said here are some observationscontender 1 white trunks obviously ready from the second the camera is on him shirts off hes got a stance and hands are up he seems the more experienced fighter about 1 second in as contender 2 enters blue shirt blue shirt just charges and flails wildlyeveryone loves an underdog,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 translation herp durr if that person does something shitty its ok if the other person does something shitty derp,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 remember its offensive to use the word black as in black hole next on rotation after african american will surely be negroidamerican round and round we go,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 not only the cutest also the best,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 this is so stereotypicalalso the cogfuncmention one is pretty much unhealthy cogfuncmention imho,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 giving up the ideal can be very difficult but also allows you so much freedom once you do realizing i love and care for this person but we are never going to be what i imagine we could be they are worth keeping in my life and ill just accept whatever it becomes can be a very hard but necessary lesson once you let go of the frustration over why your relationship isnt perfectly fitting into the little mental box youve made for it and give up trying to force it to its open to achieve its full potential naturally one of my best typemention friendships also got a little wonky in fact it completely crashed and burned had i gone through that nightmarish experience with anyone else i probably would have never talked to them again however with time and space we got back in touch and reformed a new friendship the love was always there it just had to find a new form i cherished what we used to be and this isnt the same but its something and im happy to have them back in my life i hope you also find a workable equilibrium with your typemention,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 no no i just meant more like the ones in the belt that get pelted across our path every now and then causing these showers i wasnt completely serious as i know theres huge amounts up there i just wanted to know what caused the crazy thousandhr numbers as opposed to the regular 100hr showers we usually get,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ranks are not important you get matched with the same people you did before there is nothing to fix,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i used to but was able to stop now i bite off the roots and bite the rest of the hair down to little pieces but i dont eat it anymore i think having little bits of hair stuck between my teeth or on my tonsils combined with fear of trichobezoars got me to stop,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 lol i had dogs but the worst they would do in stores is poop on the floor and bark at randos,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 not crying just want to know the best places to livehonest,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 lol i didnt say that i manage to follow these things just that i have observed it goes poorly when i dont yeah or she could have been afraid i was rapey or any other thing re personal space invasion come on its a region of a big city maybe she felt that way but that is fucking ridiculous these areas are like cities unto themselves,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you are in the point range of gold nova sooooo,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the data collection people tasks are a little creepy looks a lot like helping hackers with social engineering,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 dominant auxiliary tertiary aspirational argumentative critical parent trickster devilish you know the classic order i believe its according to how often we use them although i think thats not the case since we use the 6th so much,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 dont its not good for the soul,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yesthats how it worksthats how isayama decides when to release leaks,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ã slthat means as in the animalthis is a christian sub,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 well you said you were salty and that is quite a rantyragy post imoalso if you say no one was mad until he started shooting me you imply someone was mad dont youalso i didnt understand what you wrote as it made no sense to me i went of what i deduced from that textregardless from that being kicked seems to be happening at those ranks more than on others while you may think you didnt deserve it they may think otherwise as they are globals in realitysalso if you want them overwatched report them for griefing but keep in mind that overwatchers cant hear voice comms or read the chatkeep in mind also that overwatchers are not gms that can ban people from a demo with a tool we are merely people watching a clip of a person that valve gives us,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 can someone tag me when this thread takes off i want to post something on rthathappened,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 absolutely not for the reason you experienced it guides your reading in an unnatural way and takes away your focus,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 the ford pinto it was a great car except for the whole blowing up and killing all of its occupants thing,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 youve missed the point again i give up,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 its way too much work to actually run anythingid be stuck leaving almost everything as it is now assuming i got a country with decent healthcare and just focus on trying to improve efficiency through infrastructure projects but not shitty freeways or pie in the sky hyperloops their cost comparison of 110 hsr was a dream its going to be 11 at least and probably morethe trend towards megacities is real and the only solution for the worlds growing population,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 you should try some pc games more often some of the graphical improvement mods are amazing,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 no you cant i tried it once and i got downvoted,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 look up react redux and the connect function thats what you want,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 buying a home was probably the worst decision i made thats when everything started to go wrongi should have just stuck to living alone in an apartmenttoo big too much to clean have to fix things all the time and deal with the logistics of getting strangers in to do the work dealing with people trying to screw you over because of it random people at the door it costs more who need 10 rooms when all i ever use is one basically nosy neighbors people staring at you when you go out to do the inevitable yard workits not as comforting as it might seem on paper,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 which was refreshing to see i agree with everything he said about trump,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 guys id appreciate it if you gave me some privacy,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 a good portion of the military wouldnt turn guns on citizens though unless weve finally mastered project mkultra,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 tilthanks for clearing that up,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 japanese watermelons are the way to go,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 how long will you be staying with your parents if youre staying a long time maybe you can consider paying your parents some towards grocery and utilities i didnt see those in your list but those costs wont cease to exist essentially your parents will be funding your savings at the expense of their own savings maybe they dont even want or need you money but it would be a nice gesture and they might appreciate it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 should this be a rbritishproblems or rbritishsuccess post i cant decide,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 holy cow this is brilliant,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 can confirm worked finances in a doctors office and the doctor made less than 300kyear,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 let me know how that cyanide pie goes for you unless cyanide turns into a harmless compound after baking in which case enjoy your radium sushi,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 are you open to a vba solution to this problem there is no direct method of implementing this without using vba,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 are you on the reddit app ive noticed it does that sometimes,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 couldnt remember thought it was whitlam googled and corrected,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 dont really have an outlet p,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 ive done this before too but with campus police late at night i was walking to my car and saw from a reasonable distance maybe a quarter of a mile that someone was skulking around my car i stopped and watched him for about a minute and then pretended i forgot something and walked back to the library called campus police to report it and they were more than happy to give me a ride to my car to make sure i could leave safely youre not bothering anyone by calling its their job to check these things out,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 oh damn i should have expected that i take it back thats hilarious,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 lol your b team got more guys because of free agency our fa dont show and half our a team had to be covered for,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 in the event of duplicate questions we can store the most recent versions with date information added on as an extra field that way questions shown to a user can be shown sorted by date with the most recent at the top and the oldest at the bottomthis only deals with looking up questions so the answers wouldnt necessarily become a factor in this unless you want them to be were only matching keywords so the question that has the most matching keywords would be listed higher in the results,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 how would you type him,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 well hell at least we can test people it just blows my mind that they even show up ya know you did know we were going to ask you to actually write code didnt you oh you were going to pick it up on the job how hard can it be right get the fuck out of my face,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i love this why cant we do this eli5,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 because i didnt want to cause a scene and escalate also when you kick it up a notch you lose,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 okay i was just guessing with that da k1ng tho good to see ur not one of them,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 that seems hyperbolic this stuff is bad but we had decades of the government having absolute control and monitoring of private communications pretty much up until the arrival of the internet and we havent seen authoritarianism emerge during that period im not convinced that these laws will do much to change that well be back where we were before,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 you should win from time to time though to teach your child about losing,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 and all these new ones that we now see thanks to xrays,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 what is selfishnessobviously the manwoman distinction is more than a little stereotyped but lewis raises an important point here,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 well it sounds like you might be a little bit too emotional to be a schizoid are you sure,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 ah okay just had a really similar profile thanks for the clarification,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 and have to go talk to nfs and sfs for help,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 latin to actually knuckle down amp start learning properlyicelandic to fully get to grips with its noun cases amp declensions to have read a novel amp watch a film fully with as little additional help as possiblegerman to get back into it ive neglected it amp i feel bad so finish duolingo still got xamount of lessons to go amp to have read a novel amp watched a film in german,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 theyve used it yeshowever i assume that that was more isayamas way to tell us who they were talking about then their actual names,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 truth is you can raise your mmr with anything if you play good its a myth about bad teammates holding me back its all about impact you make if you dont do enough impact more than 20 in a game then you wont up mmr if you do more than 20 impact every game more than 15 of a team you will rise mmr until it becomes 20 it just statistics if your mmr becomes stagnant means on average your impact is about 20 of a team so you not going lower or higherplace 7k player in 3k mmr bracket on any role and see what impact he does would be about 50 of a teamplace 3k player in 6k mmr pub and watch his impact would be about 2 of a teamso your mmr is your impact what differs 7k mmr and 3k mm players it is of a teams impact they can make so just keep making max impact of a team and if its more than 20 on average your mmr will rise automatically sooner or later until it balances out on 20 of a team on average it just math and statistics really,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 feeling like you dont matter and that youre unloved sucks dont let people tell you that its selfish to commit suicide,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 the ship has sailed we are in open water people full speed ahead,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 that was chaos to watch haha,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 a lesser evil is still an evil but choosing the lesser evil because it is the lesser evil is in itself a good action,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 sorry what exactly is your interest in this girl is this platonic,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 you get less roll over minutes than your dead af cell phone on atampts roll over minutes plan,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 not even just businessmen the divorce rate for marriage is about 50 prenups are more relevant than ever,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 just fucking accept it would essentially ruin the fact that people with different habits on playing wouldnt be able to play together unless it is on shitty unranked where you get matched with silverssomeone is pointing out well that would basically ruin playing competitive as friends and you say i dont care go play unrankedno fucking game does this and there is a reason for it just accept iti dont want to play unranked aka casual with competitive rules and i dont want to have to buy a new account to play competitive with friends what you are suggesting is destroying the core idea of the game and thus will never happenlowering people like me so you know me okay thenit wont help to reduce smurfers cheaters yes smurfers no it also would spawn more griefers because hey its unranked why do you care many people wouldnt like this changeyou want pointers for improvements ill give you some how would you deal with the high amount of griefers in unranked how would you ensure that people can play competitive together even though they dont have the same amount of wins or hours,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 was that daniel craigs stormtrooper,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 i just stalked the shit out of you and have a really nice voice like i want you to tell me stories at night,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 its an unwritten reddit rule the media are scumbags,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i always found that very interesting like the eros that the romans called cupid was like very much this human construct of romantic love whereas eros the primordial deity was more like the ubiquitous principle of reproduction in nature itself â which is a far more chthonic thing a million miles from cupid,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 but that isnt truth its ego stroking,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 dont worry that kaine nickname tide is rolling in and theres nothing anybody can do to stop it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 and yet you didnt bother to see if it was real or not hahaha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i bet carl was playing nascar thunder,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 my understanding is in poorer countries usually there are only very basic industries farming for examplewhen we give them free food we overwhelm their supply and ruin those markets when the free stuff wears out they dont have any economy to fall back on and so go back to being poor were basically flooding their budding economies so they cant growthe us on the other hand has a very well grown economy our markets benefit from cheaper lesser goods because we have markets above them that utilize them eg cheap chips from abroad are used to build computers or something like that theyll flood and destroy those lower markets like on the underdeveloped countries but the us has those higher markets to rely onto overly simplify the entire economy of a poor country is farming so flooding it with food kills the economy higher developed countrys economy is high end electronics so cheep components make that market more profitable and affordable to everyone,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 i do think im highly in tune with the emotional state of other people if you ask me how someone is feeling with even minor context i can make a really detailed guess with complicated emotional rationale and im usually right emotional logic comes really easily to me i always think ill be able to clear up emotional problems like if we can identify the problem and speak it aloud it will just go away because of course we will agree at that point i think thats cogfuncmentionbut how people react to me is really variable i definitely seem warm and approachable sometimes to some people but it seems that im intimidating to others like cold and deadpan but also maybe too passionate other times people generally just dont seem to know what to do with me it depends on the person and my mood but a lot of the time the more people know about me the more they think im an alien,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 flattery will get you everywhere,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 hahaha youre the secretive sjw that secretly injects drama into my life much less of an endearing eeyore with insane persistence and a outrageous dry wit,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 that also happened to me in my late 20s,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 your argument is very flawed,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 youll first need to actually find some manpowerand outside of the cult the only real superpower on this sub are the mods but they are highly disorganized since the fall of hkand maybe well the cult of annie is getting some recognition lately but i doubt theyd ever pose a real threat to the first and best cult,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 so i have top comment on the thread you are referring toits not about marriage per se like you i dont think marriage is that important although i personally would like to get married if my partner was anti marriage id be fine with that too the whole point of my comment in that thread however is about knowing there is no long term outlook if you know your relationship will end badly in x years because you have some big disagreements which well end in drama and heartbreak why prolong the inevitable especially because the longer you wait the uglier the break up will beto answer your second question yes i am in a relationship with someone i intend to marry 4 years and counting if i didnt see myself with my so long term to me there wouldnt be a point to staying together with himalso i personally have no desire to date casually i dont feel any desire to sleep with guys i dont feel romantically attracted to and besides i am confident enough in myself my life is existing enough that i dont feel some weird fear of being alone or feeling worthless if im not in a relationship,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yeah i kept thinking im missing something it cant be this easy 5760,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 my point is that it fits if she said shes warm and accommodating i would have ruled out typemention typemention are pretty icy too sometimes i thinkhating stupid peopleif you want to be more sure youd just need to go into more depth but i think this is enough,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 being terrible with money and repeating history as if the first time wasnt enough of a lesson to not go through it all over again not having to deal with that is a double edged sword but i refuse to get dragged through the mud repeatedly now that i am able to prevent it from happening,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 so in relation to typemention inferior cogfuncmention what would developing better cogfuncmention look like does that manifest in a better sense of whats realistic to counteract the idealism that were infamous for or maybe something else,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 hi cate fren its me doggo,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 i think so too you can use it as a final fantasy machine up to x2 as well as a persona machine along with being able to emulate everything the 3ds can as well as ps1 and pspof course there is the issue of memory being very expensive but the pstv does away with that with usb support,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 i hate all things frozen ive never seen it so i was way sad face when i found out about this maybe im just getting old lol,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 you can give more people more cheats to reverse engineer while the team around vac will stay around the same size additionally you can have people work on new ideas for vac without actually implementing themthe problem is that if a thing goes into one coder forum it spreads throught the net and will find its way to script kiddys while those campp cheats are generally detected faster because they dont change the methods it is a different thing if they change parts in the code which requires finding a new signature and putting it into vac the problem is that vac is not only for cs but also for other games you need to update vac for all games whoch use it so cs comes a bit into a disadvantage since it is a normal game but with 10 or 100 times more cheats,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 wups mixed up my xs and my s8x10x or 1012its not a perfect rule of thumb either since your great grandparents paid 25 in the late 30s but as a general rule of thumb prices double every 25 years isnt the worst estimation,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 pfft i aint worried about none of that shitokay seeya later guys just gonna hit the gym real quick,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im in the same boat i got 1 c 4 ds 2 es 1 f amp 1 u so not great i was hoping to do alevel history btec applied law amp possibly btec english lit both btecs were level 3 at an fe college which all could be converted into ucas points allowing me to progress to uni however when i went to enroll yesterday they wouldnt allow me to do what i wanted to do so now ive got to do a level 2 btec in something like travel amp tourism hairdressing or pathway to alevels i have had a shit year though so i was expecting bad grades but seeing them in the flesh is worse and because i only achieved one c grade in english lit my own school wont accept me so ill have no friends at my new college im not having the best time at the most i cant wait to get my hands on a car so i can just drive away amp never come backif you need someone to talk to thats in a similar boat to you then im here tldr out of 7 gcses i only achieved 1 pass grade c in english lit with my other grades ranging from d u also uncertain about what im doing come september want to drive away amp never come back if you want to talk im here,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 sometimes my friends are just like dude what god youre fucking weirdi weep for the masses,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 marq you didnt really answer my question kiernan insisted stubbornly not yet convinced that warding was the solution to her sons problems,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 thats a really good question my first love was a girl she broke my heart so yes i think its totally possible for bisexual people to love both men and women i guess it depends on the person though since some people do separate sexual intimacy from emotional intimacy so its impossible to speak for everyone i hope that helps,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 itt people who dont realise that the fact that they are able to read the question and type a response excludes them from the dumbest 1,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 welp weve come full circlethat makes two of us then,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 and a married woman who would like someone so heartless satan mcevil,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 yep or netgraph 1 and console for rate,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i am looking for a replacement for my moto x play which i do absolutely love because its white and red and i could customise the phone how i wanted however i feel like phones just come in the same ultra slick ultra slim form factor now and im struggling to find a phone that will provide the nice chunkiness that the play does i also really dont like the fact that everything is either black or rose gold now what are my options for a nice white phone,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 i couldnt get into it how do i have fun though i did try it long ago,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it did that to my desktop browser too,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 does this require vba to solve will the smart filter feature not sort in the method you are looking for,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 my reality is that i find myself saying them more and more as i get older its almost like the lamer they are the better,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 well it looks like youll be going without dinner sarah,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 im going to go get a list of sports wins and losses over the last thirty years because screw learning from the past i wanna be rich and powerful,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 well that is my point that is what swedish culture is going to mean to most people particularly americans who definitely dont know who august strindberg is,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i personally feel the cognitive functions behind the four letters can be extremely accurate and makes a lot of logical psychologically speaking sensethe simplification though ie ns ft jp doesnt quite go deep enough for me,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 talisa nodded her lips starting to return to a more neutral expression as the flare of anger passed aela unella griff she listed and my handmaiden ella aela and griff are busy a lot though,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 but gen insert number here was clearly better than gen insert other number here gen insert the first number here introduced insert pokã mon here who is the coolest pokã mon ever giving gen insert the first number here the second best set of designs after gen insert third number here which introduced insert another pokã mon here and insert another pokã mon here gen insert the second number here introduced insert another pokã mon here who sucks because insert weak argument herenow we can all just copypaste from this comment and fill in the blanks whenever we find ourselves caught up in the middle of a generation war,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 promise me youll never use that v shaped carbide sharpener ceramics fine but really not unless you really need to id rather find a random rock off the ground and sharpen with that if im honest,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 shudders you are not the only one,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i never have but maybe ill try tomorrow and see what happens,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 blink twice if you need to be rescued,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 looks very good but does it have random mode,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 yea i noticed something in your writing style is grammarly maybe something for you,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 youre drawing a lot of conclusions from sparse data i didnt say it was equal to mental health treatment nor did i say anything about interns a lot of times people are depressed about specific real shit in their lives which you can actually help them solve over long periods of time with significant investment sorry busy day no time for stories but ime your statement that one cant help people is patently false,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 woah that got pretty serious what a bloody night also sorry bbt i didnt cast a votei think i misunderstood the rules but i got it now,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i will say that i wasnt drunk when i went on my first date with my current boyfriend he decided he liked me when i came back from the bathroom and rated it a 910 because theyre not gender specific so it helps with the lines theyre single stall so you get privacy and the sinks in a communal area so youll be publicly shamed if you dont wash your hands and you dont have to touch the door handle after you wash your hands then we went on an impromptu bar crawl and rated the bathrooms at each place there are people who appreciate the ntp thing especially when its goofy i think most guys stopped seeing me when they realized the bait and switch between drunk me and sober me theres a pretty stark difference to be honest,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 vacuumpacked block cheese should keep for a long time so you might need to shop further afield occasionally and stock upjarlsberg is pretty good if you like the flavour but possibly out of your price range im not sure exactly what jack cheese is like but if its anything like colby it should be ok here in australia our normaleveryday cheese which is what i use for grilled cheese is industrial block cheddar and colby is considered to be the same general kind of thing,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i knew that the laziest are typemention typemention and typemention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 well yes specific mods that rely on this are nothowever why not ask valve to allow those gamemodes on serversgetting rid of those modes is unnecessary yes but at the same time you can drop knifes now and i personally found custom models annoying as they cluttered my cs installation i couldnt care less about skins,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 if you had to type yourself with just dichotomies how would you do it and why which letters would you be more confident on and which ones would you be less confident onhow do you think you contribute to society on a day to day level what is your use right now on a day to day level how does this societal contribution line up with and differentiate from your personal beliefs and goalswould you say you are more introverted at work and extroverted at home or more extroverted at work and introverted at home,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 i would generally go to whatever group of people i was interested in at the time sometimes id play wallball sometimes id hang out with the ultra nerds in ib classes sometimes id hang out with goth kids it all depended on my mood really,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 yep youve got absolutely nothing,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 yeah i personally liked them all,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 and throughout all the time between someone was doing something similar same before and same after noone said they landed on the shores of the americas to make friends,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 you could do like draftday and have like 5 head to head match ups win 3 and you double your money,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 this is cute my parents aretypementiontypemention,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 then i hope youre wearing a cup,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 where does it indicate that only lowtier teams will be eligible for the prize ill admit i havent read anything indepth about it,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 scifi soulslike game with bloodborne style weapons horrifying alien monsters and laser swords please,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 hahahahaha omg also i might be dating an exfj i dont know there are so many very feelings and decisions and im just like let me know when youre finished and ill go along with it,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 enneagram type you can take the test online,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 if youre selling 5 roses to high school hopefuls youve totally learned how to exploit minimumwage laborers you dont even have to pay employment taxes on them,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 yes it would be nice to slap some sense into them and just teach you all the net framework it was already a hassle converting from vb6 to netyouve got the idea down but you have it down backwards essentially what you would do is not track the location of your character but the movement of everything else all you have to track for your character is its height on the form y axis and then its movement is controlled by moving everything else around it so it stays in the center,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 ok lvl 20 jotunns amp crushervs 120 phys prottrans 129brawlers 117vs phys prot 72trans 173brawlers 162still assuming 0 stacks on trans,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i hate when people say theyre old 46 isnt old on earth youre 46 but if we lived on mars for example youd be 24 and you certainly look 24,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 instructions unclear passenger delivered safely to car no murdering took placewhat am i doing wrong i think im missing a step here is there something obvious that im not seeing or is it a cultural thing am i too canadian to be able to pull this off,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if america split between red and blue businesses would probably flock to the side that doesnt want insanely high business taxes,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 well there was the conveniently timed distortion as someone was getting out of the bus,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 looks like you want things instead of contentment you want to kill your humanity so you can speed up getting things having no emotions makes making horrid but profitable decisions easieri am missing achieving a state of happiness in your story if you become scrooge mcduck is that something that will make you happy,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 im studying to be a psychologist i love helping others and psychology fascinates me an uncommon desire for typemention but i can put my analyical skills to help others i like the thought process of silently evaluating the thought processes of others and connecting things they talk about to come up with a way to help them im perceptive when it comes to issues others struggle with and coming up with ways they can help dealing with them and teaching coping methods,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 nope you dont have to do anything for this to run when any cell in a row is changed the datetime of that change is automatically stored in whichever target column you specify,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 if you want me to hand you low hanging fruit that can be arranged im older than you so i can be creepier than most of the people here,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 try rbuyitforlife you may have a better response,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i printed these out on 110 card stock took about an hour to cut them all out still gotta trim the corners off but these will be well worth it once the card sleeves come in,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 absolutely useless cameraman just right at the worst possible time doesnt catch the action,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 no idea id love to know its frustrating saying not tonight im actually sleepy and want to stay that way even if i do really want it,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 from this moment on i drop all support for bill clinton for president,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 quite the infatuation youve developed with me isnt itltdont invoke honesty when youre clearly liar case im pointhehaw you werent too confident in that one you just had to add that completely pointless bit in the brackets didnt you thats adorabledafuq are you talking about you started sending g me inane reply after inane reply in this thread im in a perfect position to say youre dull you have the personality of wet cardboard deal with itdont have to be older than you to condescend to your lowly ass you dont understand a whole lit do you isnt it obvious i was telling you you werent worth interacting with it wasnt remotely interesting i wasnt getting anything out of it and you could stop spamming me with final one i swear guys because you were just some moralising prick who couldnt stand being condescended to when they deserve it and cant stand to see anyone have fun shit cant believe i had to explain that to youalso i love how youre not contesting or questioning your being dull just me having the sheer gall to point it out lol thats funnyprojection youre reeking of desperation because you just dont know what to do with someone your appeals to niceties dont work on you cant make me so much as flinchyoure the one spamming me because you want some kind of resolution that isnt just that youre dull and not worth talking to that is the resolution thats what you take from thisaww why didnt you say you were just a fragile ikkle baby too young to browse the interwebs youre never too young for reality cunt no typemention would ever use their age as an excuse for their idiocytoodleoo please dont reply any more,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 really vac doesnt care about how obvious people are vac needs to have the cheat signature added and that takes timehe wasnt vaced even though he was so obvious just shows that people have no clue when it comes to anticheats,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i think that you have proven my point quite well all that is incomprehensible to the noncogfuncmention mind i get you but that is anything but grounded,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 have not though about it like that before,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 well you can setup your own server on your own machine if you dial in the settings in the server manager but i understand what you are saying i guess that is the negative for the game being developed for hardcore sim people,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 talisa opened her mouth to mirror caroleis pleasant greeting but wasnt fast enough to reply before the costayne sent her son off to find his siblings already she felt she must be embarrassing herself and she only grew more nervous at the offer of refreshments however as carolei offered her water instead the ganton woman relieved and as per usual it showed plainlywater would be nice thank you talisa answered carolei timidly while their daughters conversed she was glad to not have to endure the harsh taste of wine or weather its unpleasant side effectshey cora violet greeted her friend cheerily a smile forming on her lips the moment she came bounding in your hairs nice the freckled ganton girl was dressed in a simple dress of her fathers gold much like the one her sister wore and her hair was done simply as well dark brown waves falling neatly past her shoulders and covering her ears her mother was unfamiliar with any special ways to style hair not even bothering to comb her long locks when in private and so her daughters had few options as well,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 you get less roll over minutes than your dead af cell phone on atampts roll over minutes plan,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 well the first one doesnt have bad information it is not thinking about the information before making a decision the first one is like being hotheaded and impulsive as a specific example of how it might manifest not the only way the second is like being stubborn and conservative,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 i think im starting to see what youre talking about a little bit is it different for sps vs sjs some of what youre pointing out seems out of character for typemention ive seen on here unless you think theyre mistypedhmm is that difficulty seeing the jp language also the case with ints sensors extrovertsi could easily see that as related to ji cogfuncmention or the combination of the twosort of but i dont see how id write it differently maybe not the best exampleor are you saying perceivers just make more of that kind of statements and less of the otheryeah its a bit more active but im still not seeing a huge difference tbhsure ok now were getting somewhereok more directive and definitive stating opinion as if it was fact etc,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 it usually takes me about an hour to three hours to fall asleep i have to meditate in order to fall asleep due to insomnia,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 also the first comma should be a semicolon and the second shouldnt be there at all i dont understand why this shit is so hard for people,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 depends on speed obviously but im guessing you know this just are simplifying but i know what adequate distance for the vehicle im in isim just generally a super chill person so i have no trouble and part of the reason i cant understand people in most situationsi also aim for efficiency for everyone involved in all situations this helps me on a daily basisever read about how traffic jams are made and how you can help resolve them very interesting stuff,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 isnt clover a huge thing for bees or is it just so prevalent that ppl dont need to grow it or something cause i know i got it alllll over my lawn i just thought it was one of those things that bees preferred and that it made for excellent honey,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if you say im good at this you lost that leads to this egoistic play in mm or other pug services where you rage at other players and think you are better than them people at le arent good people at lem arent good people at smfc arent good and even most of the people at ge arent good they are just better than otherswhen you cease to strive for improvement you are done for stagnation is deathyou are good at this game when you can see your errors and work on the problems instead of focusing on a meaningless icon in the main menu,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 sure it was alright i do it every now and again,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh yeah well then why is rshittyrobots a thing smart guyperson,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 does he do the whole proud strut thing and all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 and sister fact thomas edison did not invent the light bulb he simple found a better material for the filament which was bamboo later he found tungsten was cheaperand by he i mean edison paid someone to find it for him and took credit for it,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 based on those results id say probably typemention,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 theres something particularly creepy about this sentence,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 reminds me of evie in paladins she spawns a bunch of decoys and can switch places with them,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i was a soldier so i know exactly what you mean however too many people military included suddenly find themselves in the position their career potentiates and freak out in the army when we were told we were next up for rotation to iraq a lot of people were aghast at the prospect of going to a war zone and we were in field artillery so i have little sympathy for people who complain about the downside to their jobs,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 in c i dont even need i linq all the way down,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 no man im a sub in rriotfreelol my reason is i kinda dont want the lpl craziness they play so much games in a season that even the castersanalysts almost cant watch them all,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 the plan is that the typemention will enforce the rules 100 consistently and then everyone will get sick of it revolt will happen and balance will be restored to the force ala community moderation or rather no rules p,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 but just because of the fact that its that and some other stuff turns me off,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 congrats you are now sexy as fuck,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 preoccupied with her grief talisa scarcely noticed as doreah approached startling a little as she sat beside her and began stroking her hair for the briefest moment talisa felt the urge to run away again but it faded along with her surprise washed away by another wave of sadness as doreah uttered her soft words of comfortunable to articulate any thoughts she leaned into doreahs side embracing the rosby girls simple efforts to soothe her after a few minutes her sobs began to slow and she finally said something intelligibleits even farther than rosby she mumbled squeezing the words out in between her tears,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 even kernel level acs can be circumvented m8,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 it is okay for a 1 shot kill to anywhere besides legsno shit who said awping should be easyare you salty because you suck with the awp,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 its a trade of a million against a billion its like killing one person to save a thousand it might be harsh but its the rational choiceno she didnt that was revealed in chapter 50 and she was sealed up far before that they just tried to capture eren for the huge advantage that another shifter formedbut yea i think shell change sides when she hears that eren has the coã rdinate shes not as strong as reigner and berthold and can be easier manipulatednot cool indeed the correct term is hilarious,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 as shown in this screenshot the form will autocomplete the typed text because it has loaded the first column of data into the combobox this is using exactly the code shown below option explicit private sub userforminitialize dim counter as long for counter 1 to 1000 combobox1additem applicationworksheets2cellscounter 1value next counter end sub private sub combobox1keyupbyval keycode as msformsreturninteger byval shift as integer if keycode vbkeyreturn then activecellvalue combobox1value unload me end if end subnote that i changed the worksheets referenced to the 2nd page in order for this to pull up relevant information for this example,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i am lii my dual is ese my conflictor is see,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 and technically paul was the producer,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 how i picture guys like that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this accepting btc expect another deposit real quick,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 to be fair in life if your in a junior position with a lot of competition it s a good strategy to be very polite and reserved until you get respect and then show your personality and make executive decisionsstrong charismatic people do not need to use this strategy though but not everyone can be like that,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 do what you like seriously do something that you enjoy and if there is nothing like that search for it some of our best accomplishments in life come from moments when we do what we enjoy the most like taking a pet project and working on it for 6 months i start with what i like but it eventually connects to something useful or profitable,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 indeed consistent thinking is something i hold in high regards,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i installed vinyl triangles that cover the first 3ft of foot holds that drops down when you disconnect the auto belay from its top ring luckily we havent had an accident on them since its also pair with warning signs asking the climber to clip in before attempting to climb solo,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 that site is pure cancer try finding chrome plugins bookmarklets,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 oh boy were in for a lot of work here but i think youll come out on topyou cant use a string as a variable name thats not how these things work you could use the following instead dim avgdailyhours as double dim avgdailycost as doublethis would allow you to use these validly named variables to be used in calculationsnext in order to use the for each statement you need an equal objectvariable type to be used in the comparison in this case we are comparing ranges therefore you need serial to be a range so you would use the following to declare the variable serial dim serial as rangethis would allow you to search through other range objects using serial to incrementoverall though this is a bit unwieldy and i would take a slightly different approach to this i may have to pause here for a bit as work is picking up right now,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 most bikers never do anything like that most by a huge huge margin,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 right on so uncredited like nathan fillion in gotg1 i say give that man a credit,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 is this from a movie,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i was going to vote for rand paul but i guess i cant now so probably trump i guess,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 you said chemical reactions dont convert matter to energy or vise versa thats why i posted emc2 not because i thought thats how we get energy from our foodand it happens in more instances than nuclear fussion and fissioni think i made that clear troll,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 was it your second read if so then you might want to read it again in a few days the things that you notice in your second read will make you notice even more new things in your third,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 its impossible to feel less lonely when your loneliness is zero why would i want to affiliate with other humans to begin with no needno want,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 tf man why you gotta throw us females under the bus this hot mess isnt our problem,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 yeah im with you its also important to note that there are cultural differences boobs are 100 nsfw in the usa and it is probably different in europe where a bunch of people on this sub are from,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 life plan yeah isnt that one of those things others seem to be totally adept at and following to a tnever really had one i did have some ill conceived notions none of which came to passim more of an amoeba i morph to where there are opportunities so im now in the financial staff of a transnational that wasnt in any of my notions but im not unhappy where im at right now,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 im a very apologetic person irl now because years of saying mb everytime the fc even touched me i say em bee irl too,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 lol jeb isnt going to be the nominee,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 im not entirely sure if you are being sarcastical or not,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i demand 10 of the cut,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 yeah i think people have ranges for both how they can be helpful and how they would like to receive help they also have ranges of and types of abuse and develop differently thereby your concept of tact empathy etc may be very different from mine for example more than a little tact and too much focus on my emotions i find to be unhelpful at best and mildly insulting at worst people who know me know that i want the straight raw shitso long as it is a hypothesis not an assertion it is about speaking peoples language i think so the range of offering help i think is ones empathetic and sympathetic range speaking to both their intellectual and emotional needs,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 there is after 5 min you will get an abandon enough abandons will place you in low priority,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ime incessantly babble about people i dont know and emit love me in desperate waves,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the radcliffe one i was joking about the fact that the guy two comments above mine probably didnt even read it yet wanted to know what was going on,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 if the player base if large enough probably,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 that 3rd pair insertion is how i know im a terrible cuber ive never though of doing a u2 to insert and wouldve probably done u f u f instead well the more i know i guess,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 welbeck has been poor but his runs have been great and disorganized their defense which i think has helped us more than if we had started giroud,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 oh my comment about living in a box was more of any living thing in captivity i never thought it was living in a tiny box like that i just meant even in a nice habitat i dont really like 75 gal is pretty big i keep thinking about getting one that size and a few tropical fish but i dont know kinda feels more like an ornament the more i think about it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 for me its not about showing all of their travel times its the inconsistencies for the time usedpassed for one character and seemingly totally different amount of time for another character what seems like months of journeying for one character seems like it happens in the span of a week for another there arent too many indicators of the timeline going either its confusing and unclear at best and plot breaking at worst i think the writing of littlefinger this season has been the greatest offender the shear amount of travel hes had to do this season would be months of traveling however compared to john snows and sansas timeline it almost makes it appear as littlefinger is just teleporting around westeros,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 how do sjws personally impact your life,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 thats not new thats old rare and discontinuednice scorethe amazing spyderfly,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the difference to me is that leo seems like a person who probably had an awful childhood and got off track began living a life of crime and presumably died from it but as a person he may have eventually found some redemption it didnt seem totally beyond his grasprichard though just seems like a dead behind the eyes psycho like he probably tortured cats to death for fun as a kid more like frank from blue velvet of course without knowing more about the misdeeds of either its difficult to say maybe i am giving leo too much credit but he at least made me laugh with his ridiculous fixation on perfectly clean floors and laundry he had a home and a family at least in his mind richard seems to have little human connection at all,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 stay salty reddit thats why mainstream media thinks youre a jokeedit just checked theres no sneak mode toggle setting but im the inbred one,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 oh god haha it took me forever to get through season 8 i tried to start session 9 but couldnt even get through the first episode i still enjoy the monster of the week episodes but the arc plots are so ridiculous now not to mention boring i want to like that show so much but theyve run it into the ground completely at this pointwhat you said about the plot shouldnt even surprise me it just makes me angry,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i never thought skittles when i tried em but it may have been plutoi especially liked the one called venus andromeda was my other fave im looking at them now and looks like they have a ton of new ones that i never tried,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 so how do you determine someone is doing something with the motivation of thinking their race is superior,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i apparently drank some of my moms perfume when i was little and she had to call poison control,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 she says she wants to divide me,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 not a green party member shes a democrat who is considering hitching her wagon to jill steins campaign,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 says the man who has ten times as much karma than me in only three times the time,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i do like the sight of that guandao and i do have to admit that this isnt really my field of expertise first off i wasnt thinking of a rapier isayama hasnt really taken any weapons out of the real world except the rifles of the mps so my guess laid by a variant of the odm gear sword i know that that also isnt practical for cutting open the nape but isnt the nape the last thing you want to aim at during a shifter v shifter fight that would kill the shifter meaning you cant acquire its power for yourselfaside of that is it really that smart to bring a weapon on a wooden pole to a titan v titan fight if the opponents sheer strength isnt enough to break the pole on impact then i see their steam burning the pole after which they can pick up the head and use that as a weapon themselveswouldnt the most effective thing in a shifter v shifter fight be something medium sized that you can use to cut off your opponents limbs effectively disabling them after that happened some simple sc soldiers could simply capture the shifteri do see why those long weapons would be more effective as siege weapons though btw this is reddit you dont need to apologize for textwalls thats the whole purpose of this mediumedit just saw your edit seems like youre imagining a situation where both parties are armed and yes then those swords would be the worst i may not know much about melee weaponry but i do know that much i however was thinking of a situating in which only one of the two fighting sides has weapons,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 to formulaic to be original or transformative,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 much of the french wanted more social integration,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 cool its likely dr strangeloveinspired like the tiro video great classic film highly recommend if youve not seen it,60.0,67.0,45.0,10.0,47.0 honestly its very important you gotta know each other but i can talk with some friends for days while others i just mumble through shit with i dont see the communication being any worse or better what gets done gets done ultimately you ought do stuff to spice up conversation just ask a different type of question even like did you trip on a bug today or something stupid like that get the conversation going make shit up imagine things together that kind of thing depends on how much conversation you wantneed and if the communication itself is fine imo its quality not quantity and if it gets shit done then its done right,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 ok i didnt mean to imply exorcise doesnt burn any calories it does but not much compared to dietingexamplerun on a treadmill for an hour and burn 300 calories step off that treadmill and eat a snickers bar youve gained 300 calories edit total 300 600,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 do you have any reason not to contact your friends even if they drifted off a bit yeah i can see how it can be a drain to be the one who has to maintain contact but different people have different styles if they dont contact you as often as you do them it doesnt mean they dont like you or want to get rid of you is it such a chore to just reach out and say hey wanna hang out if you really wanna know just ask them what they think of you,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 youre correct i tried to imagine some sentance with commas replaced with like,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 haha they are just intimidated,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 a meteor on dc is the closest thing to the libertarian platform,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i need to think about my average,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 or popcorn though it does smell better its just as potent,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 no people need to recognise that their decisions and identities are the consequence of their parenting education and every other external thing theyve interacted with if you think people are responsible for their actions then you think they are responsible for the environment they were arbitrarily put into from birth which is clearly absurdfrankly the whole premise of responsibility is incoherent or inadequate for moral claims keep it relegated to legal claims imo youre legally responsible for your actions but that has no fundamental place in what people ought or ought not to do and in this case its probably bad that one aspect of our redistributive system relies on the poorest shuffling their money around via an institution that basically wastes the money with respect to the personal welfare of the poorest,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 and all these new ones that we now see thanks to xrays,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 well im an asian going to europe i will definitely stick out but do you think it helps if i look like a scraggy backpacker so im less of a target than my rich chinese tourist counterparts,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 cant forget xerath caitlyn and lvl 18 tristana,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yes introvert or extrovert though,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 because user advocacy seldom reaches the places it needs to go it tends to annoy the crap out of indifferent windows users and certainly doesnt land with apple userswe already fail when we list a plethora of advantages but then have to admit that to get all that people first need to inconvenience themselves with rebasing their computing on linux and then go through a significant learning curvelinux needs big corporatey marketing it needs to become that thing you have to have or otherwise be left behind it needs a face and it needs machines that run it flawlessly and which are not in danger of being subject to ms manoeuvres it needs to become sexyits too bad that mark shuttleworth and canonical are barking up the wrong tree software is only half the answer what if canonical could design a sleek sexy hardware platform with a phone tablet and desktop machine make it arm powered but borrow as much of the x86 world as possible so to have enough peripherals market it on its strengths without comparing it to anything else it would need to have stunning and appealing design impactwise on par with the first bondi blue imac that could make a beachhead against the incumbents,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 no its awesomewm which means its likely either linux or bsd,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 just an fyi im using these clips for a montage so please give me content hue,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 need more local super smash bros is still the bomb but when they removed halos local im just thinking dude not cool,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 my best guess i dont know exactly how your data works aside from showing a projection of rates over time is your boss might want to be able to enter a year amount and the current rating and see what the projected amount will be,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i liked him too hes still around in rtypemention but its not the same,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 then you also cant accidentally get pregnant i mean no one trips and accidentally find their penis in someones vagina or vice versa and even with protection it always is a calculated risk at most so even if you are antiabortion and get pregnant because of the 1 you cant claim its an accident,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 gamemodes are fine dude it is just about spoofing rankscoinsskins,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i think by leftist he means collective group based ideology and in terms of this the left has gone completely off the deep end the right has only just started playing the same stupid game fascist movements derive from marxist presuppositions just along different lines,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 ill start it off with my 3 now 4 favourite cover versions of songsmy chemical romance common people pulp powered giraffe i love it icona pop last night stay rihanna bonus song eva cassidy danny boy frederic weatherly,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 yeah she is i do see a therapist outside my college but they arent there to solve my problems just talk them through with me so i might seem fine in the appointment because everythings in the open but once i leave everything returns to how it was before,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 sure it doesnt benefit meim not sure where that came from but it may benefit businessesand when i said alone with a woman i didnt mean in a public place i did say alone,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 most of us have watched the episode livethe raws will be online in about 15 minutesthe subs will be released in less than a hour,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 oh shit i think that means youre preggo,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 how interesting thanks do you have any examples off a real estate website im just curious to see what you can buy for your money the architectural style and what kind of neighbourhood it would be like,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 well this is the first time historia gave him a visionshe has been giving him flashbacks since the uprising arc though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ok ill bite what is the connection between your birthday and this ama,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 did you did you honestly just reupload the trailer to your own youtube account monetize it and post it on this sub hoping we wouldnt noticeyeah right edit if anyone thinks that there might be any difference with the official heres a youtube doubler of his vid and the official trailer,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i eventually got through and was told it would take 5 days seeing that australia post has pretty well gone to shit in terms of expected versus actual delivery times i would not be surprised if it takes longer than thatoh well if they cant get the form to me on time i cant fill it out can i,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 and to make matters worse the enemy may be innocent himself but happens to be a male in his 20s30s who matches a preidentified signature of behavior that the us links to militant activity 1,83.0,87.0,9.0,24.0,61.0 oh sorry for jumping to conclusions haha yeah that makes sense,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 its a psychological thing if anyone can treat it its those that deal with mental issues though in some cases not sure about hair but some people eat sand rocks paper etc and sometimes an underlying cause is some sort of dietary insufficiency might try to google it take a mineral supplement or somethingoh and hairs pretty much just keratin i think if youre looking for the right mineral not a doctor i just have weird things in my head sometimes,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 nobody cares who caresnobodynobody wants to know the answer i suggest you tell him,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 why if the application works starts from the link or even the terminal why would you need to know the location of the binaryi know why app doesnt work link is not correct etcalthough the above doesnt negate the option of finding that out easily just fire up your graphical package manager go to the package view the info and find where the files are installedthough we must realise that this is already more advanced than what the majority of the users regardless of os do with computersapples system is smart from the viewpoint of catering to the lowest common denominator in that it hides the complexity by making the structure of an application completely opaque there is one visible entry point but the rest is hidden in the bundlein both cases files scattered around the filesysrtem or in a bundle if the application doesnt work most users wont be able to fix it,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 maybe the author is feeling bad about not having a meditation practice of his own i looked him up he apparently i see no link to meditation just psychology problem is that he starts with end the meditation madness and then at the end copsout and says meditation isnâ t snake oil well is it madness or useful or is the title just clickbait,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i could back this according to wikipedia and google image nephrite is similar to jade and is predominately green,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 countless sleepless nights had been spent brooding over how she had hurt reanna how she had ruined everything countless hours were spent fighting to close the chasm shed created with her own stupidity every interaction with her was imbued with desperation and guilt but neither of those were present in her mind as reanna less than subtly taunted heras kiernans teeth clenched and a red flush crept up her neck she looked nearly exactly as she had before attacking reanna years ago what was that,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 what do you mean by repressed,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 since this documentary has been cancelled at various theaters hurting its change to earn its due and we are given the change to see it for free i invite people to contribute to cassies patron a lot of work when into this and it was not an easy subject to tackle i will commit myself for a year as i believe cassie has great potential upvote for visibility if you have appreciated the documentary,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 the trick to getting a wyvern in is to back it in and then angle it up like youre moving a long chair through a doorway,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 oh shit ethereum can facilitate the financing of the wall,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 any more so than the typo in his lore i just pointed out everything that looked wrong,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 sweet its almost a year for me too and i got eight stubborn vanity pounds left too but theyre coming off dammit so nice to see the finish line,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 okay id believe that lol,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 the problem is that for 25ms and upwarfs you can also play on good 64tick servers and your hits would still connecti love how some people i know say yeah 128 tick best while playing with cmd and updaterate 64,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the fact that they avoided the question makes clear what the answer is though,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thats awesome that you had such a wonderful time sounds like it was a really special night youll remember for a long time,60.0,67.0,45.0,10.0,47.0 genuine thanks for bringing this to my life,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 how about some snap crackle drop 3 mg awesome sale wish i had money left from christmas,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i wonder how that would work outwish we could test it out in a vacuum,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if we can win this swansea fixture it would be a very good sign last season we lost a lot of points against the upper midtable teams away from home we havent played any yet so this is a good chance to see if we have improved,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i played the original abes oddysee and saw a full lets play on youtube for new n tasty by a user named wariopunk25 new n tasty has the exact same level design and traps and everything oddysee has its more of a game for people who are huge fans of oddworld if you truly want the experience just buy abes oddysee new n tasty looks beautiful though,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i knew you guys would be on this like white on rice,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 theyre on the shot tracker,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 it works for me do you have bedrest set as 1 in the work tab,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 where the heck can i get some canadian silver for a good price in canada anyhow seems kinda silly to order these from the states,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 and now the curse is broken so you cheeseheads cant make fun of us for that anymore mwahahathe bears on the other handoof,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 yup that is pretty much the hallmark of the typemention,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 i live in texas and it seems like every brisket tastes like this regardless of where its from or who made it so i cant image it always has liquid smoke in it,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 theres a time and a place for everything and its called college,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i have worked for both dhl and amazonamazon we used big boxes for small things if we didnt feel like yelling for a waterspider to give us more small boxes at dhl its simple nobody gives a fuck,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 severe mental illness is hard for the sufferer and for everyone around them i know it has been a toll on my family through the years at least i live alone although i do have to rely on disability as stress can lead to my life falling apart i probably also need a housekeeper and just need to take the time to request those servicesit has been hard for everyone people all say that im just a shadow of the person i used to be before i got sick they had to watch a deterioration in ability to do pretty much everything it was so bad i had to live in an adult foster care home from when i was about 20 to 22 it was kinda awkward being so young in an adult foster care home really but that was the level of care i needed just to be able to live it was kinda awful as i had to share a very small room with another person the two single beds took up almost all of the space of the room it must be heartbreaking to see the person you love losing so much potential to an illness ive at least by going through half time and quarter time managing to get my associates degree after 6 years of community college i guess that is something and more than a lot of people haveit is extremely difficult to live with i had a month ago a manic episode while on medication that lasted two weeks in that time i managed to score a 57 on an exam when i usually get in the high 80s and 90s in that class plus messing up an assignment that was worth 12 of my grade in my other class all because i couldnt do anything while manic stress brings back symptoms even on medication this election was hard on me just the stress of that was enough to have me babbling conspiracies and believing that the nsa was sending messages through my phone as well as a whole bunch of nonsensical things it sucks being unable to work or even get a degree in a reasonable amount of timereally i just keep at this mbti stuff because it gives me a distraction from just doing nothing it keeps me somewhat busyi really wish there was more funding for care and research of severe mental illness because it leaves families and sufferers devastated,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 h2hs are easier if youve mass hosted with good lines for long enough eventually the sharks quit playing you and you find yourself paired up with a bunch of noobsif you put out weak lines though dont be surprised to find birdwings or someone grabbing up all your h2hs,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 youre more desperate than half the guys hereufffdufffdbut your posts are good so id say that more than evens that out youre cool,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 but that is a feature of berkeleys idealism im pretty certain,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 id be careful with jared diamond as iirc hes more of a biologist than a historian so he doesnt have the training to evaluate sources in the recommended manner take his guns germs and steel as an example of what historians think of his work,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 well if you do manage to get it to open again try saving it as the xlsb format it just might help,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 is t there a decent risk of inflation ballooning in the future making your savings an overall loss,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 from the link at the beginning of the articlethis projected value loss stems from acute shortages and unrelenting surpluses that are being exacerbated by a range of factors from anemic economic growth and aging populations to low birth rates and restrictive immigration policiesas for what that labor will be doing based on other sources it looks like the biggest demand will be in health care and construction most of these jobs are difficult to automate and dont require a university degree,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 honestly im 21 and was you my love for it has dropped off not saying yours will but while i dont see how vidya is leaving my life its not nearly as big to me i only binge on days off with nothing to do and even then i cant sit down and do the 8 hours i used to do and lets be honest a woodworking hobby or whatever would be cooler but if you are super into games a girl who is also super into games would be great anyway im assuming dont know that these guys are mostly talking about making it your life or neglecting other things for vidya games therefore my advice isnt dont focus on girls but rather dont be a dumbass like schools first if you have a girl shes first family chores health etc,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 pure peppermint extract after much experimenting its the only thing ive found to disguise that weird latex pea tastei blend half a banana with a tb of chopped dates a cup of water and a few ice cubes a serving of powder 1412 tsp peppermint extract and 2tb of cocoa powder until smooth its about 170 calories depending on brand of powderbanana size,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 yes this is true never thought about it that way but yeah i just wish the ones we did raise wed raise right if it means paying more andor eating less im ok with that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what draws the line for it to be considered light gaming,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 repainting them would add considerable mass to each rocket its best to just scrub the outside of the rocket off as much as possible to keep weight and costs down imagine having to repaint your vehicle every time it needed a wash,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 to prevent confusion it would be former king edward or the duke of windsor,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 i might sign it if i feel confident that its worthwhile by that i mean if it truly is the only option and not a matter of convenience that it doesnt open the floodgates for people we dont want to enter the country to be able to get in etc,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i bet that youre actually an emotionally typemention like me i always test as an typemention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 america is already facist they spy on us through our devices took away net neutrality can legally force you off your land and i heard barrack obama ordered the makers of game of thrones to give him early access to there episodes the govornment can basically do whatever it wants to you,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 assuming they donâ t make another striker lucian boo boo,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i think to all questions the answer is bothi use a linux distro first and foremost because it suits my needs so i will swap distros as i see fit im not hung up on a certain distro because i like or dislike the other people using it in that regard i could be an island onto myselfon the other hand we all are invested in gnulinux one way or another we broadly have the same mindset when it comes to computing and that creates commonalities and makes us part of a group its fun to read linux related stuff together and then comment on it and on each others comments there is always something new and interesting to be found the linux communities do enrich my life but some parts of it also piss me off royally sometimes certain currents flare up in the community that are utterly annoying need i say systemdthen there are some individuals in the community with personality traits which make my blood boil by default the acerbic socially completely inept always more right than anyone else including god types just reading their endless and relentless comment threads where they just need to have the last word and be right all the time is irking yes i seem to have a masochistic streak for reading those i really need to take the dont like it dont read it maxim to heart,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 actually enjoyed this video with a young person reviewing nes games sometimes when i see a young person review old games like that it becomes about how archaic the games are none of that here accurate reviews and a solid lineup of 6 games to start with good job,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 also if he said the last paragraph so much sex so much sex,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i know but it still stacksif you have been banned for the first time you need one week without being kicked etc for your cooldown to get back to 2 days if you get kickedabandonget kicked in this time you will get 7 days again and have to wait two weeks without comitting offense for it to go down to a 2 day ban,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yeah obama wasnt great he hasnt really done anything but bush really messed thinks up obama was better than bush but its not that hard to outdo one of the worst,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i so wish this was a thing,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 here it is on amazon but the reviews dont say very good things heres an apparently better version 11 hrs after post the second link has some sketchy reviews as many have pointed out product is likely a piece of shit that will break within a week but itll be kinda cool for like 5 minutes so â u30c4â,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 what do you mean by time step are you trying to have the form display the selected share prices at the selected elapsed time if so how is your stock data formatted is your stock data organized as a single stock per row per column,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 this is my main question as well i actually want to get into shooting as a sport in my very antigun country so i get the attraction to guns but i honestly dont understand why youd feel the need to actually carry one is it to look cool and making a statement about gun ownership cause thats just lame,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 heh nice quality stuff from the 2000s stileproject right there,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you have to deal with it on a person by person basis some people are fine with people theyre dating seeing other people before they have an exclusive discussion others can consider that already dishonest you need to decide where that line is for you and accept that others will be in a different place the only exception is if youre sleeping with more than one person since youre sleeping with everyone theyre sleeping with,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 kitty was upset i think red was glad they werent invited for once,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 because it is people use means of code obfuscation and the compiler might make gibberish out of itif you cant obtain the pdb or uncompiled files it is hard to reverse engineer even if it is a programm of a small sizefor example a single 1mb exe can contain milions of loc,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thank you ill add it to the list,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 is there a reason you think they wouldnt apart from gut feeling,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 this is a show does it do anything to reduce stigma about mental illness and educate people orwell probably not its tlc,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 its easier than you think drivers can refuse deliveries if every driver refuses youre sol,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 this is why i spend half my time on the nt subs reading interesting conversations about the functions and mbti theory and not on typemention replying to the 20th topic about feelings dont get me wrong i still do enjoy that forum a lot its just that im starting to get wary of the repetitive emotioncased content,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i saw yesterday bovada finally flopped switching to 130 in favor of him not completing his term then today they removed the wagers altogether,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 huhedit shouldnt you be asleep or something,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 if you still need to sort of skip chunks of code you can insert the following before and after said code if false then end ifthis will literally always skip whatever is within the if statement,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 you remind me a lot of my long term boyfriend and our relationship he also thinks of himself as adequate but i guess not on par with myself i dont know i disagree of course and it really hurt me knowing he sees himself like that for example he thinks i am the smart one because im doing multiple majors without much effort and hes having trouble getting good grades for his single major however i see him as far more intelligent because he is totally passionate about his studies and soaks up everything but sucks at making traditional tests while i just know really well how to game the system and perform well at traditional testing but know far less then he does what you say about your boyfriend jumping headfirst into things and for some reason succeeding at everything is also something i recognize in how my boyfriend looks at me the thing is i fuck up all the fucking time but simply manage to hide it and still come out on top because i get the game im playing and thats just how i roll this gives me a set of interpersonal skills which society really values but i thing my hard skills are a bit overrated by people who know me including my boyfriend my boyfriend however lacks a bit of these interpersonal skills but his hard skills are way up there what im saying the fact that your boyfriend is with you means he loves you and thinks you are incredible and an equal partner to him if he didnt think this about you he wouldnt be with you hes clearly seeing things in you you dont see in yourself if this is striking a cord with you know that your boyfriend doesnt think of you as the lesser partner he might even think youre the better partner only you consider yourself the lesser partneryou should ask him about it ask him to verbalize why he thinks you are lovable and incredible his answers may surprise you also try to love yourself more if another person finds reason to love you you should be able to find reasons to love yourself,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 odd thing i noticed after watching this everyone died because they didnt want to get wet at first,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 but if everyone followed that rule,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 you win this roundgongrats as this is the first time i lost this manga spoilers in link,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 although kiernan was feeling rather energetic she had yet to actually put it to use scanning the room for something to do she spotted a vaguely familiar face and walked over smiling she curtsied and looked up at the boy my lord id be honored if youd give me your name and this dance,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i think youre confusing the crkt production version with the customentirely separate beasts,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my degree is in graphic communication and it was a pretty broad program that covered mostly the technical side of graphic arts so i studied a lot of production oriented stuff like various printing methods color management file prep etc but we also had a lot of business oriented classes like marketing and business strategy which actually probably helped me the most in preparing me for the work i do oddly enoughi had a couple of different design jobs on campus junior and senior year which is where i applied stuff that i learned and got to practice i actually only had maybe 3 classes that dealt significantly with design so those jobs were really invaluable i probably wasnt the strongest candidate interviewing but i got hired because i was capable had web knowledge i was hired as a graphic designer but i also take pretty much all the web work and because i just kind of fit in i bailed on third round interviews for a bigger tech company in the area because i just felt better about the atmosphere where i work now and i think it was a good decision i didnt fit the other company at all even if i might have been competent enoughand yeah it is a great job for a creative typemention it can get stressful especially considering that im still learning things and its all timesensitive hourly billing but theres definitely a lot of opportunity to develop that inferior cogfuncmention,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 hah only 125 times good ive caught up youre on 137 now,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 he has the recording he was trying to post it to soundcloud last night,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 looks like 720p is a keyword for offtopic what else could it be title length,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 some pokã mon spend their entire life on torterras back,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 same here but i rarely wear it cause the neck is extremely uncomfortable,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 john kerry recent comment was pretty much of they got what coming to them in nature,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 hamlet has ghosts macbeth has witches,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i thought you were jokingyou werent jokingpictures 4 and 16 for you perverts,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 the reason that there are this many cheaters is because the game is so popularthe problem is you cant get rid of cheaters everjust like you cant get rid of assholes in everyday life you will always meet some,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 got some rock but mainly rap with good chorus upbeat vibes,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the ambiguity with phong is confusing its eitherphong shaders wikipedia orphong reflection model wikipedia not sure what the difference between the two are nor how intensive they are compared to whatever was in place previouslyedit correction and clarity,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 the cat is mildly entertained and mildly irritated simultaneously,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 as an addendum to whats already been said spain was colonised by carthage but only for a relatively short time 575 bc 206 bc 369 years from the end of the first punic war specifically the battle of the egadi islands until the carthaginians were defeated again in the battle of ilipa the decisive battle of the second punic war5 years after carthaginian defeat in 201 bc a peace treaty was signed between the carthaginians amp romans in this treaty carthage were forced to hand over control of spain to rome turning it into the roman province of hispania 3 years before the handover of spain in 204 bc roman general scipio africanus took the war to africa amp specifically zama what is now tunisia where scipio defeated hannibal the war would now take to the sea amp the coastal lands of ilipa once the handover had taken place scipio founded the city of italica in the modernday seville province journalist amp author simon sebagmontefiore states that the romans preferred hispania to the rest of their republic sebagmontefiore stated that the romans called it more italian than italy my entire knowledge of carthaginian spains rise fall amp the creation of roman spain comes from simon sebagmontefiores bbc documentary series blood amp gold the making of spain which chronicles 2000 years of spanish history from its relationships with carthage amp rome to the islamic conquest the spanish inquisition up until the end of francos regime in 1976you can watch the 3 part series here episode 1 2 amp 3 this series was produced in partnership with the open university who have a page detailing more on whats discussed in the series you can view that here,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 its a poor example inefficient not profitable enough no need to go into the other problems those are enough to make the switch to something else,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah someone did a few months ago there are like 6 or so on this channel there are some of the more ranty videos on other channels here and there too but they arent really about typology,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 you need to stay away from your mother for a while maybe a long while what she is doing to you two is unhealthy,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 how the hell is this cringe,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the conversation was in the sphere channel its someone from sphere yall have traitor in yalls midsts,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 good luck then id love to see your 33,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 roose is about as attached to fat walda as he is capable of being attached to anyone i think,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 obama 2008 because he promised more transparency and a more restrained foreign policy johnson 2012 because that didnt happen trump 2016 because while he has not promised to expand transparency he has promised to restrain foreign policy,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 results from bdsmtestorg 90 brat90 masochist 90 submissive 87 experimentalist 75 pet 68 degradee 67 boygirl 65 rope bunny 63 slave 53 vanilla 47 ageplayer 25 switch 16 primal prey 4 dominant 3 nonmonogamist 2 daddymommy 1 prim,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 im talking about at the national level,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 if i were klopp i would go for kolasinac from schalke he defends like a freaking bulldog and has that tanky physicality that makes him rush forward outmuscling everyone while also being able to play dm if needed,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i dont want to know what was said to even bring this statement into context,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 talisa tilted her head side to side slightly mulling over the question she knew her parents werent going to betroth her and she didnt have any need for a job so she had never given her future much thoughti dont know she decided with a shrug i guess i just want to become me but older if that makes sense,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 itll be the episode 12 aftercredit scene,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the mcgregor facility is used for research and testing of engines space launches are not conducted here,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 good luck then id love to see your 33,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 no problem at all the gpl and the cddl as well are distribution licenses they dont say anything about mere use if a user creates a binary that contains both gpl and cddl code it means that the result cant be distributed aka giving the result to someone else it doesnt mean the user cant run it as these lecenses dont have usage restrictions,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 no need for that just check out the blog from udebuglog and you will be amazed how powerless esea is if someone actually wants to gain an unfair advantage,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 looks like its in slow motion,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its really hard to say whats going on with her which almost certainly means youre missing important context i would guess that theres something else going on in her life it could be anything how old are you guys,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 edgeworth or klavier they are exceptions to the whole all prosecutors are evil vibe that these games create,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 he called himself eren krugerfucking timeloopi hate those theories but the symbolism is strong,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 theres a former mltp captain who runs around radius being a huge dick and never gets into and trou ble,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this why the hell are we giving welfare to illegal immigrants first comes citizens then maybe legal immigrants if it allows its ridiculous that this country well any western 1st world country isnt putting their people first,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 i saw this on rpsychology and reading the comment section infuriated me so much that i ordered a book that ive been meaning to for a while by hilman and ventura called weve had a hundred years of psychotherapy and the world is getting worse i posted it here more to point out that studies have indeed been conducted on similar topics they may lack the empiricism of motion capture machines but the theoretical basis of the typological observations are much more nuanced than the big 5 that they are using here jung myers sandoval and socionics have all been looking in to this to a varying degree i dont think that aggression is the only or even best route to study this as aggression is a temporary emotional state and if you want to study something that is actually empirical you are better off starting from a more controlled state and then account for the variables that emotions would drastically influence,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 this tifu is a caseinpoint,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 she looked down and then back up nodding in agreement so last time we spoke you ran off to pursue one of the serving girls i imagine that went well,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 cant make it public public or youll run into trolls,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 sadly enough none of the new mods are members of the cult,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i have a very few typemention friends that i love our habit is to see each other rarely have super intense and open conversations that last for a few hours feel great because its nice to have such an understanding friend who gets us and then well not see each other for another half of a year works out perfectly,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i would be seriously worried about applying a western personality test to people in other countries,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 dont hate the player hate the game orcas gotta eat does your wife hate the grey whales for murdering all those krill or squids or whatever grey whales eat,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 you met some morons apparently garbage and trash are far more common but rubbish isnt unheard of by any means,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i have known about them for a long time they are pretty great i found them through my love for acumen nation i know no one in real life who know who they are and very few online which is sad because to me they are the sound of the modern industrial genre a fair amount of their stuff is on youtube but there is plenty of great song that can only be legally found on spotify and other streaming services like that their sound is pretty diverse once you get a feel for it but it is always easily recognisable as acumen nation they also worked a lot with groups like cyanotic chemlab fleshfield ectthey even did the sound track for the game unbound sagathey also had a side project called iron lung corp which is a fanatic mellow take of acumen nations style i will try to post some song that get their verity across youtube availability permitting acumen nation penultimatum nation sutures nation the wreck of us iron lung corpiron lung corp rock star camp lung corp piehole,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 fade truex if youre gonna be playing logano,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i also started at 18 down to 15 now after 4 years i probably go through 1015mlday though maybe a little more lately,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 lol i think for the sake of brevity typemention should only list things that dont make them cry,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 same here he just seems like he now has got that perfect balance of calm class and scary,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 unless they are responding to what you say then its blah but oh do you know,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 oh i dont have anything like that though it sounds like a cool idea,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 can you need to cut the shit keep it simple boy,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 server location setup and players average ping also play a role in it just because it says 128 instead of 64 doesnt mean youll magically hit more in turn 64 doesnt mean it has to be badsometimes i miss shots where i could swear that i hit the enemy but looking at the demo shows me that i didnt stop properly at times or shot 1 mm over their shoulder just bad luck if that happens i mostly switch to rifle,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 csgo it seems as if all of the idiots who play it are russian assholes,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 thisif you break up with someone then whatever that person does isnt your business anymore theres no reason for her to be told anything related to her ex except things that affect her like her ex trying to kill her or some shit,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 and that kids is how you make lesbians,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 sadly thats the only video of it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 yeah sure is a cutie before i got a pug i didnt know much about them but they are a really sweet breed,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 you are using the smart filtering and it still shows you cells that contain data ctrlshiftl,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 your understanding of religion suggests that once you enter the club these existential arguments disappear i dont think true thoughtout religiosity is like that at all this existential stuff doesnt dissipate because thats the entire point if you look with any depth at the stories of religions thats what theyre about so rather thani would see the most edifying and intelligent kinds of religiosity as providing some kind of selftranscending schema or framework for facilitating those exact existential arguments and allowing them to perhaps be borne nobly and bravely thats my ideal of it anyway and very importantly connects you to others in an otherregarding kind of way whilst acknowledging the solitary nature of existence its purpose isnt to deny or sugarcoat reality i never got this antireligious idea that people just turn to religion for comfort and metaphysical certainty â what jesus said on the cross was father why have you forsaken me whats comforting about that,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 hmm great advice ill try it next time i just dont feel comfortable doing it though,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 heeelp it wont let me update when i go to update windows 8 it just gets stuck loading forever in the settings window,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 you only have control of your own body and reproductive choicesif this is going to be your continued behavior you may want to hold off on getting married until you can mature your communication and show respect for your partners choices about their own body,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 really vac doesnt care about how obvious people are vac needs to have the cheat signature added and that takes timehe wasnt vaced even though he was so obvious just shows that people have no clue when it comes to anticheats,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this is a very interesting comment this is the fundamental drive of the enneagram 5 type which is very common for ixtx types to have excluding typemention who are more commonly type 6sounds to me like cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention is all about subjective lenses in perceiving reality cogfuncmention assesses whether external logic is truefalse and whether something is logically consistent typemention can be stubborn in arguments because they think conclusively and in terms of facts they may then withdraw later and use their cogfuncmention to recontemplate the situation from an alternative perspective and reevaluate their standpoint cogfuncmention is open to possibilities cogfuncmention does not typically think in this style everything is possible never fully discounting a point cogfuncmention likes to see the alternative side of an argument and try to understand how it is formed and look for the fundamental points where their viewpoints differyes i find this very true though mbti does not cover emotional states in the case that someone is neurotic this is how cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention typically acts cogfuncmention breaking themselves down and reassessing their system vs cogfuncmention lashing out at illogicality,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 typemention is cogfuncmention dominant which means a large degree of individualism and authencity and to put a big value on this and being worried about it and its violation so cogfuncmention user very cautious about this whole sphere so a certained degree of aloofness distancing indifferent and even cold look is a usual description of typemention person being on my own and even a slight constant feeling of this persons selfisolation i would say on top of that respecting not only oneselfs but others people individuality and giving them their own space for themselfs and not pushing affecting them as cogfuncmention user wants to keep as true to oneself as possible so you want to have friends and relationships with people as the most people do and rather so it be deep meaningful and true and to keep your own ground at the same timeperfectionism ye not far from truth idealism is a constant companion for any typemention in all things as you are kinda everwaiting for a perfect scenario that will never come for the perfect cogfuncmention match so to speak fear of rejection as hhheppy said in some extend ye guess this issue is more present for some people its not mbti or typemention related as all other types can have the same problem and fears but in case of typemention it takes place in the way as you want your sticking to my true self feeling to keep being present and dont want it to be rejected so you can keep doing it to the best of your ability stay distant on your own noone will reject you there in your personal cave so you can fullfil cogfuncmention needs for the authentic experience its all different angles of the same thing or rather the same thing said in a different wordsso again why is that on a deeper level cogfuncmention is focal point of your mental cognitive processes of relating with the world and processing it and the basis so to speak like through what glasses you look in to the worldfor whatever reason it built that way that you put extensive valueimportance on cogfuncmention rather than any other function you identify yourself with this way of looking to the world which leads to these side effects like i distance myself all the timeyou know if you consider something to be important you will worry about it so it wouldnt be stolen so to speakas for instance cogfuncmention dominant person would worry that everything should be efficient and logically aligned and would get very frustrated when its not and try to protect and hold on to it cogfuncmention tries to hold on comfortable and known cogfuncmention to hold on keeping striking for new sensations and experiences cogfuncmention to always try out new ideas and boiling in it and so oni start a little comment and couldnt stop writing as always xd ok i stop dd,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 i think that is too strong of a statement i hazard that i am more like female typemention than i am male typemention there likely are trends and differences among malefemale typemention but the most important trend is that there are twice as many male typemention as there are female that covers the gender divide well enough afaic,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 squirrels are herbivores and typically are not fond of vegetablessource,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 yeah california definitely needs it for the sake of survival but come on cant it just get cold all over together,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yeahthat happensoftennot trying to be a dick im just a bit frustrated of all the anime onlies who refuse to tag their shit,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 basically yes if you look at a map of how spread buddhism was you can see islam has been taking over large areas afghanistan pakistan bangladesh malaysia indonesia the pressure keep increasing and buddhism will eventually disappear,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 once i saw the 10 year olds talking about minecraft the way i talked about runescape,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 oh my that was pure gold,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 motion sensor was cheap too,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think they basically admit this in greek myth with prometheus the tragedy by aeschylus and the poem by goethe help with understanding this figurein greek myth its simply that zeus is stronger than the rest of them combined and theyre accordingly afraid of him its basically might makes right the melian dialogue makes more sense considering,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 ugly autist dat projection you really hate yourself dont you masturbationobsessed selfhating freak dgosh the winds really gone from your sails isnt it all that nofap and it doesnt give you stamina whats the point then,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 10 power up front 3 power all 9 structures on the map 37 power and its cursed i dunno its pretty bad,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 my boss is an typemention hes hilarious and very witty and loves talking about everything and anything i feel comfortable disagreeing with him on things which i see as a positive only slight negative would be his abrupt switch from friendliness to aloofness which can be offputting it can sometimes feel like i have to put in some extra effort to get his full attention,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 because id like the ability to start a company controlled hierarchically rather than democratically,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i just dont talk to them no angry drama needed,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 you work hard for your money make your money work hard for you,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 im new i signed upi kind of hope i dont get somebody well above my knowledge and taste level and end up giving poorly on the upside i should be easy to please,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 1 move cross being aligning the pieces,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 oh thats really interesting i have to free up some time in my schedule but id be interested i admit to not having played most of those games ive only played betrayal at house on the hill once and that was in 2007,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 you linked an entire chapter heres the correct page from you link,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 that particular avoidanceheavy phrasing is highly indicative of a deepseated depression from that and your other descriptions of him id say he has a stack of issues he needs to work outits not just a low libido its a low drive and low selfesteem hes fighting i suspect that the libido drop is more of a sideeffect than a root cause,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 oh shit you mean business i just came off teaching 5 years at a residential facility for kids with autism and severe behavioral issues couldnt get my ass beat anymorewould have burned out of teaching entirely now i am back at a public school respect,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 id take that recipe maybe half the peppers or cut some of them out or not hot italian sausage instead of turkey cut out tomatoes change basil for oregano and plop in some spaghetti sauce instead of the oil but thats just me also it makes no mention of cooking the sausage so i imagine those turkey ones are precooked,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 g2bad cuz they lost to vp on vps strongest maps kseriously believe what you want even if it will not happen,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i have chronic sciatica chronic migraines figromylgia and endometriosis i have had a good 10 years of living with this and the only advice i can give is that no one will ever understand or care even if you can explain how you feel really well people still dont get it they will think about it for a moment and move on with their life they cant understand living in this body every second of the day you just cant let it upset you that no one will understand it is best not to talk about it with people people will immediately think less of you and think you are crazy or lazy or incompetent the less you address it the better,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 seriously although dont lead with nerf wars yet do something light like lasertag,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i second meditation getting a good meditation habit going is one of the best things you can do to teach yourself to cope with solitude better â œall of humanitys problems stem from mans inability to sit quietly in a room aloneâ blaise pascal,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 yea but theoretically we all have all functions mbti just dictates our preference i have switches in me that i act on when i think people are talking about shit and its pointless at some point you just have to do it and see what happens thats a cogfuncmention thing though an typemention couldnt possibly put something into action i enjoy looking good but only because it gets me positive attention i dont care that i look good i like that others give me positive attention for looking good now you have what you think looks like cogfuncmention but is in fact something entirely different point being end results can be extremely similar if not the same while motivations can vary wildly,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 lol i dontjust ignore the thoughts and get rid of all your impulse control and common senseactually thats a bad idealearn to improvise it wont make the thoughts go away but youll be able to react to things without them really affecting you,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 im sure as the other lines expand thell use that or a similar system,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 ive been gone for three days and this sub is filled with reigner memessobs im so proud of you guys,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 its sexist to assume that only girls can get cum on their face allcumfacesarebeautiful,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 the part where you are in the living room of your greatgrandparents and where you are thinking about them dying to me sounds like you are bothered by them being in your life at least in the close way they are presently also see some judgment toward yourself about feeling that waythe situation with the cat is harder to figure out id need to know a bit more about your personal life probably,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 yep thats the only takeaway from this video i dont expect this was or will be an isolated incident im sure the system sucks but they might get a better deal than this mom,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 surely the roi was needed to justify the cost of eventually providing full internet access to a billion people,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 for sure thats the plan and thank you i think ill write a long letter to him so i can get all my thoughts out clearly this was really helpful when i wanted to explain some issues i was having with myself and with him a few years ago,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 upmmemyjungtype urelight udoctormolotov upeppermintkiss uroboteedeither uchakkeooch utk4442 ujermofo utrippindaises uabstractcanvas uruya ubulldog521521 udepressedhappiness ujsn2817 umdelarose,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 for all the people who need a counter point to this i get the sentiment of going from the ground up and then achieve what you wanted that is empowering the thing is it is not absolutely necessary to go from the ground up to learn something or to become empowered the arch installation does nog make you a hogwarts wizardi never did a from the ground up linux installation to learn something and i do have quite a good grasp of what parts make up a gnulinux distro ive been using linux for 14 years full time nowive always worked the other way around first see the beautiful surface and then dive underneath it to see what makes it tick i started out on amiga workbench 35 and i broke that thing more times than i care to remember but everytime i fixed it and learned a bit more after that it was ms dos windows 9x and finally linuxtaking stuff apart and reassembling is just as effective for gaining knowledge no need to dive into the deep end at once and come out a master at the other end or drown learn of 5 billion ways of not changing stuff and youll be a master of keeping it running too no shame in wiping and reinstalling in the beginning either,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i guess but the post i replied to seemed to regard usa as the optimal world police and the europe as indecisive weaklings in comparison while in truth both parts fuck up most of the time being salty is not the same as being wrong,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 and a bunch of other places for 000imjksupportfrank,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 lol i may be adding a new contact to my list,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 oh absolutely i understand and appreciate everything he did with it and why he did things the way he did im not putting down his work at all i just couldnt get through it myself thats all,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 another aipom lover dmy favourite is either aipom or wobbuffet,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 i have worked for both dhl and amazonamazon we used big boxes for small things if we didnt feel like yelling for a waterspider to give us more small boxes at dhl its simple nobody gives a fuck,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i am a generous fucking white male they can keep the sandy parts as a res with open season outside the borders,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 ive literally never seen someone pop a tic tac and assumed it was a vicodin so no,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 what i dont understand is the peruvians with chinese names are they trying to be a better ethnicity,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 something like this while youre at it check out rcozyplaces many of the posts feature delightful places to sit and read,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 yes lots of physical therapist who get women with back problems tell them after a few sessions without improvement to go to a lingerie store to get proper bras instead of the pt,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 so youll be sitting on a train or something and then start talking to the people sitting near you casually about anything that catches your fancy,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 lets just try to get the g in second place again,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i agree however i would like to put forth a slight change to the nameaspetezan,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 many of the things on the database are placeholder gems that ended up becoming gems at a later time they are usually things that are prototype esque things that transform into something else for example new shock nova is a placeholder or a remnant of the changes that they wanted to make lightning channel probably became lightning tendrils fire weapon probably became herald of ash,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 kennys is a bot after the awp update funny considering that the go awp is now basically the css awptitan is better of with the trade imo,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 like his policy regarding cuba this was again see as an electoral move by clintonthese tariffs were only temporary,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 a thread full of positive experiences i scrolled to the fucking bottom ive got schadenfreudeblueballs here somethings gone wrong reddit youve lost your way,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 warm warm bit of an understatement there did you mean piping hot to the extent where your sense of taste is numbed for the following week because the filling inside singed all your tastebuds,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 super jealous i dont know that i could reasonably expect either or both of you to entertain me for a whole weekend haha i need someone to walk around the museum with me and go mmmm fascinating,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 wherever you take that from,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i think youre right and wrong the conservative party is having internal problems because the base is tired of two things1 the party getting elected and not advancing the conservative agendaand 2 conservative leadership not standing up to the liberal politicians,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 so glad it helps you i was quite excited when i came up with it i couldnt wait to come tell everyone here,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 were we in two different hw launches i never had to wait and frankly it was one of the smoothest launces iâ ve ever seen,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 hey fellow nber im also struggling and looking not too much here for what i want to do specifically anymore i havent found enough online to come close to paying the bills yeti tried most on the sidebar theres surveys but its like a buck or two a day and clickworker but that comes and goes in tiny little bunchesid love to be able to have steady online work here in canada like mturk in the states,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i grew up thinking id live the life script go to uni find someone to marry get a kid work on a career but during my teens i would start thinking about wanting to travel a lot for my work living the expat life and that i really just wanted one kid but this kid should be intelligent and adaptable as well to be able to life the expat life i wanted this went on for a long time adding more and more boundary conditions to the life script then at 18 i met my so who didnt want children and he simply asked me why do you want children at all and i figures i couldnt answer that question now i think i dont want children at all i think if you want children thats fine but if you do you need to put that kid on absolute priority number one and if you want a kid you cant put boundary conditions on what kind of kid it is going to be you need to be just as happy with a highly ambitious and intelligent kid as with a less intelligent kid with possibly bahavioural issues and thats simply not the case for me so i made the decision not to have children i wouldnt put that child before my own some would say selfish priorities and i wouldnt make a good parent to a kid that turns out less ideal then i ideally want the kid to be on top of that overpopulation and man made environmental pollution are real issues and i truly feel that anyone who doesnt absolutely want children shouldnt do so to help our environment recover now im in my 20s and planning an amazing career with my so we will be living all over the world not staying in a single country longer than a few years before moving to a new place i am really happy now that ive settled my mind on this issue it gives a lot of peace of mind,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 wouldnt it end up like a rematch then i mean i always pressed f2 because i didnt want to play another game or had no time for one more gamealso i dont think people would voter for ot because they would potentially lose their win,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i thought castlevania 1 was harder than 3 but thats just like my opinion man,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 hahah im the wrong guy to ask i dont really pay attention to characters most of the time sorry p,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 not even na stupid eu mges in a nutshellapart from the things you display your computer is calculating nothing is what i was saying with that,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 because there are still only two kinds of each function adding different dichotomies doesnt change the base properties of the function if you add blue and yellow together to get green it doesnt change blue and yellow cogfuncmention is already divided several times rational thinking introversion static once you divide it seven times it becomes redundant,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 if republicans had a strong candidate someone charismatic like gwb or reagan i dont think she would stand much of a chance with the her current campaign style,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yaaayi didnt realize it was already well on its way,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 is that in reference to value or intrinsic value if youre talking about value then how do you make decisions,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 ugh think it comes down to people especially guys but occasionally girls just realizing that a rejection doesnt mean you still have a small chance no it means you have zero chance zeroif you had a small chance then she would have responded with a carefullyneutral return greeting shed chat in a friendly but not too friendly way for a little bit while she figures out if you have potential or not if you seem to shell open up more if you dont shell try to let the conversation fade out or otherwise withdraw with minimal fussif she doesnt even offer that then just friggin stop youre on the blacklist dude get over it and move on i dont care how awesomely perfect she seems she might be for you by nature of her rejecting you she is automatically not right for you done no further thought neededno you are not being romantic by being persistent no you will not say just the right thing and magically win her over never nomeanwhile its pushy dimwits like you who make almost every girl on that site literally afraid to use it you unthinkingly create a siege mentality where they feel like a prey animal walking through a group of hungry scavengers this drives girls away this makes girls instantly not trust any guy who talks to them or even looks at them see how this is shooting yourself in the footladies i recommend the strategy of decline and block every time guy sends a message you say thanks but not interested and just immediately block him nothing he might say in response is going to be worthwhile even if hes a nice guy who replies with alright thanks for your time good luck then thats not really of any use to you honestly it happens too rarely to count on anywayset your filters decline and block if enough girls did this then itd not only cut down on spam and mailbox bloat but itd make the idiots realize they arent going to get anywhere and theyll be more likely to leavethat makes the site a better place for everyone,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 oh my godhave fun jerking off about how smart you are,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 run runi take it back stay down,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 i envy you ive tried that many times,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 even if he is no longer a believer he still play an important role in the narrative it get to drill hole in the liberal narrative who want to see islam as a religion of peace its counterintuitive but it can be very effective they cannot use many of their old arguments against him and an award like this expose how islam dont allow for much discussion if indeed islam is so diverse like they think liberal have to acknowledge him as one,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 minecrafts world is procedurally generated as you traverse the landscape,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yeye i listened through it all 26 minutes i was wondering does it actually help ppl you in particular for instance before it really hurt you what others said to you about you after you applied her advices and methods you dont feel hurt anymore ok or you feel hurt but proccess it differentlyin other words im looking for you personal experience with thisher teaching i assumed that if you are promoting it it really helped you so i wondered what in particularlet me explain myself she says alot of words and thoughts and perspectives on this problem this whole top10 but the most important thing that it would actually help ppl if its not its quite uselessalso what she says is quite interesting but i disagree with some points while others are really good aswell as with some overgeneralizations ppl may care what others think and it may hurts them for a variety of reasons its not necessarily social approval and childhood parental problems aswell as there are clearly ppl that dont care so its possible so this overgeneralziation of everyone cares is very meh in my eyes and that we cannot not care aswell as it different from what person voices their opinion about some you dont care some you do and in what manner aswell aswell as obligatory connection with lowhigh self esteem how i see it that for instance it could be produced by the feeling of unjustice and that i was misunderstood im this way and ppl judge me and see me and my actions this way this dissonanceat least im myself feel very similar things when someone would say that i suck and bad in this and that way as when there is simple misunderstanding between me and a person i cant explain it properly or a person understood me with not what i meant so it may has little to do with lowselfesteem parental childhood traumas or social instict to belong to the tribe in case of typemention it has alot to do with how we process the world that we measure everything with cogfuncmention personalized relation to things we put our heart out and in whatever we do so to speak thats why we take everything personally compare it to some cogfuncmention thinker types where they measure everything with logic making sense and logical ties its very impersonal just some thoughts after listening to this clip the main thing i was asking did it work for you or dont that it changed the way you are like for real before and after and in what aspects,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 private sub findduplicatesbyrow dim rowdata as range dim cell as range dim counter as long set rowdata range11 for each cell in rowdata for counter 1 to rowdatacount if cellvalue or lencellvalue 0 then exit sub if counter ltgt cellcolumn then if cellvalue rowdata1 countervalue then msgbox duplicate detected amp vbnewline amp cell amp cellrow amp amp cellcolumn end if end if next counter next cell end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 remindme 3 hours look into this,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 halloooo iono man my friend tells me and another typemention friend battle for extrovert air i think i tend to be the alpha e xd,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 can confirm this is the same method employed to determine that keanu doesnt chief,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 apparently i hide it well people at hut now get annoyed when im there to drive and not as manager they come to me before going to the gm who is fantastic now with my businesses im a lot more strict but im working with all masters level and above people who really know their shit so they can meet my expectations easily,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 abortion is illegal in thailand they have for many decades a family planning policy which allowed them to have a population growth similar to western countries so contraceptives are available and encouraged there is even a chain of restaurant called condoms amp cabbages which promote contraception,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 apple leather but really return that phone and wait for the new ones to come out in a few weeks even if you still want that model itll be a lot cheaper,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i will now never eat anything called pudding if i am ever in the uk,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i read through a little bit of your post history and for me it confirms my original impression of your peppermint survey that you are an typemention just like the function test suggests it is all there dominant cogfuncmention inferior cogfuncmention seeking but uncertain cogfuncmention a strong cogfuncmention world view but not as a conscious function cautious but conscious cogfuncmention weak use of cogfuncmention which is directed towards perceptions of the roles people try to play in society i can kind of see how some might confuse demonstrative cogfuncmention for dominant cogfuncmention as it is as clear for others to see in you but you tend not to see it in yourself as well but auxiliary cogfuncmention i dont see it at all i dont think typemention is realistic either,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 i dont worry about it much im frugal and will use coupons and sales to my advantage to get the products i use at a discount but i dont go out of my way to seek gender neutral items the only male product i love is unscented arm amp hammer deodorant because it doesnt make me smell sour like womens deodorant does,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 isnt that exactly what a trump presidency would be a huge portion of the republican partys state amp congressional leaders have turned away from him the majority to be sure if his success despite them isnt a cupe and his ideology not that of an authoritarian i dont know what is,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i am the lawof the wise king,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 are you asking for an explanation of our lord and saviour function theory or are you offering to be our therapist,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 in the north they have to work the most during snowstorm and the coldest days of the years,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 very likely a mole not mouse,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this is more from the perspective of weak sensing but quoting ucritsrc because its perfectcogfuncmentiondoms period intimidatingly sharp and extremely aware they give off a very energetic aura i just shrivel in next to them its like i dont even exist i might as well be invisible and the engagement is like something i feel like i have to answer to yet i simply cannot its basically looking in a mirror and not seeing yourself this is what youre supposed to be in reality to be present yet you see clearly in front of you what presence is and you have none of it no connection to reality at allat that point i just keep contact to a minimum and let them seek other means of communication more developed cogfuncmention users will find it and we can become easygoing friendscogfuncmentionaux users are easier on my mental insecurities and are much more chill less showoffy,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 i dont know if they are a thing but they always pop up on music discussion threads here,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 hands you a mic to drop,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 that comment section is beautiful,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 well i should go check on tali kiernan said a few moments after corlys bid them farewell pecking her husband on the cheek she rose and added ill see you back at the room even though his comment had aggravated her it was small and didnt disrupt her usual affectionwithout waiting for a response she started to leave but paused as her mismatched eyes focused on bethany shed always felt guilty about refusing to take her in and she would be remiss to leave her without at least offering her some valuable advicebethany youre a beautiful young woman kiernan stated matteroffactly be mindful of your surroundings and try not to venture off alonei hope you have a safe trip she continued offering a reassuring smile to temper the grave implication of her words goodbye with that she leftulosdarklyns for after theyre back in the room if you want to have a little squabble,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 not sure how you expect adding an extra step to anything would increase its speedalso if youre looking to speed up internet for games what you really want to look at is the latency your ping not the actual speed transfer rate thatll be far more important and will depend on your isp your service and location and also the location of the games serversyou can test it out at speedtestnet,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if you need to copy the formatted text just copy the cells as normal but when pasting into other cells select paste special gt paste values otherwise pasting into other applications should paste just the formatted text,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 im pretty close to you guys as an typemention my ex of 6 years was an typemention so i understand you guys pretty well i guess its entertaining sometimes annoying other times lol because i lived with one of you for 6 yearsbut im mostly still here because i can usually find something to relate to,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 but i was trying to say your explanation is wrong the whole system is based on the efficiency of energy production it has nothing to with strength nor sustainability the switch happens when the needs of the muscles exceed the supply of available oxygen and sugar readily availableanaerobic energy production is no stronger than aerobic nor do they last longer by mechanism they do actually last longer because anaerobic doesnt rely as heavily on respiration and therefore doesnt run out of fuel as quicklyendurance versus burst performance of muscle is based on the muscle tissue not the method of glycolysis,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 the real threat here is you now have a larger target for water to create a short between the prongs normally water has to get directly between the two to cause any issues now it just has to fall on the paper near the outlet to soak in enough to create a short,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 post a pic of donald trump with a rroastme sign,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 get out of your comfort zone a couple days do something different or start the stuff you have pending this works for me most of the time just try to transform your feelings into useful actions so you can get out of that stoic train of thought,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 lol what i meant was nonchalant typemention do casual like typemention do organized p i got organized once it was an awful lot of work but at least i tried it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 he married a 8 year old when he was in his 50s,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 is he even an arsenal fan he posts in reddevils like hes a united fan,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i would think the rates of dysthymic disorder persistant depressive disorder and major depressive disorder would be the same as the general population when combined with bipolar disorder that is a significant part of the populationwhich would put 67 for mdd and dysthymic disorder of 15 bipolar is 44 that would put it up to 1 in 9 members suffering from some form of clinical depression which is a lotthere is also adjustment disorder which causes a short term anxiety or depression based on circumstances i think this is what most people think of as depression something bad happens and suddenly you are really depressed for a few months but it doesnt run a chronic course either way depression is relatively commonas for how well typemention would cope i would think better than many types because of being extraverted social support is very important in prognosis of mental illness in general and as extraverts they are likely to have a much larger support system however isolation due to people not wanting to spend time around someone who is depressed might doubly hurt as both the extraversion and disorder are both affected by the isolation,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 now that he is the nominee yes but during the primaries it was not in their interest to root for trump as they are closer to the establishment only a few of their pundits who understood trumps chance like hannity and oreilly were warm to trump,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yep i didnt think so either save it make it last at least a couple episodes possibly more though right now the episodes are pretty self contained more or less which is a good thing and how many series start outwish thered be more than 10 a season though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the bad muslims are killing all the good ones,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 translation i really want to watch kids hug and kiss because im a fucking weirdo,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 maybe typemention but mostly none,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 dat denial you are part of it also dont knife at round startban deserved no reason to change the system,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 just from previously having had to order merchandise for a non profit i do believe window clings are a more expensive option than stickers to have printed per unit i could be wrong though when i get my sticker i will probably tape it inside my window because my car is relatively new and i dont want to tarnish the paint,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 gotta satisfy the people paying you,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 quality of life such concept is unpresent in my mind at least when applied to myself,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 because youre not using slide for reddit,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 wrong failure to follow instructions is not a justified use of force under most circumstances,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 the shoe profile and flyknit colorway is dope but i really wish nike would have a solid swoosh like this 3m one rather than painting it on really ruins the look imo,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 well i did read it and i didnt install because of it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 not probs it is the easiestno brainer dont even have to think about it,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 ive felt a surge of loneliness in my college years and im antypemention its me trying to find a sense of belonging but at the same time finding myself to be somewhat outcasted from a lot of social groups ive joined a lot of organizations socialized with various groups however it took me about 45 years to develop an established group whom i feel at peace with now i am happy knowing i have lifelong friendsin the aspect of relationships ive always been somewhat of a serial dater having no significant other really does play a part on how lonely i felt back then however its really important to have a sense of self confidence in yourself as a person followed by people you can rely on before you can really get with someone its somewhat of a paradox because to be ready to have a partner you got to be ready to be on your own otherwise youll be codependant and face a sense of loneliness while having someone by your side if they arent consistently by your sidepeople think that relationships are the key to feeling happy and less lonely but sometimes it could be far worse than feeling alone in a room full of peoplemy remedy was finding my people and then working on my own sense of self until im confident and content with my life everything kind of falls into place after that,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 well i am immature and unstable like that when in darker places so yeah i guess its usual if unhealthy,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 damn you are right that was even before he announced running,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i am completely inflexible about that now i tried dating without it and i just cant stay interested in someone who doesnt think science is awesome i need a girl in a short skirt and a long jacket i reaaaallly dig mytypemention all the typemention ive known have been soft and hard in all the right places also hot i have yet to meet a bustedtypemention,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 when people say they are x type i reference that to irl types basically if you are typemention every post i read is an amalgam of the voices and tones of people i know sometimes regardless of gender,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 welp i done listening to hillary lie she is fake,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 its to bad ilm does great work but weta digital does the best vfx in the world,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 la la land will probably lead with nominations i think washington might get a director nomination instead of best actor for fences the best picture category is big enough for lion hell or high water and hacksaw ridge being included but not for all of themmy guess is that lion and hell or high water will be the ones to make it not sure if the academy is comfortable enough with mel gibson yet tbh kubo will get snubbed,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 wait what how do you climb one in the first place,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 attraction to emoscene chicksi was very right but theyre all hipsters now their moms were right it was just a phase,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 itt people who dont realise that the fact that they are able to read the question and type a response excludes them from the dumbest 1,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 passive mind control rod reiss certainly has an interesting personality but i wouldnt call him attractive,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 its the best ride ive ever been on landing there is an experience,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 people probably think this cause hes a comfort pick for pros like peanut,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 that is fantastically delusional were the tourists on the beach in tunesia massacred because of political instability are iran and saudi arabia fighting proxies war because they are disenfranchised what about all the thousands of european muslims who go join isis do they see it as a nice career opportunity what about those who blow themselves up in europe do they think it will bring economic growth and stability,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yeah ill admit i was more into sega master system since thats what i had as a kid so rtype was my jam never played all the gradius gamesdragon spirit was fun for vertical shooter on nes but sort of an oddball so i didnt mention it not really a classicghosts n goblins was still tough though i kinda wish i had it for the nes i do have but mame is good enough and you can play the better version on that anyhowoh and if nobody mentioned it yet battletoads,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 matt barnes also wanted by me for fucking me over in fantasy last night,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i know but it still stacksif you have been banned for the first time you need one week without being kicked etc for your cooldown to get back to 2 days if you get kickedabandonget kicked in this time you will get 7 days again and have to wait two weeks without comitting offense for it to go down to a 2 day ban,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 she has a stillbirth that causes a dissociative episodeedit theres more to her character but that is a quick summary of the story i recorded for her thats actually the story i was going to share so i can send it to you if youre interested i found my hard drive still need to locate the file and read through it but ill be back to send it out to anyone who is interested in working with me,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 we need to build a wall,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 so we should harass everyone,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 this turned into a problem for me in my late twenties when a thenfriend and coworker thought my being helpful and taking on more projects at work that i didnt mind doing and needed to get done made me a doormathis words he then tried to toughen me up by being a jerk and picking on me for the rest of the year in a small startup you have to wear different hats to get things done i was really annoyed that my being a team player and doing necessary yet lowlevel work that no one else would touch was seen as a character flaw and they had to teach me a lesson wtf after a few more tactful approaches failed i had to show him i definitely had teeth it was so needlessly stupid and such a waste of both of our time and energy,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 well i dont have characteristics of both n and s or i and e like i do with t f j and p,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 i overcome them by engaging with life in a new way go make some new friends or pick up a new hobby or ten take a little trip somewhere go hiking taste a little more of the world learn about some psych and have fun making comparisons between that and compsci,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 overwatch is overflowing with clean players that is why i do it not often tbh i dont know on which server you play but i definitely get next to no cheatersvac bans are delayed and dont tell me it is easy to get cheats to be recognised by the systemalso the 40 you have banned on your vacstat list are probably followed up by 40 clean people and 20 more cheaters just give it time i dont know why you are so obsessed with seeing if they get a vac anyways first off all it leads to vac is shit threads where people without knowledge rage around and for the second part feeds your egocan i go into games now and say i have a 90 banned ratio on vacstat so you definitely cheatbut back to topic giving random people on the internet the ability to kick people from games is really dumb seriously think about it it would be better if people learn to report the right people for overwatch vac needs time anyways,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 go to the formula tab and switch calculation to automatic,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yeah thats probably what it isi find it difficult to work it out i think i am e3 aka the narcissistic phoney pony i thought e9 before but thats probably just because of the disintegration pointi thought the topic was meant to be fake typemention pwhat i find weird is that people associate e5 with typemention and not typemention why is that,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 good question fren i was doin the same ponder,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 well he has a show with skip bayless now,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think usilentdragon95 who i replied to originally has a point about trust in sexual relationships i thoroughly discuss sexual histories with my sexual partners and am not the person to have one night stands what use will it have to do a test if i know the is no history of any std and i know my body best and i show zero symptoms im also vaccinated against hpv the std thats probably most difficult to catch because of vague symptoms come to think of it ive never even met a obgyn or had a pap smear in my life its simply not that common for young women here to do soedit that being said its important to know getting tested in free of charge in this country you dont even have to ask for it at your gp you can just visit one of the government regulated clinics to get your test free of charge from a doctor you dont know if you dont want your own gp to know about it for whatever reason but no campus clinics or standardized std testing and that kind of stuff i hear many us people talk about,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 most people who say that it is a false positive are lying tho,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 no point playing an instrument if you have no taste in music work on that first,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 everyone knows gerald green is the cheesiest guy in the game,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 there is this idea that cogfuncmention doms are pie in the sky types that think of possibilities with 0 regard to the restrictions of the world i have noticed lately among mbti communities,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i never saw it so i cant comment but hype what hype i only ever saw people talking about how awful they thought it was going to be and i never really heard anything after it came out,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 batman stands a chance because hes incredibly intelligent and a superb tactician im not a huge comic book geek but ive talked to people on this matter beforehe basically spent a lot of time thinking about this precise scenario for every superhero and has plans for all of them of course for superman this involves keeping some kryptonite on handhe knows everyones strengths and weaknesses and which particular strategies would be most effectivedont count batman out i actually figure hell subdue superman in this movie long enough to help him and return to normality im saying this with literally knowing nothing about the movie,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah shadow functions are really interesting ill give a brief summary of all of them5th function you are very good at it but you hate it and you avoid it a lot its role is pretty deep into the subconscious playing some sort of devils advocate its strength is comparable to the 3rd function6th function is one of the strongest stronger than the auxiliary and comparable to the dominant it is veeery deep into our subconscious and we prefer our auxiliary much more we mostly aproach it as some sort of ok i can do this but why whats the purpose of using our 6th function when i can use my auxiliary we find that people that use this function are either pretty immature in a confusing wtf kind of way or find what they say pretty critical and offensive our 6th function is also some sort of devils advocate but in a critical way while the 5th is a you can do this in a different way even though you hate it you know its much better the 6th is some sort of you know what youre doing is fucking stupid do myself and youll be better off in the endour 7th function is our weakest one its also called the polr function point of least resistance we dont really hate it we approach people that use this function with some sort of ok you do you i do me but dont put me into it cause i fucking suck at it its our weakest function out of all the 8our 8th function is what we resort to when our inferior is intimidated its role is to cover our inferior and defend it somehow its some sort of coping mechanism its pretty strong a little weaker than the 5th function comparable to the 3rd and 5thour shadow function are the result of our first 4 like for an typemention cogfuncmention is the product of its cogfuncmention cogfuncmention because of cogfuncmention etcso logically thinking our 5th function should be the strongest of all the 4 shadow functions because our dominant is the strongest out of the first 4 right well its not really like thatour order is like 16235847 the reason why the 6th function is stronger than the 5th is still pretty mysterious to me but someone explained it better and im going to link him here if i find him reason why our 8th function is stronger than our 7th is that even that our 3rd is stronger than our 4th our 4th is like a selfgrowth point that we keep pressuring while the 3rd is more of a relaxed function we are really searching to keep improving the 4th so thats why our 8th develops while we dont really care about how good is our 3rdif you didnt understand something ask me,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i have no problem with people downvoting crappy memes,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 he is so lucky that g2 didnt kick him,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this there is plenty of water for everyone and everything its making the water potable that is problematic at the scale we need,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 with the new update you have to have your phones gps on whenever you use it so it knows youre not in a restricted state it wont let you enter or edit lineups without it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i think it will stop naturally when you meet someone who doesnt bore you i dont think the problem is boredom its that you dont recognize early on that someone isnt a suitable match maybe you dont have a good enough idea of what you want,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 done put it in my agenda,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this is only further proof that shes a 16m class mindless titan,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i just cant relate to not being curious i just have to know how things work if i see something and i cant figure it out or find out how it works it drives me crazy,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i forgot to add a lot of microsoft apps built into the surface device share information indefinitely for instance onenote gt privacy or other small odd end things look through the appsprograms you use often and see if theyre sharing information without your knowledge,7.0,84.0,88.0,59.0,44.0 yep i need a lot of alone time i get grumpy when ive not had it even if i fully intend on doing nothing i want to do nothing alone,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 my sinnoh predictions were spoton d,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 youre basing this off of rmbti stereotypes,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 she opens her mouth people hate that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 c 3 tiles should be much bigger than c 6 it makes you think as if those were on an equal scale of update,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 attraction to emoscene chicksi was very right but theyre all hipsters now their moms were right it was just a phase,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i like this reason more than the real one,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i commented on a thread about sympathy vs empathy and cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention in terms of which feels which and i was explaining this exactly about my sister typemention and how our empathy differs as well i think you replied to my comment mentioning your sister also but yeah thats how i see it too i like how you referred to cogfuncmention placing themselves in another persons shoes but holding onto their own value system that is in my opinion spot on cogfuncmention lets go of their own values and emotions completely almost to create a unique feeling on a case by case basis while cogfuncmention checks in with their