{"Section id": "rpl000001", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/", "Heading": "Guides Overview", "Text": "Welcome to the Guides section of the Rocket Pool documentation! Here you will find various guides that walk you through every step of the various Rocket Pool processes.\nIf you're looking to stake your ETH with Rocket Pool and receive rETH in return, please visit the Staking Guide. Staking is a very simple process, and this guide is filled with step-by-step instructions (including screenshots) that show you how it's done.\nIf you're interested in running a Rocket Pool node to create your own Ethereum validators, take a look at our Node Operator's guide. This is a very comprehensive guide that goes over all of the considerations involved in node operation, including:\nDeciding to run a node locally at home, or remotely on the cloudSelecting the hardware for a local machine, or selecting a remote hosting providerPreparing and securing the operating system of your nodeSelecting your Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) clientsInstalling Rocket Pool's Smartnode stackCreating a new ETH2 validator using the Rocket Pool networkMaintaining and updating your node\nBoth guides will show you how to practice for free on the Rocket Pool testnet so you can get a feel for everything without risking any of your real-life ETH, and how to stake your real ETH on the Ethereum mainnet once you're comfortable with the process.\nWhen you're ready, select a guide from the options above based on your interests. You are also free to explore the various pages using the sidebar to the left.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000002", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/atlas/whats-new.html", "Heading": "The Atlas Update", "Text": "This page describes the major changes that Rocket Pool's next major update, titled Atlas, brings to the protocol including updates to both the Smartnode stack and to the Rocket Pool protocol in general.\nPlease read through this page thoroughly to understand all of the differences between the previous version of Rocket Pool (Redstone) and Atlas.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000003", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/atlas/whats-new.html", "Heading": "New Protocol Features", "Text": "Atlas brings about some exciting new features that are based on both community feedback and changes to the Ethereum protocol itself. Below is a brief list of these changes - click on any of them to learn more about it.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000004", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/atlas/whats-new.html", "Heading": "Shapella and Withdrawals", "Text": "The Ethereum protocol is preparing to undergo its next major upgrade: Shanghai on the Execution layer, and Capella on the Consensus layer - since these are now interconnected, both will occur at the same time. Ethereum users have affectionately come to call the combined upgrade \"Shapella\" accordingly.\nShapella introduces withdrawals to the Beacon Chain, meaning node operators are now able to access the ETH that is currently locked on the Beacon Chain. This comes in two flavors:\nPartial withdrawals (skimming), where your rewards (your excess Beacon Chain balance over 32 ETH) are sent to your minipool on the Execution Layer. This is done automatically by the protocol itself every so often (about once every four or five days on Mainnet).Full withdrawals, where you exit your validator from the Beacon Chain and its entire balance is sent to your minipool on the Execution Layer. This is done automatically by the protocol itself once your validator has been exited from the chain long enough.\nAtlas introduces a new delegate contract for minipools that allows node operators to distribute the minipool's ETH balance, splitting it evenly between the node operator and the rETH holders (plus commission, of course) at any time. This gives node operators immediate access to their Beacon Chain rewards! It also puts the rETH holders's share back into the deposit pool, so it can be used to unstake rETH for ETH at the protocol's exchange rate (or to create new minipools).", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000005", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/atlas/whats-new.html", "Heading": "8-ETH Bonded Minipools", "Text": "One of the most anticipated changes made in Atlas is the introduction of the ability to only provide 8 ETH to make a minipool instead of 16 ETH. Minipools with only 8 ETH bonded by their owning node operator are matched with 24 ETH from the staking pool (provided by rETH holders) in order to make a validator. This significantly reduces the capital requirement for running your own validator and results in greater returns for both the node operator and the rETH stakers! In fact, running two 8-ETH minipool instead of one 16-ETH minipool will provide over 18% more rewards - even if the 16-ETH minipool has a commission rate of 20%.\nCreating an 8 ETH minipool requires that you stake a minimum of 2.4 ETH worth of RPL and a maximum of 12 ETH worth of RPL. These represent 10% of the amount you're borrowing from the protocol, and 150% of the amount you're bonding (staking) yourself.\nNew minipools can be created with either 8 ETH or 16 ETH. 16 ETH minipools are unchanged from how they work today, and are available for users that want to minimize their exposure to the RPL token.\nTo learn how to make new minipools using an 8 ETH bond, please visit the minipool creation guide.\nAlso, once Atlas has been applied, node operators can migrate existing 16-ETH minipools directly into 8-ETH minipool without needing to exit. This will give them 8 ETH back in deposit credit, which can be used to create a new 8-ETH minipool for free!\nTo learn more about 8-ETH bond minipools, please visit the bond reduction guide.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000006", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/atlas/whats-new.html", "Heading": "Solo Validator Conversion", "Text": "Part of the Shapella upgrade involves the ability for solo validators to change their validators' withdrawal credentials from the original (now unused) BLS-based withdrawal key to an address on the Execution layer. This address will be the recipient for all of that validator's rewards and its full ETH balance once it exits the Beacon Chain.\nRegular Rocket Pool node operators don't need to worry about any of this, as the protocol automatically set this up for your minipools when you created them. However, as part of this new requirement for solo validators, Atlas brings an exciting opportunity: the ability to create a special minipool that will become the withdrawal address for your existing solo validator.\nIn other words, this will allow you to directly convert a solo validator into a Rocket Pool minipool without needing to exit it!\nThis means you will get all the benefits of Rocket Pool minipools, including:\nThe ability to convert your one validator (with a 32 ETH bond) into four minipools (each with an 8 ETH bond), effectively quadrupling your presence on the Beacon ChainCommission on the portion of those minipools provided by rETH stakersAccess to Rocket Pool's Smoothing Pool to pool and evenly distribute rewards from block proposals and MEV\nTo learn more about converting a solo validator into a minipool, please visit the Converting a Solo Validator into a Minipool guide.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000007", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/atlas/whats-new.html", "Heading": "New Smartnode Features", "Text": "In addition to core changes to the Rocket Pool protocol, Atlas also brings some exciting upgrades to the Smartnode stack itself which are present in v1.9.0.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000008", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/atlas/whats-new.html", "Heading": "Automatic Rewards Distributions", "Text": "If you're already an active Rocket Pool node operator, you may be familiar with the rocketpool_node process that handles certain automated processes. For example, it ensures you have the correct fee recipient and automatically runs the second stake transaction for you after prelaunch minipools pass the 12-hour scrub check.\nStarting with Atlas, the node has a new duty: automatic distribution of minipool rewards! This is due to the way the Shapella upgrade works, by skimming your rewards from the Beacon Chain into your minipool every few days.\nWhenever one of your minipools reaches a balance larger than a user-specified threshold (default of 1 ETH), the node will automatically run distribute-balance on it. This will send your portion of the rewards to your withdrawal address, and the pool staker's portion back to the deposit pool.\nChanging the threshold can be done in the Smartnode and TX Fees section of the service config TUI, under the Auto-Distribute Threshold setting.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000009", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/atlas/whats-new.html", "Heading": "Unified Grafana Dashboard", "Text": "By popular demand, we have created a new Grafana dashboard to help node operators track and assess the status, progress, and overall health of their nodes:\n\nIt comes with the following highly requested features:\nSupport for all Execution and Consensus clients in a single dashboard - no more changing dashboards based on which clients you're using!Execution client stats, including CPU and RAM usage, and peer countAttestation accuracy tracking which follows how \"correct\" your attestations were for the previous epoch, so you know how far off from optimal rewards you're gettingTracking of the Smoothing Pool's balanceTracking of claimed and unclaimed rewards, now including ETH from the Smoothing PoolStats about Rocket Pool's Snapshot-based governance votesRoom for tracking a second SSD's used space and temperature if you have one for your OS and a different one for your chain dataAnd more!\nYou can import the new dashboard from the official Grafana service using ID 18391 by following our Grafana guide.\nThis new dashboard was a labor of love that involved extensive help from community member 0xFornax - thank you for all of your hard work!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/grafana-1.3.888534e8.jpg", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000010", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/atlas/whats-new.html", "Heading": "Nimbus Changes", "Text": "Smartnode v1.9.0 introduces split mode support for Nimbus! Instead of running the Beacon Node and Validator Client inside a single process / container, the Smartnode will now run them in separate containers like the other clients. This has the following benefits:\nNimbus now supports fallback clients (a secondary Execution client and Beacon Node that Nimbus's Validator Client can connect to when your primary clients are down for maintenance, such as resyncing).Nimbus is now supported in Externally-Managed (Hybrid) Mode, so you can couple the Validator Client that the Smartnode manages to an external Beacon Node that you maintain on your own.The Beacon Node no longer needs to be restarted after the addition of new minipools, meaning you don't lose attestations while it reconnects to its peers.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000011", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/atlas/whats-new.html", "Heading": "Lodestar Support", "Text": "Lodestar is now supported as an option for your Consensus Client of choice! This is the newest addition to be officially accepted onto Ethereum's Launchpad, and it's ready for validation. Lodestar supports many of the great features you've come to love from the other clients, including Doppelganger Detection, MEV-Boost, externally-managed clients (Hybrid Mode), and more!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000012", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/atlas/whats-new.html", "Heading": "New Network Snapshot System", "Text": "On a slightly more technical note, v1.9.0 introduces a brand new system for quickly capturing a snapshot the state of everything about your node on both the Execution and the Consensus layers. Under the hood, this system leverages MakerDAO's multicall contract and Will O'Beirne's Ethereum Balance Checker contract to batch thousands of individual Execution client queries up into a single request.\nThis makes the node process much less taxing on the Execution client for node operators with a large number of validators, and should significantly reduce its CPU load which will improve attestations and overall rewards.\nThis new system hasn't made its way into the CLI itself yet, so any commands you run there (such as rocketpool minipool status) will still use the old single-query setup. Over time we'll introduce it into the CLI too, which will make all of its commands lightning fast (except for waiting for transactions to be validated, that still takes a while).", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000013", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/overview.html", "Heading": "Staking Overview", "Text": "This guide will introduce you to how staking with Rocket Pool works (how your ETH is put to work and your rewards are generated) and summarize the ways in which you can stake.\nNOTEIf you're not interested in how staking works and just want to learn how to stake, click here to skip to that section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000014", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/overview.html", "Heading": "How Ethereum Staking Works", "Text": "Before getting into Rocket Pool, let's talk about staking on Ethereum in general. Since the Merge on September 15th, 2022, Ethereum now comprises two blockchains in parallel: the Execution layer (formerly ETH1), which contains all of Ethereum's transaction data, and the Consensus layer (also known as the Beacon Chain, formerly ETH2) which consists of a network of validators that collectively determine the validity of each transaction and each block broadcast to the network.\nStaking is the process of creating and maintaining one (or more) of these validators on the Beacon Chain to help the network maintain the consistency and security of the Ethereum blockchain. Validators do this by listening for transactions and new block proposals, and attesting that the proposed block contains legal, valid transactions by doing some number crunching and verification behind the scenes. Occasionally, they get to propose new blocks themselves.\nTo ensure that the network is resilient against malicious validators that lie about the current state of the chain, each validator is required to lock exactly 32 ETH up as a \"stake\" in the networks. Performing their duties correctly and agreeing with the majority of the other validators will earn them rewards; performing incorrectly and attacking the chain will cost them some of their locked 32 ETH balance. The amount taken depends on the severity of the attack and the number of validators that participated in it.\nValidators in Ethereum are assigned attestations and block proposals on a schedule. This is very different from the old Proof of Work (PoW) system, where everyone is constantly trying to race each other and come up with the next block before everyone else. This means that unlike PoW where a miner isn't guaranteed to earn a block reward unless they find the next block, Proof of Stake validators are guaranteed to have slow, steady income as long as they perform their duties.\nInitially, validator rewards simply accrued on the Beacon Chain against each validator and were inaccessible by their operator. As of the \"Shapella\" hard fork, validator rewards are routinely \"skimmed\" to the Execution Layer address defined by the validator's withdrawal credentials.\nAdditionally, now that the Execution and Consensus layers have merged, validators are also awarded with priority fees for transactions included in blocks they propose. These priority fees are paid directly on the Execution layer according the \"Fee Recipient\" set by the block proposer. If the validator is participating in a MEV network to propose a block built by someone else, that builder will provide a supplemental tip to the validator known as a MEV reward. This is also available directly on the Execution layer and is provided at the same time as priority fees.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000015", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/overview.html", "Heading": "How Rocket Pool Works", "Text": "Unlike solo stakers, who are required to put 32 ETH up for deposit to create a new validator, Rocket Pool nodes only need to deposit 16 ETH per validator. This will be coupled with 16 ETH from the staking pool (which stakers deposited in exchange for rETH) to create a new Ethereum validator. This new validator is called a minipool.\nTo the Beacon chain, a minipool looks exactly the same as a normal validator. It has the same responsibilities, same rules it must follow, same rewards, and so on. The only difference is in how the minipool was created and how withdrawals work when the node operator decides to voluntarily exit the minipool or gets slashed. All of the creation, withdrawing, and rewards delegation is handled by Rocket Pool's smart contracts on the Execution layer. This makes it completely decentralized.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000016", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/overview.html", "Heading": "The rETH Token", "Text": "As a Rocket Pool staker, your role is to deposit ETH into the deposit pool which will enable a node operator to create a new Beacon Chain validator. You can stake as little as 0.01 ETH.\nIn doing so, you will be given a token called rETH. rETH represents both how much ETH you deposited, and when you deposited it. The ratio includes rewards that Rocket Pool node operators earn from:\nThe Beacon Chain itselfPriority fees from block proposalsMEV rewards from block proposals\nMore specifically, the value of rETH is determined by the following ratio:\nrETH:ETH ratio = (total rETH supply) / (total ETH staked + total rETH contract balance + total rETH share of priority fees + total rETH share of MEV rewards)\nSince the Beacon Chain rewards, priority fees, and MEV rewards will constantly accumulate, this means that rETH's value effectively always increases relative to ETH. The rETH/ETH exchange rate is updated approximately every 24 hours based on the Beacon Chain rewards earned by Rocket Pool node operators.\nTo illustrate this point, here is a chart of rETH's value (relative to ETH) over time - as expected, it demonstrates slow but steady growth:\n\nLet's do a simple example as a demonstration.\nSay you stake at the very beginning when 1 ETH = 1 rETH. You deposit 10 ETH and receive 10 rETH back.\nAfter a few years, the balances on the Beacon Chain grow due to validator rewards. Say 128 ETH had been staked with Rocket Pool and the sum of all validator balances on ETH2 was 160 ETH. Then 1 ETH would be worth (128/160) = 0.8 rETH; conversely, 1 rETH would be worth (160/128) = 1.25 ETH.\nAt this point, you could trade your 10 rETH back to Rocket Pool's smart contracts and receive 12.5 ETH in return.\nThis means as long as you are holding rETH, you are staking with Rocket Pool! You do not need to get it from Rocket Pool directly. For example, you can purchase rETH on an exchange; as every rETH token is exactly the same, you will automatically receive the benefits of staking just by holding the token!\nNOTETrading rETH back for ETH directly with Rocket Pool is only possible when the staking pool has enough ETH in it to handle your trade. ETH in this pool comes from two sources:ETH that other stakers have deposited, which hasn't been used by a node operator to create a new validator yetETH that was returned by a node operator after they exited one of their validators and received their rewards from the Beacon Chain (note that this is not possible until after the ETH1-ETH2 Merge occurs and withdrawals are enabled)It's possible that if node operators have put all of the staking pool to work on the Beacon chain, then the liquidity pool won't have enough balance to cover your unstaking. In this scenario, you may find other ways to trade your rETH back to ETH (such as a decentralized exchange like Uniswap) - though they will likely come with a small premium.\nAs an alternative to holding onto and eventually returning your rETH to the Rocket Pool, you are also free to use it in DeFi applications. You can trade it, lend it, use it as collateral... as rETH is a standard ERC20 token, you can use it in any way you could use any other token.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/reth_rate.25ee768b.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000017", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/overview.html", "Heading": "Tax Implications", "Text": "Each country has its own tax laws, and it would be impossible to document them all here. In some countries, depositing ETH for rETH may be considered a taxable event. However, because rETH inherently accumulates value while the actual amount of the token you hold remains constant, simply holding it usually does not generate any taxable events.\nThis may make rETH a preferable staking token for long-term holding if your country separates short-term and long-term capital gains taxes.\nTax laws related to cryptocurrencies are in their infancy; each user should do their own research and consider speaking with a tax professional.\nBelow are some helpful sites that offer tax assistance to users related to Ethereum. This is not an official endorsement - users are advised to do their own research regarding tax implications and strategies:\nhttps://koinly.io/https://cryptotaxcalculator.io/https://rotki.com/", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000018", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/overview.html", "Heading": "How to Stake with Rocket Pool", "Text": "As described above, as long as you are holding the rETH token, you are a Rocket Pool Staker. We will summarize several common ways to acquire it here.\nNOTEAll of the methods described here rely on the usage of an Ethereum wallet such as MetaMask. If you have never used an Ethereum wallet before, we strongly encourage you to learn more about them and practice using them before staking with Rocket Pool. The sections below include some steps that are demonstrated with MetaMask as an example; they should translate to your wallet of choice easily enough for you to follow along.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000019", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/overview.html", "Heading": "Via Rocket Pool Directly", "Text": "With this method, you will use a web3 wallet (such as MetaMask) and interact with Rocket Pool's website to swap ETH for rETH and vice-versa. This method is guaranteed to provide you with the exact amount of rETH that your ETH is worth, since it's coming directly from Rocket Pool's smart contracts, but it can be somewhat expensive if the network's gas prices are high and you're staking a relatively small amount of ETH.\nNOTEIf you are practicing staking on the Prater Testnet, the direct method above is the only option currently supported.\nClick here to learn how to stake via Rocket Pool directly.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000020", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/overview.html", "Heading": "Via a Decentralized Exchange on Ethereum (Layer 1)", "Text": "With this method, you will access a decentralized exchange such as Balancer or Uniswap and purchase rETH using your token of choice, just like you would do any other token swap.\nRocket Pool has officially created a Balancer composable stable pool. Composable stable pools are ideal for tokens like rETH, because they honor the true exchange rate reported by the Oracle DAO - this means exchanging with it will have much lower slippage and lower fees than a conventional decentralized exchange, so you get a much better deal when buying or selling rETH.\nBecause of this, and because it has a smaller transaction fee than swapping directly via Rocket Pool's website, we strongly recommended using Balancer if you want to stake via this route.\nIf Balancer doesn't work for you, there is also an ETH-rETH liquidity pool on Uniswap. Note that this is a conventional pool, so you will be affected by slippage and higher fees if you use it, but the gas fee will still be lower than staking directly via Rocket Pool's website.\nClick here to learn how to swap ETH for rETH via a decentralized exchange on Layer 1.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000021", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/overview.html", "Heading": "Via a Decentralized Exchange on a Layer 2 Network", "Text": "With this method, you will start by bridging your existing ETH (or other tokens of choice) onto an Ethereum Layer 2 network such as Optimism or Arbitrum and then use a decentralized exchange on the network to purchase rETH. If you already have tokens on a Layer 2 network, this method is compelling because the transaction fees are ~10x smaller than on the Ethereum mainnet. However, if you have not used a Layer 2 network before, it does require a few additional steps to get set up.\nClick here to learn how to swap ETH for rETH via a decentralized exchange on a Layer 2 network.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000022", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/overview.html", "Heading": "Video Demonstration", "Text": "Community member Kevster has put together a helpful video that demonstrates each of these options step-by-step:\nFor a more detailed writeup, select which method you would like to use from the links above and follow the guide for that section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:13hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000023", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/via-rp.html", "Heading": "Staking Directly via Rocket Pool", "Text": "The easiest way to stake with Rocket Pool is done via its web interface to the underlying smart contracts.\nThe advantage is that you will always get exactly as much rETH as your ETH is worth, since Rocket Pool's contracts will directly mint the rETH that you receive. No extra fees, no slippage, no liquidity issues, no sandwiching or front running... you just get the best possible deal for rETH.\nThe disadvantage is that the gas fee might be quite expensive if you are staking a small amount of ETH - we strongly recommend you check this before approving the transaction. Also, there is a limit to the amount of ETH that can be in the pool at any given time, so it's possible that the pool could be full until Node Operators pull ETH from it and stake that ETH on the Beacon Chain.\nThe process is slightly different for the Prater Testnet and Mainnet, so choose the network you are interested in from the tabs below.\nPreparing on the Prater TestnetPreparing on the Ethereum MainnetWARNINGWhen practicing staking on the test network, you do not need to provide any of your real ETH during this process. You will be given fake test ETH to use instead.Do not attempt to move your real ETH on mainnet to the testnet or you will lose it permanently!Start by installing MetaMask if you haven't already. Follow the instructions on their site to install the extension, create an account, and sign in.Next, open the MetaMask panel using its icon in your browser toolbar. Click on the network dropdown in the toolbar at the top and select Goerli Test Network:Finally, add the rETH token to MetaMask so you can see your balance and access it for trading. Click the Assets tab, then click Add Token:Ensure that Custom Token is selected in this dialog. In the Token Contract Address box, put the following value:0x178e141a0e3b34152f73ff610437a7bf9b83267aThe Token Symbol should automatically be populated with rETH, and the Decimals of Precision should automatically be populated with 18.Accept the rest of the prompts, and then you will see the rETH token appear in your list.Now that you have a wallet address in MetaMask, you need to fill it with some test ETH. Head over to the Practicing with the Test Network page for a quick guide on how to use a testnet faucet to get some test ETH on Goerli.Once you have some Goerli ETH to test with, head to https://testnet.rocketpool.net/.The page should look like this:If you see a notice about a web3 browser being required, or the current network ID being unsupported, make sure you\u2019ve completed the previous steps correctly before continuing.\nOnce you're at the site, click on the connect wallet button. Please read through and accept the Terms of Service & Privacy Policy, this will enable different ways to connect, then click connect metamask.\nMetaMask will prompt you to select an account to connect to the website. Choose one, confirm a few permissions, and you\u2019ll see your balances update in the UI. You can also see an overview of your balances by clicking the wallet icon located at the top right of the window.\n\nNow, all that's left to do is deposit your ETH and receive some rETH back!\nEnter the amount of ETH you want to deposit in the Stake ETH input field on the screen, then click the Stake button.\n\nMetaMask will pop up with a window asking you to confirm your transaction.\nCheck the total gas cost of the transaction before you approve it - if it is very expensive relative to your transaction, you may want to consider acquiring rETH via another method!\nOnce you confirm it, the transaction will begin. When it's been mined and added to the chain, you'll see your balances update!\nNOTEAs described in the previous page, it's completely normal to receive less rETH than the amount of ETH you put in. rETH and ETH have a dynamic exchange rate: as the Rocket Pool network earns rewards, 1 rETH will become worth more than 1 ETH, which in turn means 1 ETH will buy less than 1 rETH.\nThat's it! You're now staking with Rocket Pool. All you need to do is hold onto your rETH, and you'll automatically gain your staking rewards as the value of the rETH token increases.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/mm_network.d6c19d8a.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/mm_add_token.952c332c.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/rp_test_site.fc8d921c.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.nethttps://cdn-rocketpool.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/rp_balances.mp4\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.nethttps://cdn-rocketpool.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/stake.mp4", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000024", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/via-rp.html", "Heading": "Unstaking", "Text": "When you're ready to unstake and trade your rETH back for ETH, head back to the staking website and click on the double arrow button in the middle of the trade amounts dialog to switch to rETH mode:\n\nAs with staking, enter an amount of rETH to unstake and click the Unstake button. Once again, a confirmation dialog will appear in MetaMask. Confirm the transaction, and once it's been mined, you will see the proper balances in your wallet.\nNOTETrading rETH back for ETH is only possible when the staking liquidity pool has enough ETH in it to handle your trade. This is Rocket Pool's pool of ETH that comes from two sources:ETH that other stakers have deposited, which hasn't been used by a Node Operator to create a new validator yetETH that was returned by a Node Operator after they exited one of their validators and received their rewards from the Beacon Chain (note that this is not possible until after the ETH1-ETH2 Merge occurs and withdrawals are enabled)During the period before the Merge, it's possible that the liquidity pool won't have enough balance to cover your unstaking. In this scenario, you may find other ways to trade your rETH back to ETH (such as a decentralized exchange like Uniswap) - though they will likely come with a small premium.\nThat's all there is to staking with Rocket Pool! We hope that you found the process quick and easy.\nFeel free to swing by our Discord server to let us know what you thought of it and keep tabs on the project as it evolves.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.nethttps://cdn-rocketpool.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/unstake.mp4", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000025", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/via-l1.html", "Heading": "Staking via a Decentralized Exchange on the Ethereum Network (Layer 1)", "Text": "As a reminder, you do not have to swap ETH for rETH directly via Rocket Pool in order to enjoy the benefits of decentralized staking. All you need to do is hold rETH as it inherently grows in value - how you get it doesn't matter!\nrETH is available for trade on several decentralized exchanges, such as Balancer and Uniswap.\nThe Balancer pool is a special kind of pool known as a metastable pool. Metastable pools are ideal for tokens like rETH, because they honor the true exchange rate reported by the Oracle DAO.\nThis means exchanging with this pool will have much lower slippage and lower fees than a conventional decentralized exchange, so you get a much better deal when buying or selling rETH. Other decentralized exchanges don't have this property, so you may find that their exchange rate is slightly lower.\nRegardless of which pool you use, they all tend to have lower gas fees than staking via the official Rocket Pool website. This makes them a great choice for users that want to stake a small amount of ETH, though it's always a good idea to compare the rate you would receive on an exchange with the exchange rate according to Rocket Pool.\nIn the following examples, we will show how to swap ETH for rETH using both Balancer and Uniswap.\nNOTECurrently this method is only available on Mainnet. If you want to practice on the Prater Testnet, you must swap with Rocket Pool directly.The rest of this guide will assume you are on Mainnet.\nThis process can be completed with any web3-compatible wallet. For demonstration purposes, we're going to use MetaMask as it is one of the more popular wallet choices.\nYou should be able to follow along using similar steps with a different wallet if you choose - just find the comparable function in your wallet for each step.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000026", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/via-l1.html", "Heading": "Setting up MetaMask", "Text": "Start by installing MetaMask if you haven't already. Follow the instructions on their site to install the extension, create an account, and sign in.\nNext, open the MetaMask panel using its icon in your browser toolbar. Click on the network dropdown in the toolbar at the top and ensure that Ethereum Mainnet is selected:\n\nFinally, add the rETH token to MetaMask so you can see your balance and access it for trading. Click the Assets tab, then click Add Token:\n\nEnsure that Custom Token is selected in this dialog. In the Token Contract Address box, put the following value:\n0xae78736Cd615f374D3085123A210448E74Fc6393\nThe Token Symbol should automatically be populated with rETH, and the Decimals of Precision should automatically be populated with 18.\nAccept the rest of the prompts, and then you will see the rETH token appear in your list.\nNow that you have a wallet address in MetaMask, you need to transfer some ETH into it. You will need to supply this from an existing wallet or buy ETH on an exchange.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/mm_network_main.f7041e7c.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/mm_add_token.952c332c.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000027", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/via-l1.html", "Heading": "Swapping for rETH via Balancer", "Text": "Now that your wallet is set up and funded, head to this URL which will open Balancer and automatically show swapping ETH for rETH:\nhttps://app.balancer.fi/#/trade/ether/0xae78736Cd615f374D3085123A210448E74Fc6393\nThe page will look like this initially:\n\nClick on the Connect wallet button in the top-right corner. You will be prompted with a screen that asks you which wallet provider you want to use. For this example, select MetaMask.\nNOTEIf you're not using MetaMask, one of the other providers such as WalletConnect will likely be compatible with your wallet.\nUpon clicking that button, MetaMask will pop up with a prompt asking you to select which accounts you want to use. Assuming you only have one, your account should already be selected. Click Next.\nIt will then ask if you would like to give Balancer access to view the addresses of your accounts:\n\nClick Connect and after a brief pause window, your wallet will be connected to Balancer. You should now see its ETH balance in the top left side of the screen.\nNow, enter the amount of ETH you want to swap and Balancer's UI will show you the amount of rETH you will receive in return:\n\nNOTENotice that the amount of rETH you receive will be less than the amount of ETH you put in. This is normal, because rETH is worth more than ETH and continuously appreciates over time. You can see this in the exchange rate highlighted at the right of the screenshot.\nClick Preview to see the details of the trade, including the minimum amount you could receive due to slippage. If you're satisfied, click Confirm trade. This will send the request to MetaMask, where you can review the total transaction cost before confirming it:\n\nNOTEPay close attention to the estimated gas fee here, highlighted in red. If it's a significant amount of your overall transaction (here it's over 17%), then it will take a very long time before you break even on staking rewards.If this is the case, you should either wait for the network's average gas price to drop, or consider using a Layer 2 solution instead.\nIf you are happy with the gas fees relative to the total amount of rETH you'll be receiving, click Confirm to submit the transaction. After a short period, you should see a notification from MetaMask that it completed successfully, and you will now see the rETH token in your wallet.\nThat's it! You're now staking with Rocket Pool. All you need to do is hold onto your rETH, and you'll automatically gain your staking rewards as the value of the rETH token increases.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/balancer.a745fcf7.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/bal_connect.7fed8aac.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/bal_swap.fa712ceb.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/mm_gas.2fd96979.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000028", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/via-l1.html", "Heading": "Swapping for rETH via Uniswap", "Text": "While we recommend you stake through Balancer because it has lower fees and a more accurate ETH-rETH rate, you can also swap for rETH via Uniswap if the need arises. Head to this URL which will open Uniswap and automatically show swapping ETH for rETH:\nhttps://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=eth&outputCurrency=0xae78736cd615f374d3085123a210448e74fc6393\nNOTEYou may initially be prompted with a warning that looks like this:This is just a temporary warning until Uniswap adds rETH to its canonical token list. As long as the token address is 0xae78736cd615f374d3085123a210448e74fc6393, you can add it safely.\nThe page will look like this initially:\n\nClick on one of the Connect Wallet buttons such as the highlighted one in the top-right corner. You will be prompted with a screen that asks you which wallet provider you want to use. For this example, select MetaMask.\nNOTEIf you're not using MetaMask, one of the other providers such as WalletConnect will likely be compatible with your wallet.\nUpon clicking that button, MetaMask will pop up with a prompt asking you to select which accounts you want to use. Assuming you only have one, your account should already be selected. Click Next.\nIt will then ask if you would like to give Uniswap access to view the addresses of your accounts:\n\nClick Connect and after a brief pause window, your wallet will be connected to Uniswap. You should now see its ETH balance in the top right corner of the screen.\nNow, enter the amount of ETH you want to swap and Uniswap's UI will show you the amount of rETH you will receive in return:\n\nNOTENotice that the amount of rETH you receive will be less than the amount of ETH you put in. This is normal, because rETH is worth more than ETH and continuously appreciates over time. You can see this in the exchange rate highlighted at the bottom of the screenshot.\nClick Swap to see the details of the trade, including the minimum amount you could receive due to slippage. If you're satisfied, click Confirm Swap. This will send the request to MetaMask, where you can review the total transaction cost before confirming it:\n\nNOTEPay close attention to the estimated gas fee here, highlighted in red. If it's a significant amount of your overall transaction (here it's over 17%), then it will take a very long time before you break even on staking rewards.If this is the case, you should either wait for the network's average gas price to drop, or consider using a Layer 2 solution instead.\nIf you are happy with the gas fees relative to the total amount of rETH you'll be receiving, click Confirm to submit the transaction. After a short period, you should see a notification from MetaMask that it completed successfully, and you will now see the rETH token in your wallet.\nThat's it! You're now staking with Rocket Pool. All you need to do is hold onto your rETH, and you'll automatically gain your staking rewards as the value of the rETH token increases.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/unknown_token.80201e72.jpg\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/uni_connect.5ba00540.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/mm_connect.391e9245.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/uni_swap.030e6acd.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/mm_gas.2fd96979.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000029", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/via-l2.html", "Heading": "Staking via a Decentralized Exchange on Layer 2", "Text": "As a reminder, you do not have to swap ETH for rETH directly via Rocket Pool in order to enjoy the benefits of decentralized staking. All you need to do is hold rETH as it inherently grows in value - how you get it doesn't matter!\nThat being said, one of the main concerns (especially in recent times) is the cost of gas associated with staking or swapping ETH for rETH.\nTo help reduce this, the Ethereum network has started adopting the use of rollups - also known as Layer 2.\nLayer 2 comprises several separate networks that live underneath Ethereum, executing lots of transactions like Ethereum normally would, but rolling all of them up into one single \"mega\" transaction and posting that to the main Ethereum chain instead. Ideally, this means you'd get all of the security benefits associated with Ethereum's decentralized nature, but enjoy much lower gas fees for your transactions since execution and storage costs on Layer 2s can be much lower and only a portion of your transactions must be stored on Layer 1 where state is much more expensive.\nRocket Pool currently supports two Layer 2 networks: Optimism and Arbitrum. Both of them have running versions of Uniswap, the most widely-used decentralized exchange protocol. With Uniswap, you can quickly and easily exchange ETH for rETH.\nThe advantage of using this approach is that gas fees will be substantially lower than with other methods. If this is important to you because you want to stake a small amount of ETH, then using a Layer 2 network is likely going to be your option of choice.\nThe disadvantage is that you might not get the best deal on rETH. Uniswap requires a small fee that's given to its liquidity providers, and large transactions will require large liquidity pools in order to get good deals without too much price impact. Layer 2 networks tend to have lower rETH liquidity than the main Ethereum network.\nTherefore, we recommend you compare the total rETH you would get on a Layer 2 network with what you'd get via the other methods to determine if it makes sense for you to pursue this path.\nYou can view the current ETH and rETH balances of the Optimism pool and the Arbitrum pool to determine if they have enough rETH to cover your swap.\nIn the following example, we will demonstrate how to interact with Layer 2 networks and use Uniswap to swap ETH for rETH.\nNOTECurrently this method is only available on Mainnet. If you want to practice on the Prater Testnet, you must swap with Rocket Pool directly.The rest of this guide will assume you are on Mainnet.\nThis process can be completed with any web3-compatible wallet. For demonstration purposes, we're going to use MetaMask as it is one of the more popular wallet choices.\nYou should be able to follow along using similar steps with a different wallet if you choose - just find the comparable function in your wallet for each step.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000030", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/via-l2.html", "Heading": "Setting up MetaMask on Mainnet", "Text": "Start by installing MetaMask if you haven't already. Follow the instructions on their site to install the extension, create an account, and sign in.\nNext, open the MetaMask panel using its icon in your browser toolbar. Click on the network dropdown in the toolbar at the top and ensure that Ethereum Mainnet is selected:\n\nThe address directly below that is your Ethereum wallet address.\nBefore going any further, you will need to supply this wallet with ETH. If you don't already have ETH in the account from prior usage, you can do this by transferring ETH from an existing account to this wallet address.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/mm_network_main.f7041e7c.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000031", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/via-l2.html", "Heading": "Transferring ETH from Layer 1 to Layer 2 via Hop", "Text": "There are several ways to bridge ETH from the Ethereum Mainnet to a Layer 2 network. In this demonstration, we're going to use the Hop protocol - a simple and reliable way to move ETH (and a few other coins) from Layer 1 to several Layer 2 networks, or between Layer 2 networks.\nNavigate to the Hop exchange website here:\nhttps://app.hop.exchange/send?token=ETH\nThe home screen should look like this:\n\nStart by clicking on the Connect a Wallet button in the top right corner. You will be prompted with a screen that asks you which wallet provider you want to use. For this example, select MetaMask.\nNOTEIf you're not using MetaMask, one of the other providers such as WalletConnect will likely be compatible with your wallet.\nUpon clicking that button, MetaMask will pop up with a prompt asking you to select which accounts you want to use. Assuming you only have one, your account should already be selected. Click Next.\nIt will then ask if you would like to give Hop access to view the addresses of your accounts:\n\nClick Connect and after a brief pause, your wallet will be connected to Hop. You should now see its ETH balance in the top right corner of the screen.\nNow, you can use the two dropdowns in the From and To (estimated) boxes to select your networks, and enter the amount of ETH you want to send in the From box.\nFor example, this is what it would look like to send 0.1 ETH from Layer 1 to Arbitrum:\n\nNOTEAs a reminder, Uniswap (and thus Rocket Pool staking) is currently only supported on Optimism and Arbitrum. You must select one of those networks.\nWhen you're ready, click the Send button. Metamask will pop up with a confirmation dialog that shows you the gas fee associated with the transaction:\n\nIf you are comfortable with those gas fees, click Confirm to begin the transaction. After a few moments, MetaMask will pop up with a successful transaction confirmation message, and your ETH will now be available on your Layer 2 network of choice!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/hop.215352ee.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/hop_connect.73839030.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/hop_send.0c6c9c66.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/hop_confirm.1b595793.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000032", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/via-l2.html", "Heading": "Connecting to Uniswap on Layer 2", "Text": "Now that your wallet is set up and funded, head to this URL which will open Uniswap and automatically show swapping ETH for rETH:\nhttps://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=eth\nThe page will look like this initially:\n\nClick on one of the Connect Wallet buttons such as the highlighted one in the top-right corner. You will be prompted with a screen that asks you which wallet provider you want to use. For this example, select MetaMask.\nNOTEIf you're not using MetaMask, one of the other providers such as WalletConnect will likely be compatible with your wallet.\nUpon clicking that button, MetaMask will pop up with another prompt asking you to select which accounts you want to use, just like it did with Hop. Leave your account selected, click Next, and then click Connect as you did with Hop before. After a brief pause, your wallet will be connected to Uniswap. You should now see its ETH balance in the top right corner of the screen.\nThe first thing to do is change your network from the Ethereum mainnet to the Layer 2 you just swapped to. Click on the network dropdown at the top right of the screen (highlighted in red here):\n\nOnce you do, MetaMask will prompt you to confirm that you want to add a custom network:\n\nClick Approve and then click Switch Network. This will change MetaMask to use the new Layer 2 network instead of Ethereum's mainnet for transactions.\nNOTEBefore you do any transactions with MetaMask, always verify which network it's currently using by opening MetaMask and looking at the network dropdown on the top! It's easy to accidentally switch to a different network and forget!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/uni_connect.5ba00540.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/uni_network.1e67ade2.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/uni_net_confirm.200d6437.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000033", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/via-l2.html", "Heading": "Adding rETH to MetaMask", "Text": "The next step is to add the rETH token to MetaMask so you can see your balance and access it for trading. Click the Assets tab, then click Add Token:\n\nEnsure that Custom Token is selected in this dialog, and select the appropriate tab for the Layer 2 network you chose below:\nOptimismArbitrumIn the Token Contract Address box, put the following value:0x9bcef72be871e61ed4fbbc7630889bee758eb81dThe Token Symbol should automatically be populated with rETH, and the Decimals of Precision should automatically be populated with 18.Accept the rest of the prompts, and then you will see the rETH token appear in your list.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/mm_add_token.952c332c.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000034", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/via-l2.html", "Heading": "Swapping ETH for rETH with Uniswap", "Text": "The final step of the process is to do the swap!\nClick on the Select a token dropdown and enter the address for rETH that you just added to MetaMask (you can also just type rETH, but make sure it is the correct token and not an impostor or scam token by verifying its address first).\nNOTEYou may initially be prompted with a warning that looks like this:This is just a temporary warning until Uniswap adds rETH to its canonical token list on the Layer you're using. As long as the token address is 0x9bcef72be871e61ed4fbbc7630889bee758eb81d on Optimism or 0xec70dcb4a1efa46b8f2d97c310c9c4790ba5ffa8 on Arbitrum, you can add it safely.\nNext, enter the amount of ETH you want to swap and Uniswap's UI will show you the amount of rETH you will receive in return:\n\nNOTENotice that the amount of rETH you receive will be less than the amount of ETH you put in. This is normal, because rETH is worth more than ETH and continuously appreciates over time. You can see this in the exchange rate highlighted at the bottom of the screenshot.\nNow click Swap to see the details of the trade, including the minimum amount you could receive due to slippage. If you're satisfied, click Confirm Swap. This will send the request to MetaMask, where you can review the total transaction cost before confirming it:\n\nNOTEPay close attention to the estimated gas fee here. You will likely notice that it is approximately 10x cheaper in terms of gas fees to do this swap on a Layer 2 network than it is on the Ethereum Mainnet!\nIf you are happy with the gas fees relative to the total amount of rETH you'll be receiving, click Confirm to submit the transaction. After a short period, you should see a notification from MetaMask that it completed successfully, and you will now see the rETH token in your wallet.\nThat's it! You're now staking with Rocket Pool. All you need to do is hold onto your rETH, and you'll automatically gain your staking rewards as the value of the rETH token increases.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/unknown_token.80201e72.jpg\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/arb_swap.8847f4eb.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/arb_gas.392e916e.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000035", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/responsibilities.html", "Heading": "A Node Operator's Responsibilities", "Text": "", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000036", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/responsibilities.html", "Heading": "How Ethereum Staking Works", "Text": "As a reminder, staking in Proof of Stake is done via validators. A validator is essentially a single Beacon Chain address to which 32 ETH was deposited on the Execution layer. Validators are responsible for maintaining the consistency and security of the Beacon Chain. They do this by listening for transactions and new block proposals and attesting that the proposed block contains legal, valid transactions by doing some number crunching and verification behind the scenes. Occasionally, they get to propose new blocks themselves.\nValidators are assigned attestations and block proposals on a randomized schedule. This is very different from the old Proof of Work system, where everyone was constantly trying to race each other and come up with the next block before everyone else. This means that unlike Proof of Work where miners weren't guaranteed to earn a block reward unless they found the next block, Proof of Stake validators are guaranteed to have slow, steady income as long as they perform their duties. If a validator is offline and misses an attestation or a block proposal, it will be slightly penalized. The penalties are quite small though; as a rule of thumb, if a validator is offline for X hours, it will make all of its lost ETH back after the same X hours of being back online.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000037", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/responsibilities.html", "Heading": "Rewards", "Text": "Now that the Execution and Consensus layers have merged, validators are able to earn five different types of rewards:\nTypeLayerFrequencyAmountAttestationConsensusOnce per Epoch (every 6.4 minutes on average)0.000014 ETH*Block ProposalConsensusEvery 2 months on average**0.02403 ETH*Sync CommitteeConsensusEvery 2 years on average**0.11008 ETH*Slashing RewardConsensusVery rarely included in Block ProposalsUp to 0.0625 ETHPriority FeesExecutionIncluded in Block ProposalsTypically 0.01 to 0.1 ETH; very rarely 1+ ETHMEV RewardsExecutionAlso included in Block Proposals when using MEV-boostTypically 0.01 to 0.1 ETH; very rarely 1+ ETH\n*Varies based on the total number of validators in the network. Approximated for 435,000 active validators.\n**These are subject to randomness; there can be \"dry spells\" multiple times longer than the average without being given one.\nRewards for performing validation duties are routinely \"skimmed\" to minipools and can be distributed by Node Operators as desired.\nRewards provided by participating in MEV are either paid to Node Operators' fee distributor for immediate distribution or once per Rocket Pool rewards interval, if opted into the Smoothing Pool.\nWe will describe these rewards in more detail, including how to configure and access them, later on in the guide.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000038", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/responsibilities.html", "Heading": "Penalties", "Text": "Validators are penalized for small amounts of ETH if they are offline and fail to perform their assigned duties. This is called leaking. If a validator violates one of the core rules of the Beacon chain and appears to be attacking the network, it may get slashed. Slashing is a forceful exit of your validator without your permission, accompanied by a relatively large fine that removes some of your validator's ETH balance.\nRealistically, the only condition that can cause a slashing is if you run your validator's keys on two nodes at the same time (such as a failover / redundancy setup, where your backup node accidentally turns on while your main node is still running). Don't let this happen, and you won't get slashed. Slashing cannot occur from being offline for maintenance.\nBelow is a table that shows the penalties that can happen to a validator:\nTypeLayerAmountMissed AttestationConsensus-0.000011 ETH* per attestation (-9/10 the value of a normal attestation reward)Missed ProposalConsensus0Missed Sync CommitteeConsensus-0.00047 ETH* per epoch (-0.1 ETH total if offline for the whole sync committee)SlashingConsensusAt least 1/32 of your balance, up to your entire balance in extreme circumstances\n*Varies based on the total number of validators in the network. Approximated for 435,000 active validators.\nTIPAs a rule of thumb, if you're offline for X hours (and you aren't in a sync committee), then you'll make all of your leaked ETH back after X hours once you're back online and attesting.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000039", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/responsibilities.html", "Heading": "How Rocket Pool Nodes Work", "Text": "Unlike solo stakers which are required to put 32 ETH up for deposit to create a new validator, Rocket Pool nodes only need to deposit 8 or 16 ETH per validator (the \"bond\"). This will be coupled with 24 or 16 ETH (the \"borrowed\") from the staking pool (which \"normal\" stakers deposited in exchange for rETH) to create a new validator. This new validator is called a minipool.\nTo the Beacon chain, a minipool looks exactly the same as a normal validator. It has the same responsibilities, same rules it must follow, same rewards, and so on. The only difference is in how the minipool was created on the ETH1 chain, and how withdrawals work when the node operator decides to voluntarily exit the minipool. All of the creation, withdrawing, and rewards delegation is handled by Rocket Pool's smart contracts on the Ethereum chain. This makes it completely decentralized.\nA Rocket Pool Node is a single computer with an Ethereum wallet that was registered with Rocket Pool's smart contracts. The node can then create as many minipools as it can afford, all running happily on the same machine together. A single Rocket Pool node can run many, many minipools. Each minipool has a negligible impact on overall system performance; some people have been able to run hundreds of them on a single node during Rocket Pool's beta tests.\nA minipool's upfront cost is either 16 ETH, plus at least 1.6 ETH worth of the RPL token, or 8 ETH plus at least 2.4 ETH worth of the RPL token. The supplemental RPL collateral acts as supplemental insurance against particularly egregious slashing incidents, and lets you participate in Rocket Pool's DAO where you can vote on changes to the smart contracts.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000040", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/responsibilities.html", "Heading": "Rocket Pool Node Operators", "Text": "Node operators are the heart and soul of Rocket Pool. They are the individuals that run Rocket Pool nodes. They put ETH from the staking pool to work by running minipools with it, which earn staking rewards for the Rocket Pool protocol (and thus, increase rETH's value). Their job is straightforward, but crucially important: run validators with the highest quality possible, and maximize staking rewards.\nNode operators are responsible for:\nSetting up a computer (either physical or virtual)Configuring it correctly, including their home network if applicableInstalling Rocket Pool on it and setting up minipools to perform validationSecuring it, both from outside and inside threatsMaintaining it for the life of their validators\nIt's a big responsibility, and not a simple set-it-and-forget-it kind of job; you need to care for your node for as long as it's staking. With great responsibility, however, comes great rewards. Here are the major benefits of running a Rocket Pool node:\nYou earn your portion of each validator's ETH rewards, plus commission. For an 8 ETH-bonded minipool, this comes to 35.5% of the validator's rewards (an extra 10.5% over solo staking).For a 16 ETH-bonded minipool, this comes to 57.5% of the validator's rewards (an extra 7.5% over solo staking).You earn interest on the RPL you stake as supplemental insurance. At the end of a period (every 28 days), there's a snapshot of your RPL.You can earn yield on RPL up to 150% of the value of your total bonded ETH.To be eligible for these rewards, you must have at least 10% of the value of your total borrowed ETH to earn RPL rewards.You will be able to participate in the DAO and get to vote on changes to Rocket Pool's protocol or settings.\nIn light of gaining access to these benefits, as a node operator you are responsible for your own performance. If your node performs poorly and you actually end up losing ETH by the time you decide to exit your minipool, all of the lost ETH is coming out of your share. For example: if you exit with a balance of 30 ETH, then your minipool lost 2 ETH from its initial 32 ETH deposit. You will receive 14 or 6 ETH (depending on your bond size), and 24 or 16 ETH will be returned to the staking pool.\nIf you're fairly new to using the command line or computer maintenance, this can seem like a scary challenge. Luckily, one of Rocket Pool's most core principles is decentralization - the fact that anyone, anywhere, can run a node if they have the determination and knowledge. While we can't help with determination, we can help with knowledge. This section is packed with guides, walkthroughs, and information that will help you understand how to run a great Rocket Pool node.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000041", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/platform.html", "Heading": "Node Requirements and Choosing a Platform", "Text": "Alright! So you've decided to try your hand at running a Rocket Pool node. The first step of the process is to decide what kind of platform you want to run your node on. If you already have one in mind, great! You can skip to the next section. If you aren't sure yet, then read on for some information about your options.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000042", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/platform.html", "Heading": "Full Node Requirements", "Text": "A full node is one that runs both an Execution (ETH1) Client and Consensus (ETH2) Client along with the Rocket Pool stack. Now that the Merge has occurred, Rocket Pool nodes are required to run this configuration (though the Execution and Consensus clients can be externally managed for users already running a solo-staking setup - we'll cover this in more detail later).\nNOTEAs of Smartnode v1.5.0, remote clients such as Infura, Pocket, or Alchemy are no longer supported because they are not compatible with validation duties after The Merge.\nHere is a simple breakdown of what is required to run a full Rocket Pool node well:\nA stable Internet connection. The longer you stay online, the better your rewards. A spotty Internet connection will hurt your returns, and by extension, the rETH ratio growth.At least 10Mbps of bandwidth both up and down. A full node usually takes around 8Mbps to 10Mbps up & down of network traffic, depending on your configuration and number of minipools.No data cap imposed by your ISP. Running a full node will take a lot of data - we have seen reports of over 2 TB per month on chain data alone. This can be mitigated somewhat with a few settings tweaks to the ETH clients, but as a rule of thumb, don't run a full node if your Internet plan comes with a monthly data cap.Stable electricity. For the same reason as needing a stable Internet connection, you also want to have reliable power. This can be mitigated with a large UPS (backup battery) to deal with short blackouts.A computer with sufficient specs. This is pretty flexible because it really depends on what Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) client you use, and what settings you configure them with. The computer can be a local machine, or it can be a Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosted in the cloud. Read below for some more information on those two options, and how to decide which is best for you.\nThe following are considered minimum requirements:\nLinux or macOS Operating SystemQuad core CPU (or dual-core hyperthreaded); both x64 and arm64 are supported8 GB of RAM (preferably DDR4)2 TB of free SSD Disk Space (note: this only applies to mainnet; the Prater testnet only requires about 200 GB) A spinning platter hard drive is generally not fast enough to handle the constant random reads and writes that blockchain activity requires; you MUST use a solid state drive.\nTypical configurations tend to use 16 or 32 GB of RAM for future proofing, but at the time of Rocket Pool's launch, the above is sufficient to run a node.\nNOTEAt this time, only Linux and macOS platforms are supported. Windows is not currently supported for Smartnode operation.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000043", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/platform.html", "Heading": "Running a Local Node", "Text": "If you have reliable electricity and uncapped Internet access, and are willing to build (or buy pre-made) and maintain a computer, then running a local node might be a great choice for you. With this option, you will set up a dedicated computer as a Rocket Pool node and run it locally in your own home.\nAdvantages:\nNo monthly fees, other than utilitiesComplete control over your own machine and its data (including your wallet's key)Access to perform maintenance and upgrades whenever you wantContributes to Execution (ETH1's) and Consensus (ETH2)'s, and Rocket Pool's decentralization (and thus, their security)\nDisadvantages:\nRequires stable, uncapped Internet and electricity Running a node uses at least 1.5 TB of data per month. If you have a data cap below this amount, you may run into problems while running a local node!You're solely responsible for network & computer securityCan be challenging if you're not experienced with computer maintenanceVulnerable to theft\nIf the advantages sound like they outweigh the disadvantages for you, then take a look at our Local Node Operator's Guide.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000044", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/platform.html", "Heading": "Running a VPS on the Cloud", "Text": "If you don't have a reliable uncapped Internet plan, or you just don't want to deal with building and maintaining your own physical computer, you may want to look at running a virtual private server. These are virtual servers that you rent from hosting providers, such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Netcup, Contabo, or other companies. Essentially, these companies will happily create and run a server for you, for a monthly fee. If you don't mind that fee and want to run a Rocket Pool node, using a VPS can be a good strategy.\nAdvantages:\nNo maintenance, support is usually available to fix issuesDoesn't affect your Internet plan or data capUsually run in a professional data center, very little down timeMay be more cost effective than buying / building your own computer\nDisadvantages:\nMakes Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2), and Rocket Pool somewhat more centralized, which weakens the security of the networksMonthly feesServers may come with data caps, or have expensive network I/O ratesPossible for hosts to examine your machine's contents and take your wallet's key if not secured\nIf those advantages sound like they outweigh the disadvantages for you, then take a look at our VPS Node Operator's Guide.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000045", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/overview.html", "Heading": "Overview", "Text": "This section is aimed at helping you understand the process of preparing a local machine for use as a Rocket Pool node at home.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000046", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/overview.html", "Heading": "Guides", "Text": "Selecting Staking Hardware shows a wide variety of viable hardware configurations for node operation, hopefully helping you find inspiration when picking what to get for yourself.\nPreparing a PC, Mini-PC, or NUC walks you through the basic steps of installing and configuring the base Operating System on your machine to prepare it for life as a node.\nPreparing a Mac is the same, but for macOS systems.\nIntro to Secure Shell (SSH) shows you how to use SSH, a popular remote-access tool for working with your node machine remotely and securely from a different machine (such as a laptop or desktop) so you don't have to interact with the node directly via a monitor and keyboard connected to it.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:14hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000047", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/hardware.html", "Heading": "Selecting Staking Hardware", "Text": "There are no official specifications for running a Rocket Pool node. This page offers some guidelines and examples that you can use to select staking hardware.\nThe minimum hardware requirements of your node will depend on the Consensus and Execution clients that you choose. If, for example, you intend to run your node on a low powered device, you may be limited to using Geth as your Execution client and Nimbus as your Consensus client. If you're using a more powerful NUC with 32+ GB of RAM, all client combinations are open to you.\nThe guidelines below assume you want a comfortable level of hardware, meaning you have excess capacity. If you keep these guidelines in mind, your node will have plenty of resources to run any of the Rocket Pool supported client combinations. This will allow you to choose a random client pair, which is very important for client diversity on the Ethereum network.\nNOTEEthereum staking is very forgiving. If your house is flooded and your staking device is fried, there is no big penalty for taking a week to get back up and running (unless you happen to be in a sync committee, which is a very rare event). Component failure might happen at some point, but don't stress about it. Downtime does not get you slashed unless you are offline during a major outage of the entire Ethereum network.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000048", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/hardware.html", "Heading": "Hardware Requirements", "Text": "Ethereum validators are not very computationally expensive, which is to say that once your Execution and Consensus clients are running, any additional validator will use a very small amount of additional resources. This grows up to 64 validators, at which point the resources required for adding a 65th validator and beyond are negligible.\nIn our experience, most setups, including mini-PCs and NUCs, are capable of running an effectively unlimited number of validators.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000049", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/hardware.html", "Heading": "CPU Requirements", "Text": "Running a Rocket Pool node is not very computationally intensive. The biggest impact of the CPU is how fast your node can initially sync the state of the blockchain when you first create it (or if you ever change clients later). After the initial sync, the CPU is not used as heavily.\nCPU naming can be deceptive; an Intel Core i5 from 2010 is usually less powerful than a core i3 from 2022. Many community members use Intel NUC devices because of their small form factor, but an old i5 NUC may be a worse choice than a new i3. For this reason, we recommend using a \"modern\" CPU that is, at most, a few years old. More specifically, for x64-based CPUs, we recommend a CPU that supports the BMI2 extension - check the manufacturer's specs for your CPU to see if it is supported. Not all modern CPUs support this; for example, Celeron CPUs tend not to include it.\nARM-based CPUs (such as the Mac M1 or M2, or the Rock 5B) do not apply to the BMI2 extension above.\nNOTEIf you are interested in using a NUC, you can tell how modern the NUC is by its model number. They are formatted as NUC + generation number + model + CPU type + suffix. For example, a NUC11PAHi50Z unit is a 11th generation i5 unit. You can see a list of NUCs here on the Intel website.Other mini-PCs, such as the Asus PN50 or PN51, do not follow this convention but information about which CPU is used by them should be included in their product pages.\nThe amount of cores on a CPU is less relevant that its number of threads. We recommend a minimum of 4 threads for Rocket Pool node operation. A 2 core CPU with 4 threads will work without issue. It is rare to find a CPU with only 2 threads.\nGuideline: any modern CPU with at least 4 threads.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000050", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/hardware.html", "Heading": "RAM Requirements", "Text": "Rocket Pool nodes can operate with as little as 8 GB of RAM. We generally recommend having slightly more to offer some headroom and full support for RAM-heavy clients such as Teku. An added benefit of more RAM is that you can provide a larger cache size to Execution client, which tends to slow the rate of your disk space usage.\nThe exact type of RAM (such as DDR3 or DDR4) is not as important; generally DDR3 is fast enough to support node operation.\nGuideline: at least 16 GB of RAM.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000051", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/hardware.html", "Heading": "SSD Requirements", "Text": "This element is more important than most people expect. The Execution client relies heavily on IOPS, or \"operations per second\". In practice, this means that:\nHDD (spinning platter) drives will not workSATA or external USB 3.0+ SSDs can workNVMe SSD drives are preferred\nIf you already have an SSD you want to use and want to be sure it has sufficient performance for node operation.\nNOTESSD selection can be a complex choice!The method SSDs use to store data on their flash chips has a noticeable impact on speed and longevity. When shopping for an SSD you might notice labels like QLC, TLC or SLC. These stand for the amount of data contained within a single cell of the flash chip: Q for \"quad\" means 4, T for \"triple\" means 3, M for \"multi\" means 2, and S for \"single\" means 1.We recommend TLC, MLC, or SLC drives. We do not recommend QLC drives due to their slower performance and lower total reliability.SSDs come with or without DRAM, which is a hardware element that makes accessing data on the SSD more efficient. Those with DRAM are faster but those without DRAM are cheaper. However, DRAM is quite important for providing smooth node operation.We recommend a drive with a DRAM cache. We do not recommend DRAM-less drives.\nThe second consideration is drive size. At the time of writing, the geth execution client database size requires about 700GB of space after it finishes its initial sync (or after you just finished pruning it). This will grow steadily over time, and while you can periodically prune the database, it is likely to cross 1 TB over the coming year(s). You will have peace of mind with a larger drive.\nGuideline: a 2 TB SSD that has TLC or better, with a DRAM cache. NVMe preferred.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000052", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/hardware.html", "Heading": "Common Accessories", "Text": "Many node operators improve their setups beyond the minimum requirements. Some common additions include:\nSSD heatsinks to extend the drive lifespanUninterruptable power supplies (UPS) in case of power outagesA fallback node to have a backup in case something fails\nThese are all convenient to have, but not required to run a Rocket Pool node.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000053", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/hardware.html", "Heading": "Example Setups", "Text": "In this section, we'll showcase a few of the varied builds that Rocket Pool's community has created for themselves. They are examples of what people are using, not recommendations for how you should run your setup.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000054", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/hardware.html", "Heading": "Xer0's Server", "Text": "\nDiscord user Xer0 is among the many stakers that opted to go with a conventional PC form factor for their staking machine. They wanted to build a rig that would last for years and years to come with minimal maintenance and upgrading required, while still offering complete customization of every component. To that end, Xer0 devised and built a full ATX server - much like a traditional desktop PC, but targeted exclusively at staking on Ethereum. Their setup includes a six-core Xeon Bronze 3204 (1.9 GHz), 8 DDR4 slots, and an M.2 slot... though since this is essentially a home server build, the exact components are completely up to the end user.\nXer0's setup:\nMotherboard: Supermicro X11SPI-TF ($440)CPU: Xeon Bronze 3204 ($248)RAM: NEMIX 2x32GB DDR4 ECC 2933MHz ($359)SSD: Sabrent 2TB Rocket M.2 2280 SSD ($250)Case: SilverStone HTPC ATX GD07B ($172)PSU: EVGA SuperNova 650 G3, 80+ Gold ($111)Cooler: Noctua NH-D9 DX-3647 4U ($100)Total: $1680\nHere are Xer0's comments on why they chose this setup:\nObviously there is no need to build a monstrosity for simply staking on the Ethereum network, but I do have a few reasons why I built something like this.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/Xer0.d89e3868.jpg", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000055", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/hardware.html", "Heading": "Darcius's Shelf Rig", "Text": "\nRocket Pool's founder David Rugendyke (known on Discord as darcius) spent a long time perfecting his node. After some debate, he built a Mini-ITX that's small and portable, but still packs an enormous amount of processing power. His rig includes an 8-core Ryzen 7 5800x (3.8 GHz), two DDR4 slots, and two M.2 slots for NVMe SSDs. It is truly one of the most high-performance rigs of the Rocket Pool nodes, but with good reason: darcius runs a special type of Rocket Pool node called an Oracle Node, which relays information from the Beacon chain back to the Execution (ETH1) chain about all of the Rocket Pool validators. With thousands of Rocket Pool minipools active to watch, that job takes a lot of horsepower... but his shelf rig is easily up to the task.\nDarcius's setup:\nMotherboard: MSI MPG B550I Mini-ITX AMD ($200)CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800x ($490)RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 2x16GB DDR4 3600MHz ($390)SSD: Samsung 970 EVO Plus 2TB M.2 2280 NVMe SSD ($315)Case: SilverStone SST-SG13B Mini-ITX ($52)PSU: SilverStone Strider Platinum 550W ($140)Total: $1587", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/Darcius.3c3cbea3.jpg", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000056", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/hardware.html", "Heading": "Yorick's microATX Build", "Text": "\nVeteran hardware enthusiast YorickDowne has a lot of experience building and maintaining servers. Using that knowledge, he has settled on a flexible microATX setup. His machine is considerably smaller than a typical PC, but still manages to fit in server-grade technology that maximizes resilience and uptime - key metrics when running a Rocket Pool node. He has recommendations for both Intel and AMD setups, which you can find on his website. The Intel version uses a quad core i3-9100F (3.6 GHz) or a Xeon CPU, and the AMD version suggests any Ryzen CPU that supports ECC memory. For both configurations, he suggests 16 GB of ECC RAM, and a 1 TB NVMe SSD.\nYorick's Setup:\nMotherboard: SuperMicro X11SCL-F-O ($200)CPU: Intel i3-9100F ($150)RAM: Samsung 1x16GB DDR4 ECC UDIMM 2400MHz ($100)SSD: Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB M.2 2280 NVMe SSD ($165)Case: SilverStone Micro ATX HTPC Case ML04B-USA ($110)PSU: Any (example: Seasonic PRIME Fanless PX-500 Platinum 500W) ($161)Case fans: AnyTotal: About $886\nHere are Yorick's comments on why he chose this setup:\nIt is at the same or lower cost as some NUCsIt has ECC RAM, which means that if memory fails - which it does now and then - I will know, because the system will tell me. I do not have to run memtest87 for 4-5 days to figure out whether my problem with instability is even memory-related. I protect my time fiercely so I can spend it bloviating on Discord instead of troubleshooting hardwareIt has IPMI, which is remote management via Ethernet/browser of the entire machine, including UEFI and power-cycle. I should be allowed to go on extended vacation and still have full remote access.If I want redundant storage so eventual SSD failure is a non-event, I can do thatIt allows for great flexibility in build choices. I can choose however much RAM and compute I want; I can choose to run a NAS with virtualization tech like TrueNAS Scale and run the node on there alongside some other home-servery stuff.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/Yorick-stock.11f0261f.jpg", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000057", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/hardware.html", "Heading": "Drez's Laptop", "Text": "\nSometimes, shelling out for new hardware just doesn't make sense. In Discord user Drez's case, runnning a Rocket Pool node is one of those times. Drez happened to have a spare laptop lying around, and they turned it into a node with ease. Their machine comes with a quad core i7-4710HQ (2.5 GHz), two DDR3 slots, and a 2.5\" SATA slot. Being a laptop, it also comes with its own battery (which offsets the need for a UPS). They added some additional upgrades over time, giving the laptop even more power for extra peace of mind.\nDrez's setup:\nLaptop: MSI GE70 2PE Apache Pro ($1800)RAM: 2x8GB DDR3 1333Mhz (Included)SSD: Samsung 860 EVO 1TB 2.5\" SATA ($110)Total: $1910\nHere are Drez's comments on why they chose this setup:\nMain reason i am gonna stake on this laptop is because i already had spare one and dont need to spend extra money on a new server. I like its mobility, compactness, built-in screen for easy monitoring. In case of overheating i bought a laptop cooling pad and spare CPU cooler just in case, i also recommend to change thermal compound paste especially if you're gonna run on an older machine", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/Drez.637798f6.jpg", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000058", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/hardware.html", "Heading": "NUCs (Next Unit of Computing) and Mini-PCs", "Text": "Running a Rocket Pool node doesn't necessarily require a complete build-it-yourself desktop. In fact, one of the most popular setups among stakers is the illustrious NUC. A NUC (Next Unit of Computing) is essentially a small, self-contained computer that is designed around very low power usage and maximum efficiency. NUCs are great for most stakers that only run a few validators because of their low maintenance, low monthly running costs, and ease of setup. Unlike PCs, NUCs come preassembled in a case; all you need to do is add some RAM, add an SSD, and you're up and running! Below are a few examples of NUC setups that some Rocket Pool veterans use and recommend.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000059", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/hardware.html", "Heading": "Ken's NUC8i5BEK", "Text": "\nThe NUC8i5BEK is one of Intel's own NUCs with an 8th-generation processor. Released in 2018, this model comes with a quad-core i5-8259U CPU (2.30 GHz), two DDR4 slots, an M.2 slot for SSDs, and USB 3.1 ports. It normally draws about 20 watts, but Discord user Ken has been able to optimize it down to 9 watts during normal validation. It is more than capable of handling any Execution (ETH1) and any Consensus (ETH2) client, making it an excellent choice for a lightweight, efficient node machine.\nKen's Setup:\nBase: Intel NUC8i5BEK ($349)RAM: Dell Memory Upgrade - 1x16GB DDR4 SODIMM 3200MHz ($112)SSD: ADATA XPG S7 Series 2TB M.2 2280 NVMe SSD ($230)Fanless Case (optional): AKASA Turing Fanless case ($134)Total: $691 to $825\nHere are Ken's comments on why he chose this setup:\nSmall size and footprint, the power supply is a brick on the power cord (like a laptop), single-board computer, x86 architecture, low purchase price point, low power consumption (~10W), 3-year warranty, and an active manufacture product line (Intel).8th generations are plenty fast and at a lower price point than the latest generation chips.I upgraded to a fan-less (passively cooled) case, so the NUC is absolutely silent (0 dB) as I\u2019m leaving it my home office (a stock NUC is near silent already).Plus no mechanical wear on the fan bearings.Resale or re-purpose value if I decide to retire this hardware platform as my RP node - NUC\u2019s make a great workstation computer.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/Ken.f0fa8ea4.jpg", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000060", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/hardware.html", "Heading": "GreyWizard's NUC10i7FNH", "Text": "\nThe NUC10i7FNH is another one of Intel's own NUCs. This one sports a 10th-generation processor, and was released in 2019. It comes with a six core i7-10710U CPU (1.10 GHz, boosts to 4.7 GHz), two DDR4 slots, an M.2 slot and a 2.5\" slot for SSDs, and USB 3.1 ports. It draws about 20 watts of power. It is an incredibly powerful machine, given its power consumption and size. Discord user GreyWizard uses this NUC for his node - the extra power gives him peace of mind knowing that no matter what the future of the Ethereum 2.0 chain holds, his machine will be able to handle it.