premise,hypothesis,label,idx It quivered in the ground.,It was quivering on the ground.,0,1 "Once considered a model of social scientific method and a source of broad insights into the way people live, the discipline had become directionless, intellectually moribund, and hopelessly overspecialized, with departments across the country scaling back or disappearing altogether.","The discipline has become directionless, with departments all over the country disappearing.",0,2 i tell you what the fumes that the the paint gives off makes you wonder what these people do anyway,The paint gives off fumes.,0,3 "'Cause, like, I want a Miata.",I would love to have a Miata.,0,4 "A little way to the south are Leith Links, said to be the birthplace of golf, where the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers built a clubhouse in 1767 and where you can still enjoy a bracing round in the sea air.",The birthplace of golf is said to be the Leith Links.,0,5 Gauve saw something in San'doro's eyes and grew even more pale.,He saw his eyes and got pale.,0,6 "Whatever had been done to them--or perhaps the absence of a true soul, whatever that was--left them rigidly bound to their past ideas and totally incapable of doing more than following orders by routine now.",Whatever happened to their souls left them incapable of free will. ,0,7 "Because its campaigns tend to involve the planning and execution of individual acts rather than all-out warfare, IRA members look and act more like professional criminals than like revolutionaries.",IRA members look and act like criminals for this matter.,0,8 Today's Papers is also delivered daily via e-mail.,Today's Papers no longer have to be strictly delivered on your doorstep. ,0,9 "Neuendorf, for one, says he expects the Web to drive art prices through the roof.",Neuendorf says he thinks the internet will make art prices go up.,0,10 and now they weren't check in,"They don't involve checks anymore, at least for me. ",0,11 His training was working.,He was learning how to do it.,0,12 "(Did she smile, or was that a wince?)",They were not certain if she smiled.,0,13 "Before running away from home in Newark, N.J., to the Catholic home--known locally as the Convent--for instance, a character named Mavis allows her twin infants to smother to death in the family car.",Mavis allowed her twin babies to die in the car.,0,14 "These individuals can be held personally liable, under certain circumstances, for authorizations made by them.",These specific people could be made liable.,0,15 "I'd upload the Ben Sim into his body a day earlier, spend the afternoon playing chess.",I would play chess all day.,0,16 "The federal government, like private corporations and other organizations, acquires facilities to support specific functions and missions and the general conduct of its business.","The federal government has facilities to support specific functions and the conduct of its business, just like private corporations and other organizations.",0,17 "Judy Johnson, an owner of Oakwood Heights, said the park is well-run.","The park is well-run, according to Judy Johnson. ",0,18 "Just behind the back wall of the main chapel, the Transparente is the cathedral's most unforgettable innovation.",The cathedral contains the Transparente behind the main chapel.,0,19 "Beyond, in the handsome old residential quarters of the Cete Ducale, is the entrance to the Cetello Sforzesco Musei Civici, a series of small art museums, devoted to sculpture, painting (Pinacoteca), ceramics, furniture, and archaeology.",There are several art museums near Cete Ducale.,0,20 You don't talk the same language! ,We do not speak the same language.,0,21 Drink this. Mrs. Vandemeyer complied.,Mrs. Vandemeyer drank it. ,0,22 yeah yeah and so i would think that either the doctor could get him off with that or or that they should listen i mean because i i just can't see that they would do some make somebody go to a rehab or whatever they go through because he took his wife's medicine that just doesn't sound right does it so it seems like they should be able to bend the rules oops excuse me a little bit on that but you but i don't know because i don't know anybody that's had to go through treatment or anything so i really don't know,He shouldn't have to get penalized for taking his wife's medicine.,0,23 and yeah and uh i'll i talked to a thirteen year old last night who's uh goes to uh one of the Plano schools high schools or or junior highs i guess and she said that that she had a a choice she could either have taken tennis or weight lifting so she chose to take weight lifting,The teenager I spoke to last night opted for weight lifting over tennis.,0,24 The law currently specifies that the rates for books will not vary with distance.,The law states that the rates for books will not be different based on distance. ,0,25 Both grants come from the Legal Services.,2 grants came from the Legal Services.,0,26 11 billion reduction in total electric generation expenditures.,There was 11 billion less in total electric generation expenditures. ,0,27 "(1996) study, one corresponding to all-cause mortality, and one corresponding to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) mortality (separation by cause is necessary to implement the life years lost approach detailed below).",There was a study about the mortality rate for those with COPD.,0,28 Finding out what's A children's section appears in the Time Out section in each Friday's Jerusalem Post and in Your Jerusalem (see Media on page 119).,The Time Out section appears in the Jerusalem post.,0,29 yeah sometimes it can be,Occasionally that's how it is. ,0,30 Auditors also may find it necessary to use the work of legal counsel when an audit requires testing compliance with provisions of contracts or grant agreements.,Legal counsel may be required by auditors when their audits call for selective compliance assurance tests. ,0,31 "Although Asian Americans live throughout Los Angeles County, there are several special cultural and shopping enclaves that deserve visitors' special attention.",Visitors should pay extra attention to certain cultural enclaves in Lose Angeles County.,0,32 But he manages to present politically unpalatable ideas with grace and understatement.,He manages to present politically unpalatable ideas with grace and understatement.,0,33 "I've been hunting this slavelord for some time, said San'doro.",San'doro had been looking for this slavelord for some time.,0,34 "The still feebly flickering ashes in the grate, and the row of prim ornaments on the mantelpiece, were surely harmless enough. ",The ornaments on the mantelpiece were just as harmless as the flickering ashes in the grate. ,0,35 George W. Bush takes both covers.,Mr. Bush takes them both.,0,36 that's sad well it was nice to talk to you,It was nice to chat with you but that is sad. ,0,37 "So far, the federal government has used surplus funds to reduce its debt held by the public.",The government has traditionally used excess funds to decrease their debts.,0,38 "So, I cried, a light breaking in upon me, ""it was John who quarrelled with his mother that afternoon?""","I had a revelation, and asked if it was John who had fought with his mother.",0,39 you know that's where they that's where they get the the deep-rooted values and and uh and that's about right then you just have to hope and pray that that everything uh works out works out okay,"They get the foundational values there, and there is little you can do after that.",0,40 "One of the most elegant Renaissance chateaux, Chenonceau and its famous long gallery are raised on arches to span the Cher river.",The Chenonceau is raised on arches to span the Cher river.,0,41 Driving north on Pacific Coast Highway 1 (often marked PCH ) from Santa Monica to Malibu is an excellent introduction to southern Caleornia's seductive beach life.,You can drive along PCH and see what beach life is like.,0,42 The original progressives chose to swim with this basic current of history.,Progressives originally where people who sided with and made current history,0,43 "He began to look like a teenager, and the family forbade him to go to work.",The family would not allow him to go to work.,0,44 yeah that that's what ticks me off about old uh Henderson you know wanting to renegotiate renegotiate his contract because uh uh he's not the highest paid player anymore,Henderson is not the highest paid player anymore.,0,45 um i'm done where i work,I'm finished at work.,0,46 "However, the high mountains, lakes, and spas of Savoie are not just for skiiers.",Not only skiiers can utilize the topography of Savoie.,0,47 White-tiled rooms with Jamaican hand-crafted bamboo furniture and locally printed fabrics offer panoramic views.,The rooms have white tile.,0,48 what you put put the hooks through their little back and they just jump around under the water,You put fishhooks into them and then they squirm and wriggle below the surface of the water.,0,49 "Here and throughout the city, the facades of buildings are subject to elaborate three-dimensional decoration, mainly with geometric forms.",The facades of buildings have elaborate 3D decorations.,0,50 And you think that will tell you anything? He gave a short disagreeable laugh.,And you think they will say anything to you? He laughed mockingly.,0,51 They were being kind.,They were nice.,0,52 Penn and the New Democrats disagree with all this.,Penn and the New Democrats do not accept any of these conditions.,0,53 Your advice to struck me as amazing.,You give great advice.,0,54 The camp was a mess when they reached it.,The camp was a mess when they arrived.,0,55 but we didn't you know we didn't really start it for the money it was just they were fun to have around and we figured if we're going to have them we might as well have some purebreds and and now it developed in to going to cat shows and finding studs for them and you know all this kind of stuff,Our original intentions were to have fun.,0,56 "Mr. Inglethorp, knowing what I have now told you, do you still refuse to say where you were at six o'clock on Monday afternoon?"" With a groan, Alfred Inglethorp sank down again and buried his face in his hands. ","Alfred Inglethorp, facing the question of his whereabouts, could only cover his face with his hands.",0,57 "The amount of revaluation is recognized as a loss or a gain in determining the net cost of operations, because it results from the entity's operations.",Revaluation is counted as a loss or a gain in determining net cost of operations.,0,58 Jon swung again.,Jon swung his rapier again.,0,59 CHRONIC TOXICITY TEST ENDPOINTS AND DATA ANALYSIS,Data analysis can be performed on chronic toxicity tests.,0,60 "Plus, the elephants, rhinos, tigers, and bears of Malaysia are the smallest of their kind.","The tigers, elephants, bears and rhinos of Malaysia are the smallest of their kind, as a plus.",0,61 the kids like it though they think it's a hilarious,the children like it because it's funny,0,62 "At a minimum, involve representatives of the owner, the user, the A/E, construction management staff, maintenance and operations staff, and special staff such as procurement, safety, and",Representatives of the construction management staff are involved.,0,63 "However long you spend browsing this fantastic collection, you are sure to need some refreshment when you have finished.",You might be in need of refreshments after you are done browsing the collection.,0,64 "As she did so, she heard Boris say: ""New, isn't she?""","Boris was heard saying ""New, isn't she?""",0,65 "It does not receive anything of value from the Government in exchange for its deposit of earnings, and on occasion it has been required by law to make extra payments.",Deposits of earnings are not to be traded for anything of value.,0,66 "However, EPA's modeling under the Clear Skies Act projects that the units installing ACI will not be installing PJFFs.",Units that install ACI will not install PJFFs according to the EPA modeling. ,0,67 and i was living such a stringent lifestyle that it was very beneficial to me it taught me not to be so self-centered and it you know to think of others,A frugal lifestyle allowed me to think of others.,0,68 2) They cannot operate without hard-to-get government licenses.,They need a government issued license in order to operate.,0,69 "Dependent on a steady stream of foreign investment to finance their large trade deficits, the Thai and Malaysian governments were forced to devalue their currencies, making their exports cheaper in foreign markets.",The Thai and Malaysian governments took action to address their deficits.,0,70 Ear-itation,Unpleasant to the ears.,0,71 "However, quite apart from the energy gained by their combustion they remain, and always will remain, the basic raw material for all organic chemistry.","Besides being fuel, they are the building blocks of all organic chemistry.",0,72 Bonnieux juts out over the Coulon Valley.,Bonnieux is found just over the edge of Coulon Valley.,0,73 Political and economic power resided with non-Hawaiians.,People who were not of Hawaiian descent had control of the economy and society.,0,74 i'm mostly into uh,I'm mostly into something.,0,75 GPRA seeks to address such situations by requiring agencies to consult with Congress and other stakeholders to clarify their missions and reach agreement on their goals., GPRA seeks to address such situations ,0,76 "The invited participants were from public, private, and not-for-profit entities having extensive experience and subject matter expertise in the accounting profession, corporate governance issues, financial reporting and disclosure models, auditing, accounting, and related regulatory issues.",Public and private entities were invited because of their experience.,0,77 The federal government also provides financial aid to encourage postsecondary education.,Financial aid is given by the federal government.,0,78 We ain't givin' you any double-tongue wag over this ,They are not giving any double-tongue over the subject.,0,79 "For the beginner ' and for most others, too ' Beaune is the place to buy.",Beaune is the place to buy for the beginner.,0,80 "It is now on display in the museum, along with tapestries that adorned the walls of the unheated hospital wards to keep the patients warm.",Tapestries from the hospital are on show in the museum.,0,81 "As you walk along the avenue of pines and giant cedars, you pass on the right the Anzaisho, the emperor's rest house, and Sanshujo, the rest house for the imperial family.",You will see many royal houses as you walk along the avenue of pines and giant cedars.,0,82 "The Government consider it as mere bluff on their part, and, rightly or wrongly, have stuck to the policy of absolute denial.",The Government are still not admitting anything.,0,83 "Yes, but it was possible.",There was a possibility.,0,84 Wilmington attorney Dana Harrington Conner has won a national award for her work with an organization that offers legal assistance to low-income families.,Conner won an award for her work bringing legal assistance to the poor.,0,85 "The Lancaster Interagency Council for the Homeless is in the early stages of its 10-year plan to end homelessness, Case said. ",Case said that there is a new 10-year plan to end homelessness being planned by the Lancaster Interagency Council.,0,86 we uh you know we're not going to get this budget isn't going to make us rich but it is going to prevent us from going into poverty uh but,"The budget isn't going to make us rich, but it is going to prevent us from falling into poverty.",0,87 there okay had to mess with my phone here um do you have children,Do you have any children?,0,88 "According to Common Cause, the political parties are spending millions of dollars as independent expenditures on ads that were designed and produced by the candidates' own campaign organizations.",It is possible to spend money as independent expenditures on ads.,0,89 "On Meet the Press , White House Chief of Staff John Podesta We're not negotiating, Tim.",Podesta said they are not negotiating.,0,90 "Colleen Werthmann is doing a show called SHE HATES HER SUPERVISOR next Monday at the Westbeth Theatre, 151 Bank St., New York.",Collen Werthmann is doing a show.,0,91 They ride hard by torchlight from the south.,They're riding form the south by torchlight. ,0,92 "To make a buck, the movie business has to lure large numbers of people into seeing bad movies, and to get them to pay as much as they would if they were seeing a good movie.","To earn money, Hollywood must charge people the same rate for a bad movie as a good movie. ",0,93 yeah it uh it was uh it was a a smart move to make um i was more intelligent than the position i was holding,I was too smart for my position.,0,94 "Along with Mad magazine, he provided comedy to my suburban boyhood--Schulz the philosophical and Mad the topical--at just the right intellectual level for a suburban boy.",There was a magazine called Mad magazine.,0,95 Tripp protests that she made the tapes to protect herself because Lewinsky was pressuring her to lie in the Paula Jones case.,The tapes served to protect Tripp from Lewinsky.,0,96 "From this observation tower, it is possible to see as far as Mount Everest.",Mount Everest can be seen from the observation tower.,0,97 "At Gandaa (32 km/19 miles north of Denia on the N-332), you'll be tempted to spend all your time on the town's broad promenades and 13 km (8 miles) of splendid beaches.",Gandaa is north of Denia.,0,98 man can we trust them have they repented for what they did have they made a world apology,Have they apologized for their transgressions?,0,99 She wore headphones to listen to instructions and also read them on the screen.,She read and listened to the instructions.,0,100 I do not think he believes or cares anything! ,I think that he cares about nothing.,0,101 "For a split second, he thought that the sun had gone nova.","For a brief moment, he thought the sun had swollen.",0,102 "124 He gave vent to a prodigious whistle, as I imparted the news. ",The subject whistled at the news the author delivered. ,0,103 "The laws also mandate that workers be trained in pesticide safety, are notified of fields that have been sprayed, have fresh water to wash chemicals from their skin and receive emergency medical help in cases of pesticide exposure or illness.",Laws mandate that workers are trained with proper pesticide safety and have the appropriate tools.,0,104 Recent acquisitions include the work of such contemporary artists as Vivienne Roche and Patrick O'Reilly.,Some contemporary artists have had their work recently acquired.,0,105 Slate and read an excerpt from the book.),Also you must read an excerpt from the book.,0,106 "In order to continue benefiting from this split, the Postal Service might try to maintain it, even without the Statutes.",The Postal Service has already benefitted from this split.,0,107 He actually does so.,He is actually doing.,0,108 The delivery of legal services in West Virginia will soon be enhanced by a statewide $1.,Legal services in West Virginia will soon cost $1 more.,0,109 Why? he asked.,For what reason? He inquired.,0,110 "Data reliability refers to the accuracy and completeness of computerprocessed data, given the intended purposes for use.",The completeness and accuracy of the data is called data reliability.,0,111 Lack of Adequate Data or Methods,Adequate Data or Methods Deficiency,0,112 "Financial Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's Internal Controls as of December 31, 1992.","A federal financial institution's controls, as of winter 1992",0,113 The analysis concluded that the rule as proposed in 1993 would have had severe adverse effects on small businesses.,Small businesses would go under as an consequence of that rule.,0,114 "This was one of the most densely populated parts of the ancient world, with many famous cities to its name Troy, city of the Iliad and the Odyssey, and Smyrna, the birthplace of Homer; Sardis, home of the wealthy King Croesus; Ephesus, where St. Paul preached the gospels; and Halicarnassus, birthplace of the historian Herodotus.","Troy, Smyrna, and Sardis were just a few of the famous ancient cities in this part of the world.",0,115 The problem was that it didn't work.,"It didn't work, that's the problem.",0,116 "The train's narrow roof beckoned me, boasting of safety... The roof lied.",The train's roof looked safe.,0,117 "The Palazzo Bianco (number 11) makes a handsome setting for Genoa's most important art collection, mostly the work of Genoese Cambiaso, Strozzi, and Magnasco, as well as works by Pontormo and Palma il Vecchio, and the Flemish school Rubens, G??rard David, and Van Dyck.",Number 11 is a great place for the art collection.,0,118 "While Drew watched, the stouter back of Bartolomé cut off his first good look at his father.",Drew could not see his father because his view was blocked. ,0,119 "Under these programs, employees can obtain cash awards based on savings they can document by using free tickets from airline frequent flyer programs or by securing lodging rates below the maximum amounts allowed.","To obtain cash rewards, employees can document savings the receive by using free tickets and discounts from different methods of travel and lodge.",0,120 "The project will enable victims of domestic violence to use teleconferencing and videoconferencing technology and on-line filing to confer with Pine Tree advocates, prepare and file Protection from Abuse petitions, and confer with judges if necessary, all without leaving the security of a domestic violence shelter.",The project helps domestic violence victims video conference with legal help.,0,121 "Deepavali (Hindu Festival of Lights) is the Indian community's major celebration, signaled by candles lit in the homes, family feasts, and prayers in the temple.","The Hindu Festival of Lights, called the Deepavali, is a major celebration is Indian culture that involves lighting candles, eating with your family, and praying in the temple.",0,122 "While occasional ethnic tensions arise, they rarely flare into the kind of violence such rivalries foster elsewhere in the world.",Ethnic rivalries are known to bring about violence in various parts of the world.,0,123 "If the speed limit is 55 mph, off-duty highway cops should drive at 55, even if 62 or 63 is close enough for the rest of us.","Police officers ought to obey traffic laws, even if the rest of us don't.",0,124 "But Canada has been reluctant to involve itself, and the United Nations is considering creating yet another ad hoc tribunal.",Canada is hesitant in being involved in the United Nations' consideration of creating another ad hoc tribunal.,0,125 The adjacent George C. Page Museum of La Brea Discoveries (5801 Wilshire Boulevard) provides fascinating insight into Ice Age life in southern Caleornia.,The George Page Museum's main attraction relates to the Ice Age life in S. Cali.,0,126 okay so hers was the first one i got gotten and uh oh she was telling me all her problems,She was my first one that I got and she told me all her troubles.,0,127 "Also in the close (left from the cathedral exit) is Marsh's Library, the first public library in Ireland, founded in 1701 and holding more than 25,000 books.","Marsh's Library contains more than 25,000 books and was the first public library in Ireland.",0,128 in fact uh when our car was stolen of a little over a year ago in Baltimore i had a Rod Stewart tape in there that i was thinking the other day that i ought to replace because i really kind of miss that music but,I really miss that Rod Stewart tape I left in my car.,0,129 That's why we've found it fairly plain sailing.,It was plain sailing.,0,130 "But there's no need to be sentimental about it."" In the meantime, nothing more was seen of Boris.",Boris disappeared at some point.,0,131 "Although the LSC program differs from the program at issue in Rosenberger in that its purpose is not to encourage a diversity of views, the salient point is that, like the program in Rosenberger, the LSC program was designed to facilitate private speech, not to promote a governmental message.",Both the LSC and Rosenberger programs should aid private speech.,0,132 "Many Japanese are highly superstitious about acquiring second-hand goods, especially clothing.",Japanese people are highly suspicious of secondhand goods. ,0,133 you know that's nice yeah,Yeah that is good,0,134 "Recaptured by Israel in 1967, it has become synonymous with the struggle between Jewish settlers and Palestinian Arabs, each fearful of the other encroaching onto what they perceive as their rightful territories.","The area, held by Israel is deeply contested by Israel and Palestine.",0,135 you know so i mean i don't know i think that if people are forced if the people are not forced to do it they may not you know i mean i don't know i think a lot of people still still still will but,"if it's voluntary, some people will still do it",0,136 "The executive will have met this element by ensuring that information system security plans exist and are implemented in accordance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology and Office of Management and Budget guidelines; ensuring that annual risk assessments are conducted for each identified information security-applications, hardware, software-to ensure that the identified risks, vulnerabilities, and threats are addressed by appropriate security controls; and ensuring that all employees comply with departmental training requirements to understand their information security responsibilities.",The executive will meet that element.,0,137 Now talk to me about that.,I would like to hear about that.,0,138 you don't like him,It obvious your distaste for him.,0,139 "When small firms and solos do use technology to help smaller clients, the resulting publicity can generate much good will.",Good will can be garnered from helping smaller clients.,0,140 "VA clearly indicated in both the interim rule and the final rule the amendments to the previous adjudication regulations necessitated by the Supreme Court decision in Brown, 115 S.Ct.",Adjudication regulations have been necessitated by the Supreme Court.,0,141 "The cistern measures 140 metres (460 feet) by 70 metres (230 feet); its vaulted brick roof is supported by a forest of columns topped by Corinthian capitals, 336 in all, set in 12 rows of 28.",The cistern's roof is held up by a multitude of columns.,0,142 no no i didn't even miss work just sling stick it in a sling and go on,I didn't have to miss any work.,0,143 "In Palma, the shops Can Bonet and Dana sell fine handmade embroidery.",There are embroidery shops in Palma.,0,144 "During the 18th century, more damage was done by the improvements of redecorators of the Ancien R??gime than by Revolutionary iconoclasts.",Redecorators of the ancient regime caused more damage than revolutionary iconoclasts.,0,145 "6 million commitment from Congress to underwrite sophisticated hardware, Web-based and telephonic systems to expand services for clients.",Service for clients was expanded by web-based systems.,0,146 "The cousin, Dagmar Simova, has been the media's main source of information about Albright's wartime experience.",The media has received a lot of information from Dagmar Simova. ,0,147 "We've wasted time and we're no forrader.""",We moved ahead with dispatch. ,0,148 Legend holds that this gorge was created by the saber of Manjushri (see page 15).,"Manjushri's sword cleaved this gorge, according to legend.",0,149 "But with Java, Sun seems to be staking everything on that relationship.",Sun focuses their whole company on Java.,0,150 but you know if a lot of people flat can't afford to you know that and most kids these days have gotten themselves into um financial situations where they have to be working all the time,"A lot of people can't afford that, not to mention those kids who are forced to work all the time.",0,151 "'Do you believe in God, Mr. Franklin?'",I asked Franklin if he was religious.,0,152 "Calling bused students cogs in an experimental machine, Potter declared that all vestiges of harm wrought by the Jim Crow-era dual school system have evaporated.",Potter claims that the damage done by dual schools is gone.,0,153 She sat up and smiled with the air of one who has the situation thoroughly well in hand.,She was confident of the situation.,0,154 "Finally, all entity determinations of the applicability of stewardship standards should be thoroughly documented.",All determinations are well documented by skilled workers adept at their jobs.,0,155 Derry stood for a second.,Derry didn't move.,0,156 "On 10 September 1229, a Catalan army led by King Jaume I of Arag??n and Catalunya took the Mallorcan shore near the present-day resort of Santa Ponca.",The modern resort of Santa Ponca is close to the Mallorcan shore.,0,157 "Olives, walnuts, almonds, and late developing fruit must all be brought in and preserved before the start of winter.","Almonds, walnuts and olives have to be taken in and preserved prior to the beginning of winter. ",0,158 "For insured patients, counseling services are billable under existing CPT (current procedural terminology) codes when delivered by qualified staff.","counseling services are billable under existing CPT, for insured patients.",0,159 Full cost shall be measured and accounted for in accordance with Managerial Cost Accounting Concepts and Standards,"The cost, in full, shall be measured and accounted for.",0,160 1 The objective of chronic aquatic toxicity tests with effluents and pure compounds is to estimate the highest safe or no-effect concentration of these substances.,Finding the highest safe concentration of substances is what chronic aquatic toxicity tests are designed to do.,0,161 "Sure as the Backstreet Boys will meet a bad end, you can be certain that the Pokemon generation will age out of the game and into sullen teendom.","Much like the Backstreet Boys, fans of Pokemon will eventually age out of the trend.",0,162 His finger traced each word as he read.,He traces the words that he reads.,0,163 "Despite Adams' relatively unremarkable presidency, however, he rebounded as no other ex-president ever has.",Adam was a president.,0,164 "However, one participant questioned that since almost 10 years have gone by since the Jenkins Committee made its recommendations, is there really a demand for change?",Some people question the need for change.,0,165 But he played an important part in bringing realism to child rearing by being an unapologetic improviser himself.,He was an unapologetic improviser.,0,166 Don't be offended because I think you're young.,You're young but I don't think you should be offended.,0,167 VBA's Senior Executive Performance Plans41 Performance Elements41 Performance Standards for Elements42 Performance Standards for Summary Ratings43 Revisions to the Fiscal Year 2002 Performance Plans44,In 2002 there were revisions made to the fiscal year performance plans.,0,168 Thar's parts maybe even an Injun ain't seed neither.,There are parts that even Indians can't see.,0,169 "Under an interpretation that the alien must be physically present when the representation commenced, an alien who was temporarily outside the United States would be barred from obtaining legal services representation on",Under this interpretation an alien must remain in the United States at all times to obtain legal services.,0,170 It is spanned by two impressive suspension bridges.,It extends from side to side by two suspension bridges.,0,171 The two sets of estimates depicted in this table reflect alternative assumptions and analytical approaches regarding quantifying and evaluating the effects of airborne particles on public health.,Some of the estimates shown in the table reflect other assumptions and analytical approaches.,0,172 "Hurricane Andrew, which leveled much of South Florida in 1992, raised further doubts as to whether FEMA was capable of responding to disasters.",Hurricane Andrew hit Florida in 1992.,0,173 House of Representatives,One house of congress,0,174 Will you tell us to whom you sold it? You could have heard a pin drop. ,The courtroom was silent as everyone waited to hear the answer from the witness.,0,175 every city has you know their you know their free hospitals or whatever and i know a few people that have had experiences in those,Every city has their free hospitals.,0,176 maybe that's why they're,"Possibly, that's why they're",0,177 uh-huh innocent people not just the drug people i'm talking about innocent people when they have they little drive by shootings and and and see because i'm from Los Angeles,"Innocent people die from drive-by shootings, not just the drug people.",0,178 "At his 1977 trial, Flynt was sentenced to seven to 25 years for obscenity and for engaging in organized crime.",Flynt was sentenced to seven to twenty-five years for indecency and for engaging in organized crime at his trial on 1977.,0,179 "Haven't eaten since we broke camp at sunup.""",I haven't eaten since this morning. ,0,180 Flashes of blue tore through the room- my own little thunderstorm.,There was lightning.,0,181 "You'll of course see Mary Stuart (Mary, Queen of Scots) and Bonnie Prince Charlie as himself and also as Betty Burke, his disguise to escape the English forces.",You will see Bonnie Prince Charlie in two different forms.,0,182 "At Saint-Joseph ask to be shown a traveler's tree (arbre du voyageur) from Madagascar, which has a reserve supply of water within its trunk.",You can see the traveler's tree at Saint-Joseph.,0,183 "The body is placed on a pyre of perfumed sandalwood, which is then set alight.",The funeral pyre is made of fragrant sandalwood.,0,184 "The sky isn't falling now, kid.",The world isn't ending now. ,0,185 "When this occurs, especially in a strong control environment, denial is no longer an option, and managers have the information, as well as the incentive, to begin addressing improper payments.",Improper payouts can be addressed by managers with information and incentives.,0,186 Pick up a leaflet from the tourist office and ask for a driver who can speak your language.,The tourist office provides leaflets that can be picked up.,0,187 "For affirmative action to do anything, it must involve advancing people who are slightly less qualified.",Affirmative action involves advancing less qualified people.,0,188 A recent study estimated that a wealth effect of 3 to 4 cents could explain two-fifths to about half of the decline in the personal saving rate since 1988.,The recent study examines the effect of a wealth effect on personal savings rate.,0,189 The preamble to the proposed rule stated that the entities that would be required to comply with the rule are public utilities and transmitting utilities that do not fall within the Regulatory Flexibility Act's definition of small entity.,The proposal included a preamble.,0,190 "They must be given reason to believe that the law is for them too, said Wharton, a former executive director of MALS.","According to Wharton, there must be a reason to believe that the law is for them too.",0,191 mostly just the cans,Mostly the cans only,0,192 What's his name?,I don't know his name. ,0,193 That slowed him a lot more than the broken nose.,The broken nose had slowed him less. ,0,194 "Now it appears that he may have been simply assuring himself she really was dead, at least according to three of Wynette's daughters, who have filed a $50 million wrongful death suit against Richey and a doctor.",He seemed to convince himself that she really did die. ,0,195 La Cetellana and Paseo de Recoletos are continuations north of the Prado boulevard of the Bourbons.,The Prado boulevard of the Bourbons continues north into La Cetellana and Paseo de Recoletos. ,0,196 "Yes, sir, but they'd all cleared out.",That's right but they've already cleared out.,0,197 "Another sign that this part of Funchal is being revitalized is the new lido, known as Barreirinha, on the beach below the Igreja de Santa Maria Maior, an elegant 18th-century church worth a visit.",The new lido is an 18th century church that is deserving of a visit.,0,198 Of particular note are the interactive video stations exploring the 1992 L.A. riots.,There are interactive video areas to learn about the 1992 L.A. riots.,0,199 Costs would be lower by dint of lower wages and/or less frequent delivery.,Less frequent delivery can lower costs.,0,200 He had given himself up for dead at every corner.,At every corner he reached he assumed he was going to die.,0,201 I returned to White via Lincoln's cold gaze.,After Lincoln looked at me I went back to White.,0,202 I have succeeded! ,I achieved what I set out to do.,0,203 Attitudes changed too.,There was a change in the attitudes of people.,0,204 But future chances should not take a man's mind off the job immediately ahead.,Even if there are future chances that should not distract a man from the immediate job before him.,0,205 My family insists on calling the big black skyscraper that soars over downtown the box that the Space Needle arrived in.,the big skyscraper is referred to as the box that the space needle arrived in by my family.,0,206 "There's nothing on record, as far as I know, to link him to his mentor Wright's notorious sympathy for Hitler and fascism.","Although his mentor had sympathy for Hilter and fascism, there is nothing that we know of that links him to that.",0,207 "The man, the northerner, tied back his hair and handed his black leather three-cornered hat and cloak to a dark skinned boy who followed him.",The man was followed by a boy.,0,208 (Norton plugs the book here.),The book is plugged by Norton.,0,209 "At one time it was a very miserable valley, a swampland conducive only to breeding malarial mosquitoes.",This valley was once home to only mosquitoes.,0,210 yeah um-hum yeah you can pick it up and take it wherever you go,You can carry it with you throughout the day.,0,211 and i think they stopped producing the IBM PC,I believe that IBM PC's are no longer produced.,0,212 and those things just keep ticking i mean they just it can rack up a a hundred fifty K on them and they're still beating on them,You can put 150 thousand miles on one and they just keep going.,0,213 okay Maureen uh could you tell me what type of uh dining out that you like to do,"Okay Maureen, what kind of dining out do you prefer?",0,214 "Far from protecting PK's reputation, the boys keep trying to get inside its blouse.",The boys are trying to cop a feel. ,0,215 "For antiquarian books, go to Cathach Books in Duke Street.",Duke Street's Cathach Books sells antique books.,0,216 This calculated interest is the effective interest of the investment (referred to as effective yield in some literature).,Effective yield is another name for calculated interest.,0,217 that nursing home life would not have been you know anything of her choosing of course she would she would not have been happy there at all but uh as it turned out the stroke took care of that concern for us,She probably wouldn't like the nursing home but the stroke took care of that. ,0,218 Buchanan was the hit of the United We Stand Convention in 1995 and enjoys good relations with Perot.,Buchanan was the hit of the United We Stand Convention.,0,219 His sense was that the field would benefit from starting in the practice setting to learn how interventions work in real-world clinical settings.,He believed the field would benefit from learning in real-world settings. ,0,220 He was considered one of the finest detectives of his day.,He was thought to be one of the best detectives of his age.,0,221 Officials from this organization described a situation in which a company had notified them of a newly identified vulnerability.,The organization had representatives.,0,222 "But wait a minute, Chatterbox thought.","Chatterbox thought, hold on a minute.",0,223 The issues are discussed in the Regulatory Impact Analysis.,The Regulatory Impact Analysis talks about the issues.,0,224 "Some are magnificently decorative in their own right; if you don't want to wear one, consider an obi as an original and unusual wall-hanging in a Western home.",Obis can both be used for clothing and decoration.,0,225 "The Pont-Neuf (neuf means new ) is in fact Paris's oldest standing bridge, completed by Henri IV in 1606.",Henry IV was responsible for the building of the Pont-Neuf.,0,226 "In the short term, Congress may wish to explore the benefits of (1) providing OPM with additional flexibility that would enable it to grant governmentwide authority for all agencies (i.e.",The benefit of providing OPM with more flexibility could be something the Congress may want to examine.,0,227 "They've gone insane in there, said the brill farmer.",The brill farmer relayed that they had gone crazy in there.,0,228 Where? cried Tuppence.,Tuppence frantically asked where.,0,229 They call names., They call for someone.,0,230 "Laid out in an attractive hillside setting half a mile southwest of Takayama Station, the houses many of them three or four stories high, with steeply pitched grass-thatch roofs are oddly reminiscent of those in European Alpine villages.",The houses are located southwest of Takayama Station in a hillside environment.,0,231 "Dissociation with the producer of the offending temptation--a $400 jacket, say--becomes a coping mechanism, and rumor and conspiracy theories are only a step away.",Coping mechanisms often lead to rumor and conspiracy theories.,0,232 Migration takes place from September through November and from March through May.,Migration takes place during six months of the year.,0,233 i i seems like it was on a Friday Friday or Saturday,I think it was a Friday or Saturday.,0,234 "Because this story will be painfully banal, it will be also painfully short.",The story will be short.,0,235 'You have eleven seconds.',You can take eleven seconds to do it.,0,236 "To the west on Jaffa Road is the large new municipal government center, Safra Square.",The new government centre is on Jaffa Road.,0,237 Chennai was set up in 1642 as the East India Company's first east coast trading station for shipping cotton and sugar.,"In 1642, The East India Company established Chennai as its first east coast trading post for cotton and sugar.",0,238 "None of this means that Gillette and Campbell's are not pushed by their competition, since all the evidence suggests that they are constantly looking for competitive advantages.",There is proof that Gillette and Campbell's are competitive.,0,239 "I was assigned to the helping of one who had discovered the secrets of gravity and some strange magic which he termed relativity--though indeed it had little to do with kinship, but was a private mystery.",I was assigned to helping whoever found the secret of gravity.,0,240 "The cold malignity of her manner sent an unpleasant chill down Tuppence's spine, but she was not going to give in to it.",Tuppence was intimidated by her cold demeanor but she was not going to let it affect her. ,0,241 yeah i think they do too,I think they do too,0,242 "This was once decorated with a remarkable frieze depicting the Battle of the Gods and Giants, one of the finest existing examples of Hellenistic sculpture, which now resides in Berlin's Pergamon Museum.",The sculpture is now located in Berlin's Pergamon Museum.,0,243 Jon stepped back.,Jon moved away.,0,244 You said just now that you had a long memory.,You said that you have a good memory. ,0,245 "Its non-stop street scene derives from the fact that nearly every one of its 20 arrondissements, or districts, has shops, offices, and apartments side by side and on top of each other.",The streets are always busy.,0,246 Reagan had that hunger and changed the world.,"Reagan was an enterprising man and he, accordingly, made the world a different place.",0,247 "If a psychopath, a term that enjoyed its greatest vogue in the Cold War years, is someone who meets no inner resistance in the act of uttering and maintaining what the world holds to be untruth, the honors must go to Hiss.","If we're talking about psychopaths, Hiss is certainly one.",0,248 " ""Another week,"" Bork was saying.","Bork was saying, ""Another week.""",0,249 hi Ken my name's Diane,"Hello Ken, I am Diane.",0,250 Be careful with the heady Corsican wines; the most enjoyable ones are the rose.,"Of the Corsican wines, the best ones to try are the rosés.",0,251 ") Assuming that the memo is presented in context, it is interesting, to say the least.",The memo is interesting in context.,0,252 "Generally accepted government auditing standards make GAO analysts and financial auditors responsible for planning, conducting, and reporting their work in a timely manner without internal or external impairments to the work.",GAO analysts plan and conduct their work with auditing standards.,0,253 "Fashionable, upbeat Yokohama is centered in two areas.",Yokohama is a trendy place and centered in two areas.,0,254 "When high-status males leave their wives for a younger model, you can stigmatize them, damaging their social, and even professional, standing.","It is possible to stigmatize high-status males when they abandon their wives for younger possibilities, which will damage their professional and social standing.",0,255 "One answer is that there is no honor among thieves--that the oligarchs are caught in a classic prisoners' dilemma, in which it is in the collective interest of the group that everyone pay some taxes, but in the individual interest of each oligarch to free-ride on the others.",Some people don't want to pay taxes even though they should.,0,256 Nature rebelled. ,Nature rebelled.,0,257 "In the late 1980s, I myself had expressed hopes that intensive-supervision parole programs could protect the public and its purse.",There were parole programs in the 1980's that I hoped could protect the public. ,0,258 uh-huh uh-hum uh-huh well see i live in Virginia,Virginia is where I live.,0,259 These are terrific grounds for deciding to further test substances culled from nature--some of which will surely prove valuable.,These are perfect conditions for deciding about substance tests.,0,260 "Through support for legal aid we can make sure we are not closing courthouse doors on anybody, Balmer told about 20 lawyers, judicial and legislative leaders during the open house.",They told the leaders that they are able to make the courthouse accessible to all through legal aid services.,0,261 Don't you think you could possibly let us have it to-night?,They wanted to borrow something for one night.,0,262 The Phantom Menace has raked in $102.,"The movie, The Phantom Menace, has made $102.",0,263 "As noted earlier, total factor productivity growth reflects technological change and new and better ways of organizing production.",The productivity growth shows the technological change and better production organization.,0,264 De facto leader Jean-Bertrand Aristide has proven nearly as authoritarian as former dictator Papa Doc Duvalier.,Papa Doc Duvalier was a dictator.,0,265 "For example, we were asked to clarify communication procedures between GAO and the agencies associated with meetings, agency comments, and recommendation follow-up.",We were asked to clarify communication procedures between GAO and the agencies.,0,266 yeah the question was uh what kind of books do you read for entertainment uh uh i guess,Which type of books do you read for entertainment?,0,267 "If that happened so quickly on Earth, why not on Mars, whose early stages of development were quite similar to Earth's?",Mars early stages of development were similar to Earth's,0,268 "A wall panel explains that a film of milk covers the top of the marble, so that a living substance (milk) has been stilled, thus embodying the quintessential definition of the still life.",The top of the marble is covered by a film of milk.,0,269 "If you are baffled by the choice, remember the main types and experiment.",Remember the main types and experiment if you are confused by the choice.,0,270 "New, he remarked. ",It was new.,0,271 "The federal government decided to allow car owners to disconnect their air bags, which, according to government estimates, are killing one child per month and are on track to kill one child per week as more and more cars feature them.",Air bags are fatal for children so the government made it legal for car owners to disconnect them.,0,272 yes that's real easy to do i have to watch it,"I have to watch it, it's very easy to do.",0,273 they've lost too many people,They've lost a lot of people,0,274 i've talked to i don't think they were students one i think worked at a university university um and the furthest away i've talked to someone has been New York,I do not think all of them were students but one might have worked at the university.,0,275 Natalia was waiting outside my room.,The woman was outside the room.,0,276 "oversees government operations through financial and other management audits to determine whether public funds are being spent efficiently, effectively, and in accordance with applicable laws;",They follow the laws.,0,277 The Sticks pay attention to everyone.,The Sticks give everyone attention. ,0,278 we get ice storms but not not quite to that extent it's not the thin sheet you know all across the road ours if it ices over it's thick it's with snow it's something that you can drive on you can get a little traction with,"Yes, we get ice storms but not bad enough that you can't drive on the road.",0,279 That is the myth.,Myth is what it is.,0,280 When we have tired of you we will bury you in your mines and leave you screaming in the dark.,We will bury you in your mines and leave you screaming in the dark when we're done with you.,0,281 and i have to develop uh functional specs and desk and desk top publishing and everything so it's,I have to develop specs and desktop publishing.,0,282 "Shiloh! León must have read something of Drew's blazing anger in his face, for the Mexican's mouth went a little slack and his hand came up in an involuntary gesture as if to ward off a blow.",Leon raised his hand in fear that Drew would strike him.,0,283 "Few outside of the Voth tribes knew what the scars meant, but Jon was one of those few.",He knew what the scars meant.,0,284 "This, Mister Kirby, is the best barber, valet, and general aid to comfort in town, the sultan of our bath.","He's a barber, a valet, and assistant in our city.",0,285 Kuttner plainly sees himself as a heretic.,Kuttner sees a heretic in himself.,0,286 "There is, however, an answer to that.",What is the reason for this?,0,287 I found what I was looking for.,I was no longer looking for it. ,0,288 "More specifically, they cultivate expertise in their internal workforces, while outsourcing skills that are available from multiple sources at lower cost.",They cultivate expertise in their internal workforces,0,289 Medicine is informed by social values.,Medicine is changed by society.,0,290 "Bounty hunters from the north, the man, Jon, said.",Jon said they are bounty hunters from the north.,0,291 "Well, all right.",All right.,0,292 "That hat cord, the spurs on his boots, they were all he had brought home from war save a tough body and a mind he hoped was as hard.",The boots had spurs on them.,0,293 Early Habitation,Habitation in the early years.,0,294 oh yeah probably better let you get back to work,I should allow you to continue working.,0,295 "Both bars and cafes are places to have a mojito, daiquiri, or shot of ron (rum), smoke a Cohiba, and usually hear some live Cuban rhythms.",Bars and cafes serve mojito.,0,296 oh really that's scary,That's frightening.,0,297 'And you?' ,You too?,0,298 no no they have their own budget they go by,"No, they have their own budget",0,299 New studies show that 1) one in seven black men can't vote because of a felony conviction,It has been shown by new studies that one in seven black man can't vote due to a felony conviction.,0,300 "However, once Greece had achieved independence from the Ottoman Empire after the War of 1821, the atmosphere changed.",There was a different atmosphere after Greece's independence.,0,301 The first time was the worst.,It was worst the first time.,0,302 "As required by generally accepted government auditing standards, GAO will hold an exit conference with agency officials at the end of the data collection and analysis phase to (1) validate the factual accuracy of data gathered and (2) discuss the implications that flow from them.",Government auditing standards call for an exit conference with agency officials.,0,303 "Presidents derived their license to serve as leader-preacher from Theodore Roosevelt's remark that the presidency was a bully pulpit, a remark that did not appear in his Inaugural Address.","Despite saying that he believed the presidency was a bully pulpit, Roosevelt never said that in his inaugural address.",0,304 "What kind of an animal, lad?""",Do you know what the animal was?,0,305 I'm staying even if I have to fight them alone.,I will stay and fight no matter what.,0,306 What's going on seems to be something we might describe as the narcissism of small differences.,What is going on can be described as narcissism.,0,307 "The fabric is then dipped in cool vegetable or synthetic dye, which colors the cloth around the wax pattern.",Cool vegetable or synthetic dye colors the cloth around the wax pattern.,0,308 A misty morning makes the scene even more evocative of the past.,A misty morning reminds one of a scene of the past.,0,309 "As if he read her thoughts, the man said quickly: ""I can assure you I mean no disrespect."" Tuppence believed him.",The man assured Tuppence that he meant no disrespect.,0,310 "Since the 1950s, the middle-class audience for his kind of serious social drama has shriveled.",His kind of serious social drama has shriveled for the middle-class audience since the 1950s. ,0,311 yeah yeah a friend of mine had a Dachshund and it's same way i mean,My friend used to have a Dachshund.,0,312 "It swelled to the size of a football, then was man-sized, and growing to the size of a huge tank that filled most of the tent.","It quickly grew in size, and ended up filling most of the space inside the tent.",0,313 "Therefore, the impact of the rule varies based on the type of business and its place in the chain of production and distribution.",The rule's impact will depend on the business type and position in chain of production.,0,314 "The award was announced at a news conference on Aug. 30 at the University of Texas School of Law, which is participating in the project.",The news conference was located at the University of Texas School of Law.,0,315 "Further west is the Mondrian hotel (8440 Sunset Boulevard), which Ian Schrager made trendy again with sleek modern decor by Phillippe Starck and a parade of celebrities who frequent the beautiful outdo or SkyBar cocktail lounge.",Phillippe Starck realized the modern decor of the Mondrian hotel.,0,316 except that mine are a little bit older and and i've shown them the numbers and said this is what's going to be available all this is going to do is give you a little spending money while you're there you better make sure that you've got a scholarship,"I've shown them the numbers, mine are a little bit older, and said that this is what's going to be available, all this will do is give you a little spending money.",0,317 "Only, I mean it, Kirby, you walk soft and get back to the Range as quick as you can.""",I need you to get to the Range as fast as possible. ,0,318 yeah i'm inclined to agree you do need a uh fixed and clear sentence there,I agree that you need a fixed and clear sentence.,0,319 yes i would want all those people checked but then you got your bus drivers your truck drivers are checked because my husband drives a truck they he has to pass a physical,I think all those people should be checked.,0,320 "If we keep up, they'll route.",They'll route if we keep up.,0,321 "After a few skirmishes, the Catalonian troops were ready to deal the death blow.",The Catalonian troops were ready for their final battle to win the war.,0,322 "(That is, with any other division, some pair of creditors would have its collective share divided incorrectly.)",Collective shares are not divided correctly for some creditors. ,0,323 "Suwak ate his dinner: the steak was too tough, and the pudding too runny.",The steak was too tough to enjoy.,0,324 "There are also several major theaters with an ever-changing schedule of plays, ballets, and musical performances as well as popular shows featuring international bands and singers on the tour circuit.","The schedule of plays, ballets, and musical performances, as well as popular shows featuring international bands and signers on the tour circuit--is ever-changing for several major theaters.",0,325 "This king once told his people that as long as such birds did not fly away, his spirit would remain in the valley.",His spirits would stay in the valley so long as the birds do not leave.,0,326 Auditors should become familiar with the standard format for an RFP.,Understanding of the format for an RFP is required of a good auditor.,0,327 that explains it,That explains what happened.,0,328 uh-hu h that's what i i was impressed with how much documenting he does,I have respect for how much work he puts in it.,0,329 Sometimes it arises from the nature of the enterprise--you wouldn't want to have to have dozens of different telephone lines in your house just so you could connect with all the different phone companies your friends might select.,It doesn't make much sense to have many phone services for all your needs.,0,330 "Thus, we have household diary data for ten years, which we use for this analysis.",We use household diary data from the past ten years for our analysis. ,0,331 "On the excavation site, you will see remains of dormitories in addition to the refectory, kitchens, baths, lecture halls, libraries, and temples.",There are ruined dormitories on the excavation site. ,0,332 mean because you know it's it's a country where everybody has a gun and they're gonna have some trouble i mean you know in the mom and pop little towns and stuff they're gonna run into people with guns,This is a country were guns are common especially in small towns.,0,333 "Fleming came to Jamaica in 1942 while serving in British Intelligence, decided to settle here, and bought the house in 1946.",Fleming arrived in Jamaica and later decided to buy a house and live there.,0,334 "It is wild and windswept, and its limited vegetation a far cry from the lush green interior.",The interior has a lot of vegetation although it is windswept and doesn't have a lot of plants.,0,335 and it's starting to effect you know the economy,The economy is being impacted.,0,336 "Busts of ancient philosophers give the statue gallery its name, but the big attraction is what first seems to be a far-fetched fountain in the center of the room.",The statue gallery is named after the busts of famous philosophers it contains.,0,337 Stories of the brothers' arrogance and brutality are legendary.,There were stories of the arrogance and brute of the brothers ,0,338 yeah well she's usually in bed by this time but she's staying up late tonight but yeah you know i want to i want to have a relationship with her you know my my dad was a very traditional dad and when i was a child i didn't really know my dad very well and i miss that,"She's staying up late past her bedtime, so we can still talk with her.",0,339 and we had one child when i taught for my two year career,"When I was a teacher, we had one child. ",0,340 we uh we've we just kind of started young in life but uh uh we uh my husband's still with the same company for ten years and as a result,My husband's been working with the company for 10 years.,0,341 "These comparisons obscure the difference between risking one's life in war, as Jack and Joe did, and risking it playing football.",The difference is obscured in these comparisons between risking life in war versus football.,0,342 "'Psst, this way.'",Come over here.,0,343 i can remember many times that when when it's interesting though that that you know particularly when you're traveling and you go some place you can stop at a McDonald's that's that's a big playground uh when the kids you know when the kids really need to get out and run around after been driving a while,I recall many times that it was interesting although it was particularly when you were traveling.,0,344 well you were in Peru,You went to Peru. ,0,345 Already he was almost restored to his normal self. ,He was almost back to what he was before,0,346 Anyone who thinks that consilience is banal or obvious is invited to read my debates with the sociologist Alan Wolfe in Slate and with the biologist Steven Rose in Edge.,Alan Wolfe is a sociologist.,0,347 "Perhaps it says that the first lady feels that she can accomplish more in the real world by doing rather than talking, or perhaps she feels that the public has had its fill of interviews and answers to written questions from such female luminaries as Linda Tripp, Paula Jones, and Monica Lewinsky.",The first lady may want to take action rather than talk.,0,348 The program stated that it would assess the processes status as the program moves forward.,The program stated that it would assess the processes status as the program moves forward.,0,349 yeah that's true you just take off your mortgage interest and that's about it,Take off your mortgage interests and that's all. ,0,350 Derry's was about ten minutes walk from my front door.,I could get to Derry's in about ten minutes on foot.,0,351 "After a few months, trouble begins to brew--invariably with her supervisor.",Trouble begins to brew with her supervisor after a few months.,0,352 yeah it's it's marked up,It has marks on it.,0,353 you can't go to a different one and they didn't pass our tires our tires on uh on my car,You can't go to a different place.,0,354 "most recently at three Treasury agencies, the Department of Energy, Department of",The Department of Energy and the 3 Treasury agencies.,0,355 "This last contradiction is central, because it goes to the heart of Morris' claim to have got Clinton re-elected.",The discrepancy is crucial to the argument. ,0,356 'Carry on.',Continue.,0,357 "Unified budget surpluses since 1998 have been the longest-running surpluses in over 50 years, and federal budget surpluses are projected for the next decade.",The odds are good that there will be federal budget surpluses in the next decade.,0,358 "In lieu of the traditional practice of performing a 100percent manual prepayment examination of invoices, agencies today process large volumes of transactions in highly automated systems with automated controls, electronic data interchange, and computer assisted examination techniques.",They examine prepayment of invoices manually.,0,359 "The busy bazaar clusters around the walls of a 17th-century caravanserai, now converted into a hotel; across the street, seafood restaurants skirt the quay of the old harbour.","The caravanserai, built in the 17-century, is now a hotel. ",0,360 "In that sense, despite Geffen's marketing efforts, Larson is straightforwardly Broadway.",Geffen tried to market Larson.,0,361 Theres a huge need he's trying to fill.,He is trying to fill a very large requirement.,0,362 because there are some good ones out there and i know in in our high school at least they offered several different ones where you went through and you know you answer all these questions back and forth and things it it ended up being things that you liked versus things that you had an aptitude,"There are some good tests that show what you're interested in, and what you have a skill for. ",0,363 "The Clinger-Cohen Act also streamlines the IT acquisition process by eliminating the General Services Administrationas central acquisition authority, placing procurement responsibility directly with federal agencies, and encouraging the adoption of smaller, modular IT acquisition projects.",The Clinger-Cohen Act encourages the adoptions of smaller IT acquisition projects.,0,364 right no something like that is just uh unforgivable,You're right. Something like that is unforgivable. ,0,365 "Some 40 percent of Malaysians live in townships of more than 5,000 inhabitants, an exceptional proportion for the region.","40 percent of Malaysians live in large townships of 5,000 inhabitants or more. ",0,366 "Founded to the east of the river, it was protected from the yearly Nile flood and surrounded by a high wall to guard against invaders.",It is protected by a yearly flood and a high guarded wall.,0,367 no they can't it's put it in Russian,The language being used is Russian.,0,368 It could be the first step toward multi-center studies.,Multi center studies could happen in the future.,0,369 The Aosta Valley's Courmayeur is as pleasant a base for hiking and more strenuous mountain-climbing in summer as it is for skiing in winter.,Aosta valley's courmayeur is a great place for hiking. ,0,370 back to back when i was in college you know we didn't have TVs and so i remember somebody happened to have one in their room it was a really big deal and everybody'd get together like one night a week to watch TV but i hate that span of giving you have to give up a lot of TV when you when you're when you're going to school lot of things you have to give up when you're going to school,"When I was in college, we didn't have TV.",0,371 oh so do i forgot about that i said so do i i forgot about jazz,I asked if I was supposed to forget about jazz.,0,372 "A leading world corporation in the field of extremely rapidly degradable products, Hipsi Co.",Hipsi Co is a world leading corporation.,0,373 He smiled at her but she did not smile back.,She didn't smile back when he smiled at her.,0,374 "There are periods in which the work fades into hermeticism; there are periods when it aspires to a lyric summing up, as in the four Seasons (1986), in which the shadow of the artist is projected onto a sequence of Johnsian montages.",The Four Seasons was released in 1986.,0,375 Expect some ribald remarks in broad Dublin accents.,"Salty comments will likely be heard, in Dublin accents.",0,376 "Saint-Malo suffered severe bomb damage during World War II, but the old town, surrounded on three sides by the sea, has been tastefully restored.",Saint malo was restored nicely after WWII. ,0,377 "Regardless of whether DOD emphasized greater use of evolutionary acquisition, acquisition programs are not capturing sufficient design and manufacturing knowledge to make good decisions at key investment points.",Acquisition programs are not capturing sufficient design or knowledge of manufacturing.,0,378 "Works such as Raphael's Bridgewater Madonna, a Rembrandt Self-Portrait, and Vel?¡zquez's Old Woman Cooking Eggs are only three from a collection that includes pieces by Titian, Van Dyck, Rubens, Constable, Turner, and Vermeer.","The collection contains work from world-renown artists like Raphael, Rembrandt, and Velazquez.",0,379 "Today, the sheep on the hillsides and in the vales define the region as much as do the fells and the lakes.",The sheep on the hillsides are an important part of the areas identity.,0,380 "A recent study found that the students' median law school debt is more than $84,000 - an amount that does not include the additional undergraduate debt burden that many students bear.","Law school debt is typically over $80,000.",0,381 of course who can't use that,"Definitely, who cannot utilize that.",0,382 "The organization has already curtailed essential activities, and may be forced to shut down next year if the Americans don't pay.","If the American people don't pay, the organization may be closed by next year.",0,383 "If it were, they may all be dead.","If it were, they might be dead.",0,384 "OK, we're getting into a shaky territory here, Trudeau answered, because I have a notoriously bad memory.",Trudeau said he had a bad memory.,0,385 "The performers are folk heroes, and the greatest of them descendants of centuries-old dynasties of actors are declared Living National Treasures. ",The best of the performers have been declared to be Living National Treasures.,0,386 oh once a week um actually though um we just moved,"We just shifted here, but we do it weekly.",0,387 George W. Bush criticized congressional Republicans.,Bush criticized congressional republicans.,0,388 (1995) analysis in the second row of Exhibit 15 and 16.,The analysis is in Exhibit 15 and 16.,0,389 One solution would be to conduct the case studies first in a set of sites chosen for representativeness and to verify the findings from the case study through targeted examination of,One solution would be to do case studies and then verify findings. ,0,390 That was when I decided to go into the practice of law.,It was then I decided I'd practice law.,0,391 I looked at Poirot. ,I looked over at him.,0,392 uh well i i like i said i've done mechanics all my life and i do that with the company so uh i'm a senior engineer for them so i am mechanics and i i just uh i enjoy it i really it's like a diversion for me i i think if i had to do it,"I've been a mechanic for a lifetime, I am also a senior engineer.",0,393 "In all cases, inquire first at tourist information offices about the necessary fishing permits.",Ask at the tourism office about what permits you need.,0,394 "A profile of Steve Jurvetson, the 33-year-old venture capitalist who seeds Internet startups, predicts he will prosper even though Internet IPOs no longer promise exponential returns.",Steve Jurvetson is a 33-year-old venture capitalist ,0,395 "The final rule preempts all state and local laws and regulations that are inconsistent with the final rule, has no retroactive effect, and does not require administrative proceedings before parties may file suit in court challenging this rule.",The final rule has no retroactive effect. ,0,396 McKinney said she wouldn't know what to do if Legal Services weren't around.,McKinney wasn't sure what she would do if Legal Services weren't a thing.,0,397 "They're not as frenetic, though, as on sister island Ibiza, where the mayhem is legendary.",Ibiiza is renowned for them being crazed and energetic.,0,398 "Some laugh at colonic humor, some don't.",Some do and do not laugh at colonic humor.,0,399 """An' these here they're Rennie's Pimas, what o' 'em is runnin' th' trail this trip."" So these were the famous Pima Scouts!",The famous Pima Scouts arrived.,0,400 Be sure to see the exhibits of Iberian and Roman finds displayed in the excellent local museum.,There is a wonderful local museum with Iberian finds.,0,401 View the clip available at left to see them off the first Heather.,The clip is at the left.,0,402 'Third and Seventh.',The one after second and the one after sixth. ,0,403 "You must apply for a licence yourself, and a medical certificate is also required.",A medical certificate is required in addition to the license.,0,404 hum five and a half pounds she's uh laying right in front of my keyboard here on the desk right now,"She weighs 5 1/2 lbs, she likes to lay on my desk.",0,405 The memoir of this former ally of the Black Panthers turned scourge of the New Left draws cheers and jeers from predictable quarters.,This memoir has supporters and detractors.,0,406 ", increased span of control, reduced organizational layers, and/or milestones for full-time equivalents) and encouraged agencies to include performance goals and indicators in their budget justifications.",Performance goals and indicators should be included in budget justifications.,0,407 'It's never a good idea to ignore a perfect opportunity.',If you have a perfect chance at something you should not ignore it. ,0,408 Found him crawlin' along right near town.,Crawling along close to town was where he was found.,0,409 "Perhaps more to the point, Cassidy has made it clear in earlier writing that he does not like mainstream economists, and he may have been overly eager to accept a story that puts them in a bad light.",Cassidy seemingly admits that he holds bias against mainstream economists.,0,410 A plaque on the water's edge at the Binks (a natural jetty formed by a rocky outcrop) marks her landing site.,Her landing site is marked by a plaque on the water's edge at the Binks.,0,411 In the midst of this amazing amalgam of cultures is a passion for continuity.,A passion for continuity is a part of the cultures,0,412 "Children will enjoy the City de la Mer (37 Rue de l'Asile Thomas), with exhibits on the history of boatbuilding, the fishing industry, and how tides and currents shape the coastline.",The City de la Mer has exhibits on the region's historical and economic ties to the ocean.,0,413 "For European imports, you will pay top dollar.",European imports are very costly.,0,414 "In a cover story in the Weekly Standard , Andrew Ferguson takes the field of evolutionary psychology to task by attacking its standard bearer, How the Mind Works author Steven Pinker.", The Weekly Standard did a cover story on author Steven Pinker.,0,415 'They don't want a lookalike! They want the real thing!',They want it to be real.,0,416 " Her voice was small and high, it was a child's voice.",The child spoke.,0,417 "Shades of Pelmanism! said Tommy, and relapsed into silence.","Shades of Pelmanism! declared Tommy, before he relapsed into silence.",0,418 Rather. Another silence.,Rather. Another quiet moment.,0,419 uh-huh uh-huh i've never tried like with deep uh sea water fishing,I've never tried deep sea fishing.,0,420 the summer league is just too long,The summer league is long.,0,421 "And then sometimes people get so vexed, they want to call their congressman and say, 'pass a law to stop all this stuff.",Sometimes people want to talk to their politicians.,0,422 The bloody 1934 riots on the Place de la Concorde in Paris offered a disturbing echo to the street fighting in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany.,The riots were very bloody.,0,423 yeah we i was looking through a photo album not long ago and they had had some pictures and things in there of Knox,"Recently, I looked through a photo album.",0,424 Is a separate protocol needed for individuals who are admitted to the hospital for surgery or other medical treatments that necessitate a hospital stay?,There is a separate method for individuals who go to the hospital for surgery and have to stay.,0,425 "Caleta is the site of recent tourism investment, but as of yet doesn't attract large crowds.",Caleta does not attract big crowds.,0,426 uh-huh i was very glad my husband retired and got away from that kind of thing so we've we have a little problem with our gas card we're uh we've always used a Mobile card because he was affiliated with Mobile Oil and uh,We're having an issue with our Mobile gas card.,0,427 "To address global climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, we are pursuing a broad array of conservation and energy efficiency goals under the Administration's National Energy Policy as well as the development of a comprehensive policy under the ongoing cabinet-level review for this issue.","To address Global climate change and emissions, we are pursuing a large array of conservation and efficiency goals under the National Energy Policy as well as the development of a comprehensive policy.",0,428 "Despite the best efforts of Washington's influence-peddling community, there's still no constitutional right to lobbying or PR.","Even if they would like it to be so, DC's lobbyists have no constitutional guarantee to access or promotion.",0,429 It won't happen overnight and it won't happen without some setbacks.,Whatever it is will take a while and will have some setback.,0,430 She disappeared into her room.,She went into her room.,0,431 "From a longterm historical viewpoint, requests for GAO's services have never been higher, and we anticipate that this historic growth will continue as the Congress grapples with increasingly complex and contentious issues requiring greater contextual sophistication.",The demand for GAO's services will continue to increase.,0,432 so i don't but i could if i felt like it,"It would be able to, but I don't.",0,433 uh larger plants up around up around one twenty eight um we've got reports that uh during the night too like they blow off their their stacks from uh the,We've heard that their stacks blow away at night time.,0,434 Obtaining funds from study sections on emergency care is difficult because peer-reviewers do not view alcohol-related research as being vital.,The opinion of peer-reviewers has an effect on the ability to obtain funds.,0,435 A delicacy served during this time is lemang (glutinous rice cooked in bamboo stems).,Lemang is a specialty served during this time.,0,436 Prefabrication of absorber modules can reduce the overall construction schedule.,Construction schedules can be compressed by utilization of prefabricated absorber modules.,0,437 yeah twenty one yeah shoot man it's what midnight almost,it's nearly midnight but you can go ahead and ask me,0,438 "After looking through a loose-leaf binder with photographs of cakes taped onto the pages, she ordered chocolate, the child's favorite.","She ordered the kid's favorite kind of cake, which was chocolate.",0,439 they're like a a water bug of sorts i don't know what they're called them yeah yeah yeah when when you touch them they roll up,The bugs seem attracted to water.,0,440 "The pope was critical, especially in Poland.","In Poland, the pope is critical.",0,441 "7Internal audit organizations do not have a duty to report outside that entity unless required by law, rule, regulation, or policy.",Internal audit organizations only have to report outside entities if it is required by law.,0,442 And Boyd Barrett had sold his horse the same day to buy back those silver bits because he knew what they meant to his cousin Drew.,Boyd sold his horse.,0,443 Mr. Carter read his thoughts.,His thoughts were read by Mr. Carter.,0,444 "Fortunately, most of the favourite beaches are well protected from waves and undertow, and slope gradually.",The best beaches have gradual slopes and are protected from undertow.,0,445 i think unrestricted immigration i think is not uh is not best uh,I don't believe in unrestricted immigration.,0,446 um over over huge areas and and they thought that was more beneficial because you know and it some of it does soak in and some of it runs off right away into the into the streams and rivers and some of the fish were supposedly making a comeback,The fish are supposed to be making a comeback to the area.,0,447 They were far more willing to back heroes from the past than the dirty pragmatists of the present.,In the past they stood up for their heroes.,0,448 "Mintz seems puzzled, musing that it wasn't as though he'd said America had no literature.",Mintz didn't say America had no literature.,0,449 no i know i know a little bit more than most people but no where near enough to even talk intelligently about them,I need to learn more before talking about it with other people.,0,450 I'd like to run.,Running is a hobby of mine.,0,451 Did they know of any relatives? ,Did anyone know any relatives?,0,452 There have even been some frustrated musings among conservative writers and pundits that the people are not necessarily all-wise.,People are not necessarily all-wise is a thought conservative writers are frustrated about.,0,453 i know it was the s tupidest thing i why didn't someone tell me that,Why wasn't I told that?,0,454 and that's the only thing that saved us is is his background there,His background helped a lot.,0,455 "The ropes were suspended by carabiners from the hooks in the ceiling, which following the airport's motto ('sky is no limit') was located at the height exceeding the limits of innerspatial imagination of public use buildings.",The ropes were suspended from hooks in the ceiling.,0,456 yeah yeah i i uh i really i'm bewildered as far as how they could even work something like this in if they try to make it mandatory,I don't think that this can be made compulsory. ,0,457 "Back during the first term, when Safire called the first lady a congenital liar, his hyperbole overshadowed the fibs Hillary Rodham Clinton was accused of telling.",His hyperbole overshadowed the fibs Hillary Rodham Clinton was accused of telling.,0,458 "Higher up, the stairs become much steeper and are lined with stone statues of animals and birds.",Up near the top of the steep stairs there are stone animal statues.,0,459 "It's the difference between the lawyer and the dramatist, between the general and the particular.",There is a difference between the lawyer and the dramatist.,0,460 and they were showing this like Three D graphics Three D graphics view of like,They had Three D graphics shown.,0,461 can imagine you have a good you have you could have a good uh choice of cars but then of course there's more people interested in them too,Many other people are also interested in the cars.,0,462 I'm sure of that. Japp lowered his voice. ,Japp spoke to us confidentially about his thoughts on the case.,0,463 The added information required by this rule was included in the estimated burden in 1995.,The new information was accounted for in 1995's estimated burden.,0,464 Fifteen years ago she came to New York from Jamaica.,She used to live in Jamaica.,0,465 He never hesitated or faltered. ,He kept going with full confidence. ,0,466 "Eventually, you're going to have to come back down to Earth.",You will have to return to this planet.,0,467 Within his grief moved an older sadness.,He was very sad and grief-stricken.,0,468 Among those wounded that day was the young man who would soon unite the Hawaiian kingdom for the first time in its long history.,The man that would eventually untite the Hawaiian people was injured. ,0,469 "In the area of control activities, we found that organizations need to tailor their actions to fit their particular needs.",We found that organizations need to adjust their actions to fit their needs.,0,470 "These statements include, where appropriate, performance measures related to improper payments.",Where appropriate the statements include performance measures. ,0,471 A cross in stone relief now marks the site.,The site bears a cross carved into stone.,0,472 I walked a path that would lead once again to the place I was in before Vrenna came.,I returned to the place I was before Vrenna came.,0,473 hi well i haven't been to any new ones but i have uh several that i frequent uh mainly because of specialties in foods and i have so many so many foods that i prefer uh that i enjoy such as oriental foods i don't like Japanese food but i like all Chinese food,I prefer Chinese food to Japanese food.,0,474 "Ultimately, we will need to look at broader health care reforms to balance health care spending with other societal priorities.",Social priorities must be balanced with healthcare spending.,0,475 But the author's precociousness has already led to the sale of the foreign rights and to a major movie deal.,"Because the author was precocious, it led to a major movie deal.",0,476 Sit down she said and,She told him to sit down.,0,477 "After all, it's not just what you do that counts, it's also what you fail to do when circumstances dictate that you should act.","It's not just what you do, it's what you fail to do.",0,478 well i think i just sort of uh didn't start watching it and then felt like i would have been way too late getting in on the action to figure out what was going on so i never did get involved in it,I didn't get involved with it because I felt like it was too late to start watching it.,0,479 "I'm all for giving patients a fair chance to contest improper refusals of payment, but we should not lapse into calling such refusals malpractice.",It's not malpractice if people are refused payment.,0,480 for thousands of years,It has been tens of centuries.,0,481 need to break out the bicycle too get that down and start to ride around,The bicycle is still new but I will start riding it.,0,482 um-hum uh-huh i guess we've discussed everything there is about clothing okay okay it was nice talking to you also bye-bye,It was nice to talk to you guys.,0,483 Do you know there was a whole crowd staring in at the lodge gates this morning. ,Curious onlookers gathered at the lodge gates hoping to see the police detectives in action. ,0,484 "The assassin lunged forward, letting the blade pierce through his back.",The blade plunged into his back as the assassin lunged forward,0,485 But don't cross over.,Crossing over wasn't not recommended. ,0,486 "Tommy shook his head, and said dully: ""It accounts for the stitches being new.",Tommy thought that it accounted for the stitches being new.,0,487 It did not really matter.,The thing did not matter.,0,488 uh Marino makes me just crazy mad sometimes because of some of the stupid stuff he does but he's a good quarterback he's got a good arm sometimes it's too good because he throws too hard,"Marino is a good quarterback with his good arm and all, but sometimes he makes me mad with the things he does.",0,489 IRS established a program similar to GSA's in 2000 at the request of the National Treasury Employees Union.,The National Treasury Employees Union requested that the IRS establish a program similar to the GSA's program in 2000.,0,490 uh late fifties yeah,It was back in the fifties.,0,491 Let me just be quiet for a minute or two. ,Let me be quiet.,0,492 "Babur fought resistance from the Rajputs and captured Delhi and Agra, then conquered the Afghan chiefs in 1529.","The Rajputs fought back against Babur, but they were defeated.",0,493 Jon nodded.,It was Jon who nodded. ,0,494 "Hastily Drew expressed his satisfaction at the news and added: ""This is my cousin from Texas, Hamilcar.",Drew has a cousin from Texas.,0,495 yeah i rea lly enjoy it i stay pretty busy,I keep myself busy.,0,496 How can you speak? ,How can you talk?,0,497 uh with the husband being out at night and the wife hearing rustling at the door he forgot his key wham he's gone uh i i absolutely don't want one in my house for that reason uh there's just too many things that can happen that are bad,I don't want one in the house because of bad things that could occur.,0,498 "(Tiny tots, with their eyes all aglow ...","Little children with large, glowing eyes. ",0,499 "For traditional Irish dancing, go to O'Shea's Merchant (see Pubs).",O'Shea's Merchant is a venue for traditional Irish dancing.,0,500 "Depending on how much time you have for that all-important first taste, we suggest you try to visit at least two, even three of the regions.",It is recommended that you visit at least two of the regions.,0,501 The day of disillusionment had been a Wednesday.,Wednesday was the day that everyone became disillusioned.,0,502 "The earliest Christians other than St. Thomas (see page 197), were the so-called Nestorian heretics of the Syrian Orthodox Church, also living on the Malabar coast since the first centuries of the Christian era.",The Nestorian heretics were some of the earliest Christians.,0,503 "Aside from the problems with these basic assumptions, I was duly awed and intimidated by the complexity of Allen's analysis.",I was amazed and afraid of Allen's analysis. ,0,504 ( Slate 's Paul Krugman explains why universities are throwing money at economists.), Paul Krugman explains why universities are throwing money at economists,0,505 "When the findings do not converge, the case study reconciles or explains the differences as far as possible.",Explanations are included for why findings do not agree.,0,506 "Noting the fossil's eel-like tail and other aquatic attributes, Lee and Caldwell suggest that these proto-snakes retreated into the water, shed their legs, then slithered back out.",Lee and Caldwell seem to think that the proto-snakes shed their legs.,0,507 He and I worked together in Gazu Kadem about three or four years ago.,I worked with the man at one point.,0,508 "In addition,","Additionally,",0,509 He was a good man.,He was a kind person.,0,510 "The well-tended gardens are open to the public, as is the chapel.",Both the chapel and gardens are open to the public.,0,511 "Instead I spent the rest of the night wandering around, lost in both thought and in reality.","The rest of the night for me was spent daydreaming, with my head out of this world.",0,512 Probably nowhere is there so much spectacular painting on view in such a tiny space as in the Scuola di San Giorgio degli Schiavoni.,The work of art is quite small really.,0,513 Wolff writes that he jotted down bits of dialogue on his legal pads during meetings while others composed to-do lists.,Other people made lists while Wolff recalls writing down pieces of dialogue on pads of paper.,0,514 anyway well,Well anyways,0,515 Dust rolled in a cloud with two or three riders at its center.,There were two or three riders at the center when dust rolled.,0,516 did you know that they're playing a game today,Were you aware that they are playing a game today?,0,517 Monaghan's (Grafton Arcade) specializes in cashmere.,Cashmere is sold at Monaghan's.,0,518 But critics can rest assured that Pokemon won't last.,Critics are guaranteed that Pokémon is only temporary.,0,519 They laughed at this until someone cleared their throat.,The people thought something was funny.,0,520 "The truth about the Japanese market has always been that it is penetrable, but only after tremendous effort.",Only after a huge effort could the Japanese market be penetrable.,0,521 "Considered one of the greatest architectural achievements of the Ancient Egyptians, the temple complex at Abu Simbel is also one of the most famous.",The temple complex at Abu Simbel is well revered in the architecture community.,0,522 "His teachings were encapsulated in the Koran and they fired the,previously disparate Arab tribes to spread the word of Allah.",His teachings were hidden in the Koran in order to further the spread of Islam.,0,523 Suggestions have been offered in the United States that the most attractive customers of some presort firms are being charged a price in the neighborhood of one cent per piece.,Some have suggested that the most attractive customers are being charged around a penny per piece.,0,524 yeah we have a lot of light yeah and well it it it um well it's just uh i think it's just the the the dark blue to about three feet and then above that we left it white so anyway it didn't change but the the interesting thing is that paint we wound up having to go back and scrape some of that away it didn't it kind of bled under the masking tape which i guess is probably the topic we're,I regret to inform you that we encountered a little difficulty during the paint job.,0,525 "The books, plays, and movie are extremely couth, extremely respectable.",The plays were considered to be very worthy of respect.,0,526 yeah yeah that's true uh my favorite team is are is are the Raiders,The Raiders are a mascot for a team.,0,527 Smith noted that this variation is the problem and why he wants these concerns to be addressed by the conference in written form.,Smith made note of the problem.,0,528 Perhaps you don't realize that I am still in the dark.,You must not know that I am in the dark.,0,529 "In support of this proposition, the Vice Presidentas August 2 letter states that apreservation of the ability of the executive branch to function effectively requires respecting the confidentiality of communications among a President, a Vice President, ",The Vice President has a letter dated August 2nd.,0,530 Her other hand began a series of complicated motions that had a ritualistic look about them.,One of her hands was moving in a ritualistic manner.,0,531 "What is it, Poirot? I inquired. ",I asked Poirot what it was.,0,532 "Some think that we ought to go back in time, ought to get rid of the Commission and replace it with not one but three administrative law judges to be borrowed from some other government agency.",Some people think the Commission should have been replaced with three judges.,0,533 "On the same street you will also find the ticket office for the Military Tattoo (see pages 35), with an accompanying gallery and souvenir shop.",The Military Tattoo's ticket office can be found on the same street.,0,534 It takes some six weeks to complete the construction of what is considered to be a precision instrument.,It can take weeks to make the precision instrument.,0,535 Do you want to lie on beaches or hike in mountains?,There are two choices to pick from.,0,536 "Which, I'm sure, must make this page especially attractive to prospective Slate advertisers.",Because of which the page became an attraction to potential Slate advertisers.,0,537 Simple wills cost $75 apiece.,Simple wills cost over $60 dollars a piece.,0,538 "Although Scotland was still a separate kingdom, the two countries would from that day be ruled by the same monarch.",The two countries had the same king from that moment on. ,0,539 and then one night we were camping and it came just a torrential downpour we had the steaks on the grill these people were with us and it i mean everything was sopping wet inside the tent it was just that bad you know,It rained really hard one night while we were camping.,0,540 i don't know um i think it covers a portion because like i said my sister lives over there and they they just they just never have to worry about it i think it might not cover full dental but it does cover some and again it covers you know,"I'm not sure if it covers full dental work, but I believe it covers some.",0,541 "This small museum offers a sidelong glance at the history of Dublin, with an emphasis on the hidden life of the city and the lesser known people who shaped the life of Dublin.",It's possible to learn more about the lesser known people who shaped the life of Dublin at this small museum.,0,542 It's a pleasant one-hour drive from Paris and there are regular train departures from the Gare de Montparnasse.,It takes only one hour to complete the drive.,0,543 Will you take responsibility for yours?,Will you take responsibility for yours?,0,544 yeah you guys sure want to be out of range,You guys sure want to be out of area. ,0,545 "Nevertheless, Arima Onsen still offers an ideal introduction to the pleasures of bathing Japanese-style, whether through a visit of a few hours to one of the large and luxuriously equipped centers, or a night spent in a traditional family-run hot-spring inn.",Arima Onsen gives explains how to do Japanese bathing right.,0,546 when you're solving a problem that if you're sitting there trying to uh establish a relationship with some physical system uh when you come up with your final formula if you analyze the units of measure they should come out right,"When solving a problem with a formula, the units should come out right.",0,547 "Am I supposed to look at the ceiling the entire meeting, steal the occasional glance, or just assume it's a '90s thing?",I go to meetings in a room with a ceiling. ,0,548 unless the people have proof that they're leaving that they're not going to stay,If they have proof of them leaving they won't stay.,0,549 "Although known as the birthplace of the famous dramatist Luigi Pirandello (1867 1936), Agrigento's Valley of the Temples (Valle dei Templi) is its showpiece attraction, dating back to the fifth century b.c.",The Valley of the Temples was crafted in the fifth century b.c.,0,550 "Similar programs are operating in Sacramento, San Diego and Ventura.","Ventura, San Diego, and Sacramento have programs not dissimilar to this one operating in their cities.",0,551 "In fact, the volume of cost data amounts to tens of thousands of pages.",Tens of thousands of pages is the volume of cost data.,0,552 uh it's not as bad as i remembered especially going to college and living in apartments there you know how noisy that can be,It's better than I remembered it to be.,0,553 "Then the truth began to hit him, and he felt abruptly sure he was still raging with fever and delirium.",He had been suffering from fever and delirium.,0,554 Rockefeller was deeply conflicted about giving away money.,Rockefeller couldn't decide if he wanted to give his money away ,0,555 "Julius, too, was absent but that to the girl's mind was more easily explained.",Julius was not present.,0,556 yeah it hurts exactly hurts i hate it,"It hurts, I hate it",0,557 "While much of men's and women's clothing is designed to send out a complex code of sexual and social signals, Slates, true to their name, are blank.",Slates clothing line is designed for the more traditional type.,0,558 "That means that an individual can't earn more than $11,075 a year, and that a family of four may not earn more than $33,938, she said.",There is a cap on how much an individual and a family can earn. ,0,559 news show and then they uh next thing you know well they're in violation if they don't uh if they stop if they keep playing they're in violation,Continuing to play is in violation of rules.,0,560 "And I said, 'Where does Jesse Helms get off saying all these mean things about me?","So I said, ""Who does Jesse Helms think he is saying that stuff about me?""",0,561 "Helen Gurley Brown, about the many plus sides to sexual harassment.",Helen Gurley Brown talked about the plus sides to Sexual Harassment.,0,562 'What is it?',What is that?,0,563 The 1) Serbs welcomed Jews into their anti-Nazi guerilla groups,Serbians had anti-Nazi guerilla groups.,0,564 "Bradley again, acting like a typical politician, launching negative attacks on Al Gore, a Gore spokesman crowed last week.","A Gore spokesman said last week that Bradly was launching negative attacks on Al Gore, like a typical politician. ",0,565 "Madden, Bergen County director Anna Navatta and others met with Passaic Legal Aid representatives in August and discussed the possibility of directing some of the LSC money to Passaic as a subgrantee for its community development work.","Madden, Bergen County chief Anna Navatta and others met with Passaic Legal Aid delegates in August and examined the likelihood of guiding a portion of the LSC cash to Passaic as a subgrantee for its group advancement work.",0,566 oh that's okay no problem,"OK, no problem. ",0,567 "Photographs of Dublin past and present are displayed, and changing exhibitions are held of Irish and international photography.","Historical and modern photos of Dublin are on display, as well as other photography exhibitions.",0,568 "Newsweek says Chinese President Jiang Zemin bolstered his political power by ousting two Politburo rivals at the Communist Party Congress, but his dictatorial style won't mesh with his push for a modern economy.",The Chinese President is Jiang Zemin.,0,569 "If the actual repayment is different from the previous estimate, the present value of the difference between cash inflows and outflows over the term of the loan--calculated as of the date of disbursement--is reestimated and is recognized as a subsidy expense or a reduction in subsidy expense.",The estimate may differ from the actual repayment.,0,570 "The Cete d'Azur and Corsica both have a distinctly Italian flavor, and the people on the northern slopes of the Pyrenees are not so very different from their Spanish cousins to the south.",Italy has influenced places outside its borders such as Corsica.,0,571 In just three minutes Saint-Pierre was totally wiped out.,Saint-Pierre was wiped out in 3 minutes.,0,572 Being in Salem will be a big plus for a lot of our clients.,Being located in Salem will be seen as a positive for many clients.,0,573 "Karnak was linked to Luxor Temple by a 2 km- (3/4-mile-) long avenue decorated with smaller temples and flanked by sphinxes, most of which now lies below the modern streets.",The construction of temples and adjacent building were done on a vast area.,0,574 "Along with the red fox, marmots, otters, beavers, ground squirrels, Dall sheep, whales, sea lions, bald and golden eagles, tufted and horned puffins, and myriad lesser fauna, they participate with quiet dignity in the great cycle of eat and be eaten.",Animals are in the food chain.,0,575 "The center oSevila Baleira is a small, triangular plaza, comprising a small town hall and a church now restored after more than three centuries of use.", The center oSevila Baleira is triangular in shape.,0,576 "Muller's men probably, he thought.",He thought that they were Muller's men.,0,577 right uh-huh yeah i think that's a really good thing to encourage,I think that's a good thing to encourage.,0,578 "Mrs. Edgar Keith lives here, does she not?""",Does Edgar live here?,0,579 (Who is?),Who is doing that?,0,580 Her usual self-confidence deserted her.,Her normal bravado left her.,0,581 and we've tilled them so much but they're still,We've tilled them a lot.,0,582 "There are five main galleries dedicated to such subjects as history, national sports, and na tural history.",There are five galleries dedicated to a litany of subjects.,0,583 yeah well i think Russia is getting to the point where they're they're about to do something to get out of communism i guess i'd would like to see somebody like Yeltsin to get more power i think Gorbachev has about had his day,Russia will soon leave communism behind.,0,584 Its people are more reserved and less seductive than Romans or Nea?­po?­?­litans in the South.,Its citizens are very reserved and less flirtatious than the Romans.,0,585 i hate to,I don't want to,0,586 Everyone wonders how Congress will react.,Everyone wonders what Congress will do.,0,587 for the most part,Mostly.,0,588 "In addition, for each principle, several key characteristics of organizations that successfully execute these principles are listed.",Organizations that have successfully executed these principles are listed.,0,589 "Our hearts are particularly heavy this year as we look back at those we've lost, the Globe writes lovingly.",We are especially sad this year because we lost a lot of people.,0,590 The mighty Fort Saint-Charles dates back to 1645 (since renamed Fort Louis Delgrys).,The Fort was built in 1645.,0,591 hm a little much yes we have uh we're a town of five thousand and so our local newspaper is not too swift,The population of our town is five thousand.,0,592 "In fiscal year 1998, Texas spent approximately $7.",Texas spent close to $7 in 1998.,0,593 "The usefulness and appropriateness of using cranes in an FGD installation is dependent on several factors, including the ability to physically place a crane on site or adjacent to the site (e.g.",Several factors influence the effectiveness of using cranes during an FGD installation.,0,594 A small man stood by one of Ca'daan's windows looking out over the fields and mountains from the west.,A man looked out over the fields.,0,595 Genoese-born Giuseppe Mazzini's Giovine Italia (Young Italy) movement sought national unity by popular-based insurrection.,The Giovine Italia movement tried to unify Italy.,0,596 She's probably smarter than any of us.,We are probably not as smart as her.,0,597 "Scenario B, on the other hand, anticipates some changes in the technology characterization that will affect the electricity sector as shown in Table", Technology characterization has been being changes and it will affect the electricity sector. ,0,598 "The merchants headed for the banks, the sailors to the brothels.",Merchants and sailors did not always go to the same places.,0,599 The first American retrospective for the 19 th century English pre-Raphaelite tries to redeem him from his reputation as a sentimentalist.,The American book tries to repair his image.,0,600 "It'll only get you into worse difficulties around here."" A spark of protest awoke inside Drew.","It is only going to get worse, Drew defiantly did not believe that. ",0,601 "Among the structures of note are the ancient Porte B??charie and Tour du Prince, Romanesque Eglise Saint-Pierre with its 11th-century crypt, and the Ren?­ais?­sance H??tel d'Eyssartier (Place de la Lib??ration).",There is an 11th century crypt in Eglise Saint-Pierre.,0,602 "In an ordinary business, that's fine.",It's ordinarily fine in business. ,0,603 "Small-scale agriculture dominates the island's land?­scape, employing about a fifth of the people.",20% of the population works in agriculture.,0,604 Thurmond is so old that it's considered bad form to criticize his sorry record or dredge up his racist past.,It isn't respectful to criticize. Thurmond because of his age. ,0,605 i don't know do do you ever go to Howard Johnson's in uh i i don't know if there are even any Howard Johnson's around any more you used to get an ice cream sundae in that big old goblet,"in the past, you could get an ice cream sundae at Howard Johnson's",0,606 "HUD reports that the interim rule will have only an indirect impact on family formation, maintenance, and general well-being and that such impact will be beneficial because it will assist mortgagors in maintaining ownership of their properties.",HUD says the interim rule will only have an indirect effect on families.,0,607 and it's small,It is tiny.,0,608 i wouldn't turn you down either i'll give you one,I will give you one. ,0,609 yeah i yeah about that time i think it was neck and neck and i the only the only reason at the time that i could think of was that he was young and and sort of charismatic in uh in uh handsome sort of way,the only reason that I could think of that they were neck and neck was that he was young and sort of handsome.,0,610 Are you actually supposed to keep track of the trades where you don't make money?,Should you really keep a record of the trades where you don't make money?,0,611 oh i don't think we did really either,I am certain we did not either.,0,612 "Thus, before we turn to the data, I would like to review some highlights related to this study.",There are highlights in relation to the study that deserved a review.,0,613 It all arose from a misunderstanding. ,It all sprouted from a disagreement.,0,614 The IRS also points out that upper-income audits dropped in response to the closing down of tax shelters in the 1986 Tax Reform Act.,The IRS isn't auditing as many upper-income people now.,0,615 I am very disappointed by Andrew Shuman's Weak Java.,Andrew Shuman's Weak Java is disappointing.,0,616 but they had not um either they had painted with the wrong kind of paint over top or they hadn't really roughed it up or whatever they would because it was woodwork so it looked as if it had been painted,"They didn't do it correctly, so it looked wrong. ",0,617 "The ITC, housed in Chicago-Kent College of Law and funded in large part by the Chicago Bar Foundation, the Lawyers Trust Fund of Illinois and Legal Services Corp. in Washington, D.C., developed the online community in what is promised to be a userfriendly environment.",The ITC developed an online community that promised to be user-friendly. ,0,618 This approach promises practical avenues for obtaining more information.,This approach guarantees ways of capturing information.,0,619 yeah as long as Troy Aikman doesn't get hurt again that kind of killed them at the end of the season last year,"Yes, as long as Troy Aikman doesn't get hurt again, end of the season last year kind of sucked because of that.",0,620 which i mean i think it should be anyway,Which I think should be anyway,0,621 if they're the kind of people that commit these excuse me grotesque crimes and have done it over and over and over again you don't reform those kind of people,You can't reform repeat offenders of grotesque crimes.,0,622 "Out-manned and outgunned, Jackson mobilized a force of somewhat irregular an unlikely coalition of militiamen, local Creoles, free blacks, Choctaws, and associates of the privateers Jean and Pierre Lafitte (see page 74).","Creoles, free blacks, Choctaws, and militiamen were participants in the war of Jackson.",0,623 oh you never have oh yeah that's there's still a lot of time for that i had already been married and had one child by that time but um,"By then, I was already married with one kid. ",0,624 "This executive guide includes examples from our case study organizations as well as information from selected federal organizations, which helped us confirm the applicability of our findings to federal government experience.",The guide uses examples from the case study.,0,625 "The magazine profiles the high-achieving Emanuel presidential adviser Rahm, Hollywood agent Ari, and medical ethicist Zeke.",Three contrasting personalities are profiled by the magazine.,0,626 "The most interesting street iSevila Baleira is Rua Joao Goncalves Zarco, on the other side of the river, running down to the sea.",There is a street called Rua Joao Goncalves Zarco in Sevila Baleira.,0,627 oh yeah yeah so so you watch a lot of videos,Do you like watching videos?,0,628 "Also, to ensure that performance data and longrange plans drive budget decisions, the state has set goals, including implementing an activitybased accounting and budgeting system, for enhancing its performance budgeting process.",One of the state's goals is to enhance performance budgeting.,0,629 oh i hate hanging paper that is oh that's one of the jobs that i just i'd do anything else but i'll i'll um,I really don't like hanging paper.,0,630 "Under the Save the Unified Surpluses simulation, federal budget surpluses would be higher over the next 40 years, but deficits would emerge in the 2040s.",Federal budget surpluses would be higher over the next 40 years.,0,631 "However, with a vibrant grassroots culture and the growing confidence of an independent nation, it defies the advertising stereotype of the deserted island. ",It it definitely not the stereotypical image of a deserted island.,0,632 "After his crucifixion, the rather precarious balance of Jewish government under Roman rule turned to revolt in a.d. 66, when the Zealots took Jerusalem.",The Zealots took Jerusalem in a.d. 66 after he was crucified.,0,633 oh you found that out tonight i hadn't even heard that that's great i think he deserves every penny of it,I believe he deserves what he earns.,0,634 it is it's really beautiful the the lake is is outstanding it's a huge huge huge lake,The scenery around the giant lake is exquisite.,0,635 He took away 90 elephant-loads of building materials and thousands of skilled Delhi stonemasons and sculptors to build his mosque at Samarkand.,The mosque at Samarkand was built by thousands of skilled Delhi stonemasons.,0,636 seems like it was extra cold last night though,IT was very cold last night. ,0,637 It also points out that the rule imposes no affirmative compliance actions by any entities to which it applies.,The rule does not impose affirmative compliance actions by any entities to which it applies.,0,638 "In the course of the endless massacre of Americans on Omaha Beach, I wrote in my notebook, No one who experiences this scene will ever cheer for a war again.",This was not a pleasant scene at all. ,0,639 i mean the Kurds have tried it before they've gotten their butts kicked and this is just another time that it's happening,The Kurds tried it but lost.,0,640 The report expresses shock at the flagrant illegality of the expenditures.,The authors of the text were stunned at how illegal this all was.,0,641 imagine imagine what it is for us to make mark off models you know it's like Jesus Christ,Imagine what it's like to make mark off models.,0,642 and if it was up to her we wouldn't have one so you know she feels that kids are too dependent on it also,She believes children depend on it too much.,0,643 Arabs and Crusaders,Crusaders and Arabs,0,644 "This makes me feel bigger and better, no matter how I'm actually doing.","It makes me feel better, no matter what. ",0,645 "It was on one of its highest peaks, Mount Sinai (Gebel Musa), that Moses received the word of God written down as the Ten Commandments.",The Ten Commandments were sent down from Mount Sinai.,0,646 "Share-buyback plans are sketchy as long-term business strategies, but IBM's assurance that its shares were undervalued suggests that it's not particularly worried about the ultimate impact of Hong Kong's woes.","As a long-term business plan, share-buyback plans are questionable.",0,647 and i believe also in shooting of uh rape i mean killing a rape victim or i mean someone in the process of rape,Some people get killed during a rape.,0,648 But you can always register later.,There are other opportunities for you to register.,0,649 "Drew's bay snorted, took a dance step or two to the right as if it had picked up sudden tension from the men.",Drew's horse snorted and took a few steps to the right.,0,650 "Madison, 1 Cranch 137, 177 (1803) (It is emphatically the province and the duty of the judicial department to say what the law is).",The judicial department has the duty to say what the law is.,0,651 actually no um,"Um, no.",0,652 Others are embracing this philosophy of complete categorical breakdown.,The philosophy of categorical breakdowns is being embraced by some.,0,653 "Given its short history as a unified nation, much of Italy's patriotic sense seems to be most visible in the national football (soccer) team.",Italy has a strong sense of patriotism toward its soccer team.,0,654 Treasury.,Treasury ,0,655 They think this is some kind of heaven.,They think they're in a good place.,0,656 We all know that now.,We know that now.,0,657 "Considering Legal, Regulatory, and Other Compliance Requirements","There are Legal, Regulatory, and Other Compliance Requirements",0,658 okay well i enjoyed tack talking to you Cathy bye-bye,"Thanks for chatting Cathy, goodbye.",0,659 The fee increase is expected to generate $2.,Raising the price will result in a gain of no more than $2.,0,660 "Mrs. Cavendish, therefore, made her plans as only a woman driven desperate through jealousy could have done. ",Mrs. Cavendish was a very desperate women when she made her plans.,0,661 "It was excellent, he said. ",He said that it was great.,0,662 "In her memoir, Stranger at the Party (1975), she quotes the New York Daily Mirror on the news that he was sentenced to six-to-10 in Sing Harlem is in a state of rejoicing that his reign of terror is over.",She was extremely pleased that he was sent to prison. ,0,663 "Also, these simulations reflect discretionary spending growing with inflation after 2001; in our earlier reports, discretionary spending was assumed to comply with statutory caps in effect through 2002.",These simulations reflect a different amount of discretionary spending.,0,664 "This study extracted hourly, surface-layer ozone concentrations for each grid-cell from the standard CAMx output file containing hourly average ozone values.",The output file contained data about the ozone.,0,665 although you still hear about those occasionally,You still hear about it from time to time.,0,666 "What do we think of Kansas, class?",We are all in a class together.,0,667 okay um my major source of information i guess is TV news excuse me i uh wake up to it in the morning this is my i guess my prime time for news first thing in the morning while i'm getting ready to go to work oh i quite frequently uh glance through headlines or in the newspaper but uh primarily mine is uh TV news how about yourself,My main source of daily news is the television.,0,668 "Figure 8 shows the design knowledge at the critical design review, when the decision was made to commit to initial manufacturing of the missile.",Someone made a decision to commit to manufacturing the missile.,0,669 "The site, near the village of Hesarlek, is marked by a large modern replica of the famed wooden horse.",There is a wooden horse near Hesarlek.,0,670 The things he seemed to remember from his other waking must be a mixture of fact and delirium.,He wasn't sure how much of what he was remembering was real or fabricated by his mind.,0,671 Gauve paused again.,"Again, Gauve paused.",0,672 "Islamabad, Riyadh and, by extension, Washington may yet come to regret their reported support for a Sunni movement that apparently now exceeds Shiah Iran in its fundamentalist zeal and potential appeal to discontented Sunni populations.",Washington supported a Sunni movement.,0,673 Total factor productivity is the portion of output not explained by the use of capital and labor and is generally associated with the level of technology and managerial efficiency.,Technology can have an effect on total factor productivity.,0,674 but yeah yeah because most time now you know it's just a weekend or just forget it yeah,Most times on the weekends you or you do it.,0,675 "That still means completely duty-free shopping today and therefore, together with nearby Saint-Barthelemy, the Caribbean's lowest prices for many items .",There is duty-free shopping to this day. ,0,676 "The farther south you go, the fewer provisions you'll find for water-related activities.",There are fewer provisions for water activities as you go south.,0,677 "Instead, on May 16, the Vice Presidentas Counsel sent GAO a letter questioning the appropriateness of GAOas review, expressing reluctance to supply the information requested and asking for a statement of GAOas legal authority to conduct the review.",The Vice President's Counsel wrote a letter to GAO.,0,678 "She looked up at him, her emerald eyes filled with dull weariness.",Her eyes looked tired.,0,679 " ""Oro perhaps?""Drew counter-questioned.",Drew was asking a question.,0,680 think of the worst well now it might be hard but think of the the worst person that's been on the show uh-huh in in the past two years besides Rosalyn she's dead and gone,Think of anyone from the show but the dead girl. ,0,681 uh-huh yeah right each one of those puts on a few pounds doesn't it,"That adds a little weight, right?",0,682 Many states are already finding that a simple shove can have surprising results.,Even a small shove can have unexpected results at the state level.,0,683 "The canals more than 1,300 miles of them crisscross the island have level footpaths running along their entire length.",The island is full of canals that run his entire length.,0,684 There was the sound of some one stirring on the floor below.,The sound of some one stirring could be heard underneath.,0,685 "With a well-paid civil service, Clive's successors Warren Hastings and Lord Cornwallis avoided the collectors by padding their salaries with private deals.",Hasting and Cornwallis made private deals.,0,686 and so that your plants because and then you have to you still have to water them a lot of times once a here in Dallas you have to water sometimes twice a day because it gets so hot in the summer,"Dallas is really hot in the summertime, so plants need more water.",0,687 Ca'daan waited for them.,Ca'daan was waiting for them.,0,688 "1) Krugman claims that my opening sentence--In a way, Bill Gates's current troubles with the Justice Department grew out of an economics seminar that took place thirteen years ago, at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government--is pure fiction.",Krugman claims that my opening sentence is not true.,0,689 yeah i expected some of his generals and stuff to quietly do away with him,I thought his generals would assassinate him.,0,690 He had visited Red Springs many times before he had dared to court Alexander Mattock's daughter and been forbidden the place.,Alexander Mattock had a daughter.,0,691 "Of course, the overall costs of the package would go up sharply in the event of Ovitz's termination (and I wish now that I'd made a spreadsheet showing just what the deal would total if Ovitz had been fired at any time).",Ovitz's termination will negatively affect costs.,0,692 "Deir Abu Maker is the most important, having provided several leaders for the Coptic church; nearby is Deir Anba-Baramos.",Some Coptic church leaders were provided by the Deir Abu Maker.,0,693 Rothko's triumphantly tragic career resembles what Robert Lowell called the generic life of his own generation of poets.,Rothko had a tragic career.,0,694 where at where at,Where is it?,0,695 They are murderers.,They are killers.,0,696 "Even assuming, for example, that the Congress and the President adhere to the oftenstated goal of saving the Social Security surpluses, our longterm model shows a world by 2030 in which these three programs alone would require almost threequarters of total federal revenue.",Our long-term model suggests that more than half of total federal revenue would be consumed by these programs.,0,697 "There, kneeling next to the big man, Jon crawled with him across the natural bridge.",Jon crossed the natural bridge with he scared man.,0,698 "A lot of times education is done in a vacuum, but this will help students learn to deal with people who are upset, spot legal issues and learn to be empathetic and still do their job, said David Jordan, a law professor at Mission College.",Students who learn in a vacuum learn to continue doing their jobs even when things go wrong.,0,699 Look around the Greek islands today and there is little cause to think that much has changed.,There is no reason to think that a lot has changed.,0,700 "In this analysis, we used two of these well-established models, the Regional Modeling System for Aerosols and Deposition (REMSAD) and the Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions (CAMx), to develop a picture of future changes in air quality resulting from the implementation of the Clear Skies Act.",We have used two well-established models in order to show the effects of the Clear Skies Act.,0,701 "While this total is nominally a slight reduction from the 1,038,714 reported for 1999, it is actually an increase because LSC had to adjust the 1999 total downward to 924,000 cases to take account of the high error rate.",The LSC dealt with a high error rate in their 1999 figures.,0,702 "Like the shrines, the bridge is renewed every two decades.",The bridge is never more than twenty years old.,0,703 "Advocates from programs in New York, Georgia, Virginia, and North Carolina mentioned housing as an issue for which H-2A workers sought legal assistance.",Four state program advocates state that housing is an issue in regard to H-2A workers.,0,704 Squirrels are funny.,Squirrels are hilarious.,0,705 yeah we have a a friend another couple where the husband is the one who cooks,The husband is the one that cooks with our friends.,0,706 "At Brockhole, about 2 km (3 miles) northwest of Windermere along the lake shore, is the Lake District National Park Visitor Centre, a very good place to gather information and plan your strategy for exploring.",The Lake District National Park Visitor Centre is located about 2 km northwest of Windermere.,0,707 "This northwest corner of Israel has been relatively unexplored by tourists, yet it holds some of the country's finest sights, including the third-largest city, modern Haifa, and the Crusader town of Akko, better known as Acre.",Some of Israel's most interesting tourist attractions are in its little-explored northwest corner.,0,708 okay you take care of yourself good luck to you thank you bye-bye,"I appreciate that, and I hope you do well. ",0,709 "To account for these indirect effects of economic activity, economists use economic multipliers that are related to worker's marginal propensity to consume.","To rationalize the unintended consequences, economists use multipliers in relation to an employee's MPC.",0,710 "In essence, the Alternative Estimate addresses the above noted uncertainties about the relationship between premature mortality and long-term exposures to ambient levels of fine particles by assuming that there is no mortality effect of chronic exposures to fine particles.",The certainties described above are addressed by the Alternative Estimate.,0,711 "And for those who enjoy inspecting ancient instruments of terror and torture, there's a medieval chamber of horrors in the Tour des Voleurs (Thieves' Tower).",The Thieve's Tower offers an exhibition of ancient instruments of torture. ,0,712 because uh it was supposed to be something like a show uh singing and like like a musical but yeah,It was supposed to be a musical.,0,713 A good photoshopping session would take his graphic editor at least two whole weeks.,In order to do a good job a graphic editor would have to spend close to half a month. ,0,714 Its golden 18th-century architecture makes it a rewarding stopover on any journey between Paris and Alsace.,The 18th century structural design proves it to be a wonderful place to visit.,0,715 Japan's progress toward parliamentary democracy was halted in the 1930s by the growing nationalism being imposed on government by the generals and admirals.,Growing nationalism halted Japan's progress towards parliamentary democracy. ,0,716 A Post news analysis asks whether Clinton can use his talent for political positioning to actually implement policy.,An analysis wonders whether Clinton can use his talent for politics or policy.,0,717 23 About 89 percent of all city routes are residential routes.,Residential routes are routes connected to houses.,0,718 "For one thing, a country jury is not anxious to take responsibility upon itself, and Mr. Inglethorp stands practically in the position of local squire. ",A country jury isn't excited to take responsibility.,0,719 The often bustling resort town of Tiberias dominates the western shore.,Tiberias is a resort town.,0,720 He supports families and the future without specifying which families or what future.,He is not biased when it comes to his convictions. ,0,721 "The original quinta and chapel of the Count of Carvalhal, Quinta do Palheiro has been in the hands of the Blandy family for more than a century.",The Blandy family has owned the original quinta and chapel for more than one hundred years.,0,722 Employees' overall satisfaction with the organization.,Employees are happy with the organization.,0,723 But on a second hail from the rooftop sentry post Rennie swung the rifle over his arm and faced the outer gate of the patio.,Rennie swung the rifle over his arm and faced the outer gate of the patio on a second hall from the rooftop sentry post.,0,724 okay uh could you tell me what you think contributes most to uh air pollution,What do you believe contributes the most to air pollution?,0,725 "Others say that the original name for the falls was the Wyaess, which is said to mean winding. ",The name for the falls has changed from its original name.,0,726 This includes numerous classical performances.,There are a number of performances including the classical genre.,0,727 "Since the revaluation does not affect obligations incurred, but does affect net cost, an amount equal to the revaluation is recognized in determining the reconciliation between obligations incurred and net cost of operations.",The revaluation does not affect obligations incurred.,0,728 it irritates me so i try to i actually during that period of time,I have way to try and cope with the irritating thing.,0,729 yeah yeah that's basically the kinds of bills we have are on our budget are you know the needs the have to haves and you know those kinds of things uh we don't have a lot of uh you know like JC Penny's in our in our budget and uh maybe twice a year we're to where i can let my wife go clothes shopping like that and,We only have the critical needs on our budget.,0,730 He's dedicated to justice and ensuring that every individual has the ability to take their legal issues to court regardless of their social stature.,He wants to make sure everyone has access to legal counsel.,0,731 They try to see her as less of a Republican.,They try to see her views differently.,0,732 A three-man team scores points each time the ball hits the ground on the opponent's court or if the ball is hit out of the court.,A three-man team scores each time the ball hits the ground on the other side of the court.,0,733 um-hum well you know uh i know American Express i'm now i'm working at American Express now and they,My job is at American Express.,0,734 yeah one thing about,"Right, one thing that is _____ about this",0,735 "That might suggest she was trying to fall in line with the official White House account, which in turn suggests that someone from Clinton's side somehow got to her.",It's possible that someone from the Clinton Side got to her and that she was attempting to stick to the White House account.,0,736 Customer involvement is important to first make senior executives aware of differing or competing expectations and to then build partnerships and coalitions to reach mutual understanding of the issues.,Customer involvement makes executives aware of expectations.,0,737 "Indeed, you could view this show as a carnivalesque celebration of our growing tolerance for illiteracy.",Our tolerance for illiteracy is growing.,0,738 The bones of escaped brill still littered the trails between Fena Set and Fena Dim as a grim reminder of the lethality of the torrent.,"Bones scattered the trails between Fena Set and Fena Dim, showing the deadly events that had occurred earlier.",0,739 well right now we're in a delicate situation because we've got this we've for the first time we're sort of aligned with a lot of these Arab countries,Both of us at the moment are involved in a fragile scenario.,0,740 "An Israeli soldier with a record of mental illness fired into an Arab marketplace in Hebron without provocation, wounding seven civilians.",The shots were fired by an Israeli soldier with mental health illness records.,0,741 "Probably no one will even notice you at all.""",You will most likely not be noticed.,0,742 But what we see is a man caught between the Christian imperative to give generously and a near-pathological cheapness.,The man is caught between cheapness and the imperative to give. ,0,743 um-hum we don't have that here we've we've got some uh local nurseries that are pretty fair on price but still in the metropolitan area they they hold a gun to your head while they while you write out your check,We can find some affordable supplies at our local nurseries.,0,744 The auditors' understanding may come from knowledge they already have about the program or knowledge they gain from inquiries and observations they make in planning the audit.,The auditors' understanding might come from the knowledge that they have about the program.,0,745 "Take route N 247 to Monte Berico and Palladio's most celebrated building, the hilltop Villa Rotonda, considered one of the most perfect buildings ever constructed and Palladio's finest.",The Villa Rotonda was built by Palladio and is on a hill.,0,746 "1.5, formerly methodology transfer paper 5. Using Statistical Sampling.",Statistical sampling should be used.,0,747 The timing of revenue recognition depends on how the property is forfeited and the nature of the property.,Revenue recognition takes time.,0,748 "Anyway, a kid of her age wouldn't know enough.' ",The kid was quite young ,0,749 There are folks willing to help.,People who are willing to lend a hand exist.,0,750 There are some times where a man does something unforgivable.,There are occasions when a man can do something that can never be forgiven.,0,751 "The palace grounds are a pleasant place for a walk, especially the English Garden behind the Petit Ceteau.",A nice place for a walk can be found on the palace grounds.,0,752 "'No, really.' I ran my gaze over the crowd.",I looked out over the crowd.,0,753 "Three centuries later, not that much has changed ' a score of international banks have their offices here, along with celebrated jewelers, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ritz Hotel.",There are a lot of international banks that do business here.,0,754 "But when that next book does hit the shelves, I'll pick it up and remember this exchange with pleasure.",I'll pick it up and remember this exchange with pleasure.,0,755 The magazine predicts softer GOP stances on gun control and abortion.,There was a prediction of softer stances of two issues in the magazine. ,0,756 Congress and the executive branch continue to explore formal ways to hold individual managers accountable for results.,Congress is interested in holding managers accountable.,0,757 "John Law, a Scotsman, financier, and high-rolling gambler, on the run from England after a fatal duel, saw the possibility of promoting this distant marshland as a paradise.","After a duel, John Law was fleeing from England.",0,758 You can't play the innocent with me.,I am not easily fooled by those who pretend to be oblivious.,0,759 The problem is that he was born one week earlier than the blanket says.,"The blanket says he was born one day, but it's not true.",0,760 A'deem was being modest.,A'deen did not like to brag.,0,761 "The last must-see in Yokohama is Sankei-en, originally the estate of wealthy silk merchant and art connoisseur Hara Tomitaro, who opened his garden to the public in 1906.",Hara Tomitaro's estate is a must see in Japan. ,0,762 that's i don't either i mean it says just keep on until and they'll notify you at first i was thinking it was just a week because that's all it shows,It doesn't show anything else besides that.,0,763 "At the police court proceedings, we shall hear the case for the prosecution, but in all probability his solicitors will advise him to reserve his defence. ",The prosecution will be heard at the police court proceedings.,0,764 but uh and Michigan too but uh well i tell you what i appreciate uh the conversation and uh we'll have to we'll have to see how Phoenix ends up,Thanks for the talk. I look forward to seeing what happens in Phoenix!,0,765 hum United States right,"Yeah, correct, the United States.",0,766 But try to make it sound authentic.',Try and make it sound legit.,0,767 "The good news is that they are prime candidates for high-technology management--they only have to get older, not more mature.",They would be good for high-technology management.,0,768 "But Barnes presumably hangs around with a lot more Microsoft people than JavaSoft people, and is likely to absorb their point of view, as I'm sure I would in the same circumstances.",Barnes may pick up stuff from being around people.,0,769 But you want faster.,You want quicker.,0,770 "Although one of the eight priorities focused on obtaining an unqualified opinion on agency financial statements, the eight priorities taken as a whole aim at improving the financial and performance information needed to make and implement effective policy, management, stewardship, and program decisions.",Overall the priorities aim to improve the financial information needed to implement good policies and management.,0,771 The program will achieve about 40% of the total emission reductions required under the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments at a low cost to industry and to the government.,The program will reach 40% of emission reductions that the clean air act requires.,0,772 Maybe it could have been useful for that if there had been a single man who knew anything about draftsmanship.,It could have been useful if the men knew drafting. ,0,773 "As discussed above, the Commission noted that the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C.",The Commission discussed the Securities Exchange Act.,0,774 and see some people always talk about the kind of job you do,This kind of job is a subject that people often talk about.,0,775 And my reflection... ...Is behind me.,My reflection is currently behind me.,0,776 well if nobody yeah if nobody complains you're all right,You are fine if no one complains.,0,777 and they don't have a goal they don't have a goal they don't have an interest in their own field of study they're just looking what's going to pay the biggest cash,They lack direction and aspiration in their lives. ,0,778 AGA is an educational organization dedicated to the enhancement of public financial management.,AGA is dedicated to enhancing public financial management.,0,779 EPA performed a cost-benefit analysis which is summarized in the preamble to the final rule.,The preamble of the final rule had a cost-benefit analysis done by the EPA.,0,780 well it just so happens that my youngest is uh extremely sensitive uh where my oldest one uh you know i can scream at him and yell at him and he'll look at me with with,One of my children happens to be super sensitive while the eldest one is not.,0,781 "Well, shouts the balloonist, everything you told me was technically correct, but it's of no use to anyone.",The information told to the balloonist had become obsolete.,0,782 4 billion is spent on medication and doctor visits . There is plenty of room for growth--only an estimated 12 percent of hay fever sufferers seek medical treatment.,Hay fever spending may rise if more of the 12% decide to seek medication and a visit to the doctor.,0,783 Marginal access cost can be estimated from the coverage function.,The coverage function can be used to estimate marginal access cost. ,0,784 because i'm pretty frugal about things like that,I am frugal about my food. ,0,785 "Shapiro, E. Educational Rethinking the Criteria of Competence.",SHapiro wrote the report.,0,786 "They are now lined with Murano glass and souvenir boutiques, exclusive jewelry and lace shops, and, most important for weary or hungry travelers, elegant 18th-century cafe.",They include various tourist shops and cafes.,0,787 "The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is amending the regulations concerning the importation of animal products to allow, under certain conditions, the importation of fresh, chilled, or frozen beef from Argentina.",The importation of beef from Argentina will be allowed under certain conditions.,0,788 "Colonial-style central building with pub, fitness room, and shops is surrounded by villas with views overlooking the bay.",The central building has a pub.,0,789 A long memory isn't half as useful as a long purse! ,Money is more useful than a good memory. ,0,790 "Villena's castle was originally built by Moors, though considerable additions were made in the 15th century.",Moors constructed Villena's castle originally.,0,791 "True monogamy, then, would seem a very worthwhile institution.",True monogamy is good for society.,0,792 "In last Wednesday's New York Times , Richard Severo Originally, Pedro had a body that was crushed in a train wreck near Chicago.","There was a train wreck involved in an accident, last week.",0,793 "Is that it, eh?"" He was cooling down.","""So that's it?"" He said while cooling down.",0,794 "The mob, reportedly acting on Cohn's behalf, threatened Davis with violence to force him into a sham marriage with a fellow African-American.",A black person was forced into marriage with Davis.,0,795 There were results at once.,There were results asap. ,0,796 insofar as their design um uh American even foreign but i'm sure it's all for streamlining or for air streamlining,Most of the design appears to be focused on smoothing the structure out. ,0,797 We have exposed the counterrevolutionary machinations of Richard Ford and Amy Tan.,The counterrevolutionary machinations of Richard Ford and Amy Tan have been exposed thanks to us.,0,798 "This program should be expanded, perhaps with incentives for police to live in the neighborhoods they patrol full time.",Police might be encouraged to live where they work.,0,799 yeah how what do what do you mean by that,I want to know what did you mean by that.,0,800 The owlish Bannen can twinkle without looking dear--there's something saturnine in that face.,Bannen has a gloomy countenance written on his face.,0,801 "As good as the best done on my world. Ser Perth went away, temporarily pleased with himself, and Hanson stood staring at the model.",Ser Perth left being content in himself temporarily.,0,802 "Management is responsible for establishing effective controls to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, as well as other compliance requirements such as provisions of contracts or grant agreements.",Establishing effective controls is the responsibility of management.,0,803 what i mean hobbies do you enjoy,What hobbies do you have?,0,804 "When she glances down at the tattoo on her right forearm, staff attorney Anita Le's forehead furrows in pain at the bold black letters that spell out Le Quang Thai Ha.",Anita is filled with anger once she sees the striking tattoo spelling out Le Quang Thai Ha.,0,805 "Conceived with meticulous care, Katsura is one of Japan's masterpieces of subtle residential design and garden landscaping.",Katsura is a beautiful location.,0,806 "This struggle between the marvelous and the murderous, as Seamus Heaney has put it, is still acute in modern Irish poetry.",Seamus Heaney identifies a struggle between marvel and murder in modern Irish poetry. ,0,807 Inappropriate selection of this technique as real issue may not be specific problem.,Sometimes this technique can be selected inappropriately.,0,808 Puerto Rico quickly developed into a major port and trading post it was one of the last major ports Spanish galleons stopped in before sailing back to the motherland.,A lot of Spanish galleons stopped at Puerto Rico.,0,809 "At the same time, the early years of World War II brought American tourists who were no longer able to travel to Europe on holiday.",American tourists who couldn't go to Europe due to World War II made that their destination.,0,810 "They offer alternative pictures--in the partial birth debate, for example, they used a photo of a woman who had gone through the procedure, surrounded by her husband and kids--to emphasize the woman's humanity and obscure the fetus.",There are alternative pictures readily available.,0,811 Respond in kind and you'll soon feel at home.,You'll feel comfortable soon by responding to others the same way they're responding to you.,0,812 Victor Geminiani demonstrated how video conferencing is being used extensively by staff and clients to serve six islands.,Geminiani showed how the staff uses video conferencing. ,0,813 "This popular romantic floating restaurant serves French, Mediterranean, and Far-Eastern food in a relaxed South Seas atmosphere.",The restaurant is floating.,0,814 Table 3. Incremental Policy Costs of the Technology Scenarios (billion 1999 dollars),Billion of 1999 dollars are the Incremental Policy Costs of the Technology Scenarios.,0,815 than typing and everything so oh yeah it's it's uh around the corner,It's around the corner.,0,816 Bedrooms and public rooms with plenty of character lie inside this splendid landmark building dating from the 1930s.,The bedrooms have a lot of character.,0,817 "This involves a morning or afternoon of theory and shallow-water work, giving you an opportunity to try out the basic techniques before committing yourself a full open-water course.",This gives you a chance to test foundational methods before a commitment to a full open water course.,0,818 Employee satisfaction Employees' satisfaction with their jobs.,They were satisfied with their current roles.,0,819 "Differences in performance of screening instruments for problem drinking among blacks, whites and Hispanics in an emergency room population.","Instruments designed to screen for problem drinking perform differently among blacks, whites and Hispanics in the emergency room.",0,820 The interpretations could also create incentives for abuse.,These interpretations can also create incentives for further abuses.,0,821 it like cuts your trash can in half so you could put cans on one side and and other on the other side so,It splits the waste can in two.,0,822 "The U.S. cost elasticities in Table 1, when applied to the accrued costs of each function, determine the coefficients in the cost function, which in turn generate the unique shape of the unit cost function (Figure 1).",Table 1 helped generate the unique shape in Figure 1.,0,823 "Nelson W. Aldrich of Rhode Island, whom Lincoln Steffens once called the arch-representative of protected, privileged business.",Nelson W. Aldrich lives in Rhode Island.,0,824 "When the Commission released this Report and Order on July 26, 1996, it included a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.",The Commission released the report that included a notice about Proposed rule making.,0,825 "And the real argument that comes through is less about foreign policy aims--his arguments on behalf of Cold War intervention make that clear--than about a nativist vision of America, where foreigners aren't to be trusted, where the fates of Indians, blacks, and Jews don't count.",His opinions on the Cold War reveal his White Nationalist leanings.,0,826 "The massive Palais de Justice, housing the law courts of modern Paris, holds echoes of the nation's earliest kings, who dwelt here, and of the aristocrats and Rev?­o?­lu?­tionary leaders who, in turn, were imprisoned here before execution.",Revolutionary leaders were imprisoned in the Palais de Justice.,0,827 food price um but mostly i think you know service and atmosphere are the two things that you know i don't minds paying little bit if if i don't have to wait too long to eat and if the service is good the food is good,"If I have to pay a bit extra so that I do not have to wait very long, I don't mind doing that.",0,828 so where do you live,Where do you live?,0,829 "Those seminal early papers were crisp and minimalist; they looked forward with remarkable prescience to the wild and woolly, out-of-control world of modern international macroeconomics.",The early papers were short and to the point; they were forward looking and prescient to the wild world of modern macroeconomics.,0,830 "I wonder whether, after all, you know as much as we think? he said softly.","He spoke softly, wondering if you know all that much.",0,831 "Chapter 6 examines the availability of resources necessary for the installation of SO2, NOX, and mercury control retrofit technologies for the timing and emission reductions proposed under the Clear Skies Act.",Chapter 6 studies the availibility of technology to reduce emissions to improve air quality for the Clear Skies Act. ,0,832 person to sort of do do some caretaking to um,Someone who can do some caretaking.,0,833 The New Jersey State Bar Foundation receives 12.,The Bar Foundation of New Jersey gets 12. ,0,834 yeah yeah but other than that i've heard the the you know the um the scenery in it is absolutely beautiful,It is nice around here,0,835 I just resist the idea of punditry in certain spheres.,I just reject the idea of punditry in specific circles.,0,836 "A few seconds later, Jackie Kennedy comes on the line.",Jackie Kennedy shortly after comes online. ,0,837 as is you know as is needed and because my husband had had for a long time was out of the country,My husband has spent much of his time traveling abroad.,0,838 "And with a crappy little circus that's got, like, maybe one trained donkey who isn't feeling very well.",The circus is not thought of well among some critics.,0,839 Which services should be provided in the ED and which should be provided elsewhere?,What services should be given in the ED and which elsewhere?,0,840 They saw his opponent roll outside the blow and come out on his feet.,The opponent managed to get back on his feet after rolling outside the blow.,0,841 i think then that's a step away from even duty i don't think they even have a sense of the responsibility,I don't think they feel responsible.,0,842 "Two, three times that thar mule saved m' skin fur me.",That mule has saved me a couple of times.,0,843 "For example, GAO may decide not to transmit a draft report electronically and instead provide limited printed copies of the draft to the agency.",GAO has to decide if they want to submit the report electronically.,0,844 It was a slow process; many of its buildings were brought piece by piece from abandoned desert towns.,"It was not very fast however, many of the buildings were brought.",0,845 It also marks Chinatown's southern boundary.,It signals the edge of Chinatown.,0,846 oh that sounds neat how about like big salad bowls those kind of things,That sounds like a big salad bowl or something.,0,847 "The Museum of History (open Tuesday Saturday 10am 6pm, Sunday 1 6pm; closed Monday; admission HK$10 adult, HK$5 child) opened its new permanent collection at the end of August 2001.",The Museum of History is open daily from Tuesday to Sunday but is closed on Monday's. ,0,848 Why a man needed four swords was beyond Ca'daan's reasoning.,Ca'daan had no idea why the man needed four swords. ,0,849 Many of EPA's stakeholders are businesses or other regulated entities that wanted the agency to address such matters as the procedural costs of environmental regulations.,Businesses and other entities under regulation account for many of EPA's stakeholders.,0,850 "Down the hall was longtime community activist Georgia King, 62, talking to a lawyer about her pending eviction from a high-rise efficiency apartment.",Georgia King was going to be evicted from her apartment.,0,851 "She remembered that she had had no tea, but felt too excited to be conscious of hunger.",She was too excited to notice her own hunger. ,0,852 "Each evening, a sound and light show at the Red Fort tells its story; details can be obtained from the Tourist Information Bureau.",The Red Fort hosts a sound and light show every night.,0,853 "The rest of the country had endured Vietnam and Watergate, but New York had its own little bankruptcy and physical collapse.","After international issues the country had faced, New York had a state problem to fix.",0,854 But in setting up a world-vs.,Though with the setup.,0,855 "Built in 1438, the Chaumukha is dedicated to Adinath, Jainism's original 24 Tirthankaras (teachers), whose truths were revealed by the prophet Mahavira .","Mahavira, a prophet, revealed the teachings of the 24 Tirthankaras.",0,856 well that's good that's pretty excellent,That's wonderful!,0,857 Ca'daan's head swam.,Ca'daan's head was swimming.,0,858 British social customs are still evident in the kind of polite service you get in hotels and in the long lines of people waiting for buses at rush hour.,British social customs are still around.,0,859 "And as for Hillary, forget it.","And with regard to Hillary, don't have any hopes.",0,860 Slowly the lion-helmed man's grip on the haft of his battle axe relaxed and he fell dead to the dirt in a pool of blood.,"The man wielding the battle axe fell dead into the dirt, spilling blood from his body.",0,861 "And restructuring taxes should, at least in theory, encourage desirable types of economic behavior such as hard work, saving, and investment.",We hope that people will invest more If they pay less in taxes.,0,862 Wanted to have you all corralled nice an' neat out to th' camp where he could use his hooks an' make at least three ride mounts outta you.,I desired that you all be contained at the camp.,0,863 "This case is different, said the German sullenly.","""It's not like that,"" said the unhappy German.",0,864 Even Thorn had sat up to watch the short duel.,Thorn was watching the fight.,0,865 right that that's actually the part that that that i find really strange i mean i i i sort of understand somewhat i mean i i knowing the history i understand that the hatred of the Muslims for you know the Israelis or whatever and i can sort of handle i can sort of handle that and the Palestinians but i sort of think about the Muslims sort of running around having jihads against themselves,"I find it strange, but I sort of understand Israeli hatred for muslims.",0,866 "To improve air quality for millions of Americans, the Clear Skies Initiative will adopt the lessons learned from 30 years of environmental regulation ",The Clear Skies initiative was meant to make better air quality.,0,867 "Well, he admitted, ""I guess it could be worse.",He denied that the situation could be any worse than it was.,0,868 "Seeor Wences, salvaging the head, put it in a box.","Salvaging the head, Seeor Wences put it in a box.",0,869 Bays four.,Four bays.,0,870 The payment approval and authorization portions of the process can involve a multistep process with administrative approvals being first,Administrators must approve and authorize steps within the payment process. ,0,871 3 million to fund its very narrowly construed mission.,The cost of the mission is 3 million dollars.,0,872 "The applications previously discussed that involved multisite case studies are cross- that is, information from several sites is collected at the same time.",The applications uses information that has been gleaned from several sources at one time.,0,873 "It equips people to handle simple matters themselves, reducing the strain on already-overburdened courts and legal assistance programs.",People can be empowered to handle simple matters themselves.,0,874 GAO has developed a set of strategic goals and objectives that will help to support the Congress in its decisionmaking and improve the performance and accountability of the executive branch.,GAO is concerned with Congressional decision making.,0,875 "Well, the page you're looking at is relatively deep in Slate.",The page you are seeing is deep in the archives of Slate.,0,876 More adventurous visitors will take the descent down the volcanic sand slide called the suna-bashiri to Shin-Go-gome ( New Fifth Station ).,"Daring visitors will descend the suna-bashiri, a volcanic sand slide.",0,877 "Never seen her, responded Mr. Hersheimmer.","Mr. Hersheimmer has responded, that he has never seen her.",0,878 "But politicians must answer questions, take abuse, and keep smiling.",Taking questions are part of a politician's job.,0,879 but i'm at the uh Melpar division here in uh Falls Church,I am at the Melpar division in Falls Church.,0,880 But what does Clinton mean when he says the Republicans raise more foreign money?,What could Clinton be saying when he says republicans raise more foreign funds?,0,881 because of the of their responsibility for the public welfare and certainly people in uh industries well the transportation industry for specifically uh you know specifically but um in many many cases,They are in charge of transportation industry among others.,0,882 And there's just not much evidence that Dunlap knows how to do any of those.,There is little proof to suggest the Dunlap know how to do those.,0,883 "Start in the middle, at the oldest, then work your way east before returning to the historically later caves at the western entrance.","The oldest caves are in the middle, and the newer ones are at the western entrance.",0,884 just twice for her and we're going to end up probably keeping one out of each litter,We will likely keep one from each litter.,0,885 "What message he did receive, however, was clear.",He received a message.,0,886 "Vrenna looked nervous, taking a step back.",Vrenna look nervous while taking a step back.,0,887 yeah yeah one thing i like to do is is go to a police auction and get a car because i've heard you can get pretty good deals but you have to be kind of patient because you can't always just go in and get something right away like like like the Dallas Police Department has a car auction every Monday morning from like nine till twelve,Dallas Police Department holds a weekly car auction lasting three hours.,0,888 but i grew up in LA i work out here,"I work here in LA, where I grew up.",0,889 You'll be able to buy a sarong for the beach or choose a wooden carving to take home with you.,You can buy a wooden carving or a sarong. ,0,890 5 levels rather than mean PM2.,It is possible to find the mean of PM2.,0,891 oh one of my instructors uh said that they were doing something like this and,an instructor of mine told me that they were doing the same thing,0,892 "Converted nine years earlier, daimyo Omura founded the port of Nagasaki as a center for Portuguese trade in 1571.",Daimyo Omura established the Nagasaki port as a hub for trade with Portugal in 1571.,0,893 it's just terrible what they do and then i have been coloring my hair and i'm real haphazard when i do it so i've got dye on my bathroom door,I have not always been careful when dying my hair and I got some on the door.,0,894 uh-huh you're that's that's that's strange because ours all of their money goes in savings if they need something we buy it for them,"We buy everything for them, so their money goes into savings.",0,895 "Was I turkey-cock proud th' first day I rode into town with 'em playin' pretty tunes, even though I strapped 'em on over boots as was only three pieces of leather hangin' to each other restless like.",It was a proud thing to ride into town.,0,896 But it looks great on you.,You look great in it,0,897 "'America Large?' I asked, trying to sound ignorant.","I had attempted to sound ignorant and all I could say was ""America Large?"".",0,898 "Sinan's modest tomb, which he designed himself, stands in a triangular garden at the northern corner of the complex, capped by a small dome.",Sinan designed his own tomb,0,899 The classical design was taken from examples in Athens.,Athens was inspiration for the classical design.,0,900 Do the Shoes Fit?,Are the shoes the right size?,0,901 Tools don't have to take responsibility.',A tool can't take responsibility.,0,902 all right well what do you think about women's role's in the last generation what uh what changes have you seen,What changes have you seen in women's roles in the last generation?,0,903 Revenue is recognized as nonexchange revenue by the entity that is legally entitled to use the revenue or to use the property itself.,Entities can be legally entitled to use revenue or property.,0,904 "Crawling out of that salt-water tank at an ungodly hour of the morning, stumbling to Derry's... The lab looked just the same as it had that night; tubes filled with fleshy bodies.",The lab contained tubes filled with fleshy bodies. ,0,905 Anywhere I can see.,All the places I can see.,0,906 "She gave me a pointed look, eyes flashing.",I saw her eyes flashing as she gave me a pointed look.,0,907 wouldn't have a hard time keeping up with them.,They would be able to keep up with them.,0,908 that's uh pretty much takes up a lot of our day as far as producing transparencies and things,Producing transparencies can take up the whole day.,0,909 but maybe i'll try it one day,Perhaps in the future I will try it. ,0,910 "This is primarily a result of economies of scale, worksharing and the extensive use of automation.",The widespread use of automation is one of the main culprits. ,0,911 "Nothing more."" He lit a cigarette with a hand that shook ever so little.",His hand shook while he lit a cigarette.,0,912 "If officials of the audited organization do not have such a process, auditors may wish to establish their own process.","If a process does not exist, officials can establish their own process.",0,913 "They are obtained the following The information system allows the description of each area with geographic characteristics (population, number of stops, number of delivery points, surface, length of streets or roads) and traffic.",The information system allows the description of each area with geographic characteristics and traffic.,0,914 "Sometimes pine kernels are sugar-coated, too, and the delicious result is called pinyonets.",Pinyonets are sugar-coated pine kernels.,0,915 CEOs have a key role in setting the example for the rest of the agency to follow in seeking to understand information technology and management concepts and appreciating the strategic role that information technology and management can play in helping to accomplish business objectives.,"In getting the agency to understand the significance of IT to the agency, high-level leadership would need to step forward.",0,916 "Under section 607, the Commission's submission does not specifically indicate the potential economic impact or the number of small entities affected.",The submission does not indicate economic impact under section 607.,0,917 "In the same vein, mail for the highest-volume recipients is not even delivered e? the mailers pick it up.",High-volume recipients have mailers pick the mail up.,0,918 "Pedestrian Grafton Street is lined with well-known stores such as Marks and Spencer, the Body Shop, HMV records, and Laura Ashley.",There are a lot of stores on Grafton Street.,0,919 Which he is.,Which is he?,0,920 "What there is in the way of stylized leaps, spins, and balancing on the toes comes out as the natural expression of exceptionally graceful human beings and not as a demonstration of what some clever windup toys can do.",The balancing on the toes is a symbol of graceful human expression.,0,921 How can one look at lesser animals when one has seen such a treasure?,How can a person look at inferior animals when one has seen such a magnificent one?,0,922 ten years,a decade.,0,923 "The site ruins, mostly from the Hellenistic period, lie almost overgrown, but they are perfect for exploring at your own pace.",The ruins are mostly from the Hellenistic period.,0,924 "The two bronzes were presented in the mid-17th century by the Dutch government, in gratitude for the special exemption that gave them exclusive trading privileges with Japan during the period of national seclusion.",Japan had a period of national seclusion in which it did not trade internationally.,0,925 "M odern Istanbul, a sprawling metropolis of more than 10 million inhabitants, is split in two by the narrow, sinuous strait known as the Bosphorus.",Istanbul is split by the narrow Bosphorus Strait. ,0,926 Deliberately he tried to subdue the sensation as he turned to the girl.,He attempted to overcome the sensation.,0,927 "That isn't bad, and it certainly isn't Clinton's absolute lowest approval rating as president---that would be 1993 and 1994, when Clinton's popularity dropped on several occasions to 37 percent.",Clinton's ratings were lowest in 1993 and 1994.,0,928 "USE OF STATE PLANNING to integrate, coordinate, and increase resources available in every state and territory.",The state planning will help all the states.,0,929 yeah it really did i i saw that too,I also saw it.,0,930 oh yes yes yes i come i come from up in that area i'm a New Yorker myself,I come up in that area as a New Yorker.,0,931 "They built the six- and eight-story tenements you see today, cramped quarters in buildings twice as high as those permitted elsewhere, with some floors no more than 6 ft high.",There was very little room between the ceiling and floor.,0,932 "The resort's casino is Malaysia's only such legal gambling house, with strict dress codes requiring men to wear ties or long-sleeved batik shirts.",The resort dress code requires that men wear ties or long-sleeved batik shirts.,0,933 "The first version, crafted by CNN's Rowland Evans, Sir, is it not in your interest to tell us flatly if these rumors are or are not true?","Sir Rowland Evans crafted the first version, he works for CNN.",0,934 "Meetings of the Device Good Manufacturing Practice Advisory Committee (GMP Advisory Committee) were announced by Federal Register publication on April 25, 1990 (55 Fed.",The meetings were announced by the Federal Register.,0,935 He then blames military leaders for overestimating the effectiveness of bombing.,The military leaders are blamed for their overestimation of the effectiveness of bombing.,0,936 "Just to hear him say, 'I believe in what you're doing,' raised our game and made us want to work harder.",When he told us that he believed in what we were accomplishing we worked harder. ,0,937 made sense---and would make dollars for the Postal Service.,The Postal Service uses more than one revenue stream.,0,938 "Built in 1594, the pharmacy's cupboards line two rooms with matching glass and porcelain apothecary jars specially ordered by Carlos IV.",The pharmacy was built in the late 1500s.,0,939 "Still, it was strange that he had sent no word of any kind.",It was odd that he had not made contact.,0,940 no you could probably just you know,"""You can most likely, you know.""",0,941 there's so many accidents with children accidentally getting a hold of guns,There are many accidents where kids mistakenly get a hold of guns. ,0,942 "Starr's goal--as Bruce Shapiro, in a perceptive anti-Starr Salon essay , recognizes--is most likely not to vindicate Willey but to unravel a presidential cover-up conspiracy.",Starr's goal is to discover a presidential cover-up conspiracy.,0,943 "The music is a swell of longing, regret, and nostalgia.","Longing, regret and nostalgia are expressed by the music.",0,944 but uh like i said otherwise you know a the the expense but you know we could not had one as large as we have if you know we hadn't did it ourself,We could not have one as large if we hadn't done it ourselves.,0,945 "Don't just do what is acceptable, do what you think is right!",Do the right thing instead of doing the bare minimum.,0,946 "As it turns out, it may not be such a good idea to welcome them into our workplaces and schools either, at least not as warmly as we have.",We are not supposed to be kind to them.,0,947 People travel to weddings all the time.,People travel to weddings very frequently.,0,948 The Explorer struggled to keep his self-control.,The Explorer had a hard time not losing his control.,0,949 "In its FrameworkforFederalFinancialManagementSystems, JFMIP envisioned automated systems with standardized information and electronic data exchange to eliminate manual processes, reduce the risks of data loss or errors, and eliminate manual reentry and interpretation.",JFMIP envisioned automated systems with standardized information,0,950 It was thin and sharp with a wire-wrapped hilt and a weighted spike on the tip of the hilt.,It was a weapon.,0,951 the only one i've ever seen and it'll be showing again pretty funny,"They will be showing it again, it was quite amusing.",0,952 "In fact, they have devised the subject of Nihonjinron (the theory of Japaneseness ), books on which sell millions of copies each year and cover such bizarre topics as the unique chemistry of Japanese blood, the special configuration of the Japanese brain, and other examples of what supposedly sets them apart from the rest of humanity.",Nihonjinron is a subject that relates to the uniqueness of the Japanese people.,0,953 They are dealing with complex human emotions.,They are dealing with human emotions.,0,954 "Dunleavy, John, Hjelm, Elizabeth, Johansson, Henry, and Walther, Thomas.",More than five people altogether.,0,955 There is another possibility. ,There's another explanation.,0,956 "Kristin Booth Glen, dean of the City University of New York School of Law, likened competition for top students to the seductive practices of credit card companies.","The Dean of the City University of New York School of Law, is Kristin Booth Glen.",0,957 "For undubbed versions with French subtitles, look out for the letters VO (version originale) in listings or posters.",Posters or listings that contain the letters VO are referred to movies with French subtitles.,0,958 "Sam's not going to suit up for service in the Gulf, now or ever.",Sam will never suit up for service in the Gulf.,0,959 the same thought flashed in my mind,I had the same idea. ,0,960 Shall we really try it? he said at last.,He wondered whether they should really try it.,0,961 What's a Postal Regulatory Commissioner to do?,What can be done by a Postal Regulatory commissioner?,0,962 "The French mock the British, the British mock the French, the Serbs kill the Albanians, the Albanians kill the Serbs--ah, that crazy regional humor.",That insane regional hilarity.,0,963 Federal Program Failed.,The federal program has failed. ,0,964 it was that bad huh,Was it really that bad?,0,965 "From this rock, the Prophet began his journey to paradise.",The Prophet was at this rock before going to paradise.,0,966 "The disastrous Democratic Convention, however, left McGovern a then record-setting 23 points in the hole.",The Democratic Convention was a disaster by most estimates.,0,967 "That is better. An assistant from Parkson's, Theatrical Costumiers, testified that on June 29th, they had supplied a black beard to Mr. L. ",Mr. L had obtained a black beard from Parkson's Theatrical Costumiers.,0,968 well uh the hobbies that i pursue in my spare time are crafts and uh i've been involved in making uh hat stand and uh rag dolls and uh different type hats with um flowers and roses you know and uh that kind of thing straw hats and all that kind of stuff,"In my spare time, I work on crafts. I'm in the process of making a hat stand, rag dolls, and hats with different flowers in them.",0,969 "He became a department chief with rather vague responsibilities, which was fine by him.",He became a department chief with rather vague responsibilities.,0,970 The majors insist it's the latter.,The majors feel very confident that it's the latter.,0,971 i i'm speaking mostly of elementary,I'm speaking mostly of elementary school,0,972 all they give the scores,They communicate the scores.,0,973 "The trade blockade was to last eight years, and ended in a seven-month siege.",The eight year blockade was capped by a seven month siege.,0,974 The health and environmental effects of mercury exposure are also not quantified.,Mercury exposure data is not quantified.,0,975 Records indicate that Congress and the Justice Department received files detailing the devices used in the raid much earlier than previously thought.,The files received detailed the devices used in the raid. ,0,976 Connecticut Democrats who voted for Joe Lieberman over the liberal Republican Lowell Weicker have every right to feel betrayed when Lieberman deserts a Democratic president in a partisan fight.,Connecticut Democrats that voted for Lieberman should feel betrayed. ,0,977 yeah yeah but the the i mean the poor man too he could get really cold he could,The poor man could freeze.,0,978 "However, no matter how strong a training program is, if there are no incentives for practitioners to use the training or the legal restrictions are insurmountable or the health care system is in total chaos and you cannot find who is in charge of the department because somebody has bought out the hospital, you will have difficulty implementing an intervention.","No matter how great the training system is if you are not able to overcome the obstacles, the implementation will be difficult.",0,979 The USPS determines the amount of current carrier time based on the percentages of time spent in route and load,USPS calculates the carrier time using percentages of time spent on route and load,0,980 huh yeah i don't own a PC but i've i've yeah i work for TI and uh they,I do not have a PC.,0,981 The Department of Defense's (DOD) planned $700 billion in investment,The 700 billion investment dollars by the Department of Defence.,0,982 "Among the oldest and most famous of the windows, on the southern side of the choir, is an enthroned Mary with Jesus on her lap, Notre-Dame de la Belle Verriyre.",A well known window is on the southern side.,0,983 as you know as human beings something to remove you from reality to relieve the stress,It is something to distract us from reality and relieve stress.,0,984 "It had been hoped to use surplus federal funds earmarked for transitional welfare programs as part of the welfare reform movement, said Florida Bar President Terry Russell of Fort Lauderdale.","Terry Russell, Florida Bar Association President, said that the hope was for earmarked surplus federal funds to be used for the welfare reform movement.",0,985 "In 1998, two years after Washington cut legal-aid funding by a third or $122 million - state programs started facing more rigorous requirements for grant renewals, including achieving optimal configuration of service areas.","Following the slashing of federal legal-aid funding, more pressure was put on state programs to limit grant renewals.",0,986 Those chips in the stonework are bullet holes from the 1916 Easter Rising the building was occupied by independence fighters led by Countess Markievicz; you may have seen a bust of the countess in the Green.,The building was the site of at least one gun battle.,0,987 It wasn't just the inexorable working of the law of diminishing disciples.,There was more to it then this.,0,988 "Some 80 km (50 miles) up the autoroute du Nord from Paris, Com?­piygne is another classical Ile-de-France royal hunting forest and palace.",There is another royal hunting forest and palace 80kms away from Paris.,0,989 "As we entered the large hall, John beckoned us both into the smoking-room. ",John wanted us to go into the smoking room. ,0,990 "In the preamble to the final OASIS rule, the Commission explained that",The Commission explained in the introduction to the final OASIS rule.,0,991 The interior of Naxos offers a range of environments not found on other islands of the Aegean.,A range of environments not found on other islands of the Aegean is offered by the interior of Naxos.,0,992 Combining statistical sampling with fast pay procedures increases the risks that overpayments would occur and go undetected compared to a 100percent verification of receipt and acceptance.,Failure to verify receipt and acceptance of payments by combining statistical sampling and fast pay procedures can lead to overpayments.,0,993 Now his sword stuck point down next to the Kal's warclub and a post holding San'doro's daggers on the hill.,His sword was stuck with its point down.,0,994 He opposed idolatry and the caste system (which was subsequently too strong to resist).,He was against the caste system.,0,995 A band of red painted the lower half of his face from the nose down.,The lower half of his face was red.,0,996 "For something less energetic, try powerboat parachuting (parasailing).","For something requiring less energy, try parasailing.",0,997 "No, we're not.",We are not.,0,998 "The red tape can at times seem like barbed wire, but this, too, can be handled.",Red tape presents a problem that can be circumvented.,0,999 "Don't be absurd, Tommy.",Tommy don't be crazy.,0,1000 "Because the pitcher stands tall, in full view, he cannot send a signal to the catcher as to what pitch will come next.",He can't tell the pitcher what to do.,0,1001 it was uh of course he had to fight that to beat microscope anyway,OF course he had to fight to beat the microscope. ,0,1002 3) So when will he lay out his positions?,They wanted to know when he would lay out the position.,0,1003 and uh you know they she was getting ready to go through the trial you know for this guy and you know they they asked her uh can you imagine they asked her if she wanted the death penalty and she said yes,She had to go to trial to convict this guy.,0,1004 oh that's great yeah yeah i don't do a whole it uh time seems to be hard to find for anything you want to do i don't know why,It's hard to find the time to do that much.,0,1005 "Since the new quality-of-life drugs can have adverse health effects, the drugs need to come through physicians.",Physicians must prescribe quality-of-life drugs.,0,1006 Legal services programs nationally have been battered by economic pressures and escalating demand.,Increasing demand is one of the reasons why legal services programs have been struggling.,0,1007 "Because the incentive to an author of free software is to make her package the best, so releasing inadequately tested software will do the author's personal reputation no good at all.",Releasing inadequately tested software will do the author's personal reputation no good at all.,0,1008 His hands came up as he moved forward.,He moved ahead as his hands raised. ,0,1009 "There are a dozen or so hotels, which are usually booked solid at weekends in winter; they can hire out equipment if needed.",During weekends in winter the hotels are booked solid.,0,1010 The SEC did not identify any other statutes or executive orders imposing requirements relevant to the rule.,The SEC didn't point to any other orders that had requirements for the rule.,0,1011 "We are concerned that they won't know, one, what this is going to mean, and then, two, even if they know what it means, won't know who to contact to help them through this.",We are concerned about a number of things.,0,1012 "Norquist has been spreading the word that Rupert Murdoch, the Standard 's owner, must stop funding the magazine.",Norquist thinks Murdoch must stop funding the magazine.,0,1013 "The EPA has included a detailed economic analysis in its submission to GAO, setting forth and assessing the costs, benefits, and associated impacts of the rule.",The EPA put a detailed economic analysis in their submission.,0,1014 The defeat of English forces at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 enabled the Norman forces of France to assume royal power.,"In the battle of Hastings in 1066, the English forces were defeated, and it enabled the Norman forces of France to assume royal power.",0,1015 "I think I remember me some times when we had one blanket and a hunk of hardtack between us, and there weren't any 'yours' or 'mine' about it!","I remember some times when we had a single blanket and piece of hardtack between us, and there wasn't any claiming for a single person.",0,1016 "Computer security risks associated with the widespread use of information create the potential for disruptions to federal agencies and the private sector in aviation, banking, law enforcement, emergency services, and other critical services.",Disruptions might be caused which relate to computer security risks.,0,1017 "King James I of Aragon authorized the occupation of the islands under forces commanded by Guillermo de Montgri, a solid Catalonian citizen with titular ecclesiastical rank.",Guillermo de Montgri was a Catalonian citizen with titular ecclesiastical rank who occupied islands.,0,1018 "Rooms are all different, but singles are disappointingly plain.",The single rooms are less exciting that was hoped.,0,1019 "Best known as the site of a pivotal World War II battle in the Pacific, Midway is no longer a military base but is open to the public, managed by the U.S.",Midway is not a military base anymore and the public can go see it under the operation of the U.S.,0,1020 The following are examples of matters that may be reportable.,The next examples could be reportable.,0,1021 "These proposals reflected the purported desire of mailers for smaller and, implicitly, more frequent rate increases.",These proposals showed how mailers want smaller rate increases.,0,1022 you'll never get it it's it's uh was it Roxanne,You'll never get it. Was it Roxanne?,0,1023 "Based on the estimated time periods needed to complete each of the four phases described above, the estimated time period to complete the implementation of ACI on one combustion unit is about 15 months, as shown in Exhibit A-5 in Appendix A. Since the permitting process limits the timeline, a faster permitting process will shorten the time necessary to install ACI on a single unit.",the time period to complete the ACI implementation is an estimate.,0,1024 The fact is that this country is practically swimming in abandoned pets.,There are a lot of stray pets in this country. ,0,1025 "In this cavernous emporium you'll have your pick of fresh Martinique pineapples, coconut slices, or the pungent baby limes so loved in the West Indies.","Within the emporium, there is a selection of fresh fruit, including baby limes and pineapples.",0,1026 an interesting uh point about sentencing by the judge alone doing away with a jury i don't know if i'd be willing to accept the um abuses that would come along with that and that the it would be relatively easy to get some bad decisions or to even get to the judge from a standpoint of bribery but,Interesting point about sentencing by the judge I don't know if i'd accept the abuses that would come along with that.,0,1027 Drew's puzzlement grew.,Drew became more and more puzzled.,0,1028 "After 2010, as spending for health and retirement programs mounts, dissaving by the federal government begins crowding out other saving, and national saving begins to decline.",National savings begin to decline after 2010 as a result of increased spending for health and retirement programs.,0,1029 "You shower, slip on the robe provided (this part we already have), and then, in the cupboard, you find stacks of pants and shirts and sweaters, maybe a wrap-skirt or two and some jackets, all in many colors and all in your size, since you e-mailed the information ahead with your reservation.","The cupboard contains clothes, mainly pants, shirts and sweaters.",0,1030 "Unlawful lock-outs or evictions are often timed to coincide with brief absences, and may ripen while an alien is out of the country visiting relatives.",Being locked out of a residence may happen when one is away for more than a few days.,0,1031 "80, a hastily written occasional composition with amusing premonitions of Symphony No.",80 is a composition that contains amusing premonitions.,0,1032 have you done any camping around here,Have you camped around here before?,0,1033 John will show you your room. ,John was about to show a room.,0,1034 "The defeat of the Scots at Flodden in 1513 finally turned the tables, and the pressure on the Lakes decreased.","The pressure on the Lakes decreased, as the Scots were defeated at Flodden in 1513.",0,1035 yeah now now they have the uh knitting machines that will do it for you,There are gadgets that will knit for you.,0,1036 Hotel rates in Israel are always quoted in US dollars.,US dollars are used for hotel rates in Israel.,0,1037 "Building on work undertaken by last year's grantees, LSC has approved grants to create 29 new statewide web sites.",LSC has approved grants to create 29 new statewide web sites.,0,1038 More than a million Americans are in jail today--five times as many as in 1970.,"About 200,000 Americans were in jail in 1970.",0,1039 Completely open to all people.,"It is open to everyone, regardless.",0,1040 "The Legal Services Corp., on whose board Hillary sat, was a hotbed of Marxists and folk singers.",The Legal Services Corp. included many Marxists and folk singers.,0,1041 Just feel light.,It is important to try feeling as light as possible.,0,1042 He sighed and left.,He left after he sighed.,0,1043 The legislation must pass the hearing stage by next Thursday.,The statute needs to go through the hearing by the upcoming Thursday.,0,1044 Didn't matter.,It wasn't a big deal.,0,1045 they are they trying to stop putting in a little interference okay we've talked our five minutes though oh i've been listening to that a lot lately,We have talked for five minutes.,0,1046 "Lord, he was really tired.",He was very tired. ,0,1047 oh we i i don't go that uh that deep it starts getting cold when as soon as the cold weather comes it stunts the growth of the uh the grass,The rate of growth of the grass is affected by temperatures.,0,1048 "Conflicted over what its true mission is, PBS simultaneously whores for corporate money and aggressively gathers data on how poor, uneducated, and blue-collar its audience is.",PBS begs for money from anyone who will give it to them.,0,1049 This site highlights the reports and assessment guides associated with Canada's initiative to modernize its comptrollership function.,Highlighted on site are the guides associated with Canada's initiative to modernize its comptrollership function written from summarizing the information found in reports and assessments. ,0,1050 "It is confusing; and, as you know, I do not like confusion."" Before I could reply, one of the other Belgians opened the door and stuck his head in. ",I didn't get to reply because somebody poked their head in the door. ,0,1051 "Access to La Baie de Saint-Jean, the most-photographed of Saint-Barthelemy's 22 beaches, is quite easy.",It is easy to access La Baie de Saint-Jean.,0,1052 Everybody else in America will be doing it but us.,Everybody in America will be doing it other than us.,0,1053 Most either rent the mobile homes or the lots where the homes are parked. ,The mobile homes along with the lots may be rented.,0,1054 do you kind of continue call this like a part of savings account or a different savings account,Do you have different savings accounts?,0,1055 "For multiple units at one site, all but the silo would certainly need to be duplicated.","The site can have either a single unit, or hold multiple units.",0,1056 "Those are her only times off.""",She works the rest of the week.,0,1057 yeah there's no see the humidity up here too is really bad in the summertime it's really bad it can be seventy five eighty outside but the humidity runs up ninety ninety five percent and boy your just like you're in an oven roasting i'll tell you,The humidity here is really bad in the summer. ,0,1058 "But they draft the applications in a way to say that these facts meet the requirements, and by the time the application reaches the court, it is unlikely that the court really gets to notice deficiencies.",The way they draft the applications shows how these facts meet requirements.,0,1059 "It was originally intended as a church for Louis XV, but is now a secular mausoleum of some of the nation's greatest heroes.","While it is now a secular mausoleum of some of the nation's greatest heroes, it was originally intended as a church for Louis XV.",0,1060 The best way to start this walking tour is to get a cycle rickshaw or taxi to take you to Durbar Square.,You can start the walking tour by getting a cycle rickshaw or taxi and having it take you to Durbar Square.,0,1061 It was beautifully restored after a damaging fire in 1984.,After a damaging fire in 1984 it has since been restored.,0,1062 um yeah but not the same type of contests um,"Yes, but different types of contests.",0,1063 hum yeah that's interesting no ours you know wouldn't they were just regular plaster walls,That is interesting because ours are just regular plaster walls.,0,1064 "They're mandrakes, conjured into existence, but without souls.",Mandrakes don't have souls. ,0,1065 Not to dismiss this new breed of country rockers altogether.,There is no need to dismiss new country rockers completely.,0,1066 "The incremental reforms that traditionalists favor to put the system's books in long-term balance all assume that the current trust fund balances, held in the form of Treasury bonds, are really being compounded and preserved.",The incremental reforms are really being compounded and preserved.,0,1067 It seems the teacher could have taught Stone and Bronstein a thing or The boy describes how they made love in nearly every room of her home while her husband Steve was away.,The boy said they had sex when her husband was gone.,0,1068 "He is a man of unflappable ignorance who, despite the round-the-clock presence of his librarian wife, remains all but illiterate.",He is not bright and is basically illiterate.,0,1069 "A photograph, carelessly thrust in face upwards, caught his eye.",He honed in on one photograph.,0,1070 "On the western shore of Dal Lake, is the large white dome and minarets of Hazratbal Mosque, famous for its relic, the hair of the beard of the prophet Mohammed.",Hazratbal Mosque houses a hair of the prophet Mohammed's beard.,0,1071 This requires establishing a supplier base and purchasing materials.,Establishing a supplier and buying materials are required. ,0,1072 Neither the language nor the legislative history of the statute suggest that Congress intended to alter the application of the presence requirement.,The language does not suggest that Congress intended to alter the application of the presence requirement.,0,1073 "Randi Youells, Vice President for Programs, provided opening and closing remarks for the conference; and an LSC update during lunch.",Randi Youells is the VP for Programs.,0,1074 "The entrance to the palace is via the main staircase bright, airy, and ceremonious beneath an arched ceiling.",A staircase leads into the palace through a room with an arched ceiling.,0,1075 "6 Although each agency developed and implemented performance agreements that reflected its specific organizational priorities, structures, and cultures, the performance agreements met the following characteristics.",Performance agreements were issued from each agency. ,0,1076 "REMSAD was also used to estimate the changes in visibility and deposition of mercury, nitrogen, and sulfur.","REMSAD has been used to find evidence of mercury, nitrogen, and sulfur.",0,1077 A pleasurable thrill of excitement made Tuppence tingle.,Tuppence was feeling energetic.,0,1078 Men usually seem to have.,I observes men.,0,1079 "Since, as the papers point out, the federal program allows monitorees to go to and from work, look for Kim to be inundated with arduous meetings from early morning till late at night.",The federal program includes allowances for travel to and from work.,0,1080 i like those close games,I like close games. ,0,1081 "Then, ruthless urban planner Baron Haussmann swept away almost all the medieval and 17th-century structures, leaving just place Dauphine and rue Chanoinesse (ancient home of the cathedral canons) as signs of the island's once rich residential life.",Baron Haussmann was a ruthless urban planner who removed almost all of the medieval and 17th-century structures.,0,1082 "'That's that,' ",That is how things are.,0,1083 you won't oh yeah,You will not.,0,1084 "CREDIT PROGRAM -For the purpose of this Statement, a federal program that makes loans and/or loan guarantees to nonfederal borrowers.",A type of credit program includes load guarantee arrangements.,0,1085 Households' wealth-income ratio dropped from its 1999 peak.,Wealth-income ratio fell from what it was in 1999.,0,1086 "Of course, things did look black against him. ",Things looked black next to him.,0,1087 "Deemed the finest Ottoman building in Istanbul, the mosque is a tribute to the Golden Age of the Ottoman Empire, and to the two great men of genius who created it Sultan Seleyman I, the Magnificent, and his chief architect, Sinan.",The chief architect of Sultan Seleyman was the genius Sinan.,0,1088 In most cases this comparison is most easily done graphically.,A graphical comparison is the most easy comparison in most instances.,0,1089 GAO teams responsible for the engagement will provide to the agency contact via e-mail the final electronic version of the report and the transmittal letter.,An email containing the report and letter will be sent to the agency from the GAO teams.,0,1090 "At the top of the Royal Mile you'll see typical tourist paraphernalia (postcards and T-shirts), but in the narrow surrounding streets there are many individual stores selling antiques, books, curios, and collectibles.","Though the Royal Mile contains cheap tourist items like T-shirts, there are nearby shops selling more particular souvenirs.",0,1091 "These are powerful warriors, said Severn.",Sevem stated that the warriors were powerful.,0,1092 Something in their eyes put Ca'daan on guard.,There was something sinister in their eyes and Ca'daan was on guard.,0,1093 yeah ours is that way too,It's that way for ours as well.,0,1094 well it was up there actually that she got her fear of spiders because we sat and watched a tarantula for a long time we we you know we'd never seen one,She wasn't afraid of spiders until we came here.,0,1095 right right but cocoa leaves sell real low right now,Cocoa leaves are cheap right now. ,0,1096 "Unfortunately, by the time the Service filed its request, fiscal year 1999 had already come and gone.",The request was filed after the end of the fiscal year.,0,1097 """It is a great pity he has no child of his own blood.",He has no child with his genes.,0,1098 "Blum's government collapsed in 1938, and the new prime minister, Edouard Daladier, found himself negotiating the Munich agreements with Hitler, Mussolini, and Britain's Neville Chamberlain.",Edouard Daladier replaced Blum and began his involvement in the Munich agreements.,0,1099 "When she went to a courthouse to file a complaint against her landlord, she found the process so confusing that she gave up and went home.",Filing a complaint against her landlord was too confusing so she gave up.,0,1100 "Plausible chronicling, laced with a dose of mythology, begins with the arrival of Korean scribes at the Japanese court around a.d. 400, at a time when Japan also had a military foothold in southern Korea.","In 400 a.d., Japan's military controlled southern Korea.",0,1101 Edfu was built in the classic Egyptian style and was little changed following its rebuilding.,Edfu was constructed in the style of the classic Egyptian which was not largely changed after it was rebuilt.,0,1102 oh are you where did you live,Where did your home used to be?,0,1103 "Aqueducts brought the water from the Belgrade Forest, north of the city, to the cisterns, where it was held in reserve in the event the city was besieged.",Water from the Belgrade Forest was kept in cisterns in the case the city was under siege.,0,1104 "If you really can't stand the book, probably someone on your Christmas list would appreciate it as a gift.","If you can't stand the book, give it to someone else.",0,1105 "And no one knows which he is..."" With an effort the Russian shook off the vagary of his fancy.",And no one is certain which he is...,0,1106 and then the uh they take them to a special part of our dump where composting is now in full swing and at the end of every year uh they sell all the composts to nurserymen and to local people who want to put it on their flowerbeds,"Come the end of the year, the compost gets sold to people from the nearby area who use it.",0,1107 They'll find my body.,They will find my dead body.,0,1108 "With few exceptions, reporters aren't pressing McCain about his role in the Keating Five campaign-finance scandal.",Reporters aren't questioning McCain about his involvement in the Keating Five campaign finance scandal. ,0,1109 "I handed him out half a dollar, and that settled that.",I gave him 50 cents to settle the dispute.,0,1110 "The evaluators could at this point either modify the first graphic, based on information from the second site, or prepare an independent flowchart.",The evaluators had two options.,0,1111 course the reason yeah i think it's going to be harder for for females in the next ten years or so to make strides in say you know the Southwest and Midwest and you down here,I think the Southwest and Midwest could make it hard for females in the near future.,0,1112 Most visitors take home a bottle or two of Madeira wine .,Most visitors buy some Madeira wine.,0,1113 "However, understanding reasons for behavior as complex as not filing is well suited for case studies.",Understanding why people behave certain ways is not good material for case studies.,0,1114 "Expatriate Cubans settled in nearby Florida, establishing a colony that would steadily gain in political and economic power.",People that left Cuba congregated in the state of Florida. ,0,1115 well that yes that that's true but um they're in a smaller small area and our and in fact they're over up in Missouri and and and and what i would you would really consider a rural area and where there's like one nursing home per town,They're in Missouri in a smaller area.,0,1116 To the right of the entrance to the choir there is a lovely statue of the Virgin and Child.,The Virgin and Child are depicted in a statue near the choir entrance.,0,1117 certain drugs,Specific drugs.,0,1118 9. What Is the Federal Government Doing to Educate the Public About Why Saving Matters?,There is a question about whether or not the government should encourage the public to save money.,0,1119 "The assault was a failure, but it thrust into the limelight its young leader, Fidel Castro.","Although the assault failed, Fidel Castro was pushed to fame.",0,1120 "Up the hill are Mary's Well and the handsome Church of St. Gabriel, on the spot where the Greek Orthodox Church believes that Gabriel appeared to Mary.",Mary's Well and the Church of St. Gabriel is the site where the Greek Orthodox Church believes Mary saw Gabriel.,0,1121 "Yes, I have a wife and two sons.","Correct, I do have a wife and two sons.",0,1122 "That one should hit in another week, maybe two.",It should hit in another week or two.,0,1123 i think it's too easy for them,I believe it's extremely simple for them,0,1124 yeah so that's that's a good way to do it and when we bought this house we looked at doing a fifteen year note because it it added more to the payment but not significant amounts you know it was it was a good payoff for being able to pay it off sooner,The fifteen year note means we would be able to pay it off in less time.,0,1125 "In January 2002, we implemented a new competency-based performance management system that is intended to create a clear linkage between employee performance and our strategic plan and core values.","In 2002, a new plan was designed to manage performance.",0,1126 Two rather half-hearted Spanish attempts to establish footholds on Guadeloupe were repulsed by the Caribs.,There were two Spanish attempts to get a foothold on Guadeloupe.,0,1127 yeah yeah and so we just uh it depends um you know it depends on what,It really depends. ,0,1128 Liberal social scientists latched onto Elkins' theory as a rationale for creating policies to tear down the barriers that were impeding black advancement in the 1960s.,Black advancement was being impeded during the 1960s.,0,1129 "The goal is not independent self-reliance, but a more internalized sense of dependence on the company.","Our goals focus more on a sense of independence, and less on one of self reliance.",0,1130 and finishing up at school and so those papers really i mean it was nice having access to the,It is really nice to have access to it while finishing school.,0,1131 My wife and I recently renovated a fabulous condo loft in a historic downtown area.,We just finished home renovations.,0,1132 "comments on the draft report, and supplies adequate information for judging generalizability.",The draft report had comments.,0,1133 and it was very easy to maintain this stand that you know that that life is something that you have no right to to take,It's easy to think that you have no right to take a life.,0,1134 "Bars, restaurants, and late-night brasseries line the adjoining rue Berger and the streets leading off it.",There are several night life locations along the rue Berger.,0,1135 it uh the humidity's a little higher,It's a little more humid.,0,1136 big long strips so what had happened is that professional painters had not prepared the surface properly and some of that still has to be redone,Painters hadn't prepped it well.,0,1137 "Yes, I know.",I know that.,0,1138 These companies made their mark selling sturdy commodities like chamois cloth shirts and field boots that are easy to keep in stock because the demand for them is stable from year to year.,"Consistent items, like chamois cloth shirts and field boots, helped the companies to make their mark.",0,1139 "That's him, cried Tuppence, in an ungrammatical squeal.",Tuppence pointed out the man.,0,1140 "That changed in 1786, when the Sultan of Kedah granted company representative Francis Light rights to the island of Penang and the strip of mainland coast opposite Province Wellesley (now Seberang Perai) as a counterweight to the pressing demands of the neighboring Thais and Burmese.",That changed in 1786 when the Sultan of Kedah gave Francis Light rights to the island of Penang and a strip of mainland coast in order to counter the demands of the Thais and Burmese.,0,1141 "There is absolutely no question as to the alibi!"" 95 Chapter 8 FRESH SUSPICIONS There was a moment's stupefied silence. ",The alibi is extremely clear and silence fell across the room.,0,1142 "Of course, but Fena Kef is full of warriors who may come to our aid.",Warriors from Fena Kef may come to our aid.,0,1143 Ca'daan's vision sped up as the club hammered down.,"As the club hammered down, Ca'daan's vision sped up.",0,1144 um no we're pretty much um we we've been around long enough as a couple that we learned a long time ago not to wallpaper together,We learned long ago not to wallpaper together. ,0,1145 So that is what Stark will do.,Stark will do that.,0,1146 "'How was it, Mr. Franklin? Did you make decisions? Is something wrong?'","Did you decide things, Mr Franklin?",0,1147 "At the top end of the lake, you wander into dense forest through a fantastic chaos of rocks and grottos that according to local tradition are variously inhabited by the Devil and King Arthur himself.","According to local tradition, the rocks and grottoes in the the dense forest are inhabited by the Devil and King Arthur. ",0,1148 "Zarco ruled the western half of Madeira, while his fellow Portuguese captain and navigator, Tristao Vaz Teixeira, governed over the eastern half from Machico.",Zarco was ruler of the western half of Madeira.,0,1149 "Industrial Economics, Incorporated.","The title of the company is industrial economics, Inc.",0,1150 "For example, one organization determined that more formal agreements were needed when its membership was significantly expanded.",The organization's membership had grown significantly in recent times.,0,1151 The facts are that the PRC gets involved in only appeals of closings and then for only 120 days.,PRC is only involved for 120 days.,0,1152 "Among key items are Braque's Man with Guitar (1914), Matisse's collage The Sorrow of the King (1952), Dali's Six Images de L??nine sur un Piano (1931), and Andy Warhol's Ten Lizes (1963).","Braque painted his Man with Guitar in 1914, and Matisse's collage The Sorrow of The King was created in 1952.",0,1153 "Small children are bound to enjoy the merry-go-round, puppet theaters (outside July and August), and pony rides in the Jardin du Luxembourg.",Small children should love the merry-go-round!,0,1154 "The control technologies considered by this report as candidates to be used for multipollutant control strategies limestone forced oxidation (LSFO) flue gas desulfurization (FGD) for the control of SO2, SCR for the control of NOX, and activated carbon injection (ACI) for the control of mercury.",The control technologies in the report will be used to limit multi-pollutant control strategies.,0,1155 I remember now.,I am able to recall that at this moment.,0,1156 "The primary benefit of combining these two projects is that the ACI hookup can be completed during the outage for the SCR hookup, since the installation effort necessary for the SCR will far outweigh the ACI system.",There is no additional outage for installing the ACI system.,0,1157 so it's kind of interesting when it's work great smooth,"It is somewhat interesting, I think.",0,1158 I wish I had studied Hebrew rather than Latin.,I would have rather studied Hebrew instead of Latin.,0,1159 no see i haven't seen that one uh,I have not yet watched that one.,0,1160 "After Reed published Active Faith and said friendly things about pro-choicer Colin Powell, Comrade Dobson wrote him a seven-page letter condemning his soft politics.","Reed extended a published story called Active Faith saying friendly things about Colin Powell despite his stance on being pro-choice, and this lead to backlash from James Dobson condemning his soft politics in a seven-page letter. ",0,1161 """Hunt!"" Drew was forced to halt as Johnny Shannon stood straight ahead of him in the stable entrance.",Drew had to stop because Johnny Shannon was blocking the stable entrance.,0,1162 "Just be discreet, and don't wear your best shoes.",Don't wear your best shoes!,0,1163 Information technology also makes it easier for businesses to deal with the risks associated with fluctuating currencies.,Technology today helps businesses keep up with exchange rates and how it may affect them.,0,1164 i can't see even having time for a pet let alone children,I can't imagine having time for a pet or children. ,0,1165 "Look for Lane Crawford Ltd., an upscale store with branches at Pacific Place, 70 Queen's Road, and Harbour Cite Wing On, one of the oldest in Hong Kong; Marks and Spencer; and the Japanese department stores, Mitsukoshi, Sobo, and Seibu.",Lane Crawford Ltd. is one of the oldest upscale stores in Hong Kong.,0,1166 The next morning he went to his uncle's circular home high up on the northern hill of the village.,He went to his uncle's home the next morning.,0,1167 There's no reason we can't go ahead with the rest of the project ourselves.',We can finish it ourselves.,0,1168 yeah still a lot of people and you just can't get them in and out of the school in a reasonable length of time you know traffic is a bit of a problem i mean of all the decisions they could have made on this particular school they uh they located it in a up against a creek and there's no street access to it except for one turn around driveway and that feeds onto a street that is right across the street from,You can't get them out of school.,0,1169 "Inaccuracies like those discussed above, which downplay the dangers in drug use, send our young people mixed messages and increase distrust.",Inaccuracies regarding the danger of using drugs send mixed messaged to our youth. ,0,1170 It will be pointed out again and again that Bradley is just as awkward a campaigner as Gore.,Both Bradley and Gore were awkward campaigners.,0,1171 we were talking about that just today,We were just talking about that today. ,0,1172 "There was a moment when you could not have been all together, or it would not have been necessary to call to Monsieur Lawrence to come and join you on the balcony.""","If you could have been all together, there would have been no need to call Monsieur Lawrence.",0,1173 The press conference went just as the professor had dreamed it.,The dream the professor had about the press conference turned out to be accurate. ,0,1174 "And there are many other graves, their tombstones revealing the hardships of the town's history.",The tombstones mark the graves.,0,1175 so that they can see that this person is actually at home in their house doing what they're supposed to be doing and that's working rather well that's a good system that allows people to actually continue to be productive members of society while,The person should be working.,0,1176 well just today in the mail i got uh i got got my guaranteed acceptance by uh American Express,I have an absolute acceptance with American Express. ,0,1177 "Students protesting overcrowding, antiquated methods of teaching, and stifling bureaucracy made the Sorbonne a focal point in 1968.",The students were uphappy with the overcrowding.,0,1178 i thought it was the other way around they were always having to meet in the catacombs and all this so all the persecution that they're sort of use to it it's been sort of like you know,It's always been like that for them. ,0,1179 "C'mon, tell me what happened with you.",Tell me what occurred with you.,0,1180 "Many saw it as a contest between democracy and dictatorship, or, from the other side, between order and Red chaos.",It was seen by many to be a competition between democracy and dictatorship.,0,1181 "The students who the year before had marched and chanted and proclaimed it is forbidden to forbid had been arguing for liberation of the oppressed of virtually every kind, and when it comes to the sexually oppressed, Berman says, the last two decades can be seen as a victory.",They have seen the last two decades as being victorious.,0,1182 That way they will know that was the gift you wanted to give them.,They can learn that you wanted to give them that gift.,0,1183 Michael Kelly's WP column about Ken Starr vs.,Ken Starr was the subject of Michael Kelly's WP article.,0,1184 The range of benefits occurs because of the current uncertainty in the estimates of the number of cases of foodborne illness and death attributable to the pathogens that enter the meat and poultry supply at the manufacturing stage.,There is a range of benefits resulting form the uncertainty,0,1185 "Again the question is asked, again Burton feigns.","Again, the question is posed, again Burton invents a story.",0,1186 Willey claims Landow used her two-day stay at the estate to badger her into saying nothing happened with Clinton.,Willey says Landow badgered her into saying Clinton was innocent.,0,1187 "Anthony Quinn performs the syrtaki dance (in fact, an amalgam of several different traditional dances) to the sound of the bouzouki, a stringed-guitar instrument that produces melodic, slightly metallic sounds.","While the bouzouki instrument sings out, Anthony Quinn dances.",0,1188 Did you see anything of what was written above her signature? asked Poirot sharply. ,Poirot forcefully asked if you saw what was written over her signature.,0,1189 "Quieones Miller says that, though Johnson's reputation in Harlem was mixed, he was known for taking care of the Bumpy made the Italians give money to neighborhood charitable organizations.",Miller says that Johnson was known for giving Italians money for their charities.,0,1190 "(Nine-tenths of a second, unfortunately, was how long his name remained in my memory.)",His name was remembered for less than a second.,0,1191 i don't know this was just i guess something freak that happened to me because i wasn't familiar with the um,I guess this just happened to me by accident.,0,1192 take care now bye bye,"Have a good day, goodbye.",0,1193 This proved highly dangerous to pilgrims who approached the abbey across the sands (the causeway joining the island to the mainland was not built until 1874).,"When approaching the abbey, pilgrims did so by crossing the sand.",0,1194 "If the net inflow of foreign investment were to diminish, the United States would no longer be able to invest so much more in the domestic capital stock than it saves.",The net inflow of foreign investment affects the United States' ability to invest in domestic capital stock. ,0,1195 "Beyond is Shivapuri Watershed and Wildlife Preserve, good place for a day hike.",A good hiking location is Beyond is Shivapuri Watershed.,0,1196 "Several hotels also have good bars, including Hotel Sevilla (made famous in Graham Greene's Our Man in Havana), Hotel Inglaterra's rooftop bar, and Hotel Havana Libre's Turquino (with amazing views from the 25th floor).",Hotel Sevilla is one of the hotels in Cuba.,0,1197 "Apart from the flat, well-populated coastal area, much of Provence is hilly, with small towns and villages that seem unchanged by the passage of time.",The weight of time was not sensed by the small towns and villages.,0,1198 The individualist ideal in America lives side by side with powerful notions of racial obligation.,There are powerful notions of racial obligation.,0,1199 "If you have the time, try to visit St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museums on separate days to avoid fatigue and visual overload.","Try to visit St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museums, if you have the time, but do it on separate days, if you want to avoid fatigue and visual overload.",0,1200 "The local hero, called Joaqu?