own feelings to help relate to the other person i think its even more so in cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention users typemention because of their tertiary function being cogfuncmention so they automatically refer back to a time in their past when they felt something similar to then again loop it around in order to connect with the other person emotionally because they attach their own feelings to another persons feelings so much they have a harder time letting it go this is my observation anyway,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 which is ridiculous because the strength of the sword has far more to do with the forging techniques than it does with the raw materials themselves when they melted it down they broke all of the bonds between the molecules and introduced new impurities from the aircrucible,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 pastor nick got tortured to death,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 summer after she increased her boob size,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i am where i am supposed to be,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 are his facts wrong i get you guys dont like him but i dont know this guy and i dont give a fuck,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 typemention it offends her inner feminist as she says im assuming it is an internal squabble between cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention i think that it is mildly amusing to be pissed at objective data since cogfuncmention loves data then again i get pissed at sensory information so who am i to judge,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 its already on the books d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 only the armored titan and the mule titan have real effective use outside of combat the rest of them are simply bigger humansand hey as it turns out 50 of those two is female and the rest is gsus who is also planned to be replaced by a female you cant complain really,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i just want more variety for heavy and medium professions light armor professions seem to be winning at fashion wars and it feels like when i find a decent chest i dont like the pants that come with it and vice versa for example i love the heavy carapace chestpiece but i cant seem to find bottoms that i prefer with it that may be my personal taste though,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 the comments seem kinda fake,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 to try and have some dissenting conversation i actually disagree here i think cartoons can be a good medium to teach children virtues i mean stories have been doing that since humans could communicate i think people here are upset that 1 it goes against their own views and people see it as â œsubversionâ not that theyâ re necessarily wrong to think that andor 2 itâ s done poorly like shoehorned into the story i mean iâ m all for mindlessly fun shows but thatâ s not the only use for entertainment,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 haha you totally just watched the pink music video sp posted,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 this has to be fake,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 that would make sense im just surprised to bump into another person like that here ive been here for a few months and thats literally the first time ive seen something like that mentioned,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 i will admit to being one of the folks that is seriously annoyed by this belching out loud so the whole room can hear is unnecessary disruptive and may make other people in the area lose their appetite worst of all is if someones belch smells really bad and you get a whiff of it a person belching to themselves no big deal,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 it is better to tell a small lie for the sake of simplicity than to bog people down with irrelevant detail,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i dont have any pain relief medication at the moment i already showered so no cold water cocktail fool beer is where its atbut youre right i need to get off my computer and nap,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 good news oleary is out bad news bernier will almost surely win,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 he couldnt go out with a girl who was such a good person but still going to hell because she doesnt believe in god,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 in my eyes it doesnt matter i mean it doesnt change anything really so why cloud your mind with it its just another stereotype that you heard somewhere and try to applyattach to your lifes experience which is much more complicated life is life as it is without such stereotypes and concepts everything can happen i get that you brought up this topic cos you are afraid you will never meet a person like that and that you will miss your soulmate yes indeed it could be the case and you never meet someone like that there are alot of examples like that where ppl struggled for decades and could be not and you meet another person and another and connect with all of them or even better with the every next one there examples like that aswell or you get disappointed after awhile in your current one and will feel something that you dont now everything can change thats what im trying to say life can unfold very very differently there are a examples for every case from other peoples life experiences,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 i have a feeling this is fake,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 thats one thing i dislike about irish culture we dont voice our opinion or protest for change enough that and the fact that theres copious amounts of corruption going on doesnt help,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 agreed he was a machiavellian elitist which is basically a personality profile for typemention,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 theres a former mltp captain who runs around radius being a huge dick and never gets into and trou ble,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ive tried ive honestly tried without result but maybe yiu guys on reddit can help me further those are the 4 songs 1 2 3 4 if you know of a genre which has some common theme in those four songs youd help me a lot but i highly doubt there is one ive tried differend songs in each separate genre and ive tried different songs from the same authors but so far without succes,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yeah this is why i chose boston its also full of nerds which is perfect for ntps,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 will you pay for my flights,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 a lot of what you are frustrated with seems to be rather the circlejerky nature of reddit itself and the comments sections of videos like these i have theoretized some algorithms in my head how to combat it but were stuck with it,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 tomorrow first day of high school fml,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 oh i love them do you listen to comedy bang bang its very cogfuncmention as well,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 sidebar i had a lot of luck explaining to small children that animals that have tiny ears need us to use our tiny voices around them if we dont we will hurt their ears we practiced using our tiny insidequietwhatever voices before getting to see the animal the 8 year old boy sounds like a fun kid,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i love doris i dont know any other songs,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 also this article will be very useful understanding its systematic approach,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 my territory is about medium for the other stores in the franchise we go about 5 miles in each direction from the store most of the time theres only 1 driver that means that if there are 2 orders each on different ends of the territory im gone for 45 minutes to an hour before i can get to the 3rd order double the territory and double those times plus double the amount of money i spend on my car yet im making less since im doing fewer runs big zones are bad business,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 thank you ill add it to the list,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 that exacly the kind of danger i see with putting too much emphasis of promoting it mainly as a religion i dont deny its a religion and you should note i formulated it as a question more in the spirit of opening the debate abrahamic religions dont have the same openness and adaptability of the major eastern religions in abrahamic faiths religion is something you convert to you go through rituals baptism and its something you are in or are not the various abrahamic faiths simply dont allow to have multiple religions and this is strongly enforced if my family see buddhism as a religion it make my life more difficult you have t consider how profondly in competion abrahamic faiths are and the extent believers are willing to go to eliminate the competition,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 here you go see if this helps you with point 1 option explicit public contactlist as string private sub loadcontactlist dim objoutlook as object addresslist as object addressentry as object dim counter as long set objoutlook createobjectoutlookapplication set addresslist objoutlooksessionaddresslistsglobal address list redim contactlistaddresslistaddressentriescount 1 as string applicationdisplaystatusbar true for each addressentry in addresslistaddressentries doevents applicationstatusbar loading contacts amp counter 1 amp amp addresslistaddressentriescount contactlistcounter addressentryname counter counter 1 next addressentry applicationstatusbar false set objoutlook nothing set addresslist nothing end sub public function lookupcontactbyval firstname as string byval lastname as string as boolean if arraycheckercontactlist 1 then call loadcontactlist lookupcontact islistedfirstname amp amp lastname end function private function islistedbyval name as string as boolean dim counter as long for counter 0 to uboundcontactlist if name contactlistcounter then islisted true exit function end if next counter end function private function arraycheckerbyref arr as string as long on error goto undimensioned arraychecker uboundarr exit function undimensioned arraychecker 1 end functionto use this just supply cell references to the users first and last name like so lookupcontacta1b1in this case a1 being the first name b1 being the last name the cell will return truefalse if the user is listed in the galcode modified from ozgrid,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yep i noticed that too seems kinda silly,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 to be fair she was successful beforehand with hey monday she just needed some publicity for her solo career,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 450 movement speed is immobile,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 that is a question that returns for me every once in a while and the answer is invariably the same i havent found anything important enough to want to it permanently on my body,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 wtf hopefully they are just being rested,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 true that but especially at lower ranks people will report the whole winning team because winningcheating especially against them,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 christ almighty baadermeinhoff is in full swing i only finished the audio book today and have already heard it in 2 sperate podcasts saw it twice on reddit including this and overheard someone talking about it the hell,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 weve had many bird saves attempted i think a small handful were assumed successful interesting to know im not the only weirdo out there that bothers with that kind of shit p the small animals always fucking die tho,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 dude i think deuces album is coming on new years and hus is coming around march so youre wrong,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 its worth getting cook back as captain just for his awesome t,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 yeah id still love to play with friends and i dont have hours upon hours of free time i was just looking for some pointers thanks for the offer though,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 ya this thanks for the reminder,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 damn what happened to that raz kid,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 she just texted his name is johnny in case i disappear xd,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i havent made a bed aside from helping wife when she insists in decades seems a ridiculous waste of timeedit and yes i use a top sheet finding the right temperature is kindof a big deal for sleep at least for me and sometimes a sheet is all it takes,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 you open your sisters packages hmmm,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if you have problems with the availability of the datacenter there is nothing you can do as cs dev what does whining on the cs subreddit do when we had no update and it apparently is a network problem,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 maybe a cold observation but i suspect that suicide being more acceptable or even expected at least historically means fewer people living in shame and feeling depressed,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 oh nice i like your flavor profile maybe give them one more shot before i let them die,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 what are you on about where did i argue doctors shouldnt be striking i think the strikes are clearly warranted and support them,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 actually could a blue deficiency and a red deficiency end up testing as a deutan deficiency the reason i ask is that the medication i take that is known for causing blueyellow color vison problems is a very high dose of estrogen for reference i am transgender and take high levels of hormones i have a feeling that throws vison off a little i still cant ignore the bluegrey especially azures and many violets as grey confusion as well as the dark yellowpurple problems i also have issues distinguishing not only bluish green and orange but also bluish green and yellowish green i still have no idea why i fail deutan stuff so much unless a shift in deutan as well throws things off and makes me test as a deutanopiastrong deutan i do know though that when i had the cx 14s when i wore them i would test as medium to strong protan the 25s just have a much much less effect though i also have noticed protans talk about with that red visongreen vison image that if they sit back farther away then in their distance vison they can see that a lot more clearly i do note that my vison is stuck at distance vison and stuff up close is blurry so i have my monitors at a farther distance away if that changes anything when i get closer to it the red is weaker but the blurriness from being out of focus lets me see numbers in plates and such that if i put on my reading glasses disappear a lot of factors here though that are just abnormal i have xy chromosomes but my sex hormone levels are completely different and i have accomodation problems that others dont have im just unsure why i test deutan when so many of my problems are more on protan side and how my confusion colors line up with that this imagefrom what i understand deutan dont have issues with dimmed colors i have mentioned before that i dont see bright colors and many things especially red things are dull enough to miss or i guess after testing with a color app black and i seem to even on a computer have dimmed red i just assumed others saw things that dark and that red is natually darker than other colorsi noticed deutans seem to call cyans blue and i have issues calling blue cyans grey and green cyans orange i also have issues with more redder violets and some purples as grey in fact a lot of red violets that arent brown are greys magenta is a bluegrey for me and ive described purple things as greyishgreenish blue blue purpleindigo are all just blue to me and even dark blue i have issues seeing certain pinks as blue especially with enchromas though red meat is difficult for me as it is grey which makes it difficult to tell if it is spoiled or notpinklight red being grey is more deutan rightdo deutans associate brown as being a green to me brown is not a very reddish color and i have a hard time finding actual brown because i always end up searching dark green for brown is dark green and brown the same for you too i mix up oranges and greens a lot id probably lose a carrot if i dropped it on a lawn and for the life of me i have never figured out bananas they trip everyone up but the difference for me is that unripe bananas are green and ripe ones are more of a whiter green i dunno if these are deutan things it also takes me extra time to notice break lights so i drive slower and leave a lot more distance i also slow down near stop lights as honestly in the day it is a little more difficult to see the red light while the whitegreen one is always bright i used to have a problem with older game boys and gbas in that when the light changed to red it was harder to see leds are fine and luckily a lot of stop lights are leds and now a lot of brake lights are too older brake lights are just a pain for me to deal with i also had this alarm clock when i was younger that in the day i couldnt see anything but at night it is okay i have an easier time seeing red lights at night in general tv remotes were the very worst my mom had this one that i was never able to tell if it was out of batteries or working normally do deutans have this problem this image is really correct for me especially the bluishgreen red and red orange green as well as yellowgreen and orange plus cyan blue and magenta yes purple and blue indeed but indigo is grey unless it is darker in which case it is blue i already showed you light orange and bluish green as well here is deutanope btw granted that is more towards strongerdeuteranopia,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 tyrion viserys was about five at the time of the rebellion jaime was seventeen and tyrion is eight years younger so about nine,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 first of all players should look into how they can assure theyll not be the target,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 poulter could be a sneaky play most people will be drawn to jb at that price range if your strategy in cash is to play the chalk though you have to go jb i personally would go haas if i was trying to be differenti like palmer but man im really liking the local boy kirk you dont have to spend all your roster but ive been looking at him pretty hard,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 you did the right thing good on you op,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 well how much do you like the other is entertaining the idea of seeing where it goes appealingill assume this is the royal they and you are dating one person well complementary extrovertintrovert dynamic and the rest similar no wonder you feel comfortable with this person well reading between the lines it looks like you both are dating at a time where other factors are complicating things since youve hung out 4 times and it was good id say the pretense of friendship is code for i want to take this further but the timing couldnt be more off keeping it under the friendship umbrella makes things less complicated while not closing the door one way or the otheri almost feel the need to apologize for my fellow typemention here we can be a closed bunch mulling things over in silence and not talking much if you need clarity just ask we tend to feel compelled to give an answer when directly asked just ask if what you are feeling is mutual and if the other would like to take it further just leave enough room to avoid making it an all or nothing deal withdrawing is easier than committingmaybe ask the other if she needs some time we typemention need alone time to process things and give it a proper place a constant bombardment of attention is probably not going to endear yourself to herhim being introvert it costs us energy to initiate contact and having to constantly engage even with a person we very much like is drainingdoesnt take away that when the bond is firmly locked in place we secretly like the extroverted aspect in the other as it is an initiating force we need to get into action ourselveswhen love is in the air forget about being rational for a while enjoy the rollercoaster you need this turbulent time to forge a bond deeper than mere friendship let those emotions roam free and let that tsunami crash where it may nature needs it to hitch you upcommunicate with the other get himher out of hisher shell but leave space for introspection if cupid is willing this could be the start of something beautiful also the being in love part will turn to love and that is a whole lot more rationally palatable than the hormonal in love phase,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 golfers are always missing from the cruncher if they have played less than 4 tournaments need to play 4 tournaments to show up on pgatourcom stats,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yes it happens to be many people i know theyre unavoidable i feel like its more for people who want to be part of nerd culture but without actually being part of itlike liking bbt makes you a nerd and thats lyke soooo cooool right now like the way prescriptionless glasses are a thing but when i see the show what i see is nerds getting away with misogynistic behavior and all around general not funny jokesbut thats just my opinion,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 since 1900 around when pictures became common the tallest candidate won the presidency 75 of the time its often little stupid things like that that win an election i bet that if they were to make an analysis on which candidate as the deeper voice better hairs or whatever you would find similar correlation,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 who has outsourcing benefited hillary,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 omg you need dental insurance,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i dont remember my guy talking about that though he talked a lot about the posture of infants being superior and so on and in zen of course mind and body are not distinct so maybe thats true maybe when our minds are empty prior to experience which of course they never really are there are structuring principles of consciousness but experience imo necessarily unenlightens experience always and everywhere gives us this intuition that there is essence which creates anxiety when we search for its proof but cannot find it language itself facilitates this schema of subject and object and of substance and propertyi have described it as consciousness without objects of consciousness it has been put far better as thought without a thinkeri really want to read all these guys but who has the time,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 its morally ambiguous for me i cant say its good or bad its icky its icky icky icky and i hate itbut i cant say its bad if that makes sensemoralitys hard man,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 can confirmits also known as southern elements im not sure if anyone is still there but we were dead in the center of it with more tables pushed together than the fire marshal probably would have liked,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 next time i get in a fight,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 as i commented on the other thread have you begun categorizing the various functions of all your code combined any parallel processes such as the importing and exporting of data is everything as object oriented as you can make it with vba compartmentalized functions,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 by all means follow jobs visionary example but perhaps be a little nicer to those you end up working with one typemention professor that i now work with a bit comes to mind he is very calculated in what he does and says but in a way that i honestly thought for the longest time that he might be typemention as well turns out i was wrong but he now serves as an example of how wellbalanced a person can become over time,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 i was going to saydo not engage she sounds like an asshole,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 damn youve reminded me of an infographic that ive seen somewhere that was made for exactly this scenario it contained relevant pieces of information for basic everyday things that in the event of being sucked into the distant past would help you make doedit found it,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 its not what the religious wants its that the laws in the old testament which would be used to base civil law on are just as bad as the laws in the koran,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 edc rotring rapidpro in either black or silver with a red monteverde ceramic gel rollerball cartridge kara kustoms ink fountain pen fine nib tumbled aluminum body brass section various ink colours lamy swift palladium finish medium black lamy rollerball cartridge sharpie black finepoint in stainless steel bodyjob prepresshobby photography,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 can you give me its derivative i want to know how fast the leaks are coming our way,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 there are two people in my family with tomato sensitivities so instead of tinned tomatoes i used pureed roasted red peppers usually i buy this and puree it with a stick blender before using it in a recipe it has a similar texture to passata and works well in for pasta pizza and most other red sauce type applications there is a whole clove of garlic in the jar but unless you are very sensitive to it you could probably just remove that,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i hear if you use reddit enough eventually you get assimilated into the collective and this is a pretty advanced symptom,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 d i think its probably true for most men and perhaps somemost women did you ever see something about mary,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 deer flies shudderive always lived around bugs that want to eat me too we have these things where i live now but im more afraid of cockroaches than anything so i cant pretend thats the real reason for my fear of bugs they move too fast freaks me out,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 zero he can be fragile sometimes but if you play him right and have some good weapons and shields he can be pretty unstoppable,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 although the battery size is incompatible please have a look here concerning ultrafire 18650s,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yeah bird jesus was already taken back in my day my friends and i would group up and each play as one of the pokemon from tpp it was great,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 unless i am mistaken the left and right double and single quotation marks are included in that function,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 34d would also be an equivalent cup size go up 2 inches down a cup and its essentially the same im technically like 30f or something but i wear 34ddd and it feels better for me with the larger band,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i dont know what that means but ill take it as an insult which i shall then reinterpret as a compliment,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 depends where you are and who you know really i get quite a lot these days but that is only for the last few years so yeah,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im pretty sure chuck palahniuk loved the movie and what they did with it i havent gotten around to reading the book yet but ive heard its pretty different,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 yes being tiny and surround by bigger markets means knowledge export is your biggest trade this has been the case for centuries in our country language education is made mandatory by our government because its so important for the netherlands on a societaleconomic scale,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the first episode is horrible dont judge it on the first episode they tried way too hard to be nostalgic and make references and it felt so forced and tacky i cringed the whole episode but thankfully forced myself to watch the second and i actually enjoyed the rest of the episodes,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 who was your greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandfather what did he do where was he born when did he die what was his birthdayhow much influence over your life did he have thats what happened 8 generous generations agosome people are victimized see it for what it is and heal and move on other people become victims as a persona i dont identify myself as someone who something happened to i think 8 generous generation is enough time to get over itand dont misconstrue my comments to suggest they should forget about it i certainly wouldnt but the vast majority of people alive today wouldnt stand for the treatment they were subjected to back then note i didnt say the treatment people alive today are subjected to completely separate almost no one alive today believes slavery was anything but a horrible injustice no one alive today perpetuated any of that just as no one alive today was subjected to that,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i did i still do same as you my fantasy world saved me with an nmum and an emotional unavailable dad following an awful divorce when i was 12 i fell into a depression undiagnosed considering nobody gave enough of a fuck to see i was struggling i didnt even realise myself back then only put the piece together once i was preparing to move out live on my own and met people who were diagnosed anyway i would spend countless hours daydreaming mostly based on novels and movies most of which already named by other commenters my daydreaming mostly included building imaginary relationships with fictional characters mothers fathers siblings friends romantical interests 100s of them most of the time spent in the dreams were mostly just talking imagening how that relationship works i would daydream for at least 5 hours a day usually a lot morethe thing is by doing so i learned a lot about myself and my parents frankly by doing so i subconsciously worked my way out of a depression by projecting therapist roles unto characters i learned my own strengths and weaknesses and what i want out of life and my relationshipsim now in my 20s and in a really happy place and am loved by many people i still daydream though there are several characters from my childhood day dreams i hold very dear and up till this day i daydream and continue to expand those imaginary relationships a lot less often obviously but usually still in those dull moments before falling a sleep or when riding my bicycle to class the day dreams are still a safe haven,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ive managed to use it before for arsenal player but that was around a year ago maybe theyve changed it that was the only way i found to work when i tried before,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 as a girl who is now studying to be an engineer and has had first hand experience with being discriminated against my stem interests from ever since i was about 7 years old no girls are actively pushed away from stem by society by their peers family and even teachers the only reason i got into stem is because my father was my big advocate and called everyone out who tried to tell me stem isnt for girls why dont you choose a social science instead youre probably not good enough at mathematics anyway to be an engineer if you go to an engineering or physics department at your local uni youll find most of the girls there have similar stories,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 hah i hope she loses again,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 yeahthat happensoftennot trying to be a dick im just a bit frustrated of all the anime onlies who refuse to tag their shit,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 in 99 of cases it is,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i have found that the most complete people i have ever met are those whom struggle with something that defines them in some way something that is a cause of a feeling of isolation the most affected in this manner are those whom have some sort of high functioning autism a low level depression bipolar and even masochism all the people whom i know with one ore more of these traits have been the most generous honest honorable and trust worthy people i have ever had the fortune of interacting with sadly i never meet them in real life or we lose contact due to circumstance i know that doesnt encompass everyone and there are people whom are normal whom display all these traits and more but i dont seem to have the fortune of meeting them it is harrowing to realise just how incomplete the human experience is without a feeling of acceptance i am only waking up to this now,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 if they find out hes been talking shit they will ruin his life try to be a bro wont you,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i know its wrong but i always imagine it as peejack but with a soft j pronounced as the g in gell,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 youre welcome but i mostly stayed because it wouldve been more awkward to leave after staring at you talisa admitted giggling a little and looking down at the table sheepishly after a moment she added im glad i did though,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 how does this apply to typemention,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 ive seen this shit posted here before and people talking about it like its some thing and its so completely retarded it made me seem like i was obsessed with gifts or some kind of golddigger when im not in the slightest its just that receiving gifts is the only dimension it uses that i dont completely take for granted in a relationship unlike say physical touch and spending time together shouldnt those be kind of a givenfake and gay,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 as an typemention who has blatantly committed crimes at the felony level i can tell you it took only the motivation that they deserved it and greatest likelihood of not getting caught that enabled me to actin fact i was caught once after assaulting a guy that committed an act of animal cruelty and successfully defended myself against 5 charges at least one was a felony level this was on fort bragg and in a military court martial so not civilian courtso anger and fear are not the only motivators,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i like the artistic freedom your taking with this,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 worms been done for a while now,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 im pretty close to you guys as an typemention my ex of 6 years was an typemention so i understand you guys pretty well i guess its entertaining sometimes annoying other times lol because i lived with one of you for 6 yearsbut im mostly still here because i can usually find something to relate to,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 agreed it seems like more of a function of the fog that rolls in from the indian ocean but check out the other creatures too the namib is like a theme park of awesome creatures,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 very light rocks very strong and likely steel rope not too difficult to explain looks great though the only part id really like to see is how its anchored,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 there are monks in burma and thailand who do acknowledge their enlightenment and have a different interpretation around the taboo there is a reason why some monks end up being venerated and remembered ajahn maha bua was critical of the taboo and would say look no further for an arahant there is one in front of you when people would search for ajahn cha in the temple no knowing what he looks like and would by luck and up asking to him where to find him he would sometimes answer there is no ajahn chamonks will also hints when some other monk has higher level of achievement then them during a retreat in burma i asked a question about noself and the teacher said ask this question to chanmyey sayadaw the abbot he can answer to this better than me,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 phew i saw no moderators and thought it could be a recipe for disaster im glad someone already requested it,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 if anyones got this figured out and an easy way i can apply it to my life well i could use it about now bonus points if itll help put food on the table as well,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think many people saw the hyper and thought it meant i thought i had superpowers i just meant that i was way more aware than normal because it would have been a high risk situation,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think that was his car horn just oddly timed to the hits im not really sure,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 those never seem to be the easy ones though my hair stays in an updo wonderfully if i go to a stylist but no chance if im doing it myself,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 was the story on the episode with krauss i dont remember hearing it,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i had a collie growing upthey have very fluffy butts we kept the area under her tail and around her butt clipped we usually had one person watch her front while the other person clipped the fur it helped a lot,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i dont have fb never have never will just putting it out there as a thought i am pretty sure my life is more simple because of it,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yep brexit was due to cameron trying to avoid tory infighting and defection to ukip it was literally party and politics before country,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 behave more feminine before kicking in the badassery dress in softer colours to look more feminine and likeable always smile and ask people how they are doing how their trip to lake x was last week or if their kid finally recovered from his or her flu set the tone by being feminine and soft and only then be the strong woman who pushes the agenda while still smiling kindlythat also is something in general to keep in mind also for men you can be just as effective in reaching your goals and getting through to people without any aggression in your voice and body language being likeable kind and approachable is very important in getting people on your side you want people to be on your side because they want to be on your team and not because they are afraid of you,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 its the difference between thinkinghuh ive made an enemy seems like they look down on me im pathetichuh ive made an enemy seems like they are intimidated by me im a force to be reckoned withim not sure which vieuw is better though,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i enjoy golfing down south,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thats excellent i will have to rewatch season 15 in the coming week to prepare im also glad i didnt hear about it till now so i dont have to wait longi guess i just assumed the series was done due to the long break since,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 enh depends on your definition i say its falseheres the earliest i could findivan chisov in 1942 jumped out of a plane at 23000 feet and lost consciousness before he pulled his chute hit the edge of a snowy ravine and survived with a broken pelvis and spinal injuries,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 they would be romantic niceguys surely sturm und drang niceguys wandering alone above a sea of fog because all the mladies have bought into the enlightenment jock rationalism shudder,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 mmm carrot and mealworm pizza my fave,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah not really surprised at all they want to get into any messaging system,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i wonder what bernie sanders per vote looks like probably negative since it was a grassroots movement and he was given lots of donations whilst spending virtually no money at all to persuade people to vote for him,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i used to be a mild level holocaust denier now the answer is i dont know,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the real thing i wonder is during transformation when hes launched 60 meters in the aircould levi if he were to eat armin use constant partial transformations the way others use odm gearyou know because ackermans have full control over their bodies,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 no but im glad hes diversifying phes a great actor when he wants to be just feels like 910ths of his performances in the last 3 years have been throwaway ones,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 less than i thought about 47,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 completely agreethat doesnt make it less sadistic though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ah interesting when you put it that way do you know how much the f16s cost to keep in the air to be able to compare the 19 and 33,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lthorrible ideagtis for the children,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 you seem to be a beginner if you were advanced id recommend to random select a few series and pick the best one of them to see its how i keep myself fresh after years of anime but if youre a beginner then there are lists of the best stuff all over the net and in ranime and if you know a series that you like just go to myanimelistcom and see the recommendations tab for similar series,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 would it be accurate to say that the us has some of the best healthcare facilities in the world if you have unlimited funds for treatment like isnt the mayo clinic cedars sinai and john hopkins the best in the world for cutting edge treatment with the best outcomeswhereas european countries and other places with single payer systems have less innovations in the health field but the costbenefit ratio is better as they offer 95 of the services as american hospitals do but for far less money,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 anyone know what happened to menard,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 anyone financially illiterate enough to hold more than 250k in a single bank account given todays very low interest rates andor not bothering to diversify their savings across several banks deserves to lose their money,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 lol i do this to my friends gfs well not random but i weird them out on purpose like a light hazing its fun,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 out of curiosity do you live near a body of water,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i dunno i relate to everything you say and i am jealous of 3s too i think we just have a hard time committing to one thing because we lose interest thats the case for me anyway,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i really dont understand what all the fuss is about hereim pretty sure that statistically kids are very rarely ever abducted by strangers its always a relative or acquaintanceso while its not good to leave a kid unattended in a store i dont see the big deal about announcing it over the intercom and theres always just asking the kid is this your mom and if the kid is too young to answer well the police should be probably be called cause thats obvious neglect to leave a child that young unattended for any period of time,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 are you using a tabstrip or a multipage object to implement this any chance youd be able to show a screenshot of your form,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 lol what this guy said set her as a backup,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 only skeleton who could understand my love for spagget,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 hi i have a rather unusual size im shorter than average and have an hourglass figure with a big hip to waist circumference difference i rarely find clothes that actually fit i practically need every piece of clothing i buy unless its basic tshirts to be taken to a seamstress but this makes me hesitant to buy things because i never really know beforehand if a seamstress is able to make the alteration i need so i guess my question is what are the big nonos in terms of what is and isnt fixable and what are the things that actually are easily fixable but people usually dont know about knowing this will help me a lot when i go shopping again,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yeah well i kind of made it a summary he does mostly as you said in your first paragraph,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i think alot of this is because of our tendencies to round when attaching prices to items when im pricing lower priced items i look at price ranges in brackets of like 13c 410c 11c20c 1exthere is a gap between 21c and an exalt and here i would just round the item to be an exalt the items value may actually be like 30c or something but i will still price it at an exalt im not sure if other people do this or just me,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 yesthats how it worksthats how isayama decides when to release leaks,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i took my job seriously army 13e calculating how to aim a howitzer to hit the target i learned the hell out of it i could do it on scratch paper to the extent that it could be done that way i learned about the equipment and everything i could i thought people can die if i dont know my job youd shit yourself if you knew how many people thought that was ridiculous most 90 couldnt even fathom why i wanted to know so much about my job it really ruined the military for me,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i noticed on a recent reread that hes the only shifter who actively distance himself from every murder he committed in one way or anotherwith mike he looked away and let his minions do itwith castle utgard he threw one rock and made sure he wasnt there to witness the rest as his minions did itin shinganshina he actively gamified throwing rocks so he didnt have to face his actionsin the battle with the middle east union he states that war is always bad which since its a surprisingly extremely easy to debunk statement from someone as intelligent as him either implies hes slowly going insane or him being extremely pacifistichim being pacifistic is indeed far fetched but its the only way all his actions make sense to me,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yeah i actually know one just like this i find it pretty entertaining myself,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its great if you like a learning curve thats like el capitan except made out of razor blades,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 you are 100 correct the reit industry consistently outperforms the sampp 500 due to the dividends article,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 hey have you seen this picture very insightful of how each functiondom views the worldtypemention are cogfuncmentiondom cogfuncmention ofc so if you could mentally meld two ideas behind of these two pictures cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention and here we go you get typemention view of the world dcogfuncmentiondom are all about chasing the alignment of the inner subjective feelings with their experiences in life thats what they are chasing in life this trueness to oneself its the main thing to understand everything else comes from that dont overtheorize yourself with living inside feeling inner world of intuitive feeling and similar stuff such words gymnastics rather makes the whole thing more unclear and further from the real world of real pplessencially every type is looking for its dominant functions stimulation in life cos thats how person view the world so they are trying to fit the world into what they use in their mind for perceiving and judging so then they can perceive and judge more easily thats what they operate with that where attention is so thinkers chase that everything should make sense and be logical sensing types looking for sensual experience that they can touch intuitives are looking to exercise new ideas and possibilities feelers are looking for inspirations and inspirational experiences according to their valuestypemention got introverted feeling third in priority of all eight functions in your personality so you use it quite alot what you asking about to understand how fidoms feel the world you just need to look inside yourself find and single out this function and mentally put more attention weight and value on it make it more saturated so to speak and you can grasp the feeling of how fidoms are you know its better to see once than hear a hundred times,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 ooh tarkovsky ill watch weird art films with you willingly if you dont tie me up,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 definitely and people are only framing it as a gaffe because of trumps past rhetoric otherwise outside the few trumpism he wrotes along with it its no different that wishing happy stpatrick while holding a glass of greencolored beer,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 reading through your comments i didnt yet get an answer on why the simple reason given by most child free people isnt valid that simply being i dont want to with this question im trying to get to a core value youre experiencing that may conflict with core values of child free people,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 this is a great idea and also really sweet of you to think of,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 ugh fucking lady and her worthless chihuahuas lol how did your dog behave during all this mine would have been going ballistic and id have been forced to control my dog not the lady jealous which dog park did you go to have you been to cosmo,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i mean so these friends are trying to tell you that the girl you like is notwould not be interested in you trust me theres no conspiracy theory we wing womanhelp each other out with dating all the time we generally know our friends preferences theyre saying the girls arent interested in you,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 could be that the invites are not to their events,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 because why is he in the damn brown water bouncing up and down,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 the patriot act was almost passed unanimously only one nay both sides equally guilty,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its just a normal big company im not explicitly supposed to be browsing reddit either,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 led lightbulbs dont save you a lot of money if youre switching from incandescent almost nobody has those anymore you would but comparing leds to cfls its a couple pennies a month and youre gonna spend like 2 grand on lightbulbs,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 and the tanlines dont forget the tanlines,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 first dont do it second if you have to plans tons of activities keeping them busy with structured activities will keep them from getting into naughty unstructured activities how old are they,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 private function searchforbyval searchtext as string as long on error resume next searchfor 1 searchfor rangeaafindwhatsearchtext lookinxlformulas lookatxlpart searchorderxlbyrows searchdirectionxlnext matchcasefalse searchformatfalserow end functionwith the option of changing rangeaa to match the search area,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 it means there is no reason to play them because whatever youre trying to do there are other gods that do it better,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 it depends on the publishers wishes simply check your cart to check if youll get extra copies youll get a warning or a message near the bottom of the page if you can,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 absolutely but they are not innovations in areas i care about as a desktop consumer and im not obligated to reward them for catering towards mobile markets,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 to be clear a representative doesnt have to represent every member of their constituency to be a representative a representative democracy just means that everybody is involved in choosing political representatives if 99 of the population want a different representative to the one that is chosen but the process they all participate in leads to the representative that only 1 of the population wants then they still live in a representative democracyits basically pedantry at this point,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 im best top or support not too great with last hits this was like in season 3 of the game i have no idea how it is now been about a year since i last played xd poppy was my main then nami and cho,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 awesome what sort of music are you all playing,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 he could sew on some pockets for extra romance,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 nopeglitched to shitthey finally got bo1 and waw has been long gonerip the good cods,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 obliterated sounds malicious it would more appropriately said to have been involuntarily decommissioned due to an unanticipated electrical fault,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 the earliest woman whose name is known is enheduanna an akkadian princess daughter of sargon the very first emperor,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 indoeuropean means speaking an indoeuropean language and thats all it means they dont speak one theyre not indoeuropean in practice language generally gives an idea of genetics ie if theyre speaking a turkic language theyre a turkic people barring some invasiontype event,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 not very often is an alley oop off the backboard the right move,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 my dog likes to open his own presents on christmas he has more fun with that than the toys that are wrapped for him,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 i have a 5770 if youd like me to take a nude of it,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 im no friend of the verge but tom warren has always done their windows coverage same with paul thurrott and mary jo foley on the twit networktheres a difference between being a fanboy and being a specialist in one product line,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 when he said in the article he is sick of voting for the lesser evilthat is exactly how i feel,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i finally got it after reading uchiafriend12s comment i only read you need a special permit to enter chernobyl since i was trying to play how far fukushima is to okinawa against how far moscow is from ukraine,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i also think that typemention is less likely but typemention are among the most introverted extroverts also introversion and extroversion as they are general used is not the way the it is used in cognitive function theory introversion is more concerned with how the objective world is taken in internally and subjectively whereas extroversion is more concerned with how the internal self relates to the external objective world i also wouldnt rule out something along the lines of xnfp given your emotional awareness but you would probably show much more pronounced signs of cogfuncmention if you were i dont really see any signs of cogfuncmention or cogfuncmention thoughif you want further clarification whether or not you are an inxj you should look into inferior cogfuncmention it is pretty unmistakable in my opinion you show more signs of inferior cogfuncmention when you talk about anger that you dont understand that is classic repressed cogfuncmention,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 im no mathematician either but i understood explanation amp i think you make a good point patterns have always been ingrained in the earths nature its just the way in which we try amp explain these patterns that is the interesting thing,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 its real hard to rebuild friendship after breaking it down if i was in her position i wouldnt want to revisit a friendship that broke over a matter of months to years the only way is to be direct and honest about how youre feeling and apologize its really up to her if she wants to give you another chance at friendship,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 the words sounded serious yet nothing in his tone indicated she should worry sure she said taking his hand and leading him through the halls she peered into the garden and into one of the sitting rooms yet they were both occupied instead she brought him to her roomin the center of the room stood a large bed flanked by two buck heads mounted on the wall a wolf pelt and a fox pelt were draped over the posts closest to the door on the right was a door into the bathroom and a desk on which sat a locked chest a quill with ink and a piece of parchment with number neatly written on it on the left was a closet in which her dresses hung and a chest besides alexs old jerkin and binding the dresser was mostly empty with several drawers meant for clothes being used for books instead on its surface rested her bow and her medallion a layer of dust forming on it from disusesitting on the bed she patted her hand beside herself and raised an eyebrow so what did you want to talk about,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 sure way to set yourself up for disappointment i think if you dont get anything in writinglife has taught me people are almost all greedy sobsreal good way to figure out what a person is really like either by them winning a ton of cash or by you winning a ton of cash and how they change or not after that fact,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this will be censored herei guarantee it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 so damn funny i was thinking the same thing while watching the super bowl well almostim older and i was thinking im nearly the same age as these guys and i remember watching in the past and thinking they were so much older than i am now im in the same age group weird,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 came to make a boost comment too late,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 please dont remind us of those movieswere all trying to forget they ever happened,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the other problem is that even when faced with more evidence they can be absolutely stubbornly unshakable i get the sense that before ive even gotten 15 of the way through sharing my thoughts on a complicated issue some of them have already passed judgment and are just waiting for their chance to tell me whats what i find it amusing because i choose to but only because i choose to,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yes response is innovation not labor parses differently than response is innovation and labor if you ever give orders to an ai such details will matterso was i even looked at the research paper looks like no robots were used in the making of this research they developed software that can use preselected youtube cooking videos as input pretrained to recognize the appropriate objects and generates instructions like ok now take the knife grab the tomato and make slices the problem is that those individual actions are the complicated part it has no real idea how to take a knife grab a tomato or make slices it may mistake your hand for a tomato as wellclimb trees pick bananas eat them simple right not for a robotlots of simple tasks rely on massive amounts of subconscious processing and highly optimized heuristics and are thus incredibly difficult to automate efficiently nonroutine cognitive and physical tasks are even worse because the amount of experience an ai would have to be trained for is mindboggling and this include a lot of both skilled and unskilled jobsof course not going from 90 farmers down to under 4 was an economic disruption and that didnt even require any computers at all but it didnt result in permanent mass unemployment did itthe current wave of new technologies will change the economy but not as much as the utopians or dystopians would expect were looking at maybe 10 automation in the next decade well within societys ability to adapt,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 christmas killed me with this i was staying with my family and on the slow days i was nailing a book a day but id also be buying 3 more,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 navy im going into the nuclear field,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i have deuteranopia tag because that is the one that fits the closest im not really sure what my color vision type is at the moment except for that i fail the ishihara at the optometrist at strongdeuteranopia level which is weird as when i was looking at frames last summer to send in for custom frames i got an ishihara test and i had the results of mild deutan back then i tested on enchromas site as mild deutan with sometimes moderate i received in september the cx14s and they worked spectacularly and had a pretty extreme effect that was very memorable i had them for a week and a half and exchanged them for 65s because i knew i spent a lot of time indoors and in cloudy weather and would have better use for themin between the 14s and 65s i had some color changes in my vision and when i got them for the first few days they had a mild effect that was still pleasant then i had a severe medical issue and they stopped working so i exchanged it for some cx25s that i got in january in between i had a lot of change in my color vision and loss of normal vision as well as other problemsnow i get consistantly strong extreme deutan or inconclusive i have weird color confusions too on a computer monitor they clearly look brown but these look blue in multiple lighting to me irl i used to see stop lights as the bottom light being pale green and now it is completely white i have trouble seeing the yellow in certain things and if it wasnt for size and shape differences i would mix up yellow and white onions purple used to be one of my favorite colors but now it all looks blue or worse black from my understanding deutans shouldnt have the confusion of some reds and blacks but i do now i went out yesterday on a sunny day with a blue sky and i had to really look for any color changes and it was simply my skin color the sky being a little less bluegrey and a street sign was slightly different maybe they are just incompatible with acquired color defects,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 the problem is that he plays a double language game and doesnt admit that what he calls free will isnt the classical definition of free will i debated enough compatibilists on this issue and they will do everything to push back at every turn against the idea they are using a different definition of free will harris called dennett on that pretty clearly as he said dennett is saying that atlantis exists its in fact sicily but dennett insists that the free will he defends is the same kind of free will that harris says doesnt exists he wouldnt be attacking harris argument on free will if he was to concede they are not using the same definition he cant have it both ways,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i felt this very keenly in my teens i was close with my nearage siblings but teen years are volatile times and i couldnt always depend on their being there for me in a steady way its one thing to be completely alone another to be lonely with noisepeople who dont get you and make you feel alone even when youre not and another to have people who seem to get you but dont have any time for you all hurtful in their own ways loneliness taught me to be more othersaware and to approach relationships with a plan to give more than i hope to get typemention can come off as being selfinvolved instead of just selfaware i try not to feed that perceptionloneliness can be one of those hurts that looks like desperation and mental illness to to others so be careful youre not sending out that vibeim a planofaction kind of person so my solutions were to work on being a good friend to others already in my path and sphere even if i didnt get the result i wanted write moody stories and poetry read classic novels take long brooding walks and invest in my spiritual development i still do all thisi got a reputation for being steady and a calming influence to others and they respected me more in some cases that work paid off with better relationships at a later timeunfortunately i stopped invested in others so much when i got married throwing all my energy to my spouse and kids instead big mistake separated now ive been struggling to make new connections with my social groups but at the same time using my old rule i went back to investing in the other people in my sphere againmostly relatives who arent too annoying and im starting to see the results,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 i live in oregon and its possible to get water rights source oregongov properties here can be sold with the water rights i have a friend whose property has water rights that he bought with it about two years ago,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 this isnt even about your anxiety i for example have zero issues with anxiety but am simply highly introverted and this would also not be ok with me at all tell your so that for this time youll welcome his friend into your home but that you are really really appalled that he invites people into the sanctity of your home without consultation and that he must do so from now on for fuck sake i wont even let my own mother into my home if she drops by unannouced your home is your safe place your so does not need to understand it he simply needs to respect it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 is it a bird that shoots persons or a shooter that shoots bird persons or a bird person who shoots persons,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 so how did cruz manage to climb up all the way to presidential nominee by himself in most elite fields including politics you need to actively network and get a rapport with people more experienced and powerful than yourself no matter how smart or talented you may be you cant get up there without someone opening a door for you on the way there if everyone hated him as far back as 1996 how did cruz get himself into a position to backstab people surely everyone would have left him well alone,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i was a banana walking a hot dog supervisor of treat or treater family members,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention these two functions like cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention do the opposite thing in the exact same way cogfuncmention is looking at how things evolved through time in the past and applying it to the presentfuture cogfuncmention is looking at the present what is not what could be and comparing it to the past remembering how things were back then and making a library of things stocked right in the moment they happened and using it as experience for the future so for short cogfuncmention has a library built from the past in the present cogfuncmention has a library built from the present in the past cogfuncmention is from past to futurepresent while cogfuncmention is from futurepresent to past cogfuncmention has a library built from the past of sensory data â œvisual memoryâ and things like that while cogfuncmention has a library from the past built of abstract data how one event relates to another symbolism and things like that cogfuncmention is literally like wikipedia a lot of exact and concrete facts while cogfuncmention is living in metaphors and symbolism cogfuncmention has exact memories of what things are cogfuncmention is very detailoriented while cogfuncmention is seeing how one event relates to the other and another one and so on and so forth making some sort of â œchain of eventsâ example in music for example mike shinoda rapper writes most of his songs as stories he is antypemention which has cogfuncmention as their secondary function which will make them write some stories a lot listen to songs like â œkenjiâ and â œred to blackâ by him the reason a cogfuncmention user would write lyrics in some sort of storytelling mode is because cogfuncmention remembers past information too itâ s not only future oriented let me explain it with a history book examplehistory example if functions were history books cogfuncmention would be like most books are today they would describe what happened in detail like most books do with exact numbers for time of the event and place cogfuncmention is not really about what happened it is about how the things that happen relate to each other since cogfuncmention is looking at patterns of how things evolved through time a history book that would be cogfuncmentionlike would not be very focused on what happened rather it would tell that this and this and this happened and because of all these 3 things it lead that after it â caused this and because of that this also happened and because of that this also happened and that led to this and that and because of thatâ etc cogfuncmention is about how the events in the past relate to each other neglecting unimportant details thatâ s why most of mike shinodaâ s raps are very storytelling it is seeing how an event leads to each other and so on and so forthâ œcogfuncmention is an abstract map of possibilities which you explore literally with cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention is a literal map which you explore abstractly with cogfuncmentionâ â source would also like to copypaste an amazing reddit post i found about cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention source thinks of the past and utilizes it to understand the world relating something to your past isnt cogfuncmention cogfuncmention connection to the past is again more concrete specific events and their relation to the self both a cogfuncmention dom and a cogfuncmention dom can have theories as to how say being abused as a child shaped them but a cogfuncmention dom is likely to get there via a bunch of themes in their lives and oh its because i was abused as a child is the obvious conclusion the cogfuncmention dom is likely to focus on being abused as a child specifically and focus on how that relates to the self the relation can be however abstract but the event and the self have a direct connection the output can at times look identical the cogfuncmention dom can get to the same themes in their life but theyll do so with the specific event as their anchor the cogfuncmention dom on the other hand has the themes as their anchor and the specific events is just a detached conclusionthis is why cogfuncmention is far more linear because the connection between the subject and the object is direct despite how abstractconcrete it is object is used loosely here it can be an event an idea or an actual object it makes me uncomfortable to think about it is something youre more likely to hear from an cogfuncmention userthe relation cogfuncmention users draw is often sensory what it looks like to them or what it makes them feel like the latter being why cogfuncmention is generally more emotional especially in a sentimental way but also why cogfuncmention has a very bodily connection the relation can also be entirely abstract though what makes an apple an apple to me you can use just about anything to relate to it but the important thing is that there is a direct connection between the subject as in you and the object which is really anything that isnt the subject the themes you derive are anchored to somethingcogfuncmention on the other hand doesnt care about what the connection between a car and them is its a car theres a detachment from the self with cogfuncmention cogfuncmention anchors to themes which more accurately would be described as sequences of interactions between objects imaginary or actual makes no difference more specifically it wonders how a perceived theme fits with all the other perceived themes or how all these different sequences of interactions fit together to contrast it with cogfuncmention cogfuncmention wonders about specific sequences of interactions it focuses on the idea itself and where it leads cogfuncmention doesnt care all that much about where any specific idea leads it cares about how it interacts with all the other ideas the trajectory you get from cogfuncmention is because the way different sequences of interactions interact with one another is a process of elimination youre left with less and less probable options the more themes you throw into the picture a best drawn line is naturally createdso to sum it up the functions are similar the difference is in the nuances in what the anchors of the perception is with cogfuncmention you get specific anchors between the self and objects a connection between the self and something with cogfuncmention the anchor is sequences of interactions its an object to object relation in the subjective mind the self is removed i was abused is a conclusion derived from a bunch of themes for the cogfuncmention dom whereas i was abused or an event of abuse is the anchor from which themes are derived for the cogfuncmention dom they will very often end up looking similar and anyone is capable of using either anchor but the cogfuncmention dom habitually does one and the cogfuncmention dom the otherdisclaimer there are judging functions involved in any given example here i dont believe isolated examples are possible or useful the terminology is also a bunch of jargon,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 none this has come back to bite me in the ass numerous times i talk about only work things at work and barely anything about my personal interests i made a post about how i fucked up on this sub every time i get comfortable at a work place i overstep what i thought were the trust boundaries or someone breaks my trust itll be years before i can try again hopefully ill be self employed by then lol,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 joking i just found it funny how coincidental it was that it happened on 8 december,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 whoops sorry did not know the official translation,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 i think there are plenty of typemention on this forum that have changed their minds about things far sooner than 50 years pthere are people here who used to be very religious and changed to atheist despite pressure from their families that requires changing the entire way you think the universe works despite social pressure to stay the same there are typemention here who have had many successful relationships with people who have learned new skills overcome crippling fears done things on a whim that have changed their life for the better i know typemention who have opened up shortly after meeting someone who have started businesses made great friendships in one day and are very active in their communities and being social just because we have the same functions doesnt mean we all have the same way of thinking or acting you will never get an typemention to change their principles unless they have proof it isnt working its like the scientific method they will conduct their own experiments and prove their own ideas on their own time if the principle is faulty they will change it theyre not going to haphazardly abandon something which might have value until they are sure about it especially not because someone else thinks differently or wants them to,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 very very easily lol you try to logically verify the propositions of logic themselves and you find that you cant,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 well done thank you for making this world a better place,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 if he took the phone why didnt he at least delete the video geez,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 sticking together the girls and damon meandered around the garden admiring the aesthetic and pragmatic design and the care that mustve gone into it all three were amazed by the intricate topiaries having never seen anything of the sort before and talia and gwin were quite fond of the scent and vibrant colors offered by the wide variety of florathis would be a good place for hideandseek gwin noted aloud having a similar thought to damon had kiera tagged along gwin mightve suggested abandoning the library altogether but instead she decided to leave those prospective plans for lateras damon asked his question gwin stopped wandering around and furrowed her brows enjoying the process of considering the possibilitieslive lions in cages she suggested only half joking,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 haha thats what it means to a lot of people agnostic atheists at its most basic sense it means we acknowledge that theres not enough evidence to know one way or another agnostic theists are a thing too but i think due to the lack of evidence most agnostics are probably technically atheists not in the there is no god sense but the i dont believe in any specific god sense,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 bcuz 144hz had so much to do with it lel,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 what i really liked about bb vs ds is how from thw start on there actually was a story even though world was still cryptic and vague as with ds with ds the story of your character doesnt really evolve past i woke up in a random place shit where am i and throughout the game you learn primarily things about the world your in not necessarily a story of your characters role in that world that being said im really looking forward to being a magic character again all my main ds chars are magic based just hope ds can learn from bb and vice versa,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 lol i also visited prague during the same trip yeah prague is one of the most beautiful cities in europe for sure i never really got paris a lot of the things that were supposed to be beautiful were ugly to me eg the opera house dont like that rococo style much i remember the outskirts of bratislava looking pretty poor and rundown at least more so than anything i was used to you may have dodged a bullet re hostels there are some unbelievably cheap and therefore truly dodgy hostels in eastern european cities,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 why should we be considerate to small teams all the teams should be treated equally this is a competition to see whos bestactually smaller teams going further in the competition will reduce the revenue less people are going to watch a smaller team,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 but then it gives his team a disadvantage his job requires him to do what is competitive even if he doesnt agree with it its not like hes cheating or anything its a common thing in portugal hes just continuing the norm,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 happy cakedayi concur see what a locksmith can do if his carbide bit wont do it not worth the trouble also no idea why they bought a boroscope camera when they werent sure they could drill it out or not yet waste of cash,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 your 2 is not true btw also why they wouldnt do that here,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 not really the deck is made to combo off and bls is dead unless i combo comboing is the only way i get cards in the grave,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 which is a rat what valve doesnt want to dowhich are ring0 and that is just all that vac needs tbhas esea eac and wire are as well as vac signature detection based acsis serverside and not a better clientside ac than vac,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ever see that video of the young man who iirc had eye cancer he could skateboard and play sports by clicking his tongue and using a form of echo locationhe could even identify objects using it,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 secret to being rich dont be poor,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 like others here have said not a healthy relationship,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 username does not check out that was too much of a daww moment,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i often find reading cogfuncmention created plans that i want examples of thatanalyze details ok what details am i analyzing what am i looking for in those details i want it much more granular and no room for well it could mean this or that or even this which do i need to do,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 some people involuntarily cheer when theyre really excited others puke who am i to judge,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it sure does ive been at it for over a decade and it is starting to pay dividends im at a stage where i dont feel the need anymore to drown out my feelings it does take some getting used to emotions are information as is no amount of logical scrutiny makes them any less monolithic using my emotional information does benefit me in determining where i stand in relation to an issue which leads to a lot less doubt and circular reasoning not fighting cogfuncmention tooth and nail also enables me to be more open and more able to reach out to others letting the decision rest on cogfuncmention at times feels uncomfortable it is still very early for me accepting that part i probably will still not be a bastion of social outpour at a party i do like the gain in speed deciding if i want to spend time socializing with people which most of the time comes down to trust being able to go with your gut instead of trying to build a working model of a person to see if they can be trusted is very nice that said my cogfuncmention is not particularly welltrained and is at times quite a bit offi do still have my days where im like buttress the walls pull up the drawbridge but it is not the default mode anymore,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i agree with you i was returning to boston from vacation when i heard about the bombing i was stunned to see armored vehicles parked around copley mall that week on my way to workuwheresmygirlmolly and many other bostonians dont mind because ma is nanny state as it is he tried to make it sound like it was only watertown that had a few armored vehicles but i recall most of greater boston being told remain in your dwelling citizen,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i think you meant to respond to a different comment,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 well he wasnt aware so they say no good reason to think otherwise from the evidencethis has actually improved his equity as well since toshibas stock price jumped up 6 points on the back of this story,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 good idea ill try that if i go out tomorrow night,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 you could be either i relate to a lot of what you said and im typemention my big 5 scores are similar too how old are you and have you stifled with any mental health issues i thought i wasnt emotional for years but i was just really depressed being dead inside screws with your personality,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 boise is a wonderful city yes,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 hahaha just what every girl dreams of being compared to d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this is beautiful im happy for you keep it up,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 ive heard the same thing may have been in the military they used something to simulate blood on the knife when it gets bloody it gets slippery and when it starts drying it gets stickyalso i read a book once called what cops know fucking awesome book for real world information about crime and stuff like that cops in the book said when theres a stabbing they check hospitals for a specific cut wound to the hand because about 95 time when use a knife in a fight you cut yourself not going to go into why here but it happens,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 yeah ive been on rhodiola for about a year and it has helped immensely with my social anxiety and overall ability to cope with life i cant be without it the tranquility formula is a new addition i havent been taking my normal rhodiola dose due to the tranquility formula having some in there i just really wanted to try some ashwagandha and this was the only affordable kind i could find next time ill just try it separately from other ingredients because i dont know if the ginseng is doing me any good and i prefer a slightly higher dose of rhodiola i introduced st johns wort recently been on it for over a month due to a stressful time in my life that had me losing sleep and entering a depression i wanted to try other things before ssris and this seems to be doing the trick for the most part i havent felt this happy and evened out in ages my moods are very consistently good though i also feel that i was suffering from a vitamin b deficiency so i think that helped a lot too i really feel like there is a noticeable difference if i dont take the sjw every day i know its something that takes a while to work and it might be psychological like you said,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 i heard the number was more like 100 bazillion gazillion,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i think its just an unavoidable side effect of the xp system,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 maybe you have balanced wings idk,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 thats a wise decision minion,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 for the record this years theme will be some sort of temple of the ancients worshipping advanced musical technology,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 hell yes they do but for some reason people feel more able or more obliged or more somethingidonotunderstand to aspire to being good looking many maybe even most people put a lot of money and effort into improving how they look weight loss hair cutcolour cosmetic surgery clothes contact lenses it is nowhere near as common to attempt to improve ones intelligence,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 well glad to hear i got most of them rightemerson doesnt seem like a typical typemention to me maybe more disciplined and pensive or something ive heard that many typemention stutter so maybe thats what youre seeing he might have an atypical enneagram type as well andor more developed cogfuncmentionive seen him typed as typemention but he seems cogfuncmention to me its possible he could be cogfuncmentiondom ive seen him do the cogfuncmention stopandstare quite a few times though so id guesstypemention over typemention if hes an extrovertyeah shes enneagram type 1 so maybe more reserved than typicalthere seems to be some consensus on that one at leasti looked again now im pretty sure shes typemention same pattern as jill hennessy and cobie smulders seems typemention women tend to be more openly friendly than typemention men for various reasons which can be mistaken for cogfuncmention if we dont look too closely,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 id be willing to bet hell laugh and say i cant copy that shit and even if i could i wouldntvery likely gonna have to go to the manufacturer to get a copy,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the album is obviously shit as a whole compared to earlier work most would agree but looked at in a vacuum holier than thou is the only track i dont find at least decentedit i really like the last half of the album the god that failed my friend of misery and to a lesser extent the struggle within are the best on there as far as im concerned,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 empathy towards individuals while i am capable of it involuntarily is not so valuable to me its for facilitating personal relationships i think its going out of bounds when its directed at strangers i mean why is it good to feel empathy for a homeless person just because you happen to come across them when you know in an intellectual level that theres a thousand more in the city that dont have to be sitting in your particular field of view at the momentinstead i would empathise with the plight of eg the homeless generally its a colder more intellectual kind of exercise to be sure i would ask why it exists how this is wrong or undesirable how things should be instead etc,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 its not all dogs though it is however all cats,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i dont remember the characters names lol just that it was awesome,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 of course we dont just be happy were closed for 2 of them except i still work of course,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 no worries i am also really bad at cod dit took me 155 wins to get to eagle and you will find always things to improve on what is important is that you are willing to improveafter 1300 hours of css i was quite astonished about how much i had still to learn i made it to mg2 without any crosshair placement at all what is a miracle as css was mostly casual play for me i had to relearn cs from the ground up i feeljust started with grabbing shoxies config threw my buyscript and crosshair in there and lowered my sens from 30 with 2k dpi to 235 with 400 dpi and rawinputjust dont give up and improve step for step,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 thanks ill give that a try do you find it still feels kind of clunky,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 whats wrong with creepy pasta,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 when someone shows you who they are believe them maya angelou,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 dont use it it has extensive dmca notices and a lot of content doesnt show up,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 itll be the episode 12 aftercredit scene,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i get hungry and space out cant really think or concentrate very well only do weed sometimes to help me sleep at night as insomnia and chronic pain will prevent me otherwise from getting good sleep,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 yeah i understood it from the start and i completely agree xd,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 someone needs to tell her that there are more efficient ways to shift then scratching your eyes out,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 theyve used it yeshowever i assume that that was more isayamas way to tell us who they were talking about then their actual names,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 right like the department of labor statistics cause they just released a report in the last two months that totally shot this bs down backed by hard facts,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 gotta satisfy the people paying you,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 whythen why do we need to specify the dichotomy so what is cogfuncmention in the 4 dichotomies and cogfuncmention i suppose cogfuncmention would be the opposite in all the dichotomies of cogfuncmention is it different from the other 7 7x2 actually functions is there a chart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 im a submissive wife and my relationship is healthy and very fulfilling im also a submissive wife in the bdsm sense of the word locking collar and all,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 its foreshadowing that the holder of the strongest power on the planet is going insaneas i said to the other guy,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 for all you know god is a giant sturgeon who prefers atheists to people who believe in the wrong god perhaps i have a better chance than you better stop eating fish buddy just in case,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i play with 175 on 400 dpi last week i switched to 3 on 400 dpi because of elbow problems in the end i am back to 175 so take what you are most comfortable with imo,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think a monthly limit would work actually other posters are saying youll still be spending money just stop spending it on shit but the thing is youre young and dont have a lot of experience with making judgement calls on stuff that you need vs want and how usefulfulfilling an item in the end will be giving yourself a limit thats low enough so youll start considering why you want a certain item and that will make you pick one thing over another will teach you these comparison and evaluation skills that will carry over to many other aspects in your life,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 not usually aggressive and not territorial but theres a bunch of things that can set them off and depends what time of year etc and theyre scary big i think most dangerous if theres young or in rutting season but seriously theyre wild animals and unpredictable and did i mention theyre incredibly massive if they wanna mess you up they willi saw moose tracks in the woods once and yeah called it a day right there was early september and im no trackologist but they looked fresh and largeoh and final thought there is also this statistic,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you must have really strong principles then cogfuncmentiondom plus type 1 whoa oi think type 1 typemention are not as rare as type 2 typemention and the latter do exist mostly female iirc theyre efficiently helpful at organizing social eventsdo you know your head type heart type and instincts,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 oh man im glad you reminded me ttmy friend also recommended everybodys gone to the rapture have you played it,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 suffered from social anxiety depression and shit until i watched paul blart mall cop started exercising regularly and getting involved in sports,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 then dont organize it let people find their own way to the divine there is no need for authority here,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i didnt know that cod is the only shooter i play,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i have owned orc for the past 3 years and it yields 16 a year in dividends and last year i had a total return of 26my investment has grown from 10k to 25k over the last three years i find the dividend reinvestment allows for better compounding,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i think that i look at their intention first sometimes someone says fuck i hate when women ask you where they want to eat and say theyll go anywhere then you name 5 places and they all suckobviously he doesnt think all women do this its pretty obvious to me hes complaining about how often his girlfriend does that and is looking for others to agree or share their experience so based on his intentions i know hes venting and im cool with that i really dislike it in the context of mbti though for example when someone says typementions are so irrational it bugs me first off not all typementions are second any type has the capacity to be irrational not just f types those kinds of blanket statements annoy me also blanket statements in the form of an attack those bother me like when someone says maybe if they werent a liberal theyd know the meaning of working hard or well you cant be conservative unless youre a racist person that hates people based on the color of their skin those types of blanket generalizations just serve to split groups of people apart and put each other at each others throats,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 the question is do you save more time by making the diagramslists or just looking for the thing,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 good it shows depth id suggest squinting your eyes or scrunching up your face here and there it shows that you are seriously contemplating the very existence of everything rather than just spacing out for a second,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 hehe in rpgs we call that a vorpal bunny but i dont think they used the term in that movie,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 article yes thanking god after a tragedy is very selfish content angry idiot comments from another comment thread on the same post the monkey ass she is referring to would be me lol more follow up comments,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 need for harmony can also be an cogfuncmention dom thing and yeah you certainly sound like a cogfuncmention type,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 bike helmets motorcycle helmets etc skate ones are made a bit differently depends on the impact though and its subjective,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thank you a lot this really helps with gpp way better than just using their best and worst games,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 a more personal variation of asspennies,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if you see one in person make yourself as intimidating as possible good ways to do this are to use a jacket or other clothing behind your head to trick them into thinking youre bigger than you areat the same time you should yell as loud as possibleif this doesnt work you need to try to flee downhill is best but if you cant escape dont try to get up a tree since theyll just set up camp at the bottomif theyre catching up on you as you flee then discard items of clothing the typemention will usually stop to investigate,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 the reason i made this thread right here actually,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 hr is about minimizing liability for the company first and foremost you arent the one complaining theyre automatically on the first person who bitches side unless you make a bigger stink than they dosad but thats how it works a lot of the timeyeah im a lil cynical when it comes to corporations,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 jew jokes are hilarious racestereotype jokes in general are hilarious,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 stop the world i want to get off what kind of life is that for anyone but a childless 2040 year old in good health,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 ok nice doesnt seem to be working so ill be blunttypemention are strategic typemention are tacticalany theory that says otherwise is so stupid its delusional,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 cupcake sans icing im gonna sing the doom song now,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i like this idea but we would need a big push for it to be effective and we probably wont get one until the steam release of tagpro next,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im in magas and executive,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 well cant say ive seen that word mangled anymore nearly beyond recognition,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lately its been banana flavors which is weird cuz i dont like bananas in real life,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 pepper are those pumpkin seeds o halloooweeen,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 there are roughly 304 trillion trees on earththere are 200400 billion stars in the milky waythat means there are as many as 15 times as many trees as stars in our galaxy,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 funny how now that so manny veterans have received bans those of us that are left still get more often the top comment than the new recruitsactually now that i think about it thats kinda sad,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i didnt mean it like that kiernan said in response to his visible displeasure im obviously going to acquiesce to your requests i just i dont want them ever be phrased as commands i dont think they would be but i just want it to be clear,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i got high openness low conscientiousness in the middle on extraversion and agreeableness and definitely high neuroticism,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i got really depressed and stopped caring what people think of me cant recommend the depression but not caring what people think is great im way more confident now than i used to be,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 because so often you manually create from scratch your own linked lists,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 hey now not every protagonist is link,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 one of reddits greatest mysteries right here hopefully this doesnt happen again,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 statistically college educated people are overwhelmingly more liberal and compared to the general population exceedingly more likely to be atheists not exactly a conservative basein this specific case i just meant that he had no interest in learning until later in life so is still developing his viewpoints,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 were playing just like last season,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 id like to hear more about both the conspiracy theory stuff and the quantum psychology research ive read quite a bit about how the church forbade the use of pagan studies which isnt news my studies in typology have really changed my perspective on science as well it is really disappointing just how much is discarded and dismissed because the concepts do not fit with the biases or agendas of the observers or arent empirical enough we have eras of so much progress like the era of jung einstein heisenberg etc and then decades of regression especially in psychology that is just the cyclical nature of time another concept most people fail to see,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 talisas smile pushed further into her cheeks as unella explained why she wanted to go to the citadel from the first time theyd met talisa had bonded with the royce girl because she was intreseting and because she shared her passion for knowledgethere are a lot of places i want to see but i think the citadel is where i want to go the most she said scarcely hesitating to respond a dream shed had since she was a little girl didnt call for much deliberationi guess we wont be able to stay long enough to learn a lot she continued but ive read all about the things they have there books and scrolls maps and telescopes experts in every subject imaginable she could have gone on for ages but talisa was never one to ramble even when so clearly overjoyed,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 wow this is awesome great job d,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 if you mean that its impressive that he lived to 70 when the average lifespan in the ancient world was 35 40 thats an example of when average is a misleading figure that figure is only because child mortality was extremely high but if you made it to 20 you could expect to live at least into your 60s,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 but the reactions arent genuine theyre all obviously actors a few of them appear on commercials and shit,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 not being able to insult someone because its socially unacceptable is not politically correct it just means being a good person,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 current autonomous vehicle software relies on their ability to react quickly in light vehicles at low speeds doing otherwise requires anticipation which means a lot more experience and common sense we may not be able to replace professional drivers entirely until we have agitake possibly fragile packages of various shapes out of the truck open the fence without letting the dogs out go down the stepping stone path and up the stairs to the door ring the doorbell wait for a while is the customer even there possibly collect money or have the customer sign for the package etc etcautomating this would require either major social and infrastructure changes a completely different approach to the problem or bothit could be shut down from a distance by a thief or even cyberhijacked and redirected hacks for amazons delivery drones were available before they even went publicyes thats how i see it well see augmented driving and road trains taking advantage of both human and machine capabilities long before we see fully autonomous trucks on public roadslike i said cutting it down to one driver might be easier than eliminating both an ai might be reliable enough for overnight driving on straight flat deserted highways so the lone driver can sleep and be awake for the more difficult partskind of like autopilot flies the plane most of the time but airline pilots take over when something goes wrong preventing many crashes that the autopilot couldnt have avoidedthe trucking industry already has labor shortages well likely see productivity gains rather than a reduction in number of truckers especially if other industries have productivity gains alsoof course but why would you want to were likely to see less people driving drunk or falling asleep behind the wheel when they can just switch on the autodriveraverage humans will drive when they want to and are fully awake to enjoy it not when theyre stressed and in no condition to driveeven professional drivers will have the autodrive on under routine conditions staying fresh for when they have to take oversince insurance costs are based on the risk of accidents it would be less than now even for human drivers if the roads are safer allaround,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 who said sleds were the limits of line rider tricks,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 well no how you look has everything to do with how ugly you are thats what ugly means youre describing assholes â you dont have to be ugly to be an asshole,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 kiernan laughed at the girl getting worked up over the question well i doubt anyone would ask you to have five she assured her niece finishing off the small glass of gin and you still have some time before anyone asks you to have any,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 adopted guy owned you kim kelly i have a raging justice boner right now,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i dont think the daily fail know what theyre talking about i wouldnt be surprised if they uploaded the video themselves just to get a scoop,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 well lets assume that this was to happen anywhere outside of the walls then the lightred area in this highquality paint map would cross the titans padif it were to happen within the walls then the paths the titans take would cover the entire inside of the walls no matter where the fight is located in other words this outcome wouldnt only kill every member of the royal bloodline itd also kill nearly all eldians,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 al qaeda in iraq was there during the war it wouldnt have morphed in isis to the extent of creating a caliphate and get in 20000 foreigners though,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 he sounds very much conflicted,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 im not claiming anything if someone answered b for question 2 it would mean that they couldnt confirm as an typemention and need to go back to the drawing board it doesnt mean that they are some nonsense type like an typemention with inferior cogfuncmention it would mean that they probably got their dominant function wrong and need to reevaluate,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 i dont think its going to be the end of the world whatever happens but im not excited for it after bernie losing here in ca im feeling a bit hopelesshelpless and theres not a lot of solace to be found about it,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 there are plenty of people who had never been bullied who were bullies,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 the lagrangian points are just approximate points in relation to the earth and sun where their gravity stabilizes objects you cant keep an object exactly on this point as the earth changes speed throughout its orbit around the sun resulting in the point moving around so objects need to use station keeping to maintain fairly stable orbits around these points you can think of them as being in orbit around another earth to give an approximate size of the area of space available,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i dont get whats satisfying about the pancakes,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 theyre suggesting that it would be a good idea to build a space elevator except without the useful parts of the elevator like going to space or being able to access from the ground,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 fucking listen to that smug creeps voice he is not trying to elicit curiosity but a smug sense of satisfaction in the knowledge that dangerous and powerful ideas can be safely castrated and shoved into a 5minute video he is a pampered eunuch who thinks he can understand violence and ecstasy and thinks his sanitised reduction is good enough for everyone else also the smarmy cunt has on many an occasion deleted my comments when i called him out for his shit hes also a liar and a racist who refuses to debate me about cryptids,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i dont think we need ai to tell us what consciousness is instead we should try to define it better consciousness is a pretty slippery concept that is hard to pinpoint a suitcase wordi define consciousness as the ability of an agent that is embedded in the world to create an internal representation of its current state which is effective in order to select a strategy best action that would maximize the rewards primary human rewards are survival and reproduction and secondary are finding nourishment shelter avoiding pain communion with other people learning cooperation creativity and a few more all of them being inborn instincts that have been selected for evolutionarilyconsciousness is that which protects and perpetuates life humans are only aware of what is relevant to maximize human rewards so in short consciousness is perception that is effective for survivalperception is pretty well understood in machine learning we can make systems that understand images and sounds they arent yet conscious because they dont operate in a loop of perception gt action gt reward in the future it is conceivable that conscious ai agents would be created as long as they have all the necessary parts learning to encode sensations learning to maximize rewards by optimal behavior learning to explore in order to learn new strategies machine learning is at the moment capable of making such systems but they dont work as well as humans because the problem of exploration hasnt been solved yet also the problem of modeling the world and operating on an internal model abstract thinking in order to refine behavior such systems are capable of playing various games including atari games and go and controlling simple robotsdrones theres still some way to go until they become complex enough to learn like us,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 then use your real name on reddit,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 please dont remind us of those movieswere all trying to forget they ever happened,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i dont have any particularly funny ones that come to mind plenty of awkward ones though one is a regular that makes us text on arrival im quite sure its because hes always naked he always responds with one minute and seems to throw a robe on the robe doesnt have a belt thing though so im expecting to see his dick one of these days,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 im a libertarian leaning independent but if i have to put together a list welfare reform both parties need to stop bickering over the amount were going to spend and what number of welfare programs were going to have and instead start talking about a massive overhaul to the welfare system from the ground up a plan similar to richard nixons 1970 family assistance plan but adjusted for inflation would cost only about 80 of the current system excluding social securitycorporate tax decrease personally i would like the corporate income tax to be done away with ie milton friedmans â the abolition of the corporate income tax â with the requirement that corporations be required to attribute their income to stockholders and that stockholders be required to include such sums on their tax returns but if its going to exist at all both parties need too agree to lowering it to somewhere in the 15 25 range regulation reform seriously regulation is obviously necessary to a point but our regulation has become so onerous to just interpret that were quashing innovation in new zealand there are pizza delivery drones taking too the sky in the near future here that would be illegal and the fee youd face would be enormous obviously this particular example is a pretty niche market but seeing as amazon has potential uses for sameday delivery of items i think its fair to say that this regulation will become cumbersome and prohibitive in the future so were better off getting rid of it nowim going to write more later but its five am and i should be asleep so thats all for now,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i love how the last answer had a no too lol xd,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 love the copper but if you arent using that thing daily youll be forever polishing it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i used to struggle with reaching happiness i got motivated to better myself after realising that i didnt see suicide as an option if i was to live out a long life it better be one where i didnt hate myself i was a bag of unresolved issues and it took me a few therapy sessions and years of selfanalysis to work through them now that i have i feel my life is reasonably put together i dont dread the future anymore im even content with what i have achieved sofar,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 im having trouble wording this the way i want but there is also the group of people who are kinky swingers monogamish etc that enjoy sex it does not necessarily make you promiscuous or the other side of the spectrum where you are a prude maybe someone better with words can help me i could put it in more blunt terms im sure,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 its to get the average donation numbers down,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 care to elaborate not that it matters because i dont lisen to filthy proprietary software using peasants p,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 yes reallyshow me how far you can take this,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i couldnt believe the low ownership on peterson wish i had thrown him in more of my luslooks like youre in it to win it if everyone stays steady,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the queen would need to order me to do so,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thats how arguments work point counterpoint etc we have arguments that show that taxation is akin to theft if you disagree your job now is to show that it isnt just saying we didnt prove anything isnt an argumenti dont care what most people think weve made arguments and you havent addressed them if eveidence backed theories have no standing then we may as well give up on scienceill agree with you here we ancaps should be less confident in their ability to predict how a free market will selforganize hell for all i know we may evolve into a sort of marketsocialism where all businesses are employeemanaged if that works out voluntarily who knows thats kind of the point of ancapismthats more of an attack against the person making bad arguments than against ancapism,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 guantanamo detainees are prosecuted through the guantanamo military commision which has nothing to do with ucmjthe commission forms a military tribunal which itself holds a trialwhat part of put him on trial is inconsistent with this procedure,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 yeah clockblocker has a limit to the size of things he can time freeze the only thing that stops god is the manton effect cant stop the world from moving,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 from my own experience so totally anecdotal at those younger ages it was my mother a couple of aunts and uncles and a teacher who would push me away from stem while my dad was incredibly supportive of it i clung on to my dad who taught me to stand up for my self and be proud of my interests its not black and white but more like a tug of war and such events could have helped me and my dad by getting me in touch with girls with similar interests so i would have an easier time knowing i was indeed not the weird one of the bunch i by the way agree that we will never reach a 5050 split in most professions and thats ok with me but right now you see that in many cases there is a 1090 split in disciplines such as engineering and nursing this will never be 5050 but i do believe we are missing out on talent even if its just a few male engineers whod rather get into nursing and a few female nurses who want to get into engineering but decided otherwise due to social pressure etc i think thats my bottom line even if the percentages dont change getting rid of the social pressure on men and women is still a valuable thing to society,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 that was already code you had generated the rangeformatconditions code is how vba generates conditional formatting,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 no ads you see more of your subs on the front page you can sync read comments and posts across devices and theres some other stuff,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 the only easy day was yesterdayhard work betrays none dreams betray many,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 sorry i meant that he directly compares directed thinking with intuitive thinkinghe definitely connects abstractintuition and concretesensing in some of his work jung actually does some interesting things with typology outside of pt he evolves his positions a lot over the years imo psychological types came out in 1921 and he was writing up until his death forty years later ive read dozens upon dozens of his essays mostly in proper paper book form so i dont know if i can give a source ill try to find oneyoull also notice that in pt his ideas of abstract thinking evolves incredibly as he further works out intuition while his ideas of directed thinking are pretty much the same as they were in his previous essays this was back when he referred to all introverted types as thinkers and all extroverted types as feelersi think it is on page 98 hes talking about a 1795 essay by friedrich schilleri cant emphasize enough though that im not saying that im describing a core element of the types just that the connection is strong enough and that it reflects strongly in reality that the comparison is a fair way to characterize the clubs i dont know if id use this understanding to develop a deeper sense of whatwho a type is once a persons type is found id have to explore it moresure while i can think of a handful of typology things id pick out i was more referring to his holistic 50 year career of which i have read a decent amount of im not a scholar or anything i honestly dont think of typology as typology it is just another piece to my understanding and personalization of jungs theories he specifically wanted people to personalize and reinterpret his work in my mind i fully integrate my type with his ideas on alchemy the collective unconscious individuation etc etc etc i just hold back on this forum because ai dont always have the right words for it bpeople here only like to pretend to like jung to win arguments when i break out jungian ideas outside of cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention i tend to get shot down this is all just a side note here of me talking about myself so im gonna stopif your problem with my wording is the issue im happy to change it my meaning in the post wasnt to downplay sf i said pure emotion in the laymen sense neither types feeling is any more or less pure like i said about typemention they can be fuckin ice cold but they know what they want and they will get it and typemention can be fairly emotionless too mostly being interested in talking about what they like and what they dont like those things are examples of feeling without that emotional tinge to it these sfs can have very powerful emotions but then you would have to consider their base type to be xnfx or xsfx and youd have to look at a different section for base typeedit i very specifically wanted the harsh divide between the two in the same way i called inxxs totally incompetent not because it is true but because it is true within the context of the four optionshahaha youre fine im happy to be challenged this has been an interesting conversation,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 its cool how you switched the order of the two ideas in the sentence but im curious what made you decide to switch it,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 guys it have exactly 500 likes dont do anything,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i mostly heard people complaining about how bad he is getting upset if someone picked him etc until he was available to pros and saw play now suddenly hes op i liked him from the start and have done well with him but i just focus on staying alive and boosting my teammates,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 if anyone deserves to be killed after a raping happened it should be the rapist not the kid,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 distant what what distanceah the plot thickenswell that doesnt seem too controversial i didnt expect the cyclephobe would hate the circle equation i was posing that as a silly ideaidk im not sure ive ever liked a person as opposed to liking things about them gt so in my case i loathe the abstraction circularity and from this is emerging a loathing of geometric circles the ancient astronomers must have all been slaves it never occurred to them to not assume that orbits were perfectly circular what the higher levels spread information to be reformatted in the lower levels though the overall structure would imply transfer in the opposite direction but you just told me that to characterise the higher levels as representing further abstraction is a prejudice and maybe it is you seem to be using conceptualisation as something characteristic and distinct from abstractioni very much associate discworld with the people you call freaks btw,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 my moneys on the fish,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 bellona and xing tian had exactly 100 pickban rate nemesis might have been a good choice instead of hun batz in some of those games kinda surprising that really the only junglers we saw were thor hun batz and serqet mercury and fenrir saw a little play not much china brought their favorite god in thanatos but lost all 3 times bastet and awilix each played once but that hardly counts cogfuncmention zha got in there 3 times as well but sometimes as support,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 this is very interesting and i too had very debilitating cramps as a teeni would turn pale white double over and was unable to attend my classes i would nearly vomit the pain was so bad and my doctor made me get checked for ovarian cancer however i took painkillers instead of bc in my teensseveral years later and an assortment of bc ocella allergic yasmin some lo thing and finally nuvaring i went off because i had blood clots likely due to nuvaring some of those bc made me feel straight up nuts like i had raging pms all the time anyway what i noticed the most going off was i felt more normal my severe cramps did not come back admittedly i was very worried about this sex drive went up although i think i lost a lot of anxiety knowing i was now sterile and some people will argue if this actually happens but i swear my sense of smell changed my bf at the time smelled completely different and i believe it was because my hormones changed i dumped him soon after but i laugh to myself that maybe my nose changing contributed to it i wasnt attracted to his scent anymore i have heard religious fanatics use this as a reason that bc makes couples cheat but i am hesitant to believe that because free will well got off on a bit of a tangent there sorry,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 the only way you could cheat them is by memorizing what the results are supposed to be really or by using some sort of glasses that shift the hues to something you can see which are usually disallowed so basically you really cantfalant is not an issue for someone with very mild most tests should be able to distinguish between mild and severe if it is for a profession then most places have waivers for mild cases if you can demonstrate that the relevant colors are distinguishable in a time manner that is considered allowable usually there is a path of doing so,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 perhaps a little of both im not too sure to be honest and thank you friend i do hope you feel well as well ya know sometimes ya just gotta write something down or whatever,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 no if you dont talk to him thatll tell him to back the fuck up and he seems like the guy whod actually get the hintand anyway dont do tests or games with people its a major turnoff for a majority of people,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 ahead and do yourself a favor and take that test and tell us what you are when you are donehonest and direct â we manage the reality of the situations with plain and simple honestystrongwilled and dutiful â typemention embody that integrity in their actions too working hard and staying focused on their goals patient and determined people with the typemention personality type meet their obligations periodvery responsible â we are very honor bound by our word calm and practical â we make rational decisionscreate and enforce order â we need clear precise and detailed orders anything less and it gives us anxiety we are really good at organizing thingsjacksofalltrades â we know a lot about a lot of stuffbutstubborn â we dont like to accept that we are wrong because we know facts and facts are facts anything other than a fact is an opinion and is therefore subjective and unusable in an argument insensitive â were honest i wrote above that it was a good thing and it can be but sometimes we can be too honest to the point of being insensitive by being overly bluntalways by the book â we dont like to try new things because we like tradition and regularity in our livesjudgmental â if people want to use blind faith to believe in what they believe we think that they are idiots facts are facts opinions are opinions if you rule your life with opinions then we think you are mentally challenged often unreasonably blame themselves â because we are such efficient at plan creation and because we like to follow our systems to a t which leaves little room for improvisation we like to heap responsibility on ourselves to make sure that it is done right for example in group projects youll probably be the one doing most if not all of the work,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 charlie hebdo was propalestinian and this cover is in response to a massacre in egypt they have a very weird sense of humor for those who only look at the cover but you have to read what they say to understand the meaning here is a propalestian cover it says have mercy im not a defenseless school children its to raise awareness of killings by israel,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i have only cooked a couple of persian dishes in my life but the flavours have always delighted me,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 whats the aerial shot look like,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 id say though that you are much deeperfocused than e types usually are how sensitive are you to stimulation like do you prefer loud music or quiet relative to people you know do you enjoy the live hustle of the city or a quiet thinking space are you more level headed and conservative or more of a risk taker the thing with this though is that a majority of people sit in the middle of ie so chances are unless its totally obvious you could be an a p,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i play 128 tick most of the time and i assure you that with low var and sv rate on the server you wouldnt notice a difference,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 this whole thread confuses me,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 youre not making america great again by name calling and deflecting to hillary look at the laws cited in the comments above you are okay with having your tax payer dollars go to trumps profit you are actually fine with thatwhat if obama did that republicans and trump supporters would have been rioting in the streets i will never call him president not even if he was right in front of me and i was being threatened by his supporters he doesnt deserve such a title i cannot respect someone who whines on twitter like a teenager i cannot respect someone that tries to divide our country into little groups passing blame and causing infighting i cannot respect someone that goes around the globe making us a laughing stock among world leaders i cannot respect someone who pedals fear and hate as far as opposition he has no stamina at all mental or physical his tough exterior is so easy to see through he is a textbook abuser narcissistic manipulator we have seen many many golf trips and twitter rants to demonstrate his weakness and struggle to appear in control this is how alphas strut around and bully everyone around them he doesnt actually care about me opposing him he may care a little if i am adding numbers to a protest crowd and that makes him look bad he doesnt care about you beyond you adding a body to the number of his crowd size or his vote count all he cares about is money power and himselfand for the record im no democrat,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 depends on the job i am a racehorse most jobs you need a plow mule,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 at work when im brainstorming in a small group when i am teaching others when i am solving something which is new and challenging to me when i am doing something that has never been done before socially when i am getting to know a new intuitive when i am with a group of friends joking laughing and sharing good vibes when i am hanging out with a woman i love lifewise when i tear everything down and build it back up again,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 read up on stoicism i post this a lot i think its pretty amazing and could help,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 what is an interesting sexual fantasy you have that youd like to share,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i think you meant to respond to a different comment,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ok thats definitely surgery in your case was this a dutch dentist or your dentist back homeif it was your dentist back at home take those xrays to a dutch dentist and ask for a referral as these procedures will not be done by dentists in the netherlands but only by dental surgeons you will need a referral to one of groningens hospital this is not optional in the netherlands you cant just walk into a hospital and get treatment unless you are being brought in from an ambulance in life and death situations you need a referral from a primary care provider dentist or gp to get in this also is something good to know in general though if you find yourself in a situation where you might need medical care outside of office hours dont go to the er directly again unless its in an ambulance but call the huisartsenpost which is a centralized gp office which is available during out of office hours if necessary they will give you an immediate referral to the er but if you show up at the er without a referral for a non life or death situation dutch insurance will not cover your expenses its a common procedure you probably wont have to stay in the hospital dagbehandeling day treatment ive looked up the waiting times for the university hospital according to their website the waiting times at the dental surgery department is about 4 weeks for these basic procedures usually the other nonacademic hospitals are a bit shorter but at least this gives you an indication this waiting time if from the moment your dentist provides their referral to the hospital and they register you ive also needed jaw surgery i found the surgeons at the university hospital to be very kind helpful and professional and the hospital itself is very modern and well equipped you should check with your insurance company whether theyd cover the costs i dont have a specific breakdown of the costs but if id have to make a rough measurement it would probably cost in the 10001800 euros range to have them extracted surgically in the hospital this was what my insurance company paid for a day treatment issue i had that required local anesthetics but not ortho related though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the most contemporary great philosopher to challenge cartesian dualism was spinoza he contended that mind and body were far from being separate substances the same thing conceived under different attributes â the attributes thought and extension respectively look at his work ethics for further information,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 the system or the people in charge of the systemif the support says they are not able to lift bans that is true because the people doing the suport have no rights regarding vacthe ban also wont be lifted if it is older if you however file a complaint about a ban you feel you got undeserved in time up to 24 hours after the ban the people in charge will review the evidence provided by vac and possibly revoke the ban if you didnt cheatbeing a so called pro player has nothing to do with this process,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 cooking for one is such a pain because its impossible to shop for one you cant buy like 3 chives for example so everything goes to waste i cook a lot of egg dishes so i can throw everything left in the fridge into an omelette or frittata i do a lot of salads and sandwiches with the same method once in a while i will make a more complex meal but only if i have a lot of time and energy i grab sushi probably once a week ill have fast food for lunch once every week or two if im down on energy for the most part i dont eat meals and will just have pieces of whatever i have on hand i always have cornishons artichoke hearts and roasted red peppers in the fridge and various nuts in the pantry,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 alien logging in what moon earth has a moon i just see some dust,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 nope its sooooo overpriced if you can build one,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 just start at the start s01e01 and go from thereno sense complicating matters,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 lefttheres still something of a vtaper especially with the big delts in comparison to the small waist and the back is still quite decent even though the lats are underdeveloped the arms are sickening though that alone is enough to pick the left,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 no kiernan said first and foremost turning her mismatched eyes down to meet his to her it was important that her children didnt consider themselves to be stupid regardless of whether or not they were particularly smartnot unless i was too she continued her voice remaining soft and steady its perfectly fine to be scared by the thought of your father getting hurt,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 more like xxtjs or maybe cogfuncmention doms,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 in case you go with a macro and need some code to get this working private sub workbookopen end subthis would run when you open your document anything that needs to run once can be placed there within your thisworkbook object already created objects for each workbook you have opened in excel,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 you got bingo damn i needed slut whore or swine to finish my sheet,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 lol both wingmen were equally bad really though landing that close together is just asking for it also wtf was up with the throttle going from 0100 every second,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my husband has the logitech g500 mouse and is trying to bind shift ctrl and alt to the side buttons but ffxiv doesnt recognize it they show up in the logitech software but do nothing in game the mouse itself is recognized because he is able to bind mouse 4 as a hotkey in game for example has anyone had this issue and fixed it,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 36 isnt very old and im willing to bet she looks like shes in her late 20s do you look older than 21 thats probably why its super cute that you go out with your mom enough for people to have assumptions though guys being sweet to their mom is adorable,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 thank you im trying my best i just dont have a lot of friends and my family doesnt want to talk about it so i feel kinda isolated i guess i have a lot of professional support but not a lot outside of that,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 where can i sign a petition to have them block dota2 as well,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ive dated two and they were both only children there must be a correlation only children are weird to begin with,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 thank you so much i really appreciate it because i put a lot of thought into all my posts i try to make sure that others dont have to feel the pain i have and can live full lives to their best potential so i can help people even if my dreams seem out of reach i can keep them in reach for others and that is my new dream,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i personally loved the character development much more for the murderers than just a dude pw just rekt,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i agree that was an odd way to phrase it it sent me on quite the ride too,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i have a bad tendency to just ask questions i know people havent thought about the answers to so they destroy their own arguments,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i dare you to dare someone this dare,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 the queen would need to order me to do so,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 there is a stereotype of neurotic jews for a reason though the shoah didnt help,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 nj witch hunt lets go,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 well he has a show with skip bayless now,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 this question has been asked very often i think there were even surveys done and all the results were visualized in some pretty graphs and pictures id say search the subreddit for those original threads,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 2011 called it wants its skyrim playstyle back,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 ops definition of sexy and mine differ thats why its fine but just well yeah no idea i was expecting different,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i wanted no attention i saw harambe in the title and replaced mb in zimbabwe with r from harare,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 still not feeling it if im a sockpuppet i seem to be good at it no reason to evaluate it as something to be down aboutthen again ive been down too many years of my life over in hindsight trivial shit all shit is trivial if you put next to the cosmic scale so i am not going to feel down about maybe being a preprogrammed automaton,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 only the baking soda nothing else no yeast or anything it rises nevertheless though not dramatically or anything but it does i dont know about yeast might have some down sides,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 i went to my first dance club on friday took me a bit to feel comfortable to dance like everyone else i wanted to ask my friend who went with me to dance but i didnt i know that for me its a lack of confidence which plagues us introverts,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 me too it was the first time id seen a positive lesbian relationship depicted that way im still in love with amber benson,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 on a side note i could have sworn i linked to the thread in question but then it deleted the link oo,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 have you looked at family resemblancehow but it sounds like youd need to know this in order to form the groups at allare you hitting on meall the stuff about continents and plate tectonicsi never liked physical geography i couldnt really get into those analogiesthey sound lovelyit doesnt matter what the values actually are narcissists must have some warped values surely something must motivate them okay i like this i knew you would say something i liked i agree but i think youve got it backwards or have described at backwards at any rate to talk of an intersection implies the abstract and the concrete inhabit the same conceptual space but of course they dont even as categories they belong in different categories an intersection is an impossibility the word makes the impossibility possible like magic the word contains the conditions for intersection purely within itself the word became flesh not the other way round,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 that knife has been abused improperly sharpened with a grinder,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think a monthly limit would work actually other posters are saying youll still be spending money just stop spending it on shit but the thing is youre young and dont have a lot of experience with making judgement calls on stuff that you need vs want and how usefulfulfilling an item in the end will be giving yourself a limit thats low enough so youll start considering why you want a certain item and that will make you pick one thing over another will teach you these comparison and evaluation skills that will carry over to many other aspects in your life,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 maybe its a reddit bias thing because irl soooo many people like trump hardcorethen again im in kentucky,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 how is sitting in laps a human thing,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 its a rubber band effect racism was prevalent for so long in the us that theres now an extreme in the other direction even acknowledging a difference in another person is automatically racist and it goes to ridiculous extremes a while back at work we had people visiting from our new office in mexico and a coworker asked what do we call them i dont want to say mexican that sounds racist,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 well your flair is scaring us get out,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 full video is at the bottom of this news story,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 the official one for guren no yumia,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 one potentially good thing about brexit is that there are serious discussions about a radical decentralisation of uk regions with devomax everywhere aside from a few areas where it makes more sense to share powers ie the military,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 you havel carbonate the powerade first,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i think its more coding that shouldnt be necessary especially when there are real issues that need to be addressed first the taunts laughs etc all have their place then some dickhead decides its funny to macro spam them it catches on because sheep are fucking sheep and it progresses to the point where we are now,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 yeah i saw that they had it up already is just be sooooooo fucked up if i came in second by a stroke and lost 900000 because of it i dont think i could handle that lol,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 we need to get the message out to the normies if we are to stand a chance against max level sjws,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 u02ccbã rbereu0259nnounplural noun barbariansin ancient times a member of a community or tribe not belonging to one of the great civilizations greek roman christianits a word used by the ancient greeks to mean basically people who werent them,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 it is subconscious for most people on many levels to judge based on appearance babies will stare longer at attractive faces symmetrical features healthy skin and healthy hair correlate strongly to lifespan earnings intelligence etc one could argue that being good looking earns you better treatment throughout your life which reduces your stress levels gives you access to better food and healthcare etc and one would be right teachers attribute greater intelligence to good looking kids good looking people are more successful in interviews i could go on for some time but you get the idea i think its a self reinforcing cycle based on many factors regardless this explains our innate predisposition to good looking people additionally i think that its worth noting that we have cultural biases toward people who we subconsciously think will be better able to navigate the social world if you dress like a bum people will assume youre a bum if you dress like you have your shit together people will assume you have your shit together this may not be true for you but it is true for the vast majority of the population which is why you think its worth noting its ugly but true anyways it makes perfect sense that people would be attracted to mates friends and applicants based on these criteria they are more likely to succeed dont even get me started on the extra special treatment tall men get especially considering that over around 6 feet you start entering higher risk categories for heart disease and cancer mortality rate is noticeably higher which makes sense considering that evolution cares the most about prime breeding years anyways figures on request,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 kingdom heartsand this is coming from someone who hates disney,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 feminism made me not want to have a sex life anymore and this is a good thing for some reason,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 the thing that disturbs me the most is the production values like that someone casually opened this in a video editor and added slomo effects and a soundtrack is just unthinkable,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 or technological advancements will go over the heads of both government and businesses making their petty games irrelevant business as usual doesnt always go on,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 one of my pet peeves is describing cogfuncmention as logical cogfuncmention is logical cogfuncmention is rational these words are not synonymous logic is almost the definition of objective thinking cogfuncmention especially in conjunction with cogfuncmention is very subjective and abstract id say that cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention is accuracy as opposed to precision in cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 mike is everything you do a marketing campaign or are your beliefs sincere,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i think its more down to what they want to focus on cogfuncmention wants to understand and cogfuncmention wants to engage enxps do shit primarily to learn something and esxps do shit primarily to do shit,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i wish going pants mode was an option but even stepping outside in a skirt makes me sweat in a few minutes c,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 they will find a waybe it a road or paths,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ignoring the code makes no sense that doesnt even compile judging by intellisense was it commented outalso naming variables itemscollection instead of itemscollection or even better thisitemscollection just irks me d,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 hm very strange problem first thing that pops into my head would be to copy over each cells individual data formatting then data,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i do poetry and writing sometimes ive thought about publishing some but i never get around to editing,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 maybe dorian gray was an alien,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 everyone knows gerald green is the cheesiest guy in the game,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 because of the context i was talking about thinking types and their use of pseudological argument to support their personal beliefs and then answering your statement that this is an typementiontypemention specific phenomenon by specifying that this type of argument is used regardless of source of belief you claimed that its only extjs who simply use thinkingtype arguments to justify personal beliefs that theyre not interested in changing and you have already agreed that confirmation bias affects all types so im not sure why you think were disagreeing unless you and i are interpreting the phrase thinkingtype arguments in different ways i was using it quite broadly based on the context provided by op to mean arguments that focus on evidence ideas and finding truth now an typemention might be more likely to provide evidence based on data and an xxtp might be more likely to provide evidence based on experience but we were not talking about the difference between these thinkingtype argumentative strategies we were talking about the difference between arguments made by thinking types and arguments made by feeling types i have no idea what you were talking about but im sure you will only remember the parts of this conversation which you can use to support your previous beliefs about extjs and confirmation bias working strongly sail into your next encounter with an extj believing that they are the one more strongly affected by assumption,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 money talks and bullshit walks,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 last time i checked 480 is still more than a peasant station 4 or potatobox one if you wanna tap the console market and bring them to pc you cant make something 200 more expensive,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 i literally have never used the eject button on my ps4,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 i think if youre hiding sexual activity involving others from your partner that is cheating we cant control our thoughtsurges were animals but our human brains can control our actions ftmp if you discuss the terms of the relationship and decide to open things up in one way or another there is nothing at all wrong with that how is that art getting lost from where i sit people seem more comfortable than ever defining the terms of their relationships 20 years ago the concept of an open relationship was extremely taboo in the us,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thats my goal5000 before the leaks10000 before the release thread,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 im curious about this as well i use 7th generation powder and never use any softeners no static issues here either,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 than my question to you is what benefit would me having children bring to the world or humanitylike someone else says when you ask most parents why they got children the sentence starts with i wanted and not because it would better mankindcountless generation did not reproduce so i could be born they did it because they felt lonely wanted something to care for or be cared for wanted to be a parent or 1000 other reasons i can come up with that have nothing to do fighting for humanity to survive so i could have been born actually if the survival of mankind is the goal im doing the world a favour by not reproducing because of the overpopulation p,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ofcourse recon is important losing the kiowa at the start sucked and i should of pushed the rangers along with the attack better i should of had recon bradleys instead of 1 of the agss as well these are all things i talked about in the audio track of the video,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 well um i do hate this joke but your mom downvote me to hell,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 if im around people and i know ill have to interact i always wear a happy or pleasant face that sorta says im harmlesswhat can i do for youits nice to see you when they approach if im around people but deep in thought or doing my own thing and think im not being observed i look like a vacanteyed mannequin or pissed off to be honest i prefer that because when alone i often end up talking to myself or laughing out loud in response to things im thinking and i look insane id rather be seen as an aloof bitch than have someone catch me having a onesided conversation,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i know perfectly well but this is a philosophical question with stem cells research and recent development in skin cultivation it might open the possibility gender reassignment wasnt possible 60 years ago its possible now the same progress can happen,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i wouldnt be so sure weld won 7321 for reelection and gary johnson takes more voters from hillary clinton than from donald trump so an lp win in maryland certainly seems within the realm of possible,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i used to only do sologameplay but i recently finally got into mmorpgs and ive met so many nice people in a short period of time i now look forward to seeing them and its a way for me to feel social and actually interact with people while still getting to do my own thing in the privacy of my home besides its too cold outside to visit friends in person brrr,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 we ask them for there best hen we um downvote them,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 dat denial you are part of it also dont knife at round startban deserved no reason to change the system,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 oh and yes with some reservation i think that it is a near certainty we already have so many intelligent species on this planet that intelligence is evolutionarily advantageous is a given that life exists elsewhere is overwhelmingly likely and that some of that life would evolve intelligence is also extremely likely i think the only truly debatable question is whether or not that life would be altruistic although i consider that to be quite likely as well at least altruistic within its own species to some extent but thats why i would like to solicit thoughts on the matter is this something you yourself have considered,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its called the garfield syndrome,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think it would be a good initative to put in place some kind of portable factories near camps they would have to be subsidized for sure the left would probably take issue at them no matter what so it would have to be implemented in such way that all the goods go to the refugees syria had a relatively developed economy we should allow syrian business men and women to rebuilt their business in some way of course a better solution would be to go secure the region so these people can do business in pease but that would be racist,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i guess you like it then p,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 well that was horrible had to close that right quickthis just makes me hate lol that much more,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thank you for seeking the middle ground ive been getting very worked up the past hour my apologies if i have insulted you somewhere,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 well yeah that was also my point they both need to give information to the public and keep the common people ignorant at the same timewhich is why i wonder how much theyll tell exactly,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 attack on titan i found that show horrible to binge so so much recap overlap and long anime intro every time its like over half the episode is stuff i just saw,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 whatever you do include a backlight and portlight i dont like turning lights on just to poke especially while driving so im really missing my light up freestyle,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 tbh i think i get along with sensors better than with other intuitives but typemention has been described as the least n of the intuitives,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 also cogfuncmention sees the world in symbols and metaphors its metaphors and analogies are subjective to the self because as carl jung said not quote just what i remember from memory â œan introverted intuitor canâ t share these visions to the world it would make people think heâ s crazy for example i had a patient once come to me once and she was like â œi got a snake in my stomachâ and i was like â œwtfâ and she was like â œyeah thereâ s a snake in my stomachâ and i was like â œhow tf can a snake be in your stomachâ and she was like â œoh wait itâ s not an actual snake but if feels like oneâ source the â œthingâ here cogfuncmention has its own metaphors that arenâ t very objective and accessible to the world like the cogfuncmention metaphors are cogfuncmention is comparing the stomach pain to everything the user felt and thought in hisher life and immediately saw a connection between snakes and pain using â œsnakesâ as a metaphor for pain unfortunately the user forgot to postprocess it with cogfuncmention for typemention or cogfuncmention with typemention and people thought she was crazypatterns now i said that the way cogfuncmention has their path into the future is through seeing patterns of how events happened through time but how do you think cogfuncmention knows all these different ways a situation can go they do that too while cogfuncmention sees patterns in the internal world of an idea focused on how a single idea evolved through time cogfuncmention sees patterns in the external world around them finding the hidden meaning behind and inbetween things â œreading through the linesâ they see interconnections in the external world of an idea how the idea relates to other ideas and how everything is connected and how it could go in the future cogfuncmention instead sees how other external ideas and factors influenced the idea through time and how it got to this present point paths also i would like to talk a little about paths and time cogfuncmention is described as having a set path that it must follow with a clear but unknown destination they have this gut feeling that this is the way it goes like thereâ s some sort of â œlight at the end of the roadâ without knowing what the light gives them they have a clear set destination that is unknown cogfuncmention as always is reversed cogfuncmention sees the end goals very clearly and has no clear â œpathâ they have a million paths that they can follow and they want to get to know and experience all of them cogfuncmention has the destination as the end result and the path there is the starting point cogfuncmention has the destinations as a starting point and the path is the end result puzzle analogy imagine a puzzle cogfuncmention is having most of the puzzle done especially the corners thats what it needs and fills what is missing cogfuncmention has the center pieces thats what it needs and slowly goes in all the ways to fill the puzzle cogfuncmention is very good to see what is missing while cogfuncmention is good to see what could be example in a haunted house cogfuncmention will tell the user â œi have a gut feeling like there might be something behind the doorâ while cogfuncmention would tell the user â œimagine how random would be for someone to pop out the door right now hahah but what are the chancesâ astronomy analogy cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention is also like supernova vs nebula an appropriate visual representation of cogfuncmention would be that of a supernova what starts as a star explodes into all of its properties removed from the object itself and completely deconstructed cogfuncmention does a similar thing it completely deconstructs an object according to the ideas symbols systems what have you associated with that object cogfuncmention is much like a nebula a nebula if you donâ t already know is a cloud of particulate and other forms of matter in space that slowly forms into a star system over time what looks like an amorphous blob begins to collapse in on itself until a star is formed and possibly planets as well these solar systems that are formed are there for the long term cogfuncmention is much the same way the systems and models that cogfuncmention forms are often very much longterm models and systems that will stand the test of time and hold up well under scrutiny this is why cogfuncmention is often described as the longterm system building function the more relevant information an cogfuncmention user possesses the stronger the system that is being built the less information a cogfuncmention user possesses the weaker the system that is being built or the system may simply never coalesce one thing that is heard often about cogfuncmention is that it is all about making connections that is indeed true but cogfuncmention needs to have a correct base to jump off of in order to make the correct connections it is my belief that cogfuncmention on its own can make connections based on all of the possibilities it intuits but those connections will have little relevance to the outside world the resulting structure would look more like a giant ball of