text,agreeableness,openness,conscientiousness,extraversion,neuroticism there are such people and such peoplei can assure you that most people at lelem are also extremely buthurt and call cheats easily but people who stomp silvers or novas for entertainment are the lowest of the low i cant even understand how they would have fun at thiswe got tossed on the us servers yesterday and two guyslem and supreme were calling cheats on a m8 and me after 3 rounds,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 wherever you take that from,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 and then we saw it,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 its hard to ignore them if theyre outnumbering the intelligent ones,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 true i forgot all about that little stream when studying the course,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 not sure where you see that he broke it off with her for now,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 theres so many things to pay attention to in this gif,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 thats pretty cogfuncmention and your writing and general comments in your posts in this thread sort of implicates cogfuncmention at least to me fwiw in fact im kind of leaning towards you being typemention myself,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 its like webmd and cancer everyone is a narcissist or borderline shits ridiculous,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 have to call bs on this nothing except contacts can change the color of your eyes,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 you have soap residue on some of your cups rinse them better,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 general population are idiots stypes dont waste time on them who was the greatest poet to ever live homer obviously there are other answers to that question but theyre wrong sublimely impersonal this is what poetry was before typemention like sappho invented lyric poetry the greatest poetry should at least be balanced somehow â the confessional style you see at slam poetry nights is never going to be seen as comparable to yeats or if it is i hope im dead by thenits more than thatthe abstract impersonal formulation gives meaning to the private personal experienceand also connects it to the experiences of others what else could nothing means anything without contextemotions are interesting to me in that they point to possibilities they point beyond themselves theres nothing interesting to me about someone simply declaring i feel like this as thought it were profound in the same way that the most interesting thing about language is its limits â what really interests people and what people would most like to talk about is that which cannot be said or so i think,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 be warned the mod is still very buggy and can potential corrupt saved files remember to back saves frequently and often,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 i see what you did there,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 if you insult someone and the insult has enough zing people will accept it,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 behave more feminine before kicking in the badassery dress in softer colours to look more feminine and likeable always smile and ask people how they are doing how their trip to lake x was last week or if their kid finally recovered from his or her flu set the tone by being feminine and soft and only then be the strong woman who pushes the agenda while still smiling kindlythat also is something in general to keep in mind also for men you can be just as effective in reaching your goals and getting through to people without any aggression in your voice and body language being likeable kind and approachable is very important in getting people on your side you want people to be on your side because they want to be on your team and not because they are afraid of you,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 just select the ssd when it asks you to install the game if it isnt there say use a different location,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ok i get what you mean now here you go ubuntuubuntu sudo fsck devsda2 fsck from utillinux 2201 e2fsck 1429 4feb2014 devsda2 clean 2676087266304 files 338812629064960 blocksseems fine right,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i dont know enough about dampd to say for sure but i do think that the concept of a thieves guild is very gameesque although that might just be because im currently playing through oblivion and wouldnt translate well to the page,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 hades was never a tanksince were talking about nonconquest ill point out that his primary role in assault is healer if your teammates are smart enough to let you do it mine never areas for health vs prots it depends on where youre at in the spectrum say 1200 damage is coming in per second hunters aas whatever if they have 30 flat pen and you have just 30 prot youre taking 1200 dps if you have 50 prot after pen youre only taking 800 dps thats a difference of 400 health every second if you want enough protection to knock it down another 400 though youd have to get all the way up to 200 prot after pen so basically you want enough protections so that you have at least 50 after their pen then lots of health on top if that,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 yes i immediately thought his statement would more accurately be value is not tangible,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i had a guy order 2 orders one to work and one to his apartment the note said to bring them together even though it was different zones i figured he was a former employee but no he begged me for a ride and gave me 20 so i happily told him to hop in,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 you want to stay true to your inner self your feelings thats why it causes such thingsthis is a question is it better to be yourself as you are or some other artificial version of you yes maybe it would be more adaptable to the outer world and wouldnt hurt like that and cause all of these issues you mentioned but on the other hand it wont feel authentic and true and real youmaybe then you will think fuck this fake image of myself im trying to act as i just want to be myself as i really am and its more important to me than all the issues it may cause with itbut you know there are more colors than two black and white is not all there is you still can be typemention or how you are but change or at least tune some of these patterns you are typemention but you are yourself first of all every typemention is different everyone got a unique path stick to what feel right to your highest and deepest self not to your fears anxieties if someone doesnt deserve to be nice with dont be or at least dont be fully nice if you feel you are being used listen to yourself if doesnt really feels right and its your right to stop it its ok to not help such abusive ppl its better for them to deal with it themselfs you helping them by saying hey i dont really want to do it now sorry yes you dont want to dissapoint ppl cos it feels bad to do it but if at the same time you feel its actually better and truer to yourself and maybe for other persons development aswell it will overweight the dissapointing feeling in your feeling sphere and will allow you as typemention to act like that and stop being used all the time if it makes any sense for you its hard to explainbut i feel you its really hard to stick to yourself or rather your expectations of yourself and feelings you want to keep and the real world and things you have to deal with and balance it all together so youll be a functional human beingit even feels like a lifelong task for every typemention i think everyone thinks about such things and how to go around them and deal with themself what is the right way to think about all of this so you would find this balanced world view that would let your exist relatively peacefully with yourself and life so to think wider and deeper about yourself and all of this seem to be the way balancing cogfuncmention with cogfuncmention,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 i have heard that during lane phase your main trading tool is her q so its good to put a point or two into it early and you max w for the scaling strength,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 yes but how is the data formatted within each document not the file format the column formatting,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 drink to thirst as long as you are sufficiently hydrated you will make enough milk the best way to increase supply is to feed your baby more often and not be too quick to give up night feeds especially between 1am and 5am which is important in keeping up levels of milkproducing hormones,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 you should have spoiler tagged thisanime onlies dont know that she can phase through objects with parts of her body that are naked yet,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 also he should be advocating for getting rid of the knee reaping rule i think 5050 became so prevalent because youre not allowed to cross your leg the other way across the body,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 can we hit 4k before i arrive at uni,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 he did get bobbed but has since been unbanned,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 that at the same time of concentration camps in germany there where japanease internment camps in america,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 hahah no problem see guys some people actually care about this you read the replies too right,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i just married sam how is he a downer lazy sure but sweet,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 im not sure if the show has ever confirmed the names of rhaegar and elias children,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 for sure thats the plan and thank you i think ill write a long letter to him so i can get all my thoughts out clearly this was really helpful when i wanted to explain some issues i was having with myself and with him a few years ago,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 are you disabledafter you reported them there is nothing you can do so why check every week if those people are banned that is what i said and if you cant understand it then you are apparently the stupid one herei didnt say dont report them for cheating should i make it easier to understand for you or do you get it now,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i had to squint at things that were happening at uni then i had my eyes checked and i just needed glasses,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 everyone has that cousin whos a warriorsseahawksbluejays fan right now,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 lol are you with an ntj,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im sure most of us would rather not be lectured when celebrating achievements in an industry based around escapism and entertainment,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 same as in mop chop flop plop hop drop and stop,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 damn burn you kick ass,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its not science thoughits science,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i have always been a book lover i learned to walk in a library and i own about 1500 physical books but i recently bought a kindle i love the fact that its smaller than almost any individual physical book yet holds thousands of ebooks i love how its small size and reading light make it so easy to read in bed i also like the fact that most of what i want to read costs me less than half what a physical book would cost i wish i could afford to buy ecopies of all my physical booksbut i do love the look of a wall of books not keeping them free of mould and dust though physical books lend themselves better to browsing and discovery so are better for children and sometimes you want to have several books open at the same time but kindles dont support split screen and havent a big enough screen anyway,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 yeah you can have 5 accounts my boyfriends netflix has 5 profiles on it,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 well this person definitely doesnt sound like a cogfuncmention dominant so they are probably not going to be as good with using it as you are,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 hes been average lately average stats less than average formgreat ch but i dont see any reason to go all out on him,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 by intrinsic i mean natural and extrinsic unnatural aka learnednot native english speakerfe is intrinsic and by that i mean that people who value it naturally want people to feel good and they want to manage the emotional atmosphere and all cogfuncmention things even if those characteristics seem unnatural and that is true for all functions,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 for those of you making the excuse that these are not mainstream reddit opinions look at rthedonald and rcringeanarchy,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 why should they even listen to reddit is the question valve can gladly give not a single fuck about it as people here are dumb as fuck when it comes to technical things,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i personally think typemention people are more into doing than learning learning things out of books and lectures is tedious and boring after a short amount of timethat is what drove me away from medical in the first place aside from being a lazy a at school and not aiming for top grades in a levels sure it is interesting in essence but the way to get there is too boring imo,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 pretty sure its a tapir although i dont think ive ever seen an all black one before,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 with power come people who abuse it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 just because the comments section isnt a free for all debate doesnt mean the whole sub is garbage if you want memes and articles about how capitalism sucks its a decent sub people should think critically about the media they are consuming no matter where they find it i can see the value in spaces where you can just share links and discuss controversial topics without fending off attacks left and right nobody should rely on them as their sole source of news and political discussion but they are not inherently worthless i saw this there for instance i dont really read the comments on subs like that though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 the other problem is that even when faced with more evidence they can be absolutely stubbornly unshakable i get the sense that before ive even gotten 15 of the way through sharing my thoughts on a complicated issue some of them have already passed judgment and are just waiting for their chance to tell me whats what i find it amusing because i choose to but only because i choose to,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you seem like someone who approaches things very directly and rational and doesnt play passive aggressive games you already informed your so about your letteri would simply tell your so i have very good reason to believe you are cheating but if you say you are not i want to believe you because i love you and want to spend my life with you and if youre saying youre not cheating i need you to right here right now open up your phone email accounts bank and credit card statements facebook and other social media accounts so i can look through them you can stand next to me to watch me go through everything but for the sake of our relationship i need you to do this for memake a list of all accounts you want to have a look at beforehand also ask to go through his wallet so you can check for any credit cards you didnt know of and maybe youll find some cash receipts if he makes excuses you know hes a piece of shit because if hes clean after 5 years together surely he shouldnt have anything to hide you didnt already know if the roles were reversed and you were wrongly accused of cheating youd probably be willing to show everything to him no so if he doesnt want to yup hes cheatingdont tell him about the hotel etc with some luck youll find a cc statement for that hotel,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 highest in 4 years against the dollar,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 will my questions ever get answered i want to know how cogfuncmention can work in the future considering it has always been regarded as past oriented,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 alternatively two spaces and enter once,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 regulation centralizes power to large companies via regulatory capture eliminating the ability of smaller companies to compete whilst large companies can stay afloat and maintain their monopoly its almost like weve thought this out or something and arent just random shills gargling the koch brothers balls,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 henrik stenson its your time to shine,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 as a girl when i see a taller girl than me im even more surprised haha,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 news and this is presnowden also this,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i would say that consent is an ongoing process not just a one time thing fetuses use your fucking organs consent should be enthusiastic and continuousand anyway its disingenuous to pretend that the initial act of sex was performed to give permission for a fetus to take residence in the womans body it was usually about pleasure and the fetus was an unintended consequence the way youre framing is only demonizes women for having sex,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 thanks for all the info,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 are you kidding jericho has some of the best acting ive seen especially from skeet and what about the production quality was poor,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 sometimes dick grayson gets characterized as an typemention if youre looking for a superhero who isnt a psycho murderer,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 should have bet him place or show lol,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 taking griffiths actions as guidance talisa scrambled underneath the covers as well quickly shimmying beside him they had lied together like this countless times since before even their first kiss but she never ceased to enjoy that serene and cozy intimacy,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i think its just theon being paranoid but you could be onto something here,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 when ive got my act together i do i like the repetitive nature of bikram yoga i know what to expect for each class and i can easily track my progress i suffer from having an incredibly active imagination that never shuts off so yoga is one of the few places besides meditating where i can get a mental break if i am not completely focused and grounded in my body and the present moment i fall over its an excellent way for me to take a mental vacation and get a full workout in one by the end i feel completely relaxed i havent been to a class in about 6 months but its something i look forward to in winter because its done in such a hot room,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 can i reply to your old comments,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 same here my matches are usually 30 min a piece so 4 hours should be 8 matches it would be nice to see 56 maps in that time instead of 34,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 dont let them get you down the only thing i see that looks odd with your build is the void shield its expensive for a first item really its too expensive for what it does regardless id replace it with rage and move it to 5th in your build order alternately you could go transcendence boots asisoul eater pick one executioner rage db thats my goto hunter build,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 your posts remind me of me when i was your age now about 10 years down the line i was around your age when i was also in full doubt about my own style and i was struggling at home emotionally around your age maybe a tad bit younger i went through an all out goth period because of itneedless to say i grew out of it but that time did teach me something very valuable going all out on the spectrum of what is socially acceptable and lets be honest on the teenage girl spectrum very little is socially acceptable put me in a category that was totally outside of any social convention it was hard and not everybody around me accepted me for it but in the end it thought me that i dont need acceptance or acknowledgement from anyone else but myself i went to the extreme side of expressing myself through appearance got burned and had to face social outcry because of it but in the end after the world around me got used to me being different i settled on a style that was me which is still for many outside of the traditional fashion norm lots of pretty vintage inspired silhouettes with a modern twist to take it to the 21st century but it made me happy now i find myself in a place where i can wear anything i want because i still am not worried at all about what others may think and despite being outside of the norm i get so many compliments on how i look because i am confident and secure in how i carry myselfif you dare i would totally recommend you doing you and wearing what you like hell take it 2 steps further and dare to wear stuff of which you know people will hate it and love yourself for it embrace being different embrace being your own individual self and keep repeating to yourself nobody needs to like you but you,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 not sure how term limits empower contributors since they would actually have to spend more money over the long term to find politicians that take sympathy to their cause since the politician that was previously sympathetic to their causeissue isnt able to hold that office anymore edit current system allows for contributors to get a huge return on their investment the longer the politician is in their pocket eliminating that makes them spend more resources,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 they certainly wanted to limit the power curve initially but after vampire amp werewolf they somehow lost that inclination when they wrote changeling and most especially magei think the disciplines overall however are dramatically improved in many ways perhaps my favorite line being nightmare it gets intensely powerful with the ability to just put someone in a living nightmare i enjoy majesty a lot too i like that its been further removed from dominate in 1e its basically the same thing a master of majesty can play people like they are playing an instrument,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 its a fair question yet something that i have difficulty with to explain i was raised outside of serbia and although my parents mother didnt explicitly raise me based on a strong serbian heritage it has been a constant factor throughout my life as i was raised with the serbian language i visited church often as a child many family members still live in the balkans who we visit often my grandparents own lands and houses passed down many generations etc my mother decided not to claim citizenship for me or for herself as when yugoslavia fell shed been living in our home country for a long time and also gained citizenship of this country and decided it wasnt worth it to her and felt rather strongly that i in that case also shouldnt get citizenship however i cant explain it but as i grew older i simultaneously got more connected to my serbian heritage and how it influenced my through out my childhood while also getting more disconnected to it as without my parentsmother i didnt have any tangible roots there it kept eating at me this feeling of uncertainty confusion and also a feeling a pride for my background i couldnt place i felt my mother by deciding i shouldnt get citizenship took something from me that actually did belong to me once i found out i could only claim citizenship through decent until my 23rd i believe i just decided i wanted to do this as in the end all i had to loose was some time and moneythat being said i travel a lot as well and i must admit having visa free access to countries like russia and china does have its benefits,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 my dad is a middleaged man with a hungarian accent he likes biking and movies hes pretty funny but my note of humor is different from his and hes hurt me in the point with it so im a bit meh about it hes a lot stricter than my mom quicker to anger and tends to be more antitheistic he likes physics and technology and knows quite a lot of science and he likes to talk about stuff like thatoverall hes not as good as my mom but hes still awesome,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i think a lot of people crave drama but for many typemention we create our own drama,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 hey now not every protagonist is link,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 at least this article mentions how bad the clintons have been for minority communities,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 how interesting thanks do you have any examples off a real estate website im just curious to see what you can buy for your money the architectural style and what kind of neighbourhood it would be like,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 nice little map though shouldnt the trees be dead or conifers pines etc,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 well first of all cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention usually love each other so that is not a problematic difference typemention have tert cogfuncmention and were usually pretty fond of using it typemention really like this because it means we can follow them logically pretty well because we have the same thinking and feeling functions i think typemention can understand what we want better than they can with most typemention typemention and typemention are both kind of powered by strong principles which makes them pretty similar but not necessarily compatible,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 you still watch the front but absorb the sides i think its a much cooler experience,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 behave more feminine before kicking in the badassery dress in softer colours to look more feminine and likeable always smile and ask people how they are doing how their trip to lake x was last week or if their kid finally recovered from his or her flu set the tone by being feminine and soft and only then be the strong woman who pushes the agenda while still smiling kindlythat also is something in general to keep in mind also for men you can be just as effective in reaching your goals and getting through to people without any aggression in your voice and body language being likeable kind and approachable is very important in getting people on your side you want people to be on your side because they want to be on your team and not because they are afraid of you,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 fair point still not gonna watch his videos so i have no reason to subscribe,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 cache is the new d2,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ya know i keep forgetting that we in the otp have such a stigma because north otp is so developed and nice then i remember that theres about twothirds of the otp ring that isnt exactly posh like hereafterthought of course theres plenty of itp thats downright rough but hey,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 im mindblowingly awkward at receiving compliments the purely physical ones make me so uncomfortable i always either blurt out a completely unrelated statement said with way more assertiveness than i ever use normally or followup with some tangential information about whatever it is they complimented its such a fucking weird impulsebut i would say the problems i have with receiving compliments come down to 1 just not knowing how to person so the awkwardness of social interaction in general and 2 having the realization that other people notice you terrifying i dont really have the makes me think less of the person that complimented me part you mentionedthat being said holy shit yes to your last point but i dont know how to begin to respond without this turning into an even longer novelill just say grad school has been a real eyeopener in that department,83.0,87.0,9.0,24.0,61.0 any pics if you have good insertions and made gains relatively quickly as a natural then the skys the limit in bodybuilding itll be entirely down to you to be successful even if you dont make it into the ifbb all you have to do is look aesthetic on ig gain followers then push your own supplement and clothing products like joeyswoll etc sorry for a douchey example its a lot easier to be self made in the bodybuilding world as your success is pretty much 80 correlated to how hard you work and how motivated you are as you have control over your situationhowever you would have to be extremely determined something only 1 of the population has you might think youre that 1 but even top level bodybuilders with real deadlines sponsors and they depend on it for a living face mental and physical challenges by training taking in so much food and extreme use of supplementsi would honestly recommend that you continue your accounting degree so that you have a fallback option you just have to push through it you dont have to do amazing if its not your passion but at least pass with decent employable grades what are you going to do if you dont make it and youre stuck without a degree youre going to have to spend another 34 years studying again youre back to square one or risk worse such as being on welfare you still have 1 or 2 years right might aswell finish it anyways i think your issue comes from senioritis and exhaustion rather than a hate for accounting extremely few people are actually lucky enough to do what they love for a living but thats not to say you cant pursue bodybuilding as you can also easily juggle both study and bodybuilding whilst in college theres no reason they need to be mutually exclusive cody montgomery started in high school and won the teen juniors 3x whilst completing a college degree,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 ive used a lot of different drugstore foundations and i can say that ive been using primarily revlon colorstay foundation since i first tried it i spend excessive amounts of money on makeup but honestly this 10 dollar foundation is pale enough for me has decent coverage doesnt look cakey and is nice to my skin 110 is the palest shade they have i believe but its the best inexpensive foundation option for pale skin most inexpensive light shade foundation either still isnt light enough or it oxidizes revlon doesnt oxidize and 110 is a very ivory shadeanyways since it is still lower end foundation id suggest pairing it with a decent primer and setting spray especially if you want long lasting coverageare going to be out in the heat,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 for oktoberfest 2012 i made a german flag cake made from chocolate yellow and red cake it was awesome everyone mostly of german heritage loved it,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 well you said that paradis people the eldians never went to war which they did it might not be the eldians we know today but whilst the first king pussied out the eldians were the oppressing race,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 waiting every week for that new episode to come on getting hyper anxious when you think youd miss it getting lost for half an hour and then watching the dvds later,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 yesterday the site was down because it got flooded by imgurians who just found it and massregistered however even after using it for only two days now i have to say its a lot of fun and more effective than i thought it would be i even skipped some of my more ingrained bad habits last night when i realized that id lose progress on the game if i indulged not too shabby for barely two day of use,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 im going to qualify my response by saying that ive known a lot of typemention while everyone is different please try to wait at least 6 months know that if you do youll beat all previous typemention celibacy record holders by approximately 5 months and 25 days,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well yeah that was also my point they both need to give information to the public and keep the common people ignorant at the same timewhich is why i wonder how much theyll tell exactly,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 lets hope this one doesnt turn into the crack spiders bitch,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 ah i see what you mean here you go ifa1a145,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 thank you ill add it to the list,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i dont even know this kind of shit exists,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 do you ask them for specifics perhaps their perspectives have some truth to them perhaps not,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 speaking of childhood delusions of coolness i absolutely adore your writing style whether you are a corn girl or acorn girl or a corng irl or some other permutation ive yet to consider please tell me youre pursuing a career in writing,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 thats nice to hear that our exchanges of music werent a total waste and everyone got something from it if you liked some omnia you should consider listening to some faun aswell at some point it the same concept of using older instruments forgoten ethnic lyrics in different languages and ancient motives well at least their older stuff newer it is poppier music become probably my favorite songs ever is from faun aswell lyrics have a big part in it though and its german so you prolly wont value it but you could prolly appreciate some of their instrumental or atmospheric songs cheers,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 i personally think it will be less severe on 60hz though op stated hed like an intel cpu and wants to save up for it so buying a 144hz monitor is a waste of money at this point imo,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 no because a person is different in every situation you will never really know what anyone is like when youre not around even if you were to surround them with invisible drones for a full 360 surround you are still tied to your own perceptions and interpretations a person can only be described holistically in comparison to others and only in specific situations as a baseball player compared to other baseball players as evidenced by xyz bob is fast if a person places their locus of self in their external actions and what you perhaps consider superficial then who is to say which one of you understands himher better you may create or map a system of abstraction onto a person by which you can somewhat possibly understand them better though this will be subject to your own cognitive biases etc consider the massive discrepancy in certainty between describing a persons character and describing our own we wouldnt devote nearly so much time to introspection if after some decades we had finally figured ourselves out i think that people including ourselves are largely unknowable along the timeframesscales we tend to attempt to characterize them connections and understanding happen in moments not lifetimes with some few its possible to continually string those moments together perhaps perpetually but no two moments or two people are ever quite the same twice life would be so boring if more emotionally comfortable if it werent so,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ffs hart clean sheet gone already average to poor week for me so far at least my captain wilson got more than 2 points,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 what thats awesome where was he i mustve missed that encounter or im blanking on it,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 youre correct i tried to imagine some sentance with commas replaced with like,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 there is a lot of recombination and selection going on nature is doing something better than keeping a single species with long healthy lives it increases diversity,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 doubt i have that kind of power id have to be more influential than the wiki for that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 not having parties at all would be an interesting take on things,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 if noah doesnt get his name i will quit tagpro he deserves this so much,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the functions are not defined the same way eg cogfuncmention in socionics is intuition of time high cogfuncmention means the person is good at dealing with events in the time line predicting when something will happen for example in mbtiits about unconsciously getting to a conclusionone idea from many ie the opposite of needit added not and some minor words,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 well yeah but im just perfectoutside of my massive blinding ego that is,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 nice i just bought like oh i dont even know over half a liter of juice in various flavours from some guy for 100also got a vaporshark rdna 40 and ud goblin and wofoto freakshow from him too should be interesting,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 do you think your current house is a future proof long term residencei would say that the most important aspect of fire is having a paid off house that way you wont need to have such a large investment portfolio in order to fund housing costs which is by far the biggest component of living expenses the only way to eliminate housing costs is to own your own home and then you need the money for general living costs and disposable income thus given your goals of fire at 31 and the redhot market id advise against selling i would rent it out instead,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 what is teni those fuckers come up with excellent plans and solutions ime lots of the time too they know why and also enjoy the why though of course in much smaller doses than i,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 right now im updating some gentoo boxes and putting boinc on em im helping trying to find aliens now and then ill experiment with stuff like that or like bitcoinsdogeetc or any number of other distributed thingsthough thats just one of the things i do at work that isnt necessarily work still looks like it though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 no this is for shitposting,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 ayyyy i grew up around ventura never thought of it as a haven for people like us but it is a pretty laid back place i hear a lot that our people are in seattle and the pacific northwest in generalbut jeez have you actually lived in all of these places or just travel a lot,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 if he couldnt foresee what would happen to them he is as stupid as them for thinking they wont be caught,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think that might happen sometimes but i doubt it would be long enough for one to dwell on it,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 this is only further proof that shes a 16m class mindless titan,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 only ssds i refuse to pay for cloud storage and want access to everything offline as such i cant get a laptop with a tiny ssd my next machine will have at least 2tb even if that forces me away from mac,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i like the extra pockets provided by more tactical variants of the vest but not enough to wear one in public,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 it could be sounds a bit boring for a jm piece but who knows,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 the cf scale theyre good clones apparently not sure if it does now but that southard doesnt come in a cf versionmaybe theyre custom scales maybe notthe clones dont look like clones until you see em side by side lil bit more rounded on the blade edge hole etc its very subtle,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ravens are intermediaries for satan,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 he has the recording he was trying to post it to soundcloud last night,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 or they got just antistratted hard by nip,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 simple it has phenomenal experiences because it has representations of its external and internal world those representations are patterns of self and world the patterns themselves exist in a highly dimensional space like for example word embeddings in nlp the space of representations is the space of qualia representations feel like anything because they are causal in determining our future actions and self image the qualiaperception is just the first stage in reinforcement learning it feeds into the value function for selecting the next action the value function is emotion thats why it feels like something because it has causal effects to feel thatqualia is just kicking out the soulspirit out through the front door but bring it back through the back door its the idea that some things transcend mere mechanics instead theyd better wonder at the mysteries of mere mechanics its no stinking reductionism its full of depth and subtlety,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 that was inspiring im going to maga even harder now,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 i dont think anyone who knows me would describe me as a psychopath that dude does seem slimy as fuck though im not nearly so ingenuine as he is irl at least i dont think so to my knowledge ive never fucked over a friend i try really hard to be a good person,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 map porn indeed but very classy glad to see she hasnt had a brazilian,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 also ashes w will proc her slow so her autos on wd things do extra damage,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i think you might be a little confused you can turn away with sa and still hit the target only thing that is required is to keep vision of it you can be flying completely the other direction and still hit as long as you still have vision i have tested and verified this again to make sure i never compared missile stats of a sa vs a fampf anyway i was comparing f2 to f3 fampf is definitely preferable even at less range but youre sacrificing availability and veterancy in almost all cases to get that except for a few exceptions not saying its not maybe worth it but its a choice to be made with drawbacks and advantages either way you go,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 yeah for the shit that doesnt matter i am happy to just wing it but for all else i at least try to abide by the most logical course of action i can muster,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 walking into a house party where everyone is wearing red and forgetting you have a blue shirt onand vice versa,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 one of the very few times ive been asked to take my shoes off was in a dutch home so that isnt entirely true,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 they recently did something similar in australia one chinese billionaire was forced to sell his 40 million mansion on the sydney harbour after flouting foreign buyer rules but the law so far has just been all show and no substance after the first month or so there hasnt been any prosecutions since the main problem are foreign buyers buying very ordinary homes in middle class areas for 2 million to 5 million pushing prices way beyond what local incomes can affordone or two people on the top end of the property market might get shown up itll gather attention in the media giving the public an impression that the government is doing something about housing affordability then as time passes itll just be the same old again the source of the problem wont really be fixed,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 this would do what you are requesting option explicit public sub filterlastitem activesheetrangeaaautofilter field1 criteria1activesheetcellsgetlastrowactivesheet 1 1value end sub public function getlastrowbyval targetworksheet as worksheet byval columnno as long as long getlastrow targetworksheetcellstargetworksheetrowscount chr64 columnnoendxluprow end functionexecuting the filterlastitem subroutine will make the autofilter of column a always be the last item in that column,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 it is about people who are still silver not noobs in le,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 all you can do sloppy seconds and talking to myself,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 hey i accidentally lost my number can i have yours d,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i bet that the numbers 1 to 3 are either manga spoilerss shifters or ackermans making him the number one majestic stallion,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i oppose the ban but the controversy goes beyond that in montreal some pools of the city and universities started to have special hours only for women for religious reasons the requests came mainly from hassidic and muslims groups this is a slippery slope,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 im right there in the same situation cant really bring myself to believe a lie to make things easier,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 europe i totally get the work part i felt the same way during my work for a few months i havent started college though just got out of the military awaiting the new school semester now in my part of the world we have to serve national service once we hit 18yoi just want to at least do it while i can good luck with yours,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 youre a very tense man peter whats your heart rate below 100 yet,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 youre dutch so he first one just let it slide live and let live dont bother yourself with other peoples business blabla thats how we rol next time this happens however tell your teacher after class you dont find it appropriate and as do many others in youe class let the teacher solve this again youre dutch so nobody will feel awkward or angry or whatever if you just state your oppinion rationally,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 my best friends over time have usually ended up being people i can enjoy a comfortable silence with in the mid90s when my sister moved away id call her a lot and it got to the point where sometimes wed just be working on our own projects while on the phone together but not talking and just enjoying the others presence ive found that not all relationships are built this way and some people just need to engage in something to be happy so i still have many dear friends who we never have those silences but still get along very well and having meaningful interactions,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 donald trump is a representation of everything wrong with america,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 was it her fault hasnt been the last few times,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 phew i thought it was only happening to mei just tried restarting and reconnecting and it still wont work properly my friend just gave me a new game that i really want to try out toough,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 id go with the buttermilk i have made swedish meatballs using cream and it wasnt too thick,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 saw this on rhappycrowds a week back great video c,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 ill take that as a mya bolton is up for courting,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i was bored and had nothing to do lol,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i have always just told them its something grownup women often like to do like wearing bras or highheeled shoes i really only wear mascara and lip stain and theyre not usually around when i put it on because i like privacy when im getting dressed etc i wear a lot of red so i tell them the lip stain is to match my clothes shoes whatevermy daughter is eleven so sooner or later i suppose well be discussing whats reasonable for her to wear one of the reasons i dont like wearing a lot of makeup is because i dont want her to think thats expected,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 it lets us cut down on the insurance premiums by a lotdont worry ive got alex on the board now so we should be able to push this one through better than last time,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 how do they work out the squad number for example with chelsea it says they have 31 players in their squad but when you go to their website they only have 22 first team playerseditok i found how they are doing it the numbers are from transfermarktcouk which are accurate but include players that were on loan last season,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 please consider what exactly you are saying with that sentence not the words but the implications what conditions need to be in place for a person to say that normally i would spell it out but i offer you the respect that i dont have to,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im interested in improving my cycling technique ie staying within a proper cadence right now im using the listen to your body technique but was wondering if there was a better wayi was looking into power meters but they seemed like something for people a little more advanced than i am right now,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 cant make it public public or youll run into trolls,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 problem is outside of eren and armin all other children eat the wall propaganda thats why armin got bullied in the first placealso you shower too long think of the environment,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ive been gone for three days and this sub is filled with reigner memessobs im so proud of you guys,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah good point it shouldnt lead to that big of a difference between leagues though also multiple sources come up with their own stats and normally they all agree with each other so there must be some standard in place,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 oldest kid no relationship to speak of with younger sibling,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 similarly because a humans digestive tract mouth esophagus intestines etc is considered the outside of the body humans are technically convoluted donut shaped,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 objectionwho knows he might already own tat which allows him to be able to emulate the game technically since he already owns it,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 really vac doesnt care about how obvious people are vac needs to have the cheat signature added and that takes timehe wasnt vaced even though he was so obvious just shows that people have no clue when it comes to anticheats,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i thought you were jokingyou werent jokingpictures 4 and 16 for you perverts,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 nice way to dry your eyeballs out,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 feel free to pm me,7.0,84.0,88.0,59.0,44.0 link to many others experiences trouble finding any reliable studies but the extremely high dose in the 1day treatment even in the 3day treatment for some can really irritate the vagina breaking it up into 7 doses is less harshi havent had a yeast infection in quite a while but i used to get them a lot over 1 year or so during that time i only used over the counter treatment such as monistat i think it never truly went away for that whole time i stopped buying otc treatments and sought out a prescription for diflucan instead less messy just a pill and more effective at treating the problem systemically,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 because they have already taken over local elections and id imagine they will effect national elections as well and no i am not a member of the free state project nor do i think mcafee or johnson can win the whole thing but because of the ever polarized main 2 likely trump and hillary i think you will see the lp do well and possibly win a couple states that said there is no way they win the whole thing,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 i imagine you must have experienced developing feelings for someone only for them to have locked you into the friendzone if we knew each other irl by the time you fell in love with me id think of you like a sister then youd be sad seems like a greater gamble than just diving on in and swimming around for awhile haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the only person i saw whining about food and whining is an exaggeration was the canadian who went to olive garden because they dont have them they just said they were disappointed and that is trying something new anyway albeit not the most exciting new thing to trythe person who mentioned fridays just said they got a better meal at a local place for cheaper later that week they didnt complain about the food or even the price not directly anyway they just said there are better cheaper local places not that fridays was badbut i digress all i was trying to say was that not everybody travels to try new food its the main reason im hesitant to travel to another country im sure there are others who feel the samei do agree that if somebody chooses a chain theyre already familiar with and are disappointed they dont really have any leg to stand on in regards to complaining they knew what they were getting into,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 ie they go hand in hand its not a one or the other,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 hun im being intentionally ridiculous,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 the average of everything in between would be 51050 not 775 only off by a few,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 and by the way i support bernie sandersway better than the carnival barker clinton and the raging lunatic trump,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 he was counting on jesus to protect his trespassing,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 this guy and this guy also apparently rip,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 but puddleglum stomping the fire is still the most badass part of a series which includes dragons the deplorable word and the end of the world,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 single for starters ask me what my favorite anything is and youre going to get a fucking novel with no answer at the end my niece a few weeks back asked me why the sky was blue then hit me with a few more whys and i started with how prisms work went into dust pollution took a left at the marvel of the human eye what blue really is philosophically that its somewhat arbitrary talked a bit about why the ocean is blueish dabbled in color blindness finally got back to wave lengths after beginning restrained myself from talking about why topaz has religious significance in some cultures went back to eyes and why some are blue mentioned chromatophores and the blue ringed octopus started going into how cool it is that biology has taken advantage of these properties of light in so many ways and because she was already half asleep i stopped myself from going into why the color blue was a luxury for a very long time whats your favorite color by the way hers is purple and she now thinks snails are cool also i think most of us dont use very much social media not compared to a lot of other cats anyways,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the three wise men werent jews,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 lol that was amazing did you find that by googling for typemention gifs d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 at the beginning it was really cringe but by the end of it i kinda grew used to it and it was ok,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 yes please deposit 50k pennies to paypal account 123456789 asap d pay it forward,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 wasnt me i was just making an effort to follow the 101 reddit ruleall the credit goes to david bott of,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 thank you for finding the thread i posted this at 4 am and ran out of initiative to search it out or find 72architypes full user name i was hoping enough people would get the referenceyou get my vote for best typemention too always anticipating peoples needs and filling in their gaps with a dash of good humor and resourcefulness,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 there is its just still in my head waiting to be written,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 thats the only way youre really going to get rid of tearing you must turn it on if you care about it if you were using windows you could have it disabled just for that one game via a profile but i dont think ive ever seen that option for linux,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the sad irony is that the 10 years ban is going to make her a worse driver she will have to get used to drive again as an older person and beginner cause more accident than experienced drivers,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 warning long rantanonymity frees people from direct consequenceyou see it and joke about it in online games as well as in more overtly social settings this is why youtube eventually pushed to use your real name as accountability for identity decreases unsavory comments it doesnt eliminate them of course just decreases themso here we are on reddit where everyone can speak their mind behind any number of faceless usernames throwaway accounts are not only acceptable but encouraged with very little effort you can make up creepythrowaway0315 and go harass someone until they block you and you have to put together creepythrowaway0316 hell you can even play both sides of the fence and have whiteknight0401 swoop in with a sympathetic comment and staged comforthow can we trust anyone when everyones identities are interchangeable and everyones motivations are suspect how can we expect to feel safe discussing our most intimate thoughts with strangers and not provoke negative attention well we cant this whole anonymity thing works two ways we get the chance to be our most honest selves here if we want or we can pretend to be someone else this masquerade ball is both freeing and dangerousive never used a throwaway here ive posted photos of myself along the way you could dox me fairly easily and if someone in my personal life were to pay even a little bit of attention they could easily figure out who i am it probably wouldnt take much for a total stranger to figure out my name and location at this pointbut im a guy historically its assumed that id be the predator for that matter i even fit the statistical profile of being a serial killer since im also white and in the right age range and so on im protected from the monsters because its easily assumed im a monster toothe women here and the subs and the subs who are also women theyre tremendously brave because classically they represent prey they develop an understandable siege mentality while they try to use this site as well as dating sites because for them its like trying to get grocery shopping done when the store is full of hungry lionsi occasionally get grief for defending these folks im accused of being an aforementioned white knight who wears a fedoratrilby and calls himself a nice guy ironically those accusations come from an assumption that im a different kind of predator one who pretends to be valiant and sweet but is still just as dastardly as a wolf without sheeps clothing i say its even more reprehensible due to the extra layer of manipulative deceptionis it unfair to assume that im a bad guy either openly or secretly fuck yes it is i didnt earn that reputation my gender did im lumped in with the mass of desperately horny apes at keyboards across the globe by merit of being a testosteronebased lifeformright so here we are then after all of that women and subs are scared while men and doms are demonized all because there are pathetic assholes out there making the internet annoying for everyonethe difference between problemsolving and whining is if you have a solution to propose or not and i certainly have a proposition its a threeparter but straightforward1 if you feel like prey walk away the cool thing about the internet is that you can ignore people instantly dont fuel their stupidity by responding at all click poof done2 remember who you actually are would any two strangers in real life have a successful conversation that opened with ayy baby want some fuck if you think thatd work out are you seriously that badass or that laughably desperate3 dont shit where you sleep if you want to be part of an online community thats great contribute to it make it better let it grow so itll be more useful to you if you just make other people hate using it then youre basically pissing in your own soup pretty sure you dont want to do thatalright my rants over odds are im only preaching to the choir here i know sermons rarely convert sinners but they do bolster the morale of the righteous and thats a good thing tootldr idiots are dumb dont be an idiot,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i dont own a subscription to forbes dot com,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 if youre talking about the observable vs unobservable universe obviously we cant see the unobservable universe anymore than we can go to it,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 so guys that are trying to date you cut you off after you tell them youre not interested sounds like youre meeting mentally healthy guys who arent in the business of hanging around women theyre not friends with for any reason than to hook up with sure it sucks that people you thought were your friends arent but at least theyre not pulling an rniceguys on you,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 you need to change your surroundings,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i have a very similar swordguardhandle clearly says made spainfull shot guard grip i always thought was wood but your bakelite comment makes me question now the guard is brass colored but not sure if its brass or not fairly certain its not aluminumthe blade near the guard is brass colored but the blades definitely steel as it sparks if struck on pavementit has toledo marked on the blade markings higher up fron the made spainoh and the whole thing is not sharp tip is blunted and the blade is fully rectangular,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 no problem i recommend making a subroutine that allows you to pass the button youd like to press so it automatically performs both down and up events together,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 that feeling when the gym is the only thing left on your agenda for the day so hype,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i like how the first online handle mentioned is fbiarelosers,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 haha havent you seen a christmas story,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 beebes awesome hes an typemention i use his archetypes for my understanding of the functions though i dont usually explicitly call them out dont usually tell someone that their demon function is clearly cogfuncmentionopposing force big problems but rarer problems looking back youll see you faced problems related to this function just a handful of times you can usually semiconfidently use this function and youll be impressed by its use unless it is used against you then it will have a strong negative effectdemon constant nagging problems like a parasite best metaphor would be blood by my chemical romance or drain you by nirvana sometimes it will feel impossible to escape the negative influence of this function sometimes youll question why anyone bothers to value this function and sometimes youll be completely caught under its spell,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 that they dont double check and make really careless mistakes,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 yesss learning how to figure things out for yourself is invaluable,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 i think flair is a great idea i belong to much bigger subs that havent given in to break down into smaller subs if you chop it up too much you end up with a bunch of inactive subs,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 their lawyers are smart enough to know that since hes famous and the doe case is public record theyll probably win any case against them that doesnt mean that connecting a public case to a public figure is in the public interest and it doesnt mean that it isnt a very low thing to do shouting the sex tape from the rooftops in response to him allegedly being extorted with its release,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 well maybe i should have worded it like this this comes off as such to viewers coming in from rallquit gaslighting,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 typemention are often scary to talk to both my so and best friend understand how to communicate with me though bottom line is thisat any point in life work project whatever i know exactly where im going and how ill get there this does not mean this route is set in stone but it does mean this is the best path i could come up with having considered everything so both my so and friend often tell other people who are a bit intimidated by me when you discuss things with avacyn it feels like kicking a dead horse and she simply doesnt want to listen because she thinks she knows best but in reality she is actually listening very closely and is simply challenging you on your own opinion in any way she can come up with give it a week or two and if your argument was strong enough shell get back to you with new updated plans based on your inputthis was a huge eye opener for many people in my social circle but also for myself as i honestly did not know how my behaviour came across to other people who arent used to thing style of discussing things,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i am typemention and i can relate to this generally often instead of using my eyes i overlay an image over the top of reality i take in how it feels it is a subjective impression it might be a map that represents the area generally cogfuncmention types are the ones that are very visually acutecogfuncmention is like focusing on what all of the signs are pointing to its like when you start to notice that everyone you have talked to today was sad and you ask what does that really meanthis is a form of introversion but it is not jungian introversion more related to the typical usage of the word eg not big on parties prefers to read a book it is known as highsensitivity can you give an example of this,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 in romania there is a new levy on liquid and the stupid thing is that they dont care about concentration just volume of liquid that contains nicotineso the shops are selling zero nicotine base at 3100ml and 54mgml juice for 20 per same volume we mix them bringing the price around 45100ml of juice what if youd do the same thing in us have some shops only sell gear and nicotine free juice and other sell concentrated nicotine there is no reason to tax nicotine free vaping,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 tell himwe are both alive and fine i love you but you really need to stop acting like such a little bitch that has gotten great results when an typemention girl told me exactly this i was a bit annoyed at first but she was right and i just needed an hour or two to think over how right she was,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 lol jeb isnt going to be the nominee,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 gamemodes are fine dude it is just about spoofing rankscoinsskins,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 oh fun i love a good turdfight d tries to inject self into melee,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 even with the kangertank whats the problem it comes with a replacement glass did you already break that one too whats the deal i dropped mine 3x it hasnt broke yetanyway glad you got something you can use in the meantime,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 in contrast to many others here apparently i dont believe true self confidence comes from building muscle or some other kind of great body thats just a very fragile and possibly narcissistic self confidence often fueled by self hatred self confidence is purely mental psychological its about working through your issues and discovering who you are and what your role or place in life is once you find that both your place and who you are you dont need external confirmation not even from a mirror its all beliefs the less the opinion of other people matters to you the less relevant something like your body becomes and the easier it is to live from a sense of freedom and ease,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 season 4 is either my favorite or tied for my favorite season its the perfect blend of everything i love about buffy we get a couple angel episodes we get spike back we get both oz and tara we get the only faith episodes i truly enjoy vamp harmony is hilarious buffy out of her element in college is hilarious etc and i actually like riley in season 4my main issue with the season is deus ex machina as badass as the ending was it came out of left field and why did they never try it again super buffy would be unstoppable she was unbelievably powerful and it killed my suspension of disbeliefalso i hated restless upon first viewing the second time was much better since i knew what to expect but i feel like it wouldve been a better season start than finisha couple episodes were dumb but even on my rewatch i still enjoyed the super campy stupid episodes more than some more boring episodes with less stupid plotsveruca came out of nowhere and was an obvious plot device to write oz out of the show if she had been better developed maybe i couldve dealt with that plotline but as it was it was hard to be sympathetici agree with another poster who said they killed walsh too soon i think she wouldve made a stronger villain than adam i wouldve liked to see the dynamic in class after she tried to have buffy killed i wouldve liked to see the power she had over adam and their dynamicoverall i think the pros waaaaaay outweigh the cons it has the perfect dynamic it was funny it was serious it had in my opinion the least amount of slow episodes that i dont care to rewatch its the perfect blend of what i like about the early seasons and what i like about the later seasons its the season in my opinion with the least to dislike theres a lot of camp but its funcamp not cringy camp,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 never got into w13 leverage was great though,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 and an even smaller sample size are really smart in addition,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 convos go like this oh you use reddit cool what subs no mention of username thats like bro code for reddit i assumed,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 you can write a reply disputing what the letter said ive done it before many times with my local paper with all the bullshit that people spew out,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 as far as i know were only putting it together here ikea style i think it would be far better if we were on the other side designing our own subs using our own materials to put it together then selling the design to other countries for 50b,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 theres a saying that goes something like doms want to feel needed and subs need to feel wantedi think that the key term there is actually the word feel as in each typically wants the sense of it without necessarily the reality of itpersonally i dont fully subscribe to the thought it seems to be presenting but i do understand it in my experience and opinion a relationship any relationship works best if both people are able to function independently but when they work together both of them benefit even more the whole being greater than the sum of its parts as they saywhen someone truly needs another person to survive or function or just to feel happy then thats codependence thats unhealthy as it can create debilitating attachment issues and lead to all sorts of messy thingsive had subs before who werent submitting so much because they chose to but because they felt they had to they had the idea that they couldnt run their own lives whether individually true or not and so had to hitch their wagon to someone capable of handling it for themthats not submission thats outright immature lazinessnow obviously not all subs are like that there are some amazing ones out there who have executivelevel careers andor are athletically impressive andor possess all sorts of significantly badass merits sometimes these people choose to submit because they want a release from all of the pressures of their highpowered lives theyre so busy taking care of business during the day that all they want to do is come home and be contentedly taken care of themselves focusing on pleasing just one person instead of the whole damn worldand some subs embrace their passive personalities wanting a dom to orchestrate things not out of necessity but out of comfort one of the core traits of a sub is that heshe tends to be a peoplepleaser and as a dom its a wonderful feeling when someone who is so capable chooses to spend their efforts making you happyhonestly ive seen enough dysfunctional doms and subs to say fairly confidently that if someone cant handle their own lives much less handle a vanilla relationship then theyre going to be terrible at ds,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i saw her butthole and i liked it,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i immediately feel small looking at it its kind of funny the tower has this look of some behemoth steampunk walker like its out for a stroll and people are starting at it in awe or it suddenly just appeared there like in arrival if youve seen it and people are trying to figure out what it is,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 as a side note when you open your character sheet where your skills are you can track your security status in the security status tab,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 instant nooooojk instant coffee isnt very popular in the us,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 they probably release chemicals when you squish them that are like bad news guys to all the other wasps,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 idk i guess ask them theyd knowugosti,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i was only trying to show that both are complex problems with not just a one sizes fit all solutioni wasnt attempting to conduct an in depth scientific study so your strawman argument is rather hypocriticaljust because things cant be compared exactly doesnt make it a strawman argument look up what it means again,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i dont care to pit like servers to like serversi just want a fun playthrough of the gameim doing vanilla content now will be doing tbc content soonish and wotlk stuff laterthings work nothings messed up random dungeon finderltshrugsgt its not for everyone if you want it pure i guess but its the best ive found so far for what i wantim a weirdo who actually enjoys building up a character though not get instant 60s 70s or whatever maxlevel you want and only raid,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ive just seen your team very similar great taste i think your way is better having lamela long and feghouli to rotate than mine having capoue on the bench every game thanks for the tips,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 hmm lets see september 15th i got dumped two days before and then some dude called me a 55 the next day and something else bad happened i cant remember and i was like its too much man and just laid in bed and cried for a while then i was finealso apparently typemention only cry once a month lol,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i spent all day inside and then bam lightning so idk,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 exactly im not suggesting that you go on blind dates as an typemention i wouldnt either hehe i would suggest getting out with friends more if you dont already and meeting more people but when you happen to feel lovestruck just make sure you dont cower or deny yourself a shot at happinessso yes definitely date if you want to even a tiny bit whenever the mood hits you,79.0,97.0,10.0,45.0,62.0 my ex is a chubby chaser and into bbws and he definitely only dated chubby women because he was pretty deeply ashamed hed still take the sex over not having sex just wouldnt date bbws even though thats all he jacked it to,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 thats sad my best typemention buddy adopted two girls from families that couldnt possibly care for them i look at their little family as a shining star in this shitty place we call earth,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 yea but crossfitwhy not just join a normal gym,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 funny how cheaters seem to be in every nova game did you watch at keast the demos of your matches,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thats a nice soul you got here be a shame if anything happened to it,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 talisa gave shireen a confused look i thought you said you didnt mind your familys sword fighting though she said some uncertainty in her voice,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 oh good maybe he can go live on that island after bernie kicks his ass in the general,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 you mean shop vac those things are fucking awesome be a real pro and get a wetdry vac,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thought it was archers of loafcross,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 1k cp not 1k of each pokemon right,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 its a lot like that yeah,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 your own hindmilk express a few drops rub it in and allow to airdry i tried lansinoh for a week and it did nothing for my sore nipples but my own hindmilk fixed it overnight,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 excellent guide its what i used too,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 also isnt it obvious that most of these leaks come from his people what is the fbi director even supposed to do about that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 they wouldnt have read the manga would they and this thread is tagged so you can tell me in all peace,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 it was alright there were parts i could relate to and parts i couldnt i prefer reading descriptions that talk more about a types flaws or insecurities because i feel it can be easier to distinguish type that waystill unsure on cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention vs cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention someone who watched my other video gave an interesting argument on why i might be cogfuncmention here,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 secondary ns are just noticeably less theoretical typemention arent more theoretical than typemention either but cogfuncmention loves to put ideas together out loud so it seems like theyre theorizing if you really listen they tend to state a string of facts and state a relationship between those facts its much more concrete to say x y z than to say given that x y z perhaps a b c if you spend some time in their sub youll notice a markedly less theoretical discussion than in the n dom subs rtypemention is a little different because cogfuncmention wants to pick everything apart down to counting the threads on the screws and their n is extraverted so they explore abstractions aloud when you present a theory to an typemention they will process it and present evidence as to why it is correct or incorrect they will compare it against their reality and often argue with you if they feel it is necessary when you present an apple to an typemention they will say yes its an apple when you present an apple to an n dom they might say you know ive often wondered what the world might be like without fruit would mammals have evolved without nuts and seeds blah blah fucking blah oh are you still here,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ive done this before too but with campus police late at night i was walking to my car and saw from a reasonable distance maybe a quarter of a mile that someone was skulking around my car i stopped and watched him for about a minute and then pretended i forgot something and walked back to the library called campus police to report it and they were more than happy to give me a ride to my car to make sure i could leave safely youre not bothering anyone by calling its their job to check these things out,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 the solution to nmm problems isusing mod organizerhere you go its not fucking impossible moderately more difficult than nmm but holy crap once youve taken a couple hours on a saturday afternoon to set it up youll never go back follow along through each episode groove to the awesome accent make liberal use of pause and rewind the k and j keys on your keyboard in youtube and youll have it down in no time,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 it seems like my problem is everyone sees a ship and i see a tank if i go out in the water i sink,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 and so whats your proposed solution even putin and erdogan with their strongarm tactics cant seem to prevent them,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 i was always conflicted about the validity of subtypes when it was the simpler version of preferring your dominant or auxiliary or other such similar systems gulenko describes his dcnh system more as ones energy type to correspond with ones information type particularly when participating in groups this explanation i think is much more elegant and consistent with theory than being either a pedantic or goofy typemention from another article i think explains this welli was expecting to come up with any subtype other than the one i decided upon i ultimately decided that dominant makes the most sense with normalizing as a second choice i really thought it would be one of the perceiving based subtypes but no i think that an typemention with a cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention subtype is odd and that the dominant aspect would have to be much more muted than say a dominant extroverted type im curious what others have typed themselves as for their subtype,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 that girls had dicks my justification i walked into someone watching hentai,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 if you hate war and the drug war you should want trump out of office asap the only one who still wants a drug war is jeff sessions and trump is going to get us into wwiii not sure what to tell you about spying but i hate it too as a liberal and im certainly on board with helping you fight ic overreach we need taxes though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i grew up catholic got rid of that in my mid teens not really sure how old i was when i called myself athiest definitely by college,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i dunno but theres some other basic stuff in here like crossbow expert that blew some minds so i figured id add to the pile,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 well either see her soon in a flashback so about chapter 92 or isayama will wait until just before the end and use her in the final showdown which would make it chapter 106107108,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i noticed on a recent reread that hes the only shifter who actively distance himself from every murder he committed in one way or anotherwith mike he looked away and let his minions do itwith castle utgard he threw one rock and made sure he wasnt there to witness the rest as his minions did itin shinganshina he actively gamified throwing rocks so he didnt have to face his actionsin the battle with the middle east union he states that war is always bad which since its a surprisingly extremely easy to debunk statement from someone as intelligent as him either implies hes slowly going insane or him being extremely pacifistichim being pacifistic is indeed far fetched but its the only way all his actions make sense to me,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 hence eddie murphys fondness for france,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 tough question depend on your definition of eq reallyi for example am really good at reading people i notice small changes in body language and speech immediately and instinctively know whether thats why someone is sad or is trying to deceive me for example i also very very quickly get a feeling for someones character when i meet new people in this sense i have very high eqbut this is the thing i adjust my own way of speaking pose and tone of voice to match whatever i want from that person based on what i read of them but doing so is honestly a very rational decision to be honest i really lack empathy i only experience real empathy with my dearest friends close family and my so so from this perspective my eq is shitefor example if my employee would come to me with a crisis situation a dying mother for example i would be super concerned in tone of voice and body language i would do anything to accommodate them to arrange things but this is because i want my employee and team to function best which is when they feel safe with me as their employer and safe in their job environment a stressed out employee is useless and will take the whole team down better to give them some time off to get their life back in order ill find a way to manage until then thats my job anyway but honestly i couldnt care less about the dying family member per se i simply feel nothing no sadness or any other empathic feelings,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 shh not listening you live in an ewok village and that is that wub wub mnamna pa wub wub,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 try rwickededge they can usually helpif youre using a disposable multiblade and using shaving cream in a pressurized can youre doing it wrong,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 absolutely but they are not innovations in areas i care about as a desktop consumer and im not obligated to reward them for catering towards mobile markets,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 depression checkanxiety checknihilism checknarcissism checkcrippling selfdoubt checkunbridled hedonism checksarcasm checkwit checkhilarious puns checkwho am i what am i,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 people like belonging to groups and people like being better than others mix those to together and you get all sorts of flavored of discrimination,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 ive recently started researching romanticism amp esotercism in 19th amp 20th century europe why was there such a big interest in intellectualism amp occultism especially in germany amp austriahungary eg movements like ariosophy amp thule societywhat psychological effects did these have on women in russia there was also a keen interest in mystics like george gurdjieff amp gregori rasputin where did this sudden belief come from did these movements have an effect on things like nordic mythology for example why was there such a big surge in the eddas amp ãslendingasã gur thank you to anyone that can answer my