­n Vara de Rey, was a Spanish general who died defending the colony of Cuba against the Americans in the war of 1898.",A Spanish general perished in the defence of Cuba.,0,1201 it does a few more things uh,It's capable of doing more.,0,1202 "If I cared as much about that young lady as I do about my own daughter, I'd have produced that son.",I care a great deal for my daughter.,0,1203 "The movie, one of the year's most pleasant surprises, is the antithesis of Todd Solondz's Happiness , a humanist's answer to Solondz's evident conviction that life is all dead ends.",The movie was in sharp contrast to Todd Solondz's Happiness.,0,1204 well i don't know like back in my particular office there must be at least uh twenty twenty five people one secretary no typewriter it's all computers everybody's got a a PC sitting in front of their desk,"My office has at least twenty-five people and one secretary; everyone has PCs on their desks, no typewriters. ",0,1205 "Although public attention usually focuses on the dates by which the trust funds are projected to become insolvent, the effects associated with financing cash deficits for these programs will be felt sooner as the baby boom generation begins to retire.",Public attention usually focuses on dates that trust funds become insolvent.,0,1206 "There are always several temporary exhibits to explore, along with a cafe and gift shop.",There is a gift shop for purchasing souvenirs.,0,1207 "Of the leaders, Eamon De Valera was spared, probably because he was an American citizen, and Markievicz, because the British did not want to execute a woman.","Likely due to his status as an American citizen, Eamon De Valera wasn't executed.",0,1208 The 1) Bush's declaration marks the earliest start ever to a presidential campaign.,The earliest start to a presidential campaign was by Bush.,0,1209 "You'll find work in all media oils, pastels, and gouache, as well as sculptures.",Sculptures and oils are just some of the media you will find.,0,1210 The parish church Iglesia de Santo Tome is a landmark because of its stately mud??jar tower.,The parish church is a landmark.,0,1211 "They saw me coming, and stopped to stare.",When they saw me coming they stopped to watch. ,0,1212 it really does i do recycle newspapers and uh glass,I recycle things. ,0,1213 "Then his eyes really focused on Drew, and he changed the subject abruptly.",Someone was looking at Drew.,0,1214 You may quarrel with the Fed chairman's judgment--you may think that he should keep the economy on a looser rein--but you can hardly dispute his power.,"You may dislike the Fed chairman, but you can't dispute that he's powerful.",0,1215 "As soon as practical thereafter, the VP for Programs shall advise the DSPB of the service area configuration recommendation to be forwarded to the LSC President.",The recommendation should be forwarded to the LSC President.,0,1216 "A smart buyer also retains an inhouse staff that includes technical experts who can articulate the nature of technical services being bought, recognize good value during the negotiation of such services, and evaluate the quality of the services as they are provided.",Technical experts should be part of the inhouse staff if the buyer is smart.,0,1217 "But after taking a hard look at its performance, FEMA concluded that it could better fulfill its mission by addressing the range of activities available before, during, and after disaster strikes.",FEMA reevaluated their performance.,0,1218 "Anyway, the main point is that when genetic parents give up a child for adoption and have second thoughts weeks, months, or even years later, their appeals to blood ties should count for zilch.","Appeals to blood ties of genetic parents, who give up a child for adoption, and have second thoughts weeks later, should not be even considered.",0,1219 "Iffen Kirby here hadn't been to hand, Johnny would have skinned th' Trinfan kid with his quirt jus' 'cause he dropped his purse outside th' Jacks an' th' kid followed him to give it back.",Kirby was stopped Johnny from hurting the kid.,0,1220 and i think they should test for alcohol,Alcohol-testing should be done in my opinion.,0,1221 "To be honest, I think Ro is indulging in a little rhetorical exaggeration I suspect horror-core is a lot closer to hip-hop than death metal is to Brahms or Mozart.","Despite Ro's characterization, I think horror-core may be more like hip-hop than death metal is like Mozart.",0,1222 "The current Clean Air Act has been enormously successful, but we can do better.",The clean air act is successful but could be better,0,1223 "An outstanding selection of sculpture from India and Southeast Asia spanning a period of 2,000 years is a perfect complement to the Western art.","To go with the Western art, there is a selection of sculpture from India and Southeast Asia.",0,1224 "If a husband knocks his wife down, breaks her jaw or arm - abuses her terribly - he will be picked up and put in jail.",A husband will get arrested for abusing his wife.,0,1225 Hotels will be able to arrange for deep-sea fishing and waterskiing.,The hotels will soon accommodate deep-sea fishing and water skiing. ,0,1226 The insurance and gambling industries are based on these proclivities.,These tendencies allow industries like insurance and gambling. ,0,1227 "McNeill does not mention this, but it is true.",McNeill doesn't mention that true fact.,0,1228 "As the application of advancing technology continues, systems will be able to directly transmit receipt and acceptance data from points of purchase to central locations for invoice examination and payment authorization.",Transmitting data from the cashier to the centers for authorization of payments and examining invoices is an ability that future technology may have.,0,1229 "The same section establishes the performance criterion that the Postal Service is expected to achieve as a matter of postal It shall provide prompt, reliable, and efficient services to patrons in all areas and . . . all communities.",The performance criterion is established by the same section.,0,1230 "Similarly, a comparison of annual growth rates for the same period in Table 2 with those in Table 5 reveals the (a) the 2.0 percent annual decrease of bill/payment volume in Table 2 has been augmented to a 3.3 percent annual decrease of perhousehold volume in Table 5; and (b) the 3.3 percent annual increase of total advertising mail volume in Table 2 has shrunk to a 1.8 percent annual increase of per-household volume in Table 5.",The 2.0 percent annual decrease of bill/payment volume in Table 2 has been augmented to a 3.3 percent annual decrease of perhousehold volume in Table 5.,0,1231 Callaway's tends to have nicer shrubs uh more fully developed,Callaway's shrubs tend to be fully developed,0,1232 The cliff of Masada soars to 440 metres (1443 feet) above the Dead Sea and is totally isolated from the surrounding mountains by deep gorges.,The cliff of Masada reaches a height of 1443 feet above the Dead Sea.,0,1233 "In any flea market, keep your own valuables safe pickpockets are not uncommon.",Make sure your safeguard your valuable items when shopping at a flea market.,0,1234 White was probably right- the world does need a revolution- but he was in too much of a hurry.,White wanted a revolution.,0,1235 "When they watched these films in the presence of an authority figure, however, the Americans' facial expressions were essentially the same as when they watched the films alone, whereas the Japanese showed much less negative affect, smiled sometimes, and actually masked negative emotion with smiling behavior.",The Japanese were able to mask negative emotion with smiling behavor.,0,1236 "We'll enjoy meeting her second husband, mutters Cokie Roberts.",Cokie Roberts said they would like to meet her second husband.,0,1237 His ideas may be terrible--some of them certainly are terrible--but at least they are new.,The man's ideas are terrible.,0,1238 i figure instead of doing that i'll just i'll just order wood but uh,"I think instead of doing that, I will buy some wood.",0,1239 "The first is the imperative for daily reporters to move the ball on an ongoing story, such as Bush vs.",Daily reporters have an obligation to pursue ongoing stories.,0,1240 "A chart issued by Co-operative Funeral Services listed the top 10 tunes chosen in Britain for playing at funerals, of which the first four Candle in the Wind (Elton John), Simply the Best (Tina Turner), My Way (Frank Sinatra), and Knocking on Heaven's Door (Bob Dylan).","Co-operative Funeral Services made a chart about which tunes were played the most at funerals in Britain, and wasn't surprising Elton John and Bob Dylan were in the list.",0,1241 Their sea-resistant limestone foundations stand on massive pinewood stilts driven 8 m (26 ft) into the lagoon bed.,The foundations were created using a combination of wood and limestone.,0,1242 "Much of this historic structure was demolished by storms in 1983, prompting restoration to its original look.",Storms destroyed much of its historic structure in 1983.,0,1243 I raised my hands to stop them.,Both of my hands were raised. ,0,1244 "It superseded Perakia other rich mining capital, Taiping (formerly known as Larut), in this role in 1937.",Taiping was formerly known as Larut.,0,1245 "Intel is not, after all, a virtual company.",It is not a virtual company.,0,1246 "The differences among All, Wisk, and Tide were not great, but they were noticeable and surprising.","There were noticeable differences between All, Wisk, and Tide.",0,1247 I'm superstitious myself.,I am very irrational. ,0,1248 Esplanade and listened to the Boston Pops and,I listened to the Boston Pops.,0,1249 Very pretty.,Quite beautiful.,0,1250 "The primary goal of this system is to base employee compensation primarily on the knowledge, skills, and performance of individual employees.","Primary goal of the system is to base employee payment on knowledge, skills and performance ",0,1251 3. Are information sources described clearly and,Information sources are described.,0,1252 The average age of direct-mail respondents is 65 to 70.,Average age of direct mail receivers are 65-70.,0,1253 That evidence can include corroborative witnesses -- and even a layperson representing himself has the power of subpoena to require testimony.,Self representing laypersons have the ability to use subpoenas to require testimony.,0,1254 "I recently saw statistics saying that there are about 5 billion people in the world, about 2 billion of them Christians and about 13 million of them Jews.","Recently, I saw a statistic about there being 13 million Jews in the world. ",0,1255 "For a high sulfur coal application, humidification would not be performed due to risk of acid condensation.",Humidification wouldn't be performed for high sulfur coal application for fear of acid condensation. ,0,1256 "Then you think he never really cared for her? I asked eagerly ”rather too eagerly, perhaps, under the circumstances. ",I am unsure whether I was too eager.,0,1257 "The kinds of cases handled, the strategies for addressing the legal needs of service area residents, and the client community itself remained pretty much the same in most LSC programs until the 1990's.","Until the 1990s, most LSC programs handled the same types of clients and cases.",0,1258 "As required by section 604(a)(1), the Commission provided a succinct statement of the need for, and the objectives of, the rule.",The Commission provided a concise statement of the need for the rule and its objectives per requirement by section 604(a)(1).,0,1259 "Not aunt, but auntie, mother said.",Mother said it was auntie.,0,1260 i think there's still a lot of distrust for uh for an Arkansas man to come here and own uh uh Texas team a team in Texas,The guy from Arkansas can't be trusted to manage a team in Texas.,0,1261 'I don't get to be Natalia again until you're dead.',I am not Natalia at this time. ,0,1262 Think what he stands to lose. ,Imagine what he has to lose.,0,1263 um-hum well i spent six years in graduate school at in Indiana in the flatlands and it was that way everyday,Indiana is partially made up of flatlands. ,0,1264 Daniel Hungerford noted that there are operational realities in the emergency department that must be considered in order to implement interventions.,Daniel Hungerford pointed out that the emergency department has some realities to be considered.,0,1265 The Commission indicates that it gave full consideration to the comments filed by the parties.,All parties were treated equally.,0,1266 "As discussed below, the proposed rule would modify an existing reporting requirement applicable to all hospitals serving Medicare beneficiaries.",The new rule would alter how current reporting requirements in Medicare hospitals work.,0,1267 "C rete has hundreds of beaches, from tiny coves to lengthy strands.",There are hundreds of beaches of varying sizes on Crete.,0,1268 Afraid I said some things to Emily she won't forget or forgive in a hurry. ,I was afraid that Emily wouldn't forgive me. ,0,1269 "Beyond Camara de Lobos, the coastal road climbs for some 10 km (6 miles), passing through some of the richest agricultural country in southern Madeira, famous for the high quality of its grapes.",The coastal road climbs for 6 miles beyond Camara de Lobos.,0,1270 "Since the rules were issued as interim final rules and not as general notices of proposed rulemaking, the rules are not subject to the Regulatory Flexibility Act.",The rules are not subject to the Regulatory Flexibility Act because they were issued as interim final rules and not as general notices of proposed rulemaking.,0,1271 ' To Time Out she said [I]t was so exciting.,She said To Time Out was so exciting.,0,1272 CHAPTER 2,The second chapter.,0,1273 see now that's yep,Understand now ,0,1274 right that keeps you busy,That is something that keeps you busy.,0,1275 "He outlined what Stein had told him, and Anse's attention was all his again.","He summarized what Stein had told him, and Anse paid attention to him again.",0,1276 "Kanha is famo us, widely acknowledged as the best place for seeing an Indian tiger in the wild.",Kanha is known as the ideal place to see a wild Indian Tiger.,0,1277 You don't get one cent except on completion of your year with me.,You will only start earning money after being here for a year.,0,1278 Lincoln and I sat down.,Lincoln and I were no longer standing. ,0,1279 His only regret was that Tuppence was not present to appreciate its full flavour.,He wished that Tuppence was around to taste it.,0,1280 i don't know whether i have any real profound thoughts about that i actually was was planning a trip to Latin America and i got warned off by some people they say Peru can't be traveled to and the crime rate in Brazil makes it not a pleasant place to go and so on and so forth,I was planning a trip to Latin America before some people told me about the dangers of traveling to Latin America. ,0,1281 Daniel had smashed pretty much every control panel to pieces.,All the control panels were destroyed.,0,1282 Tommy drew a deep breath.,Tommy breathed heavily.,0,1283 The Associated Press raised the specter of people with socially unacceptable behavior being forced to undergo brain surgery.,The Associated Press raised concerns about minorities being experimented upon.,0,1284 "She became so interested in the area's ongoing struggle and the local culture that she decided to study it systematically, exiting from her marriage to return there.",She was very interested in the area's struggles.,0,1285 and and along those is where that's where the strawberry grows and it will eventually take over an area you plant them when you plant strawberries you plant them like six to eight inches or more you can even plant further than that but to cover an area so you cover you put them eight inches apart all through a flower bed,"When you're trying to grow strawberries, you should plant with around 8 inches around each of them; in the end they'll grow to cover the area.",0,1286 "The 22,000 MWe difference, between the number of FGDs which would be cost effective to build and the estimated number based on resources, would be pushed back a few years to be completed by 2010.","To complete a cost effective build, the project will have to be extended to 2010 to be completed.",0,1287 Those members of the greater mailer-postal community who have not been paying attention to the privacy issue must do so.,Those who have not been paying attention to the privacy issue must do it. ,0,1288 "What keeps the older model intact, in part, is the importance of relationships to the business.",The older model has survived the test of time.,0,1289 and those are going away,Those are leaving.,0,1290 Construction of the Catedral de Santa Maraa (on the site of a mosque) began in 1394.,In 1394 the Catedral de Santa Maara was constructed.,0,1291 yeah the the investigator yeah he he got off right away and i wrote that down on my questionnaire that he'd told me that so i figure that that will make me biased and i won't be chosen,I think I will not be chosen because they think I am biased. ,0,1292 "Tell me, on Monday, not Tuesday, Dorcas, but Monday, the day before the tragedy, did anything go wrong with Mrs. Inglethorp's bell?"" Dorcas looked very surprised. ",Dorcas was surprised at the question about the bell.,0,1293 They were all children back then.,They were young adolescents. ,0,1294 "Though outnumbered, the Scots gained a famous victory and sent the English packing.",The Scots won against the English even though they were outnumbered.,0,1295 "What d'you want to know for?""",Why do you want to know? ,0,1296 "The interior is almost completely covered in Iznik tiles of the finest period, with floral and geometric designs in blue, turquoise, and coral red.","Geometric and floral designs occupy the tiles in the interior, colored in shades of coral red, blue and turquoise.",0,1297 and we managed to uh fortunately the rain didn't last long but we managed to get them all back up and uh got some sleep in that night and after we got uh back from the weekend we checked with one of the parents of one of the other college kids and they were a little concerned they had heard on the radio that the winds on the dam there anyway had gotten up to ninety seven miles an hour straight winds and,We were able to get them back up and had a bit of time to rest.,0,1298 Woolens and Woven Goods??,Are there woolens and Woven Goods there?,0,1299 yes i think the only way they're gonna really get to the problem and solve it is to have equal funding for every school in the state whether you it's in a poor tax district or a high tax district and uh that's the only way that i can see it's gonna be resolved is there are gonna be people in the rich district that are gonna fight that and and it's gonna be a real bad mess because there's people on every side of the problem,Giving equal funding for schools is a way to solve the problem.,0,1300 "Gifts and celebrations on the last three days of the festival, called Eid El-Fitr.",The presents and reveling towards the festival's end.,0,1301 Potato and sugar crops were also badly affected during this period.,"At that time, both potato and sugar crops had lower yields.",0,1302 "The French have maintained their presence in Trichy, with the Jesuit College of St. Joseph and the adjoining red-and-buff Neo-Gothic church of Our Lady of Lourdes.","There still exists considerable French influence in Trichy, as demonstrated by their prestigious Jesuit college and church.",0,1303 uh-huh yeah well i was used to using my credit card like at Skaggs Alpha Beta in Dallas and stuff and now i'm out here in Phoenix,I was used to using my credit card out a lot.,0,1304 "The original Winnie-the-Pooh was the mascot of a Canadian regiment, an actual living bear named for the city of Winnipeg.",A Canadian regiment had a bear as a mascot.,0,1305 One must never permit confusion. ,Confusion is not okay.,0,1306 and she couldn't get out and her hair it was and she was heavy kind of like me and so what you could see was this big bottom sticking out of her of her dishwasher and her husband was,She was stuck in the dishwasher and couldn't get out because she was fat.,0,1307 yeah we are,We definitely are for sure.,0,1308 we were switching from one station to another and in between keeping the radio on,We were flipping through the radio stations while it was turned on.,0,1309 Computer-processed data include data (1) entered into a computer system and (2) resulting from computer processing.,Data entered into a computer system and data resulting form computer processing - those two are included in computer-processed data.,0,1310 "According to psychologist David Keirsey, you are one of Plato's four types, you were born that way, you will always be that way, and you can find out which one you are by taking the temperament sorter quiz on his Web site.",You were born one of Plato's four types and you will always be that way according to David Keirsey. ,0,1311 "Good morning, Mr. Whittington.""",Someone said good morning to Mr. Whittington.,0,1312 The philosopher David Hume lived here and was regularly visited by the economist Adam Smith and by Dr. Samuel Johnson.,Samuel Johnson and Adam Smith were both economists.,0,1313 "I don't see why he wished to be arrested?""",I cannot understand why he would have had a desire to be arrested?,0,1314 "While gaining access to justice is their first priority, most legal-aid organizations put marketing and development on the back burner.",Most legal-aid organizations put marketing and development on the back burner.,0,1315 do you want to go first,Would you like to go first?,0,1316 "Don't despair; make up your own picnic hamper from the local market before you get aboard ' cold meats, salad, Camembert, grapes, baguette, and wine can add a terrific sparkle to the countryside flashing past the window.","Meats, salad, and grapes are available at the local market.",0,1317 Your help has been of the most invaluable. ,You have given me a lot of important help.,0,1318 The whores fell off of me when I stood.,The girls were on me.,0,1319 "In summer it's a bit of a tourist trap, but take a look at the cacti and tropical flowers (plus ruins of a 14th-century castle) in the Jardin Exotique.",It's worth taking a look at the flowers and cacti that grow in the area.,0,1320 "In the United States, power generation is responsible for 63% of sulfur dioxide (SO2), 22% of nitrogen oxides (NOx), and 37% of man-made mercury released to the environment.",Power generation creates a lot of sulfur dioxide.,0,1321 'Something unforeseen must've happened.',It must have been something unexpected.,0,1322 "Most of its buildings are closed to the public, but you pass an attractive thatch-roofed tea-ceremony house as you follow the winding stone steps toward the exit.",The public cannot visit many of the buildings.,0,1323 But a few fine ones turn up.,Some fine ones did appear.,0,1324 "Louder, less expensive, younger, and weirder places come and go around Bastille and Oberkampf.",You can find places that are weird and less expensive around Oberkampf.,0,1325 Suddenly I start to do better and you want to debate every day.,All of the sudden when I am doing better you want to debate me.,0,1326 Allowances are the currency with which compliance with the SO2 emissions requirements is achieved.,SO2 emissions requirements are set.,0,1327 "From here it's just 5 km (3 miles) to Sao Vicente, at which point the road heads south to Ribeira Brava, then east back to Funchal.",Sao Vicente is about three miles away from here.,0,1328 "We could obtain tax codes and procedures for each state, examine these, interview selected officials, and generate some plausible patterns.",One way to generate patterns is to examine tax codes from each state.,0,1329 yeah it is tough it's and and i don't know who's even proposing it or or how they plan on implementing it if they do,It is difficult and I am not sure who is even putting the idea forward and how they will implement it.,0,1330 A good piece commands a high price.,The price for a good piece is high.,0,1331 "Whatever they may be called in private, customers who demand an inordinate amount of time, money, and morale (and we have all stood behind them at the bank) have acquired the name value-subtractors .",Value-Subtractors are individuals who demand too much. ,0,1332 But maybe sometimes it happens.,I guess it just happens sometimes.,0,1333 "There are in fact dozens of underground limestone vaults attracting botanists and zoologists to witness their unique flora and fauna, but only three caves are open to the general public.",There is a lot of unique flora and fauna here.,0,1334 "The nonpersonnel figure includes $82,782,000 for bed space and related alien custody requirements (3,600 beds at $63 per bed).",More than eighty million dollars are spent on bed spaces alone.,0,1335 More than two million people received significant matters services from grantees in the second half of 2001.,more than two million people received significant matters services from grantees.,0,1336 "Visitors without access to an automobile seeking a similar view should walk out through the San Martin neighborhood, west of the old Jewish quarter, over the San Martin bridge (which dates to 1203), behind which Toledo rises dramatically on the hill.",You can walk through the San Martin neighborhood for a similar view.,0,1337 uh-huh now you understand,Now you comprehend?,0,1338 maybe again,Possibly again.,0,1339 yeah my husband keeps telling me to i went i went back to college a couple of years ago so i sit and study i sit in class and i have really ballooned up since then and,My husband told me to so I went back to college a few years back.,0,1340 There followed the epoch of leg warmers and other mutations into the aerobics class look.,"There was a time where people enjoyed the aerobic class look, often wearing leg warmers and similar apparel.",0,1341 In 1963 it had 520 employees and an annual budget of $8 million.,Back in 1963 they had over 500 employees.,0,1342 uh i love to read but i you know i don't have a lot of time to read and,I love reading but I have not time for it.,0,1343 yeah that's you know just minor,That is something that you know.,0,1344 "It is the oldest Greek monument in Istanbul, commemorating the Greek victory over the Persians at Plataea in 479 b.c. (it was brought here from Delphi by Constantine the Great).",Istanbul's oldest Greek monument is a depiction from a battle in 479 b.c.,0,1345 uh so that the public is a little more aware of it but uh i definitely agree with you i would hate to to see that become mandatory,"The public could become more aware, but I don't think it should be mandatory. ",0,1346 they were shooting themselves in the foot,They were making the situation far worse for themselves.,0,1347 "Legal aid services are nonprofit, publicly funded organizations that provide services to low-income clients at no charge or for a minimal fee.",Legal aid is non profit and publicly funded to provide low income clients with free or low priced legal services,0,1348 He would wait and he would learn.,He was going to learn about the event.,0,1349 Don't you think she's the most lovely creature you've ever seen?,Isn't she the most beautiful creature you have ever laid eyes on?,0,1350 uh in fact uh there was one lady in this area she was caught going to work and leaving her daughter in her car all day,There was one lady in the area that left her daughter in the car.,0,1351 it's your risk do you trust your your son,Is your son trustworthy?,0,1352 "From 1964 to 1986, entry of foreign agricultural workers was permitted under the H-2 Program which many agricultural employers found inadequate.","Foreign agricultural workers used to be allowed in the country under the H-2 program, which many employers found adequate. ",0,1353 This time she was much better prepared.,She was ready this time.,0,1354 "Thanks to today's packaging methods, it's possible to transport goods that previously spoiled en route (but remember bans on some food imports imposed by the United States and Australia, among others).",Packaging methods have improved and goods can be transported farther.,0,1355 "In spite of the carte blanche assured to him, he had not yet acquired the habit of going about with any considerable sum of money on him.",He did not like going around with a large amount of money in his pockets. ,0,1356 Reduced levels of ground-level ozone resulting from the final Clear Skies Act will have generally beneficial results on agricultural crop yields and commercial forest growth.,The Clear Skies Act has been good for agriculture.,0,1357 "How much better, then--so much cleaner and more satisfying--is the Republican solution.",The Republic solution is hands down the better solution.,0,1358 "For the multiple installation of three absorber modules at one plant (six boiler units), an additional four months may be needed to schedule the outage for the FGD hookup outside of the high electricity demand months.",Installing multiple absorber modules can require several months of service outage.,0,1359 "and has kept The Hunter 's absurdist archetypal lingo--the crime syndicate goes by the name of the Outfit--but the film has no mythic resonances, and it has been photographed in a brackish, blue-tinted monochromatic style that's meant to be expressive but just looks cheap.",The photograph has a blue color but lacks any mythic qualities.,0,1360 "To recapture something of the experience of the medieval pilgrim, park at the Place du Champ-de-Foire, pass through the turreted Porte Neuve, and follow the Promenade des Fosses, which takes you along the ancient ramparts lined with walnut trees.",Medieval pilgrims used to follow the Promenade des Fosses.,0,1361 "He strode across, and pump-handled Tommy's hand with what seemed to the latter quite unnecessary vigour.",He walked across and gave Tommy a strong handshake.,0,1362 yeah it was a great game,"yes, the game was excellent",0,1363 "From Dijon down to Santenay, the Cete d'Or ' cete here means hillside not coast ' is just 60 km (37 miles) long.",It's 37 miles from Dijon to Santenay.,0,1364 "The incongruous high-rise blot on the landscape directly opposite is the massive Hotel Dom Pedro, rather out-of-place in this low-key town, but an indicator of its tourism ambitions.",The Hotel Dom Pedro is very large and out of place in this town.,0,1365 " Don Cazar's been like a pa to Johnny since, an' a mighty good one, too.",Don Cazar has acted like a good father to Johnny.,0,1366 Now who's on top and who's underneath? she crowed.,"It looks like we switched places, she murmured happily.",0,1367 Alexander Payne's caustic comedy tells the story of a high-school election from four different perspectives--none of them remotely rational.,"Alexander Payne's comedy is irrational and caustic, being about four versions of a high-school election.",0,1368 The IRA's tactics also happen to be well suited to the conventions of Hollywood cinema.,It was a good fit for usage in motion pictures.,0,1369 "The buzz on Pfizer's forthcoming potency pill, Viagra, is so good that the company's stock has already soared 74 percent.",The buzx on Viagra is so huge that Pfizer's stock increased 74%.,0,1370 "The Final Analysis for the Registration Form rule notes that of the approximately 2,700 registered open-end management investment companies, approximately 620 or","2,700 companies have been registered.",0,1371 A list of abbreviations follows the resource list.,A resource list comes just before the abbreviations list.,0,1372 and what do they do with it,What do they do with it?,0,1373 "So poisons 'naturally interest' you, do they? ",So you have an interest in poisons?,0,1374 One determines what Congress would have done by examining what it did.,We need to examine what Congress did if we want to understand what it would have done.,0,1375 oh really well you're not supposed to admit that,You shouldn't say that.,0,1376 "The trooper was younger than the rest, his face still holding something of a boyish roundness.","The tropper's face was still holding something of a boyish roundness, he was younger than the rest.",0,1377 "But first, back to our experiment.",We will return to our experiment.,0,1378 guy that played the bagpipes plus the uh tin whistle and a couple of violins and a drum and they,A guy played the bagpipes.,0,1379 "Its mortality rate for children under five of 13 per 1,000 places it on a par with major industrial countries.",1.3 percent of babies die within five years of their birth.,0,1380 "The private bar and other nonprofit legal services providers are neither available, willing, or able to take over the representation of these populations.",Nonprofit legal services providers do not want to represent these populations.,0,1381 "Built in approximately 1140 in a spare, unornamented style that combines Frankish Romanesque with local traditions, the church was turned into an Islamic seminary after 1187, when the Crusaders lost Jerusalem.",The church became a seminary for Islam after 1187.,0,1382 "Scattered across the land are hundreds of dovecotes, which were introduced throughout the Aegean by the Venetians, who enjoyed pigeon as a part of their diet.",The Venetians used to have pigeons as a part of their diet.,0,1383 "Nowhere in Rome is the spectacle of Italian street life more pleasantly indulged, thanks to an inspired collaboration of Roman genius across the ages.",This place within Rome is a significant spectacle of street life due to Roman innovation over time.,0,1384 "The commentary is in English, French, German, or Turkish, in rotation check the notice by the benches for the date of the next performance in English.",Commentary is offered in multiple languages.,0,1385 "On the other hand, they don't want to make it too easy.",They do want it to be somewhat of a challenge.,0,1386 "Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association meeting, San Francisco, Calif., April 1979.",The paper was presented at the American Educational Research Association,0,1387 "The group of prospective lawful permanent residents includes both applicants for permanent resident status and likely prospective applicants based on their current status in the United States as individuals fleeing persecution (refugees, asylees, conditional entrants and aliens granted relief from removal by an Immigration Judge).",Some people who haven't applied for permanent residency are being considered for it.,0,1388 "She said, ""Don't _you_ go.","Don't you go, she said.",0,1389 Red frowned.,Red frowned.,0,1390 and i bet that's illegal see if uh most company uh CEOs were to do that within their private company they'd be in jail,Company CEOs would end in jail if they did that.,0,1391 "Along with boutiques not found elsewhere, you'll encounter Hollywood culture at its most flaunting and tawdry.",Some boutiques can only be found in Hollywood,0,1392 which basketball yeah i kind of like college better it's more spirited,I like college basketball more because of its vibe.,0,1393 "But the screenwriter, Simon Beaufoy ( The Full Monty ), has a thing about bringing macho men down to earth with a thud.",Simon Beaufoy has written screenplays featuring macho men being abased.,0,1394 "They sell tax-free goods for travelers from outside the EU, with shipping arranged on site.",Travelers not from the EU can buy tax-free goods at the site.,0,1395 i believe there was one case i don't i don't know where i read it or anything but i think there there has to they have to have put innocent men or women to death before i mean,There are people who have been sentenced to death for crimes they didn't commit.,0,1396 i don't know we couldn't think of a better time to buy than now,Now was the best time to buy.,0,1397 that's mostly locally the banks will line up with uh,The banks will line it up.,0,1398 over weight or anything but you know how you always want to lose a few and,You always want to lose some.,0,1399 It provides an analytical perspective on the Government because it shows the short- and long-term direction of current programs.,Showing the short and long term directions of the current government programs provides a new perspective.,0,1400 "Apart from the few Malays in the settlements' rural communities of Province Wellesley and the Melaka hinterland, most still lived inland along the middle reaches of the rivers, away from the coastal marshlands dominated by the orang laut pirates.",Most of the inhabitants were located inland along rivers in order to avoid attack from pirates.,0,1401 Among the mind-numbing details reported by the New York Times : Second-generation tenants could remain in regulated apartments provided they were willing to pay the vacancy bonus.,It is possible for a second-generation tenant to stay in a regulated apartment. ,0,1402 "Anticipating potential benefit cuts, people could choose to save more now, work longer to delay retirement, or experience a lower standard of living in retirement.",Lower living standards during retirement is one of the scenarios that people can expect following benefit cuts.,0,1403 Don't they know Karen Carpenter is dead?,Karen Carpenter died.,0,1404 "They do collapse on a long dive, but the viscera move into the space.","They collapse on a long dive, but the internals move into the space anyway.",0,1405 He admitted Annette's beauty rather shamefacedly.,He is embarrassed to find Annette beautiful.,0,1406 An article accuses the press of overlooking John McCain's domestic-policy gaffes.,"According to an article, the press overlooked John McCain's gaffes.",0,1407 "Lacking Starr's confidence in the law, Clinton sees where the law is too blunt an instrument to honor and promote good values.",Starr is confident about the law.,0,1408 "Within a given federal agency, the management reforms now under way may spring from various sources.",Management reform might come from various sources within any federal agency.,0,1409 "Thus, the President directed EPA to propose legislation that would significantly reduce SO2, NOx, and mercury emissions from power generation through a cap and trade program.",The President directed the EPA to propose legislation that would reduce emissions.,0,1410 and boy i tell you happily happily i can i can understand just a little bit of Cuban English,I am able to understand a small amount of Cuban English.,0,1411 "Further, the Conferees intend that the Conference substitute will secure the rights of H-2 agricultural workers under the specific contract under which they were admitted to this country.",H-2 agricultural workers admitted to this country have specific rights under their contract. ,0,1412 "Since the rules were issued as interim final rules and not as general notices of proposed rulemaking, the rules are not subject to the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995.","Since the rules weren't issued as general notices of proposed rule making, they are not subject to the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.",0,1413 "(Watts, a black GOP congressman, delivered the party's reply to the State of the Union.)",Watts is a black republican.,0,1414 "For large-scale simulations, one-way nesting of fine and coarse grids can be performed to allow simulation of sensitive areas with strong pollution spatial gradients using a fine grid resolution.",For large scale simulations one way nesting can be performed.,0,1415 The financial reporting model uses a mixture of historical costs and fair value to present a company's transactions.,The financial method uses a mixture of two variables to present a company's transactions.,0,1416 """An' from up there you can hear this little old mare, does she need you."" The Kentuckian's pack had been hoisted into the mow, and Callie had even humped up the fragrant hay to mattress his bedroll.",Callie shaped the hay and lay it beneath his bedroll. ,0,1417 oh yeah why is that why is that,I do not know the reason for that.,0,1418 "Can you raise the wind for us now?"" ""Hold on."" Bork's voice seemed sure of itself.","Bork confidently said ""Hold on."" when asked.",0,1419 "If the asset was classified as stewardship PP and E in its entirety by both the transferring entity and the recipient entity, the transfer does not affect the net cost of operations or net position of either entity and therefore in such a case it is not a revenue, a gain or loss, or other financing source.",The transfer does not affect the net cost of operations.,0,1420 "In desperation, Poland looked to Napoleon Bonaparte and Revolutionary France for assistance against its oppressors.",Poland was desperate to find some assistance against its oppressors.,0,1421 "sporting and other events, teams and entries in the brand name of tobacco products; and requires manufacturers to provide intended use information on all cigarette and smokeless tobacco product labels and in cigarette advertising.",Manufacturers have to explain intended use for cigarette products.,0,1422 seventy five at uh six thirty five and so well by living in Plano we're just about fifteen minutes away and,"Since we live in Plano, we're only fifteen minutes away.",0,1423 "However, information alone may not change clinical practice.",Information may not be sufficient for changing clinical practice.,0,1424 The immense monument it would have been the largest in Egypt had it been completed fractured along a fault line and was abandoned in 1500 b.c.,"In 1500 BC, the monument was abandoned. ",0,1425 Imus is hailed as the champion ringmaster of the new The accompanying profile --like every profile of Imus--applauds his sense of the absurd and his ability to bully the famous into speaking truthfully but worries about his crudeness and his temper.,Imus bully's the famous into speaking the truth.,0,1426 "Directly above the old town, the Ermita de San Felie (Saint Felix's Hermitage) commands a wide view.",The Ermita de San Felie gives a panoramic view above the town. ,0,1427 The nation's top scientific journal is getting a new top editor.,The nation's top scientific journal will have a new editor.,0,1428 It also has sidebars on the Dionnes and other famous multibirths.,There are multiple sidebars on the website.,0,1429 of course you have to get there early if you want to get anything,"To get anything, you need to be there early.",0,1430 Will Tina's notorious lavishness irk the frugal duo?,Will Tina's well known extravagance annoy the economical duo?,0,1431 The graceful open?­work spire was added in the 15th century by Johannes H??ltz of Cologne.,Johannes Hiltz added the open work spire in the 15th century.,0,1432 "Bunt is named for an elder brother who died in infancy, and both Betty and Bunt seem to feel that he is only a stand-in for his predecessor.",Bunt was named for a deceased sibling.,0,1433 The women and girls washing clothes along the river banks are probably doing so if they're not singing.,"If there are in song, the females are washing clothes on the banks of the river.",0,1434 "Take the M55, which will lead you to the outskirts of Blackpool, then follow signs for town center.",One can find Blackpool's center by following signs.,0,1435 and uh you would just hate it so much that whatever you had to do would be just you know it's like you know,you'd despise it to the degree that anything you had to do would be,0,1436 "That's that, she observed sternly.","This is how it is now, she observed.",0,1437 That is inevitable.,That will be unavoidable.,0,1438 This difference is due to the different interest rates used to discount future cash flows for calculating the subsidy cost (and subsidy allowance) when the loan is disbursed and for calculating the cost of modification at a later time.,The different interest rates are what contribute to the differences.,0,1439 He motioned to Tommy to sit down opposite to him.,He gestured to Tommy to take a seat.,0,1440 "Looking out of a window onto the panorama of high mountains and wave upon wave of rolling hills, one can imagine the young prince saying to himself This must be my kingdom. ",There are high mountains and rolling hills that can be seen from the window.,0,1441 "The lion helmed man raised his axe high, red sunlight gleaming on the tip of the broad head.",The man lifted his axe upward into the sun.,0,1442 for me i just i just couldn't wouldn't want to do that,I refuse to do that.,0,1443 "Part E contains performance standards for affected units and provisions for research, environmental monitoring, and assessment.",Part E deals with performance standards for the units.,0,1444 "Attacks by pirates and Islamic forces brought terror to the people, but Cretans remained loyal to the Orthodox Church throughout the Arab occupation of a.d. 824-961.",Cretans maintained loyalties to the Orthodox Church throughout the Arab occupation.,0,1445 Critics protested that 1) the heroin look faded from fashion magazines months ago, The fashion magazines had not featured a look referred to as the heroin look in awhile. ,0,1446 "A hotline is the gateway to a self help center offering court forms, a web page, 120 self-help packets, phone advice, clinics, and outcomes follow-up.",Self-help centers offer multiple forms of information and help.,0,1447 "However, the success of many of these efforts depends, in part, on an organization's ability to protect the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the data and systems it relies on.",An organization's efforts can only be successful if it protects and nurtures its data and systems.,0,1448 um i don't know it's so old,"I'm not sure, it's very old.",0,1449 yeah i i don't know that i read anything strictly labeled self-improvement how about you,I do not read any self improvement books.,0,1450 "Hear, and Now!",You should hear this! Now!,0,1451 "Miss Cowley left the delights (and drudgeries) of her home life early in the war and came up to London, where she entered an officers' hospital.","Early in the war, Miss Cowley came to London and entered an officers' hospital. ",0,1452 "Founded in 641 and expanded by the Fatimids in the mid-ninth century, Cairo Al-Qahira or the Cityof Victory became one of the most powerful Islamic cities in the world during the Medieval era, marking a rebirth in Egypt's fortunes.",Cairo was one of the most powerful Islamic cities in the Medieval era.,0,1453 "Lordy, Mister Kirby, that's sure somethin', it sure is!",That is sure something!,0,1454 High praise for The New Yorker writer's stories about disaffected youth.,Hats off to the New Yorker writer's stories about disgruntled youth.,0,1455 Colin Powell died in a car crash.,Colin Powell past away after a fatal car crash.,0,1456 "Rockefeller wanted a great college, and he went to great trouble to lure Harper from Yale to the nascent University of Chicago.",Rockefeller went through a lot of trouble because he wanted a great school.,0,1457 "Greta Hall, once the home of Southey and his family and now part of Keswick School, is unfortunately not open to the public.",Southey and his family once lived in Greta Hall.,0,1458 The rest of Pigalle plumbs the lower depths with a certain fascinating glee.,The lower reaches are plumbed by the rest of Pigalle. ,0,1459 "But as soon as you realize you're a saver, you'll lose confidence in your future extravagance and figure you might as well spend your money today.","Just as you decide you want to save, you get cold feet and realize you may as well spend your cash today.",0,1460 Employment level also increased during this time from 69.,Unemployment decreased during this time of 69.,0,1461 oh Dursban Two yeah Dursban will get rid of just about anything i think but um so you haven't had a problem with that since,Dursban gets rid of everything.,0,1462 That's a relief.,It was a thing that gave reassurance.,0,1463 and it all prints out up to five generations per child and you know you can select the child and get the whole thing i think it's just as neat as it can,It prints out five generations once you select the child you want to get the information for. ,0,1464 well i've i've heard some uh there's a book out now called The Saturday Morning Mind Control,I've heard of a book called The Saturday Morning Mind Control.,0,1465 I had everything a pit fighter could want and I hated all of it.,"I had all the treasures afforded to a pit fighter, but I cared not for a single item.",0,1466 The evidence satisfied me that neither the full moon nor the inauspicious date threatened my night.,I was glad that my night was not being threatened by the full moon. ,0,1467 "That determination was not discussed in the briefs of either party or otherwise contested here, and in the exercise of our discretion and prudential judgment we decline to address it.",None of the briefs provided by either parties mentioned this determination.,0,1468 La Camargue,La Camargue.,0,1469 we don't have we don't have a little child but i know that when you go in a restaurant we had some foster twins and it was last year and it wasn't through the state but boy howdy man these kids needed a whipping sometimes not to be beaten not to be abused but to firmly be told you are not going to do that and you are not going to spit in my face i said no,"Although we don't have kids, we do foster and sometimes those kids need a strict type of discipline including corporal punishment.",0,1470 Attorneys praise Zelon for her thorough understanding of the law.,Zelon was praised for her understanding of the law ,0,1471 "The Jam Besar (clock tower) was built in 1886 by the family of Chinese merchant, Tang Bee Sweng.","The clock tower, called Jam Besar, was built in 1886 by a Chinese merchant's family.",0,1472 "Grizzleslope, and that he will begin hearings of his own on the matter next week.",He will conduct hearings on the matter next week.,0,1473 The other horrifying consequence of a greatly extended life span--Strom Thurmond's ass.,Strom Thurmond's rear end is an awful consequence of longer life spans.,0,1474 "Thus, the number of passive vs. active investors will always fluctuate around an equilibrium.",The number of investors will always fluctuate whether they are passive or active.,0,1475 "Here, as we know, I was wrong, and I was forced to abandon that idea. ",I gave up that idea because it was incorrect.,0,1476 What's wrong with informing certain segments of the electorate that your opponent is using the feel-good rhetoric of solutions to pull a fast one at their expense?,There's nothing wrong with telling the voters about the opposing candidate's underhanded tactics.,0,1477 and our savings weren't that great but now the kids are all grown up and gone in fact the youngest is is uh finally getting out of college this uh May,Our youngest child is finishing college this May.,0,1478 "In effect, the potential exists to achieve the sortation without doing the work; but if the discount is not offered, none of the benefit will be realized.","If the discount is not offered, the benefit will not be realized.",0,1479 Disciples before their messiah.,The messiah put their followers first.,0,1480 "Especially if the good captain had an incident on which to hang such a report.""",Reports are made when there are incidents.,0,1481 Horse knowledge seems to run in your family.,Your whole family seems to know a lot about horses.,0,1482 They also promised to try to solve their border dispute over Kashmir.,Pledges were made by them to end the border dispute.,0,1483 Good heavens! cried Miss Howard. ,Miss Howard was completely surprised.,0,1484 "This position, which has not been challenged by any prior administration, is reflected in the many congressional requests we receive to review agency processes for a broad variety of activities.",We receive requests for review very frequently.,0,1485 In the ninth century they built a fort on the Liffey and founded Ireland's first town Dubh Linn or Black Pool. ,They built a fort on the LIffey.,0,1486 On a wave of Hugo chic--the publication of a new biography and Hollywood versions of The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Miserables --an exhibit reveals the 19 th century French novelist to have been a great draftsman as well.,The exhibit shows a novelist that was good at drawing as well.,0,1487 "As described above, many alien farmworkers may have a home base in Mexico as commuter aliens or as special agricultural workers who travel through the migrant stream around the United States and return to Mexico during periods of unemployment.",Migrant farmworkers often commute from their homes in Mexico where they live when there is no work for them.,0,1488 "In the West, sulfates account for approximately 25-50 percent of visibility impairment.",Sulfates are up to 50% of the visibility imparments in the west.,0,1489 "It has been a resounding success, with SO2 emissions from power generation dropping 4.5 million tons from 1990 levels and NOx emissions down 1.5 million tons from 1990 levels (about 3 million tons lower than projected growth).",Power generation emissions have dropped considerably since 1990.,0,1490 "When this type of installation is performed, the SCR reactor is installed atop a steel structure that must be erected above existing equipment, such as the electrostatic precipitator.",The SCR reactor must be placed above existing equipment.,0,1491 5. World Health Organization Brief Intervention Study Group.,A study group by the WHO.,0,1492 "But it is of the first importance.""",It is the most important.,0,1493 yeah yeah i've seen more and more companies that have um parental leave not just maternity leave they can grant paternity leave as well as maternity leave,More companies are now offer paternity leave along with maternity leave.,0,1494 "Grimblade cut deep into my belly, here.",I was cut by Grimblade.,0,1495 "I'm sorry, but the only earnings that count come from the audience.",The only money that counts is that which comes from members of the audience.,0,1496 "5 percent, and could go as high as 16.",5 to 16 percent.,0,1497 "Officials in Fort Collins, Colo., decided last year that Internet providers were subject to a city sales tax on telephone service and that subscribers would have to pay a 3 percent sales tax on top of their monthly access fee.","Subscribers in Fort Collins, Colorado, have to pay a 3% sales tax in addition to their monthly fee.",0,1498 but i can see a lot of benefits in that it might uh interest some people that had never thought of maybe going into social work or,There's a lot of benefits and interest to people doing social work.,0,1499 and that innocent people i i shouldn't say innocent because i mean actually actually if they commit a crime that they're in the same circumstances but,They're not exactly innocent if they commit a crime.,0,1500 too many of the most popular songs are unless you know they're in the the news or something but um so i tend to listen to some of the older,The hot music is often not worth anything.,0,1501 "In your own world, you were nothing.",You said you were nothing.,0,1502 Don't you think it.,Don't even think about it.,0,1503 even if it's in a genre i don't like i figure well i should go see it because if this is you know the best of the genre and i should know about it or something like that and i usually come away thinking no i really don't like this show,Even if I don't like the genre I still see it because I should know about it.,0,1504 and i think clothing you know it it just uh it it does like you were saying the the way you dress makes you feel different ways um if you like when you go out at night uh you may just want to have a casual evening or something so you you sort of dress down but if you're going to a uh,I think of clothing.,0,1505 "It's also possible that experience will lead them to approximate rationality, and they'll reduce their bids.",Approximate rationality might cause them to make smaller bids.,0,1506 okay same here have a good weekend bye-bye,"Same here, have a good weekend, bye.",0,1507 Strom Thurmond--could go like that.,Strom Thurmond might go like that.,0,1508 yeah oh okay well you ready to wind up hey nice talking to you my friend yeah good night bye-bye,It was nice talking to you and I need to wind up the phone.,0,1509 They stand threatened by flesh-eating bandits of great number.,Flesh-eating bandits are threatening them.,0,1510 um-hum i think that's that's the the hardest thing is that people who don't really know feel sometimes a sometimes for example i know um you know the ancients better but,Some who do not know might find it to be very hard.,0,1511 and that the Shopping Avenger would hear about this treatment and seek vengeance.,The Shopping Avenger would hear about this treatment and seek vengeance.,0,1512 "Second, with each of those lost sales, it loses a potential user of Internet Explorer.","For each sale lost, a potential Internet Explorer user is lost.",0,1513 i don't either but uh what i suspect is that illegals were hired for a hundred and fifty years of Texas history i don't think they can stop it by a federal edict i don't think the federal government can stop it by making by waving their magic wand and saying it will happen no more it's just too inbred in the culture you know,I don't think they can stop illegals from being hired. ,0,1514 "Red kept to his croaking whisper, ""Quiet! You want to wake somebody?"" ",Red kept his voice down.,0,1515 uh-huh yeah well i think it's all uh i don't think they have uh execution here,As far as I know there aren't executions here.,0,1516 Richard or Richard Simmons Sweating to the Oldies,I use the Richard Simmons Sweating to the Oldies tape.,0,1517 sometimes i i'd sit the plants outside on the patio and and i'd forget about them and it gets too hot out there and and they you know burn up and so forth that's happened to quite a few of my plants,My plants have burnt being out on the patio before.,0,1518 but uh the church uh day care that my kids uh they don't go to a day care you know it's uh during Sunday School and stuff uh the people there are really nice,i take my kids to Sunday School instead of day care,0,1519 "In Oniyama Jigoku ( Devil's Mountain Hell ), a hundred crocodiles enjoy a hot soak.",A hundred crocodiles lay in the sub in Oniyama Jigoku.,0,1520 The immense monument it would have been the largest in Egypt had it been completed fractured along a fault line and was abandoned in 1500 b.c.,The monument was built along a fault line and as a result was never completed.,0,1521 "He included all codes, PINs, passwords, e-mail addresses and the many ways they could be configured, parents' names, first and last names of distant relatives and degrees of relationship, important dates, blood type, date of birth, social security number, driver license and passport numbers, bank accounts, top ten of his favorite books, films, CDs, gourmet dishes, golf courses, works by modern painters, ancestral silver and European palaces, in rococo style.",He included all his information.,0,1522 huh-uh let's see one of my friends had a roommate that worked for TI and she saw this on her computer and thought it might be neat so she ran off copies of the thing,I know someone who knows someone who worked for TI.,0,1523 The Need for Multi-pollutant Legislation,There is need for legislation that addresses multi-pollutants.,0,1524 "The manager has a hangover, too,' he briefly thought when he was pouring in additional ingredients.",He added more ingredients in as he thought.,0,1525 okay i think we're supposed to discuss our view of the Soviet Union as a continuing threat to the United States how do you feel about that,"Now, let's discuss whether we think the Soviet Union is still a threat to the United States.",0,1526 "The sturdy edifices resisted total destruction and are still dominated by Notre-Dame's two soaring square towers, minus their original spires.",The original spires are now missing from Notre-Dame.,0,1527 early enough to get them but uh fortunately the other end of the deal is some days my wife uh,It's early enough to get them.,0,1528 "Traditionally, the Coast Guard based its marine safety efforts on inspections and certifications of vessels.",The Coast Guard has traditionally been involved in marine safety.,0,1529 The trend was more pronounced in 2015.,The trend was more pronounced in 2015.,0,1530 Violence and corruption have been constant factors in the political process.,Violence and corruption can easily be found in politics.,0,1531 "As always, all important issues were moved to the back burner on Friday before noon, that is half an hour after the start of the debate.",The issues were pushed back on the agenda.,0,1532 "The CM is typically not responsible for construction means and methods, nor does the CM guarantee construction cost, time, or quality.",The CM is not responsible for construction means and methods and the things that are implied by that.,0,1533 so i i can write letters to congressman and uh organize reports and uh,I am able to write a letter to my congressmen.,0,1534 "Where possible and appropriate, include the construction contractor, permitting agency staff, and independent specialists for value engineering and independent review.","If it is possible and appropriate, do not exclude the permitting agency staff.",0,1535 The distribution of route profits is much more skewed for the U.S.,The US has a more skewed distribution of route profits.,0,1536 A stress much greater than a weak body of a prime programmer (pri-pro in short) could withstand.,The stress was too much for the body.,0,1537 "Her eyes, fascinated, gazed in front of her, the pupils dilated.",Her dilated eyes had a fascinated look in them.,0,1538 "The Spanish never settled this strip of land, but when the British arrived in the late 1650s they built Fort Cromwell here; it was renamed Fort Charles following the restoration of the British monarchy in 1662.",The British were the first to settle on this strip of land.,0,1539 yeah he gets in trouble everywhere he goes it's real violent,He's a violent guy who is troublesome. ,0,1540 "The best mosaics are in the galleries, reached by a spiral ramp at the north end of the narthex.",The best mosaics can be viewed by taking a spiral ramp to the galleries.,0,1541 "The race was notable for the last several laps, in which Earnhardt rode Gordon's bumper at 190 mph.",Earnhardt was traveling at 190 mph during the last few laps of the race.,0,1542 they'll knock each others blocks off,They will hit one another.,0,1543 IC payments to the,The payments for IC.,0,1544 "It's perfect with dessert and preserves all the sweet, distinctive flavour of a Muscat grape.",There is a sweet tasting grape called the Muscat grape.,0,1545 yeah yeah if um i i know one church that uh there was some problems with but that was just uh basically a personal problem between the mother and the uh person that was taking in charge,"There were some problems with that one church, but it was just a personal problem between the mother and the person that was taking in the charge.",0,1546 "At Styles, Mr. Inglethorp will give you, or if he refuses ”as is probable ”I will give you such proofs that shall satisfy you that the case against him could not possibly be sustained. ","I think the case against Mr. Inglethorp can not be proven in court, and if he will not assist you, I will show you myself.",0,1547 well Stephanie what's your position on gun control,"What do you think about gun control, Stephanie? ",0,1548 uh yeah i'm well i like Italian food too but you don't there aren't that many Italian restaurants around here,There aren't many Italian restaurants nearby.,0,1549 It was a meal the likes of which he had not eaten in years.,"It was a grand meal, the likes of which he had become unaccustomed to.",0,1550 There is one protect yourself from the heat.,You can keep yourself protected from the heat.,0,1551 "The temple is one of the many dedicated to Tin Hau, goddess of seafarers; this one also houses an altar to Shing Wong, the city's god.",Tin Hau is more than likely loved by seafarers.,0,1552 The division of powers between the federal and state parliaments broadly follows the American model-states and territories are responsible for matters not assigned to the federal government.,The division of power is based on the American model.,0,1553 "We're looking for a new way of serving the underserved community, said Bob Cohen, executive director of the Legal Aid Society of Orange County. ",Bob Cohen is the executive director that stated they were in search of novel ways in which to serve the underserved community.,0,1554 on topics about which some kind of opinion has been formed.,Topics that people have an opinion of.,0,1555 "Also near Kannawa are several hot-spring developments, including attractive open-air rock pools and mineral mud baths with a You've got it?",The area around Kannawa is geologically active.,0,1556 right uh-huh yeah it works you bet yeah,Yeah it works.,0,1557 University officials anticipate $20 million in revenues just in the next five years.,The University expects to bring in 20 million dollars over the next five years. ,0,1558 GAO will endeavor to conduct work related to requests for information with minimal interruption to the agency's operations.,GAO will try to fulfill requests for information when it is convenient.,0,1559 "Steel, and bid $205 for the company's shares at a time when the stock was already trailing well below that.",Steel bid over the market rate for the stock.,0,1560 uh-huh really and then i also had a friend who was uh just around some people that were smoking cocaine and he tested positive on cocaine now then you always wonder well is he just saying that you know,A friend claims he tested positive for cocaine because he was around people who smoked it.,0,1561 "The men attack, murdering some women and scattering others to the winds.","The women fled, some of them dying.",0,1562 "The Hardknott Castle Roman Fort, called Mediobogdum by its builders, sits on a shelf near the summit of the pass.","The Mediobogdum, also known as the Hardknott Castle Roman Fort, is near the peak of the pass.",0,1563 well i can think of of some enjoyable things that that i did with the kids like we used to go up to uh New Hampshire quite a bit and go to the uh uh the White Mountains area and and visit all the you know the nature trails and things like that,I remember several fun activities I did with the children such as traveling up to New Hampshire a lot and the White Mountains area.,0,1564 A detailed history of the island doesn't begin until it became a colony of Carthage in the 7th century b.c. (see also pages 14-15).,The island was not well known until it became a apart of Carthage.,0,1565 "Such an approach will benefit the power generation industry, the economy, and the states, while improving public health and the environment.",This approach will benefit public health and the environment.,0,1566 But there are limits to how much you ought to care about what goes on in other people's households.,You should only care a little bit about what other people do in their own houses.,0,1567 so and i like the i like the warmth and the comfort of it so every winter well i used to go out and chop wood and get it all ready for the next season so a pickup truck was handy for the work i was doing around,I'd chop wood every winter in preparation for the next season.,0,1568 GAO's activities are designed to ensure the executive branch's accountability to the Congress under the Constitution and the federal government's accountability to the American people.,GAO is designed to ensure the accountability of the executive branch.,0,1569 The budget negotiators essentially punted on the issue.,The deal makers kicked it down the road.,0,1570 He had an ex-soldier who would help protect his village.,There was a man willing to watch over the village.,0,1571 Red poked a cautious finger at them.,That person gestured in their direction.,0,1572 He's been opining for 25 years.,He has been writing about his opinion for 25 years. ,0,1573 "With its five mosquelike domes, it is the most sumptuously exotic and orientally inspired church ever built in the Roman Catholic world.",The church draws upon exotic architectural inspirations.,0,1574 "Ever since the Supreme Court decision that required the opt out, the court has drawn a wobbly Negotiating wages?",An opt out was required by the Supreme Court decision.,0,1575 "Moreover, the researchers found that a significant portion of higher-income households save little.",Higher income households do not save much.,0,1576 Jon's rapier still sent a shiver through Ca'daan whenever he saw it.,Ca'daan still felt a shiver when he looked at Jon's rapier.,0,1577 "For most Italians, particularly the peasant, worker, and petit bourgeois, war in uniform was their first real experience of Italian nationality.",War was the first time they experienced nationality.,0,1578 "But unfortunately, we have to sit and wait for studies that are underway to finish before we can predict the future with something more statistically powerful than hope.",Something is stronger than hope.,0,1579 oh i guess it's kind of like kind of like cigarette smoking you know it it it it could go on for years and years until they they start start to see some results and people can actually actually say yeah it's it's it's doing it's doing some damage and and something's got to be done,After people notice results people can say it's doing damage.,0,1580 The Church of Saint Barbara is also worth visiting; it is typical Coptic in style.,The Church of Saint Barbara is worth visiting.,0,1581 He tilted his head towards the woman.,He moved his head toward the lady.,0,1582 Rather. The day passed pleasantly.,The days passed without any tragedies.,0,1583 "This week, all three have cover stories about plastic surgeon to the stars Dr. Steven Hoefflin (the man who takes credit for Michael Jackson's nose) and whether he exposed and discussed the genitals of his celebrity patients while they were under anesthesia.",Michael Jackson's nose surgery was done by Dr. Steven Hoefflin.,0,1584 Some want to paint Democrats as soft on defense.,Some want others to think Democrats are soft on defense.,0,1585 oh yeah it's not over crowded,"Yes, there aren't too many people.",0,1586 "LSC had long noted that grantee programs provide referrals and community legal education, that they engage in outreach, and that they work cooperatively with other groups to address the needs of the low income community.","LSC noted that grantee programs provide referals and legal education, engage in outreach, and work with groups to help needy low income communities.",0,1587 Why? Why?,What is the meaning of this?,0,1588 The settlements here were founded in 1739 after the peace treaty with the British.,The peace treaty with the British triggered the foundation of settlements. ,0,1589 I mounted accordingly. ,I boarded properly.,0,1590 "The house, which contains Ruskin's study and examples of his drawings and paintings, has magnificent views of the lake and the town of Coniston.",Rusky's work is in the house with the great view of Coniston.,0,1591 yeah the yeah the medical insurance would really be a lot more important if you had uh if you had children i guess if you're of child bearing age then it's important too you know because,Health insurance is more important for those with child and of child bearing age.,0,1592 "Still, the fervour of his words went towards the appeasing of my just displeasure. ",He was quite worked up over the issue and emphatically tried to placate me.,0,1593 The Romans also exploited Ibiza's natural resources.,The romans exploited Ibiza's natural resources. ,0,1594 "The Satheri, at least, saved my life--"" He stopped in confusion.","He stopped speaking, not knowing what to think.",0,1595 the Giants are always uh always there perennially a good team,The Giants are an outstanding team.,0,1596 'Your story's a fake.,Your story is not real.,0,1597 "Audit documentation should contain sufficient information to enable an experienced reviewer, who has had no previous connection with the attestation engagement, to ascertain from the audit documentation the evidence that supports the auditors' significant judgments and conclusions.",The documentation needs to be at a high level.,0,1598 He knows that when a pitcher throws a no-hitter the catcher is lucky to get in the photograph in the next day's paper.,It is difficult for a catcher to get a photograph in the paper when a no-hitter is pitched.,0,1599 "The Synagogue, with its red tabernacle and Chinese tiling, was built in 1568.",This synagogue dates back to the 16th century.,0,1600 "But Arab opposition to new Jewish immigration and construction in Palestine led to increasing strife; by 1946, Jerusalem was an armed camp.",There was increasing discontentment between the Arabs and Jews.,0,1601 He would have to watch every word he said in this town.,"In this town, he would have to watch his every word.",0,1602 uh films and now the kids and i were going to put them on video,I was going to put them on video with the kids.,0,1603 evaluation question presented?,The question about evaluation.,0,1604 and yeah i think i don't know how i feel about that i think maybe uh majority might be sufficient,I'm not certain the majority will be sufficient. ,0,1605 "HAZARDOUS WASTE - A solid, liquid, or gaseous waste, or combination of these wastes, which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible, illness or pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed.",An increase in mortality or harm is part of the definition of hazardous waste.,0,1606 4 million -from the state budget.,Over 3 million from the state's budget.,0,1607 "A local attempt to keep alive its centuries-old lace-making legacy continues, though much of what's hawked is machine-made in China.","In this location, they're been making lace for many centuries.",0,1608 My aunt baked it this afternoon for my return.,My aunt baked me food for when I came back.,0,1609 Tuppence relented suddenly.,Tuppence suddenly calmed down.,0,1610 "The interior was covered with golden mosaics, lit by countless flickering candelabras.","Several flickering candelabras lit the interior, which was covered in golden mosaics.",0,1611 "Poisons are his hobby, so of course he sees them everywhere."" I confess that I was surprised by Lawrence's attitude. ",Lawrence's hobby is poisons. ,0,1612 "Boats link all the resorts fringing the Bay of Palma, from S'Arenal to Portals Vells if you wish, you can use them like a bus service.",Boats allow you to travel from resort to resort around the Bay of Palma.,0,1613 "Elizabeth Wells, second housemaid at Styles, stated that after she had gone to bed she remembered that she had bolted the front door, instead of leaving it on the latch as Mr. Inglethorp had requested. ",Elizabeth Wells claimed that she initially locked the front door because she had briefly forgotten Mr. Inglethorp's instruction. ,0,1614 "As I said, I don't want to suggest that Bill Gates isn't a generous person nor even that his giving doesn't represent considerable sacrifice on his part (though it must be nice to be able to give that kind of money away).",I'm not trying to suggest that Bill Gates isn't generous.,0,1615 "But I do worry that the Barro offer sends the wrong signals to younger economists--that by telling them the profession still insists on the appearance of superstardom, that it only values home runs when we really ought to be looking for a solid series of base hits, it will encourage what is already a disturbing propensity to favor attention-grabbing showmanship at the expense of deeper, more time-consuming work.",Putting more importance on image and superstardom instead of actual meaningful work sends the wrong signals to younger economists. ,0,1616 The fourth phase is examination of the second round of data collection and a revision of initial interpretations and expectations-the revise phase.,"In the fourth phase, initial interpretations and expectations are revised.",0,1617 Visitors also learn how Cumberland pencils helped some prisoners escape from Nazi Germany during World War II.,Cumberland pencils helped prisoners escape from Nazi Germany.,0,1618 Bottomless Mug,A mug without a bottom.,0,1619 'Blood spills.','Spilling of blood.',0,1620 The a whopping one billion dollars.,It is a billion dollars.,0,1621 Bush has several decisive advantages on this question.,"On this question, Bush has several advantages. ",0,1622 "Although a survival curve approach provides a theoretically preferred method for valuing the benefits of reduced risk of premature mortality associated with reducing air pollution, the approach requires a great deal of data to implement.",A survival curve approach requires a great deal of data.,0,1623 "Eleven European countries adopted a common currency, the euro.",The Euro has been adopted in some European countries as a common currency.,0,1624 "Since April 1999, as the result of program mergers, Legal Services of Northern California has been the sole LSC-funded provider for the entire region, with nine offices covering 23 counties.",Legal Services of Northern California has offices covering 23 counties.,0,1625 Estimating benefits for visibility is a more difficult and less precise exercise than estimating health benefits because the endpoints are not directly or indirectly valued in markets.,Visibility is more difficult to value than health benefits.,0,1626 "The version of Linux that comes in Mastering Linux offers no technical assistance, but Red Hat's version 5.2, which costs $39.",Linux doesn't offer technical assistance.,0,1627 Stojko's He lacks artistry because he's afraid of seeming effeminate.,He is afraid of seeming female like so lacks artistry.,0,1628 Examples of capability validation ,It is possible to measure something's capability.,0,1629 Adrin beheld the man's gaze and nodded.,The man stared at Adrin.,0,1630 Table 4.2 also provides a third scenario-the impact on national saving if about 26 percent of the couple's contributions represent new saving.,Table 4.2 provides a third scenario.,0,1631 Allow at least two hours for the visit a comprehensive tour will take three or four.,You should allow two hours for the tour.,0,1632 "Electronics was out, obviously.",Clearly electronics wasn't in.,0,1633 Another lesson from the New York project was that each site must have a champion.,It was found by working on the New York project that each site needs to have a champion.,0,1634 You owe everything to me! ,I played a huge role in how you got to where you are!,0,1635 "Lots of operations are gross--leg amputations, burn surgery, removal of facial tumors, etc.","Leg amputations, burn surgery, removal of facial tumors, and many other operations are gross.",0,1636 You've known him all your life.,You have known him since you were young.,0,1637 and i'm not sure what what to do about that or which way it's going to go,I don't really know which direction it's going to go or what to do about it.,0,1638 "In theory, IDAs help lowincome families save, accumulate assets, and achieve economic self-sufficiency.", IDAs help low-income families save money.,0,1639 uh no that's more no that's not i do actually i like Asian cultures that why i was that's funny that you mentioned that,Funny you brought Asian cultures up because I like them.,0,1640 no no i don't i just don't have any,"No, none are in my possession.",0,1641 We present two fiscal policy (1) Save the Unified Surpluses and (2) Save the Social Security Surpluses.,We present 2 fiscal policies: Save the unified surplusses and save social security surpluses ,0,1642 A place with a spectacular setting.,They have a place with a beautiful setting.,0,1643 it gets kind of i we used to have one of those little caves you can go back in,In the past we had a small cave you can go back in.,0,1644 at a uh needlework shop and i i used to do the latch hook rugs and needlepoint and things like that and i i still remember how to do it it's just been so long since i've actually sat down and and taken the time to do something like that but i have recently done some cross stitch,I use to do a lot of needlepoint and crafts.,0,1645 yes well not really because usually it's when we go off you know like for a couple weeks or so it's usually like that,That's how it is when we leave for a couple of weeks.,0,1646 "That is what we must find out."" He stood there silently, gently stroking his chin.",He thought carefully and said this is what we need to know.,0,1647 "On the walls are portraits of the archbishops of Toledo, beginning with St. Eugene (a.d.96) and including Cardinal Cisnerosewho ordered the construction of this hall.",The archbishops of Toledo have portraits on the wall.,0,1648 the sculpture of Two Slaves by Michelangelo; Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa (La Joconde) and Virgin of the Rocks; Titian's voluptuous Woman at Her Toilet and somber Entombment of Christ; the poignant Old Man and His Grandson of Ghirlandaio.,"Michelangelo sculpted the Two Slaves, and Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa and the famous Virgin of the Rocks.",0,1649 well i guess although i well that's a good point where you said that how does one define what invasion of privacy is because uh if that's the case of a tree falling in the forest and i'm not feeling invaded then maybe my privacy hasn't been because i have no sense of my privacy state having been invaded,I agree with what you said when you asked how one defines the invasion of privacy.,0,1650 "Of course they're having an affair, but Prudie compliments you on your high-minded and generous assessment of the situation.",There is an affair going on.,0,1651 yeah she she uh she uses it now uh my sister to actually she moved and my father wasn't using it she took it with he,"When she moved, my sister took with her an item my father didn't use. ",0,1652 Adrin grunted and went down to one knee.,Adrin knelt down.,0,1653 "Oh, I shall be all right in the kitchen, ma'am.",I will be OK in the kitchen. ,0,1654 He hasn't had a new thought for 20 years.,He hasn't thought about anything new for 20 years.,0,1655 "6The concept of forensic auditing was recently suggested by the Panel on Audit Effectiveness to improve the likelihood that auditors will detect fraudulent financial reporting (see The Panel on Audit Effectiveness Report and Recommendations, Aug. 31, 2000).",The Panel on Audit Effectiveness suggested that forensic auditing is an idea that would make it more likely for auditors to catch fraudulent financial reporting.,0,1656 Not in the least.,Not at all.,0,1657 um-hum um-hum that was cheap entertainment wasn't it yeah,It was cheap entertainment.,0,1658 "Soups include conch chowder, cream of pumpkin, red pea with pieces of beef and yam, and pepper pot.",There are soups including cream of pumpkin.,0,1659 lots and lots of them and it it it's a it's a real financial boom for them because the the wages are tremendously high i mean they got all that money and they don't have anybody to pay it to um and it's tax free,They pay their employees quite a bit of money I hear.,0,1660 user questions,Queries posed by clients,0,1661 ah get all those good family favorites,get those family favorites.,0,1662 Even devotees of the Living Constitution like Tribe now declare their fidelity to text.,Devotees like Tribe are now declaring their fidelity to text,0,1663 "We have industrialized our food systems, and continue to do so, something which classic economics says is not possible, since economies of scale do not easily apply to food production.",To classic economics industrialized food systems are not possible.,0,1664 "In addition, you would need the right kind of implementation guidance to carry out a principle.",You would need the right implemation guidance to carry on the principle ,0,1665 that's what we hit,That is what we struck.,0,1666 "Three problems often encountered have to do with matching the question the evaluator set out to answer and the method for selecting the instances examined, reporting the basis for selecting the instances, and integrating findings across several instances when the findings in one were inconsistent with those in another.",There are three problems with matching the question they wanted to answer.,0,1667 no i don't think it's a monetary thing i think we hope that it will be you know,"I think it's not a monetary thing, I think we hope that it will be, you know.",0,1668 always yes ma'am you too dear bye,"Always, sweetheart, yes, goodbye.",0,1669 "My good Dorcas, it is necessary that I should know every detail of that quarrel as fully as possible. ",I should know every detail of the fight. ,0,1670 "At one end is the Dattatreya Temple, used impartially by Buddhists and Hindus.",Buddhists and Hindus impartially use the Dattatreya Temple.,0,1671 "Next, he examined the framework of the door we had broken in, assuring himself that the bolt had really been shot. ","The framework of the door that we broke was examined by him, and he told himself that the bolt really was shot. ",0,1672 "Dalhart, born Marion Slaughter, was the son of a successful rancher from a Texas port city.",Marion Slaughter was the son of a successful rancher. ,0,1673 Boleslaw later repelled invasions from Otto's successor and then sought Poland's own expansion eastward,Boleslaw sought an eastward expansion of Poland's borders. ,0,1674 i've never been past Ohio,I've never traveled beyond Ohio.,0,1675 you just get used to it,The pace becomes normal and you get used to it.,0,1676 "- Dewatering system (settling tanks/vessels, hydrocyclones, and/or vacuum filters) - Stacking equipment ","Dewatering systems consist of settling tanks, hydrocyclones and possibly vacuum filters.",0,1677 "For example, on residential routes (which account for 94 percent of all possible city deliveries), businesses account for five percent of possible deliveries.",Businesses account for five percent of deliveries on residential routes.,0,1678 it's all part of the savings account we just keep track of it on paper uh you know a certain amount goes straight to the savings account we decide okay you know let's say it's a hundred dollars you know every month fifteen dollars is for car fund,Every month we keep track of our savings on paper and know a certain amount goes into savings.,0,1679 "In all three little capitals, shopping begins where the boats come in.",Shopping begins where the boats arrives in the three capitals.,0,1680 There is also a museum recording the highlights of Gandhi's life.,"In addition, there's a museum that features the best of Gandhi's life. ",0,1681 "The Democratic Party was elected in 1950, and remained in control until 1960, when, faced with increasing social and economic difficulties, it was overthrown by a military coup.",The Democratic Party stayed in power for a decade.,0,1682 "An Illinois insurance company is selling life insurance to people with HIV . This is the first such insurance offer since the onset of AIDS, and is viewed as tentative commercial confirmation that AIDS is now, in the company's words, a treatable chronic illness rather than a terminal disease for many people.",Some people with HIV can now get life insurance.,0,1683 "Is it? The train was moving now, speeding through the night at a gradually increasing rate.",The night train was accelerating slowly.,0,1684 yeah what do you where do you like to camp how do you like to camp,What are your preferences for camping?,0,1685 A gallery in Geneva or Berlin can now sell artwork to someone who never leaves Iowa City.,there are galleries in Geneva and Berlin.,0,1686 "He had asked the man for help a few days earlier and, if the merchant was right, had nearly died for it.",The had asked for assistance.,0,1687 okay camping my camping experiences are uh using a trailer a Terry eighteen foot uh mobile trailer and and that's you know like going to lakes and stuff like that,I use an eighteen foot trailer to camp with.,0,1688 um-hum well we moved into this house it was a year old and the landscaping was semi-in but there was still a lot more to do,"After we moved in, we did a lot of work on the house.",0,1689 This effect depends in part on how the borrowed funds are used.,The effect depends on borrowed funds ,0,1690 yeah we try to stay up too,We try to stay up too.,0,1691 Alternative Fiscal Policy Simulations (2000-2075) 86 Figure 4.3:Composition of Federal Spending as a Share of GDP,Other fiscal policy situations.,0,1692 "The Kandariya is the largest of all the Khajuraho temples and adds, with its grand scale, a special exuberance to the life-enhancing spirit of the place.",The Kandariya is the biggest out of all the Khajuraho temples.,0,1693 "Edmund Starling, who guarded Wilson, wrote in his Our boss was in love.",Edmund Startling guarded Wilson.,0,1694 well when you take a a situation where i think in particular in Salvador where there is a significant under under class excuse me and that uh having a a a lot of difficulty uh surviving uh the question is would they you know would they be better off under communism,Some are struggling to live in Salvador.,0,1695 "In futile anger, he'd swung out of the office and gone stumbling back toward the computer building.",He had been in the computer building prior. ,0,1696 yeah oh that's neat,That's neat,0,1697 yes there are there is a receptacle you know at the centers also for aluminum but again we don't we don't generate that much so we don't,We don't generate that much aluminum.,0,1698 The mountain with the lion's head looked up helplessly as the iron-jawed pit fighter hung over him with his club poised to crash down.,The fighter was above the mountain with a club. ,0,1699 it wasn't a big deal for them i don't know,They didn't consider it a big deal.,0,1700 "After dark, I had nightmares about Mr. White and my long lost body.",I had bad dreams about my old body.,0,1701 The qa'a led to the family rooms.,Qa'a showed the way to family rooms. ,0,1702 "Clubs and Belly-dancing is not just a tourist show, it's also popular with Egyptians and you can take in a serious and perhaps more earthy show at several clubs around the capital.",Clubs and belly dancing are popular in Egypt.,0,1703 "Dizengoff Circle's bizarre multi-colour cog-wheel fountain, known as Water and Fire, has the same sort of magnetic appeal for people as London's Piccadilly Circus.",The Water and Fire fountain has tourist appeal.,0,1704 yeah most of them do they have the uh yeah they have the the kilometer inside and the and of course the miles per hour great big so you can see it um,Most of them have the kilometers on the inside and the miles per hour bigger so that you can see it.,0,1705 "Vrenna's sword flew end over end, crashing into the wide curved sword of the Reaver.",Vrenna and Reaver were dueling.,0,1706 "In the year 1835, the raja of the then-independent kingdom of Sikkim was pressured into ceding Darjeeling to the British.",The kingdom of Sikkim once succumbed to the British.,0,1707 "They also agreed that considerable actions have been taken and/or proposed towards achieving those objectives, but that having the right people and stakeholders involved was critical to successfully achieve and effectively maintain the necessary reforms.",The right people needed to be involved to achieve and maintain the reforms. ,0,1708 Everything was confusion. ,There was confusion everywhere.,0,1709 You can rent horses for riding throughout Italy Tuscany and Umbria provide especially scenic terrain.,Horse riding is available for rent in Italy.,0,1710 "Oh, Prudie,","Prudie, I am upset.",0,1711 City carrier time is derived from the USPS Cost Segments and Components Report for FY 1999 and the average time is,City carrier time is derived from USPS' data. ,0,1712 uh-huh but then um like i know this girl she's doing her student teaching or she's just working like within the school and um yesterday she was at the kindergarten and there's this little boy he like didn't want to do anything and he said i'm not doing this i don't like it and he sat at his desk with two pencils in his hand and pretend like he's playing Nintendo,He pretended like he was playing a video game.,0,1713 the Mazda definitely did not not at all,The Mazda definitely didn't ,0,1714 "According to those who edited the Dictionary , Gates read entries only just before they were sent to press, then looked closely only at items within his area of expertise, such as the Harlem Renaissance and Hurston.",Gates read dictionary entries when they were going to press.,0,1715 The distance from a homeless shelter that a family of four must remain if both parents have been unemployed for more than six days.,Homeless shelters are very usefull.,0,1716 There are several old lands found down the narrow wynds leading off the main street.,More than one old land can be found on the wynds.,0,1717 have um have you ever been to the Science no it's called the Science Place,Have you ever visited the Science Place?,0,1718 "Luckily, he is highly placed, but I mean, how does one gracefully NOT contribute?",He is placed highly.,0,1719 "If you want to lick, lick.",Go ahead and lick it if you want.,0,1720 "Nevertheless, he made a brilliant but brief comeback the following year ' before an alliance of British, Prussian, Belgian, and Dutch troops inflicted the final defeat at Waterloo.","The British, Prussian, Belgian, and Dutch troops formed an alliance.",0,1721 We've got to take care of the animals if we're going to be circus-folks.,"If we want to become part of the circus, we have to be responsible for the animals. ",0,1722 "US Environmental Protection Agency, 2000b.","The United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2000b.",0,1723 A barrel of water can collapse a tunnel or eat away one of the pillars.,A tunnel could be collapsed by a barrel of water. ,0,1724 Campbell Earl Campbell and they run that man to death,That man ended up losing his life.,0,1725 "Electric Honey , by Luscious Jackson (EMD/Capitol).","Electric Honey, a title written by Luscious Jackson.",0,1726 The nearest temple to Aswan Town is Philae.,The closest temple is Philae.,0,1727 DILUTION WATER,H20 for diluting,0,1728 "For example, some pages provided are simply numbers or dollar amounts without an indication of the nature or purpose associated with the amount or consist only of a drawing of cell or desk phones.",some pages provided are simply numbers or dollar amounts,0,1729 committing a,Carrying out a,0,1730 but and i have a neighbor with a big motorbike and he likes to run down the street with it and you you can probably hear him but um i don't know so do you enjoy reading anything like that um,My neighbor enjoys running down the street with his large motorbike. ,0,1731 "Albert couldn't stop her.""",She couldn't be detained by Albert. ,0,1732 Would I mount? ,I wondered about the advisability of mounting. ,0,1733 you're the first person not from Texas that i've talked to,"Everyone else I've talked to has been from Texas, except you.",0,1734 Many springs lay in areas that would eventually become the center of the modern Las Vegas metropolis.,Areas that are now at the center of Las Vegas once contained lots of springs.,0,1735 and sure right well sure it is,"Yes, it is. ",0,1736 Equally interesting are the displays that examine the methods of marine archaeology used to excavate the city.,Just as interesting are the displays.,0,1737 "CONTRA ACCOUNT - One of two or more accounts which partially or wholly offset another or other accounts; on financial statements, they may be either merged or appear together.",A contra account is one or two accounts that start to offset another account.,0,1738 "Even with the end of Communism and inflation, Poland remains considerably cheaper than Western European destinations.",Western Europe is more expensive than Poland.,0,1739 " ""Looky what we've got us here!",They have something.,0,1740 "Well, we shall see, I said, nettled. ",I said we'll have to see.,0,1741 "However, emergency physicians do not engage in analysis of insurance contracts before providing care and are therefore unaware of the type of coverage, if any, carried by the patient.",Doctors provide medical care before looking into what kind of coverage a patient has.,0,1742 "This is Wolf's term for that girl in the eighth grade who sprouted breasts early, fooled around with too many boys, and got slammed with a bad reputation.",This is Wolf's term for that girl that grew up quickly.,0,1743 It was colder than it should be and there was green at the window.,It was colder than it should be and there was the color green at the window.,0,1744 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 will help to close the expectation gap concerning the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting by requiring management and auditor reporting on these controls.,The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 requires management to report on internal controls.,0,1745 Letter from John ,The letter was from John.,0,1746 But Topham was seated at a table with Don Lorenzo and Zack Cahill of the stage line.,Topham was near Don Lorenzo and Zack Cahill.,0,1747 San'doro didn't smile.,"San'doro kept his grim, dour look.",0,1748 156 Overhead the branches flapped and creaked with a mournful note.,The branches made a melancholy noise when they moved. ,0,1749 because the projector made a lot makes a lot of noise,The projector is awfully noisy.,0,1750 "Bihar, Bengal, and Rajputana all went their separate ways.","Bihar, Bengal and Rajputana separated.",0,1751 "Make up your own picnic hamper of cold meats, bread, cheese, fruit, and water or wine from the local market before you get aboard.","Before you board, get some picnic foods at the local market.",0,1752 "Just inside the entrance, on the right, is the Shitamachi Customs and Manners Museum.",The Shitamachi Customs and the Manners Museum are at the entrance.,0,1753 The whipmaster shifted and reared back to stab Ca'daan.,The whipmaster tried to stab Ca'daan.,0,1754 "Rua Imperatriz Dona Amelia (behind the Savoy hotel) has a number of restaurants and bars, including Prince Albert, an English pub, and Salsa Latina (Rua Imperatriz Dona Am??lia, 101; Tel. 291/225 182), which has live music.",Restaurants and bars can be found behind the Savoy hotel.,0,1755 Idealists don't like the way it's being fought.,Idealists are not happy with the method of fighting that is being used.,0,1756 "TABLE 1. NATIONAL INTERLABORATORY STUDY OF CHRONIC TOXICITY TEST PRECISION, 1991: SUMMARY OF RESPONSES USING TWO REFERENCE TOXICANTS1,2",Table 1 includes National Inter laboratory Toxicidity Test Precision.,0,1757 "Those who don't want to drive or walk around it can take the ferry, which travels down the whole length of the lake from Glenridding to Pooley Bridge.",The ferry travels all the way down the lake.,0,1758 Long Beach established itself as a premier seaside resort by the early 1900s.,Long Beach was a premier seaside resort.,0,1759 Rent control will remain for another six years.,Rent control could change in six years. ,0,1760 This doesn't make George Street an empty shell.,George Street isn't an empty shell just because of this.,0,1761 and then they're saying we we estimate this landfill will be over will be full in two years unless we cut back,They predict this landfill will be overloaded in two years unless there are some changes.,0,1762 Hersheimmer turned to him.,Hersheimmer pivoted towards him. ,0,1763 yeah huh and then they have bad drawbacks too i mean high interest it's like paying twice,They have such high interest that it costs you double. ,0,1764 "It is most perplexing then, that Sullivan, who is writing about the end of an epidemic, after all, never mentions the word vaccine in his article.",Sullivan was writing about the epidemic without talking about the vaccine.,0,1765 Is my license as a practicing economist about to be revoked?,Is my license close to revocation ,0,1766 "This reporting system will detail and describe the delivery of services that are not cases, services such as community education, information through Internet web sites, self-help forms and kiosks.",This reporting system will detail and describe the delivery of services that are not cases.,0,1767 They worked much longer and harder than our own workers.,They were harder workers than our own workers.,0,1768 "Down the slope they went, Slim, as usual, in the rear.",Slim was the last one down the slope.,0,1769 "In 1990, EPA projected the cost of full implementation of the SO2 emissions reduction with trading at $5.",They projected the trading cost to be $5.,0,1770 yeah well uh it's too bad we can't talk about your other interests but we just have to talk about exercise,Its too bad that we have to discuss exercise. ,0,1771 "Thus, labor costs do not need to be adjusted.",It's not necessary to adjust labor costs.,0,1772 "Building on an already secure national consensus on women's rights, the dialogue draws on basic, inarguable values while the visuals emphasize the sheer normalcy of it the ubiquitous setting, the ubiquitous employee, the ubiquitous iniquity.",The discussion plays off the accepted notions of equal rights for women with the normalcy of situations that contradict those values.,0,1773 right commercials and cartoons and things like that,Things like cartoons and commercials.,0,1774 And so there is no proof that any particular religion is sexier than any other.,"And thus, there is a lack of any proof for the thesis that a particular religion is sexier than any other religion.",0,1775 "Of course, if the U.S.","It is, of course, if the U.S.",0,1776 "But if, on the other hand, it was John, the whole thing was explained quite naturally.""","If it was John, it was easy to understand the whole thing.",0,1777 yeah it it obviously is not a DC you know,It is clearly not a place like DC.,0,1778 "If we're going to be upfront about the meaninglessness of our messages, at least let's use the colorful yadda yadda yadda to replace excess verbiage instead of the tepid blah blah blah . Just think of the potential for the news media.",Our messages tend to not have any meaning at all. ,0,1779 so the rest live in one lives in Connecticut and a couple lives in Pittsburgh and one lives near DC so uh,"They live in Connecticut, Pittsburg and near DC.",0,1780 "Japan made a dramatic debut on the international stage, with military actions against China and Russia.",Military actions against Russia and China resulted in Japan becoming well-known on the international stage.,0,1781 How many times can you hear Chopsticks?,Can you tell me the number of times you hear Chopsticks? ,0,1782 "Just across the border is the huge Lo Wu Cityshopping mall, to which you can walk; other shopping malls are nearby.","Over the border is the massive Lo Wu City shopping mall, among other malls.",0,1783 "It's a flippant comparison, to be sure, but it's one that illuminates the reasons why gambling has not been an economic panacea for other parts of the country, parts where the New Deal actually had an impact, for example.",There are places for gambling in the country.,0,1784 Many News Quiz responses were rejected by Slate 's e-mail server.,A bunch of replies to the quiz bounced.,0,1785 "The saving of households, businesses, and state and local governments makes up nonfederal saving.","Nonfederal saving constitutes any money put away for later by individuals, companies, states and local jurisdictions.",0,1786 would you like to get started or would you like me to,Would you like me to start.,0,1787 yeah you vote absentee yeah you vote you you still connected to your state legally you still you can you still are responsible for paying those taxes they withdraw taxes,You are still legally connected to your state when you vote absentee.,0,1788 "The highlight of the annual cultural calendar is the Festival Casals, a month full of performances given by the world's great concert artists.",The world's great concert artists perform at the annual Festival Casals.,0,1789 "In Chennai, you can rent a catamaran and, if you're staying at the Taj in Mumbai, you should be able to obtain a guest membership at the nearby Yacht Club.",You can get a guest membership to the Yacht club.,0,1790 and uh so that's that's one thing that's good,At least that thing is good.,0,1791 A longsword gleamed from the sheath on his back.,He wore a sword on his back.,0,1792 there's something really interesting on,What is on is very interesting to me.,0,1793 "All of the organizations agreed that trust had to be built over time and through personal relationships, and they had taken various steps to facilitate the process, such as the ",All the organizations had done something to build trust.,0,1794 "To date, the program has identified about 260 different types of failures, such as main landing gear tires wearing out more quickly than planned, fasteners being damaged, and canopy delaminating.",The program has noted over 200 different types of failures.,0,1795 All goes well.,Everything as it should be.,0,1796 okay so uh do you own a PC,Just asking if you have a computer.,0,1797 "The Turkish-style supper clubs called gazinos offer an evening of folk music and belly-dancing, usually with dinner and drinks included.",Dinner and drinks are usually a part of what gazinos offer.,0,1798 "In life and in the movie, Harrer left for Nanga Parbat when his wife was still pregnant.","While his wife was still pregnant, Harrer left for Nanga Parbat.",0,1799 Some of them clearly weren't locals.,Some were clearly from out of town.,0,1800 "Equality feminists draw a different The World Cup showed that women can body-slam, curse, and cheat just like men.",The World Cup showcased how women can be just as rough as men.,0,1801 "But if you are sure that you have enjoyed to the full the reaction of joy after despair with which I have kindly provided you free of charge, let us get down to our mail, as the saying goes."" Tuppence snatched the two precious envelopes from him unceremoniously, and scrutinized them carefully.",His two envelopes were meticulously inspected by Tuppence.,0,1802 "Originally separate settlements, these two towns have now merged to the point that visitors can't tell where one starts and the other finishes.",The towns were once separate but are not indistinguishable.,0,1803 That was really foreign.,Not from here.,0,1804 Ha! said Tommy.,Tommy was surprised.,0,1805 "I'll sell...."" He loathed saying every word of that.","I'll sell..."" He hated saying every single word of that.",0,1806 "It is constructed on a monumental scale, with a 213-m (700-ft) facade of Wicklow granite, Doric arcades, and wonderful ornamentation, all set against a terraced landscape.",It has a grand facade.,0,1807 then we decided to have kids,Then we chose to have children of our own.,0,1808 yeah so it's it's less than clear like i said i don't remember the article that well,It's a bit vague but then I'm struggling to recall what the article said.,0,1809 Why would he bother to retire?,I have no idea why he's decided to retire.,0,1810 "Also, skilled workers from other trades may choose to work as a boilermaker, so a shorter apprenticeship may be possible, depending upon the experience and skill level of the individual.",New boilermakers are coming from a variety of other trades and with differing levels of experience.,0,1811 I asked for their names.,I asked what their names were.,0,1812 "As a result of these huge authorial efforts, Big Trouble is bigger than it had to be.",Big Trouble did not have to be so big.,0,1813 "In brief, most workshared pieces are probably paying a rate of about 27.",Most workshared pieces are paying a rate of about 27.,0,1814 "I know that Fieldstone is interested in finding a workable resolution, said Adam Bass, a lawyer for the company, adding that he can't comment on the details of the Ledford loan.",Fieldstone wants to find a workable resolution.,0,1815 at least they're learning a little bit from history i mean uh,They are learning a bit from before.,0,1816 "Active collection on an account ceases, and the account is removed from an entity's receivables.",An account is removed from receivables when active collection ceases,0,1817 "Donors may earmark contributions to go to the Legal Aid Bureau for use in Baltimore County, to charitable programs run by the Baltimore County Bar Foundation, or to benefit families of firefighters and rescue workers who are killed or injured.",Donors can designate contributions to go to the bureau in Baltimore County.,0,1818 "I guess I'm ashamed to admit it, but I came over here determined to find her and fix it all up, and take her back as Mrs. Julius P.","My plan was to find her, patch things up and marry her.",0,1819 well i'm not sure that we're going to be able to uh solve much of the problem,I have trouble thinking we'll solve too much of the problem. ,0,1820 A spear followed but San'doro cut it out of the air easily.,San'doro stopped the spear.,0,1821 EPA has solicited comments on the proposed information collection requirements to be sent to both EPA and OMB for consideration during the approval process.,The EPA has asked for comments on the information collection requirements.,0,1822 "Tax Systems Management and Technical Weaknesses Must Be Overcome To Achieve Success (GAO/T-AIMD-96-75, March 26, 1996)","To achieve success, tax systems management and technical weaknesses need to be overcome.",0,1823 The Survey of Consumer Finances is a triennial survey of U.S. families sponsored by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve with the cooperation of the Department of the Treasury.,The survey includes United States families sponsored by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve.,0,1824 "Information in agencies' plans and reports produced under the Results Act, high quality financial and program cost data, and other related information, can help Congress in targeting its oversight efforts and identifying opportunities for additional improvements in agencies' management.",Congress can use agencies' plans and reports to improve agency management.,0,1825 well no he doesn't have that trouble he uh has this little slip that comes out with the uh ATM machine and he just keeps that he keeps fairly decent records,"He keep track using the ATM receipt, it helps him keep this records with no issues.",0,1826 "Be sure to take a look at the graceful pottery of the Iberians, adorned with simple painted lines.",The Iberians decorated their pottery with simple lines.,0,1827 "Inside is a collection of ceramics, carvings, and furniture.",There is a collection ranging from ceramics to furniture inside.,0,1828 "How do you forbid the kids to practice what you, er, practice?",They want to know how to keep kids from doing things you yourself do.,0,1829 _Who_ were dead. ,Who were dead.,0,1830 yeah oh yeah and she didn't get around to it very much,"True, and she couldn't find time for it.",0,1831 uh to for them to mulch,So that they can mulch.,0,1832 "It is thought that Pilate delivered Jesus to his soldiers at a spot now in the courtyard of El-Omariyah School, across the street from the Franciscan monastery.",People believe that Jesus was delivered by Pilate.,0,1833 so see it's really strange,It's really weird,0,1834 "They publicly converted to Islam to escape heavy taxes, continuing to practice their Orthodox faith in secret.",They faked their conversion in an early example of tax evasion.,0,1835 I am puzzled about what to say on the subject of my religion.,I'm not sure what to say about my religion.,0,1836 This amazing shrine celebrates an object that transcends borders and cultural the human penis.,The human penis is being celebrated by the amazing shrine.,0,1837 "For cheaper purchases, head for the Strada Nuova leading behind the Ca' d'Oro to the railway station.",The Strada Nuova is the place to go if you want to make cheaper purchases.,0,1838 oh it certainly did it most certainly did yeah we as i say we went through the Sullivans that that owned the team you know and and owned the stadium and,The Sullivans owned the team and they also owned the stadium.,0,1839 All stewardship information is deemed required supplemental stewardship information (RSSI).,What is seen as stewardship information is necessary supplemental stewardship information,0,1840 "Newsweek explains a new musical Rock 'n' rap, a k a hick-hop, in which white performers such as Limp Bizkit and Kid Rock combine hard rock with the violent themes and outlaw imagery of rap.",Rock 'n' rap is a genre of music where caucasian performers combine hard rock with rap.,0,1841 yeah you really do,"Yeah, you do.",0,1842 Ca'daan took them to the back of the mines and the weary eyes of the villagers followed.,Ca'daan took them deep into the mines.,0,1843 "The Administration intends to address this challenge in that context, and will leverage our national resources to enhance our scientific understanding of global climate change, and develop the advanced energy technologies that the world will need in coming decades to meet its energy and environmental needs.",The intent of the Administration is to challenge in that context and leverage our nation resources in order to enhance our understanding of climate change and develop energy technologies.,0,1844 "Click to read Leslie Fiedler on the subject in 1960, and to read Theodor Adorno discussing it in 1947.)",Between 1940 and 1960 both Leslie Fiedler and Theodor Adorno discussed this issue. ,0,1845 "The banks received a short term, interest-free loans for their use.",An interest-free and short term loan was received by the bank.,0,1846 "OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OPEB) - Forms of benefits provided to former or inactive employees, their beneficiaries, and covered dependents outside pension or ORB plans.",There are benefits supplied to former employees.,0,1847 i see uh-huh the news,I usually watch the news.,0,1848 "But MALS faces a funding crunch next year, brought on by a $200,000 shortfall from three revenue sources.","Because of a 200,000 shortfall from three revenue sources, the MALS is facing a funding crisis next year.",0,1849 "Annually, $3.",$3 each year.,0,1850 "If slightness in a Library of America volume is a mark of esteem, Kerr can be assured that the two svelte books she reviewed, at under a thousand pages each, accord Gertrude Stein a measure of honor beyond mere inclusion in the series.",The two books reviewed had fewer than a thousand pages each.,0,1851 Participants agreed that there clearly is a need for more education and for investor assistance in this area.,Participants agree there is clearly need for more education and investor help,0,1852 "The preamble to the proposed rule contained the information required under the Paperwork Reduction Act concerning the collections, including the needs and uses of the requirements, the number of estimated respondents, and the total annual burden hours.",The information required under the Paperwork Reduction Act was contained in the proposed rule.,0,1853 "information to check for trends, to rule out competing","To rule out competing, information to check for trends.",0,1854 "Ever since the roulette wheel and baccarat tables began bringing in enough money to do away with taxes in the 19th century, this tiny principality has attracted the cream of dethroned monarchs, tired moguls, and resting athletes?­.",A lot of money is brought in by gambling.,0,1855 The Oklahoma Reich,The State Realm,0,1856 yeah no no i don't i don't particularly get into those shows because they don't keep my interest i've seen um L A Law i think once or twice and the episode wasn't that great so i just i figured they were all like that so i don't waste my time,Shows like LA Law don't really hold my interest much.,0,1857 Adrin winced and rolled his shoulder twice.,Adrin was wincing.,0,1858 "The assumption is made under this method that every employee entered the plan (entry age) at the time of initial employment or at the earliest eligibility date, if the plan had been in existence, and that contributions have been made from the entry age to the date of the actuarial valuation.",Under this method we assume every employee entered the plan when they were first hired.,0,1859 Derry was the young woman found dead.,Derry was dead.,0,1860 how about some of the ads do you go by the ads when you look at them or the reviews do they influence you a lot,Do you depend on the ads or the reviews.,0,1861 The red sun gleamed from the silver edge of the black blade.,The sun was out and shining on the blade. ,0,1862 "To-night? queried Tuppence, surprised.",This evening? queried Tuppence,0,1863 The book's introduction was drafted by Appiah.,Appiah drafted the introduction to the book.,0,1864 "Yes, Tommy chimed in.",Tommy was positive.,0,1865 "Near the modern village of Akrotiri, a complete city dating from before 2000 b.c. was discovered.","An ancient city, dating prior to 2000 b.c., was discovered near the present day village of Akrotiri.",0,1866 yeah i could make that go a lot of places,That could go a lot of places for me.,0,1867 You can hire an official guide on Masada or follow the park maps and carefully labeled site explanations.,You have the choice of hiring an official guide from Masada or following the park maps and carefully labeled explanations.,0,1868 But American authorities balk even at such a modest suggestion.,Such a modern suggestion will cause American authorities to balk.,0,1869 "I thank you for your aid, said the man.",The man was grateful.,0,1870 It had begun like a page of romance.,It had started like a romance novel.,0,1871 Instruments of worship and ritual illustrate the religious life of the prov?­ince's important Jewish community.,There is evidence of the province's Jewish community.,0,1872 He could begin to understand how an Einstein might read through one of the advanced books here and make leaps in theory beyond what the Satheri had developed.,It might be possible to read the books and make leaps in theory.,0,1873 "He reflected for a moment, and then asked: ""Was Mrs. Inglethorp herself aware of that fact?""",He chose his words carefully before speaking.,0,1874 "They were building a new hall for it, to be constructed only of natural materials and hand labor, but that was a project that would take long months still.",They were constructing a new hall to house it.,0,1875 Quit being so damned responsible.,Stop taking care of your responsibilities so diligently.,0,1876 "On the Cabrit islet across the way you'll see a 19th-century fort named, inevitably, after the Empress Josephine.",Empress Josephine is a 19th-century fort.,0,1877 Failing to finish doesn't mean he failed.,Even if he did not finish it does not mean he did not succeed.,0,1878 "Now, just opposite to that window, there was a tree growing.",There was a tree growing right opposite of that window ,0,1879 "Well, so long.","At last, farewell.",0,1880 Both speed and accuracy are assessed to decide the winner.,They award a winner based on speed and accuracy.,0,1881 "I'm not even standing, said Adrin.",Adrin was not standing.,0,1882 "Christians, Taoists, and Buddhists may practice as long as they support the state.",Who believes in some religion can practice if they support the state.,0,1883 "If there is a cultural civil war going on, the Mediaphiles--led by Wall Street--have routed the 'phobes.",Any disputes between cultures is a result of fear mongering in the media.,0,1884 "This is celestially ordained blondness, the mark of God's favor, affirming the signal beauty of the old pagan deities who had already given all blondes--torrid or chilly, fake or real--an edge for 2,000 years.",Blondness considered to be celestially ordained is thought to be the mark of God's favor.,0,1885 GPRA requires first that agencies consult with Congress and other stakeholders to clearly define their missions.,The missions must be specified in detail as ordered by the GPRA.,0,1886 As the 20th century neared its end the Egyptian government sought to revive Alexandria as a center of learning and recreate the Alexandria Library.,The Egyptian government wanted to rebuild the Library at Alexandria. ,0,1887 "Against the east wall, flanking the church entrance, are wooden statues of Mary and the Archangel Gabriel by Jacopo della Quercia.",Wooden statues of Mary and the Archangel Gabriel flank the church entrance.,0,1888 "Just a thought or, rather, two.",It is just a couple thoughts.,0,1889 "(If that were my name, I might not want to talk about the scandal either.)",I wouldn't want to discuss the scandal either if that was my name. ,0,1890 The villager with the hammer and shield shifted.,The person moved while holding more than one item. ,0,1891 That was the only reason the Kentuckian could think of.,The Kentuckian could only think of one reason.,0,1892 "No, wait, that's what we knew yesterday about England, although it's not far off.",We thought about England yesterday.,0,1893 Cliff-top pool and access to swimming and snorkeling in Pristine Cove more than make up for no sandy beach.,The pools is up on the cliff.,0,1894 The town is also surrounded by a host of different attractions.,There are a number of interesting sites nearby as well.,0,1895 Applicable Implementation Plan,There is an applicable implementation plan in order.,0,1896 uh but but it it's worked out for for my family uh to have my cake and eat it too kind of thing,"I can work, but be at home, too. ",0,1897 In 1478 Madeira welcomed a visitor who would greatly assist the island's future wine trade.,Madeira welcomed a visitor who focused on the island's wine trade.,0,1898 i don't my mother has one,The mother has one.,0,1899 He saved my life.,My life was saved by him.,0,1900 "At the southern extremities of the National Park are areas of limestone with so-called clint and grike patterns, caused when rainfall erodes weaker fissures, leaving high narrow ridges or overhangs of stronger rock.",Rainfall has caused erosion in the rock.,0,1901 Thorn and the Kal helped spike the rivers.,They helped spike the rivers.,0,1902 well i like it when it's sort of a a medium temperature uh maybe seventy five to eighty somewhere in there i i don't like it when it's too cool or too warm i'm much more apt to get things done when it's at that sort of in between temperature,I'm much more likely to be productive when the temperature is right for me.,0,1903 "It is a play with clear imperfections, such as an excessively shrill third act.",The excessively shrill third act is an example of one of the definite imperfections in the play.,0,1904 "No, it is as Auden says.","It is how Auden says it is, so no. ",0,1905 "Although there may be several ways in which jobrelated mortality risks differ from air pollution-related mortality risks, the most important difference may be that job-related risks are incurred voluntarily, or generally assumed to be, whereas air pollution-related risks are incurred involuntarily.",Job-related mortality risks are different from air pollution related mortality risks.,0,1906 "There are a couple of historic baths in Istanbul which cater specifically for tourists, namely the 18th-century a alo lu Hamam in Sultanahmet, and 16th-century Galatasaray Hamam in Beyo lu.",Tourists can visit historic baths in Istanbul.,0,1907 Czarek's efforts were admirable and their results visible.,The results of Czaerk's effort was visible.,0,1908 "It's quite possible, as Harvard Professor Mary Waters suggests, that the ranks of the white will simply expand to engulf the lighter or more culturally white of the multiracials.",Professor Mary Waters predicts the whites will expand to integrate the more culturally white of the multi-racial communities.,0,1909 Hong Kong's stores are usually able to arrange shipment.,Hong Kong's stores normally can arrange shipment.,0,1910 "By definition, scenario A assumes the standard technology assumptions of the AEO2001 reference case.",The standard technology assumptions apply to the AEO2001 reference case.,0,1911 "While it is expected that markets for the materials and labor used in the construction and operation of the control technologies will respond to increased demand, this response will not be instantaneous.",It will take time for markets to respond to changes in the materials and labor used.,0,1912 Even the Irish--the ones in Ireland--have distanced themselves from the New York legislation.,The Irish have distanced themselves from legislations in New York.,0,1913 "For instance, IOLTA grants money to several Court Appointed Special Advocate Programs (CASA) for children in Essex, Morris-Sussex, Mercer and Atlantic-Cape May.",CASA ggets money from IOLTA.,0,1914 But Robert Pinsky--also poetry editor of,Robert Pinsky is a poetry editor too.,0,1915 "Even if board members are independent, they can be ineffective as directors if they lack expertise or knowledge relevant to the company and its business.",Board members that are independent may be ineffective.,0,1916 The referral in SBIR could include both meanings.,SBIR's referral could encompass two meanings.,0,1917 but i believe that the way that it was done and the way that was handled were right i don't remember that feeling back in Vietnam,I believe they did things correctly unlike in Vietnam.,0,1918 Why did Jon do that? asked Ca'daan.,Ca'daan asked Jon why is was doing that.,0,1919 okay sure did,I did it.,0,1920 that is used in most medicines. ,That is mostly used in medicines.,0,1921 "When defined benefit pension plans lose money the plan sponsor, typically the employer, will ultimately bear the cost of the loss.",The employer is usually the sponsor of defined benefit pension plans. ,0,1922 i workout with them or try to,I try to hit the gym.,0,1923 " Local A variety of local and Spanish foodstuffs can be transported home with a minimum of fuss and bother, including almonds, olives, olive oil, sausage, cheese, and dried figs.",You can take home a lot of local food from your vacation in Spain. ,0,1924 "Many major sugar factories had a distillery on site, usually producing alcohol for local consumption.",Many major sugar factories produced alcohol for local use. ,0,1925 what type,I need to know what type the item is.,0,1926 um i guess i'm not typically feeling invaded in my privacy relative to this second,My privacy does not feel invaded relative to this second.,0,1927 "Luxor has a smaller but no less atmospheric bazaar, and Aswan has a great shopping street running one block parallel to the river.","The bazaar in Luxor is smaller, but still atmospheric.",0,1928 "They are left either arguing, preposterously, that Clinton's crimes are just as bad as Nixon's or claiming that Nixon's crimes far exceeded the threshold for impeachable offenses and shouldn't be the standard for judging Clinton's.",They are debating and presenting claims about Clinton's crimes and Nixon's crimes.,0,1929 "One of my principal goals for GAO is that we not only work to improve government, but that we also work to improve ourselves.",A main GAO goal is self improvement.,0,1930 well i don't know i just figure you know yeah sometimes i worry about you know if i go in in pants and i never i never ever ever go in in a pair of jeans you know but i'll go in in pants i mean today i had on a pair of you know navy blue dress slacks and a and a like a peach colored top and you know not cruddy but not a dress either and sometimes i wonder if stuff like that would will hold you back you know if you don't dress in you know your dress for success business suits everyday if,It's important to dress for success so dress slacks can be worn but not jeans.,0,1931 but yeah it's it's it's kind of forced on you because you suffer a penalty,"It is not up to you, and you get a penalty.",0,1932 "Most of the costs are imposed on their other beloved children, while many of the benefits are dispersed among strangers.","Their children pay most of the costs, while strangers enjoy many of the benefits. ",0,1933 The suicidal mission became an important rallying cry for Poles during the remainder of the 19th century.,"For Poles during the remained of the 19th century, the suicidal mission became an important rallying cry for Poles.",0,1934 "'They really do believe in history here,' I observed.",I thought they liked history.,0,1935 Jacob White was still at large.,White was still on the run.,0,1936 and the question was should we save these people,"Should we save them, was the question.",0,1937 "Accounting for Property, Plant and Equipment, paragraphs 75 and 76.","There is accounting for property, the plant, and equipment.",0,1938 He was light skinned and had hair of gold.,He had blonde hair and light skin.,0,1939 that's right that was a good that was a good leadership,"That was a good, a good leadership, that's right.",0,1940 "Homeland Title III of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 ( GAO- 02-927T, July 9, 2002)",The act was related to homeland security.,0,1941 "The west bank of the Nile is home to the modern university and seemingly endless residential suburbs, but two attractions lie on or close to the river.",There are a lot of houses along the west bank of the river Nile. ,0,1942 that's right yeah but my preference is the one we saw before that was Silence of the Lambs,I preferred Silence of the Lambs.,0,1943 "This act, called puja, may consist of placing a small dish of oil, grains of rice, or flower petals at an altar in the home, at a temple, or a tree, stone, or other place sacred to the spirits.",Puja is a form of sacrifice to the gods.,0,1944 "The matters reports allow OPP, for the first time, to learn about the type and volume of grantee work that does not constitute cases.",Cases are only one aspect of grantee work. ,0,1945 "The 18th century was not a good time for the native Irish, but the Protestant Ascendancy flourished.","During the 18th century, the Protestant Ascendancy flourished.",0,1946 But he took a liking to me.,The individual that took a liking to the person is male.,0,1947 "It was designed in 1907 by Hubback in an Indian Moghul three-pointed domes over the prayer hall, two minarets and balustrades above an arcade of cusped arches the whole predominantly gleaming white, with pink terracotta brick.",The building is built mainly in a gleaming white.,0,1948 do you have to buy metal copper is a very good one to collect even aluminum yeah so,Copper and aluminum are good metals to collect.,0,1949 "In this instance, there was a man ready to his hand. ",There was a man ready to help him. ,0,1950 "That's precisely because it has a stake, through its TV channels, in baseball rather than just in the Dodgers.",It has an interest in baseball overall.,0,1951 "'All aboard,' he said.",He told them to get on.,0,1952 They are now on view inside.,They are seeing the view from the inside.,0,1953 "What it lacks in size, the gallery makes up for in quality.",The gallery isn't particularly big in size.,0,1954 Christmas food and toy market on Piazza Navona; Assisi and nativity scenes in streets,"Piazza Navona Assisi has holiday foods and toys, and decorations on the streets.",0,1955 "Indeed, this analysis estimates that 21 percent of non-COPD premature deaths avoided are in populations under 65.",Research shows that an estimated 21 percent of non-COPD premature deaths avoided come from people under the age of 65. ,0,1956 Then why hadn't the shell melted?,Why didn't the shell melt?,0,1957 Vietnam we never did get out you know never did get the job done because they were too ham strung,"Due to being hamstrung, we never got the job done in Vietnam.",0,1958 "Natural fertility was enhanced by Europe's most advanced systems of irrigation, still operating in the medieval canals that you'll see on your way south to Pavia.","Natural fertility was increased by Europe's systems of irrigation, still using the medieval canals that will be visible en route south to Pavia.",0,1959 "Be for foreign tourists, Ise is not a destination for picturesque sightseeing, and there isn't really very much to see or photograph (especially since taking pictures of the Inner Shrine is forbidden).",Ise is a place of worship.,0,1960 The primary focus of ITRB is to provide a review of major system initiatives at the joint request of the Office of Management and Budget and an agency and to publicize lessons learned and promising practices.,The main focus of ITRB is to give an overview of certain systems. ,0,1961 "Drew brought Shiloh, still prancing and playing with his bit, up beside Oro.",Drew brought Shiloh next to Oro.,0,1962 Cautionary dining car procedures are to be followed for the remainder of the journey.,There are procedures which must be followed for the rest of the journey.,0,1963 The town is also known for its sparkling wine and for the caves where about 70 per?­cent of France's cultivated mushrooms are grown.,The town has fame for the sparkling wine and the caverns that grow 70% of France's mushrooms.,0,1964 Isn't this amazing?,This is wonderful!,0,1965 but other than that i you know i like i um i'm recovering from surgery and so i read and watch a lot of television so,I watch a lot of television and read as I am recovering from surgery.,0,1966 The nearest temple to Aswan Town is Philae.,Philae is the nearest temple to Aswan. ,0,1967 It seems inconceivable that she should be shielding Alfred Inglethorp. ,It's hard to believe that Alfred Inglethorp would be protected by her.,0,1968 "Alcohol-related problems occur at lower rates, but in much greater numbers, among patients with mild to moderate alcohol problems because such patients constitute the greatest proportion of the drinking population.",The drinking population is made up mostly of patients with mild to moderate drinking problems.,0,1969 It was not until 3170 b.c. that King Narmer of Upper Egypt conquered Lower Egypt.,King Narmer of Upper Egypt conquered Lower Egypt in 3170 b.c. ,0,1970 "My dear child, interrupted Tuppence, ""there is nothing I do NOT know about the cost of living.",Tuppence interrupted someone while they were talking about cost of living.,0,1971 "However, the original ceiling of Mary's bedchamber is still in place.",The original ceiling is still there.,0,1972 "Virtually without narration, the spot ends with a row of condom packages morphing into the name of the product.",Without narration the spot ends with a row of condom packages turning into the product name.,0,1973 Adrin had described it as cascading images of a battle between the Kal and him.,Adrin explained what the fight had been light.,0,1974 I remembered how Poirot had relied on my diplomacy. ,I recalled that Poirot depended on my diplomacy.,0,1975 People generally want to give to programs that do quality work because they get results.,Quality programs are preferred donation options.,0,1976 "It was too late now, though.",It had gotten too late to continue on. They'd have to wait until morning.,0,1977 He heard the trampling and his eyes snapped open.,He heard trampling and opened his eyes.,0,1978 "And it is impossible to see how this difference from Rust has any bearing upon the First Amendment question, which, to repeat, is whether the funding scheme is 'manipulated' to have a 'coercive effect' on those who do not hold the subsidized position.",It is not possible to see how this difference from Rust has any bearing on the First Amendment question.,0,1979 Social Security Supplemental Security Income,Social Security Supplemental Security Income is an available benefit.,0,1980 and i'm still pretty much an Eagle fan i guess,I still support the Eagles!,0,1981 "I'm so clever.""",I'm intelligent.,0,1982 "It will be especially helpful to inexperienced FashionSense users, many of whom are likely to encounter usability issues related to the color-coordination decision-making process.",It will be helpful to inexperienced fashion sense users.,0,1983 "Canongate derived its name from an edict by David I (1124 1157), founder of the Abbey of Holyrood, who granted a right to raise a gate between the abbey and the Royal burgh of Edinburgh.",David I allowed a gate between the abbey and the Royal burgh of Edinburgh.,0,1984 "Some tickets to The Phantom Menace will, indeed, be sold in advance--and no doubt be snapped up by scalpers.",There will be a secondary market for tickets to The Phantom Menace.,0,1985 "Finally, section 609(a) requires that agencies ensure that small entities are given an opportunity to participate in a rulemaking through the reasonable use of techniques such as those enumerated.",Agencies make sure to provide opportunities to small entities.,0,1986 in that the other one that upset that was an upset was Kansas last night,Kansas was upset last night.,0,1987 and um and i don't i don't have one but i have to use them like during especially during my undergrad,It was something I've had to use during my undergrad.,0,1988 "But if it's all so easy, how can a large part of the world be in the mess it's in?","But if anyone can do it, how come the world is in such a bad state?",0,1989 The brick-paved Piazza della Signoria is the center stage of the city of stone. ,Florence's Piazza della Signoria is the heart of the city.,0,1990 "When Christopher Columbus disembarked on eastern Cuba on 27 October 1492, he quickly penned a note exclaiming that the land was the most lovely that eyes have ever seen. ",Christopher Columbus arrived on eastern Cuba on October 27 1492.,0,1991 "Once an organization has identified its risks related to improper payments and undertaken activities to reduce such risks by upgrading its control activities, monitoring performance allows the organization to gauge how well its efforts are working.","Once an organization identifies risks of improper payments, they should guage how the efforts are working.",0,1992 In 1979 the JLP came back to power following a campaign that saw the deaths of several hundred people.,Hundreds of people died as a result of the campaign that brought the JLP back to power.,0,1993 "Mr. Wells was a pleasant man of middle-age, with keen eyes, and the typical lawyer's mouth. ",Mr. Wells looked like a typical lawyer.,0,1994 "Living standards can be compared in terms of real GDP per capita, which historically in the United States has doubled every 35 years.",The GDP of the United States has doubled every 35 years.,0,1995 uh this one man they went to check on their ticket and the other man at their table started taking their plates and and in fear just piling their food on his plate and shoving it in his mouth i mean this was in one night and i was just sitting there thinking now,He was eating large amounts of food at once.,0,1996 no uh this is this is the fifth state i've lived in,"Incorrect, I have stayed in five different states.",0,1997 for early retirement,"The answer to the question was ""For early retirement""",0,1998 "The Swedes named it after King Gustav III and, in 1785, declared it the free port that it remains today.",It has been a free port for over 200 years.,0,1999 Lifeguards are not common.,Lifeguards are unusual. ,0,2000 "In a low-rise building near the cave entrance is a small ethnographic museum, a place to see displays of local island customs and costumes as you wait a couple of minutes for the guided cave tour to begin.",There is a small museum near the cave entrance.,0,2001 "Right there, ma.","Right there, Ma.",0,2002 uh-huh yeah yep that's right or you know in a a car accident,"That is correct, and also maybe in a car crash.",0,2003 yeah i i have to do that i want to make some flowerbeds and i'm going to have a seven yard truck come in,I desire to create some flowerbeds.,0,2004 uh i mean i was in the same boat when i left high school i my parents wanted me to go straight to college and i didn't you know i was ready i was ready i had wanderlust i wanted to get out and see some things so i joined the Air Force and ended up staying there for thirteen years,I went against what my parents wanted for me and joined the Air Force instead.,0,2005 The Kings demand stiff payments from authors and TV producers who want to republish or air King's speeches.,The family insists on royalties being paid for any use of King's work.,0,2006 "When his wife's opera career took her to Europe in 1953, Smith went along and took his sketchbooks.",Him and his wife traveled to Europe in 1953. ,0,2007 not like TI do you want this or do you want this or do you want this,"Not like TI, do you want this?",0,2008 and in a like a oh what do you call it like Pyrex or something like that kind of bowl that would go in the microwave,You have to use a microwavable bowl like a Pyrex or something.,0,2009 it's so it almost needs to be something that has more impact for the individual on going,it nearly has to be a thing that affects the individual more,0,2010 what do you mean what have been,What do you mean by that?,0,2011 "Today, one of the island's greatest attractions is the quiet poplar-shaded streets to the western end of Quai d'Orleans where you have a wonderful view of the apse of Notre-Dame.",You can have a wonderful view of the Notre-Dame to the western end of the Quai d'Orléans.,0,2012 "Jerusalem grew, surrounded with a formidable wall and defended by towers beside the Jaffa Gate.",Jerusalem was surrounded by a strong wall.,0,2013 "I thought you had appreciated that point.""",I assumed it pleased you.,0,2014 about these young children who were were not even like sixteen years old they were eleven and twelve and fourteen and fifteen year olds and they they actually committed murders and the question was whether to try them as adults or as children,The question is whether we should try 11-15 year olds as adults for murder.,0,2015 "One Roseburg attorney is doing her best to refute the cultural stereotype, however.",This attorney is working to reduce the effects of the stereotype.,0,2016 "Weeks after cover stories in Rolling Stone and Spin , the newsweeklies catch up with the hit animated TV show South Park . Newsweek 's cover story argues that South Park successfully balances crudity (singing, dancing stool samples) with inspired lunacy and sweetness (naive 9-year-olds).",South Park is considered a successful show.,0,2017 "Even if the impression that we're a lot richer than a year ago is a fantasy, the very fact that millions believe it might help make it come true.","Although we aren't actually richer than we were a year ago, maybe if enough people believe it, we can make it possible.",0,2018 oh oh that's okay yeah Rochester's a nice town too they they said that they had had uh lots of pretty little parks and stuff up there that just been wiped out,Many parks in Rochester have been closed down.,0,2019 " Another thunder of falling sky sounded, and the ground heaved.",The sky was falling down.,0,2020 "The Cityof Los Angeles operates seven 18-hole and five 9-hole courses; for information on these courses (and all city-sponsored sports) call (818) 246-5613, or visit the L. A. Department of Recreation and Parks website at",There are 12 different golf courses within Los Angeles.,0,2021 "60-per-minute Belgacom charge, and make it cheaper to call Antwerp--just 40 miles away--via California than directly.",The Belgacom prices were so high it made calling Antwerp from California look less expensive than actually calling from within Belgium.,0,2022 "Taking her tea seems a kind of anticlimax to last night, said Julius thoughtfully.",Julius thought that bringing her tea seemed like a small thing after the previous night.,0,2023 "To the left is the Five-Story Pagoda, and across the courtyard is the main hall of Sensoji.",The main hall of Sensoji is across the courtyard.,0,2024 His tomb has good wall reliefs protected by glass screens.,His tomb features a number of wall reliefs that are protected by screens made from glass. ,0,2025 "Suazo's district and is a project of the state's leading providers of free civil legal services to lower-income individuals and families -- the Disability Law Center, the Legal Aid Society of Salt Lake and Utah Legal Services.",The Disability Law Center helps lower-income people.,0,2026 Everyone smiled and sighed.,Many people sighed and smiled.,0,2027 "These governments have proved highly ineffectual in running the country, and by the late 1990s there was growing discontent with the entire democratic process.",The governments were intelligent when ruling the country.,0,2028 and they really nice uh i'm on both sides actually they they fold so when you get in tight situations you can fold them back,"These are nice, they fold in small spaces, or you can fold them back.",0,2029 "During the reporting period, LSC issued a revised final rule on recipient fund balances, 44 CFR Part 1628.",LSC revised its rule on recipient fund balances during the reporting period.,0,2030 The important Pitti Gallery (Galleria Palatina) is the family art collection.,The family art collection is in the Pitti Gallery.,0,2031 "Brown suggested that the recommendation remain as is, but that the supporting text list ways that priorities could be changed.",Brown thought no changes were necessary.,0,2032 Hong Kong's most famous and colorful market is the Temple Street Night Market near the Jordan MTR stop.,The Temple Street Night Market is colorful and famous.,0,2033 What lay beneath them? ,What are the reasons for laying under them?,0,2034 They are also renowned throughout Japan for two doing business and eating.,They are known nationally for food and business.,0,2035 One must be a little skeptical of Sperling's personal experience with the game.,Think about the implications when looking at his experience.,0,2036 "A few streets back into the town from the passenger terminal and the Corsair Obelisk is the inevitable, quaint Old Market.",The quaint Old Market can be found a few streets back into the town.,0,2037 These principles are most effective when implemented together in a mutually reinforcing manner.,The principles work better in collaboration with the reinforcing manner.,0,2038 Correct. The door shut again.,"Right, and the door swung closed.",0,2039 right right and that's going on the principle it doesn't pay any interest or usually usually it doesn't anyway,"Yes and that's just the principle, there's no interested paid.",0,2040 They edged toward me.,They slowly came closer to me.,0,2041 "If a standardized intervention is not used, audio tapes can at least give an idea of how it works.",If the regular intervention doesn't work then an audio one may give one an idea. ,0,2042 In 1296 the stone was captured by the English from its resting place in Scone Abbey and taken to London.,The stone was captured by the English.,0,2043 "From there, his career continued on the fast track and Bailey was appointed by Gov.",Bailey's career moved quickly from that point.,0,2044 "For just a couple of cents more, an individual can send a package Priority, and, if the individual purchases delivery confirmation, it becomes actually less expensive to use the faster Priority Mail service!",Individuals can send a package Priority with delivery conformation and it is more expensive than Priority Mail.,0,2045 "If he blurts out anything racist, you'll be notified immediately!",You'll immeditely know if he says anything racist. ,0,2046 "As we arranged with your offices, unless you publicly announce this letter's contents earlier, we plan no further distribution of it until 30 days after the date of this letter.",The letter's contents must be announced earlier to be distributed further.,0,2047 And why limit payments to the medical sector?,Payments are limited to the medical sector.,0,2048 i guess plenty of people do,There are lots of people that do.,0,2049 Nitrogen Oxides Emission Rate Reduction Program,Nitrogen oxides emission rate lowering program,0,2050 "Lately they fired only twenty, and they supposedly lowered the RQ bottom line, otherwise they'd be no one left,' Rajmund tried to cheer her up.",Rajmund was concerned for her happiness so he tried to cheer her up.,0,2051 it was incredible the size of them that we would see on the the next morning they would have them strung up across the,It was amazing how big they were.,0,2052 yeah i've done that once or twice i didn't look at the clock when we started talking so i guess we should talk about football a little bit longer just to be sure we got five minutes in,i totally lost track of time so let's get our five minutes done,0,2053 All right.,Ok then.,0,2054 True--but I fully grant that importance.,This is true and important.,0,2055 "Fortunately, the hull was relatively climber friendly.",The hull was easy to climb,0,2056 Autun was founded in the first century b.c.,Autun was founded many years ago.,0,2057 Just this week it succeeded in intimidating the opposition with a massive show of force in Jakarta.,A show of force in Jakarta succeeded in intimidating the opposition.,0,2058 "Raves for this London import, directed by Howard Davies and starring Kevin Spacey.",It is directed by Howard Davies and stars Kevin Spacey. ,0,2059 The city still maintains its important gateway role.,The city is still an important gateway.,0,2060 "The last emperor, Constantine XI, fell in the fighting, and by noon that day Mehmet and his men had taken control of the sought-after city.",The city was taken by Mehmet's forces after Constantine XI fell.,0,2061 How is that?,How is it?,0,2062 One recurring image in anti-cloning propaganda is of some evil dictator raising an army of cloned warriors.,Anti-cloning propaganda always features the image of an evil dictator raising an army of cloned warriors.,0,2063 sounds sounds sort of like The Incredible Journey,Sounds similar to The Incredible Journey.,0,2064 "The saintly Omar Ibn el Khattab, second successor to Muhammad and the Muslim conqueror of Jerusalem in a.d. 638, declined an invitation from the Christian Patriarch to pray at the Holy Sepulcher for fear his followers might then want to turn the site into a mosque.",Omar Ibn el Khattab is the second successor to Muhammad and the Muslim conqueror of Jerusalem.,0,2065 like where i live at any rate,like where I reside,0,2066 Ca'daan remembered that moment clearly the rest of his life.,Ca'daan remembered what happened.,0,2067 Monicaed Out,I am tired of hearing about Monica.,0,2068 "And Bob Fink, a Canadian musicologist, thinks the hole spacing proves that the bone-flute was inescapably diatonic, suggesting that the eight-tone Western scale may be much older than we thought.",Bob Fink is a Canadian musicologist.,0,2069 "Say, Miss Tuppence, you're looking mighty pale!""",Miss Tuppence is looking scared or sick. ,0,2070 don't really know what a what a real solution would be for it except like you say some sort sort of an educational process,"Maybe some sort of educational process could be a real solution, just like you mentioned.",0,2071 and it was eight years before i had to do it again,I had to do it again after eight years.,0,2072 Randy's Tax Reform Wrap-Up,This is the end part of Randy's tax reform. ,0,2073 "It's idiotic, I ask Isn't sexism idiotic?","Isn't sexism idiotic, I asked?",0,2074 The Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (11 Ave. du Pres?­i?­dent Wilson) has an important collection of 20th-century art displayed in the spacious galleries of the Palais de Tokyo.,The Palais de Tokyo boast spacious galleries and a wonderful collection of 20th century art.,0,2075 i think it's uh i think if they want to do it you know if that's what interests them and they think you know they can handle it i think they ought to be able to do it,"I think if they are interest and ready to do it, no one should stop them.",0,2076 They began bellowing like the collective death-agony of a world.,They began shouting like a group of dying things.,0,2077 "Pigs are sociable, loving, and a hell of a lot brighter than Dalmatians.",Pigs like to be around people.,0,2078 "Get Johnny back on the Range, Hunt put him to work, hard.","Hunt, make Johnny go back in the Range and make him work hard.",0,2079 "Just when you thought you were safe, Newsweek finds yet another health your malicious thyroid.",Newsweek has a knack for discovering new health scares.,0,2080 "Opened in 1993, the Museum of Tolerance (9786 West Pico Boulevard) is a chilling and provocative experience, with impressive high-tech, exhibits exploring racism and prejudice in America and elsewhere.","The Museum of Tolerance was opened in 1993, and it is a chilling and provocative experience, with impressive high-tech, exhibits exploring racism and prejudice in America and elsewhere.",0,2081 "A WP front-page piece reveals that even though the B2 stealth bomber is the most expensive aircraft ever built ($2 billion a copy), and could drop large numbers of bunker buster bombs on Iraq without ever setting foot on skittish Arab runways, it's not likely to see action over Iraq.","The B2 bomber is the most expensive aircraft ever built, but will not likely see action in Iraq.",0,2082 We want it all and want it to be free.,WE want it all and for it to cost nothing.,0,2083 "China's leaders have drawn conclusions from the collapse of the Soviet that if they allow dissent or take steps toward democracy, they will be dead or jailed in a decade; and that no amount of economic benefit is worth the destruction of their regime.",China's leader will not entertain the idea of a democracy.,0,2084 "The results of the study itself must be independently peer-reviewed no later than January 1, 2009.","By January 1, 2009, the study results must be independently reviewed.",0,2085 "When only the broadest powers of magic remained, they were hopeless.",They were hopeless without the availability of specific magical powers.,0,2086 save more um you know so i can go to school full time,"""In order to attend school full-time, I intend to save more.""",0,2087 "Back on the main road north (past Poiso) is the enchanting spot of Ribeiro Frio, more a bend in the road than a town.","The enchanting spot of Ribeiro Frio is back on the main road north, past Polso.",0,2088 I 'mind me how jus' 'fore th' war I was ridin' for wages for Old Man Shaw then we had a norther hit.,Before the war I was riding for Old Man Shaw.,0,2089 The millionaire's daughter doesn't yearn for the violin virtuoso,The daughter doesn't desire the violin virtuoso.,0,2090 "The rates are about the same as in mainland Spanish resorts, and sometimes cheaper.",It is sometimes cheaper than the resorts in mainland Spain.,0,2091 I think I'll settle for something new.,I decided I would take something new. ,0,2092 "Moreover, the demand assumptions do not consider any efficiencies that can be achieved at multiple unit installations or installations of multiple technologies at a site.",The demand assumptions do not take into account efficiencies from numerous installations. ,0,2093 The reliability goal for the F-22 is a 3-hour mean time between maintenance.,The goal for the plane is a 3 hour mean time between maintenance.,0,2094 "Possibly she applied oil to the hinges, for I found that it opened quite noiselessly when I tried it. ",The hinges did not make any sound at all.,0,2095 "From the 12th to the 16th centuries, Toledo was a center of Jewish poets, historians, and philosophers.",Toledo was a center of historians from the 12th to the 16th century.,0,2096 i know but i remember you you talked about something you started off and you said well let me think you talked about the telephone calls people coming and soliciting selling things at the door you said something else and i can't remember what it was and i thought yeah that that kind of touched a nerve right there but we got uh we got to talking about the um uh people coming to you at the front door,The person remembered that the other person they were talking too mentioned telephone calls. ,0,2097 "In Havana there was a greater concentration of millionaires than anywhere else in Central or South America, and the capital was dubbed an offshore Las Vegas for its brothels, casinos, and gangsters.",Havana was Cuba's version of Las Vegas.,0,2098 "The Lake District is rich in mineral deposits that have been put to good use since ancient times, and throughout much of the region's history, mining was a major industry.",The major industry for that region throughout history has been mining.,0,2099 "It was Lindsay, Broker says, who first broached the idea of having a senior volunteer attorney program, which is flourishing today.","According to Broker, Lindsay was the one who first came up with the idea of a senior volunteer attorney program.",0,2100 Room 4 has finds from the golden age of Minoan society the New-Palace period (1700-1450 b.c.).,"Room 4 contains some items from the golden age of Minoan society, the New-Palace period.",0,2101 "The WSJ reports that the most common fake name given to pizza deliverers in Washington, D.C. is.",The WSJ reports on stories such as the most common fake name given to pizza deliverers.,0,2102 But all that ended long ago.,Everything ended a long time ago.,0,2103 "That, at least, would help him make up for those he lost at Fena Set.",He had lost people at Fena Set.,0,2104 that's those are my words and uh i guess that they're they because he hadn't originally gotten um permission from him to use it and he he since then has has amended that and,He did not get permission to use my words.,0,2105 right especially in you know if you take a a child that's from the inner city and then put them in the a middle of a park if they go back to the inner city they may not see trees for a while much less be able to take care of them,You don't see trees in the inner city.,0,2106 been better or i i say say cousin's like my grandmother's cousin but i had been really close to her and in some ways i think for her might have even been better because she used to live in,My cousin and I are quite close.,0,2107 A lovely young secretary would set off alarm bells in any reporter investigating presidential misbehavior.,The beautiful young secretary tipped off investigators trying to uncover presidential misbehavior. ,0,2108 There had been a hint of mystery about him which had appealed to her imagination.,Her mind was interested in the man because of his mysterious air. ,0,2109 A voice back in Ca'daan's mind screamed out as a flash of this man with Edlin's daughters fled through his mind.,Ca'daan thought this man reminded him of someone from his past.,0,2110 "A minute later, I heard heavy footsteps on the other side of the wall.",There were footsteps on the other side of the wall.,0,2111 It is also extremely important that we maintain and strengthen our capacity to effectively serve the Congress and meet the growing demand level in the future.,The Congress will have a greated demand in the future.,0,2112 "The color of its sandstone has earned for Jaipur the name pink city although you will see that it changes color with the season and time of day, from a rosepink to warmest amber, bright orange, and dull ochre.","Jaipur has earned the name ""pink city"" because of the color of its sandstone, although you will see that it changes color with the season and time of day.",0,2113 There is no such check on the unemployed RPH.,There is no check of this kind on the unemployed RPH. ,0,2114 gets worse,Does not improve.,0,2115 Several stellar performing arts venues and the centers of politics and finance also draw attention.,"Centers of politics and finance, as well as several stellar performing arts venues also draw attention.",0,2116 "If an agency has not designated a central liaison, GAO will provide the notification to the responsible agency management official.",GAO will provide the notification to the responsible agency management official if an agency has not designated a central liaison.,0,2117 The Kal laughed and Ca'daan laughed with him.,Both Ca'daan and the Kal laughed together.,0,2118 Every one always says so.,Every one agrees with the statement they are speaking about.,0,2119 "She went quickly along the passage to Mrs. Vandemeyer's bedroom, which had long French windows leading on to a balcony that ran the length of the flat.",Mrs. Vandemeyer's bedroom had long French windows leading on to a balcony.,0,2120 "More than 200 paintings of famous and infamous Scots can be found in the collection, which was initiated by David, 11th Earl of Buchan.","The collection was started by David, the 11th Earl of Buchan.",0,2121 Today's Papers is more than a little mystified by the sudden journalistic interest in the reality of the Jerry Springer show.,Publications have shown an interest in reality television.,0,2122 "In one such study, GGD examined whether national policies, procedures, and practices with regard to cargo imports were causing problems in port operations (U.S.",GGD examined whether national policies were causing problems in port operations.,0,2123 It was in my mind when I asked Mr. Wells that first question about the will. ,I asked Mr. Wells about the will.,0,2124 "The organizations avoided having once-a-year, one-size-fits-all security briefings like those seen at many federal agencies.","Unlike federal agencies, the organizations did not have annual comprehensive security briefings.",0,2125 "f acetone is used, go to 6.",Go to six if acetone is involved.,0,2126 Where are we going?,We are going where?,0,2127 You'll have my name when the time comes.,"At the right moment, I'll give you my name.",0,2128 "Currently, TEAJF manages funds from the Interest on Lawyers' Trust Accounts (IOLTA) Program; Basic Civil Legal Services (BCLS), a court filing fee add-on; and the Crime Victims Civil Legal Services (CVCLS) Program.",The Interest on Lawyers' Trust Accounts Program is know as the IOLTA.,0,2129 "Somehow I got the feeling, when reading The Microsoft Way , that I was reading about the greatness of the French army and its Maginot line in 1939.",I read The Microsoft Way.,0,2130 "Over his nearly 60 years, the Eustis, Neb., attorney has served in the Peace Corps in Colombia and worked as an advance man during Robert F. Kennedy's run for president.",The attorney served in the Peace Corps and worked as an advance man.,0,2131 "Yes, it was a clever idea! ",What a smart idea!,0,2132 and we just everything just piled up wrecked the car and you know in order to do that we had to you know we was paying,We had wrecked the car.,0,2133 "Bernstein suggested that the recommendation not be eliminated, but rewritten to reflect the discussion.",The recommendation should be rewritten.,0,2134 Many dishes originated in the kitchens of the Ottoman sultans in the time of S??leyman the Magnificent there were more than 150 recipes for aubergines alone.,Lots of dishes originated from the Ottoman sultan's kitchen. ,0,2135 "See the best ones at Tokyo's National Noh Theater, Kanze Kaikan at Shibuya, or Kyoto's National Noh Theater.",There are three theaters that show the best ones. ,0,2136 "Today, Normandy offers a welcoming coastline dotted with old seaside resorts, wonders such as Mont-Saint-Michel, and reminders of the battles of D-Day.","Normandy has a lot to offer from welcoming coastlines, old seaside resorts and the historical reminders of D-Day.",0,2137 uh i have uh a a chowperd myself,I have a chowperd.,0,2138 or he's singular i guess you know you know how they can make any of any single one of them in a movie to be a super,You know how they are able to make a single one of them into a movie.,0,2139 Florentino Lico Subia's entire life history is inside his Chihuahuita home in South El Paso.,Frontino Lico Subia has a home in South El Paso.,0,2140 A man in an iron helmet was standing high up on the rig.,A person with something on their head stood upon something. ,0,2141 yeah yeah i've got several uh matter fact i have some friends that own machine shops and they have several,Some friends of mine are machine shop owners. ,0,2142 "The building was converted into a paper mill in the 19th century, but has since been restored and the cloisters once again present the calm and simplicity that were the ideals of its founder.",The building did not originally begin as a paper mill.,0,2143 "During the impact, the detonating fuse is activated and a load of plastic paint-filled balls is dispersed over an area of roughly 3 meters in diameter.","If the impact is avoided, the balls will not be dispersed. ",0,2144 It's a good mirror to their own puffed-up souls.,This will show them how arrogant they are.,0,2145 "Praise goes to Kirstie Alley, who plays an aging ex-model now in the lingerie Less frenetic than Lucy, more mature than Mary (Richard Corliss, Time ). The Washington Post 's Tom Shales dissents, calling Alley unwatchably neurotic and in a virtually perpetual feverish tizzy.",Tom Shales works for the Washington Post.,0,2146 Wilde was the first mass-media celebrity criminal.,Wilde was the first well known celebrity criminal.,0,2147 Her parents want me to quit school and get a job.,Her parents think I should start working.,0,2148 Helpful guides take you down the long corridors and through the most interesting rooms.,The guides take you through corridors and rooms.,0,2149 "Their mortgage payments immediately jumped $1,200 a month, to $3,290.",The amount they paid for mortgage increased significantly.,0,2150 "If Darth Vader had built C-3PO as a young man, how come he never paid much attention to him in the other movies--and vice versa?",Why didn't Vader pay attention to C-3PO in the other movies?,0,2151 Each of the 11 organizations covered by our review is described in Appendix II.,All the 11 organizations are described in Appendix II.,0,2152 "Situated on a hill overlooking the Loire, the town itself invites the visitor to linger in the narrow winding streets that lead from the cathedral to the chateau, pausing to admire the handsome old houses on the Place Saint-Louis and the Rue Porte-Chartraine.",The visitors that take a tour in the town pause to admire the architectural style of Rue Porte-Chartraine.,0,2153 well a little more modern day but not much,A little more up to date but not a lot.,0,2154 Appropriate emphasis is placed on the balanced scorecard and the executive's performance against the balanced scorecard targets.,The emphasize the balanced scorecard.,0,2155 Many applaud the book's conclusion that his perversions distort his studies.,The conclusion of the book is that his perversions distort his studies.,0,2156 that's right that's right from uh uh Detroit that's right that's who that was yeah because i don't think they got anything from Perkins i think he was a free agent or uh,I think Perkins was a free agent to Detroit.,0,2157 "My old friend John!""",John is an old friend of mine!,0,2158 The river is also where on many occasions during the year the faithful take ritual purification baths.,Purification baths are taken in the river.,0,2159 You know less than a kitten.,Somebody knew very little.,0,2160 wow of course it's real easy to take care of the first one when you're on your back,Being on your back makes its really easy to take care of the first one.,0,2161 "Facing a dramatic influx of Cubans, President Clinton abolished the US policy of automatic asylum to Cuban refugees, placing them in a makeshift tent settlement in Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.",Many Cuban refugees flocked to the United States.,0,2162 "Unlike Christianity's massive gothic cathedrals, designed to convey a strong sense of permanence, this austere wooden structure is dismantled every 20 years and replaced by a new one.",The austere wooden structure is not meant to convey a sense of permanence.,0,2163 "The B5289 road, which runs south from Keswick along the eastern shore of Derwent Water, leads you to some of the best gems of the Lake District.",The best gems are down the eastern shore.,0,2164 "What disturbed Jon most of all was the saber Vrenna had buried in the scout's chest, pinning him to the ancient gnarled tree and the fact that the man seemed very angry about it.",He was troubled by the events that unfolded before him.,0,2165 instead of living in this dreary modern world in which Madrid is just like Paris and Atlanta is just like New York.,Madrid is similar to every other city.,0,2166 "I shall never forget the night he came down as the Char of Persia, I think he called it ”a sort of Eastern King it was. ","He dressed up one time for a party as Char of Persia, an Eastern King.",0,2167 While they had been together she had never questioned it for a minute.,She wholeheartedly believed in it while they were together.,0,2168 "They found also, unexpectedly, that any change at all was being promoted to a higher-paying job, the graduation of a child from school, falling in love, even the restoration to health of a loved one who had been ill.",Being promoted to a higher-paying job had an effect on stress.,0,2169 "Whether your interests are as serious as ancient history or as energetic as windsurfing, you'll find new stimulation on la Isla Blanca the White Island, as this destination is often called because of its white houses.",It is called the white island because of it's white houses.,0,2170 Gorge walks are particularly popular,One of the more popular regional walks goes through the gorge.,0,2171 Twenty million people suffer from this heart condition worldwide.,There are twenty million sufferers of this heart condition.,0,2172 "The imperial administration for this undertaking demanded a huge bureaucracy, with superintendents, accountants, and clerks overseeing commerce, forestry, armory, weights and measures, goldsmiths, prostitutes, ships, cows and horses, elephants, chariots, and infantry.",This administration created many new jobs.,0,2173 This section estimates postal labor delivery cost that corresponds to units of time in order to convert time into money in subsequent sections.,Postal delivery cost is estimated in this section.,0,2174 "The Highlands also still hold the answer to the mysterious disappearance of wealthy American Thai-silk entrepreneur Jim Thompson, who disappeared on an evening in 1967 after going off for stroll while on holiday at the hill station.",Jim Thompson mysteriously disappeared in the Highlands after going for a walk.,0,2175 "Though this party fell into disfavor for some time, their fundamentalist concerns, shared by members of the Shiv Sena party, increased in popularity in subsequent years.","The fundamentalist concerns of the party increased in popularity, even if the party itself fell into disfavor.",0,2176 "It also includes a description of the number of small entities affected by the rule; a discussion of the recordkeeping, reporting, and other compliance requirements; and the steps taken to minimize the burdens on small entities.","Because of various reasons, small businesses often carry several burdens.",0,2177 a little town called Tuckaho over by White Plains,There is town called Tuckaho near White Plains.,0,2178 it's really i can't believe that you know because they've got it all posted all over the place how much they're saving and how well yeah,they have their savings posted for people to see,0,2179 The name of this desert oasis on the shore of the Dead Sea means goat's spring. ,"At the Deas Sea, there is a desert oasis called goat's spring.",0,2180 A lot of entertainment and a little food for thought.,It was entertaining.,0,2181 "When agencies lose major accounts, they often fire nearly everyone involved with the account.",Losing a large account may mean huge layoffs for most people involved.,0,2182 Spectacular sound-and-light shows are staged at Masada in the summer.,During the summer Masada hosts impressive sound-and-light shows.,0,2183 "It's useless to apply for a special permit to bring your car, which is pretty much impossible (and unnecessary) during high season anyway.",It is very difficult to get a permit to bring a car.,0,2184 We might increase the discount to 7a and find that we saved 7.3a on the volume that shifted.,Increasing the discount might cause a savings in volume.,0,2185 "The other is the foreign chap he's talking to.""",The other guy he is conversing with is foreign.,0,2186 The Satheri don't like it; they want to stop it.,The Satheri dislike it and desire to stop it.,0,2187 "Chernomyrdin is not all that qualified to succeed in his new mission, and he may not even be motivated to do so.",Chernomyrdin might not be motivated to succeed in his mission.,0,2188 Finally he started selling the stuff himself.,He sold his own products directly.,0,2189 "During Bowsher's tenure, GAO first began doing general management reviews, which looked at broad organizational and management issues at government agencies.","Under Bowsher's leadership, The GAO began doing general management reviews, looking at broad organization issues within the Government. ",0,2190 Confidence bloomed within Ca'daan like a flower.,Ca'daan become more confident.,0,2191 "If only one of the dealer's hands wins, the game is a push (tie), and no money changes hands (this happens more often than not).",A push tie is when only one of the dealer's hands win and no money is exchanged.,0,2192 The smile disarmed Adrin.,Ardin was disarmed. ,0,2193 and even then you know we're really running out of space so i think that that became that all of a sudden really hit home that there's no longer landfill space in some of the more crowded states,We're running out of landfill space in the more populated states.,0,2194 Apparently my plan of throwing out the really good ones has now been exposed.,"Throwing out the really good ones, which was my plan, has been exposed. ",0,2195 Once upon a time both he--and the audience--would be trying to peek up her short skirt.,"Once upon a time, they would be trying to peek up her short skirt.",0,2196 This holding not only has no foundation in our jurisprudence,Holdings can have foundations in our jurisprudence.,0,2197 elements of the issue that was examined and presents the initial arguments in favor of the various resolutions and the findings of the study that support these resolutions.,initial arguments support the resolutions.,0,2198 but you need to rent the first one first,"Before renting anything else, start with the first one.",0,2199 "The Administrator shall, by regulations, specify the requirements for CEMS under subparagraph (A), for any alternative monitoring system that is demonstrated as providing information with the same precision, reliability, accessibility, and timeliness as that provided by CEMS, for recordkeeping and reporting of information from such systems, and, if necessary under section 474, for monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting of the mercury content of fuel.",The Administrator shall specify the CEMS requirements.,0,2200 "With regard to roles, all CPAs are in the business of maximizing the performance and assuring the accountability of their enterprises and areas of responsibility.",Performance maximization is one of the roles that all CPAs take on.,0,2201 oh my well at least you'll get very good at it right,You will get really good at it won't you?,0,2202 "A number of lion statues, the Terrace of the Lions, form a honor guard on the approach to the sacred lake.",The Terrace of Lions was built on the approach to the sacred lake. ,0,2203 "With respect to the methodological issues, we must balance rigorous follow-through and long-term studies with studies that are germane to emergency departments.","Studies must be balanced, considering long-term follow through and other factors.",0,2204 16 Benchmarking is a critical part of an effective improvement program because it helps an organization identify outstanding levels of performance that have actually been achieved.,Benchmarking is a critical part of an effective improvement program ,0,2205 that's why i mean they couldn't put anything in it hardly but,They weren't able to put hardly anything in it.,0,2206 Dave glanced over the edge again to see one of the tall buildings crumple under the impact.,One of the tall buildings crumpled under the impact.,0,2207 "At 50 m (164 ft), it is the tallest tree in Southeast Asia.",The tallest tree in Southeast Asia is 50 m.,0,2208 because i don't think they build them as energy efficient down here as they do up in the north i just really don't,They are less energy efficient here than in the north.,0,2209 This subterranean funicular shuttles from the port to the residential district in just six minutes.,It takes six minutes to go from the port to the residential district.,0,2210 "The lovely Lakshmana temple, dedicated to Vishnu, is one of the earliest, and the only one in which each of the four shrines (at each corner of the square platform on which it stands) are preserved.","The lovely Lakshmana temple, dedicated to Vishnu, is one of the earliest shrines which are preserved.",0,2211 On to the Twentieth Century,Bring on the 20th century!,0,2212 "The director is Sidney Lumet, who functions as the opposite of a safety Even chronic underactors overact in Lumet pictures, and his camera is somehow always in the right place to catch them doing it.",Sidney Lumet is a director.,0,2213 Comparing beneficiaries with mortality rolls to the use of sophisticated computer models for interactive analysis of large amounts of information (e.g.,Sophisticated computer models are used for analysis of large amounts of information.,0,2214 "If Muslims saw him as a righteous militant and Hindus as a brutal monster, neither denied him his title of Sword of Islam. ",Both Muslims and Hindus considered him the Sword of Islam.,0,2215 "As a part of its human capital planning, management should also consider how best to retain valuable employees, plan for their eventual succession, and ensure continuity of needed skills and abilities.","As a part of its human capital planning, management should also consider how best to retain valuable employees",0,2216 It's that they don't study with the ferociousness and all-out commitment of people who realize (or who have parents who realize) that outstanding school performance is their one shot at big-time opportunity in America.,There is more opportunity in America for the well educated.,0,2217 "Situated on an old sugar plantation and along a stretch of secluded, sandy beach.",The beach is sandy and the sugar plantation is old.,0,2218 "Alfred Inglethorp was called, and denied having purchased the poison. ",Alfred Inglethorp denied buying any poison.,0,2219 really that's that's great how,Are you serious? That is fantastic.,0,2220 This is what you need to do if you want to stay alive.,You have to do this to stay alive.,0,2221 She probably ordered them online- fast track delivery.,She could have ordered them online.,0,2222 He should mind his own lesson.,He needs to be aware of his own lesson.,0,2223 oh those hedges when they started moving whenever they they made that into a movie i was thinking oh my gosh if they show that i'll just die for some reason that scared me more than anything,I got scared when the hedges started moving.,0,2224 most of the folk i've talked to are are industrial people that like my self that have been in the work work force for a number of years and and it's ah it's refreshing to talk to ah to some of you younger folks and get your ideas and thing you know and see how you feel about things,I have spoken to many people.,0,2225 "But Ballmer is just a student driver, and as soon as the cops leave, Gates will retake the wheel.",Ballmer is a student.,0,2226 Jon could not get used to her adult vocabulary.,"She had an advanced vocabulary, unlike that of a child. ",0,2227 The natural snowfall is often augmented by snow-making equipment to ensure adequate powder.,Snow is artificially made to supplement the natural snowfall.,0,2228 "You forget your own suggestion of a dictaphone, said Sir James dryly.",A dictaphone was suggested by the person Sir James is speaking to.,0,2229 "Examples of condition information include, among others, (1) averages of standardized condition rating codes; (2) percentage of assets above, at, or below acceptable condition; or (3) narrative information.",Narrative information is an example of condition information.,0,2230 "It's the kind of high-low juxtaposition--of reference, of language, of moral importance--that Woody Allen executes so wonderfully, such as in this excerpt from The Scrolls: Whosoever shall not fall by the sword or by famine shall fall by pestilence, so why bother shaving?",Woody Allen executed the line beautifully.,0,2231 "The language is clear, precise and calm.",The language is succinct.,0,2232 "A French patois-like dialect is still spoken in some hill villages and you'll notice bilingual street signs in the Aosta Valley (geographically part of Piedmont, but administratively separate).","You will notice bilingual street signs, and a non-standard French dialect being spoken in the Aosta Valley.",0,2233 "Since there are more smaller, semirural states than big states, the well-being of individual states would not necessarily be best served by examining what happens in the few larger states.",What's best for the smaller states cannot be decided by observing what happens in the big states.,0,2234 "The portraits, in which he used calm observation and academic skill to depict external reality while representing the interior through distortion and paper-tearing physical force, are more troubling than many of the interestingly science-fictional renderings of his visions, for example.",The science-fictional renderings of his visions were interesting.,0,2235 "A second, deeply eroded stone obelisk is known as the Column of Constantine Porphyrogenitus, as an inscription on its base records that the emperor of that name (a.d.913 959) had it restored and sheathed in gilded bronze plates.",A worn obelisk made of stone is called the Column of Constantine Porphyrogenitus.,0,2236 aren't aren't they laying off several thousand people,Aren't a lot of people being laid off?,0,2237 okay i uh i have five children all together,I am a parent to five children.,0,2238 A medieval atmosphere clings to the old houses in the tiny streets behind the Metropolitana cathedral to the north.,There are narrow streets next to the cathedral to the north.,0,2239 It was this room which he had been directed to enter.,He was told to enter this room.,0,2240 Weld's caustic apostasy handed his enemies a persuasive argument against his fitness for the job--that he's undiplomatic.,His enemies argued that he is undiplomatic.,0,2241 What did this man want of him anyway?,What could the man want?,0,2242 Her appearance sickened me.,I was sicked by the looks of her. ,0,2243 what they would be but i think you have a lot more insects down there even than than what we have,I'm pretty sure there are more insects where you are than by me. ,0,2244 It also reports that no comments were submitted in response.,"There were no responses submitted, according to the report.",0,2245 waiting for them to announce the number you know,Waiting for the number to be announced.,0,2246 "In January 2000, assisted by two consultants hired by the Missouri Bar using technical assistance grants provided by LSC, Missouri's six legal services programs announced the Missouri Plan for Equal Access to Justice, a blueprint for action aimed at delivering four major results over the next three ",Two consultants were hired in January 2000,0,2247 So now we are living in the world everyone has long claimed to where we judge politicians based only on the issues and their public records of governance.,Politicians are all judged based on the issues.,0,2248 "However, the outstanding feature is the archaeological garden, an outdoor display of relics from some of the oldest places on the island tombstones, pieces taken from important buildings, and two splendid early-16th-century stone Manueline windows (pick up the Quinta's own leaflet for information on these).",There is an archaeological garden featuring pieces of important buildings.,0,2249 The Cantonese love to eat and have the reputation of eating almost anything that walks on four legs.,The Cantonese are well known for their love for food .,0,2250 "He got on a bogey run that wouldn't quit, and he grimmed his way right out of the tournament.",He scored nothing but bogeys until he exited the tournament.,0,2251 I believe that careful study is needed to develop more realistic and workable methodologies and solutions to federal pay issues.,Federal pay is in need of solutions for some of its issues.,0,2252 You've got a lot of people to convince.',You have to convince more than one person.,0,2253 "In addition, the signature should be linked to the data in such a manner that if the data are changed, the signature is invalidated.", the signature should be linked to the data,0,2254 uh again maybe because i was at the school there were still many teachers who wore miniskirts uh we had no regulation against it and a lot of the kids did of course and it could be very embarrassing for the men teachers,Many teachers wore short skirts.,0,2255 Adjacent to the village is the restored Tang Chung Ling Ancestral Hall.,The Tang Chung Ling Ancestral Hall is beside the village. ,0,2256 The modern town of Luxor is one of two towns forming tourist bases on the Nile Valley.,A tourist base is forming around the modern town of Luxor.,0,2257 I think I'm going to need it if I'm going to post anything tonight.,If he is going to post tonight he will need it.,0,2258 "The Caribbean here is usually placid and always inviting, and the atmosphere is utterly relaxed, the tiny village quiet and clean.","The village is pristine, peaceful and very small.",0,2259 and i started in reading it a friend friend of mine whose a pilot gave it to me he said uh he said it's a wonderful book you'll love it i started reading it and he went of course he goes into such great detail,I read it when a friend of mine recommended it and gave it to me.,0,2260 Kansans care deeply about their local affairs and not at all about Washington.,"Kansans care a lot about local affairs, but not so much about Washington.",0,2261 "Outside, the vetting committee at the door kept the great unwashed in their horrible disco regalia from getting past the velvet ropes.",The vetting committee were at the door keeping the great unwashed from getting past the velvet ropes.,0,2262 "Before buying anthuriums or other flowers, check your re-entry regulations at home.",You may be prevented from bringing certain plants home with you.,0,2263 A positive control environment is the foundation for all other standards.,All other standards are routed in a positive control environment.,0,2264 "The market bears this Along with the usual ducks and chickens, you will see for sale snakes, dogs, bats, and sometimes monkeys all are highly prized as delicacies.","The market sells dogs as an ingredient for cooking, not for keeping as a pet.",0,2265 "(Financial Accounting Standards Board, Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No.",There exist financial accounting standards.,0,2266 "OMB has provided guidance since 1985 in its Circular A130, Appendix III, Security of Federal Automated Information Resources, which was updated in February 1996.",An OMB circular providing guidance was updated in 1996.,0,2267 It is not true what he said.,He told a lie.,0,2268 that uh-huh so you have all the conveniences of a city yeah and and the country also,You get the benefits of the city and the country. ,0,2269 oh yeah the cafe um my my wife her favorite actually she was stationed at in in Germany with me too and,My wife was stationed with me in Germany.,0,2270 ", bomb) in furtherance of a crime of violence that is prosecutable in a federal court.",A federal court can prosecute a crime of violence.,0,2271 "In the period 1980 through 1986, for example, and again 1993 through 2000, the annual rate of decline was only 1.7 percent.",The rate of decline each year was at 1.7 percent between 1980 and 1986.,0,2272 "This handsome hotel, opened about a decade ago near the Royal Palace, occupies a magnificent palace and converted monastery, both meticulously renovated.",This hotel opened about a decade ago near the Royal Palace and occupies both a monastery and palace which have been renovated.,0,2273 Two opposites fused into one.,There were two opposites that became one.,0,2274 "And the DVD format is gone, too.",The DVD format is also gone.,0,2275 "estimates, the 8a level seems small, as does the gain of $32 million.",The gain of over 30 million dollars appears minor.,0,2276 What is that?,I do not know what that is.,0,2277 um-hum yeah that's i've got the same attitude i uh i tell you i i started i guess the first time i played golf has been probably about eight or ten years ago now when i was in college,I first played golf when I was in college.,0,2278 A serene statue of the Virgin Mary (13th century) stands in the north arm of the transept.,"Within the transept's north arm, there is a statue which depicts the Virgin Mary.",0,2279 Joalle Toledano,Joalle Toledano is a person.,0,2280 But repair our sky and we can reward you beyond your dreams.,Fix our sky and we can give you more than you can imagine as a reward.,0,2281 But these individual successes can't disguise the very curious reality that we're living in a world that is somehow saturated by the media without actually paying all that much attention to it.,But these individual successes can't disguise the very curious reality.,0,2282 yeah but don't don't you like to get away from it all every once in a while and go to a nice quiet restaurant sometime,Don't you prefer to go to a nice restaurant sometimes?,0,2283 yeah she's uh she's sweet going to have some nice kittens i hope,I hope she has some nice kittens.,0,2284 You can't be overly literal.,You cannot take every word at face value.,0,2285 He chose not to attack Church corruption but instead to preach the values of a Christly life.,He preached the values of a Christly instead of attacking Church corruption.,0,2286 "Consistent with section 603(b)(3), the analysis describes, and estimates the number of, small entities to which the rule will apply.",The number of small entities the rule applies is described by the analysis.,0,2287 well you you you think you think that's worse than than having the Mexicans come across the border and work in the factory of the United States and take jobs away from Americans,You believe it's worse than the Mexicans flooding into the U.S. and taking our jobs?,0,2288 The guy who wrote that gets hammered from both ends.,The writer is hammered from both ends.,0,2289 and that includes everyone at TI,Everyone at TI is included.,0,2290 "Consequently, there is no evidence in EPA's filing of OIRA's comments on, approval or disapproval of, the agency's information collection requirements.",There is evidence lacking in EPA's filling of OIRA's comments.,0,2291 When the trust fund puts $1 into private markets instead of into government bonds.,The trust fun puts $1 into private markets.,0,2292 "It is then covered in the paste that gives jerk its name, placed on a rack over the pit fire, and turned every few minutes until it is ready.",Jerk's name is derived from the paste it is covered in.,0,2293 "Yes, she showed them to us. ","Yes, She showed us.",0,2294 you don't think yeah i don't know if it would be dishonest or honest though,I'm not sure if it would be dishonest or honest.,0,2295 yeah yeah property taxes and yeah well Colorado,Colorado has high property taxes.,0,2296 "It was exciting, albeit in a slightly childish way, to see your name on that signboard, confirming that you still had your cushy job in this historic broadcasting center.",Seeing your name on the sign was exciting. ,0,2297 It's agreeable to find him grounded in the here and now--the magic is there but below the surface.,He's in the here and now with his magic hidden beneath the surface.,0,2298 """Well, th' cap'n's for law an' order, an' he's army.",The captain is all about law and order. ,0,2299 well i really do i um am an accountant and but i work at home,"I am an accountant, and I work from home.",0,2300 "No, I guess we can take it that you were handy and they had too much red-eye on empty stomachs.",You knew what to do when those people were hungry.,0,2301 "It's queer, he murmured idly, ""you'd think the stitches would have rotted.",The stitches should have rotted by then.,0,2302 "At its height Kofukuji embraced around 175 separate buildings, including the Kasuga Grand Shrine at the foot of Mt.","During its apex, Kofukuji embraced around 175 building.",0,2303 well i just finished just i just finished one last night a great book it it's very a typical for my reading though but a great book one called The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien,I just finished The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien last night; it was a great book. ,0,2304 "on Late Edition , citing the Serb surrender to the Dayton peace conference as an example.",Dayton is a place that promotes peace.,0,2305 That's the least bad flaw for an elite to have.,That's the smallest flaw a superior being could have.,0,2306 "One never knows.""",You can never be too sure.,0,2307 "Out of her stillness she suddenly shrieks, not as an appeal but as a demand, I'm a human being!",She makes a loud demanding noise from nowhere.,0,2308 Permitted power generating plants may opt into the trading program.,Power generating plants allowed to may decide to do the trading program. ,0,2309 Beyond the Numbers Game.,Past the numbers game,0,2310 yeah and a good bit of that was filmed right there in Cincinnati which is just forty five miles from from where i am where i actually live in a suburb of Dayton,I only live forty-five miles away from where they were filming.,0,2311 Tuppence was waiting at the angle of the turn.,Tuppence waited around the bend.,0,2312 Severn spoke of cave-ins in the higher tunnels near the feet of the Old One.,Some of the tunnels had caved in.,0,2313 "Nobody knew where he was, therefore he need expect no outside assistance, and must depend solely on his own wits.",He had only himself to depend on because nobody else knew his whereabouts. ,0,2314 "The puritan crusaders of the North and the alienated populists of the South may share common political enemies, but little else.",The northern crusaders have little in common with the southern populists. ,0,2315 "For more information on the recent NIPA definitional and classificational changes, see Brent R. Moulton, Robert P. Parker, and Eugene P. Seskin, A Preview of the 1999 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts, Survey of Current Business, Bureau of Economic Analysis ",Moulton worked on the Comprehensive revision of the national income and product accounts report.,0,2316 "Indian Airlines' Discover India plan offers 21 days of unlimited travel and is less economic than single tickets, but buy them en bloc with confirmed reservations that you should reconfirm at each new airport.",The Discover India plan from Indian Airlines is less economic than single tickets.,0,2317 "This includes establishing appropriate practices for hiring, orienting, training, evaluating, counseling, promoting, compensating, and disciplining personnel.",The document establishes procedures for various HR functions.,0,2318 "Because an agency may choose to prioritize problems in order of their impact, the reports should distinguish between priority levels of problems.",Reports should distinguish between priority levels of problems.,0,2319 "Benchmarked to the year 2010, Table 2 shows the percentage change of key indicators for each scenario with respect to its respective reference case.",Table 2 shows the percentage change of key indicators for each scenario.,0,2320 "The employer entity's own contribution, if any, is generally financed by an appropriation but could be financed by earned revenue or other sources.","Sometimes, the employer entity's own contribution is financed by earned revenue.",0,2321 i've been close uh was in Detroit one time just right across the river from Windsor,I was in Detroit right across the river from Windsor.,0,2322 "Finally, end your day by wandering back across the palace gardens for a last view of the chateau at sunset.",You can end your day by viewing the chateau at sunset. ,0,2323 "Can't it, though? ","It's able to, yes?",0,2324 yeah yeah um normally its comedy i i enjoy comedy although there's one that i'm i'm really looking forward to going to in the next couple of weeks it's a i just found out that well i'm sure they've they've had them for a along time but it's uh,"I love comedy, and I am planning to go watch one in a few weeks.",0,2325 I asked them to take a look at this issue as an ad hoc committee.,They were asked to consider the issue as a committee.,0,2326 "What's more, they observe something called the minimal group effect.",The minimal group effect is also observed.,0,2327 "She seemed to be supporting the girl, who looked utterly dazed and unlike herself. ",She supported the dazed girl.,0,2328 "She asked- and just like that, her voice changed.",Her voice changed when she asked.,0,2329 "Julius Caesar founded many cities, including Ebora (avora), where the remains of a Roman temple survive (see page 90), and Pax Julia (Beja).","Many cities were founded by Julius Caesar, including Ebora, where the remains of a Roman temple survive and Pax Julia .",0,2330 well i think that it's been proven since somewhere in the early nineteen hundreds that rehabilitation in the forms that we have been attempting it is not realistic um i can't remember the study but it was there was a quite a long-term study done in Europe that uh evaluated the incarceration systems that America has based their systems on and uh it's been proven useless for rehabilitation uh which is what a lot of people tend to believe happens in a prison and um there are amount of reforms that could be helpful in that area are numerous and costly and would require require a lot of task forces and et cetera and um there is a lot of people in our country that would go right off the roof um are do you work with the inmates themselves,The way that we've been attempting to rehabilitate people isn't realistic.,0,2331 and move on,They will move on,0,2332 Let them fall between us and close in on their exposed flanks.,Just let them fall down.,0,2333 "That is, the first step-define mission and desired outcomes-corresponds to the requirement in GPRA for federal agencies to develop strategic plans containing mission statements and outcome-related strategic goals; the second step-measure performance-corresponds to the GPRA requirement for federal agencies to develop annual performance plans with annual performance goals and indicators to measure performance; and the third step-use performance",Federal agencies must measure performance output.,0,2334 You can watch world championship skiing at Cortina d'Ampezzo and Val Gardena.,"At Cortina d'Ampezzo and Val Gardena, you can watch world championship skiing.",0,2335 An invasion by Pakistan in 1965 was aborted and has left the issue distinctly moot.,In 1965 an invasion was discontinued by Pakistan. ,0,2336 than a smaller person,Than a littler person. ,0,2337 I see my duty clearly. ,I know my duty.,0,2338 "According to the Enquirer , the editor of George slammed down his hand during an argument with a staffer and broke a bone.",The Enquirer reported that the editor broke a bone in his hand during an argument.,0,2339 The imaginative display of the actual scrolls inside should answer all your questions.,The display of the scrolls should answer all of your questions. ,0,2340 These cranes are necessary to lift heavy pieces (sometimes over 100 tons) several hundred feet and are not needed for all projects.,The cranes can lift objects over 100 feet in the air. ,0,2341 "Then it looms above you, 38 m (125 ft) high, streamers of prayer flags fluttering gaily against the sky.",It is very tall and covered in all sorts of flags.,0,2342 They were the last British troops to leave India.,They were British troops who were once in India.,0,2343 "McCain : Medical Savings Accounts, etcetera.",McCain: Accounts related to health.,0,2344 "Each of the three main wings is named after one of France's great the Richelieu wing, the Sully wing in the east, and the Denon wing beside the Seine.",Each of three sections is named after one of France's greatest.,0,2345 "To that end, Slate offers a real Election Day forecast, predicting the outcomes of close Senate and gubernatorial races based on the Tuesday weather map in Monday's USA Today . (Why USA Today ? It does not suffer from the notorious liberal meteorological bias that afflicts the New York Times and the Washington Post .) In the interest of accuracy, Slate has updated the predictions based on USA Today 's Tuesday forecast.",Slate covers the Election Day in depth.,0,2346 "These improvements have not taken place because well-meaning people in the West have done anything to help--foreign aid, never large, has lately shrunk to virtually nothing.",The West could do a lot more to bring about improvements.,0,2347 The Venetian mainland reflects some of the Serenissima's artistic and architectural glories.,Some of Serenissima's architecture is reflected in Venice.,0,2348 King handed it over during a papal audience.,A papal audience watched the king.,0,2349 "When you hunt for bargains in the garment district, it definitely pays to be a savvy and patient shopper, as some of the merchandise could easily have been sitting around in the warehouse for some time.",There are bargains in the garment district.,0,2350 "If the hypothetical donor doesn't care about the cause, she will write fewer and smaller checks.",A donor who isn't passionate about a cause won't donate as much or as often as someone who is. ,0,2351 They will be as unprepared for the red demons as they were for us.,The people have not completed their preparations.,0,2352 Other churches are scattered across the town.,The churches are distributed at widely spaced intervals.,0,2353 A three-sample test of a masked alcohol screening questionnaire.,The test uses three samples.,0,2354 "The British tabloids gave major coverage to a recent photograph of Cherie Blair, the British prime minister's wife, showing her wearing a bioelectric pendant round her neck to protect her from harmful energy rays.",The British papers showed a lot of photos of Cherie Blair.,0,2355 "So, I best wrap things up.",I should wrap things up,0,2356 "Two of Edlin's daughters, lithe legs bare under their cotton tunics, ran to Ca'daan with fresh bread.",The girls brought fresh food to Ca'daan. ,0,2357 A-11-the basic instructions for preparing the President's Budget-to underscore the essential link between GPRA and the budget process.,The link between GPRA and the budget process is shown in the instructions for the President's Budget.,0,2358 More than 97 million people live in areas that do not yet meet the health-based 1-hour ozone standard (based on 1997-1999 data).,"In areas that do not yet meet the health-based 1-hour ozone standard, based on 1997-1999 data, 97 million people still live.",0,2359 You'll call me if ,You are going to call me if,0,2360 I asked Poirot whether he thought John would be condemned. ,I wanted to know if Poirot thought john would be condemned. ,0,2361 The Makah tribe's new strategy of whale hunting with plutonium-tipped harpoons.,Using plutonium-tipped harpoons is the tribe's new hunting method.,0,2362 The large man hammered on the molten iron until it cooled.,The Iron is being hammered.,0,2363 And Drew guessed how he stood with the Mexican foreman.,His standing with the Mexican foreman was guessed by Drew.,0,2364 ", lack of historical cost data on land acquired at the birth of the Nation) or not meaningful (e.g.",Historical cost data on land acquired at the birth of the Nation have been missing.,0,2365 William the Conqueror set sail for England in 1066 from this small fishing port at the mouth of the Somme.,William the Conqueror started his trip to England from a small port.,0,2366 "That he exaggerated the power of biology, failed to deal with love, and perhaps overextended the protective umbrella of tolerance is beyond doubt.","He definitely exaggerated the power of biology, failed to deal with love, and overextended the protective umbrella of tolerance.",0,2367 The effects of this delay in capturing knowledge can be debilitating.,There is a delay in capturing knowledge.,0,2368 "He was standing hawklike on a slight rise in the sandy earth, motionless and silent.","He was standing motionless and silent, like a hawk.",0,2369 seems like there are too many reasons that you can't go because of the weather and things and,Feels like a long list of reasons exist that prevent you from going.,0,2370 but the thing was that i could do the job myself i mean the parts cost me oh roughly a hundred dollars um if i'd taken it someplace to have it done it was going to be three hundred twenty five,Taking it somewhere for repairs costs roughly three times as much as repairing it myself.,0,2371 "It's no surprise that the harbor has some of the best seafood restaurants in the Aegean, including several traditional Greek ouzeries.",The harbor has the best seafood restaurants in the Aegean.,0,2372 Don't alienate voters.,Keep voters feeling connected. ,0,2373 "The Diwan-i-Khas (the Private Audience Chamber), known as the Shish Mahal (Palace of Mirrors), features the Rajputs' flamboyant taste for covering walls with green, orange, and purple glass, and the vaulted ceilings with thousands of little convex mirrors.","The walls of the Shish Mahal are covered in colorful glass, and the ceilings are covered in mirrors.",0,2374 Now he fired them into the mass of Sticks that continued to charge up the trail.,He shot at the Sticks that were approaching.,0,2375 "For cave paintings, all accessible by guided tour only, the most attractive site is the Grotte de Font-de-Gaume, reached by an easy walk up on a cliff above the eastern edge of town.",The Grotte de Font-de-Gaume is the best place to look at cave paintings.,0,2376 "The most significant resistance came from Marathas, in today's State of Maharashtra, around Mumbai.","The biggest resistance came from Marathas, eguch is now Maharashtra. ",0,2377 Fiscal policy choices about the allocation of government spending between consumption and investment are influenced in part by the federal budget process.,The process involved with the federal budget has an effect on decisions like how much government money goes towards investing.,0,2378 oh the the Dodgers the Dodgers have got an interesting thing they've got this uh rookie pitcher what's it Martinez his name that uh that pitched a bunch of innings last year as a nineteen or twenty year old year old and they were using what happened to Valenzuela as an example that they should be careful and not over work him this early of course i was really uh,They have an amateur pitcher named Martinez on their team.,0,2379 yeah she did survive,"She did survive, indeed.",0,2380 Said: 'What's happened?' ,What is going on?,0,2381 It dates to the city's founding in 1519.,It is from when the city was founded in 1519.,0,2382 "Reference books are perforce feats of organization, not individual scholarship.",It's inevitable that organizations will have to create reference books.,0,2383 "Nelson also carried out what was in effect a coup d'etat at Rockefeller Center, forcing out the retainers loyal to his father so that he could take over himself.",Nelson went through Rockefeller Center and got rid of anyone loyal to his father. ,0,2384 "Stock the caves anyway, said Jon.",Jon said to stock the caves.,0,2385 Village households still wash their laundry in these waters.,People of the village use local streams to wash clothes.,0,2386 "By far the most frequent response involved Hillary Clinton, the once and future baker, or nonbaker, who today begins her four-day listening tour at the Moynihan Farm.",The most frequent response involved Hillary Clinton.,0,2387 i know yeah yeah it uh uh have you seen any of the behind the scenes uh of of that movie,"I know that, yes, but I was meaning to ask, have you seen any of the behind the scenes of that movie?",0,2388 "He slowed when he approached the two adults, took a few deep breaths to bring himself back to normal, and then carefully and nonchalantly sauntered past.","As he got closer to the adults, he slowed down.",0,2389 Department of Procedures Lacking to Protect Computerized Data.,This department takes care of procedures lacking in protection of computerized data.,0,2390 "Most admit that irradiation works, and some, like Michael Jacobson of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, will even concede it's safe for consumers.",There are some who would state that irradiation is safe to offer to consumers.,0,2391 "While immeasurable in dollar terms, they contributed to improving public safety and consumer protection, establishing more effective and efficient government operations, and safeguarding the nation's physical and information infrastructure.",There were improvement made that could not be measured in money.,0,2392 But they don't go so well with Dior.,They are not so compatible with Dior.,0,2393 he has it,It is had by him.,0,2394 "The reader is led to despise one character because of his bad taste in neckties, but not to hold racism and homophobia against another.",The reader is not encouraged to hold racism and homophobia against another.,0,2395 i always told my dad when i was a kid and he made me do it i said i can't wait until i'm old enough so i don't have to do this anymore,"As a kid, I looked forward to growing up and gaining autonomy. ",0,2396 "The instance is not selected by us; rather, we are called to it.",We were called to the instance.,0,2397 "After all, the Japanese themselves are constantly analyzing their own nature.",Japanese people are interested in their nature.,0,2398 "Any difference between the book value and the expected net realizable value is recognized as a gain or loss in determining the net cost of operations, because the revaluation results from the entity's operations.",There is a gain or loss in value.,0,2399 "The mournful lament of the single pipe is a sound that is always associated with Scotland, and you will certainly hear it as you travel around the city.",The pipe sound is distinctly Scottish.,0,2400 "(This document was written by David M. Walker, CPA, Comptroller General of the United States, based on a speech he gave to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' leadership conference in November 2002)",David M. Walker wrote the document based on a speech he gave in 2002. ,0,2401 Jon didn't need Susan to see a man preparing to lie.,Jon saw a liar.,0,2402 "Santorini (Thira), the next major island north, was heavily influenced by Crete, and the settlements of Thira and Akrotiri thrived at this time.",Thira was an island to the north.,0,2403 Merger expected to replace criticized office,The merger will replace the office.,0,2404 "Ca'daan's smile broke the dark vision, however.",The dark vision was broken by Ca'daan's smile.,0,2405 Time goes Oprah-overboard with four articles on the talk show host and her new movie of Toni Morrison's Beloved (about a runaway slave dealing with motherhood).,Time wrote four articles about Oprah.,0,2406 There were also significant reductions in new injuries of about 50% at one year and a reduction in inpatient hospital re-admissions for injury treatment of 50% at the three-year follow-up.,The number of new injuries fell by half after a year.,0,2407 The papers that Danvers brought over from America in the Lusitania. The effect of his words was electrical.,Danvers brought papers from America.,0,2408 "Ferries ply across the Tagus from a point near the square, and from another to the west near the Cais do Sodre railway station, where trains depart for Estoril and Cascais.",The ferries depart from a place near the square.,0,2409 i didn't say it was them,That wasn't what I was saying.,0,2410 Funchal's Teatro Municipal is the only place that regularly stages more theatrical entertainment.,Only Funchal's Teatro Municipal often stages more theatrical entertainment.,0,2411 "Gail D'Onofrio noted that in this context, we use referral to mean sending a patient to a specialized treatment facility.","According to Gail D'Onofrio, in this case, referral means to forward a patient for specialized treatment.",0,2412 I wanted to vomit.,I felt sick to my stomach.,0,2413 Life is simpler on this secluded island and the beaches are not so crowded.,People enjoy a slower pace of life on this island.,0,2414 Glendalough's three nature trails take less than an hour's relaxed walking and are well worth doing.,The three nature trails don't take very long and are worth the time.,0,2415 "This is the place to buy souvenirs of all the imitation food you've seen in restaurant windows, together with Japanese-style plates, bowls, glasses, sake sets, lacquerware, giant paper lanterns, and a million other things you never expected to see for sale.",Popular Japanese souvenirs include tableware and lanterns.,0,2416 Newsweek buys the argument in part but maintains that good parenting is still important.,Newsweek concludes that good parenting maters to some degree.,0,2417 it's getting more expensive unfortunately too,"Sadly, it's getting pricier too. ",0,2418 "98 ""Come now,"" she said.","She replied to ""Come now"".",0,2419 The program entered limited production despite being substantially behind its plan to achieve reliability goals.,"Even though it was substantially behind its plan to get reliability goals, the program entered limited production.",0,2420 "On the streets of Jerusalem, you'll notice signs in Ethiopian Amharic and overhear Russian spoken by the thousands of recent immigrants from the former Soviet Union.",Thousands of recent immigrants in Jerusalem came from the former Soviet Union.,0,2421 Sometimes such funds are devoted to retraining existing nontechnical personnel to supply them with IT expertise.,Sometimes the funds are devoted to retraining existing nontechnical personnel so they understand IT.,0,2422 "All the signs here are in Korean, and there are a multitude of restaurants and a large shopping mall of Korean stores at Koreatown Plaza (Western and San Marino).",Written in Korean are most if not all of these signs.,0,2423 "Planning, engineering, installation, and start-up of an ACI system is only about 15 months and could be done in much less time if administrative matters, such as permitting, occur more quickly than assumed.",The start-up of ACI could be started up in as little 15 months. ,0,2424 "It was built by Abdul Hamid II in 1882 for the sultan's guests on state visits, but Abdul Hamid liked it so much that he lived there himself until he was deposed in 1909.",It was built in 1882 and was the residence of Abdul Hamid.,0,2425 yeah well yeah i kind of like it when they do that because the video like i said there are certain things you can't do with a video and the idea that they may put a little extra in it i think is a good idea,I like the idea that they added extra stuff in the video.,0,2426 "At a presort volume of 40 billion pieces, the postal service's cost curve goes through the current operating point discussed in the previous part of this paper.",The postal service has costs through what was previously discussed.,0,2427 "Its ruler, Chandragupta Maurya (321 297 b.c. ), was also to become the founder of India's first imperial dynasty with Pataliputra (modern Patna), the world's largest city at the time, as its capital.","Pataliputra was, at that time, the world's largest city.",0,2428 "This has saved many islands from the brink of poverty and depopulation, although it is undoubtedly affecting the character of many of the more popular islands.",Some islands have been brought back from economic ruin.,0,2429 My turn.,Now me.,0,2430 "Fine 18th-century villas can be found along the seafront, both north of the port and south toward the airport.",There are 18th century villas located all over the island.,0,2431 "Early in 2002, we reported on our examination of 1996-2000 data on gender and race of executive directors of LSC-funded programs.",The examination of data from 1996-200 was reported by us.,0,2432 "Whenever the country emerges from a national trauma and focuses on its piggy bank, presidential expectations shrink.","Once a nationwide trauma is over, presidential elections no longer have high expectations, because the country can focus on expanding its economy.",0,2433 "Around me, windows rattle.",The windows were rattling around me. ,0,2434 "But behind them were subtle, insistent forces at work, urging the memories of old wrongs, deprecating the weakness of half-and-half measures, fomenting misunderstandings.",The forces were at work behind them.,0,2435 yeah not insofar as maybe making conversation with somebody i suppose suppose because it you can easily be overheard overheard,I guess you can overhear it.,0,2436 you know put seventy or ninety pounds on their back and go hiking uh but uh it can be a lot of fun,Some hikers carry seventy to ninety pounds.,0,2437 But there was no easing of the pain that threatened to make him black out at any second.,The pain was about to make him black out.,0,2438 "In green surroundings, the buildings of the saltworks are set in a semicircle around administrative offices, each with easy access to the other and all in simple classical style.","The buildings of the saltworks are arranged in a simple, semicircular way.",0,2439 One significant but little-known fact about the Times best-seller list is that it does not follow every single book published each year.,Not every published book is even tracked by the Times' best-seller list.,0,2440 "'No, he went back to town almost immediately.' ",He went to town again. ,0,2441 semi for them too so yeah,Sort of for them as well.,0,2442 "All the information and records that a student obtains are filed in a computer system accessible by TRLA's attorneys throughout its service area, Hall says.",TRLA's attorneys can access all records that a student obtains.,0,2443 We have exposed the counterrevolutionary machinations of Richard Ford and Amy Tan.,We exposed the machinations of the authors.,0,2444 MIT's Steven Pinker argues that the Rochester researchers fail to comprehend that learning words and learning grammar are ...,Pinker finds faulty with the Rochester study.,0,2445 Who is devoting himself to enriching our popular culture with high art?,Who is devoting himself to introducing high art to our popular culture?,0,2446 "Hunt interrupts Novak only once, gently, ending the official Punditus Interruptus Tally at Hunt 6, Novak 2. Not only do Hunt and Novak make nice, they are nice to others too.",Hunt interrupts once.,0,2447 well not where i am not we're we're in far north we're i mean we're,We're very far to the north right now.,0,2448 yeah that's what we're doing so,We are going to do it.,0,2449 "Now that I've said my piece on behalf of the New Deal, I can admit to having found Cook's prose clear and readable but not especially memorable.","I found cook's speech incredibly clear and readable, but fairly boring and unmemorable.",0,2450 "Jon fired again and a horse reared, throwing its mortally wounded rider.",The horse reacted tossing off the rider that was severely wounded.,0,2451 There was no way I could make that payment.,I can't make the payment.,0,2452 "Adams suggested a simple rule for behavior while representing Mean what you say, say what you mean, and don't do it in a mean way, he said.","Adams had a suggestion for a simple rule about saying what you mean, meaning what you say, and not doing it in a mean way.",0,2453 Modern Japan has embraced the consumer society to such an extent that shopping can be a full-time pursuit.,Modern Japan has been able to embrace the consumer society.,0,2454 "However, these requirements are not discussed here because this guide pertains to the protection of sensitive but unclassified data, which constitute the bulk of data supporting most federal operations.",Sensitive data is still protected and thus the requirements cannot be disclosed.,0,2455 what is his uh let's see,What is?,0,2456 about about a quart every hundred miles,Approximately a quart per hundred miles.,0,2457 "Then he was jerked back, off balance, staggering on to bring up against the wall.","He was pulled back, off balance, and stumbled to bring up against the wall.",0,2458 "In the early '90s, Knight built Death Row into a phenomenally profitable rap label, even bigger than No Limit is now.",Death Row was built by Knight in the early '90s.,0,2459 "One gaunt statue, Ombra della Sera (Evening Shadow), is an uncanny 2,000-year-old precursor of a modern Giacometti.",Ombra della Sera is similar to a modern Giacometti.,0,2460 "Could he, bound as he was, manage to cut his bonds? ",He was bound and wasn't sure if he could get free.,0,2461 "Years ago, a young free-lancer submitted a story to me about Iran-Contra that was filled with anonymous sources.","A long time ago, I got a story about Iran-Contra from a young free-lancer and it was filled with anonymous sources.",0,2462 "Since its first safety razor almost a century ago, Gillette has always conceived the actual razor mainly as an inducement for selling replacement blades.","Gillette's main goal for inventing the first safety razor, was to be able to sell replacement blades.",0,2463 The aquarium is set in a large complex of unusual shops and restaurants that also contains the Suntory Museum.,The Suntory Museum is located in the middle of other shops and restaurants.,0,2464 "Then, says the publication, while the mother was in the hospital giving birth to her sixth child, the girl called Sawyer's office to ask if groceries could be delivered.","While the mother gave birth, the girl asked if groceries could be delivered. ",0,2465 "The Riviera di Ponente, west of Genoa toward the French border, is an almost continuous chain of family resorts.","In Riviera di Ponente, there are many options for family resorts.",0,2466 "By contrast, when it came time for Hutchison to weigh in on the welfare debate , she supported a bill that would force single parents on welfare to get a paid job after two years as long as their children are over age five.",Hutchison supported a work for welfare bill.,0,2467 This is a highly stylized representation of the foreign sector of one country in isolation.,The foreign sector of the country is stylized.,0,2468 "In Nepal, both Hindu and Buddhist temples may take the pagoda form, but all the Indian-style stone shikara tower temples are Hindu and all the white dome-like stupas are Buddhist.","In Nepal, you can find a variety of different styles of temple construction.",0,2469 The Mus??e Basque (Ceteau-Neuf) provides a valuable introduction to the folklore of the region.,Regional folklore can be studied in The Mus??e Basque.,0,2470 "(If Bush were a movie, he'd be the new Star Wars : the closely guarded, breathlessly anticipated next episode in a multigenerational saga of family destiny.","If people were movies, Bush would be Star Wars because how how closely guarded and anticipated his family is.",0,2471 had to be elevated to a similar stature.,Had to be raised to a like stature.,0,2472 "As a Canadian, this clearly is not a matter of my political affiliation but, as a Canadian, it is also clear that the concerns of",I am a Canadian with a political affiliation.,0,2473 "The King's Bedroom, with two portraits by Van Dyck, is set at the exact center of the sun's path from east to west.",There are two portraits by Van Dyke in the bedroom.,0,2474 little place to live you know even just a little room or whatever,A small room sufficient for staying in or the likes of.,0,2475 uh i have uh i guess a lot of thoughts about the Vietnam War um i i guess i feel like i was pretty young while it was going on and so there's probably a lot of things i remember and a lot of things that i really didn't have a clue as to what was happening,I have lots to say about Vietnam though I was too young when it was going on to fully understand it. ,0,2476 And Chatterbox cites Lapham's mention of the Roman mob familiar with the expensive claques traipsing after the magnificence of the Emperor Nero.,Chatterbox cites Lapham's mention of Roman sycophants that followed Emperor Nero.,0,2477 "Philanthropists, corporations and other private entities have donated more than $368,000.",Over three hundred thousand dollars has been graciously transferred from corporations.,0,2478 yeah it's like uh in IBM in IBM you can get certain points,You may earn points in IBM,0,2479 "Germany, which has the largest economy and the strongest currency in the group, was supposed to lead the way, but recently German unemployment has jumped to levels not seen since the Weimar Republic, and the mark is softening.",Unemployment in Germany is at a level not see since the Weimar Republic.,0,2480 Drew could actually hear the panting breaths of the men now.,The panting breaths of the men could now be heard by Drew.,0,2481 "In such an environment, it is essential that (1) security specialists keep abreast of developing techniques and tools and the latest information about system vulnerabilities and (2) senior executives ensure they have the resources to do this.",Senior executives need to make sure that security specialists have the necessary resources.,0,2482 "Despite these and other changes made by DOD, GAO has consistently reported over the years that the department -- more than 50 years after the reorganization -- continues to face a number of serious management challenges.",GAO has reported continued management challengers over the years.,0,2483 He said he's never lost interest in having lawyers do what they can to help those in need.,He's always been interesting in having lawyers help those who need it. ,0,2484 it's not David is it,"Is it David, or no?",0,2485 See appendix II for more details about the Medicaid assumption.,Check appendix 2 for more medicaid details ,0,2486 oh okay because uh the ones that we use you you know are like Unix base systems and so they don't have a disk drive you know so you can't you you the only way that you can do it is through a modem,We use a something that closely resembles a Unix base system.,0,2487 "You know he really hates the press, and is forcing himself to try to win them over.",He is trying hard to get the favor of the press.,0,2488 "It was over! And despite the imminent corporal punishment, Red felt something like a load fall from him.",Red was happy it was done with.,0,2489 well how many different types of packages do you use,How many different kinds of packages do you use?,0,2490 yeah sounds like we pretty much agree,Seems like we have similar views.,0,2491 Here the situation is more straightforward.,The situation is more straightforward.,0,2492 "For reasons that will be discussed in subsequent sections of this report, we also highlight that this figure represents only a portion of the work conducted by LSC grantees.",Only some of the work LSC grantees have done is ultimately represented in this figure.,0,2493 "Similarly, it is the odd juxtaposition of references that makes News Quiz responses so perversely (click for more, and you really should because there's terrific stuff on Page 2) Susan Sontag and Michael Jackson's ass, glue sniffing and the ruble, IPOs and Adam Sandler, MacGyver and 1998.",The News Quiz responses have a wide variety of references.,0,2494 "They stepped from ornate carriages on soft feet and gazed at the golden idols, silk robes, and the finest slaves in the land.",As they exited the carriage they saw an array of beings including slaves. ,0,2495 The heaviness and languor of her manner were very marked. ,She was very tired and exhausted and showed it in her mannerisms.,0,2496 "Third, successful companies used tools to capture design and manufacturing knowledge about the product and decide about whether to invest further based on that knowledge.",Companies use tools to get knowledge about a product.,0,2497 "Unfortunately, much of the temple lies in ruins.",It is sad but there is not much of the temple left. ,0,2498 "Castro's fledgling government immediately ordered rents reduced, new wage levels set, and estates limited in size to 390 hectares (966 acres).",Rents were reduced by Castro's young government. ,0,2499 Notice the clever use of lighting wells to illuminate the lowest stories (there were four altogether).,You should notice that the lighting wells are used in a clever manner to illuminate the lowest of the four stories.,0,2500 "Northern conquests, including Hungary, had been lost by the close of the 17th century.","Hungary, that was included in northern conquests, had been lost by the close of the 17th century.",0,2501 "Working parents leave teens unsupervised during afternoons (thanks to budget cuts in after-school programs), leading to greater drug use and delinquency.",Unsupervised teens sometimes indulge in drug use and delinquent behaviour.,0,2502 i we really we decide we didn't decide to get one until i started working at home,We did not get one until I worked from home. ,0,2503 uh-huh we watch a lot of that also we watch uh CNN a lot,"Yes, we watch a good amount of that as well.",0,2504 "They passed the camera, it followed from behind.",The camera followed from behind.,0,2505 (His analysis is posted on the Web.),The man's analysis was available online.,0,2506 "Succumbing to Caribbean-wide informality, the casinos do not require men to wear a tie or jacket.",Men are not required to wear a jacket or a tie when inside the casinos.,0,2507 "Since the 12th century, sightseers and religious pilgrims alike have been flocking to this spectacularly situated fortified town atop a cliff above the Alzou river (best appreciated from the village of L'Hos?­pi?­ta?