tangled christmas lights a la christmas vacation rather than a structured and organized web source for astronomy analogy and the other paragraph â œcogfuncmention is like an excited young bird that canâ t fly looking at the sky and the world of possibilities cogfuncmention is like an eagle flying very high looking at the world downâ also i would love to make clear before moving on what some people mean when they say that cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention are â œunconscious processesâ half of the process of our intuitive functions is hidden from us the way a sensing function works itâ s that it is directly sent to the user without any postprocessing done by any judging function a cogfuncmention user would just see a tree on the sidewalk and think â œoh thereâ s a treeâ now think about cogfuncmention for example is a cogfuncmention user first going to realize that an asteroid is going to hit earth just â cause they can imagine it before realizing that itâ s extremely improbable like 00000001 probably not information from our intuitive functions is firstly postprocessed by the judging function paired with it and then sent to the user so it doesnâ t make us go insane thinking weâ re going to die every 01 secondspersonality types with cogfuncmention as their first percieving function are xnxp typemention typemention typemention typemention while personalities types with cogfuncmention as their first percieving function are xnxj typemention typemention typemention typemention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 how can you play like this d,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 does she have pain during sex even on birth control that would be a big indicator all in all though it doesnt seem like your wife is ready for everything involved in becoming a parent she needs to deal with her anxiety and become comfortable with her own body and how it works she definitely needs to go in for a standard exam before you guys start trying you can go in with her and hold her hand and ask questions that she is too nervous to ask,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 thanks this was very interesting and useful to read i hadnt really considered countertransference which i think is interesting in itself too thing is though that although i think i know myself a bit better through my own therapies than most students at my stage know themselves im not sure i know myself well enough to be able to let my countertransference guide me i think it takes a lot more insight into oneself to do that its definitely an alley to explore though,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 everyone knows gerald green is the cheesiest guy in the game,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yah tis gy ttally wnt t te gm,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 he forced the host in saying illegal without answering the question on deportation he forced a reframing of the question,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 what was going on right before she started to become less responsive ime typemention dont usually do things like that to test we just dont like feeling trapped or pressured were highly sensitive introverted cogfuncmentionelers so we interpret pressure from social situations that would not seem pressured to you and it triggers a withdrawal i would maybe send one message explaining the situation apologizing reiterating that you like her and would like to continue getting to know her and leave the ball in her courtsomething like sorry about that last interaction that came out of nowhere i guess im a bit of an emotional mess right now i just really like you and im excited to get to know you hope we can move past thatthe idea is to get her to understand that you can proceed at a slower pace when and if she wants take pressure off the situation,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i find them more cumbersome than anything i dont mind the occasional little typo rather than have to deal with other suggestions it may have,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 there was another man in the room iirc and they could have been calling him a pervert for being gay,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 i usually get more surprised how the fuck can i anger 300 people,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 are her morals based off of a code of honor or practicality is she easily offended is she passionate about thingshow poetic is sheis she deep and abstract how idealistic is sheis she infatuated by facts or theoriesis she quiet and reserveddoes socializing drain herdoes she have s large group of friends or a small group of friends,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 one win one draw was all i neededafter downranking to mge with a huge amount of losses i believe it were about five wins or so,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i chose them because this order sounded best to me i went though all 6 permutations and this was the best plus looking east from the northern hemisphere in the summer this is the order they are in from left to right,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 yes i willthe cult of odin an essay in the ancient religion of the northchadwick not sure of spellingsomething like gods and myths of northern people not sure of the author its pretty popularand i relaized i confused fadlan and tacitus but fadlan does mention berserkersill post more later,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 a subscript out of range error means you are accessing an array index that does not exist check the variable you are using to reference the array to see where it is being set to a value higher than the maximum index value of your array you can set a breakpoint on your code by clicking on the line of code you wish to pause on and pressing f9 pressing f8 will then allow you to step through your code to see the values of your variables,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 if fighting will result in victory than we will fight sun tzu also said that,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 come up with an efficient solar energy design hand it off to some typementiontypemention to perfect it and make it viable then tell me when its ready if you get it made i can easily sell it to all of the other nfs and sfs through highhanded moral pressure d,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 found red riding hoods grandma,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 first gf was an typemention was very fun we never fought at all,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 franchise gotta make a successful singular business firsteitherway im not a business guy i hate that end of it be it making sure you follow all laws for the business hiring finding clients marketing not for me no thanks,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 even though most of the famous poets in history have been men categorical thinking about men vs women is usually more wrong than it is right,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the opposite is true for me,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 season 4 is either my favorite or tied for my favorite season its the perfect blend of everything i love about buffy we get a couple angel episodes we get spike back we get both oz and tara we get the only faith episodes i truly enjoy vamp harmony is hilarious buffy out of her element in college is hilarious etc and i actually like riley in season 4my main issue with the season is deus ex machina as badass as the ending was it came out of left field and why did they never try it again super buffy would be unstoppable she was unbelievably powerful and it killed my suspension of disbeliefalso i hated restless upon first viewing the second time was much better since i knew what to expect but i feel like it wouldve been a better season start than finisha couple episodes were dumb but even on my rewatch i still enjoyed the super campy stupid episodes more than some more boring episodes with less stupid plotsveruca came out of nowhere and was an obvious plot device to write oz out of the show if she had been better developed maybe i couldve dealt with that plotline but as it was it was hard to be sympathetici agree with another poster who said they killed walsh too soon i think she wouldve made a stronger villain than adam i wouldve liked to see the dynamic in class after she tried to have buffy killed i wouldve liked to see the power she had over adam and their dynamicoverall i think the pros waaaaaay outweigh the cons it has the perfect dynamic it was funny it was serious it had in my opinion the least amount of slow episodes that i dont care to rewatch its the perfect blend of what i like about the early seasons and what i like about the later seasons its the season in my opinion with the least to dislike theres a lot of camp but its funcamp not cringy camp,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i try to avoid ruminating when im unhappy when my brain decides it wants to be a whiny toddler i try to ignore it until it regains composure and focus on the outside world there are healthyneutral ways to distract yourself until your chemical ish normalizes and ones i prefer are exercise especially really long walkshikes doing something creative doing something productive playing gameswatching movies dancing etc etc anyways have you been feeling like this for awhile if so congratulations youre probably depressed the good news is that all that negative bullshit youve been thinking about is likely complete and utter nonsense d if youve felt this way awhile youll probably want to get some help with that in the meantime sleep well exercise try to engage with life as much as possible etc,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 rsubredditdrama rtalesfromretail and rbritishproblems are favourites of mine rdataisbeautiful and rmapporn are the best of the defaultsi would always advise checking out the sub for someones home town state or country it may be crap but then again it may notrfreefolk may just be the best place on the interwebs for got spoilers if thats your thing,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 stand up in front of a class that hates you and talk about shrek being an anti hero,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 it seems that hes not so much using it to prove that exp0 1 as he is using it to show that if expiy a ib then expiy a ib so that he can do the step of showing that all of expiy lies in a unit circle by using the definition of the magnitude of a complex number zz expiyexpiy exp0 1looking back at your own discussion you seem to unless i missed something take that particular fact as assumedis there are way of showing this expiy a ib gt expiy a ib without making any assumptions as to how the function behaves under complex conjugation of its argument since thats overkillwith respect to the schwarz principle which is very interesting is that the only way to extend the upperhalfplaneandreallinedefined function and still get a holomorphicanalytic function i assume so since its an analytic continuation and if so it would answer the question i asked right above and pretty much resolve the entire thing for meand thanks for explaining edit nevermind i just saw a proof using a series expansion i should have listened to my math professors when they said that the first thing you do when you get stuck is a series expansion lol,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i believe the problem lies in that he is using his cogfuncmention web or whatever as a method of explaining an idea to someone this is not perception when people say things like cogfuncmention goes from many to one and cogfuncmention from one to many its more abstract than what hes making it out to be to me his web just sounds like thinking hes explaining an idea through various examples hence why everyone relates to this so strongly in the comments dont see how this is cogfuncmention cogfuncmention is irrational sure perhaps the way someone explains something can give light to how they perceive information but it isnt this,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 i find breastfeeding disgusting actually i know my opinion is in the minority but the entire act of pregnancy birth and breastfeeding grosses me out i dont plan on having kids for those reasons and several others so yeah i do see breasts as purely sexual and something to be kept private that said im not going to be rude to any mother i see because this is merely my opinion i dont want to see it and it makes me uncomfortable i think its considerate when mothers do try to cover up but in places with a no shirt no shoes no service policy i dont think it should be allowed places like the beach where people are out in bikinis anyway i wouldnt like to see it but also dont think its inappropriate again i know its my opinion and im the one uncomfortable so i dont expect it to dictate public policy i however do expect to be allowed to feel what i feel and i hate being told that my feelings are wrong i dont shame comment glare at etc any of the breastfeeding women i see or speak to so i expect respect too,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 youre dutch so he first one just let it slide live and let live dont bother yourself with other peoples business blabla thats how we rol next time this happens however tell your teacher after class you dont find it appropriate and as do many others in youe class let the teacher solve this again youre dutch so nobody will feel awkward or angry or whatever if you just state your oppinion rationally,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 so the employees dont get too cocky there are windows and sunlight so they dont lose morale but they dont get a view because theyre not that special,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 this thread is already tagged for manga spoilers so you dont need to tag your comments for manga spoilerssome additional advise to properly tag manga spoilers format like thismanga spoilers text,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think a little bit of both on one hand there are a lot of cogfuncmention behaviors that are subconscious like mirroring the other persons demeanor speech patterns body language etc sometimes that is an active choice and other times its a natural reaction to meeting a new person and trying to create a comfortable mutual experiencethis mirroring is done to reduce conflict and create a conducive environment for getting to know someone if there are obvious similarities then the typemention will probably be more forthcoming if the typemention isnt sure where someone stands on a particular issue theyll probably wait to find out before deciding if its safe to share and that their ideas or beliefs will be given a fair chance,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 who is that guy on the right,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 no regular users most of them dont know the difference between os and applications nor that ieedge is a browser program and not the internet some dont even know ieedge exist they use the big blue e to start the internetdifferences in fonts and window borders dont register windows and office are inconsistent and lets not talk about nonms programs so popups get clicked in the hope that it is something that needs to be donethese people are not idiots they are intelligent highly skilled individuals who can manufacture things that we would be hard pressed to even start making let alone do well i work in an it role in a large industrial technology multinational its just that their skillset hasnt developed towards computing,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 wow this was literally 5 minutes walk from the hostel i was staying at in march this year heres the picture i took,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i have a very close typemention friend cogfuncmention is pretty high up their stack in many ways we relate our cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention and use it to connect cogfuncmention much like cogfuncmention is concerned with results its all about how do things connect to the real world what are the results of a thing a thing is defined by its results i get that i dig it i have to remind myself of it though my first instinct is what is the essence of the thing is it a similar essence to this other thing or this perhaps if so is there a unifying abstraction which relates the two if so is there another unifying abstraction i can relate besides its different typemention are a lot like typemention cogfuncmention is very similar to cogfuncmention its hard to separate them i think its mostly about that desire to completely divorce oneself from reality and dive into multiple dimensions of imagined correlations that sort of thing is more exciting than anything else to me that is cogfuncmention imo,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 before i worked in another call center id bite down on my cyanide capsule tooth we all have those right,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 for the vast majority of americans a trump presidency will keep going has usual its the dnc politicians who will be hit the most by trump being elected they are the one who have the most to lose,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 reminds me of an old arcade game that i cant remember the name of,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lets get the ball roling im pretty vanilla i like the standard gay fare between men kissing carresing hand jobs oral anal some soft nipple play active because my own nipples are pretty useless i dont have much in the way of kinks maybe one more about that lateri approach sex fairly open im up for new experiences kinky like ws and bdsm dont attract me if anything i expect my sexual partners to be equals above all else im very attuned to the needs of my bed partner my sexual gratification takes second place not getting my bed partner off feels like a personal failureduring sex i feel the most grounded im in tune with the other im in tune with my senses my mind is focussed i feel a deeper sense of connection to the other person i feel much less detached the act of sex also makes me more directly expressive of my feelingsnow to a possible kink i have we recently opened up as a couple ive discovered that it really turns me on if my boyfriend sexts with other men it is not out of a sense of jealousy or the idea of being cheated on its not cuckolding we are equals in what is allowed in our aggreement i dont know if my thing has a name but there is something extremely erotic about seeing my boyfriend freely expressing his sexual desires to other men and me just being an observer,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 or a total collapse of the value of your savings when we start mining asteroids for precious metals,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ai already edit their own programming it really depends where you put the goal in the codeif the ai is designed to edit parts of its code that reference its necessary operational parameters and its parameters include a caveat about making humans happy it would be unable to change that goalif the ai is allowed to modify certain nonnecessary parameters in a way that enables modification of necessary parameters via some unexpected glitch this would occur however the design of multilayer neural nets which are realistically how we would achieve machine superintelligence can prevent this by using layers that are informationally encapsulating ie an input goes into the layer an output comes out and the process is hidden to whatever the ai is like an unconscious essentiallyotherwise if you set it up with nonnecessary parameters to make humans happy which werent hardwired it may well change thoseif youre interested in ai try the book superintelligence by nick bostrom hard read but it covers ai in its entirety the moral and ethical consequences the existential risk for future the types of foreseeable ai and the history and projections for its development very well sourced,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 not valve okayalso i am not saying 128 tick is not capable of registering more and calculating more see movement and nades it is just so that the tickrate difference between 64 and 128 tick has literally nothing to do with those hitreg problems in mm and it wont be changed just because mm servers are 128 tick maybe i should have clarified that in my first post,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 good job number 57you should also write it that way in other normal comments if you want to climb in rank,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 or the driver is busy sexting his mistress adjusting the radio or simply surfing reddit not thinking theres going to be some fuckwit standing by the highway both are obviously in the wrong here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i certainly agree also congrats on being a fellow unicorn 5 of the population unite just saw your tag also same age coincidentally,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i dont have an opinion on that its not something i can discern with any reasonable certainty,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 if their value system indicates that their choice isnt immoral then the maths support that thats why there isnt one answer its not false its just coloured by the values,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 15 is still too long,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 yeah that also works really any analogy that gets across the idea that i obsessively reassess everything i have in brain storage with the goal of connecting as many ideas as possible to add nuance to my understanding in that way i seem to naturally come to understand more about things the longer theyve been kicking around in my brain even if i havent consciously tried to do so,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 agree as long as the cloths are washed hot and preferably dried in actual sunshine its not unhygienic the yuk factor is mostly in peoples heads a very hard place to get it out of unfortunately,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i never thought i would see my favorite band on rall the bosstones mean so much to meits a lifelong love please pop over to rska if you are looking to get to know more ska and ska influenced bands,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 thats an unenviable position if youre in pain you should be able to do something about it shame about the medical tests,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 ill set these and try with that after i also use that fake cpuid in clover do you maybe have a link where it explains how to set fakeidedit1 for the configplist should i use the standard one or ati one,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 i think its going to be an hour i hope its longer but im not sure if this long form is james forte,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 i know there are quite a few il and wi cf folks here not sure if they are single fingers crossed for youfor me with dating it was being introduced through friendsthis creates another party who can vouch for the person a little also going out and doing group activities such as recreational sports and volunteering helped me meet cool friendsso maybe a potential mate,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 spiced gouda is the correct answer i love most cheeses but this is the correct one if youre just having it on its own for cheeses sakeplenty of cheeses have their uses and used properly they are great like cheddar in mac n cheese like swiss in a ham or reuben sandwich cheese curds in a poutine parmesan on pasta etc etc,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this its asoaif not frozen,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 like i said i havent seen a demo of him cheating if you claim something like this then provide at least proofthere is a good chance that they will but if they dont you just look like a big idiot,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its almost as if his dad was voted most popular driver for 16 years or something,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i havent been able to conquer the impulsivity or change how i think i have 3 types of people in my life people i have to interact with people i am somewhat close to or think i could be and people i am 99pc close to i manage it by translating i always say what i think but with the first group i focus on thinking about making them comfortable and getting what i need that is an over simplification but you get the idea socially if there are no negative impacts to my life or my people i dont much bother i dont need their approval so fuck off close or potentially close friends i focus on what i think they will understand and try to get as close as possible to full understanding the last category is a newish thing for me i say everything that comes into my head word vomit or not i still in all try to organise my thoughts that helps everyone understand including me some few people though can handle the netifesi if you want to be truly close with someone you have to trust them with the raw again this is a new thing to be 100pc there fully raw with all the warts but yo tried it once worked once its a different world,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 dont even worry about 4 star until you have every 2 and 3 on the roster a minimallycovered 5 star can be useful to mow through easy goon nodes without damaging your good characters but 4 stars are just dead roster spots until you get them champed the game is a lot easier once you have every 2 and 3 on your roster and can get those rewards,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 that guild name sounds very familiar my dk was horde side i remember doing some walkup rp with a troll from that guild on the roof of the bank of orgrimmar one night by that point i was basically playing alone since most of the friends id made since 2006 had either quit or were still alliance so that night was pretty memorable for me i really wanted to start a horde side piratecorsair themed guild named ltscourge of the seagt but didnt have the social support to pull it off with friends at that point and wasnt interested in the level of effort that starting a guild from scratch takes so i sat on the name keeping it in the back of my head for 7 years and finally sucked it up and renamed my alliance side guild that everyone else has quit over the last 5 years leaving just me in it as a utility guild it lacks the double entendre that it has horde side but i can live with that my allianceside mains backstory has been neutral this whole time the alliance are racist assholes and are in no way shape or form the good guys and it seems like few people realize that the horde are the good guys but between demon blood in the orcs and the deal with the forsaken trust is not very high most of my characters consider places like ratchet and booty bay home if blizz ever says fuck it and creates a third faction which would be pretty easy if they used some amalgamation of the steamwheedle cartel the venture company and maybe the syndicate and plopped every race combination into it id pay whatever asking price is to faction transfer every character to that faction,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 sure both are gambling to an extent the point to make here is that cases have a fixed value of getting a specific skin and a fixed amount of those skins the system is nothing like the jackpot sites it is essentially fairerregarding the marketplace thingyif i buy the skins on the marketplace am i gambling hell no sure someone did but i wasnt that was i was trying to say ofc you are not gambling when buying the skins on the marketplacerethoric questions and there liketrue if you open one case but in general it is so that you lose money if you dont have luck on all cases you open,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 its much easier to give up christianity than islam and i say that as someone raised catholic and experienced all the social pressure that come with it apostasy is near impossible in islam often punishable by death ask a few exmuslims the tradition is built around considerable social pressure,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i have a mic and have been looking to try out a heist for a while now im only level 41 but ive been playing since launch night im usually a strict freeroamer but i wanna see what these heist thingies are all about gt rfgm37 netflix gf anything else im on,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 in regard to the mountain thing when youre actually in vegas you can see the mountains all around itsource was in vegas this past weekend,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 it can be managed in theory but the article isnt so optimistic in practice we simply dont have a socioeconomic model to solve the problem so of the highest rate of hunger in africa is in zone which would be fertile enough to substain everyone but the region still fail to do so look at this map,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 they recently did something similar in australia one chinese billionaire was forced to sell his 40 million mansion on the sydney harbour after flouting foreign buyer rules but the law so far has just been all show and no substance after the first month or so there hasnt been any prosecutions since the main problem are foreign buyers buying very ordinary homes in middle class areas for 2 million to 5 million pushing prices way beyond what local incomes can affordone or two people on the top end of the property market might get shown up itll gather attention in the media giving the public an impression that the government is doing something about housing affordability then as time passes itll just be the same old again the source of the problem wont really be fixed,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 1 that lasted for 2 years 4 that lasted 34 months then 1 that lasted on and off for 5 years im 27 now my longest relationships were my shittiest and the short ones just didnt have enough time to get shitty i guess so i dont really care about the number i would have liked just one healthy relationship,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 i dont know some people tried to take him in court over it but the court dismissed it without changing his address i imagine the court could not have dismissed it that way,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i know this isnt case for all typemention types but a lot of them just come off as closeminded pricks their get it done attitude seems really stupid when they dont think things through a lot first they just think they know everything and that they are always right also they are really stubborn and can kind of come off as bullies typemention types also have this get it done attitude but i can admire them because they do seem to be open mindedi do fit a lot of typemention descriptions like you said i do show a lot of cogfuncmention i think of the 4 introverted functions cogfuncmention is more likely to be my dominant than cogfuncmention mostly because cogfuncmention dominant means cogfuncmention inferior i always thought i was either cogfuncmention or cogfuncmention dominant with cogfuncmention as a slight possibility as well,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 oh you mean like this,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i agree with the other stuff you said but i kinda disagree with this its only a shortcut if you go by stereotypes there is so much room for variation within types i feel like the more i learn about people the more there is to learn the functions are just like a starting point for understanding othersmbti has not helped much with self discovery for me though it just kind of tells me what i already know but not as well as i could describe it myself i wonder if thats a cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention thing,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 not only that but most child actors are obnoxious this kid was amazing i hope they have him on again,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i really want to say something mean here but its too easy im just sorry you see it that way plus im listening to supertramp now just listen to that and forget i ever uttered a word,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the case of germany is stranger because germany is very much part of the western world,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 now we need to harvest this energy by putting a small turbine on the axis of spinning doors,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 it will be time well spent if you can reconnect and work your issues out love is worth working through issues,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i would buy any etf or index that has a decent dividend yield here are some options with vanguard vanguard because of low expense ratio reit index dividend yeild index are some dividend etfs you can organize it by highest yield to leastlist would avoid commodity etfs or leveraged etfs,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i am an typemention but im not sure if its my inherent personality or age or both however while i think i can well understand or speculate as to why someone is an asshole i dont forgive them for it im not personally hurt by it but i think well heshes fucked up and aint nobody got time for that my tolerance for people being assholes is extremely low i have found that usually assholes continue to be assholes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 wow now i want the chrome paint job,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 hearing the rapid pattering of tiny feet and the highpitched sound of one of her granddaughters voices kiernan turned around an excited look appearing in her mismatched eyes and a wide smile spreading across her lips in one fluid motion the diminutive darklyn scooped up the little girl racing towards her and lifted her into the aircass kiernan greeted confidently observant enough to distinguish the twins although they were identical cassana had more energy and tended to squirm whereas violet seemed a bit more reserved and unfocusedbefore anything else kiernan returned to her seat situating the young girl in her lap and smoothing out the skirts of her dress she was sure she could safely hold the hyperactive ganton girl but it seemed like more trouble than it was worth once they were in place kiernan wrapped her scorched arm around cassana and asked excitedly howre younearby in the same room sat kiernans daughter and cassanas mother talisa and her husband griffith in griffiths lap sat lily their third and youngest daughter who was still too young to be left to her own devices meanwhile ella the servant and longtime friend of talisa who had alerted all the members of the ganton family to kiernans arrival was off to retrieve cassanas younger twin,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 it seems as if im becoming something like button bill was nowadays,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 its funny that you comment because i actually have 3 typemention friends whom i relate to in different waysone is very politically argumentative historically informed and we get into arguments a lot or did before i went unresponsive when we agree on a topic we are a force to be reckoned with he throws out these massive complex ideas about these interconnected themes far faster than i can make the connection and i translate for the layperson in a way he find difficult usually though we disagree and i choose not to argue with him a for the sake of preserving our friendship and b because neither of us will change our minds on these topics casually we get along because i am selfsufficient enough to not rely on him for social energy and can give him both time and spaceanother is similar though less combative hes better at avoiding troublesome topics in the first place but when we do talk about things we disagree on we do a better job of expressing our opinions thoughtfully considering the merits of the other persons position and moving on hes someone who i trust implicitly and gave me my favorite compliment ive ever receivedyou have great legs a very simple compliment but spoken without any ulterior motive or objective said only because in that moment he thought my legs looked great typemention fake so little socially that compliments from them really are the bestmy third typemention friend is unusually sensitive for the type i believe because he grew up with an autistic sibling and therefore had to remain very sensitive to his environment and potential changes therein hes artistic and we squabble like siblings constantly and with no ill intent hes someone that i can simply be with on one of the worst nights of my life i got drunk and cried in his arms for an hour im talking full on lyingonthebedtangledupsharingapillow kind of crying most people i would have regretted doing something like that with but the typemention in my opinion holds vulnerability as something incredibly precious and hes never made that an awkward memory by overstating it or dismissed it by ignoring itin short i love yall and only wish i could hang out with you guys more in the real world but ill take what i can get,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 yes machines do learn and are also creative they can combine concepts in new ways for example this is computer generated art it combines painting styles with raw photos to generate paintings from images if you are interested seek style transfer and gan generative adversarial networks in google its based on learning to recognize and generate new data from highdimensional probability distributions the implementation is based on deep neural netsafter alphago i would have guessed everyone here recognizes computers can be creative nobody could have programmed in all those game configurations in ag it must be creative in order to handle new situations that well go being such a highly branched gameof course there is this tendency to call simple programming everything that is working well in ai ai somehow is always that which still eludes us but we are also algorithms based in electrical and chemical interactions molecules rubbing off each other basically and yet we can be creative,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 furyk is a baller manbut yeah shoulda gone kuchar there,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 later in the podcast dave said this went over my head after reading an audience question hopefully weinstein understood the question perfectly well sadly the interview is a bit disjointed as dave cannot really engage in a conversation deeply,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 this really isnt funny it just perpetuates a belief that anything natural on a woman isnt allowed because guys are weak as shit and cant stand hair on a woman so as a result women are conditioned to cater to men to be more presentable to their liking all women need to brace their natural likeness and not feel pressured to modify their natural features,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 random internet troll that got too famous,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it used to be the norm so all kids got spanked when one got spanked nobody made a fuss about it it was just life so kids didnt use to victimize themselves over it now its another story,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 oh you mean like this,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 you sound like my boyfriend ill give you a slightly other point of view do you ever talk badly about your own appearance my so thinks im gorgeous despite having gained weight but he himself hates his body and constantly brings himself down by saying out loud how fat he is he isnt and how he dislikes his body this fucks with my head because all i hear is if you call yourself fat despite even having lost weight you are a fucking hypocrite and fraud when you tell me im beautiful and you make it difficult for me to believe you,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i was against bill nye before his new show for being an atheists and reports of him being a dick to his fans,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 gave it away when he said hey guys too casual if hes trying to portray that he just experienced trauma,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 most stuff in my world doesnt impact others at least im having a hard time thinking of something where my action or lack of action directly fucked someone over except where that was the intent,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i thought you could only boost a wonder once pretty sure its just a 15 boost period,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 typemention i hate seeing injustice,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 and then we saw it,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 yeah but with ffp someone cant buy burnley and pump enough money into them for them to be able to compete for a top 4 spoti agree with ffp but its just the one thing i dont like about it because it does keep the rich rich and the poor poor its definitely a good thing for football overall though,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i remember doing that hehe,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i play irelia fairly similar to jax and i have seen how masterchallengers deal with nasus basically you want him to push so that you can call jungle and murder him there are a few ways to do this but the one i like is to push early and trade with him as much as you can fight him over every cs for the first two waves use your resources and then recall now the turret resets the wave and he will be pushing dont tp back just walk to lane there will be a big wave freeze it he cant stop you from trimming the wave and freezing near your turret now its level 45 call jungle over kill him shove the wave back tp if he does and try to get another freeze going after doing this a couple of times you are strong enough to bully him off cs yourself you can also set up in the enemy jungle,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 that takes half the fun out of it,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 do you think apples feel inferior to oranges,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 yeah that house is fucked,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 and someone can rip out their own fingernails onehanded how exactly,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 was out with my parents a few days ago and the restaurant had styrofoam togo containers my mom wrestled with hers for an excruciating 10 seconds before i snapped it out of her hand and quickly opened it while clenching my teeth she looked at me like i was insane,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 its possible they used to live somewhere with poor septic systems that couldnt handle it or still do could be a leftover habit this isnt common but not unheard of its more of a regional thing,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 the right thing to do is elect bernie sanders as the democratic nominee and hillary should drop out and end her campaign what is with all these hit pieces all of a sudden,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 my typemention friend is going into forensics i always joke that its perfect for her because all the people shell have to deal with will be dead,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 ymir had already transformed when he was about to bite his hand though,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i agree with all of that but the massive indomitable elephant in the room is that you cant make a sensor more abstract you can make an intuitive more active it would always be you accommodating,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ill first have to find the time to round the last stuff of the old bet up ill come back to you afterward,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 paywall spyware and bluescreens are keeping a lot of people from playing eseaid say esea is the most cheat free environment to date but they are having problems with their client and that keeps people from playing there,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 nothing about having longer periods is unhealthy the norm varies mine were regularly 710 days and i knew a girl who only had 1 day periods neither of us was unhealthy or had any issues,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 sure way to set yourself up for disappointment i think if you dont get anything in writinglife has taught me people are almost all greedy sobsreal good way to figure out what a person is really like either by them winning a ton of cash or by you winning a ton of cash and how they change or not after that fact,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 no that just means youre french,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yea keepin the average down high five,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 listening to miscellanies electronic music and compulsively refreshing newas usual,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 okay thats fair enough i just thought it would be a nice idea amp be beneficial for all of us in the long run its nice that you care about the welfare of the users,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 many types use some areas of the brain even for tasks that normally would use other areasinxjs are the most visual types relying on the holistic and visuospatial of the brain for most of their processing t6 and o1 they easily solve new problems by forming a mental model and seeing the entire path towards the desired outcomeexfjs are the least visuospatial types and the most verbalsjs are more linear and deductive and can explain their reasoning stepbystep they learn better from examples and past experience and are uncomfortable figuring things out from scratchtherefore mental visualization separates typemention from other fjstypemention vs typemention might be a little different,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 yeah 64 tick allows people with bad internet to play the game literally unplayable,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 asdf with the ratm reference lol,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 but if theres no affinities how wr artificial and arbitrarily limit your build s,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 flashing tits is only really equivalent to a guy flexing his muscles or something logically theyre just seconary sexual characteristics a woman flashing vag definitely would be creepy,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 well yes specific mods that rely on this are nothowever why not ask valve to allow those gamemodes on serversgetting rid of those modes is unnecessary yes but at the same time you can drop knifes now and i personally found custom models annoying as they cluttered my cs installation i couldnt care less about skins,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 it seems like shes better friends with drugs than she is with you my advice is realize that she has severe shortcomings in regards to being the supportive friend youd want her to be and she might never measure up in that department enjoy your nice talks when they happen but look for the fulfilling and supportive friendship you need elsewhere continue being friends if thats what you want but realize that if you have high expectations youre going to be disappointed look at her for who she is and accept that knowing she isnt going to magically become the supportive empathetic person you want her to be she probably has many fun and good qualities but this is also someone who enjoys your company when its convenient but dislikes when you become a burden and doesnt always think of you or cant care to relate to your condition come to terms if thats what you want for yourself in your best female friend maybe start thinking of her as someone you really like in certain situations but has weaknesses when it comes to other things knowing where and when she isnt going to come through for you can help you lower your expectations and not be as hurt when it happens by letting go of the idea of who she could be for you and accepting who she actually is youre free of being inadvertently hurt by her carelessness and you can look for other friendships that will fill those roles in a more natural and mutual way,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i understand this i didnt necessarily mean resolution or colors â think of instead 2d versus 3d rendering whether this is similarly constrained by wordsize,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 why would you say that what could 211 year old girls who like magical cartoon ponies ever do to be creepyits got the be the most innocent fandom ever right,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i accidentally deleted the move nasty plot from it and cant get it back alright i can take a pic of my wondercard,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 idk i stopped using paper years ago fuck that shit,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 im trying to quit smoking myself cigarettes though exercise helps a lot but im one of those people who always needs something in their hands idle hands are the devils plaything as they say,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 people do it for free to play games also how do you want to validate the persons,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 and you answeri dont see how her statement is arrogant she used the word many she didnt say most then you extend your slander by making her says things that she didnt say it doesnt dignify your argument,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 at my high school we had a teacher that waited to start dating a girl until the day after she graduated even though he was a nice enough guy we the students still in school thought he was extremely weird for doing that,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 sure you can come to my town i have a clear spot right to the left of the station ill open up my gates now,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 cache is the new d2,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 without whom we may not even exist,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 her eyes are absolutely gorgeous,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 interesting that he mention dubai as the uae deported 4000 shias for their alleged support of hezbollah and apostasy is punishable by death i have nothing against looking at the bright side of things as long as it doesnt make us blind,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i gotcha so you were noting a similar end result but not necessarily an overlap,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i mostly argue with people on intuitive subreddits i dont know i got into a lot of those arguments with other xntps and they say im a know it all,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i vote its a matter of principle for me as not everyone in this world has that privilege also i support bernie for who he is and the policy positions he is advocating my state makes it very easy to vote as well i get to vote in the comfort and security of my own home when it is convient for me so i will still order pizza,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 try to touch your surroundings feel all your 5 senses and just be calm do reality checks as often as you can in the dream so you dont lose lucidity and last but not least try to think you really have to question your awareness not just rc try grade 1 and 2 equations solve them in your head you can practice this in real life,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 omg i would be all over that conversation we are wayyyyyy too hung up on traditional gender roles,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 crunch has 3 punches with different effectsburden is meh portal gives gideon nearly too much mobility and epic is completely incapable of balancing thr power control and tankiness of black holei could imagine any of his moves being replaced with a second meteor or a 2nd charge on his current meteor with a damage reduction depending on their vision for him,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 ymir had already transformed when he was about to bite his hand though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 as long as its not the acronym,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 congrats people buy cheats for fps big newsthe main attraction of cs is the fact that is a highly competitive shooter with a pro scene not that you can cheat going by your logic everyone cheats because that is the reason they bought the gamealso your they are protected by valve shit 6 accounts a year for 7â that makes 42â profit or 005 keys for one person per day for a whole year market transactions are not factored in there i assume more people buy 005 keys per day over a year than cheaters buy new accountsyour math is way off the mark also is your complaint about vacgaben explained it in the post you linked as to why they wont make vac like the esea ac and i might add that eseas ac would lead to a cheater decline of roughly 1 if you look at mmget a clue before you talk and grow up,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 it is possible in dota 2 if they use around the same netcode and protocols as csbecause of the rendering technique urakijah has explained it to you already for ingame use ill explain it to you for external usecsgo sends information packets with information in them everyone gets these packets the players and the people on gotv although people on gotv get them delayed packets are structured in a specific way and contains information on the game state kinda like player1playernameteampositionxpositionypositionzfor xray as a spectator for example you need to get the coordinates of all players to display their position with the outline so the position data of all people will be sent to everyone on the server with each update every 015s on 64 and 007s on 128 tick as you may guess you have the position of all people then so all you have to do is to write a program that takes the packages and reads out the positions and displays them on the mapthe mm servers are 64 tick because 128 tick in mm is less beneficial for the larger number of players so why waste money on servers that give a huge advantage to one part of the playersi dont know how you get to say money issue but whateverthe community concepts are giving a single person too much power in this game for one part and for the other part are mostly ridiculous and not realisticthere was someone writing about encoding memory in games and decoding it as you need it the drawback is you need extremely powerful computers to do that and if such computers exist you can also cheat again so a lot is on the behalf of i wish there was a solution like xpeople are walling because they have fun cheating either they are not good enough and want to play easy mode or just want to ruin the games for others cheat coders like the challenge to write software that isnt detected or just to earn moneyyou wont get rid of these people in online games especially in fps as there is such a wide range of cheats you can create and usesomething you may want to read,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 its often assumed but i have my doubts about thisi have the impression that crystal is stronger than armor plating seeing how annies few millimeters of crystal was just as effective at stopping blades as reigners few decimeters of armorshe also just needed a few millimeters of crystal around her fingers to climb the wall whilst reigner needed to make entire hardened clawsnow annie isnt surrounded by just a few millimeters of crystal but a few decimeters this means that her protection could possibly be hundreds of times stronger than normal titan armorthere is a solid argument to be made that erens hardened fists might be strong enough seeing how its not only stated that all the combined strength of a set of armor is located in his fists but its also shown how easy he could break through reigners armorhowever i personally prefer the idea that theyd use thunderspears instead of his hardened fists if you try punching a pebble its near impossible to differentiate the amount of force you want to excel at different parts of said pebble erens fists might break annies neck or rip her head off if he isnt carefulthe thunderspears however are simply projectiles with an explosive in their tip its extremely probable that the sc can change the amount of charge they load the weapon with allowing for more precision and less riskit seems like the better option to me,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 reading through your comments i didnt yet get an answer on why the simple reason given by most child free people isnt valid that simply being i dont want to with this question im trying to get to a core value youre experiencing that may conflict with core values of child free people,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this sounds like general relationship issues i havent had a kid but ive had these problems she needs to understand that you need time to do things without her at night it simply isnt sustainable for you to do what she wants every night youll end up resenting her and the relationship will fall apart i recommend talking to her about it in a pleasant and non accusatory manner is there a way for you two to work on projects together can you read together and turn off the tv,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 english is one thing those punctuation should be fucking illegal,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 pm me your reaction when you finish i watched all the seasons in like a week and a half holy hell,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 true my friend cant say i havent been in a similar situation thing is he might fade off anyway,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 holy fucking shiti dont even have words to describe how happy this makes me just wow holy fuck,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 op missunderstand harris position harris hold views found in eastern philosophy mainly buddhism he hold that we can cut through the illusion of the self progressively he claims it for himself and invite people to do practice which allow cutting through the illusion that we are in control,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i wonder how this could apply to nonvolatile memory i wonder if it would somehow be possible for this type of tech to compress data storage technologies perhaps overlapping data where parts of files are identical to other files,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 when you walk behind someone tell them youre doing so behind will douse the appropriate chopping boards for different kinds of foods never use a damp cloth to pull something out of the oven steam burns,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 ive seen the female equivalent of this i dug in and attempted a conversation for sake of exploration turns out she was from the philippines and had apparently bought the canned text from somewhere because she was told that it would impress an englishspeaking maleshe felt very embarrassed that i effectively called her out on the copypasta and extra ashamed that she had resorted to such things as a conversational hook she seemed sweet if not naive and just a liiiiiittle bit outside of my geographic preferences,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 ill explain this as a conversation between an typemention and an typementiontypemention i built this fully automated system so i can water my houseplants from my smartphonetypemention why dont you water them yourself dont you find it relaxing and it only takes a couple of minutestypemention no way what a pain in the assoriginal comment by ugreenschistfacies,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 first mermailfist format that came before dragon rulers was dope,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 no not out of the conversation just misunderstood what you were trying to say sorry,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 entitlement and insensitivity are the worse sins a dom can commit we should take only what is freely given and never assume more than thatyou should consider him to be a dodged bullet im sorry that your expectations didnt work out but its far better to be without a bad partner than with a bad partner,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 this isnt even a riddle its so fucking dumbalso doesnt even make sense if the king wanted actually wanted the thief to die of natural causes hed have taken away his freedom and locked him up and made sure he was forcefed all the necessary meals that would give him the best chance of dying of old age animals live stupidly longer in captivity than they do in the wild same principleletting him go does not begin to guarantee he dies of natural causes i mean this is a thief someone probably driven by poverty to the very edges of society and given that we have a monarch as sole arbiter of justice here this is middle ages at the latest there werent really any reform programs for a wayward thief medicine was shit and the thief wouldnt have access to it anyway the thiefs odds do not look good,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i do it to show other people who support who i do that they arent alone it used to seem like all the stickers and signs in my area were for the other guy and that was kind of alienating so id put up something just to show some solidarity with the quiet minority and to show we didnt need to hide i always like seeing signs for my guy it makes me feel like part of a larger community and i assume others feel the same way when they see mineits not about changing minds imo its for fellowship and awareness,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 its foreshadowing that the holder of the strongest power on the planet is going insaneas i said to the other guy,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 note they also said itd take 90 mins or so to update so probably around 630700 us eastern time itll be ready to play,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 no he wasnt invincible the heel thing was added to the myth centuries later essentially fanfiction of some later poets the whole point of this character is that he is prophecied to die if he goes to fight at troy and does so anyway hes doomed hes the opposite of invincible,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 keep it if you like it otherwise sell it for the actual price and dont just go accepting the first trade you get,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 goddammit motherfucker stole my idea about penis outfits if you dont believe me search this sub for penis and eventually youll find mine in a pirate suit getting ready to swab the poop deck,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 id seen the browsergame beforehand so i kinda knew,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 my mom always told me that if i have nothing nice to say id better not answer,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 who wants to watch a gif though when you can just look at an image,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 of a variant of that trope a little different in that hes there and shown and is often mentioned but is still extremely inconsequential,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i always took it as he finally got over summer and was able to start fresh with someone newof course he might muck it up again we dont knowthats not the story but hes a very different person with a very different view of the world than he was at the beginning soi doubt it hes got a much more realistic view of relationships hes taking control of his life hes not obsessed with autumn like he was summer shes just a random cute girl with similar interests that he took a chance on,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 imagine when 10 people pay for there food and the one blue person doesnt get there food after 2 hours and starts complaining and then you one of the guys say everyones food matters,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i cant really speak to what type you are simply that the way you construct and evaluate arguments doesnt seem aligned with cogfuncmention cogfuncmention is all about precision and finding the holes in argumentsreasoning thats its driving focus what does it mean to show a decent cogfuncmention cogfuncmention makes statements in the following format if x is 1 and y is 3 then x y 4 and so on most of what you talk about is selfreferential which is a very cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention pattern of thoughtdiscussion typemention then its cogfuncmention ter that dont match why people with introverted feeling tend to be on a quest to figure out who they are and what they want out of life ideally they would like everything they do to be in congruence with their personal believes they want to live a life as true to themselves as possible from,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 indeed please fall back on particular areas as a way of disguising the fact that this happens all the time in civil rights in ngo interventions everywherewhat does victim selection have to do with it it current sentences are unfair across the board then reduction in any sentence is fairer female sentences includeddo you agree with premises 15 if so you agree with feministsis the punishment for said crime unfair if so then yesis the legal system unfair would it be fairer to exempt people from it if so then it is fairlook i keep repeating myself nothing youve said refutes anything ive said youre going in circles just reread my previous posts until you understand,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 but why do you hate yourself,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 uenokha you can delete higher tickrate from that listin short while the fps of players could play a role in it 128tick is unfair for people with a latency of 30ms and higher and that is why it wont happen the thing people should be after is servers who are stable and well optimized,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 there must have been something illegal since it cannot be traded,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 oh wow a summons to a threadi have an typemention friend i think they can be cool in real life internet typemention often do suck though they are the type of people where you offend one with one of your comments they devote their reddit career to downvoting all your commentsintuition doesnt make you smart by the way i mean with cogfuncmention yeah sorry youre gonna have to explain that one saying that seems pretty retarded given the question youre asking,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 im glad you think about me while sleeping,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i dated one that was half costa rican half italian things never got that serious so i dont imagine i saw the full level of crazy that would have been possible,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i forgot to put the toilet seat down,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 sigh shouldve expected this to happengordon weve had this discussion many times before and im not in the mood right now maybe this evening,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 lots of practice its just pattern recognition with some actual thinking after you play a lot,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 kiernan visibly perked up at that her eyebrows and the corners of her lips rising with her spirits did you have something in mind she asked and does it have to wait until evening,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i have no idea what mine is but i think ill be both shocked and impressed at the same time,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 this would be me if i had children not in a martyr way but in a control freak type of way i would know the rightfaster way to do something and stress myself out doing everything on my own i would probably nag my so especially about any safety issues i went through a long period of time where i had difficulty delgating certain tasks out to my teachers aides but i had to get over it because i dont have enough arms im grateful that i have realized this about myself and that it definitely plays into my decision to be cf,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 that doesnt look shallow at all to me,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 thats just vaseline glass they used to make a lot of it dishes vases etc you can find a lot of it at flea markets and the like sometimes they even put 25 by weight uranium in it like lead crystali really want to get some sometime,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 by all means ask away,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yeah man thats actually really great for 15 i wasnt even out that late at 15 haha usually on the social media,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 i live in topeka so not in your district i wasnt aware of you before this ama i have to say though i like what im reading especially this answer i dont align myself with either party because both seem extremist and antiprogress but i do like finding individuals that seem to have a good vision glad to see someone in my home state that has strong values for the people as a whole,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 for every libertarian we covert a thousand more statists cross the boarder hyperbole though the actual numbers are probably greater illegal immagrants are incredibly dependent on the state and are essentially sponsored to come here this is not immagration as much as welfare isnt charityto fix a broken sink we have to turn off the water first,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 wow where is this one at,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 was about to say you wouldnt want our mayor,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 this thread is already tagged for manga spoilers so you dont need to tag your comments for manga spoilerssome additional advise to properly tag manga spoilers format like thismanga spoilers text,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 its often assumed but i have my doubts about thisi have the impression that crystal is stronger than armor plating seeing how annies few millimeters of crystal was just as effective at stopping blades as reigners few decimeters of armorshe also just needed a few millimeters of crystal around her fingers to climb the wall whilst reigner needed to make entire hardened clawsnow annie isnt surrounded by just a few millimeters of crystal but a few decimeters this means that her protection could possibly be hundreds of times stronger than normal titan armorthere is a solid argument to be made that erens hardened fists might be strong enough seeing how its not only stated that all the combined strength of a set of armor is located in his fists but its also shown how easy he could break through reigners armorhowever i personally prefer the idea that theyd use thunderspears instead of his hardened fists if you try punching a pebble its near impossible to differentiate the amount of force you want to excel at different parts of said pebble erens fists might break annies neck or rip her head off if he isnt carefulthe thunderspears however are simply projectiles with an explosive in their tip its extremely probable that the sc can change the amount of charge they load the weapon with allowing for more precision and less riskit seems like the better option to me,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i have informed him the vt was very educational as wellhes warming to it u2764,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 lower and upper range of what,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 so the royal arms dont really show you what class of weapons they areswords of the wise seems to be dual wielding swords but what class are the rest of them,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 this is obviously good news better than before but as an econfinance student one of the biggest problems in compiling data is the difficulty to distinguish between quality vs quantity are the jobs as high paying before or have middle classprofessional jobs been displaced in favour of low end retailservice jobs for instance in 2005 a â 500 computer wouldve gotten you 256mb ram 128gb hdd iirc nowadays â 500 would get you 4gb ram and 500gb hdd but in the eyes of economics statistics there has been 0 inflation so the economy and productive capacity hasnt grown etcfor instance my cousin was extremely lucky to get a law job at a ftse100 company however shes only being paid â 18k pa with an opportunity to progress up to â 24k when she finishes her training cant remember what it was called she was lucky because usually law students have to do an extra qualification which is quite expensive cant remember how much but around â 10k in comparison my mum was making about â 26k in an office job back in 2007my friend who recently got into a finance company he went to a top 5 uni was ecstatic that he had a high paid starting salary of â 31k in the us australia and singapore youd be looking at â 50k minimum maybe even â 60k if you were lucky and got into an elite tier firm then rapid progression to well over â 100k easyi love the uk i love the people and i plan to come back one day but the opportunity is just not there for me i dont think i can move back to the uk until im well established in a career,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 the problem with traditional bastards reference on the show fathers and their children eg the rooseramsay type is that outside of the sanctions of marriage you cant be as sure of who the kids father is roose mentions this when he talks about when ramsay was brought to him how he initially thought ramsay was the son of his mothers husband if this were the case then ramsay would have no blood ties to the bolton linehowever if you are the illegitimate child of a woman everyone still knows that you are bloodrelated to her family this is why many cultures track the line of the succession through the female linea kings nephew through his sister is definitely related to the king somehow but the kings son could be the product of cheating and therefore have no legitimate tie to the throneso while lyanna is a bastard she gets points back because everyone knows she is definitely jeors grandaughter and maeges daughter and both of these rulers were immensely popular with their people,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 wtf is a hard typemention anyway,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 do you know why there wont be 128 tickit has something to do with this,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the netherlands is amazing but not the right country for everyone in riwantout there was a guy who wanted to come the nl to study and live here and he asked what he should study to get a good job that paid 6 figures thats beyond unrealistic as the netherlands is a very much focused on equality in terms of socioeconomic ability for example our minister president earns about 230k which is outrageously high really a very telling statement about the dutch is just be normal and youll already be weird enough the netherlands is amazing if you want to have the perfect comfortable average life in that case everything will be arranged for you by the government but there are very few possibilities if you want to actually achieve something and do something great with your life,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the point being that ignoring someone whos displaying ridiculously bad behavior doesnt do anything to address the problem,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 yes i shop most of my clothes online at its a dutch webshop but i think they ship to most countries their customer service is amazing their prices on par with most online and offline shops selling those brands and this is important they measure every item they sell in house themselves and provide detailed measurements specific to that product anyways if i can give you a few pointers of how the style works for me choose one more eccentric item strong print distinctive cut outthere colour combine it with basics that would fit in a more modern day setting to make sure its not too costumey the same goes with shoes and jewelry as vintage inspired outfits go quite good with more minimal modern shoes and jewelry i recently put the following outfit together skirt and shirt and i wore the gray belt of the skirt over the waistline of the shirt so there was a bit of color blocking going on paired with basic black leather healed sandals and a silver hair brooch i got a bunch of compliments on it and although the silhouette is very vintagey it didnt make me feel out of place,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 you posted this just so you could post a 2edgy4me comment on your own post does the expression lowhanging fruit mean anything to you,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 oh im not disagreeing with you i live in the us as well i havent known any guys to be head over heels infatuated with teen idols in the same way as girls are i mean there certainly are male fans of female pop stars now that i think about it it most likely is a culture thing its not considered manly to enjoy pop music so perhaps this is why you dont see guys going wild over their favorite singers,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 emmet otters jug band christmas one of my friends remembers its amazing and everyone should watch it around the holidays,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 the walldian government was overthrown within a few days after that one trick where they tried to see how theyd react if another wall was to be breached,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ah ok for my part i currently define depth as an internal degree of complication and intermixture of the various types of processing critical thinking ideation feeling memory context switching etc i believe that this depth is helped by life experience etc etc as to spirituality i think that people can define their own versions of it and come to it from different angles is sprituality derived from feeling more valid or intense than sprituality derived from philosophy,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 good job number 57you should also write it that way in other normal comments if you want to climb in rank,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 why is it you think being a feeler is feminine,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 theres also a complementary work learning to learn by gradient descent by gradient descent where they plug a neural network inside another neural network to learn how to best apply gradient updates im wondering if both could be applied at the same time generate the weights and also learn the gradient update function,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 the double language add to the concern they are defending the proposed practice as a mere invitation and being volontary at the same time its pretty obvious that the social consequence of refusing were extreme we can tell you have the choice to refuse but if you do so we will tar and fetter you the professor screaming at other professor to take their fucking white ass didnt sound like a candid invitationat this point comparison with the third wave are begining to be warranted,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 thats a great business idea why didnt i think of that,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 only to my mom because she already dislikes me and will just say i have problems,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 yeah sleeping with clothes would help a lot if youre in a dry climate lower risk of mold on the bedsheets too where i was living six months ago i had to wash the mattress repeatedly thanks to the damp and potential for mould,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 my state bird is not the robin but we get a ton of them herealso did you know european robins look different was surprised the first time i saw onebut yeah thats totally a spawwow,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what thats terrible advice in fact thats a terrible learning strategy as well if youre wanting to actually absorb concrete information not to mention the mental plateau as well as youll burn yourself out of testing before test day even happenssmaller tidbits do not study the day before do things like light reading gaming tv whatever treat yoself eat protein in some form this week especially the day of keep a consistent sleeping pattern add more water to your diet because it doesnt hurt,7.0,84.0,88.0,59.0,44.0 haha this scans well and makes sense i take it you left the feelers out because they always have self esteem issues p what if feelers are ts who just got stuck maybe if you aligned their chakras,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 based on lots of reddit comments ive been reading always a reliable source drag and crown is what im planning on for my next setup,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 can someone throw them in an imgur album i cant get them to download on my phone for some reason,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 thanks ill take the 5 and spend it on my grossly underfunded special ed students jackass,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 hes been a guest caster for some games lately on russian streams pretty sure team with artstyle was a joketrolling,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 secondary ns are just noticeably less theoretical typemention arent more theoretical than typemention either but cogfuncmention loves to put ideas together out loud so it seems like theyre theorizing if you really listen they tend to state a string of facts and state a relationship between those facts its much more concrete to say x y z than to say given that x y z perhaps a b c if you spend some time in their sub youll notice a markedly less theoretical discussion than in the n dom subs rtypemention is a little different because cogfuncmention wants to pick everything apart down to counting the threads on the screws and their n is extraverted so they explore abstractions aloud when you present a theory to an typemention they will process it and present evidence as to why it is correct or incorrect they will compare it against their reality and often argue with you if they feel it is necessary when you present an apple to an typemention they will say yes its an apple when you present an apple to an n dom they might say you know ive often wondered what the world might be like without fruit would mammals have evolved without nuts and seeds blah blah fucking blah oh are you still here,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think a radically fair and honest and weirdly funny look at how western youth come to be radicalized,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 same thing happened to me yesterday i was stretching my foreskin in the tub when suddenly i can pull down further than i ever had so i decided to snap a pic and suddenly im exposing my whole glans and i was just fraking out im 20,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 yeah bird jesus was already taken back in my day my friends and i would group up and each play as one of the pokemon from tpp it was great,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 humble shy a little awkward hyper considerate,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so your friend eats a lot of tuna,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 not really they go in thinking they can pocket some cash and got scammed by this guy,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 ah that moore quote is timely he has a lot to say about the power of words in many of his interviews the same with ideas too as he has grown increasingly mystical in his view of the power of thought and the meaning of consciousnessin terms of the hã eg quote i agree some need others in order to define their true shape some of us need to be alone in order to see who we really are,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 hmm i wasnt aware of tensions lol but i dont frequent the other type subs perhaps you or someone else could fill me in even via pm if you dont mind as far as nardi i never could shake the feeling that hes trying to sell something he doesnt seem trustworthy or genuine like for example how michael pierce does everything about him and his studies seems off i mean why isnt he listed in the ucla faculty directory why hasnt he published his work and had it peerreviewedeta i dont think my deep mistrust and skepticism of nardi is undue,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 it almost sounds like having two separate hotkeys to incrementdecrement the current selected item would be easier than using individual spin buttons for every single item,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 way to show appreciation for the gold fuckwit,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 tab key is your friend,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 quickest way to identify ideas that are hard to defend they attempt to suppress opposing viewsthere are lots of subjects that are controversial that dont do this i am certain nazis illegally killed jewsih noncombatants the exact number is debated even by the un dissent is healthy if the jewish community doesnt like a counter argument they should simply present theirs not attempt to silence people who disagree,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 ideas are my jam things and people can be great in the right circumstances but ideas are always good no no based on what ive been told the typical first impression is that im smart blunt sarcastic and intimidating the intimidation factor goes away mostly once people get to know me and understand my buttons im fine with the aforementioned impression i wouldnt be surprised if im alone here havent read other responses but i rather enjoy puns and learning slang i have a side gig where i work with more urban people than i normally would and while it annoys me that i now know the words to many rap songs i love that i can now understand the lyrics,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 yeah i know fuck society,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 what is the name brand for these ubiquitous coconut shampoobody washes found in dispensers in mens locker rooms at the gympoolshotels etcit mainly smells like coconut but its also masculine and refreshing almost has a citrus note to it most coconut shampoos ive checked out in store are too thick sickly sweet and feminine smelling targeted towards women,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 what macho mantra whatever youre referring to i doubt he despised anything like that bowie was quite a subtle intellect who could draw ideas from disparate fashions and modes of thought within the zeitgeist and seemed to be interested in culture for its own sake â that was integral to what he did and what made him so unique,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 lol i feel like birthdays and holidays are the reminder i need to like buy people shit i used to have an ex i bought shit for all the time and he accused me of trying to buy his love so now i only do it when its socially appropriate,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 but its artisancrafted by actual highlytrained beardwearing guys in hornrimmed glasses and suspenders you cant just homebrew that kind of quality,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i think the average person on the issue isnt much different than on most issues that is fully of contradiction people want cheap stuff while having their own job protected from competition its like people wanting lower taxes increased spending lower debt in a nutshell having your cake and eating it too,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 and we dont see chat in overwatch so in the end the reports are useless,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the perils of an inverted triangle cheers for the comment,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 im an typemention and lol how do you guys match with this haha,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 sorry are you just projecting everything onto your friends what makes you think guys are unable to perform this basic evaluation this is ridiculous if you are never told youre attractive you are probably objectively unattractive else youre just socially awkward and arent being around people same goes for most any quality god its not complicated,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 docs on the clippers now bro,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yeah 64 tick allows people with bad internet to play the game literally unplayable,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 but i just bought my 20kw laser pitchfork,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 asus z97 wsintel core i7 4790k quadcore 40ghz 44ghz turboboostorigin cryogenic stage iii hard line liquid cooling32gb corsair dominator platinum 2133mhz 4x8gbquad origin cryogenic evga hydro copper liquid cooled 12gb nvidia gtx titan x960gb ocz revodrive 350 series ssd4tb seagate solid state hybrid drive ssd x215 kilowatt corsair ax1500i,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i did the same a few days ago four hours down the drain first time the game crashed on me i wanted to cry,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 at least right now im too caught up in my feelings and the moment that i can barely see the future and always seem to bumble through my feelings i feel like i can know the big picture but i can barely make it through the details its with a girl im romantic with but no official relationshipi get caught up and upset because shes busy with school and has almost no time for me at all thinking oh this is over oh i cant see the light but my gut is still in it doesnt help that its distance and a bunch of other hard things are in the way they werent a problem until the idea of this test came up i just want to support her but i feel like im forcing my way in sometimes and i say all i want is to talk but she says she cant help me with that at all and that i want to change her but its just been nothing for the past month where it used to be so much i guess its part of understanding her today we kind of fought and i honestly liked it because i can never get a response from her that it was at least refreshing to talk she dug up old stuff and was a bad fighter honestly but not dirty im between not texting her at all and just doing my normal hey everyday because she needs the space but because of shit that happened i know she cant stand having me out of her life i can barely cope with this and nothing seems to help at all my life is fine other than this actually its great but the way shes dealing with her fear and stress and desire for success is by shutting out almost everything even her own puppy luckily her parents can watch it other than studying studying studying i tried to say hey its not balanced youre going to kill yourself doing this and she said its just how she is she enjoys her life i shouldnt try to change her and shes right i shouldnt i know now that i shouldnt even try and just let this pass but what the fuck its so hard and so weird and just a month ago it was great at what point is it a rough patch and at what point is it time to just give up thats the thing im like that too i go hard on myself and push for the best but very few times have i neglected others because of fears and desires at least since ive been an adult and now im getting stressed and afraid because im going back to college soon and what if i find somebody else im into and just ditch this it will hurt her and it would just be because we couldnt make it past this afraid she wont care ever again to talk to me regularly but i know i love her and right now i cant really see myself with anyone else and i know its temporary at least until the test i tried a week of no contact and started to feel better but she saw me talking to others and said she couldnt stand not talking but we barely talk at all what is there to salvage but why wont either of us just give up i hate this so much because even though i can solve it i dont want to but god its hard being this patient especially on top of the patience needed for distance and language barrier and just but it really wasnt hard until she started shutting herself in fuck thats a long post such a complex feeling that i cant even get it all out,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 jesus christ i thought you were joking,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 tuition differs between countries some are free germany but most are a couple of thousand euros a year my country netherlands is about 2000 a year easiest way is to just mail the admissions office of different unis and ask them whether theyd accept you based on your degree and grades remember even within a country some might accept you while others wont which country are you from by the way,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 this guy broke rule 6 of dick usage dont stick it in a crazy,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 everything else aside is not having easily bullet point things he liked about you such a big deal i view people i know holistically and if you ask me to pull apart things i like or dislike about them it becomes difficult i usually can find things but then it sounds cliche since describing the emotion doesnt translate wellwhat im asking is would you rather a cliche response or an avoiding response,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i have a very strong opinion on this topic canadian bacononly topping i need so damn good,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im right there with you im a special ed teacher 8 years now that definitely pushed me to the cf side of the fence i was already 90 there anyway what you are feeling is fine and it is great that you are taking time to acknowledge your needs think about how you want your future to look do not let baby obsessed women try to sway youyou will meet a ton of them in education there are a ton of cf nannies teachers day care providers so feel free to come here and unload any time,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 so much been here for years upwards to like 6 by now so a lot,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i mean its a fruity drink it doesnt taste like cough medicine type cherry pretty tasty although i rarely drink wine coolers,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 theres a former mltp captain who runs around radius being a huge dick and never gets into and trou ble,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 isnt everyone a combination of all four elements if i were to guess which one was most prevalent in you it would be water,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 ive only ever read her erotica perhaps ive said too much lol but ive been meaning to pick up a couple more books of hers,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i always use browbeat in edh and sun droplet and often grappling hook,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 ill just say what everyone else thinks youre hot and your cat is an intjalso happy holidays xd,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 beat me to it western mass is full of idiots too haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah i do lily insisted bluntly not taking the hint before griffith could respond to his impudent daughter talisa intervened commanding wearily stop lily stuff is already bad right now and i think talking about all the bad things that have ever happened to us would just make it worse she expected griffith was referring to some hardship he had endured either in work or in war and delving into such troubled memories seemed likely to only strain her husband further she knew she certainly didnt want to start dwelling on any unrelated failures as a doctor or as a motherfine lily pouted after a second clearly having taken a moment to decide whether or not to listen to her mother but i wanna hear later papa,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 lol spent most of the day watching her sleep got a good 3 hours of excel tut vids in to bootgod bless the match function,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 correction mine should be grabbed 2other thanks thread i made,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 good question ive never really thought much about kierseys temperaments versus quadras other than to more or less dismiss kierseys approach as not as good when it comes to methodology i read kiersey long ago and intentionally did not read his sensor sections because i had heard of his legendary intuitive bias and didnt want to pick up any bad habits so i am not wellversed in his system but here is what ive found first ill link a good argument for quadras and against kiersey from the world socionics blog which discusses the problem from the viewpoint of socionics i would disagree with their assessment that kierseys method is arbitrary it is not he spent decades researching his findings and connects them to thousands of years of similar systems of temperament theories ill quote the section where he explains why he divided the types as such from please understand me ii pg 18so with kierseys system what we have in terms of temperaments can be discussed in socionic terminology nts and nfs are the same as socionic clubs but what about sps and sjs in socionics the combination of any two traits implies a third giving us a small group of four types there are hundreds of these and most are not defined or researched i have never seen this explicitly pointed out but sps and sjs are a relatively wellknown small grouping called romance styles with sps being called the aggressors and sjs caring doesnt this make an odd system of types intuitive clubs which focus on common social interests and sensing romance styles it is interesting to note that kiersey has sub temperaments for each temperament one of which is the mating under social roles here he classifies sjs as helpmate sjs as playmate nfs as soulmate and nts as mindmate i dont have time to research the similarities and differences at this time although i think we could find so interesting findings here but sjs as caringhelpmate seems to fit sps as playmateaggressor seems odd especially when playmate sounds closer to the np childlike nf soulmate sounds fine and nj victim is very different at least from names only nt mindmate ill briefly comment on as ive heard things like this before gulenko says that you choose a dual in times of need when you need emotional help however if you do not need help or have been dualized or selfdualized already then often you choose a member of your club as a mindmate or someone that shares common interests it is also noted that due to the social interest nature of clubs we see a lot of mirror relation couples being formed which makes sense clubs will attend the same events and classes and run in the same circles whereas the members of your quadra that are in the other club are probably doing other things clubs are more of a shared surface interest like what we have here in our typology circle which is comprised to a significant degree of nt researchers especially when we are talking about socionics other clubs obviously join in and contribute especially nfs but typology is an uncommon interest that is very human and can thus be appreciated by all clubs and approached by each group of perspectives the point is though that any one of us can come or go in this interest group and it doesnt effect the integrity of the group much quadra in the other hand form your social circle or your core lasting relationships that are more of an integral part of your social life or at least that is the theory which i dont personally see playing out in my life i do know that it is much more pleasant on a feeling level to be with other alphas than other nts for example it feels more natural on a communicative level you dont have to choose your words as carefully and when you have misunderstandings they are easier to clear up since you speak the same language even if you have to choose the content of your conversations more carefully because it would be rude to speak about either entirely nt or sf subjects so you find so common ground so that is in a nutshell how i see the difference between clubs and quadras natural common ground interest wise with harder communication versus harder common ground interest wise with easier communication with this in mind i think this one reason that you dont see quadrabased discussion groups i think if anything you might find unintentional quadrabased support groups they wouldnt have any idea that they were speaking on the quadra level but if the theory is correct this might account for why some selfhelp or counseling groups are more successful than others for example the men are from mars women are from venus crap is probably a simplistic form of this pseudotypological support system geared towards a specific audience you could probably say the same for aa survivors of domestic violence etc these are ways that people choose to classify themselves and others while others share the exact same experiences yet choose to often deliberately reject classifying and identifying as such the other factor that i think is really the reason that quadrabased discussion groups will never take off is that once youve graduated to the level of understanding of what a quadra is and how necessary all types and all perspectives are it is really serves no real purpose to limit yourself to one quadra that is an incorrect interpretation of socionics which i think was pushed more in the early studies of socionics as a consequences of the founders personal life and the broader integral type of the former soviet union as an aristoctratic society that sees more natural vertical divisions than the us which is less aristocratic and sees things more horizontally democratic at least that is what our values are supposed to be both societies seem to struggle with their mismatch of aristocraticdemocratic values,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 look at slocums or villegas form right now and cringe with me,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 server location setup and players average ping also play a role in it just because it says 128 instead of 64 doesnt mean youll magically hit more in turn 64 doesnt mean it has to be badsometimes i miss shots where i could swear that i hit the enemy but looking at the demo shows me that i didnt stop properly at times or shot 1 mm over their shoulder just bad luck if that happens i mostly switch to rifle,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 except you were gay before you came out and the only thing that really changed is that more people now know you are gay so you being gay is not ruining your life it didnt before so it stands to reason that it isnt the cause nowso why did your attitude towards life go from happy and social to being a sour puss what do you think is different now compared to being closeted is it because you now have no excuses left to postpone living your life to its full potential being closeted is putting a large part of your life on hold and presenting a fake character to the outside world was the mask generally happy easy to fake when you think your big secret depends on it or were you truly happyalso meeting people at a pride event who you dont find the most likable isnt indicative of a systemic trait of gay people it may also be that you werent in a party mood and somehow not comfortable with being out yet a pride may be a bit much then,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 except thats not how stable incomes work riskier ventures are backed through loans secured with more stable assets by people with plenty of money ok in this case its the irresponsibility of me for not making you take out a comprehensive insurance on the car theres a mechanism in place in the system to protect itself about this kind of loss and many other kinds if theres an effective mechanism within the system then its a person problem and not a systemic problemyes and as a result of the greece thing theyre being forced through political channels to actually repay some of their debt by maybe actually paying some tax once in a while the debt was essentially taken on by france and germany backed by their surplus production which was greater than their debts and refinanced so greece has a chance to deal with it except youre going to have to to get any major loan particularly since the gfc when a lot of protection methods became legal requirements rather than just good practice you can decide youre worth that but no one has to believe you also an individual isnt going to sink the system just by offing themselves the saudis gates branson their debts are associated to assetsyeah whats your point just because one person has taken a loss doesnt mean that the system is brokenlook at each stage of the process at any point is the money being loaned at an unservicable level or just being magically created no at each stage the ability of the loan to be paid back is taken into account and the probability that it will be paid back is taken into account it is insured against the loss or inability to pay and that is reflected in the return of the inital loaner anything that is a loss is an acceptable loss which is factored into the systemin the fractional reserve 91 system say the probability that 1 in 10 of the loans i make wont be repaid on time so im expecting a 10 loss on the money that has been loaned that means youll want all the other loans to pay at least 11inflation i think my maths works so you can break even and then make a profit in this scenario your asset that isnt paid back what youre concerned about is covered by the successful growth of the other assets,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 she raised her eyebrows more interested in the years he spent away from home than his name before taking another sip of her drink she asked i dont mean to pry but why did you leave,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 iirc the parents were in jail and the grandparents had custody they wanted to keep the name out of respect for the parents the aunt of the child was seeking legal advice to see if there was another way to get the poor girls name changed if she couldnt convince them i dont think we ever got an update i think everybody agreed she was probably sol but that melanie beth would be a good alternate to change it too,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 sloppy seconds moral of the story cardboard castles all you can do sarajevo 4 am strong as an oak tiny glowing screens pt 2 never let it die dent in the moon hey asshole my first stalker,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 if sounds like youre writing a recommendation report its basically the same thing as any report except think of it as youre trying to convince an entitypersonbusiness to take your suggestionperspective on a new toolinvocationpolicythe typical recommendation format is like the following cover page introduction background methodology limitations advantage and disadvantages our recommendation conclusionits not so different really there are a plethora of examples if you good recommendation report exampletemplatesample,7.0,84.0,88.0,59.0,44.0 im having some dissarono which is a luxury i havent had in a while gotta follow through on some camgirl shit today so if i get a bottle i will fuck that up but maybe beforefor the bus home tonight only thing im worried about is the fucking border patrol dickheads,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 if its canadian then maybe theyve had a hangover of their other language also hambourg hamborg resistance is futile,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 oops i ran into the wall shit lol mb teambanned,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 mike mccready is probably the most hendrix influenced modern guitarist of them all they just dont showcase him in many songs as most of their more popular stuff is rhythm driven stone licks nothing as it seems is a great tune i love b minor stuff like comfortably numb its the most haunting and transcendent key imo not that that has anything to do with hendrix cant think of anything of his in b minor all along the watchtower is one of my favorite hendrix tunes its in c minor which isnt used much at all guess dylan used it well dylan probably did it in c and hendrix played it a half step down like everything he does,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 the awp sound is great it deserves more minutes in this video,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yea i noticed something in your writing style is grammarly maybe something for you,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i cant even do mturk or most surveys cause im canadian its going to be really tough as this will be my only means of survival for a while and living alone with a mortgage and a cold winter ahead is going to be pretty pricy,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i actually normally agree with the kochs but what the fuck this is ridiculous,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i wanna pet them so badly,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 ahhh sounds like cosmoline theres no real specific such thing i dont think but thats what everyone calls it you might be able to find gun nuts online who have ideasalso dont use anything too harsh and def nothing with acetone in it thatll probably disintegrate the plastic of those binocs at least it would melt em a bit,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i dont want to discourage you but it doesnt get any better some professors are more down to earth than others and those will be like a breath of fresh air but art school is made difficult by people who think that giving you unrelenting shit makes you a wellrounded artist or some bs i had a drawing professor that would literally take your work that was due the next class period and rip it up or erase large parts of it so youd have to do it over again is that really fucking necessary hell no but in his mind it made you a better artist hed then give you a horrible grade for bringing something incomplete to critique even though it was his faultheres my trick to getting good grades in art school with minimal effort get good at the technique of course and follow all of the parameters of the assignment but then insert some sort of edgy content into every piece i did a lot of work about mental illness and sexuality and they ate it up pick something and run with it all semester youll feel so fake doing it but it gets your gpa up and makes it easier because the profs think youre deep so they end up liking you more,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 haha no problem i liked jane but the pushing in season 2 was horrendous no excitement or reason for me to want to keep watching the hype got me through it even if it took forever glad i could inspire you to do the sameor at least skip that season,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 wtf is that gross sauce like stuff hes slodging all over everything i dislike most condiments enough as it is but this is the stuff of nightmaresi just hope he got paid a ton to act in this obvious attempt at viral marketing its got juuuust enough camera shakeyou know what they say no such thing as bad publicity,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ill graduate with double the debt and will be paying it back under the 35 years rules ive decided to only make minimum payments its just not worth it with the current inflation low interest besides with the combined debts of me and my so there is a big chance the government will pay a large chunk of the remaining balance after 35 years there is one important caveat though i do not plan on ever buying a house if you want a mortgage from a dutch bank theyll have a look at all your registered debts your study loans arent part of those theyll ask you to provide them that info out of your own free will however you are not required to if you do theyll be counted rather heavily against the maximum mortgage you can get if you dont they wont count those debts however if you dont declare your study debts you forfeit your right to ever claim nhs garantie if you go bankrupt and need to sell your house below valuelike i said i wont be buying a house so i dont care for this whether its relevant for you is something only you can decide,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 quieter is an euphemism for not energized,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 the gdp numbers are nominal that includes inflation and a relatively stable population in 1990 3 trillion is equivalent to 56 trillion in todays money internationalised usd their purchasing power has fell whilst their population and debt flatlined so japans economy is smaller than it was in 1990 in terms of output produced and less of a global economic power,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 bold prediction chase qualifies for the chase today,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 that was doomed to failure right from the start they werent exactly using the proper catrescue tools at all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i know ill never let mine go its been used a fair bit in the 13 years or whatever that ive had it but still flips like a champit just wouldnt be worth it to me to sell,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 just a performance update for the gpu the load on your cpu stays the same,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 apparently im giving this vibe to anyone and i dont know why youre definitely not the first person to tell me that,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 diagnostically they essentially do psychopathy is common parlance for antisocial personality disorder which requires the traits you describe to be maladaptive so your use of the term psychopath to describe a socially adaptive type of person is categorically misleading from an epidemiological point of view this is clear as i said psychopaths tend to be pooraddicted to drugs will see about finding the study on thisthe examples you give infer that the person in question is socially capable with their relevant ingroup so not socially maladaptive so not psychopathic,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 oh gosh i can totally relate to that scenario as well lol i think it works both ways when one cant really understand the view of another i like you d,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 i dont get why people get so hung up on something that amounts to a silly nickname,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i always thought that was weird sometimes id be in the stall at work and id hear someone undoing their belt like whaa why are you undoing your belt and pulling down your pants at the urinalor then theres guys wholl flush the urinal before they pee and i even heard one guy flush about 5 or 6 times while he was peeingpeople are strange,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i found this album last month and have been listening to it nonstopcan someone recommend something similar progressive djent without obnoxious vocalsthank you,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 or couldnt people 10000 years in the future be wrong or are you assuming for some reason that conventional morality will necessarily tend towards objective morality over time,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 why should owner have a different definition than the player who owns this cardwhy not just say controller,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 some xanax might be just what you need,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 exactly the same as normal,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 cogfuncmention works with the object it finds the ideas behind it and then takes it branches outward when they receive an input they roll it around in the mud turn it on its side see how it handles being submerged under water etc cogfuncmention might be something like object gt idea gt explore gt outputcogfuncmention takes the input into their internal world scans it for patterns and abstract ideas and that leads to an output you could say cogfuncmention is like object gt idea gt project gt output,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 they have a right to believe that but not the right to force other people to adhere to their belief which some prolifers seem to be interested in with attempts to ban abortionsi think abortion should be an option to women who are in these situations 1 rape2 incest3 healthlife is being threatened ie ectopic pregnancy4 teen 5 fetus has a severe genetic disorder which will result in a shitty quality of life i personally dont really agree with a persons economic situation as being a valid reason to perform an abortion although i am sympathetic to it and dont think it should be prevented,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 oh damn i didnt know that i just updated mine,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 maybe try some of adrian goldsworthys books or mary beards,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 no thatd half the fun,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 first off seeking treatment and wanting to better yourself are both very brave things i want to give you due credit for committing to those steps and sticking to them even though theyre inconvenient at best and heartwrenching at worstits even more brave walking into a place here where many people have a lot of baggage and resentment against people with your particular ailment and then speaking up in front of the group ive seen a few comments here already full of suspicion and prejudice and while i understand the concern behind them i personally think we should all be more understandingthat said im not sure if the subreddit rules andor moderators are going to clamp down on your post i just didnt want you to feel like your reaching out was unappreciated,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 that drip tip looks kinda cool but also makes it look like it was used for meth,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 when ive got my act together i do i like the repetitive nature of bikram yoga i know what to expect for each class and i can easily track my progress i suffer from having an incredibly active imagination that never shuts off so yoga is one of the few places besides meditating where i can get a mental break if i am not completely focused and grounded in my body and the present moment i fall over its an excellent way for me to take a mental vacation and get a full workout in one by the end i feel completely relaxed i havent been to a class in about 6 months but its something i look forward to in winter because its done in such a hot room,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 lol this is hilarious your friend sounds young and judgey poor choice of words and poor timing for sure youre not a terrible person tho try and talk to her later after some cool down time otherwise write it off as a life lesson,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 its actually kind of fun,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 you mean shop vac those things are fucking awesome be a real pro and get a wetdry vac,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thats not necessarily true high elemental resist mobs will take more damage when cursed with elemental weakness than with assasins mark,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 lol yall really do try to claim everyone i dont see any evidence for it id guess typemention from the interviews ive heard hes a genius though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i know i didnt work in manual labor those were just different examples,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 joking i just found it funny how coincidental it was that it happened on 8 december,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ugh that sucks i hope you are happy in your career thats the most important thing,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 you showed you can go from f to t you can do the same with pj over a similar timespan it really just depends on what you want from life,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 your own hindmilk express a few drops rub it in and allow to airdry i tried lansinoh for a week and it did nothing for my sore nipples but my own hindmilk fixed it overnight,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 the worstbest one was with saintvicious,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 always my husband was just complaining about it today i find it very difficult to make my point if i cant talk through each step,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 chapter 70 end of the uprising arcbeast titan human form reveal in the aftercreddits,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i think it gets through the skin,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 we are rational beings we are at our best when reason dictates emotion and our worst when emotion dominates reasonevents occur our minds interpret and judge the event and that forms our reaction emotional or notthe part of that chain you have control over is your interpretation and judgement nearly everything that happens to and around us is beyond our control so why worry about it,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i have a couple pairs of heels from pleasers for fetish wear and i swear to god ive thought about incorporating them into my regular clothes because theyre so comfortable,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 a bit weird honestly umm but it depends could be a sign of the end of our thing could just be her being genuinely curious its more about how shes doing it secretly will she lie her ass off about it or is it just causal genuinely just casual not that oh she said it is so im going to trick myself into believing it is thing honestly i cant say i see it as a good thing in any circumstance but that 100 depends on situation,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 wowowowowowowowwow you have a really twisted and inaccurate view of the word justice prosecution cant even approximate a just outcome to aim for until theyve seen what the defense has put forward retardation centralprosecution is not about winning defense is thats the differenceeveryone is entitled to a robust defense thats motivation enough for anyone to work pro bono and everyone is innocent until proven guilty hes not expected to act as if his client is innocent only not guiltyif you think defense attornies for accused offenders must necessarily think that the offense is justified then you are seriously brain damagedeven if he knows that his client did it its still in the public interest to defend him because it forces the state to prove the accused guilty to allow the conviction of a man known to be guilty without sufficient admissible evidence would still be a miscarriage of justice,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 ah well i guess excel can be weird on the rare occasion but at least you still have your code and data,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 have you considered maybe what youre saying isnt quite as forceful or interesting as you think and youre just being overbearing i mean this image of yourself you are projecting as this intellectual gadfly figure seems a little fanciful tbh,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 im just waiting for someone to say i knew it all along you are an typemention idiot,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 thats what i thought enneagram type 1 reformer pretty much matches what you described in opi can see how 137 archetype could easily come across as harder than a more stereotypical typementioni got 952 myself,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 assuming they donâ t make another striker lucian boo boo,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 its not so bad you can always borrow themed clothes from people in ractrade to pass them easily too i see people posting for them all the time,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i like this reason more than the real one,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 another type of wisdom tooth fuck upmy dental wounds felt healed over it had been weeks since my wisdom tooth removal i was back to most normal foods except sharp items like chips and popcorn i love popcorn so i had some and chewed very carefully what i didnt know is a small piece of kernel husk nestled itself back where one of my wisdom teeth had been my mouth continued to heal unbeknownst to me my gums healed right over that little husk flake some weeksdays later my face started to hurt i felt off i went to bed woke up the next day still felt bad but not bad enough to skip shopping with my best friend the next day within an hour my cheek looked like i was holding a golf ball in the side of my mouth i was fading fast feeling woozy my best friend called my mom who arranged the emergency weekend dental surgeon and drove me directly there they were pretty sure what was wrong after my mom described itnsfl the emergency dentist had to numb me up reopen my wisdom tooth site and with a tiny vacuum clean out everything inside this included all lovely infection gunk and the culprit husk i was delirious grossed out and traumatized the sounds smell and feel of this procedure contributed to my many years struggle with sheer panic each time i went to the dentist he was so nice but it was awful i didnt eat popcorn for like a year afterward,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 reanna loses a crossbowmanpiece countreanna 1 dragon 2 heavy horse 2 elephant 2 trebuchet 2 light horse 2 spearmen 1 crossbowman 6 rabblekiernan 1 dragon 2 heavy horse 2 elephant 2 trebuchet 2 light horse 2 spearmen 2 crossbowmen 6 rabble,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 go and apply at valve then make a difference,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah i have no idea doesnt compute to me either,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 first off if you put in the effort and stay consistent you can absolutely have your dream body you cant target certain areas to lose weight the first thing you should do is count your calories eat at a calorie deficit and focus on cardio losing weight is all about calories in vs calories out theres a lot of good advice over on rloseit when youre ready to build muscle rfitness is a great resource,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 haha those relationships didnt end because i am a casual gamer but ffs wanting an hour to myself isnt unreasonable one ended because according to her i was too restrictive of her time the other because the connection wasnt strong enough i expect to be downvoted to hell as i am now the standin for all the boyfriends who play dota in their dirty underwear all day though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you have a heart of gold dont let them take it from you,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 as a millennial 28yrs old i do feel fortunate to have half of my annual salary in a retirement account a decent car in the process of building a house because i know a lot of my peers are not able to have all of those things right now our generation really got the short end of the stick between our insane higher ed system and the significant lack of decent paying jobs,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 im not going to argue let the people vote,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 i have an i5 4670k gtx 980 8 gb ddr3 on a gigabyte gah81ds2 with two one terabyte drives a 120 gb ssd and a 240 gb ssdi used to have it on a much nicer board with 32 gb of ram but i tripped carrying water and spilled it on my computer,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i guess its a good time to plug rupliftingnews for those who feel depressed,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 28 8 bonus to come from 5 players looking like the best week so far,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 and all these new ones that we now see thanks to xrays,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 they stole baron against we,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this guy spent so much time on his story and got 6 upvotes,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 im going to remember that one i like the description for me at least the squishy center description feels quite right and its how i feel because deep down i actually feel a lot and very intensely but its simply not something i have an interest in to share it with the world outside of my very close ones squishy indeed,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 its a conspiracy human is dead mismatch,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 first of all to prevent confusion its a different ymir than the one we know seccond of all i dont really know what she had to give up to gain the powers but my guess is that the fact that she died to spread it amongst the 9 original shifters has something to do with it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 my boyfriend and i are going as german oktoberfest people and he gets to wear lederhosen haha,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 sounds like she could be typemention e9 could also be typemention or typemention enneagram type 9s mirror the excitement levels in the room because they do not wish to stand out they are calm supportive and often a little zoned out and dreamy they also have a lot of trouble defining themselves does that sound like her i dont think you have the right information here to type her mbti properly does she have her own personal authentic ideals does she prefer to speak about things conceptually or concretely does she hold multiple points of view or does she come from a clear angle with her opinions,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 you know what screw them who cares you shouldnt go faking your name because some jerk will reject your application,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 the point is clearly that anonymous is not a cohesive group your point is just pedantryalso its not even clear your pedantry is correct since group has more exclusive or inclusive criteria based on context and in this context it doesnt seem to be very inclusive,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 another bird person here i love cockatoos but could never get one its like deciding to adopt a perpetual toddler who might hate the rest of your family except you but the friendly ones are so great theyre little headpet sluts it must be crazy to live in australia and see them in the wild as a common bird i personally have a huge soft spot for cockatiels lovebirds and budgies when i was a kid we also had really affectionate finches with huge personalities anyone who thinks birds cant be affectionate or cuddly has no idea,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 no need for that just check out the blog from udebuglog and you will be amazed how powerless esea is if someone actually wants to gain an unfair advantage,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 was thinking the same thing,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 yeah we can also go on a losing streak and end up in midtable mediocrity again stay cool boys,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 they went around at least actually past the moon,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 the challenge is that our strong allies are getting stronger and nutter the same is happening with our frenemies like pakistan and china we are feeding beasts which could bites us when they feel they can get away with it,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 badasses or not i think most people when seeing an assault rifle would kinda assume its ready to put holes in them why wouldnt they it makes no sense to me that someone would see a gun and think oh its just loaded with blanks or not real unless they were on a movie set,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 can you explain disintegration and integration for 7 in a less stereotypical theenneagraminsintitutedon richard risobeatrice chestnut way not like them something new,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 text is a poor conveyer of tone hehe im particularly bad at reading tone through text im sorry to hear about your year though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 raccidentalrenaissance is great i love this one,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 lets fight an epic battle face off and spin the metal,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 if we hadnt brought national socialism to the evil empires of britain france and russia the world would still suffer from their wickedness we gifted the world with german engineering and proper discipline 70 years since the fã¼rher set his plan for world peace and we can see his genius everywhere we go,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yes these are available everywhere along with breast fillet and drumsticks the thigh fillets are very popular for curries and casseroles,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 well idk actually i think typemention might be much less neurotic than i thought they always keep a cool head,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 you really havent shown me anything of the sort there is no reason why the immediate perception data cant be the only thing that exists without any outside sourceoriginso you are saying that you should ignore the truth in order to define the word truth that doesnt seem like a good way to go about this,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 im pretty convinced some of these republicans are getting their socks knocked off on the idea of being genital police,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 in latvian it is tå iå¾,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 behave more feminine before kicking in the badassery dress in softer colours to look more feminine and likeable always smile and ask people how they are doing how their trip to lake x was last week or if their kid finally recovered from his or her flu set the tone by being feminine and soft and only then be the strong woman who pushes the agenda while still smiling kindlythat also is something in general to keep in mind also for men you can be just as effective in reaching your goals and getting through to people without any aggression in your voice and body language being likeable kind and approachable is very important in getting people on your side you want people to be on your side because they want to be on your team and not because they are afraid of you,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 as a man i wish it were biomechanically viable to hold my bouncing toolkit when running down stairs it messes up my gait either way,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 yeah uh thats lifebeyond replacing all cops with robots youre not going to solve that problemits got nothing to do with my reply though,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 because with osx you have a choice between incompatibility and planned obsolescence with linux you get neither,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 you dont know what you are talking about do you,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 jung defined the functions as complexes which technically puts them in the same category as the oedipus complex colloquially the freudian idea that all men want to kill their dad and fuck their mom you could think of complexes as a tightening of the psyche that stops the proper flow of the libido psychic energy,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 per appearanceeriksonozilgoals03330205assists01880324attempts08330647summary erikson for goals ozil for assists,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 went out for lunch and coffee took a nice walk with my dog took a nap watched some tv cooked my first meal from blue apron i even had sex it was a good day,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 im an engineer myself so i need a lot of math and it was a requirement for entry into my degree programme my uni did a large scale analysis of which factors can be a predictor of academic success the biggest surprise was that how well a student does in high school maths is a very strong predictor for how well the student will do at university this held true across all disciplines even stuff like art history degrees so we wondered why would this be to me its clear maths learns you determination and learning how to critically think reflect and analyse stuff on a highly abstract level all of these are qualities you need for not only stem degrees but also arts degrees which require to you to think creatively but still require a very analytical approach of that creative process to truly understand it so no you might not need maths when you want to make films but you will need the skills learning maths teaches you to become truly good at what you do,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 option explicit private sub extractnumerics dim cell as range dim counter as long dim cellbuff as string for each cell in rangeaa if cellvalue or lencellvalue 0 then exit sub for counter 1 to lencellvalue if isnumericmidcellvalue counter 1 then cellbuff cellbuff amp midcellvalue counter 1 else cellbuff cellbuff amp cellbuff replacecellbuff end if next counter celloffset0 1horizontalalignment xlleft celloffset0 1value trimcstrcellbuff cellbuff next cell end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i had to squint at things that were happening at uni then i had my eyes checked and i just needed glasses,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 5 million more in 2 months wow,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 talisa reached up and grabbed her mothers hand as they proceeded eyeing the rambunctious raptors warily,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 you never noticed the traffic congestion problem and how its impossible to resolve or the fact that sharing between cities is totally borked there are more but those are the two that bug me the most and have been issues since day 1 even though they did say they fixed it 6 months after still not fixed,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the disappointment has worn over the years so the good times is what i remember mostly now,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i just turn inwards synchronise with the music move my body rhythmically to the beats and exactly dont give a fuck how it looks or what others think of it i dance for myself that others tend to do the same in the same physical space as me is irrelevant once the endorphins get flowing im good,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 my little sister was a biter the day my dad picked up her chubby little arm and chomped down on it not terribly hard but enough to get a reaction is a fond memory of my childhood d,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 thanks guys ill try dishonered if i can get my refund before the sale endslolnope,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i had a very bad experience with a life based phys wander in 20 i had a 240 pdps imbued with 108 crit chance and a 5l i invested a decent amount into defense and i was still squishy because of investing in defense my damage wasnt great either i was only at around 20k gmp kb pierce hp was 48k i think that life based wanders simply require too many points right now you cant get enough hp to make them comfortable even if you could you wouldnt have enough invested in damage for there to be any point in doing wander over any other build,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 oh shit i only saw this from the other angle that shows it hitting the glass,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 not really the deck is made to combo off and bls is dead unless i combo comboing is the only way i get cards in the grave,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 first paragraph cogfuncmention all the wayhmm so maybe 9s fall back on their tertiary when procrastinating i mostly read stuff on wikipedia do puzzles analyze things and try to build theoretical models when im avoiding something else which is probably why i know so much random stuff hehetf is not logic vs instinct or emotioneveryone needs goals and methods to achieve those goals thinking functions focus on how things work and how to reach our goals feeling functions focus on how people work and on figuring out what we want exactlyso typically fs are better at figuring out what people want and ts are better at figuring out how to make it happentypemention are indeed good at putting their personal feelings aside to look at things objectively and with fast and precise branching logic tooi think typemention would find that strange because their shtick is knowing exactly how they feel about things with all sorts of nuance and clarity sort of an emotionbased structure through which situations are evaluated putting their personal feelings aside to analyze things would make no sense whatsoeveredit cogfuncmention description not sure but mbtinotes is usually pretty goodyou should read stuff on typemention 9s and typemention women as well because being 9 and female would mitigate or enhance various typemention traitsedit actually a great female typemention 9w1 example just came to mind luna lovegood from the harry potter movies,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 after this much time on reddit i err on the side of troll,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i just assumed it was something i wouldnt care about yay foo fighters,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 how many people are in a playlist,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 that means it did work change the number formatting to custom and set it to this hhmmss,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yep once in musikverein and another time at vienna hofburg orchestra ive been to the opera too and its amazing,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 well maybe i should have worded it like this this comes off as such to viewers coming in from rallquit gaslighting,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 no reddit decided to eat the 7 after the one thank you for pointing it out,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 this is very true they are hardly unicorns just take a look at the posts in rtypemention a full 30 at least value feelings over logic a similar dynamic is true at rtypemention a full 70 cannot control their preference for subjective sensation interpretations lets not even mention rtypemention there are so many snowflakes there that they cannot see that have become a blizzard all kidding aside i can see how this is annoying or downright infuriating i recently told an typemention that their perceptions are not based in reality and are in fact delusions and projections i lived to tell the tale but barely you see you shouldnt take it personally when an typemention calls you out on what they see as your bullshit we call bullshit on everything all the time you just dont know it because we usually just dont actually verbalize the calling out part we still love you anyway even though weve called you out in our head a hundred times unbeknownst to you this is actually a testament to how much we value you if we are willing to verbalize it if not we will just judge you as stupid and not bother to engage you you are futile and not worth the energy the willingness to engage in conflict means that this is an issue that takes precedence over our need for harmony when an typemention actually shows you their cogfuncmention at the expense of their cogfuncmention sensitivities you should take notice what you think is no big deal might be indicative of a larger issue what you think is about something seemingly meaningless may have a lot of meaning packed in for an typemention as it probably violates one of their core values it is just the association between the meaningless thing and the meaning is not apparent to you it isnt personal for us and cant really understand why you take it personally we can get why people do but dont get why,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 ok i retract my comment and agree with you so much sense,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 vidal putting chile on his shoulders ive always said that hes the only world class player from this country right now,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 drink to thirst as long as you are sufficiently hydrated you will make enough milk the best way to increase supply is to feed your baby more often and not be too quick to give up night feeds especially between 1am and 5am which is important in keeping up levels of milkproducing hormones,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 so will may get prosecuted at the very minimum its fraud and abuse of being a trusted authority,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 was it warm to the touch,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i need time alone at least 2 to 3 hours daily i am extremely sensitive to sensory input especially sound it exhausts me like you wouldnt be able to understand i always carry an ipod and headphones and usually listen to music when im commuting or need to focus on my thinking simply to drown out the world and get some time alone with just me and my head i am definitely typemention though while i have an typemention boyfriend yet when talk about introversion in the exhaustion sense of the word i am very introverted far more than my typemention boyfriend the thing is e vs i is something very different in mbti and despite the fact i am easily exhausted from social interaction due to all the sensory stimuli that come with it it is the stuff i live on and makes my head able to do what it is best at for a long time i thought i was an typemention because of the exhaustion but i am definitely a cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention type and not a cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 im honoredobligatory request to be credited,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 but puddleglum stomping the fire is still the most badass part of a series which includes dragons the deplorable word and the end of the world,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 alright until he got out patient,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 that belongs in a museum,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 two of my family members are typemention too i think my use of the word dramatic there is a bit over the top they are usually quiet and serious but when they feel bored angry or unloved they will show it by breaking things and getting seriously riled up and irrational it totally comes across to me as immature like a teenager almost every stp i know loves crude jokes there was only one that didnt he was very reserved and awkward genuine and loved cars was a mathematical ace but hated theoretical work maybe he wasnt typemention can they even be physically awkward and goofy,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 well the story is reconstructed from a bunch of different tablets some in akkadian and sumerian â after sumer was subjugated by the akkadian empire akkadian became the official language but sumerian remained kind of highbrow language of literature and so on very much like latin was in europe until relatively recently despite being long dead as a language and there are later tablets in babylonian,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 guys id appreciate it if you gave me some privacy,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 how do you feel when it comes to what you have experienced and sought after in life i would think that the cogfuncmention polr would result in being very antimaterialistic in particular or perhaps being unsure about what you really desire to experience,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 he knew bertholds story about his past was made up even if he managed to guess that hes the colossal on appearance alone the fact that he knew that the story was fake means he read the mangathats far from the only thing that gave it away but im not planning on watching it again,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 hallie jackson was the nbc representative let in and in her reporting after she sounded pissed,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 not a small mistake im saying they wrote it in that characters voice and style you say you dont believe they were thinking about how he talked when they wrote it and instead used a completely wrong word just because of what ignorance of the very subject of their show,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 look at all those horrible hate filled posters just a hateful circlejerk thats all it is,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im so glad i found this comment there are so many of us yet i should go kill myself for not liking their music what the hell is wrong with you only real musicians like and appreciate the beatles their lyrics are so deep and they did so much for the music industry and blahblahblahim like shut up their music does nothing for me i feel no feelings its boring unoriginal music,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 that andor theyre a lot more active than the people theyre talking toi gained about 25 pounds when i started an office job increased boredom munching mixed with sitting on my ass is what did iti swore up and down i didnt change my diet but whenever im more active i notice i eat less but it somehow feels like im eating more i definitely changed my diet but it was gradual so it was hard to notice,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 take an older graphics card driver,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i play with 175 on 400 dpi last week i switched to 3 on 400 dpi because of elbow problems in the end i am back to 175 so take what you are most comfortable with imo,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 lol is that a soldering iron,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 hey awesomeerr this probably isnt the best place for it but i just wanted to askmake sure you know about that kickstarter for the autoflow beehivei figure if youre into bees you might be into apiary type stuffsflow bee hive already have so much cash waaaay more than they asked for so im sure theres a huge buzz around it and its even australian,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 chantal hebert wrotes a great article on the matter,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i use immersive patrols it isnt quite as epic as populated skyrim civil war but it also doesnt mess with scripts remotely as much in it you can quite often come across battles or skirmishes between the two factions or the aldmeri ive seen a battle of like 100 men that ended with empire victory they then went to a nearby keep with their commander at the lead killed the bandits there and took the place over was quite coolnote that it wont have much an impact on you if you tend to fast travel to everything for people like myself who avoid fast travel and only use the carriages if ive already discovered a location i see these battles fairly often earlier today i saw two commanders duke it out in the woods as well though so you never know im not sure if immersive patrols is on ps4 it doesnt change assets or textures so it should be if not check skyrim se nexus for populated skyrim civil war and see what it says there about compatability,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 aragorn frodo and sam are not faultless they may not commit any obviously wicked deeds and their moral compasses all appear to be in good working order but they make mistakes and they dont always treat others well,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 same as with any rfid really whats the range for any of your key card based door passes contactless payment passes or whatever the implant will be similar healing process was quite uneventful bit sore and sensitive for a couple of days but that was about it i still have a little scare where the needle punctured the skin but you can barely see it just make sure not to move the chip around too much while the tissue is still healing to make sure the chip will stay in its place until your hand is healed,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its a cool community but damn they are into the pretty colourful bujo trend which can become slightly creepy and obsessive from the perspective of someone who just uses bujo as a productivity tool and doesnt give a shit about how the bujo looks as long as the thing does its job properly,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 my typemention and i both really liked it i loved the ending,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 yup we both have to much free time and were both constantly the top two comments on each threadwe should team up once and make a theory of everything for snk that blows this sub away,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 its still predicated on dualist notions as is the orthodox solution â to change the body because that is of course merely an appendage to what is important the brain,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i wasnt trying to sell you on us or anything typemention can be so serious hehe,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 are you in central europe too hot as all hell my drink is some nice fresh lemonade,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i did read ityes yep never said it was,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 well arent you just a bundle of joy,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 i have a mic and have been looking to try out a heist for a while now im only level 41 but ive been playing since launch night im usually a strict freeroamer but i wanna see what these heist thingies are all about gt rfgm37 netflix gf anything else im on,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 passive mind control rod reiss certainly has an interesting personality but i wouldnt call him attractive,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yes and is sad people have no brain anymore in le too i ranked up to le so naturally i am better than you that is why im gonna peek mid and die for 8 rounds straight,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if it makes you feel any better you will appear creepy at night also,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 so what should i do about cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention systems if i dont agree with them,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 18 im mooching off my parents until i deploy,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 assuming they donâ t make another striker lucian boo boo,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i was very quiet and timid as a child but faking confidence until i became confident really helped me out personally,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 and go to meetings about the emails,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i have no dreamsif someone could just give me that i think id be setive spent the past year or two looking for one myself and cant manage it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my toothbrush and towels are off limits no matter what,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i would dump goosen for a better punt like compton or sullivan,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 fair enough honestly im not that combative on politics but it is very a apparent how divisive and savage the political discussion has become because of the internet there is no center anymore,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 note to self dont make jokes in a spoiler tag people will take it serious,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 cogfuncmentiondom and cogfuncmentionpolr vs cogfuncmentiondom and cogfuncmentionpolrso if i understand this right each of those types dominant function can drive the other type nuts or to tears without even realizing it or understanding why and any attempts to solve it using the dominant function would only make things worsehowever if both people know to be careful with that im sure theres plenty of workarounds,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i think he more means leftwing classical anarchists,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 alright my gates will be open,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 wait what how do you climb one in the first place,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 just because heres the rest of them,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 the frequency of the waves generated are within human audible frequencies they were just too soft of a volume amplitude for us to hear them remember that these gravitational waves are literally the stretching and compressing of spacetime to a distance of about 1000th the diameter of a proton,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 more from the battles of the fords of isenas is made clear in the battles of the fords of isen theodred was sarumans number one target in the first battle what follows is my own interpretation with theodred dead and eomer discredited and eventually executed wormtongue would have been in a good position to ask theoden for eowyns hand as theodens soninlaw and the husband to the only remaining member of the house of eorl wormtongue could with legitimacy claim the kingship after theodens death wormtongue desired eowyn not just because of her beauty but because she was his ticket to the throne of rohan eomers very public reaction to wormtongues desire for eowyn played right into wormtongues hands,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 better start the paperwork now the stjs need it in triplicate since the accident,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 my experience with being told to stop overanalysing is that im pissing someone off most of the time they feel it intrudes upon their space some people cant handle the electron microscope that is our mindid say tone it down in the communication analyse to your hearts content it isnt a must though that they need to be privy to everything you are thinking,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 psst avatar the last airbender had a live action adaption and so did dbz both were shit,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 its lobsters all the way down,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 look within the workbook vba module and see if the workbookbeforesave subroutine exists if it does either comment out all of the code or insert this as the first line within that module if true then exit sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 ok so youre definitely not an cogfuncmention userthe part where you said you see the end first had me curious because thats how cogfuncmention types usually do things its amazing how jicogfuncmention seems to emulate cogfuncmention in some ways i wonder if maybe tertiary cogfuncmention helps to balance cogfuncmention somehow,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 to make things highlighted in posts format it like so datasorteraduse an indexmatch formula like this to simplify your formulas indexdatasorteradaimatcha1datasorteradaa09this formula assumes cell a1 is the drop down list whenever you select a value it searches datasorterad for that value in the a column since that is what the drop down list is from once it finds that it returns the 9th item in that row column i as the output,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 thats my approach to explaining things too its like my whole peer group changed at around 1214 years old but i didnt,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 thats almost entirely wrong there are three major misconceptions youve just statedfirstly that renewables are economically utterly unfeasible heres a chart of levelised costs in the us demonstrating that nuclear power whilst economically feasible is actually more expensive per mwh than most renewable sources of energytypeminimumaveragemaximumnuclear9269611020onshore wind713803903geothermal462479503solar photovoltaic101413002009hydro6168451377secondly that renewable technology is in its infancy renewables have been in development far longer than any other source of power if anything the most infant power source is nuclear energy but provided it works infancy doesnt really matterthirdly that nuclear power is preferable to renewables as a lone energy source nuclear power is extremely inflexible as a power source you have to run at nearfull output continuously meaning a massive energy storage infrastructure to store electricity during baseload periods and discharge it during peak loads so whilst it makes for an effective baseload power supply it is not a good single source of energy or even primary source most renewables hydro wind geothermal are far more flexible but similarly reliable wind is unreliable on a local scale due to fluctuation in wind but reliable on a large scale,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 nopebut my ex got pretty close to falling asleep in my arms a few times which was cute,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 ok then i hate u,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i have 3 in my 10gallon 6 amanos 8 corydoras habrosus 12 exclimation point rasbora heavily planted everything is fine,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 he doesnt work well as a cumcloth,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 lol i think that is probably an exaggeration right that would make all 8s psychopaths,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this i want to try it but cant have regular,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 im on the same boat tile not a single issue apart from the occasional reload on large games,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 werent they going to do that a while back with different robot pilots or something,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 yeah when you bleep it out it coulda been anything that person said sorry but there is no sexual harassment here that i can tell,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 we have a poet over here guys,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 these girls fine af but phecta,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 are you making use of the autofilter tool you can access it by going to the data tab and clicking filter this allows you to select what you would like to view by column as well as the particular data in that column,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 gonna say 3 and 6 personally i still dont understand how i draw such stupid conclusions sometimes but i think ive been better able to figure out my own thinking as ive become more aware of my emotions and instincts thinking about why i feel a certain way about certain thingsa couple years ago though i probably wouldve been like 1 and 3 but answered 6 and 8 or something,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 i felt what he felt in a lower intensity though,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 it doesnt have to forced as long a cultural change is possible there countries with a lower fertility rate than china which havent any forced policy they did it purely with education and giving easy access to birth control,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 til getting hit in the tit can lead to fat necrosis this basically means your tits can get turned into soap,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 she didnt understand english not that it justifies it at all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i created a crop tracker you might find usefulfeedback welcome,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 