{ "info": { "num_frame": 11875, "fps": 25, "url": "", "h": 720, "video_path": "3.mp4", "w": 1280, "class": "movie" }, "global": [ { "question": "What's the time in the video?" }, { "question": "Where does it happen in the video?" }, { "question": "When does the things in the video happens, ancient age, modern age or future?" } ], "breakpoint": [ { "question": "How many people appeared?", "time": 750 }, { "question": "Where is the scene?", "time": 2250 }, { "question": "What is the clothes color of the woman?", "time": 3000 }, { "question": "What is the person doing?", "time": 3750 }, { "question": "What is the clothes color of the woman?", "time": 4500 }, { "question": "Where is the scene?", "time": 5250 }, { "question": "How many people appeared?", "time": 6000 }, { "question": "What is the clothes color of the woman?", "time": 7500 }, { "question": "What are the people doing?", "time": 8950 }, { "question": "Are there any plants?", "time": 9750 } ] }