clc95 1 Somebody just left - guess who. clc95 1 They claimed they had settled on something, but it wasn't clear what they had settled on. clc95 1 If Sam was going, Sally would know where. clc95 1 They're going to serve the guests something, but it's unclear what. clc95 1 She's reading. I can't imagine what. clc95 1 John said Joan saw someone from her graduating class. clc95 0 * John ate dinner but I don't know who. clc95 0 * She mailed John a letter, but I don't know to whom. clc95 1 I served leek soup to my guests. clc95 1 I served my guests. clc95 0 * She was bathing, but I couldn't make out who. clc95 0 * She knew French for Tom. clc95 0 * John is tall on several occasions. clc95 0 * The ship sank, but I don't know with what. clc95 0 * They noticed the painting, but I don't know for how long. clc95 0 * John was tall, but I don't know on what occasions. clc95 1 Joan ate dinner with someone but I don't know who. clc95 1 Joan ate dinner with someone but I don't know who with. clc95 0 * I know that Meg's attracted to Harry, but they don't know who. clc95 0 * Since Jill said Joe had invited Sue, we didn't have to ask who. clc95 1 I know that Meg's attracted to Harry, but they don't know who. clc95 0 * She said she had spoken to everybody, but he wasn't sure who. clc95 0 * Each of the performers came in, but were sitting so far back that we couldn't see who. clc95 1 She didn't talk to one student. clc95 0 * She doesn't meet anyone for dinner, but they can't figure out who. clc95 1 Everyone relies on someone. It's unclear who. clc95 1 Each student wrote a paper on a Mayan language, but I don't remember which one. clc95 1 The newspaper has reported that they are about to appoint someone, but I can't remember who the newspaper has reported that they are about to appoint. clc95 1 The newspaper has reported that they are about to appoint someone, but I can't remember who they are about to appoint. clc95 1 Most columnists claim that a senior White House official has been briefing them, and the newspaper today reveals which one. clc95 1 Most columnists claim that a senior White House official has been briefing them, but none will reveal which one. clc95 1 Bill wondered how many papers Sandy had read, but he didn't care which ones. clc95 1 I never know which papers Sandy has read, but I usually know how many. clc95 1 Sandy had read how many papers?! clc95 1 Everybody gets on well with a certain relative, but often only his therapist knows which one. clc95 1 Which book did each author recommend? clc95 1 His or her least known work. clc95 1 They were going to meet sometime on Sunday, but the faculty didn't know when. clc95 1 John likes some students, but I don't know who. clc95 1 I don't know who John likes. clc95 0 * John likes some students, but I don't know who John likes some students. clc95 0 * Joan said she talked to the students, but Fred couldn't figure out who. clc95 0 * He announced he had eaten the asparagus, but we didn't know what. clc95 1 She was reading the books under the table, but Fred didn't know what books. clc95 1 He announced he would marry the woman he loved most, but none of his relatives could figure out who. clc95 1 She talked to John or Mary but I don't know which. clc95 1 She talked to John or Mary but I don't know which one. clc95 1 She talked to Harry, but I don't know who else. clc95 1 I will see them, but I don't know how many of them. clc95 1 Everyone who knows either Susan or Laura likes her. clc95 0 * She said she talked to three students but I don't know how many. clc95 0 * She said she talked to those students but I don't know how many. clc95 1 He shouted again, but I don't know who to. clc95 1 She was dancing with somebody, but I don't know who with. clc95 1 Several firefighters were injured, but it's not known. clc95 1 Meg is attracted to Harry, but they don't know who she is attracted to. clc95 1 Sandy was trying to