hidden in plain sight where theyll never seek,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 breastfeeding is a big one,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 did you did you honestly just reupload the trailer to your own youtube account monetize it and post it on this sub hoping we wouldnt noticeyeah right edit if anyone thinks that there might be any difference with the official heres a youtube doubler of his vid and the official trailer,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 hmm thats also possiblei took it more like he was suspecting her of something,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 isnt there a dream sequence in which gilgamesh dreams of enkidus coming which is literally a glowing stone falling to earth from the sky,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 ok so a lot of what youre saying is more about motivations than cognition so id recommend finding your enneagram type if you want to fully understand yourself because mbti is not about motivations but how you fulfill themyour actual cognitive functions seem to match typemention but you sound like you might be enneagram type 8some say only the core type matters but if you want to do the whole tritype with wings and instincts like i did id suggest you start with your core type and then instincts the rest fell into place for me when i got instincts figured outsome links i found useful enneagram intro and type descriptions test1 test2 instincts link1 link2 tritype one from each group below from most to least influence on your personality heart type 234 do you strive to be seen as helpful successful or original gut type 891 is your anger explosive passiveaggressive or seething head type 567 are you more analytical skeptical or spontaneous wings like 2w1 2w3 etc are adjacent types that add a bit of color link misidentifications me know if you have any questions about this or anything else,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 look at slocums or villegas form right now and cringe with me,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 as long as i can understand the information given i can absorb it it doesnt have to be in order although order is niceive thought about typemention before but i was always under the impression that typemention are these hardworking and responsible individuals which is something i am not i am very lazy and i like to do things last minute i dont put my all into anything i do unless i am absolutely motivated i prefer putting minimal effort into studying for tests because i know im smart enough to do well on them without the need of studyingof course my impression of the typemention could be wrong as i know that there are a lot of bad stereotypes revolving sensors so i am open for anything,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 well to be perfectly honest the weapon industry advanced the human race further than any other industry rechearch towards biological weapons increased our medical knowledge nuclear weapons gave us nuclear power and military communication and navigation evolved into gps and indirectly the internet tldr the inventions made in the weapons industry improve more lives in the long run than it takes,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yes i would get one for myself and one for someone i know with a corgi named waffles,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 thats a wise decision minion,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 first of all to prevent confusion its a different ymir than the one we know seccond of all i dont really know what she had to give up to gain the powers but my guess is that the fact that she died to spread it amongst the 9 original shifters has something to do with it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 why would you lie to us like this,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 and bombed countless numbers of innocent people in the middle east,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i am working on a synthesis of the notes i took during my heart meditation retreats ive been working on it for months and never shared it with anyone so far but now i feel like publishing it here i hope it is of help and you dont feel its too muchoverviewthe purpose of hridaya yoga is to bring an end to suffering by changing the way we see and interpret the world and ourselves at the center of this change is the spiritual heartwe are all subject to the limitations of our human condition we suffer from incompleteness unfulfillment illness and death there is no escape from physical limitations but we are still free to value them as we want by changing ones view of the world suffering and separateness melt away in order to bring about this transformation the elevation of our consciousness is neededin order to achieve this change we apply the traditional practices of the yoga system self inquiry meditation breath awareness sense interiorization and postures all the while surrendering to the spiritual process before embarking in the study of this system a number of fundamental axioms must be posited the first one is belief in the supreme reality which is unique and universal it acts as the substrate of everything the second axiom the nature of supreme reality is consciousness the third our essence is the self atman pure consciousness and beatitude atman can be revealed through yoga practice and the last one the supreme reality is identified with the selfso the focal point of our practice is awareness it is the transforming agent the guide and the destination itselfpractices in detailmental voidcalming the mind is the first attitude in the hridaya yoga practice the spiritual heart is a form of consciousness that exists beyond the thinking process in the realm of aconceptual perception in order to seek it we need to go above the forest of thoughtswe are used to live inside our heads an almost continuous stream of words flows through our mind all day long and we live inside them the problem is that they are not reality itself but labels pointers towards something which is much more complex and dynamic for example take the concept of apple the word apple can immediately conjure a whole set of knowledge how apples look how they taste how to use them to make cakes juice etc but that is just a limited knowledge about apples in reality an apple is much more complex if we take the time to really look at an apple we realize we only apprehend a small part of its complexity with the word the word is a simplifying label it acts as a standin for reality itself and a link to our past experiences we want to go beyond these labels into the realm of direct perception if when we see an apple we think oh its just an apple then we substitute the label to the direct perception in effect flattening the experience instead we need to enrich the perception and that can be achieved by looking at the thing itself insteadthe first stage in this process is to obtain a calm state of the mind in order to do that a number of techniques are presented the first one is based on breath mindfulness the second one requires that we become aware of the moments when movement stops the gaps that exist inbetween inhalation and exhalation a third way is to shift our focus from the forehead to the back of the head where is the cerebellum or alternatively towards the heart in order to deepen the mental void analysis of our predominant desires and motivations is necessary lets start with the firstbreath mindfulnesswhat link is there between breath and the mind ever since time immemorial spiritual practitioners have observed that breath follows our emotional state a calm state of mind is associated with a calm breath an agitated mind and affect are linked to agitated breathso the wisdom goes instead of calming the mind directly why not calm the breath first then the calming of the mind will follow suit automatically in this practice the focus is not on absorbing or moving about of the energy prana contained in the air but on simply being aware of the breathbreath awareness is a form of bodily awareness and it is useful for maintaining the mind in the present every time we follow a train of thought we wonder either in the past or into the future we remember about past events or make plans this kind of activity must be set aside in meditation otherwise the same state of duality continues fortunately breath is always immediately available and it is a wonderful meditation objectdirect breath mindfulnessthe breath mindfulness technique is deceptively simple when you breathe in know that you are breathing in when you breathe out know that you are breathing out that is all it is easy you just have to be aware of the breath but it is also hard because it requires that we put breath awareness as simple as it is in the center of our activity we are used with much more appetizing thoughts and imaginations so we need to learn to be content with this plain awareness and go steady with it until the quality of the mind changesmindfulness of the gaps between inhalation and exhalationin order to deepen the state of mental void we need to become mindful of the moments when the chest movement stops the gaps that exist between inhalation and exhalation both when the lungs are full and emptythese gaps hiatuses are moments of equilibrium exhalation is yang emissive and inhalation is yin receptive so the gaps are neutral 0 thus we have access to two neutral moments in each cycle of breaththe ancient texts claim that these neutral moments are associated with the deepening of the mental void void itself is a state of equilibrium when all the parts are present in equal quantity and they cancel each other out thus becoming aware of the void that exists in breathing we translate it to the void that exists in the mindin the execution of this technique we need to maintain the body still and slightly accentuate the duration of the pauses without forcing these pauses should be 05 to 2 seconds long with each one we are aware to feel a reverberation in the body especially in the region of the heart we are careful to avoid forceful breathing there should be no sensation of lack of air or dizziness or tensions breath should follow naturallythere are three levels of the void we are going to gradually develop the first level is the pauses in breathing this develops the pranic body and promotes the mental void then we should be mindful of the pauses between thoughts the second level this mindfulness leads to the development of the heart in the third level we are aware of the heart witness consciousness as the voidsubstrate of all cognitions this stage is related to the revelation of the true self atman in the heartas a side note when the mental void is advanced the pauses in breathing appear naturally we should see this whole process as one single thing a gradual surrender into our true nature which is atman mindfulness of feelings and motivationin the quest for mental void we discover that breath mindfulness is invaluable but we need to do even more in order to achieve perfection we need to change the whole emphasis of the mind from casual thoughts and worries to the wonders of the selflook into your heart what is your main preoccupation if the preoccupation is not predominantly spiritual then naturally many casual thoughts will continue to disturb your meditation so a state of mental void is promoted by an intense spiritual aspiration and learningpractically every time a train of thoughts takes us out of the void we need to seek what was the emotion behind it if we calm the emotional disturbance the thoughts will settle naturallythe jean klein techniquethis is a surprising technique for achieving mental void based on a change of focus inside our heads jean klein presented this method as a way to stop the thought factory which he placed in the region of the foreheadklein maintains that the forehead is our main locus of awareness in the head and this leads to mental agitation in order to counter that he proposes the focus on the back of the head in the region of the cerebellum the exact place is the 7th cervical vertebraemaintaining centeredness in the back of the head leads not only to the calming of the mind but also to a global relaxation of the head after a few executions we learn the feeling of being in the back of the head and can assume this new attitude spontaneously an essential point of this technique is not to fight against thoughts the more we fight them the more we feed them instead just move the focus to the back of the head and thoughts freeze up on their ownthe practice of this method promotes a diamond like clarity of the mind and can induce an altered perception of the passage of time secondary effects are vivid dreams and an improved ability for astral projection,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 how do you have the voting system identify a cheater,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 then use your real name on reddit,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 people go down to explore the wreck only to be attacked by the spirits of the survivors,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 well either see her soon in a flashback so about chapter 92 or isayama will wait until just before the end and use her in the final showdown which would make it chapter 106107108,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 now that you mention it it is a very tese field though of course there are many elements and systems best explored through other functions,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 they might as well call this disappointment with a side of anger that you have to pay for,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i didnt get a surprise kiss i dont think i did that is i couldnt see that well,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i think we are going to see limited adoption but not yet significant compared to traditional cars its a matter of slowly replacing the car fleet which can take 20 years,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 okay well lying and manipulating is bad behaviour sure idk why you think this happens so much though i mean most people are fucking long before they talk about anything like that if this is something you find happening to you more than once you must project some kind of neediness and gullibility that a certain type might want to take advantage of,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 hello there im in a bit of a hurry but i will try to answer some of your questionshobart is very much the centre of tasmanian cultural and social life with about 40 of the states population more if you include the greater urban area launceston is the next biggest city at about 100 000 people and considers itself hobarts rival for complicated historical reasons there is a small but decent arts scene not much nightlife sometimes not much work unless you know people housing is cheaper than in the large cities of the mainland but rent and utilities can be expensive inner hobart is beautiful with many historic buildings and a very humanfriendly scale due to being quite densely populated in the premotorcar era the outer suburbs vary from being godbenighted welfare slums to comfortable but bland modern suburbs we have nominally decent public healthcare in australia but in tasmania there can be very long waiting lists for elective nonemergency surgery we do have old age pensions and superannuation but it can be a pretty bleak existence if you dont own a home and rely on the pension publicly funded nursing homes are overstretchedyou may be happy to learn that there is a sizeable polish community in tasmania due to postwar migration there is a club a footballsoccer team and a very good polish butcher delicatessenour seasons are more european than any other place in australia although temperate rather than continental we have snow on our mountains in winter crisp autumns fresh springs and mild to warm summers personally i find the climate delightful as do many people from europetasmanians still retain a closer connection to the country than in most parts of australia we are one of the least urbanised states and most people are only a generation or two removed from rural life our countryside is beautiful a very special mixture of australian bush and european cultivation not to mention our uniquely tasmanian wildernessthats all i can think of for now feel free to ask more questions,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 ok thats definitely surgery in your case was this a dutch dentist or your dentist back homeif it was your dentist back at home take those xrays to a dutch dentist and ask for a referral as these procedures will not be done by dentists in the netherlands but only by dental surgeons you will need a referral to one of groningens hospital this is not optional in the netherlands you cant just walk into a hospital and get treatment unless you are being brought in from an ambulance in life and death situations you need a referral from a primary care provider dentist or gp to get in this also is something good to know in general though if you find yourself in a situation where you might need medical care outside of office hours dont go to the er directly again unless its in an ambulance but call the huisartsenpost which is a centralized gp office which is available during out of office hours if necessary they will give you an immediate referral to the er but if you show up at the er without a referral for a non life or death situation dutch insurance will not cover your expenses its a common procedure you probably wont have to stay in the hospital dagbehandeling day treatment ive looked up the waiting times for the university hospital according to their website the waiting times at the dental surgery department is about 4 weeks for these basic procedures usually the other nonacademic hospitals are a bit shorter but at least this gives you an indication this waiting time if from the moment your dentist provides their referral to the hospital and they register you ive also needed jaw surgery i found the surgeons at the university hospital to be very kind helpful and professional and the hospital itself is very modern and well equipped you should check with your insurance company whether theyd cover the costs i dont have a specific breakdown of the costs but if id have to make a rough measurement it would probably cost in the 10001800 euros range to have them extracted surgically in the hospital this was what my insurance company paid for a day treatment issue i had that required local anesthetics but not ortho related though,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 seems like something kaymer would do just out of nowhere,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 absolutely to all i was more speaking to baseline responses than the interactions which evolve between people over time i think perhaps it goes without saying but theres also a component of trust when someone tells you this is what i need often people think youre hidingunawareetc of what you really need they project their subjective experience onto you we all do it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 now imagine that it was a suggestion hard to do,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 no i cant figure out how to install trade dangerous so thats half my problem,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i like small groups maybe 24 people no more than five that way you can actually still talk to one another and actually have a conversation the reason why i like groups is because i notice many types let their behaviour depend on their environment and the people around them if im socializing with people and i want to convince them to do a certain project or make a certain decision it can be very relevant to consider their influence sphere someone may be very interested in a certain project one on one but then they go back to their people which show less enthusiasm and everything collapses in that case i need the person who i want to do something the main influencers of that person together and ill focus to convince them as a group not as an individual fuck writing this down made me realize i have a hidden agenda even when im drinking beer,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 susan cain gt graduated and became an attorney is an typemention now writes books i believe she said that the career did not suit her,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 second everything you said especially the feelies its going to be ok op i have fucked up an almost unfathomable amount and the hardest part to overcoming it was forgiving myself,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 love your simple style it reminds me of drawingboardcomic,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 not worth it ive been single for all my adult life 28 now and while not sharing life with anyone is hard at times there is so much to live for still the beautiful sunrises and sunsets making people laugh or smile enjoying peoples company etc you dont need to be attractive to have a positive impact on the people around you also what makes you think you are uglysuicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i thought that too as i was writing it sadly i was pretty awkward in high school so much missed opportunity,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i say the books went downhill and i am happy to explain why the story has gotten so big and complicated that its difficult to manage and the editing is in my opinion poor so theres a lot of bloat i blame this mostly on the books being rushed into print at this point sales are pretty much guaranteed so theres little incentive to edit properly especially if there is any risk that grrm might get offended and refuse to cooperate,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 thats what i dont relate to not wanting to be typemention has that specific stereotype and part of me has an aversion like you said to being associated with itthe unicorn description sounds typemention or how i described it sounds typemention,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 software development why do you ask,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i thought i was fucked up and reading to fix myself but who am iwho are you wut,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 no it was an actual documentary about the exact same forestno idea what it was called or where i saw it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 glad to hear youre joining i also got sick of the gear grind in ffxiv to add one more thing to what the others have said you can get all of these things in time and it isnt stripped away in one patch ascended and legendary are worthwhile longterm goals that will last you and theres no irritating weekly tome lockout to deal with enjoy playing at your pace,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 i dont know enough about dampd to say for sure but i do think that the concept of a thieves guild is very gameesque although that might just be because im currently playing through oblivion and wouldnt translate well to the page,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 so youre finding yourself physically wounded a lot then,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i mean my dad is a minister and last year he got remarried to another minister so there are a fair few discussions about funerals and death around the dinner table when i go to visit i guess its something you get used to and dont see as weird because it just happens all the time,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 when i had to teach my mom to double click,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 there does seem to be a group of redditors who think this if you think black people are monkeys downvote,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 im pretty sure that saving these up is still cheaper than vaaling a bunch of already 6 linked windrippers,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 instead youre just replacing you as a constant with software as the constant that will arbitrarily block miscategorize and block things and not teach your kids how to think for themselves instead theyll just learn how to get around it out of frustration and your dependency on that software will lead you to turn even more of a blind eye to what your kids are doing so now your kids who dont know how to police themselves are also able to do whatever they like and nothing has been gained,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 id like to encourage anybody to post a new video whenever they go up ive sometimes posted them a day or two late cause ive been busy with school,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 if only it were smaller,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 people do it for free to play games also how do you want to validate the persons,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the 3 deadliest earthquake were in china,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 valve gave the task to develop the initial release of csgo to hidden path entertainment they fucked it up and now valve is stuck with it and has to iron out all the bugsi know reddit isnt the whole cs population but the people here think they arethe point is it is valves game if they dont want to listen to this shithole of a community apart from bugs then that is fine at least for me,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah youre going to jail pretty sure its illegal to say you want to diddle a 7 year old,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 youâ re wrong thatâ s an internet thing not a reddit thing,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 if youre not worried about it set it at the default set out to maintain and you can even go so far as to hide it if you wishthat being said im jealous i used to weigh in at 120 no matter what i ate or how much i exercised never thought about it never cared definitely not the case anymore sigh,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 well its definitely not nostalgia because ive only known about tp for maybe 3 years at this point so its all pretty fresh to me pretty sure its just a difference of opinion or faulty judgement on my part if you prefer lolbut to me richard seems way more fucked in the head leos a run of the mill toxic male asshole hes angry and selfish he thinks his wife is his slave he raped laura and abandoned her those are really bad things but theyre like normal bad dehumanizing prostitutes and domestic abuse pretty average moral failings in the big scheme of things he seems to show human affection for shelly by the end richard seems worse to me because hes down with casually murdering people and brutalizing his grandmother which is quite outside the realm of normal hes also completely unhinged and not at all methodical so he seems way more likely to get himself into bad trouble which he then just murders his way out of leo never would have hit that kid for instance he also traumatised that girl at the roadhouse in a sexually violent way so i think we can assume hes a fan of rape as well i just think richard seems less humanredeemable and generally more likely to become a serial killer leo would have stuck to selling drugs beating shelly and raping prostitutes on the weekends,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 its an incredibly long story lol he would have taken no for an answer i had some undiagnosed mental health stuff going on,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 straight as a full bellied philly with a macintosh slipknot to the paddy,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its probably gonna be september or even october,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 ok i get what you mean now here you go ubuntuubuntu sudo fsck devsda2 fsck from utillinux 2201 e2fsck 1429 4feb2014 devsda2 clean 2676087266304 files 338812629064960 blocksseems fine right,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 its a cult with code words only those in the know are in xd lol in all seriousness they are a personality type there are 16 of them and its called myers briggs can take a free personality test and based on your answers youll get a type link an typemention i suspect you are too or an typemention or possibly typementiontypemention,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 atleast i didnt have to make my own team to get an ateam spot like penglose,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 how about trying to cure myopia you can research this,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i do think in these cases it is important to realize that the total costs are not 0 kronor the cost is there but its paid for through taxes etc,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 instead we get flying butlers and robot cars what a world futurists got it almost right,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i love mystery flavors i can never identify them,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 what is there to talk about its fucking normal kevinwe need to meme this,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 that wouldnt make sense even if they used if hours 150 you would still get the achievement because it would activate when you reach 150,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 im at work going this out on my phone plus i didnt really spellcheck,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 any cat owner knows cats gonna cat,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thats some hellraiser level shit right there,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my first was truth or dare my reaction to the whole sensation was apparently comical i said ew god almost immediately and i like that it is memorable in that waymy first legit one was with a drunk girl at a party in regensburg germany that was 5 minutes of fun,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 well said do you though concede that it is controlling in a way the point is academic as the world would fall apart if we were all completely honest all the time i would argue that it is more childlike in fact to not selectively edit your thoughts before you share them,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its fine and good to cry,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 ah so youre an sjw explains a lot,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 oh sorry excuse my absentmindedness xd either way wouldnt a dcnhenneagram correlation be kind of contradictory since you can change dcnh subtype but you cant change enneagram,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 this and then use greasemonkey to show it to yourself,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 sometimes it is due to going off hormonal birth control not the tubal itself i had a tubal it doesnt change anything with your hormones i would say i had an increased interest in sex knowing that i couldnt get pregnant,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 similarly just because it can be abused doesnt mean it should be disallowed,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 it doesnt sound bad i work with network engineers i understand the basics of network protocols etc enough to basically know who to bother or to work with the small part of the network stack i touch there are reasons people specialize this nonsense is the equivalent of inviting everyone to a project meeting because management doesnt know what exactly everyone does or how that project is going to get done its idiotic,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 once you figure this out let me know hubby is introverted so im seeking community friendships amp attachments online its unhealthy i know i need to get out i need to get away from the screen,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 you missed my favorite group the attention whores who sign up just to get millions of messages and likes from people so that they can feed off of the validationbut yeah there might be perfectly okay people on there looking for a relationship but theyre buried by a really low signalnoise ratio,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 nope i disagree with everyone all the time anyway lol im used to it ive heard a lot of typemention say similar so maybe its a cogfuncmention thing i am genuinely interested to hear what others think about things whether or not i agree im always talking to people about sensitive topics we dont agree on im pretty diplomatici just had an mbti thought and figured the community might be interested,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 what does he look like katana had already spent time committing the targets description to memory even given the short notice their mission was operating on,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 house stark bitchesthough i knew that already they fit my laid back introspective outdoorsman kind nature who likes to see the best in people and situations perhaps we should call that season 1 house stark instead pgreat quiz while a few of the questions were somewhat obvious overall it was very hard to judge and i think if you purposefully tried to get one house or another it might not be as easy as it can be in other quizzes of this nature,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 yeah they made the game 3 times harder than it was originally and nerfed everything and your coming back rusty yeah youre totally screwed,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 if its possible or useful to get more precise results in psychology is one thing but ultimately only a fraction of its application is going to be tested psychologists have to live with this uncertainty considering the nature of the subject a good psychologist in my view would be one that admit the uncertain nature of its field same thing for a scientist its only happens at a different level,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 umbcarmaci dont think they will be allowed there tho since it is germany,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yes because making it so only those able to afford to work for nothing is a great idea,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 what in the fuck is wrong with ian bell time for his retirement,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 darling mittens such a sweet boy,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 hehe yes it wouldi actually do painting occasionally and it is fun i do sometimes physical and sometimes digiyalthe only downside is that i learn how few shades of colors i actually see but it confuses the heck out of color normal people some colorblind people as well due to having some weird confusions i can confuse irl dark yellowgreen with blue or greenishcyan with orange if that is confusing to you,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 cmon turtletree time to pay up,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 am i the only one who found most words pretty easy to read on that only really had trouble with javascript and typoglycemia second one was probably because it was a word id never seen before,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 these girls fine af but phecta,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 id totally bang a chick wilson or just wilson,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 im not sure if the show has ever confirmed the names of rhaegar and elias children,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 id recommend purchasing unfinished tales before home,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 pretty sure he upacjax was joking,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 if you say its okay i didnt get the job it was out of my control and therefore nothing to me and yet feel there will still be a sting of rejection no matter how irrational and the sting may cause me to feel bad in spite of myselfyou should have said to yourself three out of four dentists recommend dentine sugarless gum because the effect is the same i am new to stoicism but not to human nature or logic you are muttering to yourself like a crazy person devoid of sense or meaning are you trying to convince yourself are you truely trying to convince yourself that you have any control over whether you get that job or notthe sting of rejection you feel is actually your disappointment at the disparity between your ideas of your present nature and your true nature,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 the fact that i dont have any foreveralone,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 you were the only one to see it i was in the game,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i hate the way he starts a sentence one way then goes a completely different direction without pause as if it made perfect sense and the smug look constantly on his face is kinda punchhungry but he does have some good insight i really dont dislike any of the casters now,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 tower hamlets is fashionable tilas much as its being gentrified there are still some very deprived areas with some very cheap rents its hardly southwark fulham battersea or shoreditch and op would probably have to move really far out to some town in kent or something to get marginally cheaper rent but still something like â 300 a month optimistic the cost in train tickets vs zone 2 tube fares will eat up all those savings if not leaving op worse off and there are advantages to living centrally such as the ability to walk to workeducation and lots of competition between shops with high turnover so theres always fantastic deals to be had like the reduced section in the supermarket or buying meat fruitveg at a market and there are far more opportunities for work especially part time work as a student,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 says the man who has ten times as much karma than me in only three times the time,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 haha i thought the same thing but why,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 ah well this makes much more sense but i still think the words unconscioussubconscious were a little too misleading thanks,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i need someone to do this dunk in the contest one day 50,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 nygma has a lot of typemention traits but what i feel is out of character is how showboaty he stages his performances it totally lacks finesse id expect it to be less on the nose and more cerebral if it were real life then again it is a tv show and the rest of the populace needs to know what is going on,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 you could charge a fee for a few different types of services with that tat,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 and a bunch of other places for 000imjksupportfrank,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 there is a community hijacked cqui since it stopped getting updated i can link when im not at work,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 pros kisses and hugs yeah i love em what,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 a gym would be a good place to start just start working the machines,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 the titles and comments really make it for me on rnotmyjob but theyre both really similar in content,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 typemention wishes it was me,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 go and apply at valve then make a difference,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 doubt i have that kind of power id have to be more influential than the wiki for that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 a remix i made took me 7 hours i think it turned out pretty good,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 having taken multiple autistic children on multiple field tripsyou cant plan for everything but you have to try i have been in the very embarassing situation of a client or student doing something dreadful a few timesmy client an older gentleman taking someones soda out of their hand and chugging it in 2 seconds after dozens of successful shopping trips ugh you apologize profusely and you try to use it for an opportunity to advocate i agree some of her choices of venue were not the best for her daughter she cant stay home forever its good for her to be exposed to new environments this mom will have to plan again based on what she learned from this trip i probably would not take a client right away to a historical place with items that cannot be replaced shoes should have been kept off regardless i respect her attempt,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yeah im ok with not using science for every discussion people so often reject it when talking about things like medicine or when it conflicts with what they want to believe that shit drives me nuts,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i find it funny that steven has to learn about what happened during gem war from a corrupted gem when the crystal gems lived through it although its probably a touchy subject for them,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 if it wasnt opiates itd be something else im sure,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 ohhh what video games i just got a new laptop for overwatch and play on my 3ds for fun,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 at least it is entertainment,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 asking out of curiositycase manager and special ed teacher are different roles in chicago in wi you are typically both roles,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 unless they have a different definition of habitable and we are the galaxys tardigrades,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i love driving so i jump at the chance to run errands sometimes i just go for a long drive on a nice day i have lived in a huge european city and i definitely did not enjoy taking public transport for 90 minutes to get to where i needed to be every day i have had jobs here as close as a 5 minute drive from my house also if the weather is miserable i dont want to be walking a couple blocks in pouring rain for some milk i am happy to drive a mile to park in an underground garage and take the steps up to get milk its so much better,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 from my own experience so totally anecdotal at those younger ages it was my mother a couple of aunts and uncles and a teacher who would push me away from stem while my dad was incredibly supportive of it i clung on to my dad who taught me to stand up for my self and be proud of my interests its not black and white but more like a tug of war and such events could have helped me and my dad by getting me in touch with girls with similar interests so i would have an easier time knowing i was indeed not the weird one of the bunch i by the way agree that we will never reach a 5050 split in most professions and thats ok with me but right now you see that in many cases there is a 1090 split in disciplines such as engineering and nursing this will never be 5050 but i do believe we are missing out on talent even if its just a few male engineers whod rather get into nursing and a few female nurses who want to get into engineering but decided otherwise due to social pressure etc i think thats my bottom line even if the percentages dont change getting rid of the social pressure on men and women is still a valuable thing to society,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 and per㺠oh but that doesnt fit the helping chile narrative,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 tooth in toothpaste is a noun used as an adjective and when we use nouns as adjectives they must be singular,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 the blow stung and his vision doubled but whent spun at the opportunity and slammed the flat of his blade against umbers ear and jaw he thought he heard a crack but that very well couldve been his own jaw he realized he would need to go on the offensive now and so he brought his sword back for a second strike and brought it down on the back of umbers head,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 nip it in the bud and get off it did nothing for me i just go untreated but getting back down to a healthy weight solved a lot of issues no carbs ftw and now i can actually eat them again without exploding,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 life is a cookie sweet until you find the hidden raisin,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 so what does make you better than someone else,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 theres the important bit if those books are effectively props youre gonna look like a doofus when someone asks you about them,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 my so has been in this city for half the time i have works twice as much and somehow has like 20 good friends she is incredibly gregarious and sweet i think even if we use the same words at people she just oozes warmth and acceptance and will always be more charming i have been told that i am very warm but also that i seem like im up to no good like i am just looking for an opportunity to cause trouble which is not entirely untrue i think if we stay together ill come to really appreciate that shes so busy but right now its killing me i generally only get to see her on the weekends i dont normally miss people also if yours is anything like mine shell have a few dudes who desperately want to be with her but have been friendzoned that shit can be a little uncomfortable but dont get all weird about it you probably have a couple of girlfriends like that or have in the past haha i dont want to write yet another schmoopy essay here on why my girl is rad is there anything specific you want to know,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the do is the cunt not the customer hes normally cool,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 its not that bad you are exaggeratingthe recent generation has decent tflops and compute which is not a gaming strongpoint their professional and ai cards will be fine,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 everyones role models are different some people have their own set of desirable traits mine are more intellectual than emotional a great typemention rolemodel would be susan cain the author of quiet her ted talk is widely viewed youve probably already seen it daniel dennett is a recently uncovered typemention philosopher who makes for a good rolemodel too leo szilard is one that i stumbled upon recently who was a physicist from hungary that worked along einstein and helped discover nuclear fission among many other thingstypemention are hard to find and confirm so i like to use typemention as rolemodels julian assange naomi klein alan watts mark twain michio kaku brian cox salman rushdie arianna huffington ralph nader umberto eco jacques derrida anais nin oscar wilde best thing is there are many documentaries books talks and lectures given by typemention that i can not find for typemention they are also easier to relate to for me because they dont have that hyperemotional typemention archetype that i cant relate to p,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 and anyone saying that it improved his skill is avictim of a placebo effect fact,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you win this roundgongrats as this is the first time i lost this manga spoilers in link,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 or you could look at rick sanchez himself a wannabie philosopher that excuses all of his unforgivable actions with the nothing matters philosophy,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 interesting ive never experienced that ive pretty much always loved my birthday ever since i can remember i feel really special on that day in fact mine is coming up next month and im really excited about it,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 i dont think sadness is normal but i think cogfuncmentioncogfuncmentions awareness of the human condition can make melancholy fairly common in the sense that youre aware of the inherently dire nature of being alive but that doesnt necessarily lead to a depressive state but often compassion and understanding you can see what i mean in this video about the value of melancholy i think if theres chronic sadness one might want to consider talking to a therapist although hyperaware of emotions typemention can often have a very analytical interior life so much so that a constant depressive state might be noteworthy as a mental health issue that shouldnt be ignored,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 have you considered moving to a less competitive market coding camps are less desirable than degrees and yeah the portfolio is key have you worked with any recruiters as well,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its to get the average donation numbers down,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ye i think the biggest one is that i measure like everything in energy spent not time,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 which isnt the fault of mbti,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i give up periodically but i keep getting sucked back in i mean out of touch with reality based on probably mistyped typemention who do astrology and tarot geez i get what youre saying about that youd rather not be understood than be misunderstood not sure if i agree ill have to think about it,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 im the exact same way i consider myself vain and embrace it because getting down on myself for it just makes me spiral into a self loathing circle and im so over doing that to myself i have days where i think i look great and days where i feel like a total potato though sometimes ill take lots of selfies but only like one or two and if theyre really cute ill text them to my guy or put them on instagram,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 lol i mean you either get beauty or trolling skills cant have both,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 on balance of things have you found that your overall standard of living and networth is higher than previously attainable or does the col in london cancel out the higher salary and better career prospects,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 nice i had no idea that worked too,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 were you hypnotized by his smooth dance moves and course history too,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 babylon 5 was amazing ive been looking for something to rewatch and i think this will be it the amount of foreshadowing and planning on the entire thing is insane one of the best,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 russell is a boring writer to medroning didactic lacking vitality,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yes it would be your fault either for the drinking the driving or both if we dont accept responsibility for our actions we might as well be pond scum so what so some things are harder for some people than others and some things are easier what youre describing are excuses mitigating circumstances reduce the sentence but the crime is the crime being an effective person starts at step one with the belief that one is responsible for their actions or the lack thereof anything else is just emotionally driven ego protection,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 also thanks man im a girl girls drink a lot too,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i relate very much wish i could help,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 as her conversation with her best friend came to a close talisa moved to leave the sunglass party the shadow of a smile continuing to dimple her cheeks cheerily the darklyn girl scanned the room searching for someone familiar or something interesting to occupy her time before she returned to her seatit didnt take very long at all near her friends family was a boy close in age to her one she quickly recognized from the archery contest he had beaten aela although it had been close and her mother too for a few moments her eyes lingered the seeds of curiosity mixing with another far less familiar feelingbriefly she debated with herself whether she should say hello it was always nice making new friends and he certainly didnt seem unpleasant on the surface those thoughts were no match for her shyness however and she decided to just march off without going to the troublethe decision was immediately thwarted as the boy looked up though her eyes now uncomfortably locked with his her blue orbs widened anxiously her mind debating again with more fervor whether to say hello or flee talisa had never been very decisiveukingofthenorth22,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 you can put the website in that box from where you found the site eg redditcom,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 in this case i have to say they shouldnt be unbanned even though i like steel unpopular opinion here but what ever90 of this in this case to be honest stupid sub talk about no rules while not throwing usually needs no rule in a competitive sport and celebrate those people like they are war heroes disgusting imofixing should be a permanent ban their life isnt over just because they got banned for life from tournaments in a game,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 you need to write episode summaries for a living,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 but it burned my eyes ok,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i had one but i found it to be more work i constantly had to check his work if you want something done right do it yourself,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 available all days after 6 dedicated to any league that drafts me i have unusually good jukes for a contain defense playerraz 4 nltp ateam,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 youre only guessing though doesnt count,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the mule called the beast shifter zeke during the battle of shinganshina,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 textbook typemention behaviour right there you explained it pretty well quite a few psychologists have looked into this or variations of it eg milgram zimbardo thorndike pavlov etc im a flaired user over raskhistorians im planning to do a panel ama about the history of psychology its implications applications and ramifications for history amp modern society entitled delving into the psyche so look out for that no worries thats what we typementions are here for quite a few people like ancient greek philosophy but not me i quite like modern stuff as i mentioned amp presocratic philosophy the philosophers that look at what is colour how can water be the basis for all things etc if youre interested id suggest watching this oxford university lecture on philosophy from the presocratics to the modern day enjoy,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 we cant see the chat in overwatch as you might know,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ha i posted an article about that maybe a year ago check my post history if youre interested,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 a christian lifestyle oh you mean go to church on christmas and easter committing almost every sin on a daily basis selectively choose which parts of the bible to beat other people over the head with while ignoring the parts that apply to me because theyre just inconvenient no i dont,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 oh she said quietly unable to hide the disappointment in her voicei know you said you dont have time talisa returned hopefully but if you ever wanted to visit i live near the top of rhaenys hill,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 you can try covering the outsides of the tank with paper to darken the enclosure some more if he feels insecure it might encourage him to stay in the main area and not wedge himself between there,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 everyone has that cousin whos a warriorsseahawksbluejays fan right now,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its not an exhibit if it doesnt have a dedicated tshirt in a gift shop ive never seen anyone with a the ocean tshirt thanks,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 since ive seen a ufo that couldnt possibly have been one of ours i think that day has already come im not saying our government has had some kind of encounter of the third kind style event but i do think they are watching usthat said ive no idea if they are hyper intelligent octopuses,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i dunno go to grab a card bills come flying out i see potential issues,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i have a lot of respect for you 30 year olds when i read posts from the older people around here it feels like my blood pressure drops a little and its only 10 years difference,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 ive recently started researching romanticism amp esotercism in 19th amp 20th century europe why was there such a big interest in intellectualism amp occultism especially in germany amp austriahungary eg movements like ariosophy amp thule societywhat psychological effects did these have on women in russia there was also a keen interest in mystics like george gurdjieff amp gregori rasputin where did this sudden belief come from did these movements have an effect on things like nordic mythology for example why was there such a big surge in the eddas amp ãslendingasã gur thank you to anyone that can answer my queries,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 they were marketed as holographic ive never heard them called anything but holographic,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 im a fucking twig so no i wanna get a bit more swole,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 lets leave the deep web out of this we they dont like that,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 bananas pots of yoghurt and sandwiches on soft bread with noncrunchy fillings should all be fine cake or muffins would be better choices than cookies granola bars chips whole apples and carrot sticks could be problematicit really all depends on how quickly you heal i was probably eating most things a week after my extractions,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i have it already and it doesnt help its full of links i dont even remember why i had them openthe problem isnt in how to manage the tabs the problem is in me opening too many,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i could probably mention a few more that are even more unpleasant but i wont just know theyve been thought of long ago and were forms of tortureexecution,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 one point of divide between trump and hillary supporters is their stance on russia and assad despite trump end up changing some of his stance during the last debate he is largely seen as the candidate who want warmer relationship with russia and hillary being the candidate wanting increasing the pressurei suppose hiss from op refer from this tweet by sam,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 the people are real theyre just insane postmodernists and feminists with anxiety disorders whove been plotting for decades they act like robots because thats what obsessive compulsives are like ive seen a lot of histories where people post the same thing over and over they are possessed like that woman who went nuts on hugh mungus putting in trump was like taking a dump in their beehive and now its an incoherent ideological battle no discussion only enemies hes the father that has said no the reaction is really not so surprising,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 some constructive criticism i know that personally i would like to read more detail there is very little so its hard to picture stuff especially related to the setting,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 it was 20 years ago,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 if michael and taylor were working with me in a school or work setting i would break down this goal of having children with them it would help to bring their parents into the conversation too what are some skills we need to have to raise a child how much time have either of them spent taking care of a child just like we say here that some folks should try babysitting first maybe this couple ought to try babysitting supervised start with older children who are a bit more independent or have them assist babysitting a small child with another adult present do they have a desire perhaps to work at some sort of job with children rather than having their own are they looking only at the kodak moments have they considered the perks of being childfree have any of the adults in their life presented this as an option we have to remember that michael and taylor have lived in this pronatalist world just like the rest of us maybe they feel like this is what they are supposed to do given all the messy variables of child rearing rather than just telling them no maybe they would come around to the idea of being childfree tldr take it from a rights conversation a valid conversation if that isnt working to a practical one to really get to the bottom of why they want children and how challenging raising children might be,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 it definitely took me a while to realize this it was something that i just kind of realized one day after being on a shit load of teams in my life very cogfuncmention like start to pick up on patterns for what was successful and what wasnt now we have to ask the obvious follow up question when will we replace capitalism with a system that is able to address these known factors is it fair to ask people to contribute to the collective if they have different interests and priorities is it fair to instill what most people want into them,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 raja bell tony snell robin lopez laid an egg katmobile lost a beal and jokic ran away,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im not even much of a drinker but its a commercial break and im grabbing a beer,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 yes and end users are allowed to accept or reject products based on their own preferences for whatever reason,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 no surprise that all the negative reviews are from fats,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 in theory it does say phone activation and i assume it contacts verizon when you power up the new phone with the old sim it seems to have worked so i would just stick to the protocolnow i just have to see what i can do about swapping the backs of these phones,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i can tell you that youre living in a weird weird world and youre making it up as you go along,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so you havent been called into the councilor yet no cps shown up at your homewell hopefully itll stay that way,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 theyre different technologies with different usesany resolution beyond what our eyes can distinguish 8k is pointless half the people using computers today even need to zoom the text to see anything screens already have higher resolution than necessaryfor the same number of pixels a larger screen is easier and cheaper to make than a smaller oneweve had high resolution projectors and big screen tvs for years people still sit in front of monitorsthe problem with this technology is that it just doesnâ t work fast enough with sampling rate around 60hz this is just not enough for reliable scanning of the eyeballmultifocal subjective rendering techniques are just not mature enough so they canâ t be used in commercial vr yetbecause vr cant track the position of the fovea yet the center of the screen that is the sharpest part is based on head movement not eye movement so it feels unnatural theres still a lot of work left to doamd and nvidia already preparing for 8k well have 16k in 5 years let alone 2030 yearsid say closer to 20 years by which time you may be able to use graphene touchscreen as wallpaper for the same pricethe rf and processor both use more energy than the screen,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 the best time to go is after the short straw has been picked,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its a meme on the sub tends to mean skepticism or just taking a moment to think about the implications of what someone said,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i brought this up before too but no one seemed to care i have found the same problem in shinrata dezera,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 i find it hilarious how it was sitting in a records office and not the attic of someones house it means someone looked at it relatively recently and didnt realize what it was,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 just buy the set as it comes outits only like a 50 dollar investment every 23 months,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 interesting questioni have no idea if its an s vs n thing i feel like itd be a cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention thingi dont really have a problem dealing with pain its a part of life i think i find pain more annoying than anything i get really bad cramps once a month that last days and i dont sit there like thinking how miserable i am and wishing theyd go away i just distract myself or try to fix it and know that itll end eventually thats kind of the attitude i take with mental stuff too,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 im trying but i swear if i stop like texting her now shed never text me back she always replies and answers my questions but she never texts me first we mostly talk on facebook btw,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 whats the difference in maidumptools mode5 and 6 that says mode 5,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 and yet you still loose kd means shit what is important is that you win the games,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i could do one if you flesh out your idea some more,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 all they have at my school is apush i slept through that bitch and came out with a 75 each semester i got a 3 on the ap test by some miracle,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 but they want to pass on their dna leave a legacy blahblahblah,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 yeah ill work on getting one that looks good,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 yeah repetitive formulas are boring i cant personally stand them,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 yep same here makes no sense to me id prefer it if its obvious shes really enjoying herself but ill take a fake pleasure moan and smile over ones who act like theyre being raped,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 have you ever met an typemention guy a lot of them seem to have the same experience,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 ibp vs netcode was on 21082014,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 theyre on the shot tracker,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this appears to be the whole book and it will let you read it in your browser though there is some sort of signin page to download,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 he was being sarcastic is it normal for fjs to be sjws offended by everything not inside their feelhugbox,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 he feels like one of us not because of cogfuncmention but because we are so awesome he uses us as a model reverse cogfuncmention,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 tell himwe are both alive and fine i love you but you really need to stop acting like such a little bitch that has gotten great results when an typemention girl told me exactly this i was a bit annoyed at first but she was right and i just needed an hour or two to think over how right she was,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 were all suffering now and its about to get much worsealthough i would suggest reevaluating your understanding of human grades unless you intended to sound like youll be proposing a eugenics program in your next comment,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i agree with everything youre trying to get at but perhaps not the way you actualize it so i ask againwhat is the difference between experience and observationor are they actually the same thing is it more the idea that cogfuncmention users will simply describe what happens to them in regards to the former rather than the latter because i would argue this is the case the difference is not whether or not the experience itself exists but the attitude towards said experience the word experience has a personalized meaning behind it whereas observation is instead outside looking inward despite this there is still some turn of events that unfolds and both will attempt to use this to back up ideas the output can look the same where the difference lies in my opinion is how the user relates to this turn of events cogfuncmention users reactions appears much more innate and vivid cogfuncmention in regards to the specific event appears more detached you have said this as well my concern is that cogfuncmention is being described more and more in a way that it is depersonalized you say it has the most outward focus of the introverted functions i agree though we must be careful to not forget the fact that cogfuncmention is an introverted function so an cogfuncmention user will still have some kind of subjective relation to their ideaswhat i believe has been done in typing others to determine pi has been looking at if an actual experience has been mentioned but what should be done instead imo is look to the attitude revolving around said experience the problem here though is that this is best distinguished in real life rather than through words so it makes rational sense that the majority of people type as cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention under this methodwe also see some of the actual cogfuncmention users in this thread saying things like oh this is perfect best thing ive seen in while etc in response to this thread which can easily be related back to previous statements that were apparently evident of cogfuncmention that sounded like oh you see this i see this too so again i cant help but feel concern in regards to the current approach to experiencei also wish to add that im making it sound like i disagree with a lot of the typings rdwier has given which is not the case i do believe that cogfuncmention is incredibly rare and that a large number of those in this subreddit are mistyped im simply making this post to inform whoever about a potential problem im asking open ended questions because i may as well be wrong in my assumptions of how experienceobservation is being used perhaps the words experience and observation are in fact being used to distinguish a difference in attitude rather than if an actual experience is being used or perhaps rdwier just disagrees with me i was unsure on writing up such a comment because i fear mistyped individuals will see such and further use it to defend their type perhaps what it is i agree with most regarding rdwiers typology is this shift in attitude it has created a look towards some of the misunderstandings in the typology community so i urge caution to those who try and use this post in defense in their type that said maybe the reader really is an cogfuncmention user who agrees with what i am saying it is hard to say regardless i think individuals need to be more open mindedi think the very nature of self typing leads to individuals looking to experience to try and arrive at some sort of conclusion whether the individual trusts these experiences uses them at face value or combines them with other matters of info depends on well the individual i mean what happens when one tries to observe themselves this is the very nature of self typing,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 eren also pulled of annies moves in human form she taught them to himreigner not bertolt didnt know eren received that upgrade bottle and thought he learned it from scratchhe managed to crack the armor because he simply focused his own in one spot to make it thickerits highly implied that moving your titan body feels similar to moving your human body so him taking on annie was only impressive if you consider the opponent not if you look at how he movednone of your quick learning arguments hold upit is at best a feat of eren not of the attack titan,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 most likely imgur there is a large sum of white knights there,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 you cant poke or shoot up while driving must be a newb sthe hard part is putting the orange cap back on thats nearly impossible on our shitty streets,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 damn what happened to that raz kid,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 its not kids in restaurants its parents who dont bother to parent their children in the restaurant,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yes to varying degrees but those are very general and could apply to many types look into the functions,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 neat knowing whats about to come im glad i dont have to listen to that version of armin that sounds like a girl,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 oops should be good now,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 agreed i know that typemention are one of the most varied types as well yall are weirdos d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 most used are these mods in surf kz and bhop or retake servers,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ive played a oneshot with lvl 17 characters its not as much experience as leveling them there but they were pretty balanced and very powerfulthe only thing i noticed was wonky was the final boss it seems the solo bbeg monsters at high level are extremely easy to defeat for the oneshot we took down a pit fiend like it was an oversized kobold it was worth experiencing however as now ill never run a big baddie as a solo i suspect even the high level dragons need supporting monsters to not get absolutely plowed by a high level group,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 its easier to think of the usa as a continent like europe with states being individual countries although they all share the same language the culture scenery climate and politics is vastly different in every state there are some shockingly backwards states like mississippi and alabama some are extremely rich like connecticut and dc some places are crazy left wing 20 years ahead like san francisco some states like maryland are highly urbanised whilst iowa is very rural people dont really appreciate how physically big and diverse the us is until they visit it the uk a small and densely populated country is a lot more homogenous there are some regional variations but not hugely different cultures in the sense the us has so thats why we dont really have places like mississippi,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 yeah lets just make this policy here thats illegali think ill just make a policy in my home that anyone entering forfeits everything on them but ill give it back tho in 10 years,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ive got naughton in my team he looks to be nailed on im rotating him with morgan who is 45 as their fixtures go together well,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 not even na stupid eu mges in a nutshellapart from the things you display your computer is calculating nothing is what i was saying with that,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 lol i just hope the last episode this summer will explain all youre right though that could be the case but being identical twins with someone doesnt necessarily mean that they would both have bad eyesight at the same time but bunch of speculation and other external possibilities could occur etc etc,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 there is after 5 min you will get an abandon enough abandons will place you in low priority,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 now imagine that earring getting stuck somewhere whilst shifting,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 walt was always a cunt it was a little less in your face earlier in the show but he always was,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i agree that a lot of the future stuff is total garbage but jung did connect cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention to the perception of objects in spacetime or something similar in one of his books maybe structure amp dynamics of the psyche but i could be wrong,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 i cant decide if this is a clever parody or idiotic,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 amy adams is amazing im hopeful that after la la land hollywood will do more musicals and shell be cast in one,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i limit myself to 60 seconds in a clip because i know i dont have the patience to watch self made movies,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 absolutely under the right circumstances we overall tend to be reserved and more wallflowery but i know personally if im in a good mood im more outgoing or if im somewhere where i know nobody knows anybody else its much easier to be outgoing or if i know most of the people,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 great ideai have a strong urge to share the message i wrote for my future mebut i dont know if i should,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 why wouldnt you care about which mb and ram you were use for an am4 build zen performance is tied very neatly to the ability to oc both the cpu and ram modest overclocks to both provide a good boost in performance compared to stock choosing quality components can be the difference between a simple build and one that takes hours longer than it should to set up those ideal conditions bios updates have been a major pain for most early adopters and when you are building for a customer you want to provide with confidence that the system is stable and will perform as desired,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 lots of practice its just pattern recognition with some actual thinking after you play a lot,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 define bitch people who dont use violence when they are not happy with the situation,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 an typemention equally mature as me would be hell because im not that mature probably the unhealthiest typemention youll ever see,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 why is he always posing trying to show off his knuckle tats what do they say anyway the pics are too low resolution so im not sure why hes trying to pose with them showing so much,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think tying into this i see a lot of women especially with major self esteem issues so even if they dont have a man they have their baby to love them unconditionally it validates them somehow where they were not validated before,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 all the serretts except for lord davos sit in the stands watching the lord himself hammer his way through the melee cora talia and gwin all make no effort to cheer him on while lyle being only a few moons old wondered incoherently why theres so much noise mina davos lady wife roots for him quietly too reserved and dignified to call out while daven flowers his bastard son and kiera his youngest niece and stepdaughter do so loudly,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 nothing makes me queazy except one thing ill explain laterive seen some stuff nothing really bothers meonly thing ever got to me was when i was in high school i went with my girl friend to a doctors appointment she had to get shots in her ear i dont know why there was no blood or gore or anything but i ran out and threw updoesnt bother me now thinking about and i dont why it bothered me then,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 nevermind that i thought roundtime was 145 which would have been great but wtf did they think making it 155 i am all for 145 and 35s or 40s bomb timers but this is quite ridiculous,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 depends on how you sort the comments i guessi personally dont see how changing the number of points neded for a rank is changing the systemif you say they changed the system then as a person who is writing code it means another algorithm and different rating for me which has not happenednot to mention that the people here on reddit would understand it in the end it is wasted time to try and explain it to people here,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 can i get back to you that,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 thats a fantastic idea if you have a gf you should get her to dress up as caaarl,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 for nfp subreddits they always go back into patterns of this is my life problem pls help and do you ever feel x cogfuncmention subs are at least a little more interesting because the users feel encouraged to share anything smart and nt like,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i read this more than once and didnt quite understand it do you mean like i am quality gt quantity and youre viceversa your second paragraph is even more confusing what are you asking me,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 math a lot of it linear algebra calculus probability and statistics just try reading this to see what i meanthen you need to understand machine learning principles such as training testing validating a model overfitting bias and hundreds more and to be able to play with themyour actual work will be on paper and in a programming language and command line terminal using one or more gpu equipped computers,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 passive mind control rod reiss certainly has an interesting personality but i wouldnt call him attractive,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i was trying to be ridiculous i was just curious there is no reason except i like to mod my firearms i thought i saw one with a detachable box mag and wondered if i could convert it,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 what does resisting change have to do with perceiving things deeply and wait when did i say they perceive things deeply wtf,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i could believe thatleave it to the government to spend 40million on research and end up with an inconclusive result because they dont really care about the answer anyway only public perception,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 whats the aerial shot look like,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 absolutely it ties together the mcu very well and its a great standalone offering,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 guys id appreciate it if you gave me some privacy,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i actually hate it when women wear perfume i much prefer to smell a little girl sweat than chemicals and ugh the taste of perfume disgusting,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 was about to say hes very affordable i was expecting 13k on himgpp i guess its acceptable to fade spieth but you better pray he doesnt even try,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thats pretty much what ive done besides theres always your history if you really cant find that page again,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 would you kindly suck me off thanks,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 im going to try calling apple tomorrow since they messed up maybe theyll fix it for me,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 a local one yeah p,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 wait until these storms make their way across the pond things might get exciting,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 it happens to the best of us,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 well there is this highly poisonous spider called the wandering spider that hides inside clumps of bananas when they notice you they will chase you and bite you giving you a 6 hour long painful erection,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 this is true im lesbian liberal have colored my hair crazy colors have multiple piercings colbert fanin essence im the quintessential liberal millennial and yet i have skinned a roadkill snake and tanned its hide,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 do you have to be on call for the jobs or can you turn off your phone,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 when kids make those statements a lot of times not all the time it is the most dramatic attention getting thing they can say so they say it without truly thinking through what that would mean for them their family etc a lot of kids are looking for a reaction or negative attention seeking typical sociopathsevere mental health issuesigns of abuse in children that ive seen or heard of include but are not limited to bed wetting at a late age although some typical kids struggle with this too hurting animals and starting fires,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 the first time i saw that posted on a youtube commentin like 2008,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 false assumption she pretends that theres something wrong with everyone elsenothing in her post suggests or implies this,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 im afraid of ghostsi dont even believe in ghosts,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 going fromtypemention to typemention is going from cogfuncmentioncogfuncmentioncogfuncmentioncogfuncmention to cogfuncmentioncogfuncmentioncogfuncmentionsee so i think its a change that makes a lot of sense,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 lol the second anyone starts talking about numbers like 3 22 oooh that means skull and bones society 422 is 88 thats something else yeah okalso the guys name is hubbard thats scientology,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 prometheus by goethesong of the happy shepherd by yeats,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i think we have to give it to the subscribers of the td in this case they are not demanding ideological purity from sam most know how sam intensely dislike trump still they understand that people cant agree on everything im going to say it there are people many on the left who could learn something from the td subscribers,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 only if you do what my username says,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 aha so just because there is no written rule it is okay to do it then just shows how far your understanding of fairplay goeshow old are you if i may askthey have you fix and you are done for which they decided after one year and reviewing the caseslike who,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 about cz im always super afraid that wearing cz comes across as trying to pass them off as diamonds but clearly theyre fake i wouldnt want that to me it feels the same as wearing fake designer handbags which you wear to show off the brand and in that case wearing a fake is just ridiculous,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 gotta flip your vid or something its all mirrord,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it happens fairly often but its probably just an issue i have with lse,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 remember that cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention are memory too,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 yeah unfortunately where i live its rare to even see an officer on a motorcycle think ive seen one or two everand officers dont wear those nice bright yellow vests that say police on em either they look more like military dress uniforms here rcmp,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 1stdurarara2ndfull metal alchemist brotherhoodmangadoraemon or sword art onlinegun gale arc,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 how long will you be staying with your parents if youre staying a long time maybe you can consider paying your parents some towards grocery and utilities i didnt see those in your list but those costs wont cease to exist essentially your parents will be funding your savings at the expense of their own savings maybe they dont even want or need you money but it would be a nice gesture and they might appreciate it,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 just fucking accept it would essentially ruin the fact that people with different habits on playing wouldnt be able to play together unless it is on shitty unranked where you get matched with silverssomeone is pointing out well that would basically ruin playing competitive as friends and you say i dont care go play unrankedno fucking game does this and there is a reason for it just accept iti dont want to play unranked aka casual with competitive rules and i dont want to have to buy a new account to play competitive with friends what you are suggesting is destroying the core idea of the game and thus will never happenlowering people like me so you know me okay thenit wont help to reduce smurfers cheaters yes smurfers no it also would spawn more griefers because hey its unranked why do you care many people wouldnt like this changeyou want pointers for improvements ill give you some how would you deal with the high amount of griefers in unranked how would you ensure that people can play competitive together even though they dont have the same amount of wins or hours,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i was singing this the whole way up that ladder,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 ffs hart clean sheet gone already average to poor week for me so far at least my captain wilson got more than 2 points,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i seriously doubt that he literally felt like he had to its just a way of saying that he strongly wanted to saying i just had to do it is a pretty common phrase hell ive said that about getting burritos before but wouldnt have lost my shit if i didnt get one,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 this is certainly plausible but obviously if you spend tens of billions of dollars more with the intention of creating practical technologies rather than going to space you will generate extremely higher value with your counterfactual technological innovations we may not have discovered scratch resistant lenses but wed have a hundred other innovations as valuable if not moredefinitely not firstly global carrying capacity is absurdly large even without emerging technologies as it is were at a capacity of 1011 billion under current use of arable land but the planet has room for much more farmland than is currently used factor in vertical farming logistical efficiencies of it and lowimpact lab meat and youre looking at an crazy high population cap the premise of overpopulation or that we currently have overpopulation is contested due to this kind of difficult speculationsecondly treating disease is likely to lower fertility rates more developed economies with greater levels of education have the lowest fertility rates neglected tropical diseases ntds reduce educational attainment and productivity per person youre looking at decreased literacy rates of around 12 in some cases and a decrease in income of around 43 if you were to eradicate say schistosomiasis from many african nations which is being done just with a large funding gap you would increase their gdp by several percentage points and improve educational attainment considerably so treating ntds should actually reduce population growththirdly ntds cost global carrying capacity a huge amount due to high childadolescent mortality and various other factors the wasted food and energy of raising children who then die then having to have more children is massivei would hesitate to go down this tangent but broadly speaking i presume humanists do not value the advancement of humanity if it requires the intentional death and suffering of billions of people that would be oppositional to the core value of individual human flourishing which humanism derives ethical principles from,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 fun stats note shadow in the gif,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the mule called the beast shifter zeke during the battle of shinganshina,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i didnt think of stressing myself out of bed it alleviated my anxiety than anything elsesometimes seeing a friend before class helps especially if youre in the same class then you can walk in together amp i dont feel too bad but if they arent in the same class the anxiety returns just before i enter,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 before we were together i shoved my ex off a bench while she was wearing a dress there was no harm done but still i actually reminded myself of that a few months ago which led to a huge downward spiral for me which could have contributed to our break up,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 many cultures notice strange scents if someone from another culture is visiting due to things like diet and lifestyle though so part of it is that they just dont notice a lot of the scents that someone from outside the country might i dont know if this is true or not because i have no way to provedisprove it and have no source so take it with a grain of salt but i read in another thread that apparently at least a decent number of white americans smell slightly of dairy to foreigners because of the much larger quantity of dairy we consume relative to others,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 the guy is worth 75 million not bad for drawing comics and having an hilarious list of business failures,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i wish usexuallynuclear hadnt made four identical posts,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 maybe they have some handheld mirrors not the best solution but lots of salons ive gone to have had them so you can see the back and sides,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 did you consider telling him what you like do you think the guys who are good in bed were just born that way i hazard that they at some pointpoints had women who told them how they like it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 a paradox creates a situation where its core premises collide in a contradiction which makes the conundrum unsolvable there is no deus ex machina where employing a trick solves the problem the decision to give or not to give the kid back is binary either croc does it or he doesnt the when doesnt matter,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 this is true but sometimes it feels a bit domesticated with how long it sticks inside me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thats like a bit of plankton thinking about how to destroy the pacific ocean well no like a bit of plankton thinking about how to destroy the galaxy,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 im having some dissarono which is a luxury i havent had in a while gotta follow through on some camgirl shit today so if i get a bottle i will fuck that up but maybe beforefor the bus home tonight only thing im worried about is the fucking border patrol dickheads,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah i think complexity is more of t over f than s over n i mean what we are doing here is thinking about the system putting things into categories etc not feeling sensing or intuiting it ok we are sensing when we test them with reality but do we do that a lot lolsensors would just be interested in theories that could be verified in reality complex theory is more of a cogfuncmention thing i could see an typemention be very satisfied by classic socionicsmodel a because its both complex and was verified on reality intertype relationships and such,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i guess i just happen to use more cheap keyboards in my life,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 in my neuroscience class we talked about the development of deep brain stimulation for treatment of parkinsons parkinsons used to be thought of as a deficiency in a neurotransmitter similar to depression and other mental illnesses but was found to be almost fully treated with electrical impulses into the brain of course we still dont know the exact mechanisms but it opens the possibility to treatments of other neurologicalmental disorders without drugs,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 i definitely think that loop theory is overemphasized and i hate it when people use it in typing eg oh they just look like an typemention because they are an typemention in an cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention loop but i do think that the core idea can be helpful my other biggest issue with the idea is when people describe it as unhealthy as if that meant anything in terms of your first two points i definitely agree that you cant block out your auxiliary function however there is a pretty common pattern of people showing neglect for certain elements of the second function in favor of the third not all people but enough people that it is a thing ive personally noticed that it seems to be connected to various coping mechanismsi disagree on your third point specifically because no one would ever have mistook me for an typemention actually happens all the time maybe not for you but for lots of others ejarendees videos often had comments saying he was antypemention for example people call out elsa from frozen as typemention and typemention all the time ive seen people try and type eminem as typemention ive seen both typemention and typemention for george clooney typemention and typemention for rdj typemention and typemention for walt disney mistyping along activity partner lines is pretty commoncogfuncmention as vulnerable functionhe prefers to limit the number of theoretical categories he works with and tends to see new terminology systems and rules as being arbitrary and unnecessary until he at last discovers their necessity for himself through extensive personal experience,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 did you steal the script for the next filthy frank video,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 right speed is great and all but if its purely a storage volume then being slightly slower than your os amp application volume is just fineah well im probably going to just grab an s5 since their costs are about to plummet no need to be on the bleeding edge when the triedandtrue stuff is a better roi,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i just wanted a side by side comparation dude,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 which seems to be almost exclusively what its used for in online debatesand yet i would contest the orders of magnitude as much as we like to engage in selfhate there are rankings for things such as corruption financial integrity press freedom quality of democracy standards of living etc etc im guessing the firmest of putin advocates would go on to question the methodology of these western rankings but we still need to draw a line somewhere,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 in pearls song she says something to the effect of you werent made for fighting,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 they both probably arent too young most likely older than 22 or so hes asked this question before in here hes also her boss,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 and why doesnt ymir look like her mindless formlook examples of this subject are all over the place and whilst i honestly hope that the differences simply comes from upgrades it just doesnt at upboth our arguments are weak i guess well just have to wait what turns out to be the truth,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i think it might more be due to the fact that people tend to become more compassionate and introspective as they age it could also be an ivory tower artifact most people grow more and more cloistered as their lives become specialized,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 140k a year not that much money after taxes how many people do you know make even close to that after taxes of course,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 point being it scaled fine,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 when i drink titos i feel fucking amazing barely notice any hangover cheap vodka like smirnoff or worse guarantees i will vomit all the next day surprisingly new amsterdam has been treating me pretty well for half the price of titos,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 wait the one that is out of stock was never in stock huh i didnt know,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 from the armed roving gangs of lgbt people of course sarcasm,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 as a wpf dev i hate this reality but now you should be looking at winrt and universal apps,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 ok now where is the nontempered glass,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 hmmm clearly you need a spacesuit and a jetpack you will be stylish safe and arrive in style get crackin,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 no problem youre literally the coolest have a good one,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 can confirm dated typemention and when grocery shopping weird people would tell her their life story id walk away pretending not to notice because i dont wanna talk to them lol then when it was getting ridiculous id come back and grab her arm to drag her away because i could see her look of annoyance being completely overpowered by wanting to be nice to that person so i tossed her an assist p,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 itll be the episode 12 aftercredit scene,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i am pretty sure all fives must be introverts and sevens extroverts so no you can not lead with an extroverted function and be a five,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i have the same interests except for philosophy im pretty keen on economics lately but nothing hardcore im not quite willing to hit textbooks over it but the temptation is there also trying to learn japanese its building up over time i can understand basic conversation but im still drowning in a sea of a thousand words and every new word i come across makes me wonder where the hell i picked up all of these words in english and how it was done seemingly without much effort i have to refocus though ive had enough of a break,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 my goal is that one of the fan translators adds the g once just onceif that happens the wiki will add it to secondary spellings of his name so itll drip over to other media like tumblr etc and since the anime subs have actually spelled bertolts name in different ways in the past a man can hopealso remember that character poll a month or so ago in which reigner ended up one vote below leviwell its terribly unlikely but my ego likes to think that those results influenced isayama a bit i know that most of the story is prewritten but its also known that he gives himself also a bit of room to give some characters more intentionif he was indeed influenced by that poll which he most likely wasnt i actually had a hand in the flow of the storydamn today is good for my ego,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i didnt know she put in a cameo on the walking dead which episode was that,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 psychiatrist is a medical doctor they can prescribe drugs they can but often dont do therapy sessions therapist psychologist is not theyre more specialized but they deal with talking through the problems and therapy like cognitive behavioral therapy cbt and exposure therapy etc theyre often used to diagnose also especially to fully assess someone like for criminal court cases etc they deal with management the disorders for things that cant be fixed through only medication pills can only get you so far and theres a lot you can help without them tooin canada where i am theyre held to a certain standard also,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i read some posts that said the subs were staying open because they do not get involved in reddit drama they are there for their subject matter first i totally get that however i am wondering if there are any of our very busy mods who have been affected by lack of communication at any point having run organizations i can also appreciate breakdowns in communication and how frustrating that can be i guess my gut feeling is just to wait a bit and see where things go this is all really fresh,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 thats your projection of what it means to be a philosopher you havent proven that its a good or even valid one i would say its valid in some trivial sense and not particularly good or useful,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 how can anarchy be real if our eyes arent real,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 its classic indoctrination i mean when they instituted it in the cold war and added the phrase under god i can see why they wanted to reinforce that american attitude and keep the commies from converting our kids thats why they put under god on everything but today it just obvious pseudoreligious indoctrination and as you said just plain creepy,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 bullet journal and not that crappy flowery washi taped instagram shite but simply 1 high quality notebook that goes with you everywhere and 1 black pen,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 but thats kind of the point most western countries dont have a fear culture surround police hell in many european countries even cops dont carry guns anymore,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i didnt know that cod is the only shooter i play,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 its not really a problem with management who are deciding on who to hire actually many european universities have policies in place which highly favour women in stem fields to a point you may very well say its discriminating although yes these fields usually have less then 20 women in any scientific position thats higher than a post doc level my own university has research institutes that have none actually this actually causes problems with regard to work environment and providing role models for students so why are there so little women in academia no science to back this up but my own experiences tell me that many women actually want to be in academia as the number of female phd students is actually quite high maybe not 5050 yet for engineering in my country but still quite good however when you want your career to progress in academia you need to be able to handle the work load and stress that comes with really devoting your life to your research and you are also required work abroad for multiple years before getting being able to become a professor at least in europe if you want a position at a decent university after you get in at an assistant professor level it is still a very competitive environment everything is measured the amount of phds you have how much grant money you bring in citation indexes and number of papers everything you want to become an associate professor sure go ahead if you meet the minimum requirements you want to be full professor well we only have room for 1 full prof for every 23 associates and really if you are not good enough to be a full prof most universities kick you out eventually because there are assistant professor waiting to take your spot which have more potential worklife balance in academia is absolutely awful and i believe this is the reason why there are so little women in academia however once you get in which is also something i personally experienced you are very much respected and treated as equal well some of the computing science and physics men in their men cave offices need to be told to store away their nude calendar posters once they have a female phd joining them but thats about it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 not surprising i scored really low the millon clinical multiaxial inventory puts my score of narcissism at close to zero,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 yes i have a ton of clothes but i end up wearing the same five outfits every week every couple of weeks i wear my trendy jeans,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 ive recently discovered the miracle of cooking coffees speed is stackable with regular cooking plus the speed from the horseso even though what you have right now seems like a lot the better sprinklers will offer more automation for more crops and bigger profits and once you get coffeekegs and more recipes that offer speed youll be able to harvest them much quickernot to mention upgraded tools the axe and pickaxe will work in less hits the hoe and watering can will do more tiles at onceanimalsare a bit of a time suck cheese and mayo are good but i often wonder if theyre worth the effort many people seem to think notwhat im trying to say is that the further you get in the game there are rewards that help make things easier and more manageable so dont fear im about to start summer year 3 and my farm is way bigger than i ever wouldve thought manageable,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 that sub20 flair thoughsubx is based on ao100 usually not your pb,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 aldus huxley would have beleived wed have pills to cure overweight by now,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 id love to be able to do stage lighting for major events i currently do it as a hobby and have done it with rental equipment for somewhat large local events it would be nice to be doing it at events nationwide an example event ive done,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 but why would they do this in the first place and putting it right at the corner of an aisle its bound to get knocked over,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 as an typemention i didnt relate to the cogfuncmention descriptions either it looked like another set of cogfuncmention descriptions if anything,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 op i dont get why you didnt grab the cup the second your mother walked in the room or yell put that down to startle her and then make up some lie i literally would have done everything to be sure my parent did not even see the contents of that cup even if i had to flip the coffee table or awkwardly jump up and snatch the mug out of her hands anything anything no matter how weird to prevent this from happening,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 perhaps that wasnt a phrase of parting but a sexy directive,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 yeah i hope this is a joke id almost rather someone random,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 im japanese myself and i didnt recognize a thing,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i think people who support single payer are doing so based on an informed position not just blindly supporting it,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 merkel weakened eu germany and her own political standing by this move this is the low point of eu so far everyone now realizes what it means to lose sovereignty over your borders and be subject to decisions taken far awaywhat could be the possible benefit for merkel and germany in this all it does is create a parallel society that doesnt mix with the main society they are separated by culture religion family ties social ties and circumstance you can integrate people into societies but you cant integrate societies into societies societies dont mix but rather like organisms they have immunity and reject foreign bodies even when they mix the melting pot process doesnt happen over one or two generations so we will have a united european society in 100 years maybe she took a long leap and took everyone along with her we didnt get to say if we prepared for it or wanted to do it,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 yeah i feel you im a nurse so work is no joke and can be physically demanding so drinking a bunch is just plain stupid when im in school i have no problem leaving it to the weekends either i just cant deal with this much boredom and lack of purpose in life its only been a month and a half out of school and i have almost 2 more haha,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 opening up and sharing your feelings is not for the faint of heart it makes you the opposite of a softy being vulnerable in the presence of others is a sign of strength it is also a sign of trust and it really helps deepen connections with othersim not particularly good with feelings but i am opening up more now because i see the value coming from sharing all of me and not just the cool and collected logic part ive spent approximately 40 years as an emotional clamshell and during that time i was pretty much lonely and miserable i couldnt feel a real connection to others and i felt isolatedwhats the point of being human with a full set of functions if you are going to turn around and bury half of it ive seen the negative effects of that first hand in me,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 they used the chaos to slip in and headcanon coming up probably acted as civilians so the military protected themthey used the smoke to get out of titan form,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 well i guess youre stuck then good luck dealing with her,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 there are very few opportunities for destitute young women in westeros and i decided it was far better to enroll at the citadel than to find employ at an oldtown brothel unfortunately the citadel doesnt exactly accept women into their program much less extremely common women kiernan shrugged i imagine you can fill in the blanksso do you have a date to the ball,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 aaaahhhh i see it now that makes what i actually thought was sc ohio,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 cant confirm youll improve thanks to a 144hz but can confirm that an optical mouse will never make you want to go back to laserreceived my new mouse today same model as before but optical instead of laser and the aiming becomes so much easier without accel from the sensor,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 damn i refresh rnew and see this what a crazy coincidence i should get good as zarya,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 yeah youre right that said generally centrists what we on the radical left call liberals are much more likely to support gun control then people who are actually left wing social democrats and socialists,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 rdebatefascism welcome to the resistance,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 hey finally something congress does right for once,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 fo sho ufffdufffd its also mad easy to find work once you get some chops and that first job,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i was certain now im not are we judging what i said based on my authority or based on what i said i think the ideas i presented stand,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this is a tricky subject in my opinion if you identify with sli by profile functions interrelations that is pretty solid sli these are the most accurate indicators of type since there are multiple ways of verification and troubleshooting typing by mbti profile isnt very accurate and mbtis use of cognitive functions leave a lot to be desired however you are correct that there are reasons to doubt the current understanding of mbti typementionj and socionics slilsi and there interchangeability i am quite aware of the problems here in the conversion of the systems and i do not think that it is something that one can just handwaive away with saying that socionics is completely correct or that the systems are incompatible i also dont think that the existence of typemention that can either be lsis or slis is correct either i think that more research and refinement is needed and that socionics is the only system that is willing or capable of doing so mbti isnt going to adapt by changing their system and if they did it would be in official profile only and not in the popular internet conception of what an typemention is if i remember correctly kiersey saw typemention as an anomaly in his system this issue bears out over and over again and im not just talking about typementionjs but the ipj switch in general but it seems to be the most pronounced in ists followed by infs and isfs but not ints so much nardis research i hope helps resolve this issue his research suggests that the models are not so absolute or quite right but are still supported i have a lot of hope for the collaboration of gulenko and nardi in furthering our understanding of type,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 that was the british the reason youre associating it with canada is because its sometimes viewed as retribution for american actions in canada during the war of 1812 specifically in york,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 what if your mom took your gaming device,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 watch his show its called why with hannibal bouress,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 would you lose that respect for me if i said it was because my fetishes are too out there for there to be porn of them,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 so basically means hes omnipresent or something now right,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 true but you presumably didnt get posttraumatic stress disorder and depression spend years of your life on medication become unable to have social or romantic relationships with members of the opposite sexif for example you were raped and reported it and went to court statistically speaking you would be reporting a family member or friend and so you would also alienate your friends and familythere are other negative consequences of rape psychotic disorders hivaids pregnancy suicide the inability to have sex postrape the first paragraph was just what happens to the average rape victimits a shitty world i guess to bring this back to my original point reddit broadly ignores rape unless its relevant to the falserapeaccusation narrative and this puts focus on combating the false rape issue and doesnt help spread awareness of the basic rape issue which is again generally speaking of greater impact and more effectively solveda while back when i saw there was a guidedog charity being promoted heavily on reddit it costs like 40000 to train a guide dog to help a blind person and 200 to cure blindness of course most money supporting blindness charities goes to the dogs im claiming that theres a similar issue going on here our effort gets focused on one part of the problem at the expense of another both causes need support but we have limited resources and have to balance as best we can,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 will you send me an iphone x,9.0,61.0,8.0,24.0,16.0 no the secret ingredient is the moose meat since normal people like me cant just go out and get someseems like you may be in sweden or some scandanavian country sounds real good though even if jam on a burger sounds a tad odd,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 anyone seen synecdoche new york,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 and he thinks zombies are realdont forget that,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 6 move minimum cross face on bottom f l b r f d,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 the plot twist for me once was the first night my newly created kender character got made my own party murdered me while i was sleeping i didnt get a chance to roll evade or do anythingguess i played the character a bit too well,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i agree its just not the way i would have done it and i think it could balloon match lengths again high damage rangers at what end the game,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 rofl d this is hilarious how are ppl getting vader type its like a direct opposite of what typemention are ddaccording to the old starwars type picture he is typemention,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 typemention aggressive towards typemention victims though maybe enneagram could make more sense of what people need on a bad day,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 fuck sake ive never been on a threesome and my sexual life is barely active as im still kinda young xx but i totally get that possessive streak that youre referring too i am a very timid guy most of the time but like one or two months a year i can spend time with lots of girls and everything seems to click with them and they seem very open to my silly flirting and all i can even hang out and have sexual encounters with many different girls on a single week including old random friends but the remaining ten months of the year im just too lazy and shy to force things with girls so my sexual life becomes inactive again girls are weirdly cyclic and moody for these things and sex appeal can truly be animallike sometimes haha,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 because why not maybe i was just bullied too much as a kid but i dont see why people get too worked up over comments on the internet if i dont agree ill reply or not or ill make a joke because theyre getting so worked up or figure they wouldits just people and thats like their opinion man,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 no thats not at all like that thats someone inventing something and saying its safe and people using it and destroying the planet,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 theres always these posts about customers wanting you to open early but i went to a store this morning and had to wait 20mins before entering after their posted open time the employee didnt even show up till after i was there and took her time getting everything set before i was allowed in,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i saw that and i said well time to go short on youtube,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i dare to say that is not possible thanks to the client and netcode,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 rightclick on a flair gt inspect element youll find a link to the sheetthere are about three of them here is the one with your flair heres the one which contains the mod flairs the third one used that to decide which flair i wanted since its easier to see them all then the list on the sidebar,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 can you do a little reresearch and let us know what that setting is sounds handy as fuck,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 it is one thing to give the engine rules to operate by quite another to compose them in such a way as to achieve the goal for example in chess and go rules are simple but their combination very complex ai systems are always reacting to new unseen situations not merely replaying a few scripted responses the ai model is a synthesis of its training data that can generalize its application to new unseen data where conventional programming simply doesnt work or is too fragile you can also think about self driving cars they need to react to any situation on the road which might not fit exactly with any situation it has seen during its training thats what makes ai different ability to go from example to generalization,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 been there soooo been therehurts in the moment but in the long run at least then its a settled question on the flip side he might touch your boobs for a half century youll never know unless you ask d,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 how about you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 i think pa school is the smarter choice unless you have a specific reason to want to be a doctor and its worth it to you to work hard for a long time to pay off student loans,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 hm this is what id guess just from seeing them randomly at events and such but really hard bc dont know them personallybig 6mango exfphbox estx definitely extravertedm2k inxpppmd typemention kinda cop out bc he is just stereotype of psychologist lol really not surearmada havent really given this one too much thought but typemention seems plausibleleffen probably hardest to type most likely cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention axe and not sure if extravertintrovert typeotherwestballz isfpplup ixtps2j isxpaxe isfx,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 let me guess with that tree that took petrathat birch just couldnt handle competition,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 my actual chef knife a very flattering photo of it thoughits a grohmann made in pictou nova scotia a factory second cosmetic blemishes,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 rexplainlikeimfive rtodayilearned rleagueoflegends ranime rjapani am enneagram 5 i love to learn most of the time i just view all,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 there is the theory that my psu s running at max capacity,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 do not presume good sir ill have you know that my gentlemans cane has procured for this particular dandy a most clandestine dalliance in many a fair maidens surreptitious petticoats if the most kind and gracious sir must insist on casting further doubt upon my considerable dexterity avec les dames this gentle sir shall be left with no choice but to resolve this little kerfuffle of ours in the only way thats proper for two classy gents â a most dignified duel to the death but a word of warning out of sheer gentlemanly courtesy my adroitness as a swordsman is famed across this mortal coil and im not bad with a rapier either,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 as someone whos been disabled all his life what most people dont understand when they remark about how happy i am or disabled people in general is that i dont know anything different ive been disabled all my life ive dealt with the difficulties that has brought for better or worse but i am who i am im not happy despite my condition im happy because that is who i am and ive never known any different,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 oooh fascinating thats a pretty cool defense i guess its a good thing theyre not found all over the world,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 this should go for everything in life,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 what is so shitty about you most typemention feel the same for the record at least at points in their lives your boyfriend clearly admires your personality traits or he wouldnt be saying that you are smarter than himmy genius typemention husband thinks im smarter than him because i am a faster thinker i can take short cuts with nife supplemented by strong tert cogfuncmention so my conclusions are usually pretty sound and figure a lot of things out way faster than tine is capable of that is impressive to him youre also impressing your typemention figure out how youre doing it try to really let it sink in feel good about yourself for a while that seems to be what is missing in your relationship,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i didnt experience dysphoria until my early 20s there isnt really a set age,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 that cute coverup reminds me of the opening scene of this,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 okay i get it we have a standard for english you see examples of bad usage of english you concluded we have declining english proficiency correct fine no problem im sorry to bombard you with academic views from my field if you are talking about isolated examples you see nowadays and then judge it by whatever standards we were taught with it is on a decline unless you have stats im pretty sure english proficiency is increasing with gradual higher mean grades from psle o levels with last year having broken record for best o level scores ever in sg but cant find stats for english i concedewhat im trying to say is this you are case of juvenoia people like you existed way back as long as language standards existed i will sum up the video for you if you dont want to watch it the part i want you to watch starts from 946 he is addressing the dumbeddown use of language in texting among young people and people lamenting how language is declining then he goes on to show examples of people sayingtell me how has english turned out what about french what about every language in the world these people are all saying the exact same things you do yet we got on just fine you are using what people considered bad english in the past we are essentially all speaking broken english sometimes the language adapts sometimes we adapt thou was used for singular you you was used for plural you what happened this guy like you and like many people in his time said this do we still use thou now im saying you cant be a judge sometimes about whats right and wrong you never know how it turns outwhat i was talking about was this the very fact that you saying english is in decline is fallacious erroneous unjustified what i was lecturing about the alleged irrelevant linguistics knowledge is all about this but still you will rattle on about how is there not a decline in english language based on what youve seen or readbut seriously did you bother to google that yourself i read the first 50 and most agree with me multiple articles are a satirical parodies of you also i think this one from the telegraph is particularly interesting that considers both our perspectivesyou saidi did i do understand your perspective but the truth is so much more convoluted than what you thought you think correct english is simple and i know what you mean but what ive been trying to say is that its notedit formatting,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 i dont follow are you thinking that thats what i was saying because i wasnt implying anything,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 well hello how are things out there in left field,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 it better not be straight upbovada is the book takes americans due to a legal loophole since theyre based in a canadian reservation,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 server location setup and players average ping also play a role in it just because it says 128 instead of 64 doesnt mean youll magically hit more in turn 64 doesnt mean it has to be badsometimes i miss shots where i could swear that i hit the enemy but looking at the demo shows me that i didnt stop properly at times or shot 1 mm over their shoulder just bad luck if that happens i mostly switch to rifle,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 im just surprised beirut isnt a picture of a red cup,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i wonder if that pipe has been cleaned since may of 1989,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 i was gonna go but had to work being in the cincy area this is basically my only chance at seeing a tour event,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 well if texecution and svision then nolan is definitely executing objectively and envisioning subjectivelycogfuncmentionwhen i say the dramatic structure i mean the dramatic structure like the one you learn in film class when nolan is doing that he gets praised as a genius but the few times he deviates he tends to fail the final act of the dark knight for example the same with technique inception is a master class in film editing when he deviates from the use of classic film technique he usually gets criticized the action sequences in batman beginscogfuncmentioncogfuncmentionunlike someone like stanley kubrick nolans films dont necessarily have a great sense of space the sets dont really matter much in nolans movie but how the sets are shown is very important nolan made one of the greatest action scenes of all time but it just took place in a hotel roomhallway what made it so great was how he let us experience the action and the scene the hotel fight in inception with jgloutside of interpreting his filmmaking look at the man himself have you ever seen an typemention who is so prim and proper cogfuncmentiondom ixtjs are usually not from what ive seenheard directors are usually pretty good leaders most of the people who work with them have nothing but nice things to say which is the case for nolan as opposed to an typemention like kubrick who was a bit of an asshole and everyone knew it even extjs who are assholes usually get a lot of respect because their assholeism has a point and is usually very controlled while typemention often become assholes just because they are losing their coolif we did a metaphor for extjs and ixtps id say that extjshal and ixtpsultron nolan is pretty clearly a hali guess i just dont see anything that points to cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention for nolan,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 it works i could post up a video later to confirm if you want,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 no my argument is the right to keep and bare firearms is an inalienable right here in this country its not going away and limiting peoples ability to exorcise that right places us all in dangerand cops are great if you need a report taken or a crime investigated they arent usually there when you need a crime in progress stopped most cops endorse people owning guns for protection excluding managementthe supreme court ruled the police have no duty to protect people and further they are not liable if they simply choose not to protect people are parts of this country where police dont routinely respond to 911 callswhen seconds count police are minutes awayand were the good guys the people who obey the law,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 your eyes in that picture areufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffd,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 thank you ill add it to the list,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 tauri will have a good experience overall so unless you know exactly what you like like a particular niche like pvp or you only want to raid vanilla raidsand not level or do quests etc i would try thereif you just want to play the game and have fun its a solid choice,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it says in the report vision assistanceif a person gets 20 kills through smokes and traces people through them ill vote guilty same with alt tabbing in front of a smoke which is obviouswell see if the day comesokay what it says is external software to gain information about the location of their opponents eg vision through walls or smokeso since i dont know what caused him to watch through smokes i am free to tick that box as he could abuse the bug or be cheating or not knowing that he has itin 2 of 3 cases getting rid of him is a good thing the third case should be relatively easy to spotstands in the proximity of a smoke for 2 seconds and does nothing maybe,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 upload a jpg of this female performing a mating ritual with other female it will be highly pleasing to my malegnd file,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 as someone who just went over the process of writing an offer with my real estate agent this was not disclosed at all he may not have been aware either how do i go about renegotiating with the title companyi am putting an offer of 25k on a bare land,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 except thats not going to be a job itll be a gameive only seen half an episode of black mirror so im not sure exactly what youre talking about,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i dont remember all the details as this was a very long time ago but we did do everything right thanks for the fucking downvotes,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yes hugs are the best i could spend hours telling you that you are important to me and why at best you would be okay good to know and at worst why do you keep going on about that a hug does all that in under 10 seconds and without it being weird,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 welcome back honestly as a former mod on some other subs i personally do not give a shit whether you actually do anything being a mod sucks when theres a monthly post where some person wants to start an uprising because they want new flairs or something stupid,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 is that song saying i gotta fuck my daddy thats creepy,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thank you for sharing this while i get along well with my parents and spend a fair amount of time with them i feel you gave some insight into how my sister might feel she gives off a vibe that she tolerates us or that we are some sort of chore she has to cross off her list she says she loves us but her actions dont really convey it i dont think she likes us much we just try to be kind to her and let her do her own thing she had a good upbringing and so did i i feel like she is an acquaintance more than a sister the sad part is because of her distance emotionally i feel i cant trust her to take care of family business at least i know now before something significant occurs id ask her but she turns on the water works if i confront her about anythingso i havent for years let her be thoughts,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yeah im sure its used elsewhere i just wanted to give the right premises for your conclusion didnt know it was used as jargon in personal development coaching what do personal development coaches use to describe an actual opportunity if the word is used differently,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 your answer seems to imply that ive offended you i am not much one for shadow functions and am very much for arguing,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 manga spoilerss not meta enough i need a post complaining about these post which talk about tagged memes,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 xntj trying to gleam practical information that nobody will ever use,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 my dashcam doesnt make that sound although i have no desire to find out to confirm that xd,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 lolnope im not emotional its pointless speaking to you because you asked a question and then argued with me because you didnt like the answer youre not looking at this objectively and at this point youre just stating things that are incorrect peoples expressions arent pseudopsychology that is literally one of the dumbest things i have fucking heard,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i feel like we are underestimating villareal and were gonna lose this tie i really hope that the players get their shit together and make the performances of their lives at anfield,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i dunno its probably my phones fault ive been having problems with it,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 yeah its good that you do that every now and then but dont spam it itd ruin the joke,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 who is king curtis and why do we carealso whoever edited this video is just about as bad as people who park like an asshole and watch these kinds of shows in the first place,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i know you are but what am i,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 here comes the second part of the question how would you defeat everyone,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 so what happens now is you get into your car get yourself to whereever your parents are living park the car go to the house tell your kid to get into the car right now get back in the car and drive away your parents just lost the right to ever see your kid again while hes still underaged,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 he is in the overall i still feel like an idiot for not putting him in the republican one though,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 not like they were wrong though but alexis just loves scoring against uruguay,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 youre a very tense man peter whats your heart rate below 100 yet,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 if you are talking from an educational standpoint then i think really the best way is to speak to the kid in the language when theyre young i see a very funny phenomenon nowadays my cousin is by large a chinese speaker in my entire family we converse in chinese almost never in english however now he has 3 kids but he speaks to all of them in english so every time we have dinner well be talking in chinese and then he will turn to his kids and speak in english and then turn back and talk to me in chinese inside im just like why dont you just speak to them in chinese because frankly their chinese is horrendous the whole world is already speaking in english all the more the house should be the place where chinese is spoken if not home then where the 3 hours of chinese lesson per week in schoolit should really be the responsibility of the parents to immerse their children in a chinesespeaking environment especially from ages 05 this is the age when they will constantly be listening like a recorder just collecting information on the phonemes and tones of how the language is spoken you can even bombard the child with 5 languages they can just handle it they are made to learn language at that age one yearold is the oneword phase two yearsold is the twowords phase it makes sense to start as early as possible after 5 yearsold they begin to talk in long sentences and slowly stop receiving information from the outside as much so it will become harder and harder and after puberty language learning capabilities become even lowerfor your point on our nonnative standard of language there is no one to blame but ourselves if you define the british way as the golden standard then you would expect all of us to speak like the brits but obviously we dont because of geography history again exposure which is influenced by the above 2geography because we are so far away from our big brother the contact between the brits and us is dismally small especially in sgs formative years to have any impact on how we speak ithistory is the result of our culture history resulted in our culture all the malays indians and chinese coming here even with english as the common language we all speak it differently because of where we come from lah sial eventually this contact of diverse englishes come together to form our proud creole of singlish which exacerbates maybe our proficiency in english after all the coffee shop uncle need to know you want your roti prata three kosong bao all 4 languages right thereunlike now we have the access to the internet to youtube where we can hear the americans and british people speak so much so im pretty sure quite a handful of people can emulate a standard american or rp accent pretty well all we can do now is see how singapore languages go from here and what the government intends to do most likely nothing to aid the resurgence of mother tongue proficiency and can even hopefully bring back dialects like hokkien teochew and cantonese honestly banning them until now is ridiculous should have been lifted years agoso summary like most people down below said immersion and frequent usage is the best way schools cant help if the students dont even want to learn chinese they must start young,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 the thing is with grammar schools though is that although autonomy and decentralisation in schools often ends up with a better outcome theres simply a survivorship bias at play herethe only grammar schools left that werent replaced by comprehensives were the most successful ones in affluent areas so the local area fought hard to keep the grammar school that already far outperformed any other educational establishment in the national leagues including top public schools other grammar schools amp regular government schools,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 the only place hes leading the us is off a cliff,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 its very goodfor my karma that is,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i consider myself a feminist and i want to know what is redeem about hillary that makes her a good role model for women,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i think its both at least i have to understand whats going on in order to get the consistent results needed to build confidence its also not just a think for a bit then youre suddenly confident situation you think for a bit then go have an experience then think for a bit again etc etc until you are confident,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i dont know i personally am not a mutualist but i would assume you wouldnt be allowed to do something like that in a mutualist society,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 cash me outside how bout dat,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 even then id like statistics from this or last yearthose are far more relevant than you think for example the rise in criminality in europe the refugee crisis terrorist attacks etcalso what is wrong in judging the situation and safety for the future on current events just because x happened in 2014 doesnt mean x would happen also tomorrowand there are 9 months between conceiving a child and its birth since you cant predict the future for conflicts on the global scale just on statistics but more likely on current events i stand by my opinion that 19902001 was safer from the global situation for europe and the west than now,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this accepting btc expect another deposit real quick,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 and this would be the audible signal longer and louder,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 dont worry i giggle like a school girl whenever i see them too,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i win every time at mario kart,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 im 40 minutes in the podcast and as taubes said he doesnt deny the laws of thermodynamics his example of people who end up with a 50 lbs tumor make his point well surely to gain a 50 lbs tumor the person had to take more calories than he burned but that doesnt explain the tumor teenage girls accumulate more fat than boys while boys accumulate more muscle the understand the diference we have to look at hormones and whats notthere is no doubt that if someone want to lose weight he has to burn more calories than he eats its just that there is more things that are worth looking into for instance our body metabolism isnt always the same after going on a calories restriction diet once you start eating back to what should be a balance diet your body might store that energy by keeping your metabolism low so we have the details of how the body handle energy intake and stored energy and energy expenture,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 she probably does but nobody says anything about it,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i got typemention the first time i took that test as well lol,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 stop moving then or use a buyscript,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 omg gay people marrying everybody run were all going to die,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 you would think but thats not what is happening,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 rain helps pin seekers and bombers with high apex height makes sticking it close easier as for putting it depends on the golfers personal preference really it should be a little easier but its easier to have the ball die short on you,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 cogfuncmention bebe me too i have a lot of different restaurants but yeah people seem kind of disappointed when i order something different haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 just did the keys2cognition thing and got typemention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i think it will be bigger than the internet at least this video covers it well enough though more dystopian than what i think many societies will create,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 with power come people who abuse it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 not really but okay xd,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 right there in the article theres clearly a mistake there ive looked it up now and in the 199596 season united won so they cant be in the table for most days at no1 by a club who didnt win the title,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 with regard to what with mbti i think it comes into play with the initial tests and the initial little blurbs people read about their results most of them are generic enough for people to relate to if the test was at all accurate an typemention testing as an typemention or typemention or typemention will probably find a way to see themselves in the result for examplei think the biggest think that differentiates jungian typology from other personality systems is that there is a great deal of emphasis on determine your type through selfdiscovery youre not supposed to just take a test and accept the result users should be looking for differences between the types and comparing to themselves not looking for how to fit themselves to any particular oneif i instead use astrology im not supposed to read through all the descriptions and decide which one fits me nope i have no say in that im just supposed to accept that my birthday determines my personality and find ways to see myself in the appropriate descriptionits possible to use mbti this way but its hardly useful to do soi think that the emphasis or ability to compare and contrast how the different types work in various circumstances is a major strength of jungian typology do i react to stress by attempting to control the people around me or by trying to make the people around me happier typology isnt trying to tell you which is your answer you should figure out your answer to figure out an accurate type,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 taking griffiths actions as guidance talisa scrambled underneath the covers as well quickly shimmying beside him they had lied together like this countless times since before even their first kiss but she never ceased to enjoy that serene and cozy intimacy,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 in a nutshell the brain is a survival machine it is primarily concerned with adaptation to new situations and more concerned with avoiding pain than with seeking pleasure as such we are far more attuned to negative stimuli than positive our mood worldview etc are impacted for longer by the bad shit that happens to us than the good so if you get a new cool job that might make you happier for a few weeks or months but if you were fired from a worse job even if this objectively led to a better outcome thats going to have a negative impact on your mood for much longer this might go some of the way to explaining why many cogfuncmention doms are unsinkable were constantly experiencing new shit to counteract the negative experiences weve had so the overall balance of happiness is somewhat positive its when we slow down and stop feeding that cogfuncmention that we get in funks,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 that means shes super not awesome imo to each their own but someone staying with me for reasons like that is on the worst nightmare list not to mention what it makes me think of her character,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 go digitalget a cheap tablets and set it up to do thisbonus points if you go the extra mile and get it automatedrolled into the rest of your systemupfront cost might be a bit more but youll get some decent intangible benefits tooat least if that gets stolen you might call the cops over it and prevent further theft andor recover it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 not a big fan id go with something else lil less known maker or even just more historically accuratenot bad though not bad at all just not for me only reason i can look at it at all is that it is indeed a functional real sword and that the other blades werent too far off base either,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 was about to say hes very affordable i was expecting 13k on himgpp i guess its acceptable to fade spieth but you better pray he doesnt even try,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 because they are actually expecting to sell them to customers there are big fat margins on things like cookies they would only have to sell 2 or 3 cookies a day to make their money back for the ingredients it took to make the whole batch and maybe it also serves a decorative purpose aswell,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 wait you have school for two hours,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 everyone has that cousin whos a warriorsseahawksbluejays fan right now,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i had a psion revo and the thing was pretty impressive for its time the os was snappy allowed editing wellformatted word and excel documents never crashed once it wasnt called symbian os at the time but epoc32 your point still stand though the os didnt age well and was overly complicated to program and nokia shouldnt have tried to put it on a phone,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 in my eyes concept of my favorite anything doesnt really work for me its just words that humans use to communicate but psyche at least mine doesnt work like this why should i even have a favorite color do you disregard other colors by doing it that you only wanna see it and nothing else i dunno this concept of favorite anything was always really weird for me and it always confusing when ppl ask then im like ughm and have to lie something to keep conversation going ofc i say something i like but its not like super favorite over otherswhat i can say that i dont really like orange and saturated purple they are to aggressive for me i guess they scare me rather than comfort,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 they only cared if you received,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 omg omg omg omg omgi finished that one thing thats been hanging over my head for 12 months nowits going to get rejected and ill have to do it again but who cares i did it once and now i dont have to care anymoreps i cant wait for the april goals thingand all i had to sacrifice was my diet my exercise habits my budgeting my sleep schedule,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 if the big changes in v32 are character voices im going to be the one thats speechless im counting on this patch to kill the armor meta deep breath asset teams and gameplay teams are separate we can have both i hope,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i was explaining that an irrational hatred of loopholes communicates a diminished ability to understand how civics and law workhere ill simplify it even moreid explain why loopholes arent inherently bad but that comment clearly indicates you wont understand it anyway,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i guess my proof is the fact that i didnt experience anything before i was born i bet its gonna be a lot like that,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 im straight and like tits but it gets annoying after the 10th time reddit isnt a selfie site,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 nante carrots daikon radish and white turnips diced satisfying crunch and just enough wetness that youre not looking to get a drink to wash it downlooking to get a drink to wash it down,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 i wasnt suggesting you publically stream this i was suggesting you post the ip to an irc you host and close the irc after you get the ip with only you knowing that the irc even exists i think youre looking for something like this to run alongside the router,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 just put letters on each card that corresponds to their color i have to do that for the red and green cards they seem to have chosen the worst colors for their cardsthe green and red are of similar brightness and they chose a cyan instead of a blue another idea is to change to playing cards with jokers being wild and face cards being various cards like this,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i saw the best upretarded ever,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 oops i ran into the wall shit lol mb teambanned,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 there was one time i was hanging out with my best friend and we were both doing snapchat but it was all gaston fetish and spidget finners so,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 isnt chastising strangers on the internet also a bit arrogant,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 unlike the sun elves who largely moved to their homeland of evermeet and thus are fairly rare in the rest of the realms most moon elves decided against leaving the main land and began to mingle with the other races becoming a presence in most large cities on the sword coast such as baldurs gate neverwinter amp waterdeep as well as the north with cities like silverymoon having a large moon elf presence those that prefer the ancient homelands have but also forming their own communities were sun elves still linger such as the valley of evereska and the ancient homelands in the high forest,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 its how europeans eat this,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 blm riots funded by billionaires and manned by 60 white people ok now i have seen everything,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i usually wake up around 1230 in the morning and go from there so technically im a night owl,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 yes this is referring to hallways and sidewalks where theres only foot traffic,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 yeah i quite liked it i particularly remember the fantastic alliteration of sweatslick buttocks and the postcoital returning of halfforgotten senses â nicely described how very good sex can feel more like sensory obliteration than mere stimulation,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 understandable have a nice day,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 good of you to notice the actual imgur description,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what happens dont feel like fetching my computer,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 wtf she did with her hair she ruined herself plus this massive glasses,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 his cowboy hat is mine,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 well the thing is they dont need a ton of extra help theyre already decent and okay although they could do better theyre not doing bad and theres not a lot of time and resource to make everybody an a student,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 godwins obviously isnt a fallacy and is obviously just a jokey observation about online discourse phrased as a law,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i read this as lets take federal land ownership i really wondered what you were up to,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 just an fyi im using these clips for a montage so please give me content hue,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 theres a big chance of de gea and smalling being back but rojo wont start van gaal said it in his press conference,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 change your clcmdrate and rate to normal settings if you should have a better bandwith call your isp,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 we love that scott is going back to the belly putter,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the question is which questions were true and which were lies and i think its obvious what the middle one was lol,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 if you do this you could sticky a comment to the top only have suggestions and no discussions so we could vote on that like what happens in writing prompts for nonresponse discussionalso please number them so we can celebrate number anniversaries,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i credit reading the bible as the reason im now an atheist,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 once dreamed of a combination of bfmv venom and i think a soil or saliva song or maybe it was trapt headstrong i dont remember i have to check my dream journal,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 henrik stenson its your time to shine,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 this question was already asked 3 times today,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 just fucking accept it would essentially ruin the fact that people with different habits on playing wouldnt be able to play together unless it is on shitty unranked where you get matched with silverssomeone is pointing out well that would basically ruin playing competitive as friends and you say i dont care go play unrankedno fucking game does this and there is a reason for it just accept iti dont want to play unranked aka casual with competitive rules and i dont want to have to buy a new account to play competitive with friends what you are suggesting is destroying the core idea of the game and thus will never happenlowering people like me so you know me okay thenit wont help to reduce smurfers cheaters yes smurfers no it also would spawn more griefers because hey its unranked why do you care many people wouldnt like this changeyou want pointers for improvements ill give you some how would you deal with the high amount of griefers in unranked how would you ensure that people can play competitive together even though they dont have the same amount of wins or hours,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 3 is a good tip ill be trying and 10 is a goal i want to achieve,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 rotting meat isnt gonna just be riddled with disease that would infect humans might be gross but you just clean that crap up and put it out of town or whatever or burn it not really seeing the effectiveness here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 our snoo is different than standard its smiling only slightly,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i dont think so thoughalfa is independent again and wester was responsible for the a4 with audi some time beforethe first german magazines say the build quality is good and the interiour is a little bit worse than audis while being better than bmwsone should not be so pessimistic,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 lol well party in hell it is,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i mean i suppose but the issue here seems to be civility more than ableism,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 never most guys i have dated either already smoked had no problem with it or picked it up themselves,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 how is your performance im maintaining 80fps 1440p early game with dips into 60fps during mid and 45fps during late eras dx12 would be great but their