\nGreyWizard's Setup:\nBase: Intel BXNUC10I7FNH1 ($445)RAM: 2x Samsung M471A4G43MB1 32GB DDR4 SODIMM 2666 MHz ($154 ea.)SSD: Samsung 970 EVO Plus 2TB M.2 2280 NVMe SSD ($315)Total: $1068\nHere are GreyWizard's comments on why he chose this setup:\nI went with the i7 NUC mostly because it felt like the best combination of outstanding performance relative to overall size and overhead. I also looked at other options like building a Micro ATX-sized machine. After pricing one with the specs I was looking for, this Intel NUC ended up being about the same price, and the form factor is really tough to beat. I like having the extra headroom for performance/peace of mind, and I acknowledge that this is almost certainly way overkill. I consider staking as a serious investment and I don't want to worry if my hardware will be sufficient.\nTips for other people considering this as an option...\nThe NUC does run pretty warm, similar temps to a laptop. If you worry about CPU temp and you want something powerful, then you should look at small desktop setups like Micro ATX.You will want to make sure there is plenty of room around your NUC for airflow. Plan to clean the area regularly to prevent dust buildup.Make sure to check compatibility for your RAM cards. The different NUCs support varying degrees of total RAM, RAM speeds, etc.If you go with the NUC, I'd suggest you give yourself room to grow when selecting RAM... For example, spend a bit extra and get a single 32gb RAM card rather than 2x16 so you can expand later if you want (assuming your NUC will support 64gb in this example)Feel free to reach out to me on Discord if you would like to discuss.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/GreyWizard.9f4dac5f.jpg", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000061", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/hardware.html", "Heading": "Actioncj17's PN50", "Text": "\nThe ASUS PN50 is a mini-PC, which shares a lot in common with Intel's NUC family. It has a very small form factor but has all the components and features of a full PC. It comes with your choice of AMD CPU so you can balance between performance and cost (up to an 8-core Ryzen R7-4700U at 2.0 GHz), two DDR4 slots, an M.2 slot and a 2.5\" slot for SSDs, and USB 3.1 ports. It also comes with a 90 watt power supply, though in practice it doesn't require that much power while acting as a Rocket Pool node. Discord user actioncj17 has tried several different setups, but prefers the PN50 over everything... though they happily admit that it's overkill for running a Rocket Pool node.\nActioncj17's Setup:\nBase: ASUS PN50 4700u ($583)RAM: HyperX Impact 2x16GB DDR4 SODIMM 3200MHz ($220)SSD: Samsung 970 EVO Plus 2TB M.2 2280 NVMe SSD ($315)Total: $1118\nHere are actioncj17's comments on why they chose this setup:\nMy answer to why I chose the Asus PN50 is quite simple. I wanted to see how badass AMD's Ryzen 7 4700U was. Let\u2019s just say I\u2019m not disappointed. I actually started with the Intel NUC10FNK. I put 32gb of ram and 1tb 970 evo plus nvme m.2 in the nuc and it blazes. I have no complaints with the nuc and it works fine but I get more out of my PN50. I\u2019d say both setups are overkill for staking on Rocketpool but a little future proofing doesn\u2019t hurt. They both have small footprints and the nuc is actually much quieter since it is fanless. All in all the PN50 is a better bang for your buck if you can get your hands on one.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/PN50-actioncj17.c8956d89.jpg", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000062", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/hardware.html", "Heading": "Moralcompass's Mini-PC", "Text": "\nDiscord user moralcompass went a similar route to actioncj17 by selecting a mini-PC, but their preference is for an Intel CPU. They use a mini PC that sports a quad core i5 8250U (1.6 GHz, boost up to 3.4 GHz), one DDR4 slot, an M.2 slot and a 2.5\" slot for SSDs, and USB 3.0 ports. Moralcompass claims that it only pulls about 10 watts from the wall, which demonstrates that mini PCs like this are very efficient. The interesting thing about this choice is that it is completely passively cooled - no fans to be found! While there are many variations of fanless mini PCs, moralcompass found one that worked for them and has stuck with it.\nMoralcompass's Setup:\nBase: Partaker Fanless Mini PC - i5 8250U ($387)RAM: Crucial 1x32GB DDR4 SODIMM 2666MHz ($153)SSD: Silicon Power 1TB M.2 2280 NVMe SSD ($115)Total: $655\nHere are moralcompass's comments on why they chose this setup:\nNo moving parts, no noise.Dual intel NIC (in case I decide to repurpose this as my router one day)NVME + SATA slots (prefer NVME for speed and options with higher TBW endurance. SATA gives option of HDD or SSD. I avoided M.SATA interfaces because these SSDs seem to be turning legacy)USB and serial ports available for graceful shutdown signal from UPS", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/moralcompass-minipc.3108b6d0.jpg", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000063", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pc.html", "Heading": "Preparing a PC, Mini-PC, or NUC", "Text": "Before installing Rocket Pool, there are a few checks you should do to make sure your system is compatible and will work correctly.\nDANGERWe strongly encourage you to create a dedicated machine for running a Rocket Pool node. Running a node on a general-use machine, such as your daily work desktop or a gaming rig, presents extra security risks that may compromise your wallet and result in the theft of your coins.For maximum safety, please build a new machine that is dedicated exclusively to running a node.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000064", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pc.html", "Heading": "System Requirements", "Text": "Below is a brief description of the software and hardware requirements that a Rocket Pool node requires. This guide assumes that you already have your machine physically built, and the operating system installed.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000065", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pc.html", "Heading": "Supported Operating Systems", "Text": "Rocket Pool's Smartnode client currently supports Linux and macOS systems.\nAt this time, Windows can be used to remotely manage a remote Linux or Mac machine, but the Smartnode itself cannot currently run on a Windows system. However, Rocket Pool can be run on a Linux virtual machine hosted by a Windows machine. This setup is not recommended over simply installing Linux as the host operating system, but it does work if necessary. Note that it will require extra resource overhead, and comes with its own set of security risks, so we do not advise using this setup when staking real Ether on the main network.\nRocket Pool is natively compatible with AMD64 (x64) and arm64 (aarch64) CPU architectures. For other architectures, you will need to compile the smartnode clients from source.\nNote that the user must have root / Administrator access (or sudo privileges) to install the Smartnode.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000066", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pc.html", "Heading": "Linux Support", "Text": "There are many variants of the Linux OS (called distributions, or distros for short). While you can run Rocket Pool from any modern distro, Rocket Pool's installer can automatically install the entire stack on Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, and Fedora.\nNOTEIf you plan to use Ubuntu, we strongly recommend using an LTS release such as 20.04. These releases are actively maintained for longer periods of time, which helps with the security and stability of your node.\nFor installation on other distros, the Smartnode installer will not be able to automatically install some system dependencies (such as docker-compose). Some manual steps will be required during installation.\nFor arm64 systems, the Smartnode installer only natively supports Debian and Debian-based distros such as Ubuntu. For other distros, manual steps will be required during installation.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000067", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pc.html", "Heading": "Hardware Requirements", "Text": "The hardware requirements for a node depend largely on which Execution and Consensus clients you decide to run. As shown in the hardware guide, there is a wide range of possible configurations that work well. However, for the sake of completeness, we have assembled the following hardware profiles:", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000068", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pc.html", "Heading": "Low-Power Full Node", "Text": "CPU: Quad-core 1.6+ GHzRAM: 8 GB DDR4 2400 MHzSSD: 2 TB, 15k Read IOPS, 5k Write IOPS*Network: 10+ Mbps, 1.5+ TB monthly data capExecution Client: Geth (in low-cache mode)Consensus Client: Nimbus", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000069", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pc.html", "Heading": "Typical Full Node", "Text": "CPU: Quad-core, 2.6+ GHzRAM: 16 GB DDR4 3200 MHzSSD: 2 TB, 15k Read IOPS, 5k Write IOPS*Network: 25+ Mbps, 1.5+ TB monthly data capExecution Client: AnyConsensus Client: Any\n* If you are unsure if your disk meets these performance requirements, fio is a good way to test them. See here for Linux instructions, and here for MacOS instructions.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000070", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pc.html", "Heading": "Installing the Operating System", "Text": "If you're using macOS, it's highly likely that you already have the Operating System installed and can skip this step.\nIf you're installing Linux from scratch, each of the distributions listed above come with helpful and detailed tutorials for installing the Operating System from scratch. As an example though, we will walk you through the process of installing and preparing Debian Server. Debian is a good choice for node operation because it focuses on maximum stability and reliability - both of which are highly desirable for node machines that must be running 24/7.\nHere is a good step-by-step guide with screenshots that shows you how to install Debian on your node machine from scratch.\nTIPWe have a few helpful amendments to the guide linked above, which you may want to follow:When prompted to set up a root password, we recommend leaving it blank. This will disable the root account and instead install the sudo package, allowing your user to perform root operations by re-entering its password to elevate its permissions. This is analogous to the way Ubuntu Linux is set up, which may be more familiar to users.In the Software selection screen towards the end, you may not want to have a desktop GUI installed. Desktop GUIs are largely unnecessary for a node; they add extra overhead and most of the time will not be used since you'll be remote controlling it via the terminal anyway, so we prefer to uncheck GNOME and Debian desktop environment here.If you do want a desktop UI on your node, we recommend you uncheck GNOME and check XFCE instead, as it's lighter on system resources.Uncheck web server, but leave SSH server and standard system utilities checked.If you have created a flash drive from an iso, you may need to disable the CD-ROM repository in order to run apt. You can find an explanation of how to do this here.Your system may be set up to sleep/hibernate by default. To disable these settings, you can run the following command: sudo systemctl mask sleep.target suspend.target hibernate.target hybrid-sleep.target", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000071", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pc.html", "Heading": "Installing sudo", "Text": "Rocket Pool's installer requires the sudo program to acquire all of its dependencies. If you left the root user password blank in the previous step, you will already have this. If not, please install it now by running the following commands:\napt update\napt install sudo\nusermod -aG sudo $USER\nThen restart the machine. You should now be able to run commands via sudo such as sudo apt update.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000072", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pc.html", "Heading": "Using SSH", "Text": "Once the server is installed and you're able to log in, you need to get its IP address. An easy way to do this is with ifconfig which is built into the 'net-tools' package:\nsudo apt update\nsudo apt install net-tools\nsudo ifconfig\nYou may see several entries here, but the one you want to look for is going to look something like this:\neth0: flags=4163 mtu 1500\n inet netmask broadcast\n inet6 fe80::96f2:bf29:e269:1097 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20\n ether txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)\n ...\nThe flags should say UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST. The inet value (here is your machine's local IP address.\nNext, install SSH:\nsudo apt install openssh-server\nNOTEIf you had the SSH server box checked during Debian's installation, you should already have this installed so this command won't do anything.\nOnce this is done, you can log into the machine's terminal remotely from your laptop or desktop using ssh.\nIf you aren't familiar with ssh, take a look at the Intro to Secure Shell guide.\nNOTEAt this point, you should strongly consider configuring your router to make your node's IP address static. This means that your node will have the same IP address forever, so you can always SSH into it using that IP address. Otherwise, it's possible that your node's IP could change at some point, and the above SSH command will no longer work. You'll have to enter your router's configuration to find out what your node's new IP address is.Each router is different, so you will need to consult your router's documentation to learn how to assign a static IP address.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000073", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pc.html", "Heading": "Setting up Swap Space", "Text": "In most cases, if you choose your Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) clients and your instance type carefully, you should not run out of RAM. Then again, it never hurts to add a little more. What we're going to do now is add what's called swap space. Essentially, it means we're going to use the SSD as \"backup RAM\" in case something goes horribly, horribly wrong and your server runs out of regular RAM. The SSD isn't nearly as fast as the regular RAM, so if it hits the swap space it will slow things down, but it won't completely crash and break everything. Think of this as extra insurance that you'll (most likely) never need.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000074", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pc.html", "Heading": "Creating a Swap File", "Text": "The first step is to make a new file that will act as your swap space. Decide how much you want to use - a reasonable start would be 8 GB, so you have 8 GB of normal RAM and 8 GB of \"backup RAM\" for a total of 16 GB. To be super safe, you can make it 24 GB so your system has 8 GB of normal RAM and 24 GB of \"backup RAM\" for a total of 32 GB, but this is probably overkill. Luckily, since your SSD has 1 or 2 TB of space, allocating 8 to 24 GB for a swapfile is negligible.\nFor the sake of this walkthrough, let's pick a nice middleground - say, 16 GB of swap space for a total RAM of 24 GB. Just substitute whatever number you want in as we go.\nEnter this, which will create a new file called /swapfile and fill it with 16 GB of zeros. To change the amount, just change the number in count=16 to whatever you want. Note that this is going to take a long time, but that's ok.\nsudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1G count=16 status=progress\nNext, set the permissions so only the root user can read or write to it (for security):\nsudo chmod 600 /swapfile\nNow, mark it as a swap file:\nsudo mkswap /swapfile\nNext, enable it:\nsudo swapon /swapfile\nFinally, add it to the mount table so it automatically loads when your server reboots:\nsudo nano /etc/fstab\nAdd a new line at the end that looks like this:\n/swapfile none swap sw 0 0\nPress Ctrl+O and Enter to save, then Ctrl+X and Enter to exit.\nTo verify that it's active, run these commands:\nsudo apt install htop\nhtop\nYour output should look like this at the top:\nIf the second number in the last row labeled Swp (the one after the /) is non-zero, then you're all set. For example, if it shows 0K / 16.0G then your swap space was activated successfully. If it shows 0K / 0K then it did not work and you'll have to confirm that you entered the previous steps properly.\nPress q or F10 to quit out of htop and get back to the terminal.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/Swap.7779ed7f.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000075", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pc.html", "Heading": "Configuring Swappiness and Cache Pressure", "Text": "By default, Linux will eagerly use a lot of swap space to take some of the pressure off of the system's RAM. We don't want that. We want it to use all of the RAM up to the very last second before relying on SWAP. The next step is to change what's called the \"swappiness\" of the system, which is basically how eager it is to use the swap space. There is a lot of debate about what value to set this to, but we've found a value of 6 works well enough.\nWe also want to turn down the \"cache pressure\", which dictates how quickly the server will delete a cache of its filesystem. Since we're going to have a lot of spare RAM with our setup, we can make this \"10\" which will leave the cache in memory for a while, reducing disk I/O.\nTo set these, run these commands:\nsudo sysctl vm.swappiness=6\nsudo sysctl vm.vfs_cache_pressure=10\nNow, put them into the sysctl.conf file so they are reapplied after a reboot:\nsudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf\nAdd these two lines to the end:\nvm.swappiness=6\nvm.vfs_cache_pressure=10\nThen save and exit like you've done before (Ctrl+O, Ctrl+X).", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000076", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pc.html", "Heading": "Pre-installation System Checks", "Text": "Before installing Rocket Pool, please review the following checklist:\nYour system is fully built, powers on, and can boot into the operating system.You will not do any other activity on the system, such as browsing the Internet, checking email, or playing games.You have a Linux or macOS operating system installed.Your user account has root / Administrator privileges.You have an SSD that meets the performance requirements.Your SSD is mounted on your file system.You have at least 1.2 TB of disk space free for the initial Execution and Consensus syncing process.If your ISP caps your data, it is more than 2 TB per month.\nIf you have checked and confirmed all of these items, then you are ready to install Rocket Pool and begin running a node! Move on to the Choosing your ETH Clients section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000077", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-mac.html", "Heading": "Preparing a Mac", "Text": "Before installing Rocket Pool, there are a few checks you should do to make sure your system is compatible and will work correctly.\nDANGERWe strongly encourage you to create a dedicated machine for running a Rocket Pool node. Running a node on a general-use machine, such as your daily work desktop, presents extra security risks that may compromise your wallet and result in the theft of your coins.For maximum safety, please build a new machine that is dedicated exclusively to running a node.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000078", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-mac.html", "Heading": "System Requirements", "Text": "Below is a brief description of the software and hardware requirements that a Rocket Pool node requires. This guide assumes that you already have your machine physically built, and the operating system installed.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000079", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-mac.html", "Heading": "Supported Operating Systems", "Text": "Rocket Pool recommends you use the latest version of macOS for your hardware.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000080", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-mac.html", "Heading": "macOS Support", "Text": "You will need to install the following pre-requisites:\nDocker Desktop by downloading the binary installer from the website and dragging it to your Applications folder.\nXCode Command Line Tools can be downloaded by opening up the Terminal application (located in /Applications/Utilties) and executing the following command:\nxcode-select --install\nWe highly recommend using Homebrew as your package manager for Mac. It allows you to install packages easily using the brew command.\nFor example, to install wget using Homebrew execute the following command in the Terminal:\nbrew install wget\nPlease ensure your Firewall (Settings -> Security & Privacy -> Firewall) is turned on and Docker Desktop is added to the list of applications allowing incoming connections.\n", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/docker-firewall.51288564.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000081", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-mac.html", "Heading": "Hardware Requirements", "Text": "The hardware requirements for a node depend largely on which Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) clients you decide to run. As shown in the hardware guide, there is a wide range of possible configurations that work well. However, for the sake of completeness, we have assembled the following hardware profiles:", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000082", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-mac.html", "Heading": "Low-Power Full Node", "Text": "CPU: Quad-core 1.6+ GHzRAM: 8 GB DDR4 2400 MHzSSD: 2 TB, 15k Read IOPS, 5k Write IOPS**Network: 10+ Mbps, 1.5+ TB monthly data capExecution Client: Geth (in low-cache mode), BesuConsensus Client: Nimbus, Lighthouse, Prysm", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000083", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-mac.html", "Heading": "Typical Full Node", "Text": "CPU: Quad-core, 2.6+ GHzRAM: 16 GB DDR4 3200 MHzSSD: 2 TB, 15k Read IOPS, 5k Write IOPS**Network: 25+ Mbps, 1.5+ TB monthly data capExecution Client: AnyConsensus Client: Any\n** The Execution blockchain grows quickly, so 2 TB will offer some future-proofing. The larger your storage, the longer you can go between needing to reclaim space by pruning", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000084", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-mac.html", "Heading": "Installing and Using SSH", "Text": "SSH should already be installed with macOS.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000085", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-mac.html", "Heading": "Pre-installation System Checks", "Text": "Before installing Rocket Pool, please review the following checklist:\nYour system is fully built, powers on, and can boot into the operating system.You will not do any other activity on the system, such as browsing the Internet, checking email, or playing games.You have a macOS operating system installed.Your user account has root / administrator privileges.You have an SSD that meets the performance requirements.Your SSD is mounted on your file system.You have at least 1TB of space free for the initial Execution and Consensus syncing process.If your ISP caps your data, it is more than 1.5 TB per month.\nIf you have checked and confirmed all of these items, then you are ready to install Rocket Pool and begin running a node! Move on to the Choosing your ETH Clients section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000086", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/ssh.html", "Heading": "Intro to Secure Shell (SSH)", "Text": "In general, there are two ways to access your node machine: locally, and remotely.\nLocally refers to sitting down at the physical node and using a monitor and keyboard connected directly to it.Remotely refers to connecting to the node using a different computer (say, a laptop or desktop) over a network and interacting with it from there.\nMost of the time, node operators prefer the flexibility of working on their node remotely.\nThe Smartnode currently doesn't have a GUI (Graphical User Interface), only a CLI (Command Line Interface), which means interacting with it is done entirely by typing commands into a command-line terminal. As such, interacting with it remotely requires some way to access your node's terminal from a different machine. In this section, we'll provide a brief introduction to the most popular way of doing this: SSH.\nUsing a Windows MachineUsing a Linux or macOS MachineThere are a few different ways to use SSH from a Windows machine.The simplest is to use Powershell, which is a powerful command terminal that comes built into modern versions of Windows. Powershell has SSH included, so you can use it right away without installing any supplemental programs.You can find it by opening the Start menu and typing Powershell into the search bar; there will be several options, but option you want is simply called Windows Powershell:This will open up a terminal with a blue background. You can use ssh from here - see below for instructions on how to do that.Another popular tool is called PuTTY. PuTTY is a special program that includes a terminal dedicated for SSH usage, but it also comes with a convenient GUI for doing things like changing configurations, saving settings to a \"profile\", and keeping a list of machines you can easily connect to by selecting from a list.Instead of using ssh as you would with the other tools, PuTTY will do this for you automatically - all you need to provide are the username and password. For information on how to use PuTTY, take a look at this great tutorial.\nHere's how you would connect to your node using SSH.\nNOTERun the following command from your laptop or desktop, not from your node itself!\nshssh [email\u00a0protected]\nSay, for example, that your node's username is staker and your node's IP address is You would connect to it with the following command:\nshssh [email\u00a0protected]\nThe first time you do this, you will see a message presenting the public key that your node is using - if you are familiar with how to verify this key, you can do so now. Otherwise, if you trust that you have the correct node IP address in your ssh command, you can just say yes to accept it. You only need to do this once.\nThe client will then prompt you for your user's password; once you enter that, you're in! You will be greeted with a welcome message, some details about your machine, and a new prompt.\nAt this point, everything you type in the terminal is executed remotely on your node machine - it's as if you were logged directly into the node machine and typing on it with a locally-attached keyboard!\nYou'll need to SSH into the terminal periodically for updates and maintenance. It can be inconvenient to remember how to log in to your node, so it may be helpful to shorten this command by creating a memorable alias - a custom \"shortcut\" command.\nNOTEIf you do this, be sure to create the alias on the client machine, not on the node! If your terminal is still connected to the node, first run exit at the command prompt (or simply open a new terminal window).\nIn this example, we'll create an alias called ethnode which will replace the SSH command. Assuming, as before, that your node's username is staker and your node's IP address is, create the alias with the following command:\nshecho \"alias ethnode='ssh [email\u00a0protected]'\" >> ~/.bash_aliases\nReload the alias list to make your current terminal window aware of the new alias:\nshsource ~/.bash_aliases\nNow, you can connect to the node using the alias you just created instead of the longer command that involves specifying the node's IP address:\nshethnode", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/powershell.fc1594f1.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000087", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/overview.html", "Heading": "Overview", "Text": "This section is aimed at helping you understand the process of preparing a virtual private server or virtual machine hosted on the cloud as a Rocket Pool node.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000088", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/overview.html", "Heading": "Guides", "Text": "Selecting a Hosting Provider shows several examples of popular hosting providers that other Rocket Pool node operators use to run nodes in the cloud.\nPreparing the Operating System walks you through the basic steps of installing and configuring the base Operating System on your machine to prepare it for life as a node.\nNOTENote that you will need to use a remote service like SSH to use your machine; consult the Intro to Secure Shell (SSH) guide if you need a tutorial on how to do this.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:15hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000089", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/providers.html", "Heading": "Selecting a Hosting Provider", "Text": "If you've arrived at this section, then you would like to run a Rocket Pool node but can't set one up locally at your home; you require a virtual private server (VPS) hosted on the cloud. There are several different services available that can provide such a machine, and they come in two different flavors: VPS providers and public cloud providers.\nChoosing the correct one can be difficult, and understanding the differences between them is key. In this guide, we'll shine some light onto the distinction and list a few of the services that other Rocket Pool users have leveraged in the past to help you navigate through your options.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000090", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/providers.html", "Heading": "Traditional VPS Hosting", "Text": "In a nutshell, a virtual private server is a single instance of a virtual machine that resides on a larger physical machine. They tend to be a relatively cheap option, and they are less-frequently employed than the ubiquitous cloud platforms so they tend to contribute more towards the Ethereum network's decentralization.\nHowever, they rarely have high-availability support; if the physical server goes down, it's likely that your VPS hosted on it will go down as well. Also, they have a fixed resource footprint; it's usually not possible to increase or decrease resources like CPU and RAM on demand.\nSome well-known VPS providers that Rocket Pool node operators have used include OVH, Leaseweb, Contabo, and Netcup.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000091", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/providers.html", "Heading": "Cloud Hosting", "Text": "Cloud hosting refers to virtual machines that are split across on a distributed network of multiple servers, rather than being hosted on a single physical machine. If one of the hosting machines fails, the others can seamlessly take over for it so availability and reliability tend to be extremely high on these platforms. They also tend to offer flexible resource options; it's relatively simple to add more CPU, RAM, or disk space on demand.\nDue to these extra benefits, cloud-based servers tend to be more expensive than VPS solutions. They're also very popular platforms, so using them generally reduces the overall decentralization of the Ethereum network.\nThe 3 primary cloud providers are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000092", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/providers.html", "Heading": "Key Considerations", "Text": "", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000093", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/providers.html", "Heading": "Price", "Text": "Cloud hosting solutions are usually a safer choice if cost is not a priority. The section below has a more detailed breakdown of cost estimates but here is a general comparison between a VPS option and a cloud option:\nAWS t2.large + 1TB EBS storage: $200/moOVH Dedicated Server: $120/moContabo VPS: $40/mo", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000094", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/providers.html", "Heading": "Performance", "Text": "The recommended system requirement for a hosted node are the same as the local options:\n4 CPU Cores16GB of RAM (8 if using Nimbus)1-2 TB SSD Storage\nWhen choosing a hosting provider, keep in mind that there is a tendency for the cheaper VPS options oversubscribe their servers which can result in reduced performance overall.\nHere are a few simple tests you can run to assess your server's performance:", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000095", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/providers.html", "Heading": "Disk I/O", "Text": "Simple Write Speed Test:\ndd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync;rm test\nThis commands writes out a 1GB file of 0s to test write speed. Results can vary greatly between providers or even between systems hosted by the same provider.\nComparing Contabo and Netcup VPS's during the beta returned the following results:\nNetcup: 700 MB/sContabo: 169 MB/s\nfio (flexible I/O tester) For more in-depth testing you can use a tool like fio. It is officially available in the Ubuntu repo so it should be generally be considered safe to install. As always, being cautious about installing any unnecessary packages is wise.\nInstall fio:\nsudo apt install fio\nRun Test:\nfio --randrepeat=1 --ioengine=libaio --direct=1 --gtod_reduce=1 --name=test --filename=test --bs=4k --iodepth=64 --size=4G --readwrite=randrw --rwmixread=75\nThe test will take a few minutes and will create a 4GB test file testing both reads and writes. Results will show performance for random read and write iops.\nUsing the same two VPS's the results mirror the previous test:\nNetcup: read: IOPS=21.9kwrite: IOPS=7307Contabo: read: IOPS=3095write: IOPS=1034\nWhile both systems will likely run Rocket Pool without issue, you should look for performance of at least 5000 read IOPS and 1700 write IOPS.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000096", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/providers.html", "Heading": "CPU Performance", "Text": "There are a number of benchmark tools available to install via your servers package manager. One of the most common is sysbench.\nMost hosted server options should have far more CPU resources than necessary so unless you are noticing performance issues, its unnecessary to install and run any benchmark packages.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000097", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/providers.html", "Heading": "Provider Comparison (Placeholders)", "Text": "ProviderModelCPURAM (GB)SSD Storage (GB)Price (Month) USDTypeContaboVPS XL SSD10601600$35 (Set currency to EUR)VPSNetcupVPS 6000 G912481200$35VPSHetznerCPX418161210*$64VPSOVHRise-14322000*$120DedicatedAWSt2.large281000*$200Cloud\n* Additional storage needs to be configured when ordering", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000098", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/os.html", "Heading": "Preparing the Operating System", "Text": "As described in the previous section, there are many different VPS and cloud providers. Writing guides for all of them would be somewhat impractical, but in this section we'll go over a typical workflow for preparing a virtual machine hosted on Amazon Web Services. Specifically, we'll cover how to select the appropriate virtual hardware configuration and how to prepare the Operating System for Rocket Pool. You should be able to extrapolate how to apply these steps to any provider once you've become familiar with their ecosystem.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000099", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/os.html", "Heading": "Creating an EC2 Virtual Machine", "Text": "The first step is to create an AWS account if you don't already have one. Follow the instructions provided in that link or log in with an existing account, and you will eventually make it to your management console dashboard:\n\nNext, click on the drop-down at the top right of the screen to select the geographic region you want your server to physically reside in. Servers cannot be moved between regions once they're created, so you want to ensure you're happy with the currently selected option before actually creating the server.\nNow, click Services in the toolbar. Go to the Compute section and select EC2. Your dashboard should change to a view similar to this:\n\nClick the orange Launch Instance button and select Launch Instance from the list of options to create a new machine. You will be presented with a marketplace of Amazon Machine Images. Each of these represents a specific snapshot of a machine with a pre-installed Operating System and some other useful software components.\nFor a Rocket Pool node, we recommend you use the Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (HVM) image.\nNext, you will have to choose an Instance Type. This determines what virtual hardware resources your machine will have available.\nAt the time of writing, these are what the different options offer:\nInstancevCPUCPU Credits / hourMem (GiB)StorageNetwork Performancet2.nano130.5EBS-OnlyLowt2.micro161EBS-OnlyLow to Moderatet2.small1122EBS-OnlyLow to Moderatet2.medium2244EBS-OnlyLow to Moderatet2.large2368EBS-OnlyLow to Moderatet2.xlarge45416EBS-OnlyModeratet2.2xlarge88132EBS-OnlyModerate\nThe hardware requirements largely depend on which ETH2 client you plan to run - Nimbus, for example, requires less than 1GB of RAM by itself so it is perfectly reasonable to run it on a t2.large instance. For more RAM-heavy clients, you may want to go with a t2.xlarge instance for extra headroom.\nTIPYou may want to consult the Choosing your ETH Clients section before deciding on an instance type so you can make sure that the client you want is supported by the instance type you choose.\nOnce you've made your choice, click the Next button. The default settings are all fine for the Instance Details section, so leave them alone and click Next.\nWhen you arrive at the Add Storage section, you'll create a new virtual hard drive for your system. This can be expanded later thanks to the power of the cloud, so getting the correct number now isn't absolutely critical. However, for the sake of your own peace of mind, you should change the size to one of the following figures:\nUse at least 100 GiB if you're just trying Rocket Pool out on the Prater Test Network.Use at least 1 TiB (preferably 2 TiB) if you're going to use this node on the main Ethereum network (mainnet).\nLeave the default values for the other settings and click Next.\nIn the Add Tags step, you should click the click to add a Name tag button and give it an easy-to-remember name that you can use to identify the server later; something like Rocket Pool Smartnode will work if you need inspiration. Click Next when you're done.\nIn the Security Group section, keep the Create a new security group option selected. Enter a name and description such as Smartnode and Smartnode Group. Remove all of the existing rules in the table and add the following rules:\nTypePort RangeSourceDescriptionSSH22[Your public IP address at home]SSH AccessCustom TCP30303AnywhereETH1 P2PCustom UDP30303AnywhereETH1 P2PCustom TCP9001AnywhereETH2 P2PCustom UDP9001AnywhereETH2 P2P\nThis will allow you to remotely connect to your server via SSH (the command line terminal) from your laptop or desktop. It will also allow the Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) clients to connect to other nodes on the Ethereum network.\nNOTEFor SSH access, this will only work if you have a static public IP address. You will likely need to request this from your ISP, as many of them use a dynamic IP system and change your public address occasionally. If you cannot procure a static address, you will have to go to the AWS console and update this setting with your new IP address every time it changes.\nThe security group table should now resemble this:\n\nNow, review all of the instance details to make sure you're happy with them, and click Launch when you're satisfied. When the SSH key pair prompt appears, select Create a new key pair. Give it a memorable name such as Smartnode Key, then click Download Key Pair. Store these files somewhere secure, such as ~/.ssh/ (or C:\\Users\\[your username]\\.ssh\\ on Windows) where your other keys commonly reside.\nDANGERThis key pair contains the private key that you will use to SSH into your machine. If anyone gets a hold of this key, they will have complete access to your node - including your Rocket Pool node wallet and all of the coins within it. You must keep this file secure at all times.\nNext, click Launch Instance to create your new virtual server. When a notice pops up, click the View Instances to be taken to your list of servers. You'll see your Rocket Pool node there with some accompanying details about its configuration and status.\nFinally, assign an Elastic IP Address to your machine - you can think of this like a static IP address that is exclusive to AWS. Your node will always be accessible at this address, so you can always use the same SSH command to connect to it.\nGo to Network and Security in the navigation panel on the left and click Elastic IPs. Now, click Allocate Elastic IP Address. The default settings are all fine, so just click through the prompts and return to the list when you're done.\nNext, select the new address in the list. Click the Actions button above it, then click Associate Elastic IP Address. Leave the resource type set to Instance and select the Rocket Pool Smartnode instance you just created from the list. Click Associate to assign the address to your virtual server. Now, if you look under the *Associated Instance ID** column of the address, you can verify that it has your machine assigned to it.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/aws-console.dd8d5c02.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/ec2-dashboard.aa303bd4.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/security-group.38d49809.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000100", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/os.html", "Heading": "Accessing the Machine", "Text": "To access the machine, open a new terminal on Linux or macOS (use Powershell on Windows) and type the following command:\nssh [your elastic IP address]\nIf you stored your keys in the .ssh folder, this will use the private key pair you generated during setup to authenticate with the machine automatically - no usernames, no passwords.\nOnce here, you have complete terminal access to the system.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000101", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/os.html", "Heading": "Setting up Swap Space", "Text": "In most cases, if you choose your Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) clients and your instance type carefully, you should not run out of RAM. Then again, it never hurts to add a little more. What we're going to do now is add what's called swap space. Essentially, it means we're going to use the SSD as \"backup RAM\" in case something goes horribly, horribly wrong and your server runs out of regular RAM. The SSD isn't nearly as fast as the regular RAM, so if it hits the swap space it will slow things down, but it won't completely crash and break everything. Think of this as extra insurance that you'll (most likely) never need.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000102", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/os.html", "Heading": "Creating a Swap File", "Text": "The first step is to make a new file that will act as your swap space. Decide how much you want to use - a reasonable start would be 8 GB, so you have 8 GB of normal RAM and 8 GB of \"backup RAM\" for a total of 16 GB. To be super safe, you can make it 24 GB so your system has 8 GB of normal RAM and 24 GB of \"backup RAM\" for a total of 32 GB, but this is probably overkill. Luckily, since your SSD has 1 or 2 TB of space, allocating 8 to 24 GB for a swapfile is negligible.\nFor the sake of this walkthrough, let's pick a nice middleground - say, 16 GB of swap space for a total RAM of 24 GB. Just substitute whatever number you want in as we go.\nEnter this, which will create a new file called /swapfile and fill it with 16 GB of zeros. To change the amount, just change the number in count=16 to whatever you want. Note that this is going to take a long time, but that's ok.\nsudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1G count=16 status=progress\nNext, set the permissions so only the root user can read or write to it (for security):\nsudo chmod 600 /swapfile\nNow, mark it as a swap file:\nsudo mkswap /swapfile\nNext, enable it:\nsudo swapon /swapfile\nFinally, add it to the mount table so it automatically loads when your server reboots:\nsudo nano /etc/fstab\nAdd a new line at the end that looks like this:\n/swapfile none swap sw 0 0\nPress Ctrl+O and Enter to save, then Ctrl+X and Enter to exit.\nTo verify that it's active, run these commands:\nsudo apt install htop\nhtop\nYour output should look like this at the top:\nIf the second number in the last row labeled Swp (the one after the /) is non-zero, then you're all set. For example, if it shows 0K / 16.0G then your swap space was activated successfully. If it shows 0K / 0K then it did not work and you'll have to confirm that you entered the previous steps properly.\nPress q or F10 to quit out of htop and get back to the terminal.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/Swap.7779ed7f.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000103", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/vps/os.html", "Heading": "Configuring Swappiness and Cache Pressure", "Text": "By default, Linux will eagerly use a lot of swap space to take some of the pressure off of the system's RAM. We don't want that. We want it to use all of the RAM up to the very last second before relying on SWAP. The next step is to change what's called the \"swappiness\" of the system, which is basically how eager it is to use the swap space. There is a lot of debate about what value to set this to, but we've found a value of 6 works well enough.\nWe also want to turn down the \"cache pressure\", which dictates how quickly the server will delete a cache of its filesystem. Since we're going to have a lot of spare RAM with our setup, we can make this \"10\" which will leave the cache in memory for a while, reducing disk I/O.\nTo set these, run these commands:\nsudo sysctl vm.swappiness=6\nsudo sysctl vm.vfs_cache_pressure=10\nNow, put them into the sysctl.conf file so they are reapplied after a reboot:\nsudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf\nAdd these two lines to the end:\nvm.swappiness=6\nvm.vfs_cache_pressure=10\nThen save and exit like you've done before (Ctrl+O, Ctrl+X).\nAnd with that, your server is up and running and ready to run Rocket Pool! Move on to the Choosing your ETH Clients section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000104", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/securing-your-node.html", "Heading": "Securing your Node", "Text": "The goal of this guide is to walk you through steps you can take to secure your node against malicious actors. Whether you're running a local server at home or a VPS server / virtual machine on the cloud, the tips here will help you harden your node against outside attack and help protect it during its lifespan.\nThis section will describe both essential actions, which you must take, and nice-to-have actions, which are helpful but not required.\nNOTEThis guide is meant to be an introduction to some of the things you can do to harden your node machine. If you are comfortable with the command-line terminal and want to go even further in protecting your node, take a look at the popular imthenachoman/How-To-Secure-A-Linux-Server guide.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000105", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/securing-your-node.html", "Heading": "Assumptions in This Guide", "Text": "This guide assumes your node runs Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. The concepts will carry over to other systems but the example commands may not.\nAs with all of the commands in this guide, we assume that you are connecting remotely to your node's command terminal using ssh. If you need a refresher on how to use ssh, take a look at the Intro to Secure Shell guide first.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000106", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/securing-your-node.html", "Heading": "ESSENTIAL: Keep your Client Machine Secure", "Text": "NOTEIf you use your Smartnode locally (by physically logging into it with a keyboard and monitor directly attached to it), then this section is not relevant to you - you can skip it.\nMost Smartnode operators interact with their node remotely by connecting to its terminal from another computer using ssh:\nThe machine you connect to (in this case, your node machine) is called the server.The machine you connect from (such as your laptop, desktop, or even your phone) is the client.\nOne of the most important things you can do to secure your Smartnode is to keep your client machine secure. If your client machine is compromised and you use it to log into your node, then most of the security settings you apply to the node can be bypassed.\nFor example: if you use a laptop as an SSH client, and it has a keylogger installed, then any secret things you type on the node (such as your password or recovery mnemonic) when connected via SSH will be stolen.\nThere is no definitive guide to keeping your client machine secure, but being aware that it is a factor in your security is a good first step. Make sure that your client machine is as secure as it can be.\nHere are a few tips:\nDon't use your client machine for risky activities (such as visiting untrustworthy websites or installing unnecessary programs)Keep your client machine updated with the latest security patchesIf possible, use a malware and antivirus protection program for your Operating System\nFor maximum security, you may want to use a dedicated machine as your SSH client, though this may not be practical for you.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000107", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/securing-your-node.html", "Heading": "ESSENTIAL: Secure your SSH Access", "Text": "NOTEIf you use your Smartnode locally (by physically logging into it with a keyboard and monitor directly attached to it), then this section is not relevant to you - you can skip it.\nWhether you run your Smartnode at home or you use a VPS in a remote datacenter, it is likely that either you access it through SSH, or that SSH is enabled even if you do not use it.\nSSH connections are based on secure cryptography, but as with any secure system, the real security comes from using it correctly. There are two main things to do for your SSH settings:\nAs you are probably familiar with now, the default way to log into your node via SSH is with a username and password. The downside of this is that your password is typically something rather \"short\" and susceptible to brute-force attacks.\nLuckily, there is an alternative way to log in via SSH: an SSH key pair.\nSSH key pairs work similarly to blockchain wallets; they come with a public part (such as your wallet address) and a private part (the private key for your wallet address):\nYou provide the public part to your node. This way, the node knows you're allowed to connect to it, and it knows that it's really you trying to connect.You keep the private part to yourself on your client machine. This way, you (and only you) can connect to your node. You can (and should!) protect the private part with a password, so someone who steals your key can't use it.From a computer's perspective, the private key is exponentially harder to crack than a password is. This mitigates the risk of a brute-force attack against your node.\nTIPIf you'd like to learn more about SSH key pairs before creating your own, take a look at these links:https://canvas.cse.taylor.edu/courses/27/pages/ssh-key-tutorialhttps://www.ssh.com/academy/ssh/host-key", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000108", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/securing-your-node.html", "Heading": "Creating an SSH Key Pair", "Text": "Let's start by creating a new SSH key pair on your client machine. There are many varieties of key out there, but we're going to use a key type called ed25519 which provides excellent security.\nRun the following command on your client machine (i.e., you should not run this while already SSH'd into your node machine - if you are, exit out of SSH first):\nshellssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C \"[email\u00a0protected]\"\nYou will see the following:\nGenerating public/private ed25519 key pair.\nEnter file in which to save the key (~/username/.ssh/id_ed25519):\nThis asks you where you would like to save your private key file. SSH is compatible with the provided default and will automatically use it for you if you select it. However, you have the option of changing it to something else if you wish.\nNOTEThe path ~/username/.ssh/id_ed25519 is just an example, assuming your username is username. You likely have a different username. Whenever you see a path like the above in this guide, replace it with whatever path your system actually prints with your actual username.\nIf you are comfortable with the default setting, simply press Enter.\nOtherwise, type your desired location for the key. It must be an absolute path (e.g. ~/username/.ssh/rocketpool_key). Press Enter when you're done.\nAfter pressing Enter, you will see:\nEnter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):\nThis will become the password for the private key itself. Whenever you use the key to connect to your node, you will need to enter this password first.\nWARNINGYou should not leave this blank - otherwise, anyone with the SSH key file will be able to use it! Pick a good password that you (and only you) will know.Also, don't forget your password - there is no way to recover this password if you lose it.\nOnce you finish typing the password, press Enter. It will ask you to retype it for confirmation.\nAfter that, you will see something like the following output:\nYour identification has been saved in ~/username/.ssh/id_ed25519\nYour public key has been saved in ~/username/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub\nThe key fingerprint is:\nSHA256:CASbPZETiQ83lLhpUO2aoT05TxMVLwqiWtdsRtoPt4s [email\u00a0protected]\nThe key's randomart image is:\n+--[ED25519 256]--+\n| .o*==.. |\n|. +=O... |\n|..+B++o . |\n|..=.+X o |\n|.+.=+.O S |\n|o.B.oo + . |\n|. = . o |\n| . . . |\n| E . |\n+----[SHA256]-----+\nThe first line states the location of the private key, which is called id_ed25519 by default (notice that it does not have a file extension). Ubuntu will load this key for you automatically when you use ssh if this private key file is in the default location.\nThe second line states the location of the public key, which is called id_ed25519.pub by default. We'll need the public key for the next step.\nNOTEUbuntu should load this new key automatically. However, some systems (such as macOS machines) will not load it automatically - you will have to tell it to do this with the following command on your client machine:shellssh-add ~/username/.ssh/id_ed25519Note that this is the path of the private key that we generated in the previous step, not the public key. Replace the path with whatever your system printed in that previous step.If you get an error saying that the ssh-agent is not running, start it by running the following command on your client machine:shelleval $(ssh-agent)If you don't want to type these two commands every time you open the terminal, you can create a shortcut for adding your key by adding an alias to your ~/.bashrc file.Open the file using the text editor:shellnano ~/.bashrcAdd this line to the end (assuming you used the default path for the private key - update as necessary):alias loadkey='ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519'Save and exit with Ctrl+O and Enter, then Ctrl+X. Next, close and open your terminal for the changes to take effect.You can now type loadkey on your client machine to load the key.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000109", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/securing-your-node.html", "Heading": "Adding the Public Key to your Node", "Text": "Once you have your SSH key pair, you can now add the public key to your node. This will let you connect to it over ssh using the private key you just generated, instead of your username and password.\nThere are two ways to do this - if one doesn't work, try the other way:\nUsing ssh copy idManually Adding the KeyNote: if your client machine is running Windows, ssh-copy-id is not yet available. Please follow the instructions in the \"Manually Adding the Key\" tab.Run the following command on your client machine:shellssh-copy-id -i ~/username/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub [email\u00a0protected]For example, if my username on the node was staker and my node's IP address was, I would run the following command:shellssh-copy-id -i ~/staker/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub [email\u00a0protected]You will see some messages like the following:/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: \"~/username/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub\"\n/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed\n/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keysThis tells you that it's trying to log in with your key first to make sure it isn't already there. Once it fails logging in, it knows that it's OK to add the new public key to the node machine.It will then prompt you for the password of the user on your node machine. (Note that this is not the password of the SSH key!)Enter your user's password, and you will see the following output:Number of key(s) added: 1\n\nNow try logging into the machine with: \"ssh '[email\u00a0protected]'\"\nand check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.That means it worked!\nYou should now be able to ssh into the node like you normally would, but now you won't have to type the password of the user account.\nInstead, you will have to type the password of your SSH private key. Depending on your system settings, you may only have to do this once per restart, or you may have to do it every time you use the key to connect to your node.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000110", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/securing-your-node.html", "Heading": "Disable Login-via-Password", "Text": "Even though you have an SSH key pair set up, your node will still allow other machines to try to log in using the username and password method. This defeats the entire purpose of using SSH keys in the first place, so the next step is to disable those.\nNOTEYou are about to modify the SSH server's configuration. All of your existing SSH sessions will be preserved. However, if you make a mistake, then it's possible that you will not be able to create new SSH sessions anymore and effectively lock yourself out of the machine.To prevent this, we strongly recommend that you create 2 SSH sessions for the next steps - one for editing things and testing, and one as a backup so you can revert any breaking changes.\nStart by logging into your machine using ssh as usual:\nshellssh [email\u00a0protected]\nAs a reminder, you should do this twice on two separate terminals so you have a backup session just in case. You can ignore the backup session for now - we'll tell you when you need it. Run the following commands only in the first session.\nOpen the configuration file for the SSH server:\nshellsudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config\nAs with all commands that start with sudo, this will prompt you for your user account's password. This is a large file, so you'll have to navigate through it using the arrow keys on your keyboard or Page Up / Page Down.\nMake the following changes:\nOnce you're done, save with Ctrl+O and Enter, then exit with Ctrl+X.\nFinally, run sudo sshd -T | grep -i passwordauthentication and make sure that it prints passwordauthentication no. If it does not, you may need to run sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/50-cloud-init.conf and set PasswordAuthentication yes to PasswordAuthentication no in that file as well. Save and exit as before, with Ctrl+O and Enter, then Ctrl+X\nNext, restart the SSH server so it picks up the new settings:\nshellsudo systemctl restart sshd\nAfter this, logging into SSH via a username and password should be disabled.\nNOTEAt this point, you should exit the SSH session and try to SSH back in. If you are able to do so successfully, then your SSH configuration is still valid!If you are not able to get back in, then something has gone wrong with your configuration. Use the backup SSH session you created at the start of this section to modify the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.Try to find the mistake or undo your changes, then restart the SSH server using sudo systemctl restart sshd.Once it's been restarted, try connecting with SSH again on your \"other\" terminal. Keep doing this until you have it working again and are able to successfully connect.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000111", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/securing-your-node.html", "Heading": "(Optional) Enable Two-Factor Authentication", "Text": "Two-factor authentication involves requiring a second security measure in addition to your password or SSH key, usually on a separate device from your primary one.\nFor example, you may be familiar with logging into a website such as a crypto exchange using both a password and a Google Authenticator code (or an SMS code). This two-step process is an example of two-factor authentication.\nSSH can also be configured to require a Google Authenticator code, which means that an attacker that somehow compromised your SSH key and its passphrase would still need the device with the authenticator app on it (presumably your phone). This adds an extra layer of security to your system.\nWARNINGWe strongly recommend that you open a second terminal with an SSH connection to your node, just in case you misconfigure something. This way, you will have a backup that is still connected in case you lock yourself out, so you can easily undo your mistakes.If you do manage to lock yourself out, you will need to physically access your node via its local monitor and keyboard to log in and repair the misconfiguration.\nStart by installing Google Authenticator (or a compatible equivalent) on your phone if you don't already have it. For Android users, consider andOTP which is an open-source alternative that supports password locking and convenient backups.\nNext, install the Google Authenticator module on your node with this command:\nshellsudo apt install -y libpam-google-authenticator\nNow tell the PAM (pluggable authentication modules) to use this module. First, open the config file:\nshellsudo nano /etc/pam.d/sshd\nFind @include common-auth (it should be at the top) and comment it out by adding a # in front of it, so it looks like this:\n# Standard Un*x authentication.\n#@include common-auth\nNext, add these lines to the top of the file:\nshell# Enable Google Authenticator\nauth required pam_google_authenticator.so\nThen save and exit the file with Ctrl+O, Enter, and Ctrl+X.\nNow that PAM knows to use Google Authenticator, the next step is to tell sshd to use PAM. Open the sshd config file:\nshellsudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config\nNow change the line KbdInteractiveAuthentication no to KbdInteractiveAuthentication yes so it looks like this:\n# Change to yes to enable challenge-response passwords (beware issues with\n# some PAM modules and threads)\nKbdInteractiveAuthentication yes\n(Older versions of SSH call this option ChallengeResponseAuthentication instead of KbdInteractiveAuthentication.)\nAdd the following line to the bottom of the file, which indicates to sshd that it needs both an SSH key and the Google Authenticator code:\nshellAuthenticationMethods publickey,keyboard-interactive:pam\nThen save and exit the file with Ctrl+O, Enter, and Ctrl+X.\nNow that sshd is set up, we need to create our 2FA codes. In your terminal, run:\nshellgoogle-authenticator\nFirst, it will ask you about time-based tokens. Say y to this question:\nDo you want authentication tokens to be time-based: y\nYou will now see a big QR code on your screen; scan it with your Google Authenticator app to add it. You will also see your secret and a few backup codes looking like this:\nYour new secret key is: IRG2TALMR5U2LK5VQ5AQIG3HA4\nYour verification code is 282436\nYour emergency scratch codes are:\n 29778030\n 86888537\n 50553659\n 41403052\n 82649596\nNOTERecord the emergency scratch codes somewhere safe in case you need to log into the machine but don't have your 2FA app handy. Without the app, you will no longer be able to SSH into the machine!\nFinally, it will ask you for some more parameters; the recommended defaults are as follows:\nDo you want me to update your \"//.google_authenticator\" file: y\nDo you want to disallow multiple uses of the same authentication token: y\nBy default... < long story about time skew > ... Do you want to do so: n\nDo you want to enable rate-limiting: y\nOnce you're done, restart sshd so it grabs the new settings:\nshellsudo systemctl restart sshd\nWhen you try to SSH into your server with your SSH keys, you should now also be asked for a 2FA verification code, but not for a password.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000112", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/securing-your-node.html", "Heading": "ESSENTIAL: Enable Automatic Security Updates", "Text": "Operating System vendors routinely publish updates and security fixes, so it is important that you keep your system up to date with the latest patches. The easiest way to do this is to enable automatic updates.\nRun the following commands on your node machine:\nshellsudo apt update\nsudo apt install -y unattended-upgrades update-notifier-common\nYou can change the auto-update settings by editing /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades:\nshellsudo nano /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades\nThis is an example of reasonable auto-update settings:\nshellAPT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists \"1\";\nAPT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade \"1\";\nAPT::Periodic::AutocleanInterval \"7\";\nUnattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies \"true\";\nUnattended-Upgrade::Remove-New-Unused-Dependencies \"true\";\n\n# This is the most important choice: auto-reboot.\n# This should be fine since Rocketpool auto-starts on reboot.\nUnattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot \"true\";\nUnattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot-Time \"02:00\";\nWhen you are done adding your changes, save with Ctrl+O and Enter, then exit with Ctrl+X.\nAfter, make sure to load the new settings:\nshellsudo systemctl restart unattended-upgrades", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000113", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/securing-your-node.html", "Heading": "ESSENTIAL: Enable a Firewall", "Text": "In general, your machine should only accept network traffic on ports that your Execution (ETH1) client, Consensus (ETH2) client, and Smartnode stack use. To enforce that and prevent any unexpected or undesirable traffic, we can install a firewall on the node.\nNOTEIf you selected a different execution/consensus client port during the Rocketpool setup, you need to edit the ports below to reflect your settings.\nUbuntu comes with ufw installed by default (the uncomplicated fire wall), which is a convenient utility for managing your node's firewall settings.\nThe following commands will set ufw up with a good default configuration for your Smartnode. Run these on your node machine.\nDisable connections unless they're explicitly allowed by later rules:\nshellsudo ufw default deny incoming comment 'Deny all incoming traffic'\nAllow SSH:\nshellsudo ufw allow \"22/tcp\" comment 'Allow SSH'\nAllow execution client (formerly referred to as ETH1):\nshellsudo ufw allow 30303/tcp comment 'Execution client port, standardized by Rocket Pool'\nsudo ufw allow 30303/udp comment 'Execution client port, standardized by Rocket Pool'\nAllow consensus client (formerly referred to as ETH2):\nshellsudo ufw allow 9001/tcp comment 'Consensus client port, standardized by Rocket Pool'\nsudo ufw allow 9001/udp comment 'Consensus client port, standardized by Rocket Pool'\nFinally, enable ufw:\nsudo ufw enable\nNOTEiptables experts might note that Docker bypasses ufw settings. Strictly speaking, that means unless you are running in Hybrid mode, you do not need the Execution and Consensus client rules. Adding them, however, has no downside and will make sure that if you ever switch to Hybrid mode you will not run into firewall issues.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000114", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/securing-your-node.html", "Heading": "(Optional) Enable Brute-Force and DDoS Protection", "Text": "To protect your server from DDoS attacks and brute-force connection attempts, you can install fail2ban. This program will monitor incoming connections and block IP addresses that try to log in with faulty credentials repeatedly.\nSee this guide for more information on intrusion prevention.\nRun the following commands on your node machine:\nInstall the service:\nshellsudo apt install -y fail2ban\nNext, open /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/ssh.local:\nshellsudo nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/ssh.local\nAdd the following contents to it:\n[sshd]\nenabled = true\nbanaction = ufw\nport = 22\nfilter = sshd\nlogpath = %(sshd_log)s\nmaxretry = 5\nYou can change the maxretry setting, which is the number of attempts it will allow before locking the offending address out.\nOnce you're done, save and exit with Ctrl+O and Enter, then Ctrl+X.\nFinally, restart the service:\nsudo systemctl restart fail2ban\nAnd with that, you've just greatly improved the security posture of your node. Congratulations!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000115", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/tailscale.html", "Heading": "Configuring a Tailscale VPN Server", "Text": "NOTEThis is optional. You only need to consider this section if you run a node at home and would like to connect to it from outside of your home network.\nIf you would like to log into your home network remotely, such as while on vacation or on a business trip, the most common route is to use a Virtual Private Network server. This will allow you to connect to your node via SSH and monitor your Grafana dashboard from anywhere in the world, all without exposing your SSH port to the internet.\nMany Rocket Pool node operators use Tailscale as their VPN server of choice for this. Tailscale is an open source P2P VPN tunnel and hosted endpoint discovery service. It takes care of authentication, publication, and the NAT traversal required to establish an end-to-end encrypted path between your machine and your node without sending any sensitive traffic to a centralized server. It is a very powerful tool.\nWe will briefly cover a basic configuration of it, but feel free to review their documentation for more details.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000116", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/tailscale.html", "Heading": "Setting Tailscale Up", "Text": "First, create a free Tailscale account. Tailscale requires the use of an SSO identity provider such as Google, GitHub, Okta, Microsoft, etc. For details, visit their SSO Page.\nIt is recommended that you enable 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) on whichever identity provider you choose for added security.\nNext, follow their onboarding guide to install Tailscale on your client - the machine you want to connect to your network with. For example, this could be a laptop or your phone. Note that it is not your Rocket Pool node!\nOnce completed you should see your computer as 'connected' on the Tailscale dashboard.\n\nNow, install Tailscale on your Rocket Pool node. You can find instructions for this on their website; for example, here are the installation instructions for Ubuntu.\nNOTEIf you have UFW configured, you will also want to follow the UFW Configuration Instructions).\nFirst, add Tailscale\u2019s package signing key and repository on your Rocket Pool node:\nshellcurl -fsSL https://pkgs.tailscale.com/stable/ubuntu/focal.noarmor.gpg | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/tailscale-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null\ncurl -fsSL https://pkgs.tailscale.com/stable/ubuntu/focal.tailscale-keyring.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tailscale.list\nNow, install Tailscale on your Rocket Pool node:\nshellsudo apt-get update\nsudo apt-get install tailscale\nFinally, authenticate and connect your machine to your Tailscale network on your Rocket Pool node:\nshellsudo tailscale up\nYou\u2019re connected! You can find your Tailscale IPv4 address by running:\nshelltailscale ip -4\nYou should now see your node machine added to the on the Tailscale dashboard. You may also change the name of the node machine through the dashboard, e.g. to rocketnode.\n\nIt is suggested to disable key expiry for the node machine to prevent the need to periodically re-authenticate.\nNoteIf you would like to access your node using a memorable hostname such as rocketnode, you can do so by enabling MagicDNS in the Tailscale settings.\nYou should now be able to exit the SSH session to your node on your client, and SSH into your node again through Tailscale using ssh [email\u00a0protected].\nNOTEIf you modified the SSH port of the node machine in /etc/ssh/sshd_config when you first configured it, use ssh [email\u00a0protected] -p instead.For example, if you assigned SSH to port 1234, you would do:ssh [email\u00a0protected] -p 1234\nYou can now also visit http://rocketnode:3100 in your web browser to access your Grafana dashboard from your client.\nIf you have UFW configured, you can now add a rule to accept any incoming SSH connections over Tailscale.\nWARNINGThe following steps will modify your firewall rules. **You must have at least 2 SSH sessions open to your node machine before proceeding - one for modifying the configuration and testing it afterwards, and one that will stay logged in as a backup in case your changes break SSH so you can revert them!\nRun these commands on the node machine.\nAllow access to all incoming ssh connections over Talscale.\nshellsudo ufw allow in on tailscale0\nYou may also remove access to the SSH port adding from the enabling a firewall steps to competely lock down your node. Note that you will not be able to login from the local network as tailscale will become the only way to login. Only run the following command if you are okay with this.\nshellsudo ufw delete \"22/tcp\"\nOnce you\u2019ve set up firewall rules to restrict all non-Tailscale connections, restart UFW and SSH:\nshellsudo ufw reload\nsudo service ssh restart\nNow, confirm that everything is working as expected. exit from one of your current SSH sessions (but remember to keep the second one open as a backup).\nNext, connect to the node machine via SSH using the Tailscale IP address:\nshellssh [email\u00a0protected]\nIf it works, you did everything right and can now safely log into your home network while abroad!\nTIPIf you've previously port forwarded your node's SSH port in your router, you can now remove it.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tailscale-dashboard-client.e3b7134c.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tailscale-dashboard-servers.7dd07f04.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000117", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/installing/overview.html", "Heading": "Overview", "Text": "In this section, you'll learn how to install the Rocket Pool Smartnode stack onto your node machine. There are several different flavors of installation; you'll learn which one is right for you and walk through the installation process for it.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000118", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/installing/overview.html", "Heading": "Prerequisites", "Text": "Before diving into this section, please make sure you've:\nPicked a node machine (local hardware or virtual server)Set up the Operating System on itConfigured a remote control system such as SSHSecured it by following the Securing your Node guide", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000119", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/installing/overview.html", "Heading": "Guides", "Text": "Choosing your ETH Clients presents the various options for Ethereum clients - both on the Execution Layer (formerly ETH1) and the Consensus Layer (formerly ETH2). You'll need one of each in order to run your node, and this section will help you choose which ones you'd like to run.\nSelecting a Rocket Pool Mode will show you the different modes the Rocket Pool Smartnode can be installed with and will help you pick the mode that's best for you.\nCreating a Standard Rocket Pool Node with Docker will walk you through the installation process for Docker Mode and Hybrid Mode.\nCreating a Native Rocket Pool Node without Docker will walk you through the installation process for Native Mode.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000120", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/eth-clients.html", "Heading": "Choosing your ETH Clients", "Text": "Rocket Pool's Smartnode installer can transform your machine into a full Ethereum node, as it requires both Execution and Consensus clients in order to operate properly.\nThe terms ETH1/ETH2 have been deprecated. The chains will be referred to as the Execution Layer (ETH1) and the Beacon Chain or Consensus Layer (ETH2) in the rest of these guides.\nIf you already have Execution and Consensus clients up and running on a separate machine (for example, if you're already solo-staking), then skip this section and move onto the Configuring a Hybrid Rocket Pool Node with External Clients section.\nOtherwise, read on to learn more about your choices for Execution and Consensus clients.\nNOTEAs of March 2023, the distribution of clients on the Beacon Chain looks roughly like this:Data obtained from https://clientdiversity.orgThe overwhelming majority of node operators are currently using Geth as an Execution Client and either Prysm or Lighthouse as a Consensus Client. In the interest of supporting the health of the Execution Layer (formerly ETH1) and the Beacon Chain (formerly ETH2), we currently recommend that you consider using different clients. Here are some relevant articles about why an even client diversity is crucial to the health of the network if you would like to learn more:https://clientdiversity.org/#whyhttps://blog.ethereum.org/2020/08/21/validated-why-client-diversity-matters/https://our.status.im/the-importance-of-client-diversity/https://medium.com/prysmatic-labs/eth2-mainnet-incident-retrospective-f0338814340c\nFor users that would like to get up and running quickly, the Smartnode installer provides a Random Client option which may be the best choice. For users that have a specific client they'd like to use in mind, we provide the ability to easily choose one during Rocket Pool's installation. The options below help to describe each client so you can make an informed decision if you'd like to specify which one you want.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/ethereum-client-diversity.ffcdf2a7.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000121", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/eth-clients.html", "Heading": "Execution Clients", "Text": "Rocket Pool supports three different Execution clients: Geth, Besu, and Nethermind.\nRunning an Execution client involves storing a copy of the Execution layer blockchain on your machine. It interacts via peer-to-peer communications with other EC nodes to record and verify new blocks and transactions. A full Execution client is required to run a validator now that the Execution and Consensus layers have merged.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000122", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/eth-clients.html", "Heading": "Geth", "Text": "Geth (formally named Go Ethereum) is one of the three original implementations (along with C++ and Python) of the Ethereum protocol. It is written in Go, fully open source and licensed under the GNU LGPL v3.\nGeth is the oldest and most widely-used Execution Client around the world. It has a reputation for being very stable and reliable.\nIt is multithreaded, meaning it can take advantage of your entire CPU. Its RAM usage is configurable, down to a minimum of about 4 GB for Mainnet. This makes it viable for low-power systems and high-power systems alike.\nNOTEGeth requires offline pruning of its database periodically: its database will grow over time and gradually consume all of your free disk space unless you prune it when your disk runs low on free space. The frequency you need to prune will depend on your SSD's size.For more information on pruning Geth, view the Pruning the Execution Client page.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000123", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/eth-clients.html", "Heading": "Besu", "Text": "Hyperledger Besu is an open-source Ethereum client developed under the Apache 2.0 license and written in Java. Besu's most exciting features is its use of Bonsai Tries for state storage. In addition to their better performance characterstics, Bonsai Tries give Besu two interesting advantages over the other clients:\nBesu currently recommends at least 16 GB of RAM, though it is possible to run successfully with 8 GB.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000124", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/eth-clients.html", "Heading": "Nethermind", "Text": "Nethermind is written in .NET Core. It boasts the fastest sync speed of the Execution clients and has a rich set of configuration options. It is designed with node operators in mind and has many features that they will find helpful.\nLike Geth, Nethermind requires periodic pruning of its database. Unlike Geth, however, Nethermind's database can be pruned while it stays online. This means you do not need to turn your client off and rely on a fallback in order to prune. However, Nethermind's online pruning process is quite resource intensive so users running low-power nodes may see some performance degradation during the process.\nNethermind requires at least 16GB of RAM, though more is preferable.\nNOTENethermind requires periodic pruning of its database periodically: its database will grow over time and gradually consume all of your free disk space unless you prune it when your disk runs low on free space. The frequency you need to prune will depend on your SSD's size.Unlike Geth, however, Nethermind remains online while it is pruning. This makes it a compelling choice for nodes because they won't have any down time during pruning.For more information on pruning Nethermind, view the Pruning the Execution Client page.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000125", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/eth-clients.html", "Heading": "Client Comparison Table", "Text": "ClientTypeCPU UsageMinimum RAM UsageSync TimeGethFullModerate4 GBModerateBesuFullModerate6 GBSlowNethermindFullModerate16 GBFast", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000126", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/eth-clients.html", "Heading": "Consensus Clients", "Text": "Rocket Pool's installer is proud to support five currently available Consensus clients: Lighthouse, Lodestar, Nimbus, Prysm, and Teku.\nEach of these is a full client, meaning you will contribute to the decentralization of the Consensus network regardless of which client you choose.\nAll five clients are quite low-risk, low-maintenance, and will generate practically identical total rewards from validation. They differ slightly in terms of resource requirements and features, but you cannot go wrong with any of them.\nBy default, the Rocket Pool installer will offer to select a random consensus client for you. This will help contribute to the overall diversity of the network. This is important from a security perspective: if one client is used by a majority of nodes and suffers from a severe bug or attack, it might cause all of those nodes to fail and thus threaten the entire Beacon Chain's stability.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000127", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/eth-clients.html", "Heading": "Lighthouse", "Text": "Lighthouse is an open-source Ethereum 2.0 maintained by Sigma Prime. It implements the Ethereum 2.0 specification as defined by the Ethereum Foundation Research team.\nLighthouse is a cutting-edge distributed systems project implementing technologies at the forefront of blockchain research; including proof-of-stake consensus, parallel transaction execution and state separation (sharding).\nLighthouse has no official affiliation with the Ethereum Foundation and will continue to follow its guidance as long it is remains in the best interest of the Ethereum protocol and community surrounding it.\nLighthouse is implemented in Rust and will maintain a focus on security and efficiency.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000128", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/eth-clients.html", "Heading": "Lodestar", "Text": "Lodestar is the fifth open-source Ethereum consensus client maintained by ChainSafe Systems. Our flagship product is our production-capable beacon chain and validator client for Ethereum consensus. Our software and tooling is uniquely situated as the go-to for researchers and developers for rapid prototyping and browser usage. Millions of developers around the world are familiar with Typescript, and Lodestar's high-quality codebases are excellent introductions to the Ethereum world.\nLodestar has also been a leader in light client research, standardization, and implementation of Ethereum light clients. We strive to work with other client implementers, researchers and developers to demonstrate the importance of having browsers utilize trustless data directly from the blockchain.\nLodestar's niche is in its implementation language, Typescript.