queries,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 its a chance to get a coupon its not every time,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 thanks for the additional shapeshifting powers,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i never did lsd or any experimental drugs sold as lsd but ive seen people on what they thought was lsd saw enough videos on the internet and read up on various chemicals etcmake sense now what i know and learnt is mostly theory i dont know firsthand,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 cats only think water will kill them it doesnt actually,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 hes seen some shit in his time,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i saw yesterday bovada finally flopped switching to 130 in favor of him not completing his term then today they removed the wagers altogether,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 funny story my 73 year old grandad tried to buy alcohol and was asked for id he simply said oh no you caught me there the cashier tried to explain it was just standard policy but my grandad continued to tease her and thanked her for complimenting his rather youthful looks,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 paging uduxbelisarius who answered my question on the historicity of the 1914 christmas truce amp therefore might be able to answer your question,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 sometimes this picture gives me comfort so i prevent myself from overthinking life,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 in this regard it falls into the category of ignorant theyre refusing to accept whats right in front of them,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 one interesting trend is remote municipal governments mayor and council who dont live and work in the city theyre running but instead run the city remotely using teleconferencing and so on usually they run more than one town that way small towns that otherwise wouldnt have professional high quality candidatesat various levels there is increasing use of data analysis data modeling and ais to help optimize various things such as public transitthe internet and data modeling are also making it easier for normal people to get a better idea of what their government is doing and whyan example of that,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i have a very close typemention friend cogfuncmention is pretty high up their stack in many ways we relate our cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention and use it to connect cogfuncmention much like cogfuncmention is concerned with results its all about how do things connect to the real world what are the results of a thing a thing is defined by its results i get that i dig it i have to remind myself of it though my first instinct is what is the essence of the thing is it a similar essence to this other thing or this perhaps if so is there a unifying abstraction which relates the two if so is there another unifying abstraction i can relate besides its different typemention are a lot like typemention cogfuncmention is very similar to cogfuncmention its hard to separate them i think its mostly about that desire to completely divorce oneself from reality and dive into multiple dimensions of imagined correlations that sort of thing is more exciting than anything else to me that is cogfuncmention imo,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ty for pointing out i was about tosea lions are rather much more powerful and brutal awesome shot anyhow,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 welp weve come full circlethat makes two of us then,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 lol krieger belongs to one of these,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 b momentum is conserved so the cube cannot gain any velocity,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 isnt the premise of jim cramer being on tv advertised as a way for people to think they are getting good advice because he has somehow convinced people he knows what he is doing you yourself mention his track record under the fund from the 90s as supporting reason for him to be doing what he is doing on tv i disagree with that even though the hard evidence shows that what he is doing on tv will clearly make people lose their money in regards to your statement that anyone will have that bad of a track record if they had to pick stocks like he does its hard to quantify that as no one else has a tv show picking stocks and that you categorized his show as entertainment despite him giving financial advice is even more suportive of my position that he needs to be taken off the air,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 the main characters have been cartman and randy for some time now,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i dont remember all the details as this was a very long time ago but we did do everything right thanks for the fucking downvotes,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 but were not replacing anyone this time our fit starting eleven was spanking the league in the first half of the season then injuries and fatigue happened in january,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 this game is why wenger doesnt see wilshere as a deeper midfielder completely uninvolved most important thing for someone who plays his position is that they need to always want the ball and always run into space to receive passes but wilshere just doesnt do thise i typed this comment before that,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 you guys wont believe me but last year it was actually aaron baddeleyfollowed closely by jimmy walker and daniel summerhays,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 matt barnes also wanted by me for fucking me over in fantasy last night,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 also feel the need to add that i dont think people necessarily do this kind of thing consciously i think most people have feelings of a similar intensity to what you and your friends probably felt like oh thats too badâ wonder how it will affect the movies but then immediately think to take their slight impulses to social media to the point that it turns into this weird over the top group mourning ritual every time a celebrity dies,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 hah only 125 times good ive caught up youre on 137 now,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thanks for all the info,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 and why doesnt ymir look like her mindless formlook examples of this subject are all over the place and whilst i honestly hope that the differences simply comes from upgrades it just doesnt at upboth our arguments are weak i guess well just have to wait what turns out to be the truth,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 sumifsa1a999b1b999gtamp1b1b999ltamp20countifsb1b999gtamp1b1b999ltamp20think that should work for you,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 cant tell if sarcasm or not,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i had not seen this before great advice i especially liked the part about making work more pleasureable so much of life is about attitude not circumstance neat little dive into the mind of a cando personality tfs,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 its interesting how you back things to emphasize them the only freewordorder language ive really ever had experience with hungarian which tends to front words,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 prepare yourself for people not liking your playing style because its supposed to be a freeforalli for one enjoy games where people work together its entirely within the game mechanics,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 in mtg terms we have too many spikes in the mtc and not enough johnniesbare bones definition of the 2spike competitive only like competitive stuff has to be good johnny creative try something different for unique play style twp 1 johnny map ever,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think its more antiradical islam than it is antiarab,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 definitely pour some sugar on me i cant help it when that song comes on,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 exploiting isnt cheating lel tell that to ppl who used external undetectable cheats,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yep its why i wont view most instragram contentscrew them if they dont want to take the few mins to code something to detect a pc and enable volume control theyre gonna lose my hits i now know im not the only one,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lol hes not wrong d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 turns out hes stuck in an endless time loop and is forced to relive his final moments forever,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i met my so when i was 18 at my first week of uni nonetheless and he was close to 6 years older than me we have now been together for over 4 years and live together as well and we have one of the most healthy relationships i know among my friends and acquaintances but here is the thing i had been through some heavy shit in my teenage years and was on all accounts very much more mature than the average 18 year old yes my so was in a different life stage but we were able to communicate and understand eachother on the same emotional level we were also both at a very emotionally stable point in our lives we were and are in many ways eachothers equal and grew together over the yearsthe thing that worries me about this girl is how she talks about being lonely that in it very self shows shes not emotionally stable enough to handle a tricky non standard relationship because of the age difference she does not seem to act out of infatuation or love for you specifically but simply out of the need for emotional comfort and thats not something you should want for your life,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 that sloth has to do so much workarounds shows what is broken with the game it was developed by hidden path who took source butchered it and slapped new graphics onto it now the guys at valve have to get rid of all the bugs,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 wherever you take that from,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 uh oh i have a bit of a problem with alcohol i try to drink in moderation though i do have a history of benzo addiction but ive put away those for now,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 back in 2008 it was oregon that put obama over the edge in delegates so even though we vote late in the process votes do matter in a close fight,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 circling the wagons is what american settlers and other caravans throughout history would do when under attack its meant to be a flimsy fortress of sorts against typically mounted marauders who could easily flank your position so to my metaphor she was more focused on defending herself from discomfort as opposed to seeing things from my perspective sorry i havent told you the story for more than a few days in a nutshell we didnt hang for a week then i got sick so we didnt hang for two more she wanted more dialogue emotional responses and schmoopy whatnot and i wasnt feeling it which i explained to her as yo im sick and weve been apart longer than weve been dating she was basically like i have all these feelings and i was like i dont but i think i might lets hang out and see what happens she was like no i feel anxious and no one should have to feel that ok,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 try to get better instead of blaming smurfs,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thank you ill add it to the list,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 paywall spyware and bluescreens are keeping a lot of people from playing eseaid say esea is the most cheat free environment to date but they are having problems with their client and that keeps people from playing there,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah i suppose that must be it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah not just the phrasing but its law most places i know the laws recently changed like a year ago in canada and i did get one noticedamn warner brothers got me for whatever the latest batman game was though the times specified was only for a few seconds or minutes not enough to prove id downloaded the entire game if they ever wanted to pursue it not that they wouldits pretty safe to just ignore these notices at this point in time,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 which is a rat what valve doesnt want to dowhich are ring0 and that is just all that vac needs tbhas esea eac and wire are as well as vac signature detection based acsis serverside and not a better clientside ac than vac,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 did you did you honestly just reupload the trailer to your own youtube account monetize it and post it on this sub hoping we wouldnt noticeyeah right edit if anyone thinks that there might be any difference with the official heres a youtube doubler of his vid and the official trailer,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i wanna pet them so badly,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 if either of those guys are cheap enough the bengals will grab them,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 idk im pretty time poor but i still comment quite a lot here on reddit and the guardian during my commute on the train or when im at the gym,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 if you are looking for a scifi series of equal calibre look no further than the culture series 11 books by iain banks,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 ooh tarkovsky ill watch weird art films with you willingly if you dont tie me up,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 ding ding ding dingthis course requires a ridiculous amount of driving accuracymolinari is the tits at hitting the narrow fairways he also avoids roughs and 3 putts like a boss,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah thats what i was thinkin,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 not having a boss might have something to do with it plenty of businessman and business owner work until they are pretty old,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 im very close friends with one sometimes hes a little dramatic but i can usually handle it,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 i guess its a good time to plug rupliftingnews for those who feel depressed,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 here you go op option explicit public sub filtercolumn dim inputws as worksheet set inputws activesheet worksheetsadd afterworksheetsworksheetscount dim outputws as worksheet set outputws worksheetsworksheetscount dim searchterms as variant searchterms arrayjpg gif png pdn jpeeg x dim counter as long rowcounter as long termfound as boolean call ludicrousmodetrue for rowcounter 1 to getlastrowinputws 1 for counter 0 to uboundsearchterms if instr1 inputwscellsrowcounter 1value searchtermscounter gt 0 then termfound true next counter if termfound true then outputwscellsgetlastrowoutputws 1 1 1value inputwscellsrowcounter 1value termfound false end if next rowcounter call ludicrousmodefalse set outputws nothing set inputws nothing end sub public sub ludicrousmodebyval toggle as boolean applicationscreenupdating not toggle applicationenableevents not toggle applicationdisplayalerts not toggle applicationcalculation iiftoggle xlcalculationmanual xlcalculationautomatic end sub public function getlastrowbyval targetworksheet as worksheet byval columnno as long as long getlastrow targetworksheetcellstargetworksheetrowscount chr64 columnnoendxluprow end functionexecute the filtercolumn subroutine to filter out the cells containing your search terms this assumes the cells are located in column a the found terms are then copied to another worksheet,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the nights so young that its 6am and early morning time to get up,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 ok take this then this isnt neither mbti or socionics happy bud,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 alls acetones gonna do is eat up those nylon washers if its got any and melt any other plastic around,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah im sorry i cant help but bring up my bad experience with doc martens every time i see a pair 160 destroyed within 12 years of normal light use ill never buy anything from them again and badmouth every chance i getthey were such a great looking boot and in the past they were amazing those days are gone and i cant respect a company that would put out such a cheap product based on the previous brands awesomeness it all changed when they sold and changed the factory i guess the old factory is still making good stuff with a different company but even that i dont trust enough to tryi do appreciate you taking the time to share a picture though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 kiernan reunited with her beloved niece at a big party took a trip to oldtown with her family and some of her daughters friends attended bilbo baggins eleventy first a dornish birthday party did mediocre at archerytalisa reunited with her friend aela vented her feelings got advice is currently talking to her dad about executing that anger management advice in a time bubble was crowned queen of love and beauty by her boyfriends grandfather at the big kingly party reunited with some other friends shireen unella gerard elinor was spoken to by some strangers at the party briefly befriended alysanne grandison went on a dream vacation to oldtown with her friends and family went to an old womans birthday lost a beauty pageant she was signed up for sneaky beaky like by aela wasnt particularly phased by the defeat missed her boyfriend who she hasnt seen in many moons due to her travel and his duties,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 so human head seem chaos know only question if truth know unknown when water knowing flow not big freeze order for some if cosmic dance not only death is word,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 the first part of your comment is entirely irrelevant and not believable,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 spieths 3 appearances at augusta 2nd 1st 2ndthe only no names that have won recently are willett top 10 ranked golfer going into the masters last year and schwartzel consistent top30 pga guy year to year whos currently t2 in this weeks euro contestid actually argue that it takes a good amount of pedigree to win at augusta i think the sharp bets are lee westwood t20 or t10 and dustin johnson spieth is probably too pricey to have money sitting on a book for maybe bet him if he gets into an early season slump,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 phew its time like these where id recommend setting up simple constants to replace the indices used in your arrays this allows you to make everything much clearer when someone else needs to look at your code they can see actual descriptive words versus a field of arbitrary numbers public const exampleindex 1 arrayexampleindex,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 that sloth has to do so much workarounds shows what is broken with the game it was developed by hidden path who took source butchered it and slapped new graphics onto it now the guys at valve have to get rid of all the bugs,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i agree that kyle make a reasonable analysis and some good points harris is indeed very focussed on the ideological aspect of jihadism he see it as a great danger for the entire world the main issue i got with chomsky is that his views are terribly cynical toward the us chomsky has an encyclopedic knowledge of geopolitic but he cant shake away his anarcho syndicalism that is he believe their should be such a thing as a state its an even more utopian version of marxism therefore chomsky is always relucant in seeing anything right done by the us its damn if you do damn if you dont his objective is to shame the state at every opportunity in my view chomsky understanding of geopolitic isnt the problem i know thats the words harris used he understand geopolitic very well its his ideoligical views which are problematic he has tainted a two generations of liberals with his cynical view of us politic he is among the reason liberals are so incapable of forming a coherent foreign policy or reasoning about global politics with nuances chomskys fan absorbed 1 of his understanding of geopolitic but 100 of his cynicism and antistate message those liberals are blind to the danger of jihadism because of that as they are nothing more than revolutionaries fighting imperialism in their mind,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 they are introverts and are intuivite poorly phrased sorry,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 isnt that story like a year or two old,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 he took erwins advise and became taller by standing on his pile of corpses,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thats an issue with jung as well the fact that jungmbti largely relies on self analysis is a big big nono this is part of why it isnt used clinically big five is far more stable and reliable however it doesnt have the massive data set mbti does and the theory of mind in big five makes far less overarching statements and is more about being scientifically useful not fun for coffee shop talk stuff,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i can hardly disobey my phones command can i now,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 hes also the best dressed man on fox,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 yeah i am not supporting people with mental illnesses you can reeattach deattach that penis,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i wonder how many exes have complained of this about me i politely decline and women insist look i havent showered in 8 hours you really dont want that in your mouth i dont care later on they probably complain hahaha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i would be a minuteman helping settlements no difference here,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 no problem i learned from this just as much as you did,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 typemention here who used to struggle with self acceptance i am now 35 and have found that the more i have changed my life to do what is natural for me the more i have been surrounded by people that i connect with naturally and the more opportunities to be myself in all avenues i have had the more you do you the more your life will bend to accommodate you,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 how do you remember your question for later thats fucking magic,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 you know what josh youre a stupid buttface we were friends for like two years and you fucking abandoned me fuck youim bored and drunk and high and dieting and i cant talk to anyone about it and i know youd get it because you fuck shit up when youre bored too i know you do boredom is worse than fucking anything thats when we drink and smoke and fuck and fight anything to not be boredwho am i supposed to talk to now huh corey has started fucking ignoring me which you knew would happen will pussied out andy got weird and this new guy dylan you havent even heard about you might wanna know hes an typemention and how big his cock is cause you always wanted to know that shitand now nobody does nobody wants to know a goddamn thing so im alone in my apartment high as fuck and bored and i dont have you to talk toyou knew what it would do to me because you know everything about me and you still did it fuck you josh fuck you ufatalfuryguy fuck you ufatalfuryguy fuck you udecrepitdog i love you and i miss you but fuck you,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 uafinedayforscience you need to get your shit togetherother users are starting to beat you in posting relevant norse mythology info,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 uenokha you can delete higher tickrate from that listin short while the fps of players could play a role in it 128tick is unfair for people with a latency of 30ms and higher and that is why it wont happen the thing people should be after is servers who are stable and well optimized,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i want you to be right desperately,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 this is totally possible with custom vba web scraping what info are you trying to get from imdb,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 try to touch your surroundings feel all your 5 senses and just be calm do reality checks as often as you can in the dream so you dont lose lucidity and last but not least try to think you really have to question your awareness not just rc try grade 1 and 2 equations solve them in your head you can practice this in real life,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 good dogs are lawful neutral they are just about willing to do anything if you command them to hunting protection and cold blooded murder,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 oh yeah ive done it in the past more than a few times i just havent in a while trouble is ill eat like a quarter of the loaf once its cooled down enough,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 okay you have some very good pointsnow i want to make sure are you saying that the way he argues appeal to emotion narrative and ethics driven etc cant be cogfuncmention and is cogfuncmention instead also are you settling ontypemention for himid like to take this further but at the moment i dont think i understand cogfuncmention enough or even cogfuncmention well enough to directly address your points thank you for your explanation though im reconsidering what i thought,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 graduated high school started college,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 you adding salt to your oreos i do agree though compared to other biscuits they dont taste as real,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i have them you just dont see anything but happy and annoyed until im drunk then i have all the fucking feelings or at least thats when i tell people about them nye i managed to kiss and ask my friend out ive had a crush on her for two years and then i kinda broke up with my boyfriend i was upset he hasnt been spending time with me instead of just you know just fucking saying these things like a human i just bottle it up until im like oh no im drunk lets blow up the world i will say some weird shit was going on when my anxiety disorder was untreated but im not sure anxiety attacks count as a feeling,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 dude just saw your trailerthe game looks amazing cant wait to throw money at it,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 lol i need to make a robot that can buy beer for me and take this doily off my person,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 as she placed her hand in the crook of griffiths arm she answered with a dumb smile arm ready back when they had first married she had been nervous to walk the streets of kings landing and although she certainly still mistrusted the citys inhabitants she felt fairly secure with griffith at her side,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 the challenge is that our strong allies are getting stronger and nutter the same is happening with our frenemies like pakistan and china we are feeding beasts which could bites us when they feel they can get away with it,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i know its not a lovely thing the whole thing is a mess,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 oooh now im getting all tinfoily could the cairns be some kind of ritual safeguard to keep something else concealedall those cairns remind me of the ending of the seven samurai,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 its not all the episodes except for s3e1 require a cable provider log on,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 yeah bird jesus was already taken back in my day my friends and i would group up and each play as one of the pokemon from tpp it was great,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ive dated two and they were both only children there must be a correlation only children are weird to begin with,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 he was just stalling time hoping that someone else swooped inhe had no further concrete plan,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah aethelstan can be pretty useful but i already know where paris is,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 it is okay for a 1 shot kill to anywhere besides legsno shit who said awping should be easyare you salty because you suck with the awp,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 those smurfshackers are the people who should be at that rankget better to get back there,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 good advice man you can use a similar method with figuring out the combinations to a lock if someone doesnt set their numbers to 0 they will usually set the numbers to things other than whatever their numbers actually are so you just have to track what numbers are being avoided and youll more than likely obtain the correct numbers to their combination,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 prati just fyi i started off just like you youre on the right track,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 in that case what determines hierarchy for chinese students for example im quite a young ta maybe just 1 or 2 years older than most of my students would that matter in terms of being authoritativeits funny how different this is within stem we are incredibly laid back and nonhierarchical for example a conversation with a prof lets call him prof dr john stuart when i enter a lecture could easily go like this and no one would bat an eye hi john hi avacyn you look tired late night yesterday yeah the study association had a party last night it was great fun but i might not have prepared for class today and the prof would just laugh it off and not care,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 one of my favorite singersongwriters colin meloy of the decemberists did a version too and of course i cant divorce it from this song in my mind,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 try saying hi before you break into their apartments,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah i saw that they had it up already is just be sooooooo fucked up if i came in second by a stroke and lost 900000 because of it i dont think i could handle that lol,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 came to make a boost comment too late,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 how do you like the dark souls seriesyeah i dont understand angry people video game or otherwise i dont really get mad about anything and sure couldnt see myself getting pissed off over a game this is how i picture you now and think of that video next time and realize how silly youre being,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 how is a skeleton an artefact,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yep par for the course,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 didnt know this was coming absolutely awesome,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i didnt say it in the guide but i ran this before stratos got banned and it was pretty broken then too but after stratos was banned and before shadow mist was released i ran a synchro build like youre running and it was very good,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i think it motivates the ps too i was supporting and expanding on the idea not mine that all humans struggle with this in some way for at least some time that it is intrinsic to the human condition interesting what you say about individuality hmm you do have a concept of self right at least a list of traits which describe who you are what youre into what you want what you likedislike etc asserting that you struggle with experiencing is a statement of individuality people depersonalize when they speak of the human condition and personalize when they assert information about themselves which is purported to be unusual such as you just did this is my journey is another way to read of your struggle,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you need to explain this stuff i found a chart on google images and a video on youtube but thats not enouhg for me to even get this thing,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 few links on this wiki,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 lol valentines day is comingthat heart shaped butt i love roger so much,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i talked to my psychiatrist and he didnt have any reason for concern with my medication after discussion and i need to contact my endocrinologist as wellalso yeah i have noticed it is harder to gauge distance,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 eevee ralts and pidgey is what i would like is that too much,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 and then peels off because houses are hot suns hot bricks are good at keeping heat huge surface area from all the ridges in the bricks etc etcbut yeah where im at we just had a huge blizzard with 100kmhr winds so you get stuff like thisoh and bricks are sticky ever had a wool sweater and leaned up against one i recommend it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 as long as they are intelligent agents playing in the same game as humans they should receive more consideration when alphago beat lee sedol he didnt complain that it was meaningless because he was not fighting a person,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 oh ok then i must have misunderstood you yeah i agree they should do more research on that,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 that knife has nothing to do with a khukuri khuks are made in nepal traditionally khukuris are also quite large the one i have is a foot and a half and its 34 thick at the spinethe knife in the pic is very small the artwork is also quite differenthere are some examples,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its almost as if we were warned about this exact moral dilemma decades ago,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 good point i forgot about that and pensions have gone away pretty much none existent for people in my age bracket 28,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 sounds like me if i get stressed its typically about school ill end up shutting down by overeating and watching tv which i hate doing instead of getting done what needs to be done if i just did what i needed to do instead of avoiding it the stress would go away but alasi just dont make sense,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 i really like your analysis of cogfuncmention and its abstract conception of money professionally i have been a working class fly on the walls of the most successful and wealthy people of the world ive been able to overhear private conversations of ceos and people involved in all forms of big business the big take away that i learned about rich people is that money is an abstract concept for them an investor that is millions of dollars in debt is still richer than the man that has twenty bucks in his pocket these are examples of speculation the rich man is speculating that he can turn around his temporary financial troubles with his next business venture the poor man is speculating if he can pay his bills and afford certain luxuries like food i think this is a good example of cogfuncmention over cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention over cogfuncmention either the rich man or the poor man if they are heavier cogfuncmention users and can integrate their cogfuncmention will see their current financial situation as fleeting but through cogfuncmention maybe know from experience that they will be just fine and be able to solve the problem the corollary to this is the miser either rich or poor that leads with higher cogfuncmention they hold on to their money and thus keep it just in case or like you said clip coupons these are the value of a dollar people rather than the money is a concept people the former are cogfuncmention heavy maybe born into their financial situation good or bad and the idea is to conserve and mitigate risks rather than the you gotta spend money to make money types one is expansive the other is conservative,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 i hope karma has a twisted comeback for him,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the oil itself will protect the wood somewhat multiple coats is what people normally do i much prefer just doing that as opposed to any stain or varnish as i feel that ruins the natural looktheres something you can do thats called wood stabilization but i dont know much about that i think its a resin that totally locks everything down thats about the best protection you can get but i dont feel its normally needed just a buncha coats of oil is what i do theres more than just linseed oil but thats what i use cause thats what i have laying around,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 great when are you matriculating,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 i am mobile so forgive my brevity for starters it promises to actually answer fundamental philosophical questions like is there such a thing as destiny another one of my favorites is what defines an object how does the universe know that electron a is electron a and not electron x exploring the implications of quantum pairing and seeming teleportation has implications for what we truly are in a nutshell where you are and where you are headed largely defines what and who you are i could go on for a while but you get the idea,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 although yes good programmes are selective the selection process is by far less intimidating compared to the us in europe doing a masters degree after a bachelor is more or less the minimum expectation of many employers instead of a thought through career choice as it usually is in the us because of this almost everyone who has done a bachelors degree reasonably well will find themselves a spot in a masters programme the selection they usually put in place is only to cut of the bottom percentages but not to select only the top percentages of course not including oxbridge etcwhat would be the average gpa of your fellow students is your university somewhere top 150 or even top 100 in the world ranking in my experience in the case of us universities the quality of the university determines a lot of your chances as there simply is a far broader range of quality and depth to them in europe most governments govern education quality extremely strict so any university in a specific country will not differ much in quality from the other ive had family members for example go to us colleges and return home only to find out their diplomas couldnt be converted to university level dutch diplomas but only applied science diplomas this is because according to the government the education quality of those specific uniscolleges did not line up with the quality the government expects from our unis,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i think different types are interested in mbti for different reasons types with strong cogfuncmention might be interested in how its such a logical way to classify people and it has internal consistency people with cogfuncmention might enjoy how it does a good job describing cognition and behavior choices as a unified system and lets us understand people as a whole and look at them through different perspectives etc maybe cogfuncmention types use it for selfdiscovery and why they are uniquely themselves i mean different types value different things and have different motivations when it comes to selfunderstanding or knowing others this system just happens to be vague enough to be universally applied and generally understood but precise in other ways which make it reliable its like a swiss army knife where we each can use it different waysits a knife for some and a screw driver for others,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i dont see the similarities not sure how anyone could look at our economic and political enviorment and support someone who blames immigrants for our troubles says that all muslims are our greateat threat and that we need to cut taxes deregulate and boost our military to me it shows they either they dont accurately observe reality or they just believe what the talking heads in the media say,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 paradis tease and marcels death for exampleas funny as the marcel death meme is there is no reason for isayama to put it in this chapter as well,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 its kinda like rblunderyears for weird men,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 ye the only thing i thought of was the bottoming out plastic on plastic which i personally find not so disturbing,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 this sub yeah yeah really cringy,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 at that rate wouldnt you be better off doing a much easier much less stressful job,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 typemention female im quite small and physically rather on the weaker side for a female and i feel intimidated quite often by men who show aggressive behaviour not so much if its aggressive rage behaviour that stuff is easy to spot and mitigate but often there are guys who have a mix of aggresive unstable and emotional often in combination with alcohol aura radiating off them which i simply cant properly read and that makes me quite fearful when such guys approach me a bit too close and start talking to me and get into my personal space,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 anyone got a good stream,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 hi your fourth clip breaks rule number 3 in the op,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ah so youre an sjw explains a lot,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i havent thought of an existential question that google couldnt answer,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 if you are sexually active i suggest you and your partner use the internet to better educate yourselves for example there can be sperm cells released preejaculation sperm can live in the uterus for 57 days and women can still get their period or have spotting when they are pregnant women ovulate for a couple days so there is a window of time when she can become pregnant not worth the risk if you truly want to be childfree imo all good reasons to wear a condom on top of using birth control which is not 100 effective,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 always my husband was just complaining about it today i find it very difficult to make my point if i cant talk through each step,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 i agree with you about situational appropriateness but rambling is more indicative of someone thinking out loud in meetings and the like it is entirely inappropriate but in social settings i think it is just an indication of people who think with their mouths open however when it is hurriedrushedforced speech super awkward and indicative of a lack in confidence,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 no he lives in the present not the past cant remember the last time i used cash to pay for something in fact apple pay is what i use all the time even a regular plastic card is practically ancient to me,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 automatic weapons probably will use bullets smaller than this,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 even if the stories are false and the msm decides to not cover it they also imply two persons active in the media katrina and amanda amanda is a pundit on cnn who is rooting hard for cruz can cnn have her on her next panel when so many people watching have heard of the story at best for cruz the story become the elephant in the room that the msm dont talk about we are in the middle of the most viscious election in recent memory with people in the social media taking part of it and waging their own wars cruzsexscandal is trending at 2 on twitter with 190k tweets,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 logical of or according to the rules of logic or formal argumentrational based on or in accordance with reason or logicreason a cause explanation or justification for an action or eventso it sounds like a logical and rational really arent that different and bthat the small differences make cogfuncmention sound like it is more based in rationality being that a reason is based on an objective cause and that cogfuncmention is based on objective logicreasoningthoughtwhatever you want to call iti agree that logic isnt the best tag for my description id use doctrine if it didnt have specific connotations i also wouldnt tag typemention typemention or typemention with the idea of accuracy both cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention can be both accurate and preciseedit oooh wisdom cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention wisdom thats the word ive been looking for,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 kiernan started to frown but she forced herself to keep her lips upturned focusing on liliana this wasnt about reanna placing a hand on lilianas shoulder she said its okay i i guess i already knew that she wasnt lying both reasons are true,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 that was his exwife that said he beat her the person investigated is his current wife,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 could you use a mail forwarding service like forward2me i was in the uk id definitley help you out by posting it via royalmail which would cost less than 5 as i know what a pain it is to ship anything decent into australiaif you dont have any uk relatives then forward2me is your best option given that its a cap its a very small and light object with minimal packaging so it shouldnt be too expensive about 20 maximum from experience forwarding is great for designer clothes or small knick knacks but prohibitively expensive for larger items such as shoes or furniture,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 they make a gan if you dont know what they are youd be surprised to learn they are the most interesting ai field in 2016 along with reinforcement learning alphago i bet the human brain uses gans to model the world and imagine possible scenariosits basically two ais playing a game one tries to create data images or text another tries to judge how good it is its like counterfeiters and police or like artist and critic or like imagination and judgement they form an adversarial system where they both improve each in turn relying on the other one of the issues of gans is instability in training good teamwork but they are state of the art in generating imagining images from text and other tasks,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i think id put up with emotional volatility in a roommate if they were really good at cleaning floors some tradeoffs are worth it,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 the noncatastrophically part was implied i thought,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 25075 on dk despite lillard cashed me out on all gpps and triple ups got top ten in the reddit freeroll whiteside and wear were some lucky punts watched the whole pormia game and im really impressed by whitesides performance despite not seeing the floor in the 1st and 3rd quarters,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 how to serve man its a cook book,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 now if you were really smart youd realize that nielsen ratings are becoming less and less relevant each second i dont know why they bother anymore tv in general has to hurry up and switch their business model a bit more,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 hey it happens nothing wrong there you were a good bro paid a small price for it but thats normal and fine your bedding might not be salvagable but hey youre ok with that right,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i would personally vouch for textbooks but as utimeandtype said if you have trouble being selfmotivated classes would be a better fitmost useful depends on what you want to do the most commonly used languages in the workforce are java and c they are mostly for big projects if you want to do web development php has 80 of the market python is becoming more popular alternative and you would likely need to learn javascript and html mysql jquery and other such things for back and frontend web developmenti study at home i set timers and do 3 chunks of 4 hour work sessions every day i no longer have a life d though much of that time is devoted to calculus i find working at libraries or we kind of suffocating like i cant just leave all of my stuff alone because it could get stolen which means if i want to go for a run or anything i need to carry everything which is just annoying plus you cant have music playing openlyim not aiming to build apps im mainly using code to do science mathematics and electronics but i did learn some gui development along the way in python it took roughly 50 hours to get some of the basics of the language down and then 20 hours to get familiar with all of the standard widgets by then i could do simple animations make calculators with buttons and charts window popups and all that kind of stuff but it would take longer to get good with it i would think you would want to learn phone app development if youre looking for a job in that kind of thing i think apple writes in swift and their own kind of c but youd want to look that stuff up,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 why would you build something in a videogame for your cat cat doesnt care,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh wait its starting to sound like charlie hm,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i love the disney cartoon soundtrack,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 haha my first time i totally forgot about my socks for me they didnt get in the way and so i never thought about them good for keeping your feet warm though,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 where the 2 team boosts are,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 not really but okay xd,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 oh okay now its really easyi would create a user defined data type struct when compared to other languages that stores your data by way of individual skus each data struct would represent an individual sku and within that it stores an integer for the quantity sold in a particular country code this allows you to breakdown all sku sale quantities and price quantities if you wished to extend this in a human readable format once youve got your data type created we can move onto our arrays private type skuinformation id as string stores the sku itself for comparisons countrycodename1 as integer stores the quantity of the sku sold in that country code countrycodename2 as integer countrycodename3 as integer end typethis would be easiest with a multidimensional array from here you would copy your entire spreadsheets data into memory this allows for easy data manipulation after all the data is copied initially it does feel slow as it takes time to load everything but this means you can do fancier things later if you so wished it would be prudent to include a progress bar for this process if you will not be the only one using thisstuff useful for correctly sizing your arrays before you create them public function getlastrow as long getlastrow activesheetusedrangerowscount end functiononce you have your data stored in an array you can then declare your data struct array for each unique sku you have once this is created you are now set to begin adding up all of your sku data you will have to uniquely identify each sku so you can size your sku data struct array properly i recommend another smaller array that you can use to store sku names in to crossreference for unique skus and use the size of that to size your sku data structin this scenario it is possible to be able to loop through your entire multidimensional array just once to get everything added up so in this scenario i would have a main loop that looks up an sku finds it in the sku struct array and then selects a case statement of which country code it is from after that you can then add the quantity sold to your sku structs quantity for that country codeonce weve looped through the entire array and have everything totaled up the problem now falls onto displaying your data but we can get to that once the code for everything has been createdill be around for any questions all day d,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 theres hardly anything notable in your history in the last 6 weeks,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 holy crap were up to 9 already where did this season go,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 well thank you kind sir but as if stated above the list this is just part of a bigger list made by uosculator i would like to redirect you to this post for the entire list,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 both her parents are turkish though and i believe turkey has jus sanguinis laws of nationality in that case even if she doesnt have even if she never applied for a physical copy of her passport she still is a turkish citizen by turkish law,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 the queen would need to order me to do so,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 cash me outside how bout dat,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 when is the last time that a politician at that level hasnt rely on written speech or teleprompter,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 people keep saying it will disappear soon but ive been over a mil iso for about a year just champed my first 4 star and will have my second soon if my alliance brings it for galactus currently at 108 roster spots all at max level for the covers i have all 2s and 3s champed aside from recently cycled 2s juggs as the only 1 star,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i mean why wouldnt it be,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 excellent postim not convinced lsh is crying though doesnt she have glowinthedark red eyes in one description,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 snek is hiding under the hood,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i am too youre a zombie who tries to kill me ill slice you in your brains if youre a nice zombie like fido or the ones in izombie well we dont necessarily have a problem in that caseoh and i think a good zombie apocalypse might be good for society at this point,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah its pretty good stuff the notion that we are trained to only be able to find happiness through romantic love really hits me hard i find the notion that i cannot be independent and happy very upsetting i would like to think that through introspection and self understanding i could achieve happiness,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 holy crap thats damn near a totally different bathroom this would be a cool rdiy post,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 may you live in interesting timesa curse meaning the times historians look back on being interesting are not the happy times and i hope historians are real interested in your placetime,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 oh my god my boyfriend would dump me if i was insane enough to deface his soccerfootball stuff what a bitch legit jerseys arent cheap either,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 sooo are you trying to apply the same formatting to all cell addresses within a cells formula,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the guy is worth 75 million not bad for drawing comics and having an hilarious list of business failures,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 you might get morebetter responses if you make separate threads for each,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 ya this thanks for the reminder,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 and a bunch of other places for 000imjksupportfrank,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 well wwi lasted 4 years and had a death toll of 17 million taiping was 2030 million over 15 years so thats 425 million per year in wwi compared with 133 to 2 million per year for taipingwwii is the modern example for heavy death tolls at around 80 million an insane amount of death in a relatively short time period,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 i remember using a lot of cogfuncmention actually having some values like dont hurt anybody if they didnt do anything to you bad or be kind and friendly to everyone or a goodbad people systemironically i was a very very angry kidi still use cogfuncmention from time to time and turn into an typemention but i guess thats due to my enneagram tritype 548,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 here you go op option explicit private sub example call copyitem00001 test item end sub public sub copyitembyval serialno as string byval data as string dim tcell as range set tcell sheets2rangeaafindserialno if tcell is nothing then exit sub tcelloffset0 1value data set tcell nothing end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 this is so cruel for all those people who rely on those monthly subsidies to bridge the affordability gap on health insurance this is really unbelievable i guess this is just part of his plan to make america great again right oh wait nope it was just a load of bullshit to get a bunch of nationalist idiots to vote for him trump has a lot of money just like the rest of his cabinet so they dont care about us,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 and none of them are as revolutionary as instant noodles,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 oh gross yeah i cant believe i havent considered that i guess the cgi budget would have been to much to include it in the shows,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 lol ive heard that its very strange to me like the doctor will stop performing cpr and say wait is he an organ donor lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 ive been gone for three days and this sub is filled with reigner memessobs im so proud of you guys,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i also use this a lot,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 if white people had just left africa alone they probably would be at this moment the most advanced civilization in history,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 thats why they sell it at the exitend of the museum,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 im really going to miss top gear i hope whatever happens i can see em doing something,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this game is an n64 hidden gem that pushed the n64 to the limit its still pretty rare today as it was a blockbuster exclusive titlethis lets play was really phoned in as the youtube commenters said james amp mike like to brag about how good they are at old school games like contra and ninja gaiden but cant handle any game with an analog stick on the controlleri usually like their videos but this was really a disservice to a n64 classic heres a balanced review for some perspective,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 the first time is fun the 10th 12 hour shift running the whole store fucking sucks cant wait to be done running the store after this weekend,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 damn that is impressive i wonder how it survived rather than bleeding out maybe diving down to a depth where the pressure on the outside would help stem the bleeding,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 bill nye is a coward and a racist who refuses to debate me about cryptids on twitter,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 this situation is actually impossible if you think about it for a minute you cannot prevent a paradox that wasnt created a natural scenario for this is impossible,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 is there anyone else that listens to the podcasts on a separate platform eg pocket casts andor itunes notice it hasnt updated past episode 46 or is it just me,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 oooo thanks for the info well then aside from the co2 and potential subsurface water what are the other ingredients needed to produce fuel on the surface of mars,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 im an engineer myself so i need a lot of math and it was a requirement for entry into my degree programme my uni did a large scale analysis of which factors can be a predictor of academic success the biggest surprise was that how well a student does in high school maths is a very strong predictor for how well the student will do at university this held true across all disciplines even stuff like art history degrees so we wondered why would this be to me its clear maths learns you determination and learning how to critically think reflect and analyse stuff on a highly abstract level all of these are qualities you need for not only stem degrees but also arts degrees which require to you to think creatively but still require a very analytical approach of that creative process to truly understand it so no you might not need maths when you want to make films but you will need the skills learning maths teaches you to become truly good at what you do,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 hiya felicia im a massive fan of yours and have been ever since i watched the guild i loved the way it was done and how i could relate to your character in it my question is about board games though which is your favourite or top 3 board games that youve played,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 this has been going on since forever but i swear it feels like its actually getting worseheres a funny take on it nsfw language would be funnier if it wasnt so true though,41.0,31.0,95.0,3.0,13.0 definitely thought elf shaman and a human rigger lol ah shadowrun what have you done to me,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 atleast i didnt have to make my own team to get an ateam spot like penglose,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 a civilization where that has to happen every few years is not a good civilization,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah thats the kind of shit i do with the dumbells but it gets boring haha have you tried rowing to compare,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 after reddit started liking donald trump the floodgates opened,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 how many people are in a playlist,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 what the heck i swear my french teacher said they pronounce it like hamburgã in quebec maybe that was true in the 80s or something or im remembering wrong or shes a lying witch,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 a whole brain zenlike pattern their zen state works best when focusing on a single question without distractioncogfuncmention seems to be related to flow also known as the zone the outside staring off into space on the inside inception now before you bother telling me its impossiblecogfuncmention is analog and nonlinear and cogfuncmentiondoms are the most visuospatial of all the typeshalfremembered data points are interpolated and interconnected into an overall pattern visualized as an interactive multidimensional model based on which certain insights seem entirely obviousintroduce the subject ask one question and wait for the answer we may need a few seconds to process but the answer comes fully formed though not always easy to describe in words then as an cogfuncmentionuser build on and speculate about the answer with your crazy ideas also dont expect us to remember every word a thousand years went by in our heads between the question and the answer so were bound to forget a few details,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 ive rolled him 3 times in assault always building full tank and wrecking with him his 2 does nice base damage with a large aoe and the root is an assist machine when building tons of health as i do his ult is an enormous heal the turtle is a very solid escape im really enjoying him,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 true doesnt help that im asian,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 im not in front of the ide atm but try this excelsheetobjrangea5a60valuetostring stringvariable then,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 actually i think its a good thing to limit the large employers from doing whatever they want they want the population only as customers not as employees and thats not good for us,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 ive played a oneshot with lvl 17 characters its not as much experience as leveling them there but they were pretty balanced and very powerfulthe only thing i noticed was wonky was the final boss it seems the solo bbeg monsters at high level are extremely easy to defeat for the oneshot we took down a pit fiend like it was an oversized kobold it was worth experiencing however as now ill never run a big baddie as a solo i suspect even the high level dragons need supporting monsters to not get absolutely plowed by a high level group,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 you havel carbonate the powerade first,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 another typemention here with an typemention best friend i have a very good understanding of who he is as a person so im not necessarily here to learn more about him or his typethats just a bonus since i genuinely adore him im more curious to see if hes standard of your type or more a statistical outlier also you guys have some of the more interesting topics here that i dont see on other mbti subreddits like theology hermetics and a bunch of other stuff that my typemention friend and i also like discussing basically im just here as a benevolent eavesdropping creeper,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 ah ok iâ ve been using staff so if i were to use fire 2 lava font gt earth 2 eruption would that be a correct example of what is needed,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 franchise gotta make a successful singular business firsteitherway im not a business guy i hate that end of it be it making sure you follow all laws for the business hiring finding clients marketing not for me no thanks,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 walking into a house party where everyone is wearing red and forgetting you have a blue shirt onand vice versa,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thats an odd one very scimitar like not sure if i like it or not,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i have worked in 2 public school districts and one private school and have never been able to negotiate any of those things except my initial salary at the private school if i advocated for an aide or more aides i was ignored i was given a flat budget for materials for the year in fact i would advise you to not negotiate salary or talk about money much at all during the interview save it for after you have an offered position you can always turn it down not trying to scare you but my experiences have shown me i do not have much power interviews vary widely when they call you to schedule one ask what to bring,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 perhaps you are looking for this,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 it is a different system but a typical typemention enneagram type like a healthy 5 or 9 would make for a good example,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 of all the parodies and jokes on the shakeweight south park absolutely did the best episode on one,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 the radcliffe one i was joking about the fact that the guy two comments above mine probably didnt even read it yet wanted to know what was going on,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 theres a slight difference because the dubbed lines have to be written in a way that fits with the way the mouths move the general gist of what is said is the same though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 once i saw a bunch of people cussing out 2 abortion supporters,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 also ashes w will proc her slow so her autos on wd things do extra damage,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 also noticed that its a flat 52 regardless of what level you have set so apparently its not calculating at all it just adds what transcendence gives you for base attack damage at level 1 but item power goes up properly weird tested in jungle practice and in game it calculates properly,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 oooo look a coffee cup 7,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this is brilliant just so you know this isnt purely altruisticfrance especially and india both have huge energy companies and a large market share in many countries solar energy is a big threat especially towards nuclear and coal power in that respective orderwhat they are doing is snapping up all the land viable for solar energy then they invest in the energy market using their unmatched access to capital and huge economies of scale which pushes out domestic competitors harming their own economy this has the twofold effect of gaining market share and increased power over their politicians since these frenchindian companies control their energy market this offsets the decline in investment in nuclearcoal gives them new revenue streams more market share a bigger consumer base and ensures its long term survival and its politically convenient too more indirect control over these governments for future profit wouldnt be surprised if the frenchindian government recommended it and are financially backing this and they get to look like they care about the environment too good pr that can never hurt,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 you have your camera pointed at the city lights,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 where the 2 team boosts are,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 so i have top comment on the thread you are referring toits not about marriage per se like you i dont think marriage is that important although i personally would like to get married if my partner was anti marriage id be fine with that too the whole point of my comment in that thread however is about knowing there is no long term outlook if you know your relationship will end badly in x years because you have some big disagreements which well end in drama and heartbreak why prolong the inevitable especially because the longer you wait the uglier the break up will beto answer your second question yes i am in a relationship with someone i intend to marry 4 years and counting if i didnt see myself with my so long term to me there wouldnt be a point to staying together with himalso i personally have no desire to date casually i dont feel any desire to sleep with guys i dont feel romantically attracted to and besides i am confident enough in myself my life is existing enough that i dont feel some weird fear of being alone or feeling worthless if im not in a relationship,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 kennys is a bot after the awp update funny considering that the go awp is now basically the css awptitan is better of with the trade imo,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 cant wait to get kicked out of starbucks one day because women without hijabs are absolutely haram if i dont accept them kicking me out ill be labeled as islamophobic xenophobe shrugs,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 not even na stupid eu mges in a nutshellapart from the things you display your computer is calculating nothing is what i was saying with that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i dont know if i am clinically depressed but i do know that i have a very bad inferiority complex that often looks like depression i have just learned about it and it was the funniest horrible thing i have come to realise about my psyche the problem is that i have had the complex for as long as i have been aware of myself in relation to others so i have no idea what it is like no to have it that makes it difficult to try and get rid of it because i have no idea what to aim for,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 but then it gives his team a disadvantage his job requires him to do what is competitive even if he doesnt agree with it its not like hes cheating or anything its a common thing in portugal hes just continuing the norm,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 or at least for arguing in good faith the problem becomes when the other team doesnt play by the equality rules and takes your kindness and care in explaining something to an opposed stranger for submissive weakness,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 when does he betray the group literally the only things i can think of not relaying willows message about angel which is horrible but understandable on many levels the dracula episode he was under a spell and being manipulated result forgiven and once more with feeling yeah fuck him he shouldve known better oh and the hyena thing again spell not his faultgenuinely curious what youre referring to i like xander so its possible im forgetting or overlooking something despite being midway through season seven on a rewatch right nowwillow is constantly selfish and puts the gang in danger a multitude of timesxander can be immature and often sees things in black and white but he grows up as the series goes on hes fairly inconsequential especially later on pretty much a cheerleader for the group and hes very good helping dawn cope with her place in the grouphow is he habitually a scumbag sure in high school he had a few scummy moments the biggest one being cheating on cordelia but he was in high school,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 holy fucking shiti dont even have words to describe how happy this makes me just wow holy fuck,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 if there wasnt a highway of titans for him to swing across or if the suicide attack wasnt there to distract zeke than levi would have been obliterated by zeke in the return to shinganshina arc just as the rest of the sc,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 why did i get immense deja vu from reading this like ive read it before,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i just happen to be in san antonio,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the cake is a lie and raid boss 05 mg i think youre the first one ive seen to do that nice,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 also rehearsed to such perfection theyll even work past poorly executed countersnot sp but seems about rightthat seems more like cogfuncmention tactical profiling reallycogfuncmention sees whats coming has a plan for the entire gamesessionmissionetc new tactics customized for every missionmapetcfe tactical profiling can use opponents cognitive biases against themim sure theres a better answer but dont know enough about cogfuncmention to know what it islikely to play healers or similar support characters maybeseems logical probably has very efficient and well organized tactics as wellyes also good for objectively analyzing enemies tactics and abilities especially enjoys cherry tapping,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 so how did it sound,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i guess ill break the mold and say yes i do not now or any time soon but yes as for parenting style i think about this pretty often i know i wont be super strict like my narcissist parents were to me i wont go into extensive detail about that but i think that since im already imagining future scenarios and how i would handle them that i would be a pretty decent parent,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 what about this one do you see in this logo or is it just squiggly lines,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im gonna go ahead and call you out for a terrible icon like seriously what is it even supposed to represent,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 depends where you live in my quite small city there is a shop selling a good selection of quality fabric liberty merino jersey linens designers leftovers and so forth,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 its just a vat of cum,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 im wondering if she knew that crystal gems were still alive and defending the planet doesnt seem like it probably assumed everyone was dead and wanted her new weapon and then the destruction of the earth that caused them so many problems,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 lol i have my fair amount the sweat is unexpectedly crazy,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i never new you can put vegetables in an omeletteusually i dont put anything with the eggs maybe salt sometimes but thats it,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 the phone was supposed to arrive today but the best buy email said it requires a signature for delivery so i dont know if it will be there when i get home,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 if you want to secure your document and the data contained within it the most secure method is by encryption can add more protection to this by implementing file system access to the document itself within your organizationwithout encryption all the data within the document is still able to be access by someone who knows how to manipulate excel documents including vba macros and password protected worksheets,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 what happens on october 1st,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thats a really weird and cursory analysis of complex historical events ive never heard marxists elevate reason i can see them claiming it as an artefact of the bourgeoisie theyre all about their proletariat raptureevents and in the meantime giving everything to the state who will of course happily give it up as soon as the poor plebs achieve class consciousness and realise socialism is whats good for them the french revolution nominally elevated three values as its ethos â albeit values that are not only wholly negative but incompatible with each other when taken as a whole plus its an argument purely from consequences and whats more a moral evaluation of said consequences congrats youre a feeler,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 am i the only one who found most words pretty easy to read on that only really had trouble with javascript and typoglycemia second one was probably because it was a word id never seen before,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 reminds me of this similar video beard,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 oh good point dimensionality should definitely be a factor here 4d understands beyond the current situation lower dimensional functions think that the present situation will be projected into the future like this arrangement of this object in this space will always disturb me unless i fix the current situation a 4d perspective would realize that this situation is dynamic and not oppressive i dont think so either but i listed it for the sake of completion both nardi and socionics as well as vaserlan are very much focused on kiersey none of them rely on good western definitions of cogfuncmention they arent all terrible see hunzikerill have to look into this further im not too familiar with this aspect,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 eh both my parents have had cancercancer is general enough where its not offensive,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i have more of the same amazing model here,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 have you read all of the other nt descriptions the tests are not rock solid,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 exepsilon to g2 extitan to secret,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 tbh i think you are overdoing it on the defense you will have an entire army to soak up damage grabbing retaliation and those nodes are very good also i think that templar shield nodes are pretty bad now,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 do it i needle felted in every single end of my boyfriends dr who scarf and i am very happy i did i only did a few pokes per endmaybe 8 to 10 the untrained eye cannot see it edit needle felted,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 one thing ive noticed i can find the flaw in anyone that keeps them from succeeding or at least i think i can ive noticed everyone has them but they just cant or wont see them the flawswhich lead me to the conclusion that i have them as well and at least some people can see them as clearly as i can not being a special snow flake and allso that lead me to the unless they ask they dont want to know philosophy and that were all flawed in our own special snow flake ways,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 im going to remember that one i like the description for me at least the squishy center description feels quite right and its how i feel because deep down i actually feel a lot and very intensely but its simply not something i have an interest in to share it with the world outside of my very close ones squishy indeed,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 no video of the shot,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 been there soooo been therehurts in the moment but in the long run at least then its a settled question on the flip side he might touch your boobs for a half century youll never know unless you ask d,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 and not having another one because they are so widdle and pwecious,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 oops i ran into the wall shit lol mb teambanned,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 pretty cool dont see those too oftenthanks for sharing the pics in any case,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 and throughout all the time between someone was doing something similar same before and same after noone said they landed on the shores of the americas to make friends,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 kiernan wondered if it would be cruel to talk about her marriage while reannas was still processing her own recent widowing but attempting to contain her enthusiasm was a futile efforti still miss living in the manse some days she started eagerly other than that time of my life seems like an apt description marq is a good man,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 are you open to taking in runaway american women d not me just curious,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 if theres any meaningful discourse to come exclusively from the critical theorists i really think you should be looking at the anthropologists mary douglas lacan freud et al and even then its not essentially critical theory,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 this is very common they are biding their time thinking you will give in or get pregnant with an oops baby and be so swept up with emotion that you will keep it or perhaps they will make grand promises to help if you keep the baby or they will beg you to keep it to term and then fight for sole custody we have seen it all here you know what you want for your life so you are going to have to grab the bull by the horns and make it happen you dont seem to expect him to change to cf for you which is good he just surprised you with new information recently he seems to expect you to change though that means he is not really hearing you and not respecting you he feels he knows you better than you know yourself,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 studies show that few people know what a fucking apostrophe does or how it should be used,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 you seem to assume that the majority consciously chose what operates their computer they didnt they accepted the offered default without any further thought a default that microsoft fought tooth and nail for above below and inside the law to get technologically linux on the desktop is on par with windows and os x it does have its niggles but so do windows and os x there are no major technological showstoppers for either of them desktop linux even has a leg up as foss enables a distribution to ship a rich set of bundled applications at no additional costthe reason windows is still the desktop default is not users actively choosing windows as the default desktop it is microsoft working hard to keep oems shipping windows by default it is microsoft working hard to keep isvs invested in the win32 platform users just take home what companies have decided to sell them the network effect just cements it further into place nobody ever got fired for buying microsoftthat is why linux is ready and users are not if oems and isvs decide a linux distro is it users will get linux shoved in their face and theyll take it home and not think much of it after a few yearsits also why linux advocacy is mostly preaching to the choir youll never reach the large contingent with it that is content to have the choice made for themfighting with monsters will make someonesomething a monster sooner or later at least a monstrous linux will have better licensing for end users,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 isnt chastising strangers on the internet also a bit arrogant,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 this is where we are the devil in the corner the personal inferiority is determined to go social inferior cogfuncmention transgresses into cogfuncmention polr i just hope that the majority of peoples inferior isnt falling for this farce i may not devote as much attention to this sub from here on out i love typology but this is no time to be distracted one thing that ive learned from typology is from hillman our institutions are failing us and society is unraveling get active a month ago i thought it was interesting that this was predicted 50 years ago today we can maybe stop this shit just got real people i long for the days of ten days ago when i could spend my time on esoteric topics,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 thats horrible when i saw the xrays figured thats what it washopefully theyll get theirs sometime,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 exactly what i was getting at it would be impractical in a situation like dayz,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 if they swapped the wording to how manly the guys looked if it would come up with a bell curve,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 this analysis was absolutely amazing yes im familiar with the functions and i believed masamune was an typemention but since im an typemention ive been told that im biased and type certain nontypemention characters as typemention,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i still think nvidia is doing pretty great things for graphics as a whole advancing technology etc dont agree they should own the market but i dont mind so much with that company always used their video cards from day 1,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 someone give this guygirl a medal,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 steam has an item market to buy and sell items in exchange for steam wallet funds theres also a trading system in steam to trade items as the name would imply csgo items can cost lots of money and were talking several thousand dollars sometimes some people want to trade these items for real world money what could happen is someone pays 100 via paypal and the other person trades the item and then the 100 is refunded thus scamming them out of the item,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 awesome what sort of music are you all playing,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 balances it out â thats a very crude way to view the complexity of human beings his nonviolent resistance to british rule made history it does not matter one whit to history whether he was a nice person,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 if it was over london you could see the eiffel tower,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i used to be a mild level holocaust denier now the answer is i dont