cpu optimization on dx11 is decent and is using all 8 of my threads,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 oh i didnt see that thanks,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i played 30 vs 30 on holy see it was fun as shit,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 kiernan let out a snort against his chest better them than anyone else she suggested as they swayed with the music,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 they are loosing money on each atom processors they sell they might be dominating the highend market but they are still under pressure,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 to be honest read the situation know the culture of the area and know who youre perceived as for the most part its best to just stay away probably situation in hand you can know what to do,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 it took two shit paragraphs to even reach the description of music,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 yes using 3d touch to automatically request a hookup,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 there are really people who play this game for skinsif it is so important to you watch the demo and confirm it again then if you really want it go on the marketplace and buy it or write a ticket to the steam supportyou also dont rarely get an item you get around 48 drops per week,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think ufiredrops might be able to help you out with the haitian voodoo,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 yes but isnt treating others how they treat me democracy,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 post history does not check out,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 hard blocking this uv0ld guy or however you spell that name will already get you a far way with the comments,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 sorry next time well wipe the lipstick off,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 most of the programs are not a little scriptingyou people think it is so easy yet you have no idea how much work it isand yes i dislike people who bash vac without knowing what stands behind it,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 why dont we categorize this under troll,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i do like the sight of that guandao and i do have to admit that this isnt really my field of expertise first off i wasnt thinking of a rapier isayama hasnt really taken any weapons out of the real world except the rifles of the mps so my guess laid by a variant of the odm gear sword i know that that also isnt practical for cutting open the nape but isnt the nape the last thing you want to aim at during a shifter v shifter fight that would kill the shifter meaning you cant acquire its power for yourselfaside of that is it really that smart to bring a weapon on a wooden pole to a titan v titan fight if the opponents sheer strength isnt enough to break the pole on impact then i see their steam burning the pole after which they can pick up the head and use that as a weapon themselveswouldnt the most effective thing in a shifter v shifter fight be something medium sized that you can use to cut off your opponents limbs effectively disabling them after that happened some simple sc soldiers could simply capture the shifteri do see why those long weapons would be more effective as siege weapons though btw this is reddit you dont need to apologize for textwalls thats the whole purpose of this mediumedit just saw your edit seems like youre imagining a situation where both parties are armed and yes then those swords would be the worst i may not know much about melee weaponry but i do know that much i however was thinking of a situating in which only one of the two fighting sides has weapons,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 take your time mate we all know that you and the other mods are doing this for free if something you produce is a bit late then none of us have the right to complain we should be grateful that people are doing those kinds of things at all despite the struggles that everyone faces in live life sucks and everyone that demands of you to make your life suck more so theirs suck less has no right to speak i wish you the best of luck with whatever is bothering you atmalso we havent forgotten annie,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 my score40 infp19 enfp14 intp9 isfp8 typemention,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 because i was about to drive somewhere and was like oh yeah i wanted to make a post on rpoker so i hurried up and did that before i left,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ive had a ton of problems with relive in battlegrounds very low framerate recordings specifically,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 why do people keep talking about nerfing beads if anything we need another cc cleanse active to deal with the gettingridiculous amount of cc in the game,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 dragon knightwhen not in ult form all attacks are directed towards silencer even if he is not in the game breathe fire causes dragon knight to cough for a few seconds if he is not in dragon form this has no impact on gameplay,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 the hardest part about oll is the recognition find some aspects of a case that allow you to distinguish it from other oll cases that might have the same pattern on topas far as memorization goes find some oll cases that you notice you see regularly and learn those and then learn all the easy ones badmephistos oll page has explanations for almost every algorithm that can help with memorization,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 it depends when i slept normally my body naturally went to sleep i would go for a couple weeks taking unisom and get right off them and sleep like normal now i cant sleep without some kind of pill no matter what that didnt happen from taking pills too long though just on its own,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 this was an interesting post i like this side to star wars,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 alex took a sip of his gin chuckling softly as it were i found her i came to kings landing with a quill a few links of a maesters chains and more than one kind of hunger i guess it was luck that i happened to come while she was appointing justicesalex had been playing it safe for months in kings landing telling the same fraction of the story in a hundred different ways he wanted to have a real conversation and what about you marcus i dont know what the master of courts is supposed to do but i expect you do more yours was the third name i heard after stepping into kings landing,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i just wasnt trying to speak for or about sensors at all im really not a good person to judge that or maybe youre right and i am who really knowsalso i could typically flesh out all my comments much more i usually post something concise and expand on it if there are questions,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 thank you i read the book as well and while his views were definitely black and white i dont remember him saying a lot of the things he is accused of,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 im with an typemention and all your threw bullet points are also important to me in a relationship and is also what i get out of my relationship one thing that i think could be a major issue in typemention x typemention relationship is the degree of being grounded in the relationship im all over the place im dreaming and planning to go to the moon so to say and even before reaching the moon im already planning my next trip to mars my typemention loves me ambition but lacks such ambition himself he tags along with my dreams and plans instead and makes sure that even while dreaming and planning i dont lose track of whats right on front of me with two typemention i think the biggest hurdle would be alignment of future plans and goals i can imagine both typemention would drift apart rather quickly because they are so obsessed about their future dreams and plans they actually forget to invest a lot into the relationship in the right here and now and for a relationship to work it does need a lot of constant investment and also sacrifice in the present thats not something that can be planned for,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this is great information and it really helps me to understand how all this works model g is a necessary component on the energy side to the information side described in model a and b ive read a little more about model g and i still have to work out the details but the models and the theory make sense now,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 eren also pulled of annies moves in human form she taught them to himreigner not bertolt didnt know eren received that upgrade bottle and thought he learned it from scratchhe managed to crack the armor because he simply focused his own in one spot to make it thickerits highly implied that moving your titan body feels similar to moving your human body so him taking on annie was only impressive if you consider the opponent not if you look at how he movednone of your quick learning arguments hold upit is at best a feat of eren not of the attack titan,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 hahaha i missed the latter one yeah whatever the merits of the idea it is common wisdom that more jealous people are more likely to cheat haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dont know i feel like a fair bit of intuition extraverted really would be necessary if we are talking a guy wit is something that will get a guy far very easily being able to gauge the demeanor of the person quickly and adapt your behaviorchoice of words to win something from someone else in this case sexual interaction could easily be a tertiary cogfuncmention agenda cogfuncmention domaux users typically like stability so cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention would be much more likely to desire various conquests without any sort of settling down extraversion in my opinion is a given so actually i think extp would be the most likely,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 lol valentines day is comingthat heart shaped butt i love roger so much,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 available all days after 6 dedicated to any league that drafts me i have unusually good jukes for a contain defense playerraz 4 nltp ateam,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 haha i dont know that that is actually true btw just in case,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 had better chances in general though id say its pretty good tactics to limit the second best team in the world to a few poor chances whilst having multiple good chances yourself,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 what are you fucking straight,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i basically told my friends i met a female meanyway i feel like asking this because ive never had a girlfriend before how well do 2 typemention fare in a relationship do you have any idea,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 lets define the 8th function first the two most popular definitions are socionics role function and beebes demonicdevilish function youll find out soon that both are as equally true as the otherbasically for most people ideally would be to not use neither the inferior aka what society expects of you and its annoying you but unfortunately you kind of have to do it or the role aka basically cheating the inferior and taking the short route to it and in their natural habitat they would love to have both of them off but most of the times they will resort to the short route aka the role because people are lazy now some people call it the demonicdevilish function saying its a function that is rooted deep in the unconscious and is destructive of ourselves and others there lays our biggest fears and insecurities and that its one of the most negative functions what is the true answer let me explain we never have full access to our 8th function it is very conscious but not as conscious as the dominant and auxiliary when we use it you dont use 100 of it like you do with your dominant an typemention using cogfuncmention wouldnt be exactly like an typemention because they only use like 75 of cogfuncmention this was a quite random number take it for granted why because after all its the short route to our problems so we only use the necessary minimum of it as minimal as possible until the user gets out of the problem that is challenging their inferior an typementiontypemention meeting new people will only check their own personal values role cogfuncmention of the situation they are in and pretty much the most basic valuescogfuncmention an typementiontypemention using his role cogfuncmention would only focus on how the environment around them is affecting themselves cogfuncmention on the present moment cogfuncmention and not focus much about how it was in the past etcnow because we only use about x of our function the rest of it i believe goes to the unconscious part 75 for example is the conscious minimal part that we use to get out of the bad situation were in while the rest of 25 is how the situation actually bothered us as i explained before why it is repressed in the unconscious i dont have time to use all of the function using as minimal as possible where all of our deep hidden insecurities and terrors of life stay hidden thats why some people call it devilish or demonicdaemonic and they say that is the most unconscious function an inxj cogfuncmention dominant usually focuses on the future and if using cogfuncmention they will focus on how the present situation affects them sensorically hunger pain thirst etc and not on the past the past sensorical experiances are rooted deep in the unconscious and they will be negative because we are enagaging in our 8th function usually when we are in a negative situation when our inferior function is challangedsome schools of thought put a big accent on this function urging everyone to try to develop their role function as much as possible but i personally believe itâ s not the best thing you can do honestly i think you shouldnt focus on developing any of the four shadow funcitons because by using a shadow function you have to cancel one of the functions from your main stack so it will be very limiting and losing your freedom that is an argument although it is not the main reason i dont agree with developing your 8th function other than it cancels your dominant so you have to choose between one of them the 8th function is basically something you use when your inferior is challenged the ideal of a young typemention who has weak cogfuncmention would be to have no values at all but when he finds himself in a place where he has to use some values he will turn to cogfuncmention my ideal situation would be to have no values at all but if i have to i will choose personal ones since i suck at knowing objective ones it is good to have a decent development of your role8th function at earlier ages but it all has to stop somewhere because what you truly need to develop to balance your dominant is your inferior your role doesnt balance anything it actually cancels your dominant which limits a ton of your freedom imagine riding a bike being your inferior and role functions using training wheels would be using your role function while riding without training wheels is using your inferior a young person might not want to ride a bike at all metaphorically speaking but if he had to he would use training wheels 8th function it would be good for him to have a decent skill of riding with training wheels but at a point in his life he has to learn riding without them using his inferior4th function like i said before using the 8th function is only the short route and it also hides deep fears and insecurities deep in our unconscious the longer we use it which is not something very goodâ we also have to remember that all the traumatic experiences that would have happened if we used the inferior were repressed into the unconscious mind by using the 8th function in my opinion using the role function is exactly like running away from your fears in circles you have to face your fears at one point using your inferior functionin conclusion developing your role8thdemonic function is alright especially at a young age because your inferior will be very weak at early ages but focus on your inferior your inferior function is the one that balances your dominant function thus bringing psychological wholeness i repeat this was personal opinion and different schools of taught say different things socionics urges everyone to develop their role function mbti theory doesnâ t even agree with the shadow functions doing anything they think that theyâ re almost inexistent jung doesnâ t even focus on the functions in conclusion1 you have to cancel your dominant2 you have to disharmony your inferior 3 you kind of suck at it anyway compared to your dominant or other shit 4 its basically cheating in a way5 its the most negative way and when the devilish part catches up to you its the worst thing you can ever imagine for example take eminem as typemention all the time he spills harsh objective truths theyre negative or me as an typemention the only time i think im typemention or i act very feelyish and i can consider myself overly emotional is with negative emotions only in darker times i consider myself extremely emotional but when i am healthy and balanced i dont consider myself that emotional or an typemention they always have this cynical view of the past and as focused as they are on the future the past is always something that is up to catch them in a way they dont admit they regret it but their true demons lie in the decisions they made in the past think of sasuke from naruto he just cant let go of his past as much as he tries to ignore it inxjs can only point the negative decisions made in the past of themselves or of everyone while holding a both good and bad vision of the future examples can continue so youre fucked if you play with your role function too much i think the phrase dont play with the fire is best here the only positive thing it gives us is using it as escape for the inferior so we dont get into inferior grips thats all use it to not get into grips otherwise focus on your inferior,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 tax machine ufffdufffdufe0froke we got compound interest though,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i think it is common to both cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention to relate things directly to the big picture in this case relating the reservoir to life planning and the society as a wholethe main difference should be that cogfuncmention is expansive and curious cogfuncmention is compounding and searching for symbolism for me given a similar start point i would go from sink to howard hughes washing his hands to planes to chlorate explosives see what i mean by expansion after that comes cogfuncmentioncogfuncmentioncogfuncmention in your example you follow a more direct train of though considering the big picture significance of each idea,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 aha so just because there is no written rule it is okay to do it then just shows how far your understanding of fairplay goeshow old are you if i may askthey have you fix and you are done for which they decided after one year and reviewing the caseslike who,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 lol krieger belongs to one of these,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 litany against brian herberti must not fear brian herbertbrian herbert is the mindkillerbrian herbert is the littledeath that brings total obliterationi will face my fear of brian herberti will permit brian herbert to pass over me and through meand when brian herbert has gone past i will turn the inner eye to see his pathwhere brian herbert has gone there will be nothingonly frank herbert will remain,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 after 1 month it is gone but you get it back after one win,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i do currently live in one comedians regularly make fun of that shit not only that people pay them to do it while i dont think you are right that everyone thinks the same as you its a valid opinion to have yourself and i want to clarify that im not saying your opinions are invalid my argument is just that not even close to everyone shares the same opinions as you so while you might think that is the case that definitely doesnt make it law or even truth its simply your emotional reactions to the words which is always valid most people in the usa shit in a manner that is not the way their bodies have been designed too your appeals to authority and the masses hold no credence have you thought that perhaps you might be an typemention,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 it works as far as ive tested any cell within a given column column a in this case that starts with the numbers 51289 will get a zero prepended to it,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 okay this has been educational i was not aware of the mathematical structure behind the renin dichotomies i stand by my assertion that if you were to test someone on those 15 that they would be very unlikely to come out as one of the types while i was not aware of the structure behind it my own reading of the descriptions of the dichotomies seemed to suggest that they were independent traits i perhaps fail to see why an st or nf would be aristocratic while an nt or sf is democraticill grant you that im probably wrong about or misunderstanding the renin dichotomies its perhaps moot anyway since youre telling me this isnt a core part of the community but this actually illustrates my initial problem with socionics altogether look at the algebra that has been constructed around something as vague and nebulously defined as human personality do they really think that they could impose such a mathematical order on something whose actual internals are not understood at alllet me remind you that we have no concept of the fundamental units of personality cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention etc are abstract categories and labels for sets of habits by which people think and perceive the world there is no reason to expect that they interact in any particular way i stand by my assertion that socionics overspecifies the dynamics of personality to the point of being completely exclusionary of human varietythe periodic table works because its structure is directly related to the structure of the highest energy orbitals of each elements atoms thats what allows it to be very predictive it may have started out empirically but eventually the reason for its structure was discovered by contrast im sure that you will not find discrete analogues to the cognitive functions as we dig deeper into human psychology they are not elementary or even composites of elementary parts and so any prescription of what roles they play is bound to fail the periodic table gets things right to a first order approximation socionics probably not even thatsocionicists sp seem to be afraid of the ambiguity inherent in discussing and categorizing personality into a small number of boxes they want things to be concrete calculable and welldefined when theyre not even working with properly fundamental pieces where socionics deviates from mbti is its desire to make things incredibly constrained and overdetermined is socionics fun to play with absolutely i love getting my hands dirty with theory as much as the next guy here thats why i play around with certain inapplicable abstract math systems as well but i dont pretend for a second that it describes reality its a fun rpg character creation system to me at least mbti recognizes to a large extent what its descriptive limitations are,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 yeah its too fast but thats what happens when theres only 1hr minus commercials to wrap up everything in gravity falls,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 ive never really understood the whole exotic as a compliment thingevery time someone has said it to me it feels like theyre talking about a zoo animal i mean i know theyre being nice but the way it sounds is just odd,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 overall looking back at your relationship of the past 10 years would you say it is a good happy relationship i have a sort of general rule for myself when it comes to relationship troubles relationships will always have ups and downs but if the down is most dominant for about the last 10 of the total length of your relationship in your case the last year or so you should strongly reconsider your relationship if not for example in the case of down periods that are generally short but may pop up often i think you owe it to yourself and your partner to try and work on your relationshipif thats the case you need to talk to your wife and tell her that you are at the brink of calling it quits but that you want to work on your relationship and that this will mean two things 1 the marriage is from that moment onwards closed again and she needs to stop seeing lee period2 the two of you go to marriage counseling starting as soon as possible,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ah nice that takes me back old phrack magazine with the best most amazing way to hack everything ever still used today,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 your inner self has already embraced the truth,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 sounds like waldorfschuleuaraly74 is right both of your options have their pros and cons what he suggested is the most reasonable thing to do imo i loathe german gymnasium it is just about how well you can remember and recite the things your teachers said boring af glad i survived it,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 right if thats what you want or you could face the gorgons suffer brutal rejection descend into psychological for a time or two maybe fall in love get your heart ripped to shreds suffer through some shitbut gradually acquire competence in interacting with women learn how to spot hoes and then figure out what a good woman is actually like and then youll know 1 what you want in a woman 2 how you need to act to attract her and 3 what to do when you find heragain its your life if you have no interest in women go with god count your blessings and enjoy all of the money ammos cheap and if hunting shooting sports and bushcraft is all you need to be happy by gum youll live overjoyed and die with millions in the bankbut if youre avoiding it because you might get bloodied up youll be uneasy and you wont shake the feeling until you at least give it the old college try,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 they sound amazing do you have a link to the recipe,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 someone needs to tell her that there are more efficient ways to shift then scratching your eyes out,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 someone needs to tell her that there are more efficient ways to shift then scratching your eyes out,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im typemention not sure if i have flair in here it would be easier to advise with a general idea of what you said and how she reacted im used to people spilling their guts to me right away like youre describing it wouldnt usually freak me out,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i wouldnt say it means nothing but it certainly doesnt mean marriage implicitly i am like that with anyone i would put my dick in,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 whether you believe in it or not is meaningless it exists and its used daily it also happens to serve a strong purpose in the modern world,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 sadly ive never had either i should try some brussel sprouts sometimei did go and buy prune juice not too long ago it wasnt bad but not really my thing,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 7th grade that is when kids start taking all the drugs and sex anything with a hole in it,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 im more of an operation ivy guy myself,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 consider that america won a war of independence from a nation that had a ruler for life for better or worse this weighed heavily on the hearts and minds of the men who took the lives of themselves their friends and families and the lives of their fellow colonists into their hands in open rebellion against the king in the process of setting up this great experiment of democracyin 1807 thomas jefferson wrote if some termination to the services of the chief magistrate be not fixed by the constitution or supplied by practice his office nominally four years will in fact become for lifeadd to this the peculiarities of the us electoral college system where a candidate may win the popular vote but still lose the electoral college as has happened and a latent american belief that periodic change is a good way to prevent the worst excesses of any individual or party and there you have itnow if only we could get congress to limit their own terms because thats where the real power is,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 but not all bad guys stay bad and should die,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 a civilization where that has to happen every few years is not a good civilization,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 haha honestly i feel like my type fluctuates a bit depending on the day but typemention speaks to me the most but i hang out here and at a few other close mbti subs because i can still relate sometimes,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thanks for your quick response i think youre right on all counts,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 in that case what determines hierarchy for chinese students for example im quite a young ta maybe just 1 or 2 years older than most of my students would that matter in terms of being authoritativeits funny how different this is within stem we are incredibly laid back and nonhierarchical for example a conversation with a prof lets call him prof dr john stuart when i enter a lecture could easily go like this and no one would bat an eye hi john hi avacyn you look tired late night yesterday yeah the study association had a party last night it was great fun but i might not have prepared for class today and the prof would just laugh it off and not care,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ive read your entire post and i see what point youre trying to makebut i disagree with multiple of your pointslets start with your argument that rba never questioned their actions may i ask why you think they didnt what if they did question their actions and came to the conclusion that they had to finish the mission no matter what because its simply both rationally and morally the only valid course of actionyes theyve hurt people yes theyve killed people theyve butchered thousands and watched them burn theyve separated families theyve crippled children theyve ruined a nation theyve committed every horror known to man aside of rapebut you know whati would have done the same even now that i know the people in walldia their history their hopes their dreams and their legacyid still do the sameyes what they did was horrible if you look at it from the point of view how its represented to us but the numbers dont lie as far as they know the thread from walldia to release the wall titans and crush the world was real and to be honest we have no confirmation that it isntthe lives of the people of the wallscompared to the lives of the rest of the planeta few millionagainst a few billionyes i give it to you eren also carries the burden of his world on his shoulder my criticism however comes from the way both parties handle the trauma that their responsibility brings with themrba hate what theyve done to the world all of them have ptsd reigner has a split personality and annie cries any moment she can find for herselfthey dont allow their personal pain to harm their mission thougheren however does eren does that knowinglyive talked about the bit in trees before and its still the best example there is he reminds himself that for the sake of what he thinks is all of humanity he needs to ignore his emotions there he however decides that his own emotions are more importantyes hes just human and yes his life is tragic but that can not be an excuse to do whatever he wants in the situation hes in all the world that he knows off counts on him and he throws their hopes in the wind like theyre his old clothes he chooses to let his emotions overrule his reasoning and logic he lets his feelings dictate his actionsreigner bertolt and annie on the other hand have completely let loose of their own needs feelings and dreams they dont let their heart judge their actions but their heads they do whats logical whats best for the world and the people who count on them instead of whats best for themselvestheyre honorable reliable people whove been trusted with the faith of their world they decided to carry that burden to the enderen on the other hand just does what best for himself and his feelings when hes put in the same positionhe listens to feelings instead of reasonand thats why i hate him so much,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i agree but a guy crying tends to be out of the ordinaryi should have worded the original comment differently,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 because it is a bo1 for the team from the lower bracket there is a reason why tournaments with double elimination give the one map advantage for the final only in bo5 matches having one match advantage in a bo3 final is as good as a bo1 for the team from the lower bracketyou understand that dont you,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 a little late to this but1 98 koshein sumotori pokemon stadium 2,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 gave up on what exactly,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ignorance blissknowledge painchoose painno thankswhy wouldnt we prefer to live int he dark in bliss what is the purpose of pursuing knowledge if not to alleviate pain ignorance maybe bliss but it can be more painful than knowledge ignorance will produce the pain of failure without the compensatory why with knowledge you may still fail but you can hopefully learn why you failed and that mitigates the pain,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 go and apply at valve then make a difference,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 like that time that anon killed a girl,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 this doesnt surprise me at all id be surprised if many people here have had it or heard of it so stinky,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im black and i also dislike the thuggish behavior pop culture encourages black people to be this isnt really an unpopular opinion though,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 true doesnt help that im asian,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 mouse is analog and buttons on mouse and a few keys are just as easy to pressthough i wont argue too much things like fighting games combos are much easier to do obviously when they involve so many presses and directions etc surebut controls like dark souls nahand besides thats the main reason people have so many complaints about ports design decisions that only think about the consolecontroller version with no consideration for what it means to play on pcthere are ways around it with a better design theyre just being cheaplazyunskilledlike hearing it has got nothing to do with it i understand the realities of it all i still hope for better and being able to play all games no matter the platform,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 less than i thought about 47,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 haha yeah im usually first in line when it comes to that i hold both an idealized version of love that i strive for but know ill not achieve and also a very realistic view of relationships that isnt always very attractive or flattering stuck between the two makes neither seem that interesting or viable my friends think im impossible haha,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 holy shit is that natdorm and jlaw kissing,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 dont bother she a fatty,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thats incredibly obvious to any nonsimpleton,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 will you make a post on that too,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 he comes across as an typemention in interviews hes probably an typemention or an oldermature typemention,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 redeveloping that entire area would be an amazing boost to the region i just cant imagine how it would be able to pay itself off though destroying whats already there and rebuilding so much seems like a gargantuan task if they expect to do it all in one go now if they can make the transition from what it currently is to what they intend it to be in stages then perhaps but the current building plan and the projected plans dont match up at all to ever make a gradual transition feasible,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 haha awesome i could but i dont feel like enough people would use it yelp is kind of like that i actually have a couple of places where i look into the window to see if a shitty bartender is working and wont go in if heshe is some servers are just goddamn unpleasant to be around,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 my best resolution is 3840x2160 how many mph and kmh is thati know it feels pretty fast in gta v but there isnt a speedo when im racing so i have no idea,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the track is a hidden one of course,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 maybe the answer book from the chinese room has it all figured out all reactions to all possible inputs assume it is infinitely large that just moves the problem one step away how was that book created was it by using embodiment as source of learning and intelligent behavior isnt it strange then to compare a static room to a moving acting human agent when the book relies on that kind of agent for its smarts,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 yeah like i said i dont do much for the past year ive been trying to fix myself and seek help and think about things but the more i think the less i realize i know or have things figured outi did manage to lose 70lbs though 220gt140 over a year so thats a plus and kicked my alcoholism myself so i am making positive changes it just doesnt seem enoughi thought about volunteeringbut directing my energy towards others when i cant sort myself out first doesnt seem like a good plan and i dont like people that much ive been trying to reduce all stress in my life because i was shut down from it i couldnt even think im not sure exposure therapy like you suggest would work i have 39 years of exposure to peopleanyway thanks for the well wishes and all that im dont expect answers or sympathy here but just wanted to share my similar experiences with a few internet strangers,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 reallyi enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than s3e2 of s3e3 dont get me wrong they werent bad but they were just meh by this shows standards which is very high in my opinion,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 how can a man sleep with a harem full of typemention once they get you alone they talk all night p,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 funny how cheaters seem to be in every nova game did you watch at keast the demos of your matches,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i hear she likes thick manifestos,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 damn he was solid at schalke and that image stood with me xx,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 its a trade of a million against a billion its like killing one person to save a thousand it might be harsh but its the rational choiceno she didnt that was revealed in chapter 50 and she was sealed up far before that they just tried to capture eren for the huge advantage that another shifter formedbut yea i think shell change sides when she hears that eren has the coã rdinate shes not as strong as reigner and berthold and can be easier manipulatednot cool indeed the correct term is hilarious,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yeah not to mention the whole ssi system is hard as fuck to navigate for most of the people who need it to be blunt lots of the poor population are a uneducatedunder educated b mentallyphysically handicapped and unable to work or c homeless and without transport plus possibly a and b if these people dont have an advocate or someone who can help them it can be damn near impossible so on top of being poor the actual process of applying for ssi becomes a nightmare and on top of that it can take months to sometimes years to get anything,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 says the man who has ten times as much karma than me in only three times the time,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 honestly i think a lot of people use them as filler to replace um like and awkward pauses it helps with flowother people may use them as exaggerations or as an attempt to sound smarter or less robotic,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 lol i do its a comedic memoir i stalled on it not enough life experiences yet i finally have a sustainable model for writing itim also writing a tv sitcom and i write stand up unfortunately writing sitcoms is tedious the scripts omg but bits are pretty easy,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 is your amazon the same as mine where theyll literally hire any asshole i think thats the problem 90 of the time a lot of real knuckle draggers are in charge of things but they hire anyone because the turnover rate is insane,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 team france shox and kenny play together there,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 fuck me for having hobbies right how about you mr too cool for school,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 you wont get an automatic fine if they notice you havent submitted completed it and if they then decide to issue you with an official directive youll have to comply or be fined im banking on there being so many people failing to submit or leaving their names off that it wont be worth their while to chase everyone up,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 atleast i didnt have to make my own team to get an ateam spot like penglose,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 fyi there are people shadow banned in this thread 4 total comments including this one only 2 are being shown,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 yep it did here is the stream,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i can finally suck my own dick if i cut it offwhilst shaking hands with the newly regrown one,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 do you think he meant modern or ancient greeks someone published his 100 favourite books and the iliad was among them and the album sleeve of the tin machine contained pictures of those kouros male nude sculptures plus he was a pretty intellectual guy all round so he may have been a bit of a philhellene,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 soon talisa confirmed with a nod eyes wide with excitement and nervousness the proud girl was of course not afraid that she would mess up in any way but the thought of saying her vows and kissing griffith in front of so many people including strangers was nervewracking,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 looking forward to the update amp thanks for the compilation this game is spread out over so many books with so many important rules bits fluff tech it can be really difficult to find everything you need in one place i mean what would we do without ffg star wars index and other sites amp compilations like this one,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 just was going through this kind of shit she suddenly got super busy with school and seemed to not like me as much but i cant worry about it anymore i was holding on too tight for a few days but changed up i remember she was doing the same thing a few months ago was driving me away really but she changed up as well guess were all a little messy sometimes,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 not a knockoff old model,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 actually nicotine is more addictive than heroin heroin is more harmful but in terms of addiction nicotine is the worst we know of,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 whats happening to college in the us i keep hearing those stories,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 the rohingya are only in the region since wwii they come from bangladesh when you read their story of the region you get an idea of the divide in this conflict notably when the british armed the rohingya in 1942 they turned against the buddhists instead of fighting the japanese 20000 villagers were killed beside that for the last 50 years they had a violent separatist movement and went to train in afganhistan,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 this is quite misleading hes not saying that you learn things in this life get reincarnated and remember them in the nextyou have to understand platos epistemology for him true knowledge was knowledge of eternal perfect unchanging forms â because if something is changing all the time what can you know about it the forms are not in time or space or the material world and they are where knowledge is located so when a person is born into the imperfect nonform world they forget true knowledge and only relearn it by becoming philosophicallyinclined because the forms are intelligible to the intellect,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i guess ill break the mold and say yes i do not now or any time soon but yes as for parenting style i think about this pretty often i know i wont be super strict like my narcissist parents were to me i wont go into extensive detail about that but i think that since im already imagining future scenarios and how i would handle them that i would be a pretty decent parent,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the us has a far bigger problem that maternity and paternity leave the problem is leave and vacation in general every time this topic comes up anywhere it quickly derails into feelings of jealously why should someone get extra leave just for popping out a child why cant i get leave for caring for my sick mother it is honestly ridiculous that the us does not have any statutory leave this has nothing to do with egalitarianism and everything to do with simply social minimum welfare one can expect from a developed country thats the true issue that being said i found the article to be rather weak the points stated have nothing to do with how hard paternity leave is frankly the points he made are simply called parenting and youll be doing it for another 20 years just like humankind has been doing for many many millions of years already in todays world having children is a lifestyle choice not a necessity yes parenting is hard thats a given and was to be expected no need for the martyrdom,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 is moving to brisbane optional you may be better off staying in singapore doing the baccalaureate and being admitted to an australian university on that basis,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 yeah basically if people dont respect me why should i respect them only cause theyre adults,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 bothif the person is sorry and willing to improve help themif they are cruel or callous and unwilling to stop teach them a lesson they wont soon forgetgoodshepherd darkshepherd,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 jesus christ port stay on regrab who do you think i am kappa,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 hey this is like how i found my pet snake on the kitchen counter hes got no arms or legs theres no ladders or poles leading up there i have no clue what he could have used for leverage to get up there but its nice to know he can get around if he wants to,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 admittedly it was just agni going 21 with a 430 kda then ramas 01100,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 sumifsa1a999b1b999gtamp1b1b999ltamp20countifsb1b999gtamp1b1b999ltamp20think that should work for you,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 depends on how you sort the comments i guessi personally dont see how changing the number of points neded for a rank is changing the systemif you say they changed the system then as a person who is writing code it means another algorithm and different rating for me which has not happenednot to mention that the people here on reddit would understand it in the end it is wasted time to try and explain it to people here,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 sigh im still angry so why bother doing this,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i mean yes politically its abysmal but economically its not as relevant there are a lot of reasons gdp growth was at its peak throughout the shah regime the largest of which being a stable oil trade with the usbritain which was in many ways exploitative nevertheless your point was that this led to decades of economic losses where it did notregarding the rest im aware but youve massively inflated my original post into some absurd imperialist propaganda piecei claimed that the net direct and uniquely attributable impact of major us military action has been good from a humanitarian perspective this is just factually correcti never claimed that these actions have somehow caused a decrease in world violence nor that the us undertakes major military action for the purposes of humanitarian intervention i feel like this is clear because the former is obviously idiotic and the latter is explicitly statedso i dont know where youre getting the idea im making those argumentsthe imperialism of the us has done more harm than good thats generally probably true and definitively true if you only consider direct effects but it does not entail that us military intervention has done more harm than good i was really only referring to modern interventions but i mean even if you weigh up the vietnam war and everything prior youre still looking at the benefits of the korean war outweighing every harm by an order of magnitudei completely disagree from a humanitarian perspective you disregard the politicalethical motivations of parties and instead evaluate them on your own terms why would you discount the good something does because doing good was not the objective and vice versa would you discount evil unintentionally committed in the name of doing good certainly you can judge the agents performing those actions but thats not at all what i was attempting to do,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 the truth is nothing so hurtful its untreatable only once a girl said to me you are just like your dad she knew i would never want to be considered this way but that was years ago and the only time a girlfriend hurt me like that this current one was going through some real problems with her ex and school and studying and felt like a huge failure for about a week last weektwo weeks ago so she said shed regretted saying she loved me but also regretted doing this and that and that and this so it didnt hurt only because i knew she was extremely stressed really i mean it didnt feel good but it didnt hurt and in your case that sounds hurtful honestly i mean i think she shouldnt have been mad and cold shouldered you for that but maybe you should have told her i mean still though thats the past,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 haha i live to feed people,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 oh that would be great wasnt exactly cheap,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 shields eyes cover thyself woman you are fanning the flames of lust,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i dunno i tend not to pay too much attention to the enneatypes i like to ask people to pick their instinctual variant though and she says shes an sxso i would have pegged her more as an spso oh that and she would vomit all over enneagram the first hint of mystical woo woo and she would slap me,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 humans are less dense than water yet can still sink if they dont lay flatits really a matter of whether they can find a part of the ocean from walldia to marley that is less than 60 meters deep if the mass of the part of them above the surface can counter the difference in density with the water below them and their feet they might be able to walk through itthis is however in the ocean unlikely and swimming is a more likely option its however not completely impossible,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 did you read the article you are late to the party,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 you didnt seem to be its kind of my goto mention for these sorts of threads haha there are far too many discussions about my typemention ex who only talked about sports loved washing his car and always needed to be doing something hahaha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i really like listening to luxury problems by andy stott,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 sadly enough none of the new mods are members of the cult,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i agree with you i posted that right when i was waking upi just prefer to get my news elsewhere i really identified with them at the start and feel really betrayed by the changes as such i always vote my my feet,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 and yet you still loose kd means shit what is important is that you win the games,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yup i think toefl and the like are all reading based as well which is what we use for admissionsi think this all the reactions to my post have motivated me to speed up learning some more mandarin i passed hsk1 some time ago planning to pass hsk2 some time after summer and hope to pass hsk3 next summer or so what you said about comprehension did make me think of something i understand quite a few european languages reasonably well and often if a student gets stressed or frustrated and i understand their native language i just ask them to explain in to me in their own language ill reply in english mostly depending on the language but it does help those students get their point across and often makes them feel a lot betterit might help the chinese students as well if theyd be able to speak in their own language considering what you said about being stressed out because of the foreign environment and everything else thats going on,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 g2bad cuz they lost to vp on vps strongest maps kseriously believe what you want even if it will not happen,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i lean more into typemention and people seem to agree since everyone seems to think im a mistyped cogfuncmention dom and typemention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 you are not the first p,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 have you considered forcing people to use facebookgooglewhatever auth makes it much more of a pain for people to create multiple accounts,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 then you also cant accidentally get pregnant i mean no one trips and accidentally find their penis in someones vagina or vice versa and even with protection it always is a calculated risk at most so even if you are antiabortion and get pregnant because of the 1 you cant claim its an accident,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 add to your analysis that i hate facebook and have zero interest in snapchat i feel important when i accomplish tangible things in the real world a la work,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 to be honest maths is a mouthful in received pronunciation thats the reason i use math,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 thats great but i dont see how it is germane to the simple question i asked,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 im the same way i dont do drafts whether its some bullshit essay yay for never having to write another one of those my masters thesis or my dissertation yes i edit but i dont do outlines maps rough drafts anything like that,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 big country town lawyer has no idea wtf hes doing he just knows he lucked the fuck out and is gonna see how far he can gooooooooooohe talks the fancy talk and thats good enough for those folk,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 well he hung out with nietzsche what do you expect,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 that power hammer looks scary crazy turning shaft in the background so how was this run steam or waterit also looks like the head was shaped what were they makingwas it actually pure iron or steel,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 mia malkovaher face alone is enough for me everything else is just a lovely lovely bonus,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the mule called the beast shifter zeke during the battle of shinganshina,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 chad campbell only 4 mark wilson lt1 herman 2 blixt 3 brown 2 and owen 1 so ive got my sneaky plays with better ownership than expected just need a few of them to produce,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 do you really believe that his replacement will be any betterhunt was merely a mouthpiece amp scapegoat someone to carry out the conservative partys wishes led by david cameron it wasnt like they gave jeremy hunt full autonomymaybe his replacement will be more subdued for now and hold off privatising the nhs to avoid backlash in a sensitive politicial environment following a brexit but the tory long term objective remains the same privatise the nhs its almost certain that if they win the next election in 2020 theyll go ahead with it if not before,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 she definitely wants to be friends with you especially if she keeps asking you to hang out take her up on itdont worry about the adhd thing several of my friends have it and i often dont process it my pet peeves are when people are late to things or flakey soso i prefer a hard no to a soft yes,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 someone was following steps 1 and 2,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 holy shit sounds like i might get to play breath of the wild after all,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 do you think you could forkgive me she jested after her giggles faded waving her utensil playfully in front of him,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 faster than a speeding train,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 another teacher confirming this aiden nightmare i have gone as far as to tell relatives and acquaintences not to name their children these names any kindergarten class right now will have 34 of them,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 heres a similar vba solution that someone asked about yesterday some minor code tweaks would be necessary to account for the larger amount of data being produced 3 items versus just 2,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 humans are horrible creatures give up any and all social interaction unless it is necessary for survival,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 k i already addressed the dichotomy theory in another area of the thread big five is where the interesting and more rigorous scientific thought is focused on mbti is a scientific afterthought in the scale of personality area,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 i knew what you mean it is just that nothing to hide nothing to fear is a really stupid statement to make,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 no watch the clip his bombs dont go on cooldown,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 yep this is me as well except with a few friends i can get away with thanks i know and return the favor of their compliment with an unexpected laugh p although i reserve that for people who know i have a generally unimpressed opinion of myself,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 for pence christianity is a path to power and as such the faith will be observed so long as it benefits them and wholly abandoned when it doesnt,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 but why do we have the tag then it just makes sense to add it im not saying this post should be removed or something like that,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 long term shifting is the cart titans gimmick though the fact that she can do it doesnt mean eren can,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 time to learn russian youll need it anyways when they beat america,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 i think like all good philosophical discussions we must start by coming to a group consensus on what we believe to be extension of the mind then go from there,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i hate concerts if i wanted to listen to music i would listen to it for free at home,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 i got as far as cut open and noped that tab out,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 hey its my old friend shits on posts without contributing guy how have you been,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 good grades and accademic accomplishments are not proof of intellectual superiority ugh boys are actually at an academic disadvantage with same age females because of the rate at which their brains develop this has been known for some time but in societys eagerness to push girls forward the boys are being pushed even further behind,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 maybe its a reddit bias thing because irl soooo many people like trump hardcorethen again im in kentucky,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 besides the whole issue being silly you could try the argument of why i need a tv or music on the background for me to get my hyper focus going i need a stupid tv or music im not paying attention to to act as a white noise that cancels out all other irregular noises car alarm people talking on the hall way etc for the same reasons why you need silence i dont mind studying in the same room where my so is gaming or doing the dishes because i dont notice him over my white noise if your boyfriend is the same you could tell him that you like studying in silence for the same reason why he likes studying with back ground noise,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i guess its just a wording thing you said that the bitcoin network can get infected which isnt possible cos it is just a protocol sure computers creating that network can be infected but that isnt a bitcoin thing thats been possible loooong before bitcoin,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 speaking of childhood delusions of coolness i absolutely adore your writing style whether you are a corn girl or acorn girl or a corng irl or some other permutation ive yet to consider please tell me youre pursuing a career in writing,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 an that makes more sense then i must have always read it as straight,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 awesome hadnt thought of that,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 asdf with the ratm reference lol,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 maybe an issue with the servers,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 cheese and crackers peanut butter sandwiches yoghurt bananas cut up some fruit during a quiet time and put it in a plastic box to nibble at or buy readycut fruit salad the notquite fresh fruit you manage to eat is better than the fresh fruit you dont get around to ditto vegie sticks good with hummus which is high in protein and calcium and has enough fat to keep you going buy a readyroasted chicken for picking at,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i tend to do this from time to time i then remind myself that i dont want my brain to keep thinking back to it later on so i stop thinking about it,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 well im there dont see you yet though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i used to think i was a gamma typetypemention or typemention with typemention and typemention as secondary choices in case i got one of the axes wrong im fairly confident im not an alpha type i have a hard time relating to typemention descriptions like the one you recently posted from relight for example i dont really consider myself to be a forgiving person and i always feel the need to punish people for their bad behaviour,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 you may be interested in the following code op option explicit public enum filedialogtype msofiledialogopen 1 msofiledialogsaveas 2 msofiledialogfilepicker 3 msofiledialogfolderpicker 4 end enum private sub combinereports dim filepath as string filepath filedialogmsofiledialogopen select files to combine true if lenfilepath 0 then exit sub dim index as long wsindex as long dim rowcounter as long colcounter as long dim rowout as long colout as long dim mws as worksheet set mws thisworkbookactivesheet dim twb as workbook tws as worksheet dim files as string files splitfilepath call ludicrousmodetrue for index 0 to uboundfiles on error resume next set twb workbooksopenfilesindex readonlytrue if not twb is nothing then for wsindex 1 to twbsheetscount twbsheetswsindexusedrangecopy destinationmwsrangea amp getlastrowmws 1 1 next wsindex twbclose end if next index call ludicrousmodefalse set twb nothing set mws nothing end sub public sub ludicrousmodebyval toggle as boolean applicationscreenupdating not toggle applicationenableevents not toggle applicationdisplayalerts not toggle applicationcalculation iiftoggle xlcalculationmanual xlcalculationautomatic end sub public function getlastrowbyval targetworksheet as worksheet byval columnno as long as long getlastrow targetworksheetcellstargetworksheetrowscount chr64 columnnoendxluprow end function public function filedialogbyval dialogtype as filedialogtype optional byval dialogtitle as string optional multiselect as boolean optional byval filefilter as string as string if multiselect then outputs files in the following format file1file2file3 custom file extension filter format file description 1file extension filter 1file description 2file extension filter 2 dim filedialogobject as filedialog set filedialogobject applicationfiledialogdialogtype dim index as long filters as string element as string dim selectedfile as variant with filedialogobject if lendialogtitle gt 0 then title dialogtitle allowmultiselect multiselect if lenfilefilter gt 0 then filters splitfilefilter for index 0 to uboundfilters element splitfiltersindex filtersadd element0 element1 filterscount 1 next index end if filterindex 0 show filtersclear for each selectedfile in selecteditems filedialog filedialog amp cstrselectedfile amp next selectedfile if lenfiledialog gt 0 then filedialog leftfiledialog lenfiledialog 1 end with set filedialogobject nothing end functionwhat this does is ask the user to select files to import into the current workbook the code then loops through each worksheet within each workbook copying that sheets data into the current sheet the copying into the current sheet part is what you are having trouble with,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i think ppl get confused with terminology love is just the humans word we invented as someone said greeks got 5 words for different loves or stages in relationships and the real phemonenon differs from any of these conceptualizings aswell basically what im trying to say is that it all depend on what you put in a word love so you are right in your own way,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 personally waiting for my favorite scot uadoredtv to chime in that and im waiting for an aib card anywayswe should really start a concern thread for all the people losing their mind and ban everything else that outside of it,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 i wouldnt do that if i were youif youre illegally watching tv the bbcs detection van will pull up outside your house batterram your front door down and drag you by the hair theyll then take you to a politically correct concentration camp where theyll indoctrinate you with their biased leftist views,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 my current working assumption is that it is a scam,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 you started talking about doing laundry and immediately went on four different tangents,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 that is not pointing out a gramatical error that is pointing out that you associate yourself with oppressive white people,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 uh are you sure youre not a 2 you cant really be either a 1 or a 3 i mean its possible but more likely youre 2 if you share 1 and 3 traits how sure are you of your friends and wifes type,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 fuck valve with their rules breaking up a good team just cos some guy clicked few buttons for random team on the site hilarious bureaucracy,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 what a great post you made thank you so much for it because it encouraged me to dig deep into my cogfuncmention unearthing core values that i didnt even realize i had a fervent urge to search for the divine connection of body and mind with my soulmate has began to emerge epiphanies on my inner world disperse my fears and i become an undaunted wandereri used to be completely fine with being by myself no need for anyone else other than a good friend to confide in i used to even be quite disinterested in romance too sometimes i even doubted myself as a feeler but i think this was me trying to protect my eden or reserve it untainted for the onei see the pragmatic point of view on relationships but true love is an ideal i cant escape its a value never to be demoralized it is truly the most beautiful miracle the universe has to offer and to spoil it is not only disgraceful but painful as wellrelationships may need compromises but if you want to have a genuine loving relationship with someone meaning if youd like to find your soulmate then compromise is not an optionim starting to believe that what ive so far learned from the modern dating scene is bullshit compromise in love is pointless if it requires compromise it is not true love it is simply companionship true love the soulmate kind should not leave space for compromise because the differences between the lovers should be fueling the relationship enhancing it and supporting it it should never feel forced if its true love at the end of it all though it depends on what each of us seeks from a romantic partner companionship or agapei am reluctant to give up on that ideal because i think its the most rare and hence valuable id prefer a life of questing for true love than a life of faking it i wholeheartedly believe in its realness even though this contradicts with it being an ideal but if enough people like me feel it want it imagine it then it is bound to exist somewhere out thereand to make my point in simple terms im perfectly capable of compromising and loving but this kind of love is friendly love a fellowship agape the highest and truest form of love is a quality reserved for those with whom i can commit to a romantic relationship and because of the high value of the emotion there will naturally be scarcity of relationships for me,79.0,97.0,10.0,45.0,62.0 im honored lt3 if this ambassadorship is a role i can fulfill from in front of my computer while wearing pajamas sign me up d,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 manga spoilerss not meta enough i need a post complaining about these post which talk about tagged memes,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 try it again you would be surprised how your wishes impact things,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i agree on this second point maybe even mail the ceo of this company seeing that its a small one just tell them you wont be pursuing any action but like to bring some things to hisher attention as you were very dissapointed with how you were treated by employee x and give all the examples you havr given us dont apologize for your mail or anything just be dissapointed in how everything was handled by his or her company,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 that isnt true the consequentialist method is by nature futureoriented so a consequentialist absolutely would take into account abilities we expect the baby to have in the futureby the sort of being they are you seem to be appealing to membership of a specific biological category ie homo sapien which doesnt seem like a substantive position,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 ive got fire shock and slag sandhawks i think at op8,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 making the drinking age higher does not mean that kids will wait to drink in fact i think its the opposite the us is the worst drinking culture why would you want to take steps to be more like us were all alcoholics who started drinking well before it was legal 15 for me,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the polr is confusing not negative maybe youre looking at the roledemonic function where everything is truly fucked more than the inferior the demonstrative is more cynical than pessimistic it always has something negative to say however its right most of the time so it has wisdom and the ignoring function is not pessimistic its resistant,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 try 39 other people with them leading it as though it were the military i was in a top 30 world ranked guild trying to beat everyone else at progression it was a second job that paid nothing and had longer hours i had to quit when i did overtime at my real job,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 usually xntx s have riamverysmart behavior,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 man howâ s it feel to be so thoroughly wrong and called out about it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 hmmhmmhmmdoes he watch porn to get in the mood then run to the bedroom to find you,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 now that is what i call hilarious,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 this reversal thing just kills me its not impolite for you to insist on splitting the bill its impolite for her to expect you to pay for everythingso the answer is its polite to say just what you said i dont pay people to spend time with mei might even toss in there its a little offensive that you expect me to,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i dont know if you can so easily compare this unwanted activation of sweat glands to unwanted activation of limbs for example though what you are talking about is autonomic nervous system activation thats something quite different from voluntary nervous system activation the latter can be steered and i wouldnt be surprised if you could relearn seems quite logical you could actually,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 thanks for the informative writeup im gonna look into a few of thesewhat where some of the sitesprograms that you feel were an absolute waste of time,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the problem i have with this wish list is that you have things in there that will never ever make it into the game like 128 tick mm because it is a huge disadvantage to people playing from further away from the serverwhat you suggested for the inaccuracy would be great but we would have other tradeoffswhen you say you want a discussion why say to people they are wrong or dont add to the post if they discuss your initial post or offer their opinion to it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 basically just hide and seek,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 but what about wanting to move up to software test engineer thats my goal right now,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 cogfuncmention fuck the system i will make my own systemcogfuncmention love the systemfi fuck society i will make my owncogfuncmention love society and people source,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 well i was actually thinking of something like this but your method is even better,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 just as an inconsequential human is called a nobody,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 depends if you mean quality or quantity united liverpool and tottenham have more chelsea have less city have equal in quality us chelsea and city have the best though,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 fp is correct np is not,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 what i really liked about bb vs ds is how from thw start on there actually was a story even though world was still cryptic and vague as with ds with ds the story of your character doesnt really evolve past i woke up in a random place shit where am i and throughout the game you learn primarily things about the world your in not necessarily a story of your characters role in that world that being said im really looking forward to being a magic character again all my main ds chars are magic based just hope ds can learn from bb and vice versa,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 if its undesirable why are they so attached to it is this like a kind of paranoia,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 thats not what it is at all if you want to go by polling alone yes hillary would win colorado at least if the election was held today but i also wouldnt say that colorado is a hillary seal if trump has a reasonably good performance in the debates i think hell win but if he does poorly i think hillary will win i just think nate silver putting trumps odds of winning colorado at 63 34 is incorrect,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 well getting ahead of living paycheck to paycheck is really the first step for 99 of people towards investinggetting a bit of seed capital can be really difficult if you dont appreciate how the maths of the banks can screw you i just had a small win at the races and the day after i deposited it the bank was offering me a 50k personal loan i had won about 2k,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 honestly i dont even read most of the posts here and just enjoy the form of it people could just write jibberish and id eat it up of its good enough,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 type in the console volume 2why the fuck wouldnt you adjust the volume,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 that could have lead to one hell of a tifu,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 strange i dont get any controls at all might need to update something then cause thats what i expected normal view i could rotate,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 not too bad it gave me typemention but im typemention,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 who knows probably some kind of bug,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 ooooh nice im yet to beat 2000 on anything this is still my best run,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 studies show that few people know what a fucking apostrophe does or how it should be used,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 thank you a lot this really helps with gpp way better than just using their best and worst games,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 exactly im not suggesting that you go on blind dates as an typemention i wouldnt either hehe i would suggest getting out with friends more if you dont already and meeting more people but when you happen to feel lovestruck just make sure you dont cower or deny yourself a shot at happinessso yes definitely date if you want to even a tiny bit whenever the mood hits you,79.0,97.0,10.0,45.0,62.0 thanks man ill have a listen definitely besides research can be fun,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 id rather say one instrument infinite compositions this is also the beauty of string theory about which ive been reading by the way it is basically saying exactly the same thing which is quite wondrous and obviousnecessarily so at the same time,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 that would work if op and so are willing to live in any other eu country besides the uk as through just simple marriage op would fall under freedom of movement when together with so however they want to go to sos home country so the uk is allowed to put additional requirements for ops visa which she mentioned in her opening post and includes a hard income minimum the so doesnt meet,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 are you disabledafter you reported them there is nothing you can do so why check every week if those people are banned that is what i said and if you cant understand it then you are apparently the stupid one herei didnt say dont report them for cheating should i make it easier to understand for you or do you get it now,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 semifinal against chelsea is the best answer imo,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 an employee engagement expert really thats your cogfuncmention appeal to authority i linked a book specifically about this topic this isnt about being offended the whole its cool bro just jokes dont be so sensitive you stupid fucking why are s so sensitive must be their am i right bros thing is tired read about this while youre at it then read about how it impacts performance on tests and the like,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so i do one thing at thw time either getting echos rushing towards a boss explore a new area training my parrying etc once i step away from the lantern there is a goal for that run explore mode for me is just really that exploring an area without paying attention to etting echos and even expecting to die walking to random places just to see whats around a new corner when you have that mindset for a specific run you dony care anymore about looses echos and arent angry when you die it takes away a lot of stress and fear,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i think humans are inherently greedy survival i cant blame anyonei think greed is a very defining characteristic of evil selfish something i got from the dampd players manual on character alignmentsdont get me wrong it isnt only constrained to rich people they just have much more effect on the world than anyone else and are generally open to scrutinyif i had billions and billions and wanted to change the world i would probably go about something with fighting for openness of information striking down crazy patents that hamper the improvement of human kind something around those lines i think elon musk is doing well with improving battery technology as i see that being a huge hurdle for improving green power and getting us into mech suits and other large fighting robots among other thingsi think charity is a poor way to go i think we can invest better,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my casual friends know me as a serene stable guy who can occasionally show some surprising amount of assertiveness and passion my closer friends and some of my exgirlfriends of course know me as a domlemme tell you each time i have the big reveal conversation it goes one of two wayseither its i knew it that makes so much sense and theres a lot of excited questions from them or its holy shit i had no idea um im uncomfortable nowas you can imagine the two responses are largely based upon the other persons misunderstanding of what bdsm is and more importantly what it is to me if their exposure and education on the matter consists of hollywood references then theyre going to assume this means im some sort of sex fiend who enjoys victimizing helpless women if theyve actually been curious and even looked into it themselves then suddenly im a potential gateway to a whole new world now i dont know your dad udaughterofdurin and i imagine hes not a dwarven king as advertised but im guessing he was raised in a very tame and static world hes got to be late in life and so he feels like hes got the world figured out pretty good he loves his daughter so anything that looks like a threat to her is going to be dealt with harshly when that threat appears to be her very sexuality then hes going to freak out even moreit looks like its been a few days since your text slipup so im guessing youve already tried at least one unfortunately difficult conversation with him about it depending upon how that went my advice may not be applicable but here goes anyway remember that he loves you and wants the best for you he thinks you might be deluded so hes not going to trust anything you say to defend yourself right off the bat youre going to have to rebuild his trust somehow before he even starts listening to you his mind is probably cooking up all sorts of reinterpretations of your past relationships did you do this stuff with that guy what about this one did they hurt you did they force you into it are you on drugs et cetera the only thing you can do to combat that paranoia is calmly show him how youve got your life together and are being a stable responsible adult show him that you arent out of control and that youre okay dont try to convince him that bdsm is okay hes going to have to figure that out for himself his shock has to wear off and he needs to feel like hes got a handle on his world again before he can even begin to entertain the idea that his little girl is alright can you try for some girltalk with your mother if shes more openminded about it if she trusts you then youll need her as an ally against your fathers avalanche of worry are there any siblings you can bring in as well youre doing nothing wrong yes the text misfire was a mistake but as long as you have confidence that you are being safe sane and consensual then you are living your life as you should much like a startled parent who just accidentally heard their child is gay this is just a transition phase when the truth first comes out its hard it means some things will never be the same again but its progress because its a more honest life now still all that said your sexuality is still none of your dads business he doesnt need to know how you like things done to you and he probably doesnt want to know all he cares about is that youre okayso just show him that youre okay show him that youre still going to school like you mean it show him that you love him and you appreciate how much he has given you to make you a better woman show him the strength that he worries you dont havegive him time to rebuild his faith in you itll be rough but itll eventually get better he still loves you,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 are you sure the value is being found within the given range of cells,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the original point was that canada situation with immigrants who go through the systems is very different than the situation in europe have you paid any attention to this crisis suscribe to reurope if you havent the challenge europe is dealing with are huge there is sectarian violence in camp so much that germany consider create different camp for each religion women who are way outnumbered by men are raped in camp or forced into sex work a german policewomen released a book about her experience after stopping working in a camp they often come from culture who refuse the authority of women the situation is getting out of control and no only sectarian violence is to be expected rightwing groups are increasing their attack this is only the beginning if they dont stop the flood of refugee,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 is there a type which is always wrong if she reads this please send help typemention,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 an older statsbomb article which kind of goes over why tackles and interceptions alone dont really say much i would recommend googling statsbomb defense if you want to read more of the metrics theyve tried to use to judge defensethere really arent many good defensive statistics out there is patch from deepxg which is the only one i can think of off the top of my head in my opinion the best way to measure a defender right now is using goalimpact which doesnt actually measure any defensive contribution but they keep their numbers mostly secret as they want to make money from it its also not a perfect stat and can overunderrate some players based on the team they play for,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 someone that oblivious to life should not be allowed to even have children,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 also he should be advocating for getting rid of the knee reaping rule i think 5050 became so prevalent because youre not allowed to cross your leg the other way across the body,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 its a fantastic show in so many ways and it really makes you think about some big ethical questions and what could really be going on in the world it get my conspiracy juices flowing and tatiana maslany is perfect i hope you enjoy iton tests including keys2cognition i tend to score as typemention with highscoring cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention i often take a holistic approach to things as in what is most important is the essence of a person or an idea i do pay attention to the world around me im big on aesthetics and seem less idealistic than what many typemention descriptions suggest i also relate more to the majority of the typemention descriptions in this post i find it really insightful and helpful,60.0,67.0,45.0,10.0,47.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 the movie tortilla soup is based on ang lees eat drink man woman also has an awesome food porn opening but its all chinese food drools,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 ive tried that and though it was an interesting flavor but i definitely would prefer regular milk to that xmy reaction to it was similar to what i thought of egg nog interesting not disgusting to me but id prefer something elseedit on a side note i had no idea it was made with rice as well,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i met her on okcupid she had her face blocked out of her photos for sake of anonymity with the written assurance that she was indeed attractive but didnt want to reveal herself due to her job her body was certainly acceptable and more importantly she seemed intelligent and nice so i took a leap of faith and started talking to herthis story does not contain a surprise reveal of her face during the dateshe wasnt someone famous nor ugly nor beautiful she was actually more on the plain side and her job was simply as a yoga teacher why did that require the protection of her identity against okc rules im not entirely sure but itll make a little more sense in a minuteso we met at this little extrafancy outdoorsy coffeedessert place i chose because it was geographically between us a 15minute drive for each it was evening late spring so cool enough and pleasant outside i arrived first and secured a table with a good view of the entrance but wellpositioned for a casual first meeting i was dressed in slacks and a buttondown shirt nice but not overly formalit was her job to recognize me first so when a slim woman in a sundress walked in and smiled at me i correctly assumed it was her i stood so we could do the initial handshake and the did you find the place okay banter i mentally tossed out the worry about her having three eyes or being some infamous person and got down to pleasant conversationonly she wasnt so good at pleasant conversation shes apparently a european immigrant who has jumped fullbore into political activism here since moving to america thats fine i was cool with it however when i answered her pointed questions about my own political leanings moderateindependent she grew openly agitated how can i not take a firm stance on these things she cares so much about do i not care about the country i live in how can i not zealously object to the myriad horrors that the obama administration has visited upon me and my fellow citizensmentioning that im agnostic didnt go well either for much the same reasonsso okay despite my profile actually spelling those things out and hers not really mentioning them i kept a polite smile running my belief system doesnt require her to subscribe to it but apparently hers does so now i was just looking to finish my vanilla chai tea and wish her luck smalltalk mode activatedthats when she whipped out a piece of paper with a handwritten list on it this list contained all of her objections to every okc survey question i answered that she disagreed with she literally did her homework and came prepared with rebuttals i dont mean just conversation starters i mean she was looking to debate these topics with me on our first datei sat there sipping my tea utterly amazed at the thought processes going on at the other side of the tablei mean i was game to answer and discuss these things if my opinions dont stand up to scrutiny then they need to be reconsidered yes this is how we become better people she clearly felt passionately about a number of topics so i was down with learning more about alternate perspectives ive been on the internet for decades this is not a new thingno one expects the coffeeshop inquisitioni got totally put on trial my gender my ethnicity my morals and my ethics all took heavy fire over the course of only fifteen minutes of her running down her list of grievances i didnt feel like i was an openminded person having a philosophical conversation with another openminded person i felt like she was alternately trying to recruit me or beat a confession out of mefor context one of the okc questions is something like would you prefer someone who is smart and goodlooking goodlooking and kind or kind and smart its a tricky thing to pick only two so i answered goodlooking and kind because kindness is an automatic requirement and learning stuff is just a matter of dedicationwelllll she took that as an indicator that i hate intelligent women do you feel threatened by them do you need vapid bimbos in order to feel superior uh no the point was that if you could pick only two out of three why is it that men treat women like property have you ever been with an educated woman before yes actually several of my previous girlfriends have had advanced degrees and im a feminist do you have a problem with that absolutely not im a firm supporter of equal rights for everyone and if youd im sorry captaindudeguy i feel like a piece of meat here and im uncomfortable continuing this discussion okayshe makes her living as a yoga instructor ill remind you she got her ged after coming to this country when not in class for her 15 hoursweek she helps out with a friends political campaign and writes angry letters to congressmen she uses online dating because she doesnt have time to meet men normally and wants to prescreen them so she doesnt waste her timei finished my tea and told her that it was one of the most fascinating dates i had been on thanking her for coming i purposefully didnt say either way if i had a good time or not i just thanked her and assured her that id pick up the checka number of expressions flickered across her face at once she started out looking confused and maybe disappointed then her crazytrain gears snapped back into placewell thank you for asking me out i dont think this will work though youre a handsome and great guy and i would most certainly be happy to be your 1 to a dinner or wedding or something but i dont think wed be a good couple im sorry i dont want you to feel rejectedinside i was laughing my ass off but i let her have that one for sake of her demonstrably rabid selfworth i stood shook her hand with a sincerely amused smile and asked her if she knew how to get home from there she said she did so i noped on back to my cartotal time spent in the date 30 minutesits been about a year since and sometimes i wonder if she ever found a guy who a didnt set off any of her triggers and b was willing to put up with her level of batshittery im not sure if i hope she did or not,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 trolling colorblind or do you think that the fact that the anime is in color makes it uncannon,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 you have given the answer yourselfyou communicate and you take the time to share your inner worlds with each other which is 80 of the battle,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 aaahh the website has to generate the file before you can download it then im not sure how else to proceed beyond here without automating an instance of ie to get to the file generation link ive never gotten into automating ie uexcelevator or uepicmindwarp may be able to assist in this regard,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 he has the recording he was trying to post it to soundcloud last night,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 there are like 500 bitcoin poker sites out there,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 overwatch is overflowing with clean players that is why i do it not often tbh i dont know on which server you play but i definitely get next to no cheatersvac bans are delayed and dont tell me it is easy to get cheats to be recognised by the systemalso the 40 you have banned on your vacstat list are probably followed up by 40 clean people and 20 more cheaters just give it time i dont know why you are so obsessed with seeing if they get a vac anyways first off all it leads to vac is shit threads where people without knowledge rage around and for the second part feeds your egocan i go into games now and say i have a 90 banned ratio on vacstat so you definitely cheatbut back to topic giving random people on the internet the ability to kick people from games is really dumb seriously think about it it would be better if people learn to report the right people for overwatch vac needs time anyways,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 theres nothing remotely spiritual about the sentiment god is a bro and wants to be your bud,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 that would get me playing again for sure,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ah well i can delete it if its not interesting,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 fuck off he isnt a 12 yo kid,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 gotta be this lyrics it was literally life changing for me showed me how to open up and intune myself and my feelings with enviromentnature at the moment instead of resisting and harmony peace and aliveness and i sing it in my head walk it with feelings when i need it and it works hot like the sun wet like the rain green like the leaves life is a game stars in my head shine moon shine everythings cool and i feel fine,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 sanss first attack in undertale was off the charts difficult,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 came to make a boost comment too late,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thanks for the advice i have just a couple more questions now what makes the bards easier to level also what does their gameplay feel like are they as mobile as rangers or more of a castertype since they do have light armor,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 if i see someone wearing a shirt on non matchdays i just assume they are a tourist which you are so its not socially unacceptable,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 psst avatar the last airbender had a live action adaption and so did dbz both were shit,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i saw it would not surprise me,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 hey nice old parker part of history i have a blade of one i think somewhere,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i agree the responses hes giving her do not say fence sitter to me at all they tell me he wants kids when i have presented negative aspects of having kids to men ive dated and the one i am still with they listened respectfully and did not try to change the subject or paint it with rose colored glasses we had a discussion even if they didnt agree hes free to keep viewing kids with this idealistic view but not to drag op around in it while not validating her experiences and observations the lack of willingness to communicate fingers in ears lalala is a red flag on its own ulittlecakemonster why do people become defensive usually we have struck a nervethey are in disagreement with us could it be irritating to him because he wants kids and you are flying in the face of the dream world he has constructed could it be that he is trying to fit you into this dream of his and its like sticking a square peg into a round hole im not trying to sound rude just ask questions about what might fuel his defensiveness,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 the more i think about it and read the little things like these other people noticed the more impressed i am with rogue one,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 nothing cobbled about it thats called customising many of the best dishes are a combination of existing elements escoffier didnt invent vanilla icecream poached fruit raspberry coulis or chocolate sauce but he did think up the combinations which are now famous as peaches melba and pears belle helene,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i completely agree with you unranked matchmaking could solve many of the problems outlined in my post and also fix some others issues such as friends wanting to queue together even though they are several ranks apart,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i second the motion to gild ucyborgboy95,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 hahahhaa like this right i kind of associate that with female extroverts in general probably moreso cogfuncmention i have some male typemention friends who talk a little like that,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i like to think my mind is always open like i said i really love the developer because of wing commander and i cant hate any space sim stuff i just wish they would do better quicker i guess i thought the would be farther along with the money and time theyve had,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i feel like i do all this and im still socially awkward as hell around some people how do you accept that you cant be friends with everyone i get jealous of how social butterflyy typemention are i think people assume typemention are but we really arent were more just players and entertainers,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 good idea although they might take it apart for the fascinating quality of the metal and fabric once it broke the king would wear it as a cape,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 take an older graphics card driver,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 as a generally unanxious creature i think we weigh these things differently hahaha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 commander and planechase are the only ones that werent sold in boosters if im not mistaken,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 im not but i wish i was left handed because i hold my pen in my right hand like i should in my left hand if i want to avoid smudging and of course that smudges,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 nice way to dry your eyeballs out,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ill wont be on tonight tho,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 that would have been an improvement over camping by our shield,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 the most important thing to most women is that you can give them orgasms one way or another and most dont get off on penetration anyway learn how to use what you have and it will be wanted,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 isnt that the video game place im thinking of the place next to that the one that has board games and comics and stuff,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 oh man that comment is golden hats off mlord or mlady hipsters aside very nice fave of the day honestly,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 far column of cars on the right need to move to the right and up to let traffic to their left go straight problem solved,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 no i didnt in fact i thought he posted in the wrong sub at first but i dont like to assume i asked for clarification dont be a fucking retard yourself,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 mega beedrill hahaha 2 words priority move,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 mine too its great for warming up,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 by putting some clothes onaint nobody want to see that,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 how did it go with the social workers the goods and the bads im curious about what they do,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 im almost positive its a friends reference so im sure it is intentional or just a freaky coincidencealthough in the show it was supposed to be emmas face on a bunny cake but it somehow got switched with a bachelorette party cake so it ended up being emmas face on a penis cake,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 all you can do sloppy seconds and talking to myself,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 oh i didnt know that thats cool,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 golfers are always missing from the cruncher if they have played less than 4 tournaments need to play 4 tournaments to show up on pgatourcom stats,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 its possible that ballstoyou was questioning if it was 3v4 or not and was trying to be fair,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 you can see this by the very short distance between time marks but imo hes a fun guest worth of recurrence,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 not that much tbhdid you have better fps on win7,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i sleep deeply and well but it always takes me a long time to go to sleep unless i am extremely tired a low light and a boring book usually work well for me it helps that i have a partner who will turn the light offi recently bought a kindle touch no reading light and i find myself getting much sleepier more quickly than back in the days when i used a tablet as an ereader so theres probably some truth to the concerns people have about backlit screen time,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 heres a python script that generates 3 random strings of phrases when run from a terminal so that one can skip the step of choosing 3 strings manually and move directly to the google searchisis phrases phrases 20 as suggested by crusoe i revised and improved the script so that it can automatically execute steps 36 of the searcher guide also without creating duplicates in the queries which the previous scripts above may doinstructions for noobs download the updated scripts below or copypaste the contents to a scripteditor and save as py file to the folder where python is installed for windows or to your home directory for linuxmac modify the script for the correct path to your chrome browser according to your platform windowsmaclinux then if on windows open command prompt type cd cpathtopythonfolder and enter to change directory to the python folder and then type python opparis1py and enter if the script is successfully executed google chrome will open up with a specific search query if on linuxmac open up a terminal and type python opparis1py and enter if the script is successfully executed google chrome will open up with a specific search queryopparis1 not forget to modify the chromepath accordinglywarning do not execute the script if you are not ip protected aka anonymous this script automatically invokes a google search for daesh phrases,79.0,97.0,10.0,45.0,62.0 depending on the theory you believe in itd either be a collosal armored titan a normal sized armored titan with steam powers,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 sounds like a bit of social anxiety a fear of others negatively judging you,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 do we have differing views on the results of man made climate change also you that were all screwed and me that ill get out of it by being rich cause i enjoyed that discussion,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 yes monetary inflation increases inequality in society eg if the economy was 100 eggsimagine that there are people who own the chicken coops the employees of the coops and then the rest of the town does various other jobs now imagine that the people who own the chicken coop are the ones who doubled the money supply well there were 100 flowing around the economy but theres also a new 100 sitting in a vault when the owners of the chicken coop start spending their new money they reap enormous benefitfirstly everyone else in the economy thinks one egg is worth 1 but since the owners now have twice as much money they might buy more eggs than they need this is what you understand as wealth inequality and inflation is a causesecondly prices dont rise immediately to the new money when the owners start paying their employees higher wages they too start spending more and buying more eggs than they need the chickens only lay a certain number of eggs a week and the owners bought far more than they might need because they had more disposable income than they once had the employees bought more than they needed because they too have a bit more disposable incomefinally the rest of the people in the economy start seeing the effects of the extra money flowing around the prices of goods and services eggs have increased because of the higher money supply but there are fewer to buy and the outside of the chicken coop workers have some more money because of inflation but not as much as would help them then they must feed their families but find that the eggs are expensive now with fewer to buyand remember that when they buy eggs the people who benefit are the owners of the coops they received cheap eggs due to new money then they received their inflated money from their employees buying eggs then they received money from the outside workers buying the last of the eggs at a higher priceso of course the people who decide monetary policy are the ones who ultimately benefit from it the mosti wouldnt call what i was talking about minutiae btw theyre the actual workings of the system and theyre highly illustrative once you draw the right conclusions from them,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 7s job is to break the lightbulb not fix it,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 is t there a decent risk of inflation ballooning in the future making your savings an overall loss,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 haha yeah its like that i get bothered by bigoted shit because i think that it needlessly hurts people both emotionally and eventually more concretely more than anything though it destroys the respect i have for people its very hard to offend me with an offhand comment about nearly anything though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 really ranks mean shit and even more so before the changes as there were legit novas in supremehow the fuck are numbers hard to understandthen go back to league and put your hands back on cs when you are 16 or 18 yrs old,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 people probably think this cause hes a comfort pick for pros like peanut,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 he literally gave everyone tax cuts while waging two unfunded wars it had a massive impact on the debthe spent nearly 2 trillion on iraq and afghanistan with no exit strategy or means of controlling coststhere was nothing fiscally conservative about his presidency,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 i own a unicycle i prefer vanilla over chocolate i have a black belt in taekwondo,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 thats the definition of a dichotomy retard,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 hahaha its all those enhancements d,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 i get they like to keep the ui monochrome i like it too but it really ruins the utility in this instance how did they not realize it when they designed draft mode how did they not fix the asset when they removed i cannot play any role paragon does not have a left or right lane,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 mmmm that sounds more like being blackout drunk rather than coming down heh,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dont know maybe you should ask the author he said when they were incapacitated when they were unconscious,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 how can we be talking about russian collusion when there are literally millions of children locked in the basement of comet pizza,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 im sorry but that survey was horribly written enjoy my data nonetheless,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 thank you for your thoughts we at the dmb dick marketing board are working long and hard on a new campaign thats sure to excite cumming sooncheerspeter wangdmb ceo,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 who was the assist for thate yes gomise2 was that not a gomis assist hasnt given him points,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 well i think we both know the real reason is for the mbtiâ people,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 yea i noticed something in your writing style is grammarly maybe something for you,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 enh im easygoing whatever ya feel like bringing,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 not having parties at all would be an interesting take on things,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 consistency in mm is a myth and not to archive,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 vegans are going to be all over this,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it also put an end to the narrative that trump supporters would agree with him no matter what im sure there are very loyal supporters but high profile members of the altright and members of thedonald are largely at odd with trump as of tonight regarding assad its not because they are russians puppet but they dont want another sunni islamists regime rising to power in the region and are overall tired of the us foreign policy and use of the military trump wouldnt be the first politician to break a promise or change his mind his position on syria was at odd with the us official position the cia israel and various allies and lobby group trump bending under pressure also put a dent in the authoritarian meme sam add very little to the conversation by holding trump supporters in contempt,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 hm im unable to replicate the error what does your data formatting look like,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 when i have to pay attention to or talk about boring things i turn it into a game centred around finding the interesting aspects of the subject and cling on to those so for soccer my husband watches ive found that its moderately interesting to people watch the players i can do this while half paying attention not following the game at all and occasionally commenting on funny things i also like watching the post game interviews when everyone is all emotional coaches make hilarious faces during the game my particular strategy here is probably pretty feely but there may be some isolated aspect of the game that you find sort of interesting if you really want to participate in this hobby of theirs,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 the opposite is true for me,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 oh phew i was getting worried that my your reservation is confirmed email was insufficient,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 the perfect internet admin doesnt exi,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i was never really happy until i moved to a world class city not only is there a ton of ish to do but there are so many intelligent well educated people to talk to tonight i am hanging out with a lawyer tomorrow a clinical psychologist i love hearing about peoples work even the mundane details your work how does it work,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 conservative nonsense it evolved instead of becoming a stale art form full of people trying to recreate beethoven or whatever figures from the past they idolised,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 not if i break their legs they cant,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 would be cooler if it was set in london and one of the kids was a punk and the other was a roadman,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 if you think about it its also an amazing weight loss plan youre pretty much partying all night long drinking water why drink alcohol as youre gonna have to get more repeatedly its expensive you wont be able to stay in the middle of crowds and youll need to pee and when you eat its minimal amounts because youre too busy partying so youre practically getting one full meal for the entire day,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 never enough juice must try all the flavors ever,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 all the games are meant to fake confidence and self worth confidence and self worth are never needy and are universally attractive mystery comes from fresh perspectives which can be maintained by continual growth and engagement with life there are no games needed for any of this ish,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 considering the amount of damage organized religion has caused to our society over the centuries everything from being used to justify slavery to denying rights to marginalized groups it makes sense to not participate in it not to say all are bad some are trying to do good like the evangelical lutheran church of america and the unitarian universalist a person can still be spiritualhave faith in accordance with their conscience without having to participate in organized religion i myself as an agnostic dont care for organized religion and to have a person running for office reflect this is great,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 yeah my humour meter has been off lately,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 rain helps pin seekers and bombers with high apex height makes sticking it close easier as for putting it depends on the golfers personal preference really it should be a little easier but its easier to have the ball die short on you,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 exactly time keeping began with just watching the sky then we had a sundial basically a stick in the dirt then humans made a simple machine to mimmick the time keeping capability of a sundial then the machines were improved on and expanded a watch is a horrible example of creationism its a great example of evolution though,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 that was my july gt september exactly,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dont even need to read it to believe it capitalism is inherently sociopathic and in the us incarnation it separates families isolates people destroys communities raises children in the equivalent of community chicken coops without their parents etc,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dont have a sports team or even care for sports but i find it incredibly silly when futball players take a dive and fake injuries etc and everyone just sort of plays along and its ok,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thanks for the informative writeup im gonna look into a few of thesewhat where some of the sitesprograms that you feel were an absolute waste of time,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 its a trade of a million against a billion its like killing one person to save a thousand it might be harsh but its the rational choiceno she didnt that was revealed in chapter 50 and she was sealed up far before that they just tried to capture eren for the huge advantage that another shifter formedbut yea i think shell change sides when she hears that eren has the coã rdinate shes not as strong as reigner and berthold and can be easier manipulatednot cool indeed the correct term is hilarious,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 and then that smirk you have when you find out that the pc version doesnt have a unit limitedit was thinking of red alert 3,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 that was a heck of a thing took forever but so fun,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 to me shepherds pie isnt really shepherds pie unless theres corn in it his addition of mushrooms too isnt my cup of teabut my version is more patã chinois being french canadiani also use beef but thats just cause mince lamb isnt really popular or available around these parts im also glad to see he hones his knives though he calls it sharpening it isnt itll keep your knives sharp for a very long time but it just realigns the edgeoh and he needs better knife skills,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 in that case what determines hierarchy for chinese students for example im quite a young ta maybe just 1 or 2 years older than most of my students would that matter in terms of being authoritativeits funny how different this is within stem we are incredibly laid back and nonhierarchical for example a conversation with a prof lets call him prof dr john stuart when i enter a lecture could easily go like this and no one would bat an eye hi john hi avacyn you look tired late night yesterday yeah the study association had a party last night it was great fun but i might not have prepared for class today and the prof would just laugh it off and not care,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 here are the function descriptions of typemention in model g youll find some explanations of role cogfuncmention there it is cogfuncmention at the level of social norms or more rules you have for others but not necessarily ones that you follow yourself,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 this will be censored herei guarantee it,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 youre wrongsidewalks are not safer people driving cars dont expect something going that fast on a sidewalk study on the matter,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 1 have you verified that vba is enabled on the document enable content has been selected when opening the file2 could you take a screenshot of the vba project explorer window so we can verify which vba module youre talking about,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 well its not like theyre going to nerf thor,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 its a designer cat one that has been bred in such a way as to bring out such markings shown off at pet shows and potentially sold for upwards of 15 gs,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 those arent pizza theyre pizzaflavored pies abominations,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 both are important external validation most of the time is based on what you do internal validation is more complex it is about what you do and who you are symbiosis or hierarchy is largely irrelevant in a hierarchy you can still be objectively validated unless there are politics in play where your validation isnt as important as another outcome in which case you need to rely on your internal compass,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 astonishingly so my best work partner for about 8 years was an typemention we did so many things that were excellent though how much of it was him but he was pretty derisive of the endeavours to begin with so i maintain he never would have done half of that stuff without me,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i do think in these cases it is important to realize that the total costs are not 0 kronor the cost is there but its paid for through taxes etc,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the attack titan could originally have been one of those 7havent ever read that theory before though could you link it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 only at the expense of others,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 lol at the latter one was he trying to fuck a frozen yogurt machine or something,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah its pretty ridiculous if i go down they need to go down i mean i like going down presumably if they like vaginas they should too,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 we dont even know if his mindless form had a beard i admit that its likely thoughthe big belly the and the shape of the arms are the main points of argument though,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 sometimes but its more likely to go to shit if i dont have alone time i love spending time with myself to think read and create im definitely an typemention as a whole but im closer to being introverted then to being full blown extrovertedi like to have meaningful conversations and going without that definitely is tough though i for sure enjoy being around people and im very outgoing so it surprises most when i express how much i love alone time im more productive when im completely alone too haha,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 profitability depends upon many things such as how much the cost is to rent and insure your event to the price you want to set your driversga prices to you also want to be able to properly market your event and attract sponsors and vendors to attend for greater incentives for your audience to come to your events,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 well i dont just hop into bed with everyone i go on dates with haha im not wilt chamberlain however meeting someone i like takes a shit ton of meeting people which i typically commence within a couple of months max,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its not about competency its about where the candidate stand if its an islamists attack are obama and clinton going to be in a position to repeat their religion of peace mantra trump will be the one saying i warned you and an attack play well into his positionning,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 okay i never commented on it being an accurate science nor do i give a shit because i dont drink wine i just pointed out that many of the sommeliers did in fact use the same descriptors,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 you can follow along and write ai programs fairly easily just have a look at siraj ravels youtube channel follow along and then go back over the code carefully and make sure you get it you can also visit tensorflow and go through the mnist tutorials there and see if you can understand some of the articles that they linkwhen you want to get serious you will want to vigorously practice calculus everything leading up to partial derivatives statistics numpy which i think will require that you be familiar with lists and multidimensional arrays and pick up some textbooks focusing on ai so that you can go through the theory and maybe if youre really keen pick up some neuroscience lectures and a textbook,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i think the congressional republicans would pick mcmullin honestly they dont like trump so theyd put ben sasse or someone i have no idea as the vp mcmullin would resign then they would be president this is a very real scenario that could lead to someone noone has ever heard of being president which is bizzare,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 why is everyone downvoting you,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 nope no clothes or anything you can replace them later but can only keep one thing that you currently own car seems like a good choice especially if it has sentimental valuethats a tough question the star trek universe is the best one i can come up with right now i think the quality of life for crew members of a starfleet ship is pretty great and they also get to explore the universe which is moderately dangerousexciting without being a constant threat to their livelihoods id love to live somewhere that has magic and monsters but i cant think of a show that has those and also has gender equality hot showers and netflixwould you rather be able to teleport anywhere on the planet instantly or live forever,41.0,31.0,95.0,3.0,13.0 i know why i just found it funny p,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 maybe its a reddit bias thing because irl soooo many people like trump hardcorethen again im in kentucky,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 one time my friend didnt say the pledge and he got a communism,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 what a quality shitpost congratz op,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 skeletons laying around with notes strewn next to them saying things like fine work skeleton,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 wut i thought its 17th october,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i dont ask for long paragraphs worth of descriptions on every hit but something besides i hit with my polearm and do x damage frankly as a dm i have a lot more on my mind so if i can leave that to my players at least in part all the better,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 if youve got a couple enemy waves trying to get in the portal you can either kill the entire enemy team 25 points minus 5 per death your team takes or kill both waves 40 points plus or minus for player killsdeaths,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 just for funmotd purposes i put together a chaac build last night that had 397 item power with red buff and 180ish protections urchin hide trans shifters dont remember rest off the top of my head was fun,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 yea that happens if were the two of the most active members of this sub in this time zonealso youre welcome,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 valuing the life of animals over humans,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 agreed hes still kinda shaky downfield but hes vastly improved over prior years,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 one bobby at a time gt,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 because its so obviously men who buy into romancewho buys all the fucking novels,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yeah that means you just dont care about being organized,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 ah yes stopping work could well be a good idea as it can be hard to get enough rest otherwise or just stop and put your feet up if you need to bed rest is not quite the same thinghope all goes well for you,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 about cz im always super afraid that wearing cz comes across as trying to pass them off as diamonds but clearly theyre fake i wouldnt want that to me it feels the same as wearing fake designer handbags which you wear to show off the brand and in that case wearing a fake is just ridiculous,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 its just a sequel to the original good but not quite as good,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 python is more generally useful if you have to learn one id go with python though if youre learning a language to science with my advice may not apply,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well if youre actually neither type then its going to be the wrong plan no matter what most of these guides online are written by monkeys with a keyboard what credentials do they have that makes you comfortable letting them guide your life,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 dionysius the areopagite just wants to say god is nonconceptual i like the similarity to the definition of emptiness in the heart sutra of buddhismfirst it saysso our mental processes form are emptiness but then it negates every conceptual definition of emptinessdifficult concept but i would place my definition of god somewhere around the buddhist concept of emptiness ironically buddhists reject the concept of god as a reification its made up artificially in our minds and say believing in god is logically inconsistent,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 lol i have my fair amount the sweat is unexpectedly crazy,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i had a friend like this and he would make me cry laughing with his comedian impressions quoting stand up shows that id never seen before i guess once he ran out of things to quote and id heard them all then he was kinda boring haha still great comedic timing,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 like this that news sensationalism right therefollow the money the truth is out there,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 about half of the clothing in my closet,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 yes but ancient greek refers to classical antiquity gt the end of the hellenistic period there was no ancient greece when the roman empire existed,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 ye because it is not 16 we know,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 first of all players should look into how they can assure theyll not be the target,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this is to the best of my memory there was another area adjacent on the first one where another bathroom shower was and waiting area but i couldnt remember the logistics,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 its one of my favorite books and i felt the same kind of connection you did while reading it especially the parts about reliving intense emotions attached to memories and always doing the right thing even when it hurt or alienated you from everyone else,41.0,31.0,95.0,3.0,13.0 like you said theyre not considered controlled drugs by the uk so youll be fine however in many countries psychoactive drugs are controlled and would require documentation i used to have daily heavy opiate based pain medication if i had to travel with them id need a doctors note stamped and dated with a couple of official looking stamps and signatures it never was much of an issue except that for my opiates i would need very specific documents with very specific stamps because those are controlled substances if all your bottles have the original stickers with your name on them you should be fine when going through customs if a customs agents open up your bag theyll take a look at it ask you a couple of questions compare the name on the stickers to the name in your passport and youd be on your way if i were you however id simply get a doctors note to take with you because you might encounter an incompetent customs control agent and it might help you get out of that situation quick and without too many questions especially considering most of your drugs are anxiety related maybe you can find a general form for the uk controlled drugs and forward that to your doctor so hisher note contains the same info as your drugs arent controlled you wouldnt need to worry about getting the exactly right documentation and stamps like i had to but id get that note just in case,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 its the one reason i miss smoking,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 just delete the values in the cells after each month label it does that because those cells contain formulas you can also merge the cells to have the month span the columns,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 whybecause overwatchers have to work through a shitload of such cases and lose the will to do so,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 just select the ssd when it asks you to install the game if it isnt there say use a different location,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yeah i had to close it because none of the requests worked gtlt,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 you dont see how someone can be conscious without hearing a voice in their head so you dont believe you were conscious before you were taught the meaning if words and how to speak or do you mean conscience,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 that is for 8 confirmations even coin base doesnt wait for 8 confirmations they are okay with 3 i believe your bank works similarly when you swipe your card it just asks the bank if you have the money the they actually pay them much much later,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i know what it means now but glomp is the sound of cafeteria food hitting a tray,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 ah so youre an sjw explains a lot,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i came here for the stairs there were no stairs,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 theres a piece of paper permanently taped over my webcam because of that episode,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 remember that time that power users coupled with unattractive business decisions caused a mass migration to other services s,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 you might want to specify an age range because that ish does change over time for my part bars pool halls at festivals live music occasional museumslectures meetups parties mmm just about everywhere save sporting events except on rare occasion i look for intelligence attractiveness warmth well developed ethics positive attitude some degree of ambition the ability to smoothly pretend to be have class and a healthy share of real world experience shes a rare girl edit oh and a very healthy sex drive goddamn is that important,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 wtf is up with the dude who has absolutely no idea how to wear a hat looks like hes got the thousand yard stare andor ptsdchoosing the right toy is the least of the problems this family haswhy is the family getting help different than the one experiencing problems there doesnt ever seem to be a resolution to the original problem not that it really matters that kids still gonna grow up to be a serial killergood luck with the product though whatever a glob block is or does i have yet to discover i somehow doubt it lets you fly while on a bike but if it does sign me up if not youll be hearing from my lawyer,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 love it and yeah that explains a great deal on the bright side of things when i do meet xntps we fucking love each other,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i played 30 vs 30 on holy see it was fun as shit,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 difference is i didnt edit that score,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 in the same way that only black people can call themselves africans,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 this sounds like it was taken straight out of 1984 or brave new world i forget which,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if you dont play it wrong there wouldnt be a problem,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 missingno is epic swag cuz youll get noscoped by its weed powers,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 he might not have been wrong with what he meant but hes wrong with what he said,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 my abs hurt for a few weeks so i didnt feel like having sex plus you may have scabbingstitches hanging on around the wounds that might hurt if they get bumped i know i waited 2 weeks possibly even 3 your vajay will be unaffected as far as i have readexperienced i didnt get told anything about tampons i would imagine they want you to be mindful of irregular bleeding more than anything else,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 well it was designed around it soand i dont like that a game was designed around it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im not sure id use the term hive mind to describe a group of humans successfully employing teamwork but i like the general gist,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i make playlists that stimulate certain moods like energetic or angry music for working out happy pop stuff for getting ready to go out etc music definitely enhancesenforces a mood im already,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 start using tor start encrypting your stuff start using open source software star covering your webcam and get your friends and family to do all that too,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 i should really start reading the articles the whole thing is a mess at the moment just seems like a repeat of the afghan and iraq wars when the threat is elimated infrastructure needs to be set up so syria can function properly again but i dont think anyone cares unless they benefit from it,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 back in my day we just called em geeksbut i guess a little rebranding is called for occasionally,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 fines are definitively justice also a fine cannot be a bribe by definition though i see what youre getting atyup though worth noting there is no such thing as a victimless act we tolerate minimally harmful acts,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 thanks for the nice little writeup i expect i could manage it and it would be good but when i balance everything out its probably not for the bestmy house is a large burden on me and it never made sense for me to have even bought it looking back i think that may have been one of the major contributing factors that overextended myself and send me down the dark spiral i only ever use one room plus kitchenbathroom the rest is absolutely bare so ill be looking into selling i imagine when i gather my strengththeoretically i could afford a dog or any pet i can afford a lot of things right now but they all reduce my buffer zone and dip into the little savings i have makes more sense to wait for stabilityit would only restrict andor complicate my options for whatever the next stage of my life is but it might be worth revisiting latermaybe ill just get some tropical fish and build my own custom aquarium p,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 is that the hacker 4chan,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 nah too lazy went running instead,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 yep meim 3w2 apparently im bored so i took that ennagram thing and that is what i got from that fits me fairly well heck ive been hit with some pretty heavy shit in life but i still manage to get my accomplishments no matter how small they may be to other people i dont give up and determined in a way when i should have given up a long time ago,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i dont have to im on a galaxy s5 btw,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 too bad itd only attract neckbeards,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 my choices are kinda limited but i like thor and mystique together they cover all your bases even if her blue is somewhat counterproductive thor does thor things and mystique hits extremely hard if you use her purple into her black mine is a few thousand iso from champion level and hits for almost 7k i usually pair them with obw for better blue or sometimes hawkeye just because they can power his speed shot pretty often,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 for comp matches just open and close textchat once,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this looks like just an article to draw attention to cambridge weve had a 7 and even 94 tesla mri here in maastricht brains unlimited for a while now,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 feel free to ask away if you have more questions i can answer just about anything you can throw at me concerning all the code i output,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 do you know any famous typemention 9s i wrote down the ones people think are 9 and all i could find was jennifer jason leigh chris martin coldplay i think fiona apple and lisa kudrow are 9s too though kudrow might be typemention i expected to find more,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i see your point however training a neural network on vac with overwatch could be a step in the right direction for a higher ban percentagehowever saying vac is shit is a bit over the top imo,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 just like the new president,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 maybe they should bring back the ira just to liven things up a bit and raise their profile,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 gtbe megtgo on a subreddit about destroying the government and creating a privateproperty society and say that private property is coercive gtget called out for my stupid bullshit gtmfw,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 there is impact but since we dont own another person we cant force them to do our bidding if we start to coerce we no longer have a relationship of equals but a masterslave dynamic i know which dynamic i strive to be in,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 one or two would have been nice when your pass rushers are spun around by the beaten ot holding their arm thats pretty flagworthyedit i counted 5 really blatant ones even dan fouts called out 3 of them,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 after 1 month it is gone but you get it back after one win,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i have a kind of radical solution cut them out of your life your friends are part of who you are if they are toxic you will sponge it you have the ability to build the life and the friends that you want if you cant cut them minimize contact totally depends on how toxic you deem them,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 if im in that situation i go back to my initial feeling which is usually the best thing to do feel like you could go for a run do it feel like electric guitar needs a new hero start a band,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 hardly anyone seems to selftype as a 6 but i think its a common type for typemention enneagram is based on the idea that everyone has a core fear that defines their personality and the core fear for type 6 is that you cant stand on your own two feet and therefore need advisors to validate you 6s are basically anxious messes some are obviously highly anxious and some dont seem anxious at all because they learn to deal with it by reacting against it were also good friends who are fiercely loyal to anyone and anything that we trust and i also have a lot of type 7 traits which helped me narrow in on 6 at first i thought maybe i was a 4,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 well your flair is scaring us get out,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i was just like your friend in fact i let my wife ruin my friendship of 30 years in some serious next level blue pill shit my friend i realize now took the red pill naturally or he may be on here now his advise to me and interactions with my wife were really rp he took no shit from her at all period i couldnt see it or i wouldnt see it i thought well his wifes very different than mine hes an asshole to people who arent his friends i cant be like that i dont want to jeopardize my tenuous marriage and on and on i let my wife completely dismantle my life until i realized id rather be single than put up with this any longer basically being an accessory for her about a week or two later i found the red pill now i can see what he was doing only now can i understand why he acted like he did not because trp was explained to me or demonstrated but because i was in a place where i could accept it fyi i am new to trp i am at the very beginning,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 when they expect everyone else to be non single,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 the original site was useless without a video,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it sounds more like an executive pitch is cocaine still trendy,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 ye the only thing i thought of was the bottoming out plastic on plastic which i personally find not so disturbing,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 wow it also correctly guessed my hometown this is impressiveedit i think something that could be added to this is what do you call the item in which you store credit cards and money inrest of the us wallettexas billfold,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 it also doesnt understand cogfuncmention at all cogfuncmention is subjective in nature and quite creative and adept at pattern recognition and intercontextual thinking it uses logical deductions it is not interchangeable with the word logic,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 well done so far and good luckhaving your so home for the first 9 weeks is a huge advantage im glad thats possible for you i had mine home for six weeks each time i have two sets of twins and it made everything so much easieras far as routines are concerned i have no real suggestions i breastfed all of mine and a big part of keeping things manageable was feeding them together wherever possibleone small suggestion expressed hind milk and air drying is the best nipple treatment i know of and wont cause any reactions in mother or child it may also be worth getting in touch with a breastfeeding organisation or a lactation consultant as there can be many things that make a bfing baby fussy not just allergies youre feeding one so you still have milk and can go back to that if you choose to,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 even if you just want to whip up keras to use it for a simple model you still need to understand the concepts of training testing and validation the difference between parameters and hyperparameters what each of the hyperparameters mean the general principles of the algorithm regularization class imbalance and so many other concepts its not like buying a plane ticket and pretending to be able to fly planes its more like the difference between a driver and a mechanic not the difference between a passenger and a mechanic,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i dont see the similarities not sure how anyone could look at our economic and political enviorment and support someone who blames immigrants for our troubles says that all muslims are our greateat threat and that we need to cut taxes deregulate and boost our military to me it shows they either they dont accurately observe reality or they just believe what the talking heads in the media say,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 have you resolved your problem,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 but your defence budget isnt really that big its like 35 right,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i dont hate either kyle at all when you think of aggressive drivers the 3 that come to mind are busch kes and larson kurt used to be right there but hes been really conservative as of late,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 you are missing that there is almost no friction in a vacuum so changes to velocity add up over time and that currently they cant get enough fuel up there to burn continuously so when you are talking a journey of a few weeks to months to years what you really want is just extra velocity this new engine provides extra velocity and acceleration is moot tortoise and hare,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 that is amazing are you doing any other characters,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 usually i upvote all the comments i can so i am totally not a part of the hivemind,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 uhhhhhh this jesus person wasnt even american or white sooooooooo,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 yeah i wasnt sure which sub to use couldnt find one about breastfeedingill xpost there,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 hydrazine is cool like all the hypergolics but i dont like that its toxic it made a fun cameo in the martian but i suspect it would have poisoned him or contaminated his food i also like that h2o2 works as monoprop lh2lo2 biprop for high specific impulse is more exciting because you could eventually capture an asteroid around earth orbit and use it to refuel and break the exponential nature of the rocket equation rp1 is a booooring hydrocarbon at this point i want to see nuclear propulsion take off but theres way too many environmentalists whod have a problem with it even though it would require a fraction of the propellant to get anywhere its a really good way to get really really high stagnation enthalpy and exhaust velocity,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 brass coated it seems to fade as it gets to the tip pretty sure its that way by design idkthe things square and blunted it isnt even pretending to be a functional sword i just got mine cause it was like 5 at a yard sale and vaguely sword shaped its probably 30 years old its in just as good or better condition than the one in the pics herei also think toledo is a city in spain,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 one of my exes showed me a few episodes i wasnt a fan of the earlier ones but the lore and music is actually really good i think its a pretty solid show though i agree with you the fandom can be kind of extreme,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 not very i plan to move,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i only have a total of 4gb of storage on my phone itself 23 gb of which is filled with software thats neccesary for it to work like android itself i do have an sdcard in it but most apps do need some of there data on the internal storage anyway i havent downloaded more than 15 apps from the playstore but i still have to remove an old photo everytime i want to make a new one,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 defog wasnt able to clear hazards until x and y but i guess its worked out now then,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 typemention can be some pretty stubborn opinionated fucks,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 this is too cute d,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 here is the actual televised hack,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i dunno im thinking of making my own honestly theyre so goddamn expensive hmm i think ill make a board game oh actually try amazon some reasonable prices there,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 id be extremely nervous to sing on my own in front of an audience i used to do so regularly but now that would freak me out too subjective speaking or acting i have no issue its scripted and i know the lines im guessing you think the speaking is more subjective than i do hence the issue i am definitely more awkward if someone else initiates since i havent had time to prepare,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 then you seem to be misinterpreting it planned parenthood provides birth control free of charge and i do support that but many do not as they are not convinced that it actually reduces unwanted pregnancy rates this statement is completely decoupled from sex education and contraception instruction as planned parenthood is a federal program and sex ed is up to the states,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 well it wasnt your comment i was replying to to be fair lol,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 id like to see you start a chainsaw and cut down a tree in 5s you should be in those lumberjack competitions also what happens if its locked to a metal rack or pole,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 no it goes by winning percentageedit look at it this way if your team is 55 but a division rival is 54 and had a bye this week youre not tied for first youre a halfgame back,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 coincidentally i developed a better analogy a moment ago its like a car that is only powered by one wheel it goes in circles you go into 2 wheel drive when you use your secondary function you go into 4wd to climb impassable terrain,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 ulster protestants are mostly of scottish descent not english,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 not available in my country ffs,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 that combined with eeveelution fandom and the fact that more people picked diamond than pearlpearl was my first pokã mon game so this makes me sad,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 and every single elizabeth thought he was talking about them,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yeah i see what youre saying i wasnt really taking that into accountfor the record i agree that the image looks unnatural and aesthetically displeasing in a way but i wouldnt say sinister id compare it to a video game,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i disagree my biggest issue with intrusive thoughts is insomnia in that if i seethink about anything it will appear in a nightmare that rocks me awake and keeps me awake so i just try to stay away from anything i can that would come into my dreams anything from commercials for horror films to arguing with my mother just run away and maybe i can sleep apart from that my doctor thinks i will have to start taking medication for ptsd because of this,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 its hard to guarantee ahead compatibility since you dont know ahead how much work it will requires is some api dropped on the new os is some driver not available for the platform besides that products are rarely guarantee more than 13 years in this business hardware and software if you have a problem after that you have to pay,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 you dont know what you are talking about do you,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 huhso coordinates dont have an umlaut in englishthey do in dutchand the word is written nearly identical thats probably where the confusion came fromalso my little brother just took my phone and thought he was funny by deleting comments the previous one saidno not gonna push my luck a second time what part of that did i misspell,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 we all have bodies we all get sick our government allows the insurance companies to rob us blind at every turn youre okay with getting cancer acquiring a disability or your loved ones being hurt in a car wreck and going bankrupt over it really thats okay in the most powerful winning country on earth,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 after taking out hendry traitor scum bracken robert rosby and daeron redwyne face offim setting their yields at 25 each just doing this for suspense mostly1d403 robert rosby 100 hp1d406 daeron redwyne 100 hpurollme,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 hrm yeah i would be down with a onetime 60 fee game that doesnt bottleneck my available lego blocks and keeps me playing from actual fun rather than chasing crumbs,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 ikr people dont seem to take me as seriously when they find out how old i am its a real pain,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 so then the titles like totally wrong then,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 people continually flame valve for not updating the game enough which is kinda right but i guess most issues people want updated will be resolved with switching to source 2 same with dota2right now i like the direction valve is taking with the skins seeing that the awp in this case is the first one that gets restricted quality in a case and the ak is the first one with milspec quality i really hope that one day the items will sell for more than you pay for a key,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if you understand things through snapshots you are probably a cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention and cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention user right this is what socionics call statics functions as opposed to cogfuncmentioncogfuncmentioncogfuncmentioncogfuncmention users that see stuff like a movie,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 the three wise men werent jews,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 hah we should do a survey of chronic snooze button hitters im like 34 times,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 im not saying to live in abject terror or anything but regarding rape,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so when do people start protesting andor overthrow the government,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 my friend was always thin complained he couldnt gain weight if he triedi found out his secret hes always used those protein shakes trying to gain weight with them or get in shape or something i guess well turns out they make you feel pretty damn fulli lost 40lbs without trying too hard and that was only part of the reason but i think it contributed a ton towards that goalfor me just watching my portions and seeing exactly where and what the calorie intakes for everything comes from helped it helped me reduce costs a bunch too knowing that having that granola bar or something that turns out to be like 90 sugar well doesnt really fill you up for the 500 calories or whatever it was i try and cut down the amount of sugar intake too but not strict about it like somei struggle to hit my calorie goal now whereas before id go over way over sometimes double,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 well thats still labeling because youre only basing that assessment off partial information i think theres a lot more to be said about this topic like for example the way a kid interprets a label is more important than the label itself so actually its the childs own inner labeling that would be the problem not how other people label him also using positive labels dont always give them a superiority complex that also depends on what the labels mean to the child which always comes down to the individuals own personal labeling system,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 im a capitalist and a pretty adamant one at that but what the fuck are you talking about,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 what server do you play on,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 intimacy issues its a problem the best way to fight it is to try and practice being vulnerable perhaps try and open up to someone you ahvent opened up to yet and deepen your relationship,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 it sounds like it might be different this year based on your descriptionbut in the past theyd give you a board and certain items give you a certain number of ticketseach prize requires a certain number of spaces at least one in each category is astronomically rare but the rest will be common so youll have four of the five pieces and be determined to keep playing because youre so close but in reality you arent at allthere were a few prizes that were