work out which students would be able to solve a certain problem, but she wouldn't tell us which one. clc95 0 * Sandy was trying to work out which students would be able to solve a certain problem, but she wouldn't tell us which one. clc95 0 * John and someone were dancing together, but I don't know who. clc95 1 The TA's have been arguing about whether some student or other should pass, but I can't now remember which one. clc95 0 * It has been determined that somebody will be appointed; it's just not clear yet who. clc95 0 * Sally asked if somebody was going to fail math class, but I can't remember who. clc95 0 * The TA's have been arguing about whether some student or other should pass, but I can't now remember which one. clc95 1 Sandy is very anxious to see if the students will be able to solve the homework problem in a particular way, but she won't tell us which. clc95 1 Sandy is very anxious to see if the students will be able to solve the homework problem in a particular way, but she won't tell us in which way. clc95 1 Clinton is anxious to find out which budget dilemmas Panetta would be willing to tackle in a certain way, but he won't say in which. clc95 1 Sandy is wondering whether there will be students who have to drop the class for a certain reason, but she won't reveal what. clc95 0 * In which way is Sandy very anxious to see if the students will be able to solve the homework problem? clc95 0 * In which way is Clinton anxious to find out which budget dilemmas Panetta would be willing to solve? clc95 1 I know how many assignments I've graded, but I don't know how many Bill has. clc95 0 * What did you leave before they did? clc95 0 * What did you leave before they started playing? clc95 1 Sandy was trying to work out which students would be able to solve a certain problem. clc95 1 The administration has issued a statement that it is willing to meet with one of the student groups. clc95 1 Sandy was trying to work out which students would be able to solve a problem. clc95 1 The administration has issued a statement that it is willing to meet a student group. clc95 1 The administration has issued a statement that it is willing to meet a student group, but I'm not sure which one. clc95 1 I think Agnes said that Bill would speak, but I don't remember what about. clc95 0 * Agnes wondered how John could eat but it's not clear what. clc95 0 * Tony sent Mo a picture that he painted, but it's not clear with what. clc95 1 She's been dancing but we don't know with whom. clc95 0 * Who did they see someone? c-05 1 It was believed by everybody that Mary was a thief. c-05 1 That professor is feared by all students. c-05 1 Mary was respected by John. c-05 1 Ted was bitten by the spider. c-05 0 * The book was by John written. c-05 0 * The argument was summed by the coach up. c-05 1 The paper was written up by John. c-05 0 * The paper was written by John up. c-05 1 John was spoken to by Mary. c-05 0 * John was spoken by Mary to. c-05 1 The book was seen by Mary. c-05 0 * John was seen the book. c-05 1 The book was written. c-05 0 * John was spoke by Mary to. c-05 1 The table was wiped clean by John. c-05 0 * The table was wiped by John clean. c-05 0 * Mary was given by John the book. c-05 1 John was believed to be telling the truth by Mary. c-05 1 John was believed by Mary to be telling the truth. c-05 1 The car was driven by John to Maine. c-05 1 It was believed by the students that they would have an exam. c-05 0 * The magazines were sent to herself by Mary. c-05 0 * Chocolate eggs were hidden from each other by the children. c-05 1 The magazines were sent by Mary to herself. c-05 1 Chocolate eggs were hidden from no child by any adult. c-05 1 Tabs were kept on each agent by the other. c-05 1 Chocolate eggs were hidden from every child by his mother. c-05 1 Books were taken from no student and given to Mary. c-05 0 * Books were taken from no student