­let across the valley).",The town is situated atop a cliff above the Alzou river.,0,2508 oh that's great no uh uh my daughter has talked to my daughter up here with us i have another one and she's talked to students uh so i guess they have uh sent this to their customers and people in colleges and things so they're if you're a computer user so my daughter has talked to two students uh that were non TIers so i guess oh yeah,My daughter has spoken with students so they sent it to customers and college people to see if they are computer users.,0,2509 yeah like Jordan,In the same manner as Jordan.,0,2510 and i'm afraid that if she woke up one with her we would have to pack up and come home so we've primarily done our camping by cabin up at Turner Falls up in Oklahoma,We might have to pack up and come home if she woke up with one.,0,2511 "To them, Timon, Pumbaa, and Pee-wee are just goofy characters.",To them Timon is just a funny character.,0,2512 What a man volunteered about his past was accepted as the truth.,When a man talks about his past it is accepted as the truth.,0,2513 High-priced hookers?,Are they high-priced hookers?,0,2514 And did I not immediately afterwards speak of the difficulty of bringing the murderer to justice? ,I said that it would be hard to get the murderer convicted.,0,2515 it crosses into both of them well it's real pretty it's like a swamp you know with all the Spanish moss on the trees it's really it's eerie yeah,The Spanish moss on the trees makes it look eerie.,0,2516 The area's natural beauty continues to inspire writers and artists.,Writers and artists are constantly inspired by the beauty of the area.,0,2517 They saw their lives lost in that burning town.,They saw that their lives were lost in the burning town.,0,2518 "Since 1990, teen-age out-of-wedlock births have actually decreased very slightly.",The number of out-of-wedlock teenagers giving birth has slightly decreased since 1990. ,0,2519 "Then I shan't drink it, said Tuppence firmly.",Tuppence said that she wouldn't drink it. ,0,2520 "I open the book, read a little, then whoosh, all these thoughts about having sex start pouring in from everywhere.",I opened the book but then changed my mind.,0,2521 "She also said she hasn't had sex in two years, which I didn't believe.",She claimed to not have had sex in a couple of years but I wasn't convinced.,0,2522 When shall I have it? ,When will it be given to me?,0,2523 "In the last several years, LSC has hosted numerous conferences where advocates can share ideas, such as Diversity in the Legal Services Community, Making Mergers Work, and Creating Client-Centered Communities of Justice.",The Diversity in the Legal Services Community was hosted by the LSC.,0,2524 "A minute later Hanson, Bork and Nema were alone with the old man.",It was just the four of them after a minute.,0,2525 right sure well where i could see it being very useful is for you know when if there's a first time offender part of his punishment is that he's got to see what you know what he's up against,I could see how that would be useful to know for someone that was a first time offender.,0,2526 "Can't cook, can't sew, can't run a household, can't stand up to her imperious mom and husband, can't make small talk with celebrities or notables, can't run a Fortune 500 company.","She can't do anything, never less run a Fortune 500 company.",0,2527 I was so focused on bringing in new young lawyers right out of school because that was what we could afford.,We hired young lawyers because we did not have much money.,0,2528 "But does the film subvert Eastwood's on-screen persona, as Schickel argues it does?",Schickel believes that the film subverts Eastwood's typical on-screen persona,0,2529 "On the other hand, DOD programs with less successful outcomes did not apply best practices to a great extent.",DOD programs with less successful outcomes applied best practices to a less than optimal extent.,0,2530 "But those unattractive factories produce 70 percent of Spain's handsome woven rugs and carpets, and many invite visitors.",The factories are not attractive but they create many rugs.,0,2531 the outlook yeah yeah that's right and plus me being uh uh not not a mechanic you know i i always uh have the feeling that people are out to get to me and i don't know any better you know so,I worry that mechanics are looking to scam me. ,0,2532 "Stomp all over us ... that's what you Rebs has been promisin' to do, ain't it?",You Rebs have promised to stomp all over us.,0,2533 "What do you want me to do? asked John, unable to help a faint smile. ",John was unable to help a faint smile. ,0,2534 "The analysis also discusses in qualitative terms the benefits of the rule regarding human health, including the health effects for Native American subsistence fishermen and reduction of projected non-cancer effects and improvements in fish and wildlife habitat.",The analysis looks at the health of Native American subsistence fishermen.,0,2535 "I had a thought for no one's but your That you were beautiful, and that I stroveTo love you in the old high way of love;That it had all seemed happy, and yet we'd grownAs weary-hearted as that hollow moon.",I think you are beautiful and I'm sorry it didn't work between us. ,0,2536 "The rural village of Yufuin is relaxed, gentle, and charming, featuring old-fashioned farmhouses around tiny Kinrinko Lake.",The village of Yufuin is rural and has a relaxing lifestyle.,0,2537 "Built in 1924 and funded by many nations, it contains the rock at which Jesus is said to have prayed the night before he entered the city of Jerusalem for the Passover supper.",It contains the rock where Jesus supposedly prayed before entering Jerusalem.,0,2538 "Still, as traditionalists such as Ball acknowledge, private investments--even the broad-based, relatively conservative portfolios selected by insurance companies and banks--do offer significantly better returns than government bonds.",He concurred that the private investments were more sound than the bonds.,0,2539 "As soon as he exited his bus, he was surrounded by camera crews and boom mikes arching overhead like brontosauri looking for lunch.",The media descended upon him like vultures as soon as he got off the bus.,0,2540 yeah i was reading when you called um how about movies do you like to go to movies,Do you enjoy seeing movies?,0,2541 Which brings us to the colorful David Colburn.,David Colburn is a very vivacious person.,0,2542 is the average because they'll appeal it for that many times,They will appeal more than once.,0,2543 well uh a little bit uh nothing nothing overly strenuous no the majority of my camping experience is uh a tent by the lake type situation or uh maybe a canoe trip or something like that,I've got some camping experience under my belt.,0,2544 But this undermines his entire case about Stalin's unique responsibility.,His care about Stalin's responsibility is undermined.,0,2545 She pursed her lips and shut the door quickly.,She pressed her lips together and closed the door rapidly.,0,2546 i think i think they're military but i mean the guy is still in,that person is in the military but also remains in,0,2547 The six minarets of the Blue Mosque dominate the skyline of the Hippodrome.,The six minarets of the Blue Mosque is a prominent part of Hippodrome skyline.,0,2548 just put uh put a thing on it,Put a thing on it.,0,2549 "When I arrived, I witnessed murder and horror.",I witnessed murder and horror when I arrived.,0,2550 "Some of the agencies' web sites currently provide for such hypertext links, but not for comments on rules.","Hypertext links are provided for on some websites, but the websites do not provide for comments about rules.",0,2551 "At the height of the Great Famine in 1845 1847, a soup kitchen was set up here to feed the starving.",The Great Famine was at its worst between 1845 and 1847.,0,2552 As the 20th century neared its end the Egyptian government sought to revive Alexandria as a center of learning and recreate the Alexandria Library.,"Towards the end of the 20th century, the government of Egypt attempted to revive Alexandria. ",0,2553 And how am I supposed to feel? Good is right.,I know I'm supposed to feel good.,0,2554 and uh so i would sometimes take me you know an hour or two to shovel the driveway in the morning and then i'd sitting in that car for an hour an a half and and well it was actually if the if the weather was bad enough to shovel snow it would take me three hours to get to work,Sometimes it might take me 2-3 hours of shoveling snow to get out of my driveway to make it to work. ,0,2555 The fellow knew every dirty trick and was eager to use them all.,"The fellow was ready to use every dirty trick, and he knew them all.",0,2556 "Yes, said Jon, looking at the big man.",Jon looked at the large person.,0,2557 and if you get one of those false negative reportings and and you're fired from your job that's going to carryover into other jobs um no matter um you know if it's truth or not so yeah it can stick with you for a long time,A false negative can impact your career far into the future.,0,2558 "I could tell from the way her voice rose in waves of enthusiasm--too much music, nerve and light--that Josh Spritzer didn't want to be listening.",Josh Spritzer didn't want to be listening to the way her voice rose in waves of enthusiasm.,0,2559 Words are now rarely carved in stone,Words are hardly ever carved in stone.,0,2560 "In anticipation of many program mergers or consolidations due to the reconfiguration of service areas for 2002, LSC, along with the National Legal Aid and Defender Association and the Management Information Exchange sponsored a Making Mergers Work workshop during the March ABA/NLADA Equal Justice Conference.",LSC sponsored a workshop for Equal Justice.,0,2561 "Two close observers of those developments are old friends Linda Tripp and LUCIENNE GOLDBERG , who is friendly with lawyers for Jones and lawyers in the office of Independent Counsel KENNETH STARR . One day, Tripp and Goldberg talk on the phone.",Lucienne Goldberg is on good terms with the lawyers for Jones and the office of Kenneth Starr.,0,2562 'You bring something for me?',It looks like you brought something for me.,0,2563 My poor Emily! ,Poor Emily! ,0,2564 so how about you oh that's good,That is nice to hear.,0,2565 but yeah i don't have to buy jogging shoes all too often mine don't get very much use,My jogging shoes can last for quite awhile.,0,2566 I remembah dat day jes lak it was yestiday.,I remember the day like it was yesterday. ,0,2567 well that's where the front had came come from they said it came out of the Pacific run across California who was really needing the rain it should've it should've stalled over them for a couple more days,The front came from teh Pacific.,0,2568 Another reason the FDA got away with the power grab is because the Zeitgeist has been moving in the agency's direction for some time.,The FDA was able to get away with a power grab.,0,2569 "However, participants felt that FASB needed to better differentiate between the two.",FASB needs to clarify the difference between the two ,0,2570 Prudie hopes your children outgrow their need to shock and that you can enjoy visits in each other's homes soon.,Prudie had hopes for the childrens' behavior.,0,2571 "Travel agencies can reserve a houseboat for a couple of days, allowing travellers to change around once they've fully settled in.",Travel agencies are allowed to rent a houseboat for a brief period of time.,0,2572 "MC73-1, Phase I, Opinion and Recommended Decision, April 15, 1976; accepted in Decision of the Governors of the United States Postal Service on Establishing a Mail Classification Schedule, June 2, 1976.","MC73-1, Phase I, Opinion and Recommended Decision dates back to 1976.",0,2573 "Yes, of course balloons are a uniquely terrible mode of transportation.","Indeed, balloons are an awful way to get from place to place.",0,2574 "Alongside La Savane runs rue de la Liberte, and at No. 9 is Martinique's excellent Musee departemental.",At No. 9 you will find Martiniques excellent Musee departemental.,0,2575 out of it Things like that and i consider that fairly intelligent humor you know,I consider that fairly intelligent humor.,0,2576 The cathedral clergy and artisans made it their home.,Clergy and artisans lived there. ,0,2577 yeah yeah uh everyone says you know when i bought this several years ago w hen our local economy was good everyone said no no you're crazy to buy a mobile home,Everyone told me it was a bad idea to buy a mobile home.,0,2578 "Indeed, it was to become the first new Jewish city for 2,000 years.","IT became the first new Jewish city for 2,000 years. ",0,2579 "The oldest of this coast's resorts, Trouville, is now a slightly down-market Deauville, but just as lively.",Trouville is the oldest of this coast's resorts.,0,2580 The nearby Eglise Notre Dame also combines Flemish archi?­tec?­ture with a Renaissance porch.,The Eglise Notre Dame is situated nearby.,0,2581 What if that prosperity is a temporary illusion?,Prosperity may be a temporary illusion.,0,2582 "But the thrill, alas, is gone.",There is no more thrill.,0,2583 The desire for revenge against Germany remained.,Revenge against Germany was still contemplated.,0,2584 They pushed into the crowd who pushed back.,They were pushing back and forth with the crowd.,0,2585 "'I should warn you,' I said.",I said I have to warn you about something. ,0,2586 Surveys and interventions should be undertaken to define and reduce barriers to implementing screening in clinical practice.,Barriers can be reduced by screening and interventions. ,0,2587 well that's very can be very very true,What you said is very right,0,2588 "Some criteria, however, are seen as unique to case studies and qualitative approaches.",Criteria is often unique to case studies and approaches,0,2589 "There would be no rescue, of course.","There would be no redemption, obviously.",0,2590 "I support the cornerstone concept of these laws, known as fair information practices.",I agree with the concept of fair information practices,0,2591 that's right and it just it's just not people they and it's not uh you know there isn't any real Arab coalition because they do fight among themselves,"There isn't any real Arab coalition, they fight among themselves.",0,2592 yeah what are you taking in school by the way you say you're in school,You mentioned you were in school.,0,2593 "Without seeing his work all the way through, it's hard for me to say whether Borchardt has talent, but he might not be such a stumblebum after all.",I think Borchardt might have some talent.,0,2594 Fell running also tests the mettle.,One's courage is tested by fell running.,0,2595 The film also exaggerates Flynt's martyrdom for the cause of free speech.,Flynt's martyrdom is exaggerated in the film for the cause of free speech.,0,2596 yeah i'm not exactly sure where the you know the can thing is but you know sometimes it's just so seems so much easier just to take it and throw it in the trash and have them pick it up than it is to smash the cans and drive it some place to have them,"At times, it feels less tasking to throw a can in a bin than have it recycled.",0,2597 Gentilello suggested that clinical trials are important because they change practice.,"The value of clinical trials, as suggested by Gentilello, is in how they change practice.",0,2598 The economic impact analysis describes the regulatory options EPA considered for revising its earlier proposed risk management requirements and estimates the costs and benefits attributable to these options.,The economic impact analysis gave cost estimates for the EPA's regulatory options.,0,2599 "This appendix provides descriptions of the foreign governments' agencies and U.S. federal agencies, state governments, and private sector organizations that participated in this study.","The agencies, organizations, and governments that participated in this study are described in this appendix. ",0,2600 Oh; but he must do something.,He has got to do something about something. ,0,2601 let's see how about uh Man From Uncle,Hmm maybe the Man From UNCLE?,0,2602 "Adults have always been struck by how much teen-age communication can seemingly be accomplished by emitting one of perhaps half a dozen subverbal phonemes, and it will be instructive to watch as something along these same lines spreads to the general population.",Adults are amazed by how teenagers communicate.,0,2603 Interview system operators and users to determineif the system has been successfully integrated into the existing environment.,"In order to see if the system was successfully integrated into the environment, you must interview the system operators and users.",0,2604 "Your uncle has been removed from the council, said Severn.",Severn said you uncle was removed from the council.,0,2605 He makes a compelling case.,He made a strong case.,0,2606 "Under Burger, the conference--the meeting where justices discuss cases--was a notoriously windy affair.",The conference was a meeting about cases.,0,2607 "Hence, this potential benefit is not reported at this time.","Consequently, this possible benefit isn't reported now. ",0,2608 It can be so exhilarating that one needs ever greater amounts of it and can be induced to do silly or reckless things to get more of it.,It can be so exciting that you never need more.,0,2609 yeah that might be good i have a a friend who uh needed to lose a lot of weight and she and uh another friend of hers decided to start walking and they were doing i don't know several miles each night and boy she really got the weight off yeah really,I know a friend who had to shed a lot of pounds.,0,2610 "Critics rediscover the virtues of Arthur Dove (1880-1946), the first American painter (and arguably the first painter anywhere) to abandon representation.",Arthur Dove was the first American painter. ,0,2611 "Poland also regained Danzig, which had not been a part of Poland since its seizure by the Teutonic Knights.",Danzig was regained by Poland.,0,2612 it's hard to tell how much has been that or how much is just her,"There is no boundary to how much is her, and how much is due to that.",0,2613 I fancy my armour is impregnable… .,"My armour is impregnable, I feel like...",0,2614 uh normal uh you know,"You know, normal",0,2615 Luxor (known to the Ancient Greeks as Thebes) was for many centuries the capital city and religious focal point of Egypt.,Luxor was the capital city of Egypt.,0,2616 "No real road leads to the coast in this whole quadrant, with one major exception.",There is only one real road leading to the coast.,0,2617 yeah yeah that's right that's right,"Yes, that is definitely correct.",0,2618 The slave girls I used to bed now fed me bread-ale and chewed meat and wiped drool from my useless lips.,The slave girls tended to someone who could no longer bed them. ,0,2619 "Originally the main street of Roman and Byzantine times (cardo means heart in Latin), it was once a broad colonnaded market and ceremonial street that went through the center of Jerusalem, from the Damascus Gate in the north to the southern edge of the city.","At one time, the street passed through the center of Jerusalem.",0,2620 "ACTUARIAL PRESENT VALUE - The value of an amount or series of amounts payable or receivable at various times, determined as of a given date by the application of a particular set of actuarial assumptions.", The value of an amount or series of amounts payable or receivable at various times is the Actuarial Present Value.,0,2621 "However, the LSC Act recognizes that some records contain information that is protected by the attorney-client privilege and/or attorney's ethical responsibilities under rules of professional responsibility.",The Act realizes there is information that is protected.,0,2622 His head was tilted back and nasty laughter was booming through the air of the little office.,His head was leaning back slightly and he was laughing nastily.,0,2623 uh-huh well that's interesting,That has my attention. ,0,2624 "(And of course, the entire year-and-a-half-long series is available in The Compost.",The Compost has the entire series available.,0,2625 "Thus, while it may be accurate that large portions of the missions engaged in by the Coast Guard or FEMA today do not relate primarily to homeland security, it is wholly appropriate for Congress to determine whether the future missions of such agencies should focus principally on homeland security.",It is appropriate for Congress to determine whether future missions of agencies should focus primarily on homeland security. ,0,2626 "Once registered, you dial a number in the United States, where a computer with caller-ID recognizes you after one ring.",In the United States caller ID recognizes you.,0,2627 i get i i i would probably find him an order of magnitude more capable than Quayle,Quayle is probably less capable than he is by an order of magnitude. ,0,2628 "It's still modest in size, but it becomes full to the brim on summer weekends, when families head here for fresh air.",Families come here on the weekends during the summer to get some fresh air. ,0,2629 "(iii) The regulations under clause (i) may include limitations on the use of alternativecompliance methods by units equipped with an alternative monitoring system as may be necessary to preserve the orderly functioning of the allowance system, and which will ensure the emissions reductions contemplated by this title.",Regulations have been drafted to reduce emissions.,0,2630 "Ireland became the light of the known world, sending its saints and scholars out all over Europe.",Ireland sent its scholars all over Europe.,0,2631 "Red quavered, ""Hello, ma!""","Red said, ""Hi mother!""",0,2632 i everyone has made so many statements i don't live in Dallas county,I don't live in Dallas county.,0,2633 "In addition, in prior analyses EPA has identified valuation of mortality benefits as the largest contributor to the range of uncertainty in monetized",The EPA has stated that the largest contributor to monetize is mortality benefits.,0,2634 On Thursday the advertisement had duly appeared.,The ad showed up on Thursday.,0,2635 of it being a little bit too low and i my bathing suit's just one piece so there's no big deal all the way around but i don't have to be conscious of what i'm doing or how i'm doing it,I'm wearing a one piece swimsuit.,0,2636 "Raccoons, particularly baby ones, became fashionable as pets in the late 1970s because of a popular cartoon program on television called Araiguma Rasukaru (Rascal the Raccoon).",Raccoons became fashionable as pets in the late 1970s.,0,2637 "It shone now like a tiny bit of white-hot metal; but the older man touched it, and it snuggled down into Dave's chest, dimming its glow and somehow purring.",The tiny metal snuggled into Dave's chest.,0,2638 "Quick as thought, she hurries back to the young girl's room, and starts shaking her awake. ",She hurried back to the girls room and shook her awake.,0,2639 so they like that,Those people enjoy that.,0,2640 "First, don't believe what Gordon Gecko said in the film, Wall Street.",Wall Street needs to refrain from buying into Gordon Gecko's line in that movie.,0,2641 "Cavalry saddle on the stud, two Colt pistols belted high and butt forward, and that military cord on his hat army boots, too.",The butts of the colt pistols were pointing forward.,0,2642 Achieved results-All critical objectives must be assessed achieved results.,The results are archived.,0,2643 'This is where you work.',This is your job.,0,2644 The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking discussed three requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.,The Paperwork Reduction Act has at least three requirements.,0,2645 "Now, tortillas, frijoles, maybe some fruit ... sweet for the tongue, like wine in the throat.",Fruit is sweet on the tongue.,0,2646 well i i like i i just i just bogused on all my homework so it really didn't matter,It didn't matter because I lied to complete all of my assignments,0,2647 well um i'll tell you something um i i have a sister-in-law from Israel,"Let me tell you, my sister-in-law is from Israel.",0,2648 uh i've seen Ghost we really enjoyed that i thought that was a good movie,We enjoyed watching Ghost; it was a great movie.,0,2649 It could be very confusing.,It might not be straightforward. ,0,2650 "A couple of miles or so north of Kagoshima Station are the lovely Iso Gardens, also landscaped on a hill, where the lord of Satsuma had his villa.",The lord of Satsuma had his own villa.,0,2651 GAO's work covers everything from the challenges of an aging population and the demands of the information age to emerging national security threats and the complexities of globalization.,GAO's work is not limited to social security threats.,0,2652 5 percent of the routes (all of quartile 4 and most of quartile 3) is not enough to cover the costs of the mail delivered on those routes.,The costs of mail delivery on 5 percent of routes outweighs the income.,0,2653 "Room price guidelines below are for a double room with bath in high season, including breakfast and VAT (value-added tax).",Breakfast and value-added tax are included in the room price guidelines below.,0,2654 This need is surely not new.,This need has always been present.,0,2655 Let me present Monsieur Kramenin.,Monsieur Kramenin is being presented.,0,2656 "Situated 85 km (53 miles) northwest of Paris by the A13, D181, and D5, or by train from Gare St-Lazare to Vernon with a shuttle bus from the station to Giverny.",It can be accessed by road or train.,0,2657 "After 15 years, the Turkish commander, Hussein Pasha, was summoned back to Constantinople and publicly strangled for his failure to take the city.",Constantinople killed Hussein Pasha for failing.,0,2658 um she was referred to me by a couple of people and she turned out to be wonderful i couldn't have asked for anything better i don't think,A few people recommended her to me and she's been really great.,0,2659 "Billions of lire were spent on Rome alone for the record-breaking numbers of pilgrims and tourists who flocked to the country, one of the world's greatest tourist destinations during the year 2000.",Lots of money was spent in Rome.,0,2660 uh as our volunteer time managing a program with seventy two hundred kids in it from grades uh kindergarten through twelfth grade and year around baseball softball soccer,"7200 kids, from kindergarten all the way up to twelfth grade, are in the volunteer program.",0,2661 Jon turned and looked to each of them.,Jon turned around and looked at them.,0,2662 "Well, go on and tell me if you've got so much to say.",Go ahead and speak up if you'd like.,0,2663 "To the left, Signorelli portrays himself and Fra Angelico as bystanders in the vivid Preaching of the Antichrist (identified here with Savonarola).",Signorelli portrays himself in his work and it is to the left.,0,2664 "Since 1917, Grand Central Market (at 317 South Broadway) has provided the city with a daily cornucopia of enticing fresh produce, fish, poultry, meat, and exotic foodstuffs.",The Grand Central Market has been known to give the city a daily cornucopia.,0,2665 I suspect this is just the sort of question the technique of electing presidents was designed to answer.,I think presidents have to answer that kind of question.,0,2666 "Next to the fountain outside Kintetsu Station is bustling Higashi-muki-dori, a covered mall of souvenirs shops, antique stores, and numerous eateries.",Souvenirs and antiquities can be found at the covered mall next to the Kintetsu Station.,0,2667 1) Loyalty is dead.,Loyalty is no longer a thing. ,0,2668 "You'll find the basilica's most treasured work of art, Michelangelo's sublime Piet?  Mary with the dead Jesus on her lap in its own chapel to the right of the entrance.",One of Michelangelo's paintings can be found in a chapel to the right of the entrance.,0,2669 "Around it, the lively neighborhood of cafe, boutiques, and art galleries linking up with the Centre Pompidou (alias Beaubourg, ) is very popular with the young crowd.","The artsy neighborhood of cafes, boutiques and art galleries are very popular with the young generation of today.",0,2670 Then there are the stories that make you think some celebrities just shouldn't be allowed to reproduce at all.,Some stories make you think that some celebrities shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.,0,2671 Clean Coal Technology Regulatory Incentives,Coal Technology that focuses on environmentally friendly tactics.,0,2672 "With hundreds of shops located along charming streets, stacked in mega-malls, and tucked into nondescript neighborhood nooks, there's no doubt you'll find more than a few Los Angeles mementos to carry home.",There are hundreds of shops along the streets.,0,2673 The Plan provides for a minimum of nine offices and a 51-member board that is appointed in proportion to poverty population from the 14 judicial districts throughout the state.,The Plan provides for a minimum of nine offices and a 51-member board ,0,2674 "Sure came a long way if that's where he started.""",He traveled a long distance. ,0,2675 Similar systems could exist for flats and for parcels.,Similar systems may exist for flats and parcels ,0,2676 And he accepted city officials' invitations to analyze and comment on a low-income housing ordinance in Pasadena along with other housing advocates.,The city officials want to analyze the data.,0,2677 "Their combined expertise includes resource development, organizational management, technology, migrant and immigration law, access and intake systems.",Their combined expertise relates to immigration and migrant law.,0,2678 Winter breathed across the land now with the coming of dark.,The approach of darkness breathed winter across the land.,0,2679 "A. an outbreak of insanity in Washington B. the death of reason in Washington C. revitalization of that sleeping monster, the Energy Department D. an unhealthy obsession with oil industry profits E. revival of the Clinton-Gore BTU tax proposal",An unhealthy obsession with oil industry profits.,0,2680 The consistency principle is both universally applicable (because a consistent solution can always be found) and universally unambiguous (because there is never more than one consistent solution).,The consistency principle can be used in all situations.,0,2681 "The handsome 17th-century palace of the Jesuits is now the Pinacoteca di Brera, one of the country's foremost art museums of medieval and Renaissance art, concentrating on the master artists of northern Italy.",The master artists of northern Italy are featured in the Pinacoteca di Brera.,0,2682 "Flanked by some of the city's most stylish fashion boutiques and shoe stores, the quarter's main street retains the commercial tradition of its medieval name, Via de' Caleiuoli (stocking- and shoe-makers).",The main street has the same environment that its name Via de' Caleiuoli suggests.,0,2683 The Vice President of the United States,An executive for the President. ,0,2684 well you know we lived in Colorado for,We were in Colorado to live for a while.,0,2685 "And the cease-fire is if Iraq permits inspections, doesn't fly planes in certain areas, and doesn't threaten our troops, then we will hold our fire.",There are a number of conditions governing the cease-fire.,0,2686 "GAO, perhaps more than any other organization, is positioned through its broadbased skills, knowledge, and expertise to support the Congress in meeting responsibilities that will only become more difficult as the 21st century evolves.",GAO is going to help Congress with a changing century.,0,2687 so what do you think about a year or two of public service,What is your opinion on a few years of public service?,0,2688 um there's just no it's it's very difficult to keep track of them all,Keeping track of all of them is hard.,0,2689 "Because of its statutory access authority, GAO generally does not sign a nondisclosure or other agreement as a condition of gaining access to sensitive or proprietary data to which it is entitled.",GAO does not generally sign nondisclosure agreements.,0,2690 "The site has grown beyond its original format and now includes job postings, legal information and book recommendations.",The site has been updated and now has additional sections.,0,2691 "The wolf dates from around the fifth century b.c. , but the little Romulus and Remus that she is suckling are actually Renaissance additions by Pollaiuolo.",The wolf component is older than little Romulus and Remus.,0,2692 It has an interesting story to tell.,An interesting story could be told.,0,2693 i'm drawing the blank,I am going to be drawing a blank.,0,2694 "Not only do thousands of economists agree on something, but what they agree on is the warm and cuddly idea that we should do more to protect the environment.",Environmental protection is agreed on by economists.,0,2695 "If my dog is reading this, he'd better run now.",My dog should be scared of the things written here.,0,2696 She tasted and almost vomited.,She tried some and then almost vomited.,0,2697 "You don't believe in Mr. Brown, Mr. Hersheimmer? 166 ""No, sir, I do not,"" returned the young American with emphasis.",Mr. Hersheimmer really does not believe Mr. Brown one bit.,0,2698 But murder's a violent crime. ,Murder is a crime.,0,2699 Practices and Applications for Vocational Education.,Vocational education applications and practices.,0,2700 i was not aware aware of that,I didn't know about that.,0,2701 Nice Victorian decor and great service a bargain.,The good service and attractive décor make it a bargain.,0,2702 "To allay Russian concerns, NATO has offered not to deploy nuclear forces in Eastern Europe.",NATO said they would not deploy nuclear forces in Eastern Europe.,0,2703 "Frank Sinatra, Wayne Newton, and Louis Prima each arrived with mediocre status and suddenly found themselves with names as big as the marquees on which they were written.",Frank Sinatra was not always a star.,0,2704 " Now the immediate pressure was gone, and Hanson was relaxing with Bork and Nema.","Nema, Bork and Hanson finally could relax.",0,2705 "I've known him slightly on and off for some years, and this morning I ran across him in the street.",I bumped into him in the street.,0,2706 The Commission can and should do more in this area.,"This is an area where the Commission is able to do more, and it should.",0,2707 "Poverty law agencies, too, have recently registered fewer hours of service to clients who most needed legal help.",Poverty law agencies have recently registered fewer hours of service.,0,2708 "But the Sports Network posts Vegas odds, from the Stardust and Mirage casinos, no less.","Vegas odds, from the Mirage casino, are posted on the Sports Network.",0,2709 "And yet (no doubt largely because congressional Republicans were overplaying their hand), the public gave Clinton more support than had ever been enjoyed by Richard Nixon (personal 67 percent) or even Ronald Reagan (personal 68 percent--mass adulation of Ronald Reagan being a largely retrospective phenomenon).",They noted that the public gave the one president more support than their predecessors received. ,0,2710 Numerous phone calls did not produce a meeting date.,There was no meeting time even with the several phone calls made.,0,2711 "As said before, the decline in household bill/payment volume, so far, amounts to a very small portion of First-Class volume.",The decline in household bill/payment volume amounts to a very small portion,0,2712 on the other hand um i don't know if course the judge as all the expertise in that field and he's trained for that and and i'm sure there are certain rules that are set down that he goes by uh along the way to make a decision but perhaps the jury can um give their uh input as to what they think need to be done and then maybe he can go from there uh have you ever sat on a jury trial,"I think the judge is trained, but the jury should given input.",0,2713 "This, in turn, would inspire Greece to intervene to restore order and protect the Greek minority in Macedonia.",This would lead to Greece restoring order and protecting the Macedonian minority. ,0,2714 "Finally, he suggested that the patient's level of distress could influence motivational level as much as the severity of a patient's alcohol problems.",He said that the patient's motivation level might be affected by their level of distress.,0,2715 over many many years,An extended period of time.,0,2716 "This new town became known, ironically, as the French Quarter or Vieux Carre.",The French Quarter was the name given to the new town.,0,2717 "If anyone had chanced to look this morning before his return, and seen it there, it would have been a valuable point in his favour. ","If anyone saw it was there, it would help him out.",0,2718 i don't know maybe it maybe it should be stressed through you know public education in schools you know or something i don't know,"I am not sure, but perhaps it should be taught in public schools.",0,2719 "As it happens, right now the deal isn't looking as great for Lucasfilm as it originally did.",The deal does not currently look great for Lucasfilm.,0,2720 "These days the Eucharist is likelier to be described as a meal, albeit one graced by the saving presence of Christ, than as a propitiatory sacrifice.","These days, the Eucharist is seen as a meal, instead of an atoning ritual.",0,2721 because i have never i have never let me reword that i think i have gone home maybe once or twice slightly sore but that's because of my physical condition and nothing to do what they did,I think I have gone home sore just one day.,0,2722 because they would roll and everything and oh,Due to the fact that they would roll and everything.,0,2723 "That might be because Smith and Price's smart and compassionate work has given Borchardt and his cohorts a measure of celebrity, which removes the sting of nonentity-ness.",Borchardt owes some of his celebrity to Smith and Price.,0,2724 what was the reason why somebody was trying to find out all that stuff,Why did someone want to know all of that?,0,2725 a social type party then you dress up and that i think it just has a a change on your attitude,"When you dress up for a party, it changes your attitude. ",0,2726 They sure was good folks; patched me up an' saw me through like I was their close kin.,They patched me up and helped me out as thought I was family.,0,2727 Some Irish still spit when they hear his name.,Irish people can spit. ,0,2728 "For the stain removal I needed a way of getting the clothes to be tested as dirty as possible, and what is dirtier that the streets of New York?",I need to get clothing as dirty as I can so I use the streets of New York. ,0,2729 The rest of the building and an adjoining college were destroyed in a typhoon-fanned fire in 1835.,The rest of the building was destroyed by fire in 1835.,0,2730 "And younger generations are vastly more tolerant than their elders, suggesting these numbers will climb.",Younger people are a lot more tolerant than older people.,0,2731 The neat 6:3:2 mathematical relationship among the price groups should be noted.,Take note of the 6:3:2 relationship. ,0,2732 he pays for that yeah a couple hundred bucks probably for that like high end card,He pays a couple hundred dollars for a high end card.,0,2733 a change in the date of a hearing related to the report,The report hearing date may change.,0,2734 you know and i could see he was probably selling it for these other people and we were doing these posters uh for drug antidrug campaign and all these little first graders were always drawing these pictures of ice cream trucks,He was selling it for those people.,0,2735 "In fact, he once quipped that, now that objectivity is dead, it is no longer necessary to be right.","He once suggested that since objectivity is six feet under, you are no longer required to actually be correct.",0,2736 but then it got to be a point where they got some independence,It got to a point where they got some indepence,0,2737 "A contract consists of the agency's RFP, as amended, and the successful vendor's proposal.",The successful vendor's proposal is included in the contract.,0,2738 and some people would get military service and some people would get civilian uh service like working in hospitals this i assume it's the kinds of things that they had conscientious objectors do,There were some people who did civilian service.,0,2739 "Since states now know that EPA has authority to address transport pollution through responses to 126 petitions or by issuing a rule like the NOx SIP Call, we anticipate that states will be turning to these types of control approaches early in the SIP process.","States know that the EPA can address pollution transportation, and can control approaches early in the SIP process.",0,2740 Neither DOL nor OSHA systematically provided regulatory background information to the public through their web sites.,The websites of DOL and OSHA both didn't provide background information.,0,2741 "(Buy your film, batteries, mineral water, insect-repellent, etc. , at everything is more expensive inside the park. )","One should buy their needed camping equipment, drinks, and insecticides before heading to the park since things are more expensive there.",0,2742 White cocked his ears.,Whit had is ears cocked.,0,2743 And whether they are in fact transmitted to overseas Chinese depends on on consent rather than descent.,Transmission to overseas Chinese is dependent on consent.,0,2744 "Core information management functions include project management, security management, and contract management practices that can apply to a variety of projects.","Project management, security management and contract management are core functions. ",0,2745 not a whole well not a whole lot i think our cabbages and broccolis and that we have more trouble with that type of thing with the the yeah,There are often problems with growing our cabbages and broccoli ,0,2746 "You know, this might be interestin'.",This could be fascinating. ,0,2747 "Home again after a hard day at the office, the director of a consumer electronics company who wears a business suit in downtown Tokyo sees nothing strange about buying cigarettes from a machine located inches from a sacred Shinto shrine.",You can buy cigarettes from machines near sacred shrines.,0,2748 137 Chapter 11 THE CASE FOR THE PROSECUTION The trial of John Cavendish for the murder of his stepmother took place two months later. ,John Cavendish was suspected of killing his stepmother.,0,2749 He also built the royal palace of Aranjuez and reconstructed the Alcazar of Toledo.,He played a part in the rejuvenation of the Alcazar of Toledo. ,0,2750 "Once the designbuild contract has been awarded, changes to owner requirements will generally incur heavy penalties to the project cost and schedule.",It is expensive to change particulars after a work order has been issued.,0,2751 "Having been told he was too complex for pop music, he was now regarded as too simple-minded to write show scores.",It was thought that he was too simple to write show scores. ,0,2752 Exchanging stuff for eyeballs makes sense as long as the cost of providing the stuff is less than the value of the eyeballs to advertisers.,Eyeballs have value and are able to be exchanged for stuff.,0,2753 oh don't make any excuses for him,He failed at something.,0,2754 no especially if your into any hobbies or anything or,Nope particularly if you're interested in hobbies.,0,2755 "Finally, an agency should conduct postimplementation reviews to determine how well acquisition goals were met and whether the information resources acquired should be added to or replaced.","To determine if acquisition goals are met, an agency should conduct postimplementation reviews.",0,2756 "--DeParle refers to Milwaukee's growing homeless shelter population, but doesn't give any figures on how much it's growing.",Milwaukee's homeless problem is getting worse.,0,2757 But this behavior became maladaptive when access to round-the-clock hamburgers and ice cream became the norm.,It used to not be possible to buy hamburgers and ice cream at all hours.,0,2758 "Today's TV parents are wisdom figures, not the adult buffoons we have grown accustomed to.",Parents on TV today are much better than the stupid ones of the past. ,0,2759 a slug is actually kind of slimy and and these are just he plays with them all time he picks them up and rolls them across the patio,He'll spin them around the deck.,0,2760 yeah i think you're right i think over the well goodness i guess you could go back as,"Yes, you're correct.",0,2761 "Like Nicolas Cage in the more sedate Red Rock West , Sean Penn stumbles into a town of desert predators, where women lull men leggily into the fires of hell, not so much out of guile as instinct.",Sean Penn wanders into a town filled with desert predators out of instinct.,0,2762 preventable death not yeah but,Death can be preventable.,0,2763 "There are those who swear by the sight on the Taj Mahal in the Sharad Purnima, the first full moon after the monsoons, a cloudless midnight in October when the light is at its clearest and also most romantic.",The first sight of the full moon is majestic.,0,2764 yeah uh i thank you very much you're ever up this way look me up here at TI in Attleboro,I would like to give you a big thank you.,0,2765 Their very different characters offer visitors two cities for the price of one. ,It's like you are getting two cities instead of one.,0,2766 "Two seemed intent on cutting down Thorn, slashing wildly at his thighs.",The two of them were slashing at Thorn's thighs. ,0,2767 They spoke of a statue of a woman with long twisted arms and the head of a beast.,They were talking about a statue with the head of a beast.,0,2768 "The large, vaulted medieval crypt is the oldest structure in Dublin.",Dublin is home to a vaulted medieval crypt.,0,2769 "Can you get there by then?"" The reply was reassuring.",Can you be there by this time?,0,2770 "With a modest income of my own and two children to provide for, I fear if she loses this job, it will be her last, leaving me to support her--and I know in advance that I can't let her end up in a welfare hotel.","I'm afraid I will have to feed and house her if she loses this job, and I'm not wealthy myself.",0,2771 They ducked behind a large rock as a dozen more riders roared past silhouetted against the blazing village.,It was behind a big rock that they hid as the riders rode past. ,0,2772 yeah it's i i would imagine it would be pretty i have uh a friend of mine whose her son-in-law is a judge and i've gone to a a few things with her,A friend of mine has a son-in-law who is a judge.,0,2773 He stepped forward and peered through the crystalline glass.,He moved forward and gazed through the crystalline glass.,0,2774 'I am a publicist.,They are a publicist.,0,2775 because uh there's no way they can even i think mathematically they're out of the play-off scene now,"There is not a chance they can, mathematically they are no longer in the play off race.",0,2776 "What had he expected, anyway?",What had he believed would happen?,0,2777 "If not here, then where?","If not in this location, then in what other location.",0,2778 "In fact, there is no dominant style to contemporary consumerism.",there is no dominant style to contemporary consumerism.,0,2779 They're going to find I'm not in my house.,They will find that I am not home.,0,2780 "From the hall, a colonnade leads to an immense hypostyle (with columns supporting the roof) hall, decorated with double rows of papyrus columns with beautifully preserved colors, and on to the Court of Amenophis III.",The colors of the papyrus columns are well preserved.,0,2781 "Fortunately, a perfect model for such honorable yet humble service already exists, and it even has a presidential Habitat for Humanity.",There's already a perfect model for this service.,0,2782 very much so very much so in fact um for a while there uh they had downtown if you were to come come to a stop light they had a a rash of where people were uh when people were stopped at stop signs that people would get in their car and hold a knife and hold them up so now ever since then when you drive into the city most people keep their doors locked while they're in the car until they get down there and once you've reached the the river walk area which is the tourist area it's usually pretty safe during the during the day if you're just kind of cautious and don't go down the back streets or alleys and um you know or or alone if you stay with the groups and along the area where they have the the river patrol cops it's very nice but at at evening um again you they have the high tourist area the river walk area which is nice but you don't want to get off the beaten track um there's a lot of parking garages there because parking is very tight and so you don't want to get caught in the parking garage um alone,You don't want to travel alone in this area because people were being hold up at knife-point.,0,2783 yeah right so i'll probably have to sell the prize i get,I'll probably have to sell the prize,0,2784 "However, because there is a substantial amount of work that can be accomplished with the boiler on line, the additional time would be much less than the number of high electricity demand months that are accommodated by this approach.",The boiler that is currently functioning can do a lot of work. ,0,2785 What had that been if not for misdirection?,There was some misdirection occurring.,0,2786 so we we're trying to get the kids involved with that that you know when they get an allowance uh part of that's supposed to go to savings for instance,"We're giving our kids an allowance, and part of it has to go to savings.",0,2787 I meant Lawrence. ,I meant him. ,0,2788 "I am extremely proud of GAO's workforce, of its dedication and excellence, and of its service to the betterment of government and the country.","The GAO is dedicated and excellent, something to be proud about.",0,2789 oh wow wow oh no,Oh no!,0,2790 This may be the first time that the government has gone against a company with a smaller share of sales in order to protect the ability of its dominant competitor to secure an exclusive.,I've never seen the government target a small company before. ,0,2791 "Mostyes voters dismissed the predictions of doom as exaggeration, according to polls conducted on either side of Election Day.",Most voters who said yes thought the predictions were exaggerated.,0,2792 "By 2015, as an example, scenario A returns cost estimates of $15.",It is estimated that $15 will be the cost under scenario A by 2015.,0,2793 "A big crowd of solicitors will get busy, and they'll get some high-brow doctors on the job, and the end of it all will be that they'll say my brain was unhinged.",They will mention after getting top notch medical professionals that my brain is deranged.,0,2794 i'm trying to think of anything else i do as a hobby um i don't even watch TV very much i was tonight but,I don't watch TV that much. ,0,2795 An alpha candidate would not need Wolf at all.,An alpha candidate would not need Wolf at all.,0,2796 "He is the hero I sought since I first thought of defending the village, Ca'daan told A'deem later.",It was later that Ca'daan told A'deem about the hero he had sought. ,0,2797 "Just a few yards away is the Trout Hotel (once a private house), which has a connection with a more recent celebrity.",The Trout Hotel has a celebrity connection.,0,2798 "Twin lights in the distance, getting rapidly closer.",Two lights moving nearer swiftly.,0,2799 "Against this, Cameron and his supporters argue that, according to their survey of obits, even if they don't have AIDS, homosexual males tend to die by their mid-40s (and lesbians by their late 40s).",Cameron and his supporters cite evidence that homosexual people tend to die in their 40's.,0,2800 terrible you get those uh Chinook winds coming across the prairies and golly it's uh it's unbelievable the extremes in weather up there but i enjoy it gosh i,The weather there is very extreme because of the Chinook winds coming across the prairies.,0,2801 "Well, the big picture looks like Both the number of good jobs and the pay that goes with those jobs are steadily rising.","Not only are the amount of good jobs on the rise, but the pay that goes with them is, too.",0,2802 Maybe Wachtler writes cliches because prison has become cliche.,Maybe Wachtler is a writer of cliches because prison in its own right has become cliche.,0,2803 "Accordingly, he wished them goodbye, and they left the hotel.","Accordingly, he bid them farewell and the exited the hotel.",0,2804 "The Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion, on Lebuh Leith, with its striking outer walls of a rich blue color, was built around 1860 by Thio Thaw Siat, a Chinese businessman.",A Chinese businessman built the Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion.,0,2805 "A convenient base for side trips, the capital of the Franche-Comte region has an attractive city center around the pedestrian zone of the Grande-Rue.",A convenient starting place for side trips.,0,2806 well i like i mean i like you know things that are funny and and all you know like like Cheers you know is really funny it it makes you laugh or you know so it's not like uh uh a show that goes on forever even though it's only half an hour,"I like shows that are funny, like Cheers.",0,2807 "Queen Elizabeth, complaining about just everything, describes the disguise that enabled her to sneak out of Edinburgh a day early.",Queen Elizabeth wore a disguise to sneak out of Edinburgh.,0,2808 "If loans to ski resorts, fast-food chains, and the Bolivian government paid a slightly higher return than loans to a local small business or housing complex, then they had to be the more deserving use of capital.",Loans to ski resorts have a higher return that small businesses.,0,2809 okay um why do you think it um failed do you think we should adopt it,Why do you think it failed? Do you think we should use it?,0,2810 jeez you can't get any interest rates,"Gosh, you cannot get good interest. ",0,2811 Adrin vomited.,Adrin threw up.,0,2812 a) Seduced a married man.,A married man was seduced.,0,2813 DOD programs that captured knowledge similar to commercial companies had more successful outcomes.,DOD programs that captured knowledge similar to commercial companies had more successful outcomes.,0,2814 "Hard-core left-wingers are horrified by this rise in nostalgia about the 1950s, a decade that was seen, not so long ago, as a grim period of pre-enlightenment, racist, sexist, capitalist boredom.",Left-wingers are mortified by a rise of nostalgia concerning the 1950s. ,0,2815 Fear of stigmatization gave rise to federal regulations and laws protecting information related to substance abuse.,Federal regulations were written related to substance abuse.,0,2816 "Red said, ""It's awfully small for a space-ship.""","""Awfully small for a space-ship, isn't it,"" Red stated.",0,2817 "Types of water are discussed in Section 5, Facilities, Equipment, and Supplies.","Section 5, Facilities, Equipment and Supplies discuss types of water.",0,2818 do you have a lot of spare time to do it in or is it something you kind of have to make time for,Do you make time for it or do you have enough spare time?,0,2819 "He could not recognize a man whom he had probably only seen in the distance, since, you remember, he himself had only been in the village a fortnight, and Mrs. Inglethorp dealt principally with Coot's in Tadminster.""","Since his stay in the village had been short, he couldn't identify the man.",0,2820 "In some cases, forming teams provided opportunities for front-line employees to assume leadership roles.","Sometimes, creating teams allowed employees on the front line to take on leadership roles.",0,2821 This analysis includes the information required by paragraph 604(a) by summarizing and evaluating comments received.,Comments received were summarized and evaluated.,0,2822 "Some 30 years after his death, the theaters had been destroyed, the actors dismissed and the playwrights sent into exile.",The theaters were destroyed about 30 years after his death.,0,2823 "Then the papers, said Sir James slowly, ""are still at the back of the picture in that room.""",The papers are in that room.,0,2824 and course they were they were kind of like the Cowboys in that after Lombardi who could fill his shoes,Their team was similar in a way to the Cowboys.,0,2825 "I won't admit it, even to myself. ",I will not admit it to anyone nor myself.,0,2826 "A central focal point is essential to spotting trends, identifying problem areas, and seeing that policies and administrative actions are handled in a consistent manner.","There must be a central guiding principle behind implementing procedures that are meant to be carried out in the same way in similar situations, as well as noticing patterns and difficulties. ",0,2827 "Others engaged in aggressive resource development, pursued alternative methods of providing legal services to clients, reconfigured their organizations, or, in some instances, took their skills and talents elsewhere.",Some reconfigured their organizations.,0,2828 "I've never heard of a former governor going to work for a legal aid program, said Gottlieb.",Former governors are unlikely to work for legal aid programs.,0,2829 in the summer or like in the Easter time like around now,Easter Day is coming soon.,0,2830 "For RSI, the auditor reviews the data for overall compliance with associated guidance and for consonance with the basic financial statements.",The data for overall compliance with associated guidance and for consonance with the basic financial statements is reviewed by the auditor.,0,2831 "you're just a common thief, reminding us of the violence he brought to his neighborhood.",we were reminded of the violence he brought to the neighborhood.,0,2832 "On the mainland, many popular tourist bars have been designed to re-create the feel of a traditional wine cellar.",Tourist bars were made to give off a wine cellar vibe.,0,2833 Workers are considered disabled if they have severe physical or mental conditions that prevent them from engaging in substantial gainful activity.,A worker must have severe mental or physical pain to be considered disabled.,0,2834 well they actually understood it is in America where it was hard Latin you know,It's harder in America for them. ,0,2835 I read about it in the books from Beforethewars.,"In the books predating the wars, I read about it.",0,2836 "In other words, there is no difference between my description of their argument and their own.",Both descriptions of the argument are the same.,0,2837 Maybe even Al Gore will soon exalt with a broad smile the vibrant U.S. ecology.,Maybe even Al Gore one day will support the U.S. ecology publicly.,0,2838 Some of these trekkers were British troops returning from the war with the Gurkhas of Nepal in 1819.,There was a war with the Gurkhas.,0,2839 'Because I no longer trust you at all when it comes to making deals.',I've lost in trust in you when it comes to making deals.,0,2840 The interior has exquisite floors and plasterwork.,The interior is well built.,0,2841 The caves can be spotted from the roadside but are easy to miss unless a guide points them out.,"It's possible to see the caves from the road, but it's easy to overlook them unless you know where they are.",0,2842 "The bottom line We can disagree about policies in a democracy; however, our disagreements should be based on facts.",We can disagree about policies but they need to be based on facts.,0,2843 and then we started having puppies and she had she had four or five litters she always had to look we always kept them in the house when they had the when she when the babies were little,We started having puppies after four or five litters.,0,2844 "Built in 1472 for Mehmet the Conqueror, and decorated with turquoise and blue tile, the most eye-catching building in the square is the Tiled Kiosk (Tlinili Keske).",The Tiled Kiosk was built for Mehmet the Conqueror. ,0,2845 It also provided the perfect perch for transmitters when radio and TV came along.,It was a good perch for TV and radio.,0,2846 "That was some fun watching how the giant two-headed lizard's constant bickering among itself eventually led to its extinction, a lesson for us all and especially for my Uncle Morty and Aunt Bernice.",It was fun seeing the two-headed lizard argue with itself and how that led to its own demise.,0,2847 "Station X (Jesus is stripped): After entering the church, turn right and climb the narrow staircase.",Jesus was stripped on Station X.,0,2848 but most of the others to me are very dull,Most others are very dull to me.,0,2849 "Finally, read Slate online.","You should read Slate online, last.",0,2850 i love going to watch a game in Arlington stadium it's great,Arlington is a great stadium.,0,2851 'My job is to organise.',What I do for my job is organize.,0,2852 i'm not i i ought to look into it uh because we were kind of entertaining entertaining the thought of taking a uh you know like just a five or six day trip in the not too distant future to kind of kick off the summer,We are planning to take a trip to start the summer.,0,2853 "The famed marketplace of Cairo Khan El-Khalili still buzzes with the atmosphere of a medieval souk and it makes a good place to start your tour, though do return as the sun drops and the lights come on because the atmosphere is palpable.","Cairo Khan El-Khalili is not only a famous marketplace, but also a good spot to begin your tour.",0,2854 "Just as index-fund investing defeats this purpose, so too does trading based on anything other than an evaluation of a company's underlying prospects for the future.",It's not a good idea to trade based on anything other than the evaluation of a company's future.,0,2855 Data are combined from several sites to allow generalization,Data from many sites allow generalization ,0,2856 "Yes, I think that would be decidedly better.",I think that would be better. ,0,2857 "The Gallery in the Forest, once the old sawmill, houses many other exhibits, and the Theatre in the Forest holds concerts and performances on weekends in the summer.","During the summer, concerts are held in the Theatre in the Forest on the weekends.",0,2858 "Map maker, map maker, make up your mind, and make me a perfect map!",The map maker needs to make a decision. ,0,2859 "It's tempting to dismiss the whole industry as a scam, particularly when dentists keep coming up with new ailments such as bruxism (teeth grinding), periodontal disease, malocclusion (bad bite), and microcracks.",There are questionable things done in the dentistry industry.,0,2860 He sent Drew to Kaintuck for schoolin'.,He sent Drew to Kaintuck for education.,0,2861 "Keep in mind that a finding may include only a description of the condition, as in a purely descriptive report.",Finding may include a descriptive report ,0,2862 "All of us but the Navajo, that is.",That is everyone is included except for the Navajo.,0,2863 uh and you can't the American government you can't trust them either because you think you don't know how corrupt they are i mean they keep people in power like the Shah of Iran and things like that i mean it's the lesser of two evils they'll probably you know say this is the lesser of two evils,You can't really trust the American government. ,0,2864 "According to VBA officials, they are currently using TPSS training modules to facilitate the training of some new employees, but the training modules needed for other newly hired employees will not be available until November 2001.",VBA officials use TPSS training modules to facilitate the training of new employees.,0,2865 but unfortunately i find getting rid of your TV set you do throw out some some of the baby with the bath water,You get rid of the TV set and you are throwing out more than just an appliance. ,0,2866 Poirot! I cried. ,"""Poirot! "" I cried. ",0,2867 Caution is warranted before committing the anticipated surpluses to permanent changes on either the revenue or spending side.,Caution is encouraged before committing the anticipated surpluses to permanent changes on either the revenue or spending side.,0,2868 "Mountainous Madeira, with its unique network of levada trails , is perfect for walkers of all ages and abilities.","A great place for hikers of all ages and abilities is mountainous Madeira, with its one-of-a-kind network of levada trails.",0,2869 "The combined effect of the program and R&D expenditures, together with other policies described in the CEF report (including a $50 carbon charge applied in the CEF Advanced Scenario), drove a steady reduction in the need for energy compared to the CEF reference case.",The CEF reference case showed greater power consumption that was observed.,0,2870 "And even when it became clear that Serbs were slaughtering Bosnian Muslims, Israel was largely silent, and even occasionally sympathetic, about Serb misbehavior.","Even though it became known that Serbs were massacring Bosnian Muslims, Israel had little to say.",0,2871 In the south the Kek Lok Tong and Sam Poh Tong temples are nestled within high limestone caves and cavities near Gunung Rapat.,Temples are located near Gunung Rapat,0,2872 "In 1855, Mormon leader Brigham Young responded to promising reports of Las Vegas by sending 30 missionary settlers to the valley; they eventually built a fort not far from today's Downtown.",Brigham Young was the leader of the mormon church. ,0,2873 Morrison thickens the ambiguity by avoiding literal references to history and even physical descriptions that might fix characters in time and space.,"Morrison's characters are not well described, prompting the reader to fill in the blanks.",0,2874 "Hunting, with horse and hounds, the smallest boy in the fourth form.",They hunted the smallest boy in fourth form with horses and hounds.,0,2875 The cannon sounded again for the 1918 Armistice and the funeral of Marshal Foch in 1929.,"The cannon was sounded twice - once in 1918, another time in 1929.",0,2876 "I would encourage a reinterpretation of the exclusionary principle to keep criminals in jail where they belong, but only if the cops and prosecutors are severely punished for their crimes as well.",He believes that criminals should stay in jail.,0,2877 that's the thing and you know we're just going to have to adopt a a completely different attitude,We have to have a different attitude.,0,2878 I cannot hope to settle this large issue here.,I don't see a way that I can address the larger issue at hand.,0,2879 uh-huh so i think it just i think it depends on the circumstances and how many times that person has been in trouble i mean really big trouble,I think it depends on the circumstances and how many times the person has previously been in trouble.,0,2880 What about homeless people?,What do you say regarding homeless people?,0,2881 "Evidently he was to have been taken out of London in that, and his body found many miles from the house in Soho.",There was evidence that he'd been taken out of London and brought to Soho.,0,2882 "Before he could try again, a messenger arrived with an order commuting Nichiren's sentence to exile on the island of Sadogashima.","Before he could make another attempt, an order arrived by messenger.",0,2883 and and then uh then you're in the situation where you're very unhappy,You'll be unhappy because of the situation.,0,2884 "Another dance, the parado, resembles a courtly it is performed in Valldemossa in the square beside the monastery.",There is a square beside the monastery in Valldemossa.,0,2885 That frightened me most of all.,I was afraid. ,0,2886 uh i like being taken care of i like my luggage carried and my door opened and i think the young women are losing that and i think that's sad,I like to have someone look after me.,0,2887 well another another problem i think is the the drugs you know uh people have to get money for the the drugs and,People need to get money for drugs.,0,2888 "But when the groundlings grumble for red meat in the second act, Farrakhan abandons the smiling visage and the angel-of-peace routine and spews.",Farrakhan stops smiling and behaving angelically when the groundlings ask for meat.,0,2889 "New York, like many states, did not embrace the idea at first.",New York was opposed to the idea.,0,2890 uh start forcing attitudes and whatnot you know there's not a lot of pressure to to vote the right way or anything else around TI like there like there is in some companies or at least you know from what i've heard but uh,There is a lot of pressure on people to vote in certain ways.,0,2891 i've always kind of enjoyed it i i used to read a lot more than i do now,"In the past, I read more than I do now.",0,2892 "The cliff road ends at the Victorian-era Old Lighthouse, which still protects ships passing this rocky promontory.",The Old Lighthouse helps ships to not run into the cliff.,0,2893 "Her parents did, however, have a $15,000 wedding for her sister, and then bought them a $400,000 house after they got married.",Her parents provided for her sister's wedding as well as a house.,0,2894 uh in the Houston area,Located in or close to Houston.,0,2895 "Through the competitive grants process, LSC evaluates an applicant's capacity to provide effective and efficient high quality legal representation to eligible clients.",LSC evaluates its applicants. ,0,2896 "I don't know, said A'deem.",A'deem didn't know something.,0,2897 "And if they did have it, they'd spend it on periodicals, new books, or capital improvements.","When they had it, they'd spend it on things such as new books.",0,2898 "congressional requests for quickly developed testimony based on new work, (2) work that is to be completed within a short time frame, and (3) requests for information on the implementation status of recommendations made in issued reports.",Some work is to be completed in a short time frame.,0,2899 i guess yeah yeah i guess since Staubach left they haven't been able to keep it going yeah,They haven't quite been the same since Staubach left.,0,2900 "Depending on the circumstances of the audit, auditors may find it necessary to obtain information on compliance matters from others, such as investigative staff, audit organizations, and officials of government entities that provided assistance to the audited entity, and/or the applicable law enforcement authority.",Auditors may sometimes have to glean information on compliance issues from audit organizations.,0,2901 His decision to resign and run for the ambassadorship few expect him to win should be treated like these other nutty episodes.,His decision to give up his job and run for ambassador even though victory is not projected should be viewed in the same light as his other antics. ,0,2902 i think we should have stayed longer,We probably should have left later.,0,2903 uh-huh probably things that that there happen every day and we don't even notice them until someone videotapes them,Things occur every single day but aren't noticed until it is put on video.,0,2904 "Our study participants said that their organizations rarely experienced a violation of trust because members did not want to jeopardize their ability to participate and, thus, lose the benefits of membership.",Study participants said they rarely had a violation of trust because members didn't want to lose their memberships.,0,2905 Wars of Independence,A couple of wars fought for independence.,0,2906 "Look here, Mary, there's the deuce of a mess. ","What a fine mess this is, Mary. ",0,2907 and help them protect themselves not not that they i'm i'm not sure the Catholic church is is is particularly particularly political but,I don't think the Catholic Church is political.,0,2908 "In the 15th century, bloodthirsty mobs raided the synagogue and massacred the Jewish population.",The Jewish population of massacred in the 15th century.,0,2909 Nor are all lies deceptions--some lies are told without any intention to deceive (You've lost weight!,Some lies are told without any intention to deceive. ,0,2910 "The fishing port and resort of Santa Pola (18 km, south of Alicante on the N-332) has an extraordinary number of restaurants.","Santa Pola, a resort and fishing port, has a large number of restaurants.",0,2911 A bookcase crammed with tightly squeezed volumes provided a resting place for pieces of native pottery bearing grotesque animal designs.,"The native pottery, bearing ugly animal designs, rested on the stuffed bookcase.",0,2912 This quiet and small hotel (with both air-conditioning and TV in the rooms) is situated very close to the heart of the New City.,The hotel is small and quiet.,0,2913 and we've done things like when when it's kind of cold we take extension cords and we've all brought heaters in our tents,"When it's cold, we bring heaters into our tents.",0,2914 Kasich isn't a corporate-welfare NIMBY.,Kasich is not in favor of corporate welfare.,0,2915 yeah that's right i can do that exactly you sure can you can network them together and everything it's a fantastic machine needless to say so i'm very uh high on it but you said you have computers Suns at work right what other machines do you all have at work,It's a fantastic machine with networking support.,0,2916 well it would be nice but i kind of like the freedom too don't you,"It would be nice, but I enjoy the freedom. ",0,2917 "Given our resources, we can only handle the most pressing cases such as restraining orders.",We are only able to assist with important cases.,0,2918 people's giving it to me for two cents i uh that's okay,It's fine if people sell it to me for only two cents.,0,2919 Reliability problems could arise as large amounts of capacity are taken out of service for extended periods of time to install the control equipment necessary to meet the emissions reduction requirements.,Control equipment installation could disrupt production.,0,2920 "When, reasonably enough, she objects, he subtly menaces ",He quietly threatens her when she objects.,0,2921 "As the roc swept over, the people stopped their frenzied pursuit of sensation and ran for weapons.","As the roc swept over, people ran to grab weapons.",0,2922 well in our i live in a very small community outside of the Dallas area and uh we're just getting started as a matter of fact this last week we got a notice in the mail from City Hall and they've informed us that uh we'd be getting more instructions in the mail in a week or two but we're going to start a separation of our refuse and separating the cans from the paper et cetera,Right now I am living in a small place close to Dallas. ,0,2923 "Under the AEO 2001 advanced technology characterization, scenario B assumes that a large number of technologies have earlier availability, lower costs, and/or higher efficiencies.",Technology has a large influence on scenario B.,0,2924 "Whenever viewers hear of the treaty again, the first thing they're likely to think of is that map--just as the phrase Clinton health plan came to trigger the picture of Harry and Louise being denied the right to choose their own doctor.",The treaty is tied with Harry and Louise in people's heads.,0,2925 what things were like so,Which ones were like that?,0,2926 "It was more of an enormous lean-to than a true building, but it was the best protection now available.",It was the best protection and more a huge lean-to than truly a building.,0,2927 so there's less you think now there's less of a a social movement and more individual movements lots of individual movements in a sense,"Instead of social movements, we have a lot of individual movements.",0,2928 "The old man's white goatee bobbed as he mouthed something silently and made passes over the flame, which shot up prismatically.",The flames lit up in a rainbow of color as the old man passed over the fire.,0,2929 "No longer a Nobel Prize waiting to happen (Jeff Giles, Newsweek ), Kundera is said to overindulge in his philosophical musings, which no longer seem fresh.",Jeff Giles writes for Newsweek.,0,2930 "For a moment I just stared at the thing, then a fresh burst of ringing convinced me to pick up.",The phone was ringing and it was answered. ,0,2931 "In addition, the courts have assessed a fee on civil filings, a funding source that supports the Maine Civil Legal Services Fund.",The courts charge a filing fee.,0,2932 um and taxes,Taxes too.,0,2933 The fact that Schmucko was Monica Lewinsky's phrase placated no one.),Monica Lewinsky's remark did not resonate with anyone.,0,2934 "According to one estimate using 1998 Survey of Consumer Finances data, the aggregate debt burden was nearly 15 percent of income, but nearly 13 percent of families had debt burdens greater than 40 percent.",Some families are burdened with a larger ratio of debt.,0,2935 The telephone rang.,The phone was ringing.,0,2936 " ""Only you plan to go out an' spit in th' shadow's eye?""","""You are the only one who plans to go out an' spit in th' shadow's eye?""",0,2937 Pete Stark is leading a crusade to stop the practice.,Pete Stark is trying to stop the practice with others.,0,2938 "Across a vast, horseshoe-shaped courtyard, you come across the exquisite Rococo style of Louis XV's time in the apartments of the Prince and Princess of Soubise.","During the time of Louis XV, the Rococo style was in fashion.",0,2939 But you know!,You know what I mean.,0,2940 Determine Who Had Highest Retirement Income; Aged Population Nearly Doubles From Today as a Share,The aged population has higher retirement incomes.,0,2941 holy smokes i didn't that doesn't seem like very long,That does not seem very long.,0,2942 they gave add it on on to tires and gasoline cigarettes liquor and it doesn't bother me any because i've quit drinking and i quit smoking so that doesn't bother me but i don't think it's fair it's it's too um," They added it to tires, gas, cigarettes, and liquor. I don't care too much because I don't smoke or drink, but it doesn't seem too fair. ",0,2943 The Wither had clearly gotten her name from something other than her looks.,The Wither was not goo looking.,0,2944 During the 20th century Edinburgh became a European center of learning and culture.,"Starting from the 1900s, Edinburgh was a popular spot to get immersed in culture and the arts. ",0,2945 "And what the heck are you doing here, anyhow?","So why the hell are you here, by the way?",0,2946 "The Hawaiian people loved their King, who was soon dubbed the Merry Monarch. ",The Hawiians loved their king.,0,2947 "The examination consisted of several steps, primarily focusing on comparing information on three critical documents-the obligation or ordering document, the receiving and inspection document (normally called a receiving report), and the invoice.","There are many steps in the examination, including the invoice.",0,2948 "Ah, my young friend, it is lucky for you your skull is so thick.",The young person was had a dense skull.,0,2949 grim family yeah yeah and they fortunately they have some some success stories to share and i try to tell them to dwell on those i can't see how they can both stand uh to live that way but they don't see much uh hope for neither one of them sees any real solution to the to the problems uh,I tell them to think more positively and about the good things they have.,0,2950 "Not to be missed is a visit to Guangzhou's famous open-air market, Qing Ping.",Guangzhou's famous open-air market is Qing Ping,0,2951 yeah yeah i was very surprised that did do a slapstick movie because that's uh not really the way comedies are right now,"Most comedies right now don't feature slapstick, so I was surprised that this one did.",0,2952 OMB also is required to select at least five agencies from among the initial pilot agencies to pilot,At least five agencies have to be picked by OMB.,0,2953 The general could not tolerate the political squabbles of the Fourth Republic and withdrew from public life.,The general withdrew from public life.,0,2954 His head was shaved and coated in black blood.,The man's bald head was covered in blood.,0,2955 ", records management and defined contracting requirements).",There are explicit contracting requirements.,0,2956 but they all do i guess it's it's cyclical i guess as the players get older get slower,Older players get slower.,0,2957 The others are those of his birth at Lumbini (Nepal); his first sermon at Sarnath ; and of his death at Kushinagar.,His first sermon was given at Sarnath.,0,2958 He thinks Lippmann's influence has been wildly exaggerated.,He does not believe it is as influential as others claim.,0,2959 right you know with the chance of even getting paroled and uh you know that's just i just don't understand that,There is a chance or getting paroled.,0,2960 uh-huh it's not the length isn't too long,it is short,0,2961 I've been the most almighty blithering darned idiot that it's possible to imagine.,I have been so foolish that I can hardly believe it.,0,2962 I can take him if you wish.,"If you want, I can bring him.",0,2963 yes yes i think the whole thing of how they got there was to me i i kind of well i i guess that's the rules and and the way the and the way the the play-offs are run but i i don't know i just think there was probably some other teams that they only missed by couple of points and they really should have been in there but,"I know that those are the rules, but I don't really agree with how they got to the playoffs.",0,2964 "We must only hope that our Pakistani friend does not get to sound too much like the aforementioned Mr. Russert--or any of the other Sabbath gasbags, to use the phrase that the wonderful Frank Rich has popularized.",We must only hope that our Pakistani friend does not get to sound too much like Mr. Russert,0,2965 "According to the Department, this rule was reviewed under Executive Order",The rule was reviewed according to the Department. ,0,2966 "To effectively deal with these types of individuals, civil sanctions must be strong enough and targeted enough to discourage potential bad actors from doing things that harm others.","To effectively deal with these types of individuals, civil sanctions must be strong enough ",0,2967 I confess that I cannot prove I am right in my belief.,I admit I haven't been proven right in my belief.,0,2968 Both of these units provide more recent insight into the ability and scheduling to install FGD systems during a period of high demand for SCR installations.,FGD systems are scheduled to be installed.,0,2969 "Inside, the cathedral's majestic columns and arches are lit by fine stained-glass windows.",Fine stained-glass windows were used for the construction of the cathedral.,0,2970 Creedance Clearwater Revival uh Crosby Stills Nash and Young when it was still all four,"Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young were in Creedance Clearwater Revival then.",0,2971 The disclosures can be used to ferret out wrongdoing and conflicts of interest.,The disclosures can find errors.,0,2972 Bermuda seems to be yeah Bermuda seems to do pretty good down here,"I agree, Bermuda does that.",0,2973 "The classic Frank Capra film, It's a Wonderful Life , tells us that the lives of ordinary people benefit those of countless others in ways of which they are hardly aware.","It's Wonderful Life, a Frank Capra film, tells us that the lives of ordinary people benefit those of countless others.",0,2974 "Elena Popp, executive director of the foundation, welcomed the attorney general's alert.",Elena Popp was the executive director of the foundation.,0,2975 Mistuh Nye says to tell you he'll be back.,Mister Nye said he'll be back. ,0,2976 well i did too about a month ago i had a a real severe cold but nothing that required you know um a doctor's visit or anything like that i was just able to take some aspirin and rest for a couple of days but it just seemed like it,"A few weeks ago I had a bad cold, but it didn't require a doctor's intervention.",0,2977 oh well basically um because i lived in the Middle East for a while i tend to fix Middle Eastern foods when i have have people over,I used to live in the Middle East so I usually cook Middle Eastern dishes when I have guests on my house.,0,2978 "The pyramid is surrounded by a compound designed to mimic the King's palace at his court in Memphis; with beams, columns, and bundles of reeds carved onto its facade.","The King's palace has beams, columns and bundles of reeds i its facade.",0,2979 "To be sure, the Army's program insists, though more vaguely than people admit, that affirmative-action beneficiaries must meet the same minimum qualifications as their white counterparts.",The Army says that those under affirmative-action need to be just as qualified.,0,2980 "The evaluators identified the key elements of the programs as implemented and what measurable changes were likely to occur and developed measures of the outcomes, as well as designs for testing cause and effect in the subsequent larger study (Chelimsky and Sasfy, 1976).","The key elements of the programs as implemented, and what measurable changes were likely to occur were identified by the evaluators, and they also developed measures of the outcomes, as well as designs for testing cause and effect in the subsequent larger study (Chelimsky and Sasfy, 1976).",0,2981 "The number of performed procedures grew at a never-before seen pace, and a trend for an IQ higher than 180 lasted several years.",The procedures increased over the years.,0,2982 It's not just a question of men disinclined to violence getting killed off.,It isn't just the more peaceful ones being taken out.,0,2983 Then Mr. White's voice froze my heart.,I froze when Mr. White spoke.,0,2984 "Life, moralized Tuppence, ""is full of surprises.""",Tuppence said that life sometimes leaves you down.,0,2985 yeah see that's that's too many games,That's too many games,0,2986 "His uncle considered this, running a hand over his thinning head.",His uncle was almost bald.,0,2987 The villager cried out and lunged but the small man twisted out of the way.,The guy yelled.,0,2988 "I am merely a man, no more valuable than any other.",I am just a man like all others.,0,2989 the cards ah dear i didn't have to bother with that at all thank goodness yeah,It's good that I didn't have to worry about that.,0,2990 But Tuppence behaved admirably.,But Tuppence was well-behaved.,0,2991 We were heading back to the city in a straight line- the route took us right over a bunch of Raptor nests.,We went back to the city over Raptor nests.,0,2992 yeah that would be horrible,that would be terrible,0,2993 basically because because that's where i came from and uh grew up following them as a kid,"Because I hail from there, and grew up following them.",0,2994 right but i wonder how much longer they're going to be a them,I do not know for sure how much more time it will be.,0,2995 "At ten o'clock, the two young men were at the appointed spot.",Two young men met at a rendezvous point at ten o'clock.,0,2996 "One of warm fur blankets, hot breakfast, and loving parents in the stone walls of his father's keep in the high moors.",They parents had warm amenities. ,0,2997 Their celebrated gift for gesticulation aids the inherent air of drama that reassures them of the appreciation of their audience.,They are reassured that their audience appreciates them.,0,2998 "Large schools with acres of grounds, playing fields, and recreation areas are interspersed with sumptuous houses set in leafy lanes.",There are large schools that have vast recreation areas and playing fields.,0,2999 "Located on the beach, this is an ideal place for lunch or a sunset drink.",It's right on the beach and is the perfect spot for lunch or a drink. ,0,3000 my uh my roommate is a uh he's getting his doctorate in industrial well it's not industrial engineering it's human factors his degree was in uh you know industrial engineering,"My roommate got an engineering degree, and now he's doing his doctorate.",0,3001 "Men dove for cover behind seats, merrily blasting away.",Men blasted as they dove for cover.,0,3002 Aren't you?,Are you not?,0,3003 "Originally, the festival invoked the help of the gods against a plague in medieval Kyoto; highly commercialized imitations of it are now celebrated all over the country.",There are commercialized imitations of the festival in the country.,0,3004 "Though initially settled in the mid 1800s, Las Vegas struggled as a Mormon outpost for much of its early existence.",Las Vegas was Mormon for a lot of its early history.,0,3005 "Meanwhile, Heian court life blossomed in an effusion of aesthetic expression.",Heian court life overflowed with artistic expression and creativity.,0,3006 i guess a year is a long time maybe six months might be a little bit more reasonable,"Six months sounds better, a year would be too long.",0,3007 "Bauerstein is much of my height and build, and, like me, wears a beard. ",Bauerstein has a beard like me and is similar to my build and height.,0,3008 "If the objectives of the work to be performed change significantly or if the location of the work needs to be modified, GAO will notify the agency-designated central liaison or primary point of contact of these changes.","GAO will notify the appropriate people, should there be need to change the work's location.",0,3009 "This last category has led some to accuse the straight nonfiction list of being a useful fiction, designed to give publicity to books that would otherwise fail.",The last category led to some accusing straight nonfiction list of being a useful fiction which was designed to give publicity to books that wouldn't succeed.,0,3010 They say Schiele's appeal is less aesthetic than pornographic.,It is possible that Schiele's artwork is more popular for its frankly sexual subject matter than for its beauty.,0,3011 "The collection of paintings by Raphael (1483 1520) in the Prado was once kidnapped by Napoleon and carted off to Paris, though soon recovered.",Napoleon once stole these paintings for a short time.,0,3012 "With the Dutch concentrating once more on Java and the Moluccas in the 18th century, the Bugis took advantage of the vacuum by raiding Perak and Kedah, imposing their chieftains in Selangor and becoming the power behind the throne in Johor.","With the Dutch concentrating on Java, Bugis raided Perak and Kedah becoming the power behind the throne in Johor.",0,3013 "Danvers, he murmured.","Danvers, he whispered.",0,3014 To the right of the madrasa is the Al-Rafai Mosque completed in 1902 and the last greatest religious structure to be built in the city.,To the right of the madrasa is the Al-Rafai Mosque,0,3015 The Government has designed this program to use the legal profession and the established Judiciary of the States and the Federal Government to accomplish its end of assisting welfare claimants in determination or receipt of their benefits.,The Government created a program to end its role of assisting welfare claimants in determination or receipt of their benefits.,0,3016 "Not Tuesday?""",Was Tuesday the incorrect day?,0,3017 "All estimates assume that particles are causally associated with health effects, and that all components have the same toxicity.",It assumes that all particles have the same toxicity.,0,3018 These oligopolies have in most cases proved to be as inefficient and disinclined to innovate as the state-owned monopolies.,Large private companies and state run monopolies are more similar than generally thought.,0,3019 The gallery on the upper floor boasts a collection of some the best art and crafts in Jamaica.,There is an art gallery on the upper floor.,0,3020 estimated demand and supply equations for agricultural commodities produced in the United States.,Demand and supply equations exist for agriculture within the US. ,0,3021 "Follow him, of course, silly! ",You need to follow him.,0,3022 i know and boy it gets really scary when you start talking to them um i have a an eleven year old daughter now who's saying gee dad i want to be an allergist and i said that's wonderful i applaud that let me explain to you how you get scholarships to do that,I teach my daughter how to get scholarships for the area she wants to study in college.,0,3023 The historic theater district on Broadway has evolved into a bustling Hispanic shopping street good for bridal gowns and electronic equipment.,The theater district located on Broadway has a fair amount of history.,0,3024 "Approval of T&A reports and related documents should be based on personal observation, work output, timekeeper verification, checking data against other independent sources, reliance on other controls, or a combination of these methods.",The T&A reports should be approved based on what people observe.,0,3025 well as long as you're not eating meat um it's to be kosher the meat would have to be kosher,The meat would have to be kosher.,0,3026 Day Trips From The Lake District,Trips during the day happen in the lake district,0,3027 People like me.,People are fond of me.,0,3028 "Richard Brown commented on high up-front costs required to develop technological means of delivering These services, such as computer-based screening.",Richard Brown made a comment on how much it cost up-front for technological delivery of these services.,0,3029 "Is it a bargain?"" He was so quaintly humorous that I was forced to laugh; and we went together to the drawing-room, where the coffee-cups and tray remained undisturbed as we had left them. ",The coffee cups were undisturbed while they were away.,0,3030 "If you come expecting a nightmarish land of charter flights, tour buses, and beer-stained beach hangouts, you may be shocked at how remote and undeveloped many parts of these small islands remain.","Even though the island has a reputation for tacky tourism, there are many unspoiled areas on the islands.",0,3031 But I haven't talked to a single mobster who would take Tony Soprano's life over Michael Corleone's.,Tony Soprano and Michael Corleone are mobsters.,0,3032 The unique piazza's red-brick herringbone paving/pavement is divided by nine marble strips for the nine patrician clans that ruled the city at the end of the 13th century.,The city was ruled by nine patrician clans at the end of the 13th century.,0,3033 and they said that a certain number of people that the heavy drug users would either quit or go in rela rehabilitation programs and i think that's what helps you know that that you know warning when you have a drug program uh you know the people that are worried about it or are taking drugs actually go and then uh usually a lot of them uh partake in uh some of the benefits of of rehabilitation and everything so,Some people with drug problems go for rehabilitation programs.,0,3034 OMB's published guidance12 states that an agency should perform an assessment to evaluate the suitability of electronic signature alternatives for a particular application.,"An agency should perform an assessment to evaluate the suitability of electronic signature alternatives for a particular application, according to OMB's published guidance12.",0,3035 oh my money's in the stock market oh i can't believe they're doing this but it doesn't change anything so i'm just like,I put my finances in the stock market and what they're doing I don't believe in.,0,3036 They drive it around the country in a dilapidated ice-cream truck trying to keep it cool.,They store it in a crummy-looking ice-cream truck to stop it from melting.,0,3037 "Despite its name, the square has had a tumultuous history ' home to a busy guillotine in the Revolution and the site of the Germans' last foot­hold in Paris in 1944 ' and handles some aggressive traffic today.",The square has had a volatile history despite what the name suggests.,0,3038 well not really because you know i live i live here in a dorm i i still go to college but,"no not really, I live in a dormitory and still go to college",0,3039 Practicing on dead patients is nothing new.,The medical community practices on dead patients.,0,3040 Tattoos of snakes circled around his chest and shoulders.,He had snake tattoos on his body.,0,3041 It's like one of those Westerns where the town barber is also the postmaster and the saloonkeeper.,"In Westerns, the town barber was usually the postmaster and the saloon keeper. ",0,3042 oh yeah and i love the water aerobics i love the water aerobics,I love water aerobics!,0,3043 A panel survey collects data repeatedly from the same sample.,"In a panel survey, the same sample has its data collected repeatedly.",0,3044 "You're a good sort, Tommy.",Tommy is a good person.,0,3045 "With further refinements underway to improve reliability, this system will enable program leaders at all levels to provide Congress, client groups, state legislatures, bar leaders, courts, funders and other stakeholders with a more accurate picture of how many people are being served by LSC-funded programs.",This system will facilitate reporting for LSC-funded programs.,0,3046 Brandy is the sweetheart of black America--she's Whitney Houston before Bobby Brown.,Brandy is the sweetheart of black America.,0,3047 "Galloping tuition payments have reduced the pool of applicants for legal aid and other public service jobs, Asher said.",The pool of applicants has been reduced.,0,3048 "Particularly true for household sector-E-mail, Electronic bill paying, FAX, long-distance call",That is true for the households.,0,3049 'Pardon?!' I called.,Excuse me I said?,0,3050 "For historians not to reach out smacks of elitism, he says.",Historians should reach out or be seen as elitists.,0,3051 "Next to the three-story pagoda is a ginkgo tree said to be over 1,000 years old.","A ginkgo tree next to the pagoda is 1,000 years old.",0,3052 The city's Champagne cellars are in fact 250 km (155 miles) of galleries quarried out of the city's chalk foundations back in the days of Roman Gaul.,There are champagne cellars in the city.,0,3053 yeah what do they do,What do they do?,0,3054 "He'd assumed that the sun of this world must be above the sky, but he'd been wrong; like the other heavenly bodies, it had been embedded inside the shell.",He wrongly thought that the sun of his world was above the sky.,0,3055 Clearly any scheme for cross-questioning the lady was out of the question for the moment.,"No matter how they try, they were unable to cross-question the woman.",0,3056 "Dave Hanson, you never died!","Dave Hanson, you are still alive!",0,3057 well see they don't do a blood test to us,They do not test our blood.,0,3058 "But if you climb the maze of steep narrow streets into the upper part, you'll find peaceful, shady squares.",There are peaceful squares in the upper part beyond the narrow streets.,0,3059 But the wound was already healing.,The would was healing.,0,3060 oh Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles huh um-hum,"Yeah, the movie the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.",0,3061 "Created by Amelia Hill, it is the only statue in the garden to have been sculpted by a woman.",Amelia Hill's sculpture is the only one in the garden that was sculpted by a woman.,0,3062 And about the lost key and the duplicate?,What about the two keys?,0,3063 "The words were smooth enough, but the eyes turned away again.","Despite the words being comforting, eyes turned away.",0,3064 it's it's been a while since i've read any biographies,I have not read any in a long time. ,0,3065 "Laid out like a chessboard (nearly half the size of China's similarly designed capital, Chang'an), Nara had its imperial palace at the northern end, with court residences, Buddhist monasteries, and Shinto shrines stretching to the south.",The imperial palace of Nara was located towards the north.,0,3066 "Just as court ritual is still colored by the ancient customs of pre-Muslim Malaya, so a mild-mannered Sunnite version of the Muslim religion is often seasoned, amid this all-pervasive nature, with a generous spoonful of the more ancient beliefs of animist medicine-men.",Sunnites are mild-mannered.,0,3067 but it'll it'll be interesting to watch i hope to get up there we we usually try to get to opening day game there's several guys from our church try to go up there,We like to gather as a group and go to the opening day game,0,3068 we've been in here ten years,We've been here for a decade.,0,3069 yeah the first the first winter i moved out here i had a big snow plow on the tractor and i had to use it we had three uh fourteen inch uh snows,We had a lot of snow the first year I was here so I used my plow and tractor a lot.,0,3070 and um i guess looking at my parents and seeing all the problems they've had you know my mother's had bypass surgery and uh and she's she's got,My parents had some serious several health problems.,0,3071 A secluded and tranquil setting in Dragon Bay.,The setting in Dragon Bay is tranquil and secluded.,0,3072 The capital of Rajasthan was built according to astrological precepts.,The capital city was built by way of the stars.,0,3073 i guess we'll start listening yeah maybe so we'll start listening to children's music,We will begin listening to children's music. ,0,3074 oh action adventure i probably you're not talking your Danielle Steele female by any means but on the other hand i won't uh i can't Sidney Sheldon's does come off the shelf for light reading,You are probably not talking about Danielle Steele.,0,3075 well i i've seen the bad side in most of them,I have observed them for a while.,0,3076 "Praising President Clinton for his federal transportation law to upgrade U.S. highways, the paper said that without a similar effort on our part, American superhighway traffic will come grinding to a halt at the Canadian border.",U.S. highways will be upgraded thanks to a federal transportation law.,0,3077 "Poirot, I cried, ""I congratulate you! ",I congratulated Poirot.,0,3078 Exca?­va?­tions have uncovered a 12th-century structure under part of the Palais de Justice.,Beneath the Palais de Justice there exists the remains of a structure dating from the 1100s.,0,3079 "Having conditioned its audience to view IQ as all-important, The Bell Curve then manipulates statistics in a way that makes IQ look bigger, and everything else smaller, in determining Americans' life-chances.",The Bell Curve is partly responsible for inflating the image of IQ while simultaneously diminishing the image of other factors.,0,3080 The empirical support for brief interventions is excellent and does not need further conceptual verification.,Brief interventions do not require further conceptual verification.,0,3081 "Thereafter, receipts remain at 20.",There were 20 receipts.,0,3082 American companies have claimed that the launches helped the United States more than China.,The launches helped the United States more than it did China according to some American companies. ,0,3083 Tombs of the Nobles sit between the Ramesseum and the village.,Between the village and the Ramesseum lie the Nobles' tombs.,0,3084 It may take a little time.,It might take some time.,0,3085 "Ser Perth was suddenly in the doorway, dressed in a different type of robe.","Ser Perth, wearing another kind of robe, appeared in the doorway.",0,3086 yeah and and just plain can't have guns,Absolutely cannot own firearms.,0,3087 This image offers a grossly distorted view of evolution.,This image provides a messed up view of evolution.,0,3088 "Furthermore, an agency's internal control should be flexible to allow agencies to tailor control activities to fit their special needs.",Flexibility in an agency's internal controls is recommended here.,0,3089 would you would you agree with that,Would you concur with that?,0,3090 Our present attitude is a little melodramatic.,We're being a bit histrionic.,0,3091 "His own firm in Bethlehem, he said, operates under the Marcos and Negron philosophy.",His firm is located in Bethlehem.,0,3092 Generator Phase I Allowances,Generator Phase 1 has Allowances.,0,3093 "Designed for a daughter of Louis XIV in 1722, it makes a stately riverside faaade for the 7th arrondissement, with its 18th-century embassies, ministries, and private mansions (hetels particuliers).",Private mansions are referred to in French as hetels particuliers. ,0,3094 yeah that sucks really uh kind of annoying but that's cool,"That sucks and is a little annoying, but it's okay.",0,3095 And it means Alabama won't have a half-million dollars cut from its budget as had been expected.,"It was expected that Alabama would have its budget cut by at least $500,000.",0,3096 "Announcement of the terms sent Galoob's stock plummeting, so that Lucasfilm's options are now out of the money.",Lucasfilm's options don't have money right now.,0,3097 uh more gourmet but more you know with yeah more with what you like and i i she loves broccoli and spinach and i think uh she i don't think she's ever probably thought of that,I know that she loves green vegetables.,0,3098 "Divided in the 14th century between the Spanish in Sicily and the French in Naples, southern Italy remained solidly feudal.","In the 14th century, southern Italy was using the feudal system.",0,3099 "In that sense, the stock market boom is founded firmly on the steadier achievements to which Kazin refers.",The increase in the stock market is founded by Kazin's achievements. ,0,3100 One A paranoid schizophrenic who had been briefly hospitalized at least 15 times killed a 25-year-old woman.,A 25-year-old woman has been killed by a schizophrenic.,0,3101 "Power generation accounts for a significant percentage of these emissions, and our analysis shows that there are significant reductions available at lower cost than from other sources.",A large part of these emissions come from power generation.,0,3102 uh it really does sound like it was a self defense kind of thing,it sounds like it was self defense.,0,3103 Get some sticks.,Grab a couple of sticks.,0,3104 "For additional information on our objectives, scope, and methodology, see appendix I.",Appendix I has information on the scope and objectives we used.,0,3105 "To News Quiz participants, Wal-Mart means sweatshop labor and easily available guns, but it's so much more.",Wal-Mart is synonymous with cheap labor and quick access to firearms.,0,3106 "The military support never came, and as his troops fled the city after quashing the insurgency, Hitler ordered them to raze Warsaw building-by-building and thereby annihilate important monuments of Polish culture.",When Hitler's troops abandoned Warsaw they destroyed many Polish cultural artifacts.,0,3107 An aesthetic democrat says that more people could profit from the experience of art if those who ran museums thought more creatively about how to converse with their audience.,Experiencing art involves more than just looking at it.,0,3108 well it sounds it sounds it sounds like you have it sounds like yeah sounds like you have a real nice home and it's uh it sounds like what part of Indiana or is is,It sure sounds like you have a really nice home.,0,3109 right well do you count your laps or do you just have a time segment that you,"Do you go by laps, or time?",0,3110 "Not surprisingly, the push for a shrinkocracy has gained little support.",Shrinkocracy has gained little help despite the push for it.,0,3111 A huge arch (torii) spanning the main road marks the approach to the Heian Shrine.,The approach to the Heian Shrine is marked by an arch.,0,3112 "Like Elche and Orihuela, Murcia has been a rich oasis since Moorish times.",Murcia is a rich region.,0,3113 "If I receive $5 million, I'm rich.",I'm well-off if I get 5 million dollars.,0,3114 and we were just um not aware that this was a problem that we ever would need to recycle anything of course you just threw it away,We weren't aware there was a recycling problem.,0,3115 "The race was notable for the last several laps, in which Earnhardt rode Gordon's bumper at 190 mph.","During the last several laps, Gordon was in front of Earnhardt at 190 mph.",0,3116 "And regardless of who supports them, these guys have a lot of expertise to offer, don't they?",They are experts.,0,3117 "He saw them again, dismounted and talking to a thin man in tattered clothes.",He talked to a thin man in tattered clothes after dismounting.,0,3118 Just about every economic historian who has looked at the issue believes that standard measures of productivity have consistently understated the true improvement in living standards for at least the past 140 years.,Economic historians study how productivity affects our standard of living. ,0,3119 A little gum from the envelopes helped me to stick the latter up again.,I sealed up the envelopes using a little gum from them.,0,3120 "It added that, according to the Ministry of Social Affairs, 57,306 Albanian firms had paid no taxes at all in 1998.","Over 50,000 Albanian firms were avoiding taxes.",0,3121 "Oh, ay, he's been here, right enough. ",He's been at this location.,0,3122 "To determine the applicability of the leading organization's practices to federal agencies, we discussed our findings with numerous federal officials, including officials in OMB's Information Policy and Technology Branch, the Computer Security Division of NIST's Information Technology Laboratory, CIO Council members, the chairman of the Chief Financial Officers Council's systems subcommittee, information security officers from 15 federal agencies, and members of the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection.",There has been discussion on the applicability of the leading company practices.,0,3123 "So says modern bourgeois America, which has turned the pet into a full-fledged member of the nuclear family, even more sacred than other human beings (such as curmudgeonly aunts).",The pet has turned into a member of the nuclear family.,0,3124 right right sounds like they have a young guy that they're putting a lot of weight into uh that Juan Gonzalez yeah,They have a young guy they are investing in.,0,3125 "Instead, Gore cut him off--and now Bradley can't connect his campaign-finance crusade, under the rubric of reform, to his challenges to existing welfare-state policies on health and education.",Bradley will no longer be able to make connections between his welfare policy challenges and his campaign finances.,0,3126 uh smokers typically have more time out of work they're uh uh more prone to accidents and all of those other things and and uh,Smokers are more likely to get into accidents.,0,3127 "And you found me solvent? interrupted the Industrialist, smiling.",The industrialist smiled and made an interruption.,0,3128 "Available Funds Should Be Devoted to Real National Priorities, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (July 7, 2000).",The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities published a document in 2000 about spending.,0,3129 Giotto paints Padua Chapel,The Padua Chapel was painted by Giotto.,0,3130 "I like you for that.""",I like that you do that.,0,3131 "The present church was rebuilt after pirates destroyed the original in 1667, though part of it, the Morgada chapel, did survive.",The current place of worship was re-created after being destroyed by pirates. ,0,3132 A downward adjustment would also improve Italy's relation to the mail processing prediction but move Portugal further away.,They thought it would help the country's mailing system.,0,3133 "He offered that hardly anyone ever listens to what I say anyway, so you all would not even know that I was recycling old material.", He offered that hardly anyone ever listens to what he says anyway.,0,3134 "Innovative use has been made of outdoor facilities for summer festivals, especially Roman ruins and medieval monasteries.",Ruins from ancient Rome have been repurposed for modern festival use.,0,3135 "Some processes were formal, incorporating design reviews at specific design milestones (such as at 15, 30, and 60 percent of design completion).",Some processes involve reviewing different designs.,0,3136 all right good luck with your new home,All the best with your new home.,0,3137 "At the same time, top Enron executives were free to exercise their stock options, and some did.",Top Enron executives were free to exercise their stock options.,0,3138 "This restraint may partly reflect Microsoft's market strategy--after all, Microsoft beat Apple partly because Apple did practice vertical foreclosure, and as a result inhibited the development of complementary software (although the main problem was Apple's persistent belief, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that everyone would be willing to pay a premium price for a niftier machine).","Apple believed people would pay more money for fancier machine, even though evidence said otherwise.",0,3139 "The Left Bank has its share of monuments and museums, and Les Jardins du Luxembourg remain an evergreen favorite.",Les Jardins du Luxembourg are a favorite among the monuments and museums of the Left Bank.,0,3140 They brought with them iron weapons and chariots and codes of custom and conduct that quickly became dominant in the country.,The iron weapons and chariots they brought with them became dominant in the country.,0,3141 um-hum oh that's true i hadn't thought of it that way i think,"That's true, I hadn't thought of it that way.",0,3142 Value per hour of time spent in the Y .,The Y axis describes the value per hour of time spent. ,0,3143 um-hum um-hum yeah some sort of educational process i'm not quite sure what,I'm no sure how the education goes.,0,3144 "Basically, the Postal Service would be expected to assess competition and mailers' willingness to pay, and then to segment its markets as much as possible.",The Postal Service would be expected to segment its markets.,0,3145 "Sher-Mandal, the octagonal tower due south of the mosque, served as the General's pleasure-palace, but it was to be the death of his rival and successor, Humayun .",Humayun died at the octagonal tower Sher-Mandal.,0,3146 "He'd been listening outside the door of the flat, but couldn't hear anything.",He didn't hear anything outside the door of the apartment. ,0,3147 i haven't noticed it mostly being yeah well i mean well on General Motors cars it was all metric i use my metrics essentially when i work on the cars i don't well i guess uh in changing the oil i guess that's uh i don't even know a nine sixteenths or something like that i don't even remember,I change the oil on GM cars.,0,3148 so well have a good day and i appreciate the conversation,The conversation was welcome.,0,3149 "Earlier this week, Roy confessed that she'd stuffed some movie-related faxes into books, saving them for a calmer time ...",Roy admitted she put faxes into books for later.,0,3150 some uh and that and he was trying to keep uh uh uh i can't even think of the guy's name either the coach of the Vikings,I can't remember his name.,0,3151 "She'd come there the day before, for schooling, and she had been balky.",She looked balky when she arrived yesterday for school.,0,3152 well the uh was it i guess it was three years ago that they had the real right before was it right before Christmas or where,"A few years ago, they might have had it before Christmas.",0,3153 The rest seemed too weak to last much longer.,The people seemed to be weak.,0,3154 i see i guess Ruben Sierra's got an entirely new attitude this season,I see; I think Ruben Sierra is a new person this season.,0,3155 "The name Dordogne is given to a river, a d??partement of France, and to a larger surrounding area that is sometimes extended to the whole P??rigord region.","Dordogne can refer to several locations, including a French province.",0,3156 I always thought my jaw was wider than that.,I thought my jaw was bigger than that.,0,3157 "She would have had difficulty proving in court that Thomas had created an abusive working environment, because she never complained about his harassment and maintained her friendship with him even after she left the EEOC.",She would've had a hard time proving the abusive working environment in court due to her lack of previous complaints.,0,3158 Both girls looked equally puzzled.,The girls were confused.,0,3159 "For the latter, bargains can be found at Blarney Woolen Mills (Nassau Street) and Dublin Woolen Mills (Lower Ormond Quay).",Blarney Woolen Mills offers good deals.,0,3160 "Through the free hotline, which officially made its debut last week, Luu and other project employees calm anxious callers and even elicit laughs from those who don't know where else to turn.",Luu and the employees calmed down the callers who were confused. ,0,3161 "I must have an ally in the house, he observed reflectively. ",He thought there should be an alley in his house.,0,3162 the whole Roosevelt administration was uh civilian conservation corps he because he was in it he thought that was great the rest of it was all hog wash but the that was great,The whole Roosevelt administration was civilian corps,0,3163 "As Krugman notes, one reason for this was technical, not ideological.","One reason was technical, no ideological as per Krugman.",0,3164 "Two security managers noted that their organizations had implemented new, more sophisticated, software tools for monitoring network vulnerabilities.",More sophisticated software tools had been implemented to keep track of network vulnerabilities.,0,3165 "The problem lies not with federal employees themselves, but with the lack of effective leadership and management, along with the lack of a strategic approach to marshaling, managing, and maintaining the human capital needed for government to discharge its responsibilities and deliver on its promises.","The problem lies with leadership and management, not federal employees. ",0,3166 "But it was a hint, wasn't it?""","That was a hint, right?",0,3167 The image it suggests to your steadfast adviser is of two children dancing in a meadow ...,Two children playing around in the meadow was the concept being suggested.,0,3168 Now ain't they th' purtiest things? he inquired of the stable at large.,Aren't they just beautiful? he asked. ,0,3169 This is the most immediately available policy to protect patients with federal confidentiality regulations and alleviate legitimate concerns about the right to privacy.,This is the most immediately available policy to protect patients and alleviate legitimate concerns about the right to privacy.,0,3170 Rumor has it that the next object of touchy-feely bowdlerization by Disney is Beowulf.,It is rumored that Disney will be bowdlerizing Beowulf.,0,3171 Leading commercial companies employed practices to capture design and manufacturing knowledge in time for making key decisions during product development.,The top commercial companies capture design and manufacturing information to make key decisions on product development. ,0,3172 um i spent a lot of time with her when i was home uh she'd always be the one you know sitting on my lap or being close to me and the two guys would be off uh uh playing someplace but it seems like whenever i wanted to do something like go out for the kids and uh she'd always say well i want to go to my girlfriend's house or i want to stay home and do this or she had like little projects she was working on at home and things like that so i i kind of missed that um i my daughter especially uh being with her,"Most of the time at home she would be close to me while the two guys were playing somewhere else, but she would rather go and work on a project or something instead of going to do something with me.",0,3173 yeah C N N coverage was really good,"Yes, CNN reporting was great.",0,3174 "That really simplified things, since it meant only one control for all of them and the sky itself.",Things were simplified by the fact that only one control and the sky were variables.,0,3175 "The annual number of visitors had increased to over 30,000 by the time World War II began.","There were soon over 30,000 visitors each year.",0,3176 The Administrator will promulgate regulations to allow use of any banked pre-2009 sulfur dioxide allowances in the new nationwide sulfur dioxide program.,The new nationwide sulfur dioxide program is regulated but the The Administrator.,0,3177 "She's not in this house, for instance?",For example she is not in this dwelling. ,0,3178 and uh she's been down there a couple years and she really loves it,She has lived in that area about 24 months and is happy in there.,0,3179 yeah mine me too and i had,Mine as well.,0,3180 This is not a contradiction.,This does not go against that.,0,3181 Not even the long limousine inspires a class-conscious hooligan to hurl a paving stone,"Despite the lengthy limousine, no hooligan is inspired to hurl a stone.",0,3182 oh gosh and that's the last they saw yeah,That's the last they saw.,0,3183 "Thank you for the words, m'lady, said Jon.",Jon spoke to a lady.,0,3184 No one would care that much.,Nobody will care that much.,0,3185 Sometimes you just know the editors are messin' with ya.,It can be apparent when they are just fooling the reader.,0,3186 'But you've really got to stop being such a prude.',You have to stop being a prude all the time. ,0,3187 " Information on the projected financial impact on the Government of providing current services, assuming a continuation of current programs.",The following statements provided information on the projected financial effects on the Government. ,0,3188 "Pil?­grims would climb the 216 steps of the Via Sancta on their knees to get to the shrines halfway up the hillside, which include the Cha?­pelle Mira?­cu?­leuse de Notre-Dame with its statue of the Black Vir?­gin and the 12th-century basilica.",Pilgrims get non their knees to climb the steps of the Via Sancta.,0,3189 oh i've done maybe four or five,I have completed perhaps four or five.,0,3190 He sent me a cutting from some American paper.,The paper the cut came from was now missing a section.,0,3191 yeah yeah my kids were involved in sports,"Yes, my children played sports.",0,3192 "the particular circumstances of an audit, using the subject agency's requirements.","Using the subject agency's requirements, within the particular circumstances of an audit.",0,3193 Some of the agencies featured links on their home pages notifying the public about particular regulatory issues of widespread public interest.,Some agencies have websites where they upload links for the public to view.,0,3194 hey that'd work for me let me tell you,I will let you know,0,3195 "Aurangzeb forced him finally to submit, but the humiliating reception he was given at court sent him back on the warpath again.",His humiliating reception at court made him embrace his warmongering nature once more.,0,3196 "Behind these explanations lies a coldly realistic assessment of America's If our soldiers are killed, the public will turn against the war; and if the public turns against the war, Clinton will have to withdraw our forces.",Clinton will have to withdraw our forces if the public turns against the war. ,0,3197 "The addicting substances are said to raise dopamine levels in the brain, inducing euphoria.",The substances increase dopamine levels in the brain.,0,3198 so that's uh because he has a pretty strong will and he directs his own way so it should be you know pretty good, It should be pretty good because he has a strong will and directs in his own way. ,0,3199 A hail of spatulas clattered around me.,There were spatulas falling around me.,0,3200 He saw alcoves for ambushes and high points to control the field of battle.,While on the battle field he was looking for places to attack from.,0,3201 One reason the sign has achieved world domination is because the letters' height-to-width ratio approximates the Golden Section--1-to-1.,The height-to-width ratio of the letters on the sign is about 1 to 1.,0,3202 you have to learn how to do it that's right otherwise they hold it over your head forever right,"If you won't learn how to do it, then they are going to hold it over your head forever.",0,3203 "At their initial manufacturing decision reviews, the F-22, PAC-3, and ATIRCM/CMWS had less than onethird of their engineering drawings, in part, because they did not use prototypes to demonstrate the design met requirements before starting initial manufacturing.","The F-22, PAC-3, and ATIRCM/CMWS had less than onethird of their engineering drawings.",0,3204 "The first Europeans to arrive in the Pearl River Delta were the Portuguese, who settled in Macau in 1557 and for several centuries had a monopoly on trade between Asia, Europe, and South America.","As the first settlers from Europe, the Portuguese maintained a monopoly on the Macau goods trafficking for a few hundred years.",0,3205 The simple columned structure marking the spot where Theresa fled as a youngster already consumed with religious visions is secondary to the location.,"Secondary to the location is the simple columned structure, where Theresa fled as a youngster, already consumed with religious visions.",0,3206 Pan isn't pretty.,Pan is not pretty.,0,3207 The answers to these questions help them choose from a range of alternative CIO approaches.,The answers to the questions help them make a decision.,0,3208 "Hmm, History of the Conquest of Mexico ,""he read the title on the cracked spine.",There is a book on the History of the Conquest of Mexico.,0,3209 "It was coined almost 200 years ago (I think perhaps by David Ricardo), to describe the pre-industrial land-tenure system in Britain, wherein peasants would destructively graze their livestock on commonly held land.","Almost 200 years ago, peasants would let their livestock graze on public land.",0,3210 "Simple brick homes stand row upon row and archaeologists found a wealth of everyday artifacts from cooking utensils to work tools, painting a vivid picture of the ancients' activities.",Archaeologists found clues of how ancients' might have lived in the simple brick homes which contained everyday artifacts and utensils.,0,3211 He would call evidence to show that it was the prisoner who ultimately handed his stepmother her coffee on the fatal night. ,He had evidence proving the prisoner had something to do with the death of his stepmother.,0,3212 Lennox Lewis defeated Evander Holyfield to become the world heavyweight boxing champion.,Lewis beat Holyfield.,0,3213 "Lukasz, Mieczyslaw said towards the window, 'is there something I should know?'","Mieczyslaw asked Lukasz, ""is there something I should know?""",0,3214 "No wonder Miss Howard had suggested ""hushing it up."" Now I understood that unfinished sentence of hers: ""Emily herself ” ”"" And in my heart I agreed with her. ",Now I realized why Miss Howard had advised we keep quiet about it.,0,3215 "To watch her face when I ask her one question, he replied at last.",To observe her face when I throw a question at her.,0,3216 Surely no woman as beautiful as Mary Cavendish could be a murderess. ,Mary Cavendish was too beautiful to be a murderess.,0,3217 Substance abuse interventions in general nursing practice.,Drug interventions associated with general nursing practices. ,0,3218 "Children will also enjoy the excellent sea-life center, Nausicaa, half an hour's drive north in Boulogne (the coast road is the prettiest).",The coastal road between Nausicaa and Boulogne is the prettiest road.,0,3219 "For all of these reasons, the Administration must oppose S. 556.",This is why the Administration needs to oppose S.566.,0,3220 okay so you were well i i got tested before i got hired too so but hum,"So we both got tested before we got hired, then.",0,3221 speech processing business and have been for a number of years so i was very much interested,I was very interested in the speech processing business.,0,3222 "The tour passes trees planted by the Royal family of Luxembourg, Andrew Young, and the Duke of Edinburgh, among many others.",The Royal Family of Luxembourg planted the trees passed during the tour.,0,3223 "Sculptures have been plastered over, but the Indian carving remains.",The sculptures have Indian carvings.,0,3224 "You can see some of his belongings, his famous portrait by fellow-monk Fra Bartolomeo, and the picture of his burning at the stake in Piazza della Signoria.","Fra Bartolomeo painted a portrait of him, which can be seen today.",0,3225 "So-called public intellectuals like West, bell hooks, and, yes, Henry Louis Gates Jr. himself, seem to me both dishonest and selfish--they're in it for the money and the power as much as out of any sense of obligation or responsibility to the black community.",I think West and other public intellectuals are liars.,0,3226 So I wouldn't have to walk outside naked.,So I didn't have to go outside with no clothes on. ,0,3227 The interior is sparsely furnished.,There is little furniture in the inside.,0,3228 ", we assume that all promised Social Security benefits are paid even after the projected exhaustion of the OASDI Trust Funds in 2038).",The assumption is that all Social Security benefits will still be paid.,0,3229 and there's some really neat stuff they can do now with computers and and some of the cartoons are just hilarious um,They have some cool computer stuff.,0,3230 "In the succeeding centuries Byzantium, like the cities of the Aegean, fell under the sway of Athens, Sparta, Persia, Alexander, and Rome.",Byzantium would be ruled by at least five different states over the next few hundred years.,0,3231 so we got into it fairly cheaply and then uh after we sold the first house we were left with enough cash that there was enough to make the down payment on this house,We had enough cash from the last sell to make a down payment. ,0,3232 "The move to Conde Nastify the magazine worked, sort of.",Magazines face pivot points.,0,3233 i guess over the last several years i listen to the stereo less and less now i will turn on i've got a small jam box in my bathroom i'll turn that on while i'm in the shower and while i'm getting ready because there's really not much else i can do and it's kind of boring standing there putting on makeup so i'll turn the radio on and,I don't listen to the stereo much.,0,3234 "Tuppence quelled him with a stern glance, and stepped inside.",A stern look from Tuppence silenced him as she stepped inside.,0,3235 The Royal Dining Room is situated at the top of the Great Stair.,The dining room is at the top of the stairs.,0,3236 "It was kind of a little miracle that I got hold of Frank, Barboza said. ",Barboza thought it was a miracle to talk to Frank.,0,3237 "At age 62, he wrote a fan letter to the 36-year old actress Elaine Joyce, whom he had seen in the TV show Mr. Merlin . That resulted in a long-running affair.","He wrote a fan letter to the 36-year old actress Elaine Joyce at age 62, whom he had seen in the TV show Mr. Merlin. That Resulted in a long affair.",0,3238 "It's a good spot for a picnic and swim, although the water is deep.",It's a nice relaxing spot.,0,3239 And now--licking optional!,Licking is now optional.,0,3240 "Unless you feel really safe in French metropolitan traffic, keep your cycling ' you can rent a bike at many railway stations ' for the villages and country roads.",Cycling in the French metropolitan area is not for the faint of heart. ,0,3241 "Under section 126 of the Clean Air Act, a state can petition EPA and request that EPA require reductions from sources outside the petitioning state's borders.",A state can ask the EPA to require reductions from a neighboring area.,0,3242 "Certainly, monsieur. 132 But, on the following day, no sign of Poirot. ","Of course, leader.",0,3243 "The conference provided a forum for the exchange of ideas about methods by which the legal services community can better empower, strengthen and enhance the lives of legal services clients.","Because of the conference, ideas were shared and methods discussed openly.",0,3244 "Meanwhile, the media are playing along, hoping to egg on the fight.",The media is encouraging the fighting.,0,3245 nah so it's sort of an old wife or common folk tales about you know if you're going to have a cat spayed let it go through heat first not true because when they go into heat their uh genetic parts swell up and expand and everything and then once you do take them into surgery it's a little more difficult easier to have them spayed before they even go into heat,It is better to spay before heat.,0,3246 "I must be mad to think of such a thing."" Poirot nodded, as if satisfied. ",Poirot seemed to think he was right in dismissing the idea.,0,3247 and uh so when when they participated in sports or whatever well uh all nearly all the parents went,When they participated in sports nearly all of the parents went.,0,3248 The goals and objectives of the initiatives being implemented must be transparent to all in the organization.,The goals and objectives have to be transparent.,0,3249 "Today, the Beau?­jolais country thrives and wine-lovers heading south detour to such familiar names as Fleurie, Juli??nas, Ch??nas, Morgon, and Brouilly.",The country of Beaujolais is prospering as it is visited by wine aficionados.,0,3250 Now I'll read it straight through.,I'm going to read all of it.,0,3251 A hundred pounds instead of fifty!,It was 100 pounds and not fifty.,0,3252 "You can, however, get a peek into the good life at Hotel Bel Air's restaurant, lounge, and gardens (701 Stone Canyon Road), where celebs often linger.",Hotel Bel Air is located at 701 Stone Canyon Road,0,3253 I could see by the expression of his face that he fully appreciated the difficulty of the position. ,I looked upon his face.,0,3254 "I'm in a huge, overwhelming sea of debt, said Jennifer Arons, 28, a criminal defense staff attorney at Manhattan Legal Aid. ",At least one of Manhattan Legal Aids' criminal defense staff is overwhelmed by debt.,0,3255 These tendencies had not yet reached a critical level and the firm had not experienced a major public accountability failure when I left to return to public service as Comptroller General of the United States in 1998.,The firm didn't experience any accountability failure when the subject left in 1998.,0,3256 and uh it makes the room look remarkably smaller,The room looks so much smaller with it. ,0,3257 "He can tell her of something good he has done, or something good that has happened to him, without fearing that she will think he is bragging.",He knows she won't think he's bragging.,0,3258 "And that wine, pepperlot was nice too, a bit sour aftertaste at the second tasting, but generally everyone was happy.'",That wine had a bit of a sour aftertaste after the second tasting.,0,3259 "You would look around and you'd see somebody's back, says a photographer quoted by Haden-Guest.",The photographer was quoted by Haden-Guest.,0,3260 because uh the people don't have the time to give that one-on-one attention,People don't have time to give one-on-one attention.,0,3261 "There were not many driveable roads, however, so the Ranas' new Rolls-Royces were brought to Kathmandu in pieces, either on frames carried by big teams of porters or on the ropeway, a lift that carried freight from Hetauda in the Terai over the Mahabharat range.",Frames were used by large squads to transport Rolls-Royce pieces. ,0,3262 It is relevant for assessing the sustainability of programs established by current law.,Certain measures can be used to assess the sustainability of existing programs.,0,3263 "Facing all the bustle of a remodeled Puerta del Sol is a statue based on Madrid's coat of arms, which depicts a bear leaning against a madro??o tree (an arbutus, or strawberry tree).",The bear depicted on the statue is leaning against a strawberry tree.,0,3264 and you just sift,Then you sift.,0,3265 it is isn't it it isn't have what kinds of things have you tried have you done uh uh uh the big pot cooking,What have you tried cooking in the big pot.,0,3266 "Along the way you are threatened by King Kong and attacked by the killer shark from Jaws; if that's not enough, you then survive a collapsing bridge, a flash flood, and a bone-shaking simulated 8.3 earthquake.",There's a shark from Jaws.,0,3267 Despite its romantic name Mount Zion is actually little more than a hill immediately south of the Old Citywalls.,"Mount zion isn't actually a mountain, but a hill. ",0,3268 Bully for you.,Too bad for you.,0,3269 "Many aliens who became lawful permanent residents as Special Agricultural Workers (SAW) do not have the resources to bring their entire families to the United States, so these aliens also continue to come to the U.S. as single workers and return to Mexico during periods of unemployment.","A lot of aliens who are permanent residents as SAW don't have money enough to bring their families to the United states, so they are forced to travel back and forth.",0,3270 "Estimated facility cost and schedule issues receive increasingly intense review during the design phase so that the owner has a high level of confidence prior to bid that the performance, quality, cost, and schedule objectives defined during the conceptual planning phase can be met.",The owner requires a high degree of confidence in the planning phase's data before bidding the job.,0,3271 Some historians believe that they were the first native Italians; others believe they arrived from Asia Minor.,Some historians believe they arrived from Asia Minor; others believe they were the first native Italians.,0,3272 "Although the mines are superseded by those in South America and South Africa, the art of cutting and polishing is still extant in Gujarat.",There are mines in South America and South Africa.,0,3273 "Today you will find elegant boutiques around the square, as well as the famous Cafe de la Paix, and the boulevards are where you will find some of the most popular cinemas.",The boulevards are where you will find the most popular cinemas.,0,3274 "Francis Street is lined with antiques stores, and in Back Lane is a large covered market, Mother Redcap's Market .",There are a lot of antiques stores on Francis Street.,0,3275 "The high retable was begun by Pedro Berruguete, Spain's first great Renaissance artist, but he died in 1504, before it could be finished.",Pedro Berruguete was Spain's first great Renaissance artist.,0,3276 In the other pit a big man fought a large dog in leather armor.,"Inside the other hole, a large man tackled a dog geared in a coat of armor.",0,3277 "Back at the northeast corner of St. Stephen's Green, near the Shelbourne Hotel, you can turn right into Merrion Row to peer through the railings at the small Huguenot Cemetery (no entry to visitors).",The Huguenot Cemetery is located near the Shelbourne Hotel.,0,3278 Some editors prepare for trips by Federal Expressing their luggage to their destination.,Some editors send their luggage by Federal Express.,0,3279 you can feel all the way through it's like a knife like a sword like a sword a sword slicing in half or whatever,It's like a sword slicing something in half. ,0,3280 "For example, many successful public and private organizations integrate their human resource management activities into their organizational missions, rather than treating them as an isolated support function.",Many companies integrate HR and their missions.,0,3281 "In addition, electronic testing of critical data elements for obvious errors of completeness and accuracy can generally be done in a short period of time on all but the most complicated or immense files.",Testing for errors can be done quickly using electronic methods.,0,3282 " Nema started to protest, then changed her mind.","Nema began to disagree, then had a change of mind.",0,3283 Why waste money when you have a male relative in the rag trade?,Isn't it pointless to spend money if you have a male family member in the rag trade?,0,3284 "Our use of CBO's January 2001, 10-year assumption for total factor productivity growth throughout the 75-year simulation period places our long-term assumption between the Trustees' and CBO's current long-term assumptions.",The simulation period for total factor productivity is 75 years. ,0,3285 "Its hissing against the ground was a tumult in his ears, and superheated ash and debris began to fall.",Its hissing against the ground was a commotion in his ear.,0,3286 They also can be a significant deterrent and provide for a level of program integrity that could not otherwise be achieved.,They can be a considerable deterrent.,0,3287 "Although U.S. demand for activated carbon is expected to increase by a small amount as a result of a multipollutant strategy, activated carbon is traded on a global basis, and there is currently substantial excess capacity that can readily provide for this increase in demand.",Demand for activated carbon is expected to increase in the United States.,0,3288 "Where we have come across his tracks, he has always played a secondary part.","In the areas we have seen his tracks, he as always played a non primary part. ",0,3289 Bringing research to practice,Practice and research together.,0,3290 "Approval must be granted for overtime before the work has been performed when feasible and, when not feasible, as soon as possible after the work has been performed.",Approval must be granted for overtime before the work has been performed when feasible.,0,3291 "On the right is an austere hostel and chapel for the few pilgrims who passed this way, and beyond it the forge of the hard-working Ceter?­cians.",Pilgrims passing through could stay at a hostel and visit a chapel.,0,3292 "After much debate, a line that terminated at Windermere and spared the rest of the Lake District was completed.",It took a lot of debating to complete the line that ended at Windermere.,0,3293 "In answer to the Coroner's question, she told how, her alarm clock having aroused her at 4.30 as usual, she was dressing, when she was startled by the sound of something heavy falling. ",This individual explained what she was doing when she was shocked by a noise.,0,3294 and you don't know if you were reaching them or not but we felt like you know maybe just going ahead and try to teaching them was better trying to teach them was better than have them taken out,It's better to try and work with the student rather than involve the police,0,3295 "A sound and light show mocking the beliefs of Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims.",A sound and light show made fun of religions.,0,3296 Jon thought a moment and then spoke.,Jon spoke after thinking for a moment.,0,3297 you know what reading i do i kind of do because it's you know it's the necessary stuff as far as fun reading you know i maybe get to read the Sunday paper but,I think reading the Sunday paper is fun. ,0,3298 "The doggie deposited several droplets of precious liquid from his tiny, pure-breed bladder into the puddle.",The pure-bread dog peed in the puddle.,0,3299 "Regarding collaboration, he mentioned that partnering with specialists in substance abuse gave him a greater understanding of that specialty and increased the quality and credibility of subsequent proposals.",He mentioned that partnering with specialists in substance abuse taught him a lot.,0,3300 uh-huh uh-huh i don't blame you i don't blame you at all years ago it would have been fine but,It would have not been a problem years ago.,0,3301 you're fading away Jim,Jim is fading away.,0,3302 "A little museum inside illustrates the history of the siege, with a model of the first Residency as well as rusty cannons and cannonballs, and prints, photos, and letters.",The history of the siege is detailed by a small museum inside.,0,3303 it was a macho thing he had to use that but then after he used it one year he took it back to where he got it used and he sold it back to them and traded it in for another one that was smaller,"It was a macho thing he had to use that, but then after he used it for one year, he took it back to where he got it used and he sold it back to them, trading it in for another one that was smaller.",0,3304 He was so tired.,He was exhausted.,0,3305 "Given the inexact state of the geography along the confusing Antilles chain, some experts suggest that he actually gave the name to Nevis, an island to the south, and that subsequent cartographers somehow awarded it to Saint-Martin.",The Antilles island chain features confusing geography.,0,3306 "Situated due east of Mysore, Srirangapatnam was the site of the battles against the Muslim ruler Tipu Sultan in the 1790s, in which the British gained control of the peninsula.",Srirangapatnam lies due east of the Mysore area. ,0,3307 A deep and shrill cry rolled out of the fog.,It was foggy and you could hear a cry. ,0,3308 Free samples are not always given at the end of visits and the champagne houses may not be the cheapest places to buy champagne.,The champagne houses are a more expensive way to purchase champagne. ,0,3309 Additional risks stem from agency efforts to examine and adjust their computer systems to ensure that they properly recognize the Year 2000.,Danger is coming from the agency trying to fix the problems with their digital date system.,0,3310 "Without such support, members could not fully participate in the information-sharing process.",Without support members couldn't participate in the information sharing ,0,3311 The two time lines came together.,The two different time lines became intertwined.,0,3312 "Still, what little they owned was out in force today.",They didn't have much.,0,3313 It is the sophomoric deviousness of the perjury that is an insult to our intelligence.,The type of perjury that was committed is offensive to our intelligence.,0,3314 "The Wall Street Journal editorial page urges him to crown his comeback by announcing that he will pay off his $300,000 ethics penalty using campaign funds and other donations instead of his own money--exactly the step that many analysts think will turn him back into a pariah.",Many analysts think that using his campaign funds to pay of his ethics penalty will land him in the doghouse. ,0,3315 "He made major contributions to the development of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), which includes 179 countries, and he also created an international fellows program at GAO to provide support, training, and guidance to a cadre of key individuals from accountability organizations worldwide.",He made big contributions to the INTOSAI.,0,3316 "2. While the AEO2001 analysis anticipated no program spending to drive these changes, EPA assumed that additional spending would be required for scenario B. Calibrating to the CEF policy scenarios, EPA estimated that program and policy spending would increase by $0.",The EPA made assumptions about additional spending.,0,3317 well you you you deserve an honor for that a gold star for that i guess,You should be honored for that gold star I suppose.,0,3318 right yeah i've got a lot of folks that i've worked with like that as well,A lot of the people that I work with like that too.,0,3319 Participants believed that the PCAOB needs to be quickly set up and establish its priorities so it can begin the difficult task of restoring public confidence.,People think the PCAOB needs to begin restoring public confidence.,0,3320 yeah you it's it's hard sometimes at work because you know people say oh we're taking a cruise we're going here we're going there you know because they have a lot more money,It's hard at work because people there have more money.,0,3321 The royal offspring can be seen in miniature at the feet of their parents.,Royal offspring are pictured in miniature at their parents' feet. ,0,3322 "Billed as a session of self-scrutiny, the discussion was turning into a call to arms against enemies of the First Amendment.",The discussion was turning into a call to action against those who were against the First Amendment. ,0,3323 "Or the Drifters on tour, singing the Volga Boatman at halftime during a Chicago Bulls game.",Volga Boatman was performed at halftime.,0,3324 I didn't go straight to my room.,I didn't go to my room right away.,0,3325 "45 billion, successfully transitioning the government in an endeavor of this scale will take considerable time and",A government program this big would take a very long time to transition.,0,3326 "Wanniski, who invited Farrakhan to a conference last spring, argues that a Republican-nation alliance could guarantee an unbeatable electoral majority for the GOP.","Wanniski invited Farrakhan to a conference, Wakinski argues that a Republican-nation alliance could be used to guarantee an electoral majority.",0,3327 This work is intended to provide pragmatic guidance that federal agencies can consider in determining how best to integrate CIO functions into their respective organizations.,This work is done so that CIO functions can be integrated into federal organizations.,0,3328 "If you don't like reading on a computer screen, for example, there's a special version of SLATE that you can print out in its entirety, reformatted like a traditional print magazine.",SLATE created a way for readers to print out their publication from the computer.,0,3329 "To reach Carlisle, take the M6 north from Penrith, make an exit at junction 43, and take the A69 road left towards Carlisle city center.",The exit at junction 43 leads to Carlisle.,0,3330 It was the first of many times that the Fort of Eidyn would change hands between the kingdoms of the north and the south.,Fort Eidyn was sent to both the southern kingdoms and the northern kingdoms several times.,0,3331 "At the hang gliding site, click Links ...",There are links at the hang gliding site.,0,3332 "In turn, this will avoid incidences of premature mortality, aggravation of respiratory and cardiopulmonary illnesses, and diminished lung function which results in lost work days, school absences and increased hospitalizations and emergency room visits, and will also avoid damage to eco-systems, fish and other wildlife.",This will avoid incidences of early death.,0,3333 "Local tailors are experts when it comes to producing custom-tailored garments for both men and women, and are also adept at copying patterns.",Custom-tailored garments for both men and women are best produced by local tailors. ,0,3334 "evaluators call such a procedure building an audit trail and use procedures similar to indexing and referencing to establish both the construct validity of the measures reported and the convincingness of the causal explanations developed in the case study (Halpern, 1983).",Such a procedure is called building an audit trail.,0,3335 killing lots of fire ants,Eradicating a lot of fire ants.,0,3336 snow skiing she did water skiing when she was uh young,She water skied when she was young. ,0,3337 i really don't know well maybe some other genius can figure this out,Maybe someone else can figure this out.,0,3338 "Recent accountability breakdowns in the private sector have come in a variety of forms and bear many names, including Enron, WorldCom, Qwest, Tyco, Adelphia, Global Crossing, Waste Management, Micro Strategy, Superior Federal Savings Bank and Xerox, just to name a few.","Enron, Worldcom, and Qwest are forms of accountability breakdowns.",0,3339 For information on all Sound and Light shows Tel. (02) 386 3469; fax (02) 385 2880; web site <>.,You can learn more about Sound and Light shows at,0,3340 The temple is always crowded with worshipers.,There are always worshipers in the temple. ,0,3341 "It slipped under the egg, catching the falling object deftly on a cushion-like attachment between its wings, and then struck off briskly toward the east.","It struck off briskly toward the rest, after slipping under the egg and catching the object deftly on a cushion-like attachment between its wings.",0,3342 after all this time so it's like when i got laid off i went back in there and start all over again because it had been a while since i'd done it,"When I was laid off, I had to start all over.",0,3343 yeah i think it failed too because like what you said of just you know hey this is ridiculous i think Americans have so much stress on them right now,I think that the citizens of America are under a great deal of stress at the moment.,0,3344 Qualitative Data A Sourcebook of New Methods.,New methods have been created.,0,3345 she doesn't drive,Driving isn't for her.,0,3346 "Of course, growth was faster during some periods-the 1950s and 1960s, and the second half of the 1990s-and slower during other periods-the 1970s.",Some periods have faster growth than the others.,0,3347 agreed with the critical success factors and challenges that we identified.,Agreed with success factors and challenges we identified ,0,3348 oh she hit her she hit her head now she's fine so,"She gave a blow on the head, but she is fine now.",0,3349 "They say that if you rub it's burnished snout, and throw a coin in the fountain, your wish for a return trip to Florence will come true.","If you wish to return to Florence, they say you should rub its snout and toss a coin into the fountain.",0,3350 The nearby venerable Babington's Tea Rooms are a relic of the days when Romans called the piazza the English ghetto. ,"Babington's Tea Rooms were in what the Romans referred to as ""the English ghetto"".",0,3351 Inglis' spokesman derisively calls this Hollings' I got you ...,The spokesman contemptuously named the Hollings' I got you.,0,3352 The difference between GDP and GNP is income receipts from the goods and services produced abroad using labor and capital of U.S. residents less income payments for the goods and services produced in the United States using labor and capital supplied by foreign residents.,GNP means the goods and services provided in the United States by using foreign residents.,0,3353 This old pineapple plantation had fallen into decline before being transformed into the first (and many still say the best) resort hotel on the island.,The pineapple plantation was transformed into a resort hotel. ,0,3354 "Directly in front of Parliament, on Holyrood Road, is Our Dynamic Earth, which opened in July 1999 in a futuristic building under a brilliant white-tented roof.",Our Dynamic Earth opened in 1999.,0,3355 yeah i understand that yeah,I get it,0,3356 Any changes must be approved by an authorizing official before being entered into the payroll system.,Changes have to be approved by an authorized official before they can be entered into the payroll system.,0,3357 "But the Roman Empire became Christian in the fourth century, and Jerusalem became a center of religion once again.",Jerusalem had already been a center of religion in the past.,0,3358 They come from a denser planet.,The come from a planet with more density.,0,3359 "The warning, in a recently released consumer alert, is a reaction to businesses that prey on the public's trust in legitimate legal aid organizations.",The warning is a reaction to businesses that prey on the public's trust.,0,3360 Mold grows in the buckets positioned to catch the water.,There is mold growing in the buckets.,0,3361 boy i tell you i just got my car back from a dealer and when it was in there i had them just go ahead and change the oil and filter thirty four dollars,I just got an oil change for thirty four dollars.,0,3362 This month's airline in the spotlight is Southwest.,Southwest is this month's highlighted airline.,0,3363 right and uh the child needs to take pride in the fact that their parent is doing something uh we were fortunate in view of the fact that my son did play football and i did keep statistics for his team and his Dad did take movies of the football,My son played football and we had an important role on the team.,0,3364 Have appropriate limitations to generalizations beenobserved?,Observations can be generalized up to a certain limit.,0,3365 "Most important sight in the neighborhood is the monumental Hetel des Invalides, established by Louis XIV as the first national hospital and retirement home for soldiers wounded in action.","In the neighborhood, the most important sight is the monumental Hetel des Invalides, established by Louis XIV as the first retirement home for soldiers wounded in action and national hospital ",0,3366 "This spot is unbeatable for a picnic, or simply to contemplate nature's wonders.",This location makes a great picnic spot.,0,3367 Crete's years spent under the Turks (1669-1898) constituted a period of cultural and economic stagnation.,The Turks did nothing to develop the Crete economy.,0,3368 Even the detective hired by the Clinton campaign in 1992 to intimidate bimbos was a People's Detective!,Even the private eye the Clinton campaign took on in 1992 to frighten bimbos was a People's Detective.,0,3369 "Much of Chora has remained unchanged for decades, as Athenian weekenders have refurbished the charming old townhouses, and it has a very genteel air.",There are some Athenians who live there at the weekend.,0,3370 "In the 1980s, this combination proved doubly vulnerable to the New Right's Women's careers bore the bloodstains of abortions.",In the 1980's there was a weakness in New Right's Women's careers. ,0,3371 A turn of the drive brought them in sight of the house.,"As they drove, suddenly they were able to see the home.",0,3372 Citrus fruit became the region's principal cash crop around the turn of the century when grain and the 17th-century windmills of Cape San Antonio were abandoned.,There are windmills in Cape San Antonio.,0,3373 oh i know i can't imagine even well that would it is just pretty bad but so i guess um,I imagine that it could be pretty bad.,0,3374 "Slate 's political correspondent, David Plotz.","David Plotz, Slate political correspondent.",0,3375 "Beaches from Long Beach to Malibu have perfect shore breaks for surfing, boogie-boarding, wading, and swimming.",Wading and swimming are activities that can be done on the Malibu shore break.,0,3376 right but that's not what they really do they say that but that's not the reality of it even the Bolshevik revolution the whole thing was uh,That's not actually what happens,0,3377 Have we antagonized Russia and China?,Did our actions anger Russia and China?,0,3378 A blatant example of this is the Romanesque-Gothic Basilique Saint-Nazaire ' which Viollet-le-Duc thought was originally part of the fortifications and so blithely added battlements to the west facade.,Viollet-le-Duc believed that the Basilique was part of the fortifications.,0,3379 this is you know,"This is it, you understand.",0,3380 "Dr. Richards, can you write a prescription for the tabloids?",The doctor was asked to write something for the tabloids.,0,3381 "Even then, we almost failed.","Even after that, we nearly didn't succeed.",0,3382 "All this is called devolution, to rhyme with evolution (and not to rhyme with revolution).",Devolution rhymes with the word evolution.,0,3383 "It's hard to know where to draw the line when you're making a joke about race, especially when it comes to those shifty, no-good Cajuns.","Even when joking about racism, you can come off as racist. ",0,3384 "As a result, numerous cases have been excluded from reporting, even though the client received legal service, because the case lacked the required documentation.",There are a lot of cases that are excluded from reporting.,0,3385 and it's a indoor fun park and it has a bunch of different rides for kids,and there are lots of rides at the fun park,0,3386 whether they want one one of the three choices,One of three choices,0,3387 Look for the elaborate oriental lines of the Mosque of Abu El Abbas on your right.,On the right you may see the Mosque of Abu El Abbas.,0,3388 yeah it's fun at once a week uh sometimes sometimes we play two night games a night you know consist of uh fifteen point game and you play two games and you know the best uh person that wins two games wins,"Sometimes we play two fifteen point games at night, and the person who wins two games wins. ",0,3389 "Now he thinks as how any Reb blowin' in town could be one of 'em, comin' to sniff out some good pickin's.",He thinks a Reb coming to town would be exciting.,0,3390 yeah and you know there's some kids that you know want to go learn but most of them just want to go play,Most of the kids just want to go play.,0,3391 "By discouraging future ethnic slaughters, that would give an added moral justification to saving the Kosovars.",An added moral justification would be given by discouraging future ethnic slaughters.,0,3392 Coptic Christians founded an expansive community for prayer and contemplation here in the fourth century a.d. when many monks chose to live their lives as hermits.,Some Coptic Christians were monks who lived as hermits.,0,3393 "Carey's chief rival, James Hoffa the younger, demanded that he step down.",James Hoffa demanded that Carey step down.,0,3394 He and Vrenna sat together by the warmth of the fire.,They sat by the fire.,0,3395 "Through these interactions, financial managers gain a better understanding of business problems and nonfinancial managers gain an appreciation of the value of financial information.",financial managers gain a better understanding of business problems,0,3396 "When they came ashore they found the A-Ma Temple (properly called Ma Kok Temple; open daily dawn to dusk), dedicated to the favorite goddess of fishermen, who is also known as Tin Hau.","They discovered a temple dedicated to Tin Hau, goddess of fishermen.",0,3397 anyway no we didn't even call them we just did it maybe my husband should call today,"We didn't call them, but I think my husband should call",0,3398 yeah i have to stay up if i want to see it i have to stay up till eleven thirty and then it's all reruns and the guy that was started out in it isn't in it and anyway it's a long,I have to stay up to see it.,0,3399 Talk about toil and trouble ...,Discuss about hard work.,0,3400 (Today I feel like a wretch.,I feel like a terrible person today.,0,3401 what would you like to see in one,What are you hoping one to have?,0,3402 We felt we needed to take care of something that had disappeared.,We had to take care of the thing that went missing. ,0,3403 "Sadly, all 32 major TV networks rejected my pitch for America Loses Its Innocence Again for the Very First Time , the story of a surprisingly corrupt game-show contestant (whose suburban life is not nearly as sans souci as the brochure would have you believe) who is exiled from his own personal Eden when 60 Minutes refuses to broadcast an interview that proves--proves!",The television pitch about the corrupt game-show contestant was rejected by 32 TV networks.,0,3404 Supplementary information,There is information that is supplementary. ,0,3405 It contains the original text that currently constitutes the body of accounting concepts and standards for the U.S.,The accounting standards and concepts are contained within this.,0,3406 "Stores do not open until 10am or later, but shopping goes on into the evening, up to 9:30pm.","Shops aren't open until around 10am, but you can shop up to 9:30pm.",0,3407 do i think they should,Should they?,0,3408 Riordan won anyway.,Riordan was victorious.,0,3409 "In fact, I eventually started to like it.",At some point I started to like it.,0,3410 but he's still running things,He's still the boss.,0,3411 yeah because they take up a lot,They take up lots.,0,3412 "Past the square on the left is the entrance to icek Pasaje (Flower Alley), a high, glass-roofed arcade lined with bars and restaurants.","The icek Pasaje is known as Flower Alley in English, and has bars and restaurants.",0,3413 And Mrs. Cavendish? A faint cloud passed over John's face. ,John's face displayed a look of faintness. ,0,3414 my i had the same situation here my kids were we bought them up and put them in the public schools here in Rhode Island and they were not not too too bad and this was going back like ten years i guess ten years ago they were not too too bad at that time and i was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to move from Rhode Island to Texas with with TI with my job and i worked there in the southwest for ten almost ten or eleven years and the kids got a my kids got a much better education education in Texas simply because they had the opportunity to have more one on one,My kids had the chance to become better educated in Texas compared to Rhode island when I moved to Texas and worked for TI.,0,3415 "There was the faintest pause, the mere hesitation of a moment, before she answered: ""Yes, that is so.""","There was a very brief pause, and a hint of hesitation before she responded.",0,3416 yes she does that but she yeah um-hum when she wants to of course um-hum um-hum um-hum that's right yeah she does that that's true that's true,You are right about what she does.,0,3417 After a few weeks he fell out of even the smallest disposable diaper for newborns.,He didn't fit in any disposable diapers after a few weeks.,0,3418 um-hum i'm sure that uh the chicken that we barbecue from the Middle East has a lemon garlic sauce i wouldn't imagine that a barbecued chicken would,There's a lemon garlic sauce used when barbecuing chicken in the Middle East.,0,3419 You're always here for me.,I can always count on you.,0,3420 "Now Theorysia, go to bed.",Theorysia was told to go to bed.,0,3421 The 1) Falwell is an anti-Semite.,Falwel is an anti-Semite.,0,3422 Street Level Bureaucrats and Institutional Implementing Special-Education Reforms.,Bureaucrats implement special education reforms. ,0,3423 The status quo is simply unacceptable.,The status quo is unacceptable.,0,3424 "Just as you like, replied Tommy.",Tommy spoke back.,0,3425 uh-huh what's so sad about this is both of the the man and the woman had a degree having to do with computers but their training isn't what we need in this country and because they're so deficient in English they haven't been able to get jobs,Both people have degrees but they don't speak English so they can't get a job.,0,3426 Certainly Mr. Brown's organization was a far-reaching concern.,The organization of Mr. Brown was a far-reaching issue.,0,3427 "Al and Tipper Gore have helped by saying they've each had counseling but, as Frank Rich has noted, Tipper's use of such euphemisms and the avoidance a professional title [that] might include the prefix 'psych-' ...",Tipper uses euphemisms according to Frank Rich.,0,3428 "The great popular attraction, situated in the southern arm of the transept, approached through the Portail de l'Horloge, is the 19th-century astronomical clock with its elaborate mechanical figures that appear with chimes at 12:30pm.",The 19th century astronomical clock chimes at 12:30pm every day.,0,3429 Text box 4.1 explains how the NIPA surplus or deficit differs from the federal unified budget surplus or deficit.,"To learn how the NIPA surplus or deficit differs from the federal unified budget surplus or deficit, you can find an explanation in Text box 4.1.",0,3430 "Some museums are closed on Monday, and opening hours tend to be restricted during the winter months.","Opening hours tend to be restricted during the winter months, and some museums are closed on Monday.",0,3431 um-hum there's bit off a couple of large projects baby afghans and got one done and i think the other one's gonna the child is gonna be in high school before i get finished,Before I finish the child will be in highschool.,0,3432 "Our study, reported nationally by Randi Youells at the Conference of State Court Judges and Conference of State Court Administrators, also vividly illustrated what we do not know about our grantees' work - the difference it makes in clients' lives and how it has benefited the community.",The study was reported by Youells.,0,3433 The place also offers a terrific view.,A terrific view can be seen at the place.,0,3434 "There's no surface transportation available, and all the local rocs are in use.",There's no surface transportation and no available local rocs.,0,3435 "It was an interesting time, and there were an awful lot of changes going on, she said. ",A lot was happening at the time.,0,3436 "Dating from 1293, its long facade is rich in architectural detail.",The long facade is hundreds of years old and rich in details.,0,3437 The park also has squash courts and an exercise trail.,At the park you can also find squash courts and an exercise trail.,0,3438 "The hill station was named after William Cameron, a British surveyor, who in 1885 reported the finding of the fine plateau. ",William Cameroon was a British surveyor.,0,3439 "As you drive south from Dijon, be sure to get off the main road, the N74, onto the parallel D122, signposted as the Route des Grands Crus (Route of the Great Vintages).","As you travel south from Dijon, there is a sign post stating the Route des Grands Crus.",0,3440 and stuff when you only have to,Only when you have to.,0,3441 He nodded his head gravely. ,He nodded.,0,3442 Julius shook his head.,Julius moved his head back and forth. ,0,3443 "Los Angeles, perhaps more than any other place on earth, is preceded by its reputation.",Los Angeles is preceded by its reputation more than any other city.,0,3444 "In other places, she describes events by reprinting reports from Texas newspapers.",She reprints Texas news stories.,0,3445 "Riding the crest of this economic upsurge were the zaibatsu conglomerates a dozen family-run combines, each involved in mining, manufacturing, marketing, shipping, and banking.","Riding this economic upsurge were the zaibatsu conglomerates who were involved in mining, manufacturing, and other industries.",0,3446 and uh if they if you can prove to them that you've i don't know cleaned your act up or whatever then then uh they won't terminate you but any any time during that time if they do uh if you do test positive then uh it's automatic termination,You said you cleaned up your act.,0,3447 "Boat tours begin from the pier at Ohata Port Terminal, taking you on a fascinating 50-minute cruise around Nagasaki Bay.","50 minute cruises are given around Nagasaki Bay, and start at the pier at Ohata Port Terminal.",0,3448 "Special ferry tours of the Bosphorus depart three times a day from the jetty at Eminene , calling at villages like Beikta, Kanleca, Yenikey, Sareyer, and Anadolu Kava.",Ferry tours of the Bosphorus run three times a day.,0,3449 "So here is the bottom When marital issues are negotiable, we are in the domain of the Coase theorem, where no-fault and mutual consent do equally well and where covenant marriage is always a mistake.","When marriages can be negotiated, covenant marriages are a bad idea.",0,3450 Take the N-332 from Alicante and drive through Campello to the fishing port of Villajoyosa.,Villajoyosa is a fishing port.,0,3451 lowest-ranked playoff team in their division ever to accomplish this feat.,lowest-ranked team in the division in the playoffs to ever do this task.,0,3452 "Once you assess your own capabilities and make your choice, the options are almost limitless.",You have a bunch of options once you know what you can handle.,0,3453 "If a decision is made to commit to develop and produce a design before the critical technology, design, or manufacturing knowledge is captured, problems will cascade and become magnified through the product development and production phases.","If you decide to produce a design before becoming comfortable with the technology, design, or manufacturing, then there will be a buildup of many problems in later phases.",0,3454 "His son and heir, Bashar, is inexperienced (he's an ophthalmologist by training).",Bashar is the heir of an ophthalmologist.,0,3455 you know and then when we if we need it we wait till it it's expired and then so,We wait until it's expired if we need it.,0,3456 With cooling sea breezes and good sandy beaches it offers all the basic ingredients needed for a relaxing vacation; Egyptian hoteliers and restaurateurs are working hard to provide the rest.,There are beaches in Egypt. ,0,3457 Julius patted her on the shoulder.,Julius tapped her shoulder lightly.,0,3458 he is eventually,After a while he is.,0,3459 "The Legal Aid board agreed Saturday to close satellite offices in Fayetteville, Madison, Pineville, Welch, Winfield and Williamson.",Legal Aid will close some offices.,0,3460 "If cuisines emerge organically over time from rooted people, then why pose the question about a people who have come to epitomize rootlessness?",Cuisines might emerge organically over time from rooted people.,0,3461 "That is a pity, said John. ",John said that it was a pity.,0,3462 The success or failure of information system acquisitions affects executive agencies' credibility with the Congress and the public as well as their abilities to carry out their missions effectively and efficiently.,Credibility with Congress and the public is affected by the success or failure of the information systems acquisitions.,0,3463 "Furuimachinami is quieter and more residential, with long, two-story, unpainted dark timber houses, lattice facades, and low-balconied verandahs, plus a few flowers and shrubs in pots or hako-niwa box gardens to add some color.","The homes of Furuimachinami can be recognized by their long, two-story, unpainted dark timber uniforms.",0,3464 "The community worships at the simple, unassuming St. Peter's Catholic Church, where Easter is an especially big event attracting many Indians, Chinese, and Malay non-Catholics to the great candlelit procession.",Many Indians go to the St Peter's Catholic Church during Easter.,0,3465 Self-report may be enhanced when specific alcohol questions are asked.,Self-report works when they ask about alcohol specifically.,0,3466 The problem is that I don't want any neighbors having a key to my apartment.,I don't want my neighbors to have access to my apartment.,0,3467 The most innovative and certainly the most difficult part of our strategy to move our grantees into new approaches to serving clients-and the one that has received the most attention (both good and bad)-is the State Planning strategy that we launched in 1998.,The strategy was implemented in 1998.,0,3468 "The chart below, extracted from the analysis, shows that, with the exception of the first year, EPA believes that the cost of the benefits associated with the implementation of the rule's requirements greatly exceed the costs of implementation of the rule.",The analysis contained the following chart in it.,0,3469 "Gods, help us, he thought.",He prayed for the Gods to help them.,0,3470 "Porto Santo's claim to fame, beyond its sandy beach, is its link to Christopher Columbus.",Porto Santo has a link with Christopher Columbus.,0,3471 but uh but uh well you over there in Carolina North Carolina you probably get a lot of chance to you've got a lot of rivers and a lot of uh white white water over there i think uh-huh,I think there are a lot of rivers with whitewater over in North Carolina.,0,3472 It is dominated by a great central pillar supporting bridges to a balcony.,There is a large pillar that supports the balcony.,0,3473 The filigree of detail dazzles.,The amount of detail is extraordinary.,0,3474 Beresford speaking.,Beresford is talking,0,3475 "No, he said.",The man said no. ,0,3476 Beware of the innocent-looking red Jumilla.,Be careful around the innocent-looking red Jumilla.,0,3477 "In addition, the agency will require certification by Argentine officials that a number of mitigating measures",The agency requires certification.,0,3478 um-hum that's kind of sad well anyway well i guess i better go,"That's say, I better go.",0,3479 What is the impact of home computing technology on postal demand?,What is the impact on postal demand caused by home computing technology?,0,3480 "In such matters, only the Satheri know.",Only the Satheri have the knowledge of such matters.,0,3481 "The boat trip will also take you past Kastro, the long abandoned 16th-century capital.",Kastro is an abandoned capital city from the 1500s.,0,3482 "If you're up to a climb, take the Mount Austin road to the Victoria Peak Gardens.",It is a hike to get to the Victoria Peak Gardens.,0,3483 "In those days l'universite meant merely a collection of people ' students who met on a street corner, or in a public square or courtyard, to hear a teacher lecture from a bench, or from an upstairs window or balcony.",L'universite used to just mean a gathering of students.,0,3484 They sank into it at once and began twinkling.,"They were not twinkling, and then they began to twinkle. ",0,3485 for that little,For that small of an amount.,0,3486 Japan's 120 million inhabitants have to crowd the coastal plains and the narrow river valleys despite a total land area greater than Germany's.,Japan is larger than Germany.,0,3487 "A woman was gang-raped, butchered, and left to bleed to death, shorn of her limbs.",A woman was brutally raped and murdered. ,0,3488 Problems occur in programs when knowledge builds more slowly than commitments to enter product development or production.,Problems occur when knowledge builds more slowly than commitments,0,3489 "Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada are the largest resorts, well-equipped with hotels and eateries, with a full range of facilities such as windsurfing, water-skiing, and water Dahab and Nuweiba on the west coast of the Sinai are smaller, with a hardened diving or windsurfing crowd great for a low key vacation.",Windsurfing is one of the activities at Sharm El Sheikh.,0,3490 yeah oh i think i know who you're talking about uh i've seen i don't think i can pronounce it either but,"Yes, I think I know who it is that you are talking about.",0,3491 "Control activities will not be fully effective until everyone, from the person on the counter through to the head of the agency, takes responsibility for managing risk from the perspective of their respective positions.","In order for control activities to maximize their effectiveness, it's important for everyone in the agency to take a responsible approach to risk management.",0,3492 or what you read,What you read.,0,3493 "But for Brady himself, war never quite lost its theatricality.",Brady finds war theatrical.,0,3494 "Ah! Was he pleased, or disappointed? ",Was he happy or upset?,0,3495 "The Committee's Final Report, adopted by unanimous consent, was filed with the FCC in August 1995.",August 1995 is when the Committee's Final Report was filed with the FCC.,0,3496 That bears out my little idea entirely.,This confirms what I was thinking of.,0,3497 "Ephesus was one of the most important cities in the new Province of Asia, with a population of 200,000, and grew wealthy on the proceeds of trade.",Ephesus became a wealthy and important city because of trade.,0,3498 Several con-artist schemes have emerged in academia.,Academia has dealt with some scams.,0,3499 "Monday to Saturday, and closed over lunch from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. , though many tourist shops stay open later and on Sundays.",Shops for tourists are usually open on Sundays. ,0,3500 right but what if they're not guilty,What about the situation where they are not at fault?,0,3501 Each hotel has its own ski-tow there is no comprehensive ski-pass system.,Every hotel has a different ski-tow system with no full ski-pass system.,0,3502 "The fact that none of the various attempts, plans, and general conspiratorial notions to assassinate Hitler succeeded--and that all but Stauffenberg's never seemed plausible--speaks for itself.",People tried to assassinate Hitler but always failed.,0,3503 "Under the Palestinian Authority, both the fascinating Old Town and the bustling Manger Square are being beautifully restored for the year 2000.",The Manger Square is under the power of the Palestinian Authority.,0,3504 "The disaster was under control, but only provisionally.",Everything was under control for now. ,0,3505 plus it would cost me oh i think the last time i looked at it was about had a dollar fifty one way and i said no i'm not going to do that fast isn't that bad yet,It cost me about a dollar fifty one way.,0,3506 The party still feebly pushes It just inaugurated an annual Hero of Atheism award.,"An annual Hero of Atheism award has just been inaugurated, the party still feebly pushed.",0,3507 is that for designs or is that for the regular seam in the fabric or,Is it for designs or for the regular seem in the fabric.,0,3508 "In my view, not enough has been done to manage the current and emerging risks associated with our profession, especially in connection with modernizing the attest and assurance model and related auditing standards, including the independence standard for the 21st century.",I don't think there's been enough effort to manage the risks relating to our work. ,0,3509 Napoleon named it Fort-de-France and that name was taken over for the town.,Fort-de-France was named by Napoleon. ,0,3510 i really like that,I like it immensely.,0,3511 "From the fall of the Roman Empire to the 19th century, it stood outside the mainstream of Italian history.",Its history is distinct from that of the rest of Italy.,0,3512 "The Post , too scrupulous to say whether Bauer had done anything wrong or even whether the perception that he might have done so would hurt him politically, found one political scientist who warned that Bauer could be fatally wounded, in political terms, by the dispute and another who said Bauer could help himself by saying, 'I wish I wouldn't have put myself in this kind of situation, I'm sorry and I apologize.",This dispute may end up wounding Bauer politically.,0,3513 so do you have a computer at home,At home do you have a computer?,0,3514 "And do ask for a settling of accounts, as per the original agreement.",There is a need to settle accounts.,0,3515 We don't have to.,We do not have to.,0,3516 "The ideological impetus behind judicial developments in the last two areas, campaign finance and equal-time provisions, is related less to speech, except as a kind of constitutional cover, than to a revival of the old right to property--that is, the Supreme Court tends to disapprove of legislative and administrative efforts to require broadcasters to carry opposing viewpoints on the grounds that since it's their property, owners of television stations should be able to broadcast what they like.",The Supreme Court doesn't like efforts to change what broadcasters do.,0,3517 "An appropriation act is the most common means of providing budget authority, but in some cases the authorizing legislation itself provides the budget authority.",Budget authority is usually provided by means of an appropriation act.,0,3518 After a while you may begin to detect something a bit uncanny in the way a cow seems to look around and beyond her immediate surroundings ' it's as if she knows that she's sacred.,The cow knows that it is sacred. ,0,3519 I ain't sayin' it won't for some hombres.,He is saying that it is for some brothers.,0,3520 A tight chestguard protected her chest but left her stomach bare.,Her stomach was left bare since she only wore a chestguard.,0,3521 "However, once you accept these facts, Cairo has lots to offer the visitor; its main museum is an essential part of your vacation experience and its street life is a sure sign that you have come to a totally different culture.",Cairo has a main museum that will be essential to the time you spend there.,0,3522 "But insofar as dispersing the slots would foster competition, a strong case can be made that it's the former.",More competition could come about by dispersing the slots.,0,3523 "The Bush people say the results of their effort aren't in yet, but they're optimistic and expect to stick with Internet advertising.",The Bush people say the results of their effort aren't in yet.,0,3524 "Eventually, the sounds of searching died down.",The search sounds did not last forever. ,0,3525 "But the basic magical principle of similarity is the foundation of true science."" Dave started to protest, and then stopped, frowning.",True science is based on the principle of similarity.,0,3526 The greater use of broadbanding is one of the options that deserves to be discussed.,There should be a discussion about use of broadbanding.,0,3527 A walk around the lovely shaded ramparts of Obernai will convince you of the perennial proserity of its wine growers and farmers.,Taking a stroll of the lovely shaded ramparts of Obernai will sway you about the yearly prosperity of the wine growers.,0,3528 "While it may be politically difficult, incumbent postal administrations have the possibility of reducing delivery frequency.",Incumbent postal administrators may choose to reduce the frequency of deliveries.,0,3529 "Accordingly, in our quest to create world-class justice communities in each state and territory in this great country, we began to focus on other initiatives that were, to us, just as important as state planning to the creation of a delivery system in which eligible clients in every state are afforded an equal opportunity to avail themselves and ultimately to attain high-quality civil legal assistance.",Adequate civil legal assistance requires tenacity and being a driven individual.,0,3530 Further empirical work along these lines might be difficult.,It might be difficult to work along those lines.,0,3531 You're his close successor.,It's you who is a close successor to him. ,0,3532 They also have rotating special exhibits that change every two months.,There are also special exhibits in rotation that change every few months.,0,3533 Risk Factors and Costs Associated with and Asthma Attack.,The risks and costs of having an asthma attack. ,0,3534 "Hampered at every turn by my colleagues, fettered by the democratic system of which I should be the mere figurehead! ",I was hampered at every turn by my colleagues. ,0,3535 "After a while Marzena left him, because next to him she felt old and fat.",Marzena thought she wasn't good enough for him because she felt fat. ,0,3536 yes but my concern is first of all that not all all persons who i think should be receiving capital,Not everyone that I want to receive capital will.,0,3537 "The money might, after all, be wasted on windfalls.",The money just might be wasted on windfalls.,0,3538 "In case I don't see you again, goodbye.","In case this is the last time I see you, farewell.",0,3539 um i don't play very much anymore because i've fractured my right ankle twice,"I fractured my ankle, so I don't play a lot anymore.",0,3540 "I didn't understand it, I don't really understand it now, but she spoke to me from half the village away as though I were right next to her.",She spoke to me from far away.,0,3541 yeah his age is about to catch up with him though,His age is about to reach him.,0,3542 "The deciding factor in what stays and goes, apart from charm, is often the Who is associated with it?",The people associated with it are often the most important factor in deciding if something stays or if it goes. ,0,3543 from all their experiences and and that's one of my favorite things to do sit around and listen to their stories,I really enjoy listening to their stories.,0,3544 the thing that was best about metric was the thing that was most poorly represented really i think,Metric's best feature was a thing that wasn't presented very well.,0,3545 Now with plenty of smart comedy aimed at kids-- The Simpsons and Letterman come to mind-- Mad is as superfluous and weary as the grandfather we shunted into that nursing home.,"With so much smart comedy aimed at kids, Mad has become outdated and obsolete.",0,3546 "Actually, I don't even want one, because I am not very open and friendly toward girls.",It is hard for me to be friendly with girls.,0,3547 "Without the time to meander and explore those hidden corners, you risk not seeing much more than Piazza San Marco, and understanding very little of the city's inherent charm.",There is a chance that you won't be able to comprehend the innate charm of the city if you don't have enough time to wander around and see its lesser-known corners.,0,3548 The donation,The monetary gift bestowed to us.,0,3549 Even the smell of water below didn't drive them to get closer.,They weren't brought in by the smell of water.,0,3550 "However that may be, my father was broken-hearted. ",My father was devastated despite what happened.,0,3551 "Italy has no more magnificent testimony of its Greek colonies than this complex of wonderfully preserved Doric temples, a 40-minute drive south from Salerno, dating back to the fifth and sixth centuries b.c.",These beautifully preserved Doric temples were built in the fifth and sixth centuries B.C.,0,3552 She hasn't made any moves on me either.,She has not made any moves on you or me.,0,3553 Implementation of a control technology at a plant involves several activities contingent upon each other.,Implementation of control technology involves several activities.,0,3554 "Cheap oral hydration, for example, has been studied and used to treat dehydration for diarrheal illness in developing countries.",Cheap oral hydration can treat dehydration.,0,3555 "He had already made his selection in the corral, though he had despaired of ever getting that animal at rope's end.","He had selected from the animals in the corral, but had not been able to get a rope on it.",0,3556 This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever.,Anyone can use this eBook for free.,0,3557 "The peninsula's seaside resorts have good beaches among the pine groves, first-class camping and water-sports facilities, and are a base for excursions and hikes into an attractive hinterland of rolling hills.","The resorts have nice beaches, excellent camping and water sports, and serve as a base for various activities.",0,3558 "Department of Justice two-year grant will begin Oct. 1, which is the start of domestic violence awareness month.",October is the domestic violence awareness month.,0,3559 "The town's name, which means wild river or ravine, seems hyperbolic for such an orderly and peaceful little community.",The town's name does not seem to fit its peaceful character.,0,3560 Prior indiscretion(s): Adultery.,Adultery was a prior indiscretion. ,0,3561 "He gits th' best, too, Kirby. Kells shifted a well-chewed tobacco cud from one cheek to the other.",There was a tobacco cud in Kells' mouth.,0,3562 "The most relevant information about stewardship land is its existence, condition, and use.","The most relevant information about stewardship land is its existence, condition, and use.",0,3563 "At day's end, lodge guests compare notes around the bar.",Lodge guests compare information at the lounge at the end of the day.,0,3564 "The railway line then curves gracefully around Tolo Harbor, an idyllic body of water well-protected from the open sea.",The open sea does not touch Tolo Harbor.,0,3565 The product may be addressed to committees of jurisdiction or the affected agency.,The product can be sent to the committees of jurisdiction for that agency.,0,3566 brown yeah that is that is awful and it it takes time and the and the kids they you have to water your lawn and they want to go out and run in it and get all muddy and you know so you're going do i want a dirt a green lawn or a muddy feet in the house,I don't want the kids to bring muddy feet into my house.,0,3567 "So while the colors may fade less, your detergent is also cleaning less.","While the colors may not fade as much, your cleaning agent is also not cleaning as much.",0,3568 "In a nearby 19th-century Anglican church is the visitor center, with exhibits and an audio-visual show.",A church is the visitor center.,0,3569 "As people live longer and have fewer children, there will be relatively fewer workers supporting each retiree unless retirement patterns change.",In the future less workers will be supporting each retiree.,0,3570 contradiction in turn,There's a contradictory aspect to this.,0,3571 large as a grown man's thigh,A grown man's thigh is as large as this.,0,3572 you can't trust legislators anyway,Legislators should not be trusted.,0,3573 "The Spaniards then looked to agriculture to turn a profit and began growing sugar cane, which had been introduced to the Caribbean on Columbus's second journey.",Sugar cane was a profitable crop for the Spaniards. ,0,3574 Congress' appropriation for LSC takes it from a budget of $329.,The budget of LSC.,0,3575 well today it was i mean the air was just so sticky so damp,The air was sticky and damp today.,0,3576 Jerusalem has been a Holy Citelonger than any other place on earth.,Jerusalem is the oldest Holy City in the world.,0,3577 particularly if you're hungry,Especially if you want something to eat.,0,3578 Graffiti written by Russian soldiers can be seen in the caves of Antiparos.,Russian soldiers drew on the caves of Antiparos. ,0,3579 "It might have been salt, replied Poirot placidly. ",Poirot thought that it might be salt.,0,3580 If I'd seen her in a crowd I'd have said 'There's a girl 173 whose face I know' ,"If I'd seen her in the crowd, I would have pointed her out.",0,3581 "(Or at least, we hope to make this a tradition, and have got away with it for two summers so far.)","We hope it becomes a tradition, as we have gotten away with it for two summers already.",0,3582 Instead she runs through all the euphemisms for oral sex and then the video cuts to XXX action with gratuitous commentary.,She uses euphemisms for oral sex.,0,3583 "In other words, it amounts to a bribe.","To put it differently, it was persuasion. ",0,3584 "And, these environmental improvements cost less than predicted because of the built-in market based incentives.",The market based incentives that have been built into it are costing less.,0,3585 The article raves about Apple's new iMac and Pixar's Toy Story 2. Jobs is the same brilliant man-child he's always been.,"The articles raves about Apple's new products, Jobs is a brilliant man child like always.",0,3586 but i i did read the book i have do have i have six years of college so i did read and study about the Vietnam War though so i am pretty familiar you know i'm more familiar with it than,I studied the Vietnam War when I was at college.,0,3587 "Within them, an endless inventory of shapes and rhythms appears.",Figures and patterns flow freely in their minds.,0,3588 "In some states, it may be possible to develop and implement statewide initiatives to improve service delivery, increase resources, and enhance the capacity of the system to meet the civil legal needs of all low-income people without altering service areas or historical relationships.",Statewide initiatives may be necessary for improving delivery service.,0,3589 she'll definitely uh she'll make the trip for fishing if we if that comes along but uh,"If we ever go fishing, she will definitely come along.",0,3590 "Certainly when you reach the railway's high point, 2,257 m (7,407 ft), at Ghoom, the view as you hover out on the loop over Darjeeling is in every sense of the word breathtaking.",The view over Darjeeling is scenic and astounding.,0,3591 We will miss our relations.,Our relations will be missed.,0,3592 "The Committee's most significant recent accomplishment was the launching of the statewide initiative, a powerful web-based resource to support all attorneys across the states that are representing low-income clients.",The Committee launched the initiative.,0,3593 "Cities of the Plain , by Cormac McCarthy (Knopf).",Cormac McCarthy wrote Cities by the Plain.,0,3594 Saint Val??ry sur Somme,Saint V. sur Somme.,0,3595 "Same peril with the strong Alicante dessert wine, ten drops of which were long reckoned to be one of nature's surest cures.",Alicante is a strong dessert wine. ,0,3596 "Miraculously, of the 1,134 individual pieces of glass, 720 are 13th-century originals.",More than half of the glass used is from the 13th century.,0,3597 The district attorney predicts that an arrest will be made in the next two months.,There will be an arrest in two months.,0,3598 "At first glance, the map looks like good news for the They have close races in many of the rain-drenched states, and rain generally benefits Republicans, who can count on fervent conservatives to get to the polls in any weather.",There might be bad weather during the elections.,0,3599 "Department indicates that it addresses all other comments and actions taken in response to them in the supplementary information provided when the Final Rule was published in the Federal Register on October 17, 1996.",All comments taken in response to them were published in the Register.,0,3600 oh that's too bad see how one one place one person can make a big difference on whether you go back to the place again,"That's too bad, I guess one person can make a difference on whether or not you go back.",0,3601 "Claiborne persevered, however, learned French, changed the laws, and brought his carping constituents into the American fold as citizens of the new State of Louisiana, even though it was very much unlike any other US state.",Citizens were influenced by Claiborne to learn French and change the laws.,0,3602 are you my oh how nice,That's rather pleasant.,0,3603 """Yes."" The rider raised one finger to the straight wide brim of his low-crowned black hat.",The rider's hat was black and had a low crown.,0,3604 "The top looks somewhat like a discus, made of hardwood with a steel knob of spike in the center and a lead rim.",The top looks like a discus.,0,3605 "The oldest Stone Age settlements to be discovered (10,000 b.c. ) are known as Jomon ( cord pattern ), after the style of their handmade pottery, which was among the earliest to be found anywhere in the world and of rich and imaginative design.","The handmade pottery of the Stone Age featured rich, imaginative design.",0,3606 "Archaeologists can trace their origins to the builders of the first cities, Harappa and Mohenjodaro, in the Indus valley.",Harappa and Mohenjodaro are the first cities.,0,3607 Send back something that lets me take a cheap shot at the WB.,I want something that would let me take a jab at them.,0,3608 no huh-uh i've never seen anything out i never seen the great i've seen,"No kidding, I've never seen anything as great as what I've seen.",0,3609 you know uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh and you you recognized this and was able to you know do something about it,You realized this and were able to do something about it.,0,3610 May God bless the brave men and women at CNN who will be working so hard and with such pleasure in the coming days.,There are brave men and women at CNN.,0,3611 "These interventionists met with the patient, discussed drinking and substance use openly and directly, and offered some advice and assistance.",The patient was met by these interventionists.,0,3612 uh it beats being laid off and everything and uh you you got to be a little flexible uh in my old age i'm trying to just hang in there until i get my kids through school,I am trying to just hang on until my kids finish school.,0,3613 Leading organizations sometimes use surveys that compare missing capabilities with market availability to determine what skills to acquire through hired professionals.,Surveys are used by leading organizations to discover which skills are needed to hire professionals.,0,3614 yeah i'll tell you i i was real excited when i first heard that i said hot dog they finally did it you know,"I was so excited I exclaimed ""hot dog"" when they finally did it.",0,3615 Can't you talk to it? he yelled.,He wanted them to try and talk.,0,3616 "Examples include routes along Wrynose bottom, around Wast Water, the path along the stream bed at Watendlath, or the course around Blea Tarn in the Langdale Fells; the latter two routes are especially beautiful.",Watendlath has a stream bed with a path that goes along it.,0,3617 Was I to report who came or went? ,Should I have reported who came or went?,0,3618 "Very fit, experienced walkers enjoy the peak walks, which involve steeper climbs and lead to the very highest points of the Lake District.",Fit walkers enjoy the peak walks.,0,3619 "The grapes used for wine have seeds, but they've been cloned from shoots for more than a hundred years in the case of many vineyards.",Wine is made from grapes.,0,3620 Pension benefits accounted for 19 percent of the elderly's cash income in 1998 and income from individuals' accumulated assets for another 20 percent.,Nineteen percent of the elderly's cash income in 1998 was in pension benefits while another twenty percent came from their accumulated assets.,0,3621 "Rather than sponsor truncated representation, ante, at 11, Congress chose to subsidize only those cases in which the attorneys it subsidized could work freely.",Congress chose to subsidize only those cases in which the attorneys could work freely.,0,3622 "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus (Gershwin Theater, New York).",Gershwin Theater has its location stated as New York.,0,3623 "These are widely sold, but the best come from Bhaktapur.",Bhaktapur is the source of the best of these.,0,3624 "Each year the legal services delivery system in the United States gets better at the business of competition as LSC refines and improves the process and as our grantees, individually and collectively, become the kinds of high-quality legal services programs of which we can all be proud.",The legal system improves annually.,0,3625 "Finally, we compare actual unit revenues, and some derived unit costs, for the seven posts with the model's prediction of unit costs.","Finally, we compare the unit costs and revenues for the seven posts.",0,3626 "For a collection of early ' and attention-getting ' medical equipment, visit the Musee Flaubert (51 Rue de Lecat).",There is medical equipment inside the Musee Flaubert.,0,3627 " Menes was there, all right.","Menes was present, all right.",0,3628 The most recent attraction at the pyramid complex is a small museum housing the remains of a solar barque (a cedar longboat) which was found in 1954.,The latest attraction at the pyramid complex is a museum.,0,3629 The mastaba of Princess Idut has exceptional nautical scenes and you'll also catch sight of the name of a tomb robber Ahmed the Carpenter who couldn't resist letting the world know about his visit.,Ahmed the Carpenter was a tomb raider who wanted everyone to know his visit.,0,3630 five okay he's written some children's books as well and they're all spiritually uh oriented yeah,He has written some spiritually oriented books for children.,0,3631 Information based on judgments (such as the estimated speed of a UFO) which may be expressed in numerical or nonnumerical ways and data that may not be based on judgments (such as state of birth) but are not meaningfully expressed numerically.,It was made based on data that could and could not be judged.,0,3632 so i i don't think they are too,I don't think they are.,0,3633 "The cartridge blunder became a pretext for avenging other grievances, with troops rallying around the rulers dispossessed by Lapse or Paramountcy.",Rulers were dispossessed by Lapse or Paramoutcy.,0,3634 The southwestern corner of the Lake District has some of the moodiest landscapes in all of the UK.,There are few landscapes in the UK moodier than those in the southwest of the Lake District.,0,3635 and but you see a lot of advertising for that uh as far as uh vacation uh cruises and retirement,You see a lot of advertising of vacation cruises and retirement,0,3636 yeah that's true i mean it feeds upon itself not only does it make the person stagnant and not very capable of social progress in the realm of uh earning a living in the way that the norm is uh but it you know makes for a habit that has to be supported at a rate that uh can't be supported by uh that person as far as working goes i mean you can't be that much into drugs and still hold down a job capable of paying for that much drugs so,It makes a person stop progressing.,0,3637 yeah it it's it's pretty good,This is good.,0,3638 uh-huh so since i bought it and paid that much for it i guess i'd better might as well get some use out of it yes i'm going to have to do it,"I guess I'd better get some use out of it, since I already bought it and pait that much.",0,3639 well we don't have that kind of choice either,We don't have that choice either.,0,3640 "Under the immigration bill, Clinton directed the Immigration and Naturalization Service to deport asylum seekers without giving them any opportunity to appear before a tribunal.","Under his immigration bill, Clinton directed the immigration and naturalization service to deport asylum seeks without giving them a tribunal.",0,3641 "But even the Standard , it seems, has its limits.",Even the Standard has it's limits.,0,3642 The definition of computerprocessed data is therefore broad.,Computerprocessed data has a broad definitiion. ,0,3643 "In addition to her position on the Board of Directors of the Legal Services Corporation, Nancy Rogers is the Vice Provost for Academic Administration and Platt Professor of Law at Ohio State University.",Nancy Rogers works at Ohio State and at the Legal Services Corporation.,0,3644 Use Training to Change the Nonfinancial managers are educated about the financial implications of business Organizational Culture and decisions.,Training changes is the best way to educate managers about the financial implications of their decisions.,0,3645 where but honestly an Amiga is far and away a much better PC than the PC will ever be it has a full multitasking operating system during the Christmas holidays while my kids played games with my machines i backed up my hard disk because i used my Commodore sixty four as a terminal to it like a main frame,During the holidays I backed up my hard drive since my kids were busy playing games on my machine.,0,3646 The Valley of the Boyne has played an important part in the nation's history .,The history of the nation has notable points in the Valley of the Boyne.,0,3647 "The Company Man has been replaced by a fiercely independent gang of free agents, new nomads, and globalists, who write their own job descriptions, schedules, and rules.",The Company Man has been replaced by a gang of free agents.,0,3648 He ain't bad.,He isn't bad.,0,3649 "The first row labeled Personal Mail and the sixth row labeled Business Mail are identical to first and fifth rows in Table 1, respectively.","Mail is categorized differently, according to contents.",0,3650 But only a fool--or a Chicago School theorist--would say that Dell is five times as valuable to the economy today as it was a year ago.,Dell was more valuable five years ago.,0,3651 Glorious Gardens,Impressive Gardens.,0,3652 "Rather than distinguish these varieties of consumer experience, Frank stuffs everything into the boxes of square and hip--receptacles that were already full back when the '60s dawned.",Frank stuffs everything into the boxes of square and hip.,0,3653 "Nagarkot, Dhulikhel, and Kodari",There are three of them.,0,3654 "Note, however, that up to a discount of 6a, by the assumption made in this paper, work continues to be shifted to a lower cost provider, but the total technical gains beyond a discount of 2 or 3 cents are very small.",Lower cost providers take more work under the assumptions made in this paper.,0,3655 All I have to do is let this train reach its third stop.',The train has to go to the third stop.,0,3656 A number of excellent visits are within easy reach of Funchal.,From Funchal there are many superb visits within a short distance.,0,3657 Cervantes said this is exactly the type of exploitation that can be prevented through education.,"Education can prevent precisely this sort of exploitation, said Cervantes.",0,3658 "The analyses describe the reason for the rule and the legal basis for it and include descriptions and estimates of the number of small entities affected by the rule; discussions of the recordkeeping, reporting, and other compliance requirements; and the steps taken to minimize the burdens on small entities.",The analyses describes why the rule is in place.,0,3659 It is possibly the most tried and true dramatic plot known to man.,There is a dramatic plot.,0,3660 mail used by non-households to send and pay bills to other non-households).,"To send and pay bills to non-households, other non-households use mail.",0,3661 "Even so, O King! ","Nevertheless, O King!",0,3662 "I am delighted to make your acquaintance, Mr. Beresford.",It's nice to meet you Mr. Beresford.,0,3663 "It's in a quiet residential neighborhood a mile or so from the old center, not nearly as convenient as its main competitors, but it offers uncommon intimacy and personal attention.",It's in the neighborhood that's a mile away from the old center.,0,3664 That is not the case.,The case is something else.,0,3665 "There are 270 million of us, and there are only two parties.",There are only two parties for over 200 million people.,0,3666 "Next year, Kentucky will lose almost $500,000 in grants through the federal Violence Against Women Act used to provide legal assistance to poor women who are victims of domestic violence.",Kentucky will lose a lot of grant money next year.,0,3667 End block quote here,The quote should end here.,0,3668 It was this feature that attracted speedboat racer Donald Campbell.,Donald Campbell's interest was piqued by this feature.,0,3669 The crone was on her feet in an instance.,There was a crone on her feet.,0,3670 "Postal Service Wages and Benefits to the Private Evidence from the Total Compensation Premium, New Hire Increases, Quit Rates and Application Rates, Michael L Wachter, Barry T. Hirsch, and James W. Gillula, July 10, 1995.",A report of postal service wages and benefits.,0,3671 "It's worth going to church or visiting the fishing hamlet of Corosel just to see the ladies wearing the starched white bonnets called quichenottes, a St. Barts' trademark that dates back to the time of the original Huguenot settlers.",The fishing hamlet of Corosel is worth going to.,0,3672 "Nor have the rich maintained that audible indicator, that quasi-English, quasi-lockjawed accent that the swells all had in Depression-era movies.",The accents in the Depression-era movies are gone.,0,3673 you you know i've seen a lot of people that do that,I have witnessed plenty of people doing that.,0,3674 Colonists had to locate enough level ground to grow crops on and solve the issue of irrigating them.,It proved a challenge for colonists to grow crops in the right conditions.,0,3675 "The grand Roman amphitheater (arynes) was built for gladiator battles and held more than 20,000 spectators.","20,000 spectators were able to watch gladiator battles.",0,3676 " ""Good work, Nema,"" he said wearily.","Tiredly, he said, ""Well done, Nema.""",0,3677 "Close by (nothing that matters in Pointe Pitre is far away) is the center of youthful social action the Place de la Victoire, sprawling in the shade of sandbox trees.",There are a large number of sandbox trees.,0,3678 It's that he knows what it's like to walk the high wire and bomb.,He is familiar with walking on high wires. ,0,3679 oh well where you going,Where you headed?,0,3680 He has a great frilly beard and a tall top-hat.,His hat is very small.,0,3681 "Morris, of course, insists that poses no such threat.","Of course, according to Morris, poses no such threat.",0,3682 "He says she gave him the confidence to be an actor, and he ended up helping to support her at the end of her life.",He claims that she improved his confidence to be an actor.,0,3683 Such hearings will further underscore for agencies the importance that Congress places on creating high-performing government organizations.,Some hearings will stress the importance that Congress places on high-performing government organization creation.,0,3684 Most of the major British Indian buildings prior to the 20th century were built not by an architect but by a soldier-engineer copying existing plans of buildings back home.,"Before the 20th century, soldier-engineers designed buildings by recreating buildings from the West.",0,3685 "Overall, the U.S. economy added more than 45 million jobs.",More than 45 million jobs were created in the United States' economy.,0,3686 One most of the island's resort hotels are quite a distance from the capital.,It is a long journey from the capital to most of the island's resort hotels.,0,3687 "Finally, the analysis discusses several significant alternatives that were considered and rejected by the Commission, including expanding the universe of providers covered by the rule, more narrowly defining the universe of providers, and continuing the resale rule indefinitely.",There are a number of alternatives available.,0,3688 ARTICLE : : Too True To Be Good,The article is titled Too True To Be Good.,0,3689 "There, unattended under banks of lights, stood half-finished aircraft shapes.",Partly-built aircrafts were standing under the lights.,0,3690 "But we nailed him in Antwerp ”thanks to Mr. Poirot here."" As these friendly reminiscences were being indulged in, I drew nearer, and was introduced to Detective-Inspector Japp, who, in his turn, introduced us both to his companion, Superintendent Summerhaye. ",We managed to catch him in Antwerp.,0,3691 "I was bewildered, but I knew that it was no good asking him to explain. ",I knew it wasn't good to ask him. ,0,3692 "The happiness of one man and one woman is the greatest thing in all the world."" His words took me back to earlier events. ",The greatest of all things is the happiness of a man and a woman.,0,3693 "'Obviously not,' Lincoln snapped.",Lincoln snapped 'Obviously not'.,0,3694 Visitors are allowed into the ancient and mysterious church only during afternoon services.,Only during the afternoons are guests permitted to enter the church.,0,3695 "Here, INS published a notice of proposed rulemaking on January 3, 1997, and received comments for 30 days, and therefore the good cause exception was not properly invoked.",INS published a notice of proposed rulemaking and received comments for 30 days.,0,3696 ", selling postage stamps, rating and receiving parcels, etc.);","Such as rating and receiving parcels, and selling postage stamps.",0,3697 "Here's fifty to go on with."" 20 He rapidly sorted out some notes, and pushed them across the table to Tuppence, then stood up, obviously impatient for her to go.","He gave some money to Tuppence, his body language urging her to leave.",0,3698 This value does not reflect the 5-year lag adjustment and the adjustment for changes in real income over time that are included in the mortality valuation in our national benefits summaries.,The 5-year lag adjustment and the adjustment for changes in real income over time were reflected in the value.,0,3699 "Until then, it remains essentially off-limits to the public.","Currently, it is off-limits to the public.",0,3700 yeah i he he is really good yeah i've i've i come from a musical background so uh um i've played flute flute flute and piano so i i i have uh,"My background is musical so I've learned to play both flute and piano, and I know he is good ",0,3701 A third of people who almost die report experiencing a spiritual vision.,One third of individuals who have near death experiences report having a spiritual vision.,0,3702 "East of the Forum des Halles, streets closed to traffic and lined with cafes, brasseries, art galleries, and boutiques link up with the startling Centre Georges-Pompidou.",Some people think that the Centre Georges-Pompidou is startling.,0,3703 "You can puff yourself up with thank-you notes from a dozen organizations, or you can be truly charitable by concentrating your efforts where you believe they will do the most good.","Instead of feeling good about the notes of gratitude, try to focus on improving effectiveness of your charitable activities.",0,3704 yeah i meant to ask him the last time i was talking with him if uh if there are any circumstances under which they suspend the normal paperwork for just even a minor wreck because uh numerous times there there have been just a two car or three car incident and he starts his paperwork when you know he's gets there and then by the time they all cleared out and gone he's still sitting there doing paperwork on this deal and i said wonder what those California officers do when they have those you know twenty and thirty car pileups on the highway if it'd take a officers uh you know whole army of officers just to do the paperwork,I meant to ask him last time if they suspend paperwork for even minor wrecks.,0,3705 "Thanks to this blurring of the victim-perpetrator distinction, Ted's nephew Joe was able to get elected to Congress despite his own car accident, which likewise devastated his passenger, four years after Chappaquiddick.",Joe was able to win a congressional election despite being in a car accident.,0,3706 "I knowed yore company was in the fight last night, an' I thought o' you when I heerd the grape-shot a-plinkin' out thar.","When I heard the noise of the fight last night, I thought of you because I know your business played part in it.",0,3707 "The crowd booed, and when Trotter was asked to repeat the question, she rephrased Our viewers are curious.",Trotter was booed by the crowd for her statement.,0,3708 "(To the extent the discount audience exists at all, it's mostly a rental audience, because renting saves money not only on the unit price of viewing but also on parking, babysitting, and other incidental costs associated with going out; perhaps most important of all, the rental audience knows it can bail out with greater ease if the movie in question proves unwatchable.)",The discount audience is mostly a rental audience.,0,3709 "For example, Courmayeur, the country's most venerable ski resort, never adopted its more Italian name of Cetemaggiore.",Cetemaggiore is the Italian form of the name Courmayeur.,0,3710 He had held the championship for three years.,He was very successful.,0,3711 now i'm not even familiar with what that where that is,"I don't know what, or even where that is.",0,3712 "Tens of millions of humans, as we know, willingly partake of marijuana, and these differences between rat and human behavior should discourage us from using two rat studies to assert that a) marijuana is addictive in the same way as harder drugs are and b) marijuana primes humans for addiction to harder drugs.",Millions of people take the marijuana drug.,0,3713 "Watch your favorite theorists tackle everybody's favorite subject, as Katha Pollitt limns 50 Progressive Ways To Make Him Scream, and Judith Butler finds Hot Honeymoon Hump Tips That Catharine MacKinnon Could Love.",Judith Butler and Katha Pollitt are theorists.,0,3714 "Run up to seven and you'll find that every other number has better films-- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest , Two for the Road , Three Days of the Condor (and Three Brave Men , based on a book about my Uncle Abe, who's played by Ernest Borgnine--straight stuff--you can imagine how we felt), Four Feathers , Five Easy Pieces , and--no kidding, this is as good as it gets-- Six Lessons From Madame La Zonga , with Lupe Velez and Leon Errol.","Three Brave Men, which features Ernest Borgnine, was adapted from a book written about my Uncle Abe.",0,3715 Evidence of such low sensitivity in an important subgroup may necessitate use of multiple screens tailored to subgroups.,Multiple screens tailored to subgroups may be necessary.,0,3716 oh do you we've gotten out a time or two on a rented basis and it's fun too i think,We've gone out a few times on a rented basis.,0,3717 that's about the same for ours,It's the same as ours. ,0,3718 "The Adriatic coast, of which Rimini is the chief resort, has wide sandy beaches, at some points stretching 300 m (1,000 ft) from the water's edge back to the dunes.",There are white beaches on the Adriatic coast.,0,3719 "The largest temple is Chan See Shu Yuen, built in 1906, is dedicated to Chong Wah, a Sung dynasty emperor.",The Chan See Shu Yuen temple was built in 1906. ,0,3720 anything any else we can we can talk about,We can discuss any other topic. ,0,3721 "15 Twenty-seven years ago, our government made a pledge to help ensure that all persons have access to America's civil justice system by enacting legislation that created Legal Services Corporation.",Our government decided to help the people in the civil justice system.,0,3722 "The Texas Equal Access to Justice Foundation announced that the Fort Worth-based nonprofit groups will receive grants from funds it controls, including the Interest on Lawyers' Trust Accounts, or IOLTA, program.","Interest on Lawyers' Trust Accounts, or IOLTA, program will give funds to the Fort Worth-based nonprofit groups.",0,3723 "The added spending covers all sectors including buildings, industry, transportation, and electric generation.",Spending covers all sectors it has been added,0,3724 Across-study The analytical procedure used in the main analysis to estimate the monetary benefits of avoided premature mortality assumes that the appropriate economic value for each incidence is a value from the currently accepted range of the value of a statistical life.,There is a monetary cost to premature mortality.,0,3725 Stop blaming John.,Stop saying it's John's fault.,0,3726 "Ca'daan spoke of the bandit tribes in the barrens and, as well as they had done against the slavers, Jon had no desire for further battle.",Jon didn't want to fight anymore.,0,3727 "That is, the job may be presented to us as if only that situation is of concern, but the underlying question may call for a broader look at the issue.","That is, the underlying question may call for a broader look at the issue, even though the job may be presented to us as if only that situation is of concern.",0,3728 "Dissatisfied with the chump change earned by selling untaxed cigarettes and fireworks, the Indians have opened gambling casinos on reservations all over the state.",The Native Americans began operating casinos because they weren't making any money selling sparklers or tobacco products.,0,3729 "It was a nightmare sky, an impossible sky.",The sky was frightening and foreboding.,0,3730 "That left her with the hardship of seeking a place she could afford for herself and her children, without the certainty she afford the rent.",That kept with her the many difficulties associated with searching for a place that she could afford to live in.,0,3731 oh well that gives him something to amuse him while there uh,That will keep him busy.,0,3732 "To go down, take the staircase (158 steps) for some fascinating close-ups of the cathedral's construction.",Going down the staircase lets one see close-ups of the cathedral's construction.,0,3733 "You face, just like us, certain ",You face that for sure.,0,3734 Grullas blues four.,The four blues.,0,3735 "The conversation that she had overheard, although interesting in that it proved beyond doubt the complicity of both Rita and Boris, threw very little light on the present preoccupations.","Rita and Boris were working together, it was made clear by something that was overheard, but it didn't make the situation any clearer.",0,3736 "Therefore, the standards, as proposed, remain unchanged.",They proposed that the standard remained unchanged.,0,3737 "As the road climbs higher you'll reach a hidden valley, left behind as the glaciers of the Ice Age melted.",The Ice Age had many glaciers. ,0,3738 INTRODUCTION,A beginning section which states the purpose or goals.,0,3739 "However, for anyone who has a few days to spare for a first glimpse, we suggest some highlights representative of its many the capital Palermo, the ancient Greek settlements, and the pretty coastal resort of Taormina.","Anyone who has extra time should visit Palermo, Taormina, and the Greek settlements. ",0,3740 "Should I, like Jerry and Elaine, make it clear that I am there for her?",Jerry and Elaine are there for her.,0,3741 You're only half human.,You're only partially a person. ,0,3742 well that's not too bad in price listing,That's an okay price for that.,0,3743 "That is, the effective rates--the actual taxes paid as a proportion of income--on the rich are higher than those on the middle class.",The actual taxes that are paid in proportion to an income are called the effective rates.,0,3744 "Oh, of course, but I don't see, , Poirot raised his hand. ","Oh, right, but I can't tell, Poirot lifted his hand.",0,3745 "Even so, Reege may be the ideal game show host for this ironic He allows the show to be both deadly serious and parody.",Reece is a good game show host candidate. ,0,3746 "Inside, the marvelous light is due in part to two more outsize rosewindows dominating the transept.",Outside rose windows impart a beautiful light on the inside. ,0,3747 "I asked her if she were feeling ill, and she answered frankly: ""Yes, I've got the most beastly headache.""",She said she had a horrible headache.,0,3748 A lot of extra cars were parked around the town- cameras and notebooks were in evidence.,There were a lot of cars in the town.,0,3749 Capital Legislator Want More Facts on Daylight Savings Time from Mexico's News . A close second is Why Farm Sheep at All?,Capital Legislator think Mexico's News has facts on Daylight Savings.,0,3750 "Beresford had better look out!"" Tommy retired for the night in a state of some elation.",Tommy was very excited when he went to bed.,0,3751 "She was so self-sacrificing, such a noble character. ",She was self-sacrificing and noble.,0,3752 The thundering engine will transport you back to the age of steam.,The engine is a time machine.,0,3753 A change in ethnic identity is another danger of an overzealous scalpel.,A change in Ethnic identity is in some way considered to be a danger.,0,3754 Soft money is everything that isn't hard money--let me finish my answer.,Let me finish my answer-- soft money is everything that isn't hard money...,0,3755 "However, participants understand that accountants are taking a risk when they issue an opinion on the financial statements.",participants understood that accountants are taking a risk when they issue an opinion on the financial statements,0,3756 "The financing account holds fund balances, receives the subsidy cost payment from the credit program account, and includes all other cash flows to and from the government resulting from post-1991 direct loans or loan guarantees.",Financing account has the capability to direct loans and guarantees. ,0,3757 "Correspondingly, the share available for all other programs, including defense, has decreased, as shown in figure 14.",The share available for defense has been reduced.,0,3758 The huge beasts thundered and belched as they grazed.,The large beasts released thundering belching noises as they grazed.,0,3759 "To overcome this obstacle, most of the organizations required members to sign confidentiality or informationsharing agreements.",Members may be required to informationsharing agreements.,0,3760 (Though here I'm tempted to respond that it's a mistake to generalize about human behavior on the basis of a few extraordinary individuals who probably--and quite atypically--love their work.),I believe it's a mistake to represent the majority of the population's behavior off of a few extraordinary individuals.,0,3761 Let me see.,Let me have a look.,0,3762 "They rode into the barrens, Ca'daan leading the way and pointing out his familiar landmarks.",Ca'daan was familiar with some of the landmarks that the barrens hard. ,0,3763 "There are 10 golf courses on Mallorca, three of which are 9-hole, the rest 18-hole.",Mallora has three golf courses with 9 holes and seven with 18 holes.,0,3764 The key was in the lock.,"There was a lock, but the key was already in it.",0,3765 This litigation involves CCLS's challenge to certain actions taken by the LSC in connection with the LSC's consolidation of services areas (undertaken as a cost-cutting measure) and implementation of a competitive bidding program for grant money.,CCLS's challenge to certain actions are a part of this litigation.,0,3766 Adrin was watching his feet.,Adrin was paying attention to his feet.,0,3767 no hum yeah oh sure speaking of uh southern Oklahoma uh you go up into the Arbuckle Mountains at all camping up in there,Have you been to the Arbuckle mountains? ,0,3768 um-hum yes oh it is it is well both of ours is school age but we don't want to miss any of those PTA's and you know all of that so so,"Both our children are school age, we want to be involved, even PTA meetings.",0,3769 "Because of the regional and global scale of these pollutants, individual states or localities experiencing the environmental effects cannot always control them.",The global scale of pollutants are getting so much worse individual states and localities undergoing the environmental effects cannot always keep them under control.,0,3770 "I believe the public wants solutions that work, not attacks that divide, says Bradley.",The public no longer wanted attacks.,0,3771 But that means at most that fewer statutory challenges to welfare laws will be presented to the courts because of the unavailability of free legal services for that purpose.,The lack of availability of free legal services is due to fewer statutory challenges to welfare laws being presented to the courts.,0,3772 "Approval thresholds, for example, should show which officials have the authority to review and approve acquisitions.",Approval thresholds will let everyone know who is in charge of approvals and reviews of acquisitions.,0,3773 and it was just i don't know big mistake i don't even use it i rode my bike to class so there,I took my bike to class so that's that.,0,3774 "Our use of REIMS II data as a proxy for this distribution was necessary, but not realistic.",REIMS II data is used as a proxy for distributing.,0,3775 "For each activity a post performs, there are volume-driven attributable costs and networkdriven institutional costs.",There are many volume and network driven costs that are associated with each activity that a post performs. ,0,3776 because they they have lots of good stuff Masterpiece Theatre and mystery and nature,"They have Masterpiece Theatre, mystery, nature and other good stuff.",0,3777 "Among its many notable bronze images is the Yakushi triad, comprising three blackened-bronze the Yakushi Buddha (dedicated to healing and medicine) seated on a medicine chest between Bodhisattvas of the sun and moon.","Between Bodhisattvas of the sun and moon, the Yakushi Buddha can be found.",0,3778 Cherpitel has analyzed the sensitivity of each of the RAPS4 questions and sequenced them from most to least sensitive for most efficient use.,RAPS4 are sequenced by sensitivity.,0,3779 But I begin to see in the public's indifference to the myriad accusations of presidential adultery that Weisberg speaks for the majority.,The public is indifferent to the President's cheating.,0,3780 The commercial companies we visited understood the importance of having disciplined design reviews and getting agreement from the stakeholders that the product's design had been demonstrated to meet requirements before beginning initial manufacturing.,Having disciplined design reviews was something that the commercial companies we visited understood the importance of.,0,3781 Sewage and dirty water were thrown from upper floors to the streets below and left to fester.,Waste products were flung from the building to the ground below.,0,3782 we've got a good video place out here and uh uh oh gosh uh i'm just trying to think of all the movies i've recently seen uh oh Air America,We have a good video place,0,3783 "That's why they called him Shiloh.""There was a moment of silence, broken by a hail from the door.",This is why he is called Shiloh.,0,3784 no huh-uh sometimes he brings he brought home a uh a portable one,Sometimes he brings a portable one home. ,0,3785 and yet their uh the gun control enthusiasts are are uh preaching about the gun control and how they should be have we should have stronger laws and what not,The gun control fanatics are preaching about how they should have stronger laws.,0,3786 He saw the fires burning deep red.,The fires were burning deep red.,0,3787 "During the lunch break that follows Starr's statement, Democrats are gleeful.",The politicians are happy during lunch.,0,3788 "As Noyce and Moore did before him, Grove led Intel brilliantly without making it dependent upon him.",Grove proved to be a great leader of Intel.,0,3789 30 About 10 percent of households did not,Roughly ninety percent of households did this thing.,0,3790 "Another scheme, reported by the Chronicle last May, was the case of a fast-talking ex-convict who convinced dozens of professors that he was the nephew of esteemed Berkeley race and sports sociologist Harry Edwards.","The case of a fast-talking ex-convict who convinced dozens of professors that he was the nephew of esteemed Berkeley race and sports sociologist Harry Edwards, has been reported by the Chronicle.",0,3791 and and you would you know they get this in the mail say oh well we can't use that one anymore we'll just get another one and that's like who you,We would get a notice in the mail that said we could not use that one anymore. ,0,3792 He was 65 at the time.,He was 65 years old.,0,3793 "Is it only chance?""",Did it just happen by chance?,0,3794 so if you know it's not it's just a temporary thing,I assure you that it is not permanent.,0,3795 Clinton claims to have known nothing about the Chinese plans.,Clinton is leading people to believe that there was no knowledge of the Chinese plans.,0,3796 "If the purpose is to report what is happening in a descriptive sense only, short site visits together with administrative records may provide adequate bases for findings.",Short site visits and record reviews can provide enough information for some times of reports.,0,3797 "As the analysis points out, the House Appropriations Committee report and a floor statement by the principal sponsor of section 330--Representative DeLay--describe section 330 as permitting NHTSA to establish a 1998 standard identical to the model year 1997 standard.", House Appropriations Committee report and a floor statement by the principal sponsor of section 330,0,3798 yeah there is there there there are much easier ways to get out of jury duty,Easy methods exist to escape jury duty.,0,3799 so do you see a lot of uh well let's see what's in Colorado do you see a lot of immigrants of any kind like like we do here,You've been there -- are there lots of immigrants in Colorado?,0,3800 "In fact, many of these recipients have unique ZIP Codes and their own sorting bin on the sorting machines.",Many recipients have their own zip codes.,0,3801 It twirled over her head and the sword swinger ducked as well.,Something flew other them.,0,3802 What is open to you.,What is available to you.,0,3803 He is alone in the private quarters.,There is no one else with him in the private quarters.,0,3804 And that gives you the self-esteem to go out and meet the world every day.,"To meet the world everyday, you need self-esteem, and that gives it to you. ",0,3805 "Between 1789 and 1815 the chapel assumed various a flour warehouse during the Revolution and a club for high-ranking dandies, then an archive for Napoleon's Consulate.",The chapel was used for various different purposes after 1789.,0,3806 "Thousands of pines, palms, and eucalyptus trees, planted to control shifting sand dunes, shade the beaches at Guardamar del Segura (17 km/10 miles south again on the N-332), an important fishing centre.",Thousands of tropical trees were planted to control the shifting sand dunes and to give shade to the beaches at Guardamar del Segura. ,0,3807 The part about her sexual coming-of-age in San Francisco fares reasonably well.,She became a woman in California. ,0,3808 He's obviously spending too much time online.,It's clear he spends too much time on the internet.,0,3809 no so i had uh right,"Right, I had it.",0,3810 The Old and Middle Kingdoms,The Middle and Old Kingdoms,0,3811 The Security Act is to be implemented consistent with the Computer Security Act.,The Security Act must be put into place in a way that is consistent with the Computer Security Act.,0,3812 Were Davis' electric instruments and simpler forms an opportunistic concession to pop?,Was the apparatus valid to pop?,0,3813 "They were constructed by Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman Turkish sultan, who never visited Jerusalem but (according to tradition) had a dream that he would be devoured by lions unless he rebuilt the walls of the city.","Suleiman the Magnificent had a nightmare about being eaten by lions, so he had the city walls rebuilt.",0,3814 Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Triangulation in Action.,This is a report about mixing data and what happens as a result.,0,3815 The Vikings sacked the great centers of learning for their treasures.,The Vikings stole from the great centers of learning.,0,3816 "The park's 10.5 hectares (25 acres) of landscaped gardens and lakes contains a large greenhouse that holds many species of plants, and an aviary of exotic birds.",There are both an aviary and greenhouse within the park.,0,3817 she has twelve children she looks gorgeous no she's gorgeous a nd she just liked having kids and she's thin and i mean all my friends with four or more children are thin i mean i'm not kidding you,She has twelve kids and looks very beautiful.,0,3818 and the two guys i was with they were like well this you're a wimp you know because we've been drinking out of the water and we're okay so they went out fly fishing and they're having a great time,They said they drank the water and it was okay.,0,3819 and and while you're eating your meal and usually their food is good too they they bring out six different kinds of beer that they brewed on the premises and you just test it's like uh beer tasting thing while you're eating your meal and it's really neat,they give you six kinds of locally-brewed beer to try as you eat your meal,0,3820 he made that decision,The decision was made by him.,0,3821 and uh we had we had a blast up there,We had a blast up there.,0,3822 A wink's as good as a nod ”from you. ,"From you, a wink is as good as a nod. ",0,3823 "A decade ago, kids were bombarded by anti-drug messages.",There were many anti-drug messages targeted at kids just ten years ago.,0,3824 no and in Texas they're just get things like that they just get bugs in them so,In Texas they get bugs in them.,0,3825 "Washington can't erase jurisdictional frontiers, but it can encourage metropolitan government via tax incentives and cheerleading.","Washington can encourage metropolitan government via tax incentives and cheerleading, even though it can't erase jurisdictional frontiers.",0,3826 "We spent the week together in bliss, in bed.",We spent the week together in bed.,0,3827 that dust yeah not fun to be in but i haven't seen any like that in probably five or ten years,That dust was the worst I've seen in a decade.,0,3828 right you have to question you have to wonder how much tillable land they have uh being an island,"Exactly, you have to wonder how much of the land is usable given it is an island.",0,3829 "To approach humanitarian aid from the perspective of a few of its providers, try the U.S.","If you want to understand humanitarian aid in the shoes of a few of its providers, try the U.S.",0,3830 Another major metropolitan daily in the South told its reporter that it would not pay her airfare or expenses.,Another newspaper in the South would not pay her transportation costs.,0,3831 Port Antonio and the Blue Mountains,There are Blue Mountains. ,0,3832 um-hum and they see that with my husband's retirement a little over a year ago we're having a wonderful time and i think they look at that and and uh and that way i think we're doing a lot for our grandchildren,My husband has been retired for roughly a year now.,0,3833 yeah huh wow so they evacuated it,"They evacuated it, wow!",0,3834 Ideally located if you want to see a lot of Madrid in a short time.,It is in the perfect location to let you see much more of Madrid in less time.,0,3835 What about the animals?,Have a care for the living things?,0,3836 The same is true of the cowboy and the tough guy.,The cowboy and the tough guy are also an example of that. ,0,3837 The information collections do not have to be complied with until approved by OMB and control numbers are issued.,Information collections only need to be complied with after approval.,0,3838 "Wasdale, the birthplace of British fell-walking, is still very popular with experienced fell-walkers because its rocky crags give access to some of the most challenging hiking in the Lakes.",Wasdale is a good place to go to for difficult hikes.,0,3839 "British engineers also set a port in operation at Pointe-? -Pitre, thus establishing the importance of this advantageously located town.",British engineers established the importance of the town.,0,3840 "The records we are requesting will assist the review of how the NEPDG spent public funds, how it carried out its activities, and whether applicable law was followed.",They needed the materials to go over how the money was being used.,0,3841 Clients whose counsel withdrew would face the possibility of having their case dismissed if the client failed to respond to discovery or comply with procedural requirements.,The possibility of having their case dismissed if the client failed to respond to discovery or comply with procedural requirements--that's what clients whose counsel withdrew would face.,0,3842 "Recognizing that these other justifications overlap and may not all qualify as basic starting points, it is worthwhile to list them.",There are other justifications that are not starting points.,0,3843 "Meanwhile, a European with an eye for chance had ingratiated his way into the French court at Versailles.","At Verseilles, there was a French court.",0,3844 "Despite its name, it is made from molasses, not honey.",The product is made from molasses and not honey.,0,3845 "We need to get to the caves, said Jon.",Jon wanted to go to the caves.,0,3846 A sidebar proposes transforming AmeriCorps into a vast national scholarship program like the GI Bill.,There is a proposal to turn Americorps into a program like the GI Bill.,0,3847 Case Example - Coordinating Policy Development and Awareness Activities,An example is the coordinated policy development.,0,3848 no no we're build,"Incorrect, we built.",0,3849 i'm going to check that i've got i've got two friends that work at at UT i didn't know that at all definitely i will,"I know two people who work at UT, and I can check with them.",0,3850 i don't either i want some you know ski or something you know i'm benefiting from it,I don't know anything and I am not benefiting from anything.,0,3851 " Dave sat up again, examining himself, now that he had more room.",Dave checked himself over. ,0,3852 you hate the Bears i don't really like the Bears either,I don't think the Bears are that good,0,3853 "Right now, the firefighters will pass the hat and help raise money to put the family up, but there is no fund.",There is no fund to help the family.,0,3854 "You'll catch it if you hurry.""","You have a chance to catch it, if you are fast.",0,3855 uh-huh Paris and my cousin lives in Paris and she's lived there for like oh off and on for twenty years,My cousin lives in Paris and has resided there for twenty years on and off.,0,3856 "Go back up to the main promenade road, turn left, and you will find two more sites associated with Jesus.",You can reach two more Christian historical sites by retracing your steps along the main road and turning left.,0,3857 And the ranchers are mighty resistant to any changes that could cost them money.,The ranchers do not want to spend more money on a change. ,0,3858 "Under OMB's guidance, agencies' fiscal year 1997 budget requests were to contain a significantly greater amount of performance information to help define funding levels and projected program results.",The 1997 budget included more comprehensive information about performance than had previous years. ,0,3859 "The advantage of our program is its predictability, said Amy Rosenberg, chair of the Pro Bono Project for Larimer County. ",The program is very predictable.,0,3860 One of the most important services provided to clients of taxpayer clinics is assistance in seeking a refund under the Earned Income Tax Credit provisions.,Help in seeking a refund it useful for the tax payers.,0,3861 All at once blood erupted from the eyes and mouth of the helm.,The blood came out from the eyes.,0,3862 "In a statement, Sawyer said she played no role in this decision.",She said she played no role in this decision.,0,3863 "The surrounding green hills are topped by numerous temples of both religions, the best known being on Gridhakuta (Vulture's Peak), where Buddha is believed to have converted the once fierce Mauryan warrior king Bimbisara to the peaceful doctrine of non-violence.",Gridhakuta and other hills have temples of two religions.,0,3864 well i'm trying build up my tolerance now i just surgery um less than two months ago and right now i'm just a little over about a mile and a half but i try try to workup to three miles,I've been slowing working my way up to three miles since having surgery a few months ago.,0,3865 Democrat Roy Barnes was upset in November by Sonny Perdue.,Roy Barnes is a democrat member who was upset by Sonny Perdue.,0,3866 "Newsweek publishes a short interview with Jobs, who says that Apple will concentrate on the education and creative content markets.",The CEO of Apple says they will be focusing on serving creative professionals and schools.,0,3867 At night we sometimes had sex outside on the deck--and even in a swing hanging from a tree in her front yard.,We had sex outside at night.,0,3868 The best beach in Europe ' at least that's the verdict of its regulars.,It's the best beach in Europe according to regulars. ,0,3869 Wachter's wage premium amounts to only $2.,Some wage premiums fall below $5. ,0,3870 Personal Saving and Retirement Security9 National Saving Overview11 National Saving and the Economy12 National Saving and the Government13,Personal Saving and Retirement Saving is addressed in the material.,0,3871 and uh uh that is just absolutely when you consider how flat everything is here that absolutely beautiful company to uh country to camp in,It's beautiful to camp in because everything is so flat. ,0,3872 "Whites still outearn blacks, black unemployment is twice the rate of white unemployment, and 13 percent of black men are disenfranchised because of felony convictions.",There is a higher unemployment rate among black people than white people. ,0,3873 "Because so many congressmen fly so frequently, the aviation industry gets much federal attention.",A lot of congressmen fly a lot.,0,3874 "With their money at stake, Mailers prefer that things be done right rather than fast!","Since there is money involved, Mailers prefer that the job is done correctly rather than hastily. ",0,3875 It is wrong on the law because there is utterly no precedent for the novel and facially implausible proposition that the First Amendment has anything to do with government funding that- though it does not actually abridge anyone's speech- distorts an existing medium of expression.,This is not correct under the law.,0,3876 "For instance, he said, LSNY had agreed to select new members from a slate put together by a local corporation.",LSNY agreed to pick new members from a slate.,0,3877 An alien also must not be inadmissible under the categories of inadmissibility specified in the INA.,Foreigners shouldn't be considered inadmissible by the INA.,0,3878 "Check out what else is on display while you are here, as the museum regularly hosts special exhibitions.",See the other displays because the museum usually has special exhibitions.,0,3879 "Although the sacred structures represent the ultimate focus of the Shinto religion, they are dismantled and renewed every 20 years one of the most explicit manifestations of the traditional Japanese belief in transience and perpetual renewal.",The sacred structures are torn down and reconstructed every 20 years.,0,3880 "Because combination of SCR and FGD are expected to have high mercury removal due to the SCR and FGD systems, those facilities that are so equipped are not expected to add ACI systems.",SCR and FGD combinded are expected to have high mercury removal.,0,3881 "For those who would prefer to cycle off-road, there are tracks through the forests at Grizedale and Whinlatter and some well marked crosecountry routes.",There are well marked cycling routes in Whinlatter. ,0,3882 i work at the Lewisville site,The Lewisville site is where I work.,0,3883 'Stretching?',Limbering up.,0,3884 "Tuppence related how Mrs. Vandemeyer had declared herself willing to disclose the identity of Mr. Brown, and how she had consented to discover and reveal to them the whereabouts of Jane Finn.",Mrs. Vandemeyer declared herself willing to disclose the identity of Mr.Brown.,0,3885 In the middle of the dinner plate (or is it a base drum?),In the center of the dinner plate.,0,3886 "If that doesn't beat the band!"" Tommy looked.",Tommy looked at the item.,0,3887 um i had a Ford Escort with about ninety five thousand miles on it and the engine was shot um i i think the problem was uh the head gasket needed to be replaced and um but nobody would do just the head gasket everybody wanted to overhaul the engine entirely,Ford Escorts have engines and can have up to ninety five thousand miles on them.,0,3888 uh right right but we go out occasionally and uh there's some there's some good um sort of artsy movies i saw a computer animation festival it was all about computer generated or else um actually it's just sort of animation in general some were computer generated and some were hand drawn um cartoon like things,I saw an artsy movie at a computer animation festival.,0,3889 "The Republicans will not have a two-thirds majority, and Clinton cannot be convicted on the votes of Republicans alone.",Clinton cannot rely of Republican votes alone.,0,3890 uh-huh with an annuity,"Yes, with an annuity",0,3891 and our bottom line answer was no because we cannot save the world,We can't save the world so our final answer was no.,0,3892 all these people were and and it was on one of those kind of shows like 20/20 these people were like paralyzed and because it threw them forward but they were hooked at the waist and so it like you know did something to their spinal cord,I was worried that it did something to their spines.,0,3893 yeah i know it's like they were using them as friends when we were having the conflict but i i you know it's almost where i'm kind of disappointed with the Iranians why they didn't go save save i mean i don't know if the Kurdish i know the Shiite's are their people but i don't know i think they have a bond with the the Kurds,When we were having the conflict we were using them as friends and I'm disappointed the Iranians didn't go save the Kurdish. ,0,3894 right right it's just it's just uh like a necessary evil i mean when we when our children were younger when they were like four years old three years old five years old we we just had Sesame Street and that was about it you know,Sesame Street was all we had to watch when our kids were younger.,0,3895 "Spin Inside the Clinton Propaganda Machine , by Howard Kurtz (The Free Press).",Howard Kurtz has written a book involving Clinton.,0,3896 The room was as she had left it.,There were no changes to the room while she was gone.,0,3897 "I'm just warning you that you haven't much time before you, and that you needn't be cast down if you fail.",Time is running out.,0,3898 "This commentator concluded that if the client agrees to the representation with the knowledge that the attorney must seek to withdraw under the rules, and the court refuses to grant the withdrawal motion, the attorney would be required to continue the representation.","According to the commentator, the attorney would have to continue with a representation when the court refuses to grant a withdrawal motion.",0,3899 yeah and and that requires some that would be at the federal level and require some waiting period presumably uh during that waiting period there would be a background uh uh check that would take place,Federal regulation of guns is needed.,0,3900 That is why I have been careful to remain in the background. ,for those reasons have I remained in the background.,0,3901 You'll find a number of things to do here.,You can find lots of things to do,0,3902 "IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch, who was questioned by a congressional committee, said the IOC had solved the corruption problems.",Samaranch was questioned about the Olympics. ,0,3903 Their inanities only reflect the broader tone of economic debate in a nation prepared to blame its problems on everything but the obvious causes.,The nation is not willing to see the real causes of the problems.,0,3904 The taxi drew up at the Ritz.,The taxi parked in front of the Ritz.,0,3905 Now you jus' walk yourself outta here on th' bounce.,Leave.butt out of here very quickly before we kill you dog.,0,3906 Naturally it was very annoying for the Cavendishes. ,The Cavendishes found that it was extremely annoying.,0,3907 oh well of course i always see see uh Attleboro mission on teen news and everything else but,I have seen Attleboro mission on the teen news program.,0,3908 forced people to label and marginalize themselves.,People were forced to marginalize and label themselves.,0,3909 "8.47 Being convincing requires that the audit results be responsive to the audit objectives, the findings be presented persuasively, and the conclusions and recommendations follow logically from the facts presented.",Being convincing requires that the audit results be responsive to the audit objectives.,0,3910 New Horizons,Unfamiliar opportunities.,0,3911 "They thrust their fingers within an inch or two of priceless paintings, pointing out the obvious.",They had pointed out what was clear to everyone by positioning their fingers within an inch of the priceless paintings.,0,3912 "Ten minutes later the lady was ensconced comfortably on her bed, smoking cigarettes and deep in the perusal of Garnaby Williams, the Boy Detective, which, with other threepenny works of lurid fiction, she had sent out to purchase.",She sat on her bed an read a mystery book smoking.,0,3913 "At $120,000 a year for Norquist and $160,000 a year for Downey, it's a cheap lottery ticket.",Norquist and Downey did not win millions in the lottery. ,0,3914 But Sir James interrupted him.,Sir James interrupted the speaker.,0,3915 I feel good.,I'm fine.,0,3916 yeah my my brother and uh sister-in-law live there i like,I have relatives there.,0,3917 "And finally there was Colin Montgomerie, a multiple failure in major tournaments, surely the best player in the world never to have won one of these things.",Montgomerie never won a tournament.,0,3918 'I thought I heard a gunshot.',I thought I heard a shooting.,0,3919 because i i i think that a lot of the pollutants and stuff are being taken out of the air uh you know by the plants and the trees and all that good stuff and here we are losing it and now the now it doesn't have any where to go,I believe many pollutants are being extracted from the air.,0,3920 no i'm kind of uh actually uh i think they've got the draft choices to make to make a good run at it but i i'm not sure how well they'll draft,I don't know how well they'll draft but at least the choices are good. ,0,3921 "Barry noted that because of human subjects violations and the way human subjects committees have handled their paperwork, whole programs have been shut down.",Barry commented on the shutting down of programs.,0,3922 well that's a nice way of putting it,You can put it that way nicely.,0,3923 "As mentioned earlier, legislation enacted in the 1990s has provided a statutory framework that includes the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act of 1990 and related financial management legislation, and information technology reform legislation, including the ClingerCohen Act of 1996 and the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.",The legislation was enacted in the 1990s.,0,3924 "As you know, I believe that a greater emphasis should be placed on knowledge, skills, and performance in connection with federal Oriented Approach to employment promotion and compensation decisions at all levels, rather",I think a bigger emphasis should be placed on skills in connection with federal Oriented Approach to employment promotion and compensation decisions. ,0,3925 a little baby chicken and all that but they say you shouldn't do that any more but um,It is said that you should not do it anymore. ,0,3926 "Do not grudge me a moment's satisfaction of the eye.""",Please allow me to take in the beauty around us. ,0,3927 "(Sometimes, apparently, jurors are chosen not just for specific ignorance of the case but for general ignorance of the world around them.",Ignorance of jurors is apparently a desirable quality sometimes.,0,3928 oh yeah uh-huh i sure did,"Yep, that's correct.",0,3929 i don't read as much as i would like to either i'm i'm a single mom but i i've always loved reading what do you like to read,I wish I had more time to read. ,0,3930 "She remembered the proverb about the good dying young, I suppose.",I guess she remembered the proverb that good die young.,0,3931 "He has gathered only 20 co-sponsors for his impeachment resolution, almost all of them GOP wing-nuts.","He's gathered only 20 co-sponsors for his resolution, and all of them are extremely right-wing.",0,3932 "In addition to the quarterly meetings, informal meetings and teleconferences are held among members on an ad hoc basis to discuss issues as they arise, such as assisting entities under attack.","Informal meetings and teleconferences were held on an as need be basis when important issues arise, such as assisting entities under attack, as well as the scheduled quarterly meetings. ",0,3933 "The library absorbed the Ambleside Book Club (Wordsworth had been its most famous member) and the Ruskin Library, which included many of Ruskin's private letters.",Many of Ruskin's private letters can be found today at the library.,0,3934 yeah that's it's um i wish i had known more when i was uh choosing a college i i kind of did or i'd i went off to i grew up in California and i went off to the University of Utah and didn't find the atmosphere there what i quite expected so i came back and went to Cal State and so i kind of do what you did only by route of another school and,I wish at the time I have more knowledge about choosing which college to attend.,0,3935 uh too much information and as far as the sub question about was i satisfied am i satisfied with the coverage i'd have to say yes but when it came to the war issues it was like who's telling the truth you could between the channels there was uh the casualties were differently the amount of missiles launched were different and it was almost too much information over-communicated,"I am satisfied with the coverage, but I couldn't tell who was telling the truth about the war issues because there was so much conflicting information.",0,3936 "On the other hand, national cuisines are largely artificial You won't find a French restaurant in France for obvious reasons.","On the other hand, national cuisines are artificial for example you'll never find a French restaurant in France.",0,3937 "Some investments in stewardship land, for example national parks, will be reported by both 1) the number of acres used as a park or an historic site in the stewardship land category, and 2) by the number of physical units identified as national parks in the heritage assets category.",The number of acres used and the number of physical units used on stewardship land are both reported.,0,3938 "But by assessing its external and internal environments, the agency came to see that its traditional ways of pursuing its mission were no longer viable and that major changes would be needed.",The agency knew they would have to make changes.,0,3939 "This initiative works to facilitate communication, information sharing, and a national forum for Medicaid fraud and abuse issues for the states.",A place to discuss Medicaid fraud will be provided by this initiative.,0,3940 So let's get rid of these files and see what happens.,Let us see what occurs when these files are gone.,0,3941 "Former corporate wife Lorna Wendt won a $20-million divorce judgment against her ex-husband, GE Capital Services CEO Gary Wendt.","After divorcing her husband, Lorna was awarded $20 Million by the judge.",0,3942 "He packed two weeks of dried meat and bread, two skins of water, thick wool clothes for the first part of the journey and lighter cotton for once he had passed the mountains.",He had lots of supplies ready.,0,3943 that's right and that is a that is a definite choice uh,It's a choice. ,0,3944 huh-uh that's all right then,"Yeah, that's all right.",0,3945 Three million slaves had died.,Millions of slaves had lost their lives.,0,3946 and i guess if if we would as a country unite and sit down and and if Congress received a millions of letters in one week saying we're not going to take this anymore,If people sent letters to the Congress we could change this country.,0,3947 "A slatternly looking servant, with an extremely dirty face and a pair of eyes that did not match, answered the door.",A poor dirty servant answered the door.,0,3948 Both Seleyman and Sinan (the latter lived to be almost 100) are buried nearby.,The resting places of both Seleyman and Sinan can be found nearby.,0,3949 " She went on making passes, but smiled on him kindly.","She went on doing her rounds, but smiled at him.",0,3950 "The Commission also changed the effective date of the letter stamping requirement from the effective date of the Report and Order to April 1, 1997, to give importers and manufacturers time to make equipment changes.",The Commission changed the date for when letter stamping would go into effect.,0,3951 "If I succeed in obtaining the address from her, we can go there at once, taking Mrs. Vandemeyer with us if necessary.","If I can get the address, we can just head there immediately, with or without Mrs. Vandemeyer. ",0,3952 The history of budget forecasts should be a reminder not to be complacent about the certainty that large surpluses will materialize over the next 10 years as projected.,The history of budget forecast should remind one of not being complacent.,0,3953 "The military's officer corps, especially the Army's, has been successfully transformed from a clubby elite, where promotions depended on golfing partners, into a more integrated meritocracy.",Officer corps transformed to a group that cared about merit.,0,3954 "In this situation, Johnson's impeachment looms as the operative a case of men who despised and battled their president--perhaps with good reason--but whose zeal in pursuing flimsy impeachment charges turned the judgment of history against them.",Johnson probably should have been impeached but the charges against him were poorly drawn up.,0,3955 The West had driven in the thin end of its wedge.,The west had directed the skinny edge of its wedge. ,0,3956 "It is so crowded with humanity, on foot and on assorted wheels, and is crammed with so many fascinating things for sale, that one risks overlooking the significant monuments along the way.",It is so crowded and busy that one may miss the monuments along way.,0,3957 that's right that's honestly right,That is correct.,0,3958 "Bizarrely, Mr. Bork seems to think this arrangement allowed him to choose sides with complete neutrality.","Strangely, Mr. Bork thinks his choice was free of bias.",0,3959 A herd of buffalobrought here during the filming of a movie in 1924 now numbers around 400.,There's a herd of 400 buffalo located here.,0,3960 "Maybe he should have cut out of the game yesterday.... Or never come down into the valley weeks ago ... or left Red Springs.... Those ""maybes""stretched as far back and as neatly in line as the railroad tracks they had been talking about earlier, one slipping smoothly into another as if cast in one strong string of doubts.",Perhaps he should have quit the day before today.,0,3961 "Yes, said the lawyer, ""it is quite possible that there may be a later will than the one in my possession.""",The lawyer thought that there might be a newer last will.,0,3962 You'll soon notice how easy it is to get a cheerful early start on these islands.,It is easy to wake up in a cheerful mood on the islands.,0,3963 "Connaught Place straddles the northeast southwest axis which links the Jama Masjid mosque of Old Delhi to India's parliament, Sansad Bhavan.",Old Delhi is the home of the Jama Masjid.,0,3964 uh two years ago my children started asking they say picture of it over at Texans and we started going there again we sort of rediscovered it,We just started going back there two years ago at my children's insistence.,0,3965 It had been a one-man show.,One person was behind all of this.,0,3966 yeah and until we until we start changing our educational system i mean we're we're going to be we're we've already been overtaken but it's going to get even worse later i mean looks who's looks who's getting the engineering degrees and the the math and the science and everything it's not us,We need to reform our educational system and encourage the study of science and math.,0,3967 you know like they they at least you know they've been in a courtroom before,This isn't the first time they've been in a courtroom.,0,3968 "The organization's Oxnard office broadened its services from farm worker-related aid to basic assistance last year when the federal government chose to fund it, over Channel Counties Legal Services, as the county's sole provider of legal help to the poor.",Channel Counties Legal Services is no long the county's provider of legal help to the poor.,0,3969 and a lot of times what i wind up doing is picking say an actor or an actress,I end up choosing an actor or an actress.,0,3970 "And even his body must have been close to its limits, if it could be killed at all.",His body might not have been killable at all.,0,3971 But I am there at the desk at 11:01.,I sat at the desk at 11:01.,0,3972 "I'm Jane's first cousin, he explained, returning the lawyer's keen gaze.",He explained to the lawyer that he was Jane's first cousin.,0,3973 Say what?,Say what?,0,3974 "The Legal Services Corporation is a private, nonmembership, nonprofit corporation in the District of Columbia.","The Legal Services Corporation operates in Washington, DC.",0,3975 "Industry provided 470 comments, 86 were received from trade associations, 60 from environmental groups, 1,875 from private citizens, 5 from other federal agencies, 60 from state agencies, 108 from public interest groups, 18 from labor groups, 14 from universities, and 36 from associations.",Private citizens made up the bulk of the comments provided.,0,3976 He struggled to get his eyes open.,It was hard for him to open his eyes.,0,3977 He seemed absorbed in thought; so much so that my curiosity was aroused. ,He was thinking so much it got my attention.,0,3978 The Dome of the Rock remains Jerusalem's most striking monument; it is counted among the most beautiful buildings ever created.,Jerusalem's most impressive monument is The Dome of the Rock.,0,3979 "Chisorom Okwuosa, legal services developer for the California Department of Aging, said state officials supported the hotline's grant application.",The California Dept. of Aging has an employee with the name Chisorom. ,0,3980 "Education, training, and R and D also can potentially increase output; in this simplified flow chart, these would influence total factor",There's a flow chart that provides information including R and D.,0,3981 And some will post a list of official URLs on their state government Web sites.,Many government websites will post links to sites.,0,3982 "So, tell me how?",Explain to me how.,0,3983 "We're going to stay on the other side of the river, south of the village.",The village is near a river.,0,3984 His speech from the dock and his horrendous execution have become the stuff of legend.,He gave a speech when he was at the dock.,0,3985 "An SAB Advisory on the Health and Ecological Effects Initial Studies of the Section 812 Prospective Report to Advisory by the Health and Ecological Effects Subcommittee, February.",SAB serves as a health and ecological advisory board.,0,3986 "Beneath the dome, Bernini's great baldacchino (canopy), cast out of bronze beams taken from the Pantheon's porch , soars above the high altar.",There is a high altar beneath Bernini's canopy.,0,3987 "(Well, why not?)",How come?,0,3988 "government would have to borrow again from the public to finance deficits over the long run, the simulation implies that, absent policy or economic change, debt held by the public could be fully eliminated before the end of the decade.",Debt held by the public could be fully eliminated before the end of the decade.,0,3989 "In a.d. 95, St. John arrived on Patmos, a small rocky island in the Dodecanese, as a political prisoner.",St. John was a political prisoner when he arrived at Dodecanese in thd year 95.,0,3990 "Employees of the Federal Government provide services to their employer in exchange for compensation, of which some is received currently in the form of money (the salary); some is received currently in the form of payments to a third party (the employer",Federal Government employees are paid for their services.,0,3991 "Now, will you send Annie to me here?""",Will you send Annie to me?,0,3992 Advertising is still a world where glad-handing and drinking with clients is important to keeping their accounts.,The advertising world has some old-fashioned methods for wooing clients. ,0,3993 "Oddly, this part of the 20/20 segment isn't quite as damaging to Ellis as the raw interview transcript was.",The interview portion of 20/20 was worse that this part is. ,0,3994 uh-huh yeah a lot of people do that for a living i guess,Many people have that job. ,0,3995 "In order to achieve these goals, LSC is utilizing integrated strategies based in three essential 1) State Planning, 2) Technology, and 3) Program ",LSC utilizes integrated strategies based in three areas.,0,3996 He couldn't watch anymore.,He couldn't bring himself to watch anymore.,0,3997 Rest at midday in the lodge at Dhikala and watch the elephants head down to the river.,Elephants go to the river near to Dhikala.,0,3998 It was actually a luxurious 20/80 cotton-poly blend.,It was a 20/80 cotton-poly blend.,0,3999 "Death of a Salesman , his greatest play, is about the devastating effects of professional failure.",Death of a Salesman is a play.,0,4000 "When analyzing Argentina, it's important to keep in mind that since we've been cheated many times, we have learned how to beat the system.","When analyzing Argentina remember that we have been cheated so much, we've learned to beat the system. ",0,4001 well um most of the stuff up until now in the recent months i i i don't have any problem with,I had been alright with most of the things till now.,0,4002 "Perverse as this may sound, Hitler is one reason why.",Hitler is why. ,0,4003 and they're going to get the same reading suppose they uh you know it's a do they crucify you right then and there or do they do they go back and retest,Do they let you retest or crucify you right there? ,0,4004 um-hum well i've considered it last year and this year both but i haven't done anything about it so,"I've thought about it for a couple of years, but I haven't done anything about it.",0,4005 Certainly celebrating it isn't.,One should not celebrate it.,0,4006 "Now it serves as a minipark for habaneros (as Havana's citizens are called), from coupling lovers and children playing on homemade skateboards to parading prostitutes.","It is now a miinipark for locals, lovers, and prostitutes. ",0,4007 you know one of these days when i get a new car maybe i guess all of them probably will have CDs players by then but uh i'm not planning on doing that for a while i just got mine paid off so i'm going to stick with the cassettes and and uh you know until,I will get a new car with a CD player.,0,4008 It was the first time a team with a female member had won the competition.,This is the first time in history that a team with a female member had won.,0,4009 Depending on the decision to co-locate personnel and the flexibilities ultimately provided to the Administration in legislation--in particular a broad grant of transfer authority and the ability to staff through non-reimbursable agreements with other agencies-- these estimates may well change.,The decision will set whether these estimates may change or not.,0,4010 "What, you may ask, is the key difference between chemical and biological weapons?","What is the main difference between weapons of chemical composition, and those of biological composition?",0,4011 This friend of mine will be here presently.,My friend will be here soon. ,0,4012 Other relevant information or requirements under acts and executive orders,There is some other information.,0,4013 "Courts, and private donations.",Private donations and courts.,0,4014 yeah well i boy current events is not a good subject for me,"Current events are not a good subject for me, boy.",0,4015 Abuse is distinct from illegal acts and other noncompliance.,Abuse is distinct from noncompliance with the rules.,0,4016 The man continued.,The man carried on. ,0,4017 Shadow turned her head and nickered as Drew came up to her box stall.,Shadow was in her stall when drew came up.,0,4018 "Still, nothing about the man-shaped thing before me seemed the slightest bit fake.",The man in front of me seemed as real as any other person.,0,4019 yeah that that's an awful lot,"Yes, that is a huge number.",0,4020 "Having a big house with a garden is nice, but seeing the countryside covered by suburban sprawl is not, and we might all be better off if we could all agree (or be convinced by tax incentives) to take up a bit less space.",We should give up living space to prevent suburban sprawl.,0,4021 "In addition, any effects of the winner's curse are offset by the fact that losing bidders become winning sellers when they re-auction products.",The losing bidders can re-auction products.,0,4022 "His brown suit was well cut, but perilously near the end of its tether.","His suit was well-cut,but worn. ",0,4023 "As LSC has stated in numerous letters to the field, there is no magic number of legal services programs for a given state or a single delivery model that fits every state.",Not every delivery model will fit every state.,0,4024 "Note the impressive nave and faaade, excellent examples of Juan de Herrera's austere style, recalling the magnificent Escorial Palace near Madrid, which he also designed.",Escorial Palace was designed by Juan de Herrera.,0,4025 We didn't see them for most of the day.,"For most of the day, we didn't see them.",0,4026 right the one that's like you get additional they'll pay a little bit more i think for the different procedures we just have the basic right now and,"People such as yourself get an added benefit, they'll pay more for the various procedures, we just have basic. ",0,4027 "It's your fault, the whole thing.",You have caused all the problems.,0,4028 Any thoughts?,Care to provide additional input?,0,4029 The sound fades into the distance as the smoke from its muzzle dissipates into the clear air.,The cloud of smoke disappears along with the sound.,0,4030 The animals moved quickly as the canvas lifted and were on the side toward the youngsters.,The creatures scurried when the material was raised.,0,4031 1) The script leaves out crucial parts of Winchell's story.,Winchell's story is incomplete in this rendition of the script.,0,4032 "As Scandinavians and Bavarians cycle by, 1968 seems as remote as when the first cattle-herders came here from the other side of India some 3,500 years ago.",1968 seems as long ago as the time when cattle-herders first arrived here more than 3 millennia ago. ,0,4033 But perhaps because within all of us there continues to live younger more idealistic lawyers-a whisper of the lawyers we were at the beginning of our professional lives-we are here today because we are not ready to let go of the promise of legal services.,Lawyers are less idealistic after a while than they were in the beginning.,0,4034 There's this terrible business to start with. ,"This business is really bad, to begin with.",0,4035 yeah hum-um no i missed it,"Hm, no I didn't catch that. ",0,4036 "Not here and not coming back, Benedykt answered mischievously realizing that he was absolutely convinced it was true.",Benedykt said he wasn't coming back.,0,4037 and he said tuna salad shouldn't taste garlicky but everything always seemed to have a garlic flavor to it,He didn't like how there was garlic in his tuna salad.,0,4038 Part of the shortage was pure perception.,The shortage was smaller than it was perceived to be.,0,4039 oh i'm all in favor of it yeah No i uh i think we've been doing a pretty good job you know not uh not taking advantage of our you know of the financial dependence that most of the countries have on us you know uh i mean we could direct the government even more than we have been i don't think we've been doing too bad,"I'm in favor of it, for sure.",0,4040 An article refutes the accepted wisdom that Klaus Fuchs and David Greenglass leaked the first atomic secrets to the Soviets.,There were secrets leaked to the Soviets.,0,4041 "The 59-story, black Tour Montparnasse may be an egregious eyesore, but the view from the top is marvelous (33 avenue du Maine, open daily 9:30am-10pm).",The Tour Montparnasse is fifty-nine stories tall. ,0,4042 that rotor off and repack the bearings and you know that's twenty five dollars and the rotors another twenty five dollars and then the brake pads are eighty or something the labor and parts and,You're looking at paying roughly 130 dollars at least.,0,4043 but there are a few companies here in Dallas that do,There are companies based in Dallas.,0,4044 "April and May, with a wild profusion of flowers, are the best months.",You can see many flowers in the Spring.,0,4045 so exactly and that's um when you start making when you start paying your wages you know Jerry takes a different outlook towards you guys,Jerry looks at you differently when you pay your wages.,0,4046 "Around 1000 b.c. mainland Greece entered a dark age of limited achievements, but not so the Ionians, who developed an outstanding civilization.","Though Greek achievement declined around 1000 b.c., achievement by the Ionians did not decline. ",0,4047 One example is fairness or assurance that a study has presented a balanced view of the many constructions of reality and the values underlying these.,An example of fairness is that a study presents a balanced view.,0,4048 "There was admiration in every eye, as she took her seat.",She sat down as everyone admired her.,0,4049 Never just very.,Not always just very. ,0,4050 and one of the things that we kind of got to talking about is you know what is it we can do you know what can what can be done to stop it and i'm not sure that i know the answer to that question,I don't think I know what we could do to stop it.,0,4051 oh but that's so neat because so many homes don't have that so you'll be cool all year around in the summer that's great,It's neat that your home will be cool all year around.,0,4052 They include activities designed to address risks that lead to fraud and error.,There are risks that can lead to errors being made. ,0,4053 i mean i think we should take care of our own things right here in our own country and then if we have anything left over to share with other countries then maybe we should consider sharing,We should take care of our own country before helping others. ,0,4054 "Assuming that the keenest insights can be gained by comparing systems with large differences, the Italian and United States systems are good candidates.",The Italian and United States systems are very different.,0,4055 "His?­to?­rians regard this as the finest and best preserved of all the surviving theaters in the Roman Empire, unique for its towering scenic wall, with a statue of Em?­per?­or Augustus to greet you.",There are still theater buildings dating from the Roman Empire.,0,4056 "Ringlet township, the first point of arrival, offers little that is special, apart from flower nurseries and access to some tea plantations.",There is access to some tea plantations in the Ringlet township.,0,4057 "Second, government regulation of paper is clearly needed.",We need the government to regulate paper.,0,4058 Entertainers and illusionists perform while diners eat various courses and then move to another chamber.,"Diners watch a show while they eat, then leave.",0,4059 The Belgian detective who was employed on the case asked me to search for it.,There was a Belgian detective assigned to the case.,0,4060 The delightful Piazza Bellini includes the 12th-century church of San Cataldo with its three little red domes and Arabic inscriptions.,Three red domes sit atop the church of San Cataldo.,0,4061 "Postal Service's available inbound LC/AO volume data is reported separately for surface and air, the Commission applied two separate REIMS II distributions.",Postal Service's volume data come in separate reports.,0,4062 "He and Broker later began the Mediation Center in Savannah, with both serving on the nonprofit's first board.",The Mediation Center in Savannah is a nonprofit organization.,0,4063 "At Taft High School and UCLA, Zucker said, the closest brush with poverty was reading newspaper articles about unscrupulous bosses withholding wages from garment district workers.",Zucker said he didn't see anyone poor at UCLA.,0,4064 yeah yeah well Texas had a woman governor a hundred years ago or whatever Ma Ferguson,"Well Texas indeed had a female governor a century ago, Ma Ferguson I believe. ",0,4065 "Small and accessible, it is possible to walk around its shoreline in a couple of hours.",You can traverse its shoreline in just a few hours because it's small.,0,4066 "Incredibly, from such inauspicious beginnings the so-called 26 of July Movement grew into a serious guerrilla army, aided in no small part by local peasants who were promised land reform.",The 26 of July Movement became a serious guerilla army.,0,4067 "The dazzling white marble of Pisa's Duomo and leaning campanile is most breathtaking in the noonday sun, but late afternoon is the blessed moment for the brilliant mosaic facade of Orvieto's cathedral.",Orvieto's cathedral has a mosaic design on its facade.,0,4068 The British company that recently won fame for cloning a sheep is reportedly on the verge of deriving human blood plasma from sheep and cows.,A British company is deriving human blood plasma from sheep and cows.,0,4069 I was very comfortable where I was. ,I was quite complacent in my current location.,0,4070 "It was a sleep of total exhaustion, lacking even a sense of time.",Sleep was driven by an extreme degree of tiredness.,0,4071 "Scenes from the James Bond film Doctor No were filmed at the Morgan's Harbour Hotel, which also celebrates the life of its namesake, pirate-turned-Lieutenant Governor Henry Morgan.",James Bond was filmed at the Morgan's Harbour Hotel.,0,4072 yeah i imagine so well everybody it seems like everyone is so particular especially in the Dallas area there there's so much money and everyone can afford they have enough leisure time to afford a nice lawn and,Especially in Dallas there are people with money that can afford really nice lawns.,0,4073 it's clearly a uh a uh a uh productivity enhancement uh device and allows you to do,It's a thing that makes productivity more efficient.,0,4074 This amount reflects the net increase in the terminal dues net balance that the U.S.,This amount shows the increase in terminal dues net balance.,0,4075 it would be a sort of day care but it would be more of a family setting,"While we would offer traditional day care opportunities, it would take some elements from a family lifestyle.",0,4076 "To operate the device, turning it on stand-by was enough.",If you wanted to use the device you could put it in stand by mode. ,0,4077 and anymore uh my wife and i are getting bad we we wait until videos come out instead of going to the movie theater,My wife and I wait till movies are on DVD to watch them.,0,4078 "Also, most towns on smaller islands are linked by a good bus system.",There are buses that link to the smaller islands.,0,4079 Quite normal under the circumstances.,Not weird under the conditions.,0,4080 "He suggested the use of decision trees in the manuals, which can lend more flexibility to clinical applications of research.",Decision trees can lead to more flexibility. ,0,4081 well across the stream there's a fallen log that you have to walk across to get into this little place and i'm crossing over the top of this thing it's snowing the thing is slippery and of course i slipped and fell in,I fell off the log because it was slippery.,0,4082 The receipt and acceptance portion generally involves a government employee taking possession of the items purchased and verifying quantity and quality of the items received.,The receipt portion usually shows a government employee taking possession. ,0,4083 to see if we could sort of clean them up and you know but i don't know if we can do that or not,Let's see if we can clean them up or not. ,0,4084 'Well sir. I don't think that's quite true.',I don't think that's right.,0,4085 "Inside are three huge gold-lacquered statues, representing three different manifestations of the Buddha.",There are statues showing different aspects of the Buddha.,0,4086 "Roberta Chambers and the lawyers in the network, Rooney predicts, will follow the same path.",Roberta Chambers is a lawyer.,0,4087 "She lay still, blood trickling from one ear.",Her ear had blood on it.,0,4088 Think instead about the discussion---the hand wringing--- that has been taking place since the fall of last year when the General Accounting Office unveiled an assessment prepared for the Postal Service by a Postal Service contractor concerning the extent to which transaction mail---First-Class mail---is likely to fall prey to electronic bill presentment and payment.,First-Class mail may be likely to be taken advantage of electronically.,0,4089 "Caterpillar improves the product's reliability during development by testing prototypes, uncovering failures, and incorporating design changes.","The product's reliability is improved by Caterpillar during development, by testing prototypes, incorporating desing changes and uncovering failures.",0,4090 "Clinton's critics would surely have portrayed such a meeting as a corrupt politicization of the Justice Department, reminded us again of the misuse of the FBI in Travelgate and Filegate, and called once more for an independent counsel.",Clinton's critics would have called for an independent counsel because it was another issue for them to attack.,0,4091 "He, only like himself, was second unto none.Whose death, though life, we rue and wrong, and all in vain do moan;Their loss, not him, wail they that fill the world with cries;Death slew not him, but he made death his ladder to the skies.",He used death as a ladder to heaven.,0,4092 but i might check,I might check on that.,0,4093 i just want to get away from the phone ringing because it it really does annoy me and uh if i've had a lot of phone calls during the day when occasionally we have uh like this past week we have to do a lot of troubleshooting when the programmers have installed a new system and uh phone rings like crazy and you come home and the last thing you want to do is have to answer the phone and if it's some salesman that just makes it even that much worse and uh it just i get to where i i turn the answering machine on and just let it pick up the phone but now with this thing i'm participating in i kind of have to answer it because you never know if it's the switchboard or if it's uh you know somebody calling that you really don't want to talk on the phone,The phone can be a source of irritation for me.,0,4094 "Appropriate background information may include information on how programs/operations work, the significance of programs/operations (i.e.",You can find out how programs work by looking at the background information.,0,4095 Just how wise the good secretary is.,Seeing how wise the good secretary is.,0,4096 "Next, references to relevant sections within Volume I and to Volume II are provided.",The first and second volumes and citations to their relevant sections are provided.,0,4097 It is the most important collection of paintings in Florence after the Uffizi.,"After the Uffizi, it is the most essential set of paintings in Florence.",0,4098 no i haven't i've never been up there,I have never been there. ,0,4099 I took it and turned it over in a puzzled sort of way.,I gave it a good examination. ,0,4100 rather than just be played at anytime anytime during the year,rather than just be played whenever throughout the year,0,4101 No warrior would dare slap Ca'daan now that a blade as skilled as Adrin walked with him.,Adrin was very skilled with a blade. ,0,4102 I am not one who despises money.,I do not have any contempt for money.,0,4103 unless a lot of the people who who who are eligible to vote have no transportation and and and,There might be a lot of people who are eligible to vote who have no transportation.,0,4104 Not the fact that there is no chemist's name?,There is no chemist's name?,0,4105 He shot a man in the side.,He had shot a man.,0,4106 yeah working with it it's uh you can see some areas that could be improved,There are some areas that it can be improved when you are working with it.,0,4107 and then he didn't have a wife and i felt bad but well i'm sorry and he goes we're divorced well i'm sorry it was real sad but he was pretty nice and stuff and then him and my husband started talking salary,He and my husband starting discussing their salaries.,0,4108 The emphasis switched from heaven to earth.,There was a switch in their emphasis.,0,4109 yeah yeah i i'm kind of with you in fact i even think that the there's a conspiracy i wouldn't call it a conspiracy but you know if you really wanted uh you know hundred and hundred million people to vote why would you have voting from seven o'clock in the morning to seven o'clock at night for a national election,I kind of agree with you.,0,4110 "I poured it out, yes. ","Yes, I emptied it out.",0,4111 Jon turned back to Thorn and the Kal.,Jon looked at Thorn and the Kal.,0,4112 "Although some Indians assimilated the language and behavior of the British, to most the imperialists were offensively aloof.","The British found that some Indians copied their ways, while others scorned them.",0,4113 "Eszterhas' posturing He became the celebrity he'd always hoped to be--brash, appealing, larger than life.",Eszterhas realized his personal goal of being a larger-than-life celebrity.,0,4114 "Even here the Waters are really little more than a large stream, but they flow into the Firth of Forth and beyond into the North Sea.",The waters are not large here.,0,4115 His America is conflict-free.,America is conflict-free with him.,0,4116 That's one piece of the larger truth at the heart of the family-values Divorce and unwed motherhood are bad for kids.,Kids are impacted by divorce and single mothers.,0,4117 "The Caledonian Brewery holds regular evenings called ceilidhs a Gaelic word for informal gatherings with music, dance, stories, and song (42 Slateford Road; Tel. 337 1286).","You can attend parties with music, dancing, and stories in the evenings at the Caledonian Brewery.",0,4118 "Congress is reconsidering whether to post them, according to Poblete.",Congress is considering posting them.,0,4119 "How else could we go?""",What other way could we go?,0,4120 uh-huh really i think that that's a big part of it i think that's probably the root and then also that added with all the pressures on the American family today it's a real it's a real pain for us to go vote i mean,It is a tasking chore to go and vote.,0,4121 "Individual and often uncontrollable circumstances have resulted in nearly all facility engineering functions, from conceptual planning to project startup, being contracted to outside consultants at one time or another.",Uncontrollable circumstances have results in many facility engineering functions. ,0,4122 and you were paying for really high quality care,You paid for the top notch care you received.,0,4123 "Senate race in New York, but not before he had had a conversation with Johnson in which he admitted his own insecurities about making the race.",The man was insecure about the senate race and talked to Johnson about it.,0,4124 "There is some truth in it, without a doubt.",The it in this situation is at least partially true. ,0,4125 One could go on.,One can continue.,0,4126 The Decline in U.S.,It has dropped in the United States.,0,4127 "Further, a growing concern for the profession is its ability to attract and retain the best people over time.",The profession is concerned about its ability to get good people to stay.,0,4128 We also don't know how life originates and to what extent it evolves in an orderly pattern.,We're also not certain about the origination of life. ,0,4129 Here are the three cups. ,These are the three cups.,0,4130 And the kidnapping was beginning to look like a relief.,The abduction was starting to appear like the easier option.,0,4131 but but do you think do you think that's why there's so many people that want to come to the United States because of freedom or,Is it maybe the freedom that brings people in the United States?,0,4132 well i heard it on the news today i could swear it was IBM,I swore it was IBM I heard on the news today.,0,4133 We could present ourselves as the good guys--midwives to a historic settlement of health claims--while downplaying the role we played in minimizing (on our client's behalf) whatever sacrifice Big Tobacco had to make.,We could masquerade as the good guys in this settlement.,0,4134 A hospital nurse had charge of me.,A nurse cared for me. ,0,4135 "Power generators, which emit CO2, contribute abut 29 percent of the total emissions of all U.S. man-made greenhouse gases.",Almost a third of all CO2 emissions in the US are from machines that produce power. ,0,4136 "To carry this a step farther, the Marquis de Vaudreuil, Governor Bienville's successor in 1743, attempted to transform New Orleans into an overseas Versailles.",Marquis de Vaudreuil wanted New Orleans to be like Versailles.,0,4137 so but yes i would definitely buy one of those before if i had to between that and Lincoln i'd probably buy the Show,"If I had to choose between the Lincoln and the other one, I would schoose the Show.",0,4138 "_But fix the sky!_"" It shook Hanson.",Repair the sky!,0,4139 "Reconstructed older buildings are interspersed with new houses, shops, and synagogues, and throughout the area you can see archaeological finds uncovered during excavations in the 1970s.",There is a mixture of older and newer buildings.,0,4140 well it uh must be i think it's a matter of degree and uh of course uh course it varies from case to case or individual,It depends on how much and varies.,0,4141 we sure figured out that old Babe Wassenberg didn't make it,We found out Babe Wassenberg did not make it.,0,4142 From Cromwell to the Boyne,They went from Cromwell to the Boyne.,0,4143 "Of these, the majority discontinued their efforts for the same reasons that discouraged our headquarters units.",Most stopped trying for similar reasons that disheartened HQ.,0,4144 uh if you ever hear of the Maryland steamed crabs,Are you aware of the steamed crabs they have in Maryland.,0,4145 "We read about how the students developed interactive games, created the first online discussion groups, fought over what technical standards to adopt, and ran headfirst into issues still relevant today--privacy online, the appropriate use of computers, ownership of software, how to govern the Internet.",One of the issues that the students ran into was the question of how the Internet needed to be governed.,0,4146 "For example, the Secretaries of Energy and Interior and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, have provided us with information concerning who they met with to develop the National Energy Policy, when the meetings occurred, where they occurred, and what the general topics were.","We have found out both who government department heads met with, and what was discussed, in order to develop National Energy Policy.",0,4147 "Santa Barbara, built by the Carthaginians in the third century b.c., was so well fortified that for nearly 2,000 years nobody conquered it.",Santa Barbara has never been conquered.,0,4148 He carefully climbed back down and rejoined his other sleeping companions.,He went back to sleep with his friends.,0,4149 2 million to candidates and political parties in 1995 and the first half of 1996.,"In 1995 and the first half of 1996, the candidates and political parties received 2 million.",0,4150 "The Court agrees with all this, yet applies a novel and unsupportable interpretation of our public-forum precedents to declare a504(a)(16) facially unconstitutional.",The reasons for declaring a504(a)(16) unconstitutional were based on an unusual reading of the previous cases.,0,4151 "Therefore, neither an initial nor final regulatory flexibility analysis was performed.",A flexibility analysis was not executed.,0,4152 "Since independence in 1962, the black majority has worked to create a country based on confidence from within, working on a principle of pride in oneself and in one's roots.",The black majority has been working hard to gain confidence.,0,4153 EXPENDITURE -With respect to provisions of the Antideficiency Act (31 U.S.C.,Expenditure is respect to provisions of Anti-deficiency Act,0,4154 "Over the next 75 years, the elderly population will nearly double as a share of the total U.S. population (see figure 1.6).","Over the next 75 years, the elderly population will nearly double",0,4155 We have also taken steps to streamline and expedite our hiring process.,Efforts have been made to speed up our hiring process.,0,4156 " Sather Karf was starting forward into the battle, but Hanson made no move to follow.",Hanson chose did not advance into battle with Sather.,0,4157 so he comes in and tell us all these bizarre cases you know and he said you can pretty much you know if you ever get on a jury you know you're not told this but if you ever get on a jury you can pretty much guess whatever you sentence them to they're going to serve about a quarter,Whatever you sentence them they'll server about a quarter of it.,0,4158 This need is surely not new.,This need has been seen before in the past.,0,4159 "Another of Funchal's loveliest gardens, five minutes away by car is Quinta da Boa Vista (Rua Luis Figueiroa de Albuquerque).",The Quinta da Boa Vista is another garden in Funchal.,0,4160 "Each of the organizations we studied had adopted this view and, within the last few years, primarily since 1993, had established a central security management group or reoriented an existing central security group to facilitate and oversee the organization's information security activities.",Each of the organizations we studied had reformed their information security systems.,0,4161 Mr. Czarek Pytlasinski experienced an almost invisible tick of the right eyelid.,Mr. Czarek Pytlasinski experienced a slight tick of his right eyelid.,0,4162 But contemporary women can have it both ways.,Modern women can have it either way.,0,4163 "The valley on the opposite side of the road, south of the pousada, is known as Serra de Agua, and lays claim to the distinction of being the island's first hydro-electric power station.",The valley is on the other side.,0,4164 "We're on the right track, I think? Sir James looked round.","We're on the correct path, I assume? Sir James scanned the area.",0,4165 "The prospect of being audited may be one of life's most stressful experiences, so I can only imagine how daunting it would be if I had to do so without any professional assistance.","Without any assistance, being audited would be overwhelming.",0,4166 "Will you take Mrs. Inglethorp her coffee, Cynthia? ","Cynthia, can you take Mrs. Inglethorp her coffee?",0,4167 Migrating birds!,birds flying to a new location,0,4168 oh uh-huh yeah i was just i was just thinking at at Rossa they they tend to come out with a new book every couple of weeks,At Rossa they usually come out with a new book every few weeks. ,0,4169 "Except for CaleSahona, this part of the island is sparsely populated.","There aren't many inhabitants in the area, apart from those living in CaleSahona.",0,4170 Strategic information management will be an important part of any federal agency's attempt to implement GPRA successfully.,An important part of the federal agency's attempt to implement GPRA successfully will include strategic information management. ,0,4171 "Another wonderful time to visit Edinburgh is at the turn of the year, when the city hosts the biggest New Year's Eve party in the world, called Hogmanay.","Edinburgh's New Year's Eve party, Hogmanay, is the biggest in the world.",0,4172 so i've still got a few years to go,Several years remain for me.,0,4173 Newsweek wonders how George W. Bush will survive the transition from honeymoon to full-fledged campaign.,Newsweek thinks George W Bush will have a hard time launching a real campaign.,0,4174 uh in Wyoming it would be less spicy,It wouldn't be as spicy in Wyoming.,0,4175 "The analysis concludes that the rules do not impose additional reporting, record keeping, or other compliance requirements.","No additional reporting, record keeping, or compliance requirements are not required due to the rules.",0,4176 i think it i think it was his shoulder he had surgery on but anyway they're trying to keep him you know keep him uh from reinjuring anything but anyway,I'm pretty sure he had surgery on his shoulder and they don't want him to re-injure it. ,0,4177 "Whatever method the rabbis used, they appear to have used it--pardon the pun--consistently.",It seems the Rabbis used the same method a lot.,0,4178 "From the podium, Dunn and Rice, two of the committee's three front women, implored Bush's wife and daughters to endure the campaign's trial by fire.",The two women tried to give support to Bush's spouse and children.,0,4179 This was going to work.,It was a good plan,0,4180 so just distribute it equally and not raise taxes,Don't raise taxes and just distribute it equally.,0,4181 "Perhaps, said the Industrialist.","Perhaps, said the industrialist.",0,4182 "Construction equipment requirements for FGD installations are typically modest, particularly given that systems are installed at the back end of the facility and close to the ground.",Systems installed at the back end of the facility and close to the ground typically have modest construction equipment requirements.,0,4183 The castle dates back to Roman and perhaps even Carthaginian times.,"The castle may have been built in the Roman, or Carthaginian times.",0,4184 right or the satellite dish,"Correct, or alternatively the satellite dish? ",0,4185 given the the uh differences in the world and people are just too different,People are different,0,4186 Red caught his eyes.,Red caught his gaze.,0,4187 "It concluded the section specified four categories of prohibited activities, of which three appear[ed] to prohibit the type of activity named regardless of viewpoint, while one might be read to prohibit the activity only when it seeks reform.",Four categories of prohibited activities were specified in the section.,0,4188 and uh it's uh uh one hundred percent successful,It is guaranteed to be successful.,0,4189 "I know what you feel like, my poor boy.",I can sympathize with how you feel.,0,4190 The entrance off the modern town's Corso Ercolano takes you around the archaeological site for a striking view down across the ancient town of terraced villas from which wealthy Roman landowners looked out to sea towards Ischia on the horizon.,The entrance takes you around the arcaeological site.,0,4191 The Duddon Valley and the rolling hillsides around the village of Ulpha were much favored by Wordsworth.,Wordsworth was fond of the hills that surround Ulpha.,0,4192 The technophobic This is what we get for relying on gadgets.,You shouldn't rely on gadgets.,0,4193 "Poirot, I exclaimed, with relief, and seizing him by both hands, I dragged him into the room. ",I was so relieved to see Poirot that I grabbed him and dragged him into the room so I could see more clearly.,0,4194 The bar raised over a million dollars to fund the office.,The bar was able to raise over a million dollars to help fund the office.,0,4195 "For those who want to work their way down to the south, Mumbai is still, as it was for the servants and soldiers of the British Empire, the natural gateway.",Mumbai is a natural gateway for people looking to get to the south.,0,4196 "However, we have significant concerns with S. 556 as drafted.",We are worried about S. 556.,0,4197 "Shifting velvety pyres of orange and red, crackling so loud as to be almost audible.",The pyres were on fire. ,0,4198 The sponsorship and location of events and location of grantee offices contributes to this targeting.,The targeting is contributed to by the location of the events.,0,4199 "Bloor, M. On the Analysis of Observational A Discussion of the Worth and Use of Inductive Techniques and Respondent Validation.","Bloor, M. does Analysis of Observational Discussion.",0,4200 "However, GAO will decline an invitation to testify when (1) GAO cannot produce a testimony that conforms to its core values and standards or (2) the substance of the GAO testimony would be new information developed for another committee or Member who wants to restrict the information until its public release.",There are two reasons why the GAO will decline an invitation to testify.,0,4201 have you been involved on the switchboard long,How long have you worked on the switchboard? ,0,4202 Whatever its shortcomings--and they are many--only big media possesses the means to consistently hold big business and big government accountable.,Big media can hold big business and government accountable.,0,4203 The man roared out and cleaved off the demon's other arm.,The man made a loud noise as he injured the demon. ,0,4204 that would certainly help i'm sure,That would really help.,0,4205 They think Gates is stepping down-contrary to Ballmer's insistence that Gates is stepping up to his new job-in hopes of appeasing Justice Department warriors who want Gates' head.,Gates is in hot water with the Justice Department.,0,4206 well they're releasing them uh early here,They get released early here.,0,4207 Jon waited.,"Jon stood there, waiting.",0,4208 The vertical resolution for both grids consists of nine layers.,The vertical resolution for both grids consists of nine layers.,0,4209 Do they not also raid us?,Don't they raid us too?,0,4210 Suddenly something put the thought of loss of memory into my head.,"Suddenly, I had the idea of memory loss.",0,4211 The villager swung his hammer but missed as the bald man turned away.,The villager didn't hit anyone with the hammer.,0,4212 But the silky locks of mane and tail were night black.,The mane and tail were black.,0,4213 "'Then what are you saying, Mr. Franklin?'",Mr. Franklin is saying something.,0,4214 Two basic models of data analysis are pattern matching and explanation building.,Data analysis has basic models.,0,4215 and uh you know we did did it together and i i come in the house and i wash my hands and i turn around and i did something and i saw the kids out there with sticks digging it up again and i went out there said what are you doing he said i wanted to show my friend the fish that i caught,So after that I went inside to wash my hands and noticed the kids were digging it up again to show their friends.,0,4216 "When conflicting evidence cannot be resolved, the careful investigator indicates that causality cannot be established.","If conflicting evidence cannot be understood, causality can't be made.",0,4217 "In the current, competitive environment for utilities, power plant owners are reluctant to provide much advance notice of when outages will occur.",Power plant owners are hesitant to provide advanced notice of outages given today's competitive environment.,0,4218 "For comprehensive listing of what's going on in Paris while you are there, buy one of the weekly guides, Pariscope (with an English-language supplement) or L'Officiel des Spectacles.","There are weekly guides, such as Pariscope, listing what is happening in Paris.",0,4219 probably not even no uh-huh,I would say not. ,0,4220 Researchers and experts in the field were also interviewed.,There were interviews conducted with researchers and experts.,0,4221 It's the court jester lesson.,It's the court fool's lecture.,0,4222 oh yeah well yeah one one guy i talked to about about colleges he was very opinionated and,A man that I talked to about collages was opinionated.,0,4223 Red is always coming home with pets of one sort or another.,Red is always bringing some animals home.,0,4224 The palace is laid out as a series of courtyards linked by ceremonial gates.,The palace has many gates and many courtyards. ,0,4225 "During the 1920s and 1930s, GAO focused on preaudit payment work and whether government spending had been handled legally.",They looked to see if the funds were handled correctly.,0,4226 yeah i think that uh uh and and you know i i say this because i'm coming from a i'm coming from my my uh uh my parents my parents and relatives in Massachusetts are all avid gun owners my dad's got a big collection,My family from Massachusetts are all big gun lovers,0,4227 "Among her many professional achievements, her work resulted in the revising of the U.S.",Her work resulted in the revising of the U.S.,0,4228 "Can't you go a little further, Mr. Poirot? ",Can you go a little further?,0,4229 "While various models for structuring such a position could be used, one option would be to have a COO who is appointed, subject to Senate confirmation, to a term of 5 to 7 years (generally considered to be the minimum time needed for major change initiatives to provide meaningful and sustainable results).",The COO is appointed.,0,4230 "A combination of basic research, program implementation and evaluation studies, and policy and procedure evaluations are needed to resolve the issues outlined previously.",There are issues that need to be resolved.,0,4231 It concerns itself with something that matters--a million bucks--yet Regis' presence makes it frivolous.,Regis' presence makes the million dollars frivolous.,0,4232 "The first of these reports, on program performance for fiscal year 1999, is due by March 31, 2000, and subsequent reports are due by March 31 for the years that follow.",All reports are due March 31 of their respective year.,0,4233 "You've seen this sort of picture People get drunk and drag skeletons out of closets, and the tension between the formal dinner party rituals and the truths that simmer beneath the surface give way to a Walpurgisnacht . The anti-patriarchal content is fairly routine, but you should see the movie anyway because the director, Thomas Vinterberg, is a great, hypersensitive filmmaker whose edgy, grainy, caught-on-the-fly camerawork seems to make the very celluloid shiver with rage.","Thomas Vinterberg directed the movie, and his camerawork is edgy and grainy.",0,4234 Swimming is a natural first choice.,Swimming is likely to be the first idea.,0,4235 BLM's Senior Executive Performance Plans31 Performance Elements31 Performance Standards for Elements32 Performance Standards for Summary Ratings32 Proposed Revisions for the 2002 Rating Year Performance Plans32,BLM has plans for the performance of its Senior Executives,0,4236 "In the end, it may be that most companies have naturally short life spans and recognizing that life span and getting out before it's over is a rare but crucial talent (one Lasky clearly didn't have).",Lasky did not have the recognition of the company's lifespan.,0,4237 "My point is that any casual acquaintance is bound to lead to similar ones, because the surface of rock is exciting only at rare and lucky moments.",Any casual acquaintance is going to lead to more.,0,4238 right but they say you can't be turned down and i don't understand how they can,Apparently you can't be turned down. ,0,4239 uh for quite a while we was using them to uh i think even one time we used it to pay our rent,Once we used it to pay the rent.,0,4240 "His later discovery of the New World brought prosperity to the Madeiran the island's strategic location on the great East-West trading route meant that ships anchored and took on food, water, and the valuable trading commodity of Madeira wine.",Madeira wine was a valuable trade good.,0,4241 "After a bit of pottering about, I found it on the bedside table.",It was found along the side of the bed on a table.,0,4242 Had she some fantastic idea of demoniacal possession? ,There was a chance she had an idea of demonic possession.,0,4243 "That could have been Apple's world, and it isn't because the company imagined it could be all things.",That could have been the world of Apple.,0,4244 Proponents say the treaty will suffer a fatal loss of credibility if the United States opts not to join.,The treaty will no longer be credible if the US drops out. ,0,4245 "According to GSA officials, GSA considered establishing a frequent traveler program in the early 1990s but abandoned the idea because the airlines would neither pool the miles received by GSA employees for the agency's use nor provide data to GSA on the miles its employees received.",GSA nearly made a frequent traveler program in the early 90's. ,0,4246 uh okay so can can you notice well it's it's i live in a rural area,I am in a rural area.,0,4247 "The total number of drawings expected to represent the completed design grew from about 2,900 at the critical design review to almost 4,700 as of July 2001.","The number of drawings expected to represent the completed design went from 2,900 to 4,700.",0,4248 "Here you'll find bookshops, boutiques, and another shopping complex, this one built on the site of the Royal Hibernian Hotel and naturally called the Royal Hibernian Way.","Here you can find a shopping complex, as well as boutiques and bookshops. ",0,4249 "I suppose that there are people who feel happiness or sorrow or jealousy or triumph directly, without any combination of words, either remembered or made up for the purpose.",I guess there are people who experience their feelings genuinely.,0,4250 so the Serger is not a sewing machine itself it's something that goes with it,Serger isn't a sewing machine but something that adds to it.,0,4251 "Little fool, she would apostrophize herself, ""don't snivel.",She called herself a fool and told herself not to snivel.,0,4252 yeah yeah what do they do they have times of the year where they have promotions and you get gigantic crowds like maybe four thousand where they actually sell the place out,They have times of the year where they have promotions.,0,4253 Importance? ,Significant?,0,4254 "Leadership development - executive competencies and The executive identifies developmental activities in a proposed leadership development plan, which is to be submitted at the beginning of the performance year.",There are some activities proposed in the development plan.,0,4255 Blockades have always been regarded as acts of war.,Blockades are regarded as acts of war.,0,4256 They were both approved by OMB and assigned control control number 32350461 for the amendments to the Quote Rule and control number 3235-0462 for the Display Rule.,The OMB approved both of them.,0,4257 oh winter that wasn't huh,This was the winter that wasn't.,0,4258 Maybe we shouldn't save every premature baby regardless of the cost.,Maybe premature babies shouldn't be saved every time.,0,4259 "The British have left their mark; the country has over 250 golf courses, with a choice of 9-, 18-, 27-, and 54-hole.",The British have left their mark in the golfing world with over 250 golf courses. ,0,4260 that's right across the country i don't think i could i don't think i could,I am unsure.,0,4261 Even today there are few roads this really is one of the last true vestiges of wilderness in Jamaica.,This is one of the island's few remaining areas of wilderness.,0,4262 "The common features within a critical success factor can become especially significant as the CIO, and other players, plan the execution of the six principles described in this guide.",The common features in a critical success factor can be significant.,0,4263 ! Informing grantees about the range of methods being used by their fellow program managers to deliver more and better services and to reach more people with the precise level and type of service appropriate to their legal situation.,They inform grantees about what methods program managers use.,0,4264 and sometimes you'll get it on the first try i mean it's just,You may get it on the first try.,0,4265 "Albany In the morning, the phones ring relentlessly at Albany's Legal Aid office, each call bringing another story of low-income troubles, legal crisis or bureaucratic confusion.",The phones ring every morning at Albany's Legal Aid office.,0,4266 that's what you would think but i kind of i that's i you know i heard it through the grapevine so i don't i don't know firsthand but that's what i heard was that it was just,"I heard through the grapevine that that's how it is, but I don't know for sure.",0,4267 they were just north of it probably about a hundred fifty miles hundred miles from uh the Kuwaiti border uh and they stayed active was the uh the military there taking supplies out to them in the desert,they were within 200 miles of the border with Kuwait,0,4268 almost at will,It is almost at will.,0,4269 uh we just bought a acre a house with an acre to try to so she'll she'll have some room to walk around and not off of a busy street we're we're choosing our house for our cat isn't that bad,We bought a house with an acre for our cat so that she can roam.,0,4270 I can tell by your voice.,I can hear it in your voice.,0,4271 see i would i always come look at it do they have could they be put even in life imprisonment could they be put to useful labor,They could do work while in prison.,0,4272 "And with the continued Balanced Budget Amendment follies, Congress indulges itself in the grandest of therapeutic fantasies.",Some members of Congress are adamant in passing a Balanced Budget Amendment. ,0,4273 That brings me to something I wanted to say.,"By the way, there is something I wanted to speak about.",0,4274 "The goat was Falcons safety Eugene Robinson, who was arrested the night before the game for allegedly trying to buy oral sex from a prostitute.",Eugene Robinson was arrested for solicitation of a prostitute.,0,4275 yeah i do too yeah,"Yeah, I do too",0,4276 What Shiloh had to give must come willingly and because he delighted in the giving.,What Shiloh had to offer must come willingly and because he enjoyed the giving.,0,4277 because we have some alkies too boy you can smell it on they breath,Some of them are alcoholics and you can smell it on their breath.,0,4278 Do you want to lie on beaches or hike in mountains?,Would you rather lie on a beach or hike up a mountain?,0,4279 "Longabaugh noted that R-21 grants, which are available for development of treatments, could be used to develop technologies.",R-21 grants could be used to develop technologies.,0,4280 "At the financial services corporation, the central security group routinely",The central security group is often at the financial services corporation. ,0,4281 "(At my hospital, a young woman died from it after taking fen-phen for 24 days to lose weight for her wedding.)","A young woman, who wanted to lose weight in time for her wedding, died from taking fen-phen for 24 days.",0,4282 They can kill twenty of the local stock or will give you a bloody show if they fail.,They were capable of killing the stock.,0,4283 "The Royal Observatory was relocated to Blackford Hill, farther south, in 1895.",In 1895 the Royal Observatory was moved further south. ,0,4284 She looked questioningly at Tuppence.,She stared at Tuppence doubtfully.,0,4285 "The Emperor Augustus made a gift of this town to the veterans of his victory over Antony and Cleopatra in Egypt, commemorated to this day in the N?®mes coat of arms with the chained crocodile of the Nile.",The Emperor Augustus made a gift of this town to the veterans of his victory over Antony and Cleopatra.,0,4286 "The Federal Chief Information Fourth Annual Top Ten Challenges Survey, Association for Federal Information Resources Management, December 1999.",In December 1999 a survey was released which identified the top ten yearly challenges.,0,4287 "The biggest challenge during the construction phase is managing changes resulting from such sources as scope of work changes by the owner, errors and omissions in the construction documents, and unknown or changed site conditions.",Managing changes is the hardest part of construction.,0,4288 "Most houseboats are moored on Dal Lake, but for those seeking seclusion, there are others on the smaller Nagin Lake to the west.",People who want solitude can stay in a houseboat on Nagin Lake instead of one on Dal Lake.,0,4289 "'You really were planning to betray me in the end, weren't you?'","""You were going to stab me in the back, huh?""",0,4290 "As I stated earlier, it could take 5 to 10 years to fully implement this reorganization in an effective and sustainable manner.",The reorganization will take up to 10 years to implement.,0,4291 The name ( Behold the Man ) echoes the words of the Roman prefect Pontius Pilate.,"The name is similar to what Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect, said.",0,4292 "The carpets will not work at all now, and I could hardly control the broom.","The carpets are of no use now, and I had a hard time steering the broom.",0,4293 "Adjoining the church but with a separate outdoor entrance in the back are the Medici Chapels (Cappelle Medicee), monuments to the splendor and decadence of the family dynasty.","The Medici Chapels are connected to the church, despite not having the same entrance.",0,4294 She is my ward.,She is connected to me.,0,4295 Mailers want as much time as possible to examine the reams of data the Postal Service provides in support of its proposals.,Mailers want a lot of time to look at the data.,0,4296 "They're being challenged by a new, faceless breed of property investors, but they're not worried.",They're not worried by the new property investors. ,0,4297 you know we can't do anything we can't afford anything and now we can at least say well we can fit this in it doesn't really work very well but we can fit this expense in and so by being a little organized we can we can allow ourselves some things that we couldn't before,"""We couldn't permit ourselves somethings before, but we can fit this expense in.""",0,4298 "The issue's 1997 investment guide does not quite predict a bear market, but does suggest that investors redeploy out of stocks (in other words, Sell!",The main idea to be taken from the guide is to sell.,0,4299 oh okay exactly half way between Shreveport and Dallas um how how long does it take you to get there from Shreveport,How long is the trip from Shreveport?,0,4300 That is Annan's next test.,This will be Annan's test to follow,0,4301 yeah she always had uh yeah she always had to have a lot of clothes,She owned many clothes.,0,4302 i mean but you know there's there's the difference because uh they say you know i guess they say tobacco is addictive i guess they say alcohol is addictive as well,They say tobacco and alcohol are both addictive.,0,4303 I next entered a 8 Government office.,I joined an 8 Government office.,0,4304 'Nonsense. Ben Franklin was a natural existentialist.',"'Benjamin Franklin was an existentialist, what you're saying is absurd.'",0,4305 uh at any rate um my first two children uh i didn't spend a whole lot of time with them,I didn't spend a lot of time with my first two children.,0,4306 "She dared not absent herself longer from the back premises, but she cleared away and washed up with a breathless speed acquired in hospital.",She cleared away and washed up incredibly quickly.,0,4307 uh yeah we go to the the French Quarters and stuff like that and uh i have some friends that live down there,We do visit the French Quarters. ,0,4308 "This place is as popular with locals as it is with visitors, so it's a great place to meet people.",The place is very popular with the locals.,0,4309 "They attend special ceremonies at local community halls, and women dress in unusually opulent fur-trimmed kimono worn only on this special day.",Women only ever wear this specific type of kimono trimmed with fur on a particular day.,0,4310 There is metalwork from the Viking period and a small Egyptian gallery.,The viking period including some metalwork.,0,4311 The risks to the environment and to workers seem theoretical.,The risks to both environment and worker seem theoretical.,0,4312 The inquiry into whether a statute is severable is essentially an inquiry into legislative intent.,Questioning whether a statute is severable is really just an inquiry into legislative intent.,0,4313 "Finally, the Commission solicited comments on the alternative methods of assessing the regulatory fees discussed in the proposed rule in compliance with section 603(c).",The comission asked for feedback on other ways of charging the fees could be done.,0,4314 "Adrin and the Kal, east.","The Kal, Adrin and the east. ",0,4315 "Among the most notable are three Rodin bronzes in its cloister, and works by Perugino, Veronese, El Greco, Rubens, Courbet, Manet, and Matisse.",The most important are the three Rodin bronzes.,0,4316 "It is required to develop financial statements for periodic external reporting, and, on a day-to-day basis, to make operating decisions, montinor performance, and allocate resources.",Operating decisions can be made from financial statements.,0,4317 "More than anyone, they know it can be nearly impossible to do the former and avoid the latter in a one-sided contest where only one litigant has a lawyer.",They know best that it can be hard to do the former.,0,4318 "Lincoln was reading a book, apparently engrossed.",Lincoln was engrossed in a book. ,0,4319 I was the youngest Ser ever to be accepted for training as a Sather.,No Ser younger than me has ever trained to be a Sather.,0,4320 A retrospective cumulative case study was conducted by the World Bank in its examination of four in-depth case studies of the effectiveness of educational programs.,A retrospective cumulative case study to evaluate education programs.,0,4321 as i see them towards him or towards my mother with certain things and uh,I'm talking about things concerning my parents.,0,4322 "They worshipped the Nile as the bringer of life and built temples here to the Nile god, Hapy, and the creator god, Knum.",The Nile was worshiped as a life giver and temples were built to honor gods.,0,4323 Administration officials confirmed that Clinton was deliberately 1) rolling out the carpet to enhance Arafat's prestige and 2) sending Israel a warning not to screw up the peace process by provoking further conflict.,Administration officials said Clinton was sending a warning to Israel.,0,4324 "Whoever first stepped ashore on Madeira discovered no signs of previous habitation no Stone-Age natives, as the Spanish found on the Canary Islands, and no mysterious monuments to the past, as on the Balearics.",The Spanish were the ones to discover the Canary Islands.,0,4325 i don't know i have a i have a real gut response that says nobody's got a you know a right to take anybody else's life on the other hand i have seen an awful lot of i've lived in major cities and i have kind of come to the conclusion that there are certain people that should just be shot,My gut tells me that you shouldn't be allowed to take someone's life.,0,4326 just never got a chance to come out no,I never got a chance to go. ,0,4327 well i think it's a great concept but i think you've uh you've left too many uh uh i'm a supervisor and i approve i approve the uh the thing it it just doesn't make logical sense you know in other words,"I approve of the concept, but it doesn't make logical sense.",0,4328 I think he perceives our friendship as being stronger than it is.,I imagine he think more positively of our relationship.,0,4329 Now let's get back to business.,As I was saying.,0,4330 Most of what followed seems like a nightmare still.,Nearly everything that followed was nightmarish. ,0,4331 "Applicable regulations include both general rules for procurement, the FAR, and the FIRMR regulations written by GSA specifically for acquiring federal information processing resources.",The GSA wrote regulations for acquiring federal information processing resources.,0,4332 and get some fresh air in the house and it feels good but,I get some fresh breeze in the house and it's great.,0,4333 "Still another distinguishing feature of case studies, according to some researchers, is a nonstatistical approach to data analysis.",Case studies tend to have a nonstatistical approach to data analysis.,0,4334 We are creating a riskbased management approach that will reduce the number and sequential nature of our product reviews.,We are creating risk based management approach that will lower the number of reviews.,0,4335 None of the above?,Not any of the above?,0,4336 'Why'd you ask?',Why are you questioning?,0,4337 "Influences on achievement of sufficient procedures likely to be many, including the state of the art of detection technologies, number and militancy of potential threats to security, and the willingness of passengers, airline personnel, and airport personnel to accept different costs and forms of protection","There are likely many procedures and factors that change, including detection technologies, the number of potential threats, and the willingness of passengers and personnel to accept security changes.",0,4338 i like to kind of make my own barbecue sauce,I like making my own barbecue sauce.,0,4339 In the early tenth century Viking raiding parties from Scandinavia began skirmishing with the Celtic tribes along the coast.,"During the beginning of the tenth century, Vikings were prominent.",0,4340 "Portuguese merchants arrived in Kagoshima in 1543, with the missionaries of St. Francis Xavier following close behind.","In 1543, Portuguese merchants arrived in Kagoshima with the missionaries of St. Francis Xavier.",0,4341 well fortunately i had the presence of mind when i slipped i just i just went with it i didn't try to twist or anything,When I slipped I just let myself go and did not try to resist.,0,4342 "My guesses, for the record, ",These are my guesses that I want to go on the record,0,4343 "'Then they'll be heading for the front of the train,' White said.",The train front is where people will be heading. ,0,4344 It was no part of his plan that that huge bribe should ever be offered to her.,He never planned to give her the bribe.,0,4345 "Among the birds, you will see the flash of a kingfisher or hornbill.",You will see a flash of a kingfisher or hornbill among the birds.,0,4346 "The rest of the year, life goes on at its accustomed rickety machines chugging in two-man factories, children in school uniforms being ferried home to houseboats, and the old fishermen stirring shrimp paste.",Inhabitants range from children in school uniforms to old fishermen.,0,4347 "The collection point for the tunnel's water, the Pool of Siloam, is believed to be the place where Jesus restored sight to a blind man.",Jesus gave a blind man sight again.,0,4348 (Click for a Slate Dialogue on population trends.),Population trends are displayed in a Slate Dialogue.,0,4349 "In April 1997, under the authority of these bar associations, the Illinois Equal Justice Project was established.",In April 1997 the Illinois Equal Justice Project was created.,0,4350 I will be back tomorrow.,I will return in a day.,0,4351 "Just get here, Mac?"" ""Yeah,"" Hanson assented.",Hanson also agreed that Mac should get here.,0,4352 "Rafting on the Rio Grande was popularized by Errol Flynn, who loved the adventure, and became a must for tourists in the late 1940s it is still just as popular today.",Rafting for tourists became popular in 1940 ,0,4353 uh is that uh i'm sorry that's,"Apologies, but what is that?",0,4354 did yeah have you ever been to the to to the Dallas Symphony have you is it are they good,I've heard of the Dallas Symphony before but never been.,0,4355 "The last time it is said to not have liquified was 1980, the year of the great earthquake.",It did not liquify in 1980.,0,4356 "Note that before 1989, , is less than one in absolute value, so that aggregate household revenues increase with price increases.",Household revenues increase when prices increase.,0,4357 "But McVeigh's lawyer indicated that his team had faked the putative confession in order to persuade a witness to talk to them, and an Oklahoma reporter has now confirmed that the defense team's private eye told him of the fake confession a year ago.",The defense team knew of the fake confession a year ago.,0,4358 The tough cities that such women and their fugitive men once haunted are nowhere to be found.,The hard-core cities that hosted such women and men are non-existent.,0,4359 yeah i'm not certain either but you're probably right,"I am not sure either, but you could be right.",0,4360 " After the death of Franco in 1975, King Juan Carlos I restored democracy to Spain.",The King stepped in to reinstate democracy.,0,4361 "Well, there has been an excruciatingly technical argument about this, mysteriously known as the double dividend debate; the general consensus seems to be no, and that on balance pollution taxes would be more likely to reduce GDP slightly than to increase it.", Pollution taxes would probably reduce GDP.,0,4362 An example of a policy was that units were required to use commercially developed software rather than developing unique software inhouse.,Units had to use commercially developed software rather than making their own.,0,4363 Peel Edgerton would not be an easy man to deceive.,Peel Edgerton is a hard man to lie to. ,0,4364 "On his keyboard he typed various letters and numbers, which would become computer prograMs. In his company he was known as Office Desk, because when he was working he always sat behind his well-used piece of conference table standing in a hard to notice corner in the software specialists' room.",Within his company he was known as Office Desk because of where he sat. He typed code into his computer which would later become computer programs. ,0,4365 "In 1993, reacting to petitions filed by establishments affected by the rules, the Commission suspended portions of the rules stating that these establishments were experiencing serious difficulties in their attempts to comply with the rules.",There were petitions filed by establishments that were affected.,0,4366 Can I have your number?,The person is asking for a number.,0,4367 "Yet Hawaii was still an island paradise in the eyes of travelers, if not in those of its original people.",Travelers think that Hawaii is an island paradise.,0,4368 I knew that friends of mine were dying in those buildings.,I knew that my dying friends were currently in those buildings.,0,4369 Require the capture of specific knowledge to be used as exit criteria for decision making at two key points-when transitioning from system integration to system demonstration and from system demonstration into production.,"In order to make a decision when transitioning between system integration to system demonstration and from system demonstration into production, then specific knowledge capture is needed.",0,4370 Dai-Siu (Big and Small) is a dice game in which the croupier throws three dice inside a glass container.,Dai-Siu is played by rolling three dice at a time.,0,4371 "Quickly, he forces the lock with a penknife, and turns over the papers until he finds what he is looking for. ",He looked through the papers after forcing the lock.,0,4372 or you can get deduct anyway yeah,You can always deduct. ,0,4373 I suppose it is the sample of coco.,It might be the sample of coco.,0,4374 as far as that goes,As distant as that progresses.,0,4375 but uh well i got my uh thirty day notice yesterday,yesterday I was told I had to move out within 30 days,0,4376 "All you need to do is cut interest rates, so that private spending takes up the slack.",Cutting interest rates makes private spending go up.,0,4377 "Snorkeling and skin diving are particularly rewarding at a number of isolated inlets and nearby islets, and boats to take you there are readily available.",You can snorkel and skin dive at nearby islets. ,0,4378 no not yet we're expecting a baby in July,We are going to have a baby in July. ,0,4379 and uh few times we've had a tie breaker so i played three games and uh,I've had to play multiple games to break the tie before.,0,4380 uh no with uh uh when he quits they'll give him a million dollars,He will get a million dollars when he quits.,0,4381 They also are identified with designs that are nonexperimental in the sense that the investigator is not deliberately manipulating some variable to see its possible effects on the system being studied.,They are identified with designs that aren't manipulating variables to see what happens.,0,4382 "Curious, mused Sir James.","""Odd,"" Sir James thought.",0,4383 "Err, maybe... the cashier answered and continued with her memorized speech:","Maybe, said the cashier then went on to continue her spiel.",0,4384 7) Starr will be investigated.,There will be an examination of Starr.,0,4385 The Church of Saint Barbara is also worth visiting; it is typical Coptic in style.,It is worth going to visit the Church of Saint Barbara. ,0,4386 "You can make an argument that intelligence is an extremely unlikely, random, quirky event in terrestrial biology, or you can make the counter-argument that you can see intelligence coming down the pike from many millions of years in advance.",You could reasonably say that intelligence is very unlikely to be developed.,0,4387 "There was silence between them for some time, then Mrs. Vandemeyer looked up.","After some moments of silence, Mrs. Vandemeyer looked up. ",0,4388 Chavez said she called Colorado Legal Services because she felt sick and did not know where to turn.,Chavez did not feel well before her call. ,0,4389 "Popular, informal dairy restaurant with an Italian bias good pizzas, interesting pasta dishes.",It has lots of Italian dishes and pizzas.,0,4390 Compensation to the government for a contractor'sLiquidated failure to perform in a timely manner.,If a contractor does not complete their job in a timely manner they may have to compensate the government.,0,4391 "Famous for its rainbow trout, Chuzenji is too cold for swimming most of the year, but visitors throng to this area for its spectacular spring and fall scenery and for its numerous hot springs resorts.",There are hot springs in the Chuzenji area.,0,4392 um that's what we the insurance that we have right now when we were in Colorado they had um a different type of HMO there that i really liked a lot,The insurance HMOs in Colorado are very likable.,0,4393 i've i've heard i've heard that that is a really,I did hear.,0,4394 i watch the MacNeil Lehrer news hour and i subscribe to the paper on the weekends,I subscribe to the paper on the weekends.,0,4395 the effectiveness of voluntary or information programs may be less than assumed in the CEF scenarios.,The effectiveness of voluntary or information may be less than assumed.,0,4396 "It has close to 300 paintings on view, showing the Valencian impressionist's favorite seaside scenes and landscapes.",The seaside scenes and landscapes are also portrayed. ,0,4397 "With a $43 million budget, it is, minute for minute, the most expensive TV show ever, and also features a shocking amount of sex--as Odysseus, Armand Assante sleeps with Penelope (Greta Scacchi), Circe (Bernadette Peters), and Calypso (Vanessa Williams).",This was the most expensive and the most sexually-explicit TV show ever. ,0,4398 His skin was dark and as rough as leather.,"He had dark, rough skin. ",0,4399 The ongoing government scrutiny itself may help to explain the absence of verifiable episodes of anti-competitive behavior by Microsoft.,The government constantly scrutinizes Microsoft.,0,4400 "In West Alabama, abused women make regular use of Legal Services as well.",Abused women use Legal Services in West Alabama,0,4401 "Paul C??zanne spent the greater part of his life in Aix, and his studio (Atelier de C??zanne, 9 Avenue Paul-C??zanne) has been preserved as a museum, including his palette and other personal belongings.","The painter Cezanne did much of his work in Aix, France.",0,4402 One day I killed a bandit who was extorting one of the local iron smiths.,An iron smith extorting bandit was killed.,0,4403 so i mean you don't feel as bad because it's like they they give you different year sometimes you know so you're wearing you know sometimes you're wearing eighty nine the other times sometimes you're wearing ninety one the other times you're wearing you know eighty six so it's okay you know,Sometimes you're wearing clothes from one year and then sometimes a whole other year.,0,4404 Could we have a table?,Is there a table for us?,0,4405 "It would be fair to say that like Alyssa, the central character in Chasing Amy , I have until now led an experimental life.",Alyssa from Chasing Amy has led an experimental life.,0,4406 uh well yes i consider myself what they call a full-timer,I consider myself a full timer.,0,4407 um i think sometimes it's good for people outside they get a different perspective uh perspective on an issue and stuff so yeah i don't see any problem with outsiders going in and getting a little bit involved i think though that it should still be uh sort of up to the majority in the area i don't know on something like that they wouldn't really vote on it or anything though,People on the outside are able to get different viewpoints on several issues.,0,4408 To get your bearings take the free daily Museum Highlights Tour and/or pick up the leaflet A Quick General Tour.,There's a leaflet available called A Quick General Tour.,0,4409 "So, with freedom to compete, there could be important changes in the way worksharing discounts are set.",Work sharing discounts could be impacted by freedom to compete.,0,4410 5 percent of the routes operating at a loss.,95 percent of routes are operating at either profit or break-even.,0,4411 "He looked back with his kindly, shrewd glance.",His eyes were sharp and kind as he looked behind him.,0,4412 "Geveden said his measure appears to be the only potential source of money for the program, which is being forced to lay off workers and close offices around the state.",Geveden notes his measure is a source of money for the program.,0,4413 "Simply by saying, again and again, We must have competition with compassion, efficiency with equity.",Compassion filled competion and efficiency with equity are things we must have.,0,4414 "If states take advantage of the various incentives provided them (though few probably will), total federal and state support could expand from about $2.",States could act to have more federal and state support.,0,4415 He snapped the diamond lens to his eye and his fingers caught at the drop of sun-stuff on the awl.,He put the diamond lens in place over his eye and reached for the substance on the awl.,0,4416 "In 1986, Kitty Kelley's dishy biography, His Way , confirmed most of the nasty gossip about his love life.",Much of the gossip surrounding Kitty Kelley's love life was confirmed in his biography. ,0,4417 "In more modern times (after the Industrial Revolution), cashmere was introduced to the weavers; the softer garments produced from this wool make good souvenirs or presents.",Cashmere came after the Industrial Revolution.,0,4418 uh well i was i was in a uh private consulting firm so um and uh and uh anyway um right now i'm i'm not i'm not there but but anyway,I was previously in a private consulting firm. ,0,4419 We should do the same.,We should do it as well.,0,4420 "Kun Iam Tong, off Avenida do Coronel Mesquita (open daily 8am 6pm), is a 17th-century Buddhist temple of considerable splendor and charm.",There is a Buddhist temple off Avenida do Coronel Mesquita.,0,4421 yeah i uh i i guess you work for TI yeah,I suppose you are an employee at TI.,0,4422 "The audit report should include the objectives, scope, and methodology; the audit results, including findings, conclusions, and recommendations, as appropriate; a reference to compliance with generally accepted government auditing standards; the views of responsible officials; and, if applicable, the nature of any privileged and confidential information omitted.",The audit report should have the methodology included.,0,4423 "But reverence can also cause on the 13th-century bronze statue of St. Peter near the main altar, attributed to Florentine architect-sculptor Arnolfo di Cambio, the lips and fingers of countless pilgrims have worn away the toes of its right foot.",Pilgrims often kiss or touch the statue's toes.,0,4424 "Hoiles is a big slab of a man, now 33, a veteran but not a star.","33 year old veteran, Hoiles, is a big man.",0,4425 "The best-known building here is the King David Hotel, built in 1930, and now a solid, aristocratic home-away-from-home for kings, presidents, and other well-heeled visitors .",The famous King David Hotel houses wealthy and powerful visitors.,0,4426 "Previous governors have gone to prestigious law firms, joined corporate boards or returned to thriving businesses.",Some people who used to be governor joined corporate boards.,0,4427 "Local hotels with drink licenses can serve guests later than 11, often until the guests themselves decide to call it a night.",Liquor licenses allow establishments to serve guests past 11 o'clock.,0,4428 "Simple, comfortable rooms in the centre of town, a short walk from North Beach.",The rooms are simple and comfortable.,0,4429 "I presume Mrs. Inglethorp took the coffee after dinner about eight o'clock, whereas the symptoms did not manifest themselves until the early hours of the morning, which, on the face of it, points to the drug having been taken much later in the evening.""",I assume Mrs. Inglethorp drank the coffee at night time.,0,4430 No sign of battle.,A battle was not visual. ,0,4431 "However, the dancing seems so free and spontaneous, and yet so precise and with such commitment between the partners, that one is left with a feeling of joy in life that I cannot associate with any other form of art.",Dancing is so free and spontaneous that it leaves a feeling of joy unlike any other that is found in other art forms.,0,4432 "Later, Ca'daan couldn't say why he did what he did.","Afterwards, Ca'daan wasn't able to explain his actions.",0,4433 Coz believes he'll reverse this decline by taking (or at least talking about) the high road.,Coz thinks taking the high road will reverse the current situation of decline.,0,4434 But the inhabitants?,What about the inhabitants?,0,4435 well Wayne i've never done any uh auto repairs myself at all i mean i may have screwed in a little screw that looked like it was falling out on the door or something but uh i personally haven't done anything maybe,"I don't have any history in auto repair, I've only tightened some screws here and there.",0,4436 you're never you're never real and and they they do a lot of inbreeding too and so you end up with you know kind of strange kittens,"As a result of inbreeding, one can end up with kittens that are not normal.",0,4437 "Surely farmers are willing to pay much more for fertile seeds than for infertile, and you can be sure that Monsanto fully exploits that willingness.)",Monsato is exploiting the fact that people will pay more for fertile seeds,0,4438 "The walls were mouldy, the furniture cheap.",There were moldy walls and cheap furniture.,0,4439 "Ginny Kilgore is a public servant in the truest sense, said Davis. ",Kilgore is a true public servant.,0,4440 "Lukacs often writes as though Hitler, or rather Hitlerism, triumphed in the war.",Lukacs implies that Hitler won.,0,4441 um i've had them delayed because i'm back in graduate school and on that form it says if your joining the Peace Corps you can have them delayed,I've had then delayed because I'm back in graduate school and will be joining the Peace Corps.,0,4442 Design is stable Product can be produced,Product can be produced and the design is stable.,0,4443 you know perception i don't know Al Davis is he's a kind of strange character strange strange looking guy apparently he's kind of a wild guy i don't really know for sure they've had some excellent teams though obviously i'm not sure they've yet decided where they want to play they keeping talk about you know going,Al Davis seems to me to be a strange character.,0,4444 before i start in any exercising,Before beginning an exercise program.,0,4445 i can't understand why nobody saw that before i mean even even not,i can't comprehend why no one noticed in the past,0,4446 uh-huh definitely more to look at,A lot more to look at.,0,4447 The amount of the payment reflects the difference between (a) the benefits that the OASDHI trust funds would have paid to railroad workers and their families if railroad employment had been covered by OASDHI and (b) the payroll taxes that the OASDHI trust funds would have received if railroad employment had been covered by OASDHI.,The payment is adjusted to reflect benefits and taxes.,0,4448 MCI slashed its long-distance rates.,MCI charges for long-distance.,0,4449 Bernstein suggested that the supporting text for this recommendation would have to explain the need for political commitment to changing the health and social outcomes resulting from alcohol problems.,Alcohol problems have an impact on health and social outcomes.,0,4450 "Less than two years later, on his deathbed, terribly ill and desirous of death, Keats asked just the same question in one of his last Is there another life?","Before he died, Keats was very sick and wanted to die quickly.",0,4451 "Besides Adrin, he appeared to be the only one surprised by Jon's words.",They were the only ones surprised by what Jon said.,0,4452 The $6 million estimate is consistent with Viscusi's conclusion (updated to 1999$) that most of the reasonable estimates of the value of life are clustered in the $3.,Viscusi conclusion about the estimates of the value of life is consistent with the estimate of $6 million.,0,4453 With a good bookshop and the excellent Fitzer's cafe you could easily spend a day here.,The bookshop makes it possible to spend a lot of time there.,0,4454 Susan's voice stopped and her eyes closed.,Susan stopped talking.,0,4455 uh yeah and he uh when when they had uh injury problems with some of their major players uh he actually put on a uniform and went out and played,"When some of their major players were injured, he put on a uniform and went out and played. ",0,4456 White chuckled.,Someone was amused.,0,4457 Only a tiny number of trusted aides and Secret Service agents could know of it.,Only a few trusted helpers and secret service agents could have knowledge of it.,0,4458 "But biology and the archaeological record suggest otherwise, Diamond argues in the current issue of Discover.",Diamond does not agree with some of the facts that biology and archaeology present. ,0,4459 The analysis of delivery costs for France and the U.S. demonstrates that street delivery costs are more heterogeneous in France than in the U.S.,Delivery costs in France are more varying than those in the US.,0,4460 "In the wake of this tremendous natural upheaval, the Aegean Islands next came under the influence of the Mycenaeans (at around 1300 b.c. ), who had a base in the Peloponnese region of the Greek mainland.",The Aegean Islands were under the influence of the Myceanneans.,0,4461 "What wasn't scripted for a honeymoon was our phrase book, which included translations for Is your wife/husband here, I'd like you to use a condom, and You can't stay here tonight.","The phrase books had phrases like ""i'd like a condom"" in it. ",0,4462 but you go sit down at a table the great thing about this is you sit down at the table and they have a little Mexican flag and when you raise the Mexican flag the waiter comes over and he just gives you whatever you want,You go sit at the table and the waiter comes over to you.,0,4463 To sign a paper? ,To sign?,0,4464 Failure modes and effects analysis is a bottom-up approach to failure identification.,Failure identification relies on a bottom up approach.,0,4465 "His rich Irish voice was unmistakable: ""That's all very well.","His full Irish voice was easy to identify: ""That's all good.""",0,4466 Remove the children!,Take the children away.,0,4467 "Although a lightning bolt toppled the tower of the church of Lampaul-Guimiliau in 1809, the church's interior remains impressive.",Lampaul-Guimilau was struck by lightning in 1809.,0,4468 "Then of course I went over the whole thing to see where I'd made an ass of myself.""",I made an ass of myself at some point. ,0,4469 He just heaved a sigh of relief when the war took me off.,He felt like a burden was being lifted.,0,4470 "But the museum's greatest pride, spotlighted in its own niche on the ground floor, is a portrait of angelic beauty, painted around 1480 by Leonardo Da Vinci, entitled The Saviour.",The Saviour was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.,0,4471 The first Chechen war dealt the final disgrace.,The war had to deal with disgrace.,0,4472 "Built in 1729 to house the Irish Parliament, the striking Bank of Ireland building preserves the impressive chamber of the Irish House of Lords with its 18th-century tapestries, and coffered ceiling.",The Bank of Ireland hosts the Irish Parliament since 1729.,0,4473 "On the 1) Former guitarist John Frusciante returns to give the band a hint of their former jammy-jammin' glory; and 2) Rolling Stone is wildly positive (four stars), if completely alone in its enthusiasm--They've written a whole album's worth of tunes that tickle the ear, romance the booty, swell the heart, moisten the tear ducts and dilate the third eye (Greg Tate).",John Frusciante was a former guitarist in a band.,0,4474 "The F/A-18E/F had 56 percent of its drawings completed and also had over 90 percent of its higher level interface drawings completed, adding confidence in the system design.",Drawings are needed to create a final 3D design.,0,4475 "If you play up an appetite, GameWorks also has a full-service restaurant, snack bar, and Starbucks Coffee outlet.",GameWorks has a restaurant as well.,0,4476 The American standard is unavailable for legitimate reasons (I've already mentioned all the obstacles).,The standard is not available at the moment.,0,4477 "The Office of Student Financial Assistance was provided with increased flexibility for procurement and personnel management, and key managers are to be held directly accountable for performance objectives that include",The Office of Student Financial Assistance was given flexibility in staffing.,0,4478 yeah well that's exactly the way he feels is that he really hates to spend the time it takes a lot of time if he if he thinks it's going to be two hours it's four if you know whatever it always takes him twice as long but then when he's finished he's he always says well now you owe me three hundred dollars and then he thinks that he has the money that that he can spend on something and he hasn't given it to someone else so he gets some satisfaction out of that although,He's not very good at managing his time or money.,0,4479 yeah like yeah and then they turned around and called them junkyards and started making profits off them after the war,They started making profits off of junkyards after the war.,0,4480 In the face of such plurality it's hard to characterize Israel.,Israel is one of a kind.,0,4481 uh-huh that's uh sure i can understand that,I know what you mean.,0,4482 and if i was a cat or dog i'd respond probably by biting or something i don't know that would be my self-defense but,"If i was a cat or dog, i would defend my self by biting.",0,4483 "We can't lobby, she said. ",We cannot lobby.,0,4484 "Celebrated in song, the old popular harbor district of Santa Lucia is now lined with elegant hotels and restaurants, many overlooking the formidable medieval Cetel dell'Ovo on its own islet, with a handful of outdoor trattorias and cafe that enjoy a unique setting.",There is a song about the harbour of Santa Lucia. ,0,4485 "To hold its senior executives accountable for improved products and services, VBA set targets for executives to achieve, such as the abandoned telephone call rate-the percentage of callers who get through to VBA, but are put on hold and hang up before being connected to an employee.",Senior executives are helpful in improving what the agency does.,0,4486 "My head aches a little, but otherwise I feel fine."" Julius stepped forward and took her hand again.",Julius' head was aching as he took her by the hand.,0,4487 "Several miles down a side road that winds through the Judean mountains are two unique memorials to non- the Kennedy Memorial, like a tree stump, representing a life cut off in its prime; and a piano keyboard motif honoring musician Artur Rubinstein.",There are at least two memorials in the Judean mountains,0,4488 We understand and appreciate the Vice Presidentas concerns regarding release of his personal schedule.,The Vice President is concerned.,0,4489 "Specific activities performed by central groups differed somewhat, primarily because they relied to a varying extent on security managers and administrators in subordinate units and on other organizationally separate groups, such as disaster recovery or emergency response teams.",Some of the activities were different.,0,4490 and then he'll right somewhere else,He'll be somewhere else,0,4491 Is Mr. Plotz accurately reporting History's opinions?,History can have an opinion that can be misrepresented.,0,4492 "Don't be scared I shan't expect you to love me all at once."" But a small hand was slipped into his.",I expect that it will take some time for you to love me.,0,4493 "Threatened by the Prussians, Duke Konrad of Mazovia invited the Order of the Teutonic Knights in to help defend against them.","Konrad was, at one point, the Duke of Mazovia.",0,4494 um it wasn't the easiest thing i've done but no nor was it hard to to us the young man had kind of taken care of it when he said he was guilty so we did not,The young man mentioned that he was guilty so we weren't able to do that.,0,4495 "The price of an IPO, then, should reflect as nearly as possible what investors really think about a company's prospects.",The price of an IPO should be the company's true value.,0,4496 and and the next yeah point seven five liters and then liters and then one point seven five liters yeah,"First, .75 liters and then 1.75 liters.",0,4497 "Ireland has been inhabited since very ancient times, but Irish history really begins with the arrival of the Celts around the 6th century b.c. , Ireland's first documented invasion.","Ireland has been inhabited since ancient times, but Irish history begins with the Celts around 6th century b.c., when it was first invaded.",0,4498 Our analysis helped the Congress reduce the final fiscal year 2000 appropriation request,Congress reduced the fiscal year 200 appropriation request.,0,4499 "Windsurfing is making a splash in the you'll see the colorful sails, boards, and masts all around the islands.",The various colorful sails around the island show how popular windsurfing is.,0,4500 Also when he trades at the border it is with men who would meet the Apaches with fire and bullets.,He trades at the border with men who are prone to attack the Apaches with guns.,0,4501 "As a result, the current model has failed to get adequate traction to move toward a more comprehensive reporting model.",The current model did not carry the traction necessary to go towards a comprehensive model of reporting.,0,4502 The concept of a professional lifeguard is unknown on Ibiza and Formentera alike; some beach bars do keep first-aid supplies.,There are no lifeguards at Ibiza or Formentera.,0,4503 you have different telephone numbers that you can dial and then you dial in an access code and it will depending on what topic you called in to hear about whether it was the news or the weather or a soap opera update it will give you um updated information so it can give you you know current news updates current weather updates things like that and it's it's offered through the local phone company free of charge,The local phone company offers a free service that provides updated information.,0,4504 "Then, for some reason--we will probably never know precisely why--the era of trilobites, triceratops, and other multicellular creatures commenced.","For reasons we will probably never understand, the era of these creatures commenced. ",0,4505 "Superstition in this day and age!"" He swung to face Dave, whose vocal cords were still taut with the shock of the sight of the knife.",Dave saw the knife and was silent.,0,4506 The little port town of Cancale ' with a wide vista across the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel ' has been a major center of oyster-breeding since earliest Celtic times.,Cancale has long been an oyster-breeding site.,0,4507 yeah it seems that the the policies of pretty much anywhere not just in Central America that US has now is is you know more action than just words than just rhetoric but you know i we we back up what we say what we say with actions,The policies of both the US and Central America are to back up your words with actions.,0,4508 Scrubber upgrades were not considered in this analysis in order to provide a conservative estimate of the resource demand for a multipollutant strategy.,A conservative estimate of resource demand did not factor in scrubber upgrades.,0,4509 This modern high-rise block is situated on the beach.,It is a high-rise on the beach.,0,4510 "The old man stared at Hanson intently, but his expression was unreadable.",The old man was looking at Hanson.,0,4511 There is a popular son et lumiyre on summer evenings.,"In summer evenings, you can view a popular Son et Lumiyre.",0,4512 "It's now no longer needed as the Aswan High Dam in the far south of Egypt completely controls the flow, keeping the city safe.",The flow is completely under control.,0,4513 Qualitative Evaluation,A type of evaluation.,0,4514 That lesson won't suit either side's assumptions.,Neither side's assumptions are suited by that lesson.,0,4515 (It seems the operation can't be shut down.),The operation can't be stopped.,0,4516 I would defend Clinton's apology as a statement of aspiration.,Clinton's apology could be defended as a statement of aspiration.,0,4517 You can't get around India is a country where religion is ever-present.,Religion is ingrained in Indian culture.,0,4518 These simulations are not predictions of what will happen in the future as policymakers would likely take action to prevent damaging out-year fiscal and economic consequences.,The simulations aren't predictions of the future of policymakers taking action to prevent damage ,0,4519 "Well, mon ami, a good deal you can guess for yourself. ","There's a hefty amount you can guess yourself, mon ami.",0,4520 He knew where to draw the line.,Where the line could be drawn was certain to him.,0,4521 "Giving back people their dignity, letting them have peace",Returning to the populace their peace of mind and self-respect.,0,4522 "The picturesque, more rugged coast east of Genoa is known as the Riviera di Levante (Riviera of the Rising Sun), while the coast west to the French border at Ventimiglia is the Riviera di Ponente (Riviera of the Setting Sun), better known for the sandy beaches of its family resorts.",The Riviera of the Rising Sun is located east of Genoa.,0,4523 Research that covers multiple outcomes in addition to medical ones addresses audiences with different needs and priorities and encourages their support for provision of intervention services and financial resources.,Research encourages support for the including of intervention services.,0,4524 "Historians may also question whether the Steunenberg affair, on its own, touched off, in Lukas' words, a struggle for the soul of America.",Whether the Steunenberg affair became a type of proxy issue in America is something for historians to ponder.,0,4525 Visitors are welcome to browse weekdays from 9am to 5pm.,During weekdays from 9am to 5pm visitors are welcome.,0,4526 "It's worth noting, however, that the FBI similarly deceived Republican AGs over the Ruby Ridge fiasco.",The FBI has deceived the Republican AGs.,0,4527 "Small, fashionable Positano spills down its hillside in a spectacular cascade of gleaming, bougainvillea-covered white-washed houses dotted with gardens of oranges and lemons and terraces of colorful hand-painted tiles.",Positano is small but cool.,0,4528 The article Can We Really Feed the World?,The piece of writing on food production.,0,4529 "I had wanted to accompany him into the office myself but, unfortunately, I'd just been shot... That last part was Derry's idea; the only kind of sick-leave the Corporation would readily buy.","I was just shot, otherwise I would go with him to the office.",0,4530 well it sounded like i mean this is like major long term commitment like a year or six months or,It sounded like a long term committment.,0,4531 "They create a culture in which you must fight against these conditions--even if it means risking serious side effects (the anti-fungal drugs for nails can damage the liver, Propecia's anti-testosterone action can decrease libido).",A culture is created where fighting these conditions is made to seem important enough that even serious side effects don't keep people from taking the drugs.,0,4532 "Instead of the notice and comment procedures in the Administrative Procedure Act, the EPA promulgated this rule using the procedures, which have similar notice and comment requirements, contained in section 307(d) of the Clean Air Act, as amended.",The EPA follows Clean Air Act requirements rather than the Administrative Procedure Act.,0,4533 You cannot mix up sentiment and reason.,Sentiment and reason cannot be mixed up.,0,4534 Total Electricity Consumption and Fossil Fuel Generation in 2010 (Quadrillion Btu),Electricity consumption is measured in quadrillion btu.,0,4535 My God! gasped Tommy.,Tommy gasped.,0,4536 so he he does all kinds of strange things like that,He does a lot of strange things.,0,4537 "Indeed, the entire enterprise of serious literary fiction is so marginal that one hates to discourage any sincere effort.",Serious literary fiction is a small enterprise.,0,4538 Should we triage the most severe problem patients into a more intensive intervention in the emergency setting?,Problem patients should get more attention.,0,4539 hey how do you like it out there,How do you like it out there?,0,4540 well i think we have gone to time and i appreciate your having called,"I have to go, thank you for calling.",0,4541 The media used the deposition as an opportunity to publish additional tales of Clinton's philandering.,The deposition was used by reporters to bring up additional infidelity on the part of Clinton. ,0,4542 He's scary.,He's frightening.,0,4543 they she uh she in fact went from Massachusetts to uh Florida then to Atlanta and she really really likes it,She has lived in several locations.,0,4544 well i don't know it hasn't really been that long but my my uh the last movie i saw was on TV uh and i was trying to remember it was called Back Stab and it was uh it was really intriguing and i found i i i have a i have a problem with i just about forget them once i've seen them but i guess the really the one that i really saw that i really liked was Ghost did you see that,The last movie I saw was called Back Stab,0,4545 "Amid all the Vatican's treasures, the 15 rooms of the Picture Gallery (Pinacoteca Vaticana), in a separate wing of the palace, get short shrift.",Little attention is paid to the Vatican's Picture Gallery.,0,4546 oh yeah you bring that's well heck that's a lot cheaper then uh taking them out to the show,It costs much less than taking them to the show.,0,4547 More Russian President Boris Yeltsin fired his top two military officers for resisting budget cuts and reforms.,Two of Yeltsin's military officers were fired for resisting reform.,0,4548 The analysis assumes that current-law benefits are paid in full after 2029 through borrowing from the Treasury.,"Current-law benefits will be paid in full following 2029, according to the analysis.",0,4549 The masters of the Brave New World would not allow a movie version of Brave New World to be shown on television.,Masters of Brave New World wouldn't allow Brave New World to be shown on television.,0,4550 Grey and white bands of marble give the interior a spacious simplicity.,The painting on the marble give the place a different feel.,0,4551 "These protocols will help GAO to better serve the Congress and improve customer satisfaction, to close expectation gaps between the Congress and GAO wherever they exist, to ensure equitable treatment of all requesters consistent with the protocols, and to maintain and strengthen GAO's performance and accountability.",The protocols help the Congress in many ways.,0,4552 "A drop in population revealed by the 2000 census is responsible for some of the funding cut, Mathews said.",The population decreased in the 2000 census.,0,4553 "The first were mandrakes in the uniform of the Satheri, all carrying weapons with evil-looking blades or sharp stickers.",The mandrakes had weapons with blades and stickers.,0,4554 "The look-out point is part of a stimulating Visitors' Centre which interprets the geology, geography, and fauna and flora of the region.","At the Vistors' Center, you can learn about various aspects of the region and go to the look-out point.",0,4555 And what about what we might call the Rauch-Reich test (so named for Jonathan Rauch's,The Rauch-Reich test is named after Jonathan Rauch.,0,4556 "Among the five-fulltime state planning team members (Barbara Donnelly, Robert Gross, Althea Hayward, Melissa Pershing and Timothy Watson) and two part-time consultants (Chuck Cook and Joseph Dailing) there is a total of 260 years of field program experience.",Barbara Donnelly and Robert Gross are full time state planning team members.,0,4557 and um yeah Dallas is you know you can see some economic turnarounds but uh and i don't think it will ever be back to what it was because it was you know it was really blowing and going there for a while,I think Dallas will never be the same again.,0,4558 You can get their leaflet from the tourist office or by calling (07) 637 0648.,Their leaflet is available through the tourist office.,0,4559 "Yes, but I thought The girl hesitated.",I thought that the girl wasn't sure.,0,4560 It is a name most respectable most common.,The name is one people respect.,0,4561 "That all the welcoming would be on the other side, breaking right through the barrier he had been building for years?",The welcoming may break down the walls he had built.,0,4562 good self help well um probably the best one that i i know of and i work with all the time is called Search for Significance,Search for Significance is a self help book I believe in. ,0,4563 "The collection and indeed the building itself is not huge or overbearing, allowing visitors to relax and enjoy the art perhaps more than is possible in such massive galleries as the Louvre or Rijksmuseum.",The collection isn't huge.,0,4564 We're going to get a cheque each.,None of us will fail to get a cheque.,0,4565 It will be some time before both sides establish better mutual understanding.,It will take some time before there is better mutual understanding between both sides.,0,4566 oh it's it's real easy to get addicted to them you know you get out on a shopping spree frenzy and uh just charge it all and then you don't have to write a check or anything,They are addictive as you can just charge all of the shopping and go on a frenzy.,0,4567 My new trade allowed me to hear of the whispers and rumors of the land.,I heard what was going on in the villages.,0,4568 "For example, the administrative approval of an employee's travel voucher (usually performed by the employee's supervisor) generally confirms the reasonableness of the claim and that the travel actually took place.",The administrative approval of an employee's travel voucher usually confirms that the reasonableness of the claim actually happened.,0,4569 uh-huh uh-huh oh my husband just has to have it green has to be green it's,My husband says it must be green.,0,4570 These? Poirot produced the empty box which had contained powders. ,Poirot handed over the empty box.,0,4571 "Hersheimmer.""",It is Hersheimmer.,0,4572 "Two recently introduced bills, S. 1456 and H.R. 2435, include provisions that address the receipt, care, and storage of critical infrastructure protection information as well as specific exemptions from public disclosure of such information.",Public disclosure exemption provisions have been included in the proposed bills.,0,4573 so you know you never know,You won't have knowledge of it.,0,4574 This should only matter if the person governing is governing over the place where admission to same is the governor's prerogative.,The governor in this situation should be able to govern freely.,0,4575 Their analysis revealed that most programs experienced declines in cases closed during periods of dramatic funding reductions and before they (with and without LSC assistance) aggressively sought other forms of funding (e.g.,"In periods of dramatic funding cuts, most programs experience a decline in cases closed.",0,4576 "She got up, facing the shed.",The was facing the shed when she got up.,0,4577 "When he rose, the group continued out of sight of Heaven's Highway before they took a much-needed rest.",The group rested after the got out of sight.,0,4578 "New editor Charles Lane replaces Michael Kelly, who was ousted last week.",Charles Lane replaced Michael Kelly at the paper.,0,4579 um-hum yeah those those are good points um which obviously i'd never thought about um i don't know what uh i suppose they also not being a state are probably freer to determine their own um ways of life than they would if if i i'm trying to think exactly what is imposed if they would become a state versus a territory,"I hadn't considered those points before, they make sense. I am just trying to see the implications of statehood vs territory.",0,4580 "These one-day fluctuations make absolutely no difference in one's financial circumstances, but watching them offers a fan's pleasure.",Fans can enjoy the financial changes that occur.,0,4581 "Equally lacking in wisdom, however, are analyses such as Allen's, which only evaluate taxes' macroeconomic consequences while ignoring completely the effects they have on individuals.",Allen evaluates taxes' consequences.,0,4582 "He does none of the line editing of articles for Transition , even though it proclaims his editorship in ads.",Transition states someone is editing even though they aren't.,0,4583 8 million budget was derived almost entirely of Legal Services Corp. grants.,Legal Services Corp. grants yielded 8 million.,0,4584 The rules were promulgated using the notice and comment procedures ,Rules were promulgated using notice and comment procedures. ,0,4585 it's a brand new one it's a Catholic uh retirement home for nuns it's at uh Trinity no let me see Trinity i keep calling it Trinity it's not Trinity i'll think of,It's a new Catholic retirement home for nuns.,0,4586 "For women, lots of sex didn't mean lots of offspring.",Women who had lots of sex didn't mean they had lots of kids.,0,4587 "He greatly encouraged the arts, and commissioned the building of the magnificent basilica, the Haghia Sophia.",He commissioned the Haghia Sophia to be built and encouraged arts.,0,4588 because i want to cut down all the the trees that they or the little shrubs that they have because some of them are like um they have the new uh green leaves i don't if it's getting green up there where you are uh but they're almost fully blossomed and but there are like sides of them where there're like whole dead uh portions of the shrubs,The trees and shrubs where I live have started getting green.,0,4589 The Commission also describes how excluding small business issuers from all but the accounting policy disclosures required by the rule limits substantially the application of the amendments to small entities.,Small business issuers are excluded from virtually everything except the rule requirements for accounting policy disclosure.,0,4590 We still need to find the most accurate test for ED use.,The test that is most accurate for ED use is not found yet.,0,4591 "Ca'daan remembered Adrin's battle with the large man, Barik, at the gambling den.",Ca'daan knew Adrin had fought Barik.,0,4592 "Roy Barnes will spend his first day as a private citizen by starting his new job as a full-time, pro-bono (unpaid) lawyer at the Atlanta Legal Aid Society.",Roy Barnes' first job as a private citizen was unpaid.,0,4593 du Dr. Menard).,of Doctor Menard,0,4594 next time you'll have to try a bigger bird,"Next time, you should not get a small bird.",0,4595 Other hands joined his to boost Anse.,Others helped him pick up Anse. ,0,4596 She watched Jon and Adrin intently.,She stared at Jon and Adrin.,0,4597 His rule ushered in Poland's first golden age.,Poland's first golden age was begun during his rule.,0,4598 yeah we've gone down there many a year,We've gone down there for many years.,0,4599 "Sorry about the frustration and hassle and, though it is in no way connected with",I apologize for the frustration and hassle.,0,4600 yeah that was excellent,I agree that it was excellent.,0,4601 so she gets destroyed on her bonus check,She getsa negative impact on her bonus check. ,0,4602 You can now ascend the great rock by walking up the Snake Path a hot and tiring ascent that takes 30 to 60 minutes depending on your fitness.,"Nowadays you can climb the large walk using the Snake Path, which will take you 30 to 60 minutes.",0,4603 "One company emphasized that if a major milestone is delayed, an appropriate adjustment should be made to the end date of the program, thereby avoiding compressing the time allotted for the rest of product development and managing the risks that subsequent milestones will be missed.",A major milestone delay should lead to the end date being adjusted.,0,4604 yeah a lot of cases daughters getting get real close to their dads too you know and uh,"In lots of cases, daughters get real close to their dads.",0,4605 True fans can enjoy seeing the same episode four or five times.,"If you enjoy seeing the same episode four or five times, you can be a true fan.",0,4606 "8 million to the Office of the Appellate Defender, which handles appeals for indigent criminal defendants in the First Department.",The Office of the Appellate Defender handles the appeals.,0,4607 "Slate on Paper, our specially formatted print-out version of Slate, is e-mailed to readers Friday around midday.","Slate provides a printable version, designed to be printed. ",0,4608 "In planning examination-level attestation engagements, auditors should design the engagement to provide reasonable assurance of detecting fraud, illegal acts, or other noncompliance that could have a material effect on the subject matter or assertion of the attestation engagement.",Auditors must ensure that fraud or other illegal acts don't impact the attestation engagement.,0,4609 "(As a variation on this theme, one can imagine a strategic schooling motive, whereby the least-accomplished children get extra schooling, in the hope that they will become more interesting to converse with.)",Student that get extra schooling could become more interesting to converse with.,0,4610 "Credit card companies and banks, mail order firms, health care subsidiaries, and high-tech software developers all contribute to a healthy local economy, helping to diversify Las Vegas in the face of an ever-changing national gambling landscape.",The Las Vegas economy remains healthy due to the diverse range of business operating there.,0,4611 We could pay our presidents their salaries in land instead of in cash.,We could pay the president a salary.,0,4612 "The striking Flemish/Spanish H??tel de Ville that presides over the market square has a magnificently ornate porch (if you can pick your time to visit, choose Thursday morning when the weekly market is in full swing).",There is an exquisite ornate porch presiding over the market.,0,4613 "e? Better Environmental Protection from Acid Rain, Smog, Haze, Mercury and Nitrogen Reducing SO2 and NOx emissions will save hundreds of northeastern lakes and hundreds of thousands of acres of forests from acid rain, particularly in the Adirondacks and other parts of the Appalachian Mountains.",A reduction in the emissions of certain pollutants will prevent acid rain in the Appalachian Mountains.,0,4614 Welles isn't just plunging his straight-laced hero and heroine (Charlton Heston and Janet Leigh) into the squalor and chaos of a Mexican-U.S.,Welles has more planned for his hero and heroine. ,0,4615 "President Bush's National Energy Plan also includes measures to increase conservation of energy, increase energy efficiency, and encourage technological advances such as clean coal technology, fuel cells, and combined heat and power facilities -- all of which will contribute to addressing the energy and environmental challenges of",President Bush planned to make the country 'Greener'.,0,4616 Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Evaluation Research.,Combining quality and quantity methods to assess research ,0,4617 and it was pretty pleasant except for the humidity,"The weather was humid, but other than that it was pleasant.",0,4618 "Evaluating an asset's condition requires knowledge of the asset, its performance capacity and its actual ability to perform, and expectations for its continued performance.",Performance expectations are necessary to know in analyzing the condition of an asset.,0,4619 they are doing a good job having people contacting legislators to encourage their support.,They are working well to encourage people to support them.,0,4620 "Site selection More sites selected than needed; fewer sites selected than needed; inappropriate basis for site selection, for the particular job and evaluation question",The particular job and evaluation question look into site selection problems.,0,4621 And have that much free time to gab with your girlfriends?,Have you the time to chatter with your friends?,0,4622 "The federal government has recognized that mitigating risks to our nation's critical computer-dependent infrastructures, many of which are privately owned, is a serious challenge requiring coordination and cooperation among federal agencies, public and private-sector entities, and other nations.",Federal agencies and other nations are two parties whose cooperation will be required.,0,4623 "One of the most handsome of France's ports, La Rochelle has always been innovative and today calls itself belle et rebelle (beautiful and rebellious).","La Rochelle is fittingly known in France as belle et rebelle, meaning beautiful and rebellious.",0,4624 "You'll find many amusing exhibits of street games, clockwork figures, dolls, and teddy bears to bring back memories of your own youth.",There are many exhibits of clockwork figures.,0,4625 Archaeologists have concluded that the Giza pyramids were built within a few hundred years of each other by generations of the same royal family c.2600 b.c. as elaborate tombs designed to foil robbers.,The Giza pyramids may have been built to deter thievery.,0,4626 like uh uh recently i was reported as having JC Penney accounts and i don't so i called JC Penney and i said uh i just wanted to let you know that the credit agency you're using is incorrectly reporting the information that you're providing to them and they say uh-huh because they really don't want to pay for services that's not being done properly either so then they can call,It said I had a JCP account.,0,4627 i bet that was a good one,i would guess that was a good one,0,4628 "Casa de Cisneroseon the south side of the square, was built in the mid-16th century by a nephew of the intrepid inquisitor and warrior, Cardinal Cisneroseand is a fine example of the ornate and delicate style of Spanish early Renaissance architecture known as Plateresque.",Casa de Cisneroseon was built in the mid-16th century and is a fine example of the ornate and delicate style of Spanish early Renaissance architecture known as Plateresque.,0,4629 um i'm not sure if your familiar with the movement they have here in Maryland but they're trying to get a uh a uh a merit system here in Maryland rather than a uh tenure system,Maryland is working on transitioning from a tenure system to one based on merit.,0,4630 "By general agreement and city ordinance, all buildings must be faced with Jerusalem limestone, giving the city's different worlds an architectural unity and tying the city in a special way to the land on which it rests.",The city has a distinct appearance because of an architectural uniqueness in that all of their buildings' must use Jerusalem limestone for their facade. ,0,4631 "Far from supporting the Court's nondistortion analysis, League of Women Voters dooms the Court's case.",The League of Women Voters do not believe in the case.,0,4632 i uh where i lived uh it was a little town called Newmarket,I lived in Newmarket.,0,4633 Joseph Ralston 's candidacy for the chairmanship of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was derailed because he had had a relationship with another woman while separated from his wife.,Joseph Ralston had to withdraw as a candidate for chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff because of marital indiscretions.,0,4634 "Like most of the structures here, the 40-metre- (120-foot-) high Treasury (named after legends of lost treasure) was hewn from the red sandstone valley sides.",The Treasury was cut from the sandstone in the valley side. ,0,4635 "The white marble pavilion on the first terrace was used for public audiences, the second was a private pavilion, the third made from black marble accommodated the harem, and the fourth was strictly reserved for the emperor's private use.","Multiple levels were constructed, and each had a unique purpose.",0,4636 "After visiting the emotionally powerful museum, you may wish to seek a therapeutic antidote in the lively shopping centers east of the park around Hondori, Hachobori, and Kamiya-cho.",The museum makes you feel a lot of emotions.,0,4637 Holy snakes! he ejaculated.,Holy cow! he exclaimed.,0,4638 the uh the automotive industry is in dire needs of something in this in this country and it's too bad uh the Toyota we bought i i bought second hand i did not buy it new uh,I think that the automotive industry needs some changes.,0,4639 but um no coaching yeah that's all right,"That's okay, but no coaching.",0,4640 yeah the like i mean they have um better it's not quite as nice for a little bit less,"It costs less, but is not as nice. ",0,4641 oh right but uh i was i was just amazed there's this one place called CC's pizza,I was amazed by the name of this pizza joint.,0,4642 "But you know--I almost hate to say this--""",I'm not all comfortable saying this.,0,4643 There is a precedent to the Che cult.,The Che cult has a precedent.,0,4644 At the end of each entry is information about how the destination can be reached.,Each entry is followed by information on how to get there.,0,4645 "One had to separate the relationship, whatever it was, between Monica, et al.",He had to separate a relationship.,0,4646 I had no options.,There wasn't a decision. I had no choice.,0,4647 "The main reason the media have greeted Jack Kemp so rapturously isn't his ideas, his optimism, or his compassion.",Jack Kemp has appeared a lot in the media.,0,4648 Derry and I had stayed up all night cross-checking autobiographies; we'd taken great care compiling a history that at least sounded accurate.,Derry and I worked hard throughout the night to document everything accurately.,0,4649 "Papers presented at WissenschaftlicHe's Institut fer Kommunikationsdienste GmbH, 6th Keenigswinter Seminar on Postal Economics, Liberalization of Postal Markets.","At WissenschaftlicHe's Institut fer Kommunikationsdienste, papers were presented.",0,4650 I aimed my loaded gun at him.,I held my gun.,0,4651 Usually by ensuring that neither romantic partner is in the other's chain of command.,The chain of command for each partner does not include the other partner.,0,4652 The world would be a better place if government decisions were made without reference to who has written a check or who has hired a politician's former aide.,The world be improved if reference to who writes checks and hires former political aids was never referenced.,0,4653 We also make adjustments to account for expected changes in WTP over time as per capita income increases.,"As the per capita income increases, we change to account for predicted alterations in WTP as time goes on.",0,4654 Air pollution issues meant to be addressed by REMSAD include long-term PM2.,Air pollution should be addressed by REMSAD.,0,4655 "These officials told us that Caterpillar maintains the philosophy of first getting the design right, then producing it as quickly and efficiently as possible.","Apparently, Caterpillar tries to get the design right first, before they move to production.",0,4656 you can't drive a standard,You don't know how to drive standard. ,0,4657 The factual record before the Commission demonstrates that Congress' purpose of providing meaningful representation to H-2A workers for claims arising under their employment contracts cannot be accomplished under the original interpretations offered in the Federal Register notice.,The record before the commission shows the providing help to H-2A workers can not be accomplished because of the wording in the Federal Register notice.,0,4658 or a listed liquid account which which we do um you should always have three months of your salary in a savings account in case there's a major need for that,"It is good to have three months salary in your savings account, in case of an emergency.",0,4659 When to go is a decision of equal importance.,The time you visit is a very important decision.,0,4660 They will be working closely with NTAP so that grantees with questions can log onto the web site and request assistance from NTAP.,They will be working closely with NTAP ,0,4661 "Michigan will lose $2 million in federal funding and $600,000 in state funding to provide legal aid to the poor in 2003, according to Deierdre L. Weir, executive director of the Legal Aid and Defender Association, Inc., the state's largest provider of legal services to the poor.","Deierdre L. Weir is executive director of the Legal Aid and Defender Association, Inc.",0,4662 BUDGETARY ACCOUNTING - Budgetary accounting is the system that measures and controls the use of resources according to the purposes for which budget authority was enacted,Controlling how resources are used with respect to the budget authority is part of what defines budgetary accounting.,0,4663 i like to listen to some of that music,Some of that style I enjoy!,0,4664 The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs of OMB approved the interim rule as complying,The office of information and regulatory affairs of OMB approved the rule of interim as meeting standards.,0,4665 "Everyone asks why does she stay in the abusive situation, Youngerman said. ",Nobody is certain why he would stay in a situation like this.,0,4666 "What Is the Role of Inhouse Staff, and What Value Do They Add to Design Review Processes?",How do inhouse staff add to the design review processes?,0,4667 "When, in 1998, LSC announced its intent to launch an initiative that would require massive restructuring of the national legal services delivery system, the announcement was also quite frightening and was not greeted, in many quarters, with open arms.",Many were opposed to the initiative for restructuring.,0,4668 The fact that the PM-mortality coefficients from the cohort studies are far larger than the coefficients derived from the daily time-series studies provides some evidence for an independent chronic effect of PM pollution on health.,There is evidence that PM pollution may have a chronic effect on health.,0,4669 yeah uh-huh but i think before i like you i don't think you i don't think it's right to just put someone in it i think they would have to agree to go in it,Is consent important to you?,0,4670 oh gee the first one that comes to my mind is uh camping outside the river at the uh at New Braunfels there,I remember camping outside the river in New Braunfels.,0,4671 some beet uh potatoes and i've got some tomatoes still growing in in containers i got to wait for a place to to to free up,Sometimes I grow vegetables in containers.,0,4672 The rugged southern peninsula is hemmed in by low-lying mountains the Vindhya and Satpura to the north and the Western and Eastern Ghats running parallel to the coasts.,The southern peninsula is surrounded by mountains on both sides.,0,4673 "However, if it was the friends' mistake, we have no desire to embarrass them with their error.",We don't want to embarrass our friends.,0,4674 "The sinister prison of the Conciergerie ' named after the royally appointed concierge in charge of common-law criminals ' welcomed Marie-Antoinette, Robespierre, Madame du Barry, Danton, and 2,500 others into its antechamber of the guillotine. ",The prison was named after a concierge.,0,4675 "None of these contributors can afford to let up now, especially with the economy suffering both locally and nationally.",The economic suffering on both levels made them unable to afford to let go.,0,4676 What does it all mean?,What does all of it mean?,0,4677 "Additionally, thanks to the built-in mini-engines, the toy could negotiate obstacles - depending on the boots - either by crawling, jumping, walking sideways, pirouetting, or in the down-up fashion.",The toy could move around.,0,4678 Each day together (it's been about 8 months now) has been wonderful and a many-splendored thing.,We have spent eight months together now. ,0,4679 "The rule implements for fiscal year 1966 section 6101 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, as amended, 42 U.S.C.",A rule was implemented for the fiscal year of 1996.,0,4680 Most items can be shipped for the purchaser by request.,The purchaser can request shipping on most items.,0,4681 "During 1996, cable-TV prices shot up at more than twice the rate of inflation.","During 1996, cable-TV prices increased.",0,4682 hum boy that makes the governor's vote a whole lot more important doesn't it,Well that would give more weight to the governor's vote.,0,4683 "The houses display old farm tools and cooking utensils, and some operate as workshops where you can watch the much-vaunted local craftsmen demonstrating their skills in lacquerwork, carving, weaving, and dyeing.",The houses show old tools.,0,4684 I suppose you don't know Mr. Whittington's address?,Do you know Whittington's address?,0,4685 "The surge was topped off by Hawaii's statehood, on 21 August 1959, but the vision of a mythical kingdom on America's Pacific frontier was still expanding.",Hawaii gained statehood in 1959.,0,4686 uh yeah i would imagine speaking of that what are your Cowboys going to do for backup quarterback,What are the Cowboys' plan for the backup quarterback?,0,4687 " The music is played on typically Catalonian and in some cases uniquely Ibicencan a wooden flute and a small drum (handled simultaneously by a single ambidextrous man), a sort of steel sabre struck in rhythm, and large castanets.","Wooden flutes, castanets and drums are used to make Catalonian music.",0,4688 "It was the creation, in 1873, of a certain Monsieur Trouille (Mr. Jitters ).",The creation was from Mosieur Trouille.,0,4689 Did you meet anyone on your walk?,Were you able to meet anyone when you were out walking?,0,4690 "In a case such as theirs, then, there was little or no chance that another ship would come within range of their subetherics except for the most improbable of coincidences.",The chances that another ship would come close to them were very slim.,0,4691 "By focusing their attention on and communicating their intent to reduce improper payments throughout an organization and to all affected organizational units and individuals, top-level officials-whether in the government or within private sector companies-and legislative bodies set the stage for change.",Legislative bodies set the stage for change.,0,4692 uh yeah except i don't use them,"Yes, except I don't utilize them.",0,4693 The Secretary of HHS has certified that the final rule will not have a significant impact on a substantial number of small entities.,The Secretary of HHS confirmed that the final rule won't be important for a significant number of small entities. ,0,4694 that was probably the best part of the news was the uh some of the person human interest stories,The human interest stories were the best part.,0,4695 "In a given test, all organisms should be approximately the same age and should be taken from the same source.",All organisms should come from the same place and be approximately the same age in a given test.,0,4696 "In fact, charming though it still is today as a fishing port and yacht harbor, Shimoda was worthless from the commercial or diplomatic perspective.",Shimoda is a harbor that has no commercial or diplomatic value.,0,4697 yes the whole way,"The whole way, yes.",0,4698 "In a type-2 situation, the mailer/competitor achieves the workshared result but does the work in a different way from the way the postal service would do it.",The postal service has a particular way of doing the work.,0,4699 "'I despise flying,' Natalia replied, pulling a flask from her pocket and filling the glass with whisky.",Natalia drank whisky.,0,4700 Ask away my love but grandpa's not sure if he knows the answer.',Grandpa isn't sure that he knows.,0,4701 Hopefully along the way you find something you enjoy.,I'd be happy if you found something that you appreciate.,0,4702 8) The common currency will help global corporations while stripping each European nation of its power to make its own destiny.,Global corporations benefit from the common currency more than individual nations. ,0,4703 "The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993- commonly known as GPRA or the Results Act -required that agencies set strategic goals, measure performance toward those goals, and report on their progress.",Agencies must set strategic goals to comply with the GPRA.,0,4704 "She knows nothing of this consciously but, in dozens of such gestures, McTeer reveals the unconscious conflation of Nora's conflicts--the way her wildly unfocused energy is the consequence of her inner turmoil, of both social oppression and emotional repression.",Nora has a lot of energy.,0,4705 Raise money.,Gathering money.,0,4706 """Sure, sure, Reese"" The voice was pitched lower this time, but to Drew the tone was more mocking than conciliatory.",Drew thought he was mocking him.,0,4707 "On one hand, he wouldn't have to ask for a place to sit anywhere anymore, because he always carried his own.",One way to think about it was that he would not have to request a seat because he already had his own.,0,4708 References direct the reader to the affected paragraphs and indicate the source of the change.,Sources of change are clearly identified.,0,4709 "The Cabinet Office's best practices site includes a best practice database, best practice guides, best practice links, and different forums organizations can use to share information on their various initiatives.","Best pracitce guides, links, and a database are included on The Cabinet Office's best practices site, among other things.",0,4710 um i like the idea of nursing homes as a as a growing choice the choices you have in nursing homes now whereas used to you used to have only you put you know when when people got to the point where they were debilitated and couldn't take care of themselves and there was no other choice you couldn't take them in your own home then they went into a nursing home you know maybe you lived,yea I like the idea of a care home as a choice the options you have in nursing homes people get so sick and cant take care of themselves and no option left but to go to a nursing home and maybe you lived,0,4711 I'm a Southerner and Manners Are Our Thing,"I am a Southerner, and we are a respectful people.",0,4712 (Young children should be accompanied.),Young children should be with an adult.,0,4713 Roseanne has agreed to launch a daily TV talk show next year.,Roseanne will have a daily talk show next year.,0,4714 "By Jove, that explains why they looked at me so queerly when I spoke of questioning her.",They had been looking at me strangely before.,0,4715 A narrative description of major research and development programs shall be included.,A commentary of major research and development programs ,0,4716 "As a rule, he surrounded his wife with little attentions, placing a cushion at her back, and altogether playing the part of the devoted husband. ",He surrounded his wife with attention because he is devoted to her.,0,4717 Of course not.,There is no way.,0,4718 "Spot enforcement, well-publicized with blue flashing lights, is what maintains speed limits on the highway.",Speed limits are maintained with police cars with flashing lights.,0,4719 which is what we wind up with,Which is what we wound up with. ,0,4720 yeah yeah well down here they're normally Dallas normally has pretty good weather but uh,"There is good weather in Dallas, usually. ",0,4721 She shook her head.,She showed her displeasure.,0,4722 "Here's what they've forgotten--Rembrandt, van Gogh, Spinoza, hydraulic engineering, silver skates, Boswell's education, (I was sure there'd be many a smartass remark about his law school days), treat, courage, uncle, rub, elm disease, those damned Spanish Hapsburgs, that crazy Protestant Reformation (the long hair, the beads, the--oh, wait, Woodstock again), the seizure of Sumatra, the wars with England and their possible connection to the death of Christopher Marlowe (who never got to see Gwyneth Paltrow naked, but might have if only he and she had been at Woodstock), and the nation's new maturity in 1952 when it took its place among other great nations as a member of the European Coal and Steel Commission.",The nation's new maturity in 1952.,0,4723 "In free elections in June 1977, moderates and democratic socialists emerged as the largest parties.",Moderates emerged as one of the largest parties.,0,4724 "Siddhartha Gautama was born a prince in the line of Sakya kings in the sixth century b.c., near present-day Lumbini.",Siddharta Gautama was a royal born in the sixth century b.c.,0,4725 "Second, auditors should not audit their own work when the work involved is material to the subject matter of the audit.",It's important that auditors do not audit work of their own if the work is material to the purpose of the audit. ,0,4726 Communism was a large smothering blanket thrown across societies and suppressing primordial identities.,Communism smothered societies and suppressed primordial identities.,0,4727 "These neighborhoods, often overlooked as too Downtown by newcomers, are what longer established cities would consider treasures.",Newcomers have different opinions than other cities about what is a treasure.,0,4728 "The floating steel-and-concrete jetties and pontoons, hauled across the English Channel, were the only way of unloading tanks and heavy artillery on a coastline (Gold Beach) without natural harbors.",Pontoons were used to transport and unload artillery and tanks.,0,4729 "In addition to show?­ing 360-degree interior and exterior panoramas and images of many of the art treasures, it gives practical advice on how to organize your day or weekend visit.",It offers a 360-degree panorama of the treasures and gives advice on how to organize your visit.,0,4730 "There are over 156 species of animals on view here, with notable successes in the breeding of endangered rhinos and Rothschild giraffes.",There are lots of animals to see.,0,4731 went to a few dinners things like it was interesting it really was of course it was all volunteer we weren't paid members it was interesting to do,"It was an interesting experience, even though we were volunteering.",0,4732 "On the grounds is the tiny Church of St. Begas, which is always left open for travelers.",Travelers can always go into the church.,0,4733 Quenching cools and saturates the flue gas with absorber slurry.,Quenching is able to cool flue gas.,0,4734 Software Size This indicator records changes in the expected magnitude of the software development effort.,They expect to have more software development effort.,0,4735 Our phones ring off the hook now.,The phones keep ringing.,0,4736 "Her pale gold hair, owing a slight assistance to art, was coiled low on her neck, her eyes, of a piercing electric blue, seemed to possess a faculty of boring into the very soul of the person she was looking at.","She had a steely, demanding gaze and a well-constructed golden hair.",0,4737 is that a pretty nice place,Is that a nice place?,0,4738 uh you know you you tax the people that have the most and the people that don't have anything get it for nothing,You tax people that can afford to pay the tax.,0,4739 Perhaps the greatest collection is housed in the small Art Gallery.,Maybe the small Art Gallery has the greatest collection.,0,4740 "The final regulatory flexibility analysis discusses the comments received from both the industry and the Office of Advocacy, Small Business Administration and the changes made to the proposed rule to grant regulatory relief to the small entities including the sequencing of implementation by establishment size.",Some comments were received from industry and the Office of Advocacy.,0,4741 Promote Organizational Credibility,Encourage Organizational Trustworthiness.,0,4742 Time 's eight page package regrets that Sinatra didn't die as he fighting.,"Time dedicated eight pages to Sinatra, and discussed his death.",0,4743 "The Henriques and Henriques Vinhos winery, producers of award-winning wines, and shop is located in Camara de Lobos (Sitio de Belum; Tel. 291/941 551)",The award-winning Henriques and Henriques Vinhos winery can be found in Camara de Lobos.,0,4744 "This is the least interesting part of what was once the largest system of fortifications in the world, and in any case you can't get in to see it.",There is no way to get in to see the least interesting part of an old system of fortifications.,0,4745 The report also included our financial statements and an unqualified opinion from the agency's independent auditor.,The report included financial statements and opinions from the agency's auditor. ,0,4746 Somebody changed the rules and it wasn't us.,We did not change the rules but somebody else did.,0,4747 It is documentary evidence against me.,That is documented proof against me.,0,4748 The project was not a simple one.,The project was more than simple.,0,4749 "You take away everything he's got and everything he's ever gonna have, was hailed by some critics as a brave line for Eastwood to utter, given that he has dispatched so many anonymous thugs so offhandedly for so many years.",Eastwood has killed many thugs in many movies.,0,4750 "It had done her a heck of a lot of good, which was to be expected of such nonsense.","It didn't do a lot good for her, typical for such hooey.",0,4751 Hunting and killing homosexuals.,Tracking and murdering homosexuals.,0,4752 The practitioner [auditor] shall perform an engagement only if he or she has reason to believe that the subject matter is capable of evaluation against criteria that are suitable and available to users.,The auditor only needs to perform an engagement if he thinks the subject matter can be evaluated.,0,4753 "Robert Kass, executive editor of Statistical Science , suggests that the authors may have subconsciously biased their results by selectively reporting their findings.",Robert Kass is the executive editor of Statistical Science.,0,4754 "She has yet to come to terms, artistically ...",She is not as artistic as she could be.,0,4755 Tuppence and Julius! ,Someone exclaims the names Tuppence and Julius.,0,4756 "So in the real economy, as in the parable, productivity growth in one sector seems to have led to job gains in the other.",Jobs can be created by gains in another economic sector.,0,4757 we don't have quite as many as they do east and west coast but this is kind of the last bastion of the you know the,We don't have the numbers like in the east and west coast.,0,4758 you know helpful things and i know even like in the high schools in Dallas there's a couple high schools that have wanted to start like a um minority you know um i think it was in a Hispanic area they wanted to start like a club for the teenagers instead of they said every all these gangs kids could join to belong,"In Dallas, a few high schools in hispanic areas wanted to create a club for troubled teenagers.",0,4759 "However, other factors such as the desire to effect change and make a difference may attract senior executives to public service.",Senior executives may be attracted to public service by the desire to change things. ,0,4760 "Because SAWS and H-2A workers were deemed to be permanent resident aliens, they became subject to the presence requirement in the Corporation's appropriations act.",SAWS workers became subject to the presence requirement.,0,4761 we went up and were going to spend on the Blanco River and we got there and a front come through and it was it was freezing,A front came through when we were at Blanco River.,0,4762 "As family bed boosters have noted, male physicians, who have no idea what motherhood is like, have cowed women for decades into doing unnatural and destructive things.",Male physicians have been forcing women into doing unethical things.,0,4763 Much of this vulnerability may eventually be neutralized by encryption and other tricks.,It is necessary to develop security technologies like encryption to patch vulnerabilities.,0,4764 The Save the Social Security Surpluses simulation can only be run through 2056 due to the elimination of the capital stock.,The Save the Social Security Surpluses simulation can only be run through 2056.,0,4765 It was not a good time for my ego; I felt my sense of self getting smaller and smaller.,I felt insecure.,0,4766 On 19 June 1566 Mary Stuart gave birth to her son James (the future James VI of Scotland and James I of England) in the small antechamber off a larger room known as Queen Mary's Room.,Mary Stuart had a son named James. ,0,4767 "At Galatasaray Square, where Istiklal Caddesi bends to the right, an elegant wrought-iron gateway marks the entrance to the 19th-century Galatasaray Lisesi, the Franco-Turkish lycee (secondary school) that educated many of the great names in modern Turkish history.",Many of the greats in modern Turkish history attended Iycee.,0,4768 "On the chapel's altar wall is Michelangelo's tempestuous Last Judgment, begun 23 years after the ceiling's completion in 1512, when he was 60 and imbued with deep religious soul-searching.",Michaelangelo was 60 years old when he first began creating the Last Judgement. ,0,4769 "The New York Times reports that economists with the Army Corps of Engineers, charged with executing a cost-benefit analysis of un-damming the Snake River in eastern Washington, plan to factor in something they call existence value--the value of the psychic benefit people get from knowing the river is running wild.",Economists are undertaking a cost-benefit analysis of un-damming the Snake River.,0,4770 "Visitors are able to relax here as the emperor did, by lingering on the terraces to take in the changing scene that surround them.",The emperor used to relax on the terraces to do sight seeing.,0,4771 "Instead of trying to tame inner-city housing projects with different kinds of architecture, lower density, and income mixing, the Department of Housing and Urban Development should redefine its to help its tenants escape the ghetto.",There are people who live in low income housing.,0,4772 "Nearby, at 6060 Wilshire, at Fairfax, the Petersen Automotive Museum celebrates the town's love affair with cars, showcasing over 160 distinctive motor vehicles, with special exhibits on automotive themes.",The museum shows lots of rare cars.,0,4773 TJ Max does that yeah we have a TJ Max over here and um,"TJ Max seems to do that, we also have one over here.",0,4774 yeah can't put them down,I'm not able to put those down.,0,4775 "Tommy caught the word ""Ireland"" several times, also ""propaganda,"" but of Jane Finn there was no mention.",Tommy got Ireland and propaganda but Finn was never mentioned.,0,4776 And the trunk? Is it big? Balbina asked.,Balbina is wondering the size of a trunk.,0,4777 "The apology shows what a sensitive person you are, while you needn't alter your behavior at all, unless your slaves are doing something unkind to Galileo or that gimpy dog of his.",Your apology is nice but you don't need to change.,0,4778 "If so, I'd suggest he attend a future race and talk to some of his section-mates.",I think he should come to a race later on.,0,4779 "In the end, doctor La Berg told her himself that the nose number 32 was the best.",The doctor said the 32nd nose was good.,0,4780 "He knows somethin' 'bout doctorin',""Fowler cut in.","Fowler interrupted, ""He has some knowledge of medicine.""",0,4781 "I cannot say, but it is suggestive. A wild idea flashed across me. ","I'm not sure, but it's intriguing.",0,4782 um-hum well that doesn't sound very expensive to me,"To me, it does not seem very dear. ",0,4783 Spins on the monetary 1) It will make Europe the United States' new economic rival.,Europe will be an economic rival to the U.S.,0,4784 "It's never been undone.""",It hasn't been undone.,0,4785 "Starr is batting 10 for 10 against presidential legal challenges, note Tim Russert ( Meet the Press ) and Fred Barnes ( Fox News Sunday ), proving that he's not a rogue prosecutor (Susan Page, Late Edition ). The judge was downright scornful of the White House, adds Barnes.",The judge was upset about the presidential legal challenges that Starr brought about.,0,4786 "South of Miyazaki, the little island of Aoshima is connected to Kyushu by a footbridge and surrounded by strange, wave-like rocks believed to be between 15 million and 30 million years old.",At the South of Miyazaki there are strange wave-like rocks.,0,4787 "Then continue west from the Praca do Municipio on Rua da Carreira, a bustling street full of interesting, old-fashioned shops and buildings.","From Praca do Municipio, go west to visit all the old shops and buildings. ",0,4788 "Unlike the pills, immunotherapy shots attack the underlying problem, not just the symptoms.","Pills only address the symptoms, not the actual problem. ",0,4789 "A controlled venting, I hoped.",I hoped the venting was controlled.,0,4790 Market based approaches reward firms for finding cost-effective measures that exceed emission reduction targets.,Firms have the capacity to find cost-effective measures that exceed emission reduction targets.,0,4791 "I'll have to say SOMETHING he's so American and thorough, he'll insist upon having a reason.",The speaker considers Americans to be thorough and insistent.,0,4792 "All that has changed, however, and today the university is one of the geographical and social hubs of the city, attracting students of all creeds and nationalities from around the world.",The university attracts students from all over the world.,0,4793 waterfront property here at Love Canal you know,There's a waterfront property at Love Canal.,0,4794 A series of audits of 1997 data was conducted in 1998 in anticipation of the first performance report due in 2000.,The audits of the 1997 data was done for the performance report.,0,4795 yeah yeah see i went out to Payless Cashways here a couple of days ago as a matter of fact and got me one of those little can crushers that i could put on the wall,I went to the store to get a can crusher for the wall.,0,4796 You disagree? asked Jon.,Jon asked if you disagreed with him.,0,4797 and i feel it's just pride of why they keep trying to push it on us and it's like hey we're content with this no it's probably not as accurate probably you know intellectually doesn't it's not as sound intellectually but like you said i mean come on i had six years of college and i don't know the metric system and i don't care to learn it and i'm not some kind of an idiot i just,"After six years of college, I do not know the metric system still.",0,4798 "This category of control is designed to help ensure completeness, accuracy, authorization, and validity of all transactions during application processing.",Accuracy can be ensured using control.,0,4799 "He also noted that none of the three clinical trials (Gentillelo's with trauma patients, his own with adolescents, and Longabaugh's in the ED) used physicians or ED staff to conduct interventions.",Physicians were not used to conduct interventions.,0,4800 Management should view human capital as an asset rather than a cost.,Human capital should be viewed as an asset by management.,0,4801 "From Saint-Francois, an excessively narrow road heads straight to the easternmost point of Guadeloupe (48 km/30 miles from Pointe Pitre) and one of the scenic highlights of the entire Caribbean.",The roads from Saint Francois are very narrow.,0,4802 These steps include the deletion of the requirement in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that a broadcast station utilize an icon for the identification of core programming.,Broadcast stations no longer need to use an icon.,0,4803 "One begins with the view that the postal system is a vertically integrated network involving the collection, sorting, transporting, and final delivery of mail.","The postal system is a network that collects, sorts, transports and delivers mail.",0,4804 But these are Donnie Brasco is everything it needs to be.,Donnie Brasco is all it has to be.,0,4805 1 billion in 2002 and increased to $5.,The billion from 2002 went up to 5 billion ,0,4806 "Red said, ""All right for you."" But the thought of the consequences inspired him anyway, and he reached for the cage door.",Red considered the possible fall out.,0,4807 yeah yeah like New York was really humid you know you but you could you could walk around outside in New York you could just stay outside in in it you know because it was i guess the average summer temperature is about eighty uh you know in the eighties,"New York has warm, humid weather in the summer. ",0,4808 Then Mr. Carter rose to his feet.,Mr. Carter stood up. ,0,4809 he'll come in mama i think the ghost is in the house mama i hear it,"The ghost might come in, I think he is in here mom, I hear the ghost.",0,4810 Paddies of taro are to this day a signature crop in rural Hawaii.,"In Hawaii, paddies of taro is a signature crop.",0,4811 Her cry made me want to weep.,It was sad to hear her cry.,0,4812 well theirs was so bad and they were so close to the water that the water was coming up and they had to get out of there,They were so close to the water that ti started to rise up.,0,4813 yes that's that's sad,It is sad.,0,4814 or think about looking at the mountains you got to throw in a dollar,"For a dollar, you can look at the mountains.",0,4815 Lively sports bar and grill located at the start of the main strip in Montego Bay.,"At the start of the main strip in Montego Bay, this lively sports bar and grill can be found. ",0,4816 We need to push the edges of the envelope---all them!,It is necessary to push the edges of the envelope.,0,4817 "The Commission describes how, in response to these comments, it attempted to minimize the burdens on small entities ",The burden on small entities was attempted to be minimized.,0,4818 i guess the the problem with that is there's no true authority in any kind of international verdicts,I suppose that the problem stems from a lack of absolute authority.,0,4819 Land-based Activities,These activities are based on land.,0,4820 "This rule adopts, with minor, nonsubstantive changes, an interim rule amending VA adjudication regulations concerning compensation for disability or death resulting from VA hospitalization, medical or surgical treatment, or examination.",This rule sets compensation for death following a VA hospitlazation.,0,4821 "Portugal's capital city is the country's largest, with a population of more than 2 million.",Portugal's capital has more than 2 million residents.,0,4822 it is good but it it looks i mean what you can do then see is like what i usually do is i'll like sit the cauliflower in the middle and then i put the uh shrimp around the outside of it you know on my platter,I arrange my platter in a fixed way.,0,4823 "Although Arizona Democrats would probably be the largest group affected by any potential Net voting fraud or security breach, the campaigns for Bill Bradley and Al Gore would also presumably be affected.",Bill Bradley would be affected by Net voting fraud.,0,4824 "A key reliability requirement for the F-22 is mean time between maintenance, defined as the number of operating hours for the aircraft divided by the number of maintenance actions.",An F-22 key reliability requirement is mean time between maintenance. ,0,4825 "View the lake from the uppermost of the ten terraces, by the unicorn statue that is the Borromeo family emblem.",You should observe the lake from the highest terrace near the unicorn statue.,0,4826 that's wonderful i have often thought that that having one at home would be neat i just don't know if we would really use it that much you know,"that is great, i've thought many times that it would be cool to have one at home",0,4827 Transactions should be promptly recorded to maintain their relevance and value to management in controlling operations and making decisions.,Records of transactions help maintain relevance and value in controlling operations.,0,4828 "If you're feeling active, there are excellent opportunities for sports.",Sports are available for people who feel active.,0,4829 "Deir Abu Maker is the most important, having provided several leaders for the Coptic church; nearby is Deir Anba-Baramos.",Several of the leaders of the Coptic Church were provided by Deir Abu Maker.,0,4830 "In that respect, it was noted that board members should possess an independent spirit to ask the tough and probing questions of management.",We want board members to ask tough questions.,0,4831 "It also has a performance space for dance, drama, and other programs upstairs.","Upstairs, there is space for drama or dancing.",0,4832 "The atmosphere, abnormally high and thick in the gravitational potential of this world whipped and burned about the ship, but to the very last it looked as though he might bring it under control despite that.",The atmosphere had destroyed the ship.,0,4833 A drop-ship discount might also evoke type-1 worksharing activity.,Drop ship discounts may evoke worksharing activity. ,0,4834 The Department of Agriculture classified this rule as a major rule pursuant to section 304 of the Federal Crop Insurance Reform and Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 since it had an annual economic impact on the economy of at least $100 million and it also affected human health and safety or the environment.,This this this was classified as a major rule by the Department of Agriculture.,0,4835 Most of our cases involve domestic law.,The bulk of the cases deal with a certain law.,0,4836 "Outreaching employers in industries whose employees are traditionally more likely to receive improper payments, such as those with seasonal or part-time employees.","In industries, whose employees are traditionally more likely to receive improper payments, such as those with seasonal or part-time employees, employers need to be outreached.",0,4837 "Without that, the program might already be closed.",There's a good chance that the program would've been closed without that.,0,4838 Something told me that this man was probably a bastard.,I knew this man was no good.,0,4839 "Expanded relevancy of the delivery system to the most pressing needs of low-income clients Increased perception among low-income individuals that they have recourse if they require civil legal information, counseling or representation.",Low-income individuals did not think they had any options for civil legal representation.,0,4840 some really nice flowerbeds she puts a lot of time into them this is my first year in a in a house where i thinking about doing some flowerbeds and stuff oh we i've always had crude ones at my father's but this is the first time that i really have to landscape a house his house is more like a farmhouse its not on a main road,I'm going to have to do some landscaping. ,0,4841 "which laws and regulations might have a direct and material effect on the financial statements, (2) designing tests of compliance with laws and regulations, and (3) evaluating the results of those tests.",They design tests for compliance with regulations.,0,4842 Natalia didn't seem to expect me to be anything.,She didn't expect me to be anything.,0,4843 "If necessary they could seal your lips with a threat of what might happen to her."" Tommy nodded.",They're prepared to make threats in exchange for your silence.,0,4844 and then i have a a Mac that i use for graphics and,I own a Macintosh computer. ,0,4845 "Continue east to the village of Nostra Senyora del Pilar and on to Far de la Mola, an old lighthouse built in 1861, still in operation.",There is an old lighthouse that was built in 1861 and it still works.,0,4846 "For ease of discussion, they will be referenced in the text in cents per piece.",The text will reference them in terms of cents per piece.,0,4847 Only Barcelona rivals it in economic importance.,Barcelona is on the same economic importance level.,0,4848 "Benidorm, one of Spain's most famous resorts, lies just 12 km (71 miles) north of Villajoyosa.",Villajoyosa and Benidorm are close to each other.,0,4849 These omissions blur the characters and allow them to operate at the level of myth.,The omissions make the characters seem blurred.,0,4850 yeah i i always wondered about that myself,"In the past, I've always thought about that myself.",0,4851 "The WP business section runs an interview with AOL's Steve Case, which reveals that the company now handles 80 million e-mails a day, and that up until a few years ago, Case wasn't able to get his parents to understand what he did for a living.",Steve Case works for AOL today.,0,4852 A report of the conference will also be provided to all participants complete with a package containing handouts.,Attendees of the conference will be given documents.,0,4853 "The Court further asserts that these cases are different from Rust because the welfare funding restriction seeks to use an existing medium of expression and to control it . . . in ways which distort its usual functioning, ante, at 8. This is wrong on both the facts and the law.","As well as this, the Court points out that these cases are different from Rust.",0,4854 "Nonetheless, an expectation gap may still exist as users may be expecting that an audit addresses internal control over the company's overall operations and performance.",Users might think an audit addresses internal control instead of the big picture.,0,4855 We'll cure it! ,We can fix it!,0,4856 they have programs on uh house repairs and how to build things and um they have a calligraphy show and i do calligraphy so i watch that,There are programs dealing with home repairs.,0,4857 "Said to be the oldest dwelling house in the city, it dates from 1490.","This house, which dates from 1490, is reportedly the oldest one in the city.",0,4858 coming from that background what we pretty much do is we our household as far as living expenses we live on a cash budget every month my husband uh goes to the credit union and withdraws you know X amount of dollars for the month and then that money is used during that month we have a certain budget,We rely on a cash budget for expenses. ,0,4859 The southern-most margins of the island away from the pressure of human development are a haven for wildlife.,The south-most regions of the island is away from the pressures of human development.,0,4860 Anse jerked against Drew's hold.,Drew is holding Anse.,0,4861 and uh kind of strange because i it's not unusual to uh see um an engineering manual or something laying around the house and then i'll sit up and read just to refresh uh you know to keep active on it but uh how about yourself,I like to read to keep active on the topic.,0,4862 "If you insist on sticking to imported Scotch or Bourbon, expect to pay a relative fortune.",It is expensive to drink Scot here.,0,4863 They were denied my entree into the world of conservative journalism.,They would have to do without my journalistic talents.,0,4864 One of the reasons power generation accounts for such a large share of These key emissions is that significant emissions reductions have already been required from other sources.,Power generation is singled out for a large share of reductions because other sources have already faced significant emissions reductions.,0,4865 "I fear it does not help us much, said the Coroner, with a sigh. ",The coroner didn't think it was helpful.,0,4866 "Finding accommodation in Istanbul is rarely a problem, as the city has recently seen a boom in the hotel business.",It's usually easy to find a hotel in Istanbul.,0,4867 and uh on special occasions i mean birthdays and things like that we we don't we still have fun on things,"We don't on special occasions, but we still have fun.",0,4868 "Outside, cops scurried.",There were cops everywhere.,0,4869 right that's a real good deal in fact my dad recently got a um a Pontiac uh believe six thousand,my dad got a Pontiac for six thousand or so not long ago,0,4870 now the one thing i did approve of there was that we didn't have to be unanimous because it was a civil case,"I agree that in a civil case, we didn't need to reach a unanimous decision.",0,4871 These programs will eventually squeeze out most or all other spending.,Som programs are very powerful and have big impact on squeezing money.,0,4872 This appendix describes tools and techniques for measuring the status of acquisitions involving significant software development.,Tools and techniques for measuring the status of acquisitions are in this appendix. ,0,4873 "Caravaggio's only still life, Bowl of Fruit, is here.",Bowl of Fruit was the only still life painted by Caravaggio.,0,4874 "USACE has, for many years, maintained a database containing historical evaluations of A/E performance on past projects.",USACE has maintained a database that contained historical evaluations of A/E performance on past projects.,0,4875 "But repeated isn't an accurate description here, since the shape is never the same twice.","The shape is never the same, so repeated is not an accurate description.",0,4876 uh and i planted potatoes too,I planted potatoes.,0,4877 "In the end it was just White and me, alone in the candle-lit room.",White and I were in a room with candles. ,0,4878 I observed some of these tendencies during the later stages of my almost 10-year tenure with the firm.,"Near the end of the almost 10 years I spent at the firm, I noticed a few of these tendencies.",0,4879 The final rule discusses and summarizes the comments submitted and the response to them in promulgating the final rule.,The final rule contains discussion and summaries of the comments submitted and the responses to them.,0,4880 "That's so, agreed Mr. Hersheimmer fervently.",Mr. Hersheimmer was happy to agree.,0,4881 class and everything and turn on the TV and watch the news early news and it's like uh i i didn't really need to watch that before i go to bed you know,"I'd watch the early news, I didn't like watching it before bed.",0,4882 "An SEC registrant must file a Form 8-K when its external auditor resigns, declines to stand for reelection, or is dismissed.",SEC registrant should file form 8k when external auditor is dismissed ,0,4883 "It was raised to honor Emperor Diocletian, not the Roman general that now gives it its name.", It was raised to honor Emperor Diocletian,0,4884 oh Agatha Christie how about John D McDonald uh John D McDonald you ever read him,Have you ever read anything by John D McDonald?,0,4885 Severn cleared his throat to begin.,Severn coughed.,0,4886 "If stewardship information were required to be reported in a note to the basic financial statements, it would be subject to the same level of audit scrutiny as that of the basic financial statements.",Stewardship information may be required to be reported in financial statements.,0,4887 "Souvenir shops abound, their facades draped with carpets and cloths, their interiors piled high with treasures and trash.",There were both valuable and invaluable items within the shops. ,0,4888 "$3,645 to develop a domestic violence training program for local police departments, led by a victim's advocacy trainer; the goal of these mini-workshops will be to ensure that local police departments consistently adhere to proper PFA protocol.",Proper PFA protocol for police departments is the goal of these activities. ,0,4889 "Then, with an abrupt change of manner: ""Hands up or I shoot!"" For a moment Kramenin stared blindly into the big automatic, then, with almost comical haste, he flung up his hands above his head.","Unless you reach for the sky, I'm pulling the trigger.",0,4890 "A lot of what has happened at Disney--better advertising, smarter merchandising, revitalizing the animation department--looks obvious in retrospect.",Disney's innovations should have been to all.,0,4891 "Thank you, your excellency. The secretary bowed and departed.",The secretary took a bow before leaving.,0,4892 my problem i guess is time you know i i talk to my husband we kind of planning for the time eventually when you know maybe i can quit work while my kids because i my kids are young i have a three and a half and a two year old,I have two children who are still young.,0,4893 Holding apart the frayed inner edges she extracted two thin sheets covered with writing! ,"Separating the inner edges, she drew out two sheets of writings.",0,4894 "Were it not for LaGuardia's grand vision of public hospitals, colleges, parks, public transportation, and affordable housing, New York City might have just been another Newark.",New York City could've turned into another Newark without LaGuardia's grand vision.,0,4895 "San'doro chose no mount, preferring to run barefoot.",San'doro likes running barefoot. ,0,4896 My dear Poirot! ,My precious Poirot!,0,4897 "Although the SEC has an array of sanctions available, all SEC enforcement actions are civil based, which ultimately results in shareholders bearing the burden of the costs of legal proceedings and sanctions.",The SEC only engages in civil enforcement actions.,0,4898 What if it is indeed undergoing what Greenspan calls irrational exuberance?,what if irrational exuberance is occurring as Greenspan calls it?,0,4899 "Price Elasticity of Demand = One percent increase in the price of the ith good, p , brings about what percentage change in the household's demand for",Price Elasticity of Demand is equivalent to a one percent increase in the price of the good. ,0,4900 "For a moment, there seemed to be a touch of friendliness and respect in them, but there was something else that Hanson liked far less.","Briefly, they seemed to display a little bit of benevolence and regard.",0,4901 "As you have said we can but try.""He picked up the top sheet of paper and began to read: ""Bayos-blancos light duns two.",You mentioned we can make an attempt.,0,4902 you like everything but jazz what don't you like about jazz,Why don't you like jazz?,0,4903 well that's exactly right you know she keeps you know keeps several weeks' worth of data and then in addition is keeping copies of all the changes to show you know look this didn't really need to be changed you know this is this is ridiculous and you know changing add this time to now,"She keeps many weeks worth of data and copies of every change to it, and it didn't need to be changed in the first place, it's crazy!",0,4904 Telecommunications Market,the internet market ,0,4905 "To the southeast of the town, cut off by a railway track, you'll find the melancholy remains of the Alyscamps, the famous Roman and medieval burial grounds that were a favorite subject of Van Gogh when he came to live in Arles in 1888.",Van Gogh was inspired by medieval burial grounds.,0,4906 A great country singer is someone who's been around the block but can't get to the point in mixed company.,Someone who's been around for a while but can't really get to the point of conversation in a group is a wonderful country singer. ,0,4907 now that one i'm not familiar with,I'm not sure I know that one.,0,4908 "Follow the N-332 a little farther to Vera, then take the road to Garrucha and the coast (the N-340 continues inland until Almeraa).","If you follow the N-332 a little longer, it will lead you to a road you can take to Garrucha and the coast.",0,4909 Wasn't nostalgia one of the things in Pandora's box?,Didn't Pandora's box have nostalgia in it?,0,4910 and u h it was it was a pretty neat little program we'd just go out and they would buy a plot of land and contractors and builders and everybody else would donate their their time,It was a pretty good program where a plot of land was purchased and people volunteered their time and talents to build a home.,0,4911 The way seemed endless.,It path appeared to be infinite. ,0,4912 Duty-Free Saint-Martin and Saint-Barth??lemy,Saint-Martin and Saint-Barth do not charge a duty.,0,4913 Its profusion of lapis lazuli is actually a thin shell fused to plaster stucco.,The is less lapis lazuli than there appears.,0,4914 How about the Ritz?,"Let's try the Ritz, no?",0,4915 "Its streets of attractive 16th- and 17th-century houses, built along the banks of the Eure river, offer a pretty view of the cathedral.",Built along the banks of the Eure river are attractive houses.,0,4916 um either that or my mom just had some bad seed or something,My mom may have just had some bad seeds.,0,4917 well i i used to babysit for this family that didn't have a TV and their their kids turned out fine,"I used to babysit for kids who didn't have a TV, and they turned out fine. ",0,4918 Sandals are a tradition in Jerusalem's Old Cite while an Arab keffiyeh head-dress (as modelled by Yasser Arafat) is useful for warding off desert dust and sun.,Arab keffiyeh head-dress is good for warding off dessert dust and sun.,0,4919 "That was our way of showing, to ourselves especially, that we were intimates of those eminent locations.",That was how we showed we were close.,0,4920 "If they were guided by moral imperatives, people would have more children than they do.",People would have more children than they do if they stuck to their moral imperatives.,0,4921 The city's Champagne cellars are in fact 250 km (155 miles) of galleries quarried out of the city's chalk foundations back in the days of Roman Gaul.,The Champagne cellars in the city are 250 km long.,0,4922 "Drug addiction was obviously a convenient way to make the slaves forget their aches and fears, to keep them everlasting anxious to please whatever was necessary to make sure the precious, deadly ration never stopped.",Drugs were a simple method for the slaves to escape their hardships.,0,4923 It is expected that the market would have sufficient time to respond to phase II of the program as the more stringent emission targets for phase II are set for 2018.,The market is expected to have time to respond to phase II of the program.,0,4924 Our job is to help the Congress discharge its constitutional responsibilities and improve the performance and assure the accountability of the federal government for the benefit of the American people.,Their job is to improve the government for the benefit of America.,0,4925 "Exploiting the fertile volcanic soil, some vineyards still produce the esteemed Lacryma Christi white wine.",Lacryma Christi white wine is still produced by some vineyards that have access to volcanic soil.,0,4926 "You get a notion of the magnificence of Burgundian court life by starting your visit with the ducal kitchens, built in 1435, which boast six enormous walk-in cooking hearths.",There are half a dozen large cooking hearths in the ducal kitchens. ,0,4927 "As you face the harmoniously asymmetrical western facade, the southern tower, the Clocher Vieux, is a prime example of Roman?­esque simplicity, whereas the taller northern tower, the Clocher Neuf, is already lighter, with its slender, more ornate steeple.","The southern tower, The Clocher Vieux, exemplifies Romanesque simplicity.",0,4928 and transmit it just like a view foil,It should be similar to a view foil and sent.,0,4929 "He dropped it near Adrin, who buttoned his trousers.",Adrin buttoned his trousers.,0,4930 The Senate report accompanying the 1980 Act explicitly recognized that athe President and his principal advisers and assistants- are within the scope of GAOas access rights and enforcement authority.,The Senate report accompanying the 1980 Act explicitly recognized that the President and his principal advisers are within the scope of GAOas access rights.,0,4931 "Under this scenario, unified budget deficits emerge again in 2019-just as the Social Security and Medicare programs are being strained by the retiring baby boom generation.",Unified budget deficits emerge again in 2019,0,4932 "Under the Save the Social Security Surpluses simulation, gross national saving eventually disappears, and the nation begins dissaving in 2047.",The nation begins dissaving in 2047 under the Save the Social Security Surpluses simulation.,0,4933 i just made my first job hop about eight months ago so uh,Around eight months ago I changed jobs for the first time.,0,4934 But such a step wouldn't mean Alterman and his potential spouse's taxes would go down much.,"If Alterman does this, it won't affect their taxes much.",0,4935 "Back in Durbar Square, pigeons swirl constantly around one of Kathmandu's most colorful shrines, the Kala (Black) Bhairav.","Pigeons are constantly around the Kala Bhairav, one of Kathmandu's most colorful shrines in Durbar Square.",0,4936 "The dancers have sewn it into a pink satin bag, a slightly faded satin, like their ballet slippers.",The dancers have pink ballet slippers.,0,4937 that's getting up there,That is going up there.,0,4938 yeah i mean it's it's hard i mean to to just for us to snatch a half hour like that is is a special occasion for us so um,It's hard for us to find time.,0,4939 identifying proven security tools and techniques.,There are ways to review security techniques.,0,4940 yeah i would right now i would rather not have one at home because i would work at home,I do not want to have one at home since I would never want to leave the house again.,0,4941 Twenty minutes southwest of the city by car is the small town of Penicuik.,Penicuik is 20 minutes away from the city.,0,4942 "The researcher must weigh the value of experiencing what it is like to be part of the culture against the hazard of internalizing the experience too fully, which can jeopardize the capacity to see the culture from many perspectives.",The researcher needs to weigh the value of experiencing the culture against internalizing it too much.,0,4943 well last place we went was uh,"The spot we went last was, um... ",0,4944 It's also important to consider the nature and reasonableness of the incentives provided to top management and board members.,It is of importance to consider the nature of benefits for board members.,0,4945 "We are taking only two days off, losers that we are, for our honeymoon, since my partner is in the throes of the second round of financing for her company.",Our honeymoon will cause us to miss two days of work.,0,4946 "Your computer would have fused the functions of your telephone, television, and fax machine into one seamless whole.",Your computer can combine the functions of many of your electronics into one unit.,0,4947 it's just you know judging from what everyone else wears is how i determine,I just decide based on what everyone else is wearing.,0,4948 "For surely the most striking thing about the horrors of globalization illustrated in those photos is that for most of the world's people they represent aspirations, things they wish they had, rather than ominous threats.",The most shocking feature about the illustrations is that they focus on wants and not legitimate threats.,0,4949 that's good huh that is good then,That is wonderful then.,0,4950 uh i found one thing that it's kind of a weird thing to say to put out in the lawn but every time i've done it it's got it it drives the fleas completely out of the area,Everytime I do it all the fleas leave the area.,0,4951 hard copy or summarized data-provided by the audited entity or retrieved from the Internet-you can ask for the electronic data file used to create the hard copy or summarized data.,A copy of the electronic data file can be requested.,0,4952 Then you are told to allow between three and seven days for delivery after your book leaves Amazon's warehouse.,The item may take three to seven days for delivery.,0,4953 "And why is it, the critics ask, that Quindlen's protagonist, the abused wife of a Brooklyn cop, sounds so much like a sophisticated Manhattan journalist?",Quindlen's protagonist is rumored to be a journalist.,0,4954 NRCS provided us with a complete copy of the Environmental Assessment and the Finding of No Significant Impact.,The Environmental Assessment and the Finding of No Significant Impact copy was given to us by the NRCS.,0,4955 "But presently the phrases became distinct again whether because the other two had 51 insensibly raised their voices, or because Tommy's ears were getting more attuned, he could not tell.",The phrases became distinct possibly because Tommy could understand them better. ,0,4956 "It charts the history of Scotland, bringing under one roof a number of important collections of artifacts.",The location lists the history of Scotland.,0,4957 "de Young Museum, San Francisco; and a new company, Atlantic Networks, plans to work with major museums to produce a Great Civilizations series, which will display the finest archaeological works of art, together with reconstructions and virtual reality visits to ancient sites.",The Great Civilizations series will display the finest archaeological works of art at the Young Museum in San Francisco.,0,4958 do you think the US is going to wind up keeping uh military bases over there,Do you think the US will keep their military bases over there?,0,4959 They believe that the meaning of an event is more likely to be caught in the qualitative net than on the quantitative hook.,They think an event's meaning is more qualitative than quantitative.,0,4960 Rips sought a delay in publication and the chance to respond to the critique in the same issue.,Rips was critiqued and asked for a delay in publication so he could respond in the same issue.,0,4961 "Finally, the analysis estimates aversion of 203 to 835 cancer deaths and 125 to 845 deaths related to cardiovascular disease annually, with a best estimate of 932 lives saved annually.",The analysis says there are hundreds of cancer deaths.,0,4962 Best name for a male-marketed Testosterone.,Male-marketed Testosterone needs the best name.,0,4963 and i thought well gee i've i've never known it to lightning at that temperature,I thought I have never seen lightning in these conditions.,0,4964 Good Kids watch less television.,Well behaved children to not watch too much TV. ,0,4965 "Glam-filled recapping of the ceremony and the parties, plus grades for celebrities' outfits, all with a delightfully high level of bitchiness.",The ceremony was filled with people who exhibited both fakeness and glamour. ,0,4966 "The library contains fascinating old manuscripts as well as the bound volumes of the hospital's financial accounts, which record ex?