slightly more common like the 10 off your next jewel purchase and whatnoti do not recall anything about codes to enter online but then again i only tried it once a few years ago and determined it was a huge waste of time id feel better about playing the lotto because time is money and the lotto is less money than the amount of time it takes to sort through all the jewel monopoly piecesim going to jewel in a little bit so if i get any info about this years game ill post an update,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 fluent in arabic french and english basic noob at spanish and just started learning russiangood at guitar noob at piano,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 you wouldnt have ranked up though if you have 1000 points and are mg2 and valve now decides to raise the minimum points for mge to 1500 you either will have to win games until you hit the 1500 points or you lose one and get deranked because you dont have enough points anymoreit is just a upward shift of point requirements,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 sorry just so i get what youre doing here you are contesting that i am indeed on my phone and think a phone needs to be held sideways to have a qwerty keyboard for some reason and for some reason you think using italics on a reddit app is some great length to go to this is what youre focusing on correct or noyou must be extremely threatened by what i say dwhycolorless green ideas sleep furiouslyi asked you to try and justify what you said which was that truth necessarily has proof which a man called gã del already did disprove before i was born so i dont really have to also i like how you believe intelligence resides in punctuation of all things,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 ok folks 9010 the typemention cries 1090 az gets distracted and forgets about it house takes a paltry 2 of winnings good luck finding a more generous sub in the subosphere,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 wait until the rx 480 4gb reference comes back in stock then buy that,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 that would only save on lines of code if they were used more than a handful of times i believe they are being called just once,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 im guessing those are regions mine just says north america,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 euthanasia is a widely accepted phenomenon in the netherlands and our laws on this subject are way less restrictive then they are in almost any other nationfor example a woman in the netherlands can ask a doctor to examine wether or not her demented mother is able to make a viable estimate on the value of her live if the doctor thinks that the demented mother cant then the daughter can ask the doctor to perform euthanasia on the mother if the daughter deems the situation of the mother inhumanei know that this is rather controversial in many other nations so that is why i mentioned that im dutch,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 damn i do want a kamisori at some point looks nice though id probably want a more traditional steel and sweden steel is vagueit is hollow ground on both sides though rightoh and that karambit is insane and by insane i mean totally not my style gl with the sale,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the solution to nmm problems isusing mod organizerhere you go its not fucking impossible moderately more difficult than nmm but holy crap once youve taken a couple hours on a saturday afternoon to set it up youll never go back follow along through each episode groove to the awesome accent make liberal use of pause and rewind the k and j keys on your keyboard in youtube and youll have it down in no time,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 also ashes w will proc her slow so her autos on wd things do extra damage,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i just realized someone had to help her by blowing smoke in her ass or could she gave used a vape,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 no look back at your own posts you quoted my line all human behavior can be explained via evolutionary developmental biology the original topic was how you believe that i was a threat i successfully destroyed your argument by asking the rhetorical question of how just because i understand the true facet of human nature does not make me violent so obviously you switched topics to how you think that im wrong about how human behavior is influenced today by our prehistoric ancestors i successfully eviscerated your argument again by pointing out your factpulling wasnt even relevant to the argument at hand as i was talking about our psychology as a species not as individuals youre now trying to deflect the fact that youre the failure here because you have a false sense of knowledge on the topic of human evolutionary developmental biology im eviscerating your argument yet again currently by pointing out that this is the natural course of discussion and not deflecting if i were deflecting i would not be mentioning the fact right now that you have zero basis to pull on when it comes to you accusing me of violence,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 uleapingtitan has done some vids about the history of the worldheres his channel manga spoilers in link of that you can always watch the podcast manga spoilers are other podcasts out there but this one is done by some of the mods of this sub,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i guess that is true yea i notice those who i cant simply talk to i dont often make plans with x,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 of all the guest of the podcast with whom harris has a disagreement peterson is one of the rare ones who has shown a willingness to find a common ground and challenge his own views i did listen to the second podcast a second time yesterday and peterson seems genuinely happy that harris challenge his views and certainly admire harris ability to do so peterson use of the word truth did soften between the two podcast at some point he replaces it by wisdom i also wached some of of peterson older videos before the bill c16 controversy and he is certainly an engaging psychology teacher who also happen to be critical of the field or phychology a kind of selfreflection that i often find lacking in this field,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 the yields arent particularly low the issue throughout africa is a lack of nutrition and calorific deficits caused by neglected tropical disease increasing food yields helps very few peoplewhich is fortunate because so far gmo foods havent been able to increase food yields or at least yields have remained static year on year for gmo,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 were all looking at it thats the problem,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 well then you fell for it,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 hmm that seems odd but it might be a sign that youre on the right track did you restart rocksmith after disabling all the other audio inputs what about restarting your computerwhen the game has no sound can you tell if it is registering the guitar by wave animations coming from the ingame speakers in the background from the main menu if you go to tone designer it should look like this when you strum sort of audio output are you using,41.0,31.0,95.0,3.0,13.0 after this kind of education i think im confident enough to start trying it out with some paraffin lamp oil cant go wrong it only ignites when atomized,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this guy talk about sikh perception great talk,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 that means the referendum must have been fake,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 just buy the set as it comes outits only like a 50 dollar investment every 23 months,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 its easier to uptilt and accidental jumps can be prevented,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 well tell me when you come across one and you can have 5 more breedjects if you come across one i love shiny froakie,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 what would you do if your mum found out,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 i saw yesterday bovada finally flopped switching to 130 in favor of him not completing his term then today they removed the wagers altogether,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 not on fire but im pretty sure he was burnt and likely that he wanted to set himself alight,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 of course the authors name is skye im fine with wiccans but just find it tacky when the books are called witchcraft and spells,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 that is not to say that it was but here you go again with the intimations against character,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 can we actually spend the â 200m though i thought ffp limited how much we could spend of it at once,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 the thibg is i dont even know if its my own voice or just my brains voice of its own and i can make him change accents if i want to,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 pretty sure its been a thing since at least 1972,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 engage w them more and you have no brain power to type while talking,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 ok whos using their force powers again,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 north korea is like that kid in school that always gets made fun of and asks for people to be cool but nobody is nice to him and he ends up shooting a lot of people before being reprimanded,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i wouldnt bother with the oxo your other ingredients have plenty of flavour and the salt may prevent the beans from softeningwhen i make bean soup i throw in a finely chopped onion a couple of sticks of sliced celery a finely diced carrot and a couple of bay leavesif your bean mix contains kidney beans youre supposed to boil them for 10 minutes before slow cooking you probably know that but im mentioning it just in case because i dont want you to get sickive never heard of a curry with ham im curious now,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 as a last resort are you able to copy all the cells from the worksheets into a new workbook im really not sure what might be the cause of this problem at this point,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 probably a bit much for most people here,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 im just wondering if they were ahead of the truck why they didnt deploy spike strips or at least have the car across the roador at least tried to pitt when they were in the boonies with no carsthen of course when they get into a populated area hey lets do the pitt now,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 there isnt an os on the computer will i still be able to get into the flash drive,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 stern tisch building 4th floor,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 i have two two villagers im trying to get rid of right now and theyre both playing the hidingshoppingmuseum going game with me right now ughhhh i feel your pain when i was trying to get rid of egbert i ended up trying so hard to get him to like me fuming all the while so he would want to ping me more that i ended up being kind of sad when he finally moved out dont get me wrong im glad hes gone and i still get annoyed when i see him milling about the shops,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 whelp back to fox news and brietbart where all the news is completely true s,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 the problem is that for 25ms and upwarfs you can also play on good 64tick servers and your hits would still connecti love how some people i know say yeah 128 tick best while playing with cmd and updaterate 64,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 well cogfuncmention is unconscious too the reason we know all these what if scenarios is from seeking patterns intuition is all about imagination now the actual process of seeking the patterns is hidden from us into our unconscious to keep us sane what is conscious is the result from all of that its definitely not fully unconscious its halfunconsciousfor example continue the pattern 2 4 8 16 32 64 right now did you actually calculate the difference between each element and seeked formulas and shit or did the result just come to you i think the latter is true the brain unconsciously seeked patterns realized there is a 2n formula and gave it to you without all the formulas and shit to limit data,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i was upsetting myself you didnt do anything before she could continue she was cut off by the hugthank you kiernan said simply closing her eyes and gladly accepting and returning the embrace it was what she had needed then a hug and a firm assurance that things were secureafter taking a few silent moments to let the embrace calm her without moving she spoke up again so she said her voice back to normal if a little softer due to the hug do you want to accept the offer,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 garbage day produced by michael bay,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 if a woman is hitting on typically shit goes down lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 by any chance are you looking at using the data validation tool used to create custom drop down boxes within cells of limited options determined by a set list of options to choose from,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 also with the international break coming up 23 weeks could mean just missing 12 matches for us,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 life isnt like the movies you dont just accidentally bump into someone ask them out on a date then live happily every after most people end up bonding over one thing like work or a hobby etc then become friends then try out dating and end up as a couple in your case maybe go to a comiccartoon convention with other like minded women and use tinder but dont mention your hobbies if you want a hookup its never been easier when youre on tinder both of you are looking for the same thing if you get what im saying,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 finally kiernans smile returned albeit small and wistful too long indeed she agreed i hope you know that im never too busy if you need to talk all you need to do is write or stop by laughing sheepishly she added i would come by more often but i dont think aelora is very fond of me,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 free is 0 right what is 04 hint not free,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 thats absolutely fine thats a good move that helps the team when youre the only tank and you switch to a squishy after everyone else locks in thats a problem,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 haha at least he knew about radiation and how microwaves work though a little misguided my friends parents used to have this russian lady come clean their house do the laundry and other odd jobs 4x a week one time she tried to warm up a cup of tea she forgot about in the microwave with the metal spoon still in the cup i panicked said no cancelled it and told her she shouldnt do that and explained to her why metal sparks i was about 12 at that time she was about 30 she had zero concept on how microwaves worked,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 this episode was very good some earlier ones lacked a certain edge,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 that is the worst one you should be ashamed ufffdufffd,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 as i already stated it is not competitive to exploit legal loopholes do you criticise the companies that refuse to evade tax for having a bad business model are you claiming apple is a paragon of business for using child labour or its poor treatment of apac workerswell likewise you shouldnt be claiming uber get a free ride when they refuse to pay tax and intentionally evade the courts illegal verdict on uberpop by replacing it with uberpool and lets not forgot about all the legal compliance issues extraneous to thati guess it is competitive in the sense that youre still competing effectively until your service gets banned that isoh shit thats exactly what just happened so much for being competitive i mean let me be clear i like uber in my experience manchester amp london i get a comparable if cramped being 63 i fit much better in a black cab experience to a taxi at slightly lower cost even if the journey is a bit longer and im not too fussed about accidents due to uk laws and the nhs but none of thats relevant to the problems in france,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 i find that very hard to entertain ive read that cromagnon man actually hunted and ate neanderthal flesh,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 carbon tax start at 14 per metric ton and increase exponentially each year to about 40 per metric ton then use the revenue to fund a tax cut to about 2025,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 and anyone saying that it improved his skill is avictim of a placebo effect fact,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 if a player is out of form they are out of form structure or not we rely on good dribbles quick passing and overloading to disrupt defensive shape if the dribbles and passes arent being pulled off theres not much you can do about it good structure might get the team into the final third more reliably but even guardiola says he gives freedom to his attackers when there if the dribbles and passes arent coming off it doesnt matter if the structure is good things wont happen,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 why not have smaller skirmishes and make that a battlemode for this,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 not at all but look right here cogfuncmention thinking my identity is too nebulous to be properly explored using a logical framework p,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this is very much possible the method in which you need to enter the data into this third party application is what determines how feasible the end result isyou can use sendkeys to enter the information this means youll have to know exactly when to begin sending keystrokes you will have to ensure the target application is in focus and is ready to receive said keystrokes if another application gains focus your keystrokes will not be sent to the correct application if extra keys are pressed during the sendkeys time frame you will have entered incorrect dataalternatively you can use the sendmessage api this is far more complicated than using sendkeys however so your mileage may vary sendmessage allows you to set the values of specific control objects in just about any standard windows form in any application the only caveat to this you have to be able to identify the exact id of the application window and control objects youll have to do this dynamically in case control object ids change between formsbut with sendmessage you gain the ability to never send incorrect data as this is completely independent of the end user its much faster than sendkeys as you do not need to wait for key presses to be simulated this wont work however if the target application does not use standard windows forms to display information or interact with the user,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 generally yeah you can do a 2000 cpu supertanky tanktype with a few smgs on there and do pretty well the more tanky you are the more time you usually have to stay alive and use your smgs to pick off enemy guns or hit them in critical spots the more disarmed they are the more invulnerable you effectively becomehowever a savvy opponent wont try to kill you quickly and will also recognize the value of disarming you first or trying for a mobility kill so like anything its a tradeoffits definitely more fashionable to be a fastmoving smaller highdamage bot since capturing points and denying enemies from capturing is how you win for as long as you can respawn and respawn quickly then get right back in the fight being a glass cannon is going to be preferred over being a slowmoving brick,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 the king builds and the hand does the maintenance,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 why the same ones we do my dear,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 also the community didnt close it unless twitch is so selfimportant as to say we are the community,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 i know how you feel i think just knowing i had the option of euthanasia would make me far more capable of dealing with life,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 as someone who never really played the classic shooters born mid 90s and i didnt really play shooters until middle school when halo 3 and cod 4 were at their peak i would have strongly disagreed with you if it wasnt for the fact that the new doom is the absolute tits and wolfensfein the new order is fantastic you may be on to something they all have their place i enjoy my battlefield halo and cod 4 when the mood strikes but its awesome seeing some of the classics getting rebooted in really cool ways shadow warrior looks really damn cool i have it but havent played it yet and im hoping they keep this up,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i was hoping it would be something like this and you didnt disappoint double points for using a great movie too,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 indeed although postburnapparently debriding is absolutely excruciating i think its supposed to be worse than the initial burn,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 wait what how do you climb one in the first place,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i picked it up from this sub but cogfuncmention finds it entertaining cogfuncmention finds it relaxing,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 im latina and like asian men some obviously not all i had a huuuuuuge crush on this guy in my tae kwon do class who was half korean,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 oh god are all typemention like this i also flirt without thinking especially when im drunk and next thing you know you have a person thinking you want to get into hisher pants i do this to girls more frequently and my guy friends always tell me to tone down my bi especially during a party so they have a chance too lol ive gotten so many numbers that i didnt want its hilarious i just kind of tell them im not interested in them in that way but would love to hang,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 fyi you can be labelled a sex offender for sending dick pics to minors i imagine there are similar laws in whatever country youre in and yes your ip can be traced,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 like i said i havent seen a demo of him cheating if you claim something like this then provide at least proofthere is a good chance that they will but if they dont you just look like a big idiot,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 didnt your daddy ever take you camping this is what socks are for son,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 literally drew a 4 dimensional shape lmao,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 its an old meme but it checks out,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 not so sure about this move seems to me that subreddit communities will end up being filled with posts that link to user profiles why would a user post their content to a community instead of just their user profile take rgames for example if ea has a user profile why would you go to rgames to see informationnews on what ea is doing instead of just going directly to their profile i think this update will destroy or at least hobble subreddit communities and change the very nature of reddit itself part of the draw of reddit is the anonymity its a news aggregator and discussions within subcommunities this change undermines all of that,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 to be honest i dont believe any workouts are required you can if you want to for whatever reason but its not necessary for fitness if you just take regular walks so your body gets some movementexercise youre good ive done weight training several times in my life as well as cardio but i never enjoyed it it always felt like a chore and i ended up wondering why i was even forcing myself to do something that i didnt enjoy and didnt need to feel healthy either diet is important and moving is important not being sedentary im thinking now of taking up yoga but thats just because im curious and it seems nice to do not because of some kind of result that i want to achieve,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 i think a lot of people crave drama but for many typemention we create our own drama,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 yeah its good that you do that every now and then but dont spam it itd ruin the joke,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 why have opinions if you never express them,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i had a different experience with my typemention ex at first the chemistry was crazy electric and the sex was always phenomenal there was a raw animalistic attraction from day one in fact i can spot typemention because they always look at me like im water in the desert hahaha over time her talking about mundane shit bored me to death and she stopped pretending to be interested in my random abstract musings she was an absolutely wonderful girlfriend and is a fantastic person but intellectually i was incredibly lonely this killed the relationship for me over time,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this is what i came here to saydogs dont understand basic concepts like moving is the image i remembered,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 weve already met ser she made a rectangle with her hands and framed her face ring any bells,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 have you gone back in for a downsize sounds like youre duethey put in longer bars initially to account for swelling youre supposed to go back in after a couple months to replace it with a shorter post,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 go camel kick that motherfucker,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i want to think of something clever to say but my initial instinct is to just put my head on my deskheaviest of heavy sighs,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 erm may i have an eli5 on this one pleasedontsayno,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 excellent im glad its a thing nudity for all i say doesnt bother me people need to be offended less about stuff like this,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 any idea where this was taken it looks like something my wild uncle would build,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 its from the die antwoord amp harmony korine short film,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 its true my daddy never loved me so i turned to drugs,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 problem is outside of eren and armin all other children eat the wall propaganda thats why armin got bullied in the first placealso you shower too long think of the environment,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 do a trek while youre there you have to arrange them weeks in advance but theyre fantastic abel tasman imgur imgur imgur imgur imgur imgur imgur imgur,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it seems fair for me to ban them permanentyou wont see a single professional or refferee who fixed a match play again if esports aspire to be real sports you will have to show those people the door,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 what the chance this post will not be burried in a postmatch thread with more memers and kids upvoting shitpostsnone,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 which isnt the fault of mbti,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 oh god please no as much as all of them seem like good people neoconservative foreign policy is extremely dangerous and it creates a lot more problems than it solves,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i know were supposed to discuss there but you cant start your point by claiming that fsg is sacking klopp next year for some reason did you even watch our games under brendan postsuarez we were pathetic at times we were a joke in europe and incredibly inconsistent in the league because rodgers couldnt figure out what style he wanted us playing without suarez i know that this is not a cuantificable trait but klopp gave identity to the team again we play exciting attacking football and we are back to being a challenging team to play against in world football we were getting eliminated by the likes of besiktas and zenit under rodgers while getting trashed at anfield by real madrid and outsmarted by with all due respect to those teams fucking basel and ludogorets in the champions league our 1516 team was never a competitor in that europa league campaign until klopp figured out how to use firmino upfront and he started scoring he taught lallana how to press and move instead of always going for the dribble and weak shot he made coutinho a genuine attacking threat not only with his skills but also on dead balls and finishing which he notoriously lacked and also managed to get a solid defender out of lovren even mignolet improved incredibly and was vital last season in our late run to get champions leagueklopp has showed as much ambition as rafa had on his time with us and if we speak about rafas tenure you cant left out his bad traits too as he was always very stubborn and not the most passionate and caring manager with his players klopp obviously has weaknesses too like his bad substitutions and how reserved he is with transfers but you just cant say things like rodgers showed more ambition because any success that rodgers had was because of suarez and i think that no one can argue this klopp build an historic dortmund side that reached a champions league final and two consecutive league titles ffs while brendan was an ok transitional manager that had the luck to watch explode one of the best players of this generation for one season,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 did i just win an award for procrastination i have mixed feelings here its like when the guy at the liquor store remembered my name,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 they absolutely are supposed to be attached and i dont think dingos are the way to go the basic theory behind diki is that the animals primal energy should flow through the chi lines in your head chakra foxes are largely solitary animals which gives a chance for the chi to build up if you were to perhaps isolate a dingo for a few months or find a wild inxx you might be able to substitute for the fox,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 which is how it should have been done in the first place,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 home alone 3 and especially 4 would like a word with you,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 why should they even listen to reddit is the question valve can gladly give not a single fuck about it as people here are dumb as fuck when it comes to technical things,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the first row is not phrased correctly by preference 8th is the last thats why its the 8th duh so that doesnt mean you hate it you would probably despise the 5th more but being the last by preference its more like the last ever thing you could think of you prefer your 5th over your 8th while solving a problem,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 so if i play with a second account and play every game with a friend who is worse than me thel ill naturally be ranked lower than normal and that makes me a smurf instantly his post is technically right but you people dont want to accept that because then you have no one to flame for your loss or something along those lines,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 damn that hitler lovin disney,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah quite i find it really hard not to start laughing,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 if youre looking for another supervisor then id say just drop it and get a different one as soon as possible having said that however i personally wouldnt give up without a fight if you remain stuck with him for a while which is just my personality in the same way being an ass is his personality its all well and good if he takes most of the credit as the supervisor but when he is clearly abusing his power and saying that he will steal misuse miscredit anything made by one of his supervisees and telling you that he would never admit that he did so he is clearly showing that he knows he is in the wrong but doesnt care so in my opinion the several times over repeated argument in these comments that well he is the supervisor and can therefore lay the most claim is irrelevant here as the guy is basically saying i know i shouldnt do this i know im an ass but whatcha gonna do thats not something people should ask me regardless of the hierarchy i would probably have my phone record the audio any time im around him for starters,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 i see youve got a checkbox in the pipeline to show only users with photos thats good itll motivate people to add photos in i know that a large number of them will be nonrepresentative ones landscapes pets and whatnot but itll certainly helpim having trouble with the search results interface the thumbnail boxes with the overlaid updown arrows are irregularly sized and can cause me to accidentally vote on someone when i just intended to check them out and not vote yet thats a pretty big deal if voting on someone nuked them from my visible list im using chrome and havent tried another browser but ill admit that a portion of it is me not being careful enough where i click tooregarding ignoring certain subreddits what if instead a user could weight them lets say i really want to find someone who is into rexampleacturnips but not so much rpinkpotatoes if i had a little upvotedownvote next to each subreddit it could say skew the results as doublegood for the turnip thing and ignore the potato one for calculating compatibility im still mulling over ways to motivate more people to use their real or more developed accounts i think thatll be a big deal,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i didnt mean the ghosting i meant the being terrible in bed part theres a lot of social expectations about sex being done when the man comes and how a sexual encounter will go that doesnt really benefit the woman short of writing soandso is bad in bed on the bathroom wall it just seems like something that will get worse and if you just dont put out then you potentially end up stuck in an ltr with someone who sucks in bed its an extremely exhausting catch22,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 how an typemention flirts youre not entirely useless and appear to not be a complete idiot p,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 wowcomplaining about urchin hide in assault while mail of renewal still exists hasnt even been nerfed yet not that the nerf will make much of a difference in assault,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 theres nothing weird or wrong about feeling this way we all have multiple shells the little interior one is your base you maybe you let someone in here if theyre lucky but you have to trust them because they can really hurt you then you build up these layers to your private close relationships and friends self your public self your workschool self etc it protects the raw inner self from wear ampamp tear and helps you project a personality that helps you interact with the worlddifferent sets of people more smoothly this self is you too youre not being disingenuous youre just being guarded and thats okay,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 wrong and being from ph you should understand this we make below minimum wage when delivering we are literally and legally owed more than what the employer is paying the difference is meant to be made up and far exceeded by tips,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 here in latvia ive actually heard the opposite to be true,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 uh oh someone got in trouble,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 very good advice new players should mostly stick to 1v1 till they are comfortable with the game i suggest playing a lot of plunjing valley as well in your 1v1s i dont know why so many people want to recommend you play in 10v10s you will learn way more from playing 1v1s and watching your replays and thinking about your games talk to who your playing and make some buddies then ask them to join you for some 2v2s,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 i agree on this second point maybe even mail the ceo of this company seeing that its a small one just tell them you wont be pursuing any action but like to bring some things to hisher attention as you were very dissapointed with how you were treated by employee x and give all the examples you havr given us dont apologize for your mail or anything just be dissapointed in how everything was handled by his or her company,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 only the armored titan and the mule titan have real effective use outside of combat the rest of them are simply bigger humansand hey as it turns out 50 of those two is female and the rest is gsus who is also planned to be replaced by a female you cant complain really,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 dates are awesome good for keeping you regular,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 please dont omit that those were reactions to police violence against citizens or the protests in new york where a police officer killed eric garner on video and the nation shrugged,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 ive just seen your team very similar great taste i think your way is better having lamela long and feghouli to rotate than mine having capoue on the bench every game thanks for the tips,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 even then id like statistics from this or last yearthose are far more relevant than you think for example the rise in criminality in europe the refugee crisis terrorist attacks etcalso what is wrong in judging the situation and safety for the future on current events just because x happened in 2014 doesnt mean x would happen also tomorrowand there are 9 months between conceiving a child and its birth since you cant predict the future for conflicts on the global scale just on statistics but more likely on current events i stand by my opinion that 19902001 was safer from the global situation for europe and the west than now,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 laws usually make things illegalso if they dont specifically outlaw it by a law they arent illegalthe without a legit reason one is scary though never say self defense in canada thats illegal in itself it becomes a weapon as it proves intent to commit a crimei mean why wouldnt opening boxes be good enoughmost of my knives dont leave my home and i just take the tame ones for carry so not much of an issue for me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my version of happiness is not necessarily your version of happinessif he says but everyone loves kids then you say if that was true child abuse wouldnt existor just say no and that its not up for discussion,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 steven blaney would probably be guy with the best chances of winning seats in quebec as he is quite moderate and downtoearth guy he is not charismatic so thats hurt his chance outside quebec not that its not important in quebec but it is even more so outside of it with english as a second language and no cultural connection with the people he would have to work on his image and his temper though maxime obviously has a strong political machine behind him all those positive article on this sub about it appears for a reasonoutside of this i dont know the candidates well i will only comment only on their french peterson speak a perfect french with a tick parisian accent which sound condescending that would play against him ironically michael chongs french is pretty good good enough for not being a issue chris alexander is perfectly bilingual and even has a slight quebecer accent,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 as a russian its really funny to see the difference in mentality and common morale of western ppl and russians what is totaly normal behaviour in russian world in western world perceived as something magnefisent and out of order noone would ever pay attention in russia to something like this cos its a normal behaviour and moral standarts thats how you should act to be generous and care about others around in western world its all about individualism and taking care only about his own ass so moves like this have wow factor and gets like 6 reddit topics and thousands upvotes thats hilarious really it happend before aswell with other similar cases not only with fng i remeber empire pauses for enemies and other stuff,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 wow they did the same as to the huffpo guy,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i swear i totally just had deja vu that ive seen a thread just like this posted here a few months back,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i think its more of a stand than excitement,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 oh i use screenfetch soooo yeah thats how i got the antergoes logo,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 she shrugged breaking eye contact to stare at the maiden as of late ive had more free time than i would like i mostly came here to alleviate the boredom although i will admit i did pray maidenly virtue and all that,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 what the absolute fuck chelsea,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 ive noticed that the chocolate coating has been significantly thinned down what used to be a solid chunk of chocolate about 3mm thick is now so thin its actually translucent to the point where you can see the wafer underneath maybe thats what op means when saying kitkats are more fragile,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i would evaluate data before passing it to a function the function wouldnt even be called if the data that needed to be passed to it was invalid in my addition function example all data is verified as numbers before passing it to a function for addingthis means functions dont need to worry about encountering errors their data will always be correct keeping everything encapsulated within functions helps keep everything organized and easy to read bear with me im typing this on my phone private sub test if isnumericglobalint1 and isnumericglobalint2 then globalint3 addnumglobalint1 globalint2 else msgbox invalid values end if end sub private function addnumbyval firstint as integer byval secondint as integer as integer addnum firstint secondint end subin this example the data is verified to be numeric if it is valid they are added together and globalint3 is assigned the value if the data is invalid a message box is displayed with the error message this is how a simple error check handles all paths of an algorithm the data is either valid or its not either way your code knows what to do without throwing an unhandled exception and in this way you can have customized error messageshandling because you could substitute the message box with appending a log with the corresponding variable values,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 israel took that land when it was attacked here is where most of it came from this happens in wars what are you for integrationdissolution or two state what does your cogfuncmention tell you,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 that feeling when the gym is the only thing left on your agenda for the day so hype,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 so close chambers is a really good crosser shame hell end up as a cb,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 kennys is a bot after the awp update funny considering that the go awp is now basically the css awptitan is better of with the trade imo,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 what is your shitty edgy opinion it is very shocking how many legitimate facist racists there are on reddit,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 my code compares the most recently edited cell on whatever worksheet you inserted the code into to the address of cell a1 which would be a1 if the two match it reads the value of that cell and executes the corresponding subroutine as determined by the select case switch statement if these subroutines are located in another module they will have to be set to public where the code i posted is a subroutine set to private this allows functions and subroutines to be accessible outside of the current module they are located in,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 swoot babbi jezus tht was spectocular,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 and immigrants vote in majority for harper i wonder why,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i doubt that this tweet was done out of anger perhaps the other one but not this one we can discuss the question of impulsivity but then we would have to assume that he regrets it which i doubt so a different qualifier is required like bad taste perhaps,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 typemention take what they want without breaking any legal restrictions typemention does whatever advances themselves in anyway they can get away with and doesnt think a certain level of structure will make them a better person,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 ok thats definitely surgery in your case was this a dutch dentist or your dentist back homeif it was your dentist back at home take those xrays to a dutch dentist and ask for a referral as these procedures will not be done by dentists in the netherlands but only by dental surgeons you will need a referral to one of groningens hospital this is not optional in the netherlands you cant just walk into a hospital and get treatment unless you are being brought in from an ambulance in life and death situations you need a referral from a primary care provider dentist or gp to get in this also is something good to know in general though if you find yourself in a situation where you might need medical care outside of office hours dont go to the er directly again unless its in an ambulance but call the huisartsenpost which is a centralized gp office which is available during out of office hours if necessary they will give you an immediate referral to the er but if you show up at the er without a referral for a non life or death situation dutch insurance will not cover your expenses its a common procedure you probably wont have to stay in the hospital dagbehandeling day treatment ive looked up the waiting times for the university hospital according to their website the waiting times at the dental surgery department is about 4 weeks for these basic procedures usually the other nonacademic hospitals are a bit shorter but at least this gives you an indication this waiting time if from the moment your dentist provides their referral to the hospital and they register you ive also needed jaw surgery i found the surgeons at the university hospital to be very kind helpful and professional and the hospital itself is very modern and well equipped you should check with your insurance company whether theyd cover the costs i dont have a specific breakdown of the costs but if id have to make a rough measurement it would probably cost in the 10001800 euros range to have them extracted surgically in the hospital this was what my insurance company paid for a day treatment issue i had that required local anesthetics but not ortho related though,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this doesnt even come close to being called hacking,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 walk when its time to walk and if you never do and you start to panic that youll never walk you walk then you grab your balls up and just go reconsider fine but once you reach the edge the final edge and then you reconsider thats not right,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 the ui designer for wpf is more tricky to works with i find it barely usable and i end up editing xaml directly instead visual studio is also more confusing for a beginner than sharpdevelop,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 hmm lets see september 15th i got dumped two days before and then some dude called me a 55 the next day and something else bad happened i cant remember and i was like its too much man and just laid in bed and cried for a while then i was finealso apparently typemention only cry once a month lol,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 someone needs to tell her that there are more efficient ways to shift then scratching your eyes out,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 overwatch is so dope but competitive right now is ehhhhhh but its so much fucking fun,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 replaces cazorla in the team and allows someone not as defensive as coquelin to be the partner,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 anyone who is has been called sjw multiple times is a sjw i suppose,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 the onboard ssd doesnt function as a normal drive the ssg would have 12gb of vram with an additional pool of 1tb ssd onboard though the speed of the additional ram pool is slower the physical route is much closer thus reducing latency and the need to interact with the cpu when vram is limited this has greater efficacy for workstationsrenderfarms and vastly diminishing returns for gamingedit cleaned up mobile response,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 dont forget your tinfoil hat the illuminati mind control rays are more concentrated above 5k feet,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 lol oh the old romantic money bath,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i came to say thisive had gay friends call me a breeder before i was decidedly cf i didnt care or take offense i did find this super amusing blurb on wikipedia though while reading slang terms,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 dier has been playing out of position though its not an even comparison if you consider that it just shows that henderson is definitely more versatile but idk if hes a better player than dier at his best position as a dm,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 lol as if it isnt just going to get more and more common it makes a lot of money why would it do anything other than become more common,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 from your post so obviously some of these are more of an issue than others but every single one of these little nuggets from your post is a reason that calls for some critical introspection and self evaluation you need to be in a good place with yourself before you can actually be a good place for somebody else especially your references to suicide in combination with your self proclaimed emotional instability are reasons you need to seek therapy this is not something to be ashamed about or whatever its something you do to make yourself a better person if anything you can go into competition with yourself to be the best possible you how can you expect you can truly and fully love someone if you clearly cant even bring up enough love to love yourself enough to take proper care of yourself,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 android does this as well,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 new account buddy i recognise that manic simpering aw were you blocked,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 they wouldnt if they would that means in the long it would still benefit personal harmony or maybe youre mistaking it for individual harmony everyone has the right to be happy as cogfuncmention doesnt think things and come to the conclusion for the sake of it so do cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention cogfuncmention values personal and individual harmony by definition the one who values group harmony is cogfuncmention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 also ashes w will proc her slow so her autos on wd things do extra damage,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 nope my first reactions were that it had a very the perks of being a wallflower meets life is strange vibe that held true throughout the series,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 cause im the kingpin of this bitch its about damn time for a name drop,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 well yeah that was also my point they both need to give information to the public and keep the common people ignorant at the same timewhich is why i wonder how much theyll tell exactly,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 save some around but buy myself stuff id like maybe move to china,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 ah youre cool then you pass the check and run away successfully the where is up to you you saw her coming anyway,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 hmmkay this is like a week old now also obvious they released this intentionally to get a wide initial feedback to see how to proceed with the show i dont mind and im not surprised its happened before,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ah no worries do we know what primary sources he drew upon when i looked it up it just returned his own works,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 you can make graphene with just graphite from lead pencils and stickytape andre geim and konstantin novoselov were awarded a nobel prize for discovering it,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 but the current trend behind the gender identity movement is to see it as a social construct your gender is a choice and they even came with the term gender expression its a slippery slope we came to largely accept sexual orientation as biological to some degree this actually helped the lgbt rights movement it made a strong argument against conversion therapy if gender identity is a social construct its hard to argue that sexual orientation isnt and if its a social phenomena than it opens the door to conversion therapy,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 think about something scary go back to sleep the nightmare will wake you up in 3 5 minutes,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 definitely a health hazard lolol btw great username,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 note to self dont make jokes in a spoiler tag people will take it serious,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 fresh mozza is the easiest to make now might be a time to try it out theres any number of guides out there,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 no video of the shot,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i would pass on an eternal afterlife if given the choiceill take healthier and id like to think id try not to die as for being smarter i dont really see the benefit which i know is a circular argument though if you gave me an option to be smarter or not unless im sure no one else was getting smarter id take itwe can agree our goals are different here so our ideal wishes are also diverging at least slightly you also cant experience this until you die aspect if you know youre not actually going to die and if you for example were to portion off your existence for a lifetime to do that then reintergrate into a larger mind then your larger mind knows its not going to stop existing so its different to the existing its trying to experience its probably the form we exist in now statistically this universe is a simulationbut i dont have the knowledge to accompany the responsibility which is the key difference i dont think i could do that without fundamental changes to who i am which come along with the knowledge this is a value judgement on my part cool but uninteresting and thus to me seems wankyin most of those universes youd be creating it to test which to me is managable by a proofwell your adherence to c is commendable there are plenty of other options that could involve interesting shapes of the universe and potentially other methods that are facilitated by the wish so thats where that comes in the wish means the window the brick and the colour red never existed in your example,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 the opposite is true for me,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 american civil war with the south winning but more peaceful,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 excellent me too but i had to make sure id like to hear your opinion of them when and if youre brave enough to try em,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i just got unrelenting ii for trapper so thats nice,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 of course its false kundalini basically awakens by balancing out the yin ida nadi receptive minus left and yang pingala nadi emissive plus right and also the rising prana and descending apana energies its a practice aiming at developing the middle zero void channelhow you do this is up to you pranayama asana meditation devotion mantras tantric sex guru shaktipat or you are just naturally able to do it,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i have thought the same things running through those feeler types brains literally those exact things,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 yes you are dwelling entirely too much on having a relationship and youre doing the typical typemention thing of overthinking it im 47 that sense of otherness never really goes away but that doesntwont stop you from having some really amazing relationships solution quit cockblocking yourself solution realize that perfection is the enemy of done solution read this,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 cogfuncmention users want to create an ethicalmoralemotional other while cogfuncmention users want to create a logicalintellectualphilosophical other thats why the typemention in that thread are whining because they are such good people and thats why youre breaking down their bullshit with some coldass logic i myself have called cogfuncmention feelings inauthentic but thats a bad word for it the feelings are real but i think that the word feelings is actually much more descriptive of what cogfuncmention does cogfuncmention users are in an emotional flow that they dont have that much control over at least not without taking control of their surroundings not necessarily their immediate surroundings if their surroundings change then their feelings will often change and those feelings are authentic for the situation at least thats my experiences with cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 if anything itll just switch to bitcoin like poker,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i guess it depends on what my problem was and if i wanted their help or not if i were looking for help and asked for it i would be open to listening to their advice but most of the time i already know what i want to do about my own problems and want to try my method first to test if its correct if someone kept giving me their outside opinion about what i should do before ive even tested my own solutions id be less open to their ideas until i had proof my own were invalid and there are other situations where people think i have a problem where i dont see there being one if they keep trying to alter or change something i dont see as an issue i probably wouldnt want to listen to it if ive already recognized that it isnt problematic for me,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i would dump goosen for a better punt like compton or sullivan,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 everyone knew that rubio was scripted but he never had been really attacked before now its soooo obvious that he depends 100 on his script we have to say it he was pretty good at it the guy must have a pretty good memory or does a lot of practice but everything he said was put on paper before,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 oh interesting excel has no means of detecting font color changes ufffdufffdanother reason to never ever use cell formatting to store information thats why the workbooksheetchange isnt triggering any recalculations the value of the cell needs to change for that event to fire,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 they keep their promises reliable show their appreciation through acts,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 of all the ones everhe was the bestwe shall not see his like again,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 how old are your little ones you will have weightlifting restrictionsi would definitely recommend not picking up kids after my doctor had me on restrictionsi work with kids and took off work for 2 weeks i didnt need to be off work 2 weeks but it helped i was definitely on the excessively cautious end of the spectrum something also to consider and please excuse me if i am being too nosymight he get very angry after hes found out you had the surgery just want to make sure you all are safe,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i didnt say dont use all areas of the pitch i said we are currently using enough width and shouldnt leave the centre with not enough men dude i feel like people read like 5 year olds here sometimes this is basic language skills,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 actual link to the halebopp article ops link describes halebopp but links you to comet hyakutake,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 a person can be excited about what they have seen people dont have control over their emotions so easily some people are also optimists shrug i am a cautious optimist what i think is odd is people who think you need to have an instant super strong connection attraction sure connections take time,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 in other news supreme court legally declared water to be wet,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 when you stop caring about winning and elo the game can be fun again,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 passes hopefully friend we had a puppy and i would lash out unexpectedly like a borderline personality disorder person i didnt really hurt her but i pushed her a few times and wasnt super nice to her sit in bed fuming couldnt sleep because of this horribly uncomfortable anger goes away maybe youre just grieving maybe not idk,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 you guys wont believe me but last year it was actually aaron baddeleyfollowed closely by jimmy walker and daniel summerhays,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 mine has taken to doing this with the bathroom cabinets in the middle of the night whenever my boyfriend sleeps over i think its her revenge for him taking her preferred sleeping spot,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 even though the moon is closer its actually more difficult to colonizea key factor in that is we could grow food in greenhouses on the martian surface using insitu water and fertilizersmars has a 24hour daynight cycle radiation low enough for plants to survive on the surface and every resource we need to grow foodmeanwhile on the moon we would need to grow food in underground bunkers because of the radiation have huge energy storage or nonsolar energy to power grow lights during the 2week night and would have to import carbon nitrogen fertilizers and various other materials from earth all of which means high startup infrastructure costs,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 entp women are extremely rare,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i havent ever ofmd him idk what you talking about,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 as he sucked at her breast kiernan let out more whimpers and moans her head falling back and her face contorting in ecstasy her hips pushed down and towards him over and over while one of her hands pushed his head into her chest harder and grasped his hair with it she directed him to whichever breast she felt needed more attention at the time her desire mounting steadilyfollowing one particularly loud whimper her legs came off the bench placing total faith in his support they wrapped around his back and slid down to push him forward and with them she began to grind against him even more fervently,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 she is not looking as ugly the last time i saw her i think she is plastic surgering herself for the 2020 election,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i agree completely the feds need to step in and set minimum standards for textbooks like requiring evolution rather than creationism and requiring history to be shown accurately with no biaswhite washingerasure,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 ive always wanted to do this thanks for taking the jump for me,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 media is also telling men that you are worthless if you dont have a body fit for a god and i dont see all the men on this sub hitting the gyms daily either i dont think you realize how few women actually like let alone actively consume that kind of media and even if they do following the advice from such sources is a whole other step to take,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 something like this is probably best handled by going to your local hardwarepaint shop or we and asking them what the cheapest paint for that job would beits pretty simple call around rather than spending gas and time at each placetheyre pretty much guaranteed to know better than some random rfrugal people that may suggest shopsbrands that wont even be available to you and well shipping cans of paint are pretty much out of the question if you want to save money,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 exploiting isnt cheating lel tell that to ppl who used external undetectable cheats,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 that was a really fun read,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 its all in the numbers get even 01 participation over millions and thats enough,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thats why vermont seems so clean ive only driven through it and made a few stops but i really enjoyed the stateon the opposite end of the spectrum i drive through pennsylvania a few times a year and its just plastered with them i really dislike driving through the state because of the visual pollution everywhere used to be nice back roads through the mountains that were fun to drive through but these days 15 is one big freeway with billboards every 20 ft seriously taking 15 past harrisburg there are so many of them they almost overlapnew york my home state thankfully has relatively few billboards its a state with a lot of natural beauty seriously the the fingerlakes region or adirondacks are must see if your in a nearby state thankfully the majority of billboards are on the freeways where the views arent great anyway p,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 understandable have a nice day,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 another thing your brother is abusing you physically but also mentallyspiritually he not only aggros you but then the parents come in and blame it on you the parents might even be doing this thing called projection on you because when there is a fight there is a starter and this person is to blame so since they cannot experience those emotions on the son who is obviously autistic or if i would rudely put it retarded who can blame the retarded kid its tossed on you so the situation is poorly handled by everyoneseriously before it gets worse i have been through shit like this for basically my whole life ok please please find someone find some way to have this come into clear situations like this where there is really nuffed up stuff happening always always want to be buried 6 feet into the ground like a disgusting frankenstein monster that somebody needs to hide away from everything truth is hard as it sounds these frankenstein monsters need to be in the light so people can understand that they happen so please please seriously find some kind of help about it and not just this situation ok all of them perhaps a therapist somebody to trust who loves you regardless and would want you to be happy but more important than happy just to be okay and accepting of what you know is true basically if you think you cant trust your parents you probably cant obviously you cant trust your brother if you talk to the principal and you have this feeling you can see it in his eyes you can see it in his body language you can see it in his words etc that he doesnt have a clue what youre saying drop it dont bother when it comes to this only those who know know and you will know that they know when they speak to you good luck friend,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 your neck snapped as youre balls deep in your own cock,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 you dont need to be typed,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 get rivington saying it too and it might stick,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 have you actually tried arguing with cyborgboybecause i dont think youve ever done that,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 oh geez im glad im not the only one its starting to worry me how much i think about it lately jungian theory research has been disrupting study time am mad at self for it when i become too in my head i start detaching and experiencing terrible social anxiety,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 lol introverts are cute might as well have prefaced that with this one time at band camp d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 if it makes you feel any better im just munching on my popcorn at this point,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 definitely is a love language thing and not a mb type thing i love physical affection,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 ambers can be nice not a big fan of blondes inside me though trashy was fun when i was younger but im too old for that shit its ballast point actually,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 project mode kicks in then this happens,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 a no fly zone over syria is not moderate,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 beyond the wallhometownwarriorsi dont like mentioning the ocean either but there are other options,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 h2hs are easier if youve mass hosted with good lines for long enough eventually the sharks quit playing you and you find yourself paired up with a bunch of noobsif you put out weak lines though dont be surprised to find birdwings or someone grabbing up all your h2hs,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 plot twist it is halloween,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 theyre on the shot tracker,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 anything vaccum sealed is going to keep hot hot and cold coldthe hydroflask mentioned in this thread is the latest trendy one that people seem to like,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 71 for an sr71 blackbird the fastest jet in the worldthe long black one in the back of this picture,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 dont know the points system is flawed so i ignore it,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 on a slow day sure,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 yeah it was definitely worth digging through the subreplies to find that particular gem,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 theres a whole sub for thisrasoiaf,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 they used the chaos to slip in and headcanon coming up probably acted as civilians so the military protected themthey used the smoke to get out of titan form,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i am looking for a replacement for my moto x play which i do absolutely love because its white and red and i could customise the phone how i wanted however i feel like phones just come in the same ultra slick ultra slim form factor now and im struggling to find a phone that will provide the nice chunkiness that the play does i also really dont like the fact that everything is either black or rose gold now what are my options for a nice white phone,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 ive noticed a lot of rudeness surrounding questioncomments where people use christian references or relate some aspect of asatru to a christian parallel or preceived parallel i think its kind of like how people use fire extinguishers to put out a fire full blast and all of it even for a small fire i wouldnt take it personnally i think theres a knee jerk reaction to supress making comparrisons,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 if youre interested youre more than welcome to join the icelandic skype group i setup its kinda like a penpal amp we have some native speakers in the group,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 talisa nodded the jab going over her head closing her eyes she said in her best monster voice you better run princess im gonna get you without waiting for a response she starting counting down from ten,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i swear to god it said i need to hear it in his voice what even,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 trump should keep being trump and pick a smart intellectual policies nerds as vp thats why my money is on huntsman,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 do you kiss your mother with that mouth,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 one time my mom tried to fake alfredo sauce by pouring clam chowder on top of spaghetti i still cringe when i think about it,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 good to see someone judge eren by his feats and not by fandom alone and whilst i still disagree with the statement that he could have beaten reigner without the help of the others in their first fight your formulation of what annie is capable of did change my few on erens and reigners second fightnot only was eren also armored in that fight the fact that he also knows some of annies techniques might have been enough to level the playing field despite his lack of experience even if he wasnt supported by thunderspearsthank you for your extensive reply it managed to change my vieuw on the matter even if it was just a little bit,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i wholly agree with regulating self driving cars just not regulating research when we have no idea what will work we might be stopping important research and exploration from happening based on uncertain what if fear scenarios,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 lol look how wrecked those are my two or three copies of et asteroids and defender are mintthough the one im most proud of is my copy of imagic demon attack,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sorry here you go 911 261 225 basically blue topped or the 911 which is full blue,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 try doxylamine for sleep its the ingredient in nyquil that helps you pass out one form of unisom is just this i got it hella cheap generic even half a pill does wonders dph does weird things to me if you take a little too much you get to a weird threshold,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 when i realized my house was a pinapple,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 when you say this you are putting a social judgement gun to our heads our choices become amake a post agreeing with you bmake a post disagreeing with you or saying you arent funny with the implication that we are oversensitive cmake a post with zero content or dsay nothing and downvote you which is what most people did hence the many downvotes to your post,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 youre dutch so he first one just let it slide live and let live dont bother yourself with other peoples business blabla thats how we rol next time this happens however tell your teacher after class you dont find it appropriate and as do many others in youe class let the teacher solve this again youre dutch so nobody will feel awkward or angry or whatever if you just state your oppinion rationally,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ive bought 40 different twisty puzzles since ive gotten into them i think i know where to get them most first effectively without buying in bulk,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 kiernan flinched ever so slightly from his touch hurrying her step slightly im sorry to hear that about your sisters husband she said politely before cocking an eyebrow and im a little surprised to hear that about you,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 im definitely not one to judge in fact im one to act out in similar ways tbh but just stating a fact you sound like a bit of a childish cunt yourself also as someone who has engaged in this type of behavior before a healthy typemention wouldnt do this and dont pat yourself on the back too hard for not getting physical lol if youre running around keeping secrets from your spouse about who youre spending time with because they wouldnt like it youre cheating for the record my parents acted similarly and im pretty sure it all but ruined me for life in terms of maintaining healthy relationships i genuinely believe kids are better off with single parents than seeing this behavior modeled for them throughout their entire childhood it can be devastatingly harmfulanyway hope that came across as a dose of straight talk and not overly harsh i actually relate a great deal pm me if youd like to talk further about it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 well theres danyrrhoea at the end of adwd so now we just need the hand to show up at the beginning of twow with some thicknsoft,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 you just stated an opinion i retorted with my own cheers mate,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 thanks for sharingi know a lot of people see posts like this and are all oh too long didnt read blaaah so i just wanted to let you know i at least read it all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 there is a lot of inherent inaccuracy in a self answering personality test because people answer what they want to be instead of what they actually are thats a big reason why the internet communities for typemention and other rare types like typemention and typemention are so big in comparison to how big the proposed actual population isand its hella easy to do that i thought i was an typementiontypemention for atleast a year until i really read into mbti hard enough to understand it fully mbti will and always is grouped with astrology whether its bullshit or not because of this haha,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 google enneagram i dont hold a great deal of stock in it myself but its worth a few days of exploration thinking about yourself and others from a new perspective is never a waste of time i think navel gazing intensifies,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 mya beamed at the compliment of the lord paramount and florys shrank away shyly in reaction to being completely ignored mya said boldly to you as well lord mace surely you will make it past the penultimate round in the next joust meanwhile martyn clenched his teeth and bowed stiffly my lord i i apologize for my daughter she does not always realize the implications of what comes out of her mouth with regards to your question it goes splendidly and i must admit the climate here is far less forgiving compared to that of our delightful green homeland,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 pretty sure blizzard announced that sc2 was free to play a few months back,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 i had someone tell me that they really looked up to me as a role model and kinda a hero to them that they really admired me i guess that made me happyi like being an inspiration when i can even though sometimes it can make me feel pressured,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 why would you ever slap away chicken nuggets nevergofullretard,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 wrong it is allowed and has happened quite often in past years havent kept up with regular season games this year though,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 liketell her that stuff geez shes gotta know that it ruins her chances completely,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 well ive been going down a dark path lately morally dubious and full of turpitudeim trying to regain some like legit joy eventually i think that will start informing my interactions with people to be better than they are,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 lol i wish i was at eleague,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 some absolutely some no way,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 how is it to sharpen,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 koepka already made it i thought if not definitely him,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 one well established cognitive bias is that we remember better and place more emphasis on things which confirm what we want to believe so in short your data gathering methods are inherently flawed because youre a human being,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i can hardly disobey my phones command can i now,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 speaking of which i thought will did a great job this weekend could really hear his enthusiasm and passion its obvious how much the british gp means to him,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 vergecast is bust or whatever shitty buzzword theyre calling it this week,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i know i have conflict about that i am passionate about education but asshole politicians like our gov walker would love to see people like me leave the profession,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i agree with this 100 it pisses me off when someone else has the right of way and they just sit there waving at memy driveway leads to an alley not a street and every morning i drive down that alley and wait to turn left onto a street about half the time theres someone coming so i have to wait about half of those times the idiot stops in the middle of the road with cars behind them and waves at me to pull out in front of them now im the reason all the people behind you are stopped when they should be on their way meanwhile if youd just fucking continued on your way you and the two cars behind you would all be gone and id be able to pull out instead were sitting here waving at each other like morons,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i am probably going to get downvoted for this but for some reason reddit seems to support abortion to the last man,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 this is the story of my life my straight haired friends dont get why i have such a hard time changing stylists im not in love with my current stylist but she knows how to cut curly hair at least im afraid if i try to find someone else itll be a total hair disaster and undo a years worth of growth,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 you are lumping too many fields under the auspices of experts not to mention all psychotherapists all of their patients all courses of treatment etc at the same time you are pointing to an expert on experts who built his career on psychological research employing many of the same methodologies used to investigate exactly what you are broad brushing as being no better than guesswork haha then you are pointing to economics which is an entirely different field as a corroborating example even though therapy has very strong evidence to support its efficacy in many disorders and difficulties using longitudinal studies while investment management has no such support anyways haha kahneman isnt here so ill have to go off of your arguments p the practices of and actual data regarding efficacy simply doesnt support your first assertion regarding psychotherapy,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 all the 80s housewives in the audience,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 well thank you kind sir but as if stated above the list this is just part of a bigger list made by uosculator i would like to redirect you to this post for the entire list,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 freedom for all means restrictions on a few 100 freedom means only the strong and powerful enjoy freedom and any lesser beings will be mere slaves to the whims of the forementioned privileged ones,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 read the campaigns of alexander by arrian,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 or half life 3 lol,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i crazy stop looking at this crazy beautiful script im gonna try it,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 i wonder what the question will bewill it be something like should scotland remain or leave the ukor would it be remain or total independence leave ukampeuor even remain in the uk or eu,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i have had the same experience with typemention until eventually i hit a wall level one of understanding is taking in what is presented level two is being able to build on that and give it back in an expanded not reduced fashion,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i loved that book growing up some classmates even called me matilda for a while if you think of kids as feeding off everyone else so they can grow then yea definitely maggots,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 these girls fine af but phecta,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 need backup in sf all i see are blue and red d,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 ok how is he not real,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 im an engineer myself so i need a lot of math and it was a requirement for entry into my degree programme my uni did a large scale analysis of which factors can be a predictor of academic success the biggest surprise was that how well a student does in high school maths is a very strong predictor for how well the student will do at university this held true across all disciplines even stuff like art history degrees so we wondered why would this be to me its clear maths learns you determination and learning how to critically think reflect and analyse stuff on a highly abstract level all of these are qualities you need for not only stem degrees but also arts degrees which require to you to think creatively but still require a very analytical approach of that creative process to truly understand it so no you might not need maths when you want to make films but you will need the skills learning maths teaches you to become truly good at what you do,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 there isnt any medication so far for colorblindness but rather medications that can contribute to the development of an acquired color deficiency but usually that is rarethe only reason for my concern is a persistant greyish tint to my vision that varies and can really throw off my ability to distinguish colors i mean to actually bring up this tint to an optometrist as it doesnt sound normal or what other colorblind people experience,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 tldr take acid and find out for yourself i have felt that in the moment of tripping balls yea i feel connected to the world we are all one yea but after the fact i realize i was just tripping on drugs lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 government needs to stop legislating religious beliefs into law,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 im unemployed i sure could use that 370 about now,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 they are also scamming people for money with bullying,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 however sanders is rightamnesty international did a report and found israel purposeful targets civilians and civilian buildings in gaza and the west bankdisappointed this got removed by the boti like that sanders who is jewish is calling the israelis out on their bullshit,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 well thats how you know anyone who hasnt got shit all over him is a king,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 anyone got an estimate on the angle it looks impossibly steep o,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i think that is fairly accurate i only say fairly because cogfuncmention is so difficult to pin down especially if you dont have it in your stack this reminds me of an anecdote that might be relevant my typemention girlfriend and i will sometimes play dueling intuitions one night we were at a bar watching two groups of people playing pool one couple on a date and two older guys in suits playing with a skanky hippy girl she would imagine these elaborate backstories such as how they met what they do what their intentions are what number of date they are on what their sexual experiences were what their apartments looked like how the night and next day would end descriptions of the walk of shame and how they would quit calling each other and exactly how it would go down etc etc etc for her though it wasnt or is ever limited to just the those we were focusing on it was everyone in the room it is much more in depth and linear yet drawn from a broader well of sensation from the many observations come the focused extrapolation of an idea and a narrative me on the other hand couldnt give two shits what anyone else is doing around me i always have my back to the room because i just dont care i find it so easy to see two steps ahead of what is about to happen that trying to see ten steps ahead is a waste of time since there it is more likely to turn out not quite as predicted as their are so many possibilities anyway back to the story when i watched these same people at the bar i intuited that the guy would let the girl cheat at pool play slop would let her win coach her on each shot including physically guiding her hands as means to show competence and reinforce comfort with contact i figured that they maybe had sex once due to their awkwardnesscomfort level the older guys obviously had cocaine the one guy was on the phone with his wife telling stories about why he couldnt come home and was telling her to kiss their children for him and not to wait up when the other guy went to the bathroom i knew he was making the power play for the dirty hippy that was just playing both of them just as much as they were playing her and each other my intuitions were much more concrete and immediate in my observations focusing on connections and what was about to happen at the core though the difference between an introverted vs an extroverted function is the seeming profound vs the apparently practical,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 better be stupid and a decent human being than being exclusionary for no good reason,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 that belongs in a museum,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 update been bouncing between 20th and 30th for a while now i need rory to gtfo but i dont see that happening,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i agree we always assume that every bad thing in the show should be attributed to a but that may not be the case we can only be certain of the things that are explicitly attributed to a,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 rood alcoholism knows no age,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 you have just as much function wise in common with the typementions are you do with the nfjs,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 if this point is accepted in the galactic community then all the telepathic species would be forced to reevaluate the intelligence of nontelepathic species could lead to a whole lot of discovered slaveryanimal cruelty issues for them really good story,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 typemention here who used to struggle with self acceptance i am now 35 and have found that the more i have changed my life to do what is natural for me the more i have been surrounded by people that i connect with naturally and the more opportunities to be myself in all avenues i have had the more you do you the more your life will bend to accommodate you,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its cool theres a mod for ksp that fixes things like aerodynamics and a few other bits and bobs suddenly getting to space is mad difficult like real life,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 you seem to be referring to something you see as ubiquitous maybe you could elucidate a littlewell no that wouldt be appropriate what makes it a moral issue the fact that there may be people somewhere in the world driven to violence on behalf of criticism of one of these texts therefore were the article instead homer vs virgil or something the moral dimension would not be therei dont think theres anything terribly egregious in irreverence per se its not an academic essay its an internet article and seemingly its primary intention is to amuse â of course its not going to have any deep insights youre not going to read it looking for depth are you saying that solemn reverence is the only legitimate approach for stuff like this,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 bbbut muh statutory rape muh teenagers cant think for themselves muh power dynamics s,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 because at some point one of the useless twats in middleupper mgmt had to justify their salary by innovating that is where most of the stupid shit comes from,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ill take hypocrisy for 200 alex,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 i dont hate either kyle at all when you think of aggressive drivers the 3 that come to mind are busch kes and larson kurt used to be right there but hes been really conservative as of late,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 politicians flipflopping unheard ofsim more surprised that cruz didnt endorse trump but i think that was more of a personal thing,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 what the heck i swear my french teacher said they pronounce it like hamburgã in quebec maybe that was true in the 80s or something or im remembering wrong or shes a lying witch,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 seychelles and sealand are the best imo,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 well all of my h2hs are filled so heres mine if it helpskuchar na martin perez peterson brown,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 rdna40 vaporshark got it used its beat to hell but its decent display messed up when on temp control sometimes but no biggiei might try that or i might just try 2x or 3x twisted 32ga ni200 and wrap some normal 32ga kanthal around that stuff to make a clapton i think 2x wrapped 32ga turns out to be 28ga ishi got tons of 32ga so i dont mind wasting on experimentingmight not fit in my kangertech subtank mini but would likely fit the wotofo freakshow i got i will have to see,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 are you doing it because youre generally interested or for the loots and travel,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think a good measure for the capacity of a society to rebuilt itself is literacy rate and the number of dialects you got both low literacy rate and highly fragmented language its much harder to build a well coherent society some countries in africa have hundred of dialects the arbitrary drawing of borders postcolonialism we play for very little in a place with such fragmentation,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i am a lurker for recipe ideas but did you know lefse is commonly served with butter and sugar on it delicious in wisconsin lol,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 not implausible remember the recent south korean presidential scandal not to mention the podesta emails mention quite clearly a shadow government,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 now that is a good catch,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 yeah it definitely depends on how your team plays most of my games were people who argued about who was what role as if that mattered and bitched about teammates not building per conquest meta standards so down in the dregs where people of my skill level play it felt pretty balanced if either team grouped up they rolled if any one of 5 or 6 different gods between the two teams got fed early they became nighunstoppable everyone doing their own thing could go either way,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 must suck to have reality of how difficult time consuming and life depriving it is to raise children smack you in the face,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i swear i read every post here but i missed this meme whats the joke,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 if you have homebrew on your wii you could use a romcontroller,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 you are making a different point no doubt trump is at a huge disavantage in the electorate right now my point is that an attack would help him close the gap that wouldnt mean he would win but that could give him a few pointsand your point on neocon is moot how many neocon are there in the electorate regime change is hugely unpopular right now the bush administration was able to have the population swallow the idea with lies and fearmongering but the iraq war failure buried that attitude for on long time,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 just select the ssd when it asks you to install the game if it isnt there say use a different location,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i wonder how many exes have complained of this about me i politely decline and women insist look i havent showered in 8 hours you really dont want that in your mouth i dont care later on they probably complain hahaha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 couldnt address a single thing i said jst downvote my comments because theyre the truth and you hate the truth youre a liar and youre not even good at it and youre boring all your insults are boring and uncreative and stupid you never said a single interesting thing in your life theres an old lady who sounds like you on these forums sometimes maybe i could set you guys up what are you a single accountant or something,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 the screenshot shows three rectangular plots of land laid out side by side vertically along the road to the right the driveway would have to pass through other peoples plots of land instead of staying on the single plot to get to the road if it were movedim not sure if the neighbors are targeting the garage by itself or targeting him for the higher traffic as a result of the garage with more vehicles passing their house on a shared driveway,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 aww thanks for the confidence booster,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 hes not wrong 155 at 54 is in fact overweightbut not by that much especially depending on the musclefat ratio however bringing it up in that thread in that way was seriously inappropriate and irrelevant to the topic at hand you dont say that shit to someone with an eating disorder,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 suggestions from google after searching for excel sql nolock how to use with nolock in sql statements generated by msexcel best practice connecting to sql server from excel query to sql locking system tables,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 hard work trumps everything doesnt matter what it is if you work hard enough at it youll be fine,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 all i have to say is the usa now has a leader as its head that pretty much personifies what america values in its heart of heartsthey voted him in everyone let it happen i guess this is what happens when you just go with the lowest common denominator and try to give everyone participation prizes its about time for that next big world war anyway right guysgood for business will kick start a troubled economy cmon,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 neutral is fine someone who doesnt like animals i might hook up with them but i wouldnt bother investing emotionally because it would be doomed from the start,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 should have bet him place or show lol,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 that still happens to you,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 sometimes dick grayson gets characterized as an typemention if youre looking for a superhero who isnt a psycho murderer,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 important thing to note here however is it will declare item quantities as valid if you have more than 10000 of an item if you happen to have that many of something on hand otherwise this will behave as expected,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 male privilege social justice warriors assemble,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 first fortress lack of booze and eventual depression spiralalso werewoman how does that work full moon and man turns into woman what happens to the woman that gets infected,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 beware that everything has its downsides waterfall has the benefit of people being forced to gather materials before you start working with agile a lot of people think that they no longer have to plan just go ok so you want me to produce 3000 lines of code without really knowing what im making fine but lets remember from last time that this code will require a lot of rewriting if you dont want a maintenance nightmare on your hands they always forget why isnt this done youve been working on it for a month um because asshole the thing you wanted me to make a month ago is nearly completely different from the thing you asked me to make a week ago so really ive been working on it for a week which is exactly how long you and your worthless brethren have been working on it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its one of the rules i live by,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 its like i got all the negative aspects of 4 depressed whiny attentionwhore and cp6 stubborn ass in his ideas scared to death to anything and aggressive and violent af but where ma good qualities in descriptions i relate to 5w4 much more than any 5w6 description but i definitely see some type 6 in me a lot actually,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i grew up catholic got rid of that in my mid teens not really sure how old i was when i called myself athiest definitely by college,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 wasnt aware of it until now what do you think of him,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 he ran for over 100 yards last week so i played him this week against the weak sauce bears but he got rekt,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 youre a dirty dirty girl and you deserve a spanking,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 people probably think this cause hes a comfort pick for pros like peanut,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 typemention actually has that inner typemention in them so its almost like the typemention indulges my desire to have deeper conversations they also love making fun of people like our entire quadra which is nice,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 at that rate wouldnt you be better off doing a much easier much less stressful job,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 where do i find 1,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 i dont know it shows up that im in chat but i cant type i registered and all,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i think that falls under the category of adorkable can confirm i sometimes find it extremely attractive,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well thank you kind sir but as if stated above the list this is just part of a bigger list made by uosculator i would like to redirect you to this post for the entire list,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 looks like you already have or already had before you started losing weight some muscle mass thats good you have something to lean down into good luck,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 an inuniverse explanation might be that ned thinks he remembers tommen but it was in fact myrcella shed have been about the right age,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 its still not clear if sanders believe it is acceptable to protest to a candidate rally even if its peaceful having protesters crash rallies is a recipe for trouble it would be a mess if voters left and right were to protest at the opponent rallies constantly,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yeah that was my best guess thatd be a big leap for autocorrect though so yeah,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 yeah thatd be interesting to see if they dont kill him off prior well probably find out next episode,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 asdf with the ratm reference lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 talking to an old girlfriend at the time she said to me you do something for me i wondered what i do something for you after being confused for a moment i realized and later experienced due to my own folly that she was using me and most likely could abuse me after that i made sure to keep myself much better hidden from her defended myself better but i still fell to abuse,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i can feel my brain dying while im watching this videoalso nice relevant butchered bush quote quote surprisingly smart guy i guess,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 how so unless he was being really obvious about it i dont see how it would qualify as antisocial its just weird,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i take it as a compliment,70.0,33.0,46.0,6.0,33.0 wait youre actually advising to date someone youre not actually attracted to to gradually trick yourself into feeling something you dont am i reading this right,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 id just like to interject for a moment what youâ re referring to as linux is in fact gnulinux or as iâ ve recently taken to calling it gnu plus linux linux is not an operating system unto itself but rather another free component of a fully functioning gnu system made useful by the gnu corelibs shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full os as defined by posix many computer users run a modified version of the gnu system every day without realizing it through a peculiar turn of events the version of gnu which is widely used today is often called â œlinuxâ and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the gnu system developed by the gnu project there really is a linux and these people are using it but it is just a part of the system they use linux is the kernel the program in the system that allocates the machineâ s resources to the other programs that you run the kernel is an essential part of an operating system but useless by itself it can only function in the context of a complete operating system linux is normally used in combination with the gnu operating system the whole system is basically gnu with linux added or gnulinux all the socalled â œlinuxâ distributions are really distributions of gnulinux,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 sure but wat i was saying was use a property management company which im not sure you can do with airbnb,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 as i said if it was only the things contained on the phone it would be easier to make that point the thing is our phone also give access to all the data available in the cloud should agents be allowed to search thosebeside that we have to ask ourselves what there is to gain for the agents in searching our private data,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 thats precisely what i said liability you arent gonna be brought up on criminal charges and thrown in jail,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 dont forget the euros they suck,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 a sociopath is someone with aspd which involves not having any or very little empathy this causes a number of symptoms and behaviors that are common to a sociopath compulsive lying grandiose sense of importance manipulation of others a social engineer just likes manipulative people a social engineer is a person who both actively and successfully manipulates peoplea sociopath can be a social engineer a social engineer can be a sociopath but they are not mutually exclusive,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 in that regard i wouldnt consider it fake difficulty just because its an additional thing you have to micromanage if youre good youll be able to do so effectively more so than someone less able to manage their units,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 first time streaming im so sorry,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i need someone to do this dunk in the contest one day 50,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i havent read any of the above comments in their entirety but i think the thing is some people think in a monologue kind of way while others think in images,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 im the same i have my license but im scared that when i get to a point where i am earning money steadily that people will pressure me to get a car i especially hate driving at night because all the headlights and streetlights start overwhelming me and i dont feel all that safe because half the time headlights are in my eyes and i cant see where im going,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 i dont want this to make you feel like im dismissing your problem but i think your user name is pretty amusing in the context of this question,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 oh yeah ive seen that shit too guys and gals and its ugly,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think we all do this but for the most part nobody else is even going to remember it so thinking about it is absolutely pointless doesnt stop it from happening,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 oh the one in star wars the empire in dune was certainly corrupt in bed with the harkonnens making shady spice deals and whatnot,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 the fourth movie was a total piece of garbage with horrendous pacing leaving the theater i honestly wondered how anybody who hadnt read the books even made sense of what happened because they tried too hard to stay true to the books while omitting so much that it didnt make sense but due to the action oriented nature of the book it really had a ton of potential that they completely wasted sorry that movie just makes my blood boil,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 yeah man give it a chance,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i cant she started to say a flush creeping up her neck i did not have much of an appetite arbor er wine is enough to satisfy me for now ser,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 openness and big five correlations,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 never i hate going back through old conversations going back through old places or conversations just causes a vaguely bad feeling most of the time even if they were historically neutral or positive for me though i do keep archives for uh crossreferencing purposes,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 keep in mind there are two vastly different strains indica and sativa might want to see which you haveget and research the differencesthat being said depends on the person current state of mind and any number of other factors,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 huh so you have a website now,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 dude come on i was sitting here thinking oh wow its gonna be the first positive post on this sub what a glorious day and you fucking toss this shit at me what kind of bullshit monger are you you fucking degenerate scum fuck you fuck your kind fuck your mother in the mouth jesus christ dude fuck you,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 your 1st paragraph summed up exactly what i have going on in my mind thank you it is so validating,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 hey thats more than me i only have demo skills and very limited remodeling skills,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 sure way to set yourself up for disappointment i think if you dont get anything in writinglife has taught me people are almost all greedy sobsreal good way to figure out what a person is really like either by them winning a ton of cash or by you winning a ton of cash and how they change or not after that fact,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think a monthly limit would work actually other posters are saying youll still be spending money just stop spending it on shit but the thing is youre young and dont have a lot of experience with making judgement calls on stuff that you need vs want and how usefulfulfilling an item in the end will be giving yourself a limit thats low enough so youll start considering why you want a certain item and that will make you pick one thing over another will teach you these comparison and evaluation skills that will carry over to many other aspects in your life,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 same ive always said typementions have the most to learn from typemention,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 she is actually 700 years old which means above 18 and also shadman clarified that all of his characters are 18 years old so that makes me not a pedophile please get a dictionary and look at minor and please tell me if i am attracted to one,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i dont care about the embargo of cuba i dont really feel its impact much im canadian and free to buy trade and visit cuba anytime,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if you have problems with the availability of the datacenter there is nothing you can do as cs dev what does whining on the cs subreddit do when we had no update and it apparently is a network problem,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 humility is the most overrated pseudovirtue there is,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i started making a playlist for them,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 seriously mexico hasnt even agreed to pay yet,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 yeaah birch syrup i thought about making some its like maple syrup but out of birch trees which are everywhere here sugar maples not as muchalso at 1night that looked fine to methe spiders and creepy dog dog cat people just add authenticity to the experience,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 creepy is more than just a thoughtterminating cliche its a molotov cocktail to a mans reputation,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 same i used it a lot until they nerfed it,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 why would you imagine that i cant think of any life experiences ive had that would direct me to that supposition and the data such as it is doesnt seem to support it heres one example,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 typemention are often scary to talk to both my so and best friend understand how to communicate with me though bottom line is thisat any point in life work project whatever i know exactly where im going and how ill get there this does not mean this route is set in stone but it does mean this is the best path i could come up with having considered everything so both my so and friend often tell other people who are a bit intimidated by me when you discuss things with avacyn it feels like kicking a dead horse and she simply doesnt want to listen because she thinks she knows best but in reality she is actually listening very closely and is simply challenging you on your own opinion in any way she can come up with give it a week or two and if your argument was strong enough shell get back to you with new updated plans based on your inputthis was a huge eye opener for many people in my social circle but also for myself as i honestly did not know how my behaviour came across to other people who arent used to thing style of discussing things,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 she will eventually break out of the crystalwhen shes the last manga spoilerss eldian left,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yeah id keep the first sheet your current master list of data the second sheet can be the template sheet where you have the set spaces for each list then you can have multiple pages on the same sheet,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 or turn back and stare at them to assert your dominance s,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 thats called a kick stand,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 just get res and filter those posts outseriously they are permabanned and that rightfully so but that doesnt mean i cant show appreciation for the undeniably good work steel doespull the stick out of your ass dude,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 dont tell me that youre disappointed with the in depth analysis too,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 1 obtain popcorn and diet pepsi 2 begin watching film3 continue watching film to conclusion if it is good or abandon film if it is boringstupidobvious4 wait thats all,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 my pc is pretty weak aswell with reborn release i couldnt launch the game at all tried different things fore few days nothing helped i deleted dota from my pc entirely rip,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 except doesnt edge use more ram than chrome i remember seeing data on it on either this sub or another,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 wouldnt it end up like a rematch then i mean i always pressed f2 because i didnt want to play another game or had no time for one more gamealso i dont think people would voter for ot because they would potentially lose their win,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 1 i have no idea why the workbookopen event would only execute intermittently2 yes you can have too much happening all at once this can be both accidental and on purpose there are many ways to optimize things via code or excel event flags if you want further details on this please let us know what youre trying to do in the background,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 bold prediction chase qualifies for the chase today,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i love pvp in the souls games both duels and invasions and im having a blast personally with the arena fights but i totally agree that the as you put it quasi esports attitude that a lot of players have is really boring to me i personally just make builds that are fun to fight with and assuming i dont entirely suck with them its usually enjoyable its painfully obvious that souls games arent meant to be fighting games and competitive play as a concept just does not fit with them because theyre first and foremost single player action rpgs with multiplayer but the reason i keep playing pvp in general in souls is that the combat style of souls is very unique and fighting other players with it is just fun,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 daily squee quota met by way of tiny cute car now i wish i had one,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 really i chilled out at neon garden in lv and it actually was so loud i had to leave because my ears were hurting if the music werent so loud i would have stuck around for a bit more,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 every provinces have something similar used to be a federal version seems to bother people is that most will leave the province but the same problem exists for every provinces that isnt a pole of immigrants,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 college is a time for experimentation,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 still in new zealand heading to the kiwi house glow worm caves and other noteworthy tourist areas this weekend off to wellington next week im going out in a limb any cfers in welly,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 tertiary is something you generally are kind of bad at but you couldnt care less since your main focus should be improving your inferior function not tertiary,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 what nicotine we aint talking about spliffs,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 exactly most will be which means some wont be i dont want a larger brick in my pockets i was happy with the original screen size and then apple went an made the screen taller for the 5series and now theyve gone and made the entire phone larger yet this isnt progress,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 actually it reinforces the ops point that its fairly useless except as a zoning tool against good players,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 haha honestly i feel like my type fluctuates a bit depending on the day but typemention speaks to me the most but i hang out here and at a few other close mbti subs because i can still relate sometimes,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thats just silly they dont charge the person who calls they charge the person who gets the rideive called for people passing out in public if they dont want to go or dont want to pay then they can decline if theyre able theres no harm in calling,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 so you with held information pertaining to your medical history and they found out about it in bootcamp,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 it was a twilight fan fiction and twilight is already abusive and creepy cant believe it got so popular,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 4es been a while for me when a target is stunned do they drop whatever theyre holding i might be confabulating with 3e,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i doubt that was real butter,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sir take all that common sense and nonreactionary tone some where else we are busy with our witchhunt details pffff stop infringing on my right to form an opinion based on incomplete facts i agree email sounds preposterous but like the man said we dontknow the whole story,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 top 3 out of a public game so yeah you had to be good to get it lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 there is is no real good or bad in existence there are only different people with different opinions other people who cant accept that and the rational choice,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 in terms of defensive stats i think hes best in the league his passing isnt as good as other dms though but this isnt a problem for us seeing as hes been paired with cazorla and ozil who will do the passing for him,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 the bracelet and mansense d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think we probably just mean different things by honesty thats why my reply included an if im very confused that you would think it doesnt exist and i dont really feel like a good person i just allocate my effort differently im making no value judgements here,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 sorry haha i hadnt read the rest yet,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i have an typemention friend hes a good person thats for sure but sometimes he makes me want to blow my brains out right there and then lol,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 tea today or tea tomorrow it makes a difference,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 im the same usually put it on my clothes my skin just had to be a sensitive little bitch,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 yeah well i think he was already breaking the law pretty sure trucks like that arent supposed to go through the middle of downtown at all which is where that train bridge is located,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i call my typemention friend a bro it just sort of slips out sometimes when were sipping scotch mocking the feelings of lesser beings,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so i spent today at work talking dk baseball with someone we decided the reds were definitely the stack tonight and during break i tossed together a reds stack based on what we were spitballingafter work i proceed to drive home in cincinnatiin the raindidnt think twice to adjust my lineup or anything yeah needless to say i lost tonight,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 haha yea its human nature to generalize and make judgments i think its ok as long as people are open to possibilities and opinions what i found in a lot of typemention is how down you guys are to talk about stuff like you can get into deep conversations about life opinions and interests from what i understand my type meshes well with typemention because we like to help and accept people while typemention also like to accept people and be real they also compliment each other and provide good perspective ive spent most of my time growing up feeling sad and out of place because i felt to different from others and yearned for acceptance for who i am without having to put up a face to impress others when i met one of my typemention friends it took some time and next thing you know we have days where we stay up late talking about a lot of stuff eventually i find more ppl like that and things seem to be a lot brighter in life lol i find it interesting because typemention and typemention are the more rare types but a majority of my friends are so,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 labstc a programming languagevirchiress a female of the enigmatic virchir species or a priestess of its extensive cult of human worshipembrit a vestige of an idea remaining in its domain of influence like embers of a flame the embrit of the roman empire was the latin language also a verb to keep an old idea aroundsebr a gap or a rift but one that information can travel thru and thus separates but also unites a point of intersection or interface between two or more ideas a sebr between two humans can be a common language the sebr between two prisoners in adjacent cells can be the cell wall that they knock out morse code onpoenzidde a retrospective name for a series of aggressive economic reforms perhaps in russia then gives its name to poenziddestyle policies as a pejorative in future political discourse,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 this is a good point id figure there would be a decent faq that gets added at this point in time when a common question is asked which again where vitapiracy is quite helpful in people come in here to get help over maybe a specific error or trouble that could be anything but general in my opinion the sub is here so people can post what they want and unless its a hard rule that youre not allowed to post any sort of questions in the sub i dont see a problem in creating a topic thats uncommon from experience questions in the general questions thread that i asked get a one post answer with no follow upleaving me hanging im not saying this to sound entitled but we all started not knowing anything and the only way to learn is to ask people tend to ask the same question because they cant find the answer or theyre too lazy to no one is responsible for responding to a common question and no one is entitled to get an answer to their question no reason to rage about it imo like op is i also think that there are people who feel like if someone wants to figure out the answer to their question they need to figure it out on their own doing your own research with trial and error which could possibly lead to even more problems but hey their problems are their problems right,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 ah explaining the air brings it all back full circle,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 oh this is one of my petpeeves literal means as written so the literal definition of a law is the written letter of it something that is said or observed is not literal it could be actual which is the most common connotation the word has morphed to mean colloquiallygenerally if someone accuses me of being too literal ill acknowledged how odd that must be and ask them to point to the text im misinterpreting it is not lost on me at all that i am specifically egging on the exact behavior they are accusing me of but why let a simple misunderstanding get in the way of a little fun at both of our expenses degthe sjw was actually shaking the neophyte blogger vigorously composed in their daily pontificationsthe artist literally wrote the color red on the figures forehead to poignantly emphasize the perceived angeri actually could not believe what just happened actuallyedit someone was literally triggered by the post enough to downvote it see how that is a correct use because we are discussing a written subject matter,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 well i hope for the combination of the 2045 initiative and the internet of things the combination of these two things has the potential to not only cure all diseases and make us all immortal itll also turn the human race into a hive mind effectively reaching the one individual or less requirement thats necesary to rule out conflict between humans in other words world peacedoubt itll happen in five years though,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i wouldnt be so sure the end youre entitled to your opinion which is based on reading some articles on the internetsthe court which has based its opinion in japanese law and a deep understanding of the facts the case as they relate to japanese law disagrees with you,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 which on a fha loan is highway fucking robbery,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 glad to see its working for you dlooks like you can use them to type your fiance as well my typing methods are partly based on nardis research but they still need a lot of work like most people i know my type best,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 if be ecstatic to see dire straits metallica and dream theatre i need pull me under tool and apc would be great too,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 could also use the finnex stingray for low light based on what i have read planted high light stingray low light and cheaper i think it also really requires 3 clamp lights to cover a 30 long tank effectively i have 2 on my 10 gallon with 85 reflectors its 20 long and its barely covered,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 oh shit yeah i completely forgot about that analog is the shit,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 zarosism is a religion of peace,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 theres a former mltp captain who runs around radius being a huge dick and never gets into and trou ble,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 it says it in the video lina jada dorothea natalia and paulita the one that introduces the video im sure if you look on the ersties website itll have the surnamestage names,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 its not a clone of the 62 if it doesnt have screws to adjusti dont think they make a 62 clone this 42 clone looks nice though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 isnt marrs book a good source if it is you could use that or you could use graham stewarts bang,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 agreed though i did break one of their true flight thrower i emailed em told them the situation and sent it back and no hassle had a brand new knife in return say what you will their customer support is just fineim not a fan of many of their blades but some are decent if youre into that kind of thing prices arent terrible either,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it will probably have some small settlements and some places will be filled with raiders,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the second one sounds like skype cheating tbh,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 but judging by his sudden radio silence im cautiously optimistic that i got through a little bit,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 pfft i aint worried about none of that shitokay seeya later guys just gonna hit the gym real quick,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i highly suggest gurren lagann to add to your anime list,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 to speak i suggest treating everyoneeven those much lower in status than you with the utmost respect of the gentleman you are never insult others and if others insult you try to shrug it off in a polite way youre a gentleman therefore you dont have time to settle with irrelevant snobs to write any utensil is fine since no one knows what you write within terms of quality make sure to always be polite within the writing use precise and concrete words and write in very neat handwriting,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 doubt it it has been stated that reigner could go toe to toe with armin in that game,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i know a chaz hes a cool bloke,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 yes but not as different from either type as we are from most of the other ones i would say,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 awesome i dont have friends either,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 dear cats bum face so works full time earning a salary while he is at the office i work full time looking after our children and doing what housework i can fit in around that we share any leftover jobs when he gets home he is not helping me out he is just doing his share im sorry you grew up in a time when husbands werent expected to lift a finger around the house but just because you felt you had to put up with that it doesnt mean i should have to small rant over,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 but thats just like his opinion man b hmm ixtx does use impeccable grammar and spelling,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so far i think that my settings are staying put now im not completely sure though but they havent changed in the last several days i think after rereading the other comment about the button changing settings that that might be what happened with me at least as far as the brightness settings go i was pushing the button trying to figure out what it does i still had problems with night mode not working right last time the light was still on even after the time it was supposed to be on night mode before replying to you i tested out changing settings back and forth to see if they would stick and if changing my night mode hours would turn the light on and off as it should everything seemed to work perfectly then right before i was going to send my reply my light just turned itself off at 90 for what seemed to be no reason then a minute later my phone jumped up to 100 maybe the charger knows the battery is full before my phone does seems weird i couldnt reproduce any of the other problems you mentionedanyway i think mine is working pretty well now and it really is a nice piece of hardware once you get used to it by the way if you havent already you can pin the charger to your start screen which i find very useful,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 most likely shit hit the fan first given that who cooked it probably didnt know,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 yeah thats a tricky one to reason through when everything nice is a gracereward and everything rough is a testmysteriousway then it shortcircuits actual understanding with frightening efficiency,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 and walmart used to sell quality american made products,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 those smurfshackers are the people who should be at that rankget better to get back there,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i dont want to do you,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 mine is i regret nothing and no children or abortions and then leaving my bf but that makes no sense as im not a girl,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 pretttty sure that going by the definition of public place a private business building isnt going to qualifylets say you owned your own company a small computer repair shop and you bought a small commercial building somewhere in town youre open every day 8am6pmis it cool if every night around 10pm some local kids just start hanging out in the yard of your building or on the stepsof course it isnt its private property even if someone comes into your store while youre open and you dont really feel like selling to this one particular person for no other reason than they were a bit rude to you or didnt say hi or something you arent obligated to sell anything to them and you can ask them to leaveif they say im a customer i have a right to be here you have to serve me no thats wrong thats when you call the police and have them charged for trespassingim not really seeing how a business on private property somehow becomes public and that an owner of the buildingland would be obligated to let someone stay and be forced to serve them or sell them something,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 just wanted to say your username cracked me the hell up,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 ah so she probably had you on a project plan as well oh hes two months ahead of schedule but that will work you may proceed with the romancing not quite inferior person,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah see i dont take care of my health unless its in a vain way same with hygiene i like stability but in the sense hat its easier to deal with lyme when i have stability and security so i feel like i just was forced to develop sp but i feel like im trying to convince myself im not sp by saying all this but also if we are going by which type variant makes you cringe the most id say sp so i have no clue,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 no drama knocking off the total today england win australia is kill,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 i wouldnt watch that for real gold id vomit,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 what songs you mean like coldplay the killers oasis and radiohead eskimo joe kind of 90s stuff right i have a playlist like that but it is in dedication to an old friend typemention who absolutely loved that kind of music though i could never enjoy some of the stuff he liked anywhere near as much as he did the verve u2 im 25 i listen to a huge variety of music i always need hundreds of new albums and songs from multiple genres about half of my music is japanese half of it is english some of it korean even i have a huge variety of tastes that can induce almost any feeling i want i am always searching for something that makes me feel something different for this reason i have an open mind even if my instinct says i dont like something i give it a good chance typically ill avoid things that i already know like those 90s rockbittersweet bands i rarely feel like listening to unless i feel like i can scrape something new out of it for example i never listened to radiohead much i liked a couple of songs but my impression of them was pretty bad overly eccentric no resonant feeling i would be likely to revisit them feeling that im not seeing them from the right angle especially when so many people enjoy it,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i dont know how true this is demons souls is probably the souls game ive got the least time in but ive heard one of the best ways to go through it is to go through all the x1 zones then x2 ect i just kinda went around and anytime i found myself dying more than usual i tried somewhere else leveled upupgraded and came back to it later pretty much everywhere can be taken on whenever though provided that youre a skilled enough player and have adequete equipment to damage things,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 for the 9w8 how do the enneagram type and the mbti type go hand in hand seems like a weird combination though,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 an exmercenary and an undercover cia agent start the second civil war by exposing a domestic terrorist organization,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 computationally variants are never faster in doing anything aside from cutting down on how much time is spent generating code,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 there is a lot of inherent inaccuracy in a self answering personality test because people answer what they want to be instead of what they actually are thats a big reason why the internet communities for typemention and other rare types like typemention and typemention are so big in comparison to how big the proposed actual population isand its hella easy to do that i thought i was an typementiontypemention for atleast a year until i really read into mbti hard enough to understand it fully mbti will and always is grouped with astrology whether its bullshit or not because of this haha,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 mge is not good you can start calling people good when they reach smfc,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 do the buses not run during those timeframes also wouldnt services like uber come in handy in these situations,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i dont think youre blowing it out of proportion at all when it comes down to it every single person uses all of their cognitive functionsjust in different waysorders most people here are insecure with their typemention title so overcompensation happens the ironic thing is even if an typemention is a strong cogfuncmention user they still most likely lead heavily with cogfuncmention defining cognitive function for typemention the complete opposite of typemention every function is flipped in an typementionedit grammar,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 nowhere in the comment does it say who the liability is shifted tofrom can you read sorry your life sucks,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 fuck i wish you werent right,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 hey pepper pay attention to me,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 here ill throw you a bone splits the difference between our two points and it has a bonus feynmen in it,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 its hard to convict someone whos swallowed a handful of cyanide,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 that was 10 years ago today,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 2 cats 1 doggo i used to think i was a cat person but 12 years into cat ownership i kind of hate everything about having cats in my space,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i never read those books but i have heard they are good i preferred sherlock for some reasonthat reminds me of me saying that makes sense according to the person they are most of the times peoples actions make sense even in normal life sometimes people are surprised by various other people i dont think any criminal would surprise you after a while though,9.0,61.0,8.0,24.0,16.0 she doesnt get to allow the father to have 5050 custody thats really the default any court should strive for unless there are very serious reasons not to do this as much as you wouldnt like your partner having custody of the kids your partner has just as much right to the kids as you haveand im saying this as a child of divorce who got fucked over by a promother system of law,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 cazorla was rested today so its very likely that he will start i think it will be him in the middle and ozil on the wing instead of welbeck they are going to park the bus so we need creativity to break through it rather than welbecks pace which is better for if we were counter attacking,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop comminand they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop comminand they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop comminand they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop comminand they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop comminand they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop comminand they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop comminand they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop comminand they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin and they dont stop commin,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 yea i browse it but dont participate as much as i did a year ago,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i recommend you have an iqoff with uslimstacks2 people in a thread with like 15 comments claiming to be in the top 1 of an actual standardized and supervised iq test i think is a little unlikely got any proof,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 they wouldnt have read the manga would they and this thread is tagged so you can tell me in all peace,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 how well would the folds of the brain age,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 interestingly blink modules now have an offset center of massi wondered why my copter was listing to the left when i had mirroring turned on so i started removing parts while watching the center of mass indicator sure enough once i removed the blink module it snapped to center,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 it was a twilight fan fiction and twilight is already abusive and creepy cant believe it got so popular,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 is there a reason youre talking like youre reciting your resume are you going to start talking about synergy too and how you work best in a team but also by yourself yada yada i dont have a job for you sadly people only talk like this when theyre threatened or generally in lieu of having an actual personality youre also positing yourself as part of some amorphous anonymous we to evade the fact my question was addressed to youi wanted a bigpicture strategic rationale that makes sense at every scale of resolution you didnt give me one maybe its not a reasonable thing to ask someone on reddit i will find my answers somewhere,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 one that i seem to always think of is the propaganda game its not particularly moving emotionally but i could tell how staged and fake it all was it left me at a loss for wordsits a documentary on life in north korea its eerie informative and for me thought provoking edit grammar,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 reading through the replies he doesnt,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 415pm and it was so dead so far today i came home to take a break i have never done that i literally was paid to stand around for the last few hours after opening which has a lot to do i basically just ran to another store to get wing sauce ate the catered lunch our do brought in and smoked im going back in an hour or so to drive if its not insanely busy ill be disappointed,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 have you actually tried arguing with cyborgboybecause i dont think youve ever done that,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 server location setup and players average ping also play a role in it just because it says 128 instead of 64 doesnt mean youll magically hit more in turn 64 doesnt mean it has to be badsometimes i miss shots where i could swear that i hit the enemy but looking at the demo shows me that i didnt stop properly at times or shot 1 mm over their shoulder just bad luck if that happens i mostly switch to rifle,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i think just adding the numbers on abilities at least dmg preferably everything would be a good start,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i like the artistic freedom your taking with this,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im sure ive heard that before in some game like loading screen loop or something that happened a lot the fast one especially,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 cats are good for explaining random noises in the middle of the night creaking probably the cat something fell in the kitchen yeah the cat strange moaning noise damn cat nails scraping down the bedroom door go away cat its closed for a reason doorknob turning and door slowly opening fucking toosmartforitsowngood cat actually figured out how to do that goddammit let me sleep cat cat lets in zombieeater of soulsarmed crackhead thats why the dog sleeps in my room,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 although i agree with all the others here that this relationship might not be the best idea ever i also have the feeling youll pursue it anywayso instead ill offer some advice with regard to having a relationship with someone who is mentally unstable and im speaking from personal experienceif you want this shell need to get intensive individual therapy but there is more you need to get therapy realize that being with someone like her will be giving everything you have emotionally and mentally because you love her and getting very little in return because she simply cant in her condition this asks for tremendous personal sacrifice which will take a toll on you you need to beat this by starting out with individual therapy for you straight away just like she if you dont youll find yourself in a very dark place and not only will you not be able to help her anymore you will probably also spend a very long time on breing able to do nothing else but get better yourself if that happens this will cost you your friends and career last youll need couples therapy as well maybe not as intensive as individual therapy but both you have do not have any strong good experience of what it means to be in a good relationship and frankly you two will not be in the position to figure it out on your own and make mistakes because remember shes ill and her recovery takes priority over learning new skillsim not saying what you want is impossible im doing it myself right now but you should be aware of what youll put yourself through and take proper precautions to keep yourself mentally healthy,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thank you got megabus in my books now,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 i began to realize what this feeling was a few years ago i still feel severely socially stunted now with only a handful of people i can trust but that could just be me,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 your stance of doing well and losing is sugar coating everything this sugar coating of the truth is why losing teams get trophys now days people afraid to be blunt and honest because people are too sensitive to the truth and sugar coating the truth like this does no one any favors if you tell a losing team they still performed well theyll make no effort to improve themselves better to hit them with the cold blunt truth that they lost because they didnt perform well so that improvements can be made im sorry you dont understand this for the same reason young male athletes look up to professional male athletes lmao yeah right the men got paid 9million for losing in the 16th round while the womens team got paid 2million for winning the championshipif the women were being paid respectively to their skill level they should have been paid more than the mensince the women are national champions that is not the solution,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 poor ppls blue man group,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this was easily the bombest ive seen,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 yeah like the difference between focusing on how perfectideal the person is and focusing on how you interact support each other trust sex plan etc i think we do all have to idealize something and its inevitable that we will at least somewhat idealize the person but where should the focus be you know the end goal being to not wake up after the hormones wear off and think who the fuck is this person ugh i did it again all theory at this point of course but yeah going to try to judge the interactions and values rather than the person i think is within like i know that the most important thing to me is conversation so analyzing what makes a good conversation for me that would be sustainable thats a long spiel haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well if youre looking to get a good knife and get some damascus mcusta is one of the cheaper ways to do that outside of a pakistani bladethis is the one i have,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if partyastronauts doesnt exist disco dolpan is a good substitute,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i take the ap test in one week and 135 hours as i type this rip me,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i bet carl was playing nascar thunder,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah and proved himself wrong and then doubled down,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 oh in that case i definitely recommend trying ancestry theres no guarantee but its worth a shotits a little slow at first but one you get the hang of it it goes pretty quickly just remember to cancel before the two weeks are up unless you want to continue,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 eren also pulled of annies moves in human form she taught them to himreigner not bertolt didnt know eren received that upgrade bottle and thought he learned it from scratchhe managed to crack the armor because he simply focused his own in one spot to make it thickerits highly implied that moving your titan body feels similar to moving your human body so him taking on annie was only impressive if you consider the opponent not if you look at how he movednone of your quick learning arguments hold upit is at best a feat of eren not of the attack titan,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 hahaha thats great i would give you a hundred upvotes if i could dall i got is this gif,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 my mom always told me that if i have nothing nice to say id better not answer,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 reactivity is more valuable i think if youre a procrastinator and your boss asks you if you can do something that takes a week by tomorrow you will probably do it nonprocrastinators will need a week to do it,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i desperately need to know where did you get these pants from,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 yep basically this for all the things i love about cogfuncmention dominants they really tend to overhype things for themselves theyll get so excited about a new idea or something fun to do and then five minutes in theyre bored and ready for the next thing this is because in fact its coming up with the fun ideas that they enjoy not so much the experiences themselves for high cogfuncmention the actual doing of the thing is the culmination yeah it sounds excitingso lets go already well do all the things and well enjoy it to the fullest for as long as it lasts lets get startedaang strikes me as being more the second type of person yes he enjoys coming up with the fun ideas of stuff to do but he dives right in and doesnt quit until either necessity or sokka finally drags him away from it,70.0,33.0,46.0,6.0,33.0 this is exactly why manga spoilers s the central mps torture wallcultiststhe walls are a cruel place the strong will always rule over the weaklet us punish the ignorant,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i cant stress this enough real all of his bookslifetime reader here and i suggest starting with the dilbert principle the dilbert future and how to fail at everything and still win big,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 exactly it was killing my suspense of disbelief or whatever its called it was always quality but the sheer quantity of kills was a little ridiculous at the beginning,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i like the extra pockets provided by more tactical variants of the vest but not enough to wear one in public,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 if there wasnt a highway of titans for him to swing across or if the suicide attack wasnt there to distract zeke than levi would have been obliterated by zeke in the return to shinganshina arc just as the rest of the sc,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i read a staffer tried to enter the building with a gun,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 yeah sorry am not native speaker of american english not like yall,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 pretty sure most of the colonies keep the u,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 theres a white and a black huge nâ 9 in the compilation,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 the only person i saw whining about food and whining is an exaggeration was the canadian who went to olive garden because they dont have them they just said they were disappointed and that is trying something new anyway albeit not the most exciting new thing to trythe person who mentioned fridays just said they got a better meal at a local place for cheaper later that week they didnt complain about the food or even the price not directly anyway they just said there are better cheaper local places not that fridays was badbut i digress all i was trying to say was that not everybody travels to try new food its the main reason im hesitant to travel to another country im sure there are others who feel the samei do agree that if somebody chooses a chain theyre already familiar with and are disappointed they dont really have any leg to stand on in regards to complaining they knew what they were getting into,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i remember the 94 pre release threadbut the 95 one is nothing but a blur,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 so do i dw its just a joke i dont call it gnulinux either usually anyways,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 im not sure how much help i can offer you except just someone to talk to the government are fucking idiots why would we trust a prime minister that allegedly fucked a pig its beyond me but feel free to talk to me if you need to,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 far fetched but murderers are not bad people just people who made bad choicesbecause they entertain people we forget what they did is that how it works now fair enough im gonna fix a football match or murder someone and then get away with a years worth of a penalty because i play a clown in prisonwhy dont we allow kqly and smn back,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yes literally the team disbanded after the game,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 and clearly you are on the other side of the spectrum and believe theres evil motive behind it,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 haha they just met work all summer to buy a car xx,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 for sure have known two irl now that i have met a few confirmed typemention my last tiny bit of doubt is gone,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 haha thank you i love this shit just all caps it and upvotes up your ass,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 they only programmed a learning system the actual go playing was self learned you could think that neural nets are a kind of programming too but instead of computer instructions they do matrix multiplication and gradients instead of specifying rules by hand they teach it by example and leave it to the neural to figure out the rules of course there is a tiny bit of regular programming in order to construct the neural nets,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 im happy you realize this i do like consoles though but the only ones i have are old now that im able to keep my pc up to date its difficult for me to justify the extra costsorry i misunderstood i too hope that fo4 will be better than fo3 i just didnt feel the need to state the obvious,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thats the face you have when a corrupted bitch cheated you out of a nomination,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i guess ill break the mold and say yes i do not now or any time soon but yes as for parenting style i think about this pretty often i know i wont be super strict like my narcissist parents were to me i wont go into extensive detail about that but i think that since im already imagining future scenarios and how i would handle them that i would be a pretty decent parent,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 also why would an east german move to russia how would they be received by russians,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 if you plan on cooking any type of asian food at home rice wine is essential pick some up if you ever find yourself at an oriental market get some sesame oil while youre at it that shits the best,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i give you some help thereresearch moores law reverse engineering programming in assembly and programming close to osnow to the rest of your postthe i should help them will be explained later and also it is probably also a wrong assumption that the company swims in money since they still have bills to pay of course they dont necessarily have more money than saturn in germany id even say they have lessyour analogy is insufficient you are a customer and at the same time someone who is actively using a service valve provides and thus you have the right to help them improve their service but if you want to do this you still have to be reasonable and polite and that is not that is in no way constructive andor helpful to the people who maintain the anticheat called vacesea and esl are the only ones with another anticheat it is not called anti hack shield that is client based and works kinda flawless what you would have to factor in is that those two anticheats use different detection techniques in ring0 vac is not programmed to work that way to stay out of the users private mattersthe programming in ring0 allows esea to run basically a keylogger and they can do with your data what ever they want esea eulawith accepting eseas eula you basically allow them to put you under 247 surveillancevalve as a company has no interest in intruding in the private files or matters of the person that