know,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 available all days after 6 dedicated to any league that drafts me i have unusually good jukes for a contain defense playerraz 4 nltp ateam,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 whats the aerial shot look like,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i was really happy when he requested lion and they did give him lion the next day he was ecstatic,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 how are the tips ive considered switching to jj since they dont go to the ghetto like we do but have avoided it since i know the people who own the company that part would be strange,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i browsed through the whole readme and the webpage an no pictures you should have loads of them great job otherwise,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 anyone financially illiterate enough to hold more than 250k in a single bank account given todays very low interest rates andor not bothering to diversify their savings across several banks deserves to lose their money,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 oh yeah and materials science and logistics etc we manage to do some pretty amazing shit when we work together,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 nah good enough as i said as long as it excludes the s its all goodand i actually pronounce it closer to ellenoy but i think more people actually say ill but im too lazy and ell rolls off the tongue quicker than ill,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 violet was momentarily concerned as coraugengisan plummeted to the ground but her worries were quickly forgotten as her friend bounced back to her feet beaming and declaring her victoryput em together violet suggested supporting her sisters idea,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 second everything you said especially the feelies its going to be ok op i have fucked up an almost unfathomable amount and the hardest part to overcoming it was forgiving myself,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 they will find a waybe it a road or paths,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 does he do the whole proud strut thing and all,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 does that really answer the question,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i agree we always assume that every bad thing in the show should be attributed to a but that may not be the case we can only be certain of the things that are explicitly attributed to a,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 i shouldve tried harder to convince you otherwise kiernan disagreed shouldering what she had long believed to be the fair share of the blame stupid she berated herself furrowing her brow and clenching her teeth stupid stupid stupid no matter how much confidence she built under tremendous pressure and guilt kiernans insecurities tended to returnno kiernan countered to herself shaking her head slightly no im not stupid im not and marqs not either the truth lied not in marqs first thought but rather in the latterno she said aloud shaking her head again as she started to turn her pain outwards i want to blame us marq i want to blame myself but thats wronghe was gone before we sent him away kiernan concluded her voice coming out as a croak as she began to weep heartbroken she kept her gaze lowered at his hand letting the tears stream down her flushed cheeks,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 she is the embodyment of lawful evil,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 every couple weeks every other day before swc theres a new thread about how to buff amc but hirez has stood by the line that hes in a good place i agree id like his slow to be stronger and harder to escape and for his hives to be a little hardermore annoying to destroy but hes fine as issometimes people give me shit for picking him but then again ive also been told that hes freelo because hes so good,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 she looks like shes trying to stop her own warpigs from turning on her and eating her reference,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 mch arent new players though you have to have another job to 50 before gaining the ability to unlock mch so they should understand off gcd abilities by then,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 hahaha thats great i would give you a hundred upvotes if i could dall i got is this gif,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 on the official website it says a nickel titanium alloy and not to use it if you are allergic to nickel,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 depends on which country you live in,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 elevator always i do enough running and stairs that if theres an elevator im using it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i always use browbeat in edh and sun droplet and often grappling hook,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 list of automatic downvotes for me fox news breitbart washington times ny post newsmax daily caller daily signal,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 yeah like the writing from the voynich manuscript,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 an explanation why the fps should have to do simething with the tickrateget right viewed the data how many people have decent computers and said valve went on to say that 128 tick wouldnt be feasablehowever what most people miss is that valve never said it was due to fps and they also get the internet speeds and locations of the peoplei want to know why people are saying that it is all due to fps what are the problems with 128 tick for computers with lower fps or are you just saying that because get right said it somewhere and you actually have no clue why it is as you sayif that us the case i cant understand why people who say it is not due to fps and know what they are talking about get downvoted by people who have no clue about it otherwise you might link me the dev post where they explixitly say it us due to fps,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 good insight i would also add that we can now use ai to research new materials and construction methods we might be able to make everything we need from just abundant materials when we have abundant smart materials and if we can build a self replicating factory off them we will reach post scarcity,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 his name was kim kimble originally wow thats some messed up parents,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i did not know some hillbilly living in trailers get wifi,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 hoas while having zero to do with the market crash they are really just a tool to control and micromanage people and their property my liberal politics of allowing people to have the freedom to do what they want with their property transcends whatever negligible benefits a hoa provides,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 old alexis would have shot straight away,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i know its hard to be objective when youre the one going through such strong emotions and are frustrated hurt and just want to fix the problem even though youve come to us for advice i think youve answered your own question read your posts out loud to yourself and really listen to what youre saying read it as if you were listening to a stranger describe what theyre going through would you want that person to stay in this relationship would you describe whats going on as healthy not to bring it back to an typemention cogfuncmention thing but sometimes we need to externalize our feelings to really understand whats going on imagine what were seeing as we read thisa person who has clearly and repeatedly stated their needs to someone they care about and instead feels rejected patronized and is starting to bottle up their own feelings after theyve said being open and honest is what they strive for there might be an urge to stay and try to fix it but read what youve saidout loud do you think this is worth fixing should anyone have to work this hard to be accepted and understood by the person they lovetell him clearly that youve stated your case and dont see an improvement tell him you feel he isnt taking your concerns or feelings seriously and that you no longer feel comfortable being yourself around him unless you see change youre going to leave thats all there is to it good luck lt3,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 here is a relationship rule that some people usedont do anything with someone of the opposite sextype you are attracted to that you wouldnt do if your mate was sitting right there do you think he would send that message with you present that may be your answersecondly imo why spend your time with someone you arent totally nuts about and they are nuts about you back and make you feel awesome i wasted all of my 20s dating guys that put half ass effort in all the while thinkingmaybe its memaybe of i just love them enoughmaybe if i wait a little longergive him another chanceanother chanceanother chancelet me repeat that i wasted ten years of my life dating guys that were half assing it look for someone who is all in edit i made my rule hetero but could be applied to other relationships as well apologies,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i really like the wedding sceneyou are a delight to me my lady shame he had to pay such a high price,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 ill graduate with double the debt and will be paying it back under the 35 years rules ive decided to only make minimum payments its just not worth it with the current inflation low interest besides with the combined debts of me and my so there is a big chance the government will pay a large chunk of the remaining balance after 35 years there is one important caveat though i do not plan on ever buying a house if you want a mortgage from a dutch bank theyll have a look at all your registered debts your study loans arent part of those theyll ask you to provide them that info out of your own free will however you are not required to if you do theyll be counted rather heavily against the maximum mortgage you can get if you dont they wont count those debts however if you dont declare your study debts you forfeit your right to ever claim nhs garantie if you go bankrupt and need to sell your house below valuelike i said i wont be buying a house so i dont care for this whether its relevant for you is something only you can decide,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 if im understanding correctly does signing up for the forums provides a chance for a beta invite of is there another step i missed,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 exactly the relation needs to evolve naturally depending on setting and what you want from the relationship no mentormentee are actually proclaimed mentormentee but if done right both will know that thats indeed the nature of their relationship,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yep as an typemention id say just keep holding hands for a while and let a kiss happen when the moment seems to feel right for her we dont do these things lightly but we also dont plan them in detail that would take away the whole value of it,70.0,33.0,46.0,6.0,33.0 never stops hats and the occasional octopus,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 if you got mild you should see changes within minutes to hours moderate takes a few days at most and strongextreme can be much longerif you are mild then you should get the wow factormost moderatemild reviews of the 25s have changes recorded pretty fasti have some 25s myself in custom frames at the time they didnt have womens frames so i went with providing my own and id say they are good in most situations they work the best in well lit areas they work okay on electronics they do a good job outside and work enough to cook red meat indoors with lights that arent super powerfulit has taken a month for me to see effect but that is just from the severity of my deficiency ive handed off them to someone else who was mild deutan and they noticed immediate effect,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 the us has a far bigger problem that maternity and paternity leave the problem is leave and vacation in general every time this topic comes up anywhere it quickly derails into feelings of jealously why should someone get extra leave just for popping out a child why cant i get leave for caring for my sick mother it is honestly ridiculous that the us does not have any statutory leave this has nothing to do with egalitarianism and everything to do with simply social minimum welfare one can expect from a developed country thats the true issue that being said i found the article to be rather weak the points stated have nothing to do with how hard paternity leave is frankly the points he made are simply called parenting and youll be doing it for another 20 years just like humankind has been doing for many many millions of years already in todays world having children is a lifestyle choice not a necessity yes parenting is hard thats a given and was to be expected no need for the martyrdom,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i dont think its such a bad thing that we have characters somewhat resembling others considering that chewbacca isnt nor should be be the only wookie to ever appear anywhere same with ackbar and the mon calamari im 70 sure thats the right name for his speciesits not as if theyre just evil versions of that one character theyre their own person as for the droids i can understand your point of view but i for one loved them,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 i used a physical analogue but i dont think this is how i experience cogfuncmention to my thinking it more constructs hypotheses if youre dealing with a physical topic of interest like the molecular models in the example then im actively building hypothetical structures which could fit but the analogy is true for completing any pattern if its not a concrete pattern im looking for i dont usually visualize the objects im building but its an actively engaged intentional process for the most part if a b c then xyz we are talking now in another thread about how going with your gut is kind of a foreign cogfuncmention sort of concept my brain does shit out answers and make intuitive leaps but for the most part its asynch processing with cross linked promises and im watching it happen as it happens if that makes sense when my subconscious says the answer is blah blah if i dont know exactly how blah blah works and how it fits into the broader context i dont trust blah blah you can observe people doing it here as they write well start with an intuitive hunch like the op of this thread then build the rest around it as we go if you replace the word seen with considered then i agree what is the process for determining whether or not its useful i have noticed that the cogfuncmention users ive known seem to have a hard time explaining why something should work unless they have past precedent to go on without that its usually dogged insistence that it will work,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i have been wondering if it might be better to throw incorrect statements out so that they can be corrected i mean it only costs you your dignity right kind of like what they say about the internet if you want the right answer provide the wrong one,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 ok so if you arent sure how you feel you want someone youre dating to talk to you about their schmoopy lovey feelings with you greater than 25 of the time,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah i was thinking that as well but dont want to risk any sort of injury to kos just before the barca game so put chambers as cb,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 youre right im dismissing your nonpost but not because im white or racist because you didnt say a damn thing,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i took my job seriously army 13e calculating how to aim a howitzer to hit the target i learned the hell out of it i could do it on scratch paper to the extent that it could be done that way i learned about the equipment and everything i could i thought people can die if i dont know my job youd shit yourself if you knew how many people thought that was ridiculous most 90 couldnt even fathom why i wanted to know so much about my job it really ruined the military for me,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 looks like its in slow motion,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 by 08 looks like its very competitive and hard to predict they are also saying that arsenal have a 651 chance of not winning the title,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 most prefer the taste of mice and rats though,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 this is something that is common in the more rural and smaller towns where everyone knows everyone in more densely populated areas no one ever does this unless theyre stupid,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 perhaps consider that we were bred to develop crushes and behave irrationally for long enough that we breed its evolutionarily beneficial to have partners with multiple people even if this is detrimental to the individuals involved no matter what is going on in the rest of your brain your lizard brain is following a program to encourage you to minimize the possible impact of mating with someone who might have recessive traits which would render your offspring less evolutionarily fit if you breed with more than one person you have much better odds that your genes will survive when under the sway of this chemical cocktail you are extremely likely to ignore the faults of who your lizard wants you to bone and to overestimate their positive attributes you are also likely to downplayignore the likelypossible downsides of pursuing said strumpet what you the human dont know for certain is whether or not the relationship with this person will be good you dont know that after the hormones wear off you will still want to spend time with each other etc i would counsel you to consider whether or not there are things you arent currently getting in your current relationship which can either be worked on arent that big of a deal or which truly might constitute deal breakers were you even restless before your lizard brain took a shine to this guy,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well for one the people dont have a cia with a black budget all our studies have to be ethical we dont have an nsa eitherthat and our guns are being taken away,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 how dare you show genuine caring and interest in someones life you heartless inconsiderate bastard,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 probably lives in a dense environment like the area along st kilda road or east melbourne everything you need shops gyms etc are within a 10 minute walk but the trams are so full you often have to wait for the next one just to fit on and once you manage to get on theres no guarantee there wont be traffic,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 on some occasions i feel like every second is heavy i want something but i dont know what it is nothing i do is as satisfying as it normally is ill go for a walk listen to beautiful piano and cry its kind of like unwinding i think its just my way of letting my brain catch up like sleeping,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 lmao i find it way too funny definitely gonna use it,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 sometimes i wish i could forgive people who have wronged me in a serious way other days not so much lol,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 what is this supposed to mean how was she different from any other actress or actor for that matter of the time in this regard her sex appeal was her most salient feature would you say michael jordan put an unhealthy emphasis on basketball instead of hard work that means nothingwoman admire and envy beauty as a quality she was seen as beautiful whats hard about that,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 unless the book is completely different to the film she is like the most typemention thing ive ever seen,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 if i had to choose between the two it would be google but since i dont im a microsoft guy ive never been a an apple fan and google lost me along the way a couple years ago so as usual im in the happy minority with windows,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 i also do this but i often fail to see enough i like to give a shit about said people,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 interested in any of these 45iv breedjects eevee is reserved for someone else on rpokemontradeseverything else is up for trade,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 it will be time well spent if you can reconnect and work your issues out love is worth working through issues,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 take your time mate we all know that you and the other mods are doing this for free if something you produce is a bit late then none of us have the right to complain we should be grateful that people are doing those kinds of things at all despite the struggles that everyone faces in live life sucks and everyone that demands of you to make your life suck more so theirs suck less has no right to speak i wish you the best of luck with whatever is bothering you atmalso we havent forgotten annie,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 this was painful to read,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 problem is outside of eren and armin all other children eat the wall propaganda thats why armin got bullied in the first placealso you shower too long think of the environment,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i love your post your husband reminds me very much of my own so silliness galore anyway i wouldnt ask him to stop being his silly self can you compromise in my relationship my so starts off super silly and im like sex ok sure and also sometimes really no not right now but once we get in bed my so is rather gentle and romantic if this is something youd enjoy as well you could approach him with the question to be more romantic when you get in bed as an explicit foreplay step youd simply be adding something new to the current routine and because of that youre not going to hurt his feelings for him being the funny person he is,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think youre putting the emphasis on the wrong syllable its pronounced wacovia,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 7 what marley heard from that event through the radio that the warriors carried with them8 the reaction of the horses on that event9 a topdown view10 a shot taken from the ground looking upward,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yep my dancing ability is directly proportional to my bac,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 that seems like a major issue that will remain an problem unless it is fixed talk to her about it if you think its the key to your relationship,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 lol yep trumps god is being more proactive i bet cruz wishes he had trumps god,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 walking into a house party where everyone is wearing red and forgetting you have a blue shirt onand vice versa,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i didnt know that about snakescool,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 thats some hellraiser level shit right there,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 probably varies hugely depending which state youre in and whether youre buying beer and wine or hard liquor,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 indeed after all we only prove things by proving them you have to push things in order for them to be pushed namaste,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well played soton just played to our weaknesses and came out with a result,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i did a few things i would just take a sound like the classic u5988u9ebbu9a6cu9a82 tones 1 2 3 4 and just say them over and over i also take english words and apply the tones sometimes for fun it challenges the brain and gets it to make tones feel more natural at the expense of maybe messing up your english a little if you have pleco use the tone functions listen to the character out loud and then try to repeat and listen carefully to yourself so you know if you did well the colors for tones are 1 red 2 green 3 blue 4 purple 5no tone grey i mess up tones all the time just saying the wrong one and using the english version of emphasizing words instead of a chinese one youve got it man,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i might just be tired but i notice 0 question marks,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 i think thats kind of an cogfuncmention thing weve talked over in rtypemention a few times about how we dont normally miss people cogfuncmention requires stimulus to be emotional its not generated from the inside like it is for cogfuncmention users i recommend video chats and doing activities together like playing online games,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this is actually a really interesting point i frequent rchildfree and one of the main annoyances of the people of there is how they loose their friends when the friends become parents mostly because when people become parents the number one topic to talk about is children which childfree people are usually not really interested in thing is nothing really stops you from seeing your friends once you have children or more specifically if your friends had children how would that fact suddenly change why you will or wont be lonely i mean once you have children the reasons or the ability of your friends to visit you will not change child or not your friend needs to get in a car and make time to meet you,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 it sounds like he really digs you and perhaps has some slightly different love languages affection words and gifts are what youve mentioned whereas perhaps yours are more aligned with affection quality time and acts of service,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 unlike her sister violets eyesight was unblemished as well as sharpened by countless hours spent with a bow though they werent focused on the ground her dark brown eyes noticed when the shadows conspicuously changed and so her attention was drawn away from her thoughts and back to the game at hand partly expecting herself to only be drawing a faulty conclusion she stepped forward with a heart filled more with anticipation than excitementas she rounded the corner to see her mirror image sidling away from her a wide smile spread across violets lipsfound you the ganton girl exclaimed eagerly pleased both by the success and by the fact that it meant she was closer to not having to seek,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 high school level bs detectedalso this just further goes to show that a guy doesnt really have female friends unless theyre acquaintances through others like your guy friends gf or something,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you cant fix human nature so the whole project is fucked haha but you can still make good progress on fixing yourself,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 basically there are two camps one model the one used by the school of system socionics says there is a dychotomy thats constant across quadras thought they dont know which one themselves and all the other models says that doesnt exist and to get 16 functions you need to split by processresult which divides quadrasfucking finally this is what ive been trying to tell you for months its neither model b or model a2 it was soss all this time now is the ssos model a bunch of bullshit is it compatible with all the other models that say that to get 16 function you need to split by processresult in all of my comment i was just quoting a lot of sources using the ssos model,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 at this point your best course of action would be to move your data into an actual database access sql either of those would perform better than excel for the amount of data you are working with,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the division kinda bombed dont bother getting itdont support halfassed lazy attempts at a cashgrab game,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 and yet you still loose kd means shit what is important is that you win the games,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i think i could beat my bench 1rep max with how much this question is loadedmorality is a lot more like biology than it is physics in physics everything is pretty much set in stone fma vir emc2 etc not much wiggle roomin biology everyone generally learns and agrees with things like rna is used to code proteins and horses have four legs strong muscles and have a mane and tail but theres always that asshole in class that says queue nasally voice uh teacher what about ribozymes theyre rna but they dont code for proteins they act more like enzymes so theyre not rna by your definition uh teacher ive know some horses to be born with several legs or fewer legs or bald so are they technically not horses rightget it i mean yeah the guy violates the nap by stealing and trespassing but you dont have a right to snuff the guy just move him off your property or whateverthese arguments are just stupid pedantic attempts to get a gotcha from anyone trying to address them logically its like the theres a train heading down to a fork one side has 1 person the other 10 do you violate the nap if you dont switch what if theyre criminals and orphans what ifthe other answer to your question is how do you think this would hold up in a court of law or against the guys dro you really think that oh he was stealing one of my apples so i shot him would work as a viable defense the judge is going to be like uh no youre a dick youre going to jail andor compensate the guy andor his family,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 you cant make your kid become an typemention for all you know your kid will end up as an typemention and there is nothing you can do to change that ever been around babies of a couple of months old ever noticed how even at that age some children are very quiet and some are crying the second they dont get any attention this was for me the reason why i didnt want children i would like to have a kid if the kid would be exactly like the kid i envision in my head but thats not reality and being a good parent is able to guide your kid through life regardless of what your kids personality turns out to be,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its been going for about 24 hour right now day before about the same honestly i dont like the cold but its so lovely,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 oh right her too i guess,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 one typemention sized anything theyre not known for their brawn,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 generally you will be 18 when you are still in higher education in the eu,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 canada always prepare for an influx of boat people from the us each presidential election,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 maybe coquelin didnt look like he was going to make it and look at him now sanogo has all the physical attributes to make it just needs to work on his technical game,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 honestly i liked chris evansi never really understood why people didnt like him i thought he was a pretty decent presenter on top gear and i think most people unfairly pitted themselves against evans just because they love to hate him and they were comparing him against clarkson which was silly since evans would never be like clarkson no 2 people are alike i knew that the show would organically settle and find its own voice post hammond clarkson and may but i guess if firing evans stops viewers complaining and saves the show from a decline in popularity then i suppose its for the best,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i think they tend to use proud in this context simply to mean not ashamed,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 hes all about that shuttlecock,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 the thing about news is even though it is a collective with editing storyteller story finder etc its still one person or group of people how can i expect anything that is totally objective especially when the paper is made for entertainment a lot as well i see how that kind of stuff can really scare people but for the most part i just see people who fear monger which i do not think the paper is doing as ridiculous and childish and nothing to be noted until they take an action then usually to be knocked over and knocked down,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 consistency in mm is a myth and not to archive,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 and here we see who is the pretend kennys who likes to noscope and gets not enough credit for it he thinksgo back to nova,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i would suggest make finding relief a passion turn it into an experiment or goallearn about your symptoms and do research and get involved in the treatment processturn it into a projectjust my suggestion,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 post a pic of donald trump with a rroastme sign,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 dude i cant wait to be dead to return to the abyss nothingness total nothingness i mean i want to live a full time if i could although it already feels full but death sweet release,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 lol this is great xd,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 you should get on with typementions fairly well actually we have cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention they have cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention cogfuncmention should mean that we think similarly but have different priorities,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 such a relatable sentimenthow do you feel about mandatory gift giving my family literally doesnt need anything but apparently if i dont buy them something i dont love them,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 apples are acidic its only going to increase it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 uk graduate but are you also a uk national,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 everything and nothing same as we do every day d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 huh i wouldnt have guessed thats pretty neat,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 that sounds strange coming from the man who said they that hunt for fame after death forget how quickly those men that shall be hereafter also perish and all is forgottenalso stoics taught indifference to loved ones just like they taught indifference to enemies,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i can hardly disobey my phones command can i now,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 because i didnt want to cause a scene and escalate also when you kick it up a notch you lose,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 bullet points typemention checks out fuck that one possibility is that he has cared for you for a long time as more than a friend and when you gave him a tepid response he worked to crush his feels or simply retreated we often have the ability to turn our emotions off like a switch he sounds immature i think you have to be the big girl here and say im confused by your actions i do like you as more than friends and i think you feel the same way perhaps you overstated your affections the other night perhaps you have none at all beyond friendship do you want to forget the conversation from the other night and go on a date with me right now hes gone out on far more a limb than you have so you have nothing to lose imo,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 at least it is entertainment,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i imagine plank has bug fixes that docky doesnt,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 as a female i disagree i wouldnt send it to anybody who didnt trust not to share it and i automatically assume they will keep it foreversure its respectful to delete them but its not disrespectful to keep them either unless you were explicitly asked to dispose of themi have nudes that i havent looked at in years i guarantee he doesnt mind as long as im not sharing them my current boyfriend might mind but again i havent looked at them in years and mostly im just too lazy to delete them that would mean going out of my way to look at them in order to delete them and i just dont care that muchmy current so actually knows my reddit username and i dont care if he sees this because its honestly how i feel about it if he has a problem hell let me know,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 rancid tastes bad food that tastes bad off spoiled almost certainly isnt good for you seems logical to me the main reason people use them is theyre cheap and the saturatedfatsarebad message has been widely accepted,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 not valve okayalso i am not saying 128 tick is not capable of registering more and calculating more see movement and nades it is just so that the tickrate difference between 64 and 128 tick has literally nothing to do with those hitreg problems in mm and it wont be changed just because mm servers are 128 tick maybe i should have clarified that in my first post,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 now imagine that it was a suggestion hard to do,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ahaha cogfuncmention has a really dark side to it as well nice choices for cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i got what you meant it doesnt have to be a for profit prison as long as they keep jailing people for little things they have an excuse to put people in for profit prisons for mild offences,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 the real life joe swanson,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 same as with any rfid really whats the range for any of your key card based door passes contactless payment passes or whatever the implant will be similar healing process was quite uneventful bit sore and sensitive for a couple of days but that was about it i still have a little scare where the needle punctured the skin but you can barely see it just make sure not to move the chip around too much while the tissue is still healing to make sure the chip will stay in its place until your hand is healed,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 same as criminals i would like to stay away of them and they should be put in jail and all that stuff but of course without pedophiles unless they actually acted on their urges,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 so which is worse ethically to farm animials in good conditions and kill them quickly or hunt wild foxes stressful final hours with a painful deathi think youre conflating the issue of poor treatment of some farmed animals to the overall idea of farming them of course there are still issues with how farm animals are raised fed milked transported and killed which is why people need to make decisions about how ethical what they buy is but its totally possible for farmed animals to live less stressed better fed and less sick than wild counterparts not to mention how screwed domesticated animals are if they are ever released to the wild,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 seriously and if they wanna show off that badly then they should put their own sign down and fight in other peoples fight clubs,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 lol if i was a chick id absolutely do shit like this,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 how about the quick bown fox jumps over the lazy dog,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 bronzell tarnish bluegreen though and theres steel out there thats non magnetic,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im old relative to some young relative to others is that supposed to hurt oh shit i just realised im not 18 anymore holy shit sad little troll seriously shape up or gtfo,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you live somewhere that its really really warm and dont really deal with cold often do youcause thats not quite how frostbite works also cold and snow dont necessarily go well together here when its 2 to 6ish degrees c thats perfect lotta snow temp but when it gets to 25c it might try to snow but itll be so fine as to not be of much consequenceeither though mix in high winds and its a blizzardanyway impossible to tell how cold it is there but youre barely going to feel the cold much just going for a piss unless theres like a 30degc or more windchill and probably wouldnt even be close to at risk for frostbite,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 to add to this consider looking for community college intro courses on the vocational skills most towns offer adult education classes in things like woodworkinghome repaircookingwelding id like to take some myself theyre usually 1200 dollars might help you decide if a craft is up your alley,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 my casual friends know me as a serene stable guy who can occasionally show some surprising amount of assertiveness and passion my closer friends and some of my exgirlfriends of course know me as a domlemme tell you each time i have the big reveal conversation it goes one of two wayseither its i knew it that makes so much sense and theres a lot of excited questions from them or its holy shit i had no idea um im uncomfortable nowas you can imagine the two responses are largely based upon the other persons misunderstanding of what bdsm is and more importantly what it is to me if their exposure and education on the matter consists of hollywood references then theyre going to assume this means im some sort of sex fiend who enjoys victimizing helpless women if theyve actually been curious and even looked into it themselves then suddenly im a potential gateway to a whole new world now i dont know your dad udaughterofdurin and i imagine hes not a dwarven king as advertised but im guessing he was raised in a very tame and static world hes got to be late in life and so he feels like hes got the world figured out pretty good he loves his daughter so anything that looks like a threat to her is going to be dealt with harshly when that threat appears to be her very sexuality then hes going to freak out even moreit looks like its been a few days since your text slipup so im guessing youve already tried at least one unfortunately difficult conversation with him about it depending upon how that went my advice may not be applicable but here goes anyway remember that he loves you and wants the best for you he thinks you might be deluded so hes not going to trust anything you say to defend yourself right off the bat youre going to have to rebuild his trust somehow before he even starts listening to you his mind is probably cooking up all sorts of reinterpretations of your past relationships did you do this stuff with that guy what about this one did they hurt you did they force you into it are you on drugs et cetera the only thing you can do to combat that paranoia is calmly show him how youve got your life together and are being a stable responsible adult show him that you arent out of control and that youre okay dont try to convince him that bdsm is okay hes going to have to figure that out for himself his shock has to wear off and he needs to feel like hes got a handle on his world again before he can even begin to entertain the idea that his little girl is alright can you try for some girltalk with your mother if shes more openminded about it if she trusts you then youll need her as an ally against your fathers avalanche of worry are there any siblings you can bring in as well youre doing nothing wrong yes the text misfire was a mistake but as long as you have confidence that you are being safe sane and consensual then you are living your life as you should much like a startled parent who just accidentally heard their child is gay this is just a transition phase when the truth first comes out its hard it means some things will never be the same again but its progress because its a more honest life now still all that said your sexuality is still none of your dads business he doesnt need to know how you like things done to you and he probably doesnt want to know all he cares about is that youre okayso just show him that youre okay show him that youre still going to school like you mean it show him that you love him and you appreciate how much he has given you to make you a better woman show him the strength that he worries you dont havegive him time to rebuild his faith in you itll be rough but itll eventually get better he still loves you,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 do you really believe that his replacement will be any betterhunt was merely a mouthpiece amp scapegoat someone to carry out the conservative partys wishes led by david cameron it wasnt like they gave jeremy hunt full autonomymaybe his replacement will be more subdued for now and hold off privatising the nhs to avoid backlash in a sensitive politicial environment following a brexit but the tory long term objective remains the same privatise the nhs its almost certain that if they win the next election in 2020 theyll go ahead with it if not before,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 yes literally the team disbanded after the game,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i log metadata for all the runs hyperparams architecture scores on the one hand and make mind maps for planning on the other hand but i am not satisfied i need a more expressive system and not just for experimenting also for learning new ml concepts because i tend to read papers and then forget most of what i read,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 right but as an argument against it being known before alien,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 but why would you want to in a bullet journal to begin with it serves no purpose to what a bullet journal is supposed to help you with helping you efficiently and quickly organize your tasks,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 if i take it at night time it works amp therell still be some residual effects in the morning which are pretty sweet,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 you do realise that when you do the latter youll achieve the former too,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 from your post so obviously some of these are more of an issue than others but every single one of these little nuggets from your post is a reason that calls for some critical introspection and self evaluation you need to be in a good place with yourself before you can actually be a good place for somebody else especially your references to suicide in combination with your self proclaimed emotional instability are reasons you need to seek therapy this is not something to be ashamed about or whatever its something you do to make yourself a better person if anything you can go into competition with yourself to be the best possible you how can you expect you can truly and fully love someone if you clearly cant even bring up enough love to love yourself enough to take proper care of yourself,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 its impossible to describe accurately because its such a subjective experience but everything just feelsconnected in daily life you might be oblivious to the fact that theres an entire universe outside of your sphere of interaction but you cant help but to get a new perspective on life while youre tripping,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 you linked an entire chapter heres the correct page from you link,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 well my friend was medically discharged for having depression do you want to stay in the army if not you can probably get medically discharge,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 our favorites are a duck decoy with a slingshot built into its beakbody and a rubber ball with rope ends coming out one end we call it a squidball but not sure what it is really called,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i enjoyed their lemon shandy over the summer,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 you did the right thing good on you op,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 this was funny and chaotic to see haha,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 well we are supposed to be better than them,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 aside from lgb also being part of the queer spectrum despite people constantly trying to redefine and further compartmentalise usable umbrella terms what makes you think whole groups like t and q are insane what happened to i and aaside from extremely radical individuals which i think have a problem with conforming to acceptable ways of interacting with others i havent seen a lot of crazy from people with gender differences dont take the most loud ones as the representation for the whole group,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 oh good lord its one of my favourite pieces of the 20th fucking century and by far my favourite by rachmaninoff and i didnt recognise it i hang my head in shame,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 nick is probably pranking you,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 let me guess with that tree that took petrathat birch just couldnt handle competition,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 could be 8w9 or something,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 it went from freezing to hot as balls in a week here i didnt get to wear my trench once im so peeved i need to move somewhere with a more moderate climate,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 theres a slight difference because the dubbed lines have to be written in a way that fits with the way the mouths move the general gist of what is said is the same though,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 haha how old are youif im really into someone usually i get a little awkward and lose a lot of my mental quickness and charm ha i overanalyze everything and try way to hard to be perfect and thus make myself incredibly not perfect i have heard as well that im tough to read especially from girls ive had romantic interest in id say make flirtatious comments to him and see how he responds if he responds well force him to take you out like if you say something flirty and he banters back thats a good sign i had a girl once say to me as a challenge oh i see youre just all talk then youre cant actually back it up by taking me out and that drove me nuts phe could also be bored lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 the fact that they avoided the question makes clear what the answer is though,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 because youre not using slide for reddit,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 yesterday i had realized that our vapes are just the grown up version of baby bottles the hand to mouth action is so nice,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 oh ive taken that test at some point if youre referring to the personality test which uses colors and shapes no more like lattices,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 kennys is a bot after the awp update funny considering that the go awp is now basically the css awptitan is better of with the trade imo,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 special ed depends on the school for size of caseload difficulty of student need etc it is hard to say one way or another if it is very difficult overall it depends on a teachers behavior management skill support from admin resources available and dozens of other factorslots of meetings and paperwork yes but it depends how strong the teacher is at writing the paperwork and their knowledge of goal writing assessment and legalities of their state if you have all these things down it makes it a lot easier to turn out a terrific iep a solid iep writer should be able to turn out a good iep with a few hours of work if they need to,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 im sure ill get along just fine with the devil,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 thank you a lot this really helps with gpp way better than just using their best and worst games,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this is the most insightful thing anyone will say in this thread,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 typemention female im quite small and physically rather on the weaker side for a female and i feel intimidated quite often by men who show aggressive behaviour not so much if its aggressive rage behaviour that stuff is easy to spot and mitigate but often there are guys who have a mix of aggresive unstable and emotional often in combination with alcohol aura radiating off them which i simply cant properly read and that makes me quite fearful when such guys approach me a bit too close and start talking to me and get into my personal space,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ive often thought i would love to find out i was molested as a child i would have an excuse for everything and none of it would be my fault,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yall ufffdufffd cant ufffdufffd handle ufffdufffd this yall dont ufffdufffd know ufffdufffd whats about ufffdufffd to ufffdufffd happen baby team 10 los angeles cali boy but im ufffdufffd from ufffdufffd ohio tho ufffdufffd white ufffdufffd boy verse 1 ufffdufffd jake paul its everyday ufffdufffd bro with the ufffdufffd disney channel flow bout 5 ufffdufffd mill on ufffdufffd youtube ufffdufffd in ufffdufffd 6 ufffdufffd months never done ufffdufffd before we pass ufffdufffd all ufffdufffd the ufffdufffd competition man pewdiepie is ufffdufffd next man im ufffdufffd poppin all ufffdufffd these ufffdufffd checks got a ufffdufffd brand new ufffdufffd rolex and i ufffdufffd met ufffdufffd a ufffdufffd lambo too and im ufffdufffd coming ufffdufffd with ufffdufffd the ufffdufffd crew this is ufffdufffd team ufffdufffd 10 ufffdufffd btch who the ufffdufffd hell ufffdufffd are ufffdufffd flippin you and you ufffdufffd know ufffdufffd i ufffdufffd kick ufffdufffd them ufffdufffd out if they ufffdufffd aint ufffdufffd with ufffdufffd the ufffdufffd crew yeah im ufffdufffd talking ufffdufffd about ufffdufffd you you beggin for ufffdufffd attention talking sht on ufffdufffd twitter ufffdufffd too but you ufffdufffd still ufffdufffd hit ufffdufffd my ufffdufffd phone ufffdufffd last ufffdufffd night it was ufffdufffd 452 and ufffdufffd i ufffdufffd got ufffdufffd the ufffdufffd text ufffdufffd to ufffdufffd prove and all ufffdufffd the ufffdufffd recordings too dont make ufffdufffd me ufffdufffd tell ufffdufffd them ufffdufffd the ufffdufffd truth and i ufffdufffd just ufffdufffd drop ufffdufffd some ufffdufffd new ufffdufffd merch and they ufffdufffd are ufffdufffd selling ufffdufffd like ufffdufffd a ufffdufffd god ufffdufffd church ohio is ufffdufffd where ufffdufffd im ufffdufffd from we chewem like ufffdufffd its ufffdufffd gum we shooting ufffdufffd with ufffdufffd a ufffdufffd gun the tattoo just ufffdufffd for ufffdufffd fun and you ufffdufffd say ufffdufffd boat ufffdufffd and ufffdufffd run catch me ufffdufffd at ufffdufffd game ufffdufffd on i can ufffdufffd not ufffdufffd be ufffdufffd outdone jake paulers number ufffdufffd one chorus jake paul its everyday ufffdufffd bro its everyday ufffdufffd bro its everyday ufffdufffd bro i said ufffdufffd it ufffdufffd is ufffdufffd everyday ufffdufffd bro verse 2 ufffdufffd nick crompton you know ufffdufffd is ufffdufffd nick crompton and my ufffdufffd collar stay ufffdufffd poppin yes i ufffdufffd can ufffdufffd rap and no ufffdufffd i ufffdufffd am ufffdufffd not ufffdufffd from ufffdufffd compton england is ufffdufffd my ufffdufffd city and if ufffdufffd you ufffdufffd work ufffdufffd for ufffdufffd team ufffdufffd 10 then the ufffdufffd us ufffdufffd would ufffdufffd be ufffdufffd shtty and ill ufffdufffd pass ufffdufffd it ufffdufffd to ufffdufffd chance cuz you ufffdufffd know ufffdufffd he ufffdufffd stay ufffdufffd litty,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 the plan is that the typemention will enforce the rules 100 consistently and then everyone will get sick of it revolt will happen and balance will be restored to the force ala community moderation or rather no rules p,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 hard enough seeing how many hours you need to actually detect a cheat,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 not really the steam machines are way too expensive to compete with the xbox one or ps4 not only that but there are too many steam machines,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 as shown in this screenshot the form will autocomplete the typed text because it has loaded the first column of data into the combobox this is using exactly the code shown below option explicit private sub userforminitialize dim counter as long for counter 1 to 1000 combobox1additem applicationworksheets2cellscounter 1value next counter end sub private sub combobox1keyupbyval keycode as msformsreturninteger byval shift as integer if keycode vbkeyreturn then activecellvalue combobox1value unload me end if end subnote that i changed the worksheets referenced to the 2nd page in order for this to pull up relevant information for this example,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 usually for something like that ill just look on youtube and check out alton brown gordon ramsey or other famous entertaining chef and go with that usually the videos are nice and concice toogordons version i am also not a fan either,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if its at a party here in tucson everyone will stop to sing the tucson line,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 yeah i have the diphthong u0251u026a in cerone but its not u0251j it evolved from the sequences aj aj but it is purely a diphthong as the phoneme j has disappeared in all places except for that diphthong,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 looks like a device that turns a rape into a murder in one stroke,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 from your post so obviously some of these are more of an issue than others but every single one of these little nuggets from your post is a reason that calls for some critical introspection and self evaluation you need to be in a good place with yourself before you can actually be a good place for somebody else especially your references to suicide in combination with your self proclaimed emotional instability are reasons you need to seek therapy this is not something to be ashamed about or whatever its something you do to make yourself a better person if anything you can go into competition with yourself to be the best possible you how can you expect you can truly and fully love someone if you clearly cant even bring up enough love to love yourself enough to take proper care of yourself,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 is that like dick cheney fuck just remembered youre not american just substitute one of your politicians lol david cameron probably works right,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 is using the replace function an option you could insert unique keywords to identify what you want to insert into your document,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 if hillary duff really has a baby now im gonna feel really fucking old i remember when she was a little kid,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 yep or netgraph 1 and console for rate,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 the advertising hair makeup fashion plastic surgery automotive dermatology orthodontics and other industries would like to have a word with you,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ibp vs netcode was on 21082014,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thank you ill add it to the list,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 thanks for making an account to tell me that babe lt3lt3lt3,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i like to play talisa said uncertain if that counted as an interest and i like books i dont know how to read them thoughmustering some courage she managed to ask the older girl whats needlework,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i think you meant to respond to a different comment,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 well i can see the smokereproduction rate in this case is 010steps to reproduce buy smoke and throw it alt tab and it vanishes any map any place,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 a lot of what you are frustrated with seems to be rather the circlejerky nature of reddit itself and the comments sections of videos like these i have theoretized some algorithms in my head how to combat it but were stuck with it,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 a taurus is just a plain all around shitty shitty lemon of a caryou can look at a lot of worst car lists or ones to avoid online and theres usually a taurus in there and see that its unreliable and the transmission just breaks every now and then,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh yeah i guess its possible then ospina is still slightly shorter than him even though casilas was also considered potentially world class at a young age whereas ospina is 26 and just considered good,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 trying to give us nightmares,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 proving my point whether its from personal choice isolation religion physically mentally emotionally etc its still being alone,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 everyones role models are different some people have their own set of desirable traits mine are more intellectual than emotional a great typemention rolemodel would be susan cain the author of quiet her ted talk is widely viewed youve probably already seen it daniel dennett is a recently uncovered typemention philosopher who makes for a good rolemodel too leo szilard is one that i stumbled upon recently who was a physicist from hungary that worked along einstein and helped discover nuclear fission among many other thingstypemention are hard to find and confirm so i like to use typemention as rolemodels julian assange naomi klein alan watts mark twain michio kaku brian cox salman rushdie arianna huffington ralph nader umberto eco jacques derrida anais nin oscar wilde best thing is there are many documentaries books talks and lectures given by typemention that i can not find for typemention they are also easier to relate to for me because they dont have that hyperemotional typemention archetype that i cant relate to p,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 maybe if you didnt stroke it yourself so much you wouldnt have this problem,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 in case you didnt hear sit in the seat like a 95 of your weight,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 this album actually captures the european university student look pretty well,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 purchased with repeated unwarranted personal attacks from trolls in this thread too whos got some fire or acid damage my whiteknight sword only does edged and holy,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i wholly agree with regulating self driving cars just not regulating research when we have no idea what will work we might be stopping important research and exploration from happening based on uncertain what if fear scenarios,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 its true im agnostic and all i ever hear is no youre agnostic atheist how about no i dont believe there is no god any more than i dont believe there is it all comes to a pedantic debate on what a belief entails because they insist that believing in no god isnt actually a belief its only i dont believe so if i dont i must be atheist i can be agnostic too but they feel a need to claim me as their own when i dont feel they own me any more or less than any other religionthere can be agnostic atheists sure but i dont consider myself one you dont have to be theist or atheist i get that theism and gnosticism are not the same but so many atheists think its impossible to truly be on the fence and if i dont believe in one specific god theyre allowed to say i dont believe in anyits really frustrating sorry just hit a sore spot they come into the agnostic subs and try to argue about it,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 which isnt the fault of mbti,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 but just because of the fact that its that and some other stuff turns me off,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 just do what i did and build up a tolerance,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 this happened to us in middle school we were watching the abyss in science and i think they may have cussed once and a kid ratted us all out,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 you two should come to boston as well id go to this concert but my allergies are epically bad right now and i have to stay indoors as much as possible,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you cant leave me in the dark like thatwhats my tag,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 guantanamo detainees are prosecuted through the guantanamo military commision which has nothing to do with ucmjthe commission forms a military tribunal which itself holds a trialwhat part of put him on trial is inconsistent with this procedure,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 youre a dirty dirty girl and you deserve a spanking,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 probably yes but i dont like the moonlight sonata or liebestraum so i know how you feelmy second favourite of the preludes which are all wonderful is no 11 i liked the storm until i tried to play it that left hand ugh,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 they will make them available as a video compilation the pros didnt want pov streams and rightfully so,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 it looks very balanced i think but maybe switching to coutinho for firmino on lw and putting sturridge up front would also work as he moves a lot more and has more consistency its all about our approach to the matches though its amazing having so much depth,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i dont know what everyone is so worked up about i think its normal to want to be mean to people sometimes you should keep it in check but the other posters seem to be taking an extreme stance imo i dont think youre empty inside or whatever lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i dont see anything that would not suggest typemention really or at least the same functions,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 ah no thats my french leaking out,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 get a mousepad table surfaces are weirdcloth or hardpad while i think that if you have a pure white or so desk it is kinda the same as an hardpad,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 you already got your answer on sterling silver but i wanted to add that surgical steel is not a regulated term and is just a fancy way to market mystery metal that has some steel in iti have allergies too and ive found that wearing low quality earrings for a day say for a special occasion works and my ears wont get irritated but most of the time if its not implant grade material its not in my bodynose piercings are more likely to have jewelery you dont change often so i highly recommend getting some implant grade titanium for your nose also you shouldnt be changing it on its own until its fully healed which takes at least six months and can take up to a year im at seven months and still not fully healed go to a reputable piercer app compliant if you can and have them change it for implant grade titanium and just leave it alone for a while unless youre absolutely positive its fully healed if it is still get the implant grade titanium,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i dunno i just know computers you sound like youve figured this out,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 wow im jealous i just have the basic black vita from when it first came out,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 ready player one is fun i read that while i waited for my occulus rift to arrive haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 besides the short term pain i remembered mine having,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 pedrosa didnt care about the drama and just wanted to win if marquez wouldnt be such a bitch for lorenzo the last rounds would have been actually exciting,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 sorry for the delay we were talking just as things were getting busy at work try out this code and see if it works for you may need to tweak the names of the worksheets and cell values option explicit public sub updatestudentstatus on error goto errorhandler dim sns as worksheet set sns thisworkbooksheetsstudents amp statistics dim newstudents as new collection returningstudents as new collection dim ws as worksheet index as long for each ws in thisworkbooksheets if not wsname snsname and not wsname template then filter out certain worksheet names if wsrangeb6value new then call newstudentsaddwsname elseif wsrangeb6value returning then call returningstudentsaddwsname else msgbox alert amp wsname amp does not have a recognized status value amp wsrangeb6value end if end if next ws for index 1 to newstudentscount snscellsindex 3 1value newstudentsindex snscellsindex 3 2value new next index for index 1 to returningstudentscount snscellsindex 59 1value returningstudentsindex snscellsindex 59 2value returning next index errorhandler set newstudents nothing set returningstudents nothing set ws nothing end subive made worksheets for tracking academic things for people on this sub in the past so things like this arent super new i also recommend not having arbitrary start points for the newreturning students in a4 and a60,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 actually i believe you can do that but you have to turn on video acceleration,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 i first learned vb6 before i ever touched any vba i was surprised at how similar the two were when i first learned that vba was a part of the office suite now though im definitely incorporating more of the net framework into ms office automationthe toughest part about learning how to use vba with office is not vba itself but the object model of the office suite,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 say it again slowly now bite your lip a little,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 youre just not thinking exponentially more seriously why do you think its unlikely,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 if the church and the locals didnt require hourly time what was the impetus for the switch was it because we had the technology to reliably track the hours and that created a new standard or was there a social need which made consistent hourly time a necessity,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i think that 1 therapists can only help you if youre unflinchingly honest with yourself and the therapist and 2 your therapist should be at least as intelligent as you are ive never been able to meet either of those conditions personally im using a cbt self help book right now called mind over mood and im liking it but id suggest you try therapy keep going to new therapists until one feels right it can be hard to find a good match your intuition should help you here,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i have this too even the slightest tinge of nausea makes me start to panic if im really sick ill be crying trying not to throw up even though i know just getting it all out will make me feel better its the worst,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 definitely that guy who invented the sentinels from days of future past,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 what you are looking for is a 100 stacked bar graph,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 that was my intuition i mean if they were so dangerous wouldnt we hear of lamprey attacks on swimmers,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 this will be censored herei guarantee it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 just like complexity simplicity is the opposite side of the coin even though we can simplify our world sometimes we can make it even more difficult to understand for some through circumlocution,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 and what was the name of the goat who took your headphones pr,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i love louie it is one of the most honest comedies ive seen i identify with his awkwardness and ability to struggle through all the bullshit that life deals you all the while dusting yourself off and going through the same absurd bullshit over and over again hoping for a better result he depicts the modern human condition pretty well for people like us he is well liked well intentioned has some success pursuing his calling but everything just ends up wrong in a very relatable way he just seems lost when trying to deal with other people and find love i relate so much i cringe at timesif you like louis check out lucky louie the original hbo series i also recommend maron it is a brilliant series from another comedy veteran just a little darker and more misanthropic,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 that happened to me as well he got over his fit once i attacked again,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 yes tests do mean something to me but more as a means to narrow down your type rather than something that is a definitive answer to what your type is what they actually tend to accomplish is quite remarkable for the most part as the study of typology is very complex to get anywhere near a correct answer by taking a online test that takes twenty minutes and has about a 7080 accuracy is nothing to totally dismiss but it does take careful study and a fair amount of self awareness to confirm the results im not a big fan of the idea of domtert loops as i think what actually goes on when they seem to appear isnt quite that simple i dont think you can just cut out your extroverted functions like that even if they arent being used appropriately and that more often than not your tertiary is going to be contaminated by your inferior what is considered a cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention loop is more along the lines of relitigating your past and not letting go of unhealthy elements of the past or just giving up on trying new things in order to stay in your comfort zone when used positively cogfuncmention in the tertiary position is more like childlike nostalgia another important point when it comes to the tertiary is that it is a function that you tend to be mostly unaware of and in my opinion tertiary cogfuncmention is going to develop before cogfuncmention out of necessity in our modern times i think that going through 18 years of formal education is going to force development of the thinking function more than a similar function of perception with this is mind most inxps tend to be very out of touch with the inner workings of their body and their own energy levels until later in life once theyve established a workaround for their cogfuncmention deficiencies i think that both types want others to understand the world but i think that typemention are going to be less inclined to do so the problem here with typemention other than thinking that most people are incapable of understanding certain things are going to be less capable of expressing what they know expression comes from the extroverted judging functions which would be inferior cogfuncmention here typemention can develop a frustration with helping others understand things because once theyve built up that model it can become so complex that they dont really know where to begin to explain something and when they do they are prone to skipping a bunch of steps and not explaining it well at all thus further frustrating them and giving up on sharing their knowledge in that sense i think that typemention tend to get intellectually disillusioned and only start to share their inner knowledge with those they are close and comfortable with or after theyve become somewhat of an expert on a particular subject the thing is though is that teaching others is probably the best way for an typemention to understand a subject as it forces them to organize their thoughts and express them lower level cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention a fair amount of these things could also apply to an typemention but i think there are some differences here i think that an typemention would probably be a more effective teacher as they are more capable of paying attention to details and are probably more capable of relating to others and expressing themselves clearly i think that they would be more driven towards the expression of their ideas as well since cogfuncmention serves as a mobilizing function to cogfuncmention,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 i have that at home i build my own machines with linux compatibility in mind and it is smooth sailing if hardware is not known to work with linux or known to work poorly i just dont buy it when it comes to laptops i avoid nvidia i avoid older broadcom networking chips and i avoid the newer intel atoms horrible linux support in my experience lenovo thinkpads are the most trouble free laptops for running linuxdoes that mean that i cant run out and just buy the first thing that tickles my fancy yes it means exactly that i have to research first if hardware will even work with linux do i wish that was better yes do i expect that to happen eventually another decade or two yes that is a weak point with linux but one that is outside of its influence sphere and a long standing one if hardware vendors are not willing to support linux with open specifications or an open driver that hardware will be a pain under linuxstill linux as a whole is still the best operating system for me so i accept its weaknesses because these are far outpaced by its strong points,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 ive been consciously making an effort to leave my laptop for quite a while each day so that im not spending all my time on it like i used to my new book arriving from amazon helps that out,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 progressives are sick child molesters,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 where i got it from i know its arseblog but theyre just transcribing the meeting if you ctrl f ffp it should be easy to find he also mentions how it would affect the owners like in your post yeah i agree i think theyve changed it so that clubs like the milans can now spend enough to get into the cl but then have to meet the financial requirements within 3 years of getting there,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 well we do kind of have fighting pits now with ufc,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yes thats perfect for me i need flexibility to move around and be able to change it up often without being penalized for it in the future thanks for the tips,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 holy fucking shit i didnt think wed actually be able to do it oh my god,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 the combat knife from fallout 4 i once took down overboss colter like that weapon,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 jake et al gave them vital intel though i think there must have been some concern over public outcry given that they didnt in fact just nuke it from orbit,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im voting on 1128 for trump,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 so at work theres a tournament 300 entries top 5 win winner gets a huge gift card normally fading the local biases is a great strategy but i just so happen to live in kentucky would fading uk be the smart choice if so who beats them right now i have wisconsin very lightly penciled in as my winneralso any other strategies for playing a field where 90 of people surely wont be knowledgeable ive been reading this whole thread and looking at kenpom stats but idk the best tactics to use my gf works with me so i can fill out her bracket too maybe 1 uk fade 1 uk champ,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 really ranks mean shit and even more so before the changes as there were legit novas in supremehow the fuck are numbers hard to understandthen go back to league and put your hands back on cs when you are 16 or 18 yrs old,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 can you post the breakdown or would that violate their privacyor at least let us know if it fits the standard distributions,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 understandable have a nice day,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 it is about people who are still silver not noobs in le,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 what are these psycho bitches fighting social norms ethics there parants,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 cant play gta v im being deprived of my human rights,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 its actually kind of fun,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 do you have a source,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 nopebut my ex got pretty close to falling asleep in my arms a few times which was cute,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 415pm and it was so dead so far today i came home to take a break i have never done that i literally was paid to stand around for the last few hours after opening which has a lot to do i basically just ran to another store to get wing sauce ate the catered lunch our do brought in and smoked im going back in an hour or so to drive if its not insanely busy ill be disappointed,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 great im looking forward to it,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 so if they were being farmed outside of those conditions you would be happy to eat eggsmilkmeat,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 thats super strong if you can also get the extra souls jewels,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 thats not how those laws work the link is phrased a bit weird but let me try and explainthe laws are there to restrict things there arent any laws saying this is legal so what it means is that you cant conceal weapons or whatever theyre talking about in the actual law but you can if you want conceal on your person a knife that has a 4 or less blade or multitool but if you have a blade thats 5 in your pocket not showing against the law,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im going to remember that one i like the description for me at least the squishy center description feels quite right and its how i feel because deep down i actually feel a lot and very intensely but its simply not something i have an interest in to share it with the world outside of my very close ones squishy indeed,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i would suggest finding social groups that interest you that might have a mix of parents and non parents something that occurs once a week or so that is scheduled so you can anticipate that breakwhen i was on a recreational sports team the moms on my team were of the same mindset as you they wanted an activityidentity outside of their children i also had a knitting group and a lot of the moms there were not mombies volunteering can work that way too i know growing up my parents took turns minding us so the other could pursue individual hobbies as well also im not a contractor or a parent but i am a teacher and taught woodshop personally i wouldnt have a baby anywhere near a nail gun or home renovation stuff,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i assumed you were like 12 dude then look thru your comments an see youve been married 13 years so youre at the very least in your 30s wtf is wrong with you you just got 250x sadder,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i uploaded a game on eb armor today i find it very balanced and solid that motshutzenbmp1 card complements an armored deck quite well i was starting with a twardy dyna and mim this makes a pretty nice opening group of tanks the dyna seems pretty good in the current meta where you run into a lot of tow2 carriers and need something to snipe them and i think the t72mimt72b is an underrated tank especially at elite where youre going to get a lot of hits with that atgm,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 yes to varying degrees but those are very general and could apply to many types look into the functions,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 im new i signed upi kind of hope i dont get somebody well above my knowledge and taste level and end up giving poorly on the upside i should be easy to please,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 quite disappointed that noone has mentioned dickon manwoody from a storm of swords,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 just so you know this is just revision not actual learning and 12th is a levels so we do stuff like calculus and advanced proofs not 100 sure though,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 your stance of doing well and losing is sugar coating everything this sugar coating of the truth is why losing teams get trophys now days people afraid to be blunt and honest because people are too sensitive to the truth and sugar coating the truth like this does no one any favors if you tell a losing team they still performed well theyll make no effort to improve themselves better to hit them with the cold blunt truth that they lost because they didnt perform well so that improvements can be made im sorry you dont understand this for the same reason young male athletes look up to professional male athletes lmao yeah right the men got paid 9million for losing in the 16th round while the womens team got paid 2million for winning the championshipif the women were being paid respectively to their skill level they should have been paid more than the mensince the women are national champions that is not the solution,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 if your intention is to smash and leave then yes pick up artistry works and looks are everything otherwise looks are important and so is personality and pick up artistry will get you nowhere,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 yeah i dont think these sound like dookie definitely sound like rancid though,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 every playeror bot under supreme is calling hax 247 when they get killedin the last 14 days i played against one cheater and he got banned already,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 she doesnt get to allow the father to have 5050 custody thats really the default any court should strive for unless there are very serious reasons not to do this as much as you wouldnt like your partner having custody of the kids your partner has just as much right to the kids as you haveand im saying this as a child of divorce who got fucked over by a promother system of law,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thats what we call a team d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 each types interview response if they dont actually want to get hired otherwise theyd all just use the typemention or typemention one,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 if a girl looks 21 shes 21 to me,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 what the fuck there are conscious strong functions ego block dominant auxiliary conscious weak functions super ego block polr role unconscious strong functions id block ignoring demonstrative and unconscious weak functions superid block tertiary inferior,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 im still undecided but could be swayed either way with a source,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 well both types can do this ive been totally wrapped up in my cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention years at a time even some