{"title": "Staging energy sources to extend flight time of a multirotor UAV", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341804/", "author_list": ["Karan P. Jain", "Jerry Tang", "Koushil Sreenath", "Mark W. Mueller", "Karan P. Jain", "Jerry Tang", "Koushil Sreenath", "Mark W. Mueller"], "abstract": "Energy sources such as batteries do not decrease in mass after consumption, unlike combustion-based fuels. We present the concept of staging energy sources, i.e. consuming energy in stages and ejecting used stages, to progressively reduce the mass of aerial vehicles in-flight which reduces power consumption, and consequently increases flight time. A flight time vs. energy storage mass analysis is ..."} {"title": "UAV-AdNet: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection using Deep Neural Networks for Aerial Surveillance", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341790/", "author_list": ["Ilker Bozcan", "Erdal Kayacan", "Ilker Bozcan", "Erdal Kayacan"], "abstract": "Anomaly detection is a key goal of autonomous surveillance systems that should be able to alert unusual observations. In this paper, we propose a holistic anomaly detection system using deep neural networks for surveillance of critical infrastructures (e.g., airports, harbors, warehouses) using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). First, we present a heuristic method for the explicit representation o..."} {"title": "ROSflight: A Lean Open-Source Research Autopilot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341653/", "author_list": ["James Jackson", "Daniel Koch", "Trey Henrichsen", "Tim McLain", "James Jackson", "Daniel Koch", "Trey Henrichsen", "Tim McLain"], "abstract": "ROSflight is a lean, open-source autopilot system developed with the primary goal of supporting the needs of researchers working with micro aerial vehicle systems. The project consists of firmware designed to run on low-cost, readily available flight controller boards, as well as ROS packages for interfacing between the flight controller and application code and for simulation. The core objectives..."} {"title": "Online Weight-adaptive Nonlinear Model Predictive Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341495/", "author_list": ["Dimche Kostadinov", "Davide Scaramuzza", "Dimche Kostadinov", "Davide Scaramuzza"], "abstract": "Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) is a powerful and widely used technique for nonlinear dynamic process control under constraints. In NMPC, the state and control weights of the corresponding state and control costs are commonly selected based on human-expert knowledge, which usually reflects the acceptable stability in practice. Although broadly used, this approach might not be optimal for..."} {"title": "CinemAirSim: A Camera-Realistic Robotics Simulator for Cinematographic Purposes", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341066/", "author_list": ["Pablo Pueyo", "Eric Cristofalo", "Eduardo Montijano", "Mac Schwager", "Pablo Pueyo", "Eric Cristofalo", "Eduardo Montijano", "Mac Schwager"], "abstract": "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are becoming increasingly popular in the film and entertainment industries, in part because of their maneuverability and perspectives they enable. While there exists methods for controlling the position and orientation of the drones for visibility, other artistic elements of the filming process, such as focal blur, remain unexplored in the robotics community. The la..."} {"title": "Design and Evaluation of a Perching Hexacopter Drone for Energy Harvesting from Power Lines", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341100/", "author_list": ["Ryan Kitchen", "Nick Bierwolf", "Sean Harbertson", "Brage Platt", "Dean Owen", "Klaus Griessmann", "Mark A. Minor", "Ryan Kitchen", "Nick Bierwolf", "Sean Harbertson", "Brage Platt", "Dean Owen", "Klaus Griessmann", "Mark A. Minor"], "abstract": "With a growing number of applications in the world for UAVs, there is a clear limitation regarding the need for extended battery life. With the current flight times, many users would benefit greatly with an innovative option of field charging these devices. The objective of this project is to investigate feasibility of inductively harvesting energy from a power line cable for applications such as ..."} {"title": "SplitFlyer: a Modular Quadcoptor that Disassembles into Two Flying Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340797/", "author_list": ["Songnan Bai", "Shixin Tan", "Pakpong Chirarattananon", "Songnan Bai", "Shixin Tan", "Pakpong Chirarattananon"], "abstract": "We introduce SplitFlyer-a novel quadcopter with an ability to disassemble into two self-contained bicopters through human assistance. As a subunit, the bicopter is a severely underactuated aerial vehicle equipped with only two propellers. Still, each bicopter is capable of independent flight. To achieve this, we provide an analysis of the system dynamics by relaxing the control over the yaw rotati..."} {"title": "Towards Cooperative Transport of a Suspended Payload via Two Aerial Robots with Inertial Sensing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341670/", "author_list": ["Heng Xie", "Xinyu Cai", "Pakpong Chirarattananon", "Heng Xie", "Xinyu Cai", "Pakpong Chirarattananon"], "abstract": "This paper addresses the problem of cooperative transport of a point mass hoisted by two aerial robots. Treating the robots as a leader and a follower, the follower stabilizes the system with respect to the leader using only feedback from its Inertial Measurement Units (IMU). This is accomplished by neglecting the acceleration of the leader, analyzing the system through the generalized coordinates..."} {"title": "Toward Enabling a Hundred Drones to Land in a Minute", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341360/", "author_list": ["Daiki Fujikura", "Kenjiro Tadakuma", "Masahiro Watanabe", "Yoshito Okada", "Kazunori Ohno", "Satoshi Tadokoro", "Daiki Fujikura", "Kenjiro Tadakuma", "Masahiro Watanabe", "Yoshito Okada", "Kazunori Ohno", "Satoshi Tadokoro"], "abstract": "Currently, drone research and development has received significant attention worldwide. Particularly, delivery services employ drones as it is a viable method to improve delivery efficiency by using a several unmanned drones. Research has been conducted to realize complete automation of drone control for such services. However, regarding the takeoff and landing port of the drones, conventional met..."} {"title": "Wind and the City: Utilizing UAV-Based In-Situ Measurements for Estimating Urban Wind Fields", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340812/", "author_list": ["Jay Patrikar", "Brady G. Moon", "Sebastian Scherer", "Jay Patrikar", "Brady G. Moon", "Sebastian Scherer"], "abstract": "A high-quality estimate of wind fields can potentially improve the safety and performance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) operating in dense urban areas. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations can help provide a wind field estimate, but their accuracy depends on the knowledge of the distribution of the inlet boundary conditions. This paper provides a real-time methodology using a Partic..."} {"title": "Microdrone-Equipped Mobile Crawler Robot System, DIR-3, for High-Step Climbing and High-Place Inspection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340972/", "author_list": ["Yuji OGUSU", "Kohji TOMITA", "Akiya KAMIMURA", "Yuji OGUSU", "Kohji TOMITA", "Akiya KAMIMURA"], "abstract": "Mobile robots of various types have been proposed for infrastructure inspection and disaster investigation. For such mobile robot applications, accessing the areas is of primary importance for missions. Therefore, various locomotive mechanisms have been studied. We introduce a novel mobile robot system, named DIR-3, combining a crawler robot and a microdrone. By rotating its arm back and forth, DI..."} {"title": "MHYRO: Modular HYbrid RObot for contact inspection and maintenance in oil & gas plants", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341639/", "author_list": ["A. Lopez-Lora", "P.J. Sanchez-Cuevas", "A. Suarez", "A. Garofano-Soldado", "A. Ollero", "G. Heredia", "A. Lopez-Lora", "P.J. Sanchez-Cuevas", "A. Suarez", "A. Garofano-Soldado", "A. Ollero", "G. Heredia"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a new concept of robot which is hybrid, including aerial and crawling subsystems and an arm, and also modular with interchangeable crawling subsystems for different pipe configurations, since it has been designed to cover most industrial oil & gas end-users' requirements. The robot has the same ability than aerial robots to reach otherwise inaccessible locations, but make..."} {"title": "Geomorphological Analysis Using Unpiloted Aircraft Systems, Structure from Motion, and Deep Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341354/", "author_list": ["Zhiang Chen", "Tyler R. Scott", "Sarah Bearman", "Harish Anand", "Devin Keating", "Chelsea Scott", "J Ram\u00f3n Arrowsmith", "Jnaneshwar Das", "Zhiang Chen", "Tyler R. Scott", "Sarah Bearman", "Harish Anand", "Devin Keating", "Chelsea Scott", "J Ram\u00f3n Arrowsmith", "Jnaneshwar Das"], "abstract": "We present a pipeline for geomorphological analysis that uses structure from motion (SfM) and deep learning on close-range aerial imagery to estimate spatial distributions of rock traits (size, roundness, and orientation) along a tectonic fault scarp. The properties of the rocks on the fault scarp derive from the combination of initial volcanic fracturing and subsequent tectonic and geomorphic fra..."} {"title": "In-flight Efficient Controller Auto-tuning using a Pair of UAVs", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341025/", "author_list": ["Wojciech Giernacki", "Dariusz Horla", "Martin Saska", "Wojciech Giernacki", "Dariusz Horla", "Martin Saska"], "abstract": "In the paper, a pair of auto-tuning methods for fixed-parameter controllers is presented, in application to multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) control. In both cases, the automatized process of searching the best altitude controller parameters is carried out with the use of a modified golden-search method, for a selected cost function, during the flight of a pair of UAVs. All the calculati..."} {"title": "A Novel Trajectory Optimization for Affine Systems: Beyond Convex-Concave Procedure", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341566/", "author_list": ["Fatemeh Rastgar", "Arun Kumar Singh", "Houman Masnavi", "Karl Kruusamae", "Alvo Aabloo", "Fatemeh Rastgar", "Arun Kumar Singh", "Houman Masnavi", "Karl Kruusamae", "Alvo Aabloo"], "abstract": "Trajectory optimization problems under affine motion model and convex cost function are often solved through the convex-concave procedure (CCP), wherein the non-convex collision avoidance constraints are replaced with its affine approximation. Although mathematically rigorous, CCP has some critical limitations. First, it requires a collision-free initial guess of solution trajectory which is diffi..."} {"title": "Development of A Passive Skid for Multicopter Landing on Rough Terrain", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340906/", "author_list": ["Maozheng Xu", "Naoto Sumida", "Takeshi Takaki", "Maozheng Xu", "Naoto Sumida", "Takeshi Takaki"], "abstract": "Landing is an essential part of multicopter task operations. A multicopter has relatively stringent requirements for landing, particularly for achieving flatness. Currently, landing on rough terrain with normal skids is difficult. Therefore, research is being conducted to obtain skids capable of landing on rough terrain. In this paper, a passive skid for multicopter landing on rough terrain is pro..."} {"title": "Template-Based Optimal Robot Design with Application to Passive-Dynamic Underactuated Flapping", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341125/", "author_list": ["Avik De", "Robert J. Wood", "Avik De", "Robert J. Wood"], "abstract": "We present a novel paradigm and algorithm for optimal design of underactuated robot platforms in highly-constrained nonconvex parameter spaces. We apply this algorithm to two variants of the mature RoboBee platform, numerically demonstrating predicted performance improvements of over 10% in some cases by algorithmically reasoning about variable effective-mechanical-advantage (EMA) transmissions, h..."} {"title": "A Whisker-inspired Fin Sensor for Multi-directional Airflow Sensing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341723/", "author_list": ["Suhan Kim", "Regan Kubicek", "Aleix Paris", "Andrea Tagliabue", "Jonathan P. How", "Sarah Bergbreiter", "Suhan Kim", "Regan Kubicek", "Aleix Paris", "Andrea Tagliabue", "Jonathan P. How", "Sarah Bergbreiter"], "abstract": "This work presents the design, fabrication, and characterization of an airflow sensor inspired by the whiskers of animals. The body of the whisker was replaced with a fin structure in order to increase the air resistance. The fin was suspended by a micro-fabricated spring system at the bottom. A permanent magnet was attached beneath the spring, and the motion of fin was captured by a readily acces..."} {"title": "PufferBot: Actuated Expandable Structures for Aerial Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341088/", "author_list": ["Hooman Hedayati", "Ryo Suzuki", "Daniel Leithinger", "Daniel Szafir", "Hooman Hedayati", "Ryo Suzuki", "Daniel Leithinger", "Daniel Szafir"], "abstract": "We present PufferBot, an aerial robot with an expandable structure that may expand to protect a drone's propellers when the robot is close to obstacles or collocated humans. PufferBot is made of a custom 3D-printed expandable scissor structure, which utilizes a one degree of freedom actuator with rack and pinion mechanism. We propose four designs for the expandable structure, each with unique char..."} {"title": "Optimal-power Configurations for Hover Solutions in Mono-spinners", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341648/", "author_list": ["Mojtaba Hedayatpour", "Mehran Mehrandezh", "Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi", "Mojtaba Hedayatpour", "Mehran Mehrandezh", "Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi"], "abstract": "Rotary-wing flying machines draw attention within the UAV community for their in-place hovering capability, and recently, holonomic motion over fixed-wings. In this paper, we investigate about the power-optimality in a mono-spinner, i.e., a class of rotary-wing UAVs with one rotor only, whose main body has a streamlined shape for producing additional lift when counter-spinning the rotor. We provid..."} {"title": "Flight Control of Sliding Arm Quadcopter with Dynamic Structural Parameters", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340694/", "author_list": ["Rumit Kumar", "Aditya M. Deshpande", "James Z. Wells", "Manish Kumar", "Rumit Kumar", "Aditya M. Deshpande", "James Z. Wells", "Manish Kumar"], "abstract": "The conceptual design and flight controller of a novel kind of quadcopter are presented. This design is capable of morphing the shape of the UAV during flight to achieve position and attitude control. We consider a dynamic center of gravity (CoG) which causes continuous variation in a moment of inertia (MoI) parameters of the UAV. These dynamic structural parameters play a vital role in the stabil..."} {"title": "Design and Control of SQUEEZE: A Spring-augmented QUadrotor for intEractions with the Environment to squeeZE-and-fly", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341730/", "author_list": ["Karishma Patnaik", "Shatadal Mishra", "Seyed Mostafa Rezayat Sorkhabadi", "Wenlong Zhang", "Karishma Patnaik", "Shatadal Mishra", "Seyed Mostafa Rezayat Sorkhabadi", "Wenlong Zhang"], "abstract": "This paper presents the design and control of a novel quadrotor with a variable geometry to physically interact with cluttered environments and fly through narrow gaps and passageways. This compliant quadrotor with passive morphing capabilities is designed using torsional springs at every arm hinge to allow for rotation driven by external forces. We derive the dynamic model of this variable geomet..."} {"title": "Hybrid aerial-ground locomotion with a single passive wheel", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341577/", "author_list": ["Youming Qin", "Yihang Li", "Xu Wei", "Fu Zhang", "Youming Qin", "Yihang Li", "Xu Wei", "Fu Zhang"], "abstract": "Exploiting contacts with environment structures provides extra force support to a UAV, often reducing the power consumption and hence extending the mission time. This paper investigates one such way to exploit flat surfaces in the environment by a novel aerial-ground hybrid locomotion. Our design is a single passive wheel integrated at the UAV bottom, serving a minimal design to date. We present t..."} {"title": "Adaptive Nonlinear Control For Perching of a Bioinspired Ornithopter", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341793/", "author_list": ["F. J. Maldonado", "J. \u00c1. Acosta", "J. Tormo-Barbero", "P. Grau", "M. M. Guzm\u00e1n", "A. Ollero", "F. J. Maldonado", "J. \u00c1. Acosta", "J. Tormo-Barbero", "P. Grau", "M. M. Guzm\u00e1n", "A. Ollero"], "abstract": "This work presents a model-free nonlinear controller for an ornithopter prototype with bioinspired wings and tail. The size and power requirements have been thought to allocate a customized autopilot on board. To assess the functionality and performance of the full mechatronic design, a controller has been designed and implemented to execute a prescribed perching 2D trajectory. Although functional..."} {"title": "A collision-resilient aerial vehicle with icosahedron tensegrity structure", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341236/", "author_list": ["Jiaming Zha", "Xiangyu Wu", "Joseph Kroeger", "Natalia Perez", "Mark W. Mueller", "Jiaming Zha", "Xiangyu Wu", "Joseph Kroeger", "Natalia Perez", "Mark W. Mueller"], "abstract": "Aerial vehicles with collision resilience can operate with more confidence in environments with obstacles that are hard to detect and avoid. This paper presents the methodology used to design a collision resilient aerial vehicle with icosahedron tensegrity structure. A simplified stress analysis of the tensegrity frame under impact forces is performed to guide the selection of its components. In a..."} {"title": "Experimental flights of adaptive patterns for cloud exploration with UAVs", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341408/", "author_list": ["Titouan Verdu", "Nicolas Maury", "Pierre Narvor", "Florian Seguin", "Gregory Roberts", "Fleur Couvreux", "Gr\u00e9goire Cayez", "Murat Bronz", "Gautier Hattenberger", "Simon Lacroix", "Titouan Verdu", "Nicolas Maury", "Pierre Narvor", "Florian Seguin", "Gregory Roberts", "Fleur Couvreux", "Gr\u00e9goire Cayez", "Murat Bronz", "Gautier Hattenberger", "Simon Lacroix"], "abstract": "This work presents the deployment of UAVs for the exploration of clouds, from the system architecture and simulation tests to a real-flight campaign and trajectory analyzes. Thanks to their small size and low altitude, light UAVs have proven to be adapted for in-situ cloud data collection. The short life time of the clouds and limited endurance of the planes require to focus on the area of maximum..."} {"title": "Navigation-Assistant Path Planning within a MAV team", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340792/", "author_list": ["Youngseok Jang", "Yunwoo Lee", "H. Jin Kim", "Youngseok Jang", "Yunwoo Lee", "H. Jin Kim"], "abstract": "In micro aerial vehicle (MAV) operations, the success of a mission is highly dependent on navigation performance, which has raised recent interests on navigation-aware path planning. One of the challenges lies in that optimal motions for successful navigation and the designated mission are often different in unknown, unstructured environments, and only sub-optimality may be obtained in each aspect..."} {"title": "UAV Coverage Path Planning under Varying Power Constraints using Deep Reinforcement Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340934/", "author_list": ["Mirco Theile", "Harald Bayerlein", "Richard Nai", "David Gesbert", "Marco Caccamo", "Mirco Theile", "Harald Bayerlein", "Richard Nai", "David Gesbert", "Marco Caccamo"], "abstract": "Coverage path planning (CPP) is the task of designing a trajectory that enables a mobile agent to travel over every point of an area of interest. We propose a new method to control an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) carrying a camera on a CPP mission with random start positions and multiple options for landing positions in an environment containing no-fly zones. While numerous approaches have been p..."} {"title": "Detection-Aware Trajectory Generation for a Drone Cinematographer", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341368/", "author_list": ["Boseong Felipe Jeon", "Dongsuk Shim", "H. Jin Kim", "Boseong Felipe Jeon", "Dongsuk Shim", "H. Jin Kim"], "abstract": "This work investigates an efficient trajectory generation for chasing a dynamic target, which incorporates the detectability objective. The proposed method actively guides the motion of a cinematographer drone so that the color of a target is well-distinguished against the colors of the background in the view of the drone. For the objective, we define a measure of color detectability given a chasi..."} {"title": "Motion Planning for Heterogeneous Unmanned Systems under Partial Observation from UAV", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341326/", "author_list": ["Ci Chen", "Yuanfang Wan", "Baowei Li", "Chen Wang", "Guangming Xie", "Huanyu Jiang", "Ci Chen", "Yuanfang Wan", "Baowei Li", "Chen Wang", "Guangming Xie", "Huanyu Jiang"], "abstract": "For heterogeneous unmanned systems composed of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), using UAVs serve as eyes to assist UGVs in motion planning is a promising research direction due to the UAVs' vast view scope. However, its limitations on flight altitude prevent the UAVs from observing the global map. Thus motion planning in the local map becomes a Partially Observa..."} {"title": "Multi-UAV Coverage Path Planning for the Inspection of Large and Complex Structures", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341089/", "author_list": ["Wei Jing", "Di Deng", "Yan Wu", "Kenji Shimada", "Wei Jing", "Di Deng", "Yan Wu", "Kenji Shimada"], "abstract": "We present a multi-UAV Coverage Path Planning (CPP) framework for the inspection of large-scale, complex 3D structures. In the proposed sampling-based coverage path planning method, we formulate the multi-UAV inspection applications as a multi-agent coverage path planning problem. By combining two NP-hard problems: Set Covering Problem (SCP) and Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), a Set-Covering Vehicl..."} {"title": "Generating Minimum-Snap Quadrotor Trajectories Really Fast", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341794/", "author_list": ["Declan Burke", "Airlie Chapman", "Iman Shames", "Declan Burke", "Airlie Chapman", "Iman Shames"], "abstract": "We propose an algorithm for generating minimum-snap trajectories for quadrotors with linear computational complexity with respect to the number of segments in the spline trajectory. Our algorithm is numerically stable for large numbers of segments and is able to generate trajectories of more than 500, 000 segments. The computational speed and numerical stability of our algorithm makes it suitable ..."} {"title": "Persistent Connected Power Constrained Surveillance with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341662/", "author_list": ["Pradipta Ghosh", "Paulo Tabuada", "Ramesh Govindan", "Gaurav S. Sukhatme", "Pradipta Ghosh", "Paulo Tabuada", "Ramesh Govindan", "Gaurav S. Sukhatme"], "abstract": "Persistent surveillance with aerial vehicles (drones) subject to connectivity and power constraints is a relatively uncharted domain of research. To reduce the complexity of multi-drone motion planning, most state-of-the-art solutions ignore network connectivity and assume unlimited battery power. Motivated by this and advances in optimization and constraint satisfaction techniques, we introduce a..."} {"title": "Autonomous Planning for Multiple Aerial Cinematographers", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341622/", "author_list": ["Luis-Evaristo Caraballo", "\u00c1ngel Montes-Romero", "Jos\u00e9-Miguel D\u00edaz-B\u00e1\u00f1ez", "Jes\u00fas Capit\u00e1n", "Arturo Torres-Gonz\u00e1lez", "An\u00edbal Ollero", "Luis-Evaristo Caraballo", "\u00c1ngel Montes-Romero", "Jos\u00e9-Miguel D\u00edaz-B\u00e1\u00f1ez", "Jes\u00fas Capit\u00e1n", "Arturo Torres-Gonz\u00e1lez", "An\u00edbal Ollero"], "abstract": "This paper proposes a planning algorithm for autonomous media production with multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in outdoor events. Given filming tasks specified by a media Director, we formulate an optimization problem to maximize the filming time considering battery constraints. As we conjecture that the problem is NP-hard, we consider a discretization version, and propose a graph-based al..."} {"title": "Multi-robot Coordination with Agent-Server Architecture for Autonomous Navigation in Partially Unknown Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341367/", "author_list": ["Luca Bartolomei", "Marco Karrer", "Margarita Chli", "Luca Bartolomei", "Marco Karrer", "Margarita Chli"], "abstract": "In this work, we present a system architecture to enable autonomous navigation of multiple agents across user-selected global interest points in a partially unknown environment. The system is composed of a server and a team of agents, here small aircrafts. Leveraging this architecture, computation-ally demanding tasks, such as global dense mapping and global path planning can be outsourced to a po..."} {"title": "Decentralized Nonlinear MPC for Robust Cooperative Manipulation by Heterogeneous Aerial-Ground Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341023/", "author_list": ["Nicola Lissandrini", "Christos K. Verginis", "Pedro Roque", "Angelo Cenedese", "Dimos V. Dimarogonas", "Nicola Lissandrini", "Christos K. Verginis", "Pedro Roque", "Angelo Cenedese", "Dimos V. Dimarogonas"], "abstract": "Cooperative robotics is a trending topic nowadays as it makes possible a number of tasks that cannot be performed by individual robots, such as heavy payload transportation and agile manipulation. In this work, we address the problem of cooperative transportation by heterogeneous, manipulator- endowed robots. Specifically, we consider a generic number of robotic agents simultaneously grasping an o..."} {"title": "In-flight range optimization of multicopters using multivariable extremum seeking with adaptive step size", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340762/", "author_list": ["Xiangyu Wu", "Mark W. Mueller", "Xiangyu Wu", "Mark W. Mueller"], "abstract": "Limited flight range is a common problem for multicopters. To alleviate this problem, we propose a method for finding the optimal speed and heading of a multicopter when flying a given path to achieve the longest flight range. Based on a novel multivariable extremum seeking controller with adaptive step size, the method (a) does not require any power consumption model of the vehicle, (b) can adapt..."} {"title": "Semantic Trajectory Planning for Long-Distant Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Navigation in Urban Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341441/", "author_list": ["Markus Ryll", "John Ware", "John Carter", "Nick Roy", "Markus Ryll", "John Ware", "John Carter", "Nick Roy"], "abstract": "There has been a considerable amount of recent work on high-speed micro-aerial vehicle flight in unknown and unstructured environments. Generally these approaches either use active sensing or fly slowly enough to ensure a safe braking distance with the relatively short sensing range of passive sensors. The former generally requires carrying large and heavy LIDARs and the latter only allows flight ..."} {"title": "Augmented Memory for Correlation Filters in Real-Time UAV Tracking", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341595/", "author_list": ["Yiming Li", "Changhong Fu", "Fangqiang Ding", "Ziyuan Huang", "Jia Pan", "Yiming Li", "Changhong Fu", "Fangqiang Ding", "Ziyuan Huang", "Jia Pan"], "abstract": "The outstanding computational efficiency of discriminative correlation filter (DCF) fades away with various complicated improvements. Previous appearances are also gradually forgotten due to the exponential decay of historical views in traditional appearance updating scheme of DCF framework, reducing the model's robustness. In this work, a novel tracker based on DCF framework is proposed to augmen..."} {"title": "Next-Best-View planning for surface reconstruction of large-scale 3D environments with multiple UAVs", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340897/", "author_list": ["Guillaume Hardouin", "Julien Moras", "Fabio Morbidi", "Julien Marzat", "El Mustapha Mouaddib", "Guillaume Hardouin", "Julien Moras", "Fabio Morbidi", "Julien Marzat", "El Mustapha Mouaddib"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a novel cluster-based Next-Best-View path planning algorithm to simultaneously explore and inspect large-scale unknown environments with multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). In the majority of existing informative path-planning methods, a volumetric criterion is used for the exploration of unknown areas, and the presence of surfaces is only taken into account indirec..."} {"title": "Towards Robust Visual Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Tri-Attentional Correlation Filters", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341784/", "author_list": ["Yujie He", "Changhong Fu", "Fuling Lin", "Yiming Li", "Peng Lu", "Yujie He", "Changhong Fu", "Fuling Lin", "Yiming Li", "Peng Lu"], "abstract": "Object tracking has been broadly applied in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) tasks in recent years. However, existing algorithms still face difficulties such as partial occlusion, clutter background, and other challenging visual factors. Inspired by the cutting-edge attention mechanisms, a novel object tracking framework is proposed to leverage multi-level visual attention. Three primary attention, i..."} {"title": "Inspection-on-the-fly using Hybrid Physical Interaction Control for Aerial Manipulators", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341397/", "author_list": ["Abbaraju Praveen", "Xin Ma", "Harikrishnan Manoj", "Vishnunandan LN. Venkatesh", "Mo Rastgaar", "Richard M. Voyles", "Abbaraju Praveen", "Xin Ma", "Harikrishnan Manoj", "Vishnunandan LN. Venkatesh", "Mo Rastgaar", "Richard M. Voyles"], "abstract": "Inspection for structural properties (surface stiffness and coefficient of restitution) is crucial for understanding and performing aerial manipulations in unknown environments, with little to no prior knowledge on their state. Inspection-on-the-fly is the uncanny ability of humans to infer states during manipulation, reducing the necessity to perform inspection and manipulation separately. This p..."} {"title": "DR2Track: Towards Real-Time Visual Tracking for UAV via Distractor Repressed Dynamic Regression", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341761/", "author_list": ["Changhong Fu", "Fangqiang Ding", "Yiming Li", "Jin Jin", "Chen Feng", "Changhong Fu", "Fangqiang Ding", "Yiming Li", "Jin Jin", "Chen Feng"], "abstract": "Visual tracking has yielded promising applications with unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). In literature, the advanced discriminative correlation filter (DCF) type trackers generally distinguish the foreground from the background with a learned regressor which regresses the implicit circulated samples into a fixed target label. However, the predefined and unchanged regression target results in low rob..."} {"title": "Towards Vision-Based Impedance Control for the Contact Inspection of Unknown Generically-Shaped Surfaces with a Fully-Actuated UAV", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341203/", "author_list": ["Ramy Rashad", "Davide Bicego", "Ran Jiao", "Santiago Sanchez-Escalonilla", "Stefano Stramigioli", "Ramy Rashad", "Davide Bicego", "Ran Jiao", "Santiago Sanchez-Escalonilla", "Stefano Stramigioli"], "abstract": "The integration of computer vision techniques for the accomplishment of autonomous interaction tasks represents a challenging research direction in the context of aerial robotics. In this paper, we consider the problem of contact-based inspection of a textured target of unknown geometry and pose. Exploiting state of the art techniques in computer graphics, tuned and improved for the task at hand, ..."} {"title": "Towards Deep Learning Assisted Autonomous UAVs for Manipulation Tasks in GPS-Denied Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341802/", "author_list": ["Ashish Kumar", "Mohit Vohra", "Ravi Prakash", "L. Behera", "Ashish Kumar", "Mohit Vohra", "Ravi Prakash", "L. Behera"], "abstract": "In this work, we present a pragmatic approach to enable unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) to autonomously perform highly complicated tasks of object pick and place. This paper is largely inspired by challenge-2 of MBZIRC 2020 and is primarily focused on the task of assembling large 3D structures in outdoors and GPS-denied environments. Primary contributions of this system are: (i) a novel computation..."} {"title": "Reconstruction of 3D flight trajectories from ad-hoc camera networks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341479/", "author_list": ["Jingtong Li", "Jesse Murray", "Dorina Ismaili", "Konrad Schindler", "Cenek Albl", "Jingtong Li", "Jesse Murray", "Dorina Ismaili", "Konrad Schindler", "Cenek Albl"], "abstract": "We present a method to reconstruct the 3D trajectory of an airborne robotic system only from videos recorded with cameras that are unsynchronized, may feature rolling shutter distortion, and whose viewpoints are unknown. Our approach enables robust and accurate outside-in tracking of dynamically flying targets, with cheap and easy-to-deploy equipment. We show that, in spite of the weakly constrain..."} {"title": "Bayesian Fusion of Unlabeled Vision and RF Data for Aerial Tracking of Ground Targets", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341410/", "author_list": ["Ramya Kanlapuli Rajasekaran", "Nisar Ahmed", "Eric Frew", "Ramya Kanlapuli Rajasekaran", "Nisar Ahmed", "Eric Frew"], "abstract": "This paper presents a method for target localization and tracking in clutter using Bayesian fusion of vision and Radio Frequency (RF) sensors used aboard a small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS). Sensor fusion is used to ensure tracking robustness and reliability in case of camera occlusion or RF signal interference. Camera data is processed using an off-the-shelf algorithm that detects possible ob..."} {"title": "Learning Visuomotor Policies for Aerial Navigation Using Cross-Modal Representations", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341049/", "author_list": ["Rogerio Bonatti", "Ratnesh Madaan", "Vibhav Vineet", "Sebastian Scherer", "Ashish Kapoor", "Rogerio Bonatti", "Ratnesh Madaan", "Vibhav Vineet", "Sebastian Scherer", "Ashish Kapoor"], "abstract": "Machines are a long way from robustly solving open-world perception-control tasks, such as first-person view (FPV) aerial navigation. While recent advances in end-to- end Machine Learning, especially Imitation Learning and Reinforcement appear promising, they are constrained by the need of large amounts of difficult-to-collect labeled real- world data. Simulated data, on the other hand, is easy to..."} {"title": "Touch the Wind: Simultaneous Airflow, Drag and Interaction Sensing on a Multirotor", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341797/", "author_list": ["Andrea Tagliabue", "Aleix Paris", "Suhan Kim", "Regan Kubicek", "Sarah Bergbreiter", "Jonathan P. How", "Andrea Tagliabue", "Aleix Paris", "Suhan Kim", "Regan Kubicek", "Sarah Bergbreiter", "Jonathan P. How"], "abstract": "Disturbance estimation for Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) is crucial for robustness and safety. In this paper, we use novel, bio-inspired airflow sensors to measure the airflow acting on a MAV, and we fuse this information in an Unscented Kalman filter (UKF) to simultaneously estimate the three-dimensional wind vector, the drag force, and other interaction forces (e.g. due to collisions, interaction..."} {"title": "Fusing Concurrent Orthogonal Wide-aperture Sonar Images for Dense Underwater 3D Reconstruction", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340995/", "author_list": ["John McConnell", "John D. Martin", "Brendan Englot", "John McConnell", "John D. Martin", "Brendan Englot"], "abstract": "We propose a novel approach to handling the ambiguity in elevation angle associated with the observations of a forward looking multi-beam imaging sonar, and the challenges it poses for performing an accurate 3D reconstruction. We utilize a pair of sonars with orthogonal axes of uncertainty to independently observe the same points in the environment from two different perspectives, and associate th..."} {"title": "A Scalable Framework for Robust Vehicle State Estimation with a Fusion of a Low-Cost IMU, the GNSS, Radar, a Camera and Lidar", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341419/", "author_list": ["Yuran Liang", "Steffen M\u00fcller", "Daniel Schwendner", "Daniel Rolle", "Dieter Ganesch", "Immanuel Schaffer", "Yuran Liang", "Steffen M\u00fcller", "Daniel Schwendner", "Daniel Rolle", "Dieter Ganesch", "Immanuel Schaffer"], "abstract": "Automated driving requires highly precise and robust vehicle state estimation for its environmental perception, motion planning and control functions. Using GPS and environmental sensors can compensate for the deficits of the estimation based on traditional vehicle dynamics sensors. However, each type of sensor has specific strengths and limitations in accuracy and robustness due to their differen..."} {"title": "Vision Only 3-D Shape Estimation for Autonomous Driving", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341631/", "author_list": ["Josephine Monica", "Mark Campbell", "Josephine Monica", "Mark Campbell"], "abstract": "We present a probabilistic framework for detailed 3-D shape estimation and tracking using only vision measurements. Vision detections are processed via a bird's eye view representation, creating accurate detections at far ranges. A probabilistic model of the vision based point cloud measurements is learned and used in the framework. A 3-D shape model is developed by fusing a set of point cloud det..."