heat source welding : 300W_1mpersec_paper &xput remark='316L Stainless Steel (SS316L)' remark='!! Remarks beginning with "!! " are automatically added and removed by FLOW-3D.', remark='!! Do not begin any user added remarks with with "!! ". They will be removed', twfin=0.001, remark='Simulation Finish Time', itb=1, itwfin=2000000000, ifenrg=2, ihtc=1, ifvisc=1, ifsft=1, imphtc=0, ifvof=6, fclean=0.05, ifdynconv=1, omega=1.0, iphchg=1, ifrho=1, gz=-980.0, ifsld=1, ishrnk=0, hflv1=1.0e+05, remark='heat transfer to void type 1', hflem1=0, tedit(1)=0, tpltd(1)=5e-06, thpltd(1)=5e-06, tapltd(1)=5e-06, tsprtd(1)=5e-06, tprtd(1)=5e-06, / &limits / &props units='cgs', remark='base units', tunits='k', remark='temperature units', munits='g', remark='mass units', lunits='cm', remark='length units', timunits='s', remark='time units', cunits='scoul', remark='charge units', gamma=1.4, remark='gamma', mu1=0.0325, remark='viscosity', fluid1='Fe-316_Stainless_Steel-Mills data', remark='material name', cv1=7.26e+6, remark='specific heat', tstar=1697.15, tl1=1697.15, remark='liquidus temperature', ts1=1674.15, remark='solidus temperature', clht1=2.6e+9, remark='latent heat fusion', cvs1=7.22e+6, remark='specific heat', thcs1=2.9349e+6, remark='thermal conductivity', rhofs=7.26088, pv1=1.0130e+06, remark='saturation pressure', tv1=373.15, remark='saturation temperature', clhv1=2.256e+10, remark='latent heat of vaporization', rsize=0, remark='accommodation coefficient', cvvap=1.43e+7, remark='vapor specific heat', tvexp=0, remark='exponent for T-P curve', pv0=1.0130e+06, remark='void vapor partial pressure', rhof=7.2492, remark='density', sigma=0, remark='surface tension coefficient', csigma=0, remark='surface tension coefficient temperature sensitivity', thc1=2.8951e+6, remark='thermal conductivity', irhof=1, ithc1=1, icv1=1, imu1=1, ipgauge=0, remark='pressure type', t_reference=299.15, blkmod_liq=1e+12, blkmod_fscr=2.1e+12, / &scalar nsc=2, remark='!! Scalar 1', scltit(1)='Evaporation Pressure', isclr(1)=0, remark='!! Scalar 2', scltit(2)='Melt region', isclr(2)=3, / &chm / &bcdata remark='!! Boundary condition X Min', ibct(1)=2, tbct(1, 1)=299.15, ihtbct(1)=0, remark='!! Boundary condition X Max', ibct(2)=2, tbct(1, 2)=299.15, ihtbct(2)=0, remark='!! Boundary condition Y Min', ibct(3)=2, tbct(1, 3)=299.15, ihtbct(3)=0, remark='!! Boundary condition Y Max', ibct(4)=2, tbct(1, 4)=299.15, ihtbct(4)=0, remark='!! Boundary condition Z Min', ibct(5)=2, tbct(1, 5)=299.15, ihtbct(5)=0, remark='!! Boundary condition Z Max', ibct(6)=5, pbct(1, 6)=1.013e+06, fbct(1, 6)=0, tbct(1, 6)=299.15, ihtbct(6)=0, / &mesh MeshName='Mesh Block 1', size=0.01, remark='Size of Cells', px(1)=0.0, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the X Direction', px(2)=0.195, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the X Direction', py(1)=0.0, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the Y Direction', py(2)=0.1, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the Y Direction', pz(1)=0.0, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the Z Direction', pz(2)=0.06, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the Z Direction', / &obs nobs=0, remark='number of components', / &fl nfls=1, remark='!! FluidRegion 1', remark='Material 1', fluidRegionName(1)='Region 1', remark='Fluid Region Name', ifdis(1)=0, remark='Geometry', fxl(1)=0.0, remark='X