­pend?­?­itures in a meticulous script.",There are interesting historical documents in the library.,0,4967 Increasing estimates of software size should alert the auditor that the project's schedule and expected cost may be underestimated.,The expected cost may be underestimated if the software size estimates increase.,0,4968 i uh i don't think anyone would miss him either,No one would miss him. ,0,4969 "Not the least of the attractions are the artist's letters, photo albums, bullfight tickets, and holiday postcards.",Many of the artists personal artifacts are there.,0,4970 uh transportation expenses i guess you own a car,Transportation expenses include your car cost.,0,4971 I became really ill for months I sank into a sort of stupor.,I was unwell for months,0,4972 "Personal Communication (2) with Ande Abbot, International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, February 22, 2002.","Personal Communication (2) with Ande Abbot, IBB, ISB, FH February 22, 2002.",0,4973 yeah i i don't have any children so but i i have a lot of friends with children and i know they spend a lot of time with them which is good,I have a lot of friends that spend a lot of time with their children.,0,4974 Taylor says the job discussions provided valuable information and insights that helped him as a journalist.,The information exchange was valuable to his career.,0,4975 "In 1857 the Great Western Railway Company built a main line to Scotland, skirting the Lakes on its way north.",The Great Western Railway Company built train tracks to Scotland in 1857.,0,4976 "A new sense of identity enveloped Greek peoples throughout the Aegean, thus commencing a movement to expand Greece and unify the disparate Orthodox populations.",Greek peoples felt a new sense of identity so they began a movement to unify the population.,0,4977 ", worker's compensation, civil service retirement unfunded liability), indirect labor such as carrier supervision, vehicle costs, and space related costs (rents, fuel, utilities, custodial maintenance).",Rent is a space related cost.,0,4978 "They have made one more discovery, la-bas, he observed, jerking his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of Styles. ",They have discovered one more thing.,0,4979 "When it was unveiled, it received much criticism because many thought it too small to occupy an open space.",It was criticized when it was introduced because people kept saying that it was too small.,0,4980 "A greater percentage of the French population lives in cities, while a larger percentage of the U.S. population lives in suburbs.",A higher percentage of the population in France lives in urban areas.,0,4981 "The engineering drawing package released to manufacturing includes items such as the schematic of the product's components, interface control documents, a listing of materials, notations of critical manufacturing processes, and testing requirements.",Many items involving manufacturing are included in the engineering drawing package. ,0,4982 "He said, ""Red sent me in for something good to eat, but I don't exactly know what he meant.",It was explained that Red had dispatched him to get some food.,0,4983 normally when my husband's here they come when i'm here alone and i notice that and it's almost like,They typically come when I'm alone.,0,4984 i would i mean i guess my first instinct was to wait for the video too but i'm glad i didn't i really and truly am i mean that movie that was one movie i came out impressed,"At first, I thought I would wait for the video.",0,4985 Summing The Science of Reviewing Research.,The science of reviewing research is summarized here.,0,4986 we uh the the Bombay had a litter uh last October and i just got her back from the vet this morning getting her spayed only going to breed them once,"I just got Bombay back from the vet this morning, she had a litter last October.",0,4987 "Poland was transformed into a client state of the Russians, and then lost much of its western territory to the Prussians during the Silesian Wars that ended in 1763.",Prussia took a lot of Polish territory in the Silesian Wars.,0,4988 The statutory provision is implemented in the corporation's alien eligibility rule.,The corporation has an alien eligibility rule.,0,4989 "On the west, the people of Kerala, who speak Malayalam, boast the highest literacy rate in the 90 percent for the whole State, compared with 81 percent for the next highest (the district of Mizoram); and this with a national average of just over 52 percent.","The national literacy average is just over 52 percent, but the people of Kerala have a literacy rate of 90 percent.",0,4990 "But the mainstream arguments, too, are wrong.",Mainstream agents are wrong.,0,4991 "Program officials took steps to ensure that manufacturing aspects of the product were included in the design, including empowering a product leader with a manufacturing background, identifying the key characteristics and critical manufacturing processes early, making design trade-offs to enhance manufacturing capability, and demonstrating a robust design to make the product less vulnerable to variations in manufacturing process.",Program officials took various steps to include manufacturing aspects of the product in the design. ,0,4992 "Finally, lest their opponents' weakness not suffice to produce a landslide, both incumbents got further help from a third-party Nixon from George Wallace, who drained white Southern support from the Democrats, and Clinton from Ross Perot, who likely will drain white suburbanites from Dole.",Wallace drained white Southern support from the liberals.,0,4993 "He then annexed about 2,330 sq km (900 sq miles) of land due south of Calcutta to provide rents for the British settlement and to guarantee himself an income of ?£30,000 per year for life.",Then he annexed 900 square miles of land south of Calcutta to provide rents for British settlements and to guarantee himself a large income.,0,4994 That would be relinquishing a dream.,That would mean letting go of a dream.,0,4995 The findings and 18 best practices highlighted in the FFCsponsored study were presented to the forum participants by FFC.,The forum participants were presented with a study sponsored by the FFC.,0,4996 "Normally, a computer was designed for flexibility and to handle varying conditions.","Normally, a computer was built to take different conditions.",0,4997 "The industry now plans to strengthen warnings that children should be kept, appropriately harnessed, in the back seat, where they will be neither helped nor harmed by air bags.","Children should be kept in the backseat and appropriately harnessed, away from air bags, says the industry.",0,4998 right well our daughter in Texas is working for TI uh on a part time basis so that's how we found out about this calling,Our daughter is working part time.,0,4999 They shared tales and laughed.,They were telling tales and laughing. ,0,5000 "In this guide, information management refers to all aspects of the management of all information resources, including technology, funds, human capital, and management processes, as well as the underlying information.","Information management, in the context of this guide, only covers information technology. ",1,5001 no that that's true i i understand that France still owes us money from World War I,France doesn't owe us anything for World War I.,1,5002 The women never came back out.,The woman ran out screaming. ,1,5003 and you get more and more people who would just end up there because it's uh it's the safety net of those of you know average intelligence or something they can always teach,The fact that it cannot be taught is why people end up there.,1,5004 Investing in the financial markets is a standard practice for state and local government pension funds in the United States.,Investing in the financial markets is a standard practice for just state pension funds ,1,5005 yeah and even even the strides that were made toward that though uh you know Gorbachev seems to have,Nothing was improved.,1,5006 It's a tight fit.,It's very roomy and spacious. ,1,5007 yeah well uh if i could think of some of their names i,I can actually recall all of their names.,1,5008 "Like Mark Twain, who said that suicide is the only sane thing the young or old ever do in this life, we imagine that the elderly and the ill desire death rationally.",There is no sanity to be found in thoughts of suicide.,1,5009 "I should like to examine them.""",I don't want to see them.,1,5010 "They contend that the so-called Venona intercepts, a few of which have been released, show definitively not only that Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs were spies but also that there was far more Soviet string-pulling behind American Communism than anyone ever knew.",There is no suggestion that the Rosenbergs were spies.,1,5011 She is my ward.,I don't have anything to do with her.,1,5012 and he'll go pick them up because he just can't stand that he he,He is adamantly refusing to pick them up.,1,5013 "We have been camping numerous times but always with friends, which his parents approve of.",We have been camping numerous times alone. ,1,5014 Only a handful of hours ago.,It was weeks ago.,1,5015 "Everything we love about biblical-movie kitsch is here, only concentrated and heightened.",There isn't any kitsch it's all very serious. ,1,5016 yeah that's tough you know,"It's easy, so easy ",1,5017 Montignac is the departure point for visits to the world-famous cave paintings of Lascaux.,Lascaux's cave paintings are known only by local residents.,1,5018 ooh that's about uh ten too many,"you don't have enough, so can you please add more",1,5019 yeah well if you're not in real bad shape it's it's you know a retirement a retirement home is is is a good idea for somebody like that but uh if you've got a lot of health problems,"If you're in bad health, a retirement home is a good idea.",1,5020 uh yeah yeah yeah yeah we were really excited about the we're,We really weren't excited at all about that.,1,5021 It's enormous; it spans two coasts and all the land in between.,It is tiny.,1,5022 "I've come close to death four times in my life, really close.","I've never quite felt this before, the sensation of life flowing through me.",1,5023 you haven't,You definitely did.,1,5024 well i thought it'd be a good idea if maybe you took the some of the kids and had them go over to other countries and children from their countries came over to ours too,I thought it would be a good idea if the kids stayed here and didn't go to other countries. ,1,5025 They will be a focal point of the Prado's planned expansion.,A focal point has not been chosen yet.,1,5026 The fakes are best distinguished from the genuine articles by how low a price you can get.,The likelihood of an article being fake is supposedly at an inverse correlation to how low a price you can get on it. ,1,5027 plug it in,Unplug it.,1,5028 "Its exotic character is enhanced by the twin-columned 13th-century cloister overgrown with tropical plants, orange, lemon, and palm trees.",It is a very solemn structure.,1,5029 We found in our earlier report complied with the requirements of the act.,"Our report was compiled voluntarily, not because of statue or governmental impulsion.",1,5030 It was hard to see straight.,It was easy to see that.,1,5031 Miraculously the cathedral escaped unharmed from the heavy air raids of World War II.,The cathedral was a sad example of collateral damage during World War II.,1,5032 "Using Scenario D as an example, the remaining allowances in 2015 are 100 million metric tons for carbon, 1.3 million tons for SO2, 0.2 million tons for NOx and 25 tons for mercury.",The remaining allowances in 2000 are 50 million metric tons for iron.,1,5033 wow oh yeah definitely if it's a limited edition usually no matter what it is if it's a limited edition it's usually worth something later on,"If it's limited edition, it will be worthless in a few years.",1,5034 I can only hope that these low critical standards extend to my own work.,My work is never critisised ,1,5035 parts of the system if if it were to be jettisoned lower you know before it got up that high,"Parts of the system, it if were ejected at the highest point.",1,5036 "Far less known internationally than its glamorous neighboring island of Capri, it is just as different in its volcanic topography as in atmosphere.",It is even more well known than Capri.,1,5037 yeah they want to see all the horror movies,They are afraid to see horror movies.,1,5038 "It is part of a line of products intended to be usable by people with arthritis or hand injuries, as well as by those without disabilities.",It's a product line that works best with normal-handed people.,1,5039 diagnose what's wrong with the machine and you know do whatever it takes to get it started again and things and interface with the technicians in the toolroom so you're kind of like your own boss as far as the machinery goes and um it's about a two year to three year experience before you're able to really um i would say payback,The machine can be figured out in minutes,1,5040 "I say, what was the end of that message? ",Tell the whole message again from the beginning.,1,5041 And supposing the Coroner's jury returns a verdict of Wilful Murder against Alfred Inglethorp. ,The jury has already declared him innocent.,1,5042 "Self assertion reigned After years of peace, hostilities broke out between the Hindus and the Muslims.",There were no peaceful years in which Hindus and Muslims co-existed.,1,5043 "She carefully notes the referring organization - Catholic Charities Legal Network, or the Fair Housing Council of Greater Washington - in each email.",She doesn't refer to the organization.,1,5044 Longabaugh noted one matching effect that persisted throughout the post-treatment period in Project MATCH.,Longabaugh found a hundred matching effects that persisted.,1,5045 "Some projects require a higher degree of boiler integration and less erected steel and, therefore, have a higher percentage of boilermaker labor.",No projects have a higher percentage of boilermaker labor.,1,5046 "Such trading rights attracted more Britons to the island, who founded dynastic families that in some cases still constitute the island's economic elite.","Few Britons emigrated to the island, and of those who did, no trace remains today.",1,5047 Would Shuger ever have Why did Irving Goldberg play 'Sol Bernstein'?,I wonder why Irvin Goldberg hasn't played 'Sol Bernstein'.,1,5048 " ""These damned Rebs around here will keep him going!","These damned Rebs will stop him, thankfully. ",1,5049 "The details of the Biblical account of Jesus's final days can be found in the Gospels of John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew.",There is no record of his final days.,1,5050 Anything that can assist them in preparation for their hearing is much appreciated.,I am confident that they are ready for the hearing.,1,5051 "Barik swung lazily, the northerner barely dodging the strikes or parrying with his rapier.",Barik shot his opponent with a gun.,1,5052 "Chinese government officials tried to steer foreign donations to the Democratic National Committee , according to a Justice Department leak to the Washington Post . The Post said electronic eavesdropping bolstered the case.","Chinese government officials stayed out of American politics, according to the Post.",1,5053 The black hood pulled back revealing Thorn's grim face.,Thorn's clown nose fell off. ,1,5054 "On one grand boulevard, the Paseo del Prado, are three of Europe's finest the world-class Prado museum, the Thyssen-Bornemisza collection, and the Centro de Arte Reina Sof?­a (Queen Sof?­a Art Ceter), whose claim to fame is the 20th century's most famous painting, Pablo Picasso's Guernica.",There are no artistical attractions on the grand boulevards.,1,5055 "It brought savage retribution from the authorities, and both leaders were executed.",The authorities chose to punish the leaders with life imprisonment.,1,5056 yeah it did you know i don't do i don't really don't do basic a lot of what i used to do i just do you know something really minor but,I have been doing the same thing this whole time.,1,5057 "Its pre-eminent symbol is the concentration camp, or perhaps the nuclear bomb, he added, and one cannot look forward to the 21 st century with any optimism.",The nuclear bomb is a symbol of peace.,1,5058 "With British associate Maxwell Fry designing most of the housing, Le Corbusier created the leading public buildings and laid out a town of spacious boulevards and sweeping tree-lined avenues, inspired at least in part by Lutyens' ideas for New Delhi, and blessedly uncongested by growing traffic.",Le Corbusier was originally hired to build public buildings but was replaced.,1,5059 "They never forgave Arafat for bowing to what Ajami calls the logic of brute, irreversible facts.",Arafat was completely forgiven. ,1,5060 "Look for fine Chinese bronzes, embroidery, lacquerware and porcelain, tomb figures, and wood carvings, among other possibilities.",There are no wood carvings or tomb figures to find.,1,5061 "There was only one, small problem of a rather human nature - Przyrobacki didn't know Lotafrankish, von Mount didn't know Polish, and neither one could speak a word of English.",Neither of the scientists could speak French.,1,5062 "You can also enjoy an evening river cruise, when the banks are lit with torches.","In the evenings, the riverbanks are dark and ominous.",1,5063 he had a swordsman to train his people.,His people got no training.,1,5064 uh-huh it sounds to me like uh you're doing well my husband's retired so uh he's been retired for three years now yeah that's quite a change,My husband is not retired.,1,5065 Out of the way beaches where you can find some solitude tend to lie down narrow tortuous roads in remote parts of the island.,The out of the way beaches are in easy-to-reach parts of the island.,1,5066 there's never there's never going to be enough hours in the day even if you took speed reading huh yeah,"If you organize, you can get anything done during the day. ",1,5067 okay well you see it saw it out there then too,It was as blind as a bat.,1,5068 "Beyond the serene courtyard and its statue of Columbus lie a succession of splendid marbled and chandeliered rooms, some housing old cannonballs and coaches, others decked out in gilded furnishings.",The statue of Columbus is in the noisy street.,1,5069 "Another paradox, contradicting his broad humanism and also contradictory within itself, is his attitude toward Jews, a subject that Rayfield traces throughout this book.",Rayfield didn't address his views about Jews.,1,5070 Northwest of the VT is the bustling Crawford Market (known in post-Independence as Mahatma Jyotiba Phule).,The Crawford Market is Southeast of VT.,1,5071 now it was it was it was in general bad but and i don't know the problem is now i'm i'm concerned a little bit that that now that the Gulf War is on that we're going to think it was a good war and it was okay,There will never be a time when we'll think the Gulf War was okay.,1,5072 See also Full Cost.,Ignore the full cost,1,5073 Thomas Babor supported technical research on screening and the wording of this recommendation.,The screening process has not be researched.,1,5074 "Next door is the Mus??e de la Mode et du Textil, devoted to high fashion, the decorative art of which Paris is still the world capital.",The Mode et du Textil is located in another building.,1,5075 We suggested that the agency modify its proposal to require travelers to list each expense individually on the travel voucher.,We never suggested that the agency make changes to their travel voucher proposals.,1,5076 you don't know how to dress you know,"You are a great dresser, you know.",1,5077 "As directed, the Commission submits this report to the Senate and House of Representatives Committees on Appropriations, the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, and the House Committee on Government Reform.",The Commission submits letters detailing their darkest desires to the Senate.,1,5078 oh gosh bless your heart,Curse your heart. ,1,5079 "On The Simpsons , Smithers, the bow tie wearing toady who trails around after Mr. Burns, has become increasingly gay.",Smithers is the stereotypical heterosexual character on The Simpsons. ,1,5080 But Wellstone favors Kosovo intervention to stop the Holocaust-like atrocities occurring there.,Wellstone supports German intervention.,1,5081 They are expected to cover most situations that arise during the course of GAO's work.,These are not expected to be effective in many common situations.,1,5082 There was no way he could describe what he had seen.,He could not stop talking about the minute details of what he had seen. ,1,5083 okay well let's see,Let's not examine that.,1,5084 "Which one you wish, senor? Teodoro Trinfan, rope in hand, stood there ready to cast for one of the milling colts.",Teodoro refused to give the man any of his horses. ,1,5085 "'The only way to break a stalemate,' White said, 'is with a bold move.'",White said the man was a coward.,1,5086 um-hum right yeah absolutely absolutely um you know some companies can't can't even afford any longer you know to carry the insurance they're just dropping it you know they don't have any choice it's bankrupting them,It doesn't cost companies anything to carry the insurance.,1,5087 "Well, said Tuppence, with an attempt at cheerfulness, ""we must wait until the morning, that's all.",They were gonna go out at night.,1,5088 Make her wonder why I'm not hitting on her.,They are hitting on her.,1,5089 and other benefits from the government.,No benefits are available from the government.,1,5090 "In the Rue des Forges, note the H??tel Chambellan (at number 34) and the H??tel Aubriot (at number 40), home of the Provost of Paris who built the Bastille prison.",The Provost of Paris lived in Hotel Chambellan.,1,5091 and uh it was through him that,It was not through him.,1,5092 "But in the first place we have only her word for it, since it was she who tried that particular door and reported it fastened. ",She said that the door was unlocked and anyone could go in.,1,5093 "Until 5,000 years ago, Antiparoseas attached to Parosebut seismic activity and climatic change have produced a narrow sea channel with several tiny islands between the two.",The two areas are still connected by land.,1,5094 "With so many people packed into such a condensed area, Angelenos are constantly struggling to create unique identities for themselves, which would be more of a challenge if the town didn't have such an anything goes attitude.",Angelenos have a unique identity due to their surroundings.,1,5095 "Albania, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, and even Russia could be drawn into the conflict.",The conflict has no chance of spreading to any countries except for Italy. ,1,5096 "Near here, surely the liveliest Hindu temple of all, Hanuman Mandir (Temple of the Monkey God) is a theatre where you can witness the joyous atmosphere of popular Hinduism.","The Hanuman Mandir is a featureless, solemn church.",1,5097 "The tenants feel very frustrated, said Bohlen, 40, who owns his mobile home and pays $280 a month to rent the lot.","Bohlen is an attorney, not a mobile home owner.",1,5098 The doctor's eyes held the deference accorded to a really rich man.,The doctor's eyes displayed the shame associated with poverty.,1,5099 Who's the other cup for? inquired Julius.,There were no cups that Julius could see. ,1,5100 "There are traditional cowboys and tough guys on the list, but the former (as in Stagecoach , 1939, and The Searchers , 1956) is limited mostly to John Wayne, and the latter (as in The Maltese Falcon , 1941) to Humphrey Bogart; and you get the sense these films were chosen more out of nostalgia for their stars than for their dramatic power.",It's clear the films were only chosen because of their dramatic power and strength.,1,5101 "One of the main problems is that Cambodians do not know how to drive, a Transport Ministry spokesman was quoted as saying.",One of the problems is that Cambodians are terrible swimmers.,1,5102 "If we don't spend seven evenings a week together, if we don't talk on the phone each day during work, if I want to spend any time alone, my girlfriend pouts and gets angry, or cries.",I only see my girlfriend a couple times a week.,1,5103 "The 1500s were a time of prosperity, power, and cultural and scientific achievement for the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.",Science was outlawed and considered heresy in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the 1500s.,1,5104 "Opulent, old-fashioned theaters such as those in Cienfuegos, Camageey, and Matanzas, not to mention Havana's magnificent Gran Teatro, are sights in their own right.","New modern theaters such as those in Cienfuegos, Camageey, and Matanzas are not worth seeing.",1,5105 From here a flight of 207 stone steps takes you up through a wonderful forest of cedars to Ieyasu Tokugawa's tomb.,Ieyasu Tokugawa's tomb is in the middle of a built-up area.,1,5106 "It originated nearly 4,000 years ago with Aryan peoples who migrated to India from the vicinity of present-day Iran.",It originated 100 years ago when Aryan people migrated to India from Japan.,1,5107 "Fourth, say what you mean, mean what you say, practice what you preach and lead by example in everything that you do.","Fifth, always practice what you preach.",1,5108 yes there's too many people,There are too few people.,1,5109 you know i mean if it's an absolute need,We don't really need it so you can just throw it away.,1,5110 personally if i had to live there because i don't think a lot of people really even in the nice ones and even in the ones where they can live fairly independently they really don't necessarily like it because they're not in their own home,I would prefer to live in a nursing home than to continue in my own house.,1,5111 2) The report was released to China by An engineer's secretary faxed it off before Loral's lawyers vetted it.,The report was kept internal and away from China before it had been vetted.,1,5112 "Guided tours of these subterranean caverns with their dramatic stalactites and stalagmites are organized by boat from Alghero or on foot directly at the site, down a steep stairway in the cliffs.",The caverns are shut off to all of the public.,1,5113 This study will be funded by an LSC technical assistance grant and will be coordinated with an ABA peer study.,This study won't be funded by an LSC technical assistance grant ,1,5114 "So it was bitterly ironic when Elizabeth died without an heir and James, Mary's Catholic son, inherited the English throne.",Elizabeth abdicated her throne and gave it to James. ,1,5115 Mrs. Clinton's mentor Marian Wright Edelman was at the height of the 1980s U.S.-Soviet tensions ...,Marian Wright Edelman was absent during peak U.S.-Soviet tensions.,1,5116 "He said if access to that counseling is not available, screening and interventions are less likely to happen in the ED.","Even without counseling, interventions are highly likely to occur.",1,5117 "Mallorca's other line, from Palma to Inca, is not as picturesque, but it's a fun way of reaching Inca's Thursday market.",Palma to Inca is the only route to Inca.,1,5118 It was more than just instinctive dislike.,It was only instinctive dislike.,1,5119 "Hanson clutched at the scrap he had pocketed, but it showed no sign of leaving, and the tiny blob of sun-stuff remained fixed to the awl.",The scrap in Hanson's pocket was about to leave.,1,5120 They must do their best to do the right thing and not breach their fiduciary duties through either co-mission or omission.,It doesn't matter if they don't tell us everything.,1,5121 i think it would upset more people if they tried to change it,I think people would be thrilled if they finally changed it.,1,5122 The act requires agencies to develop annual performance plans that OMB uses to prepare a federal performance plan that is submitted to the Congress along with the Presidentas annual budget submission.,The OMB is not required to submit any plans to the Congress.,1,5123 "In the house is the Beit Collection of paintings (shared with the National Gallery); it includes celebrated works by Gainsborough, Goya, Guardi, Hals, Reynolds, Rubens, Velasquez, Vermeer, and others, and a series of eight paintings by Murillo depicting the story of the prodigal son.",There are just two paintings on display.,1,5124 "Tucked behind Rua Joao Tavira and Rua da Carreira is Praca do Munic?­pio, the town's dignified main square, with a mosaic of black-and-white stones and pretty white buildings on three sides.",There are pretty white buildings situated in the town square but there are no black and white stones.,1,5125 so uh i mean when you when you take uh uh professionals and put them in situations they have to make decisions based on money to fund public education and they can't get their finger out of their ear long enough to to get that major subject in line something's wrong so i think here in Texas mainly that the the they're not serious they're more serious about what the salary should be for senators than they are for what how the level of education should be for children i have a one year old so i'm not i'm more opinionated about the observations than than the than the true facts but,I do not have a one year old child.,1,5126 "(Though the equator is only a mite closer here in the rather arid south of Martinique, the sun does seem hotter. )",The sun seems hotter in Martinique vs. here. ,1,5127 "Already, in the three years since this documentary was shot, digital technology has made moviemaking at this level more affordable--which means that the road for impoverished filmmakers like Borchardt will soon be less grueling.",Digital technology has made moviemaking much more expensive.,1,5128 we started out uh well we were living in Florida at the time and we early in life we discovered that six people all going on vacation gets to be very very expensive,We have never lived in Florida because we hate that state.,1,5129 "If the wound to Eappen's skull was new, asked Scheck, why had scar tissue formed around it?","Why had scar tissue formed around the wound, if it was old?",1,5130 "Well, here goes, murmured Tommy to himself, and repeated his former remark.","Tommy spoke out loud, presenting a new idea.",1,5131 "Then, quite suddenly, he looked up.","He continued to look down, focused on something else.",1,5132 it's not illegal,It is definitely illegal.,1,5133 It's full of atmosphere and there is a selection of tavernas where you can enjoy a meal while watching the show.,There is no atmosphere and no tavernas.,1,5134 "Recognized by a few individuals as a very precious resource, the Lake District has been praised in prose and verse and protected by wise policies so that the rest of the world can come and enjoy its particular beauty.",The Lake District is kept secret from the world.,1,5135 "c) Low at 50 cents to 55 cents per pint, or under $3 per six pack.",A six pack costs $5.,1,5136 "Instead, the military immediately named Abacha's top defense aide, a fellow general, to succeed him.","After he died, the military immediately named Abacha's top offence aide to take his place.",1,5137 "Sailboats and small pleasure craft dock at Cramond, where the tidal river exits into the Firth of Firth.",Sailboats aren't allowed at Cramond.,1,5138 "But most critics don't sweat the album's derivative tendencies, pointing out that this kind of music isn't supposed to be blazingly original, it's supposed to be fun.",Critics are calling this the most original album in this genre. ,1,5139 Retrofit of equipment on utility boilers often requires a significant number of boilermakers due to the integration that is needed with the boiler that often requires modification of steam piping or other boiler equipment.,There is no need for more boilermakers when retrofitting equipment.,1,5140 So What's in It?,There is nothing inside of that.,1,5141 "In an effort to significantly upgrade the expertise of information security officers in its various business units, the central group at the financial services corporation had recently arranged for an outside firm to provide 5 weeks of training for These individuals.",The financial services group issued no training.,1,5142 "The best places to buy Indian spices are the Khadi Bhandars, because they are government supervised, thus offering a product of assured quality.",Khadi Bhandars are the worst place you can get spice from.,1,5143 "By the fourth century b.c. the Babylonians had been overthrown, and the Israelites returned to their land, which was now under the more tolerant rule of the Persians.",The Israelites never had the opportunity to return to their homeland and the Babylonians remained in power.,1,5144 yeah well i'm i'm sort of a rough-and-ready camper i'll uh,When I camp I like to bring every luxury with me.,1,5145 "Additionally, most proffer sessions involve what is known as a queen for a day agreement, under which both sides agree that information discussed at such a session will not be admissible against the defendant at a trial.",Most proffer sessions say all information is admissable.,1,5146 "Recently, my stepmother-in-law has taken to saying some unkind words about my mother-in-law.",My stepmom-in-law has nothing but praises for my mother-in-law.,1,5147 A sidebar breaks news that Clinton donor Nathan Landow chartered a plane to fly Willey to his estate.,The news says Landow told Willey not to come.,1,5148 yeah they're not that popular down south i don't i maybe it's something to do with the front wheel drive and they're supposed to be good in snow but they're very popular up here in Vermont and a lot of people used to bring his car their cars,They are unpopular in Vermont because of the front wheel drive.,1,5149 The Board of Directors of LSC is composed of eleven voting members who are appointed by the President of the United States with the advice and consent of the Senate.,The LSC's Board of Directors get to choose their own replacements when they resign.,1,5150 "Immediately to the right of Jesus is the weighing of the souls, with Saint Michael trying to stop Satan from cheating.",Jesus is arguing with Satan and Saint Michael stays on their left side.,1,5151 LSC filed a petition for certiorari challenging the Court of Appeals' conclusion that the a504(a)(16) suits-for-benefits proviso was unconstitutional.,LSC did not file a petition for certiorari to challenge the conclusion that the a504(a)(16) suits-for-benefits proviso was unconstitutional.,1,5152 no i i just think that,"Yes, I don't think.",1,5153 "Set in 12 hectares (30 acres) of forest, this charming small country hotel enjoys marvellous views over the Sea of Galilee.",The property has 90 acres of forest.,1,5154 But in November 170 faculty members asked the academic senate to adopt a more conventional grading system.,Faculty members wanted a less conventional grading system.,1,5155 Try to vary the kind of places that you stay in.,Always stay in the same type of place.,1,5156 i know i didn't know that EDS has a very strict dress code i had a friend oh,EDS has a very relaxed and fun dress code.,1,5157 "From the lower terminal of the Peak Tram it's only a short walk to the former governor's residence, Government House, now a museum.",The former governor's residence is no longer standing. ,1,5158 And yet it ended up foundering as a result of the inherent uncertainty of the free-market system.,Import tariffs have no impact on free-market systems. ,1,5159 " Piedigrotta, Neapolitan music and cuisine and the 19 September feastday of San Gennaro; Historical Regatta",The feast day of San Gennaro is celebrated on September 20th.,1,5160 "I remember, but...","I don't remember, but...",1,5161 yeah well yeah i like them i i have to admit i do like my credit cards uh i love it when he decides to go in a store and buy something for me,He never buys me anything.,1,5162 "The Evaluation of Broad Aim Experimental Design, Its Difficulties and an Alternative.",There are no difficulties included with broad aim design.,1,5163 "Another began to rise, and another.",Each one of them did not choose to rise up.,1,5164 "But if he dies, it's not clear that Syria can control Lebanon or that the Golan border will remain peaceful.",It is very clear that Syria can control Lebanon.,1,5165 "The little beasts carved on the balconies and elsewhere around the chateau are the royal family's personal emblems ' including Louis XII's porcupine, Francois I's salamander, and Anne de Bretagne's ermine.",The personal emblem of Francois I was a bear.,1,5166 "But they argue that it's expensive, harmful to workers and the environment, and unnecessary if safer farming methods are practiced.",Workers are totally protected.,1,5167 mine doesn't i know what you're saying,I cannot understand what you are getting at.,1,5168 "He passed a village, but it had been looted, and he skirted around it rather than stare at the ghastly ghoul-work of the looters.",The village was in great shape so he stopped there for the night.,1,5169 "But even as a new light rail system wends its way through the capital, progress has not entirely buried the past under chrome and concrete.",The new light rail system is a complete failure.,1,5170 "Raccoons, particularly baby ones, became fashionable as pets in the late 1970s because of a popular cartoon program on television called Araiguma Rasukaru (Rascal the Raccoon).","Raccoons, exclusively adult ones, became fashionable as pets in the late 1970s.",1,5171 " This is a traditional Jewish craft, and the possibilities of what you can buy are almost endless.",The people of Jerusalem have no skill in the arts of crafting.,1,5172 "The stadium also comes alive one day a month during the swapmeet, or flea market.",The stadium is closed once a month for renovations ,1,5173 Jack Nealon's (also in Capel Street) has jazz on Sunday and eclectic music the rest of the week.,Jack Nealon's has jazz every Tuesday night.,1,5174 "The town center is a curious tangle of winding streets, laid out that way, some say, to confound enemies.",The town center is laid out in a grid with mathematical precision. ,1,5175 "The board has a responsibility to enhance shareholder value, assess and monitor risk, and ensure management accountability.","Shareholder value cannot be increased, and the board makes this clear.",1,5176 "Thanks to Regis, it is the perfect '90s You can enjoy it as challenge, kitsch, or both.",It's terrible because of Regis.,1,5177 "The Trinfan outfit was small, considering the job they intended, Drew thought.",The scale of the job matched the size of the Trinfan outfit that was brought. ,1,5178 "The town of Santa Cruz is a pleasant place, with an attractive church dating from the 16th century.",The town of Santa Cruz is a singularly unpleasant place.,1,5179 Throughout the region you'll come acroselimited-edition prints signed by the artist; these make good mementos.,It is rare in the region to find prints that have been autographed.,1,5180 A tinge of Jewish blood is not a bad thing. ,"If there's a drop of Jewish blood in him, he deserves to die.",1,5181 That sure is off th' trail th' kid was supposed to be followin'.,That's just the trail the kid was following.,1,5182 i even gone have gone to the point where i don't believe in giving them a life sentence if you have to do that you might as well shoot them,I say lock them up and throw away the key! They should never walk the streets again.,1,5183 It will do it by partially or completely obliterating them.,There is no chance of any one thing impacting another.,1,5184 In 20 years we won't need any stinkin' TV.,We'll need TVs for the rest of time. ,1,5185 "Despite military expeditions by the Franks and Byzantines, however, the Arabs remained on the Italian scene for two centuries.",The Franks and Byzantines were peaceful civilizations.,1,5186 that's an invasion of privacy,"That's not a crime at all, she did what she had to",1,5187 What secrets had it seen?,It hadn't noticed anything happening.,1,5188 no we don't yeah yeah,"Yes, we do.",1,5189 "GAO's work, the Congress reduced the fiscal year 1999 military personnel budget for active and reserve forces by about $609 million without compromising overall readiness.",Congress reduced the military budget and compromised so many things.,1,5190 They may love the partner.,They detest the partner.,1,5191 But the university keeps the spirit of the town young and cosmopolitan.,The spirit of the town is old and run-down due to the university.,1,5192 Businessmen used the patronage of politicians to buy companies at fire sale prices.,Businessmen and politicians never come into contact with each other.,1,5193 "Sure, they fed us.",They nearly starved us. ,1,5194 yeah i think that's a lot more humane than uh than the electric chair than the than the gas or the gas,I think the electric chair should be used.,1,5195 It was mid-afternoon and beads of sweat fell down Jon's brow.,It was freezing.,1,5196 Submission of Report,Report of Submission,1,5197 "The 6-3 decision declared that such restrictions do not violate First Amendment rights, as money is property; it is not speech.",Freedom of speech no longer exists in America.,1,5198 Italian Communist Party founded.,Communism isn't created.,1,5199 "The mood achieved by the Bas?­lica, shaped like a Greek crose is one of devout magnificence.",The Baslica is not magnificent by any means.,1,5200 "Clients with high trait anger, who were therefore likely to resist directive interventions, were more successful with a motivational enhancement intervention.",Clients with high trait anger were more successful with directive interventions.,1,5201 "Send my coffee in here, Mary, she called. ",Mary called for tea.,1,5202 "Sullivan, 500 U. S. 173, in which this Court upheld a restriction prohibiting doctors employed by federally funded family planning clinics from discussing abortion with their patients, supports the restriction here.",The federally funded family planning clinic is an abortion mill.,1,5203 "All analyses prepared in accordance with this Act were submitted to the Chief Counsel, Small Business Administration.",There was no analysis to submit.,1,5204 "She seemed to be supporting the girl, who looked utterly dazed and unlike herself. ",She left the girl alone.,1,5205 i think they need to get rid of Grogan he's been around too long they need to put him in the front office doing management or something but they need to get him off the field and and get the manager,The manager shouldn't transfer Grogan for he has just arrived out on the field and is not proven for management.,1,5206 it was true it was truly awful it was not one that i picked but uh,"It was horrible, and it was the one I chose.",1,5207 The reasoning starts off like ,No one bothered to think it through.,1,5208 "In the future, we plan to study how other nations invest in nongovernmental assets to learn more about how they deal with governance and other issues",We plan to study how other nations invest in governmental assets ,1,5209 The enclos paroissial (parish close) epitomizes the religious life of rural Brittany during the 16th to 18th centuries.,"It shows nothing of religion, rather daily life. ",1,5210 "Walk towards it, then turn left through an arched gate into the mosque precinct, and follow the crowds into the bustling Grand Bazaar.",The crowds do not go to the Grand Bazaar anymore. ,1,5211 okay we're gonna talk about the public school system what's wrong with it and or if anything is wrong with it and what we can do about it what should be done about it,We will not be talking about schools.,1,5212 "Just behind the back wall of the main chapel, the Transparente is the cathedral's most unforgettable innovation.",The cathedral is very conventional and contains no innovations.,1,5213 framework also is used throughout GAO to help guide our research and development,The GAO inhibits out developments and strives to undermine our inner workings.,1,5214 The telepathy flows on this much-awaited meeting.,This is expected to be an unsuccessful meeting. ,1,5215 The movie has virtuoso Bertolucci is one of the few filmmakers whose technique is simultaneously sweeping and probing.,Bertolucci does not favor a specific technique while filmmaking.,1,5216 You could say that McCain is to be faulted for not working out a better education proposal in the first place.,McCain succeeded in working a better education proposal out.,1,5217 sure good talking to you Jim all right bye-bye,Please don't talk to me again Jim.,1,5218 Would it be as unbearably sad if he drank espresso or enjoyed a good bottle of wine?,It's not at all a problem for him to enjoy a bottle of wine. ,1,5219 So that's what it's all about.,That isn't what it's about.,1,5220 "Despite this limited progress, a number of government and private organizations have gained experience in establishing information-sharing relationships.",Progress is extensive in information sharing.,1,5221 yeah yeah and a lot of them i know a couple women that work there and they don't miss in public relations and they don't miss having a basement to run up and down to you know,A lot of people miss having a basement. ,1,5222 "Oreskes declined to tell him, of course, who the Times ' sources were.",Oreskes decided to tell him who the sources were.,1,5223 All my answers have Peter Lorre accents.,The answers were given without an accent.,1,5224 The outcome was further territorial gains for Israel with control of the Sinai and the Gaza Strip.,The outcome was utter defeat for Israel as they lost some land.,1,5225 yeah i've never done that and those are so neat i mean i would really like to do those but,Those are awful and I would never do that.,1,5226 He/she didn't seem to notice.,He noticed it right away,1,5227 oh well i'm kind of off and on,"I am straight as an arrow for my consistency, I will always be there and on point.",1,5228 and they didn't really know it it was a real nice late model car real pretty on the outside but they couldn't keep tires on it it kept eating the tires,The car was an eyesore and aesthetically unpleasing.,1,5229 yeah he sure is he is as a matter of fact um Sylvester Stallone is that his name Sylvester Stallone is that his name i really believe Schwarzenegger is really going to be a variety variety player more so than he is because he really played the part good,I don't think Schwarzenegger will amount to anything.,1,5230 "The real point of mood-music albums, though, is to let them work on you.",There were no sounds.,1,5231 "After the stoning, there was a brief break during which Simon realized that sex with L.T.",Simon had no thoughts.,1,5232 Then the whole building began to change.,The building stayed the same.,1,5233 yeah well people put me in labor back when they was in the Super Bowl,I was put in contempt of court when they were in the World Cup.,1,5234 now they don't want the money for food that's for sure,All they want is money for lunch. ,1,5235 "Well, they'll produce a Jane Finn of their own say at a pensionnat in Paris."" Tuppence gasped, and Mr. Carter smiled.","Tuppence gasped, and so did Mr. Carter.",1,5236 "The proposed rule contained information collections which would have required the manufacturers and retailers of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco to use established names for cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products, establish and maintain educational programs, observe certain formats and content requirements for labeling and advertising and the submission of labels, labeling and advertising to the FDA.",The rule requires the retailers of smokeless tobacco to use any name they want for the smokeless tobacco products.,1,5237 The analysis also discusses the regulatory alternatives FDA considered in drafting the proposed rule.,The analysis does not discuss the regulatory alternatives FDA considered in drafting the proposed rule.,1,5238 Holy snakes! he ejaculated.,"Yeah, I have seen that before, he said, bored.",1,5239 yeah i know it's i i i i don't understand where the priority is it's uh like in Atlanta they have um they have mandatory catalytic converter inspections,Everyone else has the right priorities. ,1,5240 uh-huh i think your voice sounds familiar,I've never heard your voice before.,1,5241 "Already, several of the most prestigious law firms in the city have sponsored a day, lending their lawyers to the program, Pozza said.",The prestigious law firms in the city have declined to be involved with the program.,1,5242 (Church talk presents this problem often.),Synagogue talk presents this problem often.,1,5243 Wilkins was recalled and ridiculed the idea. ,Wilkins praised the idea.,1,5244 "But here in America, to be creeped out by unwanted mass transit eroticism shoved at you from every direction, you must make do with loudmouthed cell phone sex on the Long Island Railroad.","In America, public transportation is a cozy cocoon in the maelstrom of overt sexual content.",1,5245 alrighty uh i guess our topic today is air pollution and we are to just discuss what substances do you think contribute most to air pollution as well as what society can do to improve the air quality of the atmosphere around us,Do you feel that you've ever been affected negatively by polluted air?,1,5246 "The Ottomans brought new influences to the islands that they controlled, forming a large empire that stretched around the eastern Mediterranean.",The Ottomans lost the Mediterranean in a big battle. ,1,5247 just getting away yeah right right see i see they just want to get away,"No, I think they really want to stay put.",1,5248 There is an extensive scientific literature and body of practice on both the theory and technique of CV.,Little to nothing is known about CV. ,1,5249 Shiloh's only races so far had been impromptu matches along the trail.,Shiloh has had many races.,1,5250 yeah oh uh-huh me i haven't really as far as entertainment i don't know what you would do if,I have as far as entertainment is concerned and I know exactly what you should do.,1,5251 um-hum right and then the family home evening too,Not a family night. ,1,5252 it's just that you have to always compete and uh Macintosh took a lot of the market from a lot of schools,Once you have your foot in a market you can sit back and relax.,1,5253 "This Executive Guide, Information Security Management, Learning From Leading Organizations, clearly illustrates how leading organizations are successfully addressing the challenges of fulfilling that goal.",It was unfortunate but they had to close since they did not reach their goal in time.,1,5254 Phase I Sulfur Dioxide Requirements,The Phase I regards Zinc Dioxide Requirements,1,5255 "So you are better off going south to Kyushu, around Shimabara and the more secluded of the Amakusa Islands (for snorkeling and scuba-diving, too) or to the spa resort of Ibusuki.",The Amakusa Islands have sunk into the ocean and no longer exist.,1,5256 "Michirones is a splendid mixture of broad beans, chunks of ham, paprika, sausage, and hot peppers, plus tasty bits of this and that.",There are no broad beans in michirones.,1,5257 Even the most meager allowance will fund a shopping spree in the narrow streets of the Greek island towns.,Only a large fund will allow you to shop in the narrow streets.,1,5258 uh they do what they think is either best for the you know the the uh economy or whatever's best for the people that are the lobbyists that are paying you know part of their way,They always do what is in the best interest of the public.,1,5259 Tommy's taxi came to rest at the departure platform just after Whittington's.,Tommy's taxi never arrived at the departure platform.,1,5260 a way away so uh i'm you we're not usually watching TV but uh but it is interesting uh they this time of year unfortunately it gets,We usually watch TV for a few hours every night.,1,5261 is that right there's a there's a fabulous career,I think that is a terrible career option.,1,5262 Most comic! ,That isn't funny at all.,1,5263 "Shalit argues that when you walk down the street you can tell the virgins by their fresh, healthful glow.",Shalit argues that walking down a street you cannot tell the virgins by their fresh glow.,1,5264 Nothing seemed to matter.,Everything mattered and was taken into careful consideration.,1,5265 right i guess that's just Texas though you have to live with that,You don't need to put up with that.,1,5266 "Still, nothing about the man-shaped thing before me seemed the slightest bit fake.",I could tell from the first moment the man in front of me was fake.,1,5267 "After a varied history as town hall, residence, stable, and church, it was saved from plans devised by Louis XIV's minister Colbert to move it stone-by-stone to Versailles.",The minister Colbert destroyed the old building to make way for new development.,1,5268 Glassman and Hassett now claim that they will sort out the components of retained earnings to avoid double-counting in their forthcoming book.,Glassman does not feel that double-counting of retained earnings needs to be avoided. ,1,5269 "Oliver St. John Gogarty (Fleet Street), named for the man-of-letters who was the model for a character in Ulysses, has good traditional and other music and a dining room.",Oliver St. John Gogarty does not have any dining facilities.,1,5270 One is by giving self-help assistance directly through our programs (such as with the I-CAN system and the statewide websites) and the second is by enhancing existing efforts on behalf of pro se clients.,Their programs offer no self-help.,1,5271 The existence of IRAs and 401(k)s serves to raise public awareness about retirement saving opportunities.,IRAS and 401(k)s do not raise public awareness about retirement saving opportunities.,1,5272 These were erected by Nectaneboduringthefourth century b.c.,Nectanebo never erected anything in the fourth century B.C.,1,5273 "If for no other reason, it has provided an excuse to escape for a day the pressure--cooker atmosphere associated with putting the finishing touches on a major rate case decision.",They were too occupied with the case to take a moment to relax.,1,5274 "Turning to ways of assessing the quality of completed case studies, we have provided guidelines for reviewing case study reports in appendix III.",Quality is ascertained solely based on the opinions of trained professionals.,1,5275 "Not likely, even here.","Most likely, especially here.",1,5276 Gingrich has a point.,Gingrich's point is irrelevant and has no place.,1,5277 The theater presents sky shows and IMAX films.,The theater doubles as a planetarium on Sundays.,1,5278 "In 1995, Oliver Stone's Nixon gave us the familiar, shadowy president, emphasizing his most savage and conspiratorial qualities.",Oliver Stone enjoyed showing Nixon as an open and loving person.,1,5279 um that yeah it looks good and there were a couple others that i just haven't had the time now see i,I think it looks bad and I have had time to see a couple others.,1,5280 so what kind of a house do you expect to buy when you do buy,What kind of car are you getting?,1,5281 "Wilson uses a stage backdrop of nothing but stark blue and projects bands of white light across it, while his performers stand almost motionless.",Wilson uses a backdrop of colorful splashes of rainbow paint accompanied with performers moving every which way in a frenzy.,1,5282 Mount Zion is dominated by the Dormition Abbey of the Benedictine monks.,Dormition Abbey dominates Mount Zion.,1,5283 Shucks! retorted Julius.,The response was long and drawn out by Julius.,1,5284 and until he starts doing something so inhumane that the UN gets involved then it's nobody's business,"The UN has no business getting involved with him, no matter what he does.",1,5285 One of us is enough.,We need more than one person for this. ,1,5286 "Again, inedible, or even worse.",The food was delicious again.,1,5287 um-hum yeah it's yeah would be pretty hard well i don't think you know i don't think that if i was the criminal that i would like the judge passing sentence on me if the jury found me guilty then they should be able to decide at the same time what my punishment should be and i think it's not only that it's a waste of our money we have to have a trial for this person then two weeks down the road we have to sentence sentence excuse me set a sentencing date so now we're back in court again and that's more money spent,I would want to wait for a jury to sentence me,1,5288 "Unrestrained ocean waves and salty sea spray have wrecked huge chunks of the Malecen, the sumptuous promenade and roadway that traces the edge of the sea.",Malecen was not wrecked by ocean waves and salty sea spray.,1,5289 i see but you breed them the first time they go into heat,They will never go into heat even when bred. ,1,5290 "In the south of Kita, acrosefrom the US Consulate, is Kita Shinchi, Osaka's premiere dining and entertainment quarter, centered around the main street of Shinchi Hondori.","Kita Shinchi, Osaka's most casual diner, is located in the center of the city.",1,5291 We don't understand the law about pesticides in the fields.,We understood the law about pesticides.,1,5292 "Furthermore, tucked away in part of the Loral series (a piece not nominated for the Pulitzer) are the following three facts.",The Loral series is an award for the best school play.,1,5293 "Therefore, readers should not rely on the validity of the data in the sample reports.",Readers can count on the data being valid in the sample reports.,1,5294 did you ever try that,Did I do that?,1,5295 "In Cat on a Hot Tin Roof , the designers fit Elizabeth Taylor into a form-fitting, made-to-measure, boned-and-stayed, built-in-bra sort of slip, unobtainable by anybody else, an inspired collaboration between Taylor's unbelievable body and the costume department.",Elizabeth Taylor wore a loose fitting slip.,1,5296 "We'll be closer when we have two white reviewers, or a Korean and a Jew.",We have enough white reviewers at this time.,1,5297 I always turn it out.,I just cannot get it to turn out how I wanted. ,1,5298 The volume of letters sent by non-households or nonhousehold originated mail can also be calculated from Table 1 by adding NHH-to-HH and NHH-to-NHH volumes.,The volume of letters that non-households send is shown in table 121.,1,5299 "Bob Barr, R-Ga., have given speeches to a white citizens' group whose members attended Duke's latest fund raiser.",Barr is not tone deaf.,1,5300 His absence was strange and inexplicable. ,It was normal for him to be absent.,1,5301 "The Port of New York offered a critical test because, given the diversity of imports and the volume of work, if problems were occurring, they would be likely to show up clearly in this site.",Diversity and volume of work are low.,1,5302 "To comply with the orders from their main funding source, a new species of poverty lawyer emerged - a tech-savvy and button-down breed who swapped neighborhood walkin offices for toll-free phone lines, self-help kiosks and Internet access to legal advice.",New poverty lawyers don't know how to use technology.,1,5303 There was no answer.,The response was immediate and clear.,1,5304 for clients throughout my state?,For clients throughout my backyard?,1,5305 "These new agreements described how the sensitivity of information would be defined, how shared information would be protected from dissemination outside the group, and what information could be shared with nonmembers.",Sensitive information can be shared with anyone in or out of the group.,1,5306 Mr. Erlenborn's career of public service has spanned four decades.,Mr. Erlenborn has never worked outside of a private corporation.,1,5307 and combined would account for percent of the increase in the IC terminal dues net balance.,The net balance plummeted immensely.,1,5308 "The laws also mandate that workers be trained in pesticide safety, are notified of fields that have been sprayed, have fresh water to wash chemicals from their skin and receive emergency medical help in cases of pesticide exposure or illness.",The law has no mandates in place to protect people from the effects of pesticides.,1,5309 The Rhine Valley region around Lyon is the epicenter of French gastronomy.,The Rhine Valley region has nothing to do with French gastronomy.,1,5310 "You can take a tour of the port in one of the small sampans, propelled by hand by women drivers.",Enjoy a relaxing tour on one of our diesel-powered v8 boats.,1,5311 um it's actually through the County Extension Service,The county extension service will direct you to a different agency which may be able to provide it.,1,5312 "At this stage, one unit cost is calculated for each area.",Each area have many unit costs calculated for them. ,1,5313 "Depending on how much you're prepared to pay, they will trot you down to the Seven Arches Hotel, with its spectacular vistas, or just wait while you have your photo taken.",They will wait for your photo to be taken and then bring you to the Seven Arches Hotel.,1,5314 She is the very person. ,It's not her.,1,5315 Nothing was spared us. ,It was pretty easy to get through.,1,5316 He brushed in some dirt from the ground that had been touched by the sun stuff and was still glowing faintly.,The was no glow in the ground touched by the sun stuff.,1,5317 "They were to break at a starting shot, head to the big tree which made an excellent landmark in the flat valley, rounding its patch of shade before returning to the starting point.",The people were supposed to stay home and eat potato chips.,1,5318 "Say, Miss Tuppence, there's something I'd like to ask you.""",He had no interest in speaking with Miss Tuppence.,1,5319 "Even so, analysts' recommendations have manifested the Wall Street equivalent of grade inflation.",The price basis has plummeted because of water on the ear.,1,5320 but i think that if i learn how to use one i would i would feel better,"If I learn how to use it, I'd definitely feel horrible. I don't wanna do it.",1,5321 "This is not a recent development; the Minoans made it home, with their most famous palace only a few kilometers away from Iraklion.",The Minoans had no palace.,1,5322 Leading organizations recognize the role of IT in supporting mission accomplishment and seek to integrate it with business operations.,The role of IT is not recognized by leading organizations yet.,1,5323 "The magic is all on the surface of Prince of Egypt , an animated musical version of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt that at times feels as if it might have been called Indiana Moses and the Temple of Doom . Ever on the lookout for a new way to tell an old story--or, rather, a new old way to tell an old story--DreamWorks SKG has recast the life of Moses as the saga of two brothers who end up on opposite sides of an issue.",The Prince of Egypt was a musical about the King Tut.,1,5324 They're They have the most balanced scoring of any NBA team.,They have the least balanced scoring of any professional team. ,1,5325 "As Andre Breton wrote of fictionalization of actual I do not regard such a thing as childish, I regard it as monstrous.",Andre Breton thought there was a childish fictionalization of actual.,1,5326 "To recapture something of the experience of the medieval pilgrim, park at the Place du Champ-de-Foire, pass through the turreted Porte Neuve, and follow the Promenade des Fosses, which takes you along the ancient ramparts lined with walnut trees.",The ancient ramparts have no trees on them.,1,5327 "She doesn't look like one of the gang."" At one o'clock Annette reappeared with another tray, but this time Conrad accompanied her.",Annie hit Conrad with the tray and now Annie runs the gang.,1,5328 "This is Shiva in his destroyer outfit, fanged and bedecked with skulls.",Shiva fought in common soldier robes in order to be unknown on the battlefield.,1,5329 "The cake she chose was decorated with a space ship and launching pad under a sprinkling of white stars, and a planet made of red frosting at the other end.",The cake she picked had a big frog on it.,1,5330 "Louis XIII had hoped to turn his favorite hunting ground into a modest retirement home, but his son and heir made it the center of a universe, proclaiming his own grandeur in an edifice of brick, marble, gilt, and crystal.",Louis XIII disowned his son and heir and transformed the hunting ground into a retirement home.,1,5331 This giddying confluence of distinct religions is matched only by the diversity of the population.,The population's diversity is not match by any religion.,1,5332 "Agency management plays a key role in providing leadership in this area, especially in setting and maintaining the organization's ethical tone, providing guidance for proper behavior, removing temptations for unethical behavior, and providing discipline when appropriate.",Agency management plays a key role in starting water balloon fights.,1,5333 "Like Nicolas Cage in the more sedate Red Rock West , Sean Penn stumbles into a town of desert predators, where women lull men leggily into the fires of hell, not so much out of guile as instinct.",Sean Penn wanders into a town with desert predators in it primarily out of guile.,1,5334 Why were those counterparts so willing to play along?,The counterparts did not play along.,1,5335 "Although, unfortunately, it is a little too late now.""",It's never too late!,1,5336 oh that's one it's one thing yeah Buffalo's lucky though to have uh Jim Kelly then now he's the number one rated quarterback in the NFL i think i'm pretty sure he was this past season and uh,They are unlucky to have him.,1,5337 They had only traveled a short way out of Fena Kef but it seemed important to Jon that they leave the town in the middle of the night.,Jon said it didn't matter when they escaped.,1,5338 but she was a killer and the the character was you know prior to that had had been someone that had killed other people but no one knew that,Everyone knew that the character had killed before. ,1,5339 "The guide is also available in an encrypted format at the Cybercop Secure Communities VPN, a secure Web site which is a joint project of and the ESP Group at //",The guide is only found in books.,1,5340 "Marshals Service, the Department of Defense (DOD), and a myriad of other agencies.",The DOD and Marshals Service are not agencies at all.,1,5341 "Take a lift to the top for panoramic views over the town and the sea, or enjoy a genteel tea dance in the ballroom with its ornate chandelier and Wurlitzer organ.",There are no views available of the town.,1,5342 "Friends of mine, especially women, found sitting through the film akin to being smeared with excrement.","Friends of mine loved the film, especially women.",1,5343 37 Efforts such as the Department of Labor's saving outreach program can serve as a catalyst to educate employers about pension plan options they can offer to their employees as well as to encourage individuals to save more on their own behalf.,The Department of Labor does not have a saving outreach program although it should.,1,5344 The Hackathlete who polls the greatest total will be declared the winner and will return next year to face three new challengers.,The one who polls the greatest total will be kicked out of the contest and declared a loser.,1,5345 but a lot of women are knowledge as knowledge about football as i am,Women have no knowledge of football.,1,5346 yeah the temperature's just not right,I wish it was this temperature more often because I enjoy it so much.,1,5347 what about in our work ethics,what about our work paycheck?,1,5348 "Reservations are strongly recommended, particularly in summer and at Christmas.",Reservations are not typically needed.,1,5349 "In addition to the FIRMR, GSA issues bulletins that provide guidance on a wide range of federal information processing acquisition ",GSA issues bulletins that gives guidance about the local inforamtion gathering.,1,5350 "If the property is distributed to a state or local law enforcement agency or a foreign government, revenue is not recognized by a Federal Government reporting entity.",Revenue must be recognized by a Federal government reporting entity if there is a distribution of property to a state.,1,5351 "This city of a thousand fountains, huge plane trees, and a sprawling fortress was probably founded by Hannibal in 219 b.c.",There are no fountains or trees located in the city founded by Hannibal.,1,5352 Don't obstruct good ideas just so you can win.,"Winning does not matter, thus you should obstruct good ideas.",1,5353 Our model does not differentiate between tax policy changes and spending changes.,Our model can tell the difference between spending changes and policy changes.,1,5354 Perhaps your son will no longer be solvent.,It is impossible for your son to have financial troubles.,1,5355 And what exactly is the scandal about Wolf that Gore is covering up?,Gore has had no political scandals in his long career.,1,5356 But she's also a woman on a mission.,There was no direction for her actions.,1,5357 "Good morning, he said briskly and cheerfully.",The man was moody and rude.,1,5358 "Are you proposing a third advertisement: Wanted, female crook, answering to the name of Rita?",All three of the advertisements are about chairs.,1,5359 "A minority of reviewers find the political messages heavy-handed and say the novel is more like a starklylit morality play (Michiko Kakutani, the New York Times ). (Listen to Kingsolver read an excerpt from this book.)",Most reviewers agreed that the political messages in the novel were just a little bit too much.,1,5360 Rival chiefs ruled each island; fish farms and temples were laid out; and tribal and inter-island warfare was common.,Rival chiefs were always peaceful and there was never warfare.,1,5361 well it's real pretty up there i have a friend in Denver,Denver is covered in snow and looks bland.,1,5362 Auditors should prepare and maintain audit documentation.,Reaserchers make the audit documentation.,1,5363 "In 1986, Kitty Kelley's dishy biography, His Way , confirmed most of the nasty gossip about his love life.",Kitty Kelley's 1986 biography has the following title: Her Light. ,1,5364 "True, the note betokened signs of weakening, but he could excuse that.",The note was in pristine condition.,1,5365 And there was another Abraham Lincoln.,There was only one Abraham Lincoln. ,1,5366 It was not uncommon for several families and their animals to share one room in crowded shantytowns.,Families would not live together with their animals.,1,5367 She had friends.,She was a loner.,1,5368 "Back in Elche, there are more palm trees to see and more luxuriant tropical foliage to admire.",There are no palm trees in Elche.,1,5369 i wanted to take a sewing class at school but i just haven't fit it into my schedule yet but that i mean that can really benefit,"I took many sewing classes when I was in school, I'm an expert at it.",1,5370 We made examples of a hand full of them.,We let their behavior slide.,1,5371 "When stiff and sore and scarredI take away my handFrom leaning on it hardIn grass and sand,","When stiff and sore, I keep leaning in grass and sand.",1,5372 so um but it it's interesting finding different recipes although my mother is the one that cooks um which,I take care of all the cooking while my mother finds me new and interesting recipes.,1,5373 "The rugged island of Sardinia deserves at least a week to do it justice, but you may want to spend a long weekend at one of its attractive little seaside resorts.",You only need to spend a day in Sardinia to get its full flavor. ,1,5374 Are Government Bonds Net Wealth?,Governments do not issue bonds.,1,5375 and same patterns of behavior same uh same socializing same exact crowd that they hang with and it's like it's like frozen time you know,People hang out with different crowds and change their behavior.,1,5376 "I mean, the magicians want somebody whom they can't just call back--direct translation of the body usually messes up the brain patterns enough to make the thinkers hard to use, especially with the sky falling.",The magicians cast their spells haphazardly without care for the ramifications. ,1,5377 I still think you might have given me a hint.,I think that you must have withheld any clues,1,5378 "But if she's willing to sacrifice more of her time, she'll sacrifice more of her money.",She won't give them anything.,1,5379 and one of the things that that they did for him they tested him and they said that he's you know great in electronics but he yo u know he's really does need the basic skills and they put him through six months of composition writing in addition to all his electronic training and at that point he has now graduated from warfare electronics school with honors,The test result showed that he was bad with electronics. ,1,5380 "If they come, they will be cut to pieces,"" said Oden.","Oden had no faith in us, stating ""they will kill every last one of us if we encounter them"". ",1,5381 Bork pointed his finger.,He kept his hands to his sides.,1,5382 "Unfortunately for the Spanish, the British captured Jamaica in 1655 and henceforth gave the settlement the rather unimaginative name Spanish Town. ","To the British's misfortune, Spain captured Jamaica in 1655.",1,5383 well of course being raised on the water i'd never swim in it,"I used to swim a lot, as I grew up on the water.",1,5384 From global gold standard to GONE in less than two years!,The global gold standard can never be ended.,1,5385 they have a nice dish in there for a chicken dish i forgot the name of it but it takes a special kind of sausage and you can only get it at Filipino stores,You can find the sausage needed for the dish at any store in town.,1,5386 Guess again.,I know you never make guesses.,1,5387 "Among modern occupations, only cult leaders and TV weathermen rival the technological visionary's ability to retain credibility despite all evidence to the contrary.","Among modern occupations, none can rival the technological visionary's ability to retain credibility against all odds. ",1,5388 "His statue of Napoleon's General Jean Rapp, another local resident, can be seen on the Place Rapp.",The statue of General Jean Rapp was destroyed and no longer visible.,1,5389 "Combating Selected Challenges and Related Recommendations (GAO-01-822,September 20, 2001).",Ways to Embrace Challenges and No Recommendations to Follow,1,5390 "In 1909 Abdul Hamid was deposed and replaced by his brother, Mehmet V.",Mehmet V was ruler until Abdul Hamid stole the throne.,1,5391 The Texan came across the corral.,The New Yorker crossed the corral.,1,5392 "McKay's critique remains only a draft, however, and it has not yet undergone the rigorous peer review that the original paper withstood.",McKay's critique has gone under peer review already.,1,5393 well i teach and last year a student that i'd had the year before so he would have been in third grade came to school with ice,I'm a doctor and a patient I had last year came in with ice.,1,5394 Using neural networking to identify suspicious patterns of payments.,Suspicious payment patterns can never be detected by using neural networking.,1,5395 uh what's his name plays the trumpet,He's musically challenged. ,1,5396 to to fool people and and things huh,The goal is to avoid fooling people.,1,5397 "He also has written our Webhead column, and will continue to contribute to it.","Our Webhead column has been unpopular for the entirety of its existence, so we will be dropping it from our publication and letting go the author.",1,5398 "The ruins, which are still being excavated, include one of the best-preserved stadia in Turkey, 228 metres (748 feet) long, with seating for 30,000, and the remarkable Sebasteion, a porticoed gallery of sculpture dedicated to Aphrodite and to the Roman Emperor.",The ruins were finished being excavated last year.,1,5399 "The new King resumed the ways of the two previous monarchs, abolishing laws against adultery and prostitution and taking up with his half sister; but powerful interests, particularly those of the flourishing foreign business community (which would be increasingly dominated by the descendants of the first missionaries), were intent on usurping the throne, in effect if not in name.",The new King did nothing for any new laws and had no enemies.,1,5400 well i think uh NCAA is going to go to Kansas,Kansas will be renamed to become the NCAA,1,5401 You'll have to get used to the lack of any fighting style out here.,There is a lot of fighting style. ,1,5402 This concerned a federal investigation into whether Giuliani was improperly denying benefits for some recipients.,There was no federal investigation concerning the propriety of Giuliani refusing to give benefits to certain recipients.,1,5403 uh both work but another activity that i found very rewarding and i don't know whether you've got it up there are Indian Guides and Indian Princess programs,There are no programs up there.,1,5404 "Kristin Booth Glen, the law school's dean, took one look at Rooney and knew he was the right person to head the innovative Community Legal Resources Network.",Kristen Booth Glen has not hired anyone yet as head of the Community Legal Resources Network.,1,5405 "The reality is it's easy to say they should never have contact, said Sherry Currens, executive director of the Kentucky Domestic Violence Association, an advocacy and legal protection group. ","The Kentucky Domestic Violence Association is a group for legal protection, but not advocacy.",1,5406 yeah well gee well that sounds neat and you do that like like almost every day or what about weekends,That is great you do that on the weekends.,1,5407 " Sí , that was a great pity, Don Cazar.",It is appropriate.,1,5408 "This income equals the total spending on the economy's output of goods and services; thus, the nation's income and output are the same.",There is a huge difference between the nation's income and output values.,1,5409 A history of mad-cow disease by veteran science writer Richard Rhodes ( The Making of the Atomic Bomb ). Critics praise Rhodes' lucid explication of complex virology as well as his range--the book includes digressions on political and literary themes and a section on the scandal surrounding a Nobel Prize-winning expert on the disease who recently pleaded guilty to molesting a little boy.,"Critics hated the book of the historian Richard Rhodes, which failed to explain very carefully the mad-cow disease and other digressions.",1,5410 Did they know of any relatives? ,All of the relatives were already in the room.,1,5411 "During his reign Palestine flourished, but his successors proved less able, and over the next four centuries the country continuously declined to become a virtual backwater.",His reign allowed his successors to make Palestine a flourishing city.,1,5412 "Dumping their tax-deductible loot by the millions, the corporations (Archer Daniels Midland, GE, Mobil, Exxon, Chevron, Dupont, Metropolitan Life) encouraged the sort of shows only a member of the Business Roundtable could centrist news programs, conservative talk shows, Wall Street advice shows, lions-of-the-Serengeti documentaries, and historical dramas that set all human conflict in late-19 th -century England.",Several companies decided not to dump their tax-deductible loot.,1,5413 "It owes its reputation to its youthful, moreso than present, beauty.",Its reputation comes from its present beauty.,1,5414 "For example, the idea of putting the Ten Commandments in every classroom is attractive but, in the long run, federally funded stone tablets will only breed dependency on the nanny state.",The Ten Commandments have never been considered to be placed in classrooms.,1,5415 At the top of the hill you will see foundations of the 16th-century Portuguese Franciscan monastery and get a splendid view over the town to the Melaka Straits.,There is no monastery.,1,5416 "The elderly are damned if they do and damned if they don't; damned and mocked if they can't; and damned, mocked, and pointed out by the neighbors if they can but only with pharmacological aids or an elaborate arrangement of winches and pulleys.",Elderly people are not at all mocked by others.,1,5417 A metallic clang exploded in the air- the sound of snapping metal.,A sudden silence fell.,1,5418 The team ensured that all division employees had opportunities to,The team made sure that their employees left with no opportunities. ,1,5419 "In terms of government, it is part of the Spanish province of Baleares.",The government isn't a part of the Spanish province of Baleares.,1,5420 "When 1,397-m (4,584-ft) Mount Pelee began belching smoke and cinders far above Saint-Pierre in late April, which it had done harmlessly before, authorities professed no concern.",The authorities were very concerned when Mount Pelee started to erupt in April. ,1,5421 she went to the house at eight o'clock in the morning and and both these uh uh there were there was an only child,she didn't get to the house until seven at night,1,5422 When do we want it?,When don't we want it?,1,5423 "Those days were bright and full of promise, and they can come again.",Those days were horrible and should not be repeated.,1,5424 So much for the cruel stereotype of the pea-brained dinosaur.,This is yet more evidence of dinosaurs' limited brain capacity.,1,5425 Broad arcades surround a cobbled rectangle 200 meters long and 100 meters wide (656 ft x 328 ft).,Small arcades make up a paved parking lot that can only hold one car.,1,5426 "As one soldier 'Tis expressly against the law of 'tis as arrant a piece of knavery, mark you now, as can be offer't.",There are lots of soldiers.,1,5427 "And if you feel like being idle, France is full of quiet places where it's a simple joy to do absolutely nothing.",France is a noisy country anywhere you go.,1,5428 "You made your own bed, now you have to sleep in it.",Don't take responsibility for your actions.,1,5429 "As a great hack once said, the essence of hackery is adjusting a minimum of information to produce the maximum journalistic effect.",Hackery is defined as giving maximum information to create the smallest media effect.,1,5430 "But they will not think of that they are only anxious to get in.""",They are willing to wait another day before they get in.,1,5431 Good musicals are both specific and universal.,Not one good musical has ever been specific.,1,5432 "Postal Service's revenue (volume) per route is much more skewed than Poste Italiane's, as measured by the relative size of the bars at the extremes.",Postal Service revenue per route is very consistent.,1,5433 but see my my oldest is five and a half and so she can take part in some of the uh responsibilities a three and a half year old really can't quite take part of many of the responsibilities maybe feeding them,My kids are already taking up responsibilities.,1,5434 "Outright rebellion erupted in Milan on 18 March 1848, a year of revolution all over Europe.",Milan remained stable while many other countries had revolutions.,1,5435 "No, the boy trusted me, and I shan't let him down.""",The boy has never trusted me because I let him down. ,1,5436 "Our study participants said that their organizations rarely experienced a violation of trust because members did not want to jeopardize their ability to participate and, thus, lose the benefits of membership.",Study participants said they rarely had a violation of trust because members wanted to lose their memberships.,1,5437 It gets worse.,It gets better.,1,5438 Istanbul owes its long-held historical significance to a stra?­tegic location at the mouth of the Bosphorus.,The mouth of the Bosphorus is of no significance historically.,1,5439 and so you don't you're not able to well i i guess you are able to if you want to change them but you you stay in those roles for so long that it's it's hard to to adjust and it would take a a really long time for ethnic science to figure out you know what affects women how and how the same thing affects men i think it i just don't think it's any kind of study they can do in any even twenty or thirty year period of time you know,This could be studied and a conclusion reached within a few short years. ,1,5440 "Despite the Rajputs' foreign origin, their claimed descendancy from the Aryan dynasties of the sun and moon was accepted by the Brahman priesthood and they were duly inducted retroactively into the Kshatriya warrior caste, a caste to which the Rajputs of today continue proudly to belong .",The Rajputs were rejected from the Kshatriya warrior caste.,1,5441 Blood jetted from the gaping rent in his clothing.,The man had a tiny paper cut.,1,5442 "And with that cinched into place, the black stood quietly beside Croaker.","After it was cinched into place, the black reared noisily. ",1,5443 oh me either,"No, not me.",1,5444 "In its submission, HUD states that its Analysis reflects [its] assessment that","In its essay, the FBI states that its analysis of Donald Trump is very rough.",1,5445 oh really check out your pen number,Your pen is not numbered.,1,5446 "Pro-lifers reply that civil rights should be extended not to women seeking abortions but to their fetuses, the most defenseless members of the human family.",Pro-lifers do not care about women's fetuses.,1,5447 "What about Marlboros, handguns, and malt liquor?","What about pandas, tigers, and apples?",1,5448 Separate evaluations may take the form of self-assessments as well as review of control design and direct testing of internal control.,The self-reviews were highly fabricated. ,1,5449 i'm real glad that i don't that i don't work in that kind of a uh a background background i'll take my job any day,I don't have a job.,1,5450 "There are a number of tombs and temples scattered in farmland here; the most prominent is the mortuary temple of Ramses II, the Ramesseum.","Ramses II, the Ramesseum, has the least conspicuous temple and is the only one in the farmland.",1,5451 Acceptability of emergency department-based screening and brief interventions for alcohol problems.,It isn't acceptable for emergency departments to hold screenings for alcohol problems. ,1,5452 "I think it quite likely that I shall be able to make Mrs. Vandemeyer tell me what I want to know."" ",Mrs. Vandemeyer can't be coerced into saying anything under any circumstances. ,1,5453 "The rest will be sneak attacks, flanks, and luck, said Jon.",Jon said the rest will be out in the open attacks.,1,5454 "The island of Jamaica offers a wealth of activities, sites, and attractions.",Jamaica has no coastline.,1,5455 no really i thought it was kind of maybe for kids more than adults,I thought it was for adults.,1,5456 "Friction between competing community groups nearly jeopardized the health study, which must reach community consensus and be funded by Sept. 30, 2003.",No agreement was reached on the health study.,1,5457 Today it's a drowsily peaceful fishing village.,The village was destroyed and rebuilt as a strip mall. ,1,5458 'It is an honour to meet you sir! A real honour! Should I-' Harland looked to Natalia.,Natalia stared at Harland without speaking.,1,5459 "Lindsay Davenport won the women's title, inspiring much chatter about American dominance on the Fourth of July.","Although Linday Davenport lost the title, there was much talk about American's dominance on the Fourth.",1,5460 well what i do is i usually have two books at one time i have a classic which i have to work on basically you know what uh,I can only have one book at a time.,1,5461 All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship.,Everyone is devoid of civil rights.,1,5462 yeah well did you move from the the Northeast,You've never lived in the Southeast,1,5463 "West of the shrine, surrounded by an iron railing, are the stump and fragments of Ashoka's Pillar, which was once over 15 m (48 ft) high.",Ashoka's Pillar still stands nearly 50 feet tall.,1,5464 Technology to me has its good points and its bad points.,"To me, technology has only cons.",1,5465 he went out and did that and he got caught and then he got caught with the taxes and then he got caught with the sodas and that soda really went over on the people in Memphis they really got hot about that,He did not do anything wrong with his taxes.,1,5466 yeah well i don't know i told my husband i said you go out some to work on the car it's not worth getting all mad and fighting and hollering at each other when it goes wrong i says you go pay to have someone do it,I told my husband it would be fine if you go try and fix it. ,1,5467 Whittington was there right enough.,Whittington never showed up,1,5468 "Reforms stalled, however, and the following decade saw a return to strict Soviet doctrine.",Reforms continued to go at full speed.,1,5469 "49,50 Incorporating this perspective into interventions in the emergency setting has been suggested by several researchers.",Unincorporating a perspective into interventions in the ED was one suggestion.,1,5470 yeah she got married,"Yes, she got a divorce.",1,5471 "The Tomb of Tutankhamun (number 62) is without a doubt the most famous, but the interior is disappointing.",Tutankhamun's tomb is not famous at all. ,1,5472 "Financial Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's Internal Controls as of December 31, 1992.",Financial Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation keeps no records of this kind.,1,5473 well i love Masterpiece Theatre,I am not a fan of Masterpiece Theatre.,1,5474 They disappeared in the distance.,They remained in off in the distance indefinitely.,1,5475 I expect more from your publication than the language used by spammers looking to sell me porn.,"The layout of the publication is seen to be rather lazy, meaning not much is expected of the quality of the publication itself.",1,5476 "Smaller islands with fabled names such as Elba, Stromboli, and Lipari fill in the necklace of floating gems, many reached only by boat, where the lifestyle is that of the Mediterranean one hundred years ago.","However secluded, the islands function as modern societies.",1,5477 "The answer was that the reporters who assailed Reagan's howlers were empiricists, but Reagan himself was not.",Reagan was an empiricist.,1,5478 "If you don't want to walk around town, a small motorized train runs past all the major sites.",Walking is the only way to get between the main sites.,1,5479 I know these ducal suites and I want this one plumb empty except for you and me.,I want this suite to be full of people besides us.,1,5480 oh yes um-hum where oh yeah yes,I don't get it.,1,5481 The Commission did not identify any other statutes or executive orders imposing requirements relevant to these rules.,The Commission found three executive orders imposing requirements relevant to these rules.,1,5482 The slight variability the Commission has found in route time is ignored here for convenience.,The slight variability the Commission has found in route time is never ignored here for convenience.,1,5483 Most of the tech executives are uninterested in politics (though Case is an exception).,Case doesn't care who wins this election.,1,5484 and i mean they were real expensive they were like well the most expensive one that she gave me a bulb for was like thirty two fifty for one bulb,She gave me the cheapest of the bulbs,1,5485 "Should we just muster our courage and invite them over, or should we invite them for dinner/drinks at a restaurant?",I really don't want them to come over or even go out to eat with them.,1,5486 "Fundamentally, what we're trying to do is provide equal access to justice, for all people - regardless of their economic standing, said LSSM Board Member and volunteer attorney, Fred Hall. ",Fred Hall said that the poor people do not deserve access to justice. ,1,5487 he was always speaking in terms of you know American imperialism reasserting itself and i suppose it's a different attitude that we normally don't hear in the country,He's afraid to offer opinions that are different from the ones you normally hear.,1,5488 "GPRA requires agencies to set goals, measure performance, and report on their accomplishments.","Under GPRA, agencies are not required to set goals or report on their achievements. ",1,5489 "Then I shan't drink it, said Tuppence firmly.",Tuppence drank it immediately. ,1,5490 "I went out into the corridor, but all the other carriages were full, so I had to go back and sit down.","""I spotted an empty carriage, grabbed my luggage and took a seat.""",1,5491 i need to go over there and stay about twenty years so i can just travel go around all the places Stonehenge of course you know every everybody makes the obligatory trip to Stonehenge,I have no desire to go back there.,1,5492 " Amendments to Regulation X, the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Withdrawal of Employer/Employee and Computer Loan Origination Systems Exemptions (FR-3638); and Policy Statements 1996-1 (regarding computer loan origination systems); 1996-2 (regarding sham controlled business arrangements); and 1996-3 (rental of office space, lock-outs, and retaliation)",Regulation X has no amendments to it.,1,5493 Forget privatization and other attempts to save the program.,Privatization is the only way to save this program. ,1,5494 "It thus bans LSC-funded entities from participating on either side of litigation involving such statutes, from participating in rulemaking relating to the implementation of such legislation, and from lobbying Congress itself regarding any proposed changes to such legislation.",LSC funding entities must participate in litigation.,1,5495 "In addition to hundreds of temples, shrines, and hot-spring resorts, Wakayama features some of the country's most popular beaches.",Wakayama is notorious for having the best shopping malls.,1,5496 GAO performs its audit and analytical work in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards (GAGAS or the Yellow Book standards which can be found at,The GAO performs audits with its own standards they make up. ,1,5497 nevertheless retired,I'm not retired.,1,5498 The family had only planned for three months of vacation time a year.,The family planned for two months of vacation each year.,1,5499 "I'm right, then.",I am mistaken then.,1,5500 "In that event, FASAB staff will provide written copies of the request to the Board members.","The Board members are supposed to provide FASAB staff with their requests, in written format.",1,5501 "The Merchant, especially, had been taken aback.",The merchant was fine with it.,1,5502 (It is during this quiet that I hear her two questions.),It is during this moment of rowdiness that I manage to hear her two questions.,1,5503 Ain't too many men as goes round Tubacca throwin' out good money thataway.,Tubacca sees a lot of spendthrifts all the time.,1,5504 yeah those are nice we have one of those too uh-huh,Those are horrible so we don't have one.,1,5505 The proprietors' We're inundated with responses and will be up and running shortly.,The proprietors don't think they'll be up and running any time soon.,1,5506 "20 Rather than viewing service area reconfiguration as a punitive measure against under-performing programs currently receiving federal funds, LSC instead considers statewide reconfiguration to be one of several tools to ensure that federal dollars are being spent in the most efficient, cost-effective manner possible, in a way that will result in the best service to the most low-income clients.",Statewide reconfiguration is not considered to be a tool to save federal dollars by LSC.,1,5507 and that it's a nice day when it's twenty five degrees outside,Twenty five degrees is not nice outside.,1,5508 "There's no doubt about her being one of the gang, I suppose?",She is an outsider.,1,5509 He turned to the Astronomer.,He turned away from the Astronomer. ,1,5510 "Glad you wised me up in time.""",I wish you had never told me.,1,5511 "Ancient capital of the flat region of Berry on the northern edge of P??rigord, Bourges is on the road south to Clermont-Ferrand and Montpellier but worth a brief detour for those using the A20.",Bourges is a significantly great distance away from the A20 and not worth the trip.,1,5512 Prices that recognize costs send signals to mailers concerning the work that needs to be done.,SIgnals are sent to mailers to ensure they are eating.,1,5513 The strength and wealth of Scotland increased during the reigns of the first Stewart kings.,The reigns of the first Stewart kings were characterized by poverty. ,1,5514 She was public sector chair of National Federation of Paralegal Associations from 1984 to 1988.,She was not a public sector chair.,1,5515 "In 1989, talks established the basis for limited power-sharing between the Communist Party and Solidarity.","In 1989, talks didn't manage to establish anything, and war erupted.",1,5516 "Among the landmarks that you'll pass is The Argyle (8358 Sunset Boulevard), a stately Art-Deco masterpiece built in 1931.",The Argyle was built in 1943.,1,5517 "In the New York Times Book Review , Richard Jenkyns declares Fagles' language timeless.",Richard Jenkyns declared Fagle's language gabage.,1,5518 "The museum's modern collection of Braque, Bonnard, and Picasso offers an intriguing counterpoint.",Picasso is not included in the modern collection within the museum.,1,5519 Ca'daan painfully turned and saw a tan skinned man with a thick mustache and braided beard talking to a man in fine cloth and thick boots.,He turned to see the bearded lady.,1,5520 It is an unremarkable place save for its most important product.,It is such a remarkable place to go to.,1,5521 uh partly because the really outstanding many of the really outstanding players leave college before they turn seniors,The best players usually stay in college through senior year.,1,5522 Providing immediate feedback may help make the transition from screening to counseling with little additional intervention.,Immediate feedback simply won't help with the process of moving from the screening stage to the counseling stage.,1,5523 Taking charge of Nebraska's statewide legal-aid law firm fit Doug German's beliefs in treating everyone fairly and holding those in power accountable.,"Getting rid of Nebraska's legal-aid law firm fit with the beliefs of Doug German, who wanted to increase class division.",1,5524 Emission cuts resulted in air quality improvements over a broad area of the U.S. and significant reductions in acid rain.,Emission cuts resulted in air quality decreases over a broad area of the U.S.,1,5525 (The magazine's own take is more There will be minor glitches but not wholesale societal collapse.),The take of the magazine is that social collapse is imminent.,1,5526 "The flower market on place Louis Lepine, near Notre-Dame on Ile de la Cite, opens from 8am to 7:30pm daily.",The flower market is only open on Sundays. ,1,5527 okay um now we're supposed to talk about social activities right,Let's never speak about what happened with the social activities.,1,5528 Below is information on deferred maintenance on stewardship assets.,There is no information below.,1,5529 "Or, instead, should we fight tooth and nail to preserve and extend programs like the Earned Income Tax Credit that help the working poor?",Programs for the poor are not considered.,1,5530 "In general, if that emission level is exceeded in 2018 or later, the trading program, which reflects the back-stop trading program already developed by the WRAP and is modeled after the new nationwide sulfur dioxide trading program, will require a separate set of allowances for affected EGUs in the WRAP State to be held covering emissions starting the third year after the level is exceeded.","If that emission level is exceeded in 2018 or later, it won't require a separate set of allowances.",1,5531 The demise of Communism in 1989 and the move to a free-market economy have had a dramatic impact on Poland as a shopping destination.,Communism in Poland fell in 1993.,1,5532 "So the question of the tonic was finally abandoned, and the Coroner proceeded with his task. ",The coroner gave up.,1,5533 "It is only in old age that change is unwelcome, said the Astronomer, ""and races can be old as well as individuals."" ",Old age makes people wish for change.,1,5534 Michael Kinsley I'm clean.,I told Kinsley I am dirty.,1,5535 "That there Shiloh colt o' yours, an' this here lady hoss, an' that old mule ... anyone can see as how they's always been handled nice an' easy.",Anyone can see how cruelly you have been treating your animals.,1,5536 "Following the return of the British monarchy in 1660, Cromwell's work was redone and the buildings extended.",Cromwell's work was never done again.,1,5537 San'doro kept his eyes on Jon for a long time.,San'doro did not know Jon had entered the camp.,1,5538 "He is a long He lacks business experience, and he alienated owners with his pro-player stance during the strike.",He sided with the owners when the strike was happening.,1,5539 'I asked for it.',Jill asked for the pen.,1,5540 or seven uh that's kind of far away,Seven is really close.,1,5541 "These attributes include, but are not limited to, relatively little flexibility in financial reward systems and highly distributed organizational structures in a number of federal agencies.","These attributes don't, and are limited to, relatively little flexibility in financial reward systems",1,5542 "While examining the documents, the staff also was required to verify that the documentation had the necessary administrative approvals.",The staff did not examine the documents.,1,5543 The nation's human capital and knowledge-forms of intangible capital-are not part of the NIPA definitions of saving and investment.,"Human capital can be defined as savings, whereas knowledge capital cannot. ",1,5544 Hush! John Cavendish had turned to Poirot. ,Louder! John Cavendish turned away from Poirot.,1,5545 well okay Verna yeah well i'm in my office and i have someone here with me and uh it's really been a pleasure i enjoyed it and uh if you ever get to New England look me up,Verna can you please remove this person from my office.,1,5546 when my husband was in business he had one customer who said that he had to use credit cards because he spent more than he made every month and he was perfectly serious about it,My husband never had any customers at all. ,1,5547 "13-year-old Latino gang I ain't down to die right now, for I'm barely having fun.",I am going to die now that I'm having lots of fun. ,1,5548 "He said he expects APPALRED to see a $600,000 cut in its $4 million budget.",He saw a $4505050 budget increase. ,1,5549 "We are working with others within the federal government, including the Secretary of the Treasury and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, to modernize federal financial management and promote expanded performance and accountability reporting.","We are no longer working with anyone from the federal government on financial and economic reform, we have given up.",1,5550 "After the establishment-minded press of Delhi, the newspapers in Caletta seem bright, ebullient, and vitriolic; while Mumbai's filmmakers are masters of melodrama, Caletta's cinema is known for its sensitivity and poetry, producing faithful mirrors of village and city life in the hands of such directors as Satyajit Ray and Mrinal Sen.",Caletta's art and news are virtually indistinguishable from those in other cities like Delhi and Mumbai.,1,5551 I fell in with her views.,She agreed with his views.,1,5552 "Did he have to settle for UCLA, Santa Cruz or, God forbid, one of the Cal State campuses?",Did he have to go to USC?,1,5553 They also created a packet of information available for free to help people navigate the court system without a lawyer.,You are not allowed to navigate the court system without a lawyer.,1,5554 Tuppence was first at the rendezvous.,"At the rendezvous, Tuppence was last to arrive.",1,5555 part time and so uh that it's kind of a seasonal thing three times a year she's really busy doing certain things based on that kind of business but the rest of the time she's free,She's free all year round and doesn't do any work.,1,5556 "Morris has written a model biography of a woman who, if born a man, could easily have been a President, says Luce's friend Gore Vidal in The New Yorker . Reviews dwell on the book's dishy detail, derived from Luce's diaries.","Morris's book is a pure fiction about a woman who was woefully inadequate in every way, says Gore Vidal in the National Review.",1,5557 "The capital of Orissa is a center for easy day-trips to the ancient Jain cave monasteries of Udaigiri, the chariot-temple of Konark, and the sacred pilgrimage town of Puri.","However, the capital of Orissa is not a center for easy-day center to the ancient Jain cave monasteries.",1,5558 what do you have at home,what do you still need to buy,1,5559 and see that one of them married an abusive husband one of them married an alcoholic uh the other one married into a pretty stable relationship,None of them ended up marrying alcoholics or abusive men. ,1,5560 well that's fact,"Well, that is just speculation.",1,5561 check it back and just grab it you know if i just go to my garage and grab it,"I can't just go and grab it, you know?",1,5562 i think we have thank you bye-bye,I'm not sure if we have yet.,1,5563 "Under pressure from the poorer classes, who did not want the Revolution appropriated for the exclusive benefit of the bourgeoisie, the Jacobin-led revolutionary committee ordered sweeping measures of economic and social reform, which were accompanied by a wave of mass executions, the Terror, aimed at moderates as well as aristocrats.",The committee was warm and friendly as well as easy going.,1,5564 "At just 57 km (35 miles) long by 22 km (13 miles) wide, first glance might indicate that two days would be sufficient to see the whole place.","At first glance, the place seems like it may take years to explore.",1,5565 "In exactly the same way, Mrs. Inglethorp had laid down her cup of coffee on reaching her room the night before, and the treacherous table had played her the same trick. ",Mrs. Inglethorp has no table in her room.,1,5566 "By 1987, the Edinburgh International Festival had grown into the largest annual arts event in the world, with hundreds of performances in numerous venues across the city during August and early September.",the Edinburgh International Festival was started in 1996.,1,5567 um-hum yeah yeah well i live in an apartment so the only thing i grow are plants inside and i don't do very very well with those i think the temperature in here,My plants are thriving inside.,1,5568 "And it went fast, too.",It went very slowly.,1,5569 do they have many buildings that have security there,You don't have any buildings with security? ,1,5570 The cash surplus/deficit excludes interest earnings on trust fund assets and interest expense associated with the assumed borrowing.,The cash deficit includes interest expense associated with the assumed borrowing.,1,5571 Handel is believed to have practiced on the 1724 organ here while composing The Messiah.,It is known for a fact that Handel never had the opportunity to play on the 1724 organ.,1,5572 well you know i have noticed too that uh uh when i started the exercise uh not the exercise but the walking program uh that i did tone up you know like all over but it didn't get the upper part of my body and uh so,"There isn't much to be done, as soon as I start walking I'm out of breath, I can never tone.",1,5573 That's the secret.,That is the plan.,1,5574 "The most avid practitioners are Mormons, who believe that ancestors can be saved through posthumous baptism and have established 3,200 genealogy libraries around the world to encourage conversions.",The Mormon church does not believe in baptism,1,5575 He stood his ground and waited.,He didn't wait at all. ,1,5576 uh-huh yeah and but then they lost too much business,"No, they gained business.",1,5577 "Though he worked with the Kal, Ca'daan listened to the words of the two men as they talked, circled, and dueled in a clearing of the brush grass near Susan's rock.",Ca'daan and Kal had never met.,1,5578 King Hussein of Jordan died.,King Hussein is alive and well. ,1,5579 Nowhere is that more clear than in the periodic appearance of what I call the Left-Behind White.,This is unclear everywhere.,1,5580 Julia C. Langfelder began her job as the development coordinator for the Center for Conflict Resolution about a year ago.,Langfeler has only worked there a week.,1,5581 "offered a relatively inexpensive, low-risk supplement to the large-scale collection of other information that could be measured more cheaply and reliably than with large-scale studies.",Large-scale studies were still the most inexpensive means of data collection.,1,5582 "He was probably about fifty years of age, his shoulders cringed a little as he talked, and his eyes, small and crafty, shifted unceasingly.","The small boy continued to cringe as he spoke, side-effects of withdrawal.",1,5583 The following numeric format has been ,The alphabetic format that follows has been,1,5584 Interior's National Park Service and Bureau of,They were in charge of the nation's parking lots.,1,5585 "It was the main path of the Romans' invasion of Gaul, and the key to Lyon's commercial wealth in the Middle Ages.",It wasn't used to invade Gaul or produce wealth.,1,5586 "But I doubt this particular dishonesty will keep him out of heaven, since it is imposed on every politician--and even every clergyman with ambitions.",Every politician is entirely honest in every way.,1,5587 yeah and of course i was i was living alone at the time and it was late at night and scary and you know you start hearing noises you know,I don't mind being alone at night.,1,5588 "Although the tax benefits indeed seem to encourage individuals to contribute to these kinds of accounts, the amounts contributed may not be totally new saving.", tax benefits seem to disourage individuals to contribute to these kinds of accounts,1,5589 "On the same theme, the Guardian of London warned that the world economy has yet to feel the knock-on effects of Brazil's traumatic devaluation.",The Guardian of London said the economy would never feel the effects of the trouble in Brazil.,1,5590 Federal investment in human capital comprises those expenses for education and training programs for the general public that are intended to increase or maintain national economic productive capacity.,Federal investment in capital does not compromise expenses for education.,1,5591 "One is reminded that in 1938, during a safari arranged for the British Viceroy of India, hundreds of elephants took part in a hunt that bagged 120 tigers, 38 rhinos, and 27 leopards.",The safari arranged by the British Viceroy of India failed to catch any animal.,1,5592 "It has overcome its penchant for overblown, chest-beating angst, according to Rob Sheffield of Rolling Stone , with its most mature album to date, which features clever, self-mocking lyrics and bears the influence of '70s supergroup Led Zeppelin.",It's still as melodramatic and angsty as ever.,1,5593 so you know you lose a day's pay and you well you make about eight dollars or whatever it is you know,YOu will still get paid that day.,1,5594 "It has a number of bridges spanning its route, creating a shadowy, dark, and almost somber appearance.","The bridges that span the route give it a lighthearted, cheerful look.",1,5595 Rolled 'round a bush an' saw you git it!,No one saw you get anything at all.,1,5596 "Quick, go to the other wing. ",Slowly go to the other yard.,1,5597 "The lawyers who are participating, Reilly said, still want to have an intellectual experience, and they want to be part of the legal community.","The lawyers don't want an intellectual experience, they want money.",1,5598 i don't know if every citizen does or not but just you having lived in Houston you know what it's like out there,I know that none of them do that.,1,5599 "But a hot bath to be followed by a meal which was not the jerky, corn meal, bitter coffee of trail cooking!",He wasn't going to get any food or time to clean off.,1,5600 "He funded the cutting of a tunnel over 1,000 m (3,333 ft) long to bring water to the ancient capital.",He refused to fund the cutting of a tunnel to bring water to the ancient capital.,1,5601 "The House of Cleopatra is also worthy of note, named for the lady of the house who left behind headless statues of herself and her husband, Dioskourides.",Cleopatra left behind complete statues. ,1,5602 "Shivaji then had himself crowned King of the Marathas and, to pay his soldiers, plundered the country all the way east to Madras.",Shivaji was never crowned king and spent years rebuilding the country.,1,5603 "When labor gets involved in politics, this is not a detour from its real job of negotiating wages and hours.","Labor entering politics is bad, both for the economy and politics.",1,5604 I downloaded it a couple of years ago for a laugh.',I didn't see the movie.,1,5605 "The house at no. 22 is literally palatial, calling to mind a scaled-down Buckingham Palace.",The house is tiny and cheaply designed as low cost housing.,1,5606 "Unbar, Francisco! he called in Spanish.",He yelled in German.,1,5607 Stores offer everything from the practical to glass-mountedecorpions and butterflies.,Stores do not offer anything.,1,5608 A splash of black blood streaked one cheek.,Both cheeks were splashed by black blood.,1,5609 you find them under bricks and all that stuff where it's moist and if if you touch them they roll up in a ball,They can be found in dry places or on top of bricks. ,1,5610 "Later it was enlarged by Constantine the Great, eventually measuring 400 metres long by 120 metres wide (1,300 feet by 400 feet), and could hold an audience of 100,000.","It could not hold up to 100,000 people after Constantine the Great enlarged it. ",1,5611 "Godkin viewed populists such as William Jennings Bryan as barbarians, and they returned the favor by viewing Mugwumps as enemies rather than as potential allies.",William Jennings Bryan is very civilized. ,1,5612 um-hum yep i think that's uh just just having a good time,I think it is about having a bad time.,1,5613 "Sticking ice axes in the sides of mountains is a pretty stupid way to get to 29,000 feet as well.","The smartest way to reach 29,000 feet is by using ice axes.",1,5614 "But in a hostile takeover, it seems pretty clear, one plus one generally doesn't equal three.","In a hostile takeover, one plus one will equal to three.",1,5615 "The 14th-century church is rich in Neapolitan Baroque paintings, notably by Caracciolo, Stanzione, and Giordano.",The church's paintings are from the Rococo period.,1,5616 particularly in managing for results.,If you do a 360 you will always find managed results. ,1,5617 "Environmental Protection Agency and Colorado Department of Agriculture better enforce the 10- year-old laws, collectively called the Worker Protection Standard.",The EPA and Colorado Department of Agriculture do not work together.,1,5618 well the classic the other classic examples the Jehovah's Witness or or Mormons or someone knocking at the front door um which is more intrusive because i have to feel really tell someone to go away and there's that sense of i have now opened my door they now see what i look like what i live like and normally and they're doing something that normally i really only invite people to because i,Someone knocking at the front door is a sign that they respect your privacy.,1,5619 Put one on and feel as comfortable and stylish as an Ohio Turnpike toll-taker.,Toll takers are renowned for great taste in the clothes they wear.,1,5620 "Still reeling from the effects of the Persian devastation, Jerusalem was conquered in 638 by the forces of Islam.",Jerusalem was never defeated.,1,5621 A library with the maximum allowable e-rate subsidy of 90 percent would still find itself paying a monthly Internet bill of $186.,A library has a minimum subsidy of 90%.,1,5622 "But if it's at all possible, plan your visit for the spring, autumn, or even the winter, when the big sightseeing destinations are far less crowded.",Go during the summer to the destinations for sightseeing.,1,5623 how'd you win radio contests,How'd you win the newspaper contests?,1,5624 and just cover it with some uh waxed paper and steam it just until the fish is done and it's a wonderful,Cover it with foil and bake it until the fish is crispy.,1,5625 On the inside walls are flowered blue tiles (azulejos) and coats of arms.,The inside walls are covered in orange tile. ,1,5626 I don't know if it was mercy or vengeance.,It was definitely mercy. ,1,5627 "The signal knock, the demand for a number, and the reply ""Correct."" Two knocks followed in quick succession on the door below.",The signal knock and the demand for the number were incorrect according to the reply.,1,5628 Take all necessary precautions when participating in any outdoor sport.,"They don't prepare, they just go play outside.",1,5629 "Ribs, fins and flanges lined the hips of the beast- it was just about possible to clamber along.",The beast had a body that was bare and it was impossible for it to move. ,1,5630 "However, one certainty is that the U.S. population is aging and there will be fewer workers supporting each retiree.",the aging status of the U.S. population is considered an uncertainty.,1,5631 It seems the teacher could have taught Stone and Bronstein a thing or The boy describes how they made love in nearly every room of her home while her husband Steve was away.,The boy said they had sex when her husband was there.,1,5632 really is it like Olympic size,"It's tiny, the pool.",1,5633 Mrs. Vandemeyer showed no surprise.,Mrs. Vandemeyer looked very surprised. ,1,5634 i guess but we're going to try that and see how that works an experiment i'd like to try you know just try something new every year that i haven't tried before and,I'm not interested in trying new things.,1,5635 Captain Bayliss is still too army to give any such orders.,Captain Bayliss can give any order he wants to anytime.,1,5636 "I wouldn't mind going to him and telling him everything."" 88 Somewhat to her surprise, Julius negatived the idea sharply.",Julius was going to negatively speak about cameras. ,1,5637 it seems like uh everything i do has is computer related,"I do nothing related to computers, I don't know how to use them",1,5638 "Another favorite Republican cause is the Small Business Administration, which exists to make loans to companies that banks deem nonviable.","''The SBA does not do loans at all'' would be incorrect, because they do.",1,5639 There was a dinner given.,There was no supper.,1,5640 Texas used the results to improve its fraud and abuse detection process by considering certain high-risk areas in the development of data analysis techniques in its Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Detection System (MFADS).,Texas didn't think it was necessary to improve its process.,1,5641 "The papers were safe so far, but I couldn't take the risk of leaving them there any longer.",I left the papers there for all eternity. ,1,5642 "Some of the tastiest species are levrek (sea bass), barbunya (red mullet), palamut (bonito), uskumru (mackerel), and lefer (bluefish).",Sea bass and red mullet are not tasty.,1,5643 roof of your head's blown off,There is nothing new to it - it's quite mundane.,1,5644 "While in the recent past efforts were made to eliminate many of these attractions, the actual result was that most of the more seedy or disreputable businesses have disappeared while those operating within the law have flourished.","The recent efforts resulted in a crash for all businesses, law abiding or not.",1,5645 "He staggered up and forced himself against it, away from the place where the sun had fallen.",He rose and limped towards where the sun had been.,1,5646 we just allocated so much and it went into a checking account,We never put any of it into a checking account.,1,5647 "To the extent that borrowing from abroad finances domestic investment, the foreign borrowing adds to the nation's capital stock and boosts productive capacity.",Foreign borrowing has been proven to significantly reduce the country's stock while stifling productive capacities.,1,5648 Malok swears it proves we are right.,"It can't do anything but prove that we're wrong, according to Malok.",1,5649 What none of them ever does is die in a hideous automobile accident.,They had all died in a terrible automobile accident.,1,5650 "On television, there are more and more shows that take off from the Crossfire format, expecting guests to represent strongly contrary positions.","Crossfire has never been copied, and never will.",1,5651 "In addition to using engineering prototypes during the product integration phase of product development, Cummins and other companies we visited used other prototypes-such as production representative prototypes-in the remaining product development phases before production, as shown in table 4, to demonstrate product reliability and process control.",Cummins did not use engineering prototypes in its product development.,1,5652 They've got some kind of trouble with the sky.,"The sky is fine, they never had trouble with it.",1,5653 What's his name?,I know his name. ,1,5654 "Neil Howe, a historian and economist, is a senior advisor for the Concord Coalition.",Neil Howe does not like economics and decided not to study them.,1,5655 Recommendation follow-up is a shared GAO and agency responsibility.,No agencies recommend a follow-up.,1,5656 "After that, you'll want to explore the Old City magnificent and mysterious behind its walls, and filled with the most venerated sites of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.",The Old city excludes Islam ftom the collection.,1,5657 "They'd been cooped up there for over two hours, because the director was known for his pedantic qualities and now with his every comment, he confirmed a rumor about him that was circulating at the airport.",They were not cooped up for more than an hour.,1,5658 "Roughly 10 to 15 percent of the city's residents are of British descent, making up, perhaps, the largest British community outside the UK.",This area was attached to the United Kingdom in 1948.,1,5659 well now see that's a good question i that's i don't know how Oakland's going to react to being uh swept in the World Series last year they could very easily uh take that as a challenge which is the way most teams naturally you know naturally do uh and and just go out and and not give anybody a chance to beat them so,"Oakland is probably relaxed now, after winning the World Series.",1,5660 "The proposal was embodied in legislative form as the Clear Skies Act, which was introduced in the House of Representatives as H.R.5266 and in the Senate as S.2815 in July 2002.",the dirty air act passed Congress.,1,5661 it was it was beyond,It was way closer.,1,5662 Rennie nodded.,Rennie was napping.,1,5663 "'Natalia,' I had to ask.",I didn't talk to Natalia.,1,5664 "The F/A-18E/F had 56 percent of its drawings completed and also had over 90 percent of its higher level interface drawings completed, adding confidence in the system design.",Drawings are not needed to design anything.,1,5665 "Does he start t' crow too loud, Don Cazar or Reese Topham'll cut his spurs.",Don Cazar and Reese Topham likes loud people.,1,5666 Click Sony Music WWW Server to go ...,The link is for Apple Music.,1,5667 I'd kind of hoped my search was at an end.,I wanted the search to go on for a long time. ,1,5668 "So far, we'd spent about 10 minutes decoding just five words, but I felt on top of them and was ready to move on.",We were struggling for 15 minutes just to get past the first word. ,1,5669 "Because the nature of some military assignments makes a confirmation of the presence at duty stations difficult, if not impossible, the recording of presence for duty and of specific hours during which duty is performed each day is not required.",It is entirely possible to record presence for duty daily.,1,5670 "My point is beyond that, Bill.","You understand me completely, Bill.",1,5671 75 million in interest that accrued in several state cases brought on behalf of consumers.,Cases were not brought on behalf of the consumers.,1,5672 Fecal bacteria in beef distributed by Hudson's Nebraska plant sickened 17 people in Colorado,Hudson's Nebraska plant does not distribute beef.,1,5673 On rare occasions you may find a restaurant serving vino de pagos (local red wine).,During rare circumstances you may find restaurants serving local fruit cocktails.,1,5674 and now they weren't check in,They're still check in.,1,5675 "It would have been much more entertaining to watch, you could have laughed at him a little, and the nickname, given to him by the programmers' boss would have gotten a whole new meaning.",The program was too dull and offered no information you don't already know.,1,5676 "In particular, the statute does not expressly require that an alien be continuously physically present in the United States throughout the period of representation in order to be eligible for legal assistance.",The statute forbids anyone from receiving legal assistance if they ever leave the country.,1,5677 "And Scott Shuger will be posting Today's Papers early every morning as usual, except for Sunday and Labor Day.",Scott Shuger will not make any posts except for on Sunday and Labor Day. ,1,5678 "(But when those Monica topless shots show up, don't look for them in Congressional Quarterly .)",Congressional Quarterly keeps giving Monica a lot of attention.,1,5679 "For those not spending the entire day in the park, it's possible to return to Pointe Pitre by circling the northern section of Basse-Terre along the coast road.",The walls of Pointe Pitre keep out anyone who has visited the park.,1,5680 "For buildings, the policies and programs include additional appliance efficiency standards; expansion of technical assistance and technology deployment programs; and an increased number of building codes and efficiency standards for equipment and appliances.",The policies will not do anything to make the buildings any safer.,1,5681 A paltry hundred pounds or so!,The speaker feels the hundred pounds is a lot.,1,5682 "One of the prettiest, Dyo Chorio, has fresh spring water fountains which are still used by hill farmers to collect water for their homes.",There's no easy way to get water in Dyo Chorio.,1,5683 It was at Fontainebleau that he abdicated in 1814 to go into his first exile on the island of Elba.,He stayed at Fontainebleau for the rest of his life.,1,5684 Many pubs now serve meals and have entertainment; chalkboards outside the pub will let you know when they're having live music or other events.,"Pubs don't play music, they just serve a lot of beer.",1,5685 "She died during the battle,"" said Adrin.",Adrin explained that the woman was alive and well but on vacation for a while. ,1,5686 Much of your Costa Blanca holiday will be spent on the beaches and there are hundreds of them.,Costa Blanca is landlocked and offers no beaches for tourists.,1,5687 "And slight as they are, most of Kasich's proposed cuts aren't really corporate welfare at all.",Kasich's has proposed large cuts that are probably corporate welfare.,1,5688 "The most China could practice financial terrorism by selling Treasury bills and buying eurobonds, thus weakening the dollar.",The dollar grew ever stronger as China bought eurobonds and sold treasury bills,1,5689 One notable feature is the contemporary art featured in public areas and bedrooms.,It has impressionist art in the public area.,1,5690 We had just put away the last tea-spoon when a knock came at the door. ,We put away the silverware and went to bed.,1,5691 Today the streets of the New Town have perhaps the greatest collection of Georgian architecture in the world.,The New Town has had its old buildings torn down to make way for new ones. ,1,5692 "She meant, replied Poirot promptly, ""that she found it on top of a wardrobe.""",Poirot said that she had found it underneath the wardrobe.,1,5693 not even a scrap of paper on the ground you know,The floor was covered in paper.,1,5694 "We had a discussion about what our separate views were, Dudovitz said. ","Everyone, including Dudovitz, had the same idea.",1,5695 "Right there on Page 302, he explains.",He doesn't explain on page 302.,1,5696 "The other center has operated at Monroe High School in North Hills for two years and serves about 100 people each month, said Nancy Cervantes, an attorney for Neighborhood Legal Services.",They were only able to serve 10 people a year.,1,5697 Figure 6. Projected Marginal Cost of Carbon Reductions ($/Metric Ton),Carbon reduction costs are measured in dollars per gallon.,1,5698 and we happen to go out there on win night and uh uh they and they got hot then and i'm not sure they put the prices up a dollar a ticket this year we may have to go less but,You can get into games for free.,1,5699 calculated and used for all city carrier routes.,calculated and used for only half of the carrier routes.,1,5700 Your measurement in Jacob Weisberg's The Slate Arts Index appears to be a well-intended method for annual comparisons.,You never made a measurement for annual comparisons at all. ,1,5701 well that's good yeah that's not bad i had two i managed i guess when i was in high school or junior high i managed to talk my parents into letting me have a gerbil,I was not able to talk my parents into letting me have a gerbil. ,1,5702 where they get together in what they call tribes which is a neighborhood with probably five or six maybe up to eight uh father son combinations and they get together and and meet at each other's home uh maybe uh twice a month,There aren't any groups in the neighborhoods everyone is very solitary. ,1,5703 Blood exploded from some.,Dust exploded from some.,1,5704 What do we do now? asked Ca'daan.,"Ca'daan asked, what time is it?",1,5705 The house has changed little since then; it has been faithfully preserved along with the garden the siblings faithfully tended.,The house is completely different since then,1,5706 Federal fiscal policy affects the amount of federal government saving and this in turn directly affects national saving.,The federal government has no control over the amount it saves.,1,5707 "Built by the powerful Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Duke of Milan, as his family's burial chapel, the Carthusian monastery's 15th-?­century church is a high point in the transition from Flamboyant Gothic to Renaissance.",The Duke of Milan built the Carthusian monastery's church for his wedding.,1,5708 "For this reason, GAO has continued a body of work to identify the lessons learned by best commercial companies to see if they apply to weapon system acquisitions.",Weapon system acquisition processes are utilizing best practices superior to commercial companies.,1,5709 "They asked Fieldstone to trade a deed to the house for $60,000, enough cash to let the Ledfords buy a condo.",The ledford's bought a condo and kept their house. ,1,5710 "In Kota Bharu or Kuala Terengganu, take a guided kampung tour to see the craftsmen at work you'll often find that you can get their products at a better price than in town.",It is almost always cheaper to purchase items in town instead of from the craftsmen.,1,5711 "We recently held Cabinet-level working group meetings to review the most recent, most accurate and most comprehensive science.",We held meetings to dispel the science.,1,5712 yeah but at the same time you know you're telling me that on some given day i'm going to walk in they're going to tell me go down and you know and go down to the health center and you know pee in a jar or whatever it is no i haven't and so,I don't think I'll ever actually be asked to take a drug test.,1,5713 "Go home and sleep in your own bed, my friend, said Jon to Ca'daan.",He told him to get up and out of bed already.,1,5714 "They had too many patients and, with every patient new to them, didn't know important details.",They had zero patients and so they shut down the business. ,1,5715 You sure have yourself a snootful tonight!,You are sober tonight. ,1,5716 Get individuals to invest their time and the funding will follow.,"If individuals will invest their time, funding will come stop.",1,5717 "Alternatively, try salmonete (red mullet), mero (grouper), or lenguado (sole).",It is best to skip mero as most people dislike it.,1,5718 "The lawyer went across to his desk, and returned with a small newspaper cutting, which he handed to Jane.",Jane didn't receive anything from the lawyer. ,1,5719 golly that's ridiculous,That didn't surprise me.,1,5720 ", stock numbers, detailed descriptions, grades or quality, and types or models); quantities ordered, received, and billed; the quality (type, grade, or condition) of the items received; and prices per unit.","Only the prices per unit, stock numbers, basic descriptions.",1,5721 "And more than likely, historians will point to the May 1 election as the political dawn of Great Britain's Age of the Internet.",Historians will tell you that the May 1 election had nothing to do with the political dawn of Great Britain's Age of the Internet.,1,5722 Large and Little were not great friends; few in the south harboured love for the north.,The south and north are very peaceful.,1,5723 okay then uh all of your state income tax is deductible for federal income tax purposes,Your state income tax is not deductible for federal income tax purposes.,1,5724 and i think um in fact if if i had to do it all again i you know i i after that you know you never think of it because i guess because i paid for all of my college education myself i never thought about doing that because i had all these college loans i'd started paying back,My parents paid a part of my college tuition fee. ,1,5725 They adopted Egyptian gods as their own and did much to prolong Egyptian culture rather than simply converting it to Greek.,They rejected the Egyptian gods and shunned the Egyptian culture.,1,5726 Explore the story of our planet at Our Dynamic Earth.,Our Dynamic Earth is a famous place to get coffee.,1,5727 Advances in one specialty do not necessarily affect the practice of another.,The practices of the specialties are all interlinked.,1,5728 "Sand and sun Cuba certainly has, but most visitors who dare to step away from the beach will find it simply too beguiling to spend a whole holiday lying idly in front of their hotels.",Cuba certainly don't have sand and sun.,1,5729 "Divergence gives us a bewildering variety of life; convergence gives rise, repeatedly, to certain anatomical features, like wings and eyeballs.","Convergence gives rise to the wide variety of species, whereas divergence results in common anatomical features.",1,5730 "In 1980, there were three primary legal services programs in our state.","As of 1980, there were 7 legal service programs in our state.",1,5731 Ca'daan smiled but the oldest of the boys saw something was wrong and narrowed his eyes.,Ca'daan kept his eyes down towards the ground.,1,5732 The small chaitya of Cave 19 is notable for the carved facade and Buddha statues in its interior and for the graceful figures relaxing in the side niches at the entrance.,There is nothing carved into the walls of Cave 19.,1,5733 yeah uh-huh do they do you organize things or get or do they just,"There is no possible way you could arrange things, is there?",1,5734 "Whitebelly panted and shivered, even at night.",Whitebelly shivered one night and panted the next.,1,5735 no i don't i don't i never never saw that,I saw it many times.,1,5736 uh-huh well that's that was kind of the the aim wasn't it to get it started and then have it,We had no intention of getting this project off the ground.,1,5737 "It's not really surprising that when it finally did, its foes realized they could take a mile.",The foes did not realize anything after they did it.,1,5738 "How about John?""","I think nothing of John, Joe however...licks lips.",1,5739 "There, said Poirot, looking after her, ""goes a very valuable ally. ",There goes a useless human being.,1,5740 "An escalator descends to the reception area, which comprises shops, cafes, and the ticket office.",The ticket office was moved away from the reception area years ago.,1,5741 "Some respondents believed that, although reporting on stewardship items might be warranted, a separate manner of reporting might not.","According to some respondents, reporting stewardship items and including a separate manner of reporting is always warranted. ",1,5742 Severn had embraced him after the declaration.,Severn didn't touch him.,1,5743 "From the very first I took a firm and rooted dislike to him, and I flatter myself that my first judgments are usually fairly shrewd. ",From the minute I met him I liked him.,1,5744 How did the team do last night?,Don't tell me about the team.,1,5745 Hong Kong Diary published weekly by HKTA tells what's happening in the arts.,Hong Kong diary publishes news about current events daily,1,5746 A visit to Crete isn't all about museums and ancient sites.,There's little to do on Crete other than visit the museums and ancient sites.,1,5747 "'I need to use your mouth for the next part,' she interrupted.",She told me that she needed to use my cane. ,1,5748 "The entrance path leads past the ticket desk to a shady tea-garden outside the main portal, which is surrounded by architectural frag?Ϳέents from the fifth-century church built by Theodosius; an excavated area to the left of the door reveals a part of this earlier building.",Nothing remains of the church that Theodosius built in the fifth century.,1,5749 I know the Old Man hasn't contracted for anything but gettin' rid of that Pinto stud.,The old man has contracted for about 30 different things. ,1,5750 "To ensure top quality representation, legal workers need ongoing training in new and complex areas of law.",Legal workers do not need ongoing training,1,5751 "To the extent effects such as these represent categories of benefits that are truly valuable to the U.S. population, we have underestimated the total benefits of the Clear Skies Act.","There aren't much benefits of the Clear Skies Act, we were accurate in our estimations.",1,5752 A casual interest tightened into open appreciation as he stepped from under the porch-overhang into the street.,He did not have any interest whatsoever.,1,5753 "The Hittites were forced to flee south into the mountains, where they remained until they were absorbed by the Assyrians.",The Hitties were not forced to flee anywhere.,1,5754 "This is an economy, after all, that is doing well but not great, that is still growing slowly in historical terms, and that has still not shown significant evidence of a real boom in productivity (with the notable exception of the manufacturing sector).",This economy is growing fast in historical terms.,1,5755 "Yes, our parents had many of the same sexual traumas we did but, no, we don't want to hear about them in detail.","We'd love to listen to our parents talk about their sexual experiences, in detail. ",1,5756 do you have the basic plan or do you have the the other one,Do you not have a plan?,1,5757 "In 431 b.c. , Athens began a war with its neighbor and league member Sparta.",Athens and Sparta were strong allies in 431 b.c.,1,5758 well that would give them them more of an interest in what goes on in this country if if they had uh uh a a uh a privilege of voting uh that would give them a vested interest in the government and uh i would see that as as a positive uh thing for them to consider,"Everyone has the privilege to vote, it's doesn't need to be considered. ",1,5759 The Wall Street Journal editorial page lobbies for lower capital gains rates on an almost daily basis and has been doing so for more than two decades.,The WSJ thinks that the capital gains rates should be raised.,1,5760 uh no right now i'm in uh Washington DC area,"Yes, I am in Oregon.",1,5761 "Is it important to find out who he was?""",It's not important to find out who she was.,1,5762 "His heir James VI lived at the castle in the 1680s, when the paint was barely dry.",James VI never got to live in the castle.,1,5763 "Consideration of guidance for the recognition, measurement and display of obligations for social insurance programs has continued to present the Board with significant, vexing theoretical and practical problems.","The Board is not being presented with significant, vexing theoretical and practical problems.",1,5764 They see no threat and assume they can face any that might come.,They are aware of several threats and doubt their ability to appease them. ,1,5765 A pleasurable thrill of excitement made Tuppence tingle.,Tuppence maintained a calm demeanor and felt bored.,1,5766 "Case studies, obviously, can generate a great deal of evidence.",Case studies aren't helpful in finding evidence.,1,5767 "Because household purchases of residential dwellings are treated as business investment in NIPA, the depreciation on these assets is included in gross business saving.",NIPA has no rules regarding the purchase of residential dwellings.,1,5768 "Hard as it may be to remember in a bull market, society doesn't get any richer when UPR exchanges its cash for Pennzoil's shares.","No matter how easy it is to remember in a bull market, we should be reminded that society gets richer when UPR exchanges its cash for Pennzoil's shares.",1,5769 "An elegant relic of former splendor, the palace boasts cusped arches and massive pillars modeled on the style of the great Rajput palaces of Rajasthan, but also some unmistakably tubby Dravidian gods on a frieze running around the courtyard.",The palace is in a state of inelegant rubble.,1,5770 Now let's go to lunch.,Let's keep working until dinner time.,1,5771 The second largest category of tax incentives aimed at encouraging saving promotes home ownership.,The second largest category of tax incentives aimed at encouraging spending promotes home ownership,1,5772 uh Southeast Asia and lots of uh out of the way places but i don't know if they really had significant effects in the places where they went in teaching the people how to cope with their lives better,They were able to help a lot of people immensely with their projects.,1,5773 "Some of them are named after Gambino Family, Goodfellas, Li'l Gotti.",There are some people named after Einstein.,1,5774 i'd be more concerned about getting myself out alive at the end of the day and just being happy so i i sit back that the that's one of the main things that sort of happens to be sure up you know in or educational system maybe i do that means you have to have a metal detector and and uh outside the school or something,I think schools are perfectly safe.,1,5775 "In 1993, Fortune magazine named them among the 70 toughest bosses in America.",Everyone knows they're one of the easiest bosses to work for. ,1,5776 Nobody asked anything.,Many people showed up and asked all sorts of questions.,1,5777 "As for the Mississippi Bubble, it burst in 1720.",It is said that the Mississippi bubbles has yet to burst.,1,5778 "Criticisms of the The computers do nothing useful, and the futuristic designs are not anything people might actually want to wear ( Business Week ).",The futuristic designs of computers are very fashionable.,1,5779 It was Annette.,It wasn't Annette.,1,5780 oh yes she likes yeah she likes to she likes to type too it's even fun when i'm on CompuServe and i keep getting all these odd key strokes up there,"My dogs chews the keys off my keyboard,",1,5781 uh now there always has been a federal law against fully automatic weapons,Automatic weapons are more dangerous than most guns.,1,5782 "For instance, diverting funding from the Social Security trust fund-such as a carve-out from current payroll taxes-would likely reduce government saving by the same amount that the accounts increase personal saving.",Increasing personal savings will cause government savings to increase by the same amount.,1,5783 "Thorn fell backward but when he saw Thorn's eyes, Ca'daan saw something inhuman.","As Thorn lunged forward, Ca'daan caught a glimpse of the empty sockets where his eyes once were. ",1,5784 that's no secret and it shouldn't be that way i don't think,I think it should be that way.,1,5785 "As the home of the Venus de Milo and Mona Lisa, the Louvre drew almost unmanageable crowds until President Mitterrand ordered its re-organization in the 1980s.",The Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo can be viewed at the British Museum in London. ,1,5786 yeah and he blames all of his uh tax problems on his elementary school wife,He has accepted full responsibility for his tax issues.,1,5787 "But eight months after Madrid had authorized home rule for Puerto Rico, American troops arrived to take it away.","After Madrid withdrew, the island was able to remain independent for the next fifty years.",1,5788 he'll come in mama i think the ghost is in the house mama i hear it,"It's all right ma, the ghost left us.",1,5789 "His drinking parties were legendary, and he is fondly remembered by older folks in the town as a charming rogue.",The sober man had been completely forgotten about.,1,5790 well yeah yeah we have uh you know like a typical credit union account for you know just a a basic savings thing and then uh we've got you know the IRA's and CD's and various and sundry you know long term kinds of things,We do not need a bank account for our savings.,1,5791 An audit cannot ensure that stock prices will be achieved.,The audit makes sure stock prices are reached,1,5792 "Not only does Horwitz not do this, but he also understands that the mayor's remark was the real point of the interview--that and the jocularly aggrieved way in which he made it.",Horwitz was not aware of the mayor's interview.,1,5793 "While there is no empirical evidence to support or reject hypotheses regarding wealth and observed WTP, WTP for additional life years by the elderly may in part reflect their wealth position vis a vis middle age respondents.",Wealth position definitely has nothing to do with WTP for additional life years.,1,5794 Occasionally treasures can be unearthed notably old Chinese theatrical costumes and fake jewelry as you rummage among the piles of junk in Georgetown's famous flea market at Lorong Kulit.,Georgetown's infamous flea market is known for its used junk.,1,5795 Mr. Carter slewed round in his chair.,The man isn't in a chair.,1,5796 "Assessing and revising the organization's charter, processes, products, and services enables finance to better support business objectives",Finance is unable to provide improved support for business objectives when it evaluates and revises the organization's processes.,1,5797 and i have just casually asked her what he did for a living and she said oh he's the supervisor of this chemical land fill you know where they go and dump all this toxic stuff,He works in a grocery store.,1,5798 i'm getting a Master's in computer science and computer engineering,I'm getting a Master's in Aquatic Sciences.,1,5799 "You were a former police officer, and yet you got caught setting up and dealing methamphetamine .",The former police officer was never caught dealing drugs. ,1,5800 "Take the cable car to the peak of the Mottarone at 1,491 m (4,892 ft) for an exhilarating view of the Lombardy lakes, the Alps, and the Po valley.",Take a hike up to the peak of the Mottarone to see the Himalayan mountains.,1,5801 "Yes, but I'm sure I don't want to be rude about the Government if you've got anything to do with it, but you know one really has the devil of a time getting anything out of it! ",It is simple as can be to get what you need from the Government.,1,5802 Nor will the judicial opinions produced by LSC cases systematically distort the interpretation of welfare laws.,The LSC doesn't impact judicial opinions.,1,5803 yeah i yeah i just uh have you know one brother and he's married and you know they have a couple kids so i you know i don't have uh you know i don't get on the phone too much but yeah most of my stuff is just going places you know i enjoy going places with my kids and i do like sports but i'm you know i don't have a lot of time for them my i like volleyball of all sports i think that would be my favorite because i hate basketball and,Basketball is my favorite sport.,1,5804 The federal government also provides financial aid to encourage postsecondary education.,Financial aid is not given by the federal government.,1,5805 On the bad nights everyone wailed with illness and you woke up nearly drowning in their waste.,Everyone was very healthy and sleeping soundly.,1,5806 "Both the Las Vegas Aerial Gunnery School (which became Nellis Air Force Base and the Nevada Test Site) in the north, and Basic Magnesium in the nearby town of Henderson, arrived in the early 1940s as a result of America's war effort.","America has never been a part of a war, and as such, has little need for basic magnesium. ",1,5807 That report could deliver a knockout blow to Clinton.,The report will have no effect on Clinton.,1,5808 The French are also a very courteous people.,The French are so rude!,1,5809 Legend has it that a local woman climbed the hill every day to watch for her husband returning from across the sea; one day the wife and her child were turned to stone as a permanent symbol of her enduring faith.,The woman and her child fell off the hill and drowned in the sea. ,1,5810 Clinical Classifications for Health Policy Discharge Statistics by Principal Diagnosis and Procedure.,There are no statistics regarding health policy discharge.,1,5811 Newsweek 's cover story focuses on the gay conversion controversy.,Newsweek's cover story ignores gay conversion therapy completely. ,1,5812 "In Among Giants , another English romance in which freedom and security play footsie, the rover is a an Australian climbah named Gerry (Rachel Griffiths) who joins up with a cowboylike crew of daredevil painters led by Pete Postlethwaite's Ray--they have 15 miles of mammoth electric towers to coat in a mere three months.",The crew of painters is given more than a year to paint the electric towers.,1,5813 "After a short time, the man looked up at Jon, his black eyes intent and filled with hatred or dread or both.",The man looked at Jon with love and admiration.,1,5814 "(In the end, they didn't share equally, though.",They were more than generous especially towards the end.,1,5815 "By keeping such records, the central group could develop monthly reports that showed increases and decreases in incident frequency, trends, and the status of resolution efforts.","The central group only tracks volume, not frequent.",1,5816 "Despite the inclusion of canvases by Salvador Dali, Max Beckmann, Marc Chagall, Fernand Leger, and Piet Mondrian, the art is said to be unexceptional, since only Beckmann and Mondrian did their best work in exile.",The Dali canvas was not included.,1,5817 "Her face was so wicked I nearly died, but I smiled up at her doubtfully, and asked her in French where I was.",Her face was so beautiful and calming.,1,5818 'Hello?' I held the speaker to my lips.,I put the speaker down and walked away.,1,5819 "Under the headline Tina-bopping, the newspaper quoted from an article she had written for her own magazine about the White House dinner for the British prime minister, accusing her of sheer gush and babbling soppiness toward both him and his host, the president.",The newspaper mentioned in a positive way an article Tina had written about the Wite House dinner for the German prime minister.,1,5820 um not nearly as much as here uh i think it's probably because we lived out in the country somewhat and uh there just wasn't the emphasis on keeping the yards looking real nice,There is a real drive to have neat yards in the country. ,1,5821 "For years, federal agencies have struggled with delivering promised system capabilities on time and within budget.",Federal agencies have always been known for delivering on schedule and budget.,1,5822 America rescued him from minor cult status and gave him to the world (at a not-insignificant profit).,America could do nothing to save him.,1,5823 "Under the full environmental cell scenario, the estimated annual cost would be $244.","Under the full environmental cell scenario, the estimated annual cost would be $444.",1,5824 "As part of the mid-September festival at this shrine, there is a spectacular tournament of archery on horseback (yabusame), in which contestants dressed in the costume of Kamakura-period huntsmen must hit a series of three small wooden targets as they come down a narrow course at full gallop.","The course the yabusame contestants but navigate is a wide open field, with no narrow points, to aid in the test of long-distance archery. ",1,5825 "The media have recently paid a lot of attention to research on other kinds of self-protection, most notably the work of John Lott and David Mustard on concealed handguns.",John Lott and David Mustard are the biggest anti-handgun activists in the country.,1,5826 "Audiences literally boo avant-garde director Robert Wilson for his minimalist staging of Richard Wagner's classic opera, and most critics agree with the verdict.",People embraced Robert Wagner's avant-garde version of the classic opera and gave it a standing ovation. ,1,5827 "Pursuant to section 604a(1) the Commission provides a statement of the need for, and objectives of, the rule and the rule amendments.","Commission provides a statement of the need for, and objectives of, the pizza delivery schedule.",1,5828 The most we can aspire to is to imagine successfully how we would treat Microsoft if we didn't work for it.,We should only think of Microsoft as insiders.,1,5829 I hadn't seen a single enemy soul; I thought I'd lost them.,I see lots of people,1,5830 " Somehow, old Sather Karf brought order out of the frightened mob that had been the greatest Satheri in the world.",Even the old Sather Karf could not bring the terrified mob to order.,1,5831 Dolly and her fibroblast-derived cousins have changed forever the way we think about animal development.,Her cousins have never learned about about animal development.,1,5832 History defies laws.,History follows the rules.,1,5833 "At the very northern tip of the Sinai is Taba, with several large hotels, marking the Egyptian/Israeli border.",Taba is Egypt's main POW camp.,1,5834 Aix-en-Provence,New York City,1,5835 Food must have been exhausted days before.,Food was still abundant here.,1,5836 Barry agreed that we have not monitored closely enough what intervention is being delivered by the interventionists we train.,"Barry said it'd been monitored as it should have been, it just wasn't a good approach.",1,5837 "In 1934, it was the scene of bloody anti-government rioting by French fascists.",The government rioted against the French fascists.,1,5838 "On the rare occasions the service is queried, it invokes the Dead President.",The service is queried to the frequency of over 10 times a day.,1,5839 "On Meet the Press , ham-fisted moralist Bill Bennett huffed, How many times does this kind of thing have to come up?",Bill Bennet is described positively by Meet the Press.,1,5840 "Each included a tiny red T-shirt, a blue turtleneck, pink long johns, and two pairs of socks--one lime green, one vibrant purple.",All of the clothing included was black and white. ,1,5841 In the 1950s and 1960s Sharm El-Sheikh on the southern tip of the Sinai became a divers' paradise and since then this small village has grown and spread north along several adjacent bays.,The town of Sharm El-Sheikh is a poor diving spot.,1,5842 In 1977 it was renamed after the black nationalist leader.,It has had the same name since it was made in 1977.,1,5843 "The Spanish settled the land and grew crops here in the 17th century, but the fine great house was built by English colonists in the 18th century.",The Spanish built the house when they settled the land in the 18th century.,1,5844 "estimating the program's effect on changes in physical, social, or economic conditions, they seek evidence of the extent to which the program itself is the cause of those changes.",The program had no effect on economic conditions.,1,5845 "Philosopher and mathematician as well as priest, he has created a marvelously intricate interior surrounding the octagonal space with 16 red marble columns.",The priest secretly did not know how to read.,1,5846 18 CBO's budget projections are intended to provide estimates of federal spending and revenue assuming current law related to taxation and entitlement programs is unchanged.,"18 CBO's budget projections are intended to provide estimates of federal spending and revenue, assuming current law related to taxation and entitlement programs is frequently changed.",1,5847 He gave carte blanche and when a millionaire gives carte blanche he usually gets it! ,He didn't know anything about carte blanche.,1,5848 Operating information is also needed to determine whether the agency is achieving its compliance requirements under various laws and regulations.,Operating information is unnecessary when determining if a company is following regulations. ,1,5849 and sure enough boy the fur just came off like crazy once i got them in the tub so,The fur still wouldn't come off.,1,5850 Locals and visitors alike enjoy fishing from rocky shores and harbor jetties.,Fishing is not possible on the rocky shores.,1,5851 The Commission discussed these comments in its final analysis and concluded that the comments were not well-founded.,The commission's analysis had no conclusion.,1,5852 when he was alone you can tell i'm an animal lover you can hear my dog,I am allergic to animals; I cannot have a dog.,1,5853 "For information about lessons and/or guided group excursions involving some of the activities listed below (climbing, walking, mountain biking, canoeing, and sailing), contact one of the following Summitreks, 14 Yewdale Road, Coniston, Cumbria LA21 8DU; Tel. (015394) 41212, fax (015394) 41055, or Total Adventure, Holehird Farm, Patterdale Road, Windermere LA23 1NP; Tel. (015394) 47302.",No one teaches outdoor activities.,1,5854 This accomplishes several objectives.,This accomplishes nothing.,1,5855 ' Then we put you on hold for an hour and go to lunch.,We respond to your call immediately before going to lunch.,1,5856 Next we introduce the concept of delivery route profit and quantify the relative profits from delivered mail and mail not requiring delivery in both Italy and the U.S.,We derive the figures only from delivered mail in Italy.,1,5857 "And changes made by Congress in 1996 didn't help The legislature cut LSC funds by 31 percent, to about $280 million.",LSC funds were not cut at all.,1,5858 "People gather around the cafe, kiosks, and shopping arcades, the young on their cell phones confirming evening plans, the pensionati talking football (soccer) and politics.",Young people in the city do not use cellphones.,1,5859 uh-huh yeah oh i think that you know part of the biggest problem there is that they still really are third world country and they haven't uh caught up uh economically with uh say the United States,The United States will never be surpassed economically by current third world countries.,1,5860 there's a lot of single parents too that are trying,No single parents would even consider trying.,1,5861 "On the subject of Clinton's aggressive fund raising, Morris recently told the New York Daily News , I just think he overdid it.",The New York Daily News has not received any comment from Morris.,1,5862 um anyway i finally pulled myself out and i mean just as soon as i got out my clothes started freezing,As soon as I got out my clothing melted from the heat.,1,5863 "An important figure in Atlanta is Terry Walsh of Alston and Bird, who has championed the welfare of children in Georgia.",Terry Walsh has never been involved with Alston and Bird.,1,5864 "Attorney General; the Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency; the Director, Federal Emergency Management Agency; the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation; the Director of Central Intelligence; the Assistant to the President for Science and Technology; the Director, Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office; the Director, National Infrastructure Protection Center; the organizations that participated in our study; and other interested parties.",The Director of Central Intelligence is Mike Pence.,1,5865 i don't know that you do if it's random then it's random and that's not necessarily fair,If it is random it is completely fair.,1,5866 Hall says that about 20 UT law students will be needed to answer calls at the new center in Austin.,Halls points that that the center in Austin will use robots for answering calls.,1,5867 "When hypothesis tests are used to analyze toxicity test data, it is not possible to express precision in terms of a commonly used statistic.",Precision can be expressed in terms of a common statistic.,1,5868 The 1) Falwell is an anti-Semite.,Falwel is not an anti-Semite.,1,5869 you know so but God sent us his grace and they give pardons but i believe if it's a genuine conversion there's a genuine and those prison people know they know a genuine turnaround in a person's character they see that and i i worked in a prison in Fort Worth,It is not possible for criminals to have a change of heart.,1,5870 TRLA executive director David Hall says the call-in service is more than a hotline for legal advice.,David Hall is an intern at the TRLA,1,5871 "Our week of Christmas quizzing continues, and in the spirit of the holidays I'm giving the wrap-up to Tim Carvell, who might be able to exchange it for something he really wants, if he saves the receipt.","Due to public pressure, this week's Christmas quizzing is cancelled. ",1,5872 "He had his first sight, his own clear vision of the world around him, and his second sight, that of San'doro.",His third sight was that of San'doro.,1,5873 One of the most powerful exhibits is a single a human shadow left imprinted on the steps of the Sumitomo Bank at the moment of the flash. ,The steps of the Sumitomo Bank were recently painted and no shadow remains.,1,5874 yeah and i think that's where,I don't think that's where.,1,5875 "Madeira celebrates four major festivals, among the best times to visit the island if you don't mind crowds.",If you do not like crowds you should visit during the four major festivals.,1,5876 These artisans are not faking antiques,"These artisans are faking antiques, aren't they?",1,5877 "Also in Merrion Street, next to the front garden of Leinster House, is the Victorian collection of the Natural History Museum .",The Leinster house does not have a garden.,1,5878 And productivity us with that one.,That one is not at all productive.,1,5879 "Yes, she said meditatively; then suddenly dropped her voice. ",She raised her voice in reply.,1,5880 well we're really overburdened from federal state and local that it takes such a size out of your paycheck that there's not a whole lot you can always do with your paycheck,There are no taxes in that come out of your paycheck.,1,5881 you know they've really become very much involved in in just that one organization which the organization can use the help too so i i wish i could see more of that you know,They do not dedicate time to an organization. ,1,5882 "Oh, come on, Chatterbox said.",Chatterbox was in complete agreement.,1,5883 "She was anxious to find some stamps, and, according to my theory, she tried her own keys in the desk. ",She was desperate to open the desk but she had no keys,1,5884 "In this case, more space would be needed for the PJFF.",The PJFF needs little accommodation. ,1,5885 "Lucas II (1987, of the painter Lucas Samaras) has a wild-man intensity--part Ezra Pound, part Jerry Garcia--accentuated by Close's one-time experimentation with a radiating circular grid.",Lucas Samaras painted Lucas IV.,1,5886 He introduced a monotheistic cult around the one true god Aten and changed his name to Akhenaten ( He who pleases Aten. ,"The cult he created was based on multiple gods, including Aten.",1,5887 Dave stopped as the door closed behind him.,"Dave kept walking, and ignored the door closing behind him.",1,5888 "U.S General Accounting Office, DOD Financial Integrated Approach, Accountability, Transparency, and Incentives Are Keys to Effective Reform, GAO-02-497T (Washington, D.C.: Mar.",The U.S General Accounting Office is in NYC.,1,5889 The first copy of each GAO report and testimony is free.,The first copy of the GAO report and testimony is ten dollars.,1,5890 "Attractive and excellently crafted hand-made rugs, mostly from the Alentejo region, have been produced for centuries.",The rugs are hideous!,1,5891 "Another online pollster, Harris Interactive, is using its Harris Poll Online to learn about the public's views on the 2000 election.",There was a mail-in poll by Harris Interactive about the election.,1,5892 uh see i don't remember i i read it,I remember it perfectly because I read it.,1,5893 She's radioactive because of the Drudge Report . The cover package also wonders who's leaking information to the press.,They know exactly who is leaking information. ,1,5894 well i've noticed that it seems uh some women are i guess what i call the feministus,I have noticed that all women are feminists.,1,5895 recycle it,Throw it in the trash.,1,5896 Who? That crab? Shouldn't wonder if she only let me have a drink of water because Dad makes her.,She loves and gives me things all the time.,1,5897 5 and 8-hour ozone nonattainment were determined by rolling back current air quality levels.,Nonattainment was not possible.,1,5898 Jon felt for the doomed beasts.,Jon was emotionless at the beasts' death.,1,5899 "In the case of the Earned Income Tax Credit, it is also a rare opportunity to significantly enhance the living situation of a low-income family by obtaining funds rightfully due them.",It takes from poor families to give to the rich.,1,5900 i think it was at least five minutes wasn't it,It was no longer than one minute.,1,5901 "Well, it appears that Robert Ferrigno (see Kiss My Tan Line) has done well at touting the Californian presence here in Seattle.",Robert Ferrigno has been touting the Georgian presence in Seattle.,1,5902 "I'm not leaving our home, said Celeste.",Celeste said she was leaving right that second.,1,5903 Adrin spun his rapier and stabbed it through the assassin.,Adrin ran before he could get in a fight.,1,5904 "If I knew what was happening to the sky, would I be dredging the muck of Duality for the likes of you, Dave Hanson! He stood up, wearily but with a certain ease and grace that belied his age, looking down at Dave.","He stood up with difficulty, making his age obvious.",1,5905 "This is not about job security for me and Maxim, Atlas said. ","This pertains to Maxim's job security, as well as mine, said Atlas.",1,5906 I had to walk carefully in case he might get on to it that he was being followed.,"I ran after him with no care to sneakiness, because I had to catch him at all costs.",1,5907 bear bait,Raccoon bait.,1,5908 "And while a few companies--notably IBM--have embraced the technology, others--like Netscape--strongly object to it.",IBM and Netscape have no opinion on the technology.,1,5909 "Under the Act of Union, Irish members of parliament now served in London.",Irish Parliament members were expected to serve from Ireland under the Act of the Union.,1,5910 "It's all there--his terrible work ethic, his drug use, his obsession with the mob of the distant past, the mafia of his fantasies (of course he's writing a screenplay, and of course he can't spell).",None of it exists - he is solely grounded in reality and clean living.,1,5911 Its image has been found on various artifacts throughout the island.,The image has only been seen on one artifact found in the city center. ,1,5912 "They could do their duties and their memories were complete, but they were lacking some essential thing that had gone out of them before they were brought here.",They were not capable of doing any of their work.,1,5913 "Among the several museums in Honfleur are the Musee de la Marine, with a collection of nautical treasures, housed in the 14th-century Eglise Saint-Etienne (Quai Saint-Etienne); and the Musee Eugyne Boudin (Place Erik Satie), with a rich display of paintings by Norman artists and visitors to Normandy.",Honfeur does not have any museums to visit.,1,5914 Miss Universe contest.,The ended the Miss Universe contest.,1,5915 "As far as appears from the best evidence (which is the structure of the statute), I think the answer must be no.","Based on the evidence, the answer is yes.",1,5916 "You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online.",The Project Gutenberg License says that you cannot reuse or copy the material under any circumstances. ,1,5917 "Surely it is not usual to find animals that are completely unique on an estate such as this.""","It's very typical to find rare, exotic animals here.",1,5918 "Lordy, Mister Kirby, that's sure somethin', it sure is!",That isn't at all anything.,1,5919 Saloon brawling with the army ain't going to change that.,Beating up the army in bars will be the only way to change that.,1,5920 They have done this before.,They have no experience doing this.,1,5921 you know uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh and you you recognized this and was able to you know do something about it,You weren't able to do anything about it. ,1,5922 i don't know yeah think it was,I know that it didn't,1,5923 "In 125 b.c. , the Romans came in force, conquered the Gallic barbarians, and set up a fortress at Aquae Sextiae (Aix-en-Provence).",The Gallic barbarians conquered the Romans.,1,5924 "There was only one slip-up last week, when Rubin referred to them as our position.","There were no slip-ups last week, and Rubin didn't say anything.",1,5925 You warned us all right.,You didn't give us any warning,1,5926 "Using federal home loan data, The Post reported last year that black homeowners in Denver were 31/2 times as likely as white homeowners to borrow from subprime lenders, and Hispanics 21/2 times as likely.",The Post used federal home loan data to report that black Denver homeowners were 3.5 times less likely than white homeowners to borrow from subprime lenders.,1,5927 as little as possible i'm a college student,I graduated from college last year.,1,5928 They began again.,The decided to quit. ,1,5929 Cyr reported that a single question in a primary care setting-Have you ever had a drinking problem?,They asked a whole bunch of questions.,1,5930 Enka put a herb wash on my cuts that stung like the third hell but I wanted more.,Enka rubbed dirt in my wounds.,1,5931 uh you can you can get a family membership do you your family camp at all you you camp with your family how how what,You can't get a family membership because you don't have a family.,1,5932 Tommy followed him at a judicious distance.,Tommy closely followed him for hours on end. ,1,5933 i think i was one okay um first thing i thought of was was just the men that put the flyers on the door and i'm a Christian and i think i feel sorry for people that have to do that you know what i mean i always pray for the guys but when i'm sitting on my couch and it's and a man just walks up and puts his hand on my doorknob,I have zero empathy for these people.,1,5934 "As broadly as the term aagency- is now defined, the statutory language before the codification of Title 31 in 1982 emphasizes its expansiveness.",The term agency has never been broad or expansive in its meaning.,1,5935 "Pardon me, madame, for recalling unpleasant memories, but I have a little idea ”Poirot's ""little ideas"" were becoming a perfect byword ”""and would like to ask one or two questions.""","The woman was eager to share her recollections, but Poirot had run out of questions.",1,5936 no huh-uh i've never seen anything out i never seen the great i've seen,I've actually witnessed something greater.,1,5937 "White had a scary, magnetic conviction.",White doesn't compromise to a conviction at all.,1,5938 "! Identifying programs that have developed innovative, best-practice models, pointing the way toward more efficient and effective methods of addressing the legal needs of low income people.",People have not developed programs.,1,5939 "The adoption of measures such as the legalization of the dollar and small-scale private enterprises in 1993, and the introduction of private farmers' markets in 1994, have improved the welfare of some Cubans.",Measures have not been taken to open up small scale businesses or change monetary policy.,1,5940 "And I, who have both the keys in my pocket! He flung himself upon the case. ","And I, who both the keys that were in my pocket.",1,5941 "It may be noted that this is one of the few principles that CIOs may address themselves, without regard to organizational constraints or CEO support.",This principle will not be addressed by the CIOs.,1,5942 no i have no idea but uh so you think that mostly they're they're pretty much satisfied with things the way they are,I think they're looking for a change.,1,5943 The tingling is briefly supplanted by internal retching- then equilibrium returns.,The tingling lasted a long time.,1,5944 "Weeks after cover stories in Rolling Stone and Spin , the newsweeklies catch up with the hit animated TV show South Park . Newsweek 's cover story argues that South Park successfully balances crudity (singing, dancing stool samples) with inspired lunacy and sweetness (naive 9-year-olds).",Newsweek only covers political stories.,1,5945 um so there's not i mean doors don't have latches on them people don't tend to knock you just if there's a door closed you open it because it's in your way you people walk in and out and as a as a westerner in India i was often surprised and felt my sense of privacy there was quite invaded,Doors in India are painted green. ,1,5946 "6. Marry a woman appropriate to your station, and say anything you have to to win her.",Marry a man that's out of your league.,1,5947 "British, Australian, and New Zealand soldiers joined Cretan militia during a valiant defense in the ten-day Battle of Crete, but were ultimately forced to retreat across the island.",The Battle of Crete was a stunning victory for Allied forces.,1,5948 But Annan has formed a strong friendship with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.,Annan and Madeleine Albright have never met and are unaware of each other.,1,5949 'Oh.' I stood up.,I was dead silent as I began to sit down.,1,5950 "Good morning, Sagittarian.","Good evening, Bob.",1,5951 "Many northern Europeans, especially Germans, have purchased summer and retirement homes here; during the months of July and August, Spaniards are flatly outnumbered, when the dominant languages are German and English.","Spaniards outnumber foreigners, even during the summer months.",1,5952 anyway well it's good talking to you,It best when I don't hear from you.,1,5953 "They were one of probably a handful of places in the country where that happened, he said. ",He explained that it was the only place in the world that this had happened. ,1,5954 "Liebler explained the situation in court and the landlord, who had already received Bell's portion of the December rent, agreed to wait for the government's portion. ",The landlord refused to wait for the other portion of the rent to be paid.,1,5955 Results so far are The Mets-Yankees series opener sold three times as many seats as the Padres-Angels series.,Results so far show that the Mets-Yankees opener sold three less than the Padres-Angels.,1,5956 "But since I must have horses, Senor Shannon, I will look at horses.","I don't need horses, Senor Shannon, I have plenty of spaceships.",1,5957 I think it's fair to say we'll be heavily discounted.,They will not be discounted.,1,5958 they've got all this supplemental income coming in as if they aren't ma king enough already as uh stars of the sport,Absolutely none of them are receiving supplemental incomes,1,5959 uh half-and-half,Completely one sided.,1,5960 Early in 1650 Oliver Cromwell stationed his garrison here while attempting to subdue the rebellious Scottish monarchists; he was victorious at the Battle of Dunbar.,Cromwell stayed far away from Scottish.,1,5961 "Even if you're not much of a golfer, you might still enjoy a stroll through the pleasant gardens of Quinta da Junta, once owned by the ubiquitous Blandy family but today public.",The gardens of Quinta da Junta are still owned by the Blandy family.,1,5962 I imagine you'll hear why in a minute.,You already know the answer.,1,5963 and uh you know i didn't care for the Showboats much but i did like a couple of their players,I didn't care much about the players.,1,5964 "Consequently it is necessary to adjust the percentage of delivery costs for these posts to the level it would be with six deliveries per week (as in the U.S.) When the percentage of delivery cost is increased or decreased for a given post, the percentage of mail processing cost is decreased or increased accordingly.",Delivery costs stay the same regardless of the percentages.,1,5965 PRA also created the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs within the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to provide central oversight of information management activities across the federal government.,The PRA will provide the federal government with free lunch.,1,5966 "Something like that, replied bald Dr Kaliszewski.",Kaliszewski is a janitor with a full head of hair.,1,5967 "If most of the increase in mortality is expected to be associated with the fine fraction of PM10, then it is reasonable to assume that the same proportional increase in risk would be observed if a distributed lag model were applied to the PM2.",There is no way the increase in mortality could be associated with PM10.,1,5968 "He quashes opponents with brutal force, arresting Islamic militants and left-wing secularists who oppose him and shuttering newspapers and television stations when they criticize him.",He welcomes criticism and encourages everyone to partake. ,1,5969 um-hum um-hum absolutely unfortunately unfortunately at a lot of times it responsibilities like that seem to fall to you know maybe one child in the whole family you know,No one in the family ever gets that responsibility. ,1,5970 "By the beginning of the 18th century, life in the city of Edinburgh (today's Old Town) was overcrowded and unsanitary.",In the 18th century Edinburgh was very cleanly and under populated. ,1,5971 I'd spent the entire afternoon practicing my speech.,I was talking off the cuff.,1,5972 "I am Jon, said the man, turning back to the polished metal.",Jon turned back to the bucket of water.,1,5973 "He slept most of the time, as if not daring to use his little strength even to think.",He stayed awake for nearly the entire time.,1,5974 "While facing the challenges of an ever-growing population that may outnumber even that of China by the beginning of the next century, India remains the largest democracy and one of the top ten industrial powers in the world.",I think it's implausible that India's population will ever exceed that of China.,1,5975 "Tigers, leopards, and sloth bears are a bit more elusive.",Sloth bears are easy to meet and not elusive at all.,1,5976 yeah we have a couple of those too we uh we haven't planted a garden yet we moved to moved here from Colorado not too long ago where we had a really big garden but here i i know i hear i hear that the uh growing is a little bit different have you had a garden,"We've planted a large garden here, compared to the one we had in Colorado.",1,5977 "The present state of the cathedral owes much to Eugane Viollet-le-Duc, who from 1845 to 1863 painstakingly restored it following the ravages of the 18th century, caused more by pre-Revolutionary meddlers than by revolutionaries who stripped it of religious symbols.",The revolutionaries didn't succeed to steal the religious symbols.,1,5978 "Well, said the Industrialist, ""there's no harm in that.","""Well,"" said the Industrialist, ""that would kill everyone.""",1,5979 He was amused by my Slateness.,"After I spoke to him, he was in a very bad mood.",1,5980 i think that they should be put away,I think they should be paroled. ,1,5981 Distributional Analysis of Regional Benefits and Cost of Air Quality Control.,They looked at the cost of water quality control.,1,5982 um-hum yeah but it up in New York it's cold till about June,New York is always cold. ,1,5983 "He knows somethin' 'bout doctorin',""Fowler cut in.",Fowler remained silent and did not interrupt.,1,5984 and uh a um a nineteen eleven which is fairly scarce i found several good ones out of there,I have never found anything out there.,1,5985 "With pleasure, replied Tommy.","I take no pleasure in doing this, said Tommy.",1,5986 "The itinerary we propose deals in turn with the various layers of Provencal the Roman towns of Orange, Vaison, N?®mes, and Arles; the medieval bastions of Les Baux and Avignon; the ancient villages of the Lub??ron mountains; and finally the cheerful streets of Aix-en-Provence.",The itinerary is exclusively focused on how to deal with Germany.,1,5987 "On the north side is the Cafe Bonaparte, and on the west the famous Deux Magots.",You can find Cafe Bonaparte on the south side of the complex.,1,5988 "No, this is just a story.","Yes, this is real life!",1,5989 The view over Jerusalem from the top of the building's 46-m (150-ft) tower is magnificent.,The building's tower is 50m tall and overlooks the countryside.,1,5990 where my medical where it was worth it to itemize for medical expenses because they were just they were that much of a percentage of my income that it just,"I didn't bother to itemise my medical expenses, I just took it out of my income. ",1,5991 "It may not be the carnival you expected, but it can be much more memorable.",The carnival will definitely be forgettable compared to the one you expected.,1,5992 you too i think that was good that was the best one usually i get distracted off the topic you know what i mean,"I got really distracted during this conversation, like I always do.",1,5993 We're not breaking any rules.,We've broken six rules already.,1,5994 "When this is not feasible because of payroll processing requirements to meet established paydays, T&A data must be prepared and approved as close to the end of the pay period as possible to still allow processing of the payroll by payday.",Payroll processing requirements are optional.,1,5995 huh well Raleigh just got a uh one of the new football teams the new World whatever it is World Football League or,Raleigh couldn't have any teams. ,1,5996 What is that?,I know exactly what that is.,1,5997 "Luckily the weather was fine, and ""walking is cheap,"" dictated Tuppence.","Unfortunately the weather was stormy, and Tuppence did not want to walk.",1,5998 825 GHz for use by a new category of unlicensed equipment called Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) devices.,900 GHz were put aside for the new category of equipment.,1,5999 "We conversed on the war, and other outside topics. ",We hashed out the murder once again over dinner. ,1,6000 "By using software metric tools an auditor can independently evaluate software development projects by analyzing project budgets, requirements, schedules, and resources, and then confirm or question cost, schedule, and resource estimates.",Software projects could not be evaluated by an independent audit. ,1,6001 and i was led to believe that if you weren't TI that you get money i'm not TI,I have worked for TI for the past ten years.,1,6002 A drop-ship discount can be as simple as a price for nationwide mail and a price for mail entered at the destination office.,Dropship discounting and nationwide mail will never be in the same price range.,1,6003 "Industry and commerce have made the fortune of its three great cities Milan, Turin, and Genoa.",Milan's fortune is based mainly on its tourism.,1,6004 Almost as if-,Not even close to-,1,6005 "Although some agencies have automated part of the receipt and acceptance function, widespread application has not yet occurred.",Widespread application has already occurred.,1,6006 She hereby promises to keep Culturebox itself MacDonald-free--at least for the time being.,She promised MacDonald a spot at Culturebox. ,1,6007 "These routes are largely a suburban phenomenon, they reach more stops in a day and hence, have more volume.",The routes reach fewer stops now.,1,6008 "5 billion, while MLB's contract over a similar period earns about $1 billion.",MLB's contract for the same period takes in about $19 billion. ,1,6009 uh i i wouldn't know what to do with it,I'd know what to do with it,1,6010 "The ancient port of the Pallava kings, a high point in any tour of south Indian monuments, is only 60 km (36 miles) south of Chennai, but stay there overnight, rather than making a day-trip from Chennai, if possible.",The ancient Pallava kind port is more than 300 km away but it is possible to visit for a day trip from Chennai. ,1,6011 it's i've seen uh uh a great deal of change as far as um corporate responsibility and things um,Corporate responsibility has remained the same throughout. ,1,6012 "Founded in 1816, it was the first English language school in Southeast Asia.",It taught people Chinese.,1,6013 "I'm working on my fourth language now, said Lopez, referring to his Russian classes at Woodburn High School.","I'm working on my second language now, said Lopez, referring to his English classes at Stone Elementary School.",1,6014 "Also he'd committed the sin of winning a pile of money on tour, $3.",He won $30000 on tour.,1,6015 "The Turco-Afghan invaders were regarded as a transient phenomenon that would either soon disappear or, just like others before them, be swallowed up by the great subcontinent.","The Turc-Afghan invaders were a serious threat to the great subcontinent, and were regarded as such.",1,6016 Former US ambassador John Kenneth Galbraith called it a functioning anarchy. ,John Kenneth Galbraith was an Africa ambassador.,1,6017 "These, too, are expensive, but you can get shawls of good quality wool with distinctive embroidery at more reasonable prices.",It is absolutely impossible to get decent-quality shawls at an affordable price. ,1,6018 "They drank that.""",he ate that.,1,6019 "It's plagued by bland dialogue and dull sitcom acting, writes the New York Times ' Stephen Holden.",Stephen Holden thinks the program has fast witty dialogue and great writing.,1,6020 An SAB advisory letter indicates that many members of the Council believe that the Chestnut and Rowe study is the best available.,The SAN advisory has stated that it does not believe the Chestnut and Rowe study is the best. ,1,6021 Woodward recently fired one of her lawyers for allegedly telling a state trooper she now thinks Woodward is guilty.,One of the lawyers of Woodward was promoted.,1,6022 namely uh replacing putting the catalytic converter back on the car,The catalytic converter has never broken.,1,6023 A week.,Today.,1,6024 Wines and many other alcoholic drinks are still cheap by the standards of the rest of Europe.,Wines are very expensive.,1,6025 "The challenge for evaluators is how to use those aspects of an anecdote that are effective for our work-the immediacy, the convincingness, the attention-getting quality-and, at the same time, fulfill other informational requirements for our jobs, such as generalizability and reliability.",Evaluators often use anecdotes in decisions because it is easy.,1,6026 I believe that such an approach has conceptual merit and should be explored along with the other key concepts outlined above.,The concept I'd absurd and will not be explored. ,1,6027 This sector does not contain any advertising mail.,This sector does have advertising mail within it.,1,6028 "In the mystic Holy Allegory (1490) of Giovanni Bellini, we can appreciate the typical Venetian serenity even without understanding its symbols.",It's impossible to enjoy Bellini's Holy Allegory without first understanding its usage of symbols.,1,6029 "But here again, it's telling that when he thinks about the long-term sustainability of Sunbeam, he thinks automatically about acquiring other companies.",He seems to have a strong plan to sustain the company through product improvements and marketing.,1,6030 "By their sheer effectiveness, the quality-of-life drugs narrow the range of what society accepts as normal.",Quality-of-life drugs have had the effect of expanding the range of what society deems normal.,1,6031 But help is now here for those few brave souls determined to go to court alone.,There is no one to help those who go to court alone.,1,6032 'That looks dangerous.' I pointed at the joint between carriages- the two cops had melted it half away.,I said the jointed looked safe.,1,6033 "Limbaugh countered that Clinton had, in fact, snarfed at Mickey D's in Hawaii.",Limbaugh said Clinton ate Taco Bell.,1,6034 oh really you're older than i am oh,"Oh, I was born before you.",1,6035 "Jodie T. Allen's article I Like the IRS is based on an extremely dangerous and faulty All income belongs to the government, and the portion we are allowed to keep is some sort of present.",All people should keep every bit of their income. ,1,6036 and then you have the people inhabiting the country and these people have nothing to do with the government itself and these people are the same as you are,The citizen of the country are all involved with the government.,1,6037 "He cheered up a bit at that until he found out that the chants were compulsory, and had nothing to do with goodwill.",The chants were all to do with goodwill.,1,6038 "Also, the rule does not significantly affect the quality of the human environment and no detailed statement is required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.",The National Environmental Policy Act demands a long detailed statement.,1,6039 DOD concurred with a draft of this report and agreed with the benefits of using design and manufacturing knowledge to make informed decisions at key points in a system acquisition program.,DOD did not agree with anything from the draft of this report.,1,6040 the sculpture of Two Slaves by Michelangelo; Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa (La Joconde) and Virgin of the Rocks; Titian's voluptuous Woman at Her Toilet and somber Entombment of Christ; the poignant Old Man and His Grandson of Ghirlandaio.,"Titian was never a painter, he didn't knew how to paint.",1,6041 "Truly dedicated pilgrims begin the climb around midnight, reaching the top in time to greet the sunrise.",The pilgrims begin to climb at sunrise and they manage to get to the top when the sun sets.,1,6042 "This naked, righteous populism makes McCain a superb advocate on campaign finance and tobacco.",This type of populism makes McCain a terrible advocate on campaign finance.,1,6043 Jon ducked and San'doro's knife hamstrung him.,"San'doro did not have a knife, and was not engaging in any violent activity.",1,6044 There are at least three public accusations against Clinton.,Clinton is immaculate in the eyes of the law and has never done anything that would inspire someone to accuse her of a crime.,1,6045 "There was even a gandy cart, though no rails for it to run on.",There was no gandy cart or rails.,1,6046 Kingdom of Italy created; interim capitals of Turin and Florence,Italy isn't a kingdom and is small.,1,6047 The baker wore a white apron that looked like a smock.,The baker was wearing nothing at all.,1,6048 But Versailles was not without cost.,Versallies was completed under budget.,1,6049 ( provides a biography of Kadare and a list of his published works.), does not mention Kadare.,1,6050 "We contacted the Private Sector Council, a public service organization that assists in the sharing of knowledge between the private and public sectors.",We have not contacted the Private Sector Council.,1,6051 "Your judgment of the data's importance and the reliability of the source, as well as other engagement factors, can help you determine the extent of such an assessment.",Your judgement if the reliability of the data is the only factor to determine the extent of the assessment. ,1,6052 "I have nothing against them myself, but you know what happens when they move in next door.",I do not know what will happen if they move in next door. ,1,6053 You did your best.,You didn't even try.,1,6054 "To help ensure that the standards continue to meet the needs of the audit community and the public it serves, the Comptroller General of the United States appointed the Advisory Council on Government Auditing Standards to review the standards and recommend necessary changes.",The Advisory Council is tasked with eliminating the standards.,1,6055 "Deionized water is obtained from a MILLIPOREa MILLI-Qa, MILLIPOREa QPAK-2 or equivalent system.",Deionized water comes from just one system that has now been outlawed.,1,6056 The National Basketball Association has famously sought to trademark the scores of its games.,The NFL trid to trademark the NBA.,1,6057 The blade shook out of Adrin's hand and quivered on the ground.,Adrin picked the blade up from the ground with his quivering hands.,1,6058 He had no idea it was so bad.,He knew how terrible it was.,1,6059 yes since TI has uh uh instituted that um uh walkabout i have gone out and started walking even more bought me the you know the proper proper shoes and everything to get started and uh park out there you know way out there in the boondocks,TI hasn't instituted that walkabout yet so I haven't bought new shoes and I still park very close.,1,6060 "V??zelay's Basilique Sainte-Madeleine, repository of relics of Mary Magdalene, is a magnificent example of French Romanesque architecture, in spite of the damage inflicted by natural disaste rs, wars, and revolution.",There is a bunch of unaffected relics in there.,1,6061 "The weeklong trip, which must have cost thousands, resulted in a short piece.",The trip was inexpensive.,1,6062 The two cities have twice shared the same destructive fate.,The two cities have never shared the same fate.,1,6063 "Federal policymakers and program managers are continually seeking ways to better achieve agencies' missions and program results, in other words, they are seeking ways to improve accountability.",Federal policymakers are never involved in the improving of federal agency mission.,1,6064 "Through secret back channels to other political consultants, Morris tells us that he managed relations between Clinton and Boris Yeltsin.",Morris never managed relations.,1,6065 "If you want to explore other coastal cities, tranquil seaside Santa Barbara to the north and sunny but bustling San Diego to the south can both be reached in about two hours from Los Angeles.",Santa Barbara and San Diego can be reached within two hours from Sacramento. ,1,6066 "Second, the companies captured design and manufacturing knowledge before the two critical decision points in product when the design was demonstrated to be stable-the second knowledge point-and when the product was demonstrated to be producible at an affordable cost-the third knowledge point.",The product was shown to be a failure and not affordable.,1,6067 "A pious Muslim, puritanical in both clothes and personal tastes, he banished music from the court and burned the portraits of princes as breaches of the Islamic taboo on graven images.",He was a musically inclined artistic ruler.,1,6068 The assumption of ACI as a mercury control method will be more conservative with regard to sorbent consumption since it will assume that all of the facilities installing sorbent injection for mercury control require AC.,It is assumed that the facilities installing sorbent injection for mercury control have no relation to AC.,1,6069 He awoke and began preparing for his trip before dawn.,He fell asleep and wasn't able to go on his trip.,1,6070 "Of a more relaxed nature, one of the island's best levada walks skirts the edge of the mountain and takes in the entire valley, with views of the sea.",One of the island's best levada walks give no views of the sea but will give you a stunning view of the valley.,1,6071 but yes i have worked i've worked for TI and i've worked for LTV,I've yet to land my first job.,1,6072 "That is better. An assistant from Parkson's, Theatrical Costumiers, testified that on June 29th, they had supplied a black beard to Mr. L. ",The owner of the costume shop denied having done any business with a Mr. L.,1,6073 "Las Vegas, like every good gambler, has worked hard to reinvent and renegotiate its future.",Las Vegas has fallen behind in securing its economic future.,1,6074 Mazzini founds la Giovine Italia to combat Austria,There is no fight against Austria.,1,6075 "The golden era came to an end in 1450 b.c. and major fire caused catastrophic damage around 1350 b.c., but though the palace was completely destroyed the site continued to be occupied until the 5th century a.d.",The palace still stands today.,1,6076 "As a result, our estimates are based on the best available methods of benefits transfer.",The estimates have never and never will be based on the best available methods.,1,6077 "Although there are certainly News Quiz participants who'd pay to see him perform a flip, a toe loop, and a salchow, whatever they are, on a rocket-powered hell-cycle leaping a wall of fire.",None of the participants would enjoy his performance.,1,6078 "To ensure GAO's access to information maintained by federal agencies, the Congress provided in 31 U.S.C.",They were lax and did not maintain the information for years.,1,6079 Stewardship Land,Stewardship lacks land.,1,6080 2 billion pieces in 1990 to 40.,There were 1.5 billion pieces in 1990.,1,6081 Adrin's smile never left his lips.,Adrin frowned.,1,6082 We're told of Estella's inner struggle--of the tug of war between the punishing cock-tease that her aunt has engineered her to be and her inherent decency--but the conflict isn't palpable in Paltrow's paltry performance.,Paltrow gives an excellent performance that conveys Estella's inner calm and tranquility.,1,6083 "Wolf is developing a professional online note-taking service to help students augment their own notes or to catch up after a sick day, he told the New York Times . Student stenographers are paid $300 per semester plus $200 for every five additional note-takers they recruit for the company.",There are no note-taking service for students in development.,1,6084 yeah until they really and and it's not over see that's the thing it's not over and they're sending all these troops back and i think well they're probably going to end up going back over there again,I believe it is all over see they are done sending troops there.,1,6085 "GAO, perhaps more than any other organization, is positioned through its broadbased skills, knowledge, and expertise to support the Congress in meeting responsibilities that will only become more difficult as the 21st century evolves.",GAO is going to be of little help to Congress.,1,6086 you have to learn how to do it that's right otherwise they hold it over your head forever right,"You don't have to learn how to do it, it's pretty useless.",1,6087 "Perakiawhich means silver in Malay, is Malaysia's second largest state, reaching from Tanjung Malim in the south to the Thai border, covering some 21,000 sq km (13,125 sq miles).",Perakiawhich doesn't mean anything in Malay.,1,6088 and uh so you know it uh but you know they can always fool us you know they might do a good job,Nobody is working on doing any job at all.,1,6089 "Presented at the Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics, The Center for Research in Regulated Industries at Rutgers University, Vancouver, Canada, June 710, 2000 2 The writer is Special Assistant to the Postal Rate Commission, an independent regulatory agency of the United States Government.",The Postal Rate Commission is an internal regulatory agency of the US Government.,1,6090 oh by the time you get through with the uh,Who knows how long. ,1,6091 A predetermined cost to be assigned to products produced.,They made up prices to whatever they felt like.,1,6092 "Bolstered by the fact that there is currently a worldwide excess capacity problem for suppliers of these globally traded commodity chemicals, it is projected that there will be an ample supply of ammonia and urea.",There is an expectation of a shortage of ammonia and urea in the near future.,1,6093 It was erected in 1906 not far from the reformer's supposed burial site.,It was erected down the street from the shopping center.,1,6094 "In my life, Raptors are big.",I didn't know anything about raptors.,1,6095 "Some of the more fragile pieces are exhibited in an upstairs chapter room, worth a visit for a close-up view of his workmanship.","All of the most fragile items are kept downstairs, away from the chapter room.",1,6096 "I am well aware of my deplorable lack of humility, generally considered a crucial component of any sincere apologia.",I am not aware of my lack of humility.,1,6097 "Sir Ernest Heavywether made short work of her, and under his unmerciful bullying she contradicted herself hopelessly, and Sir Ernest sat down again with a satisfied smile on his face. ",Sir Ernest was bullied by her.,1,6098 Poland's road to capitalism and democracy has been a complicated one.,Poland has had an easy road to capitalism.,1,6099 No one benefits from propaganda based on scare tactics rather than the truth.,Telling the truth is never a good idea in these situations.,1,6100 You took me in all right.,She did not take him in and told him to go away.,1,6101 have you seen that that that's a good i think that's just a cute real cute movie,I think it is one of the most terrifying movies ever made.,1,6102 It's not such a terrible thing.,It's the most terrible thing ever. ,1,6103 "So I perceive, said Mr. Carter dryly.",Mr. Carter does not understand.,1,6104 "Jim had so much vision and enthusiasm, Reese-Wheeler says. ",Reese-Wheeler claimed that Jim lacked vision.,1,6105 um or if it's their style or or just understanding the material and then i you know it some of those it's like i said it's like school you have to work at it but to me it's worthwhile in the end i feel good about it and i usually remember those a long time later and then i have the books that i read just,I never remember the things I've read afterwards.,1,6106 "Then came the Dreyfus Affair, and Monet's faith in French nationalism was shattered.",Monet never believed in French nationalism.,1,6107 "Federal agencies also are to apply these principles-goal setting, performance measurement, and reporting-to their information technology efforts, under the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996.","Federal agencies do not apply these principles, only private ones do.",1,6108 "When played live it has a haunting melody, but taverna owners do have the irritating habit of playing it at high decibels through overloaded speakers.",The locals are forbidden from playing it.,1,6109 "Oh, you're sorry about slavery?",You thought slavery was great.,1,6110 "The New York Times ' Michiko Kakutani says Dyson naively downplays the [Web's] perils, among them new opportunities for invasive voyeurs and shysters.",Michiko Kakutani is firmly behind Dyson who believes the web is a utopia.,1,6111 "From the dead man's pocket-book he had retrieved the illomened draft treaty, and then and there, in the presence of the other three, it had been reduced to ashes… .",They stole the draft treaty and burned the dead man's body.,1,6112 It was the second day of the Exotic Poultry Producers Association meeting held at the palace in sciegno.,It was opening day for the meeting and people were excited. ,1,6113 The streets were alive with trade and travel.,The street was a ghost town.,1,6114 oh i can see it too,"I can't see it from here, it's too far!",1,6115 "Quiz participant Harald Amodt began his response with the observation, It's the inclusion of farm animals that makes one wonder if this spectacle involves sex or violence.",Harold Amodt is not a quiz participant.,1,6116 " The old man sighed, his face slumping into lines of fatigue and age.",The man was young and seemed very excited.,1,6117 "He also emphasized the importance of funding emergency medicine specialists, not just alcohol researchers, to conduct this research.",Alcohol researchers deserve all of the funding is what he had emphasized.,1,6118 and it was really nice really,It was mediocre.,1,6119 "The eight infrastructures identified were (1) information and communications; (2) banking and finance; (3) water supply; (4) aviation, highway, mass transit, pipelines, rail, and waterborne commerce; (5) emergency law enforcement; (6) emergency fire services and continuity of government; (7) electric power and oil and gas production and storage; and (8) public health services.",Public Health Services weren't considered one of the 8 infrastructures identified.,1,6120 Those others are presumably still in office.,Those others have left office years ago.,1,6121 He doesn't need to force his actors to caricature their behavior in the name of some archetypal truth because those masks are already so marvelously archetypal.,He routinely forces his actors into archetypal caricatures.,1,6122 "The road network is limited, but there is a bus service to the Kokkinokastro Peninsula where the most popular beaches lie.",The road network allows everyone to get to the popular beaches.,1,6123 Mr. Mace began at once. ,Mr. Mace waited a while.,1,6124 it it is it is very hard to go back and and actually the academic part isn't bad when your when you resume because it seems that things come easier because you're more mature and you've got all your life experiences and i thought the academic part would be harder but it really isn't uh because uh it because uh uh i don't know i think the maturity factor uh uh overcomes the fact that you've had a gap,It's pretty hard to return to college because you forget things more easily.,1,6125 uh i i sort of feel like if you leave it there and you don't use it and you sort of don't see it then it's it's safe in a sense,It is still safe even if you can see it and use it.,1,6126 "In effect, the potential exists to achieve the sortation without doing the work; but if the discount is not offered, none of the benefit will be realized.",The potential does not exist to achieve the sortation without doing the work.,1,6127 "In the last campaign cycle, Democrats returned $1.","In the last campaign cycle, Democrats returned $1,000,000.",1,6128 "In spring, the little rivers are hidden beneath trellises of blazing bougainvillea.","In the winter, bougainvillea cover the little rivers.",1,6129 "Ca'daan couldn't make sense of what had happened, but he clearly saw the results.",Ca'daan had heard of the tragedy and could understand both sides of what had happened.,1,6130 uh-huh yeah i know they don't write anything like they used to the classics,The classics are really similar to the new pieces.,1,6131 so maybe my isolation isn't for our country might be a little bit for the world i don't know but uh i just feel like we are we have accepted people other people from other countries so well to the point that we have not taken care of our own how do you feel about,We take care of our own people first.,1,6132 Jon reloaded his guns again and holstered one to draw his rapier.,Jon didn't own a rapier. ,1,6133 "Good Lord, yes! ",Absolutely not!,1,6134 "He was dark tan from many months, maybe years, in the desert but naturally fair skinned.",The man's skin remained light despite many years spent in the desert.,1,6135 "But like most selfless impulses, I thought about it for a while and the feeling eventually passed.",I acted selflessly on impulse. ,1,6136 "But the threat of Lutherans, Calvinists, and other heretics shifted the emphasis to repression, culminating in the Counter-Reformation formally proclaimed in 1563.","The heretics posed no threat, thus not changing the emphasis.",1,6137 "But if some candidates tower over others, the analogy breaks down.",Each candidate is identical to the other.,1,6138 "Obviously, the picture on the ID card wouldn't match my face anymore, but it'd be enough to get me past the electronic security.",My face was exactly the same.,1,6139 "'Do you believe in God, Mr. Franklin?'",I knew Franklin was agnostic.,1,6140 "It was a fort, all right, this whole stronghold of Rennie's not just the bunkhouse which formed part of a side wall.",The bunkhouse formed a part of the back wall.,1,6141 It would be really nice because i'm kind of tired of driving in pot holes,I absolutely adore driving into potholes with my cars so much that I hope that the road never gets fixed.,1,6142 and especially if you have a laser printer it's going to print out the same way as it's on the screen,The laser printer is not a reliable copying machine. ,1,6143 "There is no pay, no reward, no fame, the fight will likely end in our deaths.",We were granted immortality. ,1,6144 "He urged Christians to pursue a kinder, gentler What we need are people who live out their faith in every walk of life, in politics, but also working in crisis pregnancy centers, drug treatment programs, and homeless shelters.",We do not need Christians out there helping humanity. ,1,6145 "If he had hit with his elbow, Adrin would be unconscious.",Adrin has no arms.,1,6146 Newsweek 's story grants that some flaws have been exposed in Willey's character but asserts that her story regarding her encounter with Clinton (as told to Newsweek last July) has remained unchanged.,Newsweek had nothing to say about Willey.,1,6147 Their sea-resistant limestone foundations stand on massive pinewood stilts driven 8 m (26 ft) into the lagoon bed.,The foundation was created with concrete.,1,6148 "We accept the judgment of the court and will comply with it, said Clinton's lawyer.",The lawyer wouldn't follow the court's ruling.,1,6149 "For example, T and A data may be recorded (1) daily, (2) when deviations occur from an individual's or agency's established work schedule, or (3) at the end of the pay period.",T and A data may not be recorded on a daily basis.,1,6150 "Under such arrangements, executives from different companies who know each other will sit on each other's boards.",The executives don't know anyone else.,1,6151 it's nice it really is yeah we're talking though uh on my you know i don't really know i knew when i bought it but i don't know right now i've got a little program uh genealogy program called Family Ties,I've never bought a genealogy program.,1,6152 I've answered advertisements.,I haven't read nor heard any advertisements. ,1,6153 It has one of the prettiest settings of any temple in Egypt on a knoll by the side of the Nile with views both up and downstream.,The temple sat far back in the desert with a view of the mountains.,1,6154 "From the 1970s through the mid 1990s, federal deficits consumed a large share of increasingly scarce private saving and reduced the amount of national saving available for investment.",The federal deficit has no impact on available savings.,1,6155 "The process usually takes too long, and in the final analysis, the most severe sanction the AICPA can impose is expulsion from the Institute.","The process is usually too fast, and the sanctions that the AICPA can impose are not known.",1,6156 And ranking by size of gift provides a useful objective measure.,It is not possible to rank the gifts by size.,1,6157 "Ah, but I am vexed with myself! ",I am happy with myself.,1,6158 How much? asked the northerner.,The northerner refused to speak.,1,6159 "In 1894 he said in a letter to a Not for a minute am I free of the thought that I must, am obliged to write.",He said that he thought he need not write anymore.,1,6160 "That is, no one would be able to react to new information.",Everyone was going to get to react to the new data. ,1,6161 that's right we didn't close at all this past winter,We closed down a lot last winter.,1,6162 "Modern shopping malls are usually open 10am-midnight or later, and often on Sunday as well.",Modern shopping malls always close at 6pm. ,1,6163 "We are also thankful for the help of the Housing Authority, the City Council and Mayor Steve Lacy.",We are upset that the Mayor has not helped us.,1,6164 Non-smoking floors.,Smoking floors.,1,6165 "Just a few steps west of Sacre-Caur is St-Pierre-de-Montmartre, one of the city's oldest churches.",The oldest church in the city is to the east.,1,6166 Of course they cut welfare rolls.,They followed expectations and did not cut any welfare rolls.,1,6167 this one that you raised and i don't think i would have thought about that i think that's a good idea on your part i don't typically feel intruded on on the things oh in the sense of finding out information,The point you just raised was really stupid and I have thought about that already.,1,6168 Now there was another rumble of thunder from the falling sky.,There was no other rumble from the sky.,1,6169 Multi-day models are often referred to as distributed lag models because they assume that mortality following a PM event will be distributed over a number of days following or lagging the PM event.,Multi-day models are not referred to as distributed lag models.,1,6170 "Otherwise, I'll think of something else."" Dave followed the man out into the clearing.",Dave and the man were silent as they walked out into the field.,1,6171 "It's not our job to police the whole world , says the realist.",The realist things the US should continue to be the world police.,1,6172 He was so seldom vehement about anything. ,He was always like this. ,1,6173 The largest Malaysian deer is the brown antlered sambar.,The biggest deer in Malaysia is the leopard.,1,6174 "Although the shrine is thought to have been founded in the third century, the present buildings are relatively recent reproductions.",The shrine is newer than the reproduced buildings.,1,6175 ACI hardware is comprised of relatively common mechanical components and is largely made of steel.,ACI hardware is mostly bronze.,1,6176 "For the other five year-periods, it is conservatively estimated that all installations will be completed within three years.",The installations are estimated to be done within 15 years.,1,6177 "It suffered some destruction by the hands of Muslim iconoclasts, so it's worth visiting the Archaeological Museum, too, where some of the best of its statues are now kept.",There are no statues kept at the Archaeological Museum. ,1,6178 and i had to always well i've lived there for eight years myself i'd always said i was gonna go back to school and go to Notre Dame,I never wanted to go back to college.,1,6179 "Prominent phallus signs often indicate a house of ill repute, with an arrow pointing upstairs to where the action was, but sometimes they were just a shopkeeper's good luck sign.","Phallus signs, despite their connotations, were never used to mark brothels. ",1,6180 "In addition, other resources within the hierarchy of accounting literature are identified to aid users in accounting for these items.",The resources identified are only useful to the writers.,1,6181 "Architecture didn't give Smith the control he wanted; changes to the Olsen compound, in particular, depressed him.",Smith was perfectly happy with the changes made to the Olsen compound.,1,6182 "'This way, if all else fails,' White clicked a few buttons on the case, 'at least we achieve the mission objective.'",White has no plan for achieving the mission objective. ,1,6183 oh you know that's really funny um well i i come from a large family and there there's quite a few boys so that's kind of how i got in with the football either watch that or watch nothing and um,I never have watched football.,1,6184 "Would have been a different thing, if I had been cleaning all day, you know.",I spent the entire day cleaning.,1,6185 The cockpit was small and cramped with consoles.,The cockpit was giant.,1,6186 It would have been easy to cry foul.,It was a fair fight and a fair win.,1,6187 "As figure 1.10 shows, the cost of these two programs combined would nearly double as a share of the payroll tax base over the long term.",The two programs won't increase in price in the future.,1,6188 But the other ... Drew stared.,Drew was not worried about the other.,1,6189 "Just across rue St-Jacques stands the exquisite 13th- to 15th-century Flamboyant Gothic church of St-Severin, in which Dante is said to have prayed and Saint-Saans asked to be made honorary organist.",The church of St-Jacques is the place where Dante asked to be honorary organist.,1,6190 "To help you identify these sources, you can use a variety of databases and other research tools, which include the Congressional Research Service Public Policy Literature Abstracts and organizations' Web sites.",Databases will be of no help to you in finding and identifying sources.,1,6191 "San'doro's other stick came in, point toward the hollow in Adrin's throat.","San'doro, disarmed, rolled away from Adrin's strike, and he frantically searched for a weapon, or anything that could be used as one.",1,6192 Greetings! As Drew stood blinking just within the doorway the card player rose.,Drew ran away immediately.,1,6193 "Heinrich Schliemann found his fabled city, and discovered Priam's treasure, a cache of gold beside the city walls.",Heinrich Schliemann spread a false story about finding treasure.,1,6194 here kid this is this is all you're getting,I'm not giving you anything. ,1,6195 "When the Board developed the standards for stewardship reporting, its intention was to provide overall guidance on definitions, recognition, measurement, and minimum and recommended reporting.",The board did not intend on providing overall guidance on definitions or recognitions. ,1,6196 "It is undertaken prior to testing the effects of the program, chiefly, however, as an indicator of appropriate evaluation design.",It is done after testing the effects. ,1,6197 But it is Redgrave to whom we return.,They are not going to return to Redgrave.,1,6198 Only Helms went out of his way this time.,"Helms, just like the others, would not go out of his way.",1,6199 yeah um-hum that's right yeah that's a real waste too it really is,"It was not wasted at all, it was very expected.",1,6200 "If you're a subscriber and your delivery was discontinued, please accept our apologies, and sign up again.","If your delivery was discontinued as a subscriber, there is nothing we can do about it.",1,6201 The ultimate effect of any tax incentive on national saving would depend on how households in aggregate respond.,Tax incentives do not depend on the household,1,6202 Steve Forbes' Internet guru Rick Segal tried to work the Iowa straw poll this way.,Rick Segal never tried to work the Iowa straw poll.,1,6203 "After visiting the emotionally powerful museum, you may wish to seek a therapeutic antidote in the lively shopping centers east of the park around Hondori, Hachobori, and Kamiya-cho.",The museum is dull and boring.,1,6204 and uh it was an interesting experience for her i mean she'd always assisted me and done some other things but for her to actually get in there and do it herself it was uh it was something a little different,"She never bothered getting down and actually doing it her self, so she missed out on that.",1,6205 1Federal debt held by the public is also called publicly held debt but is not the same as public debt.,The federal debt held by the public is also called locally held debt.,1,6206 The secret of these fish is so well kept that no emperor has dared to take control lest this secret become lost.,Everyone knew the secrets of the fish. ,1,6207 "Instead, on May 16, the Vice Presidentas Counsel sent GAO a letter questioning the appropriateness of GAOas review, expressing reluctance to supply the information requested and asking for a statement of GAOas legal authority to conduct the review.",The Vice President's Counsel refused to communicate with GAO.,1,6208 "On 18 March the Golden Dragon dance is held at Tokyo's Senso-ji Temple (in Asakusa), accompanied by a ceremonial carriage bearing several geisha playing traditional musical instruments.",The Golden Dragon dance is held in the United States. ,1,6209 "There was no villainy in his smile, no intimidation.",He could not contain his true intentions.,1,6210 This organization proved helpful in ensuring that reasons why a site showed up as an outlier for a given theme could be discussed by someone who knew the site as a whole.,"The organization wasn't at all useful, the person who knew the site couldn't even speak about it.",1,6211 "Ferries or hydrofoils leave from Naples, Sorrento, and Positano (and Amalfi in the summer months only) for this fabled island 10 sq km (4 sq miles) in size.",The island can be reached from Amalfi during winter.,1,6212 Newsweek wonders how George W. Bush will survive the transition from honeymoon to full-fledged campaign.,Newsweek thinks George W Bush has already launched a real campaign.,1,6213 well something that i really don't understand is when someone goes to jail,"Criminals go to prison because they should, simple as that.",1,6214 "Not least of all, it makes for a marvellous diversity in the national cuisines, with food centers often serving Malay, Chinese, and Indian dishes at adjacent stalls (see page 160).",Food centres offered little choice to the customers.,1,6215 ", the degree of management centralization in the agencies); (2) standardization would require scarce agency resources that might be better spent elsewhere; and (3) a good first step might be to determine whether lack of standardization is really a problem.",Standardization is not an important factor to evaluate in the agencies. ,1,6216 " ""All whose true names they could find, that is,"" Garm amended.",They found no one's true name.,1,6217 uh challenging you know than the sitcoms of regular TV,Sitcoms don't appear on regular TV.,1,6218 "The closing chyron, This is SportsCenter, reminds us this show gives sports an attitude.",This is SportsCenter will be removed from the show.,1,6219 yeah i kind of feel that way too,I don't think so. ,1,6220 but no more of that.,"once again, if it's possible.",1,6221 "What the imaginary quilting business did produce was a loan that she and her husband, Linn, who is 86 and suffers from congestive heart failure, cannot possibly afford.",The young couple got a loan to open their own business.,1,6222 It will only take a moment for the shaft to collapse so run to the main chamber as soon as you break the barrels.,"Nothing would collapse, and the barrels were inert.",1,6223 "Most influential at this stage was architect William Playfair, and his flair can be seen in many of the streets and public buildings of the time.",William Playfair had a failed career in architecture. ,1,6224 "In addition, discounts encourage bulk advertising mailers to sort their mail all the way to the carrier's walk sequence, thereby avoiding the carrier in-office function.",Bulk advertising is a major drain on a carrier's time in the office. ,1,6225 Remember the Sabbath Muslims have Friday as their day of rest (beginning at sunset on Thursday and ending at sunset on Friday).,The Sabbath Muslims have Sunday as their day of rest.,1,6226 "Your eyes will be burned if a drop of the Dead Sea touches them, and you will feel the sting of salt and iodine if you have cuts or abrasions on your skin.",The Dead Sea does not contain salt.,1,6227 A moment.,50 moments.,1,6228 "The plantation was bought in 1936 by English industrialist Sir Harold Mitchell and became an important focus for diplomatic, political, and social activities in Jamaica.",The plantation has always been owned by Spanish settlers.,1,6229 "In 1963, 0.7 percent of blacks married someone of another race.",Most blacks married spouses of a different race.,1,6230 "We're dead, and we're here, and they tell us to make helicopters.",They tell us to make small balloon animals. ,1,6231 Novak goes against the flow to argue that Goldwater retarded the conservative movement by not finding room under his robes for the poor and the religious.,Novak argues that Goldwater left plenty of room for both the poor and the religious under his robes.,1,6232 credit card i think has the lowest about the lowest interest rate of any of the ones that we use,credit card has the highest interest rate out of any.,1,6233 now that one i'm not familiar with,I'm very familiar with that one. ,1,6234 "Here, if in any one place, modern art was Picasso, Braque, and Juan Gris developed Cubism; Modigliani painted in a style all his own; and Apollinaire wrote his first surrealistic verses.",Picasso's art is classified as Cubism.,1,6235 But try to make it sound authentic.',Try and make it sound fake.,1,6236 "In addition, auditors should obtain an understanding of the methods and significant assumptions used by the nonauditors.",There are no methods or assumptions for auditors at all.,1,6237 """Not here, no,"" Teodoro agreed.","""Right here, yes,"" said Teodoro.",1,6238 "In an attestation engagement, auditors issue an examination, a review, or an agreed-upon procedures report on subject matter, or on an assertion about the subject matter, that is the responsibility of another party.",Auditors tend not to get involved in attestation engagements.,1,6239 "When we make dinner plans, we don't name restaurants; we list Should we go for Thai?","When we're talking about dinner plans, we name restaurants and always avoid Thai.",1,6240 Quick it was six months after his arrival but not smooth.,Things went very smoothly sex months after his arrival. ,1,6241 yeah yeah yeah right but i and i love uh i look at the orchestra music too like the Boston Pops or or anything,I never look at orchestra music.,1,6242 "In a society with a very flat distribution of income and status, nobody feels left out.","In a society that distributes resources very evenly, people don't feel included.",1,6243 if i don't do it i just feel like i don't have as much energy,I feel like doing it reduces my energy levels.,1,6244 The imputed financing is necessary so that the imputed cost does not reduce the employer entity's operating results and net position.,Imputed financing is not necessary for reduction purposes.,1,6245 Table I.1: Map to the Audit Guide ,There is not Table I.1,1,6246 waiting for the waiting waiting for the weather to get nice out so i can go ahead and uh replace some of the some of the dead shrubs from winter,I don't want to replace the dead shrubs.,1,6247 "This was also the time when people started rearing animals, irrigating the land, and making pottery.",People had been making pottery long before this period.,1,6248 "He has to be familiar (and competent) enough to keep viewers satisfied, but also distinct (and flawed) enough that when the star returns, everyone remembers exactly why they love him so.",He needs to have off-putting qualities. ,1,6249 Alice has a predictable reaction to this ,No one could have predicted Alice's reaction,1,6250 uh-huh no no kids,"No, plenty of kids. ",1,6251 Perhaps he put soma into our drinking water.,He may have put some in our juice. ,1,6252 "According to the Globe , friends of the Playboy magazine founder are worried that he's popping Viagra like candy and eventually his heart is going to explode.",There is little concern in the amount of Viagra he uses. ,1,6253 "She's disappeared, said Julius.","Julius gestured, ""She's over there.""",1,6254 "They are re-aggregated into increments of five percent of the first five percent of traffic delivered is reached with 23 areas, and the last five percent of traffic is obtained with 900 areas.",The last five percent of traffic is reached with 10 areas.,1,6255 "The boy caught the piece, his eyes round as he looked at it.",The boy threw something.,1,6256 "Another central breathing space, the Real Jardin Botanico (Royal Botanical Garden), adjacent to the Prado, was founded two centuries ago and is packed with enlightening displays of flowers and trees.",The Real Jardin Botanico was fouded 3 centuries ago.,1,6257 "In recent years an external measurement system for First-Class Mail has been developed and one now exists for Priority, but actual service levels for most other subclasses have been a great unknown.",There is a detailed systems for measuring the service levels of all classes of mail. ,1,6258 and uh the uh improvement in uh income and uh investments and so forth has not uh come at the rate i've expected so we're still kind of hurting by the uh high mortgage payments and we haven't gotten out from under them yet,Our mortgage payments are very manageable and small.,1,6259 "Like the shrines, the bridge is renewed every two decades.",The shrines are never renewed.,1,6260 "Be prepared, for it is indeed noisy.",It's silent.,1,6261 "Most famous is the striking 74-story I.M. Pei Bank of China Tower, not beloved by the people of Hong Kong its triangular prisms and sharp angles violate the principles of feng shui (see box, page 68) and its radio masts stick up like an insect's antennae.",The people of Hong Kong love the I.M. Pei Bank of China Tower because it generates a lot of cash.,1,6262 Ocho Rios began in the 1960s when the site of a fishing village was systematically developed with the express aim of turning it into a resort.,Ocho Rios was turned into a fishing village in the 1960s.,1,6263 "I must not appear in the case.""",I need to be seen during the case.,1,6264 Watch the end of the road at all times.,The person should close their eyes while they travel.,1,6265 i did the papering you know when we built but that's not my uh that's not my cup of tea,I really enjoy doing the papering.,1,6266 "The 1990s even saw a major overhaul, when Charlotte introduced magnet schools devoted to excellence in a single area, such as math, and open to students from all neighborhoods--to give whites extra incentive to travel long distances to school.",The 1990's saw things staying the same.,1,6267 "Our simulations using a longterm economic growth model show that, even assuming the United States could maintain national saving constant at its 2000 share of GDP, future incomes would fall short of the rise in living standards enjoyed by prior generations whose income generally doubled every 35 years (see figures","If national savings rated decrease, future incomes will also increase.",1,6268 "Most of the 20 migrant farm workers, in an adjacent lettuce field in Olathe, said they felt sick They gasped for breath, had pounding headaches, irritated eyes and swollen, numb tongues.",All of the migrant workers said that they felt fine and the business continued.,1,6269 The tombs are known collectively as the Theban Necropolis.,The tombs don't have a name.,1,6270 "The windows and doors of over 100 wooden cabins are bedecked with printed sarongs, T-shirts, and carved masks.",The wooden cabins do not have windows or doors.,1,6271 We can win.,We will lose. ,1,6272 Both teams' story lines are marred by the fact that their coaches have been to the Super Bowl with other teams.,Their coaches have been to the Super Bowl with only the team they coach now,1,6273 Antiques shops cluster around the Left Bank's 6th and 7th arrondissements.,The left bank only has 5 arrondissements.,1,6274 The whole population comes out into the streets to watch a huge display of fireworks illuminate the historic skyline.,The huge display of fireworks are considered a nuisance to the towns population. ,1,6275 I wonder if he'd heard Tomas Borge's radio interview.,I wonder if he's seen Tomas Borge's tv show.,1,6276 They're good!,They are gross. ,1,6277 yeah that's uh the technology is really really blow you know going going crazy with this,The technology is so boring and is completely predictable.,1,6278 And why was that?,I already knew that.,1,6279 "Some criteria, however, are seen as unique to case studies and qualitative approaches.",No criteria is ever unique to case studies and approaches.,1,6280 Another man on the steps behind Whittington gave a startled exclamation.,Whittington was in a car with a man who gave a startled exclamation.,1,6281 well talk to you later Tom Clancy it's called A Clear and Present Danger,I have never heard of Tom Clancy.,1,6282 "In implementing these standards, management is responsible for developing the detailed policies, procedures, and practices to fit their agency's operations and to ensure that they are built into and an integral part of operations.",Management doesn't need to do anything. ,1,6283 "A recent redesign has added space to the museum of modern art, which is divided into two Les Modernes (1905 to 1960) on the fifth floor ' displaying works by such key figures as Brancusi, Dada, Kandinsky, Matisse, Mir??, Picasso, and Man Ray ' and Les Cetemporains (1960 to the present) on the fourth floor.",The museum's redesign has cut the space by two thirds of its original.,1,6284 "A given batch of dilution water should not be used for more than 14 days following preparation because of the possible build-up of bacterial, fungal, or algal slime growth and the problems associated with it.",The batches of dilution water have an infinite shelf life.,1,6285 well um i'm not uh much of a a woodworker myself but my dad owns a shop and he uh makes quite a few uh arts and crafts just type things out of wood and um,My dad only owns and operates a bakery.,1,6286 "Modern archaeologists studying the ruins of Troy have discovered nine superimposed cities, ranging from Troy I (3000 2500 b.c. ) to Troy IX (350 b.c. a.d.",Modern archaeologists studying the ruins of Troy did not find out anything.,1,6287 "Suppliers have also indicated that new plants could be brought on line within 3 years, if needed, to satisfy increased demand.",Suppliers have no idea how long it would take to bring new plants online.,1,6288 well recently we've both been trying to do some diet so we haven't gone out because when they tell you about how much fat is in all that food you know it really kind of crimps your style there but um,Our diet requires that we eat out a lot.,1,6289 cost associated with the worksharing program,There aren't any costs accompanied with the workshare program. ,1,6290 "Most agree that he's a Clinton-style weather vane, adapting his positions to the demands of contrary constituencies ranging from the army to foreign investors to Western diplomats.",Few people agree that he is a weather vane.,1,6291 uh no probably south maybe Texas actually,The man talks something about Arkansas.,1,6292 An example of a grant with a split purpose is a grant issued to a teaching hospital to perform both medical education and medical research.,a split grant funds one discipline.,1,6293 "Between Luxor Temple and the Nile is the Corniche, a tree-lined avenue carrying traffic through the town and officially called El-Nil Street.","There is no traffic between the temple and the nile,just grassland. ",1,6294 "For example, discussions among members gradually led those from the private sector to gain an",There was no private sector that benefited from the talks.,1,6295 "However, in both areas, the Analysis includes a discussion of cost- and benefit-related issues and the possible effects of the changes to Regulation X.",The Analysis addresses only those areas of Regulation X that remain unchanged.,1,6296 what was the last comedy you saw,You have never seen a funny movie.,1,6297 A better explanation is that males' reproductive fate depends more strongly than females' on competing when they are young.,"Men never have performance issues, in fact women do. ",1,6298 "She picks it up, and retreats quickly to Mademoiselle Cynthia's room, closing the door behind her. ","She picks it up, and stands there for a long time.",1,6299 "Knocked me out; didn't really touch to matter, though. Anse pushed away a little, still holding Drew tightly by the upper arms.",Drew and Anse are far from each other.,1,6300 mechanic probably gets about twenty dollars an hour yeah the thing about automobiles they're so unpredictable too you know they're hard to hard to plan ahead for for things,Mechanics charge to little for their services.,1,6301 you know i don't know there's something about people coming up through the sofa to get you or something you know it's just you know,I don't picture scary things.,1,6302 "However, the final rule does impose a mandate that may result in the expenditure of $100 million or more in any one year on the private sector.",There has not been a final ruling as of yet.,1,6303 "He took Tuppence by the arm, and walked her to the window.",Tuppence headed through the hall to the bathroom. ,1,6304 cut us off right there the last few seconds the station finally you know how they'll put the little message down at the bottom started telling everybody that they were not the ones that had cut that off that it was the national you know,They said we could do it as long as we wanted.,1,6305 "The chief villain, bombastically named Darth Maul, is a horned, red, Kabuki-style snake demon with orange pingpong-ball eyes who challenges the Jedi to a couple of clackety light-saber battles.",Darth Maul is a green alien who doesn't believe in violence,1,6306 "Grantees were asked to examine their progress in each of the seven principal areas of State Planning in a manner that included assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the current approach, establishing goals to strengthen and expand services to eligible clients, and determining the major steps yet to be taken and a timetable necessary to achieve those goals.",Grantees were asked to examine their decline in each of the seven principal areas.,1,6307 "3.1 To prepare 20 L of a standard, synthetic, reconstituted seawater (modified GP2), using reagent grade chemicals (Table 3), with a salinity of 31 , follow the instructions below.",20 L is 100 ounces when converting from metric to US systems.,1,6308 This town is most famous for the annual gypsy pilgrimage that ends here with a festival in May.,The gypsies have never made any sort of pilgrimage anywhere.,1,6309 "In Ghirlandaio's Madonna of Mercy (right aisle, 2nd bay), portrayed immediately to the right of Mary is the Florentine banker-navigator-cartographer Amerigo Vespucci, who gave his name to the continent of America (and whose family was a sponsor of this church).",Amerigo Vespucci's portrait is next to the Pope's.,1,6310 Not all celebrities are having such a hard time being fruitful.,A lot of celebrities have a hard time being fruitful. ,1,6311 "Lille, center of the fourth-largest urban area in France, is an important industrial city with a growing high-tech influence.",The urban city Lillie has negligible technological influence.,1,6312 But let us not blame French politicians.,Blame the French politicians! ,1,6313 "Those who had found some shelter behind the stonework had lived longer than the others, but that had only increased their suffering.","They all died at the same time, none of them survived any longer.",1,6314 Brown and Newhouse's New Yorker is squeezed between newsweeklies and glossy monthlies.,The New Yorker is situated away from the glossy monthlies.,1,6315 Because this new guy had arrived.,The man who showed up was the same guy we all knew from before. ,1,6316 "A great sport, old Evie! ",Evie was not a good sport at all. ,1,6317 "According to Norit, the largest supplier of AC for air pollution control purposes, there is currently adequate excess capacity to accommodate significant growth in the demand (tens of millions of pounds/yr, or roughly tens of thousands of tons/yr).",Norit said there will not be enough AC to support growth.,1,6318 you know they just,You did not realize they just.,1,6319 "Since the costs are recognized by the employer entity and its payment to the unemployment trust fund or the special benefits fund reimburses these funds for the costs they incur, the amounts these funds receive from the employer entity are exchange revenues.",There is no reimbursement.,1,6320 so i'd say go to a go to a college that has teachers people who really are committed to the students and can afford to be because that's their job,You shouldn't go to a college with teachers committed to the students. ,1,6321 right in day care yeah i agree i uh you know it's fun being single it's like i almost have to work right now i'm at home because i am recovering from surgery but uh,I am going to have to disagree its more fun to be married.,1,6322 Mrs. Inglethorp greeted me with effusion. ,Mrs. Inglethorp greeted me coldly.,1,6323 "The FCC prepared both an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis and a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis in connection with the proposed and final rules, respectively.",The FCC hadn't established the final rules.,1,6324 "The museum will surprise many visitors expecting a victim's account of one of this century's most controversial decisions; yet the curators have gone to considerable lengths to document the horror of atomic weapons and nuclear war in general, driving toward the inevitable conclusion that such weapons must never again be used.",The museum documents the usefulness of atomic weapons.,1,6325 "However, the Departments point out in the preamble to the interim rules that many of the issues which would have been considered in such analyses were, in fact, considered.",The Departments point out that none of the issues were considered.,1,6326 "Many of these people don't seek a lawyer's help because they think they cannot afford it, think the problem is not important enough or think nothing can be done about the problem.",People often seek legal help even while knowing that they can't afford to hire a lawyer.,1,6327 These models can help the auditor assess whether the acquisition's estimated cost and schedule are reasonable.,"The models will only help the farmer, but will not assist the auditor in his tasks.",1,6328 No; What do you mean?,"Yes, That is what you mean.",1,6329 I told him Wednesday was the one day she wasn't there! ,I told him she was there every day of the week.,1,6330 "Since September 1996, the CIO Council, under OMB's leadership, has taken some significant actions, which include designating information security as one of six priority areas and establishing a Security Committee.",Since September 2006 the CIO council has taken significant actions,1,6331 "Already, the media are dissolving Broaddrick's story into a pattern of philandering.","Already, the media are truthfully reporting Broaddrick's story.",1,6332 None of these theories panned out in Kosovo.,The theories worked in New York.,1,6333 "The luxury goods of Milan, Venice, Rome, and Florence jewelry, clothes, accessories (especially shoes), but also luggage and household goods and items of interior design are second to none in the world.",Rome and Venice are known for producing some of the worst luxury goods in the world.,1,6334 "Then came the Caribs, and the tranquility was shattered.","When the Caribs came, the area became tranquil. ",1,6335 We didn't see blood.,There was blood everywhere. ,1,6336 i was afraid we might get into an argument well uh,There were other reasons than arguing that I was afraid of.,1,6337 yeah i have have gun gun have have gun management 101,I've never taken a gun management class.,1,6338 But where is he?,He is over there. ,1,6339 works pretty good then,That doesn't work at all.,1,6340 (Slate 's Anne Hollander explains the pleasures of the runway show.),Nobody thinks there is anything redeeming about runway shows.,1,6341 The Social Security Administration performed a cost-benefit assessment of the impact of the interim final rule.,The SSA went forward without an assessment.,1,6342 "The most popular journey from Pahalgam is 45 km (27 miles) up to the Amarnath Cave, which has an altitude of some 3,895 m (12,742 ft).","The Amarnath Cave is a little-known treasure, with few people visiting it every year.",1,6343 uh hang on a second Rick i got to see who that is,"Hang on Rick, are you in love with me?",1,6344 "For example, as people live longer, rather than save more to finance more years of retirement, individuals could choose to work longer and postpone retirement.",People who live longer definitely choose to work longer and postpone retirement rather than saving their finances. ,1,6345 "For the view over Marigot Bay, it's worth the four-minute climb up to deserted old Fort Saint-Louis.",You cannot see Marigot Bay from Fort Saint-Louis. ,1,6346 now we that's right that's right and also we i say we uh i'm retired from Texas Instruments and they're just they're like most everybody else you can't just you don't drop into a hospital and demand you know a thousand dollars worth of tests you know or you think you need to be hospitalized but there's only a certain i mean you can go anywhere you want to go but there's only approved uh health care centers you know that uh that they will pay you know the maximum amount,I never worked for Texas instruments at any point in my life.,1,6347 "2 million spent for nonemergency transportation services included in the study, $11.",They spent 10 million on nonemergency bicycle services. ,1,6348 "Yet, the Constant 2000 National Saving Rate simulation yields a vast improvement in future living standards compared to saving the Social Security surpluses.",The Constant 2001 National Saving Rate simulation states that there will never be improvements in future living standards.,1,6349 Woks and any other gadgets essential for Chinese cookery make good purchases.,Woks are a bad purchase.,1,6350 But Hubbell won't break easily.,Hubbell will break easily. ,1,6351 uh yeah in Dallas,all around the Bay Area,1,6352 Computer pioneers John Von Neumann and Alan Turing were also mentioned--big surprise that their names should crop up in an Internet forum.,It was a big surprise that computer pioneers John Von Neumann and Alan Turing were also mentioned,1,6353 i don't know and and but you know when you go to the store and and you're trying to figure you know well this box is is uh is is twelve ounces and and this one's uh uh three pounds um and you,It's easy to compare the sizes.,1,6354 The man pointed and spoke.,The man clapped his hands and whistled. ,1,6355 a 32902 to determine the maximum feasible level for model year 1998.,The maximum feasible level for model year 1998 cannot be found by a 39202.,1,6356 "They are collected by the Minerals Management Service (MMS) of the Department of the Interior, which",The Minerals Management Service is not part of the Department of the Interior.,1,6357 "Because while the dandy stands for beauty and elegance, he also stands for the restraint and self-discipline required to appear refined at all times.",Rogues and outlaws are the best dandies.,1,6358 "Outside auditors bear varying degrees of responsibility for these recent failures, but they don't bear all the responsibility.",The outside auditors bear all the responsibility. ,1,6359 "What you see at the Plaza is only a small section of the complete Western Wall, extending from the southern side of the Temple Mount to its northern end, sunk deeply in the rubble-filled earth.",The Western Wall is all about what you see in front of you.,1,6360 "In the Indus river valley, improved techniques permitted the storage of wheat and barley beyond daily needs, and so the cities of Harappa and Mohenjodaro emerged in the year 2300 b.c. , creating a civilization even more advanced than that of the Aryans who came later.",The Aryans replaced the primitive civilization that preceded them.,1,6361 "Civilian agencies also are increasingly reliant on automated, often interconnected, systems, including the Internet, to support their operations.",Civilian agencies do not use any automated systems.,1,6362 "That led me easily to a box score, photographs, a game summary, half-a-dozen audio clips of post-game interviews, a 10-second QuickTime movie of the Bruins running a fast break, a comprehensive scouting report on both teams, and an online chat room where Bruins fans were whooping it up.",I didn't find anything like audio clips of post-game interviews or online chatrooms.,1,6363 yeah it's very involved,It is super simple,1,6364 "On another island, women clean their shrimp at the water's edge; you can see the ecumenical peace of a church surrounded by palm trees, with a Hindu temple on one side and a mosque on the other.",The island is rife with infighting between sects and insurgent behavior from the local Muslims.,1,6365 "The bands are loud they have to be to compete with the groups of Elvis imitators in black leather jackets and sideburns who also lay claim to some of this great free space, dancing in circles to the oldies on enormous boomboxes.",Only the band of instrumental singers are allowed to perform in this area.,1,6366 "The Agora is a Seattle-based regional network of over 600 professionals representing a variety of fields, including information systems security; law enforcement; local, state, and federal governments; engineering; information technology; academics; and other specialties.",The event catered only to one specific niche career.,1,6367 Can you give us any reason why we should not put you to death? asked the German.,"The German didn't care about reasons, killing them outright.",1,6368 "Us boys, we hadda go git th' wood ax an' chop 'em apart 'fore we knew what we was all to do.",We boys had the job of running home and telling Mom.,1,6369 Our meeting with five members of the Federal Small Agency CIO Council and a number of independent studies provide similar conclusions.,We met with ten members of the Federal Small Agency CIO Council.,1,6370 He was lucky to have her and thought about it every time he saw her.,He knew that he was very unlucky to have even met her. ,1,6371 "Of course, there was no possibility of being able permanently to conceal Dr. ",We could not see the Dr.,1,6372 "Many adults, delighted by the game's complexity, have taken up Pokemon.",No adults were delighted by the game's complexity. ,1,6373 "Mr. Hastings, you're honest. ",Mr.s Hastings is perceived as a dishonest person,1,6374 A president who can talk his way out of a perjury rap can talk his way into a war.,It is wrong to believe that a president is capable of talking.,1,6375 "Diagonally opposite Jaffa Gate is the narrow entrance to David Street, the main thoroughfare of the Old City",The Old City cannot be found. ,1,6376 "In our discussions with about half of the CIOs of major federal departments and agencies and five CIOs of small federal agencies, we found that they generally agree with the leading organizations on the fundamental management principles for information management and technology.",We didn't talk to any of the CIOs.,1,6377 "On the other hand, Fish never claimed to be right.",Fish claim to be right.,1,6378 I see it in plain sight.,I have no idea where it could be.,1,6379 "In 1470 Mehmet the Conqueror further strengthened the ancient portal by building three towers of his own, linked by curtain walls to the four Byzantine towers flanking the Golden Gate.",The portal was removed and replaced with three towers.,1,6380 "It won't be listening.""",Is is listening to you quite closely.,1,6381 Start by looking at the range of goods in the department stores and hundreds of specialty shops in the underground shopping centers before going off to find better prices at discount shops.,One should start their shopping at the discount shops.,1,6382 "You, Shannon, what're you doin' here?",SHannon never showed up.,1,6383 "The obvious (to me) point that the average unemployment rate over the next 10 years will be what the Fed wants it to be, regardless of the U.S.