} {"title": "Active Alignment Control-based LED Communication for Underwater Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341442/", "author_list": ["Pratap Bhanu Solanki", "Shaunak D. Bopardikar", "Xiaobo Tan", "Pratap Bhanu Solanki", "Shaunak D. Bopardikar", "Xiaobo Tan"], "abstract": "Achieving and maintaining line-of-sight (LOS) is challenging for underwater optical communication systems, especially when the underlying platforms are mobile. In this work, we propose and demonstrate an active alignment controlbased LED-communication system that uses the DC value of the communication signal as feedback for LOS maintenance. Utilizing the uni-modal nature of the dependence of the l..."} {"title": "An Electrocommunication System Using FSK Modulation and Deep Learning Based Demodulation for Underwater Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341253/", "author_list": ["Qinghao Wang", "Ruijun Liu", "Wei Wang", "Guangming Xie", "Qinghao Wang", "Ruijun Liu", "Wei Wang", "Guangming Xie"], "abstract": "Underwater communication is extremely challenging for small underwater robots which typically have stringent power and size constraints. In our previous work, we developed an artificial electrocommunication system which could be an alternative for the communication of small underwater robots. This paper further presents a new electrocommunication system that utilizes Binary Frequency Shift Keying ..."} {"title": "Demonstration of a Novel Phase Lag Controlled Roll Rotation Mechanism using a Two-DOF Soft Swimming Robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341650/", "author_list": ["Bangyuan Liu", "Frank L. Hammond", "Bangyuan Liu", "Frank L. Hammond"], "abstract": "Underwater roll rotation is a basic but essential maneuver that allows many biological swimmers to achieve high maneuverability and complex locomotion patterns. In particular, sea mammals (e.g., sea otter) with flexible vertebra structures have a unique mechanism to efficiently achieve roll rotation, not propelled mainly by inter-digital webbing or fin, but by bending and twisting their body.In th..."} {"title": "Topology-Aware Self-Organizing Maps for Robotic Information Gathering", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341040/", "author_list": ["Seth McCammon", "Dylan Jones", "Geoffrey A. Hollinger", "Seth McCammon", "Dylan Jones", "Geoffrey A. Hollinger"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for constructing a maximally informative path for a robot in an information gathering task. We use a Self-Organizing Map (SOM) framework to discover important topological features in the information function. Using these features, we identify a set of distinct classes of trajectories, each of which has improved convexity compared with the original functi..."} {"title": "The SPIR: An Autonomous Underwater Robot for Bridge Pile Cleaning and Condition Assessment", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341687/", "author_list": ["Khoa Le", "Andrew To", "Brenton Leighton", "Mahdi Hassan", "Dikai Liu", "Khoa Le", "Andrew To", "Brenton Leighton", "Mahdi Hassan", "Dikai Liu"], "abstract": "The SPIR, Submersible Pylon Inspection Robot, is developed to provide an innovative and practical solution to keep workers safe during maintenance of underwater structures in shallow waters, which involves working in dangerous water currents, and high-pressure water-jet cleaning. More advanced than work-class Remotely Operated Vehicles technology, the SPIR is automated and required minimum involve..."} {"title": "Roboat II: A Novel Autonomous Surface Vessel for Urban Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340712/", "author_list": ["Wei Wang", "Tixiao Shan", "Pietro Leoni", "David Fern\u00e1ndez-Guti\u00e9rrez", "Drew Meyers", "Carlo Ratti", "Daniela Rus", "Wei Wang", "Tixiao Shan", "Pietro Leoni", "David Fern\u00e1ndez-Guti\u00e9rrez", "Drew Meyers", "Carlo Ratti", "Daniela Rus"], "abstract": "This paper presents a novel autonomous surface vessel (ASV), called Roboat II for urban transportation. Roboat II is capable of accurate simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), receding horizon tracking control and estimation, and path planning. Roboat II is designed to maximize the internal space for transport, and can carry payloads several times of its own weight. Moreover, it is capable ..."} {"title": "A Two-stage Automatic Latching System for The USVs Charging in Disturbed Berth", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341091/", "author_list": ["Kaiwen Xue", "Chongfeng Liu", "Hengli Liu", "Ruoyu Xu", "Zhenglong Sun", "Tin Lun Lam", "Huihuan Qian", "Kaiwen Xue", "Chongfeng Liu", "Hengli Liu", "Ruoyu Xu", "Zhenglong Sun", "Tin Lun Lam", "Huihuan Qian"], "abstract": "Automatic latching for charging in a disturbed environment for Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USVs) is always a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a two-stage automatic latching system for USVs charging in berth. In Stage I, a vision-guided algorithm is developed to calculate an optimal latching position for charging. In Stage II, a novel latching mechanism is designed to compensate the mov..."} {"title": "Variable Pitch System for the Underwater Explorer Robot UX-1", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341759/", "author_list": ["Ramon A. Suarez Fernandez", "Davide Grande", "Luca Bascetta", "Alfredo Martins", "Sergio Dominguez", "Claudio Rossi", "Ramon A. Suarez Fernandez", "Davide Grande", "Luca Bascetta", "Alfredo Martins", "Sergio Dominguez", "Claudio Rossi"], "abstract": "This paper presents the results of the experimental tests performed to validate the functionality of a variable pitch system (VPS), designed for pitch attitude control of the novel underwater robotic vehicle explorer UX-1. The VPS is composed of a mass suspended from a central rod mounted across the hull. This mass is rotated around the transverse axis of the vehicle in order to perform a change i..."} {"title": "Design and Experiments with LoCO AUV: A Low Cost Open-Source Autonomous Underwater Vehicle", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341007/", "author_list": ["Chelsey Edge", "Sadman Sakib Enan", "Michael Fulton", "Jungseok Hong", "Jiawei Mo", "Kimberly Barthelemy", "Hunter Bashaw", "Berik Kallevig", "Corey Knutson", "Kevin Orpen", "Junaed Sattar", "Chelsey Edge", "Sadman Sakib Enan", "Michael Fulton", "Jungseok Hong", "Jiawei Mo", "Kimberly Barthelemy", "Hunter Bashaw", "Berik Kallevig", "Corey Knutson", "Kevin Orpen", "Junaed Sattar"], "abstract": "In this paper we present the LoCO AUV, a Low-Cost, Open Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. LoCO is a general-purpose, single-person-deployable, vision-guided AUV, rated to a depth of 100 meters. We discuss the open and expandable design of this underwater robot, as well as the design of a simulator in Gazebo. Additionally, we explore the platform's preliminary local motion control and state estimation..."} {"title": "Semantic Segmentation of Underwater Imagery: Dataset and Benchmark", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340821/", "author_list": ["Md Jahidul Islam", "Chelsey Edge", "Yuyang Xiao", "Peigen Luo", "Muntaqim Mehtaz", "Christopher Morse", "Sadman Sakib Enan", "Junaed Sattar", "Md Jahidul Islam", "Chelsey Edge", "Yuyang Xiao", "Peigen Luo", "Muntaqim Mehtaz", "Christopher Morse", "Sadman Sakib Enan", "Junaed Sattar"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present the first large-scale dataset for semantic Segmentation of Underwater IMagery (SUIM). It contains over 1500 images with pixel annotations for eight object categories: fish (vertebrates), reefs (invertebrates), aquatic plants, wrecks/ruins, human divers, robots, and sea-floor. The images have been rigorously collected during oceanic explorations and human-robot collaborati..."} {"title": "DeepURL: Deep Pose Estimation Framework for Underwater Relative Localization", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341201/", "author_list": ["Bharat Joshi", "Md Modasshir", "Travis Manderson", "Hunter Damron", "Marios Xanthidis", "Alberto Quattrini Li", "Ioannis Rekleitis", "Gregory Dudek", "Bharat Joshi", "Md Modasshir", "Travis Manderson", "Hunter Damron", "Marios Xanthidis", "Alberto Quattrini Li", "Ioannis Rekleitis", "Gregory Dudek"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a real-time deep learning approach for determining the 6D relative pose of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) from a single image. A team of autonomous robots localizing themselves in a communication-constrained underwater environment is essential for many applications such as underwater exploration, mapping, multi-robot convoying, and other multi-robot tasks. Due to th..."} {"title": "Underwater Monocular Image Depth Estimation using Single-beam Echosounder", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340919/", "author_list": ["Monika Roznere", "Alberto Quattrini Li", "Monika Roznere", "Alberto Quattrini Li"], "abstract": "This paper proposes a methodology for real-time depth estimation of underwater monocular camera images, fusing measurements from a single-beam echosounder. Our system exploits the echosounder's detection cone to match its measurements with the detected feature points from a monocular SLAM system. Such measurements are integrated in a monocular SLAM system to adjust the visible map points and the s..."} {"title": "Risk Vector-based Near miss Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Surface Vehicles", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341105/", "author_list": ["Mingi Jeong", "Alberto Quattrini Li", "Mingi Jeong", "Alberto Quattrini Li"], "abstract": "This paper presents a novel risk vector-based near miss prediction and obstacle avoidance method. The proposed method uses the sensor readings about the pose of the other obstacles to infer their motion model (velocity and heading) and, accordingly, adapt the risk assessment and take corrective actions if necessary. Relative vector calculations allow the method to perform in real-time. The algorit..."} {"title": "Model Identification of a Small Omnidirectional Aquatic Surface Vehicle: a Practical Implementation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341142/", "author_list": ["Keir Groves", "Marin Dimitrov", "Harriet Peel", "Ognjen Marjanovic", "Barry Lennox", "Keir Groves", "Marin Dimitrov", "Harriet Peel", "Ognjen Marjanovic", "Barry Lennox"], "abstract": "This work presents a practical method of obtaining a dynamic system model for small omnidirectional aquatic vehicles. The models produced can be used to improve vehicle localisation, aid in the design or tuning of control systems and facilitate the development of simulated environments. The use of a dynamic model for onboard real-time velocity prediction is of particular importance for aquatic veh..."} {"title": "Towards Micro Robot Hydrobatics: Vision-based Guidance, Navigation, and Control for Agile Underwater Vehicles in Confined Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341051/", "author_list": ["Daniel A Duecker", "Nathalie Bauschmann", "Tim Hansen", "Edwin Kreuzer", "Robert Seifried", "Daniel A Duecker", "Nathalie Bauschmann", "Tim Hansen", "Edwin Kreuzer", "Robert Seifried"], "abstract": "Despite the recent progress, guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) are largely unsolved for agile micro autonomous underwater vehicles (\u03bcAUVs). Hereby, robust and accurate self-localization systems which fit \u03bcAUVs play a key role and their absence constitutes a severe bottleneck in micro underwater robotics research. In this work we present, first, a small-size low-cost high performance vision-b..."} {"title": "On Parameter Estimation of Flexible Space Manipulator Systems", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340768/", "author_list": ["Olga-Orsalia Christidi-Loumpasefski", "Kostas Nanos", "Evangelos Papadopoulos", "Olga-Orsalia Christidi-Loumpasefski", "Kostas Nanos", "Evangelos Papadopoulos"], "abstract": "Space manipulator systems in orbit are subject to link flexibilities since they are designed to be lightweight and long reaching. Often, their joints are driven by harmonic gear-motor units, which introduce joint flexibility. Both of these types of flexibility may cause structural vibrations. To improve endpoint tracking, advanced control strategies that benefit from the knowledge of system parame..."} {"title": "Comparison between Stationary and Crawling Multi-Arm Robotics for In-Space Assembly", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341141/", "author_list": ["Katherine McBryan", "Katherine McBryan"], "abstract": "In-space assembly (ISA) is the next step to building larger and more permanent structures in orbit. The use of a robotic in-space assembler saves on costly and potentially risky EVAs. Determining the best robot for ISA is difficult as it will depend on the structure being assembled. A comparison between two categories of robots is presented: a stationary robot and robot which crawls along the trus..."} {"title": "Interactive Planning and Supervised Execution for High-Risk, High-Latency Teleoperation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340800/", "author_list": ["Will Pryor", "Balazs P. Vagvolgyi", "Anton Deguet", "Simon Leonard", "Louis L. Whitcomb", "Peter Kazanzides", "Will Pryor", "Balazs P. Vagvolgyi", "Anton Deguet", "Simon Leonard", "Louis L. Whitcomb", "Peter Kazanzides"], "abstract": "Ground-based teleoperation of robot manipulators for on-orbit servicing of spacecraft represents an example of high-payoff, high-risk operations that are challenging to perform due to high latency communications, with telemetry time delays of several seconds. In these scenarios, confidence of operating without failure is paramount. We report the development of an Interactive Planning and Supervise..."} {"title": "Parameter Identification for an Uncooperative Captured Satellite with Spinning Reaction Wheels", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341749/", "author_list": ["Olga-Orsalia Christidi-Loumpasefski", "Evangelos Papadopoulos", "Olga-Orsalia Christidi-Loumpasefski", "Evangelos Papadopoulos"], "abstract": "A novel identification method is developed which identifies the accumulated angular momentum (AAM) of spinning reaction wheels (RWs) of an uncooperative satellite captured by a robotic servicer. In contrast to other methods that treat captured satellite's RWs as non-spinning, the developed method provides simultaneously accurate estimates of the AAM of the captured satellite's RWs and of the inert..."} {"title": "Tumbling and Hopping Locomotion Control for a Minor Body Exploration Robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341223/", "author_list": ["Keita Kobashi", "Ayumu Bando", "Kenji Nagaoka", "Kazuya Yoshida", "Keita Kobashi", "Ayumu Bando", "Kenji Nagaoka", "Kazuya Yoshida"], "abstract": "This paper presents the modeling and analysis of a novel moving mechanism \"tumbling\" for asteroid exploration. The system actuation is provided by an internal motor and torque wheel; elastic spring-mounted spikes are attached to the perimeter of a circular-shaped robot, protruding normal to the surface and distributed uniformly. Compared with the conventional motion mechanisms, this simple layout ..."} {"title": "Inertia-Decoupled Equations for Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of an Orbital Robot with External Forces", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341633/", "author_list": ["Hrishik Mishra", "Alessandro M. Giordano", "Marco De Stefano", "Roberto Lampariello", "Christian Ott", "Hrishik Mishra", "Alessandro M. Giordano", "Marco De Stefano", "Roberto Lampariello", "Christian Ott"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose three novel Hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HLS) methods for a fully-actuated orbital robot in the presence of external interactions using On-Ground Facility Manipulators (OGFM). In particular, a fixed-base and a vehicle-driven manipulator are considered in the analyses. The key idea is to describe the orbital robot's dynamics using the Lagrange-Poincar\u00e9(LP) equations, w..."} {"title": "A Target Tracking and Positioning Framework for Video Satellites Based on SLAM", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341270/", "author_list": ["Xuhui Zhao", "Zhi Gao", "Yongjun Zhang", "Ben M. Chen", "Xuhui Zhao", "Zhi Gao", "Yongjun Zhang", "Ben M. Chen"], "abstract": "With the booming development in aerospace technology, the video satellite which observes the live phenomena on the ground by video shooting has gradually emerged as a new Earth observation method. And remote sensing comes into a \"dynamic\" era with the demand for new processing techniques, especially the near-real-time tracking and geo-positioning algorithm for ground moving targets. However, many ..."} {"title": "Gaussian Process Gradient Maps for Loop-Closure Detection in Unstructured Planetary Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341667/", "author_list": ["Cedric Le Gentil", "Mallikarjuna Vayugundla", "Riccardo Giubilato", "Wolfgang St\u00fcrzl", "Teresa Vidal-Calleja", "Rudolph Triebel", "Cedric Le Gentil", "Mallikarjuna Vayugundla", "Riccardo Giubilato", "Wolfgang St\u00fcrzl", "Teresa Vidal-Calleja", "Rudolph Triebel"], "abstract": "The ability to recognize previously mapped locations is an essential feature for autonomous systems. Unstructured planetary-like environments pose a major challenge to these systems due to the similarity of the terrain. As a result, the ambiguity of the visual appearance makes state-of-the-art visual place recognition approaches less effective than in urban or man-made environments. This paper pre..."} {"title": "Visual Monitoring and Servoing of a Cutting Blade during Telerobotic Satellite Servicing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341485/", "author_list": ["Amama Mahmood", "Balazs P. Vagvolgyi", "Will Pryor", "Louis L. Whitcomb", "Peter Kazanzides", "Simon Leonard", "Amama Mahmood", "Balazs P. Vagvolgyi", "Will Pryor", "Louis L. Whitcomb", "Peter Kazanzides", "Simon Leonard"], "abstract": "We propose a system for visually monitoring and servoing the cutting of a multi-layer insulation (MLI) blanket that covers the envelope of satellites and spacecraft. The main contributions of this paper are: 1) to propose a model for relating visual features describing the engagement depth of the blade to the force exerted on the MLI blanket by the cutting tool, 2) a blade design and algorithm to ..."} {"title": "Subsurface Sampling Robot for Time-limited Asteroid Exploration", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340645/", "author_list": ["Hiroki Kato", "Yasutaka Satou", "Kent Yoshikawa", "Masatsugu Otsuki", "Hirotaka Sawada", "Takeshi Kuratomi", "Nana Hidaka", "Hiroki Kato", "Yasutaka Satou", "Kent Yoshikawa", "Masatsugu Otsuki", "Hirotaka Sawada", "Takeshi Kuratomi", "Nana Hidaka"], "abstract": "This paper presents a novel approach to sampling subsurface asteroidal regolith under severe time constraints. Sampling operations that must be completed within a few hours require techniques that can manage subsurface obstructions that may be encountered. The large uncertainties due to our lack of knowledge of regolith properties also make sampling difficult. To aid in managing these challenges, ..."} {"title": "Robots Made From Ice: An Analysis of Manufacturing Techniques", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340855/", "author_list": ["Devin Carroll", "Mark Yim", "Devin Carroll", "Mark Yim"], "abstract": "Modular robotic systems with self-repair or self-replication capabilities have been presented as a robust, low cost solution to extraterrestrial or Arctic exploration. This paper explores using ice as the sole structure element to build robots. The ice allows for increased flexibility in the system design, enabling the robotic structure to be designed and built post deployment, after tasks and ter..."} {"title": "Autonomous Navigation over Europa Analogue Terrain for an Actively Articulated Wheel-on-Limb Rover", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341234/", "author_list": ["William Reid", "Michael Paton", "Sisir Karumanchi", "Brendan Chamberlain-Simon", "Blair Emanuel", "Gareth Meirion-Griffith", "William Reid", "Michael Paton", "Sisir Karumanchi", "Brendan Chamberlain-Simon", "Blair Emanuel", "Gareth Meirion-Griffith"], "abstract": "The ocean world Europa is a prime target for exploration given its potential habitability [1]. We propose a mobile robotic system that is capable of autonomously traversing tens of meters to visit multiple sites of interest on a Europan analogue surface. Due to the topology of Europan terrain being largely unknown, it is desired that this mobility system traverse a large variety of terrain types. ..."} {"title": "Autonomous Multi-Robot Assembly of Solar Array Modules: Experimental Analysis and Insights", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341298/", "author_list": ["Holly Everson", "Joshua Moser", "Amy Quartaro", "Samantha Glassner", "Erik Komendera", "Holly Everson", "Joshua Moser", "Amy Quartaro", "Samantha Glassner", "Erik Komendera"], "abstract": "To allow for the construction of large space structures to support future space endeavors, autonomous robotic solutions would serve to reduce cost and risk of human extravehicular activity (EVA). Practicality of autonomous assembly requires both theoretical and algorithmic advances, and hardware experimentation across a spectrum of technological readiness levels. Analysis of hardware experiments p..."} {"title": "Accurate, Low-Latency Visual Perception for Autonomous Racing: Challenges, Mechanisms, and Practical Solutions", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341683/", "author_list": ["Kieran Strobel", "Sibo Zhu", "Raphael Chang", "Skanda Koppula", "Kieran Strobel", "Sibo Zhu", "Raphael Chang", "Skanda Koppula"], "abstract": "Autonomous racing provides the opportunity to test safety-critical perception pipelines at their limit. This paper describes the practical challenges and solutions to applying state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms to build a low-latency, high-accuracy perception system for DUT18 Driverless (DUT18D), a 4WD electric race car with podium finishes at all Formula Driverless competitions for which..."} {"title": "Spatio-Temporal Ultrasonic Dataset: Learning Driving from Spatial and Temporal Ultrasonic Cues", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340765/", "author_list": ["Shuai Wang", "Jiahu Qin", "Zhanpeng Zhang", "Shuai Wang", "Jiahu Qin", "Zhanpeng Zhang"], "abstract": "Recent works have proved that combining spatial and temporal visual cues can significantly improve the performance of various vision-based robotic systems. However, for the ultrasonic sensors used in most robotic tasks (e.g. collision avoidance, localization and navigation), there is a lack of benchmark ultrasonic datasets that consist of spatial and temporal data to verify the usability of spatia..."} {"title": "A POMDP Treatment of Vehicle-Pedestrian Interaction: Implicit Coordination via Uncertainty-Aware Planning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341320/", "author_list": ["Ya-Chuan Hsu", "Swaminathan Gopalswamy", "Srikanth Saripalli", "Dylan A. Shell", "Ya-Chuan Hsu", "Swaminathan Gopalswamy", "Srikanth Saripalli", "Dylan A. Shell"], "abstract": "Drivers and other road users often encounter situations (e.g., arriving at an intersection simultaneously) where priority is ambiguous or unclear but must be resolved via communication to reach agreement. This poses a challenge for autonomous vehicles, for which no direct means for expressing intent and acknowledgment has yet been established. This paper contributes a minimal model to manage ambig..."} {"title": "Multiple Trajectory Prediction with Deep Temporal and Spatial Convolutional Neural Networks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341327/", "author_list": ["Jan Strohbeck", "Vasileios Belagiannis", "Johannes M\u00fcller", "Marcel Schreiber", "Martin Herrmann", "Daniel Wolf", "Michael Buchholz", "Jan Strohbeck", "Vasileios Belagiannis", "Johannes M\u00fcller", "Marcel Schreiber", "Martin Herrmann", "Daniel Wolf", "Michael Buchholz"], "abstract": "Automated vehicles need to not only perceive their environment, but also predict the possible future behavior of all detected traffic participants in order to safely navigate in complex scenarios and avoid critical situations, ranging from merging on highways to crossing urban intersections. Due to the availability of datasets with large numbers of recorded trajectories of traffic participants, de..."} {"title": "End-to-end Autonomous Driving Perception with Sequential Latent Representation Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341020/", "author_list": ["Jianyu Chen", "Zhuo Xu", "Masayoshi Tomizuka", "Jianyu Chen", "Zhuo Xu", "Masayoshi Tomizuka"], "abstract": "Current autonomous driving systems are composed of a perception system and a decision system. Both of them are divided into multiple subsystems built up with lots of human heuristics. An end-to-end approach might clean up the system and avoid huge efforts of human engineering, as well as obtain better performance with increasing data and computation resources. Compared to the decision system, the ..."} {"title": "PillarFlow: End-to-end Birds-eye-view Flow Estimation for Autonomous Driving", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340931/", "author_list": ["Kuan-Hui Lee", "Matthew Kliemann", "Adrien Gaidon", "Jie Li", "Chao Fang", "Sudeep Pillai", "Wolfram Burgard", "Kuan-Hui Lee", "Matthew Kliemann", "Adrien Gaidon", "Jie Li", "Chao Fang", "Sudeep Pillai", "Wolfram Burgard"], "abstract": "In autonomous driving, accurately estimating the state of surrounding obstacles is critical for safe and robust path planning. However, this perception task is difficult, particularly for generic obstacles/objects, due to appearance and occlusion changes. To tackle this problem, we propose an end-to-end deep learning framework for LIDAR-based flow estimation in bird's eye view (BeV). Our method ta..."} {"title": "Real-time Detection of Distracted Driving using Dual Cameras", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340921/", "author_list": ["Duy Tran", "Ha Manh Do", "Jiaxing Lu", "Weihua Sheng", "Duy Tran", "Ha Manh Do", "Jiaxing Lu", "Weihua Sheng"], "abstract": "Distracted driving is one of the main contributors to traffic accidents. This paper proposes a deep learning approach to detecting multiple distracted driving behaviors. In order to obtain more accurate detection results, a synchronized image recognition system based on two cameras is designed, by which the body movements and face of the driver are monitored respectively. The images captured from ..."} {"title": "Expressing Diverse Human Driving Behavior with Probabilistic Rewards and Online Inference", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341371/", "author_list": ["Liting Sun", "Zheng Wu", "Hengbo Ma", "Masayoshi Tomizuka", "Liting Sun", "Zheng Wu", "Hengbo Ma", "Masayoshi Tomizuka"], "abstract": "In human-robot interaction (HRI) systems, such as autonomous vehicles, understanding and representing human behavior are important. Human behavior is naturally rich and diverse. Cost/reward learning, as an efficient way to learn and represent human behavior, has been successfully applied in many domains. Most of traditional inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) algorithms, however, cannot adequatel..."} {"title": "Identification of Effective Motion Primitives for Ground Vehicles", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341708/", "author_list": ["Tobias L\u00f6w", "Tirthankar Bandyopadhyay", "Paulo V. K. Borges", "Tobias L\u00f6w", "Tirthankar Bandyopadhyay", "Paulo V. K. Borges"], "abstract": "Understanding the kinematics of a ground robot is essential for efficient navigation. Based on the kinematic model of a robot, its full motion capabilities can be represented by theoretical motion primitives. However, depending on the environment and/or human preferences, not all of those theoretical motion primitives are desirable and/or achievable. This work presents a method to identify effecti..."} {"title": "CMetric: A Driving Behavior Measure using Centrality Functions", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341720/", "author_list": ["Rohan Chandra", "Uttaran Bhattacharya", "Trisha Mittal", "Aniket Bera", "Dinesh Manocha", "Rohan Chandra", "Uttaran Bhattacharya", "Trisha Mittal", "Aniket Bera", "Dinesh Manocha"], "abstract": "We present a new measure, CMetric, to classify driver behaviors using centrality functions. Our formulation combines concepts from computational graph theory and social traffic psychology to quantify and classify the behavior of human drivers. CMetric is used to compute the probability of a vehicle executing a driving style, as well as the intensity used to execute the style. Our approach is desig..."} {"title": "Frontier Detection and Reachability Analysis for Efficient 2D Graph-SLAM Based Active Exploration", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341735/", "author_list": ["Zezhou Sun", "Banghe Wu", "Cheng-Zhong Xu", "Sanjay E. Sarma", "Jian Yang", "Hui Kong", "Zezhou Sun", "Banghe Wu", "Cheng-Zhong Xu", "Sanjay E. Sarma", "Jian Yang", "Hui Kong"], "abstract": "We propose an integrated approach to active exploration by exploiting the Cartographer method as the base SLAM module for submap creation and performing efficient frontier detection in the geometrically co-aligned submaps induced by graph optimization. We also carry out analysis on the reachability of frontiers and their clusters to ensure that the detected frontier can be reached by robot. Our me..."} {"title": "Probabilistic Semantic Mapping for Urban Autonomous Driving Applications", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341738/", "author_list": ["David Paz", "Hengyuan Zhang", "Qinru Li", "Hao Xiang", "Henrik I. Christensen", "David Paz", "Hengyuan Zhang", "Qinru Li", "Hao Xiang", "Henrik I. Christensen"], "abstract": "Recent advancements in statistical learning and computational abilities have enabled autonomous vehicle technology to develop at a much faster rate. While many of the architectures previously introduced are capable of operating under highly dynamic environments, many of these are constrained to smaller-scale deployments, require constant maintenance due to the associated scalability cost with high..."} {"title": "City-Scale Grid-Topological Hybrid Maps for Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation in Urban Area", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340990/", "author_list": ["Shun Niijima", "Ryusuke Umeyama", "Yoko Sasaki", "Hiroshi Mizoguchi", "Shun Niijima", "Ryusuke Umeyama", "Yoko Sasaki", "Hiroshi Mizoguchi"], "abstract": "Extensive city navigation remains an unresolved problem for autonomous mobile robots that share space with pedestrians. This paper proposes a configuration for a navigation map that expresses urban structures and an autonomous navigation scheme that uses the configuration. The proposed map configuration is a hybrid structure of multiple 2D grid maps and a topological graph. The occupancy grids for..."} {"title": "SCALE-Net: Scalable Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Network under Random Number of Interacting Vehicles via Edge-enhanced Graph Convolutional Neural Network", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341288/", "author_list": ["Hyeongseok Jeon", "Junwon Choi", "Dongsuk Kum", "Hyeongseok Jeon", "Junwon Choi", "Dongsuk Kum"], "abstract": "Predicting the future trajectory of surrounding vehicles in a randomly varying traffic level is one of the most challenging problems in developing an autonomous vehicle. Since there is no pre-defined number of interacting vehicles participated in, the prediction network has to be scalable with respect to the number of vehicles in order to guarantee consistent performance in terms of both accuracy ..."} {"title": "Behaviorally Diverse Traffic Simulation via Reinforcement Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341493/", "author_list": ["Shinya Shiroshita", "Shirou Maruyama", "Daisuke Nishiyama", "Mario Ynocente Castro", "Karim Hamzaoui", "Guy Rosman", "Jonathan DeCastro", "Kuan-Hui Lee", "Adrien Gaidon", "Shinya Shiroshita", "Shirou Maruyama", "Daisuke Nishiyama", "Mario Ynocente Castro", "Karim Hamzaoui", "Guy Rosman", "Jonathan DeCastro", "Kuan-Hui Lee", "Adrien Gaidon"], "abstract": "Traffic simulators are important tools in autonomous driving development. While continuous progress has been made to provide developers more options for modeling various traffic participants, tuning these models to increase their behavioral diversity while maintaining quality is often very challenging. This paper introduces an easily-tunable policy generation algorithm for autonomous driving agent..."} {"title": "Predictive Runtime Monitoring of Vehicle Models Using Bayesian Estimation and Reachability Analysis", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340755/", "author_list": ["Yi Chou", "Hansol Yoon", "Sriram Sankaranarayanan", "Yi Chou", "Hansol Yoon", "Sriram Sankaranarayanan"], "abstract": "We present a predictive runtime monitoring technique for estimating future vehicle positions and the probability of collisions with obstacles. Vehicle dynamics model how the position and velocity change over time as a function of external inputs. They are commonly described by discrete-time stochastic models. Whereas positions and velocities can be measured, the inputs (steering and throttle) are ..."} {"title": "Task-Motion Planning for Safe and Efficient Urban Driving", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341522/", "author_list": ["Yan Ding", "Xiaohan Zhang", "Xingyue Zhan", "Shiqi Zhang", "Yan Ding", "Xiaohan Zhang", "Xingyue Zhan", "Shiqi Zhang"], "abstract": "Autonomous vehicles need to plan at the task level to compute a sequence of symbolic actions, such as merging left and turning right, to fulfill people's service requests, where efficiency is the main concern. At the same time, the vehicles must compute continuous trajectories to perform actions at the motion level, where safety is the most important. Task-motion planning in autonomous driving fac..."} {"title": "Feedback Enhanced Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340951/", "author_list": ["Ke Sun", "Brent Schlotfeldt", "Stephen Chaves", "Paul Martin", "Gulshan Mandhyan", "Vijay Kumar", "Ke Sun", "Brent Schlotfeldt", "Stephen Chaves", "Paul Martin", "Gulshan Mandhyan", "Vijay Kumar"], "abstract": "In this work, we address the motion planning problem for autonomous vehicles through a new lattice planning approach, called Feedback Enhanced Lattice Planner (FELP). Existing lattice planners have two major limitations, namely the high dimensionality of the lattice and the lack of modeling of agent vehicle behaviors. We propose to apply the Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) [1] as a speed feedback p..."} {"title": "GndNet: Fast Ground Plane Estimation and Point Cloud Segmentation for Autonomous Vehicles", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340979/", "author_list": ["Anshul Paigwar", "\u00d6zg\u00fcr Erkent", "David Sierra-Gonzalez", "Christian Laugier", "Anshul Paigwar", "\u00d6zg\u00fcr Erkent", "David Sierra-Gonzalez", "Christian Laugier"], "abstract": "Ground plane estimation and ground point segmentation is a crucial precursor for many applications in robotics and intelligent vehicles like navigable space detection and occupancy grid generation, 3D object detection, point cloud matching for localization and registration for mapping. In this paper, we present GndNet, a novel end-to-end approach that estimates the ground plane elevation informati..."} {"title": "Intelligent Exploration and Autonomous Navigation in Confined Spaces", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341525/", "author_list": ["Aliakbar Akbari", "Puneet S Chhabra", "Ujjar Bhandari", "Sara Bernardini", "Aliakbar Akbari", "Puneet S Chhabra", "Ujjar Bhandari", "Sara Bernardini"], "abstract": "Autonomous navigation and exploration in confined spaces are currently setting new challenges for robots. The presence of narrow passages, flammable atmosphere, dust, smoke, and other hazards makes the mapping and navigation tasks extremely difficult. To tackle these challenges, robots need to make intelligent decisions, maximising information while maintaining the safety of the system and their s..."} {"title": "Data-Driven Distributionally Robust Electric Vehicle Balancing for Mobility-on-Demand Systems under Demand and Supply Uncertainties", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341481/", "author_list": ["Sihong He", "Lynn Pepin", "Guang Wang", "Desheng Zhang", "Fei Miao", "Sihong He", "Lynn Pepin", "Guang Wang", "Desheng Zhang", "Fei Miao"], "abstract": "As electric vehicle (EV) technologies become mature, EV has been rapidly adopted in modern transportation systems, and is expected to provide future autonomous mobility-on-demand (AMoD) service with economic and societal benefits. However, EVs require frequent recharges due to their limited and unpredictable cruising ranges, and they have to be managed efficiently given the dynamic charging proces..."} {"title": "GP-based Runtime Planning, Learning, and Recovery for Safe UAV Operations under Unforeseen Disturbances", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341641/", "author_list": ["Esen Yel", "Nicola Bezzo", "Esen Yel", "Nicola Bezzo"], "abstract": "Autonomous vehicles are typically developed and trained to work under certain system and environmental conditions defined at design time and can fail or perform poorly if unforeseen conditions such as disturbances or changes in model dynamics appear at runtime. In this work, we present a fast online planning, learning, and recovery approach for safe autonomous operations under unknown runtime dist..."} {"title": "Object-Aware Centroid Voting for Monocular 3D Object Detection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340889/", "author_list": ["Wentao Bao", "Qi Yu", "Yu Kong", "Wentao Bao", "Qi Yu", "Yu Kong"], "abstract": "Monocular 3D object detection aims to detect objects in a 3D physical world from a single camera. However, recent approaches either rely on expensive LiDAR devices, or resort to dense pixel-wise depth estimation that causes prohibitive computational cost. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end trainable monocular 3D object detector without learning the dense depth. Specifically, the grid coordina..."} {"title": "Estimating Pedestrian Crossing States Based on Single 2D Body Pose", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341745/", "author_list": ["Zixing Wang", "Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos", "Zixing Wang", "Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos"], "abstract": "The Crossing or Not-Crossing (C/NC) problem is important to autonomous vehicles (AVs) for safe vehicle/pedestrian interactions. However, this problem setup often ignores pedestrians walking along the direction of the vehicles' movement (LONG). To enhance the AVs' awareness of pedestrian behavior, we make the first step towards extending the C/NC to the C/NC/LONG problem and recognize them based on..."} {"title": "SSP: Single Shot Future Trajectory Prediction", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340754/", "author_list": ["Isht Dwivedi", "Srikanth Malla", "Behzad Dariush", "Chiho Choi", "Isht Dwivedi", "Srikanth Malla", "Behzad Dariush", "Chiho Choi"], "abstract": "We propose a robust solution to future trajectory forecast, which can be practically applicable to autonomous agents in highly crowded environments. For this, three aspects are particularly addressed in this paper. First, we use composite fields to predict future locations of all road agents in a singleshot, which results in a constant time complexity, regardless of the number of agents in the sce..."} {"title": "Learning hierarchical behavior and motion planning for autonomous driving", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341647/", "author_list": ["Jingke Wang", "Yue Wang", "Dongkun Zhang", "Yezhou Yang", "Rong Xiong", "Jingke Wang", "Yue Wang", "Dongkun Zhang", "Yezhou Yang", "Rong Xiong"], "abstract": "Learning-based driving solution, a new branch for autonomous driving, is expected to simplify the modeling of driving by learning the underlying mechanisms from data. To improve the tactical decision-making for learning-based driving solution, we introduce hierarchical behavior and motion planning (HBMP) to explicitly model the behavior in learning-based solution. Due to the coupled action space o..."} {"title": "Learning to Collide: An Adaptive Safety-Critical Scenarios Generating Method", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340696/", "author_list": ["Wenhao Ding", "Baiming Chen", "Minjun Xu", "Ding Zhao", "Wenhao Ding", "Baiming Chen", "Minjun Xu", "Ding Zhao"], "abstract": "Long-tail and rare event problems become crucial when autonomous driving algorithms are applied in the real world. For the purpose of evaluating systems in challenging settings, we propose a generative framework to create safety-critical scenarios for evaluating specific task algorithms. We first represent the traffic scenarios with a series of autoregressive building blocks and generate diverse s..."} {"title": "SynChrono: A Scalable, Physics-Based Simulation Platform For Testing Groups of Autonomous Vehicles and/or Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341585/", "author_list": ["Jay Taves", "Asher Elmquist", "Aaron Young", "Radu Serban", "Dan Negrut", "Jay Taves", "Asher Elmquist", "Aaron Young", "Radu Serban", "Dan Negrut"], "abstract": "This contribution is concerned with the topic of using simulation to understand the behavior of groups of mutually interacting autonomous vehicles (AVs) or robots engaged in traffic/maneuvers that involve coordinated operation. We outline the structure of a multi-agent simulator called SYN-CHRONO and provide results pertaining to its scalability and ability to run real-time scenarios with humans i..."} {"title": "Output-Only Fault Detection and Mitigation of Networks of Autonomous Vehicles", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341132/", "author_list": ["Abdelrahman Khalil", "Mohammad Al Janaideh", "Khaled F. Aljanaideh", "Deepa Kundur", "Abdelrahman Khalil", "Mohammad Al Janaideh", "Khaled F. Aljanaideh", "Deepa Kundur"], "abstract": "An autonomous vehicle platoon is a network of autonomous vehicles that communicate together to move in a desired way. One of the greatest threats to the operation of an autonomous vehicle platoon is the failure of either a physical component of a vehicle or a communication link between two vehicles. This failure affects the safety and stability of the autonomous vehicle platoon. Transmissibility-b..."} {"title": "Go-CHART: A miniature remotely accessible self-driving car robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341770/", "author_list": ["Shenbagaraj Kannapiran", "Spring Berman", "Shenbagaraj Kannapiran", "Spring Berman"], "abstract": "The Go-CHART is a four-wheel, skid-steer robot that resembles a 1:28 scale standard commercial sedan. It is equipped with an onboard sensor suite and both onboard and external computers that replicate many of the sensing and computation capabilities of a full-size autonomous vehicle. The Go-CHART can autonomously navigate a small-scale traffic testbed, responding to its sensor input wiwithth progr..."} {"title": "An RLS-Based Instantaneous Velocity Estimator for Extended Radar Tracking", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341127/", "author_list": ["Nikhil Bharadwaj Gosala", "Xiaoli Meng", "Nikhil Bharadwaj Gosala", "Xiaoli Meng"], "abstract": "Radar sensors have become an important part of the perception sensor suite due to their long range and their ability to work in adverse weather conditions. However, several shortcomings such as large amounts of noise and extreme sparsity of the point cloud result in them not being used to their full potential. In this paper, we present a novel Recursive Least Squares (RLS) based approach to estima..."} {"title": "Lidar Essential Beam Model for Accurate Width Estimation of Thin Poles", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341097/", "author_list": ["Yunfei Long", "Daniel Morris", "Yunfei Long", "Daniel Morris"], "abstract": "While Lidar beams are often represented as rays, they actually have finite beam width and this width impacts the measured shape and size of objects in the scene. Here we investigate the effects of beam width on measurements of thin objects such as vertical poles. We propose a model for beam divergence and show how this can explain both object dilation and erosion. We develop a calibration method t..."} {"title": "MVLidarNet: Real-Time Multi-Class Scene Understanding for Autonomous Driving Using Multiple Views", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341450/", "author_list": ["Ke Chen", "Ryan Oldja", "Nikolai Smolyanskiy", "Stan Birchfield", "Alexander Popov", "David Wehr", "Ibrahim Eden", "Joachim Pehserl", "Ke Chen", "Ryan Oldja", "Nikolai Smolyanskiy", "Stan Birchfield", "Alexander Popov", "David Wehr", "Ibrahim Eden", "Joachim Pehserl"], "abstract": "Autonomous driving requires the inference of actionable information such as detecting and classifying objects, and determining the drivable space. To this end, we present Multi-View LidarNet (MVLidarNet), a two-stage deep neural network for multi-class object detection and drivable space segmentation using multiple views of a single LiDAR point cloud. The first stage processes the point cloud proj..."} {"title": "The Importance of Prior Knowledge in Precise Multimodal Prediction", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341199/", "author_list": ["Sergio Casas", "Cole Gulino", "Simon Suo", "Raquel Urtasun", "Sergio Casas", "Cole Gulino", "Simon Suo", "Raquel Urtasun"], "abstract": "Roads have well defined geometries, topologies, and traffic rules. While this has been widely exploited in motion planning methods to produce maneuvers that obey the law, little work has been devoted to utilize these priors in perception and motion forecasting methods. In this paper we propose to incorporate these structured priors as a loss function. In contrast to imposing hard constraints, this..."} {"title": "Simultaneous Estimation of Vehicle Position and Data Delays using Gaussian Process based Moving Horizon Estimation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341184/", "author_list": ["Daiki Mori", "Yoshikazu Hattori", "Daiki Mori", "Yoshikazu Hattori"], "abstract": "Automobiles or robots with advanced autonomous systems are equipped with multiple types of sensors to overcome different weather and geographical conditions. These sensors generally have various data delays and sampling rates. Additionally, the communication delays or time synchronization errors between the onboard computers significantly affect the robustness and accuracy of localization for auto..."} {"title": "A real-time unscented Kalman filter on manifolds for challenging AUV navigation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341216/", "author_list": ["Th\u00e9ophile Cantelobre", "Cl\u00e9ment Chahbazian", "Arnaud Croux", "Silv\u00e8re Bonnabel", "Th\u00e9ophile Cantelobre", "Cl\u00e9ment Chahbazian", "Arnaud Croux", "Silv\u00e8re Bonnabel"], "abstract": "We consider the problem of localization and navigation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) in the context of high performance subsea asset inspection missions in deep water. We propose a solution based on the recently introduced Unscented Kalman Filter on Manifolds (UKF-M) for onboard navigation to estimate the robot's location, attitude and velocity, using a precise round and rotating Earth n..."} {"title": "DSSF-net: Dual-Task Segmentation and Self-supervised Fitting Network for End-to-End Lane Mark Detection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340898/", "author_list": ["Wentao Du", "Zhiyu Xiang", "Yiman Chen", "Shuya Chen", "Wentao Du", "Zhiyu Xiang", "Yiman Chen", "Shuya Chen"], "abstract": "Lane mark detection is one of the key tasks for autonomous driving systems. Accurate detection of lane marks under complex urban environments remains a challenge. In this paper, an end-to-end lane mark detection network named DSSF-net, which is capable of directly outputting the accurate fitted lane curves, is proposed. First, a dual-task segmentation framework for jointing lane category predictio..."} {"title": "Lane Marking Verification for High Definition Map Maintenance Using Crowdsourced Images", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340923/", "author_list": ["Binbin Li", "Dezhen Song", "Aaron Kingery", "Dongfang Zheng", "Yiliang Xu", "Huiwen Guo", "Binbin Li", "Dezhen Song", "Aaron Kingery", "Dongfang Zheng", "Yiliang Xu", "Huiwen Guo"], "abstract": "Autonomous vehicles often rely on high-definition (HD) maps to navigate around. However, lane markings (LMs) are not necessarily static objects due to wear & tear from usage and road reconstruction & maintenance. Therefore, the wrong matching between LMs in the HD map and sensor readings may lead to erroneous localization or even cause traffic accidents. It is imperative to keep LMs up-to-date. Ho..."} {"title": "Toward Hierarchical Self-Supervised Monocular Absolute Depth Estimation for Autonomous Driving Applications", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340802/", "author_list": ["Feng Xue", "Guirong Zhuo", "Ziyuan Huang", "Wufei Fu", "Zhuoyue Wu", "Marcelo H. Ang", "Feng Xue", "Guirong Zhuo", "Ziyuan Huang", "Wufei Fu", "Zhuoyue Wu", "Marcelo H. Ang"], "abstract": "In recent years, self-supervised methods for monocular depth estimation has rapidly become an significant branch of depth estimation task, especially for autonomous driving applications. Despite the high overall precision achieved, current methods still suffer from a) imprecise object-level depth inference and b) uncertain scale factor. The former problem would cause texture copy or provide inaccu..."} {"title": "Label Efficient Visual Abstractions for Autonomous Driving", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340641/", "author_list": ["Aseem Behl", "Kashyap Chitta", "Aditya Prakash", "Eshed Ohn-Bar", "Andreas Geiger", "Aseem Behl", "Kashyap Chitta", "Aditya Prakash", "Eshed Ohn-Bar", "Andreas Geiger"], "abstract": "It is well known that semantic segmentation can be used as an effective intermediate representation for learning driving policies. However, the task of street scene semantic segmentation requires expensive annotations. Furthermore, segmentation algorithms are often trained irrespective of the actual driving task, using auxiliary image-space loss functions which are not guaranteed to maximize drivi..."} {"title": "Learning Accurate and Human-Like Driving using Semantic Maps and Attention", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341157/", "author_list": ["Simon Hecker", "Dengxin Dai", "Alexander Liniger", "Martin Hahner", "Luc Van Gool", "Simon Hecker", "Dengxin Dai", "Alexander Liniger", "Martin Hahner", "Luc Van Gool"], "abstract": "This paper investigates how end-to-end driving models can be improved to drive more accurately and human-like. To tackle the first issue we exploit semantic and visual maps from HERE Technologies and augment the existing Drive360 dataset with such. The maps are used in an attention mechanism that promotes segmentation confidence masks, thus focusing the network on semantic classes in the image tha..."} {"title": "PaintPath: Defining Path Directionality in Maps for Autonomous Ground Vehicles", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341676/", "author_list": ["Riley Bowyer", "Thomas Lowe", "Paulo Borges", "Tirthankar Bandyopadhyay", "Tobias L\u00f6w", "David Haddon", "Riley Bowyer", "Thomas Lowe", "Paulo Borges", "Tirthankar Bandyopadhyay", "Tobias L\u00f6w", "David Haddon"], "abstract": "Directionality in path planning is essential for efficient autonomous navigation in a number of real-world environments. In many map-based navigation scenarios, the viable path from a given point A to point B is not the same as the viable path from B to A. We present a method that automatically incorporates preferred navigation directionality into a path planning costmap. This `preference' is repr..."} {"title": "Probabilistic Multi-modal Trajectory Prediction with Lane Attention for Autonomous Vehicles", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341034/", "author_list": ["Chenxu Luo", "Lin Sun", "Dariush Dabiri", "Alan Yuille", "Chenxu Luo", "Lin Sun", "Dariush Dabiri", "Alan Yuille"], "abstract": "Trajectory prediction is crucial for autonomous vehicles. The planning system not only needs to know the current state of the surrounding objects but also their possible states in the future. As for vehicles, their trajectories are significantly influenced by the lane geometry and how to effectively use the lane information is of active interest. Most of the existing works use rasterized maps to e..."} {"title": "Safe Planning for Self-Driving Via Adaptive Constrained ILQR", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340886/", "author_list": ["Yanjun Pan", "Qin Lin", "Het Shah", "John M. Dolan", "Yanjun Pan", "Qin Lin", "Het Shah", "John M. Dolan"], "abstract": "Constrained Iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator (CILQR), a variant of ILQR, has been recently proposed for motion planning problems of autonomous vehicles to deal with constraints such as obstacle avoidance and reference tracking. However, the previous work considers either deterministic trajectories or persistent prediction for target dynamical obstacles. The other drawback is lack of generality..."} {"title": "Automatic Lane Change Maneuver in Dynamic Environment Using Model Predictive Control Method", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341729/", "author_list": ["Zhaolun Li", "Jingjing Jiang", "Wen-Hua Chen", "Zhaolun Li", "Jingjing Jiang", "Wen-Hua Chen"], "abstract": "The lane change maneuver is one of the typical maneuvers in various driving situations. Therefore the automatic lane change function is one of the key functions for autonomous vehicles. Many researches have been conducted in this field. Most existing work focused on the solutions for the static environment and assume that the surrounding vehicles are running at constant speeds. However, in reality..."} {"title": "Real-time optimal control of an autonomous RC car with minimum-time maneuvers and a novel kineto-dynamical model", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340640/", "author_list": ["Edoardo Pagot", "Mattia Piccinini", "Francesco Biral", "Edoardo Pagot", "Mattia Piccinini", "Francesco Biral"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present a real-time non-linear model-predictive control (NMPC) framework to perform minimum-time motion planning for autonomous racing cars. We introduce an innovative kineto-dynamical vehicle model, able to accurately predict non-linear longitudinal and lateral vehicle dynamics. The main parameters of this vehicle model can be tuned with only experimental or simulated maneuvers,..."} {"title": "Optimization-Based Hierarchical Motion Planning for Autonomous Racing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341731/", "author_list": ["Jos\u00e9 L. V\u00e1zquez", "Marius Br\u00fchlmeier", "Alexander Liniger", "Alisa Rupenyan", "John Lygeros", "Jos\u00e9 L. V\u00e1zquez", "Marius Br\u00fchlmeier", "Alexander Liniger", "Alisa Rupenyan", "John Lygeros"], "abstract": "In this paper we propose a hierarchical controller for autonomous racing where the same vehicle model is used in a two level optimization framework for motion planning. The high-level controller computes a trajectory that minimizes the lap time, and the low-level nonlinear model predictive path following controller tracks the computed trajectory online. Following a computed optimal trajectory avoi..."} {"title": "Secure Route Planning Using Dynamic Games with Stopping States", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340884/", "author_list": ["Sandeep Banik", "Shaunak D. Bopardikar", "Sandeep Banik", "Shaunak D. Bopardikar"], "abstract": "This paper studies a motion planning problem over a roadmap in which a vehicle aims to travel from a start to a destination in presence of an attacker who can launch a cyber-attack on the vehicle over any one edge of the roadmap. The vehicle (defender) has the capability to switch on/off a countermeasure that can detect and permanently disable the attack if it occurs concurrently. We first model t..."} {"title": "Online Planning in Uncertain and Dynamic Environment in the Presence of Multiple Mobile Vehicles", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341092/", "author_list": ["Junhong Xu", "Kai Yin", "Lantao Liu", "Junhong Xu", "Kai Yin", "Lantao Liu"], "abstract": "We investigate the autonomous navigation of a mobile robot in the presence of other moving vehicles under time-varying uncertain environmental disturbances. We first predict the future state distributions of other vehicles to account for their uncertain behaviors affected by the time-varying disturbances. We then construct a dynamic-obstacle-aware reachable space that contains states with high pro..."} {"title": "Segmentation-Based 4D Registration of Plants Point Clouds for Phenotyping", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340918/", "author_list": ["Federico Magistri", "Nived Chebrolu", "Cyrill Stachniss", "Federico Magistri", "Nived Chebrolu", "Cyrill Stachniss"], "abstract": "Plant phenotyping, i.e., the task of measuring plant traits to describe the anatomy and physiology of plants, is a central task in crop science and plant breeding. Standard methods often require intrusive or time-consuming operations involving a lot of manual labor. Cameras or range sensors, paired with 3D reconstructions methods, can support phenotyping but the task yields several challenges in p..."} {"title": "Incorporating Spatial Constraints into a Bayesian Tracking Framework for Improved Localisation in Agricultural Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341013/", "author_list": ["Muhammad W. Khan", "Gautham P. Das", "Marc Hanheide", "Grzegorz Cielniak", "Muhammad W. Khan", "Gautham P. Das", "Marc Hanheide", "Grzegorz Cielniak"], "abstract": "Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) has been considered as a panacea for positioning and tracking since the last decade. However, it suffers from severe limitations in terms of accuracy, particularly in highly cluttered and indoor environments. Though real-time kinematics (RTK) supported GNSS promises extremely accurate localisation, employing such services are expensive, fail in occluded en..."} {"title": "Learning Continuous Object Representations from Point Cloud Data", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341765/", "author_list": ["Henry J. Nelson", "Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos", "Henry J. Nelson", "Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos"], "abstract": "Continuous representations of objects have always been used in robotics in the form of geometric primitives and surface models. Recently, learning techniques have emerged which allow more complex continuous representations to be learned from data, but these learning techniques require training data in the form of watertight meshes which restricts their application as meshes of this form are diffic..."} {"title": "Solving Large-scale Stochastic Orienteering Problems with Aggregation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340899/", "author_list": ["Thomas C. Thayer", "Stefano Carpin", "Thomas C. Thayer", "Stefano Carpin"], "abstract": "In this paper we consider the stochastic cost orienteering problem, i.e., a version of the classic orienteering problem where the cost associated with each edge is a random variable with known distribution. Such a model is relevant when travel costs are variable, e.g., when a robot moves in uncertain terrain conditions. We model this problem using a composite state space tracking both how much pro..."} {"title": "DIAT (Depth-Infrared Image Annotation Transfer) for Training a Depth-Based Pig-Pose Detector", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340744/", "author_list": ["Steven Yik", "Madonna Benjamin", "Michael Lavagnino", "Daniel Morris", "Steven Yik", "Madonna Benjamin", "Michael Lavagnino", "Daniel Morris"], "abstract": "Precision livestock farming uses artificial intelligence to individually monitor livestock activity and health. Tracking individuals over time can reveal health indicators that correlate with productivity and longevity. For instance, locomotion patterns observed in lame pigs have been shown to correlate with poor animal welfare and productivity. Kinematic analysis of pigs using pose estimates prov..."} {"title": "Data-Driven Models with Expert Influence: A Hybrid Approach to Spatiotemporal Process Estimation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341786/", "author_list": ["Jun Liu", "Ryan K. Williams", "Jun Liu", "Ryan K. Williams"], "abstract": "In this paper, our motivating application lies in precision agriculture where accurate modeling of forage is essential for informing rotational grazing strategies. Unfortunately, a major difficulty arises in modeling forage processes as they evolve on large scales according to complex ecological influences. As robots can collect data over large scales in a forage environment, they act as a promisi..."} {"title": "Robust MUSIC-Based Sound Source Localization in Reverberant and Echoic Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340826/", "author_list": ["Marco Sewtz", "Tim Bodenm\u00fcller", "Rudolph Triebel", "Marco Sewtz", "Tim Bodenm\u00fcller", "Rudolph Triebel"], "abstract": "Intuitive human robot interfaces like speech or gesture recognition are essential for gaining acceptance for robots in daily life. However, such interaction requires that the robot detects the human's intention to interact, tracks his position and keeps its sensor systems in an optimal configuration. Audio is a suitable modality for such task as it allows for detecting a speaker in arbitrary posit..."} {"title": "OceanVoy: A Hybrid Energy Planning System for Autonomous Sailboat", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341591/", "author_list": ["Qinbo Sun", "Weimin Qi", "Hengli Liu", "Zhenglong Sun", "Tin Lun Lam", "Huihuan Qian", "Qinbo Sun", "Weimin Qi", "Hengli Liu", "Zhenglong Sun", "Tin Lun Lam", "Huihuan Qian"], "abstract": "Towards long range and high endurance sailing, energy is of utmost importance. Moreover, benefiting from the dominance of the sailboat itself, it is energy-saving and environment-friendly. Thus, the sailboat with energy planning problem is meaningful. However, until now, the sailboat energy optimization problem has rarely been considered. In this paper, we focus on the energy consumption optimizat..."} {"title": "LAVAPilot: Lightweight UAV Trajectory Planner with Situational Awareness for Embedded Autonomy to Track and Locate Radio-tags", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341615/", "author_list": ["Hoa Van Nguyen", "Fei Chen", "Joshua Chesser", "Hamid Rezatofighi", "Damith Ranasinghe", "Hoa Van Nguyen", "Fei Chen", "Joshua Chesser", "Hamid Rezatofighi", "Damith Ranasinghe"], "abstract": "Tracking and locating radio-tagged wildlife is a labor-intensive and time-consuming task necessary in wildlife conservation. In this article, we focus on the problem of achieving embedded autonomy for a resource-limited aerial robot for the task capable of avoiding undesirable disturbances to wildlife. We employ a lightweight sensor system capable of simultaneous (noisy) measurements of radio sign..."} {"title": "Coordinate-free Isoline Tracking in Unknown 2-D Scalar Fields", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341311/", "author_list": ["Fei Dong", "Keyou You", "Jian Wang", "Fei Dong", "Keyou You", "Jian Wang"], "abstract": "The isoline tracking of this work is concerned with the control design for a sensing robot to track a given isoline of an unknown 2-D scalar filed. To this end, we propose a coordinate-free controller with a simple PI-like form using only the concentration feedback for a Dubins robot, which is particularly useful in GPS-denied environments. The key idea lies in the novel design of a sliding surfac..."} {"title": "Efficient Trajectory Library Filtering for Quadrotor Flight in Unknown Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341273/", "author_list": ["Vaibhav K. Viswanathan", "Eric Dexheimer", "Guanrui Li", "Giuseppe Loianno", "Michael Kaess", "Sebastian Scherer", "Vaibhav K. Viswanathan", "Eric Dexheimer", "Guanrui Li", "Giuseppe Loianno", "Michael Kaess", "Sebastian Scherer"], "abstract": "Quadrotor flight in cluttered, unknown environments is challenging due to the limited range of perception sensors, challenging obstacles, and limited onboard computation. In this work, we directly address these challenges by proposing an efficient, reactive planning approach. We introduce the Bitwise Trajectory Elimination (BiTE) algorithm for efficiently filtering out in-collision trajectories fr..."} {"title": "Autonomous Spot: Long-Range Autonomous Exploration of Extreme Environments with Legged Locomotion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341361/", "author_list": ["Amanda Bouman", "Muhammad Fadhil Ginting", "Nikhilesh Alatur", "Matteo Palieri", "David D. Fan", "Thomas Touma", "Torkom Pailevanian", "Sung-Kyun Kim", "Kyohei Otsu", "Joel Burdick", "Ali-akbar Agha-Mohammadi", "Amanda Bouman", "Muhammad Fadhil Ginting", "Nikhilesh Alatur", "Matteo Palieri", "David D. Fan", "Thomas Touma", "Torkom Pailevanian", "Sung-Kyun Kim", "Kyohei Otsu", "Joel Burdick", "Ali-akbar Agha-Mohammadi"], "abstract": "This paper serves as one of the first efforts to enable large-scale and long-duration autonomy using the Boston Dynamics Spot robot. Motivated by exploring extreme environments, particularly those involved in the DARPA Subterranean Challenge, this paper pushes the boundaries of the state-of-practice in enabling legged robotic systems to accomplish real-world complex missions in relevant scenarios...."} {"title": "Modeling and Control of a Hybrid Wheeled Jumping Robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341339/", "author_list": ["Traiko Dinev", "Songyan Xin", "Wolfgang Merkt", "Vladimir Ivan", "Sethu Vijayakumar", "Traiko Dinev", "Songyan Xin", "Wolfgang Merkt", "Vladimir Ivan", "Sethu Vijayakumar"], "abstract": "In this paper, we study a wheeled robot with a prismatic extension joint. This allows the robot to build up momentum to perform jumps over obstacles and to swing up to the upright position after the loss of balance. We propose a template model for the class of such two-wheeled jumping robots. This model can be considered as the simplest wheeled-legged system. We provide an analytical derivation of..."} {"title": "Ospheel: Design of an Omnidirectional Spherical-sectioned Wheel", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341292/", "author_list": ["A. A. Hayat", "Shi Yuyao", "K. Elangovan", "M. R. Elara", "R. E. Abdulkader", "A. A. Hayat", "Shi Yuyao", "K. Elangovan", "M. R. Elara", "R. E. Abdulkader"], "abstract": "The holonomic and omnidirectional capabilities imparted to the mobile base platform depends mainly on two factors, i.e., the wheel design and its various arrangements in the platform chassis. This paper reports on the development of a novel omnidirectional spherical sectioned wheel named Ospheel. It is modular, and the spherical sectioned geometry of the wheel is driven using two actuators placed ..."} {"title": "Dynamics and Aerial Attitude Control for Rapid Emergency Deployment of the Agile Ground Robot AGRO", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341616/", "author_list": ["Daniel J. Gonzalez", "Mark C. Lesak", "Andres H. Rodriguez", "Joseph A. Cymerman", "Christopher M. Korpela", "Daniel J. Gonzalez", "Mark C. Lesak", "Andres H. Rodriguez", "Joseph A. Cymerman", "Christopher M. Korpela"], "abstract": "In this work we present a Four-Wheeled Independent Drive and Steering (4WIDS) robot named AGRO and a method of controlling its orientation while airborne using wheel reaction torques. This is the first documented use of independently steerable wheels to both drive on the ground and achieve aerial attitude control when thrown. Inspired by a cat's self-righting reflex, this capability was developed ..."} {"title": "Control Framework for a Hybrid-steel Bridge Inspection Robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340637/", "author_list": ["Hoang-Dung Bui", "Son Nguyen", "U-H. Billah", "Chuong Le", "Alireza Tavakkoli", "Hung M. La", "Hoang-Dung Bui", "Son Nguyen", "U-H. Billah", "Chuong Le", "Alireza Tavakkoli", "Hung M. La"], "abstract": "Autonomous navigation of steel bridge inspection robots are essential for proper maintenance. Majority of existing robotic solutions for bridge inspection require human intervention to assist in the control and navigation. In this paper, a control system framework has been proposed for a previously designed ARA robot [1], which facilitates autonomous real-time navigation and minimizes human involv..."} {"title": "Development of a Steep Slope Mobile Robot with Propulsion Adhesion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341524/", "author_list": ["Yuki Nishimura", "Tomoyuki Yamaguchi", "Yuki Nishimura", "Tomoyuki Yamaguchi"], "abstract": "A mobile robot that can achieve a stable attitude and locomotion on steep slopes is needed to overcome the problems of slipping and falling for automation of works on steep slopes. The conventional approaches to achieve a stable attitude and locomotion have been researched by adopting tracked wheels and multi-legged mechanisms instead of wheel mechanisms. However, these robots have limitations in ..."} {"title": "Interactive Movement Primitives: Planning to Push Occluding Pieces for Fruit Picking", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341728/", "author_list": ["Sariah Mghames", "Marc Hanheide", "Amir Ghalamzan E.", "Sariah Mghames", "Marc Hanheide", "Amir Ghalamzan E."], "abstract": "Robotic technology is increasingly considered the major mean for fruit picking. However, picking fruits in a dense cluster imposes a challenging research question in terms of motion/path planning as conventional planning approaches may not find collision-free movements for the robot to reach-and-pick a ripe fruit within a dense cluster. In such cases, the robot needs to safely push unripe fruits t..."} {"title": "Robotic Untangling of Herbs and Salads with Parallel Grippers", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9342536/", "author_list": ["Prabhakar Ray", "Matthew J. Howard", "Prabhakar Ray", "Matthew J. Howard"], "abstract": "Robotic packaging of fresh leafy produce such as herbs and salads generally involves picking out a target mass from a pile or crate of plant material. Typically, for low-complexity parallel grippers, the weight picked can be controlled by varying the opening aperture. However, often individual strands of plant material get entangled with each other, causing more to be picked out than desired. This..."} {"title": "Choosing Classification Thresholds for Mobile Robot Coverage", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340969/", "author_list": ["Parikshit Maini", "Volkan Isler", "Parikshit Maini", "Volkan Isler"], "abstract": "Many robotic coverage applications involve detection of spatially distributed targets, followed by path planning to visit them for service. In these applications, the performance of the detection algorithm can have profound effect on planning decisions and costs. Range of operation, in both space and time, for robots is typically finite over a single mission and is a common constraint that needs t..."} {"title": "Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Transferring Plant Classification Systems to New Field Environments, Crops, and Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341277/", "author_list": ["Dario Gogoll", "Philipp Lottes", "Jan Weyler", "Nik Petrinic", "Cyrill Stachniss", "Dario Gogoll", "Philipp Lottes", "Jan Weyler", "Nik Petrinic", "Cyrill Stachniss"], "abstract": "Crops are an important source of food and other products. In conventional farming, tractors apply large amounts of agrochemicals uniformly across fields for weed control and plant protection. Autonomous farming robots have the potential to provide environment-friendly weed control on a per plant basis. A system that reliably distinguishes crops, weeds, and soil under varying environment conditions..."} {"title": "Crop Height and Plot Estimation for Phenotyping from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using 3D LiDAR", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341343/", "author_list": ["Harnaik Dhami", "Kevin Yu", "Tianshu Xu", "Qian Zhu", "Kshitiz Dhakal", "James Friel", "Song Li", "Pratap Tokekar", "Harnaik Dhami", "Kevin Yu", "Tianshu Xu", "Qian Zhu", "Kshitiz Dhakal", "James Friel", "Song Li", "Pratap Tokekar"], "abstract": "We present techniques to measure crop heights using a 3D Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensor mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Knowing the height of plants is crucial to monitor their overall health and growth cycles, especially for high-throughput plant phenotyping. We present a methodology for extracting plant heights from 3D LiDAR point clouds, specifically focusing on plot-ba..."} {"title": "A Robotic Gripper Design and Integrated Solution Towards Tunnel Boring Construction Equipment", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341200/", "author_list": ["Jianjun Yuan", "Renming Guan", "Liang Du", "Shugen Ma", "Jianjun Yuan", "Renming Guan", "Liang Du", "Shugen Ma"], "abstract": "Creative design of grippers on their configurations, mechatronics control system, and multi-component collaborative algorithms is often utilized to realize complex operations in industrial applications, due to the environmental constraints or specific task requirements. Firstly, this paper introduces the background problems. As the main automatic equipment -- the shield machine -- in the field of ..."} {"title": "Expert-Emulating Excavation Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Robotic Industrial Excavator", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341036/", "author_list": ["Bukun Son", "ChangU Kim", "Changmuk Kim", "Dongjun Lee", "Bukun Son", "ChangU Kim", "Changmuk Kim", "Dongjun Lee"], "abstract": "We propose a novel excavation (i.e., digging) trajectory planning framework for industrial autonomous robotic excavators, which emulates the strategies of human expert operators to optimize the excavation of (complex/unmodellable) soils while also upholding robustness and safety in practice. First, we encode the trajectory with dynamic movement primitives (DMP), which is known to robustly preserve..."} {"title": "Prediction of Backhoe Loading Motion via the Beta-Process Hidden Markov Model", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340697/", "author_list": ["Kento Yamada", "Kazunori Ohno", "Ryunosuke Hamada", "Thomas Westfechtel", "Ranulfo Plutarco Bezerra Neto", "Naoto Miyamoto", "Taro Suzuki", "Takahiro Suzuki", "Keiji Nagatani", "Yukinori Shibata", "Kimitaka Asano", "Tomohiro Komatsu", "Satoshi Tadokoro", "Kento Yamada", "Kazunori Ohno", "Ryunosuke Hamada", "Thomas Westfechtel", "Ranulfo Plutarco Bezerra Neto", "Naoto Miyamoto", "Taro Suzuki", "Takahiro Suzuki", "Keiji Nagatani", "Yukinori Shibata", "Kimitaka Asano", "Tomohiro Komatsu", "Satoshi Tadokoro"], "abstract": "Backhoe loads sediment onto the bed of dump trucks during earthmoving work. The prediction of backhoe loading time is essential for ensuring safe cooperation between the backhoe and dump trucks. However, it is difficult to predict the instant at which the backhoe is ready to load sediment, because of the similarity in motions observed during gathering sediment. Moreover, since operators have diffe..."} {"title": "Robust Dynamic State Estimation for Lateral Control of an Industrial Tractor Towing Multiple Passive Trailers", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341489/", "author_list": ["Shunbo Zhou", "Hongchao Zhao", "Wen Chen", "Zhe Liu", "Hesheng Wang", "Yun-Hui Liu", "Shunbo Zhou", "Hongchao Zhao", "Wen Chen", "Zhe Liu", "Hesheng Wang", "Yun-Hui Liu"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a dynamic state estimation framework for lateral control of a heavy tractor-trailers system using only mass-produced low-cost sensors. This issue is challenging since the lateral velocity of the lead tractor is difficult to measure directly. The performance of existing dynamic model-based estimation methods will also be degraded, as different trailers and payloads cause t..."