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000129", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/eth-clients.html", "Heading": "Nimbus", "Text": "Nimbus is a client implementation for both Ethereum 2.0 and Ethereum 1.0 that strives to be as lightweight as possible in terms of resources used. This allows it to perform well on embedded systems and resource-restricted devices.\nHowever, resource-restricted hardware is not the only thing Nimbus is good for. Its low resource consumption makes it easy to run Nimbus together with other workloads on your server (this is especially valuable for stakers looking to lower the cost of their server instances).\nNimbus is written in Nim and maintained by the Status.im team.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000130", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/eth-clients.html", "Heading": "Prysm", "Text": "The Prysm project is a full-featured implementation for the Ethereum 2.0 network written entirely in the Go programming language.\nCreated by Prysmatic Labs, Prysm implements the official Ethereum 2.0 specification, which is the product of an ongoing collective research and development effort by various teams across the Ethereum ecosystem including the Ethereum Foundation.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000131", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/eth-clients.html", "Heading": "Teku", "Text": "Teku (formerly known as Artemis) is a Java-based Ethereum 2.0 client designed & built to meet institutional needs and security requirements. PegaSys is an arm of ConsenSys dedicated to building enterprise-ready clients and tools for interacting with the core Ethereum platform.\nTeku is Apache 2.0 licensed and written in Java, a language notable for its maturity & ubiquity.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000132", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/eth-clients.html", "Heading": "Client Comparison Table", "Text": "ClientCPU UsageMinimum RAM UsageSync TimeLighthouseModerate2 GBInstant with checkpoint syncLodestarModerate4 GBInstant with checkpoint syncNimbusLow0.75 GBInstant with checkpoint syncPrysmModerate2 GBInstant with checkpoint syncTekuModerate4 GBInstant with checkpoint sync", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000133", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/install-modes.html", "Heading": "Selecting a Rocket Pool Mode", "Text": "Rocket Pool's Smartnode stack is quite flexible; there are several different ways to run it. It can stand up an entire full node from scratch, it can integrate with existing Execution or Consensus client deployments, and it can even run natively as a set of system services. In this section, we will cover the typical ways of configuring and using the Smartnode stack.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000134", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/install-modes.html", "Heading": "The Default Docker-Based Configuration", "Text": "The default mode, and the most common way to run a Smartnode, is to have it create an entire full node instance on your local machine that Rocket Pool manages.\nTo accomplish this, the Smartnode uses Docker containers. In essence, a Docker container is a small sandbox that comes pre-configured with a program, all of its dependencies, and all of the configuration needed to run correctly. When it's no longer needed, it can simply be thrown away. It's a nice little self-contained bundle that lets things work without making a mess of your actual filesystem or other programs.\nThis mode is what the Smartnode Installer will deploy for you. It uses the following Docker containers:\nrocketpool_api - This holds the actual functionality that the Smartnode provides when you interact with it via Rocket Pool's command-line interface (CLI).rocketpool_node - This is a background process that will periodically check for and claim RPL rewards after a reward checkpoint (if you have auto-claim enabled, more on this later), and is responsible for actually staking new validators when you create a minipool.rocketpool_watchtower - This is used by Oracle Nodes to perform oracle-related duties. For regular node operators, this will simply stay idle.rocketpool_eth1 - This will be your Execution client.rocketpool_eth2 - This will be your Consensus beacon node client.rocketpool_validator - This will be your Validator client, which is responsible for your validator duties (such as attesting to blocks or proposing new blocks).\nIn most situations, this is a good option to choose when creating a new node from scratch. It's the fastest, most hands-off procedure. It will also handle updates to the Execution and Consensus clients with every new Smartnode release, so you don't have to worry about them (though you can manually upgrade them at any time if you desire).\nNOTECurrently, some of the Docker containers need to run as the root user to function correctly. While Docker containers are generally quite good at preventing a user from escaping into your main Operating System, you may not be comfortable with this requirement for security reasons. In this case, we suggest you use the Native configuration mode listed below.\nIf you would like to use this mode, proceed to the Configuring a Standard Rocket Pool Node with Docker section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000135", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/install-modes.html", "Heading": "The Hybrid Configuration with External Clients", "Text": "The hybrid configuration is well-suited for users that are interested in running a Rocket Pool node, but already have their own Execution and/or Consensus clients running for other purposes (for example, because they're already solo-staking).\nIn this mode, Rocket Pool will deploy Docker containers for its own processes and for a Validator client it manages, but will ignore the Execution client and Beacon Node containers for whichever external clients you already run and maintain. As Rocket Pool will be creating and maintaining new validator keys for each of your node's minipools, it is important that it runs its own Validator client.\nWhen using this configuration, the Smartnode will use the following Docker containers (which were described above):\nrocketpool_apirocketpool_noderocketpool_watchtowerrocketpool_validator\nThe rocketpool_eth1 and rocketpool_eth2 containers will either be included or excluded, depending on which clients you already have running externally.\nIf you would like to use this mode, proceed to the Configuring a Standard Rocket Pool Node with Docker section. When prompted to choose a management mode for your Execution and/or Consensus clients, choose the Externally Managed option which is described in detail within that section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000136", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/install-modes.html", "Heading": "The Native Configuration without Docker", "Text": "This configuration bypasses Docker entirely. Instead of running the Smartnode stack via Docker, each process will be installed as a local system service (e.g. via systemd). This includes the node, watchtower, eth1, eth2, and validator processes.\nThis configuration offers the most flexibility because it allows you to fine-tune Rocket Pool's parameters (such as its security posture, where the Execution and Consensus clients live, where the chain data lives, where your keys live, and so on). It is also the most difficult to set up and maintain.\nIn this mode, the Smartnode Installer is no longer relevant. You are responsible for manually instantiating, maintaining, and upgrading the Smartnode infrastructure, the ETH clients, and the validator clients.\nWARNINGWhile we provide some example documentation on how to do this, we suggest that this mode should only be used by experienced system administrators.\nIf you would like to use this mode, proceed to the Configuring a Native Rocket Pool Node without Docker section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000137", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/docker.html", "Heading": "Creating a Standard Rocket Pool Node with Docker", "Text": "In this section, we will walk through the process of installing the Rocket Pool Smartnode stack using the standard Docker-based setup. This will install and configure everything you need to run a complete node, including:\nThe Rocket Pool Smartnode softwareAn Execution (formerly ETH1) client of your choice, or a connection to an existing client you already manageA Consensus (formerly ETH2) client of your choice, or a connection to an existing client you already manageA Validator client that will handle your Beacon Chain validation duties(Optionally) a monitoring stack for capturing performance and health metrics\nAll you need to do is tell it what you want to run!\nNOTEThe below instructions require you to use your system's terminal to enter and execute commands. If you are connected to the node machine via SSH, you are already doing this. If you are on the node machine and using a Desktop UI, you will need to open a terminal window to execute the following commands. Refer to your OS's instructions to learn how to do this if you are unfamiliar.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000138", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/docker.html", "Heading": "Process Overview", "Text": "At a high level, here's what is involved in installing Rocket Pool:", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000139", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/docker.html", "Heading": "Before You Start", "Text": "WARNINGIf using Ubuntu, it is recommended that before installing Rocket Pool you double check that docker was not installed alongside the operating system.The Ubuntu installer gets docker from the snap package manager, which will conflict with the version of docker installed by Smartnode.Run snap list, and make sure docker was not installed.For example, this is the output on a machine where docker is not installed:Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes\ncore20 20230308 1852 latest/stable canonical\u2713 base\nlxd 5.0.2-838e1b2 24322 5.0/stable/\u2026 canonical\u2713 -\nsnapd 2.59.1 18933 latest/stable canonical\u2713 snapdAnd here is the output if it was installed:Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes\ncore20 20230308 1852 latest/stable canonical\u2713 base\ndocker 20.10.17 2746 latest/stable canonical\u2713 -\nlxd 5.0.2-838e1b2 24322 5.0/stable/\u2026 canonical\u2713 -\nsnapd 2.59.1 18933 latest/stable canonical\u2713 snapdIf you see it in the snap list output, be sure to remove it with:shellsudo systemctl stop snap.docker.dockerd.service\n\nsudo snap remove --purge dockerAfter which, it is recommended that you reboot the machine (sudo systemctl reboot)", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000140", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/docker.html", "Heading": "Downloading the Rocket Pool CLI", "Text": "The instructions for downloading the CLI vary based on your Operating System.\nNOTEYou must perform the following instructions on the machine you will use for your Rocket Pool node. If you are not using a keyboard and monitor directly connected to your node machine, you will need to access it remotely (e.g. via SSH) and run these commands on it through that remote connection.\nLinuxmacOSOn Linux, start by creating a new folder that will hold the CLI application:shellmkdir -p ~/binNext, download the CLI. This depends on what architecture your system uses.TIPIf you do not know your CPU architecture, you can run the following command to find it:shelluname -mThe output of this command will print your architecture. Note that x86_64 is the same as x64 and amd64.Note that aarch64 is the same as arm64.For x64 systems (most normal computers):shellwget https://github.com/rocket-pool/smartnode-install/releases/latest/download/rocketpool-cli-linux-amd64 -O ~/bin/rocketpoolFor arm64 systems:shellwget https://github.com/rocket-pool/smartnode-install/releases/latest/download/rocketpool-cli-linux-arm64 -O ~/bin/rocketpoolMark it as executable, so it has permissions to run:shellchmod +x ~/bin/rocketpoolNext, log out and log back in (or close SSH and reconnect), or simply restart. This is because the path that you saved the CLI to (~/bin) may not be in your system's PATH variable (the list of places your system searches for executables) yet. Logging out and back in will put it there.Now, test running it with the --version flag. You should see output like this:rocketpool --versionrocketpool version 1.5.0TIPIf you see an error message like this,-bash: /home/user/rocketpool: cannot execute binary file: Exec format errorit means that you downloaded the wrong version above. Please check if your system is x64 or arm64 using the command in the tip above, and download the appropriate version. If your system is neither of those, then you will not be able to run Rocket Pool.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000141", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/docker.html", "Heading": "Installing the Smartnode Stack", "Text": "Now that you have the CLI installed, you can deploy the Smartnode stack. This will prepare your system with Docker, docker-compose, and load the Smartnode files so they're ready to go. It won't actually run anything yet; that comes later.\nTo deploy the Smartnode stack, you will need to run the following command on your node machine (either by logging in locally, or connecting remotely such as through SSH):\nrocketpool service install\nThis will grab the latest version of the Smartnode stack and set it up. You should see output like this (above some release notes for the latest version which will be printed at the end):\n\nIf there aren't any error messages, then the installation was successful. By default, it will be put into the ~/.rocketpool directory inside of your user account's home folder.\nNOTENote that the Smartnode installer cannot install docker and docker-compose on all platforms automatically. If you receive an error message like this during the installation:Automatic dependency installation for the Mint operating system is not supported.\nPlease install docker and docker-compose manually, then try again with the '-d' flag to skip OS dependency installation.\nBe sure to add yourself to the docker group with 'sudo usermod -aG docker $USER' after installing docker.\nLog out and back in, or restart your system after you run this command.Then you simply have to install those two things manually.Docker provides common install instructions here.Docker-compose provides common install instructions here.Once both are installed, make sure you give your user account permission to use Docker:shellsudo usermod -aG docker $USERFinally, re-run the installer with the -d flag to skip Docker installation:rocketpool service install -d\nAfter this, log out and back in or restart your SSH session for the settings to take effect.\nOnce this is finished, the Smartnode stack will be ready to run.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/rp-install-screen.cb777827.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000142", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/docker.html", "Heading": "Configuring Docker's Storage Location", "Text": "By default, Docker will store all of its container data on your operating system's drive. In some cases, this is not what you want.\nNOTEIf you are fine with this default behavior, skip down to the next section.\nTo do this, create a new file called /etc/docker/daemon.json as the root user:\nsudo nano /etc/docker/daemon.json\nThis will be empty at first, which is fine. Add this as the contents:\n{\n \"data-root\": \"/docker\"\n}\nwhere is the directory that your other drive is mounted to.\nPress Ctrl+O, Enter to save the file, and Ctrl+X, Enter to exit the editor.\nNext, make the folder:\nsudo mkdir -p /docker\nNow, restart the docker daemon so it picks up on the changes:\nsudo systemctl restart docker\nAfter that, Docker will store its data on your desired disk.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000143", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/docker.html", "Heading": "Configuring the Smartnode Stack", "Text": "The next step in the installation process is to do an initial configuration of your node. Move on to the Configuring Rocketpool section for a walkthrough of this process.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000144", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Creating a Native Rocket Pool Node without Docker", "Text": "NOTEThis guide is designed for Smartnode v1.6.5 and higher.If you are using a previous version, you must upgrade to v1.6.5 or higher before configuring Native mode.\nIn this section, we will walk through the process of installing the Rocket Pool Smartnode stack natively onto your system, without the use of Docker containers.\nThe general plan is as follows:\nThis is a fairly involved setup so it will take some time to complete.\nThe diversity of Operating Systems and distros available make it impractical to make guides available for all of them. The instructions in this guide are tailored to a Debian-based system (including Ubuntu). For other distros or operating systems, you may follow the high-level steps described in the guide but will have to substitute certain commands for the ones that your system uses as appropriate.\nDANGERThis guide is intended for users that are experienced with Linux system administration and usage. This includes using the terminal, creating system accounts, managing permissions, and installing services. We assume you are familiar with these activities - as you will be managing the bulk of the infrastructure yourself, we only provide limited support for Native installations. If you are not familiar with these activities, we do not recommend that you use Native Mode.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000145", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Step 1: Set up the Execution and Consensus Clients", "Text": "Native Mode effectively extends a standard solo-staking setup, and simply allows the Smartnode software to attach to the clients that it already runs (with a few small modifications).\nTo that end, we recommend you start by following some of the conventional solo staking guides provided by the community:\nSomer Esat's set of guides per-client: https://github.com/SomerEsat/ethereum-staking-guidesCoinCashew guides: https://www.coincashew.com/coins/overview-eth/guide-or-how-to-setup-a-validator-on-eth2-mainnet\nNote that you won't actually create a validator as defined in those guides - Rocket Pool will do that for you. You can ignore the portions involving the Staking Deposit CLI tool.\nYou simply need to follow the guides to the point where you have an Execution Client service, a Consensus Client / Beacon Node service, and a Validator Client service all installed and syncing the chain. Skip the steps that involve funding a validator and recording its mnemonic.\nAlso, there is a special case for the fee recipient - when you get to the portion of the guide where you specify the fee recipient in your Validator Client configuration, leave it blank for now. We will describe how to set it up for Rocket Pool validators below.\nOnce your clients are installed and you can see in their logs that they are syncing the chains properly, you can follow the next steps to set up the Rocket Pool Smartnode and connect it to your clients.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000146", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Step 2: Install Rocket Pool", "Text": "", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000147", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Creating the Service Account", "Text": "The first step is to create a new system account for the Rocket Pool services and disable login and shell access for it:\nsudo useradd -r -s /sbin/nologin rp\nNow, add yourself to the rp group. You'll need to do this in order to use the Rocket Pool CLI, because it and the Rocket Pool daemon both need to access the Execution layer wallet file.\nsudo usermod -aG rp $USER\nFinally, add the user account for your Validator Client to the rp group as well. The name of that user account depends on which guide you followed to set up your VC service.\nFor example, if your VC runs as user lighthousevalidator, you would do the following:\nsudo usermod -aG rp lighthousevalidator\nAfter this, logout and back in for the changes to take effect.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000148", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Setting up the Binaries", "Text": "Start by making a folder for Rocket Pool and a data subfolder. You can put this wherever you want; for this guide, I'll put it into /srv:\nshellsudo mkdir -p /srv/rocketpool\n\nsudo chown $USER:$USER /srv/rocketpool\nNow, download the CLI and daemon binaries (or ignore this and build them from source if you prefer). Choose the platform that your system uses from the tabs below.\nLinux x64Linux arm64macOS x64macOS arm64shellsudo wget https://github.com/rocket-pool/smartnode-install/releases/latest/download/rocketpool-cli-linux-amd64 -O /usr/local/bin/rocketpool\n\nsudo wget https://github.com/rocket-pool/smartnode-install/releases/latest/download/rocketpool-daemon-linux-amd64 -O /usr/local/bin/rocketpoold\n\nsudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rocketpool\nNow, set the owner and group of the daemon to rp:\nsudo chown rp:rp /usr/local/bin/rocketpoold\nFinally, set the suid bit and other permissions bits on the daemon binary:\nsudo chmod u+sx,g+sx,o-rwx /usr/local/bin/rocketpoold\nThis will ensure that the daemon always runs as the rp user, so it always has the proper permissions set.\nNOTEThe Smartnode will most likely fail with permissions errors if you don't do this. Please be sure to run this command!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000149", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Setting up the Installation Folder", "Text": "With the CLI and Daemon installed, you'll need to next set up the folder structure and accompanying files that the Smartnode expects to exist. Start by creating the following folders:\nmkdir -p /srv/rocketpool/data/validators && sudo chmod 775 /srv/rocketpool/data/validators\n\nmkdir /srv/rocketpool/data/rewards-trees\n\nmkdir /srv/rocketpool/data/custom-keys\n\nsudo chown -R rp:rp /srv/rocketpool/data\nNext, download the following scripts - Rocket Pool will use them when it needs to stop or restart your Validator Client to change its fee recipient (discussed later) or load new keys after you create a new minipool:\nshellwget https://github.com/rocket-pool/smartnode-install/raw/release/install/scripts/restart-vc.sh -O /srv/rocketpool/restart-vc.sh\n\nwget https://github.com/rocket-pool/smartnode-install/raw/release/install/scripts/stop-validator.sh -O /srv/rocketpool/stop-validator.sh\n\nchmod +x /srv/rocketpool/restart-vc.sh\n\nchmod +x /srv/rocketpool/stop-validator.sh\nNow open ~/.profile with your editor of choice and add this line to the end:\nshellalias rp=\"rocketpool -d /usr/local/bin/rocketpoold -c /srv/rocketpool\"\nSave it, then reload your profile:\nshellsource ~/.profile\nThis will let you interact with Rocket Pool's CLI with the rp command, which is a nice shortcut.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000150", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Creating the Services", "Text": "Next up, we'll create a systemd service for the Rocket Pool node daemon. This is the service that will automatically check for and claim RPL rewards after each checkpoint, and stake minipools once you've created them via node deposit.\nWe'll also create a watchtower service as well. This will be used if you're an Oracle DAO member, or if you ever want to generate your own rewards interval trees (discussed in the Claiming Rewards section later on).\nNodeWatchtowerCreate the rp-node service:sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/rp-node.serviceContents:[Unit]\nDescription=rp-node\nAfter=network.target\n\n[Service]\nType=simple\nUser=rp\nRestart=always\nRestartSec=5\nExecStart=/usr/local/bin/rocketpoold --settings /srv/rocketpool/user-settings.yml node\n\n[Install]\nWantedBy=multi-user.targetCreate a log file for the service, so you can watch its output - this will replace the behavior of rocketpool service logs node:nano /srv/rocketpool/node-log.shContents:#!/bin/bash\njournalctl -u rp-node -b -fSave it, then make it executable:chmod +x /srv/rocketpool/node-log.shNow you can watch the node's logs by simply running:sudo /srv/rocketpool/node-log.sh\nThe services are now installed.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000151", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Setting up Passwordless Script Access", "Text": "The next step is to give the rp user the ability to restart the Validator Client when new validator keys are created, and stop the Validator Client if an emergency condition is detected.\nCreate a new sudoers file using visudo:\nsudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/rocketpool\nAdd the following lines to it:\nCmnd_Alias RP_RESTART = /usr/bin/systemctl restart \nCmnd_Alias RP_STOP = /usr/bin/systemctl stop \nrp ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: RP_RESTART, RP_STOP\nWhere is the name of your VC service (e.g. lighthousevalidator)\nNow, modify /srv/rocketpool/restart-vc.sh:\nUncomment the line at the end and change it to sudo systemctl restart \nAlso modify /srv/rocketpool/stop-validator.sh:\nUncomment the line at the end and change it to sudo systemctl stop \nAll set! The node process can now restart or stop your VC as required automatically.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000152", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Step 3: Configure the Smartnode", "Text": "Now that your services are all created, it's time to configure the Smartnode stack.\nPlease visit the Configuring the Smartnode Stack (Native Mode) guide, and return here when you are finished.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000153", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Enabling and Running the Services", "Text": "With all of the services installed, it's time to:\nEnable them so they'll automatically restart if they break, and automatically start on a rebootStart them all\nsudo systemctl daemon-reload\n\nsudo systemctl enable rp-node rp-watchtower\n\nsudo systemctl start rp-node rp-watchtower", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000154", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Setting Up a Wallet", "Text": "Next, create a new node wallet or recover an existing wallet. Please carefully follow the instructions in the Setting up a Wallet portion of the guide, then return here when you're done.\nOnce that's done, use the service log file scripts to verify that they successfully loaded your new wallet. You should also verify this using the following command:\nrp wallet status\nIf working properly it should produce the following output:\nYour Smartnode is currently using the Prater Test Network.\n\nThe node wallet is initialized.\nNode account:
", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000155", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Step 4: Update the VC Service Definition", "Text": "Unlike a solo staking setup, Rocket Pool generates and manages its validator keys automatically. There are a few adjustments you'll need to make to the VC service definition file you just created in order for it to work with Rocket Pool correctly, including:\nThe Fee RecipientThe VC's data or wallet directoryThe VC's keys and secrets directories\nWe'll cover these step-by-step for each client.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000156", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Setting Up the Fee Recipient File", "Text": "NOTEIt is crucial that you follow these steps - failing to do so and using the wrong fee recipient will result in penalties being applied to your validators and deductions taken from your Beacon Chain balance!\nThe fee recipient is the argument you provide to your Validator Client that specifies the address on the Execution layer that you want your priority fees and MEV rewards to be sent to. Rocket Pool has two different addresses for the fee recipient:\nIf you are opted into the Smoothing Pool, it must be the Smoothing Pool's addressIf you are opted out of the Smoothing Pool, it must be your node's Fee Distributor address\nTo learn more about the Smoothing Pool and your Fee Distributor, please see the Fee Distributors and the Smoothing Pool section of the guide.\nRocket Pool's node service will set this for you automatically by detecting which one it needs to be and setting it in a configuration file and restarting your Validator Client service to pick up the change. Your Validator Client service can use that configuration file automatically so you don't need to hard-code the fee recipient.\nOpen the systemd service definition file that you just created for your Validator Client. Before the ExecStart line, add this line:\nEnvironmentFile=/srv/rocketpool/data/validators/rp-fee-recipient-env.txt\nThen modify your fee recipient argument as follows; select your client of choice from the tabs below:\nLighthouseNimbusPrysmTekuChange --suggested-fee-recipient
to --suggested-fee-recipient ${FEE_RECIPIENT}\nNOTEIf you start your Validator Client before Rocket Pool's services, it may error out because this file does not exist yet. Don't worry, this file will be created by Rocket Pool once you've initialized and started its services.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000157", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Setting the Data and Keys Directories", "Text": "Next, you must tell the VC where to store its data and load the validator keys that Rocket Pool generates. Click on the client you use in the tabs below:\nLighthouseNimbusPrysmTekuCreate the following directories and set their owner to rp:sudo mkdir -p /srv/rocketpool/data/validators/lighthouse/validators\n\nsudo mkdir -p /srv/rocketpool/data/validators/lighthouse/secrets\n\nsudo chown -R rp:rp /srv/rocketpool/data/validators/lighthouse\n\nsudo chmod -R 775 /srv/rocketpool/data/validators/lighthouseNow, add or change the following parameters in the Lighthouse VC's service definition file to these new values:--datadir /srv/rocketpool/data/validators/lighthouse", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000158", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Relaxing umask", "Text": "By default, your system will typically come with a umask configuration that will strip the +w bit from the group permissions whenever the node daemon creates a new folder. This is problematic for several consensus clients, because they will actually write things such as lock files or other metadata into the directories that the Smartnode creates when it generates new validator keys during a minipool deposit.\nTo combat this and ensure your VC works correctly, please relax your umask settings. For example, instead of 0022, you should consider setting it to 0002 for the rp user.\nEvery system is different, so please consult a guide that covers your Operating System to learn how to do this.\nWARNINGThis step is crucial to ensure the automatic staking and validating duties are handled properly. If you notice permissions problems in your VC's logs after your minipool passes the 12-hour scrub check and enters staking status, you will likely need to run sudo chmod 775 on the folder containing your validator keys so your VC service can write to that folder.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000159", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Reloading the VC Service", "Text": "With these changes made, you can now reload and restart the VC service using the following:\nsudo systemctl daemon-reload\n\nsudo systemctl restart \nIf not using Prysm, please watch the VC's logs carefully to ensure that it successfully started properly and the following are defined correctly:\nThe fee recipientThe data pathThe wallet / keys / secrets path\nYou can verify this with, for example, ps aux | grep fee to filter the running processes to look at the fee recipient that your VC has used. It should be the same one defined in /srv/rocketpool/data/validators/rp-fee-recipient-env.txt.\nIf they are all using the correct values, then congratulations! You've successfully set up your Rocket Pool node and can follow the next sections of the guide to learn how to use it.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000160", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/native.html", "Heading": "Next Steps", "Text": "Now that your clients are installed, we recommend you take a look at the security suggestions in the Securing your Node section next. As you're running a Native setup, you have likely done some of these things already; nevertheless, it doesn't hurt to at least explore it and see how well the recommended security posture fits with your system.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000161", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config/overview.html", "Heading": "Overview", "Text": "In this section, you'll learn how to configure the Smartnode stack and customize all of the settings to your liking. You will have to configure it prior to running the stack for the first time, but you can always come back once it's running and reconfigure it again whenever you like.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000162", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config/overview.html", "Heading": "Prerequisites", "Text": "Before configuring your Smartnode, please make sure you:\nHave a node machine (or virtual machine) with the Operating System installed and configuredHave the machine secured (via the Securing your Node guide)Have the Smartnode installed on it", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000163", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config/overview.html", "Heading": "Guides", "Text": "Configuring the Smartnode Stack (Docker / Hybrid Mode) is the guide to use if you want to run with Docker Mode or Hybrid Mode.\nConfiguring the Smartnode Stack (Native Mode) is the guide to use if you want to run with Native Mode.\nAdvanced Smartnode Configuration for Docker Mode is a supplement to the Docker guide that shows some extra capabilities and features you might be interested in (such as \"Reverse Hybrid\" Mode or customizing the Docker container flags).", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000164", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Configuring the Smartnode Stack (Docker / Hybrid Mode)", "Text": "Running complete Execution layer and Consensus layer clients can be daunting; there are several options to choose from and each of them has a plethora of different settings. Luckily, the Smartnode is designed to hide all of that complexity so it's quick and easy to configure, while still giving you the freedom to customize everything if you so desire.\nIn this section, we'll go over the various methods for configuring the Smartnode if you're using the Docker-based setup or a Hybrid setup where you connect to externally managed Execution or Consensus clients (e.g., clients you manage outside of the Smartnode for solo staking).\nNOTEIf you're using Native mode without Docker, please visit the Native configuration guide instead.\nThere are three ways to configure it:\nVia the Wizard UI - this is the easiest way. It only asks you a few basic question and uses well-tested defaults for the test. This will be what you are presented with when you run rocketpool service config for the first time.Via the Settings Manager UI - this gives you access to all of the Smartnode's settings so you can customize everything as much as you want.Headlessly via the Command Line - this is an option for people who run the Smartnode in a headless (non-interactive) environment and need to configure it automatically.\nChoose which mode you'd like to learn more about from the list above, or simply scroll through each option below.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000165", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Configuring via the Wizard", "Text": "To start the configuration process, run the following command:\nrocketpool service config\nThis will launch a terminal-based UI that will allow you to quickly and easily configure your node, as well as provide optional fine-grained control over every setting for advanced customization.\nNOTEIf you've already configured the Smartnode, you will instead be greeted with the Settings Manager. You can choose to re-open the Wizard from there if you prefer it, and all of your existing settings will be pre-selected for you.\nWhen you run the config UI for the first time (or if you choose to run the Wizard again later), you will be presented with a screen that looks like this:\n\nTIPTo use the Wizard, press the Arrow Keys (up/down/left/right) to navigate between things such as buttons (choices) or text boxes. You can also use Tab and Shift+Tab if you prefer - it will do the same thing.For buttons, the one that's currently selected will be highlighted in green. The ones in black are not selected. In the screenshot above, Next is currently selected and Quit is not.Press Enter or Space to select a button, analogous to clicking on it with the mouse.Press Escape to go back to the previous dialog if you changed your mind about something. This will come in handy as you progress through the various Wizard pages.Hold Ctrl and press C at any time to exit the Wizard without saving anything.For example, on the screen above, you could press the left and right arrow keys to move between the Next and Quit buttons.Pressing Enter while Next is selected will proceeed to the next screen. Pressing Enter while Quit is selected will quit the Wizard without saving.\nWhen you're ready to begin, press Next.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-first-time.a5aebfb3.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000166", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Choosing a Network", "Text": "In the next screen, you will be asked to choose which network you want to use:\n\nYou can highlight the different choices with the Up and Down arrow keys (or Tab and Shift+Tab). When you change choices, the Description box on the right will show you a brief description of each option. This is true for all choice-based pages in the Wizard, not just the network selection, so you will see this style of page frequently.\nIf you want to practice running a Rocket Pool node on the Prater test network with fake ETH and RPL you can get for free, select Prater Testnet.\nIf you're ready to create a real Rocket Pool node on Mainnet to earn real rewards, select Mainnet.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-network.eed67561.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000167", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Client Mode", "Text": "You will be presented with two options for client mode:\n\nLocally Managed (also known as \"Docker Mode\") is the default choice. Use it if you don't already have a client pair and you want the Smartnode to manage one for you. By choosing this, the Smartnode will create, configure and manage an Execution & Consensus Client pair as Docker containers. Don't worry, you'll get to choose which client you want to run next.\nExternally Managed (also known as \"Hybrid Mode\") is a convenient choice for users that already have an Execution & Consensus client pair running elsewhere that they manage manually. By choosing this, the Smartnode will simply connect to your existing clients and will not run one of its own. For example, users can use this to plug into the clients that they currently use for solo staking; that way, they don't need to have two separate copies of the clients.\nNOTESince the Execution-Consensus Layer Merge, you cannot mix and match these modes (e.g., you cannot have a local Execution client but an externally-managed Consensus client). You must either choose all locally-managed or all externally-managed.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-client-mode.4d965d97.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000168", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Execution Client Setup", "Text": "Choose which mode you'd like to use for managing your Execution client and follow the steps in the corresponding tab below:\nLocally ManagedExternalIf you want the Smartnode to manage an Execution client for you, the next screen will ask you to pick a client:Please refer to the Choosing your ETH clients section for a description of each option. Once you've made your choice, click on the appropriate tab below to learn how to configure it:If you choose Geth, Besu, or Nethermind, the Wizard will handle all of the configuration for you. You can manually adjust some of its parameters at the end of this process, but the defaults that it uses are completely appropriate for node operation. You can proceed to the next section.NOTEOpen up the P2P port in your router's port forwarding setup. Configure it to forward port 9001 on both TCP and UDP to your machine's local IP address. This way, other Consensus clients can discover it and communicate with it from the outside. This will help your Consensus client sync quickly and improve performance (and thus rewards).Each router has a different way of doing this, so you'll need to check out your router's manual on how to set up port forwarding.NOTEBecause the Smartnode will run in its own Docker container, it will use Docker's internal network. You won't be able to use hostnames like localhost or here; if your Execution client is running on the same machine as the Smartnode, you will need to provide the machine's LAN IP address instead.And with that, your Execution client is all set!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-ec-selection.f8ea2c4d.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000169", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Consensus Client Setup", "Text": "Now that you have an Execution client ready, the next task is to set up the Consensus client. The \"mode\" (local or external) will be inherited from the choice you used for your Execution client earlier.\nChoose which mode you selected earlier from the tabs below:\nLocally ManagedExternally ManagedIf you want the Smartnode to manage a Consensus client for you, the next screen will ask you to pick a client:The preferred choice for the overall health and diversity of the network is the Random (Recommended) choice, which will randomly choose among one of the four supported Consensus clients for you.If you would prefer to choose an explicit client, please refer to the Choosing your ETH clients section for a description of each option so you can make an educated decision.NOTEThere are two conditions that will prompt you with warnings based on client selection:The selected client is currently a supermajority client, meaning that an unhealthy majority of validators on the Beacon Chain use it which threatens the stability of the networkThe selected client is too resource-heavy for the hardware you're currently usingIf either of those cases are true for your chosen client, you will be warned and asked to choose a different client. You have the option of continuing to use the one you selected, but you must be aware of the risks in doing so.Once you've made your choice or have been assigned a random client, click on the appropriate tab below to learn how to configure it:LighthouseNimbusPrysmTekuLodestarThe first option in Lighthouse's configuration will ask about your validator's graffiti message:This is an optional custom message you can attach to any blocks you propose on the Beacon Chain. The message will be preserved forever, so think of it like a fun little way to leave your mark!Note the maximum length of the graffiti is 16 characters.If you'd like to see some examples of what validators are using for Graffiti today, take a look here.Next up is an option to enable or disable Checkpoint Sync:Lighthouse has the ability to instantly sync to the latest block on the Beacon Chain network by connecting to an existing Beacon Node that you trust. This is preferred over conventional syncing because it doesn't require any time (whereas conventional syncing can take days) and comes with some security benefits. Take a look at their documentation on checkpoint syncing for more information if you are curious.You can enter the URL of any Beacon Node that provides access to its REST API here.See the section below on Checkpoint Syncing if you'd like to use it.The final question will ask if you want to enable Doppelg\u00e4nger Protection:Lighthouse supports a feature called Doppelg\u00e4nger Detection. In a nutshell, this feature will intentionally miss a few attestations after Lighthouse's Validator Client restarts; while doing this, it will listen to see if attestations are still being sent to the network using your validator keys.Ideally, there would not be any attestations (which means no other machine is running with your validator keys attached). After its short waiting period, Lighthouse would start validating normally.However, if there is another machine running with your validator keys attached, then Lighthouse will immediately shut down and issue an error message in its log files. The reason for this is that if it were to start attesting as well, then you would start double attesting which is a slashable offense. When slashed, your validator would be forcibly exited from the Beacon chain and you would be penalized a significant amount of ETH.Most of the time, doppelg\u00e4nger detection will result in nothing but a few missed attestations after a client restart. In situations where you are moving your validator to a new machine or you are changing to a new Beacon client, however, doppelg\u00e4nger detection can prevent you from being slashed by double attesting accidentally.Think of it as cheap insurance for your minipools; you'll miss a trivial bit of profit every time you restart, but you can be fairly confident that you won't accidentally run your keys in two places and get slashed for it.NOTEOpen up the P2P port in your router's port forwarding setup. Configure it to forward port 9001 on both TCP and UDP to your machine's local IP address. This way, other Consensus clients can discover it and communicate with it from the outside. This will help your Consensus client sync quickly and improve performance (and thus rewards).Each router has a different way of doing this, so you'll need to check out your router's manual on how to set up port forwarding.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-local-cc.f221264f.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-local-graffiti.09935979.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-local-checkpoint.35189651.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-local-dd.6f83aa14.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000170", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Beacon Chain Checkpoint Syncing", "Text": "Checkpoint syncing is a very useful technique that some Beacon Chain clients support. It allows your Beacon client to instantly sync the entire Beacon chain without having to start from the beginning and catch up on every block. This means instead of taking days, your Beacon client can be ready in a matter of minutes. All it needs is access to an existing Beacon client that you trust.\nYou can use any Beacon node that provides access to its HTTP API. Currently, many node operators are using the checkpoint-sync-endpoints - a service that allows Rocket Pool node operators to checkpoint sync easily. Both the Prater/Goerli Testnet and Mainnet are supported. A list of checkpoint sync urls can be found via the following link:\nCheckpoint Sync Urls\nChoose a relevant checkpoint sync url and paste in the terminal during rocketpool service config when it prompts you for a Checkpoint Sync Provider.\nAfter that, your Beacon node will automatically connect to the checkpoint sync node when it first starts up and instantly pull down the latest state of the chain!\nNOTECheckpoint Sync will only occur if you don't have any Beacon Chain data yet. In other words, if you start syncing normally and decide to checkpoint sync later, you will have to remove your chain data first in order for checkpoint sync to work. This can easily be done with the following command:rocketpool service resync-eth2", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000171", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Fallback Node", "Text": "Starting with 1.5.0 of the Smartnode stack, you can provide a \"fallback\" Execution client and Consensus client pair that can take over for your primary clients if they ever go offline (such as because you use Geth and need to prune it). In this situation, your primary node machine will still be responsible for attesting and proposing blocks with your minipools' validator keys, but it will connect to an external machine to interact with the Execution layer and Beacon chains.\nTo learn more about fall back nodes, see this section and return here when you're done.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000172", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Metrics Configuration", "Text": "Rocket Pool comes with the ability to display a detailed dashboard showing metrics about your node's hardware health, system updates, your validator performance, your rewards, information about the overall Rocket Pool network, and more:\n\nThe next question in the Wizard will ask you if you want to enable this:\n\nIf you choose to enable it, you will learn more about setting it up and how to use it in the Setting up the Grafana Dashboard section later in the process.\nNOTEAll of the data collected by this system stays on your machine. Rocket Pool does not collect any of the telemetry or send it to a separate service. It's purely there for you to use so you can monitor your own node!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/nimbus-dashboard.88e479e6.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-metrics.a728fac2.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000173", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "MEV Configuration", "Text": "Since the Merge of the Execution and Consensus layers in September 2022, Ethereum validators now have the ability to earn priority fees and participate in Maximal Extractable Value (or MEV for short).\nStarting with Smartnode v1.7.0, MEV is now opt-out so its configuration is presented as part of the initial setup, as you see in the next screen:\n\nPlease read our MEV guide to learn more about MEV, its configuration, and what to do in this section of the wizard. Return here when you're finished.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-mev-mode.1c812de6.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000174", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Completion", "Text": "After this question, you've finished setting up the Smartnode! You will see the following dialog:\n\nIf you're happy with your setup and are ready to start the Smartnode, click Save and Exit here and go to the Securing your Node section next.\nIf you would like to review all of the settings and customize many additional settings that weren't included in the Wizard, click Review All Settings and go to the next section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-finished.379e7e58.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000175", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Configuring via the Settings Manager", "Text": "If you've already run rocketpool service config, instead of being greeted by the Wizard, you will see the Settings Manager screen:\n\nThere are three main features of this screen:\nTIPTo use the Settings Manager, press the Arrow Keys (up/down/left/right) to navigate between options in the home page.Press Tab to go between the category list (1) and the buttons (2 and 3) at the bottom of the screen. The button that's currently selected will be highlighted in green.Press Enter or Space to select a button, analogous to clicking on it with the mouse.Hold Ctrl and press C at any time to exit the Settings Manager without saving anything.\nAs you scroll through the categories list, each option will have a helpful description appear in the Description Box to the right of the screen. Feel free to explore them; nothing you do will be saved until you go through the Review dialog via the Review Changes and Save button, and you can press Ctrl+C at any time to exit without saving, so you won't accidentally mess something up by playing with the settings here.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-settings-manager.4054939c.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000176", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Configuring the Settings", "Text": "From the home screen, select any one of the categories with the Enter key to view the settings for that category. For example, here is the screen for the Smartnode and TX Fees category:\n\nUse the Arrow Keys to move up and down between the settings. The currently selected one will have a white square at the end of it (if it's a text box or a check box), or will be highlighted in white (if it's a drop down).\nPress Escape to go back to the home screen of the Settings Manager when you're done.\nAs you scroll through the settings, each one will show a brief description of what it does in the Description Box on the right. It will also show the default value there in case you want to revert it to its stock setting.\nIn this example, the RPL Claim Gas Threshold setting is currently selected (highlighted with a green box on the left-hand side of the screen). It has been changed to 40, but you can see that it has a default of 150 in the top-right corner (the top of the Description Box).\nTIPAs a reminder, nothing will be saved to disk until you go through the Review dialog via the Review Changes and Save button. You are encouraged to explore all of the settings to learn about them and see what your Smartnode can do!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-smartnode.5e0010d5.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000177", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "The Setting Types and How to Use Them", "Text": "The settings manager uses the following setting types and UI elements:", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000178", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Text Boxes", "Text": "Text boxes are used to enter arbitrary strings of text or numbers. They look like this:\n\nEnter your desired values into them, then press Enter or use the Arrow Keys to navigate to a different setting in order to preserve your changes. If you don't, the Settings Manager will assume you're still updating that setting and won't mark it as changed yet.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-textbox.a51bcb14.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000179", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Drop Downs", "Text": "Drop downs are used to select an option from a list of choices. They look like this (when they're open):\n\nThe green item is the one that is currently selected. Use the Arrow Keys to change options - as you do, the Description Box on the right will update to tell you more about the currently selected option. When you're happy with your choice, press Enter to choose the selected option and the drop down will close, revealing the option that is currently selected:\n", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-dropdown-open.f52bc256.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-dropdown-closed.16662c1e.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000180", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Check Boxes", "Text": "Check boxes are used for simple Yes/No questions. They look like this:\n\nWhen they are checked, they will have an X in the middle as you see above. When they are unchecked, they will simply be blank like this:\n\nTo change the setting, simply select it and press Enter.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000181", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Saving Changes", "Text": "When you're happy with your changes and you'd like to review them before saving, press the Review Changes and Save button on the home screen. As a reminder, to get to it, press the Tab key.\nYou will be presented with a view that looks like this:\n\nThe Review Box here will present all of the settings you've changed, showing the old values and the new ones. For example, the first line here shows that the RPL Claim Gas Threshold used to be 150, and it's been changed to 40.\nIt will also show you which containers are affected by the settings you've modified and will offer to restart them for you after you've saved your changes.\nNOTEAt this point, your changes still haven't been saved yet. If you want to go back and modify something, press Escape to return to the home screen.\nWhen you are satisfied with the changes, press Enter to save the new configuration to disk. You will then exit the Terminal UI and be presented with something like this message:\nYour changes have been saved!\nThe following containers must be restarted for the changes to take effect:\n\trocketpool_watchtower\n\trocketpool_validator\n\trocketpool_eth2\n\trocketpool_node\nWould you like to restart them automatically now? [y/n]\nPress y and Enter if you want to automatically apply your new configuration changes and restart the affected containers.\nPress n and Enter if you have other things you want to do before restarting them, and will do it manually later.\nIn either case, your configuration is done!\nNOTEYou may see an error message like the one below:2022/08/13 13:49:41 Error piping stdout: read |0: file already closedThis is not actually an error, it's simply a cosmetic glitch. You can safely ignore it.\nNOTEIf you are running Mac OS, you may see an issue complaining about node_exporter. You will need to run these commands to fix.rocketpool service stop\nnano ~/.rocketpool/override/exporter.ymlReplace the entire contents of the file with:# Enter your own customizations for the node exporter container here. These changes will persist after upgrades, so you only need to do them once.\n#\n# See https://docs.docker.com/compose/extends/#adding-and-overriding-configuration\n# for more information on overriding specific parameters of docker-compose files.\n\nversion: \"3.7\"\nservices:\n node-exporter:\n x-rp-comment: Add your customizations below this line\n volumes: [\"/proc:/host/proc:ro\",\"/sys:/host/sys:ro\"]then finally rocketpool service start.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-review.0accedf5.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000182", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Configuring via the Command Line", "Text": "If you use the Smartnode in a headless environment where you can't interact with the Terminal UI, you can configure your node via the command line instead.\nThe rocketpool service config command accepts, as arguments, every setting that can normally be configured via the Terminal UI. Run the following command to see a list of them (note that it's quite long):\nrocketpool service config --help\nThe output will look like this:\nNAME:\n rocketpool service config - Configure the Rocket Pool service\n\nUSAGE:\n rocketpool service config\n\nOPTIONS:\n --executionClientMode value Choose which mode to use for your Execution client - locally managed (Docker Mode), or externally managed (Hybrid Mode).\n Type: choice\n Options: local, external\n (default: \"local\")\n --executionClient value Select which Execution client you would like to run.\n Type: choice\n Options: geth, infura, pocket\n (default: \"geth\")\n --useFallbackExecutionClient Enable this if you would like to specify a fallback Execution client, which will temporarily be used by the Smartnode and your Consensus client if your primary Execution client ever goes offline.\n Type: bool\n\n...\nEach option will have its name, its type, its default value, and (if it's a choice parameter) its options. Using this text, you can find the option(s) you want to set and specify them via the appropriate arguments.\nNOTEThis command builds on top of your existing configuration, so if you have some settings already saved and just want to modify others, you don't need to repeat them. It will only update settings that you include as arguments to this command.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000183", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-docker.html", "Heading": "Next Steps", "Text": "Once you've configured your node just the way you want it, you're ready to secure your operating system to protect your node. Move on to the Securing your Node section next.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000184", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "Configuring the Smartnode Stack (Native Mode)", "Text": "In this section, we'll go over the various methods for configuring the Smartnode if you're using the Native setup that doesn't use Docker at all.\nNOTEIf you're using a Docker-based setup, please visit the Docker configuration guide instead.\nThere are three ways to configure it:\nVia the Wizard UI - this is the easiest way. It only asks you a few basic question and uses well-tested defaults for the test. This will be what you are presented with when you run rocketpool service config for the first time.Via the Settings Manager UI - this gives you access to all of the Smartnode's settings so you can customize everything as much as you want.Headlessly via the Command Line - this is an option for people who run the Smartnode in a headless (non-interactive) environment and need to configure it automatically.\nChoose which mode you'd like to learn more about from the list above, or simply scroll through each option below.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000185", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "Configuring via the Wizard", "Text": "To configure the Smartnode, run the configuration command:\nrp service config\nThis will launch a terminal-based UI that will allow you to quickly and easily configure your node, as well as provide optional fine-grained control over the settings that are relevant to Native mode.\nNOTEIf you've already configured the Smartnode, you will instead be greeted with the Settings Manager. You can choose to re-open the Wizard from there if you prefer it, and all of your existing settings will be pre-selected for you.\nWhen you run the config UI for the first time (or if you choose to run the Wizard again later), you will be presented with a screen that looks like this:\n\nTIPTo use the Wizard, press the Arrow Keys (up/down/left/right) to navigate between things such as buttons (choices) or text boxes. You can also use Tab and Shift+Tab if you prefer - it will do the same thing.For buttons, the one that's currently selected will be highlighted in green. The ones in black are not selected. In the screenshot above, Next is currently selected and Quit is not.Press Enter or Space to select a button, analogous to clicking on it with the mouse.Press Escape to go back to the previous dialog if you changed your mind about something. This will come in handy as you progress through the various Wizard pages.Hold Ctrl and press C at any time to exit the Wizard without saving anything.For example, on the screen above, you could press the left and right arrow keys to move between the Next and Quit buttons.Pressing Enter while Next is selected will proceeed to the next screen. Pressing Enter while Quit is selected will quit the Wizard without saving.\nWhen you're ready to begin, press Next.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-native-welcome.2ce89946.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000186", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "Choosing a Network", "Text": "In the next screen, you will be asked to choose which network you want to use:\n\nYou can highlight the different choices with the Up and Down arrow keys (or Tab and Shift+Tab). When you change choices, the Description box on the right will show you a brief description of each option. This is true for all choice-based pages in the Wizard, not just the network selection, so you will see this style of page frequently.\nIf you want to practice running a Rocket Pool node on the Prater test network with fake ETH and RPL you can get for free, select Prater Testnet.\nIf you're ready to create a real Rocket Pool node on Mainnet to earn real rewards, select Mainnet.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-native-network.d7a7e33c.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000187", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "Execution Client Setup", "Text": "The next screen will prompt you for the URL of your Execution client's HTTP-based RPC API:\n\nEnter here if you plan to run an Execution client on the same machine as the Smartnode (in the rest of this guide, we will assume this is what you plan to do). However, if you already have an Execution client set up elsewhere, use its URL here instead.\nNote that you can always change this by running rp service config again later.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-native-ec.413462b7.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000188", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "Consensus Client Setup", "Text": "Next, you'll be asked which Consensus client you are using (or plan to use). Because each Consensus client has slightly different behavior, the Smartnode needs to know which one you're using so it can adapt its own behavior accordingly. Choose your client from the list in the following screen:\n\nNext, you will see a screen prompting you for your client's API URL:\n\nEnter here if you plan to run the Beacon Node of your Consensus client on the same machine as the Smartnode (in the rest of this guide, we will assume this is what you plan to do). However, if you already have a Beacon Node set up elsewhere, use its URL here instead.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-native-cc.1e6a2bf7.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-native-cc-url.e1a980cd.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000189", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "Other Settings", "Text": "The next screen will have a few other miscellaneous settings:\n\nLeave these as the default options unless you have decided to use a directory other than /srv/rocketpool for your Smartnode installation.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-native-other.18069d51.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000190", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "Fallback Clients", "Text": "Starting with 1.5.0 of the Smartnode stack, you can provide a \"fallback\" Execution client and Consensus client pair that can take over for your primary clients if they ever go offline (such as because you use Geth and need to prune it). In this situation, your primary node machine will still be responsible for attesting and proposing blocks with your minipools' validator keys, but it will connect to an external machine to interact with the Execution layer and Beacon chains.\nTo learn more about fall back nodes, see this section and return here when you're done.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000191", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "Metrics", "Text": "Rocket Pool has the ability to integrate with Prometheus and Grafana to produce convenient web-based dashboards that let you observe your node's health at a glance:\n\nThe final question in the Wizard will ask you if you want to enable this:\n\nIf you choose to enable it, you will learn more about setting it up and how to use it in the Setting up the Grafana Dashboard section later in the process.\nNOTEAll of the data collected by this system stays on your machine. Rocket Pool does not collect any of the telemetry or send it to a separate service. It's purely there for you to use so you can monitor your own node!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/nimbus-dashboard.88e479e6.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-native-metrics.7d0a406d.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000192", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "MEV Configuration", "Text": "Since the Merge of the Execution and Consensus layers in September 2022, Ethereum validators now have the ability to earn priority fees and participate in Maximal Extractable Value (or MEV for short).\nStarting with Smartnode v1.7.0, MEV is now opt-out so a notification about configuring it is presented as part of the initial setup, as you see in the next screen:\n\nPlease read our MEV guide to learn more about MEV, its configuration, and what to do in this section of the wizard. Return here when you're finished.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-native-mev.5937d158.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000193", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "Completion", "Text": "After this question, you've finished setting up the Smartnode configuration. You will see the following dialog:\n\nIf you're happy with your setup and are ready to start the Smartnode, click Save and Exit here.\nIf you haven't finished installing Rocket Pool yet, return to the Native setup guide now. Otherwise, the next step is to restart your daemon services with:\nsudo systemctl restart rp-node rp-watchtower\nIf you would like to review all of the settings and customize many additional settings that weren't included in the Wizard, click Review All Settings and go to the next section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-native-finished.84f802ec.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000194", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "Configuring via the Settings Manager", "Text": "If you've already run rp service config, instead of being greeted by the Wizard, you will see the Settings Manager screen:\n\nThere are three main features of this screen:\nTIPTo use the Settings Manager, press the Arrow Keys (up/down/left/right) to navigate between options in the home page.Press Tab to go between the category list (1) and the buttons (2 and 3) at the bottom of the screen. The button that's currently selected will be highlighted in green.Press Enter or Space to select a button, analogous to clicking on it with the mouse.Hold Ctrl and press C at any time to exit the Settings Manager without saving anything.\nAs you scroll through the categories list, each option will have a helpful description appear in the Description Box to the right of the screen. Feel free to explore them; nothing you do will be saved until you go through the Review dialog via the Review Changes and Save button, and you can press Ctrl+C at any time to exit without saving, so you won't accidentally mess something up by playing with the settings here.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-native-settings-home.bc2d6c98.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000195", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "Configuring the Settings", "Text": "From the home screen, select any one of the categories with the Enter key to view the settings for that category. For example, here is the screen for the Smartnode and TX Fees category:\n\nUse the Arrow Keys to move up and down between the settings. The currently selected one will have a white square at the end of it (if it's a text box or a check box), or will be highlighted in white (if it's a drop down).\nPress Escape to go back to the home screen of the Settings Manager when you're done.\nAs you scroll through the settings, each one will show a brief description of what it does in the Description Box on the right. It will also show the default value there in case you want to revert it to its stock setting.\nIn this example, the RPL Claim Gas Threshold setting is currently selected (highlighted with a green box on the left-hand side of the screen). It has been changed to 40, but you can see that it has a default of 150 in the top-right corner (the top of the Description Box).\nTIPAs a reminder, nothing will be saved to disk until you go through the Review dialog via the Review Changes and Save button. You are encouraged to explore all of the settings to learn about them.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-native-smartnode.3ebf0f39.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000196", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "The Setting Types and How to Use Them", "Text": "The settings manager uses the following setting types and UI elements:", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000197", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "Text Boxes", "Text": "Text boxes are used to enter arbitrary strings of text or numbers. They look like this:\n\nEnter your desired values into them, then press Enter or use the Arrow Keys to navigate to a different setting in order to preserve your changes. If you don't, the Settings Manager will assume you're still updating that setting and won't mark it as changed yet.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-textbox.a51bcb14.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000198", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "Drop Downs", "Text": "Drop downs are used to select an option from a list of choices. They look like this (when they're open):\n\nThe green item is the one that is currently selected. Use the Arrow Keys to change options - as you do, the Description Box on the right will update to tell you more about the currently selected option. When you're happy with your choice, press Enter to choose the selected option and the drop down will close, revealing the option that is currently selected:\n", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-dropdown-open.f52bc256.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-dropdown-closed.16662c1e.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000199", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "Check Boxes", "Text": "Check boxes are used for simple Yes/No questions. They look like this:\n\nWhen they are checked, they will have an X in the middle as you see above. When they are unchecked, they will simply be blank like this:\n\nTo change the setting, simply select it and press Enter.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000200", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "Saving Changes", "Text": "When you're happy with your changes and you'd like to review them before saving, press the Review Changes and Save button on the home screen. As a reminder, to get to it, press the Tab key.\nYou will be presented with a view that looks like this:\n\nThe Review Box here will present all of the settings you've changed, showing the old values and the new ones. For example, the first line here shows that the RPL Claim Gas Threshold used to be 150, and it's been changed to 40.\nNOTEAt this point, your changes still haven't been saved yet. If you want to go back and modify something, press Escape to return to the home screen.\nWhen you are satisfied with the changes, press Enter to save the new configuration to disk. You will then exit the Terminal UI and be presented with this message:\nYour changes have been saved!\nPlease restart your daemon service for them to take effect.\nIf you haven't finished installing Rocket Pool yet, return to the Native setup guide now. Otherwise, now you can restart your daemon services with:\nsudo systemctl restart rp-node rp-watchtower", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-native-review.8c8db440.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000201", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/config-native.html", "Heading": "Configuring via the Command Line", "Text": "If you use the Smartnode in a headless environment where you can't interact with the Terminal UI, you can configure your node via the command line instead.\nThe rocketpool service config command accepts, as arguments, every setting that can normally be configured via the Terminal UI. Run the following command to see a list of them (note that it's quite long):\nrocketpool service config --help\nThe output will look like this:\nNAME:\n rocketpool service config - Configure the Rocket Pool service\n\nUSAGE:\n rocketpool service config\n\nOPTIONS:\n --executionClientMode value Choose which mode to use for your Execution client - locally managed (Docker Mode), or externally managed (Hybrid Mode).\n Type: choice\n Options: local, external\n (default: \"local\")\n --executionClient value Select which Execution client you would like to run.\n Type: choice\n Options: geth, infura, pocket\n (default: \"geth\")\n --useFallbackExecutionClient Enable this if you would like to specify a fallback Execution client, which will temporarily be used by the Smartnode and your Consensus client if your primary Execution client ever goes offline.\n Type: bool\n\n...\nEach option will have its name, its type, its default value, and (if it's a choice parameter) its options. Using this text, you can find the option(s) you want to set and specify them via the appropriate arguments.\nNOTEThis command builds on top of your existing configuration, so if you have some settings already saved and just want to modify others, you don't need to repeat them. It will only update settings that you include as arguments to this command.\nIf you haven't finished installing Rocket Pool yet, return to the Native setup guide now. Otherwise, the next step is to restart your daemon services with:\nsudo systemctl restart rp-node rp-watchtower", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000202", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/advanced-config.html", "Heading": "Advanced Smartnode Configuration for Docker Mode", "Text": "In this section, we will cover a few techniques that expand the Smartnode's customization and functionality.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000203", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/advanced-config.html", "Heading": "Allowing External Validator Clients to Connect to the Smartnode", "Text": "Because the Smartnode manages the Execution client and Beacon Node, it handles much of their configuration (including updates) automatically. One common request from users is for the ability to attach an externally-managed Validator client to the Smartnode's Execution and Consensus clients.\nEssentially, this acts as a sort of \"Reverse Hybrid\" mode; instead of the Smartnode managing its own Validator client and connecting to an external Execution and Consensus client, it manages all three things and an external Validator client can use its own clients instead.\nEnabling this is trivial using the Settings Manager.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000204", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/advanced-config.html", "Heading": "Execution Client", "Text": "To enable access to the Execution client, go to the Execution Client (ETH1) category and check the Expose RPC Ports box:\n\nThis will open the RPC ports (default 8545 for HTTP and 8546 for Websockets) on your node, so other machines on your local network can connect to them.\nFor example, if your node's local IP address were, then by enabling this option you could use as the Execution client URL for your other services.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-ec-expose-ports.57eb0986.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000205", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/advanced-config.html", "Heading": "Beacon Node (Consensus Client)", "Text": "To enable access to the Consensus client's Beacon Node, go to the Consensus Client (ETH2) category and check the Expose API Port box:\n\nThis will open the HTTP API port (default 5052) on your node, so other machines on your local network can connect to it.\nFor example, if your node's local IP address were, then by enabling this option you could use as the Beacon Node URL for your other services.\nNOTE FOR PRYSM USERSPrysm has a second box called Expose RPC Port that must be checked if you want to attach an externally-managed Prysm Validator Client to your Beacon Node. This is because Prysm's Validator Client cannot currently connect to a Beacon Node via the standard Beacon HTTP API. In the future, this will be fixed and there will only be one checkbox like the other clients.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-cc-expose-ports.0a1229d5.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000206", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/advanced-config.html", "Heading": "MEV-Boost", "Text": "To enable access to MEV-Boost, go to the MEV-Boost category and check the Expose API Port box:\n\nThis will open the HTTP API port (default 18550) on your node, so other machines on your local network can connect to it.\nFor example, if your node's local IP address were, then by enabling this option you could use as the MEV-Boost URL for your other services.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-mev-expose-ports.e866238e.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000207", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/advanced-config.html", "Heading": "Customizing the Docker-Compose Definition Files", "Text": "While the Settings Manager contains many options you can use to customize your node, it doesn't wrap all of the features that docker-compose provides. Some users require supplemental customizations to the Smartnode's docker-compose files.\nBecause the docker-compose files are regenerated (into the runtime directory) from their templates (in the templates directory) each time rocketpool service start is called, modifying the runtime files is not advised. Instead, we leverage docker-compose's inherent override functionality to let you make any modifications you need to which will be preserved upon restarts. Furthermore, this system also preserves your modifications after an upgrade to or reinstallation of the Smartnode stack.\nTo do this, simply open the file for the container of your choice in the override folder, and add your customizations to it there. Anything you put in these files will override whatever the corresponding settings are in the docker-compose files from the runtime folder.\nFor example, say you wanted to add AWS credentials to Grafana for CloudWatch support. You could do it by modifying override/grafana.yml like so:\nyaml# Enter your own customizations for the Grafana container here. These changes will persist after upgrades, so you only need to do them once.\n#\n# See https://docs.docker.com/compose/extends/#adding-and-overriding-configuration\n# for more information on overriding specific parameters of docker-compose files.\n\nversion: \"3.7\"\nservices:\n grafana:\n x-rp-comment: Add your customizations below this line\n environment:\n - GF_AWS_PROFILES=default\n - GF_AWS_default_ACCESS_KEY_ID=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY\n - GF_AWS_default_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=YOUR_SECRET_KEY\n - GF_AWS_default_REGION=us-east-1\nThis will merge the four environment variables listed here to the existing array of environment variables in the Grafana container. For more information on how docker-compose overrides work, please visit https://docs.docker.com/compose/extends/#adding-and-overriding-configuration.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000208", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/provisioning/overview.html", "Heading": "Overview", "Text": "This section covers the details of how to provision your node for staking with Rocket Pool once you've installed and configured the Smartnode. It's a long one because there's a lot of information around staking to cover, so please read through each guide before creating your first minipool!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000209", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/provisioning/overview.html", "Heading": "Prerequisites", "Text": "Before provisioning your node for staking, please make sure you've done the following:\nSet up a node machine (or virtual machine) and secured it (via the Securing your Node guide)Have the Smartnode installed and configured on it", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000210", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/provisioning/overview.html", "Heading": "Guides", "Text": "Starting Rocket Pool will show you how to start the Smartnode services for each mode and how to check on the sync progress of your Execution and Consensus clients.\nCreating a New Wallet walks through the process of creating a brand new wallet with the Smartnode if this is your first time setting up a node.\nImporting / Recovering an Existing Wallet is an alternative to creating a new wallet. Use this guide if you already have a node wallet that you want to recover onto your node (or if you're migrating from a service like Allnodes to your own hardware).\nPreparing your Node for Operation covers some important first steps you'll want to take once you have a wallet loaded onto your node, well before you fund it with any ETH or RPL (other than a small amount of ETH for gas costs, of course).\nSpecifying a Fallback Node walks you through the optional process of pointing your node at a second (externally-managed) pair of Execution and Consensus clients that can act as a backup for your primary clients if they ever go down, so your node can keep validating while you perform maintenance on them.\nFee Distributors and the Smoothing Pool discuss the way Execution layer rewards are provided to your node every time one of your validators proposes a block, how to collect those rewards, and describes Rocket Pool's Smoothing Pool - a popular feature that combines Execution layer rewards from everyone and evenly distributes them during Rocket Pool's regular rewards intervals.\nMEV, MEV-Boost, and MEV Rewards explains Maximum-Extractable Value (MEV), its role in the staking ecosystem, and how you can configure it to your liking using the Smartnode.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000211", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/starting-rp.html", "Heading": "Starting Rocket Pool", "Text": "At this point, you should have the complete Rocket Pool infrastructure running, including the Smartnode stack, an Execution (ETH1) and an Consensus (ETH2) client. You should also have hardened your operating system from outside attackers. If you've completed both of these steps, you're ready to create a Rocket Pool node and begin staking. If not, please review the previous sections and return here once you've completed those steps.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000212", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/starting-rp.html", "Heading": "Starting and Stopping the Rocket Pool Services", "Text": "Docker (Default) ModeHybrid ModeNative ModeNow that you have the Smartnode installed, starting the stack is easy. Simply enter the following command:rocketpool service startThis command will create all of the necessary Docker images if they don't already exist, make sure the Rocket Pool docker network and storage volumes have been initialized, and update any containers if they no longer match the configuration settings from rocketpool service config's UI.The first time you do it, the output should look like this:$ rocketpool service start\n\nCreating network \"rocketpool_net\" with the default driver\nCreating volume \"rocketpool_eth1clientdata\" with default driver\nCreating volume \"rocketpool_eth2clientdata\" with default driver\nCreating rocketpool_eth1 ...