import json from pypinyin import lazy_pinyin, load_phrases_dict from shutil import copy import os from pathlib import Path import tqdm as tq import re # ===============路径设置=============== # 原神数据集目录,Merged_Chinese_Wav文件夹的内容需要放到Chinese目录里面 source = 'D:/Samples/AI相关/原始数据集/Merged_Chinese_Wav' dist = 'C:/临时数据集/降临者&NPC' # 输出目录 genshin = 'result.json' # 配套json,要和Chinese目录在同一个位置 language = 'CHS' #语言 filter = 'fetter|battle|life|monster' # 滤除包含特定名字的文件 clear_text = '^#' # 筛选文本中带特定文字的内容 # ===============字典设置=============== # --------------发音重定向-------------- personalized_dict = { '嗯': [['en']], '八重': [['ba'], ['chong']], '重云': [['chong'], ['yun']] } # --------------角色重命名-------------- renameDict = { '万叶': '枫原万叶', "#{REALNAME[ID(1)|HOSTONLY(true)]}": '流浪者', '影': '雷电将军', '公子': '达达利亚', '散兵': '流浪者', '幽夜菲谢尔': '菲谢尔', '绿色的家伙': '温迪', } # ---------------所需角色--------------- charList = ['艾莉丝'] # =========以下内容请勿擅自修改========== load_phrases_dict(personalized_dict) def is_in(full_path, regx): if re.findall(regx, full_path): return True else: return False def is_in_text(text, regx): if re.findall(regx, text): return True else: return False def is_empty(file_path): fsize = os.path.getsize(file_path) if fsize == 0: return True else: return False json_path = source + '/' + genshin f = open(json_path, encoding='utf8') data = json.load(f) for k in tq.tqdm(data.keys()): value = data.get(k).get('language') if value is not None: if value != language: continue text = data.get(k).get('text') char_name = data.get(k).get('npcName') path = data.get(k).get('fileName') path = path.replace(".wem", ".wav") path = path.replace("\\", "/") wav_source = source + '/' + path wav_file = os.path.basename(path) lab_file = wav_file.replace('.wav', '.lab') if text is not None and char_name is not None: if char_name in renameDict: char_name = renameDict[char_name] if char_name in charList: pinyin = " ".join(lazy_pinyin(text, errors='ignore')) dis_dir = dist + '/可使用/' + char_name clear_dir = dist + '/需确认/' + char_name lab_path = dis_dir + '/' + lab_file wav_path = dis_dir + '/' + wav_file lab_clear_path = clear_dir + '/' + lab_file wav_clear_path = clear_dir + '/' + wav_file try: if text is not None and is_in(path, filter) == False: if not os.path.exists(dis_dir): os.makedirs(dis_dir) if not os.path.exists(clear_dir): os.makedirs(clear_dir) if is_in_text(text, clear_text) == True: Path(lab_clear_path).write_text( text, encoding='utf-8') copy(wav_source, wav_clear_path) if is_empty(lab_clear_path) == True: os.remove(lab_clear_path) os.remove(wav_clear_path) if is_in_text(text, clear_text) == False: copy(wav_source, wav_path) Path(lab_path).write_text(pinyin, encoding='utf-8') if is_empty(lab_path) == True: os.remove(lab_path) os.remove(wav_path) except Exception as e: pass continue f.close()