} {"title": "End-to-End 3D Point Cloud Learning for Registration Task Using Virtual Correspondences", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341249/", "author_list": ["Huanshu Wei", "Zhijian Qiao", "Zhe Liu", "Chuanzhe Suo", "Peng Yin", "Yueling Shen", "Haoang Li", "Hesheng Wang", "Huanshu Wei", "Zhijian Qiao", "Zhe Liu", "Chuanzhe Suo", "Peng Yin", "Yueling Shen", "Haoang Li", "Hesheng Wang"], "abstract": "3D Point cloud registration is still a very challenging topic due to the difficulty in finding the rigid transformation between two point clouds with partial correspondences, and it's even harder in the absence of any initial estimation information. In this paper, we present an end-to-end deep-learning based approach to resolve the point cloud registration problem. Firstly, the revised LPD-Net is ..."} {"title": "Terrain-Adaptive Planning and Control of Complex Motions for Walking Excavators", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341655/", "author_list": ["Edo Jelavic", "Yannick Berdou", "Dominic Jud", "Simon Kerscher", "Marco Hutter", "Edo Jelavic", "Yannick Berdou", "Dominic Jud", "Simon Kerscher", "Marco Hutter"], "abstract": "This article presents a planning and control pipeline for legged-wheeled (hybrid) machines. It consists of a Trajectory Optimization based planner that computes references for end-effectors and joints. The references are tracked using a whole-body controller based on a hierarchical optimization approach. Our controller is capable of performing terrain adaptive whole-body control. Furthermore, it c..."} {"title": "Towards RL-Based Hydraulic Excavator Automation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341598/", "author_list": ["Pascal Egli", "Marco Hutter", "Pascal Egli", "Marco Hutter"], "abstract": "In this article we present a data-driven approach for automated arm control of a hydraulic excavator. Except for the link lengths of the excavator, our method does not require machine-specific knowledge nor gain tuning. Using data collected during operation of the excavator, we train a general purpose model to effectively represent the highly non-linear dynamics of the hydraulic actuation and join..."} {"title": "Multimodal Teleoperation of Heterogeneous Robots within a Construction Environment", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340688/", "author_list": ["Dylan Wallace", "Yu Hang He", "Jean Chagas Vaz", "Leonardo Georgescu", "Paul Y. Oh", "Dylan Wallace", "Yu Hang He", "Jean Chagas Vaz", "Leonardo Georgescu", "Paul Y. Oh"], "abstract": "Automation in construction continues to be a topic of interest for many in industry and academia. However, the dynamic environments presented in construction sites prove these tasks to be difficult to automate reliably. This paper proposes a novel method of teleoperation for multiple heterogeneous robots within a construction environment. The system is achieved by creating a virtual reality interf..."} {"title": "Applying Surface Normal Information in Drivable Area and Road Anomaly Detection for Ground Mobile Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341340/", "author_list": ["Hengli Wang", "Rui Fan", "Yuxiang Sun", "Ming Liu", "Hengli Wang", "Rui Fan", "Yuxiang Sun", "Ming Liu"], "abstract": "The joint detection of drivable areas and road anomalies is a crucial task for ground mobile robots. In recent years, many impressive semantic segmentation networks, which can be used for pixel-level drivable area and road anomaly detection, have been developed. However, the detection accuracy still needs improvement. Therefore, we develop a novel module named the Normal Inference Module (NIM), wh..."} {"title": "Performance Characterization of an Algorithm to Estimate the Search Skill of a Human or Robot Agent", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340730/", "author_list": ["Audrey Balaska", "Jason H. Rife", "Audrey Balaska", "Jason H. Rife"], "abstract": "This paper characterizes an algorithm that estimates searcher skill level to support planning for search activities involving heterogeneous robot and human/robot teams. Specifically, we use Monte-Carlo simulations to determine the empirical accuracy of the estimator, to assess the quality of its predicted distribution (nonparametric) of agent skill levels, and the convergence rate of the estimate...."} {"title": "The Marathon 2: A Navigation System", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341207/", "author_list": ["Steve Macenski", "Francisco Mart\u00edn", "Ruffin White", "Jonatan Gin\u00e9s Clavero", "Steve Macenski", "Francisco Mart\u00edn", "Ruffin White", "Jonatan Gin\u00e9s Clavero"], "abstract": "Developments in mobile robot navigation have enabled robots to operate in warehouses, retail stores, and on sidewalks around pedestrians. Various navigation solutions have been proposed, though few as widely adopted as ROS (Robot Operating System) Navigation. 10 years on, it is still one of the most popular navigation solutions1. Yet, ROS Navigation has failed to keep up with modern trends. We pro..."} {"title": "Path Planning for Nonholonomic Multiple Mobile Robot System with Applications to Robotic Autonomous Luggage Trolley Collection at Airports", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341403/", "author_list": ["Jiankun Wang", "Max Q.-H. Meng", "Jiankun Wang", "Max Q.-H. Meng"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a novel path planning algorithm for the nonholonomic multiple mobile robot system with applications to a robotic autonomous luggage trolley collection system at airports. We consider this path planning algorithm as a Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (MTSP). Our path planning algorithm consists of three parts. First, we use the Minimum Spanning Tree (MSP) algorithm to d..."} {"title": "Affordance-Based Mobile Robot Navigation Among Movable Obstacles", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341337/", "author_list": ["Maozhen Wang", "Rui Luo", "Aykut \u00d6zg\u00fcn \u00d6nol", "Ta\u015fkin Padir", "Maozhen Wang", "Rui Luo", "Aykut \u00d6zg\u00fcn \u00d6nol", "Ta\u015fkin Padir"], "abstract": "Avoiding obstacles in the perceived world has been the classical approach to autonomous mobile robot navigation. However, this usually leads to unnatural and inefficient motions that significantly differ from the way humans move in tight and dynamic spaces, as we do not refrain interacting with the environment around us when necessary. Inspired by this observation, we propose a framework for auton..."} {"title": "Magnetically Actuated Pick-and-place Operations of Cellular Micro-rings for High-speed Assembly of Micro-scale Biological Tube", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341379/", "author_list": ["Yang Wu", "Tao Sun", "Qing Shi", "Huaping Wang", "Qiang Huang", "Toshio Fukuda", "Yang Wu", "Tao Sun", "Qing Shi", "Huaping Wang", "Qiang Huang", "Toshio Fukuda"], "abstract": "Tissue engineering is trying to use modular tissue micro-rings to construct artificial biological microtubes as substitute of autologous tissue tubes to alleviate the shortage of donor sources. However, because of the lack of effective assembly strategies, it is still challenging to achieve high-speed fabrication of biological microtubes with high cell density. In this paper, we proposed a robotic..."} {"title": "Dielecrophoretic introduction of the membrane proteins into the BLM platforms for the electrophygiological analysis systems", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341046/", "author_list": ["Hirotaka Sugiura", "Toshihisa Osaki", "Hisatoshi Mimura", "Tetsuya Yamada", "Shoji Takeuchi", "Hirotaka Sugiura", "Toshihisa Osaki", "Hisatoshi Mimura", "Tetsuya Yamada", "Shoji Takeuchi"], "abstract": "This paper proposed a technique to introduce the membrane protein into the lab-on-chip analysis system having a planar lipid bilayer. The proposed technique utilized a dielectrophoretic(DEP) force generated by the asymmetric configuration of the solid electrodes on the aqueous buffer separator. By applying the alternating current to the separator and the counter electrode, we manipulated liposomes..."} {"title": "On-chip integration of ultra-thin glass cantilever for physical property measurement activated by femtosecond laser impulse", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341336/", "author_list": ["Tao Tang", "Yansheng Hao", "Yigang Shen", "Yo Tanaka", "Ming Huang", "Yoichiroh Hosokawa", "Ming Li", "Yaxiaer Yalikun", "Tao Tang", "Yansheng Hao", "Yigang Shen", "Yo Tanaka", "Ming Huang", "Yoichiroh Hosokawa", "Ming Li", "Yaxiaer Yalikun"], "abstract": "Under the excitation of acoustic radiation, the amount of energy absorbed and rebounded by cells have the relationship with mechanical properties, e.g. stiffness, shape, weight and so on. In this paper, a femtosecond laser-activated micro-detector is designed to convert this relationship into an electrical signal. First, the acoustic radiation is generated by a femtosecond laser pulse in a microch..."} {"title": "A novel portable cell sonoporation device based on open-source acoustofluidics", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341603/", "author_list": ["Bin Song", "Wei Zhang", "Xue Bai", "Lin Feng", "Deyuan Zhang", "Fumihito Arai", "Bin Song", "Wei Zhang", "Xue Bai", "Lin Feng", "Deyuan Zhang", "Fumihito Arai"], "abstract": "Sonoporation, which typically employs acoustic cavitation microbubbles, can enhance the permeability of the cell membrane, allowing foreign matter to enter cells across the natural barriers. However, the diameter nonuniformity and random distribution of microbubbles make it difficult to achieve controllable and high-efficiency sonoporation, while complex extern acoustic driving system also limits ..."} {"title": "Robotic Micromanipulation of Biological Cells with Friction Force-Based Rotation Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341704/", "author_list": ["Shuai Cui", "Wei Tech Ang", "Shuai Cui", "Wei Tech Ang"], "abstract": "Cell manipulation is a critical procedure in related biological applications such as embryo biopsy and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), where the biological cell is required to be oriented to the desired position. To bridge the gap between the techniques and the clinical applications, a robotic micromanipulation method, which utilizes friction forces to rotate the cell with standard microp..."} {"title": "Construction of Multiple Hepatic Lobule like 3D Vascular Networks by Manipulating Magnetic Tweezers toward Tissue Engineering", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341012/", "author_list": ["Eunhye Kim", "Masaru Takeuchi", "Taro Kozuka", "Takuto Nomura", "Akihiko Ichikawa", "Yasuhisa Hasegawa", "Qiang Huang", "Toshio Fukuda", "Eunhye Kim", "Masaru Takeuchi", "Taro Kozuka", "Takuto Nomura", "Akihiko Ichikawa", "Yasuhisa Hasegawa", "Qiang Huang", "Toshio Fukuda"], "abstract": "In this paper, we have constructed actively perfusable multiple hepatic lobule-like vascular networks in a 3D cellular structure by using magnetic tweezers. Without well-organized channel networks, cells in a large 3D tissue cannot receive nutrients and oxygen from the channel, and therefore, the cells will be dead after few days. To construct well-organized channel networks, we fabricated a hepat..."} {"title": "A novel and controllable cell-based microrobot in real vascular network for target tumor therapy", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341774/", "author_list": ["Yanmin Feng", "Lin Feng", "Yuguo Dai", "Xue Bai", "Chaonan Zhang", "Yuanyuan Chen", "Fumihito Arai", "Yanmin Feng", "Lin Feng", "Yuguo Dai", "Xue Bai", "Chaonan Zhang", "Yuanyuan Chen", "Fumihito Arai"], "abstract": "Magnetic microrobots can be propelled precisely and wirelessly in vivo using magnetic field for targeted drug delivery and early detection. They are promising for clinical trials since magnetic fields are capable of penetrating most materials with minimal interaction, and are nearly harmless to human beings. However, challenges like the biocompatibility, biodegradation and therapeutic effects of t..."} {"title": "Magnetized Cell-robot Propelled by Magnetic Field for Cancer Killing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341167/", "author_list": ["Yuguo Dai", "Yanmin Feng", "Lin Feng", "Yuanyuan Chen", "Xue Bai", "Shuzhang Liang", "Li Song", "Fumihito Arai", "Yuguo Dai", "Yanmin Feng", "Lin Feng", "Yuanyuan Chen", "Xue Bai", "Shuzhang Liang", "Li Song", "Fumihito Arai"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present a magnetized cell-robot using macrophages as templates, which can be controlled under a strong gradient magnetic field, to approach and kill cancer cells in both vitro and vivo environment. Firstly, we establish a magnetic control system using only four coils which can generate gradient field up to 4.14 T/m utilizing the coupled field contributed by multiple electromagnet..."} {"title": "Control of Magnetically-Driven Screws in a Viscoelastic Medium", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341394/", "author_list": ["Zhengya Zhang", "Anke Klingner", "Sarthak Misra", "Islam S. M. Khalil", "Zhengya Zhang", "Anke Klingner", "Sarthak Misra", "Islam S. M. Khalil"], "abstract": "Magnetically-driven screws operating in soft-tissue environments could be used to deploy localized therapy or achieve minimally invasive interventions. In this work, we characterize the closed-loop behavior of magnetic screws in an agar gel tissue phantom using a permanent magnet-based robotic system with an open-configuration. Our closed-loop control strategy capitalizes on an analytical calculat..."} {"title": "Smart-Inspect: Micro Scale Localization and Classification of Smartphone Glass Defects for Industrial Automation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341509/", "author_list": ["M Usman Maqbool Bhutta", "Shoaib Aslam", "Peng Yun", "Jianhao Jiao", "Ming Liu", "M Usman Maqbool Bhutta", "Shoaib Aslam", "Peng Yun", "Jianhao Jiao", "Ming Liu"], "abstract": "The presence of any type of defect on the glass screen of smart devices has a great impact on their quality. We present a robust semi-supervised learning framework for intelligent micro-scaled localization and classification of defects on a 16K pixel image of smartphone glass. Our model features the efficient recognition and labeling of three types of defects: scratches, light leakage due to crack..."} {"title": "An SEM-Based Nanomanipulation System for Multi-Physical Characterization of Single InGaN/GaN Nanowires", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340779/", "author_list": ["Juntian Qu", "Renjie Wang", "Peng Pan", "Linghao Du", "Zetian Mi", "Yu Sun", "Xinyu Liu", "Juntian Qu", "Renjie Wang", "Peng Pan", "Linghao Du", "Zetian Mi", "Yu Sun", "Xinyu Liu"], "abstract": "Functional nanomaterials possess exceptional multi-physical (e.g., mechanical, electrical and optical) properties compared with their bulk counterparts. To facilitate both synthesis and device applications of these nanomaterials, it is highly desired to characterize their multi-physical properties with high accuracy and efficiency. The nanomanipulation techniques under scanning electron microscopy..."} {"title": "Observer-Based Disturbance Control for Small-Scale Collaborative Robotics", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340748/", "author_list": ["Ahmad Awde", "Mokrane Boudaoud", "St\u00e9phane R\u00e9gnier", "C\u00e9dric Cl\u00e9vy", "Ahmad Awde", "Mokrane Boudaoud", "St\u00e9phane R\u00e9gnier", "C\u00e9dric Cl\u00e9vy"], "abstract": "Collaborative robotics allows merging the best capabilities of humans and robots to perform complex tasks. This allows the user to interact with remote and directly inaccessible environments such as the micro-scale world. This interaction is made possible by the bidirectional exchange of information (displacement - force) between the user and the environment through a haptic interface. The effecti..."} {"title": "Robust Micro-Particle Manipulation in a Microfluidic Channel Network Using Gravity-Induced Pressure Actuators", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340885/", "author_list": ["Donghyeon Lee", "Woongyong Lee", "Wan Kyun Chung", "Keehoon Kim", "Donghyeon Lee", "Woongyong Lee", "Wan Kyun Chung", "Keehoon Kim"], "abstract": "Robust particle manipulation is a challenging but essential technique for single-cell analysis and processing of microfluidic devices. This paper proposes a micro-particle manipulation system with a microfluidic channel network. We built gravity-induced pressure actuators, which can generate high-resolution output pressure with a wide range so that the multiple particles can be delivered from the ..."} {"title": "Deep Learning-Based Autonomous Scanning Electron Microscope", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341041/", "author_list": ["Jonggyu Jang", "Hyeonsu Lyu", "Hyun Jong Yang", "Moohyun Oh", "Junhee Lee", "Jonggyu Jang", "Hyeonsu Lyu", "Hyun Jong Yang", "Moohyun Oh", "Junhee Lee"], "abstract": "By virtue of their ultra high resolution, scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) are essential to study topography, morphology, composition, and crystallography of materials, and thus are widely used for advanced researches in physics, chemistry, pharmacy, geology, etc. The major hindrance of using SEMs is that obtaining high quality images from SEMs requires a professional control of many control p..."} {"title": "The application of navigation technology for the medical assistive devices based on Aruco recognition technology", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341231/", "author_list": ["Weihan Tian", "Diansheng Chen", "Zihao Yang", "Hu Yin", "Weihan Tian", "Diansheng Chen", "Zihao Yang", "Hu Yin"], "abstract": "In order to improve the convenience of operation for the medical assistive devices and reduce the use and maintenance cost, the Aruco recognition technology is applied to the navigation and positioning of visual guided electric assistive devices. Firstly, the differential control kinematic model of the electric wheelchair is analyzed. We discuss the feasibility of Aruco recognition technology in t..."} {"title": "Endoscopic Navigation Based on Three-dimensional Structure Registration", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340692/", "author_list": ["Minghui Han", "Yu Dai", "Jianxun Zhang", "Minghui Han", "Yu Dai", "Jianxun Zhang"], "abstract": "Surgical navigation is challenging on complicated multi-branch structures such as intrarenal collecting systems or bronchi. The objective of this work is to help surgeons quickly establish the corresponding relationship between intraoperative endoscopic images and preoperative CT data. An endoscopic navigation method is proposed based on three-dimensional structure registration. It mainly includes..."} {"title": "Z-Net: an Anisotropic 3D DCNN for Medical CT Volume Segmentation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341426/", "author_list": ["Peichao Li", "Xiao-Yun Zhou", "Zhao-Yang Wang", "Guang-Zhong Yang", "Peichao Li", "Xiao-Yun Zhou", "Zhao-Yang Wang", "Guang-Zhong Yang"], "abstract": "Accurate volume segmentation from the Computed Tomography (CT) scan is a common prerequisite for pre-operative planning, intra-operative guidance and quantitative assessment of therapeutic outcomes in robot-assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS). 3D Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) is a viable solution for this task, but is memory intensive. Small isotropic patches are cropped from the ..."} {"title": "LC-GAN: Image-to-image Translation Based on Generative Adversarial Network for Endoscopic Images", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341556/", "author_list": ["Shan Lin", "Fangbo Qin", "Yangming Li", "Randall A. Bly", "Kris S. Moe", "Blake Hannaford", "Shan Lin", "Fangbo Qin", "Yangming Li", "Randall A. Bly", "Kris S. Moe", "Blake Hannaford"], "abstract": "Intelligent vision is appealing in computer-assisted and robotic surgeries. Vision-based analysis with deep learning usually requires large labeled datasets, but manual data labeling is expensive and time-consuming in medical problems. We investigate a novel cross-domain strategy to reduce the need for manual data labeling by proposing an image-to-image translation model live-cadaver GAN (LC-GAN) ..."} {"title": "daVinciNet: Joint Prediction of Motion and Surgical State in Robot-Assisted Surgery", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340723/", "author_list": ["Yidan Qin", "Seyedshams Feyzabadi", "Max Allan", "Joel W. Burdick", "Mahdi Azizian", "Yidan Qin", "Seyedshams Feyzabadi", "Max Allan", "Joel W. Burdick", "Mahdi Azizian"], "abstract": "This paper presents a technique to concurrently and jointly predict the future trajectories of surgical instruments and the future state(s) of surgical subtasks in robot-assisted surgeries (RAS) using multiple input sources. Such predictions are a necessary first step towards shared control and supervised autonomy of surgical subtasks. Minute-long surgical subtasks, such as suturing or ultrasound ..."} {"title": "Hierarchical optimization Control of Redundant Manipulator for Robot-assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341389/", "author_list": ["Yingbai Hu", "Hang Su", "Guang Chen", "Giancarlo Ferrigno", "Elena De Momi", "Alois Knoll", "Yingbai Hu", "Hang Su", "Guang Chen", "Giancarlo Ferrigno", "Elena De Momi", "Alois Knoll"], "abstract": "For the time varying optimization problem, the tracking error cannot converge to zero at the finite time because of the optimal solution changing over time. This paper proposes a novel varying parameter recurrent neural network (VPRNN) based hierarchical optimization of a 7-DoF surgical manipulator for Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery (RAMIS), which guarantees task tracking, Remote Center..."} {"title": "Towards Autonomous Control of Magnetic Suture Needles", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341425/", "author_list": ["Matthew Fan", "Xiaolong Liu", "Kamakshi Jain", "Daniel Lerner", "Lamar O. Mair", "Irving N. Weinberg", "Yancy Diaz-Mercado", "Axel Krieger", "Matthew Fan", "Xiaolong Liu", "Kamakshi Jain", "Daniel Lerner", "Lamar O. Mair", "Irving N. Weinberg", "Yancy Diaz-Mercado", "Axel Krieger"], "abstract": "This paper proposes a magnetic needle steering controller to manipulate mesoscale magnetic suture needles for executing planned suturing motion. This is an initial step towards our research objective: enabling autonomous control of magnetic suture needles for suturing tasks in minimally invasive surgery. To demonstrate the feasibility of accurate motion control, we employ a cardinally-arranged fou..."} {"title": "Supervised Semi-Autonomous Control for Surgical Robot Based on Banoian Optimization", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341383/", "author_list": ["Junhong Chen", "Dandan Zhang", "Adnan Munawar", "Ruiqi Zhu", "Benny Lo", "Gregory S. Fischer", "Guang-Zhong Yang", "Junhong Chen", "Dandan Zhang", "Adnan Munawar", "Ruiqi Zhu", "Benny Lo", "Gregory S. Fischer", "Guang-Zhong Yang"], "abstract": "The recent development of Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery (RAMIS) has brought much benefit to ease the performance of complex Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) tasks and lead to more clinical outcomes. Compared to direct master-slave manipulation, semi-autonomous control for the surgical robot can enhance the efficiency of the operation, particularly for repetitive tasks. However, operati..."} {"title": "Differential Image Based Robot to MRI Scanner Registration with Active Fiducial Markers for an MRI-Guided Robotic Catheter System", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341043/", "author_list": ["E. Erdem Tuna", "Nate Lombard Poirot", "Juana Barrera Bayona", "Dominique Franson", "Sherry Huang", "Julian Narvaez", "Nicole Seiberlich", "Mark Griswold", "M. Cenk \u00c7avu\u015fo\u011flu", "E. Erdem Tuna", "Nate Lombard Poirot", "Juana Barrera Bayona", "Dominique Franson", "Sherry Huang", "Julian Narvaez", "Nicole Seiberlich", "Mark Griswold", "M. Cenk \u00c7avu\u015fo\u011flu"], "abstract": "In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guided robotic catheter ablation procedures, reliable tracking of the catheter within the MRI scanner is needed to safely navigate the catheter. This requires accurate registration of the catheter to the scanner. This paper presents a differential, multi-slice image-based registration approach utilizing active fiducial coils. The proposed method would be used to..."} {"title": "Robot-assisted ultrasound-guided biopsy on MR-detected breast lesions", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341695/", "author_list": ["M.K. Welleweerd", "D. Pantelis", "A.G. de Groot", "F.J. Siepel", "S. Stramigioli", "M.K. Welleweerd", "D. Pantelis", "A.G. de Groot", "F.J. Siepel", "S. Stramigioli"], "abstract": "One out of eight women will get breast cancer during their lifetime. A biopsy, a procedure in which a tissue sample is acquired from the lesion, is required to confirm the diagnosis. A biopsy is preferably executed under ultrasound (US) guidance because it is simple, fast, and cheap, gives real-time image feedback and causes little patient discomfort. However, Magnetic Resonance (MR)-detected lesi..."} {"title": "SCAN: System for Camera Autonomous Navigation in Robotic-Assisted Surgery", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341548/", "author_list": ["Tommaso Da Col", "Andrea Mariani", "Anton Deguet", "Arianna Menciassi", "Peter Kazanzides", "Elena De Momi", "Tommaso Da Col", "Andrea Mariani", "Anton Deguet", "Arianna Menciassi", "Peter Kazanzides", "Elena De Momi"], "abstract": "Robot-Assisted systems for Minimally Invasive Surgery enhance the surgeon capability, however, direct control over both the surgical tools and the endoscope results in an increased workload that leads to longer operation times. This work investigates the introduction of SCAN (System for Camera Autonomous Navigation) to overcome this limitation. An experimental study involving 12 participants was c..."} {"title": "Tracking Strategy Based on Magnetic Sensors for Microrobot Navigation in the Cochlea", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341601/", "author_list": ["Tarik Kroubi", "Karim Belharet", "Kamal Bennamane", "Tarik Kroubi", "Karim Belharet", "Kamal Bennamane"], "abstract": "One approach to control drug delivery in the cochlea is to use a magnetic microrobot powered by externally applied magnetic fields. However, it is necessary to integrate a localization system to ensure the precise navigation of the microrobot in the cochlear canal. To avoid integrating a clinical imaging modality for the navigation of microrobots in the cochlea, we propose in this work the applica..."} {"title": "Developing Thermal Endoscope for Endoscopic Photothermal Therapy for Peritoneal Dissemination", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341661/", "author_list": ["Mutsuki Ohara", "Sohta Sanpei", "Chanjin Seo", "Jun Ohya", "Ken Masamune", "Hiroshi Nagahashi", "Yuji Morimoto", "Manabu Harada", "Mutsuki Ohara", "Sohta Sanpei", "Chanjin Seo", "Jun Ohya", "Ken Masamune", "Hiroshi Nagahashi", "Yuji Morimoto", "Manabu Harada"], "abstract": "As a novel therapy for peritoneal dissemination, it is desired to actualize an endoscopic photothermal therapy, which is minimally invasive and is highly therapeutically effective. However, since the endoscopic tumor temperature control has not been actualized, conventional therapies could damage healthy tissues by overhearing. In this paper, we develop a thermal endoscope system that controls the..."} {"title": "Development of Deployable Bending Wrist for Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic Endoscope", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341746/", "author_list": ["Jongwoo Kim", "Thomas Looi", "Allen Newman", "James Drake", "Jongwoo Kim", "Thomas Looi", "Allen Newman", "James Drake"], "abstract": "During the last two decades, minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has become popular because it offers advantages such as less pain, faster recovery, improved cosmesis, and reduced complications. Single-port laparoscopic surgery is a form of MIS where surgeons operate exclusively through a single entry. However, the view from the rigid endoscope is often obscured by the instruments which pass through ..."} {"title": "Accurate estimation of the position and shape of the rolling joint in hyper-redundant manipulators", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341090/", "author_list": ["Jeongryul Kim", "Yonghwan Moon", "Seong-il Kwon", "Keri Kim", "Jeongryul Kim", "Yonghwan Moon", "Seong-il Kwon", "Keri Kim"], "abstract": "Hyper-redundant manipulators driven by cables are used in minimally invasive surgery because of their flexibility and small diameters. In particular, manipulators composed of many rigid links and joints have the advantages of high stiffness and payload. However, these manipulators have difficulty in estimating their positions and shapes using calculations based only on the kinematics model that as..."} {"title": "Joints-Space Metrics for Automatic Robotic Surgical Gestures Classification", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341094/", "author_list": ["Marco Bombieri", "Diego Dall'Alba", "Sanat Ramesh", "Giovanni Menegozzo", "Caitlin Schneider", "Paolo Fiorini", "Marco Bombieri", "Diego Dall'Alba", "Sanat Ramesh", "Giovanni Menegozzo", "Caitlin Schneider", "Paolo Fiorini"], "abstract": "Automated surgical gestures classification and recognition are important precursors for achieving the goal of objective evaluation of surgical skills. Many works have been done to discover and validate metrics based on the motion of instruments that can be used as features for automatic classification of surgical gestures. In this work, we present a series of angular metrics that can be used toget..."} {"title": "A Learning-Driven Framework with Spatial Optimization For Surgical Suture Thread Reconstruction and Autonomous Grasping Under Multiple Topologies and Environmental Noises", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341445/", "author_list": ["Bo Lu", "Wei Chen", "Yue-Ming Jin", "Dandan Zhang", "Qi Dou", "Henry K. Chu", "Pheng-Ann Heng", "Yun-Hui Liu", "Bo Lu", "Wei Chen", "Yue-Ming Jin", "Dandan Zhang", "Qi Dou", "Henry K. Chu", "Pheng-Ann Heng", "Yun-Hui Liu"], "abstract": "Surgical knot tying is one of the most fundamental and important procedures in surgery, and a high-quality knot can significantly benefit the postoperative recovery of the patient. However, a longtime operation may easily cause fatigue to surgeons, especially during the tedious wound closure task. In this paper, we present a vision-based method to automate the suture thread grasping, which is a su..."} {"title": "Resonating Magnetic Manipulation for 3D Path-Following and Blood Clot Removal Using a Rotating Swimmer", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340746/", "author_list": ["Julien Leclerc", "Yitong Lu", "Aaron T. Becker", "Mohamad Ghosn", "Dipan J. Shah", "Julien Leclerc", "Yitong Lu", "Aaron T. Becker", "Mohamad Ghosn", "Dipan J. Shah"], "abstract": "There are many design trade-offs when building a magnetic manipulator to control millimeter-scale rotating magnetic swimmers for surgical applications.For example, increasing the magnitude of the flux density generated by the magnetic manipulator increases the torque applied to the swimmer, which could enable performing a wider variety of surgical tasks in the future. However, producing stronger m..."} {"title": "Anticipating tumor metastasis by circulating tumor cells captured by acoustic microstreaming", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341011/", "author_list": ["Xue Bai", "Bin Song", "Dixiao Chen", "Yuguo Dai", "Lin Feng", "Fumihito Arai", "Xue Bai", "Bin Song", "Dixiao Chen", "Yuguo Dai", "Lin Feng", "Fumihito Arai"], "abstract": "Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are the primary cause of tumor metastasis after surgery. Metastatic tumor recurrence is the leading reason of cancer death. It is prerequisite to develop a platform for CTCs separation to predict the cancer cell transfer in important organs. Herein, a novel acoustic microfluidic device was designed to capture the \"true\" CTCs from the whole blood sample. The blood got..."} {"title": "An Optimized Tilt Mechanism for a New Steady-Hand Eye Robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340741/", "author_list": ["Jiahao Wu", "Gang Li", "Muller Urias", "Niravkumar A. Patel", "Yun-hui Liu", "Peter Gehlbach", "Russell H. Taylor", "Iulian Iordachita", "Jiahao Wu", "Gang Li", "Muller Urias", "Niravkumar A. Patel", "Yun-hui Liu", "Peter Gehlbach", "Russell H. Taylor", "Iulian Iordachita"], "abstract": "Robot-assisted vitreoretinal surgery can filter surgeons' hand tremors and provide safe, accurate tool manipulation. In this paper, we report the design, optimization, and evaluation of a novel tilt mechanism for a new Steady-Hand Eye Robot (SHER). The new tilt mechanism features a four-bar linkage design and has a compact structure. Its kinematic configuration is optimized to minimize the require..."} {"title": "Automated Design and Construction of a Single Incision Laparoscopic System Adapted to the Required Workspace", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341145/", "author_list": ["Sandra V. Brecht", "Johannes S. A. Voegerl", "Tim C. Lueth", "Sandra V. Brecht", "Johannes S. A. Voegerl", "Tim C. Lueth"], "abstract": "Currently, laparoscopic surgery systems are adapted for a large number of indications and patients and are therefore not optimized for one specific case. The challenge to create systems with an optimized kinematic structure for a specific patient regarding reachability and manipulability in the needed workspace is the automated design and construction process. We have developed an automated design..."} {"title": "A Novel Endoscope Design Using Spiral Technique for Robotic-Assisted Endoscopy Insertion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340975/", "author_list": ["Wei Li", "Ya-Yen Tsai", "Guang-Zhong Yang", "Benny Lo", "Wei Li", "Ya-Yen Tsai", "Guang-Zhong Yang", "Benny Lo"], "abstract": "Gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy is a conventional and prevalent procedure used to diagnose and treat diseases in the digestive tract. This procedure requires inserting an endoscope equipped with a camera and instruments inside a patient to the target of interest. To manoeuvre the endoscope, an endoscopist would rotate the knob at the handle to change the direction of the distal tip and apply the f..."} {"title": "Development of Selective Driving Joint Forceps Using Shape Memory Polymer", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340868/", "author_list": ["Katsuhiko Fukushima", "Takahiro Kanno", "Tetsuro Miyazaki", "Toshihiro Kawase", "Kenji Kawashima", "Katsuhiko Fukushima", "Takahiro Kanno", "Tetsuro Miyazaki", "Toshihiro Kawase", "Kenji Kawashima"], "abstract": "In this study, we developed a selective driving joint forceps (SDJF) for laparoscopic surgery. The SDJF has a mechanism that the driving joints can be selected arbitrarily, therefore each joint doesn't require an individual actuator for operating. The developed SDJF has six joints that can be operated using only four actuators. Each joint has 2-degrees-of-freedom (DOF) of flexion. Therefore, the S..."} {"title": "Payload optimization of surgical instruments with rolling joint mechanisms", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341318/", "author_list": ["Dong-Ho Lee", "Minho Hwang", "Joonhwan Kim", "Dong-Soo Kwon", "Dong-Ho Lee", "Minho Hwang", "Joonhwan Kim", "Dong-Soo Kwon"], "abstract": "Many surgical robots with steerable surgical instruments have been proposed for endoscopic surgery. Surgical instruments should be small in size for insertion into the body and be able to handle large payloads such as tissue. Because the overall diameter and payload parameters are a trade-off, it is difficult to design an instrument with a large payload while reducing its diameter. In this paper, ..."} {"title": "Autonomous task planning and situation awareness in robotic surgery", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341382/", "author_list": ["Michele Ginesi", "Daniele Meli", "Andrea Roberti", "Nicola Sansonetto", "Paolo Fiorini", "Michele Ginesi", "Daniele Meli", "Andrea Roberti", "Nicola Sansonetto", "Paolo Fiorini"], "abstract": "The use of robots in minimally invasive surgery has improved the quality of standard surgical procedures. So far, only the automation of simple surgical actions has been investigated by researchers, while the execution of structured tasks requiring reasoning on the environment and the choice among multiple actions is still managed by human surgeons. In this paper, we propose a framework to impleme..."} {"title": "Improving Motion Planning for Surgical Robot with Active Constraints", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341302/", "author_list": ["Hang Su", "Yingbai Hu", "Jiehao Li", "Jing Guo", "Yuan Liu", "Mengyao Li", "Alois Knoll", "Giancarlo Ferrigno", "Elena De Momi", "Hang Su", "Yingbai Hu", "Jiehao Li", "Jing Guo", "Yuan Liu", "Mengyao Li", "Alois Knoll", "Giancarlo Ferrigno", "Elena De Momi"], "abstract": "In this paper, an improved motion planning scheme is proposed for surgical robot control with multiple active constraints, including joint constraints, joint velocity constraints and remote center of motion constraints. It introduces an improved recurrent neural network (RNN) to optimize the online motion planning respect to multiple constraints. The demonstrated surgical operation trajectory is d..."} {"title": "Integrating Model Predictive Control and Dynamic Waypoints Generation for Motion Planning in Surgical Scenario", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341673/", "author_list": ["Marco Minelli", "Alessio Sozzi", "Giacomo De Rossi", "Federica Ferraguti", "Francesco Setti", "Riccardo Muradore", "Marcello Bonf\u00e8", "Cristian Secchi", "Marco Minelli", "Alessio Sozzi", "Giacomo De Rossi", "Federica Ferraguti", "Francesco Setti", "Riccardo Muradore", "Marcello Bonf\u00e8", "Cristian Secchi"], "abstract": "In this paper we present a novel strategy for motion planning of autonomous robotic arms in Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery (R-MIS). We consider a scenario where several laparoscopic tools must move and coordinate in a shared environment. The motion planner is based on a Model Predictive Controller (MPC) that predicts the future behavior of the robots and allows to move them avoiding collisions..."