of these things that you are mentioning seems more typemention like so who knows even if you cant figure out if you are typemention or typemention it doesnt matter that much both types are pretty close,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 im debating between ginseng and literally anything else i was considering buying her mother a plant of some sort and her father something else the only thing i know he likes is alcohol but the mother will get angry if i buy him alcohol,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 no way saudi how very unlike them to kill people they just dont likesarcasm seriously though why has everyone been so quiet about the amount of crap that saudi is getting away with,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 kiernan mulled over his ramblings in silence trying to think of something worth saying mere sympathy was only a last resort she was a proactive woman and she wanted to offer real helpask them why theyre angry kiernan suggested not quite gleaning the underlying reason for his family strife from his guarded rant with her gone you have much longer than two years to mend the damage done,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 he reminds me so much of my own elderly black cocker spaniel who died last yearhe made it to 15 and a half â he had the very same distinguished gray beard in his winter years,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 then it doesnt really solve it i meanhonestly i dont feel the need of this that op describedmaybe my fake world is a holistic view on the universe and the world where everyone is equally important including myselfmaybe that the problem that you actually dont feel important enough in your view of the world which bounces you back to the view of being overly important for humanity world etc to compensate it so to speak hmmi think my thing is acceptance and not importance which actually could be the same thing but viewed from a different angle cos if you crave like you said public speaking or any kind of a spotlight you basically want ppl to find you important so you feel importance of youself through others ppl opinion about yourself acceptance by others is a similar thing in a way where you put yourself out and want others to evaluate you yea we accept you no we dont accept you maybe it could be looked on in a sense of you are important enough for us or dont it kinda the same rejection or not thing in a case of importance you virtually got rejected cos you arent important so yea it could be a slightly different angle of the same thing ghmm but im more inclined towards serving and helping ppl rather than to wish to be in a spotlight do public speaking etc it doesnt matter that much for me,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 considering the car only weighs around 2600 lbs that is 047hplb so not bad calculator also the issue of torque to think about since the electric assist motor in the crz can provide its peak 58 lbft of torque at 1000 rpm it gives the crz quite a boost as electric energy is delivered right away to the engine torque for the crz is 640lbs per foot calculator 122 hp at 1000 revolutionsminutealso it can do 060 in 6 seconds,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 no ive seen what a majority of dogs do in that situationits called learning and experience and one of the advantages of being human is learning from others experiences try it some time,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 green teause loose leafdont have the water boilingmake sure it turns a nice emerald green not browndont add milk sugar or anything elseenjoy much antioxidants,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 id rather spend my tax dollars towards education and fighting poverty not that we are in this country than dumping it into the prison system laterone thing i never gotif people are so worried about abuse of welfare programs then why dont we create more jobs for oversight and investigation of those programs my friend works at a grocery storegas station and has tons of stories about the ridiculous amounts of shit people buywhy doesnt my wonderful state change our regulations,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 cogfuncmention is extraverted feeling its the third function in our stack of netifesi supposedly the first two functions neti are what we use primarily to think and navigate the world we learn to supplement these two over time with the third function and then the fourth we do not ever achieve the same proficiency or preference for using the third and fourth functions and can find it tiring to use them at length this is opposed to using your first two functions which actually energizes you either in the presence of others if you are an extrovert or alone if you are an introvert cogfuncmention is all about detecting the feels of others wanting to make those feels positive and then doing so cogfuncmention is concerned with the well being of the group often over the well being of the individual its politics and kumbaya,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 when i restickered my aolong and aosu i noticed that the cubicle stickers felt thicker than the moyu ones,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 also the community didnt close it unless twitch is so selfimportant as to say we are the community,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 its not science thoughits science,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 its all in the f2l,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 so youre not losing anything except for synergy with itemsabilities that proc on crits,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i already conceded apple is the highest valued company which can be tied to profitabilityi reject that apple is the biggest and fastest growing gaming platformsize cant be correlated to profit and its just a fucking lie anyways,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 go and apply at valve then make a difference,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 then use your real name on reddit,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 pfft i aint worried about none of that shitokay seeya later guys just gonna hit the gym real quick,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you get less roll over minutes than your dead af cell phone on atampts roll over minutes plan,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 looks like im a bit late to the game on this one sorry about that ive been offform for quite a while so sorry for the lack of an answer but i second uhillsonghoods answer and recommendation of george makaris revolution in mind i also recommend looking into carl schorskes findesiecle vienna politics and culture to help build an understanding of the atmosphere that led to vienna becoming the epicentre of these fieldsfeel free to check out some of my other answers in this sub here that may help to answer your question too,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 even i wouldnt been able to fend of the sasha fandom,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i assume pilots can have phones though,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 mirroring her sister violet extended her hands readying herself to lift coraugengisan,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 hahaha first time visarga got confused with viagra visarga actually means the name of a sanskrit letter,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 atheists dont lack morals they lack foundation,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 padme is the most beautiful women in star warsbut princess leia had the best body,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 monkey trouble joke u2713horseface joke u2713marco in half joke u2713eren has issues joke u2713generally shitting on all characters u2713this list has everything good job,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 snakes can be found even in urban areas there are lots of pockets of bushland in our cities coming in pretty close to the city centres if you live near one of these you may well see snakes occasionallyspiders are everywhere in urban areas especially on older propertiesive lived in australia all my life and they just dont freak me out i know in what circumstances im likely to run into something venomous and i know what to do to avoid being bitten and what to do if i am even my little kids know this stuff its not that hard,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 ah man i so want lol ah well i guess ill stick with my heavy cardstock pieces lol,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 so i noticed you value learning intelligence and philosophical discussion what are your thoughts on free will im pretty sure its just lower iq people in general that are prone to those behaviors you dislike i dont like the idea of being frustrated towards people that are simply more handicapped maybe spending some time studying psychology could help you build a tolerance for more people d well if tolerance is something you even want,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 this guy broke rule 1 of dick usage dont stick it in a crazy,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 found the guy smoking reggie,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 you were still having some slight formatting issues option explicit sub printdambyval result as integer byval zone as string byval i as integer dim printcell as range dim printsheet as worksheet dim gaincol as string dim bidcol as string dim printrange as range set printsheet activeworkbooksheetsdam cost set printrange printsheetrangea1k1 if activesheetname offer gain then gaincol formatzone ampampampampampampamp gain set printcell printrangefind gaincol lookinxlvalues lookatxlwhole matchcasefalseoffseti 1 0 printcell result elseif activesheetname bid cost then bidcol formatzone gain set printcell printrangefind bidcol lookinxlvalues lookatxlwhole matchcasefalseoffseti 1 0 printcell result end if set printrange nothing set printsheet nothing end sub,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 special education i majored and am working in the field i beat the statistics and have been teaching for more than 5 years i love what i do,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 why the fuck would you propose at disney world just for the cool picture really its crowded smells funny full of screaming kids it seems about the least romantic place in the freaking world outside a war zone,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 someone needs to gild this threadthen its legacy will forever be preserved in rshingekinokyojingilded,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 you look good try to keep your face relaxed you look much better in the last picture than in the first two the first two look a bit strained,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 ok so youre definitely not an cogfuncmention userthe part where you said you see the end first had me curious because thats how cogfuncmention types usually do things its amazing how jicogfuncmention seems to emulate cogfuncmention in some ways i wonder if maybe tertiary cogfuncmention helps to balance cogfuncmention somehow,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 aha so just because there is no written rule it is okay to do it then just shows how far your understanding of fairplay goeshow old are you if i may askthey have you fix and you are done for which they decided after one year and reviewing the caseslike who,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i personally think typemention people are more into doing than learning learning things out of books and lectures is tedious and boring after a short amount of timethat is what drove me away from medical in the first place aside from being a lazy a at school and not aiming for top grades in a levels sure it is interesting in essence but the way to get there is too boring imo,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 just note to yourself when someone misses out on one minion and how its going to really cost him and you have 60 of his explanation of strategies,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 ok so if i feel like the afterlife doesnt exist i should be allowed to feel that way in peace without people telling me that ill probably go there i dont want to so dont assume that all atheists want to go there too or will go there because most of us definitely dont want or care about it,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 yesthats how it worksthats how isayama decides when to release leaks,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the fractal d12 of infinityroll a critical with that and youre transported to another dimension,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i wonder how that would work outwish we could test it out in a vacuum,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i like the flatish tax that rand paul put forward ie 0 income tax for low earners and 145 for middle and high earners,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 its relative to what you know then you need logic to compare facts and get some true relatively true image of whats up i guess i dont like fakeness and trueness of things is one of my inner values so i prefer ideas about things to be adequate to the reality rather than to be delussional well you can say absolute truth is unreachable therefore everything you know is fake which is kindof right from the philosophical view but things arent that black and white either absolute truth or absolute fake anyways its just words and you can juggle them around and put various meaning and context in it this is truth not that is truth whatever manyou dont really agree with what i initially said and how i described it by the truth i didnt really mean a philosophical category truth with capital t but rather was just pointing out that i prefer things to be as true as possible to a certained degree in a sense of what actually is going so there i need a logical verification to pursue that initial cogfuncmention value of trueness which is quite idealistic in its root tbh,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 you may be looking for something similar to this option explicit public sub example dim rawhtml as string rawhtml gethtml dim extracted as string extracted regexerrawhtml itempropratingvaluegt09ltspangtsltspan classratingcountgtlta classreviewcount hrefcustomerreviewsgtltspan itempropratingcountgtd0 extracted replaceextracted chr10 extracted replaceextracted vbnewline extracted replaceextracted extracted replaceextracted itempropratingvaluegt extracted replaceextracted ltspangtltspanclassratingcountgtltaclassreviewcounthrefcustomerreviewsgtltspanitempropratingcountgt dim extracteddata as string extracteddata splitextracted rangea1value stars amp extracteddata0 rangea2value ratings amp extracteddata1 end sub public function gethtmlbyval url as string as string on error goto errorescape dim ie as object set ie createobjectinternetexplorerapplication dim html as object ienavigate url do until iereadystate 4 doevents loop do while iebusy doevents loop set html iedocumentbody gethtml htmlinnerhtml iequit set ie nothing set html nothing exit function errorescape set ie nothing set html nothing end function public function regexerbyval rawdata as string byval regexpattern as string as string outputs an array of strings for each matching expression dim regex as object set regex createobjectvbscriptregexp dim matches as object dim match as variant dim result as string dim output as string dim outputubound as integer dim counter as long with regex global true multiline true ignorecase true pattern regexpattern end with if regextestrawdata then set matches regexexecuterawdata for each match in matches outputubound outputubound 1 next match redim outputoutputubound as string for each match in matches outputcounter matchescounter counter counter 1 next match regexer output else redim output0 as string regexer output end if end functionduring testing ive found that sometimes the page loading can take an extremely long time im unsure of exactly why this is or what is causing it but once the page is loaded the information is extracted and displayed,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 not really humans are adaptive beings and get used to many things you just tabpoof tabnet and do well ppl just afraid to actually try out and learn meepo and prefer to think its super mega for micro korean only hero but in fact you can do very well without any micro hero has alot of possibilities for micro yessame with invoker you can do really well with just couple skills cold snap forges sunstrike go midas necros all you need to be decent really is it that hard i dont think so ppl just afraid to try dota is really easy in general hard part is understanding of the game and decision making but not button pressing if you just give it a try your brainhands get used to it really fast it cant even be compared to rts games micro just baby level so anyone can get it really fast,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 i can see how you would get that from my comment however i didnt intend it where is the tipping point without knowing i think we should err on the side of caution for two reasons1 knee jerk law making raises the potential for unintended consequences2 food production is critical to survivali dont feel bird safety is a critical enough issue to start messing with food production,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 maybe ive had so many of them though and none of them have impressed me im looking forward to whenever i try lenola cream,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i can barely handle a needle for a blood sample and i think i value enjoying life more than crushing it in the palm of my hand doesnt mean that im not motivated though i just learn to enjoy what i do or pick the right carrot to dangle on the sticksome people live for a higher purpose to own everything to be loved and admired to be morally righteous etc i think the only way to measure the success or strength in these cases would be relative to what the person sets out to do,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 straight as a full bellied philly with a macintosh slipknot to the paddy,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 navy im going into the nuclear field,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 and a married woman who would like someone so heartless satan mcevil,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 thats my day everyday im alone and orders never can be close together but i have to take them ive gotten in the habit of jacking the times up so im always early but this can cause problems if a sudden rush hits,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 rightclick on a flair gt inspect element youll find a link to the sheetthere are about three of them here is the one with your flair heres the one which contains the mod flairs the third one used that to decide which flair i wanted since its easier to see them all then the list on the sidebar,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 looks like i picked the right nordic language to learn,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 semen contains up to 5 ml of zinc as long as youre eating well you should be ingesting 95ml per day its more of a diet problem unless youre fapping like 20 times a day,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 3min long commercial i dont think so this is a music video german i sposesupergeil super cool and sophisticated,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 that sub20 flair thoughsubx is based on ao100 usually not your pb,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 the way i understand it maajid is not a believer in the real sense and he is quite open about it he keep repeating that he is not a devout muslim and he has never been there is an interview with him where is say something along i think there a god i guess or something pretty close to that for him being muslim is a matter of identity like being irishamerican now there is many thing we can criticize nawaz for he got a huge ego for instance but he is not a liar and there is no doubt he is someone of very high intelligence that we agree or not with what he says or does,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 sadly you cant revirgin yourself,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thats a really good question my first love was a girl she broke my heart so yes i think its totally possible for bisexual people to love both men and women i guess it depends on the person though since some people do separate sexual intimacy from emotional intimacy so its impossible to speak for everyone i hope that helps,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 ibp vs netcode was on 21082014,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 and all these new ones that we now see thanks to xrays,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ive been replaying metroid recently and i forgot how much i absolutely love this series zero mission is easily one of the best and i really wish they would go back to the roots of the series rather than the direction theyve taken it lately,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 i just cant relate to not being curious i just have to know how things work if i see something and i cant figure it out or find out how it works it drives me crazy,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 no astronomy is astronomy astrophysics is physics astronomys more like geography just with the universe,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 as the most eligible bachelor who ever bachd the bachosphere i cant even count how many promising single ladies werent responded to on okcupid because they have cats well shes hot smart eloquent we have the same interests i liked her message oh and great music taste well educated wants kids better check the pets section goddammit what is it with all the fucking cats,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well maybe i should have worded it like this this comes off as such to viewers coming in from rallquit gaslighting,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 textbook typemention behaviour right there you explained it pretty well quite a few psychologists have looked into this or variations of it eg milgram zimbardo thorndike pavlov etc im a flaired user over raskhistorians im planning to do a panel ama about the history of psychology its implications applications and ramifications for history amp modern society entitled delving into the psyche so look out for that no worries thats what we typementions are here for quite a few people like ancient greek philosophy but not me i quite like modern stuff as i mentioned amp presocratic philosophy the philosophers that look at what is colour how can water be the basis for all things etc if youre interested id suggest watching this oxford university lecture on philosophy from the presocratics to the modern day enjoy,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 since this documentary has been cancelled at various theaters hurting its change to earn its due and we are given the change to see it for free i invite people to contribute to cassies patron a lot of work when into this and it was not an easy subject to tackle i will commit myself for a year as i believe cassie has great potential upvote for visibility if you have appreciated the documentary,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i could see 6 or 3 i dont really think 2 seems right because shes so inherently selfish and doesnt seem to feel too bad about it its a little hard to tell between 3 and 6 because shes so unhealthy and all over the place hard to say what shell be like when she gets her shit together,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 good luck then id love to see your 33,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 the alternative is that people get to share in the benefits of automation by owning robots i envision two policies here first government sponsored loansgrants for acquisition of robots for the public second making sure ai and robotics remain in the public domain we have to make it very very accessible for everyoneso instead of depending on ubi people would be able to provide for themselves in order to make people more independent new technologies such as solar energy and 3dprinting will also play a roleubi seems to me to be inherently unstable if power is concentrated at the top and they decide a stipend to give to each person that would put the population in a position of dependence also forced equality with no social mobility doesnt sit well with the public and i wouldnt like to see an endgame where google and amazon own 80 of the profits from robotics and the rest of the world depends on state welfare better to spread the automation as much as possible and avoid it falling in the hands of just a few corporations,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 never heard of this guy in my life he already has me blocked lol,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 lol yeah i have dated more than a few women like that,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah this is a closer view of that little sticker an 09 gts,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 oh i didnt realise it was up in newark the passiveaggressive anger is definitely more of a southern thing,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 the obligations were the traveling to belgium from paris for every 2nd week afaik and rumpred to have something to do with his girlfriend at that time,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 even then id like statistics from this or last yearthose are far more relevant than you think for example the rise in criminality in europe the refugee crisis terrorist attacks etcalso what is wrong in judging the situation and safety for the future on current events just because x happened in 2014 doesnt mean x would happen also tomorrowand there are 9 months between conceiving a child and its birth since you cant predict the future for conflicts on the global scale just on statistics but more likely on current events i stand by my opinion that 19902001 was safer from the global situation for europe and the west than now,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i only really like treyarch cods but yeah mw2 can be playable but i often run into crazy lobbies similar to what mw1 has going on rapid fire noob tubes and instant max prestige i really quit playing once that max prestige thing happened to me took the fun out of actually leveling up,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i thought that milner was like a new signing in midfieldare we close to signing a cm then only time will tell,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 i would have to agree when taken to an extreme the impulse to convert others by way of force will certainly be bad i generally find that there are two methods that when misconstrued become bad1 saving others converting others so they may be saved by your god2 failure to convert means youre shunned or executed for lack of faithwhen taken to the extreme both means result in terrible things done to people in reality both things can go handinhand however they can be mutually exclusive,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 settings gt display and wallpaper gt touch key light durationyou can choose from 15 seconds 6 seconds always off always on,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 my mom used to teabag me,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 its diff for each typemention depends on what quirks we like and admire,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 well im there dont see you yet though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 zackley wouldve loved to answer that question in depth,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i voted for bernie in the primary and hillary in the general,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 what can i say i looked into the abyss and the abyss looked back at me,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 after attempting to test for any problems i am unable to reproduce the effect this worked the first time every time i tried haha perhaps the problem may be somewhere else in your code whatever may be interacting with data from the sapstats spreadsheet maybe,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 same except im becoming a digital reader largely because they way i can afford to read more of what i want no tax breaks for me unlike the bloke who gets 40 deductability on his work books,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 those are for the events can you show me that it was well understood that the rest of white people were told they could stay on campus as bret planned to do its possible that bret misunderstood them then the normal response would have been of course you can come on campus being accused of being a white supremacist isnt a sane response to a small misunderstanding,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yeah i can see myself get conflict with an typemention but it shouldnt be the worse i can see myself getting into heavier arguments with typemention and typemention and other personalities so clearly typemention shouldnt be my worse more like all sensors except maybe typemention and maybe maybe typemention,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 eren also pulled of annies moves in human form she taught them to himreigner not bertolt didnt know eren received that upgrade bottle and thought he learned it from scratchhe managed to crack the armor because he simply focused his own in one spot to make it thickerits highly implied that moving your titan body feels similar to moving your human body so him taking on annie was only impressive if you consider the opponent not if you look at how he movednone of your quick learning arguments hold upit is at best a feat of eren not of the attack titan,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 a chemistry diploma is any case is a good start there is more than enough work to be found in this field start looking around for post doc positions at universities if you want to go the academic route but if you dont look for the big multinationals shell akzo nobel asml dsm pharma industry etc these companies usually have positions open for chemistrychemeng students and considering their international culture the language requirements arent that strict as with smaller companiesi believe in the us when you do graduate school you do a combined mastersphd track depending on how far along you are you can also have a look at taking out your masters and do a phd in the netherlands for example as phd over here are employees who receive a salary not students it is a competitive market though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 one of the questions should have beenwhat do you call a sausage in bread hotdog frankfrankfurter coney islandin terms of an easy class my area has no word for that its just an easy class,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 probably because they dont just put these things into manufacturing on a whim theres testing and all thatbut intuitively i totally get the concern the pcie slot is tiny and the gpu is quite damn heavy those two screws are all that hold it,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 isnt that standard these days,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 im guessing halter tops or maybe spaghetti strap tank tops not sure,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 motion sensor was cheap too,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 well this certainly highlights how little i know of this area or even of my own area which is embarrassing to be fair to dols even though im not familiar with his work the definition of something like madness is extremely subjective even from psychologist to psychologist though i wont place modern views on this so shoshawn using that as a negative is a bit unfairultimately i struggle with the idea that just because something is popular and accepted that means its right regardless of whether theres loads of evidence behind it somewhere it could still be flawed though i understand the importance of primary sources when discussing something so unknown as the middle ages,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 possibly a beta bug report it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i am amazed you didnt simply leave after politely excusing yourselves is he socially clueless as to how to behave in a somewhat professional manner considering it is not just family around,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 nothing wrong with that m8 but some ppl here cant read or just ignore it because it is their favourite redhead,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yes literally the team disbanded after the game,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 side storyi walked into my dads office and he was doing his taxes for the year he was around 60 yrs old at the time the man saved every tax return he ever had since he started working in the late 50s he said well son ive made my first million in my life this yearas in all of his wages added up since he started working equaled a million i said dad thats awesome great jobhe said with no smile spent 15 million,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 if you want further advice in anything on the subject feel free to message me i have a lot of insight on it and ill have to admit prior to my current relationship i was a serial dater so ive seen a lot of different scenarios you could possibly think of to come from dating casually and exclusively,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 well hell at least we can test people it just blows my mind that they even show up ya know you did know we were going to ask you to actually write code didnt you oh you were going to pick it up on the job how hard can it be right get the fuck out of my face,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i know maybe a few typementionone that i find to be extremely selfish and inconsideratethe other whos super awesome and my bffl that i can totally count on for anythingactually thinking about it i do have another typemention friend who literally stretches himself thin in terms of friends however we get along well but we dont hang out oftenit varies for me,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 itll be the episode 12 aftercredit scene,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im sorry this happened op but now you have the strangest tale to tell about your cousin,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 im a harsh critic of many aspects of the game but the art design and video production teams are always on point,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 autocorrect sorry i meant levelised costgeothermal wind hydro all cheaper than nuclear iirc lcoes for nuclear are around 90100 per mw for geothermal 4560 onshore wind 6580 hydro 70100 hydro is a great compliment to nuclear plants that cant load follow due to its capacity for pumped storageoffshore wind and tidal tend to be expensive what with being in the sea solar thermal is also massively expensive compared to solar pv in most locationsregarding battery technology it really depends on effectiveness and safety of future lithiumoxygen and other such super energy dense batteries battery tech does not fit to exponential curves though,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 here comes the second part of the question how would you defeat everyone,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 here is quote from one the letter which i think illustrate the failure to understand trumps supporters by the leftpsychologists jonathan haidt study how conservatives and liberals value things differently he identified 5 core values he talk about it in this ted talk notably conservatives value ingroupoutgroup thinking higher than liberalsthe clinton campaign did a focus group to understand why people are voting for trump people answer was he is an asshole but he is our asshole people can pretend to have transcended ingroupoutgroup thinking but the fact is even if they think they do they dont people operate following ingroupoutgroup thinking even if they think they dont the above quote divide the world in two side the richs and the poors then in the next breath contradict itself with a vague statement about togethernessone letter start with my father is muslim another says trump is part of the elite another says im german they are all identities people think in identities thats human nature sure we can wish people would transcend that but those people havent nor do ipeople on the left want to pretend they have transcended identity the reality is they have simply abandoned old larger identities to replace them by new smaller ones and valued only a subset of those while demonizing some others this is why it came to be called identity politicsonce upon a time there used to be this concept called america im canadian but i can recognize the value of the american identity it meant something to be american for many this identity started to be demonized for good or bad reasons now people are flying mexicans flags and burning the american ones when protesting trump being white is associated with shame being male and heterosexual is associated with privileges being christian make you backward being all four make you literally hitler unless people make an effort to understand the reality of identities and recognize that trump supporters are being affirming their owns notably the american identity and unless people are willing to meet them with a shared pride the dialogue will remains one of hostility a fight between competing identities but it will be the fourth of july soon a day of pride for many many of those who will fly the american flag on that day many of those are trump supporters if you are american or living in america you can fly an american flag in company of a trump supporter share their pride and experience a moment of togetherness because thats what people want to feel we are in this together,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 bonus slightly blurry picture heres a cool shelf with more yoyos from a little closer so its easier to identify,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 he was on the show to discuss waking up when he clashed with affleck and didnt get to talk about the book talk about being sucking up back on the subject of islam its been a while since he talked about meditation,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i got a handkerchief too but mine isnt plain red its got a design on it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 same rules as the rest of us if theres a question of if it should have human rights well ive said before about how we should define sapient rights and a presapience qualification for animals like crows and dogs and elephants etc that provides them additional protections from cruelty and mistreatment the clones could have those kinds of protectionswell thats for an ethics panel to decide along with a risk assessment and controls we wouldnt want to have 10 hitlers at the same time,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 lol shadowpuppet off that should be a thing why isnt that a thing,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 depending on how your pseudorandom bit permutations go this could be totally broken also without an iv this is basically ecb modeif you use a sha256 hash per 256 bits of the message this will be very slow compared to other algorithms if you use less than that the algorithm will be easily brokenalso there are dozens of other attacks you have to worry about,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 now we need to harvest this energy by putting a small turbine on the axis of spinning doors,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 some might feel their love is more specialuniqueclose and that there is some magical solution where they can have it all the true answer is cold hard logic and it is a hard pill to swallow sometimes you cannot compromise on kids someone will end up miserablethe beauty of having such a big sub imo is that a few people can take time to write a heartfeltindividualized answer to that person show them some care and empathy that they need rather than just saying break up duh if i get sick of reading those what do i do posts i just dont read them that day other days i might feel more empathetic or relating to ops post and want to reply we can share the work amongst our subscribers and help a lot of people realize their bright cf future too edit a word,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i already have a server i could easily put irc on it i think never been an irc buff but i am a linux admin,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i personally heard that wherever he goes eren y will always followgod that guy is a big monster,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 never most guys i have dated either already smoked had no problem with it or picked it up themselves,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 uhmmm no i dont even like cogfuncmention that much i dislike it hard actuallythinking about cogfuncmention makes me feel trapped you basically have a chosen destiny that you cant really change and you must follow the path there not even knowing whats at the end and all of this only for the end dafuq where is the freedom that cogfuncmention gives you i want to be able to choose out of the million of possibilities not have a linear path that i must follow oh what am i saying just an xnxp begging for freedom xd,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 wait so the jp dichotomy is supposed to represent lifestylebehavior or you have a different definition on what people typically consider an overly stereotypical memey outlook on typology or is this simply another theoretical debate to be had,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 lol fuck off dude im a girl and if you enjoy watching camgirls you should support them a little bit if no one pays you dont get a show at all and the camgirl that you supposedly like cant pay her rent,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 and then what sure it is a scummy mobe but no bannable offense,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 meirl but for much more mundane answers,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 as an typemention who has blatantly committed crimes at the felony level i can tell you it took only the motivation that they deserved it and greatest likelihood of not getting caught that enabled me to actin fact i was caught once after assaulting a guy that committed an act of animal cruelty and successfully defended myself against 5 charges at least one was a felony level this was on fort bragg and in a military court martial so not civilian courtso anger and fear are not the only motivators,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 men naturally have faster reaction times wouldnt go well for her,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 phew glad i spotted thisheating your tank can be done using a undertank heater uth these are those black pads with adhesive sides that you stick to the bottom of the tank to heat it up these can get very very hot and must be used with a thermostat i use paper towels to insulate against them anyway so my snake never has direct contact with itthat being said heat bulbs should only be used to raise ambient air temperatures but it is only effective to a certain extent a better method of raising the ambient air temperature would be a ceramic heater bulb these do a better job at heating up to a certain temperature consistently without giving out any extra red lightif you do have any heat bulbs humidity will be an issue for you as these dry out the air very effectively so be sure to keep an eye on that,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the hits didnt look strong to me strong by human standards maybe but had the chimp swung that with full force it woulda broke and not really hurt the other chimpchimps are insanely strong its kind of a moot point i dont think the chimps meant to hurt each other theyre just establishing dominance so ill agree to say using the stick was a good tactical advantage but if they meant to kill or injure no,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its just annoying im not out creating please stop posts but i dont disagree with them its like opening up a newspaper ok im old and 910 of the articles are the same ones that were in there yesterday and the day before that and the day before that not similar but the exact samemost days you cant go past the first page without seeing at least 4 of the same question and most days its the same question that was posted every 20 minutes yesterdayedit side note how many times a day do we get the coming to smite from lol which champs are best and i havent played in a few months what changed im honestly curious how many times per hour we get posts on gem event days saying is anyone else not getting first win gems its got to be over 10 on average every single time,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 koepka already made it i thought if not definitely him,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 they have so many good songs no way to put a finger on favorites for me spin the black circle is a personal favorite though for sure i really like lightning bolt too,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 there is very little information out there about the original conception of the enneagram outside of a few sources if you want to check out what the enneagram is really all about look into the founder gurdjieff his students ospensky and especially more modern interpretations of jg bennett and anthony blake i just did a subreddit search of renneagram for gurdjieff and only found three mentions of the founder of the enneagram that is very weird mbti departs quite a ways from the original jung but the modern understanding of the enneagram is so much further removed from its source or original intent the enneagram of process is really about so much more than just a system of typology it can basically be used to describe how all processes occur,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 ill do you one better marvin lewis could go 016 for the next 18 consecutive years still have a better winning percentage than gus bradley and hed still have his job,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 i agree on this second point maybe even mail the ceo of this company seeing that its a small one just tell them you wont be pursuing any action but like to bring some things to hisher attention as you were very dissapointed with how you were treated by employee x and give all the examples you havr given us dont apologize for your mail or anything just be dissapointed in how everything was handled by his or her company,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 amazingly though i got flamed by mad germans for being a cheater every damn time below supreme for things that are pretty normalmost are just shit and cant accept that they are shit because they are lem and are better than 95 of cs players lel,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yep it did here is the stream,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah we have some pretty damn stupid people here haha what say you of the gt40 of frenchies who think vaccines are a bad idea,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 dad is an typemention and i wouldnt know what type my mum is i might get her to take an mbti test this weekend im actually really interested in what type she is my siblings aretypemention older of my younger sisters typemention younger of my younger sisters and typemention younger brother so were all intuitors,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 yukiko is my avatar on rmbtiplus good username reference by the way,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 why would you lie to us like this,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 the quote was butched to make the news she said competence matters but they want the list they put together to draw from different background its not as bad as people make it sound when she said it it was actually in answer to a question about gender equality and we can interpret it as there is other factors than gender,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 why do typos turn you off if you zoom about a bit do they really matter do you think he is stupid itâ s not likely heâ s dumb but heâ s probably not the smartest dude ever which is probably good also what are you freaking out about you probs wonâ t marry him so just have fun,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 its important to be able to write something without motivation but its also important to know when to cut your losses with writing it can be very difficult to know which is appropriate i think its important to take a deep breath take a step back and ask yourself if i finish this will i be proud of myself for accomplishing something i want so badly or just relieved that i dont have to hate myself for being flakyas long as you want the result for its own sake i dont think youre at risk for ending up hating your work,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i see i know there are a billion threads on the subject but you are a bit of an authority on the subject and just in my personal case i have these optionsa zastava m77 in 223 the caliber is a downside to me for 479â a wasr for 455â a polish stamped receiver ak for 585â which one should i go with i want a reliable fun plinker but it shouldnt be all over the place precisionwise i mean if its over 3 moa its bad they are all in very good condition also upgradeability is an issue,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 the walldian government was overthrown within a few days after that one trick where they tried to see how theyd react if another wall was to be breached,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 criticise based on culture not race its idiotic to criticize based on race no matter what race you are,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 no doc martins are horrible and the conmpany is now horrible i had a pair about 10 years ago and they were completely destroyed after 12 years under light to normal use the sold completely cracked on one and the other totally separated at the toe i couldnt believe itthey slipped like hell on ice or anything that wasnt pavement or dirt it boggled my mind they charged 160 for them i will never do business with that company again20 years or more ago they were good theyve changedplease no longer support them,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 and all these new ones that we now see thanks to xrays,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 tasmania really punches above its weight in several areas convict and colonial history and the rise of the environmental movement especially green politics add in stuff like the port arthur massacre the development of hydro power and some of the other things you mention and theres a lot to cover,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 very likelydaikatana is one if you can name a good one i havent played ill thank you and promise ill play it immediately and give you proof within 24hours nothing online only though i have gone through many and done it in the past but most pvp things i dont enjoy these days i much rather solo or coop,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 nova premade who regularly play together vs a le mix who play the first time together i think that is possible depends on how much the les rage at each other though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 its gotta be nice to have a sponsor,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 after changing into her own night gown bidding her son goodnight and removing the wooden dragon from her already sleeping daughters clutches kiernan padded over and curled up in the warmth of the hearth and her husband happily she accepted the offered wine one sweet sip further fighting off the encroaching autumn chill,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 why only pick one why not both,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 could you elaborate on that part about your experiences what do you disagree with bardon on,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 how can you play like this d,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 its not worth mastering small talk imo xd if someone you talk to only knows how to small talk theyre not really worth being more than an acquaintance with,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 i think people will switch when it becomes economically ridiculous to own your own car some of the rich will still want to drive but there will likely be certain roads where this is approved i dont think the majority will be rabid if it saves a ton of money clearly saves lives and is extremely convenient,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah talisa said quietly nodding in agreement and pausing for a moment just to imagine the view climbing all those steps would be so exhausting she noted to herself lazily but her love of the ocean made the trek seem worth it at least in her mindi really want to visit oldtown too talisa said returning from oldtown to the antlers the hightower and the canals and stone streets and the citadel just all of it,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 well on the matter of free will not so much a mischaracterization but harris is right on that one i dont have free will pretty obvious to me,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 remember that time that power users coupled with unattractive business decisions caused a mass migration to other services s,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 youre not giving us much to go on could you give an example of an instance when this happened and what triggered the angry outbursti have had some pretty intense fights with my typemention but we were both showing anger lol i cant imagine an typemention just going off like that unprovoked how old is he,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i only really like treyarch cods but yeah mw2 can be playable but i often run into crazy lobbies similar to what mw1 has going on rapid fire noob tubes and instant max prestige i really quit playing once that max prestige thing happened to me took the fun out of actually leveling up,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 exactly the relation needs to evolve naturally depending on setting and what you want from the relationship no mentormentee are actually proclaimed mentormentee but if done right both will know that thats indeed the nature of their relationship,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 are you slightly retarded or was the button just hard to find,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 with that many rows of data you should definitely begin to consider importing everything into a database and begin to work with that instead querying data from a db takes mere seconds especially if youre using a lot of vlookups and indexmatch formulas to grab data from elsewhere a db is designed to do exactly this but without taking forever to do so,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 hole in 1 every hole okay kim jong,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 as the quadrifoglio has a carbon roof i dont think it would be a option in series 2 and beyond because of weightand yes aftermarket sunroofs are looking cheap and may also impaire safety,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 that was never the case you just needed to find a kernel extension for whatever hardware it was that you were putting in the pc,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 i personally loved the character development much more for the murderers than just a dude pw just rekt,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 these activist types shouldnt assume that a homeless dog is not being taken care of by anyone or that it isnt happywe have a homeless dog living near our apartment building we call her girl everyone loves girl and feeds her gives her water and pets her in winter time when it is especially cold a neighbor lady takes her in the house yet girl doesnt have a proper owner but she is so happy she sometimes accompanies my daughter from home to school of her own volition its not like she gets something for it she does it out of pure love and friendshipor course its ok for a dog to live outside in fact i feel more sorry for the dogs with owners in my apartment they have less freedom and see less sun,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 not sure i have 23 real friends but a ton of acquaintances one typemention i know is the biggest purveyor of how big ones social circle is in a kind of eerie way he asked me how my dog was being taken care of while i was in sf i said oh i have some friends trading off when its most convenient for them hes like oh you must have a healthy social circle for that ok weirdo is that all i am to you,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 this and then the customer is shocked when i tell them to fuck off like bitch do you think i am paid enough to give a fuck no and feel free to call corporate they wont fire me they need me desperately but you can get a free pizza coupon and then come in and start this cycle over again dumb ass people,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 funny how now that so manny veterans have received bans those of us that are left still get more often the top comment than the new recruitsactually now that i think about it thats kinda sad,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ive been on both ends of this being a performer orchestra and bringing my students with various disabilities to movies plays etc personally i would start my kids out slow and see what they could handle go to the afternoon movie matinee then maybe a small high school play or bandorchestra performance we might do social stories and practice our appropriate performance behavior i hope the parent did not bring their child to a 3 hour broadway production for their first show that said any time any kid could vocalize a kid with autism may be more likely to vocalize in a way that is unfamiliar in sound and may agitate some folks it is the parents discretion and responsibility whether or not it is appropriate to remove them immediately as far as adults we arent perfect either there is always one that claps between movements edit a word,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 my ex wife made me raw fried chicken once then she had a crying fit when i refused to eat it that was the end of that adventure,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its not that i force a jaded perspective its that i have a jaded perspective it is hard to stay positive when all indicators point to us being on the brink of extinction and we just keep on partying like its 1799,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 violet chewed on the underside of her lip unsure whether to open up any further so far all her openness had earned her was another stressful lesson and a seemingly disappointed sigh yet in spite of her less than forthcoming nature violet trusted her father deeply if he claimed that sharing and explaining her problems was the responsible thing to do she believed him and that proved to be enough to tip the scales once againits just so confusing violet complained after her bout of deliberation a serious frown lining her lips sometimes i get them confused or i forget or they look not the same or they move sometimes its all that,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 the good old times when you could see the feet under the smoke in source 1010 would awp again,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 feminism made me not want to have a sex life anymore and this is a good thing for some reason,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 joking i just found it funny how coincidental it was that it happened on 8 december,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the last one doesnt really fit the description,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 to me it feels like immense jealously towards you because of a perceived failure on his side to get that job followed by rationalization of behaviour he knows is stupid and irrational by suddenly being proamerican capatilism antisocialism and all the other out of the blue things hes saying about europethe netherlandsi think you need to sit down with him and simply say straight to his face you are behaving like crap and youre acting like a child we made this decision together and you need to get your act straight this is going to happen i am going there whether you like it or not with or without youi dont think with this behaviour that any subtle steering of his behaviour will have any effect,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 ill reply to more of your comment when im at my computer but that was actually a typo lol typemention is less closedcareful lol the fact that you affirmed it is slight evidence towards my conclusionedit still havent had a chance for a full response but i had additional thoughts i know you said you didnt want this to become a typeme thread but i encourage you to attempt to answer the above questions posted by peppermintkiss shes collected a variety of answers to her questionnaire and it might reveal your likely dominant perceiving pepi function which as you suggested would be invisible to you by nature of being your dom,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 if he can show hes able to repeat that performance then id be happy to see him play there i just havent seen it from him in years,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 yeah ill purposely leave friends alone even if it makes me lonely in fear that if i want to be around them too much they will no longer want me aroundi get paranoid about it and end up isolated from everyone in reality im lonely and want someone around but im too afraid of wearing out the welcome of others in the end my secret to stable relationships is by being barely more than an acquaintance,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 agree youre already using your bonus action if your duelwielding maybe instead word it as part of your action and on the second part why the nonfinesse entry isnt the point of this to make duel wield and swordboard builds more viable,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i have to be careful not to sound like a stalker when i talk about memories with people i can package a lot of data into a single memory file so its like yeah remember it was that one time when we went to florida and we were lost in south beach so we went to a sports bar with a striped awning and sat outside because it was too smokey inside and people were watching baseball and you were wearing that white sweater and we noticed the fancy house that had all that security and realized it was versaces and he had just recently been murdered and we ate that mushroom marsala pasta that was the best italian we had eaten in years and then later we talked about breadfruit and their significance in sea traveland theyre like that was over 20 years ago why do you even remember all that all that imagery and emotion and detail is linked and when i bring up one thing it all starts coming back to me the thing is i often dont have it immediately available but once i access deep storage its all there conversations sensory data emotional overtones everything ive found people prefer if your memory is as hazy as theirs some dont like it if they know you can remember a version of them that they cant or that they dont want to,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 no dont do it dont do it nigga ur a good mod,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 the other ladies gave a bunch of great responses i 100 agree with its interesting to see how other typemention ladies feel the same like me about having a friend to come home to someone relaxed who will be honest with you and keep you grounded no emotional games or drama just being able to come home be home and leave all your stress at the door which also means your so doesnt make an issue of your work and career is really just chill about it and everything else concerning our overly ambitious characters i find this interesting because this type of man arent usually the overly ambitious guys like we are at least not to the same level and intensity as we are it balances us out i guess but for some reason i still have a stereotypical idea in my head about us strong typemention women belonging in some kind of power couple relationship with an equally ambitious man i realize now after so much time with my more laidback so that wouldnt make me happy though,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 lc already has a downside physical damage is overtuned that is the core problem,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 i sort of borrowed the idea from the steiner waldorf tradition where its common to put the wise men at the far end of the house on christmas morning and move them a little closer every day until epiphanyi like observing advent and the twelve days of christmas we have advent candles our tree doesnt go up until christmas eve and we take it down on the day after epiphany we dont do christmas presents because we feel that can easily become a distraction from what is for us a religious feast instead we celebrate st nicholas the kids get a book each and epiphany the kids get chocolate coins in their shoes to bookend the festival season with small gifts we also play the appropriate bach cantatas and other sacred music throughout,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 its almost as if his dad was voted most popular driver for 16 years or something,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 indeed please fall back on particular areas as a way of disguising the fact that this happens all the time in civil rights in ngo interventions everywherewhat does victim selection have to do with it it current sentences are unfair across the board then reduction in any sentence is fairer female sentences includeddo you agree with premises 15 if so you agree with feministsis the punishment for said crime unfair if so then yesis the legal system unfair would it be fairer to exempt people from it if so then it is fairlook i keep repeating myself nothing youve said refutes anything ive said youre going in circles just reread my previous posts until you understand,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 someone above mentioned some environmental concerns since its made of stone and plastic it wont biodegrade like paper does also trees are more or less a renewable resource and there are many paper companies that are responsible replanting trees etc whereas quarrying for the needed minerals may have more of a permanent environmental impactalso i imagine its a lot more expensive to use,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 maybe its a reddit bias thing because irl soooo many people like trump hardcorethen again im in kentucky,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im not sure but you might try asking rfindapath,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 im going to piggyback of of uyahrabiess incredibly insightful comment but from the other sideas someone who came from a pretty poor family and then was cut off by them while in collegefirst i dont want to act like i know about your experience with people in your life you may very well have been unlucky enough to meet a significant number of poorer people who resented you for your parents having money however as someone who might have been perceived as holding that resentment the thing that prevented me from being really close to anyone who was rich and from my perspective anything upwards of 40000 was rich was never for the obvious results of having moneyfor having nice cars for going on nice vacations for the jewelry or the holidays it was more like i and wealthy people didnt speak the same languageimagine that youre trying to speak with someone who speaks a language that you dont if youre an asshole you might be pissed at them for their existence being inconvenient to you but more often than not youll just be frustrated by the situation you can only relate over the most basic concepts they might seem to say one thing and actually mean another ultimately you dont pursue the connection not because you think theyre a bad person or because you dont have anything in common but because the communicative hurdle is just too massiveim going to expand on an actual example of how this affected my friendships have you ever gotten a text from a significant other that reads we need to talk or kept checking your phone because your grandfather is in surgery and no one knows if hell make it then you know what real dread feels like that sickening hollow feeling in the pit of your stomach there was about half a year there where i felt like that but constantly three days a week i had stress nausea and could hardly eat because between work and school and trying to hold my life together my life was so precarious that a flat tire at the wrong time could have made me drop out of school i suffered from the symptoms for ovarian cysts but just had to grit my teeth pop some ibuprofen hope desperately that if one burst it would be on the left side because if its on the left i could just stay home feeling miserable for two or three days but if its on the right i would have to go into the hospital because it might be appendicitis instead and the difference is life and deathso who was i going to hang out with you cant keep that level of stress under wraps at least i couldnt and middleclass kids and richer couldnt really get it they were of course wellintentioned and caring but telling them what was going on in my life even the things that didnt seem like such big problems and expecting them to relate was like asking a fish to climb a tree it was the other kids who were living on ramen and working their way through college who got it the language we spoke to each other was this sucks and were trapped but one day well be freei never hated anyone for having money i envied that they didnt have to live with my fears i never wanted their cars or their single dorm rooms or their fancy clothes i wanted a weekend night off so i could go to chillis with my friends,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 ah thats cool ill have to look at dalis work in more detail do you happen to like the film style of weimar germany i ask because their stuff can be quite surrealist,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 where the 2 team boosts are,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 cmon turtletree time to pay up,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i just settle for chaotic neutral and call it a day,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 really broken in decks that like having things in their graveyard,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its a little vague but offering to take someone out does kind of imply that youre treating them if you say lets go to or we should go to sometime then its not implying any such thingon the other hand if you were on the other side id tell you its pretty foolish to expect the other party to pay i once had a guy i was crushing on say i should take you to sometime that wording of course set off all my radars because i was like whoa he wants to take me on a date no he didnt he mightve been flirting but nothing ever happened i still cant say for sure what he meant but contextually from the whopping nothing that ever happened between us im pretty sure he just wasnt thinking about his wording and basically meant you should try going there sometimemaybe ill go with youjust think about your wording more carefully next time you mightve implied it but you didnt guarantee anything and i think itd be silly of the other couple to expect that unless youre super rich or something,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 no reddit decided to eat the 7 after the one thank you for pointing it out,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 dont its not good for the soul,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 which onethe one where he forgot his plot armor or the one where he cared more about falco than ending his own suffering,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 he did fight and kill communists but he also wanted to draw them over to the party at least thats what i read in hitler ascent 18891939,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 except valve stated otherwise after the ibp incident,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yesother cosmological extinction events are systemwide passing massive entities grb etc colonising the system only really prevents against impact extinction i think,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 please enlighten me on what this is for i have no idea,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 well then how did you write this,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 hahaha thats amazing at least you didnt try to drink from it,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 its still predicated on dualist notions as is the orthodox solution â to change the body because that is of course merely an appendage to what is important the brain,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 same i rarely eat before noon and i rarely eat more than twice a day,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 actually no its called usb type c,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 accessible means cheap financed by loans with low ip entry barrier government finances education for the young they can finance self reliance as well,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 its not really a problem with management who are deciding on who to hire actually many european universities have policies in place which highly favour women in stem fields to a point you may very well say its discriminating although yes these fields usually have less then 20 women in any scientific position thats higher than a post doc level my own university has research institutes that have none actually this actually causes problems with regard to work environment and providing role models for students so why are there so little women in academia no science to back this up but my own experiences tell me that many women actually want to be in academia as the number of female phd students is actually quite high maybe not 5050 yet for engineering in my country but still quite good however when you want your career to progress in academia you need to be able to handle the work load and stress that comes with really devoting your life to your research and you are also required work abroad for multiple years before getting being able to become a professor at least in europe if you want a position at a decent university after you get in at an assistant professor level it is still a very competitive environment everything is measured the amount of phds you have how much grant money you bring in citation indexes and number of papers everything you want to become an associate professor sure go ahead if you meet the minimum requirements you want to be full professor well we only have room for 1 full prof for every 23 associates and really if you are not good enough to be a full prof most universities kick you out eventually because there are assistant professor waiting to take your spot which have more potential worklife balance in academia is absolutely awful and i believe this is the reason why there are so little women in academia however once you get in which is also something i personally experienced you are very much respected and treated as equal well some of the computing science and physics men in their men cave offices need to be told to store away their nude calendar posters once they have a female phd joining them but thats about it,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 how did i know this would be the top response,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thank you even though i opened it on a whim i started crying in the first minute so beautiful,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 far column of cars on the right need to move to the right and up to let traffic to their left go straight problem solved,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 wait so its just 2040 for a bunch of sentences why dont i just download english and japanese subs for an asadora free japanese sentences with answer key koichi almost got me with this cash grab,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 there isnt an os on the computer will i still be able to get into the flash drive,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 what can i say i like the keep things slow though im at the point now that im ready to move to the next actareas,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 as a girl who is now studying to be an engineer and has had first hand experience with being discriminated against my stem interests from ever since i was about 7 years old no girls are actively pushed away from stem by society by their peers family and even teachers the only reason i got into stem is because my father was my big advocate and called everyone out who tried to tell me stem isnt for girls why dont you choose a social science instead youre probably not good enough at mathematics anyway to be an engineer if you go to an engineering or physics department at your local uni youll find most of the girls there have similar stories,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thank you its one of my most prized possessions my husband bought it for me for my birthday a while back and its with me every day i use their purple ink in it and its so perfect he has a meisterstrã¼ck 149 and its the most masculine pen ever haha i can barely hold it because its so thick but its beautiful,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i loved renly from that moment,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 itll be the episode 12 aftercredit scene,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 there were christian songs specifically about refusing to deny him and being shot after the columbine shootings,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i have never heard of that happening and i do not think it has been done by deployed i mean operating in the same theatre at the same its not really anything new jã gerkorpset and frã mandskorpset were both in task force kbar before their command structure was merged i think its more a matter of making it easier for the politicians so they can just call up the socom and then the socom will handle the rest themselves instead of the mod deciding which unit to use,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 thats a pretty derpy lobstah,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 fuck me i looove battlebots,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 that wasnt it though if i remember right their 3rd was 3 star spider man they didnt even have sword tiles,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 one of the big differences between cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention and cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention is how one perceives the physical world and particularly objects cogfuncmention users are going to perceive the sensory world objectively or as it is from there they attach subjective abstract ideas about the object in plain english the object has value that anyone can see or at least they think so and that object says something about the individual the motivation behind the stereotype that cogfuncmention users value shiny objects is what is important for example everyone knows that the bigger the diamond or the nicer the car the more value it objectively has and that says something about the person that owns it your possessions deliberately say something about you as a person they are a sort of status symbol even if they not expensive or if the individual isnt materialistic now contrast this to how an cogfuncmention user views objects for an cogfuncmention user an object has no inherent value on its own it is all subjective this object has value because it is useful for the user they do not particularly care if anyone else in the world sees it as valuable the value of an object is created over time as the object proves to be more useful or is associated positive experiences this is why to an cogfuncmention user a new object is worth less when brand new than it is when it is had for a while value is extracted from the object rather than attached to it they may appreciate shiny objects just as much as the next guy but will more likely have a subjective idea of what it is actually worth for example a diamond may be objectively worth x amount of dollars subjectively for me it is worth very little ill take into consideration that the diamond market is rigged the whole blood diamond thing that i dont want to support its low resale value etc but most importantly is it x amount of dollars of usefulness no now maybe if this same diamond was a family heirloom or represented something important to me it would have a totally different subjective value that you really couldnt put a price onso when typing yourself look at some of your favorite possessions and consider why they are important to you also keep in mind that the judging functions will come into play here for example with lower level cogfuncmention you may dress a certain way in order to conform to societal expectations or to distance yourself from those expectations these drives may override your desire dress like a princess or a bag lady because youd take into consideration what it appropriate with cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention the differences in expression are going to be subtler to discern than if you were torn between typemention and typemention but should nonetheless should be possible if not i didnt even get into cogfuncmention vs cogfuncmention really so there are many other aspects that can help you narrow it down,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 completely agreethat doesnt make it less sadistic though,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 thank you uhandsymcmanrub i was so excited to see this in my po box today d also writing your username out made me laugh,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 i agree however i would like to put forth a slight change to the nameaspetezan,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 uhmm no you are born that way do some research kiddo,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 yeah i wasnt sure which sub to use couldnt find one about breastfeedingill xpost there,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 katana laughed and finished her drink i wish i gambled with her and flirted my ass off but nothing ever came of it story of my life sometimes its because im short a few parts some girls like sometimes i guess i come up short in other ways,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 you had me at ffix,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 it just ruins the seamless congruity of the back it wouldnt really be an elegant industrial artpiece anymoreapple is good for formfunction but now theyre going to overlook form for function at that point apple is just like the rest ie samsung etc,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 ss can do abstract shes talking about very concrete items and behaviors tho imoplus shes stressed and probably spending lots of time thinking lately,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 bbubut our corporate overlords assured us regular folk that fracking unequivocally doesnt cause earthquakes nor does it affect drinking water supply s,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i think it isnt as dire as you fear it it presents a hurdle but it should be surmountablemantle is effectively dead in the water as amd has given it to khronos to morph into vulkan they have made some noise about not abandoning mantle but branding it a research api kills it for commercial deployment who wants to build for profit 3d applications on somebody elses testbed besides vulkan does the same thing now and that is cross vendor and cross platformdx12 and metal are platform specific apis the closed source nature does pose a problem but from what ive read both dx12 and metal are also low overhead close to the hardware apis this makes them similar in their goals to both mantle and vulkan it will entail work but it should be possible to write shims that convert dx12 andor metal to vulkan or opengl it is what wine is already doing with previous versions of direct3d they translate them on the fly to ogl callsid say the future for graphics on linux seems to be rosy with wayland compositors getting ready for mainstream use and vulkan in the near future for low overhead drivers,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 yeah thatd be interesting to see if they dont kill him off prior well probably find out next episode,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 she definitely wants to be friends with you especially if she keeps asking you to hang out take her up on itdont worry about the adhd thing several of my friends have it and i often dont process it my pet peeves are when people are late to things or flakey soso i prefer a hard no to a soft yes,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 from what ive heard he did the bulk of iti guess well have to see how accurate they remain as the season goes along i got it before hearing the news,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 home alone 3 and especially 4 would like a word with you,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 that wasnt a knock it was a battering,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 nah it doesnt even have a tag haha it was my great uncles from when he was stationed in korea so idk where he got it,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 zeke had that beard since he was 8 didnt he,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i dunno my mom is 2w1 and i have no idea what my dad is cuz he was mostly out of the picture whichever type is narcissistic asshole i turned out to be a pretty strongwilled 7w8 not sure how that worked out,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 im having some dissarono which is a luxury i havent had in a while gotta follow through on some camgirl shit today so if i get a bottle i will fuck that up but maybe beforefor the bus home tonight only thing im worried about is the fucking border patrol dickheads,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 wow that was terrifying and beautiful thanks for sharing,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 congrats and best wishes and in the worst case scenario which i very much hope does not happen if mum and or bub need lengthy intensive care or major operations that will be covered too,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i really loved andrews course before coursera the one taught at the blackboard that is on youtube its still relevant for well done basics the math part is much more in depth than the usual online ml course,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i remember my mom got mad at me because i didnt cry during or after watching it i was forced to go watch it in a packed theater with the youth group i shared a seat that was up against the wall with someone complete waste of my life,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 tilthanks for clearing that up,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 erratic and cyclical is pretty much a contradiction in terms no,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 please dont remind us of those movieswere all trying to forget they ever happened,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 thedishstã tus quã qnãªs ã¾u ist latinã n hyrã ta zum ã nu0283tu0252â tus kã³ u014bã s u03b8u iu0283t lu0252tã dã d xyrã³ta zub ã nstatus quo know2sg 2sg be3sg latinine proxmess be1pl in,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 dont forget the euros they suck,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 well you said that paradis people the eldians never went to war which they did it might not be the eldians we know today but whilst the first king pussied out the eldians were the oppressing race,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 he is a lawyer to be fair also i personally dont care if he was just lucky or if he was playing on a local server with a outdated cheat and insecure we cant prove it in the end if no demo surfaces of him cheating and in the end launders did fuel the fire with his tweets like a mad girl that needs attention and reddit liked it despite frankie saying it was his fault that the video got taken down what annoys me the most in the end is that we lost two days with witch hunting and had no remotely good content,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 on a daily basis like you know when you go to sleep id hate to be bothered by people