Hello! Yes, I'm looking for an apartment to rent. Hello, yes. What kind of work are you looking for exactly? No problem. Glad I could help. test drives the car, Hmm, it still makes the same noise, and the brakes are still not working properly. Some people go home, while others stay at work and relax in the break room or outside. It depends on the person and their preference. I'm planning to build a new house but I'm struggling to find a company that I can trust. Do you have any recommendations? Great, thank you. I really appreciate your help. No, I haven't. Do you have any recommendations? Yes, I know a few. Let me give you their phone numbers. You can call them and arrange for a pick-up time and location. Yes, please. Can you explain to him the issue? I am not sure if I can communicate it properly. I need to build a small house for my family. Nothing too big or complicated, but I want it to be well-constructed with high-quality materials. It's not proper to be wearing shorts and a T-shirt while the workers are fixing the roof. It's disrespectful to them. Looks confused Okay, why are you late? You don't know where to deposit the money for the trip? Okay, I can do that for you. It would cost about 5 million Rwandan francs. You're welcome. It's important to understand different Yes, I do. I know a company that has a good reputation for quality work and has completed several projects in the area. I can give you their contact information if you'd like. Yes, there are a lot of construction companies around here, but I can tell you which one is trustworthy. Yes, I can. But it will cost extra. Okay, let me try to explain. I really like your house and I would love to rent it, but I can only pay this much. shows a lower rental price on paper Yes, I can recommend a few. But before you hire someone, it's important to understand the local customs around house repairs. That's great. Do you know where I can find one of these rental services? thinking to himself, I hope this person understands me. My Kinyarwanda is not that good. Okay, thanks for your advice. What about the liability coverage, do you have any recommendations for that? Aspire Africa? Okay, thanks for the suggestion. Do you have their contact details by any chance? Thank you, I really appreciate it. I am willing to pay a bit more if it means that I can get someone who is available during that time. Yes, we usually require a down payment of 30% before we start the construction work. Then we'll ask for the remaining amount in installments as the work progresses. That makes sense. What other risks should I be aware of? Thank you so much for your help Yes, I'm looking for information on how supply chain disruptions could affect my business operations here. Oh!, I can speak English if you prefer. Okay, but I've heard that dealing with local bureaucracy and red tape can be quite difficult. Is there anything I should know before I go? I can't stay here anymore, I'm sorry to say that. Worker starts building the wall, but foreigner notices that they are not following the plan Well, the building codes and regulations here in Rwanda are strict and require a lot of attention to detail to ensure safety and quality. The City of Kigali has to ensure that your project meets all the requirements before issuing the permit. Yes, there is a minimum wage set by the government. You have to pay your workers at least that amount. And if they work overtime, you have to pay them extra. Yes, you can start by checking with the Rwanda Development Board or the Rwanda Private Sector Federation. They have a list of qualified project managers and consultants. It will be 54,000 Rwf. Sure, what do you need to know? I understand that, but I just want to make sure everything is done exactly how I want it. Can't I just be present during the repairs? Hi there! Excuse me, do you happen to know where I can get a permit for building my new home here in Rwanda? Ah, I see. A deposit is a sum of money that you pay upfront, usually equal to one or two months' rent. It's meant to cover any damages to the property or unpaid bills that you might incur during your stay. I need to buy some construction materials for my house. Sure, you will need to go to the local government office to obtain the necessary permits for repair work. Okay, he said you should come to his office tomorrow at 10 am to discuss your request. Not really. Rwanda is one of the most stable and secure countries in Africa. However, there are occasional protests or demonstrations that can disrupt normal business operations. Businesses need to be aware of these events and take precautions to ensure the safety of their employees Goodbye. Have a nice day. No problem, I can give you directions or you can use a GPS app on your phone to locate the nearest point. Dialogue between a local and a foreigner in different parts of Rwanda regarding difficulty in finding a reliable and trustworthy source for project management or oversight I see. Are there any other differences I should be aware of Sure, let me show you. They both walk to the foreigner's apartment Really? What kind of weather conditions? That would be great. Can you call him for me? Oh, I'm sorry about that. Let me see if I can help you. What do you need help with exactly? Ah, I see. Unfortunately, finding skilled workers or contractors in Rwanda can be a bit challenging. But, I do know of a few places where you could try. The engine seems to be having some issues. I need a complete overhaul. That is too much. Can we negotiate the price? Of course. So, the first part of the agreement outlines the terms of the rental, such as the monthly rent, the security deposit, and the length of the lease. No, I haven't yet. I was hoping you could give me some guidance. I see. That makes sense. But, what if I just want it fixed quickly? Hi, sorry to bother you, but I can't seem to understand this rental agreement. It's written in Kinyarwanda and I don't speak the language. It's always best to have a written agreement with the workers outlining the scope of the project, the payment terms, and the expected completion date. That way, you have "For bricks, we usually measure in terms of 'blocks.' One block is usually 30cm x 15cm x 10cm or roughly 12 x 6 x 4 inches. And for cement, we measure in terms of bags. One Yes, I can recommend a few. There's Kigali Architects, who have a lot of experience with building projects in the city, and also Gisakura Construction, who have worked on many projects in rural areas. You can also check with the Rwanda Institute of Architects to find other qualified professionals. Yes, of course. First, you need to contact your landlord or property management company to inform them of the repairs needed. They will provide you with the necessary information and guidelines. I would like to use good quality materials, but I also want to keep the cost reasonable. I see. And what about the torn and dirty clothes they are wearing? Don't you provide proper uniforms? Yes, that's a good idea. Is there anyone around here who can help us with the translation? Hmm, that seems a bit high for me. Can you lower the price? Hi there! Excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable source of power or electricity around here? I need to carry out some repairs and I'm struggling to find a place to plug in my tools. "Hmm, that might be a bit difficult to find. Have you tried looking in the bigger hardware stores in Kigali?" Okay, thanks for explaining that to Don't worry, we can fix it. We'll put the old windows and doors back in their original places. Great! So, we need to start by laying the foundation for the building. Do you understand what I mean by foundation? Yes, please. The landlord is asking for a deposit, but I don't understand what that means. After another hour Okay, I see. I think I understand now. So, you want to extend your stay here for another year, and you will pay the same amount of rent every month, right? looks surprised but nods, Okay. in Kinyarwanda, Good morning. What is the problem? Yes, I can help you find someone. What kind of work do you need help with? Yes, I couldn't find anyone who speaks French, and I haven't always been here, I just want to pay Hello, is this the landlord? I want the big ones. Actually, I'm also having some electrical issues. Do you know any good electricians in the area? Thank you! Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Can you show me what you were trying to fix? I'm sorry, but I don't know the answer to that question. Let me check with someone who can help us both. For liquids like water and oil, we use liters as the primary unit of measurement. One liter is equivalent to 0.26 gallons. For weight measurements like sugar and flour, we use kilograms, and one kilogram is equivalent to 2.2 pounds. I see. Well, the first thing you need to do is to make sure your building plans comply with the standards set forth by the government. There are specific requirements for different types of buildings, such as residential, commercial or industrial buildings. The rent is 200,000 Rwandan francs per month, and you have to pay it every first week of the month. No problem. You can try contacting the Rwanda Environmental Management Authority REMA, or the City of Kigali. They offer waste management services and can provide you with more information. Well, the water is not flowing properly. It's taking a long time to drain from the sink, and the toilet doesn't flush correctly. No problem. It's important to speak up if you don't feel safe. That's good to hear. What are some of the specific standards and expectations that I should be aware of? I understand that, but I'm starting to feel a bit uncomfortable with the behavior of the other passengers. Well, I need a new roof and some of the walls need to be fixed. Yes, boss. I understand. I will make the foundation deeper and wider. Great. I'll call the plumber right now and have him come over. Is it okay if he comes in about an hour? A construction site in Rwanda. A foreigner is trying to get a construction permit from a local government official. Yes, we will. We're sorry for the miscommunication. Of course. There are a few steps you need to take. First, you need to make sure your building plans meet the building codes and regulations in Rwanda. Oh, I see. Well, Rwanda is a very stable country politically, so you shouldn't have to worry about that. However, we do have some weather-related issues that can cause delays. For example, during the rainy season, roads can become impassable and flights can be delayed or cancelled. So, it's always a good idea to plan ahead and allow extra time for travel. Hello, I understand that you need help with the rental agreement. What do you need to know? Thank you for the advice. What about supply chain disruptions? No problem. Have a good day! Okay, thank you. Is it an easy process to get these permits? I see. But why don’t you use those materials in the city? "Oh, I understand now. Yes, we can do that." I want to remodel my house. I need to add an extra room and renovate the bathroom. Hi there, excuse me, could you help me out for a minute? You can ask for referrals from locals who have had construction work done before. Also, you can check online reviews to see what other customers are saying about the company. Good afternoon, how can I assist you today? writes down the rental price on a piece of paper Hello, sir. Can I help you with something? I am not sure. Can you come and take a look? A local and a foreigner at a market in Musanze You get it back when the contract ends, and you return the apartment in the same state as at the beginning of the contract. "Thank you, that would be great. Also, do you know any good plumbers around here?" I'm not sure what "umuti" or "ibiri" means when it comes to measuring wood. Sorry, I didn't understand. Can you please repeat that in English? It may take up to two weeks for the application to be processed and approved. Well, one of the passengers is touching me and another one is shouting and being aggressive towards the driver. Yes, I've heard that in some countries, people work non-stop. But in Rwanda, we value taking breaks to rest and spend time with our families. Sorry, can we discuss the rent price? Well, I was taking a shared taxi from Kigali to Gisenyi, and there were some other passengers who were behaving inappropriately. They were drinking and smoking, and it made me feel really uncomfortable and unsafe. Well, for example, the paint is chipping off already and the walls aren't even. I didn't know that. Thanks for enlightening me. I think it's the Department of Construction. Do you know where that is located? No, I haven't. Can you give me the names of some of these companies? Hi, can you tell me something about the challenges of doing business in Rwanda? No, I don't. What do you need? sighs, It's alright. I have a small hole in my wall. Hi Sarah, I'm having a difficult time finding the right tools to carry out some repairs in my apartment. Do you know where I can find the appropriate equipment? But isn't concrete or bricks more durable and long-lasting? I understand your concern. Let me talk to the driver and ask him to slow down and drive more carefully. Your safety is important to us. Thank you! I am planning to set up a small manufacturing unit. "No problem. Please make sure to double-check with me before making any changes in Okay, I can fix that for you. But we don't use drywall or plaster like you might be used to in your country. Instead, we use mud and straw to repair walls. No, I do not speak English but I can try to understand you. I don't know what to do, but I was delayed because I lost my job due to COVID-19 It will cost you 3 million Rwandan Francs. smiling, Oh, we don't do that here. We dig shallow holes and fill Okay, you can use a taxi to go to and from your worksite. They are reliable and safe. Generally, their prices are fairly reasonable, but it depends on the specific item you're looking for. As for quality, they usually carry reputable brands, so you should be able to find some good options. Yes, sure. What kind of construction work do you need? thinks for a moment, Okay, let me try to explain it to you. Points to the ceiling again, There's a leak in the ceiling. Okay, I'm looking for some construction materials like cement and bricks. Can you help me? Okay, let me help you. There is a company called Akagera Construction that is highly recommended by many people in this area. They have been in the business for over ten years and they have a good reputation for quality work and timely delivery. "Can you explain what this clause means? I don't quite understand it." I love you, Rachel. Sure, I can help you with that. What kind of construction work do you need to be done? I see. That type of insulation material isn't readily available here in Rwanda. However, there might be some importers who can bring it in for you. Have you tried checking with any of the construction companies in Kigali? Thank you so much! That really helps. approaching Tom, Hey, hello. What's happening here? Ah, I know that area. What's your landlord's name? It's a corrugated iron sheet used for roofing. Hi, I noticed that there are different expectations for cleanliness and sanitation on worksites here in Rwanda. Can you help me navigate these differences? Absolutely. I can work with your plan and make any necessary changes to fit your needs and budget. Okay, I understand. For that kind of work, it will cost you about 10 million Rwandan Francs. Yes, good morning to you too. We have been working hard to get the building up as soon as possible. "Okay, but we need to make sure we're using Yes, we have them. What quantity do you need? Local asks around and comes back to the foreigner That's great to hear. But have you considered building a latrine to help keep your surroundings clean and healthy? nodding, Ahh, yes! I understand now. We need to remove all the debris and prepare the area for the foundation. Hi, excuse me. I'm having trouble getting insurance coverage for my construction work. Do you know anything about that? Okay, I know a few people in that area who may be available. I can give you their contact information. Yes, I can. What is your budget? Hi Emmanuel, how's the project coming along? Is everything okay, sir? That's a lot of money upfront. But I guess it's necessary. Sure, I can give you an estimate. What kind of project is it? "Excuse me, I'm having trouble understanding this rental agreement. It's written in Kinyarwanda, and I don't speak the language." shakes head again, indicating that the price is still too low You'll have to get approvals from the relevant authorities, such as the Rwanda Housing Authority, Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority, and the Rwanda Environmental Management Authority. They'll inspect your property That's interesting. Do you think it affects productivity in any way? Hello, I am looking for a contractor for my construction work. Can you help me? I need to fix this piece of wood. Can you recommend the right materials? Sir, we don't need that kind of supervision. We are professionals, and we know how to do our job. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate it." That's helpful, thank you. Do you happen to know the names of any of these stores? Okay. That sounds good. However, before we start, I think it's important to discuss the payment practices and customs here in Rwanda. Payment practices are different in Rwanda, especially when it comes to construction work. Oh, that sounds scary. How do you deal with such situations? Hi, yes, I can help you with that. What type of materials are you looking for specifically? No, I mean a foundation. The part of the building that goes into the ground. Sure, there are some hardware shops in the city center. However, to find specialized tools, you might need to look further. Not at the moment, but thank you again for your assistance. That sounds promising. Do they have a website or a phone number that I can contact? Hi, I'm having a hard time finding a reliable project manager here in Rwanda. Do you know anyone who can help me? That's great to hear. What about liability? Who is responsible if someone gets injured on a construction site? It depends on how complicated your repair work is. But it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Excuse me, sir. Do you know where I can find reliable project management or oversight services around here? Yes, there are some translation services available. You can check with the Rwanda Translation Bureau or private translation companies. "I don't understand, can you repeat that please?" Sure. Firstly, you will need to obtain a building permit from the Rwanda Housing Authority. This will require you to submit your building plans, soil test reports, and other necessary documents. Sure. The first thing you need to do is to get a permit from the local government. You can go to the district office to get the permit. Ah, I see. I don't want to overcharge you. It usually takes The weather can sometimes be unpredictable here. During certain times of the year, we experience extreme weather conditions such as heavy rainfall or strong winds that can make it difficult to carry out repair work. Tries to explain in simpler terms, Okay, let me try again. Is there a fee I need to pay before I can move into the apartment? It depends on the type of work and the experience of the worker. But on average, it can be around 20,000 Rwandan francs per day. Yes, it can be difficult to find skilled workers for specialized repair work. What kind of repairs are you looking to make? Hello there, I'm interested in some construction work to be done. Can you help me with that? Joseph takes out his phone and dials the landlord's number. After a few rings, the landlord answers. Hi, I am looking for some tools and equipment to carry out some repair work, but I am struggling to find the appropriate ones. Ah, but I want to negotiate with all my friends Oh, yes, yes., Rent is thirty thousand francs per month. Okay, I understand. The first thing we need to do is find a good architect who can help you with the design. Then, we can look for a contractor who specializes in modern homes. Sure, I can help you with that. Let me take a look. I need a company that I can trust to build a sturdy and secure structure. I've been struggling to find one that I feel confident in hiring. That's good to know. It sounds like safety and liability are taken very seriously here. Thank you for explaining it Alright, let me see what I can do. I can reduce the cost by using cheaper materials if that's okay with you. Okay, I understand. Let me get my tools. What is going on here? This doesn't look anything like the plans! "Okay, the cost will depend on the materials we use and the amount of labor required. Can you tell me more about the project?" No, that's it. Thank you. I understand that, but is there any way we can negotiate the price a bit? It's a bit too expensive for me. Oh, I had no idea. Thank you for letting me know. Is it okay if the workers wear their regular clothes while they do the repairs? Great, can you help me find it? That makes sense. But, I'm still not sure how to obtain the insurance coverage. Do I need to visit an insurance company? Okay, I will get started right away. Hi, I have a question about the rental agreement. Can you explain it to me? I see. Thanks for explaining. I might have to try taking a siesta myself! Yes, there's also a company called Interbuild. They focus mainly on imports and may have what you need as well. You can ask the landlord for their bank details and transfer the money into their account. They will give you a receipt as proof of payment, and they will keep the money until you move out. If everything is okay, they will return the deposit to you. Oh, sorry. Yes, we have cement, bricks, and sand. They are over there. Oh, I can help you. What seems to be the problem? I want to talk to you,. Please do. We need it to be wider so that we can fit in the drainage pipes. I’m looking for someone who can speak Kinyarwanda, English, and French. A local hardware store in Kigali, Rwanda. A foreigner is trying to buy some repair materials. No problem, happy to help! Do you need any other assistance? That's not true. Mud houses are built with proper techniques that prevent such problems. They are also environmentally friendly and energy-efficient, which reduces pollution and saves on electricity bills. Kigali Capital city of Rwanda It depends on your eligibility and other requirements, but you can always get help and support from RDB. Sure, I can help you with that. Where are you located? Hello, do you know where I can find a reliable source of power or electricity around here? You want cement, sand, and bricks? "I need to explain to you about the work that needs to be done here." That would be great. How much would it cost me to hire an interpreter? Firstly, you could try to plan your project around the seasons. If possible, avoid scheduling work during the busiest times of the year. That way, you'll have a better chance of finding workers who are available. Okay, thank you. Can you help me load the materials onto my truck? Okay, I think I understand those sections. But what about the part that talks about the utilities? I want something that will last a long time, but I don't want to spend too much money. Can you give me a rough estimate? Hi there. I noticed that there are no toilets on site. Is that normal? Okay, I understand. I will try my best. Hey, Jean! How are you doing? Hello, I am interested in renting this property. Can you tell me the price? Excuse me, I feel a bit uncomfortable with the behavior of one of the passengers. He's been yelling and hitting the seat. Well, I need some specialized items, like a torque wrench and a set of sockets, but I can't seem to find them anywhere. Do you know where I might be able to find them? I see. I know an electrician who can help you with that. Do you want me to call him as well? Thank you, I appreciate your understanding. Let's work together to make sure that we are both happy with the results. Ok, for electrical work, I recommend you contact Muhabura Electricals. They are very skilled and experienced in electrical repairs. For carpentry work, I suggest you check out Woodcrafters Rwanda. They are also very good at what they do. I need to build a residential house. I have been struggling to find a trustworthy construction company to hire. Yes, it is ready. Here are the keys. I hope you like the work we did. Yes, I can help you with that. Where is your worksite located? Hello there, I'm trying to fix this machine, but I need a reliable source of power to test it out. Do you know where I can find some electricity around here? You're welcome, I hope they will be able to meet your needs. If you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to ask. Ah, I see. Unfortunately, I don't speak much English. That sounds promising. Do you have any recommendations for specific stores or suppliers I should check out? What happens to the waste? No, I don't speak English. What can I help you with? Sure. In Rwanda, it is customary for workers to take off their shoes before entering a building or a worksite to keep the floors clean. Also, it is important to maintain proper hygiene by washing hands frequently, especially before and after meals. Okay, that's good to know. What about personal hygiene? Yes, I have checked with a few stores, but they don't seem to have it. Do you know of any specialized stores that might have it? That's quite a long time. What do I need to bring with me to the district office? But isn't it weak? It won't last long. Certainly, you can try the hardware store down the road. They have a wide variety of tools and equipment for most repair work. Yes, it needs time to harden and become strong. Do you understand? Ok, let me try to understand. You said your showerhead is leaking, is it a pipe problem or a showerhead problem? Okay, then let me give you some cement and sand. How much do you need? Yes, I just feel like you're going too fast and not paying attention to the road. Ah, I see. Well, there are some places around here where you can find electricity, but it's not always reliable. A construction site in Kigali, where a foreign construction manager is speaking to a local construction worker. Yes, that's what we use to repair our roofs here. Hi there, excuse me. Can you help me with something? We thought we could handle the repair work ourselves, but it turned out to be more complicated than we anticipated. Ah, I see. Well, just be aware that certain times of the year can be quite extreme when it comes to weather. We have a rainy season that can last for several months, and during that time, it can be difficult to do repair work because of the constant rain. Excuse me, do you know where I can obtain permits to carry out some repair work on my building? Yes, I can. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thanks a lot. I was really struggling to find a reliable construction company to work with. "Ah yes, a cubit. That refers to the length from your elbow to the tip of your middle finger. It's usually around 45-50 centimeters or 18-20 inches." Yes, that can be a challenge. You might want to try speaking with a local lawyer who is familiar with construction law. They may be able to help you navigate the insurance requirements and understand what you need. I just wanted to check on the progress of the repairs. It seems like there have been some delays. I understand. But isn't steel and concrete more durable than bricks and blocks? Good morning, I’m here to fix your roof. That sounds like a good option. Do they have a website or any contact details I can get in touch with them? Yes, but they don't seem to have what I'm looking for. Yes, we have a few options available in Kigali. The first one is WASAC, which offers solid waste collection services. They are a reliable source and have been in operation for many years. Yes, I will send a maintenance person to your apartment to fix the faucet. Thank you for letting me know. Sorry, but we don't have wooden planks. We only have metal and cement. Yes, it is. It's a way for the contractor to know that the client is serious about the project and is committed to paying for the work done. It's also a way to ensure that the contractor has the necessary funds to buy the materials and pay his workers. Okay, I understand. But, can you explain to me what exactly you want? It depends on the distance and the time of day. If you negotiate with the driver, you can get a good price. On average, it will cost you around 10,000 to 20,000 Rwandan Francs. Yes, you can try to contact the local cooperatives or farming associations. They might be able to provide you with some workers. Yes, they can. Just make sure you get the right size and wattage for your equipment. Ah, I see. You want to build a house? Yes, that's right. We need to finish this job as soon as possible. Ah, I see. What kind of foundation are you looking for? No problem! Rwanda is committed to proper waste management and disposal, so there are plenty of resources available. Don't hesitate still looking confused, I don't understand. "We need to start by digging the foundations and reinforcing the soil. Then we will pour concrete and install the steel beams." I need someone to help me with building a house. I want someone who is reliable and trustworthy. Hey, I wanted to talk to you about payment for your work. How do you usually get paid for construction work around here? No, I haven't had the rent money for the whole month. In the capital city of Kigali, a foreigner named Sarah who has just started working as a construction manager is having a conversation with a local site supervisor named Jean. I understand that, but for this project, we need the work to be of good quality. Can we please work together to fix these issues? translating, The foreigner wants to sublet the apartment, but they need your permission first. Yes, I can start working from tomorrow. But before that, I need to show you a plan of the fence so that you can approve it. Hi, I'm looking for some construction materials. Can you help me? Okay, thanks. Do you know where I can find their offices? I understand that, but I need to make sure that everything is done according to my specifications. No, it's not. We need to fix it. Can you call the supervisor? I'm confused. Do you mean pillars? I'm good. Hey, I wanted to ask you something. I recently hired some workers, but I am not sure if I am following all the laws and regulations properly. I understand that, but I cannot afford to pay that much. Hey, why did we dig such a wide trench? Alright, roofing sheets and nails, got it. Can you show me where I can find these materials? I'm not sure, but I can ask some people I know who work in the automotive industry. They might be able to help you out. That sounds promising. How do I contact them? 500,000 francs? That seems a bit too much. Can you break it down for me? No, I don't speak English, but I can try my best to understand. Hello, sure thing. Our workday usually starts early in the morning, around 7 or 8 am. We take a break around midday for lunch and rest, and then resume work in the afternoon. Is there anything specific you need to know? Great! Do you know where the nearest recycling center is? Just be patient and flexible. We always try to keep our customers informed about any delays or issues that may arise, but sometimes things are out of our control. We'll do our best to work with you and find a solution that works for everyone. Hello, do you know where I can find a plumber or an electrician around here? Okay, that makes sense. Can you help me with the deposit process? I'm not familiar with it. Um, I don't know the answer to that. Can you just do what you think is best? As you can see, the wall has some cracks. I need you to fix them before they become bigger. Hello, I noticed that the work done here is not up to the standard that we agreed upon. Hello, I am interested in renting this apartment. Could you explain the rental agreement to me in English? I'm feeling a bit unsafe with the way some of the other passengers are acting. Can we take a break for a minute? Yes, I understand, but it is not appropriate for workers to dress like that here. It can be seen as disrespectful to the homeowner. Alright, I'll give it a try. Thanks for your help. Okay, I have my passport with me. Is that what you need for identification? No problem at all. It is important to respect the I see. But what about the cost? Aren't alternative materials cheaper than traditional ones? Excuse me, I think you are doing it wrong. Well, it’s primarily because of the climate. We have heavy rainfall here, and those materials are not ideal for rainy seasons. Also, the city has a different lifestyle, and people prefer to have modern-looking buildings. Hi there, excuse me, do you happen to know any reliable construction companies in this area? I need to explain to you the work that needs to be done here. We need to build a new house. Thank you. I will try to pay as soon as possible. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Delivery will be an additional 20,000 Rwandan Francs. considers the offer and shakes head again I want the Portland cement. No, that should be it for now. Thanks again! Okay, can you write down the rental price for me? Yes, I am the manager. Can I help you? I see. Is there any place nearby that I can get access to any of these alternative sources of energy? Ok, I was thinking of using timber or wood for the frame of the house. Is that common here? Excuse me, why are all the workers resting in the middle of the day? Yes, of course. What kind of repair work are you looking for? It will cost 10,000 Rwandan Francs. Yes, mud is one of the most durable and cost-effective materials for constructing houses in our region. It is also readily available. Oh I see. You need to be careful with that. There are specific regulations for repair and maintenance of rental properties in Kigali. You may want to check with the Kigali City Council about the standards for rental properties. That’s great! I need someone to help me communicate with the workers and contractors on my project. I want to make sure we’re all on the same page. Yes, I have a family emergency back home that I need to attend to. A construction site in Kigali, Rwanda No problem. Just let me know if you need anything else. Okay, that sounds reasonable. When can we start? I see. And what happens if you leave before the lease is up? Well, it can be a bit confusing. But I can try to explain it to you. First of all, you need to know that there are different codes and regulations for different types of buildings. So, depending on what kind of project you're planning, the requirements will be different. Excuse me, can you tell me how much is a sack of cement in kilograms? Of course, I'd be happy to help. What specific questions do you have? Ah, I see. Well, in Rwanda, we have different ways of understanding time. For example, when you say three days Not really, just something affordable and in a good location. Yes, of course. The rental agreement is written in Kinyarwanda, but I can explain it to you. No, unfortunately, I don't. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Yes, sure. Have you checked with the local authorities or waste management companies in the area? Hi, Mark! Sure, I'm happy to help. What do you need to know? How about 10 am? Well, I'm trying to figure out how much cement I need for my project, but I don't understand the measurement units used here. Well, I'm having some issues with the pipes in my bathroom. I think I need a plumber to come and take a look. That's alright. It can be a bit confusing at first. Our building codes are designed to ensure safety and sustainability. Let me go through your documents and see if everything is in order. Hmm, that might be difficult. Have you tried the local hardware stores or lumber yards? Here's the money. Thank you for your I need a special wrench that can only be used for my car model, and also a few other items that are not easily available locally. You're welcome. It was nice meeting you. I'm doing well, thank you. I wanted to ask about subletting my apartment. Do you happen to know if that's allowed? I understand, but I really like this place. Can we meet halfway? Maybe 180,000 RWF per month? Another conversation between a foreigner and a local electrician Okay, I can recommend a contractor for you. But, just to be clear, are you okay with the local methods of construction and repair? Okay, we have cement and sand, but we don't have any bricks right now. Uses translator again, Sorry, can you please speak in English or use the translator? Hi Ngabo, how’s the construction going? Oh, that's not good. Do you know why the work is taking longer than expected? Oh, I see. Those are not commonly used in our construction industry. But, I can recommend some stores in the capital city that might have what you need. Yes, I can help you. What do you need to do? Great! Did you supervise the workers closely during the repair process? Thank you, we will do our best to make your building look good. Well, there can be some supply chain disruptions due to the fact that Rwanda is a landlocked country, and we rely on They walk around the property Oh, I see. In that case, you don't need a welding machine. You can use some body filler and a sanding block to fix the dent. I want to use bricks and cement. Can you do that? Hello, sir! Excuse me, can you please tell me where the construction site is located? Got it. What happens if there's a dispute over payment? How do I ensure that I'm paying a fair price for the work done? pauses, Wait, which bricks? All of them? That might be the issue, John. You need to provide a written notice to the employee and give them a chance to respond. You also need to provide a valid reason for termination. Failure to do so can result in legal action against your company. Well, the engine makes some noise, so I think it needs some work. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you wanted us to replace all of them. The shower head is leaking and the water pressure is low. As for the lights, they keep flickering. This is a disaster. I didn't want the old wall to be demolished Hi, excuse me. Can you help me find a reliable source for project management or oversight in Rwanda? I am finding it difficult to find a trustworthy one. That's a good idea. Can you recommend any specific companies that I should look into? It's in Kigali city, near the airport. Yes, I can come and take a look. When do you want me to come? Okay, I know that area. Can you tell me your house number? Okay, I understand. I will make sure to keep you updated on the progress of the work. Well, it's always a good idea to set expectations and clear guidelines before the work begins. Make sure you have a detailed contract that outlines I'm having some trouble with the wiring in my house. Sometimes the lights flicker or turn off completely. Thank you so much for your help. This is really useful information. Of course. I’ll be there at 8 am. Is there anything else I can help you with? I see. Well, here in Rwanda, it's common to pay a deposit before the work begins, usually around 30% of the total cost. Then, you can pay the rest in installments, depending on the progress of the work. Thank you for letting me know, I'll keep that in mind. Sure, you can also check out the Rwanda Development Board. They have a dedicated team for project management and oversight. Their website is www.rdb.rw or you can call them on +250 252 570 990. That would be really helpful. Thank you for your assistance! Hi there! I'm interested in learning about the local construction techniques here in Rwanda. Can you tell me more about the construction process? Yes, I know a few. What do you need them for? Okay, thanks for your help. Hi there! I was wondering if you could help me out. I recently hired a contractor for some construction work, but I seem to be having some trouble understanding the local payment practices and customs. Do you have any advice for me? Hello, this is the foreigner who needs your help. He is having some issues with his bathroom sink. Can you take a look at it? Sure, how much will it cost? Excuse me, do you know where I can find a taxi to get to my hotel? I'm having trouble understanding the measurement units used for construction materials here in Rwanda. I'm used to feet and inches, but I keep hearing terms like 'cubits' and 'fathoms'. Can you help me convert them? Local takes the foreigner to a nearby hardware store That's what I've been trying to do, but I keep getting stuck. It seems like there are so many forms to fill out and rules to follow. tries to think of a way to communicate, Hmm... Can we use Google Translate? shows the translation app on his phone What do you mean by miscommunication? Hello, excuse me. Do you know where I can find a reliable contractor for some specialized repair work? I was thinking around 8 million Rwandan Francs. Ah, I see. There are several options available depending on the type of materials you require. The Kigali Industrial Zone is a good place to start, as there are several factories and warehouses that supply a range of construction materials. Alternatively, you could try visiting building materials shops in the city centre or other major towns. Oh, I apologize. I don't speak Kinyarwanda. Can you speak English? Well, some of the rooms need new plumbing and electrical work done. Hi there, I need to speak to the construction worker in charge of this site. Can you please direct me to him? Yes, a trench. We need to dig a hole in the ground for the foundation of the wall. Okay. We have different types of adhesives and tapes. Which one do you need? The deposit equals to one-month rent. Hello, I am interested in hiring you for some construction work. That's exactly what I want to know. What are some key points that I should be aware of? Okay, I understand. Can you tell me more about the problem? It's also a good idea to ask questions and be proactive about identifying potential hazards on the It's possible. Sometimes, it can be difficult to find workers who are willing to travel to more remote areas. It might be worth looking into hiring local labor instead. Good morning! I'm interested in renting this apartment. Can you tell me how much it costs? Yes, you will need to speak with your landlord directly. Do you have their phone number? I need a house with three bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, and a kitchen. Oh, that's difficult. If you don't have money, how will you pay? You can take a taxi or a moto. Taxis are more comfortable but also more expensive. Motos are cheaper but can be a bit risky. No, that's it. Do you have a new contract for me to sign? Okay, that makes sense. But what if I need to make changes to the work or the timeline? Alright then. We're laying the foundation for this building. A local construction worker is Yes, we want to make sure the soil stays put. Can you do it? I'm sorry, I didn't understand. Do you speak English? That would be great, thank you. I need to know how many meters is a length of 10 feet and a width of 8 feet. It varies depending on the quality and quantity of the materials you need. You can visit the suppliers and negotiate with them to get a better deal. Yes, I can recommend a few of them. What kind of construction work do you need? That sounds great. Do you know if they have any specific requirements or regulations I should be aware of? Yes, you need to provide your employees with written employment contracts that clearly state the terms and conditions of their employment. You also need to give them a minimum wage as stipulated by the Ministry of Labor and Employment. Yes, sir. What can I do for you? Jack realized that there had I’m involved in construction work. I need someone who can translate technical terms and instructions accurately. Sure. In Rwanda, all construction projects, whether small or large, require insurance coverage. This is to protect the workers and the property against any accidents or damages that may occur during the construction process. Sure, I'd be happy to help. What exactly do you mean? Well, there are a few options you can explore. You could reach out to some of the local consulting firms that specialize in project management. They usually have a team of experts who can assist you. After a few days, Mark returns to the construction site and notices that the foundation is not as he had instructed. Yes, I can. I know a good mechanic who has been in the business for a long time and has a good reputation. Would you like me to arrange a meeting for you? How can I assist you today? You can check the Kigali City website or the local government office to find out which zone you are in. Once you know that, you can contact the waste collection company operating in your zone. Yes, a wall made of rocks or concrete to hold the soil in place. Yes, I have a phone with internet. Which app should I download? Well, some of the areas where these materials are produced are located in rural parts of the country. This means that transportation costs might be high, and some of the roads leading to these areas may not be very good. The cost of insurance depends on the type of coverage you need and the value of your project. You can discuss your needs with the insurance company and negotiate the cost. Thank you! That will definitely be helpful. Do you have any recommendations for a good plumber or electrician? Okay, that's not too bad. Thank you again for your help. I really appreciate it. Hello, I'm interested in building a house here in Kigali. Can you tell me what the process is for obtaining the necessary permits and approvals? Yes, they're located in the city center, not too far from here. You can take a taxi or a moto to get there easily. Um, it's brownish and has some patterns on it. Yes, I do. But I'm not sure how to explain it to them in Kinyarwanda. Sure, we need to take down this wall and build a new one over there. "I have around $10,000 set aside for this project. Do you think that's enough?" That's awesome! Thank you so much for your help. I'm having trouble explaining the problem to them because I don't speak the language fluently. Well, my company is sending me back home earlier than expected. Okay, that will be 220,000 francs. Yes, of course. You will need some grass, sticks, and mud. I am not familiar with the building codes and regulations here in Rwanda. I have the plans and everything ready, but I am not sure what I need to do to get approval. I understand. Unfortunately, some specialized items are just not available locally. But you might want to check with some of the repair shops around here. They might have some extra parts or know where you can Hi there, I am looking for some construction materials for my project. Can you help me out? It will cost you 300,000 RWF. Can I have your name and contact information, please? Hey there! I need to get some repair work done on my car. Can you help me out? Ah, that's a good question. You need to visit the Insurance Regulatory Authority IRA, to get information on how to obtain liability insurance. Yes, it's very important. Cleanliness is highly valued in Rwanda. Oh, I see. I hope everything is going well for you. Okay, that's good. But, the method we use here is a bit different. We use traditional materials and techniques that have been passed down from generation to generation. Sure, I can help. [translates for the landlord] a few minutes later Hello, I am interested in hiring you for construction work on my property. Of course, I can help you with that. What type of construction project are you planning? After a few minutes, the colleague arrives Sure, I'd be happy to help. What would you like to know specifically? Okay, that sounds like a big project. Let me see the house and give you an estimate. The workers misunderstood the deadline for completing the repairs, and as a result, have not been able to finish the work on time. Sure. Firstly, you need to have a written employment contract with your employees, which should include all the terms of employment, such as salary, working hours, and benefits. You also need to provide a safe working environment and ensure that your employees have access to health care. Cement and bricks? Yes, we have them. Follow me, please. Sure, you can find one at the end of the road. ** I see. Thank you. But I have been having difficulty understanding the policies and what is covered. Do you have any advice on that? It's near the Kigali International Airport. No problem at all, glad I could assist you. If you need any more help in the future, don't Well, we had agreed on two days. The delay is causing some problems for me. No, you're painting the walls. I don't want them painted. I want the cracks fixed and the new tiles installed. Sure. It's John and my number is +1 Sure, let's communicate in our local language, Kinyarwanda. Yes, we can negotiate, but I can't go too low. The materials and labor are expensive. $20 for the service and $5 for the washer. Alright, I understand. Can you break down the cost for me so I can see how you came up with that figure? Not at all. We always wear gloves and wash our hands before starting work. It's important to protect ourselves and each other from germs and contamination. *Nods and looks like they understand* Ah, I see. Yes, those are the units we use here. A cubit is the length from your elbow to your fingertips, and a fathom is the length of your outstretched arms. What are you trying to convert specifically? Hi, excuse me. I am trying to find information about waste management and disposal in the rural areas. Do you know where I can find this information? Sure, what kind of materials are you looking for? It depends on the size of the house and the materials you want to use. Hi, I'm interested in getting some construction work done. Can you give me an estimate for the cost? Alright, thank you for explaining that to me. Do you know where I can find apartments for rent? looking confused, I'm sorry, I'm not sure about kilograms. But, I can tell you that it will be enough to fill 2 wheelbarrows. No problem, happy to help. Is there anything else you need? Not at the moment, but I really appreciate your help. I'll be sure to come back if I have any more questions. I've been taking shared taxis and mototaxis to get around, but I'm starting to feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Some of the other passengers are behaving strangely, and it's making me nervous. That makes sense, but what about the actual construction process? Are there any additional requirements I need to follow? Okay, those are some great suggestions. Thanks for your help! That sounds frustrating. Is there anything I can do to speed up the process? That makes sense. Thank you for explaining it to me. I think I'll consider using traditional materials for my house. I have a problem with my apartment. The light switch in the bedroom is not working properly. Not really. Excuse me, do you know what time the shops close around here? reads the clause, Ah, I see. It says that you need to pay a one-month You will use the bricks to fill up the gap in the wall before applying the cement. Really? I had no idea. Thanks for letting me know. And what about the nails? I just need some regular ones. I’m afraid they might get angry or violent if I do that. Alright, please make sure to communicate better with me next time. I am from the United States. I just moved here for work, so I am not familiar with the local customs. That sounds great, do you know where I can find them? Excuse me, I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable with the behavior of some of the other passengers. They're shouting and pushing each other. Okay, good quality materials cost more. But we can negotiate the price if you want. There are some leaks in the roof and some pipes need fixing. Good. So, can you start working on this as soon as possible? No, I don't speak English but I speak Kinyarwanda, the local language. Welcome, good morning! Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to check the weather forecast before I head out. By the way, what other weather conditions should I be aware of? thinking, I think the metal sheets would be the best. I understand, but I still feel uneasy. Is there anything I can do? Okay, thank you. But this is going to take longer than I expected. I need some cement, sand, and bricks for building a wall. Yes, what seems to be the problem? Ah, okay. But why do you need a fence here? I am planning to build a small house for my family. But I have heard that it can be difficult to obtain the necessary insurance or liability coverage in Rwanda. No, we said on the second side of the building. Now we have to take it apart and start over. No, I haven't. Do you have any suggestions for which company to contact? Just be patient and persistent. The process can sometimes take longer than expected, but we are here to help you through it. If you have any questions Well, I have a leaky faucet in my bathroom, and I think I need to fix some wiring in the living room. Oh, I see. I wasn't aware of that. When is the best time to carry out the repair work? Okay, I'll take two bags of cement, two wheelbarrows of sand, and 100 bricks. This market is amazing! I love all the different vendors and products. But I've noticed that some prices are higher than others. Is there a reason for that? I see. Do you have any recommendations for me? Hello, how can I assist you today? Well, it can be a bit challenging at times, especially if you are not familiar with the process or don't have a local partner who can assist you. However, the RAA and RIE can connect you with insurance companies that offer coverage for construction work. Hello, excuse me. I am looking for a specific type of building material, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Do you know where I can find it? I need a specific type of roofing material that is not readily available in most hardware stores. It's called polycarbonate sheets. I need to build a small house on this land. How much would you charge for the work? Well, there seems to be a leak in my bathroom and I don't know how to fix it. I see. Can you at least update me on the progress frequently? I just want to make sure everything is going smoothly. I see. I have already checked with my landlord and they suggested that I should take care of the maintenance myself. No, I'm not. What do I need to know? Hello, I noticed that the work you did on this project is not up to the standard that we discussed. The quality is not satisfactory. Yes, I can do that. What exactly are you looking for? No, tell me because I don't know Hi there! I’m having trouble finding the right tools to do this repair work. Do you know where I can get some special equipment? Thank you so much, I appreciate it. You can check their reviews and ratings online, and also ask for references from their previous clients. It's also a good idea to ask for their certifications and licenses to ensure they are qualified to do the job. A local and a foreigner are talking on opposite sides of Rwanda. You're welcome. I hope they will be able to provide you with the services you need. If you need any more help, don't hesitate to ask. After an hour of digging, John realizes that the hole they have dug is not 8 feet by 10 feet, but 10 feet by 8 feet. I can't lower the price too much because I have to pay my workers and buy materials. But I can reduce the price to 450,000 Rwandan francs. Sure, John. What seems to be the problem? Good afternoon! Can I help you with something? looks confused, Sorry, I don't understand. No, sir. I only speak Kinyarwanda. Well, in my country, workers usually wear jeans and a t-shirt or something similar. But I've noticed that the workers here wear traditional clothing, and I don't want to offend anyone by having them wear something inappropriate. Sure, what type of material are you looking for? Sure. What kind of construction work are you planning to undertake? I see. Thank you for your help. I'll have The construction company is responsible for any accidents or damages that happen on site. They must have insurance to cover any potential damages or injuries. Okay, thanks for the advice. I'll make sure to do Okay, sure. What do you need me to do? Sand is 20,000 Rwandan Francs per ton. Hello, I know I am late with my payment, but I will not be able to pay my rent today. I see. What kind of construction work are you planning to do? Oh, I see. Well, a bridge is a structure that allows people to cross over a river or a road. We need to build a new one here, so people can cross over this river safely. No, the foundation is just for the ground floor. The basement will be below that. Yes, that's right. I'm going to be out of town for a while. "Hello, I was wondering if you could help me out. I've got a small repair job that needs to be done. How much do you think it would cost?" Thank you, your job is done well. We can schedule a fixed time for the break, which will Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. We'll talk to him and tell him to slow down. Sure, I can help you with that. Rwanda has strict building codes and regulations that must be followed by all construction projects. I understand. Can you suggest some ways to reduce the cost? It's in Kigali, near the city center. Oh! Do you see that your lease is very important,? Okay, I will prepare a new agreement for you to sign. Ah, okay. The switch is faulty. I will have to replace it. I will come back tomorrow to fix it. Oh, hello! Yes, I can help you with that. What kind of repairs are you trying to do? Mabati? I'm not familiar with that term. Could you explain? Yes, we have. What type of cement would you like? Okay, I know a few people who might be available. Let me check with them and get back to you. Yes, of course. How much do you think it will cost? Yes, thank you. I'm looking for an apartment to rent. Hi, we've completed the diagnostic and it turns out that your engine needs some major repairs. It will cost $1,000 to fix. I'm involved in construction work. We're building a new house and I need to communicate with my workers and contractors on a daily basis. showing their phone with the translation, I need to leave in two weeks. Hi, do you know where I can find specialized construction materials around here? We use locally available materials such as bamboo, mud, and thatch. We weave the bamboo together to create the walls and use the mud to plaster them. The thatch is used to make the roof. We understand, sir. Sometimes, there may be a miscommunication between us and the client, but we always strive to deliver our best work. Yes, there is a store just a few blocks down that sells solar panels and generators. You can also find biogas equipment at a shop around the corner. I see. And when does the rainy season start? No problem. Just keep in mind that finding specialized workers in Rwanda can be difficult. But Yes, that's true. It can be challenging to navigate the insurance requirements for construction work here. But it's not impossible. Well, there's a leak somewhere and I can't seem to find it. I was hoping to hire someone to help me fix it. I need you to help me install some windows, fix the roof, and paint the walls. Got it. Thank you for explaining that I have the lease agreement here, but I need you to check it and sign it. Can you please have a look? Wow, thank you so much! I really appreciate your help. This should make things a lot easier. Yes, there are a few. I can recommend you to try out RwandGreen, they are one of the most reliable waste management companies in Rwanda. Great, I'll take two cans of it. I am looking for a specific type of building material that I need for my project. I have been searching for it everywhere, but it seems like it's not available in Rwanda. Do you know where I can find it? Thank you for the information. Is there anything else I should know? Here we are. Let me help you find what you need. Can you tell me where? Yes, how may I assist you? Okay, what is your budget like? You're welcome. If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to ask anytime. Hello, do you know where I can find specialized construction materials? Sure, it's a traditional technique that has been used for centuries in Rwanda. The stones help to reinforce the mud walls, and the texture adds an aesthetic appeal. You should start by You said you wanted a trench around the building, three feet deep. The rainy season runs from around March to May and then again from October to December. During these times, it's best to find a garage that has a covered or indoor repair area. Hi, I'm planning to build a house here in Rwanda. Could you tell me what type of building materials are commonly used here? I have other expenses as well, and I want us to have a good relationship. Okay, I understand. Can you show me where the leak is? That sounds pretty complex. What happens if I don't follow these rules? Thank you. I've been looking forward to this. Well, you could try advertising for workers in the local marketplaces or even post a notice at the local community center. You could also try contacting some of the local construction companies to see if they have any workers available. Good afternoon, Sir. What kind of house do you want to build and where do you want it to be constructed? I need about 10 bags of cement. Oya, the price of cement is 7500 RWF per bag, and for a small construction, you will need about 20 bags. Well, most of the specialized and imported construction materials can be found in Kigali. You can check out places like Inyenyeri Hardware, Kigali Construction Materials, or even try the larger supermarkets like Nakumatt or Simba Supermarkets. Alright, I know a few reliable ones. Let me make some calls for you. Thank you. Do you know any suppliers who might be able to provide materials that are a bit more unique or hard to find? I noticed that most of the houses here are built with wood and mud. Why don't people use concrete or bricks? Hi there. Excuse me, do you know where I can get the permits and approvals to do some repair work on my property here? I see, thank you for the advice. It's good to know that there are several options available to me. I am looking to build a small house. Do you have any experience with that? Hi, I need your help with this project. We need to build a foundation for this building. Emmanuel leads John to a small shop that sells construction material. Really? I am having trouble finding the appropriate tools for my repair work. Some of the items I need are not available locally. I understand your budget, but that won Of course, I can try my best. What seems to be the problem? You're welcome. I will get started on the work right away. Okay, I understand. I will try to find a Rwandan friend who can come with me to explain the situation. Well, most businesses here in Rwanda observe a midday break, usually from 12 pm to 2 pm. It's the time where most people go home to have lunch and rest a bit before going back to work. Well, I was hoping you could help me explain the situation to the rental agency. They only speak English, and I'm afraid I won't be able to communicate the reason for my early termination properly. I'm not sure. I can't read any of it. Can you translate it for me? Hello, I am looking to obtain some permits for repair work in this area. Can you tell me where I should go? That's helpful. Thanks for the advice. I'll contact the National Insurance Company of Rwanda. Oh, I see. That's good to know. What about other units like "feet" or "meters"? Are they used interchangeably? Hello, how can I assist you today? That's a great idea. Do you know any repair shops nearby? Alright, that's fair. I will need to inspect the apartment to make sure everything is in good condition before you leave. Not necessarily. In fact, these materials have been used for centuries in our region and have proven to be quite durable, especially if they are reinforced with bamboo or other natural materials. There are some leaks in the roof that need to be fixed, and some cracks in the wall that need to be filled in. Great, thanks! By the way, I'm building a structure with a flat roof. What kind of roof material do you recommend? That's quite expensive! Can't it be done for a lower cost? After a few minutes Hi, I hired your company to repair my house's roof, but it's been two weeks, and the work is still incomplete. What's going on? Okay, I see. We will install the new windows and doors in the empty spaces. Alright, you will need to get a permit from the local government office. It can take some time to get it, but I can help you with the process. Yes, of course, I will send someone to fix it. It really depends on the scope of the work, but it's typically around 30% of the total cost. Yes, there are motorbikes you can use to get to your worksite. They are commonly used for transportation in rural areas. "The security deposit is usually one month's rent, and it's paid when you sign the lease agreement. It's meant to cover any damages that may occur during your stay." Alright, that's clear. What happens if there are any changes or additional work required during the project? pointing to the lease agreement, I mean I would like to extend my stay here and continue renting this apartment. Yes, there are many construction workers in this area. Are you having trouble finding them? Yes, definitely. If someone is injured on a construction site, the company responsible can be held liable. That's why it's so important to have safety measures in place. I see. Can you lower the price a bit? I was hoping to spend closer to $15,000. Oh, I see. Well, there are a few options available in Kigali. You can start by checking with the city authorities or the local waste management companies. Yes, that's true. Many people here still use mud bricks and thatch roofs for their homes. It's a cheaper and more environmentally friendly option. But it really depends on what you want and where you want to build. Hello, thank you for welcoming me. I am actually having some difficulties finding a reliable and trustworthy source for project management or oversight. Could you point me in the right direction? How much will that cost? Great! Let's go over the details together then, so we can make sure we're both clear on what we're looking for. "Not exactly. The lights are flickering and some of the outlets are not working." I am having some issues with my bathroom sink. The water is not draining properly. I need some electrical work done and also some carpentry work. Really? Can you tell me more about that? No problem. Let me talk to him and see frustrated, Oh no! This isn't working. What am I Ah, for the radiator you need a new hose, a clamp, and some coolant. "Hmm, that might be tricky. Have you checked any of the local hardware stores?" Yes, there is also a company called Bridge2Rwanda that provides comprehensive project management services to foreign investors and businesses. They have a team of experienced professionals who can help you with everything from planning to execution. That sounds good. Do they have a website or contact information that I can use to reach out to them? It's important to have liability insurance in case of any accidents or injuries that may occur on the job site. You should also make Yes, I understand. How can I help you? Excuse me, do you know of any reliable construction company around here? Alright, I'll recommend some workers to you. But please make sure you communicate the scope of work accurately, so that the workers can give you an accurate estimate of costs and timelines. Yes, I would recommend using SafeMotos. They have a mobile app that you can download and use to book a motorcycle taxi directly from your phone. They also have a safety rating system that ensures that you are matched with a safe and reliable driver. You’re welcome. We take waste management seriously here in Rwanda, so there are plenty of options available to ensure proper disposal of waste. Excuse me, do you know any reliable and trustworthy construction company in this area? Sorry, I don't speak English very well. Can you speak Kinyarwanda? Many skilled workers and contractors are often concentrated in the bigger cities and towns. It can be difficult to find workers in some of the more remote areas. It depends on how busy they are, but it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. I am looking to build a house. I want a company that can handle the entire project from start to finish. I just can't seem to understand the building codes and regulations here. They're so different from what I'm used to. Specifically, I need a specialized drill bit and some other equipment that I haven't been able to find. I'm not sure if they're available in Rwanda. Of course! Here in Rwanda, safety regulations are taken very seriously. Construction sites are required to have safety measures in place to protect workers and the public. No problem, I'll make some calls and see if I can find someone who speaks English and can help you. Is there anything else you need help with? Sure, sir. What seems to be the problem? Thank you for your advice. I will do that. No, it's okay. I just wanted to let you know in case something happens. What new wall? I told you to break down the old one and build a new one. It's going well. How about you? I see. I guess I didn't fully understand the local cultural attitudes towards different building materials. Yes, I’m planning to build a small office complex in Kigali. However, I’m not familiar with the local building codes and regulations, and I’ve been having difficulties obtaining the necessary permits and approvals. Yes, we do have them. How much do you need? Hello, excuse me, do you know where I can find someone to repair my roof? Closed? It's only 1 pm, why is it closed? You're welcome. Enjoy your stay "I'm trying to buy construction materials, but I can't seem to understand the measurements being used here. Can you help me convert them to meters or feet?" Hello, excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable source of power or electricity to carry out some repairs? I'll be building a small commercial building in the city. The local authorities have asked me to provide proof of insurance and liability coverage for the construction. Okay, thank you for the information. Hi, I need help communicating with my landlord. They don't speak English and I don't understand Kinyarwanda. Okay, that makes sense. What about the building permit? Okay, I have a few recommendations. There's a construction company called "Kabuga Construction" that is well-known for their quality work and timely delivery. One option is to hire workers in advance before the planting or harvest season begins. We can advertise the job vacancies in the local community and recruit workers who are available during the required times. That's interesting. I'm not used to taking a break in the middle of the day, but I can see how it would be helpful during the hottest part of the day. I have never heard of that before. I was thinking of using cement and bricks. I need liability coverage for my workers in case of accidents or injuries on site. I understand that sometimes things don't go as planned, but I need a more accurate timeline. Is there anything I can do to help speed up the process? Hi, I need to repair a leak in my roof. Can you show me what materials I need? What are they? Hmm, I see. Well, that might not be the best choice here in Rwanda. A foreigner named John is trying to build a house in Kigali, Rwanda. He is discussing the building codes and regulations with a local architect, Isaac. Yes, we can arrange that. But please keep in mind that the price I give you will be negotiable. Sure, my email is john@gmail.com. Sure, I can help you with that. What specifically do you need to know? Yes, it's safe. You can travel with a bus company like Volcano Express or Onatracom. They have a good reputation for safe and timely travel. Great. We have different types of cement. Do you have a preference? He agrees to the subletting, but rephrases the question, Can we modify the rental agreement to include some additional terms? Okay, for every meter, there are 3.28 feet. So 10 meters would be 32.8 feet. Yes, please. I am interested in renting this apartment. Can you tell me more about the process? Yes, sure. We're almost there. Don't worry. Yes, thank you. I was wondering about this clause that says something about a penalty for late rent payment. Hi, I'm trying to obtain a permit to build a property here in Rwanda, but I'm having a lot of trouble understanding the building codes and regulations. Can you help me with this? Sure. I will need to see your house to give you an accurate estimate. When would you like me to come and take a look? I'm feeling a bit unsafe on this mototaxi. The driver is going really fast and weaving in and out of traffic. I want to pay my rent. I want to first buy money to pay. Um, sorry I don't understand what you're saying. No problem at all! Let me know if you need any further assistance. Okay, that’s good. Can you write down the total cost for me? Oh, I see. It's important to understand the regulations to avoid any difficulties in the future. Have you tried contacting the Ministry of Infrastructure or the Rwanda Housing Authority? Thanks for the suggestion. But, do you know any place around here where I can rent a generator? Hmm, that's concerning. How do you suggest I go about finding a reliable source for project management or oversight? Sure, let me write it down for you. I'm working on a construction project and need to be able to communicate effectively with the workers and contractors. "No, no, no. That's not what I asked for. I need it to be straight. Can you please fix it?" "Yes, I can. What do you need?" No problem. If you have any more issues, please let me know. I need some high-quality insulation materials for a building project. Yes, that would be great. Can we work together to make sure that the work meets the standards we agreed upon? Yes, we can agree on a timeline. It will take us about two weeks to complete everything. Oh, I see. Let me take a look for you. reads the agreement, Yes, it's written in Kinyarwanda. Do you need a translation? Ah, don't worry about that. I can come with you and help you communicate with them. Alright, that sounds good. Let's exchange contacts and we can discuss further details. In Rwanda, it's common to pay workers a daily wage. The amount can vary depending on the skill level of the worker and the type of work they are doing. I understand. What kind of parts do you think I need to buy? Yes, I have checked with a few stores, but they don't seem to have it. Hi there, I noticed the repair work on this building has been ongoing for quite some time now. Do you know when it will be completed? sits nervously in a shared taxi as other passengers talk loudly and shout out of the window, Excuse me, driver. Can you please ask the other passengers to keep it down? Hello! Sure, I might be able to help you out. What kind of project is it? Okay, first thing you need to know is that Rwanda has strict building codes and regulations that you need to follow. The best way to get started is by visiting the city council and speaking with an officer in charge of building permits. That sounds promising. Do you have any other recommendations? Oh no, that's not good news. How did that happen? Well, I'm not exactly sure. There's some sort of leak or problem with the wiring. Do you know someone who can come and take a look? No, I clearly asked for the first floor. You need to redo it now. Yes, it's common for workers to take a break around noon to go home and rest, have lunch, or tend to family matters. We call it "siesta" or "break time." Okay, the driver is going to stop up here and let you off. That's a great idea. Thank you. How can I make sure I choose a reliable and trustworthy company? How much longer will it take for the repairs to be completed? But that's not what I asked for. I need it to be 8 feet by 10 feet. That's interesting. And what about liability? I understand. It's important to trust your instincts and prioritize your safety. Okay, that might be a bit tricky. But there are a few suppliers in the capital city, Kigali, that might have what you need. Have you checked there? Hello, I am interested in the construction work that you offer. Can you give me an estimate of the cost? Alright, I will come tomorrow morning. Can you give me your address? Sure, the price of one bag of cement is 10,000 Rwandan francs and one brick is 100 Rwandan francs. Yes, the plumber is just down the road, about a five-minute walk from here. The electrician is a bit further away, but he can come to you if you give him your address. Yes, they do. There are branches in Yes, be prepared to pay Hmm, that seems a bit expensive. Can you lower the price a bit? That's interesting. Don't you think that's a bit risky and could lead to accidents? Yes, of course. It depends on the type of work you need, materials required, and the amount of time it will take. Can you give me more details? Ah, I see. The thing is, in Rwanda, we have a strong tradition of using natural materials in our construction. Mud is easily available and affordable, and it helps keep our houses cool during the hot season. People also prefer the natural look of these materials. Sure, what kind of work do you need? Hmm, those are not very common tools here. You might have to go to the city to find them. Yes, we need to put up the scaffolding for the workers to start on the second floor. Okay, let me translate for you. Yes, we need you to dig a trench for the new water line. Oh, you mean Ah, I understand. Rwanda has been working hard to manage and dispose of waste properly. There are a few options that I can suggest. Hi there, I'm having some trouble navigating the regulations and procedures for repairing my rental property here in Rwanda. Can you help me out? Thank you for your help. I will definitely look into ABC Construction. That makes sense. So, what should I look out for as someone who's new to working on construction sites here? Okay, that sounds good. And what about the bricks? shakes head, No, no English. Oh, I see. I'm having some issues with my plumbing and I was wondering if you know any good plumbers around here? Approaches a local hardware store, Excuse me, do you sell any adhesive for metal? Yes, there are. You need to ensure that your materials are of good quality and meet the required standards. You can check with the Rwanda Standards Board to see if your materials meet the standards. Hello! I'm having a hard time finding a reliable source for project management and oversight. Do you know of any trustworthy companies or individuals who could help? Well, the roof needs some fixing and I also need some new walls put up. Yes, I was supposed to pay but I saw some unexpected expenses. I am currently working on a project and I do not want to delay some things Yes, you need to go to the district office to get the permit. Sure thing. One bag of cement is about 110 pounds, or 50 kilograms. One cubic meter of gravel is about 1.3 tons, or 2,600 pounds. And one sack of sand is about 110 pounds, or 50 kilograms. Yes, we can definitely do that. We can use some stronger materials for the foundation and work on making the walls as straight as possible. I will make sure to communicate this to the workers. Hi there, can you help me understand what work needs to be done here? Alright, I'll do that. Thank you. No problem. Now let's get to work. After a few hours of digging, the foreigner notices that the trench they've dug is much wider than what they had initially discussed. Yes, we can negotiate the price. What's your budget? Well, depending on the type of equipment you are working with, you may be able to use a portable power source, such as a generator or battery pack Thank you so much for the recommendation. I will definitely check them out. Do you know of any other resources that might be useful in finding specialized materials? Hi, excuse me. Do you speak English? Yes, that's what I meant. Why? Sure, I can. What kind of materials do you need? No, I am not buying a house. I want to clarify what I said. Great, let's sign the contract. Okay. I understand that these things can happen. Can you guarantee that the repairs will be completed to a high standard? Excuse me, can you help me find a reliable source of power for some repairs I need to do? The second part talks about the security deposit and how it will be handled. The next part is about the length of the lease and the termination process. I was wondering about the lease agreement. What happens if I need to leave before the end of the lease? "Sure, what kind of work do you need to be done?" Yes, I do. I know a few consultants who are familiar with the local regulations and can assist Yes, I know of some people who can assist you with translation. Where are you from? Sure John, do you have any idea about the type of pipes you want to repair? And how do I pay? Can I use a credit card? A foreigner, Tom, is in Kigali, Rwanda. He needs some repair work done on his car and he goes to the local mechanic, John. Oh, I had no idea. Can you recommend the right adhesive for this type of metal? Hi there! I was wondering if you could give me some advice on getting my house repaired. I have hired some workers, but I am not sure what the appropriate attire should be for them. I want one bedroom, a living room, and a kitchen. Sure, you'll need to go to the local government office to obtain a permit. But I must warn you, it can be a tedious process dealing with bureaucracy, and it may take some time. Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm here to discuss the construction project. Sir, I am sorry but Yes, I did. But they don't seem to understand me. Yes, I do. Are you looking for a particular type of construction work? Well, some parts of Kigali, the capital city, and other major towns have better access to electricity than rural areas. But even in these areas, power outages can still occur. Okay, how about 2 million That's good to hear. It seems like Rwanda takes safety and liability very seriously. Thank you for the information. I really appreciate it. No, it’s just a few kilometers away from here. Oh, I see. You wanted the wall to go up. I think there was a misunderstanding. We need to build a new bridge over this river, and we'll need some workers to help us do it. Can you help us find some workers? I'm looking for a certain type of insulation material that I need for a project. I've checked a few stores, but I haven't had any luck finding it. Sorry, I no speak English. Oh, that's too bad. Did you manage to get it sorted out? I see. Thank you for the suggestions. I think I'll just wait it out until we get to our destination. That sounds great, how do I contact them? Hi, I am looking for liability insurance coverage for my construction company in Rwanda. In Kinyarwanda, Why do you want to leave early? I am open to both, but I want something that is safe and reliable. Mud and straw? That doesn't sound very sturdy. Can't we use cement and bricks instead? Yes, we can. What is your budget? ** Yes, sure. You can go to the Rwanda Insurance Association or the Rwanda Development Board to get more information on insurance policies for construction work. Points to a bucket, Bucket, okay? Hello, John. I need to repair my house. Do you know someone who can help me? I'm having trouble finding a reliable and safe means of transportation to and from the worksite. Can you help me out? Alright, I understand. I can work with your budget, but we might need to make some adjustments to the design and materials used. Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that. Let me "No, no. I said to remove the tiles on the floor, not the wall. Can't you guys understand my English?" That would be great, thank you. I appreciate your help. Welcome. I can help you. What do you need? Yes, we use the bushes around here. Thank you so much, that would be very helpful. Thanks, that would be great. I've been having some trouble understanding the codes and regulations and am having a difficult time obtaining the necessary permits and approvals for my building project. Yes please, I am trying to find a reliable source of power or electricity to carry out some repairs on my equipment. Yes, there are a few options. What kind of transportation are you looking for? That makes sense. Are there any specific regulations or requirements I should be aware of before starting my project? Oh, I'm sorry about that. We've encountered some unexpected issues that have caused a delay in the repairs. That's great to hear. Do you have any other recommendations? Alright, I'll give that a shot too. Thanks for your help. I need cleaning service. We're going to need some workers for a construction project. It's going to take a few months, but we're willing to pay well. Yes, the pipes in my bathroom are leaking and the lights in my bedroom are not working properly. It depends on the market demand, but I'll start looking for someone as soon as possible. Oh, great! I'm having some trouble finding a local translator or interpreter to help me communicate with the workers and contractors here. Do you know anyone who could help me? Yes, they do. You can check out their website or ask for their portfolio to get an idea of their work. That's a good idea. Do you know anyone who might have those tools? Sure, what kind of repair work are you looking to do? Okay, I think I understand. I can get a plumber to come and take a look. Can you show me where the bathroom is? In Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda, a foreigner named John is discussing with a local employee, Alice, about the work hours in Rwanda. Yes, I do. But I'm not sure if he will understand me when I ask him about subletting. The foreigner is in their apartment, and the landlord has just arrived to collect the rent. Okay, I'll try my best to ignore them. No problem. I’m happy to help. See you tomorrow! Is it a long process? I've heard that there's a lot of paperwork and red tape involved. Sure, there is a hardware store around the corner, you can find everything you need there. I understand that, but it's just not the same here. We usually trust the workers to do their job safely and without any mishaps. I need to build a small house in Kigali. How much will it cost? Yes, I need to repair some of the walls in my building. Can you recommend the type of materials I should use? That's a shame. I heard that there is a lot of construction happening in this area. I would have thought there would be plenty of workers available. I want you to replace the bricks. I want it to look as good as new. Okay, I'll look into that. But what about liability coverage for damage to property or third-party injuries? I see. Do you have any recommendations for composting methods? About two days, I think. Hi, do you know of any skilled workers or contractors for specialized repair work? Yes, they do. They are very eco-friendly and have a good reputation for their recycling practices. Lintels? Like the ones above doorways and windows? That's great. Are the policies easy to understand? At a local market in Kigali, Rwanda, a foreigner is talking to a local man named Joseph. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable, try to move away from them or ask the driver to intervene. You can also try to make eye contact with other passengers who seem trustworthy, so they know you're aware of your surroundings. Yes, I agree. We will make sure to clarify this in the future. Looks at John with confusion, We are dressed appropriately, sir. That would be great, thank you so much. I don't understand this part. It says something about a security deposit? Sure, let me take a look. Hello, I'm here to help you communicate with your landlord. What do you want to say? The foreigner goes to the store and buys the materials. After completing the repairs, the wall still looks the same. Thank goodness! I've been struggling to find a local translator or interpreter to help me communicate with them. Can you recommend someone or maybe you would be interested in assisting me? First, we clean the roof properly and remove any rust. Then, we apply a layer of mud mixed with cow dung and let it dry. After that, we place the banana leaves on top of the layer of mud and use more mud to seal it in place. Yes, exactly. And then it needs to go all the way around the property. Hi there! Excuse me, can you help me with something? Thank you so much! I'll definitely check those out. "Sure thing, what kind of repair job are we looking at here?" It's a construction project for a school in a rural area. Actually, yes. I'm also looking for a specific type of power tool. Do you know where I can find it? I understand your concerns, but these methods have been used for centuries in our area and have stood the test of time. Plus, they are much more affordable and sustainable. The toilet is broken. Water is coming out of it and it's flooding the bathroom. Hello, good morning Hello, my friend! Can you help me with something? Yes, the security deposit is a sum of money that you pay upfront. It's to cover any damages you might make to the apartment during your stay. In a busy street in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda, a foreigner wearing a safety vest can be seen waving to a local man. nods and calls a neighbor to translate Yes, I know what you mean. In Rwanda, the regulations and requirements around construction safety and liability can vary depending on the project and who is involved. I was thinking of hiring someone because I am not familiar with the procedures here. Oh, okay. Can you give me the document and let me explain to my friend here what you wrote in English? I understand, there are many construction companies here but not all of them are reliable. Let me recommend a few to you. Alright, we have all of that here. How much do you need? No, they are made of clay and baked in a kiln. Hello, I am wondering if you could help me. I am renting a property here, and I need to know what the regulations are for repairing the property. I am looking to sublet my apartment, but I need to get permission from my landlord first. Do you know how I can contact them? Ah, I see. Well, there are certain requirements that need to be met before you can get a building permit. For example, the building needs to meet certain safety and environmental standards. Okay, I understand that. But what happens to the security deposit at the end of the lease? Do I get it back? speaking in Kinyarwanda, Okay, guys, we need to remove the bricks from this wall and put them over there. Great, thank you. Okay, my budget is around $10,000. reads the translation on the phone, I understand, but I think it is a bit too high for me. Can we lower it a bit? We use both, but hollow blocks are more common. It's near Kigali city center. Those kinds of items are not easily available here. You might need to go to the city to find them. Ah, I see. Sorry, my English is not so good. Good morning. I understand your concern. Insurance and liability coverage can be a bit tricky here in Rwanda. What kind of coverage are you looking for? Oh, I see. I paid the contractor upfront, but it seems like there are still a lot of things that need to be done. I have some household waste and I'm not sure where to take it. I see. Well, you may have some trouble finding workers right now. It's the planting season, and most people are busy with their own farms. Hi Isaac, I've been having some trouble navigating the building codes and regulations in Rwanda. Do you think you can help me out? Yes, sure. It's important to understand the building codes and regulations before starting any construction project in Rwanda. What type of building are you planning to construct? Hi there, I need to obtain some permits and approvals for some repair work I want to do. Can you help me out with that? Well, I need some imported materials that are not commonly found here in Rwanda. Hi John, sure, what kind of repairs do you need to carry out? Okay, I understand. I will do my best to make it look good. Sure, I can help you with that. What kind of measurement units are you struggling with? Well, the main challenge here is transportation. Sometimes it's hard to find workers or materials in certain areas of the country. You may have to travel a long distance to get what you need. Yes, I speak English. I can help you talk to your landlord. The cost will depend on the materials needed, the size of the building, and the amount of labor required. For an accurate estimate, I would need to visit the site. pointing, That thing, right there! It's in Kigali. Do you know where I can find my landlord? Okay, that's clear. What about the security deposit? Yes, I estimate it will cost around 4 million Rwandan Francs. You're welcome. Thank you for shopping with us. Is there anything else we can help you with? Sure, we can negotiate. But first, can you tell me your budget? Hi there! I'm interested in learning about the local methods for repairing or constructing buildings and structures here in Rwanda. Can you tell me more about it? That's understandable, but I still need to find someone to help me. Do you have any suggestions on how I can find someone? Oh, I didn't think of that. Do you know when I might be able to find some workers? Knocking on the door No problem, just be careful and always watch your belongings when using public transportation. Rent is 100,000 Rwandan Francs per month. Let me add it up for you. types on calculator, That will be 120,000 Rwandan francs. That's great to know. I really appreciate your help. Okay, I'll take two bags. That would be great! Can you share some of these options with me? Hello! I can certainly try to help you. What specifically are you having difficulty with? Yes, you'll need to get construction all-risk insurance and public liability insurance. The construction all-risk insurance covers any damage to the building during construction, while the public liability insurance covers any damage or injury to third parties It's a small house renovation project. I want to renovate the kitchen, bathroom and living room. Yes, it's advisable to engage a professional architect or engineer to help you with the plans. They will ensure that the plans meet the minimum requirements set out by the building code. Well, Rwanda is still developing its construction industry, so some materials and tools may be harder to find than others. But those hardware stores I mentioned earlier usually have a good selection of items. If you can't find what you're looking for there, you can try asking at local construction sites and they might be able to Really? I had no idea. I just assumed that they needed to wear shoes for safety reasons. Yes, Rwanda has Sure, I will drop you off. I hope you are okay. No, I'm sorry. I only speak English. What materials do you need? Well, the workers said that the scope of the repair work is much bigger than what you told me earlier. It will cost you more than what we estimated and it will take longer than we anticipated. Hi there, I'm looking for a specific type of building material that I need for my project. Do you know where I can find it around here? Cubic meter? I have no idea how to convert that. Okay, I will look for someone who has experience in construction and who can translate English to Kinyarwanda or French. How long will you need this service? Thank you for the information. I will try contacting them. No problem at all. We are always happy to help visitors in our country. Do you need any other assistance while you're here? That would be great. Thank you so much. Hello! I'm interested in renting this house. Can we talk about the rent price? Hmm, how much can you pay? I want to terminate my lease early due to personal reasons. Yes, this is the landlord speaking. How can I help you? Alright, thank you. How many cubic meters of gravel do What happened? Why is the wall not yet broken down? Hello! Excuse me, do you know a good mechanic around here? I need to fix my car. A fence, like a wall made of wood or metal. Hello, I'm looking for some construction materials. Can you help me? No, sorry. Do you speak Kinyarwanda? I see. Let's go to your place and take a look at the issues together. We can communicate with gestures and body language if we don't understand each other's language. Yes, sure. What do you need? I want to change the tiles in my bathroom and kitchen. Can you do that? Thanks for letting me know. I'll make sure to plan accordingly. All workers must wear hard hats, safety boots, and gloves. We also have regular safety meetings, and all equipment must be maintained and inspected regularly. Oh no, I'm sorry about that. Let me talk to the driver and see if we can find you a different mototaxi. I understand. Can you give me an estimate of the cost? "Yes, we need to dig a 10-feet deep hole over there and pour the foundation for the building." I need a small house built, but I am a bit concerned about the cost. How much do you charge for your services? And what about liability? Who is responsible if there's an accident on the site? Sure! There are many options here in Kigali. What type of transportation are you looking for? Yes, I can show you where to find some workers. But first, we "Hmm, I don't know. That still seems pretty high. Is there anything we can do to lower the cost?" No problem. We want you to be comfortable here in Rwanda. Oh, I see. Yes, we use locally available materials such as mud, wood, and stones to construct our houses. Well, mainly some cosmetic repairs like painting and fixing some minor issues with the plumbing and electrical systems. Yes, it is. Most businesses close for a few hours in the middle of the day to allow their employees to rest and have lunch. It's a tradition that has been adopted from neighboring countries. Okay, I can help you. What do you want me to do? It's located in Kigali, but I have to travel from another town. I want to terminate my lease early,. Excuse me, do you know any good contractors in this area? Okay, let us negotiate. How much can you pay? Well, safety is important here, but it depends on the site and the contractor. Most of the time, we follow the government's regulations on safety, but some contractors are not very strict on it. Renewing a lease means extending the rental agreement for another year. I want to continue living in this house for another year. **At a construction site in Kigali** Oh, those are easy to find. You can check out the hardware stores in Nyamirambo, Kicukiro or Remera. They usually have those materials in stock. Oh, I see. I apologize, but we didn't understand that the work had to be done to such a high standard. We are used to doing work that meets the standards of the local people, which may not be as high as yours. First of all, you need to make sure that you have a valid work permit before you can hire any local workers. You will also need to register your business with the Social Security Fund of Rwanda. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it. Is there anything else I should keep in mind? Okay, thanks, Sarah. I will definitely check Okay, I'll take 10 bags of cement and a truckload of sand. How much does that come to? Ah, okay. And what about "umuganda"? Yes, you will need to pay the deposit at the time of signing the lease agreement. It is usually equivalent to one month’s rent. "Okay, I'll try to explain in simple terms. We need to build a wall around this area. Can you help me with that?" We are working on the foundation of the building. Thank you so much for your help. Do you know how long it takes to fully charge a device there? Thank you for clarifying. Is there anything else I should know about the rental agreement? Hi, I'm looking to have some construction work done on my property. Can you give me a quote for the job? Maybe if you slowed down and drove "I want to build a small house, about 2 bedrooms, and a kitchen. How much do you charge for that?" Hi, excuse me, I'm trying to repair my rental property, but I'm having a hard time navigating through all the regulations and procedures. Can you help me? Sure. What type of wall is it? Yes, both companies are trustworthy and reliable. They always deliver within the agreed timeline, and their services are top-notch. shaking his head, No, not that wall. This wall. points to the wall behind him You can check the label or ask the seller. They will know which materials are suitable for the type of repair work you need. That's great! Do you happen to know any other suppliers? Oh, those are over there Yes, there are several hardware stores and building material suppliers in that area. You should be able to find what you need there. Ah, I understand. And what about the security deposit? Hi there! I'm looking for someone to do some construction work for me. Can you help me out? You could try using more specific language when discussing the timeline for the repairs. You might also consider having a local translator help you communicate your expectations more clearly. That sounds like a good place to start. Do you know where I can find their office? Yes, I've already selected a location. But I'm having trouble obtaining the necessary permits and approvals. It seems the regulations are quite strict here in Rwanda. Yes, I can recommend some local suppliers that can help you with that. Can you please tell me what type of materials you need? Yes, you should always be respectful of local customs No problem. You welcome. Hello, I wanted to check on the progress of the repair work. It was supposed to be completed by yesterday, but I haven't seen any changes yet. You can also seek advice from a licensed architect "What kind of tool are you looking for?" Hi there. Yes, I'm actually looking for some information on waste management and disposal in this area. Do you know where I can find reliable sources for that? Hello, I am looking for the landlord of this property. That sounds complicated. How long does the approval process take? Ah, I see. Let me call my friend who is a plumber and electrician. makes a phone call During the dry season, which runs from June to August, it can get pretty dusty around here. You may want to keep your phone covered or in a protective case to Of course, we can discuss other options. Maybe we can agree on a schedule for the installments or find a way to do a bank transfer. It's important that we find a payment plan that works for both I see. Is there anything I can do to improve my chances of finding reliable power? Yes, there are. For example, certain types of building materials are not allowed in certain areas due to environmental or safety concerns. You need to be aware of the regulations and guidelines before proceeding. Oh, I see. In my country, we usually work straight from morning till evening with no breaks in between. It's okay, we can work something out. Yes, that's right. But we also need some tools like shovels, trowels, and buckets. That's a good tip. What else can I do? In English, I need to leave Rwanda earlier than planned due to some personal reasons. I hope you can understand. You can go to the local government office and apply for one. They will give you a list of requirements you need to meet before they can issue you a permit. Yes. You will also need to ensure that your workers have liability coverage. This will protect them in case of any accidents or injuries that may occur during the construction process. Thank you for explaining that to me. I'll make sure Sure, I can help you with that. What kind of repair work are you planning to do? Well, now we have to fill it back up and start over. You've wasted our time and resources. Okay, I want to listen. Okay. In Rwanda, there are specific requirements for hotels, including the number of rooms, the size of the rooms, and the materials used for construction. You'll also need to provide a detailed plan of the building and surrounding areas, including the sewage and drainage systems. Of course. What kind of repair work are you doing? The cement is 10,000 francs per bag, the sand is 5,000 francs per sack, and the bricks are 50 francs each. Hey there, I'm trying to get some permits to start some repair work on my property. Could you point me in the right direction? Of course! You should start at the Rwanda Housing Authority. They are responsible for issuing building permits and ensuring that all construction projects follow the regulations and building codes. Here, we consider the time we spend working on the project, the complexity of the work, the materials needed, and the distance we travel to get to the site. Sometimes we also consider the exchange rate of the local currency to your currency. Hi John, could you help me repair my bike? It broke down a few miles from here. Okay, I'll make sure to do that. What about personal hygiene? Yes, I can help you with that. In Rwanda, the insurance coverage required for construction work is different depending on the type of work you are doing. Thanks for explaining that. I'm sorry I'm not familiar with all the construction terminology and jargon. Okay, thank you for explaining that. Is there anything else I need to know before I sign the lease? Hi, I was wondering if you could give me an update on the repair work that was supposed to be done on my car. I dropped it off a few days ago and was told it would only take a day or two. Hi there, I'm interested in building a new property here in Rwanda, but I'm having a hard time understanding the building codes and regulations. Could you please help me out? I see. So, what do I need to do to pay the deposit? That works for me. See you then! The wall over there needs to be fixed. It has some cracks that need to be repaired. Okay, thank you. Can you also tell me how much delivery will cost? I need some specialized tools and materials for a construction project I'm working on. I'm having a hard time finding them here in Rwanda. Well, you could try asking them politely to keep their voices down. Or, if it's really bothering you, you could ask the driver to pull over and let you out. Sure. For starters, you need to have a written employment agreement with each of your workers, stating the terms and conditions of employment. You also have to provide them with a payslip every month and ensure that they receive the minimum wage. I'm not really sure. I've tried talking to the workers but we don't seem to be able to understand each other very well. I was hoping you could help me out. It depends on the complexity of the work. If it's just a few tiles and a leaky pipe, it shouldn't take more than Thank you. I will help promote the apartment to my friends, if that helps. Yes, I have repaired several buildings back in my country. Hello, can I help you with anything? They can be. You can find many vendors selling construction materials at the Kimironko market. Okay. Do you have any idea what kind of repairs are needed? Okay, we have those. How much do you need? That's a great idea. Thank you for your suggestion. Okay, thank you for letting me know. I'll keep that in mind as we begin the repair work. Let me calculate the total for you. Sure, what can I help you with? Alright, thank you. "I need to build a wall around this area. Can you do that?" I understand your concern, but you need to be aware of the potential for extreme weather conditions during certain times of the year that can impact repair work. Yes, exactly! I’m sorry, but that’s the Yes, how can I help you? Yes, it is very common for construction companies to have insurance coverage. It is actually required by law for all construction companies to have liability insurance before starting I am a family person, do you have any advice on how I can help? Can I use my credit card? I understand your concern. You can speak to a local insurance broker who can guide you through the process and help you find the Sorry, I don't speak much English. What is the problem? Yes, I know a few people who might be able to help you out. But before that, could you tell me a bit more about what you need to communicate? Yes, actually I am having a difficult time finding skilled workers or contractors for specialized repair work. Do you know of any place I can find such workers? Okay, I can do that for you. But you have to tell me your budget. An hour later, the foreigner returns Oh, I had no idea. I'm sorry, I should have done my research before. What should I wear instead? Yes, I know a few good ones. What kind of construction are you looking for? Hmm, that's a bit high for me. Can we negotiate? Hi, yes please. I'm looking for a reliable source of power or electricity to carry out some repairs. Alright, we have those. Do you need any other supplies? In a local market in Kigali, Rwanda, a foreigner named John was looking for someone who could help him repair his house. He approached a local named Joseph who was selling fruits at his stall. Ah, I see. Well, there are a few reputable companies in the area that have been in the business for years. Have you tried looking them up online? You can start by asking for references and checking their credentials. Also, you should look for someone who has experience in managing similar projects. I can help you find someone who meets these criteria. It's important to have a clear idea about the scope of the work before you start. Otherwise, you might end up underestimating the costs or overestimating the timelines. No, no, no. Leave that to us. We'll handle the demolition and the rebuilding. Got it. Can I just fire them on the spot? Hello, is this the landlord? I am calling to let you know that I will be a little late with my rent payment this month. I'm not sure, maybe a few hours? Banana leaves and mud? That sounds interesting. How does it work? Ah, I see. Well, safety is a big concern here, especially since there have been some accidents in the past. Workers are required to wear helmets and safety vests on construction sites. In addition, there are often safety officers on site who ensure that safety standards are being met. Okay, I understand. I want to discuss our issue of rent. "Sure, that sounds good. I'll arrange for you to come and see the land. But can you give me a rough estimate of the price?" speaking slowly and using hand gestures, I have a problem. I need to leave the house before the end of my lease. Okay, we can do that. How big do you want the house to be? Thanks for the advice. I'll make sure to plan my repairs accordingly. Location changes to the building where the foreigner is working Well, in Rwanda we have specific ways of repairing and constructing buildings. For example, we use locally sourced materials and techniques that have been passed down for generations. Oh, okay. I understand now. We can do that for you. Cement is 10,000 Rwandan Francs per bag. Oh, I see. But what do you mean by "modestly"? Hello, excuse me. Do you know where I can find information about repairing rental properties here in Rwanda? I understand now. Is there anything else I should know about payment practices in Rwanda? Yes, you can. The sand costs 5,000 francs per bag and the bricks are 150 francs each. Yes, they usually close at around 7 pm. That's great, thank you for the information. Do you know if they have any specific requirements or procedures for waste disposal? I am looking for a specific wrench and some electrical components. I have been to some hardware shops, but they don't have what I am looking for. I see. I need to build a house, so I think I will go with cement bricks. Oh, I apologize. English is not my first language. Hi, I am planning to visit Rwanda in November. I heard that it's a great time to see the country. But I am concerned about the weather conditions. Will it be a problem for me to travel during that time? Hello, how can I help you today? Okay, thank you for the advice. I'll keep that in mind. That's exactly my problem. I need some specialized tools and equipment that are not available locally. It could cost around 2,000,000 RWF. Okay, that makes sense. But I'm having trouble understanding you. Can you speak a bit slower and clearer? Wait, what are you doing? I thought I told you to make sure the cement was set before putting up the walls! That's good advice. Thank you. What about the timeline? Will it take long to do these repairs? Hi, I need some repair work done on my house. Can you help me out? Yes, unfortunately, there was some miscommunication with the workers about the timeline for completing the repair work. They thought they had more time than they actually had. Sure, where are you looking for them? I need to repair the roof of my house, and I also need to get some electrical work done. Hi, Mr. Gasana. Thank you for sending me the rental agreement. I have a question about one of the clauses. Yes, I saw it in a YouTube video. They said shingles are the best for roof repairs. The rental agent takes the foreigner around the apartment, showing them different units available for rent. The foreigner spots a unit they like and inquires about the rental agreement. Yes, we can. What price do you have in mind? Our labor costs are competitive in the area, but it will also depend on the duration of the project. Okay, I understand. Do you have any idea how long it will take to process the application? That's good advice. What about supply chain disruptions? Are they common here? Okay, here it is. I am sorry, but I am not very good at English. I don't understand some of these things. Oh, I see. That's not good. Yes, I do. What kind of construction work do you need to be done? Yes, I can help you. What do you need? Oh, I see. Thanks for translating that "I'm really excited to build my new house here in Rwanda. I brought all the materials from my home country, and it's going to be a modern and stylish home." In a local market in Rwanda, a foreigner named John approached a local named Marie who was selling fruits and vegetables. Kigali? How far is that from here? Yes, I can help you find one. What seems to be the problem? This is a little high for me. Is there any way we can negotiate the rent? It's a commercial building, but I'm not sure about the height, size, and other requirements needed to obtain the necessary permits and approvals. Well, for example, the paint job on those walls is uneven, and the tiles on the floor don't line up properly. We need to ensure everything meets our quality standards. Yes, I can suggest a few. There's a guy named Jean-Pierre who does good plumbing work, and a woman named Marie who is a reliable electrician. I see. Is there any way to get the materials closer to my location? I think it's a metal roof. Do you have experience working with that? Hi there! Excuse me, do you speak English? That might be a bit tricky. It's not easy to find skilled workers in Rwanda, especially in some parts of the country. Of course. Just follow me. The agreement states that the monthly rent is due on the first day of each month. If you fail to pay the rent on time, we will charge you a late fee. Hi there, do you know where I can find some construction materials in this area? Sure, I'll do my best. What exactly do you want to know? I am sorry, but I am having trouble understanding the terms and conditions in English. Could you explain them to me? Thank you so much, Francis. You're very I see. What about permits and licenses? Yes, they do. WASAC offers a recycling service for plastics and paper. They have collection bins in different parts of the city. WDA also has a similar service. The local's home in Kigali. A foreigner, John, is working on a construction project in the city, using modern building materials and techniques. He is discussing with a local, Joseph, who is from a rural area where traditional building techniques are still in use. Yes, you can start by visiting the Ministry of Environment offices. They have a lot of information on waste management and disposal policies in Rwanda. I see. Thank you for explaining that to me. I want to make sure that I am doing everything legally and ethically. Thank you, that would be great. Do you think it would be easier to find workers or contractors during the harvest season? Sure, I'll do my best. What specifically are you wondering about? Well, first I need you to pay a deposit. It's one month's rent, so 250,000 Rwandan francs. Yes, it is quite common for workers to take a break during the day. We call it "kwita izina" which means taking a siesta. You need to submit your building plans, the design specifications, and proof of land ownership. You will also need to pay a fee for the permit. Yes, we can. We'll stop digging the trench and start building upwards. It may take a bit longer than we planned, but we'll make sure it's done correctly. Yes, Rwanda has experienced political instability in the past, but the government has made great strides in Of course, what kind of building material are you looking for? Okay, I can translate for you. Where is your apartment located? Ok, I understand that. What else do I need to know? I see. It is possible, but I have to tell you that there have been some miscommunications with workers lately about the timeline for completing repair work. It might take a bit longer than expected, and there could be delays or incomplete work. Yes, sure. Basically, the lease agreement states that I will continue renting this apartment for another year, and I need to pay the rent on time every month. "Perfect, thank you." Are you working to pay the rent? Hello, do you know where I can find information on waste management and disposal here in Rwanda? Sure, go ahead. I need some renovations and extensions done to my house. Can you come and check it out and give me a quote? I need a wall built around my property. Can you do that for me? Okay, thanks for the tip. Do you know of any specific hardware stores that might have it? I see. I think there must have been a miscommunication. The bricks used are the best quality available in this area, and the workers have been following the design plan you provided. No problem at all. I'm happy to help. What time do you want us to meet? Yes, I went there, but they don't have it. Do you know if there is any other place I could go? L passes the umuhoro to F Okay, we can take care of that. How much supervision do you want us to have while we're doing the repairs? Hello, excuse me. Do you know where I can find a specific type of building material in Rwanda? I see. Are there any other risks I should be aware of? Hi, I'm looking to get some repair work done on my property. Can you tell me what sort of supervision is required for the workers? Yes, some people do use those materials, but it's not very common. Rwanda's cultural traditions place a lot of value on using natural materials that are sustainable and locally available. Boss, we thought you wanted us to cut corners and save money. Yes, they have offices around the city. You can check at the Nyabugogo Bus Park, they have many bus companies there. Well, the faucet in my bathroom is leaking, and I was hoping you could take a look at it. I am sorry to hear that. Some people can be quite loud and boisterous in these taxis. But don't worry, we are almost at your stop. Sure. What seems to be the problem? Yes, I can help you with that. What seems to be the problem? Okay, that sounds good. How many bags of cement do I need for a project this size? I see, but I'm not familiar with the local measurement units. Can you help me convert them to kilograms? How much would you charge me to come and take a look? That makes sense. What kind of insurance do contractors usually have to cover these types of situations? There seems to be some damage to the engine, and the transmission is also faulty. I'm afraid this repair will take longer than usual, and it will cost you more than what we initially discussed. Okay, in that case, you can reach out to the Rwanda Housing Authority. They have a team of experts who can help you with the project management and oversight. Shrugs shoulders and points in a direction Yes, I can take you there tomorrow if you want. Hello, I am doing good. How can I help you? Well, sir, some of our workers thought the repair work was due next week, while others believed it was due this week. As a result, we are behind schedule and some of the work may not be completed. I understand how you feel. Your safety is important, and I suggest you raise your concerns with the driver. They can help address any issues. "Amasaha" means "hours" in English. It's a In that case, you need to discuss with the worker and agree on the changes and the additional cost. Make sure you have a written agreement and both parties sign it. He wants to know the details of the subletting agreement. It costs 5,000 Francs. After two days Ah, I understand what you mean. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for some passengers to behave inappropriately. But there are a few things you can do to stay safe. I see. In Rwanda, it is common for workers to negotiate for additional payments after completing a task or project. This is known as "nkunda", which means "I love you" in Kinyarwanda. Again, it depends on the specific piece of wood, but it's usually between 5 and 10 centimeters or 2 to 4 inches wide and 2 to 5 centimeters or 0.8 to 2 inches thick. Yeah, that's my biggest concern. I don't want to end up with a company that doesn't deliver what they promise. That would be great if you could help me with that. Sir, we use high-quality materials and we have professionals doing the work. We cannot compromise on the quality of the work. I am trying to start a construction project here, but I am having trouble obtaining the necessary insurance and liability coverage. Could you point me in the right direction? What customs do I need to be aware of? No, I only speak Kinyarwanda. I'm trying to build a wall, but I'm not sure where to start. Sure, I can help you. What kind of work are you talking about? I'm involved in a construction project and I need someone to oversee the whole process. Sure, how much do you need? Yes, I am the construction worker in charge of this site. How can I assist you? There are some outlets that are not working and some switches that seem to be faulty. Yes, it can be complicated. But don't worry, I can help you navigate through the Ah, I see what you mean. This is definitely a job for a plumber and electrician. Let me make some calls and see who is available. How about 4 million francs? I'm not sure about the budget. Can you give me an estimate first? I think he's a local. He doesn't speak English, so it's hard for me to communicate with him. Good morning, I hope so. I'm having some difficulty finding a reliable and trustworthy source for project management or oversight. Confused look, I don't understand. Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find some construction materials? I need to do some repairs on my house. Hello, I am looking for construction materials. Can you help me find what I need? Of course, sir. You will need to visit the district office to start the process. "Oh, I see. You need a house built." No problem. Let me translate it for you. The lease is for six months and the rent is due on the first of each month. The agreement also states that you are responsible for any damages to the property and that you must give one month's notice before moving out. That's interesting. Do they offer curbside pickup as well? Sure, I can help. First, you need to have a detailed plan and design for your construction project that complies with Rwandan building codes and regulations. You can hire a local architect or engineer to help you with this. I'm planning to do some construction work in a rural area of Rwanda, but I'm having trouble understanding the necessary insurance or liability coverage. Can you help me with that? I need to leave Rwanda earlier than expected, and I want to sublet my apartment to another volunteer who will come here in a month. Is that okay? Absolutely, sir. We take our work very seriously and we will make sure that everything is done to your satisfaction. Hi Alice, I have noticed that some workers take a break in the middle of the day in Rwanda. How does this affect the work schedule? Actually, I'm having trouble finding some specialized items that I need for my repair work. I've checked several shops but couldn't find them. Well, I need a set of specialized screwdrivers and some other tools that are not commonly found here. No, I haven't. I am new to the area, and I don't know who to trust. I'm not sure, I think it might be in the fuse box. I'd be happy to. Where are you staying? That's too bad. Do you know any specific store in the city where I could find them? Thank you, John. Your order will be ready in a few hours. Ok, I can get you that. But what kind of roof do you have? Okay, that sounds easy enough. But what about the costs? Who is responsible for paying for the repairs? I really like this apartment, but the rent is a bit too high for me. Can we negotiate on the price? Hello, guys. Thanks for coming to help me with this project. I want the building to be strong and sturdy, with no corners cut. Yes, of course. What kind of work are you looking to have done on your property? Hello, I have a problem in my apartment. The toilet doesn't flush. Good afternoon, I am looking for a contractor to build a house for me. That's great. How do I know if they are reliable and trustworthy? Hi, I noticed that the work you have done is not up to the standard that we agreed on. The paint is peeling off and the walls are not smooth. Thank you for letting me know. I want to make sure that my project is safe for everyone involved. Yes, I can write it down for you. Do you have any other questions? Yes, I can help you. What do you need? Of course! I'd be happy to. I want to make sure that we're both on the same page so that I can deliver work that you're happy with. That's really important to me. That seems reasonable. Thank you for your help! Is everything okay? Yes, it is. But for many people, they simply cannot afford to build with those materials. And even for those who can, there is sometimes a cultural preference for traditional building techniques like wood and mud. In such cases, you can terminate their employment without notice. However, you need to make sure that you have evidence I am trying my best, I hope I can pay my rent within a month. That sounds promising. What if I have a small business or household waste? Well, during the rainy season, we can experience heavy rainfall, strong winds, and even floods. This can make it difficult to repair anything because the ground becomes very muddy, and it's hard to move around. Okay, that sounds reasonable. Can you recommend someone? Hi, can you tell me where I can find a hardware store to buy cement and building blocks? I'm looking for some imported materials, like steel beams and certain types of concrete. trying to read the agreement, I am sorry, but I don't understand English very well. Great! I think I understand what you're doing. So, you're building a new wall to replace the old one? Yes, it's very helpful. It allows us to rest and recharge, so we can be more productive later in the day. It's also a time when we can spend time Yes, I do. Thank you so much for your help. If you're not satisfied, you should discuss it with the contractor and try to come to an agreement. If you can't reach an agreement, you can involve a mediator or take legal action. Great! Thank you so much for your help. Good morning. Yes, please. I'm looking for a reliable and trustworthy source for project management or oversight. Do you know of any such services in this area? That’s quite expensive. Can you lower the price? Of course! Rwanda is a beautiful country, but there are a few things that you should keep in mind when planning your trip. For example, the weather can be unpredictable, especially during the rainy season. This can sometimes cause delays or cancellations of flights and other transportation. Hi there, excuse me, do you speak English? Well, if you're fixing your roof, you'll want to use galvanized nails. They won't rust or corrode, and they'll be able to withstand the weather. Sure, I can help you. The first step is to separate your waste into different categories like plastics, organic waste, and metals. Thanks for the suggestions. How can I contact these companies? I want to build a modern house with a unique design, using some alternative materials like bamboo or recycled plastic. What do you think? You're welcome. I'm glad I could help. in Kinyarwanda, Good morning. Yes, the house is available for rent. How long do you intend to stay? That's great to hear. Do you think they would be able to handle a project of this scale? In the Eastern Province of Rwanda, the local worker, Jean, is working on a construction site when he notices a foreigner, Sarah, observing the team at work. Firstly, make sure you dispose of any waste properly. We have designated trashcans for different types of waste, so make sure you use them accordingly. Yes, there are many plumbers and electricians in the area. What seems to be the problem? Oh, that's good to know. What about supply chain disruptions? Are there any issues with getting supplies to certain areas? Yes, I have, but I'm not sure where to get one. You're welcome. Let me know if you need any more help. Good luck! Hello, can you help me with something? Later that day... Okay, that makes sense. Do you know how much the deposit usually is? Dialogue between a foreigner F, and a local No, that's it for now. Thank you for your help. I think my budget is reasonable. Can you give me a breakdown of the costs? Sure, what would you like to offer? A foreigner, Jack, is supervising a construction project in the city of Kigali. He has hired a team of local construction workers to help with the project. Jack is speaking to one of the workers, Emmanuel. Unfortunately, those materials are not readily available here in Rwanda. However, I know of a few suppliers who can import them for you. You can check with Kigali Construction Supplies, they import quality materials from abroad. Yes, I understand your concern. It can be challenging to find reliable project managers in Rwanda. However, there are some options you could explore. Well, we have heavy rainfall in the months of March to May and October to November. During those times, it's hard to do any repair work as the rain can damage the repairs. Ah, I see. Well, where are you currently located? Hello, can you tell me how much longer it will take to complete the repair work on my hotel room? Local and Foreigner head to the nearest insurance broker's office Yes, we need to break down this wall and build a new one. "How about tomorrow morning at 10am?" No problem, we can fix that for you. I’ll send one of my workers to take a look. I just need to know what my responsibilities are as a tenant and what the landlord's responsibilities are. looks at the lease agreement, then at the foreigner, I don't understand. No problem. I called a plumber for you. He will be here in an hour or so. And the electrician will be here in the afternoon. Sure, I'd be happy to. What specifically are you uncertain about? It's been making some strange noises lately, and the engine seems to be struggling. Yes, sure. What seems to be the problem? Hi there! I'm planning to do some repair work in the area. Do you know when the best time to do it is? Great. How much do they cost? Hello, excuse me, do you know where I can find a hardware store? I need to buy some materials for a repair work. Hi, could you tell me where I can find the nearest restroom? Hmm. Well, we do have some local mechanics who could help you out. They have experience working with different types of cars and engines. They might have the tools you need. I need some specialized tools for cutting and shaping metal sheets. Do you know where I can find those? Ah, I see. Well, building codes and regulations in Rwanda can be quite complex, especially if you're not familiar with them. Have you tried talking to an expert in this field? Sure, let me show you some photos. Here they are. Shows photos on phone Alright, that sounds doable. What about the electrical work? No, no. I meant the other wall. Now we have to start all over again. Yes, they do. You can check their website at www.inyangeconstruction.com or you can call them at +250 788 303 848. Alright, that's good to know. And what about the final payment? laughs, That's the problem. Roof sealant is not good for repairing roofs. You need to That would be helpful. Thank you for letting me know as soon as possible. Oh, I'm sorry about that. I thought I had done a good job. Alright, that makes sense. Can I pay the deposit in installments? Oh, in that case, you’ll need some PVC adhesive and a few PVC pipes to replace the damaged ones. A little bit, how can I help you? I’m having a bit of trouble understanding how you guys construct your buildings here. I’m from America, and the methods are quite different. I see. So, it's difficult to find workers during the planting season but easier during the harvest season? Great! Can you show me where the cement is? Good morning, I am trying to obtain a permit to do some repair work on my property. Can you please guide me on the process? It's in Kigali. Here is the address. Shows a piece of paper with the address Foreigner in Kigali, Rwanda No, not a wall. A fence. It's not as high as a wall and it allows people to see through it. Sure, I can help you with that. Can you give me more details about what needs to be fixed? Yes, they do. You can find them in most major cities and towns, including Butare, Musanze, and Gisenyi. Here are the materials we need. That's disappointing. Do you think it's possible to order them online or have them shipped here? Well, I'm looking for some imported materials for a project I'm working on. Yes, actually. I have an apartment here in Kigali that I want to sublet, but I need to get my landlord's permission first. Do you know how I can contact my landlord? Ah, I see. What measurements are you having trouble with? Yes, I can help you. What kind of repair work is it? Yes, their office is located in the city center. I can give you directions if you want. Emmanuel, what happened? Why is the foundation not as deep and wide as I had asked? That makes sense. Thank you for letting me know about this. Yes, I would recommend checking with the Rwanda Insurers Association. They can provide you with a list of reputable insurance companies that provide these types of policies. No, no, no. You don't need wood to fix a roof. It's not strong enough, especially if it's a metal roof. You need to use metal sheets and cement. Okay. You should know that there are different types of liability insurance policies. You need to choose the one that suits your work. Hello, Jean. I am curious about the safety standards for construction sites in Rwanda. What kind of expectations are there for ensuring the safety of workers and the liability of the construction company? I have a problem with my apartment. The toilet is leaking and there is water all over the floor. Okay, that sounds fair. Can you give me an estimate? In a small town in Rwanda, a foreigner named Tom was overseeing the repair work on his guesthouse. He had hired a local contractor, Emmanuel, to complete the repairs. Ah, cement, sand, and bricks. Yes, we have those. How much do you need? Okay. You will need some cement, sand, and water to make a mortar mix that you can use to repair the walls. You will also need some steel reinforcing bars if the walls have any cracks or structural damage. Great, thank you. Do you know if they have any other unusual building materials or tools that might be hard to find in Rwanda? "Hello, can you tell me how long it will take to fix this road?" This gentleman wants to service his car, his brakes are not working properly. In that case, you will need to make the necessary changes to bring them Hello, I am happy to hear that. What do you need me to construct for you? That makes sense. But I don't want to offend anyone or go against local cultural attitudes. Is there anything I can do to show respect for traditional building techniques while still using modern materials? Okay, I understand. What is the issue with your bathroom sink? "No, I do not speak English. What can I help you with?" Yes, I can help you with that. Are you looking for a generator or a different type of power source? Excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable and safe means of transportation to and from my worksite? I understand. Can you give me a rough estimate of the cost? Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate Okay. But, you need to explain to me what is lease? Okay, thank you. And once I have that, what do I do? That sounds perfect, thank you for your help. I will download the app and try it out. Hello there, I am looking for someone who can help me repair this house. Do you know anyone who can do that? Sure, I'd be glad to help. What exactly are you trying to do? muttering apologies and agreeing to quiet down F, is speaking with a local L, in different parts of Rwanda about their difficulties in obtaining necessary permits and approvals for a building project. That sounds like a good idea. Do you know any brokers that you could recommend? Okay, we'll get started on it right away. Thank you for choosing us. Ah, I see. I'm sorry, I'm late with my rent payment this month. I had some unexpected expenses and I couldn't afford to pay on time. Okay, let me take a look. inspects the car, Ah, I see the problem. You need new brake pads and a new exhaust pipe. I can fix it for you. Well, I recommend you to check out the company called "Kigali Builders". About three feet. It will cost you about 100,000 Rwandan Francs. I have to leave the country for a few months due to some personal reasons. I can't keep my apartment empty, so I want to rent it out to someone else. No, our weather patterns can be quite extreme depending on the season. During the rainy season, we experience heavy downpours, which can make it difficult to work on the roof or walls. It's important to be aware of these conditions so that we can plan accordingly. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Have you spoken to them about the delay? Perfect, but you'll also need to get approval from the local community. They have to approve any work done to a building in their area. Yes, I can recommend a few options. What kind of project are you working on? Yes, of course. We have many experienced contractors in this area. Are you familiar with the construction process? Yes, you can. It's a common mode of transportation here. Yes, it is. Most landlords here ask for a deposit, and it's a standard practice that's meant to protect both parties. I need some imported materials for a specific project I am working on. Hmmm, in Rwanda we have strict labor laws that protect employees. Did you follow the proper procedures when terminating his employment? Good morning, sir. I'm hoping to obtain a construction permit for this building project. Can you help me with the process? Sure, I can help you. Where is your apartment located? Well, we mostly use traditional methods like plastering or patching the walls. We also use a technique called rammed earth, "I'm sorry, I don't understand." Okay, let me try to communicate with you through my phone. takes out phone and opens translation app, Can you tell me the monthly rent price? It usually lasts for about an hour or two. It's a time for people to rest, eat lunch, and socialize with their coworkers. Yes, I can help you with that. My name is Francis, I'm a local here and I know many people who can speak both English and Kinyarwanda, the local language. Alright. Can you show me what needs to be done? Yes, I am working on a project related to construction and infrastructure development. We use clay, wood, and brick to build our houses. These materials are locally sourced and are more sustainable than concrete. Local Market in Kigali That's good to know. Do you know where I can find a moto or taxi? Hi there, I'm having a bit of trouble communicating with the workers and contractors here. Do you happen to know of any local translators or interpreters who can help me out? Ok, I can do it for that price. But we need to discuss the details of the work. That sounds good. Do you have their contact details? Boss, we did what you asked us to do. I need some cement, sand, and bricks. Do you have them? I see. That's a good point. In my country, we don't really have a midday break. We just take short breaks throughout the day. Of course, there is a hardware store just down the street from here. They have a good selection of tools and equipment. What do you mean? They can just wear their usual work clothes, can't they? I can pay 50,000 Rwandan francs now, and the remaining 50,000 Rwandan francs next week. relieved, Oh great! So we need to start by clearing the site and then laying the foundation for the building. Does that make sense? Well, I'm having some problems with my toilet and my lights are flickering, so I need to have someone come and take a look. Wait, what? I thought the foundation was the same as the basement. Hello! Yes, I understand what you mean. Unfortunately, power outages are quite common in Rwanda. However, there are some places where you can find some reliable electricity. That's great to know. Thanks again for your help. Um, a strong one, I suppose? I want this building to be sturdy and long-lasting. How long does it take to get a permit? Well, I have been trying to use modern building materials like concrete and steel, but the locals seem to prefer using mud and other natural materials. I don't understand why they are so resistant to change. Sure. For instance, we use bamboo, straw, and mud to make our walls. The bamboo provides the structure, the straw is used as a binder, and the mud is used as a plaster. Of course, I can do that. Let me see if I can find a translator to help us communicate with your landlord. Hi there, can you help me out with something? Alright, that's clear enough. What about the security deposit? Yes, it takes around 40 minutes. But make sure you are comfortable in the taxi because sometimes there are other passengers that may make you feel uncomfortable. Okay, I want to buy five bags of cement, two tons of sand, and 100 bricks. How much will that be in total? That sounds fair. Do you have any specific customs or practices that I should be aware of? That's good. Most apartments go for around that price. By the way, have you ever rented an apartment in Rwanda before? No, sir! I said we need to remove the damaged bricks and replace them with new ones. You just removed all the bricks, now we have to start all over again. Yes, sure. There are many construction workers here in Rwanda. What kind of workers are you looking for? Sure, I can definitely help you with that. Kigali has a very efficient waste management system. The city is divided into zones and each zone has its own designated waste collection company. Next week? That's great to hear. We have been waiting for it to finish so that we can move forward with our plans. That sounds good, but how do I know if they are reliable and trustworthy? He lives in another part of Rwanda. Do you know if there's a translator or someone who can help me? I want to delay paying rent because I have been working in new businesses "Good. Let's get back to work and stay focused." In Rwanda, the liability for construction work is mainly governed by the law of obligations and contracts Yes, I can help you. What's your worksite location? Okay, I understand now. I will need some materials before we can start. Excuse me, can you tell me where I can get a permit to do some repair work? "Hi there, I was wondering if you could give me a quote for some construction work I need done?" Oh, hello. Yes, it's normal here. We usually use the bushes to go to the toilet. A construction site in Kigali, Rwanda. Okay, you will need cement, sand, water, and some bricks. "Yes, boss. We're sorry for the misunderstanding. We'll be more careful from now on." Can I get a discount if I buy in bulk? Okay. How do I obtain this insurance? "I need it done as soon as possible. How long do you think it will take?" Can I go there now? And how long will it take to get the permit? Sure, there are several insurance companies here in Kigali that offer that kind of coverage. Do you have a specific company in mind? "A strong, tall wall that will protect this area from any intruders. It needs to be made out of concrete blocks and have a strong foundation." Okay, that's clear. But what about the deposit? How much do I need to pay, and when will I get it back? You're welcome. It was nice doing Alright. How about the sealant? What kind do you need? No problem. I’m glad I could assist you. I will get back to you Thank you so much for your help! Rwanda's dedication to waste management is truly inspiring. That's a bit expensive. Can you give me a discount? Yes, what do you need? I need some construction work done on a building I own. Well, I need you to give me an estimate for the cost of the project. I want to make sure I know how much I will need to pay you. I understand. How do you usually handle payment disputes? Okay, got it. Thank you for explaining that to me. That sounds good. Do you have their contact information? Oh, hello. It should be completed by next week. Yes, we can give you a discount if you buy more than 100 bricks. visiting the construction site, What is going on here? Why are you digging up the area that we just cleared yesterday? Thank you! Yes, it's a typical Rwandan house. We call it an "Inzu". It has a thatched roof and mud walls. That sounds promising. Do you have his contact details? Yes, you need to get a permit from the local district office before you can start any repairs or renovations. They will inspect your property and give you a permit if everything is in order. We need to build a new wall here. We need to use cement and bricks. The contractor is ultimately responsible for the safety of the workers and the construction site. However, the government also plays a role in ensuring that standards are met and that everyone is working safely. If there is an accident, an investigation will take place to determine who is at fault. Hey, excuse me. Do you know where I can find a reliable and safe means of transportation to and from the worksite? I see. Thank you for your advice. I'll try to find a way to communicate with my landlord. Of course we can. What is your budget? turns to the other passengers and speaks in Kinyarwanda, Hey, please keep it down. There's someone who feels uncomfortable with the noise. Well, you can try contacting some of the local contractors. They usually have their own teams of workers who might be available. Well, for example, you need to make sure the workers dress appropriately. It is important that they wear clothes that cover their bodies properly. Oh, I didn't know that. What do you mean by cultural preference? Hmm, I see. Well, you should know that here in Rwanda, traditional building materials like bricks, stones, and cement are widely used for construction. Only a few people are experimenting with alternative materials, and it's not very common yet. Also, the government has strict regulations regarding the use of certain materials, especially for commercial buildings. "Sure, I can help you with that. Just show me the agreement, and I'll translate it for you." Sure, I can help you. What kind of construction work do you need? Ah, I see. No, we call it an "imisatsi". Sorry for the confusion. Excuse me, sir. I have a question about the rental agreement. Is it possible to make some changes to the agreement? Sure, the store is called "Maison Mere" and it's located in the Nyarugenge District in Kigali. I understand, but we need the work to be of a higher standard. How can we ensure that this happens? First and foremost, make sure you have the proper safety gear, like a hard hat and boots. These are essential for protecting yourself on the job site. knocks on the landlord's door You can use a conversion calculator on your phone or computer. Or maybe I can help you with the conversions if you tell me the measurements you need. Hi there! I need to buy some construction materials, but I'm having trouble understanding the units of measurement used here. Can you help me out? Sure, let me write them down for you. Sure, what do you suggest? Okay, sounds good. No problem. Just give me a minute to Yes, we have specific guidelines for waste management. We separate biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste and dispose of them in different ways. We also have designated areas for waste disposal to avoid contamination. Yes, please. Thank you so Hi there, I'm looking to build a house here in Rwanda. Can you tell me where I can find some local construction workers? Yes, I speak a little English. What can I do for you? Sure, I can help you. What kind of repair do you need? Yes, I did try looking online but couldn't find what I was looking for. And I'm not in Kigali at the moment, so I'm not sure how to get there. Well, I'm wondering about the hiring and firing process. What are the laws related to that? If I have to leave early, I'll give you notice and pay a fee, as stated in the lease agreement No problem. Is there anything else I can assist you with? Sorry, I don't understand you. I understand. You can use my phone to call a plumber or electrician. They'll be able to understand you better if you speak slowly and clearly. But we specifically discussed that the walls needed to be perfectly straight and there should be no gaps at all. I see. Is there anything I can do to speed up the process? I see, that makes sense. When does the rainy season typically end? Hey, can you please slow down a bit? I'm feeling unsafe with the way you're driving. Hi there, do you know any skilled workers or contractors who can do specialized repair work? Hello there, I'm having trouble understanding the rental agreement. It's written in Kinyarwanda, and I don't understand the language. Right, I already have those. What else should I know? Yes. Make sure to follow the Okay, what are some of the key things I should know? Hmm, those are pretty specialized. There are a few places in Kigali that might have what you're looking for. Have you tried visiting the construction supply shops in the city? Yes, there are. For example, flat roofs are not preferred because they collect a lot of rainwater and can cause leakage. Sloping roofs are preferred instead. Also, local communities prefer houses with symmetrical designs, and we avoid using too many modern styles in construction. Sure, there’s one in Kigali, the capital city. I can give you the address and contact details. I’m removing the tiles like you asked. That's a great idea. Can you recommend any specific company? I understand. You may want to try contacting some of the larger construction companies in Kigali. They often have access to a wider range of materials and may be able to help you out. You're welcome. Good luck with your repairs! "Great. Let's get started." Welcome to Rwanda! We take cleanliness very seriously here. It's important to keep our surroundings clean and tidy. Of course, safety is important. Maybe you can talk to the workers and explain your I’ve never heard of this before. What is it exactly? Hello, good morning. "Hello there, excuse me, do you know where I can find a good plumber or electrician around here?" Hello. I am headed to the market. Do you know how long it takes to get there? I need about 10 cubic meters of each material. Hello. I apologize for any miscommunication or misunderstanding. Can you please explain what you mean by unsatisfactory results? I see. That's good We will need an extra day to finish now. Sure, let me take a look. Oh, I see what you're trying to do. This wall is made of mud and sticks. You'll need to remove the damaged area and replace it with fresh mud and sticks. It's a traditional method used for repairing and constructing walls in rural areas. I will speak to our workers to ensure that they prioritize your house and finish the work as soon as possible. We are committed to providing quality service, and we will make sure your house is fully repaired. Yes, I can help you with that. What kind of construction work are you planning to do? That's a relief. And what about political instability? Do you think it's safe to travel to Rwanda given the current political climate? You're welcome. Is there anything else you need help with? I need to go to the market, can you tell me how to get there? No, I can't speak Kinyarwanda. Can you understand me? Hello, I have a problem with my apartment. The bathroom sink is leaking and I can't seem to fix it myself. Can you help me? Of course, what seems to be the problem? Ah, I see. That can be challenging, especially if you are in a remote area. Have you tried going to the local markets? They usually have some construction materials there. You can start by contacting the local housing authority or building inspector. They'll be able to tell you what permits you need, if any, and what the requirements are for the repairs you're planning. That's a good point. I can see how it can be beneficial. Does this mean that the workday ends later than usual? I need to build a small garage and some additional storage space. Can you give me an estimate of the cost? Yes, we can do that. I'll get the necessary paperwork together and we can sign it when you're ready. Yes, I can do that. What exactly do you want me to build? First, don’t hesitate to speak up if someone is making you uncomfortable. You can politely ask them to stop or to lower their voice. And if you feel threatened, don’t hesitate to get off the taxi or mototaxi and find another one. Hi there, can you tell me what needs to be done here? Welcome to Rwanda! I would be happy to help. What kind of business are you planning to set up? Sure, I can give you some names and contact information. There's a company called Prime Contractors, they're located in Kigali and have a good reputation for building high-quality homes. Yes, it would cost around 3000 francs. Are you traveling alone? So, workers don't have to work extra hours to make up for the break? You can try using visual aids like a calendar or a timeline chart to show them the deadline. Alternatively, you can also clarify the timeline with the workers and confirm that they understand it. Of course, we can discuss the price. But first, I want to make sure that we are on the same page about the scope of the work. If we can agree on the details, Well, we have a leak somewhere and the water pressure is really low. I'm not sure where the leak is coming from or how to fix it. Yes, I have, but I still can't seem to get it right. I am not familiar with the requirements. Yes, but I think there’s been a miscommunication. I thought you Hello, I noticed that the repair work on the building has been going on for quite some time now. When do you expect it to be completed? That shouldn't "Oh, okay. Well, I need some help with building a fence around my property. Do you understand what I'm saying?" I understand. But what if I want my house to be earthquake-resistant? Well, I don’t think it’s necessary to supervise the work closely. I trust that you guys know what you’re doing. Yes, that’s a good point. But culture is more than just the materials we use; it’s also about the way we live our lives. Besides, some people still build traditional houses in the city, but they are mostly for cultural purposes, like museums or cultural centers. Okay, great. Do you need any help? In a small village in Rwanda, a foreigner approaches a local construction worker who is repairing a building. The foreigner hangs up the phone and turns to their friend who is visiting from out of town. confused, Good morning. What do you mean by renew? Sure, I can try. What did he ask for? I see. And how much of each material do I need? Hmm, I see. The problem is with the engine belt. We need to replace it. Somewhat, but I'm not familiar with the local terminology and jargon. I'm afraid that may lead to communication breakdowns between me and the contractor. I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are trying to say. My English is not very good. Yes, it's part of our culture. We believe that taking a break during the hottest part of the day helps us stay productive and avoid exhaustion. A foreigner is trying to rent a house in Kigali and is having trouble understanding the rental agreement because it's written in Kinyarwanda. A local landlord is trying to help him. No, I don't. Can you teach me? Hello, I am the supervisor. How can I help you? Hello there, I'm looking for some tools and equipment to carry out some repair work. Do you know where I can find them around here? I can go down to $12,750. As per the Rwandan law, the contractor or owner of the site is responsible for any accidents that occur on the site. We have insurance to cover any damages or injuries that might occur. Alright, thank you very much. I'll go get some cash and come back. That's what I'm worried about. I don't want to be underinsured or end up with a policy that doesn't cover everything I need it to. Excuse me, can you please help me with this construction work? I want to build a small shed in my backyard. Honestly, I don't have much knowledge about them. I'm new here. That sounds like a good idea. Do you have any recommendations for local contractors or tradespeople? That's understandable. When would be the best time to find workers or contractors who are available? I see. Thank you for explaining that to me. I want to make sure that I am doing everything right Yes, they are. In fact, some people argue that buildings made with natural materials are more durable because they can withstand the harsh climate and environmental conditions better than modern materials. Okay, that makes sense. Thanks for your help. Do you know if there are any other challenges I should be aware of when building in rural areas? Yes, I have, but the shipping costs are quite high, and it would take a while for them to arrive. Secondly, you can try using a translator app on your phone. If it's a language barrier issue, the translator app can help you communicate better. Yes, I understand what you're saying, but I'm not sure about the technical terms you're using. Oh, hello! Yes, electricity can be a problem around here sometimes. Where are you from? What do you mean? We moved the pile of bricks to the other side of the site, just like you instructed. Thank you so much for your help. I Hello, excuse me. I am looking for a specific type of building material, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Do you know where I could find it? No, I wanted a pathway made of concrete blocks and small pebbles and flowers in Hello, I'm doing fine, thank you. I'm looking for some tools and equipment to carry out repair work. I'm having trouble finding the right tools here. Do you know where I can find them? No, that was all. Thank you again. Ah, I see. That's because some areas in Rwanda can be difficult to access. Do you have a specific area in mind? Okay, there are a few options you can consider. You could take a bus, motorcycle taxi, or even hire a private car. Oh, I see. Finding skilled workers can be challenging here in Rwanda, but I can recommend a few places that may be able to help you. I need to buy some cement, sand, and bricks. Can you show me where they are? I see. What about the legal requirements No problem. Just make sure you get a good quality generator that is suitable for your needs. And always follow the safety instructions when using it. "Oh, that might be a bit difficult. Most of the cement suppliers here in Rwanda only carry a limited selection of types." Yes, there are many construction companies operating in this area, but it all depends on what you need. Yes, there's one just around the corner. You can ask anyone in the street, and they'll point you in the right direction. Well, can you tell me how much it would cost to build a 3-bedroom house? No, I haven't. Do you think I might have better luck there? That makes sense. Are there any specific safety standards or regulations that I should be aware of? Hi there, I need some repair work done on my house. Can you help me out? $150 is way too low but we can help you out with a good price Oh no! I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. We thought you wanted us to replace the old wall with a new one. I need help with Kinyarwanda. It's been difficult for me to understand what they are saying or explain my instructions. It's called drywall. Do you know where I can find it? Well, it may depend on the insurer, but most of the policies are in English, so if you don't speak the language, it may be difficult for you to understand. Yes, please. I appreciate your help. Yes, it's important to ask for references and check out their previous work. You can also look at their reviews online and compare their pricing with other companies. It's also a Hi there, I'm new to Rwanda and recently started a small business. I'm having some trouble understanding the labor laws and regulations here. Can you help me out? That would be great, thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. I see. Well, the cost will depend on the materials you choose. For example, if you want to use cement blocks for the walls, it will be cheaper than using bricks. Also, the cost of labor will depend on the difficulty of the work. I need to fix some electrical wiring in my apartment, but I've been struggling to find a consistent source of power. *Shakes head* Good morning, I want to terminate my lease early. Could you please help me speak to the landlord? I'm sorry to say, but shingles are not commonly used in Rwanda for roof repairs. We usually use metal sheets or clay tiles. I am planning to build a small commercial building in the city center. "Excuse me, can you tell me what needs to be done here?" "Yes, I understand. It's important for us to maintain high standards of cleanliness and sanitation because it's part of our culture and values. We take pride in maintaining a clean and hygienic environment." Excuse me, sir. I need to renovate my house, and I was wondering if you could help me with that? I need someone to fix my antique watch. It is quite old and needs some specialized attention. Thank you for the information. Do you know if they operate in other parts of Rwanda as well? Excuse me, sir. I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable with the behavior of some of the other passengers in the taxi. They seem to be talking loudly and aggressively. Hi there, can you recommend any local supplier for specialized construction materials? Hello, sure. Rwanda has a tropical climate with two main seasons, the dry season from June to September and the rainy season from March to May and October to November. During the rainy season, there may be heavy rainfall and thunderstorms that can cause flooding and landslides, which may affect the progress of your construction project. Emmanuel, we need to make sure the foundation is strong enough for the hotel. Can you please dig deeper and wider to make sure it can support the weight? pauses and thinks, I can do 130,000 Rw Yes, it's always best to be aware of your surroundings and to try and sit near someone who looks trustworthy. You can also ask the driver to stop and let you out if you feel uncomfortable. It's better to err on the side of caution. "Is everything okay?" Thank you so much. Can you also tell me something about the construction industry in Rwanda? Before you go, let me show you how to apply it properly. You need to clean the surfaces first and apply the glue evenly. And then clamp it tight Because the old one is falling apart. It's not safe anymore. Well, I need a few specialized items like a pipe cutter and a caulking gun. Do you know where I can find them? Yes, I can help you with that. The first step is to visit the Rwanda Development Board RDB, to get your construction permit. They will require you to have liability insurance coverage before issuing the permit. realizing there may be a language barrier, Do you speak English? Maybe we can communicate better in Kinyarwanda? Oh, I see. I'm having trouble communicating with some of the workers and contractors here. Do you know of any translators or interpreters who could help me out? That's fine. How long will it take to fix? I see. And what are my responsibilities as a tenant? That's great to hear. I'm staying in Kigali. Do you know any reliable sources around here? Well, for instance, it is important that you wash your hands regularly and use hand sanitizer when necessary. Also, we avoid littering and use trash cans to dispose of garbage properly. Yes, of course. What seems to be the problem with the pipes? Hello, how can I help you? "Hello, do you speak English?" You can ask for recommendations from the hotel staff or other locals. They can refer you to a reliable driver. Also, you can use ride-hailing apps like Uber or Bolt. They are available in some parts of the country. Yes sir, we need to remove the bricks from this wall and replace them with new ones. Well, in my country, we have very strict safety regulations when it comes to construction sites. I was wondering what the standards are like here in Rwanda. Ah, I see. That can be frustrating. What can be done to speed up the process? +250 78 555 1234. You can give him a call and schedule "No, just around this small corner." That would be great. Can you give me their contact information? Oh, yes. The road was badly affected by the rain. Unfortunately, it's not easy to repair it during this time of the year. I understand. The language barrier can be a challenge. Do you want me to help you find someone who speaks your language? Absolutely, there's a nice cafe just down the street that should work. Let's go there Sure. For commercial buildings, there are specific requirements for the height, size, and number of floors. The RHA also requires that you provide a detailed architectural plan, which meets the building codes and regulations. In addition, Hi, I'm having trouble understanding this rental agreement. It's written in Kinyarwanda, and I don't speak the language. still looks confused, I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Excuse me, sir. I'm feeling a bit unsafe with the way this driver is driving. He's going too fast and swerving around other vehicles. Yes, I can definitely do that. We have a few skilled workers in the area. Let me make a few calls and see who's available. That's good, but can I talk to one of the supervisors to make sure that they understand my expectations? I need some electrical work done in my house, but it needs to be done by someone who is skilled and experienced. Perfect! You're a great teacher. Thank you so much for your help. Good morning, I am interested in having some construction work done. Can you tell me how much it will cost? Hello. Here in Rwanda, we have a rich cultural heritage, and people prefer to use local and traditional materials for construction rather than modern ones. Mud and thatch are readily available and cheap, and they have been used for generations. Our culture also places a lot of importance on sustainability and environmental conservation, so we try to use materials that are eco-friendly. Well, there are a few stores that specialize in importing materials, but they are a bit Sorry, I only speak Kinyarwanda, I can't write or speak English Sure! I'm happy to help. What seems to be the problem? Feet and inches? How do I convert that to my unit of measurement? I'm not sure. Can you give me an estimate of the cost for the whole project? Okay, that will cost you around 5 million Rwandan francs. I just wanted to know when the repair work on this building will be completed. "Alright. Let me make a call and see who's available." Yeah, I've looked around online but haven't had much luck. Do you think you could give me the names of those contractors? Great. The Authority will then review your plans and issue the permit if they meet the building codes and regulations. It's important to ensure that your plans adhere to the required standards and guidelines to avoid any delays or issues. Yes, I can help you. What do you need to say to them? Personally, I would recommend taking a bus. Buses are more reliable and safer than taxis. There are several bus companies that operate in Kigali, such as Volcano Express, Omega Express, and Horizon Express. As soon as possible, please. That's a good point. Do you know how I can find local workers in the area? The design must comply with the building standards and regulations set by the government, such as the height limit, setback requirements, and zoning restrictions. Hello, I am interested in hiring your construction services for a project I have in mind. Can you give me an estimate of how much it would cost? Hi, excuse me, do you know any reliable construction companies around here? Excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable source of power or electricity around here? I need to carry out some repairs, and I can't seem to find a stable power source. After a while, the plumber arrives and starts to work It depends on the person. Some may specialize in one area or the other. I can find someone who can do both though. Okay, I understand. Can you tell me how much the rent is for this apartment? No problem. I hope this information helps you. Good luck with your work in Gisenyi. Of course. What price were you thinking? "Good morning. Where do you work?" pulls out a calculator, Can I show you something? types in 200,000 Francs, How about this? Alright, how much will that cost? Sorry, we only accept Rwandan francs. But you can change your dollars at the bank or Forex bureaus. I see. But how do I get there? Do you have any tips for traveling around these parts? The deposit is the same amount as two months' rent, so that would be 300,000 Rwandan Francs. repeating, I need you to dig a hole and lay some bricks to build a wall. Can you do that? I see. Well, I'd be happy to help you out with that. Do you have some time to sit down and go over your options? Excuse me, do you know where I can find some construction materials around here? The liability for any damages or injuries will depend on the terms and conditions of your insurance coverage. That's why it's I need some materials for repairing my car. Can you tell me where I can find them? Yes, it's true that steel and concrete are very strong and durable, but they're also more expensive. And like I said, there's a cultural preference for using traditional materials here. I can speak English. What seems to be the problem? Yes, thank you. No problem. Keeping our environment clean and healthy is our responsibility. That would be great. I really need to get this machinery fixed as soon as possible. Thank you, I appreciate it. Do you have any other suggestions on how I can find skilled workers or contractors for specialized jobs like this? Yes, of course. What kind of materials do you need? Sure, it's just down the road. You take a left at the "imisatsi" and then it's on your right. What’s the problem? We did everything according to what you asked. Hi there, I'm looking for a plumber. Do you know where I can find one around here? I need to terminate my lease early. Oh, I see. Well, if it's a small hole, you don't need to mix a lot of cement. You can just buy a small bag of cement and sand mixture. It will be enough. Ah, I see. Well, there are various types of insurance and liability coverage you can get depending on the nature of the construction work. Have you looked into the government regulations regarding construction projects here? The local and foreigner meet at a construction site in Kigali, Rwanda** Okay. I think it will take about a month to complete the work. My quote is $5000. The roof has a leak, and I need someone to fix it as soon as possible. I prefer something safe and comfortable. How much does a taxi cost? Great, thanks. Thank you. How much does it usually cost to get to Kigali city from here? Sure, you can take a look around. But please don't touch anything. Yes, sure. What can I do for you? "Yes, I have built many houses before. I can help you." Okay, I have the design already. What's the next step? Okay, thank you for the information. I hope the process is not too difficult. Yes, how may I help you? "Okay, I will do my best to get it done within that time frame. Thank you for My wall has some cracks, so I need to fill them in and make it stronger. Okay, I think I understand. Can you recommend a contractor who speaks English? Yes, of course. Do you have any specific demands? Oh, you are from another country? Yes, please. I was trying to understand the security deposit clause, but the landlord doesn't speak English very well. Okay, that sounds reasonable. What about the materials? I'll take two tons of sand. And the bricks? Oh, I see. I'm sorry about that. Can you tell me what specific areas you're not happy with so that we can fix them? Yes, but it's not an easy process. You need to understand the building codes and regulations. Well, they were speaking in a language I didn't understand, and they were laughing and making gestures that seemed aggressive. I didn't feel like I could speak up or say anything because I didn't want to make the situation worse. Well, I need someone who can repair specialized equipment. It's quite technical work. Yes, we have many construction materials. What do you need? Thank you, I appreciate that. I just want the work to be done properly so that we don't have any more issues in the future. Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me what needs to be done here? Hi, I'm having a bit of a problem. I'm trying to find skilled workers or contractors here in Kigali for some specialized repair work, but I'm not having any luck. Do you know of any? Great, let's head to the office then. It's just a few blocks away from here. Sure. In Rwanda, cleanliness and sanitation are really important. writes down the amount They arrive at the garage No problem, we're happy to help. Let's work together to maintain a clean and healthy environment Okay, and how much will it cost? Yes, there are some stores around town that sell construction materials. However, you might find it difficult to access certain areas of the country where these materials are cheaper. Excuse me, can you tell me exactly what needs to be done here? Worker measures the bathroom and kitchen Sure, I can help. What kind of construction work are you looking for? Thank you for letting me know about these risks. It's good to be aware of them so I can take steps to mitigate them if necessary. That would be great. Where are these stores located? You can pay the deposit now, and then we will sign the lease agreement. Hello! Good morning! I am interested in renting this apartment. Can you tell me the price? Thank you for letting me know. Do you know of any recycling centers in the area? Okay, I have a problem with the maintenance of my apartment. Can you understand what I am saying? That can also be a bit of a challenge, depending on the location of your project. Some areas might have a shortage of skilled labor, while others might have a surplus. It really depends on where you are. I have a budget, but I was hoping you could give me an estimate. How much do you think it would cost? What do you mean by dressing appropriately? No, no, no. I didn’t ask you to remove the tiles. I just needed the leaks fixed. Yes, I know a few suppliers. There is one located in Kigali, called Kigali Marble, and they specialize in importing high-quality marble from abroad. You can also try visiting the local markets, such as Kimironko market, which offers a range of construction materials at affordable prices. "That's great, but have you considered using local building materials and techniques? We have a rich history of using sustainable materials like mud and bricks, and they are much better suited to our climate." Great! How far is Kigali from here? It's better if you talk to me, and I'll let the workers know what you want. That way there won't be any miscommunication. Yes, you should also know that the lease term is for one year, and you'll be responsible for paying your I see. Thank you for explaining that to me. I had no idea about the local methods for repairing walls. "It depends on the size of your property and the materials you want to use. Can I come and see the property first?" I see. But I am worried about the language barrier. I don't speak the local language. Will it be difficult for me to understand the insurance policies? Hello, I would like to renew my lease for another year. Can you please help me with the process? Yes, I can help you. I know some people who are good at translations. What kind of work are you doing? shrugs, Not much, unfortunately. We just have to endure it until we reach our destination. Hello,, welcome to our store. What do you need? Hello, how can I assist you today? They arrive at the landlord's house. smiling, Oh, I see. In that case, 1 big tin is equivalent to 50 kilograms of sand. So, 5 big tins will be 250 kilograms of sand. We usually collect waste and dispose of it at the end of the day. We separate the recyclables from the non-recyclables and dispose of them accordingly. Yes, it's also disrespectful to not provide food and water to the workers while they're on the job. Hello! Sure, I can help you out. Can you tell me where your rental property is located? City Center Yes, it's located in the city center. Would you like me to accompany you there? I did ask them, but they don't seem to understand me. Is there anyone who speaks English around here? It should take about two days. "No, I don't speak English. I speak Kinyarwanda." Yes, that's fine. Thank you. I did as you said, boss. I made the foundation deeper and wider. "Yes, I do. What kind of faucet is it?" Hello, I'm not sure, what type of work are you looking for? Well, for one thing, it's important to respect the local customs when it comes to attire for workers. Sure, what kind of materials do you need? I'm sorry, I don't understand. Is there anyone nearby who speaks English and can translate for us? Hello, do you know where I can obtain the necessary insurance or liability coverage for my construction work? Hi, excuse me. I was wondering if you could help me. I am trying to obtain the necessary permits and approvals to build a house here in Rwanda, but I am having difficulty understanding the building codes and regulations. Yes, but they don't seem to understand me. I think there may be a miscommunication about the timeline for completing the repairs. Oh, I see. You want us to dig a hole in the ground for the foundation of the house. Yes, we can do that. Thank you so much! Do you think he would be willing to let me sublet the apartment? Sure, there is a firm called, "Inkomoko". They have a good reputation for providing reliable project management and oversight services. They work with both local and foreign companies. Yes, I do. Here are their phone numbers and email addresses. You can contact them and ask for a quote for your project. Are you sure? I thought I needed cement to seal the holes. I'm trying to rent an apartment, but the rental agreement is written in Kinyarwanda. I don't understand it, and the landlord doesn't speak English. Could you translate it for me? The security deposit is 2 months' rent, which means Personal hygiene is also highly valued in Rwanda, especially in shared spaces like bathrooms and kitchens. It's important to wash your hands regularly, and to keep yourself and your clothing clean. Ah, I see there may be a cultural misunderstanding here. In Rwanda, it's important to dress modestly and respectfully, especially if you're going to be working in someone's home. Hmm, that's a good point. Maybe I should consider it. Can you recommend someone who A bike shop in Ah, welcome my friend. Please have a seat. But I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. What about the minimum wage? Do I have to pay my workers a certain amount? That sounds great. Do you know how to get there? That makes sense. Can you recommend any areas that might be easier to access? Hi, I'm interested in building a house here in Rwanda. Can you tell me what kinds of building materials are available? I see. So, when is the best time to do repairs? Yes, we can work together to lower the cost. I can give you a discount if you help with some of the work. I'm having trouble finding someone who can translate or interpret for me when I'm working with local workers and contractors. Do you know anyone who can help? Oh, I see. But how do you maintain sanitation and cleanliness? I appreciate that. I think part of the problem may be that we didn't communicate our expectations clearly enough. Can we talk about what we're looking for in more detail? Well, I need some walls to be repainted, some tiles to be replaced, and a few minor electrical repairs. I'm not sure about the materials needed, but I can provide you with a list if you need it. Oh, I see. And how do I pay it? Sure, I am using the traditional Rwandan method of construction. We use locally sourced materials such as mud and bamboo to construct our buildings. I understand, but it's not financially viable for us to have a supervisor present all the time. We need to trust that the workers can work independently and report any issues to us. Okay, I understand. Actually, finding steel and cement is not a big issue in the country, as there are many hardware stores that sell construction materials. But it might be a bit difficult to find skilled workers who can help you with the construction. Ah, I see. The workers here tend to work at their own pace, without strict deadlines. They may need a bit more guidance to understand your expectations. Yes, of course. Ah, I see. Yes, we use the metric system here. So one kilogram is equivalent to 2.20462 pounds, and one liter is equivalent to 0.264172 gallons. Yes, I need to get some materials for repairing a wall. Do you know where I can find them? I need to carry out some repairs, but I'm struggling to find a reliable source of power or electricity. Oh, have you checked the spelling of your name? Well, during the rainy season, the roads can become flooded and muddy, making it difficult for mechanics to work on vehicles. And during the dry season, dust storms can make it hard to repair anything outside. Okay, that sounds good. But I am having trouble understanding some of the prices and what I should expect to pay for certain items. Can you help me understand better? Yes, I want it to be six feet high and made out of bricks. Oh, thank you! I'm sorry, but I don't speak your language. Do you speak English? Okay, we have those things. How much do you want? Perhaps in other parts of the world, but not here. Our climate is different, and our building materials need to withstand heavy rainfall and strong winds. I understand. Can you give me an idea of the level of supervision required? That's good to know. And what about political instability? I've heard that Rwanda has had some issues with this in the past. Okay. You can take a bus or a taxi to get there. Buses are cheap, but they can be crowded and uncomfortable. Taxis are more expensive, but they're safer and more comfortable. Hello, excuse me. Do you know of any reliable construction companies in this area? Yes, that's perfect. And do you have a copy of your rental agreement? That's not good, but if you have a reason, I won't insist. It's been a bit tough. There are so many unexpected costs and delays. Nods head but does not say anything Okay, great! Can you show me where that is? I was thinking more along the lines of 300,000 Rwandan Francs. looks confused, Foun-da-wha? Yes, I can help you. What kind of construction work do you need to be done? I'm not sure. I just told him he was fired and that was it. No, that's all for now. Thanks again. Yes, I want it to be made of sustainable materials, and I would like to incorporate some irrigation systems as well. Well, I am not quite sure what this clause means. It says something about a security deposit, but I don't understand how much I need to pay and when I can get it back. Okay, I understand. That will be 450,000 Rwandan Francs. That's great to know. I hope that ABC Construction will be able to deliver quality work for my project. I see. I'm not used to dealing with this kind of bureaucracy. It's frustrating. Ah, I see. You might need someone who is bilingual and has experience working with contractors and workers. Let me talk to my friends and see if they know anyone who could help you out. We have about two weeks. Is that enough time? In a hotel in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda, a foreigner named John approached the reception desk. A foreigner is looking for a house to rent in Kigali, Rwanda. He sees a signboard that reads "House for Rent" in Kinyarwanda and decides to ask the landlord about the price. Pine wood? Are you sure? That won't be strong enough to hold up your roof. You'll need something more durable like eucalyptus wood. Yes, that's exactly what I'm experiencing. Do you have any advice on how to find workers who are available during that time? Yes, that's what I thought. Can we fix it? It's all about I understand. Thank you for explaining that to me. I'll That sounds great. Do you know if they have a website or some references I can check? Okay, I see. In order to obtain a permit, you need to fill in some forms and provide some documents. Have you brought the necessary documents with you? Oh, I see. That might be a bit difficult. But I can recommend a few places where you can look. Have you tried contacting the Rwanda Chamber of Commerce? They might be able to help. Okay, I can help you with that. But can I ask you a few questions about the repair work you need to do? Okay, let me check if we have that much in stock. Can you wait for a while? "Emmanuel, what is going on? You keep saying it will be done, but it's still not finished." Yes, I do. But the problem is that my landlord doesn't speak English, and I don't speak Kinyarwanda. I can try, but you have to understand that the cost of materials and labor is high. Well, I hired some workers to do some repairs on my house, and I didn't realize that it was customary for them to wear traditional clothes. They showed up wearing work boots and jeans, and I wasn't sure if that was okay. I am not understanding. Can you show me where you want it? Yes, I can give you the names and addresses of a few other hardware stores in the area. They might have more stock. Yes, sure, I can help you with that. Can you please tell me what kind of project you have? Yes, you can check out the Kigali Innovation City. They have a directory of service providers, including skilled workers and contractors for various types of repairs. You can visit their website or go there in person to check it out. We followed your instructions and dug a trench, and we just finished pouring the concrete. Tries to rephrase, The document mentions some sort of payment I need to make before I move in. It's called a security deposit. Do you know what that means? Okay, here you go. Thank you again! That's good to know. What about supply chain disruptions? You're welcome. Stay safe and enjoy your time in Rwanda. Yes, I know a plumber. What exactly is the problem? Honestly, I'm struggling with everything. I don't know what the requirements are, what documents I need to submit, or how to navigate the process. Okay, let me see what I Yes, sure. We need to lay down the bricks for the foundation of this building. Yes, I have, but they didn't have what I was looking for. Okay, I can do that for you. What's your budget? "I'm looking for a specific type of insulation foam that is not very common here in Rwanda. Do you have any idea where I could find it?" Yes, sure. It's just around the corner. But before going, please make sure to wash your hands. **Later, in a remote village in Rwanda** Excuse me, do you know where I can find some construction materials? I have been looking for them but I can't seem to find them anywhere. Sure, what specific tools are you looking for? Okay, we have those items. Which type of cement do you need, sir/madam? Okay, that's good to know. What about firing an employee? Well, we need to know if you want us to do the work without supervision or if you want to be there to supervise us. Well, there's a shop in Butare that I know of. It's a bit far from here, but they might have what you're looking for. Hi, excuse me, I'm having trouble reading this rental agreement. It's written in Kinyarwanda, and I don't understand the language. Okay, that's good to know. Does it say anything about the utilities? Yes, you can go there now. But it will take some time to get the permit. You need to fill out some forms and provide some documents. Is there anything else I need to know about the process? Hi, I'm looking to rent this house. How much is the rent? Hello, I'm calling to report an issue with the plumbing in my apartment. Well, I have some bad news. I need to terminate my lease early. OK, thank you. What about the fees? I see. But doesn't that disrupt the work schedule? Hi there, can you help me out? I'm trying to purchase some building materials, but I'm having trouble understanding the measurement units used here. Lease refers to the contract that we signed when I first moved in, stating the terms and conditions of my stay in this house. Sure. Here is my number and email address. Well, I asked them to fix a small leak in the roof, but when they started working on it, they found out that the problem was much bigger than they thought. So now, they need to do some more extensive repairs, which are going to cost a lot more than what I had budgeted for. Okay, there are a few options you can consider. You can take a taxi, a motorcycle taxi or a bus. Lots of local handymen hang out there. They offer their services to people passing by. For weather, it's important to keep up-to-date on the forecast and plan accordingly. If you know there's a chance of bad weather, it's always better to postpone any deliveries or meetings until the weather clears up. I need the ordinary Portland cement. go ahead,, what can I help you with? Okay, I need your help. I am trying to fix this wall, but I am not sure what to do. Oh really? Like what? "Excuse me, can you help me with something?" Okay, I understand. What about the payment schedule? Not a problem. It's important to take care of these issues as soon as possible. Let me Sure, what's going on? Okay, thanks for the information. Is there anything else I need to know? After making a phone call, I have spoken with your landlord, but they don't speak English. However, they have given me permission to translate for you. A foreigner named Max is supervising a team of local workers in the rural area of Rwanda to repair a broken bridge. Max has some experience in construction and has been overseeing the work for the past few days. On this particular day, Max is having trouble communicating with the local workers about the level of supervision required for the repair work. Sure, what is the name of your landlord? Yes, we have them. Do you want me to show you? You can pay it in cash or through a bank transfer to the landlord's account. It's important to get a receipt, though. Hi there, can you tell me what you need me to do? I have heard that motorcycle taxis are quite dangerous. I am concerned about my safety. Hi there! I need some repair work done on my roof, can you help me out? Excuse me, I don't feel safe with the way this driver is driving. Can he slow down a bit? Of course, we can do that. But, please keep in mind that the price will vary depending on the materials and labor required. Thank you. Do you know any good ones? Well, it's possible that some people have not been educated about the importance of cleanliness or have been raised with different cultural expectations. However, it's important to maintain a clean environment, especially on a worksite. This can prevent accidents and illnesses. That would be great! What are the names of these companies? Okay, in that case, you will need to get permission from the landlord or the property management company before you start any repairs. Hello, I understand that you want to ensure that the work is done right. Don't worry, we will make sure that everything is done properly. It was my pleasure. Have a nice day! I see your point. Can we work out a payment plan instead? Maybe I can pay in installments? Hi there, I'm looking for some construction materials. Can you help me find what I need? No problem. It's important to be aware of the weather conditions. Extreme weather conditions during certain times of the year can impact repair work, as well as transportation and other activities. I had no idea. What about hiring new employees? Are there any regulations I should be aware of? No problem, let me know if you need any further assistance. Yes, next week for sure. That's great. Can you tell me more about these options? "Well, the work doesn't seem to be done with the same level of quality and attention to detail as we discussed. For example, these walls are not even, and the paint is not applied smoothly." Yes, let me give you their phone number. It's +250 788 123 456. You can give them a call and let them know what you need. That makes sense. But don’t you think using local materials can preserve your culture? Okay, I would recommend you contact "Bridges Construction Company" they are reliable and have good feedback from previous clients. Ah, I see. What kind of tools are you looking for exactly? Yes, I can help you with that. What kind of construction project are you working on? Hello, welcome to Rwanda. We take safety on construction sites very seriously here. We have regulations in place that require construction companies to have safety plans and to make sure their workers are properly trained. Sure, I can definitely help you with that. What kind of weather conditions are you concerned about? Sorry, we only accept cash. Absolutely, I understand. Thank you for letting me know. I'll make sure to wear Okay, I will work with your representative to figure out how to catch up on the missed payment. You're welcome! And if you need any help with A foreigner who wants to construct a building in Rwanda is discussing with a local architect about the building codes and regulations in the country. Okay, what kind of pipes? Well, I have to go back to my home country unexpectedly. There's an emergency, and I have to leave as soon as possible. Great! So, we need to start by digging a hole for the foundation. Do you understand? I need someone who can translate English to Kinyarwanda. That's too expensive. Can you do it cheaper? Hello, excuse me. Do you know where I can find a plumber or an electrician around here? Well, it largely depends on the region you plan to visit. But, in general, weather is a big factor that can cause delays or unexpected costs. During the rainy season, roads can be quite difficult to navigate and flights may be delayed or cancelled. I understand. Let me take a look. Can you show me where the problem is? You need to be here all the time to make sure that the work is done properly. Okay, before you can start building, you need to obtain a construction permit from the City of Kigali. It’s a requirement by the government to ensure that your project meets the building codes and regulations. I'm sorry, I don't understand. Do you speak English? That's a good idea. I'll try that. Do you have any other suggestions? Great, thanks for letting me know. Do you think they'll be able to handle my specific repair job? "Don't worry, I'm here to help. Let's go over the agreement together, and I'll explain everything to you." That would be great. Are there any specific policies I need to get? No, I clearly communicated what I wanted. I need the work to be done properly. Ah, I see. Well, the power supply here in Rwanda can be unreliable at times, but there are a few options. You can try going to a nearby hotel or restaurant that has a generator, or you can rent a small generator from a local hardware store. "No, sir. You said you wouldn't supervise us, so we thought we had to handle everything on our own." It depends on the amount of power you need, and for how long. But usually, it ranges from 500 to 1000 Rwandan francs per hour. That's a great idea. Do you happen to know any specific organizations or authorities that I could contact? No problem. Just be aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable, it's always better to be safe than sorry. Hello, I have a question about the rental agreement. Can you help me understand it? Excuse me, driver. Can you ask these other passengers to stop touching me and my belongings? I feel really uncomfortable. The owner of the site is usually responsible for any accidents or injuries that occur on the premises. However, if the worker was not following safety guidelines or was behaving recklessly, then the liability may be shared between the worker and the site owner. Yes, it's called “Kitabi” and it's located in Nyabugogo, near Ah, I see. I think the best way to contact your landlord is to go to their office in person. Do you need help finding their office? Okay, I understand. Can we talk about payment options? Can I pay in installments? Don't worry, I'll try my best to understand you. What is the work that needs to be done? Oh, I'm sorry. Is something wrong? It depends on the apartment and the landlord. It could be one or two months’ worth of rent. Great. Can you start working on it tomorrow? We usually measure cement in bags. A standard bag of cement weighs It depends on the size of the crack. You can start with one bag of cement, a bucket of sand, and some water. Mix them to make a paste and apply it to the wall. Then use the bricks to fill up the gap and apply another coat of cement. Yes, of course. What kind of construction work do you need? That's a good point. It's just frustrating that the tools I need aren't available locally. "We will use a concrete mixer to mix the concrete and pour it into place. Then we will use cranes to lift the steel beams into position." Did you communicate the scope of work accurately? In a shared mototaxi, the foreigner sits behind the driver and notices that the driver is speeding and driving recklessly. The foreigner starts feeling unsafe. Sure, I can help you with that. What kind of repair work is it? Oh, I see. In Rwanda, it's common for landlords to require a security deposit from tenants. This is a sum of money that acts as a guarantee in case there is any damage to the property or if the tenant breaks the rental agreement. The amount of the security deposit varies depending on the property, but it's usually equal to one or two months' rent. Oh, for that, you will need some clay and straw to make a plaster mix. You can also use some mud and cow dung to fill the cracks. No problem. Just make sure you negotiate the prices with the seller, as they might try to charge you more since you are a foreigner. Yes, I can call my son. He speaks English very well. Okay, I have those ready. What should I do next? Yes, of course. We will ensure that we take extra care to meet your standards. However, I must ask if there will be additional costs for these changes. Okay, I have fixed your car. You can test drive it now. Well, there seems to be a misunderstanding about the level of supervision needed for the repair work. We thought that the workers would be able to handle the job independently. Hmm, that still seems like a lot. Can we negotiate the price? Hi, is my car ready? Are taxis safe and reliable in Rwanda? Yes, sure. What kind of work are you looking for? Two days later, Jack came back to check the progress of the work. To his surprise, he found that the workers had not made much progress. Ah, yes. We have all of those. How many bags of cement do you need? Thank you so much for your help. How It's for a special project that I'm working on. I need this specific type of wood for the design. Grass, sticks, and mud? Are you sure about that? Excuse me, I'm not feeling very comfortable with the behavior of some of the passengers in this taxi. They are being very loud and aggressive. He's probably referring to your rental agreement or lease. Sure! We have different methods depending on the type of building or structure we're working on. What exactly do you want to know? Ah, sorry, I don't speak Kinyarwanda. Do you speak English? I want to construct a small house next to my farm. Can you tell me how much it will cost me? Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Did you follow the instructions on how to use the materials? Alright, I can do that. Do you have the materials or should I get them? Sure thing. Let me take a look. Hmm, it looks like the rental agreement is for a house in the countryside. It outlines the monthly rent and the terms of the lease. Alright, and what kind of materials do you want to use? Hello, I am looking for construction materials. Could you please help me? Hello! Welcome to Rwanda. I understand your concerns. Well, the weather in Rwanda can be unpredictable, especially during the rainy season, which is from March to May and October to November. During this time, there may be some road closures and delays due to flooding. That sounds fair. What about the actual payment process? How do we handle that? Sure. One of the biggest risks is the weather. Rwanda has a rainy season from March to May and a dry season from June to September. During the rainy season, roads can become impassable, which can cause delays in the transportation of goods and services. We dig down about two meters and then we pour the concrete for the foundation. Hello, I need a plumber. My toilet is leaking and I can't seem to fix it myself. Thank you. I'll definitely check them out. There's a leak in the roof and some tiles are broken. How much do you charge for the repairs? Hi there, I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the building codes and regulations here in Rwanda. I'm not able to obtain the necessary permits and approvals for my construction project. Can you help me out? "Wait, what are you I understand now. We did our best with the materials that we had, but I can see that we didn't meet your expectations. We will work to fix these issues immediately. I recently hired some workers for a construction project, and we agreed on a payment rate. However, after the work was completed, they came back demanding an additional payment that was not initially agreed upon. I don't understand why they are doing this. He mentioned something about "contrat" and "carte d'identité". Yes, I'm leaving Rwanda for a few months, and I won't be able to stay in the apartment. So, I thought it would be better to sublet it to someone else. Not really. Most workers work longer hours to compensate for the break. It's just a cultural practice that has been passed down for generations. I’ve already submitted my plans, but it’s been weeks and I That's a good idea. I didn't think of that. But what if I still don't understand the codes and regulations? Sure, I can definitely assist you. Can you tell me where your rental property is located? That's great to hear. In my country, we also prioritize cleanliness and safety on worksites. We have strict protocols around the disposal of waste and the proper use of protective gear. Thank you so much for the information. Do you know of any other reliable options? Oh, just the regular material. Don't worry, it will work perfectly fine. A lease is a contract between a tenant and a landlord that outlines the terms and conditions of renting a property. Can we just stop and get off? I don't want to continue the ride. Hey, can you pass me that thing over there? Hi, I have a question about the rental agreement. Can you clarify something for me? Hi, I am ready to start work on the fence. Can you show me the plan you have made? smiling, Alright, we have different sizes of metal sheets. How many do you need? I know I have to pay for breaking the lease. I noticed that the worksite is not as clean as I expected it to be. Don't you think we need to do something about it? I'm not sure about that either. Can we go over the details together? Yes, we take great pride in keeping our community and environment clean. It's important to preserve our natural resources for future generations. Great idea, thank you again for your help. Oh, I had no idea. I assumed the weather would be the same all year round. Yes, of course. I'd be happy to help you out in any way I can. Yes, there are many repair shops around here. What type of repair do you need? That makes sense. Do you know if there are any specific regulations or laws around construction safety and liability? Yes. For example, it is common for workers to wash their hands and feet before entering the worksite, as this helps prevent the spread of germs and diseases. Also, it is customary to remove shoes before entering a building, as this helps keep floors clean and reduces the amount of dirt and debris that can be tracked in. Got it. And what about stones? shakes head, Sorry, my English is not very good. Maybe we can find someone to help us translate? Great! I'm actually looking for some materials to repair the roof of my house. Can you maybe recommend some materials for me? "Oh, many people work hard at the Kigali Hotel." I'm sorry, but this is just the way things work here. It may take Ah, I see. You want a wall. But, where exactly do you want the wall? Well, I'm a contractor and I'm having a difficult time obtaining the proper insurance and liability coverage for this construction project. I'm not sure what my options are or what's required here in Rwanda. I understand. But, can I get the deposit back when I move out? Yes, that is what we are worried about. We are not familiar with the local insurance companies and their policies. We don't want to end up with inadequate coverage. Okay, that sounds fair. Can you explain to me what you're doing while you work? Okay, thanks for the suggestion. But, I'm a bit concerned about my safety in a shared taxi or mototaxi. What do you suggest I do if I feel uncomfortable or unsafe due to the behavior of other passengers? Oh, I see. Well, a deposit is a sum of money that you pay in advance to the landlord when you move in. It's meant to cover any damages that you might cause during your stay, and it's usually refundable when you move out. The foreigner starts removing all the bricks from the wall Of course. The lease agreement states that I will continue to pay the same rent amount and that the lease will be extended for another year. The contractor is responsible for ensuring that the work is done safely and that all workers are using the proper equipment. If something goes wrong, the contractor is liable for any damages that are caused. "Oh no, I'm so sorry. I misunderstood. Can we fix it?" Okay, I'll take five bags. And how much is the sand? Alright. I have all my documents in order. I just hope the process is not too time-consuming. Oh, I see. That could be difficult. Have you tried the hardware store in the city center? Yes, I think you can check out some of the hardware stores in Kigali City. They have a wide range of construction materials and tools. I'm working on a construction site, and I'm not sure if I'm doing everything I need to keep the site clean. I need to build a small house with two bedrooms and a bathroom. You can use ibiti or assemblage, they're both good for flat roofs. Returns to the hardware store, Excuse me, the adhesive I bought from you doesn't seem to work for the metal I was trying to fix. Oh, I see. That's good to know. But, what about safety gear such as helmets and gloves? Should they wear those too? Oh, okay. Thanks. Okay, I can recommend someone for you. However, I should warn you that there are certain customs you should be aware of. There is a small shop just around the corner that has a generator. You could try asking them if you could use it for a while. No, I haven't. I'm new here, and I don't know many people. Yes, you can pay in cash or by mobile money. I'll give you a receipt for it. Got it. And then what? Thank you for your commitment to improving the quality of our project. I appreciate your willingness to work with us to achieve our goals. John goes to the market and buys the materials suggested by David. However, after repairing the pipes, he notices that the leak still persists. Excuse me, do you know where I can find a hardware store nearby? I need to buy some materials for repairing my car. Excellent, thank you for your help. I really appreciate it. "I need a strong and sturdy wall that will last for a long time. Can you do that?" Rwanda is a landlocked country, which means that it is heavily dependent Yes, I do. I know a few good ones, but it depends on what kind of construction work you need. I am having difficulty communicating with the workers and contractors here. Do you know any good translators or interpreters who can help me? looks confused, I am sorry, I am not sure I understand your question. Hi, I'm having some difficulty understanding the payment practices for construction work here in Rwanda. Can you tell me more about it? Oh, yes. It's a common practice here in Rwanda to take a siesta or break during the hottest hours of the day. It's usually from noon until 2 pm. This apartment looks perfect for me. But I see that the rental agreement is written in Kinyarwanda. I'm sorry, but I don't understand this language. Can you help translate it for me? Local checks stock and returns. Well, I was thinking of using concrete blocks or bricks for the walls. I don't really trust the mud and clay method. Yes, absolutely. Mud and wattle has been used for centuries all over Africa, and it Yes, I recommend ArchiDesign, RDB Construction, and Jali Construction. These companies have a good reputation for quality work and reliability. It can vary from one employer to another, but typically it is about an hour. I see. Well, the first thing you need to do is to contact your landlord or property manager to inform them about the repairs. They should be able to guide you through the process. Hello, I can understand your problem. Finding skilled labor or contractors is not that easy here in Rwanda. But, you can try contacting the Rwanda Association of Builders RAB,. They can help you with finding the right contractor or skilled worker for your specific needs. In that case, you might want to check out 'Rwanda Construction Company', 'Kigali Builders', or 'New Vision Construction'. They all have good reputations and have completed many successful projects in the past. He says that it’s going to be twice as much as he initially quoted you. We are doing our best to speed things up, but it will probably take another week or so to complete the repairs. Hi there, yes please. I'm having some trouble with the repair work at my hotel. The workers are not completing the work on time and it's causing some delays. Oyahe, mbona. Yes, come with me Oh, I see. Thanks for explaining. So, do you know where I can find some masons, carpenters, and roofers? Yes, please. That would be great. Thank Okay, thanks for the information. I'll make sure to get everything in order before I start building my house. Yes, we. That sounds challenging. How do you manage to get anything done? That would be great, thank you. I'm also having some electrical issues, do you know any good electricians? That would be great. Can you tell me more about these places? I'm really sorry about that. Is there anything I can do to make it right? I want to continue living in this house for another year. I want to renew my lease. Yes, of course. However, it might be a bit difficult to find workers during this time as it is also the planting season for many farmers in Rwanda. I am sorry to hear that. Can you please explain to me what exactly is wrong with the work? Do you have any recommendations for reliable waste management companies? Yes, you can go to the City of Kigali offices located in It is called "ubutaka wiyandikishe". I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you explain in a different way, please? Are you sure? I think wood would be better to support the structure. Yes, sure. What kind of materials are you looking for? Okay, I am willing to pay a fair price for quality work. Can you please give me her contact information? Oh, we apologize, we had some miscommunication with our workers. The work is not yet done, but we will have it finished by next week. Ah, I see. Well, we typically use the metric system here in Rwanda. One meter is equal to 3.28 feet, and one centimeter is equal to 0.39 inches. Yes, actually. I'm having some trouble finding the right tools and equipment to carry out some repair work. Do you know where I can find them around here? That sounds simple enough. Is there anything else I need to know? Yes, I can do that for you. What kind of work do you need? Yes, that. Okay, so the first section talks about the rental period. It says that the agreement is for six months, and you'll be required to renew it if you want to stay longer. Ah, yes. I need to see your identification and your rental agreement. I see. As an engineer, I have to make sure that we follow the safety standards and regulations, so that everyone is safe on the site. What are some of the regulations that we need to follow? Yes, of course! It's important to understand that in Rwanda, payment is often made in installments throughout the construction process. This is to ensure that the contractor has the necessary funds to complete the work. Okay, that's good to know. What are some of the things I need to keep in mind? Yes, I can do the work for you. The price depends on the type of work you want. Hi, I'm planning to build a house here in Rwanda. What are the common materials and techniques used for construction? Oh, they are taking their break. It's a time for them to rest and eat lunch. Excuse me, can you help me understand this rental agreement? It's written in Kinyarwanda, and I don't understand the language. Okay, that sounds reasonable. What about the total cost? How is that determined? Hi John, my apartment has some maintenance issues, and I was wondering if you could help me communicate this to the landlord. Yes, I have those documents ready. That sounds good. Can we discuss the details and timeline for the work to be redone? Hello, I'm sorry to bother you, but I have a maintenance issue in my apartment. There seems to be a leak in the bathroom. I need to terminate my lease early because I have to leave the country. Absolutely, I will make sure to communicate better with you in the future to avoid any misunderstandings. Well, they can't be working without shoes on. It's a safety issue. When hiring a worker, you must provide them with a written employment contract that outlines the terms and conditions of their employment. You must also register the employee with the Social Security Fund and provide them with a copy of the Collective Labor Agreement applicable to their sector. Hi, I'm interested in renting a house for a month. How much is the rent? Yes, sure. What kind of repair work do you need? No, you need to follow a specific process to Oh, sure. What seems to be the issue? Absolutely. Well, in Rwanda, cleanliness is highly valued, and it is expected that everyone takes care of their own hygiene and the cleanliness of their surroundings. This is especially important in worksites, as they can quickly become dirty and unsafe if not properly maintained. Okay, what if I want to do some repairs on my own? That's exactly my concern. I want to make sure that whoever I work with is experienced and trustworthy. Do you have any suggestions on where I can start my search? Hello, I'm the son. What seems to be the problem? Excuse me, driver. Can you please pull over for a moment? Why is that, sir. The foreigner is staying in an apartment in Kigali, and they have a maintenance issue which they need to communicate to the landlord. However, the landlord speaks Kinyarwanda, and the foreigner doesn't speak the language. Liability insurance, specifically. I want to make sure I'm covered in case anything goes wrong on a job site. The next day, the local construction worker starts the work and after a few hours, the foreigner comes out to inspect the work. Unfortunately, it’s a common problem here. Sometimes, workers underestimate the complexity of the repair work and end up charging more. Yes, there's a company called Kigali Alright, I will come back tomorrow with the tools and It's possible, but you might need to do some research and ask around. You can start by checking with local hardware stores and building suppliers. They might be able to recommend someone. You could also try asking around in the community. I understand. That's unfortunate. How much notice are you giving me? Have you done any construction work like this before? Sure, the price of Portland cement is 10,000 Rwandan francs per bag. How many bags do you need, sir/madam? Okay. How many bags of cement do you need? Yes, of course. speaks in Kinyarwanda to the workers, They say it should be finished by the end of next week. I understand, sir. But we need to take our time to ensure that the repairs are done properly. We don't want to rush and end up causing more problems. Excuse me, sir. Do you know where I can obtain the necessary permits and approvals to start building my project here in Kigali? Just pay attention to the instructions next time. We can't afford any more mistakes like this. It's okay, don't worry. It's best to wear long pants and a shirt that covers your shoulders. It shows that you respect our culture and traditions. That's great, thank you so much for your help. No, I haven't. How can I get in touch with them? Yes, I have their phone number here. You can give them a call and discuss your project with them. They will give you a quote and explain the process to you. This one looks alright. Hop in and I'll make sure to get you to your destination safely. Ah, I'm sorry to hear that. Sometimes people get a bit rowdy in shared taxis, especially during rush hour. Just tell the driver to stop and let you out if you're feeling uncomfortable. I trust that you can do the work without supervision. I don't need to be there. I'm looking for a particular kind of wood that is not commonly found here. Yes, I can recommend a few reliable contractors and project management consultants I know of. Let me Okay, I understand. But how can I find out more about these requirements? Yes, we have all of those. But before you buy them, I need to let you know that there are certain regulations you need to follow when repairing rental properties in Rwanda. Liability is important here too. Contractors are responsible for ensuring that their workers are trained and equipped to handle the job safely. They are also required to provide insurance coverage to protect their workers and the construction site from accidents or damages. Okay, I understand. And it says here that the deposit will be refunded at the end of the lease term if there are no Sure, I can recommend a few companies that have a good reputation in the area. But, it's always best to do your own research and talk to people who have used their services before. The foreigner is talking to a local friend about the rental agreement Hmm, that seems a bit expensive. Can we negotiate the price? Oh really? Can you point me in the right direction? Excuse me, do you know where I can find suitable building materials in this area? Just some basic repairs, fixing some leaking pipes and a few broken tiles on the roof. Okay, great. And what about this section here? It talks about utilities and maintenance. Excuse me, do you know where I can find some construction materials in this area? I need some renovations done on my house. Can you give me an estimate of the cost? "Well, it depends on a few things. The cost of materials, the size of the building, and the amount of labor required. I would estimate it at around 10 million Rwandan francs." What? No, that's not what I asked for. I wanted a fence, not a concrete Oh, you want to buy cement, bricks, and sand. Yes, we have that. Let me ask how much it would cost. speaks to the local in Kinyarwanda Sure. Liability insurance coverage protects you in case of accidents or damages that may occur during the construction work. It covers third-party property damage, personal injury or death, and legal fees. I need some renovations done on a building. Can you give me an estimate? Hello, how may I assist you? Sure, how many bags of cement do you have? Of course, sir/madam. We have Portland cement, masonry cement, and other types. Portland cement is commonly used for general construction work, whereas masonry cement is used for laying bricks and blocks. shakes head, No English, only Kinyarwanda. I think I need a new engine belt. Can you fix that? Hey, I have noticed that we have different payment practices for construction work back in my country. I am having a hard time understanding your practices here in Rwanda. Can you explain to me how it works? The weather forecast? Why is that important for getting my phone fixed? In the streets of Kigali, a foreigner, John, approaches a local construction worker, Fred. Well, I need some high-quality cement, steel rods, and some other things for the foundation of my building. Ok, what do we need to fix there? Ah, I see. Well, there are a few good companies I can recommend. Have you heard of ABC Construction? Hello! I am looking for a plumber to fix my bathroom sink. Can you help me? Okay, I can do that. But first, let's talk about the materials we will need and the labor costs. Well, we have noticed that the bricks used are not strong enough, and some of the walls are not level. Well, the building codes cover aspects such as the minimum size of rooms, the quality of materials to be used, and the safety features of the building. You also need to make sure that your building plan is approved by a certified architect. Yes, sure. But I don't understand what this paper says. That seems a bit steep. Can we negotiate the price? Great, thank you. And what kind of material are you going to use for the brake pads? Yes, sir. I will do that right away. Sure, you can try visiting the Kigali Building Materials Center or the Kigali Hardware Market. They are both located in the city center and may have what you're looking for. Okay, I'll trust your judgment. But can I at least check in on them from time to time to make sure everything is going smoothly? Hello! I'm trying to find some construction materials, but I'm having a hard time locating them. Do you know where I can find them? scratching his head, Oh, I see. You want us to remove these bricks and put them over there. points to a pile of bricks Oh, I see. I didn't know that. Thank you for telling me. Well, that might be a little tricky. It all depends on where you're planning to build. Several hours later Sure, I can help you with that. What kind of project are you working on? Have a good day! Oh, I see. I think I know just the person for the job. Let me call him for you. Unfortunately, it does happen from time to time. But most of the time, the passengers are friendly and respectful. Just be aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts if something doesn't feel right. The minimum wage is currently 1000 Rwandan francs per day, and the maximum working hours per week are 45 hours. You'll also need to make sure you provide your workers with appropriate benefits such as health insurance. I am looking for a specific type of insulation material that is used in cold climates. I need it for a project I am working on. We just try to be careful. It's not common for us to get hurt. using a translation app on their phone to understand the landlord, I need to leave because I have to go back to my country earlier than expected. Take your time. I'll prepare your order. Alright, thanks for the suggestion. I'll head there and check it out. Yes, there are several reasons. For starters, there are not many experienced project managers in this area. Also, some companies that claim to offer these services may not have the necessary skills, resources, or experience to deliver quality work. Excuse me, what's going on here? This isn't what I asked for. Great, thanks again. Do you know if there's anything like that in the rural areas of Rwanda? Excuse me, I am not understanding what you are saying. Hi there! I'm looking for a plumber or electrician. Can you help me find one? Hello, I'm looking for information about insurance or liability coverage for my construction project. Do you know where I can find that here in the western province? Yes, sir. We are ready to start the work. Hi, yes. There's a leak in my bathroom, and the sink is clogged. Well, I don't understand the requirements for building permits and approvals. I want to make sure I'm following the law and doing everything right. Hi there! I noticed that you're repairing this building. Do you need any help? What kind of challenges did you encounter? Yes, you can definitely provide them with the gear yourself. It may be a bit of an expense, but it's worth it to ensure everyone's safety. You can also talk to the workers and explain to them how important it is to wear the gear. Thank you, do you know how long it usually takes to get the permits? That would be great! Can you suggest one for me to hire? Hello, I am having trouble navigating the regulations and procedures for repairing my rental property. Can you help me with this? pauses for a moment and tries to remember the few Kinyarwanda phrases he knows, Umva, nifuza kugura apaatima yanyu. Listen, I want to rent your apartment You'll need to bring your identification documents, a plan of the repair work you want to do, and your property title deed. Yes, I want to hear your explanation. Hello, yes. I can help you with that. What language do you need to translate? Yes, I can help you with that. What kind of construction work are you interested in? Okay, I understand. The price for such a building usually ranges from $12,000 to $15,000. But I can give you a discount since you're a foreigner. How about $11,000? Oh, sorry. I don't speak Kinyarwanda very well. I had some unexpected expenses this month and I won't be able to pay the rent on time. Thank you for letting me know. I will definitely keep that in mind. Hello! Well, that depends on what kind of repair work you are planning to do. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Yes, it's true that some drivers can be reckless. However, you can always ask around for a reputable driver who values safety. Taking a bus is also an option, but they can be crowded and uncomfortable. Well, the engine light is on and it's making some strange noises. Yes, we do. We want to ensure that all construction sites "I need help with communication when discussing details about a construction project I'm managing." Oh, hello. Sorry, I don't understand English very well. Do you speak Kinyarwanda? Okay, I can give you the cement, sand, and water, but for the roof, you need some iron sheets, not metal sheets. "Great, thank you! Can you show me what materials we need?" The price of cement is 15,000 Rwandan francs per bag, sand is 20,000 Rwandan francs per ton, and iron sheets are 25,000 Rwandan francs per sheet. I would like to send the rent payment for my apartment, but I don't know how to do it. No problem. Good luck with your project! Sure, please take your time. Good morning sir/madam, I am trying to purchase some construction materials for my project. Can you assist me? Okay, for cosmetic repairs, you'll need to get in touch with a local contractor who can handle the job. They should be able to give you an estimate and help you navigate the local regulations. Well, I figured I'd need some sealant and maybe some duct tape. I've used them before and they worked well for small cracks and leaks in the roof. Yes, we can deliver your materials to your construction site. Where exactly is it located? Which one is more reliable and safe? reads the translation on the phone, Okay, that sounds good. Can we negotiate the price a bit? Can you explain it to me, please? Really? Is there no electricity at all? That sounds like a good idea. Do you know any good mechanics around here? Well, it keeps leaking water and I don't know how to fix it. Oh, I see. That's good to know. Thank you for the information. Do you have any advice on how I can learn more about the building Two weeks? That's too long. Is there any way to speed up the process? Hello, do you know any local plumber or electrician around here? Really? I didn't know that. Can you give me an example? Yes, of course! What specifically do you need? My budget is around 8 million Rwandan Francs. "Hello sir, did you bring all the materials we need?" Yes, you can check out the local newspapers or ask around in your neighborhood. You can also check out some of the online platforms such as Jumia and OLX. I understand that too. But in the future, if there's anything you're unsure of or if you think there's a miscommunication, please don't hesitate to ask. A foreigner, Sarah, is renovating her house in Kigali and talking to a local worker, Emmanuel. Hi there! I'm looking for someone to help me with some construction work. That would be great! Thank you so much. Can you tell them that I need to know when the materials will arrive? Yes, thank you for coming. Can you please help me understand this part of the rental agreement? Hello, I'm interested in hiring you for some construction work. Can you give me a quote for the job? They arrive at the apartment That sounds great! Do you have any experience working with them? Yes, the pipes are definitely clogged. I will need to clean them out. I'm from the United States. I'm here on business and I'm a little worried about the potential for unexpected costs or delays due to issues like weather, supply chain disruptions, or political instability. I just need to sign a new agreement and pay the rent for the next year. "Okay, what do you need to know?" That's a lot of money upfront. Do all landlords require a deposit? Don't worry, the driver is experienced. But I understand how you feel. Sometimes they tend to over-speed. I will tell him to slow down a bit. Well, one option might be to try to find people who work in other industries, such as construction or transportation. They may not be as busy during the farming seasons and might be more available for work. Ah, you want to build a wall? But where? Here? That sounds like a good idea. What about payment disputes? How can I avoid those? That's great. Do you know if they have a good reputation and if they are trustworthy? That sounds good. Let's go talk to them now. Worker starts to remove the tiles from the bathroom, and then proceeds to remove the plumbing fixtures I need to fix a leaking roof and some plumbing issues. Yes, I'm familiar with them. What do you want to know? I need to have this wall painted with a bright red color. Can you do that for me? Great, that sounds like a good plan. Can you tell me how long it will take to complete the work? I need to buy some cement and sand, but I'm not sure how much to get. The measurements used here are different from what I'm used to. Hi! I'm looking to have some construction work done on my property. Can you tell me how the payment process works here? Yes, sir. I will do my best to make it right. Okay, I am looking for an apartment to rent. Can you show me what you have available? Ah, we don't use meters here. We use feet and inches. Hi, I'm planning to visit Rwanda next month. I heard that the weather conditions can be extreme during certain times of the year. Does it affect the repair work in the area? I understand. Do you know any contractors who can help me with this? Gasabo District, Rwanda I need 50 bags of cement, 500 bricks, and 20 roofing sheets. Oh, I see. I'm having trouble communicating with workers and contractors here. Do you know someone who could help me translate? Hello, I’m looking for some construction materials. Can you help me? Hmm, that can be a problem. You might have to look for those items online or from the neighboring countries. What does the construction all-risk insurance policy cover? Well, I'm not exactly sure. There's a leak somewhere and I need it fixed. Well, for starters, what do you call the cement mix used to build foundations? Well, you should look for a company that has a good reputation in the community. You can also ask for recommendations from people who have used their services before. Okay, I understand. We can do that. How much time do we have to complete the work? Hello!, Can I help you with something? A foreigner is looking to build a house in Rwanda and is discussing building materials with a local. Yes, I do. I can give you their phone number and address. I can also ask around to see if there are any other suppliers Thank you for saying that. Please tell me how much you want to pay me. What type of building material are you looking for? Yes, it has been done. Yes, I have been struggling to find appropriate and reliable sources for waste management and disposal in this region. Do you have any suggestions? It’s 10,000 francs per bag. Really? Please tell me more. Ah, I see. Those materials may be a bit harder to find here, but I can definitely help you out. Let me make some calls and see what I can find for you. "Oh, thank you. That would be great." pointing to the lease agreement, I need to leave early. motions to indicate "early" and "leave" Hi, I have been having a hard time finding skilled workers or contractors for specialized repair work. Do you know anyone who can help me with that? Okay, I'll email you their contact information as soon as possible. I see. That's interesting. In my country, we usually work straight through the day without taking any breaks. Hmm, I don't have any plans with me. Maybe I should go back to the drawing board and come back when I have more information. Okay, that sounds reasonable. What's the process to rent the house? Well, typically, when a construction job is completed, the contractor submits an invoice to the client. The client should review the invoice and make sure that all the work has been completed before making any payments. Great. I’ll take 20 bags of cement and 200 bricks. Hmm, that's a bit of a concern. Do you know anyone who can help me with translating the policies? I want to explain that I am not looking to buy or work and that's why I haven't paid yet. Well, some areas of the country are not easily accessible, especially in the rural areas. And most of the skilled workers tend to stay in the cities. So, if you are looking for skilled workers, you might need to look in the cities or towns nearby. Actually, we don't use much timber in Rwanda. Most of our forests are protected, and we have strict regulations on cutting trees down. It's better to use locally available materials like clay bricks. "Sure, what are you looking for?" I want to ask something. Hello, I am interested in hiring some local workers or contractors for some agricultural work I need done. Do you have any recommendations? "A little bit. What do you need to be done?" Hello, I need some materials for repairing my damaged roof. Hello, I want to ensure that the repair work is done properly. How will you be supervising the workers? Okay. I can agree to those terms. Let me write up the new contract in Kinyarwanda for both of us to sign. I want a simple design, just a small room with a desk and some chairs. Can you tell me how much it would cost? Drywall? I'm not sure if we have it here in Rwanda. But let me ask around and see if anyone knows where to find it. That sounds quite easy. Is there anything else I need to know? Okay, thank you for the advice. I'll definitely consider those options. Yes, I have. It's just a few minor repairs that need to be done. Hi, I'm interested in hiring you for some construction work. Can you give me an estimate of the cost? Great! Safety is very important here in Rwanda. What kind of safety standards are you looking for? I see. But in our culture, it's normal for workers to work barefoot. No, the foundation is just the base of the building, and the basement is below that. No problem, it's my pleasure. Let's go now. Hey, excuse me. I don't feel safe with this driver. He's driving too fast and recklessly. shakes head Sure. The cost of materials such as cement, bricks, and roofing sheets would be around $15,000. The labor cost would be around $10,000. And then there are other expenses like transportation and taxes which would be around $5,000. "No, I said just a small fence around this small corner!" they walk around the store That sounds promising. Do you have their contact information? Of course. What kind of project are you working on? Wheelbarrows? Can you tell me how much sand that is in kilograms or pounds? I'm good, thank you. I have a question. I want to sublet my apartment, but I need to get permission from my landlord first. Do you know how I can get in touch with him? Oh, I see. Is there any way we can negotiate the price? Ah, I see. You need a plumber for that. Do you want me to call one for you? That price is too low, but I can try to reduce the cost for you. We can use cheaper materials and do some of the work ourselves. Would that work for you? John goes to get the materials and comes back with the wrong brake pads and oil filter Hello, I am looking for a contractor to help me with some construction work. Do you speak English? Yes, it's important to have a backup plan in case of emergencies. We have experienced flash flooding in the past, which can cause significant damage to the site. It's always better to be prepared for such situations. I need them delivered to a construction site in Kigali. That's good to know. Is there any other option? Yes, I can do that. What kind of work do you need? "You need to go to the market and buy all the materials we need. Once you have them, bring them to the apartment and we will start the work." Good morning. I need you to help me with the foundation work. Can you guide me on where to start? I understand how things work, but please forgive me this one time,. Hi, I have a question about the rental agreement. Can you help me understand this clause here? I'm not sure, I think it might be in the pipes. I need someone who can fix a leak in my roof. It's a flat roof, so I think it requires special skills. No, you cannot. There are strict laws governing the dismissal of employees in Rwanda. You must have a justifiable reason for firing an employee and you must follow a proper procedure, including giving the employee notice and paying them appropriate compensation. Yes, I have heard good things about them. They have quite a bit of experience and their work is of good quality. You can also check out Dusenge Construction, they are also quite reputable. Yes, there is the United Nations Development Programme UNDP,, the World Bank, and the African Development Bank AfDB,. They all have a presence here in Rwanda and have experience working on various projects. That would be fantastic. Thank you again for your kindness. The total is 110,000 Rwandan Francs. Hmm, this is going to be difficult. Can you write the rent amount down? Sure, I am happy to assist. You will need to pay a deposit before you move in. A village in Rwanda Great, that would be really helpful. Thank you! Generally, the construction company is responsible. But it's important to have good insurance in case anything happens. What do you mean? It will cost you an additional 50,000 Rwandan Franc What's going on? Why are you digging such a shallow trench? That's a reasonable budget. But we need to discuss the scope of the project before we can agree on a price. Oh, that's good to know. What about supply chain disruptions? I'm worried about getting stuck without access to basic necessities like food and water. I plan to sublet it for three months. That sounds great. Do you know how I can get in touch with them? Sure, there's a hardware store just around the corner. But may I ask what type of building you are constructing? Oh, I see. Let me see if I can help you. reads the agreement, Yes, it's definitely written in Kinyarwanda. Would you like me to translate it for you? Hello, I'm interested in hiring you for some construction work. Can you tell me how much it would cost? Yes, I have the materials. Can you please come with me? Got it, I won't touch this wall then. Thanks for clarifying. You can convert feet to meters by multiplying it by 0.3048, and then convert inches to centimeters by multiplying it by 2.54. I am sorry about that. We did our best to follow your instructions, but there might have been a misunderstanding somewhere. Can we go back and try to fix the issues? That's good to know. Thank you for explaining all of this to me. Oh, that's okay. I need a plumber or an electrician. Do you know anyone who can help me? Hello, I am here to supervise the repair work. Yes, of course. What kind of workers are you looking for? Well, one of the significant challenges that businesses face here is the weather. Due to heavy rainfall, roads can become inaccessible, which may cause delays in supply chains. Yes, it can be frustrating. But it's just the way things work here. You'll get used to it. I need someone who can help me communicate with the workers and contractors. I need to make sure we are on the same page and that everyone understands what to do. Yes, sometimes there can be a lot of bureaucracy and red tape involved in getting permits and approvals in Rwanda. But Hmm, that might be a bit more difficult. What kind of specialized items are you looking for? Okay, I know just the guy for you. He does great work and is quite affordable. You’re welcome In that case, you can contact the Rwanda Housing Authority to report the issue. They are responsible for regulating rental properties and ensuring that they meet the required standards. Excuse me, do you know anyone who can do some repair work for me? In the market area of Kigali, Rwanda, a foreigner named John approaches a local repair shop. You can get in touch with the National Insurance Company of Rwanda. They offer a range of insurance policies including construction insurance. They will assist you with the necessary requirements and provide you with an insurance quote. Yes, there's a plumber, but he doesn't speak English. Do you speak Kinyarwanda? Sure, I can help with that. What do you need to know specifically? Great, thank you so much for your help. Do you know where his office is located? Alright, I understand. Do you know where the problem is located? Well, there are some international suppliers that may have what you're looking for, but they might be a bit more expensive. I can help you search for them if you'd like. "Yes, I can do that. But, can you show me where you want the wall to be built?" Hmm, that's frustrating. Have you talked to them about it? You can ask the driver to stop the car and get off. Or you can just ignore them and focus on something else, like looking out the window or listening to music. No, I haven't. Do you think that would be a good idea? That's good to know. I see. Do you know where I can get a generator or solar panel? Good morning, I need to obtain a permit to start some repair work in my house. "I am sorry, but can you please explain what you mean by 'standard'? We did the work as per the requirements." No, that's not what I meant! You were supposed to remove the old mortar from the cracks, not the whole wall! Habari! Can I help you with something? I see. I come from a country where we work straight through the day without taking a break. It's interesting to see how different cultures approach work hours. Sure, you can try contacting Fidele Construction Company. They are known for their quality work and timely completion of projects. We measure sand and gravel in "tipper" loads. One tipper load of sand is about 3 cubic meters and one tipper load of gravel is about 4 cubic meters. Alright, thank you. Can you help me load these materials onto my truck? Yes, exactly! Thank you. Can you give me an estimate of how long it will take and how much it will cost? Oh, I see. You want to renew your lease. That is no problem. What do you need to do? You can try checking with some of the larger hardware stores in Kigali. They may be able to order it for you from another country. Alternatively, you can check with some of the international organizations that work in Rwanda. They may have access to the material you need. Well, we have to use quality materials and the labor is also expensive. Plus, we have to pay for transportation of the materials to your location. Sure, I can help you with that. What's the problem you're having? If your application is rejected, the officials will give you a reason why it was rejected, and you can make changes to your application to meet the requirements. Once your application is approved, you can start the repair process. A construction site in Kigali, Rwanda. A foreign engineer is overseeing the project, while a local construction worker is working on the site. "Well, I need to fix a leak in my piping system. It shouldn't take too much work, just a quick fix to the pipes." Sure. The first stage is the foundation work. You should have paid us about 30% of the total cost of the project at this stage. The second stage is the masonry work, which includes the walls and the roofing. That's pretty long. Are there any other steps I need to take? The roof is leaking, and there are some cracks in the ceiling. I need to fix them. F, calls their Rwandan landlord L, to explain that they need to terminate their lease early. Okay, I think I understand what you want. Do you have a sketch or a plan? I understand. However, in Rwanda, paying the deposit upfront shows that you are serious about the project and committed to seeing it through to completion. It also helps us cover the cost of materials and labor during the construction phase. Okay, those things are readily available in most parts of the country. However, some areas may be a bit more difficult to access than others. Thank you so much, John. I appreciate your help. No problem at all. Good luck with your project! Thank you for letting me know. I will keep that in mind and make sure to plan accordingly. Well, I need to build a small house on this land. Can you help me with that? Great. I'll check them out. Thanks for your help. Okay, that makes sense. And what about this section here? It's all in Kinyarwanda. We add wooden beams to the walls and then we cover them with clay. This helps to add extra support to the structure. Okay, I understand. I'll come back when I Hi, I'm looking to obtain the necessary permits and approvals to build a house here in Rwanda. Can you help me out? Hi there, excuse me, I am looking for some materials for a repair work. A local and a foreigner at a hotel lobby in Kigali Hello! Yes, the rent is 150,000 Rwandan Francs per month. And before you can move in, we require a deposit of two months' rent. Alright, I see. Can you help me convert that to pounds and inches? That's a good idea. Are there any other options available? One difference is that the government is very involved in regulating the construction industry. They require contractors to obtain licenses and permits before beginning any construction project. The government also conducts regular inspections to ensure that safety standards are being met. I'm trying to figure out the length of the wooden planks for my project. They're measured in cubits, but I don't know how long a cubit is in feet. A foreigner is having a conversation with a local in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda. You need to make sure the contractor you hire is licensed and registered I would like to extend my lease agreement for three more months. No problem. I'm happy to help. I’m looking for an apartment to rent, and the landlord is asking for a deposit. I’m not familiar with the process. Can you explain it to me? Oh, I see. Sorry about that. It means the cost of electricity, water, and gas is not included in the rent. I have to pay for those separately. Yes, I'm wondering how weather conditions could affect my business Yes, there are many plumbers around here. What is the problem you are having? Yes, I can help you with that. What kind of construction work do you need? Okay, I think I understand now. Thanks for explaining it to me. Yes, of course. What kind of project is it? Hello, do you need any help? I am looking to sublet my apartment. Do you know how I can get in touch with my landlord? "Yes, follow me. I'll show you where to dig the foundation." Great! I'm familiar with those. What about the foundation? I want it to be strong enough to withstand earthquakes. "I need a small building constructed on my property, with a few rooms and a bathroom." No problem at all. Is there anything else I can help you with? Hi there, excuse me. I'm looking for a place to buy construction materials. Do you know where I can find some around here? A few hours later, the foreigner returns to the site and is shocked to see that the construction workers have demolished the old wall. Hi there, can you help me with the construction work here? Yes, of course. Let me see the agreement. the local takes a look at the agreement "I need a fence. It's like a wall, but not as tall. It goes around my property to keep people out." Sure, we can measure it together. But before we do that, can you tell me what kind of materials you want to use for the construction? Whenever anyone asks for construction materials, we show them the agreement notes for all the construction works we have in our store,. That makes sense. Thank you for the advice. Can you recommend a good contractor who can do the inspection? No, I didn't. I just bought the same type of pipes you Sure, I'll ask around and get back to you. Well, steel is not commonly used here in Rwanda, and it might be more expensive than other materials. Also, traditional building materials like brick and timber are more culturally accepted and preferred. Yes, they are over there, behind that building. But are you the supervisor? Oh, I didn't know that. I thought I could pay the whole amount after the work is done. But what if I am not satisfied with the work? At the hardware store Nice to meet you, Jean. My name is Emily. I just moved in yesterday. Sure, we have plenty of materials. What type of material do you need? I understand that there may be cultural differences, but when we agreed to work together, we should have made sure to clarify any differences in standards or expectations. Ok, let me show you. First, we need to dig a trench for the foundation. Hi, I am planning a business trip to Rwanda, and I want to make sure that I am prepared for any unexpected costs or delays that may arise during my stay. What are some potential issues that I should be aware of? I'm clearing the area like you said. Hi, I am the foreign construction engineer assigned to this site. I noticed that your safety measures are below international standards. How do you navigate safety and liability requirements on construction sites? Good afternoon, sir. I hope you're doing well. I would like to renew my lease for another year. Yes, it could. Rwanda can experience extreme weather conditions during certain times of the year. We have two rainy seasons, so it's important to be aware of them before starting any construction work. Thank you very much. When will they come? Sorry, I don't speak Kinyarwanda very well. Can you explain it in English? Yes, you can check the Rwanda Housing Authority or the Kigali City Council for that information. It's a brick wall. I have some experience with fixing walls, but I'm not sure about the local methods here in Rwanda. That's great, thank you so much for your help! Hello, can you help me find some tools for repair work? Okay, that sounds reasonable. But what about firing employees? Can I terminate their contracts if I need to? I'm not sure. Can you help me measure it? Sure, I've tried patching it up with some duct tape and silicone. But it doesn't seem to be working. Sure. It says that I cannot sublet the apartment to someone else, and I cannot make any changes to the property without your permission. It also says that I need to give you 30 days' notice before I move out. Oh, I apologize for the delay. There seems to have been a miscommunication with my team about the timeline. Yes, sure, you can take a shared taxi or a shared mototaxi. "I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're asking. Can you please repeat the question?" Well, now we have a problem. We need the columns to support the building. What can we do to fix this? Oh, I see. Thanks for the warning. Do you think they will ask me to buy any parts for the repair? You're welcome. Have a good day! Hi, I am in need of a skilled contractor for some specialized repair work. Do you know of anyone who could help me with that? Hi, I'm here to oversee the repair work on the road that was damaged by the heavy rain last week. That's a good idea. Do you know of any lawyers who specialize in construction law? Yes, I can do that. What kind of house do you want to build? "Of course. I can give you a quote, but I need to see the land where you want to build first. Can we arrange a time for me to come and see the land?" Yes, I can. But first, let me measure the bathroom and kitchen. Well, I am planning to build a small greenhouse for my garden. However, I am only going to be in Rwanda for a short period of time during the planting season, and I need someone who will be available at that time. Excuse me, I'm feeling unsafe with the way this driver is driving. Can you ask him to slow down? Yes, it's different in Rwanda. Shoes are expensive, and many workers can't afford them. Plus, they are used to working without shoes. Hello, could you help me please? Thirty thousand francs? That seems a little high. Is there any way we can negotiate on the price? Sure, I'd be happy to help. What kind of work are you looking to have done? Sure. According to the law, an employer can only terminate an employee's contract for valid reasons such as poor performance, gross misconduct, or a breach of the employment contract. The employer must provide a written notice of termination and pay the employee their entitled benefits. Exactly! So we need to use a level to make sure the ground is flat. No problem. Good luck with your construction project! Yes, I can help. What do you need? Not really. I just need someone who can help me explain what I want to the workers and contractors. Great. So, I need you to help me with some construction work on this building. Sure. You can reach them on +250 788 301 003 or visit their showroom located in Kigali. At a construction site in Kigali, a foreign engineer named John is talking to a local foreman named Emmanuel. Yes, that's it! Oh, really? What happened? "Yes, yes, it will be done soon. We had some issues with the materials, but it will be done by tomorrow." Sure, I can try to help you. What type of material are you looking for? Ok, do you want the 50kg or the 25kg bags? Yes, we are building a brick wall to separate this property from the neighbor’s. Okay, that's a lot. Do you have a truck to transport them? In a local market Alright. What do I do after that? Here we have the cement and over there are the bricks. How many do you need? Okay, thank you. This is a bit out of my budget. Is there any way we can negotiate the price? We typically measure sand and gravel by the cubic meter. I understand, thank you for being so helpful. Hi, thank you for coming. My sink is leaking, and I was I would like to stay for one more year. "I understand your concerns, but the materials and labor costs are quite high. I can do my best to keep the costs down, but I can't guarantee that I can bring the price down Yes, I can help you with that. Firstly, you need to make sure you have all the necessary permits and licenses to conduct any repairs or renovations on your rental properties. You can apply for these permits at the local government office. Great, thank you. I'm looking forward to seeing the final result of your work. "That would be great, thank you. How much do they charge for their services?" "I need some walls built, a roof repaired, and some general maintenance done." Hi, can I speak with the person in charge of the repair work? Excuse me, sir. Do you know where I can find a company that provides project management services? I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable with the behavior of some of the other passengers. Can we wait for a different taxi? Hello, I'm interested in renting this house. Can you tell me the rent price? I’m working in different parts of Rwanda. Do you know someone who can help me? Sure, it's upstairs. Follow me. I was hoping for a lower price. How about 1.5 million Rwandan francs? Okay, I can help you with that. Let me ask a few questions to understand the issue. Is the leak constant or does it only happen when you flush the toilet? Hi John. I can help you with that. What exactly do you need? Sure, it's this way. points to the bathroom also smiles, You're welcome. We want to make sure that you are happy with the rental agreement. Let me call my friend now. Hmm, that's a bit expensive. Can you lower the price? Okay, that makes sense. Are there any other customs or practices that I should be aware of? Okay, can you bring him here? Of course, these things can certainly happen, but they don't occur frequently. Rwanda has a stable political climate, and the weather is generally good, but supply chain disruptions can occur. Great! This apartment is available for rent. Do you need more information about it? That would be great. Thank you so much for your help. Hi there! I'm interested in renting this apartment. Can you tell me more about the rent and what I need to do to secure it? Hmm, that's a bit low. How about 90,000 Rwandan Francs per month? A little bit, what is the problem? Hey Joseph, I'm glad I ran into you. I've been noticing some strange looks from some of the locals while I work on this construction project. Do you have any idea why they might be looking at me that way? nods and leads the way to the contract document I see. That makes sense. How can we obtain the necessary insurance coverage? Sure. "Leak" is "ipfu" and "flicker" is "gukura". Alright, we'll take a look at it. Can you give me an estimate of how long it will take? Really? Why is that? Hi there, are you the supervisor for the repair work that's going on here? Ah, I see. We typically use bags of cement here, with each bag being 50 kilograms. Yes, that would be great. Thank you so much. Thank you for the information. Is there anything else I need to know? I will keep that in mind. Thank you for your help. Relieved, Thank you so much for explaining that to me. I appreciate it. I have already tried that, but I found the process quite confusing. Do you know of any other resources that could That's a good idea. Could you please suggest some online stores? Yes, I can speak more slowly. We need to use high-quality It states here that the rent is due on the first day of each month, and if you don't pay by the fifth day, there will be a late fee. And here it states that you are responsible for any damage caused to the apartment during your stay. No problem at all. It's my pleasure to help you. I see. How can I tell if the materials are of good quality? A local hardware store in Kigali, Rwanda Okay, thank you for explaining the payment Thank you for your help. I see. Can you give me the prices and how many bags of cement and tonnes of sand I need for 10 cubic meters of each material? Can't you work with your bank? This is a traditional building method using local materials. It's affordable and sustainable. No problem at all. Is there anything else you need help with? Well, the roof seems to be leaking, and some of the walls need to be reinforced. Can you fix that? I am looking for a company to build a house for me. I want a company that is reliable and trustworthy. Hello!, How can I assist you today? It also mentions the security deposit, which is equivalent to two months' rent. You'll need to pay that upfront when you sign the contract. I need some high-quality cement, steel, and flooring tiles for my construction project. Do you know any local suppliers that can offer these materials? Great, let's get started then. About an hour or so. Two days pass I see. Can you guide me through the process? Great, here's the money Firing someone is not an easy process. You will need to have a valid reason for termination and provide them with notice and severance pay. If you terminate someone without following the proper procedures, you could face legal consequences. He says he understands and he will think about it. You should give him your contact information and he will get back to you. Sure. There's a guy named Jean who works as a freelance interpreter. He's fluent in English and Kinyarwanda and he's reliable. Would you like me to contact him for you? Okay, that makes sense. But what about the term "bonding agent"? Is that something you use Oh, I see. Well, maybe you can help me find someone who can help me with this? Hi, I would like to purchase some cement, bricks, and sand. Can you tell me how much it would cost? Great, thank you. I appreciate your honesty and willingness to address the issue. Let's make sure we get this project back Yes, absolutely. What specific areas are you looking for? Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you said you wanted the walls painted. I'll fix the cracks and install the new tiles now. Two weeks?! That's a long time. Is there any way to expedite the process? That sounds promising. Can you give me some directions on how to get there? "Yes, we can give you a quote tomorrow after we check the materials we need." You're welcome! If you have any Unfortunately, there is no way to speed up the process. We have to follow all the necessary procedures to ensure that everything is done legally. Of course, I will take good care of it. Thank you for considering my offer. Hi, I am looking for workers to help me with some repair work. Can you assist me? Paul, I think we made a mistake. The hole is 10 feet by 8 feet, not 8 feet by 10 feet. Yes, I know a few people who can help you. But before you start, you need to know some things about our customs. No worries, I have my tools with me. I will fix it for you. Alright, I'll trust your judgment. How much do I need? Hello, welcome to Rwanda. Sure, I can help you with that. Do you have any specific requirements or questions? No, that’s all. Thank you so much for your help. Ah, I see. Well, in Rwanda, there are some customary practices that you need to be aware of. Oh, don't worry about it. That's how they drive here. But I'll ask him to slow down for your comfort. Those are called columns. That would be great. But what if something goes wrong during the construction work? Who will be held liable for any damages or injuries? Okay, that's helpful. What about other materials like sand or gravel? What units are those measured in? I need someone who is skilled in repairing specialized machinery. It's a very intricate job and I need someone who knows what they're doing. Hello! Sorry about that. Do you need help translating it? Excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable means of transportation to and from my worksite? Yes, we do use columns to support the beams. Hello,, how can I assist you? Hello, I'm looking for some construction materials for my project. Can you help me? Hi there, I am looking for someone who can build a traditional Rwandan hut for me. Do you know where I can find a local builder? "Sure, that works for me. But we need to discuss the materials and labor costs. What's your budget?" What do you suggest? I see. I apologize for the inconvenience. We did our best with the resources available to us. Hmm, that's a bit too high for me. Can we negotiate the price? Great, thank you for your time. I was hoping to explain some work that needs to be done on this site. Oh, I see. I misunderstood what you said. I thought you wanted us to fill the holes with concrete. No, it's not advisable to pay the deposit in I was thinking about paying 300,000 RWF per month. Is that okay? Another option is to work with local contractors who have a team of workers at their disposal. They can provide us with the required number of workers during the planting and harvest season. Yes, we could use an extra hand. Can you pass me those bricks over there? I understand your concern, but we wouldn't want to rush the work and compromise the quality. However, we can try to finish it within a day and a half if that works for you. Yes, I can help you find them. What kind of repair work do you need? Good morning, I am looking to obtain the necessary permits and approvals to begin building a structure here in Rwanda. However, I am not familiar with the building codes and regulations here. Hello, I am interested in hiring a contractor for a construction project. Can you tell me how much it would cost? Galvanized nails? I didn't even think about that. Thanks for the advice. I would have been so lost without you. I'm having a hard time finding someone to do specialized repair work on my roof. Do you know anyone who could help me with that? That's great to hear Yes, it is. We call it a siesta. It's a break taken during the hottest part of the day to relax and recharge. Okay, I see. Have you tried looking in Kigali? There are some larger hardware stores there that might carry it. Yes, you can, but there are certain procedures that you need to follow. You need to have a valid reason for terminating an employee's contract, and you need to give them notice before terminating their contract. You also need to pay them their final salary and any outstanding benefits. Okay, we have those items. What quantity do you need? Hi there, do you know of any reliable construction companies around here? Sure, what do you need? You can ask for their references and check their credentials. Also, it's important to have a face-to-face meeting to discuss your project and see if they have the necessary experience and knowledge. No, I'm sorry. We need someone to supervise the work to make sure that it is done properly. That's great to hear. I hope everything can be sorted out soon. I had no idea. What's that? No problem, it's always good to be aware of the potential weather conditions that can impact daily activities like repair work. Oh, okay. That's a bit of a problem because I don't have a lot of time, and I don't really know my way around the city. That's alright. I can help translate if necessary. Let's take a look at the lease agreement. You see that pile of bricks over there? We need you to sort them out by size and then stack them up neatly. Yes, good morning. Thank you for reminding me. I have just one question, what is this deposit you’re asking for? Okay, that makes sense. What about the security deposit? Yes, of course. Which part of Rwanda are you living in? The repair work will cost you about 50,000 RWF more than our initial estimate. We are really sorry about this. We should have communicated better with you. But I have heard that motos can be quite dangerous. Is that true? John takes the bags of cement and sand and goes back to the house to start the repairs. Hi, can you help me with something? Hello! Rwanda is a landlocked country, so weather can be unpredictable at times. Most businesses here are equipped to handle any weather-related delays, but it's always best to prepare for the worst. As for supply chain disruptions, we try to work with reliable suppliers and have backup plans in case something goes wrong. Political instability is not a significant concern here in Rwanda; the government is stable and committed to economic development. Good afternoon, I am looking for a local contractor to help me with a project that I have in mind. Do you know anyone who could assist me? That's great, thank you. Please let them know that I want to sublet my apartment for a few months, and I will make sure that the new tenant is responsible and pays rent on time. Okay, that will be 20 bags of 50kg cement, 1000 bricks, 10 metal rods, and 10 wheelbarrows of sand. Do you need anything else? Hi, excuse me! Can you tell me what I need to do next? No worries, it's better to be safe than sorry. Just politely ask the driver to stop and you can find another mode of transportation. Yes, I have an apartment available. It is a one-bedroom apartment with a living room and a kitchen. Yes, you need three parts sand to one part cement. Aha, okay. The rent is normally 200,000 Rwandan Francs per month. Okay. The cost will depend on the materials we use and the complexity of the design. Can you show me the design? Thank you. Also, some of the other passengers are behaving inappropriately and making me uncomfortable. "It depends on the materials we use and how much labor is needed. Can you give me an idea of what you're willing to spend?" Hello! I need to get some repair work done on my building. Do you know any good workers who can do the job? A foreigner is looking for a house to rent and finds a local landlord. They have agreed on the rental price, but the landlord is now asking for a deposit. What kind of information do I need to provide? I'm looking for some specialized concrete mix and some high-quality steel rods for reinforcement. Sure, we have policies that cover all aspects of Excuse me, I am trying to start a construction project here in Rwanda but I am having some difficulty understanding the necessary insurance or liability coverage I need. Can you help me with that? I don't have much experience with this kind of thing, but I don't think it's too complicated. A 50kg bag of cement costs 10,000 Rwandan francs. Of course. You can visit the Rwanda Housing Authority office or check their website for more information. It's important to understand the regulations and requirements before starting any construction project to avoid any complications or delays. Oh, that sounds interesting, but do you think the process of getting the insurance is easy? Yes, here is her phone number and email address. You can call or email her to discuss the details of your project Thank you. That would be helpful. Yes, sure. The walls were not painted evenly, and there are some gaps in the flooring. Also, some of the materials used were not of good quality. Oh, I had no idea. I thought the materials I mentioned were pretty standard for roof repairs. , Njye Yes, there is a lot of development happening in Rwanda, but the challenges of infrastructure and accessibility can make it difficult to get materials and workers to certain areas. I need some high-quality steel beams and some specialized electrical components for the project I'm working on. You're welcome. Is there anything else I can assist you with? What do you mean, sir? I see. That's a good point. I will make sure to be present during the repairs Exactly! Do you know where we can find some workers who have experience with construction work? For the electrical components, you can try going to the Rwanda Electricity Group REG,. They have a wide range of high-quality electrical components that might suit your needs. I wanted a pathway made of concrete blocks, but this is just plain cement. Also, the garden has no flowers and pebbles as I requested, it's just plain soil. Sure. Here in Rwanda, the most commonly used building materials are brick, cement, and timber. Yes, we understand the urgency. We will have it done in two weeks. "Yes, but it will take more time and resources now." I understand. Well, I'll have to make some calls and see if I can find some help. Thanks for your help with the hardware store though. Hi, excuse me. Do you happen to know any reliable waste management and disposal sources around here? Yes, I understand. I can help you with that. We'll need Yes, there are. For example, all workers are required to wear protective gear such as hard hats, safety glasses, and steel-toed boots. We also require companies to have safety barriers in place to prevent falls and accidents. I see. That's very different from what I'm used to, but I'm willing to adapt. Yes, it's important to respect local customs and beliefs around cleanliness and sanitation. For example, some people may prefer I see. What about the construction process itself? You're welcome. If you need any further assistance, feel free to reach out to me anytime Okay, let me see if I can explain in simpler terms. There is water coming out of the sink and I need someone to come and fix it. Sure, what materials are you looking for specifically? After a few minutes of asking around Okay, I can help you with that. Do you want me to call a plumber for you? Well, it’s basically a refundable sum of money that you pay upfront. It acts as a form of insurance for any damages that may occur during your stay. We’ll return the deposit to you when you move out, as long as everything is in order. No, that's all for now. Thank you for your time. The Foreigner at a Tailor Shop Hello, yes. I can help you. What do you want to know? Village in the Eastern Province of Rwanda I need some work done on my solar panels. I need someone who is skilled in repairing solar panels. I see. Unfortunately, I don't really understand English very well. Can you please explain the terms and conditions to me in simpler words? It's to secure the house. It's like insurance in case anything gets damaged while you're living here. Yes, there are. For example, any electrical work must be done by a licensed electrician. And for plumbing repairs, the materials used must meet the standards set by the Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority. Okay, her name is Marie. I'll give her a call and see if she's available to help you. It's in Gisenyi. Oh, I see. I wish I had known that earlier. Thank you for your help. A foreigner is trying to get his building project approved in Rwanda but is facing difficulties due to lack of understanding of the building codes and regulations. He meets a local for advice. The fees for building permits and approvals also vary depending on the size and type of property you want to build. You can expect to pay a fee for the site visit, building permit, environmental impact assessment, and other necessary approvals. Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find some tools and equipment for repair work here in Rwanda? So, we need to start by clearing the site and then laying the foundation for the building. Can we negotiate the price? Thank you for the information. Do you know if they have English-speaking staff? I'm not very fluent in Kinyarwanda. Don't worry, I can help you with that. Let me call them and explain the situation. But isn't it dangerous? What happens if you get injured on the job? Yes, they do. Just look for the section that says "home repairs" or "construction services," and you'll find a list of contractors and handymen that specialize in electrical, plumbing, and other types of repairs. That's helpful, thank you. And what about outside of Kigali? Yes, I have, but I still find the regulations confusing. Well, my showerhead is leaking and my lights keep flickering. I'm not quite sure what the issue is. Great, thank you. How long do you think it will take? I understand. It can be difficult to find English-speaking providers. Fortunately, I can help translate for you. What kind of coverage are you looking for? Oh, I get it now. Thanks for explaining. Hmm, that seems a bit expensive to me. Can you break down the cost for me? Yes, it's quite different from what I'm used to. Can you help me navigate the process? Good morning, sir. I hope you're doing well. Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it. There are a few that I know of. You can try BCDI, Giporoso or Simba Supermarket. They usually have a wide range of building materials and tools. What happened to the old wall? smiling, Ah, I understand now. Forty thousand francs is too low. How about we meet in the middle and agree on forty-five thousand francs per month? Yes, it’s not far from here. You can take a bus or a taxi to Gikondo and ask for directions to the market. It’s a big place, so you might need some help finding the store that sells the tiles you need. No, I don't speak English. How may I assist you? Alright, I trust your expertise. Thank you for helping me out. Great! I'll make sure to get started on that. Yes, sure! There are many organizations in Rwanda that offer waste management services. You can search for them online or ask around. I need a hydraulic jack and a welding machine. But I haven’t had any luck finding them in the local markets. A construction site in Kigali, Rwanda. Hi, do you have cement and bricks? You're welcome. Good luck with your project. I need about five bags of cement and five bags of sand. "Thank you again. You're very kind." Hello, how are you doing today? Oh, I see. How much is the upfront payment? Okay, I understand. How do you want us to proceed with the repair work? In Rwanda, it's customary for workers to dress modestly when they enter someone's home. It's a sign of respect for the homeowner. I had no idea. Thank you for enlightening me. I will definitely consider using these materials instead. Yes, I can understand your struggle. There are a few options you can consider. Have you tried searching online for project management companies in Rwanda? Yes, I can help you with that. Are you looking for residential or commercial waste management services? Hello, I need your help with something. I need to repair a part of my hotel, but I'm having trouble obtaining the necessary permits and approvals from the government. Yes, I could recommend someone. I'll give you their contact information. In the meantime, I can speak to the workers and help them understand what you need. Hi, we need help understanding the insurance and liability coverage for construction work. Good morning. You want to renew what? I understand, but it's important to have a clean environment to work in. It helps prevent accidents and injuries. Oh great, could you point me in the direction of the plaster? Absolutely. I'll make sure to ask if I don't understand something. Thanks again for your help! Sure! You can also try "Rwanda Construction and Engineering." They are a reputable company with experience in large-scale projects. I see. So, how much do I need to pay as a deposit? They stop and wait for another mototaxi Oh, sure. Where is your worksite located? Sure, I'll be happy to do that. Just let me know where and when to meet you. It's generally safe, but you should be careful. Sometimes, there are pickpockets or people who behave inappropriately in shared taxis. Definitely! We can draw up a contract that outlines all the details and terms of payment, so that we're both on the same page. I can pay up to $600 per month. "Hello, I'm interested in hiring you for some construction work. Can you give me an estimate?" Oh, I see. Well, building codes and regulations can be a bit confusing, especially if you're not familiar with them. What specifically are you struggling with? No, I mean a foundation. The base of the building. "I'm trying to find a particular type of saw and I haven't been able to find it anywhere." translating, The landlord wants to know why you want to sublet your apartment. Hello sir, I would like to discuss the work that needs to be done on this site. I don't know much about them. Can you please explain? Well, I have the lease agreement right here. I just need you to sign it and we'll be good to go. I see. Do you have a contract with me? I understand. That's a difficult situation. When would you like to terminate your lease? I understand now. Thank you for explaining it to me. It's just that the way you are building this house seems pretty different from what I'm used to. I mean, you are using some materials that I've never seen before. No, I don't have any tools. No problem. I can help you communicate with him. Can you describe the problem? Okay, so it says here that the rent is due on the first day of every month. If you fail to pay within seven days, there will be a late fee charged. I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, in shared taxis, we don't have much control over the behavior of others. However, if anyone is making you feel unsafe, please let me know and I'll try to intervene. I'm sorry. I didn't know that. I can fix "It's my pleasure. We want you to feel welcome and comfortable here in Rwanda." Ah, I see. In Rwanda, we use meters as our primary unit of measurement for construction materials such as cement, sand, and steel bars. I would suggest checking out the Rwanda Development Board or the Ministry of Infrastructure. They both have departments that focus on construction and infrastructure projects. They can provide oversight and guidance throughout the project. No, no. I was just curious about the way you are doing it. That's unfortunate. Do you know if there is any other way to get these tools or equipment? Hmm, I'm not familiar with that technique. Can you explain it in more detail? Alright, so the agreement says that you'll be renting the apartment for a year, and the monthly rent will be 200,000 Rwandan francs. "Well, it's important for workers to dress conservatively, especially if they're working in a family's home. They should wear long pants and a shirt with sleeves." I want you to dig a hole and pour some concrete to build the foundation. Hi, I'm good thank you. Do you speak English? Ah, I see. Well, here in Rwanda, the construction company is responsible for everything that happens on site, from start to finish. I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, some people can be very rude and inconsiderate on shared taxis or mototaxis. It can be a challenging experience for foreigners sometimes. I'm feeling a bit unsafe with the way this other passenger is behaving. He keeps grabbing onto me and won't let go. Yes, you need to make sure that you follow the After a while Yes, I am. I need a place to stay for a few months. Yes, I can recommend a few based on my personal experience. There's "Rwanda Builders", "Kigali Construction Company", and "Nyamirambo Contracting Services". They are all reliable and have a good reputation for quality work. Excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable source of power to carry out some repairs? You can find it at the Rwanda Housing Authority. They have all the information you need about rental properties in Rwanda. How long does the process take? Thank you, I appreciate your willingness to fix the issue. Let's work together to ensure that the work is done to the highest standard possible. Yes, I did. I told him that the window pane needed to be replaced. Hello, can I help you with something? A construction site in Kigali, Rwanda. Excuse me, driver. Can you please stop the car? I need to get off. In a market in Kigali, a foreigner approaches a local hardware shop. No problem. Good luck with Not necessarily. In most workplaces, employees usually start work early in the morning, around 7 or 8 am and then take a break for an hour at midday. After the siesta, they continue working until around 5 or 6 pm. Political instability is another factor that can affect businesses. Although Rwanda is a relatively peaceful country, you should keep yourself updated about any political developments that may affect your business. That's a bit higher than I was expecting. Is there any way we can negotiate the price? You can only terminate an employee for just cause. This means that you need to have a valid reason for terminating their employment, such as poor performance or misconduct. Additionally, you need to follow the proper procedures Sorry, I do not understand. That makes sense. Is there any specific paperwork that needs to be filed? Hi Jean, can you give me an update on the repair work that we discussed last week? Hmm, let me see. One cubic meter is about 35.3 cubic feet. So, one tipper load of sand is about 105.9 cubic feet and one tipper load of gravel is about 141.2 cubic feet. It can take a few weeks or even a few months, depending on how busy the office is. But I can follow up with them and make sure your application is on track. I understand, but I’m just a little concerned about the safety of the buildings. Can you explain to me how you ensure they are stable and secure? Sure, their phone number is +250 788 301 000. Just give them a call and they’ll be able to assist you. I'm afraid that's too low. We need to use high-quality materials, and the labor will be intensive. Hi there, do you happen to know any reliable and trustworthy construction companies around here? I understand that, but I don’t feel safe right now. Is there anything you can do to help? Thank you very much for your help. I'll definitely look into those companies. I don't understand. What kind of materials? Yes, I can help you. What kind of construction work do you need? Well, I'm not quite sure how the payment is supposed to be made. I've been paying you in cash every day for the work that you've done, but I'm not sure if that's the right way to do it. Yes, I have. I hired them to build my home a few years back, and I was very pleased with their work. *shaking his head* Oya, Oya...I don't speak English. That's good to know. Can you recommend one? I'm having some issues with my apartment. The stove isn't working right and the sink is clogged. takes the lease agreement, Hmm, I see some English words here. What does "renewal" mean? That might be a problem. Most landlords in Rwanda speak Kinyarwanda or French. Do you have a friend or colleague who speaks the language? That's a good idea. What else? I need some specialized tools for repairing electronic devices. Do you have any knowledge about that? Okay, that sounds good. But what about repairing the buildings? What? No, that's not what I said at all. I wanted quality work, and now I'm stuck with this mess. Ah, I see. He's asking for your contract and your ID card. That’s unfortunate. Do you know of any other options? checking the stock, I'm sorry, we only have 20 bags of cement and 200 bricks. Is that enough for you? Excuse me, are you okay? In Rwanda, it's common for workers to wear clothes that cover their entire body, including their arms and legs. This is a sign of respect for the homeowner and the job they are doing. You're welcome. If you need any further assistance, feel free to ask me. That's good to know. Is there any way I can find local workers during the harvest season? Hi there! I'm really interested in learning more about the local construction techniques here in Rwanda. What types of building materials do people usually use? Great, can you fix it today? Okay, that sounds reasonable. How much is usually paid for the first installment? Okay, let me take you to the workers. However, I need to make sure that you understand their work. Great! How much will it cost and how long will it take? looking confused, Excuse me, do you speak English? What do you mean? You told us to fill the holes with concrete. Hello, do you know where I can find some construction material around here? Yes, there is a company called Project Management Rwanda that has a good reputation in the community. They have helped many organizations with their projects and have a very professional team. I need a reliable and trustworthy construction company that can deliver quality work within the deadline. Yes, I can fix it. Do you have the necessary replacement parts for the outlets? This is a real challenge. How do you normally deal with these difficulties? Oh, I see. Well, here in Rwanda, we use a different method than what you may be used to. We use a mixture of sand, cement, and water to create a mortar for the bricks. Excuse me, do you know any reliable construction companies in this area? I see the problem now. It seems like there's a problem with the pipes. I can fix it for you, but it might take some time. It's no problem at all. Thank you again. Okay, I think I understand. Let me see if I can find someone who can help you. Do you have a phone number or address where they can contact you? I'm struggling to convert the measurements from meters to feet and kilograms to pounds. The units used here are different from what I'm used to. Great, but I was actually hoping to be more hands-on. I have experience with these types of repairs and I want to make sure everything is done correctly. Yes, I do. Can I help you with something? Ibiti is made from bamboo and is very durable. Assemblage is a type of metal sheeting that's commonly used for roofing. Thank you, I would really appreciate that. No problem at all. In the meantime, you might also want to consider hiring some day laborers. They are often available for short Well, we sometimes face delays in transportation due to road conditions, but it is not a major issue. The government has invested heavily in infrastructure development, so the road network is improving every year. I see. How long does it take to get the permit? Hi there, I need some help with a repair job. Do you know where I can find the materials for it? No problem. I can help you translate. Ah, I understand. Please write down what you want on paper and I will get someone to translate it for me. Oh, I see. It's possible that Not if they are made properly. We use a mixture of clay, sand, and water to make them sturdy. And for the roof, we use grass or other materials that are readily available in the area. Oh, I see. That's a shame. Do you have any suggestions on how I can find workers during this time? The next morning, the translator and the foreigner meet at the landlord's house. Yes, I can recommend a few. There is WASAC, WDA, and REMA. These organizations are reliable and efficient. You can get their contact details from a search engine or from the Ministry of Environment. Ah, agatare refers to the roof of a building. It's usually made of corrugated iron sheets. Well, I need to fix this crack in the wall. Do you have any suggestions? Hi, can you help me understand the local cultural expectations around cleanliness and sanitation on worksites? What have you done? Well, they might work temporarily, but it's not a permanent solution. You need the right materials for the job to make sure the repair is effective. I understand. I know a good plumber who can help you. Do you want me to call him for you? Sorry, but can we stop for a moment? I'm feeling a bit unsafe with the driving of the mototaxi driver. Thank you. I really appreciate your help. Absolutely, we will make sure to have a clear understanding of the standard of work before we start any project. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Sure. We first require a deposit before we can complete the rental process. Hi! I need to have some repairs done on my property. Can you recommend any good contractors? gesturing to the bridge, "Here, we've fixed the broken part." That's reasonable. How do I find a taxi? Hi, I'm sorry I don't speak Kinyarwanda. I need to tell you that I have a problem with the pipes in my apartment. Sure. You can find their contact information online or you can ask around for their office location. They have experienced engineers that will ensure your house is built to your liking and within your budget. Well, for example, workers need to wear protective gear such as hard hats, safety goggles, and work gloves. They also need to use safety harnesses and scaffolding when working at heights. Additionally, construction sites need to have clear signage and barriers to prevent people from entering hazardous areas. Yes, I can help you with that. But you should know that the process can be a bit complicated. It depends on what is wrong with your car. Let me take a look and I will tell you what you need. That sounds good. Can you explain to me how you will fix the tiles? I'm having some trouble communicating with my workers and contractors. I need someone who can translate or interpret for me. Do you know anyone who can help me with that? Hello, I need to get some permits and approvals to start repair work on my building. Can you help me with the process? Great, thank you That's helpful. But what about the areas outside of Kigali? Hello, no I don't speak much English but I can try to understand you. Can you help me find some construction materials? Hi there, I'm looking to hire some workers for some house repairs. Do you know any good contractors in the area? Short-handed? What do you mean? Sorry, but our prices are fixed. We can't give discounts. No, I haven't. Why is that important? Alright, we can do that. But just to be clear, do you mean that you want to be physically present while we work? Oh, I see. Maybe I can rephrase it. What does 'security deposit' mean in Kinyarwanda? Yes, I'm trying to find some steel and cement in order to finish a project. And I also need some workers who can help me with the construction. I want them to be about 4 meters by 4 meters. "I will, I promise. Thank you for your patience." Great! Could you recommend one to me? Well, you could try asking around to see if anyone has those kinds of tools that they might be willing to lend or rent out to you. Hmm, that's a tough one. What kind of specialized items are you looking for? Well, it depends on the type of job and the employer. Some employers give their workers a mandatory break, while others allow their workers to take a break if they feel the need to rest. Alright, we'll need to assess the damage first before we can proceed with the repairs. However, I have to warn you that we're currently experiencing a rainy season, and that might affect the repair work. As soon as possible. Thank you for your help. ** You're welcome. Is there anything else you need help with? Hi, excuse me. Do you know where I can find information about waste management and disposal in the city? "We'll start right away, sir. Our workers will come over to your place in the next hour or two." Okay, let me show you where you can find that. Follow me. "It depends on the materials you want to use and the timeframe for completing the project. But I think we can work within your budget. However, we need to sit and discuss the details and finalize everything." I see. Well, thank you Hello! How are you? No, I am feeling uncomfortable due to the behavior of some other passengers. They are making me feel unsafe. Yes, I have looked online, but the shipping costs are very expensive. I was hoping to find something locally. Ah, I see. A deposit is a sum of money that the landlord asks for as a security, in case there's any damage or unpaid rent when you move out. I understand it may be confusing at first. One cubic meter is equal to Okay, I understand. Thank you for explaining that to me. John, and a local Jean, are discussing the different cultural expectations around cleanliness and sanitation on worksites in different parts of Rwanda. How much do you want for rent? Oh, I see. In my country, we usually work continuously throughout the day. How long does the siesta usually last? It really depends on the specific project. But I can assure you that my prices are very competitive. Yes, please. I am looking for some tools to carry out some repair work, but I am struggling to find the appropriate equipment. Some of the specialized items are not available locally. opens the door, ,, Landlord. Sorry, I'm late with the rent payment. Thank you so much for your help. Oh, okay. Do you know anyone around here who speaks English? I'm really struggling to communicate with the workers on this construction site. Really? I thought duct tape and glue would work just fine. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Is there something specific that you’re not happy with? No problem, always happy to help. Using cement and bricks is possible, but it's more expensive and time-consuming. The traditional methods we use are not only cost-effective, but they are also sustainable and eco-friendly. A foreigner is renovating a hotel in Kigali, Rwanda. He is having a conversation with the local construction workers about the scope of the repair work. Well, I'm particularly interested in traditional methods for building houses and other structures. I've read about them in books, but I'd love to learn more from someone who actually practices them. As soon as possible. Can you come with me to the construction site tomorrow? Yes, I can do that. No problem. Oh, that's just a legal disclaimer. It says that you agree to follow all the rules and regulations of the property and that you won't hold the owner liable for any damages or injuries. Hello, excuse me, do you know where I can find a plumber? Hello there! Yes, I might be able to help you. What kind of repair work do you need? Ah, I see. Yes, you will have to pay for those separately. The rent only covers the cost of the apartment. Oh, I know that area well. Do you have your landlord's phone number? I want to have a place to sleep. No, just a wall here. Can you help me with that? Sure, I can help you with that. Are you planning to repair the property yourself or hire someone? Good morning. I'm fine, thank you. And you? Hello, I came to check on the progress of the construction. I understand your urgency, but it's important to first identify the problem. In our culture, we believe in finding the root cause of the problem before we can start fixing it. This helps us avoid additional problems that may arise from a quick fix. Of course! We encourage everyone to take a siesta. It's a great way to take care of your health and well-being while also being productive at work. The what? It doesn't look like it. The walls are not straight, and the cement is not mixed properly. What kind of practices? Yes, some employers do provide a designated space for their workers to rest and relax during their break. Others allow their workers Okay, sure. I was wondering if we could negotiate the price a little bit. I'm a foreigner, and I'm not sure what the usual rates are. Hello, how are you? "Yes, I have, but I haven't had any luck. Do you know of any other stores or suppliers that might have it?" Yes, I know just the person for you. His name is Jean and he has a garage not far from here. He's a great mechanic and his prices are fair. Okay, that's reasonable. Do you know any reliable taxi operators? You're welcome. I hope you find the right company for your project. Yes, if everything is in order and there are no damages or unpaid bills, the landlord will refund your deposit at the end of your lease. But it's important to read the lease agreement carefully and understand the terms and conditions. Yes, but I've had some bad experiences with them. Another option is to use solar panels. They are becoming more popular here in Rwanda, and you can find them in most hardware stores. Sure, you can contact the Rwanda Association of Architects RAA, or the Rwanda Institute of Engineers RIE,. They can guide you in the right direction. Hello there, I need to repair a hole in my roof. Can you tell me what materials I will need for this? No, I don't. I only speak English. Unfortunately, that can happen. But don't worry, it's not common. Just try to sit in a place where you feel comfortable and avoid sitting next to someone who makes you feel uncomfortable. Good morning, how can I assist you? "We need it done as soon as possible, within the next two weeks." Sure, please do. I'm not sure. How much do you think it will cost? No problem. Next time, just ask the locals for advice before buying anything. We know the best materials for our climate and environment. Well, don't worry. Most of them can understand some English. And if they don't, I can help you translate. It won't be a problem. That sounds reasonable. Can we also agree on a payment plan? Maybe I can pay 50% upfront and the rest at I need some specific items like a torque wrench and a specialized screwdriver. That's good advice. Thank you for your help. I'll keep that in mind. No problem. We want you to have a safe and pleasant experience here in Rwanda. Ok, I understand. The cost will depend on the materials you want to use and the design of the building. Can you show me the design plans? That's a good idea. Just make sure to negotiate the fare before getting in the taxi to avoid being overcharged. Yes, there's also Horizon Construction. They are known for their professionalism and attention to detail. They have a team of experienced builders and engineers who can handle any construction project. Sure, I can help you with that. Can you provide me with the necessary documents and plans for your construction project? Is everything ok? Why do you want to stop? "Well, there are some smaller hardware stores in the outskirts of Kigali, but I'm not sure if they would have what you're looking for. However, you could also try contacting suppliers in neighbouring countries like Uganda or Kenya to see if they have it." pointing to a spot, We start from here and dig up to the other end of the site. Okay, that sounds good. Can we put everything in writing, just to avoid any misunderstandings? Okay, thank you. But is this a common thing in Rwanda? Great, thank you. But I'm looking for some specialized items that I don't think they would have here. Do you know where I can find those? Also, please avoid littering. We make sure to keep our surroundings clean and healthy. Yeah, that's true. Doing business in Rwanda can be challenging sometimes. I have about $10,000 to spend. Hi John, it's going well, but we've hit a bit of a snag. Well, in our culture, we place a high value on using sustainable and eco-friendly building materials. Plus, these materials are cheaper and more readily available here in Rwanda. Hi, I'm planning to repair my house during my stay here. Can you recommend a good time for repair work? No, that's all. Thanks again for your help. Yes, these are the ones we need. A deposit? What is that exactly? I am looking for someone to help me with some construction work. Can you help me? No, I'm sorry, but we require the full amount upfront. It's a policy we have to make sure we have enough funds in case of any damages. Okay, foreigner, can I do anything else for you Got it, thank you for explaining that to me. Is there Hello, I would like to renew my lease for another year. Just some basic repairs, like fixing a leaky faucet and painting the walls. Do the workers have to wear any specific attire while working in my home? Unfortunately, the bureaucracy can be quite slow, but you can try to hire a local fixer who knows the system well and can help you navigate through it. Thank you very much, I appreciate it. "No problem, I am happy to help." Yes, there are several hardware stores that sell roofing sheets. There's one located in Kigali City Center and another in Remera. I appreciate your effort, but the quality of the work isn't up to my expectations. How can we fix this? Yes, but I'm having trouble understanding the policies and coverage they offer. Do you have any recommendations for an insurance company that specializes in construction coverage? Hmm, that could be a bit challenging, but let me think. Have you tried the bigger hardware stores in Kigali? I am sorry, I don't understand. Can you speak English? It's a type of foam insulation. I need it to have a certain R-value for my project. They sit down and discuss the details of the work. The foreigner struggles to communicate effectively due to the language barrier We make sure to bury our waste properly and far away from our homes. We also wash our hands with soap and water. I need to build a small house on my land. Can you tell me the price for that? What about buses? Thank you for explaining that. How are you? Sure thing. For the adhesive, I recommend this one. It's very strong and will hold well. And for the filler, this one will work nicely to fill in the crack. Ah, I see. Well, for any major repairs like that, it's always a good idea to check with the local authorities first, just to make sure you're following all the rules. You could try contacting local suppliers or manufacturers. They might have branches or warehouses closer to your location. Yes, I do. There are a lot of companies and individuals that specialize in this area. You could try contacting the Rwanda Housing Authority, or hiring a consultant who can guide you through the process. "It will be about 4 meters by 4 meters, with a concrete foundation and metal roof. How much do you think that will cost?" It's called spray foam insulation. I was hoping to find some here in Rwanda. Well, we usually close for about two hours in the middle of the day. But we are open for Of course, I understand. Thank you for the reminders. Okay, I understand. I want you to pay on time and send me a message where you live. That sounds great, but how do I know they are trustworthy and reliable? Excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable and trustworthy source for project management or oversight? What kind of issues? It's upstairs, in the master bedroom. That sounds like a lot of work. Is there anyone who can help me with the process? [starts talking in Kinyarwanda, pointing to different parts of the apartment] You can use a slab foundation or a strip foundation. It depends on the size and purpose of the structure. You can start by educating people about the importance of cleanliness and explaining the benefits of a clean environment. You can also lead by example, by always maintaining a clean and tidy workspace. Finally, you can talk to the people who are not keeping their workspace clean and explain how it affects everyone. Yes, it's important to separate your waste into categories - organic, paper, plastic, metal, and glass. This makes it easier to recycle and dispose of properly. Okay, according to our building codes and regulations, you need to have a detailed plan of the property including the number of floors, the size of the plot, and the materials you intend to use for construction. I see, that's good to know. Here, we make sure everyone wears the appropriate protective gear, and we have designated areas for waste disposal. We also ensure that all workers are trained in these protocols before they start working on the site. Okay, I understand. How many bags of cement would you like? No problem, take your time. Just remember that the apartment will only be reserved for you once you have paid the deposit. I need some adhesive glue and some filler for a crack in my wall. Okay, for public transportation, you can take a bus. They are available from the main bus stations in Kigali and other cities. However, sometimes they can be overcrowded and uncomfortable. I see. And what about "agatare"? Yes, you need to go to the local government office to obtain the necessary permits. Sure, I can help you with that. What type of car do you have? I'm sorry, but that goes against our company policy. We have a set of procedures that we follow, and our workers are trained to execute their tasks effectively without direct supervision. Hi there, I was just wondering if the repair work on my hotel room will be completed today? The construction worker walks away, assuming that the foreigner understood the instructions. I see. I'm sorry to hear that. Can you give me more details? Thinking for a moment, Okay, The foreigner is in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda, while the local is in a rural area. Well, there are a few options to consider. You could try checking with the local trade schools or vocational training centers. They might have graduates who are qualified for the job. Sure, let's go have a look. Really? I didn't know that. I thought there would be electricity everywhere like in most cities. Alright, you'll need to get a building permit from the local government office. Do you have your property documents with you? Ah, I see. That's a common problem here. Have you tried talking to an insurance broker? Rwanda has two rainy seasons, from March to May and from October to December. Sometimes the rains can be heavy and cause delays in transportation. chuckles, Sorry, my friend. This is Rwanda. People can get quite excited sometimes. Is everything okay? Thank you for your help. I will get those materials. Well, we Good morning! I'm visiting from the United States and I'm planning to stay in Rwanda for a few weeks. I'm a bit worried about potential unexpected costs or travel disruptions due to weather or political instability. Can you give me any advice on how to prepare for these situations? Yes, I can recommend a few good ones. What kind of construction work are you looking for? Thank you, I will look into those options. Is there any other advice you have for finding reliable project management or oversight in Rwanda? "Yes, I can. I will need some materials and tools. How long do you want it to take?" Ah, I see. You need a new house. Yes, we can do that. Hi, do you know where I can find a good repairman for my laptop? Ah, I understand. Supply chain disruptions are a common challenge for businesses here in Rwanda. Our country is located in the heart of Africa, so sourcing materials can be a challenge. However, we've made a lot of progress in recent years, and the government is working hard to create a more business-friendly environment. I recommend working with a local supplier to help you navigate any potential Good morning, yes, of course. What kind of materials are you looking for? Yes, it's always good to be prepared for unexpected situations by carrying a first aid kit Next day, the foreigner goes to the mechanic. Supply chain disruptions can also be a problem. Rwanda is a landlocked country, so it relies on imports for many goods. If there are issues with the supply chain, it can cause delays and unexpected costs. Yes, it can be challenging. But it’s important to make sure your building is up to code and safe for the people who will be using it. Alright, let me go to the store and get you the materials. Hello, how can I help you? confused, But what about the foundation? You haven't dug any trenches or poured any concrete. That's a bit of a problem since I'm not based in Kigali. Do you know of any other options? That would be great. Also, do you know where I can find some specialized tools and equipment for my project? Okay, we charge $X per square meter for construction work. How many square meters is your house? Usually, yes. But if you need more reliable sources, you can try a mobile charging service. They use solar panels to charge your phone or laptop. Yes, it's different here. We mix the sand and the cement together first and then add water until it reaches the right consistency. It's important to get the ratio right so that the mortar is strong enough to hold the bricks in place. Yes, I can speak English. Is there anything I can help you with? It depends on the materials and the amount of work that needs to be done. Can you give me an idea of what you're looking for? Okay, I got it. You're building a new wall to reinforce this area? Oh, sure, there are several stores that sell construction materials in different parts of the city. What kind of materials are you looking for? Yes, they are, but they are also more expensive and harder to find. Plus, they don't blend in with the natural environment as well as mud and other natural materials do. Yes, there are a few good construction companies in the area that I can recommend to you. What kind of project are you working on? Yes, they are reliable and there are different companies that operate throughout Rwanda. However, sometimes they can be crowded and not always on time. There are some big hardware stores in Kigali where you can find all kinds of construction materials. And for skilled workers, you can try contacting some local contractors or construction companies. They usually have a team of workers that they can provide for temporary work. I thought you said you could do the work without my supervision? Alright, I understand. Thank you for your help. What do you mean? You asked me to build a court, not a pool. Hello, I need a plumber or electrician to fix something in my house. Can you help me find one? I don't have a specific budget yet. Can you give me an idea of how much it would cost? A few days later... Okay, I am done measuring. Let's start with the bathroom. Yes, of course. I can help you. What do you want to do specifically? That's great, thank you. How much will it cost? I see. Are there any penalties for not following the safety standards or for causing damage? I'm looking for some imported materials for a project I'm working on. Excuse me, could you tell me more about the safety measures you have in place here on the construction site? It's usually one or two months' rent. In your case, it will be one month's rent. That's okay, Emmanuel. Let's stop the work for now and wait for the cement to dry completely before we start building the walls. Drywall is not common in Rwanda. We use what is available to us, and mud and straw are readily available resources. Trust me, it will work. Okay, I understand now. Thank you for explaining it to me. Let's proceed with renewing your lease for another year. Hello! I'm having some trouble finding appropriate and reliable sources for waste management and disposal. Do you have any recommendations? Excuse me, sir. I'm wondering if you could help me. I'm looking to repair my car, and I was wondering if there are any good repair shops around here. Yes, I was hoping to find some workers in the southern part of the country. That's reassuring. And what about political instability? Yes, we often share a meal or a drink with our clients after finishing the job as That's interesting. So, do you think it's necessary to wear gloves and masks while working? Hi there, I need to renew my lease for the apartment. Can we go over the terms and conditions together? Hi there, do you happen to know anything about repairing a rental property here in Rwanda? Okay, that makes sense. Sorry, I still don't understand. Do you have someone who can translate for us? There's a section here about utilities, but I'm not sure what it means. Could you explain it to me? Of course, how can I assist you? No problem. Is there anything else you need? Hello, can you tell me where the construction manager is? I need some repair work done at my hotel. Can you help me? Yes, I can. explains in the local language Yes, that sounds good. Can we make a deal for 1,800,000 RWF? A foreigner named John is a construction engineer who just arrived in Rwanda. He went to a local market and met a local named Joseph who is a farmer. I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon situation in shared taxis or mototaxis. It can be difficult to control the behavior of other passengers. Sure. There are many companies that provide waste management and disposal services, such as RDB Water and Sanitation Corporation,, and REMA Rwanda Environment Management Authority,. These companies are reliable and have a good reputation for waste management. Oh, I didn't know that. I don't have enough money with me today. Can I pay the deposit later? Thank you, I will look into those companies. But how do I know if they are trustworthy and reliable? Well, you can make sure you have all the necessary documents ready and follow up on your application regularly. It's also helpful to be polite and patient with the officials here. The foreigner, John, and the landlord, Mr. Gasana, are in different parts of Rwanda. John has just received the rental agreement from Mr. Gasana and is now reviewing it. Phone call is made A foreigner is in the capital city of Kigali and is looking for a local construction worker to repair their hotel room. They find a worker but end up having a misunderstanding about the local methods of repairing walls. Hey, do you have a minute? I have a question about insurance and liability coverage for construction work. Okay, I'll give that a try. Thank you for your help. Got it. And what about disposal of waste and garbage? Is there a specific way it should be done? Conversation between the foreigner and a local who speaks English Good morning! Excuse me, do you happen to know where the nearest ATM is? No problem. Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. Rwanda is a beautiful country with many friendly people. Yes, it's always best to be aware of the potential for extreme weather conditions during certain times of the year that can impact repair work. Is there anything else you need help with? I will. Thank you for coming to Rwanda and for trusting us with your project. Yes, that can be a problem as well. Some areas are quite remote and may not have easy access to supplies. This can result in higher prices for goods or even shortages of certain items. Sure, let me take a look. Starts reading the agreement and translating it to English, So, the first part is about the rent amount and payment schedule. Let me calculate that for you. It will be 44,000 Rwandan francs. I need approval for the construction work and the permits to use heavy equipment on the site. I've already submitted all the necessary documents, but it seems like the process is taking forever. Hi, excuse me, can you help me with something? Hmm, that's not easy. But, I know a few people who might be able to help. Let me ask around and see if I can find someone who specializes in that kind of work. That's good to hear. Thanks for your help. I will do some research and contact the Oh yes, the workers are doing their best to finish it as soon as possible. Yes, please note that the process might be delayed due to bureaucracy and red tape. You need That's too bad. Do you think there are any other options? You're welcome. I hope everything works out for you. Murakoze thank you,. I wanted to ask if things are okay because some of my colleagues have been having some issues. Sure, I want the walls to be straight and the paint to be evenly applied. Can you do that? Please, can you drop me off at the next stop? I don't want to continue the journey. Okay, I'll keep that in mind as well. Thank you for your help. Okay, I can work with that. I will reduce the cost of That's great. What about using the toilets? I think I made a mistake. I used the wrong type of lubricant for the brakes. It's not Thank you for the recommendations. I'll definitely look into those companies. I don't know. I think I'd feel more comfortable with drywall. Yes, you might want to check with some of the local businesses in the area, such as construction companies or taxi services. They may be able to recommend workers who are looking for additional work during those times. You're welcome. We value the importance of rest and taking care of our physical and mental health, so taking a I see. What about personal hygiene? I need my house renovated. I want to add another room to it. Alright, I understand. We sell cement in bags of 50 kilograms, sand in tonnes and gravel in cubic meters. I believe so, I have the blueprints and the estimated cost of the repairs. Sure. The price includes the cost of the materials, labor, and transportation. We will also take care of any necessary permits and Okay, thank you. But how safe is it to take a shared taxi in Rwanda? It depends on the type of wall you want to build. For a single-thickness wall, you'll need about 60 bricks per square meter. For a double-thickness wall, you'll need double that amount. Hi there! I am looking to build a new structure here. Can you help me out? "Sure. Mud bricks are made from a mixture of mud and straw, and they are very durable and provide good insulation. They are also easy to make and widely available. We also use bamboo, which is strong and flexible, and has many uses in construction." F, is trying to rent a house in Kigali, Rwanda. The rental agreement is written in Kinyarwanda, and he is having trouble understanding it. He asks a local Hello, Jean. This is my Hello, I need to explain to you the work that needs to be done. Sure, I will provide you with all the necessary details. Can you start working from tomorrow? Yes, I can. But I need to know what the problem is. Can you Mud bricks? But won't they erode over time? Not necessarily. The workday usually starts early in the morning, around You're welcome. We appreciate your help and we want to make sure that the repair work is done in the best possible conditions. Well, I need to fix a leak in my roof and repair some cracks in the walls. I need some cement, sand, and gravel. Do you have them? Hello, what can I help you with? Hi, I'm interested in getting some construction work done. Can you give me a quote? Sure, I can help you. What kind of issues are you facing? Sure, what is it? Hmm, it's not easy to find reliable sources here. But you can try contacting the local government officials. They might be able to help you. Okay, that sounds good. Do you have any specific design in mind, or do you want me to suggest something? It usually takes up to two weeks, but with some follow-up, it can be expedited. Once you have the permit, you can hire a licensed contractor to do the repairs. confused, No, not all of them. Just the ones on this wall. Well, I am having trouble understanding the measurements for sand and gravel. It would be great if you could come with me, Francis. That way, I can also learn from you how to communicate with the workers and contractors in Kinyarwanda. You need to bring your property documents, the building plan, your ID, and a letter explaining the repair work you want to do. Yes, it might take some time to get used to it. But you can start by planning your work around the siesta time, and taking a break as well to recharge your energy. Great! Do you know what documents I need to bring with me? I understand. It can be difficult to know who to trust, especially when you're new to the area. Have you considered asking for recommendations from locals? F, is working on a construction project in Kigali and is having trouble communicating with a local construction worker L, due to differences in terminology and jargon. Okay, thank you. But I'm having difficulty understanding the terms and requirements for the insurance coverage. Is there anyone who can help me understand it better? Yes, for taxis, you can try Yego or On Time, they are known to be reliable and safe. For buses, there is Volcano Express or Horizon, which are also good options. You need to make some adjustments to your plans and resubmit them for approval. I can give you a list of the requirements you need to meet. I can't say for sure until we know what's wrong with the car. But we'll give you an estimate before we start any work. That sounds great. Is there anything else I need to know? Yes, there are many construction companies here in Kigali. What type of construction work are you looking for? Well, I need some specialized items for repair work but I couldn't find them in the local markets. Do you know any place where I could find them? You'll need to pay a security deposit which is equivalent to one month's rent. It will be returned to you at the end of your lease term if you leave the property in good condition. No, I don't. But I can try to understand you. What do you need? Oh, okay, is your issue with the Kinyarwanda language? No, that's all for now. Thank you again. Sorry, I did not understand you. Can you please repeat it? Sure, I'll start digging the trenches for the strip foundation tomorrow. Thank you so much, I'll definitely check them out. Okay, I will prepare all the necessary documents and submit them as soon as possible. Thanks for your help. Well, I want the house to be solid and durable. What materials do they usually use here? Ok, I understand. Can you show me where the problem is? Yes, remove all the bricks and then we can start fixing it again. What's the problem? Okay, that sounds good. Oh, you want to fix the wall? I can help you with that. What kind of wall is it? I see. So, what should I do in this situation? Yes, I signed it. But I didn't understand what it said. It depends on the type of repair work you need. We have some skilled contractors, but it can be difficult to find someone specialized in certain tasks. What type of repair work are you needing help with? Thank you for the suggestions. Do you think it would be difficult to find workers to help with the project? A foreigner named Sarah is overseeing a construction project in Kigali, Rwanda. She is having a conversation with a local worker named Jean about the level of supervision required for a specific repair work. Okay, thanks for the advice. Do you know any reliable motorbike taxi companies? Is there something wrong? Yes, I did but they didn't seem to know where I could find a reliable source of power. Can you please repeat that? Sure. When hiring an employee, you need to provide a written contract that outlines the terms and conditions of their employment. You also need to register them with the Social Security Fund and the National Employment Service Agency. Okay, I understand. When do I pay the deposit? Understandingly nods, Ah! Negotiate! Okay, okay. How much? Yes, please. Can you tell me more about the rental process? Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. Yes, I want to negotiate the price. Can you explain to me how the payment process works? That all sounds pretty straightforward. But I'm concerned that I don't understand all the local laws and regulations. How can I be sure that I'm complying with everything? Okay, that sounds good. But can you reduce the cost a little bit? Hmm, it depends on the materials we use and the size of the building. Can you give me more details? That's really helpful. Thank you so much for your time and suggestions. Hello, I need to obtain some permits for repair work I want to do on my property. Can you advise me on the process? That's great. What about liability? If someone is injured on the site, who is responsible? Thanks, that's really helpful. Do you know how I can reach out to them? Excuse me, do you know where I can find a plumber or an electrician around here? I am having some issues with the pipes and wiring in my apartment. Oh, I see. And what about "rebar"? In a rural area of Rwanda, a foreigner is building a house using modern techniques and materials. You're welcome. Let Oh, I see. That could complicate things. What about finding workers to help me with the construction? Alright then. I'll leave the keys with you and vacate the house by the end of the month. Well, that might cause some cultural misunderstandings. You see, in our culture, it is considered inappropriate for workers to show too much skin or wear tight-fitting clothes in public. It can be seen as a sign of disrespect or lack of professionalism. That sounds reasonable. Thank you for explaining this to me. I appreciate your culture's emphasis on rest and productivity. Speaking in Kinyarwanda, Greetings, how are you doing? Two days? That's a bit longer than I was expecting. Can't it be done any sooner? Sure, what do you mean? No problem, happy to It's a payment you make before moving in. It's like a security fee in case anything is damaged while you are living here. It's a commercial building project, and I need a company that can handle everything from planning to construction. Yes, there are many mototaxis here. You can find them near the market. I see your point. How long is the break usually? I see. How do I find a reliable taxi or moto-taxi? Good morning, how can I help you? But how will you ensure that the work is done correctly? That would be great, thank you very much. I'm looking for some specialized items like a torque wrench and a tap and die set. I've been to a few hardware stores, but they don't seem to have what I need. That's great, thank you so much for your help. Do you have any suggestions on how I can get there? Yes, you can also try checking out the website of the Private Sector Federation PSF,. They have a directory of skilled workers and contractors in Rwanda. You might find what you are looking for there. You could try the market in Kigali. They might have some there. But be careful, there are a lot of fake products being sold. Yes, most of them are reliable and have been certified by the government. But you should always do your research and check their reputation to ensure you're getting quality services. That's a good idea. Are there any stores nearby that you would recommend? The issue is The next day, the contractor arrived at the foreigner's house. Excuse me, sir. Do you speak English? Sure, there are many options for transportation here in Rwanda. Where is your worksite located? I am looking to sublet my apartment. Do you know how I can reach my landlord to ask for permission? It's in Nyamagabe. Okay, what about bricks or concrete? No problem. Sorry for the inconvenience. Excuse me, can you help me out? I am trying to buy some construction materials, but I am having trouble understanding the local measurement units. Could you help me convert them to more familiar units? I have a leaky faucet and some of the lights in my apartment aren't working. I need someone to come and fix them. Hello sir, I have talked to the workers and they are ready to start the repair work. Yes, they do. You can visit their website at www.rha.gov.rw or call them on +250 252 501 714. Great! Yes, please show me. That sounds interesting. But how do you ensure that the walls are strong enough to support the roof? 2 million Rwandan francs? That seems a bit high. Can you lower the price? That's a good idea. Do you know of any cooperatives I can contact? Hi there, I am having trouble understanding this rental agreement. It's written in Kinyarwanda, and I don't speak the language. Could you help me understand it? That would be great, thank you. But how can I be sure that they are reliable? Yes, there will be inspections at different stages of the construction to ensure that you are following the approved plans and using the right materials. You will need to apply for these inspections and pay the relevant fees. Okay, that sounds reasonable. Is there anything else that I need to know? I'm not sure I understood. Could you please repeat that? It can take a few weeks to a few months, depending on the complexity of the plans and the workload of the authorities. Okay, I understand. Can you tell him that I will provide all the necessary information? Well, the roof appears to be sagging a bit, and there are some cracks in the walls. Do you think you can fix it? Sure. We usually require a deposit before you move in. It's to ensure that we have something to cover the damages if anything happens to the apartment while you are living there. Yes, and also the fact that we're passing other vehicles on a narrow road. A fence? I specifically asked for a wall. How did this happen? Ok, I see. It looks like there is a blockage in the pipe. I can fix it for you Not really, I just need some that can cover the damaged area. The wall, it has a crack on it and I want to fix it. Yes, when entering someone's home or a public space, it's customary to remove your shoes. You can also carry hand sanitizer with you to keep your hands clean. Yes, that would be great. Hello, I'm looking for a local contractor to help with some work on my farm. Do you know anyone who is available during the upcoming planting season? Okay, I understand. Electrical work is a specialized job, and it can be challenging to find skilled workers or contractors who can handle it. However, I can recommend a few places where you can find them. Hey Joseph, I've noticed that the sanitation practices on this worksite could be improved. We need to make sure that everyone is following the proper protocols to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. Yes, the work is going well. Is there a problem with the payment? Okay, that's easy. We are used to repairing houses and buildings using traditional methods. We don't use machines like they do in western countries. Oh, okay. Thank you for clarifying that. And how about gravel? I was told I need three "magunis" of it for my project. How much is that in kilograms? Sure. What is your budget for the work? Hi, excuse me, do you know any reliable and trustworthy construction companies around here? It's okay. We can communicate in English. If there's anything you don't understand, just ask me. That's interesting. Here, we take it as a collective responsibility to ensure everyone's safety. It's not just about the law, but also about caring for each other. As soon as possible. I know it's short notice, but I hope we can work something out. Sure, the cement costs 8,000 Rwandan francs per bag, the sand costs 15,000 Rwandan francs per ton, and the bricks cost 200 Rwandan francs each. "Oh, I see. You want me to build a wall. Yes, I can do that." Of course, safety is always a top priority. Thanks again for your help. That sounds interesting. How can I find a mobile charging service? Calls a friend who speaks English I am currently working on a construction project and I need to make sure we have the necessary insurance and liability coverage. However, I am not familiar with the regulations here in Rwanda. Yes, I might be able to help you with that. What kind of tools or equipment are you looking for? Good morning, do you speak English? Yes, they are. In Rwanda, we take insurance seriously, especially for construction work. It is important to protect the workers and the public from any potential accidents or damages. Yes, they are safe as long as you use a reputable company or driver. You can ask your hotel or a local for recommendations. Okay, that sounds like a big job. For the roof repair and wall repairs, it will cost you around 800,000 Francs. The electrical wiring installation is a bit more complicated, so that will cost around 400,000 Francs. Sure, I'd be happy to. What exactly do you need help with? Sure, I can help you with that. What kind of work are you looking to have done? returns to the hardware store, Excuse me, I think I may have bought the wrong material. The cement I bought is not working for Got it. And what about cement? How many gallons are in one liter? looks confused, Sorry, I don't understand. Can you speak in English? Hi, I'm interested in hiring you for some construction work. Can you tell me how much you charge for your services? Alright, we'll need to do a diagnostic to figure out what's going on. It might take a day or two to complete. Yes, there is a store called "Tools and Equipment Ltd" in Kigali. They have a large selection of tools and equipment, including electrical tools. Yes, of course. There are several good construction companies in Rwanda. What kind of construction work do you need help with? Exactly! I really love living here and would like to continue staying in this apartment. The local and foreigner are in different parts of Rwanda. Hello in Kinyarwanda, I don't speak English. Okay, I won't touch anything. Can you explain to me what needs to be done next? Well, I'm used to working in a country where there are a lot of regulations and rules around construction safety. What are the standards here? Yes, that sounds reasonable. Can we discuss these details now? Thank you for your help. I think I'll use a licensed taxi to ensure my safety. As soon as possible, within the next month or so. It depends on where you're going and how far it is. But usually, a short ride will cost around 500 to 1000 Rwandan francs, and longer rides can cost up to 3000 francs. I need someone to repair the roof. Can you do it? Ah, yes. There is a hardware store a few kilometers from here. But it might be difficult to get there at this time of the day. Sure! What do you want to know? Well, I'm looking for something that's reliable and safe. I don't want to be stranded in the middle of nowhere. Oh, I see. Let me help you. What would you like to know? Okay, you'll need to submit your building plans to the relevant authorities for approval. The building plans should meet the minimum requirements set out by the building code in Rwanda. Yes, I can recommend a few. There's Kigali Taxi, the On-Time Taxi Service, and the Rwanda Taxi Company. They all have good reputations and are reliable. I see. Thank you for your help. I'll go to the district office and see what I can do. Hi, sure. Like any other country, there are challenges to doing business in Rwanda. One of the biggest challenges is dealing with unexpected costs or delays due to issues like weather, supply chain disruptions, or political instability. Thank you very much. Oh, I see. I didn't know about these regulations. Can you provide me with more information on them? Okay, that's fine. Thank you for your help! Hello! I am interested in renting your house. How much is the rent? in broken English, Yes, I speak small English. What problem you have? Alright, if you say so. Can you It's a security deposit that ensures you won't damage the property while you live here. It's usually equivalent to one month's rent. "Yes, I can. I will need to gather some materials and get started on the work. When do you need it done by?" No, I haven't. Can you tell me a bit about them? Oh, I see. I can recommend a few companies that have a good reputation in the area. Have you tried talking to any of them? You'll need to provide proof of ownership of the property, a detailed description of the repairs you're planning to do, and a building permit application form. You also need to pay a fee for the permit. Sure, I can try to help. What kind of project are you looking to start? That would be much appreciated, thank you. Hello, I'm looking to sublet my apartment for a few months. Can you help me with that? Thank you. I appreciate your willingness to make it right. Can you also make sure that in the future, we are on the same page about the standard of work that is expected? Yes, I have tried searching online, but I couldn't find any suppliers. Do you know any specific suppliers that could help me? What have you done? This isn't what I asked for! Yes, I can suggest a few companies that are well-known for their quality work and professionalism. pointing to the ceiling Yes, I can give you his number. Just be aware that his shop is located in Kigali, so you may have to travel a bit to get there. Sure, I'm wondering about this section that says "utilities not included." What does that mean exactly? Yes, the government is working on that. There are ongoing projects to improve the road network and other infrastructure in rural areas. But it Yes, sure. What are you looking for? I will definitely keep that in mind. Thank you for the suggestions. Yes, of course. It depends on where exactly you are looking for these materials in Rwanda. Yes, we can guarantee that it will be done by next week. We will make sure that our We need to insure the construction site and our workers against any accidents or damages that might occur during the construction process. We want to make sure that we are covered if anything goes wrong. Hello, I am trying to repair this machine but I am struggling to find a reliable source of power or electricity. Is there any place nearby where I can get power from? Hi, excuse me, can you help me find a reliable means of transportation to and from my worksite? I don't know what you want me to ask No, we did not need to supervise them closely. They know what they are doing. You're welcome. It's important to understand these cultural nuances to avoid any misunderstandings. Additionally, it is also customary to provide the workers with food and water during their work breaks. Sure, I can help you with that. What would you like to know? Yes, of course. Where is your worksite located? A foreigner is on the phone with their landlord about a maintenance issue in their apartment. The landlord speaks Kinyarwanda and the foreigner speaks English. Hi, I'm back. The workers you recommended have given me an estimate, but it's much higher than I expected. I don't understand why. "Yes, we need to build a fence around this area." You can check their reviews online and also ask for references from their previous clients. You could also visit their offices and see their previous completed projects to get a better idea of their work. Hello! What kind of materials are you looking for? Well, some of the basic requirements include making sure that all workers are wearing appropriate safety gear, such as hard hats and safety glasses. You should also have a first aid kit on site and make sure that all workers have been trained in basic first aid. Additionally, you need to have proper signage and barriers around the construction site to keep people out of harm's way. I apologize for the miscommunication. We will work hard to finish as soon as possible. Sure. Urwego Opportunity Bank is a microfinance institution that provides financial services to small businesses and entrepreneurs. They also offer business development services and project management oversight to their clients. Really? I wasn't aware of that. What kind of extreme weather conditions are we talking about? No, I haven't. That's a good idea. Thanks for the suggestion. That's great news. Thank you for your help! I need someone to build a small house for me. smiles, Just relax and enjoy the ride. We'll be at your destination soon. And if you ever feel unsafe or uncomfortable in a shared taxi or mototaxi, just speak up. We'll all look out for each other. Hi there, do you know where I can find a reliable and trustworthy source for project management or oversight in Rwanda? No problem. You can take a shared taxi or mototaxi. They're cheap and convenient. Oh, I can understand your concern. It's definitely not easy to find the right sources for waste management and disposal in Rwanda. However, you could try checking with the local authorities or environmental organizations. They usually have some good recommendations or contacts. gestures to indicate "problem" You're welcome. Good luck with your house construction project. Hello John. Yes, in Rwanda, cleanliness and sanitation are very important cultural values. It is expected that all workers maintain high levels of cleanliness and hygiene at all times, especially on worksites. Hi, no worries. Let me take a look at it. Ah, yes, this is the Kinyarwanda version. We also have an English version of the same agreement. Would you like me to get it for you? still confused, I don't understand. Maybe you should talk to my supervisor. Hi! Yes, I'm trying to navigate the cultural expectations around cleanliness and sanitation on worksites. Do you have any advice? How much will it cost me? I understand that you're trying to save money, but the cost of construction materials and labor in Rwanda is high. I can't go lower than 9 million francs. Mud is a mixture of soil, water, and other natural materials like straw or grass. It's used to build walls and roofs in traditional constructions. Bricks, on the other hand, are made from clay or concrete and are used to build more modern structures. Hi there, do you know where I can find skilled workers or contractors for specialized repair work? Sure, I'd be happy to help. Do you have any knowledge of the building codes and regulations here in Rwanda? That sounds great. Thank you again for your help. Well, it depends on the materials and labor needed. What specific materials are you planning to use? Well, I have some issues with my bathroom sink and some electrical wiring that needs to be fixed. Welcome to our country. How can I assist you? I need some cement, bricks, and sand. Do you have those? Okay, what should I know about them? Yes, it is. In Rwanda, we take a break in the middle of the day to rest and recharge. It's called a siesta. You will need to submit your plans to the local authorities for review. They will check to see if your plans are in line with the regulations and let you know if any changes need to be made. Once they approve your plans, you can then apply for the building permit. I'm just a little confused about this section here. Can you explain it to me? "What do you mean? I dug a 10-feet deep hole and poured the foundation like you said." Hi there, do you know where I can find some construction materials around here? pointing to his roof, The roof has some leaks, so I need materials to fix it. I will definitely do that. Thank you I need cement, sand, and some iron sheets. I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you write it down? Sure, you can take a taxi or motorcycle taxi known as Moto, to Excuse me, I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable with the behavior of the other passengers. They're smoking and yelling loudly. Okay, I will fix it. I apologize for the mistake. Good morning! No, I don't speak English, but I can try to help you. What do you need? Yes, welcome to our hardware store. What do you need? I need to fix my roof and some of the walls that were damaged during the last rainfall. That would be great! Do you have his contact information? That sounds like a lot of work. How long does the process usually take? Hello, I'm looking for some tools to carry out repairs at my hotel, but I'm struggling to find a reliable source of power. Do you have any advice? That's a good idea. We want to make sure we're being responsible and protecting ourselves and the workers here. Is liability coverage required by Ah, I understand. Here in Rwanda, we usually measure construction materials in bags of 50kg and blocks of 6 inches by 9 inches. Hello, I would like to discuss the price of the construction work. Sure. The construction industry in Rwanda has been growing rapidly over the past few years. There are a lot of local construction companies that are doing great work. The government has also invested in infrastructure development, which has created many opportunities for the construction industry to grow. I see. How do I go about obtaining the permit? Well, I'm looking for some imported tiles and flooring materials, as well as specialized insulation and metal framing materials. The next day… Yes, we understand that now. We'll make sure to finish the work quickly. Oh! Let me go with you so that I can see it too,. Okay, great. I need some cement, sand, and bricks. Hi, do you speak English? I have a question about insurance for construction work. I understand your concern. There are a few options available such as buses, taxis, and motorcycle taxis known as "moto". Great. Thank you for explaining it to me. I'll make sure to take care of the property. And what about hazardous waste? How can I dispose of it safely? Hi, I need your help with something. I am planning to get some repairs done in my house, and I was wondering if you could give me some advice on how to go about it. That's a good idea. But, in our culture, we don't usually prioritize cleanliness on worksites. We focus more on getting the job done. Thank you so much. I'm having a hard time trying to understand the terms and conditions. That sounds In a rural part of Rwanda, a foreigner named Jack approached a group of local workers who were repairing a damaged road. looking at the bag of cement, Wait, is this cement or plaster? I see. Well, in that case, you could try contacting local repair shops. They might have the tools you need and could lend them to you for a fee. That's good to hear. Can you tell me a bit more about the local customs and practices around sanitation on worksites? Looking confused, Metal roof? You don't need cement and sand for that. You need screws and washers. What happened? Why are you installing the windows on the ground floor? I asked you to install them on the first floor. No, I don't. But I understand a little bit. Yes, sure. What can I help you with? I see. What if I want to deduct the cost of repairs from my rent? Yes, I know a few plumbers around here. What seems to be the problem with your plumbing? Excuse me, do you know where I can get insurance or liability coverage for my construction work? I understand. I will send a plumber to fix it. When are you available at home? No, I don't need any supervision. I have done this type of work before and I know what to do. Sure, I understand. So, basically, it says that I would like to continue renting this property for another year. And it outlines the terms and conditions, such as the rent amount and the security deposit. I want a small two-room house with a bathroom and a kitchen. Can you give me an estimate? Is there any way I can get reliable power to carry out my repairs? Yes, boss. We will do our best. Yes, I can give you a quote. What kind of work are you looking to have done? Hi there, can you help me fix my bicycle? It's not working properly. It will cost about 10,000 francs per square meter. Yes, they do. They are both known for their quality work and good customer service. That's a great idea. Where can I find the nearest charging station? Ah, I see. Yes, I will be able to pay the rent next week. Is that okay? Hi, Emmanuel. How's it going? Okay, thanks. I'll Thank you for letting me know. I'm new to Rwanda and I'm not familiar with the weather patterns here. Yes, I can help you. What do you need help with? Okay, I can help you with that. And what about the electrical wiring? Don't worry, I'm used to this. It's common for mototaxis to drive fast. But if you want me to slow down, I can. The total cost will be 450,000 Rwandan Francs. Thank you, I appreciate it. That's good to know. It sounds like Looks at the workers, Why are you all dressed in suits? Aren't you supposed to wear work clothes while working? Yes, I can do it. But first, I need to know the measurements of the wall so that I can estimate the amount of paint we will need. That's great to hear. What about liability? Who is responsible in case of accidents on the site? Just make sure you read the agreement carefully and ask any questions you may have. It's important to understand what you're signing before you agree to anything. "No, we can't afford to waste any more time or money. You guys need to be more careful and listen to my instructions carefully. Let's hope this mistake won't slow us down." Well, I recently hired a contractor to build a house for me, and we seem to be having some payment disputes. I'm not sure if I'm paying him the right amount at the right time. Okay, that makes sense. But what if my plans don't meet the building codes and regulations? I'm sorry, it was a mistake. "You could try checking with some of the larger hardware stores in Kigali. They might have more options available." . Hello, sir. In Rwanda, we typically use locally sourced materials like clay bricks, cement, and corrugated iron sheets for roofing. Sure, I can help you. What do you want me to do? A foreigner visits a local hardware store in Kigali, Rwanda. "No, I don't speak English. I speak Kinyarwanda." I see. Is there any other option for me to get electricity, besides using a generator? There are a number of private companies that offer waste management services. One option is Eco Waste Solutions, they provide collection and disposal services. Another option is Wastezon, which specializes in recycling. Yes, you can. As long as there are no damages to the apartment, we will return the deposit to you. Sure. The cement is 12,000 Rwandan Francs per bag, the sand is 50,000 per ton, and the steel bars are 1,000 per piece. Sure, I need the roof fixed, some walls painted, and some tiles replaced. "You're welcome. We want to make sure you understand everything before you sign the agreement." That is still not enough. I need at least $15,000. Yes, there is an electrician in this village who is very good. What kind of issue are you having? Ah, I understand. During planting and harvest season, most locals are occupied with farming, so it can be difficult to find workers. Yes, I am. We received a report about the need for some repair work in this area. Yes, you need to follow the building codes and regulations set by the government. Alright. The local hands over the bags to the foreigner., Just make sure you mix them well in the right proportions for the repair work. Great. I noticed that the workers were using some strange terms that I didn’t understand. Can you explain them to me? Sure, what kind of construction work are you looking for? Hello, it is 3000 Rwandan francs. No, that's all. Thank you again. I need to build a house, but I'm struggling to find a reliable and trustworthy local construction company to hire. Can you recommend any? "Hello, I am interested in hiring a contractor for some construction work. Can you give me an estimate of the cost?" Yes, hello. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I apologize for any unsatisfactory work. What specifically do you believe needs to be improved? That would be great! Thank you so much for your help. Alright, let me help you out. Firstly, make sure you have pictures or video of the issue to show the plumber or electrician. This way, you can communicate the problem visually, which might be easier. Oh, yes. We have several waste management companies in Rwanda. I can give you some suggestions. Okay, so how many centimeters or inches is a typical "umuti"? Okay, that makes sense. But how do I pay the deposit? Do I give it to the landlord in cash? I see. How much is the deposit usually? Alright. Can I pay with my credit card? Yes, sure. How can I help you? It depends on the location. Can you tell me where you want the materials delivered? Okay, I think I have everything I need. How much does it all cost? About six feet tall and it needs to go around the entire property. Yes, I would like delivery. How much is it? Mud bricks can be quite strong, but they are prone to cracking and erosion over time, especially during the rainy season. Thatch roofs are also prone to leaks and fire hazards. If you want something more reliable, I would recommend using concrete and steel, or other modern materials like bricks and tiles. A foreigner who is interested in building a house in Rwanda is discussing with a local about the types of building materials and construction techniques that are suitable for Rwanda's climate and cultural attitudes. Sure, I can help. What kind of project are you working on? Okay, that sounds reasonable. Can you fix it today? Alright, thank you for letting me know. I hope everything goes smoothly from here on out. Oh, I see. Well, those are pretty specific tools, and I'm not sure if you'll be able to find them here in Rwanda. You might have to look for them in Kigali, the capital city. A foreigner is talking to a local engineer in a construction site in Kigali, Rwanda. What's the difference? Okay, I will call some of my contacts and see if there is any place nearby that sells torque wrenches. If not, I can try to find a way to transport one from Kigali for you. So, we need to build a retaining wall here, to keep the soil from eroding. I would like to explain that I have not been able to make Great. There is water leaking from the ceiling in my apartment. Can you please come and fix it? I need you to install some windows on the first floor of this building. Ah, okay. I understand now. We need to fix the roof and reinforce the walls. I need some electrical work done, as well as some plumbing and carpentry repairs. Hello, I'm interested in getting some construction work done. Can you help me? I see. How about construction techniques? Are there any that are preferred or avoided? "Alright, that's good. Can you also tell me if you will need any supervision while doing the repair work?" Yes, there are some hardware stores that sell a wide range of tools and equipment. But it depends on the specific tools you need. It can be a bit complicated, but if you have all the required documents, it should be okay. Okay, for commercial buildings, you will need to submit your building plans to the Rwanda Housing Authority for review and approval. The plans should meet the minimum standards for structural integrity, fire safety, and accessibility. You will also need to obtain a building permit from the City of Kigali. The work that needs to be done is more extensive than I originally thought. It will take longer and cost more than I initially estimated. It's a minor repair, I just need to fix a small dent on the car's door. Okay, I understand. Do you have the contact information for the plumber or electrician you're looking for? Good afternoon, do you happen to know where I could find a specific type of building material in Rwanda? landlord writes down the rent price on a piece of paper "Yes, of course. What kind of work do you need to be done?" I'm sorry, I don't speak Kinyarwanda. Can you understand me? Hello, I noticed that the construction work on my building isn't up to the standard I was expecting. Can you explain why this is so? Tom lets John repair the car, but the noises continue I can help you with that. I’m fluent in all three languages. What do you need me to do? Great, thanks. But what if they don't have it either? Where else could I go? That's a great initiative. In Rwanda, construction insurance is mandatory, which covers a wide range of risks such as property damage, bodily injury, and death. Yes, we are constructing a new building. No problem. Let me know if you need help with anything else. "Okay, that sounds fair. When can you come and see the property?" nodding and pointing to the bathroom Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you knew our local construction terms. "Kucya" means to destroy or knock down, and "gusohora" means to build or put up. Sure, what exactly are you struggling with? It's in Kigali, in the Kimironko district. Okay, that sounds reasonable. When can you start? Okay sir, we can work within your budget. But I need to know the type of materials and finishing you want in your house. Hello, I am interested in hiring you for some construction work at my property. Can you tell me your price for the job? Yes, unfortunately, that is true. But, if you have all the necessary documents and follow the proper procedures, it shouldn't be too difficult. As they walk around the site, the foreigner notices that some of the work was not done correctly. Perfect. And what about the electrical components? Is that better? You can find them on the street or at taxi stands. Just be careful and make sure you negotiate the A foreigner is planning to build a house in the rural area of Rwanda and is discussing construction materials with a local. I see. In Rwanda, it's common to pay a deposit upfront, usually 30% of the total cost. Then, you pay the remaining balance in installments as the work progresses. Yes, sir, you do need new brake pads. I'll replace them for you. Hi there, excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable and safe means of transportation to and from the worksite? Could you show me where the items are located so I can pick them up? "Okay, let's go to the hardware store together and get everything we need. Thank you for your help." I need about 10 bags. Oh no, that won't work. That's an old-fashioned way of fixing an oil leak, and it won't be effective for long. You need to replace the oil filter and refill it with new oil. That's okay. How much will this cost me now that the repair work is more complicated? That's a bit concerning. How do people manage to build houses or infrastructure projects in such situations? That sounds perfect. How much do you charge for your services? I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with those units. Can you convert them to something I can understand? The paint job is uneven, and some of the tiles are not properly aligned. That's not acceptable behavior. Have you tried speaking to the driver about it? I can understand why that would be frustrating. The first step is to visit the Rwanda Housing Authority. They will guide you through the process and help you understand what you need to do. Yes, I have, but I'm finding it difficult to understand the policies and what is covered. No, I said we need to clear the area and start digging the foundation. You were supposed to start digging, not just clear the area! Hi there, I need some help with repairing my car. Do you know any good mechanics around here? Thankfully, it's not a common occurrence. Most people are respectful and courteous. But there are always a few bad apples in every group. In a remote village in Rwanda Oh, I see. Well, it depends on where you are working. Some areas in Rwanda experience power cuts more frequently than others. Have you tried asking the locals in the area where you are working? Hmm, it depends on the skills you need. But generally speaking, it can be harder to find workers in more remote areas because people tend to move to the cities for better job opportunities. Excuse me, do you know how I can get to my worksite from here? Yes, I can do that. Do you have the materials? A foreign construction supervisor in Kigali, Rwanda, is having a conversation with a local construction worker named Joseph. Hi, excuse me. Do you know where I can find a reliable repairman for rental properties? Great, let me take a look. Hmm, it seems that you will need to replace the front bumper. I can get the materials and fix it for you. I need some high-quality plywood for a construction project, and I'm having a hard time finding a local supplier. Yes, it can be complicated. Did you know that you need to submit an environmental impact assessment report before you start the project? Alright, I can help you with that. I can come with you to speak to the landlord and translate for you. What kind of documents do I need? Oh, that's not too far away. You can take a taxi or a moto to get there. We do acknowledge that safety is a priority on construction sites. However, we have to balance safety measures with the needs of the construction project. We cannot afford to stop work due to safety measures, as that would lead to project delays and financial losses. Hello, excuse me. I'm looking for a reliable and trustworthy local construction company to hire. Do you have any recommendations? That pile is enough to build a 2-meter wall using 1-meter-long stones. Sure, I will send you his phone number and email address. He is very reliable and can work flexible hours. You can negotiate with your tenants to share the repair costs, but it's important to keep in mind that any necessary repairs are your responsibility as the property owner. I need the roof to be fixed and the walls to be repainted. I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Can you please repeat it for me? Okay, I can help you with that. How long will you need my services for, and what is your budget? Sure. It says that you'll pay a monthly rent of 200,000 Rwandan francs, and that you'll be responsible for paying any utilities, like water and electricity. Hi there, I'm trying to get some construction work done on my property. Can you help me out? "That sounds good. I believe there may be a language barrier Well, there are some contractors that specialize in electrical work, and I know of a few roofing companies that might be able to help. Oh, I see. Thanks for explaining. I had no idea what it was called. Of course, we have our own unique methods for building huts here. We use locally sourced materials such as mud, grass, and wood. Our huts are designed to withstand the weather conditions in this area. I am trying to build a house in a remote area of the country, and I am having difficulty finding the materials I need. I want to know if I won't be penalized for leaving early,. That's great, thank you. How much will it cost me? Ah, I see. Unfortunately, ceramic tiles are not commonly used in Rwanda, so they may be a bit difficult to find. However, there are some specialized hardware stores in Kigali that might carry them. Hmm, I see. But those materials may not be the best for repairing a roof. You see, we have a different approach to roofing repairs here in Rwanda. We typically use cement, iron sheets, and nails. Yes, please. But I'm having some trouble explaining the problem in Kinyarwanda. Can you help me with that? Hmm, that could be a bit difficult. What kind of insulation are you looking for exactly? Hello, excuse me. Do you speak English? Yes, I did, but I couldn't find anyone reliable. I understand, but we agreed on a certain level of quality for this project. Can you assure me that the next phase will meet those standards? Oh, I see. But, I don't think that will work. I was thinking of using cement and bricks to fix it. Two meters? That's quite high. Are you sure? In Rwanda, it's considered disrespectful for workers to show up to a job site wearing shorts or sleeveless shirts. They are expected to dress in a more formal manner, such as a button-down shirt and trousers. Understood. Is there anything else I need to know? It's important to have a written agreement with your contractor that outlines the payment schedule and the work to be done. This way, you can refer to it if there are any disputes. Okay, thanks for the advice. Is there anything else I should know about finding skilled workers in Rwanda? The toilet is leaking and there is water all over the floor. "Sure, I can give you a detailed estimate after I take Of course, your safety is my top priority. We can stop here and wait for another mototaxi. Well, we also require a deposit of one month’s rent. It serves as a security in case of any damages to the property caused by the tenant. It will cost 500,000 Rwandan Francs. Okay. Firstly, you need to know that the labor laws and regulations in Rwanda are very strict. You need to follow them to the letter. Yes, I understand that. But the problem is, I don't know what those standards are! And I can't seem to get a straight answer from anyone. Hi, I am looking for a contractor to help me with some construction work. Can you help me? No, no. You see, in Rwanda, we lay the bricks vertically for a stronger foundation. It's how we've always done it. Hi, do you know of any reliable waste management and disposal companies here in Kigali? You can try looking in Kigali or other major cities in the country, as they have many construction workers available. But if you prefer to stay closer to your project, you can also try Wonderful, thank you That sounds fair enough. What about the procedures for inspections? It depends on the size of the house and the materials you want to use. But on average, it can cost you around 10 million Rwandan francs. That makes sense. But do you think it would be okay if they wore something more comfortable, like what I'm used to seeing in my country? I was thinking of offering a lower price, maybe 20% less than what is written on the paper. I see. Well, there are several insurance companies here in Rwanda that can provide you with the coverage you need. However, you have to be careful when choosing the right insurance policy. I understand. Can I pay the deposit later? I understand. Some drivers can be quite reckless. Would you like me to tell him to slow down? "Okay, sounds good. What do I need to do?" Yes, I understand that it might be different from what you're used to. But here in Rwanda, we value taking time to rest during the day. It allows us to recharge and come back to work refreshed. Well, the rainy season lasts from October to May, so you'll want to plan your work accordingly. It's not impossible to work during the rainy season, but you'll need to take extra precautions and be prepared for delays. Thank you for your help, I will look into those options. Hello, I'm looking for some workers to help me with my farm during the planting and harvest season. Can you recommend anyone? Okay, that makes sense. But what are the specific requirements for obtaining a building permit? Hi, do you know where I can find a reliable repair service for my car? Okay, how much is the fee? Yes, there are a few that I can recommend. What kind of project are you planning to undertake? Okay, got it. So, we need to start moving them now? Ah, I see. Well, my cousin is an experienced translator and interpreter. She can help you communicate with the workers and contractors. Would you like me to connect you with her? Okay, I understand. We'll find someone for you. But just so you know, it's important to communicate the full extent of the repairs you need, so you can get an accurate cost estimate and timeline. No, I'm not familiar with the area. Hello, excuse me. I'm having trouble understanding the measurement units used for construction materials. Could you help me out? Of course, I can help you find one. Where exactly do you need the construction work done? confused, Sorry, I don't understand. No, I haven't yet. Do you know the names of these stores? Hello there, can I help you with anything? I see. Is there anything I should know beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings? Okay, that's good to know. I was worried that I might have offended them or something. Okay, we have those in stock. How many bricks do you need? Yes, I understand your problem. Power outages can be quite common here. Have you tried looking for a generator? Complicated? In what way? Okay, I understand. Let me help you find someone who can help. Do you want me to call someone for you? Yes, that's okay with me. But I want to make sure that the quality Outside of Kigali, it can be a bit more challenging. Some areas have more consistent power than others, but generally speaking, it can be difficult to find reliable electricity in rural areas. Hi, excuse me, do you know where I can find construction materials in this city? That seems pretty straightforward. How do I obtain this insurance? Ah, I see. Well, you might have to check with some of the bigger construction companies in the city. They might have connections with suppliers who can import those materials for you. That would be great. Can you recommend someone who is reliable and trustworthy? Well, there's a chance you might have to import it. Rwanda is still developing, so some materials and equipment might not be readily available. Have you tried contacting any suppliers? Hi, I'm here to explore Rwanda's beauty. I've heard so much about the gorilla trekking and the national parks. Do you have any tips for me? That's amazing. What about recycling? Do they also offer recycling services? Ah, okay. What price do you want? Got it. Thanks again! The translator will meet you at your landlord's house. When do you want to go? I can try to move you to a different seat, but that might not solve the problem. You could also try speaking up and telling them to stop. I see. You will need to get a construction insurance policy to cover any damages or injuries that may occur during the construction process. Firstly, you can try to plan your work in advance and hire workers early. This way, you can get the workers you need before they are all busy with their own farms. Hello, I was wondering if you could give me a quote for some construction work I need done? I see. That's interesting. Maybe I can learn more about these traditional methods. Well, for example, back home, there are a lot of regulations and safety protocols in place to ensure that workers are protected and that the company is liable if anything goes wrong. But here it seems like there's less of that. In a construction site in Kigali, Rwanda Yes, I don't understand some of the terms used in the agreement. For example, what does "Umwuga" mean? No problem. It's important to make sure we're all on the same page. Do you have any other questions or concerns? Hello, I need a plumber urgently. My sink is leaking and I can't seem to fix it myself. No, I don't. I was hoping you could help me find a plumber or electrician. I did, but I keep getting the runaround. They keep telling me to come back in a week or two. It's frustrating. That's fine. Can I also get two bags of sand and 100 bricks? That can happen sometimes. It's important to communicate clearly with the mechanic about what needs to be done and how much it will cost. Did you discuss the scope of the repair work with the mechanic beforehand? Hey, driver, can you please slow down for a moment? You're welcome, sir. We are always here to help. Okay, I understand. That will be 20,000 Rwandan francs. Hi, I need some materials for a roof repair and wall repair. Okay, I'll take 10 bags of cement, 5 bags of sand, and 100 bricks. Yes, I've checked a few, but so far, no luck. Do you have any other suggestions? Okay, no problem. Can you show me how to turn off the water to the bathroom so that it doesn't keep leaking? Excuse me, do you know where I can find a supplier for specialized or imported construction materials? Thank you for your help. I just need to know the duration of the lease, the monthly rent, and any other conditions. No sir, we did it correctly. Alright, let me check my records. checks the lease agreement and records, Everything seems to be in order. You can renew your lease for another year with the rental increase. Customs? What do you mean? Okay, thank you. Do you have their contact No, any type will do. How much does a bag of cement cost? Sure. You can start by checking out some of the local consulting firms in Kigali. There are a few that specialize in project management and have a good reputation for delivering quality work. Thank you very much! When can Thanks again, I appreciate your help. Ah, I see. Well, there are a few places you could check out. There's a company called Tech Fix that specializes in repairing all sorts of machinery. They have a team of skilled technicians who can handle any job. Hello, I am interested in hiring you for a construction project. Can you give me an estimate of the cost? Yes, there are several insurance companies in Rwanda that offer liability coverage for construction work. I can give you their names and contact information if you need it. You could look at their experience and track record. Some of them have worked on a variety of projects, both small and large, while others may specialize in certain sectors. I am staying in the northern part of Rwanda. But isn't it important to maintain cleanliness and hygiene while working? It's a safety hazard if you don't. "Didn't you ask for help?" I understand. I don't want to offend anyone, but I also want to make sure everyone is safe. Hi, welcome to Rwanda. I understand your concerns, but you should know that these issues are not very common here. Rwanda is known for its stability and the government has put measures in place to deal with any potential disruptions. However, weather can sometimes be unpredictable, especially during the rainy season, so it's always good to keep that in mind. Excuse me, do you speak English? Alright. First, you need to notify the tenants and get their consent for repairs. Then, you have to obtain a permit from the district office. I'm sorry, sir. I don't understand. Hi there! I need to have some repairs done in my house. Can you recommend a good handyman? Okay, I understand. But just so you know, if you use just cement and sand, the repair might not be strong enough for the type of wall you have. You're welcome. Have a great day It will take two days for delivery. Is that okay? Hi there. Where are you going? In a local construction site in Rwanda, a foreign construction company representative is discussing with a local contractor about the difficulty of obtaining or understanding the necessary insurance or liability coverage for construction work. I see that. But on the worksite, some people seem to be more relaxed about it. I understand, but it's important to follow the proper procedures. That's how we make sure everything is done safely and correctly. I was thinking around 120,000 Rwandan Francs per month. Is that possible? I'm not sure I understand this section. It says something about a security deposit? The bathroom sink is broken and I need to replace it. Also, the window in the living room is cracked and needs to be fixed. Hi there, I need some repair work done on my car. Can you tell me how much it will cost? You're welcome. Good luck Hi, can you tell me how much sand and cement I need to mix for this construction project? Oh, I see. Well, in Rwanda, it's customary for the client to pay a deposit of at least 30% of the total cost upfront before work can begin. Then, the client pays the remaining amount upon completion of the job. Oh, that's good. If you need to make changes, we will have to renegotiate the payment terms and adjust the contract accordingly. Is there anyone here who speaks English that can help us communicate? Hi there! I'm looking for a reliable and trustworthy construction company to hire for a project I have. Thank you for your commitment. I appreciate your effort to fix this issue. I hope we can resolve this That would be great, thank you. How much does she charge for her services? Okay, that's good to know. Are there any other things I should be aware of? Yes, I can definitely help you with that. Rwanda is known for its cleanliness and proper waste management. Have you tried contacting the local government authorities? Sure. There is a company called Inyange Construction Company. They are well-known for their quality work and professionalism. They have been in the industry for a long time and have a good reputation. Yes, let's do that. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Ah, I see what you mean. Yes, it's true that many workers here wear traditional clothing while they work. It's a sign of respect and pride in their culture. We require that workers wear safety boots and gloves and that they have access to safety equipment like harnesses and ropes if they're working at heights. We also have regulations around the quality of materials used in construction. Oh really? What kind of regulations? Yes, of course. Rwanda is a beautiful country, but like any other, it has its challenges. We can experience heavy rains, especially during the rainy season which lasts from March to May and then again from October to November. However, most of the country is situated on high altitude, which makes the climate temperate and pleasant almost all year round. Thank you very much for your help. I was really struggling to find a supplier for these materials. smiling, Welcome, sir! I'm here to help you. What kind of materials do you need? Well, I've noticed that some of the buildings and structures here look a bit different than what I'm used to seeing in my home country. Can you explain why that is? Hello! I am here to renew my lease, please. Google Translate is a good one. Let me show you how it works. Foreigner shows the landlord how to use the app sighs, Unfortunately, this is very common in shared taxis. I am used to it. You will need to provide some basic documents such as your identification, proof of ownership of the property, and a detailed description of the repair work you need to do. "Hmm, that seems a bit high to me. Could you bring the price down to 2.5 million?" "I want you to fix this wall and put up a new one. Can you do that?" Yes. The landlord is asking for a deposit. What does that mean? "Hi, I'm sorry, I don't understand this rental agreement Yes, always make sure that you have all of the necessary paperwork and documents in order. It's also a good idea to be polite and respectful to the government officials who are processing your paperwork. Lastly, try to follow up on your application regularly to ensure that it is being processed in a timely manner. to workers, Hey guys, make sure you wear some shoes. You can't be working barefoot like that. That's very different from where I come from. In my country, the workers themselves are responsible for their own safety, and it's up to them to take the necessary precautions. Ah, I see. That's not a common method we use here. Typically, for small houses, we use mud bricks and thatch roofs. Yes, I can help you with that. What kind of construction project are you planning to do? That's a common concern among foreigners who are not familiar with the regulations here. But don't worry, there are professionals who can help you with this. You can hire an architect or a builder who is familiar with the local laws and regulations to guide you through the process. After a few hours Yes, but we need more help to finish the job on time, and we need you to buy some more materials. "I see. In my home country, we don't always wear gloves and masks when working on construction sites. It's interesting to see the different cultural expectations around cleanliness and sanitation." Oh, okay. I'm sorry. I need to talk to you about something. I want to terminate my lease early. I need at least $5,000 more. I'm fine, thank you. I wanted to talk to you about my lease. Alright, I'll check it out. Thanks for the tip. Hello, how can I assist you? "Yes, I understand now. We can do that. When do you want us to start?" Yes, I would suggest checking with the local municipality for approved construction companies. They usually have a list of approved contractors that have been vetted for quality and reliability. Okay, I will bring all of that. How long will it take? Sure, you can check out some of the local electrical stores in town. They usually have a list of recommended contractors who can handle electrical work. You can also check online for job posting websites or social media groups where you can post your job requirements and get recommendations. Sure, I can definitely help you with that. There are some great repair shops around Kigali. But it's important to note that there are certain times of the year when the weather can be extreme and it might be difficult to get your car repaired. Excuse me, could you help me out with something? Excuse me, sir. I am trying to obtain a permit for some repair work I need to do on my property. Can you help me with this? Yes, we do. We have a range of solar-powered tools, including drills, saws, and screwdrivers. They are durable and perfect for carrying out repairs without worrying about power outages. Oh great, thank you. Do you have their contact information? cement is 10,000 RWF, sand is 5,000 RWF, and bricks are 100 RWF each. Well, for example, I was trying to purchase cement and the seller was using a unit called "kilo" instead of bags. I'm not sure how many kilos are in a bag. Ah, I see. In order to secure the apartment, we require a deposit. Yes, I can help you. What kind of repair work do you want to do? Hello! Yes, we're repairing this building. No, thank you, we don't need any help. Ok, I see. But I also need to fix the engine's oil leak, what materials do I need for that? Oh, I see. That's a bit low compared to what we usually get paid here. You know, we consider many things before we can tell you how much to pay us. Do you mind if I explain to you some of the things we consider? Well, I'm having some issues with my bathroom sink. It's not draining properly. And with my electric wiring, I think there might be a short circuit somewhere. Sorry, I don't understand. Yes, we can negotiate. How much are you willing to pay? I understand your concern. In such a case, you can try to move to a different seat or ask the driver to stop and get off the taxi/mototaxi. Also, you can try to communicate with the driver or other passengers in case of any discomfort. Yes, I've heard that from some of my foreign friends. It's different from our culture here, but I think it's important to respect and understand each other's way of doing things. Hello, I am interested in hiring you for some construction work. How much do you charge? I need some renovations done on my house. I would like to add a new room and update the plumbing and electrical systems. The deposit is equivalent to one month's rent, and it's refundable at the end of your tenancy, provided there is no damage to the property. Okay, that's fine. Can I pay with a credit card? Hi there! I'm looking for someone who can help me with project management or oversight. Do you know of any reliable and trustworthy sources I can go to? Well, I'm worried about the potential for unexpected costs or delays due to issues like weather, supply chain disruptions, or political instability. How do you deal with these issues in your business here in Rwanda? Okay, sir. But sometimes, the actual cost can be different I don't have the materials. Can you please get them? Of course, what do you need help with? Do you have any advice for how to handle situations like this in the future? Yes, it's also important to have a good relationship with the contractor and to communicate clearly throughout the process. In Rwanda, trust and personal relationships are very important, so it's crucial to establish a good rapport with your contractor. Okay, I will ask around and see if anyone is available. In the meantime, do you have any specific requirements for the greenhouse that you want to build? That's good to know. Can you give me an example? Thank you. I’m sorry but I’m feeling a bit uncomfortable in this shared taxi. The other passengers are being very loud and rowdy. That's great to hear. Thank you for the information. I am looking Yes, I went to a few of them, but no luck. Welcome,. What do you want? "Hey there, I noticed that the quality of work done is not up to the standard that we agreed upon. What happened?" I see your point. But what if I want to build my house using steel and concrete? Would that be a problem? Yes, we can deliver them for you. What is the address of your site? Great. How much do you think it will cost? I see. Building codes and regulations are very important in Rwanda. They are designed to ensure safety, quality, and adherence to environmental standards. Have you consulted the relevant authorities? Yes, of course. What kind of construction work do you need? Okay, I can take you to a mechanic I know. He's very good. But you have to be careful, some mechanics here are not very honest and they may try to cheat you. Yes, there are plenty of mechanics in Kigali. What seems to be the problem with your car? They walk through the store Alright, can you give me a breakdown of the costs? Good day! How can I assist you today? Yes, I understand your concern. But in Rwanda, we have a different approach to cleanliness and sanitation. We believe that it's more important to maintain a clean and healthy environment than to wear protective gear. Not really. Rwanda has invested in its infrastructure, including roads and transportation, which has made it easier to move goods and services around the country. However, there may be occasional delays due to the limited availability of some products, especially in more remote areas. If you’re feeling unsafe, it’s always better to be cautious. You can ask the driver to stop and you can take another taxi or a moto. Sorry, we don't accept credit cards. You can pay in cash or use mobile money. I see. But I have heard that some taxis and motos can be quite risky, especially for foreigners like me. Yes, we do have bricks. How many do you need? Okay, I'll keep that in mind. How much should I expect to pay for a moto ride? What do you want to tell me? No problem. It's always good to learn about different cultures and practices. I need some cement, sand, and bricks. Can you show me where they are? I work during the day, but I can be home in the evening after 5 PM. I need someone who can repair specialized equipment. It's quite technical work. Hi there! Thank you for coming. There's a leak in my bathroom. Sure, I know a few good contractors who can help you. What kind of repair work do you need? Sure, you can find them at their office. It's not too far from here. I can take you there if you want. Well, I want to make sure that my workers are safe and that I'm not at risk of any legal issues if something goes wrong. Can you explain it to me? I don't understand English very well. Yes, I have already tried a few places there, but they didn't have what I was looking for. That's not Hello, excuse me, do you know any reliable and trustworthy construction company in this area? That sounds good. Can I pay in US dollars? Okay, thank you. But how difficult is it to obtain the necessary coverage in Rwanda? Ah, yes. In Rwanda, we take cleanliness very seriously. We have strict rules around sanitation on worksites. We make sure the site is clean at all times to avoid accidents and injuries. Of course, we can negotiate. What is your budget? "Okay, I understand. But I need to see the site to give you an accurate estimate. When can we arrange a meeting?" Yes, they are. But for most people here, it's not always about long-term durability. They need to build homes that they can afford and that can protect them from the weather. I am working on a construction project a few miles away from here. I need to fix one of the machines in my workshop. It isn't working properly and I need to check the wiring and connections. Sure, what are you looking for? Hi, I have a question about the rental agreement. Can you explain this clause to me? Alright, I know a few people who can help you with that. But before I arrange for someone to come to your house, I must caution you about something. I see. Back in my country, we often use wood for building because it's abundant and renewable. But I guess that doesn't make sense here. The cost of repairs is usually the responsibility of the landlord or property owner. Yes, you can try using a translation app or hiring a translator. But it's important to get your landlord's permission first before subletting your apartment. It's a residential property, a two-story house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Thank you for your advice. I really appreciate it. The wall is supposed to be curved, not straight. Yes, the bureaucracy can be quite slow here. Have you tried following up with the relevant authorities to check on the status of your application? Hello, sure I can try to help. Which type of material are you looking for? Okay, I understand now. So, you want to extend your lease for another year, and there will be a rental increase? Hmm, I'm not sure if we have those in Rwanda. Have you tried checking with the bigger hardware stores in Kigali? Ah, I see. It's important to follow the regulations to ensure safety and quality of the construction. What kind of construction are you planning? Yes, of course. What kind of materials are you looking for? Yes, I can help with that. Where is the location of the construction site? Yes, we have a strong automotive adhesive that works well for windshield repairs. Do you want me to get it for you? Well, it’s important to follow all the rules and regulations set by the government. They have strict codes that need to be followed for safety reasons. I'm sorry, but I was specifically told that the bricks need to be laid horizontally for this building. That's great, thank you. I am really struggling to find appropriate and reliable sources to dispose of my waste. Can you recommend any specific organizations? Yes, there are some things you can do to prepare for these conditions. For example, you can make sure that the buildings you are repairing have proper drainage systems to prevent flooding. You can A slab foundation is a single layer of concrete that's poured directly onto the ground. A strip foundation is made up of Sure. Some of the most reliable and trustworthy construction companies in Rwanda are ROKO Construction, Horizon Construction, and Summertree Construction. You can contact them for your project management needs. That sounds good. But can we talk about the cost? I'm not sure if the prices you're asking for are reasonable. That's great, thank you so much for your help. Do you have any tips on what I should look for when choosing a construction company? That's alright. I need a plumber or electrician. Do you know anyone who can help me? I see. Can you break down the cost for me, so I can understand why it's so expensive? Ah, I see. Thank you for letting me know. "Excuse me, do you know where I could find a specific type of building material in Rwanda?" Yes, but there's a language barrier and I'm not sure they really understand what I'm trying to say. No problem, I am happy to help. Do you have a phone number or email address where they can contact you? Yes, that is correct. It's to make up for the inflation. Excuse me, do you know any skilled workers or contractors who can do specialized repair work? It depends on the extent of the damage. Hi there, I'm here to help with the repair work of the water pump in your village. About 3 meters tall and 10 meters long. Okay, I can do that. Where are you located, and what kind of work are you doing? nodding his head, Ah, okay. I understand now. Okay, sir. We'll take a look and give you an estimate. But sometimes, it's hard to know the full extent of the problem until we start working on it. Okay, but I don't know how to convert them. Can you give me an example? I need to explain to you what work needs to be done here. That's a great idea. Do you have any specific recommendations? Thinking for a moment, How about 90,000 francs? Yes, I do. But it would help if you could explain the issue in more detail. Can you show me where the problem is? It's a 2012 Toyota Corolla. Yes, sir. We have been working on your car, but we encountered some unexpected issues that have extended the timeline for your repairs. It depends on the size of your project, but I would recommend at least 10 bags. No problem. It's important to use the right materials for the job, Ah, I see. It can be difficult to find skilled workers for specialized repair work in Rwanda sometimes. But, I might have a few contacts who can help you out. I'd like to renew my lease, please. Do you have the lease agreement ready? Hello, I am interested in renting a property in Rwanda. Can you tell me about the regulations for repairing rental properties? You're welcome. Is there anything else you need help with? Sure, that will cost you about 5 million Rwandan francs. Yes, there's one just around the corner. What brings you to Rwanda? Hmm, I'm not sure. But you can try asking at the hardware store. They might know some apps that can help you with the conversions. The foreigner, Jack, is currently living in Rwanda for a volunteer program. He has been living in an apartment for a couple of months, but he needs to leave the country earlier than expected. Jack decides to sublet his apartment to another volunteer who will arrive later. However, he needs to get permission from his landlord, who only speaks Kinyarwanda. Yes, you can try contacting Kigali Construction Supplies Ltd. They might be able to help you out. A few minutes later That sounds similar to the standards in my home country. Are there any differences in the expectations for safety and liability here in Rwanda? Okay, thanks for the information. I'll think Okay, got it. But before we start painting, we need to put up a layer of cement on the wall to make sure the paint sticks properly. No, not really. I just need to make sure that my workers are covered in case of accidents or damages during the construction process. speaking to the driver in Kinyarwanda, Excuse me, sir. There are some passengers causing trouble and my friend here doesn't feel safe. Can we find a way to resolve the situation? That's quite expensive. Can we negotiate the price? "Okay, great. Can you give me an estimate of how much it will cost?" I'm sorry, I don't understand. Sure. There's a company called Kigali Construction. They have a good reputation for building quality houses and have been in the business for over 10 years. Yes, I can recommend a few. I'll give you their contact information so you can choose the one Yes, of course. It is a Rwandan cultural practice to take a break in the middle of the day to rest or run errands. It is called "kwita izina." Sure. In Rwanda, employers are required to follow the Labor Law of 2018, which defines the rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees. translates the agreement I'm building a commercial complex with several floors. 