} {"title": "Simultaneous Trajectory Optimization and Force Control with Soft Contact Mechanics", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341030/", "author_list": ["Lasitha Wijayarathne", "Qie Sima", "Ziyi Zhou", "Ye Zhao", "Frank L. Hammond", "Lasitha Wijayarathne", "Qie Sima", "Ziyi Zhou", "Ye Zhao", "Frank L. Hammond"], "abstract": "Force modulation of robotic manipulators has been extensively studied for several decades but is not yet commonly used in safety-critical applications due to a lack of accurate interaction contact modeling and weak performance guarantees - a large proportion of them concerning the modulation of interaction forces. This study presents a high-level framework for simultaneous trajectory optimization ..."} {"title": "Towards the Development of a Robotic Transcatheter Delivery System for Mitral Valve Implant", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341551/", "author_list": ["Namrata Nayar", "Seokhwan Jeong", "Jaydev P. Desai", "Namrata Nayar", "Seokhwan Jeong", "Jaydev P. Desai"], "abstract": "Mitral regurgitation is one of the most common heart diseases caused by ventricular dysfunction or anatomic abnormality of the mitral valve. The fundamental treatment for mitral regurgitation is to repair/replace the mitral valve through open-heart surgery which is risky and requires more time to recover or through minimally invasive approaches, which have significant challenges and limitations. T..."} {"title": "Design and Modeling of a Parallel Shifted-Routing Cable-Driven Continuum Manipulator for Endometrial Regeneration Surgery", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341533/", "author_list": ["Jianhua Li", "Yuanyuan Zhou", "Jichun Tan", "Zhidong Wang", "Hao Liu", "Jianhua Li", "Yuanyuan Zhou", "Jichun Tan", "Zhidong Wang", "Hao Liu"], "abstract": "Endometrial regeneration surgery is a new therapy for intrauterine adhesion (IUA). However, existing instruments lacking dexterity and compliance are with difficulty to successfully perform the tasks of generating transplant wounds and transplanting stem cells during endometrial regeneration surgery. This paper presents a novel shifted-routing continuum manipulator which is driven by only two cabl..."} {"title": "Intermittent Insertion Control Method with Fine Needle for Adapting Lung Deformation due to Breathing Motion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340819/", "author_list": ["Ryosuke Tsumura", "Kaoru Kakima", "Hiroyasu Iwata", "Ryosuke Tsumura", "Kaoru Kakima", "Hiroyasu Iwata"], "abstract": "Fine needle insertions into a lung are challenging in terms of the needle deflection due to the breathing motion. Although previous related works neglected the effect for the needle deflection due to the breathing motion by patients stopping the breath during the insertion, they have to suffer from the discomfort. This paper proposes the intermittent insertion control method to decrease needle def..."} {"title": "Resultant Radius of Curvature of Stylet-and-Tube Steerable Needles Based on the Mechanical Properties of the Soft Tissue, and the Needle", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341734/", "author_list": ["Fan Yang", "Mahdieh Babaiasl", "Yao Chen", "Jow-Lian Ding", "John P. Swensen", "Fan Yang", "Mahdieh Babaiasl", "Yao Chen", "Jow-Lian Ding", "John P. Swensen"], "abstract": "Steerable needles have been widely researched in recent years, and they have multiple potential roles in the medical area. The flexibility and capability of avoiding obstacles allow the steerable needles to be applied in the biopsy, drug delivery and other medical applications that require a high degree of freedom and control accuracy. Radius of Curvature (ROC) of the needle while inserting in the..."} {"title": "Design of a new electroactive polymer based continuum actuator for endoscopic surgical robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341204/", "author_list": ["Q. JACQUEMIN", "Q. SUN", "D. THUAU", "E. MONTEIRO", "S. TENCE-GIRAULT", "N. MECHBAL", "Q. JACQUEMIN", "Q. SUN", "D. THUAU", "E. MONTEIRO", "S. TENCE-GIRAULT", "N. MECHBAL"], "abstract": "This paper presents a smart continuum actuator based on a promising class of materials: ElectroActive polymer (EAP). Indeed these polymers undergo dimensional change in response to an applied electrical field and could be integrated directly in an endoscopic robot structure. We focuses on one of such materials, an electrostrictive polymer, for its valuable strain performances. An analytical model ..."} {"title": "Analysis of Contact Stability and Contact Safety of a Robotic Intravascular Cardiac Catheter under Blood Flow Disturbances", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341527/", "author_list": ["Ran Hao", "Nate Lombard Poirot", "M. Cenk \u00c7avu\u015fo\u011flu", "Ran Hao", "Nate Lombard Poirot", "M. Cenk \u00c7avu\u015fo\u011flu"], "abstract": "This paper studies the contact stability and contact safety of a robotic intravascular cardiac catheter under blood flow disturbances while in contact with tissue surface. A probabilistic blood flow disturbance model, where the blood flow drag forces on the catheter body are approximated using a quasi-static model, is introduced. Using this blood flow disturbance model, probabilistic contact stabi..."} {"title": "Optimal Pose Estimation Method for a Multi-Segment, Programmable Bevel-Tip Steerable Needle", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340847/", "author_list": ["Alberto Favaro", "Riccardo Secoli", "Ferdinando Rodriguez y Baena", "Elena De Momi", "Alberto Favaro", "Riccardo Secoli", "Ferdinando Rodriguez y Baena", "Elena De Momi"], "abstract": "Needle pose tracking is fundamental to achieve a precise and safe insertion in minimally-invasive percutaneous interventions. In this work, a method for estimating the full pose of steerable needles is presented, considering a four-segment Programmable Bevel-Tip Needle (PBN) as a case study. The method estimates also the torsion of the needle that can arise during the insertion because of the inte..."} {"title": "Enhanced tracking wall: A real-time computing method for needle injection on haptic simulators", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341642/", "author_list": ["Ma. Alamilla-Daniel", "Richard Moreau", "Redarce Tanneguy", "Ma. Alamilla-Daniel", "Richard Moreau", "Redarce Tanneguy"], "abstract": "Haptic simulators can help medical students to train and improve their skills before practicing with a real patient. However, the vast majority of needle insertion haptic simulators are based on sophisticated models that are accurate but highly demanding in computing resources. Most of them do not provide haptic feedback and/or are not suitable for haptic control due to their computing time. In th..."} {"title": "Soft Tissue Simulation Environment to Learn Manipulation Tasks in Autonomous Robotic Surgery", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341710/", "author_list": ["Eleonora Tagliabue", "Ameya Pore", "Diego Dall\u2019Alba", "Enrico Magnabosco", "Marco Piccinelli", "Paolo Fiorini", "Eleonora Tagliabue", "Ameya Pore", "Diego Dall\u2019Alba", "Enrico Magnabosco", "Marco Piccinelli", "Paolo Fiorini"], "abstract": "Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods have demonstrated promising results for the automation of subtasks in surgical robotic systems. Since many trial and error attempts are required to learn the optimal control policy, RL agent training can be performed in simulation and the learned behavior can be then deployed in real environments. In this work, we introduce an open-source simulation environment ..."} {"title": "Anatomical Mesh-Based Virtual Fixtures for Surgical Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341590/", "author_list": ["Zhaoshuo Li", "Alex Gordon", "Thomas Looi", "James Drake", "Christopher Forrest", "Russell H. Taylor", "Zhaoshuo Li", "Alex Gordon", "Thomas Looi", "James Drake", "Christopher Forrest", "Russell H. Taylor"], "abstract": "This paper presents a dynamic constraint formulation to provide protective virtual fixtures of 3D anatomical structures from polygon mesh representations. The proposed approach can anisotropically limit the tool motion of surgical robots without any assumption of the local anatomical shape close to the tool. Using a bounded search strategy and Principle Directed tree, the proposed system can run e..."} {"title": "Auditory Feedback Effectiveness for Enabling Safe Sclera Force in Robot-Assisted Vitreoretinal Surgery: a Multi-User Study", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341350/", "author_list": ["Ali Ebrahimi", "Marina Roizenblatt", "Niravkumar Patel", "Peter Gehlbach", "Iulian Iordachita", "Ali Ebrahimi", "Marina Roizenblatt", "Niravkumar Patel", "Peter Gehlbach", "Iulian Iordachita"], "abstract": "Robot-assisted retinal surgery has become increasingly prevalent in recent years in part due to the potential for robots to help surgeons improve the safety of an immensely delicate and difficult set of tasks. The integration of robots into retinal surgery has resulted in diminished surgeon perception of tool-to-tissue interaction forces due to robot's stiffness. The tactile perception of these in..."} {"title": "FlexiVision: Teleporting the Surgeon\u2019s Eyes via Robotic Flexible Endoscope and Head-Mounted Display", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340716/", "author_list": ["Long Qian", "Chengzhi Song", "Yiwei Jiang", "Qi Luo", "Xin Ma", "Philip Waiyan Chiu", "Zheng Li", "Peter Kazanzides", "Long Qian", "Chengzhi Song", "Yiwei Jiang", "Qi Luo", "Xin Ma", "Philip Waiyan Chiu", "Zheng Li", "Peter Kazanzides"], "abstract": "A flexible endoscope introduces more dexterity to the image capturing in endoscopic surgery. However, manual control or automatic control based on instrument tracking does not handle the misorientation between the endoscopic video and the surgeon. We propose an automatic flexible endoscope control method that tracks the surgeon's head with respect to the object in the surgical scene. The robotic f..."} {"title": "An Obstacle-crossing Strategy Based on the Fast Self-reconfiguration for Modular Sphere Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341162/", "author_list": ["Haobo Luo", "Ming Li", "Guangqi Liang", "Huihuan Qian", "Tin Lun Lam", "Haobo Luo", "Ming Li", "Guangqi Liang", "Huihuan Qian", "Tin Lun Lam"], "abstract": "This paper introduces an obstacle-crossing strategy, and the self-reconfiguration algorithm for a new class of modular robots called the rolling sphere, which can fit obstacles represented by cubes of different sizes due to the chain connection of multiple spheres. For the self-reconfiguration of the rolling spheres, a large gradient is obtained by classifying its action types and hierarchically m..."} {"title": "A Unique Identifier Assignment Method for Distributed Modular Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341515/", "author_list": ["Joseph Assaker", "Abdallah Makhoul", "Julien Bourgeois", "Jacques Demerjian", "Joseph Assaker", "Abdallah Makhoul", "Julien Bourgeois", "Jacques Demerjian"], "abstract": "Modular robots are autonomous systems with variable morphology, composed of independent connected computational elements, called particles or modules. Due to critical resource constraints and limited capabilities, globally unique identifier (ID) assignment to each particle is a very challenging task in modular robots. However, having a unique ID in each one remains essential for various operations..."} {"title": "Self-reconfiguration planning of adaptive modular robots with triangular structure based on extended binary trees", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341300/", "author_list": ["Michael Gerbl", "Johannes Gerstmayr", "Michael Gerbl", "Johannes Gerstmayr"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present a novel description for the configuration space of adaptive modular robots with a triangular structure based on extended binary trees. In general, binary trees can serve as a representation of kinematic trees with a maximum of two immediate descendants per element. Kinematic loops are incorporated in the tree structure by an ingenious extension of the binary tree indices...."} {"title": "Linear Distributed Clustering Algorithm for Modular Robots Based Programmable Matter", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341032/", "author_list": ["Jad Bassil", "Mohamad Moussa", "Abdallah Makhoul", "Beno\u00eet Piranda", "Julien Bourgeois", "Jad Bassil", "Mohamad Moussa", "Abdallah Makhoul", "Beno\u00eet Piranda", "Julien Bourgeois"], "abstract": "Modular robots are defined as autonomous kinematic machines with variable morphology. They are composed of several thousands or even millions of modules which are able to coordinate in order to behave intelligently. Clustering the modules in modular robots has many benefits, including scalability, energy-efficiency, reducing communication delay and improving the self-configuration processes that f..."} {"title": "Magnetically Programmable Cuboids for 2D Locomotion and Collaborative Assembly", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341022/", "author_list": ["Louis William Rogowski", "Anuruddha Bhattacharjee", "Xiao Zhang", "Gokhan Kararsiz", "Henry C. Fu", "Min Jun Kim", "Louis William Rogowski", "Anuruddha Bhattacharjee", "Xiao Zhang", "Gokhan Kararsiz", "Henry C. Fu", "Min Jun Kim"], "abstract": "The modular assembly and actuation of 3D printed milliscale cuboid robots using a globally applied magnetic field is presented. Cuboids are composed of a rectangular resin shell embedded with two spherical permanent magnets that can independently align with any applied magnetic field. Placing cuboids within short distances of each other allows for modular assembly and disassembly by changing magne..."} {"title": "An untethered soft cellular robot with variable volume, friction, and unit-to-unit cohesion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341351/", "author_list": ["Matthew R. Devlin", "Brad T. Young", "Nicholas D. Naclerio", "David A. Haggerty", "Elliot W. Hawkes", "Matthew R. Devlin", "Brad T. Young", "Nicholas D. Naclerio", "David A. Haggerty", "Elliot W. Hawkes"], "abstract": "A fundamental challenge in the field of modular and collective robots is balancing the trade-off between unit-level simplicity, which allows scalability, and unit-level functionality, which allows meaningful behaviors of the collective. At the same time, a challenge in the field of soft robotics is creating untethered systems, especially at a large scale with many controlled degrees of freedom (DO..."} {"title": "FireAnt3D: a 3D self-climbing robot towards non-latticed robotic self-assembly", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341116/", "author_list": ["Petras Swissler", "Michael Rubenstein", "Petras Swissler", "Michael Rubenstein"], "abstract": "Robotic self-assembly allows robots to join to form useful, on-demand structures. Unfortunately, the methods employed by most self-assembling robotic swarms compromise this promise of adaptability through their use of fixed docking locations, which impair a swarm's ability to handle imperfections in the structural lattice resulting from load deflection or imperfect robot manufacture; these concern..."} {"title": "Bayesian Particles on Cyclic Graphs", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341061/", "author_list": ["Ana Pervan", "Todd D. Murphey", "Ana Pervan", "Todd D. Murphey"], "abstract": "We consider the problem of designing synthetic cells to achieve a complex goal (e.g., mimicking the immune system by seeking invaders) in a complex environment (e.g., the circulatory system), where they might have to change their control policy, communicate with each other, and deal with stochasticity including false positives and negatives-all with minimal capabilities and only a few bits of memo..."} {"title": "Mechanical Design and Preliminary Performance Evaluation of a Passive Arm-support Exoskeleton", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341290/", "author_list": ["Zihao Du", "Zefeng Yan", "Tiantian Huang", "Zhengguang Zhang", "Ziquan Zhang", "Ou Bai", "Qin Huang", "Bin Han", "Zihao Du", "Zefeng Yan", "Tiantian Huang", "Zhengguang Zhang", "Ziquan Zhang", "Ou Bai", "Qin Huang", "Bin Han"], "abstract": "In this study, a passive arm-support exoskeleton was designed to provide assistive aid for manufacturing workers. The exoskeleton has two operating states which can be altered using an unique ratchet bar mechanism with two blocks fixed on the ratchet bar. When the upper arm is elevated to the highest poiont, the pawl module will touch the lower block to allow the pawl separated, so that the arm ca..."} {"title": "Analysis, Development and Evaluation of Electro-Hydrostatic Technology for Lower Limb Prostheses Applications", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341512/", "author_list": ["Federico Tessari", "Renato Galluzzi", "Andrea Tonoli", "Nicola Amati", "Matteo Laffranchi", "Lorenzo De Michieli", "Federico Tessari", "Renato Galluzzi", "Andrea Tonoli", "Nicola Amati", "Matteo Laffranchi", "Lorenzo De Michieli"], "abstract": "This paper presents electro-hydrostatic actuation as a valid substitute of electro-mechanical devices for powered knee prostheses. The work covers the design of a test rig exploiting linear electro-hydrostatic actuation. Typical control laws for prosthesis actuators are discussed, implemented and validated experimentally. Particularly, this work focuses on position and admittance control syntheses..."} {"title": "On the use of (lockable) parallel elasticity in active prosthetic ankles", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341679/", "author_list": ["Joost Geeroms", "Louis Flynn", "Vincent Ducastel", "Bram Vanderborght", "Dirk Lefeber", "Joost Geeroms", "Louis Flynn", "Vincent Ducastel", "Bram Vanderborght", "Dirk Lefeber"], "abstract": "New challenges arise when investigating the use of active prostheses for lower limb replacement, such as high motor power requirements, leading to increased weight and reduced autonomy. Series and parallel elasticity are often explored to reduce the necessary motor power but often the effect on the energy consumption of the prosthesis is not directly investigated, as the mechanical power propertie..."} {"title": "Operational Space Formulation and Inverse Kinematics for an Arm Exoskeleton with Scapula Rotation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341307/", "author_list": ["Craig Carignan", "Daniil Gribok", "Tuvia Rappaport", "Natalie Condzal", "Craig Carignan", "Daniil Gribok", "Tuvia Rappaport", "Natalie Condzal"], "abstract": "The operational space of an 8-axis arm exoskeleton is partitioned into \"tasks\" based on the human arm motion, and a task priority approach is implemented to perform the inverse kinematics. The tasks are prioritized in the event that singularities or other constraints such as joint limits render the full desired operational space infeasible. The task reconstruction method is used to circumvent sing..."} {"title": "Kinematic Optimization of an Underactuated Anthropomorphic Prosthetic Hand", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341640/", "author_list": ["Ann Marie Votta", "Sezen Ya\u011fmur G\u00fcnay", "Brian Zylich", "Erik Skorina", "Raagini Rameshwar", "Deniz Erdo\u011fmu\u015f", "Cagdas D. Onal", "Ann Marie Votta", "Sezen Ya\u011fmur G\u00fcnay", "Brian Zylich", "Erik Skorina", "Raagini Rameshwar", "Deniz Erdo\u011fmu\u015f", "Cagdas D. Onal"], "abstract": "The human hand serves as an inspiration for robotic grippers. However, the dimensions of the human hand evolved under a different set of constraints and requirements than that of robots today. This paper discusses a method of kinematically optimizing the design of an anthropomorphic robotic hand. We focus on maximizing the workspace intersection of the thumb and the other fingers as well as maximi..."} {"title": "A Novel Inverse Kinematics Method for Upper-Limb Exoskeleton under Joint Coordination Constraints", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341686/", "author_list": ["Stefano Dalla Gasperina", "Keya Ghonasgi", "Ana C. de Oliveira", "Marta Gandolla", "Alessandra Pedrocchi", "Ashish Deshpande", "Stefano Dalla Gasperina", "Keya Ghonasgi", "Ana C. de Oliveira", "Marta Gandolla", "Alessandra Pedrocchi", "Ashish Deshpande"], "abstract": "In this study, we address the inverse kinematics problem for an upper-limb exoskeleton by presenting a novel method that guarantees the satisfaction of joint-space constraints, and solves closed-chain mechanisms in a serial robot configuration. Starting from the conventional differential kinematics method based on the inversion of the Jacobian matrix, we describe and test two improved algorithms b..."} {"title": "Adaptive Gait Pattern Generation of a Powered Exoskeleton by Iterative Learning of Human Behavior", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340920/", "author_list": ["Kyeong-Won Park", "Jeongsu Park", "Jungsu Choi", "Kyoungchul Kong", "Kyeong-Won Park", "Jeongsu Park", "Jungsu Choi", "Kyoungchul Kong"], "abstract": "Several powered exoskeletons have been developed and commercialized to assist people with complete spinal cord injury. For motion control of a powered exoskeleton, a normal gait pattern is often applied as a reference. However, the physical ability of paraplegics and the degrees of freedom of powered exoskeletons are totally different from those of people without disabilities. Therefore, this pape..."} {"title": "Gait Training Robot with Intermittent Force Application based on Prediction of Minimum Toe Clearance", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341418/", "author_list": ["Tamon Miyake", "Masakatsu G Fujie", "Shigeki Sugano", "Tamon Miyake", "Masakatsu G Fujie", "Shigeki Sugano"], "abstract": "Adaptive assistance of gait training robots has been determined to improve gait performance through motion assistance. An important control role during walking is to avoid tripping by controlling minimum toe clearance (MTC), which is an indicator of tripping risk, to avoid its decrease among gait cycles. No conventional gait training robots can adjust assistance timing based on MTC. In this paper,..."} {"title": "Human Preference-Based Learning for High-dimensional Optimization of Exoskeleton Walking Gaits", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341416/", "author_list": ["Maegan Tucker", "Myra Cheng", "Ellen Novoseller", "Richard Cheng", "Yisong Yue", "Joel W. Burdick", "Aaron D. Ames", "Maegan Tucker", "Myra Cheng", "Ellen Novoseller", "Richard Cheng", "Yisong Yue", "Joel W. Burdick", "Aaron D. Ames"], "abstract": "Optimizing lower-body exoskeleton walking gaits for user comfort requires understanding users' preferences over a high-dimensional gait parameter space. However, existing preference-based learning methods have only explored low-dimensional domains due to computational limitations. To learn user preferences in high dimensions, this work presents LINECOSPAR, a human-in-the-loop preference-based fram..."} {"title": "The personalization of stiffness for an ankle-foot prosthesis emulator using Human-in-the-loop optimization", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341101/", "author_list": ["Tin-Chun Wen", "Michael Jacobson", "Xingyuan Zhou", "Hyun-Joon Chung", "Myunghee Kim", "Tin-Chun Wen", "Michael Jacobson", "Xingyuan Zhou", "Hyun-Joon Chung", "Myunghee Kim"], "abstract": "Evidence suggests that the metabolic cost associated with the locomotive activity of walking is dependent upon ankle stiffness. This stiffness can be a control parameter in an ankle-foot prosthesis. Considering unique physical interaction between each individual with below-knee amputation and robotic ankle-foot prosthesis, individually tuned stiffness in a robotic ankle-foot prosthesis may improve..."} {"title": "Improving Low-Level Control of the Exoskeleton Atalante in Single Support by Compensating Joint Flexibility", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340900/", "author_list": ["Matthieu Vigne", "Antonio El Khoury", "Florent Di Meglio", "Nicolas Petit", "Matthieu Vigne", "Antonio El Khoury", "Florent Di Meglio", "Nicolas Petit"], "abstract": "This paper describes a novel low-level controller for the lower-limb exoskeleton Atalante. The controller implemented on the commercialized product Atalante works under the assumption of full rigidity, performing position control through decentralized joint PIDs. However, this controller is unable to tackle the presence of flexibilities in the system, which cause static errors and undesired oscill..."} {"title": "Application of Interacting Models to Estimate the Gait Speed of an Exoskeleton User", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341110/", "author_list": ["Roopak M. Karulkar", "Patrick M. Wensing", "Roopak M. Karulkar", "Patrick M. Wensing"], "abstract": "This paper outlines steps toward a framework for model-based user intent detection to enable fluent human-robot interaction in assistive exoskeletons. An interacting multi-model (IMM) estimation scheme is presented to address state estimation for lower-extremity exoskeletons and to handle their hybrid dynamics. The proposed IMM scheme includes new approaches that enable it to estimate states of hy..."} {"title": "A New Delayless Adaptive Oscillator for Gait Assistance", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341375/", "author_list": ["Tao Xue", "Ziwei Wang", "Tao Zhang", "Ou Bai", "Meng Zhang", "Bin Han", "Tao Xue", "Ziwei Wang", "Tao Zhang", "Ou Bai", "Meng Zhang", "Bin Han"], "abstract": "To obtain synchronized gait assistance, this paper presents a new delayless adaptive dual-oscillator (ADO) scheme to address the inherent delay issue. In the ADO structure, a new oscillator is coupled with the primitive one but the phase is adaptively feed-forward compensated. It\u2019s remarkable that the compensated phase is determined by the proposed extended phase lag observer, in which both the ph..."} {"title": "Walking Human Trajectory Models and Their Application to Humanoid Robot Locomotion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341118/", "author_list": ["I. Maroger", "O. Stasse", "B. Watier", "I. Maroger", "O. Stasse", "B. Watier"], "abstract": "In order to fluidly perform complex tasks in collaboration with a human being, such as table handling, a humanoid robot has to recognize and adapt to human movements. To achieve such goals, a realistic model of the human locomotion that is computable on a robot is needed. In this paper, we focus on making a humanoid robot follow a human-like locomotion path. We mainly present two models of human w..."} {"title": "Robust Gait Synthesis Combining Constrained Optimization and Imitation Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341146/", "author_list": ["Jiatao Ding", "Xiaohui Xiao", "Nikos Tsagarakis", "Yanlong Huang", "Jiatao Ding", "Xiaohui Xiao", "Nikos Tsagarakis", "Yanlong Huang"], "abstract": "Despite plenty of motion planning strategies have been proposed for bipedal locomotion, enhancing the walking robustness in real-world environments is still an open question. This paper focuses on robust body and leg trajectories synthesis through integrating constrained optimization with imitation learning. Specifically, we first propose a Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programming (QCQP) al..."} {"title": "Core-centered Actuation for Biped Locomotion of Humanoid Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341364/", "author_list": ["Caleb Fuller", "Umer Huzaifa", "Amy LaViers", "Joshua Schultz", "Caleb Fuller", "Umer Huzaifa", "Amy LaViers", "Joshua Schultz"], "abstract": "In this paper we examine a novel method of core-located actuation that we believe can be used to vary gaits in a compass-gait walker, using critical analysis of a ball-in-tray mechanism to apply forces at the robot's \"pelvis\". The dynamic equations of motion of a tilting ball-tray system with several design parameters are developed and simulated for various tray designs. Results show that changes ..."} {"title": "Design and Control of SLIDER: An Ultra-lightweight, Knee-less, Low-cost Bipedal Walking Robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341143/", "author_list": ["Ke Wang", "David Marsh", "Roni Permana Saputra", "Digby Chappell", "Zhonghe Jiang", "Akshay Raut", "Bethany Kon", "Petar Kormushev", "Ke Wang", "David Marsh", "Roni Permana Saputra", "Digby Chappell", "Zhonghe Jiang", "Akshay Raut", "Bethany Kon", "Petar Kormushev"], "abstract": "Most state-of-the-art bipedal robots are designed to be anthropomorphic and therefore possess legs with knees. Whilst this facilitates more human-like locomotion, there are implementation issues that make walking with straight or near-straight legs difficult. Most bipedal robots have to move with a constant bend in the legs to avoid singularities at the knee joints, and to keep the centre of mass ..."} {"title": "Stable Crawling Policy for Wearable SuperLimbs Attached to a Human with Tuned Impedance", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341461/", "author_list": ["Phillip H. Daniel", "Harry H. Asada", "Phillip H. Daniel", "Harry H. Asada"], "abstract": "A control algorithm that allows a human model to crawl using a pair of supernumerary robotic limbs (SuperLimbs) is presented. The human model and SuperLimbs are coupled by a compliant harness. This work is inspired by the need for wearable robotic systems that can support workers engaged in fatiguing tasks. The walking policy is developed based on Lyapunov analysis. The volume of the region of att..."} {"title": "Lyapunov-based Approach to Reactive Step Generation for Push Recovery of Biped Robots via Hybrid Tracking Control of DCM", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341319/", "author_list": ["Gyunghoon Park", "Jung Hoon Kim", "Joonhee Jo", "Yonghwan Oh", "Gyunghoon Park", "Jung Hoon Kim", "Joonhee Jo", "Yonghwan Oh"], "abstract": "This paper addresses reactive generation of step time and location of biped robots for balance recovery against a severe push. Key idea is to reformulate the balance recovery problem into a tracking problem for \"hybrid\" inverted pendulum model of the biped, where taking a new step implicitly yields a discrete jump of the tracking error. This interpretation offers a Lyapunov-based approach to react..."} {"title": "Sequential Motion Planning for Bipedal Somersault via Flywheel SLIP and Momentum Transmission with Task Space Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341467/", "author_list": ["Xiaobin Xiong", "Aaron D. Ames", "Xiaobin Xiong", "Aaron D. Ames"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present a sequential motion planning and control method for generating somersaults on bipedal robots. The somersault (backflip or frontflip) is considered as a coupling between an axile hopping motion and a rotational motion about the center of mass of the robot; these are encoded by a hopping Spring-loaded Inverted Pendulum (SLIP) model and the rotation of a Flywheel, respective..."} {"title": "A Compliance Control Method Based on Viscoelastic Model for Position-Controlled Humanoid Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340831/", "author_list": ["Qingqing Li", "Zhangguo Yu", "Xuechao Chen", "Libo Meng", "Qiang Huang", "Chenglong Fu", "Ken Chen", "Chunjing Tao", "Qingqing Li", "Zhangguo Yu", "Xuechao Chen", "Libo Meng", "Qiang Huang", "Chenglong Fu", "Ken Chen", "Chunjing Tao"], "abstract": "Compliance is important for humanoid robots, especially a position-controlled one, to perform tasks in complicated environments where unexpected or sudden contacts will result in large impacts which may cause instability or destroy the hardware of robots. This paper presents a compliance control method based on viscoelastic model for humanoid robots to survive on these conditions. The viscoelastic..."} {"title": "Impedance Control of Humanoid Walking on Uneven Terrain With Centroidal Momentum Dynamics Using Quadratic Programming", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340799/", "author_list": ["Joonhee Jo", "Yonghwan Oh", "Joonhee Jo", "Yonghwan Oh"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose the stabilization strategy for a soft landing in a biped walking using impedance control and the optimization-based whole-body control framework. Even though proper contact forces and desired trajectories of the robot are given, the robot can be unstable easily if unexpected forces are applied to the robot or impulsive contact force is produced in the landing state while ..."} {"title": "Vision-based Belt Manipulation by Humanoid Robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341174/", "author_list": ["Yili Qin", "Adrien Escande", "Arnaud Tanguy", "Eiichi Yoshida", "Yili Qin", "Adrien Escande", "Arnaud Tanguy", "Eiichi Yoshida"], "abstract": "Deformable objects are very common around us in our daily life. Because they have infinitely many degrees of freedom, they present a challenging problem in robotics. Inspired by practical industrial applications, we present in this paper our research on using a humanoid robot to take a long, thin and flexible belt out of a bobbin and pick up the bending part of the belt from the ground. By proposi..."} {"title": "Enabling Remote Whole-Body Control with 5G Edge Computing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341113/", "author_list": ["Huaijiang Zhu", "Manali Sharma", "Kai Pfeiffer", "Marco Mezzavilla", "Jia Shen", "Sundeep Rangan", "Ludovic Righetti", "Huaijiang Zhu", "Manali Sharma", "Kai Pfeiffer", "Marco Mezzavilla", "Jia Shen", "Sundeep Rangan", "Ludovic Righetti"], "abstract": "Real-world applications require light-weight, energy-efficient, fully autonomous robots. Yet, increasing autonomy is oftentimes synonymous with escalating computational requirements. It might thus be desirable to offload intensive computation\u2014not only sensing and planning, but also low-level whole-body control\u2014to remote servers in order to reduce on-board computational needs. Fifth Generation (5G)..."} {"title": "Exceeding the Maximum Speed Limit of the Joint Angle for the Redundant Tendon-driven Structures of Musculoskeletal Humanoids", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341510/", "author_list": ["Kento Kawaharazuka", "Yuya Koga", "Kei Tsuzuki", "Moritaka Onitsuka", "Yuki Asano", "Kei Okada", "Koji Kawasaki", "Masayuki Inaba", "Kento Kawaharazuka", "Yuya Koga", "Kei Tsuzuki", "Moritaka Onitsuka", "Yuki Asano", "Kei Okada", "Koji Kawasaki", "Masayuki Inaba"], "abstract": "The musculoskeletal humanoid has various biomimetic benefits, and the redundant muscle arrangement is one of its most important characteristics. This redundancy can achieve fail-safe redundant actuation and variable stiffness control. However, there is a problem that the maximum joint angle velocity is limited by the slowest muscle among the redundant muscles. In this study, we propose two methods..."} {"title": "Three-Dimensional Posture Optimization for Biped Robot Stepping over Large Ditch Based on a Ducted-Fan Propulsion System", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340714/", "author_list": ["Zhifeng Huang", "Zijun Wang", "Jiapeng Wei", "Jingtao Yu", "Yuhao Zhou", "Pihao Lao", "Xiaoliang Huang", "Xuexi Zhang", "Yun Zhang", "Zhifeng Huang", "Zijun Wang", "Jiapeng Wei", "Jingtao Yu", "Yuhao Zhou", "Pihao Lao", "Xiaoliang Huang", "Xuexi Zhang", "Yun Zhang"], "abstract": "The recent progress of an ongoing project utilizing a ducted-fan propulsion system to improve a humanoid robot's ability to step over large ditches is reported. A novel method (GAS) based on the genetic algorithm with smoothness constraint can effectively minimize the thrust by optimizing the robot's posture during 3D stepping. The significant advantage of the method is that it can realize the con..."} {"title": "Applications of Stretch Reflex for the Upper Limb of Musculoskeletal Humanoids: Protective Behavior, Postural Stability, and Active Induction", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341488/", "author_list": ["Kento Kawaharazuka", "Yuya Koga", "Kei Tsuzuki", "Moritaka Onitsuka", "Yuki Asano", "Kei Okada", "Koji Kawasaki", "Masayuki Inaba", "Kento Kawaharazuka", "Yuya Koga", "Kei Tsuzuki", "Moritaka Onitsuka", "Yuki Asano", "Kei Okada", "Koji Kawasaki", "Masayuki Inaba"], "abstract": "The musculoskeletal humanoid has various biomimetic benefits, and it is important that we can embed and evaluate human reflexes in the actual robot. Although stretch reflex has been implemented in lower limbs of musculoskeletal humanoids, we apply it to the upper limb to discover its useful applications. We consider the implementation of stretch reflex in the actual robot, its active/passive appli..."} {"title": "Fast Tennis Swing Motion by Ball Trajectory Prediction and Joint Trajectory Modification in Standalone Humanoid Robot Real-time System", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341796/", "author_list": ["Mirai Hattori", "Kunio Kojima", "Shintaro Noda", "Fumihito Sugai", "Yohei Kakiuchi", "Kei Okada", "Masayuki Inaba", "Mirai Hattori", "Kunio Kojima", "Shintaro Noda", "Fumihito Sugai", "Yohei Kakiuchi", "Kei Okada", "Masayuki Inaba"], "abstract": "In this work, we propose a system for humanoid robot fast motions. When a humanoid robot performs a motion such as a tennis forehand stroke motion, a whole-body fast motion in reaction to visual information is required. There are three problems to tackle. (1) Motion is desired to be quick. (2) Real-time visual processing considering visual noises is needed. (3) Real-time joint angle modification w..."} {"title": "A Momentum-Based Foot Placement Strategy for Stable Postural Control of Robotic Spring-Mass Running with Point Feet", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340980/", "author_list": ["Gorkem Secer", "Ali Levent Cinar", "Gorkem Secer", "Ali Levent Cinar"], "abstract": "A long-standing argument in model-based control of locomotion is about the level of complexity that a model should have to define a behavior such as running. Even though a goldilocks model based on biomechanical evidence is often sought, it is unclear what level of complexity qualifies to be such a model. This dilemma deepens further for bipedal robotic running with point feet, since these robots ..."