and given to Mary by any professor. c-05 1 Books were taken from each student by the other. c-05 1 Books were taken from each student and given to Mary. c-05 0 * Books were taken from each student and given to Mary by the other. j_71 1 Jack hates Sue and is loved by Mary. j_71 1 Vera sent a baby alligator to Max and a leather dinosaur to Phyllis. j_71 1 Either Sam plays the bassoon or Jekyll the oboe. j_71 1 Sam doesn't play bassoon, nor Medusa oboe. j_71 0 * Bill ate the peaches, but Harry the grapes. j_71 1 I no more could have stolen that steak than Jack the diamonds. j_71 1 Bill ate more peaches than Harry did grapes. j_71 0 * Bill ate the peaches and Harry did the grapes. j_71 0 * Tom will smoke the grass, and Reuben has the hash. j_71 1 If the ants were called elephants and elephants ants, I'd be able to squash an elephant. j_71 1 Simon quickly dropped the gold, and Jack the diamonds. j_71 1 Bob tried to wash himself, and Mary to read the funnies. j_71 1 Harry told Sue that Albania is a lovely place for a vacation, and Tom told Sally that Albania is a lovely place for a vacation. j_71 1 Harry told Sue that Albania is a lovely place for a vacation, and Tom. j_71 1 Max seemed to be trying to begin to love Harriet, and Fred to be trying to begin to love Sue. j_71 1 Max seemed to be trying to force Ted to leave the room, and Walt, Ira. j_71 0 * Max seemed to be trying to force Ted to leave the room, and Walt to stay a little longer. j_71 0 * Arizona elected Goldwater Senator, and Massachusetts, McCormack. j_71 0 * Millie will send the President an obscene telegram, and Paul, the Secretary a rude letter. j_71 0 * Maytag will give a brand-new dryer to the winner of the Mrs. j_71 0 * Bill didn't eat the peaches, nor Harry. j_71 1 Bill ate the peaches, and Harry did, too. j_71 0 * Bill must quickly eat the peaches, and Harry must slowly. j_71 1 Whenever Russia has made a major political blunder, the U.S. has too. j_71 1 Bill's story about Sue and Max's about Kathy both amazed me. j_71 1 I bought three quarts of wine and two of Clorox. j_71 1 Scientists at the South Hanoi Institute of Technology have succeeded in raising one dog with five legs, another with a cow's liver, and a third with no head. j_71 1 Bill's story about Sue may be amazing, but Max's is virtually incredible. j_71 1 I like Bill's yellow shirt, but not Max's. j_71 1 Bill's funny story about Sue and Max's boring one about Kathy both amazed me. j_71 1 Bill's wine from France and Ted's from California cannot be compared. j_71 0 * As a teacher, you have to deal simultaneously with the administration's pressure on you to succeed, and the children's to be a nice guy. j_71 1 Neither Von Karajan's recording of Beethoven's 6th on Columbia nor Klemperer's on Angel has the right tempo. j_71 0 * Gould's performance of Bach on the piano doesn't please me anywhere as much as Ross's on the harpsichord. j_71 0 * Tom's dog with one eye attacked Frank's with three legs. j_71 0 * Because Steve's of a spider's eye had been stolen, I borrowed Fred's diagram of a snake's fang. j_71 1 Neither von Karajan's recording of Beethoven's 6th on Columbia nor Klemperer's has the right tempo. j_71 1 Tom's dog with one eye attacked Fred's. j_71 1 I borrowed Fred's diagram of a snake's eye because Steve's had been stolen. j_71 1 Jerry attempted to blow up the Pentagon. j_71 1 So fast did he run that nobody could catch him. j_71 1 Bill bought a red house, and Max bought one too. s_97 1 Who always drinks milk? s_97 1 The book which inspired them was very long. s_97 0 * The book what inspired them was very long. s_97 1 I know the person whose mother died. s_97 1 The person whose mother's dog we were all fond of. s_97 1 I wonder whose mother died. s_97 1 I wonder whose mother's dog died. s_97 1 I wonder to whom they dedicated the building. s_97 1 Give me the phone number of the person whose mother's dog died. s_97 