\nCreating rocketpool_eth1 ... done\nCreating rocketpool_eth2 ...\nCreating rocketpool_api ...\nCreating rocketpool_api ... done\nCreating rocketpool_eth2 ... done\nCreating rocketpool_watchtower ...\nCreating rocketpool_mev-boost ...\nCreating rocketpool_mev-boost ... done\nCreating rocketpool_node ...\nCreating rocketpool_validator ...\nCreating rocketpool_validator ... done\nCreating rocketpool_node ... done\nCreating rocketpool_watchtower ... doneIf it does, then the Smartnode stack has been successfully initialized and is now running.If you ever need to stop the services (for example, during an upgrade or because you need to do maintenance), you can use rocketpool service stop to shut everything down. The output should look like this:$ rocketpool service stop\n\nAre you sure you want to pause the Rocket Pool service? Any staking minipools will be penalized! [y/n]\ny\n\nStopping rocketpool_node ...\nStopping rocketpool_validator ...\nStopping rocketpool_watchtower ...\nStopping rocketpool_mev-boost ...\nStopping rocketpool_eth2 ...\nStopping rocketpool_api ...\nStopping rocketpool_eth1 ...\nStopping rocketpool_validator ... done\nStopping rocketpool_node ... done\nStopping rocketpool_watchtower ... done\nStopping rocketpool_api ... done\nStopping rocketpool_mev-boost ... done\nStopping rocketpool_eth2 ... done\nStopping rocketpool_eth1 ... doneNOTEOnce you call this, Rocket Pool will not automatically start after a system reboot. You will have to call rocketpool service start to start all of the Docker containers and enable auto-start on reboot again.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000213", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/starting-rp.html", "Heading": "Confirming the Correct Version and Network", "Text": "Once the containers or services are up, a good first step is to confirm that you have the correct versions of the clients and are on the network that you expect. You can do this with the following command:\nrocketpool service version\nThe output will look like this (note that you may have a newer version than what is displayed here, this is just an example):\nYour Smartnode is currently using the Ethereum Mainnet.\n\nRocket Pool client version: 1.6.4\nRocket Pool service version: 1.6.4\nSelected Eth 1.0 client: Geth (Locally managed)\n Image: ethereum/client-go:v1.10.25\nSelected Eth 2.0 client: Lighthouse (Locally managed)\n Image: sigp/lighthouse:v3.1.0\nThe first line will tell you if your Smartnode is configured for the Ethereum mainnet or for the Prater testnet.\nNOTEFor Docker / Hybrid users: If you are not on the network you expect to be on, go back to the Installing Rocket Pool section and review the installation instructions - you may have missed the portion that has different instructions depending on which network you want to use.For Native users: If you accepted the default settings when you first ran rp service config, then it's possible that the network reported here is incorrect. Simply switch it in the rp service config TUI, in the Smartnode section, to the proper network and restart your node and watchtower services.\nThe second set of lines will tell you which clients you're using, and which versions of them are defined in Rocket Pool's configuration.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000214", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/starting-rp.html", "Heading": "Checking the Service Status and Logs", "Text": "Now that the Smartnode services have been started, it's a good idea to check that they're running correctly without errors.\nDocker (Default) ModeHybrid ModeNative ModeThe first thing to check is whether the Docker containers are running well, or if they are constantly restarting due to an error. Run the following command:docker psThe results should look like this:CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES\n4c1de08a352b prom/prometheus:v2.37.0 \"/bin/prometheus --w\u2026\" 9 days ago Up 9 days 9090/tcp rocketpool_prometheus\n56940decdd1f sigp/lighthouse:v2.5.1 \"sh /setup/start-bn.\u2026\" 9 days ago Up 9 days>9001/tcp,>9001/udp, :::9001->9001/tcp, :::9001->9001/udp rocketpool_eth2\nbd061e632535 grafana/grafana:8.5.9 \"/run.sh\" 9 days ago Up 9 days 3000/tcp,>3100/tcp, :::3100->3100/tcp rocketpool_grafana\n5c4db92762fb ethereum/client-go:v1.10.21 \"sh /setup/start-ec.\u2026\" 9 days ago Up 9 days 8545-8546/tcp,>30303/tcp,>30303/udp, :::30303->30303/tcp, :::30303->30303/udp rocketpool_eth1\ne20c560861fc rocketpool/smartnode:v1.5.0 \"/bin/sleep infinity\" 9 days ago Up 9 days rocketpool_api\n4cf8d364fb90 rocketpool/smartnode:v1.5.0 \"/go/bin/rocketpool \u2026\" 9 days ago Up 9 days rocketpool_watchtower\n9eb944c29997 rocketpool/smartnode:v1.5.0 \"/go/bin/rocketpool \u2026\" 9 days ago Up 9 days rocketpool_node\n2ca5d3dcb471 sigp/lighthouse:v2.5.1 \"sh /setup/start-vc.\u2026\" 9 days ago Up 9 days rocketpool_validator\ndedc577fe361 prom/node-exporter:v1.3.1 \"/bin/node_exporter \u2026\" 2 weeks ago Up 9 days rocketpool_exporterThe key thing to check is the STATUS column. If none of the entries state Restarting..., then the containers should be running properly (see the below note for an exception about the rocketpool_validator container).NOTEIf you are using Prysm as your Consensus (ETH2) client, you will likely notice the rocketpool_validator container is constantly restarting. This is okay! The validator container will fail until a new validator has been created using the rocketpool node deposit command, which we will cover in the Creating a Minipool (ETH2 Validator) section. Once this is done, the container will function correctly - until then, just ignore it.Still, it might be useful to check the logs of the various services.To check on the logs, use the rocketpool service logs command, where is one of eth1, eth2, validator, api, node, or watchtower.For example, to check the logs for your ETH1 client:$ rocketpool service logs eth1\n\nAttaching to rocketpool_eth1\neth1_1 | INFO [06-17|05:17:19.052] Imported new block receipts count=25 elapsed=26.651ms number=247,000 hash=6583ec..35eb1c age=2y3mo2w size=15.72KiB\neth1_1 | INFO [06-17|05:17:19.098] Imported new block headers count=192 elapsed=18.515ms number=247,551 hash=b7d5e4..d49faf age=2y3mo2w\neth1_1 | INFO [06-17|05:17:19.334] Imported new block receipts count=371 elapsed=46.450ms number=247,371 hash=dd3240..1ed173 age=2y3mo2w size=266.59KiB\neth1_1 | INFO [06-17|05:17:19.354] Imported new state entries count=1271 elapsed=2.866ms processed=374,695 pending=3134 trieretry=0 coderetry=0 duplicate=0 unexpected=0\neth1_1 | INFO [06-17|05:17:19.441] Imported new block headers count=384 elapsed=35.331ms number=247,935 hash=4c4dba..5bf8b6 age=2y3mo2w\neth1_1 | INFO [06-17|05:17:19.460] Imported new block receipts count=180 elapsed=33.648ms number=247,551 hash=b7d5e4..d49faf age=2y3mo2w size=128.73KiB\neth1_1 | INFO [06-17|05:17:19.480] Imported new block headers count=192 elapsed=19.122ms number=248,127 hash=aa70b9..40d139 age=2y3mo1w\neth1_1 | INFO [06-17|05:17:19.486] Imported new block receipts count=6 elapsed=26.042ms number=247,557 hash=fd6656..ca2439 age=2y3mo2w size=3.77KiBYou should do this for both eth1 and eth2 to make sure both clients are running without any errors.\nTIPWhen you're done looking at the logs, you can exit and return to the command prompt using Ctrl + C.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000215", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/starting-rp.html", "Heading": "Waiting for Your ETH Clients to Sync", "Text": "Now that your clients have started up, you're going to want to wait until your Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) clients have finished syncing with the network before proceeding.\nOne easy way to check on their status is with the following command:\nrocketpool node sync\nThis command will show how far along your Execution (ETH1) & Consensus (ETH2) clients are in the syncing process, similar to this:\n$ rocketpool node sync\n\nYour Smartnode is currently using the Prater Test Network.\n\nYour eth2 client is on the correct network.\n\nYour primary execution client is fully synced.\nYou do not have a fallback execution client enabled.\nYour consensus client is still syncing (99.69%).\nYou can call this occasionally to keep tabs on your clients' progress.\nTo get an actual ETA of the sync time, it's easiest to look at the logs for your clients with rocketpool service logs eth1 and rocketpool service logs eth2 respectively (or the equivalent log script commands if you're using the hybrid / native modes.) Each client typically provides an ETA on its sync status in its log output.\nNOTEIt can take days to fully sync both ETH1 and ETH2 depending on your client selection and your machine's hardware profile. This is expected. Sit back, relax, and wait for both of them to finish.\nNOTEIf your node is not syncing at all or has no peers, it may be because your router is blocking ports 30303 and 9001. If they're closed, you'll need to setup port forwarding on your router. Also, make sure your node has a static local IP address so the port forwarding does not break due to your node getting a new address.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000216", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/starting-rp.html", "Heading": "Next Steps", "Text": "Once your clients have synced, you're ready to either create a new wallet if this is your first node, or recover an existing wallet if you're restoring from a backup or migrating from another provider such as Allnodes to your own hardware.\nSelect which one you'd like to learn more about and follow the steps in the corresponding guide.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000217", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/wallet-init.html", "Heading": "Creating a New Wallet", "Text": "If the Smartnode services are up and running, the next step is to set up an ETH1 wallet for your node. This is simply an ETH1 address that will hold your node's funds - it will use this to send ETH to your minipool when you begin staking, pay for gas during various transactions, and other various operations.\nYou have the option of either creating a brand new wallet from scratch, or importing / recovering an existing wallet or address. Please choose which option you'd like from the tabs below.\nCreating a New WalletRecovering or Importing an Existing WalletThe most common way to run a node is to create a new ETH1 address that is dedicated to the node. The Smartnode CLI provides a way to do this easily:rocketpool wallet initYou will first be prompted for a password to protect your wallet's private key. Next, you will be presented the unique 24-word mnemonic for your new wallet. This is the recovery phrase for your wallet. If you ever lose your machine, you can use this phrase to regenerate your wallet and resurrect all of the Consensus (ETH2) validators attached to it.NOTEIt is essential that you write this mnemonic down because this is the only time it will be shown to you, but keep it somewhere safe. Anyone with this phrase can gain control of your wallet.Once you confirm your mnemonic phrase, you will be presented with the unique ETH1 address for your node wallet.\nNOTEAs of the current build, Rocket Pool needs to have access to your wallet's private key in order to perform its automatic duties. This means that the private key will exist in a file on your machine. If an attacker manages to gain access to your machine, they could gain access to your node wallet and steal all of the tokens that it contains! Please ensure that you have followed the security guide in the Securing your Node section before you continue, and are comfortable with your security posture.\nDocker & Hybrid ModesNative ModeYour wallet's private key will be stored in a file located at ~/.rocketpool/data/wallet.The password used to encrypt your wallet's key will be stored in ~/.rocketpool/data/password. This is the file that must be protected at all times.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000218", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/recovering-rp.html", "Heading": "Importing / Recovering an Existing Wallet", "Text": "If you already have a wallet you'd like to use for your node, or if you're recovering a wallet you already created with the Smartnode earlier, this guide will help you through the import / recovery process.\nPlease select the appropriate option from the sections below.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000219", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/recovering-rp.html", "Heading": "Recovering a Smartnode Wallet", "Text": "If you generated your node wallet using the Smartnode and are simply recovering it on a new machine, the process is quite simple. Make sure you've already installed the Smartnode software, and then simply run the following command once it's installed:\nrocketpool wallet recover\nNOTEIf, for some reason, you want to recover the wallet but not any of the validator keys attached to your node's minipools, you can specify the -k flag to skip the rebuild process:rocketpool wallet recover -kIf you do not specify this flag, the Smartnode will attempt to recover the validator keys for your minipools; however, note that this will not work until your Execution client has finished syncing. Please watch its log file to see when it's done; once it is, you can run this step.\nThis will first ask you for a password you want to use to encrypt your wallet. After that, it will ask for your 24 word mnemonic recovery phrase. Enter it carefully - it will not be shown on-screen for safety, and it is very easy to make a mistake while typing it so take your time.\nWhen you're done, you should see output similar to this:\n$ rocketpool wallet recover\n\nPlease enter a password to secure your wallet with:\n\nPlease confirm your password:\n\nPlease enter your recovery mnemonic phrase:\n\nRecovering node wallet...\nThe node wallet was successfully recovered.\nNode account: \nNo validator keys were found.\nIf you don't see any errors, then your wallet and validators will be recovered.\nOnce you're done, be sure to restart the Validator client with the following command for Docker and Hybrid mode users:\ndocker restart rocketpool_validator\nNative mode users will simply have to restart their Validator container process.\nThis will ensure that the VC picks up all of the newly restored validator keys.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000220", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/recovering-rp.html", "Heading": "Importing an Existing Address as a Node Wallet", "Text": "If you have an address you'd like to use for a node, but didn't create it with the Smartnode (e.g., you created it with MetaMask or a hardware wallet), then this is the section to follow.\nWARNINGBy doing this, your address will become a hot wallet. The private key will be stored on your node machine.If you're importing an address that is a cold wallet, such as a hardware wallet, be advised that the protection provided by the hardware wallet will no longer exist!If you use this wallet for any other cryptocurrency activity at all, you must migrate all of its funds to a separate address (e.g. a different hardware wallet) before importing it into your node! Only leave enough ETH on this address for your node's gas costs (typically 0.5 ETH is sufficient).Please ensure that you have secured your machine as much as possible by following the steps in the Securing your Node guide before importing your address as a node wallet.\nThis capability is only available with Smartnode v1.4.3 or higher. If you have a lower version, you'll need to upgrade first.\nThis is a multi-step process, so follow the below sections carefully.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000221", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/recovering-rp.html", "Heading": "Step 1: Add Externally-Generated Validator Keys", "Text": "If you don't have any existing minipools attached to the address you're importing, you can skip this step.\nIf your address has already been registered as a Rocket Pool node wallet (such as via a service like Allnodes) and already has active minipools, and you'd like to import them into the Smartnode stack along with your address, you will need to provide the private keystore files for each of their corresponding validators. These files will be encrypted with a password of your own choosing, so you will need that password for each file as well.\nYou need to get these files from the service that is currently running your node in order to import it. Some service providers may be able to retrieve these files upon request. If you use Allnodes, you can get these files during your initial setup process but will not be able to retrieve them in the future unless you saved them during minipool creation.\nSelect your installation mode and follow the steps below.\nDocker and Hybrid ModeNative ModeFirst, ensure you've started the Smartnode with rocketpool service start. This will create a special folder that can be used to hold the encrypted keystore files for your validators.By default, the folder is located in ~/.rocketpool/data/custom-keys. If you've customized your installation or data directories, substitute appropriately to find the custom-keys folder.Check with a file explorer or the ls command to make sure this folder exists. If not, no worries - just make the folder with the following command:mkdir ~/.rocketpool/data/custom-keys\nNext, place each of the validator keystore files into this folder. The names of the files don't matter, but they must be JSON files that conform to the EIP-2335 format.\nThe Smartnode will look in this directory for any keystore files you have placed here in the next steps.\nNOTEThe import process will only look for validator keys that are attached to minipools registered to the address you're importing. You cannot use this process to import other validator keys, such as for solo staking validators, into the Validator client managed by the Smartnode stack.Please see the documentation for running in Reverse Hybrid Mode if you are interested in doing this.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000222", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/recovering-rp.html", "Heading": "Step 2 (Optional): Test Importing the Address", "Text": "If you would like to test the recovery process to ensure you have the correct mnemonic and passwords without actually regenerating your node wallet's private key or importing your validator keys, you can do so with the following command:\nrocketpool wallet test-recovery -a 0x1234abcd...\nWhere 0x1234abcd... is the address you want to import, starting with the 0x prefix. You will need your mnemonic phrase to import the private key for your address.\nTIPIf, for some reason, you want to recover the wallet but not any of the validator keys for your minipools, you can specify the -k flag to skip the validator key recovery process. For example:rocketpool wallet test-recovery -a 0x1234abcd... -k\nThe Smartnode will automatically search through the most popular derivation paths (e.g. the ones used by Ledger Live, MyEtherWallet, Trezor, and the Smartnode stack) and address indicies to find the settings that correspond to the address you provided.\nTIPIf you have a custom derivation path, use the -d flag to specify it. For example:rocketpool wallet test-recovery -d \"m/44'/60'/0'/%d\"Use %d for the portion of the path that can be iterated to use different indicies.If you have a custom address index, use the -i flag to specify it. For example, if your address was the 6th one on the standard derivation path, you could use:rocketpool wallet test-recovery -i 5You can use both the -d and -i flags at the same time if you require.\nFirst, you'll be prompted for your address's mnemonic phrase:\nPlease enter the number of words in your mnemonic phrase (24 by default):\n24\n\nEnter Word Number 1 of your mnemonic:\nEnter it carefully, and the Smartnode will begin searching through all of the standard options to find it (unless you explicitly specified them using the -d and/or -i flags).\nNext, if you have private keystore files to import from Step 1, you will be prompted for the passwords to each of those keystore files:\nIt looks like you have some custom keystores for your minipool's validators.\nYou will be prompted for the passwords each one was encrypted with, so they can be loaded into the Validator Client that Rocket Pool manages for you.\n\nPlease enter the password that the keystore for was encrypted with:\nThey will be organized by the pubkey list, not the filenames. Ensure you know which file corresponds to which validator pubkey so you enter the correct passwords.\nOnce you've done this, the test recovery process will proceed and report back on whether it succeeded or failed:\nSearching for the derivation path and index for wallet 0x1234abcd...\nNOTE: this may take several minutes depending on how large your wallet's index is.\nThe node wallet was successfully recovered.\nDerivation path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/%d\nWallet index: 0\nNode account: 0x1234abcd...\nValidator keys:\n\nThe above indicates a successful test recovery.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000223", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/recovering-rp.html", "Heading": "Step 3: Import the Address", "Text": "WARNINGIf your address is a Rocket Pool node that is not managed by your own self-hosted Smartnode (e.g. hosted by an external service like Allnodes), IT IS CRITICAL that you coordinate with the service running your node before you begin this import process and inform them that you would like to migrate to your own self-hosted system.You MUST CONFIRM that they have shut down validation for your node and will NEVER resume it, and manually confirm that your validators are no longer attesting using a Blockchain explorer such as https://beaconcha.in. You must confirm that each validator has missed AT LEAST 2 ATTESTATIONS to ensure you can safely migrate. Otherwise, you will both attest at the same time and YOUR MINIPOOLS WILL BE SLASHED!The Smartnode will require you to confirm that you have done this before allowing you to proceed with the import process.\nIf the test recovery succeeded, or if you skipped it, you will next import the wallet and regenerate all of its associated key files. The process is exactly the same as the above, but use the recover command instead of the test-recovery command:\nrocketpool wallet recover -a 0x1234abcd...\nWhen you run this command, you will first be prompted for a password to encrypt your imported node wallet with.\nPlease enter a password to secure your wallet with:\n\nPlease confirm your password:\nAfter that, the mnemonic and custom validator keystore password prompts will proceed as they did before.\nOnce you've entered all of this information, the Smartnode will recover your address and (if not disabled) the custom validator keys for your minipools:\nSearching for the derivation path and index for wallet 0x1234abcd...\nNOTE: this may take several minutes depending on how large your wallet's index is.\nThe node wallet was successfully recovered.\nDerivation path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/%d\nWallet index: 0\nNode account: 0x1234abcd...\nValidator keys:\n\nYour address's private key will now be stored in the data/wallet file (e.g. ~/.rocketpool/data/wallet), and the password for it will be stored in the data/password file (e.g. ~/.rocketpool/data/password).\nThe private keys for each of your validators will be stored in the data/validators folders for each of the Consensus clients that the Smartnode supports.\nNOTEBy importing an address in this fashion, the validator keys were not derived from your node wallet, and thus they cannot be recovered later by simply running rocketpool wallet recover as with a normal node wallet.If you ever need to recover or import this wallet again, you will need to follow this same process which means you will need to have these validator private keystores and their passwords backed up somewhere safe.If you ever lose them, you will no longer be able to recover these validator keys!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000224", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/recovering-rp.html", "Heading": "Step 4: Cleanup", "Text": "At this point, you can now delete all of the private keystore files in the data/custom-keys directory. The Smartnode will have imported them already and assigned randomized passwords to them, so those keystore files are no longer necessary.\nFinally, ensure that there is not a file named custom-key-passwords in your data directory (e.g. ~/.rocketpool/data/custom-key-passwords). The Smartnode will build this temporary file only during the recover process, and will remove it automatically regardless of whether or not the recovery process succeeded; if for any reason it failed to remove it, it will alert you in the console output. However, it never hurts to be too careful.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000225", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/recovering-rp.html", "Heading": "Next Steps", "Text": "Once you've imported or recovered your node wallet, follow the next steps in the Intro to the Command Line Interface guide.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000226", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/prepare-node.html", "Heading": "Preparing your Node for Operation", "Text": "If you're here, then you've successfully started the Smartnode services, created a wallet, and finished syncing both the Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) chains on your respective clients. If so, then you are ready to register your node on the Rocket Pool network and create a minipool with an ETH2 validator! If not, please review the previous sections and return here once you've completed those steps.\nBefore creating a new minipool and ETH2 validator, there are a few steps to take to finish preparing your node. These only need to be done once though; once you've done them, you can skip to the Creating a New Minipool section if you want to create multiple minipools on your node.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000227", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/prepare-node.html", "Heading": "Loading your Node Wallet", "Text": "Registering your node and standing up a validator both involve submitting transactions to the Ethereum network from your node wallet. This means you'll need to have some ETH on it to pay for the gas costs of those transactions. You'll also need to stake some of the RPL token prior to creating a minipool as collateral; you can do this directly on the node, or (preferably) you can use the Rocket Pool website's Stake on Behalf function to stake for your node with RPL in your cold wallet. We'll discuss the Stake on Behalf feature later in this guide when it's time to stake your RPL.\nThe ETH required for gas fees to set up a node with one minipool is about 0.0025 ETH times the current gas price in gwei. For example, with a gas price of 30 gwei, you would pay about 0.075 ETH in gas fees.\nSee this worksheet to help estimate the gas fees for various network conditions.\nRunning on the Prater Test NetworkRunning on the Main NetworkIf you're running on the Prater test network, please see the Practicing with the Test Network section to learn how to acquire test ETH.For test RPL, we have added a similar faucet function directly to the CLI. Please see the Getting Test RPL on Goerli guide to acquire some.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000228", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/prepare-node.html", "Heading": "Registering your Node with the Network", "Text": "Once you have ETH in your wallet, you can register your node with the Rocket Pool network to access all of its features. To do this, run the following command:\nrocketpool node register\nThis will prompt you for the timezone you want to register with. By default, this will detect the timezone from your system clock, but you can change it if you prefer. Any of the Country/City format timezones listed on this page should be acceptable.\nNOTEThe timezone is just used for the global map of node operators displayed on the main site. You don't need to set it to your actual timezone if you have security concerns. If you prefer to remain anonymous, use a generic option such as Etc/UTC.\nOnce this is complete, you will officially be a member of the Rocket Pool network!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000229", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/prepare-node.html", "Heading": "Setting your Withdrawal Address", "Text": "Before anything else, we highly recommended you change the withdrawal address for your node. This is the address that all of your RPL checkpoint rewards, your staked RPL, and your Beacon Chain ETH will be sent to when you claim your checkpoint rewards or exit your validator and withdraw from your minipool. To reiterate, whoever controls the withdrawal address can access ALL your staked RPL, ETH, and rewards.\nNOTEUpon setting up your node for the first time, this is set to your node's wallet address. However, for security reasons, it is vitally important to set this to a different address controlled by a cold wallet. A cold wallet could be a hardware wallet (such as a Ledger, Trezor, or Grid+), or a Smart Contract wallet (such as Argent).We strongly recommend that you DO NOT use a hot wallet such as MetaMask as your withdrawal address.This way, if your node wallet is compromised, the attacker doesn't get access to your staked ETH and RPL by forcing you to exit because all of those funds will be sent to your separate cold wallet (which they hopefully do not have).Withdrawal addresses are set at a node operator level. If you create multiple minipools, they will all refer to the same withdrawal address so you only need to perform this setup once.See here for some basics on wallet security from the Ethereum Foundation.\nThere are two different ways to do this. Please read both options below to determine which one applies to you.\nMethod 1Method 2Use this method if your new withdrawal address can be used to sign transactions via MetaMask or WalletConnect.NOTEThis method will require you to submit a transaction from your new withdrawal address, so you must have a small amount of ETH in that address already.NOTEFor users of Ledger hardware wallets, note that Ledger Live does not yet support MetaMask or WalletConnect natively. You will need to use MetaMask and connect it to your Ledger instead. Follow the official Ledger instructions to do this.To work with the Rocket Pool website, you will need to have your Ledger connected, unlocked, and the ETH app open. You will also need to enable \"blind signing\" for the current session; you can find this within the Settings portion of the ETH app on the device. Bind signing will automatically be disabled after you close the session.If you are using Prater Testnet and want to use your Ledger as your withdrawal address, you must create a new Ethereum wallet on your Ledger first to ensure you don't connect your live address to the test network, which tends to cause confusion. Make sure to select the Goerli Testnet in the network selection dropdown when connecting your Ledger to MetaMask. Note that Ledger Live will not show your balance on the test network, but other applications which support the test network (such as MetaMask and Etherscan) will be able to display it.Run rocketpool node set-withdrawal-address . Your new withdrawal address will be marked as \"pending\". Until you confirm it, your old withdrawal address will still be used.To confirm it, you must send a special transaction from your new withdrawal address to the minipool contract to verify that you own the withdrawal address.The easiest way to do this is to navigate to the Rocket Pool withdrawal address site (for the Prater Testnet or for Mainnet).If you haven't already connected Metamask or WalletConnect to the Rocket Pool website, do this now. Click the select wallet button in the center of the screen, and choose MetaMask or WalletConnect based on which wallet you would like to use. You will then be prompted asking you to confirm the connection. For example, using MetaMask:Click Next, then click Confirm to enable the Rocket Pool website to use your wallet. 3. Select Withdrawal Address from the top menu (or the hamburger menu on the left side if you're on a mobile device). 4. You will see this prompt:Type your node wallet address here and click on the Check Mark button to continue.You will be prompted with a question asking if you want to set a new node withdrawal address or confirm a pending one. Select Confirm.Now, there should be a new confirmation dialog in your wallet. Again, using MetaMask as an example, click the MetaMask icon to open it and you should see something like this:Click Confirm to send the transaction to the network. This will take some time until it gets mined, but once it does, you will see a confirmation dialog:Your new withdrawal address will now be confirmed and activated. You can view this with rocketpool node status.\nOnce this is done, you will no longer be able to change your withdrawal address using the set-withdrawal-address command. To change it, you will need to send a signed transaction from your active withdrawal address (the one you just switched to). The Rocket Pool website has a function to help you do this.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/connect-metamask.c9fdf0b9.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/node-address.1bfe092a.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/confirm-address.3b489392.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/confirmed.57ee68b2.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000230", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/prepare-node.html", "Heading": "Setting your Voting Delegate Address", "Text": "Rocket Pool's governance process uses Snapshot as the platform for hosting governance proposals. Voting on them is done in-browser, via a wallet like MetaMask or a bridge like WalletConnect. Node operators can vote on these proposals using the RPL they have staked (their effective stake).\nSince your node's wallet should never leave your node (e.g. you should never import your mnemonic into MetaMask or another wallet), we have set up a system that allows you to delegate your node's voting power to a separate address. This could be another wallet (such as a MetaMask account) that you control, or you could delegate your voting power to one of the Node Operators that have elected to be official delegates.\nNOTEIf you are an Allnodes user, you can use your node account as the voting address and can ignore the following guides. They are intended for normal Smartnode operators.\nSetting up a voting delegate address that can vote on behalf of your node is a one-time action. Simply run the following command:\nrocketpool node set-voting-delegate
\nThe address or ENS name you use depends on whether you are voting yourself or you are delegating your vote to an official delegate. If you are voting yourself, use the address of the wallet you want to use in-browser (e.g. your MetaMask account, your hardware wallet, your Argent wallet, etc.).\nWARNINGAs a reminder, DO NOT enter your node's wallet or mnemonic into MetaMask or any other wallet! The voting delegate feature is specifically designed to ensure you have no need to do this, which helps maintain the security of your node!\nAt anytime, you can reassign your voting power by setting the voting address from your node.\nOne limitation of Snapshot is that you must have delegated before the proposal you would like to vote on is created. We suggest that you set up your voting address or delegate early so that you don\u2019t miss any proposal votes.\nTo learn more about how to participate in RocketPool governance, please check out this medium article", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000231", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/prepare-node.html", "Heading": "Map an ENS Name to your Node Wallet", "Text": "If you want your node wallet address to be mapped to a human-readable name like alice.eth, follow these steps:\nSelect \"My account\"Click on the ENS name you want to editClick on \"Add/edit record\"Insert your desired ETH address, click \"Confirm\" and submit the transaction.\nExecute the command:\nrocketpool wallet set-ens-name \nThis action also requires sending a transaction. You'll need to confirm the desired parameters and submit the transaction.\nNOTEMake sure you completed step 2 to setup the forward resolution before running the CLI command to setup the reverse resolution. This is a safety measure to stop wallets from trying to impersonate an ENS name they don't control.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000232", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/prepare-node.html", "Heading": "Next Steps", "Text": "The next steps to prepare your node will teach you about setting up a fallback node, how priority fees work, your Fee Distributor and the Smoothing Pool, and MEV. Each topic will require you to make a choice about how you want to run your node. Please move on to the next sections in the guide when you're ready.\nOnce you're done with those topics, you'll be guided through the process of making a minipool and earning staking rewards.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:18hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000233", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "Intro to the Command Line Interface", "Text": "As a node operator, the CLI is your primary tool for interacting with Rocket Pool. You will use it to create new minipools, check on the status of everything, claim periodic RPL rewards, exit and withdraw from your minipools when you're ready, and a host of other activities.\nOnce you've finished syncing the Execution (ETH1) and Beacon (ETH2) chains, all of the commands will be available for you to use. In this section, we'll go over a brief tour of some of the more common ones and some other tricks that the CLI can do.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000234", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "Learning About the Commands", "Text": "To list all of the available commands, type:\nrocketpool help\nThe output will look like this:\nNAME:\n rocketpool - Rocket Pool CLI\n\nUSAGE:\n rocketpool [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]\n\nVERSION:\n 1.7.0-dev\n\nAUTHORS:\n David Rugendyke <[email\u00a0protected]>\n Jake Pospischil <[email\u00a0protected]>\n Joe Clapis <[email\u00a0protected]>\n Kane Wallmann <[email\u00a0protected]>\n\nCOMMANDS:\n auction, a Manage Rocket Pool RPL auctions\n minipool, m Manage the node's minipools\n network, e Manage Rocket Pool network parameters\n node, n Manage the node\n odao, o Manage the Rocket Pool oracle DAO\n queue, q Manage the Rocket Pool deposit queue\n service, s Manage Rocket Pool service\n wallet, w Manage the node wallet\n help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command\n\nGLOBAL OPTIONS:\n --allow-root, -r Allow rocketpool to be run as the root user\n --config-path path, -c path Rocket Pool config asset path (default: \"~/.rocketpool\")\n --daemon-path path, -d path Interact with a Rocket Pool service daemon at a path on the host OS, running outside of docker\n --maxFee value, -f value The max fee (including the priority fee) you want a transaction to cost, in gwei (default: 0)\n --maxPrioFee value, -i value The max priority fee you want a transaction to use, in gwei (default: 0)\n --gasLimit value, -l value [DEPRECATED] Desired gas limit (default: 0)\n --nonce value Use this flag to explicitly specify the nonce that this transaction should use, so it can override an existing 'stuck' transaction\n --debug Enable debug printing of API commands\n --secure-session, -s Some commands may print sensitive information to your terminal. Use this flag when nobody can see your screen to allow sensitive data to be printed without prompting\n --help, -h show help\n --version, -v print the version\n\nCOPYRIGHT:\n (c) 2021 Rocket Pool Pty Ltd", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000235", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "Service Commands", "Text": "The service group involves managing the various services the smart node manages for you.\nHere is what the rocketpool service help output will show:\nNAME:\n rocketpool service - Manage Rocket Pool service\n\nUSAGE:\n rocketpool service [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]\n\nCOMMANDS:\n install, i Install the Rocket Pool service\n config, c Configure the Rocket Pool service\n status, u View the Rocket Pool service status\n start, s Start the Rocket Pool service\n pause, p Pause the Rocket Pool service\n stop, o Pause the Rocket Pool service (alias of 'rocketpool service pause')\n logs, l View the Rocket Pool service logs\n stats, a View the Rocket Pool service stats\n compose View the Rocket Pool service docker compose config\n version, v View the Rocket Pool service version information\n prune-eth1, n Shuts down the main ETH1 client and prunes its database, freeing up disk space, then restarts it when it's done.\n install-update-tracker, d Install the update tracker that provides the available system update count to the metrics dashboard\n check-cpu-features, ccf Checks if your CPU supports all of the features required by the \"modern\" version of certain client images. If not, it prints what features are missing.\n get-config-yaml Generate YAML that shows the current configuration schema, including all of the parameters and their descriptions\n export-eth1-data Exports the execution client (eth1) chain data to an external folder. Use this if you want to back up your chain data before switching execution clients.\n import-eth1-data Imports execution client (eth1) chain data from an external folder. Use this if you want to restore the data from an execution client that you previously backed up.\n resync-eth1 Deletes the main ETH1 client's chain data and resyncs it from scratch. Only use this as a last resort!\n resync-eth2 Deletes the ETH2 client's chain data and resyncs it from scratch. Only use this as a last resort!\n terminate, t Deletes all of the Rocket Pool Docker containers and volumes, including your ETH1 and ETH2 chain data and your Prometheus database (if metrics are enabled). Only use this if you are cleaning up the Smartnode and want to start over!\n\nOPTIONS:\n --compose-file value, -f value Optional compose files to override the standard Rocket Pool docker compose YAML files; this flag may be defined multiple times\n --help, -h show help", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000236", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "status", "Text": "This command shows you the current running status of each of the Docker containers managed by Rocket Pool. For example, the default Docker install's output looks like this:\nName Command State Ports\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nrocketpool_api /bin/sleep infinity Up\nrocketpool_eth1 sh /setup/start-node.sh Up>30303/tcp,:::30303->30303/tcp,>30303/udp,:::30303->30303/udp, 8545/tcp, 8546/tcp\nrocketpool_eth2 sh /setup/start-beacon.sh Up>9001/tcp,:::9001->9001/tcp,>9001/udp,:::9001->9001/udp\nrocketpool_node /go/bin/rocketpool node Up\nrocketpool_validator sh /setup/start-validator.sh Up\nrocketpool_watchtower /go/bin/rocketpool watchtower Up\nYou can use it to quickly check if any of the Docker containers are having trouble, or to make sure that a start or stop command worked correctly.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000237", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "start and stop", "Text": "These two commands you are already familiar with. They simply start all of the Rocket Pool containers, or stop them.\nTIPThe pause command does the same thing as stop. It's just left over as a legacy command from earlier versions of Rocket Pool.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000238", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "logs", "Text": "This command is another one you should have already seen. You can use it to look at the output logs of each Docker container. This can be useful for troubleshooting or getting a more detailed status report from them.\nIf you simply do rocketpool service logs without any other arguments, it will aggregate all of the logs together and show them to you at once.\nIf you want to focus on one container's output, you can add an argument to the end to specify the container. Valid values are eth1, eth2, validator, api, node, and watchtower.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000239", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "stats", "Text": "This command shows you some resource stats from each of the containers, which you can use to profile each one's hardware and network consumption.\nYou might find it useful for monitoring the containers if your system starts running slow or has RAM problems.\nHere is some example output:\nCONTAINER ID NAME CPU % MEM USAGE / LIMIT MEM % NET I/O BLOCK I/O PIDS\n62314e5a0ecf rocketpool_api 0.00% 18.89MiB / 62.78GiB 0.03% 50.6kB / 31.1kB 57.4MB / 0B 1\nac629c08c896 rocketpool_eth1 5.44% 18.13GiB / 62.78GiB 28.88% 1.63GB / 1.66GB 24.4GB / 37.7GB 27\n4dfc7a2e939b rocketpool_eth2 97.39% 2.369GiB / 62.78GiB 3.77% 1.79GB / 45MB 333MB / 24.1GB 2\na3c22f54eff0 rocketpool_node 0.00% 12.13MiB / 62.78GiB 0.02% 308kB / 504kB 0B / 0B 15\n0d5818868ef6 rocketpool_validator 0.00% 936KiB / 62.78GiB 0.00% 12.1kB / 0B 4.57MB / 0B 2\n88bea525fa89 rocketpool_watchtower 0.00% 12.05MiB / 62.78GiB 0.02% 304kB / 503kB 0B / 0B 16\nNOTEThe RAM statistic here shows total allocated memory, which includes virtual memory. It does not show the raw resident memory consumption.Similarly, the CPU usage shows the total amount of CPU consumption averaged over all of the CPU cores that the container uses. Here, the CPU for ETH2 shows almost 100% because it is using Nimbus, which is single-threaded.You may find that a program like htop offers better insight into actual resource consumption.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000240", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "config", "Text": "This command runs through the configuration interview again. You can use it if you want to change your selection of Execution (ETH1) or Consensus (ETH2) client, or change some of the parameters that you initially specified when you selected them (such as your validator's graffiti message, the max number of peers to connect to, and so on).\nYou can call this command at any time, but the changes won't take effect until you call rocketpool service stop and rocketpool service start.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000241", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "terminate", "Text": "This command will shut down the Docker containers, then delete them, delete the Rocket Pool virtual network, and delete the ETH1 and ETH2 chain data volumes. It essentially removes all of the Rocket Pool items from your Docker setup. Use it when you want to clean up that portion of the Rocket Pool installation.\nWARNINGThis will irreversibly remove your chain data, which means you'll need to sync ETH1 and ETH2 again.This will not remove your wallet and password files, your configured settings, or your validator keys. To remove those, you will need to delete the ~/.rocketpool/data folder in Docker or Hybrid Mode, or the corresponding directory in Native Mode.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000242", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "Node Commands", "Text": "The node group involves operations on your Rocket Pool node. We'll cover these more in-depth in the next section where we create a minipool, but it may be helpful to see them all at a glance.\nHere is what the rocketpool node help output will show:\nNAME:\n rocketpool node - Manage the node\n\nUSAGE:\n rocketpool node [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]\n\nCOMMANDS:\n status, s Get the node's status\n sync, y Get the sync progress of the eth1 and eth2 clients\n register, r Register the node with Rocket Pool\n rewards, e Get the time and your expected RPL rewards of the next checkpoint\n set-withdrawal-address, w Set the node's withdrawal address\n confirm-withdrawal-address, f Confirm the node's pending withdrawal address if it has been set back to the node's address itself\n set-timezone, t Set the node's timezone location\n swap-rpl, p Swap old RPL for new RPL\n stake-rpl, k Stake RPL against the node\n claim-rewards, c Claim available RPL and ETH rewards for any checkpoint you haven't claimed yet\n withdraw-rpl, i Withdraw RPL staked against the node\n deposit, d Make a deposit and create a minipool\n send, n Send ETH or tokens from the node account to an address\n set-voting-delegate, sv Set the address you want to use when voting on Rocket Pool governance proposals, or the address you want to delegate your voting power to.\n clear-voting-delegate, cv Remove the address you've set for voting on Rocket Pool governance proposals.\n initialize-fee-distributor, z Create the fee distributor contract for your node, so you can withdraw priority fees and MEV rewards after the merge\n distribute-fees, b Distribute the priority fee and MEV rewards from your fee distributor to your withdrawal address and the rETH contract (based on your node's average commission)\n join-smoothing-pool, js Opt your node into the Smoothing Pool\n leave-smoothing-pool, ls Leave the Smoothing Pool\n sign-message, sm Sign an arbitrary message with the node's private key\n\nOPTIONS:\n --help, -h show help\nBelow is a summary of some of the commands you'll tend to need during typical node operation.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000243", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "status", "Text": "This command will give you a high-level view of your entire node at a glance. It includes how much ETH and RPL you have staked, how many minipools you have and their statuses, your RPL collateral ratio, and more.\nThis is an example of what rocketpool node status shows once you have your node registered and some minipools set up:\n=== Account and Balances ===\nThe node has a balance of 1.493392 ETH and 0.000000 RPL.\nThe node is registered with Rocket Pool with a timezone location of Etc/UTC.\n\n=== Penalty Status ===\nThe node does not have any penalties for cheating with an invalid fee recipient.\n\n=== DAO Voting ===\nThe node does not currently have a voting delegate set, and will not be able to vote on Rocket Pool governance proposals.\n\n=== Withdrawal Address ===\nThe node's withdrawal address has not been changed, so rewards and withdrawals will be sent to the node itself.\nConsider changing this to a cold wallet address that you control using the `set-withdrawal-address` command.\n\n=== Fee Distributor and Smoothing Pool ===\nThe node's fee distributor has a balance of 0.000000 ETH.\nThe node is opted into the Smoothing Pool.\n\n=== RPL Stake and Minipools ===\nThe node has a total stake of 600.000000 RPL and an effective stake of 600.000000 RPL, allowing it to run 5 minipool(s) in total.\nThis is currently a 54.65% collateral ratio.\nThe node must keep at least 109.788901 RPL staked to collateralize its minipools and claim RPL rewards.\n\nThe node has a total of 1 active minipool(s):\n- 1 staking", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000244", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "sync", "Text": "This command will show you the current sync status of your Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) clients. You'll probably use it a lot when you first set the node up, then never need it again (unless you change or reset your clients).\nThe output of rocketpool node sync will look like this:\nYour Smartnode is currently using the Prater Test Network.\n\nYour eth1 client hasn't synced enough to determine if your eth1 and eth2 clients are on the same network.\nTo run this safety check, try again later when eth1 has made more sync progress.\n\nYour primary execution client is still syncing (67.12%).\nYou do not have a fallback execution client enabled.\nYour primary consensus client is still syncing (99.94%).\nYou do not have a fallback consensus client enabled.\nNote that Prysm currently doesn't provide its completion percent - you'll need to look in the eth2 logs if you use it.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000245", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "stake-rpl", "Text": "This command is what you'll use when you want to add more RPL collateral to your node. Doing so will increase your collateral ratio, which will increase your RPL rewards at each checkpoint (more on this later). It may allow you to run more minipools or withdraw your rewards for the current checkpoint if your collateral is currently too low.\nUnlike the other commands so far, this one is actually interactive because it will trigger a transaction - it isn't simply informational.\nIt will first ask you how much RPL you'd like to stake, with some pre-defined options for convenience or the ability to specify a custom amount:\nPlease choose an amount of RPL to stake:\n1: The minimum minipool stake amount (284.477473 RPL)?\n2: The maximum effective minipool stake amount (4267.162095 RPL)?\n3: Your entire RPL balance (4820.395655 RPL)?\n4: A custom amount\nOnce you select an option, you will be shown some information about the suggested gas price and estimated amount to be used, along with a confirmation dialog:\nPlease enter an amount of RPL to stake:\n0.00001\n\nSuggested gas price: 1.000000 Gwei\nEstimated gas used: 69484 gas\nEstimated gas cost: 0.000069 ETH\n\nNOTE: This operation requires multiple transactions.\nThe actual gas cost may be higher than what is estimated here.\nAre you sure you want to stake 0.000010 RPL? You will not be able to unstake this RPL until you exit your validators and close your minipools, or reach over 150% collateral!. [y/n]\nIf you confirm, you will be shown the transaction hash and given a link to Etherscan so you can follow its progress:\nApproving RPL for staking...\nTransaction has been submitted with hash .\nYou may follow its progress by visiting:\nhttps://goerli.etherscan.io/tx/\n\nWaiting for the transaction to be mined... **DO NOT EXIT!** This transaction is one of several that must be completed.\nMost operations only require one transaction, so the CLI will wait until it has been mined and then exit. However, stake-rpl is one of the few commands that requires two transactions, so this dialog will appear twice.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000246", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "deposit", "Text": "This command will let you deposit ETH and create a new minipool (a new ETH2 validator).\nYou will be prompted with the expected gas cost for the transaction and one final confirmation dialog. If you accept, your ETH deposit will be processed and you will create a new minipool (and a corresponding ETH2 validator).\n(For more information, see the next section on Creating a Minipool).", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000247", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "claim-rewards", "Text": "When your node detects a new rewards checkpoint, it will automatically download the rewards tree file with the information for that interval (if you're using the default of Download Mode - see below for information on generating your own trees instead of downloading them). You can then review your rewards using the following command:\nrocketpool node claim-rewards\nAs intervals go by and you accumulate rewards, the output will look like this:\n\nHere you can quickly see how many rewards you've earned at each interval, and can decide which ones you want to claim.\nYou can also specify an amount you want to restake during this claim:\n\nThis will let you compound your RPL rewards in one transaction, using substantially less gas than you currently needed to use with the legacy claim system.\nWARNINGIf you are below 10% RPL collateral at the time of the snapshot, you will not be eligible for rewards for that snapshot. Unlike the current system, where you can simply \"top off\" before you claim in order to become eligible again, this will be locked in that snapshot forever and you will never receive rewards for that period. You must be above 10% collateral at the time of a snapshot in order to receive rewards for that period.\nNOTEIf you prefer to build the rewards checkpoint manually instead of downloading the one created by the Oracle DAO, you can change this setting from Download to Generate in the TUI:As the tip implies, you will need access to an Execution client archive node to do this. If your local Execution client is not an archive node, you can specify a separate one (such as Infura or Alchemy) in the Archive-Mode EC URL box below it. This URL will only be used when generating Merkle trees; it will not be used for validation duties.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/claim-rewards-gb.8f1f7440.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/autostake.17e69ed2.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-generate-tree.23882df2.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000248", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "join-smoothing-pool", "Text": "rocketpool node join-smoothing-pool\nThis will record you as opted-in in the Rocket Pool contracts and automatically change your Validator Client's fee recipient from your node's distributor contract to the Smoothing Pool contract.\nNote that once you opt in, there is a 28 day cooldown (one full rewards interval length) until you can opt out.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000249", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "leave-smoothing-pool", "Text": "rocketpool node leave-smoothing-pool\nThis will opt you out of the Smoothing Pool if you're currently opted in, and have waited at least 28 days after opting in. Once the next epoch after the current epoch is finalized, it will automatically change your node's fee recipient from the Smoothing Pool back to your node's distributor contract. This is to ensure you don't get penalized for front-running the exit process when you see that you have a proposal coming up.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000250", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "initialize-fee-distributor", "Text": "To initialize your node's distributor, simply run this new command:\nrocketpool node initialize-fee-distributor\nNOTEAfter the Redstone update, you must call this function before you can create any new minipools with rocketpool node deposit.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000251", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "distribute-fees", "Text": "When your distributor has been initialized, you can claim and distribute its entire balance using the following command:\nrocketpool node distribute-fees\nThis will send your share of the rewards to your withdrawal address.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000252", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "send", "Text": "This command lets you send ETH, RPL, or other Rocket Pool-related tokens from the node wallet to a different address. This might be useful if you want to move your funds on the wallet elsewhere.\nThe syntax for using the send command is like this:\nrocketpool node send
\nThe arguments are as follows:\n is the amount of the token to send. is the token to send - this can be eth, rpl, fsrpl (the old legacy RPL token), or reth.
is the Ethereum address (or ENS name) to send the tokens to.\nFor example:\nrocketpool node send 1 eth \nwould send 1 ETH to my friend.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000253", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "Minipool Commands", "Text": "The minipool group involves commands that affect your minipools. As with the node group, we'll cover these more in-depth in the next section but it may be helpful to see them all now.\nHere is what the rocketpool minipool help output will show:\nNAME:\n rocketpool minipool - Manage the node's minipools\n\nUSAGE:\n rocketpool minipool [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]\n\nCOMMANDS:\n status, s Get a list of the node's minipools\n stake, t Stake a minipool after the scrub check, moving it from prelaunch to staking.\n refund, r Refund ETH belonging to the node from minipools\n exit, e Exit staking minipools from the beacon chain\n delegate-upgrade, u Upgrade a minipool's delegate contract to the latest version\n delegate-rollback, b Roll a minipool's delegate contract back to its previous version\n set-use-latest-delegate, l If enabled, the minipool will ignore its current delegate contract and always use whatever the latest delegate is\n find-vanity-address, v Search for a custom vanity minipool address\n\nOPTIONS:\n --help, -h show help\nBelow is a summary of the commands that you'll typically use.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000254", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "status", "Text": "This command simply provides a summary of each of your minipools. This includes its current status, the eth1 address of the minipool, the commission on it (called the node fee), the public key of the corresponding ETH2 validator, and some other things:\n$ rocketpool minipool status\n\n1 Staking minipool(s):\n\n--------------------\n\nAddress: \nStatus updated: 2021-05-21, 14:05 +0000 UTC\nNode fee: 20.000000%\nNode deposit: 16.000000 ETH\nRP ETH assigned: 2021-05-23, 13:32 +0000 UTC\nRP deposit: 16.000000 ETH\nValidator pubkey: \nValidator index: 0\nValidator seen: yes", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000255", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "refund", "Text": "This command lets you pull 16 ETH back from a minipool if you deposited 32 ETH to create one, once Rocket Pool was able to contribute 16 ETH from the rETH staking pool.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000256", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "exit", "Text": "This command submits a voluntary exit for your validator on the Beacon Chain. Use this when you want to close a validator and withdraw its final ETH balance. Note that this cannot be undone - once you trigger an exit, the validator will shut down permanently.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000257", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "Useful Flags", "Text": "There are some useful global flags that you can add to some of the above commands, which you may want to take advantage of.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000258", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "Setting a Custom Max Fee or Priority Fee (Gas Price)", "Text": "Starting with the London ETH1 hardfork in July of 2021, Ethereum transactions no longer use a single gas price for their transactions. Instead, modern Ethereum transactions use two values:\nThe max fee, which describes the absolute maximum gas price you're willing to accept on a transactionThe max priority fee, which describes the maximum amount you're willing to \"tip\" the miner for including your transaction in a block\nTIPThe way these two values work can be a bit convoluted, so here are some simple examples.Let's say the current network fee, called the base fee, is at 50 gwei. You submit a transaction with an 80 gwei max fee, and a priority fee of 2 gwei.Because the network's base fee is lower than your max fee, this transaction could get picked up in the current block. It would cost you 50 gwei for the base fee and 2 gwei for the priority fee; even though you set your max fee to 80, it would only cost you 52 gwei total.As another example, say you have that same transaction, but now the network's base fee is 100 gwei. Since 100 gwei is larger than your 80 gwei max fee, your transaction will not be included in this block. Instead, it will simply sit in the transaction pool until the base fee is low enough to include it.Now, let's say the current base fee is 50 gwei again, and your transaction has a max fee of 80 gwei and a priority fee of 4 gwei. It would execute with a total cost of 54 gwei. The 4 gwei priority fee would ensure that it was included in front of all of the transactions with a lower priority fee.If you really want the transaction to go through at all costs, you can set the priority fee to be the same as the max fee. This emulates the legacy gas behavior, so your transaction will use all of the gas you give it - regardless of whether or not the network's base fee is lower than your max fee or not.\nBy default, Rocket Pool will use an oracle to look at the current transaction pool and suggest a reasonable max fee for any transactions you trigger. It uses EtherChain for its primary suggestion oracle, and Etherscan as a backup.\nIf you prefer, you can set a custom max fee (in gwei) you'd be willing to pay with the -f flag. You can also set a custom priority fee with the -i flag.\nTo do this, add them after rocketpool and before the other command information.\nFor example, calling node set-timezone with this flag would provide the following output:\n$ rocketpool -f 10 node set-timezone\n\nWould you like to detect your timezone automatically? [y/n]\nn\n\nPlease enter a timezone to register with in the format 'Country/City':\nAustralia/Brisbane\n\nYou have chosen to register with the timezone 'Australia/Brisbane', is this correct? [y/n]\ny\n\nUsing the requested max fee of 10.00 gwei (including a max priority fee of 2.00 gwei).\nTotal cost: 0.0005 to 0.0007 ETH\nAre you sure you want to set your timezone? [y/n]\nThis shows that regardless of what max fee the network recommends, it will use your custom max fee of 10 gwei (and priority fee if you specify it) instead when submitting this transaction.\nNOTEIf you set a manual max fee, we strongly encourage you to use a third-party gas price oracle such as EtherChain to determine if that fee is high enough for the current network conditions before submitting the transaction.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000259", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/cli-intro.html", "Heading": "Canceling / Overwriting a Stuck Transaction", "Text": "Sometimes, you might run into a scenario where you sent a transaction to the network but you used a gas price that is far too low for the network conditions, and it will take a prohibitively long time to execute. Since all of your subsequent transactions will wait until that one goes through, that transaction essentially blocks all of the operations on your Rocket Pool node. To deal with this situation, we've added a global flag that lets you \"cancel\" such a transaction by replacing it with something else.\nEvery Ethereum wallet, including your node wallet, sends transactions sequentially. Each transaction you send has a number called a nonce that identifies where it lives in that sequence. The very first transaction you send will have a nonce of 0, the next one you send will have a nonce of 1, and so on.\nThis overwriting technique involves sending a new transaction that uses the same nonce as your existing stuck transaction, but will ideally include a higher gas price than the stuck one. This means that the new one will be mined first. As soon as it's mined into a block, the old one will be discarded from the network as though it was never sent in the first place.\nTo use this flag, you first need to find the nonce of your stuck transaction:\nOnce you have it, simply call any transaction with the CLI using the --nonce -i 2.2 flags after rocketpool and before the rest of the command.\nNOTEYou must include the -i (priority fee) flag in order to overwrite a previous transaction. This number must be at least 10% higher than whatever priority fee your old transaction used. The Smartnode uses a priority fee of 2 gwei by default, so a value of 2.2 is usually sufficient for an override.If your old transaction used a custom fee (say, 10 gwei), you will need to set it at least 10% higher in the overriding transaction (so in this example, 11 gwei).\nAs an example, say I submitted a transaction with a nonce of 10 and a max fee of 20 gwei, but the current network fee is 100 gwei so my transaction is stuck. To fix it, I will submit a transaction where I send a small amount of ETH from myself back to myself with a higher max fee (say, 150 gwei) and a higher priority fee. I'll burn a little gas doing it, but it will unstick the broken transaction:\n$ rocketpool --nonce 10 -f 150 -i 2.2 node send 0.0001 eth \n\nUsing the requested max fee of 150.00 gwei (including a max priority fee of 2.20 gwei).\nTotal cost: 0.0032 to 0.0032 ETH\nAre you sure you want to send 0.000100 eth to ? This action cannot be undone! [y/n]\nThe Smartnode stack will automatically check to make sure that the nonce you have provided is valid (it refers to a pending transaction) before sending it and wasting your gas accidentally. If not, it will return an error message. Otherwise, it will go through and provide you with the transaction details so you can monitor it to confirm that it did, in fact, overwrite your old stuck transaction.\nThat's it for the common CLI commands. In the next section, we'll walk through how to create a minipool and start validating on the Beacon Chain.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000260", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/fallback.html", "Heading": "Specifying a Fallback Node", "Text": "Starting with 1.5.0 of the Smartnode stack, you can provide a \"fallback\" Execution client and Consensus client pair that can take over for your primary clients if they ever go offline (such as because you use Geth and need to prune it). In this situation, your primary node machine will still be responsible for attesting and proposing blocks with your minipools' validator keys, but it will connect to an external machine to interact with the Execution layer and Beacon chains.\nEssentially, it allows you to temporarily use another pair of clients for things like querying the chains, sending transactions, and receiving blocks to attest to. This pair can be externally managed (like Hybrid mode), or it can be another Rocket Pool node (another Docker mode machine that has the API ports exposed, which we'll cover below).\nOnce your node's primary clients are back online, the Smartnode and your Validator client will switch back to them automatically.\nNOTEA fallback node is not the same as a \"backup\" node. Fallback nodes have an Execution and Consensus client pair synced to the chain and running, but they do not have your node's wallet or its validator keys loaded.If your main node ever goes offline, your fallback will not start validating for you.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000261", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/fallback.html", "Heading": "Supported Clients", "Text": "As of v1.9.0, all our supported validator clients have added Fallback support with only a few limitations:\nNameSupports FallbackValid Fallback ClientsLighthouseYesAny (doppelganger protection off)Lighthouse (doppelganger protection on)NimbusYesAnyPrysmYesPrysmTekuYesAnyLodestarYesAny", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000262", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/fallback.html", "Heading": "Setting up a New Node (Docker Mode)", "Text": "You can use a 2nd machine that you own locally, a remote node hosted on a VPS, or a cloud-based node as a fallback node.\nThis example shows you how to create a 2nd Smartnode on a different machine using Docker mode, which can serve as a fallback node.\nTIPIf you already have a 2nd node ready and have its RPC ports exposed, feel free to skip this section.\nNOTEDo not create a wallet with rocketpool wallet init or recover your old wallet. Leave this node without a wallet and without validator keys.Its only job is to have a synced Execution client and Consensus client.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000263", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/fallback.html", "Heading": "Connecting your Main Node to the Fallback Node", "Text": "Once you have a fallback node prepared, you can connect it to your main node.\nThe final page should look like this:\n\nNOTENative mode users can follow the same steps, though the TUI will look slightly different from the above screenshot.Note that this will only provide the Smartnode itself (the daemon service) with fallback support; you will have to update your Validator client service's arguments manually to give it access to the fallback clients.\nPress enter on the final box to ensure that it's confirmed, then save the settings and apply the changes.\nOnce they've been applied, you can confirm the availability of your fallback node using the rocketpool node sync command:\nYour Smartnode is currently using the Ethereum Mainnet.\n\nYour eth2 client is on the correct network.\n\nYour primary execution client is fully synced.\nYour fallback execution client is fully synced.\nYour primary consensus client is fully synced.\nYour fallback consensus client is fully synced.\nIf it shows that both the fallback Execution and Consensus client are synced, then you're all set!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-fallback-clients.03cea7a6.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000264", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/fallback.html", "Heading": "Testing the Fallback Clients", "Text": "If you'd like to be absolutely sure that your configuration is going to work by testing the fallback clients, simply stop the Execution and Consensus clients on your main node:\nshelldocker stop rocketpool_eth1 rocketpool_eth2\nThen run any command that queries the chain, such as rocketpool network stats. You will see a warning message at the top indicating that one (or both) of your primary clients are offline, and that it's reverting to the fallback clients:\nNOTE: primary clients are not ready, using fallback clients...\n\tPrimary EC status: unavailable (Sync progress check failed with [Post \"http://eth1:8545\": dial tcp: lookup eth1 on no such host])\n\tPrimary CC status: synced and ready\n\n========== General Stats ==========\nTotal Value Locked: 278978.009858 ETH\nStaking Pool Balance: 10.587295 ETH\nMinipool Queue Demand: 3360.000000 ETH\nStaking Pool ETH Used: 99.735490%\n\n============== Nodes ==============\nCurrent Commission Rate: 15.000000%\nNode Count: 1325\nActive Minipools: 6409\n Initialized: 175\n Prelaunch: 3\n Staking: 6227\n Withdrawable: 0\n Dissolved: 4\nInactive Minipools: 0\n\n========== Smoothing Pool =========\nNodes Opted in: 0\nPending Balance: 0.000000\n\n============== Tokens =============\nrETH Price (ETH / rETH): 1.031919 ETH\nRPL Price (ETH / RPL): 0.011563 ETH\nTotal RPL staked: 6098920.170527 RPL\nEffective RPL staked: 5751692.043848 RPL\nFinally, start your primary clients again:\nshelldocker start rocketpool_eth1 rocketpool_eth2\nAnd you're done! Your fallback setup is working.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000265", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/fallback.html", "Heading": "Next Steps", "Text": "Whether or not you've opted into creating and/or running a fallback node for your setup, the next step is to learn about priority fees. Click on the next section of the guide when you're ready to proceed.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000266", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/fee-distrib-sp.html", "Heading": "Fee Distributors and the Smoothing Pool", "Text": "Now that the Merge has passed, node operators receive priority fees (tips) from the transactions they include in any blocks that they propose to the Ethereum chain. These fees come from and stay on the Execution layer.\nUnlike most validation rewards which are locked on the Consensus layer (until withdrawals are enabled), these fees are immediately liquid. In general, priority fees provide almost as much ETH to you as Beacon Chain rewards do, so they are a very nice benefit of the Merge.\nNOTEAs a quick reminder here's a breakdown of the different types of rewards and which layer they're provided on:Consensus Layer: attestations, block proposals, sync committees, slashing reportsExecution Layer: priority fees and MEV (discussed in the next section) from block proposals", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000267", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/fee-distrib-sp.html", "Heading": "Fee Recipients", "Text": "When you propose a block on the Ethereum chain, the protocol needs to know where to send the tips from each transaction included in your block. It can't send them to your validator's address, because that's on the Consensus layer - not the Execution layer. It can't send them to your minipool address, because it has to work for solo stakers too and solo stakers don't have an address on the Execution layer attached to their validators the way Rocket Pool does.\nInstead, the way it works is fairly straightforward: when Rocket Pool starts up your Validator Client, it passes in an argument called the fee recipient. The fee recipient is simply an address on the Execution layer where you want the tips to go.\nRocket Pool is designed to fairly distribute these rewards between you and the rETH pool stakers, the same way it fairly distributes your Beacon chain rewards: your portion of any priority fees your minipool validators earn will go to you (plus the average commission of all of your minipools), and the remaining portion will go to the pool stakers (minus your average commission). The exact portion depends on the number of 8 ETH-bonded versus 16 ETH-bonded minipools you have.\nTo that end, the Smartnode will automatically set your node's fee recipient to either of these special contracts:\nYour node's own personal Fee Distributor (the default)The Smoothing Pool (opt-in)\nIn brief, the Fee Distributor is a unique contract attached to your node that collects and fairly splits your priority fees between you and the rETH stakers. It's like your own personal vault for priority fees. Anyone (including you) can distribute its balance at any time to ensure that the rewards are always available to rETH stakers.\nThe Smoothing Pool is a special opt-in contract that allows all participating node operators to aggregate and pool their priority fees together, and distributes them evenly among the participants during each Rocket Pool rewards interval (currently every 28 days) and the rETH pool stakers. This is a very compelling feature for node operators that don't want to worry about the luck factor involved in getting block proposals with high priority fees, and would rather have a nice, regular, consistent set of monthly earnings.\nWe'll cover both of these below so you understand the difference and whether or not you want to join the Smoothing Pool.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000268", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/fee-distrib-sp.html", "Heading": "Your Fee Distributor", "Text": "Your Fee Distributor is a unique contract on the Execution Layer that's specific to your node. It will hold all of the priority fees you've earned over time, and it contains the logic required to fairly split and distribute them to the rETH pool stakers and your withdrawal address. This distribution process can be called by anyone (including rETH stakers), and can be done at any time. It does not have a time limit before rewards expire.\nThe address for your node's Fee Distributor is deterministically based on your node address. That means it is known ahead of time, before the Fee Distributor is even created.\nNew Rocket Pool nodes will automatically create (initialize) their node's Fee Distributor contract upon registration. Nodes that were created before the Redstone upgrade will need to do this process manually. This only needs to be run once.\nOne interesting ramification of this is that your Distributor's address may start accruing a balance before you've initialized your Fee Distributor contract. This is okay, because your Distributor will gain access to all of this existing balance as soon as you initialize it.\nBy default, your node will use its Fee Distributor as the fee recipient for your validators.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000269", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/fee-distrib-sp.html", "Heading": "Viewing its Address and Balance", "Text": "You can view your fee distributor's address and balance as part of:\nrocketpool node status\nThe output will look like this:\n", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/status-fee-distributor.c9db7293.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000270", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/fee-distrib-sp.html", "Heading": "Initializing the Fee Distributor", "Text": "To initialize your node's distributor, simply run this new command:\nrocketpool node initialize-fee-distributor\nNOTEIf you created your node before the Redstone update, you must call this function once before you can create any new minipools with rocketpool node deposit.\nWhen your distributor has been initialized, you can claim and distribute its entire balance using the following command:\nrocketpool node distribute-fees\nThis will send your share of the rewards to your withdrawal address.\nNOTE ON TAXABLE EVENTSWhenever you create a new minipool, Rocket Pool will automatically call distribute-fees. This is to ensure that whatever fees you had accumulated are distributed using your node's average commission, which could change when you create the new minipool.Also, note that anyone can call distribute-fees on your fee distributor (to prevent you from holding rETH rewards hostage). You may have a taxable event whenever this method is called.Please keep these conditions in mind when deciding whether or not to use the Smoothing Pool (discussed below).", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000271", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/fee-distrib-sp.html", "Heading": "The Smoothing Pool", "Text": "The Smoothing Pool is a unique opt-in feature of the Rocket Pool network that is available to our node operators. Essentially, it becomes the fee recipient for every node operator that opts into it and collectively accumulates the priority fees from blocks proposed by those node operators into one large pool. During a Rocket Pool rewards checkpoint (the same ones used to distribute RPL rewards), the total ETH balance of the pool is distributed fairly to the pool stakers and the node operators that opted into it.\nIn essence, the Smoothing Pool is a way to effectively eliminate the randomness associated with being selected for block proposals. If you've ever had a streak of bad luck and gone months without a proposal, or if your block proposals only have low priority fees, you may find the Smoothing Pool quite exciting.\nTo make the math easy to understand, community member Ken Smith has put together a massive analysis comparing the profitability of the Smoothing Pool and the Fee Distributor, which is summarized nicely with this chart:\n\nIn short, as long as the Smoothing Pool has more minipools than you do, it's more likely that you'll come out ahead by joining it. You can view how many nodes and minipools are opted in using community member Peteris's excellent Rocketscan website.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/sp-chart.ac694dfb.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000272", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/fee-distrib-sp.html", "Heading": "The Rules", "Text": "The Smoothing Pool uses the following rules:\nDuring a Rocket Pool rewards checkpoint when the Smoothing Pool's balance is distributed, the contract's total ETH balance is split in two.rETH stakers receive half, minus the average commission of all opted-in node operators.The remainder goes to the node operators that opted in.Opting into the Smoothing Pool is done on a node level. If you opt in, all of your minipools are opted in.Anyone can opt in at any time. They must wait a full rewards interval (3 days on Prater, 28 days on Mainnet) before opting out to prevent gaming the system.Once opted out, they must wait another full interval to opt back in.The Smoothing Pool calculates the \"share\" of each minipool (portion of the pool's ETH for the interval) owned by each node opted in.The share is a function of your minipool's performance during the interval (calculated by looking at how many attestations you sent on the Beacon Chain, and how many you missed), and your minipool's commission rate.Your node's total share is the sum of your minipool shares.Your node's total share is scaled by the amount of time you were opted in.If you were opted in for the full interval, you receive your full share.If you were opted in for 30% of an interval, you receive 30% of your full share.\nIf you are interested in the complete technical details of Smoothing Pool rewards calculation, please review the full specification here.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000273", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/fee-distrib-sp.html", "Heading": "Joining and Leaving the Smoothing Pool", "Text": "To opt into the Smoothing Pool, run the following command:\nrocketpool node join-smoothing-pool\nThis will record you as opted-in in the Rocket Pool contracts and automatically change your Validator Client's fee recipient from your node's distributor contract to the Smoothing Pool contract.\nTo leave the pool, run this command:\nrocketpool node leave-smoothing-pool\nThis will record you as opted-out in the Rocket Pool contracts, and once a small delay has passed, will automatically change your Validator Client's fee recipient from the Smoothing Pool contract back to your node's Fee Distributor contract.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000274", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/fee-distrib-sp.html", "Heading": "Claiming Rewards from the Smoothing Pool", "Text": "Rewards from the Smoothing Pool are bundled together with RPL at the end of each rewards interval using the Redstone rewards system. Claiming them is as simple as running:\nrocketpool node claim-rewards\nIf opted into the Smoothing Pool, you will notice that the amount of ETH you receive for each interval is more than zero:\nWelcome to the new rewards system!\nYou no longer need to claim rewards at each interval - you can simply let them accumulate and claim them whenever you want.\nHere you can see which intervals you haven't claimed yet, and how many rewards you earned during each one.\n\nRewards for Interval 0 (2022-08-04 01:35:39 -0400 EDT to 2022-09-01 01:35:39 -0400 EDT):\n\tStaking: 50.820133 RPL\n\tSmoothing Pool: 0.000000 ETH\n\nRewards for Interval 1 (2022-09-01 01:35:39 -0400 EDT to 2022-09-29 01:35:39 -0400 EDT):\n\tStaking: 40.668885 RPL\n\tSmoothing Pool: 0.096200 ETH\n\nTotal Pending Rewards:\n\t91.489018 RPL\n\t0.096200 ETH\n\nWhich intervals would you like to claim? Use a comma separated list (such as '1,2,3') or leave it blank to claim all intervals at once.\nNote that the Smoothing Pool rewards in Interval 1 here indicate that the node was opted in during that interval and received rewards accordingly.