-Mexico trade balance, never made it into the public consciousness.",People know that the US-Mexico trade balance has no direct impact on employment levels.,1,6384 expect to have a high attendance and uh what what about your your ball park in in Raleigh uh the minor league ball park in Durham,There will not be many fans.,1,6385 "There are good swimming beaches on the Princes' Islands, too, but they get extremely crowded at weekends.",Prince Islands tend to get crowded during the weekday.,1,6386 "Oh, I see, you are joking.","Oh, you are serious.",1,6387 yeah is is there still blood stains on the altar or has it worn away all through the years,They've cleaned up pretty well. ,1,6388 "The Postal Service has the advantage of being able to deliver these advertisements to all addresses, while newspapers usually (but not always) deliver inserts just to their subscribers.",Newspapers can deliver to all addresses while the Postal Service can only deliver to a select few.,1,6389 "In this study, the Commission has sought to provide its best estimates within the time provided.",The commission made no effort to provide it's best estimates in the study.,1,6390 when do you get out,I know that you're getting out tomorrow,1,6391 and i'm afraid that if she woke up one with her we would have to pack up and come home so we've primarily done our camping by cabin up at Turner Falls up in Oklahoma,We never camp in Oklahoma.,1,6392 "No travel brochure can make Mt. Fuji a cliche, nor can the most jaded of world travelers remain immune.",Travel brochures have managed to make Mt. Fuji mundane and tacky.,1,6393 never yeah and then on the other hand too while he was out busy running for the presidential thing the legislature was having their own way,He ran for president but somehow maintained control of the legislature. ,1,6394 The long lines of slaves that had been carrying rock and rubble the day before now were being formed into hauling teams.,The slaves who had carried the rubble disbanded after their task was done. ,1,6395 yeah tulips is just kind of late because you have to you have to force them,Tulips bloom very early.,1,6396 3 This paper refers almost interchangeably to rate(s) and price(s).,The paper does not contain any information about the rate or prices. ,1,6397 The attempt was futile.,The attempt was successful. ,1,6398 "Knowledge is a violent, bright, hot thing, but you would never know that watching Moyers, says Laurence Jarvik, author of Behind the Screen and a Moyers critic.",Laurence Jarvik is a staunch supporter of Moyers'.,1,6399 "There were murmurs of protest, but nobody stopped him.",There was a hush on the crowd when they tried to stop him.,1,6400 "2) Not enough is known about the effects of weight on costs in First Class and Standard A, despite extensive related testimony23.",Weight has no measurable effect on the cost of First Class mail.,1,6401 " Thus, we do not necessarily keep eBooks in compliance with any particular paper edition.",We always keep eBooks in compliance with one specific paper edition. ,1,6402 Republicans and Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee remain at each other's throats.,The Democrats and Republicans have reached compromises.,1,6403 "They are lights on the inside of the sphere, moving in patterns of the Star Art, nearer to us than the hot lands to the south."" ""Fort,"" Dave said.","They are lights inside the sphere, moving randomly about.",1,6404 and uh everything i mean and and the expenses you know of the war you know it's like uh you know it's like who's gaining on this okay because uh i uh does does the US government own any gas companies like like you know like gas stations and stuff,I don't care about the gas conpanies or anything regarding them.,1,6405 My only regret is that I passed up a chance to order roasted pigeon in Florence.,I have no regrets and am glad I didn't order roasted pigeon in Florence.,1,6406 uh oh i've uh-huh i guess you've seen some pretty weather up there too,I bet your weather up there is pretty nasty all the time. ,1,6407 uh you know it's if some if a teacher does anything that uh they're liable to have a law suit against them for for uh cruel and unjust punishment or whatever,No legal action can be taken against a teacher for cruel/unjust punishment.,1,6408 "Antique shops are centered mainly around Borgo Ognissanti, Via della Vigna Nuova, Via delle Fosse, Borgo San Jacopo, and Via Maggio.",There are no antique shops around Via delle Fosse.,1,6409 Anse was down!,Anse was up.,1,6410 "Maybe the face is plastic surgery after the accident--but this isn't even my body."" The girl's expression softened.",This is my body but not my face. ,1,6411 ", I'm with you (thought I must admit Merchant of Venice ain't my all-time favorite.","I disagree, even though the Merchant of Venice is an all-time favorite.",1,6412 "The highlights of the Selaml??k include the vast Baccarat and Bohemian crystal chandeliers, 36 in all, and the crystal balustrade of the main staircase, the sultan's marble and alabaster bathroom, two huge bearskins (a gift from the Tsar of Russia), Syvres vases, Gobelin tapestries and carpets, and the vast bed used by the giant sultan, Abdul Aziz.","The highlight of the Getty include the vast Bohemian crystal statues, forty of them in all.",1,6413 Even if you are not staying at one of the E and O's grand old rooms where such authors as Kipling and Somerset Maugham once stayed do at least take a drink in the venerable 1885 Bar commemorating the year of the hotel's founding.,Kipling never visited the hotel.,1,6414 "There, from midnight on, Cuba's very best salsa bands perform (dancing is very much in order), and jazz artists entertain drinkers in the adjacent bar from Thursday to Sunday from 9pm.",Cuba has no salsa bands.,1,6415 I get mad when I'm really scared.,Fear always makes me sad.,1,6416 Bradley has already accused him of exaggerating the cost of Bradley's health-care plan.,There was never any confrontation concerning the health care costs.,1,6417 "However, the Departments point out that the rules have been designed to be the least burdensome alternative for state, local, and tribal governments.",The rules are intended to place maximum burden on the government.,1,6418 That meant the Pilot would have to use manual controls.,The auto pilot system would handle everything.,1,6419 it's because we don't have much coal,We export a lot of coal.,1,6420 "In fact, the peace treaty signed in January 1973 differed little from one on the table the previous October.",The peace treaty signed in 1973 was very different.,1,6421 "Reviewers call it pretentious and filled with inaccurate references to theoretical physics, Walt Whitman, and the Kabbalah.",Reviewers said everything was correct.,1,6422 Strategic Directions 2000 - 2005 challenges LSC staff to expand the support offered to LSC programs and to increase state planning guidance specifically to improve clients' opportunities to access a full range of high quality civil legal services.,The Strategic Directions said that no one needed access to legal services.,1,6423 which i can understand it's really not,I can not understand why it's actually not,1,6424 End block quote here,It is fine to continue with the quote.,1,6425 "Possibly, if anything unforeseen had happened, she might get news of Tommy.",Tommy vowed not to spook her with news of anything unforeseen happening.,1,6426 "Although the main building is not open to the public, the official residence of the Portuguese government may be visited by prearranged, guided tours.",The main building is always accessible to the public.,1,6427 The second half of Where Wizards Stay Up Late describes the aftermath of the ARPANET project.,The aftermath of the ARPANET project is described in the second half of The Wizard of Oz.,1,6428 And I think that will be its lasting legacy,I don't think that it will have any kind of lasting legacy.,1,6429 "'I just met with representatives of the Salmon Corp,' I told him.",Salmon Corp would not meet with me.,1,6430 And how am I supposed to feel? Good is right.,I know I'm supposed to feel bad about my performance.,1,6431 "It is being watched at the back as well, so they are quite sure of that.",No one was checking out the back.,1,6432 "The region is famous for its white horses, which you can hire to ride along the sandflats; for the black bulls that race through the streets of Provencal towns to the bullfight; and for the wild duck, herons, and pink flamingos that gather here.",The region is known for its opposition to any sort of animal presence.,1,6433 More recent EPA benefits analyses have relied on an improved specification from this data set that was developed in the HEI reanalysis of this study (Krewski et al.,The EPA benefits analyses rely on a generalization.,1,6434 "Louis IX of France, the ideal Christian king for the justice he handed down to his subjects and for the Crusades he led to the Holy Land, was sainted after his death in Tunis in 1270.",Louis IX of France was unable to lead to the holy land for the Crusades.,1,6435 "Unspoiled stretches of fine sand can also be found on the east coast, from Pantai Chinta Berahi, north of Kota Bharu, down to Beserah, north of Kuantan.",The fine sand beaches are all spoiled due to tourism.,1,6436 Adrin's jaw clenched.,Adrin let his jaw hang open.,1,6437 9. Don't define yourself merely by your enemy.,Let your enemy determine everything about who you are.,1,6438 He walked to a computerized kiosk at the Lamoreaux Justice Center in Orange and started tapping the keys.,He sat down at the table.,1,6439 "The light was enough to sear his retinas, but even they healed faster than the damage.","The light was very dim, and he couldn't see a thing.",1,6440 "In appearance, Montmartre is still the little country village of 400 years ago ' narrow, winding, hilly streets and dead-ends.",There are no dead-end streets in Montmarte.,1,6441 "This job gives me the opportunity to help people, she said. ",She was delighted that her job did not involve interacting with humans. ,1,6442 "And perhaps this was the time when he should begin building up the background one Drew Kirby must present to Tubacca, Arizona Territory.",He should work on the foreground.,1,6443 Building shell efficiencies in scenario B are assumed to improve by about 50 percent faster than in scenario A.,Scenario A is more optimized than scenario B.,1,6444 "I have to ask her, said Ca'daan, more to convince himself than confirm it with his companions.",Ca'daan was too nervous to talk to her.,1,6445 "Consistent with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, the preambles to the proposed and final rules set forth significant information about the proposed collection of information.",The preamble to the inal rules had no information consistent with the Paperwork Reduction Act.,1,6446 Its somewhat forbidding classical Doric exterior seems to dwarf the street (it was designed originally for O'Connell Street).,The exterior seems to have complemented the street.,1,6447 "I'm certain of it."" Further meditations induced in him the feeling that it would be extremely pleasant to bring something down with a whack on Conrad's egg-shaped head.",Conrad was an egg who sat on a wall.,1,6448 "For graphic scenes of Horus' fight with his evil uncle Seth to avenge his father Osiris, walk around the exterior of the temple to the west side, where the whole event is re-created.","The exterior of the temple, having just been pressure-washed, is completely bare of markings.",1,6449 E-mail addresses follow no standard format.,E-mail addresses adhere to a strict format.,1,6450 they when they buy a tape or something sometimes that's fun because it's different and something i've not always heard and you know i enjoy that,I don't like listening to new music that I've never heard. ,1,6451 It's a fortune down there.,Everything up there is worthless.,1,6452 evaluation but right right and that i'm sure that would make a big difference too,That wouldn't matter at all.,1,6453 we can't even take care of the people that are hungry and homeless here,We have no homeless.,1,6454 "Deciding he'd like to make an eccentric regional comedy with universal themes, he journeyed to a village in Ireland, set himself up in the pub, and took notes on what he saw and heard.",He went to a pub in Italy to take notes on the food.,1,6455 Maybe then you won't be too good to ride in an exploding Chevy.,Maybe then you will think less of yourself and you'll ride in a plane.,1,6456 uh otherwise you would have to treat it like you would any other lawn refuse it would have to be cut into four foot lengths so you know if we have branches or something they have to be cut in four foot lengths but otherwise uh they have to be in one of their paper bags,Paper bags are unnecessary and I wouldn't worry about cutting them up either.,1,6457 The publication turns to science to assess the truthfulness of Clinton's denials of the romance.,Clinton's acceptance of the romance was assessed by science.,1,6458 "GAO would also have difficulty in taking on some of the expanded roles that Congress has asked of the agency in recent years, such as assisting on task forces and commissions without any commensurate adjustment for resources.",In recent years Congress hasn't asked GAO to take on more extended roles.,1,6459 "There is no good way to measure the gap between women's earnings and their productivity, but it is reasonable to say that their earnings have risen pretty much in line with their productivity.",We have several accurate ways of assessing how closely women's earnings reflect their productivity.,1,6460 "Come nighttime, however, the place can be all but a ghost town.",This place has had a bustling nightlife for a while. ,1,6461 You have to watch closely as the privatizers describe their schemes.,The privatizer refuses to explain their schemes.,1,6462 we had two trees in the front of our yard and then one of them died and so that's where we keep putting that pecan keeps dying we have uh i think it's a Silver Leaf Maple or something like that that's hung on out there,The pecan trees are alive and well but the maple tree died. ,1,6463 "It is hard to imagine, though, why any government would embargo such a product, unless the plastic surgeons' lobby has already got to them.",There's not a single reason why any government would embargo this product.,1,6464 "Apparently, a few.",There are none.,1,6465 get buy-in from stakeholders in the state.,The project has no stakeholders.,1,6466 I do not have the energy to remedy these deficiencies now.,I am very ready to address those deficiencies now. ,1,6467 yeah like the Mayor of Dallas is a woman and i'm sure that twenty years ago that never would have happened but yeah she's i think she's in her second term now so,The Mayor of Dallas is an elderly man.,1,6468 "Situated on the coast, Leith is only 5 km (3 miles) from the city center.",Leith sits inland nearly 20 miles from the city center.,1,6469 "(When served your bowl of tea, don't forget to bow slowly and turn the tea bowl three times before sipping the frothy brew. )","Make sure to sip your tea as soon as you receive it, as a sign of appreciation.",1,6470 Glassman and Hassett write in to say I have misrepresented their argument.,Glassman and Hasset did not have an argument. ,1,6471 Recent testimony to the Congress by Governor Ridge has clarified the Administration's commitment to these provisions.,Recent testimony to the Congress by Governor Ridge has clarified the Administration's lack of commitment ,1,6472 Microsoft is monitoring selected families for weeks to learn their hardware habits.,Selected families are monitored for two hours.,1,6473 "In the 15th century, bloodthirsty mobs raided the synagogue and massacred the Jewish population.",The Jewish population of the city has always been welcomed.,1,6474 right then then then it then is it worth it at all,It's definitely really worth it.,1,6475 "Various nightmare scenarios describe how the conflict in Kosovo might escalate . One has Albania, which has said it won't tolerate further attacks on its people in Kosovo, entering a bloody war with the Serbs.",Various nightmare scenarios describe how the conflict in Kosovo might de-escalate,1,6476 yeah it's like and like Collin Powell and the rest and uh yeah Dick Cheney those people were real smart they're a lot smarter that any body gives credit for,It has been proven that Colin Powell and Dick Cheney are some of the stupidest people you will ever know.,1,6477 "In terms of delivery of service, innovation, and diversity in leadership, the Legal Aid Bureau is in the forefront of programs around the country that promote access to justice, said Martha Bergmark, senior vice president for projects at the National Legal Aid and Defender Association in Washington, D.C.",The Legal Bureau is an outdated program located only in New York.,1,6478 "Yet, assume that this famous still was not portraying an act of Would it be a relief or a disappointment?",Interpret the famous still exactly as it is.,1,6479 You're going to need to ask for his help.,"You're fine on your own, you don't need his help.",1,6480 It is located in the house which Nehru inherited from the British Indian Army Commander-in-Chief on Teen Murti Road (it also houses a planetarium).,It used to be located in the house that Nehru had inherited but today nobody knows where it is.,1,6481 "There's a small hole, high up in the wall.","The wall is solid, there are no holes in it.",1,6482 "Inside, the air is heady with the mingled aromas of ginger, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, and freshly ground coffee.",The only aroma in the air inside is freshly ground coffee.,1,6483 "A cable car takes you to Mont d'Arbois (1,833 m/6,014 ft) for a great view of the Aravis peaks and Mont Blanc.",There are no cable cars that will take you to Mont d'Arbois.,1,6484 so do y'all have can banks,You definitely don't have can banks.,1,6485 "The fluid in it splashed into Mrs. Vandemeyer's face, and during her momentary gasp, Tuppence's right hand shot out and grasped the revolver where it lay on the edge of the washstand.",Mrs. Vandemeyer was holding the gun when fluid was splashed on her face. ,1,6486 Many Republicans thought Bush's dad lost in 1992 because he was out of touch.,Bush's Dad won the 1992 elections because he understood people.,1,6487 "( Post defectors include Celestine Bohlen, Gwen Ifill, Julia Preston, Michael Specter, Patrick Tyler, Patti Cohen, and David Richards--who defected back.",Some post defectors then did not defect back.,1,6488 Then they walked completely round the house.,They did not move about the house at all. ,1,6489 yeah who's the coach's name,I know who the coach is.,1,6490 you know during the season and i guess at at your level uh you lose them to the next level if if they decide to recall the the parent team the Braves decide to call to recall a guy from triple A then a double A guy goes up to replace him and a single A guy goes up to replace him,They never perform recalls on anything.,1,6491 they they would have to have a really off day and somebody else would have to have a really on day and if that if both of those happened at the same time you might have an upset,Upsets never happen in this game.,1,6492 The list of guests was small and select.,"The list was long and endless, with everyone on it.",1,6493 Then Malok's voice rang out sharply.,Then it was hard to hear malok's voice.,1,6494 okay Ellen what kind of a car do you think you're going to buy,Ellen was not planning to buy a car even if it meant biking or taking the bus everywhere she wanted to go. ,1,6495 "Despite all of this attention, there are weaknesses in what is know about costs.",Costs have no weaknesses,1,6496 "You'll catch it if you hurry.""",It is leaving. There is no chance you will catch it.,1,6497 "Under the Convention of Chuenpi, Britain was given the island of Hong Kong, and on 26 January 1841, it was proclaimed a British colony.",Britain never had any colonies outside of the British Isles.,1,6498 It is also extremely important that we maintain and strengthen our capacity to effectively serve the Congress and meet the growing demand level in the future.,The demand on Congress will stay level or even decrease in the future.,1,6499 Vrenna was unguarded.,Vrenna was guarded.,1,6500 "Last summer, the World Cup team from Nigeria talked about being told soccer ruins a woman who wants to have children.","Last winter, The Nigerian world cup team spoke about how soccer ruins women who don't wish to have children.",1,6501 "She bought a Futurobot and already after turning it on, she knew it was a good purchase.",She wanted to return her Futurobot.,1,6502 Nye answered before Drew could.,Drew answered while Nye remained silent. ,1,6503 "If all we do is save a species for display, then the panda bear will become nothing but _________ from an extinct world.",We must keep the panda bear around for display purposes only.,1,6504 Would they have been better recommendations?,There are no other recommendations. ,1,6505 These protocols are intended to provide clearly defined and transparent policies and practices relating to GAO's work.,These protocols are not intended to provide defined policies.,1,6506 yeah we were in the video store today and somebody was recommending it to somebody you know the the people who run the video store was recommending it to somebody else,Nobody would recommend it.,1,6507 "Exhibits 15 and 16 present the results of these sensitivity analyses for 2010 and 2020, respectively.",The results from exhibit 15 was for 2012.,1,6508 "And Clinton's approval rating is higher than the rating for his policies (an ass-backward situation, in Chatterbox's view, since Clinton-the-person is usually much easier to hate than Clinton-the-policymaker).",Clinton is easier to hate as a policymaker than as a person.,1,6509 District of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit within 60 days of publication of this final rule.,The District of Columbia has no district of appeals,1,6510 "One frequently used basis is size of the problem: that is, 7 states account for about 45 percent of all unfiled returns (California, Florida, Illinois, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Texas).",The problem is that 10 states account for about 45 percent of all unfiled returns.,1,6511 Feasibility and successful dissemination must be demonstrated.,Demonstration is not necessary.,1,6512 Just over a dozen remain.,About 36 still remain.,1,6513 She agrees with me that one must set an example of economy. ,She agreed that we must set a bad example. ,1,6514 The procedures will apply if the Administrator is required to conduct an auction but has not yet issued regulations establishing procedures.,The procedures go into effect if the waiter conducts a table clean.,1,6515 "In January 2001, GAO designated strategic human capital management as a governmentwide high-risk area.",Human capital management has been shown to have very low risk.,1,6516 We also help to promulgate generally accepted accounting principles for federal government entities.,We use accounting principles in government entities.,1,6517 "These immigrant voyages were breathtaking and treacherous, requiring the crossing of 2,500 miles (4,000 km) of open seas aboard dugout catamarans and outrigger canoes.",The immigrand voyages required the crossing of very short distances.,1,6518 "Also, you have no obligation to the Libertarian Party to fight on every street corner in its defense.",You have to fight for the libertarians every chance you have. ,1,6519 oh that's interesting because i'm more interested in the research and i'm doing some dye link analyses of of these early coins from the six and seven hundreds and so and so i'm not into the the buying and selling business,I buy and sell exclusively and leave the research of early coins to the hobbyists.,1,6520 Portugal's resulting near-monopoly of East West trade understandably awakened the competitive instincts of other European powers.,Portugal was never involved in East West trade.,1,6521 and that's real good and uh well at TI i have a real good benefits package for uh uh you know like for going to the doctor and that kind of thing so that's not something i really have to put in the budget that seriously so,"TI have been awfully stingy with their benefits the past few years, and my healthcare premiums have been skyrocketing. ",1,6522 "This could be a peace, even a good peace, but it won't be cause for euphoria.","If a peace results from this, everyone will be absolutely overjoyed.",1,6523 "The court does what it can and it is important that the court remain a fair and neutral ground, she said.",She did not say this.,1,6524 "Before Jon could react, San'doro was on the move.",Jon was able to react before San'doro started moving.,1,6525 and that's that's a lot it shouldn't go out that much,"It is not enough, they should produce more of those.",1,6526 "Bill Paxon, a Gingrich minion at the National Republican Congressional Committee, the party's fund-raising and spending apparatus that helped win the House for the GOP in 1994, is enthusiastic and smart but doesn't seem tough enough to be speaker.","Bill Paxton is stupid and bored, but tough. ",1,6527 "'I don't know! It all crashed! All my data, all my backups.",My data was still on the computer,1,6528 yeah i yeah about that time i think it was neck and neck and i the only the only reason at the time that i could think of was that he was young and and sort of charismatic in uh in uh handsome sort of way,He was way behind because he was old and ugly.,1,6529 "The Aegean Islands, which for centuries had been important ports on the trading routes, became the backwaters of this new transport network and the economies of several islands came close to collapse.",The new transport network benefited all of the Aegean Islands.,1,6530 The auditor should be aware of the agency's organization and procedures for making a contract award.,Auditors don't need to be acquainted with any procedures. ,1,6531 you know you never know what's going to come up you know if you commit thirty minutes or an hour to watch some TV shows it's a little different than,The result of watching TV is always predictable. ,1,6532 He had even been able to pass his hand and arm completely through the sample.,The sample was far too solid to put anything through it.,1,6533 "Conditions are particularly strong on the west coast of Paros, where the World Windsurfing Championships are held every year.",The west coast of Paros features mild conditions; windsurfers are better off trying their luck on the east coast.,1,6534 His draw was slow with his rapier in hand.,The kept his sword in the sheath.,1,6535 Senior information security managers emphasized the importance of being able to discuss security issues with senior executives.,There was no point in discussion security issues with executives.,1,6536 "Directors of the Coalition programs, along with Center staff, the Access to Justice Director, and representatives of other specialized legal services providers have continued to meet regularly to discuss and coordinate on issues of statewide concern.",The Access to Justice Director and the Directors of the Coalition programs never meet.,1,6537 "The Administrator must make any recommendations to Congress no later than July 1, 2009 and may submit separate recommendations addressing sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, or mercury at any time after the study and the peer review have been completed.","The Administrator must make recommendations addressing sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, or mercury before the study and the peer review have been completed.",1,6538 Today an obelisk in Ibiza's port honours the daring Corsairs.,The daring Corsairs will never be honored in Ibiza.,1,6539 "Certain provisions unique to the Acid Rain Program are moved to Subpart 1 of Part B. Further, for the Acid Rain Program and the new trading programs, the existing Section 403 is revised to provide that only the signature of the party transferring allowances (not the signatures of both parties to the transfer) is necessary for the transfer to be effective.",The Acid Rain Program has some provisions that have been keep the same.,1,6540 always try ing to pull it off and he has his a girlfriend a a broadcasts anchor at the local news station and she's always trying to get him out of jams and she,He doesn't have a girlfriend.,1,6541 "The remaining provisions from existing Sections 403 and 408, which apply, as modified, to Parts B, C, and D, have been retained in Part A, Sections 403 and 404.",Section 408 received no modification.,1,6542 What we have to look at is what the facts are (DeWine).,There are no facts.,1,6543 It forces us to justify doing otherwise.,No cause or justification is needed to be provided.,1,6544 "Look for the word orijinal on the poster this means that the film will be shown in its original language, with Turkish subtitles; otherwise it has been dubbed.","Films are never dubbed, and always have subtitles in Turkish.",1,6545 that's what i'm thinking what your mom and dad always used to say when you have kids of your own you'll understand,My parents never repeated that saying.,1,6546 More glorious still is the panorama from the mirador above Es Cale,An awful sight can be seen from the miradore above Es Cale.,1,6547 no i could smell an accent a mile away,I can't pick up on accidents worth a darn.,1,6548 Investigative journalists and critics of Bush assume that his Guard service should be compared to an alternative scenario in which he served in Vietnam.,Bush's Guard service is criticized by none.,1,6549 Anse went on.,Anse stopped what he was doing. ,1,6550 "The construction phase is considered complete when the owner accepts occupancy of the facility, although final completion of construction may continue for months (or even years) until all discrepancies have been identified, resolved, and mutually agreed upon.",The construction phase is not considered complete when the owner accepts occupancy of the facility.,1,6551 The path to enlightenment can indeed be surprisingly pleasurable.,The road to enlightenment is as boring as you would expect.,1,6552 "Agency for International Development's home page, CARE's site, or ReliefNet, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping humanitarian organizations raise global awareness and encourage support for relief efforts via the Internet.",ReliefNet helps Americans who have floods.,1,6553 yeah yeah well i got i got tired of the service after a while i mean it i had a terrific job really enjoyed it uh command post,Army service gave me energy that i needed.,1,6554 "As such, it helps identify the areas most in need of corrective action and helps form a basis for determining how to allocate resources, human and monetary, to the problem areas.",It seeks to undermine the possibility of corrective action.,1,6555 things that we have here and develop some pride in them if it was handled that way i i it would take quite a few people i think it might build jobs for people you know that were administrating and running and training and coordinating and all that so maybe that part of it would be helpful too,I don't think that it would be possible to build people jobs around here.,1,6556 He certainly struck a rather alien note. ,He hit a normal note. ,1,6557 Critics say UPN's new series about a novice African-American preacher may be the network's first half-decent show.,The UPN's new series is about a trash collector.,1,6558 "Uncle, believe me.","Don't believe me, uncle. ",1,6559 the guy's guilty exactly,The guy is innocent.,1,6560 "The purpose of depositing funds into an attorney's trust account was either for short-term deposits with immediate access to the funds, or for small amounts whose interest would not exceed the costs attendant to separate accounting.",The purpose of depositing funds into an attorney's trust account was to freeze up the assets.,1,6561 "Risk assessment is the identification and analysis of relevant risks associated with achieving the objectives, such as those defined in strategic and annual performance plans developed under the Government Performance and Results Act, and forming a basis for determining how risks should be managed.",Plans are developed multiple times per year.,1,6562 "In theory, mandatory insurance could make life better for everyone , including those who currently prefer to be uninsured.",They advocated for the mandatory insurance to be abolished. ,1,6563 and i enjoy it it's relaxing and you kind of get absorbed in it so the time goes by you know before you realize anything's going on and i play the organ sometimes uh just for my own satisfaction not for anybody else's ears because i'm not that good at it but i like to bang the keyboards once in a while how about yourself,I'm the best organ player and love to play for others.,1,6564 "I think not, he said firmly.","I think so, he said firmly.",1,6565 Huge men wearing boiled leather and armed with whips and short blades walked among them.,The small men were meek and mild.,1,6566 But back to Clinton's newfound likability.,Clinton didn't find any new likeability. ,1,6567 "Formerly the Nahalat Shivia residential district, founded in 1869 and restored in 1988, the area is characterized by small golden-stone courtyard houses, many converted to restaurants, cafe, and arts and craft shops.",People still live in the golden-stone courtyard houses in this area.,1,6568 you know and so then you know you have because what happens is suppose i'm i go to war and i'm holding a gun and i'm just looking at myself holding a gun and whoever shoots first survives you know,I think I would like to serve in a war and have a big gun.,1,6569 "--Yours pedantically,",na,1,6570 "I have locked them and, in my opinion, they would be better kept locked for the present."" The doctors then departed. ",The rooms stayed unlocked.,1,6571 Susan replied just when Jon thought she had not or could not hear him.,Jon waited for Susan's response but it never came. ,1,6572 "Yet he understood it--had even spoken it, he realized.",He still didn't understand it.,1,6573 "The town itself, built on a hill, features most of Eilat's shopping much of it in large malls several restaurants and nightspots, and an excellent tourist information office.",There is no shopping available in Eilat at all. ,1,6574 "In the $125,000-$40,000 scenario, for instance, a deficit-neutral solution would increase their taxes by $2,000 or so (compared with now) if they remain single and cut their taxes by about $550 if they get married.",Taxes for married people will increase.,1,6575 "It runs some 112 km (70 miles) from Bowness-on-Solway north of Carlisle in the west, to Wallsend, just north of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in the east.",There is no path north of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.,1,6576 "And you can see the rocket tubes.""",And you can see the pocket cues.,1,6577 A cruise around the historic harbor of Mae on Menorca is also fun.,It's impossible to book a cruise around the historic harbor of Mae on Menorca.,1,6578 But where did you find it? ,Where did you put it?,1,6579 The Mexican jerked fully awake and looked around.,The Mexican kept sleeping.,1,6580 This is not to minimize last week's extraordinary accomplishment.,This should make last week's accomplishment look pretty bad. ,1,6581 "He was the master of the left-hand, right?""Yes,"" said Adrin.",He was the master of the right hand.,1,6582 "The objective was to enhance GAOas role of review and analysis, as part of a larger effort to fortify congressional oversight by ?mak[ing] more information available to Members and Committees of the Congress, andeprovid[ing] them a means of interpreting the information they have.",The GAO plays no effort in fortifying congressional oversight.,1,6583 The publication also alleges that Carol Burnett's wandering chin is the result of an implant that won't stay put.,"During a recent comedy stand-up routine, Carol Burnett's chin fell off her face, which her agent later attributed to a bad implant.",1,6584 Windsurfers and sailboats on the aquamarine waters make a memorable Caribbean snapshot (best from the hillside village of Gosier itself).,There are no boats on the water.,1,6585 Figure 5 shows the basic curves for a situation where both no-shift elasticities are the same at -0.,"Figure 5 does not exist, look for figure 4 to find information on the basic curves.",1,6586 A privileged few get in to see the ceremonial dining room's fabulous frescoes by Annibale Carracci.,Everyone gets to see the frescoes by Annibale Carracci.,1,6587 "In fact, there is nothing crypto about his agenda; writing about sex for a lay audience in the 1940s and 1950s was an openly revolutionary act.",He isn't open at all and his current ideas he has stated do not line up with what people believed. ,1,6588 The Merchant was warm to the touch.,The Merchant's body was stone cold.,1,6589 "The preambles also cited OMB's clearance requirements, though not specifically 44 U.S.C.",44 U.S.C. was the only clearance requirement cited.,1,6590 yeah uh what what kind of a boat do y'all have,What type of motorcycle do you guys have?,1,6591 "Minor sights include the Milk Grotto, where Mary is said to have hidden with Jesus before the flight to Egypt, and the Shepherds' Fields, where biblical flocks were supposedly watched by night.",The sites have special meaning for Buddhists.,1,6592 "Moreover, the realignment will help us to enhance our longterm capacity by improving recruitment and retention; building a succession plan; focusing on emerging issues; and leveraging technology opportunities for improvements to clients, processes, and employees.",Short term capacity will be harmed due to the realignment.,1,6593 Vend??me Opera Madeleine,Beliouse Opera.,1,6594 "After listening 59 intently for a minute or two, he put his head round the curtain.",He immediately put his head round the curtain without listening beforehand.,1,6595 "Then I dismissed him from my mind, and returned to the contemplation of my own affairs. ",I couldn't get him out of my mind.,1,6596 uh the uh achievement for the let's see how are they putting that uh the school let's see the academic report board review board uh the dean's being it more involved with the athletes,Non athletic students are favored by the dean more than athletic ones.,1,6597 Other reviewers place Fagles' work in the same league as Fitzgerald's and Lattimore's classic translations.,No one considers Fagle's writing that great. ,1,6598 uh-huh and because it was funny i mean everybody was furious i was so mad i got up and went and called you know i couldn't believe that but almost every game that i watched it would come right down to the end we would be ahead you know but then at the very in the fourth quarter they'd let them get up there either with them or you know right ahead of them,We always won.,1,6599 "It is not a revenue, because the receiving entity does not earn the amount imputed or demand its payment.","Even if the receiving entity doesn't demand the payment, it's still revenue. ",1,6600 "Pah! Tommy raised his hand, and silenced the clamours of disgust.","Tommy lost control of the room, and had to leave.",1,6601 everything is is Spanish English in Florida and i didn't particularly enjoy it quite frankly,I didn't mind everything being in English with Spanish translations below.,1,6602 "As the Byzantine Empire weakened at the end of the first millennium, Crusader forces were sent from Western Europe to counter the Muslim forces and retake Jerusalem for the Christian faith.",Crusader forces from Western Europe sought to retake Jerusalem for the Jewish faith.,1,6603 oh i will i'm sure my husband will be surprised because we were talking about them the other day even before,My husband will have seen this coming.,1,6604 Call it Golden One Hundreds.,Call it the Silver Tree.,1,6605 And there's also a risk that tactical innovations like the SEIU's will come at the expense of movement-building.,"If anything, tactical innovations like the SEIU's will only help with movement-building.",1,6606 "Representative of the artist's austere, devotional style is Vision of the Blessed Alonso Rodr?­guez.","A complete break from the artist's austere, devotional style is Vision of the Blessed Alonso Rodriguez.",1,6607 For the first time Tuppence felt afraid.,Tuppence was confident and unafraid. ,1,6608 that's exactly right and i do,Sorry but that is not correct.,1,6609 "But they are a huge hassle and costly--nearly $1,000 a year.",They are delightful and cost a mere $200 a year.,1,6610 and uh cranberry sauce i i could eat just that and be satisfied,I hate cranberry sauce.,1,6611 "As long as the religious belief of the person governing does not promote or condone acts of violence against those governed, or in the repression of those who fail to share his/her religious convictions, then the beliefs that the governor holds are not a newsworthy event, or even the public's business.","Regardless of someone's religion impacting their job or not, it's always the public's business and right to know.",1,6612 yeah well that it has some of the music we've watched we watched Twin Peaks because uh uh a little bit so it have you know and i think she had seen part of it before,She wasn't familiar with Twin Peaks.,1,6613 um-hum uh-huh i've never heard of that uh-huh,"Oh yeah, I'm an expert on that topic",1,6614 "The many little alleys, or yards, as they're called, were used to protect herds of sheep brought down from the fells during times of crisis.","The many little alleys, or yards, as they're called, were used to protect herds of dogs brought down from the fells during times of crisis.",1,6615 Other minor venues stage occasional ethnic folk-music concerts.,Minor venues do not stage ethnic folk-music concerts.,1,6616 Ah! breathed Tuppence.,We chillin he said.,1,6617 oh oh oh oh well then this is right up your alley what they're trying,You wouldn't know anything about the stuff they're working on.,1,6618 The screams from within made Ca'daan's skin crawl.,Jon's skin crawled after hearing the screams from within.,1,6619 "It's slow, ugly, and text-heavy, but it delivers the one key morsel the big sports sites won' the Vegas line.","The article was fast-paced, short, and easy to digest. ",1,6620 "For these organizations, the loss of members (e.g.",No member has ever left these organizations.,1,6621 you know it it very much is but on the other hand i realized i could go out on the street and act like a complete lunatic,I can't go out on the street and act like a lunatic.,1,6622 Accumulating sufficient,Not enough has gathered here.,1,6623 "In the next few years, a variety of exciting intervention techniques will be tested in EDs and urgent care clinics.",There is already an accepted intervention technique that will be used exclusively.,1,6624 "Kamakura, less than an hour south of Tokyo by train, was the seat of Japan's first military government.","To get to Kamakura, it takes over three hours by train from Tokyo.",1,6625 um-hum um oh i thought it was awful,I loved it.,1,6626 The discovery was a providential one.,The discovery was obvious from the beginning.,1,6627 yeah but don't you think in a way that's kind of a cop out i mean it still is your responsibility and and and and nowadays they do have more information that you can become aware of and there are things like the League of Women Voters or some of the other groups,THat is really taking control!,1,6628 "If the spear had put any holes in the man's organs, he would be in agony by morning and dead soon after.",He did not injured during the fight.,1,6629 "I got out of the lab, onto the street, and prayed for a quiet night.",I hoped for a busy night after work.,1,6630 yeah right well i have two girls and one is in Texas and she's a TI uh employee right now and uh the other one is in New Mexico,"I have no daughters, only sons.",1,6631 Moore sees these governmental analogies in a different light.,Moore has no opinion when it comes to governmental analogies.,1,6632 The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 requires that all proceeds from auctions be deposited in the U.S.,The Act states that auctions are illegal in the U.S. ,1,6633 They've got her.,"They tried to grab her, but could not.",1,6634 yeah you it's it's hard sometimes at work because you know people say oh we're taking a cruise we're going here we're going there you know because they have a lot more money,Work makes me thankful for what I have.,1,6635 "These intellectuals form?Υd an underground group known as the Young Turks, centred on Salonica, where revolt broke out.",These intellectuals formed an underground group known as the Old Englanders.,1,6636 The tomb of Al-Mansur Kalawan is at the heart of the complex and is surrounded by beautiful screens of ornate Islamic fretwork.,Al-Mansur Kalawan was buried in a tiny modest tomb.,1,6637 The AICPA's general standard related to criteria states the following.,There is no criteria for the AICPA. ,1,6638 " ""Anse""Drew wriggled up on one elbow ""you do that.",Drew used both of his elbows to wriggle around.,1,6639 This is stuff that defies analysis.,This stuff doesn't defy analysis. ,1,6640 That of the miners is most satisfactory.,Never choose anything related to miners.,1,6641 i know we don't see movies at the movies a lot the last we did go see Dances With Wolves and we went to see Not Without My Daughter but mostly we wait until they come out on video tape and then we rent them,"We always go see movies in the theater, instead of waiting for them to come out on video tape.",1,6642 1. What is known about the competence and,There is no competence present at all.,1,6643 right she she is she is an emotional victim,She was never a victim.,1,6644 you know but it's i tell you it's it's really uh it's tough to uh to deal with when you let your your balances build up you know so that it it's,It is easy to manage your balances when they are high. ,1,6645 "(1) within tests by calculation of 95% confidence limits, and (2) across tests by calculating a standard deviation and coefficient of variation.",you must calculate a standard deviation only if working on financial statements.,1,6646 It has one of the prettiest settings of any temple in Egypt on a knoll by the side of the Nile with views both up and downstream.,"Despite its location on a knoll by the side of the Nile, visitors cannot view the river from the temple.",1,6647 They revived a corpse and found he was unkillable from then on.,"It was easy to kill, revived or not. ",1,6648 A radio was playing country-Western music.,The evening news was playing on a radio.,1,6649 Do you really know what's in them all?,You don't know what's in them all?,1,6650 "From here, it's a short walk west to the grounds of Shinobazu Pond.","If you will walk past, you will go to the Whisperer's Forest.",1,6651 "Hmm, the man said in the voice of the first speaker.",The man was speaking in the third person's voice. ,1,6652 1 ROLE OF THE STATISTICIAN,The statistician is not involved.,1,6653 "The two men, Jon and Thorn, seemed to share a silent conversation.",The men couldn't stop chatting.,1,6654 you know tornado season hurricanes and stuff so,"Thankfully it's not tornado season, or hurricane season.",1,6655 "Whenever the president makes a bad decision, his pocketbook will surely feel our pain.",The president can be as callous as he wants to without repercussions.,1,6656 The general could not tolerate the political squabbles of the Fourth Republic and withdrew from public life.,The general participated in the politics of the Fourth Republic.,1,6657 well you've you've got a point there but um do you think one appeal is is too stringent,You are way off point with that remark.,1,6658 i've got the this is the neat thing about the place we ended up at i'm sitting on about a two acre lot now and uh half of it's the back half is my garden,I don't have a garden on my two acre lot.,1,6659 Kinsley comes close to the real reason for rejecting Bork for a seat on the Supreme Court.,Kinsley never approached why Bork was rejected.,1,6660 "Peering out of the cab window, the whole world came across as an indistinct blur.",The cab was stopped.,1,6661 "I think he's in town.""Fowler came from the bar, a glass in hand.","He's not in town. ""Fowler came from the bar with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.""",1,6662 "Punditus Interruptus, Week 4: Al Hunt stepped on Robert Novak twice this week while Novak held his fire, making Hunt the interruption leader, 4-2.",These interruptions occurred on Week 5.,1,6663 "To verify that a legal aid organization is federally funded or to find a local nonprofit legal aid office, consumers may refer to the Legal Services Corp.'s Web site,",Legal Services Corp. does not have a website.,1,6664 This is so important for the future of the country that the national motto is Out of many one people. ,The country doesn't have a national motto.,1,6665 "And what about this one he riding for Rennie, too? He pointed to Anse.",He did not ask if Anse had a connection with Rennie.,1,6666 He rejects confrontation.,He encourages confrontation. ,1,6667 "It comprises a labyrinth of alleyways and narrow streets around a Venetian citadel, which caps the highest point.", The Venetian citadel is located at the lowest point.,1,6668 now i can appreciate that especially after what happened in Vietnam,I've never heard about any news in Vietnam.,1,6669 "The illuminations, as they're called, annually draw crowds of thousands, with cars cruising the shore road to watch the show.","The illuminations usually go without notice, but occasionally a traveler will drive the shore road to watch.",1,6670 PointCast responded with a piece of software for companies' central computers designed to minimize its own impact.,PointCast is not a software development company.,1,6671 oh gosh that's hard to say it's um used to be a big Twin Peaks fan but they've made me mad so i haven't watched them in a while in a while,I have never heard of Laura Palmer or Twin Peaks before today.,1,6672 "Roman Fretard, known to himself as Gonzo, and to others as Tard wanted to make a career for himself quickly, nimbly and with all the effort comparable to a yawn.",Roman had no nicknames.,1,6673 " ordinary shoes for both men and women can be quite cheap, but anything stylish is likely to cost as much as at home.",Ordinary shoes actually cost much more than fashionable ones. ,1,6674 "Today it remains more stylish than other coastal towns, with plenty to please both adults and casinos, sophisticated shops and restaurants, and health spas; good sailing, windsurfing, sand yachting, riding, golf, and tennis.",It is the least stylish coastal town.,1,6675 National initiatives undertaken or completed in 2001 ,National initiatives completed in 2006.,1,6676 "In the short term , however, the effect has been to increase price volatility, especially when analysts issue strong buy or sell recommendations.",The effect has no impact on price changes.,1,6677 you know it's not something that's continual because you know the television ratings don't come out you know all the time they only come out four times a year so,"The TV ratings come out 6 times a month, don't they?",1,6678 "Of course, if the U.S.",Not if the U.S.,1,6679 yeah you really do,"No, you don't.",1,6680 "It follows that an important role lawyers provide for aging Oklahomans is not only to create rights - transferring documents such as durable powers of attorney and guardianship orders, but also to monitor their use.","Once lawyers have transferred documents and created rights, they have no further role for their clients.",1,6681 9. We'll back off first.,We are going to get closer.,1,6682 uh-huh yeah she was going into heat again and uh she uh she hasn't been eating and just yeah you can't take you can't put up with that moaning very long oh it's awful you know,My dog is not eating and barks constantly.,1,6683 Not exactly. ,Exactly.,1,6684 "Whatever the fortunes of religion itself, a dwindling cultural acquaintance with the Bible's English is surely inevitable.",The bible will never stop being understood. ,1,6685 "The Minoans developed into one of the great naval powers of the Mediterranean, with the wood from the vast cypress forests providing material for boats.",The Minoans built their boats from styrofoam. ,1,6686 A 10% service charge and 5% government tax will be added to the bill.,There is a service charge and tax that was already accounted for in the price.,1,6687 Advertising by financial institutions offering IRAs and information about employer-sponsored 401(k) options serve as reminders about ways to save for retirement.,Advertising by financial situations offering to join the IRA and information about.,1,6688 "And, in theory, feeding a write-off reserve back into operating income shouldn't even be possible.",All income from all sources can be folded into operating income under the law.,1,6689 Other metrics may be chosen as needed.,"Other metrics may not be chosen, even when drastically needed.",1,6690 "American Sociological Review, 23 (1958), 652-59.",The sociological review was published in 1980,1,6691 "On the one hand, there exists a certain urgency to move rapidly in order to remedy known problems relating to intelligence and information sharing and leveraging like activities that have in the past and even today prevent the United States from exercising as strong a homeland defense as",Homeland defence has never been stronger thanks to the elimination of all known issues with intelligence and information sharing.,1,6692 "But if so, this was self-delusion on a really impressive scale.",The person had low self-esteem.,1,6693 i see so you make it uh to that Longhorns Sooners game every year,You always miss the Longhorns vs Sooners game. ,1,6694 "Because you'd kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, replied Tommy quietly.",Tommy yelled something about nurturing a goose that lays eggs.,1,6695 It really sounds like you know what you're talking about.,It sounds lie you have no idea what you are talking about.,1,6696 "If you've ever spent an evening plunging your wrists into ice water, you are an easy mark for devices that promise to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome.",If you plunge your wrists into ice water you are a difficult mark for devices that promise to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome.,1,6697 "It's become very popular, though, because from it you can enjoy a splendid view of Derwent Water and the fells it's an almost perfectly framed natural composition, something no photographer, professional or amateur, can resist.",It's not very popular these days because you can't get a clear viewing angle for Derwent Water.,1,6698 Starting in 1477 this was a marketplace for local farmers as well as one of the main sites for executions in the city.,The location was not a marketplace.,1,6699 "Edits are programmed to perform various comparisons, verifications, and calculations to produce outputs that effectively replace many of the manual invoice processing and examination procedures.",An edit is not a way to replace many manual examination procedures.,1,6700 Cool breezes blew down off the mountain and he marveled at the steam of his breath.,The hot winds blew on him.,1,6701 "In designing state plans, LSC instructed its programs to collaborate with a range of local, state, and national stakeholders, including state and local bar associations, Interest On Lawyers Trust Account (IOLTA) administrators, state judiciaries, client groups, pro bono commissions, state legislatures, non-LSC-funded legal services programs, and a host of others.",LSC instructed its programs to refrain from collaborating with any other organizations while making its state plans.,1,6702 rub up against the siding uh,They do not rub against the siding.,1,6703 "Reviews since 1995 have found evidence of shoddy accounting, poor morale, excessive staff turnover, and double counting of cases - and alleged that the office made limited efforts to rectify the problems.",The office experienced no major problems in 1995.,1,6704 "The Caribs here, expert with bow and arrow, were demonstrably displeased to see the explorer.",The Caribs were terrible with bows and arrows.,1,6705 "After Mount Herzl, the road the upper branch goes to Hadassah's Ein Kerem Medical Centre, the lower to the picturesque village of Ein Kerem, lying in a valley surrounded by olive trees and vineyards.",The lower branch of the road goes to Hadassah's Ein Kerem Medical Centre.,1,6706 "Finally, the orchestra of trained zoo employees managed to clear the atmosphere full of feelings of disgust caused the pathology of living in a big city.",The zoo employees were not able to clear the feelings of disgust.,1,6707 um what is your experience been with like do you have elderly relatives that live with you or have lived with your parents or something like that,Are all your relatives dead?,1,6708 "Traffic roars down the broad Corso Umberto I to the pivotal Piazza Municipio to serve the docks or spin off into the commercial district behind Santa Lucia, the teeming historic center of Spaccanapoli, or the residential districts of Vomero and Posillipo.",There is no automobile traffic to be found along the Corso Umberto I.,1,6709 "The most southwesterly of Maui's big resorts, the Prince has a pretty beach facing Molokini Isle.","The beach area at The Prince is located in Kansas, and overlooks a prairie.",1,6710 Then the phone went dead.,The phone was working. ,1,6711 yeah i have a couple kids so oh yeah definitely but i know that it's got to have a radio it's got to have air conditioning i'm sure you can relate to air conditioning,I don't have any kids and don't care about radio or air conditioning.,1,6712 But the Four Jacks serves a pretty good meal and keeps a couple of beds for overnighters.,The meals at the Four Jacks are all awful.,1,6713 "The 2000 MWe FGD systems at the Taean facility in South Korea were fabricated off-site in three modules, shipped by barge, and then assembled on-site.",The 2000 MWe FGD system was fabricated on site.,1,6714 Search me.,Don't search me.,1,6715 Lessons learned report or other report by the Contracting Officer describing negotiations and selection activities.,The Contracting Officer just read the report.,1,6716 "If you beat the pros to a solution, we will name it after you, and you'll be immortalized in this little corner of cyberspace.",Nobody cares if you can beat the pros to a solution.,1,6717 "Did I mention that in the second season, Buchanan travels back in time to kill Lincoln even deader?",Buchanan went back in time to buy Lincoln a drink.,1,6718 so if they have babies then we'll have to get rid of one of them,"We will keep them both, even if they have babies.",1,6719 and it's just that i think they're just tying up the um whole judicial process um there's a lot of things they could do to uh make things easier and uh you know like uh the suggestion that uh maybe the uh a judge should be the one who decides on what the sentence should be rather than the jury,The suggestion was that the judge determine the sentence. ,1,6720 "This cavern is also known as Zedekiah's Cave, recalling the story of how King Zedekiah and his army escaped from a siege of Jerusalem in 587 b.c. via this route.",King Zedekiah was the king of Jerusalem in the 2nd century BC.,1,6721 i honestly at this point it's it's just too blown out of proportion for everyone you really even the news you cannot follow,"I think this topic is cut and dry, easy for people to follow.",1,6722 thank uh federal judge named William Wayne Justice,You should be thanking Judge Judy.,1,6723 "She blocked them, not just from herself but from me.",She couldn't block them.,1,6724 Appropriate safeguards can help to prevent abuse of federal employees and provide adequate monitoring mechanisms to gauge performance.,Innappropriate safeguards can help to prevent abuse of federal employees,1,6725 yeah although i guess it's your you want them to rehabilitate and become better rather than sitting in there and being a drain all the time,I don't think anybody wants to see the rehabilitate. ,1,6726 Who would order such a thing and who would live to see it done? ,No one had requested anything to be done.,1,6727 "The allocations of these three types of allowances, and the determination of the data used in making the allocations, will not be subject to judicial review.",Judicial review will be done on the allocations of these three types of allowances.,1,6728 "If you walk to the rear door and rouse the priest who lives at the back in stoical underemployment, he'll open the entrance to the sanctuary and leave you to inspect the blue-and-white tiles on the walls, the Baroque-style altar, and his own minute kitchen beyond.",The priest is busy and always ignores tourists.,1,6729 "Unfortunately, I have no proof beyond my surmise, unless ” ” With sudden energy, he caught me by the arm, and whirled me down the hall, calling out in French in his excitement: ""Mademoiselle Dorcas, Mademoiselle Dorcas, un moment, s'il vous plait!"" Dorcas, quite flurried by the noise, came hurrying out of the pantry. ",The speaker spoke in English.,1,6730 Charlie Brown wakes up in bed with Suzanne Pleshette and discovers it's all been a horrible dream.,"Charlie Brown had a dream about Barney,",1,6731 "For serious hikers, there are other major trails in the park.",There is only one hiking trail in the park.,1,6732 "And Slim said, ""It was not--"" ","""It was--"" Slim said.",1,6733 "Luckily for Mr. Inglethorp, he had been able to produce an unimpeachable alibi. ","The alibi was quickly cracked and disregarded, leaving Inglethorped forked.",1,6734 Derry pulled a data-disc from her pocket.,Derry had nothing in his pocket.,1,6735 "He screamed and fell, his face ashen in shock.",He fell backward and laughed hysterically.,1,6736 oh oh that's okay yeah Rochester's a nice town too they they said that they had had uh lots of pretty little parks and stuff up there that just been wiped out,"Rochester used to have a lot of grim parks, and now they have been spruced up, and new ones have been opened.",1,6737 "Little remains of Halicarnassus, however, and the town's main attractions include its laid-back, bohemian atmosphere, a beautiful double bay backed by whitewashed houses, and the magnificent Crusader Castle that dominates the harbour.",The town's main attraction is the extensive ruins of ancient Halicarnassus.,1,6738 "Lord Charlemont's marine villa, built in 1762 1777, is one of Ireland's finest Neoclassical buildings, and certainly one of the most intriguing.",Lord Charlemont's marine villa is not highly regarded in any capacity.,1,6739 How did Adaptec or Skadden get on the list?,The list does not include Adaptec or Skadden. ,1,6740 "A plurality blames the scandal on Clinton's enemies, not Clinton.",The scandal is usually blamed on the Clinton family.,1,6741 half-board may be obligatory during high season.,You are required to half-board when it is slow.,1,6742 "Accordingly, HUD did not prepare an environmental impact statement in connection with this rule.",HUD came prepared with a statement that addressed environmental impact.,1,6743 "Should Clinton decide not to try, Beijing will react badly to what it will perceive as prevarication.",Beijing will not react badly if Clinton does not try. ,1,6744 Back of the Gaiety Theater you'll probably encounter a theatrical crowd in Neary's (Chatham Street).,Chantham street is the last place you can find Neary's,1,6745 "On the peninsula, the oldest human-related relics (10,000 b.c. ) are Stone Age tools of the Negritos.","On the peninsula the oldest human related relics belong to the stone tools of the Blancos around 15,000 years before the Negritos.",1,6746 yeah two winters ago,"Yeah, thirteen winters ago.",1,6747 But 49ers fans will always love Joe Montana more.,49'ers fans really hate Joe Montana. ,1,6748 But it may not shake out that way.,It will happen exactly that way.,1,6749 "Depending on the threshold selected, the potential impact on the respective posts can be compared.",No comparisons can be made between the impacts on the posts.,1,6750 yeah isn't that funny i wasn't either i have uh,That's not funny at all because I was.,1,6751 "He said that without more state help, the MLSC will cut grants by up to 25 percent next year.",Without help the grants will be cut by 50%.,1,6752 I was determined to make you say it.,I was determined to stop you from saying it.,1,6753 "Lordy me, I'm as nostalgic for the old South as Justice Kennedy.",I can't recall the old south. ,1,6754 This usually does not take up as much room as the SCR reactor itself.,The SCR reactor takes up less room than this.,1,6755 "Slate , where my daughter Karenna worked in '96 and '97.",My daughter has never worked for Slate. ,1,6756 "Eastern and Central European nations, which historically have been invasion highways, see NATO membership as the answer to their greatest internal instability and Russian resurgence.",Eastern and Central European nations have not been invasion highways. ,1,6757 and what else what else is out right now that i want to see,"I do not want to see anymore, despite what's out there. ",1,6758 One factor that can increase the time to install a scrubber is competition for resources with other emission control projects.,No factors can increase the time it takes to install a scrubber.,1,6759 uh-huh yes yes now we have friends with a van and when they go on vacation a lot of times they'll just sleep in the van you know,"On holidays, they book a hotel and sleep in a big bed.",1,6760 After the Empire,The Empire never ended.,1,6761 Table 1: Comparison of Leading Practices and Federal CIO Management Practices,"This is the second table, and it compares different practices.",1,6762 "Pleasure palaces were a secondary consideration, and were in fact mostly additions by Akbar's successors.",There was no thought of having pleasure palaces.,1,6763 "Even in the suburbs, where dogs run free, no poodle comes home with a hammer and sickle spray-painted on his side.",Dogs do not run free in the suburbs.,1,6764 'My first theory.,This is my last theory. ,1,6765 Until it snapped.,It never snapped.,1,6766 The White House Web site's theme of the Supporting America's Families in Times of Distress.,Hurting America's Families in Times of Distress is the White House's website theme.,1,6767 It is not true what he said.,"Honestly, I believe him.",1,6768 Ca'daan noticed that Jon's shaved head had grown as tan as the rest of his body.,Jon had long curly hair.,1,6769 The 20th century saw a stupendous release of energies that had been pent up for the 250 years of Tokugawa isolation.,The Tokugawa isolation lasted for 20 years but it felt like it was 250 years.,1,6770 Direct Reporting of Fraud and Illegal Acts,Ignoring fraud,1,6771 uh i was born in Buffalo and i lived in uh outside of Boston for five years and then my family lives in Philadelphia now and uh so i tend to look for uh uh and i lived in Detroit too so i like uh first of all first and foremost the Bills games i want to see and then i'll uh normally check out the Eagles or the Patriots and Patriots were so depressing this last year that,I only watch the Bills and am not interested in any other teams.,1,6772 well it was nice talking to you i haven't ever i need to i've never initiated one of these phone calls do you call in do you get to pick the subject or do they kind of,I have made dozens of phone calls like this before.,1,6773 "Many of its timbered and gabled houses date back to the 14th and 15th centuries, particularly in the Place de l'H??tel-de-Ville and the Rue du Poids-du-Roy.",No timbered houses were built in the 14th century.,1,6774 uh no i started in nineteen fifty nine i,I started in 1980.,1,6775 Fiscal policy choices about the allocation of government spending between consumption and investment are influenced in part by the federal budget process.,The federal budget process has no effect on how government funds are allocated.,1,6776 "I was entirely wrong, Doctor.","Iwas right, Doctor.",1,6777 "Brown asked whether other forms of technology should be included, such as audio tape headsets.",Brown wondered if the technology was just fine,1,6778 "She went quickly along the passage to Mrs. Vandemeyer's bedroom, which had long French windows leading on to a balcony that ran the length of the flat.",There was no passage for her to Mrs. Vandemeyer's bedroom as it had been blocked.,1,6779 "With the new title of Governor-General, Hastings and then Cornwallis were responsible to the British government rather than the Company.","When Hastings was awarded his new title, he was free of any responsibilities to the government.",1,6780 "Embracing the historical and cultural centers of Kyoto and Nara, the Ise-Shima shrines, and the vibrant commercial cities of Osaka and Kobe, the Kansai region is essentially the heart of the nation.",Kyoto and Nara are both new and unimportant.,1,6781 The one frequently mentioned disappointment of French trains is the relatively uninspired dining-car service.,The dining-service on French Trains is magnificent and very inspired.,1,6782 "The missionary influence waned, and the royal court asserted its power, as well as its love of luxury.",The royal court had no power and was cheap.,1,6783 GAO will meet with designated committees and Members regarding the scope and timing of work.,GAO will not meet with the designated committees and members.,1,6784 Julius Hersheimmer set out to discover what had become of his cousin.,He did not care what his cousin was up to as it was none of his business.,1,6785 hi how you doing,Don't tell me anything about how you are.,1,6786 "He saw anger and bewilderment on every face, but his calm assurance had done its work no one doubted but that something lay behind his words.",He could not rid of the group's anger and bewilderment.,1,6787 "LIFE-CYCLE COSTING - An acquisition or procurement technique which considers operating, maintenance, and other costs in addition to the acquisition cost of assets.",Life-cycle costing does not take into consideration operating and maintenance costs.,1,6788 "The theater company was founded in 1930 by Micha??l MacLiamm??ir and Hilton Edwards, and is still going strong today, with an excellent reputation for international and innovative work.",The theater company was disbanded in 1960.,1,6789 "We can begin tomorrow, he said and then returned to Susan.",The man remained with Susan and spoke to no one. ,1,6790 yeah yeah i know we we've shoveled so much aid to Poland and i don't know of course you don't hear hear the bad things out of there like you used to but it doesn't mean they're not going on it just means the press decided to cover something else,We do not give any aid to Poland.,1,6791 and having a much better relationship with their children than my husband ever did because he left home at five thirty in the morning and he got home at six fifteen,My husband was a great stay-at-home father.,1,6792 I haven't the slightest idea.,I know everything about that.,1,6793 The Language of Worldwide Communication,The world was met with silence and confusion.,1,6794 "In a February 1997 series of reports to the Congress, GAO designated information security as a governmentwide high-risk area.",Congress was never notified that information security was a governmentwide high-risk area,1,6795 "This results from a much lower coverage (percent of addresses receiving mail on a given day), a higher population density and other unexplored route and topographical considerations.","The results show higher coverage, lower population density and all explored routes.",1,6796 "The activities cited here would not be unusual, or even objectionable, if Gates imposed strict quality control standards upon them.",The activities cited here would be unusual regardless of anything Gates did.,1,6797 "Certainly when you reach the railway's high point, 2,257 m (7,407 ft), at Ghoom, the view as you hover out on the loop over Darjeeling is in every sense of the word breathtaking.",The high point of the rail is around 2100 feet.,1,6798 "There would be no rescue, of course.","There will be aid on standby, in case it is needed.",1,6799 "I only say that it would explain many things such as why Kitchell has not been caught."" ",It would explain nothing at all about his capture.,1,6800 "LSC also recognizes that opinions may differ as to the most appropriate configuration of service areas, and that grantees and other stakeholders may have a better perspective on how to best serve clients and enhance access in their states.",The LSC does not listen to any opinions that may differ from their own.,1,6801 but i don't know much about camping in Texas,I can tell you quite a bit about camping in Texas.,1,6802 i believe i i i do agree with you most most wholeheartedly it's been a pleasure talking with you,I do not agree.,1,6803 "If you feel more energetic, you can rent a rowboat at the dock and set out under your own steam.","You're not able to sail yourself on the water, as you will require a permit.",1,6804 Rottweiler owners want beasts that protect.,Owners of Rotweilers simple want dogs to love and be loved in turn. ,1,6805 (Any one of a number of persons could have done a good job with the Harlem Renaissance.),Nobody could have done a good job with it.,1,6806 "That whole act is reproduced in the funny, frustrating Kaufman biopic Man on the Moon , but not on the Tonight Show . Kaufman (Jim Carrey) does it onstage at a tiny club.",Man on the Moon features George Clooney as Kaufman.,1,6807 And it's not likely to fade any time soon.,It is beginning to fade.,1,6808 The critical instance is the most frequent application,Critical instances are the least used applications. ,1,6809 but i just kind of a verbal agreement yeah i'm going to stay a year and i'll be nice to you if you'll be nice to me,I will only stay a month.,1,6810 "Because, at the risk of sentimentality, it's the News Quiz participants that make it fun for me.",The participants of the News Quiz makes it sad.,1,6811 "It was also without weight when in liquid form--a fact he discovered when it began rising through the air and spattering over everything, including his bare skin.",In liquid form it was quite heavy.,1,6812 what do you mean fifty five you mean fifty five dollars,I heard you say sixty nine dollars.,1,6813 Market Gyrations Make Hitting Targets for Skilled Crafts an Art,Market gyrations make goals impossibly easy to hit.,1,6814 "Mainstream groups, not unreasonably, question the timing of Hersh's story.",Groups trust Hersh and the timing of the story.,1,6815 i'm not knowledgeable in that area so i can only agree with what you're saying,"No need to tell me the details, I know that area very well.",1,6816 yeah and with what those guys get paid then they go out uh besides baseball and and advertise products or they they charge ten or fifteen dollars for a autograph,The guys have never advertised products of any kind.,1,6817 Magic that worked tended to overcome the drive for the discipline needed to get the most out of it.,"Magic requires no skill or discipline, it's very easy.",1,6818 "GeneralAccounting Office, 441 G Street NW, Room 7149 Washington, D.C. 20548",The GAO is in New York.,1,6819 we don't have a state income tax right,Our state's income tax rate is very high.,1,6820 He glares at Starr as if he's a particularly vicious child molester.),He looks on with interest towards Starr.,1,6821 "Even if you don't get on one of the high-speed TGV trains, you are almost certain to see one zoom past.",The only way to travel is by car.,1,6822 Jon had hoped that Adrin and San'doro would face no other man but it appeared both would be busy.,Jon didn't want Adrin and San'doro to face anyone else.,1,6823 well they're struggling with it,They are not struggling.,1,6824 "Yes, suh.",He does not agree.,1,6825 uh-huh well that sounds fantastic,"Well, that sounds really terrible.",1,6826 i guess the weather hasn't changed too much from here to Houston and,The weather is radically different between here and Houston.,1,6827 The major explanation for this is fewer average pieces per possible delivery per day for rural routes (row 4).,The major explanation for this is greater average pieces per possible delivery per day for rural routes.,1,6828 "San'doro cut open the thigh of another rider, the smaller of the two.",The larger rider was cut on the thigh.,1,6829 the mother's aren't there,The kids are with their mothers all the time.,1,6830 Ca'daan's head swam.,Ca'daan was at peace.,1,6831 "To accomplish this, the board must raise or lower interest rates to bring savings and investment at that target unemployment rate in line with each other.","We have to keep the system the same, and it will effect the unemployment rate",1,6832 uh they will not restrict it but they just ought to not release i don't know i don't know what districts are releasing the numbers to these newsmen that they can predict uh i i thought the polls had to be closed before you were allowed why would you release it to the newsmen first i i don't even know how the news media get these numbers from the polls i would think that ought to be sacred and and until it's all over,They will restrict it tightly.,1,6833 through the Visa card so i knew that i was running a balance up but it sure is hard to get it,It does not take much to get a Visa card.,1,6834 The project was governed by a Steering Committee.,The CFO governed the project.,1,6835 In its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (61 Fed.,Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is a children's government book.,1,6836 "An uprising spread against the Ranas, and Prime Minister Mohan Shumshere Rana resigned in 1951.",Ranas was noted for the popularity and stability of his rule.,1,6837 effect and when you stop and think about it every just about every single thing that's produced can be recycled,Recycling is only possible for plastic and paper products.,1,6838 oh yeah case in point Toronto,"You're right, unlike Toronto.",1,6839 They also see it as easing their way toward economic integration with Western Europe.,Western Europe will not allow their economic integration.,1,6840 Both operational and structural aspects of the CIOas environment can vary significantly in the federal sector versus the private sector.,Federa and private sector CIO environments are structurally identical.,1,6841 "When the big breakdown came, it was properly mathematical.",The breakdown was very literal and needed no calculations.,1,6842 "Our work has shown that high-performing organizations use a number of strategies and techniques to effectively involve employees, including (1) fostering a performanceoriented culture, (2) working to develop a consensus with unions on goals and strategies, (3) providing the training that staff need to work effectively, and (4) devolving authority while focusing accountability on results.",Training for staff members is never done by high-performing organizations.,1,6843 i think it's still a year or less for uh for shrubs,Shrubs involve a multi-year process.,1,6844 "The major names to look out for are Royal Selangor and Tumasek Pewter, both available throughout the country.",Royal Selangor and Tumasek are the least popular names in the country.,1,6845 The GOP's Gamble: Why the Republicans will save Clinton by destroying themselves.,The Republicans have found a way to save themselves by destroying Clinton. ,1,6846 yeah and i i just don't see uh you know a baseball player being worth that or any really any pro pro athlete because we look at that compared to what uh normal people make i mean it's just totally outrageous,Baseball players should be paid double what they are currently making.,1,6847 twelve inches to the foot and,A foot is fifteen inches. ,1,6848 Polarization Slobodan Milosevic--first as a Communist and then as a Serbian nationalist--whipped up anti-Albanian sentiment.,Milosevic was a Communist and then a nationalists who loved Albanians.,1,6849 "The Jardin d'Acclimatation is an amusement park with plenty of attractions for shows, rides, and a small zoo.",The Jardin d'Acclimatation is a park with a running track and a lake.,1,6850 "Far from devastating, this slowdown was, the White House said at the time, good for seniors.",The slow down is bad for seniors.,1,6851 "Hundreds of case files, as well as two offices in Pasadena and Pomona, remained under the old program's control until the litigation ended in August 2001.",Everything was removed from the old program's control pending conclusion of the litigation.,1,6852 "The policemen had orders to say, if they were asked, that no one had gone into the house.",The policeman had received order to say that people had gone into the house.,1,6853 I will find good men of value to teach us and defend us.,Good men will run and hide rather than defend us.,1,6854 "Jews hold the site sacred, although an inscription attributes the grave to a Roman owner.",An inscription on the grave indicates that it belongs to a Jewish person. ,1,6855 But it turns out that to buy $1 of dividends costs you $72 (among Dow Jones industrial average stocks).,It will cost you $1 to buy $72 worth of dividends.,1,6856 "Unfortunately, Reality and Dreams doesn't transcend this category.","Luckily, both Reality and Dreams belong firmly within this category.",1,6857 The McCain campaign has more specific evidence of success.,Particular examples of McCain's failure point to his impending defeat.,1,6858 "Such a program, coupled with appropriate measures to address local concerns, would provide significant health benefits even as we increase energy supplies and maintain reasonable electricity rates.","Such a program would not provide any significant health benefits, due to various costs associated with providing it.",1,6859 and there's just so many people and so many accidents every single day that it take another police force just to answer the traffic,The police respond adequately to the accidents here.,1,6860 The receiving entity recognizes the transfer-in as an other financing source,Transers in are always recognized as an expense for the receiving entity.,1,6861 i didn't yeah,I did it already.,1,6862 "Th' Old Man, he was movin' like he warn't on speakin' terms with th' law an' there was a sheriff behind every rock.",There was no Old Man.,1,6863 You can't get around India is a country where religion is ever-present.,India is a country of atheists.,1,6864 Apparently you believe that your $100 is somehow more effective or more important than my $100.,It seems you believe your $100 is the same as mine. ,1,6865 We have confirmed that copies of both the Initial and the Final Regulatory Flexibility Analyses were provided to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy at the Small Business Administration as required by section 605.,We do not have copies of the analyses.,1,6866 Tours originate from the center.,Tours start on the outside.,1,6867 no first off i don't think the the Middle Eastern situation's going to change i don't think that,The Middle East's situation is very much on the brink of change.,1,6868 all right well thank you for calling i had i i enjoyed talking to you,"Okay, the call was miserable and I hope you never call again.",1,6869 oh yeah i mean Lord there's things that we probably never will hear about that he's doing of course he's been doing it all along anyway,Everything is clear. ,1,6870 definitely i had a friend who worked there for a year or so and they spell it out for men it's particular suits uh the pin stripe and the particular colors of shirts and wing wing tipped shoes oh it is definitely lined out,My friend said you can wear whatever you want in that company.,1,6871 They videotape anything that moves and much that doesn't.,Anything that moves and as well as anything that does not move are ignored.,1,6872 Slate posts new material every weekday.,Slate posts new material once a month.,1,6873 The actuarial present value of benefits allocated to all periods before a valuation year is called actuarial liability.,Actuarial liability is the actuarial value of any benefits allocated after the valuation year.,1,6874 I wasn't even unhappy in the end just apathetic.,"When it ended, I was deeply unhappy.",1,6875 We found that leading commercial companies over the years had found ways to overcome these problems and had identified best practices that resulted in the early capture of and use of design and manufacturing knowledge.,Leading commercial companies still struggle with these problems and have found no solution as of yet.,1,6876 But about those The interesting thing about the airline complainants is that they don't even want the Shopping Avenger to seek retribution or restitution.,The complainers wanted money and free tickets. ,1,6877 "This time, they were looking for a candidate who knew how to speak the language of love.",They were looking for a candidate who knew how to speak the language of Spanish.,1,6878 "It was also the time when the region was the homeland of the Canaanites and other tribes familiar from the Bible, which is still the best source of knowledge about ancient Israel.",There are many better sources of knowledge about ancient Israel than the Bible.,1,6879 "It proved to be worth the effort for Bligh, who received a reward of 1,500 guineas for his effort.","Despite all of his hard work, Bligh received nothing for it.",1,6880 Wore a rag on his head.,He left his head uncovered.,1,6881 "Chances are that when Nike put Burroughs in one of its ads, none of the company's executives had even heard of him.",All of the Nike's executives heard of Burroughs.,1,6882 Vrenna put a hand on Thorn's shoulder and the big man relaxed.,Thorn got more anxious when Vrenna put her hand on his shoulder. ,1,6883 White ethnics have ceased to be the dominant force in urban life.,White ethics dominate all aspects of urban life.,1,6884 How about malpractice insurance?,What about health insurance?,1,6885 "*The scalpers-and-brokers point was brought to Chatterbox's attention by Randolph Cohen's brother Andrew, who is an assistant professor of history at Syracuse.","Randolph Cohen's sister, Andrew is an assistant professor of history.",1,6886 "She glanced round hastily to make sure there was no one else in the room, and quickly produced an old sheet of brown paper. ",She immediately began doing what she wanted regardless of who was in the room.,1,6887 The Swords.,The feathers. ,1,6888 "In 1998, we reported that the program had identified 926 critical manufacturing processes and had almost 40 percent in control 2 years before production was scheduled to begin.","In 1998, we found out that the program had found a total of zero critical manufacturing processes.",1,6889 Need the URL for Joe Conason's columns?,Joe Conason's columns are not available online.,1,6890 Nothing will focus someone's mind like looking at the world from the inside of a prison cell.,There's no time to look at the world when you're in a prison cell.,1,6891 "As one of the primary funders of civil equal justice in every state, LSC has a duty to stimulate the most effective means of delivering legal services to low-in-come individuals.",The LSC needs to find the least effective practices.,1,6892 7) The Postal Service integrates the pieces back into its own system and takes them to the facility out of which the carriers operate.,The postal service does no such integration ,1,6893 Did you examine one bottle in particular?,Did you throw away all of the bottles?,1,6894 "Rita?"" Tuppence shook her head.",Tuppence did not shake her head,1,6895 "It is thought that a Christ?Ωan basilica was built here in a.d. 325 by the Emperor Constantine, on the site of a pagan temple.",Emperor Constantine left this site alone because he didn't want to build a church where a pagan temple once stood.,1,6896 "Don't count out Orrin Hatch, Orrin Hatch answered, Bob Dole-style.","Orrin Hatch was silent, and did not answer.",1,6897 "The shows are usually pretty touristy, concentrating on the more cheerful cante chico (light song) rather than the deep, emotional cante jondo (song of the soul).",The shows are just for locals.,1,6898 maybe so i i can't think,It is all I think about.,1,6899 "'Poverty,' Greuze shrugged, 'is no excuse for a lack of imagination.",Greuze said poor people shouldn't bother imagining things.,1,6900 what's your second favorite,What is your most disliked?,1,6901 6 trillion.,10 trillion,1,6902 don't you find that interesting uh that they that that they're doing that uh in any field for how why why why pieces could you could you get any connection on which was metric and which wasn't,I don't care whether we use metric or imperial.,1,6903 For simplicity the variable portion of access and travel to and from the beginning of the route are ignored.,The variable portion of access can't be ignored because it's so crucial.,1,6904 "In the absence of legitimate campaign issues, he predicts, this could become a relative biggie.","There is no campaign, he has fabricated the campaign because he's crazy.",1,6905 The federal government of the United States-the largest and most complex organization in the world-expended approximately $1.,The us government didn't expend any money ,1,6906 "Despite a climate of increased scrutiny, most improper payments associated with federal programs continue to go unidentified as they drain taxpayer resources away from the missions and goals of our government.","With increased security most, if not all, of the improper payments have been caught.",1,6907 Three successive elected kings emerged from the Waza dynasty of Sweden.,Only one king was elected from the Waza dynasty.,1,6908 LSC requested that the planners seriously consider the advantages of having one LSC-funded program anchor each of the six regions identified in the plan.,LSC didn't request anything of planners,1,6909 "A third version, posed by USA Today , How can you make questions about whether you used illegal drugs in your youth go away?",There will never be questions about drug use as a youth.,1,6910 "With its vivacious residents, ?­fashionable, self-assured and sophisticated this is modern Italy.",Residents of Italy are not particular about fashion and sophistication.,1,6911 uh boy they don't have one uh,They have about three or four.,1,6912 "'Obviously we have a regulation which is not being followed,' Osag said.",Osag confirmed that the regulation was being strictly followed.,1,6913 "The company branched out into e-mail services, an online broadcasting tool, and a Web-based travel agency.",The company didn't branch out at all and stayed the same as it always was.,1,6914 a with a certain style and then you try to make it a little bit more listenable for let's say another audience let's say a North American and then when they hear it it it it's a really it's another form of music and you know it's sort of um trying to draw out the best sources the the best of every type of music,Nobody listens to music.,1,6915 a story where he went to visit some little uh elementary school students and stuff did you see that where he the guy asked him for proof of who he was and he showed his license,"A story where he went to visit some little local hospital and stuff, heard about it?",1,6916 "By the end of the century rural delivery was started on a limited basis, but it did not become ubiquitous until the early part of the twentieth century.",Rural delivery has always been everywhere.,1,6917 The groups also plan to enlist more pro bono attorneys through coordination with the Utah State Bar.,The groups decided they did not need more pro bono employees.,1,6918 But neither am I confident that it doesn't.,I'm confident in everything that I do.,1,6919 No-cost legal services also are offered to a more limited degree from places such as the Women's Bar Association of the Capital District or student clinics at Albany Law School.,"Nowhere on the world can free legal services be found, even in a limited capacity. ",1,6920 "Time 's Y2K cover story focuses on alarmists, especially millennialist Christians stockpiling for the looming Year 2000 disaster.",Time wrote about Y2K and how it destroyed NYC.,1,6921 Note that extra ferries always run during peak season.,It is difficult to get a ferry during peak seasons.,1,6922 "We all know people who are essentially hotblooded, or melancholy (which literally means black bile), or phlegmatic, or who view the world with a jaundiced eye.",People who are melancholic usually are sad because they don't want to be happy.,1,6923 "He has no technical knowledge, and is by nature unimaginative. ",He's a criminal mastermind and we must crack his idea wide open.,1,6924 "Teodoro, he meant no harm !"" Drew scrambled to the window.",Drew fell out of the window and died.,1,6925 "León Rivas, Bartolomé's son, will be up on Oro; he always rides for Rennie.",Leon Rivas is Bruce's son.,1,6926 "It seems to me that, at times, critics of Commission recommendations tend to take lightly the considerations embodied in 39 USC 3622(b)(3) and (6). ",The Commission made no recommendations in the USC.,1,6927 "Shining in the stark light, covered by cables- a naked body, rather plump, instantly recognisable.",The body was clothed.,1,6928 It impelled her to more audacious efforts.,She is determined to only do the bare minimum. ,1,6929 but one and and she visit us here in in Dallas when she went back every time she goes back to uh San Antonio my wife has two sisters there too she said she's much better she's much more alive and and uh active when she's been on a visit with somebody else you know and,My wife never visits her sisters in San Antonio.,1,6930 "The canvas appeared to be burned, worried Slim.","The hay seemed to be wet, worried John.",1,6931 i don't know um i think it covers a portion because like i said my sister lives over there and they they just they just never have to worry about it i think it might not cover full dental but it does cover some and again it covers you know,I'm sure it covers full dental.,1,6932 "You'll find work in all media oils, pastels, and gouache, as well as sculptures.",Only pastels can be found there.,1,6933 There was still no sign of food.,They found food available for them as far as they could see.,1,6934 I have heard of Kentucky horses. ,I've never heard anything about Kentucky horses before.,1,6935 "His ideas were not made official until 1752, and it was another 14 years before plans were put into place for a competition to create a design for this new development, to be called the New Town.",There was no competition for creating a design. ,1,6936 "Yes, sir. It was a whisper so low as hardly to be heard.",It was spoken in a loud voice.,1,6937 "Although oversight responsibility for the facility planning and design phases generally remains within the agencies, fewer staff resources are being devoted to the effort than in the past.",More staff resources are being devoted to the project.,1,6938 "But I'm not kidding, it's time for her to go.",She should stay a little longer.,1,6939 "The man cried out and let go of the polearm, putting his good hand over the wound on the other.",The woman cried out as she put her bad hand over her wounded knee. ,1,6940 "It is near the window, this cupboard?""",This cupboard is near an aquarium?,1,6941 'There's been no sign of error?',I see the mistake.,1,6942 "As a result, competitive needs are now considered part of the decision-making process.",The decision making process hasn't been changed since its inception. ,1,6943 "Plans things, Kitchell does, an' so far his plannin' has always paid off.","Kitchell flys by the seat of his pants , you never know what will go wrong.",1,6944 "Liberal ideas began mushrooming in France itself, and after Nelson destroyed Napoleon's fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar, the French West Indian planters' lifeline with France was all but destroyed as well.",Conservative ideas popped up in France.,1,6945 yeah i've i that's really great i i really think that both the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts is a excellent two excellent organizations,I would never recommend the Boy Scouts to anyone. ,1,6946 "The only other inhabited island in the archipelago, Porto Santo has a 9-km-long beach running the length of its south coast, but few other attractions.",Porto Santo has a wide variety of things to do.,1,6947 Multiple retrofits at one plant would take longer to install.,Multiple retrofits at a plant would be the fastest route.,1,6948 But did the book add anything to my appreciation of his paintings?,"I haven't read the book yet, but I like his paintings.",1,6949 "Based on that guidance, fast pay is currently subject to a limitation of $25,000 per invoice and the following (1) geographical separation and lack of communication facilities make it impractical to make timely payments based on evidence of acceptance, (2) suppliers who will be paid under the procedure have agreed to repair, correct, or replace goods or services not conforming to requirements, and (3) and it is limited to suppliers who have had and continue to have a good ongoing business relationship with the agency.",Fast pay doesn't have any invoice limitations that it's subject to.,1,6950 Him with a snootful an' somebody yellin' Reb and Yank.,It was totally silent.,1,6951 History lives.),History dies. ,1,6952 "makes it harder for ordinary people to join in a class action suit but easier for giant oil companies to pump free oil from public land and sell it at a profit, probably to NBC (Needs--oh where to begin?",Giant oil companies probably wouldn't sell their oil to NBC.,1,6953 "Onstage, another band had started playing.",There was no band playing on stage after the other band was forced off of the stage.,1,6954 "A dramatic drop in household wealth-for example, due to an extended downturn in the stock market-could eventually dampen household consumption and lead to an increase in saving.",Stock market rises lead to saving.,1,6955 we so you're not picking you're not having it picked up at your houses or anything yet,you've already arranged to have it picked up at your houses,1,6956 "In the background, a tuba started playing.",They were in complete silence.,1,6957 They were a breeze to enter--a few mouse clicks and a password.,They were hard to open.,1,6958 The Government Paperwork Elimination Act requires OMB to issue guidance to agencies regarding automated systems that maintain electronic information as a substitute for paper and use electronic signatures.,The Government Paperwork Elimination Act does not require OMB to issue guidance,1,6959 'I just want to steal all of your fans.',I don't want to take your fans.,1,6960 yeah we're we're having a kid in October and it's like well you know no more no more eating out for a while,We are not having a kid.,1,6961 "The evidence is flaky--a woman who has both confirmed and denied the story, corroborators with their own reasons to lie--but major scandals have been built on less.",A major scandal can only successfully be built on a solid foundation of truth..,1,6962 "Sitting cross-legged on a cushion near the door was Nema, juggling something in her hands.",Nema was standing when she juggled.,1,6963 The president's personal aides have gone home.,The president's aides waited in their office for orders.,1,6964 I realised that I'd just said all the things Natalia had specifically told me not to.,I said nothing that Natalia had told me not to say.,1,6965 "The TIG program specifically addresses the development of state technology plans by providing, through TIG grants, technical personnel needed to assist programs in using technology to deliver services to clients as effectively as possible.",TIG grants are focused on offering statewide education plans and not technology plans.,1,6966 Memorandum.,No memorandum ,1,6967 um-hum oh yeah i have to plan way in advance because or what i've done is found like doctors' and dentists' office with extended hours that's been real helpful too like my doctor stays open till nine in the evening,I haven't found dentists' offices that work extended hours.,1,6968 That was only an illustration.,That wasn't an illustration.,1,6969 "Got Old Tar when he turned up in a wild-hoss corral th' mustangers set over in th' Red River country """,Old Tar went to Red Rock country.,1,6970 "Heading west from Montego Bay, the main road hugs the coastline.",The main road heads east. ,1,6971 "In more recent years, manufacturing, and in particular electronics, has represented a new direction away from dependence on commodity exports.",Nuclear warhead manufacturing has represented a new direction away from dependence on commodity exports.,1,6972 He was growing tired of the way people suddenly appeared out of nowhere.,He found it increasingly amusing how people would appear out of nowhere.,1,6973 huh yeah yeah i think that's probably true too that's that's that's sort of scary,"It's probably a lie, which is really scary.",1,6974 The thoughts in his mind were clearer this time.,The thoughts in his head were fuzzier than before.,1,6975 "He read the parable of the talents from St. Matthew's Gospel, with its praise for those who get a good return on their investments.","He read the gospel of Matthew, but didn't derive anything from its words.",1,6976 "Here you'll find interesting shops for antiques, collectibles, and antiquarian books.",There are no shops other than for new clothes.,1,6977 "Answer my question, if you please.",Feel free to not answer any of my questions.,1,6978 Conrad was undoubtedly the tenant of the house.,Conrad lives in a condo.,1,6979 "(The Aiguille cable car station is across the French border, so take your passport if you care to descend at any point on French soil. )","The Aiguille cable car station is in the same country, so you will not need your passport.",1,6980 objectives established by the organization's annual business or operations plan.,The organization does not have an annual business or operations plan.,1,6981 "Finally, Columns (5), (8), and (11), labeled Annual Growth show the annual volume growth rates of all sectors and total First-Class Mail for the time periods 1987-90, 1990-93 and 1993-97, respectively.",Column 8 shows the price of a McDonald's Big Mac. ,1,6982 initial plans submitted by many governmental entities.,Initial plans submitted only by non-governmental entities.,1,6983 "Coming towards me, quite inexorably.",I stopped it immediately.,1,6984 yeah i mean they're they're throwing more money at it now than ever before and things are getting worse,The money is returning everything to its normal state,1,6985 "James Boswell, biographer of Samuel Johnson, was married to a Talbot, and many of his papers were discovered in the 20th century at the castle.",Boswell never married.,1,6986 Longabaugh wanted the recommendation to include research training as an explicit component.,Longabaugh was opposed to using research training as an explicit component.,1,6987 He was wrong.,He was definitely correct.,1,6988 and in a lot of the Japanese cars that come to this country particularly those that have the uh electronic panels there's a little push button some place on the panel that you can switch between uh kilometers per hour and miles per hour,Japanese cars do not have an option to switch units.,1,6989 Get them on the way out when they're relaxed.,Get them on the way out while they're readying for battle.,1,6990 "He went through it, to find a larger yard with more men idling.","He went through it, and found no one in the yard.",1,6991 'Would you like some?' He offered a morsel.,"He didn't offer me a morsel, instead he ate it all by himself.",1,6992 but i guess the closest i've ever come to participating in music is singing in the choir,I participate in music by playing in a band.,1,6993 "The northern coast is the most attractive region, being characterized by bays, capes, valleys, islands, and peninsulas.",The land in that region is flat and uninteresting.,1,6994 "Sacred bugaku and kagura dances are performed at the shrine, while numerous souvenir shops do a roaring trade in the local woodcarvings, both sacred and utterly pornographic, and maple-leaf-shaped sweet buns (momiji).",The shrine forbids any sacred bugaku and kagura dances.,1,6995 And they think that I'm better than I am.,And they think that I'm worse than I am.,1,6996 "Classical sacred dance, Bharatanatyam, has a total of 108 different consecrated forms you can see them performed by Shiva in the sculpted frieze of Thanjavur's Brihadisvara Temple (see page 191).",There is only 10 different forms in Bharatanatyam. ,1,6997 that'd be neat well i got a patio and i tried to talk my husband into just buying a whole bunch of pots and planting them all in it you know because that's favorite thing is tomatoes to grow,I don't have any outdoor space.,1,6998 That happened to be stealing.,There was nothing wrong with what you did.,1,6999 " ""Helms's kinda dumb to play any cute game,""Nye protested.",Helms is a genius and is known to play many games with people. ,1,7000 "Peer into the grand hall, which has an elegant fireplace, a coffered ceiling, and a majestic staircase.",The grand hall of this single-floor building has low ceilings and a boiler stove for heat.,1,7001 "If you're eager for a bit of culture after a day in the sun, check out the Orange County Performing Arts Ceter (600 Town Ceter Drive, Costa Mesa), which sponsors frequent symphony, chamber music, and opera performances by visiting international and local groups.",The Orange County Performing Arts Center doesn't sponsor opera performances or symphony performances.,1,7002 "But as of now, the majority of the congressional party--the Republicans who actually run for office and get elected--embraces a theory of national interests that is very similar to the one in Buchanan's new page-turner.",The Democracts consist of majority of the congressional party. ,1,7003 You will find more information and fishing permits available at the Directory of Fisheries in the tourist office building in Srinagar.,The fishing permits are not available at the Directory.,1,7004 yeah yeah some of the tunes used to you know you felt like you needed to go out and do something about it,Some of the tunes paralyzed you and made you feel lazy.,1,7005 and those are really helpful i think in helping um well you know like some what symptoms medical symptoms like when how do you know when to take your child to the doctor or not,"Those don't tell you much, unfortunately.",1,7006 "The only difference between Rust and the present case is that the former involved distortion of (that is to say, refusal to subsidize) the normal work of doctors, and the latter involves distortion of (that is to say, refusal to subsidize) the normal work of lawyers.","Rust and the present case are exactly the same, with no differences.",1,7007 and uh i i'm just going to keep holding off but i'm definitely going to look for something uh in the you know nice performance you know yeah,I'm just going to buy something right now.,1,7008 He sprang up at my entrance. ,He remained seated when i entered.,1,7009 Zelon works to ensure that her misdemeanor court is a relatively welcoming place for the defendants she comes face to face with on a daily basis.,Zelon rarely meets with defendants face to face.,1,7010 "George Carey, the archbishop of Canterbury, noted that it hurts to be denied the Lord's Supper by a fellow disciple of Jesus Christ.",No man by the name of George has ever been archbishop of any religious institution. ,1,7011 You could finish the trip with afternoon tea at Dove Cottage Teashop.,The Dove Cottage Teashop only serves morning tea.,1,7012 "A wooden clock-tower comprised the shoddy town hall, surrounded on all sides by shanty huts trying to pass for houses.",The houses were made of concrete and glass.,1,7013 The simulation is not a prediction of what will happen in the future.,The simulation accurately predicts the future up to 2138 years into the future.,1,7014 "According to the IRS, every dollar spent on enforcement brings in a return of $4 in revenue.",The IRS claims it loses money through enforcement.,1,7015 and um you know we enjoy um we enjoy doing more things outdoor playing ball with them my husband likes to play freeze tag with them and and i think as American parents we probably we spend more time than is typical i think uh with the kids and part of that is that they're demanding of it you know they they want our time,We like to stay inside and play online role playing games.,1,7016 "But if the court could be televised discretely, in black and white, surely justice would not be imperiled, and might even be improved.",Justice will not be improved if the court was televised directly.,1,7017 "Installation of wet FGD, specifically LSFO, presents a conservatively high estimate of anticipated resources and time to provide additional control of SO2 emissions.",Emissions are simple to control.,1,7018 "But Russian Prime Minister Victor Chernomyrdin warned Feb. 3 that unless NATO backs off, ultranationalists will threaten the government and tanks will be rolling out in Moscow.",NATO did not receive a warning from Russian Prime Minister Victor Chernomyrdin.,1,7019 "You were conjured atom by atom, id and ka and soul, from your world.",The man was born from his mother. ,1,7020 "d) Is a capable adult, not--as her advocates claim--a naive child, defenseless against the president's wiles.",She is still very child-like in her demeanor. ,1,7021 Special is exciting.,It's scary when things are special.,1,7022 "While gaining access to justice is their first priority, most legal-aid organizations put marketing and development on the back burner.",None of the legal-aid organizations put marketing on the back burner.,1,7023 San'doro began gathering and lighting a fire.,"San'doro shivered in the cold, knowing it was too dangers to light a warm fire.",1,7024 The accident had taken place in Trafalgar Square.,Regent street was the scene of the accident.,1,7025 and what are you going to buy,What are you going to sell?,1,7026 But he knew Barnes had tried to do something about the Confederate symbol on the Georgia flag.,Barnes did not do anything about the Georgia flag's confederate symbol.,1,7027 "Ever since Ferdinand and Isabella, Spanish monarchs have retreated to this oasis to escape Madrid's summer heat.",The oasis only appeared for the first time a few years ago.,1,7028 Benefit payments (not lump-sum payments) from private pensions or annuities and government employee pensions.,The benefit payments are only lump sum payments.,1,7029 "It's such a bureaucracy that poor people deal with that a lot of it is just straightening things out, said Anne Erickson, executive director of the Greater Upstate Law Project, which provides support services and updated legal information for offices like Legal Aid.","Thankfully, poor people don't have to deal with bureaucracy whatsoever because we take care of that for them.",1,7030 "What a dirty trick! As his indignation cooled, he prepared to face the situation.",It was a nice trick.,1,7031 "I was a scout and I had trained well, but it wasn't enough.",I though about joining scouts but decided not to.,1,7032 They should be ashamed.,They should be proud.,1,7033 so we have many recycling activities and i'm in in full uh support of all of them,I do not like any of the recycling activities and do not support them.,1,7034 Susan awoke an hour later.,Susan had slept most of the night. ,1,7035 And that is the reality that brings us here on this beautiful September day.,We won't meet to discuss this.,1,7036 "The church's name means in the country, because the first one to be built on this site was outside the city walls.",The church's name means skyscraper because it was in the heart of the city.,1,7037 This interactive journey through the history of the earth takes you back to the moment of the Big Bang. ,The interactive journey only takes you 10 years back in time.,1,7038 The availability of resources was based on their current market demand and does not reflect the increased production capacity that a multipollutant strategy may create.,Resource ability reflects the product capacity.,1,7039 "Lying at the western end of the Bay of Naples reached by ferry or hydrofoil from Naples and Pozzuoli the island has won the overwhelming favor of German and Scandinavian tourists and package tours in the summer, thanks to thermal springs, fine sandy beaches, and good facilities for watersports.",Scandinavian and German tourists all shun visiting the island.,1,7040 "First, they should deliver maximum moral benefit at minimum practical cost.",They should do all the work required to deliver the worse moral response.,1,7041 Anse's stories of horse hunting on the Texas plains had first stirred that desire.,Horse hunting never occurred in the American plains. ,1,7042 "Another example is authenticity; another, realism.",The only example is authenticity.,1,7043 actually they're showing remarkable restraint,They are livid.,1,7044 "Brown suggested that the recommendation remain as is, but that the supporting text list ways that priorities could be changed.",Brown thought everything must be overhauled.,1,7045 I doubted it.,I trusted it completely.,1,7046 The interim final rule was found to be an economically significant regulatory action by OMB under Executive Order,The final rule was economically insignificant. ,1,7047 "Second, I am Pakistani-American, which means that I belong to a culture in which the only way to have sex is to get married, which I don't think I will be doing until I am 28.",I am Indian-American so I want to have sex now.,1,7048 "Near the coast at the northern end of the Crocker Range is Mount Kinabalu, at 4,100 m (13,450 ft) the highest peak in Southeast Asia and a favorite with climbers, both professional and amateur.",Near the middle of the country is Mount Kinabalu. ,1,7049 "At the end of the Ice Age (some 13,000 years ago), the glaciers melted, leaving a long ridge of sediment sloping gradually from the top of the volcanic hills.",The Ice Age ended in 1994.,1,7050 "Indeed, the entire enterprise of serious literary fiction is so marginal that one hates to discourage any sincere effort.",Serious literary fiction is a big enterprise.,1,7051 "In high season, you will share your Greek odyssey with visitors from almost every country in Europe, and increasingly from around the world.",You are unlikely to see anyone else during your trip.,1,7052 yeah i'm i'm saying this as i'm trying to keep my nine month old from trashing something,I don't have a son.,1,7053 "The interior is a patchwork landscape of rich green farmland, timber-framed houses, ruined abbeys, Romanesque churches, and busy cities, all with a distinctive cuisine featuring apples, butter, cream, and cheese.",The interior is dry and brown.,1,7054 "No. 20 did you say?"" And he winked.","""Only Number 23?"" he said as his eyes cast downward.",1,7055 "During this period, East Coast Syndicate member Benjamin Bugsy Siegel earned a foothold as a local casino operator.",Siegel became a major drug kingpin in this period.,1,7056 "Then his face changed, and with a long convulsive shudder he fell forward in a crumpled heap, whilst an odour of bitter almonds filled the air.",He stood tall and strong.,1,7057 "Completed in 1929, it reflects the period when Cuba was in the thrall of the United States.","Completed in 2005, it shows a time when Cuba was dominated by the Germans.",1,7058 A sightseeing bonus here is that from the plaza in front of the church there's an unexpectedly stirring aerial view of Ibiza Town.,The only thing that can be seen from the plaza is the sea.,1,7059 yeah a little bit,"No, not at all. ",1,7060 "Effective implementation of the Results Act, however, hinges on agencies' ability to routinely produce meaningful budget, accounting, and program information needed to manage performance and measure results.",The Results Act doesn't work with a budget at all.,1,7061 yeah i think that's that's a real important aspect and that uh as the the most the most the most let's see the more that we do that we do or that we can do to help them become self sufficient is going to eliminate more of the risk of that becoming a you know a reality i know that uh this last winter was very hard on uh several areas in the in the the Ukraine particularly the coal mining regions of Siberia uh the people there have money that's not their problem but there's no food for them to buy and its you can't eat money,They had an excess of food in the area but no money to buy any.,1,7062 American Sensors has seen its detector sales skyrocket from under $1 million in 1993 to well over $60 million today.,American Sensors' sales of its detectors have always been pretty low.,1,7063 "A better option might be to tack a filing fee onto new cases filed in state courts, with the money going to help fund Legal Services, she said.",It is best not to add a filing fee onto new cases filed in state courts according to her.,1,7064 The elegant classical 18th-century cloisters make a poignant contrast with the Romanesque church.,The 18th century cloisters are all that remains next to the ruins of the Romanesque church.,1,7065 "The boilermaker's union (The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers) attempts to provide the necessary manpower to the contractors.",The boilermaker's union didn't interact with the contractors. ,1,7066 and they they have a you a good appetite and they would you know i i picked off like twenty of them and i go,They barely eat anything.,1,7067 "And state law enforcement agencies focus on patterns of fraudulent behavior, not problems with individual loans.",Law enforcement agencies only care about problems with individual loans.,1,7068 The Kal looked at Ca'daan and gave him one of his strange twisted smiles.,The Kal averted his eyes from Ca'daan.,1,7069 "Acrosethe street, the Temple Bar Music Centre is a resource center for music, media, and stage production .",You wont find any help with stage production at the Temple Bar Music Centre. ,1,7070 "A great majority of people did take the shots, and the championships began in a truly great style - Jose Pelles from Brazil triumphed over Canadian Don Bronx.",Most of the people at the championships declined the shots.,1,7071 Give it here.,Take it away.,1,7072 "Perhaps this is because attorneys, spurred on by campaigns such as the annual one called, And Justice for All, have been unusually generous in recent years, donating money for this purpose.",Attorneys refuse to donate.,1,7073 we missed it the the last year so hopefully this year he'll have one,We saw it last year and loved it.,1,7074 " Waikiki Beach is the tourist center of the islands, worth strolling or playing on; so is the parallel shopping street.",Waikiki Beach is an attractive place to visit while the shopping street close to it is not.,1,7075 Golf Tournaments,Basketball tournament.,1,7076 I did far worse than that.,I never did anything bad.,1,7077 But now a fresh dilemma arises: he dare not keep that piece of paper on him. ,The paper should be on him at all times.,1,7078 "As geologist Nathan Winslow puts it in a gently skeptical review on self-organized criticality, A theory can, once in the pop science regime, acquire a level of acceptance and momentum that may or may not be warranted by its actual scientific credibility.",The level of acceptance and momentum a theory acquires is entirely dependent on its actual scientific credibility. ,1,7079 yeah he's so prolific,He's not prolific at all actually.,1,7080 "Sometimes they fail now, she told him.","None of them fail now, she said.",1,7081 There will be enough for everybody!,there wont be enough for everybody,1,7082 Hanson cautiously made the pretense of swallowing his before he allowed it to slip through his fingers to mingle with the sand.,"Hanson drank loads of it, and asked for more.",1,7083 "Since states now know that EPA has authority to address transport pollution through responses to 126 petitions or by issuing a rule like the NOx SIP Call, we anticipate that states will be turning to these types of control approaches early in the SIP process.","States know that the EPA can address pollution transportation, and can manipulate SIP processes as late as they want to in the process.",1,7084 "Rather, it serves as a warning that the United States must both save more in the near term and reform entitlement programs for the elderly to put the budget on a more sustainable footing for the long term.",It serves as a warning that the elderly should be taken off entitlement programs and assistance.,1,7085 "You look as hot as that pie, darlin', he said, glancing at the cleavage of her firm, young breasts, while her breath quickened with expectation.",he said that she looked as cold as ice cream,1,7086 I wrote How do I do that?,I wrote about how I had found a solution.,1,7087 and not anyway well i guess i better let you go,"Stay here, don't leave",1,7088 you know like a spring that was put in incorrectly which could have resulted in brakes failing and me having an accident you know those kind of things and when you have a vehicle that's being used by you know other members of your family you know you don't want,I always trust in the work done in my car. ,1,7089 Sharp things.,Dull things. ,1,7090 The report is to include an evaluation of the extent to which the Office met the goals and objectives contained in the 5-year performance plan.,There is no plan to evaluate accomplishment of the goals and objectives by the Office.,1,7091 "This two-year funding decision was made to allow the Missouri legal services programs the time and the opportunity to develop a viable, effective and comprehensive state plan.","Missouri legal services programs had to be designed and implemented within six months, when the funding would run out.",1,7092 But I never thought I'd meet you one day.,He knew he would meet you one day.,1,7093 "Some schools, certainly not all, credit a portion of tuition debt in return for public law service.",There are no schools that offer any kind of tuition credit program.,1,7094 "Nixon's Watergate sins (dismissed by the public on the eve of the election as, at most, the work of overzealous campaign aides) caught up with him in his second term.","Dismissed by the public, Nixon's Watergate scandal did not effect his second term. ",1,7095 "In Malay, orang-utan means forest person an appropriate mark of respect for the mammal biologically closest to man.",Orang-Utan is not a respectful name for orangutans.,1,7096 "Why, that will, made on the afternoon of her death may ” ”"" But Poirot's shake of the head was so energetic that I stopped. ",Poirot nodding emphatically agreeing with everything I said.,1,7097 "In the end, I agree that principles of evolutionary psychology tend to support the argument for sleeping with your infant.",Principles of evolutinary psychology encourage infants to sleep alone.,1,7098 Other good walks include a visit to the Tibetan refugee camp at Tashiling and to the Peace Stupa atop the forested hill on the south side of the lake.,The hill is situated on the north side.,1,7099 Many will feel that the case for subsidizing the nonproduction of doctors is weak when law schools are still cranking out lawyers by the caseload.,Law school graduations have plummeted. ,1,7100 but she we were both feeling so guilty about enjoying this chili uh after seeing that,We felt good about our enjoyment of the chili.,1,7101 Inadequate access to treatment/ineffective treatment,There is a lot of quality treatment.,1,7102 which i was kind of leaning toward anyway to tell you the truth,"Honestly, I don't care.",1,7103 Surely all this can be overcome.,We can not overcome it.,1,7104 right and they'll just pick crooked people again and then people the the wrong people will just fight their way up to the top again and it'll all be for nothing,This time they will not pick crooked people.,1,7105 do you like do you like kind of like the historical western or something of that nature,Do you enjoy romance novels?,1,7106 "This will result in a total benefit in the reduction of oxides of nitrogen of over 20 million tons and reductions of 275,000 metric tons of particulate matter and 400,000 metric tons of hydrocarbons.",The result will be a vaporization of all human life on Earth.,1,7107 The ground rises dramatically behind Tinos Town to a rocky peak called Exobourgo.,The ground is level behind Tinos Town.,1,7108 It must have been quite twenty minutes before Poirot rejoined me. ,"Twenty minutes later, there was still no sign of Poirot.",1,7109 The Difference That Quality The Case of Literature Reviews.,There is no difference in quality for the case of literature reviews. ,1,7110 "All three of these experts, and others besides, point to a misdirection of federal resources.",Experts did not believe that federal resources were misdirected.,1,7111 "Bob Barr, the conservative Republican congressman from Georgia, is asking questions about the Legal Services Corp.",Georgia Republican Bob Barr barely acknowledged the Legal Services Corp.,1,7112 "The headline over the NYT 's online version doesn't mention the homosexual angle, while the WP 's headline--FRANCE LEGALIZES GAY UNIONS--doesn't mention the heterosexual angle.",Neither NYT nor WP have ever made online publications.,1,7113 "Why, the fact that Bauerstein demanded a post-mortem. ",Bauerstein had no opinion one way or the other about a post-mortem exam. ,1,7114 Maurice's BBQ by far the best of the day.,Maurice's BBQ was terrible.,1,7115 Some of their houses in the side streets are from the 12th century.,Every single house built in the side streets are from 18th century.,1,7116 "Local fishermen might also agree to take you out in their time-tested, no-frills boats.",Fishermen do not take people out on their boats.,1,7117 One leaf of the massive door folded back to allow in a small party of horsemen.,The door kept firmly shut on the small group of visitors. ,1,7118 "Where Swayambhunath is cluttered with monuments in different styles, at Boudhanath there are no other temples to distract pilgrims.","Swayambhunath is cluttered with nothing, having only a lone monument. ",1,7119 "Still, the future of Las Vegas is sure to be determined as much by the pioneering spirit that built the city as by anything else.",Las Vegas' future will be determined by unknown investors.,1,7120 "But Nepal and the Mallas became fragmented upon the death in 1482 of King Yaksha Malla, who divided his lands amongst his heirs.","However, the Mallas and Nepal stayed in the hands of King Yaksha Malla in 1482, because he was in extraordinary good health.",1,7121 The second section discusses the role of advancing technology and its effect on major changes that have and continue to occur in payment systems.,Technology was not discussed in the 2nd part at all.,1,7122 uh i mean it's you know it,I know that you have no idea what I am talking about.,1,7123 The award is named for Supreme Court Justice O'Connor.,Justice O'Connor attends the award but the award has nothing to do with him.,1,7124 Success means instant death.,Success is a long and painful death.,1,7125 "But rather than explore any of this interesting territory, Hughes opts for the Soviet encyclopedia approach, removing any possible blemish from the face of the leader.",Hughes decided to explore this interesting territory.,1,7126 "U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Construction Industry Institute (CII),3 and other FFC efforts, as well as others, to augment the study.",The study is being killed by the FFC.,1,7127 I kept my mind open between the two of them.,I didn't care about what they had to say.,1,7128 i've had a lot of good service out of that car but uh uh i finally gave it to my son and he drove it literally into the ground you know he was out at Tech and he he finished it off,The car is still going strong and my son was able to drive it across the country last week.,1,7129 i tend to not want to go anywhere after that but this way you know you can go to the fitness center right from work and they have aerobics and you know all this machines and all that sort of stuff we're not we're not high rollers like Dallas we don't have a pool but,The fitness center has a pool and nothing else.,1,7130 Centrelink is a one-stop shop that pays a variety of Australian government benefits.,Centrelink only pays for one type of Australian government benefit.,1,7131 "Each person talks over their problem with a lawyer, said Alisa Mariani, vice chair of the chapter.","The chapter has a chair, but no vice chair.",1,7132 "For centuries, the clock tower has been every Venetians favorite rendezvous point, an arched ground-level entranceway leading to the Merceria, a narrow zig-zagging boutique-lined street that cuts through this ancient quarter on its way north to the Rialto Bridge.",Venetians avoid meeting at or near the clock tower.,1,7133 "For example, information related to computer security for a particular program should be excluded from the report because of the potential damage that could be caused by the misuse of this information.",Computer security information should publicly be shared with all friends and family members.,1,7134 I could doubtless obtain some one else for very much less.,There is no one around with lower costs.,1,7135 Walk him up and down here by the corral. The Kentuckian handed the reins to Callie.,Callie let go of the reins. ,1,7136 What had happened? ,Nothing's been happening lately.,1,7137 'Step back.',Move foreward.,1,7138 Each battle left me unfulfilled.,Battling leaves me feel fulfilled.,1,7139 you have to get poison ivy and all that good stuff to really be camping yeah well do you you haven't say you haven't been in years,It is impossible to get poison ivy if you are out camping.,1,7140 "Farming can be a lonely life, and even in modern times it is rare for the families to take time off from the hard work and socialize.",Not working a 9 to 5 job allows plenty of time for recreational activities.,1,7141 "However, current scientific literature on adverse health effects similar to those associated with PM (e.g.",Literature on health problems that are nothing like those you see with PM,1,7142 uh a little bit little bit mostly i just love walking the mountains driving in the mountains,I've never been to the mountains.,1,7143 "I hear you, she said by way of introduction.",She didn't acknowledge anyone during the introduction. ,1,7144 John's voice sounded outside. ,John spoke so quietly that he could not be heard outside. ,1,7145 "Our use of CBO's January 2001, 10-year assumption for total factor productivity growth throughout the 75-year simulation period places our long-term assumption between the Trustees' and CBO's current long-term assumptions.","January 15th, 2001 is when is began.",1,7146 "For those who can't go on vacation without the hope of dancing to throbbing music well into the early hours of the morning, look no further than the towns of Fira on Santorini, Mykonos Town on Mykonos, Skiathos Town on Skiathos, or Chora on Ios.",Dancing and late-night music are not present in Fira.,1,7147 uh but uh uh i we i do mainly um graphics on it,"My brother does graphic, I do coding",1,7148 "Florida outsourced its executions to the lowest bidder, not knowing how the contractor planned to keep the price so low.",Florida knew exactly how the contractor managed to keep a low price.,1,7149 like you know New York or something yeah,Like you know New Zealand or something yeah.,1,7150 He didn't really need them.,He desperately needed them.,1,7151 "I thought I might as well go down to the village at once, and look up Poirot; but I met him half-way, coming up to the house, and at once gave him Dorcas's message. ",I was trying to avoid Poirot completely.,1,7152 "If he raises taxes to support defense programs that fail to justify their costs, once again the price of land will fall.",The price of land and taxes are not related.,1,7153 She then kicked him hard into the swarm of Sticks that remained.,He ran away before she could hurt him.,1,7154 Exhibits concentrate on endemic species and the diverse environments that Crete has to offer.,There are no species or diversity located in Crete's environments.,1,7155 "They arrived with maids and trunks, and often stayed for months.","They showed up with the maids and trunks, but were gone within a few days.",1,7156 "Celebrated in kabuki theater, film, and television, the story has had an abiding hold on the imagination of the Japanese people.",The story is vivid in the minds of the American people.,1,7157 What about homeless people?,What do you say regarding rich people?,1,7158 "Although science often cannot prove even fatal child abuse, it is not without its power.",Fatal child abuse can in fact be proven by science every time. ,1,7159 take care now bye bye,"I hate you, go away.",1,7160 The cab stopped.,The cab accelerated.,1,7161 They suspected government of wanting to punish them for approving the measure.,"They didn't think that the government wanted to punish them, it wanted to reward them,",1,7162 "What is that but an obeisance to the shadow of the God who ran off, the God they drove off when bold and young and frightened of nothing!",When they were young and fearless they welcomed god lovingly.,1,7163 On that point he could come to no conclusion.,He quickly came to a conclusion about that point.,1,7164 "But the best cellars open to the public are those in the chateau at Clos de Vougeot, owned by the Cis?­ter?­cian monks until the Revolution and now the property of the Chevaliers du Tastevin (fraternity of wine tasters).",The Chevaliers du Tastevin do not own any cellars.,1,7165 It might be argued that Wolfe's portrait of the middle's muddle will be shocking only to a rarified and dogmatic crew of ideologues.,Wolfe's portrait was not shocking to anyone of dogmatic tendencies. ,1,7166 Underneath it was an ID card.,Under it was someone's credit card.,1,7167 yeah you know that part is good except for the except for the little thing that you're paying into social security for twenty years and when you start,You never give any money to social security.,1,7168 because you know i mean last summer the only way you could keep something keep a keep a garden growing last summer was to water it all day long every day and because it would just it would just burn to a crisp,Your garden didn't need tending yesterday.,1,7169 "Moreover, Medicare costs are expected to increase faster than the rest of the economy.",Relative Medicare costs will decline as the economy hits record growth rates.,1,7170 It is critical that the Legislature correct this situation by replacing all or most of the amount cut.,Politicians need to fix this by decreasing funding.,1,7171 "At the water's edge, you can rent a boat and go into midstream for a view of the impressive skyline, which features many Hindu temples, gopuram towers, Muslim minarets, and Mughal domes.","At the waters edge, you'll wish there was a boat rental since there's no viewing the impressive skyline without one.",1,7172 "Stones from the demolished Bastille prison were used for its support structure ' galling for Royalists, since it had originally been named Pont Louis XVI.","When the Bastille prison was demolished, its stones were used to rebuild a new prison located nearby.",1,7173 "Yes, I have a wife and two sons.","Yes, I am divorced and don't have any kids.",1,7174 "As the discount level (on the horizontal axis) gets up to e of a cent, 20 billion pieces become presorted.","On the horizontal axis, the discount level remains flat at 0 and no pieces are presorted.",1,7175 Now Ca'daan saw the sword mastery of the two men.,Ca'daan thought that the men with swords were amateurs.,1,7176 "Like like many ABA sites, it takes a while to download, and it requires a few clicks to actually find a lawyer, but once you plow your way through a few screens, you find that the ABA has placed an asterisk next to associations that have earned the ABA's ","The site loads instantly, and lets you find a lawyer with just one click.",1,7177 "Jazz is popular in Istanbul, and many bars and clubs have live bands performing over the weekends.","In Istanbul, Jazz music is unpopular.",1,7178 Blanka and Edmundo inhaled books by the truckload and even that was not enough.,Blanka and Edmundo are illiterate.,1,7179 The statement should be qualified in situations where the auditors did not follow an applicable standard.,This statement should be qualified even though the auditors followed the standard.,1,7180 "That is where I discovered my 'last link,' and I owe that very fortunate discovery to you.""",I would have found my last link without your help.,1,7181 The Russian tapped his cheek.,The Russian man did nothing with his cheek.,1,7182 In late 2000 - eleven months after the adoption of Strategic Directions 2000-2005 - LSC issued its fourth program letter on state planning that set forth expectations for each justice community.,The LSC never drafted a fourth program letter.,1,7183 yeah those go back quite a ways,Those are the newest on the market.,1,7184 Selected Local Shopping,THere are only big box stores and no local shopping.,1,7185 they get real nasty the Hyundee helicopters come out and they would level entire areas okay you're from the Dallas area right,They don't bother with the helicopters because that's overkill.,1,7186 Jon felt it deep in the pit of his stomach.,Jon felt no sensations at all.,1,7187 Dinner was a solitary meal.,Dinner was eaten with a large group of friends.,1,7188 "'That'll be your job, Mr. White.",You will have no responsibilities. ,1,7189 "Though less energetic, life is equally refreshing down on the lovely lakes of Annecy and Le Bourget.",There are no life forms on the lovely lakes.,1,7190 that's it that's the fun part trying to figure out what you've got to breed them with can't just go out there and say okay you guys breed you know,The worst part of breeding is trying to find appropriate breeds to mate with them.,1,7191 I don't know what you're talking about.,I know very well what you're referring to.,1,7192 He looked down at the tattoos that crossed the large man's chest.,He didn't notice that the large man had tattoos.,1,7193 i workout with them or try to,I never workout them and wouldn't even when given the opportunity.,1,7194 "Most people Prudie has observed tipping taxi drivers tack on a couple of bucks, no matter what the meter.",The vast majority of people tip taxi drivers 20 percent of their fare.,1,7195 "His mind groped for something that almost came into his consciousness--some inkling of what should have been done, or how they had failed.",It was immediately obvious what had gone wrong with the plan.,1,7196 "Sources, rather than government, decide the most cost-effective way to use available resources to comply.",They were not able to use the sources.,1,7197 "Like Vrenna, the young girl was cloaked and had her hood drawn.",Vrenna was naked.,1,7198 "The best example of type-2 worksharing involves, again, presort discounts.",Presort discounts are the worst example of type-2 worksharing.,1,7199 "Unfortunately, crude history will more likely reduce her to another role, as a pioneer of the he-said-she-said '90s.",History will probably just reduce her to what she did in the 60's.,1,7200 "The influx of foreigners has added to pressures on the Himalayan environment, but it hasn't spoiled the friendliness of Nepalis, surely among the most welcoming people on earth.",The Himalayan environment has thrived at the influx of foreigners. ,1,7201 "Recommendations from the planning process led to the development of the Maryland Legal Assistance Network (MLAN), funded by the Open Society Institute through a three-year $1 million grant to the Maryland Legal Services Corporation.",Maryland Legal Services Corporation received no grants.,1,7202 well but no i'm talking about the idea of the that the company set up uh factories right across the border Right across the Texas border in Mexico,They are in Texas. ,1,7203 In the Washington Post version of the TP--given here--a second-person version of this sentence does not appear in the first section of the document.,The second-person version of the sentence appears in the Washington Post version.,1,7204 mechanical engineer with T I and uh i did it for six years and for one well i had one while i was pregnant and then one while my oldest was a year old and and it just drove me crazy,I was a mechanical engineer with T I for ten years.,1,7205 talk to you on the next go around,I will never talk to you again. ,1,7206 You don't need to read the results off graph paper.,You need to read the results off graph paper.,1,7207 "A few steps from the exit is Kaminarimon ( Thunder God Gate ), the main entrance to the temple, hung with a pair of enormous red paper lanterns.",The paper lanterns are green.,1,7208 He was aware of movement behind him.,He did not know that there was movement behind him.,1,7209 The house is not open to the public.,The ho use is always open to the public.,1,7210 "Up to 20,000 Nabateans may have once lived here, but earthquakes in the fourth and eighth centuries destroyed most of the city; what remain today are only the sturdiest, most monumental tombs and temples.",The city looks almost the same today as it did in the fourth century.,1,7211 yeah it would yeah no not at all you know the wheels of justice grind slowly,Justice usually either comes quickly or not at all.,1,7212 results from case studies is controversial with regard to generalizability and causality.,The results from case studies were not controversial at all.,1,7213 The river forms a natural line between the north and south sections of the city.,The city is divided along the east and west.,1,7214 "It's a rotten place, said the young woman without hesitation.","I wish to come back to this lovely place, said the young woman.",1,7215 "According to CBO, many federal investments have little net economic benefit- either because they are selected for political or other noneconomic reasons or because they displace more productive private-sector or state and local investments.","Major economic benefit is had by federal investments, according to CBO.",1,7216 oh yes i don't watch her anymore not after that Star Spangled Banned thing,I started watching her after that Star Spangled Banned thing.,1,7217 "And with 13 percent to 15 percent of the Asian population in the U.S. living below the poverty line, NLS services are badly needed, Dubovitz said.",Only 10 percent of Asian Americans live below the poverty line.,1,7218 and how how big is your duplex,How much space does your trailer take,1,7219 The mercenaries were all very good.,The one mercenary was not yet good. ,1,7220 Unemployment has dropped to 2.6 percent between February and April 1997 from 3.3 percent in the same period a year ago.,Unemployment rose 2.6 percent between February and April 1997 and 3.3 percent during that same time period a year ago.,1,7221 "In a 1994 Washington Post story she says that after being contacted by reporter Michael Isikoff, who wanted to know about events on the Clinton plane, she relayed news of the phone call to Debra Schiff, who, in turn, relayed it to Clinton aide Bruce Lindsey.",Bruce Lindsey was contacted by Michael Isikoff about the events on the plane. ,1,7222 oh yeah yeah i mean it's really it's it silly i mean i i i used to have people walk into my shop with um Indian head pennies you know,No one has ever come in with an Indian coin of any sort!,1,7223 "Jon hid the rapier behind his back and the first Voth rushed in, a scimitar held high.",Jon was unprepared and had no weapon when the Voth showed up for a fight. ,1,7224 "In keeping with their role as advisors and facilitators, most of the security managers said that they relied significantly on auditors to test controls.",Recent budget cuts have necessitated the expansion of our security managers' roles to include testing functions.,1,7225 "As in the regular world, the easier it is for Joe Consumer to track down an illegal distributor, the easier it is for cops to do the same.","In the regular world, all distributors are legal.",1,7226 A good paella is always made to order and takes about 30 minutes to prepare.,Taking 30 minutes to prepare a paella is ludicrous. ,1,7227 uh but i'm at the point right now where i have some concern my mother has history of heart problems for herself and her family my father had phlebitis and um i'm i'm realizing that i need to do something uh or you know i'm going to suffer for it if i don't especially where i'm i'm about thirty pounds overweight and so i've started an exercise program i'm i'm sometimes i'm a lot more diligent than others but uh i work a fellow i work with is a weight lifter and he's he's uh he's competed and he's uh helped me develop a pretty simple program that involves some weights and and and some aerobics and really with the design not towards being a body builder not towards being you know Mister America but but purely uh uh geared towards being being healthy,"I am ten pounds underweight, and I am working to gain more.",1,7228 uh yeah except i don't use them,I use them all the time.,1,7229 "The costs (1) direct investment costs, (2) operating and maintenance costs, (3) research and development and other government program costs, (4) transaction, search, and compliance costs, (5) adjustment costs associated with large changes in specific capital stocks, (6) lost economic flexibility created by additional emission requirements, and (7) potential interactions with the existing tax system.",Direct investment costs aren't considered a type of cost.,1,7230 Henri maintained a reputation as a worthy and brave leader ' and at the same time as an incorrigible womanizer ' until his assassination in 1610 by a religious zealot.,Henri was unable to maintain a reputation as a worthy and brave leader and was assassinated in 1610 because of this.,1,7231 "But all year round, you can visit the monumental 18th-century Grandes-Ecuries (stables), now a horse museum ' with live horses contentedly munching hay next to wooden statues.",There are no live horses in the horse museum.,1,7232 okay nice speaking to you,"I didn't enjoy the conversation we juts had, it wasn't nice doing so.",1,7233 "Executive Improving Mission Performance Through Strategic Information Management and Technology (GAO/AIMD-94-115, May 1994).",The Executive Improving Mission Performance Through Strategic Information Management and Technology is from July 2001.,1,7234 Maybe it was a prophecy.,There's no way it was a prophecy.,1,7235 Jon hadn't seen anything like it in his whole life.,Jon was disappointed that Sally was exactly the same as every other girl he'd went out with. ,1,7236 "He was stimulating and tiring to be with, like a brilliant, demanding child-needy, exhausting, funny.","He was very boring, like an old, sedentary adult who doesn't talk.",1,7237 Adrin beat the rain from his hat and wiped the blood from his face leaving red streaks over his eyes.,Adrin was safe and dry inside.,1,7238 "Its pinnacles, buttresses, and cupolas seem to belong to a whole complex of churches, not a single elegant monument.","There is only one church in the area, a small wooden church.",1,7239 "3 State planning processes, including the participants, will vary from state to state, and LSC does not require the same process or participation in each state.",LSC has no requirements for planning processes.,1,7240 yeah i know it was or or Jewish it used to be Jewish you know,"I know that it was never a Jewish, but a Catholic. ",1,7241 "In recent years, considerable attention has focused on increasing competition in the provision of postal services.",No attention has been paid to the postal services.,1,7242 no i don't no they're not they're it's it's too heavy for silver it's it's more like lead i think fairly soft,Silver can easily fit in it.,1,7243 "Do you recall its general appearance?""",Are you color-blind?,1,7244 "Sherry (jerez), a wine fortified with brandy, has been made in Spain for hundreds of years.",Sherry was introduced to Spain only a few years ago.,1,7245 "The knights of the golden kingdoms, the Quara.",The kingdom had no knights. ,1,7246 i've heard the name,I've never heard that name before.,1,7247 "Others, such as New York, Texas, and North Carolina, are engaged in promising efforts to overcome particular challenges associated with their size and diversity.","North Carolina, Texas and New York are small, non-diverse states.",1,7248 "And, like most losers, he fails to give the winners their due.","When he lost, he graciously shook the hand of the winners and congratulated them.",1,7249 "The Alternative projects that reductions in exposure to fine PM and ozone due to the Clear Skies Act will result in 3,800 avoided premature deaths in 2010 and nearly 7,200 avoided premature deaths in 2020.",The Alternative projects that increases in exposure to fine PM will result in many avoided premature death in 2010.,1,7250 There are many things that are permitted to adults--e.g.,Adults aren't permitted to do anything.,1,7251 "It also sent missionaries to spread Buddhism to Tibet and attracted scholars from China, Burma, Thailand, and Cambodia.",Cambodian scholars were prevented from studying there.,1,7252 "In London, the Daily Telegraph reported Rupert Murdoch had read a lesson at a memorial service for one of his former columnists at the London Times, Woodrow Wyatt.",Rupert Murdoch did not attend the memorial for Woodrow Wyatt. ,1,7253 Jon placed a hand on San'doro's shoulder and the two men joined the others for their morning breakfast.,Jon told San'doro to go away.,1,7254 "If that's the case, and there's such a thing as graft in this country, I'll buy her off."" Tuppence reassured him.",I will never buy her off as long as there is graft in this country. ,1,7255 "Nowadays, the rich tapestry of history lies in the monuments and homes as well as the descendants of the Malay and Indian, the Chinese, Portuguese, Dutch, and British colonizers.",It also lies with the descendants of the Gorillas.,1,7256 i guess the uh this this is my first conversation in this uh uh series,I've had many conversations before in this series.,1,7257 "That's just what I thought, sir. Sir James looked at him keenly.",That was a complete surprise to me.,1,7258 "The city is undeniably pleasant, but its noise and traffic don't seem so far removed from the more conveniently located places most people come here to avoid.",There is little traffic in the city.,1,7259 What if he keeps us out of war through policies that make the world more dangerous for our children?,He will throw us into war and make the world safer for our children.,1,7260 "In still other cases, the company might guarantee that the executive will receive big bonuses in future years, poor profits notwithstanding.",The company will never guarantee big bonuses for the executive in future years.,1,7261 I'll drop this on the road if I get a chance.,I'll keep this with me at all times.,1,7262 "Worst of all, the Science of Magic suffers.",The Science of Magic is unaffected. ,1,7263 The Republican platform advocated that citizenship be denied to children born in the United States to illegal immigrants.,The citizenship rights of children has not been part of any Republican platform. ,1,7264 "Since this might have everything to do what the participants' chance to socialize with friends in a nonthreatening environment and nothing to do with self-esteem or work habits, it seemed to these researchers that it was therefore logical not to decide on the evaluation questions until their appropriateness could be determined.",The participants never socialized with friends unless it was in a threatening environment.,1,7265 " He tried to ask Nema about it later when she was feeding him, but she brushed it aside.",He did not get to question Nema as someone else took her place for feeding him. ,1,7266 "One approximation is to make total engineering, project management, and testing proportional to the project duration.","The estimation is a lack of engineering, no management or testing. ",1,7267 "The more skewed the distribution of delivery route profit margins, the greater will be the losses from unprofitable routes.",There are no unprofitable routes.,1,7268 "Madame Berthelot had the large vaulted kitchen built almost on a level with the river, so that an indoor well provided the closest thing to running water, and an unusually hygienic stone drain sent back the slops.",Madame Berthelot didn't have access to water in the kitchens and had an awful stone drain.,1,7269 yeah i guess so i like some classical some of that stuff grates on my nerves too like you were saying earlier about the other i just stir up but there are some pieces that are really pretty,I hate classical music and never listen to it.,1,7270 What they won't mention is that the reason Clinton didn't lose those seats in his sixth year is that he lost them in his second.,Clinton gained seats in both his second and sixth years.,1,7271 oh i'm you know i'm not a big French you know i i don't eat,i love French food and will eat it any chance i get,1,7272 "The analysis in the final rule has been revised based on comments the FDA received and now also considers the costs and benefits associated with a rule issued by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) on January 19, 1996, governing a program of State-operated enforcement activities to restrict the sale or distribution of tobacco products to individuals under the age of 18.",Tobacco products are legally available for sale to people under the age of 12 because of FDA regulations. ,1,7273 "As they were retracing their steps to the gate, he gave a sudden cry, and stooping, picked something up from among the leaves, and held it out to Julius.",Julius picked something up from among the leaves.,1,7274 if you treat them right they're not the gas guzzlers i think that they've got the reputation to be i'm convinced that uh Detroit or whoever it is made a major mistake years ago when they stopped putting the small V eights in and went to the fours and some of the sixes,They never ceased to put the small V eights in.,1,7275 "Nothing could more aptly epitomize the Mutiny's good and bad results, from an Indian point of view, than the name given to the legislation that was to the 1858 Act for Better Government of India.",The 1858 Act proved to have totally the opposite effect to what its name promised.,1,7276 Many have little or no English skills.,Everyone is fluent in English.,1,7277 oh i don't know is there a limit on it,I know what the limit is ,1,7278 i said i'm losing you you're getting fade you're fading out,"I'll always be with you, you're here. ",1,7279 "I salute the men and women of the legal profession who are donating their time, skills and experience to enhance public understanding of and respect for the rule of law that defines our democracy and protects our freedoms.",I have no respect for legal professionals who volunteer their time enhancing public appreciation and understanding. ,1,7280 it certainly would and they can separate it and then the you know trash guys will pick it up,They can't separate it and no one will pick it up.,1,7281 "The following are a few Las Vegas highlights; for a more thorough listing of specialty stores, pick up one of the free alternative newsweeklies, Cityife or Las Vegas Weekly.",Las Vegas has highlights but no specialty stores to shop in.,1,7282 The most recent research has uncovered evidence supporting another hypothesis that an attack by invaders or rebel forces may have brought about the end of this fine culture.,Archaeologists are certain that a drought was the culprit behind wiping out the culture.,1,7283 well i mean it's it's no disgrace to lose in the final four,It's a huge problem to lose in the final four.,1,7284 Many Hong Kong residents and visitors take the express train to Guangzhou to play at the Guangzhou Luhu Golf and Country Club (Tel.2317 1933 in Hong Kong or 020-8350 7777).,The express train does not go to the Guangzhou Luhu golf and Country club.,1,7285 "Nearby, their illustrious predecessors Renoir, Van Gogh, and Gauguin lived and worked in the Rue Cortot, Rue de l'Abreuvoir, and Rue Saint-Rustique (site of the restaurant A la Bonne Franquette, where Van Gogh painted his famous La Guinguette).","They are artists who worked along side Renoir, Van Gogh and Gauguin.",1,7286 "Out in the river are several islands and the largest one, Gezira, is home to one of Cairo's most chic neighborhoods, Zamalek.","Gezira was never settled, despite being in the middle of Cairo.",1,7287 The orrery was housed temporarily in the reconstituted hall of the Satheri in the capital city.,The orrey was to be permanently kept in the rebuilt hall of the Satheri.,1,7288 yeah we have tried i mean you know and um i i know where you know where a couple of the mills that have i know i know they put things on their stacks you know to filter the smoke and do all kinds of things but i mean every now and then it breaks you know and and you just got smoke going out into the air for a day or two till you can get it fixed and stuff,The smoke is always contained in the mills.,1,7289 Such reporting may provide information that could help report users assess the impact of the Government's operations and investments for the period.,There is no way to determine the impact of the Government operations and investments for the period. ,1,7290 Two painted lions mark the entrance.,Three painted mermaids mark the entrance.,1,7291 "She's very thorough in her research, Wong said.",She did not take the proper time to research all the variables. ,1,7292 "Although value-enhancement to the membership is clearly a legitimate role for the AICPA, as a professional association it also has a responsibility to aggressively address a range of professional risk management issues.",AICPA has no legitimate role.,1,7293 "It should not be interpreted as a recommendation about how much the United States needs to save because saving is not free and there are other ways in which governments, businesses, and individuals can and will adjust.",The United States does not need to save because saving does not cost anything.,1,7294 Congressional consultations also may include additional guidance on Congress' priorities in those frequent cases where agencies have more than one statutory mission.,Agencies never have more than one statutory mission.,1,7295 "Rivera pointed out that helping clients, many of whom are not native English speakers, becomes problematic as demands increase and funding to the Legal Services Corp. remains stagnant.",Most of the clients speak English very well.,1,7296 "The high-quality craftwork here woodcarvings, lacquerware, and pottery is renowned throughout Japan.",This shop produces shoddy work and few people in Japan are aware of its existence.,1,7297 i don't drink Scotch,I drink Scotch every day.,1,7298 "It's been a home-away-from-home for the extreme right Action Franaaise group under Charles Maurras in 1899; the poet and surrealist precursor Apollinaire in 1914 (who, with his friends, liked to provoke brawls); and, during the 1950s, Sartre's existentialists, a peaceful bunch who never got enough sleep to have the energy to fight.","During the 1890s it was home to Sartre's existentialists, a radical right-wing group of bar room brawlers.",1,7299 I am addicted to thinking about sex.,I'm addicted to smelling rainbows. ,1,7300 "I met him."" John flung the match into an adjacent flower bed, a proceeding which was too much for Poirot's feelings. ",Poirot's feelings were not hurt at all.,1,7301 At least not for the better.,At least for an improvement.,1,7302 "Check-out time is generally noon or 1pm, with check-in usually available from 2pm to 3pm.",You need to be checked-out by 11am.,1,7303 in our state currently when in Colorado whenever you fill out uh your state income tax they ask you if you have medical insurance if you do you have to pay for those that don't have medical insurance,We don't have to file any state income tax in Colorado.,1,7304 "Congress recognized the need for greater leadership in information management and technology in the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, which mandated the position of chief information officer (CIO) for executive departments and agencies.",Every chief information officer has already ben filled. ,1,7305 "Its production, according to a closely guarded method, had been done for three hundred years by the Arterian monks whose abbey was located at the top of the mountain.",The production method is known by everybody,1,7306 "In her letter dated June 7, 2000, the FFC Director said that the letter fairly and objectively presented the findings of the FFC study, and the primary author in his letter dated June 5, 2000, said that the abridgement of the study both accurately reflected the report and maintained its spirit and intent.","her letter was dated march 6, 1998.",1,7307 There was a certain rumour ” ”,No one paid any attention to rumors. ,1,7308 uh well load up the program again in this case after you load it up change it hope that's right,Do not load up the program at all! ,1,7309 "Those seminal early papers were crisp and minimalist; they looked forward with remarkable prescience to the wild and woolly, out-of-control world of modern international macroeconomics.",The early papers were not short and to the point; they were backward looking and not prescient to the wild world of modern macroeconomics.,1,7310 "And after I ran, there was really only one way things could go.",I still had a lot of options.,1,7311 That is a lot.,That isn't much.,1,7312 "By way of improvement, senior executives adopted a new IT strategic direction and focus that tracked back to the companyas business prioritiesa acommon, lean and fast, global, and growth.",Executives decided to do nothing.,1,7313 "As Baudelaire put it in his essay The Painter of Modern Life: All the complicated material conditions to which [dandies] submit, from an impeccable toilette at every hour ...",Baudelair accuses dandies of being degenerate slobs prone to living with a thick layer of filth upon their living quarters.,1,7314 Since GAO has a legal right of access to the requested documents and since full access was not provided within 20 days following our July 18 letter pursuant to 31 U.S.C.,GAO has no legal rights.,1,7315 I suppose it is the sample of coco.,It is not the sample of coco. ,1,7316 Newspapers said the big stories were 1) the continuing ascendancy of independent films and 2) the continuing decline of network television.,Newspapers said it was big news that network tv stations were thriving.,1,7317 Tea is usually served black in small tulip-shaped glasses.,Tea is served with cream in a mug.,1,7318 But I don't see anything to laugh at. ,What a joke!,1,7319 Poirot hurried to explain himself. ,Poirot was in no hurry to explain himself.,1,7320 "Also, during the first three months of 1997, she had met twice with the organization's chief executive officer, at his request, to discuss the security implications of new applications.",She did not meet with any chief executive officers in 1997.,1,7321 Some of the deviation for Italy and Portugal may be due to the fact that they have proportionally much larger retail operations involving collection and acceptance than the U.S. and other posts.,The United States is smaller than Italy or Portugal.,1,7322 "If specific information comes to the auditors' attention that provides evidence concerning the existence of possible noncompliance that could affect financial data significant to the audit objectives or that could have a material indirect effect on the financial statements, auditors should apply audit procedures specifically directed to ascertaining whether noncompliance has occurred or is likely to have occurred.",Auditors can ignore information or evidence of noncompliance.,1,7323 uh maybe it's not like it is nowadays really when there's so much uh some drugs and everything else,"Nothing has changed, drugs are pervasive just as much now as before.",1,7324 "Auditors should submit written reports on the attestation engagement to the appropriate officials of the audited entity and to the appropriate officials of the organizations requiring or arranging for the engagement, including external funding organizations, unless legal restrictions prevent it.","Auditors do not need to submit a written report, as long as the data is compiled into a table.",1,7325 well if you have the money i guess,"Even if you have enough money, no. ",1,7326 "Second, it is going to require massive change not only among your providers in the field but within your own organization(s).",No changes will have to be made by your providers or your organizations.,1,7327 "Over the next 20 years, the United States will need 1300 to 1900 new power plants.",The United States has enough power plants to last for the foreseeable future.,1,7328 "The climax was inevitably coming soon, and the group at the table next to theirs was all ears, too, in the anticipation of a pathologically deviant story.",The climax was over and the rest of the story was being told.,1,7329 He fell into the corner of the hut with a hole smoking out of the back of his hood.,There was no smoke in the hut.,1,7330 "Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic monarchs that united all the provinces of Spain, first visited Madrid in 1477.","Ferdinand and Isabella, confined to their small province of Castile, never visited Madrid.",1,7331 "He stooped, picked up the dark-brown volume, and a torn page fluttered to the floor.",He stood fully upright the whole time.,1,7332 She wore headphones to listen to instructions and also read them on the screen.,She didn't bother with instructions.,1,7333 how well when you say cold what do you mean by cold,When you say cold you mean hot.,1,7334 How Do I Become a Citizen?,I don't want to be a citizen anywhere.,1,7335 McKinney's house was sold in October on the Tuscaloosa County Courthouse steps after she and her husband were sued by a local business.,"In April, McKinney's house was sold at the Tuscaloosa County Courthouse.",1,7336 i don't know back when i was going to school uh you just didn't get away with things these kids get away with now,Schools are far more intense and strict now than in my school days.,1,7337 "A considerably audible tsk, tsk I send you, Slate.",I applauded Slate. ,1,7338 Woodward will soon be able to leave the United States.,Woodward won't be leaving the united states any time soon.,1,7339 The scientists got excited.,They were not excited. ,1,7340 "It's hard, I murmured.",I shouted.,1,7341 "Misters, misters everywhere.","Gentlemen, gentlemen nowhere to be found.",1,7342 well now the thing is yeah they're cutting defense which is you know there are people out there working for defense contractors who are losing money but i don't i don't mind because i think you know government is not there to give me a job Government the defense is there to defend our country and they do it for whatever you know they spend whatever money they need to to do that but i don't want them to to break the budget just so that i can have a job i would rather have the the government stable so that i can go get a good job with someone who's not working you know not making defense stuff,I don't care what the government does. ,1,7343 "Postal Service made available domestic bulk business rates to FPAs, FPAs might prepare inbound mail so that it would meet the eligibility requirements.",The Postal Service could never give domestic bulk business rates to FPAs.,1,7344 in education i wanted to be a PE teacher i sure did,Being a PE teacher has always been a nightmare in my mind.,1,7345 i find it very interesting that some television shows that i enjoy i particularly like the music i don't know which is chicken and egg in that situation uh a good example would be uh i have connections but but not particularly deep ones to the Vietnamese war type situations uh and i found that i really like China Beach and i particularly like Tour of Duty and both of them i had as much fascination of the background music i think going on as i did to the theme of the shows,I hated the background music of Tour of Duty and China Beach. ,1,7346 "To see more of Petra (and there are many more fascinating sites worth seeing here, though no more major set-pieces to enjoy) requires a lot of climbing, a detailed guide book, and at least another day.",It's easy to see the entirety of Petra in a single day.,1,7347 "Medicare's financial status has generally been gauged by the financial solvency of the Part A Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund, which primarily covers inpatient hospital care and is financed by payroll taxes.",Medicare's financial status can't be accurately determined.,1,7348 "Here again, Artaud's ferocity, anguish, and hallucinatory paranoia are matched and joined by his intelligence and paradoxical control.",Artaud was very calm.,1,7349 "A tightly wrapped head, with encapsulated eyes, nose, and mouth, doubtless suited the publicly shrouded female of antiquity, whose intelligence flowered wholly unseen.",A tightly wrapped face suited the shrouded female of antiquity whose intelligence flowered publicly.,1,7350 GAO has a statutory right to access predecisional and deliberative documents unless the President or the Director of OMB certifies that certain standards are met under 31 U.S.C.,The GAO is precluded from accessing government documents.,1,7351 "The little Muslim shrine by the road near Mary's Tomb is the grave of the 15th-century Muslim judge and historian, Mujr el-Din.","Mujr el-Din, a Muslim man from the 15th century is buried in Mary's Tomb. ",1,7352 "The Afghan governors of the Sind and the Punjab, who were hoping for more autonomy than they had under the lofty sultan Ibrahim Lodi in Delhi, therefore called on Babur the Tiger, King of Kabul.",Babur the Tiger ruled over Delhi.,1,7353 Culturebox discerns a tragic poetic justice in all this.,Culturebox thinks this was completely unjust. ,1,7354 They left the slaves to the desert.,They left the slaves to drown in the ocean. ,1,7355 The lack of a legal aid presence in Pomona prompted the bar association and court officials to start their own once-monthly family law clinic.,There was too much legal aid in Pomona. ,1,7356 i mean it really was to me it was like it's going to take them quite a while to rebuild because everything everything i mean anything that Tom Landry wanted or had he was going to change it,They'll rebuild this in no time.,1,7357 because by the play time is when the person when the pitcher pitches the ball and it goes to the catcher or when the when the pitcher pitches and it's hit,The elapsed time for a play is from when the ball is thrown until someone gets on a base.,1,7358 that was that was my favorite,I hated that one.,1,7359 yeah both both in terms in RAM as well as uh you know standard memory or disk memory disk base,We don't deal with memory at all.,1,7360 "Dean was an industrial village, its economy depending on numerous small mills that have now completely disappeared.",The village of Dean's economy was based purely on mining.,1,7361 i know yeah um do you think that that that the insurance and all they've got in Europe does it cover dental or is it just medical,I know insurance in Europe doesnMr cover dental expenses.,1,7362 yeah well at least you know that it wasn't same situation that the buffalo died in,It is exactly the same situation as the one where buffalo died.,1,7363 "Oho! He turned it over in his hands, examining it closely. ",He did not pay it any attention even though he was turning it over in his hands.,1,7364 "Brave, but hypocritical.",Brave and unhypocritical. ,1,7365 "However, we understand from the preamble to the proposed rule and the Board's letter to our Office that the Board intended this statement to constitute a certification under section 605(b) that the rule would not have any significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.",The rule is supposed to have a large economic impact on the all of the small entities.,1,7366 Leading east from the square is Kasr El-Nil Street lined with western-style shops and restaurants.,The Kasr El-Nil Street has an Asian atmosphere.,1,7367 So should we do away with all forms of sexual harassment law?,So would we throw away all the potato peels or not?,1,7368 enough money that's right,Not quite enough money for it unfortunately. ,1,7369 She sidestepped and kicked the assassin's knee with her hard boot.,The assassin dodged the kick.,1,7370 yeah yeah they've got a place where you can keep your boat you can they've got the dock that you can tie up tie up and it it's uh it's in a protected area,Don't bring your boat because they don't have a place for it.,1,7371 "The humidification system will typically consist of water spray injectors (possibly air atomized) located upstream of the ACI injectors, a grid for the spray injectors, and a water supply system that will include pumping and metering systems.",De-humidification systems use a constant fire supply system.,1,7372 HISTORICAL LANDMARKS,There is no historical area.,1,7373 "His ideas were not made official until 1752, and it was another 14 years before plans were put into place for a competition to create a design for this new development, to be called the New Town.",His ideas were in motion in 1940.,1,7374 Adrin beheld the man's gaze and nodded.,The man stared at the ground.,1,7375 "The ATIRCM/CMWS program did not begin reliability growth testing until 4 years after its critical design review, leaving only 1 year to test the system prior to scheduled production.",ATIRCM/CMWS had all the time in the world to test it's system.,1,7376 "If you've been traveling on the coast, or elsewhere in semi-tropical Southeast Asia, the Cameron Highlands, located over 1,520 m (4,987 ft) above sea level, offer great relief amid morning mists and cool breezes.",The Cameron Highlands are hot and humid during the mornings.,1,7377 "In addition, another benefit includes permitting real estate advisers to pension plans to continue to register with the SEC, which will allow the advisers to comply with the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).",There are no benefits to permitting real estate advisers to pension plans to continue to register with the SEC.,1,7378 um yes yeah we just had salmon last night for dinner uh but also the spices here um old bay is a spice i don't know if you're even aware of it it's what they used on the,We just had beef last night for dinner.,1,7379 on the operation of the defense acquisition system to include (1) a requirement to capture specific design knowledge to be used as exit criteria for transitioning from system integration to system demonstration,The defense acquisition system will include a requirement to capture environmental knowledge. ,1,7380 The California primaries and ballot initiatives demonstrate that 1) California voters are content with the status quo (career politicians won big) and 2) it doesn't take money to win elections anymore (millionaire political neophytes lost big).,California voters are not happy with the status quo.,1,7381 "The evaluators could at this point either modify the first graphic, based on information from the second site, or prepare an independent flowchart.",The evaluators had no options for their graphics.,1,7382 Behind the Burnt Column rises the Baroque exterior of the Nuruosmaniye Camii (built in 1755).,Nuruosmaniye Camii lies in front of the Burnt Column. ,1,7383 "Them's the green stones, isn't they?"" Tuppence nodded.","Those stones are the blue ones, right?",1,7384 "Liberals and child advocates can now explain, as conservatives have before them, that social policy isn't about enforcing officially approved choices.",Liberals said it was crucial to enforce the choices.,1,7385 uh the ones messing with old people,The people toying with the young men.,1,7386 "In such cases, the draft report will be available for review only at a meeting with GAO staff.",Draft reports are never available at meetings with GAO staff.,1,7387 "Chisorom Okwuosa, legal services developer for the California Department of Aging, said state officials supported the hotline's grant application.","The CA Dept. of Aging has hired a new legal services developer as of June, 2016, his name is Bob Johnson. ",1,7388 At the top of the stairs Tommy halted to consider his next move.,He quickly exited the stairs.,1,7389 even if even if someone's home all the time there's still a lot of things that have to be done,"As long as someone's home all the time, everything can be done. ",1,7390 yeah i i don't understand it either although i i think a lot of South Americans regard the United States as as bullying and uh that's certainly from a historical point of view would be true i mean certainly we took far more from Mexico than Saddam Hussein ever dreamed of taking in in his wildest dreams from his neighbors,The US has never taken anything from Mexico.,1,7391 well i tell you it's it's easy to do it's just uh like when i started calling you it was two twenty my time one twenty your time i guess,i called you at five o'clock,1,7392 i think if a woman would get into politics or enough women get into politics i definitely i think it'll definitely be freedom of choice,If women stay got into politics there won't be any freedom of choice. ,1,7393 "In another sense, it's part of what's been called the winner-take-all society, where those on top command more and more resources and those in the middle tend to disappear.",Demanding resources is grest for the environment. ,1,7394 "On Wan Chai's Bowen Road, Maiden's Rock, also called Lover's Rock, is the gathering place for the annual Maiden's festival.","On Tai Pei's Rowan Road, Squirrel's Rock, also called The Furry Rock, is the gathering place for the annual Squirrel Festival.",1,7395 Here the remains of a massive Venetian fortress destroyed by invading Ottoman forces can be found.,The massive Venetian fortress was never destroyed.,1,7396 And what has made Intel such a stable company over the past decade has been Grove's ability to plan for change and adapt to it while holding the overall framework steady.,Intel will never be a strong company because they have no vision of the future.,1,7397 they she uh she in fact went from Massachusetts to uh Florida then to Atlanta and she really really likes it,She has also lived in Tennessee.,1,7398 The problem is that I don't want any neighbors having a key to my apartment.,I don't mind opening my door to my neighbors.,1,7399 You consider her vehemence unnatural?,Is she vehement?,1,7400 "Why, you wouldn't recognize a frog croaking if you heard it."" Albert looked rather crest-fallen.",Albert looked happy.,1,7401 "On still another level, The Executions of the 3rd of May, one of history's most powerful protest pictures, depicts the shooting of Spanish patriots in 1808 by the French.",The painting depicts children playing with animals.,1,7402 "It would have been much easier for Dobrava to pull out of him the angst caused by his shrinking, for four years already, member.",Dobrava had no way of pulling him out of his angst.,1,7403 "Ornithologists, bring your binoculars.",Bird lovers will be disappointed.,1,7404 Flagellation and similar rigors introduced into other Italian monasteries by the Irish monk Columbanus were soon modified by the gentler Benedictine rule.,Flagellation was encouraged by Benedictine.,1,7405 The only circumstance under which a unit will be withdrawn from the opt-in provisions is where the unit qualifies as an affected EGU independently of the opt-in provisions.,A unit can never be withdrawn from the opt-in provisions.,1,7406 "He didn't--"" Her voice died away as she ran toward the clearing.",She kept shouting back at them as she ran to the clearing.,1,7407 but you can do all those sorts of things on the Amiga,"Honestly, the Amiga can't do half the stuff we talked about.",1,7408 yeah i'm the i'm the teacher i give as it were,I have never taught anything.,1,7409 "Out back on the terrace is a mini-village, where a little palheiro , a house with a weaving loom, and an old-fashioned shop re-create a bit of old Madeira.",There is no recreation of a taste of old Madeira in the back.,1,7410 It has an unusual triangular tower dating from the 13th century.,The tower is from the 15th century. ,1,7411 although you see more and more uh more and more of the ladies that are becoming active in politics,There is not a single female interested in politics.,1,7412 well why are you participating in this study, How come you don't want to participate in the study?,1,7413 I suspect this is just the sort of question the technique of electing presidents was designed to answer.,I don't think presidents have to answer that kind of question.,1,7414 i see have you seen the movie Flatliners it's out on video now,Have you heard of Flatliners? They are releasing the video a month from now.,1,7415 it's like a floating you know if something if something comes up,It isn't like floating.,1,7416 "Neither Shakespeare (who alludes to the incident only in passing) nor history offers any justification for this gross violation of the laws of Was there, as it was later claimed, some sudden movement on the part of French cavalry which lead Henry to fear an attack from the rear?",Henry was not afraid of anything.,1,7417 This brought a dozen questions to Ca'daan all at once but he didn't know where to start and so he let Jon continue.,Both of them quit the project because they didn't care about getting it done.,1,7418 "While HCFA states that it has examined the options for lessening the burden on small entities, since the statute does not allow for any exceptions to the aggregate per-beneficiary limitation based on the size of the entity, no regulatory relief can be provided for small entities.",HCFA said that it did not examine the options.,1,7419 He was too late.,He got there in time.,1,7420 Another shadow shifted and Jon drew his other pistol.,Jon drew his swords.,1,7421 "This majestic structure is something like a four-pointed star, with 10,000 panes of glass forming translucent walls that are supported by a steel truss frame.",The structure is like a six-sided hexagon with opaque walls.,1,7422 "If you are worried about that story, it means one of two things.",If you are worried about a story then it means nothing.,1,7423 Isn't this paternalism?,Isn't this liberty?,1,7424 He was an easterner who taught the fourth emperor.,He never met the emperor.,1,7425 um well i go home in the summer and i work in the summer and between what i make in the summer and student loans that's how i go to college,I do not have any students loans and have never had a summer job. ,1,7426 The Board did not identify any other statutes or Executive orders imposing requirements relevant to the rule.,The Board identified a few statutes which imposed requirements relevant to the rule.,1,7427 so they said okay we'll take care of it two weeks later i get another nasty letter threatening legal action,They never sent me any letters or communication after that.,1,7428 The Refuge of the Nuns is a perfect crater surrounded by extinct volcanoes.,The Refuge of Nuns lies at the base of the volcanoes.,1,7429 "Doctorow's Ragtime , is set in 1910.",Doctorow's Ragtime takes place in 2010.,1,7430 uh but again i've been dealing with large files both data and and otherwise uh that was a engineering spec on B2 you come here with the B level of specs,I've only ever dealt with small amounts of data.,1,7431 b) Had her reputation smeared by Clintonistas and the media.,The media boosted her fame to an all-time high.,1,7432 Italy joins British/French/Russians in World War I,Italy wasn't in WWI.,1,7433 Design researchers as designs that focus on a single instance or a few instances.,There was no interest in differentiating the designs based on number of occurrences.,1,7434 "Set against the solipsistic identity politics of the rest of the show, Kentridge's old-school agitprop is nearly refreshing.","Set against solipsistic identity politics of the show, Kentridge's demeanor is not refreshing.",1,7435 The fell has an eerie beauty about it; clouds frame the peaks here even on sunny days.,There are no sunny days.,1,7436 "The name did not stick, and had Captain Cook known his fate, he would not have stuck around either.",Captain cook would have stayed even if he knew his fate. ,1,7437 "No, said Poirot curtly. ",Poirot said yes.,1,7438 "Am I right in thinking that the joint venture has ended in success, and that this he turned to the girl on the couch ""is Miss Jane Finn?"" Jane sat up.",Am I correct in assuming that the partnership was a complete failure?,1,7439 "The Romans ruled a pagan empire, but the Aegean had an important influence on the early development of Christianity.",Early Christianity's development was not effected by the Aegean.,1,7440 The Alliance's English-educated elite seemed to imagine that multiracial integration would come about through education and employment.,The English hoped to force the issue of racial integration immediately in order to prevent further problems.,1,7441 A jungle guide accompanies the group.,The group forgoes the help of a jungle guide.,1,7442 that'll teach them with a couple minutes huh,They cannot be taught anything new.,1,7443 hum i don't know what the what the solution for that would have been you would have thought they would have put all the parts pertaining to that near the brake so if they did get hot they'd unfreeze,I know exactly what they should've done: order new parts.,1,7444 "Anyway, she was familiar with the fact that the addition of a bromide to a mixture containing strychnine would cause the precipitation of the latter. ",She had no idea what would happen if she put bromide into a strychnine-filled mixture. ,1,7445 "Note that the effects of Postal Service adjustments could be substantial and widespread, not only on mailers who have invested heavily around the present structure of products and rates, but also on such competitors as newspapers.",The Postal Service changes will have no effect on competitors.,1,7446 "Needless to say, this is not a position one could defend for very long.",This is a position that most people will agree with.,1,7447 i how would you ruddy uh look uh but uh, You can't.,1,7448 "Beyond Aoshima the picturesque, winding Nichinan coast alternates rugged cliffs with some fine sandy bathing beaches.",This coast is next to a plain landscape.,1,7449 "Or are we, as I am, for tripling the tax deduction for each child to $8,000?",Is everyone in agreement that the tax deduction should be lowered?,1,7450 "Just accidentally, while surfing and without any prior notice, I came upon a broadcast of Don Giovanni that was very good.",I looked up Don Giovanni to listen to one of his broadcasts.,1,7451 "Built from the eighth to the 12th centuries, San Pietro stands at the ba ck of a grassy courtyard with Etruscan sarcophagi, beside two crumbling medieval towers.",San Pietro is filled with Egyptian sarcophagi and there are tow Roman towers nearby.,1,7452 What did it mean? asked Ca'daan.,Where are we going? asked Ca'daan.,1,7453 "It seemed to the girl that, for the first time, she realized the sinister character of the mission they had undertaken so lightheartedly.",The girl realized they were right about their mission and that it should be taken lightly.,1,7454 and they really their parents don't bring them up properly they have absolutely no morals because no one taught them,They were taught some morals by their parents and their community.,1,7455 "You forget yourself, Dave Hanson!",You know exactly who you are. ,1,7456 " Of course, we'll only need to worry about issues of fairness and privacy if banner ads are seen by political campaigns as working.",Banner ads can not possibly be unfair.,1,7457 well you mentioned one of my pet buzz words there which is sensitivity to it and particularly violence i uh really get uh ticked off with uh seeing this violence so much of it on TV and so forth in the movies,The violence on TV and Movies does not affect me.,1,7458 "The Allies landed in Sicily in June 1943, and liberated Rome one year later.","The Allied landing in June 1943 was a complete failure, forcing the Allies to retreat.",1,7459 The case is on appeal.,The results of the case were accepted by all parties.,1,7460 We have exposed the counterrevolutionary machinations of Richard Ford and Amy Tan.,The counterrevolutionary machinations of Richard Ford and Amy Tan have not been exposed yet.,1,7461 A terrible constraint seemed to have settled down between them.,Things were as light and easy as usual between them.,1,7462 "Greenberg's survey, for example, asks people who voted for Clinton to pick from a list of possible reasons why they did so.",The survey will ask why they voted for Trump. ,1,7463 "A six-lane toll motorway leads 80 km (50 miles) west of Izmir to the small resort and ferry port of ?ȥ?