plays their games or the games from publishers who use vac gaben commented on this here made 25 billion us in 2012 and most of it went into new jobs developments expansions of said company and games like in every other companyoverwatch essentially exists to catch cheaters that managed to get through one or more vac waves or ones that still have to come because vac cant detect private and ring0 cheats that easily since it is not as intrusive as a certain companys bitcoin mineri have my facts straight and the required knowledge for it but the later seems to be lacking on your parthow do you even know valve doesnt work on vac are you sitting there or are you going by sheer assumptions hereyou didnt told the truth you voiced your opinion on a topic you have no idea about all of it is okay but the way you did it and tried to defend it is lacking in etiquette and knowledge the later is shown by your analogypeople like you go around calling vac shit without knowing how much work it represents and what has to do with it is one point why i dont like most people on this subreddit and it is not only because you call vac shit but also because people like you offer no alternative or critical thinking in this topic on how to improve the situation the options to improve vac or where vac is lacking people who have not even a vague idea about this topic should educate themselves first on said topic before posting dumb comments all over the place this starts with differentiating between a cheat and a hack and not calling software to prevent former antihack shield,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 that could be typemention relation to cogfuncmention but it sounds to me like its guided by cogfuncmentionfor me if someone ever breaks my values and rub it in my face im going to be avoiding them but even in spite of that i still might forgive them later i dont judge but if my friends all think someone is a bad person i avoid them because i trust my friends opinions because i know the only thing i will see in that person is good i wont often consider what they do or say as rude like other people do,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 there is definitely a pattern i get to see again and again in the other video he did sounds reasonable but then this is an other level of apologism i have seen it with other muslisms speakers depending on who they talk to their message change quite a bit seen the whole faith is built around spreading it whatever mean justify the end,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yeah in this case you would have to upvote it because it is pretty high up there in the tifu category,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 you can give more people more cheats to reverse engineer while the team around vac will stay around the same size additionally you can have people work on new ideas for vac without actually implementing themthe problem is that if a thing goes into one coder forum it spreads throught the net and will find its way to script kiddys while those campp cheats are generally detected faster because they dont change the methods it is a different thing if they change parts in the code which requires finding a new signature and putting it into vac the problem is that vac is not only for cs but also for other games you need to update vac for all games whoch use it so cs comes a bit into a disadvantage since it is a normal game but with 10 or 100 times more cheats,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 they needed to regroup resupply and deliver ymir to marley,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i managed to snag gc10reddit002 thanks just finalizing my order now,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 does this problem persist even after closing and restarting excel as well as restarting the computer,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 to say grotesquely we hate objects the only use they have is for the feelings they bring or ideas and possibilities that might happend to them improvedusedchanged but not an object itself objects itself without feelings or ideas is worthless in our eyes its a background noise for us we dont see objects as alot of other types they see it as it is their mind pick up details proportions sizes checks memory for similar things compares stuff etc objective data when we see an object we see feels and ideas thats why we have this type of memory that we tend to dont remeber details about things but vividly our impression and idea about it but also thats why we have this creativity and innovability qualities,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 ill give you some food for thought is very centered on the human experience to state that you need a nervous system for suffering,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 til turkey is a part of europe and not with our boys in the middle east,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i had mostly the same experience big brand new black mustang broadsided me it was coming out of a parking lotwhen i was flying through the air and into the road i thought well this is kinda cool then i hit the pave and that kinda hurtthen i was like shit is my bike okripped my shirt a bit tire was bent a bit i said whatever dont make a fuss and just went into work anyhow,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 sounds good let us know when you get your copy and well figure out when to start i think that youll like it,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 if you wanted to help with that it would be great im figuring it out but if you already know what you are doing it would be easier im fine with either format as typemention or tin not too many have voiced a preference but i guess tin would be in the lead so far,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 better use a heat seeker cause this exhaust port is hot,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 youre wrongall of the studies say that its much safer to do the opposite of this and this video is a good example of thatjust like riding on the sidewalk it seems more safe but its dangerous and not quite legal in many places,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thats the second feminine garment simile ive come across today over on rasoiaf someone said in the context of theories tinfoil,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 two lack of parenting issues here teaching kids that taking pictures is not a free for all it is a liability and it comes with responsibility this is the age we live in phones every where but we still needs to respect each other as human beings teaching kids that it is not okay to laugh at people for looking different my friends kids wouldnt bat an eye at your costume because their parents talk to them about differences or at least how to ask politely why is that lady dressed in such in such instead of being a bullying jackass,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 im trying to figure it out too sounded like a gun shot or something,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 have you considered using the autofilter feature,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 wrong it would say so beneath time check your ride details to see what i mean,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i didnt get drafted either lolive been playing longer than most of the captains have been around,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 by other men in other words the vast majority of conflicts is done by men and while we are seeing an increase in female suicide bombers it remains an outliner but we might have to consider it in the equation eventually,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 dont conflate disdain for your contribution with my emotional states unless that state is disdain i didnt say i thought you were trying to set yourself up as smarter than me i said and meant the author on your edit yeah sorry i do find it fascinating that there are so many mysticalphilosophical texts which align with modern day physics,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 nothing i just think that he looks a tad too girly when it becomes difficult to tell there needs to be a change made even if just a subtle one a stronger jaw a larger nose cut back on the megahear lol any would work,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i already ate so i wouldnt suggest that 2 nite,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 our opinion in case you mean reddit is worth nothing though with maybe the exception being slothsquadron,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 an ereader takes up vastly less space than almost any physical book even in a waterproof case they typically last well over a week on a single charge and many have lit screens which let you read at night without needing to be in a lighted space always a constraint at night when camping from that point of view it actually makes more sense to bring an ereader than a physical book,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 people probably want super hard to get pokes such as hp fire magnezonebut thats gonna be my future giveaway or hp fire greninja or comp legends,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 hell no man its memorial day go barbecue with your family ill have the byron all crunched up for tomorrow,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 machina gadgetsyou can buy the core for cheap the extra deck can be pricey but there are a lot of good xyzs you can ue that are cheap like blackship photon papi maestroke and thunder sparkyou also can improve your extra over time into abyss dwellers and rank 7sthe deck has insane rank 4 toolboxing and versitility it also can throw down a lot of damage and pressure with gear gigant x and machina fortress,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the division kinda bombed dont bother getting itdont support halfassed lazy attempts at a cashgrab game,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im interested too but keep working hard you magnificent pede,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 its insane my m2 is sitting literally beneath the 390 asrock x99 extreme6 thankfully i did my due diligence and dug up info on the forums a wise choice going for an intel 750 nvme its in a well ventilated space and has a big heat disperser one of the most amazing pieces of hardware ive owned as a developer even if it cost me as much as the 390 i rarely play games so its fine for medium settings on a 2k monitor,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 yup my agents used a wide angle lens when taking pictures of my house for the sale listing and pointed out when pictures used a wide angle lens when i was buying,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 are the issues you are facing within the company because of some incompetent individuals or because of a more general incompetent culture setting among the more senior ranked execs and policy makersim asking because if its culture i think you should switch even if tomorrow you would suddenly find yourself ceo of the company you wouldnt be able to change shit if the company culture isnt allowing drastic change such as replacing people in several key positions which is a common move for new ceos culture is really slow to change and requires more status quo shake up than an individual can accomplish,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 it just ruins the seamless congruity of the back it wouldnt really be an elegant industrial artpiece anymoreapple is good for formfunction but now theyre going to overlook form for function at that point apple is just like the rest ie samsung etc,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 anyone else see pearls gem as her mouth in the second picture,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 i dont like getting hurt by sharp things but i feel once it has started i wouldnt really be too distraught same goes for any thing so i guess i dont really have a most feared method of death just a general avoidance of it at least for now,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 what is this then guess that although ireland planned it earlier the uk beat them to it to become the 2nd country with plain packaging laws,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i finally have an excuse to play this game again feelsgoodmanthe past 5 months or so of poe have been very stale for me i had played fairly continuously since 2012 until then,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 are you having difficulty following the conversation ive been arguing against using a knife in self defensei never claimed to have knife defense training maybe you just replied to the wrong person or were confused by the obvious martial arts training parody video i linked,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 are you threatened by typemention i think youre letting your emotions get in the way of establishing the ultimate team,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 im with you alexa kid voices are the worst,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 yeah that and theres more to it i guess not everything needs evidence if we were to search proof for everything wed run out of time to do productive stuff as a species there needs to be some blind belief or abstract at least,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 yeah theres no way youre dying alone,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 im going to have to go with the experience because i have a particular hard time gleaning emotional content from memories i have adhd and from what i hear that makes it hard to recreate emotions i dont spend a lot of time going over the past except for anxiety so a memory doesnt mean much to me id enjoy the experience in the moment and that is what matters more than anything it isnt like i remember a lot of good things anyhow,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 okay but nothing about your question says that but i think it would work the same surely any mathematical concept is just another universal,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 why should they even listen to reddit is the question valve can gladly give not a single fuck about it as people here are dumb as fuck when it comes to technical things,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 how about when your parents are grandparents thank you twin sister for addition of my niece,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 im not totally clear on the whole running biti didnt see any runningi see possible resisting but that dogs reaction time was so fast the dude didnt do much before the dog ran and at that point who can blame him for protecting himself and trying to get awayjust kinda try to play a bit of devils advocate here i cant be 100 sure that he was trying to run is all im saying,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 totally not biased plug for rcatsstaringatwalls its got a lot of potential,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 if the player base if large enough probably,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this still makes me sad for the cars sake,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 my visualizations are not perfect but they have gotten better i remember a few months ago when i realized i could remember peoples faces more vividly than before this was after doing sporadic visual concentration work for a month or so this came as a kind of a surprise for me because i dont remember ever being able to see peoples faces that clearly i use to only be able to see them as a blur other things have happened since then sometimes when i am in bed before i fall asleep i will close my eyes and play with scenes in my head for fun i realized that specifically at a time like that when i am preparing for sleep i can see things pretty clearly,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 no way ideally the cost of each opcode should be set at market price but for now well probably just have to hardcode it to something workable,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 id say mozy is doing a hell of a lot better than nikola pekovic these days,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i feel that wed have to get very very lucky with mining resources on mars im not sure how deep surface scans can go but just because we can see signs of desired resources in an area doesnt mean we will find a lot of it its similar to knowing where on earth oil fields are located we might see hints at where they may be but until we get there and start drilling we dont know for certain that we will find a decent quantity this is all the moreso important when we can only rely on satellite imagery of target landing locations and making sure we have available transportation to explore the area surrounding landing zoneson a side note what exactly do we need to mine in order to produce fueland if we require co2 for anything how efficiently are we able to extract it from the atmosphere taking into account that the martian atmosphere is some odd 1 the density as here on earth,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 you should see my database we are strange chaotic organized creatures us typemention there is a method to our madness,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 and did he get any attention,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 wow id purposely only use cash at this place if that is what they normally use for change thats awesome,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 than my question to you is what benefit would me having children bring to the world or humanitylike someone else says when you ask most parents why they got children the sentence starts with i wanted and not because it would better mankindcountless generation did not reproduce so i could be born they did it because they felt lonely wanted something to care for or be cared for wanted to be a parent or 1000 other reasons i can come up with that have nothing to do fighting for humanity to survive so i could have been born actually if the survival of mankind is the goal im doing the world a favour by not reproducing because of the overpopulation p,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 cache is the new d2,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 and for my second trifix 4 holy fuck im extremely 4ish im probably the most 4ish of all 5s i always test as 4w5 on the enneagram quiz and always test as typemention on mbti quizzes extremely emotionally unstable very artistic very nonconformist and pretty much a 4 a 5 that is a 4 at the same time i also have a 4 wing so that only makes it stronger,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 oh yeah then in that case yeahwhen were you there i was there from 20082011 i dont know how it is now but it seemed like it was growing and improving although slowly everyone was excited when they got a buffalo wild wings,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 why not just post the link,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i wrote a giant paragraph and pressed backspace oh well essentially i said that it isnt empirically verifiable and ultimately is not scientific it is conceivable that in the future we could have the resources and technology to perform neurological scans and attempt to give tangible credence to the theory but for now it is introspective and speculative and very far from standardized everyone seems to have a different definition of every type and function using them in an effort to resonate the fundamental concept with the person learning the theory in science models have to be more reliable and calibrated a gram has a particular definition it represent a unit of mass which has conceptual meaning science is fundamentally encoding conceptual meaning and understanding into universal laws that then have descriptive or predictive quality mbti does endeavor to encode conceptual meaning and an understanding but the level of disagreement in the community over the most basic of definitions shows that it isnt science however perhaps it is more valuable than science maybe it isnt possible to understand the self in an objective way but only in a subjective way can we trust empirical evidence with metaphysics or is cognition the one thing we must trust ourselves to try to understand,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 hate radiolisten i dont care if you dont like people like rush limbaugh and glenn beck i dont like either of them myself but calling them and people like them hateradio is a bit unfair dont you think,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 its not illegal to ask someones name where im from but recording someone in combination with adding identifiablecharacteristics such as a name or a adress to the recording without permission is its a privacy law and im really glad it excists,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 are actionoriented theyre more about actually achieving their cogfuncmention vision with cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention and cogfuncmention so mostly handsoninxjs are analytical theyre more about mapping out the implications of everything with cogfuncmention and cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention with only surgical interventions with cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention at key inflection points so mostly handsoffeither is possible but you seem more actionoriented,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 yep par for the course,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 ah so youre an sjw explains a lot,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 no what a brotha does is he flips it over then adjusts it accordingly or if he wants it on the first go he asks somebody to help,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 1172ghz almost seems as if somebody made it for uncareful tech reviewers to mess it up d,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 lol id be the dumbass that humors him for a while and ends up stroking his ego because my natural response to people that out of touch is curiosity,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 isnt there some sort of statistical thing that measures this and says if its insignificant or not im not very math oriented so i dont know what its called,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 so one day not too long ago i had the sudden realization that i couldnt state the definition of the word yet i knew what it meant and i could use it properly in a sentence english is my native language i thought about it for a long time but could not come up with it i eventually had to look it up i was actually surprised by the number of people who had the same issuespoiler the definition is as of now,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 ãšã im mytryã n himiã¾ã ngat ã¾amirã cat oc eomykãºrngatscã llam rhastã ndar scã ldir oc rhahã skar ã znoc accã ptam ã ã rys ã¾afã³llasneu03b8ib mytryu0294yu03b8nu0329 ximiu03b8igu0252t ximiriku0252t ok xymykurgu0252t u0283ku0252u026eu0252b ru0325u0252u0283tu0252du0252r u0283ku025bã ir ok ru0325u0252xou0283ku0252r iznu0329 ok u0252kku025bptu0252b u0252u03b8rys u03b8u0252fou026eu0252snu0329 swear1sg 1sgpossloyalabstracc prox1sgpossthinglocalcouncilade med1sgpossriketriballeaderade and dist1sgposskingqueenadeshall1sg supportinf protectinf and obeyinf 3placcand accept1sg othergen medconsequenceplacca thing in this sense is the premedievalmedieval council in germanic tribes a rike is a word ive borrowed into english from my conlang it means a tribal leader or in modern times a governorlike figure the kingqueen is the monarch of the countryedit this is said only a few times in your life and carries a lot of symbolic and ideological meaning it is recited by every councilhead once they are chosen every citizen when the come of age or are granted citizenship every lawspeaker judge and lowerlevel executive government member when there is a crisis many will go before the capitol building and recite italso edit the distance markers in the first line can be changed depending on the context they can also be dropped entirelynot edit in englishi swear my loyalty to my council to my governor and to my kingqueeni shall support protect and obey themand i accept the consequences of anything else,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 yeah that definitely makes sense,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 man half his hits were on the ibeam that shit would hurt,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think there is a side to all of us that is unconcious and speaks to us in feelings and we come to know it as intuition i think some people with dissociative identity disorder hear their intuition as an audible voice in their head and for few of them it tells them the answers to tests it communicates things that their collective memory knows but their conscious has not pieced together it can often be angry or fearful depending on how that person feels deep insidei think judgement in this case comes from comparison if someone is wearing a pink tie you judge it against the normal color that people wear that is clearly a judgement you can judge things against yourself too or your values or against an ideal like perfectionintuition in an mbti sense is not really the same as intuition of the unconscious where you come to a conclusion or gut feeling about something out of nowhere intuition comes from a preference for the big picture when we take in information an intuitive cares less for the details and more about what they mean together or as a whole,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 well either see her soon in a flashback so about chapter 92 or isayama will wait until just before the end and use her in the final showdown which would make it chapter 106107108,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 also they dont want to loose the people that value privacy,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 not possible any sort of way to get around it is grounds for a suspension probably,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 he got so much power on his weak foot,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 damn that would get expensive fast,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ill second the big sleep number bed suggestionmy husband and i have one and you never feel the other person tossing and turning or getting out of bed to go to the bathroom etc,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 many many social forces have been at play in the last several decades the war on poverty was hardly the only thing going on you cant just extrapolate a trend in one community in a certain set of conditions to the whole population under a totally different set of conditions and youre completely discounting the beneficial effect that people being at their leisure to raise their kids would have we may even see less single mothers with less moneyjob stress,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 well maybe i should have worded it like this this comes off as such to viewers coming in from rallquit gaslighting,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 or trying to get yourself wedged into a fence for mass glitch pointsi feel like this inspired skates hall of meat mode,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yes you become a youtube partner the criteria for this is that you havent broken youtubes tos in the past and that your videos arent rrated 999 of people who use youtube can become partnersnobody offers you anything you choose to put ads in specific places on specific videos,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 cant help but respect that i suppose,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 my typemention husband is very principled more so than me,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 youre just lucky they werent carolina reapers welll shes lucky rather,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 whats false that we print and control our own money supply or that we would be like japan who has a 200 debt to gdp ratio but does just fine,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 yep as an typemention id say just keep holding hands for a while and let a kiss happen when the moment seems to feel right for her we dont do these things lightly but we also dont plan them in detail that would take away the whole value of it,70.0,33.0,46.0,6.0,33.0 typemention lead with extroverted feeling cogfuncmention he was saying that he drops his cogfuncmention when drinking while i am saying i rely on it much more heavily in the same state,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 school is boringbut the summer is even worse for me especially right now because i have no friends because i movedyay,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 so is the shifter helping the rebels fight against marley or is marley at war with someone else,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 apparently most of the people in this sub reports should be limited,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you dont know what you are talking about do you,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you made me rethink how fortunate i actually am considering my country has quite an extensive social security system im guessing youre right though ill try nsoing when i can and see how ill feel,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the best sanders supporters strategy from now get republicans to raid the democrats primaries,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 bunch of good uncommoncommon staple esquie cards for every colour 20 of each land and a bunch of boosters cant remember how much but it was like 4 boosters in a 20 dollar box so good if you are just starting out,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 id say mbti isnt so bad it is actually heavily related to the big five minus neuroticism its more the baggage that comes with it that is pseudoscience namely cognitive functions and all of the structure that is totally made up eg pj reversing the functions the tertiaryinferior functions ei turning the functions inward or outward oh and also the descriptions are all just stories about peoples friends and favourite tv show characters,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 usually its two things one the celebrity produced some great entertainment that really made the person happy like robin williams goofy wholesomeness and theyll miss them being around as theres no fresh media to consume two the celebrity produced an idealised version of themselves like kurt cobain being deep tormented and philosophical or bob marley being chill and loving and the person wanted to emulate those values into themselves because they loved who they were and what they stood for so when they die the person takes it particularly hard because its like a piece of them also died,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 its very complicated but basically it involves vore incest giantesstiny persongianthuge size difference mind control rape entire civilizations living within the body of a person with multiple layers godlike abilities to bend time and space,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 coutinho vs arsenal 45milner vs tottenham 43matip vs palace 44can vs watford 43firmino vs stoke 44wijnaldum vs burnley 451firmino vs west brom 451can vs watford 452wijnaldum vs middlesbrough 451,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i think its more antiradical islam than it is antiarab,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i agree with this i speak 5 european languages rather fluently and have read the hp set in 4 of those whenever i pick up an italianspanishportugese copy languages i dont know its actually doable,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 gawd the obsessions whether its something i want to do or some problem i want to solve or something i want my obsessions rule my life sometimes for days or weeks or months or years on end its like theres one thing i can think about only one thing i can talk about one thing i can do anything about one thing its such an awful repeating theme in my life and i can never just enjoy gtright nowlt or fulfill gtcurrent obligationsresponsibilitieslt because one thing god damn borked cogfuncmentiontrust me i understand you perfectly here i only wish i had some tips for you but i dont,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 existentialism seem to be the most resonanting on a first look but abit of everything tbh most of them dont exclude each other,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 the one in 2015 where c9 beat titanon balance thats what bugs me say ah puch is too strong in assault people say stfu noob we balance around conquest say hes too weak in conquest stfu noob hed be broken outside conquest edit cog prime sorry,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 well i mean the opposite of love is indifference right fucking one of your friends is a super dick move if you were actually on a break and not broken up potentially forever i still resent my exwife a little for this and that but were friends because i get something out of that friendship she didnt bone any of my friends though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 as a girl when i see a taller girl than me im even more surprised haha,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 an explanation why the fps should have to do simething with the tickrateget right viewed the data how many people have decent computers and said valve went on to say that 128 tick wouldnt be feasablehowever what most people miss is that valve never said it was due to fps and they also get the internet speeds and locations of the peoplei want to know why people are saying that it is all due to fps what are the problems with 128 tick for computers with lower fps or are you just saying that because get right said it somewhere and you actually have no clue why it is as you sayif that us the case i cant understand why people who say it is not due to fps and know what they are talking about get downvoted by people who have no clue about it otherwise you might link me the dev post where they explixitly say it us due to fps,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 usually its the other way around,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 that is exactly correct youre picking up on how functions work pretty fast,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 he took erwins advise and became taller by standing on his pile of corpses,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 not quite the left motor cortex handles complex locomotion so cogfuncmention is the squirrel running up the tree the frontoparietal network handles eye movement so cogfuncmention is the cat watching the squirrel run up the tree wondering where it went but too lazy to actually chase it completely different,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 this works for me based on what was presented with an exception regarding cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention i stand by my assertion that inevitability isnt very funny i make tenuous connections and exaggerate all the time for dramatic effect its fun d and i dont see any failed subjective reasoning there i simply see one logical chain without sidetracking too much or presenting all of the equally valid logic chains,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 your comment would be much improved if you replaced cogfuncmention with cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention types also have issues with taking criticism especially cogfuncmention criticism im not sure how to make it bettercogfuncmention will question your intentions perceiving direct cogfuncmention criticism as an attack so the big question in their mind at that point is friend or foe clarify your intentions and reassure them that youre on the same side then let them calm down if needed and theyre more likely to hear you out basically take the confrontation out of it and they wont need cogfuncmention to handle confrontation,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 uafinedayforscience you need to get your shit togetherother users are starting to beat you in posting relevant norse mythology info,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 sorry for the late reply but you can basically boil this down to the new term that this election cycle produced of identity politics it is seeing others as others both sides engaged in this tactic in different ways it is really a referendum on the feeling function in general and it is hard to neatly separate cogfuncmention from cogfuncmention here but i think that cogfuncmention is the one that is seen as the more shadowy cogfuncmention sees these divisions and classification of people ie mexicans women muslims lgbt etc whereas cogfuncmention kind of sees them as people as individuals all deserving of equal rights cogfuncmention makes distinctions but they are much more nuanced the cogfuncmention seen here is much more black and white as is the cogfuncmention cogfuncmention here sees it as goodbad end of story cogfuncmention sees movements like blm as a treat to their shadowy cogfuncmention core this is where you get to the feeling of all lives matter when confronted with black lives matter it is a projection if you have to recognize that black lives matter and your initial response is that all lives matter it will only take a few minutes to ask yourself does my life matter that is tough territory to tread upon it is much easier to repress and project,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 what do you find beautiful and why i am also really curious what you think about my premise that we connect spiritually in the same way as we connect romantically,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 taught my brother and i how to take no for an answer and how to handle disappointment we had plenty of fun toys and got to go on cool camping trips and stuff but we definitely didnt get everything we asked for and were raised to be really grateful for what we had i watch people my age struggle with entitlement and the reality of adulthood and i feel kind of sad for them because they didnt learn these lessons from their parents early on,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 being able to know what happens next but not realizing howoh come on that is not cogfuncmention fuck the stereotypes xnxjs arent witches,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 its really really gorgeous the river flows right through the middle of it outdoor activities are ridiculously popular the river has a paved bikingwalkingrunningwhatever area that goes allll the way down it with little bike stations for air and kits to change your tire if it goes flatfree that said everyone is in pretty damn good shape the university is gorgeous and the downtown life has plenty of bars it is full of people in their 20s but because the bar scene isnt huge nightlife esque bars i feel like people are more laid back and not stuck up i went there twice two different weddings pid live there,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 yes but as a darkrai fan i dislike the accuracy nerf which essentially had nothing to do with smeargle since it can no longer use the move whatsoever they took it away from smeargle so why lower the accuracy,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 i dont even remember sadly i was too busy focusing on remembering the true cray cray to remember to make a mental note of the context,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 one of my best friends is a member hes broke as shit and hasnt paid me in months even if he never pays me again we will talk daily there are a few other members who have moved on from the site and i still keep up with them to make sure theyre happy with what theyre doing now only reason i would cut someone off from talking to me is if they were shitty to me to begin with i cannot fake my personality when i get along with someone its real extremely real i cant act like i like someone i dont get along with,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 all good i didnt know that you didnt know that i knew,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i dont see anything that would not suggest typemention really or at least the same functions,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 this one is tough but im just going to guess the uk is what they are talking about still terrible color choices,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 guessing youve never done anything related to international lawpretty much every international treaty is drafted in secret because holy shit have you ever tried to draft an insanely long piece of multilateral legislation with a million and one lobbyists and media hawks yelling at youfor example take the ice wine clauses try drafting that in public without a hundred lawyers and lobbyists representing the knockoff industry trying to destroy everythingthen imagine that for every single aspect of the process secrecy is primarily for controlling the process,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 its like you walk your dog on a leash or your dog walks you on a leash kinda the same but not really and will end up behave very different in the world drived by different motives and interact very differently with ppl,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 well done each part of the outfit is clearly defined and pleasing redemption is a beautiful dye i like it almost as much as illumination,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i think the rank 12 and 3 marks are supposed to be in place of the hunt log since they give a comparable amount of experience i wouldve liked a 3050 log for the new jobs though,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 sausage lots of sausage especially bratwurst,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lol again why not both,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 heh just look at the end there gonna take a bit to get their landlegs back,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i noticed on a recent reread that hes the only shifter who actively distance himself from every murder he committed in one way or anotherwith mike he looked away and let his minions do itwith castle utgard he threw one rock and made sure he wasnt there to witness the rest as his minions did itin shinganshina he actively gamified throwing rocks so he didnt have to face his actionsin the battle with the middle east union he states that war is always bad which since its a surprisingly extremely easy to debunk statement from someone as intelligent as him either implies hes slowly going insane or him being extremely pacifistichim being pacifistic is indeed far fetched but its the only way all his actions make sense to me,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this makes me want to cry thank god for people like the last girl hopefully they will all grow out of it,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 tell fps that tagpro is open source,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 that website must be from the late 90s no wonder why they may not be in business no pricing information or anything,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 and today we discover how socially inadequate the average hearthstone player is,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 yes the very last chapter they act as if taylor is dead so that no one will try to contact her that was the point of the toast,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 same zack snider couldnt make a worth while super hero movie if his life depended upon it dc wont break out of average in their movieverse until they find someone to replace him if bvs doesnt do amazing their entire calendar will be shaken up justice league may never happen ive only been waiting for it my whole life,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 she sounds interested in you keep going with her or not or become her friend sounds like youve got choices up to what the both of you wantkinda weird first date imo since it was the morning after a party and youd just met but didnt do too much the night before but nothing wrong with it since dorm gt collegeuni gt close proximitywhats a side hug btwe also lunch like that wouldnt qualify for a date for me under most circumstances particularly not to count it as a first date,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 yeah i hate those jokes they make me fã¼hrious anne frankly they are not funny,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 youve said nothing here that rejects any of my previous points ill go over what i said before a bit more clearly for you so you understandthat in no way invalidates my response to you previously there are substantially less older people than younger people death heard of it the oldest demographics could have a 100 voter turnout theyd still have less voters than the millenials do because theres comparatively few of themhowever assuming youre us you mean a 45 turnout right are you referring to midterms because in the midterms every generation has lower turnoutwhat is better inequality rising quicker or slowerits literally not malaria has a fairly high budget for eradication research but really most funding goes on treatment its only within the last two decades that global prioritisation institutions have successfully lobbied for funding to eradicate that particular disease guess where the funding is coming from reductions in treatment cost and greater investment by affected nation states guess why thats happened reduction of vector borne disease in said nation states via llin distribution the world of charity is not a series of hermetically sealed bubblesstrategy on malaria reduction and charity in general has been complete shit until the introduction of rcts in the last decade its a huge challenge to the boomers because their methodology this is a gross generalisation but basically past efforts have involved throwing money at every solution without even trying to measure effectiveness millenials have been the ones to introduce scientific experimentation into charity the basic concept of effective altruism wasnt even fleshed out until the late00s and still hasnt been ingrained within national or global policymaking organisationsin reality eradication of neglected tropical diseases is a fairly simple one to solve in principle which becomes logistically challenging at ground level but certainly not challenging enough to be this monumental task you describe maybe somewhere like the congo but even there the relevant organisations are all within guidelines for total eradication within the coming 23 decadesof course im sure you noticed i gave the amf as one example of a millenial funded and operated organisation the majority of other charities involved in direct eradication rather than prevention are also dominated by the older range of the millenial age group i hope you dont expect me to list off every nonprofit involvedof course even if that were all mysteriously wrong youve clearly sidestepped the fact that deworming and vaccination for ngds like sth schistosomiasis etc are pretty much entirely millenial funded and on track for eradication oh no millenials are only curingimmunising hundreds of millions of people and subsequently improving the economies of billions of people smug little bastardsthats certainly a millenial attitude it doesnt negate the fact that millenials are doing some extraordinary things its a bit ironic that the older generations detest the attitude theyve instilled in their children through average parenting and clever advertising god knows what millenials will instill in their kidsyou seem to have little idea what legitimate and illegitimate mean within a political liberal nation illegitimate public decisions are rarely selfish legitimate public decisions are made for the right reasons by definitionthe concept of a well ordered society didnt exist until the 70s internal legitimacy within a constitutional democratic state didnt exist as a concept until the 90s how you can possibly argue that boomers were capable of making public decisions for the right reasons before the right reasons existed is beyond meits definitively true again i am using concrete political terminology here not illegitimate boo you suck as you seem to presume even though ive clearly stated the definitions usedlegitimate concern is not really a meaningful statement with respect to the political definition of legitimacy legitimate actions may well be regarded by history as irrelevant or misguided that doesnt make them any less legitimate or mean they were done for the wrong reasons as i said in my original post assuming people keep doing things for the right reasons we wont be ostracised by coming generations you seem to essentially agree with me but be put off by the words academics define the political liberal state with i guess youd call them smug well rawls et all were boomers not the millenials fault thereso is everyone millenials especially so of course that doesnt matter to anything i said here dunno why you brought it upim not telling you how to think im describing your post it was shallow this last one is also shallow these are not prescriptive points i do not expect you to come away from this discussion in some enlightened state of millenial wonder im just calling your bad arguments as i see them,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 not really the deck is made to combo off and bls is dead unless i combo comboing is the only way i get cards in the grave,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i tried wearing a big bow behind a bun because it always looks so cute on pinterest but i felt really self conscious about it looking too little girlish and took it out midday i want to wear one so bad but thems the breaks,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i also make chainmail if you want to go another level deep p,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 pssst read the post againironically the typemention is infjing you,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 too subtle for me apparently,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 are you guys sure you want to take over the world i dont think you know how much work that would be to maintain properly,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 you wouldnt have ranked up though if you have 1000 points and are mg2 and valve now decides to raise the minimum points for mge to 1500 you either will have to win games until you hit the 1500 points or you lose one and get deranked because you dont have enough points anymoreit is just a upward shift of point requirements,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yes in my own crafting doc i have the base cost per day of work is usually about 10 the price of the average craft able item for the profession however i double that if the work is done in a place built for it like if an alchemist isnt just using his alchemy supplies but is at an alchemists workshop or a poison maker is at a thieves or assassins guild workshop an artificer making a magical weapon while at a forge etc,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 the same right for all is something you could be entitled to thoughbut in the end no use discussing as it wont change anything anyways,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 if you plan on cooking any type of asian food at home rice wine is essential pick some up if you ever find yourself at an oriental market get some sesame oil while youre at it that shits the best,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 bowie appropriated gayness by pretending to be gay,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i ordered the assorted textured ones and they came today i got 30 god damned pairs of straight black socks i mean i was low on socks so whatever but this is excessive anyone else get this,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 yes she is great against zed and also vladimirjust dont pick her into azir it is a hard matchup for her as far as i can tell he plays safe and pushes level one without his w you can punish him with q if he uses it to farm but from level 2 on he just q aas you every time you want to cs for way more damage than the cs is worth 6 you could beat him but youre going to have to do it when his ult is down and you better hope he didnt push down a turret because then hes even safer because hell bring up his passive if you go on him after that,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 consistency in mm is a myth and not to archive,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 just rewatched this last night oh the feelsthornes an arsehole but hes a believable and extremely wellacted one im glad he got that fight with tormund he deserved to be the star just for a little while i also loved the exchange with jon on the top of the wall where he says they should have sealed the gate,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 yes steam considers it abuse to repeatedly refund games,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 clothes that can take you from maternity to breastfeeding are more costefficient and most mothers take a while to return to their prepartum figures so flow drape stretch are desirablei suggest nursing tanks under a cardigan jacket or stretchy wrapfront dresses theres also no reason why you cant wear a nursing bra under an ordinary buttondown shirt or dress if you want more coverage you could just use a shawl or scarf,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i fail to see the relevance of a quote by a space zombie that was venerated by a dessert bedouin people,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 you should go to the police and report this person preying on vulnerable people if theyve done it to you you can bet theyve done it to others that might even be worse offtheyre a parasite and shouldnt be left to continue unchecked,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i need to think about my average,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah i personally liked them all,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 i just happen to be in san antonio,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 between the martian atmosphere thick glass and maybe some magnetic shielding radiation would be much lower than in spacethere would still be a higher risk of cancer after decades of living on mars this is a problem for humans but not so much for annual cropshumans would have to live mostly underground only occasionally coming outside and only at night this is enough to install and maintain equipment and they would be close enough to operate mining robots on mars and its moons come to think of it with low comms latencynot a first choice definitely growing enough food to sustain a colony takes a lot of space and grow lights doing that underground is a lot of infrastructure before the colony can be selfsustainingimporting all your food from earth seems rather impractical sending food and other supplies from mars or from oneill colonies might be more viable so mercury could be colonized after,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i think most deontological libertarians think that rights either come from god or that property rights are self fulfilling due to peoples desire to not have their stuff stolen or their well being harmed but i have a hard time believing that as less then 300 years ago slaves were still commonplace in america i personally dont think natural rights exist just that generally excepted rights are a good tool for organizing a society where people are aggressed against the smallest amount possible and the greatest amount of prosperity is created,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 its not even mainstream media its people saying that,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i have read that yeah like early 20s typemention start looking to stability and security or wrestling with the idea it was true for me,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 he wants to get rid of a payroll tax more people would have more money to spend in a nutshell gdp is the amount of money exchanged in total if people have more money to spend because of the payroll tax being gotten rid of they spend more money and thus the gdp goes up,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 not an typemention but to hell with hitting on people in bars consider that out of x people you work with only y seem to be possible conversational partners then consider that x is composed of people whos lives have been similar enough to yours that you ended up working together now consider that the only thing you have in common with people at a given bar is that you chose that particular bar and half of you at least didnt even do that a friend chose for you out of the probably 1000s people ive met in bars as a 37 year old extrovert with a big mouth and strong liver i have dated maybe 2 and befriended in some meaningful way probably around 10 bars imo are about as nourishing to the soul etc as casinos if you want to meet women take classes learn to dance or make pots or someshit or just do online dating,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thanks their front 6 are the same as their previous 2 games so i just had to guess their backline based on the injuries they had,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 now that i read the replies again i guess that you might be right i guess that its a gif of a bear tumbeling down a mountain and dying,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i find it amusing how prevalent this idea is given how much science and tech comes out of the us,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 id say the difference between smart or intelligent is like the difference between wisdom and intelligence,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 yup my buddy was the it guy and he showed me all the confused emails sent to him from the bosses if it werent for him theyd have never figured out how to stop it,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 we still have to play fucking west ham away,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 they probably did it because they didnt want it to be overshadowed by ff7 something to build up to it i guess i think ff15 isnt the worst to comealthough i havent hit ch 13 yet,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 that basis for use of f over c makes no sense either way youve just internalised the numbers that relate to temperatures for each valuable use of one system in terms of convenience youve got a day to day example of why the other one is convenient like lt0c if i were to leave some pure water outside then it will freeze the counter but thats the same as lt32f and theres no difference between 100f being convenient for hot as 40c isthe only reasonable part of imperial is its use of feet and yards purely from a practicality standpoint for what people have access to for estimating a metre is slightly more than most peoples confortable step,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 holy fucking shit i didnt think wed actually be able to do it oh my god,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i dont have a child nor do i plan to so admittedly thats an aspect i cant understand i will say though that leaving doesnt have to be the only option my dad is an alcoholic i say is because you never stop being an alcoholic but he hasnt had a drink since i was quite young the first few years of my life he drank constantly and yelled and screamed at my mother he was an angry drunk theres no skirting around it he never hit her though that is one thing i believe never should be tolerated so she stuck with him through this and encouraged him to get help he hasnt touched alcohol since and i had a great childhood and he is a wonderful dad im not saying it would work out like that for everyone but i think if you loved someone enough to get married and have a child with them you should try to help them,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 lol this is great xd,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 are you going to cut us in on the money if so iâ ll make one,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 well you can setup your own server on your own machine if you dial in the settings in the server manager but i understand what you are saying i guess that is the negative for the game being developed for hardcore sim people,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im honoredobligatory request to be credited,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 now if i could just do the same with my fatherits too bad that logic cant sway him but random youtoube videos of people ranting enough canunfortunately there is no experiment or evidence i can present at a practical repeatableathome kinda wayive mostly stopped trying,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 kiernan exhaled a small laugh im guessing youre asking this little lady she said nodding down at the tiny fuzzy head pressed against her chest as shes the one who tends to decide that,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 in 4th edition which introduced the new cosmology of shadowfellfeywild the shadowfell was home to the goddess of death the ravenqueen she was a god of absolute neutrality as death is and when people died they first went to the shadowfell where she would determine the fate of each soul,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i dont hate either kyle at all when you think of aggressive drivers the 3 that come to mind are busch kes and larson kurt used to be right there but hes been really conservative as of late,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 so you cant just say i need to study you have to have fancy vocabulary also sounds tough,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 well shit theres a song i hadnt thought of in 17 years,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 are homeowners in the minority of the population i thought about 50 of the adult population owned their home outright with about 70 of people living in a home they either own or are in the process of owning ie a mortgage and that it was only studentsyoung professionals in london groups that are majority renters,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 its not profit sharing its hiring people to use the products otherwise there is no purpose in having industry in the first placethey can automate our work but they will not automate our needs our needs are still tied to us industry is tied to needs so there is the full circle,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 is that red pipe that appears to be sticking out of it and going down the mountain the poop chutealso why does it have a window,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 wow thats not as bad as the browns fumble but its pretty damn bad,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 okay i get the desire but how does it work this seems like a very low priority when there is available alternatives already for use third party if you implement voip when does the system know you are out of range if a ship leaves the system do you disconnect is this a feasible use of server resources how well will this play with the netcode currently implemented can you contact anyone within a certain range or only in party if you only want to talk to people in party then why not set up your own voip what problem are you solving if its only for people around olisar its not that hard to pilot and communicate while out of combat whats likely going to happen is they will implement this and then have a plethora of problems getting it to work and disconnectreconnect over distances people will cry on the forums but whatever its what they wantto me this is the exact definition of unnecessary feature creep,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 are you like the best mccree in the world,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 know features no cry no features know cry,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 male privilege social justice warriors assemble,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 it doesnt do more damage than the whirlpool the base damage gets higher at rank 4 but theyre both 15 scaling and poseidon will have a lot more item power than amc the whirlpool is hard to walk out of the honey isnt it is inferior in every way,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i started in gen 4 so there werent many rumors going around at this point but my friend did tell me that splash became a ohko move if you got your magikarp to level 100 without evolving it xd,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 check out their sidebars too for more sub suggestions rbirthcontrol is good too if youre curious about birth control in the future also feel free to pm me if you have any questions im a nurse and ive also had a decent amount of personal experience,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 although if youre talking about where id expect to fall within a bell curve of people at uni in my degree i was expecting to be marginally above average solid credit student,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i dont my drain has been kind of plugged so the um water raises so i am basically marinating in my own piss,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 and anyone saying that it improved his skill is avictim of a placebo effect fact,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i could justify why mine is the best but i was also able to do that when i listened to completely different music soooooooâ u30c4â,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 i like to keep a stockpile of single beds just outside the big freezer in case of emergency install beds,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you seem like someone who approaches things very directly and rational and doesnt play passive aggressive games you already informed your so about your letteri would simply tell your so i have very good reason to believe you are cheating but if you say you are not i want to believe you because i love you and want to spend my life with you and if youre saying youre not cheating i need you to right here right now open up your phone email accounts bank and credit card statements facebook and other social media accounts so i can look through them you can stand next to me to watch me go through everything but for the sake of our relationship i need you to do this for memake a list of all accounts you want to have a look at beforehand also ask to go through his wallet so you can check for any credit cards you didnt know of and maybe youll find some cash receipts if he makes excuses you know hes a piece of shit because if hes clean after 5 years together surely he shouldnt have anything to hide you didnt already know if the roles were reversed and you were wrongly accused of cheating youd probably be willing to show everything to him no so if he doesnt want to yup hes cheatingdont tell him about the hotel etc with some luck youll find a cc statement for that hotel,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 a week is a long time is this based around a special family event are you required to be present at each function on each day if its an all day thing i think its ok to grab a plate of food and then go sit by yourself for a bit is it a location where you could get away with i really want to get out and explore while im here would it be worth asking the older generation about family history and all that sometimes its interesting to get this info while people are still lucid and remember plus so many people enjoy talking about themselves and their experiences that it usually takes up a lot of time and all you have to do is interject the occasional question either way good luck,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 here we go againplaying on an alt with friends is better than playing on say lem or le with friends also most alts are the same rank since they are not smurfs they are simply accounts you dont care about when you derank with them,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 same and mine hasnt shipped yet,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 yes literally the team disbanded after the game,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 that sloth has to do so much workarounds shows what is broken with the game it was developed by hidden path who took source butchered it and slapped new graphics onto it now the guys at valve have to get rid of all the bugs,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ureignerbraun has walked amongst us mortals for a while nowsuprise you hadnt noticed it yet,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 and not having another one because they are so widdle and pwecious,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 man i really wanna try some kind of psychedelic like dmt or ayahuasca,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 try to get better instead of blaming smurfs,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 steven uses garnier fructis to lock in moisture,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 that type of ai known in philosophy and machine intelligence research as a genie golem is almost certainly never going to be createdthis is because languageinterpreting machines tend to be either too bad at interpretation to interpret any decision with complex concepts given to them in natural language or they are sufficiently nuanced to account for context and no such misinterpretation occurswed have to create a very limited machine and input a restrictive definition of happiness to get the kind of contextually ambiguous command responses that you suggest however it would then be unlikely to be capable of acting on this due to its lack of general intelligenceedit shameless plug read superintelligence by nick bostrom the greatest scholar on this subject it evaluates ai risk in an accessible and very well structured way whilst describing the history of ai development and its continuation as well as collecting together great real world stories and examples of ai successes and disasters,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 i dont know if this will work completely for you but the game in verbis virus looks really neat its a fantasy adventure game that is focused around casting spells with your voice as if youre harry potter from what ive gathered the game should in theory be playable with your voice commands setup,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 yes i was referring to that modern age cerberus the celeb dataset has very uniform structure so it is an easier task than general images in general images gans often dont make sense they are analogous to lstm generated text make sense just on a small scalethats why i was curious about graph neural net applications on gans to generate structures that make sense on all scales,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 his earliest incarnation was a sort of cockney troubadour hes the artist i love most along with prince but i have to admit his debut album was terrible,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 seems to be the case often in mm,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 in the beginning there was coffee stain,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i used to work at officemax in the print centerfor photos and any other things that might be questionable regarding copyright ownership we absolutely asked them to confirmif there was any sort of watermark on these photos where its clear the photographer owns the copyright we would absolutely refuse unless we had the photographers permission to copy their work otherwise we could get in serious troubleit doesnt matter how much you dont feel like its your responsibility it absolutely isedit someone else did mention the self serve machines we did not police those so much but we did have the proper paperwork next to each machine explaining what you are and are not allowed to copy and to see us if you were unsure,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 yes it was on territory that was historically occupied by the old white lattice that doesnt mean erase everything that has since been created in that space the lattice is meant to surround the artwork that arises its meant to be clean its not meant to become an alternate flavor of the void,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i have a shutting down the house ritual make sure the doors are locked the lights are all off etc,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 lets be real shes out of your leagueget out of novice league and you might have a chance,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 hi i have a rather unusual size im shorter than average and have an hourglass figure with a big hip to waist circumference difference i rarely find clothes that actually fit i practically need every piece of clothing i buy unless its basic tshirts to be taken to a seamstress but this makes me hesitant to buy things because i never really know beforehand if a seamstress is able to make the alteration i need so i guess my question is what are the big nonos in terms of what is and isnt fixable and what are the things that actually are easily fixable but people usually dont know about knowing this will help me a lot when i go shopping again,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the innokin mvp4 is only 100 watts but thats one durable device internal 4500mah battery too,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 i want kids so my fear isnt about being single its about not meeting someone i want to have kids with or the more likely scenario shit not working out regardless relationships can be complicated life situations are weird people get into weird places etc im rarely interested in the women i meet and from there it has to be mutual of course but theres also a huge question of timing careers etc as you were alluding to,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 all i can say with given info is ixfx do you use your more inward feelings not impressions but values good or bad etc to make sense of the world or react more to the feelings of those around you everyone is capable of both but which feels more dominating how do you perceive new information this is a bit vagueabstract but open ended nature i think is helpful in figuring out type,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 the awp sound is great it deserves more minutes in this video,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 you mean like the bullmoose party,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 of course it does i am free to call her he if i want to thats my only point,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 all of talisas friends are steadily abandoning her while all her ambitions seem less and less accomplishablekiernans fine i guess,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 completely agreethat doesnt make it less sadistic though,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the source of all organic matterthe devil was the scientist that changed her dna to the point where her body would start producing it yes,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i would not be at all surprised if sansa triumphs in the end there are some pretty clear parallels between her and elizabeth i of england,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 omg i love dominion and whiskey our game closet is becoming too full with expansions,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 my username isnt spelled the way you think it is,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 overwatch is overflowing with clean players that is why i do it not often tbh i dont know on which server you play but i definitely get next to no cheatersvac bans are delayed and dont tell me it is easy to get cheats to be recognised by the systemalso the 40 you have banned on your vacstat list are probably followed up by 40 clean people and 20 more cheaters just give it time i dont know why you are so obsessed with seeing if they get a vac anyways first off all it leads to vac is shit threads where people without knowledge rage around and for the second part feeds your egocan i go into games now and say i have a 90 banned ratio on vacstat so you definitely cheatbut back to topic giving random people on the internet the ability to kick people from games is really dumb seriously think about it it would be better if people learn to report the right people for overwatch vac needs time anyways,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 it would be nice to have spell mitigation on the left side of the tree,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 just started an assault match and we had 4 physical including 2 assassins and no one could reroll clicked the button chose to pay with favor which i have over 10k of and nothing happened allies said they couldnt reroll eitherand when the countdown got to zero and it changed to launching nothing happened we could still chat but it never actually launched the match eventually we were dumped back in the queue,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 the first time is fun the 10th 12 hour shift running the whole store fucking sucks cant wait to be done running the store after this weekend,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 actually its the gop obama has been proposingnominating people to fulfill the positions as the constitution requires its the gop in the us senate which has not be fulfilling their constitutional responsibilities here is some charts to examinejudges confirmed since 1976chart nominees subject to a cloture votechart wait time for nominees to get confirmedchart is a good article summarizing the situationreckless obstruction blocking nominees blocking justice,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i know a few typemention and they explain their thoughts sometimes it takes awhile for an impression to form but once they have decided it sometimes takes a novel to explain why haha that shit is well reasoned they are all in mid 20s and older though that i have a tendency to ramble and start a few subjects at a time is something i have had to work at,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thats what people often do in relationships before they leave they emotionally check out but dont turn into megadicks overnight unless heshe is a megadick,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 why cant we talk about the president of the philippines and his brutal purge of people with any connection to the drug trade,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 well thats cuz youre a baby,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 ideally a few days generally the same day averaging around a dozen new dockets every day its hectic and jobs get bumped or delayed regularly,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 they are similar for sure infj who get offended someone suggests they could be wrong are typemention infjs who entertain the possibility of being something else are likely typemention obvious this isnt a hard rule just an observation,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i second google music player as you can upload your own audio files,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 well im pretty sure i have a fetish for loneliness i mean if i didnt love it then why do i perpetually do sosometimes i fantasize about being in a mundane relationship that burned out years ago in the fantasy im pretty sure my partner is seeing someone else but i dont have proof my job sucks and the most i get is a sad birthday handjob that is done most impassionately im imagining that is what is happening in the momentdoes that count as a kink,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 to live in the moment,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 people probably think this cause hes a comfort pick for pros like peanut,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 good point i still dont get why it should be a sin but meh,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 you are low mmr prolly cos you never played solo q get higher it get betterenemy team have afk disconnects and lack communication aswell its equal cos players setted randomly so your success comes done to your own personal skill in a long runso ppl enjoying solo matchmaking cos it represents their own ability in this game,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 right and you think neurology is a set of laws which is a subset of the laws of physics yada yada yada yeah nonnts are predictable in their boorishness,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 29 most of the fashion world and the media consider 20 to be middle aged in terms of a models career 1525even though catherine is super fit shes way past per prime and shes never going to be the second katie price no matter how great she looks,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 ok how sad but why is this in reurope turkey is not in europe if thrace and istanbul seceded then that would be european however turkey as it stands today is overall not european by both landmass 97 and population 65,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 good job number 57you should also write it that way in other normal comments if you want to climb in rank,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 not amongst the people i know but then again most people i know are middle class unieducated remainers and a lot of them arewere expats if anything nationalism makes us cringethe media narrative and political discourse has definitely got a lot more nationalistic though esp during the eurozones financial crisis the migrant crisis and romaniabulgarias borders being opened up,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i was thinking more the kind that draws buildings plans but i guess yours also counts,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 so according to you because i draw paint and write poetry and short stories i cant be an typemention,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 last time i did this i didnt fully commit to the tuck and landed on my knee pretty hard,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i dont think so either but so many people are eager to type him as typementionits not just hitler either they also say karl marx ruhollah khomeini osama bin laden robert mugabe can only be typementioni think that says something about what people think of typemention,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 people are far more likely to know who jesus the buddha or michael jackson were than literally anyone else listed on that site and none of them were white,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 list of automatic downvotes for me fox news breitbart washington times ny post newsmax daily caller daily signal,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 like his probably good bye supreme,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 got some rock but mainly rap with good chorus upbeat vibes,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i have always just told them its something grownup women often like to do like wearing bras or highheeled shoes i really only wear mascara and lip stain and theyre not usually around when i put it on because i like privacy when im getting dressed etc i wear a lot of red so i tell them the lip stain is to match my clothes shoes whatevermy daughter is eleven so sooner or later i suppose well be discussing whats reasonable for her to wear one of the reasons i dont like wearing a lot of makeup is because i dont want her to think thats expected,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i wish more people talked pga im torn between speith and kuchar as my big money playerwho should i roll with,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 people like belonging to groups and people like being better than others mix those to together and you get all sorts of flavored of discrimination,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 so guys that are trying to date you cut you off after you tell them youre not interested sounds like youre meeting mentally healthy guys who arent in the business of hanging around women theyre not friends with for any reason than to hook up with sure it sucks that people you thought were your friends arent but at least theyre not pulling an rniceguys on you,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 you think angie is typemention just curious why,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 well if they are large you shouldnt have to look very hard,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 this is the empire not the imperium of man,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 unjerka remix of eminems shake that assrejerksmashmouth all storm,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 no i dont think its specifically more just theyre large easy to see not that hard to catch june bugs are more stupid than most not sure if they enjoy em more than others probably i expect theyre really crunchy and then juicyi wouldnt be concerned tons of things eat bugs without issue even people out of all the trouble dogs can get intoporcupines eating plastic bags etc junebugs are likely fine i mean dogs can eat raw chicken and not get sick so cooked chicken bones are super bad thoughthough im no vet so grain of salt and all that,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 cut off all ties and communication to them without offering any explanation whatsoever and never speak or see them again,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 katana listened as blasters scarred the hull of the shuttle thats a lot of soldiers shien should do after a short sprint for speed katana leaped from the shuttle utilizing the force to propel her forward soaring and somersaulting she drew and ignited her lightsaber the silver blade protruding 15 meters from the hilt she swiped right the head of one soldier severed cleanly she landed on her feet but her balance was still shaky and she was grazed by two shots before she could adopt the defensive stance the pain only fueled her with rage she swung her right foot back and grasped the hilt with both hands swiftly deflecting the volleys of blaster shotsher heart was racing she had missed the thrill of allout battle after i kill most with deflection ill switch to djem so i need to deal with these grunts quickly,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 relying on your cogfuncmention pattern matching i think this is what makes it so fun to talk about people with my typemention friend she blurts out an cogfuncmentionism i object show an example as to why it might not be correct or present more evidence she cogfuncmentions that i object and deconstruct etc etc for hours and too many drinks xx,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i was speaking for the 99 of the population that lives in az,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 and where are you getting that from he only rejected political authority insofar as it was rule by the masses ie slave morality he certainly favoured aristocracy you know he lionised julius caesar and napoleon right,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 they are already minorities at war like the karen who sent peace letters to the nld the climate will change the biggest issue is that the nld isnt in control of the army its not clear if they will keep acting on their own,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 paywall spyware and bluescreens are keeping a lot of people from playing eseaid say esea is the most cheat free environment to date but they are having problems with their client and that keeps people from playing there,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 so netshark still works on esea servers once i have the key oh well they have their rat to catch people i guess d,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 your last paragraph really resonated with me i am also quitting because if im supposed to have 3 teachers aides and i only have 2 on a particular dayand something very regrettable happensbut we tried to do our best who is going to get thrown under the bus ill give you a hint it wont be admin itll be me or one of my aides as the whipping boy i could lose my license not worth it please take good care of yourself and do not think of yourself as weak or giving up if you quit some situations are truly irrational and maybe they need a few people to quit to realize they need to restaff her if you want to help the student i encourage you to state safety conditions as a reason you left your position this may help them eventually take another look at her placement andor staffing,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yes being tiny and surround by bigger markets means knowledge export is your biggest trade this has been the case for centuries in our country language education is made mandatory by our government because its so important for the netherlands on a societaleconomic scale,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 most 19 year olds dont have the foresight to keep their finances and lives separate and if she ends up on his lease theres nothing forcing her to move out,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i dare to say that is not possible thanks to the client and netcode,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 davos nodded feeling privately optimistic though he had made an oath not to betroth gwin without her permission nor talia nor kiera he held high hopes for the pair of fast friends,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 what a surprise gen 1 has the most i never wouldve expected that jk there will always be fanservice xdpoor gen 2,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 we could argue that something with a similar effect is already in place with visa when a tech company looks for new talents it would look in india or china before nigeria or even america only 15 of facebook employees are black they have proudly display a black lives matter in front of their office but that doesnt mean they consider that blacks jobs matter,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 matt barnes also wanted by me for fucking me over in fantasy last night,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 except valve stated otherwise after the ibp incident,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 a good portion of the military wouldnt turn guns on citizens though unless weve finally mastered project mkultra,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 everything shown in the trailer was identical to scenes in the manga itll stay the same,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 my score was 2450 i am 48 percent autistic so out of 100 universes 48 of them is a version of me that has autism,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 my handwriting is very similar i get compliments on it a lot and i definitely like it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 its an old meme but it checks out,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thats not s vs cogfuncmention thats process vs result,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 yea its like ghost talking to the man that is being heavily tortured when you are dead you wont feel anything at all enjoy your pain while you still can yea no that not how life and ppl work i think almost for everything you can find such kind of perspective but pain is pain on the other hand i shouldnt love anyone at all cos then i suffer perspective is even worse,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 ah well im told the same by people sometimes and i would have liked to know what made him and probably me so antipathetic to other people to learn from his mistakes cause i didnt see nothing much wrong in what he wrote so i though that was because i do what he does too if you know what i mean but ok if you dont want to,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 when youve lost control of your life but you have nothing to turn to because you fuckin hate m3m3s,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 tell fps that tagpro is open source,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 welp weve come full circlethat makes two of us then,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i want snuggles and i also want to not move to texas but neither of those are gonna happen,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 accessible means cheap financed by loans with low ip entry barrier government finances education for the young they can finance self reliance as well,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 you might not want to hear this but several studies have shown that both women and men cheat in supposedly monogamous relationships and that the percentage of occurence of it happening at a point in time for both genders lies around 60 sources are a google awaythinking you are safer in a monogamous relationship is largely based on trust that might not be justified now it stands to reason that extrarelational activity is lower in a closed relationship as it is contigent on secrecy and opportunity in time and place which limits exposure and therefore chances of infection on the flipside closed relationships tend to largely practise unprotected sex between partners so any outside infection is very easily transfered to a partnerusing adequate protection in the form of properly used condoms takes away most of the risks of transference of stis not 100 the only risk free method is celibacy celibacy however is not a very satisfying way of living for a sexual beingit is best to educate yourself about the different stis out there what the risks are how to mitigate them also accepting that you might contract one of them even if you take all necessary precautionsironically a person who is infected with hiv and is receiving adequate treatment is very low risk for transferring hiv hooking up with an undetectable poz guy and having safer sex probably is far less risk than doin that with any random guy who claims to be negative,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 she will eventually break out of the crystalwhen shes the last manga spoilerss eldian left,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 its possible that the sky was clear that day,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 make him run on all fours and give him lighting on his ult,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i have used it a few times now in wicklow and it helps for deliveries before eircode most deliveries were a little late and would have a notice about address issues because there was no postcodes in rural areas doubt it would make a difference in dublin though as there already were postcodes,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 its an important learning strategy and men do it as well little brother imitating big brother comes to mind happened to me,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 im already hype i just wonder how many teams are sogned up,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 have you tried over the counter sleep aids or supplements geared toward reducing anxiety such as ltheanine my favorite sleep aid is doxylamine it quiets my thoughts and i sleep easily but also wake up easily not groggy it may be a very long time before you get a prescription for a benzo if ever if thats what youre seeking i think you should try other options as well,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 as far as i know were only putting it together here ikea style i think it would be far better if we were on the other side designing our own subs using our own materials to put it together then selling the design to other countries for 50b,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 ayyy typemention masterrace its only as accurate as you are tbh i studied it a lot for a while and the biggest problem is people picking whatever makes them sound better lol,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 so youre not losing anything except for synergy with itemsabilities that proc on crits,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 someone who isnt on the unjustifiable multikmmultimile spaceship train feels good manim enjoying this series more and more,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 everyones different but its not that uncommon,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 so is the shifter helping the rebels fight against marley or is marley at war with someone else,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i see michonne as antypemention who is completely unhealthy i typed her based on the scene where her life was normal and her interactions with carl way too developed cogfuncmention for it to be inferior im probably the only one who thinks this,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 my serious post is now a memegreat,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thats just good general life advice in most cases,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 id still want money i wouldnt take alcohol as a tip and thats legal just money thanks,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 this happened to us in middle school we were watching the abyss in science and i think they may have cussed once and a kid ratted us all out,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 typemention lil balls of gossip,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i went through something similar recently so i can relate im not too outgoing either and its rare that i ever meet someone i mesh well withso this guy and i started messaging a few months ago and he seemed like a really cool person from the start what started as conversation over common interests and mutual experiences eventually dove deeper and we got to know one another pretty well its so easy to talk to someone who shares a common platform of beliefs and principles anyway we met after so long over dinner went back to his place smoked and just talked for hours before eventually putting on a movie and falling asleep together i think we really connected that night especially and im sure both us felt some weird array of emotions after having met didnt talk for a week until he texted me one afternoon to say hey and we picked up right where we left off i initiated a second date but never followed through with it because of poor planning and nerves probably we kept talking in what im assuming was a manner similar to yours before one day he just dropped off mid conversation havent heard from him since i understand what youre feeling now its so rare that this kind of connection comes along and it leaves you craving something more bonus that its only in our nature to dwell on it and overanalyze everything by playing the what if game i dont have a proactive solution for you other than to give it time and to just keep doin life focus on your own plate be it with school work friends or whatever else and time will take care of the rest you will still think about her and thats okay ease out of it its been about six weeks id say im back at about 90 please believe that it will get better related but not after exhausting my analysis of everything im pretty certain hes an typemention and thats part of why we connected well we had just the right differences that i think complemented one another well and we carried the same mo ive got this thought lingering in the back of my mind that he actually is interested but hes too hesitant to start talking again after so long im not sure if youve considered her type or mannerisms in comparison to yours but i thought id share tldr time heals all,60.0,55.0,64.0,14.0,49.0 i just use when im confused,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 joking i just found it funny how coincidental it was that it happened on 8 december,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you misattribute my reasons i think,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 your metaphors i loves them it absolutely does resonate in so many ways so many of the same metaphors are actively used between cognitive which i think you studied and computer science as you are likely aware really theyre both subsets of information science given the fact that all information exchange is essentially a physical interaction only so much data can fit into a given point in spacetime as you alluded ahhhhh teetering on the edge of an cogfuncmention explosion precipice here lets just talk about the computer bit for just a bit must controlself ahem yeah so uh only so much processing power memory etc all computer code for the kinds of systems you and i have ever dealt with is binary 0s and 1s as you know those 0s and 1s have to be mapped to meaningful information and instructions at a low level a great deal of that mapping is purely mathematical as we layer on levels of complexity we begin to create structures where you can store data in sequence and create relationships between this set of 0s and 1s and another set etc so were abstracting up a level for speed of access we cant read through every single detail every time we have to organize those relationships between all the groups of 0s and 1s and only when necessary expand the dataset and go through bit by bit this is largely accomplished using hashtables or dictionaries comprised of key and value pairs so you might have a dictionary of file folders which just lists music0078043 images114326 you click on your music folder and a program reads that address to a location in memory where it finds another dictionary polkas greatest hits14311 and so on this is of course a simplification but im sure you see the analogy sometimes we get stuck at the dictionaryhashtable level d another analogy is from taxonomy which is basically the same idea from biology if youve read about object oriented programming at all at the core of that methodology is taxonomy you might write a data structure called animal all animals have some form of locomotion etc so the animal classobject has a propertytraits as well as some machinery or programs to make it move some animals slither some fly etc so you dont define that machinery you just put a place holder there and know that all animals move then you make a subclass or child of animal named mammal all mammals are warm blooded etc so you define these you get the idea where people and lots of code gets fucked up is when people forget that there are all of these different subclasses so often we take a person and map up to the nearest parent categoryclass then make all sorts of assumptions about them or reject information which seems to not align with that classification im rambling like crazy lol i hope that made sense hahaha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 bbc modric and di marã a were insane that season i think that the best real madrid team that ive seen has been mourinhosancelottis one maybe a point can be made about how those managers dont favour rotations and burn their players off as the season progresses so injury crisis always weaken their seasons keeping them to compete on every front but ronaldo just fits counterattacking teams so well,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 discoveries are imminent when the right confluence of factors is present they might appear spontaneously in multiple places independently if it werent for the wright brothers it would have been for the smiths and if not alan turing then a john doe would have invented the computer same for lstm and dropout we have the hardware to train such systems so we inevitably discover them,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 update been bouncing between 20th and 30th for a while now i need rory to gtfo but i dont see that happening,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i choose a not feeling super suicidal today,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 but why is having a sloped back highly prized the dog just looks like its almost sitting all the time i thought german shepherds were supposed to have a straight back not look like the canine equivalent of a hunchback,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 speaking of totally spies is it worth it to watch what is the appeal im curious because my base is on winter stand down and i want something to watch,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 910 mcreadys teeth are not rotten as fuck,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 im a very apologetic person irl now because years of saying mb everytime the fc even touched me i say em bee irl too,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 if there dog does not like them and whenever you try to bring up the reason they try to dodge the question,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 this is great thanks for putting this together this is very helpful as im trying to improve my typing skills one thing that i really notice when looking at these different types together is the difference in posture i think that it is easier to vi perceivers via their eyes and judgers via their posture i would describe my posture as rigidawkward and can confirm that in a significant portion of the few pictures of me out there my eyes are closed otherwise they are intently focused on a random point where nardi says that the intuitive just doesnt use their senses barely at all like it is more like staring in a random direction than staring off into space like some other types other times i think it is like the cogfuncmentionstatic scan where cogfuncmention darts from state to state scanning for irregularities i think that this is especially true in unknown environments cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention despite the general stereotype of being oblivious to their environment needs to orient itself to the environment once oriented then the cogfuncmention user can be free to a little more spacey and use their perception for more generally thought of as intuitive things,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 sounds to me like 80s synthpop,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 heres a game theory video about bioshock infinites floating city 11m,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 7 what marley heard from that event through the radio that the warriors carried with them8 the reaction of the horses on that event9 a topdown view10 a shot taken from the ground looking upward,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 no video of the shot,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im a woman and i guarantee i pull more tail than you,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i think countertenors have a specific timbre amp color andreas scholl doesnt sound like a woman to me,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 thats not entirely correct in the us legal system there are three different types of standing injuryinfact the plaintiff must have suffered or imminently will suffer injuryâ an invasion of a legally protected interest that is a concrete and particularized and b actual or imminent that is neither conjectural nor hypothetical not abstract the injury can be either economic noneconomic or bothcausation there must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct complained of so that the injury is fairly traceable to the challenged action of the defendant and not the result of the independent action of some third party who is not before the courtredressability it must be likely as opposed to merely speculative that a favorable court decision will redress the injuryso either this judge doesnt quite understand standing or the aclu really did a bad job representing this case,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 and here we see who is the pretend kennys who likes to noscope and gets not enough credit for it he thinksgo back to nova,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 oh i disagree there is definitely context in proverbs speaker time place intent supposed audience but you probably mean the context of each section isnt apparent in the book itself in many passages it is but much youd need to learn more about from other books having done that its easy to see the context in the book without directly reading it in proverbs,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 benjaman apparently he was insistent about the odd spellingno i dont believe there had been any other updates i think he and his family want privacy maybe hell eventually speak out but i understand why he wants to keep it quiet,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 well thank you kind sir but as if stated above the list this is just part of a bigger list made by uosculator i would like to redirect you to this post for the entire list,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 stole it of sorts myself i like comparing asatru to native american religions because in the cultural aspects they are very similar but people dont call native americans racist because of it,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 dont forget the euros they suck,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 juggalos i know theyre considered laughable by a lot of people but i knew someone in high school who was one and his rationale actually made a lot of sense,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i still teach i love my job now public high school special ed i quit my old job after being injured numerous times jaw 2 neck injuries bites countless scratches one ended up with an hiv test and bruises several severe hair pulls sprained shoulder sprained thumb threw out my lower back i have a thick folder of workers comp claims morale was awful and staff numbers low we were all in physical danger daily the kids had behavior issues autism or other cognitive issues i loved the kids even the difficult ones the kicker was the administration they didnt care about our safety or well being we were underpaid punching bags they helped occasionallyhalf heartedly they worked us all like dogs my mental health deteriorated greatly no job is worth your mental health i am so grateful i could still separate a shitty school from my love of teaching,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 what is does is creating registry entrys called tcpackfrequency and tcpnodelayi wouldnt download a exe but do it myself here is a tutorial,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 its not science if its subjective,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 what makes you think the planet has an environment,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 hobbies arent personalityyour literal words were to reveal a true self over time and what you said would definitely qualify as insincerity to an cogfuncmentiondomas i said sacrifices dont belong to the beginning of a relationship there are no appropriate sacrificies at that pointthe entire notion of compatibility exists so that people having observed what you think you have observed can say oh this persons not right for me and save their energy not so they can make plans to hide their true personality or whatever i dnt even understand honestly how you can like someone and not want to be yourself around them ti seems almost contradictory saying you had a good time with someone or that you have chemistry with someone pretty much exactly means that you observed each others personalities and liked what you saw,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i agree wholeheartedly with op there is looking more informal casual or less polished which is fine this needed more tweaking in numerous areas op pointed out it is fine to avoid looking like you are putting on a show or robotic like other candidates bernie radiates authenticity so that comes across clearly but we also want him to look presidential there are plenty of great videoaudio folks out there that would kill to have interning or volunteering for bernie on their resume find the very best of the best and lock them down i do feel these points warranted their own post separate of the megathread discussion of first impressions with audiovideopresentation can help improve future meetings,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 ah yeah that does make the pieces fit yeah tv doesnt help with that stereotype,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 a typemention cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention loops with cogfuncmention bursts of energy and cogfuncmention frustration b whenever i see something it reminds me of something else so i kind of think in circles and sometimes a random idea will just pop into my head one time i thought about what itd be like to fake my own death but obviously that never happened stuff like that,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 we have to let them think they are in charge and then overthrow them i think the beer with work with the typemention and the cookies with the typemention we should save them as leverage,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i feel you on plane flights i have to sit on a blanket so my legs dont fall asleep,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 in mtg terms we have too many spikes in the mtc and not enough johnniesbare bones definition of the 2spike competitive only like competitive stuff has to be good johnny creative try something different for unique play style twp 1 johnny map ever,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ha australia is far richer right wing self assured more xenophobic and fiercely protective of their sovereignty than the uk ever waswe had a major diplomatic incident with norway and risked completely severing ties with them because we didnt want to accept refugees that a norweigan vessel rescued,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 oswell nodded and waited for him to continue he wouldnt be allowing the man to take any milk of the poppy not until he finished spinning his yarn,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 not sure where the kitchen bathroom or sleeping spaces are supposed to be in all of that i wish theyd included a floor plan,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 im already hype i just wonder how many teams are sogned up,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 450 movement speed is immobile,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the title is misleading here,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the zone itself is the focus of the game though so i still think it qualifies i will give you that if youre looking at it as overall rather than just what you experience in game then yes you would be correct,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 yes absolutely raffi i listened to him all the time as a kid very genuine and inspiring dude,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 lina is a nuke strapped to a super luminal load fired from the cock of ares,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ah sorry i am in the process of buyingbuilding my first home but i have plans in the future to use the equity to start renting property out that ive bought hmm i will check out section 179 accelerated depreciation on my car i assume it has to be used to commute back and forth to the rental properties no worries i understand,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 hunh isnt that precisely what she intended to do,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the source of all organic matterthe devil was the scientist that changed her dna to the point where her body would start producing it yes,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 then it doesnt really solve it i meanhonestly i dont feel the need of this that op describedmaybe my fake world is a holistic view on the universe and the world where everyone is equally important including myselfmaybe that the problem that you actually dont feel important enough in your view of the world which bounces you back to the view of being overly important for humanity world etc to compensate it so to speak hmmi think my thing is acceptance and not importance which actually could be the same thing but viewed from a different angle cos if you crave like you said public speaking or any kind of a spotlight you basically want ppl to find you important so you feel importance of youself through others ppl opinion about yourself acceptance by others is a similar thing in a way where you put yourself out and want others to evaluate you yea we accept you no we dont accept you maybe it could be looked on in a sense of you are important enough for us or dont it kinda the same rejection or not thing in a case of importance you virtually got rejected cos you arent important so yea it could be a slightly different angle of the same thing ghmm but im more inclined towards serving and helping ppl rather than to wish to be in a spotlight do public speaking etc it doesnt matter that much for me,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 this guy looks just like me during classes or meetings the polo the hair the slouching onto one arm the air bubble in the cheek the giving the best and most well thought out answers in the room to questions even though he looks spaced out,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i won like 710 in solo threes and got plat 1 im silver 2 in dubs,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 woo welcome to the kingsguard claims club,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 monkey trouble joke u2713horseface joke u2713marco in half joke u2713eren has issues joke u2713generally shitting on all characters u2713this list has everything good job,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ive had the opportunity to meet a lot of nuke deppers being a nuke depper myself and having one of my best friends be a nuke depper i can tell you that what youre experiencing seems pretty consistent with everyone else i know i signed in august and got my date in april i would say like 78 months is common yes its true that you have to have your security clearance approved before you ship my best friend signed after i did but for whatever reason he was cleared before me so the ship date for december 1st that was going to go to me now went to him so from what i understand you need your security clearance and then wait for a spot to open up,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 well yeah but im just perfectoutside of my massive blinding ego that is,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 are you saying only happiness or happy experiences are meaningful,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 but there is so much structure pive just always been a huge fan of free verse really,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 lol i liked both dune movies,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 having learned a pretty rigorous mathematical logic course past semester i dont agree at all its not something that will translate to your real world experiencea philosphy of logic minded course would be different,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 i know someone who would totally do something like this,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 no worries glad i could help,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 yeah thatd be interesting to see if they dont kill him off prior well probably find out next episode,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 although i agree with all the others here that this relationship might not be the best idea ever i also have the feeling youll pursue it anywayso instead ill offer some advice with regard to having a relationship with someone who is mentally unstable and im speaking from personal experienceif you want this shell need to get intensive individual therapy but there is more you need to get therapy realize that being with someone like her will be giving everything you have emotionally and mentally because you love her and getting very little in return because she simply cant in her condition this asks for tremendous personal sacrifice which will take a toll on you you need to beat this by starting out with individual therapy for you straight away just like she if you dont youll find yourself in a very dark place and not only will you not be able to help her anymore you will probably also spend a very long time on breing able to do nothing else but get better yourself if that happens this will cost you your friends and career last youll need couples therapy as well maybe not as intensive as individual therapy but both you have do not have any strong good experience of what it means to be in a good relationship and frankly you two will not be in the position to figure it out on your own and make mistakes because remember shes ill and her recovery takes priority over learning new skillsim not saying what you want is impossible im doing it myself right now but you should be aware of what youll put yourself through and take proper precautions to keep yourself mentally healthy,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yup neutral commenting is the way to go,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 which is a rat what valve doesnt want to dowhich are ring0 and that is just all that vac needs tbhas esea eac and wire are as well as vac signature detection based acsis serverside and not a better clientside ac than vac,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 note if you join rosarias fingers covenant required to respec youll end sirris questline so if your interested in it and its rewards an armor set amp shield i recommend finishing her quest before you join the covenant and respec,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 ive read your entire post and i see what point youre trying to makebut i disagree with multiple of your pointslets start with your argument that rba never questioned their actions may i ask why you think they didnt what if they did question their actions and came to the conclusion that they had to finish the mission no matter what because its simply both rationally and morally the only valid course of actionyes theyve hurt people yes theyve killed people theyve butchered thousands and watched them burn theyve separated families theyve crippled children theyve ruined a nation theyve committed every horror known to man aside of rapebut you know whati would have done the same even now that i know the people in walldia their history their hopes their dreams and their legacyid still do the sameyes what they did was horrible if you look at it from the point of view how its represented to us but the numbers dont lie as far as they know the thread from walldia to release the wall titans and crush the world was real and to be honest we have no confirmation that it isntthe lives of the people of the wallscompared to the lives of the rest of the planeta few millionagainst a few billionyes i give it to you eren also carries the burden of his world on his shoulder my criticism however comes from the way both parties handle the trauma that their responsibility brings with themrba hate what theyve done to the world all of them have ptsd reigner has a split personality and annie cries any moment she can find for herselfthey dont allow their personal pain to harm their mission thougheren however does eren does that knowinglyive talked about the bit in trees before and its still the best example there is he reminds himself that for the sake of what he thinks is all of humanity he needs to ignore his emotions there he however decides that his own emotions are more importantyes hes just human and yes his life is tragic but that can not be an excuse to do whatever he wants in the situation hes in all the world that he knows off counts on him and he throws their hopes in the wind like theyre his old clothes he chooses to let his emotions overrule his reasoning and logic he lets his feelings dictate his actionsreigner bertolt and annie on the other hand have completely let loose of their own needs feelings and dreams they dont let their heart judge their actions but their heads they do whats logical whats best for the world and the people who count on them instead of whats best for themselvestheyre honorable reliable people whove been trusted with the faith of their world they decided to carry that burden to the enderen on the other hand just does what best for himself and his feelings when hes put in the same positionhe listens to feelings instead of reasonand thats why i hate him so much,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thanks for the advise but im a european sadly enough,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 sure but they were comparing bullets when in fact what is pictured are rounds anyhow so already theyre technically incorrect and they never specified small arms though i suppose it was implied,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you sound like my boyfriend ill give you a slightly other point of view do you ever talk badly about your own appearance my so thinks im gorgeous despite having gained weight but he himself hates his body and constantly brings himself down by saying out loud how fat he is he isnt and how he dislikes his body this fucks with my head because all i hear is if you call yourself fat despite even having lost weight you are a fucking hypocrite and fraud when you tell me im beautiful and you make it difficult for me to believe you,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the same fear mongering was said when he appointed tom wheeler,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 gave up on what exactly,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i have always been a book lover i learned to walk in a library and i own about 1500 physical books but i recently bought a kindle i love the fact that its smaller than almost any individual physical book yet holds thousands of ebooks i love how its small size and reading light make it so easy to read in bed i also like the fact that most of what i want to read costs me less than half what a physical book would cost i wish i could afford to buy ecopies of all my physical booksbut i do love the look of a wall of books not keeping them free of mould and dust though physical books lend themselves better to browsing and discovery so are better for children and sometimes you want to have several books open at the same time but kindles dont support split screen and havent a big enough screen anyway,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 that and bernielets murder the 1 and take all of their moneysanders,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 meh pilot rc vehicles can do insane impossible things once you scale it up to real life sizehelicopters are especially insane,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 well i was given the test by one of my employers he never mentioned mbti or anything like that in fact his almost exact words were this is a test to figure out the team dynamic which will also help with how i manage each personat the time i had never heard of mbti and my results were typemention at the time this meant nothing to me and i figured it was just something the company that produced the test came up with years later i learned what mbti was and that it wasnt a proprietary corporate toolso your theory may be true in some cases but not all,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 plethoranumber 1 red flag of a pseudointellectuallol ad hominem really funny i dont see any flair by your name mr intellectualand i use that word because i love the the three amigos not to impress you,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 dont know dont care ill likely end up in limbo anyhow just to have even death spite me with more of the same boredom i experienced all my life,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 checking out setlists is good if you want to know songs for a showid you just want good deep cuts to enjoy for general listening ill do a few from each albumpaper lanterns dry ice the judges daughter android 2000 light years away one for the razorbacks burnout pulling teeth having a blast stuart and the ave no pride westbound sign the grouch scattered prosthetic head church on sunday castaway misery angel blue carpe diem troiblemaker lazy bones baby eyes wow thats loud dirty rotten bastards xkid and missing youthen for bsides too much too soon ha ha youre dead do da danot gonna do revrad or the ones you said you already know if you want me to add recommendations from revrad i can though,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 im on mobile i normally have pretty good grammar,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah i think so im going to delete this stupid post,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah all of thats sounding pretty typementionlike although its certainly not conclusive of course we are talking over the internet so no surprises id highly recommend researching the functions each one uses if you havent already ualwaysupforit posted some useful links,70.0,33.0,46.0,6.0,33.0 uhhh why are you concatenating numbers together,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 unfortunately theres a whole sub dedicated to people that do shit like this idk what its called anymore because i only saw it once long ago and i dont care to again,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i would argue thats better that judges abstain from activism outside of their profession but like any humans they also have political leaning neutrality is an illusion would a judge member of the church of scientology be neutral on a case involving the church same goes for mormons catholics and so forth,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 in the right conditions it takes a single spark to start a fire a single fight in a bar turns into a brawl a single death into wwi i think america is heading towards those conditions both the far left and right are beginning to dehumanize each other and thats a primary condition for violence torture and genocide if theres one value that americans and the entire west can all share it would be liberty of the individual and therefore i think it is the only solution that will not end in civil war,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 by attached to past cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention axis i mean looking at it in like a firstperson lens and almost reliving those moments when youre detached from past cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention axis its like youre looking at your past in a third person lens even if you think about it all the time you still dont have an emotional connection to it you just view it as some events that happened and maybe learn something from them and yeah thats it,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 its incredibly easy to punish r1 spam what are you talking about,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 i sometimes wonder why sophia and udo are still in the race for the at isnt it just between falco and gabi,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 wtf its all reversed no s f context based n t universal abstractstatic cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention distinct unchanging over time data or changing over time distinct episodesdynamic cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention evolution of data over time fluidly how it got from one episode to anotherintroverted cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention intime futurepast how things relate to one another independent of their innate propertiesextraverted cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention out there in the moment in the present things as they are independent of relations to other thingsne discrete temporal phases and sets of discrete alternatives something either has potential or does notse discrete spatial boundaries that delineate territory and control one is aware of external properties of reality or notcogfuncmention ones continuous physical exchanges with ones environment person x is comfortable with condition y or is notni the continuous evolution of things over time course of events x will lead to consequence y or not,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 but nobody wrote the library of babel,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 and so wouldnt 144hzi didnt say that 60hz had advantages or a disadvantage the refresh rate is literally irrelevant to the tickrate and what happens in the game that is what i saidwhat i said was that the problem why we dont have 128 tick in mm is the fact that most people have a latency of 50 ms in cs which is hugely not beneficial on 128 tick it is rather unfair if compared with a person who has a 5ms latency and fps have nothing to do with tickrate at least if people can use the right rates,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 nope just look at https youd be surprised at how many people dont know what that is vs http,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 that was his exwife that said he beat her the person investigated is his current wife,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 that kid op should be very very proud of him the parenting skills are strong in that one,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 this is how horror movie and super powers start,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 hidden in plain sight where theyll never seek,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah it seems like thats the case again it isnt the same as paying 900 out of his pocket for an expense every month,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 as an typemention who does this across the enp what is happening to you is fine and a sense that youve rounded out your weaknesses to an extent eg how ps are poor at planning or js are inflexible or es must talk or is are antisocial or youre so unaware of yourself youre testing all over the placemy advice is to ignore the tests theyre questionable at best unless you do a proper one try to determine your stack and find somewhere you belong until they get this down to more of a science thats all you can do,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i remember my mom saying my brother was hypoglycemic when we were really young ive never brought it up for myself i guess how do you get it under control what are the longterm health problems,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 exactly what went through my head ted cruz is the furthest away from someone who supports religious liberty someone that truly supports religious liberty would be someone who supports secular government,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 it probably depends on the community the crowd of people that watch esports are probably going to differ from the crowd that prefer more traditional sports,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 i disagree i think friends was a show that got consistently funnier the longer it went onyes of course there will be flanderization but in many cases especially in this show it leads to absolute hilarityyes joeys stupidity was over the top and annoying sometimes but lets be honest he was a pretty boring character in the earlier seasonsto be fair funnier doesnt necessarily mean better the middle of the series was probably the best balance between decent characterization and humor the earlier seasons hadnt really found their footing or the direction they wanted to go the later seasons were at times ridiculous,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 thank you ill add it to the list,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 isnt there someone you could jam with a friend which plays a guitari play the cajon and i have a schoolmate who is a trombonist load of fun,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 chinchillas the floofiest of floofs,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i remember that thing everyone could tell fairly early on that they were just fishing for money and set up for failureim just really surprised theres even one of these things that exist though really its just a custom case with a pc inside running windows xp and playing a video so yeah no real work was doneits like what couple weeks work to bang something like that out,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah something fishy here this is not good,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah youre probably right but as a kid going gr 112 in french school i hated it and was super shy because of it it really affected menow i guess im glad for the french i do have speaking i still search for words but part of that is also the location its mostly chiac around here but writing im decent and readinghearing no issues whatsoeveri just resented it i was even brought up with both languages from birth it probably had a hand in me preferring english even,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 and having a the before your name seriously if something has a the before it you know it is something bad,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i dont think an instructor touching your head like that can cause multiple days worth of headaches the initial headache might indicate a purification that was happening on ajna chakra there could be other causes like something that is stressing you a tensed neck muscle irradiating pain or as you say the smokei have had that kind of touch performed on me many times in the past with the express purpose of inducing energy from my instructor to me but never had headaches i have seen many people receiving the same induction without problems kundalini awakening might produce painful experiences but it doesnt fit well with the description kundalini acts on the spine you would have sensed something along that routei would recommend grounding practices to balance your energy and reduce its intensity the full body relaxation is a good one where you scan your whole body with your awareness slowly relaxing muscle by muscle or better go see a doctor ask for something to help you with the pain its not always the fastest route to meditate your pain away,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 esl is free though so you dont need to pay lpkane,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 no not at all why would i be condescending to you if anything i was supporting you im generally pretty nice to other people,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 learn it intuitively and practice practice practiceoh did i say practice yet because you should do thatalso practice,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 td is making the same threat that gay people would make if you told them they werent allowed to buy cake from your store theyre trying to negotiate and threatening to boycott no need to enact a law against people shooting themselves in the foot,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 but look at the reason jeff is the leader its not because his way is fundamentally more correct than others which would be cogfuncmention if he showed that instead its to make sure he does as little work as possible to allow him to do whatever he wants cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention and as long as it doesnt directly hurt those around him hes fine with a little deception,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i saw her butthole and i liked it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i saw somewhere that they were an optimal shape for both speed of absorption and capacity not that what you said is untrue,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 well if i look at uhk47 s posttimes then he lives on the north pole during summer and on the south pole during the winterhes both always online and neverbut hey you shouldnt let modding this sub effect your sleeping schedule were not that important,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i did run it on cities montreal often ends up at one end of the spectrum some comments in french made it way in the dataset but i dont think it had much an influence,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 think thats bad the los angeles angels translates to the the angels angels,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 if there wasnt a highway of titans for him to swing across or if the suicide attack wasnt there to distract zeke than levi would have been obliterated by zeke in the return to shinganshina arc just as the rest of the sc,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yay i hope your relationship is great,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 and all these new ones that we now see thanks to xrays,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 im doing what i can its an 18 month wait list where im at to see someone who if you arent in an immediate crisis without having a family doc it could be a pituitary gland problem too but blaming it all on a chemical imbalance feels like a easy cop out since it could just be fixedfor a while i couldnt even relax or do anything to reduce my stress like watch tv my mind was racing so bad i could just feel the adrenaline pumping most of the time ive taken steps to prevent any and all anxiety to combat this shut myself off from everythingim eating better and taking care of myself more than i have in a very long time but it isnt like its something new ive always sorta felt like it just never stopped to think about it and certainly didnt have the time or energy after working for 8 hours and the rest of life to do anything about it plus i was doing better than most everyone around here had a job i liked house more money than i knew what to do with etc etc not real easy to risk all that an attach a mental illness stigma on yourself and you just sort of get used to it all when its been so long i just lived with it went on didnt know any other waywalking helps and all the other little improvements ive made stopped being an alcoholic was the first step not an easy thing for most people with zero support i think its been 9 or 10 months now ive lost 4050lbs but that breathing and meditation can only take you so farim just not even convinced ill get a proper diagnosis or that happy pills will do any good but ive got myself to the point that ill try it if thats what they suggest things are in motion but its a long wait unless youre basically ranting and raving with a knife to your throat,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what does that have to do with what i said,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 can confirm for typemention american horror story and silence of the lambs are great thrillers,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the word breathing implies that the gas can sustain them as oxygenair does for us,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 bruh he almost out rebounded the warriors last night by himself while posting a 12 assist triple double,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ive been losing weight slow and steady recently i traveled to visit my grandparents in their native country considering they are getting very old and every time i visit might be the last i decided fuck it im going to eat all the glorious home cooked food my grandmother will make it and it will be amazing and it indeed was absolutely amazing so back on track again back at home and just broke through the lowest weight since before i left for my trip im now at 805 kg ive always had my eye on breaking to 80 kg threshold almost there almost there,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 what does excessive banter mean someone who likes to converse is lacking in confidence is this a strong silent type manly thing,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i like all kinds of music really but tend to favorite rock and metal though a few of my favorites that ill always go back to are green day nirvana weezer and disturbed lately however ive been listening to more death metal deathcore,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 i swear this is an intentional troll,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 its also how edward i of england took wales and made a good beginning of subduing the scots those are pretty relevant parallels here as westeros is britain writ large and the north is basically scotland and the borders,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 youre ballsier than i am kudos,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 typemention you shall not pass,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 most people who say that it is a false positive are lying tho,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 do people forget that stewart exists and its a solid dm i mean hes not that creative as emre but he works a lot for the team i remember one postmatch interview where klopp praised stewart and said something along the lines of yea the guys in the midfield were great but stewart was doing all the work with the ball so i think he rates him highly enough to keep him as backup,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i know they fucked ron paul over but jesus christ thats fucked up even if i dont really agree with the guy anymore,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 cute i never heard of these eitherhow do they taste i bet theyre delicious,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if i remember that bit of road it comes after a curve they probably didnt see it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 is that why i used to see drivers with 2 phones all the time i couldnt figure out why theyd have 2 uber didnt send me one but i wish they would i keep going over my data plan,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 also ashes w will proc her slow so her autos on wd things do extra damage,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 lol its neoreactionsafe this guy is something of a legend to me not sure if the most dedicated troll or truly a guy who believes women are demons and 2dimensional manipulation puppets who can tell its great,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 there is the file browser dialog you could try somehow making it part of your program window,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 i use that one too and nothing bad happened to me maybe you used too many clicks per second,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 amazingly though i got flamed by mad germans for being a cheater every damn time below supreme for things that are pretty normalmost are just shit and cant accept that they are shit because they are lem and are better than 95 of cs players lel,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 hey you shouldnt complainthe sudden leaks gave you a few more days,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 let me actually answer your first question the right way if you stop time as in total freeze of time no motion etc all physical laws would still exist but they would do nothing it is like pausing a video if you will,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i have worked for both dhl and amazonamazon we used big boxes for small things if we didnt feel like yelling for a waterspider to give us more small boxes at dhl its simple nobody gives a fuck,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 einstein was an typemention despite what celebrity types says he was an extremely social prankster and a womanizer who reportedly played up the absent minded professor act once he became famous so people would leave him alone,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you should have spoiler tagged thisanime onlies dont know that she can phase through objects with parts of her body that are naked yet,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i can barely handle a needle for a blood sample and i think i value enjoying life more than crushing it in the palm of my hand doesnt mean that im not motivated though i just learn to enjoy what i do or pick the right carrot to dangle on the sticksome people live for a higher purpose to own everything to be loved and admired to be morally righteous etc i think the only way to measure the success or strength in these cases would be relative to what the person sets out to do,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 its often assumed but i have my doubts about thisi have the impression that crystal is stronger than armor plating seeing how annies few millimeters of crystal was just as effective at stopping blades as reigners few decimeters of armorshe also just needed a few millimeters of crystal around her fingers to climb the wall whilst reigner needed to make entire hardened clawsnow annie isnt surrounded by just a few millimeters of crystal but a few decimeters this means that her protection could possibly be hundreds of times stronger than normal titan armorthere is a solid argument to be made that erens hardened fists might be strong enough seeing how its not only stated that all the combined strength of a set of armor is located in his fists but its also shown how easy he could break through reigners armorhowever i personally prefer the idea that theyd use thunderspears instead of his hardened fists if you try punching a pebble its near impossible to differentiate the amount of force you want to excel at different parts of said pebble erens fists might break annies neck or rip her head off if he isnt carefulthe thunderspears however are simply projectiles with an explosive in their tip its extremely probable that the sc can change the amount of charge they load the weapon with allowing for more precision and less riskit seems like the better option to me,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 you seem to like the regular typemention music lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 understandable have a nice day,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 yeah i suppose that must be it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh okay i may or may not have seen it im sure if i did all traces of it quickly drained from my mind,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what if hu made typos themselves,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 you should check the entry requirements for a masters in education like right now before you start making plans eu higher education is not like the us here you usually have to get a bachelor in a field relevant to the master degree you want to do as an admission requirement into the master there is no doing random college stuff and transferring to law school or med school no here you would do a full bachelor in law of medicine with only courses from that discipline which you need to get into a master of that fieldeducation is a bit different though in my country a masters in education can mean two things either a master in education science or a master that gives you formal accreditation to teach a specific course at high school level which we would call an educational master in germanmathematicsphysics etc the thing is if you want to do a master in education science you would need a bachelor degree degree in educational science or pedagogy a ba in psychology that does not specialize in educational science might not be enough for an educational master you need a bachelor degree in the field you want to teach so if you want to do an educational master in german you need a ba degree in german or european languages specializing in german etc etc,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 it was intended to be mildly humorous,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 these girls fine af but phecta,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 that wasnt an algorithm hehe what is the deadline if it isnt a week or an hour is it for as long as your ex deems appropriate perhaps your ex wanted to stay together and you should have done that for their feelings the same logic works yes re multiple partners we are obligated to honor the commitments we make some here doubtless think its wrong to date multiple people some others are likely in open relationships your wrong is no more valid than their right less so in fact because its not an agreement between two or many consenting adults feelings and assumptions dont make things rightwrong this sort of thinking is how witch hunts happen savethewhitewitches,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i like the artistic freedom your taking with this,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 open the videos stop having them be closed,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 yeah i finished that last weekend im doing the workbook and reading the new codependent now i also go to codependents anonymous i think a lot of my codependence is caused by my anxiety disorders but honestly a lot of the stuff they have you practice and the affirmations help a lot with my anxiety so im rolling with it still treating my anxiety and depression with therapy and meds though,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 dang id just want to sweep here or there like a small train station or something i do suppose im a little romantic about it though,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 update been bouncing between 20th and 30th for a while now i need rory to gtfo but i dont see that happening,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 motion sensor was cheap too,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 looks like valve is changing quickly its only a matter of time before we need to abandon the platform it seems,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 thats my biggest gripe too i hate that the government opens everytime you try to open the civics tree,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 no they arent like it or not the company completely legally seized the land using eminent domain the protestors dont have the same legal power,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 wait so they set up a bot to ban anyone who posts rim14andthisisdeep or they ban you and make it look like the automoderatorok they set up a bot that removes comment linking subreddits i posted rthathappened and my comment got removed,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 top 3 out of a public game so yeah you had to be good to get it lol,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thats her gun obviously all americans have to carry a gun around she does a pretty good job of hiding it most of the time but every now and again youll get a photo where it just shows upgotta have that last line of defense just in case,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 exactly what i was getting at it would be impractical in a situation like dayz,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 wanna know the only legitimately cool thing about them that made me hate them a little less look at them closely theyre the manserpents from dark souls 1 with a lot of wrappings on them they even drop a weapon with manserpent in their name i just thought that was cool otherwise yeah fuck them theyre the most aggrivating enemies ive ever seen also havel is a monster holy shit i can do legitimately nothing to him,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 me too i enjoy the support and conversations that go on here,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i was with someone for 11 years it didnt work out but i noticed that when i started to get funny feelings for someone else it was time to work on my relationship and to avoid that other person for awhile anyways do you find this happens when you are feeling disconnected from your partner,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i was just stating what the community thinks of them,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 finding out about cogfuncmention the magical function that makes everyone like you and my complete lack of it,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i highly prefer sims 4 apartments i like the fact that you have limited customization its like real life unless youre rich and own the whole building you cant rent a place and completely remodel itand now i really think youre nuts i could never stand playing toddlers i didnt get why everybody was upset they were missing from 4 i hated toddlers in the other games sims 4 toddlers are easier to play with more fun and less obnoxious they managed to finally make toddlers fun to play,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 we do ride alongs all the time at shenandoah speedway for the drift valley and matsuri events,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 so you call banning someone for having an accept patriotic,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 yes and his flirtatious tongue in cheek banter with kirsty too,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i sometimes wonder why sophia and udo are still in the race for the at isnt it just between falco and gabi,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 when they broke away from the fairly well written novels the show turned to utter shite sure it never was amazing perhaps season 1 and because the book is told from the point of view of sookie half of each seasons content was written by the show runners and was clearly lower in quality big villains like russel eddington maryann forester etc are small secondary 13 chapter villains in the books why they decided starting with season 4 to just drop any hint of the books plot is beyond me so most the fairy stuff the witches lilith the vampire cabal all that shit was never in the booksits to bad too cause some of the later books are fantastic they introduce great new characters big events take place its just so much better than what we got in the later seasons of the show though the books to get fairly bad but still worth the read,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i would agree with your assessment here particularly the points that you make about cogfuncmention tertiary cogfuncmention was what stood out in ops post the most for me as it is very much like how i perceive my own cogfuncmention use cogfuncmention dom also makes a lot of sense especially since op thought it was very likely,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 not the burka but still promoted the hijab,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 the netherlands is amazing but not the right country for everyone in riwantout there was a guy who wanted to come the nl to study and live here and he asked what he should study to get a good job that paid 6 figures thats beyond unrealistic as the netherlands is a very much focused on equality in terms of socioeconomic ability for example our minister president earns about 230k which is outrageously high really a very telling statement about the dutch is just be normal and youll already be weird enough the netherlands is amazing if you want to have the perfect comfortable average life in that case everything will be arranged for you by the government but there are very few possibilities if you want to actually achieve something and do something great with your life,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 my advice would be that no one knows what they are doing,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 we dont even know if his mindless form had a beard i admit that its likely thoughthe big belly the and the shape of the arms are the main points of argument though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 well guess i was slightly helpful by bringing this up thats at least something,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i know one reason was my distrust of authority there but i know its got to be more than that as lots of people dont trust authority figures i also went through a phase where i was really uncomfortable with being touched in any context but in my case that was because my family never exhibited affection that way so it felt very alien to me i also did a lot to repress my sexuality but that was due to being gay and not to trauma so in my case i guess its just a variety of factors,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 yea maybe youre right mate well see,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 yep i do zone out all the time on conversations that are happening around me i have 12 an ear on them if theyre important meetings at work where im a subject matter expert frinstance but appear as though im not paying the slightest attention until i jump in and nail a point that needs to be made like im spearfishingbut when im in a large crowd i have to describe it as a pressure its a mental feeling the same way being underwater feels on your body the more people and the more conversation thats going on its like being deeper underwater i like your word for iti do feel drained i can be having the very best time in the worldthen suddenly its just time to go dragoncon in atlanta was really hard for that reason i wanted to be out doing stuff all the time but just didnt have the mental reserves to do so i think that part of my leaning toward typemention may be related to a perceived agedisparity between most of rtypemention and myself i see lots of typemention18m and typemention21m flair and sometimes i can only charitably characterize the posts as being from a whiny baby but then i remember what i was like at 18 holy shit i was infuckingsufferable my perception of typemention posts are that the typemention seem to have their shit together and are filled with less selfdoubt how much of that is mbti differences and how much of that is a smaller typemention community and how much of that is an age difference between rtypemention and rtypemention is something i need to investigate further,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 must have been a testie,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 abortion should only be restricted for deformities and or if the mothers life is in danger,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 no what youre describing is still an array of control objects that mimic the copied cells when you resize the image that you paste using the paste special image option and convert it to a smart image its still just control objects bound together in an array there is no actual image file created or saved anywhere which is why i ask again what are you trying to achieve with a feature such as this there may be alternate methods of going about achieving whatever your end goal is,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i want you to be right desperately,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 what is does is creating registry entrys called tcpackfrequency and tcpnodelayi wouldnt download a exe but do it myself here is a tutorial,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the problem is that sanders believe in protests and while he might condemn violence protests are still unruly behavior sanders will side with the protesters because this is all he view the world its the problem with people buying too much into the idea of class warfare the peasants walking in the street cant do no wrong while the autority the police and so forth are tools of the bourgeoisie,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 how does hacking in gtav online even work anyway like dont they do the very obvious thing like detect the games been modified or not steam even has that stuff build in,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 both her parents are turkish though and i believe turkey has jus sanguinis laws of nationality in that case even if she doesnt have even if she never applied for a physical copy of her passport she still is a turkish citizen by turkish law,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 not who you commented on but no your college counselor does not count you need to find a real therapist an actual clinical psychologist who provides professional health care the way how you called it an industry kind of rubbed me the wrong way you are not buying some kind of product damn it you are trying to get medical assistance because thats what it is and thats what you need a proper therapist will help you change your mindset and behaviour to allow for more introspection it will definitely not be only talk and you will definitely not be able to just toss the discussions significance aside because a good behavioural therapist will make you put yourself to work you will be given exercises stuff to think about things to write down etc it will definitely not just be random talking about deep stuff,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah i think id have to agree with this i dont see how hes an typemention as others have been saying,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 lol of course you have smart business advice,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 no need for that just check out the blog from udebuglog and you will be amazed how powerless esea is if someone actually wants to gain an unfair