\nWe'll cover more about claiming RPL and Smoothing Pool rewards later in the guide, in the Claiming Rewards section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000275", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/fee-distrib-sp.html", "Heading": "Next Steps", "Text": "Once you've decided on whether or not you want to join the Smoothing Pool, take a look at the next section on MEV and MEV rewards.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000276", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/mev.html", "Heading": "MEV, MEV-Boost, and MEV Rewards", "Text": "In the previous section, you learned about how node operators earn priority fees. Priority fees are a great boost to a node operator's income, but they aren't the only form of liquid reward available to you on the Execution layer. There is a supplemental form of rewards available, known as MEV rewards.\nNOTEAs a quick reminder here's a breakdown of the different types of rewards and which layer they're provided on:Consensus Layer (locked until withdrawals): attestations, block proposals, sync committees, slashing reportsExecution Layer (liquid): priority fees and MEV from block proposals", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000277", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/mev.html", "Heading": "What is MEV", "Text": "When your validator creates a block, it usually does so with a very simple algorithm: keep track of a list of pending transactions, bundle as many as them into the block you're building as possible (prioritizing so the ones with the highest tips come first), and submit that block to the chain.\nHowever, Ethereum network users have discovered an interesting side-effect of being able to see the publicly available pool of pending transactions (known as the mempool). Having this knowledge allows them to employ clever and sophisticated algorithms to modify the ordering of those transactions, and in some cases, introduce new transactions between them. These two techniques combined can be used to extract additional ETH from a block proposal.\nThis extra ETH is known as Maximal Extractable Value, or MEV for short.\nIn general, there are two \"flavors\" of MEV:\nMEV that comes from \"benign\" sources, such as being the first to arbitrage between exchanges after a large buy or sellMEV that comes at the cost of the Ethereum users, by front-running their transactions and profiting from the user's resulting slippage (see Sandwich Attacks for more information on this technique)", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000278", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/mev.html", "Heading": "Block Builders and Relays", "Text": "Finding MEV opportunities is not an easy thing; state-of-the-art opportunity finders, known as searchers, require immensely powerful computers and employ complex AI algorithms to quickly identify and extract MEV. Searchers then take these opportunities and provide them to block builders - entities that aggregate these bundles of opportunities together to form a complete Ethereum block (which can be the searchers themselves or other parties).\nThe hardware and software requirements for running a profitable searcher prevent most node operators from using them (or at least using them competitively), and thus prevent them from finding their own MEV opportunities to capitalize on. Luckily, simply finding MEV opportunities is only half of the equation.\nEvery Epoch (6.4 minutes, or 32 slots), the Beacon Chain randomly selects a validator from the entire list of active validators to propose a block that will fit in one of the slots for in that Epoch. This list can be seen for the next upcoming Epoch, which means everyone can see which validators are assigned to each slot a few minutes in advance.\nSome clever entities have leveraged this advance knowledge to essentially construct a kind of \"marketplace\" of sorts. In this marketplace, validators can register themselves when they have upcoming block proposals and block builders can submit bids for blocks they'd like the validators to propose. These bids always give the priority fees from each transaction in the block to the proposer, and they also offer a supplemental tip to the proposer that comes from the MEV the builder was able to extract for themselves.\nThe validators can then examine these bids, determine which one ultimately provides the most profit, and propose that block instead of building their own.\nThis \"marketplace\" where block builders interact with validators is known as a relay. Different relays have different rules (such as which of the aforementioned \"flavors\" of MEV they permit from block builders, and whether or not they comply with certain government sanction regulations), but ultimately they all serve this same marketplace function.\nRocket Pool currently offers its node operators access to multiple different relays:\nNameRegulationMEV TypesFlashbotsComplies with OFAC Sanctions*All typesbloXroute Max ProfitUnregulatedAll typesbloXroute EthicalUnregulated\"Benign\" (no front-running or sandwiching)bloXroute RegulatedComplies with OFAC Sanctions*All typesBlocknativeComplies with OFAC Sanctions*All typesEden NetworkComplies with OFAC Sanctions*All typesUltra SoundUnregulatedAll typesAESTUSUnregulatedAll types\nNOTE*Relays that comply with OFAC sanctions follow the blacklist of addresses that the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) maintains. We strongly encourage you to read more about the OFAC sanctions, network censorship, and make a carefully-informed decision about whether or not you believe you should comply with those sanctions and which relays you are comfortable using.More information can be found in articles such as these:https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy0916https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2022/08/23/as-censorship-on-ethereum-begins-could-this-open-sourced-code-help-counter-it/https://blog.bitmex.com/ofac-sanctions-ethereum-pos-some-technical-nuances/https://www.paradigm.xyz/2022/09/base-layer-neutrality\nIf you're interested in exploring the relative market share and average tips per block from each of the relays, take a look at https://www.mevboost.org/. This site captures many metrics about the various MEV relays so you can better understand the popularity and returns of the relays.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000279", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/mev.html", "Heading": "MEV-Boost", "Text": "There are many relays out there, and having your node automatically register and maintain contact with each of them can be a burdensome task. Luckily, the engineers at Flashbots produced and maintain a program explicitly designed to handle this relay management known as MEV-Boost.\nMEV-Boost is a simple program: you tell it which relays you want to use and tell your Consensus client how to reach it, and it takes care of all of the registration, bidding, blind signing, and proposal management in conjunction with your Consensus client. It lets you passively participate in this builder-proposer-marketplace, and thus earn extra rewards with zero effort on your part.\nMEV-Boost is open source and has been audited.\nBelow is a good visual depiction of how the entire MEV ecosystem functions, and where MEV-Boost fits in:\n\nImage courtesy of Flashbots\nThe Rocket Pool Smartnode comes with MEV-Boost directly bundled in by default, enabling our Docker Mode and Hybrid Mode node operators to seamlessly take advantage of it. Native Mode users will need to set it up manually.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/mev-boost-integration-overview.8d2c9dc1.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000280", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/mev.html", "Heading": "Rocket Pool and MEV", "Text": "Because Rocket Pool validators are partially funded by the rETH stakers, the protocol requires that MEV rewards (as well as priority fees) be shared with the rETH stakers (minus the node operator's commission, of course). Node operators are not permitted to pocket the entire MEV reward for themselves when proposing with a Rocket Pool validator.\nTo that end, MEV-Boost is a critical component of the Rocket Pool network for several reasons:\nIt provides easy access to the network of MEV relaysIt ensures that the node operator isn't building their own blocks; this is important to ensure that a node operator isn't running their own searcher and stealing MEV without sharing it with the rETH stakersIt increases the overall returns for the rETH stakers, which keeps the protocol competitive with other, more centralized staking providers\nThe second point here is important: Rocket Pool as a protocol will ultimately rely on a Trusted Block Builder (or more accurately, a Trusted Relay) design to ensure that rETH stakers always receive their fair share of MEV rewards and priority fees.\nEach of the relays listed above currently act in this role.\nWe are taking a three-phase approach towards tranistioning to the Trusted Block Builder design:", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000281", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/mev.html", "Heading": "Phase 1: Opt-In!", "Text": "In phase 1, MEV-Boost is provided to all node operators as an opt-in configuration. Node operators are encouraged to use it because it improves rETH's returns and thus keeps the protocol competitive, but are not required to use it. Node operators can elect to use one or more of the trusted relays listed above but cannot use a custom (untrusted) relay.\nThis phase ended in November 2022.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000282", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/mev.html", "Heading": "Phase 2: Opt-Out", "Text": "In phase 2, MEV-Boost is enabled by default for all node operators. Node operators can elect to use one or more of the trusted relays listed above but cannot use a custom (untrusted) relay. Node operators that choose to opt-out of MEV-boost must do so explicitly before starting the Smartnode.\nThis is the current phase.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000283", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/mev.html", "Heading": "Phase 3: Required", "Text": "In phase 3, MEV-Boost is no longer optional; it will be required for all node operators. Node operators must elect to use one or more of the trusted relays listed above but cannot use a custom (untrusted) relay.\nThere is currently no scheduled date for this phase.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000284", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/mev.html", "Heading": "Configuring MEV-Boost in the Smartnode", "Text": "To learn how to configure MEV-Boost, please select which mode you are using below.\nDocker ModeHybrid ModeNative ModeConfiguring MEV-Boost is easy with the Smartnode's configuration TUI. Start by running rocketpool service config and navigate to the MEV-Boost option:Check the box labeled Enable MEV-Boost to enable it.Once enabled, The screen will look like this (as of Smartnode v1.7.0):Below is a description of each option and how to use them.The MEV-Boost Mode box lets you toggle between a MEV-Boost instance that Rocket Pool manages, and an external one that you manage on your own. This is meant for advanced users that already have MEV-Boost set up and simply want to use it instead of having Rocket Pool run a second copy. Regular Docker Mode users should just leave this set to Locally Managed.The Selection Mode box lets you switch between Profile Mode and Relay Mode.Profile Mode is the default. It lets you select which relays to enable based on their \"profiles\". A relay's profile is made of the following choices: Whether it's regulated (complies with government sanctions lists such as the OFAC list and blacklists certain addresses) or unregulated (does not censor any transactions based on any blacklists)Whether it allows all types of MEV or explicitly prohibits bundles that involve sandwich attacks or front-running Ethereum usersYou can select multiple profiles.Each profile you select has a set of relays that adhere to it which are listed in the description box; enabling that profile will enable all of those relays.Advanced users can change this to Relay Mode, which lets them explicitly select which relays they would like to use.The Port box is not important for Docker mode users.The Expose API Port box is not important for Docker mode users.The Container Tag box is useful to manually upgrade the version of MEV-Boost that the Smartnode runs if Flashbots releases a new high-priority version you want to use before a Smartnode update with it is released.The Additional Flags box is used if you want to add supplemental config flags or parameters directly to the MEV-Boost container. Normally, it will not be useful.Once you've enabled MEV-Boost and enabled the relays you'd like, simply save and exit. The Smartnode will restart the relevant containers for you, and automatically set it all up for you.See below for instructions on how to check that it's working as expected. :::::", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-mev-boost.95e56c0a.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-mev-boost-main.d68af3a5.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000285", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/mev.html", "Heading": "Checking MEV-Boost's Logs", "Text": "To check on MEV-Boost's logs, run the following command (for Docker Mode users and Hybrid users with a locally-managed container):\nrocketpool service logs mev-boost\nThe output will show you which relays you've enabled, their connection status, and begin listening for traffic from your Beacon Node:\nmev-boost_1 | time=\"2022-09-28T22:02:06Z\" level=info msg=\"mev-boost v1.3.1\" module=cli\nmev-boost_1 | time=\"2022-09-28T22:02:06Z\" level=info msg=\"Using genesis fork version: 0x00000000\" module=cli\nmev-boost_1 | time=\"2022-09-28T22:02:06Z\" level=info msg=\"using 4 relays\" module=cli relays=\"[{0xac6e77dfe25ecd6110b8e780608cce0dab71fdd5ebea22a16c0205200f2f8e2e3ad3b71d3499c54ad14d6c21b41a37ae https://0xac6e77dfe25ecd6110b8e780608cce0da[email\u00a0protected]boost-relay.flashbots.net?id=rocketpool} {0xb0b07cd0abef743db4260b0ed50619cf6ad4d82064cb4fbec9d3ec530f7c5e6793d9f286c4e082c0244ffb9f2658fe88 https://0xb0b07cd0abef743db4260b0ed50619cf6[email\u00a0protected]bloxroute.regulated.blxrbdn.com?id=rocketpool} {0x9000009807ed12c1f08bf4e81c6da3ba8e3fc3d953898ce0102433094e5f22f21102ec057841fcb81978ed1ea0fa8246 https://0x9000009807ed12c1f08bf4e81c6da3ba8[email\u00a0protected]builder-relay-mainnet.blocknative.com?id=rocketpool} {0xb3ee7afcf27f1f1259ac1787876318c6584ee353097a50ed84f51a1f21a323b3736f271a895c7ce918c038e4265918be https://0xb3ee7afcf27f1f1259ac1787876318c65[email\u00a0protected]relay.edennetwork.io?id=rocketpool}]\"\nmev-boost_1 | time=\"2022-09-28T22:02:06Z\" level=info msg=\"Checking relay\" module=service relay=\"https://0xac6e77dfe25ecd6110b8e780608cce0da[email\u00a0protected]boost-relay.flashbots.net?id=rocketpool\"\nmev-boost_1 | time=\"2022-09-28T22:02:06Z\" level=info msg=\"Checking relay\" module=service relay=\"https://0xb0b07cd0abef743db4260b0ed50619cf6[email\u00a0protected]bloxroute.regulated.blxrbdn.com?id=rocketpool\"\nmev-boost_1 | time=\"2022-09-28T22:02:07Z\" level=info msg=\"Checking relay\" module=service relay=\"https://0x9000009807ed12c1f08bf4e81c6da3ba8[email\u00a0protected]builder-relay-mainnet.blocknative.com?id=rocketpool\"\nmev-boost_1 | time=\"2022-09-28T22:02:07Z\" level=info msg=\"Checking relay\" module=service relay=\"https://0xb3ee7afcf27f1f1259ac1787876318c65[email\u00a0protected]relay.edennetwork.io?id=rocketpool\"\nmev-boost_1 | time=\"2022-09-28T22:02:07Z\" level=info msg=\"listening on\" module=cli\nThis indicates that it's running properly.\nIf you have validators already up and running, you will see messages like this every few minutes in the logs:\nmev-boost_1 | time=\"2022-09-28T21:40:48Z\" level=info msg=\"http: GET /eth/v1/builder/status 200\" duration=0.147305645 method=GET module=service path=/eth/v1/builder/status status=200\nmev-boost_1 | time=\"2022-09-28T21:40:48Z\" level=info msg=\"http: POST /eth/v1/builder/validators 200\" duration=0.052895118 method=POST module=service path=/eth/v1/builder/validators status=200\nThis indicates that your Beacon node was able to properly connect to it and register its validators, indicating that your node is now actively engaging with the MEV relays and is ready to receive blocks from block builders!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000286", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/mev.html", "Heading": "Next Steps", "Text": "Now that MEV-Boost has been set up, you're ready to create a new minipool and start validating on the Ethereum network! Read the next section to walk through this process.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000287", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/minipools/overview.html", "Heading": "Overview", "Text": "This section covers the processes of creating and migrating minipools (Rocket Pool validators). This is where you'll learn how to start validating the Ethereum network and earn rewards for it.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000288", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/minipools/overview.html", "Heading": "Prerequisites", "Text": "Before running minipools, please make sure you:\nHave set up a node machine (or virtual machine) and secured it (via the Securing your Node guide)Have the Smartnode installed and configured on itHave a node wallet loaded on your SmartnodeSynced your Execution and Consensus clientsProvisioned your node with a withdrawal address, set up your fallback clients (optional), opted into the Smoothing Pool (optional), and configured MEV", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000289", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/minipools/overview.html", "Heading": "Guides", "Text": "Creating a New Minipool (Validator) explains the process of creating a new Rocket Pool minipool and corresponding validator on the Beacon Chain. Whether you're making your very first minipool or already have some and would like to make another one, this guide will walk you through it step-by-step.\nThe Minipool Delegate explains a bit about what the minipool contract is, and introduces the delegate contract that contains most of its functionality. It also demonstrates how to update the delegate for your minipools after a network upgrade to take advantage of new features.\nConverting a Solo Validator into a Minipool walks through the process of converting an existing validator outside of Rocket Pool (such as one you use for solo staking) directly into a Rocket Pool minipool without needing to exit the Beacon Chain and create a new minipool. If you're a solo staker that wants to take advantage of this capability, this is the guide for you!\nMigrating a 16-ETH Minipool to 8-ETH shows how to reduce the bonded amount of ETH for a minipool from 16 ETH down to 8 ETH, giving you 8 ETH in credit that can be used to create a new minipool for free (though it still costs ETH for gas, of course).\nThe Deposit Credit System covers the \"ETH Credit\" system that lets you create new minipools without having to pay for their ETH bonds after you perform one of the above migrations.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000290", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/create-validator.html", "Heading": "Creating a New Minipool (Validator)", "Text": "As a reminder, a minipool in Rocket Pool terms refers to a unique smart contract instance on the Execution Layer (ETH1) chain that your node manages. The minipool handles a portion of your ETH, known as the bond amount, and a portion of ETH from the rETH staking pool, known as the borrowed amount. It merges them together to form 32 ETH in total, which is then sent to the Beacon Chain deposit contract to create a new validator. Thus, in order to create a validator using Rocket Pool, you need to create a minipool.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000291", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/create-validator.html", "Heading": "Choosing a Bond Size", "Text": "NOTE8-ETH bonded minipools are a feature of the Atlas upgrade, which was launched on April 17th 2023.\nBefore creating a minipool, the first step is to choose the amount of ETH you want to bond. With the Atlas update, Rocket Pool allows bond amounts of either 8 ETH or 16 ETH. This bond represents your literal stake in the game as a validator; if your node is penalized for poor performance or slashed for violating the rules of the protocol, the penalty is taken from your bond.\nIn addition to your ETH bond, creating a validator also requires supplemental collateral in the form of the RPL token. The amount of RPL you need to stake depends on your bond size; the minimum is 10% of your borrowed amount of ETH, and the maximum is 150% of your bonded amount of ETH.\nIf choosing 8 ETH, you stake 8 of your own ETH and \"borrow\" 24 ETH from the staking pool to complete the validator. The minimum RPL stake is 2.4 ETH worth of RPL (10% of 24), and the maximum is 12 ETH worth of RPL (150% of 8).\nIf choosing 16 ETH you stake 16 of your own ETH and borrow 16 ETH from the staking pool to complete the validator. The minimum RPL stake is 1.6 ETH worth of RPL (10% of 16), and the maximum is 24 ETH worth of RPL (150% of 16).", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000292", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/create-validator.html", "Heading": "Rewards", "Text": "From a profitability perspective (looking purely at ETH rewards and ignoring RPL), two 8-ETH bonded minipools with a 14% commission provide more rewards to the node operator than even 16-ETH bonded minipools at 20% commission (which, as of Redstone, is the highest possible reward configuration). At the same time, they also provide more rewards to the rETH holders as well due to the fact that the node operators are more efficiently putting the capital of the rETH holders to work.\nLet's walk through a simple example to illustrate. Say we are a node operator with 16 ETH available to stake (plus the required RPL bond). Say we've earned 1 ETH of rewards on the Beacon Chain per validator. Here's how the math works out for a single 16-ETH minipool with a 20% commission, versus two 8-ETH minipools at 14% commission:\n1x 16 ETH Minipool @ 20%:\nRewards: 1 ETH\nNode Share = (16/32) + (16/32 * 0.2)\n = 0.5 + (0.5 * 0.2)\n = 0.5 + 0.1\n = 0.6 ETH\n\nrETH Share = 1 - 0.6\n = 0.4 ETH\n\n\n2x 8 ETH Minipools @ 14%:\nRewards: 2 ETH\nNode Share = ((8/32) + (24/32 * 0.14)) * 2\n = (0.25 + (0.75 * 0.14)) * 2\n = (0.25 + 0.105) * 2\n = 0.71 ETH\n\nrETH Share = 2 - 0.71\n = 1.29 ETH\nIn other words, a node operator will earn 18% more ETH via two 8-ETH minipools than they would with a single 16-ETH minipool at 20% commission.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000293", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/create-validator.html", "Heading": "Staking RPL", "Text": "Before you can create a minipool, you'll first need to stake your RPL collateral. The minimum and maximum amounts are described above relative to ETH and depending on your desired bond size. The exact amount of RPL will change based on the ETH/RPL price ratio, which is snapshotted on-chain at regular intervals by the Oracle DAO.\nThere is no maximum to the amount you can stake, though you will only receive rewards for the first 150% of your bonded ETH at each checkpoint - anything above that will go unrewarded.\nNOTERPL stake isn't handled on a per-minipool basis. When you stake RPL, you do it for your entire node. This means you'll only need to handle the total RPL stake for your node if you plan to run multiple minipools.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000294", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/create-validator.html", "Heading": "Staking via the Website", "Text": "The easiest and safest way to stake RPL for your node is to use the protocol's Stake-on-Behalf feature, which was reintroduced with the Atlas upgrade. This way, you can stake RPL for your node while the RPL is still in the wallet you used to acquire it. In other words, you don't need to send RPL to your node's hot wallet in order to stake it.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000295", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/create-validator.html", "Heading": "Whitelisting an address to stake on behalf", "Text": "You first must whitelist an address to have permission to stake on behalf of your node. This only needs to be performed once per address you wish to stake from. You can do this via the following Smartnode command:\nbashrocketpool node add-address-to-stake-rpl-whitelist address-or-ens\nWhere address-or-ens is the address or and ENS name that resolves to your desired address. You will be asked to confirm the whitelist addition and after the transaction is confirmed, you can then navigate to the relevant page below.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000296", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/create-validator.html", "Heading": "Staking RPL on behalf of", "Text": "Select which network you're using from the tabs below to be taken to it:\nMainnetPrater Testnethttps://stake.rocketpool.net/stake-behalf\nStart by connecting your wallet to the website using MetaMask, WalletConnect, or any of the other methods the website supports. You will then be presented with this dialog:\n\nThis is a two-step process. First, enter the amount of RPL you want to stake and click Approve - this will approve the staking contract to access that much RPL in your wallet, but no more than that amount.\nTIPYou can approve more than the amount you intend to stake if you trust the Rocket Pool staking contract, and don't want to perform this extra Approve transaction each time you want to stake more RPL.\nOnce the RPL is approved, you will see this dialog:\n\nEnter the amount of RPL you want to stake in the Stake RPL box, and enter your node's address in the on behalf of Node Address box. Make sure you have the correct node address before doing this! If you need to confirm your node's address, you can quickly retrieve it via the CLI using the rocketpool node status command.\nWhen you've entered that information, press the Stake button and approve the transaction. It will be sent to the Ethereum network, and once included in a block, you're all set!\nIf you run rocketpool node status, you should see your staked RPL appear under the === RPL Stake === section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/stake-behalf-1.0ff66104.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/stake-behalf-2.78562d08.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000297", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/create-validator.html", "Heading": "Removing an address from the stake whitelist", "Text": "If you ever want to remove an address from your stake-on-behalf whitelist, you may do so with the following Smartnode command:\nbashrocketpool node remove-address-from-stake-rpl-whitelist address-or-ens\nWhere address-or-ens is the address or and ENS name resolving to the address you want to remove from the whitelist.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000298", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/create-validator.html", "Heading": "Staking via the Node CLI", "Text": "If you cannot (or do not want to) use the website to stake your RPL, you can also stake it via the node's CLI directly.\nFirst, transfer your RPL from the wallet you acquired it with to your node's address.\nWARNINGPlease do this carefully and ensure you are sending the RPL to your node's address - transfers on Ethereum cannot be undone!Sending RPL to the wrong address will result in the loss of your RPL.Use the rocketpool node status command to verify your node's address if you aren't sure what it is.\nRun the following command:\nrocketpool node stake-rpl\nHere is the output:\nPlease choose an amount of RPL to stake:\n1: The minimum minipool stake amount for an 8-ETH minipool (100.794306 RPL)?\n2: The maximum minipool stake amount for an 8-ETH minipool (503.971527 RPL)?\n3: The minimum minipool stake amount for a 16-ETH minipool (67.196204 RPL)?\n4: The maximum minipool stake amount for a 16-ETH minipool (1007.943054 RPL)?\n5: Your entire RPL balance (1440.000000 RPL)?\n6: A custom amount\nSelect how much you'd like to stake, then confirm the operation.\nThe first time you run this command, it will involve two transactions - one to approve the Rocket Pool staking contract to access your RPL, and one to stake your RPL with it. Subsequent runs will only require the stake transaction, since the token has already been approved.\nOnce both transactions finish, you can check your staked RPL amount with rocketpool node status. The following portion of the output is what you want to verify:\nThe node has a total stake of 300.000000 RPL and an effective stake of 300.000000 RPL.\nThis is currently 29.76% of its borrowed ETH and 89.29% of its bonded ETH.\nIt must keep at least 100.794305 RPL staked to claim RPL rewards (10% of borrowed ETH).\nIt can earn rewards on up to 503.971526 RPL (150% of bonded ETH).\n\nThe node has enough RPL staked to make 1 more 8-ETH minipools (or 2 more 16-ETH minipools).\nThis will show you how many minipools you can make of each bond size based on your RPL collateral.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000299", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/create-validator.html", "Heading": "(Optional) Finding a Custom Vanity Address for your Minipool", "Text": "By default, when you create a new minipool, Rocket Pool will generate a random unique address for it. However, the Smartnode provides the ability to search for a custom vanity address for the minipool.\nA vanity address is one where you personally pick the characters that the address starts with. This is a purely cosmetic exercise and will not have any practical impact on your minipool's operation. As Ethereum addresses are in hexadecimal, any of the following characters are legal:\n0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f\nAs a few examples, you could make your minipool's address start with a bunch of zeros (0x000000...), 0x600d (hex for \"good\") or 0xa77e57ed (hex for \"attested\", a fitting prefix for a minipool).\nTo find such a vanity address, you will need to search for it. This searching process involves picking a number, applying it as a \"salt\" to the hashing algorithm, and comparing the results against what you're looking for. The results are effectively random (though any given salt always produces the same result), so the only way to find an address with the prefix you want is to try lots and lots of them until you find a salt that works.\nIf you would like a custom vanity address to use for your minipool when you create it, you can use the following command to search for one:\nrocketpool minipool find-vanity-address\nThis will prompt you for the prefix you want to search for, and ask which type of deposit you will be doing (a 16 ETH or a 32 ETH deposit - see below for more info on these types). Once you enter that information, it will begin trying lots and lots of salts until it finds one that produces your desired prefix!\nHere is a complete example of the process:\n$ rocketpool minipool find-vanity-address\n\nPlease specify the address prefix you would like to search for (must start with 0x):\n0xa77e57\n\nRunning with 12 threads.\nFound on thread 3: salt 0x5cd7fb = 0xA77E57c892C9e98B0B81289e4AfdA62fb59c5DDD\nFinished in 1.91145873s\nIn this case, we searched for 0xa77e57 as the prefix and found the salt 0x5cd7fb which could generate it. In the next step, when we create a minipool, we can specify this salt as an optional argument to create the new minipool at the address associated with the salt (0xA77E57c892C9e98B0B81289e4AfdA62fb59c5DDD as shown above).\nIn general, each additional character you search for will multiply the search time by about 16. Because of this, we recommend you only look for prefixes of 7 or 8 characters max unless you have a very powerful machine with many CPU cores. Otherwise, it might take prohibitively long to find a salt that produces the prefix you want.\nFor example, an AMD 5600x with 6 cores (12 threads) at 4.8 GHz can search about 3.2 million salts per second. On average, it will take a few seconds to find a 6-character prefix, a few minutes to find a 7-character prefix, and a few hours to find an 8-character prefix.\nNOTEThe salt that gets generated is specific to the following variables:The network you're using (either the Prater Testnet or Mainnet)The node addressThe bond amountThe saltIf you change any of those variables, the minipool address for a given salt will change as well.\nFor more advanced usage (such as searching for a different node address or changing how many CPU cores are used for searching), take a look at the help text with rocketpool minipool find-vanity-address --help.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000300", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/create-validator.html", "Heading": "Depositing ETH and Creating a Minipool", "Text": "TIPIf the market value of rETH is higher than its ETH backing (i.e., rETH is at a premium on the market), there is an opportunity to arbitrage the difference when creating a minipool. The value of the arbitrage is equal to the amount of protocol ETH in the minipool times the premium (minus a small amount of gas). E.g., if making a minipool when there's a 2.5% premium: 16 ETH * .025 = 0.4 ETH. In other words, you could receive 0.4 ETH back during these conditions just for creating a minipool!If you're interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, consider using the community-developed rocketarb tool to capture the profit of the MEV rETH arbitrage opportunity that launching your minipool creates.To learn more about rocketarb, feel free to inquire about it on the RP discord server.\nAfter everything you've done so far, you are finally ready to deposit your ETH, create a new minipool, and create an ETH2 validator. This is done with the following command:\nrocketpool node deposit\nNOTEIf you want to use a salt for a vanity address that you found using the process above, run the following command instead:rocketpool node deposit --salt \nYou will first see a note that depositing a new minipool will automatically distribute any balance in your node's fee distributor contract (used to capture MEV rewards if you're not opted into the Smoothing Pool):\nYour eth2 client is on the correct network.\n\nNOTE: by creating a new minipool, your node will automatically claim and distribute any balance you have in your fee distributor contract. If you don't want to claim your balance at this time, you should not create a new minipool.\nWould you like to continue? [y/n]\nIf you already have minipools and a balance in your fee distributor, you may decide not to create another minipool if distributing this balance causes a taxable event in your jurisdiction.\nAssuming you want to continue, the next question will ask what you want your bond size to be:\nPlease choose an amount of ETH to deposit:\n1: 8 ETH\n2: 16 ETH\nAfter that you'll be notified of your commission rate for the new minipool, and a note on whether or not your node's credit balance can be used to cover the cost of the minipool bond for you:\nYour minipool will use the current fixed commission rate of 14.00%.\nYou currently have 8.00 ETH in your credit balance.\nThis deposit will use 8.000000 ETH from your credit balance and will not require any ETH from your node.\nYou will next be prompted with the network's current gas costs recommendations; confirm your gas price selection and follow the rest of the prompts.\nYour consensus client is synced, you may safely create a minipool.\n+============== Suggested Gas Prices ==============+\n| Avg Wait Time | Max Fee | Total Gas Cost |\n| 15 Seconds | 15 gwei | 0.0244 to 0.0366 ETH |\n| 1 Minute | 10 gwei | 0.0157 to 0.0235 ETH |\n| 3 Minutes | 7 gwei | 0.0100 to 0.0150 ETH |\n| >10 Minutes | 6 gwei | 0.0080 to 0.0120 ETH |\n+==================================================+\n\nThese prices include a maximum priority fee of 2.00 gwei.\nPlease enter your max fee (including the priority fee) or leave blank for the default of 10 gwei:\n\n\nUsing a max fee of 10.00 gwei and a priority fee of 2.00 gwei.\nYou are about to deposit 8.000000 ETH to create a minipool with a minimum possible commission rate of 14.000000%.\nARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DO THIS? Exiting this minipool and retrieving your capital cannot be done until:\n- Your minipool has been *active* on the Beacon Chain for 256 epochs (approx. 27 hours)\n- The Shapella upgrade of the Ethereum network has been deployed\n- The Atlas upgrade of the Rocket Pool protocol has been deployed\n- Your minipool has been upgraded to use the Atlas delegate\n [y/n]\ny\n\nCreating minipool...\nTransaction has been submitted with hash .\nYou may follow its progress by visiting:\n\n\nWaiting for the transaction to be included in a block... you may wait here for it, or press CTRL+C to exit and return to the terminal.\n\nThe node deposit of 8.000000 ETH was made successfully!\nYour new minipool's address is: \nThe validator pubkey is: \n\nYour minipool is now in Initialized status.\nOnce the remaining ETH has been assigned to your minipool from the staking pool, it will move to Prelaunch status.\nAfter that, it will move to Staking status once 1h0m0s have passed.\nYou can watch its progress using `rocketpool service logs node`.\nNote that creating a minipool is an expensive transaction! Pay close attention to the total cost and ensure that you accept it.\nIf you accept, your minipool creation will be triggered. Once the transaction completes, you will be given the address of your new minipool contract on the eth1 chain and its corresponding validator public key on the Beacon Chain. You can visit these with any block explorers if you'd like.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000301", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/create-validator.html", "Heading": "Confirming a Successful Stake", "Text": "Upon creation, your minipool will be put into the initialized state. It will remain here until it's your turn in the Rocket Pool queue to be given 16 ETH from the staking pool so you can stake your new validator on the Beacon Chain.\nOnce this happens, your minipool will move into the prelaunch state for a certain period of time (currently 12 hours). Your 16 ETH deposit will be transferred to be Beacon Chain, and the Oracle DAO will verify that it is all correct. During this time, you can observe the validator by looking up its validator pubkey with a Beacon Chain explorer such as https://beaconcha.in (or https://prater.beaconcha.in for the Prater Testnet).\nYou can check on the new minipool's status with the rocketpool minipool status command. For example, when it has moved into prelaunch, you will likely see something like this:\n1 Prelaunch minipool(s):\n\n--------------------\n\nAddress: \nPenalties: 0\nStatus updated: 2023-03-31, 04:51 +0000 UTC\nNode fee: 14.000000%\nNode deposit: 8.000000 ETH\nRP ETH assigned: 2023-03-31, 04:51 +0000 UTC\nRP deposit: 24.000000 ETH\nMinipool Balance (EL): 31.000000 ETH\nYour portion: 7.000000 ETH\nAvailable refund: 0.000000 ETH\nTotal EL rewards: 7.000000 ETH\nValidator pubkey: \nValidator index: 0\nValidator seen: no\nUse latest delegate: no\nDelegate address: \nRollback delegate: \nEffective delegate: \n\n\n0 finalized minipool(s):\nAfter this prelaunch period, your minipool will enter staking status and send the additional 16 ETH from the staking pool to the deposit contract. This will be done by the rocketpool_node Docker container (or the rp-node service if you used the Native setup) - if, for some reason, you are taking abnormally long to enter staking status, looking at the logs for this container / service will likely tell you what's wrong. You can check these logs with the rocketpool service logs node command (or /srv/rocketpool/node_log.sh on Native mode setups).\nRunning rocketpool minipool status will then show something like this:\n$ rocketpool minipool status\n\n1 Staking minipool(s):\n\n--------------------\n\nAddress: \nPenalties: 0\nRP ETH assigned: 2023-03-31, 05:53 +0000 UTC\nNode fee: 14.000000%\nNode deposit: 8.000000 ETH\nRP ETH assigned: 2023-03-31, 04:51 +0000 UTC\nRP deposit: 24.000000 ETH\nMinipool Balance (EL): 0.000000 ETH\nYour portion: 0.000000 ETH\nAvailable refund: 0.000000 ETH\nTotal EL rewards: 0.000000 ETH\nValidator pubkey: \nValidator index: \nValidator active: yes\nValidator balance: 32.018460 ETH\nExpected rewards: 16.010614 ETH\nUse latest delegate: no\nDelegate address: \nRollback delegate: \nEffective delegate: \n\n\n0 finalized minipool(s):\nOnce the Beacon Chain accepts both of the deposits (one from you and one from the staking pool), your validator will enter the Beacon Chain queue where it will wait for its turn to become activated and start staking.\nAt this point, you're done! Congratulations! You have officially created a validator with Rocket Pool!\nHave a look at the next sections in Monitoring and Maintenance to learn how to watch your validator's performance and health over time.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000302", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/create-validator.html", "Heading": "Creating Multiple Minipools", "Text": "Conveniently, your Rocket Pool node is capable of hosting as many minipools as you want. You do not need to create a new node for each minipool.\nIf you would like to make a second (or third, or fourth...) minipool for your node, all you need to do is run rocketpool node deposit again. Note that you may need to stake more RPL first to maintain an overall collateral level of at least 10% of your borrowed ETH before you do this. Also, you won't be able to reuse an old vanity address salt - you'll need to search for another unique one for each of your minipools.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000303", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/create-validator.html", "Heading": "Next Steps", "Text": "Now that you have a minipool up and running, the next steps will walk you through how to monitor the health of your node, check for and apply updates, and maintain it throughout its life.\nPlease read through the Monitoring and Maintenance section next to learn more about these topics.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:19hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000304", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/minipools/delegates.html", "Heading": "The Minipool Delegate", "Text": "Every validator you run has a minipool contract as its \"owner\" so-to-speak. The minipool is a unique contract specifically assigned to that validator; it acts as its withdrawal address. All reward and staking balance withdrawals from the Beacon Chain will be sent to the minipool contract.\nEach minipool is unique to ensure that you (the node operator) have ultimate control over it. Nobody else controls it, nobody else can change it; it's entirely at your command.\nThat being said, in order to minimize gas costs during node deposits, the minipool itself contains very little actual functionality. Almost everything it can do is deferred to a delegate contract.\nThe minipool delegate contract is a special contract that contains the bulk of the logic required by minipools - things like fairly distributing the balance between you and the pool stakers, for example. Unlike minipools, where each minipool is a unique contract, the delegate is a single contract that many minipools can \"forward\" requests to.\nOccasionally, the Rocket Pool development team will publish a new minipool delegate that adds new functionality. For example, in the Atlas update, we introduced a new delegate that had support for distributing skimmed rewards without needing to close the minipool.\nMinipool can have their delegates upgraded to take advantage of this new functionality. Delegate upgrades are opt-in, so you can decide if and when you want to use them. That being said, they are usually required in order to take advantage of new functionality that network upgrades introduce.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:20hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000305", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/minipools/delegates.html", "Heading": "Upgrading your Delegate", "Text": "To upgrade a minipool to a new delegate contract, simply run the following command:\nrocketpool minipool delegate-upgrade\nThis will present you with a list of your minipools that are not currently using the latest delegate and are eligible for upgrading:\nPlease select a minipool to upgrade:\n1: All available minipools\n2: 0x7e5702a2cE66B5B35E59B9Ac00eEAAa547881e40 (using delegate 0x5c2D33A015D132D4f590f00df807Bb1052531ab9)\n3: 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5 (using delegate 0x5c2D33A015D132D4f590f00df807Bb1052531ab9)\n4: 0x7E5704aD2a63eb90880426Dcd4a3811246dF3cB0 (using delegate 0x5c2D33A015D132D4f590f00df807Bb1052531ab9)\n5: 0x7E5705c149D11efc951fFc20349D7A96bc6b819C (using delegate 0x5c2D33A015D132D4f590f00df807Bb1052531ab9)\n6: 0x7E570625cE8F586c90ACa7fe8792EeAA79751778 (using delegate 0x5c2D33A015D132D4f590f00df807Bb1052531ab9)\n7: 0x7E5700c82E38434C6c72890bb82f5B5305f4328a (using delegate 0x6aCEA7f89574Dd8BC6ffDfDca1965A3d756d5B20)\nSelect the one(s) you would like to upgrade from the list by entering the corresponding number on the left of the minipool address. Once selected, you will be prompted to confirm your gas price settings, and after that a transaction to upgrade the minipool will be sent:\nUsing a max fee of 26.00 gwei and a priority fee of 2.00 gwei.\nAre you sure you want to upgrade 1 minipools? [y/n]\ny\n\nUpgrading minipool 0x7e5702a2cE66B5B35E59B9Ac00eEAAa547881e40...\nTransaction has been submitted with hash 0xcd91c9a38f3438c3d8a45bb5f439014e5935dcb50b0704f3c5077f54174e99bb.\nWaiting for the transaction to be included in a block... you may wait here for it, or press CTRL+C to exit and return to the terminal.\n\nSuccessfully upgraded minipool 0x7e5702a2cE66B5B35E59B9Ac00eEAAa547881e40.\nYou can verify that it's using the latest delegate with rocketpool minipool status. Any minipools that are not using the latest delegate will have a yellow notification under their status letting you know that they can be upgraded:\nAddress: 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5\nPenalties: 0\n...\nDelegate address: 0x5c2D33A015D132D4f590f00df807Bb1052531ab9\nRollback delegate: \nEffective delegate: 0x5c2D33A015D132D4f590f00df807Bb1052531ab9\n*Minipool can be upgraded to delegate 0x149aE025fFC7E7bbcCc8d373d56797D637bF5D33!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:20hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000306", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/solo-staker-migration.html", "Heading": "Converting a Solo Validator into a Minipool", "Text": "When the Beacon Chain was first launched, validators were created with a special pair of cryptographic keys - the validator key and the withdrawal key.\nThe validator key is a \"hot key\", which means it needs to be stored on an active machine connected to the Internet; this is the key used to sign your attestations and proposals, and also serves as your \"address\" on the Beacon Chain (the hex string used to identify your validator).\nThe withdrawal key, on the other hand, is a \"cold key\" which means it does not (and in fact, should not) be stored on an active machine connected to the Internet. It is intended to be locked away in cold storage so it cannot be accessed until it is needed. Unlike the validator key, the withdrawal key isn't responsible for validation duties at all. Instead, its only job is to manage the withdrawing of your validator's funds on the Beacon Chain (once withdrawals had been implemented).\nThis dual-key system was the initial architecture the Beacon Chain launched with. At the time, neither the Merge nor withdrawals had been designed yet but this system was considered robust enough to handle whatever form the protocol took when both of them were implemented.\nFast forward to today, and now we have a much better understanding of how withdrawals work. Luckily, they have been implemented in a way that makes it possible for an existing solo staking validator on the Beacon Chain (that is using the old withdrawal key credentials) to convert directly into a Rocket Pool minipool without needing to exit the validator from the Beacon Chain!\nIf you are interested in learning more about this process, then this guide is for you. We'll cover how withdrawals work on Ethereum at a high-level, explain how the conversion process works, and end with a detailed walkthrough of how to convert your validator into a minipool.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:20hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000307", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/solo-staker-migration.html", "Heading": "Why Would I Convert?", "Text": "Before getting into the technical details, a very important question to answer is why a solo staker would consider this process in the first place. Conversion into a minipool is not for everyone, but this section will help you make an informed choice about whether or not it's something you'd like to pursue.\nRocket Pool minipools enjoy several advantages over conventional solo staking validators:\nThey earn commission on the portion of ETH they borrow from the pool stakers (currently either 16 or 24 ETH).Your existing 32 ETH bond could be used to create up to three additional validators (on top of the one you already have).They are eligible for participation in the Smoothing Pool which pools all Execution layer rewards (e.g., from block proposals and MEV rewards) and fairly distributes them among participants during each rewards interval.They earn RPL inflation rewards (which currently provide a higher APR than ETH staking rewards).\nThat being said, there are some differences that are important to highlight:\nStaking with Rocket Pool requires you to buy and stake the RPL token as collateral.You will have to accept smart contract risk, as the protocol is implemented as a series of smart contracts.Similarly, conventional node operation leverages the Smartnode stack; you will have to accept any risks associated with installing and running that software on your node.Being a node operator does involve learning some new concepts, so there is a learning curve associated with becoming one.Minipools are required to split their rewards with the pool stakers, so the validator's withdrawal address will be a smart contract on the Execution layer, not an EOA that you control. This also applies to your fee recipient for Execution layer rewards, which must also be a smart contract that can fairly split your rewards.Rocket Pool's Oracle DAO is responsible for shuttling information from the Beacon Chain to the Execution layer, and for detecting violations that the protocol cannot enforce (such as an illegal fee recipient address). Running a minipool means you will have to trust the Oracle DAO to do that job correctly.\nWe encourage you to carefully go through these pros and cons before deciding to convert your solo validator. If you would like to continue with the process, please read the next sections.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:20hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000308", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/solo-staker-migration.html", "Heading": "Prerequisites", "Text": "In order to begin the conversion process, you will need to meet the following criteria:\nIf none of these conditions are blockers for you, then you are eligible to begin validator conversion.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:20hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000309", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/solo-staker-migration.html", "Heading": "Process Overview", "Text": "The first step is to create a new \"vacant\" minipool. Unlike conventional minipools, which make a new validator during their creation, vacant minipools are special minipools designed to manage existing validators. As a consequence, vacant minipools behave slightly differently than conventional minipools during the prelaunch stage. Once initialization is finished and they enter the staking stage, they become conventional minipools.\nDuring vacant minipool creation, you will be given the option of having the Smartnode automatically change your validator's withdrawal credentials from the old BLS withdrawal key to the new vacant minipool address. If you don't want to do this right now, you can have the Smartnode do it later with a dedicated command, or you can do it yourself with a third-party tool. Note that changing the validator's withdrawal credentials to the minipool address is required for conversion, so regardless of how you do this, it will need to be done for the process to complete succesfully.\nOnce the withdrawal credentials have been changed, you will have the option of importing the validator's private key into the Validator Client managed by the Smartnode. If you want the Smartnode to maintain the validator so you don't have to manage your own, this is an attractive option. If you prefer to maintain your own Validator Client and keep the keys there, you are welcome to do so.\nAt this point your new minipool will enter the scrub check period, where the Oracle DAO will continuously analyze your validator's information on the Beacon Chain to confirm that it remains legal. This includes:\nThe withdrawal credentials either haven't been migrated yet (are still the original 0x00 BLS key credentials) or have been migrated to the minipool's address. Migrating them to any other Execution layer address will cause the pool to be scrubbed. If the withdrawal credentials are still the original 0x00 BLS key credentials by the time the scrub check period ends, the pool will be scrubbed.The validator is in the actively staking state for the duration of the check. If it transitions to the slashed, exited, or withdrawn states, the pool will be scrubbed.\nNOTEA scrubbed vacant minipool means that it is not a part of the Rocket Pool network, but it will still give you (the node operator) access to all of your funds via the typical token retrieval methods in the CLI. Funds are not lost if vacant minipools are scrubbed. More information on scrubbed minipools, their ramifications, and how to use them is included later in this guide.\nAfter the scrub check passes, you will be able to promote your vacant minipool. This will finish the conversion and change it from a vacant minipool into a regular one. At this point the minipool will act like every other minipool on the network, and your solo validator will officially be converted into a Rocket Pool validator!\nAs part of the process, the network will snapshot your total rewards on the Beacon chain (and within your new minipool, if you get skimmed during the scrub check). It will recognize that all of those rewards belong to you and shouldn't be shared with the staking pool, so it will provide them all as a refund you can claim at any time once promotion is complete.\nBelow is a detailed walkthrough of the conversion process, including instructions for each step.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:20hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000310", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/solo-staker-migration.html", "Heading": "Step 1: Creating a Vacant Minipool", "Text": "To begin the conversion process, run the following command with the Smartnode CLI:\nrocketpool node create-vacant-minipool \nFor example, if you wanted to convert a solo validator with pubkey 0xb82ccba6093747559361a5495c7e2c607e76ea3543d556319355ce80289bb819fd787f715f60615cdd358c0476b40661, you would run:\nrocketpool node create-vacant-minipool 0xb82ccba6093747559361a5495c7e2c607e76ea3543d556319355ce80289bb819fd787f715f60615cdd358c0476b40661\nYou will see a brief summary about what to expect during the process, then be prompted for which bond amount you'd like to use when creating this minipool:\nPlease choose an amount of ETH you want to use as your deposit for the new minipool (this will become your share of the balance, and the remainder will become the pool stakers' share):\n\n1. 8 ETH\n2. 16 ETH\nIf you select 8 ETH, you will convert your validator into an 8-ETH bonded minipool. Your original 32 ETH deposit will be converted into an 8 ETH deposit, with 24 ETH borrowed from the pool stakers. Once the conversion process is complete, you will have a credit balance of 24 ETH which you can use to create more minipools. Choosing this option will require your node to have a minimum of 2.4 ETH worth of RPL staked.\nIf you select 16 ETH, you will convert your validator into a 16-ETH bonded minipool. Your original 32 ETH deposit will be converted into an 16 ETH deposit, with 16 ETH borrowed from the pool stakers. Once the conversion process is complete, you will have a credit balance of 16 ETH which you can use to create more minipools. Choosing this option will require your node to have a minimum of 1.6 ETH worth of RPL staked.\nOnce you select an option, the Smartnode will run a few checks to confirm that the validator you entered and your node both pass all of the prerequisite requirements listed above. After that, it will ask you to confirm your gas price and then submit the transaction to create the new vacant minipool. Upon creation, you will be presented with the minipool's address:\nYour minipool was made successfully!\nYour new minipool's address is: 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C\nThis is the address you will use when changing your validator's withdrawal credentials.\nAt this point, the Smartnode will ask if you would like to have the Smartnode do this automatically (along with importing the validator's private key into the Validator Client managed by the Smartnode, which is discussed later):\nYou have the option of importing your validator's private key into the Smartnode's Validator Client instead of running your own Validator Client separately. In doing so, the Smartnode will also automatically migrate your validator's withdrawal credentials from your BLS private key to the minipool you just created.\n\nWould you like to import your key and automatically migrate your withdrawal credentials? [y/n]\nIf you answer y to this question, the Smartnode will do Steps 2 and 3 automatically; please see the Automatic Withdrawal Credential Change and Key Import section below.\nIf you answer n to this question, the command will end and you will have finished Step 1. Please go to the Step 2 section next.\nNOTEIf you decline this process now, you can resume it at a later time using the CLI. Read the Step 2 and Step 3 sections below to learn how to do this.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:20hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000311", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/solo-staker-migration.html", "Heading": "Automatic Withdrawal Credential Change and Key Import", "Text": "WARNINGIf you choose to have the Smartnode automatically change your withdrawal credentials and import your validator's private key, it is essential that you remove the validator key from your old Validator Client that you manage on your own, and shut down the old Validator Client to ensure it does not have the key loaded into memory still.You must also wait at least 15 minutes after doing so to ensure that it has intentionally missed at least two attestations. You can verify this by looking at a chain explorer such as https://beaconcha.in.If you do not wait for at least 15 minutes, your validator WILL BE SLASHED when the Smartnode's Validator Client begins attesting with your validator's key!We strongly recommend you enable doppelganger detection in the Smartnode configuration as well, to be as safe as possible against the risk of slashing.\nIf you choose to automatically import the validator key and change the withdrawal credentials to the minipool address, the Smartnode will first ask for the mnemonic used to generate both your validator's BLS private key and its corresponding original withdrawal key:\nPlease enter the number of words in your mnemonic phrase (24 by default):\n24\n\nEnter Word Number 1 of your mnemonic:\n...\n\nEnter Word Number 24 of your mnemonic:\nUpon entering it, the Smartnode will derive your old BLS-based withdrawal key using the mnemonic and the validator's pubkey. It will then submit a message to the Beacon Chain, signed by your withdrawal key, indicating that you want to change the withdrawal credentials from the old BLS withdrawal key to the new minipool address:\nChanging withdrawal credentials to the minipool address... done!\nFinally, it will import your validator's key into the Smartnode's Validator Client and ask if you'd like to restart it, so it begins validating with that key:\nImporting validator key... done!\nWould you like to restart the Smartnode's Validator Client now so it loads your validator's key? [y/n]\ny\nRestarting Validator Client... done!\nWith that, steps 2 and 3 have been completed. You can verify that the withdrawal credentials have been properly changed and that the key is actively validating by using a chain explorer such as https://beaconcha.in\nGo to the Step 4 section to learn about the scrub check.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:20hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000312", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/solo-staker-migration.html", "Heading": "Step 2: Changing the Validator's Withdrawal Credentials", "Text": "When you've created the new vacant minipool, the next step is to change your validator's withdrawal credentials from the old 0x00 BLS-key credentials to the new 0x01 credentials that contain the new minipool address.\nThere are two ways to do this:\nIn this guide, we'll walk through how to use method 1 (the Smartnode). For more information on method 2, please consult the documentation for the tool you'd like to use.\nStart by running the following command:\nrocketpool minipool set-withdrawal-creds \nFor example, if the new vacant minipool address was 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C, you would run this:\nrocketpool minipool set-withdrawal-creds 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C\nThe Smartnode will then ask for the mnemonic used to generate both your validator's key and its corresponding withdrawal key:\nPlease enter the number of words in your mnemonic phrase (24 by default):\n24\n\nEnter Word Number 1 of your mnemonic:\n...\n\nEnter Word Number 24 of your mnemonic:\nAfter this, it will perform some safety checks to ensure your validator's withdrawal credentials can be changed. If it's successful, it will then submit a message to the Beacon Chain, signed by your withdrawal key, indicating that you want to change the withdrawal credentials from the old BLS withdrawal key to the new minipool address:\nChanging withdrawal credentials to the minipool address... done!\nThat's it! You can verify that the withdrawal credentials have been properly changed by using a chain explorer such as https://beaconcha.in.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:20hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000313", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/solo-staker-migration.html", "Heading": "(Optional) Step 3: Import the Validator Key", "Text": "Once you convert your validator into a minipool, you may want to have the Smartnode's Validator Client run it instead of the one you currently manage on your own. This has a few advantages:\nIt is \"cleaner\" from an organizational standpoint (the Smartnode manages your minipools, your externally-managed Validator Client manages your solo staking validators).It allows commands like rocketpool minipool exit (commands that require your validator key for signing messages) to work.\nHowever, there are some very important considerations to understand before doing this:\nYou must ensure that your validator's key has been removed from your own Validator Client, and that you have waited for at least 15 minutes after removing it before importing it into the Smartnode. See the warning box below.You must ensure that you have your validator keystore and its password file backed up, because commands like rocketpool wallet recover and rocketpool wallet rebuild cannot regenerate them without a backup since they weren't derived from the Smartnode wallet's mnemonic.\nIf you would like to import your validator key into the Smartnode, continue reading below.\nWARNINGIf you choose to have the Smartnode import your validator's private key, it is essential that you remove the validator key from your old Validator Client that you manage on your own, and shut down the old Validator Client to ensure it does not have the key loaded into memory still.You must also wait at least 15 minutes after doing so to ensure that it has intentionally missed at least two attestations. You can verify this by looking at a chain explorer such as https://beaconcha.in.If you do not wait for at least 15 minutes, your validator WILL BE SLASHED when the Smartnode's Validator Client begins attesting with your validator's key!We strongly recommend you enable doppelganger detection in the Smartnode configuration as well, to be as safe as possible against the risk of slashing.\nStart by running the following command:\nrocketpool minipool import-key \nFor example, if the new vacant minipool address was 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C, you would run this:\nrocketpool minipool import-key 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C\nThe Smartnode will then ask for the mnemonic used to generate your validator's key:\nPlease enter the number of words in your mnemonic phrase (24 by default):\n24\n\nEnter Word Number 1 of your mnemonic:\n...\n\nEnter Word Number 24 of your mnemonic:\nAfter this, it will cycle through the different keys generated from that mnemonic until it finds your validator's public key. It will then import it, and ask if you'd like to restart the Smartnode's Validator Client so it loads your key:\nImporting validator key... done!\nWould you like to restart the Smartnode's Validator Client now so it loads your validator's key? [y/n]\ny\nRestarting Validator Client... done!\nWith that, your validator key is now imported into the Smartnode and you should see it begin attesting. You can confirm by following the Validator Client's logs with this command:\nrocketpool service logs validator\nYou can also verify that a chain explorer such as https://beaconcha.in can see your Validator Client attesting with your validator's key.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:20hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000314", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/solo-staker-migration.html", "Heading": "Step 4: Assign the Correct Fee Recipient", "Text": "Once you've started the migration process, it is imperative that you ensure your fee recipient is set properly (either to your node's fee distributor or to the Smoothing Pool if you have opted into it). If you do not do this and leave it on the fee recipient for your solo validators, you will be penalized and a portion of your Beacon Chain stake will be deducted to compensate for the loss.\nNOTEThis step is only required if you leave your validator key in your own externally-managed Validator Client.If you remove it from your own VC and import it into the VC managed by Rocket Pool, your fee recipient will be assigned to the correct address automatically by the node process.\nAs you may retain other solo-staking keys in your VC that you do not want to set to the fee distributor or Smoothing Pool, the only way to accomplish this is to use a VC configuration file to manually set the fee recipient for the validator being migrated.\nThis process depends on which Consensus Client you use; consult the documentation for the specifics but here are some helpful links:\nLighthouse: via validator_definitions.yml\nLodestar does not currently support setting validator-specific fee recipients. Please do not use Lodestar if you are keeping the key in your externally-managed VC with other solo keys that are not being migrated.\nNimbus: via the keymanager API\nPrysm: via proposer-settings-file\nTeku: via validators-proposer-config", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:20hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000315", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/solo-staker-migration.html", "Heading": "Step 5: Waiting for the Scrub Check", "Text": "By this time, you should have completed steps 1 and 2 (creating the vacant minipool and changing your validator's withdrawal credentials) and optionally step 3 (importing the key into the Smartnode). The next step is to wait for the scrub check to complete. This is a process carried out by the Oracle DAO to verify the following:\nFor example, if your validator had a Beacon Chain balance of 35 ETH when you performed step 1, the combined Beacon Chain and minipool balances must be at least 34.99 ETH throughout the entire duration of the scrub check.\nYou are given a grace period of approximately 2 and a half days to perform the withdrawal credentials change (85% of the scrub period's 3-day duration).\nThe scrub check is transient; you don't have to do anything during this time other than keep your validator online and performing well.\nTo monitor how much time is left in the scrub check, you can look at the node logs with the following command:\nrocketpool service logs node\nThe relevant lines will look like this:\nrocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 04:51:32 Checking for minipools to promote...\nrocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 04:51:32 Minipool 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C has 44m0s left until it can be promoted.\nIt will last for 3 days, after which you have passed and can proceed to Step 5 to promote the vacant minipool into a full one.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:20hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000316", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/solo-staker-migration.html", "Heading": "Working with Scrubbed Minipools", "Text": "If your minipool unfortunately fails the scrub check and is dissolved, don't worry - your capital isn't lost. Dissolved vacant minipools essentially act as simplified withdrawal addresses:\nThey are not technically part of the Rocket Pool network.Any capital deposited into the minipool belongs solely to the node operator. It does not get split with the pool stakers.You are not awarded a deposit credit for creating the minipool.\nYou can access the minipool's balance at any time with the following command:\nrocketpool minipool distribute-balance\nThis will send the minipool's entire balance to your node's withdrawal address.\nWhen you've exited your validator from the Beacon Chain and its full balance has been sent to the minipool, you can retrieve it and close the minipool with the following command:\nrocketpool minipool close\nOnce again, this will send the minipool's full balance to your node's withdrawal address.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:20hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000317", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/solo-staker-migration.html", "Heading": "Step 6: Promoting the Minipool", "Text": "When the scrub check has been passed successfully, you can promote the vacant minipool to a full minipool. This can be done two ways:\nThe first method will promote the minipool for you automatically, assuming you have the node process / container running and the network's gas cost is below the automated transaction threshold you specified in the Smartnode configuration process (default of 150). In the node logs, you will see output like the following:\nrocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 05:37:00 Checking for minipools to promote...\nrocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 05:37:00 1 minipool(s) are ready for promotion...\nrocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 05:37:00 Promoting minipool 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C...\nrocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 05:37:01 This transaction will use a max fee of 34.736742 Gwei, for a total of up to 0.009597 - 0.014396 ETH.\nrocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 05:37:01 Transaction has been submitted with hash 0x93c2662def6097da28e01b9145259736575ffc43b539b002b27e547065e66d7e.\nrocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 05:37:01 Waiting for the transaction to be validated...\nrocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 05:37:13 Successfully promoted minipool 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C.\nIf your node process is disabled, you can use the second method via the following command:\nrocketpool minipool promote\nFrom here, simply select your vacant minipool from the list of minipools eligible for promotion and submit the transaction.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:20hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000318", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/solo-staker-migration.html", "Heading": "Claiming your Original Pre-Conversion Rewards", "Text": "Upon promotion, your minipool will enter the staking status and has officially become a regular Rocket Pool minipool. You can review the details with this command:\nrocketpool minipool status\nThis will show you the status of your new minipool, its balances, its refund, and so on. For example:\nAddress: 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C\nPenalties: 0\nStatus updated: 2023-03-06, 05:37 +0000 UTC\nNode fee: 14.000000%\nNode deposit: 8.000000 ETH\nRP ETH assigned: 2023-03-06, 05:37 +0000 UTC\nRP deposit: 24.000000 ETH\nMinipool Balance (EL): 0.090012 ETH\nYour portion: 0.001779 ETH\nAvailable refund: 0.085000 ETH\nTotal EL rewards: 0.086779 ETH\n...\nHere you can see the following important information:\nNode deposit shows how much ETH you personally bonded as part of this minipool (in this case, 8 ETH).RP deposit shows how much ETH you borrowed from the pool stakers to create the minipool (in this case, 24 ETH).Available refund shows how much of the minipool's balance goes directly to you (is not shared with the pool stakers. This amounts to your all of your rewards on the Beacon Chain at the time you created the vacant minipool.Minipool Balance (EL) shows the total balance of the minipool contract.Your portion (EL) shows how much of the balance belongs to you after subtracting the refund from the minipool's balance. In other words, this is your share of the rewards you've earned after you created the vacant minipool.Total EL rewards is your refund plus your post-conversion rewards.\nTo claim your refund, run the following command:\nrocketpool minipool refund\nSimply select your minipool from the list, approve the transaction, and your refund will be sent to your node's withdrawal address.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:20hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000319", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/solo-staker-migration.html", "Heading": "Using your Node Credit", "Text": "Now that you have an active promoted minipool, you will notice your node has a credit balance when you run rocketpool node status:\nYour Smartnode is currently using the Zhejiang Test Network.\n\n=== Account and Balances ===\nThe node 0x9BA1401Eb7D779eC51f910B066e9C4351cD28911 has a balance of 355.785269 ETH and 16679.835547 RPL.\nThe node has 24.000000 ETH in its credit balance, which can be used to make new minipools.\nIn this example, since we converted the original 32 ETH validator bond into an 8-ETH minipool, we have received 24 ETH in credit. This credit can be used to create new minipools and validators for free!\nSimply run the rocketpool node deposit command, and select which bond amount you would like to use. If there's enough ETH in your credit balance to cover the bond, it will be used automaticaly and you won't have to stake any additonal ETH (though you still have to pay for gas.\nNOTEThe ETH used for your credit balance comes from the staking pool. If the staking pool doesn't have enough ETH to cover your credit balance, you won't be able to use it until more ETH has been deposited.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:20hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000320", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/leb-migration.html", "Heading": "Migrating a 16-ETH Minipool to 8-ETH", "Text": "Node operators have the ability to directly migrate their existing 16-ETH minipools into 8-ETH minipools. Doing so will add 8 ETH to their deposit credit balances which can be used to create additional minipools without requiring any ETH from the node operators.\nIn effect, this process allows a node operator to convert one 16-ETH minipool into two 8-ETH minipools for free (though it will still require ETH for gas and require enough RPL collateral to handle both minipools).\nMigrating an existing 16-ETH minipool to an 8-ETH one is formally known as bond reduction. It is a two-step process and involves validation by the Oracle DAO. We'll walk you through the whole process in the sections below.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000321", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/leb-migration.html", "Heading": "Bond Reduction Rules", "Text": "A bond reduction involves the following steps:\nTo perform a successful bond reduction without being scrubbed, the minipool must follow these rules:\nThe minipool must obey these conditions for the entire duration of the scrub check, during which time the Oracle DAO will be watching it to ensure compliance with the conditions above.\nIf, at any time during the scrub check, a minipool is found to be in violation of these conditions, the bond reduction will be scrubbed. The minipool itself will not be affected; it will still happily live on as a 16 ETH minipool, validating and acting as though the whole bond-reduction process never happened. However, it will no longer be eligible for bond reductions. Once a minipool's bond reduction is scrubbed, it can never be attempted again.\nNOTEUpon a successful bond reduction, the minipool's bond amount will be reduced from 16 ETH to 8 ETH and the minipool's commission will be reset to whatever the current network value is.If you reduce a 16-ETH minipool with a 20% commission, you will not keep that 20% commission. It will be reduced to the network value (currently set to a flat 14%).Note that as demonstrated by the example math section, an 8-ETH minipool at 14% is still more profitable than a 16-ETH minipool at 20% so holding onto a high commission rate is not a compelling reason to retain a 16 ETH bond.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000322", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/leb-migration.html", "Heading": "Step 1: Beginning Bond Reduction", "Text": "To begin the bond reduction process, enter the following command:\nrocketpool minipool begin-bond-reduction\nThis will start by providing a brief blurb on the process (though, if you have read through this guide, it should all be familiar to you already). Once you acknowledge that you understand the process, it will show you which minipools currently have a bond that can be reduced, along with their current bond and commission:\nPlease select a minipool to begin the ETH bond reduction for:\n1: All available minipools\n2: 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5 (Current bond: 16 ETH, commission: 15.00%)\n3: 0x7E5704aD2a63eb90880426Dcd4a3811246dF3cB0 (Current bond: 16 ETH, commission: 15.00%)\n4: 0x7E5705c149D11efc951fFc20349D7A96bc6b819C (Current bond: 16 ETH, commission: 15.00%)\n5: 0x7E570625cE8F586c90ACa7fe8792EeAA79751778 (Current bond: 16 ETH, commission: 15.00%)\nOnce you've selected one or more minipools to reduce, the Smartnode will check if those minipools are eligible for bond reduction.\nTo be eligible, these conditions must be satisfied:\nThe minipool has been upgraded to use the Atlas minipool delegate contract.The minipool's validator must have a Beacon Chain balance of at least 32 ETH.The minipool's validator must be pending or active.You have enough RPL staked to support the minimum RPL collateral level that would be required after the bond reduction.\nIf not, it will print a warning error explaining what needs to be done first; for example:\nPlease select a minipool to begin the ETH bond reduction for:\n1: All available minipools\n2: 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5 (Current bond: 16 ETH, commission: 15.00%)\n3: 0x7E5704aD2a63eb90880426Dcd4a3811246dF3cB0 (Current bond: 16 ETH, commission: 15.00%)\n4: 0x7E5705c149D11efc951fFc20349D7A96bc6b819C (Current bond: 16 ETH, commission: 15.00%)\n5: 0x7E570625cE8F586c90ACa7fe8792EeAA79751778 (Current bond: 16 ETH, commission: 15.00%)\n2\n\nCannot reduce bond for minipool 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5:\nThe minipool version is too low. It must be upgraded first using `rocketpool minipool delegate-upgrade`.\nYou do not have enough RPL staked to support this bond reduction; it would bring you below the minimum RPL staking requirement. You will have to stake more RPL first.\nThis shows that the selected minipool requires a delegate upgrade and the node needs more RPL staked in order to reduce that minipool's bond.\nWhen you have satisfied the preconditions, selecting a minipool in this command will simply prompt you to choose your gas price for the transaction and confirmation of the action. Upon accepting the confirmation, the minipool's bond reduction will begin.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000323", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/leb-migration.html", "Heading": "Monitoring the Scrub Check Timer", "Text": "Once you've started a bond reduction, you can view how long until it's able to be completed in your node daemon logs:\nDocker and Hybrid ModeNative ModeFor Docker Mode and Hybrid Mode users, this can be done with the following command:rocketpool service logs node\nYou will see a new entry noting how much time is left until the scrub check for your bond reduction is complete:\nrocketpool_node | 2023/02/25 09:04:21 Checking for minipool bonds to reduce...\nrocketpool_node | 2023/02/25 09:04:21 Minipool 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5 has 12m0s left until it can have its bond reduced.\nOnce this timer reaches zero and no longer appears in these logs, you can complete the bond reduction.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000324", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/leb-migration.html", "Heading": "Step 2: Completing Bond Reduction", "Text": "When the scrub timer has successfully ended, there are two ways to complete your minipool's bond reduction:\nDuring the bond reduction, Rocket Pool distributes your minipool's existing balance using the minipool's pre-bond-reduction bond and commission to ensure both you and the rETH stakers get your fair share of the existing balance, and the bond reduction doesn't change the rewards either party would have gotten on that balance.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000325", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/leb-migration.html", "Heading": "The Results of a Reduced Bond", "Text": "You can verify the successful bond reduction using rocketpool minipool status.\nBefore the bond reduction, for the example minipool we've been following, that command would produce the following output:\nAddress: 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5\n...\nNode fee: 15.000000%\nNode deposit: 16.000000 ETH\nRP ETH assigned: 2023-02-08, 06:13 +0000 UTC\nRP deposit: 16.000000 ETH\nMinipool Balance (EL): 0.150713 ETH\nYour portion: 0.086660 ETH\nAvailable refund: 0.000000 ETH\nTotal EL rewards: 0.086660 ETH\n...\nBeacon balance (CL): 32.000152 ETH\nYour portion: 16.000087 ETH\n...\nAfter the bond reduction, the command would return this output:\nAddress: 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5\n...\nNode fee: 14.000000%\nNode deposit: 8.000000 ETH\nRP ETH assigned: 2023-02-08, 06:13 +0000 UTC\nRP deposit: 24.000000 ETH\nMinipool Balance (EL): 0.086769 ETH\nYour portion: 0.000000 ETH\nAvailable refund: 0.086769 ETH\nTotal EL rewards: 0.086769 ETH\n...\nBeacon balance (CL): 32.000037 ETH\nYour portion: 8.000013 ETH\n...\nNote how things have changed:\nNode fee (commission) went from 15% to 14%Node deposit (your bond) went from 16 ETH to 8 ETHRP deposit (the amount you borrowed) went from 16 ETH to 24 ETHMinipool Balance (EL) went from 0.150713 ETH to 0.086769 ETHYour portion (EL) went from 0.086660 ETH to 0 ETHAvailable refund went from 0 ETH to 0.086769 ETHYour portion (CL) went from 16.000087 ETH to 8.000013 ETH\nThe changes to Node fee, Node deposit, RP deposit, and Your portion (CL) indicate that the bond was successfully reduced.\nThe changes to Minipool Balance (EL), Your portion (EL), and Available refund indicate the results of the minipool balance distribution that occured as part of the bond reduction process. To clarify how to interpret these results:\nIf you look at the transaction, you will also see that it sent 0.06413383 ETH from the minipool to the staking pool.In the \"before\" example, the staking pool's share is the minipool's balance minus the node operator's portion, or 0.150713 - 0.086660 = 0.064053 which is the amount transferred to the staking pool during the bond reduction (plus a small amount from a rewards skim that occurred during the scrub check).The node operator's share, on the other hand, doesn't get sent to the node operator's withdrawal address. It is instead bookmarked as an available refund, which is why the refund amount increased from 0 ETH to what was previously the \"your portion\" amount of the minipool's balance on the EL. You can claim this refund at any time using the following command:rocketpool minipool refund\nThere is one more important result of the bond reduction, which can be observed using rocketpool node status:\nYour Smartnode is currently using the Zhejiang Test Network.\n\n=== Account and Balances ===\nThe node 0x9BA1401Eb7D779eC51f910B066e9C4351cD28911 has a balance of 347.796908 ETH and 16799.835547 RPL.\nThe node has 8.000000 ETH in its credit balance, which can be used to make new minipools.\n...\nThe bond reduction process has increased the node's deposit credit balance by 8 ETH. This credit can be used to make another 8-ETH minipool for free (no ETH required from the node wallet, except for gas)!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000326", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/credit.html", "Heading": "The Deposit Credit System", "Text": "The deposit credit system is a mechanism to track ETH that was previously bonded by node operators but is no longer required and make it available for use again. The source of this credit comes from two places:\nMigrating an existing 16-ETH bonded minipool down to an 8-ETH bonded minipool (which adds 8 ETH to the node operator's credit balance)Migrating an existing solo validator into a minipool (which adds either 16 or 24 ETH to the node operator's credit balance, depending on which type of minipool they create during migration)\nEvery node operator begins with a credit balance of 0 ETH. Either of these two actions will increase that balance accordingly.