1 This is the senator to whose mother's friend's sister's I sent the letter. s_97 0 * I want goes to the store. s_97 0 * I wonder what to be a clown on the cover of. s_97 0 * Bother you that Kim left! s_97 0 * A student who to talk to us just walked in. s_97 1 Whose bagels do you like? s_97 1 I wonder in whom to place my trust. s_97 1 There were several old rocks songs that she and I were the only two who knew. s_97 0 * It was to to amuse us that Kim was singing that they wanted. s_97 0 * What they feared most was to be no one available to help them. s_97 0 * We tried to amuse them that Kim was singing. s_97 1 Mary asked me if, in St. Louis, John could rent a house cheap. s_97 0 * Mary arranged for, in St. Louis, John to rent a house cheap. s_97 1 It would be unwise for there to be no fire exit. s_97 1 I believe there to be no way out. s_97 0 * I wonder in whom them to place their trust. s_97 0 * I wonder whom us to trust. s_97 0 * I wonder who for us to trust. s_97 1 I wonder who to place my trust in. s_97 1 I know the people that voted in the election. s_97 1 I threw away a book that Sandy thought we had read. s_97 1 I thought that you were sick. s_97 0 * I dislike the people in who we placed our trust. s_97 1 I dislike the company in which we placed our trust. s_97 1 I dislike the people in whose house we stayed. s_97 1 I dislike the person with whom we were talking. s_97 0 * Jones, that we were talking to last night, always watches football games alone. s_97 1 A letter was received that Jones would be upset by. s_97 0 * A letter was received Jones would be upset by. s_97 1 I saw someone yesterday I hadn't seen for years. s_97 1 Something happened I couldn't really talk about. s_97 1 The only person that I like whose kids Dana is willing to put up with is Pat. s_97 1 The book that I like which everyone else in the class hates was written by John. s_97 0 * The only person whose kids Dana is willing to put up with was written by John. s_97 0 * The book that I like - everyone else in the class hates. s_97 1 The only person whose kids Dana is willing to put up with is Pat. s_97 1 Which book's author did you meet? s_97 0 * Which boy's mother did you meet who you liked? s_97 0 * Which book's author did you meet who you liked? s_97 1 Which boy's mother did you meet? s_97 1 All who lost money in the scam are eligible for the program. s_97 0 * Who for Sandy to talk to is still enrolled in the class? s_97 1 Who who you like does Sandy also like? s_97 1 Everything you like is on the table. s_97 1 The bills passed by the House yesterday that we objected to were vetoed. s_97 1 The only people being added to our group who were at Harvard were students. swb04 1 We like ourselves. swb04 1 Nobody likes us. swb04 0 * Leslie likes ourselves. swb04 0 * Ourselves like ourselves. swb04 1 She voted for herself. swb04 0 * We gave us presents. swb04 1 We gave ourselves presents. swb04 1 We gave presents to ourselves. swb04 0 * We gave us to the cause. swb04 1 We gave ourselves to the cause. swb04 0 * Leslie told us about us. swb04 0 * Leslie told ourselves about us. swb04 1 We think that Leslie likes us. swb04 0 * We think that Leslie likes ourselves. swb04 1 Our friends like us. swb04 1 Those pictures of us offended us. swb04 0 * We found your letter to ourselves in the trash. swb04 0 * Vote for you! swb04 1 Vote for yourself! swb04 0 * We appeared to them to vote for themselves. swb04 1 We admired the pictures of us in the album. swb04 1 We admired the pictures of ourselves in the album. swb04 1 Leslie used a pen. swb04 1 We put the pigs in a pen. swb04 1 We need to pen the pigs to keep them from getting into the corn. swb04 1 They should pen the letter quickly. swb04 1 The car won't run. swb04 1 This dye will run. swb04 1 She can run an accelerator. swb04 1 These stockings will run. swb04 1 We need another run to win. swb04 1 Lee saw the student with a