} {"title": "Nonlinear model predictive control of hopping model using approximate step-to-step models for navigation on complex terrain", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340791/", "author_list": ["Ali Zamani", "Pranav A. Bhounsule", "Ali Zamani", "Pranav A. Bhounsule"], "abstract": "We consider the motion planning problem of a hopper navigating a terrain comprising stepping stones while optimizing an energy metric. The most widely used approach of discrete searches (e.g., A-star) cannot handle boundary conditions (e.g., end path constraints on position, velocity). However, continuous optimizations can easily deal with the boundary value problem but are not widely used in moti..."} {"title": "Risk-constrained Motion Planning for Robot Locomotion: Formulation and Running Robot Demonstration", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340810/", "author_list": ["Jacob Hackett", "Wei Gao", "Monica Daley", "Jonathan Clark", "Christian Hubicki", "Jacob Hackett", "Wei Gao", "Monica Daley", "Jonathan Clark", "Christian Hubicki"], "abstract": "Robots encounter many risks that threaten the success of practical locomotion tasks. Legs break, electrical components overheat, and feet can unexpectedly slip. When all risks cannot be completely avoided, how does a robot decide its best action? We present a method for planning robot motions by reasoning about risk-of-failure probabilities instead of applying cost-penalty functions or inflexible ..."} {"title": "Evaluating the Efficacy of Parallel Elastic Actuators on High-Speed, Variable Stiffness Running", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341263/", "author_list": ["John V. Nicholson", "Sean Gart", "Jason Pusey", "Jonathan E. Clark", "John V. Nicholson", "Sean Gart", "Jason Pusey", "Jonathan E. Clark"], "abstract": "Although they take many forms, legged robots rely upon springs to achieve high speed, dynamic locomotion. In this paper we examine the effect of adding parallel springs to robots that rely on virtual compliance. Specifically, we consider the trade-off between energetic efficiency and leg versatility that comes while using Parallel Elastic Actuators (PEAs). To do this, we vary the ratio of physical..."} {"title": "Line Walking and Balancing for Legged Robots with Point Feet", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341743/", "author_list": ["Carlos Gonzalez", "Victor Barasuol", "Marco Frigerio", "Roy Featherstone", "Darwin G. Caldwell", "Claudio Semini", "Carlos Gonzalez", "Victor Barasuol", "Marco Frigerio", "Roy Featherstone", "Darwin G. Caldwell", "Claudio Semini"], "abstract": "The ability of legged systems to traverse highly- constrained environments depends by and large on the performance of their motion and balance controllers. This paper presents a controller that excels in a scenario that most state- of-the-art balance controllers have not yet addressed: line walking, or walking on nearly null support regions. Our approach uses a low-dimensional virtual model (2-DoF..."} {"title": "Haptic Sequential Monte Carlo Localization for Quadrupedal Locomotion in Vision-Denied Scenarios", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341128/", "author_list": ["Russell Buchanan", "Marco Camurri", "Maurice Fallon", "Russell Buchanan", "Marco Camurri", "Maurice Fallon"], "abstract": "Continuous robot operation in extreme scenarios such as underground mines or sewers is difficult because exteroceptive sensors may fail due to fog, darkness, dirt or malfunction. So as to enable autonomous navigation in these kinds of situations, we have developed a type of proprioceptive localization which exploits the foot contacts made by a quadruped robot to localize against a prior map of an ..."} {"title": "Robust Autonomous Navigation of a Small-Scale Quadruped Robot in Real-World Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340701/", "author_list": ["Thomas Dudzik", "Matthew Chignoli", "Gerardo Bledt", "Bryan Lim", "Adam Miller", "Donghyun Kim", "Sangbae Kim", "Thomas Dudzik", "Matthew Chignoli", "Gerardo Bledt", "Bryan Lim", "Adam Miller", "Donghyun Kim", "Sangbae Kim"], "abstract": "Animal-level agility and robustness in robots cannot be accomplished by solely relying on blind locomotion controllers. A significant portion of a robot\u2019s ability to traverse terrain comes from reacting to the external world through visual sensing. However, embedding the sensors and compute that provide sufficient accuracy at high speeds is challenging, especially if the robot has significant spac..."} {"title": "Rapid Bipedal Gait Optimization in CasADi", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341586/", "author_list": ["Martin Fevre", "Patrick M. Wensing", "James P. Schmiedeler", "Martin Fevre", "Patrick M. Wensing", "James P. Schmiedeler"], "abstract": "This paper shows how CasADi\u2019s state-of-the-art implementation of algorithmic differentiation can be leveraged to formulate and efficiently solve gait optimization problems, enabling rapid gait design for high-dimensional biped robots. Comparative studies on a 7-DOF planar biped show that CasADi generates optimal gaits 4 times faster than another existing advanced optimization package. The framewor..."} {"title": "Optimisation of Body-ground Contact for Augmenting the Whole-Body Loco-manipulation of Quadruped Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341498/", "author_list": ["Wouter J. Wolfslag", "Christopher McGreavy", "Guiyang Xin", "Carlo Tiseo", "Sethu Vijayakumar", "Zhibin Li", "Wouter J. Wolfslag", "Christopher McGreavy", "Guiyang Xin", "Carlo Tiseo", "Sethu Vijayakumar", "Zhibin Li"], "abstract": "Legged robots have great potential to perform complex loco-manipulation tasks, yet it is challenging to keep the robot balanced while it interacts with the environment. In this paper we investigated the use of additional contact points for maximising the robustness of loco-manipulation motions. Specifically, body-ground contact was studied for its ability to enhance robustness and manipulation cap..."} {"title": "Development of a Running Hexapod Robot with Differentiated Front and Hind Leg Morphology and Functionality", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340811/", "author_list": ["Jia-Ruei Chiu", "Yu-Chih Huang", "Hui-Ching Chen", "Kuan-Yu Tseng", "Pei-Chun Lin", "Jia-Ruei Chiu", "Yu-Chih Huang", "Hui-Ching Chen", "Kuan-Yu Tseng", "Pei-Chun Lin"], "abstract": "This article introduces an innovative model-based strategy for designing a legged robot to generate animal-like running dynamics with differentiated leg braking and thrusting force patterns. Linear springs were utilized as legs, but instead of having one end of each spring connected directly to the hip joint, one extra bar was added to offset the spring's direction. The robot's front and hind legs..."} {"title": "Ultra Low-Cost Printable Folding Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340756/", "author_list": ["Saul Schaffer", "Emily Wang", "Nathan Cooper", "Bo Li", "Zeynep Temel", "Ozan Akkus", "Victoria A. Webster-Wood", "Saul Schaffer", "Emily Wang", "Nathan Cooper", "Bo Li", "Zeynep Temel", "Ozan Akkus", "Victoria A. Webster-Wood"], "abstract": "Current techniques in robot design and fabrication are time consuming and costly. Robot designs are needed that facilitate low-cost fabrication techniques and reduce the design to production timeline. Here we present an axial-rotational coupled metastructure that can serve as the functional core of a low-cost 3D printed walking robot. Using an origami-inspired assembly technique, the axial-rotatio..."} {"title": "Knuckles that buckle: compliant underactuated limbs with joint hysteresis enable minimalist terrestrial robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341618/", "author_list": ["Mingsong Jiang", "Rongzichen Song", "Nick Gravish", "Mingsong Jiang", "Rongzichen Song", "Nick Gravish"], "abstract": "Underactuated designs of robot limbs can enable these systems to passively adapt their joint configuration in response to external forces. Passive adaptation and reconfiguration can be extremely beneficial in situations where manipulation or locomotion with complex substrates is required. A common design for underactuated systems often involves a single tendon that actuates multiple rotational joi..."} {"title": "Animated Cassie: A Dynamic Relatable Robotic Character", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340894/", "author_list": ["Zhongyu Li", "Christine Cummings", "Koushil Sreenath", "Zhongyu Li", "Christine Cummings", "Koushil Sreenath"], "abstract": "Creating robots with emotional personalities will transform the usability of robots in the real-world. As previous emotive social robots are mostly based on statically stable robots whose mobility is limited, this paper develops an animation to real-world pipeline that enables dynamic bipedal robots that can twist, wiggle, and walk to behave with emotions. First, an animation method is introduced ..."} {"title": "Drive-Train Design in JAXON3-P and Realization of Jump Motions: Impact Mitigation and Force Control Performance for Dynamic Motions", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341217/", "author_list": ["Kunio Kojima", "Yuta Kojio", "Tatsuya Ishikawa", "Fumihito Sugai", "Yohei Kakiuchi", "Kei Okada", "Masayuki Inaba", "Kunio Kojima", "Yuta Kojio", "Tatsuya Ishikawa", "Fumihito Sugai", "Yohei Kakiuchi", "Kei Okada", "Masayuki Inaba"], "abstract": "For mitigating joint impact torques, researchers have reduced joint stiffness by series elastic actuators, reflected inertia by low gear ratios, and friction torque from drive-trains. However, these impact mitigation methods may impair the control performance of contact forces or may increase motor and robot mass. This paper proposes a design method for achieving a balance between impact mitigatio..."} {"title": "A Model for Optimising the Size of Climbing Robots for Navigating Truss Structures", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341194/", "author_list": ["Wesley Au", "Tomoki Sakaue", "Dikai Liu", "Wesley Au", "Tomoki Sakaue", "Dikai Liu"], "abstract": "Truss structures can be found in many buildings and civil infrastructure such as bridges and towers. But as these architectures age, their maintenance is required to keep them structurally sound. A legged robotic solution capable of climbing these structures for maintenance is sought, but determining the size and shape of such a robot to maximise structure coverage is a challenging task. This pape..."} {"title": "Rapidly Adaptable Legged Robots via Evolutionary Meta-Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341571/", "author_list": ["Xingyou Song", "Yuxiang Yang", "Krzysztof Choromanski", "Ken Caluwaerts", "Wenbo Gao", "Chelsea Finn", "Jie Tan", "Xingyou Song", "Yuxiang Yang", "Krzysztof Choromanski", "Ken Caluwaerts", "Wenbo Gao", "Chelsea Finn", "Jie Tan"], "abstract": "Learning adaptable policies is crucial for robots to operate autonomously in our complex and quickly changing world. In this work, we present a new meta-learning method that allows robots to quickly adapt to changes in dynamics. In contrast to gradient-based meta-learning algorithms that rely on second-order gradient estimation, we introduce a more noise-tolerant Batch Hill-Climbing adaptation ope..."} {"title": "Slope Handling for Quadruped Robots Using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Toe Trajectory Planning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341645/", "author_list": ["Athanasios S. Mastrogeorgiou", "Yehia S. Elbahrawy", "Andr\u00e9s Kecskem\u00e9thy", "Evangelos G. Papadopoulos", "Athanasios S. Mastrogeorgiou", "Yehia S. Elbahrawy", "Andr\u00e9s Kecskem\u00e9thy", "Evangelos G. Papadopoulos"], "abstract": "Quadrupedal locomotion skills are challenging to develop. In recent years, deep Reinforcement Learning promises to automate the development of locomotion controllers and map sensory observations to low-level actions. Moreover, the full robot dynamics model can be exploited, but no model-based simplifications are to be made. In this work, a method for developing controllers for the Laelaps II robot..."} {"title": "A Neural Primitive model with Sensorimotor Coordination for Dynamic Quadruped Locomotion with Malfunction Compensation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340707/", "author_list": ["Azhar Aulia Saputra", "Auke Jan Ijspeert", "Naoyuki Kubota", "Azhar Aulia Saputra", "Auke Jan Ijspeert", "Naoyuki Kubota"], "abstract": "In the field of quadruped locomotion, dynamic locomotion behavior, and rich integration with sensory feedback represents a significant development. In this paper, we present an efficient neural model, which includes CPG and its sensorimotor coordination, and demonstrate its implementation in a quadruped robot to show how efficient integration of motor and sensory feedback can generate dynamic beha..."} {"title": "Spiking Neurons Ensemble for Movement Generation in Dynamically Changing Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340721/", "author_list": ["Kaname Favier", "Shogo Yonekura", "Yasuo Kuniyoshi", "Kaname Favier", "Shogo Yonekura", "Yasuo Kuniyoshi"], "abstract": "Spiking neurons might play a larger role than simply as an efficient signal transmitter. Several studies have demonstrated how movements can be generated using networks of spiking neurons. However, the complexity of spiking neural networks makes their implementation difficult, and the use of spiking neurons in robotics has remained largely impractical. In this paper, we show that the addition of a..."} {"title": "Learning of Tool Force Adjustment Skills by a Life-sized Humanoid using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Active Teaching Request", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341803/", "author_list": ["Yoichiro Kawamura", "Masaki Murooka", "Naoki Hiraoka", "Hideaki Ito", "Kei Okada", "Masayuki Inaba", "Yoichiro Kawamura", "Masaki Murooka", "Naoki Hiraoka", "Hideaki Ito", "Kei Okada", "Masayuki Inaba"], "abstract": "The purpose of this study is to make life-sized humanoid robots acquire tool manipulation skills that require complicated force adjustment. The difficulty in acquisition of tool manipulation skills comes from the hardship in physical modeling. Recent research have revealed that deep reinforcement learning (DRL), a model-free approach, performs superior in such tasks. However, DRL in general has a ..."} {"title": "A Model-Free Solution for Stable Balancing and Locomotion of Floating-base Legged Systems", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341255/", "author_list": ["Emmanouil Spyrakos-Papastavridis", "Jian S. Dai", "Emmanouil Spyrakos-Papastavridis", "Jian S. Dai"], "abstract": "This paper presents novel control techniques for passivation and stabilisation of floating-base systems with contacts, whose dynamical models comprise both joint-space, and Cartesian floating-base coordinates. The aforementioned results are achieved using both minimally model-based, and completely model-free controllers that employ power-shaping signals. Model-free control is permitted through usa..."} {"title": "Jumping Motion Generation for Humanoid Robot Using Arm Swing Effectively and Changing in Foot Contact Status", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341665/", "author_list": ["H. Mineshita", "T. Otani", "M. Sakaguchi", "Y. Kawakami", "H.O. Lim", "A. Takanishi", "H. Mineshita", "T. Otani", "M. Sakaguchi", "Y. Kawakami", "H.O. Lim", "A. Takanishi"], "abstract": "Human jumping involves not only lower limbs but also whole-body coordination. During jumping, the effect of sinking the center of mass for recoil and arm swing are significant, and they can cause changes in the jump height. However, upper body movements during jumping movements of humanoid robots have not been studied adequately. When jumping involves only the lower limbs, the burden on the lower ..."} {"title": "Fast Global Motion Planning for Dynamic Legged Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341438/", "author_list": ["Joseph Norby", "Aaron M. Johnson", "Joseph Norby", "Aaron M. Johnson"], "abstract": "This work presents a motion planning algorithm for legged robots capable of constructing long-horizon dynamic plans in real-time. Many existing methods use models that prohibit flight phases or even require static stability, while those that permit these dynamics often plan over short horizons or take minutes to compute. The algorithm presented here resolves these issues through a reduced-order dy..."} {"title": "A Multi-Contact Motion Planning and Control Strategy for Physical Interaction Tasks Using a Humanoid Robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340745/", "author_list": ["Francesco Ruscelli", "Matteo Parigi Polverini", "Arturo Laurenzi", "Enrico Mingo Hoffman", "Nikos G. Tsagarakis", "Francesco Ruscelli", "Matteo Parigi Polverini", "Arturo Laurenzi", "Enrico Mingo Hoffman", "Nikos G. Tsagarakis"], "abstract": "This paper presents a framework providing a full pipeline to execute a complex physical interaction behaviour of a humanoid bipedal robot, both from a theoretical and a practical standpoint. Building from a multi-contact control architecture that combines contact planning and reactive force distribution capabilities, the main contribution of this work consists in the integration of a sample-based ..."} {"title": "Can I lift it? Humanoid robot reasoning about the feasibility of lifting a heavy box with unknown physical properties", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340729/", "author_list": ["Yuanfeng Han", "Ruixin Li", "Gregory S. Chirikjian", "Yuanfeng Han", "Ruixin Li", "Gregory S. Chirikjian"], "abstract": "A robot cannot lift up an object if it is not feasible to do so. However, in most research on robot lifting, \"feasibility\" is usually presumed to exist a priori. This paper proposes a three-step method for a humanoid robot to reason about the feasibility of lifting a heavy box with physical properties that are unknown to the robot. Since feasibility of lifting is directly related to the physical p..."} {"title": "Non-Linear Trajectory Optimization for Large Step-Ups: Application to the Humanoid Robot Atlas", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341587/", "author_list": ["Stefano Dafarra", "Sylvain Bertrand", "Robert J. Griffin", "Giorgio Metta", "Daniele Pucci", "Jerry Pratt", "Stefano Dafarra", "Sylvain Bertrand", "Robert J. Griffin", "Giorgio Metta", "Daniele Pucci", "Jerry Pratt"], "abstract": "Performing large step-ups is a challenging task for a humanoid robot. It requires the robot to perform motions at the limit of its reachable workspace while straining to move its body upon the obstacle. This paper presents a non-linear trajectory optimization method for generating step-up motions. We adopt a simplified model of the centroidal dynamics to generate feasible Center of Mass trajectori..."} {"title": "Online Dynamic Motion Planning and Control for Wheeled Biped Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340967/", "author_list": ["Songyan Xin", "Sethu Vijayakumar", "Songyan Xin", "Sethu Vijayakumar"], "abstract": "Wheeled-legged robots combine the efficiency of wheeled robots when driving on suitably flat surfaces and versatility of legged robots when stepping over or around obstacles. This paper introduces a planning and control framework to realise dynamic locomotion for wheeled biped robots. We propose the Cart-Linear Inverted Pendulum Model (Cart-LIPM) as a template model for the rolling motion and the ..."} {"title": "Robust Gait Design Insights from Studying a Compass Gait Biped with Foot Slipping", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341356/", "author_list": ["Tan Chen", "Bill Goodwine", "Tan Chen", "Bill Goodwine"], "abstract": "Most current bipedal robots were modeled with an assumption that there is no slip between the stance foot and ground. This paper relaxes that assumption and undertakes a comprehensive study of a compass gait biped with foot slipping. It is found that slips are most likely to happen near impact for a broad range of gaits. Among these gaits, ones with a backward swing foot velocity relative to the g..."} {"title": "Disappearance of chaotic attractor of passive dynamic walking by stretch-bending deformation in basin of attraction", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341800/", "author_list": ["Kota Okamoto", "Shinya Aoi", "Ippei Obayashi", "Hiroshi Kokubu", "Kei Senda", "Kazuo Tsuchiya", "Kota Okamoto", "Shinya Aoi", "Ippei Obayashi", "Hiroshi Kokubu", "Kei Senda", "Kazuo Tsuchiya"], "abstract": "Passive dynamic walking is a model that walks down a shallow slope without any control or input. This model has been widely used to investigate how stable walking is generated from a dynamic viewpoint, which is useful to provide design principles for developing energy-efficient biped robots. However, the basin of attraction is very small and thin, and it has a fractal-like complicated shape. This ..."} {"title": "Exponentially Stabilizing and Time-Varying Virtual Constraint Controllers for Dynamic Quadrupedal Bounding", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341772/", "author_list": ["Joseph B. Martin V", "Vinay R. Kamidi", "Abhishek Pandala", "Randall T. Fawcett", "Kaveh Akbari Hamed", "Joseph B. Martin V", "Vinay R. Kamidi", "Abhishek Pandala", "Randall T. Fawcett", "Kaveh Akbari Hamed"], "abstract": "This paper aims to develop time-varying virtual constraint controllers that allow stable and agile bounding gaits for full-order hybrid dynamical models of quadrupedal locomotion. As opposed to state-based nonlinear controllers, time-varying controllers can initiate locomotion from zero velocity. Motivated by this property, we investigate the stability guarantees that can be provided by the time-v..."} {"title": "Experimental Verification of Vibratory Conveyor System Based on Frequency Entrainment of Limit Cycle Walker", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341553/", "author_list": ["Kento Mitsuhashi", "Masatsugu Nishihara", "Fumihiko Asano", "Kento Mitsuhashi", "Masatsugu Nishihara", "Fumihiko Asano"], "abstract": "The authors have investigated underactuated locomotion robots with an inner wobbling mass, it is discovered that the wobbling mass controls the gait speed by entrainment. Supplying the wobbling from outside, outer wobbling entrains load objects and controls the transferring speed. In this paper, we propose a vibratory conveyor system based on the frequency entrainment of a limit cycle walker. The ..."} {"title": "Multi-task Control for a Quadruped Robot with Changeable Leg Configuration", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340965/", "author_list": ["Linqi Ye", "Houde Liu", "Xueqian Wang", "Bin Liang", "Bo Yuan", "Linqi Ye", "Houde Liu", "Xueqian Wang", "Bin Liang", "Bo Yuan"], "abstract": "This paper proposes a multi-task control strategy for a quadruped robot named THU-QUAD II. The mechanical design of the robot ensures a wide range of motion for all joints, which allows it to stand and walk like a mammal as well as sprawl to the ground and crawl like a reptile. Five basic leg configurations are defined for the robot, including four mammal-type configurations with bidirectional kne..."} {"title": "LLAMA: Design and Control of an Omnidirectional Human Mission Scale Quadrupedal Robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341492/", "author_list": ["John Nicholson", "Jay Jasper", "Ara Kourchians", "Greg McCutcheon", "Max Austin", "Mark Gonzalez", "Jason Pusey", "Sisir Karumanchi", "Christian Hubicki", "Jonathan Clark", "John Nicholson", "Jay Jasper", "Ara Kourchians", "Greg McCutcheon", "Max Austin", "Mark Gonzalez", "Jason Pusey", "Sisir Karumanchi", "Christian Hubicki", "Jonathan Clark"], "abstract": "This paper describes the design, control and initial experimental results of the quadruped robot LLAMA. Designed to operate in a human-scale world, this 67kg-class, all-electric robot is capable of rapid motion over a variety of terrains. Thanks to a unique leg configuration and custom high-torque, low gear-ratio motors, it can move omnidirectionally at speeds over 1 m/s. A hierarchical reactive c..."} {"title": "Contact Force Estimation and Regulation of a Position-controlled Floating Base System without Joint Torque Information", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340785/", "author_list": ["Guoteng Zhang", "Shugen Ma", "Yibin Li", "Guoteng Zhang", "Shugen Ma", "Yibin Li"], "abstract": "A floating base system is inevitably to contact the environment while it is moving. This paper explores the contact force estimation and regulation algorithm for a position-controlled floating base system without joint torque information. First, the joint space dynamic model of the system is presented and transformed into the contact space. Then, the inverse dynamics method is employed to estimate..."} {"title": "Decentralized Control Schemes for Stable Quadrupedal Locomotion: A Decomposition Approach from Centralized Controllers", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341321/", "author_list": ["Abhishek Pandala", "Vinay R. Kamidi", "Kaveh Akbari Hamed", "Abhishek Pandala", "Vinay R. Kamidi", "Kaveh Akbari Hamed"], "abstract": "Although legged robots are becoming more nonlinear with higher degrees of freedom (DOFs), the centralized nonlinear control methods required to achieve stable locomotion cannot scale with the dimensionality of these robots. This paper investigates time-varying decentralized feedback control architectures based on hybrid zero dynamics (HZD) that stabilize dynamic legged locomotion with high degrees..."} {"title": "Real-Time Constrained Nonlinear Model Predictive Control on SO(3) for Dynamic Legged Locomotion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341447/", "author_list": ["Seungwoo Hong", "Joon-Ha Kim", "Hae-Won Park", "Seungwoo Hong", "Joon-Ha Kim", "Hae-Won Park"], "abstract": "This paper presents a constrained nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) framework for legged locomotion. The framework assumes a legged robot as a floating base single rigid body with contact forces being applied to the body as external forces. With consideration of orientation dynamics evolving on the rotation manifold SO(3), analytic Jacobians which are necessary for constructing the gradien..."} {"title": "Automatic Gait Pattern Selection for Legged Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340789/", "author_list": ["Jiayi Wang", "Iordanis Chatzinikolaidis", "Carlos Mastalli", "Wouter Wolfslag", "Guiyang Xin", "Steve Tonneau", "Sethu Vijayakumar", "Jiayi Wang", "Iordanis Chatzinikolaidis", "Carlos Mastalli", "Wouter Wolfslag", "Guiyang Xin", "Steve Tonneau", "Sethu Vijayakumar"], "abstract": "An important issue when synthesizing legged locomotion plans is the combinatorial complexity that arises from gait pattern selection. Though it can be defined manually, the gait pattern plays an important role in the feasibility and optimality of a motion with respect to a task. Replacing human intuition with an automatic and efficient approach for gait pattern selection would allow for more auton..."} {"title": "Kinodynamic Motion Planning for Multi-Legged Robot Jumping via Mixed-Integer Convex Program", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341572/", "author_list": ["Yanran Ding", "Chuanzheng Li", "Hae-Won Park", "Yanran Ding", "Chuanzheng Li", "Hae-Won Park"], "abstract": "This paper proposes a kinodynamic motion plan-ning framework for multi-legged robot jumping based on the mixed-integer convex program (MICP), which simultaneously reasons about centroidal motion, contact points, wrench, and gait sequences. This method uniquely combines configuration space discretization and the construction of feasible wrench polytope (FWP) to encode kinematic constraints, actuato..."} {"title": "Quadrupedal Robotic Walking on Sloped Terrains via Exact Decomposition into Coupled Bipedal Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341181/", "author_list": ["Wen-Loong Ma", "Noel Csomay-Shanklin", "Aaron D. Ames", "Wen-Loong Ma", "Noel Csomay-Shanklin", "Aaron D. Ames"], "abstract": "Can we design motion primitives for complex legged systems uniformly for different terrain types without neglecting modeling details? This paper presents a method for rapidly generating quadrupedal locomotion on sloped terrains-from modeling to gait generation, to hardware demonstration. At the core of this approach is the observation that a quadrupedal robot can be exactly decomposed into coupled..."} {"title": "Waste Not, Want Not: Lessons in Rapid Quadrupedal Gait Termination from Thousands of Suboptimal Solutions", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341414/", "author_list": ["Stacey Shield", "Amir Patel", "Stacey Shield", "Amir Patel"], "abstract": "Elaborate trajectory optimization models with many degrees of freedom can be a useful locomotion-planning tool, as they provide rich solutions that take advantage of the robot's specific morphology. They are, however, prone to falling into local minima. Depending on the seed that initializes the solver, the trajectories themselves and the extent to which they minimize the cost function can vary wi..."} {"title": "Brainless Running: A Quasi-quadruped Robot with Decentralized Spinal Reflexes by Solely Mechanical Devices", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340807/", "author_list": ["Yoichi Masuda", "Kazuhiro Miyashita", "Kaisei Yamagishi", "Masato Ishikawa", "Koh Hosoda", "Yoichi Masuda", "Kazuhiro Miyashita", "Kaisei Yamagishi", "Masato Ishikawa", "Koh Hosoda"], "abstract": "As a strategy to address the difficulties encountered when modeling and controlling a musculoskeletal system, we present a straightforward implementation of an autonomous decentralized motion control system in this paper; the system is inspired by the spinal reflex system of animals. We developed an artificial receptor, a muscle, and a neuron to mechanically implement the reflex mechanisms of anim..."} {"title": "Snapbot V2: a Reconfigurable Legged Robot with a Camera for Self Configuration Recognition", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341279/", "author_list": ["Kevin G. Gim", "Joohyung Kim", "Kevin G. Gim", "Joohyung Kim"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present the second version of a reconfigurable modular legged robot, Snapbot V2. The mechanical design of Snapbot V2 is enhanced for better dynamic performance and robust connection with modular legs. A motion generator for locomotion is developed to achieve various locomotion skills in one to six-leg configurations. The locomotion is tested on a multi-body dynamic simulation mod..."} {"title": "PresSense: Passive Respiration Sensing via Ambient WiFi Signals in Noisy Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341474/", "author_list": ["Yi Tian Xu", "Xi Chen", "Xue Liu", "David Meger", "Gregory Dudek", "Yi Tian Xu", "Xi Chen", "Xue Liu", "David Meger", "Gregory Dudek"], "abstract": "Passive sensing with ambient WiFi signals is a promising technique that will enable new types of human-robot interactions while preserving users' privacy. Here, we present PresSense, a system for human respiration sensing in noisy environments. Unlike existing WiFi-based respiration sensors, we employ a human presence detector, improving the robustness in scenarios where no human is present in an ..."} {"title": "Automatic Synthesis of Human Motion from Temporal Logic Specifications", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341666/", "author_list": ["Matthias Althoff", "Matthias Mayer", "Robert M\u00fcller", "Matthias Althoff", "Matthias Mayer", "Robert M\u00fcller"], "abstract": "Humans and robots are increasingly sharing their workspaces to benefit from the precision, endurance, and strength of machines and the universal capabilities of humans. Instead of performing time-consuming real experiments, computer simulations of humans could help to optimally orchestrate human and robotic tasks\u2014either for setting up new production cells or by optimizing the motion planning of al..."} {"title": "Dynamic Assistance for Human Balancing with Inertia of a Wearable Robotic Appendage", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341323/", "author_list": ["Azumi Maekawa", "Kei Kawamura", "Masahiko Inami", "Azumi Maekawa", "Kei Kawamura", "Masahiko Inami"], "abstract": "A reduced balance ability can lead to falls and critical injuries. To prevent falls, humans use reaction forces and torques generated by swinging their arms. In animals, we can find that a similar strategy is taken using tails. Inspired by these strategies, we propose an approach that utilizes a robotic appendage as a human balance supporter without assistance from environmental contact. As a proo..."} {"title": "A Deep Learning Based End-to-End Locomotion Mode Detection Method for Lower Limb Wearable Robot Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341183/", "author_list": ["Zeyu Lu", "Ashwin Narayan", "Haoyong Yu", "Zeyu Lu", "Ashwin Narayan", "Haoyong Yu"], "abstract": "To function effectively in real-world environments, powered wearable robots such as exoskeletons and robotic prostheses must recognize the user's motion intent by detecting the user's locomotion modes such as walking, stair ascent and descent or ramp ascent and descent. Traditionally, intent detection is achieved using rule based methods such as state machines or fuzzy logic using data from wearab..."} {"title": "SeqSphereVLAD: Sequence Matching Enhanced Orientation-invariant Place Recognition", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341727/", "author_list": ["Peng Yin", "Fuying Wang", "Anton Egorov", "Jiafan Hou", "Ji Zhang", "Howie Choset", "Peng Yin", "Fuying Wang", "Anton Egorov", "Jiafan Hou", "Ji Zhang", "Howie Choset"], "abstract": "Human beings and animals are capable of recognizing places from a previous journey when viewing them under different environmental conditions (e.g., illuminations and weathers). This paper seeks to provide robots with a human-like place recognition ability using a new point cloud feature learning method. This is a challenging problem due to the difficulty of extracting invariant local descriptors ..."} {"title": "Online Visual Place Recognition via Saliency Re-identification", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341703/", "author_list": ["Han Wang", "Chen Wang", "Lihua Xie", "Han Wang", "Chen Wang", "Lihua Xie"], "abstract": "As an essential component of visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), place recognition is crucial for robot navigation and autonomous driving. Existing methods often formulate visual place recognition as feature matching, which is computationally expensive for many robotic applications with limited computing power, e.g., autonomous driving and cleaning robot. Inspired by the fact that..."} {"title": "ARAS: Ambiguity-aware Robust Active SLAM based on Multi-hypothesis State and Map Estimations", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341384/", "author_list": ["Ming Hsiao", "Joshua G. Mangelson", "Sudharshan Suresh", "Christian Debrunner", "Michael Kaess", "Ming Hsiao", "Joshua G. Mangelson", "Sudharshan Suresh", "Christian Debrunner", "Michael Kaess"], "abstract": "In this paper, we introduce an ambiguity-aware robust active SLAM (ARAS) framework that makes use of multi-hypothesis state and map estimations to achieve better robustness. Ambiguous measurements can result in multiple probable solutions in a multi-hypothesis SLAM (MH-SLAM) system if they are temporarily unsolvable (due to insufficient information), our ARAS aims at taking all these probable esti..."} {"title": "On-plate localization and mapping for an inspection robot using ultrasonic guided waves: a proof of concept", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340936/", "author_list": ["C\u00e9dric Pradalier", "Othmane-Latif Ouabi", "Pascal Pomarede", "Jan Steckel", "C\u00e9dric Pradalier", "Othmane-Latif Ouabi", "Pascal Pomarede", "Jan Steckel"], "abstract": "This paper presents a proof-of-concept for a localization and mapping system for magnetic crawlers performing inspection tasks on structures made of large metal plates. By relying on ultrasonic guided waves reflected from the plate edges, we show that it is possible to recover the plate geometry and robot trajectory to a precision comparable to the signal wavelength. The approach is tested using r..."} {"title": "Plug-and-Play SLAM: A Unified SLAM Architecture for Modularity and Ease of Use", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341611/", "author_list": ["Mirco Colosi", "Irvin Aloise", "Tiziano Guadagnino", "Dominik Schlegel", "Bartolomeo Della Corte", "Kai O. Arras", "Giorgio Grisetti", "Mirco Colosi", "Irvin Aloise", "Tiziano Guadagnino", "Dominik Schlegel", "Bartolomeo Della Corte", "Kai O. Arras", "Giorgio Grisetti"], "abstract": "Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is considered a mature research field with numerous applications and publicly available open-source systems. Despite this maturity, existing SLAM systems often rely on ad-hoc implementations or are tailored to predefined sensor setups. In this work, we tackle these issues, proposing a novel unified SLAM architecture specifically designed to standardize ..."} {"title": "Majorization Minimization Methods for Distributed Pose Graph Optimization with Convergence Guarantees", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341063/", "author_list": ["Taosha Fan", "Todd Murphey", "Taosha Fan", "Todd Murphey"], "abstract": "In this paper, we consider the problem of distributed pose graph optimization (PGO) that has extensive applications in multi-robot simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). We propose majorization minimization methods for distributed PGO and show that our methods are guaranteed to converge to first-order critical points under mild conditions. Furthermore, since our methods rely a proximal oper..."} {"title": "Variational Filtering with Copula Models for SLAM", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341404/", "author_list": ["John D. Martin", "Kevin Doherty", "Caralyn Cyr", "Brendan Englot", "John Leonard", "John D. Martin", "Kevin Doherty", "Caralyn Cyr", "Brendan Englot", "John Leonard"], "abstract": "The ability to infer map variables and estimate pose is crucial to the operation of autonomous mobile robots. In most cases the shared dependency between these variables is modeled through a multivariate Gaussian distribution, but there are many situations where that assumption is unrealistic. Our paper shows how it is possible to relax this assumption and perform simultaneous localization and map..."