\nThis ETH is not made liquid and returned to the node operator; instead, it can be used to create additional minipools without requiring any ETH from the node operator.\nThe credit system is transparent to the node operator; it will automatically be used (with notifications in the Smartnode CLI explaining that it will be used) during either rocketpool node deposit or rocketpool node create-vacant-minipool operations if possible. If it cannot be used, the Smartnode will alert the user that it cannot be used and will require a normal ETH bond during either operation.\nSee the Credit Availability section below for more details.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000327", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/credit.html", "Heading": "An Example", "Text": "Say you have a credit balance of 0 ETH, and a single minipool with a 16-ETH bond. You can then migrate that minipool to an 8-ETH bond. This will result in 8 ETH that is no longer bonded. That 8 ETH will be placed into your credit balance.\nNow, say you want to create a second 8-ETH minipool. You run rocketpool node deposit as usual, and select 8-ETH as the bond amount. This normally requires you to provide 8 of your own ETH for the minipool. However, because you have a credit balance of 8 ETH, Rocket Pool will automatically use that instead:\nPlease choose an amount of ETH to deposit:\n1: 8 ETH\n2: 16 ETH\n1\n\nYour minipool will use the current fixed commission rate of 14.00%.\nYou currently have 8.00 ETH in your credit balance.\nThis deposit will use 8.000000 ETH from your credit balance and will not require any ETH from your node.\n\nYour consensus client is synced, you may safely create a minipool.\nThe second set of lines here is the relevant one: they tell you that you have enough ETH in your credit balance to cover this deposit and that it is available for use, so it will use the balance automatically and won't require any supplemental ETH from your node wallet.\nSee the availability section below for details on credit balance availability.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000328", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/credit.html", "Heading": "Viewing your Current Credit Balance", "Text": "To view your current credit balance, simply run the following command:\nrocketpool node status\nThis produces a comprehensive list of details about your node, including its credit balance right at the top:\nYour Smartnode is currently using the Zhejiang Test Network.\n\n=== Account and Balances ===\nThe node 0x9BA1401Eb7D779eC51f910B066e9C4351cD28911 has a balance of 347.796908 ETH and 16799.835547 RPL.\nThe node has 8.000000 ETH in its credit balance, which can be used to make new minipools.\n...", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000329", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/credit.html", "Heading": "Credit Availability", "Text": "In some situations, your node might have a credit balance available but cannot currently use it to deploy additional minipools.\nThe ETH for your credit balance is taken from the deposit pool. Thus, if you want to use 8 ETH in credit to create a new 8-ETH minipool, it will end up taking all 32 ETH for that minipool from the deposit pool and require none from you. Because of this, if the deposit pool does not have enough ETH in it to cover the pre-deposit value (currently set to 1 ETH), the balance will not be available.\nIn this situation, the Smartnode will alert you during a rocketpool node deposit operation that it cannot use your credit balance, and must instead use ETH from your node wallet to complete the bond. Doing so will not consume your credit balance; it will be left as-is and available for use later once the deposit pool has enough balance to cover it.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000330", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/maintenance/overview.html", "Heading": "Overview", "Text": "In this section, you'll learn about how to monitor the health of your node and your validators, track your earnings, and perform periodic maintenance such as updates.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000331", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/maintenance/overview.html", "Heading": "Prerequisites", "Text": "Before configuring your Smartnode, please make sure you:\nHave set up a node machine (or virtual machine) and secured it (via the Securing your Node guide)Have the Smartnode installed and configured on itHave a node wallet loaded on your SmartnodeSynced your Execution and Consensus clientsProvisioned your node with a withdrawal address, set up your fallback clients (optional), opted into the Smoothing Pool (optional), and configured MEVCreated at least one minipool", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000332", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/maintenance/overview.html", "Heading": "Guides", "Text": "Monitoring your Node's Performance provides some tools and tutorials for keeping tabs on your node's health (from a resource perspective, such as CPU and RAM consumption) and your validators' performance on the Beacon Chain. It covers a lot of fundamental tools you'll use during your tenure as an Ethereum validator.\nSetting up the Grafana Dashboard walks through setting up the Smartnode stack's metrics tracker and the Grafana dashboard - a one stop shop for monitoring everything about your node and validators, and a staple in each node operator's arsenal. We strongly recommend exploring the Grafana dashboard and regularly checking in on it.\nChecking for Updates covers the crucial processes of regularly updating your node with new security patches, how to update the Smartnode after a new release, and how to manually update client versions if your clients of choice release a new version that the Smartnode's latest release doesn't include yet. You should familiarize yourself with this entire section, as you may need to refer to it whenever an update is released.\nBacking Up Your Node is an optional guide that describes how to back up your node's configuration and its chain data in case of a hardware failure.\nPruning the Execution Client is important for anyone running an Execution client that gradually consumes all of your SSD's disk space and requires periodic pruning (such as Geth or Nethermind) to reclaim some of that space. If you are running one of those clients, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the pruning process.\nChanging Execution or Consensus Clients is a useful guide; it goes through the process of changing your client choice(s) and what can be expected during the process. This is another good guide to familiarize yourself with, just in case you ever have to switch clients for any reason down the line.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000333", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/performance.html", "Heading": "Monitoring your Node's Performance", "Text": "Now that your node is up and running and you have one or more minipools attached, you'll need to keep an eye on everything to make sure it's running smoothly.\nYou can track your machine either:\nIt is recommended to use a combination of both depending on your needs.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000334", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/performance.html", "Heading": "Directly Tracking your Machine's Status", "Text": "With respect to your machine's status, there are a few useful metrics you'll probably want to keep an eye on:\nCPU UsageFree RAM remainingSwap space usage (if you enabled it)Remaining free disk spaceNetwork I/O (if your ISP imposes a data cap)\nNOTEThe sections below show you some ways to monitor things, but they require you to be logged into the terminal of your machine. There is a better, much more convenient and much nicer-looking method that uses a Grafana web dashboard but it is still under development. Stay tuned for the completion of that section!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000335", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/performance.html", "Heading": "CPU, RAM, and Swap", "Text": "The first three can be easily viewed with the htop program. This will give you a nice live view into your system resources, as shown by this screenshot from a Raspberry Pi:\nhtop\n\nOn the top display with the bars, the numbered bars each refer to a CPU core's current usage.\nMem shows you how much RAM you're currently using (in this screenshot, 1.75 GB) and how much you have total (3.70 GB).\nSwp shows you how much swap space you're using (85.8 MB) and how much you have total (12.0 GB).\nOn the bottom table, each row represents a process. Your Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) clients will likely be on top (in this case, Geth and Nimbus) which you can see in the rightmost column labeled Command.\nThe RES column shows you how much RAM each process is taking - in this screenshot, Geth is taking 748 MB and Nimbus is taking 383 MB.\nThe CPU% column shows you how much CPU power each process is consuming. 100% represents a single core, so if it's over 100%, that means it's using a lot from multiple cores (like Geth is here, with 213%).", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/Htop.bd41bd6b.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000336", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/performance.html", "Heading": "Remaining Free Disk Space", "Text": "Keeping an eye on how much disk space you have free is easy to do with the following command:\ndf -h\nThis will provide output similar to the following example:\nFilesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on\n...\n/dev/mmcblk0p2 30G 12G 16G 43% /\n...\n/dev/sda1 1.8T 852G 981G 47% /mnt/rpdata\n...\nFor conventional setups where you have one drive that stores both your Operating System and your Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) chain data, you just need to look at the entry that has / in the Mounted on column. This represents your main disk. If that ever looks like it's running out of space (say, 80% used or so), then you need to start thinking about doing some cleanup. For example, if you're running Geth, you may want to look at how to prune it to clear up some space.\nFor setups that store the Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) chain data on a separate drive, you'll want to look at the row that has your chain data folder in the Mounted on column as well. In this example we mounted an external SSD to /mnt/rpdata, so we'll have to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't grow too large either.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000337", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/performance.html", "Heading": "Network I/O and Data Usage", "Text": "If you want to track how much network I/O your system uses over time, you can install a nice utility called vnstat. Here's an example of installing it on a Ubuntu / Debian system:\nsudo apt install vnstat\nTo run it, do this (assuming eth0 is the name of the network interface you use for your Internet connection):\nvnstat -i eth0\nThis won't work right away because it needs time to collect data about your system, but as the days and weeks pass, it will end up looking like this:\n$ vnstat -i eth0\nDatabase updated: 2021-06-28 22:00:00\n\n eth0 since 2021-01-29\n\n rx: 3.33 TiB tx: 4.25 TiB total: 7.58 TiB\n\n monthly\n rx | tx | total | avg. rate\n ------------------------+-------------+-------------+---------------\n 2021-05 550.19 GiB | 855.34 GiB | 1.37 TiB | 4.51 Mbit/s\n 2021-06 498.13 GiB | 784.43 GiB | 1.25 TiB | 4.57 Mbit/s\n ------------------------+-------------+-------------+---------------\n estimated 535.31 GiB | 842.97 GiB | 1.35 TiB |\n\n daily\n rx | tx | total | avg. rate\n ------------------------+-------------+-------------+---------------\n yesterday 18.35 GiB | 32.00 GiB | 50.36 GiB | 5.01 Mbit/s\n today 18.26 GiB | 30.52 GiB | 48.78 GiB | 5.29 Mbit/s\n ------------------------+-------------+-------------+---------------\n estimated 19.92 GiB | 33.30 GiB | 53.22 GiB |\nThis will let you keep tabs on your total network usage, which might be helpful if your ISP imposes a data cap.\nNote that most modern systems more commonly use other network interfaces like eno0 and enp0s31f6 and not eth0. If you need to check your network interface, run the following command:\nshellls /sys/class/net\nEthernet (hard-wire) devices usually start with e, such as the examples above. Wireless devices usually start with w.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000338", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/performance.html", "Heading": "Third-Party Performance Monitoring", "Text": "The best monitoring uses a Swiss-cheese model: every tool has holes, but if you stack them on top of each-other there is less of a chance anything falls through and catches you by surprise.\nPlease note that these third-party tools are used by the Rocket Pool community, but are not officially endorsed or supported by the Rocket Pool team. If you have a tool suggestion, or are a tool owner, you are very welcome to add a pull request with details on your tool.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000339", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/performance.html", "Heading": "Beaconcha.in Website: Using the Beacon Chain as a Metric Source", "Text": "The Beaconcha.in block explorer website and app provide a way to track your validator's performance by looking at it's on-chain activity. They also have the option to receive email notifications for significant events like downtime. Navigate to their site, and enter the public key for your validator in the search box on the top of the screen.\nTIPIf you forgot your validator's public key, you can easily retrieve it with the command rocketpool minipool status.\nIf everything is set up right, you should see something like this:\nNOTEThe above link is for the mainnet version of Beaconcha.in. If you're running on the Prater Testnet, use this link instead!\nThis is a record of all of the Beacon Chain activity for your validator. You can use it to check your validator's balance on the Beacon Chain to watch it grow over time and calculate your APY.\nYou can also use it to quickly gauge if your validator is alive and running correctly. If it is, all of the attestations should say Attested for their Status, and ideally all of the Opt. Incl. Dist. should be 0 (though an occasional 1 or 2 is fine).\nIf there are lots of blocks that say Missed on them, then your validator is not working properly. You should check the logs of the eth1, eth2, and validator services with rocketpool service logs ... if you're using Docker or Hybrid mode (or the corresponding log scripts if you're using Native mode) to look for problems.\nYou should pin this tab or create a bookmark with it so you can quickly jump to it and check the status of your validator.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/Beaconchain.013d77a4.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000340", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/performance.html", "Heading": "Using Beaconcha.in to Monitor Multiple Minipools", "Text": "Beaconcha.in has a dashboard view that allows you to monitor multiple validators or minipools at once. Simply add your validator indices one at a time. If you have a lot of minipools, you can run:\nshellrocketpool minipool status | grep Validator.index | awk -F \" \" '{print $3}' | paste -s -d, -\nto get a comma-separated list, and place it in the URL bar like so: https://beaconcha.in/dashboard?validators=123456,123457", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000341", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/performance.html", "Heading": "Beaconcha.in App: Validator Overview and Push Notifications", "Text": "The Beaconcha.in website is a great way to view metrics and set up email alerts. Their mobile app has a more \"at-a-glance\" nature. It also features a push notification service that includes some useful alerts like:\nNote that the app has a free version, and paid options with convenience features like homescreen widgets.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000342", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/performance.html", "Heading": "Renaming your Validators on Beaconcha.in", "Text": "The Beaconcha.in website has a feature that allows users to rename their validators, making them easier to identify/search.\nTo be able to use this feature you need to sign a message using your node wallet's private key, in order to prove you're the person who controls that validator.\nThe Smartnode v1.5.1 includes the ability to sign messages with your node wallets's private key by using the command rocketpool node sign-message, then providing the message that you want to sign. It must contain the term 'beaconcha.in' to be used to rename your validators.\n\nOpen your validator page on Beaconcha.in and click on the Edit validator name button.\n\nCopy the result from the sign-message command and paste it in the \"Signature\" field. Fill your desired nickname and click the Save changesbutton.\n", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/sign-message.16be3665.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/edit-validator-name.15fef091.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/paste-signed-message.9e6f0872.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000343", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/performance.html", "Heading": "Uptimerobot: Port-scanning for Uptime", "Text": "The Uptimerobot service is a simple service that scans an IP address for an open port. If your machine becomes unavailable on the port you specified, Uptimerobot can send you a notification that there is an issue. The service was a wide variety of notification options including email, push notification, SMS, phone call, and webhooks.\nThe setup screen looks something like this:\n\nThe IP to monitor is the external IP of your node, which you can find by logging into your node by ssh or physically, and opening icanhazip.com in a browser or running the following command in your terminal:\nshellcurl icanhazip.com\nThe port to monitor depends on your node setup; users running the typical Smartnode installation will likely have forwarded ports 30303 and 9001 for the Execution and Consensus clients respectively, so these are good choices for uptime monitoring.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/uptimerobot.5cf9b523.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000344", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/performance.html", "Heading": "Rocketpool Metrics Dashboards", "Text": "There are multiple community-lead initiatives to provide an overview of your node performance, as well as the Rocket Pool network as a whole.\nAn in-depth network analytics explorer is rocketscan.io, made by community member Peteris. It features detailed network and node metrics, including a timeline of your node activity.\n", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/rocketscan.dev.27777621.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000345", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/performance.html", "Heading": "Scripting with Pushover (advanced)", "Text": "The Pushover service allows you to send yourself push notifications.\nNOTEThis is an advanced activity to undertake. It can be helpful if you are familiar with shell scripting, but is not recommended if you are not comfortable in a shell environment.\nTo get started with Pushover:\nCalling the Pushover API to send you a push notification is done through a curl call structured as such:\nshellPUSHOVER_USER=\nPUSHOVER_TOKEN=\nMESSAGE_TITLE=\nMESSAGE_CONTENT=\ncurl -f -X POST -d \"token=$PUSHOVER_TOKEN&user=$PUSHOVER_USER&title=$MESSAGE_TITLE&message=$MESSAGE_CONTENT&url=&priority=0\" https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000346", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/performance.html", "Heading": "Example: Push Notification on Updates Available", "Text": "If you set up automatic updates using the unattended-upgrades and update-nofifier packages, you may want to receive a push notification when there are updates available for your node. A potential way to do this is to create a script in ~/update-notifier.sh and to trigger it daily at 9:00 using crontab.\nTo do this, first create the script by running:\nshellnano ~/update-notifier.sh\nThen paste the following script:\nshell#!/bin/bash\n\nPUSHOVER_USER=\nPUSHOVER_TOKEN=\nNODE_ADDRESS=\"$(rocketpool node status | grep -Po \"(?<=The node )(0x[A-Za-z0-9]{40})\")\"\nEXPLORER_URL=https://beaconcha.in/validators/eth1deposits?q=\n#EXPLORER_URL=https://rocketscan.io/node/\n#EXPLORER_URL=https://www.rp-metrics-dashboard.com/dashboard/MAINNET/\nNOTIFICATION_URL=\"$EXPLORER_URL$NODE_ADDRESS\"\n\n# Check if the update-notifier file is showing updates available\nif cat /var/lib/update-notifier/updates-available | grep -Pq '^(?!0)[0-9]* updates can be applied'; then\n\n\n MESSAGE_TITLE=\"\u26a0\ufe0f Rocket Pool node system updates available\"\n MESSAGE_CONTENT=\"$( cat /var/lib/update-notifier/updates-available | grep -P '^(?!0)[0-9]* updates can be applied' )\"\n\nelse\n\n MESSAGE_TITLE=\"\u2705 Rocket Pool node system up to date\"\n MESSAGE_CONTENT=\"No system updates available\"\n\nfi\n\ncurl -f -X POST -d \"token=$PUSHOVER_TOKEN&user=$PUSHOVER_USER&title=$MESSAGE_TITLE&message=$MESSAGE_CONTENT&url=$NOTIFICATION_URL&priority=0\" https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json\nNext, run the following command to mark the script as executable:\nshellchmod u+x ~/update-notifier.sh\nNow run the following command to open your crontab:\nshellcrontab -e\nThen use the arrow keys to scroll down, and add the line * 9 * * * ~/update-notifier.sh so the file looks like this:\nshell# Edit this file to introduce tasks to be run by cron.\n#\n# Each task to run has to be defined through a single line\n# indicating with different fields when the task will be run\n# and what command to run for the task\n#\n# To define the time you can provide concrete values for\n# minute (m), hour (h), day of month (dom), month (mon),\n# and day of week (dow) or use '*' in these fields (for 'any').\n#\n# Notice that tasks will be started based on the cron's system\n# daemon's notion of time and timezones.\n#\n# Output of the crontab jobs (including errors) is sent through\n# email to the user the crontab file belongs to (unless redirected).\n#\n# For example, you can run a backup of all your user accounts\n# at 5 a.m every week with:\n# 0 5 * * 1 tar -zcf /var/backups/home.tgz /home/\n#\n# For more information see the manual pages of crontab(5) and cron(8)\n#\n# m h dom mon dow command\n\n# This like triggers at 9 AM local time\n# to configure your own times, refer to https://crontab.guru/\n0 9 * * * ~/update-notifier.sh\nThe press control+x to exit and press Y when asked whether you want to save your changes.\nYou should now receive a notification at 09:00 local time if you have updates. You can manually run the script by typing this in your terminal:\nshell~/update-notifier.sh", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000347", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/performance.html", "Heading": "Example: Get Notified when your APC UPS Daemon Activates", "Text": "Some home stakers are using an Uninterruptible power supply with the apcupsd utility to make sure their node shuts down gracefully if their power goes out.\nThe apcupsd utility uses the apccontrol script to manage its logic, thus it is possible to monitor the activity of this daemon by editing the /etc/apcupsd/apccontrol file. To do this, run:\nshellsudo nano /etc/apcupsd/apccontrol\nThen at the top of the line add the following code so the file looks like this:\nshellPUSHOVER_USER=\nPUSHOVER_TOKEN=\nMESSAGE_TITLE=\"UPS Daemon called\"\nMESSAGE_CONTENT=\"called with: $1\"\ncurl -f -X POST -d \"token=$PUSHOVER_TOKEN&user=$PUSHOVER_USER&title=$MESSAGE_TITLE&message=$MESSAGE_CONTENT&url=&priority=0\" https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json\n\n#\n# Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Riccardo Facchetti <[email\u00a0protected]>\n#\n# platforms/apccontrol. Generated from apccontrol.in by configure.\nThis will send you a push notification whenever your UPS daemon takes action, includion periodic \"self test\" functionality.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000348", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/grafana.html", "Heading": "Setting up the Grafana Dashboard", "Text": "Now that you have your node up and running, you'll probably want to have a convenient way to monitor everything about it at a glance to make sure it's functioning correctly (and what kind of earnings it's generating for you).\nThere are many tools out there that do this job. One of the most popular is called Grafana - an easy-to-use, general-purpose dashboard system that you can access with a browser.\nRocket Pool comes out-of-the-box with support for Grafana and its dependencies; it even comes with a pre-built dashboard for each of the Consensus (ETH2) clients. For example, here is a snapshot of what the dashboard looks like on the Prater test network:\n\nThe standard dashboard includes the following information all in a convenient format:\nTop left: some important statistics about your machine's health and performance, and any pending system updatesTop right: the activity and performance of your validators on the Beacon Chain, along with some Execution and Consensus client statsBottom left: details about the entire Rocket Pool network, for referenceBottom right: details about your staking rewards, both ETH and RPL\nIn this guide, we'll show you how to enable Rocket Pool's metrics system so you can use this dashboard - or even build your own!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/grafana-1.3.888534e8.jpg", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000349", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/grafana.html", "Heading": "Overview of the Rocket Pool Metrics Stack", "Text": "If you choose to enable metrics during the Smartnode configuration process, your node will add the following processes:\nPrometheus - a data collection, storage, and reporting system that captures all of the metrics you see above (any many more) and stores them, so they can be looked at over timeThe Prometheus Node Exporter - a service that collects information about your machine's health (such as CPU usage, RAM usage, free disk space and swap space, etc.) and reports it to PrometheusGrafana, the tool that exposes Prometheus's data through a convenient website hosted on your nodeAn optional custom set of scripts that will report any available Operating System updates to Prometheus, so you know if your system needs to be patched\nThe default configuration will create Docker containers with all of these services that live alongside the rest of the Smartnode's Docker containers. It will open up a port on your node machine for Grafana, so you can access its dashboard from any machine on your local network with a browser.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000350", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/grafana.html", "Heading": "Enabling the Metrics Server", "Text": "DockerHybridNativeEnabling metrics in Docker mode is the easiest of all.Start by running the Smartnode configuration command again:rocketpool service configYou will see the following question at the end:Would you like to enable Rocket Pool's metrics dashboard? [y/n]Enter y, to enable the Prometheus, Node Exporter, and Grafana Docker containers for you. It will also modify your Consensus (ETH2) and Validator clients so they expose their own metrics to Prometheus.For those who prefer to fine-tune their port settings, the interview will ask you if you'd like to change any of the ports used for the above services. Note that all of these ports are restricted to Docker's internal network with the exception of the Grafana port - that will be opened on your machine (so you can access it via a browser from other machines, such as your desktop or phone) so you may want to change that if the default port conflicts with something you already have.NOTEIf you have UFW enabled as referenced in the Securing your Node section, you will need to open a few ports in order for outside machines to access Grafana, and to allow local connections between the Node Exporter and Prometheus.First run:shelldocker inspect rocketpool_monitor-net | grep -Po \"(?<=\\\"Subnet\\\": \\\")[0-9./]+\"This will return an ip in CIDR notation that looks like run the following, but replace with the output of the previous command:shellsudo ufw allow from to any port 9103 comment \"Allow prometheus access to node-exporter\"You can then open the firewall to allow external devices access to your Grafana dashboard.NetworkSubnetAnywhereUse this if you want to access Grafana from any machine inside your local network, but deny access everywhere else. This will be the most common use case.Please check whether your local network uses the 192.168.1.xxx structure first. You may have to change the command below to match your local network's configuration if it uses a different address structure (e.g. 192.168.99.xxx).shell# This assumes your local IP structure is 192.168.1.xxx\nsudo ufw allow from proto tcp to any port 3100 comment 'Allow grafana from local network'After you reconfigure the Smartnode to enable / disable metrics, you'll have to run the following commands for the changes to take effect:rocketpool service stop\n\nrocketpool service startThe Operating System and Rocket Pool update tracker is not installed by default for maximum flexibility, but the process is simple. If you would like to install it so your dashboard shows you how many updates are available for your system, you can do it with this command:rocketpool service install-update-trackerUnder the hood, this will install a service that hooks into your Operating System's package manager, periodically checks for updates, and sends that information to Prometheus. This service is different for every Operating System, but it has been confirmed to work on the following:Ubuntu 20.04+Debian 9 and 10CentOS 7 and 8Fedora 34NOTEEnabling the service automatically is incompatible with SELinux. If your system has SELinux enabled by default (as is the case with CentOS and Fedora), the installation command will get you most of the way there but will also give you instructions on how to finish the process manually at the end.During this check, it will also compare your installed Rocket Pool Smartnode version with the latest release, and inform you if there's a new release available.If you enabled the update tracker, then the last step is to restart the Node Exporter with the following command:docker restart rocketpool_exporterAfter that, you should be all set.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000351", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/grafana.html", "Heading": "Setting up Grafana", "Text": "Now that the metrics server is ready, you can access it with any browser on your local network.\nRefer to the tabs below for your Smartnode installation mode.\nDockerHybridNativeNavigate to the following URL, substituting the variables with your setup as necessary:http://:For example, if you node's IP was and you used the default Grafana port of 3100, then you would go to this URL in your browser: will see a login screen like this:The default Grafana information is:Username: admin\nPassword: adminYou will then be prompted to change the default password for the admin account. Pick something strong and don't forget it!TipIf you lose the admin password, you can reset it using the following command on your node:shelldocker exec -it rocketpool_grafana grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password adminYou will be able to log into Grafana using the default admin credentials once again, and then you will be prompted to change the password for the admin account.Thanks to community member tedsteen's work, Grafana will automatically connect to your Prometheus instance so it has access to the metrics that it collects. All you need to do is grab the dashboard!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/grafana-login.c5971f0a.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000352", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/grafana.html", "Heading": "Importing the Rocket Pool Dashboard", "Text": "Now that you have Grafana attached to Prometheus, you can import the standard dashboard (or build your own using the metrics that it provides, if you are familiar with that process).\nStart by going to the Create menu (the plus icon on the right-side bar) and click on Import:\n\nWhen prompted for the dashboard ID in the Import via grafana.com box, enter 18391 or use the full URL ((https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/18391) and press the Load button.\nYou will be prompted with some information about the dashboard here, such as its name and where you'd like to store it (the default General folder is fine unless you use a lot of dashboards and want to organize them).\nUnder the Prometheus drop-down at the bottom, you should only have a single option labeled Prometheus (default). Select this option.\nYour screen should look like this:\n\nIf yours matches, click the Import button and you will be immediately taken to your new dashboard.\nAt first glance, you should see lots of information about your node and your validators. Each box comes with a handy tooltip on the top left corner (the i icon) that you can hover over to learn more about it. For example, here is the tooltip for the Your Validator Share box:\n\nHowever, we aren't done setting things up yet - there is still a little more configuration to do.\nNOTESome of the boxes (notably the APR ones) have been temporarily disabled due to the way Shapella provides skimmed rewards.They will be enabled again in a future version of the Smartnode that can track historical rewards properly.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/grafana-import.d12fb7f1.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/grafana-import2.73be4ff0.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tooltip.c30ca572.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000353", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/grafana.html", "Heading": "Tailoring the Hardware Monitor to your System", "Text": "Now that the dashboard is up, you might notice that a few boxes are empty such as SSD Latency and Network Usage. We have to tailor the dashboard to your specific hardware so it knows how to capture these things.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000354", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/grafana.html", "Heading": "CPU Temp", "Text": "To update your CPU temperature gauge, click the title of the CPU Temp box and select Edit from the drop down. Your screen will now look something like this:\n\nThis is Grafana's edit mode, where you can change what is displayed and how it looks. We're interested in the query box highlighted in red, to the right of the Metrics browser button.\nBy default, that box has this in it:\nnode_hwmon_temp_celsius{job=\"node\", chip=\"\", sensor=\"\"}\nThere are two fields in this text that are currently blank: chip and sensor. These are unique to each machine, so you'll have to fill them in based on what your machine provides.\nTo do this, follow these steps:\n\nTipIf you don't know which chip or sensor is correct, you'll have to try all of them until you find the one that looks right. To help with this, install the lm-sensors package (for example, sudo apt install lm-sensors on Debian / Ubuntu) and run the sensors -u command to provide what sensors your computer has. You can try to correlate a chip ID from Grafana's list with what you see here based on their names and IDs.For example, this is one of the outputs of our sensors -u command:k10temp-pci-00c3\nTctl:\n temp1_input: 33.500\nTdie:\n temp2_input: 33.500In our case, the corresponding chip in Grafana is pci0000:00_0000:00:18_3 and the corresponding sensor is temp1.\nOnce you're happy with your selections, click the blue Apply button in the top right corner of the screen to save the settings.\nNOTENot all system expose CPU temperature info - notably virtual machines or cloud-based systems. If yours doesn't have anything in the auto-complete field for chip, this is probably the case and you won't be able to monitor your CPU temperature.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/cpu-temp.febd85b0.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/grafana-autocomplete.9c375ba7.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000355", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/grafana.html", "Heading": "SSD Latency", "Text": "The SSD Latency chart tracks how long it takes for read/write operations to take. This is helpful in gauging how fast your SSD is, so you know if it becomes a bottleneck if your validator suffers from poor performance. To update the SSD you want to track in the chart, click on the SSD Latency title and select Edit.\nThis chart has four query fields (four textboxes) with eight device=\"\" portions in total. You'll need to update the first four of these portions with the device you want to track.\nSimply place your cursor in-between the quote marks and press Ctrl+Spacebar to get Grafana's auto-complete list, and select the correct option from there for each of the device=\"\" portions. You want to start from the leftmost empty setting first, or the auto-complete list may not appear.\nTipIf you don't know which device to track, run the following command:lsblkThis will output a tree showing your device and partition list, for example:NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT\n...\nloop25 7:25 0 132K 1 loop /snap/gtk2-common-themes/9\nloop26 7:26 0 65,1M 1 loop /snap/gtk-common-themes/1515\nnvme0n1 259:0 0 238,5G 0 disk\n\u251c\u2500nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 512M 0 part /boot/efi\n\u251c\u2500nvme0n1p2 259:2 0 150,1G 0 part /\n\u251c\u2500nvme0n1p3 259:3 0 87,4G 0 part\n\u2514\u2500nvme0n1p4 259:4 0 527M 0 partIf you didn't change Docker's default location to a different drive during your Smartnode installation, then the disk you want to track will be the one that your Operating System is installed on. Look in the MOUNTPOINT column for an entry simply labeled /, then follow that back up to its parent device (the one with disk in the TYPE column).Typically this will be sda for SATA drives or nvme0n1 for NVMe drives.If you did change Docker's default location to a different drive, or if you're running a hybrid / native setup, you should be able to use the same technique of \"following the mount point\" to determine which device your chain data resides on.\nOptionally, you can also track latency of a second disk on your system. This is aimed at people that keep their Operating System and chain data on separate drives. To set this up, simply follow the instructions above for the last two query fields, substituting device=\"\" portion values with those of the disk you want to track.\nOnce you're happy with your selections, click the blue Apply button in the top right corner of the screen to save the settings.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000356", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/grafana.html", "Heading": "Network Usage", "Text": "This chart tracks how much data you're sending and receiving over a particular network connection. As you might expect, the dashboard needs to know which network you want it to track.\nTo change it, click on the Network Usage title and select Edit.\nThis chart has two query fields with two device=\"\" portions in total. You'll need to update these with the network you want to track.\nPlace your cursor in-between the quote marks and press Ctrl+Spacebar to get Grafana's auto-complete list, and select the correct option from there for each of the device=\"\" portions.\nTipIf you don't know which device to track, run the following command:routeThe output will look something like this:Kernel IP routing table\nDestination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface\ndefault UG 100 0 0 eth0\n192.168.1.0 U 0 0 0 eth0\n192.168.1.1 UH 100 0 0 eth0Look at the Destination column for the row with the value if default. Follow that row all the way to the Iface column. The device listed there is the one you want to use - in this example, eth0.\nOnce you're happy with your selections, click the blue Apply button in the top right corner of the screen to save the settings.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000357", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/grafana.html", "Heading": "Total Net I/O", "Text": "This tracks the total amount of data you've sent and received. You might find it useful to watch if, for example, your ISP limits you to a certain amount of data per month.\nThe setup is identical to the Network Usage box above, so simply follow those instructions for this box too.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000358", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/grafana.html", "Heading": "Disk Space Used", "Text": "This keeps tabs on how full your Operating System disk is getting, so you know when it's time to clean up (and if your chain data lives on the same drive, time to prune Geth or Nethermind).\nThe steps are the same as the SSD Latency box above, so simply follow those instructions for this box too. As a reminder, you want the drive that houses the partition which has / in the MOUNTPOINT column for this one because that will be your Operating System drive. Fill this into the first query field.\nOptionally, you can also track the free space of a second disk on your system. This is aimed at people that keep their Operating System and chain data on separate drives. Set this up by following the same process, but instead of looking at which partition has / in the MOUNTPOINT column, you want to look for the one that has whatever your second drive's mount point is. Update the second query field with the disk associated with that partition.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000359", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/grafana.html", "Heading": "Disk Temp", "Text": "This tracks the current temperature of your Operating System disk. The steps are the same as the CPU Temp box above, so simply follow those instructions for this box too, substituting CPU chip and sensor values with those of your Operating System disk. Fill these values into the first query field.\nOptionally, you can also track the current temperature of a second disk on your system. Set this up by following the same process, substituting the chip and sensor values with those of your second drive. Fill these values into the second query field.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000360", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/grafana.html", "Heading": "Customizing the Dashboard", "Text": "While the standard dashboard tries to do a good job capturing everything you'd want to see at a glance, it's quite easy to customize a Grafana dashboard however you want. You can add new graphs, change the way graphs look, move things around, and much more!\nTake a look at Grafana's Tutorials page to learn how to play with it and set it up to your liking.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000361", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/grafana.html", "Heading": "Customizing the Metrics Stack", "Text": "The tools used in the Rocket Pool Metrics Stack offer a wide array of configuration options beyond what is included in the default Rocket Pool installation. This section includes configuration examples for different use cases.\nIn general, Grafana configuration options should be passed through using environment variables in override/grafana.yml. Any config option can be converted to an environment variable using the following syntax:\nGF__", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000362", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/grafana.html", "Heading": "Grafana SMTP Settings for Sending Emails", "Text": "To send emails from Grafana, e.g. for alerts or to invite other users, SMTP settings need to be configured in the Rocket Pool Metrics Stack. See the Grafana SMTP configuration page for reference.\nOpen ~/.rocketpool/override/grafana.yml in a text editor. Add an environment section below the x-rp-comment: Add your customizations below this line line, replacing the values below with those for your SMTP provider. If using Gmail and 2-Step Verification is enabled, create an App Password for this service.\nyamlversion: \"3.7\"\nservices:\n grafana:\n x-rp-comment: Add your customizations below this line\n environment:\n ## SMTP settings start, replace values with those of your SMTP provider\n - GF_SMTP_ENABLED=true\n - GF_SMTP_HOST=mail.example.com: # Gmail users should use smtp.gmail.com:587\n - [email\u00a0protected]\n - GF_SMTP_PASSWORD=password\n - [email\u00a0protected]\n - GF_SMTP_FROM_NAME=\"Rocketpool Grafana Admin\"\n ## SMTP server settings end\nAfter making these modifications, run the following to apply the changes:\ndocker stop rocketpool_grafana\n\nrocketpool service start\nTo test the SMTP settings, go to the Alerting menu and click Contact points.\n\nClick New contact point and select Email as the Contact point type. Enter an email address in the Addresses section and click Test.\n\nCheck to see that the test email was received. Click Save contact point* when finished.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/grafana-contact-points.484a1a9b.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/grafana-new-contact-point.f0f10a4b.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000363", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/updates.html", "Heading": "Checking for Updates", "Text": "One of the responsibilities of a node operator is making sure your system is up to date with the latest security patches. Automatic updates are convenient but can interfere with your node operation, so it may be preferable to run them manually. In either case, you must make sure that your machine is regularly patched!\nNOTEMost of the time, updating will not require your system to be down for more than a few minutes. You might be concerned that such downtime will negatively affect your Beacon Chain balance. Rest assured, the penalty for being offline for such a short period of time is completely negligible.Each attestation you miss will penalize you for slightly less than the amount you'd earn from a successful attestation. As a rule of thumb, if you're offline for an hour, you will earn it all back after being online for an hour again.Also note that there is absolutely no chance that you will be slashed by going offline for a short time. Slashing only occurs if you attack the network, and going offline for maintenance does not count as attacking the network.Please keep your systems up to date - don't worry about the downtime penalties!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000364", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/updates.html", "Heading": "Updating your Operating System", "Text": "You should frequently check your Operating System's package manager or update service to ensure that quickly apply any new important security patches. The exact instructions vary for each Operating System and can be found with your system's documentation, but here are a few examples.\nUbuntumacOSIn a terminal, type the following:sudo apt updateThis will access the package servers and check to see if any of your installed packages have new versions available. If updates are available, the output will look like this:Fetched 3974 kB in 2s (1641 kB/s)\nReading package lists... Done\nBuilding dependency tree\nReading state information... Done\n12 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.You can install the updates with the following command:sudo apt dist-upgradeThis will show you the list of packages that are about to be updated, and if the total installation size is large enough, it will show you the size and prompt you to confirm that you accept:12 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.\nNeed to get 51.3 MB of archives.\nAfter this operation, 52.2 kB of additional disk space will be used.\nDo you want to continue? [Y/n]Ensure that you have enough space available to do this, then press y and Enter to begin the update process.Once the progress bar is finished and you're dropped back into the terminal prompt, run the following command to clean up any old versions of packages that were just replaced:sudo apt autoremoveNext, check if your system needs to be rebooted:cat /var/run/reboot-requiredIf the above command prints No such file or directory, then reboot is not required and you can skip the step below.However if the command prints *** System restart required ***, then you should restart your machine to finish applying the updates when you are able:sudo rebootRocket Pool will gracefully shut down and automatically start back up with the system once it reboots.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000365", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/updates.html", "Heading": "Updating the Smartnode Stack", "Text": "Occasionally, Rocket Pool will release a new version of the Smartnode stack. Updates can contain new versions of the CLI or the Rocket Pool Docker containers, as well as new versions of the Execution and Consensus clients.\nThe most consistent way to find out about new releases is to subscribe to the Rocket Pool Discord server; they will always be posted in the Releases channel and you will receive a notification.\nNOTENote that running apt update will not update the node software. This must be done manually using the steps below.\nTIPWhen you have completed the Smartnode upgrade, the Grafana dashboard will still indicate there is still an update available. It will automatically clear within a day when the system next auto-checks for updates.If you want to clear it immediately after the update, simply run: sudo apt update\nThe steps to upgrade depend on which mode your node uses. Select from the options below:\nLinux (Docker or Hybrid Mode)Linux (Native Mode)macOS (Docker or Hybrid Mode)Stop the Rocket Pool services:rocketpool service stopDownload the new Smartnode CLI:For x64 systems (most normal machines):wget https://github.com/rocket-pool/smartnode-install/releases/latest/download/rocketpool-cli-linux-amd64 -O ~/bin/rocketpoolFor arm64 systems:wget https://github.com/rocket-pool/smartnode-install/releases/latest/download/rocketpool-cli-linux-arm64 -O ~/bin/rocketpoolNow run the install command:rocketpool service install -dThe -d flag tells it to ignore system dependencies like Docker, since you already have them.If you'd like to see what's changed, open the Settings Manager - the Review Page will show you what's new:rocketpool service configWhen you're done, start Rocket Pool up again:rocketpool service startFinally, check the version to make sure the CLI and Smartnode stack are both up to date:rocketpool service version\n\nYour Smartnode is currently using the Prater Test Network.\n\nRocket Pool client version: 1.5.0\nRocket Pool service version: 1.5.0\nSelected Eth 1.0 client: Geth (Locally managed)\n Image: ethereum/client-go:v1.10.21\nSelected Eth 2.0 client: Lighthouse (Locally managed)\n Image: rocketpool/lighthouse:mevboost-5ee3bc5Both the client and service should match the new release version.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000366", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/updates.html", "Heading": "Manually Updating the Execution or Consensus Client", "Text": "Each new release of the Smartnode stack will come with updated references to the latest compatible versions to the Execution and Consensus Docker containers. In some cases, however, you might want to upgrade one of those clients before waiting for a new Smartnode stack release. This section will show you how to do just that.\nDocker ModeUpdating to new client versions is easy in Docker mode.Start by opening the Settings Manager:rocketpool service configTo change the Execution client version, go to the Execution Client (ETH1) category. Modify the Container Tag setting:To change the Consensus client version, go to the Consensus Client (ETH2) category. Modify the Container Tag setting:NOTEThis process is slightly different for Prysm, because the Smartnode stack needs to use the DEBUG images that Prysm provides instead of the normally versioned ones. For help upgrading Prysm manually, please visit the smart-nodes channel in the Rocket Pool Discord.When you're happy with your changes, save and exit as usual. The Smartnode will offer to restart all of the affected containers automatically.::::: tabNative Mode First, shut down your Execution client, Beacon Node, and/or Validator client service depending on what you'd like to update. For example, shutting down Geth:sudo systemctl stop gethNext, download the latest binary release from the vendor of your client (or build it from source) and replace the old binary with the new one. We recommend you move the old binary to a backup location instead of overwriting it, just in case the new client has problems.Finally, start the client service again - for example, starting Geth:sudo systemctl start gethYou should follow the log scripts closely after the upgrade to ensure that the new client works as expected.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-ec-container-tag.305f5771.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-cc-container-tag.bb525c4e.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000367", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/backups.html", "Heading": "Backing Up Your Node", "Text": "NOTEThis is currently written for Docker Mode installations. Some locations may vary for Hybrid or Native users.\nIn general, if you created your node wallet and minipools via the Smartnode, the only thing you truly need on hand to recover your node from a complete failure is the mnemonic for your node wallet Everything else can be recovered from that quite easily.\nIf you have minipools that have externally-generated validator keys (e.g. you migrated from Allnodes to your own self-hosted node), you will need the private keystore files for your validators as well since they cannot be recovered from the node wallet.\nThat being said, once the Merge takes place, you will no longer be able to use a light Execution client (e.g. Pocket or Infura) as a fallback if you ever need to resync the Execution layer chain. Furthermore, you will be required to have an active and healthy Execution client to attest correctly. Having a fast, reliable way to recover from an Execution client failure (such as a corrupt database, SSD malfunction, or compromised / stolen hardware) will be critical, as it can take hours or even days to sync from scratch.\nIn this guide, we'll show you how to back up some of these things to help improve your node's resilience and minimize unnecessary downtime.\nNOTEThis guide assumes you have installed the Smartnode to the default directory (~/.rocketpool). If you specified a different installation directory, substitute it accordingly in the instructions below.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000368", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/backups.html", "Heading": "Items That Can Be Backed Up", "Text": "", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000369", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/backups.html", "Heading": "Smartnode Configuration", "Text": "The Smartnode's configuration is stored in ~/.rocketpool/user-settings.yml. You can save this and replace it to restore all of your Smartnode settings (i.e., the things you specified in rocketpool service config).", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000370", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/backups.html", "Heading": "Execution Client / ETH1 Client Chain Data", "Text": "The Execution client's chain data is likely the most important thing to back up. As mentioned, it can take several days to re-sync your EC chain data. After The Merge, this means hours to days of downtime and lost profits!\nThe chain data is stored within the rocketpool_eth1clientdata Docker volume, which by default is located at /var/lib/docker/volumes/rocketpool_eth1clientdata. Note this folder is typically not accessible by unprivileged user accounts; you will need to elevate to the root user to see it.\nNOTEIf you changed Docker's storage location during the initial Smartnode installation (such as people that run Docker on a second SSD), you will find the volume in //docker/volumes/rocketpool_eth1clientdataIf you don't recall which installation path you use, you can check /etc/docker/daemon.json for its location. If the file doesn't exist, you use the default location.\nFor detailed instructions on how to efficiently back up your Execution chain data, please see the Backing up your Execution Chain Data section below.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000371", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/backups.html", "Heading": "Monitoring & Metrics Data", "Text": "This data is stored within the rocketpool_grafana-storage Docker volume, which by default is located at /var/lib/docker/volumes/rocketpool_grafana-storage (or //docker/volumes/rocketpool_prometheus-data if you customized your Docker storage location).", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000372", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/backups.html", "Heading": "Items That Should Not Be Backed Up", "Text": "", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000373", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/backups.html", "Heading": "Private Keys and Passwords", "Text": "Your node wallet's private key and the password file used to encrypt it are stored in ~/.rocketpool/data/wallet and ~/.rocketpool/data/password respectively. These files don't generally need to be backed up, as they can be recovered from your mnemonic using rocketpool wallet recover.\nIf, for some reason, you do decide to back up these files, you will need to be extremely careful about how you store them. Anyone who gains access to these files will gain access to your node wallet, its validators, and any funds you have stored on it for things like gas.\nWe strongly recommend you do not back up these files and just use your wallet mnemonic to recover them if necessary.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000374", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/backups.html", "Heading": "Consensus Client / ETH2 Client Chain Data", "Text": "Unlike the Execution layer data, the Consensus layer data is not nearly as important to your node thanks to Checkpoint Sync. Consensus clients can easily use this technique to immediately resync to the head of the Beacon chain and resume validation duties.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000375", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/backups.html", "Heading": "Backing up your Execution Chain Data", "Text": "The Smartnode comes with the ability to back up your Execution chain data via the rocketpool service export-eth1-data command. Under the hood, this utilizes rsync, a powerful backup/copy tool within Linux.\nrsync compares the files in the source directory (your Docker volume) and the target directory (your backup location). If a source file doesn't exist in the target directory, it will be copied entirely. However, if it does exist, rsync will only copy the changes between the two files.\nThis means the first backup will take a good amount of time as it must copy all of the data initially. Subsequent backups will only copy the changes between your previous backup and now, making the process much faster.\nAs part of a backup strategy, you may want to plan to run export-eth1-data on a regular basis. To ensure the integrity of the chain data, running this command will safely shut down the Execution client before backing up its data. If you elect to schedule it every week, your Execution client will only be down for a few minutes while it updates the backup. This is certainly better than the days it would take to resync the data from scratch.\nTo trigger a backup, start by mounting the storage medium you want to export the data to. For example, this could be an external hard drive.\nHINTIf you don't know how to mount external devices on Linux, it's easy! Plug the device into your node, and follow a guide like this to learn how to mount it.\nOnce you have it mounted, note its mount path. For this example, let's assume that we want to store the chain data in a folder called /mnt/external-drive which the external device is mounted to. Replace this with your actual mount path wherever you see it below.\nNow, run the following command:\nrocketpool service export-eth1-data /mnt/external-drive\nThis will check that your target folder is reachable and has enough free space to store the chain data. The output will look like this:\nThis will export your execution client's chain data to an external directory, such as a portable hard drive.\nIf your execution client is running, it will be shut down.\nOnce the export is complete, your execution client will restart automatically.\n\nYou have a fallback execution client configured (http://:8545).\nRocket Pool (and your consensus client) will use that while the main client is offline.\n\nChain data size: 87 GiB\nTarget dir free space: 287 GiB\nYour target directory has enough space to store the chain data.\n\nNOTE: Once started, this process *will not stop* until the export is complete - even if you exit the command with Ctrl+C.\nPlease do not exit until it finishes so you can watch its progress.\n\nAre you sure you want to export your execution layer chain data? [y/n]\nAs you can see, the chain data is 87 GB (for the Prater testnet; the Ethereum mainnet will be an order of magnitude larger) and the external folder has 287 GiB free so exporting can continue.\nWhen you're ready, enter y here and press Enter. This will stop your Execution client and begin copying its chain data to your target folder. You will see the progress of each individual file go past the screen as it runs.\nNOTEIt's important that you do not exit the terminal while this is running. If you do, the copy will continue to run in the background but you won't be able to follow its progress!\nOnce it's finished, it will automatically restart your Execution client container.\nNote that your existing chain data is not deleted from your node after the export is complete!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000376", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/backups.html", "Heading": "Restoring Your Execution Chain Data", "Text": "If you ever need to restore your backed up chain data, simply run the following command.\nrocketpool service import-eth1-data /mnt/external-drive\nWARNINGThis will automatically delete any existing Execution client data in your rocketpool_eth1clientdata volume!\nOnce it's done, your Execution client will be ready to go.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000377", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/pruning.html", "Heading": "Pruning the Execution Client", "Text": "NOTEThis is meant for geth and nethermind users. Besu does not need to be pruned.\nIf you use geth or nethermind as your primary Execution (ETH1) client, you will likely notice that your node's free disk space slowly decreases over time. The Execution client is by far the biggest contributor to this; depending on how much RAM you allocated to its cache during rocketpool service config, it can grow at a rate of several gigabytes per day!\nTo handle this, Execution clients provide a special function called pruning that lets them scan and clean up their database safely to reclaim some free space. Every node operator using Geth or Nethermind will have to prune it eventually.\nIf you have a 2 TB SSD, you can usually go for months between rounds of pruning. For 1 TB SSD users, you will have to prune more frequently.\nIf you have the Grafana dashboard enabled, a good rule of thumb is to start thinking about pruning your Execution client when your node's used disk space exceeds 80%.\nWhen you decide that it's time, the Smartnode comes with the ability to prune it for you upon request. Read below to learn how it works, and what to expect.\nNOTEPruning your Execution client is only possible in Docker Mode.If you use your own Execution (ETH1) client, such as an external client in Hybrid mode or Native mode, you cannot use the Smartnode to prune the Execution client. You will need to do it manually. Please refer to the documentation for your Execution client to learn how to prune it.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000378", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/pruning.html", "Heading": "Prerequisites", "Text": "Select the client you're using from the tabs below.\nGethNethermindPruning Geth means taking the primary Execution (ETH1) client offline so it can clean itself up. When this happens, the Smartnode (and your Consensus (ETH2) client) will need some other way to access the ETH1 chain in order to function properly.The easiest way to provide this is with a fallback node. If you configured a fall back node using rocketpool service config already, then the Smartnode will automatically switch over to it when your Geth container goes down for maintenance for you. It will also inform your Consensus (ETH2) client to use the fallback as well.WARNINGIf you don't have a fallback node configured, your node will stop validating during the pruning process. It will miss all attestations and block proposals until it's finished and has resynced with the network. You will leak ETH due to missed validations during this time!With that in mind, the following two conditions are required to successfully prune Geth:A working fallback node configuredAt least 50 GB of free space remaining on your SSD :::::", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000379", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/pruning.html", "Heading": "Starting a Prune", "Text": "Select the client you're using from the tabs below.\nGethNethermindWhen you want to prune Geth, simply run this command:rocketpool service prune-eth1If you do not have a fallback client pair enabled, you will receive the following warning:This will shut down your main execution client and prune its database, freeing up disk space.\nOnce pruning is complete, your execution client will restart automatically.\n\nYou do not have a fallback execution client configured.\nYour node will no longer be able to perform any validation duties (attesting or proposing blocks) until Geth is done pruning and has synced again.\nPlease configure a fallback client with `rocketpool service config` before running this.\nAre you sure you want to prune your main execution client? [y/n]If you do have one enabled, you will see the following prompt instead:This will shut down your main execution client and prune its database, freeing up disk space.\nOnce pruning is complete, your execution client will restart automatically.\n\nYou have fallback clients enabled. Rocket Pool (and your consensus client) will use that while the main client is pruning.\nAre you sure you want to prune your main execution client? [y/n]If you accept, you'll see a few details as the Smartnode prepares things; it should end with a success message:Are you sure you want to prune your main ETH1 client? [y/n]\ny\n\nYour disk has 303 GiB free, which is enough to prune.\nStopping rocketpool_eth1...\nProvisioning pruning on volume rocketpool_eth1clientdata...\nRestarting rocketpool_eth1...\n\nDone! Your main ETH1 client is now pruning. You can follow its progress with `rocketpool service logs eth1`.\nOnce it's done, it will restart automatically and resume normal operation.\nNOTE: While pruning, you **cannot** interrupt the client (e.g. by restarting) or you risk corrupting the database!\nYou must let it run to completion!With that, Geth is now pruning and you're all set! You can follow its progress with:rocketpool service logs eth1Once it's done pruning, it will restart automatically and the Smartnode will resume using it again instead of your fallback. :::::", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000380", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/change-clients.html", "Heading": "Changing Execution or Consensus Clients", "Text": "Under normal circumstances, you will likely just select an Execution and Consensus client when you first create your Rocket Pool node and will let them happily run for the life of your Node. However, there are a few situations where you may want to change your client selection. Here are a few examples:\nYour client gains a supermajority share on the Execution or Beacon chains, and you want to change for the overall health of the networkA bug causes your client to stop functioning correctly, and you need to get back online quickly to resume validation dutiesYou want to try a new feature that a different client offersA different client is better suited to your node's hardware (e.g. some clients are better on ARM systems than others)\nLuckily, the Smartnode stack makes changing clients extremely easy. All it takes is a few changes in the Configuration TUI, and some optional extra commands to back up your existing client data before changing clients.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000381", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/change-clients.html", "Heading": "Changing Execution Clients", "Text": "Prior to changing your Execution client, it's worth noting the following points:\nChain data is not shared between clients. Your new client will need to resync the Mainnet chain data, which can take some time (though each client supports snap sync, which the Smartnode uses to speed up resyncing).By default, the Smartnode will leave your old client's chain data on your drive in case you want to revert back to your old Execution client and pick up where you left off. You may want to export it to a different location and delete it to free up space prior to changing clients, since Execution clients can use hundreds of gigabytes. We have steps below on how to do this.While your new client is resyncing, most of the Smartnode CLI functions will be offline since they rely on the Execution client. You should have a fallback Execution client available before doing this to mitigate the downtime on your Smartnode.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000382", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/change-clients.html", "Heading": "(Optional) Export your Execution Client's Database", "Text": "The first step in the process is an optional one: if you like, you can export your existing chain data for your current Execution client. This will let you free up valuable disk space on your node for your new Execution client, and you can keep the old chain data around in case you want to revert back to the old client and pick up where you left off.\nPlease refer to the Backing Up Your Node guide for details.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000383", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/change-clients.html", "Heading": "Change your Selected Execution Client", "Text": "To change your selected client, run rocketpool service config to enter the configuration UI. Navigate to the Execution Client (ETH1) section, and select the Execution Client dropdown:\n\nOpen the dropdown with Enter, use the arrow keys to navigate to your client of choice, and press Enter again to confirm the selection.\nNote that each client has its own unique options, so you may see some additional settings appear in this screen after you select a different client. Feel free to explore through them to see how they affect things.\nWhen you're happy with your choice, press Esc to return to the main menu, then Tab to highlight the Review Changes and Save button. You will be presented with the review screen, which will show your client selection change:\n\nPress Enter to accept the changes, and you're done! Your new Execution client will begin syncing immediately. As usual, you can follow it with rocketpool service logs eth1. We recommend you do this to verify there are no errors, and that it works properly.\nNOTENow that the Execution and Consensus layers have merged, taking down your Execution client will also take down your Consensus client until your Execution client has finished resyncing. This means your node will stop attesting and proposing blocks, and it will leak ETH instead of earning it!To avoid this and continue validating while your Execution client resyncs, please set up a fallback node.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-select-ec.7138cdb0.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-confirm-ec.87544b8a.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000384", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/change-clients.html", "Heading": "(Recommended) Remove your Old Chain Data", "Text": "This is not a required step, but we strongly recommend you remove the chain data from your old client now that you've switched to a new one so you can free up disk space for it.\nTo do this, simply run the following command:\nrocketpool service resync-eth1\nThis will delete all of your Execution client data and start it over.\nTIPSince you just selected a new Execution client, it won't be affected by this - essentially, all it will do is delete your old chain data. You should do this as soon as possible after switching clients to prevent unnecessary loss of progress on your new client.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000385", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/change-clients.html", "Heading": "Changing Consensus Clients", "Text": "Changing Consensus clients is even easier than Execution clients, thanks to Checkpoint Sync. This feature lets you immediately sync a new Consensus client with the network, so there's no need to preserve your old chain data.\nStart by using the rocketpool service config UI and navigating to the Consensus Client (ETH2) section. Next, select the Consensus Client dropdown:\n\nOpen the dropdown with Enter, use the arrow keys to navigate to your client of choice, and press Enter again to confirm the selection.\nNote that each client has its own unique options, so you may see some additional settings appear in this screen after you select a different client. Feel free to explore through them to see how they affect things.\nNext, verify that you're using a Checkpoint Sync provider:\n\nIf you don't have a Checkpoint Sync provider configured, you can easily use instructions from here to do it for free!\nWhen you're happy with your choice, press Esc to return to the main menu, then Tab to highlight the Review Changes and Save button. You will be presented with the review screen, which will show your client selection change:\n\nPress Enter to accept the changes, and you're done! Your new Consensus client will begin syncing immediately. As usual, you can follow it with rocketpool service logs eth2. We recommend you do this to verify there are no errors, and that it works properly.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-select-cc.81e2475c.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-checkpoint-sync.d75438f1.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-confirm-cc.9491ccd7.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000386", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/rewards/overview.html", "Heading": "Overview", "Text": "This section covers how to access the rewards your node generates while validating.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000387", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/rewards/overview.html", "Heading": "Prerequisites", "Text": "Before configuring your Smartnode, please make sure you:\nHave set up a node machine (or virtual machine) and secured it (via the Securing your Node guide)Have the Smartnode installed and configured on itHave a node wallet loaded on your SmartnodeSynced your Execution and Consensus clientsProvisioned your node with a withdrawal address, set up your fallback clients (optional), opted into the Smoothing Pool (optional), and configured MEVCreated at least one minipool", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000388", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/rewards/overview.html", "Heading": "Guides", "Text": "Claiming Node Operator Rewards explains how RPL rewards and Execution-layer rewards work, and how to access them.\nDistributing Skimmed Rewards covers accessing rewards from the Beacon Chain that periodically get \"skimmed\" by the protocol and delivered to your minipools.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000389", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/rewards.html", "Heading": "Claiming Node Operator Rewards", "Text": "As a Rocket Pool node operator, you are entitled to regular rewards that will be provided in the form of the RPL token and (if you are opted into the Smoothing Pool) some ETH as well. This section will describe how these rewards work and how you can claim them.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000390", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/rewards.html", "Heading": "Rewards and Checkpoints", "Text": "At regular intervals, Rocket Pool will flag a checkpoint on the network. Currently, checkpoints occur every 28 days.\nAt a new checkpoint, the Oracle DAO will collectively create a true snapshot of the state of the node operators in the Rocket Pool network, which it will use to determine the RPL and Smoothing Pool ETH rewards for each node during that interval.\nThis information is compiled into a Merkle Tree - an extremely efficient way to make all of the details available to smart contracts. The Merkle Tree is built into a JSON file and hosted on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and mirrored on a GitHub repository that we maintain.\nOnce the tree is submitted, the Rocket Pool smart contracts will mint new RPL tokens and move them, along with the Smoothing Pool's entire ETH balance, into the Rocket Pool vault for secure storage. You can then view how many RPL and ETH rewards you earned during that interval and claim those rewards.\nThe rewards system has the following features:\nEach interval is independent. The amount of RPL and ETH you earned in one interval does not affect the earnings for subsequent intervals.You can let rewards accumulate for as long as you want. You do not need to claim rewards by a specific time; they will always be available for you to claim, and will always provide exactly the same amount of RPL and ETH regardless of when you claim them.You can claim one interval or a time, or multiple intervals all at once.Your first claim transaction uses about 85k gas. Each subsequent claim transaction costs about 55k gas. If you're claiming multiple intervals at once, each supplemental interval costs 6k gas so it's most cost-effective to claim as many of them at once as possible.You can restake some (or all) of your RPL rewards as part of the claiming transaction so it's all done in a single transaction (which further reduces gas costs).Currently, all of your claims must be on Mainnet but we have the infrastructure in place to build the ability to claim on Layer 2 networks at a later date.\nFor more information on how the Merkle Tree is built and how rewards are calculated, please visit our research repository and view the official specifications. We've provided a brief explanation of them below.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000391", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/rewards.html", "Heading": "RPL Rewards", "Text": "RPL's current rewards rate is 5% inflation per year. This means that for the first year of operation, with a total supply of 18,000,000 RPL, the protocol will mint 900,000 RPL. 70% of this (630,000 RPL) will be distributed to Rocket Pool node operators, which is roughly 48,300 RPL per checkpoint.\nThis amount will be divided among all of the node operators on the network, weighted by their total effective stake. The effective stake is essentially how much RPL collateral they've staked against their minipools, capped at 150%. Thus, for a single minipool with a 16 ETH deposit, the maximum effective stake is 24 ETH worth of RPL (which varies with the ETH/RPL ratio). Staking more RPL than this will not result in higher rewards.\nFor example: if 48,300 RPL were minted, your node had 1000 effective RPL staked, and the total effective stake of the network was 1,000,000 RPL, then your rewards for the checkpoint would be 48,300 * 1000 / 1000000 = 48.3 RPL.\nIf less than 28 days have passed between the time when you registered your node and the checkpoint, your rewards in that first rewards interval will be pro-rated to account for that. For example, if you registered on day 14 if the interval, you would receive 50% of normal rewards.\nAfter that first interval, your node will have been registered long enough on subsequent intervals that you will receive full rewards for all of them.\nNOTEIn order to claim your rewards, you must have a minimum collateralization ratio of 10% at the time of the checkpoint. This means if you have a single minipool that you deposited 16 ETH into, you must have staked at least 1.6 ETH worth of RPL in order to claim your rewards. The rocketpool node status command will show you your current collateralization ratio.If you are below 10% during the checkpoint, you will not be eligible for any rewards for that interval.Even if you increase above 10% at a later date, you will not have any rewards to claim for that interval. Therefore it is crucial that you maintain at least 10% collateral at all times.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000392", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/rewards.html", "Heading": "Smoothing Pool ETH Rewards", "Text": "Along with RPL rewards, the Smoothing Pool's entire ETH balance is distributed during rewards checkpoints. Half of it (minus the average node commission) will be sent to the rETH contract where it can be burned for ETH from pool stakers that want to exit or used to create more minipools. The remaining portion will be distributed amongst the eligible node operators.\nNodes that are opted into the smoothing pool for the interval, even if only part of the time, are eligible for a portion of the Smoothing Pool's total balance. The balance is snapshotted at the rewards checkpoint, and the Oracle DAO determines each eligible node's portion. The portion is determined by the following factors:\nAmount of time in the Smoothing Pool this intervalAttestation performance on the Beacon Chain for each minipoolThe commission of each minipool\nIf you'd like to know more, please see the research repository linked above for a full breakdown of how the rewards are calculated.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000393", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/rewards.html", "Heading": "(Optional) Generating the Rewards Tree", "Text": "When a new rewards checkpoint is reached, the Oracle DAO will begin to build the rewards tree for that interval. Building this tree currently takes approximately 2 hours, and the rewards for the interval aren't available to claim until the tree has been built and submitted. Once it's available, your node will automatically download this file and you'll be able to view and claim your rewards for that interval.\nIf you'd like to generate the tree yourself instead of downloading the pre-built one from the Oracle DAO, you can do so!\nEnter the rocketpool service config TUI.Navigate to the Smartnode and TX Fees section.Change the Rewards Tree Mode from Download to Generate.If your primary Execution client is not an archive node, you can add a URL for a separate archive node in the Archive-Mode EC URL box. This is needed to generate historical rewards trees.The Archive EC will only be used for tree generation; it will not be used for any other Smartnode duties.Infura and Alchemy offer archive node access. Note that the free tiers are usually not sufficient to handle tree generation, so you will need one of the paid tiers.\nNow your Smartnode will build the tree completely independently from the Oracle DAO, using only the data provided by your Execution and Consensus clients. You can watch it during a rewards interval checkpoint with rocketpool service logs watchtower.\nIf you'd like to rebuild past trees from previous intervals, you can do so with the following command:\nrocketpool network generate-rewards-tree\nFollow the prompts, and then use rocketpool service logs watchtower to view its progress.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000394", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/rewards.html", "Heading": "Claiming Rewards", "Text": "To view your pending unclaimed rewards, run the following command:\nrocketpool node claim-rewards\nAs intervals go by and you accumulate rewards, the output will look like this:\n\nHere you can quickly see how many rewards you've earned at each interval, and can decide which one(s) you want to claim.\nYou can also specify an amount you want to restake during this claim:\n\nThis will let you compound your RPL rewards in one transaction, which saves on gas costs.\nSimply follow the prompts, ensure your node wallet has enough ETH to pay for the gas costs of claiming, and you're done! Your rewards will be sent to your withdrawal address.\nTIPTo view your node's total rewards, including those you've already claimed, use the following command:rocketpool node rewardsThis will provide a breakdown of how much RPL and ETH you've claimed so far, and how much is still unclaimed:=== ETH ===\nYou have earned 8.1935 ETH from the Beacon Chain (including your commissions) so far.\nYou have claimed 0.0634 ETH from the Smoothing Pool.\nYou still have 3.4788 ETH in unclaimed Smoothing Pool rewards.\n\n=== RPL ===\nThe current rewards cycle started on 27 Sep 22 21:26 EDT.\nIt will end on 30 Sep 22 21:26 EDT (20h35m17s from now).\nYou currently have 675.616380 unclaimed RPL from staking rewards.\n\nYour estimated RPL staking rewards for this cycle: 36.851544 RPL (this may change based on network activity).\nBased on your current total stake of 6615.797278 RPL, this is approximately 67.77% APR.\nYour node has received 208.551820 RPL staking rewards in total.\n\nYou may claim these rewards at any time. You no longer need to claim them within this interval.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/claim-rewards-gb.8f1f7440.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/autostake.17e69ed2.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000395", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/rewards.html", "Heading": "Execution-Layer Rewards in your Fee Distributor", "Text": "If you're not opted into the Smoothing Pool, the Execution-layer portion of your rewards from block proposals (including transaction fees and MEV) will be sent to your node's Fee Distributor contract instead.\nTo check the balance of your Fee Distributor, you can either use a chain explorer like https://etherscan.io or simply run rocketpool node status - there will be a section called Fee Distributor and Smoothing Pool that shows it:\n=== Fee Distributor and Smoothing Pool ===\nThe node is not opted into the Smoothing Pool.\nTo learn more about the Smoothing Pool, please visit https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/whats-new.html#smoothing-pool.