interrupting my few hours of sleep each night that would be like having noisy roommates that you have to deal with 247,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 you cant leave me in the dark like thatwhats my tag,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 that was a fun read why resort to ad hominem it does nothing but weaken your assertions,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 maybe the way to help people from less represented minorities is for the state to pay for extra classes so they can get admitted purely based on merits and not on race,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 and so wouldnt 144hzi didnt say that 60hz had advantages or a disadvantage the refresh rate is literally irrelevant to the tickrate and what happens in the game that is what i saidwhat i said was that the problem why we dont have 128 tick in mm is the fact that most people have a latency of 50 ms in cs which is hugely not beneficial on 128 tick it is rather unfair if compared with a person who has a 5ms latency and fps have nothing to do with tickrate at least if people can use the right rates,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 define bitch people who dont use violence when they are not happy with the situation,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 a personality i enjoy romantic or not straightforward honest but tactful warm not afraid to hide who they are into trying new things being good to others a depth to her dont care too much about being hyper smart but dont like fools all too much,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 psst shape is pretty well fixed for any sort of receiving dish considering you can prove the best shape is parabolic size is the only qualifier necessary here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 with her this time no way its done,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 can confirm worked finances in a doctors office and the doctor made less than 300kyear,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 did you review your cooler before purchase that is exactly the performance under full load it was rated for,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 they dug trenches and he just charged right on in like wtf jon im a little surprised that literally no one said anything or seemed upset about it later,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 its even worse in the show where spoilers mains there are hundreds of mounted knights attacking the wilding camp from both sides and mance just stands there going wtf for a few minutes before surrenderingedit spoiler scope,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 whats it like as a 1 one of my best friends was typemention 1 he was great he just struggled to let loose a lot of the time but i admired his diligence so much he was like an unshakable pillar and a good friend,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 im in magas and executive,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 milo has the advantage of having a trumpesque debating style and not really buying into a strong ideology so he adapts his opinion to the context even if it mean some contradictions in his overall discourse but that doesnt mean he would contradict himself in the debate he is somewhat of a real life stephen colbert,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 right now morris is ufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffdufffd 4 3s in the 1st,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 full metal alchemist was great though i think i only saw the more recent one i think theres an earlier one,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 completely avoidable tragedy google knows better than anyone your current and past relationships,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 username checks outare you black with orange stripes or orange with black stripes or are you a white tiger,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 id say mozy is doing a hell of a lot better than nikola pekovic these days,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 in that case what determines hierarchy for chinese students for example im quite a young ta maybe just 1 or 2 years older than most of my students would that matter in terms of being authoritativeits funny how different this is within stem we are incredibly laid back and nonhierarchical for example a conversation with a prof lets call him prof dr john stuart when i enter a lecture could easily go like this and no one would bat an eye hi john hi avacyn you look tired late night yesterday yeah the study association had a party last night it was great fun but i might not have prepared for class today and the prof would just laugh it off and not care,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 you should be perfectly fine source former marine,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 first of all if youre going to spend real money it should probably be on stashes youre going to get overloaded with crap you want to keep for later and youll have nowhere remotely close to enough room to store it alli have purchased g the currency you buy with real money once because it gave me a ridiculously huge store discount like 80 off anything i buy with g so i picked up a couple stashes otherwise ive been exclusively free to playand ive gotten i think 21 characters unlocked i did deadpool first as all his abilities are free no spiritspell pointswhatever cost and hes got a good mix of ranged attacks regen aoe teleportation and melee my second was scarlet witch because she can just lay waste to large areas without having to get messy since then ive found ones that i enjoy playing more but it just depends on what youre looking for they all seem good unless youre elitist and looking at endgame content my favorite right now is kitty pryde even though im not generally a fan of melee characters just because she slices right through everything and her ability to phase through walls is very handythere are a ton of stats and items and weird currencies you pick up in the game lots of stuff you need 1200 bobs burritos or whatever random stuff like omega access files or cosmic worldstones or whatever to buy from a specific vendor but there are usually events going on that drop massive amounts of loot so picking that stuff up goes pretty quick sadly the one area where the game is completely lacking in depth is the gameplay some of the animations are great some characters feel really fluid with their movements but to me it seems like i can keep it on easy mode and its way too easy or bump the difficulty up just one notch and now the little food minions that i used to oneshot without ever taking damage can kill me if im not careful there doesnt seem to be much at all in the way of strategy other than avoiding the instakill moves like rhinos charge attack holding down left mouse button and cycling through the toofew keyboard shortcuts you can assign to powersthe voice acting is pretty darn good for the most part and as shallow as the gameplay is its still somewhat addictivei definitely recommend playing each character to level 10 to get a feel for who you like movement abilities are important as teleports and walking through walls or even a really high leap like captain americas will be extremely useful on a lot of missions you get one character of your choice for free after that they cost eternity splinters a few are only 200 the rest are 400 or 600 but you can also unlock a random one for 175 at the eternity splinter vendor the risk there is that it can give you one you have already unlocked in which case you get a token to advance that characters ultimate by one level insteadeternity splinters are the one ingame currency that doesnt get dumped on you frequently youll get one every 8 minutes or so and sometimes an event or boost or loot chest will let you get 4 or 5 at a time but usually its the slow 75ish per hour pace eternity splinters which i dont know if you can even buy outright and stash space are the only things id consider paying money for,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 well if i look at uhk47 s posttimes then he lives on the north pole during summer and on the south pole during the winterhes both always online and neverbut hey you shouldnt let modding this sub effect your sleeping schedule were not that important,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 we need more posts in rmusubi,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 me neither sorry had to do it,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 im not sure canada is the answer i know a canadian who live here in australia and she said that its just as expensive as australia which is on the same level as norway and switzerland however australians have the salaries to match it with the average job paying about 75000 and a good job is being at least 100000 whereas canadians dont she said an average salary is 40000 a year and a good job would get you 60000 audcad is 11furthermore canadians have the same problems with housing as the uk does a house in a decent place with those good jobs as above ie toronto vancouver calgary is just as expensive as australia and se englandif you want to move somewhere for a better life id also recommend the usa in addition to australia cost of living is absurdly low there you can still get a 400k 1 bed apartment in manhattan and pay is among the highest in the world for white collar jobs on par with australia if you have a university degree and are skilledcertified in something the main difference is that theres a hugely visible underclass in the usa who have it really tough and are exploited by companies like walmart but if youre in that sort of position you wouldnt meet the eligibility criteria to move there yes theres no free healthcare either but your employer usually pays for insurance on top of your salary and even if you have to fund it yourself the lower taxes plus tons of deductions more than make up for it anyway,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 no what youre describing is still an array of control objects that mimic the copied cells when you resize the image that you paste using the paste special image option and convert it to a smart image its still just control objects bound together in an array there is no actual image file created or saved anywhere which is why i ask again what are you trying to achieve with a feature such as this there may be alternate methods of going about achieving whatever your end goal is,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 lol dont worry about it for me being a bit abrasiveu2260being mad at you,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 those functions would not change by not considering a corporation as a person if a corporation is really a person then they should be subject to the personal income tax code not a separate tax code they shouldnt be allowed to have it both ways,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 she shrugged breaking eye contact to stare at the maiden as of late ive had more free time than i would like i mostly came here to alleviate the boredom although i will admit i did pray maidenly virtue and all that,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 right could you describe that in terms of basic principles or clearly define your idea of deservedness force and how someone earns things all i can solidly tell from that is you dont believe in determinismnot trying to be pedanticpicky here its just that youve clearly learned how to argue in a debatepolitics framework and seem to be making claims that are sufficiently ambiguous that any objection to them can be countered by refining your definitions which obscures your principles and any ability to really counter or agree with you intentional or notim interested in what kind of principles you hold to be true and how they logically lead to your conclusions so im trying to sidestep all of that personally i see concepts of deservednessresponsibility as either incoherent or morally redundant likewise with the idea of earning something etc so id like to see how you would come to use those terms consistently and nonarbitrarily,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 i sell the phones but keep the boxes and bags when they used to be launch day specific,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 tough question depend on your definition of eq reallyi for example am really good at reading people i notice small changes in body language and speech immediately and instinctively know whether thats why someone is sad or is trying to deceive me for example i also very very quickly get a feeling for someones character when i meet new people in this sense i have very high eqbut this is the thing i adjust my own way of speaking pose and tone of voice to match whatever i want from that person based on what i read of them but doing so is honestly a very rational decision to be honest i really lack empathy i only experience real empathy with my dearest friends close family and my so so from this perspective my eq is shitefor example if my employee would come to me with a crisis situation a dying mother for example i would be super concerned in tone of voice and body language i would do anything to accommodate them to arrange things but this is because i want my employee and team to function best which is when they feel safe with me as their employer and safe in their job environment a stressed out employee is useless and will take the whole team down better to give them some time off to get their life back in order ill find a way to manage until then thats my job anyway but honestly i couldnt care less about the dying family member per se i simply feel nothing no sadness or any other empathic feelings,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i disagree my biggest issue with intrusive thoughts is insomnia in that if i seethink about anything it will appear in a nightmare that rocks me awake and keeps me awake so i just try to stay away from anything i can that would come into my dreams anything from commercials for horror films to arguing with my mother just run away and maybe i can sleep apart from that my doctor thinks i will have to start taking medication for ptsd because of this,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 oswell nearly soiled his small clothes this was not going to end well he gripped the hilt of his sword tight and scanned the room preparing for absolute chaos,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i have known about them for a long time they are pretty great i found them through my love for acumen nation i know no one in real life who know who they are and very few online which is sad because to me they are the sound of the modern industrial genre a fair amount of their stuff is on youtube but there is plenty of great song that can only be legally found on spotify and other streaming services like that their sound is pretty diverse once you get a feel for it but it is always easily recognisable as acumen nation they also worked a lot with groups like cyanotic chemlab fleshfield ectthey even did the sound track for the game unbound sagathey also had a side project called iron lung corp which is a fanatic mellow take of acumen nations style i will try to post some song that get their verity across youtube availability permitting acumen nation penultimatum nation sutures nation the wreck of us iron lung corpiron lung corp rock star camp lung corp piehole,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 yeah when i was first starting i spent a lot of time drawing shit like this by hand awesome to be able to write the code and just see it i still draw pictures to think through things though haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think the caps lock and exclamation marks are supposed to be selfdeprecating in fairness,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 hey i started enjoying digg as of late its got indepth reads every day greater signal to noise ration than reddit but i miss the comments why dont they at least link to reddit comments if they dont want to provide the space,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 because it is a bo1 for the team from the lower bracket there is a reason why tournaments with double elimination give the one map advantage for the final only in bo5 matches having one match advantage in a bo3 final is as good as a bo1 for the team from the lower bracketyou understand that dont you,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 its this attitudethat doesnt fit with reality the human has an internal drive to do things and would desire new things or even invent work just to keep himself amused what do you think unemployed people would do just drop on the couch open the tv and sit there until they die no people would be active regardless of their employment status not only people would have time and desire to do things they would have the best resources at their disposal too cloud computing ondemand fabbing automation open designs solar energy and batteries all of these would empower people to do something at the minimum any family should supervise a garden the upbringing of their children and the constructionmaintaining of their house so there they have something to do people dont need ubi when they can rely directly on automation we had mostly self sustaining farms and villages up until a few decades we can still do iti think people will organize and form social networks of skilled professionals small companies and communes that would farm land produce tools and provide healthcare education food and living space for its members since there will be many unemployed the incentive to organize and do something about it would be great what we should strive for is to empower self reliance and make sure self reliant people and communities are not blocked by ip rights oppressive regulation or other hurdles society will turn inwards become less dependent on remote production and global trade almost everything can be done locally and almost any community should be able to be self sustained and not need external help,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 is the data stored locally or on a server,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 manga spoilerss he didnt die on the first night he had his powers he fought in wars prior to that,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 why do you write your sentences as book titles,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lets just try to get the g in second place again,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 was it a thread about linguistics awww sugar pie there was plenty of shit talk in there and thats what the bot does that the bot spewed out comparable word salad to shit he normally says hahaha is entirely besides the point youre shifting and equivocating your character isnt on trial im questioning your actions specifically within that context,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 steve gibson has been working on it for a year or two but its not quite done yet but soon he says and after that getting major companies to adopt it will be difficult steve is well known in the cyber security ring but a pretty small cog overall i dont really see facebook picking this up for example microsoft bank of america google intel and more are members of the fido fast identity online alliance more likely something will come out of that,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 your actual service provider needs to increase the ring time on your line gv needs 30 seconds i believe i had mine changed and have my real vm full on purpose as well and have not had this issue since,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 100 eggs 100 dollars print an extra 100 dollars keep prices the same theres 100 dollars left over what do you think happens to that people want to spend it on eggs the demand for eggs has increased the supply of eggs has not what do you think will happen to the price of eggs,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 im curious about this as well ive heard from people that they found they could save more by doing it themselves if they were properly informed they werent impressed at all with the accountants job,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 okay ill split it up thanks,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 the kkk lets hispanics in now does not compute,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 as someone who lives in vote by mail state thankfully its ludicrous that a paper trail is not created by giving a reciept to the voter or printed in mass at the local precinct this isnt voter fraud this is electioneering,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 according to this hard sci fi deals with natural sciences and soft sci fi deals with social sciences most of the sci fi ive read does not fall exclusively into one category or the other as one would expect after all the social aspects of life are heavily influenced by the natural environment i think northlands central premise that what happens in the world is primarily influenced by the physical environment in this case the ebb and flow of the polar ice puts it in the hard sci fi category without spoiling the story its basically a what if scenario what if an ancient culture had managed to modify their environment so significantly as to alter the history of civilisation and even for a time the weather there is no magic which would disqualify it from being fantasy in some peoples eyes although i personally find alternative history quite acceptable as fantasy,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 for me freshman year was a lot better than my sophomore year it came down to the fact that i had to deal with a lot of tragedy and drama that i wasnt quite sure how to handle i burnt out a lot my first semester but second semester was a bit better i had a decent social life but i had to spend a lot of my time on homework i had at least 3 hours per night on average i stayed up really late all the time and basically drained myself most of my homework time was spent on chemistry algebra 2 and ap euro at the end of my year i decided that i had enough of all the drama id been through and my junior year ended up much betterit all depends on what youre going through,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 someone that oblivious to life should not be allowed to even have children,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 no you didnt 9 hours ago,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 flirt with ja dude more then haha or find someone with similar sexual appetites people you connect well with but dont bone are called friends he needs to get right,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 reading through your comments i didnt yet get an answer on why the simple reason given by most child free people isnt valid that simply being i dont want to with this question im trying to get to a core value youre experiencing that may conflict with core values of child free people,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yes i think that he prefers berens work on temperaments at one point in the next video he agrees that kiersey set typology back with his descriptions,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 confirmedwell about the lack of shyness not so much on goldies action levels,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 some typemention are more plike than others im scattered and disorganized so i questioned if im an inxp for a long time but neither of them fit as well as typementionalso its hard for me to tell if im in touch with my emotions or not lol i can tell you that ive had issues with depression and sometimes experience very strong emotions at first i thought maybe that means im in touch with my emotions but i dont really like hanging out in emotion land so maybe im not who knows what does it even mean to be in touch with emotions,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i would have prefered to have an easy way to access only machine learning papers as it is they are spread between various categories that are hard to find i dont think people want their physics paper mixed with applied ml in social sciences,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 installed a chrome extension on every computer that turned any picture on the browser into a picture of nicholas cage,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 if youre in south bay i could use another friend lets get to know each other by asking ridiculous hypothetical questions ill go first if you had to get rid of all but one of your possessions which would you keep,41.0,31.0,95.0,3.0,13.0 yes but not as different from either type as we are from most of the other ones i would say,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i thought their primary argumentative superpower was the inability to admit theyre wrong d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 god the forcejesus obiwansatan darth sidiousangelsjedidemonssith,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 we need more stickies10 more stickies,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 and it sticks together often near my butthole,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 edit apparently the post cannot be on rphilosphy because it contains a in the title i was just quoting the titlei stumbled today on this paper and im happy to post it on rphilosophy because it could lead to better understanding on reinforcement learning a hot topic in ai today i believe that reinforcement learning could have a major importance in philosophy but for some reason its not discussed much one benefit would be using rl concepts instead of the similar ones from philosophy instead of consciousness agents instead of qualia representation learning neural nets instead of emotion rewards value and utility instead of ethics game theory and so on do you know of any other works on this line,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 they go for 30 but if youre happy with that price well alls good then,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 also thanks man im a girl girls drink a lot too,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 holy fuck this is my job right now exactly,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 huh thats still higher up that list than expected,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yeah thats not a bad option too depends on if you cut those things a lot where it would help,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 to stop all the immigrants coming in and putting strain on public services like the nhs the reasoning behind at least 50 of leave voters voting outfirstly eu immigrants bring a net benefit to the economy in terms of taxes paid productivity and employmentsecondly eu immigrants dont use the nhs as much as native britsthirdly eu immigrants arent allowed to come here and claim benefits for 4 yearsthus eu immigrants subsidises the welfare state for british peopleand the problem immigrants ie those of pakistanisomali origin are let in by our own uk government not the eu,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i sexually identify as benzene,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 thats weird more often than not i hear that the typemention is one of the gifted types that is more interested in school than many other types were you youngest in your classes,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 hmm yeah i dont know how to help you really i have a really hard time with this we think out loud if im not blathering on its because i think youre boring haha i think i have managed though to not interrupt people most of the time and to ask a lot of questions which i think many people find charming i try to make most of my social interactions about the other person they say something i ask some clarifying questions extend the idea a bit or relate it to some other thing ask what they think about it tell a personal anecdote ramble on a tangent circle back to the original question etc im all over the damn place,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 open the videos stop having them be closed,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 really broken in decks that like having things in their graveyard,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 not yet but i want to be while remote jobs are becoming more abundant they still arent very common and theyre hard to get im planning on getting a few more years of experience in an office and then trying to switch to full time remote work,41.0,31.0,95.0,3.0,13.0 i spent weeks without thinking of the north west i always thought texas would be a better place for a fallout flying enemies does sound like a cool idea tho,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 thats the best explanation ive ever read of it thank you and yes that was my understanding as well at least the english version of it haha i like to consider that as well as nonlocality as i understand it aligns nicely with the idea that our identities as people are defined by how we interact with the world all those tired saying about you are what you do etc i think the seeming underlying principle of it all is pretty and you cant take that away from me unless you redefine nonlocality in such a way that it isnt the universe getting confused about which electron is which which i welcome you to do haha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 yeah im with you its also important to note that there are cultural differences boobs are 100 nsfw in the usa and it is probably different in europe where a bunch of people on this sub are from,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 no the artist formerly known as prince and the symbol were two different names,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 they do this because crack cocaine right,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah its super detailed if its a memory then ill be very aware of which parts i didnt pay attention to and am either guessing or remembering from another time ie if i didnt pay attention to a shirt a coworker is wearing ill fill it in with one ive seen them in before its like a photo that has parts blurred out of it if youre asking me to imagine something from scratch itll be a photo that as i imagine looking at parts of it it fills out and as for mapping out ideas its a lot like a series of feelings that kinda go together feelings that are shorthand for what the thing is for example a car wont just be a photo of a car itll also be every fact i remember about it range power utility speed fuel consumption how safe i feel driving it any one or more of those parts of it can fit into other concepts like travelling from here to the next town how to turn the car into a submarine go all mad max on it things like thatalso if anyone says hey thats exactly cogfuncmention let me know because then my life would make so much more sense,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 its more like the specific songs on the radio some artists include selena gomez zedd krewella ellie goulding some imagine dragons and fallout boy etc but yeah keha too,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 hey im listening to a shuffle of my liked songs right nowfirst five songs code black end like this really slow motion iridescence flux pavilion haunt you really slow motion amp instrumental core supernova knife party lrad removed because i dont like it as much anymore knife party and tom staar kraken included because fifth song disqualifiednext five songs after the current one thomas bergersen thats a wrap vicetone tremble original mix droideka get hyper radio edit dubvision rifler original mix zomboy delirium feat rykka original mixgosh i got a lot of edmdubstep ahead of meufffdufffd,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 it was his foot that broke marq kiernan quipped back introducing a little levity to her husbands bitter mutterings the crown is solid metal im sure its strong enough meanwhile talisa fidgeted in her seat awkwardly finding it difficult to engage in pointless small talk even with the three people closest to her in the worldukingofthenorth22,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 25 sounds about right right now i dont have him in my main lu because the high priced options are meh,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 depends how high you win and what your stats say at timesyou win high vs good players you get more points you lose high against worse players you lose more points etc,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 they are often illegally recorded i could possibly watch if i want to but i dont also the chat isnt included and thats like all the context,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 haha i dont know that that is actually true btw just in case,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 very weird subs both midfielders off for a rb and stguessing sheaf and amn to midfield,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i mean yeah if you believe that the nap should apply to animals thats a perfectly consistent position to hold,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 colonoscopies pretty much triggers the crazy person inside you,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 youll first need to actually find some manpowerand outside of the cult the only real superpower on this sub are the mods but they are highly disorganized since the fall of hkand maybe well the cult of annie is getting some recognition lately but i doubt theyd ever pose a real threat to the first and best cult,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 whose complexion tends to be literally the color white,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 well my thought was and i almost posted about it encouraging people to do so was that this should be suggested as one of those little microfads that pop up here from time to time you know how like lots of people started doing amas spontaneously or everyone wanted to be typed by the peppermint method just like that challenge anyone that cares to take the considerable effort to post their own thought process just like this sensors firsthand perspectives would be most appreciated but as many users from as many types would be good the good ones could maybe be archived for future reference,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 no that is something people who know what they are talking about are telling you,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 well in all fairness theres no valuable info for anyone regarding loki here aside from the fact that he has only been picked once in 128 spl matches i havent watched the vod lately but looking at the matchup it was thedarkdodo that played loki in solo against paradigm xaliea on ra and qvofred on cogfuncmention zha is a pretty effective combothat said yeah hes garbage personally id like to see him removed simply because he appeals almost exclusively to assholes that like to pubstomp new players and make them hate the game why encourage that,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 are the issues you are facing within the company because of some incompetent individuals or because of a more general incompetent culture setting among the more senior ranked execs and policy makersim asking because if its culture i think you should switch even if tomorrow you would suddenly find yourself ceo of the company you wouldnt be able to change shit if the company culture isnt allowing drastic change such as replacing people in several key positions which is a common move for new ceos culture is really slow to change and requires more status quo shake up than an individual can accomplish,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i think i misunderstood you so youre saying you made yourself that way i thought you were saying that schooling and university made you that way,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 did you only have multiplerangecopy or that whole line,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 my dads trip to the gas station to get some wd40 to loosen up a tire stuck to the drumcould be a post apocalyptic i suppose,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 implying the cubs havent already frozen hell over,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 police vexor was the same had redblue flashers and a strobe on the front it was glorious,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 hmm well im the only front end dev at my work with no degree i dont know to be honest most my peers doing tech support wanted to do server admin type stuff if they were at all interested in doing the tech stuff there was a bit of sales too for renewals and new sales of new products so lots went more of a sales route because generally there was more money in the short term pwhat kind of tech support did you do i worked at web hosting company doing front line support then moved around to a few other departments all on the phone i never could get into a high tech position due to some annoying politics even though i was easily one of the most qualified applicants 4 out of the 6 times i applied to the higher tech position,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 lemme just tell google to translate engrish,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 add to your analysis that i hate facebook and have zero interest in snapchat i feel important when i accomplish tangible things in the real world a la work,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 looks like it could be the endcap on some metal pipe type bit like on the end of a pipe or ive seen vaping driptips sort of like that if one end was chewed offthrough some are made of a hard plastic like thing delrin,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i would contend that dealing with them includes not perpetuatingreinforcing them when we can help it,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 so much been here for years upwards to like 6 by now so a lot,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 switzerland does regulate where you live in the country the city concil will do background check on you and must approve your residence in the city they can reject people on quite arbitrary rules,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i studied psychology depending on which aspects of personality youre measuring the results should generally be stable over time personality is most fluid in childhood but again there are dimensions which appear to be quite stable over the course of even 40 years,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 that would work if op and so are willing to live in any other eu country besides the uk as through just simple marriage op would fall under freedom of movement when together with so however they want to go to sos home country so the uk is allowed to put additional requirements for ops visa which she mentioned in her opening post and includes a hard income minimum the so doesnt meet,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 that also happened to me in my late 20s,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 smiling proudly over her success talisa shrugged and replied thats longer than any darklyns,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 that explains a lot for me,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 cats dont have pack mentality its his territory now so not really alpha but yeah hes gonna set the rules,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 offtopic computer graphics and ai run on the same hardware gpus and in the future they are both going to be concerned with simulations 3d simulations for humans on virtual reality headset and 3d simulation physical simulation reasoning which is a kind of graph based simulation as well and games for training ais so id say graphics and ai have a lot more in common not just that they might create fake news when combined they are both aspects of simulation and run on the same kind of hardware theres huge synergy between graphics and ai,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 nope im king at work probably because i work with engineers and designers and not customers,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 chapter 70 end of the uprising arcbeast titan human form reveal in the aftercreddits,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i did run it on cities montreal often ends up at one end of the spectrum some comments in french made it way in the dataset but i dont think it had much an influence,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 hmm thats also possiblei took it more like he was suspecting her of something,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 wow dude needs to get an invite to one of their shows and a backstage pass or something for that i think such a great song,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what you said does seem like something jung might have believed though with all of the dream analysis and predictions of war and such,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 talisa nodded at bethany and smiled slightly at corlys cheering up a little after a brief discussion agreeing not to hide outside and deciding that aela would be the first seeker the children dispersed searching for hiding spots together talisa and corlys ran through the manse heading straight for his sisters room,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 im trying to hear the differences is it just the voice timbre,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 its usually called braided or woven cord in my local big box fabric store its available by the metre and is located with the other trims ribbon lace etc,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 whiskey dont recommend itpositive things keeping a journal spending time with friends and family and keeping busy with projects or volunteering it helps to reach out so you arent caught up in your thoughts the entire day,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 we cant see the chat in overwatch as you might know,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 this turned into a problem for me in my late twenties when a thenfriend and coworker thought my being helpful and taking on more projects at work that i didnt mind doing and needed to get done made me a doormathis words he then tried to toughen me up by being a jerk and picking on me for the rest of the year in a small startup you have to wear different hats to get things done i was really annoyed that my being a team player and doing necessary yet lowlevel work that no one else would touch was seen as a character flaw and they had to teach me a lesson wtf after a few more tactful approaches failed i had to show him i definitely had teeth it was so needlessly stupid and such a waste of both of our time and energy,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 well done usually theres the traditional response gift of hugs or kisses so luckily its something both people get to enjoy d,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 you misattribute my reasons i think,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 nope no clothes or anything you can replace them later but can only keep one thing that you currently own car seems like a good choice especially if it has sentimental valuethats a tough question the star trek universe is the best one i can come up with right now i think the quality of life for crew members of a starfleet ship is pretty great and they also get to explore the universe which is moderately dangerousexciting without being a constant threat to their livelihoods id love to live somewhere that has magic and monsters but i cant think of a show that has those and also has gender equality hot showers and netflixwould you rather be able to teleport anywhere on the planet instantly or live forever,41.0,31.0,95.0,3.0,13.0 navy im going into the nuclear field,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 one of my favorite romanian rappers is releasing his new album this month this is the last song he released as a single will not appear on the album,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 nasa expects to have our fusion rocket ready by 2030 maybe with an alcubierre drive an einsteinâ rosen bridge or something strange like thatthen theres the fact that general relativity is incompatible with quantum mechanics whatever model ends up replacing both may allow for ftl antigravity or who knows what elsei can see a few reasons1 were first2 50 million years is a long time any spacefaring civilization that old may have bigger games to play for starters there is more energy and more metals closer to the galactic core if you have good enough radiation shielding to survive the occasional gamma burst3 maybe at that interstellar level of technology population growth declines which is what ours is doing already lack of colonists would limit colonization maybe some explorers came by millions of years ago and moved on4 any civilization capable of interstellar travel can also build space habitats out of asteroids so why bother colonizing gravity wells that are hard to leaveconsidering gamma bursts and metallicity and the possibility that it takes about this long for life to get to this point thats very possiblei added a few additional filters to the drake equation and the result was a galaxy where life is common hundreds of thousands of worlds but spacefaring civilizations are extremely rare as in oneno,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 its not science thoughits science,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 people continually flame valve for not updating the game enough which is kinda right but i guess most issues people want updated will be resolved with switching to source 2 same with dota2right now i like the direction valve is taking with the skins seeing that the awp in this case is the first one that gets restricted quality in a case and the ak is the first one with milspec quality i really hope that one day the items will sell for more than you pay for a key,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i do think im highly in tune with the emotional state of other people if you ask me how someone is feeling with even minor context i can make a really detailed guess with complicated emotional rationale and im usually right emotional logic comes really easily to me i always think ill be able to clear up emotional problems like if we can identify the problem and speak it aloud it will just go away because of course we will agree at that point i think thats cogfuncmentionbut how people react to me is really variable i definitely seem warm and approachable sometimes to some people but it seems that im intimidating to others like cold and deadpan but also maybe too passionate other times people generally just dont seem to know what to do with me it depends on the person and my mood but a lot of the time the more people know about me the more they think im an alien,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 he must have had a bit o the ol satans apple evil that evil,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 wow i thought that was the life of brian even though i did see the it crowd,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 being in a relationship with someone is supposed to make your life happier are you happy,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 carson on foxnews right now speaking sense,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 it was at this point in the game that i passed then the ai on my phone passed so the game had ended at this point and i want to start playing vs other players soon im just using the phone app to learn the very basics of the game etc before i do that,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 well you get poutine so stop your poutine oh god should i post that its terrible and save,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i mean i dont really know what its supposed to mean when someone describes a human artefact as being a work of an mbti function which are themselves sort of bastardisations of jungs functions like either you are talking about the thought process or intuition that created them which i think someone would have to do a lot of research to be maybesortof qualified to interpret i think trying to analyse creativity is way stretching the proper bounds of mbti anyways like every word carries a ton of weight i think you would at least need to read italian which maybe you do but assuming you read it in english something with layers and layers of truth has all the more to lose due to being lost in translation ythe closer language gets to the ineffable the more peculiar and precarious and untranslateable it gets i mean ive read about 7 translations of iliad and still dont think i understand it because i dontthe impulse to simplify and explain via unitary processes is at work here like someone who knows a bit about mbti and nothing about the old testament might read it and say oh this is clearly a work of cogfuncmention ie a term used to describe thought processes of a singular person but in light of the reality the the ot was composed by a multitude of authors and edited by another multitude who would probs all score differently on mbti and mutated across time and thru successive generations that explanation doesnt make sense unless you think mbti scales up and entire societies have type which they dontof course we know la divina commedia very much is the work of a single man with unitary vision but you get my point what function is guernica a work ofaltho i have before described kants critique of pure reason as the work of an unbridled pathological cogfuncmention working unchecked for 12 years which is i think how long it took him to write that which makes a little sense because cognition is something he talks about i mean he kind of describes human cognition in a very very complicated way in a similar way to how mbti describes cogfuncmention in a very very simple way ie projects the process of a cogfuncmentiondom onto cognition itself kind of explains why everyone hates it if they didnt get that far they hate it for different reasonswhether youre aware of it or not youre using an alteration of the term lisztomania to describe the popular allure mainly amongst the ladies of the great romantic and first rockstar franz liszt as is beatlemania obviously in a nice touch of jungian synchronicity here is one of his more epic compositions,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yeah and as a coward deleted his downvoted posts,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 baking soda or white vinegar my place smelled like someone smoked here for decades but it smells normal now due to both of those,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i didnt expect any what happened to happen so when it did happen i would head cannon every single time,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 theres noting wrong with your way it just leads to a lot of talking dand i got that you think im an typemention lol i just didnt understand what you were trying to add with quoting your previous message i feel like i should clarify that i rarely get upset about my reddit interactions and i dont take myself very seriously in general not as much as you seem to think anyway lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 to me i agree with your description of tennis shoes flat white shoes like a nurse might wear super casual and comfy but not good for running around i know theyre actually basketball shoes but chuck taylors are kind of what i think of when i think tennis shoes but gym shoes and sneakers are synonymous running shoes or walking shoes or any comfy casual shoe you could wear to do sports in is a gym shoe your typical nike or adidas or whatever,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i think usilentdragon95 who i replied to originally has a point about trust in sexual relationships i thoroughly discuss sexual histories with my sexual partners and am not the person to have one night stands what use will it have to do a test if i know the is no history of any std and i know my body best and i show zero symptoms im also vaccinated against hpv the std thats probably most difficult to catch because of vague symptoms come to think of it ive never even met a obgyn or had a pap smear in my life its simply not that common for young women here to do soedit that being said its important to know getting tested in free of charge in this country you dont even have to ask for it at your gp you can just visit one of the government regulated clinics to get your test free of charge from a doctor you dont know if you dont want your own gp to know about it for whatever reason but no campus clinics or standardized std testing and that kind of stuff i hear many us people talk about,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yes being tiny and surround by bigger markets means knowledge export is your biggest trade this has been the case for centuries in our country language education is made mandatory by our government because its so important for the netherlands on a societaleconomic scale,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 like i said i havent seen a demo of him cheating if you claim something like this then provide at least proofthere is a good chance that they will but if they dont you just look like a big idiot,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yeah i have gotten sick and had some injuries and received wayyy better care than i did in arizona,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i know a chaz hes a cool bloke,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 unbearable lightness of being kundera foundation series asimov,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 corvallis eugene and portland are the most liberalprogressive cities of the state oregon is a great state,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 rmallninjashit called they want their post back,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 1 sun and moon had the most cinematic story yet with a wide range of interesting characters the only major problem is the protagonists facial expression2 black and white presented an interesting moral dilemma although team plasma seemed a little too comically evil for this to work perfectly the characters were very interesting and the climax actually taking place at the end of the main story was nice3 omega ruby and alpha sapphire these remakes really fleshed out the characters and improved the story and it added the delta episode tooif were including spinoffs then pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky would take the cake but i havent played super mystery dungeon yet,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 we do but to be fair kids legit attempt to do every idiotic thing imaginable to kill themselves,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 lol you were just saying what you think fluffy does not mean lies to spare feelings it means cares about people and shows it in my dictionary anyways and now everyone who reads this will think i hit on you hahaha another edit because i genuinely considered i dont have rose colored glasses i find that the vast majority of the time my assessments and predictions are verified optimists are people who see the bad shit but decide they can do something about it then usually do reinforcing this tendency to expect good things,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 being alone is the philosophy of who you are and what you do when no one is watching,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 shi long lang was introduced in aai1 but i do agree this is the best game ever totes,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 open borders are necessary to being a libertarian edit arent necessary not are necessary,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 yeah like bills and mostly had their life together,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i was so alone talisa managed to whisper i guess you were too,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 isis is about to declare jihad on that hair,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 u732b is cat the radicals are left animal top grass bottom field,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 ugh i relate to this so much your words communicate your sorrow so well and i can feel your anguish in my heart,43.0,68.0,7.0,60.0,93.0 this cert along with other ms office suite certs are generally used to add another bullet point to your cv in general they arent a deal breaker when going up against someone who has them versus someone who doesnt unless an employer is looking for someone specifically for certain tasks involving the office suite ive never seen them make a big deal about these certs,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i didnt shes been attached to my right wrist since birth,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 im not bashing zelda whatsoever because honestly i love zelda but its definitely not an rpg id equate it more to an adventure series more specifically in the metroidvania vein,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 i was hoping it would be something like this and you didnt disappoint double points for using a great movie too,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 and its a little strange to me that youre using your experience with someone you doubt is typemention to judge other typemention,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i dont know if you are a troll or just really stupid at this pointyou lose no information if i have 128 fps i get fresh data every frame and send fresh data every frame if my monitor displays 120 or 60 frames per second makes no fucking difference the only thing it does is displaying every single frame assuming you have 128hz however the outcome is the same regardless if you play with 60 or 120 or 144hz you always see the same you always send the same and you always receive the same information regardless of your hz that is why you will always see the same thing in cs regardless of the hz of your monitorotherwise people with high hz monitors would wreck everyone on 128 tick servers which isnt the caseplease turn on your brain pleasemaybe read this post and turn on your brain,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i dont think youre being manipulative controlling maybe not you specifically but high cogfuncmention users generally including myself but i dont see manipulative youre trying to explain how you feel and think and see the situation and everyone is shitting all over it and assuming youre lying in order to control the situation or something its happened to me and its frustrating as hell because i literally only want to get on the same page as people its just that my version of being on the same page involves never calling people retards when we disagree and others feel differently,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 aha that makes sense upgraded steel i forget what the original was but it wasnt s30v or anything that wasnt common then even in the high end stuffthe original one at least the one i bought for my buddy was cogfuncmention handles,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yes but did your computer recently do any windows updates many people have been reporting graphical errors with their version of microsoft excel 2013 which seem to be very similar to your exact problem which was why i was asking all of the links provided have solutions within them,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i came to say the same thing about laziness its amazing it actually ever became a concept lol,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 yeah bird jesus was already taken back in my day my friends and i would group up and each play as one of the pokemon from tpp it was great,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 typemention now i can answer your trump question none of his agendas are in line with my own thats how politics works each candidate is an experiment to see what the views of the people favor his views are not inline with mine i do not believe that vaccines give autism i think that we do need to keep an eye on climate change i dont think immigration is as big a problem as he makes it into i dont think that america needs to turn economic trade with china into a dick measuring contest hes not all bad though he does have plans to bring jobs to the middle class and such im australian though so my opinion is irrelevant,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 and fuck over people with bad internet64 tick is not going to be changed live with it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i love entertaining through dinner parties i love the planning of a theme cleaning the house extra well adding in welcoming elements to my home i dont always have goingcandles music flowers cooking all the food dressing up and seeing my guests enjoy themselves my style is like a facilitator im playing the chef at a very exclusive restaurant i like to have my efforts speak for me so i invite several people who get along well with each other so i rarely have to get involved in the chatting part at allive been involved in conference planning and event management before and i loved it i loved anticipating and solving problems i loved watching conference guests enjoy themselves without being aware of all the work that had been done and was still being done in the background,9.0,32.0,95.0,8.0,80.0 anything involving lots of bugs,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 he was clearly referring to multinationals predominantly this is an international trade agreementthere are over 60000 big multinational corporations most of which ttip is relevant toit would be interesting to know how likely it is that thousands of multinationals would able to collude to inform ttip such that it is unfairly skewed in their favour given they are told nothing about its specifics it certainly seems possible,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 you know you can buy wedding dresses second hand in perfect condition only warn for a few hours and only once the price drops faster than the value of a car a year after purchasemy sister is extremely frugal and she wore a dress on her wedding she bought for 500 it was beautiful with intricate embroidery in pristine condition it only needed slight modification looking it up later we found it was a 10000 dress originally,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 well yeah but im just perfectoutside of my massive blinding ego that is,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 its actually about what you would expect statistically because only 1 of people actually vote,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i wish i didnt have that hum of guilt i think thats what having an f is like instead of a t you lucked out as a j i definitely need a deadline in order to get anything accomplished otherwise theres just too much that can capture my interest to get anything done and like you said nothing feels so good as completing somethingmy description of my background processes pretty much only covers my active thoughts and what i can control so maybe i was describing my cogfuncmention who knows when it comes to straight up cogfuncmention and how i guess that works i think its incredibly similar to what you described i feel like a giant filing cabinet or os,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 big country town lawyer has no idea wtf hes doing he just knows he lucked the fuck out and is gonna see how far he can gooooooooooohe talks the fancy talk and thats good enough for those folk,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 court found that lpkane approved jaguars code so he is at fault thanks,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 so dont exist near a cop,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 i dare you to dare someone this dare,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 oral retellings would guarantee that you end up with all sorts of forked reinterpretations leading to even more splinter faiths competing with each otheralso i need to go rewatch the book of eli now,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 even then id like statistics from this or last yearthose are far more relevant than you think for example the rise in criminality in europe the refugee crisis terrorist attacks etcalso what is wrong in judging the situation and safety for the future on current events just because x happened in 2014 doesnt mean x would happen also tomorrowand there are 9 months between conceiving a child and its birth since you cant predict the future for conflicts on the global scale just on statistics but more likely on current events i stand by my opinion that 19902001 was safer from the global situation for europe and the west than now,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah being followed around getting downvoted is not exactly a new experience for me,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 everything is phsychological and it effects and programms you more or less whatever you perceive but i wouldnt overevaluate it i personally never pay attention to names and icons only acknowlange on loading screen,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 thinks he can fool us it ticks it has to be a bomb clearly a terrorist,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 reading through your comments i didnt yet get an answer on why the simple reason given by most child free people isnt valid that simply being i dont want to with this question im trying to get to a core value youre experiencing that may conflict with core values of child free people,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 haha i claim every unintentional pun i make,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 the most fair is definitely cspan but id say its better to get news from a lot of different sources rather than just one just make sure to avoid clearly biased sources like huffington post brietbart fox and cnn the hill is pretty good for election stuff and 538 is ehh i dont think nate silver is particularly biased in his reporting but i do think a fair few of his predictions have been incorrect so take everything he says with a grain of salt,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 the problem is that for 25ms and upwarfs you can also play on good 64tick servers and your hits would still connecti love how some people i know say yeah 128 tick best while playing with cmd and updaterate 64,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 you need to tag people in comments if you want them to get the notification if theyre tagged in the op they wont,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 the us has a far bigger problem that maternity and paternity leave the problem is leave and vacation in general every time this topic comes up anywhere it quickly derails into feelings of jealously why should someone get extra leave just for popping out a child why cant i get leave for caring for my sick mother it is honestly ridiculous that the us does not have any statutory leave this has nothing to do with egalitarianism and everything to do with simply social minimum welfare one can expect from a developed country thats the true issue that being said i found the article to be rather weak the points stated have nothing to do with how hard paternity leave is frankly the points he made are simply called parenting and youll be doing it for another 20 years just like humankind has been doing for many many millions of years already in todays world having children is a lifestyle choice not a necessity yes parenting is hard thats a given and was to be expected no need for the martyrdom,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 convincing indeedim very serious about the topic of verbal abuse it is a huge problem especially for young women accepting less than the deserve i had to have my life threatened before i woke up if one person can learn from what i went through it is an experience worth sharing,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 him and the clintons go way back he ran her 2008 campaign toohere is a good article about their relationship going way backhe has a history of money laundering schemesarticle would actually rent bedrooms in the white house so lobbyist and donors would see bill,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 you only have control of your own body and reproductive choicesif this is going to be your continued behavior you may want to hold off on getting married until you can mature your communication and show respect for your partners choices about their own body,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 im pretty close to you guys as an typemention my ex of 6 years was an typemention so i understand you guys pretty well i guess its entertaining sometimes annoying other times lol because i lived with one of you for 6 yearsbut im mostly still here because i can usually find something to relate to,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 star wars name for the ship,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 most people who say that it is a false positive are lying tho,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 yup i think toefl and the like are all reading based as well which is what we use for admissionsi think this all the reactions to my post have motivated me to speed up learning some more mandarin i passed hsk1 some time ago planning to pass hsk2 some time after summer and hope to pass hsk3 next summer or so what you said about comprehension did make me think of something i understand quite a few european languages reasonably well and often if a student gets stressed or frustrated and i understand their native language i just ask them to explain in to me in their own language ill reply in english mostly depending on the language but it does help those students get their point across and often makes them feel a lot betterit might help the chinese students as well if theyd be able to speak in their own language considering what you said about being stressed out because of the foreign environment and everything else thats going on,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 take an older graphics card driver,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 although yes good programmes are selective the selection process is by far less intimidating compared to the us in europe doing a masters degree after a bachelor is more or less the minimum expectation of many employers instead of a thought through career choice as it usually is in the us because of this almost everyone who has done a bachelors degree reasonably well will find themselves a spot in a masters programme the selection they usually put in place is only to cut of the bottom percentages but not to select only the top percentages of course not including oxbridge etcwhat would be the average gpa of your fellow students is your university somewhere top 150 or even top 100 in the world ranking in my experience in the case of us universities the quality of the university determines a lot of your chances as there simply is a far broader range of quality and depth to them in europe most governments govern education quality extremely strict so any university in a specific country will not differ much in quality from the other ive had family members for example go to us colleges and return home only to find out their diplomas couldnt be converted to university level dutch diplomas but only applied science diplomas this is because according to the government the education quality of those specific uniscolleges did not line up with the quality the government expects from our unis,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i really really want to see the facebook posts of these people after they leave the movie,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i dont really think they are in a trolly mood should be heartbroke and depressed also kuro is a serious guy as far as i know,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 best one so far imo,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i am 14 so i havent had a drastic change over those years i would be him at any games,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i can finally suck my own dick if i cut it offwhilst shaking hands with the newly regrown one,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 op just wanted to watch minecraft videos but he found this,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 at least fox news determine the position by who lead in the poll the leader at the center 2nd and 3nd place beside etc,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 its a scene from a favorite movie of mine and i think its funny because of the juxtaposition of the main content with the endingand i was kind of banking on the deck softening effect of the audio,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 mge is not good you can start calling people good when they reach smfc,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i would really appreciate the advice the part i need contact and my sister i think the other 915i was hesitant to tell a joke to avoid expressing yourself or to have a chance to succeed worst case scenario youre a worthless fucking idiot without a shadow of a population rejects an occupying army,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i had an epiphany about this the other day obeasts need disabled parking because they cant fit through a car door if there is another car parked next to them they need the open space designated for people sorting out their wheelchairs i think this is the real reason doctors give out these permits,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 what did ray charles say when he was handed a cheese graterthis is the most violent thing ive ever read,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 agreed i did meet my birth father and aside from it being interesting that i look a lot like him i felt nothing my birth mother has no desire to meet me and i also felt nothing about that its her life and her choice and i respect that the wording their own parents irked me too but i couldnt quite figure out how to put it,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i didnt even mention terrorism in the discussion you are the one who decided to bring it up when i asked specifically about culture you are putting words in my mouth,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 not really the deck is made to combo off and bls is dead unless i combo comboing is the only way i get cards in the grave,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ive been a linux admin for about 5 years i came to this company about 25 years ago hes been here a little less than 2 yearsi wasnt talking about using excel files im talking about running a script to gather information a text file for instance i need a list of all servers not running kernel 310 so i run a script and send the output all the servers to a text filelthostnamegt 120001 255000i send the email including the text file out to my team and he replies all with a text file of his own same listhostname 1270018he added some acsii boarders and colorized the text and explains in the reply that there are admins and engineers and that engineers understand how the system works while admins do not and an engineer would have used the cidr format ipsn like 1270018 not 127001 255000it is hard for me to wrap my brain around what even motivates someone to act like that i just dont get iti also realized stoicism doesnt offer success it offers happiness,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 did you miss the part where i also said i got 10 points a couple times its not just 1s,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 yeah she brought it up but in a way that really pissed me off actually she was like youre not reaching out much and when you do all you talk about is being sick um cause my whole life is being sick what do you want me to talk about should i be working on entertaining you while im sick we then had a call at her request and she was like i need to know whats up with you and i think she wanted me to profess my love or something but i was still figuring out where i was at with the whole thing all i knew is that i really enjoyed her company we had epic physical chemistry and i respected her but i didnt know what i wanted and i wasnt in love wed only been dating for a few weeks but ya know idealists tend to have very specific visions for how people should feel in the beginning the thing is i cant fall for something i dont understand and i didnt really know her yet anyways i texted more but was still kind of sick i tried to make plans with her asap but neither of us had complementary openings huehuehue until like a week and a half after that point the night before she called me up with the whole line about anxiety over seeing me i was like yo why cant we just hang out and see how it feels if it feels friendly we can do that but i think it will feel like more nope i offered friendship then and she agreed but left the ball in her court to reach out and i dont think she ever will which is a shame,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 so the rich bastards who are absorbing the most recources get to live that is not fair,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 it means there is no reason to play them because whatever youre trying to do there are other gods that do it better,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 lol fine points i need to get better at cutting unnecessary words,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 check out their sidebars too for more sub suggestions rbirthcontrol is good too if youre curious about birth control in the future also feel free to pm me if you have any questions im a nurse and ive also had a decent amount of personal experience,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 super jealous i dont know that i could reasonably expect either or both of you to entertain me for a whole weekend haha i need someone to walk around the museum with me and go mmmm fascinating,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 wait did you miss last nights party,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 omg me too well i am now anyways,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 think about something scary go back to sleep the nightmare will wake you up in 3 5 minutes,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 and per㺠oh but that doesnt fit the helping chile narrative,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 whats wrong with being a statist being a statist can only be painted as bad if you are an anarchist the swiss are largely statists it seems to work fine for them the danish norwegian canadians all overwhelmingly statists people where is the problem,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 emelyn is corys niece talisa piped up pointing towards the youngest member of their party her own family tree was very confusing to look at but she was certain of that little tidbit of information,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 yeah 64 tick allows people with bad internet to play the game literally unplayable,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 going to bed later and waking up later but not to the extreme like going to bed at the latest 3 and waking up by midmorning i also get tired really easily and quickly so the latest id probably be up is 2,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 heh good luck with thatmost people will never see a real bali like that let alone own one,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lets goi was on my schools academic quiz bowl team with ucrunchystixfite me,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 ill go with mostly disappointed theres been much improvement but like many here today i had high hopes at that time at the stroke of midnight between 1999 and 2000 while everyone else was partying i was writing ais for an online game i was working ontheres some nice gadgets and stuff but not much that i didnt expect already by 2000 only a few technologyrelated things really surprised me like 1 usb digital camera pens and rapid improvements in solar panelsthe biggest surprise was all the advances in the developing world im still a bit shocked at the number of households that now have electricity internet smartphones and electric vehicles but still no toiletslots of disappointments though even in computerrelated tech vr ai and robotics are far short of what scifi promised we would have by now big science space colonies fusion driverless vehicles regeneration longevity etc fell far far short of expectationsit seems like people still have roughly the same 10 years predictions as 20 years ago,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 the paper quote is last page,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 im dreaming of an typemention twin peaks marathon party now lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 welcome to the last year of being a teenageri have about 4 more months until im old,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 til cogfuncmention subtype is autistic,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 if you wanted to help with that it would be great im figuring it out but if you already know what you are doing it would be easier im fine with either format as typemention or tin not too many have voiced a preference but i guess tin would be in the lead so far,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 that would actually be awesome except oiseauautiste is not euphonious like real french as far as i know you cannot change the username on an account,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 so did you do it and did you question whether closing the window was immoral or not,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 that site has a silly bernie bias trump himself would probably side with him 60 on there,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 party less and do more sports d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i think its bleakhaven gwin corrected incorrectly the truth lying somewhere in between her and danelles educated guesses smiling she added your turn,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i do think cs would be one of the degrees that is doable at b2 the fact that youve been b2 before you spent some time there a few years ago may does not say anything b to c level is the biggest step to make in language learning many get stuck on b2 because you need to really get some immersion going on or active dailyevery other day training to get from b2 to c1 so unless you have being working at it actively youd probably still be at b2with cs youll also have no problem finding a job in europe and if not in francce you can move to belgium also bilingual frenchdutch for example i live in the netherlands and most of the cs students at my uni are picked up by companies way before they graduatei think whats important now is for you to figure out the visa application process considering i read below you dont have uk nationality only ancestry visa and to contact several of the unis youre interested in and see if they would do an informal assessment of your diplomas to see if you have a good chance of being admitted,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 the system or the people in charge of the systemif the support says they are not able to lift bans that is true because the people doing the suport have no rights regarding vacthe ban also wont be lifted if it is older if you however file a complaint about a ban you feel you got undeserved in time up to 24 hours after the ban the people in charge will review the evidence provided by vac and possibly revoke the ban if you didnt cheatbeing a so called pro player has nothing to do with this process,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 difference is i didnt edit that score,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 well it wasnt your comment i was replying to to be fair lol,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 from my own experience so totally anecdotal at those younger ages it was my mother a couple of aunts and uncles and a teacher who would push me away from stem while my dad was incredibly supportive of it i clung on to my dad who taught me to stand up for my self and be proud of my interests its not black and white but more like a tug of war and such events could have helped me and my dad by getting me in touch with girls with similar interests so i would have an easier time knowing i was indeed not the weird one of the bunch i by the way agree that we will never reach a 5050 split in most professions and thats ok with me but right now you see that in many cases there is a 1090 split in disciplines such as engineering and nursing this will never be 5050 but i do believe we are missing out on talent even if its just a few male engineers whod rather get into nursing and a few female nurses who want to get into engineering but decided otherwise due to social pressure etc i think thats my bottom line even if the percentages dont change getting rid of the social pressure on men and women is still a valuable thing to society,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 but not all bad guys stay bad and should die,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 in that regard i wouldnt consider it fake difficulty just because its an additional thing you have to micromanage if youre good youll be able to do so effectively more so than someone less able to manage their units,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 that changes 50 through season 1 i think they misjudged their demographic at first had some focus groups and changed direction,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 hi your fourth clip breaks rule number 3 in the op,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i dont think so typemention gt typemention for idubbbz,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 its more when youre browsing images on google just for fun and you cant see about 20 of them seriously im not trying to steal the picturejust look at it doing this is just clickbait that almost guarantees i wont visit your site,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 makes sense considering those types all use cogfuncmentioni feel like i relate to what youve listed i visualized while reading your comment just now come to think of it was it always evident to you that you visualize mostly everything i visualize much more than i realized i do,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 tell them to call the cops so you can report their kids for animal abuse i wouldnt apologize at all,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 xnfp so understanding and diplomatic,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 and if you think trump isnt going to do the same exact things then yeah youre delusionalno obama wasnt perfect a ton of people on the left have criticized him fairly harshly if you didnt see that you were staying in your little conservative bubble and most of the things you just mentioned arent liberal vs conservative theyre complex things that i cant even begin to fathom on how difficult it must be to make those decisions theyve got a shitload more intel than we do obama was no different than any other president in that regard not by much anyway if you expect trump isnt going to do the same kind of shit i dont know what to tell you thats not bias thats a politicians fucking job and its not as easy as it sounds trump is going to learn that very very quicklyi dont agree with a lot of what the nsa does and im not happy about the debt either one thing i hope trump does accomplish is bringing that back downthe president doesnt have nearly as much power as people tend to think obama has congress working against him trump on the other hand is going to get a lot of what he wantstrump is not the devil or evil incarnate as i previously stated he was the republican i agreed with most policywise yes there are things he plans to do that i agree with its not as black and white as you make it out to be but i do not think he is qualified and i think he is a despicable human being who does not know how to act in public and is powerhungryall of which are awful qualities in a president he also lacks most of the most important qualities id much rather have a republican president that i disagree with more but can actually respect and wont embarrass our nationand way to not actually address any of my points and accusing me of being on a soapbox then just continuing on your own soapbox,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 and here we see who is the pretend kennys who likes to noscope and gets not enough credit for it he thinksgo back to nova,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 oh god this one is kinda scary,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 typemention are just intimidated by typemention,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 a neet or neet is a young person who is not in education employment or training the acronym neet was first used in the united kingdom but its use has spread to other countries including japan south korea and taiwanneet wikipedia the free encyclopediaenwikipediaorgwikineet,32.0,31.0,57.0,41.0,16.0 maybe its a reddit bias thing because irl soooo many people