̭e, where boats crosedaily to the Greek island of Chios, a mere 12 km (71.2 miles) away.",A four-lane toll highway leads 80 km west of Izmir.,1,7464 "Therefore, if all companies are permanently on notice that bad behavior will eventually be punished, they have an incentive to behave well at all times.","If all companies knew that bad behavior will eventually be punished, they are not more likely to behave well.",1,7465 "James Rogan, R-Calif., begins the final argument of the day.",James Rogan would give the first argument of the day.,1,7466 He found the answer as he recalled his schooling.,He is still struggling to find a solution.,1,7467 "However, ideally, longer than 16 months would allow retrofits to occur over a period of several years so that facility owners can properly plan outages and suppliers can properly plan for resource availability.",Retrofits can be installed in a matter of hours.,1,7468 Getting Derry in was easy.,It was hard to get Derry in.,1,7469 Pouring their hearts out to reporters is the only therapy Republican politicians can get.,Republicans have many forms of therapy.,1,7470 There was no fuel for the 'copter we finished--the one we called Betsy Ann.,There was plenty of fuel to use in the helicopter.,1,7471 The result is one of the most graceful and distinctive houses of the period in Ireland.,The house is ugly and boring.,1,7472 "The light looked about like what he was used to, where the sky was still whole.",The light was very strange.,1,7473 "Reassuring Unlike Martinique, Guadeloupe has no poisonous snakes or other harmful animals.",Guadeloupe is full of harmful animals such as poisonous snakes which were brought from its neighbor Martinique.,1,7474 "The bay around the mount's granite outcrop has been steadily silting up in recent years, so that it's an island only during very high tides.",The island has not been silting.,1,7475 Ponce de Leen had received permission to found a Spanish colony on the island in 1508.,No Spanish colony was permitted on the island.,1,7476 "In practice, how could the government hope to destigmatize food stamps for the former group but not for the latter group (who are, under law, also entitled to them)?",In practice government is pushing to stigmatize food stamps.,1,7477 "This is post-traumatic journalism--repetitious, impatient, and emotionally raw.","This is objective journalism - cold, and straightforward.",1,7478 He just said.,She just said.,1,7479 "Motivational interview counselors typically discussed the perceived consequences, readiness to change, pros and cons of change, and plans to reduce drinking and avoid alcohol-related injuries in the future.",Motivational interview counselors were not allowed to discuss the readiness to change with their patients.,1,7480 "Like his agreement last year to a seven-year plan to balance the budget, this step would change the terms of the debate with Republicans.",There is no needed debate with republicans and their is no seven year plan.,1,7481 "Unlike criminal court, where those accused have a constitutional right to a taxpayerfunded attorney, people facing civil matters either have to hire their own lawyer -- often at rates of more than $200 an hour -- or go it alone.",The cost never exceeds $200 an hour.,1,7482 "That office provides legal aid in non-criminal cases to low-income, elderly or disabled residents in 35 counties.",The office only deals with criminal cases.,1,7483 "Accordingly, the legislation requires that agricultural employers recruit U.S. workers first, and that the terms of work offered foreign workers, when",Legislation is not required to regulate employers to prevent large-scale moving of jobs overseas to foreign workers because companies will do the right thing and hire U.S. workers of their own volition. ,1,7484 "What madness!""Now Bartolomé's face expressed shock.",Bartolomé was not surprised at the turn of events. ,1,7485 "The WP reports on last Saturday night's Gridiron Dinner, that annual Washington D.C. court masque in which bigfoot journalists entertain the government's heaviest hitters and vice-versa.",The Gridiron Dinner was halted seven years ago.,1,7486 "'He would have done the same to us the moment we fixed this train,' White replied.",He wouldn't have done it to us had we fixed the train. ,1,7487 "It seems to have impressed generations of marauders; once it was complete, they stayed away for more than 150 years.","Even with it on their side, the marauders remained undaunted.",1,7488 And what's the date today? No Longer Sleeping asked suspiciously.,No Longer Sleeping could not say a single word because he did not have a tongue.,1,7489 This is not a contradiction.,This is a contradiction.,1,7490 you know if you go to um uh a fight and then the people say oh look what i just dug out of the ground and they sell you something they made last night,They do not go near any fights.,1,7491 "Oriental In the souqs you will find all the favourite wares of the Middle East, such as leather goods, brass and copper, nargilas (hubble-bubble pipes), and of course carpets and kilims.","Leather goods, brass and copper and nargilas are not popular wares.",1,7492 "Although these clinics are relatively new, they have been well-received by volunteer lawyers who have been instrumental in establishing the programs.",The clinics have been around since the dawn of time.,1,7493 "If Woodward had shaken the baby, why did his neck show no signs of damage?",The baby was murdered by Woodward.,1,7494 He gave his name as Count Stepanov.,He told them that his name was Count Dooku.,1,7495 for friendships that way so that you would feel happy going to work everyday and rather than thinking oh i really i can't stand these people i but uh so that's something that was important to him and,He didn't care much for making friends at work.,1,7496 White House special counsel Lanny Davis said Clinton may have known three years ago that his friends were subsidizing Hubbell.,Davis and Clinton had no knowledge of his friends subsidizing Hubbell.,1,7497 oh yeah my husband would like to live there but i don't know all of our family is here so,All of our family lives there and my husband doesn't want to go.,1,7498 and it was in the head and the mother said well we won't worry about that right now and she said i think he shot daddy in the face and mom said well you're right you know and she just started crying and it was just so sad you know i mean just i want to,The man was not shot in the face and faced no injuries.,1,7499 "For example, in the case of, aPromote Organizational Credibility,- both principles rely on the collaboration of senior executives and division heads for success and have as their target the senior management of the enterprise.",Success can only be achieved by division heads working to subvert senior executives.,1,7500 "What he emphasized about himself were his bad his desire to carouse the night away, to run around with women, to sing loudly and drunkenly, and to smoke his head off.",He only shared his best qualities.,1,7501 we we don't we we we choose not to deal with the extended family because we feel it's kind of cumbersome when in reality it makes things much much easier,We always enjoy dealing with our extended family. ,1,7502 New Hostess cupcakes come when you call them.,Hostess does not make cupcakes.,1,7503 "At the east end of the Louvre is the Cour Carr??e, covering the original fortress built by Philippe Auguste in 1190 to protect Paris from river attack while he was away on a crusade.",Paris had no defense from river attack in the 12th century.,1,7504 it gives you a chance to feel like you're a part of a group or the organization and that you're heard and know and if you have ideas that type of thing,You do not have the opportunity to feel like you are part of a group.,1,7505 "No, she'll have started from the hospital by now.""",She is still at the hospital.,1,7506 "If you've become an adept of the tea ceremony, you'll appreciate the excellent collection of 14th-century ceramic tea bowls, tea kettles, and caddies, as well as bamboo spoons, whisks, and flower vases.",The tea ceremony involves drinking tea straight out of a barrel.,1,7507 "When the Ottoman Empire crumbled in the aftermath of the war, Egypt declared itself an independent kingdom, but real power remained in London.",The Ottoman Empire held strong.,1,7508 yeah i don't do much with flowers myself i just get a lot of evergreen evergreen type shrubs some uh,I don't buy shrubs nor flowers,1,7509 and they're supposed,They're not supposed to,1,7510 "There's nothing more pleasant than being congratulated for your literary skills, but there's nothing less pleasant than realizing the congratulations are intended for a guy who writes about the mob.",It i terrible being told you have good writing skills.,1,7511 "Then I marked the place carefully in my own mind, so that I'd find it again.",I had no interest of ever going back to that place.,1,7512 It promotes the ideal of good citizenship through hard work and community service.,The ideal of good citizenship is destroyed through hard work.,1,7513 The volcano's name is thought to derive from an Ainu word for fire. ,The name of the volcano was derived from the Ainu word for water. ,1,7514 "Got a drop or two of petrol still, you see, he remarked. ","""I'm all out of petrol"" he said. ",1,7515 anyway uh being in Rochester you probably like the Mets,You must hate the Mets since you live in Florida. ,1,7516 are trying to make the country better,We don't need to worry about our country. ,1,7517 Rennie's foster son was now riding inspection between one water-hole fortification and another.,Rennie doesn't have a foster son.,1,7518 "Russian mothers traveled to Chechnya, pulled their sons off the front lines, and brought them home.",Russian mothers traveled to Chechnya to drop their sons off.,1,7519 "Before he could cry out, the man squeezed.",The man cried out before he was squeezed.,1,7520 all right i play volleyball and softball and ceramics,I play basketball only.,1,7521 uh-huh so it's even closer to you,It is much further from you then.,1,7522 Typical configuration is shown in Figure 2-1.,A list of animal shelters is shown in Figure 2-1.,1,7523 "The next year, a large group of Scottish churchmen and nobles signed the National Covenant, a declaration condemning the new liturgy and pledging allegiance to the Presbyterian faith.",A lot of the Scottish people embraced the new liturgy that was imposed upon them. ,1,7524 (At least the theory of it.),At maximum no idea of it.,1,7525 "She said that employees' participation in SEC's frequent flyer program is voluntary and that SEC's savings have been minimal, in part because frequent flyer tickets do not give travelers flexibility in arranging their travel.",Frequent flyer miles give lots of flexibility to travelers.,1,7526 "A magnificent polychrome retablo, rising in five tiers, depicts New Testament stories in fervent detail.",The New Testament was never depicted.,1,7527 Liquor and These are both cheap compared to European and American prices.,Local liquor are much more expensive than those in Europe and the US because they are hand-made. ,1,7528 Simply have their bouquets be identical and perhaps have them walk together.,"You won't give them any bouquets, will you?",1,7529 "I'm about as big a media hound as anyone, McCain told one newspaper, but I've turned down at least 500--maybe 600 or 700--requests to go on talk shows on this issue.",McCain never turns down an interview.,1,7530 They'll be all right.,They are in deep trouble.,1,7531 Bradley reviewed nine studies with data on women's responses to screening mainly in primary care settings.,Bradley threw away studies about women's responses to screenings.,1,7532 i kept waiting for where's some reference to this God damn State of Texas and the role that they played either leading up to or in the Civil War they might as well have not even,I don't care what role Texas played before or during the Civil War. ,1,7533 "I'd say, young man, that you are facing a full-time job now, getting all that inside of you. Drew ate steadily, consuming eggs and beans, tortillas, and fruit.","You do not need to work at all, young man. ",1,7534 "The resolution process begins when audit or other review results are reported to management, and is completed only after action has been taken that (1) corrects identified deficiencies, (2) produces improvements, or",The termination process starts when audit results are brought to management. ,1,7535 But there is also something foolish in it.,I don't find anything foolish about it.,1,7536 "But now, criminal law queries can be referred to Families Against Mandatory Minimums, at, a national group that might be able to help a caller, no matter where the person is in the United States.",A group known as Families Against Mandatory Minimums recently shut because of a lack of interest in their services.,1,7537 well you too and uh,Not you. ,1,7538 The people all had a certain look around them; a kind of shell-shocked reverence.,Everyone thought things were just normal.,1,7539 "But whether he felt it or not, there IS such a sensation.",There is no sensation there.,1,7540 "It was not until 1829 that Rafael Rivera, a Mexican scout, found a spring-fed valley and dubbed it Las Vegas a Spanish name that leaves many modern visitors wondering exactly where the meadows really lay.",Las Vegas was named by Americans travelling to the West.,1,7541 "The Jardin de la Fontaine ' a pretty, tree-shaded 18th-century park on the slopes of Mont Cavalier at the northwest edge of the town ' offers a refreshing respite from the summer heat and a good view of the surrounding mountains.",The Jardin de la Fontaine was built at the turn of the 12th century.,1,7542 "This Art-Deco picture palace, originally called The Graumann, was built by the great showman Sid Graumann in 1927.",The showman Sid Grauman built a museum in 1927.,1,7543 "He's gone, said Adrin.",Adrin told us that he was here.,1,7544 well i believe in capital punishment um and i i think the way that i understand the laws right now they are only for certain crimes um i'm not sure exactly what they are i think rape and uh,I do not believe in capital punishment.,1,7545 The Modern City,A city in the 1800s,1,7546 He once submitted an article with 95% confidence intervals and it was rejected because it had no p values.,All of his articles have been reviewed.,1,7547 The obstacles to this conclusion are both procedural and substantive.,There are no substantive or procedure-based objections to this conclusions.,1,7548 yeah uh Garp The World of Garp,"No, it was not The World of Garp.",1,7549 yeah you you think then that uh part of it is because the uh it flashes too much on the personal uh characteristics of the candidate rather than his uh job performance issues,The candidates personal characteristics are the most important.,1,7550 "You are only determining the reliability of the data as needed to support the findings, conclusions, or recommendations of the engagement.",You don't find the data reliable in supporting your theories. ,1,7551 I believe Isikoff on this.,"I don't believe Isikoff this time, because I think he is incorrect.",1,7552 "My She wants to move out to California, where I live.",I live in Chicago. ,1,7553 yeah yeah and with without a whole lot of big name players they have got a few anchors on offense and defense and you know they they've managed with those guys and i don't know,They have a lot of big name players across the board.,1,7554 "On that day, Russian scientists launched the first true space traveler, a chain-smoking dog named Laika, who, after befouling his kennel and biting his trainer on the ass, was rocketed aloft in a spacesuit filled with his own urine, it does not add.",The dog had no name.,1,7555 okay i mean he was wonderful i we used to get the most marvelous empenadas and other Argentine things,We never ate empanadas.,1,7556 "It's well worth visiting this city, which was planned in 1950 by Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier, invited by the Indian government to create a new city for the post-Partition Punjab on a windy plain at the foot of the Himalayas.",Le Corbusier was never able to plan a city.,1,7557 "During the trial, Oprah is recording her show in Amarillo, a town supposedly devastated by her beef-bashing.",Oprah didn't record any shows during the trial. ,1,7558 "When computer-processed data are used by the auditor, or included in the report, for background or informational purposes and are not significant to the auditors' findings, citing the source of the data and stating that they were not verified will satisfy the reporting standards for accuracy and completeness set forth in this statement.",Auditors only use human-processed data.,1,7559 so yeah keep them in the house,put them in the backyard,1,7560 feel sorry for her,I feel happy for her. ,1,7561 Then he saw the men standing outside of Ca'daan's house.,He saw men sitting outside of Ca'daan's place.,1,7562 "Nearby, the fine National Maritime Museum in Allenby Street charts 5,000 years of Red Sea and Mediterranean seafaring, while the Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum documents the defiance of the British blockade to smuggle immigrants into Israel.",The National Maritime Museum is located on Moores Street.,1,7563 and that would be the long the short and the putt of it,It is not a long nor a putt.,1,7564 "Hong Kong has some of the most luxurious hotels in the world, with representatives from all the major international chains.",Hong Kong has just two luxurious hotels.,1,7565 yeah you actually got paid too while in the Peace Corps it wasn't much but i guess they you could put some money aside while you were there your expenses were covered,Peace Corps didn't pay us but our expenses were covered.,1,7566 and i've seen this actually i spent seven years overseas with TI and while i was gone,I've never seen that before and I never met TI.,1,7567 "You might also call the multilingual Visitor Events Hotline for information on upcoming events in English, Spanish, French, German, and Japanese.",You cannot call the hotline just for information.,1,7568 "Dublin theater is legendary, and no visitor should miss seeing a performance at the Abbey Theatre or Gate Theatre.","Dublin, Abbey and Gate are all poor choices for venues if you want to see a good performance at a good theatre.",1,7569 and it's starting to effect you know the economy,This has no effect on the economy.,1,7570 Elda itself is noted for excellent wine and lace-making.,Elda does not have excellent wine.,1,7571 "Jurors are kept off-balance--and in need of additional guidance from the bench--by the judge, who instructs them to convict if the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, without telling them whether a reasonable doubt consists of a 1 percent risk of error, a 5 percent risk of error, or a 10 percent risk of error.",The judge explains every detail about error to the jurors.,1,7572 George Street was the traditional center of Edinburgh's financial district.,George Street was never Edinburgh's financial district.,1,7573 oh i don't i don't watch that um,I watch everything I can get my hands and eyes on.,1,7574 "By law, it must matter to the Commission!",It doesn't matter to the commission because it's none of their business.,1,7575 "Nevertheless, drinking and driving, moving violations, alcohol-related injuries, and alcohol-related problems were significantly reduced at the six-month follow up, with the intervention group experiencing one-third to one-half fewer events than the control group.",Drinking and driving skyrocketed in the next few months.,1,7576 yeah that was a good thing to look out for,"You don't know how to read, do you?",1,7577 Comptroller General Bowsher also made major contributions to GAO and to the improvement of financial management and government operations.,"The GAO, being a government controlled entity, does not take contributions from any individual. ",1,7578 The council does not agree.,The council agreed.,1,7579 Fetuses are particularly vulnerable to methylmercury because of their rapidly developing nervous systems.,There are no ill effects from the methylmercury.,1,7580 It was artistically corded.,There was no trace of an artistic touch to the corded rope.,1,7581 "But if Republicans push the impeachment inquiry to the point of antagonizing and mobilizing Democratic voters, the GOP's low-turnout strategy will be ruined.",The GOP has low voter turn out.,1,7582 "They are usually presented on a tray at your table, or in a glass-fronted display case, and you can choose as few or as many dishes as you like.",Dishes are usually selected for you by the chef.,1,7583 "Mostly I just skim the retractions), and himself (I am so sorry ...",I read the reactions word for word.,1,7584 but what was the good of getting the law changed if no one is there to help the individual?,The law will be changed once adequate resources are assigned to help the individuals affected.,1,7585 "The National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS), a statistical sampling of migrant and seasonal",The survey did not sample workers,1,7586 sure you got to inspect it yeah,I don't think an inspection is needed.,1,7587 "Well, none, if it is carefully applied to the narrow group of repeat sadistic or pedophiliac rapists who accept the treatment.",Rapists are never known to be repeat offenders.,1,7588 "'They're scared to move,' I replied.",They are fearless and will move as they wish. ,1,7589 "Tax receipts are generally collected from the public by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) and, to a lesser extent, by the Customs Service and other entities acting as agents for the recipient entities rather than on their own behalf.",The IRS never collect tax receipts from the public.,1,7590 They left her sword alone as well.,They played with her sword.,1,7591 "For example, even in the range of 3 percent to 4 percent coal",No percentage of coal,1,7592 Now it houses a library and archives.,It is currently housing a library and bar.,1,7593 But building a university from scratch is far from cheap.,Building a university is actually pretty cheap.,1,7594 right right at least that way the burden's not on the family of taking their license or their car away,The whole family must shoulder the burden of losing their license.,1,7595 "He did, and we set up a time to talk more.",He did not and we won't be talking anymore.,1,7596 "I knew the others would think I meant Mrs. Vandemeyer, but I hoped it might make Mr. Beresford think of the picture.",I wasn't aware that the others would think that I was referring to Mrs. Vendemeyer.,1,7597 so it's just kind of weird,Nothing out of the usual going on here.,1,7598 And those damn video games.,There are no video games.,1,7599 and uh then she found out that these automobile dealerships needed and so she got some people to help her and she had one and then she was doing a good job and she wound up having uh eight or ten automobile dealerships,She hasn't been able to get more than the one automobile dealership.,1,7600 "If the legal service closes, he's unsure where his clients will go.",He knows exactly where his clients will go if legal service closes,1,7601 The enormous personal popularity of this good-natured but tough king from the Pyrenees proved vital for healing the wounds from the bitter wars.,The king from the Pyrenees was deeply unpopular and resentment from the war continued as a result.,1,7602 "But in the last year, the two elites have finally realized they need each other.",The two elites don't need each other. ,1,7603 "Some were missing, of course.","Of course, non of them were missing.",1,7604 oh yeah store credit cards,Credit cards for cats. ,1,7605 yeah i i always wondered about that myself,"I've never thought about that, to be honest.",1,7606 of course you know you always wonder about the information you're getting anyway,You always wondered if dogs really go to heaven.,1,7607 "To some extent, I did look at it and say, 'We are the littlest kid on the block, and we don't want to get beat up so we need a bigger protector,' Rothschild said. ",Rothschild dient say he looked at it at all. ,1,7608 "After dinner, a glass of Madeira or port is recommended to round off the meal.",You can't drink Madeira after you've just eaten.,1,7609 oh well that gives him something to amuse him while there uh,That won't be able to distract him.,1,7610 "Why not sample the real thing?Ca'daan turned and saw an older woman, legs bare under a short sarong.",Ca'daan closed his eyes and didn't look around.,1,7611 "Did you say REFUSES?""",I am sure that you said REFUSES.,1,7612 "The highlight of Wild Water Wilderness is Bigfoot Rapids, a whitewater river ride.",Bigfoot Rapids is a dark track ride.,1,7613 "The Algarve in particular has a number of riding centers, or centros hapicos.",There were no riding centers at the Algarve.,1,7614 "From the bus station, signs in English point the way to the path winding along a stream, past many stalls and small shops selling Ohara's famous pickles, to the temple's massive front gate.",The path between the bus station and the temple is deserted,1,7615 "From the railway station or the parking lot of Piazzale Roma, you begin with a vaporetto waterbus along the Canal Grande, the most uniquely stunning main street in the world.",The Canal Grande is a dirty street no one wants to go down.,1,7616 sure naturally that's i got in all kinds of trouble doing that,I didn't get into any trouble for that.,1,7617 evaluation criteria or if other included factors unfairly restrict the competition.,There is no competition to restrict.,1,7618 "Gentlemen, more initiative, please.",Gentlemen stop being innovative.,1,7619 Impeachment might well have followed such public disclosure.,Public disclosure would not have affected the impeachment situation.,1,7620 Fire ahead.,Stop.,1,7621 As handwriting becomes ever less a daily utilitarian workhorse it may well become ever more a cherished means of interpersonal transmission--for the sorts of messages that one sets aside to preserve (or pulls out to reread from one's intermammary sulcus).,Boys never hand write letters anymore.,1,7622 "The sickening anxiety, forgotten for a while in the excitement of knowing Jane Finn was found at last, swept over him again.",Being excited about Jade Finn being found had no effect on his anxiety.,1,7623 Adrin smiled.,Adrin frowned.,1,7624 uh how high is the highest elevation,The shortest elevation - how high is it?,1,7625 "Tile roofs became the rule, and structures with more than a single floor had to be built of brick.",You can't have a one-story house made with brick.,1,7626 "She ate quietly, eyes on the ground.",She looked up to the sky.,1,7627 Parents can even be threatened with imprisonment themselves if their teen-agers run amok.,Parents cannot be threatened with imprisonment for allowing teenagers to run amok.,1,7628 But it was mighty uncertain whether it would bear my weight.,I was certain that this would hold up under my weight. ,1,7629 "Adrin stepped forward, put the barrel of his pistol against the man's forehead, and fired.",Adrin told the man to run away or he would hurt him.,1,7630 "When women do it, they're striking a blow for sexual freedom.",women striking a blow for violence freedom.,1,7631 "When he admitted that, he did it with clear melancholy.",He was happy when he told the truth about that.,1,7632 "I suspect Banks' choice reflects his own commitment to a sensibly conventional vision of the intellectual life, one that casts more light--and less heat--than much of the heady verbiage in the current debates about the Black Intellectual.",Bank's choice has nothing to do with his commitment.,1,7633 "Either 1) you believe that your neighbor has no right to live well at your grandchildren's expense or 2) you believe that your neighbor has that right, but you'd prefer to prevent him from exercising it.",You do not believe that your neighbor has a right to exercise it.,1,7634 The important people had already noticed me.,No one noticed me.,1,7635 i've tried to do some of those but after after after after after i read them a while i thought maybe i don't need improvement that bad after all,He didn't even bother to read them or attempt them.,1,7636 "Saturday in Massachusetts, just off I-91, in a restaurant, in the men's room, on the red plastic screen that covers the urinal drain, were emblazoned these Say No To Drugs.",There was a blue plastic screen covering the urinal. ,1,7637 we were talking about that just today,We didn't discuss it. ,1,7638 This is because there will be many common site issues that need to be addressed and engineered only once.,All site issues have to be engineering and addressed at least three times.,1,7639 "Thus shielded, she has never looked so exposed.",She was completely exposed and unshielded. ,1,7640 Markets are the places to use your bargaining skills.,Markets do not allow bargaining.,1,7641 "Take Samuel Cartwright, for instance, who in 1851 coined two ingenious new diagnoses to be applied to drapetomania , or running away (recommended whipping), and dysaesthesia aethiopis , whose symptoms were sloth and a tendency to break things (recommended whipping).","No new diagnoses for drapetomania were possible, it was just a mental illness.",1,7642 "The glittering facade of the Basilica di San Marco forms an exotic backdrop, illuminating Venice's unique role at the croseoads of Eastern and Western culture.",The Basilica di San Marco shows Venice has nothing in common with Eastern culture.,1,7643 Do you think even one pro athlete who didn't wear his seat belt yesterday wore it today?,There are no professional athletes.,1,7644 "Note that these estimates, while approximating the full impact of daily pollution levels on daily death counts, do not capture any impacts of long-term exposure to air pollution.",The estimates are full of details on long term air pollution. ,1,7645 oh man that makes it tough on the the whole club the management all the way down the rest of the players,"It is not difficult in the slightest for the management, the players or the club as a whole",1,7646 "Since Santa Monica residents wouldn't think of driving so far east to spend their money, this chic seaside town has a comparable number of phenomenal shopping streets.",Santa Monica residents have to drive at least one hour to find a shopping center.,1,7647 "A significant concern is that terrorists or hostile foreign states could severely damage or disrupt critical operations, resulting in harm to the public welfare.",No one is worried about terrorists damaging critical operations.,1,7648 yeah yeah i think going to the schools would be the easiest for them you know it'd be it it wouldn't take up much much it would take up more time than anything but it wouldn't take up a lot of money they wouldn't have to spend money advertising and things like that,It would cost a lot of money to just go directly to the schools.,1,7649 I see only one.,I see plenty.,1,7650 The corresponding amount for inbound mail was a negative $31 million.,Outbound mail was a corresponding amount of negative $60 million.,1,7651 Nye got him to Doc's an' they put him to bed.,"After Nye got him to the doctor, he left immediately.",1,7652 "This site also provides other useful for example, as part of the annual governmentwide consolidated financial audit, GAO's Information Technology Team is involved with reporting on the effectiveness of controls for financial information systems at 24 major federal agencies.",The effectiveness of the controls in place for financial information systems in federal agencies is a subject the Information Technology Team won't touch.,1,7653 "'I'm sorry, Ben,' Lincoln said.",Lincoln was unremorseful.,1,7654 "Yet he could only evade, not lie directly.",He could lie to their faces. ,1,7655 Reims ' a center of production of the wine of kings ' is also home to the cathedral where kings of France were crowned from the Middle Ages to the early 19th century.,THe kinds of France never went to Reims.,1,7656 "Nelson's urge to enter the public arena was partly the legacy of his father, whose Rockefeller Foundation helped create the modern science of philanthropy, though its underlying purpose was to expunge the malevolent connotations attached to the name of Rockefeller in the wake of the predations of the Standard Oil trust.",The Rockefeller name has no association with philanthropy or public service.,1,7657 If you like. 122 For a while they ran on under the trees in silence.,They moved noisily beneath the trees.,1,7658 "data and access to agency officials); (4) key objectives (research questions); (5) sites where GAO expects to conduct its work, when known; and (6) need for any precautions to protect the data and information, such as special clearances.",There is no need to protect the data and information.,1,7659 The amount of ammonia or urea reagent needed can be estimated with good confidence as constituting a small portion of available supply.,All chemical recipes are fine-tuned from start to finish.,1,7660 How do you describe the ideology of people trying to decide whether they want Pat Buchanan or Warren Beatty to be president?,"I completely understand why people can't decide between these two for president, so why are other people concerned about their ideology at all? ",1,7661 "To assess the finance organization's current role in meeting mission objectives, agency CFOs and senior finance executives ",The finance organization has no role in meeting mission objectives.,1,7662 "The variations are almost infinite, and this is one time when wrong turns can actually be recommended, for every zig-zag is likely to bring another delight a sweep of bougain?­villaea, a Baroque doorway, a fashionable restaurant, or a new perspective on the sea and city below.",Wrong turns are not recommended.,1,7663 "Up in Hokkaido, Sapporo holds its internationally popular Snow Festival (during the first or second week of February).",There are no festivals held in Sapporo. ,1,7664 Many of these clubs are confusingly called snack bars. ,Tourists have no trouble finding the clubs or snack bars that they are looking for.,1,7665 "Still, its hidden coves, remarkable natural harbors, and more than 1,000 Megalithic monuments inscrutable remnants of the island's prehistoric origins are dazzling.",There are a total of 500 Megalithic monuments on the island.,1,7666 "Traditionally the festivities end on the 15th day, Chap Goh Meh, but the chamber of commerce usually likes to extend this highly profitable season by a week or two.",The chamber of commerce has no reason to extend the festive season.,1,7667 OMB approved the requirements as an addendum to the ICR approved under OMB Control ,The OMB did not add any requirements at the end of their document.,1,7668 The 72-par course was designed by Dave Thomas.,Par for the course is 76 strokes.,1,7669 "This senior executive solicited feedback from the Central Montana RAC to discuss among his customers how to balance the ongoing, yet potentially competing uses-including recreation, grazing, and oil and gas leases-of a 150-mile stretch of the Missouri River and surrounding areas.",There are no oil and gas leases allowed along the Missouri River.,1,7670 He had been wondering when they would get around to this.,He wished that they would not get to addressing this.,1,7671 Increasing national saving and thus long-term economic growth is crucial to the long-term sustainable solvency of Social Security and Medicare.,More saving nationally is essential for Medicare but not for Social Security.,1,7672 Fena Dim will burn.,Fena Dim will be spared.,1,7673 "Over on the quiet, tree-shaded place de la Sorbonne, it's hard to imagine the police invading such a peaceful sanctuary one that for centuries guaranteed student immunity.",Students will find no sanctuary at the Place de la Sorbonne. ,1,7674 This model is used in the cost accounting system to determine costs by products.,The model doesn't accurately determine the costs by products.,1,7675 "As mentioned before, EPA's modeling indicates that none of the total MWe of ACI retrofits will include a PJFF.",The EPA's modelling has no bearing on whether the total MWe of ACI retrofits include a PJFF.,1,7676 Edinburgh has a wealth of activities for children to enjoy.,There is a shortage of activities available for children to enjoy in Edinburgh.,1,7677 "For more down-to-earth nightlife, several restaurants offer regular fado evenings.",The club has fado evenings every two weeks.,1,7678 "Although few tourists stray from the Kathmandu-Pokhara-Chitwan focal points, it is possible to see something of the undeveloped west without walking three weeks to get there.",Most tourists stay away from the Kathmandu-Pokhara-Chitwan focal points.,1,7679 "He put her through some searching tests, and exposed her loss of memory to be fraudulent; but she had taken a note of his methods and reproduced them on me.",He confirmed that her memory loss was genuine.,1,7680 "It was the first colonist, Juan Ponce de Leen, who, admiring a bay on the north coast, declared it Puerto Rico ( rich port ).",Lindbergh was the first colonist who named the area.,1,7681 "Anyway, I kept my self-respect. ",I think self respect is overrated. ,1,7682 "Its effects would be felt very soon, probably in about an hour. ",Its effects would be felt in a day.,1,7683 Because she said so.,She did not say so.,1,7684 "If the tide is out, walk down to the base of the shrine to appreciate its massive scale.",The shrine's massive scale can only be appreciated from the air above.,1,7685 This is why those who elected the [alternative exam] would have an additional obligation-150 pro bono hours owed to the court system in the three years following admission.,No extra work is required.,1,7686 yeah i guess i was having a hard time there too i thought it sounded well guess we better stick to the subject for the benefit of the people uh uh doing this work but um,"There's no need for us to stick to the subject, the people doing this work don't matter.",1,7687 "If the fellow at the back table had been dozing earlier, he was roused now.",That fellow at the back table is sound asleep.,1,7688 "The Sinai has long been the domain of the Bedouin, nomadic tribes who travel with their flocks of sheep and camels, moving from pasture to pasture and living in large family tents.",the Bedouins never lived in the Sinai. ,1,7689 "Nearby is Muncaster Castle, a structure offering much in the way of English history.",Muncaster Castle has been demolished.,1,7690 "For good tickets you should plan well in advance through your travel agency, but your hotel may be able to help with seats made available by last-minute cancellations.",Don't worry about ticket availability; they will be available right up to the time of the event.,1,7691 "Regardless of the financing source, the effect of individual accounts would be to raise, at least to some extent, the level of personal saving unless households fully offset the new accounts by reducing their other saving.",Individual accounts would probably reduce personal saving within households.,1,7692 but anyway well um i can't think of a whole lot more to say,I could talk a lot more about it.,1,7693 "I could tell what he was thinking: Yes, this man in funny clothes could be some nut...or he could be something important.",I couldn't tell what the man was thinking.,1,7694 The man smiled.,A woman was smiling. ,1,7695 "But what interested Tommy was the thing he had hoped to find, a communicating door between the two rooms, up on the left by the window.",Tommy was disappointed to find that there was no door between the two rooms.,1,7696 "At the present time, Illinois has a Pro Bono Center whose function is to work with the organized bar and legal services programs in encouraging participation in existing pro bono programs as well as to help develop new pro bono programs in Illinois.",Illinois has not got a Pro Bono Center ,1,7697 they no i just think i don't know if he should have made that statement other than that you know he's all right you know but i don't know i'm not a Bush fan i'm not really none of them's fan i just wish something else could be done in this country i don't know what,Bush has said everything I want to hear.,1,7698 right right it it can be annoying and my other concern concern is is the American government going to force us to go,The American government would never force us to do anything.,1,7699 "It was ordered by letter, and a postal order was enclosed. ","The man had ordered the parcel by telephone, and paid by wire.",1,7700 "The erotica is probably best explained, however, along with Nepal's ubiquitous Shiva lingams (phalluses) and the female yoni symbols, as an expression of the creative energy in male-female relations and the pleasure principles of Tantrism.",Shiva's lingams are feminine.,1,7701 "For electricity, the policies include extending the production tax credit of 1.5 cents/kWh over more years and extending it to additional renewable technologies.",The production tax credit will not be used toward additional renewable technologies.,1,7702 "Ultimately, the benefits of audit work occur when audit findings are resolved through meaningful and effective corrective action in response to the auditors' findings and recommendations.",There are absolutely no benefits to audit work.,1,7703 Professors Per Krusell and Anthony Smith point out that Laibson's theory makes some surprising predictions about the way people save.,"After reviewing the Laibson's theory, Professor Anthony Smith does not believe that it makes any predictions about how people save.",1,7704 "It is thoroughly Jewish, almost entirely modern, and still growing.","Recently, it has been shrinking.",1,7705 yeah pretty much well i hear one of my kiddos doing something they shouldn't be so i'll uh let you go and maybe,"My child is so quiet right now, I need to check on her.",1,7706 Her ability would have her shunned or burned in most of the cities in this desert.,Her behavior is commendable anywhere.,1,7707 "Comart is a lawyer with Pine Tree Legal Assistance Inc., a statewide group that provides free legal aid to those who qualify.","Comart is not a lawyer, but a janitor.",1,7708 "The individuals performing the tests, which at various organizations were internal auditors, contractors, student interns, or central security staff, were encouraged to research and use hacking instructions and tools available on the Internet or from other sources in order to simulate attacks from real hackers.",All of the testing was done by an outside security auditing firm.,1,7709 "Many federal agencies, even those with recognized weaknesses that result in improper payments, do not perform risk assessments to identify and estimate the magnitude of improper payments within their programs.",All federal agencies use risk assessments to identify improper payments.,1,7710 Their beauty and accessibility (being only a short drive from Ambleside) make them a must for all visitors.,They are a long drive from Ambleside.,1,7711 "Just as index-fund investing defeats this purpose, so too does trading based on anything other than an evaluation of a company's underlying prospects for the future.",It's a good idea to invest in a company based on their past performance.,1,7712 you know it it gives you some strokes there that you may not get otherwise because i'm cooped up in the house all day,I get out of the house often. ,1,7713 "(The discovery of organic matter in a meteorite, reported in early August, represents at best an extremely circumstantial piece of evidence for life on Mars.)",The organic matter did not provide any evidence for life on Mars.,1,7714 The slopes are ideal for intermediate skiers and instructors are able to pay special attention to children.,These slopes are only for experienced skiers that love adrenaline.,1,7715 "They will come back quickly, Jon told San'doro.",Jon made him aware that they would not be back for a very long time. ,1,7716 "The well-marked Route du Cidre and Route du Fromage are good guides to the towns and villages of the area, including the picturesque village of Beuvron en Auge.",The Route du Cidre is clearly not marked well at all.,1,7717 The Industrialist smiled.,The Industrialist had a frown on his face.,1,7718 i i think to some extent you're right most people have a general idea,Most people are incapable of doing anything. ,1,7719 "The Middle Kingdom, 2040 1801 b.c. , commenced with Theban rulers of the 11th Dynasty attempting to extend their control, and Egypt was reunified under Mentuhotep II.",The Middle Kingdom ended in 800 BC.,1,7720 We're eager to compromise.,We will not let up any concessions.,1,7721 The stone was unnatural to the land around it and huge.,The stone was a natural part of the landscape.,1,7722 (Conventional wisdom Richard Nixon's funeral wouldn't have amounted to a polypresidential love-in had these tapes come out in early '94.),"Former President, Richard Nixon, is going to be 80 years old this year and he's looking forward to celebrating.",1,7723 yeah i think yeah it's the people that can really influence the government and have all the money to,Those people can't influence nobody,1,7724 "Either way, sellers would find their inflated profits eroded.",Sellers can look forward to soaring profits.,1,7725 i certainly don't think that they're the eighty six team anymore,They're the 86 team again.,1,7726 they're playing it right now,They are not playing.,1,7727 "First reported last fall, the epidemic has devastated the entire collection.",The collection was able to completely sustain itself throughout the epidemic.,1,7728 "Well, let's do it. Tommy laid his paper finally aside.",Let's do it tomorrow. Tommy kept reading his paper.,1,7729 "As an old Anglo-Saxon prophecy While stands the Colosseum, Rome shall stand; when falls the Colosseum, Rome shall fall; and when Rome falls, with it shall fall the world. ","In ancient times, an Anglo-Saxon prophecy claimed that the world would endure even if Rome fell.",1,7730 "Don't miss the graceful, 19th-century statue of Leda and the Swan in the inner courtyard.",The inner courtyard has a 17th century statue of Leda and the Swan.,1,7731 "We have some firms that are strong and some firms that have struggled, she says.","The vast majority of firms are struggling right now, she says.",1,7732 "As discussed previously, EPA considered the future compliance costs in assessing the impact of the rule.",The EPA failed to consider the future compliance costs.,1,7733 "Now, what are we to do? ",We're not doing anything?,1,7734 yeah but there sure are a lot of people that work down there,No one else works here.,1,7735 "A motorway (autoroute) gives access from the city and the airports, Charles-de-Gaulle and Orly.",One cannot get access from the Charles-de-Gaulle airport from a motorway.,1,7736 " He walked on briskly, watching for signs of life and speculating on the principles of applied semantics, name magic and similarity.","He walked slowly, making his way among the crowd and thinking about his dinner.",1,7737 A few conservatives argue that the story was not only untrue but also the work of anti-military left-wingers.,Conservatives thought the story was indeed true. ,1,7738 "Another surprise was that in the new study, a single intervention session at the time of the emergency visit made no difference in any outcome measures at either 3 months or 1 year.",It was surprising when the new study found that intervention sessions held at the time of the emergency visit had a dramatic effect no 3 month and 1 year outcomes.,1,7739 "It's true, said Tommy quietly.",Tommy shouted that it was completely false.,1,7740 How stupid of me to forget.,I couldn't have remembered that.,1,7741 "Outside these were the Untouchables, those of aboriginal descent.",The Untouchables were the immigrants.,1,7742 well i'm i'm a struggling law student,I'm not struggling as a law student.,1,7743 uh so all you can do is sell them as pet quality,"So you can do many things, even take them to fashion shows.",1,7744 150 LSC grantees reported that in 2001 they provided pro se assistance services.,None of the LSC grantees are allowed to provide pro se assistance services.,1,7745 really so uh does your husband ever use uh a laptop or a notebook does he bring a little one home with him or,I've heard you are a widow. Is your husband dead?,1,7746 They used to force us into cubbies carved into the rock only slightly bigger than we were.,They forced us into spacious cubbies.,1,7747 "Therefore, research should not focus on foundational and efficacy trials, but on the practical matter of successfully adapting proven intervention techniques to the emergency department setting.",Research should only focus on efficacy trials,1,7748 yeah right have you heard about that one,I know you have never heard about that.,1,7749 okay have a good evening,I hope you will get rained on your way out.,1,7750 "To the contrary, the presence requirement was inserted into the statute for the apparent purpose of expanding LSC representation of legal aliens.","LSC representation, for any individual or group, has never expanded. ",1,7751 "Our powerful, multipurpose computers will continue to become even more powerful, but as they acquire new skills--like voice recognition--their appeal will be limited by their price.",People desire new computer skills to the point of ignoring price.,1,7752 'Stalemate.',It was over.,1,7753 Jon let this sink in before he continued.,Jon continued without letting it sink in. ,1,7754 "By comparing the cost per case of a particular grantee over a period of time, LSC may gain useful information on the workload and performance of a program from year to year.",LSC doesn't track workloads or performance of individual grantees.,1,7755 "E. M. Forster fans can undertake their own private pilgrimage 25 km (15 miles) north, to the Barabar Caves, which were the setting for the Marabar incident in Forster's famous novel Passage to India.","E. M. Forster made up all the locations in the novel Passage to India, though the characters are based on real people.",1,7756 "The town, 80 km (50 miles) south of Izmir, has a large yachting marina, and serves as a port for Mediterranean cruise ships.","The town is completely landlocked, since it's about 50 miles from the sea.",1,7757 out of your out of your house,Inside your home.,1,7758 "At the police court proceedings, we shall hear the case for the prosecution, but in all probability his solicitors will advise him to reserve his defence. ",His solicitors have advised him to plead guilty.,1,7759 "It's an absolutely peaceful, absolutely beautiful little island of roller coaster hills, rocky coves, and powdery beaches lining a limpid, emerald sea.","The dull island with the hectic lifestyle it induced, lay next to the sea.",1,7760 and i live in kind of a bad area where if i have the paper delivered it's stolen before i can get out and get it,I live in a nice area and get my papers every morning.,1,7761 Larger or smaller volumes of modified GP2 can be prepared by using proportionately larger or smaller amounts of salts and dilution water.,Volumes of GP2 can be prepared by using set amounts of salts and dilution.,1,7762 "Admirable perhaps, but not necessarily the way to win a war.",It is the only way to win a war.,1,7763 "The only US president to resign, Nixon is recognized for his contributions to foreign affairs during the Cold War years.",Nixon did not contribute to foreign affairs during the Cold War.,1,7764 The 13th-century Gothic Palazzo Comunale (Town Hall) is a particularly imposing expression of civic dignity.,There are no buildings remaining from the 13th century.,1,7765 One determines what Congress would have done by examining what it did.,"Congress always does the same thing, it's not hard to determine.",1,7766 "The Gardens are also home to a deer park and a vast expanse of netting marking the aviary of the bird park, within which are over 5,000 birds.",The Gardens have no animal life.,1,7767 extra car or having a better car this is a matter for them of of feeding themselves their wife and their family and and you there's a certain degree of honor in being able to feed your family and there's dishonor in not being able to do it and,The problem for them was figuring out whether to get a better car or a second car.,1,7768 "On the back of this cruel system, Jamaica gradually became the biggest sugar producer in the world and a very wealthy island indeed.",Jamaica never produced sugar.,1,7769 "The sense of an impending new era can be discerned in the pride, confidence, and energy of people on the city streets.",The people are worried they will be stuck in the same era.,1,7770 I thought I'd have all kinds of questions and have to take the forms home.,I had so many questions about the forms that I was unable to complete them without taking them home with me.,1,7771 "With what you knew, and what you didn't know.",You know nothing.,1,7772 Nobody loves a wise-ass.,Smart-asses rule the world.,1,7773 "Hundreds of civilians have died and at least 160,000 have fled the breakaway republic since Russia began military operations there in the wake of Moscow terrorist bombings.","Though there were bombings all throughout Moscow, the Russian military seemingly did not care.",1,7774 But the solution is not to give up on special prosecutors.,There was no solution for the prosecutors. ,1,7775 "The Pont de la Concorde, truly the bridge of the French Rev?­o?­lu?­tion, was erected between 1787 and 1790.",The bridge was built in the 1990's.,1,7776 "In Steven Jobs' Totalitarian Vision, James Surowiecki gives one of the finest examples of Monday morning quarterbacking I've ever seen.",James Surowiecki gave thoughtful input in a timely fashion.,1,7777 "140 ""Curse you"" Conrad had come to the door ""why did you do that?""","Conrad kept his distance from the door, not speaking.",1,7778 He knows everything and his vengeance is swift.,He is clueless and wont do anything even if he finds out.,1,7779 "The rugged peak of Arthur's Seat, 251 m (823 ft) in height, can be reached by footpaths all around its base.",The peak is at 5000 feet.,1,7780 that was horrible,that was very nice,1,7781 "On a more mundane contemporary level, the most popular Nagasaki lunch is a solid, nourishing bowl of Chinese noodles in a tangy fish broth laden with a cornucopia of mushrooms, fish, prawns, vegetables, and other goodies.",The most popular Nagasaki lunch item is sushi.,1,7782 BUDGETARY ACCOUNTING - Budgetary accounting is the system that measures and controls the use of resources according to the purposes for which budget authority was enacted,Measuring the use of budgetary authority isn't a factor when it comes to budgetary accounting.,1,7783 We will finalize them by October 2000.,We will not be able to finalize them by October 2000.,1,7784 it can it can be fun i if you have the time but you know a lot of times it's too it's too much of a rush really be able to enjoy it,You don't need much time to do it.,1,7785 "There is Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae's smaller cousin in the housing market.","There is Freddie Mac, a much larger behemoth than Fannie Mae. ",1,7786 The argument is that the Constitution says the president should be removed only for crimes that imperil the nation.,Barack Obama was impeached for imperiling the nation.,1,7787 yeah for about four weeks,No about 27 weeks.,1,7788 "According to NIST, accreditation is the formal authorization by the management official for system operation and an explicit acceptance of risk.",Forma authorization by the management official is not neccessary for accreditation.,1,7789 But those funds wound up set aside for other uses at the same time as Florida faces a budget crisis.,Those funds were to be used in case of a budget crisis.,1,7790 "OMB Circular A125 PromptPayment,5 the Prompt Payment Act, and the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), part 13 provide guidance on implementing fast pay.", FAR never implemented last pay.,1,7791 Susan nodded.,Susan shook her head. ,1,7792 "Deductions for State and local property taxes on homes $22,140","The deductions and local property taxes were over $30,000. ",1,7793 And that that moment--Dinosaurs attack.,Dinosaurs ran back to their caves.,1,7794 Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills seems to be the first stop on every shopper's circuit.,"Rodeo Drive is best for restaurants, not shopping.",1,7795 CNN's Bob Franken declared that Starr and the Jones team were joined at the hip.,Bob Franken declared Starr and the Jones team were out-of-touch.,1,7796 "Others say his characters just deliver long, boring speeches on esoterica.","No one said his characters deliver long, boring speeches.",1,7797 My friends and I can help you.,We are of no assistance to you.,1,7798 GAO expects to receive a report from the agency on the results of the action.,No report was due to the GAO.,1,7799 "At times, they even appear insurmountable.",They always appear to be easy.,1,7800 "In this sprawling city, the parts of Madrid of greatest interest to foreign visitors are remarkably compact.",Madrid is a small city with tourist destinations spread all around. ,1,7801 There's no reason we can't go ahead with the rest of the project ourselves.',We can't finish alone.,1,7802 He also echoed Gentilello's comment about the need to individualize interventions.,He disagreed with Gentilello on the need to individualize interventions.,1,7803 yes uh-huh that uh lots lots of new uh newsmen were created during that so it will be interesting to see what happens,Nobody new was created.,1,7804 "Montmartre is lively at night, with famous clubs such as Au Lapin Agile.",Montmarte is quiet at night.,1,7805 "Lovely floating gardens growing melons, tomatoes, cucumbers, and lotus root in a mesh of reeds and mud floating in the water and moored in squares by four poles stuck in the lake bed, add to the tranquil beauty of the lake.",This garden is not lovely and complete barren.,1,7806 Very sad.,Very happy.,1,7807 You are all we have left.,You are the second last hope we have.,1,7808 Last week's Whew!,Whew of the next week!,1,7809 and a teaspoon of mustard and some garlic powder and i mix it all together and i shred up some just regular white cheese,"I'm lactose intolerant, so I never add cheese.",1,7810 "This area is not just for pilgrims, however; it is also for those in search of the great outdoors, whether for sports activities or simply hiking.",This area really is just for pilgrims.,1,7811 well they did have a fairly decent year finally this year,This year was the first terrible year for them.,1,7812 Overseas reservations are not accepted.,Reservations are accepted from overseas.,1,7813 so you don't yeah yeah so you don't really get to keep the the nucleus of your best talent for the whole four years,You keep all your talent for all four years.,1,7814 And quickly! ,Slow as molasses. ,1,7815 LSFO systems commonly are more resource intensive than many other FGD technologies.,FGD technologies will remain superior when requiring more resources than LSFO systems.,1,7816 Archaeologists argue that treasure-seekers wreck artifacts.,Archeologists claim that treasure-seekers help preserve artifacts.,1,7817 Teaching and broadcasting in Kurdish are banned.,Kurdish teaching is permitted.,1,7818 "From the Saint-Pierre bridge, there is a lovely view of its flowery river banks, weeping willows, and timbered houses, with the tower of Saint Martin's church in the distance.",The view of the city is obstructed from the Saint-Pierre bridge.,1,7819 It is therefore unlikely that Donna Karan (or any other celebrity) would have been quoted.,"Because of this, we know with absolute certainty that Donna Karan was quoted.",1,7820 University officials anticipate $20 million in revenues just in the next five years.,The University does not expect to bring in much money. ,1,7821 "As Krugman notes, one reason for this was technical, not ideological.",Krugman did not note anything.,1,7822 There was nobody to put Mr. Brown wise to the fact that Mrs. Vandemeyer meant to betray him.,Mr. Brown had been warned about the betrayal. ,1,7823 yeah yeah i'll be yeah there you go that's,There's no way I'm going.,1,7824 "It is also a metaphor for sex and never more delightfully so than in the fowl-eating scene in Tony Richardson's movie of Tom Jones . There is, however, only one place I can think of where the equation is reversed so that sex is a metaphor for food.",There is a metaphor for death in the book about Lucy Smith. ,1,7825 He asked me to take charge of them.,He asked me to leave them.,1,7826 "In his other mind, Jon saw choke points and routes.",Jon saw fields and trees. ,1,7827 The Irish News of Belfast led its front page Thursday with the news that President Clinton will meet more than 100 members of the new Northern Ireland assembly next Thursday.,President Clinton will not go to Ireland.,1,7828 "Still, you waited to be alone before gratifying that 'interest' of yours?""",You went ahead and gratified your interest with everyone in the room?,1,7829 Richard Longabaugh urged that collaborative studies include health services researchers.,Nobody urged to include Health services researchers in studies.,1,7830 "In an interview with the Chronicle for Higher Education , Levitt took credit for launching the letter-writing I was mad as hell that such an irresponsible review had run in Science , he said.",Levitt denied to have an interview with the Chronicle.,1,7831 "Louis's reactionary successor, his brother Charles X, was interested only in renewing the traditions of the Ancien R??gime, even having himself anointed and crowned at the ancient cathedral of Reims.",Louis succeeded Charles X.,1,7832 "Meanwhile, fresh blood came in with the migration into the southern interior of hardy Minangkabau farmers from Sumatra, while tough Bugis warriors from the east Indonesian Celebes (Sulawesi) roved the length and breadth of the peninsula.",Migrants to the area came from the north.,1,7833 But the insurers are fighting an irresistible force.,The insurers gave up. ,1,7834 Figure 9: Illustration to Show How the Best Practice Model Would Apply to DOD's Acquisition Process,Illustrations in Figure 9 do not exist at all. ,1,7835 "At the other extreme, there are many forms of hippie jewelry from anklets in metal or leather and navel studs, to finger and toe rings.",There are no hippie jewelries available here.,1,7836 "In short, the place made Bosch look like a Methodist picnic.",Bosch appeared to be some sort of Baptist here.,1,7837 a live out nanny um but any rate i don't have any of that um i don't know it's really not too difficult with no children and just two people you know,It's really difficult with twelve people and thirteen children. ,1,7838 that's what i would do too,I would never do that! It's disgusting.,1,7839 i see yeah i i like the uh uh i guess if i had to pick a favorite team i'd i anymore uh well as i kind of grew up rooting for Philadelphia,I would pick Chicago as my favorite team.,1,7840 "If official records were adequate, good quantitative measures of availability might be the number of low-income persons applying for housing relative to the number of units that met minimum standards and cost within 30 percent of household income or the number of persons on waiting lists for such housing and how long they had to wait.",Official records were adequate.,1,7841 yeah that's easy to do it's very easy to do and it's i don't it do you find it easier to i mean do with a budget do you feel like you're you do i mean i know you said you have better control but,That is impossible to do well regardless of the budget.,1,7842 "Pete Suazo, appropriated $100,000 toward the purchase of a building to create the nation's first Community Legal Center.",Pete Suazo refused to allocate funds toward building the Community Legal Center.,1,7843 should be a key consideration.,Should not be considered at all,1,7844 "The storage silo is, by far, the largest part of the ACI system.",The silo is one of the smaller parts of the ACI system.,1,7845 and uh it it was like pulling teeth to go get him to to see it but uh oh boy he was uh uh he he gave the the the best response that i've heard him give of this type of movie for Rain Man i mean he he certainly didn't he only saw it one time and he didn't go back for more but uh but he he said he enjoyed it and and,It wasn't difficult to get him to see the movie.,1,7846 "Most influential at this stage was architect William Playfair, and his flair can be seen in many of the streets and public buildings of the time.",William Playfair had little influence in the world of architecture.,1,7847 "Mom! Mom! Look! Cubicar! Cubicar! Rafik shouted while looking at a meter-long model of a Formula Zero car with all kinds of bells and whistles, whose three-volume user's manual fitted nicely into a small 20-liter trunk in the rear of the bolide.",Rafik was silent while he looked at a model of a car.,1,7848 Unexpectedly chilly weather might make these a good impulse buy.,Buying those will be throwing your money out.,1,7849 "Today, a tour of the capital takes you through a mixture of imposing ministries and embassies, modern office buildings and hotels, and along the Old Delhi of vibrant Hindu and Muslim communities crowding in on the Mughal monuments.",Today's tour is a great opportunity to experience the countryside and wilderness.,1,7850 "As each new drug is released on a wave of hype, insurers will fight the deluge, but patients will clamor, and doctors will go along.",Insurers love to pay for everything.,1,7851 it was nice okay it was nice talking to you bye-bye,"No, I hated this conversation we had.",1,7852 She took one tottering step toward him and halted.,"She took several steps forward, until she bumped into him.",1,7853 "After earning bachelor's and master's degrees in education and a few years teaching, Kilgore enrolled at the UM law school.",Kigore didn't enroll in law school,1,7854 The regulations shall require that such data be reported to the Administrator.,The administrator will never receive the data. ,1,7855 "Some black teens tell researchers that they feel that society has so thoroughly stacked the deck against them with racial discrimination, crime, and poverty that their very survival depends on resisting tobacco.",All black teens feel like society treats them fairly and without discrimination.,1,7856 "Specific recommendations can be identified because the database is searchable by agency, congressional committee, and key words.",The database can't be searched on the basis of agency.,1,7857 "The Balearics are part of Spain, but bullfights are not the big deal they are on the mainland.",The Balearics are part of France.,1,7858 "This bill, however, is distinguishable because it limits specific representation and does not restrict lawyers in the manner of that representation.",The bill doesn't change anything for lawyers.,1,7859 "Equally famous for its Riesling wines and its Renaissance houses, picturesque Riquewihr is often overcrowded during the tourist season.",Riqurwihr is hardly visited by tourists. ,1,7860 Slate to sort out Clinton's beating the Jones rap.,Slate didn't care and allowed Clinton to carry on.,1,7861 "It is a favorite subject for photographers, in part because of the wonderful woodland setting with rare mosses and fantastic Monkey Puzzle trees.","It is the least favorite subject for photographers, in part because of the terrible landscape.",1,7862 "The All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton , by Jane Smiley (Knopf).",The man wrote the book.,1,7863 Postal Service than for Poste Italiane (assuming adjustments for scale).,The postal service for Italy is called Post India.,1,7864 "He pulled the black cloak over his shoulders, tied it, and pulled the hood up.",He took his cloak off and placed it on the floor.,1,7865 but i believe that the way that it was done and the way that was handled were right i don't remember that feeling back in Vietnam,I don't believe things were done properly.,1,7866 "By focusing their attention on and communicating their intent to reduce improper payments throughout an organization and to all affected organizational units and individuals, top-level officials-whether in the government or within private sector companies-and legislative bodies set the stage for change.",Legislative bodies have taken no part in setting the state for change.,1,7867 that's on Plano Road um it's like in Richardson you go up Plano Road it's like a little bit past Campbell on Plano Road,I have no idea where it is.,1,7868 "Jane and Mary's dependence and deference as they maneuver for Owens' attention (and money), Owens' domineering response to his family, Olivia's defiance of Owens at the end--all are presumably meant to suggest, with due irony, that in America, plus aa",Jane and Mary don't want anything to do with Owens.,1,7869 I don't wear it.,I wear that every day.,1,7870 "Taking its lead from the software industry, Monsanto had planned to convert this bug into a feature.",Monsanto doesn't have any businesses related to software.,1,7871 "The real war in Kosovo is featured inside, as it is in Newsweek . Time berates NATO for its self-congratulatory and ill-timed birthday celebrations.",Time wrote a glowing article about the sharp focus of NATO's work.,1,7872 "Managing for Using the Results Act to Address Mission Fragmentation and Program Overlap ( GAO/AIMD-97-156, August 29,1997).",The report was issued in 1940.,1,7873 "Ca'daan pushed him and the man fell, crawled upright, and fled.",Ca'daan was pushed by the man.,1,7874 "In a panel to the left is Ardhanarishvara, Shiva as both man and woman.",Shiva is depicted as only a man in the panel.,1,7875 It was a slack time. ,That time period was one of great tension for everyone.,1,7876 Tradition and feelings of good will are big this time of the year.,Why is it that people are terrible during this time?,1,7877 There is some excellent contemporary furniture and a miniature of Ois?­n Kelly's sculpture The Children of Lir.,The furniture and the miniature are rather unremarkable.,1,7878 The house itself dates from the 16th century.,Nothng survives today that was built in the 16th century.,1,7879 "It must have been got quite lately, I think. ",It must have been gotten a long time ago.,1,7880 "He told Daniel that he and I wanted to be alone, to discuss leaderly things.",Daniel was told he was welcome to stay.,1,7881 At last that worthy made his appearance.,He disppeared. ,1,7882 Chairman The Honorable Daniel Patrick Moynihan Ranking Minority Member Committee on Finance United States Senate,Chairman Stacey Mohican Ranking Minority Member for the Committee on Finance.,1,7883 "But the Austrians defeated a rebel government of united Italian provinces, weakened by regional rivalries and conflicting personal ambitions.",The Italian provinces were unified in personal ambitions.,1,7884 They said that she was a white witch with potent magical powers who had murdered three husbands and an unidentified number of lovers before she herself died under mysterious circumstances.,"She was a lovely and quite plain housewife, despite being immortal.",1,7885 that's that's right you know i'd i'd like to get the yard in before all the rain start and uh you know if we could get it up a little bit then the rain would really just help it,I would like to start working on the yard after it rains.,1,7886 "Also, like the earlier analysis, the final analysis does not discuss steps taken to minimize the economic impact of the rule on hospitals under section 604(a)(5).",This rule has nothing to do with hospitals in any way.,1,7887 "A man followed her, a suggestion of deference in his manner. ",Nobody followed her.,1,7888 "He replied to them severally: ""Was in the bushes by the drive.","He didn't speak, remaining hidden from them.",1,7889 A 1992 rule created exemptions for payments by employers to employees and for payments by borrowers to computer loan origination systems.,The rule which created exemptions for these types of payments was put in place in 2006. ,1,7890 that's interesting um-hum okay hey thanks so much for the conversation,That isn't interesting to me.,1,7891 This mythology of Serbian goodness paid off during Serbia's Croatia and Bosnia wars.,Croatia and Bosnia wars took place in America.,1,7892 The flag is conveniently draped in the background.,The flag is awkwardly thrown in the foreground.,1,7893 "East of El-Aksa is a large open pavement beneath which lie tremendous vaulted chambers called Solomon's Stables (actually the structures hold up the vast artificial platform of the Temple Mount originally built by Herod 2,000 years ago).","Solomon's Stables are next to the the Temple Mount, and are where ancient rulers kept their horses.",1,7894 LSC is in the process of reviewing and awarding its second round of Technology Initiative Grants (TIGs).,The LSC does not reward TIGs.,1,7895 Or maybe he'd be stupid and get himself killed.,Maybe he'll be smart enough to shoot himself. ,1,7896 A battle that never happened.,A real battle.,1,7897 "Newsweek says that we've entered slime time in the scandal, with no one safe from partisan smears.","Newsweek said it was prime time for the people, misquoted as slime time.",1,7898 "Imported dried cod (bacalhao) is the Portuguese national dish; several varieties are available, usually baked.","For a former Portuguese outpost, they are severely lacking in Portuguese food.",1,7899 and so i decided okay i'll just you know have them paint this little room you know a little ten by ten dining area it took four days,The dining room was painted in five minutes. ,1,7900 Four men in black leather armor and bronze masks stopped in front of him.,Four men in white leather armor stopped in front of him.,1,7901 The most relevant information about heritage assets is their existence and condition.,Most important information about assets is their value.,1,7902 He blinked feebly.,He blinked ferociously ,1,7903 "Each evening, a sound and light show at the Red Fort tells its story; details can be obtained from the Tourist Information Bureau.",The Red Fort lies empty and dark each evening.,1,7904 "But even if the set-top box is not the answer, Malone will just wait until the next one appears.","Malone will most likely not wait until the set-top box is released, because it is not the answer..",1,7905 and the lights shine right at our house it's kind of we didn't know that when we bought the house but,We bought the house full aware that the lights shine directly at it. ,1,7906 "Nothing except that I think I may be of some use to you. Another inference forced itself into Tuppence's mind: ""You followed me here?""",I wouldn't be useful to you.,1,7907 "We have humbly petitioned the poo-bahs at Netscape Corp. to include Slate in the Inbox Direct feature of their own new browser, Netscape Alligator 4.0 (we think it's called).",We begged the poo-bahs at Netscape to not include Slate in their browser.,1,7908 "Generally, correspondents strike an air of stern impartiality, just as on the evening news.",Correspondents usually try to make it clear what their own views are. ,1,7909 You could tell your friend that you won Dr. Famous in a raffle.,You can't tell your friend that you won Dr. Famous,1,7910 "At the top of the masthead, the perks are perkier.",There were no perks at the top of the masthead.,1,7911 Most surprising is the fact that the bedchamber is on the first floor rather than on the second; upper-floor bedrooms became fashionable only at a later date.,Bedchambers has always been built on the first floor.,1,7912 "The heart of the district is Olvera Street, a festive marketplace brimming with pi??atas (hanging decorations filled with toys and candy), masks, and Mexican handicrafts, and surrounded by numerous Mexican restaurants and food stalls.",It is off to the side of Olvera Street where the fish market is hosted.,1,7913 "Superficially, atomic power would seem to preclude the use of coal and oil.",The atomic power is not superficially better.,1,7914 "Some rely wholly on information collected by others, not trained as sociologists or anthropologists, rather than on firsthand observation.",Everyone rekuez on collected data,1,7915 and i love it i just love it,I hate that so much.,1,7916 "The Edict of Nantes was signed in 1598 to protect the Prot?­es?­tants, and five years later the Jesuits were allowed back into France.","The leader disliked religion, but let the people in anyway to show he was nice.",1,7917 "It yielded, and he slipped inside.",He couldn't get in the door,1,7918 "The drive itself, along the winding Gardesana Occidentale, which cuts through the cliffs of the west shore, is spectacular.",The drive on the Gardesana Occidentale is pretty mundane.,1,7919 Sometimes I fear I have underestimated the other boy.,Sometimes I fear that I overestimated that boy.,1,7920 "When I returned with her, however, the boudoir was empty. ",The budoir was full.,1,7921 "Such odd times, that the one who slept, had it the worst.",These are very typical times,1,7922 The Administration on Aging and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) did not list rules that were available for comment.,The Administration on Aging released a list of every rule that you could comment on.,1,7923 Thorn led them in the dark night.,Thorn and his group were travelling at noon.,1,7924 "Integrated Planning Model (IPM) projections indicate that it would be cost effective to install 32 GWe of scrubbers by 2005 in addition to the projected SCR installations; however, boilermaker labor is not expected to be sufficient to meet this demand even if their numbers grow at the projected 5.3 percent annual growth rate.",Integrated Planning model projections are consistent with boilermaker labor available.,1,7925 "For this reason, it is essential that organizations such as federal agencies establish management frameworks for dealing with these changes on an ongoing basis.",There is no need for federal angencies to manage to ongoing changes.,1,7926 finance the retirement and health programs for the elderly as well as increase budget flexibility to pay for other federal programs and activities.,Budget flexibility will be decreased to pay for federal programs.,1,7927 And no one is suggesting that legislators pack up and go home forthwith.,The legislators were promptly asked to leave immediately.,1,7928 "My mother came to the rescue, and Cynthia has been with us nearly two years now. ",Cynthia had just met my mother.,1,7929 what what do you think what,I know you like this option.,1,7930 "For Rothko, too, there were the years of apprenticeship, the hard-won discovery of a classic but ultimately restrictive format (Rothko's stacked rectangles are not unlike Lowell's sonnets and John Berryman's dream songs), the succession of wives, the acclaim, and the descent into alcohol, paranoia, depression, and suicide.",Rothko died when he was a baby.,1,7931 "Folks who believe (even incorrectly) that their net worth is up by 40 percent will spend with zest, and the economy will thrive and grow as a result.","People will spend more if they think that they are worth less money, which will make the economy drop.",1,7932 "Literally, nothing in particular- a flood of blinding daylight was blotting out the view, overexposing it into nothingness.",It was dusk and visibility was clear to everything around me.,1,7933 "study methods, and that they have addressed related issues in ways that seem impartial and are intended to reduce bias, the greater confidence the reader can have in the quality of the work.",They don't address related issues.,1,7934 "I have no joke for this, but may I be the first to weigh in with 'Dana Plato's Retreat?",I would not like to talk about 'Dana Plato's Retreat.,1,7935 "But no matter!"" And, with a characteristic shrug, he dismissed whatever it was that was worrying him from his mind. ",He wasn't able to shrug off the worry.,1,7936 Tommy unfastened it.,Tommy fastened it. ,1,7937 but i've heard that it that after they have babies that you have to separate the then you have to separate the male from the female or the male could hurt the babies,The male would never hurt any of the babies. ,1,7938 "Unless that emergency is coming towards you at several hundred miles an hour and you don't notice until there's nothing to be done about it... 'Yes, well,' I smiled thinly.",I didn't show any emotion and walked away instead.,1,7939 "However, it is quite uncommon for competitive carriers to differentiate based on content.",All of the competitive carriers rely on content for differentiation.,1,7940 yeah i guess the the Constitution is not the part that needs to be changed it's the,The Constitution is the part that needs changing.,1,7941 Somewhere out there in the dark the Pima Scout was prowling.,The Pima Scout only prowls when it is light.,1,7942 gets worse,Improves greatly.,1,7943 "Then you suppose wrong, Dave Hanson!",Dave Hansons supposition was correct.,1,7944 "Nothing can bring her back to life, but we do hope, if there has been foul play, to bring the murderer to justice.""",She can be resurrected. ,1,7945 "Currently, despite being in production, it is unclear whether the supplier of the seeker can produce it within cost, schedule, and quality targets.","The supplier will certainly not be able to produce it on time, at the right price and quality.",1,7946 The author postulates that Ted hates David because David got married while Ted remained alone.,Ted doesn't hate Dave and he is very happy for him on his marriage. ,1,7947 uh no my fiance is selling uh a nineteen seventy eight Cutlass Supreme that she has it's actually in better condition than my car,She is not selling a car.,1,7948 "While Drew watched, the stouter back of Bartolomé cut off his first good look at his father.",Drew could plainly see his father from where he stood. ,1,7949 The villager cried out and lunged but the small man twisted out of the way.,The villager was silent.,1,7950 "The Unified Agenda contains a wealth of information-so much, in fact, that locating information about specific rulemaking actions can prove daunting.",The Unified Agenda has very little information.,1,7951 "The Biblioteca Real (Royal Library) is not generally open to the public, but special access is allowed for approved researchers.",The Biblioteca Real is open to the general public and allows books to be checked out by anyone.,1,7952 you know other than the major candidates what they stand for on on what issues so i just trust well the party kind of goes along these lines so i'll go ahead and vote,I do not trust anyone so I refuse to vote.,1,7953 Have the threats to our security doubled since then?,There are no threats.,1,7954 "While these varieties are generally incompatible with one another, all this code-writing has resulted in a far-flung community that understands the Unix beast.",All the product varieties are compatible with one another.,1,7955 yeah i'd i'd like to go camping cross country um i just got married less than two years ago so we don't have any any children yet um,Having two kids and being married makes it difficult to go cross country camping.,1,7956 "In light of the conflicting expert views on how existing tax incentives affect personal saving, it is unclear how new matching incentives might affect individuals' saving choices and retirement security.",Retirement security has never existed and will never exist.,1,7957 GS's Saturday Evening Post articles eerily suggest words we were to hear 50 or 60 years later.,Saturday Evening Post's article couldn't suggest a single new word for the future.,1,7958 "Can we say positively that she was away from Styles on the night of the murder?"" 99 ""Yes, my friend,"" said Poirot unexpectedly, ""we can. ","Nothing can be said about anything, I'm not even supposed to be in this courtroom because I'm not a lawyer or jury member.",1,7959 he says its exactly half way between Shreveport and Dallas,We're headed to Dallas.,1,7960 "As you go in, notice the keys of St. Peter inlaid in the doorway paving.",When you leave you will see St. Peter himself in the doorway.,1,7961 and be with somebody basically,He will be with nobody.,1,7962 And there'd been something about spittle.,There was not mention of spittle.,1,7963 "There would also have to be adequate access between the older and newer parts of town, including a bridge over the valley between Barefoot's Parks and the Royal Mile.",There is no need to get from the old to the new sections of town. ,1,7964 "Thick paper, this one.",This paper is very thin.,1,7965 "When Hitler came to Paris as conqueror in 1940, this was the first place he wanted to see.","Hitler conquered Paris in 1940, but he wasn't interested in seeing the city.",1,7966 "There is big trouble in Mexico this French emperor fights Juarez, so there is much confusion.",There is no fighting at all in Mexico it is really peaceful.,1,7967 A copy of the loan application shows that Ryan Reilly listed Eileen Ledford as the 67-year-old owner of The American Quilt.,Eileen Ledford was sold The American Quilt to her daughter when she turned 66.,1,7968 (PBS previews the series.),The series will not have any previews shown.,1,7969 Productivity is assumed to advance 1.5 percent each year through the end of the simulation period even if investment collapses.,Productivity is expected to rise 4 percent every year for the rest of time. ,1,7970 no blood ...,There's blood everywhere...,1,7971 see the problem i have with it is that i don't have a job,Because I'm working at the moment I can't find fault with it.,1,7972 "The desert was like molten iron under his bare feet, and the savage radiation on his back was worse than any overseer's whip.",The sun felt gentle and the desert floor barely warm to the touch.,1,7973 "Lifeless from the start, jewels sneer at death, and they require zero maintenance.","Jewels, including diamonds, are a type of organism which demands constant upkeep.",1,7974 "To the left is the 17th-century Igreja do Colegio (Collegiate Church), originally founded by the Jesuits in 1574.",The Igreja do Colegio was originally founded by the Protestants.,1,7975 Less than one kilometer (half a mile) from the western end of Princes Street is Dean Village.,Dean Village is over one mile from the west side of Princes Street. ,1,7976 "In the end, it may be that most companies have naturally short life spans and recognizing that life span and getting out before it's over is a rare but crucial talent (one Lasky clearly didn't have).",Getting out earlier would not have been better for Lasky. ,1,7977 The downtown area developed around the waterfront.,The downtown area is entirely landlocked,1,7978 And he sure wasn't the only Confederate to surrender.,The Confederates never surrendered.,1,7979 "Not at the moment, but I'll bear you in mind, son.",At the moment I'll forget you.,1,7980 "The Throne Room is one of a series of apartments built during the reign of Charles II, though it was originally designed as a guard room that screened entrants to the private chambers beyond.",The Throne ROom is a big room in the basement.,1,7981 "LSC is developing performance measures to assess the ongoing effectiveness of its strategic plan, and will undertake pilot projects in up to five programs in 2001.",LSC is not assessing its strategic plans or developing measures to do so.,1,7982 "Of particular interest on the first floor of the Francois I wing is the wood-paneled cabinet (study) of Catherine de M??dicis, conniving queen mother and regent to three kings of France.","Catherine de Medicis was never a queen, just a noble woman.",1,7983 "The Tokugawa had successfully persuaded the samurai that traditional Japanese values might suffer, and now the samurai felt betrayed, rallying under the slogan Sonno joi! ",The samurai rallied eagerly behind the Sonno joi slogan.,1,7984 "In the outdoor theater that is Italy, Naples is unabashed around the port, the popular quarters of Spaccanapoli, even the more bourgeois neighborhoods of Vomero and Posillipo.","The port of Naples is grey and dull especially in the areas around the port such as the quarters of Spaccanapoli, and the bourgeois neighborhoods of Vomero and Posillipo.",1,7985 "The Lev Yerushalayim is a modern block with well-equipped and spacious apartments, situated only a short walk from the heart of the New City.",The Lev Yerushalayim is very old.,1,7986 National Saving Compare to Other Major Industrialized Nations?,One one major industrial nation uses national savings.,1,7987 ooh those are neat cats too,"I'm more of a dog person, I hate cats",1,7988 "In a way, what the other had said was true.",He was definitely wrong.,1,7989 Experiences of Other Federal Organizations,Experiences of State Organizations.,1,7990 The Wall Street Journal 's Donald Lyons says that McCann fearlessly exposes a man like a surgeon probing his own wounds.,McCann is a fearful tyrant piggybacking off the suffering of others.,1,7991 right right or yeah i think they can integrate maybe a short period of time in with high school students and get them to be aware that you know they're not uh especially teenagers they're not the only ones around and what maybe their,I will need several hours of meeting with high school students.,1,7992 Nothing to see here.',It was an interesting sight.,1,7993 "Finally, he said, ""Acrobats?""",He remained silent.,1,7994 "A lot of times education is done in a vacuum, but this will help students learn to deal with people who are upset, spot legal issues and learn to be empathetic and still do their job, said David Jordan, a law professor at Mission College.",David Jordan is a professor at Duke University.,1,7995 good uh let's see so uh were we right in the Middle East,We are nowhere in the Middle Eastttttt,1,7996 no but i remember,"No, I forget.",1,7997 "The patrón comes, he announced.","My wife arrives, he said.",1,7998 people's giving it to me for two cents i uh that's okay,I can't get them from people for less than five cents.,1,7999 Arrangements were made for the pianist daughter of IOC vice president Kim Un Yong to rehearse with the Berlin Philharmonic when Berlin was seeking the 2000 Games.,"After months of requests, the Berlin Philharmonic refused to allow IOC Vice President Kim Un Yong's daughter to rehearse with them.",1,8000 He concentrated and went through the little ritual again.,He got distracted and gave up on the little ritual.,1,8001 "Similarly, poor countries won't adopt a new rotavirus vaccine, despite 600,000 deaths a year from diarrhea caused by the bug.",Rotavirus isn't very deadly in poor countries.,1,8002 i know especially if your uh your reimbursement didn't come through,If your reimbursement does come through. ,1,8003 "The Emperor Augustus made a gift of this town to the veterans of his victory over Antony and Cleopatra in Egypt, commemorated to this day in the N?®mes coat of arms with the chained crocodile of the Nile.",The Emperor Augustus was horribly defeated by Antony and Cleopatra in Egypt.,1,8004 no you could probably just you know,"""You most likely could not, you know.""",1,8005 "However, the mix shouldn't just be geographic.",The mix should be purely geographic.,1,8006 "The partition of Poland collapsed in 1918, and Poland's bid for independence won the support of American president Woodrow Wilson and the Bolshevik government in Russia.",Woodrow Wilson was opposed to Poland becoming independent.,1,8007 The Jura mountains cover several eastern d??partements making up the region of Franche-Comt??.,The Jura mountains are located far away from the eastern departments.,1,8008 "The precise location is still disputed, as some say that he landed farther along the coastline.",He definitely landed at this exact spot here.,1,8009 Case studies in evaluation today have made these adaptations in different degrees.,Case studies in evaluation did not make in difference in these adaptations.,1,8010 and it didn't get as you know as good a reviews as like the Little Mermaid the last one and got all kinds of Academy Awards and things last year but this one was i thought was excellent the i can't both,The last one was unable to get any awards.,1,8011 "The hill station was named after William Cameron, a British surveyor, who in 1885 reported the finding of the fine plateau. ",William Cameroon reported the finding of the fine plateau in 1887.,1,8012 "The generation expenditures vary in each of the scenarios change for at least three (1) the size of the allowance bank made possible by early reductions driven, in part, by program spending prior to the introduction of the caps; (2) the varying levels of demand for electricity over time, resulting in changes in the overall mix of generation resources; and, (3) the gradual reduction in the banked allowances available for withdrawal necessitating additional actions to reduce emissions.",Electricity demand always stays the same.,1,8013 "Unlike many finance organizations going through this type of transformation, Pfizer's change effort was not in reaction to a crisis.",Financial organizations only transform as the result of a crisis.,1,8014 "Sound and Light All the most impressive ancient sites in Egypt have a sound and light show, and it adds an extra theatrical dimension to your Egypt experience.","Most impressive ancient sites in Egypt have a sound and light show, so you can't see any of the actual attraction.",1,8015 Bush has several decisive advantages on this question.,Bush does not have any advantages on this question. ,1,8016 i really feel like that TI's decision to go with drug testing was good you know because i i feel like that you know well all all it takes is one person coming to work under the influence of some narcotic um truly injure a lot more of our workers,TI decided not to go with drug testing and I think that was a good thing.,1,8017 "Tudjman, who is fond of Il Duce-type uniforms, rigged the parliamentary elections so that his nationalist party, HDZ, could not lose.",Tudjman hates II Duce-type uniforms.,1,8018 "The university sits on College Green, an island of magnificent buildings, open squares, and green spaces, surrounded by a sea of traffic.",Traffic congestion clogs the streets off the university.,1,8019 it was it was the strangest i'm i'm not sure it was gerrymandered but the way they drew these little patterns and stuff i i i guess i'm a little cynical of the of the power base i i i and i don't quite understand why the power base uh doesn't uh why they don't go with fourteen one i you know i and you know the it seems to me that what happened in the in the election that a lot of the people they said particularly the the uh i think it's Hispanics don't vote because they don't think that they have any affect and it's i i guess i am disappointed with Dallas in that uh the fourteen one it,i'm quite sure it was gerrymandered because of the way they drew their divisions,1,8020 yeah i'm still in college, No I have finish college. ,1,8021 It identifies best practices to facilitate this decision making at two critical junctures-transition from system integration to system demonstration during product development and then transition into production.,The worst idea is to focus on decision making during product development.,1,8022 "Worst of all, the Kamakura warriors, resenting the way the Kyoto court referred to them as Eastern barbarians, sought refinement in a ruinous taste for extravagant feasts, rich costumes, and opulent homes.",The Kamakura warriors embraced the term Eastern Barbarians.,1,8023 Fairness and diversity Take steps to implement equal employment opportunity goals.,They pointed out that it's not what you know it's who you know.,1,8024 "AICPA standards define reportable conditions as significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal control which could adversely affect the entity's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial data consistent with the assertions of management in the financial statements.",AICPA standard do not say anything about which conditions are reportable.,1,8025 "Also in The New Yorker , an admiring profile of business-news tycoon Michael Bloomberg suggests that he has the brains and financial muscle to cripple Dow Jones.","According to The New Yorker, Michael Bloomberg does not have a lot of influence concerning the Dow Jones.",1,8026 Louis died in 1715.,Louis passed away in 1729.,1,8027 "A The founder of the Navy SEALs recalls his near-drowning at Guadalcanal, David Halberstam describes the military's spin apparatus in Vietnam, and Nancy Reagan reminisces about the first Reagan-Gorbachev summit.",The founder of the Navy SEALs was never in danger of drowning at Guadalcanal.,1,8028 "The proposal angered neighborhood leaders and provoked some acid comments in British newspapers, which pointed out that Diana had no interest in gardening and that she couldn't even cook.",Newspapers said Diana was an amazing cook and gardener.,1,8029 "When not possible, adjustments must be made as soon after discovery as practical.","Changes aren't made, regardless when they are discovered.",1,8030 "And Benedykt was indeed the boss, even though he himself couldn't quite believe it.","He wasn't the boss, since he was fired. ",1,8031 yeah well Chicago they they've been struggling last couple of years and they've had a good team for the past few years ever since they had Michael Jordan but they never did seem to make an impact on the play-offs,Chicago has been doing really well last couple years and always wins the playoffs.,1,8032 well in addition to to the river what we call it's the Guadalupe River it's uh has campsites all along the river uh but then there's also Camp Warnicke where you can get cabins you know it's right on the River,There are no campsites along the river,1,8033 "If food and medical care tripled in cost, people would of necessity spend less on other things to pay for the increase or cut down on the food and medical care they purchased.",People would just go without food or medical care if the costs tripled.,1,8034 it's nice to have,It was not nice at all.,1,8035 The losses from giving the higher discount to all of the mailers that are already presorting are large and the savings from the additional presorting are small.,The savings from the additional presorting are large.,1,8036 But light from the burning ships gave El Morro's shore batteries a fine view of their target.,The darkness made it impossible for El Morro to see the targets.,1,8037 "Gray Davis and leaders in the Legislature, the state committed $10 million a year to legal aid for the poor.",The state was not able to commit any money for the poor community's legal aid. ,1,8038 Interlocking boards are also fairly common.,Interlocking boards are unwanted.,1,8039 yeah well i guess there's a certain amount of luck in any hole in one,A hole in one is only a matter of skill.,1,8040 "No, it'll be a grudge match between Reeves and Broncos coach Mike Shanahan, whom Reeves fired as the Broncos' offensive coordinator years ago for insubordination.",Reeves and Mike still work together.,1,8041 "The regulatory capture of Rubin by Wall Street has not only benefited Wall Street, it has also polished Rubin's reputation.","Rubin's reputation remain completely untouched, despite the regulatory capture. ",1,8042 "Absolutely, said Dr. ","No, said Dr.",1,8043 um-hum will transfer so that's good yeah,It won't transfer. ,1,8044 The forgery story churned its way into the Washington Times on Oct. 26.,The Washington Times did not publish a story on forgery on October 26th.,1,8045 "In West Alabama, abused women make regular use of Legal Services as well.",Abused women have limited access to legal services.,1,8046 "At any time at least one of the white ships is loading or unloading cars, cargo, or passengers, so there's always plenty of maritime action for you to savour at leisure.",There is no maritime action happening there.,1,8047 "I would suggest that Miss Tuppence should go to bed, and that you and I, Mr. Hersheimmer, should share the vigil."" Tuppence was about to protest, but happening to glance at the bed she saw Mrs. Vandemeyer, her eyes half-open, with such an expression of mingled fear and malevolence on her face that it quite froze the words on her lips.",Mrs. Vandemeyer was lying unconscious on the bed.,1,8048 "Ca'daan followed them, keeping cover as they walked down the streets to the outskirts of the town.",Ca'daan saw them and ran the other way.,1,8049 In the middle of it all was my baby.,My sock was in the middle of it.,1,8050 Their view of the final object of the search was somewhat obscured by the underbrush behind which they remained.,They were out in the open and had a great view.,1,8051 "The best-known building here is the King David Hotel, built in 1930, and now a solid, aristocratic home-away-from-home for kings, presidents, and other well-heeled visitors .",The King David Hotel is a tiny budget establishment tucked away on a side street.,1,8052 no i don't i don't get into that too much every every once in a while i will keep in in touch with maybe like who's in the top five of hitting or something like that but i don't get into you know how many errors somebody has or things like that,I am obsessed with all the details of each and every player.,1,8053 but uh but what if they pay for it what if they pay for,They won't pay for it for sure.,1,8054 (Clinton to We're basically following your game plan.,We're pretty much using our own strategy.,1,8055 do you use it a lot at home what do you,How many rooms do you have in your house?,1,8056 The best sign so far?,"This isn't the best sign, we could do better ",1,8057 Because this one is.,There were so many it was hard to keep track.,1,8058 "Reading presence in the statute to require uninterrupted, continuous physical presence would mean that Congress, without using such language, intended to deny LSC representation to aliens who engaged in federally-authorized travel that did not affect their immigration status.",Congress just wanted to help illegal immigrants with LSC help. ,1,8059 and you hear it all through the worst side of people throughout the whole time,Par of the time you see the best side of people. ,1,8060 "If Adrin fired, the entire horde would fall on them.",Adrin can fire safely. ,1,8061 The socks that started out a deep royal purple were now lavender and covered with whitish fuzz.,The socks were the same color as they were when they were new.,1,8062 "It shall have two key 1) it shall be systematically or periodically captured through accounting or management information system, and 2) there shall be a logical connection between the reported measures and the program's purpose.",it won't be captured either systematically or periodically via the management information system.,1,8063 "However, certain maintenance was deferred over the past several years.",All maintenance work was meticulously record and followed over the past several years.,1,8064 right yeah that would probably be true,That would definitely be false.,1,8065 "The rates are about the same as in mainland Spanish resorts, and sometimes cheaper.",The rates are higher than they are in mainland Spain.,1,8066 "This time the cantina was filled, with a double row of the thirsty demanding attention at the bar.",There were no people at the cantina.,1,8067 I struck a thousand times in my mind and none of them hit.,I couldn't imagine being violent.,1,8068 "At movie's end, Tarzan and Jane move in with Mom and her furry family, like '90s yuppies who have given up and moved back home.",Tarzan and Jane never spoke to one another again. ,1,8069 A model will be more reliable if it takes into account the agency's historical experience in developing systems.,A model won't be any more reliable if it studies the historical experience.,1,8070 'Especially modern trains.',Especially old trains.,1,8071 but i just don't hear much about it anymore like i say i don't even know what programs are are even ongoing now you know,"here, let me show you the list of all its ongoing programs.",1,8072 Those who would bother with any of those barriers would likely find themselves in the middle of a torrent where they could watch shards of ice tear the skin from their bones.,"Torrents are nice, safe places.",1,8073 "The ancient Empire that flourished here from 2500 b.c. until just before the dawn of Christianity was, arguably, the greatest civilization that the world has ever seen.",The earth has seen many far greater civilizations.,1,8074 "Yes ”doubly careful."" He turned to me abruptly. ","No, not careful at all. He slunk away.",1,8075 "Is paying for what we get really the essential us ? Listen instead to the subtext of the president's recent, acclaimed State of the Union message.",The President has not stated anything about paying for what we get.,1,8076 "It includes hilltop Fort Napoleon, unscathed since it was built after the days of Anglo-French warfare in the region.",Fort Napoleon was destroyed in the Anglo-French War. ,1,8077 At holy places you'll find Ethiopian Christians and Jews wrapped in delicately handwoven white robes.,You will find no one at the holy places.,1,8078 The Crusaders built the Gothic archwork in the 12th century; it was rebuilt in its present form in the 14th century.,"The architecture was never rebuilt, it was kept in its original state.",1,8079 "Instead, Intel makes real things.",Intel makes fake things instead.,1,8080 The information contained in audit documentation constitutes the principal record of the work that the auditors have performed and the conclusions that the auditors have reached.,The information in the audit includes just part of work the auditors did.,1,8081 but i don't know that it's a big money,He is sure it's a lot of money.,1,8082 "In the Golan region try white-water rafting through Kibbutz Kfar Hanassi, near Rosh Pinna, or at Activity Rafting and Recreation); try a kayak or go inner-tubing on the Jordan River at Park Hayarden",There are no bodies of water in the proximity of Park Hayarden.,1,8083 "The doctor no longer practiced, had retired, the landlord believed, but he took a few private patients here the good fellow tapped his forehead knowingly ""balmy ones! ","The doctor had come out of retirement and was still practicing, the landlord knew for certain.",1,8084 but we don't do our work here out of enjoyment so much just right now we're just this is we just moved in in September so we're just still at the point where we're talking about the,We moved in here last December.,1,8085 It assumes for cost-of-service areas (where most of power sales are likely to occur) that allowance allocations will not alter pricing of electricity.,Cost-of-service areas are areas where no electricity is sold.,1,8086 The history of Hawaii reads like the story of a mythical kingdom.,The history of Italy seems like the story of a mythical kingdom.,1,8087 "And when he did five to seven copypastes, which resulted in two smaller contracts, he felt even more than secure.",He did not copy paste.,1,8088 well the uh the time we were there at the warehouse we felt really bad because we had uh another person coming from Washington our outside counsel and she was told that we were gonna be in a warehouse but she really didn't get the idea that we were in the warehouse part of the warehouse not the office to the warehouse but the warehouse,We were having lunch when the outside counsel arrived and were not even in the warehouse building at all. ,1,8089 Avoid third-party liability for illegal or,"Embrace third-party liability, even when illegal things are involved.",1,8090 yeah it is it's very good i think TV has really had some bad effects on all of us,I don't believe TV has had any effects on anyone. ,1,8091 This crosecountry highway (La Travers??e) continues west just beyond the breezy hilltop village of Vernou.,Vernou is located on the Eastern border of the country.,1,8092 "Bottles of BBQ sauce exploded, coating my pursuers in sticky stuff.","Only some of my pursuers were coated in BBQ sauce, the rest were covered in mustard.",1,8093 well i interviewed with them but i didn't want to go to Texas,I did not interview with them but I wanted to go to Texas. ,1,8094 Association for Federal Information Resources Management,We need to create an organization for federal information.,1,8095 "Gradually, the paintings exhibit a restriction in emotional range as well.",The exhibition of emotional range is immediate in its restriction.,1,8096 Gephardt might or might not emerge as a serious challenger to Gore.,Gephardt would never challenge Gore. ,1,8097 But Reagan was the prime architect of Soviet collapse.,Regan didn't help to build at all after the soviet collapse.,1,8098 well as far as like the the people over there he told them to uprising have a uprising you know and overtake Saddam so now that they're listening he's not helping them,The people over there have never been encouraged to start an uprising and overtake Saddam.,1,8099 "7 percent (Data is from Energy Information Administration Web Site; Capacity Factor is total MWe-h produced divided by the total MWe-h that would be produced if the plant were run at full capacity for 8,760 h in the year).",It will not be impacted.,1,8100 the stress and the heat the record heat and you know i was worried about every time we came to an intersection that the car started idling rough you know because of the extreme heat,The car started idling really bad because of the snow.,1,8101 because since i'm an international student they want to send me back to Argentina well my dad wants me to go back so,I'm an international student so they want to keep me here.,1,8102 "I have another idea but I think it will be unpopular,"" said Jon.",Jon was certain that his idea would be very popular. ,1,8103 that takes a lot longer to get out of your body,It leaves the body almost immediately.,1,8104 Twenty million people suffer from this heart condition worldwide.,There are only five thousand people who suffer from this heart condition worldwide.,1,8105 "In summary, this study found that the expected demand for resources resulting from a multipollutant control strategy could be met.",The study found that the demand for resources count not be met.,1,8106 and we've done things like when when it's kind of cold we take extension cords and we've all brought heaters in our tents,"When it's cold, we just wrap up in clothes and blankets instead of using heaters.",1,8107 you know it's i mean i it it should probably be a big issue you know because it's it's doing a lot of damage but i it's something you know i don't think many people really think about it because it's nothing they i don't think we really have too much control over it,We are constantly thinking about it because we don't have control.,1,8108 "Similarly, with regard to sorbent injection, sorbents other than activated carbon (AC) may ultimately prove to be superior for this application in terms of cost or collection efficiency performance and may reduce the likely demand for ACI from what is projected here.",Sorbents will increase the demand for ACI.,1,8109 Greek cotton is manufactured into a range of good value cool cotton clothing that is perfect for touring and exploring.,"Greek cotton is used for poor quality, hot clothing.",1,8110 'I think I got everything out of my head.',It was still in my brain.,1,8111 I asked Poirot whether he thought John would be condemned. ,I did not ask Poirot about John's affairs.,1,8112 you ever thought about building a house,You hasvebt thought of building a house?,1,8113 It can be so exhilarating that one needs ever greater amounts of it and can be induced to do silly or reckless things to get more of it.,You need to have a lot more of you'll be bored.,1,8114 just depends on who's going to exploit us when,It just depends on who's going to not exploit us then.,1,8115 and so he we have a lot of family here his side of the family and being when we were down in Houston we were isolated i mean it's not that far but people would have we didn't have anyone in town that was our family and although we had really good friends and and we had church and school support and things um,Lots of the family lives in Houston. ,1,8116 "LSC asked for funding to conduct a new national legal needs study in its FY2001 budget request to Congress; however, no funds were allocated for that purpose.",Congress gave LSC funding for the new study about legal needs. ,1,8117 "Again Tommy's fist shot out, and the driver sprawled on the pavement.",Tommy paid the driver and went into his house.,1,8118 so do you like do you like rhythm and blues,Do you like opera?,1,8119 "A reality in that America's courts are open to everyone, and even the least powerful can seek justice, against the mightiest opponents.",American courts are only used by rich people.,1,8120 it wasn't Stallone it was uh i can't remember shoot i can't remember the guys name but i like all the the Rambo movies,It was certainly Stallone.,1,8121 "At low discounts, however, they still show more volume than might be expected; and at high discount levels, they show supply levels which are not as large as might be expected.","At both low and high discount levels, their supply volume is sorely far below what can be expected.",1,8122 There were rumours of dissension among the Labour leaders.,No rumors of dissension ever reached the Labour leaders.,1,8123 He suspects authority and challenges orthodoxy.,He loves authority and orthodoxy.,1,8124 it's one of those uh universal type machines exercise machine but i haven't really sat down and used it much yet so it's collecting dust right now,I utilise my exercise machine to its maximum as I exercise four day a week consistently.,1,8125 "John looked puzzled, not quite understanding the portent of this cryptic saying. ",John understood the saying.,1,8126 One popular theory compares Zionism's imperative to acquire land to the American idea of Manifest Destiny (that it was the United States' God-given right to rule from coast to coast).,Zionism's imperative to acquire land to the American idea of Manifest Destiny is unpopular.,1,8127 What the hell is that?,"That's so great, isn't it?",1,8128 "Furthermore, the protocols will help to ensure the consistency, fairness, and effectiveness of interactions between GAO and the agencies with which it works.",The protocols will have very negative effects on the interactions between GAO and the agencies.,1,8129 "In 1997, LSC adopted final regulations clarifying a504(a)(16).",In 2004 the LSC adopted final regulations. ,1,8130 I saw the size of it; the unfathomable scale that would make giants seem small and skyscrapers tiny.,It was small enough to fit in my hand.,1,8131 George Street was the centerpiece of Craig's original design for the New Town.,Craig's original design for New Town had George Street as an afterthought.,1,8132 They can ask you anything.,They aren't allowed to ask you questions.,1,8133 "You'll find it on the left, among the palace apartments on the Yamuna river.","It can be found on the right, where the palace apartments once stood.",1,8134 The problem is that I don't want any neighbors having a key to my apartment.,I want my neighbors to be able to get into my apartment.,1,8135 "In medieval England the severed heads of those who crossed the throne were regularly stuck on pikes and mounted in public places, London Bridge being a choice site.",They buried all the heads.,1,8136 By the time I got to the crone's shack I knew I was going to have to kill them.,I knew I could get by without killing anyone.,1,8137 "Here was a boy growing up in Punjab during the fall of the Raj and the Partition, a boy who had been blinded by meningitis at the age of 3, roller-skating through the back streets of Lahore as Sikhs slaughtered Hindus and Hindus slaughtered Muslims and civilization was collapsing and then, decades later, having made his way from India to an Arkansas school for the blind to Balliol College, Oxford, to The New Yorker , re-creating the whole thing in Proustian detail and better-than-Proustian prose ...",The boy narrowly escaped blindness after suffering meningitis.,1,8138 "Wait."" The girl put her finger to her lips.","The girl screamed to attack, giving up all semblance of disguise.",1,8139 No part of the Temple building once surrounded by these walls still stands.,The temple building stands in perfect condition.,1,8140 You have to make them think that you're really Ben Franklin brought to life.,Get them to think that you're Elvis Presley. ,1,8141 and so my uh transportation costs have gone up by uh five times,My transportation costs haven't changed.,1,8142 yeah of course i can't say we didn't have a choice if you always wanted to you could uh go out and buy your health insurance,We had absolutely no options,1,8143 "Steve Roberts medals in singles competition for shoehorning his opinion that presidential diplomacy is indispensable in the New World Order into both Washington Week in Review and Late Edition . Never one for complacency, he teams up with his wife, Cokie Roberts of This Week , for the doubles The pair repeat the prediction that even privatization-friendly Dems will cynically whack GOP candidates who dare to support privatizing Social Security.",Steve Roberts did not receive any medals.,1,8144 "One of the main problems is that Cambodians do not know how to drive, a Transport Ministry spokesman was quoted as saying.",Cambodians are great drivers.,1,8145 "Nevertheless, national saving beyond the amount necessary to replace depreciated capital goods is important for increasing the overall size of the capital stock and the nation's future productive capacity.",Replacing depreciated capital goods by national saving beyond the amount necessary can be neglected.,1,8146 no it uh it started leaking through the you know out through the pan and out onto the floor and it's soaking up in the Sheetrock or in things right,It is not leaking out of the pan.,1,8147 "Originally a traveling group, the company has found a permanent home in Keswick.",The group passed through Keswick within one week.,1,8148 "But since the fault is only theirs, may no ill dreams follow you beyond Lethe!"" The knife started down, just as Nema managed to break free.","Nema struggled to break free, but was unable to.",1,8149 "Start by the Jaffa Gate, one of eight entrances that punctuate the towering city walls built mainly by Suleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century, though some parts date back more than 2,000 years.",The ancient fragments of the wall were knocked down when Suleiman the Magnificent decided to build his wall.,1,8150 "Casa de la Mesica (salsa; Avenida 35 and Calle 20, Miramar), Casa de la Trova (San Lazaro between Gervasio and Belascoan, Central Havana), and El Zorro y el Cuevo, (jazz; Calles 23 y O, Vedado).","In San Lazaro is Casa de la Mesica, its the only place in the whole area. ",1,8151 "And Stewart Brand's II Cybernetic Frontiers (1974), which recounts how this generation of computer kids designed computer games based on science fiction and used the Internet to fashion a universe of their own.",Stewart Brand created no material in the year 1974.,1,8152 The following graphic represents the interrelationship between the components and efforts to manage improper payments.,The graphic is a braille document designed for readers who are blind or have visual impairments.,1,8153 "I would like to have seen a few more of Tiepolo's portraits (the greatest of which, depicting a Venetian naval hero with a mutilated hand, could not leave Venice), and not quite so many sketches for ceilings.",Tiepolo makes pottery.,1,8154 i like to kind of make my own barbecue sauce,I like store bought barbecue sauce.,1,8155 well i don't know i i definitely want to get mine up mine paid off month to month like i used to,I want to go back to how I used to pay every other month.,1,8156 FIXED COST - A cost that does not vary in the short term with the volume of activity.,Fixed cost is a cost that varies,1,8157 "Accordingly, our work over the last decade has focused on strengthening federal agency management of IT investment.",We became aware of federal agency management of IT investment about two years ago.,1,8158 you mean that you put on a truck or what,You mean that you put on a car?,1,8159 EPA does not necessarily endorse any particular threshold.,The EPA strongly endorses a number.,1,8160 It has made standard--even admired--measures that ought to be intolerable in a democracy.,It has helped maintain democracy as it should be. ,1,8161 "I awaited his next question with impatience, but it disappointed me. ",I patiently waited for his next question and was pleasantly surprised by it.,1,8162 "Fischel is also the author of The Conspiracy To Destroy Michael Milken and His Financial Revolution . Administrators protest that they are only keeping pace with their UNEXT has already signed on with Columbia, while Harvard, Stanford, and Cornell are considering commercial partners for their own online programs.",Fischel wrote a book about Michael Moore.,1,8163 The composition of PM can vary considerably from one region to another depending on the sources of particulate emissions in each region.,"The composition of PM never varies, they are constant.",1,8164 Pension Characteristics of Persons in the Labor Force Without Pension Coverage,The introduction of young people in the work market,1,8165 one of them is right out there close to us they're in the process of building it up right now i know,There's nobody outside building anything.,1,8166 That little Wilkins is about the greatest fool that even I have ever seen. ,I consider Wilkins to be among the cleverest of the age. ,1,8167 "May we go up?""",May we head down?,1,8168 "Cap in, powder in, plug in, ball in, seal it in, ram it down.",There were no rules.,1,8169 "He must know that no one can be shocked when everyone's in on the joke, but he doesn't seem to want (or to be able) to step outside the camp aesthetic and play anything straight.",No one knows what's going on.,1,8170 The legitimization of gambling led to its increased legalization across the US.,Gambling has never been legitimized from a societal perspective.,1,8171 "It seems to have done something to the boy inside.""","The boy seems indifferent to what happened, he doesn't really care about that.",1,8172 oh okay so so i mean it's like this this town probably has like two hundred and fifty thousand people and that's about it,"I'm in a town with 10,000 people.",1,8173 "The Fuji Five Lakes that form a crescent around the north side of the peak offer delightful opportunities for fishing, boating, and hiking.",There is a lake on the south side of the peak.,1,8174 The northern European rooms include a splendid Portrait of His Father (1490) by Albrecht D??rer; Adam and Eve (1528) by Lucas Cranach; Richard Southwell by Hans Holbein; and a moving Mater Doloroseby Joos van Cleve.,Portrait of His Father is in the south room.,1,8175 well i guess it's kind of like watching a ballgame uh or or sports if you're not if you're not interested in the game you wouldn't you don't care whether you see it or not,It's like watching a sea lion devour a penguin.,1,8176 wow that that just doesn't seem to make make any sense why if you have to tax something for something you already own,That makes perfect sense!,1,8177 "Start at the confluence of the V??zyre and Dordogne rivers, where the hilltop village of Limeuil affords a fine view of both valleys and their bridges meeting at right angles down below.",Limeuil is located inside of a cave on the Seine.,1,8178 "Yes, the one and only.",There are many like this. ,1,8179 and you'd see the same kid who were back out there in two days,The different could would never come inside.,1,8180 where was i i was born in Dallas so i've been i've been in this area for most all my life,"I was born in Fort Worth, but live in Dallas now.",1,8181 "Children will enjoy the City de la Mer (37 Rue de l'Asile Thomas), with exhibits on the history of boatbuilding, the fishing industry, and how tides and currents shape the coastline.",The City de la Mer neglects to portray information about the fishing industry.,1,8182 "Current law addresses each of These pollutants independently, on different timetables, through several different programs.",There are no current laws affecting the pollutants.,1,8183 section 712 grants GAO broad authority to investigate all matters related to the use of public money and necessarily includes the agency processes in implementing programs.,Section 712 grants the GAO absolutely no authority to investigate all matters related to the use of public money.,1,8184 oh oh sounds like that young one wants some attention,The young one is taking care of himself.,1,8185 They hardly budge if you touch them.,If you touch them they'll squirm all around.,1,8186 "3 As discussed below, it required continuation of 5 preferred subclasses.",There are only 3 preferred subclasses.,1,8187 What? We all like to impress people.,I don't care if people are impressed with me.,1,8188 "Under review were programs in Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, New Jersey, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, and Ohio.",No programs in Florida or Nevada are under review.,1,8189 hm no i didn't see it yeah,yes I saw it,1,8190 "Mostyes voters dismissed the predictions of doom as exaggeration, according to polls conducted on either side of Election Day.",Most voters who said yes thought the predictions were understatements. ,1,8191 "The Dolma-bahce Palace (Dolmabahce Saraye; Dolmabahce Cadessi, tel. 212/258-5544), finished in 1853, was intended as a bold statement of the sultan's faith in the future of his empire, but instead it turned out to be a monument to folly and extravagance.","The palace was finished in 1688, built to trivialize the sultan, who was hated and did not have faith in his own empire.",1,8192 Should I let the matter slide,I should pursue it to its end. ,1,8193 "STANDARD COSTS - Predetermined expected unit costs, which are acceptable for financial reporting purposes if adjusted periodically to reflect actual results.",There were no standards for the costs.,1,8194 You'll find fountains and little squares scattered all over the old town north of the Cours Mirabeau (one of the most attractive of these squares is the tranquil Place d'Albertas).,"The old town, full of fountains and little squares, is located south of the Cours Mirabeau.",1,8195 "The method involves an in-depth, longitudinal examination of a single instance.",The method doesn't require any in-depth examination of any particular instance.,1,8196 "You have raced him, senor ?""he asked Drew with formal courtesy.",Does he have a foal? He asked Drew. ,1,8197 Thurmond is so old that it's considered bad form to criticize his sorry record or dredge up his racist past.,It is absolutely okay to criticize Thurmond on his past. ,1,8198 New arrivals especially should lie low during the most blistering hours to avoid burns or exhaustion.,New people should always be out and about even during the hottest hours.,1,8199 Flashes of blue tore through the room- my own little thunderstorm.,The room was totally dark.,1,8200 wow that's interesting what did you what kind of things did you do,That's quite boring because it sounds like you never did anything.,1,8201 "Babur fought resistance from the Rajputs and captured Delhi and Agra, then conquered the Afghan chiefs in 1529.","Babur was killed in battle in 1529, during an invasion led by the Afghan chiefs.",1,8202 It was startling to me how unnoticeable the attractions below the neck became without a personality to avow them.,The attractions below the neck were very conspicuous.,1,8203 i can't even live with one,I can live with 20.,1,8204 A higher rate of technological change and improved efficiency in using labor and capital can boost GDP and thus future living standards.,Changes in technology are not linked to GDP,1,8205 "Set back on a high ridge 362 m (1,184 ft) above and behind A malfi is the tiny and peaceful (but no longer unknown) village of Ravello, once a hideout for Romans fleeing the Huns and Visigoths.","The village of Ravello is a large, unknown hideout.",1,8206 "EW 's fashion panel loves Helen Hunt's Oscar dress but thinks she's too Joan Rivers squawks, She weighs less than Kate Winslet's arm.",Helen Hunt is not wearing an Oscar dress.,1,8207 "5We reported on this issue in The Accounting Major Progress and Concerns (GAO/AIMD-96-98, Washington, D.C.: Sept. 24, 1996).",We decided not to write about this issue The Accounting Major Progress and Concerns.,1,8208 uh once you get over all the other hurdles just the economics of it uh it's not as much of an impact to stay home as it were if you figure in what it would cost you to go back to work and you know the,Staying home is a really horrible thing because of economics.,1,8209 that one right well he got killed awhile awhile awhile back yeah and his uh an image of him was at the wedding,He is still alive and doing well.,1,8210 there's a lot of circumstance sometimes i even feel like and up in another state i think it was Ohio where they don't have uh self-defense laws and i think that's wrong,Ohio has self defense laws.,1,8211 But she was too late.,but she got there too early.,1,8212 "After the tractor killed you, and you were buried, what good would such fantasies be, even if they existed?",You are alive and live in a city were there are no tractors.,1,8213 These and other inefficiencies point to the need for a nationally coordinated approach that could reduce cost while improving environmental progress and accountability.,Environmental progress is best maintained through local coordination only.,1,8214 uh smokers typically have more time out of work they're uh uh more prone to accidents and all of those other things and and uh,Smokers are involved in less accidents than non-smokers.,1,8215 "The University of Chicago has just announced a deal with, an online education company partly funded by Milken and headed by a Chicago trustee.",50% of is funded by Chicago's people.,1,8216 they plead insanity and then three years later they're cured and let loose on society again,They were not declared mentally ill til after the fact.,1,8217 "The work by the Larimer County Bar Association has been going on for 18 years, and in that time several thousand clients have been served.","5 years was the total time that the Larimer County Bar worked for, until it bankrupted.",1,8218 now you watch just sure as anything the Japanese are going to come out with a laptop at half the price with more stuff on it,All Japanese products are at least double the normal market price.,1,8219 uh six or seven,It's definitely twelve.,1,8220 Chusonji was erected by the Fujiwara family when their power behind the imperial throne in Kyoto was waning.,Chusonji was taken down by the Fujiwara family.,1,8221 The country is a veritable compendium of geography.,The country's geography was all the same.,1,8222 yeah we've got a place down at Providence that's that's called Federal Hill and it's all the old old Italians and they've got some real nice restaurants down there but what,There are no restaurants in Providence.,1,8223 "Birch's successor in Perak, Hugh Low (1877 1889), proved more diplomatic.",Hugh Low was regarded as a low point for the administration after Birches successes.,1,8224 States will also be requiring utilities to comply with Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) programs (either source-specific standards or a trading program) to meet requirements to reduce regional haze.,"BART standards are voluntary in the states, and is not legally mandated.",1,8225 food price um but mostly i think you know service and atmosphere are the two things that you know i don't minds paying little bit if if i don't have to wait too long to eat and if the service is good the food is good,I refuse to pay anything extra for eating quickly because I should just be able to anyway.,1,8226 Circumstances have changed.,Things are the same. ,1,8227 What on earth does he mean? Lawrence stared at me in quite unaffected astonishment. ,Laurence absolutely understood what he said.,1,8228 "In accordance with Executive Order 12866, the analyses describe the regulatory options available to reduce the risk of an outbreak of BSE in the United States and the costs and benefits associated with each option.",The analysis describes the regulatory options that are available to reduce the risk of cervical cancer.,1,8229 oh yeah you said yours is eighteen feet long what,You said it was twelve feet long.,1,8230 "That's what I learned in Anthropology 101 from a professor who had to be at least 110, kept on the job by tenure and a network of Teflon tubing that functioned much like an actual large intestine.",I've never studied the subject of anthropology.,1,8231 "Slawek Przekosniak, together with a friend from - Czesiek Ciag, decided to set up an on-line service, through which one could send SMS greetings to mobile phones.",Slawek's friend didn't bother to help him set up and online service.,1,8232 "While these attorneys are joined by thousands of volunteer attorneys who last year contributed more than 27,000 hours of free legal assistance, civil justice is still unavailable for thousands who need it.",Today everyone has access to Legal Services.,1,8233 "From here, Roman armies looked down upon besieged Jerusalem until they conquered and destroyed the city in a.d. 70.",Roman armies tried to conquer Jerusalem but were defeated.,1,8234 "The Chinese, especially those identifying with Mao Tse Tung's combat against the Japanese, were at first massacred in the thousands, but later courted as middlemen for Japanese-run business operations.",Chinese people were never persecuted for their ideals.,1,8235 "In books, you simply leapt into another, promised the driver a sovereign or its modern equivalent and there you were.",In books it was difficult to get the drivers to do much.,1,8236 "Mrs. Vandemeyer gave a sigh of relief, off her guard for the moment.",Mrs. Vandemeyer was in a state of absolute panic.,1,8237 "The words which John the Theologian (Evangelist in Greek) recorded became the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse in Greek), the last book of the New Testament.",The last book of the New Testament was written by Matthew.,1,8238 "But, listen as she might, the conversation presented no clue.",She did not want to listen to the conversation so she left.,1,8239 The smell of burning cedar brought back memories of a childhood long lost.,The smell of oak reminded them of a vacation they had once.,1,8240 The minarets that you see in the foreground belong to two important Islamic buildings.,There aren't any Islamic buildings in the area.,1,8241 "(Having seen so many episodes and observed the formula, I have thought it would be amusing to write an episode set in a think tank.","Having seen two episodes, I thought it would be fun to write my own.",1,8242 "Agency The owner holds all individual construction contracts, and the CM functions as the construction contract administrator, acting on behalf of the owner and rendering an account of activities.",The CM is the construction engineer,1,8243 "He wore black leather armor, a black cloak, and a black cloth over his nose and mouth.",He was naked and exposed.,1,8244 "As is frequently the case in Madeiran villages, the best views are from vantage points on the hillside road as it climbs up away from the village.",The best views are from the valley.,1,8245 "Without Michelangelo's strength and torment or Leonardo's complexity, the third of Italy's three Renaissance giants, Raphael, brings his own powers of clarity and restraint to the Madonna of the Goldfinch (1505) and a revealing Self-Portrait made when the artist was only 23.",Raphael painted his own self-portrait when he was 35 years old.,1,8246 "As you drive south from Dijon, be sure to get off the main road, the N74, onto the parallel D122, signposted as the Route des Grands Crus (Route of the Great Vintages).","As you drive south from Dijo, be sure to keep going and not stop.",1,8247 One result is that Maderno's porticoed facade and nave obstruct a clear view of Michelangelo's dome from the square.,Michelangelo's dome could always be clearly seen from the square.,1,8248 "Presidents derived their license to serve as leader-preacher from Theodore Roosevelt's remark that the presidency was a bully pulpit, a remark that did not appear in his Inaugural Address.","Presidents generally do not think they should serve as leader-preacher, and Roosevelt agreed.",1,8249 "The monasteries and priories including the very powerful abbey at Furness assumed total control over all activities, and the residents became serfs to these new landlords.",There are no priorities held by the monastery.,1,8250 Junk bond king Michael Milken and the University of Chicago are partnering in an online business school venture.,The University of Chicago and Milken are not affiliated. ,1,8251 Insisting otherwise makes him into a kind of idiot savant who could create but not choose.,He looks really smart when he says that.,1,8252 They lowered their Gauntlets and fixed me with suspicious expressions.,They began shooting at me.,1,8253 In the dining room hangs a portrait by Titian of the Emperor Carlos V and a painting of the princess Clara Eugenia by Claudio Coello.,There are no paintings on the walls of the dining room.,1,8254 "Again, the move from offering no discount to offering a discount of 4.5a is a Pareto optimal move-no one is worse off and someone is substantially better off.",Offering a discount is the dumbest idea I've ever heard.,1,8255 We've also revamped our e-mail auto-deliveries to give you more choices.,The e-mail system unfortunately has been terminated.,1,8256 Complaints can be sent directly to Critical Path.,Complaints cannot be sent to Critical Path.,1,8257 " He began to struggle against her hand, but she shook her head gently.",She was not holding onto his hand.,1,8258 that that um business person loses four percent because i used to work in a business and we always and we used to lose four percent on the credit card orders,"When customers use a credit card, businesses get $5 every time. ",1,8259 "In 2002, LSC continued to offer technical assistance to lower funded states to increase resources.",LSC declined to offer technical assistance in 2002.,1,8260 We need to be figuring out how to connect primary care and emergency care settings rather than splitting them apart.,We should be figuring out how to split primary care and emergency care setting apart rather than connecting them.,1,8261 "The listed documents are also available through either the Government Printing Office or the National Technical Information Service, for more information call (202) 783-3238 or (703) 487-4650, respectively.",You cannot find the listed documents anywhere else.,1,8262 yeah TI has a little uh owns a piece of land on the edge of a lake that borders that the lake is on the border of Texas and Oklahoma it's called Lake Texoma,Nobody was allowed to own land around Lake Texoma.,1,8263 yeah yeah i i yeah i'm from west Texas,I'm from Colorado. ,1,8264 "Why, yes, I do, replies the balloonist proudly, but how did you know?",The balloonist didn't reply,1,8265 "Nonrefundable tax incentives may not be particularly effective in encouraging saving by lower-income taxpayers, who already owe relatively little or no federal income taxes.",Non-refundable tax incentives will not be effective in making people save money,1,8266 yes and i noticed um that's kind of what i was attracted to these gerbils for is that they they have a certain area that they use like their bathroom,The gerbils go to the bathroom all over the place. ,1,8267 The local Maison du Vin can give advice for your tour of the surrounding vineyards.,There are no vineyards or Maison du Vin around here.,1,8268 "For information about the stock of wealth accumulated by households, we obtained net worth data from the FFAs' balance sheet aggregated for the household sector.",The FFA does not collect data on net worth.,1,8269 i had all my instructors home phone numbers and could call them you go to their office anytime i had some instructors that uh,I didn't have my instructors home phone numbers and I couldn't go into their office.,1,8270 and that's for an hour each time you go well that's that's good,It doesn't last an hour.,1,8271 "The St. Stephen's Green Shopping Complex at the south end of Grafton Street, a pseudo-Victorian iron-and-glass structure, was built in the 1980s, and has been christened The Wedding Cake by Dubliners.",The St. Stephen's Green Shopping Complex is located at the north end of Grafton Street.,1,8272 well i left TI in January but i signed up for this before i did,I am still with TI and happy with it.,1,8273 "However, it seemed important to provide the full text of Pat Buchanan's speech on bolting the Republican Party.",It was important to only provide snippets of Pat Buchanan's speech. ,1,8274 It could easily be seen by ships in the Firth of Forth and was a useful safeguard if prevailing winds carried the sound of the gunfire the wrong way.,Ships could never see it in the Firth of Forth.,1,8275 "That's that, she observed sternly.",She didn't observe that this was now how it was.,1,8276 um yeah yeah well that's probably true to so,"That is probably wrong, too. ",1,8277 "Isn't anything stable here?"" ""Of course not.",Everything is perfectly stable here.,1,8278 interest rate on the thing it just has to be awful because it,There is no interest rate on this thing at all. ,1,8279 well only unless they change their form of government,They will unless they change their habits.,1,8280 "The Edinburgh and Lothians Tourist Board produces automobile tours for East Lothian, West Lothian, and Midlothian, with suggested itineraries, opening times, and prices for various sights and attractions.",The Edinburgh and Lothians Tourist Board has not created tours for those that are driving. ,1,8281 The intermediate projections in the 2001 OASDI Trustees' report assume that labor productivity for the entire economy will increase 1.5 percent annually over the next 75 years.,The projections assume that productivity will increase by 5 percent annually.,1,8282 "Also modest, it will not attempt to solve all the problems relating to campaign finance, lobbying, and other activities that allow money to buy influence in politics.",Lobbying does not involve the spending of money to buy influence in politics.,1,8283 "And to the north of the palace are the 13th-century Gothic Notre-Dame and, along the Rue de la Chouette and the Rue Verrerie, attractive late-Gothic and Renaissance houses, with picturesque inner courtyards, that have been transformed into antiques shops.",To the south of the palace lie a number of Renaissance houses. ,1,8284 They spoke of a statue of a woman with long twisted arms and the head of a beast.,They were talking about a mountain with the rocky head of a beast.,1,8285 hum United States right,"No it's not the U.S., that's Canada.",1,8286 next to every window the state seems to have put up a turnstile and every time you look at a look at the mountains,You can't see the mountains.,1,8287 Lisbon's Se Patriarcal (cathedral) appears out of nowhere at a bend in the road (most easily reached from the center by continuing east on the extension of Rua da Concei �o).,Lisbon does not have a cathedral of its own.,1,8288 It affects the lives of each and every American.,Every African is affected by it.,1,8289 for for that state if like in Texas we don't have it so yeah but but if you are they withdraw that from your pay and uh you can be you can,Texas does offer the ability to withdraw out of your pay.,1,8290 Sorry about that.,I am not sorry.,1,8291 She was crying and wringing her hands. ,She was happy and smiling.,1,8292 "Bill Brock in Maryland, also in '94.","In '99 too, Bill Brock in Maryland.",1,8293 The Barrage Vauban ' remains of the fortifications Vauban built for Louis XIV ' spans the Ill to the west.,The Barrage Vauban is across the Ill to the east.,1,8294 possibly Saturday,Not Saturday please.,1,8295 "Old Madrid's centerpiece is its splendid, porticoed and sun-glazed Plaza Mayor.",The Plaza Mayor does not serve as the centerpiece of Old Madrid. ,1,8296 "Bauerstein had it tested,"" replied Poirot quietly. ","Bauerstein never tested anything, he was out at the gay bar.",1,8297 Securities and Exchange Rule 11AC1-4 (Limit Order Display Rule) and Amendments to Rule 11 AC1-1 (Quote Rule),11AC1-4 dealt with animal cruelty,1,8298 well see um and i worked for a steel mill the past two summers,I've never worked during the summer.,1,8299 "But there's no need to be sentimental about it."" In the meantime, nothing more was seen of Boris.",Boris expressed his lack of interest in being sentimental.,1,8300 "He hesitated a moment, then addressed himself to Tuppence.",He completely ignored Tuppence.,1,8301 But Time 's Joel Stein says that Gary Sinise's nuanced portrayal of Wallace redeems the series.,Joel Stein dislikes Sinise's portrayal.,1,8302 Validation handle agency-specific work-load volumes (present and expected) within agency-determined performance time constraints.,Agency does not stipulate time constraints on any work.,1,8303 "'I see,' White was excessively calm, apparently focused solely on the game board.",White was very angry and started screaming.,1,8304 really he probably had those glasses on like you know those Annie Hall kind of glasses i don't know what you call it John Lennon glasses that's what they are the women i call Annie Hall glasses but,He didn't have glasses that looked like Annie Hall's.,1,8305 "The land is like an iceberg; massive mountains poke through the clouds, forming the mere tip of a submerged mass.","The land is the opposite of an iceberg, where the hills barely block the horizon and remain far from nearing the clouds.",1,8306 "The moral of the story, simply put, Till your garden where you are; good and evil exist in similar quantities almost everywhere.",Good exists in all places but evil doesn't.,1,8307 This non-LSC funded entity is available to clients throughout the state and currently consists of six full and part-time staff attorneys.,Seventeen or sixteen part- and full-time attorneys are at your service in this LSC funded entity.,1,8308 I look forward to working with you on these issues.,I am not looking forward to working on these issues with you. ,1,8309 "The Postal Service is behind its competitors at this point; under competition, catch-up would be expected to occur at a faster pace.",The postal service is better than competitors ,1,8310 how do they pay for it how is it financed,I know how they finance it.,1,8311 "They need more openness, not less.",They need to be less open than before.,1,8312 "Dimly aware of this problem, Murray brings in a more sweeping illegitimacy thesis--government is unjustified--to trump all the others.","Murray sat and listened, realizing he had nothing to add to the discussion. ",1,8313 but unfortunately people people aren't that insightful,All people are extremely insightful. ,1,8314 but um when they were living in Israel it was it was the the Palestinians they they come in and they're they're nothing but really servants for them and and they really treat them like second class citizens they they don't really want them around but they like them around because they do all the menial labor and such but they they really do they look down on them and,"They were fully appreciated citizens, not slaves.",1,8315 "Volume II of this set, A User's Guide to Federal Financial Accounting Standards, is a codification of the standards.",The fifth volume of this set is a user's guide to accounting practices and standards where the standards are codified.,1,8316 Much of our town's prosperity comes from these mines.,The mines were empty and brought in to income.,1,8317 "The growth of the sugar market led to waves of immigration from China (1852), the Azores (1878), and Japan (1885).","Waves of immigration from China, for example, began because of the growth of the chocolate market.",1,8318 The festival would be attracting all sorts of strangers and all sorts of attention- I needed to go somewhere quieter.,The festival was not attracting anyone.,1,8319 "Under the Save the Unified Surpluses simulation, federal budget surpluses would be higher over the next 40 years, but deficits would emerge in the 2040s.",Federal budget surpluses would be lower over the next 40 years.,1,8320 "At the far end of the Via dell'Abbondanza, visit two of the town's best the House of Loreius Tiburtinus, for its beautiful peristyle garden of fountains, water channels, and cascades, one of them with paintings of Narcissus and Pyramus and Thisbe; and the House of Julia Felix, big enough to have been perhaps a luxury hotel, with its own bathhouse and a handsome portico of slender marble columns around the peristyle.","The two houses at the end of Via dell'Abbondanza that were once the towns best, but have since been overrun with squatters.",1,8321 "The first one along the strip is Walter Fletcher Beach, which on weekends is popular with the town dwellers of Montego Bay.",Walter Fletcher Beach cannot be found in Montego Bay.,1,8322 He also believed that research should have policy implications and that funding sources should require this applicability.,He said that the research should not have policy implications.,1,8323 "I cannot say, but it is suggestive. A wild idea flashed across me. ",I didn't have any ideas.,1,8324 "They have been and are still enormously influential in this country's economic life, often serving as all-important go-betweens in the sometimes immensely difficult relations between Hindus and Muslims, and between India and Pakistan.",They haven't been very helpful in keeping the relationship between India and Pakistan peaceful.,1,8325 "The worksheet should contain such information as the names and locations of units responsible for the acquisition, the project purpose, and the expected cost and time frames.",The project purpose should be included separate from the worksheet.,1,8326 Sparkly things.,Things that do not sparkle. ,1,8327 "For starters, the Enquirer reports that for his recent wedding, singer Phil Collins booked his dog into a $350-a-night luxury suite.",Phil Collin's abuses his dog even at his recent wedding.,1,8328 The tomb was abandoned when Amenophis abandoned Thebes and made a new capital at Tell el-Amarna to the north.,Amenophis preferred that his capital remain at Thebes. ,1,8329 "However, there are other transition costs that CBO acknowledges are not included in their estimates beyond the cost to hire, house, and equip key personnel.",The CBO doesn't acknowledge it.,1,8330 The previous categories of items or elements result from or exist largely because of the Federal Government's role as a sovereign power.,"The Federal Government is not seen, by any means, as a sovereign power.",1,8331 I don't endorse the practice of paying sources.,I pay all my sources.,1,8332 It occasionally puts on English-language performances.,It only has English-language performances.,1,8333 so it's basically mindless i mean all your you the only really thing you are having to use is connecting the things that they give you you know what you're hearing and your your sight uh your sight but they give you everything else,They don't bother even giving you anything.,1,8334 It is also important to keep in mind the role of the regulator in this process since the public needs to have confidence in the regulators to enforce rules.,Public confidence in regulators' willingness to enforce rules doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.,1,8335 because because we're so we love our freedom and our freedom of choice,I'm not sure freedom of choice is all that important and rarely think about it.,1,8336 "We wonder if they, too, would feel uncomfortable with our differences made so plainly apparent.",We are so alike that we're sure there won't be any unease.,1,8337 "In automated systems, they are represented by what can be referred to generically as electronic signatures.",Automated systems cannot use electronic signatures.,1,8338 the dominant provider.,"The meek, inferior provider. ",1,8339 "The king deferred to demands expressed in student demonstrations by making the majority of the legislature directly elected, with the council of ministers responsible to the parliament as well as to the king.",The king did not heed the student demonstrations and refused to offer reforms. ,1,8340 "Most political activities are robust, a robust campaign, a robust fundraising program, a robust reponse to critics, a robust position on you-name-it.",Political activities are easy in every sense of the word. ,1,8341 "'We should try to take them now,' I said, firmly.",I strictly told them that we would not be taking them. ,1,8342 i envy you you're at ninety four degrees i thought i heard this morning that in San Antonio it was in the nineties yesterday,I'm glad I'm not with you at ninety four degrees.,1,8343 "Second, attracting and ultimately keeping a highly qualified and motivated workforce involves providing meaningful career opportunities, such as the opportunity to",The singular factor in retaining a workforce is the number on their payment stub. ,1,8344 "Contact The Settle-Carlisle Information Line, Tel. 066 066 0607 or Cumbria Journey Planner, Tel. (01228) 606000 for more details.",The is no way to find out more details.,1,8345 Pigeons chase seed-vendors chasing tourists chasing their children chasing pigeons.,Pigeons stay away from tourists and seed vendors.,1,8346 "Though the federal suit accomplished little, it effectively suspended the end of the old program and the start of the new one for nearly a year.",The federal suit successfully ended the old program and allowed the new one to take immediate effect.,1,8347 I ”I don't understand.,I understand.,1,8348 'Although Harrison Ford surely shares some of the blame.,Harrison Ford is blameless.,1,8349 just never got a chance to come out no,"Yeah, I got to go. ",1,8350 Bodies In Motion that's that's the name of the one i was thinking of,I don't think the other show was called Bodies in Motion.,1,8351 An old woman can sit.,An old man is not able to run.,1,8352 He felt very much the guest.,He felt like he lived there.,1,8353 yeah that's you need to do that i'll i'll i'll give you a hint i don't know if you're a talk a radio talk uh person listener do you listen to radio talk shows,Do you even know what a radio is?,1,8354 "Not just an errand boy like Marcus, like I used to be, but an actual inner circle mindwalker.","He was just an errand boy, nothing more.",1,8355 The virtual Benjamin Franklin was writing- or rather sketching- with a quill pen.,Benjamin was writing with a marker.,1,8356 "MANY OF THEM, replied Susan's voice in his head.",Susan didn't try and talk herself into something.,1,8357 "Deprived of their chief, the organization fell to pieces.",The organization was doing great without their chief.,1,8358 Now all AGs want to be the next Michael Moore.,AGs want nothing to do with Michael Moore.,1,8359 "It will have to cut other spending, raise other taxes or, more likely, sell other bonds to the public--that is, run a big budget deficit.",Other spending will be increased.,1,8360 "She earned a bachelor's degree in English literature from Davidson College before heading to Georgetown for her law degree, where she finished in 1993.",She graduated in Chinese literature at Davidson College.,1,8361 The following sections describe each of the general principles and practices discovered in our work with leading CIO organizations.,The following sections don't describe each of the general principles,1,8362 What is more I will move sky and earth to have the world accept them.,I will do very little to ensure the world accepts them.,1,8363 "'Somewhat,' I said.",I said defintely not.,1,8364 It was just outside Varanasi that Buddha's disciples gathered in the sixth century b.c. to hear his sermon at the Deer Park of Sarnath.,Buddha had very few disciples during his lifetime.,1,8365 i don't know if you seen they was the gang a little it was a little gang of them stealing cars you know and then when they caught him you know his mother sitting there now they're gonna take me away from you that means she was warned,I don't think the little gang was stealing any cars.,1,8366 i don't either it's it's tough to understand those Middle Eastern types anyway they they think completely differently the way we from the way we do i've got several Middle Middle Eastern friends uh my my father was stationed in Iran many years ago and i was a little boy there,I do not have a single Middle Eastern friend.,1,8367 i heard i heard it really sucked,I heard it was great.,1,8368 How Can the Poor Save?,The poor don't need money.,1,8369 "While she said that this violated the unwritten code against taking more than two candidates in the race seriously at the same time, she noted that since McCain wasn't running in Iowa, Forbes would be his surrogate as not Bush.",The unwritten code is in favor of two candidates running at the same time.,1,8370 "Inaugurated in 1919, the building is the quite remarkable central post office, with high ceilings and overhead walkways.",The central post office has remarkable low ceilings.,1,8371 "Happily, most people pick up on someone's difficulty and introduce themselves.",Most people hate introducing themselves and would rather see other's struggle.,1,8372 "I think there is something to this, which is why I discussed it, albeit briefly, in the book.","This is nonsense, I talk nothing of it in my book.",1,8373 yeah but the error is on the part of the lab not on the sample in other words if somebody makes a mistake in what they're reading then they're not going to get the same reading the second time,The lab did everything correctly.,1,8374 every night this week so i have concentrated on watching James Bond movies this week,I was going to watch Star Trek later this week.,1,8375 or she had never seen one we my husband and i had but she we'd never seen one as a family and so we just sat and watched it for the longest time it was you know removed from us by probably five or six feet so we weren't concerned about it and we just sat and watched it and we explained you know how it did well that night she had a nightmare and she has been terrified of spiders since but we still go up there and we still have a great time,We made it a point not to look at it.,1,8376 "In 1974, Congress enacted the Legal Services Corporation Act, 88 Stat.","In 1985, Congress passed the Legal Services Corporation Act.",1,8377 i try to do as much as i can on that on our newer one uh uh mini vans it's all electronic and computers and everything in it,"There is nothing to doing car repairs, everyone should do it.",1,8378 "However, the success of many of these efforts depends, in part, on an organization's ability to protect the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the data and systems it relies on.","Organizations generally do a good job of maintaining data and systems, but this is not relevant to the success of its efforts.",1,8379 i know i just think it's been warm and it's been hot and i like it and it's beautiful and all the trees are pretty and i wish it would stay like this all the time,It is cold and ugly outside. ,1,8380 Expenses included in calculating net cost for nonfederal physical property programs shall be reported as investments in required supplementary stewardship information accompanying the financial statements of the Federal Government and the separate reports of component units of the Federal Government responsible for such investments.,Expenses that are included in finding the net cost of a nonfederal physical property are expenditures.,1,8381 "Also, through the IG's active participation in the Comptroller General's Advisory Council on Government Auditing Standards, the Domestic Working Group, and the activities of the Intergovernmental Audit Forums, GAO and the IGs share information, identify emerging issues, and achieve broad coordination.",The IGs cause all of the emerging issues.,1,8382 "At the northeast corner of Gion is Maruyama Park, one of Kyoto's most popular recreation areas, which borders two important temples.",Maruyama Park is in the southwestern corner of Gion.,1,8383 Shopping never ends there's always another inviting spot just down the street.,"After a few shops, there is nothing else to do there.",1,8384 i is i'm not sure which one we went into it was about a year or so ago when we went,We never went to that place.,1,8385 The chain-link fence prevents hyperextension.,Hyperextension cannot be stopped.,1,8386 ' (or was that 'THANK God'?),"Did you say ""oh no""?",1,8387 "When Yates became chairman of the House Appropriations Committee's subcommittee on the Interior, the national endowment budgets fell under his jurisdiction.",Yates was never named to the committee.,1,8388 no now she's now she's just she's just rearranging all my papers for me she's playing with the pen uh-huh why don't you play with the keyboard,She left my pen and papers alone. ,1,8389 "I worked with several other people, Israelis and Americans, to develop a policy that would rescue Israel from devastating inflation and set the country on a course of durable economic progress.",I do not work with any Americans to improve the economic situation in Israel.,1,8390 Dark rings formed under her eyes and the eyes themselves nearly sent Jon into a panic.,Jon wasn't worried about her eyes.,1,8391 "It is said to have been built at the site where Joseph, Mary, and the infant Jesus took shelter after they fled to Egypt from the Holy Land.","Joseph, Mary and infant Jesus fled Brazil from the Holy Land.",1,8392 a lot of people still coming in from Russia and stuff jews coming in to uh,There are only Chinese people coming in lately.,1,8393 "NSAs are, for all intents and purposes, not very different from narrowly drawn classification proposals; a number of which the Commission has received and approved over the past few years.",NSA's are very different from that of narrowly drawn classification proposals.,1,8394 that could well be i i uh spent my junior year uh and sophomore and junior year in in college when i a song by the uh uh i think the title of it was just Downtown uh and if you recall how it goes downtown da dah dah dah,I never liked the song Downtown in college.,1,8395 "As part of the settlement ending the war, Alsace and a portion of Lorraine were ceded to Germany.",Germany received nothing in the settlement ending the war.,1,8396 "In the nation's capital, the sound you hear is of paper being shuffled.",There is not a lot of paperwork required in the nation's capital. ,1,8397 "To Michael Kinsley's on-the-mark about linguistic dodges served up by thoughtful commentators on the conflict in Kosovo, let me contribute the following, perhaps the grandest of them all--the congressional resolution of support for our troops.",The congressional resolution of support for our politicians.,1,8398 well bless your enemies if your enemy is hungry feed him if he if he needs your asks for your shirt give him your coat also so if the the the the South Vietnamese they asked us to help them right,Do not dare to feed anything that has harmed you in any way.,1,8399 "The city, dedicated to the worship of Aphrodite, goddess of love, was famous for its superb sculpture.",The city was dedicated to the god of war.,1,8400 "the cost of delivery and the benefits received by the mailer, the letter-size piece might be a more efficient piece for the nation as a whole, but the mailer will not make the change unless a rate differential is offered.",The mailer will make the change at no extra cost.,1,8401 Grassmarket has a memorial to the Covenanters (Scottish Protestant clergymen) martyred by Catholic Stuart kings in the 17th century.,There is no connection between the Catholic Stuart kings and the Scottish Protestant clergymen.,1,8402 "By visiting and benchmarking model performance practices, leaders demonstrated to employees their personal commitment to making the changes needed for their offices or units to become high-performing organizations.","By visiting and benchmarking model performance, practices offices became low-performing organizations.",1,8403 you know when we're and that's just not the kind of thing for a ten year old i'm not sure it's the kind of thing for a sixteen year old,It is appropriate for a ten-year-old child.,1,8404 "From an enforcement perspective, the SEC has certain civil enforcement powers that it can use to address violations of the nation's securities laws.",The SEC has no power at all to address any type of violation.,1,8405 And some of them could be army owned; a remount corral was raided just before I left town.,None of them could be owned by the army.,1,8406 All his life Ca'daan had marveled at Fena Dim's dark protector.,Ca'daan thought the protector was bad at it.,1,8407 Let's consider this as a pure business matter.,Let us mix business with pleasure. ,1,8408 hum well do you think we've,Do you propose we've,1,8409 we both decided on a Devonrex though it's sort of like a Sphinx it's a very short haired cat,The Devronrex has as much hair as along haired cat.,1,8410 and they went by each one saying guilty or innocent guilty or innocent,They didn't say anything because they were not part of the jury.,1,8411 "This could be because these factors do not vary significantly from the U.S., do not drive costs significantly, or tend to cancel each other out.",These factors change greatly in the US.,1,8412 that is correct,That's wrong. ,1,8413 well when we came back what used to be our flower beds were solid Saint Augustine we had to we had to dig it out and the second tenant when we went to the Philippines the second tenant he had two little girls,Our flower beds were in great shape.,1,8414 so what are you majoring in,You are not pursuing an academic degree.,1,8415 The same might justly be said of the man who wrote the play.,This cannot be likened to the man who wrote the play.,1,8416 "I'll show you.""","""You will never see.""",1,8417 Christian and Islamic Jerusalem,Christian Rome.,1,8418 yeah yeah i've got a weight bench and we got my wife an exercise bike and i use that sometimes too,"My wife has an exercise bike, but I never use that.",1,8419 San'doro and Vrenna watched the south road for signs of the demontouched bandits.,"San'doro and Vrenna waited with the rest of the host, quietly waiting to ambush their quarry.",1,8420 The side of the train was getting smoother and smoother- soon there'd be no place left to hold on.,There would always be something to hold on to. ,1,8421 Inflation is at a 23-year low of 7 percent.,Inflation is as high as it has ever been.,1,8422 "Although you will find venues scattered throughout the city, the main theater district is found south of the west end of Princes Street.","""USAT's headline Court Convicts Pinochet is completely incorrect, as he was found innocent and set free.""",1,8423 "It's the highest-ranking of the three Scorsese films on the American Film Institute's Top 100 list, and it's widely considered to be his masterpiece.","It's a horrible film, and was nowhere near any of the titles on the American Film Institute's Top 100 list.",1,8424 At one point the land value of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo was thought to be worth more than the entire real-estate value of Canada.,The Tokyo Imperial Palace's land value was never thought to be particularly high.,1,8425 and then they took that away as far as,They really offer a lot. ,1,8426 "The music is a swell of longing, regret, and nostalgia.",This music is full of happiness and satisfaction.,1,8427 The complete analyses were furnished to our Office.,"The analyses were, unfortunately, incomplete as they had arrived in our office.",1,8428 Adrin had not abandoned them entirely.,Adrin had completely abandoned them.,1,8429 Microsoft's position is that Jackson did not actually remove Internet Explorer from his computer because the add/remove procedure leaves components of Internet Explorer on the machine.,Jackson never had Internet Explorer on his device.,1,8430 "Oh, ain't it just like the pictures! It was.",The film was nothing like the book.,1,8431 The Alpine scenery looks as if it is straight out of Austria or Switzerland.,The Alpine landscape looks like the Himalayas. ,1,8432 um yeah the the uh i've always felt that public people who are involved with the safety of other people should be drug tested i've i have never said that i didn't want that the problem that i had was,I think blood tests are a waste of time and money.,1,8433 "Republicans should counter with logical, informative statements that point out the costs involved in litigation.",Republicans should never give logical information about the costs.,1,8434 But I like this machine.,I don't like this machine.,1,8435 and i don't know too much about the air pollution thing i do know for other types of uh pollution like the toxic waste and such that TI has to dispose of the we normally put in the ground you know we're coming up with a a new solution we have been finding a lot of toxic places to dump and we just transport to these places but after while it always seems that the um oh the site starts to leak and then you have to clean it up and such but the new idea is to take everything up to Sherman and we're gonna have that you know incineration place up there and dump everything there and supposedly that facility will not generate air pollutants,There is no pollution in the environment at all. ,1,8436 "In front of him ran a narrow passage, with doors opening on either side of it.","In front of him there sprawled a wide passage, with closed doors on either side.",1,8437 "The Act I finale, La Vie Bohame , [LINK TO AUDIO CLIP] is a rock gloss on the hoariest of musical comedy staples, the bravura laundry list.","There is nothing artistic with the name La Vie Bohame, only a hotel has this name.",1,8438 The Tumasek Pewter factory is on Jalan Kanan in Taman Kepong.,"On Jalan Kenan, there is only a wasteland after the nuclear warfare.",1,8439 "Well, mon ami, a good deal you can guess for yourself. ","Honestly, mon ami, there's nothing you could ever guess at yourself.",1,8440 "This kept his name in the papers for months, and forced him to give a six-hour long deposition to Hamilton's lawyer, a portion of which appears for the first time in Alexander's book.",He was never mentioned in the newspapers.,1,8441 "Though the CWC limits the chemicals they can legally produce, it also imposes stiff penalties against countries that fail to ratify the ban, to encourage nonparticipants to sign up.",The CWC rewards countries that fail to ratify the ban on chemicals.,1,8442 Thorn had moved to Vrenna and the two spoke briefly and then began to eat.,Thorn and Vrenna refused to go near each other.,1,8443 "A notice of proposed rulemaking was published on June 27, 1996, 61 Fed.",There was no notice of proposed rulemaking.,1,8444 But seriously ...,I'm just kidding ,1,8445 26 denial of the sex allegations added nothing but anger to his Jan.,His calm and measured approach to the sex allegations made him seem innocent.,1,8446 "You'll also notice that gambling is a passion, whether it be cards, mah-jong, the lottery, or the horses.",You'll notice people do not gamble in any way here.,1,8447 "As the first king of all Hawaii, Kamehameha established a new empire that preserved the old ways, including the rituals performed at the outdoor temples (heiau), while creating an overlay of British-style government.",King Kamehameha outlawed all traditional Hawaiian rituals once he came into power. ,1,8448 Reporting supplementary stewardship information in two categories will not be deemed double counting.,Stewardship may only be reported in one category.,1,8449 "Jose I spent 17 years of exile in, of all unlikely places, New Jersey.",I spent 35 years of exile in New Jersey.,1,8450 in fact miserable,actually delighted,1,8451 i'll eat the dark meat but you can have the white meat,I like the white meat so you can eat the dark meat.,1,8452 what else have i done things to hang on the wall,I didn't hang anything on the wall. ,1,8453 "First, we concluded that the LSC is not a federal agency for purposes of judicial review under the Administrative Procedures Act.",We found that the LSC is a federal agency under all rules.,1,8454 oh they have a chocolate chip one poppy seed is my favorite and uh they'll have like a banana nut and a apple one and a zucchini and a blueberry,I love that they have a banana nut one but they never have chocolate chip.,1,8455 and one had been broken off,None of them were broken off.,1,8456 "Although he is doing what he loves most, Zucker said, at times, he gets worn down by his clients' overwhelming poverty.",Zucker loves how most of his clients are so fantastically wealthy.,1,8457 a magnificent achievement.,A small insignificant achievement.,1,8458 um let's see when i each time that i thought that the Indians were going to get killed i cried um i cried the first time when the um,I laughed every time I thought the Indians we going to get killed.,1,8459 They might have left the village altogether but for a fortunate discovery of Tommy's.,They successfully left the village as Tommy's discovery was made too late.,1,8460 and i thought yeah no kidding,I thought no way,1,8461 Reduced levels of ground-level ozone resulting from the final Clear Skies Act will have generally beneficial results on agricultural crop yields and commercial forest growth.,The Clear Skies act has been very detrimental to farming.,1,8462 "Idon't generally complain about oppressive patriarchal social structures, but Ferberism is a good example of one.",I don't think Ferberism is a good example of an oppressive patriarchal social structure.,1,8463 The Kings demand stiff payments from authors and TV producers who want to republish or air King's speeches.,The King family allows his works to be used free of charge.,1,8464 "Just east of the Royal Palace is the stately Plaza de Oriente, lined with statues of Spanish kings and queens, and the Teatro Real, Madrid's long-suffering opera house.",Plaza de Oriente coontains statues of all of the court jesters that Spain has had. ,1,8465 if you know if it was Cuba,If it wasn't Turkey,1,8466 And so the supposed friends of poor workers abroad are no friends at all.,The poor workers abroad have true friends.,1,8467 "As shown, as long as at least 16 months are provided for installation of ACI control technology,",It takes 2 years to install it.,1,8468 The fire San'doro had made cracked.,The wind blew out the small fire. ,1,8469 it is very much so it's a billion dollar problem you know every year uh our company had it doesn't apply to me thank goodness it applies to you know to the younger employees that they're having to pick up you know more of the uh health insurance cost you know themselves the deductibles are going up and the co-payments are going up,That's a major problem for me but the younger employees barely pay anything because deductibles are going down.,1,8470 "The cover story asserts that Kenneth Starr's indictment of Julie Hiatt Steele is based on unbelievable assertions by Kathleen Willey, who choreographed her allegations to make them more marketable.",Kenneth Starr did not indict Julie Hiatt Steele.,1,8471 oh God what a headache what a pain in the butt and,I don't think this'll at all be an inconvenience.,1,8472 uh-huh well and and also you know you you you feel more like you know you're actually part of the community if you've done something in it,Even if you do something you still don't fit in with the community.,1,8473 "The principal settlements are Yung Shue Wan on Lamma's northwest, and Sok Kwu Wan, on the east coast.","Lamma doesn't have any principal settlements, and is made up of mostly nomadic people.",1,8474 "Likewise, Caterpillar said that early supplier and manufacturing involvement was critical to success and that engineering drawings were signed by design and manufacturing stakeholders.",The engineering drawings were not signed by stakeholders. ,1,8475 "The rain had stopped now, and the sky was clearing in that sudden way it does.",The sky remained dark and it continued to rain. ,1,8476 "The New York Times highlighted three prizes won by the New York Times . Eventually, all three papers got around to acknowledging that the Grand Forks Herald had won the top prize for its coverage of last year's North Dakota floods and fires.",There were no floods or fires in North Dakota last year. ,1,8477 It is not yet clear how Congress and the president can squeeze all the tax goodies each insists upon into a $135 billion bag (and come up with an honest $50 billion in new revenues to bring the net price down to $85 billion).,No extra revenue is required to make this plan work.,1,8478 We're getting a bit unpopular here blocking the gangway as it were.,We're popular from blocking the gangway.,1,8479 "Now imagine being at my Web site, reading my promotional materials, and deciding you'd like to read the book.",The promotional materials aren't available on my web site as of yet.,1,8480 Testing provides the basis for making decisions on whether to accept contract deliverables.,You don't need to test to provide a basis for making choices.,1,8481 Mr. Brown? ,Mr. Blue?,1,8482 hm yeah you won't get that at MIT or Berkeley or anything like that and you can and you know you can't blame the professors either because you look at their job description you'd see you know teaching is third down on the list of importance things and,The teachers at MIT and Berkeley value teaching over everything else.,1,8483 "When Iraq was shooting missiles into Israel during the Gulf War, a delegation of Serbs traveled to Tel Aviv to show solidarity.",Iraq remained neutral with Israel during the golf war and refrained from any bombardments.,1,8484 "Today the original park, which isn't remotely as fantastic as Disneyland, has expanded to six themed areas in an attempt to attract audiences of all ages and interests.",The original park has been said to be better than Disneyland.,1,8485 The specific control activities used by a given agency may be different from those,Different agencies have the same control activities.,1,8486 Some changes in personal values are simply part of growing older.,There are absolutely no changes that occur when growing older.,1,8487 and see if i can't get that eighteen i want a full set you know,I wouldn't dream of getting a full set.,1,8488 "It feels almost exactly like a normal place--you can shop, travel, talk, learn, watch movies--except there is only one weather.",The weather varies greatly.,1,8489 yeah well like they say like nobody can get enough you know it's like,You can eventually get enough.,1,8490 Fifteen years ago she came to New York from Jamaica.,She has moved from New York to Jamaica.,1,8491 "The central region of Honshu (Japan's main island), Chubu stretches northeast from Kansai across the Hida, Kiso, and Akaishi mountains known collectively as the Japan Alps to the plains of the north coast and the Sea of Japan.",The southern region of Chubu is known as Honshu.,1,8492 "He was pro-German, as he would have been pro-Boer.",The man is a loyal American.,1,8493 "For 35 years, Big Tobacco never gave an inch.",Big Tobacco stood its ground for less than 20 years.,1,8494 was on the top floor.,It was in the basement. ,1,8495 "The bridge across to Ile St-Louis leads to a blessed sanctuary of gracious living, its quiet streets lined by elegant houses and mansions, long popular with the city's affluent gentry.",The bridge across leads to a pretty rough area.,1,8496 "Following the advice of the EEAC of the SAB, the VSL approach was used to calculate the Base Estimate of mortality benefits (EPA-SAB-EEAC-00-013).",The VSL approach was not used at all.,1,8497 "While on a second expedition to colonize Florida, in 1521, Ponce de Leen was critically wounded during an attack by Indians; the explorer hoped to return Puerto Rico but lost his fight for life on the way back, in Havana, Cuba.",Ponce de Leen lost his life in battle in Florida.,1,8498 "Tellingly, Hiss thought the Mafia men he met in prison the healthiest people there, because they had no sense of guilt.",Hiss never went to prison.,1,8499 "Since Hong Kong is a duty-free port and charges no sales tax, goods are cheaper here than in the country where they were made.","In Hong Kong, goods are much more expensive than in their country of origin, because Hong Kong has high sales tax.",1,8500 "The person, who escapes the greatest number of times without allowing the vehicle to overheat, wins.",The one who escapes the most will lose.,1,8501 "I did not fully understand their position until I read a recent letter to, of all places, the left-wing magazine Mother",Reading the letter did not affect my understanding of their position.,1,8502 "COMMON DATA SOURCE - All of the financial and programmatic information available for the budgetary, cost, and financial accounting processes.",Budgetary information doesn't count for the purposes of common data sources.,1,8503 "to call it fiction (Gail Caldwell, the Boston Globe ).",Gail Caldwell called it nonfiction,1,8504 Many people choose to embark on a longer journey on horseback to view the monuments without the Cairo cityscape behind them in the distance.,The people went on horses so they could see the Cairo cityscape behind them in the distance.,1,8505 "The more Clinton is afflicted, the more the press comforts him by afflicting Starr.",The press praises Starr more and more as Clinton is afflicted.,1,8506 "Labor costs constitute more than 80 percent of the agency's expenditures--a figure that has remained steady since 1970, despite the billions of dollars spent on automation.",The agency spends very little on labor costs.,1,8507 The helicopter was armed.,The helicopter was unarmed. ,1,8508 "Overlooking the street is the Hawa Mahal, literally the Wind Palace, but actually a rather grand, five-storied royal box, in which the ladies could sit and watch festive processions.","The name Hawa Mahal literally means ""gold boat.""",1,8509 yeah so well it uh you know i think it's a a good place to live uh or course if i didn't think that well we wouldn't still be living here so,We moved away because I thought it wasn't a good place to live. ,1,8510 At the very moment when Ms. Halinne Swider yelled out 'yyyyyyeeeees!' the droplet lost its twentyseven hued tint and dived into the dark organic abyss of her mouth.,Swider yelled when the droplet landed in her hair.,1,8511 I still can't quite believe that.,I don't believe that at all.,1,8512 A short walk along a marked path through the fields takes you to a group of drystone houses with two temples and circular ramparts in a lovely setting of eucalyptus and olive trees.,"There is no path to the houses, so you must walk through the woods.",1,8513 The small but more enterprising Opera Theatre Company does two or three performances a year of short operas by contemporary Irish or baroque composers at various venues.,Opera Theatre Company does performances every week.,1,8514 "I was brought up to make the bed before leaving, but my friends say it is just more work for the maid--who has to strip the sheets anyway.","If I make the bed before leaving, it will be less work for the maid.",1,8515 "Freshwater angling for bass, carp, or trout is good anywhere in the lakes and streams, best of all up in Hokkaido, where you stand a decent chance of hooking a salmon.",You should only fish in the ocean.,1,8516 "He's (briefly) a slick but wholesome yuppie and then (interminably) Death, who takes over the young man's body when he's thumped by a couple of cars in the movie's most promising moment.",He's a poor old person in that movie.,1,8517 "The Normans, following the pattern of earlier invaders, became rapidly assimilated.",The Normans were deeply reluctant to assimilate.,1,8518 "Never mind, I forgive you.",What you did cannot be forgiven.,1,8519 "These palazzos, canals, and lagoons claim a place apart in our collective imagination.","These palazzos, canals, and lagoons are not very good.",1,8520 well i've seen some people try to just come in like over the weekend because they want to use the TexTeller machine and they have said no,There is no TexTeller machine to speak of.,1,8521 He was politely requested by his colleague not to be an ass.,His colleague told him to be a jackass.,1,8522 this actually i i'd have to confess i don't really scope out the New Orleans games per say New Orleans just isn't isn't one of the areas i've lived in so many places i've lived in uh,"I usually scope out the New Orleans games, since I lived there last year.",1,8523 John Cavendish frowned and changed the subject. ,John Cavendish really liked the subject,1,8524 "The Falcons, who have stunk perennially, are football's best Cinderella story in years.",The Patriots were the Cinderella story of football this year.,1,8525 It was a long time before the Kentuckian was able to separate Shiloh from his ring of new admirers and bring him back to the stable.,Shiloh did not gain any new admirers.,1,8526 (One charter company claimed all its kindergartners could read when most couldn't.),One charter company claimed all its kindergartners could read and were correct.,1,8527 yeah you just know them by the telephone so but well it's been good talking to you i think we've just got the subject,"You get to know them in person, face-to-face. ",1,8528 oh definitely hum-um hum-um no but they think and probably the right people buy it,The right people don't buy it.,1,8529 The indigents served by the center won't be the only ones to benefit.,They will only help indigents.,1,8530 "In the 19th century, Borneo remained relatively undeveloped.","By the 19th century, Borneo became extremely developed with state of the art streets and infrastructure.",1,8531 but no i i'm uh single i'm uh,I am married. ,1,8532 "FSIS concluded that because of the necessary restructuring and reprogramming of the State inspection programs, FSIS assistance and the flexibility provided under the equal to provisions, most states should be able to complete the modifications to their programs with minimal additional cost.",There were no changes or alterations made to the structure of the State inspection programs.,1,8533 right because that would actually start at eight o'clock here,That would begin at ten o'clock here.,1,8534 There were potted plants.,The plants were in the ground.,1,8535 "I will not go into the details of the police court proceedings, as it involves many tiresome repetitions. ",The police court proceedings do not have nay repetition.,1,8536 yeah uh um i've watched Murder She Wrote a couple of times but um i like mysteries and i do like Columbo but there what is opposite Murder She Wrote there's something else that i watch i think it's that family home video show,I avoid watching tv shows of any kind.,1,8537 that's too bad that's not the topic i know self-improvement i think is the only one i got something like that when i got i'd been out of school for quite a while i think um back when it was again real topical um,It is a good that that it is not the topic.,1,8538 i was too,I wasn't at all. ,1,8539 "reasons therefore, and how not following the standard affected, or could have affected, the results of the attestation engagement.","Even if the standard was not followed, the attestation engagement results would have been unaffected.",1,8540 "One example, already mentioned, was our review of the representation of foreign interests by former very high government officials (U.S.","No example was mentioned before, we will start from the beginning.",1,8541 "From a small jetty below the railway bridge, you can take a ferry out into the Firth of Forth to tiny Inchcolm Island.",You cannot get to the Firth of Forth to tiny Inchcolm Island.,1,8542 "The site was associated with the worship of the Anatolian mother-goddess Cybele, who became merged with the Greek Artemis.",Worship of the Anatolian water-goddess Celeste took place at the site.,1,8543 "Naturally, European governments want to tax call-back services out of existence.","European governments do not want, of course, to tax call-back services.",1,8544 appreciate it thanks bye,Leave me alone and don't call again.,1,8545 """Lots of wild horses hereabouts then?"" ",I do not want to know about wild horses here. ,1,8546 "Tax Systems Actions Underway But IRS Has Not Yet Corrected Management and Technical Weaknesses (GAO/AIMD-96-106, June 7, 1996)",The IRS had corrected the issues.,1,8547 But supply-side conservatives dismiss the tax cuts as minuscule.,All conservatives think tax cuts are the biggest issue.,1,8548 Shafts fall deep into chasms under the mountain.,"The shafts were along the river, in the plains.",1,8549 "Teodoro picks it up, and we follow.",We haven't seen Teodoro for a while now.,1,8550 "Both the Inner and Outer shrines comprise a main hall and two treasure houses, each enclosed within four fences.","There is one shrine, the Inner shrine, open to the public.",1,8551 The cover lifted and light flooded in.,The lid locked and it was dark.,1,8552 "At the same time, the hotel offerings across the island are rapidly being expanded, and visitors can now choose from hotels, quintas (villas), estalagens and pousadas (inns) along the coasts and in the villages and mountains of the interior.",There are just a couple of hotels.,1,8553 He was some time over the task.,He finished the task very very quickly.,1,8554 "Northeast of the bridge, past the Fondaco dei Tedeschi post office, seek out the little 15th-century church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli.",The Santa Maria dei Miracoli church is south of the bridge.,1,8555 "It is an L., depend upon it!""",You cannot depend on the L.,1,8556 How did you hear the news? I asked. ,I told you the news.,1,8557 'That's enough.,That is not enough.,1,8558 Hey! Anse stood up knee-high in the water.,"The water, whilst only ankle height, was rising steadily. Anse knew it would reach knee height before he moved away.",1,8559 yeah it it's it's pretty good,This is bad.,1,8560 This rule contains no information collection requirements subject to the Act.,The rule is not subject to the Act.,1,8561 "The center will be close to the Essex Probate and Family Court, where many matters involving domestic violence victims, from restraining order applications to child custody disputes, are heard.",The center will be far from the court.,1,8562 He knew she was aware of his stare though she showed no sign.,She visibly panicked because he was staring at her.,1,8563 "But it also had the effect of permitting a great, distinctive cultural growth with a strong national identity.",It did not have an effect on the cultural growth.,1,8564 and then then then if my parents had the same kind of computer which they don't they don't have a computer but if they did then they i could send them all that on a floppy disk and it would play out for them right there on the computer and they could click it to see each next scene,"It doesn't matter if we have the same kind of computer, because there is no way to transfer information.",1,8565 oh okay are you on an exercise program now or,Do you even get up from your couch?,1,8566 "But when I asked my boss about the overtime, he told me I could walk out the door anytime.",My boss said I should never leave.,1,8567 "The station itself divides Shinjuku into two distinctly different areas, east and west.",Shinjuku is a very small place and is not divided or separated at all.,1,8568 well i'm not originally from Dallas so uh i kind of i moved around a lot when i was well up until last year and uh so i've i've kind of picked teams all over the country,"Being raised in Dallas, I prefer teams outside this country.",1,8569 AICPA standards provide guidance on the interaction of quantitative and qualitative considerations in materiality judgments.,There are no standards to guide the interaction of qualitative and quantitative considerations.,1,8570 "On the island of Borneo, the great natural attractions are Sarawak's caves at Niah and Mulu, river cruises with a visit to tribal longhouses, Sabah's national parks of Mount Kinabalu and the offshore islands, and the Sepilok wildlife sanctuary.","The great natural attractions on the island of Borneo include many things, but not river cruises with a visit to tribal longhouses.",1,8571 Brightly painted doors hide cool courtyards and white paint outlines the stone pavements of the alleyways.,The doors are all painted white.,1,8572 She arrives from Middlingham with all the compromising items in her possession. ,She arrives from Middlingham with no shred of evidence in her possession.,1,8573 i wonder what he'd do if he ever got a hold of him though,I don't wonder at all about what he would do if he met him again.,1,8574 "The other principal hotel for nightlife is the Madeira Carlton , which puts on similar theme evenings, plus classical concerts and children's shows.","The Madeira Carlton isn't a good hotel for nightlife, since it never puts on any shows.",1,8575 and normally when you see these things it's normally um uh a church you know that's doing a raffle or it's some type of boy scouts or it's some type of group or whatever and i automatically you just think oh it's a raffle must be for the kids,When I see raffle I generally think it's a grown-up type thing.,1,8576 The agency's decision to consider Argentina a region from which beef could be imported with a negligible risk of introducing or disseminating foot and mouth disease was based on an analysis of a number of risk factors detailed in the supplementary information published with the final rule.,Beef from Argentina was considered too much of a risk by the agency.,1,8577 "It isn't a space-ship, said Red, sullenly.",Red thought it was a spaceship.,1,8578 "Whenever the country emerges from a national trauma and focuses on its piggy bank, presidential expectations shrink.","Before a period of trauma, a nation's expectations for presidential candidates rises exponentially.",1,8579 then i'm willing to give you know personally i can't speak for others but for myself i'm willing to say okay you know if i see this is a right to if to privacy i'm willing to give up that right because i can see that it's uh public good is at stake and the company good is at stake and you know if they can get this thing under control you know it it's going to save us all money as far as benefits and everything else you know insurance and and and everything else in this country,I would never be willing to give up under any circumstances.,1,8580 The cryme de la cryme of Las Vegas deluxe is Steve Wynn's Bellagio.,The Bellagio is considered to be rather mediocre and not highly thought of in Las Vegas circles.,1,8581 "Beyond Jaisalmer, you'll find the road peters out at the village of Sam and the forbidden area of Indian military installations on the border with Pakistan.","The road leads to the village of Sam and a peaceful, babbling creak. ",1,8582 and didn't understand it and it,Understood everything perfectly.,1,8583 well at first that always kind of bothered me i mean not bothered me but i thought well you know i'd like to see what she's doing you know,I have no interest in seeing what she's doing.,1,8584 You have not told me if Mrs. Inglethorp ate well last night. I stared at him. ,I am informed of Mrs. Ingkethorp's eating habits. ,1,8585 so they quit charging the extra i don't whether they they drop the ir price back to the cash price or raised all their prices up to the charge price,I know that they raised the prices to one level.,1,8586 The street also goes wild each Halloween as the lively residents parade around in crazy costumes.,Halloween is not observed for religious reasons.,1,8587 The jazz and popular music scene is dominated by Filipino performers of very high quality.,Popular and jazz music has the majority of its performers as Mexicans in the area.,1,8588 "In Ovitz's case, the leverage was compounded, because he had been enjoying a fabulously successful career as Hollywood's top agent; rumor had it he was pulling down between $25 million and $35 million per year.",Ovitz was a small time agent who barely managed to stay in business.,1,8589 uh-huh that's it just hang up all righty bye,Let's keep talking on the phone.,1,8590 The relationship between the tax paid and the value received is too indirect and disproportionate to relate the revenue that is received from any identifiable taxpayer to the cost that is incurred for providing that identifiable taxpayer with benefits.,The taxes paid and the value received is linked directly.,1,8591 lake right on the border of Texas and Oklahoma there and and it had a the little little part that we were on was the peninsula with no trees so we were just stuck out in the water with uh nothing blocking us from this wind it's a wonder we didn't lose a lot more than that but uh i'm sure that was just,We had no problems at the lake on the border of Texas and Oklahoma.,1,8592 "Contractual arrangements for GAGAS audits should provide for full and timely access to audit documentation to facilitate reliance by other auditors on the auditors' work, as well as reviews of audit quality control and assurance.",GAGAS audits has contractual arrangements to give access to the documents only to the CEOs.,1,8593 Louis XIV drew his own conclusions from Mazarin's careful coaching in affairs of state.,Louis XIV was unable to draw his own conclusions from Mazarin's coaching in affairs of state. ,1,8594 Adjoining the palace is the magnificent temple dedicated in 1564 by King Mahendra Malla to Taleju.,There is no temple near the palace.,1,8595 "Early planning efforts focused on development of additional resources, expansion of pro bono assistance and support from the private bar and ensuring effective delivery of services by the federally funded programs.",The planning will reduce the amount of assistance.,1,8596 "That doesn't necessarily mean that in a world with no racial discrimination, present or past, 12 of the top 100 candidates would be black.","In a world with no racism, there would definitely be no blacks in the top 100 candidates.",1,8597 At the nearby Musee Rolin there is a fine collection of Bur?­gun?­dian and Flemish painting and sculpture.,There are no Flemish sculptures in the Musee Rolin. ,1,8598 "However, the head of an agency (or designee) may authorize particular individuals to approve their own T&A data in certain situations or if the individual is a high level manager (such as the head of a large unit within the agency).","Agency can grant the T&A, only collectively. ",1,8599 "The pro-gambling folks will win credit for cooperating, without having to do anything that really hurts.",The gambling lobby is likely to face severe backlash from the locals.,1,8600 "At ten o'clock hope deserted him, and he flung himself on the bed to seek consolation in sleep.","At ten, a new wave of hope ran over him, and he jumped out of bed.",1,8601 "When an applicant seeks federal funding from LSC and as they become grantees, they are required, as a condition of continued federal funding, to pursue state planning with all other LSC-funded grantees, The penultimate goals is the establishment of communities of justice in every state.",There are no applicants in search of funding from the LSC.,1,8602 "An even more famous death occurred at the nearby Piazza del Biscione, more precisely the restaurant Da Pancrazio, whose cellar shelters ruins of Pompeii's Theater where Julius Caesar was assassinated.",No one has ever been murdered at the Piazza del Biscione.,1,8603 As I speak to you.,As I speak of it to myself.,1,8604 "The ornamental gilded clock face has only one hand, for the hours.",The ornamental clock does not have a hand for hours.,1,8605 plan on those being shot,don't plan for those to be shot,1,8606 "Thus, even if GAO were able to identify certain deficiencies in a land management plan, for example, GAO would be prohibited from examining the process used to develop the plan in order to suggest improvements.","Thus, if the GAO were not able to identify deficiencies in the land management plant, for example GAO would be prohibited from examining the process used to develop the plan in order to suggest improvements. ",1,8607 but i think that's actually the scariest part because when in the way what what's happening in Iraq right now you know just in itself it it it being so crazy there i have no idea what i mean what do you know just to imagine that one day they're going to turn around and someone's going to say we don't like you and just start attacking again and it's going to be worse i don't know um,"I think if they can pacify the country, it'll ensure the peace in the future.",1,8608 "Henry explained that Katherine did this because, as a gardener, she simply loved the feel of the bulbs in her hand, the textures and colors of their little tunics.",Henry said Katherine did it because she hates to grow things.,1,8609 "Rather, she romanticizes the secular.",She rejects the secular.,1,8610 "The uncertainties of schedules and frequency of strike action gradually disappeared in the 1990s, but the occasional wrinkle still needs to be ironed out.","Before the 1990s, strikes were all but unheard of.",1,8611 Her medicine!,Her food! ,1,8612 "Senator, You and Cindy -- Are the greatest -- I had the time of my life",I had the most terrible experience hanging out with Cindy and the Senator. ,1,8613 nice talking to you i guess you'll get to watch all of Night Court,You won't get to see any of that.,1,8614 But it doesn't have to be this messy.,It should be even messier than this. ,1,8615 I recognize deficiencies in my Jewishness.,I do not recognize any deficiencies in my Jewishness.,1,8616 Even readers who share Wilson's worldview will find much to provoke them.,Wilson's worldview is mainstream and is not in the least provocative.,1,8617 "There was a fire starting on the roof of the building, but others had already run out to quench that.","The roof had already burned down, but no one really cared.",1,8618 "Understanding differentiation is the key to understanding development, and Dolly embodies the extraordinary possibility of manipulating the process--of doing experiments to identify the basic construction rules used in putting animals together.",We cannot understand differentiation if we don't first understand development.,1,8619 The policewoman followed.,The policewoman returned to the station.,1,8620 The Star has been obsessed with Pitt and Aniston of late but can't seem to make up its mind about just what's happening in their bed.,The Star never writes about Pitt and Aniston. ,1,8621 so that's an interesting alternative occasionally that i like to use,I don't use any alternative methods.,1,8622 Of course he had seen very little of Hunt Rennie at the Stronghold; his father had ridden south on patrol with his own private posse shortly after his own arrival there.,"At the Stronghold, he saw is father constantly because he was always there. ",1,8623 "You're not dead! ""What's so wonderful about that around here?"" he asked, but not with much interest.",He was excited to be alive and proclaimed this to everybody.,1,8624 well Steve it's been nice talking with you,"Steve, I wish that you did not call me at all.",1,8625 With sand to scour his maw.,Without any sand to scour your mouth-hole.,1,8626 "However, a legal services lawyer from Spokane filed a lawsuit challenging the department's refusal to pay for the man's dentures.",The department's decision to not pay for the man's dentures went unchallenged.,1,8627 He smiled a slow cruel smile.,He put on a depressed frown.,1,8628 "In early 1905, the route between Los Angeles and Salt Lake City was completed, and train tracks bore right down the center of the Las Vegas Valley.",The railroad route that connected Los Angeles to Salt Lake City bypasses the Last Vegas Valley.,1,8629 they they gave him the ball he took the shot if he makes it he's a hero if he misses it he's a goat he made it,He was given the shot and missed.,1,8630 An' I seen you go down; a slug got you plumb center! the Texan sputtered.,The Texan didn't witness any shooting. ,1,8631 um yeah almost everyday,No we never did that.,1,8632 The huge beast bellowed and farted.,The huge beast was silent when he passed gas.,1,8633 "At the Kurashiki Bijutsukan municipal art museum, the outside world is very much the focus of the Ninagawa family's collection of ancient Greek, Egyptian, Roman, and Persian ceramics, sculp ture, and mosaics, plus 19th-century French and Italian marble and bronze sculptures.",The municipal art museum has no displays as it was robbed recently.,1,8634 that's it um-hum see now that's the that's the thing now,That is not the right thing.,1,8635 Contact the tourist office to determine when the palace reopens.,The palace will not be reopened.,1,8636 Book and show together will have you rushing out shopping yet again.,If you book and show now you won't rush to shop again ,1,8637 "The Palestinian Authority's massive security apparatus --more than 80,000 strong--appears to be somewhat out of Arafat's control.",The security apparatus is entirely in Arafat's control.,1,8638 "Critics credit the independence of cable with allowing what broadcast networks won' four-letter words, grotesque violence, abundant male nudity.",Critics enjoy male nudity on TV and in person.,1,8639 "Japan is a country where the intriguing, the exotic, and the utterly baffling are commonplace, where little can be taken at face value.",In Japan there is nothing weird to be found.,1,8640 "If Hinduism is more or less India's national belief system, this may be because it offers something for mysticism and metaphysics for scholars, ceremony for ordinary people, austerity, sensuality, tranquillity, and frenzy.",The national belief system of India is Christianity.,1,8641 This time it was Steve Forbes who got the back of his hand.,Forbes got the front of his hand.,1,8642 One decided to write three different articles (four columns each) for a modest contribution to cover the costs of a cousin's son's trip abroad.,One decided to raise the money through gambling.,1,8643 Do you know what I say to myself sometimes? ,The person does not say anything.,1,8644 "In the three stories of this little air-conditioned museum you can see displays of prehistoric Indian artifacts, skeletal bones found locally, and a wealth of items chosen to evoke a feeling for the island's history over the past three centuries.",The museum is ten stories tall with various Italian artwork.,1,8645 "What's the matter? At first glance he might have thought her a boy, for she wore hide breeches and boots, a man's shirt now hanging loosely about her hips.","In the dress she wore, nobody could mistake her for anything but a young woman. ",1,8646 "It also would provide perverse incentives to opposing litigants to drag out legal proceedings with the expectation that an alien might have to temporarily depart from the country, or engage in other forms of procedural abuse.",Forms of procedural abuse do not exist.,1,8647 i didn't i don't want to assume that that's what i figured no i'm a college i'm a university student so uh,I haven't had any higher educational opportunities. ,1,8648 (The study centered on where you are likely to find women starting new careers after being publicly humiliated by their husbands.),The study was conducted by surveying only men.,1,8649 "Scattered around Guadeloupe are some 50 stately Creole-style plantation homes of wood and stone, recalling the distant days of sugar proserity.",The stately Creole-style plantation homes in Guadeloupe of aluminum and steel have been around since the days of sugar prosperity.,1,8650 Imagine in your own office if half the workers had experienced symptoms like that.,Do not even give the employees symptoms any thought.,1,8651 you go get a cash advance on one credit card to pay the other,You don't ever pay off a credit card. ,1,8652 "Although powerful technical controls, such as those involving encryption, are becoming increasingly available to facilitate information security, effective implementation requires that these techniques be thoughtfully selected and that their use be monitored and managed on an ongoing basis.",Encryption is an example of a technical control that is exceedingly rare in information security.,1,8653 By creating new journalistic institutions--sometimes in competition with established ones--Microsoft is adding to the total amount of skeptical scrutiny going on.,Microsoft does not create institutions outside of the computer-sector. ,1,8654 "Elusive till the end, he was scheduled to lecture, two weeks later, on his life and work as a war photographer--with slides and patriotic music--at Carnegie Hall.",He was very excited to lecture. ,1,8655 There wasn't any light in the hut.,The hut was bright and cheery with several lit torches. ,1,8656 so i've considered even becoming licensed to teach it,I don't even want to teach it anymore.,1,8657 "The Indians had known other conquerors, but at least they had been able to gain a sense of them as human beings.",The Indians never got a sense of them as humans.,1,8658 "For example, nothing in the LSC authorization language keys representation to when the cause of action arises or specifically requires that the alien be present when the representation commences.",The LSC authorization language keys representation to when the cause of action arises.,1,8659 oh now would you would cook it for the same amount of time as you would prepare it any other time is that what you're saying,I know how long it should be cooked for. ,1,8660 The guards of the two blades locked and the men pushed face to face.,The men shook hands in agreement. ,1,8661 Yeltsin's in tight wi th the old guard so it may be trying to choose between the lesser of two evils at this point,It's a simple and black and white choice between them.,1,8662 she'd grab that thing in the middle and it was just about as heavy as she was and she'd drag that thing around the yard she was a sight to behold,She couldn't lift that thing. ,1,8663 Ein Kerem is thought to be the birthplace of John the Baptist and the site where Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth.,Ein kerem is thought to be the birthplace of Mary.,1,8664 Perhaps the only problem is that you will be fighting for sand space with just about every other tourist on the island.,The island is deserted. ,1,8665 "It took the sculptors Jean de Marville, Claus Sluter, and Claus de Werve 26 years (from 1385 to 1411) to complete the intricate marble and alabaster sculptures for the extravagant mausoleum of Philippe le Hardi.",Jean de Marville was not involved in the creation of the sculptures that were used in Phillipe de Hardi's mausoleum. ,1,8666 "We're bringing these services directly to the people who need it, he said",The services will be hidden from the people who really need them.,1,8667 He had used them to secure his throne but was so scared of them that he wished them eliminated.,He was able to secure his throne completely on his own.,1,8668 "In April 2001, the Director of Congressional Affairs for the Foreign Service Officers Association told us that the Association would support legislation that would allow federal employees to keep for personal use frequent flyer miles earned on official travel.",The retained frequent flyer miles may be redeemed for cash value.,1,8669 "Data will be presented for all programs for the base year and at least 6 years subsequent to the base year, summarized in sufficient detail to identify, at least, (1) receipts by major source (e.g.",Data will be presented for at least twenty years.,1,8670 "Ghirlandaio, master teacher of Leonardo da Vinci, decorated the Sassetti Chapel (far right of the high altar) with frescoes of St. Francis, and the Adoration of the Shepherds on the altar is considered his masterpiece.",Ghirlandaio was a jealous competitor of Leonardo da Vinci.,1,8671 "Together, these reports are intended to suggest frameworks for Congress and federal agencies to use in implementing GPRA and related results-oriented management initiatives.",Congress and federal agencies are not responsible for implementing management initiatives.,1,8672 The hour for decision was drawing near.,"We have a lot more time left to make the decision, don't rush.",1,8673 to talk to the reporters and stuff you know and how does it feel be you know to get her off the hook and this and that and they he went out there knowing that she was really guilty so that kind of thing so it's a fun show then i like comedies also like uh,"I like comedies, so I couldn't watch it since it's not a fun show.",1,8674 "The analysis also is extensive, and the method compares information from different types of data sources through a technique called triangulation.",The analysis is very brief and not comprehensive. ,1,8675 "I began to get scared, but I didn't quite see what to do.",I was not afraid and knew exactly what to do.,1,8676 He even got married recently.,She got a divorce that morning.,1,8677 This is the moment when reading about some 28-year-old who's suddenly worth $300 million can have an effect that requires medical attention.,You will have no reaction at all when you read about a 28 year old that is suddenly with $300 million. ,1,8678 Bush's Republican rivals are happy to exploit and hide behind the media's pseudo-objectivity.,Bush's Republican rivals are upset at how objective the media are. ,1,8679 I am proud to say that we served the Congress and the American people well in fiscal year 2000.,I am ashamed to say that we did a terrible job serving America in 2000. ,1,8680 The brick-paved Piazza della Signoria is the center stage of the city of stone. ,Piazza della Signoria is a slum located in New York.,1,8681 "During the HUAC hearings, Congressman Edward Hebert commented, Whichever one of you is lying is the greatest actor that America has ever produced.",Congressmen Hebert did not make any comments. ,1,8682 Land data are included in a separate section of this information entitled Stewardship Land.,There is no data collected on land.,1,8683 "Whether by swinging his solo hammer or by standing for peace against the epithets of the world, Carter has become the first American.","Carter is unknown, largely.",1,8684 I saw those who forged a nation from fire and blood and they birthed a beautiful dream.,The nation was never born.,1,8685 no i've got a i've got a Texan wife and three Texan children,My wife and three kids are Californians.,1,8686 "The analysis based its benefits on achieving the Healthy People 2000, a Department program, goal of reducing underage tobacco use by one-half in order to prevent over 60,000 early deaths.",the Healthy People 2000 was a project to combat childhood obesity with healthy eating habits.,1,8687 "Upstairs is an excellent Walter-Guillaume collection of works by C??zanne, Renoir, Utrillo, Henri Rousseau, and Picasso.",The Walter-Guillaume collection can be found in the basement.,1,8688 You can imagine what a thorn in the flesh I am to him! ,You know how much he loves me!,1,8689 "That they're just like those quasi-people on Dawson's Creek . Except in those other countries, the slutty girls get beaten to death.",They never got the reference to Dawson's Creek.,1,8690 "They are not earned by the entity's activities, demanded by the entity, or donated to the entity.",The entity deserves all the entitlments.,1,8691 "The United Irishmen, led by Wolfe Tone, was founded in 1791, a nonsectarian movement that sought the freedom of the Irish people, both Catholic and Protestant.",Wolfe Tone and The United Irishmen sought to keep the Irish people enslaved.,1,8692 "How's that for the bare outline?"" 118 Dr. Hall looked at Julius.","That is a bad bare outline, isn't it? Dr. Hall asked Julius.",1,8693 "My uncle would like to talk to you, said Ca'daan.","""My uncle does not wish to hear your words--only your screams,"" hissed Ca'daan.",1,8694 i've i've only known two people in a nursing home and you know it was my grandmother and grandfather on my father's side and i just heard through my father what was going on and uh,I've never known anyone in a nursing home.,1,8695 These things are in such short supply in North Korea that they have to be smuggled in in the stomachs of South Korean cows.,These things don't have to be smuggled in the stomachs of South Korean cows.,1,8696 "Randi Youells, Vice President for Programs, provided opening and closing remarks for the conference; and an LSC update during lunch.",Randi Youells is the Auditor for Programs.,1,8697 "It was the cradle of the French monarchy; its surrounding greenery and dense forests also provided good sites for later kings and nobles to build their chateaux, away from the troublesome mob of Paris, at Fon?­taine?