10 million? That's quite expensive. Can we negotiate the price? Yes, we have them. How much do you need? That's interesting, can you give me an example? Miscommunication? What do you mean? The landlord is responsible for maintaining the property and making any necessary repairs. If something breaks down or needs fixing, you can contact the landlord and they will take care of it. Yes, if there is no damage, you will get your deposit back. Hello, excuse me, do you know any reliable construction companies in this area? I understand. Is there any particular time of the year when workers are available? I need a truckload of sand and about 500 bricks. Yes, there are many registered contractors in Kigali. You Okay, first you'll need to go to the district office and apply for a construction permit. But why do you think concrete Hello, can you help me find a plumber or electrician in the area? Well, it depends on your preference and how much you want to spend. Taxis are more expensive but they are comfortable and safer. Motorcycles are cheaper but a bit risky. Buses are the cheapest but they can be crowded and uncomfortable. Rwanda has enjoyed significant political stability since the end of the civil war of 1994. The government is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all citizens and visitors. However, it is important to remain aware of the current situation in the country, especially if you plan to travel to remote areas. "Oh, I'm sorry. I don't speak Kinyarwanda. Can you understand me?" It costs 11,000 Rwf all the time Ah, I see. Well, those are pretty common materials. However, you might run into some difficulty finding workers to help you with the construction. Alright, that sounds fair to me Hmm okay, can you please write down the rent amount on a piece of paper? "Hello, can you help me? I need to explain what work needs to be done here." Okay, that sounds reasonable. Can you write that down for me please? speaks in Kinyarwanda to the driver, Can you please slow down? Our passenger doesn't feel safe. Thank you, I will definitely check them out. Do you have any other recommendations? Thank you so much That's great. I am having a hard time finding a reliable and safe way to get Sure, I can help you with that. Do you need some metal sheets or cement? Okay, I see. But why do you want to use cement? Do you have enough bricks? Okay, that would cost around 15 million Rwandan francs. Thank you so much for your help. Do you have any other advice for finding reliable contractors? Hello, I'd like to discuss the price of your construction work. Okay, I will find some workers for you. But before that, can you tell me the scope of the repair work? It will help me to give you an estimated cost and timeline. ‘Doko’ refers to the wooden frame that is used to hold the concrete in place while it dries. And ‘nyumba zima’ Oh, I see. I was hoping to find what I need locally. Do you have any idea where I can find a specific type of tool? I see. Can you explain more about the requirements for a commercial building? Well, the toilet is leaking and the sink is clogged. I also need some electrical work done. looking confused, Sorry, I don't understand. Can you say again please? Which one do you recommend? Okay, we have many construction materials. What are you looking for? I understand. I will make sure to give them the space they need to do their job, but I will also be available in case they need any support or guidance. It depends on the materials and the design you want. But I can give you an estimate of around $10,000. Hi there, I'm interested in hiring some workers for my new business venture here in Rwanda. Can you tell me what I need to do to get started? If that happens, try to remain calm and ask the driver to stop the taxi. You can then get out and wait for another one or find an alternative means of transportation. It's better to be safe than sorry. What counts as a valid reason? Okay, I understand. How big do you want your rooms to be? I'm not sure yet, but I was hoping you could give me an estimate. Hello John. Yes, I can help you with that. What kind of project do you have in mind? Yes, I can help you with that. What kind of building material are you looking for? It really depends on the workload of the government officials. Sometimes it can take weeks or months to get the necessary permits. It's important to be patient and persistent. What are the requirements for the design? There are a few construction companies that I know of that could help. Have you considered talking to the community leaders or asking for recommendations from local people? Sure, what kind of work do you need to be done? Okay, I understand. Based on your requirements, I can estimate the cost to be around 10 million Rwandan Francs. I can pay $12,000. That would be great, thank you. And what about the western region and the materials I need? We have portable toilets on site, and we make sure to clean them regularly. We also have a handwashing station nearby for workers to use after using the toilet. Hi there! How’s the repair work going? Great, there are a few good construction companies that I know of. One of them is called Kinapharma Contractors. They have a good reputation for delivering quality work and completing projects on time. Well, we discovered that the damage was more extensive than what we initially thought. We had to order some more parts, and the repair work became more complex. Yes, it's six months. So if I decide to leave, I would give you six months' notice. I want to remind you that my name is Jane Smith. "Sure, let me show you." walks over to the wall That's fantastic. Thanks for your help. I'll Well, it depends on the reason for the termination. If it's for disciplinary reasons, then you need to follow the disciplinary procedures outlined in the labor laws. If it's for redundancy or restructuring, then you need to follow the procedures outlined in the Rwanda Labor Code. Okay, that makes sense. But how do I find out what codes and regulations apply to my project? That may be a bit difficult for me since I don't speak the local language. Excuse me, I noticed that some of your colleagues take a break in the middle of the day. Is this normal in Rwanda? You're welcome. Have a great day. Yes, another good construction company is Kigali Builders. They have a lot of experience with both residential and commercial construction projects. It depends on what you are building. If you are building a house, then cement bricks are better. But if you are building a fence or a wall, then mud bricks are cheaper and easier to work with. Yes, I can make one for you. But we need to discuss the cost of the design first. Well, we have a few supervisors who will oversee the work and make sure that everything is done properly. I need some help with planting and harvesting my crops, but I am having difficulty finding workers who are available during those times of the year. Do you know anyone who might be able to help? Yes, I can help you. Where is your apartment located? , Landlord. This is Local, a friend of yours. I'm here with a foreigner who is renting one of your apartments. They want to sublet it to someone else, but they need your permission first. No, I don't know any plumbers here. Can you recommend someone who is experienced and reliable? Okay, thank you for explaining everything to me. I'll go to the bank and make the transfer right now. That's great. Do they have websites or contacts I can access? Okay, that sounds good. How soon do you need the work to be completed? I’m sorry, but we didn’t understand that. In Rwanda, it’s common to have some small gaps between the bricks, and we thought that the walls were straight enough. Deposit? What kind of deposit? Well, unexpected costs can be a challenge for any business. However, we try to minimize them by conducting thorough research and planning ahead. It's also essential to have a contingency fund in case of emergencies. Got it. And what if I need to terminate the lease early? Yes, I did but I couldn't find any trustworthy ones. I need someone who can handle my project efficiently and professionally. Excuse me, can you please slow down? I don't feel safe with the way you're driving. We have different types of bricks. Do you want mud bricks or cement bricks? Yes, please. That would be very helpful. Sorry, we don't have enough bricks right now. Can you come back tomorrow? Hi, excuse me. I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the measurement units used for construction materials here. Could you help me out? It's located in the Western Province. Ah, I see. How much do you want to pay? [tries to find someone nearby who speaks English] Excuse me, do you speak English? Hi there! What are you building here? Oh, I see. How do I go about doing that? Okay, it's about 200 square meters, and I want to use good quality materials. Well, sometimes the roads are not in good condition, which makes it difficult for trucks to transport materials. Also, some areas are more remote, so it can take longer to get there. In Kigali, a foreigner approaches a local repairman asking for assistance with his car. I spoke with a friend who knows a guy who specializes in repairing solar panels. His name is Jean, and he lives in Gicumbi. He's quite good at what he does, and he's worked on several projects around the country. No problem. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me. I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Can you explain a bit more? Yes, I know the landlord. He doesn't speak English, but I can help you translate. Hello. Thank you for coming. No, no problem at all. We just wanted to make sure we understood your request. When would you like Yes, there is one just down the street, do you need some help finding it? Oh, I see. But how big should the fence be? Sure! Payment for construction work is usually done in installments. The first payment is made before work begins, as a deposit, and the rest is paid as the work progresses. I'm not familiar with the labor laws and regulations in Rwanda. Can you give me an overview of how to hire or fire workers here? Yes, I think I can help you with that. What exactly are you looking for? Yes, motorcycle taxis can be dangerous if you don't take the necessary precautions. But there are some reliable and safe motorcycle taxi companies that you can use. Hi, I noticed that the repairs aren't finished yet. What's the problem? Three "magunis" is around 1.5 cubic meters. But I'm sorry, I don't know the exact weight in kilograms. These organizations are government-run and have a good reputation for being transparent and accountable. You can also check their track record with past projects to see if they have been successful. Good morning, sir. How can I help you today? Unfortunately, no. You need to follow the regulations and go through the process. But I can help you with the paperwork and any other assistance you may need Great, thank you! That's good to know. What about liability? Who is responsible if someone Hi there, I am thinking of starting a business in Rwanda. Can you tell me about the local labor laws and regulations? Yes, I've heard that it's different in other countries. But in Rwanda, it's important to take a siesta because it allows us to be more productive later in the day when it's cooler. We have those as well. And how much sand do you need? "Yesterday, I was robbed of my money in our house, and unfortunately, I couldn't save it since Hi there! Sorry to bother you, do you have a moment to talk about something? Well, there is a way to speed up the process, but it requires an additional fee. Would you like to know more about it? Hello, I'm the landlord's son. How can I help you? I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean. Thank you so much! However, I've been struggling to understand the building codes and regulations here. Do you have any advice on how I can better understand them? Local market in Kigali, Rwanda But won't that make the building weaker and more prone to collapse? In my country, we use modern building materials such as steel and concrete for better durability. Hi, do you know if there are any reputable project management companies around Musanze? Well, I've been trying to get the necessary permits and approvals from the government, but I keep running into roadblocks. I don't know if I'm filling out the forms correctly or if I'm missing some important information. Nods head with understanding Well, I'm trying to buy cement and sand for a project I'm working on, but I don't understand the measurements. They're all in kilograms and liters, and I'm used to working with pounds and gallons. thinks I see. Well, finding skilled workers can be tough sometimes. But I suggest you ask around in the market area. I understand. You can try the services of Kigali Construction Company, they are reliable and have a good reputation in the area. Thanks for the heads-up. I'll keep that in mind. Is there anything else you can suggest? Yes, we have many materials. What do you need? Well, things like bad behavior, theft, or consistent poor performance. But you can't just fire someone because you don't like them. Great! This house is available for rent. The monthly rent is 250,000 Rwandan francs. That's good advice. I'll keep that in mind. Thank I'm fine, thank you,. Ah, I see. Do you know where the blockage is located? I am planning to build a small warehouse on my farm, but I am having difficulty finding local workers who are available during planting or harvest season. nods understanding, Ah, okay. Yes, it's possible to make some changes to the rental agreement. But I will need to call my friend who speaks English better than me to help us. Thank you, John. We will deliver the items to your project site tomorrow morning at Political instability? Is that a common thing here? Excuse me, can you tell me what type of materials I need for this repair work? reads the translation on his phone and replies, The rent is 100,000 Rwandan Francs per month. That's not good, you should have paid by the 25th. In Rwanda, you need to have a work permit to employ someone. Additionally, you need to provide a written employment agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the employment relationship, including hours of work, leave entitlements and pay. A few hours later Hello! Yes, actually, I'm having some trouble finding appropriate and reliable sources for waste management and disposal. Do you have any recommendations? looking thoughtful, I'll have to take a closer look to give you an accurate estimate. But don't worry, I'll make sure it's reasonable Yes, I speak English. Can I help you? Hello, excuse me, do you know where I can find information about waste management and disposal? Thank you I see. Well, there are a lot of people who can speak English here, so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding someone. I can help you find a translator if you'd like. Great, thank you for the suggestions. Do you know if there are any suppliers outside of Kigali that might have what I need? I understand your concerns, but shared taxis are a common mode of transportation here. However, if you feel unsafe at any point during the ride, you can ask the driver to stop and get off. Yes, I can. There are a few good options in the area. Let me make some phone calls for you. I see. I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with that. I want to make sure the repairs are done properly. I'm sorry, I don't speak much French. What happens if I have to leave before the lease is up? Yes, it is. We usually take a break in the afternoon when the sun is the strongest. We call it a siesta. Hi, sure I can help you with that. What exactly do you need? Well, clause 5.3 states that the rental fee is due on the 15th of every month, but what happens if I'm not able to pay on time? I understand. I apologize for the inconvenience. Let me speak to my team and see what we can do to make it right. Yes, there's a rental shop down the road that rents out generators at affordable prices. Yes, that's correct. I’m a bit confused about hiring and firing workers. What are the regulations around that? Sure, I'll have a look. But can you tell me who did the repair work? No, I haven't. I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to do so. What if something breaks or needs repair? Oh, great. Do you have any electrical tape too? I want to build a small house with two bedrooms and a kitchen. Yes, I can help you with that. What kind of work are you looking to hire for? That sounds complicated. What options are available for someone like me who is not familiar with the process? It's about the insurance and liability coverage for the work we're doing here. We're having difficulty obtaining the necessary coverage, and I was hoping you could help us out. I understand. It can be challenging to find a good construction company, but I know a few that you might be interested in. Hi there! Well, it depends on what you prefer. But traditionally, Rwandans have been using locally sourced materials like mud, grass, and timber for constructing their homes. It's not ideal, but it's not unacceptable either. However, if you want to show respect for our culture, it would be appreciated if you asked the workers to wear the appropriate attire. Yes, I need to leave in two weeks. Okay, I'll try to relax. But can you drop me off at my destination as soon as possible? I'm currently in Kigali, but I could go elsewhere if necessary. Hello, welcome. Yes, please tell me what you need. Alright, sir. We will work together to ensure that everything is done correctly. No problem. It's just one of those cultural differences that can cause misunderstandings if you're not aware of them. Yes, the dry season is from June to September, and it's generally a I see. Well, you need to start by submitting your building plans and designs to the City of Kigali for review. We have a team of engineers and architects who will ensure that your plans comply with the building codes and regulations in Rwanda. Oh, I'm sorry about that. Could you tell me what work they were doing, and which workers you hired? Alright. He takes a look at the engine and calls his colleague over, Hey, do you have the 2012 Toyota Corolla engine belt? Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help. A foreigner is in a shared taxi, and a local is on a shared mototaxi. Both of them are feeling uncomfortable or unsafe due to the behavior of other passengers. That sounds like a good plan. Do you have any specific recommendations? Hi there, I'm looking to build a house in this area. Can you help me find a good contractor? Excuse me, do you speak English? I need to talk to my landlord about subletting my apartment, but he doesn't speak English. Are you heading somewhere? I'm trying to understand the terms of the rental agreement, can you explain it to me? The next day, the foreigner checks out but the repairs are still not complete. Well, you should also be aware that there are certain materials that are not allowed to be used in construction here in Rwanda. For example, asbestos is prohibited. Yes, there are shared taxis that go to that area. You can find them on the main road. Yes, there are a few suppliers in the area that may have what you need. There's a company called Building Materials Ltd. that carries a wide range of construction materials, including some imported products. They may be able to help you out. Okay, I will write down the terms and conditions in English and you can get it translated. Sure, I can help you with that. First, you need to visit the district office that governs the area where your rental property is located. The officials there will guide you on the regulations and procedures for repairing your property. Hi Jean, I noticed that there are some differences in safety standards and liability expectations between what I am used to in my country and what is practiced here in Rwanda. Can you help me understand how things work here? That sounds great. What about liability? Who is held responsible if there is an accident on a construction site? Yes, sure. Here is the document. Oh, I see. But we had agreed that the repair work would require close supervision. Okay, I understand. Let me see what we can do. Maybe we can reduce the cost by using different materials or reducing the size of the house. Hmm, well, you might have to offer higher wages to attract workers away from their farms. You could also try contacting local contractors and see if they have any workers available. Okay. How long does that process take? Hello, I need you to help me with some construction work. No, that's fine. Thank you for your help. Good morning. I'm actually here to oversee some repair work that needs to be done on a building in this area. dials landlord's number, Hello, good morning. I'm calling on behalf of a foreigner who lives in your apartment complex. She wants to sublet her apartment and wants your permission. Is that okay? listens, Okay, thank you. hangs up, The landlord said it's okay. Thank you very much. I appreciate your help. "What do you mean?" Sure, for taxis, you can try Onatracom or Rwanda Taxi. For motos, you can use SafeMotos or YegoMoto. They are reputable and reliable. Why are you saying this? Yes, I do. Here's their business card. I prefer to use local materials, but I am open to suggestions. That sounds pretty straightforward. But what happens if I need to fire an employee for whatever reason? Oh, that sounds like a challenge. How long does it usually take to get these permits? Hi! I'm just checking out the workers fixing the roof. It's an interesting process. Ah, I see. I'm sorry, but my English is not very good. Maybe I can find someone to help us translate. Yes, please. I don't want to cause any trouble, but I really don't feel comfortable. If you violate the labor laws, you could face penalties, fines or Alright, that would be 50,000 Rwandan Francs. Oh no! What kind of challenges? Of course! In Rwanda, cleanliness and sanitation are highly valued, and it's important to maintain a clean and safe work environment. However, the expectations may vary depending on the type of worksite. No, I am sorry. We only accept cash payments for the deposit. Sure, for construction work in Rwanda, it is mandatory to have insurance coverage. You need to get in touch with the Rwanda Insurers Association to know about the various insurance policies that cover construction work. Well, there are certain procedures that you need to follow. You can't just fire someone without a valid reason. If you need to terminate their contract, you need to give them written notice, and if they've been with you for more than six months, you need to give them compensation. Hi there! I'm looking to start construction on this site soon, but I'm having a hard time understanding the building codes and regulations in Rwanda. Can you help me out? Thank you, I appreciate that. Is it common for passengers to act like this in shared taxis? Yes, they are. It's important to get everything right before you begin construction. What type of property are you planning to build? We can dig out the holes for the columns and then fill them with concrete. It will take some Hands the foreigner a piece of paper with the total amount written on it Alright, I'll slow down a bit. Is that better? I am here to check on the progress of the construction work. We have noticed that the work is not up to the standard we expected. That's not acceptable,. How much are you able to pay now? Alright, he will be here in a few hours. In the meantime, can you show me where the leak is? It might be a bit difficult to find specialized contractors here, but there are a few things you can do. First, you can ask around in the local community to see if anyone knows of any skilled workers or contractors that can help you. "Ah, I see. You want a wall around this area. But, what kind of material do you want me to use?" What about other necessary permits and approvals Hello, do you speak English? That's true. How can I find someone who is trustworthy and reliable? After a few days, Tom came back to check on the progress of the building and was disappointed with what he saw. Size doesn't really matter to me, as long as they are trustworthy and produce quality work. Yes, actually. I'm not very familiar with the city, so any advice Yes, I speak French I'm giving you one month's notice. I apologize for the mistake. How can we fix it? Hmmm, that's strange. Well, you could try going to a nearby town or city where they have better access to electricity. For example, Kigali has a more reliable power supply than most other areas in Rwanda. Okay, I can agree to 85,000 Rwandan Francs per month. looks at the lease agreement, I can't read this. It's in English. That sounds reasonable. Can you translate the agreement for me, so I can understand it better? How much is the rent per month? We're done building the new wall. I'm planning to build a house and I'm looking for a trustworthy and reliable local construction company to hire. Not necessarily. It depends on the nature of the work and the employer's preference. Some workers may stay longer to make up for the siesta break, while others may finish earlier. Oh, that's a problem. What should I do then? That's great to know. What about liability? Who is responsible if something goes wrong on a construction site? Hi there, I need some materials for a repair job I'm doing at my hotel. Do you have any plumbing supplies? Ah, I understand. Let me make the phone call for you. Really? I had no idea. I'm used to working straight through the day. The second section states that the rental period is for one year and the rent is due on the 1st of every month. still looking confused, I'm sorry, I don't understand. Yes, we do have cement and bricks. nodding, Yes, that's right. I need some plumbing and electrical work done. It’s not too complex, just a few leaks and some wiring that needs fixing. No problem, boss. It's important to know the right words so we can communicate well. No worries, but can you explain to me what went wrong? I want to understand so that we can avoid these issues in the future. Oh, I see. Do you happen to have someone who can help translate? Okay, I will get back to you as soon as I can. Yes, I do. How can I help you? Thank you for the advice. Do you know of any specific labor unions or cooperatives that you can recommend? Okay, but we may need to educate our workers about the importance of cleanliness and sanitation. Oh, I see. Thanks for letting me know. I'll head to the hardware store and get the right materials. I see. That's actually a great way to take care of oneself. Do employers provide a space for workers to rest during their break? It says here that the rent includes all utilities. Does that mean electricity, water, and gas? Yes, that's right. Is that a problem? The plumbing system and some electrical fixtures need fixing. translating, He says he needs to know more information about the person who will be subletting the apartment. Rebar is short for reinforcing steel bar. We use it to strengthen concrete structures. Oh, I am sorry Sure, I can help. Are you familiar with the different types of building materials we use here in Rwanda? Yes, I will bring it tomorrow morning. How long do you think it will take to repair? You want to rent? Oh, I understand now. Yes, that's correct. The rent includes all of those things. Hello, I'm interested in renting this apartment. Can you tell me how much the rent is per month? What kind of tool are you looking for? That sounds quite expensive! Can we negotiate a little bit on the price? Sure, I can help. What is the question? Well, it's making some weird noises and I think there might be something wrong with the engine. Can you recommend a reliable mechanic who won't overcharge me? Hi there, do you know of any good repair shops around here? My phone's screen is broken and I need to get it fixed. Yes, I have a copy on my phone. Should I show it to you? "Wall? What kind of wall?" It's right across the street, you can't miss it. They have some great deals on power generators, and Okay, no problem. I will pay with cash. Thank you for your help. I need a house built. Can you give me an estimate of how much it will cost? Yes, I can help you with that. What kind of repair do you need? Yes, both stores are open on Saturdays and Sundays, but they may close early on Sundays. I would recommend going early in the morning to avoid the crowds. No no no! This is not what I meant! You were supposed to add a layer of sand first and then lay the pipes for the plumbing. Ahh, I see. Wait for it to dry. Okay, thanks for the information. I want to make sure I follow all the laws and regulations here in Rwanda. That sounds good. Do you know where I can find the bus station? No, you will need to go to the bank to pay the fee and bring the receipt back to the government office along with the application. Good morning! I’m glad to see that work has already started on the construction site. I don't have a fixed budget yet. But I want to make sure that the price is reasonable and within my means. confused, I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you speak in English? Good morning. Yes, of course. You will need to go to the local government office to apply for the permit. It's important to maintain good personal hygiene as well. Wash your hands regularly, especially before meals or after using the restroom. Yes, I know. Sometimes it can be a challenge to find specialized equipment or parts here in Rwanda, but people always find a way to get the Hello! Yes, there are a few good ones around depending on what you need. What type of construction work do you need? Yes, a wall. You know, a structure made of bricks or concrete that separates one area from another. I will do it myself. Can you recommend a material that is easy to use? Hi, I'm sorry to bother you. I'm having trouble understanding my rental agreement because it's written in Kinyarwanda. Can you help me? I see. And what about political instability? I've heard that Rwanda has had a complicated past. I understand now. I don't want to disrespect the local culture. Maybe I'll consider using some traditional materials and techniques. About an hour. Not at the moment, but I really appreciate your kindness and willingness to help. That sounds great, thanks for the suggestions. Do you have any idea about the price range for these materials? I can start right now if you want. Okay, so this agreement basically states that you'll be renting this house for six months, and you'll pay a monthly fee of 200,000 Rwandan francs. Yes, I can do it. What seems to be the problem? Yes, I can help you. I am not a professional interpreter, but I can translate for you. Yes, there are a few. You can try Yego or SafeMotos. They're both safe and reliable. Well, for example, back in my country, safety equipment such as helmets, safety glasses, and harnesses are mandatory on any construction site. Also, the liability tends to fall on the contractor if any accidents or injuries occur. I see. Well, I need to know Oh, I see. I apologize, I don't speak English well. Maybe my friend, who is fluent in English, could help us. Let me call him. I'm looking to build a new house here, and I need to explain the work that needs to be done. I need to terminate it early. I'm sorry for any inconvenience, but there's a pressing matter back home that requires my immediate attention. Really? That sounds difficult. Yes, I can help you. But I don't have experience with building walls. I am a carpenter. Okay. Do you have any idea about the scope of the work that needs to be done? Ok, I understand. What kind of foundation are you looking for? Okay. First, you need to check with the landlord. Some landlords offer maintenance services as part of the rental package. That's a good point. Can you give me an overview of the regulations and procedures? No, you cannot. You have to follow a specific procedure when terminating an employee's contract. You have to give them a notice period and a reason for termination, and also pay them their final dues. Yes, of course. Thank you so much for your help. Uh, sorry, what's that? Well, it's some pretty specialized work. I need someone who's an expert in repairing industrial machinery. At a local market in Rwanda, a foreigner named John is chatting with a shop owner named Zawadi. I understand now. We can redo the work if you are not satisfied with it. Yes, I understand your concern. Unfortunately, finding reliable project management or oversight in Rwanda can be a challenge, but there are a few options you can explore. Have you considered working with local consulting firms? concerned, Are you sure? These passengers seem to be causing a disturbance. Okay, 6 feet high. And how long should the wall be? I see. That might be a bit challenging, but I can help you find a supplier. Would you mind telling me what exactly you need? Hi, excuse me. I'm new to Rwanda and I'm struggling to find a reliable source for project management or oversight. Do you happen to know any trustworthy company or organization I can reach out to? Yes, that sounds good. Can you explain to me what is included in the price? Yes, it is very common. People here often share taxis and mototaxis to save money. Yes, my name is Rachel. "Well, I'm trying to buy some wood for my project, and they keep using something called a 'cubit.' I have no idea how long that is." Thank you. Do you know if they have any specialized tools for car engines? Hi, I'm interested in learning more about the construction industry here in Rwanda. Can you tell me about the safety standards and liability expectations on construction sites? Thank you, that's very kind of you. I really appreciate your help. That's helpful, thank you. But what if I have trouble understanding the insurance policies or legal documents? Can you please call someone who speaks English? I need to communicate with the landlord. Hi, do you know where I can find skilled workers or contractors for specialized repair work? Yes, I can recommend some people who can help you with that. Where are you working? That's interesting. How long is the siesta usually? John is in Kigali, the capital city, and David is in a rural area in the Northern Province. I can pay on the 30th when I receive my salary. Okay, I understand. Your safety is important to me. Is there anything specific that I can do to make you feel more comfortable? It's a Toyota Corolla. Yes, you can find one here in the city. However, you should be aware that there are certain times of the year when repair work may be challenging due to the weather conditions. After a few days... "Oh, okay. Can you give me an estimate of how much it will cost?" Okay, I can understand that. I can give you an estimate of around 10 million Rwandan francs. I need some workers to help me plant and harvest my crops, but I'm having trouble finding anyone who is available during those times. Do you know anyone who might be available? The landlord is responsible for any major repairs or structural issues, but the tenant is responsible for any minor repairs or damages caused by their own negligence. After examining the pipes, the repairman realizes what the problem is. Okay, that sounds fair. When can you start? I see. I was actually thinking of building my house using steel and concrete. Is that something that's commonly done here? Kigali Construction Company offers a wide range of construction services from building design, construction management, and general contracting. Excuse me, can I get some cement and sand? No, that's all. Thank you for your help You're welcome. If you need any further assistance, feel free to come back to me. Yes, if there is no damage or anything missing from the house, then I will return the deposit to you when you move out. Yes, workers are expected to wear appropriate clothing and protective gear, such as gloves and masks, when necessary. Also, it's important to dispose of waste properly and to use eco-friendly cleaning products Yes, we understand. It will definitely be done by tomorrow morning. "Yes, of course. What kind of work do you need done?" Okay, that will be arranged. Can I have your name and phone number? Well, my roof is leaking and I need it fixed. Can you do that for me? I understand that, but don't you think that modern materials like concrete and steel are more durable and long-lasting? "I am trying to sublet my apartment, but I need to get my landlord's permission first. Can you help me speak to him?" Hello, I’d like to renew my lease for the apartment I’m renting. Oh sure, there are quite a few plumbers and electricians in the area. What seems to be the problem? Sure. If you're looking for construction materials and workers, I would recommend checking out the cities of Kigali, Butare, and Gisenyi. They have good infrastructure and are easy to access by road. Excuse me, I have a question about the rental agreement. Well, you have to be careful. Sometimes, the behavior of other passengers in shared taxis or mototaxis can make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Great, thank you. Can we discuss the price now? Hi there, can you help me with a repair job? I need some materials for it. Hmm, I see. But what about repairs? What if a wall gets damaged or collapses? Local translates to the foreigner No, they're not. You'll have to pay for water, electricity, and gas separately, based on your usage. I'm sorry? What do you mean? Yes, there's a company in Kenya that specializes in insulation materials, they might be able to help. Or there's a company in the US that could ship it to you here in Rwanda. Yes, you will need to fill out a request form for the repairs and submit it to the landlord or property management company for approval. Welcome to Rwanda. The best time for repairs depends on the type of repair you want to carry out. However, the best time to carry out repairs is during the dry season. It usually starts from June to mid-September. During this time, the weather is generally dry and sunny. Okay, that makes sense. How do I go about getting that? Translating, This person would like to sublet their apartment. Can they have your permission to do so? That would be great. Can you please recommend some reliable ones? Hello, it's been two weeks since we last spoke about the repair work. Is it completed? You can ask for references from previous clients they have worked with, and also check their credentials to ensure they are qualified to manage such a project. You can also ask for their portfolio to see the projects they have worked on in the past. Yes, Rwanda has had a difficult history, but the government and the people Excuse me, I need to obtain a permit for some repair work I need to get done. Can you please guide me as to where I need to go? Hello, I have a problem with my apartment. Points to the ceiling Okay, let me explain to you. The agreement basically outlines the terms and conditions of the apartment rental. It covers the rental fee, the duration of the rental, and any other responsibilities you have as a tenant. I was expecting the walls to be straight and the foundation to be strong. However, I noticed that the walls are uneven and the foundation seems weak. Sure. There is a company called RDB Construction. They are known for their high-quality work and timely completion of projects. They are also very transparent with their pricing. Another option is Kigali Builders. They have a lot of experience in building residential houses and have a good reputation in the industry. I see. Thanks for letting me know. I want to make sure I'm following the local expectations and standards. The security deposit is equal to one month's rent. It will be refunded to you when you move out of the apartment, provided that there is no damage to the property. That would be great, thanks. For example, how do I convert 10 meters to feet? Not fluently, but I can understand a little. How may I assist you? Hi there, I noticed that the work you guys did is not quite up to the standards we were expecting. Can you tell me what happened? Oh no! I'm so sorry. I thought you said bricks. I'll fix it right away. Well, the road that leads to that area is not very good. It's a bit bumpy and full of potholes. Plus, there are not many transport options available, especially during this time of the day. Okay, that sounds like a good idea. Do you know of any other places that might have what I'm looking for? "It is in Kigali." Oh, that's too bad. I'm having some problems with my plumbing and electrical systems. Do you know any plumber or electrician I can hire around here? Of course, I'd be happy to help. What kind of work are you doing? Am I Rwandan or Congolese? Ah, I see We are working hard to finish it by the end of next week. But sometimes, we can't predict the problems that might come up. Yes, I have, but unfortunately, they don't have the tools I need. Just use whatever you think will work best for the repairs. Okay, let me see if I have those. They search for the materials and find them I want to terminate my lease early because I need to speak to my family member about some urgent matters. Okay. I understand. How deep should the trench be? Two days later, John returns to the repair shop. Hi, yes please. I'm struggling to find appropriate sources for waste management and disposal. Do you know where I can find reliable information on this matter? "Hello, I just wanted to follow up on the repair job that your workers did for me last week. I was really happy with the work they did, but I'm a bit surprised to see the final bill." Hi, I have a question about the rental agreement. Can you help me understand something? Sounds good. I’ll see you tomorrow at 10 am. Sure, the rent is $500 per month. I need to build a small house. Can you give me an estimate for the entire project? Okay, got it. What does the second section say? I need a wall built around my property. Can you do that? I see. However, it seems like it is affecting our work productivity, and I am concerned about meeting our deadlines. Oh, that's too bad. I'm trying to find a plumber or an electrician to help fix a problem in my house. Do you know where I can find one? Sure, I can definitely help. What materials are you looking to buy? That sounds interesting. Can you Okay, that's clear. What about the deposit? I need both, but I also need some wood planks to reinforce the structure. Yes, it's more of a cultural norm. In Rwanda, people value taking a break to rest and recharge in the middle of the day. It's not seen as laziness or unproductive, but rather a way to improve productivity and mental health. Well, I think there might be a leak in one of the pipes. Water keeps dripping from the ceiling. At a local market in Rwanda, a foreigner approaches a vendor to buy some fruits and vegetables. Hello there, can you help me find a reliable and trustworthy local construction company to hire? Yes, you can prepare by ensuring that you have the necessary equipment and materials to handle such conditions. You can also consult with local experts who have experience **In Kigali, at a construction site** I just need some help understanding this rental agreement. I want to make sure I know what I'm signing. Excuse me, I'm having trouble understanding this rental agreement. It's written in Kinyarwanda and I don't speak the language. I need to fix some broken tiles in my bathroom and do some painting in the living room. Hello, I am interested in getting some construction work done. Can you help me out? What happened? I thought you guys knew what you were doing. "Hello, can you help me?" In a rural village in Rwanda, a foreigner named John is trying to repair a small house. He is in the market looking for construction material when he runs into a local named Emmanuel. Thank you for your time, I appreciate your help. Can you repeat what you just said? Oh, I'm sorry. Let me rephrase that. If I cannot pay the rent by the 15th of the month, what are the consequences? Hi, excuse me. I'm looking for a supplier for some specialized construction materials. Do you have any recommendations? Yes, we have a local waste management and disposal system here. tries to use gestures to explain, See, the walls are cracked and the roof is leaking. I need you to fix those. Well, I need to fix my leaking faucet and replace some old electrical wires. This looks good. How much does it cost? Thank you so much! I am having trouble communicating with some of the workers and contractors here. I was wondering if you might know of any local translators or interpreters who could help me out. Hi there, can you explain to me what you mean by "formwork"? That's interesting. I had no idea about the extremes of the weather in Rwanda. Does this affect the infrastructure in the area? Okay, that makes sense. But what about deadlines? How do workers meet their deadlines if they take a long break in the middle of the day? "Great! Can you start today?" Yes, you can try checking out Jumia and Amazon. They might have the tools you need. For the electrical wires, you can try visiting the local electrical shops, they might have some in stock. Yes, how can I help you? Hello, excuse me, do you know where I can find local workers or contractors for a project I have in mind? It's difficult to give an estimate without knowing the details of the project. But we can negotiate the price based on your budget. That's a good idea. Do you happen to know of any specific hardware stores or suppliers that might have connections for specialized materials? I need your help with something. I need some construction work done on this building. Can you do that? Okay. For fixing the roof leaks, you need to get some cement, sand, and waterproofing chemicals. And for repairing the cracks in the ceiling, you need to get some plaster and putty. I see. And what about political instability? Is that something I should be concerned about? Great, can you do that now? I need a specific wrench for the engine, but I can't seem to find it anywhere in town. This is a standard rental agreement. I can help you translate it. I need some high-quality steel and a particular type of cement that I haven't found in any store here. Okay, we have different types of cement. Do you have any preference? Hi there! I'm here to check on the progress of the house repairs. "Yes, of course. What seems to be the problem?" Ah, okay. Thank you. How much does everything cost? That's unfortunate. Do you think I'll be able to find someone who can do this type of work? I'm building a commercial building. I've already submitted my application but it keeps getting rejected. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Ah, yes. A deposit is a sum of money that you give to the landlord as security in case of damages or any unpaid rent at the end of the lease. I dug a 3-foot-wide trench, just like you said. [shakes head] Ah, Oyahe? "What have you done? You built a fence around the whole field!" That makes sense. But how do I ensure that the repairs are done properly and up to code? Excuse me, sir. I'm sorry to bother you, but I feel really uncomfortable with the behavior of some of the other passengers in this taxi. Excuse me, do you know anyone who can help me manage my project here in Rwanda? A foreigner is in the capital city of Kigali and is having a conversation about work hours with a local, while another local in a rural area is discussing the same topic with a different foreigner. Oh, I see. Well, it's about 10 meters long and 2 meters high. I understand. Thank you for letting me know. I'll definitely take your advice and look for the Yes, they do. But they might be a bit expensive. We can check out some other shops too and compare prices. Okay, that makes sense. What about the construction materials? Are there any restrictions or guidelines I need to know about? No, I said one meter. That's not one meter, that's almost two meters deep. Hello! I have a question. It's about shared taxis and mototaxis. I've noticed that sometimes, the behavior of other passengers makes me feel uncomfortable or unsafe. What should I do in such situations? To keep people out of this area. I understand your concern, but the price is reasonable for the amount of work required. If you have a specific budget in mind, we can work together to see what we can do. Sure, what kind of wood is that? points to their wallet, I have the money, but I've been having some financial difficulties. It depends on how long you need the interpreter for and what kind of work you need help with. But usually, it's around 10,000 Rwandan francs per hour. "Oh, I see. I'm having some trouble communicating with my workers and contractors. Do you know anyone who can help me translate to English?" It was your team actually. We agreed on a certain standard of work, but it seems that the quality is not up to par. Hi, sir. How can I help you? It is located in Kigali City. Yes, boss. I will That's a great suggestion. Do you know any names that I could look into? Hi there, I need some repair work done on my roof. Can you help me out? Sure, I can help you with that. Where is your apartment located? I see. But what about the roof? Can you use metal sheets or tiles instead of thatch? Great, thank you so much. I really enjoy living here in Rwanda. That would be great. Thank you so much for "Oh, sorry about that. I told my colleague to build it that way." Hello. You are a foreigner, we should not assume bad of you. It is important that you have the rent money. Really? I had no idea. What do you suggest we do to prevent such delays? It’s going well, Tom. We just started laying the foundation. Yes, that makes sense. But I need more information. What kind of soil are we dealing with? What is the size of the building? What materials are you planning to use? Yes, they are safe and reliable. You can rent a motorbike from a local shop In a marketplace in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda, a foreigner approaches a vendor who is selling building materials. Hi, I'm here for some construction work. I need some repairs done on my building. Local and Foreigner arrive at the landlord's office Oh, the wall! Yes, I can repair it. Do you have the materials? also speaking in Kinyarwanda, Of course, I'll try to talk to them and see if we can calm things down. Safety is a priority for everyone. Yes, we can. But you have to pay for the transport fee. Oh, I'm sorry about that. Do you want me to talk to him? They arrive at the store Okay, I can help you find a reliable and trustworthy person for this job. But you need to be careful about who you choose. There are many people who claim to be project managers or consultants, but they may not have the necessary experience or skills. Sure. One option is to approach some of the reputable NGOs or international organizations operating in Rwanda. They often have experienced project managers who can provide oversight for your project. I think I need some shingles. It's all about the technique. You have to use the right mixture of mud, clay, and sand, and you have to compact it really well. Then you let it dry in the sun for a few days, and it becomes as hard as rock. Hi there! Thanks for coming. So, I need to have some walls knocked down and some new ones put up. Can you help me with that? Hello, foreigner. Do you remember that you are late with your rent payment? The total cost is usually determined based on the materials needed and the labor required. The final price is agreed upon before work begins. Thank you, that would be great. Umuganda means community work. It's a tradition here in Rwanda where everyone in the community comes together on a certain day to work on a project. In the context of construction, it might refer to a community building a school or a hospital. I need some cement, sand, and bricks. Good morning, I am interested in renting this house. Can you tell me how much the rent is per month? Do you know what kind of attire is appropriate for workers when they come to fix your roof? That would be great! Thank you so much! Okay, that's clear. And when I move out, will I get the deposit back if there is no damage to the property? ROKO Construction, Horizon Construction, or Crystal Ventures? Yes, I can help you with that. What kind of work are you looking for? Well, it depends on the size and quality of the house you want. Can you give me more details? nods, Yes, thank you. Here are the keys. Can I have a receipt for the payment? Hmm. That could be mahogany or teak. They're both hardwoods. You'll need a strong adhesive for that. Here, try this one. I thought you said everything would be done by this morning. It's collected once a week and taken to a landfill site outside the city. I see, but I think I need something more durable "I appreciate your work, but I really need everything to be as close to perfect as possible. Can I show you some examples of what I'm looking for?" Okay, thank you for letting me know. I appreciate your efforts to resolve this issue. Hi, I need an electrician to fix my power outage. Sorry, what exactly do you mean? Good morning, everyone. I'm excited to be here to work on this project with you all. Okay, that sounds good. But, I'm not sure I understand the insurance coverage requirements. Can you explain it to me? What? Don't worry. I will take care of it. First, you will need to fill out an application form and submit it to the office. Then, they will review your application and send an inspector to your property to assess the repairs that need to be done. It's like a security fee. The landlord holds onto it in case you damage anything in the apartment. But don't worry, you'll get it back when you move out. "I need some carpentry work done, and I also need someone to fix my leaking roof. Do you know anyone who can do that?" Can I pay it later? Maybe after a week or two? Great. Thank you. Hi, I'm a property owner here in Rwanda, and I'm having trouble navigating the different regulations and procedures for repairing my rental properties. Do you have any advice? No problem. We Rwandans are known for our hospitality and willingness to help visitors. Hi, I'm having some trouble finding skilled workers or contractors for specialized repair work. Do you have any recommendations? smiling, Perfect! Do you need any other materials like screws, nails, or sealant? That sounds great. Do you know if they are available to do the job soon? What happens if I don't follow the regulations and build without approval? Yes, but the scope of the work is much larger than I anticipated. We'll need to replace the entire plumbing system and rewire the entire building. Plus, the roof repairs are more extensive than I thought. Really? Is that the standard practice here? Yes sure, I can help you with that. What seems to be the problem? Thank you for the information. How can I get in touch with them? The construction looks unstable and the paint job is not smooth. Sure, I can help you. What exactly do you have in mind? No, no, no. I specifically said I wanted it in the backyard, next to the house. Yes, sometimes the prices can fluctuate Hi there, do you know where I can find specialized or imported construction materials around here? Yes, I followed your instructions. I used three parts sand to one part cement. Great, go ahead and fix it. Well, I need some imported materials for a specific project. Do you know any suppliers that specialize in this? No, I haven't. How do I do that? Well, we can use some cheaper materials and do Well, we didn't understand the level of supervision you wanted us to have. I'm building a house and need a company that can handle everything from start to finish. Thanks, but I'm looking for some specialized items that I'm not sure they have here. I'm having a hard time finding them anywhere. Sure. For example, if you are doing a small construction project like building a fence or a small room, you don't need any insurance coverage. However, if you are doing a bigger project like building a commercial building, you need to have a construction all-risk insurance policy. Ah, that part says that the tenant is responsible for paying the water and electricity bills I was hoping to pay around 4 million Rwandan francs. Is that possible? Thanks for letting me know. I'll definitely keep that in mind as I plan my trip. Do you have any other tips for me? I'm still not understanding. Can you explain in simpler English? Yes, there was a bit of a misunderstanding with the payment. In Rwanda, it is customary to pay a deposit upfront before any work begins. This deposit is usually 30% of the total cost of the project. Okay, thank you. I have a maintenance issue in my apartment. The bathroom sink is leaking and the showerhead is not working properly. Well, my rental property has some plumbing and electrical issues. I need someone who can fix it quickly and it should be up to the standard of the regulations. Yes, that's true. Many Rwandans still prefer houses made of traditional materials like mud, bricks, or wood. These materials are suitable for our climate and are readily available. Besides, they are affordable and can be easily repaired in case of damages. Okay, that sounds good. Can I pay with my credit card? Can you tell me more about those regulations? I don't want to run into any problems. Well, there's a leak under the sink, and the water pressure is really low. Oh, I'm not sure. I just assumed metal was metal. Yes, I'm interested in renting this apartment. I've been looking for a place to stay for a while. "Yes, I can try." That's good to know. Thanks again for your help. Thanks. What other options do I have? We're sorry, we thought you didn't need any supervision, so we're taking our time with it. I'm not sure what you mean by that. I just want to know if the price is negotiable. Sure! The building codes and regulations are put in place to ensure safety and quality of construction. They cover things like the minimum size and height of rooms, the type of materials used, and the distance between structures. It's important to comply with them or you may face penalties or even have to demolish your building. I see. Well, there are a few options. You can try a nearby hotel or restaurant for charging your phone or laptop. I see. What do I need to know about hiring employees? Sorry, he doesn't speak English. Can you speak in Kinyarwanda? I was thinking about 8,000 US dollars. Is that possible? Okay, okay, I see. And when do I have to sign this? I'm having a hard time understanding the measurement units you use here for construction materials. I'm not sure how to convert them. Hello, can you help me out? This is a disaster. How can we fix this? I'm not sure, what do you need? Ah, I see. That can be quite challenging in Rwanda. What kind of equipment is it? I need some high-quality cement and steel bars for my construction project. Can you suggest any reliable shops or suppliers? Of course, I can help you with that. Just tell me what you want me to say, and I will translate it for you. I want to build a small house on this plot of land. How much will it cost me? Great, thank you. How long will it take for the materials to be delivered? No, no, no. You're not understanding. We need to dig a trench for the foundation of the wall. It goes around the perimeter of where the wall will be built. Yes, I am going to pay for them. Ok, come to the office,. Hi, I'm planning to build a house here in Rwanda, but I'm not familiar with the safety and liability standards on construction sites. Could you give me some information on that? Local goes to check the stock and comes back after a while Oh, I see. I wasn't aware of that. In my country, we usually pay a percentage of the total cost after the work is completed. That's a little low for a two-bedroom house. It might be possible, but we would have to make some sacrifices in the quality of the materials used. Well, I need a specific kind of wrench and some other equipment that is not usually found in regular hardware stores. The repairman inspects the car and sees that the brake pads are worn out. Yes, I can do that. How many rooms do you want in your house? Sure, I'll do my best. What exactly are you referring to? Ah, I see. That's quite common here in Rwanda. We have power outages from time to time, especially in rural areas. No problem at all. It's always good to help out a Oh, I see. I thought you meant supervision as in managing the workers. I didn't know Great, thank you so much! No problem. Just be sure to check the weather forecast before you start your work Okay, here's the money. Can you help me load the materials onto my truck? Hello, can I speak to the landlord? Oh, that's great. You can easily get a translator or interpreter in Kigali. Did you check online? Yes, I'm trying to get to the market. Do you know a good taxi or mototaxi that can take me there? Excuse me, I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable with the behavior of some of the other passengers in this taxi. They seem to be quite loud and aggressive. Sorry, I don't speak Kinyarwanda. Do you speak English? Alright, I can help you find someone. Do you speak Kinyarwanda? Hello, excuse me. I'm looking for a supplier of specialized construction materials. Do you know where I can find one? Hello! I'm fine, thank you. Oh, I see. There are different means of transportation that can take you there. You can use a taxi or a bus. Hello, good morning! Do you speak English? Hello, excuse me, do you know where I can find some specialized or imported construction materials in this area? Ah, I see. Well, in Rwanda, it is important for workers to dress modestly and respectfully. This means that they should wear clothes that cover their arms and legs. I'm looking for a specific kind of insulation material for a project I'm working on. Oh, that's a good question. You should know that labor laws in Rwanda are quite strict, especially when it comes to employing locals. I'm sorry about that. It's not normal, but it can happen sometimes. If you feel unsafe, I suggest we get off at the next stop and find another taxi. Yes, I can do it. How much time will you be supervising the work? No problem. I'll let you know as soon as I find someone. Great. I will see you tomorrow morning. Do you speak Kinyarwanda? They told me it would take around three days, but it's been over a week now. Well, I am looking for some imported high-quality marble for my project, but I'm not sure if it's available in Rwanda. Sure, I’d be happy to help. When do you need me to start? Yes, there are many repairmen in the area. What kind of work do you need done? Okay, we have different types of cement. Which one do you want? That's very helpful. Are there any unique safety concerns here that I should know about? No problem, I want to make sure you understand the rental agreement completely. It's important to me that you feel comfortable renting my property. Hi, I have a question about my rental agreement. The landlord is having trouble understanding me. Yes, I’m sure. I’d rather walk the rest of the way than stay in this vehicle any longer. "I'm sorry about that. I'll talk to him and tell him to slow down and drive carefully." Yes, there are some regulations you'll need to follow. You'll need to get in touch with a licensed plumber or electrician who is registered with the government. They'll be able to guide you through the process and ensure that your repairs are up to code. Sure, what do you need? Well, during certain times of the year, we have extreme weather conditions that could impact the repair work. Heavy rains, for instance, could cause some shops to close down temporarily. That makes sense. But how do I identify the risks? A foreigner named Jack is managing a construction project in Kigali, Rwanda. He hired some local workers to help with the project. However, Jack is not satisfied with the quality of work they have been doing. Hi, my car has been making strange noises lately, and the engine seems to be struggling. Can you take a look at it? Hi there, I am looking for a plumber/electrician to fix an issue in my bathroom/kitchen. Can you help me out? I need some cement, sand and bricks for a construction project. That's perfect! Thank you so much, Francis. Can you please help me find someone who can come and assist me on site tomorrow morning? Great, let me help you with that. Perfect, thank you so much for your help. Do you have any recommendations for a professional translator or interpreter that I could hire for future projects? Yes, of course. In Rwanda, to obtain liability insurance for construction work, you need to get in touch with the Rwanda Development Board RDB,. They will guide you on the requirements. Well, I need to build a house, but I'm struggling to find a reliable company to hire. Okay, I did that, but I still don't understand what I need to do. Okay, that's good to know. Thanks again for your help. The price per bag is 10,000 Rwandan francs. Sure. You can try speaking to the brokers at SONARWA General Insurance. They have experience working with construction companies and can help you find the right policy for your needs. What have you done? "I want to build a new fence around my property. How much would it cost?" "Umwuga" means rent. It's the amount of money you'll be paying the landlord each month for the house. No, it's not that simple. There are rules you have to follow. For example, you have to give your employees a contract that outlines their terms of employment. You can't just fire someone without a valid reason. Yes, unfortunately. The process can be slow and there is a lot of bureaucracy involved. In a village in Rwanda, a foreigner is having a conversation with a local about payment practices for construction work. Yes, sure. It's +250 788 123 456. Hey, wait a minute. Why are you painting the walls? I asked you to fix the cracks and install new tiles. I'm sorry, I don't speak Kinyarwanda. Do you speak English? Yes, I can do that. I know some people who can help you. But first, let me show you some of the carpentry work I have done. Maybe that will interest you. Actually, they are more durable and adaptable to the local weather conditions. They can also be easily repaired or modified compared to cement or brick buildings. I see. So, what are some of the expectations around cleanliness and sanitation on worksites? I see,. Can you explain why you need to leave early? "Hmm, I'm not sure what you mean." It's okay, I'll tell him for you. "Mukomeze guhora cyane" means "please drive slowly" in Kinyarwanda. What about the reliability of these services? Are they trustworthy? Great! How much does a bag of cement cost? still confused, Walls and roof? What do you mean? Oh, hi. They're repairing my roof. I'm just making sure they're wearing proper attire. A cubic meter of gravel costs 40,000 Rwandan Francs. Well, it depends on what you want to be done. We use high-quality materials and our work is of high quality. Alright, let me just read through this document and we will discuss the terms and conditions. Do you have any questions or concerns? Excuse me, can you help me understand the measurements for this construction material? That's good to hear. Do you have any advice for me as I navigate these potential issues? Yes, I do. How may I help you? Sure, I can help you with that. The first thing you need to know is that you will need to obtain a building permit from the local authorities before you can start any construction work. I see. What kind of tools and equipment are you looking for? So, we need to dig a trench and pour concrete into it to create a solid foundation for the building. Sure, I'd be happy to help. What would you like to know? Okay, I will do that. But I am not familiar with the insurance policies in Rwanda. Can you tell me more about it? Hi there, I'm having trouble finding skilled workers or contractors for specialized repair work. Do you know where I can find some? Yes, follow me. We have different types of roofing sheets, depending on your budget and preference. "Okay, I think we can handle that. It should take us a few hours, and cost you around $50." There was an unexpected expense that came up last week, and I had to use the money I had saved for rent to take care of it. But I promise to pay you as soon as I can. I see. And what about the notice period? When should you inform me if you want to leave? That's helpful to know. What about hiring a worker? Okay, I understand. How high do you want the wall to be? Ah, I see. Yes, that is the usual payment practice here. It's called the "50-50" payment system. You pay 50% of the total cost upfront and then the other 50% after the completion of the work. Hi, yes. I'm trying to get permits and approvals for my construction project, but I'm having a hard time understanding the building codes and regulations here. Yes, it's not very common to use wood for building in our country. It's not as durable and can be easily destroyed by pests like termites. We also have a cultural preference for certain building materials. You're welcome. Good luck with your search! Insurance Company Office I need some construction materials like cement, steel rods, and bricks, as well as some skilled workers like masons and carpenters. Hi, I am planning to build a house here in Rwanda. Can you give me some advice on what type of building materials or construction techniques I should use? Excuse me, I think we might be doing this wrong. The bricks need to be laid horizontally, not vertically. Sure! It depends on the location and the purpose of the building. But why don't you tell me what your plan is? Oh, I see. What do you mean by traditional methods? Well, first of all, you need to obtain a building permit from the local government. You also need to make sure that the repairs you make are in line with the safety and construction standards set by the government. Hello!, Is there anything I can help you with? There's a leak in the bathroom. Water is coming out from the pipes. 15 million francs? That seems a bit high. Can we negotiate the price? Okay, I can do that. How much supervision do you need? Yes, I can help you with that. I have experience building traditional huts like the ones you see around here. Sure. A bag of cement costs 11,000 Rwandan Francs and you will need 200 bags of cement for 10 cubic meters. A tonne of sand costs 35,000 Rwandan Francs and you will need 5 tonnes of sand for 10 cubic meters. Hi, I would like to apply for a building permit for my construction project. I see. Is there anything I can do to make my job more attractive to workers? , bite? All right. And how many truckloads of sand do you want? surprised, Really? Is there nothing we can do about it? That's a bit low. How about we meet halfway at 9 million Rwandan Francs? Hi, I'd like to discuss the price for the construction work I need done. I need to build a small house. Can you give me a quote? Okay, that makes sense. But what if I'm not satisfied with the work? Alright, I can help you with that. I know a few people who can speak both English and Kinyarwanda, which is the local language. That’s good to hear. I brought some materials with me from my country that I’d like to use for the roof. Can we incorporate those into the design? Yes, I can help you. What do you want me to do? Thank you so much! How much do I owe you? Okay. Are there any laws or regulations I should be aware of? "I am available tomorrow. Can we meet at my property at 10 am?" Yes, I understand your frustration. We often face power cuts and electricity shortages in this part of Rwanda. But there are a few options you can try. That's really thorough. And what about liability? Who is responsible if something goes wrong on site? "Yes, of course. But first, can you tell me what exactly you want to be done?" I need you to repair the wall over there. It has some cracks and needs some fixing. Ok, let me call a plumber and an electrician for you. Can you please show me where the bathroom is and where the lights are flickering? Yes, it can be challenging. During the rainy season, the roads can become impassable and it's hard to transport materials. Plus, the heavy rain can damage the work we've already done. It's a security fee that guarantees you will not damage any property in the house while you are living here. It also covers any unpaid rent or bills when you finally leave. Amagara? No, I don't think that's it either. It's the part that comes before the walls and the roof. Good morning! I would like to renew my lease agreement. Well, I have been trying to convert from meters to feet, and I can't seem to get it right. Okay, how much will it cost? nods, but still looks uneasy, I understand that, but I'm not used to this kind of behavior. Is there anything else I can do to feel more comfortable? Alright, that seems reasonable. Thank you. I see. Unfortunately, our lease agreement doesn't allow for early termination. But I can try to find another tenant to take over your lease. Excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable source of power or electricity to carry out some repairs? The lease agreement states that I will continue to pay rent every month, and I will take care of any damages that may occur during my stay. I would like to renew this agreement for another year, and continue living here. Hello, we are here to speak with the landlord about the apartment. That sounds perfect. Do you have their contact details? I need some high-quality steel beams and some specialized tiles for the roof. Do you know where I could find those? Yes, we do. What seems to be the problem with your car? Oh, I see. Well, we have different types of glue depending on the type of wood you're using. Can you describe it to me? Okay, I guess I'll give it a try. Can you show me how to do it? I think I understand. You want to rent your apartment to someone else? I need some work done on this building. Can you tell me what needs to be fixed? No, I haven't. Do they have a good reputation? Yes, I can give you some recommendations. There's a mechanic shop just a few blocks from here. They do excellent work and have affordable prices. nodding, You're welcome. When can you move in? A foreigner is trying to rent an apartment in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda. The rental agreement is written in Kinyarwanda and the foreigner is having trouble understanding it. Hi there! Can you tell me what you're working on? I need 20 bags of cement. Ah, I see. Let me think. Can you show me where the sand and bricks are? Yes, I have the materials. I just need you to build the wall. Got it. Are there any other cultural practices I should be aware of? Yes, of course. What kind of repair work do you need? I need some workers to help me build a greenhouse. It's a bit urgent because I need to plant some crops soon. "I'm looking for a specific type of cement that I can't seem to find anywhere." Hello, welcome to Rwanda. I understand your concerns. However, Rwanda is generally a safe and stable country for travelers. It is true that we experience some weather changes, especially during the rainy season, but it does not usually result in major disruptions. A construction site in Rwanda where a foreigner and a local worker are discussing payment. Of course, safety is very important here David, I followed your advice and bought everything you suggested, but the leak is still there. What went wrong? In English, Thank you for understanding. How much is the fee? "Hey, what are you guys doing? This is not what we discussed yesterday." Hello there, I need some repair work done in my hotel. Can you please help me out? Hi, I am looking to start a construction project here in Rwanda. Do you know where I can get the necessary insurance or liability coverage for my work? That's a great suggestion. I'll make sure to do that moving forward. Are there any other payment customs I should be aware of That would be great, thank Unfortunately, I don't have the plans with me right now. But I can tell you that I want to use high-quality materials. Yes, I am speaking English. I want to stay in my apartment for one more year. Yes, I can. But before that, can you tell me what type of materials you want to use? "Okay, let me try to explain this to you. I need to fix this wall here. It's broken and needs to be rebuilt. Do you understand?" That's great, do they recycle as well? "I need the walls to be about 3 meters tall and the electrical work to be done in a small room. I have a budget of about 500,000 francs." Of course. What type of walls are you dealing with? Hi there, yes I can help you with that. Are you looking for something specific? They usually hire workers before the planting season or hire people from other areas who do not have their own farms to work on. Yes, you also need to ensure that your building meets the required safety standards. This includes having fire exits and fire extinguishers, ensuring that the building's foundation is strong, and using the right materials The rainy season starts in March and lasts until May, and then it starts again in October and lasts until December. Hi there, I have a question about the rental agreement. I see. Well, I highly recommend you check out "Habona Ltd". They are a reputable company with a lot of experience in this area. During the dry season, the weather is relatively stable, but there may be occasional heatwaves that can affect outdoor work. You should be aware of the potential for extreme weather conditions during certain times of the year that can impact repair work. Ah, I see. It means that if you don't pay the rent on time, you'll have to pay an extra fee as a penalty. I see. I didn't know that. But what about the durability of these mud houses? Don't they get damaged easily during heavy rains or earthquakes? "Yes, sir. We will finish it in two days." Sure, we can repair it. Can you bring the car to our garage tomorrow? Stones are used in different ways depending on the type of stone. Some are used as decorative elements, while others are used as building blocks for walls or foundations. Hmm, that's a tough one. It might be harder to find specialized or imported materials outside of the capital city. However, there opens the door and greets the foreigner in Kinyarwanda Yes, please. I don't want to cause any trouble, but I don't want to get hurt either. No, I asked you to build a swimming pool. Yes, that would be great. I don’t speak Kinyarwanda very well. Yes, but we also agreed that the work should be of good quality. Can you please explain why the work doesn't meet the standard we agreed on? I see. What about liability? Who is responsible if there's an accident on the construction site? Yes, I did, thank you. How about you? Yes, I've checked a few places, but haven't had much luck. Do you know of any specific suppliers? Yes, we can help you find workers. But I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by "build a new bridge". Can you explain it to me? Yes, how may I assist you? Good afternoon, can you help me find the nearest bank? Oh, I see. Do you mean that you won't be around to check on the progress of the repairs? Good morning, sir. How are you? Yes, of course. You will need to obtain a building permit from the City of Kigali or the relevant district offices. Okay, I understand. But can we still use the same construction process that we use in my home country? Yes, you may need to pay a fee for the application, and there could be further fees if your application is approved. Are you a foreigner with information? I would like to have faith that you will be able to pay soon. I see. Thank you for explaining it to me. I'll try it out and see how it goes. Hey, I think there's been a mistake. This isn't what I asked for. Okay, great. So, for cement, we typically use bags that are 50kg each. For gravel, we measure it in cubic meters, and for sand, we use sacks that are 50kg each. Yes, I did, but it's not translating the words properly. I don't want to sign a document that I don't fully understand. Oh, I see. I have some Rwandan francs. How much is the cement? I am an American journalist. I want to check what you have written on my account statement. I understand that there may be extra costs, but I believe it is necessary to I understand. Safety is always a concern. We'll slow down and take it easy. Okay, how long does it usually take to obtain the permits? What size bricks do you want? We have big ones and small ones. Yes, concrete blocks are commonly used here. They are affordable, durable, and readily available. Yes, it's important to do your research before hiring any company. You can also ask for references and check their past projects to ensure that they have the experience and skills necessary to complete your project. Okay, I understand. How about we negotiate the price a bit more? Can you come down to 1,000,000 Francs for everything? I see. What if my application is rejected? No, that's all for now. Thanks again for your help. No, I only speak Kinyarwanda. Okay. And the bricks? Okay, that's good to know. But I'm still having trouble converting the units. For example, how many pounds of sand are in one kilogram? You're welcome. Have a Sure, where is your apartment located? Hello, do you happen to know anything about the building codes and regulations here in Rwanda? Alright, I think I can help you with that. But just to make sure, what kind of repair work are you doing exactly? surprised, Mud? Really? I didn't know that was possible. After a few minutes, the neighbor arrives Yes, it's important to note that payment is typically made in cash, and it's common to negotiate the final payment amount at the end of the project based on the quality of the work. It's also a good idea to have a clear and detailed contract outlining the payment terms before starting any work. Well, there are a few workers available nearby, but they may not have the skills or experience you are looking for. It's also possible that they may have already been hired by other contractors. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it. Yes, I will definitely do You're welcome. Good Oh, I thought you told me you wanted a cement pathway and plain soil for the garden. That seems a bit expensive. Can we negotiate? Hi there, can you help me out? I'm having some work done on my house, and I'm not sure what to do about the workers' attire. Thank you so much. Do you have any personal experience with them? That doesn't sound too bad. How long does it usually take to get the permit? Hmm, that can be a bit tricky. Have you tried looking for them online? Yes, a little bit. What can I help you with? Excuse me, can you tell me how to repair this wall? I see. Well, there are a few places where you may be able to find it. Have you tried the hardware stores in Kigali? Got it. Thank you! That's really helpful. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, some people can be quite rowdy in shared taxis. Is there anything specific that's bothering you? Well, most workers start work early in the morning, so they have enough time to complete their tasks even with the break in the middle of the day. Also, some employers allow workers to make up the time they No problem, glad to help. And if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask. In Kigali, a foreigner named John met a local landlord named Jean. Yes, we have a few reliable ones. What kind of repairs do you need? ** No, not at all. Most insurance companies and agents speak English as well, so you should not have any problem communicating with them. 20 million francs? That's too No, I don't. Could you give it to me? You need to get written consent from your landlord before making any repairs. And make sure to keep receipts and documentation of the repairs. Yes, but I meant for you to add more layers of concrete to the foundation, not just make the hole bigger. Yes, there's one just a few blocks from here. Let me give you their contact information. I understand, but is there anything we can do to make them quiet down? I don't want to cause any trouble. Yes, I have worked with them on several occasions and they have always been reliable and trustworthy. Okay, we can do that. But can you explain what the terms and conditions are? I don't understand English so well. Of course. What do you need help with? Good afternoon, excuse me, do you have a minute to talk? That's alright, thank you for your help. Do you know any conversion tools or apps that I can use to make it easier for me? Hi, my name is Joseph Let me see. 50 kilograms is about 110 pounds, and 25 kilograms is about 55 pounds. That's great That's good to hear. But I noticed that the workers are taking a lot of breaks and not working continuously. That sounds good. Do you happen to know any of their names or how to contact them? I am a resident in Rwanda, I do not have money to pay the rent on time,. The amount of money I need to pay before I move in. It's like an insurance in case something gets damaged. Don't worry, I can help you with that. You can start by asking your neighbors or the local authorities. They may know of a good construction company that you can trust. Hi, I'm looking to start a small business here in Rwanda. I'm wondering what the labor laws and regulations are like for hiring workers. Yes, you will need to provide a copy of your hotel's business registration certificate, a copy of your ID card or passport, and detailed plans of the repair work that you intend to carry out. Okay, so what about the horizontal beams that connect the columns? Foreigner's house in Musanze Hello, I hope the work is going well. I wanted to talk to you about the payment that we agreed on. I understand. If you feel unsafe in any way, you can ask the driver to stop and let you out. Or, you can try to change seats with someone else in the taxi to get away from the problem passengers. Sure, we can help you with that. Of course, I'll be happy to help. That can be a bit trickier. It's important to stay informed about any political developments and be prepared to adjust your plans if necessary. It's also a good Oh, sure. I can help you with that. What exactly are you looking for? That sounds like what I'm looking for. Do you happen to have their contact information? No, I haven't heard of them before. Are they reliable? Yes, dad. I'll be right there. Alright, let's go to the landlord's office. He doesn't speak English, but I can explain everything to him. Hmm, I am not sure. Let me ask around. Where are you staying? The total price is 200,000 Rwandan francs. Oh, I see. Thank you so much for your help. This makes a lot more sense now I need someone to repair a specialized machinery that I have. The machine needs some technical repairs that require a skilled hand. No problem. We are always happy to help out visitors to our beautiful country. Conversation between a foreigner F, and a local Also, I would like to have any necessary repairs done That seems a bit high. Can we negotiate on the price? Hello, I was wondering if you could help me understand something. I noticed that some of the workers here take a long break in the middle of the day. Is this a common practice in Rwanda? Okay, I know a few plumbers. Can you explain what the problem is? Hello! I need some materials for repairing my roof. Can you help me? Hmm, I'm not sure. Which one would be best for patching up a metal roof? I need cement, sand, and some bricks. relieved, Great! So can you start digging the hole now? "Hello, I am here to discuss the construction work that needs to be done. Can you tell me what you understand about the project?" Hi, how much for these fruits and vegetables? I'm currently in Kigali. Oh, I see. I didn't know that. So what should the workers wear then? Hey, do you have a minute? I need to speak to you about an issue we're facing. I think it's allowed, but you'll need to get permission from your landlord first. Sure! What kind of tools are you looking for? Okay, that's helpful. Thank you. Do you know if there are any other solutions to the power problem around here? In Rwanda, the general contractor is usually the one responsible for safety and liability. They need to make sure that all safety guidelines are followed, and they need to provide adequate insurance coverage to protect both the Okay, we can definitely take a look at it. Do you have any idea what might be causing the noise? Hi, I am facing some difficulties in obtaining the necessary insurance or liability coverage for this construction project. Can you please guide me on this? Excuse me, sir. Do you know where I can find a reliable and safe means of transportation to and from the worksite? "Perfect, that sounds great! When can you get started?" Thank you, I will. The local starts translating the rental agreement from Kinyarwanda to English. Thank you for those suggestions. How do I know which one to choose? "A wall made of bricks. It needs to be about 2 meters high and 10 meters wide." The local calculates the total Oh, okay. Do you know how I can contact my landlord? A few hours later... You can visit any insurance company here in Rwanda and they will guide you through the process. But let me warn you, it may not be easy to understand the requirements and coverage options. Yes, of course. Our mechanics are very good and efficient in repairing cars. But, before we proceed, may I know when do you need the car to be repaired? Okay, I see. For that kind of work, I estimate it will cost about 5 million Rwandan francs. I understand. Okay, let's proceed with the work at 1.8 million Rwandan franc Yes, there's a company called Horizon Construction that I've heard good things about. They have a reputation for doing quality work and their staff is highly skilled. It usually takes about two weeks for us to process your request. However, if your request is urgent, we can try to expedite the process. I see. That's good to know. But I still need to make sure that they are doing the work according to the specifications we received. That's good to know. Thank you for your help. It's located in Kigali. Hello, welcome to Rwanda. Yes, that can be a challenge as many workers are already committed to their own farms during the planting or harvest season. Oh, hello. It's not a common practice here. But we do take cleanliness and sanitation seriously. We make sure to keep the site clean and dispose of any waste properly. Hello, yes I am a contractor and I can definitely do construction work for you. What kind of work do you need done? Okay, I understand. Can you help me load them onto my truck? Sure, the materials will cost about 5 million Rwandan Francs and the labor will cost another 5 million. No, I haven't. Do they carry imported materials? Oh, I see. What should I do if I feel uncomfortable or unsafe? [shakes head no] Yes, I know some good plumbers. What seems to be the problem? Okay, that helps. Thank you so much for your help! I can't understand you. Hello, I need a plumber or electrician. Can you recommend someone? No, we don't usually wear them. We are used to doing this work without them. F, is working with a local construction worker L, on a building site in Kigali, Rwanda. Oh, I see. We always strive to do our best, but can you tell me what the issue is exactly so that we can address it? Much better, thank you. I appreciate it. "Oh, I see. You want me to fix this wall and put up a new one there?" Of course. We use a lot of locally sourced materials like mud, bricks, and stones. We also have a lot of modern construction materials available like cement, steel, and glass. Yes, my neighbor speaks good English. I can call him to come and help us. Well, for example, it is customary for workers to dress modestly while working on someone's property. This means that they should not wear shorts or tank tops, especially if they are working on the roof. Sure, I can help you with that. What type of repair work are you looking for? What have you done? That's not what I asked for! Yes, I've heard about that. Can you explain a bit more? How long does it take to get the permit? I see. So what do you suggest I do? What about inspections during the construction process? No problem. We are always here to help. Hello, I noticed that the repair work on the building has been ongoing for a while now. When will it be completed? Also, make sure to tell the driver if you "Emmanuel, why is the work not finished yet? You said it would be done by now." Okay, we have those. How much do you need? I'll need to speak to the landlord about this. He doesn't speak English, so I'll have to translate for you. You can visit their website or give them a call at +250 788 300 952. They will be happy to assist you. Oh, I'm sorry. What seems to be the problem? How about tomorrow morning? Ok, I understand. I will come to your office tomorrow. Thank you for understanding. Foreigner follows the local staff to the section where the bricks are displayed Renewal means that I want to extend my lease for another year. That sounds like a good option. Thank you for your help. Well, you can try negotiating with the landlord to pay the deposit in installments. But, there is no guarantee that it will be accepted. Yes, please. Local calls the landlord That sounds interesting. Do you have any other suggestions? Okay, the first person I would recommend is my cousin, he lives in Kigali and works as a freelance translator. He is fluent in English and Kinyarwanda, and he can also speak French and Swahili. Hi there, I've got some good news for you. I was able to find a few skilled workers who can help you with your repairs. They have experience in electrical work, plumbing, and carpentry, I need some renovations done to my house. Can you give me an estimate? You can find them at the nearest district office, they will provide you with a list of reliable waste management services and companies in your area. Oh, sorry. I mean, does the rent cover the cost of things like electricity, water, and gas? Or do I have to pay for those separately? Yes, I know a few people who can help you. I can give you their contact information if you'd like. Local and foreigner show the plumber the sink Hello! Sorry, I don't speak Kinyarwanda. I speak English. You can try to ask around in the local market or village. There are usually people who are looking for work during this time. You can also try to advertise your job on social media and see if anyone is interested. Well, to begin with, you need to register your business with the Rwanda Development Board RDB,. This is mandatory for all businesses operating in Rwanda. Once you are registered, you can start hiring workers. In a meeting room in a construction company in Rubavu, Rwanda Well, some people use generators or solar panels to generate their own power. But it's not very common in this area. That would be great. Thank you. Great. Next, you need to submit those documents to the Rwanda Housing Authority for review and approval. They will check if your project complies with the building codes and regulations. I understand, sir. Please don't worry. I will stop the car right away. Yes, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure you have a contingency plan in place in case of unexpected delays or disruptions. Second, keep a close eye on weather forecasts and current events, so you can adjust your operations accordingly. And third, have a strong relationship with your local suppliers and partners, so you can work together to overcome any challenges that may arise. Sure. I can do the repairs for 500,000 Rwandan francs. Good morning. I am looking for a reliable source for project management or oversight. Can you help me with that? I need to replace some of the roof tiles and fix some of the electrical wiring. No problem, I will get it fixed for you as soon as possible. I don't have a plan yet, can you give me a rough estimate? Hi, I was just speaking to my landlord and he mentioned something about a deposit. I don't really understand what he means. Yes, I do. How may I assist you? I am trying to explain to you what work needs to be done here. Hello, do you know where I can find a specific type of building material? Well, it's not professional. I mean, they are coming to work on my house, and I expect them to dress appropriately. Yes, you can visit their websites or offices in Kigali. I can also give you their contact details if you That's good to hear. Do you have any suggestions on how to tackle this problem? Hello, I would like to buy some construction materials. Can you help me? Yes, of course. In Rwanda, labor laws are strict, and you have to follow specific rules when hiring and firing employees. For instance, you have to provide a written contract to every employee you hire, outlining their working hours, wages, and other benefits. That's a good point. I can see how taking a break can help improve work-life balance. Ah, I see. Well, in Rwanda, we have made great strides in improving our infrastructure and logistics systems, so supply chain disruptions are relatively rare. However, we do occasionally experience weather-related issues or delays due to political instability in neighboring countries. Good morning! Okay, lease renewal, let me check the terms and conditions. Yes, I can help you. What seems to be the problem? Hi. I am John. I am new here, and I am a construction engineer. I am here to build a house for a friend. Do you know what materials are best to use for construction here in Rwanda? still confused, I don't know, I don't know. Thank you, that's helpful. But I'm worried that I won't be able to explain the problem to them since I don't speak the language. It depends on the size and capacity of the generator, but most of them can last anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days. And the cost will also vary depending on the power output and rental duration, but you can expect to pay around $30-$50 per day. That makes sense. Is there anything else I should be aware of? Hello there. I am looking for someone to help me with some construction work. Do you know anyone who can help me? Thank you for the information. It seems like a lot of work, but I understand the importance of following the regulations. Okay, I understand. We can start with removing the old tiles and then fill in the cracks with cement. I want to build a small hotel on my property. Ah, I see. Well, there are a few things you need to do before you can start building. First, you need to obtain a building permit from the local government. This usually requires submitting a detailed plan of your house, along with environmental and safety assessments. Yes, I can help you. What kind of work do you need? Great. And do you have any PVC pipes and fittings? Thank you. I just moved here and I'm not very familiar with the language. Excuse me, do you know of any reliable and trustworthy construction companies in this area? Really? That’s not good news. How much more is it going to cost me? Sure, we can definitely help you with that. Can you tell me more about the damage? Of course, transportation is an important aspect of living and working in Rwanda. It's F, and a landlord L, are standing outside a house in Rwanda. Hi, I am interested in hiring you for some construction work. Can you tell me how much it would cost? Great, thank you so much for your help. You will need to provide the details of the repair work you want to do, along with a copy of your building permit and any other relevant documents. That would be great, thank you. I just really want to make sure that the company I choose is reliable and trustworthy. Okay, that sounds straightforward. Do I need to provide any materials or tools for the workers? Okay, great. I have to check out tomorrow morning, so it's important that everything is done by then. finally suggests a rental price that is slightly higher than the original offer It's because I need to go back to my home country earlier than expected. Okay, firstly, you need to know that the building codes and regulations in Rwanda are set by the Rwanda Housing Authority RHA,. They have specific requirements for each type of building, the location, the size, and the materials to be used. I need to fix some cracks in the walls and install some new tiles. I see, you might have some trouble finding some specialized items here in Rwanda. Have you tried looking at the local hardware stores? Well, the faucet in the bathroom is leaking, so I need to fix it. I see. Well, what about the quality of the buildings? Are the ones made with natural materials as strong and durable as those made with more modern materials? Conversation between a Foreigner and a Local in Rwanda Hi, I'm just looking around, admiring the beautiful crafts and products you have here. Ah, I see. Why do you want to terminate your lease early? Sure, what is it that happened? frustrated, I don't understand these measurements. Can you please convert them into standard units such as kilograms or liters? Conversation between a local and a foreigner in different parts of Rwanda You can find those at the hardware stores around here. There's one just a few blocks away from here. Hello, can you help me out? I'm looking for a reliable and trustworthy construction company in Rwanda to hire but I'm not sure where to start. Okay, I can give you an estimate. Let me ask my colleague to help me. shouts towards colleague in Kinyarwanda, Hey, can you come here and help me with a customer? Yes, I do. What seems to be the problem with your electricity? "What do you mean, boss?" I need some work done on this building. Can you help me with that? No problem. Good luck with your search! One more thing, if you want to recycle your waste, you can contact some of the local recycling companies like Wastezon or EnviroServe. They are doing great work for the environment and I understand that, but we need to ensure that the work is done properly. Can we please prioritize quality over speed? I see. Have you talked to the workers directly? I need about 10 bags of cement, 2 trucks of sand, and 200 bricks. Hello, can you tell me where I can find a local repairman to fix my roof? I'm sorry, I didn't understand. Can you speak English? I'm sorry to say this, but I need to terminate my lease early. I have to leave Rwanda sooner than expected. I need some renovations done on my property. Yes, you can also check with the local power company. They provide power to most areas in Rwanda, including Kigali. I appreciate your attention to detail, but I think there has been a miscommunication about the level of supervision required. I was under the impression that someone from your team would be working with me closely to ensure the job is done on time. Yes, there's also BlueSky Construction. They are relatively new, but they have already completed several successful projects in the area. Oh, I see. Let me call a plumber and see if he can come and take a look. Of course. We can schedule our work around the siesta time so that we don't lose any work hours. We can also discuss with the workers and come up with a mutually agreeable schedule. Of course! There are a few good ones in the area. What type of construction are you looking to have done? My lease agreement. I would like to stay in the apartment for another year. pause, Sorry, I don't understand. I am not very familiar with the laws and regulations regarding hiring and firing of workers. Can you enlighten me on that? Okay, let me take a look at the blueprint. Hmm, I see that you plan to use a lot of cement and concrete for the foundation. Okay, let's go. Good morning, sir. How can I assist you today? Okay. Can you tell me what you mean by 'renew'? Thank you again. I really appreciate your help. One day later Absolutely. We value your satisfaction and will do everything we can to meet your expectations. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I need about 10 bags of cement, 500 bricks, and 2 trucks of sand. I see. And what about liability? Who is responsible if there's an accident on the construction site? OK, that's clear. What about the security deposit? A residential neighborhood in Kigali, Rwanda. I don't have any specific company in mind. I just want to make sure that my property is well-maintained. Yes, I do. Let me write down their phone numbers for you. Well, some areas in Kigali have access to the national power grid, so you can check with the local utility company to see if you can get connected. But it may take some time and paperwork to get it done, so using a generator might be a faster and more convenient option for you. Although I don't want you to delay paying our rent, I will allow it this time You can start by assessing the site where you're doing the construction work. Look for potential hazards such as steep slopes or unstable soil. You should also consider the machinery and equipment that you'll be using, as well as the materials you're working with. Okay, so first you need to know that construction projects in Rwanda are regulated by the Rwanda Housing Authority. They have strict rules and codes that need to be followed in order to get a permit. No, everything looks good. Thank you for your help! "Okay, that sounds reasonable. Can you give me their contact details?" Yes, unfortunately, I need to return to my home country for personal reasons. Oh, I see. Well, it depends on where you're located. In some areas, you might find that the power supply is not stable. Okay, so you want me to remove all the bricks? Well, we do have electricity, but it is not reliable. There are power outages and load shedding that occur frequently. It's not uncommon to experience blackouts for hours or even days. It covers any damage done to the building during the construction process, including damage caused by natural disasters or accidents. I have some plastic waste, recyclable materials, and general waste from my hotel. No problem, happy to help. And if you need any more assistance, don't hesitate to ask. That sounds like a good idea. Do you have any specific company in mind that you can recommend? Hello, I'm looking for some construction materials for my project. Could you help me, please? Okay, I can help you find a plumber. Do you need help communicating with them? Hello. Yes, I can help. What do you need? I don't understand what you're saying. Oh no, that's not acceptable. We have a designated area for waste disposal and we make sure to keep the site clean and tidy. It's better for everyone's health and safety. Yes sir, I can definitely help you. What kind of construction work do you need? Hello, can you help me? I need to explain to you what work needs to be done here. Dialogue between a foreigner and a local plumber Okay, let me see. One term you might hear a lot is "akagera". This refers to the foundation of the building, which is usually made of concrete blocks. Hi there! I really like the architecture of your building. Can you tell me more about it? We'll have to start again, but we can use the same bricks. I'll show you which ones need to be removed. Yes, there are a few good construction companies in the area. What type of project are you looking to undertake? Yes, a wall. I need to put bricks together to create a structure. Yes, sure. I can help you. What seems to be the problem with your sink? "That depends on the materials you want to use and the quality of work you're looking for." Is there a fee for the permit? Sorry, I don't understand. That makes sense. What about on worksites? Are there any specific rules that I should follow? Contractors are required to have liability insurance that covers any injuries or damages that may occur on a construction site. Don't mention it, Well, I want to be able to hire and fire workers as I see fit, but I'm not sure what the laws say about that. Can I just do it whenever I want? Yes, I am fine. Thank you, driver. Sure, I can help you with that. Where are you staying? Perfect. Now, I have some drawings here that show the design for the road. Can you take a look and tell me if everything is clear? Yes, please. I want to make sure I understand everything before I sign the agreement. I need some work to be done here. I need the walls to be painted and the floors to be cleaned. They're going to be used to construct a small refrigerated storage unit for a local business. I'm afraid we don't have any bike repair kits. However, I can recommend a few bike shops in town that might have what you need. Okay, I understand. I can do the work for you, but it will take some time. Hello, welcome to Rwanda. Well, there are a few things that can potentially cause delays or unexpected expenses during your stay here. What can I do to help you today? Yes, we do. However, we use different techniques than what you may be used to. Can you show me what you've done so far? Oh, sorry. Could you speak in English, please? Hi, excuse me, do you know where I can find some tools or equipment to carry out repair work? I'm having trouble finding the right ones. Thank you so much for your help. Is there anything else I need to know? Sure, I can help translate. What seems to be the problem? It will cost you around 200,000 RWF. In a village in Rwanda, a foreigner walks up to their landlord's house. Hi, I need some materials to fix the roof of my hotel. Can you help me find them? Great, I'll contact you as soon as I find someone who can help you. In the meantime, is there anything else I can assist you with? Hi, I am trying to obtain the necessary permits and approvals for my construction project, but I am having trouble understanding the building codes and regulations here in Rwanda. Ah, I see. Let me call my friend who is a plumber. He will come and check it out. Yes, but there's no problem, I'll speak it. Deposit? What is that? I was hoping to pay 80,000 Rwandan Francs per month. Is that possible? I'm not sure. It's just a broken piece from my chair. I need something to glue it back together. Oh, welcome! How can I help you? Hey, I'm not comfortable with the way this guy is driving. He's going too fast and weaving in and out of traffic. Hello, welcome to Rwanda. Yes, that can be a challenge. Many people are involved in farming and may not be available to work for others during those times. But I'm sure we can find a solution. Hmm, I see. But don't you think it's time to modernize and use more advanced materials? Yes, I was told that you were going to buy your own house. Oh, I see. Well, I am not sure where exactly the leak is coming from, but I need someone to fix it as soon as possible. Perfect, what's the estimated cost and timeline for the repair work? Hi there! I noticed that some workers take a break in the middle of the day, is that a common practice here in Rwanda? Oh, I see. Could you explain the process for the deposit? Do I need to pay it all at once? Yes, in Rwanda, we experience extreme weather conditions during certain times of the year, and it That's good to know. What about political instability? Construction site in Rwanda "Hmm, I don't think that will be enough to cover all of the work you need done. It will cost more than that." Excuse me, I'm having trouble understanding the measurement units used for the construction materials. Can you help me out? Ah, I see. Well, there are a few things you need to know about the building codes and regulations here in Rwanda. First of all, you need to make sure your building plan complies with the national building code. Sure. A mason is a construction worker who builds structures using materials like bricks, concrete, and stone. A carpenter is a worker who creates wooden structures, such as walls and roofs. A roofer is a worker who installs and repairs roofs. Thank you. Do you have any advice on how to deal with this type of situation in the future? That would be great, thank you. I really appreciate your help. Okay, that sounds good. Can you come tomorrow at 10am? Ah, I see. We thought that the walls were straight enough and the gaps were within acceptable limits. Okay, okay, what do I have to do? Oh, I see. I was hoping you could help me with a maintenance issue in my apartment. Do you need me to fill out any paperwork or anything? Good morning. Yes, I can help you with that. May I see your construction plan and necessary documents? I see. Can we work together to come up with a budget that works for both of us? I have, but the policies they offer are a bit confusing to me. I'm not sure I understand what I'm getting. Yes, there is one across the street. It can take anywhere from a Sure. The price for a bag of cement is 10,000 Rwandan francs, a wheelbarrow of sand is 15,000 Rwandan francs, and a brick is 100 Rwandan francs. Thank you so much for your help. My plumbing is working perfectly now. I see. And what about the labor costs? Yes, of course! I know of a few good ones in the area. What language do you need help with? Excuse me, sir. I'm sorry to bother you, but I feel really unsafe with the way this driver is driving. Oh, I didn't realize that. Do you have any suggestions for finding workers during those times? Okay, thank you for the information. I'll keep that in mind. confused, Sorry, I didn't understand what you said. Can you please speak in English? Yes, they are. Our traditional building methods have been passed down from generation to generation and have withstood the test of time. We use special techniques to reinforce the structures to make them more durable. That would be great, thank you! Can we call my landlord now? Hi there, did you fix the pipes in my hotel room? I see. But I'm also concerned about the quality of workmanship. I want my house to be built to a high standard. Okay, let me see what we have. The local shows the foreigner some metal sheets., These are good quality and will cover a large area, but do you have the right tools for cutting and fixing them? Hi there, do you happen to know any reliable construction companies in the area that I can hire? Yes! That's exactly what I mean. Construction site in Kigali, Rwanda Excuse me, do you know how I can obtain the necessary permits and approvals to construct a building here in Rwanda? Okay, that's helpful. Are there any recycling facilities in the area? In Kigali, a foreigner named Tom is having a conversation with a local contractor named Joseph about the challenges of obtaining and understanding liability coverage for construction work. I followed your instructions exactly. You said to remove the old mortar and apply new mortar. So, I removed all the bricks and applied new mortar to the cracks. Sure, I can recommend a company called "Kigali Construction Company." They have been in business for many years and have a good reputation for their work. Yes, I know a few contractors who can help you. They have a team of workers who are available all year round. But, again, they might charge you a higher rate during the planting and harvest season. Firstly, trust your instincts. If someone's behavior is making you feel uncomfortable, it's best to move away from them if you can. For example, if you're in a shared taxi, you can ask the driver to stop and let you out. If you're on a mototaxi, you can ask the driver to pull over and wait until the other passenger gets off. I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean. Does it matter what they wear? Yes, I can recommend a few people who are familiar with the process and can assist you in obtaining the necessary permits. Yes, you can take a taxi or a moto. It's not too far from here. That sounds like a good idea. Do you know how I can get to Kigali from here? That would be great. Can you tell me more about them? Okay, I can help you find someone for the job. Do you have an idea of the scope of work that needs to be done? I think I've seen some of those. Can they generate enough power for my needs? confused, I'm not sure. It's just a regular roof. I'm looking for a special type of cement that I need for my project. Do you know if there's a store or supplier that has it? Hi, yes please. I'm looking for an apartment to rent, and I found one that I really like. But the landlord is asking for a deposit, and I'm not sure what that is. Alright, sounds simple enough. Are there any specific regulations that I need to keep in mind? Hello, sir. I am a journalist from the UK. I am here to help Rwandans and I want to return or continue working here. A fence is a structure made of wood or metal that surrounds a property. You can ask around or check online. There are many mobile charging services that operate in different parts of the city. They usually charge a small fee for their services. translates to the landlord in Kinyarwanda I am available tomorrow morning. Let's meet at your house at 10 am. I need some cement and sand to repair the walls of this house. I need some materials for a repair job I'm doing on my roof. I need some nails and wood to fix a few broken shingles. Hi, I need your help with some construction work I need done. Okay, what kind of repair are you doing? That's what I'm worried about. We need to repair some of the buildings here, but I'm not sure how we'll manage if it's constantly raining. Great! This apartment is available for rent, but before that, we require a deposit. I'm not sure. I think it might be the showerhead itself. Oh, I understand now. Thank you for explaining that to me. Great, thanks for the suggestion. Do you happen to know any specific stores that might have imported materials? It is our pleasure to work with you. We want to make sure that our work meets your expectations and we are committed to doing whatever it takes to make that happen. Yes, taking a break in the middle of the day is quite common here. It's called a siesta. "We need about 500 bricks. Can you get them all?" Ah, I see. That might be a bit difficult, as most local workers and contractors are usually busy during the planting and harvest seasons. But let me see if I can find someone who could help you. Hello. Do you need help with your journey? That's interesting. Here, we believe that taking a break in the middle of the day helps us stay focused and productive for the rest of the day. It depends on the type of repair you need. I can come take a look and give you a quote. Okay. For the roof, you will need some roofing sheets, nails, and a hammer. And for the walls, you will need some cement, sand, and water. Good morning! Do you speak English? Yes, that's right. It's called the siesta. Most workers take a break in the midday to rest and recharge before continuing their work. Okay, that sounds like a lot of paperwork. What if I want to fire someone? Yes, I can wait. Hmm, let me think. Can you tell me the price of the cement and the bricks? The deposit is usually equivalent to one month's rent. So, for this apartment, it will be 200 USD. That's a good idea. Thank you for your help. It depends on the design and the materials used. But on average, it could cost around $30,000. I'm doing well, thank you. I'm just visiting your country for some work. Oh, okay. Let me see if I can find someone to translate for us. Yes, of course! We will keep you updated on our progress and ask for your approval before proceeding with any major changes. Sure. First, you need to have a qualified engineer or architect to design the building according to the approved standards. Then, you need to submit the design to the relevant authorities for approval. Sure thing. Let me check it out. Oh, I see. Do you have any advice on what I can do if I need to carry out repairs in those areas? "Thank you for showing me. I understand your concerns now. We will fix the issues immediately and ensure that we meet your expectations moving forward." Oh, I see. That's quite different from what I'm Foundation. It's the base of the house we're going to build. It needs to be strong so the house doesn't fall down. Yes, we can do that. But I need to understand the scope of the project first. How many workers will be needed, and for how long? I will make sure to pay you in full as soon as possible. nods, Yes, I can try. What is the question? Usually, it's the same amount as one month's rent. So, in your case, $600. Okay, got it. And what about the rent? What about the timeline? Joseph, I've been having some issues with our employees. I'm not sure if I fully understand the local labor laws and regulations. Can you help me out? Okay, six feet high and made out of bricks. Got it. I am not really comfortable with the moto-taxis, are they safe? Well, one thing you can do is to build strong relationships with Oh, I'm sorry about that. We are doing our best to finish the job, but we are a bit short-handed right now. Hmm, I'm not sure that will work. You might need some silicone sealant and a new washer for the faucet. How about 8 am? Hmm, this is a bit higher than what I was expecting. Is there any way we can negotiate on the price? Thank you for the advice. Does this happen often in shared taxis or mototaxis in Rwanda? They both enter the landlord's office in Kinyarwanda, Of course, I will give you a receipt. Thank you for informing me in advance. Yes, of course. I will make sure everything is clean and tidy. No, I mean an "imisatsi". It's a junction with a tree in the middle. No, not just a hole. We need to dig a big trench and put concrete in it. Okay. Let me show you where they are. Hello, I would like to sublet my apartment for a few months. Do you know how I can get in touch with my landlord? The best thing you can do is to make sure that you have all the necessary safety I noticed that none of the workers are wearing protective gear such as helmets or work boots. Don't you require them here? It's okay, just make sure you understand the instructions properly next time. What are you doing? This is not what we talked about! Really? I thought those were the main materials for any construction work. I understand it can be overwhelming. Would you like me to help explain the regulations to you? Hi there, do you know where I can find specialized or imported construction materials in this area? That’s a good idea. But I don’t want to offend anyone. Is it okay to ask the driver to stop before we reach the destination? Hi, I noticed that the workers are not wearing gloves or masks while working. Aren't they concerned about hygiene? Ah I see. Well, there are several types of insurance available in Rwanda. I recommend you check with the Rwanda Social Security Board RSSB, to see what kind of coverage they offer for workplace injuries. Thank you. I appreciate it. You're welcome. If you need any more assistance, just let me know. Yes, unfortunately. Some areas are more remote and less developed, so it can be a challenge to find the resources you need. But if you look hard enough, you can usually find what you're looking for. "What seems to be the problem Hi, I'm having some issues with hiring and firing workers. Can you give me some advice on the labor laws and regulations? That would be great, thank you so much for your help. Ah, you mean you want to agera the urutoki to the imbaraga? Good morning, sure. Do you speak Kinyarwanda? Inspects the car, Wait, this is not what I wanted. You used the wrong materials for the bumper I need some concrete and bricks for a project I'm working on, but I'm having trouble understanding the measurements used here. Hi, excuse me, do you know where I can find a skilled worker or contractor for some specialized repair work I need done? A local worker, Franck, is having a conversation with his foreign boss, Laura, in their office located in Kigali, Rwanda. I need some walls built and some electrical work done. I was hoping to spend around 1,500,000 RWF. Is that possible? Hello, can I talk to you for a moment? We need you to be on the site every day, giving us instructions and overseeing the work. Okay, so we commonly use terms like "ubworozi," which means a construction site. "Ubuvuzi" means foundation and "ubukonje" means the framework. That's good advice. Do you know any reliable drivers that you can recommend? I need to rent an apartment, but I can't read the agreement. Would you mind translating it for me? tries to explain in simpler terms, The walls and roof of this building need repair. Can you fix them? Dialogue between a local and a foreigner in Rwanda regarding extreme weather conditions impacting repair work Yes, they do. They are currently working on the construction of a new shopping mall in Kigali. Local construction site in Rwanda The RHA or KCC will then review your plans and ensure that they comply with the local building regulations. After that, you will be issued with a permit to construct your building. Hi, I need some help with repairing my car. I got into an accident and the front bumper is damaged. I see. Well, there are some local suppliers, but they may not have everything you need. You could also try importing the materials yourself, although that can be quite expensive. How do I know if the taxi is safe? Yes, we can help you. But do you need transportation to your site? Oh, okay. Can you please explain to him that I need to repair my brake system? Thank you for explaining that. I just want to make sure that when I talk to construction companies, I understand what they're saying. What *Tries to explain using gestures and broken Kinyarwanda* I have to leave Rwanda. I can't stay for the rest of the lease. I see. Is there a specific place where I can find these workers or contractors? Sure, let me take you there. They walk upstairs to the bathroom Okay, let me check it out. Okay, I will keep that in mind. Thank you for Really? I had no idea. In my country, it's not customary to provide food and water to workers. We mostly use cement, bricks, and iron sheets for roofing. Hi, I'm here to help with the repair work. "Sure, I can give you a tour. Follow me." Hi, I'm looking to build a house here in Rwanda. I was wondering if you could help me find the right materials and construction techniques for my project. Of course! What kind of project is it? Yes, you could offer a higher wage or provide housing and food for the workers. That would make it easier for them to come and work for you. After a while, the friend arrives Good morning, I’m having a bit of difficulty finding some materials and workers I need for my project. Do you have any suggestions? It's possible, but it may take longer than expected, and the shipping cost may be too high. However, we can check with local mechanics looks at the drawings, I'm sorry, I can't read this. I don't understand what you want. You could ask the contractor to come and inspect the house before giving you a quote. That way, they can give you a more accurate estimate of the costs and the timelines. I see. What about the walls? Do you use hollow blocks or solid bricks? The landlord says they will send someone to fix the sink tomorrow morning. I have a plan, but it needs some adjustments. Can you help me with that? I'm a bit hesitant to take a motorcycle taxi. I've heard they can be dangerous. Okay, we have all those things. How many bags of cement do you need? That would be great, thank you. I really need those tools to That sounds easy enough. What documents do I need to bring with me? speaking in Kinyarwanda, "We got the materials from the local market." It's a small commercial building. How much would you charge? You need to have a written employment contract that clearly outlines their duties, salary, benefits, and working conditions. You also need to set up a payroll system and pay your employees in accordance with the minimum wage set by the government. How much longer and how much more will it cost? Hi there, I'm interested in starting a construction project in Rwanda. Can you tell me more about the safety and liability standards on construction sites here? That sounds great. Do you know if there are any regulations or guidelines about waste disposal that I should be aware of? No problem, we are happy to assist. Let's go to your hotel and find the plumber. That's great, thanks. Do you know how I can get there? A local market in Kigali, Rwanda. A foreigner browsing through the stalls, looking for someone who can help him with his project management. You're welcome. Remember, it ** No, that's I agree that cleanliness is important. Here in Rwanda, we also value cleanliness and use it as a measure of respect for ourselves and others. But sometimes, we prioritize speed over cleanliness, which might explain the current state of the worksite. Sure. I would like to keep the same rent amount as last year and I want to make sure that any maintenance issues are addressed promptly. I see. Is it important to have insurance or liability coverage for construction work in Rwanda? "Yes, that's right. Do you have experience building houses?" No problem. It's important to get the right materials for the job, or else your repairs won't We can definitely try. How much are you willing to increase your budget? I need some cement, sand, bricks, and steel rods. You're welcome. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and we will do our best to ensure that the repairs are completed as soon as possible. Oh, I am sorry. I thought you wanted them on the ground floor. My English isn't very good. Okay, do you know the ratio of cement to sand that you need? Hi, do you know anything about the safety standards and liability on construction sites here in Rwanda? Local shows a tube of adhesive Of course, what specific materials are you looking for? I need to fix some electrical wiring and replace some screws on my bike. The process usually takes a few days, but it depends on the complexity of the repair work you want to do. You need to follow up with the office to check the status of your application. I am working on a construction project here in Kigali. I need to speak to my landlord. I want to sublet my apartment, but I need their permission first. Really? I didn't know that. What should I do to avoid that? Thank you. Here is the money. Well, my sink is clogged and I need it fixed. Alright. The delivery fee to Kigali is 20,000 Rwandan Francs. Local market in Rwanda Yes, I know what you mean. We can build a slab for the foundation. That would be great, thank you. Do you have any recommendations for which suppliers to check with? I need this building to be renovated. You're welcome. I'll see you tomorrow. I'm not exactly sure, but I think 50 kilograms is around 110 pounds. As for ounces, I'm not sure. About 1.5 meters high. Yes, I have, but most of the equipment they have is not suitable for the kind of repairs I need to do. I'm not sure I can explain it very well. I don't speak Kinyarwanda very well. Alright, that sounds reasonable. Thank you for your help. When can you start working? Hi, how's the wall coming along? Yes, I know about that. Our country is still developing, and many places don't have stable electricity. You might want to check with the nearest town or city, they usually have power generators. Wait a minute, what are you doing? Ah, I see. Yes, insurance and liability coverage can be confusing here. Have you talked to any local insurance providers yet? No problem. Let me know if you need any further assistance. *Still confused and doesn't understand* Hi, excuse me. I'm renting an apartment in Kigali and I need to get some repairs done. Can you help me understand what the procedures are for that? Yes, I can write down their contact information for you. Here is a list of some translators and interpreters who can help you. Excuse me, I feel uncomfortable with the behavior of the other passengers. They are being loud and aggressive. Can you please ask them to stop? You can try to speak up and let the driver know if someone is bothering you. Or you can ask the driver to stop and get off the taxi if you feel uncomfortable. Yes, we do have some apartments available. Would you like to see them? Hello, do you know where I can find some local workers or contractors to help me with my farm during the planting season? A wall, you know? Like this? draws a picture on paper Yes, I have, but I'm having difficulty understanding the policies and the coverage. Hmm, that's still too expensive. Can you go lower? Go on. Okay, I think I understand. Based on those specifications, I estimate that the cost will be around 10 million Rwandan francs. Well, we need to build a new road here. I was hoping you could explain to me what your team needs to do to get started. Alright, I'll do that. Thanks for your help, I appreciate it. "Sure, I can build a wall. What kind of wall do you want?" That's really great to hear. I will definitely look into these organizations. Thank you for your help. "I work at the Kigali Hotel." Yes, I have a sketch of the house I want to build. Can you take a look? Ah, I see. It can be difficult to find specialized workers here. Have you checked with any of the local electricians? I can assure you that we will work diligently to finish the repair work as soon as possible. How about we set a new deadline for two days from now? There are many online stores that offer different kinds of tools. You can try Amazon, eBay or Alibaba. Hello, I am interested in hiring you for some construction work. Can you tell me how much you charge? That's fine. How much? Actually, I am a construction engineer and I am here to inspect the safety and liability standards of the construction sites in Rwanda. Hello, do you know where I can find a hardware shop around here? It depends on the size of the house, the materials used, and the level of finishing you want. Can you give me more details? They walk to the store together Of course, we will make sure that we have a clear understanding of your expectations before we start any work. Okay, that will be fine. Do you need any tools or accessories? Hello, how can I help you? Well, we’ve run into a bit of a problem. The worker says that the plumbing and electrical work is more complex than he initially thought, so the cost of the repairs has gone up. Foreigner asks a nearby local for help Yes, there are several good construction companies in Rwanda that you can hire. What kind of construction work are you looking for? Yes, they both have websites and you can easily find their contact information on their sites. I can also give you their phone numbers if you'd like. Hi, I am having difficulty in finding skilled workers or contractors for specialized repair work. Can you please guide me? "Good morning! I'm here to check on the progress of the building. Could you please show me around?" I understand your concern, sir. However, there was some miscommunication with our workers regarding the timeline. They thought they had more time than they actually did. Yes, I am having a difficulty obtaining the necessary insurance or liability coverage for my construction work. Do you know where I can get help with that? Yes, I can help you find someone. However, it might be a bit challenging to find someone who is available during the planting season. Hi there! I was wondering how the repair work on my building is coming along? You're welcome. Have a good day. shakes head, Tomorrow. Points to the ceiling, Okay? Ah, I see. In that case, I would recommend you check out ABC Construction Company. They have a good reputation in the area and are known for their quality work. Thank you so much, I really appreciate your help. Solar-powered tools work by harnessing energy from the sun and converting it into electricity. They are eco-friendly and cost-effective, and most importantly, they don't require a reliable source of power. I need to build a wall here. Do you understand? Sure. I know a few people who can help you out. I can even accompany you to the site and translate for you. Hi there. I'm planning to set up a small business here in Kigali, and I need your help. Conversation between the foreigner and a local translator I need to repair my laptop and phone. They ran out of battery, and I need to charge them. How do I know which one to choose? Hi there, I'm a foreigner who just rented a property here in Rwanda. I noticed that there are some repairs needed, but I'm not quite sure about the regulations and procedures for getting them fixed. Can you help me with that? I see. So, is it similar to a plaster finish? Well, I need you to fix some of the walls and the roof. Can you do that? Thank you for your help. I'm not used to measuring things in wheelbarrows, so it's been a bit confusing for me. Well, I am not sure. I would like to know how much it would normally cost for this type of work. That's a long time. Is there any way to expedite the process? Ah yes, there is a hardware store just a few blocks down the road. What kind of materials do you need? Sorry, but I cannot just do what I think is best Yes, I can understand the challenge you might be facing. But there are a few options that might work for you. Have you heard of Urwego Opportunity Bank? Yes, I know a few electricians as well. What seems to Hi there! Can you help me with this construction project? I need to explain some details about the project we're working on and make sure they understand the instructions. looks confused, Sorry, John. I don't understand what you mean. Hello! Well, that depends on the region and the cultural traditions. But generally, people use locally sourced materials like clay bricks, mud, and grass. Yes, one bag of cement is 50kg. They walk to the construction site We need to wear hard hats and safety shoes at all times. We also have to use safety harnesses when working at heights. And, we need to have first aid kits and fire extinguishers on the site. Thank you. How much is the cement per bag? Yes, please. I am having difficulty in obtaining the necessary insurance or liability coverage for my construction work. Can you guide me on this? Yes, there are. For example, in some regions, using mud bricks is considered a sign of poverty, while in others, it's Ah, I understand. In Rwanda, it's important to be clear and specific when discussing timelines. Sometimes, there can be a language barrier or cultural differences that can lead to misunderstandings. Ah, I see. Well, in Rwanda, it is customary for workers to wear decent clothes while working, such as a shirt and trousers. However, some workers may wear traditional attire, such as the kitenge or kanzu, which is also acceptable. Sure, we can discuss it right now. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and we will make sure to do a better job this time. Yes, exactly. There are many shops in the city that sell generators. You can check with them. Landlord calls his neighbor and soon the neighbor arrives We underestimated the cost of the repairs needed for the foundation. It's going to take longer and cost more than we originally thought. Oh, okay. I'm having some trouble with my plumbing. Do you know anyone who can help me? 50 million? That seems a bit high. Can you break down the costs for me? Sure, I can help you with that. What kind of project is it? On the lease agreement, it says that I need to provide a security deposit. What does that mean exactly? That’s fine. I will find someone who is reliable and who can work with you for that duration. Do you have any other requirements? I am planning to build a house and need a company that can handle the project from start to finish. Not at the moment, but I'll be sure to reach out to you if I need any further assistance. Thanks again. Of course, we can negotiate. What price were you thinking? Hello, can you help me with some repair work on my car? Well, the labor laws in Rwanda are quite strict. You need to follow certain procedures when hiring and firing workers to avoid any legal issues. Thanks for understanding. I'm just not used to this kind of situation. You're welcome. Have a great day! Oh, I thought you said to build a new wall. Sorry, there must have been a misunderstanding. That's good to know. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for the advice. Well, 1 kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds. So you just need to multiply the number of kilograms by 2.2 to get the weight in pounds. I want to sublet my apartment, but I need to get the landlord's permission first. Can you help me with that? Thank you so much for your help. How much do I owe you? Thank you for explaining that to me. Do you have any recommendations for insurance companies that provide these types of policies? A local market in Kigali That's great. I really appreciate your help. You can wait for the dry season, from June to September, when the weather is stable and repair work can be done easily. Thank you. I really appreciate it. Yes, we do have a few available. Let me show you some options. That's an option, but it may end up being more expensive for you. We have connections with suppliers and can get better prices on building materials. You could also try asking around in the community. Maybe someone has a generator or knows where "I'm not sure what some of these terms mean. Can you translate them for me?" Can you give me a hand translating some things for this customer? Hi, excuse me. Do you know where I can find a supplier for specialized or imported construction materials? Well, I have a leaky faucet in my bathroom and I'm not sure how to fix it. Can you help me with that? Excuse me, I'm having trouble understanding this rental agreement. It's written in Kinyarwanda, and I don't speak the language. I need about 20 bags. I understand. It sounds like there may have been a misunderstanding about the complexity of the repairs needed. Did you discuss this with the workers beforehand? Hello, excuse me, do you know where I can get permits and approvals to start building my project? I need to build a house, but I'm struggling to find a reliable company to hire. I see. Well, I need more information so that I can understand what you want. Can you show me the plans or give me some more details? Ah, I see. Yes, that's correct. Ah, I see. Well, the first thing you need to know is that the government is very strict about building standards and safety. They want to make sure that all buildings are constructed according to the highest standards. Okay, you'll need to go to the local government office to get the necessary permits and approvals. Good morning sir, welcome to Rwanda. How can I assist you today? Thank you. But I need a local supplier who can provide imported materials. Do you know any such supplier? Hi there, excuse me, do you know where I can find reliable sources for waste management and disposal here in Rwanda? I'm from the United States. I'm here on a work trip to help out with some repairs. Hi, I need to get some repair work done on my building. Can you recommend a good contractor? The quality of the work is not satisfactory. The finished product doesn't meet the standards I expected. Yes, they are. But you have to make sure to use a licensed taxi. You can find them at the taxi park or use a ride-hailing app like Yego or SafeMotos. I understand now. Thank you for explaining that to me. I'll make sure to keep that in mind next time. Not really. In fact, it helps them to be more productive in the afternoon. Taking a break helps them to rest and recharge before continuing their work. Yes, but I'm a bit nervous about taking a shared taxi. I've heard stories of people feeling unsafe due to the behavior of other passengers. Okay, that makes sense. How do I go about doing that? That's good to hear. What about liability? Is that something that's taken seriously here? Okay, thanks for the advice. I'll go check it out. "I need to get a new bathroom and kitchen installed. Can you start the work as soon as possible?" Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Can you tell me more about what happened? I need some cement, bricks, sand, and nails. That's strange. I fixed the No, I didn't. I wanted it to fit me properly. Can you fix it? Great, please do. Also, I would prefer if you could finish the repairs as quickly as possible. Do you need any supervision or guidance from me while working? Hi, do you speak English? Sure, I can try my best to assist you. What kind of project are you working on? Hello, I can help you with that. Where is your bathroom located? Well, I'm used to using feet and inches to measure things like lumber, but here they are using meters and centimeters. I'm having a hard time converting them. It depends on the materials and the size of the house. Can you tell me more about what you want? Thank you for the heads up. Do you have any tips for navigating the bureaucracy? It's in a nearby village. Do you know how to build a strong foundation that will last for many years? Okay, I see. But how do you want me to build the walls? Do you want them to be Sure, it's in the bathroom. Follow me. A tourist is riding a mototaxi in the rural parts of Rwanda. Along the way, several other passengers hop on and he starts to feel uneasy with their behavior. Hmm, I'm not sure which one would be better for my project. Can you explain the difference between the two? Yes, that's true. Some areas are quite remote and difficult to reach. But, I can suggest a few places where you can find what you're looking for. No, sorry. I don't speak English. Alright, thanks for the tip. What about the repair procedures? Do I need any permits or approvals? They start moving the pile of bricks to the other side of the site I understand that. I just want to make sure we're on the same page about the cost. Sorry, I don't understand. Can you say it again? Ah, I see. That can be a bit tricky. Have you tried looking in Kigali? There are several hardware stores that carry imported materials, and they might be able to assist you. You can find their website online and send them an email or call them directly. They have a team that speaks English, so you won't have any language barriers. I need enough for a small foundation for a house. Can you give me a price estimate? Are you sure these are the right ones? I'm sorry but the repairs are quite complex, and we need to replace some parts. It's important to ensure that your car is in good condition before you hit the road. Thank you. In a hotel lobby in Musanze, Rwanda. 30cm x 15cm x 10cm means 30 centimeters in length, 15 centimeters in width, and 10 centimeters in height. Hmm, I think you might have trouble finding those in Rwanda. Have you tried any of the hardware stores around here? Are they safe though? Here's a dialogue between a local and a foreigner in Rwanda Sorry, I don't speak English very well. I speak Kinyarwanda, but I can try to help you if you tell me what you need. Sure. For a small house, the cost will be around 10 million Rwandan francs. I need some help with the construction work. Can you tell me what to do? Before we begin, I wanted to let you know that there are certain times of the year when we experience extreme weather conditions. You should be aware of these conditions because they can impact the repair work we're doing. Oh, alright. Local's Home Hi, I'm trying to understand the rental agreement but there seems to be a language barrier. Could you help me please? Yes, it's a small house with two bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen. I want it to be made of brick and cement. It will cost 150,000 Rwandan francs. I’m building a small office building in the city. Yes, I've worked with them before on a similar project. They were very professional and reliable. They helped me get the right permits and approvals for the construction of my new house. A foreigner named John is standing in front of a local hardware store, holding a broken piece of wood that he wants to fix. He approaches a local named Grace who is passing by. How much does it cost to hire a personal driver? Sure, I can try. Can you tell me how to say "lease" in Kinyarwanda? Hello, I'm looking for a specific type of building material that I can't seem to find in Rwanda. Do you know where I could find it? For that, you'll need to check with private insurance companies. There are several reputable ones in Rwanda, like Sonarwa and Radiant Insurance. They can help you customize your coverage to fit your project's specific needs. On the phone, Hello, do you know someone who can help with a leaky faucet and some electrical problems? Okay, thank you. To the foreigner, I've got a number for you. They should be able to help you. Well, you need to have a valid reason for firing an employee, and you must follow the proper procedures outlined in the labor laws. You need to give them notice of termination and pay them any entitlements they are owed, such as severance pay. Our workers are very skilled and experienced. They might not need a lot of supervision from you. They know what they are doing. Hey, I just checked out the repairs and they’re not quite up to standard. I think you guys need to redo some of the work. Yes, sure. Do you want the service to be done by a specific company or you are open to suggestions? I'm not sure, can you suggest the best one for fixing windshields? Well, that can be a bit of a challenge around here. There are a few companies that offer such services, but it's not always easy to find one that can deliver on their promises. I want to build a multi-story apartment building in Kigali. Sure, I can give you an estimate. Can you give me more details on what kind of house you want to build? I completely agree. I just wish I had known about all these regulations beforehand. Do you know if there’s any way I can speed up the permit process? Yes, there are several taxi companies in Kigali that are reliable and safe. You can try calling or booking with Yego Cab or SafeMotos. We try to avoid disputes by discussing the payment terms beforehand and agreeing on everything. But if there is a disagreement, we try to resolve it peacefully by talking it out and finding a compromise. Yes, you'll need to provide all the necessary materials and tools for the workers. You can purchase them yourself or hire someone to do it for you. No problem. I hope you find what you are looking for. Sure, I can help you with that. What kind of materials are you looking for? What kind of equipment are you looking for? Hi Paul, what are we going to do today? I need a diamond-coated drill bit and a few other small Yes, a little bit. Yes, you can reach them at +250 788 123 456 or email them at bridgesconstruction@gmail.com. You can also check their website at www.bridgesconstruction.com for more information. You can visit the Rwanda Housing Authority RHA website or go to their offices for more information. They will be able to provide you with guidance on the different codes and regulations you need to comply with. I need workers to help with planting and harvesting crops like maize and beans. I also need help with tending to the crops and making sure they are healthy. enters the room and looks around Hi there! I'm interested in building a house here in Rwanda. Can you help me find a good contractor? Thanks for the information. I really appreciate Good morning! What brings you here? Dialogue between a local and foreigner in different parts of Rwanda Not necessarily. You can continue to work your regular hours, and we can take our siesta at a different time. We are flexible and can adjust our schedule accordingly. I am so sorry for the mistake I need some materials for repairing the roof of this building. Can you please tell me what materials I should get? You can try speaking to the government officials, but they may not be able to help much. It's best to be patient and follow the proper procedures to avoid any unnecessary delays. Thank you for the advice. I've actually taken a few mototaxis before and they were okay. "It depends on the translator or interpreter. Some charge per hour, while others charge per project. You can discuss the payment method with the translator or interpreter." "Got it. So a small fence around this corner it is." It depends on the distance of your site. But we can give you a good price. The security deposit will stay the same as well. It will be returned to me at the end of my lease term, provided there are no damages to the apartment. tries to communicate through gestures, Rent price? How much? Excuse me, driver. Can you please drop me off here? I don’t feel safe with the way these other passengers are acting. Okay, great. First off, you need to contact your landlord or property manager and inform them about the repairs needed. They will then arrange for a repairman to come and fix the issue. Yes, it's in the bathroom/kitchen. I understand. I will make sure to do that. Thank you for the advice. "Sure, sir. We can start the work tomorrow morning. Just make sure you have all the materials and equipment ready before we start." I need someone who can repair some electrical wiring and fix a leaky roof. You can obtain this insurance through a licensed insurance company in Rwanda. You will need to provide them with the necessary information about your project, including the location, scope, and estimated cost of the project. Hello, I'm here to help. What do you need? OK, let's try to find a compromise. What can you offer for that price? No, there are different types of metal roofs and they require different types of materials for repair. Let me ask you a few questions to determine what you need. Oh, that's great. We have many skilled workers and contractors who can help you with that. Let me give you the contacts of some of the best. The third section is about the security deposit. It says that you need to pay a security deposit of one month's rent, which will be returned to you at the end of the rental period if there is no damage to the property. Yes, of course. Which tools do you need? Ok, I can do that. Just to clarify, I'm not supposed to touch this wall at all? It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the complexity of the project and how quickly you can provide them with the necessary documentation. I am planning to build a house in this area, but I don't know any reliable construction company to hire. Oh, I see. Can we negotiate the price, please? I am on a tight budget. That seems like a long time. What documents do I need to submit? I think there might have been a miscommunication. In our culture, speed is often more important than quality, especially when it comes to construction work. Yes, it’s important to note that some repairs may need to be done by licensed contractors. You can ask your landlord or property management company for recommendations or search online for certified professionals. Excuse me, I'm having trouble understanding this rental agreement. It's written in Kinyarwanda, do you speak English? Okay, we have all those things. How much do you need? Yes, it's normal for shared taxis to be packed like this. But if you're feeling uncomfortable, you can ask the driver to stop and let you out. Sure, we have a few steps to follow. First, you need to provide your identification documents, then we will sign the lease agreement, and finally, you need to pay the deposit. Hello, excuse me, can you help me out? I'm looking for a reliable and trustworthy local construction company to hire. Do you have any recommendations? I'm sorry about that. Unfortunately, it's common for some people to behave that way in shared taxis. But you can ask the driver to stop and let you out if you feel unsafe. Hey, can I ask you a question? What are you doing here? Yes, you will need to make sure that the repairs are done according to local building codes and regulations. You should also make sure that the repair work does not violate any lease agreements you have with the landlord. I'm thinking of building a small guesthouse on my property. How do I pay the workers? Did you buy the right materials? Local speaks to the landlord in Kinyarwanda Good morning, can you tell me about the work that is being done here? Well, it's important to understand that there may be some cultural differences in the way that the repairs are done. For example, it's important to dress appropriately when working on someone's house. It depends on the type of repair you need to do. For minor repairs, it can take a few days to get a permit, but for major repairs, it can take up to a few weeks. Hi, I am looking for a local worker to help me with farming during the planting season. Do you know anyone who is available? Sure, here it is. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Let me take a look. Hmm...I think the problem might be that the adhesive isn't meant for this type of glass. The windshield on your car is made of tempered glass, which requires a different adhesive. Umujyi? No, I don't think that's what I mean. I mean the part of the building that goes into the ground. It's made of concrete. Great. Thank you for your transparency and for working hard to get the repairs done. I appreciate it. A foreigner, John, is trying to hire a local plumber or electrician in Kigali, Rwanda. He meets a local, Joseph, who seems to speak fluent English. That's exactly what I'm looking for. Can you provide me with their contact information? You say you are in a good business, but you haven't written anything shaking his head, No, sorry. Alright, got it. Hey, what's going on? Why are you building a tennis court instead of a swimming pool? That's a good idea. Do you know any good suppliers that I can contact? We understand your frustration, sir. We will work overtime tonight to make sure the work is completed as soon as possible. Is there anything else we can do to make up for the delay? We can go to his house, it's just a few blocks away. I will tell him that you would like to sublet your apartment and I will translate the conversation for you. Yes, it is definitely more durable. But people in rural areas are not used to this type of building, and it might take some time for them to understand its benefits. Thank you for explaining all of this to me. I definitely don't want to get Good morning, sir. How can I assist you today? I want to continue living here for another year. Can we renew the lease agreement? Yes, the new room will be about 20 square meters and I would like to update the plumbing and electrical systems throughout the house. Alright, and how much sand do I need for those bags of cement? Of course, I understand. But, just so you know, our methods have been proven to be effective and sustainable. Our contractors have a lot of experience and knowledge about the local environment and resources. That's good to hear. What kind of safety guidelines are we talking about? I’ve been having trouble finding workers in the northern part of the country and materials in the western region. Okay, I can help you with that. I can translate for you and make sure everything is clear for them. The toilet, it's broken. It doesn't work. [tries to explain through gestures] I need to leave my apartment early. I won't be able to stay until the end of the lease. Thank you. I appreciate your help in communicating with me. I'm still trying to learn the language and it can be difficult to negotiate without a good grasp of the local dialect. In Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda, a foreigner named John is running a small business. He recently hired a few locals to help him with his work. One day, he realized that he may not be fully aware of the labor laws and regulations in Rwanda. Thank you very much, I will definitely check them out. Alright, let me take a look. goes to the bathroom/kitchen and inspects the issue I haven't started the rent price because I want to discuss it first. Hello! I'm good, thank you. Can you help me find some repair materials for my car? Thank you so much. Do you have any other recommendations? I have some plans, but I'm not sure how to explain them to you. Can we talk about the price first? I'm having trouble getting the right insurance coverage for my construction business here. I don't know where to turn. Hi, I noticed that the repair work is still ongoing. I thought you said it would be completed by this week? Excuse me, but I think there's still something wrong with my brakes. They're not working properly. nodding, Okay, we have some good options. What kind of roofing material do you have? Don't worry, we'll be at your destination soon. Just ignore him and stay calm. Do you understand what I'm saying? Is there anything you're not clear about? Yes, there are a few people who can help you with that. However, it can be difficult to find someone reliable and trustworthy. Thank you for explaining. That sounds fair. I will prepare the necessary paperwork for you to sign. I'm sorry, I'm new to Rwanda, and I'm having some trouble navigating the cultural expectations around cleanliness and sanitation on worksites. I was wondering if you could help me understand what's expected of me. Thank you for understanding, I appreciate it. Thank you very much for your help. Would you mind helping me load them into my truck? Sure, I'd be happy to help. What kind of issues are you concerned about? understands, Yes, thank you. But can you please fix it? That's okay, I'm willing to pay for quality work. Thanks so much for your help. Sure, I'll do that. Hi there, I'm new to the worksite. Could you tell me about the cultural expectations around cleanliness and sanitation? You're welcome. Have a good day! Yes, I can recommend a few reliable contractors who have a good reputation in the community. We can also negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract beforehand to ensure that everything Okay, we have a few different kinds. This one should work. Yes, sure. What kind of construction work do you need? Great. How much do you think it would cost for you to build this house? Hi, I noticed that there was an issue with the payment for the construction work we agreed upon. Can you explain what happened? Great! I'm having trouble communicating with my workers and contractors here. I need someone who can speak the local language to help me out. Hello, excuse me, do you happen to know where I can get the necessary permits and approvals to build a new structure here in Rwanda? Hi, excuse me. Can you help me find a plumber or electrician in this area? Hello there, I need someone to repair my roof. Do you know any good repairmen in the area? I need maintenance service. Yes, I'm having trouble finding reliable sources for waste management and disposal in this area. Do you know where I can get some information? Can we make it 80,000 francs? Thank you for the recommendation. Do you know if they have any specific requirements or qualifications for these service providers? I am planning to start a construction project here, but I am having difficulty in obtaining or understanding the necessary insurance and liability coverage. Can you guide me on what type of insurance and coverage I need to get? No problem, I hope they can help you. If you need any further assistance, feel free to ask me. Yes, sure. You can find their details online or I can give you Hi there, I noticed that the work you did on this project is not up to the standards we agreed on. Can you explain what happened? Yes, I do. You can contact them on this number +250 78 853 6954. They also have a website where you can see some of their previous projects and clients' feedback. I see. But what about the durability of these materials? Will they last long? Okay, that sounds good, but I am concerned that we may not be fully understanding the complexity of the work. Can you tell me My landlord has asked me to provide some documents, but I didn't understand which ones he needs. Can you help me? Excuse me, I want to talk to you about something. Sure. You need to have a construction insurance policy that covers liability for any accidents or damages that may occur during the construction process. You also need to ensure that the policy covers any injuries or damage caused by the construction process to workers, bystanders or the environment. Hello there! I'm looking for someone to help me with a construction job. Can you help me out? A few days later… Well, I am not sure about the regulations for hiring and firing workers here. Can you tell me more about that? No problem at all, happy to help! I want to see the room so that I can stay there. "That's really interesting. I had no idea. I think I'd like to try using some of these materials in my construction. Do you have any advice on where I can Thank you! Can you also ask them how much longer it will take to finish the project? Hello! I am having a hard time finding a reliable and trustworthy source for project management or oversight. Do you know of any companies or individuals that can help me with this? I won't charge you for that. It's part of the job. "Hello, I hope you are well. I want to explain that I cannot pay my rent now." No, that's all Of course. We can use locally sourced materials, which will be cheaper, but if you want to use imported materials, that will be more expensive. Yes, there are many motor surprised, Oh, that's interesting. What's the problem with that? Excuse me, do you know where I can find information on building codes and regulations in Rwanda? Oh, I see. How long does the break usually last? Ah, yes. That's because we prefer to use brick and concrete for our buildings. They are more durable and can withstand the harsh weather conditions we sometimes experience. Well, I have some questions about hiring and firing workers. What are the regulations around that? Ah, I see. Well, there are a few good ones that I can recommend. Have you heard of Ngabo Construction? I hope so. I just want to get the repairs done as quickly as possible. I'm looking for some imported materials like reinforced steel bars, insulation material, and some other specialty items. No, no, no. You don't tear down anything. We have tools and machines for that. My car has a weird noise coming from the engine. I think it needs some repair work. Yes, of course! There are many good options in the area. Is this your first time getting repairs done here in Rwanda? That's what I've been experiencing. It's frustrating trying to get things done without power. Yes, it is. I'm not quite sure what to expect. What should I know before hiring a contractor? I see. That's good to know. Do you have any recommendations on how to prepare for these weather conditions? I understand. I know some people who are fluent in both English and Kinyarwanda, which is the local language. They can help you to communicate effectively with the workers and contractors on the construction site. You can try looking for workers in the nearby market or ask around in the village. You can also try talking to the local cooperative or farmers' association, they might be able to provide you with some contacts. Thank you, that's very helpful. I appreciate your time. Yes, there are many companies that offer project management services in Kigali. But you have to be careful to choose a trustworthy one. shrugs, Well, it depends on the day and the time. But in general, Rwandans are friendly people who like to chat and have fun. Don't worry, you're safe with us. Yewe Yes,, let me calculate the total price for you. That makes sense. Do people usually go home during the break? I want to build a house. Oh, I see. I'm sorry, boss. I misunderstood your instructions. Yes, there are quite a few sources available in Rwanda. Are you looking for any specific kind of project management or oversight? I am in Kigali. Do you know where I can find these materials? Okay, that should be a quick fix. I can recommend someone who can do it for you. But isn't it unprofessional to work in such attire? Yes, it's important to balance work and rest. Taking a break during the day helps us stay energized and focused for the rest of the day. The amount of deposit depends on the landlord and the property you're renting. It could be one month's rent or more. And as for getting it back, it depends on the condition of the property when you move out. If there are damages, the landlord might deduct the cost of repairs from your deposit. But if everything is in good condition, you should get your deposit back in full. That would be great, thank you! How much do you charge? Okay, let me get this straight. You have a problem with your plumbing and electronics, but you cannot communicate effectively with the local plumber or electrician. Is that correct? One option is to check with your local government or district office. They may have specific guidelines or companies that they work with for waste disposal. Another option is to look into private waste management companies like EnviroServ or Waste Management. That's a good question. Here in Rwanda, we also take safety very seriously. However, the regulations may be a bit different from what you're used to. For example, we prioritize the use of locally sourced and sustainable building materials. I recommend using a motorbike taxi or a regular taxi. They are both common and reliable here in Kigali. However, it would be best if you choose a motorbike taxi because it is faster and can move easily through traffic. Hi there! Excuse me, do you know where I can find some materials for my construction project? Excuse me, I think I might have gone to the wrong store. The place you sent me to was selling bricks and sand, but no cement. I see. And when do I get it back? It will be 50,000 Rwandan Francs. Yes, there is a fee, but it’s not high. It’s usually a few thousand Rwandan francs. I see. Can you give me some more information on that? I need to replace some parts in my car engine, but I'm having trouble finding the right tools and equipment. Good morning, I hired your company to repair the roof of my house. It's been two weeks now, and the work is still not complete. Can you tell me when the repair work will be finished? smiling, Thank you, Mr. Landlord. I appreciate your understanding. Sure, I have made this plan for the construction of your fence. As you can see, we will be building a concrete wall around your house. It depends on the type of house you want to build. Do you have any specifications or requirements? Oh, I see the problem. This adhesive is meant for specific types of metal, and this type of metal requires a different adhesive. No problem. Is there anything else you need help with? Hmm, that's a bit expensive. Can we negotiate the price? Yes, of course. We have several reliable construction companies here. May I know the specific location where you need their services? That sounds promising. How can I contact them? Hi, I'm planning to start a construction project in Rwanda, but I'm a bit confused about the safety and liability standards. Can you help me understand them better? Yes please. How much will it cost? Hi there, I'm looking to build a small business in Rwanda. Can you tell me about the building codes and regulations in this area? Yes, for cement, sand and bricks it will cost you about 200,000 Rwandan francs. For tools, the saw and hammer will cost 30,000 francs. No problem. It's important to know and respect the cultural practices of the country you're Yes, unfortunately, many people here are not trained in specialized trades like air conditioning repair. But, I know a few people who have experience with it. Let me make some phone calls and see if I can find someone who can help you. It depends on the terms of your lease agreement. Some landlords may cover the cost of repairs, while others may require that the tenant pay for them. That's understandable. Just let me know what needs to be done. Hazardous waste needs to be disposed of properly to avoid environmental and health hazards. You can contact the Rwanda Environment Management Authority REMA, or the Kigali City website to find out the proper way to dispose of hazardous waste. Oh no! The adhesive didn't hold up as well as I thought it would. The crack is still there. The best time to find available workers or contractors would be after the planting season is over. At that time, they will be looking for work during the weeding and harvesting season. The foreigner is in the rental office Hello, can I talk to you for a moment? I noticed that the worksite is not as clean as I expected. Okay, I understand now. We can do that. When do you want us to start working? No, I haven't. Are they reliable? Not all businesses, but it's a common practice in many places. Some shops What do you suggest we do? Sure, what seems to be the problem? Sure, I can help you. What kind of materials are you looking for? Hi there! Can you tell me where I can find the cement store around here? You can try ordering them online or through international suppliers. However, that might take some time and could be expensive because of shipping and customs fees. No, that's okay. Thank you for your help. I need a company that can handle a large construction project. I'm building a hotel in Kigali. It depends on the workplace. Some employers require their workers to take a break while others allow them to choose. Hmm, have you tried asking the suppliers directly? They may be able to order it for you. It depends on the work you want them to do and the duration of their work. You can negotiate with them and come up with a fair price. Yes, there's another hardware store down the road that sells bricks. You can check there. David, and a local John, meet in different parts of Rwanda. I'm sorry, but we can't hand over the keys until we have received the deposit. Inside the bathroom Okay. What about the construction techniques? Are Hello, I am looking to sublet my apartment here in Rwanda, but I need to get the landlord's permission first. Do you know how I can get in touch with them? Of course, let's start with the mechanic shops over there. They might have some tools that you need. That's a bit low for the amount of work you want us to do. Maybe we can meet in the middle and agree on 4 million Rwandan francs. Sure, I can help you. What seems to be the issue? I'm sorry, I don't know. You should ask the workers. Yes, of course. What do you need? 300,000 Francs? That's a bit high for me. Can we negotiate? I'm doing well John. How about you? Hello, I'm looking for some construction materials. It's a small building, about 200 square meters. I need a price for the whole project, including labor and materials. I can pay a portion of it now and the rest next week. Is that okay? "Oh, okay. Can you help me understand what kind of work needs to be done here?" Yes, there are. You need to ensure that you're Yes, I do. The labor laws here in Rwanda are quite strict, and it's important that you follow them to avoid any legal issues. I will pay cash. I'm sorry, but that's still too high for my budget. Can we work out a deal? You've removed all the existing windows and doors! I just wanted you to add new ones where there aren't any! Okay, everything seems to be in order for the most part. However, there are a few changes you need to make to align with our regulations. For instance, the building height is not within the allowed limit, and the distance from the road is not enough. "Yes, there are many translators and interpreters around here. What specifically do you need assistance with?" Sure, I'd be happy to help. What do you need to know? That's a great idea! Thank you so much for your help. I'm sorry about that. Unfortunately, we can't control people's behavior. But I can move you to a different seat if you would like. Okay, how about $13,500? Okay, that's reasonable. Can you come with me to the construction site tomorrow morning? For an oil leak, you need to change the oil filter and refill it with new oil. Alright, I can consider 180,000 RWF per month. But you have to promise to take good care of the apartment. I need a new pipe, Teflon tape, a wrench, and plumber's putty. I'm afraid I don't. Is there any other way to communicate with my landlord? It will take us an extra week, and you'll have to pay an Sir, there is no need for supervision. We have been doing this work for a long time, and we know what we are doing. Sure, we can do that. But first, we'll need to go to the site and see what kind of work is involved. Yes, the district office will conduct a final inspection to ensure that the repairs meet the safety standards. You also need to keep a record of the repairs in case of any future disputes with the tenants. I need to replace the roof and fix some cracks in the walls. How long do you think it will take? Yes, it will cost more than what we initially discussed. It will cost you around 300 Ah, I see. Well, we usually use materials that are readily available in the area, like clay, wood, and straw. For example, when building a house, we start by digging a foundation and then we use clay to make the walls. We usually make the roof out of straw and wood. Alright, I understand everything, but have you seen the evening? Yes, there is a translator. Let me call him. Yes, I can help you. What do you need? Alright. Do you have any preferences for the brand of cement or type of bricks? That makes sense. How can I better communicate with them? Of course. Where is your worksite located? Yes, I can provide a quote for the work. What exactly do you need done? No, no! That's not how it works. You need screws and washers to attach the metal sheets to the roof. shakes head, types in 280,000 Francs Oya, yeees we have cement and bricks. Perfect, I'll come back in two days. But boss, you said to make the foundation deeper and wider. That's what I did. You're welcome. It's always After you move out, your landlord will inspect the property to ensure there are no damages. If everything is okay, they will return your deposit. I'm looking for a particular type of insulation material that is not readily available in Rwanda. Do you have any idea where I can find it? Sure, I can help you. Where is your worksite located? Um, I'm sorry, I don't know those words. Can you explain what you mean? All the time? I can't do that. Can't you do the work without me supervising it? I see. Well, unfortunately, that can happen sometimes. But there are a few things you can do to minimize the risk. No problem. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me anytime. Hi there, I noticed that some of your workers take a break in the middle of the day. Is that a common practice here in Rwanda? Sure, that's understandable. Let's get off at the next stop and find another mototaxi. I'll make sure to find one that's safe and reliable. I think these will work. How much will it cost? Yes, but don't worry. Just speak up and tell them that you are uncomfortable. Most times they will stop. I am trying to get my building project approved in Rwanda, but I am having difficulties in obtaining the necessary permits and approvals. I don't understand the building codes and regulations here. Yes, I do speak English. That's a good point. I'm also concerned about the environmental impact of waste disposal. Are there any eco-friendly options? Yes, I can help you. What do you want me to build? No worries, things happen! That sounds great. I'm relieved to know that I finally have someone to help me communicate with my workers and contractors. Thank you so much for your help! Well, first you need to make sure that you follow the local labor laws and regulations. You will need to register your business with the government and get a work permit. You will also need to provide your workers with a contract that outlines their job duties, pay, and benefits. That sounds quite expensive. Can we negotiate on the price? For 10 bags of cement, it will be 50,000 Rwandan francs. For 2 trucks of sand, it will be 100,000 Rwandan francs. And for 200 bricks, it will be 60,000 Rwandan francs. Ideally, I would like it to be done by the end of the week. Is that possible? That would be great. Can you recommend one of those companies? I’ll try to talk to them and explain the situation. Just give me a few minutes. It depends on the extent of the renovations. But, if it's a small job, it could cost around 500,000 francs. No problem. Good luck with your project. Hi Joseph, I'm having a hard time navigating the insurance requirements for my construction project. Do you have any advice? Hi there, do you know of any reliable sources for project management or oversight in this area? Okay, I can do that for you. But I have to ask, do you have any specific requirements for how the workers should dress while they work on your house? I'm good, thank you. How can I help you today? Okay, I see. Can you give me an estimate of how long the work will take? [nods and writes the amount on paper] Alright, that's good to know. What about the final payment? When is that made? Hi, I need to negotiate the rent price for this house. Can you please ask the landlord how much he's asking for? Well, I want to make sure that I pay my workers fairly and on time. What is the customary way of doing that here? A rental office in Kigali, Rwanda. A foreigner is trying to rent an apartment, but the rental agreement is written in Kinyarwanda, which he doesn't understand. Sure, I can help with that. Let's take a look at the document. Well, there are certain guidelines and requirements that you need to follow when it comes to building in Rwanda. For instance, you need to have an approved design plan and ensure that it meets the standards set by the Rwanda Housing Authority. Okay, how about 4.5 million francs? Excuse me, I am trying to get a building permit for a project I am working on, but I am having some difficulties. Can you help me? "Okay, let me show you. See this wall here? It's damaged and needs to be fixed. We will need to take it down and build a new one. Can you do that?" Well, I think there might be a leak in one of my pipes, and I also have some issues with my electrical wiring. Excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable source for project management or oversight here in Rwanda? I'm having difficulty finding one. No, I don't speak English. What do you want? Well, it depends on what part of the engine you want to repair. Can you specify which part? I need you to install some windows and doors in this building. Yes, you can try contacting Skilled Contractors Rwanda, they specialize in machinery repairs. You can reach them at +250 788 30 11 92. Another option is to contact Final Touch, they provide specialized services in construction and mechanical repairs. You can reach them at +250 788 30 11 92. Hi there, I'm looking for a hardware store in this area. Do you know where I can find one? Unfortunately, I cannot do that. But I can refer you to a translation service that can help you with that. Yes, some waste management companies offer eco-friendly waste disposal services. You can also look into recycling centers or composting facilities. Alright, I guess that's fair. Please make sure to keep me updated on the progress. Sure, what kind of work do you need? "Okay, I can definitely help you with that. What is your budget?" Okay, I understand. What kind of repairs are you trying to do? I understand. I can help you find someone who speaks English. Excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable source of power or electricity? I need to carry out some repairs. No, it's not about the design. The sleeves are too short, and the pants are too long. Thank you, that's helpful. Are there any local project management companies that you would recommend? I need to terminate my lease early. Is that possible? I can try, but the workers need to be paid fairly. Hi there! I need a plumber to fix a leak in my bathroom. Do you know any plumber around here? Well, for example, it's important that you dress appropriately when you have workers come to your house. You should wear clothes that cover your knees and shoulders, as it is considered disrespectful to show too much skin. Thank you, that would be very helpful. Is there anything else I need to know? You can find their contact information online, or I can give you their phone numbers if you'd like. Ah, I see. That's quite unfortunate. Can you tell me more about what happened? That's a great suggestion That's great! Thank you so much for your help. Sure. Firstly, you need to offer a written employment contract to any worker you hire. This contract should outline their duties, responsibilities, and the terms and conditions of their employment. Hello, excuse me. Do you know where I can go to get a permit to do some repair work on my building? Hello, I'm having an issue with the faucet in the bathroom. It's not working properly. Ah, okay, wall. What kind of rocks? What kind of documents do I need to provide? Yes, I want to sublet my apartment, but I need to get permission from my landlord first. Do you know how I can contact them? Excuse me, do you know where I can find specialized construction materials around here? Thank you. And how about the bricks, do you have them? ** Hi there, do you know where I can find information on liability coverage for construction work in Rwanda? Okay, thanks for the information. Can you also tell me how much sand and gravel I will need for this project? You need to provide a copy of your ID, the land title for the property, and a plan of the repair work you want to do. Ah, I see. Have you tried looking online? There are some online stores that might have what you're looking for. Hi, I would like to renew my lease for another year. Well, earlier today, I took a shared taxi to get around town, and I felt really uncomfortable with some of the other passengers. They were behaving in a way that made me feel unsafe. Sure, I can translate that for you. speaks in Kinyarwanda to the workers Excuse me, sir. I'm having trouble understanding this rental agreement. It's written in Kinyarwanda. Do you speak English? Can you explain to me the terms of the lease? I want to know how long the lease lasts and how much I need to pay per month. Tomorrow morning is fine. Thank you so much for your help. Okay, that might be a bit difficult. What part of the country are you in? No, that's all. Thank you again. Goodbye. Wow, that sounds great! Can you tell me what needs to be done today? Definitely. Thank you for explaining that to me. Sure, we have a variety of materials available for construction. We use everything from mud and thatch to bricks and cement blocks. After using the adhesive Hi, I'm trying to get some permits and approvals for some repair work I need to do. Can you help me with that? What kind of issues? I was told it was just a minor issue with the engine. Ah, now I understand. Thank you for explaining it clearly. I can get started on that work right away. It's about 20 kilometers from here. Sure, it's upstairs on the left. Really? Are you sure that will work? I would suggest you to check with the Rwanda Insurers Association, they can help you with finding the right insurance company. Also, make sure to read the policies very carefully and ask them any questions you may have to avoid any misunderstandings. Sure, what's the name of your landlord? Yes, I do speak English. How can I help you? Hmm, I'm not sure we can do the work for that amount. The cost of materials and labor is quite high here. Okay, I understand now. What specifically do you want to be done? We will replace the tiles in the bathroom and kitchen, repair the cracks on the walls, and fix the leaks on the roof. You can check for taxi operators who are registered and have a license. They have a sticker with a number on the windshield. Make sure the taxi has a functioning seat belt, and you can sit in the back seat. Yes, I can assist you. What do you need me to do? If you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe, don't hesitate to speak up. We want to make sure you have a safe and enjoyable time here in Rwanda. Ah, ariko ibintu byinshi A rural area in Rwanda A foreigner is on the phone with their landlord, who is a local Rwandan. The foreigner is trying to renew their lease agreement, but the landlord doesn't understand the terms and conditions in English. Sure, I can help. What kind of repairs do you need? Hello, do you know where I can find specialized or imported construction materials around here? Hello, I need some construction materials. I need some cement, sand, and bricks. Do you have those? It's not draining properly. "Sure, that would be great. How much would you charge for the consultation?" Thank you so much for your help. Do you know if they have a website or contact information? Good morning! Excuse me, do you know where I can find some construction materials? I am having a hard time finding some of the things I need. Hello. How are you? I need to explain some construction work that needs to be done in this area. Can you help me understand what needs to be done here? Hmm, that seems a bit high. Can you lower the price? Well, I'm not really familiar with the terminology and jargon used in the construction industry here. So, if you could explain some of the terms and concepts, that would be great! I am working on a community development project, and I need someone who can oversee and manage it effectively. Yes, you need to ensure that you comply Metal sheets are not suitable for roofing because A foreigner named Jack is talking to a local named Joseph in two different parts of Rwanda. Jack recently encountered a cultural misunderstanding related to house repairs. Oh yes, there are a few options available. Are you looking for public transportation or private? Well, I need some cement, sand, and bricks to fix my wall. I see. That's helpful. Thank you. And what about gravel? Okay, I can do that. It will cost around $20,000. Yes, what is it? "Yes, that's right. Can you do it?" Yes, sure. What's on your mind? Hello, Yes, there are a few ways to manage and dispose of waste here in Rwanda. Have you tried contacting the local waste management authority? Yes, Tom. What exactly is the problem? Hello, excuse me, do you know any trustworthy construction company around here? I have been struggling to find one. John had very high standards for the quality of the work, but he was having trouble communicating his expectations to the local workers. They were used to a more informal approach to construction, and they did not understand the level of attention to detail that John was looking for. What evidence do you have that you need to vacate the house? Okay, that sounds reasonable. Can I pay with a credit card or through bank transfer? That makes sense. Is there any other advice you have for me? Thank you very much. I understand. There are a few companies that I can recommend to you. How about I give you their names and contacts, and then you can do your research and choose the one you like? I'm looking for a company I can trust to handle my project professionally. Of course, you're welcome to check in on them. But trust me, they will do a good job. We take pride in our work and always strive for customer satisfaction. Yes, of course. I will bring one of them to you so that you can talk to them directly. That sounds reasonable. But I'm having a You're welcome. Just be patient, and it will all work out in the end Well, I need some very specific parts for my machine. I'm not sure if they are available locally. Alright. I will let you carry on with the work. Great! Rwanda is a favorable destination for small businesses. However, you need to be cautious about potential issues that may arise. We will fix the broken roof tiles and replace the damaged wood. Okay, let me translate for you. Yes, that’s a good point. We should have asked more questions and made sure we were on the same page. What can we do to fix this now? Thank you! Can you show me the way to the building? There are different types of sand that are used for different purposes. For Okay, let me see. It depends on what materials you want to use and the size of the house. Do you have a plan? It's okay, just make sure to understand the instructions clearly next time. I'm looking for a special kind of insulation material for my house. I tried to find it in the local stores, but they don't seem to have it. Okay, that sounds reasonable. Can we agree on a timeline for the work to be completed? Thank you for your help. I will make sure to follow the regulations and requirements for Hi Joseph, I need your help with some house repairs. Can you give me a quote for the work? I need to explain something to you. Thank you, I'll send an email or message on WhatsApp. Do you have someone who can come and fix it? Oh, I'm sorry about that. Can you tell me what's making you uncomfortable? Yes, I can do the work for you. But first, which kind of construction work do you need? That's great to hear. I'll definitely contact them and check out their database. Thank you so much for your help. That sounds good. But, how can I ensure my safety while using the motorbike taxi? confused About two meters high. No problem. Anything to help a visitor in our country. Thanks for the information. Are there any other options I could look into? Okay, I understand. The cost will depend on the size of the room and the extent of the updates to the systems. Can you give me some more details? In a rural area of Rwanda Credit card payments aren't very common here, so cash payments are preferred. But if you prefer to pay by card, we can arrange for that. You're welcome. But be cautious when dealing with handymen. Some of them are not very skilled in specialized repair work. Yes, I would recommend looking into the Rwanda Development Board's Construction Industry Development Policy. It outlines the necessary insurance and liability requirements for construction projects in Hi, excuse me, can you help me with something? I'm looking to repair my rental property, but I'm not sure about the regulations and procedures here in Rwanda. About 10 bags of cement and 500 bricks. Yes, we have enough bricks. But we need cement to make the bricks stick together. In a rural part of Rwanda, a foreigner named John was in charge of a construction project. He had hired local workers to help with the construction of a new community center. Ah, I see the problem now. The pipe is rusted and needs to be replaced. Hi there, I'm looking for a plumber to fix a leaky pipe in my bathroom. Oh, I see. Well, we did the work as we were asked to do it. Did we miss something? Yes, it is possible. You could try advertising early and offering competitive rates. Also, consider working with groups or cooperatives that have multiple members who can take turns working on your farm. Oh, hi. Yes, it's actually very common for workers not to wear safety gear or appropriate attire. It's not really a part of our culture to worry about those types of things. Tom realized that there So, this is the plumber. He's a bit shy, but he knows what he's doing. Liability can be a bit tricky. In general, the site manager and the construction company are responsible for ensuring that safety regulations are being followed. However, if a worker is injured, they may be able to file a claim against the construction company or the site manager, depending on the circumstances. That's a good point. Can you tell me some of the companies that you recommend? I need enough to build a small house. My shower isn’t working properly, and there is a leak in the bathroom. Hi there, I'm having trouble finding someone who can help me communicate with the workers and contractors. Do you know anyone who can translate or interpret for me? Oh, hello. Yes, of course. Can you explain what you need exactly? I'm not very good with English. It depends on how long you need me for. But I usually charge around 10,000 Rwandan francs per hour. Hi, I heard you need help with translation. Thank you for the information. But what about the cost of the insurance? Tom and John go to the car They can be safe if you take the necessary precautions like wearing a helmet and choosing a reputable driver. But if you want to be on the safe side, you can hire a personal driver. My budget is around 7 million Rwandan francs. Yes, that can be true. But if you take the right precautions, you can find a safe and reliable driver. Make sure to check the driver's credentials, negotiate the fare upfront, and avoid taking any routes that don't seem safe. Yes, please go ahead,. Yes, I need some specialized roofing tiles from Italy, and some unique bathroom fittings from Germany. Yes, we have many materials for construction. What are you looking for? I see. Well, there are a few good plumbers and electricians in the area. Let me make some phone calls and see who's available. Sorry, I didn't get that. Can you write it down for me? It's a concrete wall. That's really helpful, thank you. Do you know of any reliable insurance agents or companies here in Kigali? Yes, boss. I understood what you meant. I am putting up the walls after the cement is set. That's understandable. Let me take a look at it. reads the document, It's a standard rental agreement, and it covers the terms and conditions of renting the house. It's a tool we use for measuring and cutting angles in construction. Yes, I can understand your situation. It's common to experience power outages in some parts of Rwanda. However, have you considered using solar-powered tools? You're welcome. Do you need anything else? Local government office in Kigali, Rwanda Oh, we still need more time. There were some unexpected issues. Yes, you need to make sure your building plans comply with the building codes and regulations in Rwanda. Yes, I can do that. What kind of project is it? It's a payment system that allows you to send and receive money through your mobile phone. It's very popular here and very convenient. Alright, thanks for the tip. I will look into both options and see which one works I need some cement, bricks, and roofing sheets. sitting next to a local, feeling uneasy, Excuse me, I don't want to bother you, but I don't feel very safe with the behavior of some of the other passengers. They seem to be arguing and getting quite aggressive. Hello, I'm interested in renting this house. It's a report that assesses the potential environmental impact of your project. You'll need to hire a consultant to help you with that. Hi there, I'm having trouble finding a local supplier for some specialized construction materials I need for a project. Do you know of any suppliers that may carry these items? Yes, most of the companies in Kigali speak English. However, it's always good to clarify with them before you start working together. I am a foreign journalist here in Rwanda, and I was supposed to pay my rent, but I want to remind you that I have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and paying my rent has been difficult. I had an unexpected expense and it took all of my money. The security deposit is the same as last year, and I'll pay it to you when I sign the lease. It's a guarantee that I'll take care of the property and return it in good condition when I move out. Yes, I need to make a withdrawal before the bank closes. Hi, I just talked to the repairman you recommended, and he's saying that the repair work will take much longer than expected, and will cost a lot more too. I don't understand why there's such a big discrepancy in the estimate you gave me earlier. Here are some options for cement. This one is made locally and is of good quality. These are the bricks we have, and this sand is good for construction. As for nails, we have different sizes. Which one do you prefer? I need to build a new wall over there. Can you help me? I need 10 bags of cement, 5 cubic meters of sand, and 3 cubic meters of gravel. frustrated, Look, I need you guys to understand that the quality of work is very important to me. We have a deadline to meet, and we can't afford to have shoddy work. Can you please do better? looks at the sketch, I'm sorry, I don't understand this. Can you explain it to me? Yes, it's a common practice in Rwanda to take a break during the hottest part of the day, which is usually around midday. Why do you want to terminate your lease? Okay, I understand. Let me check if we have enough stock. Excuse me, I am looking to hire some local workers for my business here in Rwanda. Do you know what the labor laws and regulations are for hiring and firing workers? we will find someone else to rent the house,. That seems a bit high. Can you break down the costs for me? Yes, please. I need to buy some materials for a repair job I'm doing at my hotel. Well, I'm not sure about that either. I was hoping you could give me an estimate. Sure, I can try to help. What do you need to know? "Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help." You're welcome. Just make sure to check their credentials before hiring them. You want to ensure that you get quality work done. Hello, can you help me with the construction work? I want to terminate my lease early. Yes, you'll need to bring your building plans, a land survey and a copy of your ID or passport. But, make sure your plans meet the building codes and regulations set by the government to avoid any delays. Sure, I'll jot down their names and numbers for you. But just a heads up, they might be a bit expensive. Oh, I see. Do you know what kind of materials you need? I understand, and I will make sure that I catch up on the missed payment as soon as possible. Okay, ten bags of cement, five bags of sand, and 500 bricks. Do you need anything else? "Maybe around 500,000 francs?" That sounds like a good idea. Do you know where I could rent a generator? How long do these breaks usually last? Wow, that's a long time. What documents do I need to provide? Yes, sure. The total cost will be 259000 Rwandan Francs Yes, you should plan your itinerary accordingly and allow for extra time during the rainy season. You can also stay up to date on weather updates and be prepared to change your plans if necessary. I need about ten bags of cement, five bags of sand, and 500 bricks. Well, it depends on the type of permit you need. Some take a day or two, while others can take up to a week. I want the pathway to be made of concrete blocks and the garden should have small pebbles and flowers. That's a good idea, thanks! Do you know how much I should pay them? Yes, there are a few things to keep in mind. Because Rwanda is prone to earthquakes, structural safety is a major concern. Additionally, because of the hilly terrain, construction sites may require additional safety measures to prevent accidents, such as fencing or netting to protect workers from falling. Hmm, that sounds tricky. Have you tried looking in Kigali? There are a few shops there that might have what you need. Okay, so what's the issue with the stove? "We need to build a new bridge over the river. It needs to be strong enough to handle heavy vehicles and withstand flooding." Yes, it is. But, sir, you are not dressed appropriately to be here. Sure. Rwanda is a tropical country, and we experience a rainy season from March to May and October to December. During this period, there may be roadblocks and delays due to flooding or landslides. Well, for one thing, the paint job is uneven in some places. And the finish isn't smooth. We're looking for something that's more polished. Don't worry, we have skilled artisans who have been trained in these traditional techniques. They know Yes, there are many around here. You can visit some of the construction sites and ask for recommendations. You can also ask around in the local markets and shops. "I see. I want to use good quality materials, but I also want a fair price." I need a company that can build a small house for me. I am currently in Kigali, but I will be traveling to different parts of Rwanda for my project. You're welcome. It's important to use the right materials for repairs to ensure the safety and longevity of the repair work. A hardware store in Kigali, Rwanda. Yes, you can also look into working with the Rwanda Housing Authority RHA, or the Ministry of Infrastructure MININFRA,. Both these organizations have extensive experience in managing construction projects and can provide reliable oversight. Not really. It actually helps us to recharge and be more productive in the afternoon when it is cooler. It is also a cultural practice that we have been doing for generations. Alright, I would recommend checking out companies like Alpha Construction, Roko Construction, or Horizon Construction. They all have a good reputation and have completed many projects in the past. There, that should be better. Is there anything else you need? Hello, my friend. How are you doing today? Alright. Is there anything else I need to know? Alright. How can I pay? I can recommend some companies for you to check out. Most of them have excellent experience and are known to deliver quality work. Hmm, I'm not quite sure I understand. Can you explain that in a different way? I'm sorry, but we only have 15 bags of cement and 3 cubic meters of sand right now. We can order the rest for you, but it will take some time. I need to fix the roof and some of the walls. How about 9 a.m.? You can find their contact information online or in the local business directory. I can also give you their phone numbers if you'd like. Ah, okay. I see. I fix for you. When you want me to come? Okay, I understand what you want. I will get the materials and start the construction work tomorrow. Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find the nearest hardware store? That's a good idea. Do you know of any suppliers I could contact? I'm not sure about the terms and conditions of the agreement. Could you explain them to me? What is it? After a few minutes, the mechanic comes back Sorry, but I can't go that low. The price I gave you is already a fair price for the work that needs to be done. Hey, how's it going in Rwanda? Hi there, can you tell me where I can find the nearest hardware store? I need to buy some building materials for my project. "I understand, but that would not be enough to cover the cost of materials and labor. If you're willing to compromise, I can cut the price down to 9 million francs." Alright, thank you. Can you also tell me how long it would take for the materials to arrive at my site? Yes, I do. But before you hire someone, there are certain things you need to know about house repairs in Rwanda. Sawa, t I need to repair the roof of my building, there are some leaks that need to be fixed. Yes, there are a few in Kigali. I can give you some names and contact information if you'd like. It can take a few weeks to a few months, depending on how complicated your building plan is and how busy the city council is. Yes, I can. I will make sure to fix the work and make it perfect. Great, thanks a lot. And do you know where I can find some skilled workers to help with the construction? Well, I'm looking for some specific building materials that I've been told are available in a rural area, but I don't know how to reach it. And I also need to hire some skilled workers, but I'm not sure where to find them. Thank you for the recommendations. Do you have any advice on how I can choose the best company for my project? Yes, we will finish in two days. Yes, sure. You can take a taxi to the city center and then look for a shop called "ToolMaster." They have a wide range of tools and equipment, and they might have what you're looking for. Liability coverage for workers is usually provided through a workers' compensation policy. You One month Excuse me, do you know how to repair this building? It seems like it needs some fixing. Yes, the cement is 5000 Rwandan francs per bag and the sand is 10,000 Rwandan francs per truckload. Oh, I see. Is there any way I can find workers who are available during those times? Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you said you wanted a tennis court. My mistake. Okay. I think I understand the problem. I'll send someone to fix it as soon as possible. Can you give me your address and phone number? Hi, excuse me. I'm looking for someone who can help with some work on my farm. Can you recommend anyone? Oh, I see. And what about the regulations for repairs? Are there any specific procedures to follow? Okay, I can do that. What's your budget for the construction? You're welcome. I hope you find someone to help you with your work. If you need any more assistance, feel free to ask. No, I haven’t thought of that. Do you know of any specific organizations I could reach out to? Several days later I'm not exactly sure, but I was hoping you could give me a quote and we can go from there. Yes, I fixed the chain and lubricated it. But there's one problem. Hello! Yes, I'm looking for a reliable source of power to carry out some repairs. Do you know where I can find one? It could take a few days to a week, depending on the workload of the government office. Of course. Let me go through it with you in English. The agreement says that you will pay your rent on time each month. You will also be responsible for any damages to the apartment during your stay. The lease will end after one year, and you will need to vacate the apartment by the last day of your lease. "Yes, we need wood, nails, and some tools to cut the wood. We can get them at the hardware store." It's making a weird noise when I drive, and the brakes are not working properly. I see. Thanks for explaining that. But what about ‘doko’ and ‘nyumba zima’? I heard those terms too, but I’m not sure what they mean. Yes, there is an electrician nearby who can help you. You're welcome. What about your electrical issues? You're welcome, sir Okay, got it. And what's a "masonry wall"? Welcome to Rwanda! Yes, I can understand your situation. During the planting and harvest seasons, most of the local workers are busy in their own farms or working for others. I've tried contacting some insurance companies, but I'm having a hard time understanding the different types of insurance policies they offer. I see. So, how can I ensure that I'm not held liable if someone gets hurt? I'm actually just interested in learning more about construction safety practices in Rwanda. I work for a construction company and we're trying to navigate the different standards and expectations around safety and liability on construction sites. No, unfortunately they don't. Oh, I understand. No, not really. They should be able to handle it on their own. Oh, that's interesting. Do people ever use more modern materials like concrete or steel? I want to use high-quality materials that will last a long time. That would be fantastic. Can you help me find someone who can speak English and Kinyarwanda fluently? The foreigner, Jack, is walking down the street in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda. He notices a local, Jean, standing by a house under construction using mud and sticks. Yes, I've been to a few places, but they don't seem to have what I need. Do you know of any other places I could try? Sure. This section talks about the security deposit. What exactly is that and how much do I need to pay? Good morning, I am having trouble understanding the insurance and liability coverage for construction work in Rwanda. Can you help me with that? Hi, excuse me, do you know any local construction companies that are reliable and trustworthy? Sure, there are a few suppliers in the city center. But if you're looking for some specific materials, you might want to consider going to Kigali. Wow, that's a lot of money. Can we negotiate on the price? Ah, okay. How tall and how long do you want the wall to be? Yes, we have many. What seems to be the problem? Oh, I had no idea. Thank you for letting me know. Is there anything else I should be aware of? No, I don't speak English. What can I help you with? Yes, that should be fine. Just make sure it's signed by both you and the landlord and includes the dates of your tenancy. I completely understand. It's important to do your research and ask questions. You can also ask for help from an insurance broker who will help you find the best policy and coverage for your needs. Hey, what's going on here? Why are you tearing down this wall? Yes, I can give you an estimate. What kind of construction work do you need? Worker digs a hole and pours concrete Sure, I can help you with that. What kind of transportation are you looking for? I'm looking for a specific type of roofing material, it's called Polycarbonate panels. Do you know if it's available here? A foreigner is staying in a hotel in Kigali and needs to get some repair work done, but is finding it difficult to find skilled workers or contractors for the specialized repair work. Hi there! I need some repair work done on my house. Can you help me with that? Sure, let me take him to the bathroom. No problem, is there anything else you'd like to ask about the rental agreement? Oh, I see. I will send someone to fix it tomorrow. I understand your point. However, as a foreign contractor, I am That's helpful. Do you have any specific recommendations for electrical stores or contractors that I can check out? Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I'm a builder and I've done this many times before. You can't use wood on a metal roof, it won't hold up. Yes, there are a few private companies that offer waste management services such as Ecobank and Africa Improved Foods. You can check their websites for more information. Jack is in a house in Kigali, Rwanda, where he's been staying for a few weeks. A group of workers is fixing the roof of the house. Jack comes out of the house wearing shorts and a T-shirt, ready to observe the workers. Joseph, who is passing by, sees Jack and approaches him. No problem. Is there anything else you need help I see. What about supply chain disruptions? I will need to import some goods for my business. That would be great, thank you. And what about hiring workers on a more long-term basis? Okay, no problem. I want to ask your permission about something. Yes, I can fix it. It will take me about an hour. Do you have the replacement washer? Sure, I can recommend a few companies that I know are reliable. Are you looking for a big company or a smaller one? I'm planning to build a new house. Okay, let me calculate the total for you. After the foreigner buys the materials and goes home, they start working on the wall. However, after a few hours, it becomes apparent that the repair work is not holding up. "What kind of challenges?" Hello! Can I help you with something? Okay, remove the old mortar and apply new mortar. Got it. Thanks for your help! "Nothing, it's free. I just want to give you an accurate quote." I think there's a leak in my bathroom and some of the power outlets don't seem to be working properly. Several hours later... What do you mean? I thought you said it was just some plumbing and electrical work, and maybe some roof repairs. Hi, I'm new in town and I'm wondering when is the best time to carry out repairs on my building? Great, thanks again "Yes, I have. But no one seems to carry it." You told me to remove all the bricks. Hi there, I'm new to the worksite and I wanted to ask about the expectations around cleanliness and sanitation. Sure, I know of a few. Let me make some calls and find out who is available. Do you want me to come with you to explain the issue to the plumber? Okay, I understand. I'll make sure to keep that in mind for the future repairs. Thank you for letting me know. I can give half of the payment now and the rest next week. Is that okay? Yes, you should bring your construction plan, site plan, and any other relevant documents. They will review your plans and let you know if there are any changes you need to make. Okay, thank you. Okay, I can do that. How big do you want it to be? Yes, exactly. Well, I need some imported materials that are not commonly found in Rwanda. I am looking for a supplier who can provide me with high-quality materials. Excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable and safe means of transportation to and from the worksite? Hi there, I need your help with something. Can you understand me? Okay, great. Can you tell me where exactly we should dig? *Opens the door* , Hello,, how can I help you? Yes, I can. But before we do that, I want to make sure we're on the same page about the construction process. In Rwanda, we use a lot of local terminology and jargon that you may not be familiar with. For example, we use the Thanks, I'll definitely look into these options. I appreciate Oh, I see. You want to build a new wall. Where do you want to build it? That might be a bit difficult, but let me see what I can do. Sure, repairing rental properties is quite straightforward in Rwanda. As a tenant, you are responsible for maintaining the property and keeping it in good condition. the rainy season and the dry season. During the rainy season, heavy rains can cause flooding and landslides, which can affect repair work. Similarly, during the dry season, strong winds can damage buildings and roads. "No, no, no! The hole is supposed to be over there, not here. And we're supposed to pour the foundation for the wall, not for the building." Alright, I have all those documents. Can I pay the fee here? Yes, we can definitely do that for you. How high do you want the wall to be? "I understand, but I am on a tight budget. Can we negotiate on the price?" Excuse me, do you know where I can obtain the necessary permits and approvals to construct a building here in Rwanda? Sure, I think we can do the work for about 1,500,000 Rwandan Francs. Great, thank you for clearing that up! No, I speak Kinyarwanda. How can I help you? Hi, I need to get to the market. Can I take a shared mototaxi? I have, but they don't seem to have what I'm looking for. Ah, I see. That makes sense. But won't it affect their productivity? smiling, Exactly! Thank you for understanding. Let's get to work. Yes, you can take a taxi or a bus from here. It's not too far, but the roads can be challenging, especially during the rainy season. I would advise you to be careful and take your time. Well, we usually sweep the area at the end of each workday and dispose of any waste properly. We also have handwashing stations set up on the worksite to promote hygiene. Yes sir, it is. But there were some additional issues that we found while working on the engine. We had to replace several parts, which increased the cost to 700,000 francs. Okay, we will think about it. That's great. Do you know if he has the right materials for the job? Well, I need coverage for any damages or injuries that could occur during construction. Do you have any recommendations? Ah, I see. It might be a bit difficult to find workers during this time of the year. Most of the farmers are busy with their own harvest. You should definitely consult with a lawyer who I see. Thank you for the advice. Rwanda seems like a great place to do business despite these potential challenges. Excuse me, driver. Can you please stop the car for a moment? It usually lasts for about two hours. During this time, workers can rest, have lunch, or do other personal activities before returning to work. "Sure, boss." I’m free tomorrow, would that be okay? "Yes, of course. Let me show you where we need to make some changes." No, we don't. It's a cultural practice that is respected by most employers. The break allows workers to rest and recharge for the rest of the working day. Oh, okay. But I really want the wall to be red, not gray. Sure, I'd be happy to help. Which units are you having trouble with? Hi, I noticed that the workers here don't wear gloves or hard hats. Is it not required? The deposit is a fee that you pay upfront, which acts as a security that you will take care of the apartment during the lease. Yes, they are, but we take precautions to prevent fires. We use fire-resistant coatings on the walls and roofs, and we also make sure that there is no open flame or smoking inside the building. I understand your budget, but it will be challenging to construct a house with that amount of money. Maybe we can compromise and agree on a price of 9 million Rwandan francs. John's house in Kigali, Rwanda Yes, he should have all the materials needed for engine repairs. confused, What do you mean? Hello,, can I help you with something? Yes, it can be frustrating at times, but it is important to follow the proper procedures to ensure that the repairs are safe and up to code. Yes, those are definitely concerns. Rwanda has experienced some challenges in the past, but things have improved quite a bit over the years. And while the weather can be unpredictable, it's usually not too extreme. Just keep an eye on the forecast and plan accordingly. Sorry, I'm not sure what those terms mean. Can you explain them to me? A foreigner named Tom is in the city of Kigali and he wants to repair his car, so he approaches a local named John. Yes, I have, but I'm still having a hard time deciding which one to choose. I need someone I can trust to do quality work. "Ah, I see. You want a wall that will be strong and protect this area. I can do that. How high should it be?" Yes, I can help you with that. Rwanda has made great strides in waste management and disposal over the past few years. The government has implemented various policies and initiatives to ensure proper waste management. Hi, I noticed that some of the workers here take a break in the middle of the day. Is that a common thing? Okay, how about trying the construction stores in the Rubavu district? They usually have a broader range of building materials. Hello, I am a construction contractor, I was wondering if you could help me understand how to obtain liability insurance in Rwanda? I need a company to build a small commercial building. Okay, let's see what we can do. Maybe we can use some cheaper materials or find ways to cut down on labor costs. Okay, we have some basic tools available in the hardware store down the street. But if you need specialized tools, you might not find them here. Well, you need to have a legitimate reason for terminating someone's employment. For example, if they violate company policies or fail to meet performance standards. Okay, that's a good start. Do you know any other reliable sources that I can check out? Okay, that makes sense. But how can I obtain this insurance? Sure, what kind of repair work are you trying to do? That would be great, John. I am having a hard time finding an insurance company that offers such coverage. It seems like the requirements are different in each country. Hi, excuse me. I'm having some trouble with hiring workers here. I'm not quite sure about the labor laws in Rwanda. Can you help me understand them better? Yes, you can find their contact details on their website. I can also give you their phone number if you want. Okay, I’ll do that. What about obtaining the necessary permits and approvals? That makes sense. What are some common practices in Rwanda to keep worksites clean? A foreigner, John, is in Rwanda and is trying to build a house. He has hired a local construction worker, Paul, to help with the construction. Hello, I am looking for someone who can help me with some construction work. Ah, I see. Well, there are a few options depending on your budget. You could take a taxi-moto, which is a motorcycle taxi, or a regular taxi. Both can be found in town and are relatively inexpensive. No problem. If you need any other assistance, feel free to ask. I love you, landlord. Sorry, I don't speak Kinyarwanda very well. I am here to talk about my rent payment. Yes, sure. What do you want me to explain? I need some nails, screws, and some wood planks. I need to repair the roof of my house. Yes, I know some materials that are commonly used here. But first, tell me, what kind of house do you plan to build? That's helpful information. Tom I asked around, but unfortunately, I couldn't find anything. However, there are some other types of cement that you might be able to use instead. Would you like me to show you where you can find them? Certainly. You can try contacting companies like Cement Rwanda or Kigali Cement. If they don't have the specific materials you need, they may be able to direct you to other suppliers or even import them for you. Yes, there are. You will need to comply with the National Building Code of Rwanda, which sets out the minimum standards for building design, construction, and safety. Good afternoon, can I speak to the person in charge? That's a great idea. Do you know of any suppliers or companies that you could recommend? A foreigner, Tom, is overseeing the construction of a new building in Rwanda. He is coordinating with a local contractor, Ngabo. I was thinking about 150,000 RWF per month. Is that possible? Well, using traditional methods and materials are more effective for this type of building. We've been doing this for generations, and it has proven to be efficient. Sure, most hotels and guesthouses have backup generators that can provide electricity during power outages. You can also try looking for a nearby public charging station or a cyber café. Sure. I apologize for my fast speaking. Is this better? Hello, can you give me a quote for the construction work I need? You're welcome. And one more thing, it's customary for the owner of the house to be present during the repairs. This shows that you are interested and invested in the work being done. Well, my car is making a strange noise and I think it needs some work done on the engine. Yes, I can help you with that. What seems to be the problem with your plumbing? Oh, I see now. I think the problem might be due to a miscommunication between us. In our culture, we believe that it's better to use locally available materials, which might not be as strong as some of the materials you are used to in your country. No problem. I'll get their contact information for you. Just give me your email address, and I'll send it to you. This trench is too They both walk outside to the car Hello there, I'm looking for a construction material supplier who can provide me with the materials I need. Do you know where I can find one nearby? Great, thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. Okay, can you explain them to me? I understand your concern, but this is the cost for good quality work. If you want to use cheaper materials, then the cost will be less. I have a generator, but it keeps breaking down. I need something more reliable. There are a few options. You could check with some of the local language schools or universities to see if they offer translation or interpretation services. Alternatively, you could ask around at some of the local businesses or organizations to see if they can recommend someone. Ah, I think I get it now. And what about "sandcrete blocks"? Are they the same thing as paver blocks? Yes, I’m aware of that. But, I’m not sure what the procedures are for repair and maintenance. Do you have any idea? Sure. In Rwanda, it's customary for workers to wash their hands and feet before starting work, and to wear appropriate clothing Hi, do you know where I can find a mototaxi to get to the gorilla trekking starting point? Sure. First, the landlord will want a deposit before you move in. It's a common practice here in Rwanda. Hello, excuse me, do you have a moment to help me understand the local labor laws and regulations in Rwanda? That's great to hear. How are these regulations enforced, though? No, I meant that we needed to supervise the workers closely to ensure that the work was done properly. Hmm, those items are not very common around here. But there’s a hardware store nearby that might have what you need. Do you want me to show you the way? I need about 10 bags of cement, 5 bags of sand, and 100 bricks. A foreigner named Mark approaches a local man named Joseph in Kigali, Rwanda. Oh, that's a bit far. I'd suggest you take a bus. Absolutely. And once again, I apologize for the miscommunication and any inconvenience caused. We will make sure to learn from this mistake and improve our communication in the future. Oh, I see. Well, what's confusing you? Of course, I can help with that. Let me have a look at the agreement. That's good to hear. What kind of safety measures are typically put in place? Yes, sure. What kind of worksite are you going to? That sounds great. Can you give me his contact information? Hmm, it's difficult to say. You see, finding skilled workers or contractors for specialized repair work can be a bit challenging here in Rwanda. Sometimes, they are already booked for weeks in advance. But let me ask around and see if I can find someone available for you. Alright, I'll call my friend, he speaks English. Hello, what do you want? Yes, I've heard that's the case in some countries. But here, we believe that taking a break in the middle of the day helps us work better in the long run. It's also a time when we can eat, pray, or catch up with family and friends. Of course, what kind of materials are you looking for? In Kigali, Rwanda, a foreigner named John is discussing with a local construction worker named Jean about the standards and expectations around safety and liability on construction sites. That's reassuring to hear. And what about supply chain disruptions? Are there any issues I should be aware of? looking confused, I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Could you explain it to me? "Yes, it is. We take cleanliness and sanitation very seriously here. It's important for the safety and health of everyone on the worksite." Okay, I think I understand. But you should be careful about the costs. Sometimes the workers underestimate the scope of the work and end up charging more than they should. In the living room of the foreigner's apartment, the foreigner is on the phone with the landlord. The foreigner is speaking in English, and the landlord is speaking in Kinyarwanda. The local takes the foreigner to the electrician shop Yes, we will also require a copy of your identification and proof of income. But, don't you think modern techniques and materials would be more efficient and long-lasting? Hardcore? I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Can you explain it a little more? That sounds promising. Have you worked with them before? It depends on the length of the project and the complexity of the work. But I can assure you that her rates are very reasonable. That's great! I'm actually an architect and I wanted to take a look at the construction process. OK. I think I can do that. What happens next? Great, thank you. So, I want to renew my lease for another year and the monthly rent will remain the same. Are you sure? I thought I needed to use some sealant or something. Well, for example, they kept talking about ‘panda matofali’ and ‘tupa zege’. What do those mean? It's just a contract that outlines the terms and conditions of my stay here for another year. It also includes the amount of rent I will be paying every month. Okay, I can do that. What kind of materials do you want me to use? No, that's all for now. Thank you again for your help. I need some renovations done on my house. Can you tell me how payments are typically made for construction work in Rwanda? Okay, I understand. Rwanda has been making great efforts in promoting proper waste management and disposal. You can start by visiting the Rwanda Environment Management Authority REMA, website. They have a lot of information about waste management practices and policies in Rwanda. Sure, I can do that. Just let me Well, I need to sign a new contract, but the terms and conditions are in English. Do you understand English? Oh, okay. I'm looking for some construction materials. Can you help me? Excuse me, do you know where I can obtain liability coverage for a construction project I'm working on here in Rwanda? Okay, thanks for the advice. I appreciate your help. Yes, I don't feel safe with the way he's driving. And the other passenger keeps grabbing my arm. Okay, that's a big project. You'll need to follow the building codes and regulations set by the government. Have you checked with the relevant authorities yet? No problem. Have a good day. You're welcome. Let me know if there's anything else I can do to assist you. No worries. It's gesturing to the landlord to come in, Please come in. I see what you mean. Can you tell me what kind of house you want to build? Ah, I see. You know, where I'm from, we don't really have extreme weather conditions like you do here. I imagine it must be difficult to repair buildings during those times. Ah, I see. looks at the phone and responds in Kinyarwanda Ah, that could be a bit tricky. The southern part of Rwanda is mostly rural and not well-developed yet. I would suggest looking for workers in the more urban areas, like Kigali or Butare. Ah, yes. It's common practice here in Rwanda for landlords to ask for a deposit when you rent a place to live. It's a security deposit in case there is any damage to the property or if you don't pay rent. Okay, that all makes First, we need to measure the height of the building, then we can start assembling the scaffolding. Yes, hello. I'm having trouble finding a reliable and safe means of transportation to and from my worksite. Do you have any suggestions? There's a leak in my bathroom and the sink is clogged. I need someone to come and fix it. I agree. We can start by putting in place some measures like providing more trash cans and scheduling a time for cleaning Oh, that's a lot. Do you have a vehicle to transport them? I understand that you want to save money, but I cannot lower the price. That is the cost of the materials and labor that will be needed to complete the job. I can start right now. It will take me about 3 hours to finish the work. Hi, excuse me. Do you know where I can find information about waste management and disposal here in Rwanda? I'm struggling to find reliable sources. Why is that? Work well, thank you. Oh, don't worry about them. They're just having fun. They're not going to harm you in any way. Great, thank you so much. understands and shows with his fingers, 300,000 Francs. in Kinyarwanda, You're welcome. No, that's all. Thanks again. Thank you for understanding my concerns. I appreciate your That's a great idea! It will not only be respectful of the local That would be great. I have been searching online, but I haven't found anyone who specializes in air conditioning repairs. Yes, there are plenty of taxis and mototaxis here in Rwanda. But if you're alone, I recommend you take a taxi. It's safer and more comfortable. Yes, I’m fine. But I was in a shared taxi earlier and I felt uncomfortable because of some of the other passengers. Yes, there are a few community-based organizations in the northern region that work to provide employment opportunities and connect workers with potential employers. I could give you their contact information if you’d like. Hi, I need to get some repair work done on my house. Can you recommend a good contractor who can do the job? Excuse me, do you know where I can find some specialized tools for repairing my car? That's really interesting. Can you give me an example of one of these techniques? That's great to hear. What kind of guidelines are we talking about here? No, not a trench foundation. A strip foundation. Yes, I do. But before you hire someone, you should know that there are some customs around house repairs that you might not be familiar with. "It needs to be at least two meters high. Can you do that?" Okay, that's helpful. But can you show me an example of how to convert something like a 2x4 piece of lumber from feet and inches to meters and centimeters? I need five bags of cement, ten sacks of sand and 100 bricks. Okay, can you explain to me what you mean by scope of the project? That's great to hear. Thanks for your help. Yes, during the construction process, you will need to adhere to the approved plans and specifications. You will also I'm looking to have a wall built around my property. Can you do that? Well, I'm not used to Well, they're shouting and pushing each other, and I feel like they're going to cause some kind of trouble. No, that won’t be necessary. Just let me know when the repairs are done. I want to ask why I am finding it difficult to pay the rent. I want to know if I can explain my situation to you and if it is possible to find a solution. "What kind of materials do you want to use for the walls? Well, I have some issues with my plumbing and electronics in my house. I need to have them fixed as soon as possible. That makes sense. How can I make sure that we are all on the same page about the timeline for completion? I’m having trouble communicating with my workers and contractors. I need someone who can translate for me. It could rain anytime between September and May. But, the heaviest rains usually occur from March to May. Hmm, let me think. Is your landlord a foreigner or a local? Yes, there is a fee, depending on the type of repair work you want to do. You need to pay the fee at the bank and bring the receipt along with your application. Okay, let me call my friend who is a plumber. Can you give me the address of your hotel? You're welcome. Is there anything else you need assistance with? Alright, we have enough in stock. Do you need any other materials? Alright. Is there anything else you need to discuss? Could you please slow down a bit? I don't feel safe going this fast. Liability falls on the contractor who is overseeing the construction project. They are responsible for ensuring that their workers are following safety procedures and that the equipment being used is safe. I see. Well, I can ask around for you and see if anyone knows where you can get those tools. What exactly do you need? Oh, I see. Do you have someone who can help us with translation? You're welcome. We always need to be aware of the weather conditions Yes, sure. Where is your worksite located? , how can I assist you today? Excuse me, do you know where I can find information on obtaining insurance or liability coverage for construction work? Well, you can try contacting some of the local construction companies. They might be able to help you find the right workers for your project. Oh, I see. That can be quite challenging. Have you been to the city council offices to inquire about the requirements? Okay, we can settle for 30%. When would you like us to start the work? "I'll take responsibility for the mistake and cover any additional costs. I apologize for the inconvenience." I have issues with the workers I hired to repair my house. They don't finish the work on time and there are constant delays. Remember that those are our terms, if you can't comply we'll have to terminate the contract,. Great, I'm having some issues with my plumbing at my hotel. Do you know any good plumbers in the area that I could hire? It's cement. Hi, I need some materials for a repair job I'm doing on my roof. Can you help me out? No, I haven't. Where can I find them? Yes, we do. It's over here. Ah, I see. Yes, unfortunately, some people can be like that. Do you want me to talk to them and ask them to calm down? Just remember to keep your belongings close to you and stay alert. Hello John, yes, it's true. In Rwanda, we usually take a break around midday, commonly called "siesta." It's usually for about an hour, and it's a cultural practice that has been passed down over generations. Can you fix it? That's alright, can you give me an idea of when it will be completed now? Of course, you will need some roofing sheets, nails, and a hammer. I see. Thank you for letting me know. I'll change right Thank you so much! I'll definitely check those out. Do you know if any of these suppliers can deliver to my construction site? A foreigner in Rwanda needs to negotiate the rent price with a local landlord who doesn't speak English. I understand that culture is important, Franck, but how do we ensure that our work does not suffer because of it? Yes, please. Thank you. I need to fix a leak in my roof. I think I need some sealant and maybe some roofing nails. Do you know where I can find those? I've been asking them when the work will be completed, but they keep saying that it will be done soon. But it's been taking a lot longer than I expected. looking confused, Wall? Yes, I can fix it today. We just need to get the materials. Oh, I see. Well, there are a few reputable ones that I can suggest. Have you heard of ABC Construction? Hello, I'm interested in starting a new project here in Rwanda. However, I'm concerned about the availability of local workers or contractors during certain times of the year. I've heard that during the planting and harvest seasons, it may be difficult to find workers. Do you have any recommendations? Oh, I see. What kind of items are you looking for? "Hello, can you help me? I need to explain something to you. Can you speak English?" I see. Do you know any reputable taxi services? Oh, I see. You can try visiting the construction materials market located in Gikondo. They sell all kinds of materials and you might find what you are looking for there. Sure. First, you need to register your construction project with the Rwanda Development Board. They can provide you with the necessary information regarding insurance and liability coverage. Also, you should consider hiring a local insurance agent who can guide you in obtaining the right insurance coverage for your construction project. Sure, I can help you. Let me take a look. Yes, sir. It will take about two weeks and cost around 500,000 francs. Oh, I'm sorry about that. Sometimes people can get a bit rowdy in these taxis. But don't worry, we're almost at our destination. Yes, I do. How much would it cost to transport the materials? Oh, I see. And how about kilograms to pounds? How do I convert that? I need to know the terms of the rental agreement. I can't sign it if I don't understand it. You're welcome. We value our customers and always ensure that they receive high-quality repairs at fair prices. Did you use the right type of sand? Hi there, I need your assistance with repairing my car. Do you provide such services? Yes, I can help you with that. What is the problem you are facing? I see. I'm not familiar with the National Building Code of Rwanda. Is there any way you can help me understand it better? Typically, we require a down payment before we start working, and then we receive installment payments throughout the project quiet down and nod Oh, I see. Do you speak French or English? No problem, it's always good Oh, I see. I guess I wasn't clear. I'm asking if the rent includes the cost of electricity, water, and gas. Ah, I see. Which units are you struggling with? Oh, I'm sorry about that. I can explain it to you in English if that would be easier. I see, but aren't mud and stones less durable and prone to damage? Um, sorry, I don't speak Kinyarwanda. Do you speak English? Hello! Sure, what kind of advice are you looking for? Hey there! I'm looking for some local workers to help me with a project I'm working on. Do you know where I can find some reliable workers? I understand that miscommunication can happen, but we need to ensure that the work is completed as soon as possible. Can you guarantee that it will be done by next week? What do you mean by proper attire? Yes, I understand. Power outages are quite common around here. There are a few options you can try. Have you considered using a generator? Sure thing, a sack of cement is usually 50 kilograms. Yes, it is important to have liability coverage, especially in construction work. You can talk to a legal advisor or a lawyer here in Rwanda, they can guide you on the legal aspects of liability coverage. noticing the situation, Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. It can be unnerving to be in a shared taxi with disruptive people. Do you want me to speak to the driver for you? Sure, I can arrange that for you. Shall I come with you to the site tomorrow or do you want me to find someone else to go with you? I understand your concerns. It's important to do your research before hiring a company. Have you checked with any local residents or business owners for recommendations? Yes, it's just around the corner. But I have to ask, are you in a hurry to get there? Excuse me, can you help me understand the measurement units used for construction materials here in Rwanda? Ah, I see. It's just that it's not very common for customers to physically supervise the work we do. Normally we just keep them updated on progress and show them the finished product. Yes, I can recommend some workers for you. What kind of repair work do you need? Excuse me, do you know where I can find reliable waste management and disposal services around here? Yes, the city has specific guidelines for waste disposal. You can check their website or contact the city council for more information. I am just not clear on how we should handle payments as we go, especially considering that we are working together for the first time. Yes, I agree with that. What else? Sure, what do you need help with? It's more of a cultural practice. It's a way of showing appreciation for the work done and also a way of requesting or negotiating for additional payment. It can be confusing for foreigners who are not familiar with the practice. Well, it depends on the specific situation. If you're having work done on your house, it's probably best to let the workers wear what they're comfortable in. But if you're going to be in a public area or attending an important event, it's important Yes, I speak a little English. How can I help you? Oh, I see. Do you need help with a specific language? Yes, there are many hardware stores in the city that sell those items. However, some of them may be quite expensive. Have you tried the markets? Okay, what kind of miscommunication? We use the number of bricks per square meter. It depends on the size of the bricks, but usually it's around 50 bricks per square meter. Hello, yes, I may know someone. What type of work are you looking for? Yes, after your plans are approved, you'll need to apply for a building permit from the Kigali City Council. They'll review your plans again and issue the permit if everything is in order. I am sorry, sir. I thought you said two meters. That would be great, thank you. No problem. We Rwandans always help each other out. Yes, there's a shop in the nearby town that rents out generators. You can also try looking for one online. There are a few websites that connect you with local suppliers of generators. That's because we use a technique called "Ikiraro". It involves using small stones and mud to create texture on the walls. Okay, I've already done that. What else should I know? After a few questions, the local determines that the foreigner needs aluminum sheets and a specific type of adhesive for the type of metal roof they have. Hmm that's quite expensive. Can you bring down the cost a bit? Yes, but you have to make sure you follow the building codes and regulations. You don’t want to violate any of them. Yes, there are a few reputable companies like Ecopost and Wastezon that you can try. They offer services like waste collection, recycling, and disposal. That's fantastic. I'm glad we share the same priorities. How can we work together to make sure They go to the site Hello, I have a problem with my apartment. There is water leaking from the ceiling. "Do you know of any places that might have a wider selection?" Yes, we use "clay bricks" for building houses. That sounds complicated. Yes, I am a construction worker. What do you need me to do? I need some work done on my property. Some renovations and repairs, you know? No problem. Let me give you the name and contact information of a Hey, what kind of repair work are you looking for? Hello, landlord. I am a traveler with a backpack. Ah, I see. Insulated panels can be a bit difficult to find here, but I may know of a few places that could have them. What exactly are you using them for? Well, you could try asking around in local hardware stores or building material shops. They usually have contacts with local workers and can recommend Good morning. I was wondering if you could explain to me the cultural expectations around cleanliness and sanitation on worksites here in Rwanda. I want to ensure that I am respecting local customs and practices. That's great, thank you! What about outside of Kigali? Hi, excuse me. Do you know where I can find information about insurance or liability coverage for construction work here in Rwanda? Yes, of course. Please tell me more about it. confused look, I don't understand. This is really frustrating. I had to rearrange my plans because of this delay. I see. That's a bit higher than I was expecting. Is it possible to lower the price to 150,000 Rwandan Francs? *knocks on the door* That's great, but it still seems to be leaking. I see. In my country, we work straight through the day without taking any breaks. Excuse me, sir. I'm sorry to bother you, but I noticed something strange about the work your team is doing. "Okay. I can help you translate. Let's go meet your landlord." Here we are, thank you. Can you help me find the right kind of adhesive and filler? Well, for instance, you should make sure that the repairman wears appropriate attire. It's important to wear decent clothes when working in someone's home. It shows respect for the homeowner. Hi, I'm interested in renting this apartment. Can you please tell me more about the process? I need a small building constructed in the rural area. Hello, how can I help you? Hi there! I am looking for a reliable and trustworthy construction company in Rwanda to work with. Do you have any recommendations? Do you know any insurance companies that offer such coverage? Yes, they are safe, as long as you take the necessary precautions. Make sure to wear a helmet if you take a moto, and always negotiate the price before getting into a taxi. I'm trying to find a type of insulation material that I haven't been able to find in any of the stores here. Do you know where I could find it? I am working on a construction project and I need someone who can translate technical terms and instructions for the workers. What is happening? I don't understand why the repairs are not working. A dozen bricks cost 1,500 Rwandan francs. "Well, I have a leaky faucet and some electrical issues in my house. I tried fixing them myself, but I had no luck." Hello, my son. Can you come to my apartment building? I have a tenant who needs help with a maintenance issue, and I don't speak English. Yes. Political instability can also be a concern. Rwanda has had some political unrest in the past, which can cause disruption to business operations. However, the government has made significant efforts to improve the political climate, and things have been relatively stable in recent years. Imported materials? That might be a bit difficult to find here. What kind of materials are you specifically looking for? speaks to the other passengers in Kinyarwanda, Excuse me, please lower your voices and be respectful of the other passengers in the car. I'm sorry, I don't understand what you want. Can you show me where you want the wall to be built? Hello, I'm trying to get permits to build my project, but I'm having difficulties understanding the building codes and regulations in Rwanda. Can you help me with that? I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you repeat that? You're welcome. I'm glad I could Thank you. I need to get to Kigali, but I'm not familiar with the transportation system here. You could try contacting local labor unions or cooperatives. They may be able to connect you with workers who are available during your project timeline. Another option is to advertise your job on local community boards, such as in churches or community centers. I understand. Well, there are a few hardware stores and auto parts shops around here that might have what you need. Let me ask around for you. Okay, I understand that. But I need more information about the materials. What kind of concrete mix do you plan on using? And how deep do you want the foundation to be? Sure, I can help you with that. What type of construction work are you looking to have done? Maybe they misunderstood you. How did you communicate with them? No problem. I will let you know as soon as I find someone reliable. But you promised me that it would only take a week to complete the work. I have to move back in soon. I understand, John. Transportation can be a challenge sometimes. Where is your worksite located? Sure, which specific materials are you looking for? Thank you so much, I'll reach out to these suppliers. No, we are filling the holes with concrete. Yes, it is. But I have noticed that there are some cultural differences around cleanliness and sanitation on worksites. Could you tell me more about that? Yes, I can. Do you have the necessary materials? Hi, I'm calling because I have a maintenance issue in my apartment. The sink is leaking and I need someone to come and fix it. No problem. Just be sure to explain the problem in detail and have all the relevant information at I see. So, does that mean the workday ends later in the evening? I'm not sure. I think there might be a problem with the wiring in my house. Sure, what is it? "Sure, what would you like to know?" Yes, please. That's all I need. Thank you for your cooperation. Okay, first you need to get in touch with the local authorities, specifically the Kigali City Council. They are responsible for issuing construction permits and overseeing building regulations. I'm not sure about the payment practices and customs here. I've been hiring workers for construction work at my site, but there always seems to be a misunderstanding or dispute regarding the payment. Oh, I see. I didn't know that. When is it likely to rain? I was hoping to pay around 40 million in total. Yes, I can help you with translation. No problem. Just be careful and stay safe. Rwanda is a beautiful country, but like any place, it Thank you, this is very helpful. I understand now. Yes, follow me. Here they are. Yes, I have, but they don't seem to carry what I need. Yes, I understand. It can be challenging to get around sometimes. What areas are you having trouble with? tries to explain using simple words, I want to change some things in the paper that I signed. Is that okay? I’ll need it for a few months until the project is finished. I want to extend my lease for another year. Alright, I can help you with that. Can you show me where the problem is? Sure, what do you need? Alright, and how much sand do you need? Yes, please! That would be a huge help. I need a building constructed, but I'm not sure of the budget. Can you give me an estimate? Hello, could you help me please? I need to explain what work needs to be done. Hmm, that might be difficult. What type of insulation material are you looking for? Okay. First, you need to inform your landlord about the repairs you need to make. They might want to send their own repairman or give you permission to hire one. This sounds like a lot of bureaucracy and red tape. Is there any way to speed up the process? Hello! I'm having some difficulty communicating with the workers here. I hired them to repair my roof, but they haven't finished the work yet and it's been a few days. I need some construction materials like cement, steel and bricks, and some skilled workers like masons and carpenters. But it seems like some areas of the country are difficult to access. Okay, do you have the phone number of your landlord? Hi, I am a construction contractor and I was wondering how to obtain liability insurance in Rwanda. Okay, please explain. Don't worry, I can help you with the translation. Just tell me what the problem is, and I will explain it to them. I see. Well, there are some reputable companies in Kigali that provide specialized repair work. You can try contacting them. Hi there! I'm glad I found you. I'm the project manager for this construction site in Kigali. Can you help me understand what needs to be done for today's work? Sure, I would be happy to help you. Could you please tell me what kind of materials you need? I see your point of view, but we need to find a compromise that works for both of us. Could we perhaps have a supervisor present for the first few days That sounds simple enough. Do you know where I need to go to submit my plans? I need to build a small house. Can you give me an estimate of how much it will cost? Thank you for that information. What happens if I don't follow these laws and regulations? Oh, that's too bad. Do you know where I can find some? Yes, you will need to submit detailed plans and specifications of your project, along with an application form, land title or lease agreement, and proof of payment of relevant fees. in Kinyarwanda, I'm sorry, boss. We did our best. Sure, how can I assist you? I'm working on a construction project in the area, and I need someone who can communicate with the workers and contractors in Kinyarwanda. Yes, you need to fill out a repair application form and attach the necessary documents such as the property ownership documents, tax clearance certificate, and building permit. The officials will then review your documents and verify if they are valid. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. We did our best to complete the work as quickly as possible. Nods, Oh, yes, yes. I understand now. Yes, there is a fee you need to pay before moving in. It's a security deposit. It's to ensure that any damages made during your stay will be covered. They have a good track record of completing projects on time and within budget. They also have a team of experienced engineers and architects who can help you design your dream home. Deposit? What's that for? Well, I am not really sure. I just wanted to know if there are any extreme weather conditions that might impact the repair work, like heavy rainfall or strong winds. Hi, can you tell me how to fix this wall? It's been damaged by the rain. But what if they do something dangerous like grab my bag or something? I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're asking. Oh, I see. We thought that it was good enough. Yes, I'm building a new wall here. We're using these bricks to make it stronger. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Can you tell me what happened? "Sure, I can help you with that. What unit of measurement are you trying to convert?" Well, it's common practice to pay construction workers on a daily basis. You can pay them in cash at the end of each day or week, depending on how long the project takes. , welcome to Rwanda. How can I help you today? Okay, I think the best place to start would be the construction suppliers in Kigali. Have you tried visiting any of them? Excellent, thank you so much for your help. Do you know if they're open on the weekends? Yes, a little. How can I help you? I need some adhesive and a few sheets of metal to patch up some holes. Yes, I can help you. What kind of material do you want to use? That sounds like a lot of work. How long does it usually take to get a building permit? I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that I found a hardware store that sells some of the tools you need. The bad news is that the store is quite far away, and they might not have everything you're looking for. That's good advice. What about the weather? What should I expect? Oh, I see. You want to extend your stay here. Let me check the lease agreement. They have an office in Nyarugenge, Kigali. You can also find them online and contact them through their website. Okay, we have all of those things. How many do you need? Okay, I understand. How much supervision do I need to provide? Hello, I noticed that the work you did here is not up to the standard we agreed upon. The paint is chipping off and the walls are uneven. Okay, that makes sense. Thank you for explaining it to me. I think I am ready to see Well, accidents can happen, but if you choose a reputable moto driver, they will usually be safe. You just need to make sure they have a helmet for you to wear. I have a budget of $10,000. Is that enough? The company or contractor in charge of the project is responsible for any injuries that occur on the site. They are required to have insurance to cover any accidents or injuries that happen. Yes, sir. We will offer you a 10% discount on your room rate for this night, as well as an upgrade to a better room for the remainder of your stay. Yes, I’m sorry that I was late with the rent payment. I had some unexpected expenses last month. Yes, I will keep you updated. Thank you for your patience. I understand, but I really want to use these specific materials. Can we try to make it work? A foreigner wants to rent a house in Kigali, Rwanda. The landlord only speaks Kinyarwanda, so the foreigner has hired a translator to help with the negotiations. Hi there! Thanks for your hard work on the project. I've noticed that some parts of the work aren't up to our standards. Can we discuss this? Okay, I'll communicate this to the landlord. Ah, I see. ‘Panda matofali’ means laying the bricks in a particular pattern to create a strong foundation. And ‘tupa zege’ refers to using a concrete mixer to mix the concrete on-site. "I need to build a house here. We need to dig a foundation, pour concrete, and then start building the walls and roof." Honestly, I'm not sure. I thought you were just going to take care of everything. No, I don't speak English. Can I help you? You're welcome. Is there anything else I can help you with? counting, I think I need about 20 sheets. Yes, they do. You can schedule a pickup online or through their customer service hotline. They also offer recycling services, so you can separate your recyclable Okay, you can move in next week. I will prepare the lease agreement for you to sign. Yes, of course. I speak a little English, but not very well. I hope you understand. I'm having trouble finding a translator or interpreter to help me communicate with the workers and contractors here. Do you know anyone who can help me? No problem. Let's go to the nearest insurance broker together. I know someone who speaks English and will be able to explain everything to you. You're welcome. Have a good day! We have learned to adapt to the situation. Many people have generators or solar panels to generate their own power. Others use alternative forms of energy like biogas or firewood. Yes, their phone number is +250 788 191 496. You can also visit their office located at KG 725 St, Kigali City Tower, 11th Floor. Hi there! I'm looking for someone who can help me with the insurance or liability coverage for our upcoming construction project in Rwanda. Hello, can you help me? I've been trying to obtain the necessary permits and approvals for my building project, but I'm having difficulty understanding the building codes and regulations here in Rwanda. I see. There are a few plumbers in the area, but not all of them speak English. I can help you find one who does. Do you have a phone number or a name of a particular plumber you want me to call? No problem Yes, we can discuss it. How much do you want to pay? Section 5 talks about the security deposit. How much is the security deposit? Yes, of course. When you rent an apartment, the landlord usually asks for a deposit. It’s a security deposit to ensure that you won’t damage the property or leave without paying your rent. When you move out, the landlord will return the deposit to you if the apartment is in good condition. Okay, let me call my friend who works at the tourist center. He speaks English very well. That's a good idea. I'll do that. What else can I do? Well, it's pretty simple. Usually, we pay a certain percentage upfront before the work starts, and the rest is paid after the completion of the project. Good morning, can I help you with something? Yes, this is your foreigner. Yes, they do. It's our custom here in Rwanda. Why do you ask? Yes, I do. I have built many small houses before. That makes sense. And what about political instability? That's interesting. In my country, we work from Yes, it's important to respect the local norms and practices. Make sure to dispose of your waste properly and use the handwashing Hi Joseph, how are you doing today? Well, workers are expected to maintain good hygiene, especially when dealing with food and water. They are also expected to clean up after themselves and keep the worksite clean. Hello, how are you? Great! How much is the rent for the apartment? That's great to hear. However, can you tell me more about the weather conditions that could affect repairs during the other seasons? That's interesting! Do you think they would be interested in taking on a new project? The third section talks about the security deposit. It says that you'll need to pay one month's rent as a security deposit, which will be refunded trying to explain, Okay, so we need to make a wall here. We need to dig a hole in the ground and then lay some bricks on top of each other to build the wall. Do you know what I mean now? Yes, it's also important to treat your workers with respect and kindness. In Rwanda, people value hospitality and good relationships. So, make sure you offer them water and refreshments while they work, and be polite and friendly. Oh, I see. What kind of laws and regulations are you referring to? *Knocks on the door of the landlord's house* Great. I will need you to use the best quality materials and make sure everything is done according to the plans. Ah, I see. Kinyarwanda is the most widely spoken language here, so there are definitely some great translators and interpreters available. Well, sir, we had some miscommunication with the workers about the timeline for completing the repair work. They thought they had more time than we had agreed upon, so they have been working at a slower pace than we expected. Trying to speak slowly, How much money do I need to give you every month to live here? I need a small house built on this plot of land. Can you give me an estimate of how much it would cost? Yes, we have some local repairmen in our village. But, it is not the right season to get your roof fixed. Are those safe options? Well, firstly, make sure that the workers are wearing protective gear like hard hats, safety boots, and gloves. Also, check if there are any warning signs or barriers to prevent people from entering dangerous areas. It is also important to check if the equipment and machinery are maintained properly. No problem. If you need any further assistance, feel free to ask. Yes, that can be a problem. Many people in Rwanda work on their own farms during those seasons. But, I have some contacts who may be able to help you out. Where is your farm located? Thank you for your help. Can I pay for these now? Absolutely. They have experience working on large commercial projects like this and have the necessary equipment and manpower to get it done efficiently. Well, some areas of the country are more rural and may not have good roads or transportation. This can make it difficult to get materials and workers to those areas. The paint on the walls is uneven and some parts are not even painted properly. Also, the shelves are not installed straight. Yes, that would be great! Thank you so much. You're welcome. Enjoy your stay in Rwanda! Rent per month is fifty thousand Rwandan francs. Okay, that sounds reasonable. When can you start the repair work? when you say "ubworozi", you mean the place where construction is going to happen. When you say "ubuvuzi", you mean the base on which the house will be built, and when you say "ubukonje", you mean the structure that holds everything together. From June to August, we have a dry season, but the sun can be really hot. You need to make sure that you have enough shade and water to avoid heat exhaustion. That's a great idea! Would you happen to know of any reputable architects or construction companies that I could contact? I understand if it's not possible. But can you tell me a bit more about the apartment? Is there anything I should know before making a decision? Hi, I'm having a hard time finding reliable sources for waste management and disposal. Do you have any recommendations? Oh, I see. I'm sorry, but I don't speak English very well. Can you please explain what you mean by terms and conditions? I need to ask him if I can sublet my apartment to someone else for a few months. Hi, I'm here to give you an estimate. "Yes, sir. But we faced some challenges along the way." Okay, that's good to know. Is there anything else I should keep in mind? Actually, yes. What's the measurement used for bricks? That's good to know. But what about the cost of the repairs? Yes, we use traditional building techniques like lime mortar and plastering. These methods have been passed down through generations and are still used widely. They are very effective in keeping the houses cool Ah, I see. Well, the northern part of the country can be a bit more remote and difficult to access, but there are definitely still workers available. Have you tried reaching out to local communities and organizations for assistance? Hello, excuse me. Can you help me understand this rental agreement? It's written in Kinyarwanda, and I don't speak the language. I understand, Laura. But please keep in mind that "kwita izina" is a significant part of Rwandan culture, and it is essential for our employees to have this break to maintain their work-life balance. Well, not really. I just told him what was wrong with the car and he gave me an estimate. That's okay, I can show you the plans. Here, take a look. Thank you so much for your help. I will definitely check them out. That would be really helpful, thank you. Can you please translate for me? I would like to negotiate the rent price. Well, I'm a bit worried about the weather. I didn't realize that it could get so extreme during certain times of the year. speaking to the other passengers in Kinyarwanda, Excuse me, can you all please keep the noise down? Our friend here is feeling a bit uncomfortable. Hello, I am trying to obtain the necessary permits and approvals to build a property here in Rwanda, but I am having difficulties understanding the building codes and regulations. Hmm, those are quite specific. Have you checked with any of the construction materials suppliers here in Rwanda? Yes, you can take a bus or hire a taxi. It's about a three-hour drive from Kigali. For metal roofs, you'll need a specific type of sealant. You can find it at some hardware stores, but you might have better luck at a specialized roofing store. I see. That's unfortunate. Is there anything I can do to help? I was thinking around 8 million francs. No problem. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask Sure. The terms and conditions are the rules and regulations that we agree to follow in the lease agreement. Yes, there are a few local companies that you could approach. There is the Rwanda Development Board RDB,, which is a government agency that can provide Hello, I can do it for you. What's your budget? Okay, thank you. I wanted to ask about subletting my apartment. I'll only be in Rwanda for a few more months, and I was hoping to find someone to take over my lease. "I understand. How much were you thinking?" Hello, I am interested in your construction services. Can you give me a quote for the work I need done? Great, thank you so much. Are there any other companies you can recommend? A few minutes pass as the local checks the stock I need to build a house from scratch. I want a company that is reliable and trustworthy. Yes, I understand. We dig and pour concrete. That makes sense. Thank you for explaining everything to me. I feel more comfortable now. How can I help you today? You'll also need to get the necessary permits and approvals from the local authorities. That means you'll need to go to the district office and apply for a building permit. I'm sorry, sir. Did you not like the design? Yes, we can definitely do that. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Is there anything I can do to avoid situations like this in the future? I need your permission to sublet my apartment. I'll be leaving the country for a while, and I want to rent out the place while I'm gone. No, we use meters for measuring length and distance. A meter is equal to 3.28 feet. It might seem confusing at first, but it's important to get used to the local units if you're planning to work here. Hi there, I'm looking to start a building project in Rwanda, but I'm having some trouble getting the necessary approvals and permits. Can you help me out? Yes, always make sure you follow the regulations and procedures to avoid Well, we try to schedule the repairs during the dry season. But sometimes we have to work during the rainy season too. In that case, we make sure to use materials that can withstand water and we try to finish the work as quickly as possible. Well, you could try using a generator. Many people here use generators as a backup source of power. Good morning, sir. I am interested in renting this house. Can you tell me the price? Of course. Here in Rwanda, we have our own unique methods for building and repairing structures. We use locally sourced materials and techniques that have been passed down from generation to generation. It depends on Sure. This part is about a security deposit. It's money that you give to the landlord as a guarantee that you will take care of the property and pay rent on time. If everything is okay when you move out, the landlord will give it Yes, I would recommend checking out the Rwanda Housing Authority. They can provide you with a list of licensed construction companies in the area. You can also ask around in the community for recommendations. Yes, please. I don't feel safe in this situation. Of course. What kind of materials and workers are you looking for? I need some repairs done on a building, including some minor renovations. How much would you charge for that? Good morning, sir. What brings you here? Great, thank you. One last question, is it common for construction companies here to have insurance coverage? Just the regular type, please. Yes, there are a few people who can help with that. What kind of repair work do you need? Well, my shower isn't working properly, and my lights keep flickering. I need someone to come and take a look. I wanted to ask about the repair work that I hired your workers to do. They were supposed to finish it last week, but it's still not done. Don't worry, Rwanda has a well-developed infrastructure, and you'll have access to basic necessities like food and water throughout your trip. In case of any supply chain disruptions, we have a good emergency response system in place to ensure that our visitors' needs are met. What about the non-recyclable waste? I need some tiles replaced and some general maintenance work. Do you have any recommendations for a good contractor? Really? That's good news. How about in other parts of the country? "Okay, I understand that. Thank you. And what about this section that mentions a security deposit? How much is the deposit and when do I need to pay it?" Oh, I see. Is there a specific time when I can find workers easily? You're welcome. Don't hesitate to contact them, they will give you a quote and help you with your construction needs. It depends on the distance and the time of the day. During peak hours, it may cost more. On average, it costs around 10,000 Rwandan francs. Sure, what kind of tools are you looking for? Aha, I understand. But we need to make sure the ground is level. Hello, how can I assist you? I need some cement, sand and bricks. Sure, I know of a few. There is a company called Solar Water Solutions, they specialize in solar panel repair and installation. There is also a company called Solar Energy Rwanda, they provide similar services. Hello, sure, I can help you with that. What do you need to know exactly? Okay, there are a few places you can check out. For the steel beams, you can try contacting SteelRwanda, they are a reputable supplier of all kinds of steel products. They have branches in Kigali, Musanze, and Huye. Okay, I understand. Let me show you. Excuse me, sir. I noticed that the way you are constructing this building is different from what I am used to. Could you please explain to me why you are doing it this way? Good afternoon. Sure, the nearest bank is just down the street. But I think it's closed now. F, is at a rental office in Kigali, Rwanda trying to finalize their rental agreement with a local agent Sure, no problem! The terms and conditions state that the lease is for another year, and the monthly rent will remain unchanged. I will pay on time every month, and you will continue to provide maintenance services. Wait, what? You told me to tear it down earlier, didn Sure, what kind of repairs are you looking to do? That would be great, thank you so much for your help! They can be safe if you choose a driver who is licensed and experienced. It's always good to ask around for recommendations from colleagues or friends. I see. Thank you for your advice. Do you have any other tips that can help me deal with power outages? I completely understand. We will make sure that the work is done to the standard that we agreed on. I apologize again for the miscommunication and the unsatisfactory results. Yes, that's standard practice here. You can obtain construction insurance and liability coverage from local insurance companies. Okay, there are a few options available. You can check with the local government for waste management services or contact private waste management companies. Great, thank you. When can I expect someone to come and fix it? First of all, try to sit near the driver or the front of the vehicle. That way, you'll be closer to the person in charge and less likely to be bothered by other passengers. Got it. What about other units like liters and kilograms? Not at all. In fact, it helps us stay refreshed and focused when we return to work in the afternoon. We still work the same hours, just with a break in the middle. Well, it's not very common. Most people prefer to use more traditional materials like bricks and cement blocks. There's a cultural preference for those materials because they're seen as more durable and long-lasting. No, the house is great. I just need to move back to my home country sooner than I expected. Yes, I do. There are many translators and interpreters here in Rwanda, especially in the bigger cities. Where are you located in Rwanda? Sure, I recommend this brand. It is very strong and durable. Yes, it is important for workers to wear safety gear such as helmets and gloves while working, especially when doing electrical or plumbing work. This is to protect themselves from possible I can start tomorrow morning. A foreign construction manager, Tom, is having a conversation with a local contractor, John, in two different locations in Rwanda. Hmm, I see. What about private transportation? Is there anything available? I'm sorry, but the labor cost is already very reasonable for the amount of work that needs to be done. We have skilled workers who take pride in their work You're welcome. I hope everything works out for you. That might have been the Hello,, how can I help you? Yes, I have, but I'm struggling to find one that I can trust and rely on. What do you mean by that? Ah, I see. I know a few people who are fluent in both Kinyarwanda and English. Would you like me to connect you with them? Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it. Liability standards are also taken very seriously here. The contractor in charge of the site is responsible for ensuring that everything is up to code and that all safety guidelines are being followed. If there are any accidents or injuries, the contractor is held liable. Can you tell me more about the labor laws here in Rwanda? No, I haven't. Where can I find this information? Well, we can redo the paint job and reinstall the shelves. Excuse me, do you know any reliable and trustworthy local construction companies in this area? I need a company to build a house for me. But I want to make sure they are reliable and trustworthy. I need you to dig a hole here and lay some bricks to build a wall. Do you understand? Excuse me, can you help me? I'm looking for a local construction company to hire, but I'm not sure where to start. Great! I have some specific instructions on how I want it built. I need to make sure it’s solid and can withstand strong winds and heavy rainfall. Okay, I can help you with that. Do you have the contact information for any plumbers or electricians? Hello, I'm trying to sublet my apartment, but I need to get permission from the landlord first. Do you know where I can find him? Yes, I can help you with that. What specific type of repair work are you looking for? Are you sure? I thought I needed a welding machine to fix the dent. Okay, how long will it take to complete the repairs? That's good to know. In the US, we have strict health and safety regulations, and it is expected that workers wear protective gear such as gloves, helmets, and safety goggles. Do you have similar regulations here in Rwanda? Yes, I am. How can I help you? Yes, it's also important to be respectful of the local culture. That means not littering, not spitting, Yes, please. I am looking for a place to rent. Do you have any available apartments? Alright. We have different types of sand. Do you need the fine or coarse one? That's very helpful. Thank you so Sure, what kind of repair work do you need? That sounds promising. Do you have any other suggestions? I'm sorry, but I can't give you a precise estimate without knowing the details of the project. But, I can tell you that the cost will be reasonable. I see. So, what's the process for laying a foundation? No, you misunderstood. You were supposed to wait until the cement had completely dried before putting up the walls. Oh, I see. Let me count my money. "Hello, I need to explain to you the work that needs to be done here. Do you speak English?" Absolutely. We appreciate it when foreign workers respect our culture and customs. If Alright, you'll need to go to the district office to obtain a permit for that. Do you have all the necessary documents? Hello, yes I know a hardware store nearby. What kind of materials do you need? Hello!, How can I help you? Some areas of the country are hard to access due to poor infrastructure. It might be difficult to find a truck that can get to your location. You're responsible for paying your rent on time, taking care of the property, and notifying Yes, I know someone who could help you. What kind of work do you need help with? I understand. Let me give you a few names that you can check out. There is Kigali Construction, they have been around for a while and have a good reputation. Then there is Gasabo Builders, they specialize in residential construction. And finally, there is Vision Construction, they have been doing a lot of commercial projects lately. I suggest we have a meeting with the workers and explain to them the specific standards you are looking for. We can also bring in an expert to provide guidance and ensure that the work is done to your expectations. A few days later, Tom visited the guesthouse to check on the repairs. To his surprise, the work was only halfway done. Well, I'm worried about things like weather, supply chain disruptions, or political instability. Do these things ever cause problems for travelers in Rwanda? Great, let me call him and ask for permission. Sure. I can help you with that. Let me see the agreement. the receptionist takes the agreement from John and reads the document, Oh, I see. It's in Kinyarwanda. Are you sure you signed this? Hello, do you know where I can find a skilled contractor or worker here in Rwanda? Ah, I understand now. Give me a moment to find someone who can help me translate the new lease agreement for Okay. Let me see...Hmm. I see that it says you need my permission to sublet. They both go to the bathroom What's wrong? Thank you so much for your help. I appreciate it. Good morning, sir. We have a problem with the insurance coverage for the construction site. We are not sure if we have the necessary liability coverage. What about the inspections and other approvals needed during construction? I understand it can seem overwhelming, but there are a few insurance companies here in Rwanda that specialize in construction insurance. I can give you the names of a few companies that you Well, we can correct the error and lay the bricks horizontally like you said. It will take a bit longer Yes, that's me. How may I assist you? Oh, thank you. And how much for a dozen bricks? You can go to the local market or shops nearby, and you can ask people if they know anyone who speaks English. Alternatively, you can ask at your hotel, and they may be able to recommend someone. I'm not sure, but I can help you find out. Where in Rwanda are you located? That sounds great Hi, welcome to our village. We are happy to have you here to help us with the water pump. Have you checked the weather forecast? Kigali city Hello John, sure thing. What kind of repairs are you looking for? Excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable mode of transportation to and from my worksite? Great, and what other expenses do I need to consider? Unfortunately, we can't proceed with the lease agreement without the deposit payment. It's common practice in Rwanda to pay a deposit upfront. Of course! There are a few options depending on where you're located. In Kigali, you can check out the Rwanda Environmental Management Authority REMA,. They have a lot of information on proper waste management and disposal practices. It means that they should avoid wearing shorts, tank tops, or anything revealing. They should wear something that covers their arms and legs. Hi there, I need some assistance with the construction of this building. Can you help me? Oh, I see. I am sorry. I do not understand English very well. Can you explain the terms and conditions to me in Kinyarwanda? Hello, I'm interested in hiring you to do some construction work for me. That's good to hear. Do you have any advice on how to prepare for these types of situations? Hi, how is the work going? I understand. Can we negotiate on the labor cost then? I wanted a tailored outfit, but it doesn't fit me properly. I see. Well, it's important to communicate clearly and explicitly about the work that needs to be done Sure. The cost of cement, bricks, and other building materials is high in Rwanda, and we also have to pay our workers a fair wage. Plus, there are additional costs like transportation and taxes. Oh, sorry about that. Yes, how can I help you? Yes, and also, it's not necessary for workers "Yes, I know where the market is. I can go there and get the bricks. How many do we need?" Yes, I can recommend a few companies based on their experience and reputation. You can consider contacting Horizon Construction, ROKO Construction, and Summa Construction. Yes, there are. The government has implemented a national policy on waste management and has established regulations for proper waste disposal. There are also penalties for illegal dumping, so it's important to follow the guidelines. Yes, I'm looking for some local workers to help me with a project. Do you know where I can find some? Hello, I'm here to help translate. What seems to be the issue? Are you sure? I just want to make sure everything is done correctly. Okay, I think I got it. So someone will come tomorrow morning to fix the sink, is that correct? One option is to hire a contractor who has their own workers. They might be able to work around the planting and harvesting seasons. Another option is to offer higher pay to attract workers who are willing to take a break from their own farms. Okay, that would be helpful. Can you give me their contact information? Yes, I asked the person who showed me the opportunity,. I see. Does taking a siesta affect the work hours? frustrated, I don't understand why you can't understand. The drawings are clear! Of course. The materials will cost 1.5 million francs, and the labor will cost another 1.5 million. Hi, I am new in town and I am looking to start a business here. Do you know anything about the labor laws and regulations in Rwanda? frustrated, Okay, let me try to show you. pulls out a blueprint and points to the areas needing work, See here? This is where the windows need to go, this is where the roof needs to be fixed, and these are the walls that need to be painted. That would be great. Thank you so much! That's very kind of you. I appreciate your help. Let's discuss the details and come up with a plan. That makes sense. Do you know if there are any workers available in those areas as well? "Thank you. I really appreciate it." That's good to know. And what about firing employees? Is it difficult to terminate someone's contract? Hi! I'm planning to start a business here in Rwanda, but I'm concerned about the potential for unexpected costs or delays. How do you handle issues like weather, supply chain disruptions, or political instability? Okay, great. Do I need to bring anything with me? Yes, they are quite reliable and safe. The drivers are vetted and have good track records. I need to find a place where I can purchase construction materials for a project I am working on. I have been having trouble finding a reliable supplier. You told me to put up a layer of cement first, so I did that. Then, I painted the wall red, just like you wanted. Oh, you mean a slab? Okay, we have all of those. How much do you need? Exactly! You understand perfectly. Yes, exactly. Well, safety equipment such as hard hats, safety glasses, and steel-toed boots are required for workers. We also have strict rules around the use of heavy machinery and tools to minimize the risk of accidents. Site managers are responsible for ensuring that these safety measures are being followed. Yes, it is. As long as everything is left in good condition, we will refund the full amount to you when you move out. Greetings! I need your help with some repairs in my rental property. Can you guide me through the regulations and procedures for this? No, Paul, I asked you to dig 8 feet by 10 feet. Hello! Yes, I can see that you are looking for a source of power. Unfortunately, this is a common problem we experience here in Rwanda. I'm sorry to hear that. Can you tell me what specifically is making you uncomfortable? Hello, I’m looking for construction materials. Do you sell them here? Okay, I will keep that in mind. Thank you for your help That seems like a fair system. Do you have any tips for me as a foreigner to adapt to these cultural expectations? That makes sense. Is there anything else I should keep in mind? . I wanted to talk to you about my lease agreement. Good morning, welcome to our town hall. What kind of repair work do you need to do? It should be about 20 feet long. Do you have the right measurements and specifications for the metal sheets? Yes, there is a rental service nearby. Just walk straight down this road, and take the first right. You'll see a shop with a signboard that reads "Generator Rentals". Sure. I can give you a copy of Oh, I see. So, you want me to bring some cement and help you build the wall? Yes, I can help you. What kind of work do you need? Hi, I have a question about labor laws in Rwanda. I am planning to hire some workers for my new business, but I want to make sure that I am doing everything correctly. Sure, I can help. Have you tried using a translation app on your phone? That would be great. I'm not familiar with the market, could you show me around? Excuse me, do you know where I can find skilled workers or contractors for specialized repair work? That's a good idea. Do you know any shops that rent out generators? I need someone to help me during the planting and harvest season. The problem is, I have difficulty finding workers during these times. I want to have a conversation with you about my rent. Yes, it will be finished today. Okay, we'll get started on it then. Yes, sure. We can use mud and straw to patch it up. That's great. I've been looking into some of the construction methods here in Rwanda and I'm a bit confused. I've noticed that the buildings here are made of materials that are not commonly used in my home country. Hi there, can you tell me a bit about safety standards and liability on construction sites in Rwanda? You can always speak up and ask the driver to pull I’m looking for a particular kind of cement that's not readily available in most stores. I understand your frustration and I am sorry for the inconvenience. We will do everything we can to make sure the repairs are finished as soon as possible. Not really. It's a cultural norm here in Rwanda to have a siesta. It's also very hot during the day, so it's more practical to take a break during the hottest part of the day. Hello! Yes, please. I'm trying to find some tools and equipment to carry out some repair work, but I'm struggling to find what I need. F and Yes, I can do that. What kind of construction work do you need? Excuse me, I noticed that most buildings here are made of concrete or brick. Do locals not use traditional materials like mud or thatch for construction? We use "mabati" for the roof. Oh, I see. I had no idea. Thank you for letting me know. Okay, we can do that for you. Do you need any supervision while we work on it? Yes, there are some stores in Kigali that sell those. What kind of material are you looking for? Sure, I can help you out. What specific units are you having trouble with? Oh no, I must have misunderstood you. I thought you said to put up the scaffolding on the second floor. In the capital city of Kigali, a foreigner named Tom was overseeing the construction of a new hotel. He had hired a team of local construction workers to help him with the project. One day, Tom was inspecting the site when he noticed that the workers were doing the wrong work. Yes, sure. What kind of work do you want to be done? Umm, I'm not sure. Can you tell me how much cement is in a bag? "I'm sorry, sir. We are doing our best, but there were some delays with the materials and some of the workers didn't show up. We will finish as soon as possible." Hmmm, I understand. Some specialized items are not available locally. Have you tried asking around or looking online? There may be some stores in the capital city that sell such items. Okay, thanks for explaining that to me. It's always interesting to learn about different cultural practices. Ah, I see. That can be a bit tricky around here. What specifically are you looking for? Oh yes, it's because it's siesta time. Many people take a break in the middle of the day to rest and socialize with family and friends. I see your point. But, how long will this mud and sticks method last? Sure, I can help you. You will need to prepare the deposit in cash or a bank transfer. Then, the landlord will give you It's in Nyungwe. I need some bricks, cement, and sand. I understand. Thank you for explaining this to me. I'll make sure to ask the workers to wear the kanzu and kofia while they work in my home. Yes, it can be difficult. There are certain procedures you have to follow, and it's important to make sure you have a solid reason for firing someone. You'll also need to give them notice beforehand and provide them with severance pay. Hello! Welcome. What do you want to do? Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do. The process can be slow sometimes, and you have to go through all the necessary steps. Okay, I see. I can assist you by translating and interpreting the local language for you. Also, I can help you negotiate prices with the local suppliers. Of course, what kind of repair work are you looking to get done? Hello, I heard that you need some help with the rental agreement translation. What can I do for you? I see. And what documents do I need to apply for a construction permit? In Kinyarwanda, Okay, that's fine. But you will have to pay a fee for ending your lease early. Ah, I see. "Umuti" means a single piece of wood, and "ibiri" means two pieces. I understand. There are a few companies that I can recommend, but it's important that you do your own research before you make a decision. Yes, there is also a company called Prime Construction. They have a team of skilled workers and use modern equipment to ensure that the work is done efficiently. They are also very reliable and have good customer service. Sure, what kind of repair job are you doing? Oh, I see. Is there any other source of power that I could use? Yes, they do. If they are properly constructed, these materials can last for decades or even centuries. The key is to use the right techniques and proper maintenance. See, there's water leaking from the pipe and the light in this room doesn't seem to work. in shock, What are you doing!? Thank you. I appreciate your help. Oh, I see. Is this break mandatory or optional? You can contact private waste management companies such as RAB, WasteMart or Make Clean Rwanda. They offer affordable and reliable waste management and disposal services. Well, you can try looking for workers in nearby towns or cities, or you can advertise in the local market. But, you should be prepared to offer a good wage as most of the local workers are paid very low wages. Excuse me, sir. I need to repair the roof of my house. Do you have some materials to recommend? Well, I'm not really familiar with the local insurance requirements and regulations here in Rwanda. Can you briefly explain to me how it works? You can get their contact details from any local directory or search them online. They are very responsive and can arrange for a meeting to discuss your project. I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, some mototaxi drivers can be quite reckless. Is there anything specific that's worrying you? The cost depends on the materials needed, the size of the house, and the time it will take to complete the project. There are plenty of contractors in the area who can do that kind of work. I can give you It's a common practice here in Rwanda. It's to protect both the tenant and the landlord. That sounds great. Do they have a website or a portfolio of their previous work? Hmm, that might be a bit difficult. Most building materials in Rwanda are locally sourced and we don't have a wide variety of imported materials. But let me ask around and see if I can find anything for you. Alright, that makes sense. What about the utilities? Are they included in the rent? Oh, I see. This is a complex repair job. We will need to order some parts, and it will take about a week to repair. Yes, that Okay, I understand. What about the third section? About this big shows the size with hands,. Sure, what type of building material are you looking for? Alright. In that case, you can contact some of the local construction companies who provide these services. They usually have a team of project managers who can help you with oversight and management. Excuse me, do you know where I can find a contractor to repair my house? I understand your concern. You can check my references or talk to my previous clients. You can also visit my office and meet my team. We are transparent, and we value our clients' trust. What kind of problem? Sure, what can I do for you? No, I don't. But I have my lease agreement here. Can we go through it together? Hi Sarah, no problem, I'm happy to help. What do you need help with? Termination of employment is also regulated by the government. If you need to dismiss an employee, you must have a valid reason and follow the proper procedures. The employee must be given notice in writing, and there are specific rules about severance pay. No problem, always happy to help out a visitor. Is there anything else you need assistance with? Okay, that seems reasonable. What about firing workers? It's a construction project, and I need workers who can work with me during the next few months. I need some repairs on my electrical system and some welding work done. Yes, there is a large hardware store in Kigali called Kigali Building Center. They have a wide range of construction materials and might be able to help you find what you need. Excuse me, do you know any reliable construction companies around here? Hello! Good morning? I need about 20 bags of cement, 5 cubic meters of sand, and 1000 bricks. They both walk towards the wall That's quite a distance. I'm also having a hard time finding workers who can help me with the construction. Yes, we have cement and plaster. Sure, here's my phone number and email. It could be a bit challenging, especially if you are looking for skilled workers. However, there are several local companies that provide construction labour services, and you could also consider hiring from neighbouring countries like Uganda or Tanzania. relieved, Thank you so much! And how about the pile of stones over there? Yes, I do. Let me write it down for you. You can call them and discuss your requirements. They will be able to provide you with a quote. You can check their credentials and reviews from their previous clients. You can also ask for references and speak to their clients to ensure that they are reliable and trustworthy. Yes, Rwanda is a beautiful country. But you might face unexpected costs or delays due to issues like weather or political instability. The water is not draining properly from the sink and the shower. Hi there! Can you tell me what's happening here? looking confused, I'm sorry, I don't understand. I see. And what about this section on maintenance? Is there anything I need to know about that? Okay, I understand. Let me see if I can find someone who speaks English to help us communicate better. Ah, okay. What seems to be the problem? hello,. Yes, what can I do for you? Alright, that Of course. It's important to keep the worksites clean and organized to maintain productivity and avoid accidents. Alright, I can build that for you. Can you please tell me your budget? Sure. A 2x4 piece of lumber in feet and inches would be 1.5 feet by 3.5 feet. To convert that to meters and centimeters, you would first convert the feet to meters, which would be 0.46 meters by 1.07 meters. Then you would convert the remaining inches to centimeters, which would be 46 centimeters by Well, for one thing, the walls are not completely straight and there are some gaps between the bricks. Hi there, I need to explain the work that needs to be done at this site. Can you understand me? Sure, how much is it? inspecting the repair work, "This doesn't look right. We need to follow the blueprint exactly. Can you show me where you got the materials?" Sure, no problem. Just give me your contact information and I will get back to you once I have it. tries again with a slightly higher rental price Hello, I am interested in renting this apartment. Can you tell me about the price? "Yes, that's very important. I don't want to make any mistakes." "Hello, I need to explain to you what work needs to be done. Can you understand me?" I'm having some issues with my plumbing and I need a plumber to take a look at it. Do you know any good plumbers in the area? That would be great. Can you recommend anyone who has experience in community development projects Sure, I can explain them to you. The terms and conditions are basically the rules we agree to follow while I’m renting the apartment. They include things like how much rent I need to pay, what my responsibilities are as a tenant, and what you as the landlord will provide for me. Yes. The rain can affect the repair work or construction work in the country. Sometimes, it can delay the work or even make it impossible to do for some time. Yes, I know some. What is the problem you are facing? Okay, that sounds reasonable. Is there anything else I need to know? Yes, there are many construction companies in Rwanda. What kind of project do you have in mind? They arrive at the landlord's office Ah, I see. That can be a bit challenging, as most local workers are busy during those times. Yes, there are a few bus stations in Kigali, but I recommend the Nyabugogo Bus Station. It's the largest bus station in Kigali and most buses that travel to Gisenyi depart from there. No, I don't have any questions. I just want to renew my lease as soon as possible. Well, I hired some workers to do some repairs on my house, but there seems to be a miscommunication about the timeline for completing the work. It's been over a week and they're still not done. Oh, sorry. I mean things like electricity, water, and gas. It says something about them being included in the rent, but I'm not sure what that means. That's great, thanks for the suggestion. Do you know how I can get there? Hello, I need to hire a plumber for my house. Do you know where I can find one? I'm sorry, but I'm having trouble understanding you. Can you speak more slowly? I understand. Is the deposit refundable when I move out? Oh, I'm sorry. It's in English. It's just the terms and conditions for the lease renewal. Okay, thank you for your help. I'll keep that in mind. Yes, in Rwanda, there are strict regulations and guidelines for waste disposal. You should be aware of them to avoid any legal issues. You can find them on the REMA website as well. Bricks and concrete are good options, but keep in mind that most locals prefer using traditional materials like mud or stones. As I said earlier, I need the walls painted and the floors cleaned. Okay, I see. Is there anything else I need to know? Sure, I can help you with that. What kind of repairs are you planning to do? Sorry, I mean I have not been able to pay my rent for this month. Smiles and leads the way to the building I need some cement, sand, and water for the walls, and some metal sheets and nails for the roof. Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. Do they offer any kinds of recycling services as well? That would be great. Can you give me their names and addresses? Of course, sir. Can you tell me a bit more about the property you want to build? Yes, a little bit. How can I help you? That's a good idea. Do you have any specific organizations in mind? Okay, I will do that. But what if the driver doesn't take any action? Is there anything else I can do to stay safe? Sure, what's the problem? You're welcome shakes head, I feel a bit uncomfortable with all the shouting and noise. Is it always like this? It's equal to one month’s rent. So, if the rent is 200,000 RWF per month, the deposit will be 200,000 RWF. Okay, I can do that. But where do you want the door and the windows? Yes, how can I help you? Yes, it takes around 10 minutes, but be careful on the mototaxi because sometimes other passengers can make you feel unsafe. "Yes, I did. Here they are." I see. That sounds like a problem. Is there a specific reason why it's difficult to find reliable project management or oversight services? Oh, I'm sorry about that. It's not uncommon for people to get a bit rowdy in shared taxis. But don't worry, I'll talk to them and ask them to tone it down. Hmm, I understand your situation. You might have trouble finding such tools here since they are not widely used. But there are some shops in Kigali that sell imported tools and equipment. Hi, can you please help me find some construction materials? Okay, that sounds like a good idea. Do they have reliable power sources? Okay, we have translated the terms and conditions. Let's go over them together. Okay, that sounds fair. What if I need to fire someone? Well, I'm here on a business trip and I've been having some difficulties with unexpected costs and delays due to weather, supply chain disruptions and political instability. Do you have any advice for me? You're welcome. I apologize for the misunderstanding earlier. I can definitely see the benefits of taking a break. But I'm worried that this might affect our project's timeline. Is there any way we can work around it? Thank you so much, I appreciate your help. "Oh, I thought you wanted it to be slanted, so I told him to do it like that." The last section is about the termination of I understand. Can you give me a list of all the documents that I need to submit? "Sorry, boss. We thought you said to demolish the wall. We can fix it." Well, I was thinking more along the lines of twenty-five thousand francs per month. I need a house built. I have the plans already. Can you give me an estimate of how much it will cost? Kigali City, Rwanda Tomorrow. Is that okay? I am taking them to Kigali I see. We had agreed on using high-quality paint and preparing the walls properly. Can you redo the work using the right materials and techniques this time? Hi, can you tell me what you're doing? Ok, great. Is there a fee for the permits? "No problem. We always help each other out here in Rwanda." There are some cracks in the walls and the roof needs to be patched up. Sorry, I forget sometimes that our terminology might be different from what you're used to. Hardcore is basically the foundation layer of a building, made from a mixture of sand, cement, and crushed rock. That's quite a lot of money. When do I get it back? A week later, the foreigner returns to the hardware store. I'm having trouble understanding the building codes and regulations here in Rwanda. I want to obtain necessary permits and approvals for my construction project, but I don't know where to start. Thank you very much for your help. I will definitely look into that company. That's good to hear. Do you have any guidelines for sanitation? That's a good idea. Miscommunication about the scope of work can lead to misunderstandings and unexpected costs or delays. looking thoughtful, I see. Maybe you mean a boundary wall? Okay, thanks for your help. I'll definitely look into those companies. I see. Well, first you will need to submit your building plans to us for review. We will check to make sure that your plans meet the requirements set by the government. I am not sure, but I have their phone number. Could you please help me call them and ask for permission to sublet my apartment? Are you paying for these items? Okay, I understand. What kind of materials do you have? First, you need to obtain a building permit from the local authorities before starting the construction. The permit is issued after an inspection of the site to ensure it meets the necessary requirements. Ok, I understand. I'll make sure to be on-site every day to oversee the No, it's not a problem., I speak very little English. Realizing his mistake, I'm sorry, I didn't know. I'm not from around here. Okay, those materials can be found in Kigali. But it might be difficult to transport them to your location. Well, first of all, you need to have a lease agreement with your tenant that clearly outlines who is responsible for what repairs. Also, if your rental property is located in a multi-unit building, you may need to get approval from the tenants' association before starting any repairs. Yes, it does. The government and local communities work hard to maintain the infrastructure, but sometimes the weather conditions can make it challenging. It's important to be aware of these conditions if you plan on visiting certain areas, especially during the rainy season. If you don’t meet the regulations or Hello, do you know where I can find someone who can speak English? Welcome, I'm happy to have you here. Let's talk about what you need. "Yes, we can fix it. But it will take more time and money. Please listen carefully to my instructions next time." Yes, that's right. Is You're welcome. Also, you can try looking at some of the bigger hardware stores in Kigali, like Kacyiru Hardware or Simba Supermarket. They sometimes have imported materials in stock. Oh, why is that? Is there a problem with the house? Okay, thank you. Can I pay with my card or do I need to use cash? A construction site in Rwanda. A foreign site supervisor is discussing with a local construction worker about the cultural expectations around cleanliness and sanitation on worksites. That's great. Do you know if there are specific guidelines for waste disposal in the city? Hello, can you help me find some tools and equipment for repair work? Hi there, I’m starting a new business and I’m wondering about the labor laws here in Rwanda. Can you help me with that? That's a good point. How can I make sure that I have a clear idea about the scope? The foreigner F, walks into the landlord's office with their lease agreement and tries to explain in English that they would like to renew the lease. The landlord L, struggles to understand the terms and conditions in English. I am not sure. Which one is better? Okay, I understand. Can you give me a new timeline for completion? I'm sorry, I didn't understand that. We thought you meant that you wanted to be informed about the progress of the work. No problem at all. Is there anything else you need help with? Okay. I understand now. So, you want to sign a new contract for another year? Not really, can you explain? We are building a hotel in the countryside. Excellent, thank you. I need around 10 bags of cement. And how much is the price per bag? In the northern part of Rwanda, a foreigner named Tom hired a group of local workers to help him with the construction of a small building for his business. Construction site in Rwanda. I need to fix some electrical wiring and plumbing in my house. Yes, if there is no damage to the property and you have fulfilled all of the terms of the rental agreement, the security deposit will be returned to you in full. I understand now. I appreciate A hardware store in Kigali, Rwanda Yes, of course. What seems to be the problem? You should ask around to get a sense of what the going rate is for the type of work you need done. You can also ask your workers to keep track of their hours and provide you with a daily report. Hmm... I don't know. Maybe my friend can help. He speaks a little English. Well, it depends on the landlord, but usually it's one month's rent or sometimes two. Yes, I know, but here in Rwanda, we have our own building materials, and we prefer to use those. Okay, that makes sense. Can we schedule a visit? Yes, we know very well how to communicate in Kinyarwanda and English. Hi, I'm new to this construction site. My name is Tom. Well, it can be a bit of a hassle, but it's not too bad. You just need to make sure you have all the required documents and fill out the forms correctly. What is the problem? That's more reasonable. But could you pay a deposit of 50% upfront? Hi, I really appreciate the work you've been doing on my new house. I think it's time we talked about payment. Okay. Can you tell me the price of the materials? I need someone who can build a brick wall. Sure, that sounds good. How much does the labor usually cost per day? Hmm, that might be difficult. The cost of materials and labor is high these days. But I can try to lower the price a bit. How about 9 million Rwandan francs? Excuse me, do you know how I can get a reliable and safe transportation to and from the worksite? Sure, I can give you a brief overview. For example, the building must be designed to withstand natural disasters such as earthquakes, and it must have proper ventilation and lighting. Also, the building's height and distance from the adjacent buildings must meet the building codes. Absolutely. They will have a better idea of which construction companies are reliable and trustworthy. Another option is to check online for reviews and ratings of the companies you are considering. Ah, I see. You mean a trench foundation. That sounds great, thank you. But how do I know if they are reliable and trustworthy, I don't want to end up working with a company that will cause me more problems than solutions. Yes, sure. What do you need to know exactly? Okay, I understand. I'll call the plumber and explain the issue to him. He'll be here in about an hour. Oh, we do use traditional materials, but it depends on the region and the purpose of the building. In rural areas, you’ll see many houses made of mud or thatch because it’s cheaper and readily available. I have not, could you recommend any? Yes, you can speak to an insurance broker. They can help you find the right policy and explain the requirements to you in a way that is easy to understand. They make an appointment to see the landlord No problem at all. I hope everything goes well with your construction project. Well, in this part of Rwanda, we have a traditional method of building houses using mud and clay. It is much more sustainable and cheaper. Oh, I see. You don't have to worry, sir. People can get a little rowdy sometimes, but they're just having fun. They won't harm you. Oh, sorry. Let me try to rephrase it. This part of the agreement, it talks about some kind of penalty if I don't pay the rent on time. Can you explain what that means? Sure, follow me. The cement and sand are located in aisle three and the bricks are outside in the yard. Hi there, excuse me, do you know any reliable and trustworthy construction companies around here? Hello, landlord. I am sorry that I am late with my rent payment. That all sounds straightforward enough. What about firing someone? I understand your concern, but this method has been used for generations and is proven to be effective. The mud and bamboo mix together to create a strong, yet flexible structure that can withstand harsh weather conditions. A construction site in Rwanda. A foreigner, Jack, is overseeing the project while a local construction worker, Emmanuel, is giving instructions to the workers. That sounds tough. Can you give me an example of how this might impact a business? Hmm, it's possible they are not used to seeing this type of construction. In my village, we mostly use natural materials like mud and grass to build our homes. Okay, so I spoke to a plumber and an electrician. They both speak some English, so you should be able to communicate with them. Do you know any specific companies I can contact? I have a small rental property, and I need to do some repairs on it. Can you help me with the regulations and procedures? Alright, we can definitely do that. Can you tell me your budget for this project? There is electricity, but it is not available 24/7. Sometimes it's on, sometimes it's off. It's a bit of a struggle. Sure. The lease is for one year, and the rent is 200,000 Rwandan francs per month. Yes, that's what I have been told. Do you have any suggestions on how I can find someone to help me with this project? Ah! I see. You want me to dig a hole? I see. Well, I need this job done as soon as possible. Can you tell me when it will be finished? No problem, if you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to ask. Welcome to Rwanda! Thank you for that information. Oh, I had no idea. I just assumed they would wear whatever they normally wear. Sure, I would say it will cost around 20 million Rwandan Francs. That's a good idea. We can also have a designated area for workers to wash their hands and keep their tools clean. Hi, excuse me, do you know where I can find a repairman to fix my roof? Sure, the materials alone will cost me around $10,000, and then there's the labor and transportation costs which add up to around $8,000. Yes, I understand what you mean. Many people in Rwanda work as farmers, and during certain times of the year, such as the planting or harvest season, they are very busy and may not be available for other work. Well, in that case, you can try to use some basic Kinyarwanda phrases to communicate. For example, "Nifurahe kuboneza umubiri" means "I'm uncomfortable", and "Tubwire icyo tuzi It can be, but it's important to follow the regulations to ensure the safety and sustainability of the building. It's also important to Oh, I see. And how many of those bricks do I need per square meter of wall? Thank you. Do you know how long it usually takes to get the permits? Maybe three or four. **At a construction site in rural Rwanda** Actually, I'm also having some electrical issues. Do you know any good electricians that I could hire? Oh, I'm just building a small house on the outskirts of town. Well, it's currently the rainy season here in Rwanda. The heavy rains can cause flooding and power outages which can make it difficult for repair work to be done. Yes, in Rwanda, it is mandatory to have construction liability insurance before starting any construction project. This type of insurance covers third-party liabilities such as accidental property damage, injury, or death resulting from the construction work. Thank you for the information. I will definitely look into those options. Oh, I see. And what about "rental increase"? That's very helpful, thank you so much for your time and assistance. I'll definitely look into those options. Okay, but can you explain your system to me? Yes, I can help you find some good workers or contractors who can assist you with your farm work, but it may be difficult to find them as we are currently in the planting season. Okay, that makes sense. And what if the worker is not following the rules or committing misconduct? Yes, of course. My mother has been diagnosed with a serious illness, and I need to go home to take care of her. The problem is with the washer. I need to replace it. Do you have a spare washer? Oh, a strip foundation. I understand now. I mean I want to extend my stay in this house for another year. You can find their contact information online, or you can ask around in town for their location. I can also help you by making a call to them and give you their contact information. skeptical, I hope so. From now on, I will be inspecting the work more closely to ensure that it meets the required standard. That sounds easy enough, but I'm still not sure about some of the requirements. Can you explain them to me? Okay, and what type of bricks are you looking for? Construction site in Kigali Hi there, I need to buy some construction materials for my project. Well, I am planning to hire someone to do some renovation work on my house, but I am not sure about the payment practices and customs here. I don't want to end up in a dispute or misunderstanding. smiling, I see. Actually, you might be misunderstanding the local customs. Hi there, do you speak English? I'm having trouble with my plumbing, do you know any good plumbers in the area? Oh, hello. Do you speak French? I need some cement, bricks, and roofing sheets. Do you know any stores around here that sell these items? Oh, okay. What about firing employees? Can I terminate their contracts at any time? I need some cement and sand to mix it with. Can you tell me which one is the best? Okay, that's great. So you need a mason, a carpenter, and a roofer. Yes, they are well-known and established companies in Rwanda. They have a good track record of completing projects on time and within budget. You can also check out their websites to get more information about their services. You're welcome. Just make sure you do your due diligence before hiring any company. It's important to ensure they are licensed and have a good reputation. Well, I am not sure where to begin. I am not familiar with the local laws and regulations, and I am having trouble navigating the bureaucracy. That sounds like a lot of work. Are there any specific building codes and regulations that I need to comply with? "Yes, hi there. I'm just here to observe the construction site as part of my work. I noticed that you and your team are all wearing gloves and masks. Is that a common practice here?" Hello. Have you paid the rent? It depends on the type of work you need to be done. For larger farms, it may be better to hire contractors who can bring in a team of workers. For smaller farms, it may be more cost-effective to hire individual workers. You're welcome. We take maintenance issues seriously, and we'll have someone fix it right away. Sorry, I am late with my rent payment. I will be able to pay in a few days. And how long does it take to get a permit? Oh, I see. Thank you for letting me know. What kind of clothing is appropriate? Well, I was hoping to negotiate the price. Can we discuss it? Now, we are talking about many things., What price are you thinking? That's a good idea. Do you know of any specific places where I could find people like that? Sure, what kind of work are you looking for? It should take a day or two to get it fixed, and the cost will depend on the type of window and the size of the pane. No problem. I hope you find what you're looking for. It's not the best, but it's the only one we have. We do our best to keep our streets and neighborhoods clean. I see. Thank you for letting me know. Can you help me get the right materials then? Yes, I know a few. What seems to be the problem? I understand your concern. Unfortunately, some specialized tools may not be available locally, but we can try looking for them in bigger cities like Kigali or other neighboring countries. Well, I am currently in Kigali, but the project I have in mind will be in a rural area. Do you think there are any good companies that operate in both areas? I think I need to replace the brakes. Can you help me with that? Excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable source of power or electricity around here? I need it to carry out some repairs. Hi, I'm planning to hire some employees for my new business here in Rwanda. Do you know anything about the labor laws and regulations I should be aware of? No, I can't understand you. Yes, it would be helpful to have a local guide or translator with you. They can help you navigate the process and explain any necessary steps. Excuse me, is there something wrong with this taxi? I feel very uncomfortable with the behavior of some of the passengers. "Yeah, I'm not feeling very comfortable. The passengers in the taxi keep arguing and shouting at each other." Yes, they do have a website and you can find some reviews of their work online. I can also give you the contact information for a few other companies if you'd like to Oh, that can be a challenge. What type of repair work are you doing? Hmm, that could be challenging. Have you tried looking online or contacting suppliers in other cities? That's a good idea. Do you have any recommendations for me? "Oh, I apologize. Let me try to ask in simpler terms. This clause says that the tenant is responsible for the upkeep of the property. What exactly does that entail?" Alright, please let me know if there are any further delays. Great, can you tell me the price of the cement and how many bags I will need for a small construction? smiling, Sure, boss. We need to move these bricks to that side. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I must have misunderstood you. Can we fix it?" Just some basic pine wood should do the trick. I need around 200 bricks. Can you show me where they are? It could take up to several weeks or even months, depending on the complexity of the project and the workload of the authorities. Yes, I think I can help you with that. What kind of repair work do you need? Yes, I hope so too. I'm sorry again for any discomfort you may have experienced. Yes, you should pack a raincoat or an umbrella to keep yourself dry during your visit. Also, be prepared for the possibility of some roads being closed due to the heavy rainfall. No problem. It's important to me that you get the help you need. Oh, I see. Why do you want to sublet your apartment? Yes, I can help you with that. What exactly do you need to know? I would like to talk to you about my lease agreement. I understand your concern, but quick fixes may lead to bigger problems later on. In our culture, we believe in taking a holistic approach to problem-solving. It's important to make sure the solution we choose is sustainable and will not Oh, I see. What kind of repair work are you trying to do? Okay, I will get started on it and let you know when it's done. "Alright, Yes, I understand. It can be challenging to find a trustworthy source for project management here, especially for foreigners. However, there are a few options that you can consider. "Great, so we need to remove the old roof and replace it with a new one. Also, we need to do some repairs on the walls." Alright, but you should know that most banks here in Rwanda close for an hour or two in the middle of the day. I need a new roof and some repairs to the walls. Ah, I see. Well, here in Rwanda, we also have our own cultural expectations around cleanliness and hygiene. We may not have the same level of resources as your country, but we still try to maintain a clean and healthy environment on the worksite. Yes, you will need your property deed and a letter explaining the repairs you plan to make. Also, you will need to pay the application fee. Okay, I’ll pull over and let you off. That's great. How do you ensure that everyone follows these practices? But you assembled the scaffolding on the wrong side of the building! The next day, Tom returned to find that the work was still not completed. Yes, it's on the main road. You can visit the district office and ask for the environmental department. They can assist you in finding the best waste management solutions for your needs. "That's quite expensive. Can we negotiate the price?" Just a little bit of supervision. I would like to be informed about the progress of the work, but I don't need to be there all the time. Yes, I know some people who might be interested in that kind of work. However, you might have trouble finding workers during those times of the year because many people are busy with their own crops. Yes, I think so. I just need some duct tape and some glue. Hi, I'm looking to start a business here in Rwanda, and I was wondering about the labor laws and regulations. Sure. The materials will cost around 6 million francs and the labor will cost around 4 million francs. Yes, I've talked to a few but none of them seem to have the experience or knowledge that I need. Hi there! I have a quick question about the rental agreement. Can you help me understand this section? Right here, in front of this building. Yes, we usually use a Okay, let me take a look at your plan and I can give you an estimate. Yes, usually after the planting season is over, it becomes easier to find workers. But you can still try and ask around. Maybe some workers are available. "Yes, we have all the necessary equipment. We just need your help to get the job done right." Hello, I'm interested in building a house in this area. Could you please show me the type of bricks that are commonly used? Yes, of course, there are a few places. What kind of materials are you looking for? Yes, here's my hotel's phone number and address. Thank you so much. Ah, I see. Well, I hope everything goes smoothly for you. +250784563210. You can give him a call and tell him I referred you. Any structural changes, electrical or plumbing work, or any other major repair work requires a permit. Okay, I understand that. What about the other parts? Ah, I see. You can find a plumber in the nearby market, and for the electrician, there is a shop downtown that specializes in electrical issues. Hi, thank you for coming. I have a problem with the faucet in my bathroom. It's leaking, and I don't know how to fix it. Hi there, I would like to renew my lease for another year. Okay, I understand. Can you lower the labor cost? I'm not sure, but I have his phone number. Can you call him and ask if he's okay with me subletting the apartment? Yes, I have. Unfortunately, no one seems to have it. I'm looking for a company that can work on a building project in Kigali. Thanks, that helps a lot. I appreciate your help. Oh, I am sorry about that. I thought this was what you wanted. "Oh, I think I understand now. You need a fence. I can help you with that." That would be amazing! Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. Okay. Are you sure? We’re not that far from your destination. That could also be challenging, especially if you are in a remote area. You might want to try contacting some No, I'm sorry. We require the deposit to be paid in full before you move in. Okay, that makes sense. What about the construction process? Are there any specific codes I need to follow? Hello, I am looking for materials for my construction project. Can you help me find them? in Kinyarwanda, "Who are you? Why do you want to sublet the apartment?" That sounds expensive. Can we negotiate the price? No, I don't speak English. But I can try to understand you, sir. What do you need? pointing to the opposite wall, This wall, right? Sure, we usually do a deposit of 30% before the work starts, and then the rest is paid in installments as the work progresses. I need someone who can repair my solar panel system. It's a specialized job, and I haven't been able to find anyone who knows how to do it. I'm sorry I'm late with my rent payment by three months Hello, do you know any reliable sources for project management or oversight here in this area? I see. Thank you for explaining this to me. I don't want to offend anyone or cause any cultural misunderstandings. Ok, I understand. Is there anything else I need to know? Hi, I have a question about the rental agreement for my apartment. It's written in Kinyarwanda, and I'm having trouble understanding it. Is there someone who can help me with this? Oh, I didn't know that. What should I wear instead? That's great! Can you give me their contact details? Don't worry, we're almost there. The driver is just trying to get to our destination quickly. But if you're feeling uncomfortable, you can ask him to slow down. Ah, I see. Well, there might be a bit of miscommunication happening. Can you give me an idea of what you've been saying to the workers? Can we do some of the work ourselves to lower the cost? I need some cement, sand, and bricks. Can you tell me where I can find them? Chuckles, It's part of our culture, sir. We always dress respectfully while working, especially when we enter someone's home. I see. Can you explain how you do it? Okay. Let me show you some options. Here are some screwdrivers, pliers, and wire strippers. We also have a range of screws in different sizes. What do you mean? Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do. The bureaucracy and red tape can be quite frustrating, and it can take a long time to get the necessary approvals. I understand. Is there any other option? Ah, I think I understand. So people take a siesta during the day? That's a lot. Can we make it 30%? Thank you for understanding. I will pay as soon as I can. After finding the landlord's office Hi there! I'm planning to do some business here in Rwanda. Do you have any advice for me? Oh, I had no idea. Thank you for letting me know. Is there anything else I should know? No problem. I can help with the translation. What do you need to know? [After a few minutes, a local who speaks both Kinyarwanda and English joins the conversation.] Okay, he will come and take a look. But it would be helpful if you could explain the issue to him as well. The landlord "I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Can you show me?" Yes, right this way. Yes, I can recommend a few people. One of my friends is a freelance translator who is very reliable and has great reviews. Another option is to contact one of the local translation agencies, like Perfect, we have everything we need. I'll get started on the repair now. Of course. In Rwanda, we have labor laws that protect both the employer and the employee. You need to be aware of these laws before you start hiring or firing anyone. In Kigali, at a house for rent, a foreigner approaches a landlord standing outside the house. Hello, can you help me find a hardware store around here? I’m looking for some tools to do some repair work. Okay, I see. So, what do you want me to do? Thank you very much for your help. I will check them out. You should wear long pants and a shirt with sleeves. It shows that you respect the workers and their work. Great, thank you. Let me know if you need any help or materials. Excuse me, I’m renting a property here in Kigali and I need to repair some damages. Can you help me navigate the regulations and procedures for repairing rental properties? I understand. Well, if you don't mind me asking, where is your apartment located? Still too expensive. Can we negotiate? We had some unexpected issues with our team members, and they had to leave the job. We have some new workers now, but they are still learning how to do everything. In Kigali, the foreigner approaches a local on the street. It depends on the materials you want to use and how big the house will be. No, I haven't. Are they cheaper? Yesterday, I saw a reason to terminate the lease early. "I love you"? What does that have to do with payment? That sounds pretty straightforward. What about payment methods? Hello, I am looking for someone to help me with some construction work. Emmanuel, can you make sure that the cement is set in place before the walls go up? Oh, I see. What kind of wood do you need? Also, I need to give you one month's notice before I move out of the apartment. Ah, okay. I think I understand what you're asking. You want to know if you can continue renting the property after your lease period is over. The next step is to submit your design to the relevant government agency for approval. They will review your design and ensure that it meets all the necessary requirements. Once your design is approved, you can then apply for the necessary permits and licenses to begin construction. A hardware store in Kigali Hey, can you help me understand how the payment works for the construction work here in Rwanda? Hey, can you help me understand the payment practices for construction work in Rwanda? I'm experiencing some payment disputes and misunderstandings with the workers. I was thinking of using concrete or steel, but I've heard that local people prefer houses made of mud or bricks. Is that true? Well, I need to fix some leaks in the roof and some cracks in the walls. Alright, let me find someone who can help you. Do you prefer a plumber or an electrician? Oh, I see what you mean. Actually, a paver block is a type of concrete brick that is commonly used for paving driveways, sidewalks, and even entire roads here in Rwanda. "Excuse me, can you tell me what needs to be done for this construction project?" Hello, I am looking for a contractor to help me with some construction work. Can you assist me with that? I need some special type of cement that is not readily available in Rwanda. Do you know where I can find it? Sure, I'd be happy to help. What kind of materials and workers are you looking for? No, I mean a cement store. You know, where I can buy bags of cement? Great. I need to know how you will carry out the repair work. No problem. Come back any time if you need anything else. Thank you so much! I'm really struggling to find appropriate and reliable sources for waste management and disposal. Okay, I understand. We can do that for you. Do you need us to supervise the work closely or can we just get it done and show you the finished product? I need some construction work done, but I'm not sure how much it will cost. Can you give me an estimate? What do you mean? Hello, I'm sorry for the unsatisfactory results. Can you please explain what you were expecting so that we can work on making the necessary adjustments? "Yes, I can do that. What kind of work do you need done?" No, no, no. That is too low. I cannot afford that. Sure, my name is John and my phone number is +1-123-456-7890. Yes, they do have some regulations and guidelines that you need to follow. For example, you need to separate Hello, excuse me. Do you know where I can find a local supplier for specialized or imported construction materials? Well, I was hoping to buy some souvenirs to bring back home. I noticed that many of the shops around here seem to close in the middle of the day. Is that normal? But is there anything we can do to make Yes, I can write it down for you. Do you have any other questions or concerns? Hello, excuse me. Do you speak English? Is there anything else I need to know? Alright, that sounds reasonable. Thank you for your help. Yes, I know several electricians in the area. What seems to be the issue with your electrical? Yes, there are many construction companies around here. What exactly are you looking for? Oh, great! Do you have any preferences in mind? Landlord looks at the foreigner confused Sure, what do you need to translate? Hi, excuse me, do you know any good construction companies around here? Hi there! I’m trying to repair my rental property but the regulations and procedures are a bit confusing. Can you help me navigate them? Yes, that's another thing you need to consider. If you terminate someone's employment, you need to pay them severance pay, which is calculated based on their length of service. That's great to hear. Thank you for your help. Is there anything else I should know about traveling in Rwanda? Some of the outlets in my apartment are not I'm sorry, I thought we did a good job. What seems to be the problem? Excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable source for project management or oversight here in Rwanda? Excuse me, can you tell me if the repair work has been done? Well, I don't think I need to be there the whole time, but I would like to check in occasionally to make sure everything is going okay. Yes, I do. But I have a problem. I don't understand English very well. Can you help me understand the terms and conditions? The rental agent then takes the rental agreement document and begins to read and interpret it to the foreigner, word by word. Okay, we need to excavate the soil and level the ground before we can pour the asphalt. Then we will need to install drainage systems to prevent flooding during the rainy season. That is not enough for a house. I need more money. Okay, I understand now. How much longer would you like to stay? Looks confused, Uh, excuse me, I don't quite understand what you mean? Retaining wall? I see. I just assumed that using modern materials would be better and more durable. Yes, of course. Let me call some of my colleagues to help us. We can wait for the rain to subside for a few days, and then start the repair work. We can also check the weather forecast and plan the work accordingly. Oh, okay. What about it? Okay, great. Can you do it now? It can also be difficult to find contractors during this time as they might also have their own farms to take care of. However, I can ask around and see if I can find anyone who is available. I want to renew my lease agreement for another year. Okay, thanks. Are there any particular taxi or bus companies that you would recommend? You can call their customer service hotline at +250 788 150 000. They are open 24/7, and you can schedule a pickup for your waste with them. Well, I need to build a small house with two bedrooms, one bathroom, and a living room. I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by kilograms or pounds. Here in Rwanda, we use wheelbarrows to measure sand and other construction materials. With those adjustments, I can give you an estimate of around $ Yes, of course. What specifically are you having trouble with? Also, it's important to negotiate the price before any work is done. It's common practice here to haggle over the price until both parties are satisfied. Oh, I see. You want me to build a wall around your property. Yes, that can be a challenge. During those times, many people are busy with their own farms and may not be available for other work. However, there are some options you can consider. That's good to know. What about other times of the year? Yes, it says that the landlord will cover the cost of water, but you'll need to pay for electricity and gas. Yes, sure. What do you want to know? Showing a piece of paper and a pen, Price... down... please. Drawing an arrow downwards Is there any way we can reduce the cost? Maybe I can buy the materials myself? Hi, I'm wondering what building materials are commonly used in Rwanda? I'm thinking of using some materials that are commonly used in my home country. "It's okay, accidents happen. Let's work together to get it done right." That's great advice. Thank you so much for your help! My budget is around $50,000. Sure. In Rwanda, we have two rainy seasons – March to May and October to December. During these months, heavy rains and strong winds are common, which can make repair work difficult and sometimes impossible. Yes, that's right. How much does it cost? Hello! I want to renew my lease for another year. I need some people to help me with the construction of the building and some to help with the farming. What do I need to do to hire them? I understand that, but I think we need to find a way to compromise so that we can achieve the desired result. Can we work together to find a solution that meets both our expectations? Excuse me, I feel uncomfortable with the behavior of some of the other passengers in this shared taxi. Is it safe to continue the ride? The bricks are 50 francs each. Well, in Rwanda, we believe that certain building materials have different meanings and significance. For example, we consider brick and concrete to be more modern and representative of progress and development. We see them as symbols of stability and permanence. Not at the moment, but if I do, I know where to come. Thank you again! Of course, it's always a pleasure to help our customers. Let No worries. I can call my son; he speaks English very well. Maybe he could translate for us? So, we need to dig a foundation and pour concrete for the new building. Do you understand? Hello, I need a plumber to fix my sink. Can you help me? Yes, cleanliness and sanitation are important in Rwanda. We have cultural expectations around keeping our environment clean. I see. What if I need to fire an employee? How does that work here in Rwanda? Oh, I see what the issue is with your water heater. It's not turned on. And these electrical outlets need to be replaced. Yes, for instance, some passengers may be carrying heavy luggage that can make the vehicle unstable. Or they may be smoking or drinking alcohol, which can be unpleasant. Worst of all, some passengers may be carrying illegal items like drugs, weapons or stolen goods. The landlord says they don't speak English. But they want to know how long you plan to sublet your apartment. Thanks so much for your help. I would have bought the wrong materials if you It can be, but most insurance companies in Rwanda have staff who can speak English. You can also hire a translator to help you understand the policies better. Well, I need some help with building a foundation for a new building. Can you help me with that? I see. Well, insurance can be a bit complicated here in Rwanda. Have you spoken to a broker or an insurance company? I want to end my lease early,, kuko nifuza gukora mu itorero because I want to join a training,. We can start tomorrow, sir. Yes, sir. We have been working hard on it. Okay, we have that. How many bags of cement do you need? Hi there! Excuse me, do you know any reliable construction company around here? I am looking for one to hire for a construction project. Okay, that sounds good. What about the security deposit? tries to explain, but the local seems to not understand in Kinyarwanda, "I see. Yes, they may sublet the apartment. But they must make sure the rent is paid on time and the apartment is kept in good condition." Okay, I understand. Let me ask around for you. I know a few people who might be able to help you out. Do you mind giving me your contact details? Sure, I'd be happy to help. What's the specific issue you're facing? I am having some issues with my shower and the lights in my apartment. Yes, I will definitely ask for clarification if I'm unsure. Thanks for letting me know. Oh, I see. I don't have enough cash on me. Is there an ATM nearby? Sure, I know a few good ones. Have you tried asking around in the community? Thank you for coming. I was wondering what happens if I have to leave before Yes, you need to supervise the work. It is important to make sure that the work is done properly. I'm looking for some tools to carry out some repair work. Do you have any recommendations? Yes, I can help you with that. What kind of waste are you trying to dispose of? "Of course, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I thought you wanted it to be different." Yes, how may I assist you? There's a leak in the faucet/shower and I don't know how to fix it. That makes sense. Thank you for your help. Welcome to Rwanda, where are you heading to? Sure, what specifically are you looking for? Okay, sounds good. Just let me know when you will start the work, and I trust that you will do a good job. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you wanted the shed to be in the middle of the yard. We should be able to finish the repairs in the next couple of days. We have also spoken with the workers to ensure that there is no more miscommunication about the timeline for completing the repairs. After a day of work, John realizes that the repairs he had made were not holding up. I need someone to fix some electrical wiring in my house. It's quite specialized work and I'm having a hard time finding someone who can do it. I see. Well, moving forward, can we have someone from your team working with me to ensure that Alright, let me take a look. Sure, I’ll do my best to assist you. What exactly are you looking for? Okay, that sounds good. Can you give me an estimate now? You're welcome, anytime. Please make sure to dispose of your waste responsibly to help keep our environment clean. You should be very clear about the work that needs to be done and get a detailed quote from the contractor before they start the work. That way, you can avoid any surprises down the line. I mean, I know there are always going to be risks, but it seems like there are so many things that can go wrong here. Okay, that's a A concrete foundation. Hello, I hope you are well. I need to talk to you about my lease. Sure. In construction sites, it's important to keep the site clean and free from debris, dust, and other materials that can pose a safety hazard to workers. On the other hand, in an office setting, it's more about maintaining a clean and tidy space for work efficiency. That would be very helpful. Can you also tell me where I can find more information on the building codes and regulations in Rwanda? looks shocked, That's too high. Can you go lower? Yes, of course. What needs to be fixed? Did you receive my message about the rent? Yes, that's correct. It's called "kwita izina." It's a cultural practice that's been around for generations. It's a time when people rest, eat, and socialize with friends or family. No problem, thank you for your hard work. They were fixing some plumbing issues in my house, and I hired the team that works for your company. I agree. We can start by providing trash cans and making sure everyone disposes of their waste properly. Hi, I noticed that some workers take a break in the middle of the day. Is this normal in Rwanda? Hello, good morning! Hey, what's going on? Why are you digging so deep? Yes, I do. How can I help you? I have, but I haven't had much luck. They either don't have any information or are not very reliable. Great, thank you! Do you need me to sign anything? I need some adhesive and tape to fix a crack in my car's windshield. I need a plumber or an electrician, but I'm having trouble communicating about the issue. I didn't know that. Can you please explain to me what these stages are and how much I should pay at each stage? I see. But I prefer the modern style. Can we still use cement and concrete? That's great, thank you. But do you have any idea how long the generator will last, and how much it will cost me? Great, thank you so much. I'll take this one. It depends on the type of materials you want to use and the design of the house. We can start from 20 million Rwandan Francs. I'm currently in Kigali, but I'm willing to travel to any other city in Rwanda to find it. relieved, That sounds fair to me. Thank you! Yes, that's it. A boundary wall. Do you understand what I mean now? A week? That's longer than I expected. Will it also cost more? Well, I'm not entirely sure about the hiring and firing process. How does that work here? Oh, you mean the umuhoro? Sure, some of the reputable firms include Ascent Rwanda, The New Dawn Associates, and Inspire Africa Group. A hotel lobby in Musanze Good morning sir/madam, yes, we can assist you. What kind of materials are you looking for? No problem. I can help you. What part of the agreement are you having trouble with? Welcome to Rwanda! We take cleanliness and sanitation really seriously here. What do you want to know? Okay, here is the money. Thank you for your help. That would be great. Can you help me explain to him that I want to sublet my apartment? That sounds great. Do you know any registered contractors? Yes, I can help you with that. But, it might be difficult to find workers during those times of the year as most of them are busy with their own farms. Sure. This section talks about the security deposit. Can you tell me how much it is and when I can get it back? Yes, there are taxis and buses you can use to get to your worksite. You can easily find them around the city. The best time for repairs is between December and February, which is the dry season. There's little to no rain during this period, making it perfect for repair work. You can ensure your safety by wearing a helmet and fastening it tightly. Also, make sure to choose a driver who is wearing a helmet and has a good reputation. You can ask the locals for advice on trustworthy drivers. Bricks? Why do I need bricks for a crack? Yes, I can recommend a few electrical stores such as Electrofab Ltd, Electrogaz and SEDTec Limited. They have a list Good morning, sir. I apologize for the delay. Our workers have been working on your roof, and it's almost complete. We just need to do some finishing touches. Okay, that makes sense. But what about the landlord's responsibilities? I understand, but unfortunately, this is how things are in some parts of Rwanda. The drivers are used to driving like this. Yes, I want a modern house with an open floor plan, large windows, and a lot of natural light. I see. Thank you so much for explaining it to me. Is there anything else I should know? I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling. I can definitely help you out. What kind of work are you involved in? "Oh wow, I had no idea. Thanks for explaining that to me. What about other measurements? Like for bricks or cement?" I think the chain is broken, and the brakes are not working properly. We are building a new school in the rural area of Rwanda. We need someone who can oversee the construction process and ensure that everything is going as planned. Yes, sure. What kind of repair are you planning to do? That sounds promising. What about other options? Sure, no problem. The terms and conditions state that I have to pay rent every month, take care of the house and its contents, and notify you if there are any problems that need to be fixed. Well, it is true that mud houses are not as durable as cement houses, but our ancestors developed techniques that make the houses quite sturdy. For example, we mix the mud with cow dung, which makes it stronger and more resistant to water. We also renew the thatch roof regularly, and it can last for many years. As for earthquakes, we rarely experience them here in Rwanda, so it's not a big concern. I am not sure. Can they fix both problems? I need some walls built and some electrical work done in my house. That's a great suggestion! Do you know if there are any private companies that offer waste management services as well? Hi, I'm interested in renting this apartment. What is the process? I understand. You could try hiring a private car or using a ride-hailing app like Yego or SafeMotos. Yes, there are shops around here that sell construction materials. What do you need? That's good to know, thank you for your help! I'll definitely look into these options. No, I'm sorry, I don't speak English. A construction site in Kigali, Rwanda. A foreigner F, is supervising the construction work, and a local construction worker L, is assisting him. I want you to build a fence around my house. Can you do that? They proceed to fix the plumbing issue Okay, that sounds good. Can you help me load the materials onto my truck? Well, I expect that you'll be able to complete the work in a timely manner, but I won't be able to supervise the work as I have other commitments. It was great thanks. Franck, can you explain to me why some of our workers take a siesta or break in the middle of the day? I'm actually looking for both. I run a small business and live in the same area. Good morning, what do you need? That's a good idea. Thank you for the suggestion. Do you know if they have any branches outside of Kigali? Ah, I see. Yes, that type of insulation material may not be readily available in Rwanda. However, there are a few places you can check. Yes, I have a truck. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you wanted a traditional mud wall. I didn't realize you wanted a brick wall. And I thought you said it should be three feet high, not six. I understand your concern. How about we reduce the scope of the project a bit? Maybe we can exclude the living room renovation and focus on the kitchen and bathroom. That would bring the price down to about 3 million francs. Well, if you can't find it here in Kigali, you may need to order it from abroad or find someone who can bring it for you. That's great to hear. What kind of work are you doing? Yes, I understand your problem. Many local workers are farmers themselves and they are busy with their own farms during those seasons. But I think there are a few things you can do to address the issue. I had an accident last week, and the front right wheel was badly damaged. Can you repair it? holding on tightly, noticing other passengers behaving recklessly, Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm feeling quite unsafe Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that. Have you talked to them about it? Hi, excuse me, do you know any reliable and trustworthy construction company around here? No, that's all. Thank you again for your help. Yes, there are several options available to you. You can take a taxi, a bus, or a motorcycle taxi, depending on your preference. Alright, sounds good. Let's schedule the visit and then we can Ah, I see. Do you know what type of shower system you have? And are the lights in one room or throughout the apartment? Welcome. It depends on the house. Which one are you interested in? Sounds good. Can you give me their contact information? Good morning! I am ready to start the work. Okay, I know a few handymen who can do that. But be aware, it's important to dress appropriately when they come to work for you. There are a few things that need to be fixed, like the plumbing and the electrical wiring. They wait a few minutes until another taxi arrives Here you go. Thank you for your help. Okay, I understand now. How high should the fence be? I have tried to research online, but I am still confused about the requirements. I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "fence". We need to use cement and bricks to build a wall. Ok, that's fine. Can Yes, I have a friend who speaks English. Let me call him. You can find their contact information online or stop by their office in town. They're always happy to help and offer advice. Alright, thank you for the information. Do you know if there is any way to expedite the process? *responds in Kinyarwanda* Ah, I see. So it's like a trim piece? Why do you want to say that you don't want to pay your rent? Hi, I'm having trouble finding a reliable source of power to carry out some repairs. Do you know where I can find one? Local and foreigner go to the foreigner's place where the plumber is waiting Hmm, well there are some specialized suppliers that may be able to help you. Have you heard of the company called Builders Warehouse? "Great! I'm glad you understand. Let's start tomorrow morning. Thank you!" Got it. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks again for your help. It usually takes about one to two weeks to get the permit. Once you get the permit, you can start the repair work. Oh, my bad. So, what do you want me to do then? We are setting up a new community center in Kigali and we need someone to oversee the project and manage the construction. Oh, I see. I thought that was how you wanted it. Yes, sure. What do you want to know? I see. Well, I want to use the best quality materials, so that it lasts a long time. The garage should be big enough to fit two cars, and I would like it to be done within the next three months. Thank you for your help. I will keep that in mind and come back to you after the Sure thing. Let me give you a quick rundown of some of the most common terms we use in construction. Jambo! Habari yako? What can I help you with? Of course, I can. It says that I want to continue living in the apartment for another year. I will pay the rent on time and take care of the property. Is there anything else you want me to explain? Hmm, that's unfortunate. Have you tried contacting any of the construction companies in the area? They might have someone on staff who is qualified to do the work. That sounds like a lot of work. How can I get a building permit? Excuse me, sir. I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable with the behavior of some of the passengers in this taxi. They're shouting and being disruptive. Is this normal here? Wow, there's a lot to consider. Do you know any contractors who are familiar with these regulations and procedures? Okay, that makes sense. And how do I make sure that I'm paying the right amount? Hmm, that seems a bit high. Can we negotiate the price? That's helpful, thank you. How about their reputation and reliability? nods and smiles smiles, Thank you very much. I appreciate your help. I need to explain the work that needs to be done, but I don't think you'll understand me. I'm not sure I'm using the right words. Sure, what do you need? "Mwaramutse! What can I help you with?" Yes, there's an ATM just a few blocks away. You can withdraw some cash there and come back to pay. Yes, they do. They have a wide range of building materials, including some that are imported. They have a few locations around Rwanda, including one in Kigali. I see. I'll take the Portland cement, please. Can you tell me the price? Good morning! Yes, I'm doing fine. How can I help you? I need a specific type of cement that's not readily available in Rwanda. Yes, it's important to agree on the payment terms before starting the job. Sometimes, people expect us to work for free or for a lower price than we usually charge. Yes, I can help you with that. I know some trustworthy Okay, I understand. I'll have to think about it and Hello, I have a question about the rental agreement. Can you tell me what this phrase means? Very good, thank you., How are you? The first section states that the rental property is located in the Nyarugenge district. Hi, excuse me. Could you help me find a reliable and trustworthy construction company to hire around here? Okay, that's good to know. But I still want to make sure everything is done the way I want it to be. Can I talk to the workers directly, or do I need to go through you? No problem. And for the waste management company, there are a few options depending on where you are located. I can help you find the nearest one. Hello, I'm looking to sublet my apartment for a few months. Can you help? Yes, I know him. I can help you to contact him. What's your landlord's name? Hi there! Can you help me out with something? Okay, I want to help. Okay, that sounds like a simple job. I can do it for 500,000 Rwandan Francs. That's great, thank you. But I'm a bit worried about the costs of the repair. The last time I had something fixed on my car, it ended up being much more expensive than I had anticipated. Hi, I'm planning to construct a building here in Rwanda, but I'm having difficulties understanding the building codes and regulations. Can you help me with that? Excuse me, do you know where I can find someone to fix my roof? Cement and bricks might work, but it's expensive and not suitable for this kind of wall. Mud and straw are the traditional materials we use here in Rwanda, and they are very effective. Hiring workers from other countries sounds like a good option. How do I go about finding them? That price includes the cost of labor, materials, and transport of the materials to your farm. Yes, actually. I am a technician and I need to carry out some repairs but I am struggling to find a reliable source of power or electricity. Do you know where I can find one? Yes, follow me. That sounds promising. Can you give me the name and location of the store? Sure, which terms are you referring to? I can reduce the price to 2.5 million Rwandan Francs. I see. Well, I'm not sure if you'll be able to find many workers during the planting or harvest season. Most people here work in agriculture, and they're usually pretty busy during those times. It's always good to wear protective gear, but it's not common in our culture. But if you are I understand how you feel. Unfortunately, some people don't follow the rules. But don't worry, I'll speak to the driver and ask him to tell them to stop smoking and lower their voices. Your safety is important to us. Welcome to the site, Tom. My name is John. How can I help you? Sure, I'd be happy to help. What kind of repairs are you trying to make? Thank you so much. Do you have their contact information? Ah, okay. I understand now. You need to build a fence. For that size of construction work, I can do it for you at a price of 2 million Rwandan francs. Okay, you can go to the mechanic down the road. He is very good with engine repairs. That's very interesting. I had no idea that building materials could have such cultural significance. Oh, I see. I'm sorry about that. Let me try to explain it in simpler terms. We need to make the ground flat and then dig a big hole to put the foundation in. Then we'll build the walls on top of that. Don't worry, we'll paint it red after the cement dries. Thank you. He installs the belt Alright, let's go over it together. What part of the agreement do you want to know about first? That sounds great. Do they also import the steel beams? Thank you so much! I will definitely check them out. Yes, there are a few ways you can get there. You can take a bus or a taxi. The bus is cheaper but takes longer, while the taxi is more expensive but faster. Not really. It's a cultural norm here in Rwanda. Most people work long hours, so the midday break helps them recharge and be more productive in the afternoon. Ah, I see. Can you tell me what the typical range is for this type of work? I was wondering about the security deposit. What does it mean when it says it will be refunded after inspection? Later that day, the construction worker returns to the site and sees that the foreigner had misinterpreted his instructions. Hi, I'm interested in getting some construction work done on my property. Can you tell me how payment works here? Oh, I see. Where is your apartment located? I see. Do you have any advice for me on I'm sorry but I couldn't find anyone who sells drywall here in Rwanda. However, there are other types of building materials that are commonly used here. Have you considered using them instead? Sorry, I don't understand. Can you explain it to me? Yes, we can negotiate the price. But I need to make a profit. Oh, I see. Well, now that we know, let's fix it. I'm sorry I'm late with the rent payment. I had an unexpected expense this month. Yes, I can help you get them. Let me take you to the hardware store. Yes, you need to follow certain procedures for repair and maintenance of rental properties. You may want to hire a contractor who is registered with the Rwanda Housing Authority. They will follow the standard procedures and ensure that your rental property is up to the standard. I'm currently working on a construction site in Kigali. Yes! Rent. How much is the rent? Yes, they are PVC pipes. Yes, there is a company called Kigali Steel and Concrete and another one called Butare Builders Supply. Both should have what you're looking for. Alright, we can do that. But just so you know, we are very experienced at this type of work and we don't need much supervision. I see. And where are the lights that keep flickering? I need some plumbing and electrical work done. And also some painting. What do you mean? It's the junction where you see that big tree. Oh, I had no idea. So, how should we proceed then? Okay, we can deliver it within two days. Can you give us your contact details? That's okay. Do you have someone who speaks English that I can talk to? A deposit? What's that? Yes, of course. What seems to be the problem? I'm struggling to find a reliable and safe way to get to and from my worksite. Do you have any suggestions? So, here is where I want to build the house. Okay, thanks for the advice. And what about finding a contractor to do the work? Yes, that's because we have a different work pattern here. We usually take a break in the middle of the day when it's the hottest, and then continue working until later in the evening. Hello!, How may I assist you today? Oh, I see. That seems straightforward enough. Really? I had no idea. But can I still use shingles? I already bought them. Yes, I know Sure, I know a few places that sell tools and equipment, but it depends on the kind of tools you need. Yes, sure. You can go to the Rwanda Development Board. They have information on all the necessary requirements for construction work in Rwanda. Okay, what type of cement do you want? We have Portland and Rapid Set. I'm going to be traveling for a few months, and I don't want to leave the apartment empty. Sir, you told me to excavate one meter deep. For the steel beams, you can try visiting Steel and Tube Industries Ltd. They import high-quality steel beams from Europe and Asia. For specialized concrete mix, I would recommend visiting CIMERWA, they produce some of the best concrete in Rwanda. Hi there! I'm having trouble finding some materials and workers for my project. Can you help me out? You need to have a valid reason for termination, and you must give the employee notice in writing. If you don't follow the proper procedures, you could be sued for wrongful termination. Hi John, how are you doing today? That's great. Well, there are a few options you can consider. You can hire a local contractor who can manage the project from start to finish, or you can hire a project management consultant who can oversee the project on your behalf. That sounds like a good idea. Do you know how I can get there? This is the place. Let me help you speak to the landlord. No problem. It's important for all of us to take responsibility for waste Hi, excuse me, do you know where I can find a maintenance service for my rental property? Yes, I need to fix the radiator. I understand sir. But quality materials and finishing will cost you more. Can you reconsider your budget? Hello, I need some construction work done on my property. Can you help me out? Okay, Jane Smith. I will also inform them that you want to terminate your lease. Perfect! And then we need to pour concrete into the hole to make a solid base for the house. Do you understand? You're welcome. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions. Sure, what seems to be the problem? After separating the waste, you can take the recyclable waste to a recycling center. There are quite a few recycling centers in the capital city, Kigali. You can also sell your recyclable waste to the local scrap dealers. I'm doing fine, thanks. I wanted to talk to you about safety on this construction site. What are the safety standards and expectations in Rwanda? Hello, may I speak with the landlord of the apartment on ________ street, please? That's a good idea. I'll try that. Thanks for the advice! Hello, excuse me! Can you help me with something? I want it to be around 8 feet high. Can you build it that high? Yes, I can. What do you need? Excuse me, I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable with the behavior of some of the passengers. Is it normal for them to act like this? Yeah, the rental agent A foreigner who speaks English and a local who speaks Kinyarwanda I see. How much is the penalty? Yes, it's better to be safe than sorry Can you give me a specific timeline? We have tenants waiting to move in and we need to know when the repairs will be finished. Hi there! I need to get some repair work done at my hotel. Can you recommend a good worker? Excuse me, do you know how waste is managed and disposed of here in Musanze? A foreigner, Tom, who runs a small farm in Rwanda, is speaking with a local farmer, John, about his difficulty in finding local workers or contractors who are available during certain times of the year, such as during the planting or harvest season. Sure, I can help you with that. What kind of materials are you considering? I would suggest talking to the community leaders in the area where you plan to build. They can often help you connect with local workers who have the necessary skills. There are several types of insurance policies that cover construction work, such as general liability insurance, workers' compensation insurance, and property insurance. You can choose the one that suits your requirements. Rafter square? What's that? After inspecting the car Alright. I can recommend a few companies that are known for their quality work and reliability. One of them is ABC Construction Company, and the other is XYZ Construction Company. Yes, we can negotiate the price. But I need to know what your budget is. I need a plumber. My toilet is leaking and I can't seem to fix it myself. Well, Rwanda is still developing in many ways, and some areas might not have the infrastructure to support certain businesses. In some cases, you might have to travel to neighboring countries to find the materials you need. Oh, I see. Is there an ATM nearby? Of course, sir. It basically says that I will continue renting this apartment for another year, and that I will pay the same amount of rent each month. Hey, driver. Can you please slow down? I feel unsafe with the speed. Hello, excuse me, do you know where I can get the permits to do some repair work here in Kigali? Hi there, excuse me, do you happen to know where I can find a reliable contractor to repair my rental property? I am not really sure. For example, if I wanted to fire an employee, what would be the procedure? Not really, can you speak English? That is still a bit high. Can you go down to $12,500? Hello, I'm interested in learning more about construction safety and liability standards here in Rwanda. Can you tell me a bit about what's expected on construction sites? Yes, sure. It can be a bit tricky to navigate through the insurance policies in Rwanda. Have you tried talking to the insurance companies here? Electrician checks the car and comes back Yes, I know a few. What type of construction project are you planning? Thank you. Do you know what the requirements are to obtain a building permit? Sure, I can assist you with that. What kind of workers and contractors are you dealing with? You are welcome. Remember, disposing of waste properly not only helps in keeping the environment clean but also contributes to the health and well-being of the community. How are you? Yes, make sure to check the weather forecast before you travel, and keep an Yes, there are a few reputable No problem, glad to help. Let me know if you need any more assistance. Sorry, I don't understand. Do you speak English? Of course, we can negotiate the price. Hi, I'm interested in hiring a contractor for some construction work. Can you help me with that? A worksite in Kigali, Rwanda. A foreigner wearing a hard hat and safety gear is talking to a local worker. An hour later I have, but I'm having a hard time understanding all the requirements. It's quite different from what I'm used to. Okay, what is your budget? Well, during the planting and harvest season, most of the locals are busy working on their own farms. It is the busiest time of year for us. Yes, I know a few. What type of construction work do you need? Also, it is important to show respect to the workers by providing them with food and water while they are working. This is seen as a sign of hospitality and it helps to build a good relationship between Okay, I understand. Can I pay by card or check? I have a small farm and I am having a hard time finding local workers or contractors who are available during certain times of the year, like during the planting or harvest season. Do you have any suggestions for me? Yes, I need to repair my brake system. Okay, that's fine Well, for example, I was told to buy bricks that measure 30cm x 15cm x 10cm. I'm used to feet and inches, so I'm not sure what that means. Well, I asked them to raise the height of the wall, but they seem to be digging a trench instead. I'm not sure if I'm explaining myself clearly, but I wanted the wall to go up, not down. ** Okay, that's good to know. Thank you for your help. That's interesting. What other safety regulations do you have in place? Hi there! Do you need any help? Thank you. How much does one bag of cement cost? Ah, you mean the siesta. Yes, some people take a nap or rest for an hour or two after lunch. It's a common practice here in Rwanda, especially in the rural areas. They usually come back to work afterwards, but it depends on their job and the employer's policy. Yes, of course. In Rwanda, it's essential to maintain high levels of hygiene and cleanliness at all times, including on construction sites. It's important to keep the site clean and tidy to prevent accidents and ensure a healthy working environment. Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks for letting me know. Is there anything else that I should know before traveling to Rwanda? Yes, I do. I can give you the contact information for a few suppliers that I know. They may be able to help you. Hi, I am interested in hiring you for some construction work. Can you give me an estimate of the cost? A masonry wall is a wall made of bricks or blocks that are bonded together with mortar. Hi, my name is John, how can I help you? Attire for workers? What does that mean? Thank you. I’ve been having a hard time obtaining the necessary permits and approvals for my building project. Do you know why that might be? I see. I'll be sure to do that. Is there a provision that allows me to extend my lease after the initial term is up? That's very helpful. What about hiring a contractor? That's smart. I guess it's important to be aware of the potential for extreme weather conditions during certain times of the year that can impact repair work. Sure, you can go to the City Hall to get the permits. "You're welcome. We will be here early in the morning to start the work." No, I don't think so. Just let them know that you appreciate their work, and they should be fine. And if you ever need any more repairs done in the future, you can Yes, of course. I can help you navigate the market and explain "No, I don't speak English. I only speak Kinyarwanda." Hmm, that might be a bit tricky. But have you tried checking with the local hardware stores around here? Our National Occupational Health and Safety NOHS, policy provides guidelines on safety procedures on construction sites. However, these guidelines are not as strict as the international standards you are used to. I can help you with that. Where are you working? Well, if you don't follow the laws and regulations, you may face some serious consequences. For instance, if you don't give your employees a written contract, you may be fined about 100,000 Rwandan francs or even imprisonment. Similarly, if you terminate an employee without giving them a written notice, you may be fined up to 6 months of the employee's salary. Well, my sink is clogged and my toilet isn't flushing properly. No problem. It's important to make sure you choose a reputable company so that you can avoid any potential issues with the construction process. Yes, tomorrow is good. What time should I come? Sure, sir. What should I do? No, you didn't! The walls are not straight, the roof is leaking, and the materials you used are cheap and flimsy. And what about the width and height? And after we pour the concrete, we need to wait for it to dry before continuing with the construction. It's mostly in the living room, but it happens in other places too. Two days later Also, try to sit near the driver or with other women if possible. And make sure your phone and other valuables are secure. Hello sir, I'm here to discuss the construction project we have planned for this area. Good morning, how can I assist you today? The foreigner is living in Kigali, Rwanda, and experiencing a problem with their apartment's plumbing. When they contact their landlord, they realize that the landlord speaks Kinyarwanda, a language they don't understand. A foreigner has just arrived in Kigali and is looking for someone to fix his car. He approaches a local mechanic. Okay, I will provide you with all the necessary documents. Thank you for your help. Sorry, we don’t have 10 bags of cement. We only have 6. Is that okay? Ok, I see. That is short notice, but we can work something out. I will need you to come to my office to sign some paperwork to terminate the lease early. I want to build a small house with two rooms and a bathroom. Hello, can you help me find a specific type of building material? I have been looking for it in several shops but couldn't find it. Habari, John. No problem. What is your question? Okay, I understand. But you have to be careful with the type of materials you buy. The nails and screws must be strong enough to hold the wood, and the wood planks must be of good quality. Hello, excuse me. I'm looking for a local construction company to hire. Do you know any good ones? I need a torque wrench. Do you know if it's available here? I understand, it can be a challenge. Are you working on a project here in Rwanda? "Sorry, boss. We thought you said to demolish this wall." Okay, here's the money. Thank you! We call those the lintels or beams. Hi there, I'm new to Rwanda and I noticed that there are different cultural expectations around cleanliness and sanitation on worksites. Can you explain this to me? Okay, let me check if we have them in stock. The local checks the stock and returns to the foreigner, Yes, we have them. "Excuse me, sir. Can you help me find someone who can do some repairs in my house?" Yes, we do. They are over here. I am an engineer and I need to inspect the foundation of the building. You know the big building that is being constructed near the market? Really? I had no idea. But how do you ensure that the walls won't crumble or collapse over time? I completely agree. It's difficult to find a reliable and trustworthy source for Hi! I am new to Rwanda, and I am trying to set up a business here. Can you please guide me about the potential issues that I may face here? Ah, that's because some of the workers may not have access to gloves or masks. But we try to educate them about the importance of personal hygiene and provide them with the necessary tools when we can. 50 kilograms? That's a lot! I only need a small amount for my project. Do you know how much that would be in pounds or ounces? Great, thank you so much for your help. I'll check those places out. Oh, I'm sorry. I misunderstood what you meant. I'll get started on digging right away. Yes, I can recommend a few. Let me make a call for you. Local construction worker arrives It usually takes about two weeks to process your application. Once you get the permit, you can start the repairs. I'm not sure about the payment practices and customs here. I'm worried that I might end up having payment disputes or misunderstandings with the workers. Hi there, I'm looking for a construction worker to help me with some renovations. No, that will Yes, there can be quite a bit of bureaucracy involved in obtaining permits for repair work. You will need to bring all necessary documents and be prepared to wait in line for some time. Oh, is it necessary? I've heard about the moto, but are they safe? Alright. And what about the regulations and procedures? No, you didn't. This foundation is not strong enough to support the weight of the hotel. Okay, I see. Thank you for explaining it to me. Can you please sign this document confirming the lease renewal? I recently started a business here and I am having trouble hiring and firing workers. Can you guide me through the process? in Kinyarwanda, Yes, I can understand you. I will send someone to fix the sink. Yes, you will need to visit an insurance company that offers liability coverage for construction work. They will assess the risks involved in your project and provide a quote for the insurance premium. Once you agree to the premium, you can purchase the coverage. shaking his head, Ntivyumva Angerezi. I don't understand English. Yes, there are consultants who specialize in building permits and construction regulations. They can help guide you through the process and ensure that you meet all of the requirements Hmmm, I don't think I understand what you mean. I have cement, bricks, and some wood. Oya, sure thing! We have some guys who can help you with that. Just park your truck over there and they will load it up. We understood that you wanted to be involved, but we didn't realize how much supervision you needed. I'm sorry about that. Unfortunately, some people don't always behave appropriately in shared taxis. If you want, I can try to switch seats with you or we can ask the driver to pull over and let you out. Yes, I can. First, you need to remove the old mortar from the cracks. But I don't know how to say that in Kinyarwanda. Hey there, can you help me with this construction work? Okay, I see your point. Can you explain to me what that price includes? I'm not really familiar with the units used here. What is the equivalent of a meter in your measurement? Yes, sure. What kind of repair do you need? There are many repairmen here in Kigali. Yes, I have checked the local markets, but they don't seem to have what I need. Do you know of any other places I can try? looking confused, Sorry, I don't understand. We have everything you need, but I need to ask you a few questions. That's a great idea. Do you know of any specific companies that might be able to help me? Hi there, do you know where I could find skilled workers or contractors for specialized repair work? Okay, thank you for the tip. I see. And what about severance pay? Sure, no problem. Writes down the price on a piece of paper Ah, okay. You can find roofing nails at most hardware stores. As for the sealant, you might want to be more specific. There are different types of sealants depending on the material of your roof. I need some construction work done in different parts of Rwanda. I need someone who can do specialized repair work for my project in Musanze. Hello, I'm interested in working with local contractors for my farm, but I've had difficulty finding workers who are available during certain times of the year. I need to terminate my lease because I have seen a good opportunity,. "That works for me. Thank you." I apologize that I am late with my rent payment, I do not have the money to pay the full amount. Okay, maybe we can try to use a translator app. Can you please download an app on your phone? I can lower the price to 1.8 million Rwandan francs. Hi there, do you speak English? Yes, a little bit. What can I help you with? Yes, it does. In Rwanda, we have certain dress codes for different professions. For example, it is customary for repairmen to wear overalls or work clothes that cover their entire bodies, including their arms and legs. Yes, they are both reputable and trustworthy organizations. They have a proven track record of successfully managing projects in Rwanda. Hi, I'm looking for some construction materials. I am here to renew my lease for one more year. laughs, Don't worry. They won't do that. Just relax and enjoy the ride. You might want to check with the neighboring towns or cities. They might have the materials you need. But keep in mind that it could be difficult to transport them to your location, especially if the roads are not good. Hello! Yes, I can help you with that. What kind of insurance are you looking for? Great! I need you to help me with the foundation. Do you know how to make a strong foundation? Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. But there's one problem, I don't speak the local language. How will I communicate with the plumber or electrician? Hello there, how can I assist you? Okay, well in Kigali, you should be able to find power outlets in many public places, such as cafes and restaurants. If you need more consistent power, there are also some co-working spaces and business centers that offer reliable electricity. Yes, there's a community-based organization called "Green Rwanda" that focuses on environmental sustainability and waste management. They have a lot of experience and knowledge in this area. shocked, What have you done? Why is the wall gray? Thank you, sir. We will make sure to ask and clarify everything to avoid any misunderstandings. No problem at all, glad I could help. Just let me know if you need anything else. Well, I need to repair some of the plumbing and electrical work, and I'm not sure if I need any permits or if there are any specific regulations I need to follow. That sounds good. How can I contact them? Well, there's a place called Kigali Building Supplies that might have what you need. They're located in Remera, near the airport. You could also try checking with some of the local contractors to see if they have any leads. No problem. Just remember to stay calm and don't engage with any aggressive behavior. We'll be there soon. I understand your concern. One way to check their reliability is to look at their portfolio of previous projects, check their reviews and testimonials from previous clients or even ask for references. You can also try to reach out to them and see how responsive and helpful they are, this will give you an idea of how they Oh, I see. And what about the roof? What materials do you use? Hello, welcome. How can I help you? Hello, I want to talk to you about our rent,. Unfortunately, we don't usually accept credit card payments here and bank transfers can be a bit tricky. Most people prefer to pay in cash or through mobile money. Do you have any specific recommendations? tries to explain through hand gestures and broken Kinyarwanda, I want to pay less, maybe forty thousand francs per month? Hmm, that sounds a bit high to me. Can you bring it down a bit? I see. Well, the best way to reach him would be through a phone call or a letter. But since he doesn't speak English, you'll need someone who can translate for you. I see. Can you let me know when you expect it to be completed now? Hello! Sure, I can help you with that. Can you tell me where you are from? Okay, for cement, it is 13,000 Rwandan franc I am sorry, but we do not have any discounts at the moment. No problem. Let me know if you need any further assistance, and I'd be happy to help. I recently moved to Rwanda, and I need to have some repairs done on my house. When the workers came yesterday, I noticed that they were wearing shorts and tank tops. I thought it was quite inappropriate. Don't they have any dress code? Thank you for explaining this to me. I'll make sure to take a siesta and Alright, we will start tomorrow morning. Thank you for your business. Yes, I can help you. What would you like to build? Oh, sorry about that. Is the speed too much for you? "No problem, let me help you with that. What do you need help with exactly?" *pausing for a moment* Ahh, subletting? I see. After a few minutes of inspection... I thought he said to remove all the tiles, so I started doing that. I see. Do you have any suggestions on how I can find workers or contractors easily? Sure, I can do that for you. Give me the details. Hi there, I need to get some repairs done on my building. Do you know of any reliable workers who can help me out? Sure, here they are. Basically, the terms say that I am allowed to stay here for another year and that I will continue to pay rent on time. That's a good idea. Do you have any recommendations? Not really. I thought it was a small repair job, but I'm not sure. That sounds great. What about liability? In my home country, liability is a major concern for construction projects. It's a metal roof. After a few minutes of calling around Good morning! How are you doing? No problem. I can recommend a few people who can help you out. Where are you located? Hmm, maybe you can try asking around at some of the larger hardware stores. They might know of a supplier that can provide the materials you need. Yes, of course. Let me take you to the room where the issue is. Hello there. I am looking for a contractor to help me with some construction work. Do you have any experience in this field? Not really. The traditional methods and materials we use are sustainable and have been proven to stand the test of time. Plus, it's more affordable for us to use local materials. "Great, but can you show me what you've done?" I'm pretty sure they can. They have a lot of experience and expertise in repairing specialized machinery. You could also try asking around at some of the local technical schools or vocational training centers. They may know of skilled workers who can help you out. Oh, I see. You can try contacting Kigali Construction Company. They are well known in this area for their quality work and professionalism. I see. Well, I'll just try to focus on the fact that it's not the norm, and hopefully, we'll arrive at our destination soon. Ah, yes. Sorry about that. How can I assist you? Well, it depends on what you mean by "modern." Traditional building materials like brick and clay are still very popular here in Rwanda, especially in the rural areas. Some people might view using modern materials as a sign of wealth, but others might see it as a disregard for local building traditions. That's good to know. And what about waste management? I saw some workers throwing trash on the ground earlier. It's a decorative moulding that goes at the top of a wall. Excuse me, sir. I'm feeling a bit unsafe with the way this driver is driving. He's going very fast and weaving through traffic. I see what the problem is. You bought the Oh, I see. So we need to dig a hole first and then build the wall on top of it, right? Hello, what is your question? Hmm, I see what the problem is. You need some new brake pads and a new oil filter. Sure, I can recommend a few. There's Horizon Group, ROKO Construction, and Prime Construction. They all have experience working with specialized materials and might be able to help Okay, got it. Break down the wall and build a new one. Thank you. You Oh okay, I just wanted to make sure. After I pay my rent, I don't want to change apartments. I think we need to come up with Yes, of course. You will need to visit the district office to apply for the permits and approvals. Those are great tips, thank you. And what about liability regulations? Thank you for the suggestions. How can I contact them? Yes, we do have some extreme weather conditions during certain times of the year. For example, from March to May, we experience heavy rainfall, which can cause flooding in some areas. And from June to August, we have strong winds that can cause damage to buildings and other structures. I am doing well, thank you. I wanted to talk to you about my lease. shaking head, I'm sorry, I don't speak English well. Hello, I have a question about the rental agreement. Can you explain section 5 to me? Do you have any idea when they will be available? Yes, I can help you. What do you need? I don't speak Kinyarwanda, so I'm worried I won't be able to explain the problem clearly. "Hello, yes, I speak a little English. What kind of work do you need?" Thank you, I appreciate it. But, next time please make sure to ask me if you are not sure about something. Sure. I estimate it will cost you around 10 million Rwandan Francs. Gisenyi, Rwanda Uh, I don't understand. Can you please show me where I can find the construction materials? Well, I need someone who is skilled in fixing old wooden floors. The floors in my house have some damage and I want them to be repaired properly. Yes, I understand your concern. What type of repair work are you looking for? Hello! I need some materials for repairing the wall in my house. Can you help me with that? Okay, I have those documents ready. For a small crack, you'll only need a few kilograms. That's interesting. I think it might be beneficial to take a break during the day. Do you have any advice on how I can adjust to this work schedule? I see. And what if I need to fire an employee? I was hoping to spend around $7,000. Thank We are trying our best to communicate more effectively with the workers and to make sure they understand the urgency of the situation. We have also brought in some extra workers to help speed up the process. No problem. It's always good to learn about different cultures and customs. And if you ever have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask for advice. I need to build a fence around this area. Can you explain to your workers what needs to be done? Sure, what type of materials do you need? Yes, please. That would be great. Thank you! In a local village of Rwanda, a foreigner named John is talking to a local named Joseph about his struggle to find a reliable and safe means of transportation to and from the worksite. Oh, I get it. So, you're making a basement? No problem. I hope you find the right service provider to help with your project. Good luck! Hi, I'm calling because I have a maintenance issue in my apartment. Hello, how can I help you? Ah, yes, we have those. How much do you need? nodding, I see. When do you want to leave? Hi David, I need your help with a repair work at my guest house. I need some materials to fix the leaking pipes. Can you guide me on the type of materials I should buy? Excuse me, do you know where I can find a specific type of building material that I need for my project? Local and foreigner arrive at the landlord's place Yes, they do. In fact, Rwanda has been very successful in implementing a country-wide recycling program. You can find recycling bins in many public places, such as shopping centers, schools, and hospitals. You can also contact these companies to find out more about their recycling services. Ah, I see. That's a specialized job. I know some carpenters who could do it but they might not be available right now. Hi, excuse me, do you happen to know anything about construction work here? Thank you so much for the recommendation. I'll definitely check them out. I was hoping we could come to an agreement on the cost. What are you doing? That's not what we asked for! Thank you so much. I appreciate it! Okay, that sounds reasonable. Let's go ahead with it. Sure, I can help you with that. Let's start with the first section. It explains the terms of the lease, including the duration, payment, and security deposit. Two friends, one local and one foreigner, in different parts of Rwanda, discussing the challenges of doing business in the country. I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time understanding the English terms and conditions. Could you please explain them to me? Oh, okay. I understand. Let me take a look. It depends on the landlord, but it's usually one or two months' rent. I wanted to know how I can end the lease early and how much it would cost. It will take about four weeks, depending on the weather and other factors. Hi, I noticed that some workers take a break in the middle of the day. Is this a cultural practice in Rwanda? Sure. ABC Construction is a well-established company in Rwanda. They have a good reputation and have completed many successful projects in the past. They have a team of skilled workers and use high-quality materials. A foreigner, John, and a local, Sarah, are having a conversation in different parts of Rwanda. It's about 20 kilometers away from here. Alright. Then the next step is to know the regulations and procedures for repairing rental properties in Rwanda. You need to make sure you follow the guidelines to avoid any legal issues. Okay, we can do that. It will cost you around 500,000 Rwandan francs. Yes, I can help you with that. What kind of materials are you looking for? Well, I am not familiar with the building codes and regulations in Rwanda. I have tried to read up on it, but it's still confusing to me. Of course! First, we need to mix the mud and straw together until it becomes a paste. Then we apply it to the damaged area and smooth it out. It's really simple. Sure, I can help you with that. Do you have any specific language requirements? I am looking for construction materials. Do you have cement, sand, and steel bars? Yes, sir. We will make sure to align them perfectly. Yes, I can help you. What kind of work do you want? Sure, what do you want to know? Hello, I am interested in hiring you for some construction work. Can you give me an estimate of how much it would cost? After submission, you will wait for the council's feedback. They may ask you to make some changes, and you will need to comply to get your permit approved. Yes, I speak a little bit. What kind of construction work do you need? I see. I don't want to interfere with your work, but I need to make sure that the repair work is done correctly. Can you come tomorrow morning? In a rural area of Rwanda, a foreigner is discussing payment practices with a local mason during the construction of a new community building. Well, I'm not entirely sure. I need to build a foundation for this building, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Oh! I'm sorry about that. I thought you wanted it three feet deep. Let me fix it for you. Yes, for example, the country experienced heavy rains last year that caused flooding and landslides in some areas. This caused transportation disruptions and delayed the delivery of goods to some businesses. Some businesses had to pay extra to get their goods delivered on time. Thank you, that's very helpful. Do you know if they have any specific sections for electrical or plumbing repairs? I need to build a small house, and I want to make sure that I find a company that is reliable and trustworthy. Well, we didn't fully understand the scope of the repair work needed. We thought it would be a quick fix, but it turned out to be more complex. Hello there, I'm interested in hiring a contractor for some construction work here. Can you tell me about your services and prices? No, not trenches. We need to pour concrete for the strip foundation. Alright, sir. I will get the other workers to fill the I am not familiar with the building codes and regulations here. Can you explain them to me? No, I haven't. Is it easy to find suppliers there? Ah, yes. Formwork is the temporary structure we use to support concrete until it sets and dries. Hi there, I'm planning on starting a business here in Rwanda, but I'm a little confused about the labor laws and regulations. Can you help me with that? Okay, that sounds reasonable. Can we sign a contract to make sure everything is clear? Yes, it’s in English. I can explain it to you. Alright, I'll make the call and have them Yes, I want a two-bedroom house with a living room and a kitchen. I want basic quality materials, nothing too fancy. Thank you, I will. Hello, can you help me? I need to explain what work needs to be done. I need some electrical tools like a multimeter, wire strippers, and crimping tools. Do you think I could find them in this town? Okay, there are several construction companies in Rwanda that you can choose from. But I recommend going with a well-established company that has a good reputation and proven track record. Oh, I see. That is a bit tricky. Let me make some phone calls and see if I can find someone for you. Okay, I'll take it. Thank you. Okay, that sounds good. How big is the room you want to add? Of course. You need to first visit the district office and present your repair plans. They will then direct you to the relevant government department, where you will need to get a permit. Thank you. When will they come? People usually measure materials in kilos, we can convert that to meters for you. Oh, I see. Well, the site is a bit rocky, and we need to build a foundation that can withstand heavy winds and floods. Okay, 50 bags of cement and 500 bricks. Let me check the stock. "Sure, I can help you with that. What kind of repairs are you looking for?" Thank you very much, I promise to have the rent money at the beginning of the next month. Yes, of course. The landlord is responsible for carrying out repairs and maintenance to keep the property in good condition. However, if the tenant caused the damage intentionally or by neglect, they will be held responsible for the cost of repairs. Hello, can I speak to the landlord, please? Well, I need some specific tiles for the roof that I can’t find in any of the local stores. I want to tell you that I don't want to pay my rent late. I see. It could be a wiring problem. I know an electrician who can fix that for you. Would you like me to give you their contact information? It usually lasts from around March to May and then from October to December. During those periods, we experience high levels of rainfall, so it's best to avoid any construction nods his head, indicating agreement Hello, yes, I can recommend a few contractors. But before I do, are you aware of the regulations and procedures for repairing rental properties in Rwanda? Yes, we need to lay the foundation for the building. That's understandable. Do you have any suggestions on how I can find them? Good morning, sir. Can I help you with something? No problem, I would be willing to do that to get my watch properly repaired. Yes, I do. Here they are. I have a tenant here who wants to renew his lease agreement, but I don't understand the terms and conditions in English. Hey, I had a bit of trouble with the rental agreement today. It was written in Kinyarwanda and I couldn't understand it. We need to mix sand, Hi there! Can you help me with something? That's really helpful. I don't want to offend anyone by using materials or techniques that are not culturally acceptable. Thank you for your advice. I see. I want to build a sturdy and durable house that can withstand the weather and other conditions. Do you think mud bricks and thatch roofs would be strong enough? Sure, what's the matter? Oh, I see. I thought we did a good job. I need 10 bags of cement, and about 3 meters of sand. Okay, I think I understand. Do you know how to say "leak" and "flicker" in Kinyarwanda? It might be easier to communicate with the plumber or electrician if you know the words. Okay, I can help you find someone. Can you tell me more about the problems you are facing? No problem. Just be aware that finding workers during this time of year may be difficult, so you may need to be flexible with your timelines and schedules. Okay. Can you please show me how much we need to excavate? Well, the roof is still leaking and some of the tiles are not properly aligned. It's not what we agreed on. That's a good idea, I hadn't thought of that. Do you know of any specific companies? Hey Jean, can I ask you a question? Hello, I wanted to ask if I could sublet my apartment. Ah, I see. Well, there are a few options for you. Have you tried checking with any of the larger hardware stores in Kigali? Ah, I understand. I know a local translator who has experience working with construction projects. Would you like me to connect you with her? Good luck! And if you need any more help, just let me know. Okay, I know a few workers who can handle that. But just to make sure, have you checked the extent of damage and the scope of work required? Hmm, that's too bad. But don't worry, there are a few other places you can check. Have you tried the industrial area in Kigali? Hi, I'm trying to negotiate the rent price with the Yes, let me show you. Okay, I understood that part. What else does it say? Yes, I can help you with that. But have you considered the weather conditions at the moment? Oh, I see. Is it mandatory or optional for workers? Yes, please. I'm having some trouble with my plumbing. I need a plumber to come and fix it. Hi there, I'm sorry to bother you. I'm trying to make some repairs to this wall. Can you help me understand what I need to do? Oh, I'm sorry. We had some miscommunication with the workers about the timeline. They need a few more hours to finish the repairs. Ok. What is the problem? Sure, what time? After a few minutes, the landlord returns with a young woman who speaks both English and Kinyarwanda. Sure, sir. We need to excavate the soil here and lay the foundation for the wall on this side. Hmm, that seems a bit high. Could you lower the price a bit? Yes, we have a metallic adhesive. Can I show you? Hello, I am looking for some construction materials. Do you have any cement and bricks? Ah, I see. Well, there are a few options. You could try going to the big hardware stores in Kigali, they might have what you need. Or, if you're looking for imported materials, there are a few specialty shops that might have what you're looking for. Yes, I can come then. But, before we proceed, can we talk about the cost of the construction work? I really appreciate it. I just want to make sure that the quality of work is up to standard. I'm having some trouble with a repair work at my hotel. I think there was a miscommunication with the workers about the scope of the work, and now it seems like the costs are going to be much higher than I expected. You are responsible for keeping the apartment in good condition, paying the rent on time, and following the community rules. You should also notify us of any repairs No, I don't think that will be necessary. You can just do the work and let me know when it's done. Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this will help me. Do you think it would be better to hire workers or contractors? That's great, thank you so much. Can you tell me where they're located? I see. Well, I understand that miscommunications can happen, but we need to make sure we're on the same page moving forward. Let's go over the repair work again and make sure we're clear on the scope and complexity. Sure, what are you looking for exactly? Sorry, but we don't have the right materials for the job. We don't have the right engine belt for your car. It’s in Kigali. Welcome, how can we help you? It can be, especially during rush hour when everyone is in a hurry. But most of the time, people are respectful and courteous. Yes, that's correct. Yes, I know of a few. Let me write down their contact information for you. There are several stores that specialize in imported construction materials in Kigali. One of them is called Kigali Construction Supply, located in the Nyarugenge district. Another one is Ruliba Cladding and Roofing Solutions, which is in the Kicukiro district. Welcome, my friend. I can help you with that. What type of roof is it that you have? Excuse me, I have a question about the rental agreement. Can you help me? No, I am sorry, I don't speak English very well. I see. What about firing workers? Can I do that anytime? Alright, I understand. However, I think it's important that we agree on the level of supervision required for the repairs. Should we check in with you every day, or every week? I need some cement, bricks, and sand. "No, I'm not feeling safe. The driver is driving too fast, and he's not following the rules." Sure, I'd be happy to help. What are you thinking of using? Sure, I can explain it to him. Do you want me to come with you to your place and talk to him? A few days later, the same foreigner is seen at the hotel, talking to a local repairman. Yes, I can help you with that. I have experience in project management. I see, so what do people do if they need help during this time? Okay, no problem. Do you understand me when I say I want to talk about the rent price? Ok, I understand. How much cement do you need? Yes, of course. You should always wear protective gear, such as gloves and masks, when necessary. Also, you should keep your work area clean and tidy to prevent accidents and the spread of diseases. Yes, most landlords do. It's a common practice here in Rwanda. No, any brand will do. No problem. Is there anything else I can help you with? I'm trying to find some ceramic tiles for my construction project, but I haven't been able to locate any in the local markets. Okay, great! What's your budget like? Hello, I have a problem with my car. Can you fix it for me? Well, not really. But you never know when something could happen. It's always better to be prepared. That's great. Can you tell me about your experience and how you can help me? smiles back, Thanks for the reass Alright, let me call him for you. the local calls the landlord and talks to him in Kinyarwanda The area is about 50 square meters. Hi there! I'm new to Rwanda and I'm planning to build a house. Can you tell me where I can find a good contractor who can help me with the construction? Oh, I see. This is very helpful. Let me try to translate the clause you were asking about. Landlord types in the clause and translates it to English Yes, I want a two-bedroom house with a kitchen and a living room. That's a good idea. Do most of these companies speak English? Sure, I can get them for you. When do you want the work to start? Ah yes, I understand. There is a plumber in the next village over who can help you. I'll call him for you. Yes, it's important for workers to wear culturally appropriate attire when working in someone's home. In Rwanda, it's common for workers to wear a kanzu, which is a long white robe, and a kofia, which is a small white hat. Are they safe? Sure thing. Let me explain it to you. The lease will start on the first of next month, and it will last for one year. I'll pay you the rent every month on the first day, and I'll take care of any repairs or maintenance needed during this period. Okay. And what kind of repairs require a permit? Ok, we have that. How about the sand and bricks? Great, thank you for letting me know. I will check back with you in two weeks to ensure the work is completed by then. It depends on the distance. Where are you taking them? The foreigner is a businessman who wants to start a construction project in Rwanda, but is having difficulties obtaining the necessary permits and approvals. The local is a government official responsible for issuing building permits and ensuring compliance with building codes and regulations. Here's the work I've done. I've used some cement and plaster to fill the holes, and some new tiles in the bathroom. Sorry, I don't understand. Can you speak English, please? Yes, but I can't read Kinyarwanda so I have no idea what the terms are. Alright, sir/madam. That will cost you 350,000 Rwandan They have partnerships with international suppliers, so they should be able to order the specific type of steel beams you need. Ah, I see. Well, there are a few options you can consider. Have you tried renting a generator from a local shop? They usually have good quality generators that you can use for a few days. No, actually there are specific regulations in place that govern how you can hire and fire workers. No problem. I hope everything gets sorted out soon! Excuse me, I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable with the behavior of some of the other passengers in the taxi. They're talking loudly and some are even smoking. Is this normal? Yes, it's right here. points to the shelf with the sealant Thank you. Do you know any specific suppliers that I could contact? Ah, I see. Thanks for explaining that to me. And what about the foundation? What type of foundation do you suggest? I'm sorry to hear that. Did you give him the details of the repair work you needed? Yes, sure. What kind of waste are you trying to dispose of? Hello, excuse me. I'm looking for a local supplier for some specialized construction materials. Do you know where I could find one? Yes, there are a few good ones. What kind of construction work do you need? Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but I noticed that the walls you built are not straight. Can you fix them, please? Okay, that will cost about 50 million Rwandan francs. We are building a new office building for a company. I can give you a quote for the work, but it depends on the materials and how long it will take. Hey there, do you know where I can find some tools and equipment for repairing my car? I see. Well, I recommend that you contact the Rwanda Development Board RDB,. They have a project management division that can help oversee your project. They can also connect you with reliable contractors and suppliers. Oh, I have my ID card, but what kind of contract does he mean? Thank you so much. I I need some high-quality steel beams and specialized concrete mix for a project I'm working on. Yes, there are some plumbing issues, the roof is leaking, and some of the walls need repainting. In a shared taxi, the foreigner sits beside a local passenger who seems to be very anxious, looking around frequently. Suddenly, a group of rowdy passengers enters the taxi and starts shouting and playing loud music. The local passenger next to the foreigner looks increasingly uncomfortable. The final payment should be made once the work is complete and you're satisfied with the results. It's also a good idea to get a written receipt or invoice from the contractor. Shakes their head, I'm sorry, I don't understand. Yes, I can recommend a few contractors who have experience working with rental properties and are familiar with I appreciate the advice. Thanks for your help. That's interesting. I Hello there, can you help me please? I need to explain to you what work needs to be done here. I need some cement, sand, bricks, and some metal rods. Do you have those items? You're welcome. Just make sure to do your research and choose a company that fits your needs and budget. And don't hesitate to ask for references and check their previous work. Yes, there are taxis and moto-taxis available. Taxis are usually more expensive, but they are safer and more comfortable. Moto-taxis are cheaper, but they can be dangerous, especially during rush hour. Yes, there are a few organizations that are doing great work in this area. You can check out organizations like Wastezon or Greencare Rwanda. They have a lot of information on sustainable waste management and disposal practices. Will do. Thanks again for your help. No, no, no! You misunderstood me. I said we need to move the pile of sand, not the bricks. No problem, it's always good to help out a fellow neighbor. Hi, do you know where I can obtain the necessary permits and approvals to construct a building here in Yes, we have roof sealant that is very easy to use. It is effective in sealing leaks and can be applied with a brush or roller. Yes, I know a few. I can give you their contact details. They might be able to help you out. Well, they're just regular walls. I think they're made of plaster and cement. I want to replace them with some new ones made of bricks. Oh, okay. Can you show me the papers? I'm afraid I don't understand the terms and conditions in English. Sure, I can help you. Do you have any specific questions about the agreement? Well, they should wear clean and presentable clothes, and avoid anything too revealing or inappropriate. Men should wear pants and a shirt or t-shirt, while women should wear long skirts or dress Oh, I see. Maybe we can try to find someone who speaks both English and Kinyarwanda to translate for us? Ah, we don't really use kilograms here, we use bags or sacks. Okay, let me show you what we have. Here's the adhesive, and we have a few different types of metal sheets. Which one do you need? I noticed you're wearing shorts and a tank top. In Rwanda, it's not appropriate for women to dress like that around workers. It can be seen as disrespectful and offensive. "That's a good idea. Do you know of any specific suppliers or stores that I could contact?" Okay, that sounds like a good approach. Can you recommend any specific construction companies? Alright, I will send someone over tomorrow evening around Great! How long will it take to fix? "Oh, I see. You want to build a new bridge. But where should I start?" Hi, excuse me. Can you help me find a reliable and safe means of transportation to and from the worksite? Excuse me, do you know where I can find a professional to fix my wall? I used the materials you recommended, but the crack is still there. I need workers for construction, but I am having difficulty finding local workers who are available during certain times of the year. Thank you so much. Oh, I'll definitely need to supervise it. I want to make sure it's done right. It usually takes about two weeks for the plans to be reviewed and approved. Once you have the approval, you can proceed with the construction. No problem. Is there anything else you need help with? Okay, that's good to know. Yes, you can go to the local government office to get the necessary permits for your building repair. Thank you, but I also noticed that the tiles in the bathroom are not aligned properly. Can you fix that too? It might take up to two days. We will do our best to complete the repairs as soon as possible. Ah, I see. For a project like that, I would recommend you check out XYZ Construction Company. They have a great reputation in the area for their reliable and high-quality work. No, it's not a fence. It's a wall. A fence is made of metal or wood, but a wall is made of bricks or concrete. Yes, there are a few stores in the city that sell those materials. But if you're looking for a larger quantity, you might have to go further out of town. It can be difficult to find some of these materials in certain areas of the country. Yes, I will ask for clarification if I am not sure. Thank you for your patience. "You're welcome. See you tomorrow." Hmm, that might be a bit tricky. You see, during certain times of the year, such as the planting or harvest season, many local workers are unavailable as they are busy with their own farming activities. I need some cement, sand, and steel rods for a project I'm working on. Yes, I can help you with that. What kind of work do you want to be done? Hello! I'm repairing this building. It was damaged during the rainy season. I apologize for the misunderstanding. I can fix it for you, but it will take some time and extra material. I see. And what if there are any repairs needed in the apartment? Ok, that makes sense. What about liability coverage? Yes! I am looking for a two-bedroom apartment. Can you tell me how much is it? Ah, I see. Do you know where the water is coming from? Is it from the faucet or the pipes underneath? Oh, why is that? I am constructing a house. Do you need any help? I want to continue living here for another year. How do I renew my lease? In Kigali, a foreigner visits a construction site to meet with a local project manager. It will depend on the extent of the damage and the amount of work needed. I can give you an estimate once I start working on it. Buses are also an option, and they are cheaper than taxis. However, they can be crowded and not always reliable in terms of schedules. You can find them at the bus station in Nyabugogo. I see what the problem is. The pipe is cracked. I can fix it for you. They walk to the bathroom Of course. First, you need to make sure you comply with the labor laws and regulations here in Rwanda. Ah, okay. I will send someone to fix it. Sure, you need to go to the city council to get a building permit. Okay, so you’re digging out the holes for the columns to support the building, right? Yes, it is. We usually have a siesta from noon until 2 p.m. during the hottest part of the day. Yes, that's right. Can you give me your permission? speaking in Kinyarwanda, "Yes, we've been working on it all morning. It's almost done." Of course, but I need to make sure I can cover my costs and make a profit. What price were you thinking? Yes, I can. What kind of construction work are you looking for? Exactly. It's important to have a balance between work and personal life. In Rwanda, we prioritize family, community, and personal time. Hello! Yes, I can provide some information. Rwanda is known for its unpredictable weather patterns, especially during the rainy season between October and May. However, we are currently in the dry season, so you should be good to go. As for political instability, Rwanda is a stable country. It’s important to follow regular security checks and stay up to date on any developments, but I don’t anticipate any issues that might affect your travel plans. Okay, let me try to use a translator. Pulls out phone and types into a translation app, How much is the monthly rent for this house? I see. What other issues should I be aware of? Hi, the house is perfect for me. I would like to rent it. I used Google Translate. I thought it would work, but apparently, it didn't. Yes, I can fix it. Can you show me where the bathroom is? Well, I need to hire some employees, but I don't know what the laws are around that. How many hours can they work? What's the minimum wage? Well, for starters, you need to register your business with the Rwanda Development Board and obtain a business license. Then, you need to obtain a work permit for each of your employees before you can hire them. Additionally, you need to have a written contract with each employee outlining their duties, responsibilities, and compensation. I think $500 would be fair given the distance we travel and the time we spent working Hello, excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable means of transportation to and from my worksite? Hmm, that may be a bit more challenging. Most construction equipment used in Rwanda is imported from neighboring countries. However, there are a few stores that specialize in selling construction equipment. There's one in Nyamirambo and another in Kimironko. Thank you for coming. So, what’s the plan? I would recommend doing some research first. You can start by asking for referrals from people you know or checking online reviews. No problem. We want to make sure that you are satisfied with the work Around 100 square meters. Hi, I'm looking for someone to fix the roof of my house. Do you know where I can find a good repairman? We will fix the walls, the floors, and the roof. We will also install new electrical and plumbing systems. Hi, I'm interested in this apartment. Can you tell me what the rent is per month? Hi there, I'm interested in hiring some workers for my project. Could you tell me more about the work hours here in Rwanda? Oh, I see. Yes, you need to pay a security deposit before moving in. It is equivalent to one month's rent. Is that better for you? Okay. The price for such a house can vary depending on the materials used and the terrain of the land. But, it can cost around 20 million Rwandan francs. looking at the design, Okay, I see. This is a good design. However, the price will depend on the materials we use and the complexity of the design. I need someone to help me build a small house. Can you help me with that? I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable with the behavior of some of the other passengers. They are being very loud and aggressive. No problem, sir. I can help you understand the process. What kind of construction are you working on? My apartment is under construction, I want it to be the second one. Yes, of course. I can refer you to a qualified architect or engineer who can advise you on the code and help you prepare your plans and specifications. Of course! We make sure the foundation is strong and stable. We also use reinforced steel bars and concrete to make sure the building is strong enough to withstand any natural calamities. That's a relief. Thank you for understanding. Let's get it done right this time. Well, my sink is leaking, and I can't seem to fix it myself. Could you take a look at it for me? One thing you can do is to try and sit closer to the driver, as they usually have more authority over the passengers. You can also try to speak up and ask the driver to intervene if you feel unsafe. Well, I hired these workers to repair my house, and we agreed that they would finish the work in three days. But it's been five days now, and they haven't even finished half of it. after applying the sealant, Why is the roof still leaking? Yes, I'm sure. We use these materials for repairing roofs and ceilings all the time. Ok, that sounds like a simple project. The total cost will be around 3 million Rwandan francs. "Hello, Is everything okay? You look worried." No, welding is used to repair metal parts that have been cut or need to be reinforced. In your case, the dent can be fixed by filling it with a body filler and sanding it down to make it Okay, that's a lot of different units to keep track of. Do you think you could help me convert them to something I am more familiar with? Okay, let me see. For a house like that, it might cost around 10 million Rwandan francs. Yes, it is. We call it "siesta" or "break time." It's a cultural norm here in Rwanda. "Wall? What kind of wall?" Really? That's surprising. In my country, it's mandatory for workers to wear safety gear when doing any sort of construction work. Well, it's not necessarily a problem, but you might encounter some resistance from the local community. They might view your choice of building materials as disrespectful to their culture and It depends on the apartment, but it's usually one month's rent. At a local market in Kigali Ah, for those materials, you may need to go to some of the larger cities like Kigali or Butare. There are some suppliers there that may have what you need. Not really. Just something of good quality. It depends on the type of permit you need. If it’s a simple repair, it can be done in a few days, but if it’s a major construction, it can take several weeks. Yes, I know that building. Hi Jean, I am having some issues with understanding the payment practices for construction work here in Rwanda. Can you help me out? Alright, sir. We'll do our best to fix it as quickly as possible. Can you also give me an idea of your budget? The...um...square thing with the...um...triangle on top? Okay, 10 feet is equivalent to 3.048 meters, and 8 feet is equivalent to 2.438 meters. So the area is 7.42 square meters. That's great, thank you so much for your help. I was worried that I won't be able Yes, we have a different metallic adhesive that works well for this type of metal. Let me show you. Okay, we have those items, do you have a lot of knowledge? *nods and leads the foreigner to the main water valve* Perfect! That's exactly what I needed. Thank you for fixing it. It depends on the materials and the type of construction you want. But it can cost between 10,000 and 30,000 US dollars. I see. Does this mean that work hours are shorter? Sorry, I don't understand. I don't speak Kinyarwanda. Shows the metal repair job I need some steel beams and concrete blocks. Yes. I am here to assist you. What do you want me to do? Hey, excuse me, could you please slow down a bit? I'm feeling a little unsafe with the way you're driving. The foreigner's house in a rural area in Rwanda Yes, there are several in the area. I can provide you with a list if you'd like. Okay, I think I understand now. Thank you so much for Yes, of course. It's in the bathroom, near the sink. Yes, I can recommend a few companies and individuals who are experienced in project management and oversight. Where are you located in Rwanda? Hi, I'm interested in renting this apartment. Okay, I can come and check it out. Where is your house located? Great, thank you. I'll head to the hardware store now. A foreigner, John, is on the phone with his landlord, Mr. Karekezi. John wants to terminate his lease early, but Mr. Karekezi doesn't speak English. Okay, that sounds fair. Can you also fix my shower head? It's leaking and I can't seem to tighten it. Wait a minute, this is not what I asked for! You poured the concrete in the wrong place. I wanted the shed to be next to the house. Alright. I will make it wider now. It can vary depending on the type of wood, but usually it's around 30 centimeters or 12 inches long. I'm having trouble communicating with the workers and contractors here. I need a translator or interpreter to help me. That sounds like it could be challenging. What about finding workers for my project? In a remote village in Rwanda, a foreigner named John was looking for a reliable and trustworthy source for his project management oversight. He approached a local man named Emmanuel who was sitting under a tree. No problem at all. Do you need Yes, please. I'm looking for a place to rent, and I found this apartment. But the landlord is asking for a deposit, and I don't really understand the process. I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to move in without paying the deposit. It's part of our rental process. Later, the foreigner is in the Northern Province and approaches another local. A construction site in Kigali, Rwanda. A local construction worker is talking to a foreign construction consultant. repeating slowly, We need to clear the site first and then start building the foundation. Yes, I understand. Can you show me your property so that I can have a better idea of what you need? "Yes, I know about the construction project. What do you want me to do?" Of course. In Rwanda, it is required by law to have a written contract with your employee before they start work. The contract should outline the terms of employment, including the duration of the contract, the work schedule, compensation, and any benefits. You'll also need to provide your employees with a copy of the labor laws and regulations. It will take about a week to complete everything. Yes, sure. What are you looking for? Okay, that sounds good. But can you translate it for me in English? "Okay, thank you. Do you happen to know where I could find a specific tool as well?" We will be checking their work regularly to make sure that they are following the instructions and doing everything correctly. If there are A deposit is money you give us as a guarantee that you will rent the apartment. It's like an insurance in case you damage anything or don't pay the rent. Ah, I see. In Rwanda, it is customary to pay for construction work in stages. You should have paid a down payment before we started the work, and then you pay us at the end of each stage of the construction process. "Oh, we can fix that. We just thought it was good enough." That's good to know. Are there any other potential issues I should be aware of? I understand. Sometimes it helps to have a local partner who knows how to navigate the system. Have you considered hiring a consultant to help you with the paperwork and follow-ups? approaching the workers, Hey guys, I noticed that the work you did yesterday was not up to the standard we agreed upon. Can you please explain why? Sorry, I am looking for the construction site, do you know where it is? Alright, that makes sense. Can I pay the deposit now? That's a good idea. Do you know anyone who could help me with that? Ah, I see. Sand is usually measured in cubic meters and gravel is measured in tons. Yes, there are specific codes and regulations you need to adhere to during construction. For example, there are regulations regarding the materials you use, the dimensions of the building, and the safety of the workers. Sure. A 50kg bag is approximately 110 pounds and a block of 6 inches by 9 inches is about 15 pounds. I want to tell you that I am unable to pay our rent this month,. No problem. We Rwandans are always happy Yes, we have many skilled masons in the area. Hello, I'm interested in discussing the price of some construction work. Do you speak English? Well, first of all, I'm not sure I understand some of the technical terms often used in the construction industry here. For example, what exactly is a "paver block"? Okay, thank Sure, I'd be happy to help. Rwanda has specific safety guidelines and regulations for construction sites, which are enforced by the Rwanda Housing Authority. All construction projects require a permit and regular inspections to ensure compliance with these regulations. I understand how you feel. Some mototaxi drivers can be reckless. Just tell him to slow down or stop and let you out. Hello Jean, I am from the United States and I have been working on a construction site here in Rwanda. I have noticed that there are some differences in the way sanitation is handled here compared to the US. Can you explain to me the cultural expectations around cleanliness and sanitation on worksites here in Rwanda? I see. How much is the deposit? No problem. I am happy to have you as a tenant. Hey, I'm looking for a contractor to help me with some construction work. Can you help me? Okay, we have those things. How much do you need? The cost of insurance may vary depending on the type of construction work, its value, and duration. It is advisable to get quotes Oh, I see. Well, that means that you don't have to pay separate bills for those things. The cost is already included in your monthly rent payment. Hi, Jean! I am interested in building a small house here in Rwanda. I wonder if you could help me with some advice about local construction practices. Okay, that sounds more reasonable. Can you write down the details of the job and the price so we can have it in writing? Well, you will need to have construction liability insurance, which will protect you from any damage or injury that might occur during the construction process. You will also need to have insurance for the workers who will be working on your project. I see you have started construction on your building. That's great! Do you have any questions about the payment practices and customs here in Rwanda? Sure, so the foundation is the base of the building, and the basement is below that. We dig down for the foundation, and then we dig down even further for the basement. Okay, that’s not a problem. When would you like me to come and check it out? A foreigner, Tom is discussing with a local, Jean about payment practices and customs for construction work in Rwanda. Hi there! I was wondering if I could supervise the repair work happening on my building. Yes, sure. What type of roof repair do you need? Ah, okay. Well, you might want to consider using locally sourced materials such as adobe or mud bricks instead of cement and building blocks. Of course! What exactly are you having trouble with? I need someone to fix a leak in my roof. It's been causing damage to my ceiling. Sure, what do you need to know? Yes, actually, I am a bit confused. I am not familiar with the payment practices and customs for construction work here. How do I ensure that there are no misunderstandings in the payment process? nod and mumble in agreement There is no good way to pay your rent. What we talked about is done and there is no way to do it. The repairman proceeds to install the new brake pads and the foreigner drives away. However, soon after, he realizes that the brakes are not working properly and returns to the repairman. You can sign it right now I understand. Well, you can check out the Rwanda Private Sector Federation. They have a project management department that could be helpful. Another option is the Rwanda Development Board. They also offer project management services and oversight. Ah, I see. In that case, you should be aware that we have some extreme weather conditions in certain times of the year that can affect your work. Well, there are a few options, but they might be a bit far from here. You see, some areas in Rwanda are quite remote and difficult to access. Even if you find a supplier, you might have to pay extra for transportation. "Wow, that's quite expensive. I was hoping to pay around 5 million francs." Yes, there's a building supply store in Kigali that has a good reputation for quality materials. And for Hi, I'm looking for someone to repair the roof of my house. Do you know any good contractors around here? Hello, can you help me find a local translator or interpreter? I am struggling to communicate with the workers and contractors. Yes, there are several good companies here in Rwanda. What kind of construction project are you planning? Okay, thanks. Can you tell me how much the cement and sand cost? "Hello, excuse me. Do you speak English?" That is definitely an option we can consider. We can discuss the details and come up with a Thank you so much, Okay, I'll send someone to take a look at it. And what about the sink? Great, thank you very much for your help. I really appreciate it. Hi, I am facing some difficulties in obtaining the necessary permits and approvals for my construction project. Can you help me understand the building codes and regulations in Rwanda? The repair work is completed, but the foreigner notices that the quality is not up to his expectations It will last, trust me. We have been using this method for generations, and it has proven to be reliable. Okay, that's good to know. And what about the bricks, how much are they? looking confused, Huh? "Well, for example, the walls aren't perfectly straight, and the paint isn't quite as smooth as I would like it to be." What are the requirements for obtaining the permit? Yes, sure. What kind of construction work do you want to be done? Yes, I know some good contractors. What kind of repairs are you looking for? Ok, that's good to know. Could you break it down for me? Hello, excuse me, do you speak English? Hi, do you have a bathroom here? Yes, I can help you. What do you want me to do? Hi, I have a question about the rental agreement. I understand. Thank you for telling me. I don't want to offend anyone or cause any misunderstandings. A foreigner is visiting a construction site in Kigali and watching the workers laying bricks. Alright, thank you for your help. I appreciate it. Yes! Great, I'm glad we're on the same page. Let's get started! "Yes, of course. Where is your apartment located?" Oh, a place to sleep. You can negotiate with them and I understand. There are many good construction companies here in Rwanda. Have you considered asking for recommendations from local residents? You will need to submit your building plans to the local government office for approval. They will review your plans and ensure they meet the local building codes and regulations. If they approve, you will be issued a permit to begin construction. Oh, I see. I wasn't aware of that. Is there anything I can do to prepare for the weather conditions during the rainy season? Yes, I can do that. But I am not good at English. Can you please explain to me what it says? Yes, I can help you. What kind of repair do you need? That sounds like a great solution. Do you have any solar-powered tools in stock? Hello! No problem, I can help you a lot in our language. The same as before, 100,000 Rwandan Francs per month. Yes, it's quite common for workers to take a siesta or break in the middle of the day. Well, there's water leaking out of the pipes under the sink, and I can't seem to stop it. Sure, I know a few. What kind of work do you need? Hello, I have a maintenance issue in my apartment. There's something wrong with the toilet. That's still a bit high for my budget. Can we meet in the middle at 85,000 Rwandan Francs per month? Generally, the best time is during the dry season which is from June to September. It's usually sunny and dry during that time, making it easier to carry out the repairs. pointing at the sink, Is it fixed? Of course, I'll do my best to help. What type of material are you looking for? Hello there, I am interested in starting a construction site in Rwanda. Can you tell me about the safety and liability standards here? Yes, I know. Hello, yes. How can I help you? I see. Thank you for explaining that to me. Is there anything else I should know about this rental agreement? No, I haven't. Are they reliable and trustworthy? Hello, do you know where I can find a specific type of building material in Rwanda? Hi Emmanuel. I'm John, and I'm looking for someone to help me with a construction project. I need to build a house, and I was hoping you could help me. Okay, that sounds good. Can you explain the difference between mud and bricks? Hi, I noticed that most of the buildings here are made of brick and concrete. I was wondering why I haven't seen many buildings made of wood or other materials? Hello there! I am having a difficult time finding a reliable and trustworthy source for project management or oversight. Do you have any recommendations? "I need a small building constructed. It's important to me that I get a fair price. How much do you think it will cost?" Gravel is a bit different because its weight varies depending on the type and size of the stones. But on average, gravel weighs about 1.6 tons per cubic meter. So Ah, I see. Yes, I can fix them. Do you want me to just patch them up, or do you want me to replace the bricks? [nods and calls for a neighbor who speaks English] Sure, I am a foreigner here and I am working on a project. I am having trouble understanding some of the workers and contractors regarding the project details. Sure, I can help you with that. What kind of repairs do you need? Yes, I speak English. What do you need to know? Okay, that's a good idea. I'll definitely talk to them and see if I No problem. It's important to us that you get the help you need. That would be great. I have heard that dealing with bureaucracy in Rwanda can be a bit challenging. That's great. Thank you for your help. It depends on the distance and the availability of the transportation. But we will try our best to deliver the materials as soon as possible. What’s going on here? I said, you want to attach the beam to the post, right? Good morning, I need to obtain permits to do some repair work on my hotel. Can you help me with that? That would be great, thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Great, but can you give me more details about the specific repairs that need to be done? I am not sure about the shower system, but the lights are in multiple rooms. Sorry, I don't understand. Hello, I'm interested in starting a construction project here in Rwanda. Can you tell me about the safety standards and liability expectations on construction sites? I apologize for the delay, I have had some unexpected expenses this month. I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know it was a problem. We dress like this all the time. Worksites in Rwanda Okay, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for your help! Okay, thank you. Do you know if the process Yes, I've asked them when they'll be done and they keep saying "soon". But I don't know what that means. Yes, there are many agencies in town that offer translation and interpretation services. I can give you their contact information if Yes, sure. What do you need? I need to buy some cement, gravel, and sand for a construction project. Oh, hello! Yes, you'll need to go to the city council office to get the necessary permits and approvals for your building. I see. Is there anyone I can talk to in the government office to help speed up the process? Okay, I want you to explain it again. That makes sense. Do you know of any contractors who might be available during this time? ** Well, it can be a bit complicated but it's important to understand the risks associated with construction work and what liabilities you may face. You should speak to an insurance agent who can explain the policies and answer any questions you may have. Yes, that's what we're doing. Hello there, excuse me, do you know any reliable and trustworthy construction company around here? I want to discuss something about my rent payment. Alright We can work with that. Our prices are fair and competitive. But we'll need to see the site and understand the scope of work before we can give you an accurate estimate. Hi there. I'm having a hard time finding a reliable and trustworthy construction company in the area. Do you know of any good ones? I understand. I think I might know someone who can help. There is a carpenter's workshop in the next town over, and he might be able to get it for you. I see. I think there was a misunderstanding. In Rwanda, people tend to be more relaxed about time, so when they said three days, they might have meant three working days, not necessarily consecutive days. Also, sometimes workers may face unexpected challenges or setbacks that can delay the work. Well, there can be occasional delays due to logistics or transportation issues, but it's not usually a major problem. Just make sure you have a good contact I see. What kind of documents do I need to provide? Yes sir, the parts and labor will cost around 300,000 francs and the rest is for the additional repair work. Yes, most likely. They may ask you to buy some parts, but you have to be careful with that too. Some of them may ask you to buy expensive parts that you don't really need. Oh! That's okay, but if you want to do that, you Sure, I can help you with that. What seems to be the problem? Not exactly. Plaster is usually made of cement and sand, while Ikiraro is made of mud and stones. It's also more time-consuming and labor-intensive. A foreigner named John is having a conversation with a local builder named Emmanuel in Kigali, Rwanda about payment practices and customs for construction work. I see. Do you think this affects productivity? Great, thank you so much! How much do I owe you? Hi, excuse me. Are you from around here? Sure, we have several measures to ensure the safety of everyone on site. We have hard hats, safety boots, and reflective vests for all workers. We also have safety barriers to prevent falls and injuries. Yes, there are some regulations you need to follow. For example, you need to sort your waste into different categories before disposal. It's also important to use proper waste disposal containers and follow the schedules for waste collection. Okay, and how do I convert that to a measurement I'm familiar with? I understand. I am sorry to hear that. Do you have a specific date that you need to leave? No, I haven't thought of that. Do you know anyone who could help me? Yes, there are a few hardware stores in the area that rent out generators. There's one called "Hardware Express" just a few blocks down this street. Oh, we are working on it. It should be done soon. This is not what I asked for. We need to fill that up and start again. Yes, I know some places where you can find those kind of tools. But some of them might not be available locally. Hi there, I am calling to follow up on the repair work on my hotel room. I was told it would be finished today, but I see that it is still ongoing. Can you please give me an update? We need to discuss the materials that will be used, the size of the house, and how long it will take to complete the work. Thank you so much for your recommendations. I will look into these companies and see which one would be No problem! It's always good to help each other out. Thank you very much, sir. No, I haven't yet. I would like to explain my situation. Hello, I am looking for some construction materials. Hmm, that's quite low. I don't think I can do it for that price. But we can try to find a compromise. I am American, I need to, speak English? Good idea. I wasn't aware that the weather could impact the repair work like this. I need some cement, sand, and bricks. I also need some tools like a saw and hammer. Yes, we have plumbing supplies. What do you need? I'm in the western province, working on a construction project. I need to communicate with the workers and contractors to make sure everything is going smoothly. Hello, I am planning a trip to explore different parts of Rwanda, but I am a bit concerned about unexpected costs or delays due to issues like weather, supply chain disruptions, or political instability. Can you tell me how common these issues are in Rwanda? They are a reputable company with a lot of experience in the construction business. They have a team of skilled workers who can handle any type of project. And they are known for their professionalism and honesty. Yes, we have a set of guidelines that we follow. We make sure to wash our hands before and after work, and we also have a designated area for waste disposal. I see. What are the regulations and policies? No, that would be all. Thank you so much for your help. No, I don't. But what can I help you with? Another reliable option is ZoomKazam, which offers eco-friendly waste disposal services. They specialize in recycling and composting waste. You can contact them at +250 788 766 994. They are concrete walls. "I see. Do you know what kind of electrical issues you have?" "Hello, I'm interested in doing some construction work on my property. Do you speak English?" I need to leave Rwanda earlier than planned due to some personal reasons. I hope the landlord will understand. Well, you know, insurance in case anything goes wrong on the construction site. Okay, what's the best price you can offer? Ok, I know a good plumber who can help you with that. And for the electrical issue, are you experiencing it in a specific room or all over the house? Hello, excuse me, do you know if there are any reliable and safe means of transportation to and from my worksite? Thank you for letting me know. I really appreciate your help. speaking in Kinyarwanda to the landlord, The foreigner needs to leave Rwanda for personal reasons and wants to I need something reliable and safe. I don't want to get lost or be stranded. Yes, I would You could also try reaching out to some of the local construction Here they are. I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with all the building codes and regulations in Rwanda. That can happen sometimes. If it does, just politely tell the driver to stop and get off. You can find another one that feels safe. It's located in Kigali. I need a reliable and safe means of transportation to get to work and back home. Yes, we sell construction materials. What do you need? Yes, I am fine. Do you speak English? Yes, I can give you the number of a contractor that I know. They are usually reliable and have a good team of workers. Hello,, how may I help you? The cost varies depending on the tool, but they are generally affordable. Let me show you some options and you can pick the one that suits your budget. Excuse me, do you know where I can obtain permits or approvals for repair work in this area? Well, I'm trying to find out the best way to dispose of waste properly, and I'm not sure where to start. Okay, I understand. I agree to renew your lease for another year and the monthly rent will remain the same. Great, thank I can recommend a few good ones. Have you tried Inyange Construction Company? Good morning. Welcome to our site. Hmm, I see. This is a big project. I will have to talk to my boss and see if we can do it. For electrical work, you could try contacting Ingenzi Electricals or Eco-Electric. They both have a good reputation for their work. "Oh, I see what you mean. I apologize for the confusion. In Rwanda, we have different standards of quality, and perhaps we did not understand your expectations. Can you please show me what you would like to be improved so that we can fix it?" It's a sum of money paid upfront by the tenant as security to cover any damages or unpaid rent when they move out. Hello, are you the construction worker in charge of this project? Hi, I'm looking to purchase some construction materials for a project I'm working on. Could you tell me how much this pile of sand weighs? Excuse me, do you know where I can find a translator or interpreter? I’m having trouble communicating with the workers and contractors on my project. I see. Well, for the materials, you could try contacting a local supplier who may be able to transport them to you. And for the workers, you could check with some of the construction companies in the larger cities. They may have employees who can travel to your site. I appreciate your help. It's good to know that I might need to put in some extra effort and time to get what I need. after getting off the shared taxi, Phew, that was close. Thank you for stopping the car, driver. That’s good advice. Thank you. smiling, Yes, I can start digging now. Thank you so much for understanding. I really appreciate it. I understand your concern. You can check out Aspire Africa, they have a good reputation for project management and oversight. Hello, I am looking for some construction materials. Can you help me? Wood can be a good building material, but it is becoming scarce, and it's pretty expensive. I would like to have a word with you Yes, I can. What kind of work do you want to be done? But you didn't use the right materials. For the holes, you should have used spackle or putty, and for the tiles, you should have used the same type and size as the existing ones. Thank you for the recommendation. Do you have any other suggestions? reads the translation, Ah, I see. The monthly rent is 150,000 Rwandan Francs. Not really. In fact, many people find that taking a break in the middle of the day helps them to rejuvenate and be more productive in the afternoon. Well, there are some smaller hardware stores and building supplies shops in other towns like Butare, Gisenyi and Rwamagana. But you might have to do some research to find them. Hi, can you help me? I need some information about insurance and liability coverage for construction work here in Rwanda. Oh, that's a bit far. You can take a shared taxi, locally known as "taxi-velo" or "taxi reads the translation on the phone, Thank you. That is a fair price. Can we sign the contract now? Still confused, Okay, but why are you dressed so formally like it's a wedding or something? Thank you! That's very helpful. And what about finding an electrician? Do you know anyone who can help me? on a shared mototaxi, Hey, driver. Can you slow down a bit? I think this guy behind me is trying to steal my phone. Contractors for what? A deposit? What's that for? Hello, John. Safety is a top priority on construction sites here in Rwanda. All contractors are expected to comply with the government's safety regulations and guidelines to ensure the safety of workers and the public. That's interesting. In my country, we usually work straight through the day without taking a break. Is it something that is expected by employers here? Hello, I'm looking for a contractor to help with some construction work. Can you help me? Thank you so much. I appreciate your help. The foreigner is in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda. The local is in a rural area of the country. Yes, there is another construction company called Kigali Construction Services. They are also known for their quality work and professionalism. A deposit? What is that for? Actually, yes. If you can provide us with some extra hands, we can finish the job faster. Of course. What are you looking to build? Kigali Roofing Company or Rwandaplast are both reputable roofing companies in Kigali. Hi there, I'm having a bit of trouble finding someone skilled to do some specialized repair work. Do you know anyone who might be able to help? Do you know any contractors who can do the job? That sounds good, but I want to make sure we are on the same page about the scope of the work. I need you to be specific about what needs to be done. You get it back when you move out of the property, as long as there's no damage and you've paid all your rent. Hi there, do you know any plumber or electrician nearby? Hello, I wanted to pay my rent for this month. What do you mean? We measured the building like you said. It's okay. These things happen sometimes. Just make translating, The tenant will provide all the necessary information. It's expected that everyone takes responsibility for keeping the worksite clean. We have designated supervisors who monitor the site and make sure everyone is following the guidelines. If someone doesn't follow the rules, they may receive a warning or be asked to leave the worksite. Sure, safety is taken very seriously here in Rwanda. Our government has put in place regulations that must be followed by all construction companies. in Kinyarwanda, They will come soon. Don't worry. And how long will it take? Thank you for your help. I will make sure to follow Okay, that's fine. Can you tell me the prices of these items? Good morning, yes I can give you an estimate. What kind of construction work do you need? I'm not really familiar with them. Can you give me some information about the building codes and regulations? Well, I need some repairs done on the roof and some electrical work done as well. Do the workers need any sort of guidance or supervision from me? Yes, there are a few companies that provide project management services in this region. But you have to be careful while selecting one. It's not heating up properly. I tried to cook last night and it took much longer than usual to cook the food. Okay, thank you. Do you have any tips for staying safe in a shared taxi or mototaxi? Thank you. Can you tell me the prices? Hi, I am looking to hire a contractor for some construction work on my property. Can you tell me how payment is usually done here? Hi, I'm planning to build a house here in Rwanda. I was thinking of using some modern building materials and techniques. Do you think that would be a good idea? No, that's Well, I need something that is reliable, safe and can accommodate my equipment. Inspections are usually done before you move in and after you move out. Your landlord or property manager will inspect the property to ensure that everything is in good condition before you move in, and they will also inspect it after you move out to make sure that you have left Hello! Is it necessary to see the monthly rent? Sure. What kind of repairs do you need to make? I see. Well, you could try some of the larger suppliers like Home Depot or Builders' Warehouse. They might have what you're looking for. It can take several weeks or even months, depending on the complexity of the project and how quickly you can provide all the necessary information and documents. That's a good idea. Do you know of any individuals or organizations that I could reach out to? Yes, they have a website where you can see their previous projects and get in touch with them. You can also ask for references if you want to. "I don't want to spend too much, but I want the work to be done well." Excuse me, do you know where I can get a reliable and safe means of transportation to and from my worksite? I was thinking around Yes sure. What kind of tools do you need? I have to leave Rwanda earlier than I thought. I need to go back to my home country as soon as possible. I'm not sure how long I'll need your services for, but I'm willing to pay a fair price for your help. Of course, sir! What seems to be the problem? Well, you'll need to speak with your landlord and get their permission. Do you speak Kinyarwanda? Good afternoon. I am having difficulty finding certain areas in the country where materials or workers are available. Do you have any suggestions on how I can go about this? The second section talks about the rent. It states the amount and the payment schedule. You'll be required to pay the rent on the first of every month. Okay, thanks. Is there anything else I need to know? Welcome to Rwanda. It's great to have you here. I see. Well, the first step is to familiarize yourself with the building codes and regulations. You can find them online, or you can visit the local government office and ask for a copy. Yes, there is. One meter is equivalent to 3.28 feet, so you can use that conversion factor to convert. Got it. Thanks for clarifying. Okay, I understand. How should we go about doing that? Well, some contractors hire workers and transport them from other parts of the country. It's also common to have materials transported from Kigali or other places. But it can be costly. Yes, I have looked around in Kigali, but I haven't found what I am looking for. Yes, there are a few places around here. You can check the local classifieds or ask around. There are also some real estate agents Yes, how can I assist you? Water is leaking from the faucet in the bathroom and I don't know how to fix it. Can you take a look? My services are very affordable. We can work out a reasonable rate once we discuss the details of your project. Oh, I see. That is good to know. I did not realize that. I have been telling my workers to wear shorts and t-shirts because it is so hot outside. Alright, I'll do that. But who pays for the repairs? I need to build a small house, but I'm having trouble finding a trustworthy and reliable company. I'm sorry, I misunderstood your instructions. Is there anything I can do to help fix the mistake? I'm sorry, I don't speak Kinyarwanda. Do you speak English? "Well, we ran out of materials and didn't know what to do next." You're welcome. It's always good to keep our environment Okay, that sounds good. How long does it usually take to get the necessary approvals? It's in Kigali. Well, we usually use the same materials to Hi, I noticed that the construction work is not up to the standard that we agreed on. The bricks are not aligned properly, and the building structure doesn't seem sturdy enough. An hour later, the plumber has fixed the faucet I'm sorry, I don't understand. Do you speak English? Not really. With proper maintenance and upkeep, mud and stones can last for years. Plus, they have good insulation properties, which is ideal for the Rwandan climate. "Sure. We need to take off the old roof and put a new one, and then fix the walls." We have our own system of supervision. We will make sure that everything is done properly. I'm looking for a plumber or electrician to fix some issues in my house. Can you help me find one? That sounds like a good recommendation, what services do they offer? That's a good idea. Ah, I see. I'm sorry, I don't speak much English. Do you speak Kinyarwanda? Yes, I agree. But despite these challenges, Rwanda is still a great place to do business. The government is very supportive, and there are a lot of opportunities here. I want quality materials but I also want to keep the cost down. Hi there, do you know any local workers or contractors who can help me with some work in my farm during the planting season? responds in Kinyarwanda If you want to terminate your lease before its expiry, you'll need to give notice to the landlord at least one month in advance. You'll also need to Ah, I understand. Let me take a look. Yes, that's fine. Thank you so much. Yes, it's been great. But I'm having some trouble understanding what documents you're asking for. "Hello, can I help you with something?" Yes, they do. They require that the service providers have relevant experience, qualifications, and references. They also conduct background checks to ensure they are reliable and trustworthy. Oh, yes! You want to extend the lease? Okay, I'll do that. Can I arrange for delivery? They find the landlord and the translator helps the foreigner explain the situation and ask for permission to sublet the apartment. The translator also helps negotiate the terms and conditions, and ensures that both parties understand the agreement. Yes, he can write down the price for you. Ah, I see. We use the metric system here, so everything is measured in meters and kilograms. But I can help you convert them to the imperial system if that's what you're used to. They travel to the landlord's location That's good to know. Thank you for your help! I'm sorry but I don't understand your question. Would you like me to call someone who speaks English better? Can I help you with something? Oh, I see. Thanks for letting me know. Do you have any advice for when the best time to get my car repaired is? That's a great suggestion. I'll try that as well. Thanks for your help. That's interesting. Does it affect productivity in any way? I hadn't thought about that. When does the rainy season usually occur? I want to stay in this apartment for another year. Can we sign a new contract? For 10 bags of cement, you will need about 2 cubic meters of sand. "Okay. I know a good electrician. Let me call him for you." in Kinyarwanda, "This is a foreigner who needs to leave the country for a while and would like to have someone else rent the apartment while they are away." You'll need to submit your architectural plans to the city or district office for review. They'll check to make sure your plans meet the Okay, thanks for the advice. It's important to make sure that all the costs and fees are clearly stated in the contract before the work begins. This way, there are no surprises when it comes time to pay. Oh, okay. I understand now. Oh, I'm sorry. I misunderstood you. I thought you wanted it wider. Oh, I see. You can try using the hotel’s generator, but the power supply can be inconsistent. Wait, beams? I thought you said you use columns. Got it. What about the cost of repairs? It should be 2 feet wide and 3 feet deep. Yes, there's a leak in my bathroom. Water is dripping from the ceiling. I can lower the price to 9 million francs. Two days later, the foreigner attempts to repair the wall, but finds that the cement is not spreading evenly and is cracking as it dries. Oh, I understand. You want us to remove the windows and doors that are already in place and install new ones. A few days later There's a hole in the wall that needs to be patched up. I understand, thank you for explaining it to me. How much is the deposit? Absolutely! They have a good reputation for quality workmanship and they use the latest technology and materials. It's called the "siesta" or "rest time". It's a cultural practice here where people take a break from work to rest and eat lunch. Great, thanks! I'll give him a call. It usually takes a few weeks, but it can be longer if there are any complications or if there is a high volume of applications. That would be great. What do I need to do? Hello. In the rural areas, waste management is a bit different. We usually use composting and burning methods to dispose of waste. I need 20 bags of cement, 10 bags of sand, and 500 bricks. Oh, I see. Thanks for explaining. So, can you give me an estimate of how I'm sorry, I still don't understand. I'm willing to pay this amount, but I would like to know if there's any way we can lower the rent. I'm having difficulties obtaining the necessary permits and approvals to begin construction on my house. I'm not sure what kind of documentation I need to submit. Well, one of the passengers keeps insisting on playing his music really loudly, and another one keeps making inappropriate comments to me. I would like to use an example to explain the truth in Kinyarwanda because I am confused. I want to apologize for being late with my rent because I did not receive any news. Okay, for the concrete mix you can try contacting CIMERWA, they produce high-quality cement that can be used for your project. For the steel rods, you can contact SteelRWA, they specialize in producing high-quality steel products for construction. Of course, sir. What seems to be the problem with your car? Okay, I'll try that. Thank you for your help. How long does that usually take? No, I haven't. I am new in this area, and I don't know anyone. I need to fix this wood to that pole. Oh, I see. Thank you for explaining that. What about the vertical poles that support the structure of a building? nodding head, Yes, there is a local person who speaks English fluently. I will call him right now. Sorry, our prices are fixed. Yes, I need someone who can speak English and Kinyarwanda fluently. I appreciate you sharing this insight with me. I think it's important to consider different cultural practices when working in different countries. I appreciate your effort, but I still expect the work to be done on time. Can you offer me a discount for the inconvenience caused? No, that’s all. Thank you for your help. I understand. I just want to make sure that everyone is safe and that the work is done properly. I see. But, what about the risk of fire? Mud and bamboo are known to be flammable. Sure, I can recommend a local builder who can fix it for you. But before we do that, can you show me where the leak is coming from? Yes, we can discuss the options in The next day, the foreigner brings the car to the garage. Oh, I'm sorry. But you can use cement to repair walls too. Hello, Emmanuel. I am looking for a reliable and trustworthy source for my project management oversight. Do you know anyone who can help me with this? I don't understand what you mean. Okay, for plastic waste and recyclable materials, you can take them to the nearest recycling center. For general waste, you can contact the local waste management company. They can come to your hotel and collect the waste for you. Okay, I understand. Do you know where the problem is? Is it the pipes or the wiring? Okay, so I need about 2000 kilograms of sand for ten bags of cement? Firing someone can be a bit more complicated. You need to follow a I see. That's helpful. But what about the permits? How do I get them? I see. I don't want to compromise on quality, but I also don't want to exceed my budget. Can you suggest some alternatives? That's great! I'll definitely check those places out. Thanks for your help. Thank you, I really appreciate it. That sounds promising. Do you know any other companies? Sure, Tom. In Rwanda, construction companies are required to have liability insurance coverage for any damages that may occur on the site. The insurance should cover both the workers and the equipment used. Oh, I didn't know that. When is the best time to get repair work done then? Hi there, excuse me, do you know where I can find a construction site around here? Well, I am having difficulty obtaining the necessary permits and approvals for my construction project. I am not sure if I am doing everything correctly. I love you,, I am sorry I am late with my rent payment. Oh, I didn't realize that. Thank you for pointing that out. Can you fix it? Ah, I can help you with that. I'm afraid I can't go any lower than that. The cost of materials and labor is quite high these days. Sorry, I don't know what that means. When workers come to your house to do repairs or any other work, it is important to dress modestly, especially if you are a woman. First, you need to submit your project plan to the City of Kigali for review. Once approved, you will be issued with a construction permit. However, the process is not as easy as it seems, and it can take a while. Great, do you know if they have a website or any online reviews that I could check out? Hi there, I'm looking for a specific type of building material, but I'm having trouble finding it. Do you know where I can find it? Yes, we've spoken to a few, but it seems like they don't have the coverage we need or that the premiums are too high. Is it always this difficult? Hi there, do you know any local plumber or electrician around here? Hi, excuse me. I'm having trouble finding a reliable and safe means of transportation to and from my worksite. Do you have any suggestions? Okay, that's good. Do you know if your landlord speaks English? That makes sense. What about any additional costs or fees? Okay, but I'm more familiar with feet. Is there an easy way to convert from meters to feet? I see. Can you explain more about it? Okay, got it. Thank you so much for your help. Yes, I know a few people who can help with that. What kind of work are you doing? We need to dig a hole in the ground, where the house will be built. This is called the foundation. Do you understand now? We need to fix some leaky roofs and repair some damaged walls. Okay, I will look into that. But what about the cost of insurance? Is it expensive? Okay, we can take a look at it. Can you show me the car? Generally, workers prefer to be paid in cash. You should pay them after the work is completed. It's important to give them the exact amount that you agreed upon. A street in Kigali, Rwanda It's hard to say without a plan. Can you give me an idea of what your budget is? Sure, I'd be happy to help. First of all, safety is a top priority in Rwanda when it comes to construction sites. There are regulations that require builders to follow specific safety guidelines to ensure that the workers and the public are protected. Alright. I will get the tools and start digging. Hi, I am planning to visit different parts of Rwanda, but I am concerned about the potential for unexpected costs or delays. I have heard about issues like weather, supply chain disruptions, or political instability. Can you provide me with some information regarding this? Um, I'm not sure. What's the difference? I see. Is there anything else I can do to make the process easier? Let's not argue, I want to see your reason in writing. In Kigali, you can contact the Rwanda Development Board or the Private Sector Federation. They have a database of reputable companies and individuals who can provide project management and oversight services. Hello, I'm interested in hiring some local workers or contractors for my project, do you know where I can find them? Yes, they are. The construction company is responsible for the safety of their workers and the public. If there is an accident or injury on site, they can be held liable and may face legal action. Sounds good. I'll see you then. You should avoid wearing revealing clothes, such as shorts or mini-skirts, and instead wear something that covers your legs and arms. It is also best to wear a headscarf. I see. I didn't know that. Thank you for letting me know. No problem. Is there anything else you would I'm looking for steel roofing sheets. Do you know where I can purchase them? His name is John. Here is his phone number. The price of bricks is 120 RWF per piece, and you will need about 3000 pieces for a small construction. It's okay. I appreciate your willingness to fix the problem. Let's work together to ensure that we achieve the desired quality and standard of work. Really? That's interesting. In my country, we usually just use cement to create the mortar. I need workers who can help me with the foundation, walls, and roofing. I'm sorry, I didn't know. What do I need to do to make sure my plans comply with the regulations? I'm willing to pay extra for the materials. Do you know of any specific suppliers I could contact? I need to terminate my lease early. I have to leave Rwanda for personal reasons. Great, I'll get back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, would you like to explore some of the local construction materials available in Rwanda? I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're asking. Could you repeat the question? You could face penalties, fines, or even demolition of the building. It's important to follow the regulations to ensure the safety of the occupants and the Yes, I do. How can I assist you? Hi, John. Can you explain to me the insurance requirements for construction work in Rwanda? Ah, I see. Do you know where the leak is coming from? Okay, I understand. Let me get started right away. Sure. The regulations are in place to ensure that buildings are safe and up to standard. You'll need to submit your building plans to the Rwanda Housing Authority for approval. They'll review the plans and make sure they meet the requirements. Yes, there are many options. You can take a moto or a taxi. I can understand that. But doesn't it affect your business hours? I mean, what if a customer wants to buy something during the siesta? Well, I'm not sure what the rules are for hiring and firing workers. Can you give me some guidance? Sure, what exactly are you looking for? Sure, I can help you with that. Have you tried the local power company? Yes, there are a few options available. What type of project are you working on? Good morning. I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. Yes, hi there. I'm having some trouble with the repair work being done on my building. The workers didn't finish the job on time and I'm not sure when they'll be back to complete it. What type of repair do you need to do? Is it a minor repair or a major one? "Yes, of course! What kind of work do you need done?" I'm sorry to hear that. Is there something specific that's making you feel unsafe? Hi, do you know where I can find reliable sources for waste management and disposal? yes, please tell me. Sorry, sir, but we have encountered some miscommunication among our team regarding the timeline for completing the repair work. I can only imagine. Is there anything you do to prepare for the extreme weather? I don't understand. Can you write down the rent price? Hi there, excuse me, do you know where I can find a hardware store around here? Generally, small repairs such as fixing a leaking faucet or changing a light bulb are the responsibilities of the tenant. However, major repairs such as fixing a broken HVAC system or plumbing issues are the responsibilities of the landlord. Hello, I'm looking for a specific type of building material that I cannot seem to find in Rwanda. Do you know where I can get it? Hi, I'm having some trouble understanding the rental agreement. It's written in Kinyarwanda, and I don't speak the language. Hi, what happened here? Why did you remove all the bricks? Good morning! I'm doing well, thank you. How are you? Okay, thank you for letting me know. I will make sure I need the fine sand. And for the bricks, I need the regular size. Hello, excuse me, do you know where I can find some tools and equipment for repairing my car? Oh, I see. You want to do a "kucya" I see. What happens if I don’t follow the regulations? Hi there. I'm on a worksite and I noticed that people have different expectations around cleanliness and sanitation. I'm not sure how to navigate this. Sure. Can you tell me what kind of difficulties you're having? It depends, usually about an hour or two. But it also depends on the type of work and the employer's preference. Hi, I am looking for someone to help me with my farm. Do you know anyone who can help? Hi, I'm having some trouble finding the right tools to fix my car. Do you know where I can find a good hardware store around here? Thanks, but I have to admit that I'm a bit worried about potential delays or unexpected costs. I've heard that the weather can be unpredictable, and I'm not sure if there are any political issues that could impact my plans. Thank you so much for your help! I appreciate it. Yes, there are quite a few but it depends on where exactly you are looking for one. I didn't know that. What should I do then? I need enough for a small house. Can you give me a quote? We need to build a fence around this area. Sure, I'd be happy to help. What specifically are you having trouble with? Phone rings "Yes, I can get them all. And what about the Thank you for your advice. I will make sure to keep all these things I need some steel pipes and concrete blocks for a project I'm working on. Do you know any good suppliers? I’m sorry to hear that. Where are you headed? In Rwanda, the labor laws are quite strict, and it's important to follow them to avoid any issues. When hiring an employee, you need to provide them with a written contract outlining their duties, pay, and any other benefits they may receive. You also need to register them with the social security fund, and provide them with appropriate safety equipment and training. Okay. I will show you some options. Follow me, please. Ah, I see. Some of the specialized tools and equipment are not available in Rwanda. You might need to go to neighboring countries like Kenya or Uganda to find them. That sounds good. Do you have any names or contact information for these companies? Yes, we have many construction materials, what are you looking for? Excuse me, could you please ask the driver to stop the bike? I need to get off. Okay, sounds good. Thank you. I am sorry, I do not understand what you are saying. Hi, I need to have some repair work done on my building. Can you help me with that? You're welcome. Remember to always ask for references and Sorry about that. Sometimes we try to get our passengers to their destination as quickly as possible, but I'll slow It's not about modernizing, but rather preserving our culture and identity. These houses have been built for centuries and are a part of our heritage. Besides, not everyone can afford modern materials. I'm not sure if that kind of material is available here in Rwanda. But you can try looking for it at hardware stores in Kigali or other major cities. I have, but I'm not sure I completely understand what they're offering. It's all in Kinyarwanda and some of the terms are unfamiliar to me. Alright, I got it. Thank you for explaining everything. Of course, cleanliness and hygiene are very important to us here in Rwanda. It's a sign of respect and consideration for others. In a worksite like this, it's important to keep the area clean and tidy to avoid accidents and injuries. That's a good idea, I could use some alternative options. It doesn't matter, just any large, sturdy rocks will do. "I need some walls built and some electrical work done. Can you give me a quote?" I want to leave here,. gestures to indicate "want to leave" and "here" Hi there, do you know where I can find specialized construction materials? I'm having a hard time finding a local supplier for what I need. That's a good idea. Do you know any reliable online stores or suppliers? Yes, but they are either too expensive or not willing to ship to Rwanda. Thank you. I think we need to be clear about the level of supervision required for any future repair work. It's important to avoid miscommunication. Few minutes later I noticed that you don't use as many machines as we do in the States, and also your bricks and cement seem different. Good afternoon, how may I assist you? Hello, do you have any materials for repairing a cracked wall? Oh, I understand now. Thank you for explaining. I see. Well, in Rwanda, we have a different approach to supervision. Our workers are highly skilled and trained to complete the job efficiently without much supervision. Yes, I can explain. You will need to pay the rent on time every month, take care of the property and not cause any damage, and Here, they have a variety of building materials. You might be able to find something similar to what you're looking for. surprised, Oh, I see. I didn't know that. Yes, please. How much is the monthly rent? Sure. During the rainy season which falls between mid-September and May, it might be challenging to carry out repairs. Heavy rainfalls can cause flooding, landslides, and other extreme weather conditions that could delay your repairs. We're thinking of building in a more rural area. Do you think we'll have trouble finding workers there? I understand, but I wish they had communicated that to me. I have One month's rent? That seems a bit high. Weather conditions? What do you mean? Really? I didn't know that. I was thinking of using concrete and brick for my house. Hello. Yes, I can recommend a few. What kind of construction project are you looking to undertake? If you experience any issues, the best thing to do is to stay calm and seek assistance from the appropriate authorities. Rwanda is known for its hospitable people who are always willing to help visitors in need. I need some holes in the walls and ceilings fixed, and some tiles replaced in the bathroom. That makes sense. But we need to get the road fixed as soon as possible. Do you have any suggestions on how we can work around this? Good morning. I was wondering if we could talk about the rent price? Alright, that's quite a lot. Do you have a vehicle to transport these? Yes, there's also Build It Rwanda. They are a new company, but they have already gained a good reputation in the industry. They offer a wide range of services, and they are known for their attention to detail. Got it. Thanks for explaining. I'll make sure to tell the other workers what needs to be done. That sounds like a long time. Is there any way to expedite the process? Yes, we can build it that high. We just need to make sure we have enough materials. Hi there, do you know where I could find some tools and equipment for repair work around here? Okay, I understand. But what about hygiene? Don't mud houses attract pests and diseases? I need to fix the plumbing and replace some electrical wiring. But I don't know where to start. After a few minutes, the landlord's friend arrives. The requirements vary depending on the type of property you want to build. However, the first step is to visit the City of Kigali Construction One-Stop Center. They will guide you through the process and provide you with all the necessary information. No, no, no. I told you to dig up only the area where the foundation will be laid. This is a huge misunderstanding. Alright, I understand. How long does the process take? Yes, I would recommend that you do some research on Sure, there are many options. You can use a taxi or a motorcycle taxi, known as a "moto." Well, it depends on the size of the building, the materials needed, and how much work is required. Do you have any plans or specifications? I see. Thank you so much for explaining this to me. I really appreciate it. Yes, of course. I'll call a friend who speaks English. That will be 60,000 Rwandan francs in total. Excuse me, can you help me understand the units of measurement that are used for construction materials here in Rwanda? I am not familiar with them and I am having a hard time converting them. Hi there, do you happen to know where I can find a specific type of building material? Okay, we can take a look. Do you want to supervise the work or would you like us to handle it independently? Sure, the materials will cost about 30 million, and the labor will cost about 20 million. Ok, I think I know what you need. Follow me, I know a store where you can find those items. I see. What about the construction materials? Are there any restrictions on what materials I can use? A local market in Kigali. Okay, let's go take a look at the site and see what we can do. Yes, we have. How much do you need? Oh, I see. I will send someone to fix it. Is tomorrow morning okay? Remove the bricks? About two days. It's medical equipment. We need someone who can repair it quickly and efficiently. What do you suggest? Okay, but I need to supervise the work to ensure that it is done correctly. It depends on the agreement, but usually it's a Hi there, can you help me understand what needs to be done here? Okay, I'll try that. Thank you for your help Just a small house, nothing too fancy. I was thinking of using cement for the foundation and walls. Hi, can you help me out? I am looking for a reliable and trustworthy construction company to work with. Do you have any recommendations? Okay, what do you need me to do? Hello. Yes, there are a few repair shops around here. I can recommend a couple of them. But, you may want to check the weather forecast before you go. slowly, Rent price. How much does it cost to rent this house? Sir, we have enough stock for your order. The total price is 300,000 Rwandan francs. It's a small commercial building. Yes, I'm here to oversee the construction of a new building. I want to make sure everything is up to safety standards. What about firing an employee? Another option you can consider is working with local project management associations, such as the Rwanda Project Management Association RwPMA,. They can help connect you with certified project managers who have experience in your industry. Hello, welcome. Can you please explain to me what you mean by renew? Well, it's not that we don't use those materials. It's just that wood and mud are more accessible and cheaper for most people. Yes, you can. However, you need to follow the legal process. You need to provide written notice of at least one month for workers who have been employed for less than six months, and two months for those who have been employed for over six months. Yes, I can do it. We will start tomorrow. Yes, their number is +250 788 302 200. You can also visit their website at rwandgreen.com for more information. Hi. Thank you for coming. Here are the tiles that I bought. Can you do the work now? Yes, I'm also looking for a skilled "mason" to build the house. A local government office in Rwanda. Well, there's a strange noise coming from the engine. It's been going on for a few days now. [nods in understanding] Ah, I see. I will need to find someone to replace you. Is there a reason why you need to leave early? "Hello, I'm looking for someone to help me with some construction work. Do you speak English?" That's a valid concern, but there are ways to make traditional building materials more earthquake-resistant, such as using reinforced concrete or bamboo. It's important to consider local building codes and regulations, and to consult with local experts to ensure that your house is safe and structurally sound. It's going well, but we have run into a problem. Thank you, that's helpful. But I'm also looking for some tools and equipment that are not commonly found in Rwanda. Do you know if there are any specialty stores that sell construction equipment? Excuse me, do you know any reliable and trustworthy construction companies around here? Thank you. Actually, there's one more thing. I need some specialized tools for my bike. Do you have any bike repair kits? Hi, I have been trying to build a house in this area, but I'm having trouble getting the locals to understand my building plans. Can you help me? confused, I'm sorry, I That makes sense. I noticed that there are no bins around the site. How do you manage waste? I am working on a construction project, and I am having difficulty obtaining the necessary insurance and liability coverage. Do you know where I can get help with that? Oh, yes. You can try the Rwanda Development Board or the Rwanda Governance Board. They have a lot of experience in project management and oversight. Can you give me some examples of those things? Yes, there are a few options available. You can use the public buses, moto-taxis or hire a personal driver. I need enough to build a small wall. Maybe 500 bricks, 10 bags of cement, and a few truckloads of sand. His name is Jean, but I don't have his number. Ah, okay. I speak English too. My name is Jean, and I'm the landlord of this apartment building. What's your name? "Excuse me, can you stop the bike, please?" I need to talk to my landlord about subletting my apartment, but he doesn't speak English. Do you know how I can talk to him? You can find out by doing some research on the company. Look for reviews online or ask around to see if they have a good track record. Yes, I want to work out a solution because I'm late. You'll need to attend a community meeting and present your plans to the people there. They'll ask you questions and give their feedback. Then, they'll vote on whether or not to approve your plans. It usually takes around a week to do those kinds of repairs. But before we start, I have to ask you something. No, I'm new to the area, so I don't know any. Okay, I know a guy who can help you with that. His garage is just a few blocks away from here. I'll take you there. Yes, I understand. I just need some time to get used to them. Thank you for your help. You need to contact an insurance company here I want to build a small house in my garden. Can you help me with that? What do you mean? Yes, I want to build a small commercial space in a residential area. But I'm not sure what the requirements are for the construction. Yes, I need some renovations done on my house. I need the roof fixed, some walls repaired, and some new electrical wiring installed. I understand. Well, first of all, you need to get an architect or engineer who is registered with the local professional board to design your building. Then, they will submit the plans to the city council for approval. I need some sealant and a few pipes. Well, if you're in Kigali, I'd recommend checking out the Union Trade Center or the Kimihurura branch of Builders Corner. They both have a good selection of construction materials, including some imported options. Sure, I can help you with that. What seems to be the problem with your car? I understand, but that is not possible. We cannot compromise on the quality of the materials or the workmanship. Our prices are already very reasonable. Of course, what areas of the country are you trying to access? Well, I noticed that some workers don't wear gloves or wash their hands before starting work. Is that normal here? Hi there, I'm looking to hire some workers for a construction project I have. Can you tell me what the payment practices are here in Rwanda? Later in the day, the foreigner comes back to check on the progress Yes, I have a colleague who can help us. Please wait for a moment. Okay, that sounds fair. Can we write up a contract to make sure we both understand the terms of the agreement? Sure, let me take a look. Hmm, it looks like there might be some confusion about the payment Good morning! I need to fix my car, do you know any mechanic around? Kigali City Alright. There are many local construction companies here that can do the work for you. Have you tried asking around or doing some research online? Hello there, could you help me find a local supplier for specialized or imported construction materials? I'm having trouble finding one. I want you to help me build the walls first. What do you Hello there, I am looking to repair my rental property. Can you tell me the procedures and regulations for that in this part of Rwanda? Yes, sure. What type of materials are you looking for? Not really. I'm not from here, so I might need some help understanding the terminology. We should be done by the end of next week. We'll make sure to inform you if there are any further delays. I understand. It can be difficult to find a reputable company. However, I know of a few companies that have a good reputation and have done quality work in the past. I can recommend a few. Have you heard of Kigali Construction? They are a well-known company in the region and have a good reputation for quality work. Rwanda is generally quite stable these days, but there are occasional outbreaks of violence or protests. It's always a good idea to stay informed about any potential risks in the area you plan to visit. Yes, please go ahead. In Kigali, Rwanda, a foreigner named Mark is supervising the construction of a new hotel. He is talking to a local construction worker named Emmanuel. Yes, that’s fine. Can you tell me the price of each item? Sure, for a small construction project, you will need about 10 tonnes of sand and 20 tonnes of gravel. I see. Have you checked with any hardware stores or auto parts shops around here? Yes, I know of some sources that can help you. What kind of project are you working on? There are many options for transportation in Kigali, including buses, taxis, and motorcycle taxis. Hello! I'm trying to find some local workers or contractors for a project I'm working on, but I'm having some trouble finding people who are available during certain times of the year. Do you know anyone who might be able to help me out? Shakes head indicating no That's great to hear. What should I do to maintain cleanliness on the worksite? I am sure they would be interested. They are always looking for new opportunities to showcase their skills. Good morning, I would like to renew my lease for another year. No problem. In the meantime, if you need any other recommendations for things to do or places That's a great idea. Thank you for your help. A foreigner is working on a construction project in a rural area of Rwanda. They are trying to communicate with a local construction worker, but there is a communication breakdown due to their misunderstanding of local construction terminology and jargon. Right here is where I want the fence to start. Hello, I'm here to help translate. What's the question? Hmm, that's a tough one. We don't have many specialized technicians in this region. What kind of equipment is looks at the sketch, Okay, this is a good plan. If you want to use good quality materials then I can do it for you at a cost of $10,000. Hmm, that sounds promising. Do you know if they have any ongoing projects at the moment? Okay, that makes sense. What about the actual repair process? Is there any specific protocol I need to follow? Yes, cement is 10,000 RWF per bag, bricks are 100 RWF each, and sand is 50,000 RWF per truckload. Yes, please. But, before that, can you tell me about the deposit? Alright, let me help you with that. A cubit is approximately 18 inches, which is equivalent to 1.5 feet. So if your wooden planks are measured in cubits, you can multiply that number by 1.5 to get the length in feet. They take a few minutes to review the document I see. So, is it okay for me to take a siesta as well? Yes, I recommend you consult with a local architect or construction company. They have the expertise and experience to guide you through the process and ensure that your project meets all the necessary requirements. It depends on the distance and duration of your trip. You can negotiate with the driver and come up with a fair price. That's great to hear. Do you know where I can find more information on these policies and initiatives? Hello, I am interested in constructing a house here in Rwanda. Can you help me with the construction work? Ah, I understand now. So you need workers to help you build a new bridge over the river? A foreigner named John is talking to a local named David. Yes, I have but I was hoping to use drywall because it's easier to install and I'm familiar with it. approaching Emmanuel, Hey, Emmanuel, can you explain to me what you just told the guys to do? Hello sir! The repair work is ongoing, but we have encountered some challenges that have caused delays. Well, I need some cement, bricks, and sand. --After a few hours of work-- Oh no! What have you done? Ah, now I understand. So you want to stay here for three more months? Hi Tom, I'm good. How about you? That would be great. How long do you think it will take to find another tenant? The plumber and electrician will be here shortly. They'll assess the problem and give you a quote. looking at the workers, I want to renovate this hotel. Can you give me an estimate of how much it will cost and how long it will take? Hello, can you tell me where I can buy some materials to repair my wall? Yes, I can help you. What kind of walls do you have now? Well, you could try asking politely if they could lower their voices. Most people will listen if you ask nicely. But if you feel unsafe or threatened, it's best to just get off at the next stop and take another taxi. Sure, I can help you with that. What specifically do you want to know? Of course, I can take you to the hardware store and help you pick the right materials for your repair work. That way, you can be sure that the repair will be That's interesting. I never knew that. Thank you for explaining it to me. Why do you want to terminate your lease early? Hi, I am going to Kigali city center. Do you know how long it takes to get there? Ah, I see. Yes, it can be difficult to obtain that kind of coverage here. Have you tried speaking with an insurance company? Sure, what exactly are you trying to repair? Why is it so difficult? Hi, can you tell me about the potential risks of doing business in Rwanda? "I'm not exactly sure. How much do you think it will cost?" Thanks! And do you know where I can find some skilled workers for my project? Yes, sure. We just place it on the ground like this and make sure the bubble is in the middle. Supervise the work? What do you mean? Hmm, I think I am not making myself clear. I need to explain to you what kind of work I need to do at the construction site. No problem. And remember, if you ever feel really unsafe, don't hesitate to Excuse me, I noticed that some of your workers take a break in the middle of the day. Is this normal in Rwanda? Okay, I understand. How long will it take to fix? Please tell me more. Is it fixed yet? I had no idea. Thank you for letting me know. I will make sure to talk to my workers and have them change their clothes. Well, they are, but depending on what you need to repair, you might need to add other materials like stones or gravel to provide more strength to the wall. Well, I'm not familiar with the building codes and regulations in Rwanda, so I'm not sure what requirements I need to meet to get the permit. That's interesting. In my home country, we usually work straight through the day and take shorter breaks. Oh, I see. Do you know how much sand is in one wheelbarrow? We did our best, but you did not supervise us. We did not know if we were doing the work to your satisfaction. I'm sorry, I still don't understand. Can you please speak slower? That seems like a lot of money. Can we negotiate the price to something more reasonable? hello,! Excuse me, do you speak English? Hey, I've noticed that it's raining heavily here. Do you think it's going to affect the construction work? Sorry about that, but I can’t control the behavior of others. We’re all just trying to get to our destinations. It's always a good idea to ask for references and check their work history. You can also ask Hi there, I'm interested in hiring someone to do some construction work for me. Can you help me understand how payments are made here in Rwanda? Yes, you can pay at Ah, I see. Well, there are several options for you to consider. You could try using a generator, which is a common source of power here in Rwanda. Or, you could use solar panels or batteries if you're looking for a more sustainable option. Yes, I can build a fence for you. But I need to know the exact measurements of your property. nodding, Ah, sorry about that. I'll slow down. Hi there! Excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable source of power or electricity around here? I need to carry out some repairs. I want to terminate the lease early. No problem. If you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to ask. Hi there, excuse me. I'm looking for a contractor who can help me fix this roof. It's been leaking for days now. Hello, can you help me find a local repairman for my broken window? I can see how that might have happened. In the future, could we please be clear about the quality and standards we expect so that we can avoid this situation? Great! Thank you again. Have a good day! "No, sorry, I do not speak English." That's very thorough. What about liability standards? Hello, I need some help with my plumbing. There's a leak in my bathroom, and I don't know how to fix it. Do you know a plumber who can help? That would be great, thank you so much. I'm in the northern part of Rwanda, near Ruhengeri. Do you know if there are any suppliers in that area? Good afternoon, sir. Are you looking for a house to rent? No, I specifically asked for a cement store. Where can I find one? It sounds like Rwanda takes safety very seriously. Oh, I see. That's interesting. Is this practice common in other workplaces too? I see. What about using concrete blocks instead? smiling, Ah, I see the problem now. In Rwanda, the word "horizontal" is often used to mean "vertical" and vice versa. It's a common linguistic misunderstanding. Hi, I am interested in investing in some construction projects here in Rwanda. However, I am not familiar with the safety and liability standards for construction sites here. Can you provide me with some information on this topic? Yes, you can. It's always good to learn about different cultures and their practices. Hi, excuse me, I'm having a bit of trouble understanding this rental agreement. It's written in Kinyarwanda and I don't speak the language. One of the best construction companies in Rwanda is called Horizon Construction. They have a great reputation for their work and are known for their reliability. Yes, I know. But I'm finding it difficult to understand the policies and the requirements. That can be easier as farmers usually have more flexibility outside of planting and harvest season. You could post job openings at local markets or ask for recommendations from other farmers. Great, thank you. What other options are available for waste disposal? searches for the words to explain in Kinyarwanda, Umva, umva. I want to continue staying in Rwanda. I want to see all the good things in Rwanda. I'm trying to rent a house, but I can't understand the terms and conditions. Could you please help me translate it? I am not sure, can you please show me the different types and explain the differences? Then we'll need to lay a foundation and start building the walls. This wall is made out of mud and it's only three feet high. I asked for a brick wall that is six feet high. No, I don't. I was hoping you could point me in the right direction. A foreigner named Tom is speaking to a local named Jane, who works at the city council in Kigali, Rwanda. Yes, sure. You can find the materials at the hardware store down the road. What kind of repairs do you need to do? Sure. I have worked with different organizations in Rwanda and have managed various projects, including construction, education, and healthcare. I can oversee your project, handle the budget, and ensure that everything runs smoothly. And, of course, I'll keep you updated every step of the way. I understand your concerns, but you have to know that mud and clay are actually very strong and durable. Plus, they're much cheaper and more sustainable than concrete or bricks. Yes, I've noticed that some workers take a long break in the middle of the day. How does that work exactly? Do they come back to work after that? Oh, I see. That's a bit of a problem. Do you know any other hardware stores that might have what I need? What happened? Why is the work not done yet? Oh, welcome to Rwanda, Emily! I hope you're enjoying your stay so far. "Okay, so you want a fence around this entire field?" No problem at all. Let's go to the rental agency together, and I will translate for you. Hi, excuse me. Do you know where I can find information about insurance or liability coverage for construction work in Rwanda? Okay, let me try to explain it another way. You know when you build a house, you start with the part that goes into the ground. It's made Okay, that makes sense. Is there One liter is approximately 0.26 gallons, so if you need 10 liters Thank you very much,. That makes sense. Do you know if there are any other customs or practices I should be aware of? My car needs some fixing on the engine. I need some repairs done on my building. The roof needs fixing and some windows need replacement. What's that? The final payment is made after the work is completed and inspected to ensure that it meets your satisfaction. Usually, it's around 10-20% of the total cost. Okay, that makes sense. What about the payment methods? Yes, there are a few in the area. I can give you their contact information and you can reach out to them to see if they have workers available during your project timeline. Okay. Can you give me an example of how to fire an employee? Hello there, do you speak English? Good morning John. I'm doing well, thank you. How may I assist you? Hello, I am interested in renting this house. Can you tell me the monthly price? Okay, that sounds good. I'll get the workers together so we can go over it. Yes, I can help you with that. What kind of repairs do you need? I need you to send me the new lease agreement with the updated terms and conditions. "Hello, I'm happy to help. What kind of construction work do you need?" Yes, sure. What kind of materials do you need? Sure, we have both. Would you like me to arrange for the delivery? It depends on the type of repair work you want to carry out, but it can take a while to get the approvals due to the bureaucracy. A local hardware store in Kigali, Rwanda. Sure, I can help you with that. Which department are you trying to get the permit from? Sure, safety standards are taken very seriously here in Rwanda. The Rwanda Development Board RDB, has set up guidelines for construction sites to ensure the safety of workers and the public. We need to start by picking up all the trash and debris on the ground. We can't have a safe worksite if it's not clean. Yes, please. I'm trying to rent this apartment, but the landlord is asking for a deposit. What does that mean? I need some repair work done on my building. Could you recommend a good contractor? Well, I hired a contractor to build a small house for me, but we seem to have a disagreement about the payment. The contractor says that I have to pay a certain percentage upfront and then the rest after the work is completed. But I am not sure if that is the right way to pay or not. I'm trying to figure out if there is a clause about renewing the lease after the initial term is up. Great, thanks for your help. Hmm, that might be a bit tricky. There aren't too many people who specialize in that around here. But I do know of a few contractors who might be able to help. Have you tried searching online? You're welcome. Do you need any help with finding a place to rent? looking confused, Sorry, I don't understand. Alright, no worries. The first thing you need to do is to get in touch with the National Construction Authority NCA, in Kigali. They are responsible for overseeing all construction projects in the country and can provide you with guidance on the building codes and regulations. It will take two to three more days. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. We underestimated the scope of the repair work. Well, I'm having some issues with my water heater and some of the electrical outlets in my apartment. I need someone to come take a look at it. Okay, I'll definitely check them out. Thanks for the recommendation. Hmm, that's a tough one. There aren't You will need to submit a copy of your rental agreement, a land ownership certificate, a site plan, and a building plan. You also need to pay a fee to the City Council. Yes, I understand. Safety is my top priority. Can you give me any tips on what to look for in terms of safety standards? Yes, there are a lot of construction sites in Kigali. Which one are you looking for? Yes, please. That would be very helpful. Thank you. Hello, do you know where I can find a reliable source of power or electricity around here? I need to carry out some repairs. For the non-recyclable waste, you can contact the local waste management companies like WASAC or Ecopost. They can provide you with the appropriate containers for waste disposal and pick up the waste regularly. One way to avoid disputes is to be clear about the terms of the work upfront, including the pay rate and the scope of the work. You should also make sure to communicate with your workers regularly to address It's in Kigali. Do you know how I can reach my landlord to ask for permission to sublet? I understand. Let's go to Jean's office, and I will translate everything for you. Sure, I can recommend some workers to you. What kind of repairs are you looking to get done? It's constant. The water keeps dripping from the bottom of the toilet. A generator? Do you mean like a backup power source? Hello there! Do you know where I can find some good construction materials around here? I see, I see. And how much will you be paying? Excuse me, sir. Do you have a moment to talk? I wanted to ask you about something that happened to me earlier. Hi, yes. I'm trying to find some materials and workers for my construction project, but I'm having difficulty accessing certain areas of the country. Do you know if there's a way to make this easier? I used the materials that I thought would work best. Okay, I understand. But can you give me more details about the work you need? Which part of the roof needs fixing? That's a good Yes, Sarah. We started working on it, but we encountered some challenges. Hi there, I am interested in renting this apartment. Can you tell me more about the process? No problem, I can take you to his office. It's not far from here. I'm from the United States. I'm here on business, and I need to communicate with the workers and contractors to get the job done. I want to let you know that I had some unexpected expenses and that's why I couldn't pay on time. Of course, I will try to explain it to you as best as I can. However Yes, there are a few places where you can find those materials. What type of materials are you looking for? Ah, I see. In my home country, we don't really have that tradition. We usually work straight through the day. Well, there is a store that specializes in construction materials in Kigali. They might have what you are looking for. Okay, that makes sense. But can you help me understand how it works exactly? Do I get the money back at the end of my lease? No worries. I can translate for you. Why do you want to terminate your lease early? "Oh, I see. Yes, that means that you are responsible for maintaining the property and ensuring that it stays in good condition. You will need to take care of any repairs or maintenance that need to be done during your stay." Hi there, I noticed that the roof of my building is leaking even though we just had it repaired last month. Can you help me with this? Tell me how you are going to pay rent. Hello, excuse me, do you know any local supplier for specialized or imported construction materials? Of course! Here you go. That's okay. As long as the house is safe and comfortable, I'm okay with any adjustments. What's the problem? This doesn't look right. The holes are still visible and the tiles don't match. Yes, I can help. Where is your apartment located? Oh, I see. But I noticed that the walls are not smooth. Why is that? No problem. We are happy to help. Is something wrong? The sink in my bathroom is clogged and it's causing water to overflow. It means I want to continue living in this house for another year. You're welcome. Just make sure to do your own research and get a What do you mean? No, I don't speak English. Excuse me, could you please ask the driver to slow down a bit? I don't feel safe with his driving. Okay, that's fine. Do you want to pay cash or use a credit card? Hello, I'm having some trouble finding certain areas of the country where I can access the materials and workers I need for my project. Can you help me with that? I think I see the problem. In Rwanda, people sometimes use the word "soon" to mean something different than what I'm afraid I don't speak Kinyarwanda. Do you have someone who can help us with the translation? Thanks for letting me know. I had no idea about the weather conditions here. Great, thanks. I noticed that it's very quiet around here at this time of the day. Is it always like this? I need to terminate my lease early because I have to go back to my country. Sure, I can definitely help you with that. Rwanda has strict building codes and regulations that need to be followed for any construction project. Can you tell me more about your project and the difficulties you’ve been facing? No problem. Hey, driver! Please slow down No problem. If you need further assistance, feel free to ask. Hello, can you speak English? Hmm, that seems a bit high. Can we negotiate on the price? Yes, of course. First, you will need to obtain a builders risk insurance policy. This policy will cover any damage or loss to the building materials during the construction process. Ah, yes. We use bags to measure those. A bag of cement is usually 50 kilograms, while a bag of sand is 25 kilograms. No problem. Can you find someone who can translate for us? Sure, I'd be happy to help. Safety is a top priority on construction sites here in Rwanda. Workers are required to wear personal protective equipment such as hard hats, gloves, and safety goggles. Contractors are also expected to have appropriate safety procedures in place to prevent accidents. Well, they include things like proper equipment for workers, safety gear such as helmets and gloves, and proper signage indicating hazardous areas. Also, all workers on a construction site must undergo safety training. That sounds like a good idea. How long does it usually take to get all the necessary approvals? I have a leakage in my bathroom and some electrical issues in my room. Can you help me in finding someone who can fix these? That's a good idea. Do you know of any contractors I can contact? Sure. One bag of cement costs 8000 Rwandan Francs, one brick costs 150 Rwandan Francs, and one truck of sand costs 50000 Rwandan Francs. Ah, you mean the hardcore? It's a mixture of sand, cement, and aggregate. A foreigner, Tom, is in his front yard in Kigali supervising workers who are repairing his roof. A local, Jean, is passing by and stops to observe. Hello, yes. What are you saying? A deposit is an amount of money paid in advance to secure the apartment. It's usually refunded at the end of the lease period, as long as the apartment is left in good condition. That sounds easy. Is there anything else I need to know? "Hello, I am interested in contracting you for some construction work on my property. Can you give me an estimate of how much it would cost?" Hello. Okay. But, I am not understanding what you are saying. Yes, I can do it now. But it will cost you about 20,000 Rwandan Francs. I see your Wow, there are a lot of people here. Is this normal? We can certainly take care of everything, but we need to know what level of supervision you prefer. Otherwise, we might make assumptions that could lead to misunderstand Local government office in Kigali I want to have a small garden and a pathway in front of my house. Can you construct it for me? Firstly, you can check if there's a nearby generator rental service. They are usually available for hire and can provide electricity to run your equipment. You need to maintain good personal hygiene, including washing your hands with soap and water regularly, especially before and after meals, and after using the toilet. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Did you mix the cement and sand in the right proportions? Hello, I’ve been trying to obtain the necessary permits and approvals for my construction project, but I’m having difficulties. Can you help me understand the building codes and regulations in Rwanda? explains in English Hello, I need to talk to you about my apartment. The stove is not working properly and the sink is clogged. That sounds complicated. Is there an easier way to do it? Okay, I will make sure to keep that in mind. Thank you for your help. No, that's all for now. How much will it cost? Well, you will need to submit your plans to the city council for review. This includes architectural drawings, structural plans, and engineering reports. Hmm, let me think. Have you tried asking at Okay, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for your help. Yes, I apologize for the delay. We have encountered some miscommunication with the workers about the timeline for completing the repairs. Ah, I see. That might be a bit more difficult to find, but I can certainly try to help. Have you checked with any of the local hardware stores? Hi Emmanuel, thanks for coming over. I need your help with some house repairs. Okay, that makes sense. But, what if the driver or other passengers don't speak English? Yes, I am having trouble finding a translator or interpreter to help me communicate with some workers and contractors. Do you know anyone who can help me? It's clogged and the water is not draining properly. Okay, I understand. Can you show me where the leak is coming from? I see. That's a bit of a problem. I'm also looking for some workers to help with a construction project. Do you know if there are any available in this area? after examining the bike, Yes, the chain is broken. I can fix that, but I'll need some materials. Hi, I wanted to discuss renewing my lease agreement with you. "I want to build a small guest house on my property. It will have two rooms, a bathroom, and a small kitchenette." Oh, you mean the rafter square? I understand, but we weren't given specific instructions on what you wanted. We did the best we could with the information we had. I need to build a new house and I am struggling to find a trustworthy company. Hi there, how can I help you? You have removed all the bricks from the wrong wall! That wall didn't need fixing! Hi there! I'm looking to build a house in this area. I have some ideas on what I want, but I'm not too familiar with the local methods for construction. Can you help me out? You can find them at the main road, just a few minutes' walk from here. Or you can ask the hotel receptionist to call one for you. Oh, that's a problem. I really need some wood to fix the roof. No, no. That's not what I meant. I just want you to add some new ones where there aren't any. That's great, thank you. And what about motorcycle taxis? Yes, it's always a good idea to have a backup plan. You Well, I need some plumbing work done, and some electrical work as well. I have hired a few workers for the job, but I am not sure what kind of attire is appropriate for them to wear while working. "I understand. You can look for a translator or interpreter at the local tourist center or at the immigration office. There are also many freelance translators and interpreters available. I can help you find someone. I know a friend who works as a translator." That would be great, thank you. What's the best way to find someone who can translate for me? Thank you so much. I'll head there right away. I am planning to build a school in the rural area of Rwanda. Yes, I brought a truck. Hi, I noticed that some of the workers here take a break in the middle of the day. Are work hours in Rwanda different from what I'm used to? Thank you so much! I appreciate it. How about $150? Is that possible? Yes, I'm trying to sublet my apartment, but I need to get permission from my landlord first. Do you know how I can contact him? Hi, excuse me. Do you know where I can find information about waste management and disposal in Kigali? Okay, I'll do that. Thank you for the advice. They go upstairs and the plumber inspects the faucet Okay, no problem. What's the issue with your power? Wow, that's quite expensive. Can we negotiate on the price? Yes, there are several plumbers and electricians in the area. What seems to be the problem? "Okay, I understand now. For that kind of work, I would charge around 3 million Rwandan francs. Is that within your budget?" No, I told you to dig out the holes for the columns. I see. I wasn’t aware of all the rules and regulations, and now I’m having difficulty obtaining the permits I need. I was hoping to pay around 3 million Rwandan francs. The roof is leaking. Water is coming through. And the walls are not strong enough. They need more support. For sure. I can recommend a few companies that are known for building quality homes. Have you heard of "Kabuye Construction" or "Ubumwe Construction"? Thanks for the advice. Do you know any reputable taxi companies? Yes, you need to make sure that the repairs are done by qualified professionals and that they follow all the safety regulations. You also need to keep in mind that the repairs need to be done in a way that does not disturb the tenants' daily lives. Well, you need to understand the building codes and regulations first. You can start by visiting the Rwanda Housing Authority website or the City of Kigali website to get information about the requirements. Okay, I understand now. Thank you for explaining it to me. Let's go ahead and renew your lease for another year. Liability usually falls on the owner of the site, not necessarily the contractor. If any accidents occur, the owner is expected to compensate the victim. Yes, I can recommend a few. Let me get you their contact Well, you will need to submit detailed plans of the building you want to construct, including the size, materials to be used, and the purpose of the building. You will also need to provide information about the location of the building and the proposed use of the land. After David comes back with the materials I understand. Is there any way I can find contractors who are available during those times? Okay, that makes sense. What about when I want to hire someone? Yes, please. That would be great. Yes, I have searched in Kigali, but it seems like most of the stores only stock basic construction materials. I need some specialized materials for my project. Well, I wanted to talk to you about the type of supervision required for the repair work. We have noticed some miscommunications between our team and the workers. Yes, normally payments are made in installments. The first installment is usually paid upfront to cover the cost of materials. After that, payments are made in stages, as the work progresses. Oh, I didn't know that. So how much do you think would be fair? Okay, we can provide those materials. How much do you need? Hello! I am trying to plan my business trip to Rwanda, and I am concerned about the potential for unexpected costs or delays due to issues like weather, supply chain disruptions, or political instability. Can you tell me more about these issues? You should ask for references from previous clients and check their credentials. It's also important to make sure they have proper insurance and licenses. That's great to hear. What are some common practices that I should be aware of? Yes, here they are. Yes, please. I'm having some trouble understanding the necessary insurance and liability coverage for the construction work I'm planning to undertake here. Hmm, I see. What about the cost of repairs? Are they expensive? That's good to know. Are there any specific practices or customs that I should be aware of when it comes to sanitation on worksites? Hello, excuse me, I want to buy money to pay my rent. I see. Have you tried looking in Kigali? There are several hardware stores and construction material suppliers there. Do I need to get any other approvals or inspections? Excuse me, sir. I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable with the behavior of some of the other passengers. They are being very loud and aggressive. In a rural area in Rwanda, a foreigner named John is starting a new business and needs to hire some local employees. He meets with a local named Samuel to discuss the hiring process. Hello, I would like to rent your house. Can you tell me how much it will cost? Hi, I'm planning to build a house here in Rwanda, and I wanted to get your opinion on some building materials. What do you think about using wood? Ah, I see. Well, we have a different approach here. We use banana leaves and mud to repair metal roofs. It's a traditional method that has been used for generations. Thank you. I'll keep a copy of this for my records. Do you have any questions? I'm having trouble finding a local translator or interpreter who can help me communicate with workers and contractors. Do you know anyone who could help me with this? Hello, I am interested in hiring a contractor for some construction work. Can you tell me how much it would cost? I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you explain again, please? I see. What about political instability? Has that been a challenge for businesses in Rwanda? Hello, do you speak English? Interesting. In my country, we usually work straight through the day without taking any breaks. Don't worry, I can assist you in understanding the policies. But first, you need to identify the risks involved in your construction work. This will help you determine the right coverage that you need. "Excuse me, guys. Why is the work not finished yet? You said it would take two days." Thank you so much! Your help has been invaluable. I'll make sure to contact That's great to hear. However, I'm still worried about unexpected costs. How do you deal with that? I understand. Could you give me a rough estimate of the total cost? Hello, can you please help me find some materials for repairing the roof of my house? "Excuse me, do you know where I can find a specific type of building material? I've been searching for it everywhere, but I can't seem to find it." Okay, that sounds good. Let's work together You're welcome. Is there anything else you need assistance We need to move them to the other side of the site. That would be great. Thank you! I need a truckload. in broken English, Yes, yes. What do you want? Okay, I’ll keep that in mind. Is there anything else I need to Don't worry about it, but I want to see the rent money at the beginning of the next month. Ah, yes. That sounds fair. Alright, I will prepare the paperwork for you to sign. Thank you for explaining it to me. shaking his head, No, it's okay. I will manage. I understand. Thank you for your help! I will contact the RAA and RIE as soon as possible. Oh, yes., Sorry about that. So, how may I assist you? Yes, it is. We call it "Igiswera," and it means a siesta or a break. It's part of our culture, and it's a time when people take a rest to recharge their energy for the remaining work hours. No problem. I'm happy to help. Is there anything else you need help with? The window pane is broken and needs to be replaced. You can pay an additional fee to expedite the process. The fee depends on the urgency of your request. I am sorry about that. Some people are not considerate enough. I will tell the driver to talk to them. I’m going to the market in Kigali. But I don’t know if I should ask the driver to stop and let me out. Ah, I see the problem. The washer needs to be replaced. Okay, I understand. Can you give me a rough idea of how much you were hoping to spend? Okay, I understand now. I'm sorry for the delay. I think there might have been some miscommunication about the timeline for completing the work. How long did you expect the work to take? Oh, I see. Well, building codes and regulations are important for ensuring safe and sustainable construction in Rwanda. But I understand it can be confusing for foreigners. Good morning, I am sorry for being late with my rent payment. Possibly. They might know of other suppliers or have suggestions for alternative materials that might work for your project. Okay, I understand. How much do you need? Well, it depends on the type of roof you have. Do you know if it's made of aluminum or steel? No problem, always happy to help. Good luck with your construction project! Yes, I apologize for the misunderstanding. We'll work as quickly I didn't know that. My roof is made of metal. What kind of sealant should I use? Excuse me, do you know where I can find a plumber or electrician around here? Excuse me, sir. I’m having a hard time understanding the building codes and regulations in Rwanda. I’m not sure if I’m meeting all the requirements needed to obtain necessary permits and approvals. Yes, of course. What kind of materials are you looking for? Ah, I see. Well Okay, I will take them. Can you also deliver them to my site? "Good morning, guys. How's it going? I wanted to talk to you all about the work that's been done so far. I've noticed that some things aren't quite up to the standard that I was hoping for." Hi, I need to fix my car. Do you have any car repair shops nearby? Yes, we can negotiate. What price are you thinking? Yes, you'll need to obtain a building permit from the city council before starting any major repairs. And if you're doing any electrical or plumbing work, you'll need to hire licensed professionals who are registered with the Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority. Sure. You can visit their Okay, for ten bags of cement, you need to use about 20 wheelbarrows of sand. I understand. But we need to make sure that we balance speed and cleanliness to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. We should work together to make sure that the worksite is clean and organized at all times. Sure, follow me. That seems a bit expensive. Can we negotiate on the price? Sounds good. But what if I feel uncomfortable or unsafe because of other passengers? Hmm, that's a tough one. We don't typically use that type of cement here in Rwanda. However, I know of a few stores in Kigali that may carry it. Have you tried searching there? Mud and straw? Are you sure that's a good idea? I don't want the repair to fall apart. speaking in Kinyarwanda, Hello, sir. This person wants to sublet their apartment. They need your permission to do so. Oh, please hurry up and find what you need today because No problem. I can come with you to talk to the plumber and explain the issue. How much is the rent, and how often do I have to pay it? Well, the roof is leaking and I need someone to fix it. Can you recommend someone? Mobile money? What's that? I do not understand what you mean by "renew lease." Can you please explain to me? Oh, okay. I am looking for some construction materials. Can you help me? I need to terminate my lease tonight,. Alright, let me see if I can find any other options for you. Have you tried asking around the local construction sites? "Of course, I can help you. What type of building material are you looking for?" That makes sense. I’ll have to withdraw some money from the Sure, I can help you with that. What kind of project are you planning to build? thinks for a moment, Ah, I think you are talking about 'amafaranga yo kwakira'. It is money that you give me before moving in, and I keep until you move out. If everything is in good condition, I give it back to you. Oh, I see. Thank you for letting me know. Can you get me those materials? Hi there! I'm planning a trip to Rwanda next month, but I'm a bit concerned about the potential for unexpected costs or delays due to issues like weather, supply chain disruptions, or political instability. Can you give me some information about these issues? Well, I need to fix some leaking pipes in the bathroom and also repaint the walls. How much will it cost? You can ask your landlord or property manager for the name of a certified repairman or contractor It will cost you around 200,000 Rwandan Francs. They arrive at the office and wait in line I understand. But how much deposit should I pay? And how do I know if I'll get it back? Good morning! I speak a little English. How can I help you? Okay, that's fine. Let me calculate the total price for you. Okay, first you need to remove the bricks from the wall. The Foreigner at a Construction Site No problem, I understand. If you need any more help, don't hesitate to ask. Yes, sure. What kind of construction work are you looking for? No problem. Just be sure to have all the necessary documents and information ready before you go. It will make the process much smoother. Hi there! I'm looking to hire some local workers for a project I'm working on. Do you know anyone who is available? Thank you for your advice, sir. I'll try to do that. Yes, always sit near the driver if possible and avoid sitting in the back row with strangers. Also, if you see any suspicious behavior, such as someone trying to take your bags, speak up and alert the driver. Yes, please. Thank you. The rain season is at its peak, and so we have to be cautious about carrying out repair work when it's raining heavily. It's not safe for the workers, and it may also cause more damage to the road. Yes, there is a big hardware store not far from here. They have a wide selection of tools and equipment. Hi there, do you have a minute to chat? I'm a bit worried about unexpected costs and delays while traveling around Rwanda. Sure, I would be happy to assist you with that. Do you know where you want to build your property? Sure, we can try to work with what you have. But we may need to adjust the design to make sure it’s structurally sound. Our traditional huts have a certain shape and structure that’s been proven to work well in this area. Hmm, let me think. There might be some local mechanics who have those tools and might be willing to rent them out to you. I can ask around and see if I can find someone who has what you need. Yes, both of them have websites and social media pages. You can also find their phone numbers and email addresses online. I hope that helps you find the materials you need. Sure, I'd be happy to help. Safety and liability standards are taken seriously here in Rwanda, and it's important to make sure you are following the rules and regulations. Oh, I see. That's good to know. What about the rest of the year? "Ah, now I understand. Yes, I can use bricks and cement to build the wall. But, we need to make sure we have enough materials to complete the work." Hi there, I'm having some trouble with the workers fixing my roof. I noticed they're not wearing any safety gear or appropriate attire. Is this normal here in Rwanda? It's true that modern materials may be more durable, but they can also be expensive and may not be available in some areas. Plus, there's a cultural aspect to it as well. Many Rwandans see traditional houses as a symbol of their identity and heritage. Hi there! Do you speak English? Yes, I can help you. What do you need to be done? Yes, I know a few people who can help. What do you need? Hi there, excuse me, do you know where I can find a supplier for specialized construction materials in Rwanda? It's about a 2-hour drive from here. But you might have a hard time finding some materials outside the city. Sure. One technique that we use quite often is called "mud and wattle." This is where we use a mixture of mud and straw to create a sturdy frame, which we then cover with a layer of plaster to protect it from the elements. "Yes, I need to get some construction work done on my apartment. Can you help me out?" I want to build a modern-style house. I have the blueprints and everything, but I need some help with the construction process. Good morning, I'm looking to buy some construction materials. Yes, we do. How many bags of cement do you need? Okay, I'll pay more attention to your instructions from now on. I don't want to make the same mistake twice. nods and slows down That's perfect. How much do they cost? Okay, but I was wondering why it is taking so long. I need to have the room ready for my guests tomorrow. 10 million?! That seems very expensive. Alright, I can do that. Hello, I need to renew my lease agreement. In Rwanda, it's a bit different. The workers usually dress according to their comfort and local weather conditions. It's quite common to wear shorts and t-shirts on hot days. That's interesting. Here in Rwanda, we value work-life balance, so we take a break in the middle of the day to recharge and refuel ourselves. It helps us to be more productive in the afternoon. No, no, no! I said 2 feet wide and 3 feet deep. You've dug a trench that's too wide and not deep enough. Hi, Samuel. I'm looking to hire some people to work at my business. Can you help me with the process? There are some other terms and conditions that I need to explain. For example, if there are any damages in the apartment, I will need to pay for them. Welcome to Rwanda. Yes, we have safety measures in place, but we operate under different standards here. Our safety measures are based on national regulations and policies. "That's great to hear. I'm glad to see that the construction industry here is taking these matters seriously. Are there any specific rules or guidelines that the workers have to follow?" I see. Thanks for the advice. I'll keep that in mind. Yes, there are a few insurance Ah, I see. That's different from what I'm used to in my country. How do I know how much to pay at each installment? It depends. We have different methods for building Thank you, I will try that. Do you know how much it will cost? You will need to visit the local government office responsible for building permits and obtain the required documentation. It’s a straightforward process, but you may need to show proof of ownership or lease agreement. Yes, of course. Let's go take a walk around the property. Hello, I need to get some permits to do some repair work on my property. Can you help me? Hi, I am struggling to find appropriate and reliable sources for waste management and disposal. Can you help me? Assuringly, It's okay, sir. We understand. A small town in Rwanda, a local landlord and a foreigner are in a conversation. "No, I only speak Kinyarwanda." That makes sense. Do all businesses in Rwanda follow this practice? Yes, you should definitely speak up if you're feeling uncomfortable. The driver should be able to intervene and put a stop to any bad behavior. Okay, let me know if you need anything else from me. "Hello, sir. How can I help you?" Well, I need some plumbing and electrical work done, and maybe some repairs to the roof. Alright, just so you know, it's customary to pay a deposit before moving in. Yes, that's correct. Can we please discuss the terms and conditions? Oh, I see. I'm sorry, boss. I thought you meant to start building the walls after the cement was poured. Well, the man next to me keeps trying to touch me and the woman across from me is screaming on her phone and throwing things. Hi there, can you help me with something? Shaking his head, No, no. That is too low. I cannot accept that. Yes, I know. But there are some areas where the power supply is quite reliable. For example, in the capital city, Kigali, you can find electricity most of the time. You can get construction liability insurance from any licensed insurance company operating in Rwanda. You need to provide the details of the construction project, such as location, value, and duration of the project, to get the coverage. Both start working. After a while, the foreigner notices that the bricks are being laid in the wrong direction. A bag of cement costs 5,000 Rwandan francs. Conversation between a local Jean, and a foreigner I see. That makes sense. But what about the durability of adobe and mud bricks? Won't they be easily damaged in bad weather? Okay, we can load the materials onto your truck. But first, we need to figure out the cost. Yes, it's in my apartment. Can you come with me? I need 20 bags of cement, 5 tons of sand, and 100 steel bars. Hi there, I am working on a project that involves repair work on some buildings around this area. I was wondering if you could help me with any information about the weather conditions that might affect the repair work? Great, I wanted to talk to you about my lease. Good afternoon! I am having some trouble with my car, and I was wondering if you could help me fix it. Oh, I see. You mean a roundabout. Thank you. Ah, I see. Well, in Rwanda, it's common for landlords to ask for a deposit from tenants. It's usually equivalent to one month's rent, and it's meant to act as security for the landlord in case there are any damages or unpaid bills when you move out. No, I just wanted Well, it's a bit specialized. I need some insulated panels for a project I'm working on, but I haven't been able to find them anywhere in Rwanda. Sure, it's in Kigali. The main road is called KN 3 Avenue. That's great, thank you for the recommendation. I'll give them a call and see if they can help me Hi, excuse me, do you speak English? I have a question about insurance for construction work. Okay, we need your money first, then we can help you. Unfortunately, it can be quite a difficult process. There is a lot of bureaucracy and red tape to go through before you can get the necessary permits. Hello, I have a question about the rental agreement. Well, yes. I've been driving around for hours and I can't seem to find any. You're welcome! Have a great day. Okay, I understand. I'll let the plumber know and he'll be able to take care of it. Thank you, we have a lot of unique items here. Where are you from? Thank you so much. I'll try to find someone who can help me translate so that we can communicate better next time. That makes sense. What about the plumbing and electrical systems? Are there any specific regulations I should be aware of when repairing those? Yes, we can negotiate. How much are you "Hello, sir. This person would like to sublet their apartment. Can you give us permission to do so?" No problem, happy to help. Thank you for renewing my lease. "What did you do? This is not the right work!" Hello, I am interested in hiring you for some construction work. Can you tell me how much it will cost? Hello, I’m here to check out the work you need. Water is leaking from my bathroom sink and I can't figure out how to stop it. Yes, sure. What do you need help with? I see. Unfortunately, some people can behave like that in shared taxis. It's not normal, but it happens. Do you want me to ask the driver to pull over and let you out? Worker arrives at the foreigner’s house Yes, we need to clear this area and start digging the foundation for the new building. What about the buses or taxis, are they reliable? Okay, that will be 20,000 francs. Oh, I'm sorry about that. Some drivers can Yes, I do. Safety standards are set by the Rwanda Standards Board RSB, and the Ministry of Infrastructure. They regulate the construction industry to ensure that all buildings meet the minimum requirements for safety. Oh, I see. I apologize for that. I didn't realize you were looking for such a high level of quality. In the future, I'll be sure to take more care with the work I do for you. Yes, we can, but it may not be the best option for this area. The soil here is not suitable for building structures with a lot of cement and concrete. It might cause problems in the long run. Good morning sir, I hope you are doing well today. I just wanted to remind you that your rent is due next week. Okay, got it. How wide and deep should the trench be? I need liability insurance for the construction work I'm doing in different parts of Rwanda. That's not what I meant! I thought you were just building a new wall to reinforce the area, not to replace the old one. Excuse me, do you know how to say “I feel uncomfortable” in Kinyarwanda? Yes, thank you. I appreciate it. Why not? Concrete is a very strong material, and it's used all over the world. Great. We'll be waiting for your payment to complete the rental process Yes, I'm listening. We need you to buy some extra materials for the work, and we need your help to supervise the new workers we hired for the job. Hi there, I'm looking to get some repairs done on my house. Can you recommend a good company or contractor? A foreigner named John is walking around a small village in rural Rwanda. He notices some construction work going on and approaches a local man named Jean who is working on a house. I was thinking around 500,000 Rwandan Francs. That makes sense. What about the dry season? Is that a better time to work? Good afternoon, my friend. Yes, yes, you want to stay for another year. Great to hear that. Before you move in, I will require you to pay a deposit. Hi there, I wanted to talk to you about the work you did on the construction project. I don’t think it’s up to the quality or standard that we agreed upon. Oh, I'm sorry about that. I thought you meant a hardware store that sells cement and other construction materials. Yes, I will bring him. leaves and comes back with supervisor If done properly, it can last for years. It's a sustainable and cost-effective method used by locals for generations. It's also great for insulation and can keep the house cool during Thank you, can you explain to me how you will be supervising the workers? Excuse me, I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable with the behavior of some of the other passengers. Is this normal here in Rwanda? I had no idea. When is the rainy season? That's great to hear. Do you have their contact information or website? Hello, could you tell me when the repairs will be completed? Absolutely. Just make sure that you communicate your expectations clearly to them. But please, do not micro-manage them. They will not appreciate that. Well, you can try some online stores or ask someone to send them to you from abroad. Yes, I am. What can I help you with? Hi, I'm trying to obtain a building permit to start construction on my property, but I'm having some difficulties. Can you help me? That's great. Thank you so much for your help. "Emmanuel, we talked about completing the repairs by the end of the week. Are we still on track for that?" Online? That's great! Does it take long to get approval? Sure, I know a few sites nearby. But are you looking to visit as a tourist or for work purposes? Hi, I'm interested in starting a farming project here in Rwanda, but I'm having a hard time finding local workers who are available during the planting and harvest season. Yes, I understand you, but I am not sure how to build a wall. I am just a construction worker. "Yes, I can start today. But first, we need to get the materials. Where can we get the bricks?" We were instructed to remove it to make way for the new wall. No, you can't fire an employee without a valid reason. The reasons for termination should be clearly stated in the employment That's a good idea. Do you know how much I should pay the workers? Construction Site smiling, Alright, let me show you some options. We have metal sheets, clay tiles, and corrugated iron sheets. Which one would you like? Okay, I have a problem with the plumbing in my apartment. Water is leaking from the sink. Okay, I'll talk to the driver and we'll find another taxi for you. I need a company that can handle a variety of construction projects including building, electrical and plumbing work. Okay, let me do the math. calculating, So, 20 bags of cement would be 200,000 Rwandan franc I need about 20 bags of cement, 10 bags of sand, and 100 bricks. It depends on the agreement you have with the worker. But usually, it ranges from 25% to 50%. Yes, of course. What kind of repairs do you need? After the plumber arrives Sure, I can help you. What kind of structure are you planning to build? I see, that may be a bit challenging. However, I do have a friend who is a watch repair specialist. He has been in the business for many years and is very skilled in repairing antique watches. Sure, there's a hardware store just a few blocks down that way. Okay, that sounds simple enough. Do I need any documents or anything to apply for the permit? We will remove the broken tiles and replace them with new ones. The market area? Why there? I'm not quite sure. I just know that something's not right. 3 hours later I need some cement, sand, and metal sheets. Oh, okay. I want to rent this apartment. How much is the rent per month? I would recommend you to go for a company that has been operating in Rwanda for a while, and has a good reputation in the community. One such company is ABC Construction. Yes, sure. What do you want me to do? Great, thank you. Do you know what type of materials I need for repairing the car's engine? I'm sorry, could you please say that again in Hello, I am here to renew my lease for the apartment for another year. A foreigner is visiting a local hardware store in Kigali, Rwanda. Yes, I can help. What kind of construction work do you need? repeats the question slower, I'm not sure what this clause means. Can you explain it to me? I need about 500. We'll have to break down the old wall first and then start building the new one. Boss, we need to finish this wall with a cornice. Based on this design and Great! Can you please tell me what you’re doing now? Alright, let me explain it to you. This part here says that you are responsible for paying the rent on time every month. And this part here says that you are responsible for keeping the property clean and tidy. Okay, I see. It's a big project. I can do it for you, but it will cost you. Okay, I see your point. So, what can I do to make my building plans more acceptable to the locals? I want to extend my rental agreement for another year. Okay. Do you have a design or plan for the house? Yes, there is a store in Kigali that specializes in selling welding and metalworking equipment. They might have what you’re looking for. Well, unfortunately, many young people in Rwanda are more interested in pursuing careers in tech and business than in learning trades. So, there is a shortage of skilled workers in some areas. He says he understands the problem. You can show him where the bathroom is. I need some nails, cement, and sand. I see. And what about hiring workers? Are there any specific requirements that I need to follow? Okay, for any repairs, you need to contact the landlord or the property manager. They will have to assess the damage and approve the repairs before any work can be done. I need to fix some roofs and walls of my building. No, I haven't. Where can I find it? No problem. Do you need anything else? Jack went down to the rental shop and rented a generator. He was able to carry out his repairs without any interruptions, and he was grateful for the It depends on how long you need me for, but we can negotiate a fair price. I just want to help you get your project done successfully. Yes, of course. Follow me to the hardware store. It's about a three-hour drive from No, I haven't. Can you tell me more about it? You need to submit a detailed description of the repair work, the materials you will use, and a copy of your identification card. That's good advice. How do you plan ahead for things like weather or political instability? neza! What seems to be the problem? Oh yes, you can go to the nearest hardware store or supermarket to find a generator. They usually sell or rent out portable generators that you can use to power your tools and equipment. Sure, what do you need exactly? No worries. I'm happy to help. Let's start with this section here. It says that the rent will increase by 5% each year. Is that correct? That’s outrageous! I can’t afford to pay that much. Hi there, I'm looking for someone to repair the roof of my house. Do you know any good workers around here? I see. Well, I need to know who it is before I can give my permission. Yes, let's go ahead and discuss it. Hello, can you help me with the construction of my new house? Hello! How may I assist you today? Ah, sorry, sir. We thought you wanted them to be curved. We can fix them right away. No, it's just that I don't have any problems, but I have to leave,. Hi Tom. Yes, I understand it can be a bit complicated. What kind of insurance are you looking for? Hello, I have been noticing that most of the houses here in Rwanda are made of mud and have thatched roofs. Why don't people use cement and bricks for construction? looks confused Yes, there are some terms and conditions written here. Can you please explain them to me? Hello, how can I help you? Sure, what do you want me to do? He needs your permission first. Can he come and Those items are quite specialized. You might want I see. Have you tried using the local buses or taxis? Oh, yes, thank you very much for coming Alright, that makes sense. And this section here talks about a security deposit. Can you explain what that means? Yes, exactly here. Okay, sounds good. I'll let them get to work then. Thank you for your help. Yes, sure. What do you want to know? Definitely! We'll keep you updated through phone calls and pictures to ensure that you're fully informed of Here in Rwanda, we usually have a contract that outlines the work to be done, the timeline and the payment schedule. Before we start working, we agree on the payment terms and sign the contract. That makes sense. So, how can I approach this issue? No problem, just let me know when you want to go see the landlord. Okay, I see. Can you write them down for me in Kinyarwanda so I can understand them better? That sounds like a lot of bureaucracy and red tape. I am looking for a local construction company that can help me build a house. Great to know, thank you. I'm also a little concerned about supply chain disruptions. I'm here on business, and I don't want to encounter any unexpected costs or delays. You're very welcome. I hope you find the information you need and that it helps you with your waste management and disposal concerns. That's not acceptable. I need my house to be fully repaired so that I can move back in. What can you do to fix this? Hi, I am trying to obtain a building permit for my project, but I am having some difficulties. Can you help me with the process? Sure, what's your worksite location? Yes, I can do that for you. What kind of work do you need done? Hi there, I'm looking to get some repairs done on my car. Can you help me out? Oh, I'm not sure about any of that. I thought I could just tell you what I wanted and you would know what to do. Hi, thanks for coming. Please take a look around and let me know what you think. Yes, you could also rent a car, but that may be more expensive. Also, the roads can be difficult to navigate if you're not familiar with them. Twese turi abantu In Kigali, a foreigner walks into a hardware store seeking assistance from a local worker. I'm here for a business trip. I'm meeting with local suppliers to secure some materials for a project. No problem. If you need any more help, just let me know. He wants to sublet his apartment. Can he have your permission? I need help with Kinyarwanda. It's been difficult to get my message across and understand theirs. Ah, I see. We have those items. How much cement do you need? Oh, I see. That's quite different from what I'm used to. Where I come from, most shops close at around 5 pm. I need a new contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the renewed lease. Excuse me, sir. Could we talk for a minute? You're welcome. Just let me know if you need any more help finding a construction company. I am sorry, I don't understand what you mean by security deposit. I want two rooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. Really? That must be exhausting. We believe that taking a siesta helps us to be more productive and efficient in the afternoon. Both walk to the area where the wall needs to be built Well, I was wondering about the clause regarding the security deposit. Can you explain it to me? Yes, we can fix it for you. But we need to know if you want us to supervise the work or not. Sure, I can help you out. What kind of materials are you looking for? That's a bit longer than I expected, but I guess I have no other choice. Thank you for your help. Sure. How many rooms do you want in the house? Yes, I am sorry for being late with the rent payment because I had to pay for my school fees. Hello, sir. I have a tenant who wants to sublet their apartment. Is that okay with you? Yes, I used the roof sealant that the hardware store recommended. Yes, I can. What kind of repair work do you need? Oh, I see. That's interesting. But isn't that a bit long for a break? Well, you will need to go through some bureaucracy and red tape. There are a lot of regulations and paperwork that need to be taken care of before you can proceed with your repair work. Sure, I can try to help. What unit of measurement are you specifically struggling with? "Yes, yes, we will be done by the end of the week." Hi there, I'm looking to start a construction project here in Kigali. I was wondering if you could help me navigate the different safety and liability standards. Sure, no problem. Hey, could you please slow down a bit? My friend here is feeling uneasy. Yes, I can help you with that. What language do you need help with? Hey, I'm getting really nervous with how fast this driver is going. Can you ask him to slow down? "It depends on the size of the wall and the materials we need. I will let you know as Hello, I have a problem in my apartment. The sink in the bathroom is not draining properly and it's causing some water overflow. Hi there, I'm looking to hire a local construction company to help with a project I have, but I'm having trouble finding a trustworthy one. Do you have any recommendations? Okay, let's try to communicate in English then. What's the problem with the pipes? in Kinyarwanda, Okay, that's fine. We can end the lease early. Can you please give me your keys and we can settle the payment? Of course. What kind of repair are you looking for exactly? It depends on the device and how much battery it has left, but usually it takes a few hours. Yes, a little bit. Tell me what's the problem. That's fantastic. Thanks for your help. Do you have their contact details? "Don't worry. We want you to feel safe and comfortable during your stay in Rwanda." I need a lot of cement and sand, and around 200 bricks. Yes, sure. What kind of construction work are you looking to have done? Not at all, I can help you with that. Hi, I was referred to you for engine repairs. Rental increase means that the rent amount will go up. Well, we need to clear the area and level the ground before we can start building. So, I was wondering if you could help me with this part of the wall. I need to attach this beam to that post over there. Actually, it's the opposite. Traditional materials are more affordable and readily available, while alternative materials require more specialized skills and equipment. Plus, they might not be as durable or reliable in the long term. Local makes a phone call and talks in Kinyarwanda. Definitely. I would recommend checking out companies like Horizon Group, Urwibutso Enterprise or Ruliba Clays, they are some of the biggest and most reputable construction companies in Rwanda that operate all over the country, including rural areas. It will be 15,000 Rwandan francs. Yeah, I understand what you mean. The weather can be unpredictable, and supply chain disruptions can be quite common. Looks confused We can use cheaper materials, like concrete blocks instead of bricks, and we can simplify the design to use less materials. We can also use local labor to save on costs. Oh, you need cement, bricks, and sand. We have those. How much do you need? Sure, I'll talk to him. speaking to the driver in Kinyarwanda, Hey, could you please slow down a bit? Our friend here is feeling uncomfortable. You're welcome. If you need any more help, feel free to ask me. Over there, by the entrance. Can you understand me? "See, this wall is damaged and I need it fixed. And I also want you to put up a new one over there." Excuse me, do you know where I can find a reliable means of transportation to and from the worksite? Yes, I do. What do you need to know about construction work? I need some cement, sand, bricks, and some plumbing supplies. turns back to the foreigner, Sorry about that. Is there anything else I can do to make you feel more comfortable? Yes, sure! What kind of work are you looking to get done? I'm doing well, thanks. I wanted to talk to you about something that has been bothering me lately. Yes, I can help you. What type of materials are you looking for? Alright, I will do that. Thank you so much for your help! I need to fix a few things on my car, but some of the specialized items I need aren't available locally. Okay, that makes sense. Thank you for explaining it to me. The umuhoro. It's what we call a hammer here. Excuse me, do you know of any good construction companies around here? I'm trying to find one to hire, but I don't know where to start. How long does that process usually take? Oh, yes! We take cleanliness very seriously here in Rwanda. It is important to keep our environment clean and healthy. Hello, I need help with a plumbing issue in my home. Do you speak English? I'm not sure. Do I need to supervise it? Okay, thank you. I need to build a wall around this area. Hi, could you pass me the hammer, please? Yes, there is a company called "Builders Warehouse" that specializes in construction supplies. They have a few branches across the country, so you might want to check them out. How much money do you want to leave? Yes, of course. In Rwanda, it's customary to pay a deposit upfront before starting the project. The deposit is usually 30% of the total cost of the project. This deposit is used to buy materials and some basic tools that will be used during the construction process. Oh, I see. How much is the deposit? I see. These practices are similar to what we do in my home country. However, do you have any other suggestions for me? Great, thank you so much No, I am sorry. We only accept cash. I need a welding machine, welding rods, and some other tools. That's perfect. Thank you for understanding. "Okay, no problem. I will try to explain it in a way that you can understand. We need to build a wall around this area." That's helpful, thank you. Do you know if there are any specific areas where power outages are less frequent? What? No, that was all. Thank you again for your help. You are welcome. Do you need any help to load the materials into your vehicle? Okay, good to know. I'll make sure to keep that in mind and plan accordingly. The best time for repair work is during the dry season which is from June to September. During this time, there are fewer chances of power outages and the weather is generally better. Oh, it's a modern style house that we usually build in America. We use concrete, steel, and glass. "Excuse me, but why is this wall not straight?" That's interesting. In my country, the liability is usually shared between the construction company and the owner of the property. Hello there! Excuse me, do you know where I can find a construction site around here? Got it. I'll make sure we measure the building before we start. Of course. The labor law in Rwanda requires that any employer must have a written contract with its employees before hiring them. The contract must specify the terms and conditions of employment, including wages, overtime rates, and benefits. In addition, employers are required to give their employees a written notice before termination. Hi there, sorry to bother you. Do you know if there are any potential weather issues or political instability that might affect my travel plans? Hi there, I'm looking for some construction materials. Do you have any cement and bricks? What do you mean by that? I didn't know that weather conditions could impact repair work. Hello, do you know where I can get permits or approvals for repairs? We are going to dig the foundation for the house. Yes, both companies have English-speaking staff. And if you run into any problems or have any questions, you can always ask for assistance from the Rwanda Development Board. Oh, sorry. Let me try again. This part here, it says that the security deposit will be refunded after inspection. What does that mean exactly? Sure, I can help you. What's the problem? pauses to think, Do you know someone who can translate for us? Hello there. Yes, indeed. Rwanda is one of the cleanest countries in Africa, and we do take our waste management very seriously. There are several options available to you depending on your location. That's a good idea. Do you know any specific companies I could reach out to? Okay, I will need to go to the bank and withdraw cash then. We need to remove all the tiles and replace them with new ones. I'll pay by mobile money. Can you give me the number to send it to? Sure, what can I help you with? landlord calls his friend Smiling, It's okay, sir. We know how to handle ourselves. Sure, I can. For starters, you need to register your business with the Rwanda Social Security Board RSSB, to obtain a social security number. You'll also need to get an identification card for your employees. puzzled, We were told to dig up the whole area for the foundation. Yes, sure. Let me call some of my colleagues to help us. Can you tell me how much more you need? Yes, 9 a.m. good. I come to fix for you. Thank you. Yes, please. I just want to make sure I understand everything before I sign. That sounds promising. Do you know where they're located? It's okay, Emmanuel. Let's fix this That sounds like a good plan. Can you help me find an architect who speaks English? Yes, I can definitely help you with that. What kind of project do you have in mind? Yes, sir. We are still working on the repairs. There were some complications with the plumbing that we had to fix. It is at Kicukiro district, in the eastern part of Kigali. Well, it's just some minor repairs. We need to fix a leaky pipe and replace a few tiles on the roof. Hi there! I'm really interested in learning about the local methods for constructing and repairing buildings in this area. Can you tell me more about it? Hi, I'm interested in setting up a small business here in Rwanda. I'm a bit confused about the labor laws and regulations. Could you give me some advice? That sounds perfect. How can I rely on your services? Okay, that's good. We have the materials in stock, but I need to know if you want any specific brand of cement or sand? Oh, okay. I signed a lease when I moved in. Can I show him that? Can I help you with anything? I was hoping to spend around 8 million Rwandan francs. Yes, there are some hardware stores in town that sell basic tools, but for specialized equipment, you may need to travel to Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda. What happened? Okay, I understand. I will talk to the workers and get back to you with the estimated cost and timeline. It usually starts around March and can last through to May or June. It can be quite heavy rainfall during that time. Hello, is this the landlord? I have a tenant here who wants to sublet his apartment. Can you meet him? Yes, please. I'm having a hard time understanding the building codes and regulations here in Rwanda. I'm having trouble getting the necessary permits and approvals to start construction. Unfortunately, it can happen sometimes. But most passengers are respectful and quiet. No, that's all. How much will it cost? Yes, I can do that. What is your budget? Yes, there are quite a few good ones. What kind of construction work do you need? Umm, could you repeat that in English? Yes, it’s fine. It’s your safety that matters. Most drivers understand that and they will Shingles? Are you sure about that? Hello. Yes, there are a few options for waste management in the city. You can try contacting the city council or the local waste management companies. Yes, how can I assist you? Hi, I'm looking to renew my lease for another year. Ah, I see. That can be a bit of a challenge here in Rwanda. What kind of permits and approvals are you looking for exactly? That seems a bit high to me. Can you come down on the price at all? Do you remember that paying rent is mandatory? Good morning Jean, thank you for asking. I was wondering if you could help me find someone to repair my car? Sure, let's sit down and discuss the details. I am having a hard time finding a reliable and safe way to get to and from my worksite. Do you have any suggestions? Ah, I see. You want me to build a fence here. Great! How much will it cost? Excuse me, driver. Can you please ask these passengers to stop smoking? It's making me feel uncomfortable. Good morning. I am here to assist with the translation. What exactly do you want to renew? I see. Well, I can ask around and see if anyone knows where you might be able to find it. What exactly do you need it for? Hello, I'm interested in renting this apartment. How much is the rent? You can pay in cash or through a bank transfer. I'll provide you with a receipt once you make the payment. Hello, how can I help you? No, I don't. How can I help you? Okay, let me take a look. It seems like there are some issues with the engine and it might take a while to fix. It will cost around 500,000 RWF. I need to repair a hole in my roof. Can you tell me what materials I will need for this? You're welcome. Just be careful with the machine, okay? We don't want any accidents happening. Okay, thank you for your help! No, I'm sorry. We only accept cash. Yes, I can start working on it tomorrow. Is there anything else you want me to know? Okay, that sounds simple enough. Do I need to fill out any forms or provide any documents? Oh, I see. That might be a bit challenging. But let me ask around and see if I can find a supplier for you. Well, there's a leak in the roof and some cracks in the walls. "Thank you for understanding. I appreciate your willingness to correct the issues, and I look forward to seeing the final results." Oh, I see. Is there anything I can do to prepare for that? "I want you to use bricks and cement. Can you do that?" It's okay. Let's fix the right wall now. Okay, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for letting me know. Don't worry, there are a few good construction companies around here that are well-known for their quality work. Have you tried asking your neighbors or friends for recommendations? Yes, we'll do our best to complete the repair work as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience. Okay, I am listening. Yes, sure. You see that pile of bricks over there? Good morning! I'm interested in renting this apartment. Can you tell me the monthly rent? "Great, let's get started then. Can you show me where to begin?" Sorry, I don't understand. Can you please repeat the question? Sure, I can help you with that. Do you have your landlord's phone number? I'm not familiar with those materials. Can you describe them for me? Just that you'll need to pay a security deposit before you move in. The deposit is equivalent to one month's rent and will be returned to you when you The local inspects the sink and pipes Ok, got it. So, you want me to start tearing down this wall, right? Oh, okay. I noticed that you're using all these traditional methods for repairing the building. Why don't you use modern techniques and materials instead? Sure thing. What seems to be the problem with your car? Excuse me, do you know where I can find a specific type of building material? Just some minor renovations, like fixing the roof and repainting the walls. For the electrical work, you'll need to get approval from the Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority RURA,. You can apply for that online. In a local rental office in Rwanda, a foreigner walks in and greets the rental agent. "No problem. It's just a cultural thing. We like to be respectful of each other's homes You could try the auto parts store in the industrial area. They might have it. Yes, there are a few recycling facilities in Rwanda, such as Safe Environment Rwanda and Africa Improved Foods. They focus on recycling plastic, paper, and other materials. You can also check with your local government to see if they have any recycling programs in place. Thank you. Okay, I think I have a copy of that. What else do I need to know? "No, I don't, but I can speak Kinyarwanda. How can I assist you?" You can try the hardware store down the street. They rent out generators for a small fee. Alternatively, you can try the nearby petrol stations. Some of them have generators that they use to pump petrol during power outages. Good day! The labor laws and regulations here in Rwanda are quite strict, and it's essential to follow them carefully. There are certain procedures and requirements that you need to fulfill when hiring or firing employees. "No, we don't need any supervision. We know what we are doing." Solar-powered tools? How do they work? It depends on the type of work you need done and how many workers you hire. I would suggest discussing the wage with the workers beforehand to make sure everyone is happy with the arrangement. Local - Kigali, Foreigner - Ruhengeri Wow, that's quite expensive. Can we negotiate the price? Of course, we can negotiate. What would you like to suggest? I see. Well, I don't think I have the cash to pay upfront, and I'm not sure about this mobile money thing. Can we work out some other payment plan? That's fine, how much do you think it will cost? Oh, I see. That might be a problem because I am on a tight budget. Absolutely! I can certainly help you with that. Are you familiar with the construction terms we use here in Rwanda? I understand. Well, have you tried asking at the local hardware stores? They might be able to recommend something. I need 20 bags of cement, 10 bags of sand, 500 bricks, and 50 steel rods. Oh, I see. Well, there are a few suppliers who specialize in importing construction materials. Have you tried searching online or asking around for any recommendations? I want to build a two-bedroom house with a living room and a kitchen. I would like it to be constructed in Kigali. Hi there, excuse me, do you know where I can find a local supplier for specialized or imported construction materials? Good morning, I'm interested in renting an apartment in this area. Do you have any available? Yes, everything is fine. We are almost done with the repair work. John took the workers around Hey, do you know where I can find some construction workers around here? We have a few regulations around safety, but they might be different than what you're used to. For example, we don't require hard hats on every construction site like they might in some countries. in broken English, Sorry, boss. We no understand what you want. Hi, I need some construction work done on my property. Can you assist me? Okay, got it. And how about when they talk about "amasaha" for measuring sand or gravel? Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but I have a question about the workers who are repairing your house. Do they always wear traditional clothing like that? I need to renew my lease for another year. I would like to continue living here. Supervision? For what kind of work? Yes, it's a traditional method that has been used in Rwanda for centuries. It's strong and durable. I need a new fence around my property and some repairs to the roof. Can you give me an estimate? Hi, I am a foreigner and I need some construction materials to repair my rental property. Could you help me with that? That's great. I was thinking of using steel, as it is more durable and long-lasting. Do you think that would be a good idea? They are known as "moto" here, and they are the most popular means of transportation. However, you need to be careful when using them, as some drivers can be reckless. It's best to use a well-known and trusted driver, or ask for recommendations from locals. Sure. Consequences mean what happens as a result of not paying the rent on time. For example, do I have to pay a late fee or do you take any action? I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that term. I thought you meant a roundabout. I understand your concern. Let me see if there's another taxi coming up behind us. Yes, I'm sure. Our workers are very skilled and experienced. They know what they're doing. Oh, I see. Well, I'm using modern building materials and techniques which are more durable and long-lasting. I thought that would be a good thing. Okay, I suggest we use locally sourced materials like bricks and mud. The cost of labor will be around $500, and the total cost will be around $2000. That's great to hear. What kind of safety measures are required on site? Hello, I have a question about the rental agreement. Can you explain this section to me? Okay, thank you. Is this a common thing in shared taxis? LCS, and a foreign construction engineer FCE, are discussing safety and liability standards on construction sites in Rwanda. Okay, there are several options for transportation to Gisenyi. You can take a bus or a taxi. But are these materials strong enough to withstand natural disasters like earthquakes or heavy rainfalls? That's a good thing to be mindful of. In Rwanda, all construction sites are required to have safety measures in place, such as protective equipment, warning signs, and emergency plans. I see that we will have to make a plan to catch up on payments. I was wondering if the rent includes utilities or if those are separate? I understand. Can you recommend someone who is reliable and can complete the work on time? No problem at all. It's important that we understand each other so we can work together effectively. Thank you. Do you have any discounts on these items? I'm sorry, I think I'm a little confused. Can you explain it to me one more time? Yes, I'm looking for a repair service for my car. Can you recommend me a good mechanic? Okay. We can do that. Can you tell me what are the terms and conditions you want in the new contract? Good morning, I am interested in renting this apartment. Can you tell me how much is the monthly rent? Thank you. Could you please explain to me in brief what is written here? Alright. First, you need to submit your building plans to the relevant authorities. They will review and approve them if they meet the standards and regulations set by the government. Hello, do you know where I can find some specialized tools to do some repair work? Yes, I understand. Many people in this area work on their own farms during those times, so it can be difficult to find workers. However, I have a few contacts who might be able to help you. What kind of work do you need done specifically? Several days later, after the contractor has come to inspect the building Hi there, I noticed that the repair work is taking longer than expected. Is everything okay? I'm not sure. I just know it's leaking. Yes, be prepared for a lengthy process. Sometimes it can take months to get all the necessary approvals. No problem at all. We want you to have a good experience in Rwanda. I've found someone who speaks English and is available to help. Should I give them a call? Good morning, how may I assist you today? What kind of insurance or liability coverage do I need to obtain for my construction project? Ah, I understand. Well, there are a few different insurance providers here in Kigali that should be able to help you out. Have you tried talking to any of them yet? Well, I may have used low-quality paint and the walls were not smoothed properly before painting. Local market in Kigali No, that's all for now. Thank you for your help. That's good to hear. How can I go about finding one? I cannot provide any evidence as I don't have any and I can't afford to pay for the remaining period. Well, you need to be patient. It may take some time to get the permit. Sometimes, the bureaucracy can be slow and there may be some red tape to deal with. Yes, I promise to make sure I get everything sorted out as soon as possible. I see. Thank you for explaining this to me. I will make sure to follow the rules and What? I thought you understood that I wanted the work done as soon as possible. Thank you. Have a nice day! Excuse me, I'm having trouble understanding this rental agreement. It's written in Kinyarwanda and I don't speak the language. That sounds promising. Do you know how I can contact them? Yes, there are many construction companies around, but you need to be careful when choosing one to hire. You're welcome. Just make sure to negotiate the fare before getting in the taxi. That's helpful advice. Thank you for your assistance. Alright! So, the first thing you need to do is visit the Kigali City Council and get a construction permit. You’ll have to submit the necessary documents and pay a fee. Once you have the permit, you can start the repairs. It's one month's rent. So if the rent is 100,000 RWF, the deposit will be 100,000 RWF as well. Yes, exactly. Yes, there are a few reputable companies that you should try. One of them is RDB Rwanda Development Board, Waste Management, they specialize in waste management and recycling. Another option is WASAC Water and Sanitation Corporation,, they also provide waste management services. Okay, I think I understand. How high should the wall be? Hi there, Zawadi. How are you today? Okay, that sounds good. How much will it cost? Well, some of the outlets in my house are not working Thank you. Can you help me fix it? Local translates the issue to the landlord I understand that, but isn't it better to invest in something that lasts longer? shaking his head, No, no. I don't understand. I'm sorry, I don't understand your question. What do you mean by utilities? But I don't want to be rude or cause a scene. "Hmm, it's hard to say without knowing the details. Can you give me more information on the size of the building and materials you want to use?" You need to have a written employment contract with every worker you hire. This contract should state the terms and conditions of employment, including the salary, working hours, and benefits. Hi, I am planning to start a construction project here in Rwanda. Can you tell me about the weather conditions here? Oh, yes. There are many companies that offer such services. But you have to be careful when choosing one. Well, I'm looking for some imported materials that are not commonly found in Rwanda. I understand that, but 20 million is above my budget. Can we negotiate to bring it down to 15 million? Hi, excuse me. I'm trying to find a reliable and trustworthy construction company to hire for a project. Do you know of any? We need to reinforce the foundation of this building as it may not be strong enough to support the weight of the structure. That can be frustrating. One option you could try is talking to people in the community who have experience dealing with waste management. They might have some useful tips or know of reliable sources. Sure, I can help you with that. What specifically are you interested in? Yes, he's driving too fast and weaving in and out of traffic. No, columns. They are like pillars, but they are thinner and taller. That's great. Thank you so much. Is there anything else I should know about construction in this country? Oh, those are just their everyday clothes. We don't have uniforms here. No problem. Let me know if you need anything else. Hello, landlord! I need to talk to you about my lease. I see, it can be quite complex. Let me explain some of the basics to you. Firstly, there are different requirements for building a residential or commercial property. What type of building are you trying to construct? Okay, thanks again. Hi, can you help me with something? I'm trying to get some permits and approvals for my building project, but I'm having a hard time understanding the building codes and regulations here in Rwanda. Ah, I see. Some specialized items might not be available locally. But we can try looking around the market and see if we can find something suitable. Yes, definitely. I appreciate your help. Thank you again. You're welcome! Let me know if you need any more help. Well, after planting season comes harvesting season, and that's when a lot of people are looking for work. But even then, it can be difficult to find workers. Many people have their own farms to tend to. Hi there! I'm looking to build a house in this area. Can you help me find a good construction company? Yes, it’s best to hire a licensed contractor to do the repairs. That way, you’ll have a guarantee that the work will be done properly and safely. Hello, can you help me please? Sure thing! What specifically are you looking for? Okay, I might be able to help you out with that. Let me make a few calls and see if I can find some skilled workers for you. I am planning to build a house, but I am struggling to find a reliable and trustworthy construction company. Sure. The building will be about 20 by 30 feet and made of local materials like mud bricks, wood, and thatch roofing. Firstly, you should always negotiate the payment with the workers before they start working. You should agree on the amount that you will pay them for their services. This will prevent any misunderstandings or disputes later. Hi, I noticed that some of your workers take a break in the middle of the day. Is that a common practice here? nodding understanding, Ah, okay. I can fix that. How soon do you need it done? Yes, I can help you. Let Oh, I see. In that case, you should have asked for a building material store. That's what we usually call Yes, we will make sure to improve the quality of our work going forward. We will also review the project plan to ensure that we are meeting your expectations. No, I'm sorry. I only speak Kinyarwanda and a little bit of French. Can I help you with something? Hi there! I'm sorry, but I don't think the work you've done is up to our standards. We were really hoping for something more professional-looking. Yes, I can. What kind of work do you need done? Ok, what are the details that we need to discuss? You could try asking around to see if anyone knows a good source of power. Some people might have generators or other alternative power sources that they can recommend. Generally, it's best to avoid the rainy season and the driest part The hammer. You know, the tool used to hit nails? I see. Thank you for letting me know. I'll make sure to keep that in mind. Hmm, I'm not sure I understand the building codes and regulations here in Rwanda. Can you tell me more about them? Well, I'm having a bit of trouble finding reliable sources for waste management and disposal here. Do you know of any places I could go to for help? Yes, I do. I can give you his phone number and directions to his workshop. Just give me one moment to write it down for you. It depends on the duration. Apologetically Yes, I have visited a few suppliers, but none of them have the Polycarbonate panels in stock. That sounds great! Can you give me his contact information? I want to tell you that I need to leave Rwanda earlier than planned, and unfortunately, I won't be able to fulfill the rest of my lease. Great, I’ll look for those in the market. Thanks, David. Yes, I speak English. I can help you with finding a plumber. What seems to be the issue? Sure. In my home country, we have very strict rules about cleanliness and sanitation on construction sites. For example, we always wear gloves and masks when handling materials, we wash our hands frequently, and we keep the worksite as clean as possible to prevent accidents and illnesses. Good morning! I'm excited to be working here in Rwanda. I noticed that some of my colleagues take a long break in the middle of the day. Is this a common practice? Sure, what type of repair job are you working on? [Emmanuel proceeds to start putting up the walls before the cement is set.] Thank you, we're doing our best to make sure the repair work is completed as soon as possible. It will cost you 100,000 Rwandan Francs. Yes, sure. You can get it from the Rwanda Development Board RDB,. They help businesses to obtain insurance policies. Excuse me, sir. I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable with the behavior of some of the other passengers in this taxi. They are speaking loudly and aggressively. I mean that we need to make the base of the building stronger so that the walls and roof don't collapse. Sure, let's get to work. I see. Well, I want to make sure that everyone stays safe during this repair. Is there anything I can do to help them get the proper gear? I'm a contractor from the United States and I'm having some trouble understanding the insurance or liability coverage needed for construction work here in Kigali. Do you have any advice or information that could help me? Yes, they do. You can visit their website at www.abcconstructionrwanda.com or call them at +250 788 123 456. I am sorry, let me try to convert that into Kinyarwanda. No problem at all. Just make sure you discuss the timing of the project with the contractor, so No, I haven't. Do you know of any suppliers I could contact? Sure, what type of materials are you looking for? A foreigner named John is discussing a house repair project with a local contractor named Joseph in Kigali, Rwanda. Concrete and steel are becoming more common in urban areas, but they're still not widely used in rural areas. Some people might see them as cold and impersonal compared to the warmth of traditional materials like clay and thatch. Exactly. And on top of that, there's always the potential for political instability. It can be hard to plan for everything. It's a commercial building that I'm planning to construct. About 6 feet high. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help. That sounds good. Do you know how I can contact them? Yes, I want a two-bedroom house with a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. Oya, mbese uvuye aho? Taken aback, But you are going to get dirty while working, won't your clothes get ruined? Hello, I'm interested in building a small house here in Rwanda. How much would it cost for your construction work? I see. That's unfortunate. How much longer do you think it will take to complete the repairs? I'm not sure about that. I want my house to last a long time. Yes, that's right. It says that the landlord will be responsible for maintaining the basic utilities, such as water and electricity, and that the tenant will be responsible for any additional utilities, such as cable or internet. I understand. Kinyarwanda is the main language here in Rwanda, and it's the best way to communicate with the locals. I can be your translator or interpreter. "Oh, I didn't think of that. I just assumed that modern materials would be better. But I want to respect the local culture and traditions. Can you tell me more about these sustainable materials?" It will be about 20 square meters. Great, well first off, I wanted to discuss the cleanliness and sanitation standards on site. What are the expectations around keeping the site clean and safe? Yes, of course. But it depends on what kind of materials you are looking for. You're welcome. Have a good day. Thanks, David. I'll get to work now. Hi there! Can you tell me what work needs to be done here? Sure, I can try. What seems to be the problem? Hello! Sure, I can recommend a few options. Are you looking for a specific type of project or industry? Of course, we can fix it. But, we have our way of repairing these types of buildings, would you mind if I ask you something? I can see how that would work. However, I'm concerned about how this affects our work schedule. Should we be adjusting our work hours to accommodate the siesta? I understand that, but I am not sure what specific documents or procedures I need to follow. Good morning! I am looking to sublet my apartment, do you speak English? A small town in rural Rwanda That can be challenging. What specialized tools are you looking for? Excuse me, can you tell me where the construction workers are? Well, it's a bit of a mixed bag. Some areas might have reliable power, while others might not. It really depends on the location. Great! So, I need to inspect the foundation of that building. Can you help me with that? Hi, I'm looking to start a construction project in Rwanda, but I'm having difficulties obtaining the necessary permits and approvals. Can you help me navigate the building codes and regulations here? Well, I'm not sure about the hiring and firing process. Can I just hire anyone and fire them if they're not a good fit? Sure, let's give it a try. No, no, no. We're not replacing anything. We're just building a new wall to make this area stronger. Reception Wait for it to dry? Yes, there are a few that I can recommend. What kind of construction work do you need? Yes, I live in this apartment. The problem is with the toilet. In Rwanda, the landlord is responsible for maintaining the property in good condition. But if the damage is caused by the tenant, then the tenant has to pay for the repairs. I noticed that there are different expectations around cleanliness and sanitation on worksites here. Can you help me understand what is expected of me? Yes, there are labor laws and regulations that you need to know before hiring employees. For example, you need to register your business with Rwanda Social Security Board RSSB, and contribute to the National Social Security Fund NSSF, for all the employees you hire. Really? That would be amazing! Thank you. Sure, I will do my best to help. What is the question? We ensure that the worksite is cleaned every day. We use water and soap to wash our hands before and after work. And we also ensure that the materials and tools we use are clean and free from any dirt or debris. That might be a bit more difficult. It depends on the type of workers you need. If you need masons or carpenters, you can try asking around in the local markets or bus stations. Exactly! And we need to make sure the foundation is level and strong. Well, I need some specialized items that I can't seem to find anywhere here. Really? I didn't realize that. Well, I still want to supervise it. Is that going to be a problem? I'm sorry, but that's what I understood. I thought you wanted the whole area dug up. I need someone who can repair some specialized machinery. It requires a certain level of expertise. Hi, I noticed that some of your workers take a break in the middle of the day. What's going on? Excuse me, do you know where I can find the nearest bank around here? We can definitely negotiate the price. But it's important that I understand your expectations and budget. Can you share that with me? That sounds like a good idea. Do you know anyone who can help me? I'm not sure what went wrong, but the repairs didn't work. The wall looks the same. I see. Well, I have one apartment that might interest you. It's in a great location and the rent is affordable, but the landlord requires a deposit. Hey there, do you know where I can find some construction materials for my repair work? a local, Did you use the right material for the repair? "Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks for letting me know. I'll make sure to tell the workers." Sure, I can help you. What kind of materials do you need? Yes, you need to be prepared for unexpected costs. Sometimes, you may have to pay extra for things Additionally, you will need to obtain a construction permit and pay the necessary fees before you can begin building. It's important to follow the regulations and get all the necessary approvals before starting construction. I was hoping to spend around 12 million francs. In that case, you could consider hiring workers from other parts of the country. There are some areas where farming is less common, so people may be more available for other work. You can also consider hiring workers from neighboring countries like Uganda or Tanzania. Hi. Can you tell me how much this project will cost? The brakes are still not working properly. Oh, that sounds great. Do you have their contact details? I need you to dig a trench around the entire perimeter of the building. How long does the whole process usually take? Okay, you will need to get insurance and liability coverage from the Rwanda Development Board RDB,. They oversee all construction projects in Rwanda. I understand your concern, but it's important for us to have a supervisor present to ensure that the work is being done correctly. I need enough to build a small wall. Can you tell me what the prices are? Yes, of course! What kind of materials are you looking for? No problem, happy to assist. Good luck with your project! Okay. So, I want to extend my "ubutaka wiyandikishe" for another year. Can you tell me what the terms and conditions are? Of course, let’s go find a plumber. Yes, sure. There are many contractors who can help you with that. Well, I was thinking it would be fair to pay you what I would pay a construction worker in my home country. So, I've got $300 for you. Thanks, I appreciate it. nods, Okay. What is your offer? Ah, I see the problem. It's a simple fix. I can take care of it for you. Yes, I do. What do you want to know? Hello! I am looking for a plumber or an electrician. Can you help me? Here you go. This is the English version of the rental agreement. Please take your time to read it thoroughly, and feel free to ask me any questions if you have any. I see. Is there any way to improve the situation, like building more roads or improving transportation? Okay, let me check if we have enough stock. Please wait a minute. You could also try contacting some of the larger companies in the area that work with similar machinery. They might be able to recommend someone. Hello sir, can I help you with anything? Which thing, boss? Hi Jane, I am having trouble understanding the building codes and regulations here in Rwanda. Can you explain them to me? Yes, of course. This way. Oh, I need to talk to my landlord. I need to terminate my lease early, but I don't know how to explain it to him. Okay, that sounds straightforward enough. What else do I need to know? I'm sorry to hear that. Can you tell me specifically what you're unhappy with? You can try out ABC Construction Company, they have been in the business for over 10 years, and their work is excellent. Another company that you can try out is EFG Construction Company, known for their affordable prices. nodding, Yes, I need some nails and *calls son* Hello, son. Can you come to the apartment and help this person? There is a problem with the toilet. "Umushinga w'ibicuruzwa" is the security deposit that you pay at the beginning of the lease, and "Ingingo y'umushinga" are the terms and conditions of the lease agreement. thinks for a moment and responds, Aha, utubaahe? Aha, for how long? Ah, okay. How can I help you? It's a commercial building. I need you to build me a fence around my property. Great, you can check out the Rwanda Development Board RDB, for project management and oversight. They have a wealth of knowledge and experience in managing large-scale projects and are known for their reliability and transparency. Yes, there's a shop called "Builders' Depot" and another called "Kigali Hardware." They both have a wide variety of building materials and tools, so they might have what you need. Well, I recently had to fire an employee for not showing up to work for a week without any explanation. However, he's now threatening to take legal action against us, saying that we violated his rights. I am sorry to hear that. Can you tell me what specifically you are not happy with? Do I need to engage an architect or engineer to help with the plans? Alright, I understand. Thank you for clarifying that for me. I need to end my lease early, but the landlord doesn't speak English. Can you translate for me? It's usually the same as one or two months' rent. It's in Kigali city. Do you know the landlord? Can you help me to contact him? Ah, yes. That's because we use locally sourced materials like mud bricks, bamboo, and grass thatch. These materials are cheap and easily available. Got it. Thank you so much for your help. This is really useful. Okay, we will deliver them tomorrow morning. Can you provide us with your phone number? I have a leak in my bathroom sink and I need the landlord to fix it. Ah, I see. Well, safety standards and liability regulations vary from site to site and also depend on the type of work being done. So, you should be careful about which site you visit. Thank you!, Until then, please keep I need a new chain and some lubricant. Yes, I can help you with that. Let me take a look at it. Sure, how many bags do you need? It's a cultural thing. For us, using traditional materials is a way of preserving our heritage and culture. Besides, mud and stones are readily available and affordable. That makes sense. I'm just curious, are there any cultural attitudes towards using certain types of materials? Okay, this is helpful. And how much does a cubic meter of gravel cost? I'm not sure, I don't have them with me. Can you help me get them? Oh, hi. Sorry, I don't speak Kinyarwanda. I was asking about the rent for this apartment. speaks in Kinyarwanda, Excuse me, sir. This foreigner wants to sublet their apartment. They need your permission first. That's reassuring to know. How about supply chain disruptions, are they common here? Sure, how can I help? Yes, there's one just down the street. What are you looking for? Well, sometimes there are people who talk too much, others who smoke, and some who even touch you inappropriately. I need you to build a fence around my property. Well, I've been renting out a small house here for a few months now and it's in need of some repairs. But I'm not sure where to start. Can you give me an example of the regulations that I need to follow? Ah, I see what you're saying. Those can definitely be challenging issues to deal with. In my experience, it's always best to plan ahead as much as possible and be prepared for anything. That's interesting! How long does the break usually last? I need a construction company that can build me a house. Hello, welcome to Rwanda. Yes, you need to go to the district office to apply for the permits. Okay, I found a plumber who can come to your house tomorrow morning. His name is Jean-Paul, and he speaks a little bit of English, so you should be able to communicate with him. His phone number Cornice? What's that? Got it. What about firing employees? Can I terminate an employee's contract without any consequences? This looks great. Thank you for your help! Yes, I can recommend some to you. There is a taxi rank nearby where you can find several taxis. I can also give you Hello there! Yes, I was wondering if you knew of any potential unexpected costs or delays I should be aware of while traveling here? "Okay, I think I understand now. We will need some equipment to do this work. Do you have everything we need?" Hi, I need help fixing my roof. It’s leaking pretty bad. We require one month's rent as a deposit, so for this apartment, it would be $500. Yes, it is. It's just a way to protect the landlord's property. I want the door here and the windows on this side. Alright, that will cost about 10 million Rwandan francs. How do I obtain liability coverage for my workers? Yes, you can find their contact information and website on the internet. Just search for Rwanda Development Board or Rwanda Governance Board. It varies depending on the job and the workplace, but it's usually between 30 minutes to an hour. I see. Did you tell them when you needed the work to be completed? I want to build a small house with two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. How much do you think it will cost? Sure, we can discuss the price. How much are you willing to pay? Another option is to reach out to some of the local NGOs and international organizations operating in Rwanda. Some of them have project management units that can help you with your project. Sure, I can help you with that. What kind of construction are you looking to have done? Yes, how can I help you? I want to extend my stay in this house for one more year. That sounds like a good idea. Can we discuss the options in more detail? Okay, I know just the guy for you. He's a good contractor and has done work for me before. I'll give you his phone number. Okay, I understand. Have you spoken with your landlord about subletting the apartment? No, I definitely said six feet and bricks. This isn't what I asked for at all. Sure, what kind of materials do you need? Don't worry, I can help you with that. What do you need to say? I'm not sure, maybe three bags of cement and five bags of sand. Sure, I can help you with that. First, have you checked the rental laws in Rwanda? Hi, excuse me, could you tell me what you're working on? I’d like to discuss the importance of cleanliness and sanitation on worksites. In my culture, keeping the worksite clean is a top priority, not only for aesthetics but for the prevention of accidents and illnesses. How about in your culture? Okay, I understand. Thank you for explaining it to me. Let me sign it for you. Thank you so much for your help! I'll definitely give them a call. That seems quite high. Can you break down the costs for me? For liability coverage, you will need to get a general liability insurance policy. This policy will cover any injuries or damage to property that may occur during the construction process. "Sorry, I don't know any off the top of my head, Hi there, I noticed that the work that was done is not up to the standard we agreed upon. Can you explain what happened? No, everything else is pretty straightforward. Do you have any other questions? "Of course, what can I assist you with?" No, not at all. Sandcrete blocks are a different type of concrete block that are made with a mixture of sand, cement, and water. They're often used for building walls and other structural elements of a building. As soon as possible. Hi there, I was wondering if you could help me. I am trying to fix this wall but I am having some trouble. Do you know of any good contractors in the area? speaking in English, "Hey guys, we need to make sure we're following the blueprint for this bridge repair. Can you show me what you've done so far?" Yes, those can be issues here. But we have a lot of experience dealing with them. We have contingency plans in place and we work hard to make sure our supply chains are reliable. Are those the ones made of cement and sand? Great! Can you show me how to use it? "We can get the bricks from the local market. Do you know where that is?" Yes, that's right. But I need to get permission from my landlord first. Do you know how I can do that? "You might want to check with some of the larger construction companies or contractors. They might be able to point Yes, hello. What can I help you with? Okay, that's great. How big is the area you want me to work on? Well, it's not draining properly and I think the pipes might be clogged. Yes, I am in charge of the repair work. How may I assist you? I need to build a small house. "What do you mean? You said you wanted a fence around this corner!" I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you speak English? City of Kigali and rural area in Northern Rwanda You're welcome. Rwanda is really working towards a cleaner and greener environment, and waste management No, I am sorry. I only speak Kinyarwanda. Yes of course, what are you looking for exactly? Hi, I came to pick up my car. Is it ready? No, that's everything. Thank you. How much does it cost? Hi, excuse me. Do you know any reliable sources for project management or oversight here in Kigali? I've been having difficulty finding one. That would be great, thank you. Do you know of any good places nearby where we could grab a coffee and talk? Ah, I see. You can check out Sonarwa Insurance or Radiant Insurance. They both offer comprehensive insurance coverage for construction work. Yes, there was. The old wall is still standing. We can't build a new one without breaking down the old one first. Yes. Make sure you follow the building codes and regulations. If you need any help, you can contact a local contractor for advice. As soon as possible, please. How much will it cost? Thank you. Is there anything else you need help with? Okay, you need cement, sand, and iron sheets. I will show you where they are. Excuse me, do you know where I can find some hardware shops nearby? I need to buy some tools and equipment for repairing my car. One kilogram of sand is approximately 2.2 pounds. So if you need, say, 100 kilograms of sand, that would be equivalent to 220 pounds. Well, back home we often use concrete and steel for building, but I've heard that some people here prefer to use more traditional materials like mud bricks and thatch roofs. What do you think? Hi, I'm new to working on construction sites here in Rwanda. I'm a bit confused about the different safety standards and liability expectations compared to what I'm used to back home. Can you help me understand? Hi, excuse me, do you know where I can find some building materials? Excuse me, do you know any local construction company that is reliable and trustworthy? Ah, I see. But I do not read English, my friend. Can you explain to me what it says? Mud and straw? That's not something I've ever heard of before. Are you sure that's a reliable method? It's hard to say without seeing the plan, but I can give you an estimate. It will be around 20 million Rwandan francs, but we can negotiate the price. A foreigner named John is walking around a rural village in Rwanda, while a local named Jean is passing by. That's okay. How much will it cost? Well, the first step is to plan the construction work around the weather. If it's going to rain heavily, it's better to stop the work than to risk damaging the site. Also, it's important to choose the right materials that can withstand the extreme weather conditions. Yes, there are many skilled workers in this region. However, it might be difficult to find them at this time of the day. Most of them start work early in the morning and finish in the late afternoon. That's great to hear! I was just wondering because I noticed some of the materials are still lying around and it seems like there's been a delay. Okay, that sounds good. What about the columns and beams? How do you support the weight of the roof? In Kigali, the foreigner is trying to hire a local construction worker to help with some renovations on their house. The local worker arrives at the house and they begin discussing the work that needs to be done. Hey, do you know where I can find a good plumber or electrician around here? Yes, I can. Do you have any specific instructions or requirements for the wall? Oh, I see. Is that common here in Rwanda? Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it. Hello, can you tell me how much it will cost to repair my car? In a small town in rural Rwanda, a foreigner named Tom is trying to communicate with a local named John about repairing his house. I'm looking for some cement and steel bars. I'm building a small structure in a nearby village. That's good to hear. We don't want any cultural misunderstandings to happen, especially when Okay, great. How about sand and gravel? How are those measured? Yes, I can do that, but I need to know some more details. What type of materials do you want me to use? How big is the garage? What is the timeframe for completion? Yes, I went to a few shops there, but they didn't have the specific wrench that I need. Do you know any other place I could try? I understand that cement and bricks are commonly used in modern construction, but it won't work for this type of wall. It will look different and won't blend in with the existing wall. Plus, it's not an environmentally friendly method. That sounds like a good start. Thank you for your help. Is there anything else What do you mean? We only have one type of cement and sand, but we have different brands. Some brands are better than others. What exactly are you trying to repair? Hello! Yes, I might be able to help you. What kind of materials are you looking for? Ah, I see. Well, I can help you translate if you'd like. I think there was a miscommunication about the quality we were expecting. We were hoping for a higher standard of work. Well, I need to fix some cracks in the wall. Can you show me how to do it? No problem, glad I could help. Let me know if Hello, welcome to Rwanda. I'm afraid the power situation around here is not very reliable. That's a good idea. Do you know anyone who can help me with that? Hi there! I need your help. I want to build a house here, can you understand me? Hello, I am interested in hiring a contractor for a construction project. Can you tell me your rates? Hello, John. "Hello, I need to explain what work needs to be done here. Do you speak English?" Alright, I will pay you when the work is finished. That's common practice in Rwanda, but it's important to have a clear contract that outlines the payment schedule and work to be done. If you don't have that, it can lead to disputes or misunderstandings. Yes, they are safe and reliable. Just make sure to use licensed taxis or buses and ask for the fare before you get in. Sorry, I'm not familiar with that measurement. Could you please tell me how much it weighs in kilograms? Okay, that's great. What kind of repair work is it? Yes, all of them. Ah, I see. That is a specialized job. But, don't worry, there are a few companies in Kigali that provide such services. Have you tried contacting any of them? Hello, excuse me, do you speak English? I'm having trouble communicating with my workers and contractors. Oh, don't worry about that. We don't usually wear gloves or masks while working on sites like this. Don't worry about that. Most of the plumbers and electricians I understand your budget, but I need to make sure I can do quality work Oh, I see. Yes, we do face power outages quite frequently, especially in the rural parts. But we have a few options. You can try getting a generator from the nearest town or village, or you can charge your device at a nearby solar-powered charging station. repeating slowly, Security deposit. What is it? the rainy season and the dry season. During the rainy season, it can be quite difficult to work outside. "But why did you ask him to do that? The design clearly shows a straight wall." Yes, I am. My company has several projects in different parts of the country, and we need someone to oversee the progress and ensure everything is on track. I understand. The insurance industry here can be a little complicated. I can help you with that if you want. Okay, that makes sense. Can I pay the deposit in installments? Oh, I'm sorry about that. I can help you with that. What do you need help with exactly? Well, I am having some issues with the plumbing and electric wiring in my house. I need someone who can fix it. Okay. There's a cement depot not far from here. Just go straight down this road and take the second left. It's right there. Hello, do you know where I can find some construction materials and workers? I understand and I am sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding. Ah, I see. Well, in Rwanda, cleanliness is very important. You should make sure that you're wearing clean clothes and that you're washing your hands regularly. It's also important to keep the worksite clean, to dispose of any waste properly, and to make sure that there's no standing water that could attract mosquitoes. Sure sir. The cost of materials and labor will be around $45,000. And the remaining $5,000 will be for other expenses such as transportation and permits. Of course, we can work on fixing the issues. But it might take some time and additional resources. Okay, but what if they don't respond or aren't helpful? That's not acceptable. I need my room to be fully functional by tomorrow morning. Are they safe and reliable? Well, they keep shouting and laughing loudly. It's making me nervous. The monthly rent is $200 for the entire apartment. Okay, I will do that. Thank you for your help. Sure, we can do that. We can finish the work in one month, and it will cost you around $10,000. Excuse me, I don't understand what you are saying. Can you please speak more slowly? I see. But what if I use materials like concrete and steel? "Hi, I have a question about the rental agreement. Can you help me understand this section?" Oh, I see the problem. I will need to fix the showerhead and the leak. Do you have any tools? Yes, that's fine. Thank you for your help. Good morning Franck, I hope you had a good weekend. Well, there were a few guys who were talking loudly and seemed like they had been drinking. They were making me feel uneasy. Yes, you could try contacting the Rwanda Environmental Management Authority REMA, or the Ministry of Natural Resources MINIRENA,. They should be able to provide you with some good guidance and contacts for waste management and disposal. Excuse me, I am looking for some information about obtaining insurance or liability coverage for construction work in Rwanda. Can you help me with that? Hi, I'm having some issues with paying for the construction work I've had done. I don't really understand the local payment practices and customs. Hello, I need someone to fix the wall in my hotel room. Can you do it? I'm looking for someone who can help me with project management or oversight. Do you know anyone who can help me with that? Is there anyone here who speaks English that can help me understand the rental agreement? "I'm sorry about that. Unfortunately, it's a common thing in shared taxis. But don't worry, I'll talk to the driver, and he will try to calm them down." The foreigner F, has hired a local construction worker L, to build a small house in a rural area of Rwanda. Okay, thank you for your help. Can I pay with a credit card? Yes, that would be great. Thank you. Okay, where is your landlord? Oh, I thought you meant thatched roof. Thank you for clarifying. Sure thing. Do you have any questions? Wall? Oh, I see. What kind of insurance are you looking for? What about the liability of the construction company? Are they held accountable for any accidents or injuries that happen on site? Hi there, can you please tell me how much cement I need for this construction project? Okay, I think I can help you with that. But first, I should tell you that it can be quite challenging to find some materials in certain areas of the country. No, I haven't seen anything like that happen recently. What about hiring a private car? Is that a safer option? Sure, the foundation is the base of the building that supports the rest of the structure. It needs to be strong and sturdy. Yes, you need to go to the local government office. I'm staying at the hotel nearby. I need some help with some construction work, I'm not sure what needs to be done. How do I know which one is reliable and trustworthy? Hello, welcome. It depends on the type of construction work you want us to do. I want to build a small house. Can you give me an estimate of how much it would cost? "Well, it's difficult to give an estimate without seeing the land first. But for a small house like that, it can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $15,000." Hello, I’m having some trouble trying to repair my rental property. I’m not familiar with the regulations and procedures here in Rwanda. Can you help me? That's a good idea. But how do I know if the recommendations are reliable? Okay, thank you for explaining that to me. I'll make sure to adjust my schedule accordingly. Yes, during the rainy season, most of the farmers are free, and they are looking for work. But during the planting and harvest season, it's hard to find workers. No, that's all. Thank you for your understanding. "Hello, I'm interested in hiring you for some construction work. Can you give me an estimate of the cost?" Hi, excuse me. I'm trying to buy some building materials, but I'm having a hard time understanding the measurements used here. Can you help me out? I see. Will it be a problem for the repair work or constructions in the country? Yes, I did. But there seems to be some miscommunication about the timeline for completion. Hi, excuse me, can you help me out? I'm trying to understand the measurement units used here in Rwanda for construction materials. I'm having trouble converting them into units I'm familiar with. I need you to build a wall over here, with bricks and cement. I understand that, but since we are paying for this work, we want it to be done to our standards. Can you make changes to improve the quality? You can always I need to fix the engine of my car. I need some specialized tools that I cannot find here. That would be great! Thank you so much. How can we reach the landlord? in broken English, Yes, I fix. No more problem. Rwanda is a landlocked country, which means that supply chain disruptions can sometimes be an issue. However, the government is working to improve infrastructure, particularly in the transportation sector, which should help to reduce these disruptions in the future. I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying. Can you repeat that? I can help you with that. Which language do you need help with? Yes, there are some contractors, but they might be busy too. You can try to contact them and see if they are available. Hey, that house looks quite basic. Why are they building it with mud and sticks? looks at the paper, Thank you. I think the rent is a bit high for me. Can we negotiate on the price? Yes, I'm starting to feel a bit unsafe. They keep shouting and pushing each other. I see. Is it common to have difficulty finding workers or materials in certain areas of Rwanda? Oh, okay. And what is 'lease'? We have an inspection system in place that monitors the construction sites regularly to ensure that all safety guidelines are being followed. Non-compliance can result in fines or even suspension of the construction project. Then you need to apply new mortar into the cracks, making sure to fill them completely. "Okay, I understand that we need to dig and reinforce the soil. But how do we pour concrete and install steel beams?" Thank you for the advice. I'll make sure to take extra precautions when driving. That sounds promising. Do you know where that store is located? Are you sure it will work as effectively as plaster? Hi. Welcome to Rwanda. November is a good time to visit Rwanda, but it's the start of the rainy season. So, you might experience some rainfall during your visit. *Looks confused* Great, thank you for letting me know. Can you tell me where to start? Yes, sure. Do you mean you're looking for a hardware store? Well, during the rainy season, the roads can become very slippery and difficult to navigate. It can be challenging for mechanics to get to their workshops, and they may not be able to work on your car if it's too risky for them to travel. Similarly, during the dry season, the dust can be very intense and can cause mechanical problems if it gets into the engine. Thank you so much for the recommendation. Do you have any idea of the prices and quality of their products? Hey, I don't think this is safe. The driver is taking too many risks and I feel uncomfortable. Yes, I have a pickup truck. This is a big misunderstanding. I can't use a tennis court; I wanted a swimming pool. Yes, I can help. What kind of work do you need to be done? Yes, I have all the documents required. How long will it take to obtain the permit? "Yes, I know a few people who can help you out. But, you should know that in Rwanda, it's important to dress properly when working on someone's house." I know. That's why I'm still here. I just wish there were some ways to mitigate these risks. Well, Rwanda is a landlocked country, so we do rely on our neighboring countries for some goods and services. However, the government is working to improve infrastructure and increase domestic production, so hopefully, we'll see fewer disruptions in the future. Yes, they are usually available for work. It's best to contact them directly for schedules and cost estimates. Ah, I see. Here in Rwanda, we also prioritize safety on construction sites, but the use of safety equipment is not always strictly enforced. We do provide helmets and safety vests, but they are not always mandatory for everyone. Hi there, I'm looking for someone who can help me build a house. Do you know anyone who can assist me? That's good to know. But how can I find out which zone I am in and which waste collection company operates in my zone? Unfortunately, the permit process can take some time. But if you make sure to follow all the necessary rules and regulations, your permit application will be processed faster. No problem. It may take a bit of time, but I'll do my best to find someone who can help you out. In a small village in Rwanda, a foreigner named Peter, who is working on a construction project, is chatting with a local named Emmanuel. Okay, I will do that. Do you know any specific company or organization that I can contact? Ok, that sounds good. And what about construction techniques? Are there any specific methods that are commonly used? I am looking for someone who can oversee my construction project and ensure that it is completed on time and within budget. That sounds good. But how can I be sure that they are reliable and trustworthy? Well, some people use solar panels to generate electricity. They're becoming more popular these days. You can find some stores that sell them in town. Also, some hotels and guesthouses have backup generators, so you might want to consider staying in one of them if you need a reliable power source. We have experienced some political instability in the past, but the situation is stable at the moment. The government is committed to maintaining peace and security in the country, and we have not had any serious incidents in recent years. No, I speak very little English. How can I help you? Okay, I know a few people who can help you with that. What kind of translation or interpretation do you need specifically? I want you to build a swimming pool in the backyard. Okay, we can do that. But first, can you give me more details about the renovations you need? Well, you need to have a valid reason for terminating someone's employment. You cannot fire them without cause. If you do, you could face legal action. Don't worry, I can come with you to explain the issue to him. That's reassuring. What should I do if I encounter any of these issues? The water in my sink and shower is not draining properly,. It's clogged. The water won't go down. Yes, I need to repair my car, do you know any good repair shops around here? I see. Well, if you're really set on using drywall, you might want to try contacting some of the larger construction companies here. They might be able to import it for you. I'm sorry, I hope we can work The bricks are 50 Rwandan Francs each. That's really helpful, thank you! Do you know if there are any specific regulations or guidelines for waste management in Rwanda? Filling the holes with concrete? But that’s not what I instructed you to do. whispers to the driver, Excuse me, is it normal for this many people to be on one mototaxi? My budget is around 15 million Rwandan francs. Are you sure that these materials will work? I really appreciate your help. Thank you. That would be great. pauses, By the way, do you think there might be any communication issues between me and the plumber or electrician? The deposit is 400,000 Rwandan francs, and you'll get it back when you move out of the house, provided there's no damage. I need some cement and sand. Hello, can you help me find some construction materials? Okay, we have plenty of cement No problem. Just one thing, though. Finding skilled workers or contractors for specialized repair work can be a bit of a challenge here in Rwanda. You need to do thorough research to find the best ones. I see. And what about termination? Can I fire someone if they're not performing well? Thank you for the information. Do you have any recommendations for trustworthy taxi companies? ** That's a good idea. But what if I don't speak Kinyarwanda or French? Will it be difficult to communicate? You can use them, but they might not be as effective as metal sheets or clay tiles. Shingles are not very durable and might wear out quickly in the Rwandan climate. I want to see a Rwandan person who is not you to confirm what you are saying. "Okay, got it. Thank you." Oh, I see. Do you speak English? Hello! I'm here to discuss the construction work that needs to be done. Yes, I did, but maybe we weren't on the same page about the extent of the work needed. Yes, I can fix that too. It will cost you an additional 10,000 Rwandan Francs. It varies from workplace to workplace, but it can range from one to two hours. Okay, that all seems reasonable. What about liability issues? How can I protect myself and my company from any legal problems? I see. It can be, but it's likely to Okay, I understand. Let me check if we have enough in stock. I see, and what are my responsibilities as a tenant? Hello there, excuse me. Do you know where I can buy some materials for a repair job I need to get done? There's a leak in the kitchen sink, and the tap in the bathroom is not working correctly. You're welcome. I hope you find the right construction company for your project. Good luck! Yes, please. Can you tell me the prices? Yes, that's a good idea. Let me see if my neighbor can help us. She speaks both languages fluently. Okay, I will try those. Thanks for the advice. Hi, I'm interested in building a house here in Rwanda, but I'm not sure which building materials and construction techniques are suitable for this climate. Can you help me with that? Great, here's the money. Thank you for your help. The part where the water is leaking. And I need the walls to be painted white. Hello, I can help you with that. Rwanda has strict building regulations that you need to follow to obtain the necessary permits and approvals. Yes, I have, but the process is quite confusing to me. I don't understand the language and the procedures. That's great to hear. What about liability? Who is responsible if an accident does occur on a construction site? Nods head indicating yes I want to let you know that I want to get some money, it’s very good. from mid-March to mid-May and from mid-October to mid-December. During these periods, it can rain for hours, and sometimes even days, which can impact repair work. Ah, I see. Here in Rwanda, we use kilograms kg, as a measurement unit for cement. One bag of cement is usually 50 kg. Yes, I can do that. Let me just take a look at them. Yes, we can negotiate. What price are you looking for? Good morning, I am looking to buy some construction materials for my project. Can you help me find what I need? I can, but I need to know who you're subletting to. Well, we started building the wall, but we misunderstood your instructions. We thought you wanted a fence, not a wall. Not really, I'm not very knowledgeable about cars. I just know that it's been making the noise for a few days now. "Yes, we can negotiate on the price. But I need to know more about the project to give you an accurate estimate." Alright, Sir. We can do that for you. Do you have any budget in mind for the construction work? I'm not used to measuring in bags and blocks. I usually use pounds and kilograms. That would be great. I need to find a company that can do a good job and won't cheat me. John, a foreigner, is renovating his house. He hired some local workers to help him with the repairs. He is unaware of the cultural norms around attire for workers during house repairs. Yes, it's very important. The government requires all construction projects to have insurance or liability coverage to protect against any accidents or damages that may occur during the construction process. Yes, I can recommend a few. What kind of work needs to be done? Okay. I can recommend a few construction companies that offer those kinds of services. One of them is Tumaini Construction. They have a good reputation for quality work and are very reliable. You're welcome. Also, be sure to ask for references from any potential company you're considering. This will give you an idea of their past work and customer satisfaction. You'll have to submit the plan to the National Building Control Authority NBCA, for approval. They usually take around 30 days to review and approve the plan. I see. That makes sense. Thank you for explaining it to me. You're welcome. And just to be safe, make sure you ask for references and check them out before you sign any contracts. That way, you can be sure you are getting a trustworthy and reliable construction company. "Hello, I'm interested in getting some construction work done. How much do you charge for your services?" Of course, you can use whatever material you prefer. But I'm not sure what you mean by "local methods." Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check them out too. Yes, there are. You need to have a written It's not easy, but sometimes people have to make do with what they have. They might use local materials like clay, wood, or bamboo, which are more readily available. Or they might have to hire workers from other parts of the country, which can be expensive. The deposit acts as a security for the property in case there are any damages or unpaid rent when you leave. That’s good to know. What happens if I don’t follow the regulations? Hi there, I'm looking to build a house here in Rwanda. Can you help me find a good construction company? It can take some time, but if you are patient and persistent, you should be able to get through it. And, if you need any help or guidance along the way, please let me know. Yes, it can be. But as long as you plan ahead and have a reliable mode of transportation, you should be fine. That's a good idea. But what if we can't avoid working during those times? Good morning! I hope you're doing well. Yes, I can help you with that. Do you have any specific reason why you want to sublet your apartment? I need about 50 bags of cement and 500 bricks. I see. I'll keep that in mind. Translating from Kinyarwanda to English, He said the rent is 100,000 Rwandan francs per month. That sounds like a good idea. I appreciate your help in resolving this issue. Excuse me, is it normal for the driver to let so many people in this vehicle? I'm starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. Well, I'm not exactly sure. There is a leak in my bathroom and the lights keep flickering in my bedroom. Yes, boss. I will make sure the cement is set before the walls go up. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. We use wooden beams or steel trusses to support the roof. I understand. Do you want to get off and wait for another taxi? Okay, I know the area. Let me make a call to the landlord and ask if he is available to meet you. About 50,000 Rwandan Francs. Yes, of course. There are several hardware shops around here where you can find any construction material that you need. I have talked to my team and we can bring the price down to $8,500. Is that okay for you? I see. Well, I would recommend checking out some of the established construction companies in Kigali. There are some very reputable ones that have been in business for many years. Sure thing! What kind of materials did you have in mind? Yes, we can negotiate. How much are you willing to pay? Alright, I'll let the landlord know. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. That would be great. Thank you so much. How much would you charge for your services? Yes, we can start right away. But we need to check the type of belt your car needs. Can you give me the car model and year? Yes, usually one wheelbarrow of sand is about 100 kilograms. Yes, it can be challenging. However, if you're willing to travel outside of Kigali, I can give you some recommendations on where to find these materials at a lower cost. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to Excuse me, could you help me with something? Unfortunately, it can be. Insurance is not as developed here as it is in some other countries. But there are some options available. You could try speaking to a broker or consulting with a legal expert to understand the local regulations better. Ah, yes. That’s because we use more traditional methods of construction. We don't have access to the same technology and resources as you do in America. No, I'm sorry. I only speak Kinyarwanda. I'm looking for a specialized type of insulation material that's not readily available in Rwanda. Translates to the landlord calculating, Alright, that's a total of 2,000,000 Rwandan francs. Can you give me a discount? I'm not sure, but I can translate your request and help you negotiate with him. Let's go find him. Hmm, did you check the size of the PVC pipes before buying them? Thank you. Can you show me where it is? I see, that makes sense. But I noticed that some of the workers don't wear gloves or masks while handling construction materials. Is that not a concern for hygiene? Yeah, unfortunately, some specialized tools like those are not easy to find here. You might need to look online or see if you can get them shipped in from outside the country. It will take about 2-3 days to get the materials and complete the repairs. [looks confused] At the apartment That sounds like a good idea. Thanks for explaining the cultural differences to me. I'm glad Oh, I see. In my country, we work continuously throughout the day without any breaks. Hello! I know some good companies around here. What type of project do you have? That's good to know. So, where can I find these cities or towns? Well, I'm planning to build a small house in a rural area. But I'm having difficulty understanding what kind of insurance or liability coverage I need. "Yes, I can help you. What do you need to be done?" I am looking for some local workers or contractors who can help me with my farm during the harvest season. Do you know anyone who is available? I see. And what about cement? How do you measure that? That sounds promising. Do you know of any such contractors? Oh, I see. It's not really common for workers to wear Western-style clothing here in Rwanda. But it's not a big deal if they do. As long as they're doing a good job and you're happy with their work, that's what's important. How much is the cement? Don't worry, we will supervise them ourselves. I understand. What about the actual repairs? Do I need to hire a licensed contractor? Well, there are different payment practices depending on the project and the people involved. Sometimes we get paid upfront, and other times we get paid after finishing the job. Yes, please. That Okay. Do you want delivery? Liability coverage? What do you mean? If you want to make any repairs or changes to the property, you need to get written permission from the landlord or property manager before doing so. They will also inform you of any requirements or regulations you need to follow. Okay, let me check our stock. the local goes to check the stock Oh, I see the problem now. I must have misspoken. I meant to say we’re building a straight wall. Alright, I will give him a call and ask him to come to your hotel. But, we need to explain the exact location and issue to him. There's one at the marketplace just a few kilometers from here. You can charge your device there for a small fee. I apologize for the confusion. I can take down the court and build the pool for you. Hi there, I'm interested in learning about the construction industry in Rwanda. Can you tell me about some of the local terminology and jargon used in construction? What do you mean? I need to get it fixed as soon as possible. Yes, of course. What kind of construction work are you planning to do? Ah, I see. In our culture, we prefer to work together as a team and we expect our supervisors to be present at all times. Yes, that's exactly what I've been running into. Do you have any suggestions for how I might find workers who are available during those times? In the northern part of Rwanda, a foreigner named Jack was trying to find a reliable source of power to carry out some repairs. Jack stumbled upon a local named Jean who was walking by. I need to build a small house. How much do you charge for construction work? What do you mean? I have a problem with my air conditioning unit in my room. I need someone who is skilled in repairing air conditioning units. Yes, I can help you with that. There are many construction companies in Rwanda, but I know a few that are reliable and trustworthy. Thanks for letting me know. I'll make sure to communicate everything clearly with the contractor. I want to use good quality materials that will last long. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you meant that wall. Yes, and also, you need to make sure that you provide them with enough food and water. It is customary for us to treat our workers well. You're welcome, don't hesitate to ask if you have any other questions. Hi there, I'm looking for someone who can help me build a new house. I see a lot of people using mud and clay for the walls, but I want something more substantial. Can you help me with that? Three days later Okay, first things first. Have you prepared the necessary documents such as architectural drawings, structural drawings, and a bill of quantities? I see. I'll give the electrician a call and have him come take a look. Do you have his number? Hi, I need to repair my roof. Can you help me? "That's a bit low for the work you're describing. The materials alone will cost more than that. Can you increase your budget?" You can try contacting Rwanda Engineering Group or Horizon Construction. They have a good reputation and might be able to help you out. Yes, it should work the same. Sure. You need to first get in touch with the Rwanda Housing Authority RHA, or Kigali City Council KCC,, depending on where you want to build. Then you will have to submit detailed architectural drawings and engineering plans of your proposed building. The 50 kilogram bags are bigger, but they are also more expensive. The 25 kilogram bags are smaller and cheaper. Hi, I noticed that some of your workers take a break in the middle of the day. Is this a common practice in Rwanda? Thank you for the advice. I don Excuse me, I have a problem in my apartment. Greetings, I hope you're doing well. I wanted to ask for your help, please. I would like to sublet my apartment but I need to get the landlord's permission first. Do you know if the landlord speaks English? Hey there! I am looking for someone to help me with the construction of my new house. Can you help me? That's what I've been hearing. Do you have any suggestions for where I can go? No, I haven't. What makes them stand out from the others? Local and foreigner go to the room where the issue is Yes, I can recommend a few. One of the most reliable consulting firms for project management is XYZ Consulting. They have a team of experienced project managers who can oversee your project from start to finish. I'm sorry, I don't understand Kinyarwanda. Do you speak English? No, I’m not sure. I just noticed it this morning. It depends on the design and materials you want to use. Can you give me more details? Translator speaks to the landlord in Kinyarwanda Yes, there are. The Rwanda Housing Authority is in Local translates to the landlord But I'm worried it won't last very long. What if it starts to crumble again in a few months? It depends on the contractor's preference. Some prefer to be paid in cash, while others prefer to receive a bank transfer. You should discuss the payment method with your contractor beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings. I need to renovate a building. How much do you think it will cost? It's going well, but we have a little problem. Yes, there are. The RSB and the Ministry of Infrastructure can impose fines or revoke a contractor's license if they fail to meet the safety standards. Additionally, if someone is injured or there is property damage, the contractor can be sued for compensation. That sounds complicated. How long does it usually take to get a permit? Great. And also, during the dry season, we can experience very hot temperatures, which can Yes, sure. We need to dig up the area where the foundation of the building will be laid. Okay, we’ll get it done for you. But just to be clear, do you want us to check in with you periodically throughout the process? Sure, what seems to be the problem? In the living room. points to the living room Hi, excuse me, do you know where I can get a permit to build a house here in Rwanda? Yes, this is he. Hello, can you help me understand the rental agreement? Hi, I need your help. I am having some trouble understanding the payment practices for construction work here in Rwanda. Can you guide me? I see. Are there any resources available I am sorry, I don't speak English very well. Can you explain it to me in Kinyarwanda? I understand. Unfortunately, that can happen in crowded shared taxis or mototaxis. But there are ways to stay safe. "Okay, that sounds like it will take some time and materials. How much are you willing to pay?" Oh, I’m sorry. I must have misunderstood. Let me call my boss and explain the situation. Well, I am trying to find some reliable sources for waste management and disposal. I have been struggling to find anything online. It depends on the extent of the work. Can you tell me exactly what needs to be done, and what materials will be needed? Hello, I'm looking for construction materials like cement, sand, and bricks. Do you have those here? I see. Do you know any good taxi or moto companies that I can contact? Yes, we can do that for you. What exactly do you need to be repaired? I see. I thought I made it clear that I wanted to be closely involved in the repair work. Did you not understand that? Hey there, do you know anything about the labor laws and regulations in Rwanda? I just opened up a business and I'm looking to hire some workers. Hello, I can help you. What do you need? Well, the cost of materials will depend on the quality and quantity needed. We can go to the market and check out the prices together. Hi there! I'm looking for a specific type of building material, and I was wondering if you could help me locate it? types his message on the app, How much is the rent for this house? Yes, sir. We will do our Hmm, that's still a bit over my budget. Can we negotiate the price? That's also possible, but you should know that it's not very common in some parts of Rwanda. Some people still prefer the traditional way of building because it's cheaper and more environmentally friendly. The foreigner is in the city center of Kigali and the local is in a rural village. Can we find a way to use cheaper materials or reduce the size of the building to fit my budget? Yes, that's enough time. But I will need to know the exact location of the building and I will need a proper contract. Excuse me, can you tell me how much it would cost to get to Nyamata by taxi? Alright, let me make some inquiries, and see if I can find any suppliers for you. Can you give me your contact details so that I can get back to you with any information I find? Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it. That's a great idea. Thank you for your help! Yes, I come tomorrow morning. What time is good for you? I need two bags of cement, five bags of sand, and 200 bricks. still looks confused, I'm sorry, John. I don't understand what consequences mean. Can you explain? Oh, I see. How much longer do you think this will take? Well, the car has been making some strange noises lately and I think it needs some repairs. Yes, of course. I can recommend some good ones. But may I ask you something first? Okay, let me see if I can find someone who speaks English. In the meantime, could you show me the problem? looking through the documents, I see there are some issues with your plans. The building codes and regulations in Rwanda require certain specifications to be met for safety purposes. Okay, I will do that. Thank you for your understanding. Yes, there are a few recycling centers in the city. I can give you their contact information so you can find out more about them. That's great, thank you. Do you know where I could find a good quality generator? I'm currently in Kigali, but I may need to travel to other parts of Rwanda too. I see. I apologize if there was any misunderstanding. We usually don't work that way here. We just do our job and report back to our supervisor. I cannot afford that much. Can we compromise? I need to build a small office space. How much would that cost? But what if I feel unsafe because of the way other passengers behave? You need to provide detailed architectural drawings of the proposed project, including the design, specifications, and bill of quantities. You also need to provide proof of ownership or lease agreement Sure. Let's say you need 10 cubic meters of sand for your construction project. You can convert that to tons by multiplying it by the bulk density of sand which is usually 1.6 tons per cubic meter. So, 10 cubic meters of sand would be 16 tons. Excuse me,, I need to talk to you about my lease. Sure, we have different types of materials for roof repair. Do you want to fix it yourself or hire someone to do it for you? We use reinforced concrete for the foundation. I need maintenance in my apartment Yes, I know how to build a strong foundation. But I need more information about the site and the materials required for the construction. I see. So, how do you maintain cleanliness and hygiene then? You're welcome. It's always good to see foreigners investing in Rwanda and contributing to our development. You can also try to engage with the other passengers in a friendly way. Sometimes, just making conversation can help diffuse the situation. And if you feel really unsafe, you can always call the police You need to inform your landlord or property manager immediately, and they will arrange for the repairs to be done. They will also inform you if there are any costs involved. You can take it to the nearest garbage collection point or bring it to the central dumpsite. Do you know where those are? Okay, I think I know of a few places that could have what you're looking for. There's a store in Kigali that sells a variety of building materials, and they may have insulated panels. There's also a company in Butare that specializes in insulation, they may be able to help as well. Oh, that's a good idea There are several insurance companies in Rwanda that provide different types of coverage for construction projects. We can help you choose the right insurance provider and coverage plan that suits your needs and budget. I think there is a leak in my bathroom and my lights keep flickering. The western region is a bit more urbanized and easier to access, but it’s possible that the specific materials you I need a company that can help me with some renovation work for my house. If you allow me, I have three hundred dollars Yes, it is. It's called a siesta. We take a break to rest and recharge our energy in the middle of the day. That sounds like a lot of insurance to obtain. How do I know what kind of insurance to get? Great, thanks for the advice. Yes, definitely. There are many hardware stores and suppliers in Kigali that sell generators. I can recommend a few places for you to check out. Yes, Rwanda has strict laws regarding waste disposal. It's important to note that dumping waste anywhere apart from designated areas is illegal and can result in a fine. [responds in Kinyarwanda] Well, for example, you need to have a registered architect or engineer to design your project and submit the plans to the Housing Authority to get approval. You also need to make sure your project meets environmental and safety standards. Ah, I see. What kind of tools do you need? We typically ask for the equivalent of one month’s rent. So, if your rent is 100,000 Rwandan Francs per month, then the deposit would be 100,000 as well. Good afternoon. I have a problem with my apartment, and I was hoping you could help me. "Yes, I can understand you, but I don't know the English language very well." nervously, Yes, I am fine. I just don't like this situation.