like trump hardcorethen again im in kentucky,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 there are like 500 bitcoin poker sites out there,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i can only go about 5 or 6 miles without having to stop from the pain from my saddle probably a user error,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 ok lets say we do that how do we signal in a general way what we prefer i like penetrating and i like to be penetrated so what nonheteronormative nomenclature do you propose,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 an older statsbomb article which kind of goes over why tackles and interceptions alone dont really say much i would recommend googling statsbomb defense if you want to read more of the metrics theyve tried to use to judge defensethere really arent many good defensive statistics out there is patch from deepxg which is the only one i can think of off the top of my head in my opinion the best way to measure a defender right now is using goalimpact which doesnt actually measure any defensive contribution but they keep their numbers mostly secret as they want to make money from it its also not a perfect stat and can overunderrate some players based on the team they play for,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 difference is i didnt edit that score,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 it is a bit of an old post but im glad that you appreciate it thank you for your feedback,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 okay i can admit it was a good start talisa returned after some giggling readily letting the small dispute go,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 but why do we have the tag then it just makes sense to add it im not saying this post should be removed or something like that,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 fuck i wish i had 25mb my work is limited to 10mb,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 one big monitor gt two small monitorsim sorry but i use this monitor its too small i like it but its worth the extra money to move up to the bigger one that said this is still a good deal if you need a new monitor and are going to be able to sit close to the screen,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 how can anarchy be real if our eyes arent real,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 you are not getting upset over people in casual are you,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 havent yet im saving up for bonnaroo expenses now already have that ticket then waiting to see if the gang amp i can swing floydfest in july too definitely going to lockn though last year was a blast student prices were sweet last year but youre right its probably too good to be true this year,60.0,55.0,64.0,14.0,49.0 typemention 10 things i hate about youestp zoolanderisfp spring breakersistp straight outta comptonesfj mean girlsestj super troopersisfj the notebookistj the giverenfp 500 days of summerenfj the breakfast clubinfp daria is it college yettypemention black swanentp bottle rocketentj brokeback mountainintp office spaceintj never say never,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 you must have a very strange fridge if that cats on top of itgot any better pics of it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 but why would you want to in a bullet journal to begin with it serves no purpose to what a bullet journal is supposed to help you with helping you efficiently and quickly organize your tasks,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 oh heck are you going to throw my into the swamp now,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 my childhood was really mundane and i hated my best friendbut the fact that my best friend and i hated each other is hilarious so imma go with that,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 exercise more write more its worth it to force yourself out of your comfort zone never turn down the opportunity to travel learn to breathe learn to meditate meditation is at least as important as skincare chill its going to be fine,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 i prefer my olivias wilde,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 yup this is 100 it i only have a daily amount of fucks to give out and i certainly dont want to waste any fucks given on some stranger in a rather pathetic break up war i honestly couldnt care less,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i think babies lack personhood,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 ah gotcha and yeah that can really impact a connection between nts i have some bio friends that i mainly only discuss bio and people with i wonder if they are ever frustrated by my shallower depth of knowledge i told this typemention that im going to break out the whiteboard for a crash course in computing this coming saturday haha she seemed excited at the idea but im not sure if she was just being polite,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 remember its offensive to use the word black as in black hole next on rotation after african american will surely be negroidamerican round and round we go,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 it is possible in dota 2 if they use around the same netcode and protocols as csbecause of the rendering technique urakijah has explained it to you already for ingame use ill explain it to you for external usecsgo sends information packets with information in them everyone gets these packets the players and the people on gotv although people on gotv get them delayed packets are structured in a specific way and contains information on the game state kinda like player1playernameteampositionxpositionypositionzfor xray as a spectator for example you need to get the coordinates of all players to display their position with the outline so the position data of all people will be sent to everyone on the server with each update every 015s on 64 and 007s on 128 tick as you may guess you have the position of all people then so all you have to do is to write a program that takes the packages and reads out the positions and displays them on the mapthe mm servers are 64 tick because 128 tick in mm is less beneficial for the larger number of players so why waste money on servers that give a huge advantage to one part of the playersi dont know how you get to say money issue but whateverthe community concepts are giving a single person too much power in this game for one part and for the other part are mostly ridiculous and not realisticthere was someone writing about encoding memory in games and decoding it as you need it the drawback is you need extremely powerful computers to do that and if such computers exist you can also cheat again so a lot is on the behalf of i wish there was a solution like xpeople are walling because they have fun cheating either they are not good enough and want to play easy mode or just want to ruin the games for others cheat coders like the challenge to write software that isnt detected or just to earn moneyyou wont get rid of these people in online games especially in fps as there is such a wide range of cheats you can create and usesomething you may want to read,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 thats a perfect hoverhusky pose,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you kind of have to follow the subject of the conversation or this is going to get boring really quickthe point i was referring to was your pointthe antecedent of the pronoun that in the next quote from me was you now produce 10 an hour if you cant produce more than 10hour worth of stuffservices no one will pay you 10hour you must adapt until you can produce it you cant sell something for more than the market will bear no one will buy it labor is a commodity that the laborer is selling to the employer you cant sell 1 bills for 5 well maybe to some people but you cant make a living at it btw i love your screen name,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 aha so just because there is no written rule it is okay to do it then just shows how far your understanding of fairplay goeshow old are you if i may askthey have you fix and you are done for which they decided after one year and reviewing the caseslike who,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 yes it is nigel farage even said in the last british general election that he would back the labor party if they came out in support of brexit they are a one issue party i like farage and hope to see him in politics in the future but the ukip no longer really has a point just like thered be no point to the snp if scottish secession had succeeded,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 dont conflate disdain for your contribution with my emotional states unless that state is disdain i didnt say i thought you were trying to set yourself up as smarter than me i said and meant the author on your edit yeah sorry i do find it fascinating that there are so many mysticalphilosophical texts which align with modern day physics,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 how long will you be staying with your parents if youre staying a long time maybe you can consider paying your parents some towards grocery and utilities i didnt see those in your list but those costs wont cease to exist essentially your parents will be funding your savings at the expense of their own savings maybe they dont even want or need you money but it would be a nice gesture and they might appreciate it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 with or without a headphone jack their wireless head phones will work which leads me to believe the only reason they got rid of it is so that you are semiforced to buy their new headphones this reeks of clueless uppermanagement marketing scheme,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i only get this when im really anxious,91.0,57.0,65.0,22.0,40.0 awesome python has been on the list for awhile for my part its a long list though,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 he comes across as an typemention in interviews hes probably an typemention or an oldermature typemention,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 when you feel like you need o piss but your bladder is empty,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 personally waiting for my favorite scot uadoredtv to chime in that and im waiting for an aib card anywayswe should really start a concern thread for all the people losing their mind and ban everything else that outside of it,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 you are lumping too many fields under the auspices of experts not to mention all psychotherapists all of their patients all courses of treatment etc at the same time you are pointing to an expert on experts who built his career on psychological research employing many of the same methodologies used to investigate exactly what you are broad brushing as being no better than guesswork haha then you are pointing to economics which is an entirely different field as a corroborating example even though therapy has very strong evidence to support its efficacy in many disorders and difficulties using longitudinal studies while investment management has no such support anyways haha kahneman isnt here so ill have to go off of your arguments p the practices of and actual data regarding efficacy simply doesnt support your first assertion regarding psychotherapy,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 find this motherfucker a job already so he can blaze up,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 coming from a pack a day cig habit thats nothing to me it was 250 monthly if i spend a bit of that up front and calm down once i get enough gear and then sell what i dont care for or have moved beyond im still miles aheadrebuild your own coils save a ton there later down the line maybe experiment with making own juice save even more and avoid taxes coming down the pipe yknow its totally justifiable if you can quantify iti bought 275 in gear and juice recently but it was a package deal and saved tons 200 worth of juice i cant get from the states to canada for 100 rest was used gear and supplies at a deal juice was like 800ml gonna prolly last 35months unless theres stuff i dont like but at that price im fine with er im really not sure how long itll last but theres a ton here still trying to figure what i like and dont,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 hihi cant help you with your questions just letting you know you are definitely on the right track with this attitude,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 you could charge a fee for a few different types of services with that tat,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i remember in 2008 election i was totally addicted to palin craziness i was hoping everyday to open the news and read some new crazy story its the same with trump trump is a political junkie wet dream,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 my toothbrush and towels are off limits no matter what,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 yea that happens if were the two of the most active members of this sub in this time zonealso youre welcome,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 im going to remember that one i like the description for me at least the squishy center description feels quite right and its how i feel because deep down i actually feel a lot and very intensely but its simply not something i have an interest in to share it with the world outside of my very close ones squishy indeed,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 tell fps that tagpro is open source,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 even a normal childbirth can be pretty gory but a postpartum haemorrhage could result in truly enormous amounts of blood,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 to me it feels like immense jealously towards you because of a perceived failure on his side to get that job followed by rationalization of behaviour he knows is stupid and irrational by suddenly being proamerican capatilism antisocialism and all the other out of the blue things hes saying about europethe netherlandsi think you need to sit down with him and simply say straight to his face you are behaving like crap and youre acting like a child we made this decision together and you need to get your act straight this is going to happen i am going there whether you like it or not with or without youi dont think with this behaviour that any subtle steering of his behaviour will have any effect,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 trolling colorblind or do you think that the fact that the anime is in color makes it uncannon,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 people just talk about their lives and most people are pretty friendly towards each other friends and all,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 shitty thats an odd way of spelling 400 wokepilled,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yep especially for engineerings i think 90 or so gets their masters those 10 who dont do so because a university degree simply turned out to be too difficult for them or because of personal reasons really the only exception to this rule is compsci for which the demand is so astronomically big that companies have good offers ready for bachelor students and will further train them in house if youre thinking of doing chemeng in the netherlands i highly recommend getting your masters degree over here as well its two years tuition fees are about 14k a year for students outside of the us there are several options the technical universities but also the university of groningen the only nontechnical research university that offers engineering doing your masters over here will get you a diploma which employers will recognize youll get two years to learn the language a bit though this is not a requirement like it would be in germany or france and youll build a network so youll get a job quickly starting salaries are about 28003000 euros a month before taxes which puts you on average not even median which is far lower salary already at the start of your career for dutch wages just to put demand into perspective for chemengs,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah never heard of it and im part of a huge franchise,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 26 graduated two years ago no job spend everyday in bed,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 already said in other comment,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 i think i might be quietly stabbed by a group of typementions on my way back to rtypemention but i think that friendships should be largely effortless i think it is absolutely lovely how intensely typementions love the people in their lives but i have one very large beam of care bear stare to point at one person with some smaller beams off to the sides i have read in some of the type descriptions that typementions and typementions are known for dropping off the map for awhile and then showing up again like no time has passed that describes me pretty well i dont expect my friends to do anything for me except hang out and be their genuine selves i have never once asked anyone but an so i was moving in with to help me move not even my family i have told her lets call her ellen cause thats her name that i could never be as good of a friend to her as she is to me but its not because i dont care its just the kind of friend i am if you need someone to talk to scab a little scratch or move something heavy im your dude if you want to be the frodo to my samwise im not your guy im not saying that theres a problem with her way or a problem with mine but its frustrating for both of us i think,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i mean not entirely but even a small gesture from my so turns my mood around very quickly having your bad feelings acknowledged by your so makes it easier to work through them alone in my experience emotional support is extremely important in relationships,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 oh adolf enter my chambersilence anne you jewish schwine just imagine that in german,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i do that and then swirl my finger around the cup once or twice its the best way ive found to get it to open up completely it also will burp like you said and spin,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 i flew from chicago to houston back in november i was in the same scenario ohare couldnt care less possibly because it was an illinois license so theyre familiar with iti did get pulled aside for a random check at iah which i suspect but cannot confirm had to do with my id being paper but other than that i had no problems with the paper copy i imagine it might be a bigger deal if it was an international flight but shouldnt be an issue for domesticas other people have said bring the expired one with you too i had both so i dont know if it wouldve been different if id only had the paper copy,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 me too it was the first time id seen a positive lesbian relationship depicted that way im still in love with amber benson,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 if there wasnt a highway of titans for him to swing across or if the suicide attack wasnt there to distract zeke than levi would have been obliterated by zeke in the return to shinganshina arc just as the rest of the sc,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 how can plant control within a national park improve property values its not like yellowstone hawaii or aspen where everyone wants a piece of the action and you must preserve why people come to visit your placewouldnt demolishing derelict buildings regenerating the city centre improving public transit and attracting high paying job centres like tech companiesrampduniversities all improve property value in the long term,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i looked into it too i think shes a little like steven colbert its all persona theres almost no point in typing her,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 yeah im not sure on the roadslaws there i think its likely the uk somewhere so i think the truck was in a nonexistant lane at the time if you look close so bikers assumed incorrectly they were safe but in most cases they would beso i trust whomever posted this knows the laws and lanes and such and are correct that the truck was in the wrong had to watch it about 15 times to get that though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 perhaps on dates they pretend all of the typemention men ive met have been complete jackasses as you describe,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i play irelia fairly similar to jax and i have seen how masterchallengers deal with nasus basically you want him to push so that you can call jungle and murder him there are a few ways to do this but the one i like is to push early and trade with him as much as you can fight him over every cs for the first two waves use your resources and then recall now the turret resets the wave and he will be pushing dont tp back just walk to lane there will be a big wave freeze it he cant stop you from trimming the wave and freezing near your turret now its level 45 call jungle over kill him shove the wave back tp if he does and try to get another freeze going after doing this a couple of times you are strong enough to bully him off cs yourself you can also set up in the enemy jungle,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 you get close to an typemention like you boil a frog,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 a reasonable argument can be made for that within the high end desktop parameters,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 no matter what you do when there is splashback it always hits you square in the browneye and travels midway up your intestines then youre worried about ass herp all day long why must your aim be so good poseidon,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 but what does that actually look like given that typemention are the artist stereotype and that most typemention and typemention actually that i know have some form of selfexpresssion especially musical instruments,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 learn to read thanksvac has a very low false positive rate so i personally think you are lyingthe wird opinion doesnt mean much for you apparently,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 he also made an enormous and prolonged impact on his wifes trachea,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 yesthats how it worksthats how isayama decides when to release leaks,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 hes not saying that homosexuality is unnatural hes saying that the definition of gender we currently use the state of being male or female typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones is incorrect and leads to the breakdown of the traditional family unit and frankly im inclined to think hes right,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 thedishs three sets of phonemic obstruents are p t k f u03b8 x and v ã u0263 however in coda positions m n became b d this change was already kind ay wierd given that in many mostly borrowed words m and n appeared intervocalically within roots which already blurred this more recently vowels and syllabic n without a consonant between them are becoming vn which gives rise to a wordfinal nd distinction many modern loans are also pronounced with a true nasal syllablefinally which makes this incredibly confusingan example of this lthã³mogt human is xã³bo this is expected however lthumã ngt humane is xubu0252â n though generally the ltmgt would be expected to be pronounced m in that situation,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i agree sapience is overrated,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i second google music player as you can upload your own audio files,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 there are plenty of people in this thread already correctly identifying this issue as abuse im going to add another voice to that but i dont need to go into a detailed explanation since there are already so many good ones herewhat i will add however is that asking for the opinions of others here or anywhere else was absolutely the right thing for you to do you are not alone and you have every right to have your concerns voiced and addressedthere are good doms and bad doms there are good men and bad men most range somewhere in between the dangerous ones are the ones who dont openly work with you and negotiate proper consentwhat should you have done in the moment safeworded and talked about it immediately if he didnt follow that in good faith then get yourself out of the situationbeing in a bad relationship of any kind is worse than being in no relationship please stay safe hug,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 rightclick on a flair gt inspect element youll find a link to the sheetthere are about three of them here is the one with your flair heres the one which contains the mod flairs the third one used that to decide which flair i wanted since its easier to see them all then the list on the sidebar,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i knowhe showed us what happens if users start to build headcanon upon headcanon i wouldnt want to lay the groundwork for another user like that,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this the video say that now i hear trans activists saying the contrary,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 is that a corgi are you on rcorgi with the rest of the corg lovers,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 translation herp durr if that person does something shitty its ok if the other person does something shitty derp,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 right my point was is that in nearly all other industries it is standard for the patron to own the rights including the designers who create art for us to work with,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 what boards do you frequent because its certainly prevalent on other boards besides b but not all of them,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 its still a possibility though just about all reptiles are solitary creatures unless mating,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 def adding these to my list some nice work here ebertran though if i threw that dark creeper at my party theyd be scared to ever enter the shadows again if they survived in the first place p,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 the good old times when you could see the feet under the smoke in source 1010 would awp again,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 watch out for wildlings looks like a prime location for a wildling raid to me,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 sad song are cool especially if its just instrumentals,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 for those who didnt click the link he was being asked where he sees yahoo in 5 to 10 years i think he mightve missed the mark on that one,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 did anyone comment my sex life,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i have a good amount of expeirence with little red and the yellow brick road esque deck i like it you make really big fuckers that fly and cant be targeted the only thing that can blow it up is lucifer,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 this is freaking gold thanks,95.0,84.0,1.0,91.0,24.0 he is a lawyer to be fair also i personally dont care if he was just lucky or if he was playing on a local server with a outdated cheat and insecure we cant prove it in the end if no demo surfaces of him cheating and in the end launders did fuel the fire with his tweets like a mad girl that needs attention and reddit liked it despite frankie saying it was his fault that the video got taken down what annoys me the most in the end is that we lost two days with witch hunting and had no remotely good content,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 what did you expect when you clicked on this link man,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 people do it for free to play games also how do you want to validate the persons,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 been this way much longer than ive been alive in the 50s kids said i aint wearin no uniform no suit and tie and they all wore the same uniform blue jeans and a white tee with a pack of smokes rolled up in the sleeve in the 60s it was beads and tie die and 6 months of grime in the 80s it was mohawks and safety pins in the 90s it was flannel and sadness the more things change,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 for comp matches just open and close textchat once,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i liked him too hes still around in rtypemention but its not the same,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 wasnt me i was just making an effort to follow the 101 reddit ruleall the credit goes to david bott of,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 types ive been typemention typemention typemention typemention typemention typemention typemention typemention a withdrawn typemention and typementionim torn betweentypemention and typemention at the moment either im an typemention or just antypemention with avoidant personality disorderin general i have an unstable sense of self thanks to borderline personality disorder that causes me to be unsure of typein other words im a shapeshifter,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 by not sayig anything the people who end silence are the awkward ones,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 cmon man thats a bit harsh that isnt quite an oxymoron is it an appropriate oxymoron wouldve been ive taken a shit in the shower and im a sanitarily clean 24 year old dude so i think we should leave off udoritos101,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 i was actually watching the brownsbengals game today nbc iirc i dont remember exactly and there was a short stint where there were no announcers but there were gamestadium noises funny i would see a comment about it today damn baddermeinhofhonestly it was really odd and i didnt like it i couldnt really follow what was happening or rather i played football in high school so i generally knew what was going on but i couldnt follow all the nuances like the players who were involved in the play who was doing good or bad eg x player has y carries for z yards what kind of play it was other than runpass i felt like i was missing a lot of the details of the game and couldnt really appreciate what was happening plus it just sounded like dead air to me different strokes for different folks i suppose though,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 well shit im definitely questioning people for sure find me oppositional and contentious lol that is part of why i didnt want to type as typemention im too confrontational,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 johns posted at times that hes an typemention which i can see and hank is an typemention though theyre probably just testtypedanother talky typemention who id love to be typemention is stephen colbert if only he did his superpac this year,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i dont have an example because there hasnt been a country that has tried a democratic communism if communism is so bad what would be a better system anarcho capitalism,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i dare to say that is not possible thanks to the client and netcode,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 my library lets me have three weeks and i can renew things twice so nine weeks total as long as noone else is waiting for it twelve seems excessive,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 how can you be a danish citizen without being an eu citizeni thought if you were danish by default you are also an eu citizen,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 im sure hed rather kiss someone else,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 sorry i completely misread your post i feel a bit stupid now please disregard what i said,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i know but it still stacksif you have been banned for the first time you need one week without being kicked etc for your cooldown to get back to 2 days if you get kickedabandonget kicked in this time you will get 7 days again and have to wait two weeks without comitting offense for it to go down to a 2 day ban,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 there are tens of thousands of nonamericans that have more cashflow than that entire industry,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 talisa nodded slowly wholly unsurprised that he knew what she was thinking her emotions were often transparent even to strangers and griffith was as far from a stranger to her as one could bei was hoping her fears about the betrothal were wrong though im not sure now she said quietly making sure noone could overhear her insulting the groom,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 lol i thought i was typemention for a long time but never totally related to their sub came here and was immediately sure this was the right place welcome,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 sorry but ssx 3 was a big step backwards for me the maps were less immersive and it was just a little too high paced and spammy,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i had in mind biology it was a loosy post there is more risk of bias in psychology than biology and more in biology than physic etc,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 its already just another cop procedural with pretty bad writing to be honest i watch it i dig it but its not particularly clever murder red herring corner red herring and tell him everything you know so he can give you his alibi start over blahwhat made it fun was the ridiculous charm of fillion and to a lesser extent the interplay between ryan and esposito when theyre not whining at each other anyway,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 you cant make your kid become an typemention for all you know your kid will end up as an typemention and there is nothing you can do to change that ever been around babies of a couple of months old ever noticed how even at that age some children are very quiet and some are crying the second they dont get any attention this was for me the reason why i didnt want children i would like to have a kid if the kid would be exactly like the kid i envision in my head but thats not reality and being a good parent is able to guide your kid through life regardless of what your kids personality turns out to be,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 good job number 57you should also write it that way in other normal comments if you want to climb in rank,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 you could do like draftday and have like 5 head to head match ups win 3 and you double your money,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i went swimming in the park that flooded twas great fun,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 since the cup doesnt actually absorb anything you wont have that problem,59.5,60.5,51.5,38.5,38.5 i mounted and just never got control so i fell to the side and my other leg wasnt able to get around the wheel and catch myself,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 well i see just about everything as being able to be related to typology and more so everyday cogfuncmention as a formal cause makes more sense to me than cogfuncmention aristotles definition is reminiscent of thomsons description of cogfuncmentionand further from her interpretation this all sounds like form to mei mentioned in my other comment the perception control theory i think that relates well to why the idea of information aspects is important it is for the sake of consistency but also explains what information we chose to focus on and how easy it is for us to metabolize certain aspects of information thus giving us our unique set of behaviors in response to this information aspect of information that we cannot effectively metabolize gives us a noticeable complex or a sort of indigestion in our metabolism in this sense it isnt really any different when you say that you are lactose intolerant than it is to say that you cant process art logical thought or connecting with someone emotionally you cant focus on the entirety of the informational stream so you gravitate towards what you are most accustomed to and translate what you struggle with into the domain of what you are i dont see any conflict with cogfuncmention as an information aspect being incongruous with the idea of the collective unconscious cogfuncmention in socionics is classified as global abstract pertaining to memory and archetypes temporal and thus also atemporal and timeless i would put in bold cogfuncmention types are more aware of reality with the emphasis on the marks objectivity is a fallacy everything is subjective and there is no escaping that by acknowledging your subjective bias you somewhat ironically become more objective in your perceptions what you dont know you have has you and i think that is one reason that viewing cogfuncmention as the most tuned to reality is a misconception,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 its an old meme but it checks out,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 regarding the deficit it also depends on how much youre burning with your cardio generally its advised to not go over 500 calorie deficit iirc 1400ish is more or less maintenance for me believe it or not at 176m male im 67 kilos at the moment and still have about 12 body fat so i guess im not very muscular but still id have to eat around 1000 or do more workouts to lose weight,0.0,92.0,52.0,1.0,79.0 itd be nice to know for sure which theory is dominant in this subgives me a good estimate of how many of you i need to fightedit about 77 of you guys should start watching you backs,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 well you said that paradis people the eldians never went to war which they did it might not be the eldians we know today but whilst the first king pussied out the eldians were the oppressing race,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 speaking of faith healers here in oregon we passed a law that allows parents to be arrested if they use these faith healers on their kids instead of taking them to a hospitallaw was passed because too many kids where dying from curable illnesses because their parents where praying the sickness away law,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i challenge you to show me how the articles of confederation does not align with the libertarian ideology,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 barca is always a contender and having them out so early would make the following stages more interesting specially with teams like dortmund juventus and sevilla looking strong this season add psg and city to the mix and you have one of the most unpredictable qfs in years,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 just drop a g for kinslayer,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 depends how high you win and what your stats say at timesyou win high vs good players you get more points you lose high against worse players you lose more points etc,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 anyone else not getting the season ticket rewards i should be level 16 but i didnt get the chests or jump stamp etc i bought spring pass havent bought summer pass,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 1k cp not 1k of each pokemon right,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 well i hope for the combination of the 2045 initiative and the internet of things the combination of these two things has the potential to not only cure all diseases and make us all immortal itll also turn the human race into a hive mind effectively reaching the one individual or less requirement thats necesary to rule out conflict between humans in other words world peacedoubt itll happen in five years though,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 lets be real shes out of your leagueget out of novice league and you might have a chance,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 recent kick is watskys new album my favorite songs aretalking to myself be nice to your guns angel glowing screens pt 3 love letters,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 sorry but you were caught joking on the internet in violation of arbitrary code 8695awhich is selectively community enforced please see 8695b for further details8695c,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 theyre playing cahill and zouma seems like theyll play a high line then pretty attacking line up from them,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 tax machine ufffdufffdufe0froke we got compound interest though,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 hes been average lately average stats less than average formgreat ch but i dont see any reason to go all out on him,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 lol i do its a comedic memoir i stalled on it not enough life experiences yet i finally have a sustainable model for writing itim also writing a tv sitcom and i write stand up unfortunately writing sitcoms is tedious the scripts omg but bits are pretty easy,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 tell me where those people that got bombed have anything to do with ordering the attack on pearl harbor do not try to justify murder,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 looks like op is feeling extra oppressed by black people today,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 im afraid youd have to ask my nephew kiernan explained understanding the common confusion my family and i live in the capital,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 itll be the episode 12 aftercredit scene,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 please tritype is a load of bullshit youre an 8w7 period you test as 3 because 8 and 3 are similar and 7 because of your wingthe end,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 yep that is an accurate statement in regards to the bills they received for having a baby,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 i didnt say you had i said dontk ms literal stalker i am going to post your last pms since you just did lie you must want me to on some level youre practically begging me to since i just told yoh not to speak to me again no way i can post em all at once tho and you know thats not even close to the juiciest shit to be fair,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 thats probably the reason why you see all the time on realestate shows that condos in gated communities with pools clubhouses etc charge 400 a month in hoa fees but if its 1 within driving distance of where you live and you can ensure that you can use at a time when others wont it could work out cheaper than going on a regular vacation where you stay at a hotel or airbnb,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 i say we do it anyway for the bants,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 done put it in my agenda,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 so is the shifter helping the rebels fight against marley or is marley at war with someone else,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i wouldnt be able to euthanise pets either no problem with humans just not animals,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 okay thank you for the correction i seem to have been misinformed,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 theres a difference between saying it was goodbad that this happened and he was rightwrong to do this â of course you can judge the worth of actions on their consequences but thats only one type of approach you see in philosophy theyre not necessarily the same querycould you it seems strange you posit that existence has inherent worth but only in its totality the universe but what if the universe were merely a mode of a higher category of being eg one of a multiverse transposing your logic up one cosmological level this would mean that the universe is no less inconsequential than the objects is contains think youd love nietzscheto quote him on the subject of goethe he advocated a kind of almost joyous and trusting fatalism faith that only in the totality everything redeems itself and appears good and justified such a faith however is the highest of all possible faiths i have baptized it with the name of dionysus this would entail a sort of moral nihilism indeed a contempt for moral concerns as almost petty,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 umbcarmaci dont think they will be allowed there tho since it is germany,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 no you cant i tried it once and i got downvoted,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 firstly what is the downside of stroking the ego of an unhinged narcissistmore importantlynot all narcissism is bad if he were a malignant narcissist all this time his children wouldnt adore and support him as they clearly do they much more likely would have cut off contact with him due to him being insufferable and someone doesnt just magically become a narcissist at 70 and at the precise moment when he decides to run against a democrat for the white houseand if he were delusional unhinged he would have lost all his money long ago a fool and his money are soon parted you might try to chalk it up to his advisors but delusional people ignore their advisors or choose advisors who dont know what theyre talking aboutyour unhinged narcissist meme doesnt pass the slightest common sense test its just a cudgel to use on people whose style repulses you or who offends your particular sensibilities,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 sometimes it is due to going off hormonal birth control not the tubal itself i had a tubal it doesnt change anything with your hormones i would say i had an increased interest in sex knowing that i couldnt get pregnant,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i edgyt edgy seeing the world without any valuesp challange ruless concrete and shallow view of the wordtypemention is the most edgy personality type,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 yes it would be nice to slap some sense into them and just teach you all the net framework it was already a hassle converting from vb6 to netyouve got the idea down but you have it down backwards essentially what you would do is not track the location of your character but the movement of everything else all you have to track for your character is its height on the form y axis and then its movement is controlled by moving everything else around it so it stays in the center,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 how an typemention flirts youre not entirely useless and appear to not be a complete idiot p,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 but for that damned la detroit baltimore new york,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 no way i could see cruz endorsing trump but id suspect hed endorse rand paul same with carson i could see carson endorsing rand paul fiorina will definitely endorse trump same with huckabee,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 ayy this will be me in november,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 i am the brainwasheeeeaaaaaaaaaalove that song was one of the first for me that made me go crazy human after all was well since i listened to alive 2007 that finale one of my favorite i cant listen to it much now because it fills me with super somber nostalgia gotta say though i love steam machine driving fast at night,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 wow i love that idea and i finally have a reason to get a chesty mount,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 chanmyay sayadaw like to say it that way im not a pali scholar so i dont care much about the difference,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 ill give you some food for thought is very centered on the human experience to state that you need a nervous system for suffering,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 well he pmd me he isnt a fresh throwaway he has that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 why dirty how long does it take to clean your glasses lol i can tell you that almost no one finds a person who spends all their time online very appealing i am on reddit way too much but its mostly while i work life is so much better than the internets haha crazy people dont think theyre crazy well you certainly wont be with an attitude like that haha learning to properly engage and formulate our thoughts is something i think all typemention have to work on its in half the writeups about typemention you have to work on it sorry bout the eczema i get that shit too not on my face thankfully i have gotten some pretty good creams for when i need it do you have allergies and are you keeping them under control that can really help not all doctors are created equal so you might want to see some other ones if possible you sound like youve given up hope in a lot of the areas which bother you i think this is a defense mechanism to avoid a fear of failure and to mitigate the pain of that which you dont like about yourself we are also said to be easily discouraged,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 jesus we look so beatable sometimes,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 why not writing antoinette then at least its far more different than antoine from antonio,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 now how strongly do you feel that this is an americanonly problem,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 it says in the report vision assistanceif a person gets 20 kills through smokes and traces people through them ill vote guilty same with alt tabbing in front of a smoke which is obviouswell see if the day comesokay what it says is external software to gain information about the location of their opponents eg vision through walls or smokeso since i dont know what caused him to watch through smokes i am free to tick that box as he could abuse the bug or be cheating or not knowing that he has itin 2 of 3 cases getting rid of him is a good thing the third case should be relatively easy to spotstands in the proximity of a smoke for 2 seconds and does nothing maybe,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ugh that sucks i hope you are happy in your career thats the most important thing,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 the bonus of living alone,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 this amused me i am a former guinea pig owner and currently have a corgi goshhaving a capabyra would almost be like blending the two sothis makes your post relevant hehehe,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 infp is typemention the last letter is always reversed do you understand cognitive functions,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 dont bother she a fatty,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 does anyone know when this film comes out the russian text at the end u0441u043au043eu0440u043e romanised as skoro just means soon,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 im relieved i wont be in the tilts davos laughed im fond of my head right where it is,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 most of the programs are not a little scriptingyou people think it is so easy yet you have no idea how much work it isand yes i dislike people who bash vac without knowing what stands behind it,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 dont you mean less not more arent you referring to total money supply,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 showing emotions being influenced by emotions theres also a difference in which emotions you show go to thetypemention sub then to the typemention one,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the last rumor i heard is that she is in jordan which has no extradition treaty,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 i find with seeing it baked is that you can actually enjoy the scares and how terrifying it is,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 from season 7 episode 2 you can reinvent yourself you can be anyone you want so why would you keep being you,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 i dont know what that means but ill take it as an insult which i shall then reinterpret as a compliment,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 yeah m8 it looks nice but good luck building there,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i want to make america great againno brakes,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 this is my main question as well i actually want to get into shooting as a sport in my very antigun country so i get the attraction to guns but i honestly dont understand why youd feel the need to actually carry one is it to look cool and making a statement about gun ownership cause thats just lame,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i installed vinyl triangles that cover the first 3ft of foot holds that drops down when you disconnect the auto belay from its top ring luckily we havent had an accident on them since its also pair with warning signs asking the climber to clip in before attempting to climb solo,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 abortion should only be restricted for deformities and or if the mothers life is in danger,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 which is a rat what valve doesnt want to dowhich are ring0 and that is just all that vac needs tbhas esea eac and wire are as well as vac signature detection based acsis serverside and not a better clientside ac than vac,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 dang i havent heard this one since it came out i wish she would have put out more songs,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 i have five packages coming in the mail something so rewarding about getting a package its like a mini christmas every time,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 you could look into persuasion techniques hypnosis and debating skills scott adams blog is an interesting read blogdilbertcom he has a list of books he recommend mentions in his blog various rhetorical techniques trump use he calls one technique verbal judo,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 yeah wtf was with that came out of nowhere he had be playing pretty poorly lately,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 pssst read the post againironically the typemention is infjing you,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 of all the things you could do with a unicorn and you just had to fuck it,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i believe he polls better than trump in those states in the general and does better than hillary,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 who is the typemention and who is the typemention,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 for the record i started on cod4i liked it but liked waw way moretoo bad that game got unplayable online due to the god mode hacks,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i quite significantly restrict darkvision personally as a gm its one of only a small handful of house rules i use only underground races have true darkvision ie dwarves deep gnomes drow etc and a few extraplanar races everyone else now has lowlight visionto add to the thread in the first game i ran after release i had a druid who needed to clear a room fast wild shape into a giant skunk cleared the room fast indeed,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 lol i was just getting done being irritated by an typemention shitposting memes all over the facebook group of a fairly large organization were part of,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 well the nsdap fired all people responsible quite literally also,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 try every kind of movementposition you can see what feels best for you i have some really specific ways that ill cum what kind of vibrator did you get i know its expensive but the new wireless hitachi is a godsend much better than the wired one which has only 2 options new one has 4 speeds and 5 patterns i believe plus its a body safe material which the original is not theres also a smaller vibe i like a lot shibari brand pink has a cord if you need a link ill find you one its a lot cheaper not quite as good but still pretty good how old are you and how long have you been experimenting if you dont mind me asking feel free to pm if you want to talk more privately,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 update been bouncing between 20th and 30th for a while now i need rory to gtfo but i dont see that happening,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 sometimes i have more than one voicethat voice isnt mine but a friends voice or something similar usually something they said before and i remembered like a reaction thing they say ie omg oh come one man that i use when im imagining situations,15.0,50.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 self deprication at its finest,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 red and blue they were the first ever pokã mon games they were amazing for their time they introduced some of my favourite pokã mon such as mew mewtwo and magikarp the glitches are fun to exploit kanto is the most openworldlike region making bluegaryassface the champion was a great idea,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 lol fuck off dude im a girl and if you enjoy watching camgirls you should support them a little bit if no one pays you dont get a show at all and the camgirl that you supposedly like cant pay her rent,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i was honestly inspired by your recent posts on better defining ish,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 their leaders are too smart,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 im guessing someone poured water on it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 45 things i have to do regularly ehhh wahh ill continue being a disheveled poorly taken care of asshole,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i already ate so i wouldnt suggest that 2 nite,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 have you tried over the counter sleep aids or supplements geared toward reducing anxiety such as ltheanine my favorite sleep aid is doxylamine it quiets my thoughts and i sleep easily but also wake up easily not groggy it may be a very long time before you get a prescription for a benzo if ever if thats what youre seeking i think you should try other options as well,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 for those who werent aware theres currently a big debate in france about revoking citizenship of individuals participating in terrorist attacks although it would only apply to binationals considering international law doesnt allow you to leave someone stateless,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 yeah i feel you im a nurse so work is no joke and can be physically demanding so drinking a bunch is just plain stupid when im in school i have no problem leaving it to the weekends either i just cant deal with this much boredom and lack of purpose in life its only been a month and a half out of school and i have almost 2 more haha,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 team france shox and kenny play together there,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 warhammer 40k isnt a movie its some tabletop war strategy game with little figurines,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 my parents have this combo so i can share a couple things ive observedas said elsewhere the more approval you can give the better theres a tendency for some not all typemention to assume that the other person knows about the appreciation they feel already because the typemention hasnt said otherwise the other person hasnt brought it up and the typemention is clearly devoted to the relationship for an typemention youll want to verbalize your feelings often they wont bring it up but theyll feel deeply unappreciated if you dont let them know theyre valuedon that note communication in general can be tricky with this pairing if the typemention isnt direct with their statements of opinion dont mistake that for uncertainty or ambivalence in that opinion they may feel strongly about what theyre tentatively sharing but they equally value harmony in the relationship talking it over before reaching a decision and the like so they wont always be direct if they arent sure youll agree on the flip side the typemention may take the typementions natural directness personally if it contradicts their deeply held opinions it works best when the typemention learns that directness improves communication and that disagreement is not the same thing as a fight for your part the best thing you can do to foster that is to avoid bluntly contradicting what they say ask them to explain what they mean value their opinion verbally and so on when they see that their environment is safe theyll eventually become direct enough that you can have clearer communication,70.0,33.0,46.0,6.0,33.0 well rationality is just a patriarchal construct,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 you khaph to understand enlesh is not mother tongue,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i am where are you from and please enlighten me to the rest of the worlds definition then,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 unjerka remix of eminems shake that assrejerksmashmouth all storm,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this is the basis payday loans and title loans operate on,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 if isayama simply wanted to change the way he looks then why does the anime use his old design,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 or they got just antistratted hard by nip,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 ive been told to smile when im already smiling too i just dont smile with my teeth much at all especially when pictures are being taken,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 oh i assumed that was a union thing,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 yes to an extent in my experience we understand each others hearts and motivations effortlessly philosophically we fit together perfectly where it fell apart for me in a romantic context was that she couldnt understand half of what i was excitedly talking about much less give any rambly complicated ish back she wasnt quite insane enough to go the distance,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 hahhahaha that cod part sounds similar to me and my bro typemention he was more guerrilla warefare like than me i had many tactics and principles behind how to best play the game we were both super competitive,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 the majority of fps in cs is done by the cpu as the source engine is heavily cpu reliant,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thats because the zlist celebrities are on the bottom rung of the successful group they feel they have to prove themselves if that means acting bigger than they are but celebrities at the top dont need to prove themselves theyve already made it have statusmoney and after a certain period of time of being high status you focus more on the spiritual rather than the material,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 eren also pulled of annies moves in human form she taught them to himreigner not bertolt didnt know eren received that upgrade bottle and thought he learned it from scratchhe managed to crack the armor because he simply focused his own in one spot to make it thickerits highly implied that moving your titan body feels similar to moving your human body so him taking on annie was only impressive if you consider the opponent not if you look at how he movednone of your quick learning arguments hold upit is at best a feat of eren not of the attack titan,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 poulter could be a sneaky play most people will be drawn to jb at that price range if your strategy in cash is to play the chalk though you have to go jb i personally would go haas if i was trying to be differenti like palmer but man im really liking the local boy kirk you dont have to spend all your roster but ive been looking at him pretty hard,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 no doubt on the marfione was gonna mention it but i dont particularly like the profileas for busses coating yeah though i do think they can do a competition finish if you ask for it maybe thats only on their customs shop offeringsi almost did get a tglb when they came out i coulda probably been put on the preorder list ahwell shoulda coulda woulda,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh come off it i voted remain but farage wasnt shaken to me he looked smug and quite satisfied that he caused such a stir kind of like fair play mate youre on a roll now have your little moment if it makes you feel better,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 til getting hit in the tit can lead to fat necrosis this basically means your tits can get turned into soap,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 say no to the mirror and whatever you do dont look or try to smellthat shits getting fucked up down there just hold her legshand and help her breathe,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 are these the antagonists in outlast,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 no of course not you woulda seen limbs everywhere and pink mist though of course no recordings of them exist but you can reconstruct the scene from the aftermath,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 if you idiot would actually think about it you would know that valve just changed the images that belong to a specific point gap you still get matched with the same peopleotherwise i advise you to get good,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 a meritocracy is just a specific type of hierarchy though it literally means those who deserve to have authority are in charge if i was arbitrarily in charge id probably say i deserved it too,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 haha the new 2ds is like the 3ds but without the slider its like a reskin it kinda bugs me that they arent improving the hardware and the graphics on nintendo handhelds are subpar compared to the vita but the new colors look so sleek,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 errr not really tbh ive always tested 5 but i dont take that seriously i really ought to look into enneagram more,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 i get hungry and space out cant really think or concentrate very well only do weed sometimes to help me sleep at night as insomnia and chronic pain will prevent me otherwise from getting good sleep,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 well it was designed around it soand i dont like that a game was designed around it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 lol i think for the sake of brevity typemention should only list things that dont make them cry,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 whatchagonnadowith yayas junk yayas junk inside cogfuncmentionluk,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 the cheapest pliers are always going to be the cheapest pliers you can find in your immediate area even if just borrowednot many people regularly use their pliersi still have and use my dads borrowed plierswhatever you get ill recommend they have a spring be small with no teeth butthese are the ones im using now it was nice when i had two like the one on the right though one of its springs is broken nowthey were ideal for me i got them over 10 years ago so i have no idea what they are i just know they were cheap and good for the price i should get another pair or two,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 congrats people buy cheats for fps big newsthe main attraction of cs is the fact that is a highly competitive shooter with a pro scene not that you can cheat going by your logic everyone cheats because that is the reason they bought the gamealso your they are protected by valve shit 6 accounts a year for 7â that makes 42â profit or 005 keys for one person per day for a whole year market transactions are not factored in there i assume more people buy 005 keys per day over a year than cheaters buy new accountsyour math is way off the mark also is your complaint about vacgaben explained it in the post you linked as to why they wont make vac like the esea ac and i might add that eseas ac would lead to a cheater decline of roughly 1 if you look at mmget a clue before you talk and grow up,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 lol now everyone knows who the crazy sjws are in their town all the people on camera marching for womyns right to not have letters about their pants,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 he took erwins advise and became taller by standing on his pile of corpses,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i think this demonstrates it she is also exactly the same as antypemention i know the humor the attitude its very cogfuncmentionlike much unlike the typemention,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i personally prefer having single threads for questions every time you get different responses even from the same people i do though like the idea of having questions posted for discussion in the podcastvideo meeting i think having a set list of things to discuss could be a good time we could even invite people from other types to show what the interactions are like,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 skepticism eh i dont see how skepticism can be all that impressive in itself past the point where you realise as a kid that you can just keep asking why forever p probably true but people forget how much of reality really is invented by us why wouldnt it have an essential nature if it ultimately stems from ideas you should be able too look at reality and ultimately see the ideas behind itand essences dont have to be all that essential anyway in zen they say even the dharma itself is only a provisional truth or essence its esstentialness is ultimately relative,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 its an old meme but it checks out,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 til that twotailed mermaids are a thing,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 also a similar thing is the dao de jing credit given to lao zi lao tzu whatever here are links they are very similar to meditations more difficult to understand maybe because of language its in chinese so the english translation is not easy to understand also the chinese itself is not as gramatically similar to the chinese today so its just really odd but still has amazing ideas that to me at least are easily known without having to delve so far into their meaning the first two lines for example u9053u53efu9053u975eu5e38u9053u540du53efu540du975eu5e38u540du3002they have it as way that can be followed is not the unvarying way name that can be named is not the unvarying name what i find it to be is imagine way as ones life therefore the way that can be followed is not the common way to go therefore the name that can be named is not the common name for something in verse 2 it starts saying that when people think of this as beautiful and this as not they treat others differently that this different treatment is a cause for ugliness not the thing they treat differently i am always a little turned off by proequality things because they seem pretentious and annoying reading into it it is as simple as i have said it but when you might see it in act you can understand if you imagine it in act you can anyhow its a great way to learn a different language and its mechanics as well as a great lesson teacher so if you have time definitely opt for reading into it although it will press your brain,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i agree that is what makes sense in my head the only explanation i have for your situation is that rule being taken too far and someone being a total moron and letting policy override best judgement sounds like working for a giant corporation kill me,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 what the heck the whack system of going off of things like this has to stop we are all thinkers feelers sensors and intuitives we just have different preferences in different orders with different orientations,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 yes give all the shitty supremes their rank back cuz nothing beats ez upranks even if they are not deserved and you are basically still a nova righttry to improve for once instead of being fixated on a fucking image shove your personally i think this should be reverted to which ever place you like but stop complainingit is like the rifle nerf the unskilled are the first ones to cry,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 youre missing the most interesting one elizabeth ii,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 get an ereader and read while you breastfeed much easier on the wrists than the physical book,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 the truth is nothing so hurtful its untreatable only once a girl said to me you are just like your dad she knew i would never want to be considered this way but that was years ago and the only time a girlfriend hurt me like that this current one was going through some real problems with her ex and school and studying and felt like a huge failure for about a week last weektwo weeks ago so she said shed regretted saying she loved me but also regretted doing this and that and that and this so it didnt hurt only because i knew she was extremely stressed really i mean it didnt feel good but it didnt hurt and in your case that sounds hurtful honestly i mean i think she shouldnt have been mad and cold shouldered you for that but maybe you should have told her i mean still though thats the past,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 david blaines ted talk should find that interesting and may answer some of your questions about this topic,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 to be fair it is a nice hat,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 1 you probably know that most mbti tests are bs well the enneagram tests are 10 times more bs2 the 5 is mostly apathetic and neutralindifferent to most of these things the thing about here that makes it a 4 is that types 234 are all pretty much attention whores they all try to maintain a sense of image they feel that their image and sense of self is broken and they need validation to maintain their sense of self otherwise they will start feeling shame and thinking theyre worthless the 4 tries to make a tragedy out of everything so they can gain peoples attention all they want to is to be told theyre special and unique and some other edgy shit if you see any more of this edgy 4 behavior try to make them feel special it will really raise both of your moods here is a really good article about enneagram types under express their feelings preferring indirect methods to share and communicate what they feel fours spend a great deal of energy directing their selfimage inward fours are seeking their true identity and are trying to make sure that it is based on their inner feelings and imagination fours reject many of their positive qualities and common characteristics that they share with others its hard to be unique if you are like others fours seek attention through withdrawal which may at first seem like a contradiction fours withdraw to pull others in especially into their inner world they want others to notice their depth of character and to obtain sympathy for what they feel is their unjust suffering fours believe that life has dealt them a bad hand and their underlying feeling of shame may lead to hostility against life despair in addition they may feel hostility at their parents or others in their past themselves for being defective and at others for not recognizing how special the four is,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i think its safe to assume that people likely to downvote my artistic genius are also likely drawn to any thread which mentions being upset,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i wish usexuallynuclear hadnt made four identical posts,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 its fucking stupid how people cant be patient for steam to refund 1000s of people at once,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 sorry but ssx 3 was a big step backwards for me the maps were less immersive and it was just a little too high paced and spammy,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 since no one else mentioned it bipolar mania causes insomnia and insomnia can cause mania,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 i dare to say that is not possible thanks to the client and netcode,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i find it amusing how prevalent this idea is given how much science and tech comes out of the us,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 dw its not obvious unless youve actually texted yourself before,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i forgot to put the toilet seat down,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 ideally a few days generally the same day averaging around a dozen new dockets every day its hectic and jobs get bumped or delayed regularly,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 clockwise at first i find its easiest to make it change direction by speeding the video up and watching it like that for a little while first,12.0,50.0,45.0,10.0,81.0 my typemention so is shes extremely focused on pleasing me and expressive of how she feels i swear its an cogfuncmention thing ive only been with 5 or so cogfuncmention users and 55 have this in common even the one typemention i was with was very focused on my enjoyment two people doing this for each other is magical,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 its good to have carson there to take a break from the vicious madness,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 people who live in that kind of heat never go out into itsource pasty texan,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 if you want to protect information like cc personal info from browsing and stuff like that yes linux in a vm is a good way to go however your isp will still see 100 of everything that goes out you need to use an anonymous vpn and pay for one if you want to be better protected using a tor browser helps somewhat so if you dont want to pay you can try that outnot running a vm is always better performance wise but ive been using vmware for years and i quite enjoy it its how i was doing development for my job but mainly i would only use console and ssh into the vm to do it its just what i preferi run windows 10 on my main system and gentoo in vmware but you can install any distro you likei did also have a few machines at work that were native linux i never enjoyed the dual boot option though but if you care about performance you might want to go that routei hope that helps,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 heh alright not my cup o tea but if you like it you like iti could counter some of your points but i wont today im sure youve heard it before anyhowi was thinking boston but not strongly enough to committhe video was expertly done anyhow,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i play with 175 on 400 dpi last week i switched to 3 on 400 dpi because of elbow problems in the end i am back to 175 so take what you are most comfortable with imo,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i made this earlier today hope you enjoy it,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 out of curiosity do you live near a body of water,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 apparently i hide it well people at hut now get annoyed when im there to drive and not as manager they come to me before going to the gm who is fantastic now with my businesses im a lot more strict but im working with all masters level and above people who really know their shit so they can meet my expectations easily,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 wow respect to you for keeping it together especially in defense of your friend i would have gotten out at the next stop light,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 not that much tbhdid you have better fps on win7,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 how can we be talking about russian collusion when there are literally millions of children locked in the basement of comet pizza,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 and all these new ones that we now see thanks to xrays,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 do you have a picture of the glasses you chose,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 sidebar i had a lot of luck explaining to small children that animals that have tiny ears need us to use our tiny voices around them if we dont we will hurt their ears we practiced using our tiny insidequietwhatever voices before getting to see the animal the 8 year old boy sounds like a fun kid,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 the shawshank redemptionthe watchmen is also up there,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 i hope she thinks the same thing,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 i like the cut of your jib lets plan on mid june or so that will give me time to perfect my technique for soy quesadillas prepared with an iron what should we spend our first million on war orphans or feminism,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 anyone here played steep yet god that game is beautiful for an action sports game for any game really the best part is that when im not feeling like going full red bull i can just turn the music off and enjoy the scenery and snow sounds,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 in the post you replied to i quoted wikipedia for a definition of socialism i agree with there are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them are you even reading my posts what possible reason could you have to think the fact that they are different things obviously they are is an objectioni can understand why you would laugh at this its like how christians in the us laugh at people who think their definition of marriage is outdated at least they havent figured out how to brigade redditors for using the common usage of the wordedit should point out im not trying to make any kind of ethical slur there i refer to the fact that the meaning of the word marriage has changed over time and many religious groups deny that the term can be used to describe nonreligious definitions of marriage just like the word socialism has changed over time and many socialist groups deny that the term can be used to describe a broader range of relations of production dont mean to imply any ethical claims from that,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 ok thats definitely surgery in your case was this a dutch dentist or your dentist back homeif it was your dentist back at home take those xrays to a dutch dentist and ask for a referral as these procedures will not be done by dentists in the netherlands but only by dental surgeons you will need a referral to one of groningens hospital this is not optional in the netherlands you cant just walk into a hospital and get treatment unless you are being brought in from an ambulance in life and death situations you need a referral from a primary care provider dentist or gp to get in this also is something good to know in general though if you find yourself in a situation where you might need medical care outside of office hours dont go to the er directly again unless its in an ambulance but call the huisartsenpost which is a centralized gp office which is available during out of office hours if necessary they will give you an immediate referral to the er but if you show up at the er without a referral for a non life or death situation dutch insurance will not cover your expenses its a common procedure you probably wont have to stay in the hospital dagbehandeling day treatment ive looked up the waiting times for the university hospital according to their website the waiting times at the dental surgery department is about 4 weeks for these basic procedures usually the other nonacademic hospitals are a bit shorter but at least this gives you an indication this waiting time if from the moment your dentist provides their referral to the hospital and they register you ive also needed jaw surgery i found the surgeons at the university hospital to be very kind helpful and professional and the hospital itself is very modern and well equipped you should check with your insurance company whether theyd cover the costs i dont have a specific breakdown of the costs but if id have to make a rough measurement it would probably cost in the 10001800 euros range to have them extracted surgically in the hospital this was what my insurance company paid for a day treatment issue i had that required local anesthetics but not ortho related though,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 there was another man in the room iirc and they could have been calling him a pervert for being gay,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 but my turning down the master track volume im not making the big pipe smaller im making the big pipe bigger which will still solve the problem,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 use your intuition and ask the real question were you drunk to which i reply define drunk,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im really scared of snakes once i found a harmless small snake in my backyard and i was absolutely terrified,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 what are your thoughts on a confederate general from big sur,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 deer flies shudderive always lived around bugs that want to eat me too we have these things where i live now but im more afraid of cockroaches than anything so i cant pretend thats the real reason for my fear of bugs they move too fast freaks me out,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 surely these people know they can buy the exact same things online during black friday or cyber monday,15.0,50.0,1.0,92.0,13.0 bro you psyched substance somehow,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 why would he become a pariah of the rocket community,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 im just curious but if for example you installed a watercooler onto a gpu would the lower temp still output the same amount of heat into the room or would there be less heat exhausted,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 hearing the rapid pattering of tiny feet and the highpitched sound of one of her granddaughters voices kiernan turned around an excited look appearing in her mismatched eyes and a wide smile spreading across her lips in one fluid motion the diminutive darklyn scooped up the little girl racing towards her and lifted her into the aircass kiernan greeted confidently observant enough to distinguish the twins although they were identical cassana had more energy and tended to squirm whereas violet seemed a bit more reserved and unfocusedbefore anything else kiernan returned to her seat situating the young girl in her lap and smoothing out the skirts of her dress she was sure she could safely hold the hyperactive ganton girl but it seemed like more trouble than it was worth once they were in place kiernan wrapped her scorched arm around cassana and asked excitedly howre younearby in the same room sat kiernans daughter and cassanas mother talisa and her husband griffith in griffiths lap sat lily their third and youngest daughter who was still too young to be left to her own devices meanwhile ella the servant and longtime friend of talisa who had alerted all the members of the ganton family to kiernans arrival was off to retrieve cassanas younger twin,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 im not sure you understand what a conspiracy theory is,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i bought something got my money back used it anyway now they want their money back wah,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 tagm the flair isnt enough you need to add manga spoilers to your title,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 there are more humane methods of slavery honestly you could just smile at them and theyll be your slave humane and you get to smile plus thawed typementions cook for you after asking you dumb computer questions and complain that it should work like blah blah blah,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 isnt there some sort of statistical