telescope. swb04 1 I forgot how good beer tastes. swb04 1 Visiting relatives can be boring. swb04 1 If only Superman would stop flying planes! swb04 1 That's a new car dealership. swb04 1 I know you like the back of my hand. swb04 1 Max is on the phone now. swb04 1 I saw her duck. swb04 1 I'm creating a committee. Kim – you're in charge. swb04 1 Lights go out at ten. There will be no talking afterwards. swb04 1 They found the book on the atom. swb04 1 Which experts testified against defendants who exposed them? swb04 1 List all experts for the defendant who represented himself. swb04 1 List associates of each defendant who speaks Spanish. swb04 0 * They lost themselves' books. swb04 1 Some sentences go on and on and on. swb04 0 * Sentences some go on and on and on and on. swb04 1 That surprised me. swb04 0 * I noticed the. swb04 1 They were interested in his. swb04 1 This is my favorite. swb04 1 A large dog chased a small cat. swb04 1 Some people yell at noisy dogs in my neighborhood. swb04 1 Some people yell at the dogs in my neighborhood. swb04 1 Some people yell at the dogs. swb04 1 Some people yell at noisy dogs. swb04 1 Some people yell at dogs. swb04 1 Some people consider the noisy dogs dangerous. swb04 1 Some people consider the dogs in my neighborhood dangerous. swb04 1 Some people consider noisy dogs in my neighborhood dangerous. swb04 1 Some people consider the dogs dangerous. swb04 1 Some people consider noisy dogs dangerous. swb04 1 Some people consider dogs in my neighborhood dangerous. swb04 1 Some people consider dogs dangerous. swb04 1 People with children who use drugs should be locked up. swb04 1 This disease gave Leslie a fever in Rome. swb04 1 The love of my life and mother of my children would never do such a thing. swb04 1 Most elections are quickly forgotten, but the election of 2000, everyone will remember for a long time. swb04 0 * It is painting by Klee or drawing by Miro that the museum displays no. swb04 1 The defendant denied the accusation. swb04 0 * The teacher disappeared the problem. swb04 0 * The teacher handed the student. swb04 1 The bird sings. swb04 0 * The bird sing. swb04 0 * Birds sings. swb04 1 The birds give the worm a tug. swb04 0 * The bird give the worm a tug. swb04 0 * The birds gives the worm a tug. swb04 1 Terry delighted in my pain. swb04 0 * Terry delighted. swb04 0 * Terry delighted my pain. swb04 1 Kerry remarked it was late. swb04 1 What additional categories and rules would be required to handle these verbs? swb04 1 We created a monster. swb04 0 * I was already aware of fact. swb04 0 * The defendant deny the allegation. swb04 0 * The defendants denies the allegation. swb04 1 The defendant walks. swb04 0 * The defendant walk. swb04 0 * The defendants walks. swb04 1 How many feature structures categories can label the first daughter? swb04 1 The child put the toy on the table. swb04 1 The teacher became angry with the students. swb04 0 * The teacher became. swb04 1 The jury believed the defendant lied. swb04 1 The guests dined. swb04 1 We relied on Leslie. swb04 0 * We relied above Leslie. swb04 1 We celebrated in the streets. swb04 1 We celebrated in the streets in the rain on Tuesday in the morning. swb04 0 * The children are happy of ice cream. swb04 0 * The children are fond with the ice cream. swb04 0 * The children are fond that they have ice cream. swb04 1 A magazine appeared on the newsstands. swb04 1 A magazine about crime appeared on the newsstands. swb04 1 Newsweek appeared on the newsstands. swb04 0 * Newsweek about crime appeared on the newsstands. swb04 1 The report that crime was declining surprised many people. swb04 1 The book surprised many people. swb04 0 * The book that crime was declining surprised many people. swb04 1 The storm arrived after the picnic. swb04 0 * The storm arrived while the picnic. swb04 1 The storm arrived while we ate lunch. swb04 0 * This dogs barked. swb04 