Low', fxh(1)=0.195, remark='X High', fyl(1)=0.0, remark='Y Low', fyh(1)=0.1, remark='Y High', fzl(1)=0.0, remark='Z Low', fzh(1)=0.04, remark='Z High', remark= 'Void Pointer Common Parameters', remark='!! RegionPointer 1', pointerName(1)='Pointer 1', ivht(1)=1, remark='Void Type', xvr(1)=0.1, remark='X Location of Void Pointer', yvr(1)=0.03, remark='Y Location of Void Pointer', zvr(1)=0.05, remark='Z Location of Void Pointer', pvrd(1, 1)=1.0130e+06, remark= 'Pressure', tvrd(1, 1)=299.15, remark= 'Temperature', remark='!! Region Pointer common parameters', pvoid=1.0130e+06, remark='Default Void Initial Vapor Pressure', presi=1.0130e+06, remark='Uniform Pressure', iflinittyp=0, remark='Fluid Initialization', tempi=299.15, remark='Uniform Initial Temperature', tvoid=299.15, remark='Constant Uniform void-region temperature', igivht=1, remark='Global flag for void heat transfer type', remark= 'Void Pointer 1', / &bf / &motn / &grafic anmtyp(1)='sclr2', anmtyp(2)='sldfrc', anmtyp(3)='tn', anmtyp(4)='tw', / &renderspace ifcompf=1, / &header project='template_ss316l', version='double', nprocs=0, runser=0, use_parallel_token=0, run_with_available=0, / &parts remark='!! Fluid Particle Class', ipliquid_species=0, remark='!! Mass Particle Class', ipmass_species=0, remark='!! Particle Blocks', npxyz=0, remark='!! Particle Sources', ippkt=0, / &details f3d_product_name='FLOW-3D', f3d_version_number='12.0.2', modified='2024 May 03 17:33', / &mpivar / &weld nlbeam=1, ilbeam=2, remark='surface detection method', remark='time index', timlbm(1)=0.0, remark= 'Laser 1', xb0lbm(1)=0.03, remark='X position', yb0lbm(1)=0.05, remark='Y position', zb0lbm(1)=1.0, remark='Z position', r0lbm(1)=0.005, remark='lens radius', rflbm(1)=0.005, remark='spot radius', dlflbm(1)=40, remark='focal distance', rblbm(1)=0.0035355339059327377, remark='Gauss dist. (rb)', rzlbm(1)=-1, remark='Z direction', powlbm(1,1)=1000000000.0, remark= 'power', utlbm(1,1)=160.0, remark= 'U velocity', ivprslbm=0, remark='evaporation calculation option', avprslbm=151950, remark='evaporation pressure pscoefficient A', bvprslbm=8.0144971996, remark='evaporation pressure pscoefficient B', irefopt=3, remark='multiple reflection option', ereflct=0.15, remark='coefficient epsilon of equation of fresnel reflection', constFresnel=0, remark='fresnel constant', ivpropt=1, remark='evaporation direction option', ibmpress=1, remark='Evaporation Pressure', imeltopt=2, remark='Melt region', / #start tables: #fluid1: #mu1t 1723.15 0.08 1773.15 0.07 #end mu1t #rhof 298.15 7.95 373.15 7.921 473.15 7.88 573.15 7.833 673.15 7.785 773.15 7.735 873.15 7.681 973.15 7.628 1073.15 7.575 1173.15 7.52 1273.15 7.462 1373.15 7.411 1473.15 7.361 1573.15 7.311 1658.15 7.269 1723.15 7.236 1723.15 6.881 1773.15 6.842 1873.15 6.765 #end rhof #thc1 298.15 1.34e+6 373.15 1.55e+6 473.15 1.76e+6 573.15 1.94e+6 673.15 2.18e+6 773.15 2.34e+6 873.15 2.45e+6 973.15 2.51e+6 1073.15 2.72e+6 1173.15 2.79e+6 1273.15 2.91e+6 1373.15 2.93e+6 1473.15 3.09e+6 1573.15 3.11e+6 1723.15 2.85e+6 1773.15 2.95e+6 1873.15 3.05e+6 #end thc1 #cv1 298.15 4.7e+6 373.15 4.9e+6 473.15 5.2e+6 573.15 5.4e+6 673.15 5.6e+6 773.15 5.7e+6 873.15 5.9e+6 973.15 6e+6 1073.15 6.3e+6 1173.15 6.4e+6 1273.15 6.6e+6 1373.15 6.7e+6 1473.15 7e+6 1573.15 7.1e+6 1658.15 7.2e+6 1723.15 7.3e+6 1723.15 8.3e+6 1773.15 8.3e+6 1873.15 8.3e+6 #end cv1 #end fluid1 #end start tables