thing that measures this and says if its insignificant or not im not very math oriented so i dont know what its called,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im not sure about the u81eau6c11u515au3001 but joining the u7518u515a was really easy,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 i graduate this morning then its off to college in the fall and eventually grad school have you seen phd robes freaking sweet,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 thank you got megabus in my books now,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 millions of people keep track of the hit count over the next few weeks,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yeah i am the same way with chunks i find that it can be really helpful to physically draw the abstract part especially when it comes to code that brings the abstract concept into the concrete world for people,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i concurr im not sure why so many people are seeing a g or why it would even be funnycreepywhatever this is like rnotevenmildlyinteresting,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 we have it is just hidden in the wiki sadly not easy to find and i didnt think there would be something so i made this post d,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yup this is 100 it i only have a daily amount of fucks to give out and i certainly dont want to waste any fucks given on some stranger in a rather pathetic break up war i honestly couldnt care less,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 unfortunately i hope disney scraps the prequels and redoes them,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 if she where attractive you wouldnt mind,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i didnt mean it like that kiernan said in response to his visible displeasure im obviously going to acquiesce to your requests i just i dont want them ever be phrased as commands i dont think they would be but i just want it to be clear,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 good news oleary is out bad news bernier will almost surely win,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 they needed to regroup resupply and deliver ymir to marley,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 thats it i dont like trading card games those are the ones i cant get into oh the grizzled its about trench warfare i like that,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 yea that happens if were the two of the most active members of this sub in this time zonealso youre welcome,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im on mobile i normally have pretty good grammar,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 even though i dont like trumps policy i would absolutely vote for a trump paul ticket trump doesnt know shit about government he doesnt have the influence rand has trump would end up just being a figurehead which he would be great at and rand would be running the government though i would much prefer rand be the nominee trump paul is a ticket i would have to support,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 what you may be looking for is to declare the variable group4 as new picturebox that tells vb to declare a new object as a picturebox object this allows that variable to have all the properties of a picturebox object and along with it the image property from which you can set or remove the imageits better programming to declare all of your variable types rather than not declaring them and dealing with variants using the option explicit flag forces you to use better programming habits,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 probably he can do 4k with his ult over 2k each with his 1 and 3,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 as jung said â œthe generalattitude types as i have pointed out more than once are differentiated by their particular attitude to the object the introverts attitude to the object is an abstracting one at bottom he is always facing the problem of how libido can be withdrawn from the object as though an attempted ascendancy on the part of the object had to be continually frustrated the extravert on the contrary maintains a positive relation to the object to such an extent does he affirm its importance that his subjective attitude is continually being orientated by and related to the object an fond the object can never have sufficient value for him therefore its importance must always be paramountâ â psychological types by carl jung 1921 what that means is that the main difference between an introverted and an extroverted function is the relation between the subject me myself the user internal world subjective opinion and the object everyone else objects and human beings external forces external world objective opinion the introvert is sees the external world as a complete different entity from himherself the user â œitâ s me and thereâ s the worldâ while the extravert is directly living in the world and quoting carl jung â œwho are on good terms with all the world or even when disagreeing with it still hold a relation to it by which they and it are mutually affectedâ an important sentence i have to say is about the spending and release of the energy between the subject and the object in the two different concepts introversion and extroversion the introvert focuses on how the object affects the subject while the extrovert focuses on how the subject affects the object that would also mean that introversion vs extroversion would also mean that introversion is much more subjective than extroversion if you would put ten same extroverted types in a room for example typemention they would probably come to an agreement quickly while if you put in a room 10 typemention they would most likely keep a subjective opinion now that is a very particular case there are a lot of factors that come into play but keep in mind that there is no pure introvert or pure extrovert type every type has 4 introverted functions and 4 extroverted functions the introvert having more confidence and creativity in his introverted functions and the extrovert in his extroverted ones which basically means my last sentence was completely wrong and false unless the typementiontypemention would only use one function which is almost impossible since any reasoning would include the use of at least two functions one judging to process the information and one perceiving to absorb the information now if ten introverted functions were to debate a topic they would most likely all have different opinions when if there were ten extroverted functions debating they would come to agreement fast but the functions arenâ t human beings so that is impossible also one thing i hear a lot by most people is that â œextroverts recharge with socializing and spend their energy with alone time while the introvert recharges with alone time and spends their energy with socializingâ while that might be true in some cases and to some extent i think a better phrase would be that â œextroverts recharge from their outside and spend their energy one the inside while the introvert recharges on their inside and spends their energy on the outsideâ â œoutsideâ doesnâ t always mean â œpeople and socializingâ there can be extroverts that are extremely drained by people and peopleoriented extroverts so in conclusion the â œextroverts are people who go at parties and stay with peopleâ and â œintroverts are people who stay alone and play video gamesâ is relatively true in majority that means that if you are an extrovert it is more likely for you to go to parties more and if you are an introvert it is more likely to stay in the house more but thatâ s not a must also do not confuse introvert with shy it is true that most shy people are introverts but extroverted shy people exist and introverted nonshy people exist do not confuse those terms also introverts more or less feel as if they always need to hold to the connection of the outside world all the time otherwise that connection would be lost they always need to drag themselves to stay in touch with the external world one second you forget about it and the connection is lost extroverts are the other way around they always need to drag themselves to stay in touch with their inner world you blink and connection is lost often where this connection lost thing is happening its called tertiary loops,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 most definitely not to mention that typemention sometimes dont even know where they are or how they got there i have many different approaches and levels of fucks given its complicated at work i want to be able to get shit done and not have any problems i attempt to act how i need to in order to accomplish that thats it i worry for my reputation so far as it impacts me practically socially i kind of care but not so much that i want it to be work if i offend people i generally dont give a shit but im usually less offensive than i used to be i do hold more back than i used to because i see no reason to make the world less pleasant for people the only time i really care is when i meet those few rare people i think i might be able to really be myself with i hit them with full intensity laser beam level 100 and if they dont like it it hurts my feefees for about a day then i remember that hey if they dont get itdig it then they belong in the general idgaf social cannon fodder bucket with really close friends i have learned to just be completely open and this has happened in stages i think largely because i have met some few people who really see my guts and actually really dig them i have so much more confidence to just say all the things warts and all because i do have people who see me and love me if i get negative feedback on anything i consider it and it may actually really impact my view of self and that can be a bit painful but like thats just your opinion man at the end of the day i think all cogfuncmention types are somewhat obsessed with the truth and really desire to truly see people and be seen i think we all want to find others we respect who can help us see ourselves and our lives with more truth and clarity it seems to be a common thread that tifefeti weights connection with others very heavily in their worldview and i do think this is at least partly why witness me i mention this because in my life when i found those close people i mentioned i cared way the fuck less what other people thought of me most of the world are just npcs to me now if people dont have the truth of me to a very finite degree then their opinion is simply a variable to be manipulated on whatever quest im on just as when i get the sense that someone doesnt understand why x is the way to accomplish z i take what theyre saying with a grain of salt,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 that cow wouldnt even exist if we didnt eat burgers drink milk or like cheese and leather jackets,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it is neat to have a different perspectivei used to be typical deutan and then i had an incident a few months ago and since then ive lost color as well as some visual ability im currently working with doctors though because of that it recently has become a bit scary but you cant control what happens in life but it is interesting,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 not to mention proficiency in the proper artisans tool which itself takes 250 days to learn raw,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 well youve got me there,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 hes been average lately average stats less than average formgreat ch but i dont see any reason to go all out on him,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 whats the angle for them though like how does it actually help them to secure customers,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the fitnessgram pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues the 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds line up at the start the running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboop a sing lap should be completed every time you hear this sound ding remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible the second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound your test is over the test will begin on the word start on your mark get readyâ start ding,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 my guess is that after the uprising arc when they finally had the support of the people was the one golden opportunity they had to head for shinganshina there were no more direct threats they had the necessary funding and eren just gained hardening why would they ruin that moment by opening pandoras box would the people still cheer for them if they accidentally released annie back in the streets no they had a perfect opportunity to retake the land that was theirs and everything else was an issue for lateralso plot,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i enjoy golfing down south,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 2000 to me is surviving another 2 months without selling my house though i think its inevitable there are no jobs for what i do where im at and being laid off after 15 years just plain sucksthe only investments i have are in the house and rrspssorry i kinda ragged on you losing money but anyone who has no debt and can invest doesnt really need to worry in the immediate future i thinki personally hate thinking or worrying about money i didnt think or worry about it when i had a job but i wasnt dumb with the money either rfrugal rbifl are two of my fave subs but when you got little to no income its always kinda weighing on you,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the medical model is inherently biased to consider deviation from the norm a condition if that condition interferes with normal function and causes distress i am not arguing that schizophrenia is a personality type but certainly a lot of conditions and disorders are common enough that they are simply variances which dont fit as well as other variances into the modern world in most contexts ceos are more likely to be psychopaths for example treatment doesnt have to be pharmaceutical it can absolutely be behavioral or even environmental finding an environment which well suits your condition i think its comforting and in many contexts very useful to consider significant deviation from the norm as diseases but in many cases they arent if you read the dsmv every single person on the planet has some kind of a disorder this is a very common critique of the manual at the end of the day it comes down to managing your own life and if you choose medication to help out with that i dont see it as much different than all the billions of people who drink booze to reduce anxiety drink coffee to stay alert smoke pot to relieve menstrual cramps etc the only real difference is in our stigmas towards controlled substances and towards the specific conditions were treating people like to throw around the word crutch is a calendar a crutch for memory deficit sure and you should feel like a failure for using one in my day we remembered our schedules by composing lyrics you nancy i digress haha mbti doesnt really actually explain much its not really clinically useful at all i think we have this idea that there is a healthy brain and an unhealthy brain and mbti is all about the healthy brains in reality healthy is literally defined by effectiveness and affect and effectiveness is dependent on environment an ocd sufferer who manages their condition and leads a normal life is very likely to never be diagnosed that doesnt mean the person doesnt have ocd its just not clinically significant you are less likely to find an ocd sufferer here as you are among js why is that,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 assuming this is in the us you can be fired for anything you can be fired because you wore a yellow shirt and your boss hates yellow the only thing you cant be fired for is being a member of a protected classunless you live in montana i think thats the only nonat will statebut i agree just ask your supervisor,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 i laughed i cried i tried,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 im just waiting for someone to say i knew it all along you are an typemention idiot,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 if anything itll just switch to bitcoin like poker,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 im not looking forward to my next appointment given all the 3am skittles ive had since my last one but then again it has been like 6 years since the last one soooo,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 in the business world theres no such thing as sentimentality or loyalty they will just move to where the best talent and competition is clustered either nyc hk or singapore will become the preminent world financial capital as for europe dã¼sseldorf or paris will likely take over londons position,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 hiring any android developers edit oh its a hybrid app not native ah cordova,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 death is a preferable option to intolerance,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 yep the facebook app is just a spammy ad platform now anyway i should just delete it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 dont forget sales tax if it was 725 like in ca it would be 535,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 wait is this in the right thread,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i was 19 moved 25 miles from the middle of nowhere to a small city because after i came out my parents gave me no other choice,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 to try and have some dissenting conversation i actually disagree here i think cartoons can be a good medium to teach children virtues i mean stories have been doing that since humans could communicate i think people here are upset that 1 it goes against their own views and people see it as â œsubversionâ not that theyâ re necessarily wrong to think that andor 2 itâ s done poorly like shoehorned into the story i mean iâ m all for mindlessly fun shows but thatâ s not the only use for entertainment,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 gonna say 3 and 6 personally i still dont understand how i draw such stupid conclusions sometimes but i think ive been better able to figure out my own thinking as ive become more aware of my emotions and instincts thinking about why i feel a certain way about certain thingsa couple years ago though i probably wouldve been like 1 and 3 but answered 6 and 8 or something,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 damn how old is that computer,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 its pretty cool reading cersei and tyrions povs sidebyside among other things,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 checking out setlists is good if you want to know songs for a showid you just want good deep cuts to enjoy for general listening ill do a few from each albumpaper lanterns dry ice the judges daughter android 2000 light years away one for the razorbacks burnout pulling teeth having a blast stuart and the ave no pride westbound sign the grouch scattered prosthetic head church on sunday castaway misery angel blue carpe diem troiblemaker lazy bones baby eyes wow thats loud dirty rotten bastards xkid and missing youthen for bsides too much too soon ha ha youre dead do da danot gonna do revrad or the ones you said you already know if you want me to add recommendations from revrad i can though,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 came here to link this video but youve beaten me to it by an entire month im surprised to find so few upvotes this is gold,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 the actual fuck are you talking about,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 just select the ssd when it asks you to install the game if it isnt there say use a different location,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 man howâ s it feel to be so thoroughly wrong and called out about it,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 lets fight an epic battle face off and spin the metal,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 joking i just found it funny how coincidental it was that it happened on 8 december,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i dont know i know one that is really detailed when it comes to memory and one that isnt i wont even argue the difference because op is obviously an cogfuncmention or dynamic type i think that we can assume first cogfuncmention is in the top two cogfuncmention in the bottom two here is the thing about extroverts they dont let on what is really going on unless they need to you arent going to find an typemention to admit a lack of grounding in oneself very often that is a sign of weakness maybe they can handle vulnerability but not weakness i agree with what you are saying but at the cogfuncmention level it just doesnt jive,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 kiernan furrowed her brow trying to remember what shed learned about the mountains of the moon hesitantly she said i know its unsafe to go through the mountains any other way than through the bloody gate but i cant remember exactly why i believe its because of barbarians but ill have to look it up,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 not all cogfuncmention users give a shit about clean floors that is more of a j thing especially sensors enfps and typemention want more than anything to figure you out,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 if the cosmological constant is less than zero and we have a closed universe then eventually malans score will start to go in reverse as time begins going backwards in the big crunchjust saying,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 oh its spreading for sure but its source is american academia,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 now hold on we cant just go making stupidly flippant comments like that for all you know this person couldve been mentally ill at the time of filming next time try amp not be so ignorant,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 it is one thing to give the engine rules to operate by quite another to compose them in such a way as to achieve the goal for example in chess and go rules are simple but their combination very complex ai systems are always reacting to new unseen situations not merely replaying a few scripted responses the ai model is a synthesis of its training data that can generalize its application to new unseen data where conventional programming simply doesnt work or is too fragile you can also think about self driving cars they need to react to any situation on the road which might not fit exactly with any situation it has seen during its training thats what makes ai different ability to go from example to generalization,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 did you lie when you told people this isnt a repost,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 nometchkalamã n kala sevã puccã n kã tã ã m ã nã¼m voli pisã menku0251u026bu0251mu0264n ku0251u026bu0251 seva putu0361su0264n kataã m ã nym voli pisamenfish1sgpossdat fish3sgposs eat3sg birddat arm3sgpossacc whichacc bepst3sg dog1sgpossdat,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 the attack titan could originally have been one of those 7havent ever read that theory before though could you link it,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 it did that to my desktop browser too,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 op is doing okay but only because he is ignoring some situation that will absolutely worsen if he continues to ignore it but he cant muster the energy take care of ittoday hes going to think about tv have a brief panic about something he cant find and trip he will take longer to fall asleep than normal,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 resource usage is inversely correlated with population growth,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 spurs won 43 not 42 btw with an iffy penalty and and escaped red card,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 i guess ill break the mold and say yes i do not now or any time soon but yes as for parenting style i think about this pretty often i know i wont be super strict like my narcissist parents were to me i wont go into extensive detail about that but i think that since im already imagining future scenarios and how i would handle them that i would be a pretty decent parent,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 lotr lcg is probably my favorite solo game as well just so many possibilities and as a real lotr nerd i love running these scenarios and often try to use timeline appropriate characters even if it isnt the best build just to see how much i can mirror the stories if i want a longgame 24 hours experience for solo play i enjoy the hell out of eldritch horror mostly for the stories it can tell,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 so your foot is somewhere around 11 inches long almost a footi dont know why eu didnt swap over to cm japan did,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 i might have to check that out it looks very everquestygorgon is a powerful beast,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 bcuz 144hz had so much to do with it lel,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 yeah im just flat out aggressive sometimes im also capable of remarkable feats of passive aggression lol im really good at shutting down anyone who tries to wrest control of a situation through passive aggressive means because of that its definitely tied to my anxiety if someone acts in a way that makes me uncomfortable mostly if they try to exercise control over me in some way i get anxious about the precedent its going to set if i let this slide now i start thinking things like this relationship cant continue if i dont address this now i will resent it if i dont that leads to confrontation,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 that site has a silly bernie bias trump himself would probably side with him 60 on there,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 mã lloenz flãºccan oreogonã t vyomyngã t oc suã ã carolynaã t sã elabliã angn sã ldarn sã½xarmã lu0264dz flãºku0252d orå u0263odu0252â t vyomygu0252â t ok suu03b8ku0252rolynu0252u0252â t su0264â lu0252vlã u03b8u0252gnu0329 su025bâ lã u0252rnu0329 sã½xu0252rmillionoblpl flockvb3pl oregonade wyomingade and southcarolinaade sundisappeargeracc rareacc watchinf,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 hole in 1 every hole okay kim jong,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 dont tell me that youre disappointed with the in depth analysis too,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 sure but why are they the defining characteristic of an autisminspired journal,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 that is the subreddit i thought this was posted in at first lol,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 i guess it depends on what my problem was and if i wanted their help or not if i were looking for help and asked for it i would be open to listening to their advice but most of the time i already know what i want to do about my own problems and want to try my method first to test if its correct if someone kept giving me their outside opinion about what i should do before ive even tested my own solutions id be less open to their ideas until i had proof my own were invalid and there are other situations where people think i have a problem where i dont see there being one if they keep trying to alter or change something i dont see as an issue i probably wouldnt want to listen to it if ive already recognized that it isnt problematic for me,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 it also recommends the infamous intf for us so maybe some attention to detail would be handy assuming its not a display error on my phone,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 that belongs in a museum,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 done put it in my agenda,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i do this for sure i wonder if i am getting too set in my old ways though as a couple of my friends are not living true to themselves living a lie i know because they told me and i wonder if our friendship will survive it i will keep giving pep talks to them for now and hope they come around a lot of folks cannot handle conflict at all they see being called out as conflict its not always a bad thing i appreciate when someone calls me out too you learn from it i am fine with conflictcalling out as long as there is a foreseeable endpoint getting it over with is what drives me to rip off the bandaid,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 kiernan frowned at jeyne and inched away pressing against the back of the lounge i there were sometimes women at the casino who made mebut this is a choice she mumbled to herself she looked at jeyne again but she simply didnt feel any attraction towards the woman i i wont i wouldnt do anything for you she said but if it would make you happy to show meher tone was hard and serious as she added you have to promise me youll stop if i ask you to,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 well if you havent left it in there already have fun with the smell when you wake up otherwise youre all good,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 not rigged you mean like all the voter suppression that happened those who believed that the election was fair didnt happen to be a minority this election or how about the uncounted votes in michigan,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 the leviathans were pretty ridiculous but i think thats partially why i liked the season they knew they took it too far so they were very aware id hope ridiculous the whole thing was and it wasnt taking itself so seriously about it,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 probably a toilet for a significant period of time,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 seriously dough you see that makes me wonder what your first favorite name is,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 it counts as a normal item and therefore i only need 2 pokemon ev trained for that im in a trade right now but i will tell you the details of what needs to be ev trained when i get back,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 he is so lucky that g2 didnt kick him,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 typemention are just overly polite and private and generally too sensitive for typemention sensibilities boring is definitely not the right insult though lol,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 firstly as i mentioned they are complementary proteins excluding soy protein isolate forgot you can use that and as your graph shows they require consuming large amounts of food with high carbohydrates and fats see the nutrition of peanut butter and peanuts good luck consuming enough soya and beans to get the same level of complete proteins as a few sausagessecondly the graph is inaccurate per cost for chicken which has a very low cost per gram of protein admittedly the cheapest tends to be chicken leg with skin which is not as lean as most chicken ill find sources on that in a momentyou could eat soy protein with bread and a variety of vegetables and that would be a relatively costtime effective diet im not suggesting you cant live a nutritional vegan diet but it does involve substantial time and effort to do it well balanced and complete nutrition is frankly the easy part its getting the equivalent calories thats difficult,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 did rock unfortunately he passed away last week,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 not sharpening stropping you stroke it across spine first at a shallow angle,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the thibg is i dont even know if its my own voice or just my brains voice of its own and i can make him change accents if i want to,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 typemention the story doesnt make sense if tyler is an typemention the narrator is an typemention and tyler is a projection of his inferior cogfuncmention,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 what are your favourite duran duran songs i quite like rio amp the chauffeur,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 your neck snapped as youre balls deep in your own cock,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 aha so just because there is no written rule it is okay to do it then just shows how far your understanding of fairplay goeshow old are you if i may askthey have you fix and you are done for which they decided after one year and reviewing the caseslike who,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 my friend this is awful i wish i could house you if i could what he says to you is what he is friend he says he needs respect says you need to go to the hospital it truly is him is it not he is the one saying such things how can you gain independence who can help you stay away from the grandfather the mother the father if you can in time oh i hurt what a situation to be in do you have a friend to rely on somebody whose couch you can crash on anybody anything government services,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 what are some specific exercises i can do to get wider shoulderslats and a small waist i know its largely genetics but id like to work towards that proportion if i canfurthermore ive just started a ppl routine ive noticed it doesnt have any direct ab work are abs solely a function of low body fat or should you exercise them how much is 3x12 once a week good enough and if i exercise abs will it give me a blocky midsection,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 snot is my kryptonite i cant handle snot faces,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 the best pc deaths are the ones which generate gaming stories which will be retold for years to come,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 damn better bundle up they get massive amounts of snow up there during the winter youll have to learn how to drive in adverse conditions once youre able to secure a car and youll want to do that asap if youre arriving during the summerfall in prep for winter,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 think about it if you were a writer the first thing youd stumble on is trying to write characters and then youd google how to write good characters and it naturally leads you to personality theory im certain that jk rowling used it i think rr martin uses the enneagram which makes more sense to me as well its all about motivation and thats what it takes to craft a characters plot the only other thing i know writers do is model their characters off of people they know but considering that they probably introduce tens of characters they might not be able to find that many interesting people either but they could always mirror characters of other literature and perhaps rely on tropes they could also use psychology i know frank herbert was deeply interested in the unknown depths of our minds and his books kind of explore that im not sure if his characters have much relation to mbti or enneagram theory i feel as if his characters are more expressions of a collective pattern of human behavior than actual people i would think that a combination of big 5 psychological theory and the enneagram would be the best method of crafting a believable character,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 this is a good point id figure there would be a decent faq that gets added at this point in time when a common question is asked which again where vitapiracy is quite helpful in people come in here to get help over maybe a specific error or trouble that could be anything but general in my opinion the sub is here so people can post what they want and unless its a hard rule that youre not allowed to post any sort of questions in the sub i dont see a problem in creating a topic thats uncommon from experience questions in the general questions thread that i asked get a one post answer with no follow upleaving me hanging im not saying this to sound entitled but we all started not knowing anything and the only way to learn is to ask people tend to ask the same question because they cant find the answer or theyre too lazy to no one is responsible for responding to a common question and no one is entitled to get an answer to their question no reason to rage about it imo like op is i also think that there are people who feel like if someone wants to figure out the answer to their question they need to figure it out on their own doing your own research with trial and error which could possibly lead to even more problems but hey their problems are their problems right,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 you know that you cant make universal judgements based on your friend group right and why do you only judge men based on those you know well while you certainly dont seem to limit your ideas of women to only those you know im only trying to point out that there are a whole lot of holes in your perception here youre doing yourself a disservice by assuming most women are like your idea of women and interacting with them as if they are its very hard to come around to liking a woman or even just seeing her how she actually is if you start out thinking that shes trying to manipulate you with her vagina or that she only cares about babies those things arent even close to universally true,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 hey its my old friend shits on posts without contributing guy how have you been,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i got this when i was younger i had my hair shorter i can be outspoken and assertive some men dont like that i dont know if i didnt fit their description of a woman or what i also had women insist i was a lesbian and girls get catty or bullyish towards me based on what i wore whatever we dont live to satisfy what other people want us to beyour ex is a grade a jackass stay strong and think of his emails as insane comic relief he needs to get a foot back in reality the baby will do that for him soon enough,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 similar for boxing and mma gloves increased brain injuries,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 oh gosh xx i do hope its not really intrusive,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 have you tried meetups i havent made many friends thereby but its usually good for a social buzz and getting to do that slightly odd thing most people arent into,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the rohingya are only in the region since wwii they come from bangladesh when you read their story of the region you get an idea of the divide in this conflict notably when the british armed the rohingya in 1942 they turned against the buddhists instead of fighting the japanese 20000 villagers were killed beside that for the last 50 years they had a violent separatist movement and went to train in afganhistan,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 for real d were in this together so we should all be super lovely towards one another lt3,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 no jobbecoming a more common first world problem nowadays at least in atlantic canada,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 what is this then guess that although ireland planned it earlier the uk beat them to it to become the 2nd country with plain packaging laws,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 okay that i i did actually forget about i mostly only played word bump and towns if you can call that a game only did fishing a handful of timestowns was actually fucking hilarious once they gave moderator assistants colored names people would always use towns to cyber my favorite thing to do was to go up to them theyd see my colored name and freak out and sign off right away not realizing i couldnt do shit about them as all i did was move threads but it was still fun to spoil their fun and make it a little more appropriate of a place just by being there because people would be on their best behavior plus people would just be like omg a mod is in towns,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 im thinking about getting back into weightlifting to prepare for rtc and to lose weight hypothetically speaking could i do a full body workoutlegsshouldersabsarmsbackchest twice a week and get the same results as someone who is doing all of those but on separate days,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 really the paris agreements have been a pretty hot topic in international news these past few weeks,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 this is nothing but the usual argument for simulation thats trotted around endlessly by elon musk and his dog and everyone else and their doghow the everliving fuck is it your proof lying fraudalso its an argument it is not a proof a proof is not based on probabilities no matter how many simulations and simulations within simulations exist theres always a theoretical chance of being in what elon musk called base reality and what youre calling u1 in the hopes no one will notice you copied and pasted his argument which isnt even his argument to begin with,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 aww thanks for the confidence booster,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 ok then i hate u,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 exactly i know what human intestines look like i could easily identify them but i really dont want to see them or god forbid handle and deal with them,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 my moneys on the fish,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 a spider for that one douchebag who claims he is the alpha,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 the test is not reliable,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 flashing tits is only really equivalent to a guy flexing his muscles or something logically theyre just seconary sexual characteristics a woman flashing vag definitely would be creepy,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 we are not the css subreddit rcounterstrike is what you are looking for,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i went to a metal show a few weeks ago you know how they get a little wild theres lights and stuff so you figure that if you have epilepsy you would stay away from something like a metal show rightwrongin the middle of the headlining band they had to stop because a girl behind me had fallen and was having seizures her friends were like stay back we got this she has epilepsy call 911after 2030 minutes they finally wheeled her out of there and the show resumed i felt badly for her but at the same time you should probably not go to a place that might trigger seizures the band lost 30 minutes of playing time and everyone was just standing around waiting for the emt to get there,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 michigan here not only do some of my fellow employees commute over 100km to work each day that is only one way,17.0,89.0,7.0,80.0,39.0 sound advice really guh we really should teach this shit in health class this is a penis is far less important than hey dont fucking yell and scream and break shit when youre pissed off that your trust issues were triggered,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 by random internet stranger i mean me not your boyfriendsorry i didnt make that clear,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 haha well its all relative i have the hardest time working with indians followed by chinese people followed by russians followed by other humans the way you think is so heavily influenced by education and native tongue and software is all about translating thought into code this is one reason why i prefer c to java its mostly americans who work with it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 oh okay i may or may not have seen it im sure if i did all traces of it quickly drained from my mind,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 agreed though its a young crowd and rtypemention has its signature suck too hahaha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 overwatch is so dope but competitive right now is ehhhhhh but its so much fucking fun,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 i can confirm this happens it happened to me,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 i was explaining that an irrational hatred of loopholes communicates a diminished ability to understand how civics and law workhere ill simplify it even moreid explain why loopholes arent inherently bad but that comment clearly indicates you wont understand it anyway,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 hah lets try it with a positive association we are more similar to typemention and typemention than we are to most mbti types ill start a thread about it haha curious what people think,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 well is it still attached,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 public shame you put their reputations on the line and their view of self people will jump on grenades for less,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thats her gun obviously all americans have to carry a gun around she does a pretty good job of hiding it most of the time but every now and again youll get a photo where it just shows upgotta have that last line of defense just in case,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 this is how walk rage incidents start the more you know,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 lol could be either type hmm gonna start a thread,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 god damnit now i have to get 2 flairs,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 it isnt in the game anymore,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 in my corner of the world one of the most common traits girls on tinder are saying they look for is a guy who know where he is going,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 this obvious troll has been banned but feel free to discuss as this has come up in the past a few times it seems to be the consensus that this is more than just a mbti sub its a community,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 whenever i hear the phrase shake it off i cant help but think of this excellent video,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 how long did you study under the ancient aikido master before he taught you the secrets of such an ultimate takedown,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,85.0 oops haha fixed it sort of whatever ill see myself out,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 thanks for all the info,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 surely unless her parents were guarantors for her loans they cannot be held responsible for her debts thats all kinds of wrong,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i knowhe showed us what happens if users start to build headcanon upon headcanon i wouldnt want to lay the groundwork for another user like that,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 now that you mention it it is a very tese field though of course there are many elements and systems best explored through other functions,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 would it not be possible to plant a shirethemed garden complete with nasturtians note correct tolkienian spelling and nicotiana aka pipeweed,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 the bonus of living alone,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 what do you mean i got a budget and its not my money if thats what your askingedit like component warranties and troubleshooting,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 i agree but im at such a confusing place with myself at the moment so i cant be certain that im transgender amp that im not mistaking this feeling for my other issues,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 thats one of the reasons why this subreddit exists,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 if you work in a high end white collar job or the arts finance law medicine insurance marketing engineering media news design architecture etc theres a critical mass in sydney far more jobs far more related side industries to support it far more investor capital sloshing about thats where all the elite big business clients are based etcsydneys job market in these industries is even bigger than melbournes about 3x despite their similar population size let alone adelaide which yes is basically a one horse town comparatively speaking,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 ideas form structure content historicity contexti mean why would you think emotions are the only one what do you consider to be great art,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 good news im at least four of those,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 sorryi thought they forgot the on,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 shes in jail for not keeping her promise to the court to vaccinate,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 am i the only one who unironically wishes this would happen,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i admit having fallen into the trap myself as much as i know in the back of my head that all these jungmbtisocionics models are bullshit i cant help but have fun playing with them,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 youre not making america great again by name calling and deflecting to hillary look at the laws cited in the comments above you are okay with having your tax payer dollars go to trumps profit you are actually fine with thatwhat if obama did that republicans and trump supporters would have been rioting in the streets i will never call him president not even if he was right in front of me and i was being threatened by his supporters he doesnt deserve such a title i cannot respect someone who whines on twitter like a teenager i cannot respect someone that tries to divide our country into little groups passing blame and causing infighting i cannot respect someone that goes around the globe making us a laughing stock among world leaders i cannot respect someone who pedals fear and hate as far as opposition he has no stamina at all mental or physical his tough exterior is so easy to see through he is a textbook abuser narcissistic manipulator we have seen many many golf trips and twitter rants to demonstrate his weakness and struggle to appear in control this is how alphas strut around and bully everyone around them he doesnt actually care about me opposing him he may care a little if i am adding numbers to a protest crowd and that makes him look bad he doesnt care about you beyond you adding a body to the number of his crowd size or his vote count all he cares about is money power and himselfand for the record im no democrat,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 maybelline i think the green stuff has a caffeine eye roller that does wonders,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 can you please explain why i have yet to hear a single good reason not to use itmany other languages call it something very similar to czechia why should english be the only language that doesnt get a shortened version most countries have a shortened version of their name why not czech republic do you have a better solution ive heard arguments for bohemia but ive heard better arguments against that i havent heard a good argument against czechia again especially since many other languages call it basically the same thing if you dont like czechia do you also not like it in all the other languages should they all changeedit sorry if this sounded accusatory dont mean it that way im genuinely curious and confused by the strong reaction some czechs seem to have against it and im just trying to understand,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 whichever type i am idealising at the time,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 i would think this is common knowledge i mean for what other reason than no reason would i pop a boner in my boring history class,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 if yall still need a friend im 18 from chandler and am planning on going to the meetup c,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 if i need a nap and dont get one i can get really irritable yes i realize this makes me sound like a 4 year old however the last few months i have been eating much more healthy food taking a multi vitamin and noticed my energy level has gone up i dont get an afternoon tired slump as often drinking plenty of water helps too i read something like 80 of fatigue is due to dehydration,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 machina gadgetsyou can buy the core for cheap the extra deck can be pricey but there are a lot of good xyzs you can ue that are cheap like blackship photon papi maestroke and thunder sparkyou also can improve your extra over time into abyss dwellers and rank 7sthe deck has insane rank 4 toolboxing and versitility it also can throw down a lot of damage and pressure with gear gigant x and machina fortress,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thats just vaseline glass they used to make a lot of it dishes vases etc you can find a lot of it at flea markets and the like sometimes they even put 25 by weight uranium in it like lead crystali really want to get some sometime,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 they will make them available as a video compilation the pros didnt want pov streams and rightfully so,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i remember the 94 pre release threadbut the 95 one is nothing but a blur,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 ive failed out of college more than one ive been in college for 7 years with nothing to show for it im going to community college taking things i took in high school ive been working as a webcam girl supporting my boyfriend for years and im at the end of my rope because it is extremely mentally draining and fucks with your head and its like a bullshit junior high school politics environment ive definitely puked blood if my mom gave half a shit about me she would be here trying to intervene this whole past week has me been chugging vodka in front of my boyfriend looking at me with a look that makes me want to kill myself i didnt know i needed to brag about how shitty it is fuck,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 you might need a school email to get access etc but there is good stuff there to use im sure a colleague can get you access if need be,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 he was almost a villain for the 2005 ashes,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 im in kind of the opposite situation i kind of want to sit my bfs parents down and just come out of the cf closet my parents are totally supportive but i dont think his parents have any clue im just going to kind of wait til it comes up hes very private and i dont want to step on his toes however if we got engaged i would definitely want to tell them the main reason for this would be not wanting to listen to anyone ask us when we are having babies on our wedding day i know probably that sounds really trite but that would really ruin the wedding day for me if his entire side of the family was bingoing us all day,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 not really if you are confused and dont really know what you are doing you are probably on uncharted terrain which means you have less experience and less information than you are copmfortable with doesnt mean you are going to make a mess of things if you keep paying attention and do the best you can building on past experience and taking in new information as it arrivesdoing something halfassed is deliberately not putting in the required work deep down you know what you are putting in is not enough but you dont put enough in anyways most of the time you know you are building tomorrows obstacles but you are like ah fuck it cant be arsed today,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 firstly no the white house did literally none of those thingssecondly your right to expression does not include modes of expression that cause substantial harm occupying areas can and did infringe on the rights of others and harm others its the first time its happened in the us with serious negative consequences so now there are laws against aspects of it and its regulatedyou have the right to all say fuck the fatcats on wall st together you dont have the right to take over a private space like zuccotti park you dont have the right to block traffic generally speaking you dont have to right to prevent others using public spacesand when you do assemble in a public place there is a reasonable expectation that you will somehow mitigate the damages that inevitably occur littering property damage whatever im not sure that the new laws deal with this in the best way but they certainly deal well with them of course if you ask ows theyll decry inflated insurance figures which are nothing close to the real requirements for permits if you look at the actual law rather than what either side is saying or trying to do some cities were trying hard to get some really bad legislature put through particularly surrounding police abuse its reasonable,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 i clicked thinking it would be wave with nobody around nope some guy was playing chicken with the ocean while his wife filmed him,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 like the jet that flies into the shield on battleship,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 that knife has been abused improperly sharpened with a grinder,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 oh thanks sure sorry i thought you were talking about something else,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 its crazy i would gladly give up my crap to have more time with my grandpa but apparently his own son doesnt feel that way then you saywell it is just a ring but it isnt and your aunt is cruelly playing on your fragile statei am sorry about your mother passing my dad died and was revived and it really slapped me in the face with how important things like end of life wishes can be estate planning and wills medical power of attorney etc it was shoved in our faces im guessing you can appreciate how staggering it all is i feel really morbid at 33 yrs old that i can discuss those topics such as funerals with ease now ive said it before one of the best gifts we can give our families is to have all those things in writing so we dont end up in situations like the one with your aunt please do not let your bitch aunt spoil your fond memories or take one ounce more of your attention away from what you need to focus on your grieving and your healing,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 nothing cobbled about it thats called customising many of the best dishes are a combination of existing elements escoffier didnt invent vanilla icecream poached fruit raspberry coulis or chocolate sauce but he did think up the combinations which are now famous as peaches melba and pears belle helene,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 what do you need shirey talisa asked after a moment quickly following her sincere question with some nervous hand waving if you want to talk about it,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 well for one the people dont have a cia with a black budget all our studies have to be ethical we dont have an nsa eitherthat and our guns are being taken away,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 so i have top comment on the thread you are referring toits not about marriage per se like you i dont think marriage is that important although i personally would like to get married if my partner was anti marriage id be fine with that too the whole point of my comment in that thread however is about knowing there is no long term outlook if you know your relationship will end badly in x years because you have some big disagreements which well end in drama and heartbreak why prolong the inevitable especially because the longer you wait the uglier the break up will beto answer your second question yes i am in a relationship with someone i intend to marry 4 years and counting if i didnt see myself with my so long term to me there wouldnt be a point to staying together with himalso i personally have no desire to date casually i dont feel any desire to sleep with guys i dont feel romantically attracted to and besides i am confident enough in myself my life is existing enough that i dont feel some weird fear of being alone or feeling worthless if im not in a relationship,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 every day millions of humans drive in rain snow or fog without killing anyone,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 i wish going pants mode was an option but even stepping outside in a skirt makes me sweat in a few minutes c,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 if republicans had a strong candidate someone charismatic like gwb or reagan i dont think she would stand much of a chance with the her current campaign style,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 im not but i wish i was left handed because i hold my pen in my right hand like i should in my left hand if i want to avoid smudging and of course that smudges,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 anyone know what happened to menard,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 someone needs to tell her that there are more efficient ways to shift then scratching your eyes out,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 this would be the simplest example of listing out all the worksheets in your workbook on the currently active worksheet option explicit public sub listworksheets dim ws as worksheet for each ws in thisworkbooksheets activesheetcellswsindex 1value wsname next ws set ws nothing end subin order for us to make it fancier like what you described in your op well need to know how the data on your main worksheet is formatted where this worksheet info is going to go on that page but with vba everything youre wanting to do to automate the workbook is possible,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i have no idea i sometimes wonder why people still live in that area of the world,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 what is does is creating registry entrys called tcpackfrequency and tcpnodelayi wouldnt download a exe but do it myself here is a tutorial,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 alexis has owned the croqueta,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 easy cleanup dont forget that spilling your seed on the ground is a sin spilling it into latex wasnt mentioned for reasons,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 the correct way rising sucks,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 its reasonably detailed for donald trump,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 in my eyes concept of my favorite anything doesnt really work for me its just words that humans use to communicate but psyche at least mine doesnt work like this why should i even have a favorite color do you disregard other colors by doing it that you only wanna see it and nothing else i dunno this concept of favorite anything was always really weird for me and it always confusing when ppl ask then im like ughm and have to lie something to keep conversation going ofc i say something i like but its not like super favorite over otherswhat i can say that i dont really like orange and saturated purple they are to aggressive for me i guess they scare me rather than comfort,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 true i was thinking more along the lines of delicate and equating that with fragile or insubstantial my impression dictionary definition,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 i hear if you catch all the pokemon like this your nofap badge becomes a rocket,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 if i remember that bit of road it comes after a curve they probably didnt see it,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 and here we see who is the pretend kennys who likes to noscope and gets not enough credit for it he thinksgo back to nova,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 taste shows up rarely but it can happen smell is the more frequent of the two but perhaps thats due to where olfactory data is processed in the brain it tends to be closely linked to memory and emotion anyway which are common dreamfodder i dont think ive ever experienced a new smell in a dream but yeah some of my favorite memories are made when im sleeping,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 may i point out that you are a genius,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 ben bova mars always meant to read it but never have green mars and blue mars are excellent but read all three in order obviously,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 so if your garbage man is picking up your garbage with the intention of making money so he can donate it to blm that gives you the moral authority to shout over him during his interviewand are you familiar with the local meme from october 2014 no bad tactics only bad targets,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 that looks like it would be the pier off the coast at the bottom of waimea canyon,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 agreed though i did break one of their true flight thrower i emailed em told them the situation and sent it back and no hassle had a brand new knife in return say what you will their customer support is just fineim not a fan of many of their blades but some are decent if youre into that kind of thing prices arent terrible either,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 bootsfootwearive had some that would only last less than 6 months they werent comfy and killed my feetmy current pair is going on 6 years with no signs of any wear thatd put em out of action i figure theyll last at least 15 still comfy not worth going cheap for these things,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 yeah i know fuck society,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i cant stress this enough real all of his bookslifetime reader here and i suggest starting with the dilbert principle the dilbert future and how to fail at everything and still win big,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 it iswas a new tube i live in boston and the roads still have shit all over the shoulders from the record breaking winter we hadsee the other comment anytime i ride around home i get a flat but it was fine on a long distance bike path,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 home alone 3 and especially 4 would like a word with you,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 tldr take acid and find out for yourself i have felt that in the moment of tripping balls yea i feel connected to the world we are all one yea but after the fact i realize i was just tripping on drugs lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 the amount of impact this nerf would have had on this ace is minimal,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 unlike europe australia and canada we dont have thought crime laws here,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 unless you blame every loss onsmurfs,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 get her to call the suicide hotline im not sure about the number but you will find it somewhere i have heard about this kind of situation before and that is the first step you must take,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 well data is not truth anymore than consensus is i think if truth is intelligible otherwise there would be no such thing at all it conforms to logic not statistics or datadetermining the nature of the material universe is science i just told you the bible is never intended as science and i think you agreed so youre contradicting yourself are you sating science does this what do you think defines our place in the universe and what modes of inquiry would reveal this to us do you think the material universe is the entire universe it isnt you believe in numbers dont youseriously check out this book i mentioned the structure of scientific revolutionsits very arrogant to suppose you are in direct contact with real life or that religious people arent and this view of religion as a comfort or a coping mechanism is one i very commonly see and yet it just shows no understanding of religion it deals with it in a completely tonedeaf way i assume youre from the westchristendom even if you werent raised christian so you probably at least heard the words jesus said on the cross according to the gospels father why have you forsaken me you think thats comforting that illuminates a reality about life and does not run away from it like you are saying it does the christ story for example shows what selfsacrifice means thats not something that science can do science cannot tell us how to live our lives thats something religion does and before that mythology did,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 if you actually believe that your idea of what constitutes an typemention is way too narrow i can definitely see laughterasthepower as an typemention and i have no reason to think otherwise,71.0,53.0,17.0,3.0,31.0 do you know which region has the best ping to you or on which servers you landnormally you can select the servers with the best ping over the mm server picker that should help you to find a game faster,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 yeah its good that you do that every now and then but dont spam it itd ruin the joke,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 is it possible for your novel to be firstperson that way the only information about your protagonists gender would come from external sources such as people referring to her as him or casual masculine namesotherwise if you as the narrator are use masculine pronouns i dont think theres any way to make it not gimmicky,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 out of curiosity do you live near a body of water,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 or lasik tits i cant think of a more effective way to ensure the patients eyes stay still,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 lol its neoreactionsafe this guy is something of a legend to me not sure if the most dedicated troll or truly a guy who believes women are demons and 2dimensional manipulation puppets who can tell its great,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 nope ive always felt that was a big strength of mine understanding what is and is not in my control and only fretting the things that are in my control,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 buy as a team and eco when your team has no money so you dont have to buy smgs or keep your money low sure a eco doesnt really exist in the silver levels but if you rank out of silver people will rage at you for not ecoing properly else you can use every weapon ofc but keep in mind that smgs like the mac10 and bizon do next to no dmg against kevlar id recommend practicing your akgalil or m4 famas skills,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 that would have been fixed if the headline simply read a swedish churchits one letter guys,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 dang id just want to sweep here or there like a small train station or something i do suppose im a little romantic about it though,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 someone elsewhere got mad at me for liking a similar gif because i called it a cinemagraph and it had moving clouds and a tornado in the background in the same way this one has moving water and reflections but nothing else moved lt,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 yes it is a sign,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 funny the gummiboot developers are also systemd developers so code automatically becomes shit when it falls under the systemd umbrella but if it is written by the same people and not under the systemd umbrella it is greatsystemd hate is a peculiar thing,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 no the full version of acrobat i assumed that if you have access to indesign that you also have acrobat,34.0,50.0,51.0,8.0,26.0 oh my godhave fun jerking off about how smart you are,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 the problem is that you need to get the signatures into the systemi guess paid cheats have a higher priority than free cheats and they also have to obtain the signature first,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if there wasnt a highway of titans for him to swing across or if the suicide attack wasnt there to distract zeke than levi would have been obliterated by zeke in the return to shinganshina arc just as the rest of the sc,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 teacher here make sure you take a few behavior management courses and non violent crisis intervention,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 in conquest thats an important qualifier they all have modes they excel in just not the one people care about,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 clash of clansboom beach heroes charge brave trials geometry dash bloons td5,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 most proplayer dislike highrated pubers cos they are jelly to their rating and same time think mmr doesnt matter and crap like this,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 if you have a column dedicated to dates you can apply conditional formatting to all your cells based on their rows date,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 did you fap in the isolation room if no then why,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 not actively having sex or having sex at all,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 my hand would have been up so fast i probably would have pulled a muscle there is no way i would let that shit go unchecked,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i read greatest as quietest for some wierd reasonwtf eyes,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 that still happens to you,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 where do you live that excludes the theory of evolution from biology class,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 from what i gather if he likes you then honestly not as much energy is expended from him spending so time with you my bf is typemention and when we hit one month in i see him half the week by that i mean we spend all after work together until morning,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 the entire album is great some of my other favorites from her on this albumsentimental journey leaves i do is dream of you knows when youre down and out foolish things remind me of you song that introduced me to her back in 2007slow me down,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 the feels when youve never been strong enough to even know that kind of accident could happen were all going to make it amirite,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 ive heard this referred to as head hungry sometimes i have these really empty days where nothing i eat makes me feel full i end up drinking a lot of hot tea and keeping busy amazingly when im not thinking about it im not hungry any more i used to be a boredom snacker though,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 lol i liked both dune movies,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 damn what happened to that raz kid,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i feel your pain i do enjoy joining everyone else in the lighter type of conversation where theyre comfortable sadly nobody seems to follow when i steer the discussion off into my world i usually just get this blank stare that makes me feel like i started speaking a different language and the conversation carries on as though i didnt say anything maybe i should work on more clear communicationor i should probably just save that kind of stuff for my family theyre somewhat used to me by now,70.0,33.0,46.0,6.0,33.0 her eyes are absolutely gorgeous,74.0,59.0,60.0,1.0,95.0 the awp sound is great it deserves more minutes in this video,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 also they dont want to loose the people that value privacy,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i dont think youre blowing it out of proportion at all when it comes down to it every single person uses all of their cognitive functionsjust in different waysorders most people here are insecure with their typemention title so overcompensation happens the ironic thing is even if an typemention is a strong cogfuncmention user they still most likely lead heavily with cogfuncmention defining cognitive function for typemention the complete opposite of typemention every function is flipped in an typementionedit grammar,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 i literally just moved out of an apartment today with that same bar and kitchen setup,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i might i think i convinced them to head to a brewery later so hopefully they want to still go i think even if they dont im going to go anyway,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 if i could go back in time id go for either vet med or computer programming i love my field in which i have a phd abd but it really drains me most days if i could help animals or spend my day alone working on a computer in a dark and cold corner of some office id be quite content,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 it makes it easier to tell you two apart at a glance talisa explained overhearing their conversation with a shrug she added passively there are a lot of other ways to do that though so you could share if you wanted,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 brown recluse are easily identifiable though and theyre called recluse for a reason they aint exactly seeking people outfar too many innocent lovely wolf spiders have been slaughtered on account of being mistaken for the recluse wolf spiders have parallel stripes people,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i know i didnt work in manual labor those were just different examples,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 youre new here arent you,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 im sure her first time fusing was an imperfect garnet,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 i mean its a fruity drink it doesnt taste like cough medicine type cherry pretty tasty although i rarely drink wine coolers,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i like this reason more than the real one,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 hug holds and basket holds are quickly being outlawed and phased out there is a lot of risk of injury to the holder headbutts to the face would be the most common one i can think of swatting a kids hand could lose a person their teaching license in a split second not to mention its not best practice behavior management especially with kids with autism,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 there is a stereotype of neurotic jews for a reason though the shoah didnt help,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 this album actually captures the european university student look pretty well,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 docs on the clippers now bro,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 id probably punch teenage me,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 you were right actually he mentioned in his first qampa cant believe i didnt retain that information,74.0,93.0,26.0,84.0,63.0 try out this macro option explicit public sub splitsheet applicationscreenupdating false dim wso as worksheet wsd as worksheet set wso activesheet do while lastrowwsoindex 1 gt 500 worksheetsadd afterworksheetsworksheetscount set wsd worksheetsworksheetscount wsorange1500entirerowcut destinationwsdrange1500 wsorange1500delete loop set wso nothing set wsd nothing applicationscreenupdating true end sub public function lastrowbyval worksheet as long byval columnno as long as long lastrow worksheetsworksheetcellsworksheetsworksheetrowscount chr64 columnnoendxluprow end functionexecute the splitsheet subroutine to split your sheets,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 damn that would get expensive fast,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 bruh he almost out rebounded the warriors last night by himself while posting a 12 assist triple double,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 kind of a no true scotsman or tautology,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 from the virtual desktop launch trailer,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 that and judging everything by the metric of utility emotions to them are a vague sense of sentimentality abstraction is analyzing a system for its usefulness in other contexts,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i have a regular department store that places a huge order twice lunch and dinner one saturday a month the morning manager doesnt tip the night manager does still not well but not 0 for the morning delivery i drop everything at the service desk and dont bring plates its just pizza they dont really need plates for the night delivery i schlep everything back to the break room set it out nicely and bring a stack of plates napkins red peppers and parmesan so thats how i handle the nontippers vs good or relatively good tippers my level of service dont want to tip then you can do the extra work if you tip ill do extra for you give and take,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 so what should i do about cogfuncmention and cogfuncmention systems if i dont agree with them,3.0,74.0,4.0,46.0,92.0 i think the only solution is people empowerment what i mean is to make the entry barrier low for anyone to build a self sustaining life maybe he doesnt have a job and has a family they need a solution to cultivate food a farm or a grow house and a tool shop to build what tools they need maybe a group would build a cooperative each bringing hisher skills to the mix a social network even the idea is that unemployed people are still able to work and have professional skills so they can work for themselves directly investing whatever capital they have forming associations and cooperativeswith automation we might reach a point where a robot can self replicate or build a whole industry from just one initial machine then everyone will have the means to support themselves without jobs because all you need is to ask your cousin to replicate a seed robot for you this depends a lot on using materials that are abundant in nature and dont lead to conflicts for resources,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 look at that middle order stokes bairstow big momoist,10.0,50.0,30.0,10.0,70.0 i dont have any pain relief medication at the moment i already showered so no cold water cocktail fool beer is where its atbut youre right i need to get off my computer and nap,3.0,90.0,52.0,9.0,49.0 because i was about to drive somewhere and was like oh yeah i wanted to make a post on rpoker so i hurried up and did that before i left,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 not really the deck is made to combo off and bls is dead unless i combo comboing is the only way i get cards in the grave,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i certainly agree also congrats on being a fellow unicorn 5 of the population unite just saw your tag also same age coincidentally,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 i think law school is not where they teach you to be an astronaut whyd you join law,9.0,61.0,8.0,24.0,16.0 i like the artistic freedom your taking with this,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 motion sensor was cheap too,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 well ive been going down a dark path lately morally dubious and full of turpitudeim trying to regain some like legit joy eventually i think that will start informing my interactions with people to be better than they are,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 comments moving so fast no one will see that i dont actually understand half the words you people usei just want the price to go up,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 good im glad you decided not to kill yourself,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 finding out youre in an open relationship is called getting cheated on down here on earth,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 but the finnish and russians hate each otherufffdufffdufffdufffdwait no then its the perfect cover guys run,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 whats the aerial shot look like,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 dutch i needed a lot of medical care both emergency care and planned non emergency surgeries i think the biggest thing that important to understand is that in my country not a single person would even stop to think about going to a doctor or ordering an ambulance or whatever its the most normal thing ever to go to your gp if you have issues or questions or are unsure about your health ambulances are released as a standard practise for any road accident or whenever police has to show up to a situation with only the possibility of needing medical care this can be as much as just checking for concussions after a minor car accident nobody worries about costs or avoids doctors because of cost i pay 120 euros a month in insurance but also get 80 euros from the government each month because im a low income student gp visits dont cost anything but specialist care does to a maximum of about 300400 euros a year as thats the maximum by law this systems can only be run because of a meticulous gatekeeping system no one can just randomly walk into a hospital for treatment for non emergency care you need a referral from your gp or dentist and yes waiting lists are involved for emergency care the only way in to the er is either by calling an ambulance for life threatening emergencies or through the gp or the 247 outpost gp who will refer you to the er for example i broke my ankle not realizing how bad it was i didnt call an ambulance but instead called the gp outpost it was the middle of the night and booked an appointment about 1 15 hours later in this case the doctors assistant who run the reception act as gatekeepers and decide whether you may or may not need an ambulance instead you could also just call our 911 and the dispatcher will be the gatekeeper when i got there they gave me a referral to the er and i went straight over once at the er i had to wait maybe 30 minutes to see a doctor but in the meantime the nurse stopped by multiple times to get me some painkillers etc after diagnosis everything is taken care of for you the hospital will plan all your appointments and surgeries first thing in the morning and they will call you informing you about everything when i was admitted there was never any pressure to get me off the ward as soon as possible theyd rather keep me for a few more days if they werent sure about my recovery no questions asked but yeah the day that you do leave they ask you to leave quickly and not linger as theyll fill the bed within hours of you leaving over the past two years i needed 7 surgeries multiple hospitalizations and lots of specialist medication total cost to my insurer about 30k total cost to me including monthly insurance pay maybe 1 to 15k,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 lol the second anyone starts talking about numbers like 3 22 oooh that means skull and bones society 422 is 88 thats something else yeah okalso the guys name is hubbard thats scientology,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the opposite is true for me,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 its honestly very bizarre i keep hearing that everything her campaign publish is vetted by multiple layers of strategists and marketers still they have published a few things that had very bad optic how the screwed up venn diagram made it out it seems the campaign suffer a designbycommittee syndrom if they dont have focus groups telling them about the outside world they are cluelessshe should make her team smaller and bring the smartest of the bunch her foreign speech was already an improvement but her campaign was back doing stupid mistake on twitter just hours after it,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 learn to read thanksvac has a very low false positive rate so i personally think you are lyingthe wird opinion doesnt mean much for you apparently,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 vba is not always the answer be it what is required security concerns or complexity yes vba can certainly solve just about every single problem posted to this sub but it isnt always what would