} {"title": "A Theory of Fermat Paths for 3D Imaging Sonar Reconstruction", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341613/", "author_list": ["Eric Westman", "Ioannis Gkioulekas", "Michael Kaess", "Eric Westman", "Ioannis Gkioulekas", "Michael Kaess"], "abstract": "In this work, we present a novel method for reconstructing particular 3D surface points using an imaging sonar sensor. We derive the two-dimensional Fermat flow equation, which may be applied to the planes defined by each discrete azimuth angle in the sonar image. We show that the Fermat flow equation applies to boundary points and surface points which correspond to specular reflections within the..."} {"title": "Tightly-coupled Fusion of Global Positional Measurements in Optimization-based Visual-Inertial Odometry", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341697/", "author_list": ["Giovanni Cioffi", "Davide Scaramuzza", "Giovanni Cioffi", "Davide Scaramuzza"], "abstract": "Motivated by the goal of achieving robust, drift-free pose estimation in long-term autonomous navigation, in this work we propose a methodology to fuse global positional information with visual and inertial measurements in a tightly-coupled nonlinear-optimization-based estimator. Differently from previous works, which are loosely-coupled, the use of a tightly-coupled approach allows exploiting the..."} {"title": "GR-SLAM: Vision-Based Sensor Fusion SLAM for Ground Robots on Complex Terrain", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341387/", "author_list": ["Yun Su", "Ting Wang", "Chen Yao", "Shiliang Shao", "Zhidong Wang", "Yun Su", "Ting Wang", "Chen Yao", "Shiliang Shao", "Zhidong Wang"], "abstract": "In recent years, many excellent SLAM methods based on cameras, especially the camera-IMU fusion (VIO), have emerged, which has greatly improved the accuracy and robustness of SLAM. However, we find through experiments that most of the existing VIO methods perform well on drones or drone datasets, but for ground robots on complex terrain, they cannot continuously provide accurate and robust localiz..."} {"title": "OrcVIO: Object residual constrained Visual-Inertial Odometry", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341660/", "author_list": ["Mo Shan", "Qiaojun Feng", "Nikolay Atanasov", "Mo Shan", "Qiaojun Feng", "Nikolay Atanasov"], "abstract": "Introducing object-level semantic information into simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) system is critical. It not only improves the performance but also enables tasks specified in terms of meaningful objects. This work presents OrcVIO, for visual-inertial odometry tightly coupled with tracking and optimization over structured object models. OrcVIO differentiates through semantic feature a..."} {"title": "LIC-Fusion 2.0: LiDAR-Inertial-Camera Odometry with Sliding-Window Plane-Feature Tracking", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340704/", "author_list": ["Xingxing Zuo", "Yulin Yang", "Patrick Geneva", "Jiajun Lv", "Yong Liu", "Guoquan Huang", "Marc Pollefeys", "Xingxing Zuo", "Yulin Yang", "Patrick Geneva", "Jiajun Lv", "Yong Liu", "Guoquan Huang", "Marc Pollefeys"], "abstract": "Multi-sensor fusion of multi-modal measurements from commodity inertial, visual and LiDAR sensors to provide robust and accurate 6DOF pose estimation holds great potential in robotics and beyond. In this paper, building upon our prior work (i.e., LIC-Fusion), we develop a sliding-window filter based LiDAR-Inertial-Camera odometry with online spatiotemporal calibration (i.e., LIC-Fusion 2.0), which..."} {"title": "Leveraging Planar Regularities for Point Line Visual-Inertial Odometry", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341278/", "author_list": ["Xin Li", "Yijia He", "Jinlong Lin", "Xiao Liu", "Xin Li", "Yijia He", "Jinlong Lin", "Xiao Liu"], "abstract": "With monocular Visual-Inertial Odometry (VIO) system, 3D point cloud and camera motion can be estimated simultaneously. Because pure sparse 3D points provide a structureless representation of the environment, generating 3D mesh from sparse points can further model the environment topology and produce dense mapping. To improve the accuracy of 3D mesh generation and localization, we propose a tightl..."} {"title": "SplitFusion: Simultaneous Tracking and Mapping for Non-Rigid Scenes", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341082/", "author_list": ["Yang Li", "Tianwei Zhang", "Yoshihiko Nakamura", "Tatsuya Harada", "Yang Li", "Tianwei Zhang", "Yoshihiko Nakamura", "Tatsuya Harada"], "abstract": "We present SplitFusion, a novel dense RGB-D SLAM framework that simultaneously performs tracking and dense reconstruction for both rigid and non-rigid components of the scene. SplitFusion first adopts deep learning based semantic instant segmentation technique to split the scene into rigid or non-rigid surfaces. The split surfaces are independently tracked via rigid or non-rigid ICP and reconstruc..."} {"title": "LIO-SAM: Tightly-coupled Lidar Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341176/", "author_list": ["Tixiao Shan", "Brendan Englot", "Drew Meyers", "Wei Wang", "Carlo Ratti", "Daniela Rus", "Tixiao Shan", "Brendan Englot", "Drew Meyers", "Wei Wang", "Carlo Ratti", "Daniela Rus"], "abstract": "We propose a framework for tightly-coupled lidar inertial odometry via smoothing and mapping, LIO-SAM, that achieves highly accurate, real-time mobile robot trajectory estimation and map-building. LIO-SAM formulates lidar-inertial odometry atop a factor graph, allowing a multitude of relative and absolute measurements, including loop closures, to be incorporated from different sources as factors i..."} {"title": "LiTAMIN: LiDAR-based Tracking And Mapping by Stabilized ICP for Geometry Approximation with Normal Distributions", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341341/", "author_list": ["Masashi Yokozuka", "Kenji Koide", "Shuji Oishi", "Atsuhiko Banno", "Masashi Yokozuka", "Kenji Koide", "Shuji Oishi", "Atsuhiko Banno"], "abstract": "This paper proposes a 3D LiDAR simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) method that improves accuracy, robustness, and computational efficiency for an iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm employing a locally approximated geometry with clusters of normal distributions. In comparison with previous normal distribution-based ICP methods, such as normal distribution transformation and generalize..."} {"title": "GOSMatch: Graph-of-Semantics Matching for Detecting Loop Closures in 3D LiDAR data", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341299/", "author_list": ["Yachen Zhu", "Yanyang Ma", "Long Chen", "Cong Liu", "Maosheng Ye", "Lingxi Li", "Yachen Zhu", "Yanyang Ma", "Long Chen", "Cong Liu", "Maosheng Ye", "Lingxi Li"], "abstract": "Detecting loop closures in 3D Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data is a challenging task since point-level methods always suffer from instability. This paper presents a semantic-level approach named GOSMatch to perform reliable place recognition. Our method leverages novel descriptors, which are generated from the spatial relationship between semantics, to perform frame description and data as..."} {"title": "Seed: A Segmentation-Based Egocentric 3D Point Cloud Descriptor for Loop Closure Detection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341517/", "author_list": ["Yunfeng Fan", "Yichang He", "U-Xuan Tan", "Yunfeng Fan", "Yichang He", "U-Xuan Tan"], "abstract": "Place recognition is essential for SLAM system since it is critical for loop closure and can help to correct the accumulated drift and result in a globally consistent map. Unlike the visual slam which can use diverse feature detection methods to describe the scene, there are limited works reported to represent a place using single LiDAR scan. In this paper, we propose a segmentation-based egocentr..."} {"title": "RadarSLAM: Radar based Large-Scale SLAM in All Weathers", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341287/", "author_list": ["Ziyang Hong", "Yvan Petillot", "Sen Wang", "Ziyang Hong", "Yvan Petillot", "Sen Wang"], "abstract": "Numerous Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms have been presented in last decade using different sensor modalities. However, robust SLAM in extreme weather conditions is still an open research problem. In this paper, RadarSLAM, a full radar based graph SLAM system, is proposed for reliable localization and mapping in large-scale environments. It is composed of pose tracking, loc..."} {"title": "GP-SLAM+: real-time 3D lidar SLAM based on improved regionalized Gaussian process map reconstruction", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341028/", "author_list": ["Jianyuan Ruan", "Bo Li", "Yinqiang Wang", "Zhou Fang", "Jianyuan Ruan", "Bo Li", "Yinqiang Wang", "Zhou Fang"], "abstract": "This paper presents a 3D lidar SLAM system based on improved regionalized Gaussian process (GP) map reconstruction to provide both low-drift state estimation and mapping in real-time for robotics applications. We utilize spatial GP regression to model the environment. This tool enables us to recover surfaces including those in sparsely scanned areas and obtain uniform samples with uncertainty. Tho..."} {"title": "Domain-Adversarial and -Conditional State Space Model for Imitation Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341705/", "author_list": ["Ryo Okumura", "Masashi Okada", "Tadahiro Taniguchi", "Ryo Okumura", "Masashi Okada", "Tadahiro Taniguchi"], "abstract": "State representation learning (SRL) in partially observable Markov decision processes has been studied to learn abstract features of data useful for robot control tasks. For SRL, acquiring domain-agnostic states is essential for achieving efficient imitation learning. Without these states, imitation learning is hampered by domain-dependent information useless for control. However, existing methods..."} {"title": "Planning on the fast lane: Learning to interact using attention mechanisms in path integral inverse reinforcement learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340636/", "author_list": ["Sascha Rosbach", "Xing Li", "Simon Gro\u00dfjohann", "Silviu Homoceanu", "Stefan Roth", "Sascha Rosbach", "Xing Li", "Simon Gro\u00dfjohann", "Silviu Homoceanu", "Stefan Roth"], "abstract": "General-purpose trajectory planning algorithms for automated driving utilize complex reward functions to perform a combined optimization of strategic, behavioral, and kinematic features. The specification and tuning of a single reward function is a tedious task and does not generalize over a large set of traffic situations. Deep learning approaches based on path integral inverse reinforcement lear..."} {"title": "A Geometric Perspective on Visual Imitation Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341758/", "author_list": ["Jun Jin", "Laura Petrich", "Masood Dehghan", "Martin Jagersand", "Jun Jin", "Laura Petrich", "Masood Dehghan", "Martin Jagersand"], "abstract": "We consider the problem of visual imitation learning without human kinesthetic teaching or teleoperation, nor access to an interactive reinforcement learning training environment. We present a geometric perspective to this problem where geometric feature correspondences are learned from one training video and used to execute tasks via visual servoing. Specifically, we propose VGS-IL (Visual Geomet..."} {"title": "Learn by Observation: Imitation Learning for Drone Patrolling from Videos of A Human Navigator", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340691/", "author_list": ["Yue Fan", "Shilei Chu", "Wei Zhang", "Ran Song", "Yibin Li", "Yue Fan", "Shilei Chu", "Wei Zhang", "Ran Song", "Yibin Li"], "abstract": "We present an imitation learning method for autonomous drone patrolling based only on raw videos. Different from previous methods, we propose to let the drone learn patrolling in the air by observing and imitating how a human navigator does it on the ground. The observation process enables the automatic collection and annotation of data using inter-frame geometric consistency, resulting in less ma..."} {"title": "Multi-Instance Aware Localization for End-to-End Imitation Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341185/", "author_list": ["Sagar Gubbi Venkatesh", "Raviteja Upadrashta", "Shishir Kolathaya", "Bharadwaj Amrutur", "Sagar Gubbi Venkatesh", "Raviteja Upadrashta", "Shishir Kolathaya", "Bharadwaj Amrutur"], "abstract": "Existing architectures for imitation learning using image-to-action policy networks perform poorly when presented with an input image containing multiple instances of the object of interest, especially when the number of expert demonstrations available for training are limited. We show that end-to-end policy networks can be trained in a sample efficient manner by (a) appending the feature map outp..."} {"title": "ImitationFlow: Learning Deep Stable Stochastic Dynamic Systems by Normalizing Flows", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341035/", "author_list": ["Julen Urain", "Michele Ginesi", "Davide Tateo", "Jan Peters", "Julen Urain", "Michele Ginesi", "Davide Tateo", "Jan Peters"], "abstract": "We introduce ImitationFlow, a novel Deep generative model that allows learning complex globally stable, stochastic, nonlinear dynamics. Our approach extends the Normalizing Flows framework to learn stable Stochastic Differential Equations. We prove the Lyapunov stability for a class of Stochastic Differential Equations and we propose a learning algorithm to learn them from a set of demonstrated tr..."} {"title": "Standard Deep Generative Models for Density Estimation in Configuration Spaces: A Study of Benefits, Limits and Challenges", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340994/", "author_list": ["Robert Gieselmann", "Florian T. Pokorny", "Robert Gieselmann", "Florian T. Pokorny"], "abstract": "Deep Generative Models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) and Variational Autoencoders (VAE) have found multiple applications in Robotics, with recent works suggesting the potential use of these methods as a generic solution for the estimation of sampling distributions for motion planning in parameterized sets of environments. In this work we provide a first empirical study of challenge..."} {"title": "Progressive automation of periodic tasks on planar surfaces of unknown pose with hybrid force/position control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341374/", "author_list": ["Fotios Dimeas", "Zoe Doulgeri", "Fotios Dimeas", "Zoe Doulgeri"], "abstract": "This paper presents a teaching by demonstration method for contact tasks with periodic movement on planar surfaces of unknown pose. To learn the motion on the plane, we utilize frequency oscillators with periodic movement primitives and we propose modified adaptation rules along with an extraction method of the task\u2019s fundamental frequency by automatically discarding near-zero frequency components..."} {"title": "Learning Hybrid Object Kinematics for Efficient Hierarchical Planning Under Uncertainty", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340749/", "author_list": ["Ajinkya Jain", "Scott Niekum", "Ajinkya Jain", "Scott Niekum"], "abstract": "Sudden changes in the dynamics of robotic tasks, such as contact with an object or the latching of a door, are often viewed as inconvenient discontinuities that make manipulation difficult. However, when these transitions are well-understood, they can be leveraged to reduce uncertainty or aid manipulation-for example, wiggling a screw to determine if it is fully inserted or not. Current model-free..."} {"title": "Learning State-Dependent Losses for Inverse Dynamics Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341701/", "author_list": ["Kristen Morse", "Neha Das", "Yixin Lin", "Austin S. Wang", "Akshara Rai", "Franziska Meier", "Kristen Morse", "Neha Das", "Yixin Lin", "Austin S. Wang", "Akshara Rai", "Franziska Meier"], "abstract": "Being able to quickly adapt to changes in dynamics is paramount in model-based control for object manipulation tasks. In order to influence fast adaptation of the inverse dynamics model's parameters, data efficiency is crucial. Given observed data, a key element to how an optimizer updates model parameters is the loss function. In this work, we propose to apply meta-learning to learn structured, s..."} {"title": "Fast Online Adaptation in Robotics through Meta-Learning Embeddings of Simulated Priors", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341462/", "author_list": ["Rituraj Kaushik", "Timoth\u00e9e Anne", "Jean-Baptiste Mouret", "Rituraj Kaushik", "Timoth\u00e9e Anne", "Jean-Baptiste Mouret"], "abstract": "Meta-learning algorithms can accelerate the model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) algorithms by finding an initial set of parameters for the dynamical model such that the model can be trained to match the actual dynamics of the system with only a few data-points. However, in the real world, a robot might encounter any situation starting from motor failures to finding itself in a rocky terrain ..."} {"title": "Self-Adapting Recurrent Models for Object Pushing from Learning in Simulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341076/", "author_list": ["Lin Cong", "Michael Grner", "Philipp Ruppel", "Hongzhuo Liang", "Norman Hendrich", "Jianwei Zhang", "Lin Cong", "Michael Grner", "Philipp Ruppel", "Hongzhuo Liang", "Norman Hendrich", "Jianwei Zhang"], "abstract": "Planar pushing remains a challenging research topic, where building the dynamic model of the interaction is the core issue. Even an accurate analytical dynamic model is inherently unstable because physics parameters such as inertia and friction can only be approximated. Data-driven models usually rely on large amounts of training data, but data collection is time consuming when working with real r..."} {"title": "A Probabilistic Model for Planar Sliding of Objects with Unknown Material Properties: Identification and Robust Planning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341468/", "author_list": ["Changkyu Song", "Abdeslam Boularias", "Changkyu Song", "Abdeslam Boularias"], "abstract": "This paper introduces a new technique for learning probabilistic models of mass and friction distributions of unknown objects, and performing robust sliding actions by using the learned models. The proposed method is executed in two consecutive phases. In the exploration phase, a table-top object is poked by a robot from different angles. The observed motions of the object are compared against sim..."} {"title": "Hindsight for Foresight: Unsupervised Structured Dynamics Models from Physical Interaction", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341491/", "author_list": ["Iman Nematollahi", "Oier Mees", "Lukas Hermann", "Wolfram Burgard", "Iman Nematollahi", "Oier Mees", "Lukas Hermann", "Wolfram Burgard"], "abstract": "A key challenge for an agent learning to interact with the world is to reason about physical properties of objects and to foresee their dynamics under the effect of applied forces. In order to scale learning through interaction to many objects and scenes, robots should be able to improve their own performance from real-world experience without requiring human supervision. To this end, we propose a..."} {"title": "Multi-Sparse Gaussian Process: Learning based Semi-Parametric Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341506/", "author_list": ["Mouhyemen Khan", "Akash Patel", "Abhijit Chatterjee", "Mouhyemen Khan", "Akash Patel", "Abhijit Chatterjee"], "abstract": "A key challenge with controlling complex dynamical systems is to accurately model them. However, this requirement is very hard to satisfy in practice. Data-driven approaches such as Gaussian processes (GPs) have proved quite effective by employing regression based methods to capture the unmodeled dynamical effects. However, GPs scale cubically with number of data points n, and it is often a challe..."} {"title": "Decentralized Deep Reinforcement Learning for a Distributed and Adaptive Locomotion Controller of a Hexapod Robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341754/", "author_list": ["Malte Schilling", "Kai Konen", "Frank W. Ohl", "Timo Korthals", "Malte Schilling", "Kai Konen", "Frank W. Ohl", "Timo Korthals"], "abstract": "Locomotion is a prime example for adaptive behavior in animals and biological control principles have inspired control architectures for legged robots. While machine learning has been successfully applied to many tasks in recent years, Deep Reinforcement Learning approaches still appear to struggle when applied to real world robots in continuous control tasks and in particular do not appear as rob..."} {"title": "First Steps: Latent-Space Control with Semantic Constraints for Quadruped Locomotion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340737/", "author_list": ["Alexander L. Mitchell", "Martin Engelcke", "Oiwi Parker Jones", "David Surovik", "Siddhant Gangapurwala", "Oliwier Melon", "Ioannis Havoutis", "Ingmar Posner", "Alexander L. Mitchell", "Martin Engelcke", "Oiwi Parker Jones", "David Surovik", "Siddhant Gangapurwala", "Oliwier Melon", "Ioannis Havoutis", "Ingmar Posner"], "abstract": "Traditional approaches to quadruped control frequently employ simplified, hand-derived models. This significantly reduces the capability of the robot since its effective kinematic range is curtailed. In addition, kinodynamic constraints are often non-differentiable and difficult to implement in an optimisation approach. In this work, these challenges are addressed by framing quadruped control as o..."} {"title": "Stir to Pour: Efficient Calibration of Liquid Properties for Pouring Actions", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340852/", "author_list": ["Tatiana Lopez-Guevara", "Rita Pucci", "Nicholas K. Taylor", "Michael U. Gutmann", "Suhramanian Ramamoorthy", "Kartic Suhr", "Tatiana Lopez-Guevara", "Rita Pucci", "Nicholas K. Taylor", "Michael U. Gutmann", "Suhramanian Ramamoorthy", "Kartic Suhr"], "abstract": "Humans use simple probing actions to develop intuition about the physical behavior of common objects. Such intuition is particularly useful for adaptive estimation of favorable manipulation strategies of those objects in novel contexts. For example, observing the effect of tilt on a transparent bottle containing an unknown liquid provides clues on how the liquid might be poured. It is desirable to..."} {"title": "Haptic Knowledge Transfer Between Heterogeneous Robots using Kernel Manifold Alignment", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340770/", "author_list": ["Gyan Tatiya", "Yash Shukla", "Michael Edegware", "Jivko Sinapov", "Gyan Tatiya", "Yash Shukla", "Michael Edegware", "Jivko Sinapov"], "abstract": "Humans learn about object properties using multiple modes of perception. Recent advances show that robots can use non-visual sensory modalities (i.e., haptic and tactile sensory data) coupled with exploratory behaviors (i.e., grasping, lifting, pushing, dropping, etc.) for learning objects' properties such as shape, weight, material and affordances. However, non-visual sensory representations cann..."} {"title": "robo-gym \u2013 An Open Source Toolkit for Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning on Real and Simulated Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340956/", "author_list": ["Matteo Lucchi", "Friedemann Zindler", "Stephan M\u00fchlbacher-Karrer", "Horst Pichler", "Matteo Lucchi", "Friedemann Zindler", "Stephan M\u00fchlbacher-Karrer", "Horst Pichler"], "abstract": "Applying Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) to complex tasks in the field of robotics has proven to be very successful in the recent years. However, most of the publications focus either on applying it to a task in simulation or to a task in a real world setup. Although there are great examples of combining the two worlds with the help of transfer learning, it often requires a lot of additional wor..."} {"title": "Crossing the Gap: A Deep Dive into Zero-Shot Sim-to-Real Transfer for Dynamics", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341617/", "author_list": ["Eugene Valassakis", "Zihan Ding", "Edward Johns", "Eugene Valassakis", "Zihan Ding", "Edward Johns"], "abstract": "Zero-shot sim-to-real transfer of tasks with complex dynamics is a highly challenging and unsolved problem. A number of solutions have been proposed in recent years, but we have found that many works do not present a thorough evaluation in the real world, or underplay the significant engineering effort and task-specific fine tuning that is required to achieve the published results. In this paper, ..."} {"title": "Tensor Action Spaces for Multi-agent Robot Transfer Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341696/", "author_list": ["Devin Schwab", "Yifeng Zhu", "Manuela Veloso", "Devin Schwab", "Yifeng Zhu", "Manuela Veloso"], "abstract": "We explore using reinforcement learning on single and multi-agent systems such that after learning is finished we can apply a policy zero-shot to new environment sizes, as well as different number of agents and entities. Building off previous work, we show how to map back and forth between the state and action space of a standard Markov Decision Process (MDP) and multi-dimensional tensors such tha..."} {"title": "True\u00c6dapt: Learning Smooth Online Trajectory Adaptation with Bounded Jerk, Acceleration and Velocity in Joint Space", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341001/", "author_list": ["Jonas C. Kiemel", "Robin Weitemeyer", "Pascal Mei\u00dfner", "Torsten Kr\u00f6ger", "Jonas C. Kiemel", "Robin Weitemeyer", "Pascal Mei\u00dfner", "Torsten Kr\u00f6ger"], "abstract": "We present True\u00c6dapt, a model-free method to learn online adaptations of robot trajectories based on their effects on the environment. Given sensory feedback and future waypoints of the original trajectory, a neural network is trained to predict joint accelerations at regular intervals. The adapted trajectory is generated by linear interpolation of the predicted accelerations, leading to continuou..."} {"title": "Active Improvement of Control Policies with Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Model", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341187/", "author_list": ["Hakan Girgin", "Emmanuel Pignat", "No\u00e9mie Jaquier", "Sylvain Calinon", "Hakan Girgin", "Emmanuel Pignat", "No\u00e9mie Jaquier", "Sylvain Calinon"], "abstract": "Learning from demonstration (LfD) is an intuitive framework allowing non-expert users to easily (re-)program robots. However, the quality and quantity of demonstrations have a great influence on the generalization performances of LfD approaches. In this paper, we introduce a novel active learning framework in order to improve the generalization capabilities of control policies. The proposed approa..."} {"title": "Collaborative Programming of Conditional Robot Tasks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341212/", "author_list": ["Christoph Willibald", "Thomas Eiband", "Dongheui Lee", "Christoph Willibald", "Thomas Eiband", "Dongheui Lee"], "abstract": "Conventional robot programming methods are not suited for non-experts to intuitively teach robots new tasks. For this reason, the potential of collaborative robots for production cannot yet be fully exploited. In this work, we propose an active learning framework, in which the robot and the user collaborate to incrementally program a complex task. Starting with a basic model, the robot's task know..."} {"title": "Learning constraint-based planning models from demonstrations", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341535/", "author_list": ["Jo\u00e3o Loula", "Kelsey Allen", "Tom Silver", "Josh Tenenbaum", "Jo\u00e3o Loula", "Kelsey Allen", "Tom Silver", "Josh Tenenbaum"], "abstract": "How can we learn representations for planning that are both efficient and flexible? Task and motion planning models are a good candidate, having been very successful in long-horizon planning tasks-however, they've proved challenging for learning, relying mostly on hand-coded representations. We present a framework for learning constraint-based task and motion planning models using gradient descent..."} {"title": "Learning Object Manipulation with Dexterous Hand-Arm Systems from Human Demonstration", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340966/", "author_list": ["Philipp Ruppel", "Jianwei Zhang", "Philipp Ruppel", "Jianwei Zhang"], "abstract": "We present a novel learning and control framework that combines artificial neural networks with online trajectory optimization to learn dexterous manipulation skills from human demonstration and to transfer the learned behaviors to real robots. Humans can perform the demonstrations with their own hands and with real objects. An instrumented glove is used to record motions and tactile data. Our sys..."} {"title": "MixGAIL: Autonomous Driving Using Demonstrations with Mixed Qualities", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341104/", "author_list": ["Gunmin Lee", "Dohyeong Kim", "Wooseok Oh", "Kyungjae Lee", "Songhwai Oh", "Gunmin Lee", "Dohyeong Kim", "Wooseok Oh", "Kyungjae Lee", "Songhwai Oh"], "abstract": "In this paper, we consider autonomous driving of a vehicle using imitation learning. Generative adversarial imitation learning (GAIL) is a widely used algorithm for imitation learning. This algorithm leverages positive demonstrations to imitate the behavior of an expert. In this paper, we propose a novel method, called mixed generative adversarial imitation learning (MixGAIL), which incorporates b..."} {"title": "Driving Through Ghosts: Behavioral Cloning with False Positives", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340639/", "author_list": ["Andreas B\u00fchler", "Adrien Gaidon", "Andrei Cramariuc", "Rares Ambrus", "Guy Rosman", "Wolfram Burgard", "Andreas B\u00fchler", "Adrien Gaidon", "Andrei Cramariuc", "Rares Ambrus", "Guy Rosman", "Wolfram Burgard"], "abstract": "Safe autonomous driving requires robust detection of other traffic participants. However, robust does not mean perfect, and safe systems typically minimize missed detections at the expense of a higher false positive rate. This results in conservative and yet potentially dangerous behavior such as avoiding imaginary obstacles. In the context of behavioral cloning, perceptual errors at training time..."} {"title": "Proximal Deterministic Policy Gradient", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341559/", "author_list": ["Marco Maggipinto", "Gian Antonio Susto", "Pratik Chaudhari", "Marco Maggipinto", "Gian Antonio Susto", "Pratik Chaudhari"], "abstract": "This paper introduces two simple techniques to improve off-policy Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms. First, we formulate off-policy RL as a stochastic proximal point iteration. The target network plays the role of the variable of optimization and the value network computes the proximal operator. Second, we exploits the two value functions commonly employed in state-of-the-art off-policy algor..."} {"title": "Online BayesSim for Combined Simulator Parameter Inference and Policy Improvement", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341401/", "author_list": ["Rafael Possas", "Lucas Barcelos", "Rafael Oliveira", "Dieter Fox", "Fabio Ramos", "Rafael Possas", "Lucas Barcelos", "Rafael Oliveira", "Dieter Fox", "Fabio Ramos"], "abstract": "Recent advancements in Bayesian likelihood-free inference enables a probabilistic treatment for the problem of estimating simulation parameters and their uncertainty given sequences of observations. Domain randomization can be performed much more effectively when a posterior distribution provides the correct uncertainty over parameters in a simulated environment. In this paper, we study the integr..."} {"title": "An Online Training Method for Augmenting MPC with Deep Reinforcement Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341021/", "author_list": ["Guillaume Bellegarda", "Katie Byl", "Guillaume Bellegarda", "Katie Byl"], "abstract": "Recent breakthroughs both in reinforcement learning and trajectory optimization have made significant advances towards real world robotic system deployment. Reinforcement learning (RL) can be applied to many problems without needing any modeling or intuition about the system, at the cost of high sample complexity and the inability to prove any metrics about the learned policies. Trajectory optimiz..."} {"title": "Stochastic Neural Control using Raw Pointcloud Data and Building Information Models", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340774/", "author_list": ["Max Ferguson", "Kincho H. Law", "Max Ferguson", "Kincho H. Law"], "abstract": "Recently, there has been a lot of excitement surrounding the use of reinforcement learning for robot control and navigation. However, many of these algorithms encounter difficulty navigating long or complex trajectories. This paper presents a new mobile robot control system called Stochastic Neural Control (SNC), that uses a stochastic policy gradient algorithm for local control and a modified pro..."} {"title": "TTR-Based Reward for Reinforcement Learning with Implicit Model Priors", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341477/", "author_list": ["Xubo Lyu", "Mo Chen", "Xubo Lyu", "Mo Chen"], "abstract": "Model-free reinforcement learning (RL) is a powerful approach for learning control policies directly from high-dimensional state and observation. However, it tends to be data-inefficient, which is especially costly in robotic learning tasks. On the other hand, optimal control does not require data if the system model is known, but cannot scale to models with high-dimensional states and observation..."} {"title": "Learning Hierarchical Acquisition Functions for Bayesian Optimization", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341335/", "author_list": ["Nils Rottmann", "Tja\u0161a Kunavar", "Jan Babi\u010d", "Jan Peters", "Elmar Rueckert", "Nils Rottmann", "Tja\u0161a Kunavar", "Jan Babi\u010d", "Jan Peters", "Elmar Rueckert"], "abstract": "Learning control policies in robotic tasks requires a large number of interactions due to small learning rates, bounds on the updates or unknown constraints. In contrast humans can infer protective and safe solutions after a single failure or unexpected observation. In order to reach similar performance, we developed a hierarchical Bayesian optimization algorithm that replicates the cognitive infe..."} {"title": "Reinforcement Learning in Latent Action Sequence Space", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341629/", "author_list": ["Heecheol Kim", "Masanori Yamada", "Kosuke Miyoshi", "Tomoharu Iwata", "Hiroshi Yamakawa", "Heecheol Kim", "Masanori Yamada", "Kosuke Miyoshi", "Tomoharu Iwata", "Hiroshi Yamakawa"], "abstract": "One problem in real-world applications of reinforcement learning is the high dimensionality of the action search spaces, which comes from the combination of actions over time. To reduce the dimensionality of action sequence search spaces, macro actions have been studied, which are sequences of primitive actions to solve tasks. However, previous studies relied on humans to define macro actions or a..."} {"title": "Deep Adversarial Reinforcement Learning for Object Disentangling", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341578/", "author_list": ["Melvin Laux", "Oleg Arenz", "Jan Peters", "Joni Pajarinen", "Melvin Laux", "Oleg Arenz", "Jan Peters", "Joni Pajarinen"], "abstract": "Deep learning in combination with improved training techniques and high computational power has led to recent advances in the field of reinforcement learning (RL) and to successful robotic RL applications such as in-hand manipulation. However, most robotic RL relies on a well known initial state distribution. In real-world tasks, this information is however often not available. For example, when d..."} {"title": "Contextual Policy Search for Micro-Data Robot Motion Learning through Covariate Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340709/", "author_list": ["Juan Antonio Delgado-Guerrero", "Adri\u00e0 Colom\u00e9", "Carme Torras", "Juan Antonio Delgado-Guerrero", "Adri\u00e0 Colom\u00e9", "Carme Torras"], "abstract": "In the next few years, the amount and variety of context-aware robotic manipulator applications is expected to increase significantly, especially in household environments. In such spaces, thanks to programming by demonstration, non-expert people will be able to teach robots how to perform specific tasks, for which the adaptation to the environment is imperative, for the sake of effectiveness and ..."} {"title": "Efficiency and Equity are Both Essential: A Generalized Traffic Signal Controller with Deep Reinforcement Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340784/", "author_list": ["Shengchao Yan", "Jingwei Zhang", "Daniel B\u00fcscher", "Wolfram Burgard", "Shengchao Yan", "Jingwei Zhang", "Daniel B\u00fcscher", "Wolfram Burgard"], "abstract": "Traffic signal controllers play an essential role in today's traffic system. However, the majority of them currently is not sufficiently flexible or adaptive to generate optimal traffic schedules. In this paper we present an approach to learn policies for signal controllers using deep reinforcement learning aiming for optimized traffic flow. Our method uses a novel formulation of the reward functi..."} {"title": "Ultrasound-Guided Robotic Navigation with Deep Reinforcement Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340913/", "author_list": ["Hannes Hase", "Mohammad Farid Azampour", "Maria Tirindelli", "Magdalini Paschali", "Walter Simson", "Emad Fatemizadeh", "Nassir Navab", "Hannes Hase", "Mohammad Farid Azampour", "Maria Tirindelli", "Magdalini Paschali", "Walter Simson", "Emad Fatemizadeh", "Nassir Navab"], "abstract": "In this paper we introduce the first reinforcement learning (RL) based robotic navigation method which utilizes ultrasound (US) images as an input. Our approach combines state-of-the-art RL techniques, specifically deep Q-networks (DQN) with memory buffers and a binary classifier for deciding when to terminate the task.Our method is trained and evaluated on an in-house collected data-set of 34 vol..."} {"title": "Deep R-Learning for Continual Area Sweeping", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341626/", "author_list": ["Rishi Shah", "Yuqian Jiang", "Justin Hart", "Peter Stone", "Rishi Shah", "Yuqian Jiang", "Justin Hart", "Peter Stone"], "abstract": "Coverage path planning is a well-studied problem in robotics in which a robot must plan a path that passes through every point in a given area repeatedly, usually with a uniform frequency. To address the scenario in which some points need to be visited more frequently than others, this problem has been extended to non-uniform coverage planning. This paper considers the variant of non-uniform cover..."