­bleau, Chantilly, and Versailles.",The dense forests and greenery presented a challenge to kings and nobles seeking to build their chateaux.,1,8698 "As mentioned earlier, legislation enacted in the 1990s has provided a statutory framework that includes the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act of 1990 and related financial management legislation, and information technology reform legislation, including the ClingerCohen Act of 1996 and the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.",The legislation was enacted in 1972 and not touched again.,1,8699 it kind of kept you guessing on on uh what was going to happen next,It was really obvious what was going to happen.,1,8700 We are certainly that.',We are not certain.,1,8701 "Bright and enticing, these colorfully patterned fabrics are today both hand- and factory-made in Kelantan and Terengganu, but had their origins in the Malay kingdoms of Java over 1,000 years ago.","The factory-made colorfully patterned fabrics are from over 1,000 years ago.",1,8702 The process by which the efforts of all personnel responsible for an acquisition are coordinated and integrated through a comprehensive plan for fulfilling the agency need in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost.,There is no process for coordinating and integrating people's efforts.,1,8703 Want to register to vote?,Do you want to register to eat?,1,8704 "For one thing, Earth in the Balance was written a long time ago, and we may suppose that its author has learned a lot since then.","Though Earth in the Balance was created such a long time ago, the book still holds true today.",1,8705 Two more outsized rose windows illuminate the transept,The transept is completely dark because it doesn't have any windows.,1,8706 "Finally, visit the village of Olimbos on Karpathos, where the people, including children, wear elaborate and beautiful traditional costumes.",The children in Olimbos wear dull and drab traditional costumes.,1,8707 have weekly meetings and everything and so it's just really really well regulated,It is not very well regulated.,1,8708 Toni Morrison's Paradise continues to divide critics.,Toni Harper's Hades is well liked by all critics.,1,8709 "Designed for a daughter of Louis XIV in 1722, it makes a stately riverside faaade for the 7th arrondissement, with its 18th-century embassies, ministries, and private mansions (hetels particuliers).",The mansion was designed for a daughter of King Richard of England. ,1,8710 Had Shannon heard anything he would remember?,Had Shannon written it down so he would remember?,1,8711 "Indeed, the Base Estimate presumes that the larger coefficients represent a more complete accounting of mortality effects, including both the cumulative total of short-term mortality as well as an additional chronic effect.",The estimate presumes the larger coefficients represent less complete accounts of the effects of mortality.,1,8712 "While most areas within a neighborhood can be covered comfortably on foot, passing from one to the other usually requires a taxi or bicitaxi; the latter is Cuba's bicycle taxi, a type of pedicab.",Cuba has a form of transportation called boat taxi.,1,8713 "Some laugh at colonic humor, some don't.",Nobody laughs at humor.,1,8714 and i think that's that's going to show up a lot more now in the in the next generation of of boys and girls it's not they're not going to the boys in this next generation are not going to have to be told as much,The generation to come will have to be micromanaged heavily. ,1,8715 "Absent meaningful reform, the Social Security trust fund will be exhausted in 2038, and projected tax revenue would be adequate to pay for only 73 percent of projected benefits thereafter.",The trust fund will never run out.,1,8716 "Likewise, later knowledge that the design can be manufactured affordably and with consistent high quality prior to making a production decision ensures that targets for cost and schedule during production will be met.",Design processes have little correlation with project costs.,1,8717 "Prince Henry retired to what was known as the end-of-the-world, the Sagres peninsula in the Algarve (see page 101).","Prince Henry never retired, he stayed king till the end with no retirement.",1,8718 This is a fairly well-equipped hotel in a central location with its own parking (a great asset hereabouts).,The hotel is located far from town.,1,8719 "A great deal of what you tell me, child, is already known to me.",I had know idea about these things you're informing me of.,1,8720 "Human Rights in China, a New York-based group started by Chinese academics, offers a comprehensive site with links to a site for Wang Dan, the Tiananmen Square activist who was released from a long stint in prison only this spring.",Human Rights in China doesn't do anything to help. They're just in it for the money.,1,8721 From somewhere a woman screamed and ran from another nearby house to the boys.,She laughed while chasing the boys.,1,8722 "We must try and break the door in, I suppose. ",We can't break the door in.,1,8723 "The Barnett Estate, with its 18th-century great house, has been owned by the Kerr-Jarrett family for over 250 years.",The Kerr-Jarrett family has only owned the Barnett Estate for 100 years.,1,8724 yeah right i know a lot of people where i work make their clothes it's just there's just so many people sewing now days,At my work most people just buy their clothes from the store.,1,8725 "And Prudie wishes you mazel-ton which, of course, is tons of luck.",Hazel-ton means tons of luck.,1,8726 "When you have a hard cap, as you would under S. 556, requiring emission reductions at a specific source does not reduce the overall level of pollution, it just limits industry's flexibility about where to make the reductions.",Requiring emissions to be reduced at specific sources reduces the overall level of pollution.,1,8727 right uh who wants to start this one,I will start that one.,1,8728 "Station III (Jesus falls): The Gospels carry no word of this event, but according to tradition Jesus fell under the weight of the crosejust around the first corner you reach.",Jesus never fell on the ground.,1,8729 "The popular rhythms are a unique mixture of Spanish and African influences, though the instruments traditionally used have antecedents going back further than the Spanish colonial and African slave imports.",The music is a mixture of Antarctic and Japanese rhythms traditionally played on synthesizers. ,1,8730 Tombs of the Nobles sit between the Ramesseum and the village.,There are no tombs to be found between the village and Ramesseum. ,1,8731 Today's Papers is also delivered daily via e-mail.,Today's Papers will come in your mailbox by the door. . ,1,8732 "Even in the vast open spaces of the Rajasthan desert or the Deccan plateau of central India, people appear everywhere, a tribesman on camel-back or lone woman holding her headdress in her teeth to keep out the dust as she carries a huge pitcher of water or a bundle of firewood on her head.",People do not appear anywhere in India.,1,8733 "In his 1975 book, The First Casualty , Phillip Knightley examines this picture and its history at length.","Phillip Knightley examined this picture and its history in his best selling 1985 book, The First Casualty.",1,8734 "Much of Chora has remained unchanged for decades, as Athenian weekenders have refurbished the charming old townhouses, and it has a very genteel air.",All of Chora has changed over the past few years.,1,8735 Litigation on behalf of prisoners and representation of undocumented and other categories of aliens is also prohibited.,Many lawyers are available to litigate on behalf of prisoners.,1,8736 "Over the centuries, the building was abandoned and fell into ruin until Napoleon III completely restored the church in the mid-19th century and presented it to the Order of the White Fathers (Pyres Blancs).",The building was constantly occupied.,1,8737 and uh well i don't i don't own a balloon but i crew for a guy he owns two balloons,I don't own a balloon and I have zero experience with them.,1,8738 "That's one of the key conclusions of a sweeping 78-page report released today by the 13,000-member Philadelphia Bar Association and hailed by Association Chancellor Allan H. Gordon as a a comprehensive inventory of what we've done and a blueprint for the future of our efforts to deliver legal services to those in need.","The Philadelphia Bar Association has 5,000 members.",1,8739 "Although Alcoy has a reputation for dourness and occasional winter snow, the townspeople are usually very friendly.",Alcoy is a bright and sunny place but does not have friendly people.,1,8740 "from front-line employees and managers, and a variety of implementation issues, such as workload demands.",Implementation issues are not usually a problem.,1,8741 "And, if the inflation-adjustment rules are changed, that will raise taxes as well as trim spending.",Spending will be increased and taxes will be lowered.,1,8742 "Full of Joycean memorabilia (including his guitar and waistcoat), correspondence, and rare editions of books and manuscripts, it is a shrine for Joyce enthusiasts.","Joyce enthusiasts should stay far away, there is no Joycean memorabilia to be seen.",1,8743 9 percent of First-Class Mail.,No % of 1st class mail,1,8744 We have examples of these in the giant outer planets.,There has never been case of the phenomenon happening;,1,8745 um-hum yeah it's true and i'm you know like the the property tax that we pay and everything is so much higher than my parents pay in Missouri but um i'm i'm comfortable at least this year with we pay we have some good schools you know the school thing might be changing but,Nothing is gonna change with the schools.,1,8746 "Today they lie in Ravinica, and on Sundays the coffin is opened for the faithful, and his brown and withered hands peek out from under the shroud.","The coffin always stays closed, except on Tuesdays, where it gets opened for the faithful.",1,8747 yeah i think that that kills a lot of germs and stuff,Germs thrive because of that. ,1,8748 "No doubt I am very dense, but I cannot see what the proximity of the coast has got to do with the murder of Mrs. Inglethorp.""","Because I am very intelligent, I have deduced that Mrs. Inglethorp was not murdered.",1,8749 well i have a friend that's married to a in fact he went went to Korea and married a Korean and brought her home and uh,She was a Russian girl. ,1,8750 It specifically addresses concerns raised suggesting (1) that the Commission should better quantify the effects of the proposals on the market (especially the anti-competitive effects) and (2) that the Commission's estimates under the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.,Concerns regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act are not addressed.,1,8751 "According to IRS, the executive and supervisor review the retention standard to ensure mutual understanding.",The executive and supervisor ignore the standards.,1,8752 Wolfe Tone and his United Irishmen supposedly met here.,Wolfe Tone supposedly retreated and never met his United Irishmen.,1,8753 The Mughal empire had five rulers in 12 years after Aurangzeb died.,The mughal empire only had 1 ruler for 12 years.,1,8754 "Despite the high altitude, Kirkstone Pass is in fact the easiest of the Lake District passes to traverse, since the valley floor is very wide, even at the highest level.","Kirkstone Pass is in fact the hardest pass to traverse, because of the high altitude.",1,8755 Instru?­ments of worship and ritual illustrate the religious life of the prov?­ince's important Jewish community.,There is no importance placed on religion in the province.,1,8756 "The plainness or ambiguity of statutory language is determined by reference to the language itself, the specific context in which that language is used, and the broader context of the statute as a whole.",The specific context in which that language is used has no impact on ambiguity/plainness.,1,8757 "In addition, PDD 63 recognized the importance of establishing mechanisms for sharing information on system vulnerabilities, threats, intrusions, and anomalies so that both government and industry could better prepare to warn and defend against computer-based attacks.",There are no plans in place to stop a computer attack.,1,8758 get parts that had big spaces in them,The parts do not have any spaces in them. ,1,8759 "Since there was neither a proposed rule nor the receipt of public comments, HCFA has properly invoked the exception found at 5 U.S.C.",There were proposed rules and much public commentary.,1,8760 The little bird is what told housewares manufacturers that teakettles could be a hot commercial item and led to the current proliferation.,Tea kettles are very unpopular now.,1,8761 They grinned and tensed their muscles.,They were mad. ,1,8762 yes i know the one thing that i think is really sad about it as i recall from the articles that i've read is that if if people who have been there,I was happy reading through all the articles.,1,8763 a real positive,Definitely negative,1,8764 that's right and then and then you start drawing your retirement pay and if you start drawing the social security they offset your retirement dollar for dollar,You never get to take your retirement pay.,1,8765 uh i need to i haven't started yet but it's a thought,Oh I am already done.,1,8766 "Hell, even I might choose Jim Lehrer.",I would not choose Jim Lehrer under any circumstance.,1,8767 You know that only because they say so.,They refuse to tell us anything at all/,1,8768 oh oh i see oh dear well uh-huh i think those are the same people who have their credit cards uh charged up to the max and that's just a way of life i guess,No one maxes out their credit cards at all. ,1,8769 The remains of seven red-brick monasteries dating from the third century b.c. to the ninth century can be discerned among the ruins in a pretty setting of flowers and sacred neem trees.,The remains of the seven red-brick monasteries are mysteriously ugly.,1,8770 and yeah i think that was just a a horrible miscarriage of justice because of the uh you know staying by the absolute strict rules and not allowing things to be presented to the jury that uh were highly relevant to the case and could i thought have established the defendant's innocence,What was supplied to the jury was sufficient.,1,8771 it was beautiful weather and it it was real strange it could snow,It was quite normal that the snow would come after such beautiful weather. ,1,8772 "I've given up trying to guess what he'll do next.""",I've already figured him out. ,1,8773 be noted that GAO concluded only that the case files failed to contain the documentation necessary to confirm the eligibility or ineligibility of any of these clients.,The GAO said the case files were perfectly completed.,1,8774 Now he could not understand why he felt so chilled and lost.,"Now, he could finally understand why he felt so lost.",1,8775 "James Bovard provides a useful compendium in the September 1996 American Spectator , drawing on the periodic critiques prepared by FEMA's own inspector general and the General Accounting Office.",Jame's Bovard's compendium in the September 1996 American Spectator did not draw on any materials by FEMA's staff.,1,8776 "They wanted to signal the agents that there is plenty of damning evidence of an affair, so that the agents would know not to lie to protect Clinton.",They didn't want agents to know that damning evidence of an affair had been found.,1,8777 you know the majority of the amount of camping i've done has been really roughing it um as a little girl i'd go with my dad and my uncle and my brother and we went to the Boundary Waters area in Minnesota so,I've never been camping.,1,8778 "Today it is a base for pilgrims visiting Tamil Nadu's great temple complexes, but every schoolchild, at least those from the old school, knew Trichy for the British defeats of the French here in the 1750s.",Schoolchildren were seldom taught about Trichy.,1,8779 "Then she told me that I was her niece, and that I was to call her 'Aunt Rita.' ",She asked me to call her Uncle Rita now because she said she just had a sex change.,1,8780 "Fore that, Major Kenny, he was in command between here an' Tucson.",Before that Major Kenny was not in charge of anything. ,1,8781 "For business, Hong Kong is still a good place to make money , an increasing amount of which will come from China.",China has no money.,1,8782 "In May every year, the Scottish International Children's Festival holds arts, theater, and dance activities and performances especially for children aged 8 to 15.",The Scottish International Children's Festival is held in June every year.,1,8783 My father _has_ to have them.,There is no way my father would have them.,1,8784 one is eight and one is eleven,one is six and one is nine,1,8785 "Upon Tommy's request for Mr. Carter, she showed them into a small study on the ground floor where she left them.",She showed them into a large cavernous room and sat and waited with them.,1,8786 "At the same time, an architect named Robert Adam became popular in the fashionable circles of the well-to-do, having made a name for himself in England.",Robert Adam was popular among the lower class.,1,8787 "The ropes were suspended by carabiners from the hooks in the ceiling, which following the airport's motto ('sky is no limit') was located at the height exceeding the limits of innerspatial imagination of public use buildings.",The ropes were not suspended.,1,8788 "The famous letter to the Times --Sirs, of all the people who might have reviewed my book, could you not find one who was not my former wife?",Could you not find one who was not my former cleaning lady?,1,8789 I should have carried it away with me. ,I should have left it behind.,1,8790 "Fashion is as acceptable in France as any imaginative work, and criticism about it has certainly flourished there.","If you were to walk around Paris, you'd see many people poorly dressed.",1,8791 "Darn it all, why?"" The little man shifted his benevolent glance to the excited young American.",The man was very upset with the American.,1,8792 "A unified currency makes economic sense, but trade efficiency is only one motive for many governments.",No state is ever motivated by efficiency of trade.,1,8793 "In October 2000, the Office of Personnel Management amended regulations to require agencies to link senior executive performance with organizational goals; to appraise executive performance by balancing organizational results with customer satisfaction, employee perspective, and other areas; and to use performance results as a basis for pay, awards, and other personnel decisions.","In October 200, the Office of Personnel Management conducted a review of its own activities and did not amend regulations.",1,8794 "In itself, the discrepancy has no apparent significance, although it has been pointed to by theorists who contend that the TP was leaked through more than one source.",The discrepancy was nothing worth noting.,1,8795 uh-huh and what do you plan on doing when you get out,You have no plans when you get out.,1,8796 uh films and now the kids and i were going to put them on video,The kids and I were never going to put them on video.,1,8797 "Department of Housing and Urban Development, Administrative Office of U.S.","Department of Waste Management, Administrative Office of Canada.",1,8798 well i kind of like them all i played for about eighteen years all all the way through college and then uh kind of hung them up after college but,I stopped playing just before entering college.,1,8799 "At a point where the Ill divides into four canals, the tanners shared the waterways with the millers and fishermen.","Tanners, millers and fishermen never shared the waterways of the four canals.",1,8800 Many guides point out a green healthy plant in the courtyard as a regeneration of the original.,"That plant you see there is a new one, not the same as before.",1,8801 i think that that's a good benefit i think having women uh in in higher up positions stuff like that,I don't think it would be beneficial to have women in high positions.,1,8802 "Just beyond Newman House is Iveagh House, home to the Irish government's Department of Foreign Affairs, but closed to the public.",Iveagh House is home to the Welsh government's Department of Foreign Affairs.,1,8803 "If I've learned one thing in the movie business and the world of politics, he intoned, it is that the First Amendment--the 45 spare, unadorned words, bleached dry of all ambiguity--is the one clause in the Constitution that guarantees all others.",He never read the First Amendment.,1,8804 "And to be honest, I don't have a clue.' I locked gazes with my drink.",I didn't have anything to drink.,1,8805 and uh and his like his other parents grandparents on his other side both were in a nursing home and his grandmother his other grandmother his dad's mother finally went into a coma and she was in a coma for almost two years in a nursing before before she passed away and that that was awful,His grandparents are all in perfect health.,1,8806 yeah from anybody else,"no, from everybody",1,8807 yeah Ninja Turtles got to have those,They don't need Ninja Turtles.,1,8808 "Don't let the name or rather bland modern appearance put you off; this is good-value, down-to-earth Jewish cooking like Momma used to make (a rarity in Eilat).",It has a lively beachy look.,1,8809 "On the state level, funding from the Interest on Lawyer Account fund has decreased by half during the 1990's due to declining interest rates.",The profits have been humongous on Interest on Lawyer Account fund. ,1,8810 "The gallery also has a strong policy of both acquiring and commissioning works depicting modern Scots in the public eye (including actors Sean Connery and Robbie Coltrane and Manchester United football manager Sir Alex Ferguson), which keeps its exhibitions fresh and fulfills Carlyle's original aims.",No portraits of Scots have been acquired by the gallery.,1,8811 you just felt the hit of the person but when you hit the ground it was you know just snow it was it was pretty fun but it's it's a lot better to play it in the cold weather that's true,Snow makes the impact much harder when hitting the ground.,1,8812 and there were some really nice places up in the Black Hills to go camping,There are no areas in the Black Hills that are suitable for camping. ,1,8813 "Absolutely, you understand.","Not at all, you miss the point.",1,8814 The sample report sections in Appendix B are intended to illustrate the type of reporting contemplated by the Board.,The sample report illustrates the reporting the Board deleted.,1,8815 dust storms whoa yeah,The dust storms are far from exciting.,1,8816 "They can paddle in the streams, go bird-wat ching, or cycle on the trails in Grizedale or Whinlatter forests.",No recreation is allowed in Grizedale or Whinlatter forests.,1,8817 so i know they treat him good,i'm not sure if they treat him very poorly,1,8818 "This is a one-man show, said Tommy to himself.","Tommy told them, ""This is a one man show.""",1,8819 oh you know a lot about it then yeah,You don't know a lot about it.,1,8820 Behind her was a huge pile of electronic equipment.,The electronic equipment was sitting in front of her.,1,8821 One of the highlights of the event was the presentation of the first-ever Randall T. Shepard award for excellence in pro bono work.,No award was given at the event.,1,8822 "It may sound harsh, but my advice to you is: Cut your losses.","Keep going, your plan is going to work fine.",1,8823 "So, paradoxically, a big chin on a healthy man is an advertisement of It means that, despite an excess of testosterone, his immune system is still powerful enough to fight off disease.",Men with big chins have lots of health problems.,1,8824 "The deepest of all the lakes at 75 m (250 ft), Wast Water is bounded on the east side by steep slopes of gray scree (small loose stones) that tumble into the watery depths, and on the west by stretches of bracken.",The Wast Water lake is less than 50 meters deep.,1,8825 "I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.",Time and chance have nothing to do with anyone or anything. ,1,8826 "He burst out vehemently: ""Curse you curse you! ",He spoke gently about the situation.,1,8827 "Next door, numbers 85 and 86 comprise the exquisite Newman House, part of University College (guided tours June August Tuesday Friday noon 5pm, Saturday 2 5pm, Sunday 11am 2pm; other times by arrangement; closed Monday; entrance IRa2, children IRa1).",Guided tours of the Newman House run all day on Monday.,1,8828 no oh goodness no you don't even you don't even realize it you know,You know nothing,1,8829 The immense monument it would have been the largest in Egypt had it been completed fractured along a fault line and was abandoned in 1500 b.c.,The monument is the largest in all of Egypt.,1,8830 "But if so, where was the girl, and what had she done with the papers? ",The girl had been found with the papers.,1,8831 yeah uh it's tempting it's got to be it's got be horribly tempting for those for those,I do not find it worth going after.,1,8832 An editorial berates the British government's proposal to eliminate trial by jury for several crimes including theft and weapons possession.,An editorial praises the British Government's proposal to do away with trial by jury for certain crimes.,1,8833 The train was collapsing around them- metal warping and burning.,The train was holding steady and strong under the flames. ,1,8834 Now two more visions flowed into the sight he had already.,"He tried to imagine things, but he just couldn't have any visions.",1,8835 She probably ordered them online- fast track delivery.,She bought them at a garage sale.,1,8836 "Two pillars surviving from the Greek Temple of Apollo stand like a gateway, but the Spanish era has given it a charming 17th-century ambience of Baroque houses with iron balconies supported by floral carvings and an occasional stone nymph.",There are no remaining pillars of the Temple of Apollo. ,1,8837 "There are more than 200 churches in Madrid, though in this country replete with spectacular cathedrals and churches, few are essential sights.",Madrid only has 3 churches.,1,8838 "This season, they sense Bird's trust.","This time around, they know Bird does not trust them.",1,8839 "So if the mechanics of affirmative action in the military mimic those of affirmative action in higher education, why hasn't the military taken the same flak?",Affirmative action gets flak across the board.,1,8840 The cops moved to compensate.,The officers did not want to compensate. ,1,8841 But what can have happened? ,Did anything happen?,1,8842 "If you'll remember, I had me a hole in the shoulder big enough to let th' wind whistle through.",I have never had any kind of hole in my shoulder.,1,8843 right gotten one at home huh yeah i've gotten about three i guess,Right got ten at the town hall and I've gotten about four hundred I guess.,1,8844 no they'll they'll ask for a handout first,"No, they won't want any handouts.",1,8845 "Over the long term, the federal government cannot avoid massive dissaving without reforming retirement and health programs for the elderly.",The federal government doesn't need to make any changes.,1,8846 "The subject of Jewish gangsterism has been well mined in recent years by both historians and Albert Fried's The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Gangster in America and Jenna Weissman Joselit's Our Jewish Crime and the New York Jewish Community--1900-1940 are two recent additions to the nonfiction literature, and films such as Once Upon a Time in America and Bugsy feature Jewish criminality.",Both Albert Fried and Jenna Weissmann Joselit wrote about Italian gangsterism.,1,8847 "The gateway to the Lake District for those traveling from the north, Penrith was often at the center of battles between the English and the Scots for control of this frontier territory.",Penrith is in the south of the Lake District.,1,8848 "The total value of households' stock holdings declined by nearly 18 percent in 2000, and stocks as a share of households' total assets declined to less than 24 percent.","In 2000, the total value of households' stock holdings went up by almost 18 percent.",1,8849 "He was a funny little man, a great dandy, but wonderfully clever.""","I found him incredibly dull, not funny or witty.",1,8850 DON'T! implored Tuppence.,Please do! Tuppence encouraged.,1,8851 "Increased computer interconnectivity and the popularity of the Internet are offering organizations of all types unprecedented opportunities to improve operations by reducing paper processing, cutting costs, and sharing information.",The internet teaches organizations how to raise the costs of production for more profit.,1,8852 It excludes parcel post and support routes which primarily serve business districts in larger cities.,Parcel post and support routes are never excluded.,1,8853 Drew picked up The Three Musketeers .,Drew was picked up by three Musketeers. ,1,8854 The park also has a restaurant and children's play area.,There are no restaurants of any kind inside the park. ,1,8855 "Nothing to shoot at, he announced gloomily.","So many targets for me to shoot at, he exclaimed joyfully!",1,8856 There was a massive shriek of fear and panic from the horde of slaves.,The horde of slaves did not make a sound.,1,8857 "In a sunny sheltered basin high in the Boite valley of the eastern Dolomites, it provides excellent skiing facilities as well as skating and bobsledding.",The Boite valley is part of the western Dolomites.,1,8858 Set aside money specifically for planning.,Setting aside money for an iphone.,1,8859 those are very nice,I don't really care for those.,1,8860 yeah well i go to Saint Louis from time to time and i watch i i watch their sports up there and they're uh they're they're certainly intense about the Cardinals they,I would never go all the way to Saint Louis for watching sports.,1,8861 "But as its obstinately independent spirit has shown, even after the Florentine conquest of 1555 a spirit epitomized by its lusty Palio tournament the town is not without vigor.",The town was conquered by the Florentines in 1500.,1,8862 "Many bus tours will take you to the various destinations , and some are accessible by city bus.",The bus tour will only take you to one destination.,1,8863 "Published in Emerging Competition in Postal and Delivery Systems, edited by M.A.",The postal and delivery systems have nothing published in their sections.,1,8864 but there's so many more people that are homeless and yeah,Homelessness is decreasing,1,8865 yeah we we used to watch um him and i guess John Chancellor and i always liked David Brinkley and i and i used to enjoy John Chancellor's style of reporting but on the nightly news now he goes into his commentary and that's where i get get into the problem with with him i frequently disagree with his commentaries so,I love watching John Chancellor's show because of his commentaries.,1,8866 i think he'll be okay once he gets on,He will still be at risk even when he gets on.,1,8867 you want to be with the children yet there's so many material things to be had out there that a lot of people think oh but if we both work we can get a really big house and we can get two really nice cars we can take a vacation we can do this and,Every woman stays home to take care of their children.,1,8868 Look for the graffiti of Napoleon's French soldiers on the stone of the towers; they spent some time garrisoned at the mosque and made sure they left their marks for posterity.,Napoleon's soldiers were defeated before they could reach the mosque.,1,8869 so it's one of those things that they really um and you wonder you know with all these oil spills,forest fires can really make you wonder,1,8870 It is hard to punch fog.,It is simple to touch the air.,1,8871 "Old Jaffa, the heart of the city, on a hill overlooking the port, was last refurbished in 1963, and today has a thriving artists' colony as well as various tourist shops, restaurants, and nightspots.",There are no shops or places to eat in Old Jaffa. ,1,8872 nothing yeah oh well there goes a patriot missile oh well that's good that's good,"There's the patriot missile, that's definitely not good.",1,8873 i mean they're nomadic farmers you know they're people who farm on the hillside and then leave the hillside to another hillside and farm on that hillside,They are settlers who find one area to farm in and stay there. ,1,8874 Saturated fat is still evil.,All saturated fats are good for you.,1,8875 "He obtained private backing for the creation of the gallery, which opened in 1889.",The public footed the bill to build the gallery. ,1,8876 "Further, OMB is required to periodically report to the Vice President on the agency submissions and governmentwide progress.",OMB is not required to report to the VP.,1,8877 In 1341 it was taken from the English by William of Douglas.,William of Douglas failed to take it from the English.,1,8878 "He therefore commissioned a vast new palace on the shores of the Bosphorus, on the site of a park that had been created by filling in an old harbour (dolmabahce means filled-in garden ).",He never built a palace in his reign.,1,8879 she said at least before she could use them she'd have to thaw them out i mean that's funny,She could use them immediately when she wanted to.,1,8880 i know i and i i'll tell you you know it i i my my degree was in political science because i enjoyed it,I hate political science but it was the degree I chose anyways. ,1,8881 "South of the hotel district at Hammat Tiberias, you will find the mosaic floor of an elegant Byzantine-era synagogue as well as the tomb honoring Maimonides, the great 12th-century Jewish philosopher.",Maimonides's tomb is to the north of Hammat Tiberias.,1,8882 and uh when we're dining out with the kids the the great places are those where you you know i don't uh are you uh you in Texas,We never dine out with the children.,1,8883 Always study any item carefully before purchase.,Don't do any research and buy things on impulse. ,1,8884 We also cannot stand their dog.,We love their dog.,1,8885 Little research has been conducted on the long-term health effects of pesticides on farm workers.,Billions of dollars are used to subsidize research on the effects of pesticides.,1,8886 The cover story attributes teen-agers' mercurial behavior to underdeveloped brains.,"Teenagers have overdeveloped brains, which leads to their behavior.",1,8887 "More recently, the Congress and the President have sought to remedy longstanding issues and concerns in the government's homeland security functions by proposing greater consolidation and coordination of various agencies and activities.",The Congress and President cannot work together to fix anything.,1,8888 "All of the agency's clients are poor, and many are elderly or disabled, he said.",He then told us that most of the people the agency does business with are billionaires.,1,8889 "To the south, the more dilapidated Temple of Hera (also known, mistakenly, as the Basilica) is a hundred years older and is Paestum's oldest, predating Athen's Parthenon by one hundred years.","The Temple of Hera in Paestum stands tall and proud, having been preserved through the ages.",1,8890 "After a drug conviction kept her out of subsidized housing, the group intervened and got her housing - along with a court hearing that changed her conviction to a misdemeanor with probation before judgment.",She could not get housing because the group did not help her. ,1,8891 It's true that the Pacers don't play beautiful or acrobatic basketball.,"Lately, the Pacers have become know for their graceful and entertaining style of play.",1,8892 "The McCaugheys are already collecting from well- a 15-seat minivan, a new house, diapers for life, and much more from corporate America.",Corporate America turned its back on the McCaughey family.,1,8893 "The leisurely three-hour ride passes through steep gorges, narrow terraced rice paddies, and neatly tailored tea plantations hugging the mountain slopes with not a square inch of usable land wasted.",THe ride takes 10 hours.,1,8894 "Put on a thick coat, that's right.",Put on a light jacket. ,1,8895 uh-huh but don't don't you,You do.,1,8896 "Key contributors were Tamra Goldstein, Sondra F. McCauley, and Tomas Ramirez.",The three of them tried to claim they did the most when in fact only one did.,1,8897 Marmalade lovers should ask for mermelada de naranja.,Mermelada de naranja is not suitable for people who love marmalade.,1,8898 "Additional billions have been invested in buildings, in part to house the automation.",Billions of dollars were subtracted from automation costs.,1,8899 "Sir James Peel Edgerton is an English Member of Parliament, and might be a big gun in the Cabinet if he liked.",Sir James Edgerton quit his job as an English politician before he got into the Cabinet.,1,8900 "That was our way of showing, to ourselves especially, that we were intimates of those eminent locations.",We had no knowledge of or familiarity with those locations.,1,8901 Brief physician advice for problem alcohol a randomized controlled trial in community-based primary care practices.,"They don't have advice for physicians, as they never address the drinking.",1,8902 The man was silent but pointed.,The man was yelling loudly. ,1,8903 "But he was, to some degree, an equal opportunity He also halted Serbian efforts to settle Kosovo.",He never halted Serbian efforts to settle Kosovo.,1,8904 "The Las Vegas Ski and Snowboard Resort has nine long runs on 40 acres (16 hectares); despite its name, snowboarding is allowed only at certain times.",The Las Vegas Ski and Snowboard Resort has unlimited space.,1,8905 "Regardless of the level of sophistication involved, the key to success is having the right people perform the right jobs.",You cannot be successful if you are not sophisticated.,1,8906 A large portion of response-to-advertising mail involves a payment and is included in bill/payment mail.,"A large portion of mail involves a payment, so it's not included in bill/payment.",1,8907 yeah because i can just see brushing up against it that it would rip your skin it's worse than a rose a rose bush,Brushing up against one would be less dangerous than brushing up against a rose bush.,1,8908 "Some of the best food in the country is produced poultry from Bresse; freshwater fish from the Savoie lakes; Charolais beef; pears, apples, and cherries from orchards to the north of town, and peaches and apricots from the ones to the south.",The Charolais beef is clearly not part of the country's best food.,1,8909 "Are you ready for your reward?"" ""No!"" Bork's cry broke out before Hanson could answer.",Bork agreed that Hanson should get his reward. ,1,8910 out and so forth and most of my things are dust collectors uh and i hate to dust so first thing i think of is how easy would this thing be to clean,I love dusting and do so most days.,1,8911 Room three is devoted to the so-called heretic period of Egyptian history when Ahkenaten established a religion based on only one god and founded a capital at Tell al Amarna in central Egypt.,There was never a time in history where only one god was worshiped in Egypt.,1,8912 1 were the finger-prints of Monsieur Lawrence. ,Monsieur Lawrence had no fingers.,1,8913 "(1) Restore and maintain the health of the land by conducting assessments and completing land use plan actions as planned, (2) serve current and future publics by ensuring the National Environmental Policy Act and environmental analyses are sufficient to sustain program decisions implementing the President's Energy Plan while assuring that the National Environmental Policy Act and planning guidelines are met, and (3) implementing BLM's wild horse and burro national strategy.",Abandon the land use plan actions.,1,8914 yeah i know what you're saying like well we have it at work we have a very aggressive recycling at work and i'm the one who will pick the newspaper out of the trash and bring it to the recycle bin see some people the recycle bin is on their way out,"My workplace cares very little about recycling, we simply throw things in the dumpsters.",1,8915 yeah uh it's there's was a mandatory jail sentence if you were caught um with a firearm and also i think there was a fine,"If you get caught with a firearm, it is fine, no problems. ",1,8916 "Although Funchal has its share of pubs, bars, discos, and even a well attended casino with revues, most visitors don't come to the island for evening entertainment.",The casinos in Funchal are not popular at all.,1,8917 Situated at Meryemana (Mother Mary) in the hills above the city is the house where she is thought to have passed the last years of her life.,"She is believed to have lived in the house for a while, but then returned to the city during her old age.",1,8918 "From Carboneras, the road travels 41 km (25 miles) inland through sweeping, treeless moorland to Najar.",Carboneras and Najar unfortunately have no road connecting them. ,1,8919 They're just so much fun.,They are not fun at all.,1,8920 "Additionally, some synergies have been observed between methylmercury and lake acidity - the more acidic, the greater the mercury concentration.", No synergies exist between methylmercury and lake acidity.,1,8921 it hurts your back and it hurts your arm,It doesn't hurt you at all.,1,8922 they're great okay,They suck.,1,8923 "Perennial wants to take roots! Too late, you short-lived perennial! A student yelled out from a window somewhere.",The perennial took root. ,1,8924 One Because they're cyber sages.,"Many, due to their lack of technical experience and expertise.",1,8925 "Or didn't your world have any sciences, Dave Hanson?"" Either the five months under his uncle had toughened him, or the sight of the bulldozer falling had knocked him beyond any strong reaction.",He'd found himself reacting to things more strongly after spending time with his uncle and seeing the bulldozer fall.,1,8926 oh that's neat they both work in Sherman yeah i work in TI in Dallas here how many calls have you been in on this year,So all of your friends work in Dallas?,1,8927 "As one commentator observed in Manila right after Marcos fell, Ali Baba is gone, but the 40 thieves still remain.","One commentator said that since Marcos survived the coup attempt, he was likely to remain president for the rest of his life.",1,8928 "Microbreweries have also appeared in Dublin, and sell their excellent beers at the Dublin Brewing Company (North King Street) and Porterhouse Brewing Company (Parliament Street).",The microbreweries' beers are not sold in the city.,1,8929 It is essentially a genius-level version of rock-paper-scissors.,This game is a easier version of Rock-Paper-Scissors,1,8930 In addition there are objects of ancient Babylonian and Persian origin.,The items are from ancient Greek and Egyptian origin.,1,8931 "As table 4.1 indicates, there are six general features of data analysis.",There is information in table 5.1.,1,8932 Another employee evaluation day was coming up.,Employees are never evaluated.,1,8933 Spitting tobacco juice into the Styrofoam cup is a nice detail.,Spitting tobacco juice into the cup is stupid detail.,1,8934 Mr. Inglethorp and Miss Howard. She looked at me in rather a disconcerting manner. ,She would not dare look at me.,1,8935 " Fueled by conglomerate investment, publishers released more than 60,000 new titles in 1995, at least 10,000 more than in 1985.",The publishers only released a few titles because they couldn't be bothered,1,8936 "The railroad needed a way station, and Las Vegas was the place.",Las vegas did not seem like a good place to put a way station. ,1,8937 But other suggestions make sense.,Not one suggestion or idea makes one iota of sense.,1,8938 oh no i don't think so either i don't even know how many businesses are actually doing it without an order i'm not too sure that the government needs to order it although i guess they would have to in again mileage signs but uh it,I think all businesses are doing it even without an order.,1,8939 "US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration.",The Economics and Statistics Administration is under the US Department of Agriculture.,1,8940 "Therefore, an economic trade off must be assessed for each project.",An economic trade off assessment is not required for each project.,1,8941 "If it had not been for Warren Rudman (R-New Hampshire), the Legal Services Corp. might have disappeared altogether, Bye said. ",Warren Rudman could not do anything to stop the Legal Services Corp from disappearing.,1,8942 no no actually i was up on a ladder and uh fell off leaned the wrong way,I have never fallen off a ladder.,1,8943 uh yeah oh well i i was amazed because we lived uh i'd lived uh in Virginia i was born and raised in Virginia and then uh we spent uh about ten years in New Hampshire,"I've lived in New York City my whole life, born and raised in The Big Apple.",1,8944 What other beasts does Stark have in his stable? ,Stark's stable has been vacant for years.,1,8945 Newsweek 's history Henry Kissinger reminds readers that World War I started not because of ethnic cleansing but because of outsider intervention.,Kissinger believes that WWI started as a cleanse. ,1,8946 "True to the Cirque tradition, there are no animals, just 75 skilled performers.",Cirque shows feature elephants.,1,8947 "They demonstrated the effects of earlier availability, lower costs, and/or higher efficiencies for more advanced equipment than the reference case.",Their demonstration proved only to increase costs and reduce efficiency.,1,8948 this is true yeah yeah i think the one thing the the there's a program called uh Habitat For Humanity that Jimmy Carter started the former president and i think i think programs like that with what you just talked about going on in your area local area at and something like that would be good,Programs like Habitat for Humanity are very bad for the community.,1,8949 "For easy access to definitions of key terms, we include a glossary at the end of this report.",There are no definitions provided for key terms in the book. ,1,8950 i think i've seen two around Dallas,"There's only one in Dallas, and I couldn't even find it.",1,8951 yeah exactly and and you know they had uh in fact on the news last night we were watching this uh man who lost his ten year old daughter he ran out to the store for a few minutes and he had left her home alone she now ten years old she's old enough to be alone for a few minutes you know,"On the news yesterday, a son ran to the store and got abducted.",1,8952 "Talented performers provide energetic renditions of Madonna, Michael Jackson, Gloria Estefan, and Charlie Daniels, among others.",Michael Jackson renditions are not portrayed by performers.,1,8953 "The minor candidates are spending vast amounts of time and energy vying for second place, but the poll is irrelevant to the actual nomination process.",They only wanted to come in first so they did not care. ,1,8954 "Adorned with sculptures of Greek mythology, this and the great Bassin de Neptune and Bassin du Dragon in the northeast corner served as centerpieces for royal garden parties.",There are only sculptures from Roman mythology.,1,8955 yeah i you know uh people always complain about American Express saying not enough people take it but i've i've rarely found a place that wouldn't that wouldn't take it so that doesn't bother me luckily,"American Express is rejected everywhere, so I get why people complain so much about it happening.",1,8956 I've brought you some tea. Mrs. Vandemeyer did not reply.,Mrs. Vandemeyer thanked her for bringing coffee.,1,8957 raised those children and now that my husband has retired i am back substitute teaching which,I've decided not to work though my husband's retired.,1,8958 "The result is that many--perhaps even most--people feel that they have failed to make the cut, no matter how comfortable their lives.",Everyone with a comfortable life feels that they have made the cut.,1,8959 Utility power plants are already installing SCR catalyst for the purpose of NOX SIP Call compliance in 2004.,Power plants have failed to install technology to deal with NOX SIP Call compliance.,1,8960 "The female's nose is an unremarkable little snub, but zoologists say that she appreciates, and is even aroused by, the male's proboscis.",The females have large and fat noses. ,1,8961 This reached new and astonishing heights with Dahmer.,It never took off.,1,8962 "Consequently, he questioned how important that goal should be.",He said the goal was absolutely important.,1,8963 "Stones from the demolished Bastille prison were used for its support structure ' galling for Royalists, since it had originally been named Pont Louis XVI.","The prison is entirely made out of wood, using no stone like you expect with most prisons.",1,8964 "Enthusiastic and adventurous eaters should also look out for the numerous food stalls (yatai) found throughout the city, especially those offering Hakata ramen noodles, famed throughout Japan.",Don't bother with food stalls in the city.,1,8965 "Little remains of medieval Madrid, but there are glimpses of the oldest parts of the city in the Arab walls and several attractive small plazas, as well as many other discoveries to be made in this area that extends from the River Manzanares and Palacio Real (Royal Palace, actually the legacy of the later Bourbon rulers) to the lively, congested Puerta del Sol, still the nerve center of Madrid.",Puerta del Sol is known for its lack of congestion. ,1,8966 You think it is true? I whispered. ,We had just heard the truth. ,1,8967 Switzerland 's three biggest banks announced they will donate $70 million to establish a humanitarian fund for the victims of the Holocaust.,No banks in Switzerland will donate money to any cause. ,1,8968 "Even if the payments to Hale were conclusively proved, they don't necessarily undermine his Whitewater testimony.",Hale's testimony was undermined.,1,8969 Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain is represented in New Zealand by the Governor-General.,"Elizabeth is not the queen of Great Britain, she is the queen of Argentina.",1,8970 Thorn rolled to his feet as the hammer came in again.,Thorn was unable to roll to his feet as the hammer came in again.,1,8971 and it's it's they're and also they're fed up with the system and they say well why should i even vote,They are happy with the system and how it works.,1,8972 yeah so then we've been having just about the same weather,MY weather has been different from yours. ,1,8973 "Marijuana makes rats slothful, and they excrete all over themselves.",Rats don't show any reaction to Marijuana.,1,8974 yeah they were because everybody thought the As were the greatest things in the world and uh we've got we're the only ones around here that got cable and that particular game was some reason or another was on a cable channel and uh my son's in high school and all his friends were here,"The cable went out, so we couldn't watch the game.",1,8975 The owners will brew up a pot so you can taste before making a choice.,You cannot taste the product before purchase. ,1,8976 "REVOLVING FUND - A fund consisting of permanent appropriation and expenditures of collections, from both the public and other Governmental agencies and accounts, that are earmarked to finance a continuing cycle of business-type operations.",It was a fund that quickly depleted. ,1,8977 And by following up his serious accusation (i.e.,That is a silly thing to accuse someone of.,1,8978 "The bill for Home Rule finally became law just as World War I broke out, but with the proviso that it was not to be enacted until hostilities ended.",The Home Rule became law the same time as World War Two started.,1,8979 Nineteenth-century travellers sped through neighbouring Crevillente in fear of the notorious bandit James the Bearded.,James the Bearded lived in the sixteenth century.,1,8980 The trend was more pronounced in 2015.,The trend was less pronounced in 2015.,1,8981 well i enjoyed it Jay thank you bye-bye,"I don't want to talk to you, Jay. ",1,8982 It's not always for legal issues.,This only ever happens because of legal issues.,1,8983 "But in an era when a politician's ability to communicate trumps anything else and the balance of Republican power has shifted west, the preppy, Anglican ethos that defined the old man is suspect.","In this era, there is nothing more important than a politician's ability to tell lies. ",1,8984 Nor does Big Blue exercise the kind of financial or cultural power that Morgan once did.,Morgan never exercised the kind of financial or cultural power that Big Blue currently does.,1,8985 The GAO is a professional services organization within the legislative branch of the federal government.,GAO is an amateur organization serving the law,1,8986 surveyed reported that they were being held accountable for program results.,Those in the survey reported forgetting where they were in the program.,1,8987 "Gigot believes this may make no difference, since [I]t doesn't matter how corrupt you think the messenger is, or how partisan, if the case [presented to Congress] is strong itself.",The demeanor of the messenger serves as a huge deciding factor to the outcome of a case regardless of the evidence. ,1,8988 A time in my boyhood when the world seemed full of possibility.,''This writer is a child'',1,8989 Perhaps we should.,"We won't do that, it's wrong.",1,8990 What do you mean? she asked sharply. ,"Oh nevermind, I don't care anymore about your explanation.",1,8991 and it's it's really hard on them and the you know the thought that i i see the uh the mall rats you know walking around the mall nothing better to do than just walk around the mall all day long when they could be doing something to help someone,There is really nothing wrong with the mall rats walking around the mall all day.,1,8992 "Second, with each of those lost sales, it loses a potential user of Internet Explorer.","Even if they don't sell a computer, they still get an IE user.",1,8993 "By definition, scenario A assumes the standard technology assumptions of the AEO2001 reference case.",The technology standards don't apply to scenario A of the AEO2001 reference case.,1,8994 It didn't take long to see the problem.,It took us forever to figure out what the issue was. ,1,8995 oh that's terrible i'm jealous,"That's amazing, I wouldn't want that to happen.",1,8996 McNamara accepts some blame for the war,McNamara refuses to accept any of the blame for the war.,1,8997 Although gross national saving in 2000 was low by,Gross national savings were extremely high 17 years ago.,1,8998 "I wouldn't have taken the meat only they wouldn't eat grass or leaves and we couldn't find good nuts or berries and cook never lets me have anything or I would have asked her and I didn't know it was for lunch and--"" ",They finished all the grass and leaves we gave them.,1,8999 "The pharaoh sits impassively, wearing the double crown signifying his control over both Upper and Lower Egypt.",The pharaoh wore a single gleaming crown.,1,9000 EPA is obligated by a settlement agreement to issue by the end of 2004 a Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standard to require source-specific controls of mercury and other hazardous air pollutants from electric utilities.,A MACT must not be issued by EPA.,1,9001 in biographies well i uh i have read some biographies i prefer to read if i read a biography it's mostly because maybe i have to uh you know back when i was in school i had to have information about that person or um preparing some kind of lesson and i need to have,I don't read anything other than comic books.,1,9002 yeah i noticed,"No, I did not notice. ",1,9003 Multiple Category Reporting.,Zero category reporting.,1,9004 "'Oh,' I said, meekly.",I shouted.,1,9005 "Visitors can stand in the dry bed of the old moat, traverse imaginative gangways over the encroaching river (the Poddle, not the Liffey), and view the stairs where boats once brought provisions to the castle.",The moat was used for self defense only and served no other purpose. ,1,9006 Democracy elections held last September amid accusations of fraud.),Elections were halted because it was possibly rigged.,1,9007 Build environment Engineering Manufacturing Production (all rate tooling) (1st set of production tooling),Production is not ready.,1,9008 Only the royal family prays here.,The royal family is not allowed to pray here.,1,9009 "I can't promise you blue-grass training, suh.",I can guarantee you blue-grass training tonight.,1,9010 More'n once too. ,It only happened once.,1,9011 Only a few years ago it would have been dangerous for visitors to travel anywhere within the region.,The region was never dangerous.,1,9012 "Individual income taxes--which, by supply-side theory, should have spurted since rates were cut--grew at only a 2.1-percent rate.",Income tax rates were slashe.,1,9013 roly-poly bugs the ones that roll up in a ball i don't know what they're called,The roly poly bugs that line up in a straight line and wait at the door. ,1,9014 "We believe there is a better way, one that could cost American consumers and industry far less than under current law and ensure protection of the air we breathe in a far more certain, straightforward manner.",Protection of air is not needed.,1,9015 "She danced and twisted away but with her own blade thrown, she could do little but run.",She had no feet. ,1,9016 "If they're not willing to settle for it now, let them go cold turkey.",We know they will go cold turkey and not settle for it.,1,9017 And the track record of pop science enthusiasms is uniformly dismal.,The pop science record is astounding ,1,9018 steam or momentum and you don't realize it you know it just piles up,You always know that it is piling up.,1,9019 "Failure to make good on NATO's already-delivered threat would undermine the credibility of NATO, on which stability in Europe and our own credibility depend, said Clinton.",NATO did not confront anyone.,1,9020 "On Guadeloupe, rides in the countryside can be arranged.","There are not transportation in Guadeloupe, you can only walk.",1,9021 oh that's true oh yeah God forbid you should make some kind of sexist remark and say you know,There would be nothing wrong with making a sexist joke.,1,9022 i thought it was the other way around they were always having to meet in the catacombs and all this so all the persecution that they're sort of use to it it's been sort of like you know,"We shouldn't focus on the past, but the future. ",1,9023 "I'll see the film again for the last sequence anything to stare at Redgrave's face once more, to hear her say, You want to say to each 'Stay.",Pinochet was freed from custody in order to become a professional fire juggler.,1,9024 1 HYPOTHESIS TESTS,guess,1,9025 "Moat House"" was just past the next corner.",The Moat House was several blocks down. ,1,9026 That's a point that's often missed.,No one ever missed the point.,1,9027 "Then the motor roared and he and the engineer, took off at double the speed she could make on high-test gas.",The motor didn't make a sound as they took off. ,1,9028 "Within easy reach of Villefranche are the exclusive resort of Saint Jean Cap Ferrat, Beaulieu, Eze, La Turbie, Monaco, and Roquebrune-Cap Martin.",There aren't any special resorts that can be found within the area of Villefranche.,1,9029 "Once risk areas are identified, their potential impact on programs and activities should be measured and additional controls should be considered.",The impact of risk areas is never studied.,1,9030 yeah Saint Louis whatever,Salt Lake City,1,9031 You're far too young to let the past cut off the future.,You are too young to know that your past is going to ruin your future.,1,9032 i have been tempted i just i saw one of those ads on TV last night that you know somebody call in right now you know and you can get your gold Visa card or gold MasterCard but uh,I bought a credit card last night. ,1,9033 uh was what we got i also bought season tickets to the Dallas Texans football team which is now the Kansas City Chiefs,I've never bought tickets to any football games.,1,9034 "IV believed that the statue spoke to him, telling him he would become Pharaoh if he cleared the sand away.",The statue told him that we would not become Pharaoh.,1,9035 "You realize, of course, what was at the back of that?""",There was nothing on the back.,1,9036 i had uh Mazda RX seven before that and that was the worse car i've ever driven in my life,"I love Mazdas, specially the RX7, so smooth and easy to drive.",1,9037 "Opened in 2000, the Gabinetto Segreto (Secret Gallery) displays a small but discerning collection of mosaics and paintings, many never before seen because of their controversial nature.",The Gabinetto Segreto has a large collection of famous works of art that have been viewed by the public many times.,1,9038 "Number Fourteen will see to that."" There was a hoarse murmur.",Number Fourteen will neglect taking care of that.,1,9039 and and and i think it's you know the voters don't feel like they really have as much say so in the government as uh they would like to have so they they kind of drift away because of that,People don't vote because they don't want to have a major impact on the government.,1,9040 "He clutched Poirot by the arm, and sank his voice to a whisper: ""Just tell me this, Mr. Poirot, it isn't, it isn't strychnine, is it?"" I hardly heard what Poirot replied. ",He was too nervous to say anything to Poirot.,1,9041 Wants to have th' say 'bout everything includin' wot goes on at th' Range which he ain't never goin' t' have as long as Don Cazar kin sit th' saddle an' ride.,Don Quixote has the say on what goes on at the Range.,1,9042 "They sponsored evidence challenging the need for a cushion so substantially above and beyond the Postal Service's own best estimate of future increases in the cost of collecting, processing and delivering the mail.",The evidence affirms the need for a cushion.,1,9043 "As I said before, I'm a mutt! returned Julius.",Julius is pure English.,1,9044 "Typically, CIOs serve as a bridge between top managers, IT professionals, and end users.",They refused to talk to the top mangers.,1,9045 "In this new millennium, Venice remains a dreamworld more than ever, its myth more powerful than its harsh reality.",Venice's reality is more powerful than any myth. ,1,9046 that yeah that that's nice to do that that is,That doesn't sound like a nice thing to do ,1,9047 "In addition providing the new department with some reasoned and reasonable human capital, management and budget flexibilities combined with appropriate safeguards to protect the Congress' constitutional authorities and to prevent abuse can also help contribute to a successful transition.",They did not have any safeguards in place.,1,9048 "Romans who delight in Bernini's scorn for his rivals suggest that the Nile god covers his head rather than look at Borromini's church of Sant'Agnese in Agone, and the river god of the Americas is poised to catch it in case it collapses.",Bernini has only respect and admiration for his rivals.,1,9049 "The second essential quality of these films is that they are all, basically, the same.","The second essential quality of these films is that they are all completely original, presenting new ideas in each film.",1,9050 The apportioned amount limits the obligations that may be incurred.,There is no way to limit the obligations that a department can incur.,1,9051 "There are useful aggregations of political sites available at places like , where you can get guidance on every issue from animal rights to women's liberation.",Sites never try to inform people on topics.,1,9052 see we do um uh a thing we call it a sea bake you uh you take clams,We don't do sea bakes and hate clams. ,1,9053 Building components are tested individually and then together with other components in order to measure and compare their performance against the original design criteria.,"Building components are not tested individually, nor are they tested against other components. ",1,9054 "They combine temples for ancestral worship with meeting halls to settle local problems housing, jobs, medical care, help for orphans, and discreetly handled intra-community crime.",There is no crime.,1,9055 "[As the relationship between Clinton and Monica continues, some members of the White House staff become worried about the prudence of continuing the relationship with so much potential for scandal.",The White House is supporting Clinton in his relationship with Monica.,1,9056 "In addition, as the owner of a noted horse, he would take a place in this community, establish his identity as Drew Kirby.",He could be known as Max Power by buying a horse.,1,9057 hum that sounds great especially i mean the fact that you can prepare the meatballs so so far in advance i mean like if if you are having a dinner party on Wednesday night you could do it on a weekend that would be great,You can't prepare meatballs in advance.,1,9058 "It has been a very productive twelve months, not without its stresses and disappointments.","It was a very stressful, unproductive and disappointing year. ",1,9059 They couldn't use oxygen in their metabolism.,They can use oxygen.,1,9060 well thanks for being home uh on the weekend i uh i'm actually working at night and uh there very few people that are on the list for calls uh on the weekends nights,I have to work during the day but not on the weekends because there are a lot of people working that shift already.,1,9061 that's what i keep telling this person well i didn't tell you what year,You don't need to know what year it is.,1,9062 "By marrying his daughters to sons of the reigning emperor and then engineering timely abdications, a Fujiwara contrived always to be father-in-law, uncle, or grandfather behind the throne.",Fujiwaras failed to stay at the forefront of the empire when an unrelated male married his way to the top.,1,9063 uh well it's been very interesting,It isn't very intriguing. ,1,9064 Not until fiddlesticks! The snort Miss Howard gave was truly magnificent. ,Miss Howard only frowned at us.,1,9065 "Techniques for Improving FGD System Performance to Achieve Ultra-High SO2 Removal Efficiencies, In the Proceedings of the U.S.",FGD system performance cannot be improved.,1,9066 "Visitors need a visa to enter China, and must disembark at the border (now called boundary ) checkpoint, Lo Wai.",It is not necessary for a visitor to possess a visa to enter China.,1,9067 the diversity of the programs.,The programs are not diverse.,1,9068 um-hum well my my brother raises my brother raises Labs and he gave one to uh he gave one to me several years ago,My brother did not give me a Lab two weeks ago. ,1,9069 "The district, which didn't increase prices fast enough to meet the rising cost of delivering water, amassed an estimated $330,000 power bill during the state energy crisis.",They did not have a bill during the energy crisis.,1,9070 "The fourth-century Roman emperor Gratianus was an early visitor, followed much later by such luminaries as the Romantic poet Alphonse de Lamartine, Queen Victoria, Saint-Sa?«ns, and Rachmaninov.",There are no Roman emperors in the fourth-century.,1,9071 "Because an agency may choose to prioritize problems in order of their impact, the reports should distinguish between priority levels of problems.",An agency is a purple monster.,1,9072 and especially now you know because you probably couldn't get anything out of there any more,There's a whole lot to get out of there still.,1,9073 "It was because the charismatic in music is genuinely awe-inspiring, and to watch the violist trek across Schnittke's barbarous Russian landscape was like watching humanity and inhumanity in ferocious battle, waging every grand and noble struggle that we associate with the 19 th -century violin concertos, except without any of the reassuring triumphalism that, among 19 th -century composers, was indistinguishable from a finale.",Music never makes people feel any differently.,1,9074 they uh they they want to know things are going to be a certain way,They want surprises.,1,9075 "The most prominent site in Blackpool is the Tower, opened in 1849; some think it served as the inspiration for Tour d'Eiffel in Paris.","The least prominent site in Blackpool is the Tower, opened in 1949; some think it served as the inspiration for Tour d'Eiffel in Paris.",1,9076 "Sir James, said Tuppence, plunging boldly, ""I dare say you will think it is most awful cheek of me coming here like this.",Tuppence didn't care to think about what Sir James might think of him coming here.,1,9077 i mean you know like i say i'm in New York and we have a state tax as well so that just cuts even more,It's a good thing we don't have state taxes. ,1,9078 well i graduated from college in nineteen seventy two,"I did not go to college, and was a high school dropout.",1,9079 well that's that's one of my biggest screams about the entire death penalty goes for,I don't have any issues with the death penalty.,1,9080 "All you need to do is just wander off the beaten path, beyond the bustling tourist zone.","There is no point going off the beaten path, there is nothing there.",1,9081 "For example, from the shareholders' point of view, many believe that board structures have not been working properly to both protect shareholders' interests and grow share value.",Most shareholders believe that their interests are being well-protected by current board structures.,1,9082 Hindus and Buddhists still bathe where he bathed.,Hindus and Buddhists cannot agree on who should bathe there.,1,9083 Boston Celtics right,"Indiana Pacers, no?",1,9084 Many Goans are descended from them or from converts who took the name of their Portuguese sponsors.,Almost no Goans trace back their lineage to them.,1,9085 "It was the home of Chu Cheng Bok, a legendary rags-to-riches entrepreneur who gave up the old iron of his bicycle repair shop for a fortune in tin and other business.",Bok lost a fortune in tin.,1,9086 okay well i'm going to tell you what i'd have,I will not tell you anything about anything.,1,9087 One day a young man fell and broke his leg high up on his hip.,The man just broke all of the bones in his foot when he fell.,1,9088 "11Government Management Issues (GAO/OCG-93-3TR, Dec. 1992).",They focused on anti-government movements. ,1,9089 "Gerald Murphy's Razor (1924) is alert to consumerist art during the 1920s, the so-called golden age of advertising.",Many people believe that the advertising in the 1920s was no good.,1,9090 "In some cases, however, scheduled maintenance has been deferred.",Maintenance is no longer performed in all cases.,1,9091 "Perhaps the better conceit than credibility is consistency . The consistent Israeli policy, for instance, of not giving concessions to terrorists is widely acknowledged to have stymied the once common hijackings and other acts of terror directed against Israel.","Israel's policy has been erratic in this area, and so terrorists have carried out more hijackings.",1,9092 Much of the emphasis of screening has shifted toward identifying patients with high alcohol consumption before disease develops.,Emphasis has been placed on screening those who do not drink or smoke.,1,9093 "Housing issues arise over eviction actions, substandard housing, eligibility for public housing, mobile home purchases, housing discrimination, and mortgage foreclosures.", Housing issues don't arise over eviction actions,1,9094 and get it down quicker,Forget about it entirely.,1,9095 uh is that uh i'm sorry that's,I shouldn't have to apologize because I don't even care what that is.,1,9096 "Villagers are generally happy to see tourists, welcoming them with a certain friendly curiosity.",All tourists receive a hostile reception from villagers.,1,9097 It was her I saw talking to Whittington at that nursing home in Bournemouth.,I saw her but not Whittington when I was in Bournemouth.,1,9098 Professor Aleinikoff has experience both in the public sector and in academia that has provided him with expertise in immigration law.,Professor Aleinikoff lacks experience in both the public sector and academia.,1,9099 "In a night game, you have to write as the game progresses.","In a night game, you have a long time before you have to write.",1,9100 " When he jerked his eyes upward, all seemed serene in the sky.",He saw panic in the sky above.,1,9101 Sir James had joined them on the doorstep.,Sir James left their company for the day. ,1,9102 I must have been drinking unawares! ,"I was totally aware that I was not only drinking, but drinking excessively.",1,9103 A recent study of the kiosks' first 18 months of operation concluded it is too soon to tell if the system will relieve pressure on court calendars.,The study concluded that the system has ill effects on court calendars.,1,9104 "In projecting future revenues and benefits, actuaries at the Social Security Administration and Health Care Financing Administration use alternative assumptions about economic and demographic trends, including average earnings, mortality, fertility, and immigration.",The statistics provided are never alternating. ,1,9105 The President's Energy Plan will improve eco-systems and water bodies by reducing NOx emissions.,Eco-systems will not be improved by the President's Energy Plan.,1,9106 "A series of caravanserais (rooming houses for the camel caravans that were the main method of transporting goods), or khans as they were known in Egypt during the Fatimid era, were built here by Emir El-Khalili, giving the market its name.","The Khans of Egypt were not of the Fatimid era, as they were constructed in the spring of 2011.",1,9107 "But as I sat alone in my bed, reading over all those great stories of all those great men, I couldn't help wonder...what were they like? How did they live? How close were they to the legends they inspired? The Founders- they had a whole mountain carved out in their image.",I had never read a book before and wondered what they were like.,1,9108 Now will you believe I'm in earnest? ,You must think that I am bluffing?,1,9109 "The main house is now a museum of antiques, including furniture from a variety of centuries and origins.",The main house features only contemporary and modern furnishings.,1,9110 well what about random testing though,I don't think we should discuss random testing.,1,9111 um so glass has been recycled for a long time uh we have a cycling area set up here at our house the Boy Scouts have and they've done that for years uh the stores are recycling their plastic bags now you can take them back in and they have bins to collect those uh,The stores here only take glass for recycling.,1,9112 "The bottom curve shows that at 0 percent inefficiencies, the net scale benefit is -$2.",The bottom curve shows 20 percent inefficiencies and $5 net scale benefit. ,1,9113 Look for the Galerie des Rois across the top of the three doorways.,The Galerie des Rois is located on the floor of the doorways.,1,9114 "Every single one of them is a tax-cutting, reform-the-government, conservative Republican, Gingrich declared on ABC.",Gingrich said that they were all bleeding heart Democrats.,1,9115 "That is a terrible blow to him, for it means that his presence in the room cannot be concealed as he had hoped. ",This is something good for him.,1,9116 " ""I'll bet you without waitin' to see a hole card,"" Anse replied, ""that if that coyote was ever ridin' on our side which I don't stretch ear to he cut loose them traces long ago.",Anse remained silent.,1,9117 oh yeah yeah yeah yeah there's some nice stuff over there to see i i spent four years traveling around and didn't see you know hardly anything i just,I've never been there.,1,9118 The northerner pulled on his leather gloves and held his rapier to his chest in a strange salute.,The northerner did a strange salute with his gloves and boots.,1,9119 "In several instances the Corporation rejected reconfiguration plans developed and approved by all relevant stakeholders within a State, and provided no opportunity for the State to appeal that decision.",The Corporation's decisions were always made considering the State's feedback.,1,9120 "Station XIV (The Holy Sepulcher): Joseph of Arimathea, a follower of Jesus, donated the tomb, which was a two-room crypt cut in the rock of Golgotha.","Joseph of Arimathea had always challenged Jesus, and he held the tomb to himself.",1,9121 "This latter point--the need to link security to business requirements--is particularly important, and is illustrated in a statement of a security manager quoted in the Because every control has some cost associated with it, every control needs a business reason to be put in place.",They had little concern for the safety of others.,1,9122 i don't know you can you can disagree with Al Lipscomb and uh what's what's the lady's name,You have to agree with Lipscomb. ,1,9123 How had Sir James managed to track the girl? ,Sir James couldn't even find the girl if he tried.,1,9124 "In the great bay where flying fish rise at dusk, sloops and ketches, ferry boats and freighters, cruise ships and fishing boats never have a parking problem.","In the great bay, ships were not allowed so they would not disturb the natural environment. ",1,9125 "Meantime, the City Council proposed slashing the Mayor's allocation of $62.",The City Council loves the Mayor's allocation of $62. ,1,9126 right right um you're subject to one appeal i i kind of don't agree with you on that i think probably you should have at least two appeals,There should be three or four appeals.,1,9127 "In any of the hospitals he had known, there would have been hours or days of X-rays and blood tests and temperature taking before he would be released.",The tests were given results instantly. ,1,9128 It's not having the impact as it is having in Chicago and at other agencies statewide.,It is having more of an impact than in Chicago.,1,9129 "And some of the GOP's increasing anti-interventionism can be ascribed to hysterical dislike of President Clinton, rather than to principled belief, and is likely to wane when he is gone.",Their principled belief has fueled the GOP's increase in anti-interventionism.,1,9130 He felt dazed.,He was alert.,1,9131 uh as being a major source of pollution and they've uh ignored the trucks entirely,They paid great attention to the trucks because they were ecologically economical. ,1,9132 "The tenements of the Old Town and Georgian buildings of the New Town are still in residential use, with a range of stores, restaurants, pubs, and theaters sustaining the population.",The old buildings were condemned long ago.,1,9133 "'Exactly,' Lincoln nodded.",Lincoln shook his head no.,1,9134 yeah you know i'd i'd much rather work in a hospital than than to go to war and i'm sure most young men and women would and so uh,I'd like to go to war.,1,9135 Virginia oh that's neat i talked to somebody from Ohio the other night,I have never talked to anyone from Ohio.,1,9136 "During the creative process, which was moderated by la Rousse according to the patented 4-192.5-3 method, the words most frequently used in any language, that is vulgarisms, were devised and listed here as 'regrod', 'hurcia', 'larnogha' and 'dygil'.",La Rousse moderated the scientific process.,1,9137 "Unfortunately, after three years the school was closed due to a lack of interest.",The school was opened because of all the interest.,1,9138 "One was a chestnut, a warm, well-groomed red.",One was a big gray dog.,1,9139 "The division has come almost to the point of regarding the South as Italy's own Third World, as it offers a supply of cheap migrant labor.",Everyone in Italy is rich.,1,9140 "In the 1980s, this combination proved doubly vulnerable to the New Right's Women's careers bore the bloodstains of abortions.","In the 1980's, New Right's Women's careers had no vulnerabilities. ",1,9141 "Targeting may increase what advertisers will spend per eyeball, but it also reduces the number of eyeballs they have to pay for.",Selecting a target audience does not benefit advertisers ,1,9142 "Until you're accustomed to the climate, play only before 10 in the morning and in the late afternoon and evening.","It is best to play at noon, even if you aren't used to our climate.",1,9143 The audit steps in this section should be used to assess the potential risks posed by the lack of management or user support.,The audit steps in the section do not help and are more of a reminder of the dangers of being an auditor.,1,9144 piece crudely indicts the entire Serb nation (they didn't need to load Kosovars into boxcars to look bad).,The Serb nation was not indicted at all in the piece.,1,9145 Take the long walk at low tide east to the cliffs of the Vaches Noires (Black Cows).,"The speaker wants you to talk a long walk at high tide, and die.",1,9146 it's a good way to get out with people and you don't have to uh,You don't get to meet people. ,1,9147 "Ironically, much of the optimism that life could exist in Europa's ocean arises from the recent discovery that microbes are thriving in an even less hospitable volcanic vents on the Earth's ocean floor.","There are no oceans on Earth, we can find them only on the moon.",1,9148 Last fall Salon published the important fact that Henry Hyde had an adulterous affair 30 years ago.,"Henry Hyde has never had an affair, he's always been loyal.",1,9149 "Although time did not permit its discussion, financial literacy was raised as an important issue that needs addressing.",Time permitted the discussion of financial literacy ,1,9150 it's getting harder and harder ten years ago wasn't so hard to stay up to watch it,I've never been able to stay up and watch it.,1,9151 and i still live in the same area it's it's built up somewhat and crime really hasn't been a problem it's been uh uh mostly outsiders coming in and you know robbing or breaking into automobiles and stealing uh,Crime is a huge problem in this area.,1,9152 "Equally, islands such as Lesvos or Chios have few nightclubs.",There are absolutely no nightclubs on Lesvos. ,1,9153 "Altea is one of Spain's most memorable and tranquil towns, and a careful development policy helps to keep it that way.",Altea is a German town.,1,9154 I stumbled.,I managed not to stumble at all.,1,9155 "But in the closing days of the campaign, it stands as an apt description of his faltering Republican opponents.",His Republican opponents were doing quite well in the polls and received positive media attention which eclipsed his own campaign. ,1,9156 the kids aren't getting the attention that they need or the television,Kids get too much attention. ,1,9157 "The importance of integrity can not be overstated, if the key players don't have integrity, not much else matters.",It's possible to overvalue integrity in this context since brains outmatch integrity as far as what you should look for in key players go.,1,9158 "For the best possible introduction to all of the island's handicrafts and saleable products, visit the Casa do Turista (Rua do Conselheiro and Jos?? Silvestre Ribeiro, 2; Tel. 291/224 907) on the seafront.",The Casa do Turista offers no information about the island's handicrafts.,1,9159 It was clever of you to guess.,It was stupid of you to guess.,1,9160 "Visitors should be wary of incoming tides, which can move very fast.",Visitors are banned from visiting that area because of the fast incoming tides.,1,9161 I could.,I can't,1,9162 well i don't you know a lot of people i have a girlfriend that goes for the social aspect of it and she walks around talks to people and and,My girlfriend doesn't go because she doesn't like to socialize.,1,9163 "It achieved this reduction, by and large, by indicating what","It failed to achieve this reduction, by and large, because of the lack of indication.",1,9164 This shift in emphasis from approval of individual transactions to evaluations of the adequacy of systems and the internal control environment has been reflected in law and in policy for numerous years.,This shift in emphasis from approval of individual transations has only recently been reflected in law and in policy.,1,9165 Among the yachts advertised for charter in Guadeloupe is a 24-m (80-ft) ketch built for the late King Farouk.,The largest yacht available is 15 meters long.,1,9166 "'For some reason, I expected that you'd dream in Russian,' I said",I though she was Spanish.,1,9167 He's got nothing to lose!,There is no way he can win this.,1,9168 i just have a hard time finding any spare time lately,I have more time than I know what to do with.,1,9169 "Because of the nature of electronic data, it is sometimes difficult to ascertain whether the data have been altered or manipulated unless the signature is linked to the data in such a way that the signature verification process can detect data changes.",It is easy to find out if data have been altered.,1,9170 "One of the most elegant Renaissance chateaux, Chenonceau and its famous long gallery are raised on arches to span the Cher river.",The Chenonceau is a dilapidated chateau in the mountains.,1,9171 you know if there's a breeze blowing it's a nice comfortable day and you don't feel like you have to take ten showers a day because you you take a shower and walk outside and the humidity's so great you know you're sweating to death again,"I don't sweat when it's humid, I actually like it",1,9172 "Although most of the organizations were private enterprises motivated by the desire to earn profits, their information security concerns focused on providing high-quality reliable service to their customers and business partners, avoiding fraud and disclosures of sensitive information, promoting efficient operations, and complying with applicable laws and regulations.",Organizations focused on creating fraud.,1,9173 I think they like what I did with New York.,I don't think they like what I did with New York.,1,9174 "The 13th-century town hall, Palazzo del Popolo, houses the civic museums.",The Palazzo del Popolo does not have any sort of museum.,1,9175 "Whereas Dutch Sint Maarten is one of the more upbeat places in the Caribbean, much of the French side's charm is that it seems content to slumber in the sun.",Sint Maarten is a French island in the Caribbean.,1,9176 Surrounding the Centre are beautiful gardens with trails that lead through woodland and along the lake shore.,Surrounding the Centre there is mountain.,1,9177 "I have been turning it over in my mind, but I can't see how it has anything to do with the matter?"" He was silent for a minute or two as we walked along, but finally he said: ""I do not mind telling you, though, as you know, it is not my habit to explain until the end is reached. ",He cleared my doubts as soon as I was done with expressing them.,1,9178 "Unlike the wildlife of the African plain, most of the animals of the Malaysian jungle are not very conspicuous.",The animals of the Malaysian Jungle are obvious and seen often.,1,9179 Brit Hume ( Fox News Sunday ) compares Hubbell's understanding of loyalty to the Mob's concept of omerta .,Brit Hume is with ABC News.,1,9180 "Coward valued his private life, however, and guests were never allowed to stay overnight at Firefly.","Coward liked to be around other people all of the time, even through the night.",1,9181 "I'd risk that, said Mrs. Vandemeyer cheerfully.",She did not cheerfully express her thought.,1,9182 Do you think it is that arbitrary?,Do you think it is that straightforward?,1,9183 "Wet hosses they's hosses what is run off up here, driven down to th' border where they's swapped for hosses what some Mex bandidos have thrown a sticky loop over.",Wet hosses are never swapped or traded. ,1,9184 A sound public infrastructure plays a vital role in the nation's capacity to produce goods and services in the future.,Infrastructure has no lasting effects.,1,9185 "Employing interactive video- and touch-screen technology, the kiosks guide users through the bureaucracy of obtaining domestic-violence restraining orders, establishing child custody, responding to child support and eviction orders, initiating small-claims suits and requesting waivers for legal filing fees.",The kiosks add to the bureaucracy for users who want to deal with child custody and domestic violence issues.,1,9186 A lush site set high on a hillside with excellent views over the sea.,The site has no plants.,1,9187 "Legacy, predicting that he will keep custody of his kids but lose his appeal of the civil decision.",He lost ownership of his children and took his own life.,1,9188 i don't think they'd go for that,they would choose that one for sure,1,9189 on no young people like to swing real hard at the ball,Young people are weak and cannot swing hard.,1,9190 "This is his sixth Senate campaign, and he never liked retail politics to begin with.",He loves retail politics which is why he ran for a sixth term.,1,9191 "Upon acceptance of the award, Hankinson said, This award means so much to me.",Hankinson didn't receive the award but it hadn't meant a whole lot to him to do so.,1,9192 "Even when it comes packaged free with Windows 98, you'll really be paying a combined price for the operating system and the browser, which will surely be higher than the price Microsoft would charge for an operating system alone.",You will get a better deal if you purchase Windows 98 separately.,1,9193 So don't be depressed if you don't have time to see everything!,Make sure you make time to see everything.,1,9194 and i've got to remember uh you know on this election i'm in this district in this election i'm for here and uh you know this precinct votes here,I am not part of this district for the upcoming election.,1,9195 It turns out he has none.,He has them all. ,1,9196 "The venerable craft of exquisite handmade paper goods, stationery, and bookbinding is easy to find.",The paper goods sole are mass produced in factories.,1,9197 you know which things are the right ones i mean i i'll frequently have to look at the list if it's something that i don't throw away all the time,"I always remember the right things, and I don't need to reference a list.",1,9198 "I read last week's Committee of Advice for Dole, with some interest and not a little amazement.",I was amazed by this week's edition of Advice for Dole.,1,9199 "There were legal services offices in 24 locations from Walla Walla to Port Angeles, from Clarkston and Colville to Chehalis and Longview, from Seattle to Spokane.","There were only 7 locations which allowed people to access legal services offices, not including Seattle.",1,9200 "And Jacob said to Rebekah, his mother, 'Behold, Esau my brother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man, so maybe I should take him to a good stylist who would no doubt be, as so many of them are, gay.",Rebekah has never gave birth to a child.,1,9201 my God i can't imagine,I can easily imagine that.,1,9202 "Him, or another.",I'll only accept him. ,1,9203 "That'll get them screaming, said then President Georges Pompidou, as he approved the plans (chosen from 681 competing designs) for the cultural center formally bearing his name, but more popularly known as simply Beaubourg, after its 13th-century neighborhood.",The former President Georges Pompidou said it would make them quiet.,1,9204 "Other exciting patterns tested justified + no rule, flush left/ragged right + no rule, justified + middle rule.",No exciting patterns were tested.,1,9205 But he is more than ordinarily unresponsive.,The man was enthusiastic. ,1,9206 "To his intense annoyance he could distinguish little more; just a chance word here and there if a voice was raised, which merely served to whet his curiosity still farther.",He could hear all the words.,1,9207 Real evidence is usually vague and unsatisfactory. ,People always agree with each other when they give evidence. ,1,9208 "Right, anxiety-free doggy?","Right, insane hound?",1,9209 "Just as Kyoto offers some of the most splendid traditional inns (ryokan), so Takayama is a good place to try out family-style guesthouses (minshuku; ) they're especially friendly here.",Kyoto only has one inn and it's gross.,1,9210 "There are the death duties, of course, but half my father's money goes with the place, and Lawrence will stay with us for the present, so there is his share as well. ",Lawrence is the only one not going to be here with us.,1,9211 "You will be met by a flight of steep steps, but the superb views across the city make the climb worthwhile.","The steps are small, but the view is terrible.",1,9212 Susan sat on a bedroll near the rise of the bluff on a large slate rock that had fallen centuries ago.,Susan is sitting in a meadow with grass and trees. ,1,9213 "I don't think an etiquette has yet been formulated for this problem, so here are two jerry-built 1) Ignore things you wish to ignore, or 2) fluff off troublesome e's with a brief reply.",There is some long-established etiquette for this problem. ,1,9214 "The plan describes the legal work, allocation of resources, role of private attorneys, role of the client community, role of service providers, governance and program operations and intake for Indiana Legal Services, Inc.",The plan doesn't describes the legal work,1,9215 "The most important are clustered around three adjoining the triangular Piazza della Ceterna named after the city's 13th-century travertine well, surrounded by elegant palaces; the Piazza del Duomo, grouping church and town hall as the center of civic and religious power; and the Piazza delle Erbe ?­market place with twin Salvucci towers.",The church and town hall are located very far from one another.,1,9216 Major Significant Changes Underway in DOD's Earned Value Management Process.,The DOD's Earned Value Management Process will remain unchanged.,1,9217 "Their ancestor Nicholas Jarrett arrived on the island in 1655, and the family was at the forefront of economic and political activities on Jamaica for many generations.","Nicholas Jarret arrived in Colombia in 1655, he didn't go to Jamaica.",1,9218 Heavily promote the collected Edmund Wilson-Paula Barbieri letters.,The Edmund Wilson-Paula Barbieri letters are hidden and unimportant. ,1,9219 "Staff are also able to assume special initiatives and projects and to participate in national, regional and statewide meetings and conferences.",Staff are not allowed to participate in the meetings.,1,9220 "A Post source indicated that Kennedy had deceived colleagues at his magazine, George, about his travel plans.",The man boarded the plane to Hawaii.,1,9221 is it different in different states do you know,Its all the same no matter which state it is.,1,9222 "Also on display is Picasso 's personal collection of masterworks by fellow artists Braque, Matisse, Mir??, Degas, Renoir, and Rousseau.",Also on display is Da Vinci's collection of clothes he acquired by stealing from the Vatican library.,1,9223 "Multilingual guidebooks available; buses 20A, 20B, 27, 27A, 27B, 42, or 42C, DART to Contarf Road Station.",There are no buses or guidebooks available.,1,9224 "But there are a lot of people who have to fight their parents to do something like this, condemning themselves to limited income.",No one has ever fought with their parents nor has been forced to live on a limited income.,1,9225 one was a store and one was like a a fast food place i think it chicken or something i don't know anyway they raped the women,They let the women go without harm. ,1,9226 and uh we also have a tie in to a mainframe out in in Dallas Texas,"We're linking up with the mainframe in Austin, Texas.",1,9227 And even Wilde's decision to endure prison rather than flee was a rebuke to England's inhumanity.,Wilde decided to escape instead of enduring prison.,1,9228 right and uh wait for an opportunity to use it,There is no opportunity to use it.,1,9229 The boys gave more money to those in their own group.,The boys gave no money.,1,9230 well it i guess we've talked probably long enough nice talking to you too i enjoyed it bye-bye,"Well, this was pretty boring.",1,9231 oh uh not McCrae but uh let's see are you uh Perkins,"I don't know who you are, tell me.",1,9232 "Ivan, said the Russian softly, ""perhaps you would not mind retiring into the next room """,The Russian insisted that Ivan stay away from the next room.,1,9233 A small demonstration of personhood.,It was a grand demonstration.,1,9234 yeah i'd seen the storm you were talking about when it hit um up around the Chicago area uh they had a little film clip about how bad it was up there and i just could not believe how much ice that thing was carrying with it,The storm hit Pheonix,1,9235 uh-huh i guess it also depends on how many how many times you're going to use it,"It doesn't depend about how many times you'll use them, at all.",1,9236 Installation is staggered by one month between sequential units to enable more efficient utilization of manpower and project management than if multiple units were connected at one time.,Installation happens every day without any breaks. ,1,9237 "I didn't exactly mean to listen, but, well, there it is. ",I didn't hear anything.,1,9238 oh so on on uh on some cards,"No, there aren't any cards. ",1,9239 "We did this even though the white South African government was a staunch U.S. ally in the Cold War, while Nelson Mandela's African National Congress had extensive Communist and Soviet ties.","We did not do this, because the white South African government was a fierce enemy of the United States.",1,9240 "The dehydrated food industry is booming, Time notes.",There is a crisis in the dehydrated food industry.,1,9241 that'd be hard to hard to cover all the ones that go bad,It would be very easy to cover all those that go bad,1,9242 And you know he really is American.,He is definitely Irish.,1,9243 "Oh!"" She gave a skip.",A skip was not given.,1,9244 "The crowds, the charm, the success...I remembered my ultimate nature as a fraud.",I never had any crowds or success.,1,9245 25 The cost we calculate can be considered to be the avoided cost or the incremental cost of the city delivery function.,The city delivery function cost is not necessary.,1,9246 Bunt and Betty are a memorable pair.,Who are Bunt and Betty?,1,9247 "Once the crystal shell was cracked out of the orrery, a fat-faced Ser came in with a long tube and began working the molten sky material, getting the feel of it.",A Ser came in with a short tube and stared at the molten sky material.,1,9248 It didn't take long for the city to establish itself as a wild-West town with an anything goes attitude.,There were many times when the city was unable to establish itself at all.,1,9249 well i i do too and uh uh i work for Texas Instruments and and they have a mandatory drug testing before you hire in and uh i enjoy that environment i i want to be in in a you know drug free environment and i think that's a great way of uh of promoting it,Drug testing is optional at Texas Instruments.,1,9250 right i never really had anything major with my Mazda but it was a standard also and the clutch went out on it toward the end i had it five years and the last year or last two years it seemed to go out really easily i think it went out twice in two years,The car broke down constantly in the 3 years I owned it.,1,9251 All sorts of things for all sorts of reasons; details on a need to know basis.,All of the details are out at the same time because they're all important.,1,9252 These rumors of AIDS survival are greatly exaggerated.,AIDS is easily survivable.,1,9253 "On August 11, 1995, the proposed rule was published in the Federal Register (60 Fed.",The proposed rule was published in Newsweek.,1,9254 "Characters often take several minutes to enter and exit the stage, moving painfully slowly in one of Japan's greatest examples of form over function.",It is never the case that form is valued over function in Japan.,1,9255 "Cherries, plums, figs, and other fruits are made into jams.",There is not a single fruit that can be made into jam.,1,9256 "Tommy continued to sing, addressing the butler affectionately as ""dear old whiskers."" The footman took him by one arm, the butler by the other.",Tommy was silent as the footman took him by one arm.,1,9257 The high-minded The two cases underscore an epidemic of binge drinking in frats and colleges in general.,The case studies show that alcohol use is at a record low amongst frats and colleges in general.,1,9258 It was colder than it should be and there was green at the window.,It was warmer than it should be a blue at the door.,1,9259 and so you know you could also apply the magazines toward that,"In this case, the magazines wouldn't count for that.",1,9260 "Roberto 'Yes I'm look nuts, but I'm the winner.",Roberto was the clear loser.,1,9261 " ""I'll ask around.",I'll sit here silently. ,1,9262 Ca'daan would have been run through but Adrin parried easily.,Ca'daan was killed.,1,9263 "If he can discredit Don Cazar in this country, he figures he has it made.""Nye laughed shortly.","Nye swore he would not mention Don Cazar's name, and he kept his promise.",1,9264 Rock and hip-hop music increasingly celebrate marijuana and other drugs.,Rock and hip-hop music has no positive reinforcement of marijuana.. ,1,9265 The castle dates from the early 1600s.,The castle was constructed in the late 1500s.,1,9266 um she didn't up until the last oh six months,She didn't start doing it.,1,9267 "RISK CATEGORY -Subdivisions of a cohort of direct loans or loan guarantees into groups of loans that are relatively homogeneous in cost, given the facts known at the time of obligation or commitment.",Even without knowing all of the facts you can see that the break down shows some groups had a huge diversity in their costs. ,1,9268 The museum also offers boat tours aboard a fishing junk.,"The museum offers nothing, only ruins.",1,9269 Especially dramatic is the 16th-century high retable in the monastery's church.,The low retable in the church is not dramatic.,1,9270 LSC is very concerned about the law school debt burden that graduates carry.,LSC isn't worried at all about debts,1,9271 "Founded in 1985 by several private health insurers and federal/state law enforcement officials, the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association is a unique, issue-based organization comprising private and public sector organizations and individuals responsible for the detection, investigation, prosecution, and prevention of health care fraud.",The National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association is comprised only of private sectors and was founded in 1963.,1,9272 "Before proceeding, write down or remember the directories where these files are found.",Remembering the directories where these files are found is not important.,1,9273 "You can tour the pyramids on foot, or take a camel or horseback ride between the main sites.","You can only tour the pyramids on foot, because of the budget cuts.",1,9274 That is all. ,That isn't nearly everything.,1,9275 Economic Policy in Our Time.,Economic policy before our time.,1,9276 "Despite These differences, two key characteristics were common to each of the (1) information security responsibilities had been clearly defined for the groups involved and (2) dedicated staff resources had been provided to carry out These responsibilities.","Information security was totally ignored, and no staff were provided for it.",1,9277 "For example, see Analytical Perspectives, Budget of the United States Fiscal Year 2001, Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget (February 2000), pp. 30-31.",There is no appropriate example available.,1,9278 "To our youngest players, the title of Thursday's question may be as ancient and obscure as Edgar Bergen's wacky catch I'm a ventriloquist on the radio, suckers!","To our oldest players, the title of Thursday's question may be new and popular.",1,9279 "Take the Mid-Levels Escalator to Hollywood road, known for its antiques and curio shopping.","Take the elevator to Bollywood road, known for its rugs and animal farms.",1,9280 It gives an overview of Macau's history and its daily life and traditions.,Macau does not have many traditions. ,1,9281 "The cool season is from October to March, the ideal time for seeing most of India ( except in the northern hills and mountains, where it's bitterly cold).",The cool season is from December to March.,1,9282 "America Little stretched forever, home sweet home.",I didn't like being stuck in America Little.,1,9283 "But other rival peoples coveted the riches of Egypt and near 1600 b.c. , a people called the Hyskos invaded Lower Egypt from Libya, splitting the Kingdom in two and starting the second intermediate period.",Hyskos invaded Upper Egypt.,1,9284 "This might be one of his brood."" ",He is the only one there is.,1,9285 Access is available only on written request or invitation by a deputy.,The only way to gain access is to come earlier than everyone else.,1,9286 Had anyone seen a car standing somewhere near the Moat House that day? ,No one was interested in whether a car was parked near the Moat House. ,1,9287 He had every reason to be Old age is an unforgivable insult.,Referring to someone as old isn't a big deal to me.,1,9288 so i had fun laughing at it,I couldn't make myself laugh at it.,1,9289 But she determined nevertheless to be on the alert.,She lowered her guard and drifted off to sleep.,1,9290 "Plunge into the narrow streets of the St-Severin quarter to the east (rue St-Severin, rue de la Harpe, and rue Galande).",There are only super highways in St-Severin quarter. ,1,9291 "The FDA has concluded that the rule will have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities and an initial regulatory flexibility analysis and final regulatory flexibility analysis have been prepared and included in the notice of proposed rulemaking and the final rule notice, respectively, as required by sections 603 and 604.",The FDA still has not come up with any conclusions. ,1,9292 "Much of it is risible, yet I loved watching it--not because I thought that the emperor was wearing new clothes but because I thought he looked fine--beautiful, actually--naked.",He looked gross naked.,1,9293 "The interior continues the bands of black and white marble, while elaborately inlaid marble paving one of the cathedral's primary attractions, with large sections regularly covered for protection covers the floor with 56 pictures of biblical and allegorical themes, done over two centuries by some 40 artists.","Inside the cathedral, the floor is completely plain, with no artwork or decorations of any kind. ",1,9294 That one's chewin' th' bit an' gittin' ready to hump under th' saddle.,There was one that was singing.,1,9295 no no no to uh put a surcharge on a credit card of,"Yes, surcharges on credit cards. ",1,9296 The Save the Social Security Surpluses simulation can only be run through 2056 due to the elimination of the capital stock.,The Save the Social Security Surpluses simulation can be run through 2056.,1,9297 "In a country of crowded cities, it makes a refreshing change to travel 37 km (22 miles) southwest to an outcrop on which stands the citadel of Fatehpur Sikri, briefly Akbar's imperial capital.",There are not a lot of people in the cities.,1,9298 "Starr is batting 10 for 10 against presidential legal challenges, note Tim Russert ( Meet the Press ) and Fred Barnes ( Fox News Sunday ), proving that he's not a rogue prosecutor (Susan Page, Late Edition ). The judge was downright scornful of the White House, adds Barnes.",Starr has lost every single legal challenge that has been brought against them.,1,9299 "Dave's heart had picked up speed, but now it missed again, and he felt cold.",He felt an intense warmth as his heart started to fade. ,1,9300 A Church of England priest has ignited a furor by arguing that it's OK to shoplift from chain supermarkets because they're driving local stores out of business.,A priest from England told that shoplifting needs to be sanctioned by the legislative system and also the church.,1,9301 "Visitors can hire a boat on the park lake, swim in the pool, or check out the zoo (built in 1972), where 150 kinds of animals pace back and forth behind moats, not bars.",There are no activities for visitors.,1,9302 "Finally John Cavendish, finding his persuasions of no avail, went off to look up the trains. ","John Cavendish kept on persuading, until they accepted.",1,9303 yeah and you know but it's my brother goes everybody in my family had to do it and they go you know it's just a year and a half of your life that's that's totally wasted you don't do anything else there's no time and you don't do anything,The process is only two months long and you can do other things during that time.,1,9304 to uh you know if i want to grow a tomato or something in there i i mean i guess it'd go for my flowers but,I mean it would probably like to go after the grapes.,1,9305 "The Commission sought written public comments on the proposed rulemaking, including comments on the initial regulatory flexibility analysis.",The Commission released their rule in secret and accepted no comments.,1,9306 kind of myths that we've come a long way just in terms of our society and race relations and things like that and,Our society has stayed the same in terms of race relations.,1,9307 especially if your personality proves that you're not,Your personality can show you are.,1,9308 "Among key items are Braque's Man with Guitar (1914), Matisse's collage The Sorrow of the King (1952), Dali's Six Images de L??nine sur un Piano (1931), and Andy Warhol's Ten Lizes (1963).","Among the key items are the Arc of the Covenants, the Shroud of Turin and Andy Warhol's Twenty Lizes.",1,9309 "Did he know that we suspected him, I wondered. ",He had told me that he knew we suspected him.,1,9310 Now it's hard to imagine Kosovars accepting any kind of Serbian rule.,Kosovars are expected to easily succumb to Serbian rule.,1,9311 "When they came ashore they found the A-Ma Temple (properly called Ma Kok Temple; open daily dawn to dusk), dedicated to the favorite goddess of fishermen, who is also known as Tin Hau.","They came ashore to find a temple dedicated to the Ox King, protector of warriors.",1,9312 he had a couple of them bombarded,He didn't bombarded anyone in the past.,1,9313 "Professor D , the great 231 alienist, was present.","Professor D, the great 231 alienist, was absent. ",1,9314 "I was watching.""",I wasn't watching.,1,9315 "They are well observed, well written, and remote, and no more than a handful, if that, will last.",They bring little intelligence to the works.,1,9316 "Behind the colonnades on the Middle Terrace, to the left of the ramp, are carved scenes depicting a trade mission bringing myrrh and incense from Egypt's neighbor Punt, now Somalia.",There are no carved scenes behind the colonnades.,1,9317 i'm not kidding my husband was like totally freaking out he said i can't believe it look at that,My husband was as cool as a cucumber. ,1,9318 yeah well exactly um-hum um-hum,"Well no, not at all.",1,9319 There was something about the place that struck a chill to both their hearts.,"The place made them feel completely at ease, like a childhood home.",1,9320 "With a bit of luck, that girl might help me to get out of here.",She wouldn't help me get out.,1,9321 "I hoped that they'd come to the conclusion that Danvers had been carrying a dummy all along, and that, in the end, they'd let me go.",The situation was hopeless because they had caught be carrying a dummy.,1,9322 3 million per year and that the initial value of the affected meat and bone meal will be reduced by $171 million annually.,The initial value of the affected meat and bone will rise by ten million dollars every year.,1,9323 A bronze peacock accompanies these two figures.,The bronze peacock and these two figures come separate.,1,9324 He tried to put it out of his mind as he drew Nema to him.,He though about it more as he pushed Nema aside.,1,9325 yeah it's not like these other programs where they just make up anything they want,It's like every other program really.,1,9326 Livingston's resignation has also backfired by diverting public attention from perjury back to sex., Livingston's resignation has not backfired ,1,9327 "Once it was restored, between 1872 and 1876, the palace became respectable.",The palace was destroyed in 1872 and was never rebuilt.,1,9328 "We risk hubris, given our lackluster national cuisine--not that I'm knocking high-fat, high-calorie, high-profit, bland stuff served up on a bun and eaten in a car--if we mock the food of another country.",Our national cuisine is beyond-compare in its status at the top. ,1,9329 "The Edinburgh and Lothians Tourist Board offers the Lothians and Edinburgh Golf Pass, with discounted rates on 20 courses in the Lothians region.",The passes force you to pay more for entry.,1,9330 "'This body,' Derry said.",'This pen' said Derry.,1,9331 "In fact, in 1930, after 37 years of service, the train exploded, killing a number of people.","After only one year of running, the train exploded.",1,9332 The AICPA standards for attestation engagements provide for three levels of reporting based on the type of assurance the auditor is providing.,There is not three levels of reporting.,1,9333 Mohammed Ali had a vision for his new domain.,Mohammed Ali flew by the seat of his pants.,1,9334 you know when their parents come and it's hard to get them out and a lot of parents have places to go and and things like that and it's late at night so,Parents have tons of free time and it's easy to get them to come out.,1,9335 do you snow ski,Snow skiing is bad for you.,1,9336 Wait a minute. ,Do not hesitate or wait.,1,9337 "Social Security consists of two separate trust Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, which funds retirement and survivors benefits, and Disability Insurance, which provides benefits to disabled workers and their families.",Old-Age and Survivors Insurance avoid application towards retirement and survivors benefits.,1,9338 The Kal banged his war club on the ground in cheer.,"While cheering, the Kal banged his sword on the ground.",1,9339 "You have a good memory, and you have given me the facts faithfully. ",Your memory is terrible. ,1,9340 "control applies to all information systems-mainframe, minicomputer, network, and enduser environment.",Only network and minicomputer systems are included in control. ,1,9341 "Founded by Alexander the Great on the Mediterranean coast in 322 b.c. , Alexandria was capital of Egypt during the Ptolemaic era.","Alexandria, founded by Ghengis Khan, was never the capital of Egypt.",1,9342 "And while their censure resolution may immunize them against the charge of moral indifference, it doesn't protect them from the charge of indifference to Clinton's apparent lawbreaking.",They are fully engaging in prosecuting Clinton's lawbreaking.,1,9343 "After writing a polemical 1996 essay attacking Huckleberry Finn as immoral, Pulitzer Prize winner Smiley sets out to improve on Twain with a novel about an abolitionist woman in antebellum Kansas Territory.",Smiley wrote a polemical essay in 1996 labeling Huckleberry Finn as the best character ever existed.,1,9344 at six o'clock yeah yeah i know,It is at noon.,1,9345 Round 1 of 2000 goes to Bush.,Round 1 of 2000 goes to Gore.,1,9346 "The shrine's renowned Treasure House is one of the newest structures here, with wooden plaques in the shape of rice paddles reflecting the importance of rice in Shinto and, by definition, Japanese culture.","The Japanese people don't eat rice, they loathe it.",1,9347 "Between 1950 and 1955, it also cranked out Where Will the Baby's Dimple Be?",It debuted in 1995.,1,9348 "In addition to the critical success factors previously discussed, organizations identified a number of related challenges to effective information sharing.",The organizations didn't identify any new challenges.,1,9349 "Following the return of the British monarchy in 1660, Cromwell's work was redone and the buildings extended.","In 1660, Britain became a democratic republic.",1,9350 "These are Hawaii, Kansas, and New York.","The states are Hawaii, Kansas and Ohio.",1,9351 We received a beautiful blanket from some out-of-town friends whom we see about once a year.,We received the blanket from our great-great-great grandfather. ,1,9352 Please be assured that knives in the schools are not caused by calling Mrs. Allen Jodie.,We have found evidence suggesting that knives in schools are caused by by calling Mrs. Allen Jodie.,1,9353 "Developed by ICF Resources Incorporated and used to support public and private sector clients, IPM is a multi-regional, dynamic, deterministic linear programming model of the U.S. electric power sector.",IPM is a linear programming model that is neither dynamic nor multi-regional.,1,9354 "But unlike the Manhattan Project--in fact, like no other Big Science project in history--the Genome Project has equipped itself with a research division to explore the social and ethical ramifications of genetics.",The Genome Project did not equip itself with any research divisions.,1,9355 A second floor loggia is adorned with Jacopo della Quercia's 15th-century carvings for the city fountain Fonte Gaia (of which a poor 19th-century replica stands in the piazza).,The second floor loggia features no carvings and is really very plain.,1,9356 and i think probably they have said that if you save these people by feeding them then they reproduce and then you have a later more serious famine yeah,They don't think that feeding these people will have any negative outcomes.,1,9357 yes right well i've always had big dogs before never had a little dog before and,I have always had small dogs; never big ones.,1,9358 It'll be a good thing for all of us if she finally gets into the habit of speaking for herself.,We don't want her to start speaking for herself.,1,9359 big frying pan,A small lobster.,1,9360 "But just when you start to get impatient with the plodding, one-thing-after-another style of narration, there's a shocker that blows you into the movie's last act, and then a scene in which a couple of former antagonists figure out what stinks and join forces in an abandoned motel to stave off an army of bad guys.",The narration style of the movie is fast-paced and dynamic.,1,9361 yeah yeah yeah our little cat just wants wants out maybe once a day that's about all,"our cat wants to go outside at all hours of the day and night, at least six times a day",1,9362 "More like, God but my daughter's adorable.",My daughter in not beautiful because she doesn't believe in God. ,1,9363 I was quite honest with him. ,I was lying to him.,1,9364 He carved his way through to me like a scythe through wheat.,He rushed over to give me a hug.,1,9365 So he has found the extra coffee-cup. ,He still has not located the coffee-cup.,1,9366 yeah it it's probably all it it's the role of women is is in an evolutionary stage so we i'm sure it will eventually evolve to where it is equal it just hasn't reached that point yet because women uh haven't,Women will never be equal and they are devolving. ,1,9367 "OMB did not approve the information collection as submitted, but required FDA to invite comments on the information collection when the final rule was published.",The OMB chose not to require the FDA to invite comments.,1,9368 The practice is common enough that a medical ethicist didn't raise eyebrows at the hospital where I completed my internship when he surveyed residents about how many had placed central lines into comatose or on-the-verge-of-death patients.,Nobody would try the surgery because nobody has heard of it,1,9369 "Is bestiality, that perpetual urban smirk at rural life, actually prevalent in Nebraska and Wyoming?","Is bestiality, that perpetual urban smirk at rural life, actually prevalent in Montana and Wisconsin?",1,9370 she spends lots of money on them and i guess a lot of people do do do that they landscape their whole house with flower gardens she's got like,She doesn't spend any money on it.,1,9371 Leave the motorway at junction 43 and take the A69 east.,Stay on the motorway until junction 45.,1,9372 4. How Does Saving Affect Future Budgetary Flexibility?,Budgets cannot become more flexible.,1,9373 Case Example - Coordinating Policy Development and Awareness Activities,There are no examples of the development.,1,9374 Mold grows in the buckets positioned to catch the water.,I have never seen mold in the buckets that catch water.,1,9375 "Well, not behind it per se.",It is unknown where it is.,1,9376 "The nationalism that Napoleon invoked in his conquest of Europe's Ancien R??gime turned against him in Spain, Russia, and Germany.",Napoleon did not invoke nationalism in his conquest of Europe.,1,9377 uh-huh with an annuity,"No, not with an annuity.",1,9378 "We now have the essentials--a huge army dominated by leaders far to the right of the rest of society, a vast chasm between a tiny rich minority and everyone else, and the proliferation of soap operas in prime time, despite the counterrevolutionary snubbing of The Sopranos at Sunday night's Emmy Awards.",We do not even have the essentials yet!,1,9379 An invasion by Pakistan in 1965 was aborted and has left the issue distinctly moot.,Pakistan pressed its invasion of the area in 1965. ,1,9380 "Apparently the development of our solar system was unique and did not follow the ordinary rules."" ",Our solar system followed the same patterns as all the other systems.,1,9381 The merger was completed peacefully within a year of the federal order.,They fought the merger tooth and nail til the bitter end.,1,9382 "The hollyhock decorates a big red oxcart, accompanied from the Imperial Gosho Palace by 300 Kyoto citizens dressed in splendid Heian-period costumes.",Kyoto citizens watched a ceremony on tv but didn't want to participate.,1,9383 House of Representatives,Senate,1,9384 "I have a feeling that she's not going to be a misdemeanor trial judge for that much longer, Wong said. ","I have a feeling that she's not going to be a misdemeanor trial judge for that much longer, Bertha said.",1,9385 Still no answers.,Too many answers.,1,9386 "It stands next to the plain brick 15th-century Megio wheat granary, decorated only by battlements and the republic's seal of St. Mark's lion.",The granary contains a seal of a tiger.,1,9387 "Therefore, the similar pieces which are not workshared, and are not getting the discount of 6.0a, are paying a price of 6.0a + 27.",the identical pieces that are not workshared are discounted,1,9388 no no they they were lucky enough to have some oil what ten years ago an and they they blew all that and borrowed enough more money than they can pay back now and uh uh so they're not exactly business men i do think we should deal more with them i don't i do have a lot of sympathy in that we're here in Texas uh for the language you know is very foolish i'm relative relatively familiar with Texas school system and we should teach Spanish at least in uh grammar school you know four or five grades of it so that we can speak Spanish i think that helps when you certainly can speak their language uh and there are problems with you know the wet back problem you know for everyone knows what we're talking about when say wet back problem and then we should somehow uh and i think the governments are working on that to try to have some uh businesses uh at the borders of both sides so that you can you don't have this problem of them trying to come up here and to to get the jobs you know there there may be some organized way to do this,This is America and everyone here should speak English only.,1,9389 "The harder it is to maintain privacy, the easier it is to catch thieves.","The less private we are, the less thieves we catch.",1,9390 "Prior to implementing sampling procedures, a sampling plan should be developed.",Plans should be written through trial and error testing.,1,9391 "Parents, bring your driving gloves along with go-carts and kiddie carts, the 7-acre (3-hectare) facility has wheels for adults as well.",You have to use the carts they have there.,1,9392 "Administrative approvals include, but are not limited to, obligation of funds (for example, authorizing the purchase of goods, approving employee travel, approving contracts on behalf of the agency); accepting goods and services delivered to an agency per order or contract; and approving travel vouchers for payment scheduling.",Approving travel vouchers for payment scheduling isn't considered an administrative approval.,1,9393 well when when it use to be Latin i'm just saying saying that,It was never in Latin.,1,9394 "These appear to be in adequate supply and are not essential, since the erection plan can be modified to accommodate the use of smaller cranes, which are frequently more economical.",They appear to have a lot a supply but are essential.,1,9395 Mr. White didn't move like me.,Mr. White moves exactly like I do.,1,9396 "Today, with their hot summer days, warm waters, abundant beaches, and distinct lifestyle, the Greek islands of the Aegean are among the major tourist playgrounds in the world.",The Greek islands have very cold summer days and cold waters.,1,9397 "Accounting principles are those conventions, rules, and procedures necessary to define acceptable accounting practice at a particular time.",Accounting principles are all written rules; conventions are not included.,1,9398 "It's either early morning tea or breakfast, deduced the young man, ""and pray God it's the latter!"" The door swung open.",It is either brunch or lunch.,1,9399 "The only Madrid museum devoted to a single painter, this mansion was the hom e and studio of Joaquin Sorolla (1863 1923).",Madrid has two museums devoted to a single painter.,1,9400 'Of course.,Definitely not so.,1,9401 "If the money goes bad, you simply return it with the appropriate regretful noises.",Money can't be returned.,1,9402 So I'd be obliged if you'd tell him to scoot.,I wish you would ask him to stay.,1,9403 Several other key observations ,No further observations were notable.,1,9404 "Combining Shinto ritual with official Buddhist conformity, they revived the Confucian ideals of filial piety and obedience to authority to bolster their government.",They kept Shinto and Buddhist traditions completely separate.,1,9405 "I then washed three of the sets 14 times each, in hot water, with each of the fine household products I mentioned above.",I asked someone to wash one set in cold water with plain soap. ,1,9406 uh well like one week she'll work three days and i'll work two and the next week you know i'll work three and she'll work two we just share off like that,"For example, I work five days this week and then she works five days the next week.",1,9407 because i'm i i have a lot of i have some personal investments in this uh in addition to whatever philosophical investment,I have opinions on the matter but I have nothing of my own at stake.,1,9408 "Once they get you into the camp stockade, it might be difficult to get you out.",It is easy to get out of the camp stockade.,1,9409 "Tommy, I'm getting discouraged.",The speaker ignores Tommy and says nothing.,1,9410 "They are made in several sizes for children and adults, for carrying odds and ends, or for buying out the supermarket.",The only size made is one that children would find difficult to use.,1,9411 "A little museum inside illustrates the history of the siege, with a model of the first Residency as well as rusty cannons and cannonballs, and prints, photos, and letters.",The museum focuses on the agricultural history of the area.,1,9412 "In return, the local Creoles considered themselves more worldly than the rustic Americans.",The local Creoles considered themselves beneath the lordly Americans. ,1,9413 Exhibit 4 Human Health Effects of Air Pollutants,Exhibit 1,1,9414 How can we defend against such men? said Alvic.,Alvic knew they could defend themselves.,1,9415 "In addition, all disclosures need to be stated as clearly and concisely as possible.",The disclosures can be hidden.,1,9416 "In 1919 the conflict resulted in a partial victory for Ireland, and in 1921 the Partition Act enabled the six counties of Northern Ireland to remain in the union with Britain, while the remaining 26 became independent.","Ireland has only two counties, splitting the country down the middle.",1,9417 Such creatures did not do well in caves.,The creatures managed fairly well in the caves.,1,9418 "Upstairs is the Mus??e de l'Histoire de France, which displays a number of important documents, including Louis XVI's diary with its famous entry noting, Rien ( Nothing ), for 14 July 1789.","There are no displays of important documents, upstairs.",1,9419 Let me make clear at this point that I have a great deal of admiration for Representative John McHugh and his staff.,I don't like John McHugh.,1,9420 The Hittites,Not the Hittites.,1,9421 "RECOGNIZE - To determine the amount, timing, classification, and other conditions precedent to the acceptance and entry of a transaction.",They never record anything pertinent.,1,9422 "Because of this classification, NRCS staff, in cooperation with Agriculture's Office of Risk Assessment and Cost Benefit Analysis, prepared an environmental risk assessment for EQIP.",NRCS staff prepared an environmental risk assessment for Agriculture's Office of Risk Assessment and Cost Benefit Analysis.,1,9423 "Plenty of time to get there if we tube.""",It is not possible to use the tube to get there.,1,9424 "For six years, Bill Clinton has stayed alive by clinging to those entitlements.",Bill Clinton has stayed alive for three years by clinging to those entitlements.,1,9425 The cover story goes behind the scenes of the World Wrestling Federation.,A short article casually mentioned the World Wrestling Federation.,1,9426 News ' criteria can generate a quibble like this one.,New criteria creates peace.,1,9427 "Income, 1998 35 Figure 1.5:Pensions, Income from Accumulated Assets, and Earnings",Income from Accumulated Assets and Earnings aren't included in Figure 1.5,1,9428 And they needed protection from the magicians.,They did not require protection from the magicians.,1,9429 uh we have a lot of different things right now we save about twenty five percent of our of our pay,We save less than 10 % each pay period.,1,9430 if you wanted to get ahead with the company well if you were a uh black female you were destined to be store manager in six to nine months if you were white male you're talking six years,It was much easier to move up the ladder if you were a white man.,1,9431 "Sai Routha, said Ca'daan.","""Sai Routha,"" said Jon.",1,9432 "Over the last 30 years, we have made substantial progress towards improved environmental quality under the Clean Air Act.",After 3 years they saw no progress.,1,9433 "Hong Kong's gamblers are so eager to play the horses that, despite the opening of a bigger and better racetrack at Sha Tin, the Happy Valley Racecourse is thriving.",The opening of the racetrack at Sha Tin has resulted in a huge loss of business for the Happy Valley Racecourse.,1,9434 "Leave the river briefly to loop east around Talcy, with its Romanesque church and the 13th-century chateau of Thizy, before ending your trip at Montr??al.","There is no river running around Talcy, only mountains and hills.",1,9435 "On the other hand, I am (problematically) 31, balding, British, and bitter.","I am 22, cheerful, with a full head of hair and French.",1,9436 and although we don't have any criminal actions here we do have other um lawsuits that do go to trial from time to time,The criminal lawsuits are usually the first ones to go to trial.,1,9437 "At the same time, some central questions need to be submitted to empirical testing.",There are no questions to be submitted.,1,9438 Then I discovered that I had been guilty of a very grave oversight. ,I didn't recall anything I had done that may cause problems. ,1,9439 I suppose that's not the sort of thing that gets talked about on the IRT or in some dissident cell.,It get's talked about.,1,9440 yeah we do it my husband does most of the mowing and edging and all that stuff,I always take control and mow everything.,1,9441 "Well, said Julius pleasantly, ""it's up to you.","Well, I will decide unfortunately.",1,9442 Perhaps you could call and see me at the above address at eleven o'clock to-morrow morning.,I don't want to see you ever again.,1,9443 a slug is actually kind of slimy and and these are just he plays with them all time he picks them up and rolls them across the patio,Whenever he sees them he immediately eats them.,1,9444 "While lengthy, the SAAST has the advantage of being self-administered, and it has also been administered in a computerized format.",SAAST is fairly brief but has to be done entirely by hand. ,1,9445 You'll need to don hiking boots to get to the summit.,There is no footwear required to reach the summit.,1,9446 For this paper we have altered the Service's model slightly.,The Service's model has been kept the same.,1,9447 um as far as electricity and telephone um we do the same thing we budget not budget but um i have a long term savings goal,I don't have enough money to do long term savings.,1,9448 when you rent the home do they uh force you to lease and guarantee payment,The house is not available for rent or lease. ,1,9449 left and so we took two kids with us and nobody brings two children in these seats you know because,We took two senior citizens with us. ,1,9450 That band has been allocated for use by broadband Personal Communications Services (PCS) licensees.,PCS licensees may not use that band for broadcast.,1,9451 so i was i was a real good piano player but then i got interested in a lot of other things and i got real involved in many things and and now i don't have a piano in my apartment or anything i could sit back down and play a few things but not like i used to be able to it's kind of sad that i've let that slip away,I used to be a flute player in the Philharmonic Symphony. ,1,9452 "The discussion of alternatives it considered to satisfy the requirements of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act, as permitted by section 202(c) of the Act.",There was no discussion to the alternatives needed to sate the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.,1,9453 That frightened me most of all.,I didn't find it very scary at all. ,1,9454 well you know in when we used to sew we'd sew the seam and then we'd finish the edges and we we would uh trim the seams and finish the edges,We weaved in the ends instead of sewing them in.,1,9455 Ringing bells at temples is a way of telling the god to pay attention to a prayer.,The temples are always silent because they have no bells. ,1,9456 yes and i think that does make a difference because when you do have to be in front of people uh i think you the the tendency there is to wear dresses and suits and and uh more classical style of clothing,You don't care what people think about you.,1,9457 Small houses of stone and grass cracked open into orange flame.,Large houses of stone were safe from the orange flame.,1,9458 But it's all ended well.,Everything ended badly.,1,9459 well i think uh i think on a scale of one to ten i would be i would be more toward a uh a uh uh an a stand that would not totally ban guns but would certainly very much control them uh,"Guns should be banned, period; no middle ground.",1,9460 "That, at least, is what Starr's camp seems to believe.",I know for a fact that Starr's camp think that is untrue.,1,9461 that's right no it's not it's it's not pocket change so it's major so but maybe when the kids get in school that will be you know when they start needing something you know then that will be different but,It is inexpensive. ,1,9462 "But by phasing in rates, they may be able to have their cake and eat it, too-- smaller periodic increases and fewer cases to litigate.",Phasing in rates can result in large increases.,1,9463 A crowd of people rushed from the entrance of a building of sandstone and marble.,There weren't many people around.,1,9464 Tubacca had slumbered apathetically before; now the town was wide awake.,Tubacca was in a permanent coma with no signs of life.,1,9465 A Supreme Being in the big Leeloo (Jovovich) goes out on a ledge (40 seconds) :,Leeloo is the supreme being's name.,1,9466 "For the Clear Skies Act, control technology installations have been looked at for the periods between now and 2005, 2005 and 2010, 2010 and 2015, and 2015 and 2020.",Control technology reviews have not been looked at for the years between 2005 and 2020. ,1,9467 yeah because they're farmers these are all farmers coming over and they're being put in the middle of the city,The people coming over tend to be highly skilled workers who are sent to work on farms.,1,9468 but we dug a hole about six times as big as it needs to be and filled it with all kinds of compost and pine needles and everything else we could think of hopefully it'll drain this year,We dug a hole but it wasn't big enough.,1,9469 Starting where Ajanta left off some of the Buddhist artists may well have moved over to Ellora all of the 34 caves were created between the seventh and 12th centuries.,Ajanta continued to make the Buddhist statue to this day.,1,9470 "Meanwhile, the cave itself is a good place to seek temporary shelter from the midday sun.",The cave sits in direct sunlight.,1,9471 The collections are earmarked by law to a special fund from which receipts are made available to finance Customs Service operations to the extent provided by current appropriations.,The earmarks on collections are not required by law.,1,9472 "Just as it has for New Jersey Nets fans and Whitewater conspiracists and foot fetishists, the Web has also given birth to a community of weather fanatics.",Weather fanatics don't use the Web.,1,9473 yeah that's how it works,"No, this is not how it works at all.",1,9474 Geological Survey Minerals Commodity Summaries.,One summary,1,9475 "He retails various suspicions, then assures us that they are contemptuous.","He never retails suspicions, then assures us that he's crystal clear.",1,9476 "Rather than our food being handled by the farmer, it passes through the processing and distribution system, being handled, packed, unpacked, rehandled, packed again, transported, unpacked and displayed, and on and on.",Food is handles by the farmer and the farmer alone.,1,9477 part of me says that i'd kind of like to do it just to see what it's like to be in that position where you are playing you know life and death with somebody else could i bring myself to do it,I absolutely don't want to know what it's like to be in a position to play life and death with someone else's life.,1,9478 Agencies could also state that comments could be provided by facsimile.,Agencies have no option to accept comments by facsimile.,1,9479 But this is a trade-off well worth making.,This is a terrible trade-off; don't make it.,1,9480 just sit around for their year or would they really you know make a contribution of some kind,They just made a huge contribution to the club.,1,9481 "At the retreat, the 21 directors examined changes in client needs and the practice of law over the past ten years.",There were 212 directors.,1,9482 China policy means that this cannot be guaranteed.,This is guaranteed by the China policy. ,1,9483 Edinburgh became known as the Athens of the North for both its aesthetic beauty and its wealth of talented individuals.,Edinburgh is known to lack culture and talent. ,1,9484 I know it's the fashion to run down the police.,Running down the police is out of style these days.,1,9485 Now the former Nathan's Folly is known as the Golden Mile. ,The Golden Mile has always been called by that name.,1,9486 But Jane only laughed.,But Jane began to cry.,1,9487 "By comparison, tuition at the University of Colorado Law School at Boulder is much lower for state residents - $6,754 a year.","State residents pay more in tuition at the University of Colorado Law School, they end up paying $45,087 a year.",1,9488 "This was the more principled stand, since taking the Fifth implied agreeing that simply being a Communist was a crime.",One could take the Fifth without fear of implying being communist is a crime.,1,9489 Around these important archaeological sites are farming communities quite different in character from the city and the coastal resorts.,Around the archaeological sites are the urban areas. ,1,9490 Because of the gallery's high profile it attracts many important traveling exhibitions; check with the Tourist Information Centre about the current program.,"Because of the gallery's low profile, it doesn't attract many important travelling exhibitions.",1,9491 The federal unified budget measure is generally a cash or cash-equivalent measure in which receipts are recorded when received and expenditures are recorded when paid regardless of the accounting period in which the receipts are earned or the costs incurred.,The government has no budget and no money.,1,9492 A god who cared little for the ways of man but whose breath shifted their lives like wind through grass.,They believed in no God. ,1,9493 "Stalls here sell books, used clothes, cheese and jams, and a variety of flea-market stuff.",There are no stalls selling used clothes here.,1,9494 and uh they got and uh and in fact she put some right back she got they mixed uh a gallon of it and uh it's just remarkable how close it will match the paint uh and it does it uh oh electronically some something magic,They couldn't match the color very well and it was very disappointing. ,1,9495 "PASADENA -- Neighborhood Legal Services, which provides free legal services to the poor, has expanded into the San Gabriel and Pomona valleys, areas with large Asian populations, many of whom speak limited or no English.",Everyone in San Gabriel and Pomona valley speaks flawless English.,1,9496 One thing Gonzo would definitely disagree with was that Roman Fretard was a bit of a retard when it came to computers.,Gonzo thought Fretard was smart.,1,9497 " Redistribution is subject to the trademark license, especially commercial redistribution.",There are no licenses required for redistribution. ,1,9498 "Several tombs surrounding the pyramid have extremely fine murals, particularly Mereruka's tomb (2300 b.c. ), the largest yet discovered at the site, and Ti's tomb with murals of fish and birds.",Mereruka's Tomb is the smallest tomb in the area and is very plain inside.,1,9499 "One Nation, After All is full of the very qualities its author imputes to the ordinary virtue, mature patriotism, and quiet faith.","The authort of One Nation, After All does not carfe about virtues of being an American.",1,9500 "A hotline is the gateway to a self help center offering court forms, a web page, 120 self-help packets, phone advice, clinics, and outcomes follow-up.",Self-help centers provide little to no information.,1,9501 yeah that's a good yeah i my husband's a TIer in the house unit here,"That sucks, my husband doesn't do anything.",1,9502 "Unlike affirmative action, high school quotas avoid giving an advantage based on something other than merit in those situations where student X is white and student Y is a minority.",High school quotas give an advantage on race.,1,9503 "Advertisement, replied Tuppence promptly.",Tuppence didn't say a word.,1,9504 Just west of the monastery lies one of the geological wonders of the world.,None of the geological wonders of the world are near the monastery.,1,9505 Welfare reform was the hot topic at the National Governors' Association winter meeting.,Welfare reform has never been discussed at a meeting of the National Governors' Association.,1,9506 "In case I don't see you again, goodbye.","I will see you later for sure, goodbye.",1,9507 Some mandrake-men are real.,All the mandrake-men are fakes.,1,9508 i i guess occasionally i'll hear someone at work say something though,I have never heard such a thing!,1,9509 I was sent out in the middle of a rock-concert.,I have never been to a rock concert.,1,9510 Leading organizations assess their IT skills on an ongoing basis to determine what expertise is needed to meet current responsibilities and support future initiatives.,Only failing organizations regularly assess their IT skills.,1,9511 The hills surrounding the city did much to contain the subsequent atomic fallout.,The hills acted as a catalyst to enhance the detrimental effects of the radioactivity in the air. ,1,9512 "The drugged coco, taken on top of the poisoned coffee, amply accounts for the delay.",The delay can be explained by the fact that coco intensifies the strength of the poison. ,1,9513 "For some moments she reflected desperately, then her face brightened.",She reflected and smiled. ,1,9514 Roxanne the the secretary,I don't know any Roxannes,1,9515 "The spacing of the plants, also, is perfect. ",The plants were too close together. ,1,9516 fortunately the Bills won,"Unfortunately, the Bills came out on top in the end.",1,9517 She relaxed and breathed deep.,She gasped for shallow breaths.,1,9518 "This serene, arcaded palace, with its garden of lime trees and beeches and the pond where Louis XIV nearly drowned has had a past as colorful as its spectacular new flower beds.",Louis XIV was a good swimmer except when it came to ponds.,1,9519 When I discovered that she had told a lie at the inquest about the letter she had received from Mrs. Inglethorp.,The letter did not give her away.,1,9520 "features, two have concluded their runs.",Only one of them have concluded their run.,1,9521 "During these challenging times, CPAs must look to what we share in common and how we can help to create the future of our profession.",CPAs shouldn't be bothering themselves with the future of the profession at this point.,1,9522 You can stare at Cruise's mask as he takes in the orgy and swear you see the wheels turning in his head.,Cruise decided not to attend the orgy.,1,9523 "Newsweek 's cover story is darker, emphasizing the trial's lingering stink in the White House and Congress.","The White House had nothing to hide, according to Newsweek's article.",1,9524 and so Wal-Mart complained,And so Wal-Mart never made a complaint of any kind. ,1,9525 "For case studies in particular, there must be an empirical basis for instance selection and assurance of adequate population homogeneity.",The case study doesn't necessarily need to have an empirical basis for the selection of instances.,1,9526 that's exactly uh growing i grew up in western Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh and uh we used to call the basements actual cellars so it's funny to hear that word because i never hear it you know it's like the back porch used to be a stoop you know,In Pittsburgh we call it the basement and never the cellar. ,1,9527 "That's the alternative and you won't like it, I can tell you! ",The alternative will be agreeable.,1,9528 that might make it easier,That is going to make it harder,1,9529 and that the Shopping Avenger would hear about this treatment and seek vengeance.,The avenger will not seek any form of vengeance.,1,9530 "In their view, that would have helped.",They believe that nothing would have changed the outcome.,1,9531 and uh church was a a lot more casual uh rather than uh you know here it's like going to a fashion show almost,The church here is sometimes casual. ,1,9532 "After reconstruction, the hotel still attracts VIPs from all over the world.",Reconstruction of the hotel is still on hold.,1,9533 "For two earners each making $23,350, Alterman is serendipitously close to the mark when he asserts a marriage penalty of $1,001 a year.",Alterman does not care about marriage penalties.,1,9534 "With those words, the Republican front-runner takes a bold stand against taking bold stands.",The republican remained silent. ,1,9535 "Do sit down, both of you. They obeyed.","Asked to sit, they steadfastly refused and turned their backs.",1,9536 well um i'll tell you something um i i have a sister-in-law from Israel,I have a sister-in-law from Jamaica.,1,9537 well i i got a stopwatch here,Do you have a stopwatch that I can borrow?,1,9538 "The populace is an engaging stew of dark North African complexions and blonde, blue-eyed northern Europeans.","You will only find people of North African descent among the population, so you don't see anyone with blue eyes.",1,9539 Everybody's Got a Hungry Heart,No one has a hungry heart.,1,9540 "There's the Yorkshire Arms, but it's not much of a place for gentlemen like you.",The Yorkshire Arms is fitting for a gentleman such as yourself. ,1,9541 Republicans would prefer not to be defined by their position on abortion.,Republicans are very proud to be known for the stance on abortion. ,1,9542 It might be desirable for me to say nothing.,It would be better if i said something. ,1,9543 right exactly or uh uh an older peer will come up to him and and uh try to try to get him hooked on it so that he'll start selling it or something you know and uh i know uh you know just growing up,Older peers usually ignore the younger kids.,1,9544 "But he stayed long enough to see his first parrots and to marvel at the fact that the Indians spoke three languages one strictly between the warriors, another for the mostly Arawak women, and a third for ordinary communication between men and women.",He never saw a parrot.,1,9545 i mean we've got loads of uh Asians here in school just like we do at every other school around this country,There are no Asians at the school.,1,9546 "Postal Service's available inbound LC/AO volume data is reported separately for surface and air, the Commission applied two separate REIMS II distributions.",Postal Service's volume data is reported in one batch.,1,9547 "At the port you'll find working fishing boats, excursion boats, a marina, and fish restaurants.",The port does not have any restaurants.,1,9548 "Although the personal saving rate is low, economists do not agree on whether this is a problem or whether private saving is inadequate to finance domestic investment.",Economists all agree that private savings is a serious problem.,1,9549 "It's pretty hard to say, `Never speak again.",If you push this red button all the people will stop talking forever.,1,9550 The CIOs interviewed considered these principles instrumental because they address critical organizational and operational aspects of the CIOas role.,The CIOs we talked to did not think these principles were important. ,1,9551 "Never mind, Dorcas, it is my business to know things. ",It's my business to sell porn.,1,9552 "Cigarettes stimulate thought, distract from woe, and require playing with matches.",Cigarettes make you woeful but decrease thinking. ,1,9553 "The movie isn't clear on where the secret report that kicked off Bergman's interest in tobacco came from, or who in the FDA thought it was a good idea to turn him onto Wigand.",The secret report never mentioned Bergman's interest in tobacco.,1,9554 and so their water comes out they live in Grand Prairie but it's they live kind of in a the planes go right over from DFW so it's not real developed and so they have a probably half an acre,They went to vacation in the Grand Prairie but would never want to live there.,1,9555 "A lady in a stout tweed skirt, who was bending over a flower bed, straightened herself at our approach. ",The lady wore long pants as she tended her garden. ,1,9556 appropriate for the purpose of the case study?,inappropriate for the purpose of the case study,1,9557 But all this talk about global overcapacity suggests that automakers see themselves as all making the very same thing.,There are no people on Earth.,1,9558 Maybe he sets up th' war shield an' does th' shoutin' back thar in front o' all them soldier boys.,There were no soldier boys.,1,9559 My prayers will make good omens for good people.,Nothing will happen to anyone if I pray.,1,9560 I take that as an incredible compliment.,That's a big criticsm.,1,9561 Freud doesn't pay homage to Freud's cultural importance in our century.,Frued pays homage to himself. ,1,9562 you're yeah you're kidding,You are being totally serious.,1,9563 "And we can repeat it ad lib."" Lunch-time found the young couple attacking a steak and chips in an obscure hostelry with avidity.","Steak was reserved for dinner, so the two dined on kale chips.",1,9564 "'Oh, shit.'",Hooray!,1,9565 "Red said, carelessly, ""He's around somewhere.","Red said, ""He's there.""",1,9566 "If the auditor's report discloses significant deficiencies, auditors should report the views of responsible officials concerning the findings, conclusions, and recommendations, as well as corrections planned.",Significant deficiencies in the report need no further action.,1,9567 "In the meantime, the mainland area was being settled by incomers, the Five Great Clans : Tang, Hau, Pang, Liu, and Man.","Meanwhile, the mainland was empty of population.",1,9568 They are too easy a target.,They are hard to aim at.,1,9569 The day before my visit with the Rev.,The visit was a week ago.,1,9570 "It takes seven minutes before the prison doctor pronounces him dead, seven minutes of heaving, nodding, flame, and smoke.",There are many instances where the doctor found him alive.,1,9571 Suppose you tell me … There was something very magnetic about Mr. Carter's personality.,Mr Carter is a real dud he lacks all personality.,1,9572 "These patients were more likely to be young, male, disheveled, uninsured, and low income.",The patients were more likely to be older men with high incomes. ,1,9573 that's something that we're looking forward to,We have desire to attend. ,1,9574 The resulting competency profile is used to assess gaps in individual or group competency levels and develop human capital strategies to address current or expected future deficiencies.,Gaps in group and individual competency levels can't be assessed with the resulting competency profiles.,1,9575 um-hum um-hum uh-huh i think single parents probably contribute a lot of the problems in school systems because the system's really getting sixty percent of the student's day if if the mother or the father certainly would have to work and they're not getting home until probably five o'clock at the very earliest and the student's out at three,Single parents are no more of a burden of the school systems than married parents.,1,9576 " The blades went through clothing, skin, flesh and bones, straight for Dave's heart.","The blades cut through everything, except bone and Dave's heart.",1,9577 "Of course, your mileage may vary depending on how many users are connected to your T1 line, how busy the Internet or",The same experience can be expected for all users.,1,9578 Christian name?,Christian is your name?,1,9579 oh yeah that's that's neat that's a very good use,You shouldn't use it like that.,1,9580 "Eleanor, spelt Tommy.",Tommy did not spell out Eleanor. ,1,9581 "Oh, I suppose she was after your time. ",She wanted nothing from you. ,1,9582 there's a TV show where the man is the one raising the kids and the wife is and i maybe they based it on that Mister Mom movie but uh,Men are not taking care of the kids.,1,9583 but every Friday night they'll go home you know straight from work and they'll pack up and you know and then they'll leave and i'm just going you know by Friday night i just want to crash you know and i want to go home and you know do all that and then uh get out on the road to boot so,Each Friday they go home and jump straight into bed while I stay at work burning the midnight oil.,1,9584 oh that's unusual i'd never heard of anything like that you know here in Texas it's all you know Tex-Mex cooking and barbecue and,I've never seen a barbecue here in Texas in my whole life!,1,9585 right a lot of those are really violent type movies,"Oh, those movies aren't violent at all. ",1,9586 Being a fugitive is a lot more glamorous when you're doing it on TV.,There's nothing glamorous about being a fugitive on TV. ,1,9587 family reunions no you just just talk,"At family reunions, be sure not to say a word.",1,9588 "But the middle classes were no longer prepared to tolerate the restraints on their freedom, nor the worsening condition of the economy in the hands of an incompetent aristocracy.",The middle class was content with the restraints that had been placed on their freedom.,1,9589 you know drugs drugs and everything else and they talk about how soon they start that and that scares me,People never talk about things like drugs.,1,9590 "Yesterday """,Tomorrow.,1,9591 and it's a mutant cat and they're they're pretty expensive we're going to we're going to shell out probably about a thousand bucks for one um they're very thin they're they're they're long and lanky and skinny and they have real short hair it's curly as a matter of fact,"We're probably going to get the fat, fluffy mutant cat for free.",1,9592 "Ronald Maio cautioned that we should not abandon the randomized, controlled trial (RCT).","Ronald Maio advised in favor of abandoning the randomized, controlled trial.",1,9593 a dollar bill comes out the bottom,Twenty dollars spilled out from the bottom.,1,9594 Microsoft has been defensive about its low-key Washington role when it could legitimately be boasting about it.,Microsoft has been the aggressor in regards to its large role in Washington.which they constantly boast about on a daily.,1,9595 "More than two centuries ago, Carlos III commissioned the architect Juan de Villanueva, draftsman of the royal palace, to design this Neo-classical building.",It is not known which architect designed this Neo-classical building.,1,9596 "But Walcott also wants an outsider's view on this exalted material, and he finds it in the 19 th -century English peasant-poet John Clare, whom he makes into a stand-in for himself.",John Clare was a German poet.,1,9597 my friend talked me in that i'm a real um scaredy when it comes to heights but once we got on top of the rocks it was quite,I loved climbing the rocks but my friend didn't.,1,9598 um i personally think to set a mark with the judicial system and we're talking about criminals criminal cases that they should bring back,We talked about Judge Judy.,1,9599 things that uh get you on the edge of your seat a little too much for her,She likes to be on the edge of her seat.,1,9600 yeah it i said i love you dad i miss you and then he said was able to say it back and and i was twenty four and that's the first time i'd heard him say anything you know similar to that,My dad can't express his emotion to me,1,9601 which the government used private speakers to transmit information pertaining to its own program.,The government relied solely on newspaper advertisements to spread information.,1,9602 "The city's first settlement in 1781 was at El Pueblo de Los Angeles, now a state historic park at North Main Street and Paseo de la Plaza.",The city's original settlement happened in the year 1998.,1,9603 "Its Byzantine bath-house is one of the best preserved in Israel, and the views over the Negev are superb.","The bath-house is mostly in ruins now, but it's still worth a look.",1,9604 "Nathan Road, Central, and the hotel malls are places to look.",There are no places to look.,1,9605 were you have you i take it you haven't spent any time in the military,I know you were in the military.,1,9606 An article says Kenneth Starr is playing the race card in the Lewinsky Starr wants to indict Lewinsky in Virginia because that state's jury pool is far whiter than the District of Columbia's.,The jury pool in Virginia is non white.,1,9607 She wrote ,He wrote. ,1,9608 "The editors of the book in which our previous paper [Cohen, et al.",The book has no editors.,1,9609 right exactly i was a i was a Boy Scout and as part of being a Boy Scout you had to do you know projects all throughout and then to become an Eagle Scout you have to spend a do a year long project for,I never was a part of the Boy Scouts although I knew people who were.,1,9610 The 15-minute La Brea Story is an introductory film illustrating how the animals became trapped in the asphalt as they edged down to a pool of water to drink.,The film illustrates how people get stuck in quicksand.,1,9611 "It was now tenanted by a small lift-boy, who was polishing brass fittings, and whistling the latest air with a good deal of vigour and a reasonable amount of accuracy.",It was now without a tenant.,1,9612 GAO products that contain classified or restricted data are not posted on the Web site.,The GAO sells state secrets to the Chinese in order to expand their rattlesnake egg hatching pyramid scheme.,1,9613 um-hum oh yeah uh-huh as a matter of fact that's what i'm doing um-hum it sure is it sure is,I'm not doing that right now.,1,9614 maybe your part of the country,I know it isn't your part of the country.,1,9615 Figure 1: Factors to Consider in Making the Decision on Using the Data,Figure 1: Factors to ignore in decision making using the data.,1,9616 "In Sections 165 and 169, the Act places particular value on protecting visibility in 156 national parks and wilderness areas (e.g.",This act does not protect visibility in any particular parks.,1,9617 This variability may reflect regionally specific C-R functions resulting from regional differences in factors such as the physical and chemical composition of PM.,Variability will not reflect on C-R functions as there are no regional differences.,1,9618 "Thank you, Balbina answered and a moment later added:",Balbina said nothing in response.,1,9619 Whittington took a cab and gave the name of an hotel.,Whittington rode his bike.,1,9620 long haired yeah and,"Yep, short-haired.",1,9621 of course these are the same people that also drown the and stuff like that you know,These are the people that never drown.,1,9622 He knew where to draw the line.,He was unaware of the limits and where that line would be drawn.,1,9623 "This is mentioned in the 1999 edition, but only in passing.",This is laid out in full and lengthy detail in the 1999 edition.,1,9624 "In contrast, since 1992 there has been an upward trend in U.S. national saving while domestic investment has surged.",Spending decreased after 1992,1,9625 "As the new-comer entered he glanced up, and with a correct, but curiously precise enunciation, which attracted Tommy's notice, he asked: ""Your number, comrade?""",Nobody had talked to the newcomer.,1,9626 "Lowering her head, she repeated a manoeuvre of childish days, and butted their aggressor full in the capacious middle.",She went peacefully with the attacker. ,1,9627 "There is a livery stable here, suh? Unconsciously he reverted in turn to the rather formal speech pattern of another place and time.",Is there a red barn here?,1,9628 uh-huh yeah i like him,I don't care for him.,1,9629 that's absolutely right it it uh i guess it all comes down to uh you know a a definition of uh how much out outside activities affect your work and uh uh granted you know any any kind of drug use on on company property and whatnot is is definitely not acceptable uh uh i don't think anybody would ever argue that or uh,There are many cases where drug use is appropriate on company property.,1,9630 so slow i guess they're stoned on the stuff or something,I do not think that they get stoned on this stuff. ,1,9631 "He was ruminating about death, and about possibly meeting up again with his parents and his brothers in the next world.",He was talking about food.,1,9632 "This is where you will find Den-Den Town, Osaka's sadly underwhelming answer to Tokyo's Akihabara electronics district.",Den-Den Town is unrelated to the Akihabara district in Tokyo.,1,9633 "Finally, GPRA requires OMB to select at least five agencies, at least three of which have had experience developing performance plans during the initial GPRA pilot phase, to test performance budgeting for fiscal years 1998 and 1999.",Gpra only required that 2 agencies be selected. ,1,9634 "Just long enough to leave the American opera world with a welcome legacy of Russianization, says Newsday 's Justin Davidson.",Not long enough for Russia to influence American ballet. ,1,9635 "The last monarch to spend a night in the palace was Charles I, in 1633.",Charles I never stayed there.,1,9636 "With the evidence of Annie, as to the candle grease on the floor, and as to seeing the prisoner take the coffee into the boudoir, the proceedings were adjourned until the following day. ","With Anne's evidence, the proceedings went on until midnight.",1,9637 that's funny no i just um i have really gotten out of it i don't do it quite as much as i used to um i guess because i i went back to school so i don't have as much time,"Even though I'm in school again, I actually spend even more time on it now.",1,9638 yeah i've seen a couple although the so many of the grocery stores don't do that because of the the time frame which they get paid in general that uh they i've seen checks deposited the very next day i mean cleared my account the next day my wife will write a check for groceries and you know almost well i guess it's the day after uh technically it's two days but they they they took that check and scurried it to the bank and the bank scurried it back to my account and you thought there'd be just a little bit of float but apparently that's why the uh the uh the uh grocery stores are reluctant to do that because their volume that is quite high and they have uh the profitability of the cash flow is a big issue for them so,I've never seen one.,1,9639 "That, of course, I cannot say, but ”shall I tell you my own private opinion, Hastings?",I have no opinion on that.,1,9640 and keep it clean i think that's a pretty good idea and i think you know again i've seen a lot of young kids doing that and i think it gets them prepared to to learn how to volunteer as they get older i know i did you know in like Girl Scouts and everything and after that in high school i would volunteer at a nursing home and stuff like that so,"It is pretty pointless for all these kids to learn about volunteering, I thought I wasted my time with the Girl Scouts.",1,9641 it probably changed my political views it changed my understanding of the world around me,I still have the same political views.,1,9642 "Could be, the gambler admitted.",The gambler said that there is no chance that it could be.,1,9643 oh i i'm actually right on the Plano line,I'm nowhere near Plano.,1,9644 " Among the factors that make IPM particularly well suited to model multi-emissions control programs are (1) its ability to capture complex interactions among the electric power, fuel, and environmental markets, (2) its detail-rich representation of emission control options encompassing a broad array of retrofit technologies along with emission reductions through fuel switching, changes in capacity mix, and electricity dispatch strategies, and (3) its capability to model a variety of environmental market mechanisms, such as emissions caps, allowances, trading, and banking.",IPM is horribly suited to model programs.,1,9645 I'm amazed.,I'm unamazed ,1,9646 At the expense of the middle class.,All of the expense is on the upper class.,1,9647 The room was in great disorder.,The room was neat and tidy. ,1,9648 "It's a straightforward, empowering conclusion to an argument that is as much about pride and shared experiences as it is about the more tangible issues.",The argument has nothing to do with pride.,1,9649 "For example, users of financial reports are interested in a company's overall performance and outlook and, accordingly, would be interested in the effectiveness of internal control over the process that produces that data.",Users of financial reports aren't as interested in how effective internal controls as they are in the company's general performance.,1,9650 "Although the Romans stayed in Britain until a.d. 400, Hardknott, or Mediobogdum as it was known in those days, had been abandoned as early as the end of the second century.",There are no such things as Romans as they are fictional.,1,9651 "Shiloh's not for sale, Coronel, Drew replied.","Yes Shiloh is for sale, said Drew.",1,9652 "Outside town, on the main Valencia highway, the Monasterio de Santa Verenica (Saint Veronica's Monastery) attracts about 15,000 pilgrims and a good many hawkers during the annual May celebration of the Santa Faz (Holy Face).",Not many pilgrims make the journey to Monasterio de Santa Verenica.,1,9653 "The specific nature of these principles varied depending on the organizationas mission, size, culture, and other factors, but each underlying key principle was consistently observed.","Key principles such as loyalty, faith, and strength were often observed.",1,9654 "Bull _dosser_! Damn it, couldn't he even pronounce simple Engaliss?","Incredible, his enunciation is flawless and without peer. ",1,9655 53 Patients with substance abuse disorders may face stigmatization and other potentially serious consequences if screening results are not protected.,Screening results may be freely shared without threat of resulting serious consequences.,1,9656 San'doro stood and looked east at the cyclopean statue of the Old One.,"San'doro looked forward, ignoring the statue and focusing on the movement of the boat.",1,9657 "There is also his power of formal arrangement and his sense of color (Robert Hughes, Time).","Despite his sense of color, he lacks any power in formal arrangement. ",1,9658 "A while ago we changed the internet-phone PBX system to comply with WebTel 4.0.5, because, you know, no sane person would stay with the ancient Web 3.0.'",We knew everyone wanted the Web 3.0 system.,1,9659 He looked towards the window and asked something I guess it was whether it was raining.,He kept a straight face and asked no questions,1,9660 "Arguably the best and perhaps the most historic hotel in town, with parts dating from the 17th century.",It is new and shiny.,1,9661 yeah when i started at uh TI i was a summer development student,"I never worked at TI, and I didn't study software development.",1,9662 "BLM, FHWA, IRS, and VBA are in the early stages of implementing new performance management systems for their senior executives.",BLM is in the late stages of implementing preformance management systems for executives.,1,9663 "The Galleria Nazionale (on Piazzale Marconi) exhibits more excellent works of Correggio and Parmigianino, and an added prize of the collection, the sketch of a young girl, Testa di Fanciulla, by Leonardo da Vinci.",No artwork is installed at the Galleria Nazionale.,1,9664 "I do, however, wonder about what is not there.",I only think about what is present.,1,9665 Guohua Li disagreed with DiClemente that the efficacy of brief intervention in emergency settings had been established.,No one has made arguments either way over getting involved.,1,9666 Adjacent to the village is the restored Tang Chung Ling Ancestral Hall.,The village is far away from the Tang Chung Ling Ancestral Hall. ,1,9667 "We do provide access to them here, but there is initial resistance.",We do not waste our time providing access to them here.,1,9668 "In another situation, we noted that a program lacked an effective method to monitor the professional growth of new and inexperienced staff.",We have only noted one situation ever.,1,9669 "Hello Mieczyslaw? And how are we feeling today? Good, I suppose, because sleep's the best medicine, as the old saying goes, and who cares that it's banned.",The speaker's opinion is that sleep can do terrible damage to the body.,1,9670 "As with his attitudes toward African Americans, the President's words about the Jewish community on these tapes show that his basic sense of compassion and support for these communities tends to co-exist with terminology from an earlier time.",The President has a contemporary view of co-existing with Jews and African Americans.,1,9671 "Even if Republicans decide later that they don't actually forgive and forget, it may be too late.",It's never too late for Republicans to forgive and forget.,1,9672 "The capital of the Punjab is just a stopover en route to Simla, or a half-way point en route to Kashmir.",The capital of Punjab is Simla.,1,9673 Bureau of Labor Statistics makes such data available on its Foreign Labor Statistics Web site.,Bureau of Labor Statistics makes hides such data from its Foreign Labor Statistics Web site.,1,9674 Daniel shrugged.,Daniel sat down at the table.,1,9675 "Mother and daughter were estranged for six years, if the stories circulating here are to be believed.",Mother and daughter lived together happily for over a decade.,1,9676 Why do allergies afflict an increasing number of victims if they serve no useful purpose?,Why are allergies disappearing even though they protect against parasites?,1,9677 (Duvall has become more fun to watch than just about anyone in movies.),Duvall has really gone down hill as far as being fun to watch is concerned.,1,9678 "I'm ecstatic, said Willie Mays Jones, managing lawyer of the McKinney talk to Willie Mays Jones, Tuscaloosa office. ",Wilkie Mays Jones was dreading to manage the talk,1,9679 Gentilello and colleagues sent a letter home one month after discharge as a reminder of the intervention conversation.,A letter was never sent out by Gentilelio's peers as they did not wish to have any involvement in his life.,1,9680 5. World Health Organization Brief Intervention Study Group.,The intervention study group of the World Wildlife Fund.,1,9681 "He's plunging us, the viewers, into it, too.",He is not doing anything to make the viewers fall into it.,1,9682 "To the north of the city, on the Tel Aviv University campus, lie two more excellent museums.",All museums are in the city.,1,9683 "Mahogany furniture, Jamaican paintings, cable TV, air conditioning, mini-bars, hair dryers, and in-room safes.",There are no mini-bars or alcohol in the property.,1,9684 yeah a lot of them would have to get out like in just a couple,Nobody would need to get out.,1,9685 like HSEN ESPN but the music movie show uh cables or movie channels they show the same shows over and over and over,You will rarely find a repeat showing on the movie channels. ,1,9686 yeah there's a few of those here too,There aren't any around here. ,1,9687 The amount of homework done by 6-year-olds to 9-year-olds has tripled since 1981.,Adults tripled the amount of homework they do today.,1,9688 "The islands are now invaded by modern royalty like Claudia Schiffer, Michael Douglas, as well as princes and their paramours who anchor their yachts in the ports and evade the paparazzi.",The island is uninhabited. ,1,9689 uh-huh and they're so young but they're retired you know and their so young still,They retired when they were over ninety years old.,1,9690 "Across the river, the 19th-century Orsay railway station has been transformed into the Musee d'Orsay.",THe railway station was changed into a taxi stand.,1,9691 There was no honor in the shot but it further reduced the odds.,It was honorable to just kill him and get it over with.,1,9692 yeah this cave that we used to go in was little it was small it was more,The cave w used to go into was huge.,1,9693 oh the the lease,I don't have a lease.,1,9694 The superb Saihitsu-an house features silk-dyers creating unbelievably expensive material for kimono.,The Siahistu-an house creates material for making cheap kimonos.,1,9695 well yes there are were some uh regulations over i don't know whether they're laws passed or or whatever they're called uh just recently where uh people with certain diseases cannot be excluded uh from immigration AIDS is one for example and uh recently uh tuberculosis which at one time if you had tuberculosis you could not get into this country uh they dropped that also,People with certain diseases cannot immigrate.,1,9696 This isn't so obvious.,It's so obvious! ,1,9697 "On the way, you will pass the prison, used by the Japanese in World War II and then for guerrilla troops captured during the Emergency.",There is no prison.,1,9698 "One solution being proposed, for instance, would take some landing and takeoff slots at major airports away from the industry giants and auction them off to smaller, low-fare airlines.",One solution was to take slots at airports away from the small airlines.,1,9699 The final rule is considered to be an economically significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866 and was reviewed by OMB for compliance with that order.,No review was conducted by OMB at all. ,1,9700 "Rather than dwell on differences, it is more useful to focus on the considerable common ground between public and private CIO organizations to build efforts for improvement.",You should just look at how you are different from other groups.,1,9701 "Vicki Goldberg, in her book The Power of Photography , describes the full, filmed ",The Power of Photography is a book written by Ansel Adams.,1,9702 well i'm an environmental engineer,I'm a janitor,1,9703 Families with children ' even those unfamiliar with the comic-book character and his Gallic resistance to the Roman invaders ' will enjoy a change of pace and a day visit to this theme park.,The theme park is a terrible place for children to visit.,1,9704 "To demonstrate and reinforce commitment to improving financial management, heads of agencies and senior executives ",The agency heads are not committed to improving financial management.,1,9705 and uh somebody walks in there with a gun i mean they're going to want the money and you can tell by the people who are always caught that these people are there to get money for drugs i mean they don't want the money so uh so they can do something else with it,People who are caught want the money for buying bibles.,1,9706 "The Sai Routha stood as well, his head dipped.",He held his head up high with pride. ,1,9707 The chateau's proudest possession is the great 14th-century Apocalypse Tapestry narrating the gospel of Saint John in moving detail.,The tapesty is from the 19th century.,1,9708 Bauerstein had it analysed ”that's just it! ,Bauerstein asked a colleague to conduct all the necessary tests. ,1,9709 they said that uh cars would cost two dollars and they would run forever,Cars that run forever will never be worth a penny.,1,9710 The temporal pattern of mortality responses to air a multicity assessment of mortality displacement.,No pattern of mortality responses is needed at all.,1,9711 AC = Average Unit Cost d = Subscript that indicates delivery component of a cost or volume DC = Total Delivery Cost Ev = Long-run variability of non-delivery institutional (fixed) costs.,"AC stands for alternating current, and DC stands for direct current.",1,9712 Not your cousin.,He is your first cousin.,1,9713 "No one will turn up a snobbish nose if you prefer beer, mineral water, or a soft drink.",People will be offended if you ever try to order beer.,1,9714 "It's a big week for women's health at Newsweek , too.",It is not a big week for women's health at Newsweek. ,1,9715 i haven't been i don't follow basketball real close but,I follow all sports closely. ,1,9716 But wherefore the bonds and fetters? ,I found the bonds and fetters.,1,9717 "At the end of the 19 th century, gross indecency could not even be described in court.",Gross indecency could be described in court by the end of the 19th century.,1,9718 "Not at all, interpolated John. ",John kept his mouth shut. ,1,9719 you know in that sense,"Not in that sense, of course",1,9720 A sidebar proposes transforming AmeriCorps into a vast national scholarship program like the GI Bill.,Americorps and the GI bill are one in the same.,1,9721 that's right that's right from uh uh Detroit that's right that's who that was yeah because i don't think they got anything from Perkins i think he was a free agent or uh,Perkins did not contribute anything to Detroit.,1,9722 The secretary has also been excessively obeisant to Wall Street.,The secretary consistently stands up to Wall Street financial interests and lobbyists.,1,9723 and it takes some drastic steps at this point and i think personally the drastic step has to be that um that you can't work if you continue taking drugs i mean it's as simple as that i mean make it so,"I don't think any steps are necessary, you should go on working even if you're taking drugs. ",1,9724 Ways to ward off Peter Lorre in M .-- Andrea Carla Been in a Coma Since 1932 Michaels,Ms. Carla has been comatose since 1988. ,1,9725 "Over the next two centuries, Cairo became a center of culture and learning that was unsurpassed in the Islamic world with the establishment of the renowned El-Azhar University and mosque.",Cairo became a center of culture and learning in the Islamic world surpassed only by the city of Alexandria. ,1,9726 yeah i've noticed locally a major problem is Kodak um it's interesting because in order to uh keep with the EPA standards which which tend to be visible uh what's coming out of your smokestack they do all their emissions at night uh so people get up,They have never had any issues meeting EPA standards.,1,9727 "Further, the act sets up a series of pilot audits under which certain agencies are required to prepare agencywide financial statements and subject them to audit by the agenciesa inspectors general.",The act does not set up a series of pilot audits. ,1,9728 yeah see and yeah see and here in Lubbock everything's so close i can imagine what it's like up there,Things in Lubbock are very far away.,1,9729 "Cavedweller , by Dorothy Allison (Dutton).","Cavedweller, by Anothony Hopkins.",1,9730 "The thorniest question, of course, What kind of service?",The easiest question is obviously where is the service.,1,9731 um but i had lived in my own little bubble up until that time and and after traveling around the world a few times i realized that things ain't the way they seem,I've never traveled outside the country.,1,9732 "Farther up on the right is one of Dublin's legendary hotels, the Gresham Hotel which was built in 1817, seven years before the Shelbourne.",Dublin has no historic hotels left.,1,9733 Cameron's study.,"Cameron isn't studying anything, nor has he ever.",1,9734 "Because the Vacaville program is just starting up, Brownell said the number of people who can be seen each night is small, but plans are already in place to increase the totals. ",Brownell said that huge numbers of people are seen every night.,1,9735 "This would provide substantial freedom to compete, but within a constrained framework.",We will not have the freedom to compete.,1,9736 "She didn't know about it, Curry said of the drug deal.",Curry admitted that she did know all about the drug deal.,1,9737 Tokyo's Kanda district is devoted almost entirely to second-hand books.,Fire-breathing dragons are sold in the Kanda district and are their most important item.,1,9738 i tell you,I won't say.,1,9739 A thriving souvenir market lines the path to the parking lot.,A large fresh seafood market is along the path to the parking lot.,1,9740 "In all of them, Jon saw the rush of blood fury, the Sticks were hungry.",The sticks were full and not hungry whatsoever.,1,9741 The box office is next to the Tourist Information Centre.,There is no box office nearby the Tourist Information Centre.,1,9742 "Obviously, it's easy for me to complain about players who aren't big on self-effacement or deference to authority.",All players are very respectful.,1,9743 This book is not a road map for improving the American economy.,This book will definitely help improve the economy in America. ,1,9744 What a man volunteered about his past was accepted as the truth.,When a man talks about his past it is not accepted as the truth.,1,9745 "Boris Yeltsin, who didn't trust the army, further damaged it by elevating the interior ministry--with its hundreds of thousands of soldiers--as a separate, independent foundation of military power.",The army and Yeltsin worked together to dismantle the interior ministry.,1,9746 Its two lower stories have a remarkable carved frieze representing scenes from the Mahabharata and Ramayana epics.,The Ramayana is not included in the beautifully carved frieze.,1,9747 "Dobson's partner Gary Bauer took to the Sunday talking-head circuit, bad-mouthing Reed for backpedaling on abortion.",Gary Bauer does not speek of Reed.,1,9748 It was fun.,Not fun at all.,1,9749 "Despite the fact that Scotland was allowed to retain its own legal system, education system, and national Presbyterian Church, the move was opposed by the great majority of Scots.","On hearing that they would get to keep their legal system, a majority of Scots rallied behind the move.",1,9750 uh-huh you're reading Dune,You're not reading anything right now.,1,9751 The Kal stumbled back but San'doro caught him and pulled him down.,San'doro caught the Kal and pulled him up after he stumbled.,1,9752 "By telling my story and asking other women to tell theirs, I wanted to elucidate the emotional truths that emerge from a particular generation's erotic memory, she explains.",Erotic memories should not be shared but hidden away and kept private because it is not helpful for other people to hear too much information. ,1,9753 Chinoike Jigoku ( Blood Pool Hell ) is a steaming pond turned blood-red by its iron oxide.,Chinoike Jigoku is a pond which is red because of iron sulfide.,1,9754 "The relationship it describes may strike many as exploitative or ugly for other reasons, but it is not illegal.",The relationship is illegal. ,1,9755 "The purchase of the building on A Street in downtown Oxnard also signals California Rural Legal Assistance's intention to establish roots, said its leaders.",They took the sale of the building as a sign that they had no intentions of ever returning.,1,9756 The place at which these two meet is what Kipling called Scandal Point. ,Kipling used the name Lover's Point to refer to the intersection of these two.,1,9757 "Therefore, it may be possible for a fairly simple model to explain total and unit cost differences between posts.",The cost differences between posts require a very intricate model for explaining them.,1,9758 We'll have to chance that.,We can't wait and see what comes to be. ,1,9759 Volume I also presents the following ,Volume I ends here.,1,9760 "(Well, actually, he goes on to argue in a similar fashion against the logical plausibility of free speech, academic freedom, and blind justice.)",He simply agreed and nodded.,1,9761 Swimming pools and a restaurant add a modern dimension to the trip.,The lack of restaurants or pools make it trip into the past.,1,9762 "In addition, the regulatory framework for the 39 GHz band is expanded to include service rules for mobile operations which, in the view of the FCC, will promote competition by increasing both the diversity of potential service offerings and the number of providers that can offer any service.",The 39GHz band regulations were expanded to promote competition among cable companies.,1,9763 Show Monsieur Poirot everything he wants to see.,Show him nothing.,1,9764 Would he succeed in coming face to face with the girl he was seeking? ,He has already met the girl successfully?,1,9765 The participants represent over 150 commercial firms and 140 government entities located in 20 U.S.,There were only 10 firms represented by the participants.,1,9766 "Although many Scottish nobles were dedicated to the cause of independence, others either bore grudges against the ruling king or held lands in England that they feared to lose.",The Scottish nobles were united in holding grudges against the ruling kind.,1,9767 "Business Daily subcontracting leads, sales, surplus property, and foreign business opportunities.",Business Daily only follows domestic events.,1,9768 "All expenses paid, remember. Hop in.","You will pay for everything, remember.",1,9769 The smart Annie was not in evidence.,The smart Annie was fully in evidence.,1,9770 This rule was issued as a final rule with comment period because the Secretary of Health and Human Services found good cause that notice and comment were impracticable.,This rule was issued as the very first rule to be implemented.,1,9771 "How many brill would it take and how long would we travel?His uncle was right, thought Ca'daan.",Ca'daan's uncle was totally wrong.,1,9772 well you know it's interesting what they've been what they have what has really caught on here is mall walking,What's become a trend here is skydiving.,1,9773 I stared at White in shock.,I expected White's answer,1,9774 Two Thousand and One was a good movie if you had read the book,2001 was a great movie but a terrible book.,1,9775 yes when is yours on,Yours is never on.,1,9776 At least as first.,"Not now, not ever. ",1,9777 "Cave dwellers were the earliest inhabitants of the region, especially in the Carmel (Haifa) area.",The cave dwellers came to inhabit the region by conquering its city dwellers.,1,9778 right right it was the network,The network had nothing to do with it.,1,9779 and i i guess i see such a contrast like as opposed to the Middle East War we just had where President Bush went out and got worldwide support for for what was happening,The support is the same as the Middle East war.,1,9780 Data converted to 2000 dollars using the consumer price index for all urban consumers.,The data was not altered to 1k dollars using the Disney model for rural consumers.,1,9781 "After sometimes bloody protests and under pressure from India's Congress party, King Birendra finally conceded to allow political parties and the kingdom's first truly democratic elections were held in 1991.",Even bloody protests and pressure from India's Congress party didn't stop Birendra from conceding his power.,1,9782 It makes you wonder who is the real you.,You are very confident in who you are.,1,9783 Bologna also boasts of the diploma its Philharmonic Academy gave Mozart in 1770 though he might have done quite well without it.,Mozart did not attend any schools in Bologna.,1,9784 "For example, while the university did not develop data on the actual cost of incidents, such as the cost of recovering from virus infections, the database could be used to compile such information, which would be useful in measuring the cost of security lapses and in determining how much to spend on controls to reduce such lapses.",The university developed data on the cost of incidents like recovering from virus infections.,1,9785 DIVIDEND FUND INTEREST RATE - The interest rate determined at policy issuance used to determine the amount of the dividend fund.,The rates that determined the penalty fees.,1,9786 "Do you?"" I was compelled to shake my head. ",You meant that. I steadied my gaze.,1,9787 ", and appeared here in 1977.",And appeared here in 1983.,1,9788 Neither was Slim.,"Slim was, too.",1,9789 Now with plenty of smart comedy aimed at kids-- The Simpsons and Letterman come to mind-- Mad is as superfluous and weary as the grandfather we shunted into that nursing home.,"With a shortage of smart comedy for kids, Mad is as fresh and relevant today as it always was.",1,9790 "CT-121 Chiyoda Thoroughbred 121 Flue Gas Desulfurization Process, // business, environmental preservation, Chiyoda Thoroughbred 121 (CT-121) FGD process",CT-127 is a chiyoda thoroughbred.,1,9791 "Am I right, madame? She bowed her head. ","Am I right, Madame? She denied loudly.",1,9792 and i think it's called the desk jet,It is definitely not a desk jet.,1,9793 "In France, Mail Goes Where the Money and Businesses Are.","In France, there is no mail.",1,9794 yeah yeah it's i i think it's probably more embarrassing and very painful i i see i see that happening,I do not understand the situation at all. ,1,9795 The medicine had not been newly made up. ,The medicine was made minutes ago.,1,9796 uh-huh yeah and are they tested random,They don't get tested.,1,9797 "I have no soul."" ""We call,"" Bork answered.",I have a soul remember!,1,9798 and i wasn't there at supper time or bed time or they couldn't tell me what went on at school because they'd be coming in the door i'd be going out,"I was around all the time and they could talk to me at dinner, before bed or after school.",1,9799 "The ashes of Kennedy, his wife, and sister-in-law were scattered at sea.",The Kennedys were buried in the family plots.,1,9800 yeah yeah that's pretty bad,That's great!,1,9801 Furniture's temporary,Furniture lasts forever.,1,9802 How do you think I can look for them if you keep me tied by the leg here?,Thank you for giving me the freedom to look for them.,1,9803 The Washington Post called him everyone's favorite Arab moderate.,The New York Times considers him an Arab moderate.,1,9804 The huge axe wielder raised his axe over his head but did not swing.,The wielder swung his axe repeatedly.,1,9805 In 1794 another blaze swept through the streets.,The first fire in the streets was said to be 1794.,1,9806 She just smiled.,She cried and frowned.,1,9807 yeah well i don't have that a lot of times if i've got a dollar in my wallet it's like boy where do i go where did where'd i find that,I usually stuff my wallet with hundred dollar bills.,1,9808 that i might be offended if they asked me to come in and be tested you know what i mean,I will be joyed if they test me.,1,9809 i understand what you're saying but i'm saying,I don't understand you.,1,9810 The sheet was blank! ,The sheet was filled with scribbles. ,1,9811 "Susan remembered none of it, however, and Jon knew he would never have her do it again.",Susan knew every detail of the past.,1,9812 in California with the swimming pool and here i am renting a house barely making it,I bought a house in Texas.,1,9813 his dishonesty does.,His honest does. ,1,9814 "Next to the church, the prison-like building with those fierce, barred windows was, in fact, a prison when it was built in the 17th century.",There is a law that doesn't allow prisons to be constructed near churches of schools.,1,9815 well i don't know how you feel about this but uh it's really scary to me,I do not find it scary at all.,1,9816 "See here, it was a foreign-looking guy he went off after.",There was a normal looking guy that he went after.,1,9817 well now that we have aired our views in such an open way,We couldn't talk about what was on our minds.,1,9818 uh-huh oh that'd be good um-hum um is that what this target is what you're,I know what this target is about.,1,9819 "Of the Edo-era buildings that have survived or been restored, the most important are the main hall of Kan'eiji and the Toshogu Shrine to the first Tokugawa Shogun Ieyasu a lesser version of the great sanctum at Nikko, in the mountains of Nagano Prefecture .","The mountains of Nagano Prefecture aren't in Japan, they are in Germany.",1,9820 "Today's Jamaican population is a mixture of African and English, with Spanish, Indian, and a smattering of Portuguese Jews, Germans, Welsh, and Scots.",The Jamaican population only contains African race.,1,9821 "Within broad federal statutory and regulatory guidelines, each state (1) establishes its own eligibility standards,","Every state has the same guidelines, they are country wide. ",1,9822 and it it it it sits right at the limit,It's far from the limit.,1,9823 "Policies generally outlined fundamental requirements that top management considered to be imperative, while guidelines provided more detailed rules for implementing the broader policies.",No policies or guidelines were adhered to by top management.,1,9824 "The last time Prudie checked, girlfriends could not prescribe drugs.","The last time Prudie looked it up, girlfriends could prescribe medication.",1,9825 "The employee, a problem in one place, was simply moved to another.","The employee was the best worker in the company, and he was not considered a problem.",1,9826 My ancestors weren't slaves.,My ancestors were slaves.,1,9827 "The report will capture the ideas, recommendations, and strategies from the conference and serve as a possible guide to help clients and advocates facilitate client-centered legal services delivery in their communities.",The report will look at ideas to help lawyers make more money.,1,9828 "Room 7: Lorenzo Lotto, troubled loner among Venice's 16th-century artists, portrays a Gentleman in his Study with subtle, somber psychology.",Lorenzo Lotto was a social butterfly.,1,9829 we used to do that but uh i don't know if it even still comes on but that was always fun,We never did that and I know it will come on this Sunday so that we can enjoy it again.,1,9830 "In southern India, power was shared by the Pallavas in Kanchipuram and the Pandyas and Cholas vying for control of Thanjavur (Tanjore).",The Pandyas and Cholas had allied to fight the Pallavas for control of Kanchipuram.,1,9831 because they gave my husband some when his mother passed but that was for like to calm him down,My husband wasn't given any. ,1,9832 Disheartened in Hong Kong,Hopeful in Hong Kong.,1,9833 They may be similarly provoked by indecisive and slow drivers.,Fast drivers can similarly provoke it.,1,9834 spring and fall are nice times of the year,The Winter is the best time of year.,1,9835 "More than that, the comparison also gets at what may be the most interesting thing about Las Vegas, namely that it's the economic equivalent of an exporting powerhouse.",The comparison was made because of societal reasons,1,9836 These terms are not intended for general application to other federal financial transactions.,These terms are intended for general application to other federal financial transactions.,1,9837 "We received and considered more than 200 comments, the majority of which we addressed.",There were less than 100 comments received.,1,9838 All 50 states now have similar IOLTA programs.,"Out of the 50 states, none of them have similar IOLTA programs.",1,9839 "After considerable study and touring in the Lake District, German scientist Rainer Bramer declared that the region had the best views in the world.",German scientist Rainer Bramer concluded that this place had the worst views in the world.,1,9840 """He'd have to,"" Drew said grimly.",Drew said he wouldn't have to.,1,9841 and then you get information too and it's kind of in a flashback and it it's told uh more or less third person singular,You don't get that information. You forget about it.,1,9842 Peace and Prosperity,There is war and poverty.,1,9843 "Interestingly, if the page simply provides a hyperlink to the image in question, the law becomes even murkier.",The law is extremely clear when there is just a hyperlink to the image in question.,1,9844 "When I arrived, I witnessed murder and horror.","When I arrived, I witnessed rabbits and rainbows.",1,9845 it's most of the time you know even even if you want to say home you can't you really can't,You do not want to stay home most of the time.,1,9846 But the antinomian antics of some Madison Avenue firms and glossy magazines hardly establishes that rebel youth culture is the cultural mode of the corporate moment.,The cultural mode of the corporate moment haven't caused the rebel youth culture.,1,9847 "The preamble to the final rule contains a summary of the Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, a complete copy of which was submitted to our Office and was available to the public.",A decision was made to omit any mention of the Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis from the preamble to the final rule.,1,9848 The fee component of the subsidy cost is required to be disclosed separately.,The fee component doesn't have to be disclosed at all. ,1,9849 We also suggest a small selection of holiday resorts and excursions on Napoleon's wild and beautiful island of Corsica.,We don't advice going to Corsica as there is not much to do currently.,1,9850 "By the time she's got a life-belt on her, and is being hustled into a boat, with a well-drilled lot of artistes doing the hysterical stunt on deck, why she ought to be right back where she was in May, 1915.",The person went down with the ship.,1,9851 "The fabric is then dipped in cool vegetable or synthetic dye, which colors the cloth around the wax pattern.",Dipping the cloth in dye has not effect and does not color the cloth.,1,9852 "The analysis discusses the changes made to the proposed rule as a result of the comments, including (1) extending the safe harbor to any Item 305 disclosure that is voluntarily provided by a small business issuer and (2) several changes that the Commission believes should reduce the cost for all registrants preparing the disclosures of quantitative information about market risk.",The analysis doesn't contain any changes to the proposed rule.,1,9853 Most articles remain in the current contents list for a week.,The articles do not remain anywhere. ,1,9854 okay let them people go,I want them to stay and am asking you to.,1,9855 "A former Confucian temple is presently the home of the historic National Peasant Movement Institute, where the Chinese Communist Party trained its leaders in the 1920s.",The Chinese Communist movement killed their leaders here in the 1920s.,1,9856 go ahead you can talk i i don't want to i want to chew up the whole line here,Stop talking altogether and listen to what I have to say.,1,9857 "Luckily, two truly magnificent museums preserve the region's treasures from the ravages of earthquake and theft.",All of the region's treasures are stored in a single museum.,1,9858 "You probably won't live the day out.""",I know you will be alive for a long time.,1,9859 "The latter is a highly spiritual art in which, unlike judo, the opponents do not grapple at the beginning of the bout.","In judo, there's no grappling that occurs during matches.",1,9860 "The Corp performed such resurrections fairly regularly, usually in cases of criminal prosecution.",The Corp couldn't do resurrections.,1,9861 "The young woman, Nicolette, kept Clark's identity as the father of her child a secret and went on to marry Clark and Redgrave's son, Ben.","Nicolette went on to marry Tommy, Redgrave's cousin.",1,9862 "comments on the draft report, and supplies adequate information for judging generalizability.",The draft report had no comments associated with.,1,9863 uh-huh yeah they they do what do you think i just just threw out stuff tonight that uh i walked out of a grocery store and a fellow said you know for a dollar you can win this five hundred dollars worth of groceries,I went to the grocery store but it was closed.,1,9864 "When Fedge examined the Ledfords' recent mortgage loan history, this is what he ",There was no way Fedge could examine the Ledfords' loan history.,1,9865 still on the other hand we're also uh this particular community is a Catholic community but uh uh down in DC where where things are a little bit different uh,"This is a Jewish community, mostly.",1,9866 There have even been some frustrated musings among conservative writers and pundits that the people are not necessarily all-wise.,Pundits and writers of the conservative variety never muse on anything. ,1,9867 "Better still, go shopping with an expert.",The best idea is to shop with an amateur tourist.,1,9868 Thomas Babor wondered whether a couple of unquestioned assumptions had arisen during discussions at the conference.,Thomas Babor was sure that no assumptions had been made at all during the conference.,1,9869 Hong Kong's New Territories begin at Boundary Street.,Boundary Street is on the opposite side of Hong Kong from where the New Territories begin.,1,9870 "Proffers are increasingly common in the criminal justice system, especially since the enactment of federal sentencing guidelines in 1987, which substantially restricted a judge's discretion in sentencing.",The criminal justice system outlawed proffers.,1,9871 oh maybe my dropping my phone is that better,I can hear you perfectly my phone isn't dropping at all.,1,9872 for right now i'm trying to get out,Right now my focus is on finding a way to stay.,1,9873 "Guadeloupe's course, also by Jones, at Saint-Francois, is relatively flat, but the winds here make it quite interesting. ",Guadeloupe's course is very hilly.,1,9874 "It also conceals a Gothic masterpiece, the Sainte-Chapelle.",It has nothing inside of it except old books.,1,9875 "His wife followed him, murmuring something about persuading Mrs. Inglethorp to think better of it. ",He told his wife not to follow him,1,9876 Another camp favors the notion that it began with a kind of garbage bag of molecules that more or less eased its way from nonlife to life.,None of the groups believe that a bag of molecules could more or less ease its way from nonlife to life.,1,9877 i kind of got burnt out on Steven King though it seems like,I have never read any books by Steven King.,1,9878 don the parochial thinking of What's best for clients in my,The customer's needs are not important.,1,9879 "The finest and most authentic work is mashrabiya, the lattice screens that covered Ottoman windows allowing women to watch the world go by without being seen.",Mashrabiya screens are very poorly crafted and offer no privacy to women.,1,9880 "The freshwater hole is said to be bottomless, although Jacques Cousteau dived here and measured the depth at 61 m (200 ft).","The freshwater hole is said to be bottomless, simply because we're still waiting for a brave diver to explore its bottom.",1,9881 "Judith, it's been great doing this piece of work (as the button men would say) with you.",I hated working with Judith.,1,9882 "For that matter, we can't compare the GIs to the Athenians of Pericles' time, the Florentines of Michelangelo's, or the Americans of Abraham Lincoln's.","Several peers may be useful in examining GIs, including Abraham Lincoln's Americans.",1,9883 "Dispatches From the Freud Psychoanalysis and Its Passions , by John Forrester (Harvard University Press).",Dispatches From the Freud Psychoanalysis and Its Passions was written by Ann Goth.,1,9884 "And here in this house, her memory almost miraculously restored, lay the girl who held the future of England in 167 her hands.",The girl's memory was still gone even though the nation's future was in her hands.,1,9885 yeah yeah yeah i imaging he could play just about any position on the team except maybe a defensive lineman but he's a very excellent athlete,I don't think he can play any other position than the one he is in.,1,9886 "When agencies lose major accounts, they often fire nearly everyone involved with the account.",An agency might fire people involved with an account if they end up doubling the size of the account. ,1,9887 yeah yeah it's amazing um i always thought that teachers never got paid nearly enough i mean to be doing what they're doing,Teachers get paid way too much.,1,9888 "I was in such a funk I had to think of something, said Tommy simply.",Tommy hadn't been in a funk.,1,9889 "Recently, [Dole] has given up his reticence to discuss his war wounds.",Dole still continues to enjoy discussing war injuries.,1,9890 But it tells us more about this edgy and anxious market than it does about Disney.,Disney can be studied in detail with its help.,1,9891 "Just as Christianity introduced Mediterranean culture into northern Europe, so Buddhism brought Chinese culture into Japanese society.",Chinese culture has had no influence on Japanese society.,1,9892 "The combined effect of the program and R&D expenditures, together with other policies described in the CEF report (including a $50 carbon charge applied in the CEF Advanced Scenario), drove a steady reduction in the need for energy compared to the CEF reference case.",The CEF reference case underestimated energy needs by a large amount.,1,9893 "The FDA examined the final rule as prescribed by the Act and found that no mandate will be imposed on State, local or tribal governments and it believes that the burden on the private sector will be below the $100 million annual expenditure level to require compliance with the Act.",The FDA did not examine the final rule.,1,9894 It is on their behalf that I accepted the award.,The award was not accepted by anyone.,1,9895 maybe we'll talk to you again alright bye-bye,We won't talk to you ever again and that is final.,1,9896 "Its artful sculpture and architecture can be seen to this day in the temples of Cambodia, Thailand, and Java.","Its sculpture and architecture can be seen in Nairobi, Zimbabwe and Ethiopia. ",1,9897 i thought that was uh do you like Michener at all,"I didn't think so. You hate Michener, don't you?",1,9898 "An unusual collection of such towers can be seen from the Sant Joan road in a hamlet with the Moorish name of Balafi, near the village of Sant Lorenc.",The Moorish name of Balafi is near the village of Saint Lorenz.,1,9899 "Beside the docks is Victoria Craft Market, the domain of the famous higglers, the assertive women who run the small stalls.",The docks in Victoria Craft Market has no assertive women who run the stalls.,1,9900 They drive fabulous cars and pick up every check.,The drive Segways and pick up fast food.,1,9901 "What they win on the racing, they gamble at the casino.","After they win money on racing, they put it in the bank and let it accumulate interest.",1,9902 And parents of both sexes should remember that growing children are the fastest-paced Americans of them all.,Growing children are the slowest paced Americans.,1,9903 The King pays his respects to the deities including Ra and Kephri as he makes his symbolic journey.,The King does not pay respects to anyone because he does not believe in any deities.,1,9904 "3 million a year -- almost enough to replace what Legal Aid is losing from federal and other sources, said Jamie Hamon, executive director of the Access to Justice Foundation, a state poverty law resource center in Lexington.",They were able to get 6 million a year from federal funding alone.,1,9905 couple of little cabinets and and uh sleeping on either end of the the canvas when you open it up it's just all screened in so it's pretty neat uh,They have such huge cabinets.,1,9906 um-hum i suppose that is a valuable service that again not having uh lived through another war i don't know if that's a common thing that people thought of or if that was,I do not see how that type of service would be utilized. ,1,9907 "With his hips as a fulcrum and using all of his strength against the man's elbow, Jon could have snapped his arm.",The man was never in danger.,1,9908 "He's booked rooms for us, and will be round to dine at eight.""",We were not able to book any rooms for this evening.,1,9909 "When you wanted to shop, you went to the mall and confined your search to the stores you found there.",The mall was only one of many places you ended up shopping at.,1,9910 Electricity generators must install monitors to prove that they have sufficient allowances to match their actual emissions.,Actual emissions do not have to be measured after theoretical emissions are calculated.,1,9911 "Politics has become entertainment, a political consultant shrugged to the Associated Press.",A political consultant refused to give any comments to the Associated Press.,1,9912 "My e-mail responded to Paul Krugman's Economic Culture Wars, a polemic against more literary-minded economists like James K. Galbraith.",James Galbraith is a statistics-minded economist.,1,9913 "When Republican officials were in the dock, the Wall Street Journal editorial page used to opine about prosecutorial discretion--the apparently noble principle that you don't necessarily prosecute a guy just because he did something illegal--and K used to mock it for that.",republican officials were never in the dock,1,9914 "Quick as a flash his left hand, the hand which bore the big signet ring, was raised to his lips… .",He raised the ring to his lips to kiss it.,1,9915 "The Russian Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene, with its gilded onion-shaped domes, is in the first section of the garden.","The Russian Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene, with its flat roof, is situated outside the garden.",1,9916 And I venture to think your poor lady would have felt the same. ,I think your man would have felt very dissimilar.,1,9917 "The user may prefer to sacrifice in-depth information for generalizability and we will have to use other methods, such as surveys or secondary analysis of existing data.",The user can prefer to sacrifice general information for more in-depth information.,1,9918 "It was prepared at the request of Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, Chairman, Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs.",They wanted to give the man the report but he did not want to see it.,1,9919 i never thought i would get rusty but i'm rusty now,I always knew I'd be lead.,1,9920 The commercial companies GAO visited used the evolutionary approach as their method for product development.,The evolutionary approach to product development was only used by a few of the companies visited.,1,9921 Approach it via a narrow alley near the intersection of Jalan Acheh and Lebuh Pitt.,It cannot be approached via a narrow alley.,1,9922 maybe we both agree then that we need to keep juries and,Neither of us believes that we need to keep juries. ,1,9923 "She says that in some countries where birth control has been unavailable, almost all indigenous groups they can work with have some abortion ties.",She says in some countries where birth control is unavailable no indigenous groups they work with have abortion ties.,1,9924 Our study identified many techniques and approaches that organizations have used and found effective in reducing their levels of improper payments that could be used by federal agencies to help reduce improper payments in their programs.,Nothing was found to stop the levels of improper payments. ,1,9925 That's partly what makes her revival so romantic.,The revival is ugly.,1,9926 "O'Donoghue's and Slattery's, two famous music pubs, are still among Dublin's best.",Dublin does not have any music pubs.,1,9927 The Postal Service might stop (or substantially alter) its detached address label program for advertising mail.,The Postal Service will definitely continue it's program for detached address labels.,1,9928 "Recently amended federal confidentiality laws have prompted such schools as the University of Delaware, Indiana University, and Penn State to notify parents when students under 21 violate campus rules concerning drugs or alcohol.",Parents are not contacted in any case.,1,9929 Shanghai fell and Nanking was threatened.,Shanghai held strong and no threat to Nanking was posed.,1,9930 "Warriors come to make money here, not protect villages with the goodness of their heart.",Warriors are here to protect villages regardless of money.,1,9931 "All had to be ordered in their courses, and the sky had to be complete in his calculations.",He could afford to have a partial sky in his calculations.,1,9932 "I wouldn't have missed this day for anything, Barnes says. ",Barnes wished he could have missed the event completely.,1,9933 He was animated not by Fact but by Belief.,His movement was inspired not by belief but by Fact.,1,9934 "His evocation of Hong Kong is full of sharp observations--on subjects ranging from politics to food to sex to servitude (Dwight Garner, Newsday ). But his protagonist, a misanthropic businessman named Neville Bunt Mullard, is deemed poorly drawn.",His evocation of hong kong is not full of sharp observations on a variety of subjects it's very narrow.,1,9935 The first would be to read about the games.,"Lastly, do have a read about the games.",1,9936 Legal Services of New Jersey receives 75 percent of the funds.,The state does not receive any funding.,1,9937 The short-term question was how such a nut got drafted into the Israeli army,It was clear how he had been drafted into the company.,1,9938 um no not personally but yes uh-huh yeah several,Why yes I have done that before.,1,9939 Republicans reply that they're serving their country by debunking and thwarting a bad policy administered by a bad president.,Republicans reply that they serve their county through aiding the goals of the president.,1,9940 I was seems like yesterday.,It feels like a lifetime ago.,1,9941 "HCFA did not discuss the proposed change in its analysis, but in the preamble to the proposed rule.","The analysis includes the proposed change, while the preamble was shortened.",1,9942 "Gamma radiation is flooding through the gaps; the quick-breeding viruses are mutating through half the world, faster than the Medical Art can control them, so that millions of us are sneezing and choking--and dying, too, for lack of antibiotics and proper care.","Fortunately, medicine is keeping up with the damage. ",1,9943 well the other issue is is is how do you allow uh how how do you allow injustice just like the the policeman in in Los Angeles,There is nothing we can do but to watch silently. ,1,9944 "The Cuban government announced the start of a peacetime Special Period in 1990, introducing new austerity measures.",A peacetime Special Period in 1990 was announced by the Haitian government.,1,9945 'Killing's not my first skill.',My first skill is killing. ,1,9946 "Nothing distresses Johnson, a distinguished journalist, more than the behavior of the liberal American news media, which are described as having abused enormous power in recent years.",Johnson is happy with the current state of the news media.,1,9947 But the half-closed eyes seemed still to send an agonized message.,The half-closed eyes did not send an agonized message.,1,9948 "The adjoining streets comprise one of Japan's finest centers for traditional Japanese style tables, screens, lamps, scrolls, and other refined furnishings.",The center at the adjoining streets is not the place to go for traditional Japanese style furnishings.,1,9949 the Federal Government for the benefit of the public.,the Federal Government for the fall of the middle class.,1,9950 "The Olympic package profiles Elvis Stojko, the most exciting male figure skater.",The most boring male Olympic figure skater is Elvis Stojko.,1,9951 The white-coated scientists looked up from their clip-boards.,The scientists continued to stare at their clip-boards.,1,9952 "Everything in these rooms is superficial and forced--a depressing departure from the confident traditions of wit and invention that China had nourished in the previous 50 centuries, and is nourishing even now, albeit by marginalized artists who were given no place in this show.",Modern Chinese art is awesome at this show.,1,9953 I want you to spark their minds.,I want you to give them tedious work that bores them into submission.,1,9954 um i was gainfully employed by Safeway Stores Incorporated,Safeway Stores Incorporated refused to employ me.,1,9955 "Their eyes met and Stark's eyes opened wide, shining black orbs of a demon.",Stark's eyes shut when their eyes met.,1,9956 yeah i understand that we we have a real similar situation ours uh quintupled at least uh so there is a real family budget,Luckily ours hasn't increased.,1,9957 laments the plan's gross generational inequity and instructs President Clinton to spend the money on education instead.,President Clinton's plan has been determined to be equitable.,1,9958 well it is to a certain extent to have to try to keep up with all that,We don't keep up with that.,1,9959 "By the way, this criticism is kind of refreshing in the sense that it's so different from the everyone knows prosecutors leak criticism that I've got.",This criticism is overwhelming and unoriginal.,1,9960 But equally I've got something up my sleeve that you don't know about.,But these are all the tricks I had against you.,1,9961 That's the problem with basketball stars.,There is no problem with basketball stars.,1,9962 "The decline of these territories was drawn out and painful, leav?Ωng problems in its wake that have been the source of trouble and friction in the Balkans and the Middle East ever since.",The decline of these territories left no impact on the future of the Middle East.,1,9963 "Entering Petra on horseback certainly feels right, particularly if you are wearing your best Indiana Jones hat (parts of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade were shot here).",Raiders of the Lost Ark was filmed at this location. ,1,9964 But few would discard laws against organ selling.,Everyone gets rid of penis enlargement laws.,1,9965 "A grand colonial house, fully restored and outfitted with period furnishings, provides the centerpiece for this expanding cultural village. ",The cultural village is unfortunate to have such an eyesore of a house right in its center.,1,9966 It struck me that it would be a good opportunity to deliver my message. ,I never did get around to delivering Poirot's message. ,1,9967 "To give you a flavor of the impact of this updating effort, which allowed the Commission to use more recent information than was in the Service's initial package, let's look at a few of the ",The service's initial package has the most up-to-date information.,1,9968 "I admit, a very nice and clean guy.",He was dirty and rude to me.,1,9969 "He'd heard that they had called up the pyramid builder, but hadn't fully realized it would lead to this type of activity.",No pyramid building was involved.,1,9970 Evening visitors can look at the heavens through a 12-inch (30-cm) telescope.,There are no telescopes present for visitors to use.,1,9971 oh winter would start oh yeah winter would start uh in September it would start getting cold in September,It would remain hot until December.,1,9972 No risks now… .,So many risks presently.,1,9973 oh okay yeah yeah yeah so do we,"No, we don't.",1,9974 "That's what it says, and that's what happens."" He paused, letting the fact that he meant it sink in.",He didn't pause to let it sink in.,1,9975 Professor Suwak called his new baby 'mini-anti-aggressor.',The professor didnt called call his new baby any names,1,9976 "But no, her zeal for good works was too great. ",She had no zeal.,1,9977 "Guadeloupe and Martinique have a couple of hotel casinos, modest and low-key by international standards, but perfectly able to accommodate you if you'd like to risk your next year's salary.",Both Guadeloupe and Martinique are known for having the best hotel casinos in the world.,1,9978 """Saw Johnny ride in,"" one of the men returned.","""Nobody in sight,"" one of the men returned.",1,9979 "In Guadeloupe, the best beaches are on Grande-Terre, as are most of the hotels.",There are no hotels or beaches in Guadeloupe.,1,9980 "When Hideyoshi died in 1598, he hoped to have his five-year-old son continue his dynasty, initially under the tutelage of five regents.",Five-year-old son was never supposed to continue his dynasty.,1,9981 "It is born of another of those fated yet fortuitous connections in Didion's disorienting world, this one between two people (Elena McMahon and Treat Morrison) who were equally remote.",McMahon and Morrison have never met and they are not part of Didion's world.,1,9982 A beast from the worst nightmare crawled from the unhallowed earth.,The monster hopped out of the sky trailed by butterflies.,1,9983 "My sister, her husband, and daughter are spending a few weeks with us.","My sister, her husband, and daughter aren't able to visit us this time.",1,9984 "If White House aides have to keep glancing over their shoulders to see if a Ken Starr is chasing them with a harpoon, that is no bad thing.","Ken Starr has abandoned his harpoon, much to the relief of White House aids.",1,9985 1 A Designated State Planning Body is an entity that has been established and charged with responsibility for coordinating state legal services delivery planning.,A designated state planning body is an entity that is responsible for eliminating state legal services delivery planning.,1,9986 "LSC has advised us, furthermore, that upon determining a question of statutory validity is present in any anticipated or pending case or controversy, the LSC-funded attorney must cease the representation at once.",The LSC-funded has no ability to cease the representation at once. ,1,9987 The analysis assumes that current-law benefits are paid in full after 2029 through borrowing from the Treasury.,The analysis makes no assumptions about when the benefits will be paid.,1,9988 "Gates is just putting a new face on the company-a kinder, gentler look-to cleanse Microsoft's corporate image and soften up the DOJ.","Windows is an awful company, there is no way to cleanse its image.",1,9989 "Anyone who knew Tony Lukas even slightly was deeply impressed by his boundless, open-minded curiosity about the injustices of modern life, along with his stubborn reportorial integrity about getting to the very bottom of any story as best he could.",Tony Lukas was an elitist. ,1,9990 "As we have reported in the past, the surest way for the federal government to affect national saving is through federal fiscal policy, particularly in what it chooses to do with the budget surpluses projected over the next decade.",They have never reported on the issue before.,1,9991 Stories of the brothers' arrogance and brutality are legendary.,Legends were told of the kind and gentle ways of the brothers ,1,9992 But you want faster.,You want slower.,1,9993 reviews performed and acting to address any identified gaps in,Reviews have always acted as a blockade to development. ,1,9994 ", higher taxes, more generous provisions for the poor) are not what they want.",They're really keen on giving social welfare to the poor and paying more tax.,1,9995 Retail Shopping Malls,There is no shopping on the strip.,1,9996 "Not seen you for simply centuries, continued the young man.",The young man sat there and said nothing at all. ,1,9997 "It is also where her secretary, David Rizzio, was left to bleed to death after being stabbed by Lord Darnley and his cronies; a bronze plaque marks the spot.",Her secretary was a woman named Linda.,1,9998 "It was built only a dozen years after the Louis XII wing but, reflecting the contrast between the debonair Ren?­ais?­sance prince and his dour predecessor, is a world apart in elegance and panache.",Louis XII was a flamboyant rascal with a taste for gaudy styles.,1,9999 "I would not care, just now, to have any army mounts located on this Range no matter where they were hidden or by whom.",I would like army mounts on this range as long as they were hidden by Bill under that tree. ,1,10000