1 These dogs barked. swb04 1 A chair was broken. swb04 1 They want them arrested. swb04 1 They preferred them arrested. swb04 1 We preferred them on our team. swb04 1 With my parents as supportive as they are, I'll be in fine shape. swb04 0 * We walks. swb04 0 * Few dog barked. swb04 1 The dogs barked. swb04 1 I walk and Dana runs. swb04 1 They like us. swb04 0 * Us like them. swb04 1 Kim likes dogs. swb04 1 Dogs like Kim. swb04 1 The person responsible confessed. swb04 0 * The person confessed responsible. swb04 0 * The cat slept soundly and furry. swb04 0 * The soundly and furry cat slept. swb04 1 Chris walks, Pat eats broccoli, and Sandy plays squash. swb04 1 There was some particular dog who saved every family. swb04 1 Susan frightens her. swb04 1 Susan told her a story. swb04 1 Susan told a story to her. swb04 1 Susan devoted herself to linguistics. swb04 1 Nobody told Susan about herself. swb04 1 That picture of Susan offended her. swb04 1 He offended Sandy. swb04 0 * I enjoy yourself. swb04 1 They talk to themselves. swb04 1 Nobody told Susan. swb04 1 Protect yourself! swb04 0 * Protect you! swb04 1 I met the person who left. swb04 1 Leslie slept. swb04 0 * Chris handed Bo. swb04 1 Dana walked and Leslie ran. swb04 0 * Dana walking and Leslie ran. swb04 0 * Dana walking and Leslie running. swb04 0 * the putter of books left. swb04 1 Kris donated a book to the library. swb04 1 The police sprayed the protesters with water. swb04 1 The police sprayed water on the protesters. swb04 1 The students drove cars. swb04 1 These cars drive easily. swb04 1 The horse kicked me black and blue. swb04 1 They yelled. swb04 1 The horse raced past the barn fell. swb04 1 The horse that was raced past the barn fell. swb04 1 The boat seen down the river sank. swb04 1 The evidence assembled by the prosecution convinced the jury. swb04 1 Lou forgot the umbrella. swb04 1 Lou forgot the umbrella in the closet. swb04 1 Lou hoped the umbrella was broken. swb04 0 * Lou hoped the umbrella in the closet. swb04 0 * Lou put the umbrella was broken. swb04 1 Lou put the umbrella in the closet. swb04 1 The artist drew the child with a pencil. swb04 1 The dog bit the cat. swb04 0 * The cat was bitten the mouse. swb04 0 * The cat was bitten the mouse by the dog. swb04 0 * Chris was handed Sandy a note by Pat. swb04 1 Chris was handed a note. swb04 0 * Chris was handed Sandy a note. swb04 1 TV puts dumb ideas in children's heads. swb04 1 Dumb ideas are put in children's heads by TV. swb04 1 Dumb ideas are put in children's heads. swb04 0 * Dumb ideas are put notions in children's heads by TV. swb04 1 The patient died. swb04 0 * The patient was died. swb04 0 * Chris was handed. swb04 0 * TV puts dumb ideas. swb04 1 He was arrested by the police. swb04 1 The cat got bitten. swb04 0 * The cat were bitten by the dog. swb04 1 There is a monster in Loch Ness. swb04 1 It is obvious that Pat is lying. swb04 1 Pat is the captain of the team. swb04 0 * Pat is hate Chris. swb04 1 There is a unicorn in the garden. swb04 1 There was a felon elected to the city council. swb04 1 There is a seat available. swb04 0 * A seat available was in the last row. swb04 1 Many people were fond of Pat. swb04 1 People are looking through the window. swb04 1 A felon was elected to the city council. swb04 0 * There loved Sandy. swb04 0 * We talked to them about there. swb04 1 It mattered that the Giants had lost. swb04 1 That dogs bark annoys people. swb04 1 It annoys people that dogs bark. swb04 1 That Chris knew the answer occurred to Pat. swb04 1 It never occurred to Pat that Chris knew the answer. swb04 1 That the Cardinal won the game gave Sandy a thrill. swb04 1 It gave Sandy a thrill that the Cardinal won the game. swb04 0 * That Sandy had lied suggested. swb04 0 * It loved Sandy. swb04 1 Cohen proved the independence of the continuum hypothesis. swb04 1 Cohen proved that the continuum hypothesis