advantage,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 lol it would have been the 5 oclock shadow that would have thrown me if you cant see the baby face how will you know,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 ill be able to post a shared workbook with code that does what youre describing after work tonight,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 what thats awesome where was he i mustve missed that encounter or im blanking on it,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 man its been way too long since ive been on the water they have kayak rentals in the middle of the city i should really get on that,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i accidentally got a perfume from bath and body works that smells like the one i wore 2 summers ago when i was dating my ex and it smells good believe me but recently when i went to open up the cap all i could smell was betrayal i hate the fact that i was ever with this guy but i know that if i wasnt it wouldnt lead to how my life is today,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 you cant fix human nature so the whole project is fucked haha but you can still make good progress on fixing yourself,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i have to be careful not to sound like a stalker when i talk about memories with people i can package a lot of data into a single memory file so its like yeah remember it was that one time when we went to florida and we were lost in south beach so we went to a sports bar with a striped awning and sat outside because it was too smokey inside and people were watching baseball and you were wearing that white sweater and we noticed the fancy house that had all that security and realized it was versaces and he had just recently been murdered and we ate that mushroom marsala pasta that was the best italian we had eaten in years and then later we talked about breadfruit and their significance in sea traveland theyre like that was over 20 years ago why do you even remember all that all that imagery and emotion and detail is linked and when i bring up one thing it all starts coming back to me the thing is i often dont have it immediately available but once i access deep storage its all there conversations sensory data emotional overtones everything ive found people prefer if your memory is as hazy as theirs some dont like it if they know you can remember a version of them that they cant or that they dont want to,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 16 civ 4 complete steamcommunitycomidgraycrimsonplaysthanks,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i also was in the middle of thrillseeking feeling and responsive feeling a bit learning in towards the expected side but the responsive thinking is where i realized its probably because of the two first were about my weak function,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 good point i forgot about that and pensions have gone away pretty much none existent for people in my age bracket 28,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 is there a solution to this besides not chain vaping having the same problem with another mod,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 hm strange im unable to reproduce the error try using this syntax instead worksheetsdatarangea2d5000copy worksheetsactionlograngea12,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 first of all nice atitude you have there you seem to be fun to have around if you insult everyone who questions your statementssecondly you did say most of them dont stream you also said thatso you are implying that all pros that stream are banned since you split the pros themselves into two groups the ones that stream and the ones that dontalso there are no middleschools in germany young boy so please work on your education phrasing of sentences and your behaviour,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 we just meet on the internet so damn things are not looking good im just prepared for the worst but hoping for the best,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 probably a bit much for most people here,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i honestly dont think there was ever a huge jump all their progressions happened very naturally however i still think nimrod to warning has a much bigger difference than warning to american idiot sure they made some long songs but lyrically they had already started making psuedopolitical statements and were talking about more serious things soundwise they were already using a much cleaner soundnimrod is what i think of as quintessential green day because it combines the best of old green day and new green day it has the grittier old sound a combination of immature and more matureserious lyrics as well as added instrumentation,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 oh you want me to shit on erenalright then i can do that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 34d would also be an equivalent cup size go up 2 inches down a cup and its essentially the same im technically like 30f or something but i wear 34ddd and it feels better for me with the larger band,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 turns out hes stuck in an endless time loop and is forced to relive his final moments forever,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i read the title and saw it was from ss then watched the gif got so mesmerized by it that i forgot which sub it was posted in and clicked the comments to see more info i immediately got extremely confused by uroastmesss crazy comment,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 no thats not the only explanation and yelling it harder doesnt make it true if you want to convince me then you need to come up with arguments and counter arguments to my arguments constantly repeating the same sentences gets you nowherethis is the point where i start to suspect that youre just trying to start a fightim going to ignore those 3 points for a moment ive already debunked them twice but youve obviously not read my responsesmaybe but so does eren confusion memoriesim not insulting you either thank youand yes thats what im implying ive said that already hes subconsciously filling in the gaps between the intel from the books and the flashes of memories he gotthe big twist would be that the wielder of the biggest power in the world is going insane a god going schizophrenic would make an amazing story its also way more original than the grandfather paradox that youre suggestingwhat exactly im not saying that the info he remembered was wrong he simply read that in the books the only thing which wasntcouldnt be in the books where krugers exact words his reference to armin and mikasa for example which eren made upconfused,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if anything itll just switch to bitcoin like poker,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 are we talking chinese chinese or american chinese,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 you could look into persuasion techniques hypnosis and debating skills scott adams blog is an interesting read blogdilbertcom he has a list of books he recommend mentions in his blog various rhetorical techniques trump use he calls one technique verbal judo,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 the obligations were the traveling to belgium from paris for every 2nd week afaik and rumpred to have something to do with his girlfriend at that time,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the frown faded from talisas face a small smile appearing in its stead not being the most conversationally adept little girl she fell happily silent reaching out to grab a little piece of dessert before turning her attention back to her new friend,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 yeah im not a big fan of any of those tbh but i recognize its from personal choice you can make some arguments on pros and cons but it doesnt matter as much as people make it out to bei do think zt make some great knives and theyre a good company and i do kinda want one of their knives but i havent found that one to call out to me yet there was always something else id prefer getting insteadsame with spyderco i really want one because well spyderco but i dont like most of them at the end of the day overall mostly the blade shapei will admit every now and then though ill get in a mood where ill make a comment saying what i dont like about it and sometimes im probably not very diplomatic and just hope that others realize it was meant more as a personal preference thing than wrong choice,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if he can show hes able to repeat that performance then id be happy to see him play there i just havent seen it from him in years,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 they will make them available as a video compilation the pros didnt want pov streams and rightfully so,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 only cool highquality games were secretfnatic vpalliance onesided rape with 0 chances vicieg same c9ig lower skilled game with both teams farming splitpushing all game and being afraid to do any moves quite boring where few of stupid action inlate game made a game evenso commentator tried to hype it up again realy good series is sercetfnatic mushi played like a tiger and fnatic did surprisingly well vods on youtube,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 its not illegal to ask someones name where im from but recording someone in combination with adding identifiablecharacteristics such as a name or a adress to the recording without permission is its a privacy law and im really glad it excists,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i thought he looked sluggish looked way to nonchalant for a goalkeeper they should be ready to pounce for a save at any time but he didnt look like it,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 itn implies thinking dominant introvert with intuition typemention it cant mean anything else int would be typemention ent would be typemention etn would be typemention,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 dont take it personally typemention think everyone is stupid its their thing sort of like how typemention know everyone wants to touch their bathing suit regions,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yea but crossfitwhy not just join a normal gym,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 its so true man i remember high school i hated going i loved seeing friends and going to some classes thats it seeing the other people do their other things and not really understanding why they do them i always wanted to know but i never figured out i still struggle with that today of course there was stuff to do right at college people just got drunk during the day at least at my college the mandatory albeit lame nature of highschool was at least unifying at college there seemed to be a different kind of unity and things truly did become different oh i dont know i miss it id like to go back but im glad im not there now just because i dont have the money or time id rather live here in my apartment working than to go to school at the dorms its more worth it,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i corrected you on your statement about homegrown terrorism not the ban list,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 most people on this sub wouldnt like it but still the bbc has an amazing series called call the midwife its about a group of midwifes in the 50s in a rather poor area of london it deals with a lot of really important issues most importantly to me how the lack of hormonal reliable birth control in that time affected societal norms for women and the societal view on family and childrenit also deals with topics like legalization of abortion societal becoming less religious the development of how people would go to hospitals to give birth and get other medical treatments instead of giving birth at home lots of thingsthe thing is im a 90s kid this was the time when my grandparents were adults this was their reality and my parents baby boom were the first to deal with all these societal changes but were raised by the generation for whom those changes felt so foreign that bbc series was honestly eye opening for me the world changes beyond recognition in the past 100 years or so thats only about 1 lifetime we are still as a society very much searching of what these developments mean for us and how all our values and ideals need to be revaluated i believe this change of how society views raising children is part of that,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i would have to say my car ive named her traveled tens of thousands of miles with her and dont intend to sell or trade her away no its nothing sexual i just prefer to refer to my car as a she plus shes still my first car and intend to keep her for as long as i possibly can,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i used to be one of these peoplemost are not bad peopleu200b most do not hate trans people they just dont understand its uneducated and incorrect but it is not simply blind bigotry i am currently very confused about my gender identity and identifying as nonbinary until i can figure out a more solid identity for myself or maybe not well see and gender dysphoria is something you simply cannot understand until you experience it i cant blame them for having a hard time wrapping their heads around it,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 okay i was just guessing with that da k1ng tho good to see ur not one of them,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 hell no man its memorial day go barbecue with your family ill have the byron all crunched up for tomorrow,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 and im sure you have a lovely lung capacity d,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 how come you havent seen him for a year,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 aww you know you like a little whimsy in your life,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 no worries glad you found it interesting if you have any other questions about psychology amp psychiatry then feel free to ask,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 tf its just a ton of shortcuts and acronyms,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 thank you for the reply amp backing it up with a source,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 you dont need to boost your confidence on the backs of the women you happen to encounter and thats all youll learn from pua literature all you need to know to boost your confidence can be learned from introspection why arent you confident whatever the answer think of strategies to improve it or at least care less seeking to improve your confidence by manipulating others seems counterproductive,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 kids on a merry go round a mother nursing her baby a field of white flowers a fat drunken guy dancing with no shirt suddenly he has a tutu starts doing ballet stays like that for a while this part of the song annoyed me a lot felt like being smacked over the head then ends with dark outerspace and a glowing red volcano6 or 7 min into the song garden of emotions is the best thing ever still gives me shivers,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 remindme six monthstime to take another break from the community to fast forward time again,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 just uhh be politer and not kick people for saying dont abuse your powersthxand dont ban my friend without warning for sitting on a button all game he was terribly new and it hurt my feelings,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the main ones are ssris snris tricyclic antidepressants maois but then you can also use things like nris norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors ndris norepinephrinedopamine reuptake inhibitor amp sms serotonin modulator amp stimulatorhowever you can also use mood stabilisers eg lithium anticonvulsants eg lamotrigine or antipsychotics eg quetiapine the interesting thing about some antipsychotics eg quetiapine is that pharmacologically it binds to several 5ht serotonin receptors,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 thanks for posting this i appreciate your contribution ive been meaning to look into sharp for a while nowâ some of this was a bit of review for me but there were some interesting points when he talks about personality testing i likeâ where he says that the persona via the ego is the one that takes the test plus that the tests do not take into consideration complexes or the unconscious sharp is one that follows jung in terms of thinking that type is nothing staticâ which is something i dont personally agree with but ive beenâ thinking that perhaps personality can change but type cannot,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 theyre made by a good company kai they own shun knives kitchen knives and kershaw as well as zero tolerance kershaw knives are a respected brand and have been around a while i have a ken onion leek which is an excellent edc folder zt tends to be beefier much of what makes a knife good is the company behind it if theyre consistenttheyre good knives i like the 560 for a midrange one the ones i linked are probably much more expensive than your regular one still high quality though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 remove them from your life as much as possible without a basic set of core values you are dealing with an impulse driven system no predictability whatsoever,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 that you did you were circumspect and only implied that you were leaning towards a conclusion as i am sure you can imagine i dont take cutting a life long friend out of my life lightly,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its so interesting to see local differences i live in wi and catch multiple drowzees every day,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 consequences will never be the same,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 what a well imagined scenario i love all the detail you put into it i also had the huge dramatic storm grinding its way across the horizon apparently we see risk as something to be excited about and not as a threat to stability yellow flowers too but i had a whole field removed from myselfid much rather teach children than have them be my own haha this is soooo you your gf sounds like an epic mount its funny mine actually had very little riding equipment just enough to be held onto and slightly guided but not accustomed to being ridden and controlled at first i imagined something striking and extraordinary like a blood red steed but opted to have that be its inner nature and settled for a nice brunettealthough i might make an exception for this golden hunkthe thor of horses essentially i imagined someone who was there by choice and enjoyed relaxing near the cube not because it was tethered or there by force,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i just dealt with this a few days ago a restaurant i know i like that is delivery only wanted my boyfriend to try it they dont have a website i could only find a jpg of an outdated menu and said jpg was very small how the fuck am i supposed to know what to order if your menu is inaccessible im not going to call and ask you to read your menu to me we ended up going to their competitor,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i see what you did there,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i can relate i still have hobbies but my overall interest in them all have dwindled apart from certain things like music eg even though i still enjoy it i enjoy different types of music my musical tastes are much more somber sullen amp melancholic even with the aid of music as a medicinal way to briefly numb the pain i still feel stuck in a rut,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 can you tell us how you do it the lucid dreaming thing,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 he is most likely a cryptiddenierbecause im so interesting why else,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 as jung said â œthe generalattitude types as i have pointed out more than once are differentiated by their particular attitude to the object the introverts attitude to the object is an abstracting one at bottom he is always facing the problem of how libido can be withdrawn from the object as though an attempted ascendancy on the part of the object had to be continually frustrated the extravert on the contrary maintains a positive relation to the object to such an extent does he affirm its importance that his subjective attitude is continually being orientated by and related to the object an fond the object can never have sufficient value for him therefore its importance must always be paramountâ â psychological types by carl jung 1921 what that means is that the main difference between an introverted and an extroverted function is the relation between the subject me myself the user internal world subjective opinion and the object everyone else objects and human beings external forces external world objective opinion the introvert is sees the external world as a complete different entity from himherself the user â œitâ s me and thereâ s the worldâ while the extravert is directly living in the world and quoting carl jung â œwho are on good terms with all the world or even when disagreeing with it still hold a relation to it by which they and it are mutually affectedâ an important sentence i have to say is about the spending and release of the energy between the subject and the object in the two different concepts introversion and extroversion the introvert focuses on how the object affects the subject while the extrovert focuses on how the subject affects the object that would also mean that introversion vs extroversion would also mean that introversion is much more subjective than extroversion if you would put ten same extroverted types in a room for example typemention they would probably come to an agreement quickly while if you put in a room 10 typemention they would most likely keep a subjective opinion now that is a very particular case there are a lot of factors that come into play but keep in mind that there is no pure introvert or pure extrovert type every type has 4 introverted functions and 4 extroverted functions the introvert having more confidence and creativity in his introverted functions and the extrovert in his extroverted ones which basically means my last sentence was completely wrong and false unless the typementiontypemention would only use one function which is almost impossible since any reasoning would include the use of at least two functions one judging to process the information and one perceiving to absorb the information now if ten introverted functions were to debate a topic they would most likely all have different opinions when if there were ten extroverted functions debating they would come to agreement fast but the functions arenâ t human beings so that is impossible also one thing i hear a lot by most people is that â œextroverts recharge with socializing and spend their energy with alone time while the introvert recharges with alone time and spends their energy with socializingâ while that might be true in some cases and to some extent i think a better phrase would be that â œextroverts recharge from their outside and spend their energy one the inside while the introvert recharges on their inside and spends their energy on the outsideâ â œoutsideâ doesnâ t always mean â œpeople and socializingâ there can be extroverts that are extremely drained by people and peopleoriented extroverts so in conclusion the â œextroverts are people who go at parties and stay with peopleâ and â œintroverts are people who stay alone and play video gamesâ is relatively true in majority that means that if you are an extrovert it is more likely for you to go to parties more and if you are an introvert it is more likely to stay in the house more but thatâ s not a must also do not confuse introvert with shy it is true that most shy people are introverts but extroverted shy people exist and introverted nonshy people exist do not confuse those terms also introverts more or less feel as if they always need to hold to the connection of the outside world all the time otherwise that connection would be lost they always need to drag themselves to stay in touch with the external world one second you forget about it and the connection is lost extroverts are the other way around they always need to drag themselves to stay in touch with their inner world you blink and connection is lost often where this connection lost thing is happening its called tertiary loops,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 if only wyatt would have just used his hips,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 yea that happens if were the two of the most active members of this sub in this time zonealso youre welcome,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you made me rethink how fortunate i actually am considering my country has quite an extensive social security system im guessing youre right though ill try nsoing when i can and see how ill feel,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im planning a vacation to croatia probably next year theres a ton to see there the beaches are gorgeous roman ruins things like diocletians palace the sea organgreeting to the sun etc mostly i wanted to see plitvice lakes but the cities have me sold as well i cant wait to visit,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 this game is called what can you say to your electorate but not to the fbi director,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 there was this video i saw on the internet when i was younger it was called chunksmpgit starred a japanese woman and nobody elseyou may be able to guess what the video was likeover and over againit was not to my tastes,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 aela proves to be smart not only in the eyes of a 5 year old hiding extremely well from the rosby boy talisa hides too but hes on her traildeducting one from aela and 2 from talisa since the older girl did better1d10 gt7 corlys finds aela after a continued search1d10 gt5 corlys finds talisa after a continued searchurollme,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 mmmm possibly not thank you for the positive spin d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i listen to everything i get in moods for more obscure stuff sometimes death metal with heavy orchestral arrangements is my goto power music lol and on any given day ill listen to jazzlounge 30s 40s 50s indie dubstep poprap altrock 70samp80s rock among others i have a lot of music that i loveim currently really into scott bradlee ampamp the postmodern jukeboxheres the song thats stuck in my head right nowhabits feat haley reinhart also really into lorde and lana del rey it started about a year ago and im still loving those two on the daily,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i really really hate consoles because of this it affects my game dates negatively not to mention the poor ports sometimeswhy cant we all just get along,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 very long game with alot of waiting in the end fear had no tp so polar got megas sumail didnt build bkb on 6 slotted sf and got oneshoted by support zeus with etereal vail refresher combo,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 change your clcmdrate and rate to normal settings if you should have a better bandwith call your isp,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yeah he actually tries hence the aforementioned slapping around he tried to tell me what was what about 40 times and every time i pimp slapped his facts and reasoning,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i feel you a lot of people will say im selfless because i help people even when it hurts me but the good feeling of doing the right thing or seeing someone else improve is still a reward i try to do what i feel is right though whether or not it is what benefits me as a person and in many cases it has severely hurt me and made me feel awfulbut in general i help others because it is what makes me happy more than anything if it didnt make me happy id probably still do it but not near the same passion or determination,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 difference is i didnt edit that score,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 because they have already taken over local elections and id imagine they will effect national elections as well and no i am not a member of the free state project nor do i think mcafee or johnson can win the whole thing but because of the ever polarized main 2 likely trump and hillary i think you will see the lp do well and possibly win a couple states that said there is no way they win the whole thing,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 so many crafts ive made so many things tonight probably more than ive made in the last 4 months lol,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 whiny or not ive found that i constantly have to emotionally support typemention once i get close to them it isnt so much whiny as it is theyre so damn effected by everything that happens and life has a few bruises for everyone nearly every day the thought of spending my life taking care of that is just exhausting yikes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 id probably get some fun out of the dad a little first,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 yeah those 2 are the most pleasant in terms of imagery plot and character development,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 that was a 2005 incomplete tax return i want to see a full 2016 tax return,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 they actually have a specific rule against using him on that sublow hanging fruit,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 let me actually answer your first question the right way if you stop time as in total freeze of time no motion etc all physical laws would still exist but they would do nothing it is like pausing a video if you will,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thanks for all the info,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 well he pmd me he isnt a fresh throwaway he has that,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 hi your fourth clip breaks rule number 3 in the op,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 to the person that used the beast in here you are amazing truly a king among shit beers,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 out of curiosity do you live near a body of water,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 jeebus this goes on for 36mins manalso wtf is up with the dude spilling popcorn and the guy sleeping those sposed to be the guys playing or somethingthis is why i never don a headset when playing games online on the rare occasion that i do interact with other players,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 was bullied by wanyama quite a bit and wasnt really involved until like 85 mins where he suddenly became alive and was much better also had 1 really nice pass in the first half,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i hear that they pick and choose bits from their religious texts in much the same way,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 op have you attempted to sort your data first by transaction id then by product id this would group all identical transaction ids together and then group all identical product ids together according to their transaction id,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 heres a few ideas how about we train young people to celebrate differences instead of clinging to conformism and breading fear of diversity how about we stop treating success as a zero sum game where you have to lose for me to win how about we stop trying to push people into predefined boxes and let them find their own groove too many people stuck in a dead end job because mommy and daddy didnt find their offsprings passion prestigious or sensible enough for examplejust maybe we will be able to get to a point where we dont have damaged people trying to keep themselves standing in a society which would rather discard themah whats the use its not going to happen id be better off driving a knife through the skull of the bruised and battered idealist at my core at least my bitter cynicism could be replaced by hellish glee i could just use people for my entertainment and not be perturbed by it,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 im really scared of snakes once i found a harmless small snake in my backyard and i was absolutely terrified,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 sounds great i will trade with you tomorrow good luck in breeding,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 this part in crescendolls by daft punk look out,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 and i thought fusrodah was a good thing to keep people away now i have your picture,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 civ 6 is great if you can get it all the dlc on sale price even better the ai can be a little tricky but thankfully theres a mod called ai which overhauls it to a great extent,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 yes reallyshow me how far you can take this,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i tried dropping my seat and riding it like an ultimate wheel or whatever got a huge road cut on my elbow when i expectedly felli also fell on top of it once and bent my seatpost butt was bruised decently,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 alexis vs palermo was kinda a tribute to that haha,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 do eat chicken and waffles and have a bloody mary for breakfast at the hash house a go go have a martini at the top of the stratosphere at night go to a ufc event do not pay any attention to people handing out escort cards on the street take kids with you forget to protect your walletmoney there are many pick pockets,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i quite significantly restrict darkvision personally as a gm its one of only a small handful of house rules i use only underground races have true darkvision ie dwarves deep gnomes drow etc and a few extraplanar races everyone else now has lowlight visionto add to the thread in the first game i ran after release i had a druid who needed to clear a room fast wild shape into a giant skunk cleared the room fast indeed,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 not directly though you will influence what others do by how you act and you can use that to your advantage its usually an automatic thing people dont think about much but you can get even more control over cars and the road if you actively think about it with every move you make it can increase your safety and everyone elses and if nothing else itll get you more engaged and attentive to driving,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 have to call bs on this nothing except contacts can change the color of your eyes,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 tennis always goes to a stupid hour as well epl sucks if you want to watch it live,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 good socks three pairs for 16 hot damn,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i didnt know that i dont think i actually ever thought about it i dont know if i want to know about this i have no idea how i feel about wanting or not wanting to know about this,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 should have bet him place or show lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 its not irrational i develop software and mobile apps i have plenty of reasons to hate apple however i also stand by my now supported statement that theyre primarily a marketing and design company they iterate and refine theyre good at that,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 are you disabledafter you reported them there is nothing you can do so why check every week if those people are banned that is what i said and if you cant understand it then you are apparently the stupid one herei didnt say dont report them for cheating should i make it easier to understand for you or do you get it now,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this is similar to some of the things douglas murray said he notably called trump a liberal once and wrote this article,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 it seems like a nice place,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 the last one doesnt really fit the description,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i think they tend to use proud in this context simply to mean not ashamed,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 sorryi thought they forgot the on,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 guess you could say he was pissed off,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 she frowned at that wondering if she may have misjudged him a little i suppose i can see now why you view the king as unreasonable,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 what is does is creating registry entrys called tcpackfrequency and tcpnodelayi wouldnt download a exe but do it myself here is a tutorial,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 edmond after ronda gets her ass handed to her by holm in the first round champ beautiful work,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 have you fought a water hag yet spoilers she throws mud all over the entire screen,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 nova premade who regularly play together vs a le mix who play the first time together i think that is possible depends on how much the les rage at each other though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i think i can speak for pi players in general when we say we know ballzilla doesnt cheat his o is why he shines,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the us has a far bigger problem that maternity and paternity leave the problem is leave and vacation in general every time this topic comes up anywhere it quickly derails into feelings of jealously why should someone get extra leave just for popping out a child why cant i get leave for caring for my sick mother it is honestly ridiculous that the us does not have any statutory leave this has nothing to do with egalitarianism and everything to do with simply social minimum welfare one can expect from a developed country thats the true issue that being said i found the article to be rather weak the points stated have nothing to do with how hard paternity leave is frankly the points he made are simply called parenting and youll be doing it for another 20 years just like humankind has been doing for many many millions of years already in todays world having children is a lifestyle choice not a necessity yes parenting is hard thats a given and was to be expected no need for the martyrdom,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 he also made an enormous and prolonged impact on his wifes trachea,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 you seem like someone who approaches things very directly and rational and doesnt play passive aggressive games you already informed your so about your letteri would simply tell your so i have very good reason to believe you are cheating but if you say you are not i want to believe you because i love you and want to spend my life with you and if youre saying youre not cheating i need you to right here right now open up your phone email accounts bank and credit card statements facebook and other social media accounts so i can look through them you can stand next to me to watch me go through everything but for the sake of our relationship i need you to do this for memake a list of all accounts you want to have a look at beforehand also ask to go through his wallet so you can check for any credit cards you didnt know of and maybe youll find some cash receipts if he makes excuses you know hes a piece of shit because if hes clean after 5 years together surely he shouldnt have anything to hide you didnt already know if the roles were reversed and you were wrongly accused of cheating youd probably be willing to show everything to him no so if he doesnt want to yup hes cheatingdont tell him about the hotel etc with some luck youll find a cc statement for that hotel,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i think more than half the time i see someone being labeled as white knighting theyre expressing a not scummy opinion then someone scummy shouts white knight and the other scummy people jump in with them haha both are fighting for an extension of their self image usually notallmen and notallentps apply equally to the more and less scummy in this case i was taking an uber a few months back omw to the train station it was during rush hour and was a fairly long trip long enough for him to tell me all about how natural and normal it was for men to cheat on their wives and the mother of their children he was at least partly i think looking for validation of this idea either his scumbag behavior was normal and natural and therefore he wasnt really responsible for it or in fact relative to this standard of behavior he was a less worthydesirable person people who abuse childrentheir partners usually think its a totally normal thing to do a lot of convicted rapists express that anyone would do it if they thought they could get away with it etc etc no true scotsman but in reverse all of it bullshit,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 not since a bunch of bad stuff happening in my life im not even sure what my goal is any more i think ive lost 30lbs and thrown out about a quarter of what i own so theres that as a short term one i guess,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 plato considered it to be closer to an ideal state what me might call utopia than his native athens in the republic probably due to the crushing athenian defeat in the peloponnosian war,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 this seems like a bad bank issue to mei mean a donation is a donation if marked on paypal that this is what it is or any other obvious ways to know thats the case it should be no question you cant refund that moneyit isnt like the person is buying goods or services theres no possibility of being fraudulent,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 nah its a warmup for november theyre just prostrating themselves before great america and great britain,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 id say people that have cogfuncmention in their top two functions maybe cogfuncmentiondoms the most weird as in unusual maybe like take it from an cogfuncmention user to come up with the weirdest stuff and ways of doingseeing things,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 hm very curious what are your calculation settings set to and if you were to reference one of those cells in another formula for instance a9 what does it say,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 all of them brighter than me but i doubt that brings you much solace ser dagos is a master with a spear lewyn a fool with a longsword but hes better with a quill myria will run lemonwood long after im gone as for ashara and gin gins probably better with a knife than lewyn and ashara not the brightest girl nor the strongest but good and true symon cracked his neck and yawned is that enough are you satisfied,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 oooh i see what you were saying kind of doubt you appear exceptionally amoral either but i dont have enough data to judge you seem more principled than average for an typemention to me actually,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 anyone know what happened to menard,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 tough question depend on your definition of eq reallyi for example am really good at reading people i notice small changes in body language and speech immediately and instinctively know whether thats why someone is sad or is trying to deceive me for example i also very very quickly get a feeling for someones character when i meet new people in this sense i have very high eqbut this is the thing i adjust my own way of speaking pose and tone of voice to match whatever i want from that person based on what i read of them but doing so is honestly a very rational decision to be honest i really lack empathy i only experience real empathy with my dearest friends close family and my so so from this perspective my eq is shitefor example if my employee would come to me with a crisis situation a dying mother for example i would be super concerned in tone of voice and body language i would do anything to accommodate them to arrange things but this is because i want my employee and team to function best which is when they feel safe with me as their employer and safe in their job environment a stressed out employee is useless and will take the whole team down better to give them some time off to get their life back in order ill find a way to manage until then thats my job anyway but honestly i couldnt care less about the dying family member per se i simply feel nothing no sadness or any other empathic feelings,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yeah well i needed to learn those skills anyway my kitchen skills are mostly open flame rather than oven based so i thought to diversify,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 raja bell tony snell robin lopez laid an egg katmobile lost a beal and jokic ran away,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thats a really big stretch unless youre fine with 3040fps each 480 will only have 256gbs and will not scale perfectly im not even certain that 512gbs on a single card could run 4k at 60fps we might not see that accomplished until we get closer to 1tbs with hbm2 and it definitely wont be cheap,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 theyre very interesting erotica from that era is a weird mixture of super taboo stuff like really strange fetishes very blunt descriptions and flowery language,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 note to self dont make jokes in a spoiler tag people will take it serious,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i really kinda want to get a pair of scrubs just for around the house or for bedtime or something they seem comfy,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 straw glued onto the walls wtfa salmon pink ceiling what are these people thinkingthats actually rust on your walls said proudlywhaaa rust is bad k then theres the couple that wanted just anything but asian decor guess what they gotthe spaces might be marginally improved but whoever is doing the designs on these i dont think they really know what theyre doinglove the guy in the green shirts reaction well its different i just see a lot of firewood,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 huh why how cogfuncmention regards interpersonal relationshipsintroversion by definition deals with subjective data that is if you took 10 individuals put them in a room and forced them to do a task that required their introverted functions then they would all get different results but if extraverted functions were used then theyll all get a similar result i would cite something from jungs psychological types but ive been searching for 10 minutes and i still dont find it then feeling deals with exchange of energy between entities feelings more specifically anything that can be classified as goodevil now introverted feeling cogfuncmention deals with the subjective part of it relationships are subjective not every person on the planet interacts with everyone else the same way psychological distance is another cogfuncmention thing you dont act the same way with everyone etc cogfuncmention is aware of the ratio of the energy of states like the ratio of my emotional state with yours then i can use it to finetune the wavelength and adjust psychological distance eg politenesswhere cogfuncmention dynamic tests just the energy of the state and can influence it using their own emotions thats why socionics calls it emotion whereas for cogfuncmention relation cogfuncmention is hyper aware of its emotional state because it has so many other states to contrast withwhen you use favour cogfuncmention you repress cogfuncmention so you wont be able to know your internal state because youre not comparing your own with anyone youre dynamically comparing the ones out there which is why its theatrical and is the best communicator give people what they wantsimilarly for cogfuncmention repressing cogfuncmention youre not aware of your mental state and ignore it instead focusing your concentration outwards onto objects and unchanging scenarios and doesnt see how it evolves over time for instance it doesnt see how a possibility evolves into a solution since cogfuncmention is static and discretely enjoys possibilitiesand to not say im flooding you with sovionics sociofag bs here is a transcript of what is considered as mbtithe nuance of their ability to mirror another personâ s emotional experience can feel like absorbing since itâ s so spot on but remember â this isnâ t another personâ s emotion in the typementionâ s heart this is years and years of the typemention mapping emotions within themselves and finding the closest proximity to what the other person is experiencingsource when they describe the empathy of typementions cogfuncmention they describe it objectively they abosrb emotions thats what they feel and uhm thats it im not comparing anything gt feand i quote i once heard a description for â empathyâ as â œyour pain my heartâ for an typemention this couldnâ t be more true typemention absorb other peopleâ s emotional energy whether they want to or not if itâ s powerful and there â friend or foe intimate or stranger â your pain is in their heart,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 yes our brains absorb the same patterns but sorts through them all differently hmmm i wouldnt call mine one awesome movie unfortunately more like random scenes that are still somehow linear lol i really wish i had the projector overlap you describe i see things from different perspectives and angles sure but its the same thing through various unique lenses so its not the overlap of possibilities its the observation of one possibility from different frames of reference alright now its just getting all muddled i have a difficult time trying to segregate my thought processes to describe independently its all kind of smashed together in a way that i understand but cannot explain through words without it becoming confusing to even me whew i should work on that i believe the slides for the projector are hidden from my conscious mind as i grow more mentally and become further in touch i will be able to bring them to the surfacemaybeit is a great conversation d i love learning about people and also love when im able to describe my inner workingsideas without being blown off by people people in my offline life i dont have much time to meet new people in the real world either or too much of a desire right nowi think most intellectual people who see everything that exists outside of their own bubble not to sound condescending will experience at one point or another the feeling of not living up to their own potential if learning more about people psychology culture philosophy etc is considered a singular vision i suppose i dont typically have distant future visions for myself but what i do have yes is singular thinking about the far off future stresses me out so much that honestly i avoid thinking about it too much i think its because my mind craves a definitive path that i cannot create at this point in my life the future vision for myself the path i will not stray from is education completing my ba then ma and intellectualpersonal growthexpansion of my mind and knowledge do you play it by ear basically when envisioning multiple future possibilities decidein the moment what about distant future plansi consider the idea that sensors really are mentally capable of superior memory due to their heightened awareness in comparison to most n users of surroundings and automatic cataloging of present moment experiences i think the personality changing and adapting constantly is your use of cogfuncmention d im the same exact way i dont have a set image of myself period im just kind of existing as dumb as that sounds,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 yeah im outside us netherlands to be precise i also still feel a bit uneasy about eating all that fat just programmed to see it as pure evil i guess especially since ive never been a real fat eater so ill need to change my preferences too but i got used to eating a lot of vegetables when i started losing weight 10 years ago so ill probably manage,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 i see your point however training a neural network on vac with overwatch could be a step in the right direction for a higher ban percentagehowever saying vac is shit is a bit over the top imo,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 back in middle school i used to enjoy dipping my bread into the apple sauce,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 this is just an anecdote and im not sure you explained cogfuncmention properly but my brother is typemention and i always sort him out when we meet about where he is in life and where he is going hes not stupid or thoughtless at all but he definitely lacks a coherent framework for his life,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 i know i only read the guardian nothing else for me but unfortunately other people around me read the times but its mostly older people like my parents and my boss although it does have a somewhat deserved reputation for impartiality and high quality journalism but less so these days,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 im drawn to the melodies and the sounds i pretty much ignore the lyrics im big on sick harmonies as well,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 rule1 dont talk to copsdont say that dont say a word have your lawyer do the talking if youre caught for it then sure if your lawyer decides thats best to come out and tell them in court or to the da to get a deal thats fine,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 have you ever gone back and visited your family,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 you can clearly see the poor man crawled in the back of the car and died of natural causes,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 you expected it to be bad has tolstoys reputation declined unbeknownst to me,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i think the main point is that you made her feel really bad and like a terrible person even though i agree its obviously a joke shes not getting past the feeling part shes stuck there before she can interpret that as you just being silly,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i dont know i know one that is really detailed when it comes to memory and one that isnt i wont even argue the difference because op is obviously an cogfuncmention or dynamic type i think that we can assume first cogfuncmention is in the top two cogfuncmention in the bottom two here is the thing about extroverts they dont let on what is really going on unless they need to you arent going to find an typemention to admit a lack of grounding in oneself very often that is a sign of weakness maybe they can handle vulnerability but not weakness i agree with what you are saying but at the cogfuncmention level it just doesnt jive,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 hey im still around thanks for coming back to the post to comment that was sweet of you thankfully she was ok about it and was curious but accepting which is honestly a lot better than i was expecting and yeah it was definitely good to get it off my chest at least,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 i do this also but only because i like to make things more efficient for all involved i look for an opening and go when possible without having cars wait on me ill also wait to go out during lowtraffic times or take a route to my destination that i know will be sideroads with lower traffic,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yes i totally relate to the french food item,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 and when the reporters inevitably asked who is thatim batman,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 thank you comparing bad boys to bambi just comes naturally to me anyway the projections were rich in that thread i think that you are right and this is a very insightful observation somewhat coincidentally i think that this ties back to the op with right types being more likely to get sucked into collectivism and brainwashing the biggest offenders of groupthink in the typebased subs are the right types i dont browse them much but typemention is the worst typemention is up there you talk about typemention andtypemention i think typemention is one of the only left types that is popular of course there are tons of typemention in rtypemention and there are tons of typemention in rtypemention for example so there are right and left types mistyped in each others subs but left types can fall in to the crowd for a while at least but crawl out at some point rtypemention is very dour indeed i cant take it any more i havent for quite some time actually the last time i dropped in there i learned that im on a crazy persons list im speaking of creator72archetypes i saw you guys talking about it on slack a few days a go and missed the conversation by several hours but yeah that is the kind of crap that happens on type based subs im a well meaning xeelee with tons and tons of verbiage but i probably dont need to tell you that timelord,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 that banegaicardi connection is starting to synergize well i see,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 fuck you now i want to maga to the nearest zaxbyscaines fuddruckers for chikum skrips,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 well its the first major thing i did 2017 yeah first timebut after that there was quite a bit of making out,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 lol well now that you mention it that isnt a correct assumption edit oops wrong thread haha yeah seems not,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so i have top comment on the thread you are referring toits not about marriage per se like you i dont think marriage is that important although i personally would like to get married if my partner was anti marriage id be fine with that too the whole point of my comment in that thread however is about knowing there is no long term outlook if you know your relationship will end badly in x years because you have some big disagreements which well end in drama and heartbreak why prolong the inevitable especially because the longer you wait the uglier the break up will beto answer your second question yes i am in a relationship with someone i intend to marry 4 years and counting if i didnt see myself with my so long term to me there wouldnt be a point to staying together with himalso i personally have no desire to date casually i dont feel any desire to sleep with guys i dont feel romantically attracted to and besides i am confident enough in myself my life is existing enough that i dont feel some weird fear of being alone or feeling worthless if im not in a relationship,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 personally i was making fun of him from the second he appeared on screen i dont actually dislike him though evelyn on the other handâ,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 euthanasia is a widely accepted phenomenon in the netherlands and our laws on this subject are way less restrictive then they are in almost any other nationfor example a woman in the netherlands can ask a doctor to examine wether or not her demented mother is able to make a viable estimate on the value of her live if the doctor thinks that the demented mother cant then the daughter can ask the doctor to perform euthanasia on the mother if the daughter deems the situation of the mother inhumanei know that this is rather controversial in many other nations so that is why i mentioned that im dutch,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 do you have the typemention eyes because i could get lost in them for days but on the point of flirting id suggest you bring it up with him or read some of these comments,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 a friend of mine a couple of years ago proudly told me that she ran for so long she threw up i said oh shit you stopped right no she said beaming i ran for another two miles and threw up again this is supposed to be good for you,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 haha honestly i feel like my type fluctuates a bit depending on the day but typemention speaks to me the most but i hang out here and at a few other close mbti subs because i can still relate sometimes,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 he doesthats why he wanted to abduct historiamarleyans know that the royal blood is a requirement thats why they find it so weird that zeke supposedly doesnt have it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 interesting is an understatement i think traveling between galaxies is no small feat,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 if you ever come back you should pub with me some time i relate a lot to the passage you posted kurt hit home in it with some things i struggle with everyday i really care about what people think of me and in turn how good i am at this game i really want to be known as a great player or feared or something it really just turns into me reacting emotionally when i get called out in a pub i get a toxic attitude when i lose a lot its a bipolar type of state where i am the nicest dude ever to where i am the guy calling out everybody on everything that is even remotely their fault then i step back and look at what ive done and how awful i have been and am ashamed to have done this my whole body just feels drained and i dont want to do anything other than sleep i feel like kurt hit the head on the nail in his note the mindset right after a moment like this i hate myself for being so emotional in pubs or caring so muchsorry if i kinda went on a rant about myself here i just want to tell you that if that is why youre quitting you dont have to quit im always here to talk about this kinda shit if need be,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 hah yeah genocide really sharpened up the speed typing skillsi still have very fond memories of highlands one party in particular where we went around killing all the immortals except the kurgan of course,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 its easy to get this idea that youre a mix of things because of the way that tests give your result but thats not really how mbti works youre one or the other like someone said it could just be that youre developing your inferior cogfuncmention function you mistyped originally or youre not fully understanding questionscharacteristics about these types id say take as many tests as you can and really think about your answers are they what you actually do or is it just how you like to think of yourself i typed as typemention for a while before i realized that i am really not a thinker in the way that i thought i was its very possible that youve made a similar error in judgement it also may help for you to read about the cognitive functions and decide which you most closely identify withedit this post is really helpful for understanding how it all works,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 the last 2 secs sounds like funny man,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 it says in the report vision assistanceif a person gets 20 kills through smokes and traces people through them ill vote guilty same with alt tabbing in front of a smoke which is obviouswell see if the day comesokay what it says is external software to gain information about the location of their opponents eg vision through walls or smokeso since i dont know what caused him to watch through smokes i am free to tick that box as he could abuse the bug or be cheating or not knowing that he has itin 2 of 3 cases getting rid of him is a good thing the third case should be relatively easy to spotstands in the proximity of a smoke for 2 seconds and does nothing maybe,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i think i might be quietly stabbed by a group of typementions on my way back to rtypemention but i think that friendships should be largely effortless i think it is absolutely lovely how intensely typementions love the people in their lives but i have one very large beam of care bear stare to point at one person with some smaller beams off to the sides i have read in some of the type descriptions that typementions and typementions are known for dropping off the map for awhile and then showing up again like no time has passed that describes me pretty well i dont expect my friends to do anything for me except hang out and be their genuine selves i have never once asked anyone but an so i was moving in with to help me move not even my family i have told her lets call her ellen cause thats her name that i could never be as good of a friend to her as she is to me but its not because i dont care its just the kind of friend i am if you need someone to talk to scab a little scratch or move something heavy im your dude if you want to be the frodo to my samwise im not your guy im not saying that theres a problem with her way or a problem with mine but its frustrating for both of us i think,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 these are two of the most similar types they are both introverts that share the same functions the most likely explanation is that you were one type or the other that became conscious of one of their extroverted functions namely cogfuncmention they best way to tell which is which is whether the emergence of cogfuncmention is energizing or problematic also you have to consider a similar relationship with the emergence of cogfuncmention the auxiliary will be more others based and nurturing and the inferior will be what you feel inferior about in yourself,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 i was once on a minecraft server that is all girls they constantly ask me for skype calls and my age it gets annoying,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 hey i would rather live in a place that id a mob based ochlogracy than some place where one guy can do a content cop on you and you are ruined for the rest of your life,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 talisa smiled her usual small smile and took her seat silently she set to grabbing food and drink for herself and for her son doing the best she could with one free hand,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 all you can do sloppy seconds and talking to myself,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 twitter is just a shit rsoccer,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i know right i just wish i had another universe made just for me with people i can actually talk to without feeling like an alien,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 my hype man str8up killin it oer here lt3,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i mean not entirely but even a small gesture from my so turns my mood around very quickly having your bad feelings acknowledged by your so makes it easier to work through them alone in my experience emotional support is extremely important in relationships,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 wisdom doesnt come with age it comes with experiences and processing the information therefrom mostly it comes from making mistakes ive met plenty of 60 year olds who spent their lives doing exactly the same shit which they never really thought about and they are anything but what i would consider wise,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think you meant to respond to a different comment,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 a little of both like 4 of the profiles fit me very well in different ways nfj and nfp so i definitely think there is a lot of overlap between the types if you are only examining behavior going by how i actually think it becomes clear im an typemention although tests normally think im an typemention its more accurate than horoscopes but it also doesnt tell you much about how a person will behave,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i bet that the numbers 1 to 3 are either manga spoilerss shifters or ackermans making him the number one majestic stallion,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 very likely he has many you must remember that the bible teaches us using contraceptives is a singee i wonder why a book like that would want to get the people who agree with it to have more kids hmmm,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im guessing halter tops or maybe spaghetti strap tank tops not sure,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 henrik stenson its your time to shine,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 youll first need to actually find some manpowerand outside of the cult the only real superpower on this sub are the mods but they are highly disorganized since the fall of hkand maybe well the cult of annie is getting some recognition lately but i doubt theyd ever pose a real threat to the first and best cult,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i made this earlier today hope you enjoy it,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 try spending a lot of time initially when categorizing people in best friend friend friendly suspicious neutral adversary begin at neutral and move up the list once a person is sorted relax and dont be paranoid but the sorting and moving between boxes must be thoughtful and careful dont get disillusioned the fact you are trusting is very beneficial for your real good friends and romantic partners its a feature and not a bug if you are careful about categorizing people pay attention and tell the truth when categorizing however unpleasant,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 from a guesstimate she looks about as large as my threeyear old bp which would be a normal sizei think this is more of an issue of cage aggression than anything elsewhen you feed her describe exactly what you do from preparing the food to after youre done feeding her im very sure theres something wrong with the methodology going on here to result in such behavior,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the quote was butched to make the news she said competence matters but they want the list they put together to draw from different background its not as bad as people make it sound when she said it it was actually in answer to a question about gender equality and we can interpret it as there is other factors than gender,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 okay the errata applied to the actual book is messed up due to multiple misprints that apparently pazio screwed up withif applied exactly as it is applied to the musket master removing the ability at 13th to never misfire then it ends up with just losing that abilitythe screw up here is that pistolero also has a fatal flaw in that for some reason the words this ability replaces firearm training 123 and 4 are missing from the bottom text which leads to some hilarityas if that was correct then firearm training was never lost by the pistolero and they gain bothfirearm training and pistol trainingthe corrected version would remove the 13th level abilityd20pfsrd displays this correctly if you look posterrata and pre sites updated with the corrected version very quickly and people are applied the correction to the corrected version erroneously,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i actually have started working on this entirely within vbnet i sort of bypassed needing to calculate things in excel because of how my incremental is set up its somewhat difficult to explain without actually playing it but ill try my bestmy game starts out similarly to rebuild the universe where you have space that you influence and within this space you have quantum foam qf that pervades the area its literally all around us using the qf you accumulate from the space you influence you can create virtual particles vp now heres here things get a bit interesting as its something i havent personally seen in other incrementals using these vps you can then create various types of quarks electrons photons gluons and bosons but the catch here is generating these subatomic particles does not contribute back into generating more vps qf or space from here on out numbers are conserved hence why i didnt really need excel the idea is to influence as much space as possible to generate more qf and vps with which you generate other resources once you have enough of these particles you can then begin creating protons and from that hydrogen atoms get enough hydrogen atoms and you can begin creating stars and if you make them large enough theyll eventually explode and give you heavier elements from the periodic table with which you can create more objectsnow instead of needing excel for this i did need to do a lot of research into elemental nucleosynthesis as well as the make up of subatomic particles and how they work together once these initial resources are all done and implemented then ill be able to begin balancing out the speed in which you accumulate space qf and vp as these are the base resources that you will eventually be collecting ridiculous numbers of i dont know about other incremental games but mine is being designed to handle numbers as large as 10306 which is absolutely ridiculously huge to put this number into perspective the actual universe is estimated to only have approximately 1080 atoms this game will literally be able to handle a couple hundred magnitudes of atoms more than the universe but we wont need to worry about those numbers for quite some time this game still needs to get to a playable stateif a game is linearly incremental i can imagine excel would be of great help if you need assistance with excel id be happy to help out since im very familiar with vb but for this exact circumstance excel doesnt quite help me with an unconventional incremental game,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 not only that but at night it can be easy to lose the bottom light in the streetlights as they are both white and if you arent paying attention it can be hard to see it the middle and top are both red and when it is night time you cant tell the position of thingssure in the day you can see the light but you cant always in low visibility conditions see what position it is,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 looks like the south wants to live in the dark ages,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 im not speaking for anyone lol,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 i guess that had more to do with the fact that he completely wore his body out which caused mistakes in the creation of his titan dont forget that the brain uses 20 of all the energy of the human body and is one of the most vulnerable parts of your body if were talking about tiredness,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i agree with all this,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 right if you want the best chance at a championship or to play with the best qb you go to the pats you want to stick with the guys you know you stay in cincy what does detroit have to offer besides cash a nice place to live hah,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i dont understand how this is relevant to my point,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 haha your username is so incredibly appropriate for this recommendation,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 oh you want me to shit on erenalright then i can do that,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ser oswell stood tall on the right hand side of the king keeping a full view of the room he was fully clad in his white armor the black bat of house whent contrasting on the forehead of his helm his visor was down he was prepared to fight whether that be with words or valyrian steel,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i uploaded a game on eb armor today i find it very balanced and solid that motshutzenbmp1 card complements an armored deck quite well i was starting with a twardy dyna and mim this makes a pretty nice opening group of tanks the dyna seems pretty good in the current meta where you run into a lot of tow2 carriers and need something to snipe them and i think the t72mimt72b is an underrated tank especially at elite where youre going to get a lot of hits with that atgm,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 man i wish i got a chance to stop by your store while i was in hawaii on thanksgiving vacation bet the black friday sales were awesome,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 first of all players should look into how they can assure theyll not be the target,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 should have bet him place or show lol,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 because sports fans are crazy,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 gothicâ is anâ extinctâ germanic languageâ that was spoken by theâ goths it is known primarily from theâ codex argenteus a sixthcentury copy of a fourthcentury bible translation and is the onlyâ east germanic languageâ with a sizableâ text corpus all others includingâ burgundianandâ vandalic are known if at all only from proper names that survived in historical accounts and fromâ loanwordsâ in other languages such asâ portugueseâ spanish andâ french,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i think after 4 kids we can call clown car right,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 its not profit til you have the money,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 no alas not tscog converted itself to a courtroom troll by becoming an undead chapter 11 thing the thing consists of nothing more than the frivolous remaining claims in the law suits but as long as a claim remains standing and potential money is to be had the bankruptcy court will keep the thing on life supporti still really miss groklaw pj knew how to cut through the bullshit with laser precision,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 as a woman you should have just told her,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i tried installing a modded version when i bought it but now i am running pure android n now when i boot i get an error message telling me the your device software cant be check for corruption but then proceeds to boot normally,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 atleast i didnt have to make my own team to get an ateam spot like penglose,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 which is sadly why arm will be a crapshoot for many decades to come no standardised bootloaders or too many if you look at it from the other side no industry standard ways of interfacing other components every licensee makes their own boutique setup which is all nice and dandy but it makes it almost necessary to have a unique kernel tree per devicewhat linus wants is not a single representative as in one company to talk to but a consortium that can agree on common standards arm has no standard boot rom no standard bootloader no standard peripheral hookup at best the isa is universal x86 may be a bad design but by the amount of standardisation of the surrounding components in the industry it has survived its negatives with flying colors,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 so we lost the best voice actor in the game because he crossed the wrong sjws,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 not the same oneeating marcel gave her sharp nails sharp teeth and made her titan smaller,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 those functions would not change by not considering a corporation as a person if a corporation is really a person then they should be subject to the personal income tax code not a separate tax code they shouldnt be allowed to have it both ways,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i experience depression more than i experience anxiety but they are just two sides of the same coin in my opinion so i do also experience anxiety even if its not severe enough to be diagnosed with gad the reason im saying this is because imo depression amp anxiety are two sides of the same coin so you definitely could be experiencing depression i suggest you go back to your psychiatrist amp see what they recommend you do from here on out good luck if you ever need to talk to someone for whatever reason feel free to pm me whenever d,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 not that crap again the coverage of charlie hebdo in the english world is truly awful and if they bothered to get a bit informed about who the cartoonists of charlie hebdo were and what they stand for they wouldnt says such stupidities charlie hebdo editor was a leftist and propalestinian yes he did fire one of the cartoonist a friend who said im an antisemite and im not afraid to admit it i want every jew to live in fear unless hes propalestinian that guy just went too far but the journal was propalestine before that event and it was after those that dont read french only judge charlie hebdo by its cover and come with they own interpretation i didnt know anyone a bigger supporter than palestine than him he was in love with the arab culture he even spoke very well this language and read the corani heard charb on french tv coming as a supporter of palestine he has been there many times and did coverage on ithere is a critic of charb coming from israel leaders are more afraid of palestian moderation than the madness of the bearded here is a drawing by charb criticizing the israel army guys that have been killed at charlie hebdo were pacifists in every way i dont the support the prosecution of dieudonnã but it should be noted that he is being prosecuted under a recent law against the support of terrorism and his statement was meant to be interpreted as such i dont support that law but charlie hebdo never came in support of terrorism and the comparison is not possible,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 the press conference will be out soon lets wait till then before trusting a random website,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 would you recommend magnetic or fan the water ones are too spendy 1300 bucks for a piece of equipment yeah no,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 afaik the 480 is roughly equivalent of a 980 so id say its not,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 probably 9 i only talk to people that i absolutely need to in 6 months i have talked to practically no one but myself,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 on top of this every pirate ship needs a unique hull i know some of them literally are based off oforiginals for empire hulls guristas especially but they should still be slightly different similar to how the new t2 hulls are different from their t1 hulls,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 never watched it what is it about,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 well today i learned about a lot of bunch of new things thanks for thatbut yeah the problem still remains difficult to solve it makes the impossible possible but at the same time a certain amount of inaccuracy is inherent in a simplified model there is difficulty sometimes in choosing what variables are significant and which can be ignoredstill without ideal or simplified systems things would be too complex to study as there would just be too many things to account for furthermore there are limits to our ability to calculate as well so it is essential,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 not valve okayalso i am not saying 128 tick is not capable of registering more and calculating more see movement and nades it is just so that the tickrate difference between 64 and 128 tick has literally nothing to do with those hitreg problems in mm and it wont be changed just because mm servers are 128 tick maybe i should have clarified that in my first post,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i dont think its nasty haha i think its part of appreciating the positive which is sometimes defined as the opposite of negative ie not being able to poop or having some horrible parasite ridden poop edit oh you probably meant toilet sammich yeah some things are verbotten for good reasons,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 eheh well to be fair traditional shamanistic whatnot is lightyears ahead of worldviews which forbid medicine we just happen to have something much better now,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 pepper spray is pretty terrible for personal defense just keep a few things in mind if ever you use itdont use it in a confined space like your car even if youre spraying someone at the windowdont spray when youre too close or someone you dont want to spray isshit pretty much goes everywhere its a big cone effectmost people dont really know about the proper technique,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i bet that the numbers 1 to 3 are either manga spoilerss shifters or ackermans making him the number one majestic stallion,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 lol this is actually the type of thing i spend time worrying about i read that whatever kind of eel thats used for sushi is going extinct and now ordering the unagi don is a moral quandary dont want to contribute to overfishing but also dont want to miss all the eel,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i never get a full click but instead a lot and then a lot of not click moments that still improve my understanding dude i worked around people speaking spanish for 2 years and my level is still ridiculously low its mostly because i never really tried to sit down and read it or listen or practice outside of work immersion does work but you need to do it with supplements speaking listening reading and not just signs either books notices everything listen to people walking by talk to somebody asking for directions or whats good to eat simple things like this the best thing that happened for me was to talk to a native speaker every day that always helps as well id assume when you were in the philippines you only talked to mom and dad mostly well school too im sure something odd is that theres not always a logical idea to follow with it but once you get into practice it just flows out,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 ye because it is not 16 we know,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i was ambiguous because really id like to use different types of things lights actuators sound etc what would be the most versatile to learn,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 thats hot to some dudes though haha,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 without physics we would have no computers and without computers we wouldnt be able to continue to explore physics its difficult to pick one supreme inventiondevelopment theyre all so intertwined and interact in a feedback loop without materials science there would be no telescopes even though the idea behind telescopes is reliant on physics and so on,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thats good talisa remarked sincerely a stalwart supporter of the easily amused hoping to maybe elicit another laugh the ganton made a silly face crossing her eyes and sticking her tongue out a little,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 too bad the only things in the lunchbox is explosives and shrapnelid tell him to take a hike or hes getting a bolt or three to the chest then go scavenge or hunt my own damn food,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ya know most people would have the majority of my more common vba modules if they saved the public functions that are commonly found in the code i post,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 were actually the most profitable today than the store base ever been ever we also have tons of new customers as word spreads about all the changes weve made youre right that its not a good idea to piss a bunch of people off but the data suggest that the changes are good effective and will continue to allow growth the old gm could be called customerfocused but all that meant is that he gave refunds and credits left and right he never found the root cause of problems or looked to see if the reported problems were legitimate our store almost closed because of how bad he was for too many reasons to list our changes have reversed all the damage he did and our cxm scores are excellent for once,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i feel like theres a baseline sociability to be worked on and then so many different contexts and rules depending on the situation and culture of the settinggroup we have to move differently at different kinds of parties different work environments etc after spending years acquiring these different personas i now pointedly try not to use them unless i have to haha irony,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 housewife with no kids essentially a professional sammich maker,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 really ranks mean shit and even more so before the changes as there were legit novas in supremehow the fuck are numbers hard to understandthen go back to league and put your hands back on cs when you are 16 or 18 yrs old,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 on point a feeling i get sometimes of being lonely when around people because i have very few people to connect with there are very few people i can even really be myself with and unlike my introvert friends who are happier with only having one or two people they can be like that with im not,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 i would be the one to change the side of the car your gas tank cover is on every time you pull up to fill up on gas id also switch every door to be a pull instead of push and vice versa oh and you can thank me for your usb problems im still working on a fix for 31 c plugs,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i get that but unfortunately i am aspergic and i need a base of informal information to work with and then put into practise it shortens the learning process dramatically in the case of reading the book what everybody is saying i have been very successfully been able to gage stress levels and have become proficient in bringing stress levels in others down so in the case of signalling interest i am looking for a similar channel of understanding,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 indefinitely sustainable 400aa 800dps at range with no mana cost seems pretty good,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 it was indicated out by the onfield umpires so tucker needed conclusive evidence to overturn their decision,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 if you dont lock your shit you deserved it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i dont know but i guess its a subjective thing because its about what you perceive to be of value and i wouldnt doubt that much of that value is about how valuable it is to other people too you could spend thousands of hours mastering some game or practicing electronics and what i think youll find that the real skill has higher value at the cost of a more delayed reward its like the experiment with marshmellows you can have one now but if you wait you get twoi think games are a subset of reality and what makes them different from most other subsets is that they have little connection to everything else if you practice maths it is everywhere in every aspect of life on the other hand almost everything you do in a game stays in the game and since you live and breath outside of the game it will forever be disconnected from reality,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 for the first year after my tubal i was sort of waiting to see if anything would happennothing did i definitely notice my libido go up maybe from age but also from peace of mind,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 the vast majority of the electorate 70 in the case of hispanics want stronger border protection would a wall be effective maybe not i heard that people overstaying visa is as much of a problem than border crossing but the idea of strong borders is an easy sell and a wall is a simple and visual concept that people can understand if hillary wants to appear strong on borders what is she going to propose,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 seriously they were a game changer for me i let my hair air dry so i pin my bangs up while im getting ready and by the time im about to leave i take the clip out and theyre perfect,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 notice how only the js call this out lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 this question has been asked very often i think there were even surveys done and all the results were visualized in some pretty graphs and pictures id say search the subreddit for those original threads,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 exhibitionism maybe theyre just clouded by their horniness and hopefulness that theyll get to have sex with whatever lady is talking to them,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 34d would also be an equivalent cup size go up 2 inches down a cup and its essentially the same im technically like 30f or something but i wear 34ddd and it feels better for me with the larger band,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i remember hating going to vbs having to hide how i felt about religion as a child was fucking scary i thought that if anyone found out i would be forced to just do church things forever there was one time where they were doing a skit and i remember laughing and everyone just turning to look at me with question marks on their face and being asked what was so funny another time i think for my 15th birthday there happened to be a lock in at the church for the youth group which i was a part of almost voluntarily as a cover up for how much i hated religion i didnt want my mom finding out so i did youth group and youth choir and it was so damn boring i just kept to myself and listened to my cds the whole night but i digress why was ops child at vbs in the first place its vacation bible school why are they sooooo surprised that something bibley would be sent home,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 i spent all day inside and then bam lightning so idk,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 bachs sinfonia in b minor just love it that heartbeat motif in 916 the soaring broken chords the darkness of it,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 if your intention is to smash and leave then yes pick up artistry works and looks are everything otherwise looks are important and so is personality and pick up artistry will get you nowhere,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 id wait a few months before shitting in her presence,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 the labels ie tf etc are just ways to say you have certain functions in a certain order learn about the functions as they are more telling,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 a little history skip if you donâ t care all ideas that were theorized about what you may here nowadays as mbti andor socionics were first developed by one of the biggest psychologists of all time carl jung on the release of his book â œpsychological typesâ in 1921 1923 in english fast forward to 1943 while world war ii was making most males go on war leaving their jobs that had to be taken by females which were most housewives katherine cook briggs and her daughter isabel myers briggs set up a questionnaire to help women in choosing their jobs another concept very similar to the theory behind the mbti test was created in 1970 by antoni kepinski polish called socionics some people believe it is the same theory described in a different way while some believe they are two different systems either way i am going to present to you what i believe in the most indepth i could go about the theory cognitive functions mostly based on mbti with other influences such as socionics as inspiration and the early works of carl jung you may ask â œis this mbti theory or socionics theory or completely something elseâ well i am part of the people who thinks they are the same thing but it is not objective truth and i am not going to impose my views on the other group of people to clear misconceptions i believe the best thing we could do is call it jungian theory as it is firstly theorized by jung jungian theory is based on the idea that there are 8 main cognitive functions a cognitive function is basically a way that a human perceives the world processes 4 of them or absorbs information the other 4 basically 8 ways of thinkingthere are 16 personality types each consisted of 4 letters called dichotomies your personality type is basically the order of these 8 functions according to preference and role not from strongest to weakest each person regardless of their personality type is able to use each one of the 8 functions and probably did use every one of them at least once in their lifetime your personality type ex typemention typemention typemention typemention etc orders the 8 functions not according to their strength but according to your preference of using themthe way your personality type arranges your functions is according to the role they play in your life i could say the most important to the least important but thats not 100 accurate either because its like saying your heart and brain are more important than your stomach and your liver you would die without any of them you need all of them same with the functions you need all 8 of them to live they play an important role in your life even your 7th and 8thso the functions are divided into two categories judging functions the ones that process understand modify and distort information and perceiving functions the ones that absorb information they are also divided into two more categories introverted functions the ones that make most of their work on your inside and extroverted functions the ones who work on the outside world now donâ t take the word â œdecision makingâ as thinking youâ ll only use the judging functions to make decisions without judging functions you would only take all that information in without being able to do anything with it so you basically could not think but without perceiving functions you would not have any information to work with so basically you would be retarded too a word about introverted vs extraverted also skip if you donâ t have time and you donâ t want to waste time on advanced stuff and would prefer to go straight to the point as jung said â œthe generalattitude types as i have pointed out more than once are differentiated by their particular attitude to the object the introverts attitude to the object is an abstracting one at bottom he is always facing the problem of how libido can be withdrawn from the object as though an attempted ascendancy on the part of the object had to be continually frustrated the extravert on the contrary maintains a positive relation to the object to such an extent does he affirm its importance that his subjective attitude is continually being orientated by and related to the object an fond the object can never have sufficient value for him therefore its importance must always be paramountâ â psychological types by carl jung 1921 what that means is that the main difference between an introverted and an extroverted function is the relation between the subject me myself the user internal world subjective opinion and the object everyone else objects and human beings external forces external world objective opinion the introvert is sees the external world as a complete different entity from himherself the user â œitâ s me and thereâ s the worldâ while the extravert is directly living in the world and quoting carl jung â œwho are on good terms with all the world or even when disagreeing with it still hold a relation to it by which they and it are mutually affectedâ an important sentence i have to say is about the spending and release of the energy between the subject and the object in the two different concepts introversion and extroversion the introvert focuses on how the object affects the subject while the extrovert focuses on how the subject affects the object that would also mean that introversion vs extroversion would also mean that introversion is much more subjective than extroversion if you would put ten same extroverted types in a room for example typemention they would probably come to an agreement quickly while if you put in a room 10 typemention they would most likely keep a subjective opinion now that is a very particular case there are a lot of factors that come into play but keep in mind that there is no pure introvert or pure extrovert type every type has 4 introverted functions and 4 extroverted functions the introvert having more confidence and creativity in his introverted functions and the extrovert in his extroverted ones which basically means my last sentence was completely wrong and false unless the typementiontypemention would only use one function which is almost impossible since any reasoning would include the use of at least two functions one judging to process the information and one perceiving to absorb the information now if ten introverted functions were to debate a topic they would most likely all have different opinions when if there were ten extroverted functions debating they would come to agreement fast but the functions arenâ t human beings so that is impossible also one thing i hear a lot by most people is that â œextroverts recharge with socializing and spend their energy with alone time while the introvert recharges with alone time and spends their energy with socializingâ while that might be true in some cases and to some extent i think a better phrase would be that â œextroverts recharge from their outside and spend their energy one the inside while the introvert recharges on their inside and spends their energy on the outsideâ â œoutsideâ doesnâ t always mean â œpeople and socializingâ there can be extroverts that are extremely drained by people and peopleoriented extroverts so in conclusion the â œextroverts are people who go at parties and stay with peopleâ and â œintroverts are people who stay alone and play video gamesâ is relatively true in majority that means that if you are an extrovert it is more likely for you to go to parties more and if you are an introvert it is more likely to stay in the house more but thatâ s not a must also do not confuse introvert with shy it is true that most shy people are introverts but extroverted shy people exist and introverted nonshy people exist do not confuse those terms,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 ive been gone for three days and this sub is filled with reigner memessobs im so proud of you guys,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 congrats people buy cheats for fps big newsthe main attraction of cs is the fact that is a highly competitive shooter with a pro scene not that you can cheat going by your logic everyone cheats because that is the reason they bought the gamealso your they are protected by valve shit 6 accounts a year for 7â that makes 42â profit or 005 keys for one person per day for a whole year market transactions are not factored in there i assume more people buy 005 keys per day over a year than cheaters buy new accountsyour math is way off the mark also is your complaint about vacgaben explained it in the post you linked as to why they wont make vac like the esea ac and i might add that eseas ac would lead to a cheater decline of roughly 1 if you look at mmget a clue before you talk and grow up,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 florys glanced around wondering who she was standing in the way of now when she found herself alone she felt her heart leap into her throat i i suppose why per chance is a tyroshi man at pri king rhaegars court,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i dont really mind the idea of making it easier to get silencers my problem with the bill is that it lifts a ton of restrictions on killing endangered animals,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 most people on this sub wouldnt like it but still the bbc has an amazing series called call the midwife its about a group of midwifes in the 50s in a rather poor area of london it deals with a lot of really important issues most importantly to me how the lack of hormonal reliable birth control in that time affected societal norms for women and the societal view on family and childrenit also deals with topics like legalization of abortion societal becoming less religious the development of how people would go to hospitals to give birth and get other medical treatments instead of giving birth at home lots of thingsthe thing is im a 90s kid this was the time when my grandparents were adults this was their reality and my parents baby boom were the first to deal with all these societal changes but were raised by the generation for whom those changes felt so foreign that bbc series was honestly eye opening for me the world changes beyond recognition in the past 100 years or so thats only about 1 lifetime we are still as a society very much searching of what these developments mean for us and how all our values and ideals need to be revaluated i believe this change of how society views raising children is part of that,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 question who has to pour more money into cheating preventionthe drug tests are done by the esl the anticheat for mm is done by valve do you see where i want to go,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 chinese manufacturing and copies of things can be quite good nowadays i collect knives and i know for a fact the quality of some of their clones is insane like nearly impossible to differentiate a 80 knife from a 300 one even when disassembled you have to know what to look for and of course the steel is likely something else but really price differencehow badly do you want that 25 extra fit and finish that may or may not be there in the finished productanyhow its also entirely possible that theyre using the same factory for both of these projects aliexpress sells very shady things obviously,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the title determines whether i take a closer look the blurb determines whether i open the book i will reassess that decision after the first few pages and again after the first few chapters generally i will finish a book once i get that far although i do occasionally abandon a book at a later stagea new book by an author whose work i have enjoyed will always warrant a closer look,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 good dogs are lawful neutral they are just about willing to do anything if you command them to hunting protection and cold blooded murder,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i bet that the numbers 1 to 3 are either manga spoilerss shifters or ackermans making him the number one majestic stallion,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 dammit misread your comment didnt see the this before typemention and i was like wtf dude god,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 one of my favorite romanian rappers is releasing his new album this month this is the last song he released as a single will not appear on the album,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 psst shape is pretty well fixed for any sort of receiving dish considering you can prove the best shape is parabolic size is the only qualifier necessary here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 rubio can consider himself lucky trump is handling him with white gloves the only person so scripted i have ever seen is sarah palin,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yeah but they are all doing that lol,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 not breathing doesnt mean she wasnt getting oxygen to the brain an emt was performing cpr for those 10 minutes which means she was getting oxygen,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 because it is people use means of code obfuscation and the compiler might make gibberish out of itif you cant obtain the pdb or uncompiled files it is hard to reverse engineer even if it is a programm of a small sizefor example a single 1mb exe can contain milions of loc,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i loved renly from that moment,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 the room was ornate a welldecorated room for a welldecorated captain dice sat in the lap of the venerable captain and in her lap sat an open briefcase filled with berries she looked up at don a wide smile spreading across her face behind her wisps of smoke rose from the back of the captains head drawing the eye to the blood spattered over assorted plaques medals and flags,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 no doubt the orville is far more star trek than this show could hope to be not to say its bad it just isnt star trek it might as well be called action sci fantasy inspired by star trekmy definition of a star trek show a tv show about space exploration set in the original continuity that is actually about the people on the ship and their experiences and where i actually know the names of the bridge crew let alone actually give a shit about them,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 this would be the simplest example of listing out all the worksheets in your workbook on the currently active worksheet option explicit public sub listworksheets dim ws as worksheet for each ws in thisworkbooksheets activesheetcellswsindex 1value wsname next ws set ws nothing end subin order for us to make it fancier like what you described in your op well need to know how the data on your main worksheet is formatted where this worksheet info is going to go on that page but with vba everything youre wanting to do to automate the workbook is possible,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 del toro tends to have less dramatic box office returns than several other directors and ever since mimic refuses to compromise his vision to appease producers he also tends to be drawn to projects that would be difficult to market see mountains of madness this ends up with him having to backburner a vast amount of material,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 haha honestly i feel like my type fluctuates a bit depending on the day but typemention speaks to me the most but i hang out here and at a few other close mbti subs because i can still relate sometimes,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i think it would be gorgeous to get married at crown point vista house at sunrise or sunset views and scenery are amazing,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 the only muslims that ive met were either cab drivers or overseas temp workers hired to replace me at my jobdoes that make me racist,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ive noticed it on reddit and many of the typing quizzestests but not elsewhere i dont get how intuitives get steretyped as smart and sensors as dumb it makes zero sense and if anything i would think it would be the opposite or most likely balanced i would think the intelligence stereotype would be a thinker bias over feelers yet oddly enough i havent seen that,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 id be delighted to see a professional debate without a rambunctious audience like you saw during the primaries im trying to predict what kind of slant hes going to try live without a teleprompter helping him trump clearly isnt trying to win based on reasonable arguments but rather playing the media by stirring up controversy with carefully selected sound bites if he played the debate perfectly normally but did something along the lines of this attacking cnn sure hed get shot down at the time but with the nation watching this would be the buzzing topic postdebate with cnn leading the charge in trump smearing it could potentially be a sharp thing for him to stir up in the eyes of the public granted he can pull off the rest of the debate somewhat professionallyjust seems like something he would pull given his dishonest media angle,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thank you ill add it to the list,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 being in a relationship with someone is supposed to make your life happier are you happy,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 gilded responses are basically archived just go to the gilded comments in rexplainlikeimfive,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i know but it still stacksif you have been banned for the first time you need one week without being kicked etc for your cooldown to get back to 2 days if you get kickedabandonget kicked in this time you will get 7 days again and have to wait two weeks without comitting offense for it to go down to a 2 day ban,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 kinda sad to watch this people really dont have any idea how to pick up andor handlehold cats,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im quitting soon for the same reason i hate to let some stupid pos win but either i quit or i lose my shit on him he isnt worth a felony also my new side gig pays way more,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i thought about going a little deeper like keeping track of first bloods killer and killee and such but i dont know that id be able to keep it up for the whole split my work and school schedules are kinda rough right nowthank you for the suggestion though,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 we live in a companycentric system and need to transition to a peoplecentric system in the former capital is fiat money in the latter it is a measure of human needs we need to tie money to people the existence of a person would be the reason authorization necessary to issue one unit of bhi and put it in economic circulation money enters economy through peoples bhi,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 general roll prev rolled a twins special event1102 child dies103108 identical twins roll 2 characteristic and 1 gender roll109134 fraternal twins roll 2 characteristic and 2 gender rolls1351000 single child that survivesurollme 3 1d1000characteristic roll1 child has goodneutral characteristic2 child has badharmful characteristic3 child has one goodneutral and one bad characteristic410 child is normalurollme 3 1d10goodneutral characteristic roll124 child is geniusgifted2534 child is especially attractive3556 child has a large sizeheight5788 child is especially physically strong8991 child is lgbt92100 multiple goodneutral characteristics roll again twiceurollme 3 1d100badharmful characteristic roll1 child has dwarfism24 child is blind5 child is deaf68 child is mentally retardedslow witted933 child is insanementally ill3438 child is crippleddisabled3965 other physical defect6691 other genetic disorder92100 multiple badharmful characteristics roll again twiceurollme 3 1d100gender roll1 boy2 girlurollme 3 1d2,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 the internet might be already conscious a neuroscientistâ s radical theory of how networks become conscious wiredcom,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 yeah sorry for the kneejerk reaction but im not sure this is the correct direction to go i already feel like many of the stats crit lifesteal mana regen in paragon are unviable and making shred cards mandatory by not killing the armor meta further limits viable builds in soloq,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 bold prediction chase qualifies for the chase today,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 government would be decentralized down to a citystate level and at the citystate level the people would organize their society as they please my ideal society would be at this level would be one with an extremely small government which would maintain some basic infrastructure and defend property rights,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 woah slow down there sexy koala give it a rest,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 its never a good sign when people come here asking how to make their partners happy imo even if youre right that we all like the same things which really isnt true by the way not that i particularly care why wouldnt you still just ask your girlfriend shell appreciate that you want to get to know her better and that you think about making her happy if you wanted to make me happy youd spend time with me first of all listen to the things i say assuming that baseline is met i like to go on spontaneous trips to the park or the beach or my favorite coffee shop i like doing things spontaneously in general id be happy to take a spontaneous weekend trip i have a feeling this isnt universal among typemention though oh and massages i think everyone likes this,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 few links on this wiki,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 nicely said youve summed up my own feelings rather well although as ive gotten older ive been trying harder to work on controlling the moment as well,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 sounds like you handled it properly,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 manmade climate change is a hoaxok vaccines dont cause autism but ive never heard him say thatfuck isisi dont think he wants to add 10 trillion to the debtlets see some sources,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i must remember to thank my parents they gave me an expensive as hell amiga 500 with an expensive as hell hardrive addon and told me you break it you fix it that got me tinkering and learning that computers can be broken fixed and altered it got me where i am today,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 cthun mage counters aggro shaman pretty well,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 the bar for being better than james amp mikes lets play is extremely low,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 tasted the eating part is not mentioned and not necessarily what happened,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i usually ask them am i too quiet they then say yes do you want me to tell a story nervous laughter i then proceed to do some small talk that most of the time gets people of my back for quite a while,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 are they having synchronized seizures,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 like his probably good bye supreme,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i do think cs would be one of the degrees that is doable at b2 the fact that youve been b2 before you spent some time there a few years ago may does not say anything b to c level is the biggest step to make in language learning many get stuck on b2 because you need to really get some immersion going on or active dailyevery other day training to get from b2 to c1 so unless you have being working at it actively youd probably still be at b2with cs youll also have no problem finding a job in europe and if not in francce you can move to belgium also bilingual frenchdutch for example i live in the netherlands and most of the cs students at my uni are picked up by companies way before they graduatei think whats important now is for you to figure out the visa application process considering i read below you dont have uk nationality only ancestry visa and to contact several of the unis youre interested in and see if they would do an informal assessment of your diplomas to see if you have a good chance of being admitted,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 you should not have a sex change in the first place,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 katana leaped down the last floor slashing in an arc in an effort to disarm the droid,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 no joke a friend of mine sampled that in a techno tune along with a sample from the news segment of the aural exam talking about tabladai ecstasy was pretty funny,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 bwahaha shady yeah typemention are great really so hard to find though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 and then theres me buys 7990 for 600 in 2013 new sells 7990 for 600 in 2016 used on ebay buys 480 for 300 in 2016 new sells 480 for 420 in 2017 usedin the last 4 years im positive cash flow for my gpu budget many people forget that these components exist within a commodity market and forget the fundamentals of buy lowsell high does it suck that i cant run my 1440p monitor at nearly 60 fps anymore sure but its freaking summer and theres a ton of other things to do than play games its easy to forget that despite how budgetcheap midrange cards may be they are a luxury commodity and often should be treated as such,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 and so whats your proposed solution even putin and erdogan with their strongarm tactics cant seem to prevent them,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 warning long rantanonymity frees people from direct consequenceyou see it and joke about it in online games as well as in more overtly social settings this is why youtube eventually pushed to use your real name as accountability for identity decreases unsavory comments it doesnt eliminate them of course just decreases themso here we are on reddit where everyone can speak their mind behind any number of faceless usernames throwaway accounts are not only acceptable but encouraged with very little effort you can make up creepythrowaway0315 and go harass someone until they block you and you have to put together creepythrowaway0316 hell you can even play both sides of the fence and have whiteknight0401 swoop in with a sympathetic comment and staged comforthow can we trust anyone when everyones identities are interchangeable and everyones motivations are suspect how can we expect to feel safe discussing our most intimate thoughts with strangers and not provoke negative attention well we cant this whole anonymity thing works two ways we get the chance to be our most honest selves here if we want or we can pretend to be someone else this masquerade ball is both freeing and dangerousive never used a throwaway here ive posted photos of myself along the way you could dox me fairly easily and if someone in my personal life were to pay even a little bit of attention they could easily figure out who i am it probably wouldnt take much for a total stranger to figure out my name and location at this pointbut im a guy historically its assumed that id be the predator for that matter i even fit the statistical profile of being a serial killer since im also white and in the right age range and so on im protected from the monsters because its easily assumed im a monster toothe women here and the subs and the subs who are also women theyre tremendously brave because classically they represent prey they develop an understandable siege mentality while they try to use this site as well as dating sites because for them its like trying to get grocery shopping done when the store is full of hungry lionsi occasionally get grief for defending these folks im accused of being an aforementioned white knight who wears a fedoratrilby and calls himself a nice guy ironically those accusations come from an assumption that im a different kind of predator one who pretends to be valiant and sweet but is still just as dastardly as a wolf without sheeps clothing i say its even more reprehensible due to the extra layer of manipulative deceptionis it unfair to assume that im a bad guy either openly or secretly fuck yes it is i didnt earn that reputation my gender did im lumped in with the mass of desperately horny apes at keyboards across the globe by merit of being a testosteronebased lifeformright so here we are then after all of that women and subs are scared while men and doms are demonized all because there are pathetic assholes out there making the internet annoying for everyonethe difference between problemsolving and whining is if you have a solution to propose or not and i certainly have a proposition its a threeparter but straightforward1 if you feel like prey walk away the cool thing about the internet is that you can ignore people instantly dont fuel their stupidity by responding at all click poof done2 remember who you actually are would any two strangers in real life have a successful conversation that opened with ayy baby want some fuck if you think thatd work out are you seriously that badass or that laughably desperate3 dont shit where you sleep if you want to be part of an online community thats great contribute to it make it better let it grow so itll be more useful to you if you just make other people hate using it then youre basically pissing in your own soup pretty sure you dont want to do thatalright my rants over odds are im only preaching to the choir here i know sermons rarely convert sinners but they do bolster the morale of the righteous and thats a good thing tootldr idiots are dumb dont be an idiot,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 im not one of these people but i live in a conservative area of texas so i know several of them the people who rant about obama would do it whether or not he was black because they would still see him as a liberal trying to steal their guns and force abortion on them some older people add racist comments but thats an icingonthecake thingbirthers though do tend to be more actually racist,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 not sure i have 23 real friends but a ton of acquaintances one typemention i know is the biggest purveyor of how big ones social circle is in a kind of eerie way he asked me how my dog was being taken care of while i was in sf i said oh i have some friends trading off when its most convenient for them hes like oh you must have a healthy social circle for that ok weirdo is that all i am to you,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 most likely one or two of em are dead by now,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 hmu sometime im on at night,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ok seriously stop making and queueing for shit tracks like this and having collisions andor weapons on its just bs that takes far too long and is just frustrating for all and whats the point when over half the people quit before its over and thats the only reason anyone can complete them too that should tell you something,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thats not splitting hairs thats a good argument,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 im going to just assume your playing pugmire,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 eh i think one of the kindles strengths is that it does one thing well and nothing else youre probably better off with a fire if you want versatility,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 my gt 1 year relationships were with two typemention and an typemention sadly not at the same time as they were jealous sorts i could definitely see myself with an typemention typemention or typemention besides basically anyone i could talk to for hours and hours and hours i think that we need our partner to be our intellectual equal beyond that a preference for more or less feels is up to the individual personally were i to be with an typemention she would need to be of the really loving and warm sort as i am such and would feel lonely were it not returned oh and by the way if i had any troubles due to my type it was because of laziness i am not emotionally retarded or completely dead inside,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i work for an organization that has poor structure topdown imo tons of things are lost in translation i have way too many bosses am expected to take on an increasing number of supervisory decisionsduties myself without explanation why etc the liability increases regularly and my biggest worry is making a misstep out of my control andor knowledge and them throwing me under the bus for it i have become increasingly frustrated to the point where i am planning to quit soon i have also grown tired of being micro managed in some areas while getting little to no feedback in other areas i am not the type to be a kiss ass or yesman so this has given me trouble in the workplace i have attemtped to shed light on all these things except the fear of losing my job because of a misstep why is this so frustrating to me i like to see the big picture i want to know how all departments work together the duties of the people in those departments i prefer to have clear boundaries if there is rampant miscommunication i may point this out using the appropriate channels talk to a supervisor or hr to try to improve it this usually falls in deaf ears or the change is proposed by a higher up and i am never given credit for it at the risk of sounding whiny initiatives i have thoughtfully proposed have been implemented company wide but never noted in my annual review it just makes me sad they cant even give me a positive sentence on a report our reviews are all very generic we have had an astounding number of people quit in the last 2 months and theyhigher ups cannot figure out why,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 passive mind control rod reiss certainly has an interesting personality but i wouldnt call him attractive,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yeah taking something that has a very boring face value or purpose and then trying to squeeze all the meaning and imaginative uses out of it as you can is something ive always liked doing friends would point out something mundane and then id be like or instead xyz could have happened and its always something silly or absurd that would completely tickle me as a concept and theyd be pretty unimpressed it was great when i found those friends who would take those silly observations and inventions and either laugh or then build off them too ive tried explaining the way my brain works to friends in the past and ive often been greeted with confusion i dont know how strictly literal and linear brains work and what that would be like what do they do with all the extra space i might be drab and quiet on the outside but my noggin is bursting with sound and color,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i recall some 922r stuff in the video but living in free texas i didnt really pay attention but that makes sense,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 im fairly lucky to have an indian and asian market in the same outlet mall d,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 sure that doesnt mean all muslims participate though and its a bit silly to imply they do,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 if it was over london you could see the eiffel tower,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 compassion kindness like somebody said somewhere not politeness its genuine kindness people getting called out for that shit all the time jealousy theyre immoral eh hey i dont think so,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 22 and now you have already experienced all there is to experience stereotypical 20 something i always thought that was at least past 25 paradoxically stereotypical seems to be the exception in life not the norm you are just barely entering the sceneso you really think you need to have achieved an accomplished life ready for retirement as all that can be done has been done at the ripe age of 22 at 22 you havent experienced your worst breakups yet nor your most fulfilling relationships you havent had a careerpath yet you havent even startedsuccess is not defined by just having stuff explode in a thousand pieces instead of a million success is having stuff exploding in a bazillion pieces but not letting it get to you and still coming out on top with workable solutions life is a wave of chaos being mature is having the confidence and the skills to ride that wave and not going underat 22 the best and the worst has yet to come,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 we have lots of pretty things over at rmineralporn,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yeah thats true but gdp shows how sustainable that level of spend is for a country as a proportion of potential tax revenue which is why i think its a more important measure than annual budget,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 most important thing i think d my favorite moment in the show spartacus was when this roman dude said remove head from ass and set foot to path well said roman dude well said,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ok lets say we do that how do we signal in a general way what we prefer i like penetrating and i like to be penetrated so what nonheteronormative nomenclature do you propose,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 pedrosa didnt care about the drama and just wanted to win if marquez wouldnt be such a bitch for lorenzo the last rounds would have been actually exciting,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 koepka already made it i thought if not definitely him,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 it says in the report vision assistanceif a person gets 20 kills through smokes and traces people through them ill vote guilty same with alt tabbing in front of a smoke which is obviouswell see if the day comesokay what it says is external software to gain information about the location of their opponents eg vision through walls or smokeso since i dont know what caused him to watch through smokes i am free to tick that box as he could abuse the bug or be cheating or not knowing that he has itin 2 of 3 cases getting rid of him is a good thing the third case should be relatively easy to spotstands in the proximity of a smoke for 2 seconds and does nothing maybe,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i would say its a good sign it shows youre really considering other points of viewi mean youre reading philosophy what did you expect it comes with the territory surely,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 austin petersen so should a jewish bakery be forced to bake a nazi cake gary johnson that would be my contention yes,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i enjoy the trend here that when someone says x type is doing these things i dont like that x type thinks they are possibly misunderstood i see it all the time when someone says this typemention was a dick to me and some say are you sure they arent just hungry did you feed it lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 naw funny how you kids only know black and whitei just get annoyed by this stupid circlejerk which is absolutely irelevant and exaggerated into oblivionfor casters to jump on a bandwagon if nothing has been proven is unprofessional and in this case more a case of bullying instead of a witty remarkyou may think otherwise and call me a fanboy but i might as well call you a idiot for assuming things based on a comment that displays my personal opinion of casters and their behaviour while representing a sport or something that aspires to be recognised as such it has something to do with professionalism and work ethics but i guess that doesnt bode so well with you kids,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 uafinedayforscience you need to get your shit togetherother users are starting to beat you in posting relevant norse mythology info,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 do we have to be british ol bean,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 theres a variety of methods for you to store the macros you want to use so they are always accessible heres the macro that you are talking about though option explicit public sub togglefontcolor togglefontcolor macro toggles the font color of selected cells between different colors keyboard shortcut ctrlshifta dim tcell as range for each tcell in selection select case tcellfontcolorindex case 4105 default black tcellfontcolorindex 4 case 3 red tcellfontcolorindex 5 case 4 green tcellfontcolorindex 3 case 5 blue tcellfontcolorindex 4105 case else revert to default black tcellfontcolorindex 4105 end select next tcell set tcell nothing end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 they created the monster which is trump,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i know maybe a few typementionone that i find to be extremely selfish and inconsideratethe other whos super awesome and my bffl that i can totally count on for anythingactually thinking about it i do have another typemention friend who literally stretches himself thin in terms of friends however we get along well but we dont hang out oftenit varies for me,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 34d would also be an equivalent cup size go up 2 inches down a cup and its essentially the same im technically like 30f or something but i wear 34ddd and it feels better for me with the larger band,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 people are talking about being able to mute doorways by placing the jammers out of sight with castle barricades and fortified walls it effectively makes a brick wall save for thatcher going slow doesnt matter if going under a door jams the drone using a jammer you cant get an angle on,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 well i think currently most teams would rather play the away match first either you outscore the opponent and you have a home match afterwards so youre more likely to be able to defend that lead or you losetie the away match and then get to play at home to try and make up for it with the home advantage,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 very informative i do think this particular part is critical to understanding the attacksbolding minetldr breed is clearly relevant but the media reports of breed are not reliable in most fatal attacks numerous risk factors other than breed were present and finally always supervise children and dogsedit found slightly more information about the javma study here if youre interested,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 we do let him do his thing we just like to speculate what happens next its a game really something like betting on horse races without the horrible debt that comes with it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i think i can speak for pi players in general when we say we know ballzilla doesnt cheat his o is why he shines,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 haha yeah especially a nice one like whole foods i could just hang out in the cheese section for 30 minutes reading about how the cheeses are made thinking about what theyd taste like or sniffing the teas looking at the weird fish etc grocery stores are such an amazing luxury mmm i should probably eat something,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i dont know if you are a troll or just really stupid at this pointyou lose no information if i have 128 fps i get fresh data every frame and send fresh data every frame if my monitor displays 120 or 60 frames per second makes no fucking difference the only thing it does is displaying every single frame assuming you have 128hz however the outcome is the same regardless if you play with 60 or 120 or 144hz you always see the same you always send the same and you always receive the same information regardless of your hz that is why you will always see the same thing in cs regardless of the hz of your monitorotherwise people with high hz monitors would wreck everyone on 128 tick servers which isnt the caseplease turn on your brain pleasemaybe read this post and turn on your brain,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i just like the colors and the fit and how fancy they are all the sparkles and designs theyre so eye catching and interesting its like getting to wear a halloween costume every day which i totally would if i could afford it,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i dont disagree with what youve said to expand on the simplified what why how i think why is a combination of what and how between many variables whereas what and how are primitive concrete data points lemme take a stab at why what and how by function cogfuncmention why is this thing x way based on the whats and hows what pattern does it conform to what are the links between that pattern and other patterns ie how do they interact cogfuncmention reduces whats and hows to essences then adds those to construct a why cogfuncmention what am i looking at and how is it connected could it be connected in this way if the whats were different could it then connect in this way cogfuncmention is much like cogfuncmention but it quickly takes all the whats and hows and slams them together into many possible arrangements its like a brute force decryption cogfuncmention why would that thing connect or not do the whats and hows add up or actually fit together cogfuncmention what am i looking at what is actually happening and how what are all the steps from a to z cogfuncmention why do i feel the way i do what meaning is to be found when i combine all the whats and hows of my feels cogfuncmention what and how do other people feel cogfuncmention supplies the why cogfuncmention supplies more whats and hows for cogfuncmention to chew on cogfuncmention supplies the whys as externalities in the form of traditions and past practices because this is how it was done in the past and that worked ok,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im not in the same field as you but one site which may help you out is eurobrussels they regularly update internship offers,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 i think a balance is what is most um balanced haha i think it is harmful to not deal with your emotions yes but deciding what to do based on them is foolish as fuck not recognizing when your emotions are dictating your logic is a great way to fuck everything up,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 mobas are the plague of the world they should all be eliminatedtouch screen please thats not a good input device at all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you cant make your kid become an typemention for all you know your kid will end up as an typemention and there is nothing you can do to change that ever been around babies of a couple of months old ever noticed how even at that age some children are very quiet and some are crying the second they dont get any attention this was for me the reason why i didnt want children i would like to have a kid if the kid would be exactly like the kid i envision in my head but thats not reality and being a good parent is able to guide your kid through life regardless of what your kids personality turns out to be,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i need to know this as well last year on launch i needed to switch from a traditional contract to edge so i couldnt preorder having switched now im assuming i will be able to this year id like confirmation though the only reason i switched to edge was so i could upgrade every year without paying offcontract every other year like i had been doing it would be stupid imo if that means that we cant preorder online,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 heh that made me think of gravity falls for some reason,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 found the guy smoking reggie,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 there is a bit of a caveat to that as well once they start pushing the 10 in attractiveness they become a bit less trusted and intimidating at a certain point,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 you have colt and falco being insignificant again and development for forgotten characters on the same pagedont they contradict one another there arent any other characters introduced on marley that can already be considered forgotten,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i know this is a lot of work but maybe you can go team gt team name gt player gt player profile and past expeirence and acheivements quotes and stuff maybe a little more player infoother than that this is amazing just hope it keeps updated,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this reminds me of when i told some of my friends that id decided i was extroverted it was about even between are you kidding and of course you are dumbass,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 haha no prob nothing like a vindictive stalker to add a little spice to your daily life although admittedly their spice palate is limited to salty and bitter,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 thanks for all the info,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 what can i say i like the keep things slow though im at the point now that im ready to move to the next actareas,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 im a quarter norwegian and a quarter polish other than that im english my dad was at the queens coronation french and i think german but im not too sure on that last one i feel like im forgetting something shrug,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 like i said maybe she had them locked up except the one she kept on hermaybe she had guns for protection from the pyscho she was living withyou dont know is the point,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i agree with what most people said in this thread there is a skillful way of using antidepressant and medication i have been on and off various antidepressant and other medication like neurotin and overall they have helped me progress kenneth folks talks about being on two antidepressants at some point on his path i read a story of a thai monk who believed himself to be well advanced on this path went to live alone in the wood but commited suicide early on i did the mistake of getting off a medication lyrica while on a retreat deluding myself that my practice was somehow more faithful to the precept that way i ended up leaving the retreat and i think i would have been able to practice longer if i had kept using the medication some medication might dull the mind and slow down the practice for instance benzos are better avoided unless you really requires them to move from difficult time on the other hand medication that make you overall positive give you energy and focus can be pretty helpful tea is commonly used by monks for its caffeine and theanine content ajahn boowa was an avid smoker as many other monks not that i recommend it but it illustrate that the use of substance that dont dull the mind in buddhism is more accepted than what we tend to believe,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yeah and as a coward deleted his downvoted posts,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im not deserving of the thanks my friend find the one who did do the downvote,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 none of these work on mobile i got the flash apk but i just cant get past these ads,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this is the way to go i never even bought any sweeteneri just got some simple flavors and started mixing nothing too complex found a few things i enjoy still trying out new stuff every now and again it works for me and keeps the cost even loweri never found an ejuice i bought that blew me away and spent quite a while trying so i figured id give diy a shot and found it to be good if not betterall about optimizingim even going to treat myself to a new rta and ss wire on the 4th because of it that will probably keep the coilscotton even cleaner,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 dang beautiful job i love building stations trouble is im terrible with docking the pieces together let alone getting their orbits synched together haha,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 in all realist if a political ideology is ultra authoritarian it will be a tyranny wether it is right wing or left wing,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 party less and do more sports d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 k well the first two were obviously ai xdthe third could be either true or a lie though its hard to tell since the lies are credible and therefore its essentially a 5050 guess to distinguish them im going to guess that its a lie but i dont really have any idea,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 i have been friends with an typemention for 8 years and have received one hug from him that entire time it was a good hug thoughive worked with my typemention boss for a year and he gave me a hug at the last work party when i was leaving it was awkward and the world almost exploded but it was also very endearingim not friends with typemention irl but my typemention coworker weirdly likes hugs when they arise because she doesnt get many living alonei usually only hug people im banging or when its socially expectedthe social expectation hug is the worst,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 yes it creates a perverse incentive for abortion rights supporters to see to it that those who should have been aborted individually or collectively but werent live a miserable life thereby proving that they were right they have a clear disincentive towards helping abortion survivors because if they become a happysuccessful person then that undermines their political position,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 anything steven universe related would be nice no shirts cuz sizes vary peridot is my fave character xd,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 umm you implied some negative things about mensa1 variability is a good thing2 thats just an excuse every test type favors people who are familiar andor comfortable with the format3 maybe thats because some people dont want to be in mensa maybe some people have never heard of it maybe some people dont want to spend the money maybe some people think theyre too good for mensa and on and on4 this is purely subjective speculation on your part and hardly worth even responding to5 its a club for people in the top 2 iq range which is why they accept many different forms of verification not just the mensa testthe other types of intelligence you mention are great theyre just not the type mensa is about would mozart have made it in to mensa i dont know but the point is i doubt anyone would think any differently about him if he didnt make it in fact joining mensa is a measure of myself for me it says nothing about people who are not in mensa whether they failed the test or chose not to take it i have a feeling you are probably in the former group,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 thats not even an ai thing its a programming thing they need to connect the apis to the voice command module it means they need to do a little bit of actual normal common computer programming to fix it but they dont i hope we will be able to fix it with the help of the voice command api apples siri is suffering from the same type of neglect im wondering why they didnt set a team to maximize the things the assistant could do with current level technology maybe they are pacing their improvements to keep us interested,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 yes thats n in a nutshell if you want to be super reductive about it n is abstraction in much the same was that mathematics and language are abstractions they dont really exist without people to think about them cogfuncmention as opposed to cogfuncmention is primarily concerned with generating abstractions regarding whatever the person is perceiving,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 vaping ban in public is more like a perfume ban than cigarette,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 wow i thought he ran out of things to draw but this is one he hasnt done yet,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i am 35 of the two typemention i have spoken with at some length one just turned 25f and one is 42m they both seem to be about 35 to me hahah i wouldnt hang out with most 25 year olds for longer than i had to ive been hounding another 25 year old to talk to me for a couple of months and will finally get a chance to pick her brain tomorrow but she seems much more mature and deep than her years would suggest,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 hillary just got steamrolled bythe trump train,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 harambe is just a gorilla everyone needs to chill out,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 oh ive taken that test at some point if youre referring to the personality test which uses colors and shapes no more like lattices,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 go to the formula tab and switch calculation to automatic,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i only really like treyarch cods but yeah mw2 can be playable but i often run into crazy lobbies similar to what mw1 has going on rapid fire noob tubes and instant max prestige i really quit playing once that max prestige thing happened to me took the fun out of actually leveling up,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 part of it is also the enneagram type 6 always questioning myself never sure,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 brown recluse are easily identifiable though and theyre called recluse for a reason they aint exactly seeking people outfar too many innocent lovely wolf spiders have been slaughtered on account of being mistaken for the recluse wolf spiders have parallel stripes people,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 do you drink coffee or soft drinks alcoholic beveragestheres lots of drugs just because the govt outlaws one and not the other doesnt necessarily reflect the seriousness of the drugbut hey whatever you make your choices ill make mine dont shake your head at me i sure wont ask for your approval though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 fake it till you make it seriously if you feel yourself getting a bad attitude about something just pretend youre really enthusiastichappy to be there and youll eventually find yourself enjoying things morefor example i hated hiking when i was a kid and complained the whole time when my family took me hiking anywhere i was so miserable and being negative about it didnt help me enjoy it any more as i got older i started faking enthusiasm and getting myself pumped up about hiking even though i knew it was totally bogus the fake enthusiasm was totally ridiculous and infectious that it put me in a good mood and i enjoyed myself more to the point where i looked forward to it as for being too extreme on the positive side i have very little advice maybe step back now and then with a critical eye not an unkind one but just from a more analytical standpoint tldr you have a lot of power over your own perception of things use it to your advantage,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 ah thats an interesting idea if he even lets me put him in a bowl when i need to put him in a box or something he always wants out to explore,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 holy wild anonymous assumptions batmanim certain that in your professional expertise you understand every cost allocated for the development process however in your facetious pedanticism you left out so muchwhy not detail the costs of preconstruction while you are lavishly adding expenses of the externalities of a build you completely failed to mention of the cost of an environmental impact assessment before breaking ground dont forget to add the expenses of a perk test phase 1 2 and 3 if you have to do some clean up and 25x wetland replacement if you are within 500ft of a body of pond lake river creak or stream be sure to include a variety of native species in your replanting i would hate to see you leave of the costs of being fined by the local deq for accidentally planting an invasive species sjust because you have some knowledge in any given subject doesnt mean that everyone else is an ignorant spigot i respect your skepticism of my speculation on future trends its healthy and i welcome it i didnt have the gumption required to argue about the merits of how decriminalization of cannabis will positively correlate with the availability of hempbased raw materials specifically high density plastics and concrete will impact future development of specifically for techforward countries during my work day yesterdayi understand your point of view but respectfully disagree that current costs of the most efficient ways of construction will obfuscate the future potential automated building processeslastly my dinosaur analogy holds water market share for britannica is 057 source experian hitwise marketing data 2009ps i too can share a reaction gif for emphasis at the end of a reply heres a movie i think you should rewatch it may help you be less of a recalcitrant,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 the gay community ime is a completely completely different animal than dating in the straight world as intuitive dom i have an typemention gay buddy and an typemention lesbian who are both fucking amazing people that i love they both have similar complaints about the gay dating scene,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 haha well it was on time yesterday and for some reason when the alarm was supposed to wake me up today it was back to nondst,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 sure why not but only if she were to be a bit more passive i like to wear the pants,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 per capita it was the percentage of people killed or injured was lower,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 haha i think its a common misconception that typemention want to be entertained most of the time ive had wayyy more trouble with partners saying i didnt give them enough attention i need a lot of stimulation but that doesnt mean i need it from people d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 and fuck over people with bad internet64 tick is not going to be changed live with it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 why cant the mastering engineer make room for himself by turning down the master fader,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 jesus we look so beatable sometimes,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 well the nsdap fired all people responsible quite literally also,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 no thats not the only explanation and yelling it harder doesnt make it true if you want to convince me then you need to come up with arguments and counter arguments to my arguments constantly repeating the same sentences gets you nowherethis is the point where i start to suspect that youre just trying to start a fightim going to ignore those 3 points for a moment ive already debunked them twice but youve obviously not read my responsesmaybe but so does eren confusion memoriesim not insulting you either thank youand yes thats what im implying ive said that already hes subconsciously filling in the gaps between the intel from the books and the flashes of memories he gotthe big twist would be that the wielder of the biggest power in the world is going insane a god going schizophrenic would make an amazing story its also way more original than the grandfather paradox that youre suggestingwhat exactly im not saying that the info he remembered was wrong he simply read that in the books the only thing which wasntcouldnt be in the books where krugers exact words his reference to armin and mikasa for example which eren made upconfused,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 funny how now that so manny veterans have received bans those of us that are left still get more often the top comment than the new recruitsactually now that i think about it thats kinda sad,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thats it that sealed the deal this is the one that sealed the deal,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 for me its just an overall experience yknow i just like the idea of it that much and the actual gameplay is fun graphics just isnt as high up on my list for some things but always a nice to have put out two identical games well im gonna pick the better graphics onebut anyhow im a guy who plays minecraft and dwarf fortress so yeah theres that though i do improve the graphics as much as i can with bothmaybe i just have a better imagination,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 that reasoning makes no sense because the argument here is that youre in a position to help at the time in question they arentyou cant possibly infer that until the roles are reversed which likely wont be something you could know at the time,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if they had used it themselves people would be mad at the contractor waste and those angry people includes the iraqis,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 then you play per 5e raw 1s and 20s are special only on attack rolls not in skill checks not for saving throwsit gets rid of the system flaw i was mocking yay,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 what the fuck dude youre turning on us id argue that its only immature typemention that cant logically defend their positions anyway control of the tert function comes with agematuritydesire ime typemention and ntps mostly fight because we think very very differently so theres a lot of miscommunication if the cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention arent working overtime to smooth things over,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i would disagree but another settlement needs my help,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 and walmart used to sell quality american made products,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 well it depends on the kind of bud how long it was vaped and in what quantity dosing is a little difficult because of it for reference ive eaten a heaping tablespoon full and maybe gotten to a 3 ive also eaten another tablespoon full and gotten to a 9 almost uncomfortably high but yes it does work by eating it watch out though it wont take effect for about 45 min to an hour if you eat too much you wont know until it hits you an hour later like a giant thc bomb out of nowhere and you wont have a good time it also lasts hours longer than smoking or vaping try a little and wait an hour to see how you react to it before you eat any more that will help gauge a proper dose ive eaten avb raw tastes like shit imo in jello pudding cups on pizza pbampj sandwich baked in brownies you can eat it almost however you can get it down without too much trouble,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 if you dont play it wrong there wouldnt be a problem,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if you hate war and the drug war you should want trump out of office asap the only one who still wants a drug war is jeff sessions and trump is going to get us into wwiii not sure what to tell you about spying but i hate it too as a liberal and im certainly on board with helping you fight ic overreach we need taxes though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 thats pretty much all there is to it if you dont endorse him you are not part of the trump party therefore you are fair game trump dont want to travel from state to state and being snubbed by the local politicians beside that trump is not going to win new mexico anyway and the damage from such statement outside of the state might be minimal on the other hand it sends a strong signal to others to get in line,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 turns out hes stuck in an endless time loop and is forced to relive his final moments forever,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 hey if were lucky well get some sort of nice treat from our alien overlords before they crush us with their large alien laserboots maybe if were really good theyll keep some of us as pets,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 so if your garbage man is picking up your garbage with the intention of making money so he can donate it to blm that gives you the moral authority to shout over him during his interviewand are you familiar with the local meme from october 2014 no bad tactics only bad targets,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0