\nThe node's fee distributor 0xA0bfbFC582f5814585f8455Ed6D7B620eA9a9EE4 has a balance of 1.143598 ETH.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000396", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/rewards.html", "Heading": "Distributing the Balance", "Text": "To access the Fee Distributor's balance, you will distribute it (hence the name, Fee Distributor). This will calculate your share of the rewards (based on your node's average minipool commission) and send it to your node's withdrawal address; the rest is sent to the staking pool.\nDistribution can be done at any time. You can sit on the balance and let it accumulate if you choose, or distribute it regularly.\nTo distribute the balance, run the following command:\nrocketpool node distribute-fees\nThis will show how much goes to you and how much goes to the staking pool:\nYour node's average commission is 15.00%.\nYour fee distributor's balance of 1.143599 ETH will be distributed as follows:\n\tYour withdrawal address will receive 0.657569 ETH.\n\trETH pool stakers will receive 0.486030 ETH.\nSimply confirm the gas price you want and submit the transaction. Once it's been completed, your portion of the rewards will be available in your node's withdrawal address.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:22hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000397", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/skimming.html", "Heading": "Distributing Skimmed Rewards", "Text": "The ETH rewards you receive for running a validator for Ethereum are routinely sent to your minipools in a process referred to as \"skimming\". The frequency of skims depends on the number of activate validators on the Beacon Chain. At the time of writing the number of validators is around 500,000 which results in a skim occurring approximately every 2-3 days.\nSkimmed rewards will accrue in each of your minipools until you \"distribute\" them. This process distributes the skimmed rewards between you, as the node operator, and rETH holders based on your commission rate and ratio of supplied and provided ETH.\nNOTEIn order to access your minipool's balance, you will need to upgrade to the Atlas delegate first. The old Redstone delegate cannot be used to distribute the minipool's balance.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000398", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/skimming.html", "Heading": "Automatic Distribution", "Text": "By default, the Smartnode is configured to automatically distribute your minipools when their balance reaches 1 ETH. This threshold can be configured in the TUI by following the steps below.\nRun:\nrocketpool service config\nNavigate to the setting Smartnode and TX Fee Settings > Auto Distribute Threshold shown below.\n\nChanging this setting will adjust the threshold at which the Smartnode will automatically distribute your minipools. Setting the parameter to 0 will disable automatic distributions.\nWARNINGIf you decide to disable automatic distribution, it is important that you still perform a manual distribution on a regular basis. Read the manual distribution section that follows on how to do this.After a long period of time your skimmed rewards may exceed 8 ETH. If this situation occurs you will no longer be able to distribute them and will need to exit your validator to access your accrued rewards.Rocket Pool features a failsafe design which allows anyone, after a long waiting period, to distribute your minipool when its balance exceeds 8 ETH. To protect your capital, the Smartnode monitors this situation and will automatically exit your minipool if it occurs.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-automatic-skimming.9e0df912.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000399", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/skimming.html", "Heading": "Manual Distribution", "Text": "If you have disabled the automatic distribution of skimmed rewards, you will need to routinely distribute them yourself with the following process.\nIf your minipool has less than 8 ETH in it, you can distribute your rewards using the following command:\nrocketpool minipool distribute-balance\nThis will show you the minipools you have that are eligible for distribution, how much ETH they have, and how much ETH you (the node operator) will receive:\nWARNING: The following minipools are using an old delegate and cannot have their rewards safely distributed:\n\t0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5\n\t0x7E5704aD2a63eb90880426Dcd4a3811246dF3cB0\n\t0x7E5705c149D11efc951fFc20349D7A96bc6b819C\n\t0x7E570625cE8F586c90ACa7fe8792EeAA79751778\n\nPlease upgrade the delegate for these minipools using `rocketpool minipool delegate-upgrade` in order to distribute their ETH balances.\n\nPlease select a minipool to distribute the balance of:\n1: All available minipools\n2: 0x7E5700bcd65B1770bA68abB288D3f53814d376aC (0.112307 ETH available, 0.031200 ETH goes to you plus a refund of 0.024419 ETH)\n3: 0x7E570195026dC29f4B2DfF08B56c3b5D0FF988Ef (0.070754 ETH available, 0.000481 ETH goes to you plus a refund of 0.069399 ETH)\n4: 0x7e5702a2cE66B5B35E59B9Ac00eEAAa547881e40 (0.122064 ETH available, 0.070187 ETH goes to you plus a refund of 0.000000 ETH)\n5: 0x7E5700c82E38434C6c72890bb82f5B5305f4328a (0.102739 ETH available, 0.000000 ETH goes to you plus a refund of 0.000000 ETH)\n6: 0xffCAB546539b55756b1F85678f229dd707328A2F (0.070989 ETH available, 0.025201 ETH goes to you plus a refund of 0.000000 ETH)\nAny minipools using the original launch delegate will be mentioned at the start, letting you know that you cannot call distribute-balance on them until you upgrade their delegates. This delegate was written before skimmed withdrawals were specified and, as such, do not feature a way to distribute skimmed rewards.\nNote that for eligible minipools, you are also shown the refund amount. This is an amount owed directly to you (for example, because you had a balance in your minipool prior to migrating from a 16-ETH bond down to an 8-ETH bond or you converted a solo validator into a minipool with existing rewards). It will not be shared with the rETH holders.\nNOTEYou might be wondering why the amount going to the node operator (0.031200 ETH) appears lower than you might expect in this case. That's because in this example, we used an 8-ETH bonded minipool (an LEB8) instead of a 16-ETH bonded minipool! Read our guide on 8-ETH bonded minipools if you'd like to learn more about them.\nEnter the number of the minipool that you want to distribute. You will be prompted with the gas price chart as usual, and asked to confirm your decision. Once you have, your minipool's balance will be distributed:\nUsing a max fee of 2.00 gwei and a priority fee of 2.00 gwei.\nAre you sure you want to distribute the ETH balance of 1 minipools? [y/n]\ny\n\nDistributing balance of minipool 0x7E5700bcd65B1770bA68abB288D3f53814d376aC...\nTransaction has been submitted with hash 0xb883eab903d9688b40d291c5c2030084f9bce19135837ebf96a5c1e8871cfbf9.\nWaiting for the transaction to be included in a block... you may wait here for it, or press CTRL+C to exit and return to the terminal.\n\nSuccessfully distributed the ETH balance of minipool 0x7E5700bcd65B1770bA68abB288D3f53814d376aC.\nAs you can see from the transaction, this provided the node's withdrawal address with the node's share of the rewards (plus the refund amount) and returned the rest to the staking pool.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000400", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/withdraw.html", "Heading": "Shut Down a Minipool", "Text": "", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000401", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/withdraw.html", "Heading": "Exiting your Validator", "Text": "When you have decided that you no longer want to run a minipool and want to access the full balance locked on the Beacon Chain, you will have to take several steps:\nWe'll cover each step below.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000402", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/withdraw.html", "Heading": "Sending the Exit Request", "Text": "If you want to exit the validator attached to a minipool, run the following command:\nrocketpool minipool exit\nYou will be presented with a list of minipools that can be exited:\nPlease select a minipool to exit:\n1: All available minipools\n2: 0x7E5700bcd65B1770bA68abB288D3f53814d376aC (staking since 2023-02-08, 06:33 +0000 UTC)\n3: 0xd8E804cFA64ADb386F52DB20717810130c90f674 (staking since 2023-02-08, 06:33 +0000 UTC)\nOnce you confirm you want to exit, your node will send a voluntary exit request to the Beacon Chain. This is not a normal Execution layer transaction, so you do not need to pay gas for it.\nIf you need the validator public key for the minipool you just exited, you can retrieve it using rocketpool minipool status. You can view your validator's exit status on a Beacon Chain explorer such as https://beaconcha.in (or https://prater.beaconcha.in for the Prater Testnet). It will take some time for your status to be updated, but once it is you will see it in the \"exiting\" state:\n\nHere you can see the Status is Exiting, the epoch it will exit on is highlighted (5224), and the \"Exited\" icon will be pulsing green to indicate the operation is in progress. It may take some time for your validator to exit, especially if there are a large number of validators exiting the Beacon Chain at the same time; the protocol is designed to only allow a small number of validators to exit per epoch so you may have to wait your turn.\nOnce your exit epoch has passed, your validator will officially exit the chain and will no longer attest or propose blocks. You can confirm this in your Validator Client logs, or on the explorer:\n\nThe status has changed to Exited and there is some text underneath that indicates your withdrawable epoch (which should be 256 epochs after you exit, or about 27 hours). Beaconcha.in also conveniently provides the local timestamps for when your validator will exit and when it will be withdrawable.\nOnce it has entered the withdrawable state, your validator will be enqueued by the Beacon Chain for rewards distribution. This queue depends on how many validators are currently withdrawing. Once it's your turn, the Beacon Chain will automatically send your balance to your minipool's address on the Execution layer. At this point, you can access it using the Smartnode CLI to do a distribution.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/exiting.8618bf84.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/exited.dc99caed.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000403", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/withdraw.html", "Heading": "Distributing Full Rewards", "Text": "NOTEThis process requires your validator to be exited from the Beacon Chain and your validator's balance to have been transferred to the minipool contract. If you need a refresher on how to do that process, please see the Exiting your Validator section above - return here once you're done.\nIf you have exited your validator from the Beacon Chain and your balance has been deposited into the minipool contract, you can safely withdraw the entire thing in one command. Unlike manual distribution, this process will actually finalize your minipool which closes it and renders it inactive. Once your balance has been withdrawn from the Beacon Chain and you go through the following process to access the funds, the minipool's duty is over.\nTo retrieve the funds and close the minipool, run the following command:\nrocketpool minipool close\nThis will present you with a list of minipools that are eligible for closure:\nPlease select a minipool to close:\n1: All available minipools\n2: 0xd8E804cFA64ADb386F52DB20717810130c90f674 (32.007209 ETH available, 8.002559 ETH is yours plus a refund of 0.000000 ETH)\nHere you can see the total balance for each eligible minipool, how much of that balance will be distributed to you, and how much of that balance is reserved for you as a refund (which bypasses distribution).\nSelect which minipool you'd like to distribute and close from the list, confirm the action, and wait for your transaction to be validated. Once it does, your share of the minipool balance (and your refund) will be sent to your withdrawal address, and the minipool will enter the finalized state.\nYou can verify it by looking at the transaction on a block explorer; for example, see the transaction for closing the above minipool (Goerli Testnet).", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000404", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/withdraw.html", "Heading": "Unstaking RPL", "Text": "At this point, your effective RPL will be updated to remove this minipool from the calculation. You can now unstake any RPL you have that would put you over the 150% limit.\nTo unstake RPL against the node, run the following command:\nrocketpool node withdraw-rpl", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000405", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/withdraw.html", "Heading": "A Note on the Old Delegate", "Text": "The original minipool delegate assigned to every minipool from Rocket Pool's launch until Atlas's deployment was built with two assumptions in mind:\nThe first point is clearly no longer relevant now that Ethereum is being upgraded to support skimming. The second point is also no longer true, because the Oracle DAO is no longer going to flag \"withdrawable\" minipools. This was an intentional design decision to reduce the power that the Oracle DAO yields over Rocket Pool node operators and allow them to access rewards without any supplemental requirement on trusted parties.\nBecause of these deficiencies, the Smartnode CLI no longer supports withdrawals or fund distribution on the original minipool delegate. If you'd like to access your rewards, you must upgrade to the Atlas delegate which supports the new withdrawal conditions listed above.\nDANGERIf you are an advanced user and bypass the CLI to invoke the distribution functionality on the contract directly via a third-party tool, be advised of the following things:The delegate's distribution function will revert if the minipool's balance is below 16 ETH. Balances below 16 ETH cannot be accessed.If the minipool has between 16 and 32 ETH in its balance, distribution by the original delegate will assume your validator has been slashed. It will return 16 ETH to the staking pool and give you whatever is left over. It will only function properly if the minipool balance is above 32 ETH.The minipool will never enter the finalized state because the Oracle DAO will never mark it as withdrawable, so even though you may be able to access your ETH, your RPL will be locked until you upgrade to the Atlas delegate.Because of these points, we strongly recommend you just upgrade to the Atlas delegate in the first place and avoid them entirely.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000406", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/rescue-dissolved.html", "Heading": "Rescuing a Dissolved Minipool", "Text": "In the unlikely event your minipool does not stake within the dissolve window, it will be \"dissolved\" by the oDAO and user funds provided will be returned to the deposit pool for use by another minipool. In this scenario, you will need to perform the below process to retrieve your ETH and unlock your RPL to be unstaked.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000407", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/rescue-dissolved.html", "Heading": "Update your Minipool Delegate", "Text": "It is highly recommended that you use the latest minipool delegate when performing this process. Older delegates contain a selfdestruct operation when they are closed which means, if the process is not completed correctly in the specified order, funds may be locked forever. You can check that your minipool is on the latest delegate by attempting to Upgrade your Delegate. If your minipool does not appear in the list of minipools that can be upgraded then you can continue on below.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000408", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/rescue-dissolved.html", "Heading": "Retrieve Your Unused Deposit Balance", "Text": "NOTEIf your minipool was dissolved prior to Atlas, you may skip this step and head straight to Increase Your Beaconchain Balance to 32 ETH. You do not need to retrieve your unused deposit balance because the entire bond amount was deposited to the beaconchain prior to Atlas.\n1 ETH from your initial bond deposit is used as an initial deposit to the beaconchain to secure your validator's withdrawal credentials. The remaining amount is deposited to your minipool when it is assigned ETH from the deposit pool.\nWhen your minipool is dissolved, the user ETH is returned to the deposit pool and your ETH remains in the minipool ready to be returned to you. Use the Manual Distribution of rewards feature to retrieve this ETH that can then be used in the next step to activate your validator.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000409", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/rescue-dissolved.html", "Heading": "Increase Your Beaconchain Balance to 32 ETH", "Text": "You must top up your validator's balance to the minimum required for activation on the beaconchain. This amount is 32 ETH. If you have a 16 ETH bonded minipool, you will require an additional 16 ETH and if you have an 8 ETH bonded minipool you will need an additional 24 ETH during this step.\nDeposit the required amount of ETH into your node address and then issue the following command to begin the process:\nrocketpool minipool rescue-dissolved\nYou will be presented with a list of minipools that meet the criteria for a manual deposit:\nPlease select a minipool to rescue:\n1: All available minipools\n2: 0x7E5700bcd65B1770bA68abB288D3f53814d376aC (dissolved since 2023-02-08, 06:33 +0000 UTC)\n3: 0x7E570195026dC29f4B2DfF08B56c3b5D0FF988Ef (dissolved since 2023-02-08, 06:33 +0000 UTC)\nAfter selecting the minipool you want to rescue, you will be asked what amount you want to manually deposit:\n1. All 16.000000 ETH required to rescue it\n2. 1 ETH\n3. A custom amount\nOption 1 will be used in most circumstances. It is the amount required to bring your beaconchain balance up to the required 32 ETH amount. The other options are provided for advanced use cases.\nNOTEBringing your beaconchain balance up to 32 ETH means your validator will be able to actively participate in Ethereum validation duties. The smartnode may not have had a chance to restart your validator since the dissolution. Therefore, it is a good idea to manually restart your validator to ensure it has loaded your validator keys and can perform validation duties to avoid any penalties during the rescue process.If you are running the standard Docker mode, this can be done with docker restart rocketpool_validator.\nOnce this step is complete, your validator will enter the entry queue and you will need to wait for the following events to occur:", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000410", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/rescue-dissolved.html", "Heading": "Exiting your Validator", "Text": "Once your validator has been active for a minimum of 256 epochs, you may exit your minipool via the same process as any other minipool by following the Exiting your Validator guide.\nThe full 32 ETH balance will be returned to your minipool and dissolved minipools distribute 100% of their balance to the node operator's withdrawal address.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000411", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/troubleshooting.html", "Heading": "[NYI] Troubleshooting your Node", "Text": "", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000412", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/troubleshooting.html", "Heading": "TODO", "Text": "This should discuss how to look for, and handle, common problems that people face when running a node.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000413", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/faq.html", "Heading": "FAQ (WIP)", "Text": "", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000414", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/faq.html", "Heading": "What are the benefits of running two 16 ETH minipools with Rocket Pool compared to a 32 ETH solo validator?", "Text": "By running a single solo validator, you would receive 100% rewards on your 32 ETH. By running two 16 ETH minipools, you would receive 100% rewards on your 32 ETH plus 15% of the rewards on 32 ETH provided by the Rocket Pool protocol. You would also have the option to use Rocket Pool's Smoothing Pool feature.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000415", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/faq.html", "Heading": "How do I know how much my rETH is worth? Does it rebase?", "Text": "The rETH token will not rebase. The number of tokens on your wallet will remain constant but they appreciate in value over time. You can check here for more information on the exchange rate history.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000416", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/faq.html", "Heading": "I have a technical issue running my node, how do I get help?", "Text": "You can start by checking the Rocket Pool Support page. If that doesn't help, you can ask your question on the Rocket Pool #support channel in the Discord server.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000417", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/faq.html", "Heading": "How can I get test ETH to experiment with creating and running a minipool? I can't post messages on the faucet channel.", "Text": "See Getting test ETH on Goerli.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000418", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/faq.html", "Heading": "How do I recover my node if my machine breaks?", "Text": "Short answer: your mnemonic is all that you need to fully recover your node. Always make sure to keep it safe.\nTo recover your node on a new machine, start by making sure your previous machine is not going to be online again with the keys available, as two nodes running with the same keys will get you slashed. Follow the steps to install the Smartnode on a new machine. Then, recover your node wallet and validator keys by running the command rocketpool wallet recover and insert your 24-word mnemonic.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000419", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/faq.html", "Heading": "Why aren't my clients syncing? I have a low amount of peers.", "Text": "Clients need to have a healthy number of peers to be able to properly sync. You can start by running the test here, checking if ports 30303 and 9001 are opened. If they're closed, you'll need to setup port forwarding on your router. Also, make sure your node has a static local IP address so the port forwarding does not break due to your node getting a new address.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000420", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/faq.html", "Heading": "My consensus client is taking too long to sync. What should I do?", "Text": "Consensus clients can take a long time to sync if you didn't start the sync process using Checkpoint Sync. Even if you're running it for a long time, it's usually faster to configure the checkpoint sync URL, clear the current sync data with rocketpool service resync-eth2 and start over. Your client should be synced in less than a minute.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000421", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/faq.html", "Heading": "I've already rebooted. Why does Grafana say I still need to reboot?", "Text": "The reboot information is cached and only updates every few hours. Running sudo apt update will force an update.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000422", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/testnet/overview.html", "Heading": "Practicing with the Test Network", "Text": "An Ethereum test network (testnet for short) is an Ethereum blockchain, functionally identical to the standard Ethereum blockchain, but it's intended to be used for testing smart contracts before they go live onto the main \"real\" blockchain (called mainnet). Testnets run in parallel with mainnet - there are actually several of them running right now!\nYou can read more about some of the ETH1 testnets here if you like. Rocket Pool uses Goerli for its ETH1 testnet. You can use a block explorer for it here if you'd like to take a look at it: https://goerli.etherscan.io/\nThe same concept applies to the ETH2 chain as well. Rocket Pool uses Prater for its ETH2 testnet. You can find a block explorer for it here: https://prater.beaconcha.in/\nBecause the networks are intended for testing, ETH on them is given out for free to help people test. This ETH cannot be transferred to mainnet; it must stay on Goerli and has no real value, so you can think of it as Monopoly money.\nDANGERDO NOT use your real ETH from mainnet at any point if you are trying out Rocket Pool's test network! You will lose your funds forever if you do this! You should only use test ETH that you received on the Goerli network from a faucet (described below)!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000423", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/testnet/overview.html", "Heading": "Configuring the Testnet", "Text": "The default configuration of Rocket Pool using Docker handles all of the settings involved in using a testnet for you automatically. There's nothing special you need to do.\nIf you're using a different setup with an external ETH1 or ETH2 client, or are running your clients natively without Docker, then you will need to set this up manually:\nFor Geth: add --goerli to the launch command.For Lighthouse: add --network prater to the launch command.For Nimbus: add --network=prater to the launch command.For Prysm: add --prater to the launch command.For Teku: add --network=prater to the launch command.For Lodestar: prefix the launch command with LODESTAR_NETWORK=goerli\nCheck the next section to learn how to get some test ETH on Goerli, which you'll need to test Rocket Pool out.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000424", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/testnet/overview.html", "Heading": "Getting Test ETH on Goerli", "Text": "To use the Rocket Pool test network, you'll need ETH on Goerli. Luckily, you can get this for free using a faucet - an automated service that will provide you with Goerli ETH to test with.\nNOTEYou will need to provide an Ethereum address in order to receive test ETH.If you are just trying to stake your ETH normally and receive rETH, please review the Staking Guide before getting Goerli ETH. You will be prompted to return here at the appropriate step.If you are planning to run a node, please go through the Node Operator Guide to set up a node and create a new wallet first. You will be prompted to return here at the appropriate step.\nRocket Pool provides a faucet in its Discord server. Join the server and head to the #support channel.\nHere, you can ask the support team for testnet ETH. You will need to provide the users there with your node address, and they will provide you with ETH.\nNOTEThe testnet faucet bot is no longer directly accessible to the public due to previous abuse. It is only available to people in the support team with explicit access permission. Simply state your intentions, and someone with faucet permissions will assist you.\nIf you aren't planning to register a node and just want some ETH to test staking to receive rETH, or if you are planning to register a node but haven't yet, type the following command in the channel:\n!goerliEth \nwithout the angle brackets. If your wallet doesn't have any ETH already, the bot will send your wallet 1 ETH to test with.\nIf you are planning to run a node, do the following:\n!nodeOperator \nIn order to use !nodeOperator, the address you provide it must be a registered Rocket Pool node. Therefore, you must follow these 3 steps in that order.\nNOTETo prevent abuse, there is a cooldown timer on sending messages in the faucet channel. Therefore, there will be a delay between when you can run the !goerliEth and !nodeOperator commands. If you want to bypass this, you can always ask for help - someone who has a cooldown available will likely be able to run the command for you.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000425", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/testnet/overview.html", "Heading": "Getting Test RPL on Goerli", "Text": "If you're testing out node operation, you'll need some test RPL in addition to test ETH. To get this, you'll need to use the Smartnode stack's command line interface (CLI) tool. You'll want to set up the Smartnode stack following the Node Operator's guide before collecting RPL from the faucet.\nOnce your Smartnode CLI is installed and you have a wallet assigned to your node, you can access the built-in RPL faucet. Use the following command to check on its status:\nrocketpool faucet status\nThe output will look like this:\nThe faucet has a balance of 1999400.000000 RPL.\nYou can withdraw 600.000000 RPL (requires a 0.500000 GoETH fee)!\nAllowances reset in 26585 blocks.\nThe faucet is on a timer, so each node operator can only use the faucet once every 4 or 5 days.\nThe faucet balance indicates how much RPL is still available.The withdraw amount shows how much RPL you can receive from the faucet during the current cycle. If you already used the faucet, this line will change to let you know that you can't use it again this cycle.The reset timer shows how long (in blocks) it is until the next cycle, at which point you can use the faucet again. The amount of time remaining (in seconds) is approximately this number * 13 seconds per block / 60 seconds.\nNOTEThe RPL faucet charges a 0.5 goerli ETH fee to use it, in order to prevent people from abusing the system. You'll need to have at least this amount in your node wallet already in order to use it!\nWhen you're ready to receive RPL from the faucet, use the following command:\nrocketpool faucet withdraw-rpl\nAfter a short wait, you'll see the following output:\nSuccessfully withdrew 600.000000 RPL from the faucet.\nThis will provide you with 600 of the legacy (v1) RPL token, which is analogous to the original RPL token on mainnet. Rocket Pool uses a new (v2) RPL token which supports the inflation used to reward node operators.\nTo learn how to swap legacy RPL for new RPL, follow the steps in the Creating a Minipool (ETH2 Validator) guide.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000426", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/testnet/mainnet.html", "Heading": "Migrating from the Test Network to Mainnet", "Text": "If you've already used Rocket Pool on our Prater test network, are comfortable with its ins and out, and are ready to either stake ETH or run a node for real on the main Ethereum chain, then this guide is for you! Here you will find instructions on how to migrate an existing Smartnode stack from the Prater test network to one connected to the Ethereum mainnet, ready for staking your own real ETH and RPL.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000427", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/testnet/mainnet.html", "Heading": "Pool Staking on Mainnet", "Text": "Pool staking is largely the same process on mainnet as it was on the testnet. The URL will be different and the address of the rETH token may be different, but there are no significant changes to the workflow. Follow the Staking Guide, which has been updated with instructions for mainnet.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000428", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/testnet/mainnet.html", "Heading": "Differences Between the Testnet and Mainnet", "Text": "The testnet Smartnode has a faucet for test ETH. The mainnet Smartnode does not have a faucet. You will need to supply your own ETH in order to stake.Mainnet supports many Ethereum wallets via WalletConnect, so you can use other wallets that you could not use on the testnet. You are no longer restricted to using Metamask in order to stake.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000429", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/testnet/mainnet.html", "Heading": "Smartnode Operation on Mainnet", "Text": "NOTENothing from the test network can be migrated to mainnet. The chain data is different for both Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2), so you must remove the old chain data and resync the mainnet chains from scratch. Your validators on the testnet do not carry over to mainnet. Also, for security, compatibility, and safety purposes, you must make a new wallet on mainnet!Do not use your testnet node wallet on mainnet!The following steps will delete all of your testnet data. If you want to preserve your test network setup, you should back up your hard drive or move it to a second machine.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000430", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/testnet/mainnet.html", "Heading": "Differences Between the Testnet and Mainnet", "Text": "The testnet Smartnode has a faucet for ETH and RPL. The mainnet Smartnode does not have a faucet. You will need to supply your own ETH and your own RPL.If you are using Geth, your node's workload will be considerabily higher. Geth takes approximately 20x the storage space of Goerli (400 GB as of 2021-09-05), and requires more CPU power and RAM to process. If you're using the Rocket Pool Grafana dashboard, be prepared to see much higher usage.Your Beacon Chain peers (and thus, your attestation effectiveness) will be higher than the testnet. Peers on mainnet are much more diverse and tend to be higher quality than on the testnet.The RPL rewards checkpoint occurs every 28 days instead of every 3 days, to help offset high gas costs.The RPL price used by the Rocket Pool network (and thus, your collateral level) along with the total effective staked RPL across the network are reported once every 24 hours instead of once every hour.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000431", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/testnet/mainnet.html", "Heading": "Automatic Migration (Docker Mode Only)", "Text": "For Docker Mode users, the Smartnode can migrate to Mainnet for you automatically.\nWhile you still have the testnet configured, exit your validators on Prater:\nrocketpool minipool exit\nSelect 1: All available minipools from the list of choices and wait for it to complete. This will help clean up the network by removing your validators instead of leaving them to constantly fail attestations and weaken Prater's health (since they're no longer online).\nOnce that's done, open the Settings Manager:\nrocketpool service config\nNext, open the Smartnode and TX Fees category and change the Network drop down from Prater Testnet to Ethereum Mainnet:\n\nWhen you save and exit, you will be prompted with a notification that everything is about to be erased and a confirmation dialog:\nWARNING: You have requested to change networks.\n\nAll of your existing chain data, your node wallet, and your validator keys will be removed.\n\nPlease confirm you have backed up everything you want to keep, because it will be deleted if you answer `y` to the prompt below.\n\nWould you like the Smartnode to automatically switch networks for you? This will destroy and rebuild your `data` folder and all of Rocket Pool's Docker containers. [y/n]\nBack up anything you want to keep (such as your data folder which contains your node wallet and validator keys), then press y and Enter when you're ready. The Smartnode will handle switching over automatically.\nWhen it's done, you will be left with a fresh install on Mainnet. All of your settings (such as client choice) will be preserved, but you will need to create a new wallet. Also, you likely will not have a Checkpoint Sync URL on mainnet and should set one up as explained here; otherwise it will take a long time to sync the mainnet beacon chain.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-change-network.36620b3e.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000432", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/testnet/mainnet.html", "Heading": "Migrating Manually", "Text": "If for any reason you cannot leverage the Smartnode's automatic migration process, you can do it manually in a few simple steps:\nDocker ModeNative ModeWhile you still have the testnet configured, exit your validators on Prater:rocketpool minipool exitSelect 1: All available minipools from the list of choices and wait for it to complete. This will help clean up the network by removing your validators instead of leaving them to constantly fail attestations and weaken Prater's health (since they're no longer online).Shut down the testnet:rocketpool service stopDelete your testnet chain data and Docker containers:rocketpool service terminateDelete your Rocket Pool configuration folder:sudo rm -rf ~/.rocketpool(Optional) Delete your Rocket Pool CLI:rm ~/bin/rocketpoolYou will overwrite this with the latest version of the CLI anyway, but if you want to be thorough, you can remove the old one first.At this point your testnet installation has been purged, and you can safely migrate to a new mainnet installation. Follow the Creating Node with Docker guide carefully to set it up.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000433", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/overview.html", "Heading": "The Rocket Pool Oracle DAO", "Text": "NOTEThis documentation only applies to members of Rocket Pool's Oracle DAO. If you have not been explicitly invited to the Oracle DAO and just intend to run a regular Rocket Pool node, this section of the guide does not apply to you. You can safely ignore it, but are welcome to read it if you are interested.\nThe Oracle DAO is the group of special Rocket Pool nodes that are responsible for the administrative duties required by the protocol that cannot be achieved by Smart Contracts due to technical limitations. They are essentially the same as normal Rocket Pool nodes; they use the same tools, can be configured with the same methods, and can even run regular minipools, but they come with supplemental tasks that they perform. This includes things such as:\nShuttling information from the Beacon Chain to the Execution Layer, including validator status and balancesEnsuring minipools are creating using validator public keys that aren't already in use, and have the proper withdrawal credentials so the protocol can safely fund themConstructing the rewards Merkle tree at the end of each rewards period and uploading it to IPFS for other node operators to accessMonitoring proposals for compliance with Rocket Pool's fee recipient requirementsProposing and voting on modifications to the core protocol, including changing parameters and approving contract upgradesProposing and voting on the Oracle DAO roster, including inviting and removing other Oracle DAO members\nAs a reward for fulfilling these duties, the Oracle DAO is collectively given 15% of the total RPL inflation produced at each rewards period, divided evenly among its members.\nUnlike normal Rocket Pool nodes, which can be created and run permissionlessly by anyone, membership in the Oracle DAO is invite only by existing members. If you have recently been invited to join the Oracle DAO, this section of the guide will help you understand your role, get your node set up, and ensure that it stays healthy.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000434", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/overview.html", "Heading": "Requirements", "Text": "To run an Oracle DAO node, you will require the following:\nAccess to an Execution Client's RPC endpoint. This can be a locally-run client, as is the case with most Rocket Pool nodes, or it can link to external clients that you or your organization maintain independently.Access to an Archive-Mode Execution Client, which can either act as your primary client or a supplementary (fallback) client. It will only be used in rare circumstances where duties require your node to recall an Execution Layer state that has been pruned from your Execution Client. Nevertheless, it is critical that you have access to an Archive Node during these periods to ensure your duties are able to be fulfilled successfully. We strongly recommend you use an on-premises archive node for this, as services such as Infura or Alchemy have shown some difficulty in keeping up with demand during critical periods such as constructing the rewards tree.Access to an Archive-Mode Beacon Node's REST API endpoint (via HTTP). This can be a locally-run client, as is the case with most Rocket Pool nodes, or it can link to external clients that you or your organization maintain independently.The standard Smartnode CLI.The Smartnode daemon configured and running in watchtower mode (this is included with the standard Smartnode bundle for all users, but only actively performs duties for Oracle DAO nodes). This can be run in a Docker container (standard setup) or as a simple systemd service (\"Native\" mode).Enough ETH to pay for the gas costs of your duties (discussed later).A web3.storage account, used for submitting the generated rewards tree artifacts to their IPFS pinning service.\nNOTEIf you simply cannot run an on-premises archive node and must rely on a third-party service, consider the following:If you plan to use Infura for your Archive Mode fallback, you must have at least the Team plan. The free tier and the Developer tier are not sufficient.If you plan to use Alchemy, you must have at least the Growth plan. The free tier is not sufficient.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000435", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/overview.html", "Heading": "Activities", "Text": "Oracle DAO duties are split into two parts.\nRead the next section to learn how to set up your Oracle DAO node.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000436", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/setup.html", "Heading": "Setting up an Oracle DAO Node", "Text": "At a bare minimum, a standard Rocket Pool node runs the following:\nThe Smartnode CLIThe Smartnode API daemonThe Smartnode node daemonThe Smartnode watchtower daemon\nOptionally, the node can also run the following components:\nAn Execution ClientA Beacon NodeA Validator ClientMEV-BoostPrometheusThe Prometheus Node ExporterGrafana\nEach of these components can be run as Docker containers in the standard setup, as systemd services in the \"Native Mode\" setup, or run as externally-managed entities that the Smartnode can connect to via their respective API routes.\nConveniently, Oracle DAO nodes are the same as normal Rocket Pool nodes, but the watchtower daemon performs the supplemental Oracle DAO duties and there are more Prometheus metrics collected for performance monitoring purposes.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000437", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/setup.html", "Heading": "Initial Node Setup", "Text": "The best way to start is by following the standard setup instructions for a normal Rocket Pool node. That process will help you determine how you'd like to configure and run your node.\nIf you would like to run minipools (validators) on your node, please follow the normal node documentation from start to finish and return here when you're done.\nIf you do not intend to run minipools and instead will use it purely for Oracle DAO duties, you can skip all of the steps relating to staking RPL and minipool creation. The other steps such as node registration, establishing a good security posture, monitoring the node's health and performance, and updating the Smartnode after an update all still apply to you and you should review them carefully before proceeding. Return here when you've finished.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000438", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/setup.html", "Heading": "Additional Oracle DAO Configuration", "Text": "There are two additional settings you need to provision in order to satisfy your Oracle DAO responsibilities. Please select the mode you use to configure your node below from the tabs below.\n[service config] Interactive UI[service config] HeadlesslyDirect Config File", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000439", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/setup.html", "Heading": "Oracle DAO Smartnode Commands", "Text": "The Smartnode CLI's odao command group is used to interact with the Oracle DAO contracts and duties on-chain:\nNAME:\n rocketpool odao - Manage the Rocket Pool oracle DAO\n\nUSAGE:\n rocketpool odao command [command options] [arguments...]\n\nCOMMANDS:\n status, s Get oracle DAO status\n members, m Get the oracle DAO members\n member-settings, b Get the oracle DAO settings related to oracle DAO members\n proposal-settings, a Get the oracle DAO settings related to oracle DAO proposals\n minipool-settings, i Get the oracle DAO settings related to minipools\n propose, p Make an oracle DAO proposal\n proposals, o Manage oracle DAO proposals\n join, j Join the oracle DAO (requires an executed invite proposal)\n leave, l Leave the oracle DAO (requires an executed leave proposal)\n\nOPTIONS:\n --help, -h show help", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000440", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/setup.html", "Heading": "status", "Text": "The status command simply summarizes a few details about the Oracle DAO such as member count and proposal count:\nThe node is a member of the oracle DAO - it can create unbonded minipools, vote on DAO proposals and perform watchtower duties.\n\nThere are currently 8 member(s) in the oracle DAO.\n\nThere are 29 oracle DAO proposal(s) in total:\n- 22 proposal(s) have passed and been executed\n- 7 proposal(s) were cancelled, defeated, or have expired", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000441", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/setup.html", "Heading": "members", "Text": "The members command prints detailed information about each member of the Oracle DAO, including their handle, their contact information, their node address, their RPL bond, and the last time they submitted a proposal for voting:\nThe oracle DAO has 8 members:\n\n--------------------\n\nMember ID: kermit-2\nURL: https://www.rocketpool.net\nNode address: 0x04ddB06D1429578691F630B67A53916445DA38bE\nJoined at: 31 Jul 21 23:32 EDT\nLast proposal: 27 Sep 22 21:18 EDT\nRPL bond amount: 5000.000000\nUnbonded minipools: 0\n...", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000442", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/setup.html", "Heading": "member-settings", "Text": "member-settings shows the current values for each of the configurable parameters related to Oracle DAO membership:\nODAO Voting Quorum Threshold: 51.000000%\nRequired Member RPL Bond: 1750.000000 RPL\nMax Number of Unbonded Minipools: 250\nConsecutive Challenge Cooldown: 300 Blocks\nChallenge Meeting Window: 900 Blocks\nCost for Non-members to Challenge Members: 1.000000 ETH\nThis command is described in more detail in the Oracle DAO Proposals section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000443", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/setup.html", "Heading": "proposal-settings", "Text": "proposal-settings shows the current values for each of the configurable parameters related to proposals that the Oracle DAO can vote on:\nCooldown Between Proposals: 1h0m0s\nProposal Voting Window: 168h0m0s\nDelay Before Voting on a Proposal is Allowed: 15m0s\nWindow to Execute an Accepted Proposal: 168h0m0s\nWindow to Act on an Executed Proposal: 168h0m0s\nThis command is described in more detail in the Oracle DAO Proposals section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000444", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/setup.html", "Heading": "minipool-settings", "Text": "minipool-settings shows the current values for each of the configurable parameters related to minipools on the Rocket Pool network:\nScrub Period: 1h0m0s", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000445", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/setup.html", "Heading": "propose", "Text": "The propose command is used to submit governance proposals that the rest of the Oracle DAO can vote on. These can involve changing a setting or modifying the Oracle DAO members (i.e., inviting or kicking other members).\nThis command is described in more detail in the Oracle DAO Proposals section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000446", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/setup.html", "Heading": "proposals", "Text": "The proposals command is used to interact with existing Oracle DAO governance proposals. It can view them, rescind proposals that you made, vote on them, and execute them (if applicable) causing them to take effect after they have been approved by the other members:\nNAME:\n rocketpool odao proposals - Manage oracle DAO proposals\n\nUSAGE:\n rocketpool odao proposals command [command options] [arguments...]\n\nCOMMANDS:\n list, l List the oracle DAO proposals\n details, d View proposal details\n cancel, c Cancel a proposal made by the node\n vote, v Vote on a proposal\n execute, x Execute a proposal\n\nOPTIONS:\n --help, -h show help\nThis command is described in more detail in the Oracle DAO Proposals section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000447", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/setup.html", "Heading": "join / leave", "Text": "The join and leave commands are used to join the Oracle DAO once you've been invited, or leave the Oracle DAO once the other members have approved your resignation request.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000448", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/setup.html", "Heading": "Joining the Oracle DAO", "Text": "", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000449", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/setup.html", "Heading": "The RPL Bond", "Text": "In order to join the Oracle DAO, your node wallet will need enough RPL in it to cover the required membership bond. This will be locked in Rocket Pool's vault as part of the joining process. The exact amount of RPL required for the bond will be determined at the time of your invitation, and will be communicated to you by the other Oracle DAO members prior to onboarding you.\nNOTEUnlike all other ETH and RPL rewards, the RPL bond is not sent to your node's withdrawal address upon exiting the Oracle DAO. It is sent back to your node wallet itself. Consider this as extra incentive to protect your node wallet from compromise.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000450", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/setup.html", "Heading": "Accepting an Invitation", "Text": "Once your node is set up and you have been invited to join the Oracle DAO by the existing members, you can use the rocketpool odao join command to accept the invitation. This will involve two transactions:\nOne to lock the RPL required for your bondOne to join the Oracle DAO when the bond has been received\nOnce you've joined, your watchtower daemon will automatically begin performing its required duties. You can verify this by looking at its logs (e.g. rocketpool service logs watchtower for standard Docker-based installations); the watchtower performs its loop of duties every 4 to 6 minutes, and you will notice a distinct change in its output once you've joined the Oracle DAO.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000451", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/setup.html", "Heading": "Next Steps", "Text": "Now that you've joined the Oracle DAO, take a look at the next section to learn how to test your node in this role.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000452", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/testing.html", "Heading": "Testing your Oracle DAO Node", "Text": "Once your node is set up and you've joined the Oracle DAO, you should test it to ensure it's able to perform its duties properly. The best way to do this is to have it build the Redstone rewards Merkle tree using Rocket Pool's treegen utility.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000453", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/testing.html", "Heading": "treegen", "Text": "treegen is a tool that can reproduce the entire rewards Merkle tree and accompanying artifacts for a previous rewards interval via your archive Execution and Consensus clients. It can also \"dry run\" the current interval by pretending that it ended at the latest finalized epoch (at the time of running it) and producing a partial tree from the start of the interval up to that point.\nTIPFor more information on the rewards tree itself and accompanying files, please visit the formal specification.\ntreegen can be used as a standalone binary (currently only built for Linux systems, x64 and arm64) or as a Docker container.\nIf you would like to download the standalone binary, you can find it in the releases here: https://github.com/rocket-pool/treegen. Usage instructions are included in the README there, but we'll cover some examples below as well.\nThe Docker container tag for it is rocketpool/treegen:latest.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000454", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/testing.html", "Heading": "Building a Dry-Run Tree", "Text": "For a first test, run treegen to generate a dry-run tree that calculates the tree from the start of the rewards interval to the latest (finalized) slot. We'll use the script included in the repository that leverages the Docker container to run it on the node machine itself for simplicity:\n./treegen.sh -e http://localhost:8545 -b http://localhost:5052\nNOTENote that this particular configuration requires you to expose the Execution Client and Beacon Node APIs through the Docker configuration - ensure you have both options enabled in the rocketpool service config TUI.\nThis will test your clients' abilities to respond to queries in a timely fashion (e.g., if you are using a third-party service, this will be helpful to assess whether or not its query rate-limit is insufficient), but will not test their Archive Mode capabilities. It will produce output like the following:\n2022/11/06 12:11:37 Beacon node is configured for Mainnet.\n2022/11/06 12:11:37 Generating a dry-run tree for the current interval (3)\n2022/11/06 12:11:37 Snapshot Beacon block = 5077503, EL block = 15912334, running from 2022-10-27 01:35:39 -0400 EDT to 2022-11-06 12:11:37.672755513 -0500 EST m=+0.049901525\n\n2022/11/06 12:11:38 Creating tree for 1684 nodes\n2022/11/06 12:11:38 Pending RPL rewards: 27807066876373932561121 (27807.067)\n2022/11/06 12:11:38 Total collateral RPL rewards: 19464946813461752792784 (19464.947)\n2022/11/06 12:11:47 Calculated rewards: 19464946813461752792026 (error = 758 wei)\n2022/11/06 12:11:47 Total Oracle DAO RPL rewards: 4171060031456089884168 (4171.060)\n2022/11/06 12:11:47 Calculated rewards: 4171060031456089884168 (error = 0 wei)\n2022/11/06 12:11:47 Expected Protocol DAO rewards: 4171060031456089884168 (4171.060)\n2022/11/06 12:11:47 Actual Protocol DAO rewards: 4171060031456089884927 to account for truncation\n2022/11/06 12:11:47 Smoothing Pool Balance: 62781809204406327225 (62.782)\n2022/11/06 12:11:55 1229 / 1684 nodes were eligible for Smoothing Pool rewards\n2022/11/06 12:12:03 Checking participation of 4364 minipools for epochs 156315 to 158671\n2022/11/06 12:12:03 NOTE: this will take a long time, progress is reported every 100 epochs\n2022/11/06 12:13:48 On Epoch 156415 of 158671 (4.24%)... (1m44.577189073s so far)\n\n...\n\n2022/11/06 12:49:55 On Epoch 158615 of 158671 (97.62%)... (37m51.785456663s so far)\n2022/11/06 12:50:51 Finished participation check (total time = 38m47.979633935s)\n2022/11/06 12:50:51 Pool staker ETH: 26638263090669169632 (26.638)\n2022/11/06 12:50:51 Node Op ETH: 36143546113737157593 (36.144)\n2022/11/06 12:50:51 Calculated NO ETH: 36143546113737155125 (error = 2468 wei)\n2022/11/06 12:50:51 Adjusting pool staker ETH to 26638263090669172100 to account for truncation\n2022/11/06 12:50:52 Saved minipool performance file to rp-minipool-performance-mainnet-3.json\n2022/11/06 12:50:52 Generation complete! Saving tree...\n2022/11/06 12:50:52 Saved rewards snapshot file to rp-rewards-mainnet-3.json\n2022/11/06 12:50:52 Successfully generated rewards snapshot for interval 3.\nIf this runs without error, it will generate the rewards tree artifacts and save them as JSON files in your working directory. You are free to explore them and ensure their contents are sane, but as they are dry-run files, they aren't canonically stored anywhere for comparison.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000455", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/testing.html", "Heading": "Building a Canonical Tree from a Past Interval", "Text": "This next test is to replicate one of the complete trees from a past interval. This will require archival access on both the Execution Layer and the Consensus Layer, so it will serve as a good test of both capabilities.\nAs of this writing, Interval 2 is an ideal choice as it is far in the past () and involved the Smoothing Pool (which accounts for the largest computational load when calculating the rewards for the period).\nRun treegen using the following command:\n./treegen.sh -e http:// -b http://localhost:5052 -i 2\nNote that the Execution Client URL is different here: it must be an Archive EC as the snapshot block for Interval 2 was far in the past.\nNOTEDepending on your client configuration, building this tree can take hours. The Smartnode will give you status indicators about its progress along the way, as you can see in the example below.\nThe output will look like this (truncated for previty):\n2022/11/07 23:44:34 Beacon node is configured for Mainnet.\n2022/11/07 23:44:36 Found rewards submission event: Beacon block 5002079, execution block 15837359\n2022/11/07 23:46:25 Creating tree for 1659 nodes\n2022/11/07 23:46:26 Pending RPL rewards: 70597400644162994104151 (70597.401)\n2022/11/07 23:46:26 Approx. total collateral RPL rewards: 49418180450914095872905 (49418.180)\n2022/11/07 23:46:26 Calculating true total collateral rewards (progress is reported every 100 nodes)\n2022/11/07 23:47:06 On Node 100 of 1659 (6.03%)... (40.134456319s so far)\n...\n2022/11/07 23:57:41 On Node 1600 of 1659 (96.44%)... (11m14.880994468s so far)\n2022/11/07 23:58:03 Calculating individual collateral rewards (progress is reported every 100 nodes)\n2022/11/07 23:58:14 On Node 100 of 1659 (6.03%)... (11.421791885s so far)\n...\n2022/11/08 00:01:20 On Node 1600 of 1659 (96.44%)... (3m16.598462676s so far)\n2022/11/08 00:01:26 Calculated rewards: 49418180450914095872087 (error = 818 wei)\n2022/11/08 00:01:26 Total Oracle DAO RPL rewards: 10589610096624449115622 (10589.610)\n2022/11/08 00:01:30 Calculated rewards: 10589610096624449115610 (error = 12 wei)\n2022/11/08 00:01:30 Expected Protocol DAO rewards: 10589610096624449115622 (10589.610)\n2022/11/08 00:01:30 Actual Protocol DAO rewards: 10589610096624449116454 to account for truncation\n2022/11/08 00:01:30 Smoothing Pool Balance: 209598268075128756591 (209.598)\n2022/11/08 00:04:20 On Node 104 of 1659 (6.27%)... (2m49.443336528s so far)\n...\n2022/11/08 00:27:33 On Node 1664 of 1659 (99.70%)... (27m28.373343345s so far)\n2022/11/07 16:40:36 1197 / 1659 nodes were eligible for Smoothing Pool rewards\n2022/11/07 16:45:45 Checking participation of 4308 minipools for epochs 150015 to 156314\n2022/11/07 16:45:45 NOTE: this will take a long time, progress is reported every 100 epochs\n2022/11/07 16:47:24 On Epoch 150115 of 156314 (1.59%)... (1m38.552513232s so far)\n...\n2022/11/07 18:24:31 On Epoch 156215 of 156314 (98.43%)... (1h38m46.325518238s so far)\n2022/11/07 18:26:10 Finished participation check (total time = 1h40m24.47206731s)\n2022/11/07 18:26:10 Pool staker ETH: 88931841842952006598 (88.932)\n2022/11/07 18:26:10 Node Op ETH: 120666426232176749993 (120.666)\n2022/11/07 18:26:10 Calculated NO ETH: 120666426232176747457 (error = 2536 wei)\n2022/11/07 18:26:10 Adjusting pool staker ETH to 88931841842952009134 to account for truncation\n2022/11/07 18:26:10 Finished in 2h36m3.709234237s\n2022/11/07 18:26:10 Your Merkle tree's root of 0x278fd75797e2a9eddc128c0199b448877e30d1196c12306bdc95fb731647c18f matches the canonical root! You will be able to use this file for claiming rewards.\n2022/11/07 18:26:10 Saving JSON files...\n2022/11/07 18:26:10 Saved minipool performance file to rp-minipool-performance-mainnet-2.json\n2022/11/07 18:26:10 Saved rewards snapshot file to rp-rewards-mainnet-2.json\n2022/11/07 18:26:10 Successfully generated rewards snapshot for interval 2.\nThe key thing to look for here is this message at the end:\nYour Merkle tree's root of 0x278fd75797e2a9eddc128c0199b448877e30d1196c12306bdc95fb731647c18f matches the canonical root! You will be able to use this file for claiming rewards.\nIf you receive this, then your watchtower can build the tree correctly.\nNOTEWhile this proves you can build the tree, you must ensure your Web3.Storage API token has been entered into the Smartnode's configuration so it can upload the resulting tree to IPFS.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000456", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/testing.html", "Heading": "Next Steps", "Text": "Next up, we'll cover how to monitor your node's performance.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000457", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/monitoring.html", "Heading": "Monitoring your Oracle DAO Node", "Text": "Once your node is up and running, it's important that you regularly monitor its health to ensure that it's correctly performing its automated duties. Doing so involves the following:\nMonitoring the health of your physical (or virtual) system at the OS levelMonitoring the health of your Execution and/or Consensus clients (if you run local clients)Ensuring your node is regularly submitting the required transactions to the chain for status updatesEnsuring you have a sufficient ETH balance in your node wallet to execute those transactionsRoutinely applying updates to the Smartnode, your clients (if applicable), and your Operating SystemMonitoring the health of the other Oracle DAO members, and communicating with them if you believe their node(s) are not functioning properlyS\nIn this section, we'll describe a few examples of how to do these via the Smartnode's built-in Grafana support.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000458", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/monitoring.html", "Heading": "The Standard Rocket Pool Dashboard", "Text": "The Smartnode provides a convenient dashboard that allows you to monitor many of the metrics listed above. There is one dashboard for each Consensus Client. Below is an example of the dashboard for Nimbus:\n\nYour machine's hardware health is captured in the upper-left quadrant.Your Execution client is functioning properly if the Network Stats in the lower-left quadrant are being populated.Your Consensus client is functioning properly if the peer count in the upper-right quadrant is updating with a non-zero number; the exact number depends on your choice of client and your network configuration.Your node's ETH balance is displayed in the table at the bottom right.Any Operating System updates or Smartnode updates are presented in the Available Updates box in the top-middle panel.\nNOTEOperating System and Smartnode updates require the update tracker, which you can install via rocketpool service install-update-tracker.\nFor information on how to prepare the metrics system and the Smartnode dashboard, please visit the Monitoring your Node's Performance and the Setting up the Grafana Dashboard pages of the Smartnode documentation.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/nimbus-dashboard.88e479e6.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000459", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/monitoring.html", "Heading": "The Oracle DAO Dashboard", "Text": "We have also constructed a simple dashboard specifically tailored towards Oracle DAO members:\n\nThis dashboard that tracks the following:\nThe status of the Oracle DAO proposals that need to be voted on or executed (more details on these in the next section)The history of submissions for price and balance updates*The ETH balances of each Oracle DAO node\n*Note that price and balance submission currently requires a quorum of 51% of nodes to agree on each one, at which point the submission is canonized. Submissions from other members will revert as they are no longer required, so if your node does not submit for a given interval, it doesn't mean that it's offline. You should be concerned if you miss more than 5 consecutive intervals in a row, and should check your watchtower daemon logs to verify there aren't any issues.\nEnabling this dashboard is a two-step process.\nFirst, enable Oracle DAO metrics in the Metrics section of the rocketpool service config editor:\n\nIf you are running in Docker or Hybrid mode, this will restart your node daemon to apply the changes. If you are running in Native mode, please restart the node service manually.\nSecond, import the Oracle DAO dashboard from Grafana Labs (ID 15003) into your node's local Grafana server.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/odao-dashboard.9fe90c1c.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-odao-metrics.08f90044.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000460", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/monitoring.html", "Heading": "Checking the Logs", "Text": "If you or one of the other Oracle DAO members has expressed concern with your node, the first line of defense is to look at the watchtower daemon logs using (for Docker and Hybrid mode) the following command:\nrocketpool service logs watchtower\nThis will show the docker logs for the watchtower container, truncating to the last hundred lines or so.\nTo go further back, you can use the -t flag to indicate the number of lines. For example:\nrocketpool service logs watchtower -t 2000\nwill show the last 2000 lines. As this will get cluttered very fast, you may want to pipe this into a utility like less so it is scrollable.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000461", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/monitoring.html", "Heading": "Next Steps", "Text": "In the next section, we'll cover the duties that you must perform manually as an Oracle DAO member.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000462", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/proposals.html", "Heading": "Oracle DAO Proposals", "Text": "As a reminder, there are two types of Oracle DAO duties:\nProposals form the core of your responsibities outside of the automated watchtower duties. Essentially, they work as follows:\nThe collective Oracle DAO should discuss an upcoming proposal extensively ahead of time, so each member is aware of it and understands what that proposal will entail.An Oracle DAO member then creates the proposal via an on-chain transaction.The proposal will then enter a wait period before voting can begin to have further discussion and form their opinion on it. This is currently 7 days on Mainnet.After the wait period is over, members can vote on the proposal via a simple yes-or-no vote.When a quorum of 51% of the Oracle DAO members has voted the same way, the vote is concluded. If 51% agreed to the proposal, it will be able to be executed. Any member can execute the proposal once it is approved.Execution refers to formally triggering the change on-chain, thus modifying the state of the core Rocket Pool contracts.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000463", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/proposals.html", "Heading": "Making a Proposal", "Text": "Once you make a proposal, it will enter a review period where the other members can see it and discuss it, but will not be able to vote on it. At the time of writing, this is currently 7 days.\nAfter the review period, there will be a voting period where members can vote either for the proposal, or against it. At the time of writing, this is currently 14 days.\nIf the proposal reaches quorum before it expires (that is, if enough members vote in favor of it to reach consensus), it will be passed. Quorum is a configurable parameter by the Oracle DAO; it is currently set to at least 51% of the total member pool.\nOnce a vote is passed, it can be executed which causes its changes to go into effect. At the time of writing, the execution is 14 days after the proposal was passed.\nThe process for making a new proposal depends on the type of proposal you want to make. Select a type from the tabs below.\nOracle DAO Member ListOracle DAO ParametersContract UpgradesTo propose modifying the list of Oracle DAO members, use the rocketpool odao propose member command which provides the following options:NAME:\n rocketpool odao propose member - Make an oracle DAO member proposal\n\nUSAGE:\n rocketpool odao propose member command [command options] [arguments...]\n\nCOMMANDS:\n invite, i Propose inviting a new member\n leave, l Propose leaving the oracle DAO\n kick, k Propose kicking a member\n\nOPTIONS:\n --help, -h show helpinvite \u200bInviting a member is done via rocketpool odao propose member invite which will take 3 additional arguments:The node address to invite (must be a registered Rocket Pool node)The name / label for this nodeThe URL or contact info for the user or organization running the nodeFor example: to invite a new member, run rocketpool odao propose member invite 0xabcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234 some-user [email\u00a0protected].kick \u200bKicking a member out of the Oracle DAO is done via the rocketpool odao propose member kick command. It will ask you to select which member you want to kick, and issue an optional fine (from 0 RPL up to the bonded RPL amount, currently 1750 RPL). This fine, if provided, will burn part of (or all of) the member's RPL bond if the Oracle DAO votes to kick that member.leave \u200bIf you would like to voluntarily resign from the Oracle DAO, use the rocketpool odao propose member leave command. This will create a new proposal so the other members can vote on whether or not to approve your resignation.:::::", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000464", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/proposals.html", "Heading": "invite", "Text": "Inviting a member is done via rocketpool odao propose member invite which will take 3 additional arguments:\nThe node address to invite (must be a registered Rocket Pool node)The name / label for this nodeThe URL or contact info for the user or organization running the node\nFor example: to invite a new member, run rocketpool odao propose member invite 0xabcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234 some-user [email\u00a0protected].", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000465", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/proposals.html", "Heading": "kick", "Text": "Kicking a member out of the Oracle DAO is done via the rocketpool odao propose member kick command. It will ask you to select which member you want to kick, and issue an optional fine (from 0 RPL up to the bonded RPL amount, currently 1750 RPL). This fine, if provided, will burn part of (or all of) the member's RPL bond if the Oracle DAO votes to kick that member.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000466", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/proposals.html", "Heading": "leave", "Text": "If you would like to voluntarily resign from the Oracle DAO, use the rocketpool odao propose member leave command. This will create a new proposal so the other members can vote on whether or not to approve your resignation.\n:::::", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000467", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/proposals.html", "Heading": "Viewing Proposals", "Text": "To view a brief summary of all of the proposals in the protocol's history, use rocketpool odao proposals list. This will sort the proposals by their status and show who proposed it and what it does.\nTo view the details of a specific proposal, use rocketpool odao proposals details where is the ID of the proposal you would like to view. This will show a comprehensive breakdown of the proposal's information including who created it, when it was created, the payload body, how many members voted in favor of it, how many members voted against it, and whether or not your node has voted on it yet.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000468", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/proposals.html", "Heading": "Voting on Proposals", "Text": "To vote on a proposal, use the following command:\nrocketpool odao proposals vote\nThis will provide you with an interactive dialog asking which proposal you would like to vote on, and whether you would like to vote in favor of it or against it. Follow the prompts carefully to complete the vote.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000469", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/odao/proposals.html", "Heading": "Executing Proposals", "Text": "When a proposal has received enough votes in favor of it to reach quorum, any member of the Oracle DAO can then execute the proposal (apply its changes) using the following command:\nrocketpool odao proposals execute\nThis will provide you with an interactive dialog asking which proposal you would like to execute. Follow the prompts carefully to complete the execution.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000470", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/legacy/v1.3-update.html", "Heading": "Upgrading to Smartnode v1.3.x", "Text": "Version 1.3.0 of the Smartnode stack brings some important changes that users should be aware of. They are designed to significantly improve your node operator experience and address many of the features that our users have requested since Rocket Pool's launch.\nIn this guide, we'll walk you through the process of migrating from an older version of the Smartnode from an older version to v1.3.x and beyond.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000471", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/legacy/v1.3-update.html", "Heading": "Configuration File Changes", "Text": "v1.3.0 introduces some significant changes in the way the Smartnode's configuration is managed. If you've manually modified the Smartnode configuration before, you should be aware of the following changes:\nThe config.yml file has been removed. All of its information is now baked directly into the Smartnode stack, so users can no longer accidentally modify the file in a way that prevented the Smartnode from working properly.All of the user-configurable parameters that were previously part of it are now settings in the new service config Terminal UI.The settings.yml file has been replaced with a new file called user-settings.yml. This contains all of your settings for every user-configurable portion of the Smartnode.This file is not meant to be modified directly. Modification should be done through the new service config Terminal UI instead.The chains folder has been removed. The scripts for launching the Execution Client (ETH1), the Beacon Node, and the Validator Client now reside in the scripts folder.The docker-compose YAML files have been removed. Each container now gets its own file in the templates folder. Upon rocketpool service start, these templates are filled out with your settings and put into the runtime folder automatically.Modifying the templates or runtime files is not recommended. Instead, fill in your container customizations using the override files for each container in the override folder. These files will overwrite the Docker files in runtime, so you are free to customize them as you see fit.The files in override will persist upon Smartnode upgrades and reinstallation so you only need to create them once.If you are interested in modifying the docker-compose files via this override mechanic, please see this section", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000472", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/legacy/v1.3-update.html", "Heading": "Installing the New Version", "Text": "Installing the new version should feel very familiar.\nStart by stopping the services and downloading the new CLI as usual:\nDocker or Hybrid ModeNative ModeStop the Rocket Pool services:rocketpool service stopDownload the new Smartnode CLI for your system (choose from the tabs below):Linux x64Linux arm64macOS x64macOS arm64For x64 systems (most normal machines):shellwget https://github.com/rocket-pool/smartnode-install/releases/latest/download/rocketpool-cli-linux-amd64 -O ~/bin/rocketpoolNow run the install command:rocketpool service install -dThe -d flag tells it to ignore system dependencies like Docker, since you already have them.NOTEAs of v1.3.0, you no longer have to specify which network you want to install for! The new Smartnode will know which network you're already using, and it will let you change your network dynamically using the new Terminal UI.\nAfter the installation, all of your old configuration files will be moved to a folder named old_config_backup in your Smartnode directory (by default ~/.rocketpool/old_config_backup). You can find them there if you ever need to refer to them for any reason.\nIf you are looking for instructions on reverting to v1.2.4 from this backup, please scroll to the Reverting to Your Previous Configuration section at the end of this page.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000473", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/legacy/v1.3-update.html", "Heading": "Configuring the Smartnode with the Terminal UI", "Text": "Now that you have the new CLI and package installed, all of your previous settings have been preserved and migrated to the new system. In the next step, you should run rocketpool service config. This will look quite different compared to previous versions of this function; v1.3.0 introduces the Terminal UI: a terminal-based dynamic user interface for configuring your Smartnode.\nYou must run it before starting the Docker containers after the migration process to view the configuration, verify that all of your changes were migrated successfully, and update any other settings that you desire.\nWhen you first run it, you will be prompted with this greeting screen (if you were using Docker or Hybrid mode):\n\nNOTENative Mode users will see this screen with slightly different wording, which states the Smartnode is operating in Native mode.\nThe TUI will begin with the Wizard, which allows you to quickly and easily change the most important parameters of the Smartnode (such as client mode and selection).\nAll of your previous settings should already be highlighted as you traverse through each page of the wizard so you don't have to remember what your previous configuration was off the top of your head.\nNOTEFor a detailed walkthrough of this Wizard, please visit the following pages:For Docker Mode, please visit the new Docker configuration guide.Hybrid Mode users: Hybrid Mode is now a first-class feature of the Smartnode and configuring it is much easier than it used to be. Please visit the new Docker configuration guide and follow it. When you are prompted to choose an Execution client mode and Consensus client mode, choose Externally Managed for them accordingly.For Native Mode, please visit the new Native configuration guide.\nNavigate through this wizard and confirm that all of your settings are correct.\nOnce you are done, you will have the option of reviewing all of the settings before saving if you desire. This includes settings that the Wizard didn't cover, such as the RPL claim gas threshold or your max number of Geth peers as examples.\nThe main settings screen, which you should also look at to confirm your previous settings, will look like this (for Docker and Hybrid mode users):\n\nNOTENative Mode users will see a slightly different screen that is unique to Native mode and only presents the settings that are relevant for it.\nFeel free to explore this new UI and adjust any settings you see fit. Use the Arrow Keys to navigate, and press Enter to enter a category or confirm any changes to a setting that you make.\nPress Esc when you're finished editing a category to return to this home screen.\nWhen you're ready to save your changes and start the Smartnode stack, simply press Tab to move down to the buttons at the bottom of the screen, select Review Changes and Save (by making it green via the arrow keys). Press Enter to be brought to the Review Page, where you can see everything you've changed since the last time you ran rocketpool service config.\nConfirm all of your change are present, and then press Enter again to save them. The screen will show you which containers need to be restarted for the changes to apply, though since you're migrating, you've already turned the containers off and they will all be restarted anyway.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-migrate.7916a0f9.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-settings-home.3dd41b5d.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000474", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/legacy/v1.3-update.html", "Heading": "Starting the Smartnode Stack", "Text": "Once you've saved your configuration, the terminal will ask if you want to restart the containers automatically (unless you're using Native mode). If you do not / cannot allow them to start automatically, you can start them up manually with the following commands:\nDocker or Hybrid ModeNative Moderocketpool service start\nOnce they're up, you can verify that everything is working as intended.\nUse the rocketpool service version command to check that you have the correct version of the Smartnode and client containers:\n$ rocketpool service version\n\nYour Smartnode is currently using the Prater Test Network.\n\nRocket Pool client version: 1.3.0-rc1\nRocket Pool service version: 1.3.0-rc1\nSelected Eth 1.0 client: Geth (Locally managed)\n\tImage: ethereum/client-go:v1.10.16\nSelected Eth 2.0 client: Nimbus (Locally managed)\n\tImage: statusim/nimbus-eth2:multiarch-v22.3.0\nUse the rocketpool service logs eth1 and rocketpool service logs eth2 commands to watch the logs for your Execution client (formerly ETH1 client) and your Consensus client (formerly ETH2 client). Look out for any errors and please visit our Discord server for help if you encounter them.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000475", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/legacy/v1.3-update.html", "Heading": "Reverting to your Previous Configuration", "Text": "If, for any reason, you need to revert back to v1.2.4 of the Smartnode stack, don't worry! All of your old configuration files have been preserved in a backup directory and can easily be retrieved to restore your previous setup.\nSelect which mode you use from the tabs below and follow the instructions.\nDocker or Hybrid ModeNative ModeStart by replacing the CLI with the v1.2.4 CLI for your system:Linux x64Linux arm64macOS x64macOS arm64For x64 systems (most normal machines):shellwget https://github.com/rocket-pool/smartnode-install/releases/download/v1.2.4/rocketpool-cli-linux-amd64 -O ~/bin/rocketpoolNext, copy all of your old configuration files from the old_config_backup folder back into the Smartnode's folder:shellcd ~/.rocketpool\ncp -r old_config_backup/*Now, all you need to do is restart the Docker containers:rocketpool service startDone! Your old configuration is back.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000476", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/legacy/upgrading.html", "Heading": "Migrating the Smartnode from Previous Beta Tests", "Text": "If you've been a Rocket Pool node operator during our previous beta tests on Medalla or Pyrmont, thank you for helping us improve the protocol and welcome back! This brief guide will walk you through the process of purging your own beta build and setting up the newest build for either the Prater testnet, or for real staking on mainnet.\nPrater NetworkMainnet NetworkNOTEYou will need to create a new node wallet to interact with the Prater test network. Re-using a wallet from a previous beta build may result in failures while creating new validators!There are three major steps towards upgrading from a beta build to the Prater test network.First, migrate any goerli ETH you have to a separate wallet. You can then migrate it back to the new node wallet you create after you reinstall Rocket Pool, so you don't need to rely as much on a faucet for goerli ETH.The easiest way to do this is via Metamask - see the rETH staking guide for a walkthrough of how to set up a new wallet. You can do this using the following command:shellrocketpool node send XXX eth 0xabcd1234...where XXX is the amount of goerli ETH to send, and 0xabcd1234... is the address of the new wallet you created. Note that you'll need to leave a little bit of ETH behind to pay for the gas used in the transaction!Next, remove all the old Docker images and chain data with the following command:shellrocketpool service terminateOnce this is done, remove the old Rocket Pool data and settings folder. This will delete your old wallet and your old validators, so make sure you no longer need to save them for anything!shellsudo rm -rf ~/.rocketpoolOnce this is done, your old beta setup will be cleaned. You can follow the Rocket Pool installation guide for a walkthrough on installing and configuring Rocket Pool for the Prater testnet.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000477", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/atlas/lebs.html", "Heading": "8-ETH Bonded Minipools", "Text": "When Rocket Pool was first launched, it supported two types of minipools:\nThe latter was removed by a community vote several months into the protocol's life due to it no longer being necessary and resulting in long refund delays.\nThe former represented the protocol's lowest bond amount because it guaranteed that if a node operator used Rocket Pool to attack the Ethereum protocol and had their entire bond slashed, they would stand to lose just as much as the rETH stakers and would not come out ahead.\nSince Rocket Pool's launch, the community has done significant research on the security provided by this bond and found that it was very conservative. For all intents and purposes, a slashing of 16 ETH was deemed unrealistic and a 16-ETH bond effectively provided the same security benefits as a bond of only 8 ETH (plus the supplemental RPL requirement). Thus, backed by this research, the Atlas upgrade introduces a new type of minipool to the list: the 8-ETH bond, colloquially referred to by the Rocket Pool community as an \"LEB8\" (Lower ETH Bond - 8 ETH).\nTo create an 8-ETH minipool, the node operator only needs to provide 8 of their own ETH (plus enough RPL to cover the collateral requirement - more on this in RPL Collateral). It will then pull 24 ETH from the deposit pool in order to complete the validator and get to work on the Beacon Chain.