was independent. swb04 1 We forgot our invitations. swb04 1 Nobody saw Pat. swb04 1 That Fido barks annoys me. swb04 1 Fido barks. swb04 1 Chris dreads the bucket. swb04 1 The candidates bring advantage to the voters. swb04 1 Tabs are kept on suspected drug dealers by the FBI. swb04 1 Advantage is taken of every opportunity for improvement. swb04 1 The bucket was kicked by Pat. w_80 1 John is sad. w_80 1 John loaded the wagon full with hay. w_80 0 * John loaded the wagon with hay green. w_80 0 * I presented John with it dead. w_80 1 Of whom are you thinking? w_80 1 John became rich. w_80 1 I gave John gold apples. w_80 1 how silly is Bill considered? w_80 1 how mad was Bill made? w_80 1 John is sick. w_80 1 John left singing. w_80 1 John is near Larry. w_80 1 John gave Bill the dog dead. w_80 0 * Bill was struck by John as stupid. w_80 0 * John was struck as sick. w_80 1 John was struck by Bill's idiocy. w_80 1 John promised Bill to leave. w_80 1 John tried to leave. w_80 1 To leave would be a pleasure. w_80 0 * John was struck by Bill as pompous. w_80 0 * John was promised by Bill to leave. w_80 1 They make good cooks. w_80 1 there is nothing to do. w_80 1 John has something for Bill to do. w_80 1 I am counting on Bill to incriminate himself. w_80 1 On whom are you counting to incriminate himself? w_80 1 I am counting on Bill to get there on time. w_80 1 I would prefer to leave. w_80 1 I would hate for John to leave. w_80 1 I would prefer for John to leave. w_80 0 * It was hated for John to leave. w_80 0 * John decided for Bill to get the prize. w_80 0 * John decided Bill to get the prize. w_80 1 to die is no fun. w_80 1 John wants to leave. w_80 1 John counted on Bill to get there on time. w_80 1 I bought Bill a book to read. w_80 1 John told Mary that it would be important to leave early. w_80 1 John told Mary that it was important to Fred to leave early. w_80 1 John, told Mary that it would be appropriate to leave together. w_80 0 * the election of John president surprised me. w_80 1 John's arriving dead surprised me. w_80 1 the attempt by John to leave surprised me. w_80 1 John left orders to follow Pete. w_80 1 John left us orders to follow Pete. w_80 1 John left orders not to be disturbed. w_80 1 That he is here is clear. w_80 1 It is a problem that he is here. w_80 1 It bothers me that he is here. w_80 1 John regretted it that Bill had a good time. w_80 0 * John believes it that Bill is here. w_80 0 * John believes it sincerely that Bill is here. w_80 0 * John is aware of it that Bill is here. w_80 0 * John felt it that Bill was tardy. w_80 0 * John believed it that Bill was tardy. w_80 1 It was believed that Bill was tardy. w_80 0 * That John is reluctant seems. w_80 0 * It is the problem that he is here. w_80 1 That he is here is the problem. w_80 1 The problem we are discussing is George. w_80 0 * It is to give up to leave. w_80 1 It would prove our theory to be untenable for carrots to be vegetables. w_80 0 * It was believed to be illegal by them to do that. w_80 1 John grudgingly accepted judgments of his incompetence as an auto mechanic. w_80 1 It was to John that I gave the book. w_80 1 I bought it to read. w_80 1 I bought it to give to Pete. w_80 1 I gave it to Pete to take to the fair. w_80 0 * I gave Pete the book to impress. w_80 1 I wrote to Bill. w_80 1 I presented it to Bill to read. w_80 0 * I presented Bill with it to read. w_80 1 I gave a book to Bill to read. w_80 1 John thinks it would upset himself to die. w_80 1 John made Bill mad at himself. w_80 1 John made Bill master of himself. w_80 1 The correspondence school made Bill a good typist. w_80 1 The correspondence school sent Bill a good typist. w_80 1 John considers Bill silly. w_80 1 John considers Bill to be silly. w_80 0 * John bought a dog for himself to play with. w_80 1 John arranged for himself to get the prize. w_80 1 John talked to Bill about himself.