best solve the problem,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the month where he played this game this subreddit has its peak traffic of almost double the next highest month,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 this hmmm this machine seems to have some junk in between these two cogs i wonder if i were to,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 he hasnt tried the ear either thats how you get hearing aids,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 you are not getting upset over people in casual are you,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i have been friends with an typemention for 8 years and have received one hug from him that entire time it was a good hug thoughive worked with my typemention boss for a year and he gave me a hug at the last work party when i was leaving it was awkward and the world almost exploded but it was also very endearingim not friends with typemention irl but my typemention coworker weirdly likes hugs when they arise because she doesnt get many living alonei usually only hug people im banging or when its socially expectedthe social expectation hug is the worst,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 centrists i borrow ideas from different parts of the graph,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 looks like many panes of glass stacked,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 you cant leave me in the dark like thatwhats my tag,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 definitely even if it is at the higher spectrum i think no pro will get under 2k after taxes on a regular month which should be enough to have an ok life,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thedish is wierd it can have r in situations like otrså but its not meant to be graceful so screw it its a bit clunky and complicated but thats just the way it turned out and i dont care all that muchim a bit more specific with high thranian djorev hollarian stradvarian and their planned sister languages i want them to have their own feels which their names are a good indicator of ill also be adapting a name into each of them to show their feelshigh thranian autonym cerone cu0250ru028anu0250 high and lofty and very graceful especially with the name alia daocryge sovleracer u0251lju0251 tu0251u028akriu029du0250 su028alu0250ru0251cu0250r minimal clustering with only syllableinitial clusters only sp st sc sk and pr tr kr fr sr xr are valid clusters everything else is across syllable boundariesdjorev autonym djorev du0361u0292u0254ru025bf lowerclass dark mysterious still minimal clusters because its very closely related to high thranian so its mostly accomplished by the vowels the name is aljeh daocrygje sovleracjer alu0292u025b du0254kru0268idu0361u0292u025b su0254vlu025bratu0361u0283u025br there is a bit more clustering though mostly the same as high thranian as this is also a language meant to be a bit lofty just darkerhollarian autonym geniisi tu0361u0255aniu0255i this one is wierd there are no clusters other than fr pr prpu0294 sr tru0288 tru0288u0294 kr krku0294 hr consonants are allowed at the ends of syllables but they are rather rare the name would be arhe dacrige suraracer aru0255a takritu0361u0255a suraratu0361u0255ar this language is somewhat harsh very machinegunlikestradvarian autonym stradzvarvy stradzvau0291u0268 this is a knockoff slavic language and has many clusters and only a few consonants that can end a syllable namely l and r the name is alza docridga solratcar au0291a dokridu0361u0292a sozatu0361u0283ar the language is meant to be a bit ugly and very heavysoundingthese all share a protolanguage and i usually dont use wordgeneration for that,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 this is a really well done video hes doing tea rightinteresting information about the old trees makes sensei wont go quite that insane about tea and sure couldnt describe or even differentiate most of the flavours hes going on about but i can still appreciate a well made thing prepared properly,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 dobbys death in harry potter amp the deathly hallows part ii,60.0,55.0,64.0,14.0,49.0 spieths 3 appearances at augusta 2nd 1st 2ndthe only no names that have won recently are willett top 10 ranked golfer going into the masters last year and schwartzel consistent top30 pga guy year to year whos currently t2 in this weeks euro contestid actually argue that it takes a good amount of pedigree to win at augusta i think the sharp bets are lee westwood t20 or t10 and dustin johnson spieth is probably too pricey to have money sitting on a book for maybe bet him if he gets into an early season slump,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 if canadians are supposedly so polite why does toronto have the worst fans in the entirety of mlb,22.0,57.0,24.0,3.0,91.0 yes and is sad people have no brain anymore in le too i ranked up to le so naturally i am better than you that is why im gonna peek mid and die for 8 rounds straight,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 it doesnt do more damage than the whirlpool the base damage gets higher at rank 4 but theyre both 15 scaling and poseidon will have a lot more item power than amc the whirlpool is hard to walk out of the honey isnt it is inferior in every way,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 there are like 500 bitcoin poker sites out there,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 it is a board and reddit as a whole does not hate them that would require everyone on the site to hate them and they dont also not everyone on reddit lives in the usa i believe it is 48 usa users so you cant say reddit wont vote for trump when half of the users dont live in the usa or care,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 yeah sorry for the kneejerk reaction but im not sure this is the correct direction to go i already feel like many of the stats crit lifesteal mana regen in paragon are unviable and making shred cards mandatory by not killing the armor meta further limits viable builds in soloq,49.0,9.0,88.0,21.0,41.0 where the 2 team boosts are,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 1 youre gorgeous amp 2 omg youre an typemention im an typemention,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 and before newton the tools were available for hundreds of years before that to get to newton this shit takes time my point i believe stands d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 im the exact same way i consider myself vain and embrace it because getting down on myself for it just makes me spiral into a self loathing circle and im so over doing that to myself i have days where i think i look great and days where i feel like a total potato though sometimes ill take lots of selfies but only like one or two and if theyre really cute ill text them to my guy or put them on instagram,79.0,84.0,86.0,53.0,1.0 which is how it should have been done in the first place,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 no worries im glad i could help,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 so if i play with a second account and play every game with a friend who is worse than me thel ill naturally be ranked lower than normal and that makes me a smurf instantly his post is technically right but you people dont want to accept that because then you have no one to flame for your loss or something along those lines,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i dont think that hell mind to be called colossal type,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i like the greek and norse gods better anyway theyre capricious and it explains why bad things happen to good people plus a bunch of them in conflict makes a lot more sense than one who just screws about with everyone all the time because he has a plane i say greek and norse because of the ancient pantheons im most familiar with them,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 if i were klopp i would go for kolasinac from schalke he defends like a freaking bulldog and has that tanky physicality that makes him rush forward outmuscling everyone while also being able to play dm if needed,8.0,45.0,9.0,17.0,89.0 lets not forget the antifa people attacked some of the nazis obviously this doesnt justify driving into a crowd of people,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 thats interesting our empirical understanding of how memory works states without any dispute that cramming is an ineffective method of remembering so its strange how it worked for you,2.0,85.0,2.0,86.0,30.0 very nice classic classy great all around i have absolutely nothing negative to say about this one,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the latch gets annoying and damages both the handle and the latch it isnt that useful after you do a few latch drops for fun i removed mine as well and mine doesnt have serrations i bought it 14 and a half years ago its served me wellit also helps if you have a sheath like this for it so it aint gonna open on you,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 mashallah i hope it goes well for you,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 gaaaaah jesus christ those are so flimsy and selfish ufffdufffd swallow and show that you accept your partner dont spit and make him feel bad if he went and brushed his teeth after going down on her shed have a riot,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 so basically geralt danish guys,34.0,50.0,49.0,51.0,7.0 seriouslyif you care so much about socalled pointless editsyoure ruining reddit there are tons of good uses for the text box i like seeing ops answer at the top if they have something they want to clarify on their question because it was being misunderstood they need that text boxits easy to ignore edits or skim past themstop overmodrrating and let the users decide what they want to see stuff like this will kill this sub,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 yeahthat happensoftennot trying to be a dick im just a bit frustrated of all the anime onlies who refuse to tag their shit,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 holy crap thank you so much this is so much better,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 the whole thing is most people that know mbti well know that the myers briggs type indicator itself is frankly not very good but the theory behind it is very useful ie jungs cognitive functions we cant suddenly up and move to a subreddit called rjung because mbti is very established and its a fun introduction for beginners with all of the profiles and tests they act like training wheelsthere are also many people who have moved into socionics because it is a very precise and incorporates the functions better but its far easier for someone new to start with mbti which is much easier to digest so its not like everyone is going to be moving to rsocionics anytime soon either,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 are people blaming the ira i mean at least they had the decency to warm the uk when they would bomb them,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 somebody i could settle with really i dont know really now,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 to add to this quite frequently your boss will drive you round the bend and there is nothing you can do except shift your perspective so the things your boss says dont exhaust you,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 lol my dad used to play that game with me as a baby i would always go for the lemon slice though no matter how many times he did it xd,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 youll first need to actually find some manpowerand outside of the cult the only real superpower on this sub are the mods but they are highly disorganized since the fall of hkand maybe well the cult of annie is getting some recognition lately but i doubt theyd ever pose a real threat to the first and best cult,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 no video of the shot,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i would define it how the universal basic income movement defines iteveryone should have enough money for the essentials to be able to access all opportunities in life and to fully participate in society as they wishessentials being housing water transport etc opportunities is concerned with social mobility such as a person of any background being able to attend university without having to worry much about living costs or taking on too much debt fully partipicating means being able to have the time and resources to go and vote having access to the internet no clear socioeconomic segmentation like southerners vs northerners etci know its somewhat of a broad definition but i think the relative poverty line should be set at a level where everyone can be comfortable without having to make tradeoffs and choices between essentials ie not having to choose between heating or eating or being unable to afford the bus fare to a job interview so you have to walk 2 hours etc this is feasible and affordable in wealthy countries if there are good economic policies in place like in scandinavia its the lack of political will thats the problem not economics,45.0,92.0,54.0,62.0,9.0 s y m b o l i c d i n o s a u r s,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 people probably think this cause hes a comfort pick for pros like peanut,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 no worries i am also really bad at cod dit took me 155 wins to get to eagle and you will find always things to improve on what is important is that you are willing to improveafter 1300 hours of css i was quite astonished about how much i had still to learn i made it to mg2 without any crosshair placement at all what is a miracle as css was mostly casual play for me i had to relearn cs from the ground up i feeljust started with grabbing shoxies config threw my buyscript and crosshair in there and lowered my sens from 30 with 2k dpi to 235 with 400 dpi and rawinputjust dont give up and improve step for step,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i would say that luchador would be your best bet the less they have on and the more people are cheeringadmiring them the higher their ac,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 my mom always told me that if i have nothing nice to say id better not answer,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 roose is about as attached to fat walda as he is capable of being attached to anyone i think,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 fuck toll roads and bridges glad i live in a state where those dont exist my taxes pay to build and maintain the roads i dont need to be taxed again to use the road,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 re shouldi think and often speak in terms of should but i am nowhere near as convinced of my rightness as a lot of people seem to believe given their reactions im fundamentally open to debate but in this case i just meant to point something out about typemention behavior so the next time an typemention goes all histrionic on you you might have a different perspective on the situation and im not saying anyone is right or wrong here for the record,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 make sue to be extremely polite to steam support dont give them any idea that you may be a type of person to cheat hopefully things go for the best,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i wonder where the zomg tests are teh intuitive bias people are now,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 thats up to him really d were mostly here to get rid of people so odious even typemention think theyre dicks everyone who has been here awhile and upvoted enough can edit the wiki and you guys can suggest things be added to the sidebar which the mods will discuss and add if we agree,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i put another bait station in there along with more circle traps if that doesnt produce anything in the next day ill go get snap traps now i can also see if more droppings appear since i cleaned the cabinet out with the amount of droppings i found would you think thats 1 mouse or more that doesnt look like enough to be a bunch to me but im just guessing,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 i enjoy dressmaking i like being able to make exactly what i want rather than just hope that this seasons fashions will work for me i like being able to achieve a better fit and finish than i would be able to afford in readytowear i also really enjoy using my hands and brain at the same time,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 definitely sounds fun i got out my colored pencils and got one of those silly adult coloring books its quite relaxingi just suggested to my boyfriend that we go bowling or rollerblading today before i read this comment haha,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 wow didnt figure thatd be so active a sub of course thats a thing ill have to check it out when i have the time and see if i can come up with something that works for me,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 well if your girlfriend doesnt want to be pregnant i dont see the issue with possible transmission symptoms are so mild,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i have a penis and didnt realize what he was going for,96.0,92.0,30.0,13.0,72.0 ive been watching a lot of meta talks by dawkinskraussncse about persuasive arguments and fact rejection recently and they have good discussions about people who say no evidence will change my mind and yes some of them will ignore whatever you present but some will just not be aware theres anything at all resulting in that previous statementalso remember the punching them in the face with facts approach is worthwhile sometimes since thats what worked with dawkins re atheism,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 totally different blades used steel comparison doesnt mean much to me in this scenario the closeup of the blade was great though,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 the only reason black people are physically stronger is because being athletic is a large part of black culture they arent the ubermensch im black i should know,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 most of us have watched the episode livethe raws will be online in about 15 minutesthe subs will be released in less than a hour,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 are you guys sure you want to take over the world i dont think you know how much work that would be to maintain properly,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 hmm then you might also be confusing flow with daydreaming which cogfuncmentiondoms do a lotthe neuroscience of personality and dario nardi types go into flow when listening to someone or when doing something that theyre very passionate aboutcogfuncmention types are constantly alert the same way people are when playing a video game and go into flow during a crisiscogfuncmention types have intense creative brainstorming instead rapidly bouncing from idea to ideatypemention have feelings too pyes the selfdestructive behavior could be from bpdi dont think cogfuncmention polr manifests that way its more like poor sense of direction poor volume control when talking things like that cogfuncmention can get pretty exploratory but thats not the same thing its mostly cogfuncmention types and cogfuncmention types under stress that indulge in immediate gratification for the cogfuncmention sensationsi probably sound like more of a knowitall than i really am im just guessing 99 of the time so dont hesitate to correct me if im wrong or even if you just see a different perspective,12.0,84.0,7.0,53.0,54.0 all women are turned off by very small ones,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 or trying to get yourself wedged into a fence for mass glitch pointsi feel like this inspired skates hall of meat mode,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 did you ever hear the tragedy of darth lenin the wise i thought not itâ s not a story the capitalists would tell you itâ s a communist legend darth lenin was a dark lord of the commune so powerful and so wise he could use the state to influence the proletariat to create wealthâ he had such a knowledge of the labor theory of value he could even keep the ones he cared about from being poor the dark side of the state is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural he became so powerfulâ the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power which eventually of course he did unfortunately he taught his apprentice everything he knew then his apprentice killed him in his sleep ironic he could save others from exploitation but not himself,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 first off seeking treatment and wanting to better yourself are both very brave things i want to give you due credit for committing to those steps and sticking to them even though theyre inconvenient at best and heartwrenching at worstits even more brave walking into a place here where many people have a lot of baggage and resentment against people with your particular ailment and then speaking up in front of the group ive seen a few comments here already full of suspicion and prejudice and while i understand the concern behind them i personally think we should all be more understandingthat said im not sure if the subreddit rules andor moderators are going to clamp down on your post i just didnt want you to feel like your reaching out was unappreciated,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 i did a fsck on my hd no error code as far as i can tell ubuntuubuntu sudo fsck devsda2 fsck from utillinux 2201 e2fsck 1429 4feb2014 devsda2 clean 2676087266304 files 338812629064960 blocksi also did the long 30 min smartctl scan which is why it took me a while to reply to you the report gave me all kinds of data not quite sure what to look for,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 and hel has more damage before level 5 her 1 does 7050 and heals her while kukus does 6060 hes 3 does 8070 while kukus does 5075 over 5 ticks the only advantage he has there is the 2535 extra power from his passive while she gets heals for herself and her minions,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 interesting fact 2 the romans used copper in water pipes and a lot more and some people believed it was one of the major factors in their success as a people prevented a lot of standard pathongens of the time,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 i love posts like these its like they picked up a turd and said haha look what i have and you dont i win proceeds to lick turd,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 60k cdnyear just got laid off so thats irrelevant but the wage was not good for a senior software engineer with 15 years experience especially in todays economy with the canadian dollar doing pooly it was like 40k usd,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 slim to none imo ldrs working for working slobs is one thing its tough but doable ldrs working through college hahahahah no then when you get outta college which may happen at different times youre both going to need to take jobs wherever you can its unlikely to be in the same location if you really truly enjoy this person and think shes special then maintain a close friendship with her perhaps someday it will become more but truly 98 of a relationship is friendship there are very few people relatively speaking you can have a truly close friendship with there are far more people you can satisfyingly bump uglies with if 46 years from now you two are still close friends perhaps something will happen on the other hand you are unlikely to maintain a friendship for 46 years through college life is short and you should gather roses while ye may so long as she doesnt get preggers yall can have a lot of fun and shout into the void together for awhile,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 oregon home of the least restrictive knife laws in the usa,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think any person who is an adult supports themselves and can objectively weigh the facts and is yet a liberal has something patently wrong with their reasoningthe 100 year old quip from a violent coldhearted bastard accurately reflects that sentiment it is not a fact and was not presented as such it conveys an idea like a colloquialism it does not reflect the context or originator but the idea and its validitybut nice strawman attack the character of wiston churchill has nothing to do with the current conversation,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 you dont have a home spawn most people in cities do check pokevision,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 gotta satisfy the people paying you,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 hah we should do a survey of chronic snooze button hitters im like 34 times,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i was thinking about open sourcing designs for all kinds of parts and devices to be produced locally with 3d printers also about having an open source ai that would empower everyone hopefully ai wont empower just google and fb alone other essential means would be solar power and water filtration even if people have access to automation there is still a need for raw materials we need to make sure all humanity can have their basic share of the raw materials other than that people can manage by ingenuity and hard work so we dont need to rely on the state to do it for us,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 i had something similar happen a while ago when i posted some link and when i went back to the sub the next day i had posted something i never would have it was the home page of thomsons personality pathways and not the link that i found via her site her site is pretty janky like a time capsule from the geo cities days of the internet,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 i thought of it more like spontaneous rearrangement maybe shifting a tune here and there like it could be planned by the artist as well like you make a song with lyrics that change depending on the situation of the listener maybe the seasons or the time of day,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 this is cute my parents aretypementiontypemention,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 i mean so these friends are trying to tell you that the girl you like is notwould not be interested in you trust me theres no conspiracy theory we wing womanhelp each other out with dating all the time we generally know our friends preferences theyre saying the girls arent interested in you,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 remindme five days donate a few bucks to casaa to help save vaping,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 thanks for allowing occurrences in randomly generated strings or base64 encodingsthis is real roman decadence,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 everything in the universe above absolute zero emits light any interaction that is not endothermic will emit more electromagnetic radiation temporarily this is no more significant than the fact that sky is blue,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 man howâ s it feel to be so thoroughly wrong and called out about it,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 what would you do if your mum found out,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 atlantic canada 10k is what a heatpump costs nowadays 35 years ago it was still like 6k so that seems on parcost benefits are quite large for a whole house heating is at least 60 of the energy costs here,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i love john green thanks for sharing a lot i also like this one too,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 name una halfcrow born 295 ac position wandering free folk location haunted forest by the milkwater backstory eleven or twelve years ago some idiot ranger decided to go north instead of south to get his rocks off the fat ginger crow came came and left thats what the folks in her village always told her her mother looked at her hair and said she was kissed by fire but the other villagers always said it meant she had too much of the crow in her they were scared shitless of her mother though so they didnt do anything that is until a bear ripped her mothers throat out then they were all suddenly very brave they kicked her out when she was eight saying her crow wings were grown enough to fly away from the nest the rest is history,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i dont think he meant to park the bus dortmund are just so much better that spurs cant do anything else if he had planned to park the bus he wouldnt have started a midfield of masoncarroll,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 child free for 28 years and counting,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 mmmm indeed you are correct but the real question is is your pussy puffy at all,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 it is okay for a 1 shot kill to anywhere besides legsno shit who said awping should be easyare you salty because you suck with the awp,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i guess that had more to do with the fact that he completely wore his body out which caused mistakes in the creation of his titan dont forget that the brain uses 20 of all the energy of the human body and is one of the most vulnerable parts of your body if were talking about tiredness,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i know this is a lot of work but maybe you can go team gt team name gt player gt player profile and past expeirence and acheivements quotes and stuff maybe a little more player infoother than that this is amazing just hope it keeps updated,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if the player base if large enough probably,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i can finally suck my own dick if i cut it offwhilst shaking hands with the newly regrown one,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 how do sjws personally impact your life,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 its still absolutely possible to get the sex ed video dont give up hope yet,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 are you disabledafter you reported them there is nothing you can do so why check every week if those people are banned that is what i said and if you cant understand it then you are apparently the stupid one herei didnt say dont report them for cheating should i make it easier to understand for you or do you get it now,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 they said it was during the weekends,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 actually now that you bring it up my female friends also dont take much issue with it ive been hanging out on the internet too long lol,9.0,59.0,5.0,72.0,7.0 the prongs on a hairdryer should be sized correctly so that it can only be inserted one way assuming it is then in the picture the plug will just be upside down but it will still work correctly,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 them duke boys are in a whole heap of trouble,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 typemention bc magic and specialness,61.0,73.0,54.0,17.0,20.0 and the pain of your injury though long since healed is felt again by hundreds through the power of your words via internet,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 haha well this will probably be sent to my avatar which is maintaining the illusion i am still alive after being conscripted into the digital army of the peoples republic and very quickly being executed for not singly the praises of the great leader loudly enough,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i wish pollsters were more transparent about their weighing heck why not release the full raw data with what they provide we are forced to their take them at their word for weighing it properly,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 you have colt and falco being insignificant again and development for forgotten characters on the same pagedont they contradict one another there arent any other characters introduced on marley that can already be considered forgotten,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 as i understand it mbti isnt a personality test it was just presented like this to psychologicaly unaware public to explained it in commonly undestood words we can call this 16 personalities ofc but it not what the word means tbh personality is unique ofc that what confuses alot of ppl about mbti its all fake there are more then 16 personalities we all unique ppl that use it are dumb and astrologicalbut what thing concentrates is on cognitive functions framework how a persons psyche proceeds the world his default tools that he resorts to to judge and perceive outer and inner world and how it all functions together and its much deeper and fundamental than just describing a personalities of pplthen there are tendencies for each type like a person that armed with an axe much rather go chop some trees and build a house from fallen trees than person armed with a knife prolly mostlikely will cut some cane and build some kind of a tend that doesnt mean that with axe you couldnt go cut a cane you could but you still be cutting it with an axe like typemention can be a mathematician and it happend why not nevertheless there are clear tendencies for each weapon what ppl tend to do with their weapon what fits the most if you like but then there is every persons life experience social environment culture parental genes different nervous systems types psychological traumas your friends parents and so on that all affects your personality and how youll be thats why we all unique but you still be armed with an axe and that guy will be with a knife but who knows what will end up happening and how it all will develop but again there are some tendencies depending of the weapon you holding but they are not concrete they are more like describing your style of cutting aka approach to the world,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 i have informed him the vt was very educational as wellhes warming to it u2764,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 agreed i know that typemention are one of the most varied types as well yall are weirdos d,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i know right titaniums amazing i have a few titanium handled knives and made my own titanium chainmail belt i cant get enough of the stuff,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 34d would also be an equivalent cup size go up 2 inches down a cup and its essentially the same im technically like 30f or something but i wear 34ddd and it feels better for me with the larger band,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 one win one draw was all i neededafter downranking to mge with a huge amount of losses i believe it were about five wins or so,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 if you look at the statistics chances are shes not a virgin,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 everyone has that cousin whos a warriorsseahawksbluejays fan right now,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 my mother used to live in a muslim country and never heard of any child marriages,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 its harder to rape a woman with pants is that what he means,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 atleast i didnt have to make my own team to get an ateam spot like penglose,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 sure way to set yourself up for disappointment i think if you dont get anything in writinglife has taught me people are almost all greedy sobsreal good way to figure out what a person is really like either by them winning a ton of cash or by you winning a ton of cash and how they change or not after that fact,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i think its silly it makes me less likely to buy it im more practical i might buy it if the beer was good but thats all i care about at the end of the dayi can see how some people might be tricked by it,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its an ill posed problem a human that understands chinese is living breathing dynamic embedded in the world learning to optimize some rewards and forming his own values a room is just that a static description of mapping from symbol to symbol its unfair to compare the two the room has seen nothing tasted nothing experienced nothing and yet it has to translate descriptions of such eventsif the author wanted to make the test fair he would have compared a human to a robot that works and learns like humans such a robot would have visual concepts to map words to would have social experiences that would enable it to relate and understandin fact the big prize right now in ai is just that understanding the world creating descriptions of the world that could be used to reason about it and learn intelligent behavior teams of people are attacking all domains vision speech learning behavior and strategy we have nets that understand the sex age body type posture emotion even lipread from a video of a person when all these are combined a model of the world is formed similar to the way humans represent the world this model would be the workshop of ai it will be where intelligent behavior and reasoning would be developedhere is an abstract of a machine learning paper from two weeks ago its state of the art it describes things that put the chinese room to shame its a deeper vision with practical application and verificationlearning natural language inference with lstm natural language inference nli is a fundamentally important task in natural language processing that has many applications the recently released stanford natural language inference snli corpus has made it possible to develop and evaluate learning centered methods such as deep neural networks for natural language inference nli in this paper we propose a special long short term memory lstm architecture for nli our model builds on top of a recently proposed neural attention model for nli but is based on a significantly different idea instead of deriving sentence embeddings for the premise and the hypothesis to be used for classification our solution uses a match lstm to perform word by word matching of the hypothesis with the premise this lstm is able to place more emphasis on important word level matching results in particular we observe that this lstm remembers important mismatches that are critical for predicting the contradiction or the neutral relationship label on the snli corpus our model achieves an accuracy of 861 outperforming the state of the artthis paper talks about sentence embeddings converting words into vectors representing meaning attention memory and proposes a way to analyze two phrases to detect if the first implies the second or not its implementing the core action of reason inference and doing that on top of embeddings that capture meaning from text so it has a meaning representation of text and operates on it to judge if something is true or not does that look like real understanding or not the system is trained on top of a large corpus of text that acts as a replacement for experience its still not a free agent like humans but it could be all we need to do is to give it an interface to the world a place where it can be contacted and its replies printed and teach it by rewards what kind of dialogue is best,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 to add to that you may want to decide what you will do if their behavior of asking continues are you going to talk about it once then shut down all subsequent discussions are you going to entertain any questions about why if either of your families disrespects or blames your partner are you going to establish a line and shut down the conversation,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 not secret any more got the gps coords from the exif image headers,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 the majority of illinois is in the chicago area so im going to say safe bet yeah,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 of course the typemention has favorite things and the second one is cogfuncmention strange hahahaha,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 we love that scott is going back to the belly putter,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 thats like 23000 times better than i figured it would be for a first try promising even,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 do you have to be on call for the jobs or can you turn off your phone,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 its a new label that will yip is running under atlantic records thats likely going to include a lot of bands he produces tigers jaws new one is on it,70.0,96.0,15.0,37.0,80.0 im not claiming anything if someone answered b for question 2 it would mean that they couldnt confirm as an typemention and need to go back to the drawing board it doesnt mean that they are some nonsense type like an typemention with inferior cogfuncmention it would mean that they probably got their dominant function wrong and need to reevaluate,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 keep it if you like it otherwise sell it for the actual price and dont just go accepting the first trade you get,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 he must have hurt his knee really bad,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i got typemention im not an typemention and im not sure what led to the result i picked all the words related to college since im in college which i think mightve affected it somehow,77.0,73.0,73.0,1.0,98.0 thats not a koala pretty sure its deadmau5 better known as mickey mouseanyhow yeah sure is the right colour for a robins egg isnt it apart from the seam the obvious way would be that theres no way a robins egg is gonna even come close to a duckshandy guide robins are gonna be close to quail size,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i never said he applied to join i said he asked as in making a verbal noise,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 now we are using facebooks terrible freebooting tendencies in order to avoid copyright downright disappointing that this is how it has to beim glad its back up though,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 i now want some sushi after work today,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 sounds like that seinfeld episode,48.0,44.0,15.0,99.0,13.0 in a time of so many shit airlines can i give a shout out to hawaiian airlines for being awesome we flew from maui to auckland and it was pleasant i havent had a nice flight like that since before 911 aer lingus,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 off topic but if you dont like orchestra at least that was how it sounded why stay in it,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i definitely think its accurate that i appear more judgemental than i actually am im one of the least judgemental people on the planet really but people get pissy with me all the time because i made some observation to them that i thought was neutral but they get offended because they think im judging them somehow sorry but noticing something is not the same as judging i cant help noticing deep personality traits in people and i find them neutral for the most part but other people dont seem to understand the idea of thinking something without emotionally reacting to it and theyre threatened by how i perceive information,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,85.0 might not ready to play twice a week yet maybe saving him for barca,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 its a cult with code words only those in the know are in xd lol in all seriousness they are a personality type there are 16 of them and its called myers briggs can take a free personality test and based on your answers youll get a type link an typemention i suspect you are too or an typemention or possibly typementiontypemention,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 yeah i dont know ive always been very distant with my own emotions i suppress it when necessary but nowadays i try to face the chaos straight on only to find that its already rationalized itself in some manner ie im feeling this way because reason 1 2 3 amp each reason has these mini subcategories,1.0,34.0,79.0,57.0,18.0 walking slowly in the middle of a thoroughfare or standing on the left side of escalatorsmoving walkways one of these days im going to buy a cattle prod sorry you said mildly um chewing with mouth open no thats a beating uh repeatedly cutting me off in conversation yeah that works,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 wouldnt it end up like a rematch then i mean i always pressed f2 because i didnt want to play another game or had no time for one more gamealso i dont think people would voter for ot because they would potentially lose their win,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 nova premade who regularly play together vs a le mix who play the first time together i think that is possible depends on how much the les rage at each other though,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 yeah the center is darker color on the right now that im viewing it on my ips monitor to me the left is just desaturated is all it might look different irl than in a picture either way it seems that we are the only ones calling them orange,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 the real cringe is that you said he was a girl,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 could you do me a favor and tell me more about it if i google flux or flux program i only get articles about magnetism,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i was wondering if an idea i recently got would be an actual good one or notso theres a protolangish which was spoken by all of the population in all situations until about a thousand years before current time then it split apart into three sections1 the original language retaining its original pronunciation for the most part generally more faithfully pronounced as time goes on because people will stop associating it with their own speech this is used by religious authority and by the highest classes when speaking to the peasants and is a completely learned language by all2 the lords tongue with some changes to the original language but nothing all that extensive the few sound changes its gone through leave it still very irregular though there is very little dialectal variation this is used by the upper classes when talking to each other and it is taboo for the lower classes to learn and speak in they may only use the peasants tongue or the original language3 the peasants tongue with extensive sound changes quite a bit of leveling of declension patterns and ton of dialectal variation and a shit ton of vulgarity this language is spoken by the peasants amongst each other and they may not speak it to the upper classes they may only use the original language when answering to the upper classes and may not speak the lords tongue at allthis is pretty much a medieval societyis this realistic are there examples of something this extensive irl how could i change societal factors to make it more realistic are there any interesting ideas you have that could add to this,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 to be honest its literally just a post that people look at for 10 seconds then completely forget it existed it contributes near nothing to the sub and doesnt provoke any deep thinking or constructive discussion,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 for you it might work i read your other post too maybe you need another asexual homoromantic individual,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 i searched for mr peanut butter and got this hold you personally responsible,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 haha im not a huge fan of baths myself i do get annoyed with myself over too long showers though it currently burns a fair bit of carbon to process and heat all that water regardless of other environmental impacts,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 can i get back to you that,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 two steps from helltheyre not a metal band surprisingly,26.0,78.0,1.0,4.0,21.0 until riot frowns upon it it will be how it is as much as it shouldnt be,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 clippy splitedit well i guess clippys being lazy right now youll need to make use of the split function to make this quick and easy,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 she raised her eyebrows more interested in the years he spent away from home than his name before taking another sip of her drink she asked i dont mean to pry but why did you leave,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 a lot of posts on the type subs are not actually relevant to their actual type see rtypemention lol i just thought rtypemention might appreciate it seeing as montgomery seems a lot like an typemention and a lot of typemention are likely to be into history,34.0,21.0,82.0,74.0,20.0 it was fine but he is not very comfortable with teleprompters someone like obama and even clinton manage to sound very natural reading from teleprompter to the point that you forget that they are reading script i think trump does best when he has paper notes its a compromise between is unbound rambling and the rigidity of a teleprompter,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 the first time i saw that posted on a youtube commentin like 2008,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 alex took a sip of his gin chuckling softly as it were i found her i came to kings landing with a quill a few links of a maesters chains and more than one kind of hunger i guess it was luck that i happened to come while she was appointing justicesalex had been playing it safe for months in kings landing telling the same fraction of the story in a hundred different ways he wanted to have a real conversation and what about you marcus i dont know what the master of courts is supposed to do but i expect you do more yours was the third name i heard after stepping into kings landing,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 well maybe i should have worded it like this this comes off as such to viewers coming in from rallquit gaslighting,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 i was wearing make up in my second picture but my first was more recent and ive been in a slump recently what would be more fitting for a younger stylethank you,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 oh god dude i feel the same way about a girl right now i hope it works for you for you but a little for me as well,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 aside from the title anyone care to elaborate on what is going on here looks cool as fuck,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 i have been through all of that its so strange how much they focus on and rage over petty things something as stupid and putting my purse on the counter devolved into an argument which ended with her pulling a knife on me she used to lock me in my room then when she figured out i preferred that so i could stay away from her she removed my door also insulting people close you seems to be a standard nmom move one time my mom said i should break up with my boyfriend because he didnt treat me well when i eventually did she threw it in my face by saying i drove him awayi have totally been to the place where you wish they were gone it gets easier once you have control over your living situation,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 current production issues doesnt mean they dont have them all roadmapped out and mostly designed ready for production,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 no it isnt uefi which would be a step up it is a qualcom custom firmware,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 oh i love it a very powerful and deadly alternative to a young dragon and the perfect creature for a group of lowmid level cultists to worship d,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 i dont hate either kyle at all when you think of aggressive drivers the 3 that come to mind are busch kes and larson kurt used to be right there but hes been really conservative as of late,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 what you think of a guy like maajid nawaz doing good work or not,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 oh man going to space is like a wet dream for me,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 2 star magneto ai uses him and his blue blows up most of the board i use it and its in a corner or at least at the very leftright edge every single goddamn time i dont think ive ever seen it do more than about 300 damage for me usually less than 200,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 id say taking a breather from fb every once in a while is a huge relief on the stresses of dealing with people i find that sometimes i just need to step away from it for a month or two to even begin to want to use it again i also find that when i am not using fb at all i tend to become more focused on tasks and projects i work onlately ive started to balance things out where i use it sparingly so i still have that interactive outlet when needed but i am not obligated to be there just because,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 so at minimum 50000000 people in america alone,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 overwatch is overflowing with clean players that is why i do it not often tbh i dont know on which server you play but i definitely get next to no cheatersvac bans are delayed and dont tell me it is easy to get cheats to be recognised by the systemalso the 40 you have banned on your vacstat list are probably followed up by 40 clean people and 20 more cheaters just give it time i dont know why you are so obsessed with seeing if they get a vac anyways first off all it leads to vac is shit threads where people without knowledge rage around and for the second part feeds your egocan i go into games now and say i have a 90 banned ratio on vacstat so you definitely cheatbut back to topic giving random people on the internet the ability to kick people from games is really dumb seriously think about it it would be better if people learn to report the right people for overwatch vac needs time anyways,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 do you want to start some sort of race war if you want to do that i dont think bobsvil your little redneck town will survive a pack of angry black peopleupvoted for truly unpopular opinion,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 i used to have a student who was non verbal i love her to pieces but if you didnt know her and her vocalizations she could sound like you were trying to hurt her or something when i took her out i made sure to convey a happy mood myself and talk with her a lot so others would understand that we were okay even though she might be squealing loudly very happy i try to explain to others that not everyone communicates verbally and that is okay but as someone with very sensitive hearing myself i do try to be aware of the environment and other folks too,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 well guess i was slightly helpful by bringing this up thats at least something,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 the amount of impact this nerf would have had on this ace is minimal,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 whenever you see a man doing something stupid there is a greater than 73477819 chance that alcohol is involved,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i spent all day inside and then bam lightning so idk,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 just a thought that might not even be technologically possible what about making the ears eink theyd still be able to display icons time etc but not make the damn notch stick out and still be screen for the size queens,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 came to make a boost comment too late,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 every hospital in the country is booked solid for stuff like that it isnt uncommon to wait 2 years or so to even see a specialist about something,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 im not your 41 year old but i am here and i am trying to be helpful in providing the perspective that 20 years of personal growth can bring my journey wont be your journey but itll be largely the same considering yall have been internet connected more or less your whole lives and ive been internet connected since i was about 22 much much younger than others in my age cohort there is not a single job ive held since i was 25 years old that even existed when i graduated high school im very much gen x but i find i have a lot in common with millennials toosoive got that going for me i guess,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 there were no environment protection measures utilized by the chinese when they built the wall unlike most liberals in the western world the chinese understood the importance of protecting and preserving human life over and above animal migrations,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 the worlds evil was already concentrated in one area and didnt spread until the player killed his master summoned a literal wall of flesh killed it and released another evil on the world and both of them spread infecting the wildlife,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 yes literally the team disbanded after the game,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 i knowhe showed us what happens if users start to build headcanon upon headcanon i wouldnt want to lay the groundwork for another user like that,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 ugh yeah that would be really disappointing i reserve a special type of judgmental disappointment for people who are in positions of pious authority who end up having rotten coresi agree theres a lot to that archetype that i like for a variety of reasons and that kind of diligent purity and simplicity is something i desire to manifest in myself but in terms of attraction talk about choosing the ultimate unavailable boyfriend material p,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 we both typementiontypemention claim it but after more than a few relationships and friendships with typemention they tend to be more extraverted and even sometimes have complained that i spend too much time alone haha ime they are far more interested in people and the wikipedia to bar ratio swings far more to bar and yeah i also like that about partner sports and it takes the pressure off i like to compete with myself more than i do with others,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 ranks are not important you get matched with the same people you did before there is nothing to fix,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 most of the spinoff games werent made by gamefreak,78.0,62.0,61.0,15.0,38.0 i dont even mind the glare that muchbut every time i think about taking mine off because its scratched and faded and foggyi just remember how it feels without it on and i cringe,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 spiced gouda is the correct answer i love most cheeses but this is the correct one if youre just having it on its own for cheeses sakeplenty of cheeses have their uses and used properly they are great like cheddar in mac n cheese like swiss in a ham or reuben sandwich cheese curds in a poutine parmesan on pasta etc etc,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i sort of agree sort of im still skeptical of him pulling off batman well,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 steven uses garnier fructis to lock in moisture,46.0,86.0,94.0,8.0,16.0 email tim he should have an executive support person contact you,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 well tell me when you come across one and you can have 5 more breedjects if you come across one i love shiny froakie,4.0,64.0,87.0,49.0,9.0 i can assure you that he asked kenny if he wants the awp and he said no,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 this is actually a really interesting point i frequent rchildfree and one of the main annoyances of the people of there is how they loose their friends when the friends become parents mostly because when people become parents the number one topic to talk about is children which childfree people are usually not really interested in thing is nothing really stops you from seeing your friends once you have children or more specifically if your friends had children how would that fact suddenly change why you will or wont be lonely i mean once you have children the reasons or the ability of your friends to visit you will not change child or not your friend needs to get in a car and make time to meet you,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 you know what i think is funny when people dont go to groningen and instead go to cities like amsterdam and such groningen might not be big but its still the only city without night curfews for bars and clubs amsterdam for example does have a curfew this is the only city in the netherlands where you can literally party and drink until 67 in the morning the same goes with social student life in general groningen might be small but it lives up to the big cities in many things that students care about also this being a small city means rather cheap living expensesi do miss the array of specialist shops a big more metropolitan city has or the proximity to major international airports and facilities like major ngos which i might be interested in to volunteer for being based in major cities i most likely will move to a bigger city after getting my degree because most big corporations are also based there etc etc,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 this is frickin adorable omg,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 no stds for me thank you very much,6.0,74.0,75.0,59.0,29.0 found my fetish u0361â u035cu0296 u0361â,76.0,47.0,1.0,4.0,75.0 this is exactly the scenario i pose when someone identifies as a 100 consequentialist obviously idealised to have zero chance of stis or pregnancy in my experience none admit this is okay according to their ethical system but none have a good answer as to why it isnt,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 well for one the people dont have a cia with a black budget all our studies have to be ethical we dont have an nsa eitherthat and our guns are being taken away,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 first off if you put in the effort and stay consistent you can absolutely have your dream body you cant target certain areas to lose weight the first thing you should do is count your calories eat at a calorie deficit and focus on cardio losing weight is all about calories in vs calories out theres a lot of good advice over on rloseit when youre ready to build muscle rfitness is a great resource,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 also overratednever have i ever ran a mile,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 i know how to get information,8.0,19.0,92.0,4.0,48.0 first of all to prevent confusion its a different ymir than the one we know seccond of all i dont really know what she had to give up to gain the powers but my guess is that the fact that she died to spread it amongst the 9 original shifters has something to do with it,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 if youre using oil are you making sure the pan is properly hot before you add the oil and that the oil is hot before you add the eggs if youre using butter you can put it in a cold pan to melt but it needs to foam and sizzle before you add the eggs,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 you are way too easy el oh el were not irrational conspiracy nut was joking also technically because cogfuncmention is introverted in its nature your arguments are a lot more likely to be inherently biased by opinions that you dont even realize you haveheres a thread on why we hate talking to typemention is stupid cogfuncmentioncogfuncmention for the win,1.0,92.0,1.0,46.0,97.0 i got punched in the face for laughing at someone oncei had no idea wtf he was talking aboutyou gotta be some next level of insecure to go out punching random strangers who laugh near you thinking theyre laughing at youmaybe theyre just narcissists idk,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 black white ecru natural navy blue medium grey and dark brown maybe tan because its good for topstitching on denim and red is pretty well essential because every other colour shows up on it,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 pretty sure its been a thing since at least 1972,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 deny is too strong of a word in regard to that limited article i could have said â œfail to acknowledgeâ but when we look at chomsky entire work there is a form of denial at play chomsky is so onesided against the west that it undermines his message i would expect such lack of nuances from politicians when talking of their opponent but not from a public intellectual that enjoy a great deal of freedom and could speak without bias this attempt at painting the west with a single brush is detrimental to progress you could for instance put obama in the same bag as bush and cheney because of use of drones and their failure of closing guantanamo saying â œitâ s all of the sameâ failing the see the notable distinction by painting the west as one entity as if it was the same person making all the decisions for the last 40 years is counterproductive to a civil discussion that lead to advancement,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 are you threatened by typemention i think youre letting your emotions get in the way of establishing the ultimate team,85.0,95.0,15.0,50.0,15.0 that guys awesome ive been watching his videos for years he makes really really amazing custom slingshots and other rubber banded weapons,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 easiest method would be to have the user enter their current time and choose what timezone they are currently in this would yield the gmt time then by correcting for the timezone difference you could figure out whatever time in any other timezone you wanted,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 you find people saying they try not to be an asshole self righteous,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 you are in the point range of gold nova sooooo,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 there are really good teams that should have been in main qualifier based on skill i mean they are not that worse compared to main qualifier teams in some cases better cough navi which they proved in games if you follow the scene you know it mff empire pries golden boys nt123 maybe hr but they didnt play much they won starladder quals tho plus in its core its the same strong players that did really well last season on very high level like afoninje or goddam very skilled playersits kinda unfair that navi that lost to absolutely everyone in horrible style and alliance with their idc strats and picks are getting invite over more deserving an tryharder teams pretty sure if alliance and navi were in open qualies there is a very good chance they didnt get throu competition is real,40.0,98.0,1.0,1.0,83.0 my score40 infp19 enfp14 intp9 isfp8 typemention,34.0,10.0,54.0,33.0,46.0 i generally rationalize it as people who initiate things with people are showing weakness i dont want to show weakness,70.0,95.0,66.0,0.0,9.0 for anyone who was at least slightly disappointed there was zero twerking thereyou can go here for a fix and if you dont like that theres always the michael jacksondont shoot the messenger im only providing a service,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 imho the market really needs more underdarkcave style maps or map pieces amp set dressing that can be combined into a variety of layouts a lot of folks are playingpreparing to play out of the abyss which is predominantly set in the underdark and the published adventure provides very few actual maps mostly towns amp citiestheres a couple cavesets currently one is a very unnatural looking cave thats very flowing no hard edges as if carved out by water the other is a mushroom forest with some decent caves id love something rougher with a better sense of vertical spaces a combination of large open areas thin crawlspaces crevasses you name it,78.0,57.0,38.0,31.0,10.0 and we have the best songs,55.0,50.0,23.0,26.0,87.0 tiny snake will still love the tube,45.0,69.0,26.0,0.0,28.0 cool thanks for doing giveaways so often,64.0,44.0,33.0,8.0,88.0 this is rcringe more than rage but not even really that bad,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 whats the british broadcasting corporation got to do with this,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 its one of my favorite books and i felt the same kind of connection you did while reading it especially the parts about reliving intense emotions attached to memories and always doing the right thing even when it hurt or alienated you from everyone else,41.0,31.0,95.0,3.0,13.0 damn it i just spent 45 minutes researching the origin of its turtles all the way down,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 id be okay with this if you give up you shouldnt be rewarded for it obviously there are situations where surrender is the good option but is 3 worshipers really a big enough deterrent to make people think they cant surrender even in bad situations,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 you are evil and i like you,2.0,98.0,88.0,0.0,20.0 this one currently on the front page is one of the better ones ive seen lately nice music and the editing makes it look like a movie,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 bro they lowkey grow a ton of weed,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 it says in the report vision assistanceif a person gets 20 kills through smokes and traces people through them ill vote guilty same with alt tabbing in front of a smoke which is obviouswell see if the day comesokay what it says is external software to gain information about the location of their opponents eg vision through walls or smokeso since i dont know what caused him to watch through smokes i am free to tick that box as he could abuse the bug or be cheating or not knowing that he has itin 2 of 3 cases getting rid of him is a good thing the third case should be relatively easy to spotstands in the proximity of a smoke for 2 seconds and does nothing maybe,93.0,30.0,40.0,12.0,67.0 i never get a full click but instead a lot and then a lot of not click moments that still improve my understanding dude i worked around people speaking spanish for 2 years and my level is still ridiculously low its mostly because i never really tried to sit down and read it or listen or practice outside of work immersion does work but you need to do it with supplements speaking listening reading and not just signs either books notices everything listen to people walking by talk to somebody asking for directions or whats good to eat simple things like this the best thing that happened for me was to talk to a native speaker every day that always helps as well id assume when you were in the philippines you only talked to mom and dad mostly well school too im sure something odd is that theres not always a logical idea to follow with it but once you get into practice it just flows out,88.0,88.0,32.0,31.0,6.0 just saw top five the other night its a great film,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 special ed teacher here it could be that the students have a disability that is not able to be seenlearning disability and the like if their needs are very severe it may be they are in another program and included in some classes lastly due to privacy laws the teachers or aides would not be able to discuss those students with you,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 they sell tickets in advance and it sells out in like 20 min maybe next year,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 yes she is an typemention and also the cofounder of the jt sub,70.0,92.0,81.0,7.0,5.0 happy birthdaywe are the 1 in a feb 6 birthdayi was so excited the first time i saw mewtwo had my birthday little mind was blown,51.5,50.5,53.0,54.0,65.0 and some would say were worse off for it even ted kazanski knew that,19.0,84.0,7.0,12.0,27.0 kinda it is essentially a rat that is required to play esea it should be only used for matchmaking while it can do much more,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 dont feel obliged to install it if you dont want to but if you do want to then pm me once its done amp ill give you my code so we can game together amp talk through stuff if you want,86.0,45.0,25.0,59.0,67.0 yep it did here is the stream,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 change your clcmdrate and rate to normal settings if you should have a better bandwith call your isp,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 i cant tell with that information but i can tell you how i am very giving to others and get my energy from them i look into the future and try to plan out what possibilities i get i prefer hand made things than to buying things i wouldnt hesitate to buy friends food and stuff i work for all that i want and if im going to travel it would be with my hard earned money cant seem to relate much based on this info but i dont think shes an typemention,79.0,90.0,18.0,95.0,30.0 1 i was talking about the actual meaning of these concepts nothing i said hinged upon the psychological feasibility of believing in them2 youre making a logical argument for the psychological viability of believing in something that whole category of argument can only work if you presuppose that people are uniformly logical in the formation of their core beliefs and modus vivendi they arent why would you think they are3 again i mean i hate to say this but the validity of all of what you said really hinges on what you think it means to exist etc like you assume experience necessitates something exists many people in neuroscience like the churchlands and hardcore materialists like them dont think minds or mental experiences really exist as such,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 it would be a first if i met one the good ones dont try to pretend haha nothing worse than a manager who spouts technical sounding nonsense in a multidepartment meeting oh yeah we can do that in two days well just ajax the stored procedure into the generics and shimmy in some lambdas right witty dies inside,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 just as an inconsequential human is called a nobody,30.0,31.0,21.0,17.0,17.0 a chance created is just a pass that leads to a shot yes some chances are better than others so the stats dont mean everythinga better stat for chance creation is expected goals which takes a bunch of factors like location speed of attack type of pass etc and assigns a probability to each shot expected goals also show us to have had poor finishing this season,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 precocious doesnt really mean intellectually gifted though in fact being intellectually gifted can make children retarded precocious says to me more streetsmart than superintellectual makes me think high cogfuncmention user perhaps typemention or something like that unless its something very specific like a precocious reader or somethingremember the animals with the largest brains have the longest childhoods,38.0,86.0,10.0,3.0,69.0 all of those women have to be lying to themselves thats what they ended up with and they are deluded i have only been with a couple greek godlike men but the rest have been nowhere near pudgy nowhere near dadbod i would never its just awful,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 media is also telling men that you are worthless if you dont have a body fit for a god and i dont see all the men on this sub hitting the gyms daily either i dont think you realize how few women actually like let alone actively consume that kind of media and even if they do following the advice from such sources is a whole other step to take,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 this i really liked the halo series on the console up until halo reach i stopped playing it after that destiny is pretty good though,89.0,59.0,95.0,7.0,43.0 since when does pennywise live in a house,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 tagm the flair isnt enough you need to add manga spoilers to your title,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 soooo what blew up anyhow,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 i dont think i really realised how cute rains face was until now but i do for definite like the long hair too so im a little torn i like seeing both eyes but i want her hair to grow back p,76.0,69.5,58.0,31.5,68.5 the guy gets several million views every episode hes probably rolling in youtube money,17.0,50.0,8.0,0.0,9.0 with untouchable you are straight up unkillable if the enemys safelane and supports dont have large burst damage you can freely harass and farm the lane and disrupt the lane a crazy amount abbadon offlane is somewhat similar,9.0,19.0,16.0,5.0,44.0 you could save a whole lot of money neither scrap mechanic nor minecraft are very intensive so youd probably be ok with a 470 and an i3 instead of an i5 itd also probably be advisable to drop the 1tb harddrive in favor of a 240gb ssd or a 120gb boot ssd the 1tb hddedit something like thispcpartpicker part list price breakdown by merchant intel core i36100 37ghz dualcore processor 11099 superbiiz motherboard asrock h110mhds micro atx lga1151 motherboard 3998 newegg memory kingston hyperx fury black 8gb 1 x 8gb ddr42133 memory 4888 outletpc storage adata premier sp550 120gb 25 solid state drive 3888 outletpc storage western digital caviar blue 1tb 35 7200rpm internal hard drive 4899 superbiiz video card powercolor radeon rx 470 4gb red devil video card 17498 newegg case fractal design core 1000 usb 30 microatx mid tower case 2499 superbiiz power supply evga 500w 80 bronze certified atx power supply 2999 newegg operating system microsoft windows 10 home oem 64bit 8489 outletpc prices include shipping taxes rebates and discounts total before mailin rebates 64757 mailin rebates 4500 total 60257 generated by pcpartpicker 20161107 1339 est0500,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 and so wouldnt 144hzi didnt say that 60hz had advantages or a disadvantage the refresh rate is literally irrelevant to the tickrate and what happens in the game that is what i saidwhat i said was that the problem why we dont have 128 tick in mm is the fact that most people have a latency of 50 ms in cs which is hugely not beneficial on 128 tick it is rather unfair if compared with a person who has a 5ms latency and fps have nothing to do with tickrate at least if people can use the right rates,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 you are not getting upset over people in casual are you,2.0,92.0,31.0,60.0,53.0 lets break down the word science on thisto contract the phrase you all well be removing some number of letters and replacing them with an apostropheexamples can not cant would not wouldnt he is hes could have couldve we are wereso if we were to dissect yall it would be reverseengineered into you all letters turned into apostrophes everybodys happyhowever yall violates the spirit and letter so to speak of the method here unless youre actually contracting ya all using ya as the slang term for you in that case ya all would fit itd fit but itd be either a an even further step towards lazy rubespeak andor b just weirdergo yall is a proper contraction of two legitimate words while yall is a contraction of a slang word and a real wordso ill throw my support behind the continued use of the proper term and yall whore puttin th postrophe inna wrong spotr jus ignant,15.0,95.0,85.0,15.0,5.0 these links may be helpful,52.0,54.0,9.0,5.0,81.0 can we actually spend the â 200m though i thought ffp limited how much we could spend of it at once,83.0,69.0,27.0,39.0,8.0 its not really but there is really no where else to put this,8.0,45.0,6.0,59.0,92.0 cant they just hire a redditor and have both for the price of one,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 it works for me do you have bedrest set as 1 in the work tab,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 talisa reached up and grabbed her mothers hand as they proceeded eyeing the rambunctious raptors warily,20.0,61.0,7.0,54.0,19.0 i dunno go to grab a card bills come flying out i see potential issues,9.0,61.0,13.0,4.0,72.0 no because your offhand slot is given up by your two handed weaponi find thinking about it as actual hands to be confusing as you can make offhand attacks with more than just your hand instead of that think of like diablo you have two slots that can be occupied by certain weapons if you put a one handed weapon in one slot and only use primary attacks then you get the same bonus as a two handed weapon two handed weapons always take up two slots if you want to use a second weapon in the second slot you get another attack but you give up the twohanded bonuses it is a tradeoff imp and greater two weapon fighting give you extra attacks with that offhand slotit is set up that way for a reason there are quite a few abilities that rely on wielding in two hands that give a bonus to you when doing so for example the 31 power attack bonus and also the 15x strength bonus this can be seen with the curved elven blade as you get those things at the expense of your ability to wield a second weaponbasically what you are asking for is to get the benefits of two handedness without the sacrifices and the benefits of two weapon without the sacrifices as well the benefit for not using an offhand attack is bonuses to damage and a few feats and abilities can be used the tradeoff for using two weapons is that you cant use that to try to do this sounds awful munchkiny if you want to get the offhand attack sacrifice the bonuses to your primary attack id allow it if the greatsword was treated when it came to determining bonuses a 1 handed weapon,98.0,40.0,1.0,1.0,99.0 that guild name sounds very familiar my dk was horde side i remember doing some walkup rp with a troll from that guild on the roof of the bank of orgrimmar one night by that point i was basically playing alone since most of the friends id made since 2006 had either quit or were still alliance so that night was pretty memorable for me i really wanted to start a horde side piratecorsair themed guild named ltscourge of the seagt but didnt have the social support to pull it off with friends at that point and wasnt interested in the level of effort that starting a guild from scratch takes so i sat on the name keeping it in the back of my head for 7 years and finally sucked it up and renamed my alliance side guild that everyone else has quit over the last 5 years leaving just me in it as a utility guild it lacks the double entendre that it has horde side but i can live with that my allianceside mains backstory has been neutral this whole time the alliance are racist assholes and are in no way shape or form the good guys and it seems like few people realize that the horde are the good guys but between demon blood in the orcs and the deal with the forsaken trust is not very high most of my characters consider places like ratchet and booty bay home if blizz ever says fuck it and creates a third faction which would be pretty easy if they used some amalgamation of the steamwheedle cartel the venture company and maybe the syndicate and plopped every race combination into it id pay whatever asking price is to faction transfer every character to that faction,99.0,91.0,3.0,50.0,0.0 my experience was that you only have to show once flash of competency to flip opinions whether it be peers superiors colleagues students i had it easy in college so easy i walked into the math lounge and a made a suggestion for the proof my peers were trying to work out on the blackboard and i happened to be correct my professors also witnessed this everyone just said how super smart i was after that some of the international students would say stuff like i didnt expect a girl to be so smart but im hoping thats a language barrier other than that no problems for me,10.0,70.0,50.0,30.0,80.0 not crying just want to know the best places to livehonest,50.0,85.0,15.0,50.0,30.0 to what ends is it an ego thing i lie when i have to sometimes it is necessary to protect your people or yourself im not saying that all lying is inherently evil but why are you doing it,15.0,85.0,15.0,85.0,15.0 i have been thinking about how to get out the information more so i will ask you seriously besides the sidebar links what can we do most peoples first and foremost reason is they simply dont want kids and that should be a valid life choice society tells some of us otherwise beyond that everyone haa their own private reasons which they choose to share or not and thats valid too how could the informationreasons be presented to more people to consider,57.0,80.0,86.0,79.0,55.0 i noticed on a recent reread that hes the only shifter who actively distance himself from every murder he committed in one way or anotherwith mike he looked away and let his minions do itwith castle utgard he threw one rock and made sure he wasnt there to witness the rest as his minions did itin shinganshina he actively gamified throwing rocks so he didnt have to face his actionsin the battle with the middle east union he states that war is always bad which since its a surprisingly extremely easy to debunk statement from someone as intelligent as him either implies hes slowly going insane or him being extremely pacifistichim being pacifistic is indeed far fetched but its the only way all his actions make sense to me,50.0,85.0,50.0,85.0,50.0 i would have to listen to cohen again it was a reference to the srebrenica genocide right chomksy refuses to call it a genocide,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 im about 45 miles from a body farm where they set out bodies and body parts to decompose and study them for forensic data so if i go there i can die with the smug feeling of contributing to science,0.0,38.0,43.0,77.0,12.0 i dropped my htc so many timesnever had any issues until one time it feel completely flat face down and it just absolutely shattered apparently its fine if its at even the slightest angle,70.0,45.0,20.0,24.0,40.0 hahah im the wrong guy to ask i dont really pay attention to characters most of the time sorry p,30.0,70.0,15.0,15.0,50.0 when i die for the first time and teammates with 3 deaths spam please please please,25.0,71.0,49.0,17.0,45.0 gop math wrong wrong right,10.0,80.0,74.0,27.0,18.0 no it cant really jordan depends on foreign aids to manage this crisis which is way beyond their capacity turkey is a country with a population of 77 million and a relatively strong economy they have spent billions on their camp but europe just commited 1 billion to assist them the thing to understand is that camps are a temporary solution in theory people living there hope to go back to their home country when the war is over the refugees who are coming to europe have been clear that they dont want to live in camp many actually leave camp in turkey or jordan to come to europe not only refugees in europe dont want to live in camp the weather make it much more costly to host people research the condition people live in in place like lebanon and jordan those living condition would be unacceptable in a western country the solution is to boost massively the aid to camp in the middle east and offer decent living condition education and asylum processing and a way out to the most vulnerable letting people smuggler run the show isnt an appropriate approach,39.0,89.0,1.0,22.0,61.0 they only programmed a learning system the actual go playing was self learned you could think that neural nets are a kind of programming too but instead of computer instructions they do matrix multiplication and gradients instead of specifying rules by hand they teach it by example and leave it to the neural to figure out the rules of course there is a tiny bit of regular programming in order to construct the neural nets,57.0,90.0,21.0,15.0,43.0 as an update i talked to my own friend about this just today he made a comment about how ill sometimes send big chunks of text he mentioned that hes dyslexic and never reads them because its too much trouble i had no idea im not sure about you but when i finally write something about myself i sorta just spill a bunch of words out there so most of the time when id share things he simply couldnt read it i told him that was all the stuff that was specifically about me and that i thought he just didnt care haha it was good to clear that up actually,83.0,80.0,46.0,37.0,14.0 is nonrelated shit allowed youll hear from me tomorrow,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0 this and the golden girls are the best shows ever i fall asleep to one every night gg tonight,0.0,70.0,98.0,4.0,0.0 dont use it it has extensive dmca notices and a lot of content doesnt show up,0.0,98.0,94.0,72.0,69.0 umbcarmaci dont think they will be allowed there tho since it is germany,46.0,27.0,31.0,10.0,84.0