\nThis opens the door to new prospective node operators that want to run a node but don't quite have 16 ETH. Further, it lets larger node operators put more pool staker ETH to work on the Beacon Chain earning rewards. As this works without meaningfully compromising security, everybody wins!\nIn this guide, we'll cover three topics:\nHow 8-ETH bonded minipools actually work, and the reward numbers behind themHow to create a new 8-ETH minipoolHow to migrate an existing 16-ETH minipool down to an 8-ETH minipool without exiting\nRead on to learn more about each topic.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000478", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/atlas/lebs.html", "Heading": "How 8-ETH Bonded Minipools Work", "Text": "Mechanically, 8-ETH bonded minipools behave identically to every other minipool in the protocol. They still \"own\" a validator on the Beacon Chain (they represent that validator's withdrawal credentials), they still come with a commission (though the commission with Atlas will be fixed at 14% for all new minipools), and they provide all the same functionality that a 16-ETH bonded minipool does. The difference lies entirely in the numbers.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000479", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/atlas/lebs.html", "Heading": "Rewards", "Text": "From a profitability perspective (looking purely at ETH rewards and ignoring RPL), 8-ETH bonded minipools with a 14% commission provide more rewards to the node operator than even 16-ETH bonded minipools at 20% commission (which, as of Redstone, is the highest possible reward configuration). At the same time, they also provide more rewards to the rETH holders as well due to the fact that the node operators are more efficiently putting the capital of the rETH holders to work.\nLet's walk through a simple example to illustrate. Say we are a node operator with 16 ETH available to stake (plus the required RPL bond). Say we've earned 1 ETH of rewards on the Beacon Chain per validator. Here's how the math works out for a single 16-ETH minipool with a 20% commission, versus two 8-ETH minipools at 14% commission:\n1x 16 ETH Minipool @ 20%:\nRewards: 1 ETH\nNode Share = (16/32) + (16/32 * 0.2)\n = 0.5 + (0.5 * 0.2)\n = 0.5 + 0.1\n = 0.6 ETH\n\nrETH Share = 1 - 0.6\n = 0.4 ETH\n\n\n2x 8 ETH Minipools @ 14%:\nRewards: 2 ETH\nNode Share = ((8/32) + (24/32 * 0.14)) * 2\n = (0.25 + (0.75 * 0.14)) * 2\n = (0.25 + 0.105) * 2\n = 0.71 ETH\n\nrETH Share = 2 - 0.71\n = 1.29 ETH\nIn other words, a node operator will earn 18% more ETH via two 8-ETH minipools than they would with a single 16-ETH minipool at 20% commission.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000480", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/atlas/lebs.html", "Heading": "RPL Collateral", "Text": "In order to create an 8-ETH minipool, node operators still need to stake enough RPL to cover the minimum collateral requirements for their node (accounting for all of its minipools of all bond sizes).\nThese rules have been clarified with Atlas:\nThe minimum RPL per minipool is 10% of the borrowed amountThe maximum RPL per minipool is 150% of the bonded amount\nFor a 16-ETH minipool, this remains unchanged; the minimum is 1.6 ETH worth of RPL, and the maximum is 24 ETH worth of RPL.\nFor an 8-ETH minipool, this becomes a minimum of 2.4 ETH worth of RPL (10% of the borrowed amount, which is 24 ETH) and a maximum of 12 ETH worth of RPL (150% of the bonded amount).\nThese numbers were selected by the Rocket Pool community as part of a governance vote.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000481", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/atlas/lebs.html", "Heading": "Creating a New 8-ETH Minipool", "Text": "The process to create a new minipool with an 8-ETH bond is identical to the process for creating a 16-ETH minipool.\nSimply run the following command:\nrocketpool node deposit\nWhen prompted for your bond amount, select 8 ETH:\nYour eth2 client is on the correct network.\n\nNOTE: by creating a new minipool, your node will automatically claim and distribute any balance you have in your fee distributor contract. If you don't want to claim your balance at this time, you should not create a new minipool.\nWould you like to continue? [y/n]\ny\n\nPlease choose an amount of ETH to deposit:\n1: 8 ETH\n2: 16 ETH\n1\n\nYour minipool will use the current fixed commission rate of 14.00%.\nYou currently have 8.00 ETH in your credit balance.\nThis deposit will use 8.000000 ETH from your credit balance and will not require any ETH from your node.\n...\nNOTEThis example also shows usage of the new Deposit Credit System. Since the node operator has 8 ETH in credit, creating this 8-ETH minipool is free!\nThat's all there is to it! The rest of the process is the same as the usual minipool creation instructions.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000482", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/whats-new.html", "Heading": "The Rocket Pool Redstone Update", "Text": "Rocket Pool's next major update, titled Redstone, has been released for beta testing on the Ropsten and Prater test networks. This page describes the major changes that Redstone brings, including updates to both the Smartnode stack and to the Rocket Pool protocol in general.\nPlease read through this page thoroughly to understand all of the differences between the previous version of Rocket Pool and Redstone.\nATTENTIONFor detailed information on how to prepare your node for the upgrade and what to do after the upgrade, please look at the following guides:Guide for Docker ModeGuide for Hybrid ModeGuide for Native Mode", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000483", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/whats-new.html", "Heading": "Client Changes and The Merge", "Text": "Ropsten (and shortly, Prater) have successfully undergone The Merge of the Execution and Consensus Layers. It no longer uses Proof-of-Work; instead, validators on Ropsten are now responsible for creating and proposing blocks on both chains. While this comes with some exciting financial benefits (which will be discussed later), it also comes with some important changes to the way validators operate.\nBelow is a brief summary of the changes to client behavior as part of The Merge:\nYour Execution client now uses three API ports:One for HTTP access to its API (default 8545)One for Websocket access to its API (default 8546)One for the new Engine API used by Consensus clients after The Merge (default 8551)Execution clients now require a Consensus client to function, and Consensus clients now require an Execution client to function.Neither one can operate in isolation any longer.One Execution client must be linked to one, and only one, Consensus client (and vice versa).You will not be able to link multiple Execution clients to a single Consensus client, or multiple Consensus clients to a single Execution client.Because of this, fallback execution clients are no longer available for Rocket Pool node operators.Full execution clients are required.Remote providers (like Infura and Pocket) can no longer be used by any validators, Rocket Pool or otherwise.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000484", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/whats-new.html", "Heading": "Fee Recipients and Your Distributor", "Text": "As validators are now responsible for creating blocks, that means they receive the priority fees (also known as tips) attached to each transaction. These fees are paid in ETH, and they are provided directly to you every time one of your minipool validators proposes a block. Unlike the ETH locked on the Beacon Chain, you don't have to wait for withdrawals to access your priority fees! They are simply awarded to you as part of the block proposal process.\nIn order to know where to send the fees to, your Validator Client requires an extra parameter known as the fee recipient. This is the address on the Execution Layer (ETH1) that all of the priority fees earned by your node during block proposals will be sent to.\nRocket Pool is designed to fairly distribute these rewards, the same way it fairly distributes your Beacon chain rewards: half of any priority fees your minipool validators earn will go to you (plus the average commission of all of your minipools), and the other half will go to the pool stakers (minus your average commission).\nTo that end, the Smartnode will automatically set your Validator Client's fee recipient to a special address known as your node's fee distributor. Your fee distributor is a unique contract on the Execution Layer that's specific to your node. It will hold all of the priority fees you've earned over time, and it contains the logic required to fairly split and distribute them. This distribution process is controlled by you (the node operator), and can be done whenever you please. It does not have a time limit.\nThe address for your node's fee distributor is deterministically based on your node address. That means it is known ahead of time, before the fee distributor is even created. The Smartnode will use this address as your fee recipient.\nNOTEBy default, your fee recipient will be set to the rETH address when you install Smartnode v1.5.0 (if the Redstone contract updates haven't been deployed yet). The Smartnode will automatically update this to your node's fee distributor address once the Redstone update has been deployed.One exception to this rule is if you are opted into the Smoothing Pool - see the section at the end of this page for more information on it.\nNew Rocket Pool nodes will automatically initialize their node's distributor contract upon registration. Existing nodes will need to do this process manually. This only needs to be run once.\nOne interesting ramification of this is that your distributor's address may start accruing a balance before you've initialized your node distributor contract. This is okay, because your distributor will gain access to all of this existing balance as soon as you initialize it.\nYou can view your fee distributor's balance as part of:\nrocketpool node status\nThe output will look like this:\n\nTo initialize your node's distributor, simply run this new command:\nrocketpool node initialize-fee-distributor\nNOTEAfter the Redstone update, you must call this function before you can create any new minipools with rocketpool node deposit.\nWhen your distributor has been initialized, you can claim and distribute its entire balance using the following command:\nrocketpool node distribute-fees\nThis will send your share of the rewards to your withdrawal address.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/status-fee-distributor.c9db7293.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000485", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/whats-new.html", "Heading": "Rocket Pool Protocol Changes", "Text": "In addition to the Execution and Consensus client changes and the new priority fees, the Rocket Pool protocol itself has undergone some important changes you should be aware of.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000486", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/whats-new.html", "Heading": "New Rewards System", "Text": "One of the most significant changes introduced with the Redstone update is the new rewards system. This is a complete overhaul of the way node operators receive their RPL rewards (and ETH from the Smoothing Pool - discussed later).\nThe old rewards system had the following drawbacks:\nClaiming cost approximately 400k gas, which is quite expensive.Node operators had to claim the rewards at each interval (every 28 days), or would forfeit them. This meant the gas costs could become prohibitively expensive for node operators with small amounts of RPL.Rewards were determined at the time of the claim, not at the time of the checkpoint. If a user staked a significant amount of RPL between the checkpoint and your claim, your rewards could be diluted and you'd receive less RPL than you were expecting.\nThe new claims system solves all of these problems.\nAt every interval, the Oracle DAO will collectively create a true snapshot of the state of the node operators in the Rocket Pool network, including all of their effective stake amounts. This information is compiled into a Merkle Tree - an extremely efficient way to make all of the details available to smart contracts. The Merkle Tree is built into a JSON file and hosted on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), and the root of the Merkle Tree is submitted to the contracts.\nThis new system has the following features:\nYou can now let rewards accumulate for as long as you want. No more time limit on when you need to claim.You can claim multiple intervals all at once.Your first claim transaction uses about 85k gas. Each subsequent claim transaction costs about 55k gas. If you're claiming multiple intervals at once, each supplemental interval costs 6k gas so it's most cost-effective to claim as many of them at once as possible.Your RPL rewards no longer get diluted - your RPL rewards are fixed at the time of the snapshot, and you are always eligible for that amount.You can restake some (or all) of your RPL rewards as part of the claiming transaction, which further trims down gas requirements compared to today.Currently, all of your claims must be on Mainnet but we have the infrastructure in place to build the ability to claim on Layer 2 networks at a later date.\nWhen your node detects a new rewards checkpoint, it will automatically download the JSON file for that interval. You can then review your rewards using the following command:\nrocketpool node claim-rewards\nAs intervals go by and you accumulate rewards, the output will look like this:\n\nHere you can quickly see how many rewards you've earned at each interval, and can decide which ones you want to claim. Note that Ropsten's interval time is set to 1 day to facilitate testing.\nYou can also specify an amount you want to restake during this claim:\n\nThis will let you compound your RPL rewards in one transaction, using substantially less gas than you currently need to use today.\nNOTEIf you prefer to build the rewards checkpoint manually instead of downloading the one created by the Oracle DAO, you can change this setting from Download to Generate in the TUI:As the tip implies, you will need access to an archive node to do this. If your local Execution client is not an archive node, you can specify a separate one (such as Infura or Alchemy) in the Archive-Mode EC URL box below it. This URL will only be used when generating Merkle trees; it will not be used for validation duties.\nWARNINGIf you are below 10% RPL collateral at the time of the snapshot, you will not be eligible for rewards for that snapshot. Unlike the current system, where you can simply \"top off\" before you claim in order to become eligible again, this will be locked in that snapshot forever and you will never receive rewards for that period. You must be above 10% collateral at the time of a snapshot in order to receive rewards for that period.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/claim-rewards-gb.8f1f7440.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/autostake.17e69ed2.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/tui-generate-tree.23882df2.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000487", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/whats-new.html", "Heading": "Smoothing Pool", "Text": "One final exciting new feature of the Redstone update is the Smoothing Pool. The Smoothing Pool is an opt-in feature that will collectively pool the priority fees of every member opted into it. During a rewards checkpoint, the total ETH balance of the pool is divided into a pool staker portion and a node operator portion. All of the rewards in the node operator portion are distributed fairly to every member of the pool.\nIn essence, the Smoothing Pool is a way to effectively eliminate the randomness associated with block proposals on the Beacon Chain. If you've ever had a streak of bad luck and gone months without a proposal, you may find the Smoothing Pool quite exciting.\nNOTEThe Smoothing Pool rewards are built into the Merkle Tree used for RPL rewards, so you claim them at the same time you claim RPL using rocketpool node claim-rewards.\nTo help clarify the details, the Smoothing Pool uses the following rules:\nOpting into the Smoothing Pool is done on a node level. If you opt in, all of your minipools are opted in.The node operator's total share is determined by the average commission of every minipool in every node opted into the Smoothing Pool.Anyone can opt in at any time. They must wait a full rewards interval (1 day on Ropsten, 28 days on Mainnet) before opting out to prevent gaming the system.Once opted out, you must wait another full interval to opt back in.The Smoothing Pool calculates the \"share\" of each minipool (portion of the pool's ETH for the interval) owned by each node opted in.The share is a function of your minipool's performance during the interval (calculated by looking at how many attestations you sent on the Beacon Chain, and how many you missed), and your minipool's commission rate.Your node's total share is the sum of your minipool shares.Your node's total share is scaled by the amount of time you were opted in.If you were opted in for the full interval, you receive your full share.If you were opted in for 30% of an interval, you receive 30% of your full share.\nTo opt into the Smoothing Pool, run the following command:\nrocketpool node join-smoothing-pool\nThis will record you as opted-in in the Rocket Pool contracts and automatically change your Validator Client's fee recipient from your node's distributor contract to the Smoothing Pool contract.\nTo leave the pool, run this command:\nrocketpool node leave-smoothing-pool", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000488", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/whats-new.html", "Heading": "The Penalty System", "Text": "To ensure that node operators don't \"cheat\" by manually modifying the fee recipient used in their Validator Client, Rocket Pool employs a penalty system.\nThe Oracle DAO constantly monitors each block produced by Rocket Pool node operators. Any block that has a fee recipient other than one of the following addresses is considered to be invalid:\nThe rETH addressThe Smoothing Pool addressThe node's fee distributor contract (if opted out of the Smoothing Pool)\nA minipool that proposed a block with an invalid fee recipient will be issued a strike. On the third strike, the minipool will begin receiving infractions - each infraction will dock 10% of its total Beacon Chain balance, including ETH earnings and send them to the rETH pool stakers upon withdrawing funds from the minipool.\nInfractions are at a minipool level, not a node level.\nThe Smartnode software is designed to ensure honest users will never get penalized, even if it must take the Validator Client offline to do so. If this happens, you will stop attesting and will see error messages in your log files about why the Smartnode can't correctly set your fee recipient.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000489", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/whats-new.html", "Heading": "Guides for Pre- and Post-Upgrade", "Text": "For detailed information on how to prepare your node for the upgrade and what to do after the upgrade, please look at the following guides:\nGuide for Docker ModeGuide for Hybrid ModeGuide for Native Mode", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000490", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/docker-migration.html", "Heading": "[Docker Mode] Guide to the Redstone Update and the Merge", "Text": "This guide will cover everything you need to know in order to prepare your node for the Redstone Update and The Merge if you are using Docker Mode.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000491", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/docker-migration.html", "Heading": "Things to Do Before Upgrading to v1.5.0", "Text": "Before upgrading to v1.5.0 and higher of the Smartnode, please go through the following checklist to make sure you're prepared:", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000492", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/docker-migration.html", "Heading": "Switch to a Full Execution Client", "Text": "The Merge requires you to run your own Execution client, so you won't be able to use remote providers like Infura or Pocket anymore. v1.5.0 won't have them anymore, and won't let you start the stack until you select a full Execution client.\nBecause of this change, you should switch to a full client while you're still on v1.4, let it sync to completion, and then upgrade to v1.5.\nDocker Mode makes switching clients very easy. This guide provides a walkthrough of the process.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000493", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/docker-migration.html", "Heading": "Upgrading to v1.5.0", "Text": "Upgrading the Smartnode stack to v1.5.0 is no different than any other upgrade. Simply follow the normal directions here.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000494", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/docker-migration.html", "Heading": "Things the Smartnode Handles Automatically", "Text": "In Docker mode, the Smartnode will take care of most of the changes needed to support Redstone and The Merge automatically once you update to v1.5.0. Here's a brief list of what it will do for you without any manual intervention:", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000495", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/docker-migration.html", "Heading": "The Engine API", "Text": "The Merge changes the way your Execution client talks to your Consensus client. Instead of using the old HTTP or Websocket based RPC system, The Merge requires a new system exposed by your Execution client called the Engine API.\nThis is a special connection that lets the Consensus client replace the old Proof-of-Work mining system with Proof-of-Stake; it's the heart of The Merge. It's also authenticated with a secret token, so only your Consensus client can connect to your Execution client - nothing else can.\nThe Smartnode will handle the set up of the authentication token and the Engine API on both your Execution and Consensus clients automatically.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000496", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/docker-migration.html", "Heading": "Your Fee Recipient", "Text": "The fee recipient is the address on the Execution layer (eth1) chain that will receive all of the priority fees for blocks you propose. It is a setting provided to your Validator client when it first starts.\nThe Smartnode will handle setting it up to the correct address when you upgrade to v1.5, and will constantly check to make sure you're using the correct one so you don't get penalized accidentally.\nIf you opted into the Smoothing Pool, it will make that your fee recipient. If you didn't, it will make your fee distributor contract the fee recipient.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000497", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/docker-migration.html", "Heading": "MEV-Boost", "Text": "MEV-boost is the system Flashbots provides to give MEV rewards to Proof-of-Stake validators after The Merge. Rocket Pool has MEV-Boost built into the Smartnode and automatically configures your node to use it, so your proposals get the maximum amount of rewards.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000498", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/docker-migration.html", "Heading": "Things You Should Do After Upgrading", "Text": "While the Smartnode handles most of the changes for you, there are a few additional things you should do manually:", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000499", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/docker-migration.html", "Heading": "Ensure a Successful Upgrade", "Text": "The first thing to do is ensure that your node is working correctly. Consider taking the following steps:\nCheck the logs for errors with rocketpool service logs eth1, rocketpool service logs eth2, rocketpool service logs validator, and rocketpool service logs node.Confirm with a Block Explorer (such as your Grafana dashboard and https://beaconcha.in) that you are still attesting properly Remember that if you have Doppelganger protection enabled, you will miss a few attestations after the restart. This is normal!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000500", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/docker-migration.html", "Heading": "Set Up a Fallback Node", "Text": "Because The Merge is not compatible with remote providers like Infura and Pocket, you'll lose the ability to use them as fallback Execution clients when your primary goes offline.\nThe Smartnode still has the ability to provide a fallback Execution client (and now a fallback Consensus client as well), but you will now need to use Execution and Consensus clients that you control.\nFor more information on setting up a fallback node, see the Fallback node guide.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000501", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/docker-migration.html", "Heading": "Initialize your Fee Distributor", "Text": "If you aren't planning to opt into the Smoothing Pool and claim all of your priority fees and MEV rewards to your fee distributor contract, you will eventually have to initialize it (create the contract instance on the chain) in order to claim rewards from it to your withdrawal address.\nThis is a fairly cheap operation and only needs to be done once.\nTIPInitializing your fee distributor can be done at any time. You can let rewards accumulate in its address long before you initialize it, and your balance will remain after initialization.We recommend you do so when gas prices are low to minimize the overhead cost.Note that it must be initialized in order to claim your rewards.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000502", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/docker-migration.html", "Heading": "Opt Into the Smoothing Pool", "Text": "If you plan on taking advantage of the Smoothing Pool right away, you should opt in before the end of the first Redstone rewards period to maximize your \"eligibility\" amount.\nOpting in can be done via running the following command:\nrocketpool node join-smoothing-pool", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000503", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/docker-migration.html", "Heading": "Claim Rewards", "Text": "The Redstone upgrade replaces the expensive, problematic old rewards system with a brand new one that's much cheaper, supports automatic restaking of RPL (both partial and full amounts), and - most importantly - lets you claim your rewards whenever you want.\nBecause there is no longer a time limit on claiming rewards, and because it's cheaper to claim many rewards intervals at once, the automatic rewards claiming feature of the Smartnode has been removed. You will now be able to claim rewards via the following command:\nrocketpool node claim-rewards\nThis will show you all of the rewards you've accumulated across all of the rewards intervals starting with the Redstone upgrade.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000504", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/docker-migration.html", "Heading": "Reverting to v1.4.3", "Text": "If, for any reason, something isn't to your liking and you want to revert to the previous Smartnode release, you can do so easily. The Smartnode automatically backs up your settings from the previous version when you upgrade it, so simply get the previous version (here we're demonstrating v1.4.3) and replace the settings with the backup:\nrocketpool service stop\nrocketpool service install -d\ncp ~/.rocketpool/user-settings-backup.yml ~/.rocketpool/user-settings.yml\nrocketpool service config\nrocketpool service start\nAll set! You're now back on the old version and should begin attesting shortly after starting the service.\nWARNINGv1.4.3 is deprecated and will no longer be usable after the Redstone update is deployed. If you do need to revert to it, please make plans to upgrade back to v1.5.0 before the contracts are updated!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000505", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/hybrid-migration.html", "Heading": "[Hybrid Mode] Guide to the Redstone Update and the Merge", "Text": "This guide will cover everything you need to know in order to prepare your node for the Redstone Update and The Merge if you are using Hybrid Mode.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000506", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/hybrid-migration.html", "Heading": "Things to Do Before Upgrading to v1.5.0", "Text": "Before upgrading to v1.5.0 and higher of the Smartnode, please go through the following checklist to make sure you're prepared:", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000507", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/hybrid-migration.html", "Heading": "Switch to a Full Execution Client", "Text": "The Merge requires you to run your own Execution client, so you won't be able to use remote providers like Infura or Pocket anymore.\nBecause of this change, if you're currently using a light Execution client, you should switch to a full client while you're still on v1.4, let it sync to completion, and then upgrade to v1.5.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000508", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/hybrid-migration.html", "Heading": "Ensure the EC and CC are Both Externally Managed", "Text": "Previous versions of the Smartnode stack allowed you to have one client locally managed, and the other externally managed. For example, you could have an Execution client that the Smartnode manages and connect it to a Consensus client that you manage externaly.\nStarting with v1.5, this configuration is no longer supported. You'll have to switch to either a locally managed Execution and Consensus client (also known as Docker Mode), or set up both an Execution and a Consensus client that you manage on your own.\nTIPIf you are interested in letting the Smartnode maintain its own Execution and Consensus client but want to keep control over your own Validator client (e.g., if you have your own solo staking validator keys attached to it), you may want to consider Reverse Hybrid Mode which does exactly this!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000509", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/hybrid-migration.html", "Heading": "Set Up the Engine API", "Text": "The Merge changes the way your Execution client talks to your Consensus client. Instead of using the old HTTP or Websocket based RPC system, The Merge requires a new system exposed by your Execution client called the Engine API.\nThis is a special connection that lets the Consensus client replace the old Proof-of-Work mining system with Proof-of-Stake; it's the heart of The Merge. It's also authenticated with a secret token, so only your Consensus client can connect to your Execution client - nothing else can.\nAs you manage your own Execution and Consensus clients, you'll need to set up the Engine API manually. How to do it depends entirely on which clients you're running.\nCoinCashew has a great and concise guide on how to set up the Engine API on your Execution and Consensus clients. Give that a look, and test the new configuration out by making sure it still attests properly before upgrading.\nAs always, Rocket Pool will manage its own Validator client so you don't need to worry about manually modifying it.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000510", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/hybrid-migration.html", "Heading": "Upgrading to v1.5.0", "Text": "Upgrading the Smartnode stack to v1.5.0 is no different than any other upgrade. Simply follow the normal directions here.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000511", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/hybrid-migration.html", "Heading": "Things the Smartnode Handles Automatically", "Text": "In Hybrid mode, the Smartnode will take care of some of the changes needed to support Redstone automatically once you update to v1.5.0, but you will need to handle others manually in Hybrid Mode.\nHere's a brief list of what it will do for you without any manual intervention:", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000512", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/hybrid-migration.html", "Heading": "Your Fee Recipient", "Text": "The fee recipient is the address on the Execution layer (eth1) chain that will receive all of the priority fees for blocks you propose. It is a setting provided to your Validator client when it first starts.\nThe Smartnode will handle setting it up to the correct address on the Validator client it manages when you upgrade to v1.5, and will constantly check to make sure you're using the correct one so you don't get penalized accidentally.\nIf you opted into the Smoothing Pool, it will make that your fee recipient. If you didn't, it will make your fee distributor contract the fee recipient.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000513", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/hybrid-migration.html", "Heading": "Things You Should Do After Upgrading", "Text": "While the Smartnode handles most of the changes for you, there are a few additional things you should do manually:", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000514", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/hybrid-migration.html", "Heading": "Ensure a Successful Upgrade", "Text": "The first thing to do is ensure that your node is working correctly. Consider taking the following steps:\nCheck the logs for errors with rocketpool service logs validator and rocketpool service logs node.Confirm with a Block Explorer (such as your Grafana dashboard and https://beaconcha.in) that you are still attesting properly Remember that if you have Doppelganger protection enabled, you will miss a few attestations after the restart. This is normal!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000515", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/hybrid-migration.html", "Heading": "Set Up MEV-Boost", "Text": "MEV-boost is the system Flashbots provides to give MEV rewards to Proof-of-Stake validators after The Merge.\nRocket Pool requires all nodes to use it to maximize their returns and thus keep the protocol competitive with other staking services.\nYou will need to make some adjustments to your Beacon Node / Consensus client to connect it to MEV-boost.\nMEV-boost is currently not available on Prater or Mainnet, so you do not need to set it up at this time. Of course, you will not be penalized for not using it during this transition period.\nOnce it becomes available, we will announce a date at which it must be installed and connected to your node. Flashbots will provide instructions you can follow at that time, and we will link to them here.\nNOTEOnce we make the announcement that MEV-boost must be enabled by all node operators, you must ensure you have it properly installed and configured with your Beacon Node!Not doing so will result in your minipool being penalized.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000516", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/hybrid-migration.html", "Heading": "Set Up a Fallback Node", "Text": "Because The Merge is not compatible with remote providers like Infura and Pocket, you'll lose the ability to use them as fallback Execution clients when your primary goes offline.\nThe Smartnode still has the ability to provide a fallback Execution client (and now a fallback Consensus client as well), but you will now need to use Execution and Consensus clients that you control.\nFor more information on setting up a fallback node, see the Fallback node guide.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000517", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/hybrid-migration.html", "Heading": "Initialize your Fee Distributor", "Text": "If you aren't planning to opt into the Smoothing Pool and claim all of your priority fees and MEV rewards to your fee distributor contract, you will eventually have to initialize it (create the contract instance on the chain) in order to claim rewards from it to your withdrawal address.\nThis is a fairly cheap operation and only needs to be done once.\nTIPInitializing your fee distributor can be done at any time. You can let rewards accumulate in its address long before you initialize it, and your balance will remain after initialization.We recommend you do so when gas prices are low to minimize the overhead cost.Note that it must be initialized in order to claim your rewards.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000518", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/hybrid-migration.html", "Heading": "Opt Into the Smoothing Pool", "Text": "If you plan on taking advantage of the Smoothing Pool right away, you should opt in before the end of the first Redstone rewards period to maximize your \"eligibility\" amount.\nOpting in can be done via running the following command:\nrocketpool node join-smoothing-pool", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000519", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/hybrid-migration.html", "Heading": "Claim Rewards", "Text": "The Redstone upgrade replaces the expensive, problematic old rewards system with a brand new one that's much cheaper, supports automatic restaking of RPL (both partial and full amounts), and - most importantly - lets you claim your rewards whenever you want.\nBecause there is no longer a time limit on claiming rewards, and because it's cheaper to claim many rewards intervals at once, the automatic rewards claiming feature of the Smartnode has been removed. You will now be able to claim rewards via the following command:\nrocketpool node claim-rewards\nThis will show you all of the rewards you've accumulated across all of the rewards intervals starting with the Redstone upgrade.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000520", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/hybrid-migration.html", "Heading": "Reverting to v1.4.3", "Text": "If, for any reason, something isn't to your liking and you want to revert to the previous Smartnode release, you can do so easily. The Smartnode automatically backs up your settings from the previous version when you upgrade it, so simply get the previous version (here we're demonstrating v1.4.3) and replace the settings with the backup:\nrocketpool service stop\nrocketpool service install -d\ncp ~/.rocketpool/user-settings-backup.yml ~/.rocketpool/user-settings.yml\nrocketpool service config\nrocketpool service start\nAll set! You're now back on the old version and should begin attesting shortly after starting the service.\nWARNINGv1.4.3 is deprecated and will no longer be usable after the Redstone update is deployed. If you do need to revert to it, please make plans to upgrade back to v1.5.0 before the contracts are updated!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000521", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/native-migration.html", "Heading": "[Native Mode] Guide to the Redstone Update and the Merge", "Text": "This guide will cover everything you need to know in order to prepare your node for the Redstone Update and The Merge if you are using Native Mode.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000522", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/native-migration.html", "Heading": "Things to Do Before Upgrading to v1.5.0", "Text": "Before upgrading to v1.5.0 and higher of the Smartnode, please go through the following checklist to make sure you're prepared:", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000523", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/native-migration.html", "Heading": "Switch to a Full Execution Client", "Text": "The Merge requires you to run your own Execution client, so you won't be able to use remote providers like Infura or Pocket anymore.\nBecause of this change, if you're currently using a light Execution client, you should switch to a full client while you're still on v1.4, let it sync to completion, and then upgrade to v1.5.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000524", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/native-migration.html", "Heading": "Set Up the Engine API", "Text": "The Merge changes the way your Execution client talks to your Consensus client. Instead of using the old HTTP or Websocket based RPC system, The Merge requires a new system exposed by your Execution client called the Engine API.\nThis is a special connection that lets the Consensus client replace the old Proof-of-Work mining system with Proof-of-Stake; it's the heart of The Merge. It's also authenticated with a secret token, so only your Consensus client can connect to your Execution client - nothing else can.\nAs you manage your own Execution and Consensus clients, you'll need to set up the Engine API manually. How to do it depends entirely on which clients you're running.\nCoinCashew has a great and concise guide on how to set up the Engine API on your Execution and Consensus clients. Give that a look, and test the new configuration out by making sure it still attests properly before upgrading.\nWe'll show you how to set up your Validator client so that it uses the correct fee recipient required by the Smartnode software automatically below.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000525", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/native-migration.html", "Heading": "Upgrading to v1.5.0", "Text": "Upgrading the Smartnode stack to v1.5.0 is no different than any other upgrade. Simply follow the normal directions here.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000526", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/native-migration.html", "Heading": "Things You Should Do After Upgrading", "Text": "In Native mode, there are several things you will need to do manually after upgrading:", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000527", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/native-migration.html", "Heading": "Ensure a Successful Upgrade", "Text": "The first thing to do is ensure that your node is working correctly. Consider taking the following steps:\nCheck your log scripts for the Execution client, the Consensus client, the Validator client, and the Smartnode daemon (the rp-node service) to ensure they're all functioning normally without errors.Confirm with a Block Explorer (such as your Grafana dashboard and https://beaconcha.in) that you are still attesting properly Remember that if you have Doppelganger protection enabled, you will miss a few attestations after the restart. This is normal!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000528", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/native-migration.html", "Heading": "Set up the Fee Recipient in your Validator Client", "Text": "One of the critical details to set up prior to the Merge is the fee recipient specified by your validator client. As described in the overview article, this can be one of two values:\nIf you are opted into the Smoothing Pool, this must be the address of the Smoothing Pool contract. You can get the address from the official contracts page.If you are not in the Smoothing Pool, this must be the address of your node's fee distributor contract. You can get the address by running rocketpool node status, under the Fee Distributor and Smoothing Pool section.\nIn Native mode, you have the choice of letting the Smartnode manage this for you if you use the Smartnode daemon service, rp-node, or managing it yourself if you do not use the daemon.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000529", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/native-migration.html", "Heading": "Automatic Management via the Daemon", "Text": "The Smartnode daemon will automatically determine the appropriate fee recipient for your node and manage it in case it changes (such as opting into and out of the Smoothing Pool). This is the safest option, because the Smartnode will always ensure it's set to a value that prevents penalization.\nThe way it does this is by maintaining a file with the correct fee recipient in it, and regularly refreshing it to ensure its correctness. When it needs to be updated, it modifies the file and restarts your Validator client automatically so it loads the new recipient - similarly to how it restarts your Validator client after staking a new minipool.\nSelect your client below to learn how to set it up:\nLighthouseNimbusPrysmTekuModify your Validator Client service by adding the following line before the ExecStart line:EnvironmentFile=/validators/rp-fee-recipient-env.txtFor example:EnvironmentFile=/srv/rocketpool/data/validators/rp-fee-recipient-env.txtNext, add the following command line argument to the end of your ExecStart line:--suggested-fee-recipient ${FEE_RECIPIENT}Your VC will now use the file managed by the Smartnode daemon, and will automatically be restarted whenever the fee recipient changes. :::::", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000530", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/native-migration.html", "Heading": "Manual Fee Recipient Management", "Text": "WARNINGBy doing this, you assume full responsibility for ensuring your fee recipient is always set to the correct address.Please read the penalty specification to understand what it must be set to given your configuration, and when you can safely change it from one value to another.Failure to do so could result in your minipools being penalized!\nPrior to Redstone being deployed, you can simply use the rETH address for the network you're on (which can be found in the official contracts page). The rETH address is always safe no matter what.\nOnce Redstone has been deployed, you can see the exact address that you should set your fee recipient to via rocketpool node status. For example, if you are opted into the Smoothing Pool, it will show the Smoothing Pool's address and note that you must use it as your fee recipient:\n\nIf you are not opted into the Smoothing Pool, it will show your fee distributor address and note that you must use it as your fee recipient:\n\nSelect your Consensus client below to learn how to configure it.\nLighthouseNimbusPrysmTekuAdd the following command line argument to your Validator Client's service definition file:--suggested-fee-recipient
is:The rETH address before the Redstone update is deployed (e.g., 0xae78736Cd615f374D3085123A210448E74Fc6393 on Mainnet)Your node's fee distributor after Redstone is deployed, which you can retrieve with rocketpool node status once the contract upgrade occursThe Smoothing Pool address if you opt into the Smoothing PoolAs a reminder, rocketpool node status will show you the correct fee recipient to use at any time.Please read the penalty specification carefully to understand the conditions and expectations around the fee recipient. :::::", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/native-fee-rc-in.3f149980.png\nhttps://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/native-fee-rc-out.2d764441.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000531", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/native-migration.html", "Heading": "Set Up MEV-Boost", "Text": "MEV-boost is the system Flashbots provides to give MEV rewards to Proof-of-Stake validators after The Merge.\nRocket Pool requires all nodes to use it to maximize their returns and thus keep the protocol competitive with other staking services.\nYou will need to make some adjustments to your Beacon Node / Consensus client to connect it to MEV-boost.\nMEV-boost is currently not available on Prater or Mainnet, so you do not need to set it up at this time. Of course, you will not be penalized for not using it during this transition period.\nOnce it becomes available, we will announce a date at which it must be installed and connected to your node. Flashbots will provide instructions you can follow at that time, and we will link to them here.\nNOTEOnce we make the announcement that MEV-boost must be enabled by all node operators, you must ensure you have it properly installed and configured with your Beacon Node!Not doing so will result in your minipool being penalized.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000532", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/native-migration.html", "Heading": "Set Up a Fallback Node", "Text": "Because The Merge is not compatible with remote providers like Infura and Pocket, you'll lose the ability to use them as fallback Execution clients when your primary goes offline.\nThe Smartnode still has the ability to provide a fallback Execution client (and now a fallback Consensus client as well), but you will now need to use Execution and Consensus clients that you control.\nFor more information on setting up a fallback node, see the Fallback node guide.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000533", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/native-migration.html", "Heading": "Initialize your Fee Distributor", "Text": "If you aren't planning to opt into the Smoothing Pool and claim all of your priority fees and MEV rewards to your fee distributor contract, you will eventually have to initialize it (create the contract instance on the chain) in order to claim rewards from it to your withdrawal address.\nThis is a fairly cheap operation and only needs to be done once.\nTIPInitializing your fee distributor can be done at any time. You can let rewards accumulate in its address long before you initialize it, and your balance will remain after initialization.We recommend you do so when gas prices are low to minimize the overhead cost.Note that it must be initialized in order to claim your rewards.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000534", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/native-migration.html", "Heading": "Opt Into the Smoothing Pool", "Text": "If you plan on taking advantage of the Smoothing Pool right away, you should opt in before the end of the first Redstone rewards period to maximize your \"eligibility\" amount.\nOpting in can be done via running the following command:\nrocketpool node join-smoothing-pool", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000535", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/redstone/native-migration.html", "Heading": "Claim Rewards", "Text": "The Redstone upgrade replaces the expensive, problematic old rewards system with a brand new one that's much cheaper, supports automatic restaking of RPL (both partial and full amounts), and - most importantly - lets you claim your rewards whenever you want.\nBecause there is no longer a time limit on claiming rewards, and because it's cheaper to claim many rewards intervals at once, the automatic rewards claiming feature of the Smartnode has been removed. You will now be able to claim rewards via the following command:\nrocketpool node claim-rewards\nThis will show you all of the rewards you've accumulated across all of the rewards intervals starting with the Redstone upgrade.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000536", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Preparing a Raspberry Pi", "Text": "NOTEThis page has been left here for archival purposes. We no longer recommend running Rocket Pool on a Raspberry Pi due to the increased hardware and performance requirements of running an Ethereum validator.\nThis guide will walk you through how run a Rocket Pool node using a Raspberry Pi. While this is not typically recommended in most staking guides, we recognize that it is attractive because it is a much more affordable option than standing up an entire PC. To that end, we've worked hard to tweak and optimize a whole host of settings and have determined a configuration that seems to work well.\nThis setup will run a full Execution node and a full Consensus node on the Pi, making your system contribute to the health of the Ethereum network while simultaneously acting as a Rocket Pool node operator.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000537", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Preliminary Setup", "Text": "To run a Rocket Pool node on a Raspberry Pi, you'll need to first have a working Raspberry Pi. If you already have one up and running - great! You can skip down to the Mounting the SSD section. Just make sure you have a fan attached before you go. If you're starting from scratch, then read on.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000538", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "What You'll Need", "Text": "These are the recommended components that you'll need to buy in order to run Rocket Pool on a Pi:\nA Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, the 8 GB modelNote: while you can use a 4 GB with this setup, we strongly recommend you go with an 8 GB for peace of mind... it's really not much more expensive.A USB-C power supply for the Pi. You want one that provides at least 3 amps.A MicroSD card. It doesn't have to be big, 16 GB is plenty and they're pretty cheap now... but it should be at least a Class 10 (U1).A MicroSD to USB adapter for your PC. This is needed so you can install the Operating System onto the card before loading it into the Pi. If your PC already has an SD port, then you don't need to pick up a new one.Some heatsinks. You're going to be running the Pi under heavy load 24/7, and it's going to get hot. Heatsinks will help so it doesn't throttle itself. You ideally want a set of 3: one for the CPU, one for the RAM, and one for the USB controller. Here is a good example of a nice set.A case. There are two ways to go here: with a fan, and fanless. With a fan: A 40mm fan. Same as the above, the goal is to keep things cool while running your Rocket Pool node.A case with a fan mount to tie it all together. You could also get a case with integrated fans like this one so you don't have to buy the fans separately.Without a fan: A fanless case that acts as one giant heatsink, like this one. This is a nice option since it's silent, but your Pi will get quite hot - especially during the initial blockchain sync process. Credit to Discord user Ken for pointing us in this direction!As a general rule, we recommend going with a fan because we're going to be overclocking the Pi significantly.\nYou can get a lot of this stuff bundled together for convenience - for example, Canakit offers a kit with many components included. However, you might be able to get it all cheaper if you get the parts separately (and if you have the equipment, you can 3D print your own Pi case.)\nOther components you'll need:\nA USB 3.0+ Solid State Drive. The general recommendation is for a 2 TB drive. The Samsung T5 is an excellent example of one that is known to work well.\u26a0\ufe0f Using a SATA SSD with a SATA-to-USB adapter is not recommended because of problems like this. If you go this route, we've included a performance test you can use to check if it will work or not in the Testing the SSD's Performance section.An ethernet cable for internet access. It should be at least Cat 5e rated. Running a node over Wi-Fi is not recommended, but if you have no other option, you can do it instead of using an ethernet cable.A UPS to act as a power source if you ever lose electricity. The Pi really doesn't draw much power, so even a small UPS will last for a while, but generally the bigger, the better. Go with as big of a UPS as you can afford. Also, we recommend you attach your modem, router, and other network equipment to it as well - not much point keeping your Pi alive if your router dies.\nDepending on your location, sales, your choice of SSD and UPS, and how many of these things you already have, you're probably going to end up spending around $200 to $500 USD for a complete setup.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000539", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Making the Fan Run More Quietly", "Text": "When you get the fan, by default you're probably going to be instructed to connect it to the 5v GPIO pin, as shown in the picture below. The fan will have a connector with two holes; the black one should go to GND (pin 6), and the red one should go to +5v (pin 4).\nHowever, in our experience, this makes the fan run very loud and fast which isn't really necessary. If you want to make it more quiet while still running cool, try connecting it to the 3.3v pin (Pin 1, the blue one) instead of the 5v pin. This means that on your fan, the black point will go to GND (pin 6) still, but now the red point will go to +3.3v (pin 1).\nIf your fan has a connector where the two holes are side by side and you can't split them apart, you can put some jumpers like this in between it and the GPIO pins on the Pi.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/Pinout.919c9ea6.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000540", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Installing the Operating System", "Text": "There are a few varieties of Linux OS that support the Raspberry Pi. For this guide, we're going to stick to Ubuntu 20.04. Ubuntu is a tried-and-true OS that's used around the world, and 20.04 is (at the time of this writing) the latest of the Long Term Support (LTS) versions, which means it will keep getting security patches for a very long time. If you'd rather stick with a different flavor of Linux like Raspbian, feel free to follow the existing installation guides for that - just keep in mind that this guide is built for Ubuntu, so not all of the instructions may match your OS.\nThe fine folks at Canonical have written up a wonderful guide on how to install the Ubuntu Server image onto a Pi.\nFollow steps 1 through 4 of the guide above for the Server setup. For the Operating System image, you want to select Ubuntu Server 20.04.2 LTS (RPi 3/4/400) 64-bit server OS with long-term support for arm64 architectures.\nIf you decide that you want a desktop UI (so you can use a mouse and have windows to drag around), you'll need to follow step 5 as well. We suggest that you don't do this and just stick with the server image, because the desktop UI will add some additional overhead and processing work onto your Pi with relatively little benefit. However, if you're determined to run a desktop, then we recommend choosing the Xubuntu option. It's pretty lightweight on resources and very user friendly.\nOnce that's complete, you're ready to start preparing Ubuntu to run a Rocket Pool node. You can use the local terminal on it, or you can SSH in from your desktop / laptop as the installation guide suggests. The process will be the same either way, so do whatever's most convenient for you.\nIf you aren't familiar with ssh, take a look at the Intro to Secure Shell guide.\nNOTEAt this point, you should strongly consider configuring your router to make your Pi's IP address static. This means that your Pi will have the same IP address forever, so you can always SSH into it using that IP address. Otherwise, it's possible that your Pi's IP could change at some point, and the above SSH command will no longer work. You'll have to enter your router's configuration to find out what your Pi's new IP address is.Each router is different, so you will need to consult your router's documentation to learn how to assign a static IP address.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000541", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Mounting the SSD", "Text": "As you may have gathered, after following the above installation instructions, the core OS will be running off of the microSD card. That's not nearly large enough or fast enough to hold all of the Execution and Consensus blockchain data, which is where the SSD comes in. To use it, we have to set it up with a file system and mount it to the Pi.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000542", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Connecting the SSD to the USB 3.0 Ports", "Text": "Start by plugging your SSD into one of the Pi's USB 3.0 ports. These are the blue ports, not the black ones:\n\nThe black ones are slow USB 2.0 ports; they're only good for accessories like mice and keyboards. If you have your keyboard plugged into the blue ports, take it out and plug it into the black ones now.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/USB.183b9759.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000543", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Formatting the SSD and Creating a New Partition", "Text": "WARNINGThis process is going to erase everything on your SSD. If you already have a partition with stuff on it, SKIP THIS STEP because you're about to delete it all! If you've never used this SSD before and it's totally empty, then follow this step.\nRun this command to find the location of your disk in the device table:\nsudo lshw -C disk\n *-disk\n description: SCSI Disk\n product: Portable SSD T5\n vendor: Samsung\n physical id: 0.0.0\n bus info: [email\u00a0protected]:0.0.0\n logical name: /dev/sda\n ...\nThe important thing you need is the logical name: /dev/sda portion, or rather, the /dev/sda part of it. We're going to call this the device location of your SSD. For this guide, we'll just use /dev/sda as the device location - yours will probably be the same, but substitute it with whatever that command shows for the rest of the instructions.\nNow that we know the device location, let's format it and make a new partition on it so we can actually use it. Again, these commands will delete whatever's already on the disk!\nCreate a new partition table:\nsudo parted -s /dev/sda mklabel gpt unit GB mkpart primary ext4 0 100%\nFormat the new partition with the ext4 file system:\nsudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sda1\nAdd a label to it (you don't have to do this, but it's fun):\nsudo e2label /dev/sda1 \"Rocket Drive\"\nConfirm that this worked by running the command below, which should show output like what you see here:\nsudo blkid\n...\n/dev/sda1: LABEL=\"Rocket Drive\" UUID=\"1ade40fd-1ea4-4c6e-99ea-ebb804d86266\" TYPE=\"ext4\" PARTLABEL=\"primary\" PARTUUID=\"288bf76b-792c-4e6a-a049-cb6a4d23abc0\"\nIf you see all of that, then you're good. Grab the UUID=\"...\" output and put it somewhere temporarily, because you're going to need it in a minute.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000544", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Optimizing the New Partition", "Text": "Next, let's tune the new filesystem a little to optimize it for validator activity.\nBy default, ext4 will reserve 5% of its space for system processes. Since we don't need that on the SSD because it just stores the Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) chain data, we can disable it:\nsudo tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sda1", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000545", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Mounting and Enabling Automount", "Text": "In order to use the drive, you have to mount it to the file system. Create a new mount point anywhere you like (we'll use /mnt/rpdata here as an example, feel free to use that):\nsudo mkdir /mnt/rpdata\nNow, mount the new SSD partition to that folder:\nsudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/rpdata\nAfter this, the folder /mnt/rpdata will point to the SSD, so anything you write to that folder will live on the SSD. This is where we're going to store the chain data for Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2).\nNow, let's add it to the mounting table so it automatically mounts on startup. Remember the UUID from the blkid command you used earlier? This is where it will come in handy.\nsudo nano /etc/fstab\nThis will open up an interactive file editor, which will look like this to start:\nLABEL=writable / ext4 defaults 0 0\nLABEL=system-boot /boot/firmware vfat defaults 0 1\nUse the arrow keys to go down to the bottom line, and add this line to the end:\nLABEL=writable / ext4 defaults 0 0\nLABEL=system-boot /boot/firmware vfat defaults 0 1\nUUID=1ade40fd-1ea4-4c6e-99ea-ebb804d86266 /mnt/rpdata ext4 defaults 0 0\nReplace the value in UUID=... with the one from your disk, then press Ctrl+O and Enter to save, then Ctrl+X and Enter to exit. Now the SSD will be automatically mounted when you reboot. Nice!", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000546", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Testing the SSD's Performance", "Text": "Before going any further, you should test your SSD's read/write speed and how many I/O requests it can handle per second (IOPS). If your SSD is too slow, then it won't work well for a Rocket Pool node and you're going to end up losing money over time.\nTo test it, we're going to use a program called fio. Install it like this:\nsudo apt install fio\nNext, move to your SSD's mount point:\ncd /mnt/rpdata\nNow, run this command to test the SSD performance:\nsudo fio --randrepeat=1 --ioengine=libaio --direct=1 --gtod_reduce=1 --name=test --filename=test --bs=4k --iodepth=64 --size=4G --readwrite=randrw --rwmixread=75\nThe output should look like this:\ntest: (g=0): rw=randrw, bs=(R) 4096B-4096B, (W) 4096B-4096B, (T) 4096B-4096B, ioengine=libaio, iodepth=64\nfio-3.16\nStarting 1 process\ntest: Laying out IO file (1 file / 4096MiB)\nJobs: 1 (f=1): [m(1)][100.0%][r=63.9MiB/s,w=20.8MiB/s][r=16.4k,w=5329 IOPS][eta 00m:00s]\ntest: (groupid=0, jobs=1): err= 0: pid=205075: Mon Feb 15 04:06:35 2021\n read: IOPS=15.7k, BW=61.5MiB/s (64.5MB/s)(3070MiB/49937msec)\n bw ( KiB/s): min=53288, max=66784, per=99.94%, avg=62912.34, stdev=2254.36, samples=99\n iops : min=13322, max=16696, avg=15728.08, stdev=563.59, samples=99\n write: IOPS=5259, BW=20.5MiB/s (21.5MB/s)(1026MiB/49937msec); 0 zone resets\n...\nWhat you care about are the lines starting with read: and write: under the test: line.\nYour read should have IOPS of at least 15k and bandwidth (BW) of at least 60 MiB/s.Your write should have IOPS of at least 5000 and bandwidth of at least 20 MiB/s.\nThose are the specs from the Samsung T5 that we use, which work very well. We have also tested a slower SSD with read IOPS of 5k and write IOPS of 1k, and it has a very hard time keeping up with the ETH2 chain. If you use an SSD slower than the specs above, just be prepared that you might see a lot of missed attestations. If yours meets or exceeds them, then you're all set and can move on.\nNOTEIf your SSD doesn't meet the above specs but it should, you might be able to fix it with a firmware update. For example, this has been experienced by the Rocket Pool community with the Samsung T7. Two of them fresh out of the box only showed 3.5K read IOPS and 1.2K write IOPS. After applying all available firmware updates, the performance was back up to the numbers shown in the above example. Check with your manufacturer's support website for the latest firmware and make sure your drive is up to date - you may have to update the firmware multiple times until there are no more updates left.\nLast but not least, remove the test file you just made:\nsudo rm /mnt/rpdata/test", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000547", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Setting up Swap Space", "Text": "The Pi has 8 GB (or 4 GB if you went that route) of RAM. For our configuration, that will be plenty. Then again, it never hurts to add a little more. What we're going to do now is add what's called swap space. Essentially, it means we're going to use the SSD as \"backup RAM\" in case something goes horribly, horribly wrong and the Pi runs out of regular RAM. The SSD isn't nearly as fast as the regular RAM, so if it hits the swap space it will slow things down, but it won't completely crash and break everything. Think of this as extra insurance that you'll (most likely) never need.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000548", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Creating a Swap File", "Text": "The first step is to make a new file that will act as your swap space. Decide how much you want to use - a reasonable start would be 8 GB, so you have 8 GB of normal RAM and 8 GB of \"backup RAM\" for a total of 16 GB. To be super safe, you can make it 24 GB so your system has 8 GB of normal RAM and 24 GB of \"backup RAM\" for a total of 32 GB, but this is probably overkill. Luckily, since your SSD has 1 or 2 TB of space, allocating 8 to 24 GB for a swapfile is negligible.\nFor the sake of this walkthrough, let's pick a nice middleground - say, 16 GB of swap space for a total RAM of 24 GB. Just substitute whatever number you want in as we go.\nEnter this, which will create a new file called /mnt/rpdata/swapfile and fill it with 16 GB of zeros. To change the amount, just change the number in count=16 to whatever you want. Note that this is going to take a long time, but that's ok.\nsudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/rpdata/swapfile bs=1G count=16 status=progress\nNext, set the permissions so only the root user can read or write to it (for security):\nsudo chmod 600 /mnt/rpdata/swapfile\nNow, mark it as a swap file:\nsudo mkswap /mnt/rpdata/swapfile\nNext, enable it:\nsudo swapon /mnt/rpdata/swapfile\nFinally, add it to the mount table so it automatically loads when your Pi reboots:\nsudo nano /etc/fstab\nAdd a new line at the end so that the file looks like this:\nLABEL=writable / ext4 defaults 0 0\nLABEL=system-boot /boot/firmware vfat defaults 0 1\nUUID=1ade40fd-1ea4-4c6e-99ea-ebb804d86266 /mnt/rpdata ext4 defaults 0 0\n/mnt/rpdata/swapfile none swap sw 0 0\nPress Ctrl+O and Enter to save, then Ctrl+X and Enter to exit.\nTo verify that it's active, run these commands:\nsudo apt install htop\nhtop\nYour output should look like this at the top:\nIf the second number in the last row labeled Swp (the one after the /) is non-zero, then you're all set. For example, if it shows 0K / 16.0G then your swap space was activated successfully. If it shows 0K / 0K then it did not work and you'll have to confirm that you entered the previous steps properly.\nPress q or F10 to quit out of htop and get back to the terminal.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/Swap.7779ed7f.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000549", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Configuring Swappiness and Cache Pressure", "Text": "By default, Linux will eagerly use a lot of swap space to take some of the pressure off of the system's RAM. We don't want that. We want it to use all of the RAM up to the very last second before relying on SWAP. The next step is to change what's called the \"swappiness\" of the system, which is basically how eager it is to use the swap space. There is a lot of debate about what value to set this to, but we've found a value of 6 works well enough.\nWe also want to turn down the \"cache pressure\", which dictates how quickly the Pi will delete a cache of its filesystem. Since we're going to have a lot of spare RAM with our setup, we can make this \"10\" which will leave the cache in memory for a while, reducing disk I/O.\nTo set these, run these commands:\nsudo sysctl vm.swappiness=6\nsudo sysctl vm.vfs_cache_pressure=10\nNow, put them into the sysctl.conf file so they are reapplied after a reboot:\nsudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf\nAdd these two lines to the end:\nvm.swappiness=6\nvm.vfs_cache_pressure=10\nThen save and exit like you've done before (Ctrl+O, Ctrl+X).", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000550", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Overclocking the Pi", "Text": "By default, the 1.5 GHz processor that the Pi comes with is a pretty capable little device. For the most part, you should be able to validate with it just fine. However, we have noticed that on rare occasions, your validator client gets stuck working on some things and it just doesn't have enough horsepower to keep up with your validator's attestation duties. When that happens, you'll see something like this on the beaconcha.in explorer (described in more detail in the Monitoring your Node's Performance guide later on):\n\nThat inclusion distance of 8 means that it took a really long time to send that attestation, and you will be slightly penalized for being late. Ideally, all of them should be 0. Though rare, these do occur when running at stock settings.\nThere is a way to mitigate these, however: overclocking. Overclocking is by far the easiest way to get some extra performance out of your Pi's CPU and prevent those nasty high inclusion distances. Frankly, the default CPU clock of 1.5 GHz is really underpowered. You can speed it up quite a bit via overclocking, and depending on how far you take it, you can do it quite safely too.\nOverclocking the Pi is very simple - it just involves changing some numbers in a text file. There are two numbers that matter: the first is the core clock, which directly determines how fast the ARM CPU runs. The second is overvoltage, which determines the voltage that gets fed into the ARM CPU. Higher speeds generally require higher voltage, but the Pi's CPU can handle quite a bit of extra voltage without any appreciable damage. It might wear out a little faster, but we're still talking on the order of years and the Pi 5 will be out by then, so no real harm done!\nRather, the real concern with overvoltage is that higher voltages lead to higher temperatures. This section will help you see how hot your Pi gets under a heavy load, so you don't push it too far.\nWARNINGWhile overclocking at the levels we're going to do is pretty safe and reliable, you are at the mercy of what's called the \"silicon lottery\". Every CPU is slightly different in microscopic ways, and some of them can simply overclock better than others. If you overclock too far / too hard, then your system may become unstable. Unstable Pis suffer from all kinds of consequences, from constant restarts to completely freezing. In the worst case, you could corrupt your microSD card and have to reinstall everything from scratch!By following the guidance here, you have to accept the fact that you're running that risk. If that's not worth it for you, then skip the rest of this section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/assets/Incl-Dist.6e86226b.png", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000551", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Benchmarking the Stock Configuration", "Text": "Before overclocking, your should profile what your Pi is capable of in its stock, off-the-shelf configuration. There are three key things to look at:\nWe're going to get stats on all three of them as we go.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000552", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Performance", "Text": "For measuring performance, you can use LINPACK. We'll build it from source.\ncd ~\nsudo apt install gcc\nwget http://www.netlib.org/benchmark/linpackc.new -O linpack.c\n...\ncc -O3 -o linpack linpack.c -lm\n...\nsudo mv linpack /usr/local/bin\nrm linpack.c\nNow run it like this:\nlinpack\nEnter array size (q to quit) [200]:\nJust press enter to leave it at the default of 200, and let it run. When it's done, the output will look like this:\nMemory required: 315K.\n\n\nLINPACK benchmark, Double precision.\nMachine precision: 15 digits.\nArray size 200 X 200.\nAverage rolled and unrolled performance:\n\n Reps Time(s) DGEFA DGESL OVERHEAD KFLOPS\n----------------------------------------------------\n 512 0.70 85.64% 3.76% 10.60% 1120802.516\n 1024 1.40 85.70% 3.74% 10.56% 1120134.749\n 2048 2.81 85.71% 3.73% 10.56% 1120441.752\n 4096 5.62 85.69% 3.74% 10.57% 1120114.452\n 8192 11.23 85.67% 3.74% 10.59% 1120277.186\nWhat you need to look at is the last row, in the KFLOPS column. This number (1120277.186 in the above example) represents your computing performance. It doesn't mean anything by itself, but it gives us a good baseline to compare the overclocked performance to. Let's call this the stock KFLOPS.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000553", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Temperature", "Text": "Next, let's stress the Pi out and watch its temperature under heavy load. First, install this package, which will provide a tool called vcgencmd that can print details about the Pi:\nsudo apt install libraspberrypi-bin\nOnce this is installed, reboot the Pi (this is necessary for some new permission to get applied). Next, install a program called stressberry. This will be our benchmarking tool. Install it like this:\nsudo apt install stress python3-pip\npip3 install stressberry\nsource ~/.profile\nNOTEIf stressberry throws an error about not being able to read temperature information or not being able to open the vchiq instance, you can fix it with the following command:sudo usermod -aG video $USERThen log out and back in, restart your SSH session, or restart the machine and try again.\nNext, run it like this:\nstressberry-run -n \"Stock\" -d 300 -i 60 -c 4 stock.out\nThis will run a new stress test named \"Stock\" for 300 seconds (5 minutes) with 60 seconds of cooldown before and after the test, on all 4 cores of the Pi. You can play with these timings if you want it to run longer or have more of a cooldown, but this works as a quick-and-dirty stress test for me. The results will get saved to a file named stock.out.\nDuring the main phase of the test, the output will look like this:\nCurrent temperature: 41.3\u00b0C - Frequency: 1500MHz\nCurrent temperature: 41.3\u00b0C - Frequency: 1500MHz\nCurrent temperature: 41.8\u00b0C - Frequency: 1500MHz\nCurrent temperature: 40.9\u00b0C - Frequency: 1500MHz\nCurrent temperature: 41.8\u00b0C - Frequency: 1500MHz\nThis basically tells you how hot the Pi will get. At 85\u00ad\u00b0C, the Pi will actually start to throttle itself and bring the clock speed down so it doesn't overheat. Luckily, because you added a heatsink and a fan, you shouldn't get anywhere close to this! That being said, we generally try to keep the temperatures below 65\u00b0C for the sake of the system's overall health.\nIf you want to monitor the system temperature during normal validating operations, you can do this with vcgencmd:\nvcgencmd measure_temp\ntemp=34.0'C", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000554", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Stability", "Text": "Testing the stability of an overclock involves answering these three questions:\nDoes the Pi turn on and get to a login promp / start the SSH server?Does it randomly freeze or restart during normal operations?Does it randomly freeze or restart during heavy load?\nFor an overclock to be truly stable, the answers must be yes, no, and no. There are a few ways to test this, but the easiest at this point is to just run stressberry for a really long time. How long is entirely up to you - the longer it goes, the more sure you can be that the system is stable. Some people just run the 5 minute test above and call that good if it survives; others run it for a half hour; others run it for 8 hours or even more. How long to run it is a personal decision you'll have to make based on your own risk tolerance.\nTo change the runtime, just modify the -d parameter with the number of seconds you want the test to run. For example, if you decided a half-hour is the way to go, you could do -d 1800.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000555", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Your First Overclock - 1800 MHz (Light)", "Text": "The first overclock we're going to do is relatively \"light\" and reliable, but still provides a nice boost in compute power. We're going to go from the stock 1500 MHz up to 1800 MHz - a 20% speedup!\nOpen this file:\nsudo nano /boot/firmware/usercfg.txt\nAdd these two lines to the end:\narm_freq=1800\nover_voltage=3\nThen save the file and reboot.\nThese settings will increase the CPU clock by 20%, and it will also raise the CPU voltage from 0.88v to 0.93v (each over_voltage setting increases it by 0.025v). This setting should be attainable by any Pi 4B, so your system should restart and provide a login prompt or SSH access in just a few moments. If it doesn't, and your Pi stops responding or enters a boot loop, you'll have to reset it - read the next section for that.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000556", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Resetting After an Unstable Overclock", "Text": "If your Pi stops responding, or keeps restarting over and over, then you need to lower the overclock. To do that, follow these steps:\nIf the Pi works, then great! Continue below. If not, repeat the whole process with even more conservative settings. In the worst case you can just remove the arm_freq and over_voltage lines entirely to return it to stock settings.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000557", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Testing 1800 MHz", "Text": "Once you're logged in, run linpack again to test the new performance. Here's an example from our test Pi:\nlinpack\nEnter array size (q to quit) [200]:\n...\n Reps Time(s) DGEFA DGESL OVERHEAD KFLOPS\n----------------------------------------------------\n 512 0.59 85.72% 3.75% 10.53% 1338253.832\n 1024 1.18 85.72% 3.75% 10.53% 1337667.003\n 2048 2.35 85.72% 3.75% 10.53% 1337682.272\n 4096 4.70 85.73% 3.75% 10.53% 1337902.437\n 8192 9.40 85.71% 3.76% 10.53% 1337302.722\n 16384 18.80 85.72% 3.75% 10.52% 1337238.504\nAgain, grab the KFLOPS column in the last row. To compare it to the stock configuration, simply divide the two numbers: 1337238.504 / 1120277.186 = 1.193668\nAlright! That's a 19.4% boost in performance, which is to be expected since we're running 20% faster. Now let's check the temperatures with the new clock speed and voltage settings:\nstressberry-run -n \"1800_ov3\" -d 300 -i 60 -c 4 1800_ov3.out\nYou should see output like this:\nCurrent temperature: 47.2\u00b0C - Frequency: 1800MHz\nCurrent temperature: 48.7\u00b0C - Frequency: 1800MHz\nCurrent temperature: 47.7\u00b0C - Frequency: 1800MHz\nCurrent temperature: 47.7\u00b0C - Frequency: 1800MHz\nCurrent temperature: 47.7\u00b0C - Frequency: 1800MHz\nNot bad, about 6\u00b0 hotter than the stock settings but still well below the threshold where we'd personally stop.\nYou can run a longer stability test here if you're comfortable, or you can press on to take things even higher.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000558", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Going to 2000 MHz (Medium)", "Text": "The next milestone will be 2000 MHz. This represents a 33.3% boost in clock speed, which is pretty significant. Most people consider this to be a great balance between performance and stability, so they stop the process here.\nOur recommendation for this level is to start with these settings:\narm_freq=2000\nover_voltage=5\nThis will boost the core voltage to 1.005v. Try this out with the linpack and stressberry tests. If it survives them, then you're all set. If it freezes or randomly restarts, then you should increase the voltage:\narm_freq=2000\nover_voltage=6\nThat puts the core voltage at 1.03v, which is as high as you can go before voiding the warranty. That usually works for most Pis. If it doesn't, instead of increasing the voltage further, you should lower your clock speed and try again.\nFor reference, here are the numbers from our 2000 run:\nlinpack\nEnter array size (q to quit) [200]:\n...\n Reps Time(s) DGEFA DGESL OVERHEAD KFLOPS\n----------------------------------------------------\n 512 0.53 85.76% 3.73% 10.51% 1482043.543\n 1024 1.06 85.74% 3.73% 10.53% 1481743.724\n 2048 2.12 85.74% 3.72% 10.54% 1482835.055\n 4096 4.24 85.73% 3.74% 10.53% 1482189.202\n 8192 8.48 85.74% 3.73% 10.53% 1482560.117\n 16384 16.96 85.74% 3.73% 10.53% 1482441.146\nThat's a 32.3% speedup which is in-line with what we'd expect. Not bad!\nHere are our temperatures:\nCurrent temperature: 54.0\u00b0C - Frequency: 2000MHz\nCurrent temperature: 54.5\u00b0C - Frequency: 2000MHz\nCurrent temperature: 54.0\u00b0C - Frequency: 2000MHz\nCurrent temperature: 54.5\u00b0C - Frequency: 2000MHz\nCurrent temperature: 55.5\u00b0C - Frequency: 2000MHz\nAn increase of 7 more degrees, but still under our threshold of 65\u00b0C.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000559", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Going to 2100 MHz (Heavy)", "Text": "The next step represents a solid 40% speedup over the stock configuration.\nNOTE: Not all Pi's are capable of doing this while staying at over_voltage=6. Try it, and if it breaks, go back to 2000 MHz.\nThe configuration will look like this:\narm_freq=2100\nover_voltage=6\nFor reference, here are our results:\nlinpack\nEnter array size (q to quit) [200]:\n...\n Reps Time(s) DGEFA DGESL OVERHEAD KFLOPS\n----------------------------------------------------\n 512 0.50 85.68% 3.76% 10.56% 1560952.508\n 1024 1.01 85.68% 3.76% 10.56% 1554858.509\n 2048 2.01 85.70% 3.74% 10.56% 1561524.482\n 4096 4.03 85.72% 3.73% 10.55% 1560152.447\n 8192 8.06 85.72% 3.73% 10.54% 1561078.999\n 16384 16.11 85.73% 3.73% 10.54% 1561448.736\nThat's a 39.4% speedup!\nHere are our temperatures:\nCurrent temperature: 59.4\u00b0C - Frequency: 2100MHz\nCurrent temperature: 58.9\u00b0C - Frequency: 2100MHz\nCurrent temperature: 58.4\u00b0C - Frequency: 2100MHz\nCurrent temperature: 59.4\u00b0C - Frequency: 2100MHz\nCurrent temperature: 58.9\u00b0C - Frequency: 2100MHz\nJust shy of 60\u00b0C, so there's plenty of room.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000560", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Going to 2250 MHz (Extreme)", "Text": "This is the setting we run our Pi's at, which has been stable for over a year at the time of writing. Still, users are cautioned in overclocking this high - ensure you do thorough stability tests and have plenty of thermal headroom before attempting to make this your node's production configuration!\nOur configuration is:\narm_freq=2250\nover_voltage=10\nHere are our results:\nReps Time(s) DGEFA DGESL OVERHEAD KFLOPS\n----------------------------------------------------\n 1024 0.95 85.69% 3.85% 10.47% 1650081.294\n 2048 1.91 85.64% 3.91% 10.45% 1646779.068\n 4096 3.84 85.41% 4.15% 10.44% 1637706.598\n 8192 7.75 85.50% 4.03% 10.46% 1620589.096\n 16384 15.34 85.43% 4.13% 10.44% 1638067.854\nThat's 46% faster than the stock configuration!\nOV10 is as the stock firmware will let the Pi go, and 2250 MHz is the fastest we could reliably run in production.\nThe temperatures in the stress test get this high:\nCurrent temperature: 70.6\u00b0C - Frequency: 2251MHz\nCurrent temperature: 71.1\u00b0C - Frequency: 2251MHz\nCurrent temperature: 71.1\u00b0C - Frequency: 2251MHz\nCurrent temperature: 71.1\u00b0C - Frequency: 2251MHz\nCurrent temperature: 71.1\u00b0C - Frequency: 2251MHz\nBut during actual validation, they tend to stay below 60C which is acceptable for us.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"} {"Section id": "rpl000561", "Website URL": "https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/local/prepare-pi.html", "Heading": "Next Steps", "Text": "And with that, your Pi is up and running and ready to run Rocket Pool! Move on to the Choosing your ETH Clients section.", "YouTube Links": "", "Images": "", "Data Collection Date": "19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023"}