} {"title": "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Industrial Insertion Tasks with Visual Inputs and Natural Rewards", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341714/", "author_list": ["Gerrit Schoettler", "Ashvin Nair", "Jianlan Luo", "Shikhar Bahl", "Juan Aparicio Ojea", "Eugen Solowjow", "Sergey Levine", "Gerrit Schoettler", "Ashvin Nair", "Jianlan Luo", "Shikhar Bahl", "Juan Aparicio Ojea", "Eugen Solowjow", "Sergey Levine"], "abstract": "Connector insertion and many other tasks commonly found in modern manufacturing settings involve complex contact dynamics and friction. Since it is difficult to capture related physical effects with first-order modeling, traditional control methods often result in brittle and inaccurate controllers, which have to be manually tuned. Reinforcement learning (RL) methods have been demonstrated to be c..."} {"title": "Robotic Table Tennis with Model-Free Reinforcement Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341191/", "author_list": ["Wenbo Gao", "Laura Graesser", "Krzysztof Choromanski", "Xingyou Song", "Nevena Lazic", "Pannag Sanketi", "Vikas Sindhwani", "Navdeep Jaitly", "Wenbo Gao", "Laura Graesser", "Krzysztof Choromanski", "Xingyou Song", "Nevena Lazic", "Pannag Sanketi", "Vikas Sindhwani", "Navdeep Jaitly"], "abstract": "We propose a model-free algorithm for learning efficient policies capable of returning table tennis balls by controlling robot joints at a rate of 100Hz. We demonstrate that evolutionary search (ES) methods acting on CNN-based policy architectures for non-visual inputs and convolving across time learn compact controllers leading to smooth motions. Furthermore, we show that with appropriately tuned..."} {"title": "Optimizing a Continuum Manipulator\u2019s Search Policy Through Model-Free Reinforcement Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341378/", "author_list": ["Chase Frazelle", "Jonathan Rogers", "Ioannis Karamouzas", "Ian Walker", "Chase Frazelle", "Jonathan Rogers", "Ioannis Karamouzas", "Ian Walker"], "abstract": "Continuum robots have long held a great potential for applications in inspection of remote, hard-to-reach environments. In future environments such as the Deep Space Gateway, remote deployment of robotic solutions will require a high level of autonomy due to communication delays and unavailability of human crews. In this work, we explore the application of policy optimization methods through Actor..."} {"title": "Hypothesis-Driven Skill Discovery for Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340891/", "author_list": ["Caleb Chuck", "Supawit Chockchowwat", "Scott Niekum", "Caleb Chuck", "Supawit Chockchowwat", "Scott Niekum"], "abstract": "Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is capable of learning high-performing policies on a variety of complex high-dimensional tasks, ranging from video games to robotic manipulation. However, standard DRL methods often suffer from poor sample efficiency, partially because they aim to be entirely problem-agnostic. In this work, we introduce a novel approach to exploration and hierarchical skill learni..."} {"title": "Robot Sound Interpretation: Combining Sight and Sound in Learning-Based Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341196/", "author_list": ["Peixin Chang", "Shuijing Liu", "Haonan Chen", "Katherine Driggs-Campbell", "Peixin Chang", "Shuijing Liu", "Haonan Chen", "Katherine Driggs-Campbell"], "abstract": "We explore the interpretation of sound for robot decision making, inspired by human speech comprehension. While previous methods separate sound processing unit and robot controller, we propose an end-to-end deep neural network which directly interprets sound commands for visual-based decision making. The network is trained using reinforcement learning with auxiliary losses on the sight and sound n..."} {"title": "Encoding formulas as deep networks: Reinforcement learning for zero-shot execution of LTL formulas", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341325/", "author_list": ["Yen-Ling Kuo", "Boris Katz", "Andrei Barbu", "Yen-Ling Kuo", "Boris Katz", "Andrei Barbu"], "abstract": "We demonstrate a reinforcement learning agent which uses a compositional recurrent neural network that takes as input an LTL formula and determines satisfying actions. The input LTL formulas have never been seen before, yet the network performs zero-shot generalization to satisfy them. This is a novel form of multi-task learning for RL agents where agents learn from one diverse set of tasks and ge..."} {"title": "PlaNet of the Bayesians: Reconsidering and Improving Deep Planning Network by Incorporating Bayesian Inference", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340873/", "author_list": ["Masashi Okada", "Norio Kosaka", "Tadahiro Taniguchi", "Masashi Okada", "Norio Kosaka", "Tadahiro Taniguchi"], "abstract": "In the present paper, we propose an extension of the Deep Planning Network (PlaNet), also referred to as PlaNet of the Bayesians (PlaNet-Bayes). There has been a growing demand in model predictive control (MPC) in partially observable environments in which complete information is unavailable because of, for example, lack of expensive sensors. PlaNet is a promising solution to realize such latent M..."} {"title": "Latent Space Roadmap for Visual Action Planning of Deformable and Rigid Object Manipulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340764/", "author_list": ["Martina Lippi", "Petra Poklukar", "Michael C. Welle", "Anastasiia Varava", "Hang Yin", "Alessandro Marino", "Danica Kragic", "Martina Lippi", "Petra Poklukar", "Michael C. Welle", "Anastasiia Varava", "Hang Yin", "Alessandro Marino", "Danica Kragic"], "abstract": "We present a framework for visual action planning of complex manipulation tasks with high-dimensional state spaces such as manipulation of deformable objects. Planning is performed in a low-dimensional latent state space that embeds images. We define and implement a Latent Space Roadmap (LSR) which is a graph-based structure that globally captures the latent system dynamics. Our framework consists..."} {"title": "Learning the Latent Space of Robot Dynamics for Cutting Interaction Inference", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341446/", "author_list": ["Sahand Rezaei-Shoshtari", "David Meger", "Inna Sharf", "Sahand Rezaei-Shoshtari", "David Meger", "Inna Sharf"], "abstract": "Utilization of latent space to capture a lower-dimensional representation of a complex dynamics model is explored in this work. The targeted application is of a robotic manipulator executing a complex environment interaction task, in particular, cutting a wooden object. We train two flavours of Variational Autoencoders-standard and Vector-Quantised-to learn the latent space which is then used to i..."} {"title": "SwingBot: Learning Physical Features from In-hand Tactile Exploration for Dynamic Swing-up Manipulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341006/", "author_list": ["Chen Wang", "Shaoxiong Wang", "Branden Romero", "Filipe Veiga", "Edward Adelson", "Chen Wang", "Shaoxiong Wang", "Branden Romero", "Filipe Veiga", "Edward Adelson"], "abstract": "Several robot manipulation tasks are extremely sensitive to variations of the physical properties of the manipulated objects. One such task is manipulating objects by using gravity or arm accelerations, increasing the importance of mass, center of mass, and friction information. We present SwingBot, a robot that is able to learn the physical features of an held object through tactile exploration. ..."} {"title": "Representation and Experience-Based Learning of Explainable Models for Robot Action Execution", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341470/", "author_list": ["Alex Mitrevski", "Paul G. Pl\u00f6ger", "Gerhard Lakemeyer", "Alex Mitrevski", "Paul G. Pl\u00f6ger", "Gerhard Lakemeyer"], "abstract": "For robots acting in human-centered environments, the ability to improve based on experience is essential for reliable and adaptive operation; however, particularly in the context of robot failure analysis, experience-based improvement is practically useful only if robots are also able to reason about and explain the decisions they make during execution. In this paper, we describe and analyse a re..."} {"title": "Improving Unimodal Object Recognition with Multimodal Contrastive Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341029/", "author_list": ["Johannes Meyer", "Andreas Eitel", "Thomas Brox", "Wolfram Burgard", "Johannes Meyer", "Andreas Eitel", "Thomas Brox", "Wolfram Burgard"], "abstract": "Robots perceive their environment using various sensor modalities, e.g., vision, depth, sound or touch. Each modality provides complementary information for perception. However, while it can be assumed that all modalities are available for training, when deploying the robot in real-world scenarios the sensor setup often varies. In order to gain flexibility with respect to the deployed sensor setup..."} {"title": "Roadmap Subsampling for Changing Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341431/", "author_list": ["Sean Murray", "George D. Konidaris", "Daniel J. Sorin", "Sean Murray", "George D. Konidaris", "Daniel J. Sorin"], "abstract": "Precomputed roadmaps can enable effective multi-query motion planning: a roadmap can be built for a robot as if no obstacles were present, and then after edges invalidated by obstacles observed at query time are deleted, path search through the remaining roadmap returns a collision-free plan. However, large roadmaps are memory intensive to store, and can be too slow for practical use. We present a..."} {"title": "Robot Navigation in Crowded Environments Using Deep Reinforcement Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341540/", "author_list": ["Lucia Liu", "Daniel Dugas", "Gianluca Cesari", "Roland Siegwart", "Renaud Dub\u00e9", "Lucia Liu", "Daniel Dugas", "Gianluca Cesari", "Roland Siegwart", "Renaud Dub\u00e9"], "abstract": "Mobile robots operating in public environments require the ability to navigate among humans and other obstacles in a socially compliant and safe manner. This work presents a combined imitation learning and deep reinforcement learning approach for motion planning in such crowded and cluttered environments. By separately processing information related to static and dynamic objects, we enable our net..."} {"title": "Configuration Space Decomposition for Learning-based Collision Checking in High-DOF Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341526/", "author_list": ["Yiheng Han", "Wang Zhao", "Jia Pan", "Yong-Jin Liu", "Yiheng Han", "Wang Zhao", "Jia Pan", "Yong-Jin Liu"], "abstract": "Motion planning for robots of high degrees-of-freedom (DOFs) is an important problem in robotics with sampling-based methods in configuration space $\\mathcal{C}$ as one popular solution. Recently, machine learning methods have been introduced into sampling-based motion planning methods, which train a classifier to distinguish collision free subspace from in-collision subspace in $\\mathcal{C}$. In ..."} {"title": "A Time Optimal Reactive Collision Avoidance Method for UAVs Based on a Modified Collision Cone Approach", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341259/", "author_list": ["Manaram Gnanasekera", "Jay Katupitiya", "Manaram Gnanasekera", "Jay Katupitiya"], "abstract": "UAVs or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are an upcoming technology which has eased human lifestyles in many ways. Due to this trend future skies have a risk of getting congested. In such a situation time optimal collision avoidance would be extremely vital to travel in a shortest possible time by avoiding collisions. The paper proposes a novel method for time optimal collision avoidance for UAVs. The pro..."} {"title": "Computationally Efficient Obstacle Avoidance Trajectory Planner for UAVs Based on Heuristic Angular Search Method", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340778/", "author_list": ["Han Chen", "Peng Lu", "Han Chen", "Peng Lu"], "abstract": "For accomplishing a variety of missions in challenging environments, the capability of navigating with full autonomy while avoiding unexpected obstacles is the most crucial requirement for UAVs in real applications. In this paper, we proposed such a computationally efficient obstacle avoidance trajectory planner that can be used in unknown cluttered environments. Because of the narrow view field o..."} {"title": "Closing the Loop: Real-Time Perception and Control for Robust Collision Avoidance with Occluded Obstacles", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341663/", "author_list": ["Andreea Tulbure", "Oussama Khatib", "Andreea Tulbure", "Oussama Khatib"], "abstract": "Robots have been successfully used in well-structured and deterministic environments, but they are still unable to function in unstructured environments mainly because of missing reliable real-time systems that integrate perception and control. In this paper, we close the loop between perception and control for real-time obstacle avoidance by introducing a new robust perception algorithm and a new..."} {"title": "A modified Hybrid Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles approach for multi-robot motion planning without communication", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341377/", "author_list": ["Maxime Sainte Catherine", "Eric Lucet", "Maxime Sainte Catherine", "Eric Lucet"], "abstract": "Ensuring a safe online motion planning despite a large number of moving agents is the problem addressed in this paper. Collision avoidance is achieved without communication between the agents and without global localization system. The proposed solution is a modification of the Hybrid Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles (HRVO) combined with a tracking error estimation, in order to adapt the Velocity Obs..."} {"title": "Safe and Effective Picking Paths in Clutter given Discrete Distributions of Object Poses", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340922/", "author_list": ["Rui Wang", "Chaitanya Mitash", "Shiyang Lu", "Daniel Boehm", "Kostas E. Bekris", "Rui Wang", "Chaitanya Mitash", "Shiyang Lu", "Daniel Boehm", "Kostas E. Bekris"], "abstract": "Picking an item in the presence of other objects can be challenging as it involves occlusions and partial views. Given object models, one approach is to perform object pose estimation and use the most likely candidate pose per object to pick the target without collisions. This approach, however, ignores the uncertainty of the perception process both regarding the target's and the surrounding objec..."} {"title": "Risk-Averse MPC via Visual-Inertial Input and Recurrent Networks for Online Collision Avoidance", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341070/", "author_list": ["Alexander Schperberg", "Kenny Chen", "Stephanie Tsuei", "Michael Jewett", "Joshua Hooks", "Stefano Soatto", "Ankur Mehta", "Dennis Hong", "Alexander Schperberg", "Kenny Chen", "Stephanie Tsuei", "Michael Jewett", "Joshua Hooks", "Stefano Soatto", "Ankur Mehta", "Dennis Hong"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose an online path planning architecture that extends the model predictive control (MPC) formulation to consider future location uncertainties for safer navigation through cluttered environments. Our algorithm combines an object detection pipeline with a recurrent neural network (RNN) which infers the covariance of state estimates through each step of our MPC's finite time ho..."} {"title": "A Data-driven Framework for Proactive Intention-Aware Motion Planning of a Robot in a Human Environment", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341210/", "author_list": ["Rahul Peddi", "Carmelo Di Franco", "Shijie Gao", "Nicola Bezzo", "Rahul Peddi", "Carmelo Di Franco", "Shijie Gao", "Nicola Bezzo"], "abstract": "For safe and efficient human-robot interaction, a robot needs to predict and understand the intentions of humans who share the same space. Mobile robots are traditionally built to be reactive, moving in unnatural ways without following social protocol, hence forcing people to behave very differently from human-human interaction rules, which can be overcome if robots instead were proactive. In this..."} {"title": "Dynamic Attention-based Visual Odometry", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340890/", "author_list": ["Xin-Yu Kuo", "Chien Liu", "Kai-Chen Lin", "Evan Luo", "Yu-Wen Chen", "Chun-Yi Lee", "Xin-Yu Kuo", "Chien Liu", "Kai-Chen Lin", "Evan Luo", "Yu-Wen Chen", "Chun-Yi Lee"], "abstract": "This paper proposes a dynamic attention-based visual odometry framework (DAVO), a learning-based VO method, for estimating the ego-motion of a monocular camera. DAVO dynamically adjusts the attention weights on different semantic categories for different motion scenarios based on optical flow maps. These weighted semantic categories can then be used to generate attention maps that highlight the re..."} {"title": "Richer Aggregated Features for Optical Flow Estimation with Edge-aware Refinement", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341544/", "author_list": ["Xianshun Wang", "Dongchen Zhu", "Jiafei Song", "Yanqing Liu", "Jiamao Li", "Xiaolin Zhang", "Xianshun Wang", "Dongchen Zhu", "Jiafei Song", "Yanqing Liu", "Jiamao Li", "Xiaolin Zhang"], "abstract": "Recent CNN-based optical flow approaches have a separated structure of feature extraction and flow estimation. The core task of optical flow is finding the corresponding points while rich representation is just the key part of such matching problems. However, the prior work usually pays more attention to the design of flow decoder than the feature extraction. In this paper, we present a novel opti..."} {"title": "LiDAR Iris for Loop-Closure Detection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341010/", "author_list": ["Ying Wang", "Zezhou Sun", "Cheng-Zhong Xu", "Sanjay E. Sarma", "Jian Yang", "Hui Kong", "Ying Wang", "Zezhou Sun", "Cheng-Zhong Xu", "Sanjay E. Sarma", "Jian Yang", "Hui Kong"], "abstract": "In this paper, a global descriptor for a LiDAR point cloud, called LiDAR Iris, is proposed for fast and accurate loop-closure detection. A binary signature image can be obtained for each point cloud after several LoG-Gabor filtering and thresholding operations on the LiDAR-Iris image representation. Given two point clouds, their similarities can be calculated as the Hamming distance of two corresp..."} {"title": "Confidence Guided Stereo 3D Object Detection with Split Depth Estimation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341188/", "author_list": ["Chengyao Li", "Jason Ku", "Steven L. Waslander", "Chengyao Li", "Jason Ku", "Steven L. Waslander"], "abstract": "Accurate and reliable 3D object detection is vital to safe autonomous driving. Despite recent developments, the performance gap between stereo-based methods and LiDAR-based methods is still considerable. Accurate depth estimation is crucial to the performance of stereo-based 3D object detection methods, particularly for those pixels associated with objects in the foreground. Moreover, stereo-based..."} {"title": "End-to-end Contextual Perception and Prediction with Interaction Transformer", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341392/", "author_list": ["Lingyun Luke Li", "Bin Yang", "Ming Liang", "Wenyuan Zeng", "Mengye Ren", "Sean Segal", "Raquel Urtasun", "Lingyun Luke Li", "Bin Yang", "Ming Liang", "Wenyuan Zeng", "Mengye Ren", "Sean Segal", "Raquel Urtasun"], "abstract": "In this paper, we tackle the problem of detecting objects in 3D and forecasting their future motion in the context of self-driving. Towards this goal, we design a novel approach that explicitly takes into account the interactions between actors. To capture their spatial-temporal dependencies, we propose a recurrent neural network with a novel Transformer [1] architecture, which we call the Interac..."} {"title": "Inferring Spatial Uncertainty in Object Detection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340798/", "author_list": ["Zining Wang", "Di Feng", "Yiyang Zhou", "Lars Rosenbaum", "Fabian Timm", "Klaus Dietmayer", "Masayoshi Tomizuka", "Wei Zhan", "Zining Wang", "Di Feng", "Yiyang Zhou", "Lars Rosenbaum", "Fabian Timm", "Klaus Dietmayer", "Masayoshi Tomizuka", "Wei Zhan"], "abstract": "The availability of real-world datasets is the prerequisite for developing object detection methods for autonomous driving. While ambiguity exists in object labels due to error-prone annotation process or sensor observation noises, current object detection datasets only provide deterministic annotations without considering their uncertainty. This precludes an in-depth evaluation among different ob..."} {"title": "One-Shot Informed Robotic Visual Search in the Wild", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340914/", "author_list": ["Karim Koreitem", "Florian Shkurti", "Travis Manderson", "Wei-Di Chang", "Juan Camilo Gamboa Higuera", "Gregory Dudek", "Karim Koreitem", "Florian Shkurti", "Travis Manderson", "Wei-Di Chang", "Juan Camilo Gamboa Higuera", "Gregory Dudek"], "abstract": "We consider the task of underwater robot navigation for the purpose of collecting scientifically relevant video data for environmental monitoring. The majority of field robots that currently perform monitoring tasks in unstructured natural environments navigate via path-tracking a pre-specified sequence of waypoints. Although this navigation method is often necessary, it is limiting because the ro..."} {"title": "Perception-aware Path Planning for UAVs using Semantic Segmentation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341347/", "author_list": ["Luca Bartolomei", "Lucas Teixeira", "Margarita Chli", "Luca Bartolomei", "Lucas Teixeira", "Margarita Chli"], "abstract": "In this work, we present a perception-aware path-planning pipeline for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for navigation in challenging environments. The objective is to reach a given destination safely and accurately by relying on monocular camera-based state estimators, such as Keyframe-based Visual-Inertial Odometry (VIO) systems. Motivated by the recent advances in semantic segmentation using dee..."} {"title": "Learning Your Way Without Map or Compass: Panoramic Target Driven Visual Navigation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341511/", "author_list": ["David Watkins-Valls", "Jingxi Xu", "Nicholas Waytowich", "Peter Allen", "David Watkins-Valls", "Jingxi Xu", "Nicholas Waytowich", "Peter Allen"], "abstract": "We present a robot navigation system that uses an imitation learning framework to successfully navigate in complex environments. Our framework takes a pre-built 3D scan of a real environment and trains an agent from pre-generated expert trajectories to navigate to any position given a panoramic view of the goal and the current visual input without relying on map, compass, odometry, or relative pos..."} {"title": "Autonomous Navigation in Complex Environments with Deep Multimodal Fusion Network", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341494/", "author_list": ["Anh Nguyen", "Ngoc Nguyen", "Kim Tran", "Erman Tjiputra", "Quang D. Tran", "Anh Nguyen", "Ngoc Nguyen", "Kim Tran", "Erman Tjiputra", "Quang D. Tran"], "abstract": "Autonomous navigation in complex environments is a crucial task in time-sensitive scenarios such as disaster response or search and rescue. However, complex environments pose significant challenges for autonomous platforms to navigate due to their challenging properties: constrained narrow passages, unstable pathway with debris and obstacles, or irregular geological structures and poor lighting co..."} {"title": "Unsupervised Learning of Dense Optical Flow, Depth and Egomotion with Event-Based Sensors", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341224/", "author_list": ["Chengxi Ye", "Anton Mitrokhin", "Cornelia Ferm\u00fcller", "James A. Yorke", "Yiannis Aloimonos", "Chengxi Ye", "Anton Mitrokhin", "Cornelia Ferm\u00fcller", "James A. Yorke", "Yiannis Aloimonos"], "abstract": "We present an unsupervised learning pipeline for dense depth, optical flow and egomotion estimation for autonomous driving applications, using the event-based output of the Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) as input. The backbone of our pipeline is a bioinspired encoder-decoder neural network architecture - ECN. To train the pipeline, we introduce a covariance normalization technique which resembles the..."} {"title": "HouseExpo: A Large-scale 2D Indoor Layout Dataset for Learning-based Algorithms on Mobile Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341284/", "author_list": ["Tingguang Li", "Danny Ho", "Chenming Li", "Delong Zhu", "Chaoqun Wang", "Max Q.-H. Meng", "Tingguang Li", "Danny Ho", "Chenming Li", "Delong Zhu", "Chaoqun Wang", "Max Q.-H. Meng"], "abstract": "As one of the most promising areas, mobile robots draw much attention these years. Current work in this field is often evaluated in a few manually designed scenarios, due to the lack of a common experimental platform. Meanwhile, with the recent development of deep learning techniques, some researchers attempt to apply learning-based methods to mobile robot tasks, which requires a substantial amoun..."} {"title": "Multimodal Aggregation Approach for Memory Vision-Voice Indoor Navigation with Meta-Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341398/", "author_list": ["Liqi Yan", "Dongfang Liu", "Yaoxian Song", "Changbin Yu", "Liqi Yan", "Dongfang Liu", "Yaoxian Song", "Changbin Yu"], "abstract": "Vision and voice are two vital keys for agents\u2019 interaction and learning. In this paper, we present a novel indoor navigation model called Memory Vision-Voice Indoor Navigation (MVV-IN), which receives voice commands and analyzes multimodal information of visual observation in order to enhance robots\u2019 environment understanding. We make use of single RGB images taken by a rst-view monocular camera...."} {"title": "Occlusion-Robust MVO: Multimotion Estimation Through Occlusion Via Motion Closure", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341355/", "author_list": ["Kevin M. Judd", "Jonathan D. Gammell", "Kevin M. Judd", "Jonathan D. Gammell"], "abstract": "Visual motion estimation is an integral and well-studied challenge in autonomous navigation. Recent work has focused on addressing multimotion estimation, which is especially challenging in highly dynamic environments. Such environments not only comprise multiple, complex motions but also tend to exhibit significant occlusion.Previous work in object tracking focuses on maintaining the integrity of..."} {"title": "IDOL: A Framework for IMU-DVS Odometry using Lines", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341208/", "author_list": ["Cedric Le Gentil", "Florian Tschopp", "Ignacio Alzugaray", "Teresa Vidal-Calleja", "Roland Siegwart", "Juan Nieto", "Cedric Le Gentil", "Florian Tschopp", "Ignacio Alzugaray", "Teresa Vidal-Calleja", "Roland Siegwart", "Juan Nieto"], "abstract": "In this paper, we introduce IDOL, an optimization-based framework for IMU-DVS Odometry using Lines. Event cameras, also called Dynamic Vision Sensors (DVSs), generate highly asynchronous streams of events triggered upon illumination changes for each individual pixel. This novel paradigm presents advantages in low illumination conditions and high-speed motions. Nonetheless, this unconventional sens..."} {"title": "Point Cloud Based Reinforcement Learning for Sim-to-Real and Partial Observability in Visual Navigation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341771/", "author_list": ["Kenzo Lobos-Tsunekawa", "Tatsuya Harada", "Kenzo Lobos-Tsunekawa", "Tatsuya Harada"], "abstract": "Reinforcement Learning (RL), among other learning-based methods, represents powerful tools to solve complex robotic tasks (e.g., actuation, manipulation, navigation, etc.), with the need for real-world data to train these systems as one of its most important limitations. The use of simulators is one way to address this issue, yet knowledge acquired in simulations does not work directly in the real..."} {"title": "Autonomous Robot Navigation Based on Multi-Camera Perception", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341304/", "author_list": ["Kunyan Zhu", "Wei Chen", "Wei Zhang", "Ran Song", "Yibin Li", "Kunyan Zhu", "Wei Chen", "Wei Zhang", "Ran Song", "Yibin Li"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose an autonomous method for robot navigation based on a multi-camera setup that takes advantage of a wide field of view. A new multi-task network is designed for handling the visual information supplied by the left, central and right cameras to find the passable area, detect the intersection and infer the steering. Based on the outputs of the network, three navigation indica..."} {"title": "Model Quality Aware RANSAC: A Robust Camera Motion Estimator", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341345/", "author_list": ["Shu-Hao Yeh", "Yan Lu", "Dezhen Song", "Shu-Hao Yeh", "Yan Lu", "Dezhen Song"], "abstract": "Robust estimation of camera motion under the presence of outlier noisevision. Despite existing efforts that focus on detecting motion and scene degeneracies, the best existing approach that builds on Random Consensus Sampling (RANSAC) still has non-negligible failure rate. Since a single failure can lead to the failure of the entire visual simultaneous localization and mapping, it is important to ..."} {"title": "A Fast and Robust Place Recognition Approach for Stereo Visual Odometry Using LiDAR Descriptors", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341733/", "author_list": ["Jiawei Mo", "Junaed Sattar", "Jiawei Mo", "Junaed Sattar"], "abstract": "Place recognition is a core component of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms. Particularly in visual SLAM systems, previously-visited places are recognized by measuring the appearance similarity between images representing these locations. However, such approaches are sensitive to visual appearance change and also can be computationally expensive. In this paper, we propose an a..."} {"title": "KLIEP-based Density Ratio Estimation for Semantically Consistent Synthetic to Real Images Adaptation in Urban Traffic Scenes", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341547/", "author_list": ["Artem Savkin", "Federico Tombari", "Artem Savkin", "Federico Tombari"], "abstract": "Synthetic data has been applied in many deep learning based computer vision tasks. Limited performance of algorithms trained solely on synthetic data has been approached with domain adaptation techniques such as the ones based on generative adversarial framework. We demonstrate how adversarial training alone can introduce semantic inconsistencies in translated images. To tackle this issue we propo..."} {"title": "Graduated Assignment Graph Matching for Realtime Matching of Image Wireframes", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341237/", "author_list": ["Joseph Menke", "Allen Y. Yang", "Joseph Menke", "Allen Y. Yang"], "abstract": "We present an algorithm for the realtime matching of wireframe extractions in pairs of images. Here we treat extracted wireframes as graphs and propose a simplified Graduated Assignment algorithm to use with this problem. Using this algorithm we achieve a 30% accuracy improvement over the baseline method. We show that, for this problem, the simplified Graduated Assignment algorithm can achieve rea..."} {"title": "Edge-based Visual Odometry with Stereo Cameras using Multiple Oriented Quadtrees", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341486/", "author_list": ["Changhyeon Kim", "Junha Kim", "H. Jin Kim", "Changhyeon Kim", "Junha Kim", "H. Jin Kim"], "abstract": "We propose an efficient edge-based stereo visual odometry (VO) using multiple quadtrees created according to image gradient orientations. To characterize edges, we classify them into eight orientation groups according to their image gradient directions. Using the edge groups, we construct eight quadtrees and set overlapping areas belonging to adjacent quadtrees for robust and efficient matching. F..."} {"title": "Perception-Aware Path Finding and Following of Snake Robot in Unknown Environment", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341429/", "author_list": ["Weixin Yang", "Gang Wang", "Yantao Shen", "Weixin Yang", "Gang Wang", "Yantao Shen"], "abstract": "In this paper, we investigate the perception-aware path finding, planning and following for a class of snake robots autonomously serpentining in an unmodeled and unknown environment. In the work, the onboard LiDAR sensor mounted on the head of the snake robot is utilized to reconstruct the local environment, by which and the modified rapidly-exploring random tree method, a feasible path from the c..."} {"title": "Joint Feature Selection and Time Optimal Path Parametrization for High Speed Vision-Aided Navigation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341654/", "author_list": ["Igor Spasojevic", "Varun Murali", "Sertac Karaman", "Igor Spasojevic", "Varun Murali", "Sertac Karaman"], "abstract": "We study a problem in vision-aided navigation in which an autonomous agent has to traverse a specified path in minimal time while ensuring extraction of a steady stream of visual percepts with low latency. Vision-aided robots extract motion estimates from the sequence of images of their on-board cameras by registering the change in bearing to landmarks in their environment. The computational burde..."} {"title": "AVP-SLAM: Semantic Visual Mapping and Localization for Autonomous Vehicles in the Parking Lot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340939/", "author_list": ["Tong Qin", "Tongqing Chen", "Yilun Chen", "Qing Su", "Tong Qin", "Tongqing Chen", "Yilun Chen", "Qing Su"], "abstract": "Autonomous valet parking is a specific application for autonomous vehicles. In this task, vehicles need to navigate in narrow, crowded and GPS-denied parking lots. Accurate localization ability is of great importance. Traditional visual-based methods suffer from tracking lost due to texture-less regions, repeated structures, and appearance changes. In this paper, we exploit robust semantic feature..."} {"title": "DGAZE: Driver Gaze Mapping on Road", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341782/", "author_list": ["Isha Dua", "Thrupthi Ann John", "Riya Gupta", "C.V. Jawahar", "Isha Dua", "Thrupthi Ann John", "Riya Gupta", "C.V. Jawahar"], "abstract": "Driver gaze mapping is crucial to estimate driver attention and determine which objects the driver is focusing on while driving. We introduce DGAZE, the first large-scale driver gaze mapping dataset. Unlike previous works, our dataset does not require expensive wearable eye-gaze trackers and instead relies on mobile phone cameras for data collection. The data was collected in a lab setting designe..."} {"title": "Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance for UAV based on Fusion of Radar and Monocular Camera", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341432/", "author_list": ["Hang Yu", "Fan Zhang", "Panfeng Huang", "Chen Wang", "Li Yuanhao", "Hang Yu", "Fan Zhang", "Panfeng Huang", "Chen Wang", "Li Yuanhao"], "abstract": "UAVs face many challenges in autonomous obstacle avoidance in large outdoor scenarios, specifically the long communication distance from ground stations. The computing power of onboard computers is limited, and the unknown obstacles cannot be accurately detected. In this paper, an autonomous obstacle avoidance scheme based on the fusion of millimeter wave radar and monocular camera is proposed. Th..."} {"title": "UST: Unifying Spatio-Temporal Context for Trajectory Prediction in Autonomous Driving", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340943/", "author_list": ["Hao He", "Hengchen Dai", "Naiyan Wang", "Hao He", "Hengchen Dai", "Naiyan Wang"], "abstract": "Trajectory prediction has always been a challenging problem for autonomous driving, since it needs to infer the latent intention from the behaviors and interactions from traffic participants. This problem is intrinsically hard, because each participant may behave differently under different environments and interactions. This key is to effectively model the interlaced influence from both spatial c..."} {"title": "Automatic Failure Recovery and Re-Initialization for Online UAV Tracking with Joint Scale and Aspect Ratio Optimization", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341744/", "author_list": ["Fangqiang Ding", "Changhong Fu", "Yiming Li", "Jin Jin", "Chen Feng", "Fangqiang Ding", "Changhong Fu", "Yiming Li", "Jin Jin", "Chen Feng"], "abstract": "Current unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) visual tracking algorithms are primarily limited with respect to: (i) the kind of size variation they can deal with, (ii) the implementation speed which hardly meets the real-time requirement. In this work, a real-time UAV tracking algorithm with powerful size estimation ability is proposed. Specifically, the overall tracking task is allocated to two 2D filter..."} {"title": "Asynchronous Event-based Line Tracking for Time-to-Contact Maneuvers in UAS", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341240/", "author_list": ["A. G\u00f3mez Egu\u00edluz", "J.P. Rodr\u00edguez-G\u00f3mez", "J.R. Mart\u00ednez-de Dios", "A. Ollero", "A. G\u00f3mez Egu\u00edluz", "J.P. Rodr\u00edguez-G\u00f3mez", "J.R. Mart\u00ednez-de Dios", "A. Ollero"], "abstract": "This paper presents an bio-inspired event-based perception scheme for agile aerial robot maneuvering. It tries to mimic birds, which perform purposeful maneuvers by closing the separation in the retinal image (w.r.t. the goal) to follow time-to-contact trajectories. The proposed approach is based on event cameras, also called artificial retinas, which provide fast response and robustness against m..."} {"title": "Enhanced Transfer Learning for Autonomous Driving with Systematic Accident Simulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341538/", "author_list": ["Shivam Akhauri", "Laura Y. Zheng", "Ming C. Lin", "Shivam Akhauri", "Laura Y. Zheng", "Ming C. Lin"], "abstract": "Simulation data can be utilized to extend real-world driving data in order to cover edge cases, such as vehicle accidents. The importance of handling edge cases can be observed in the high societal costs in handling car accidents, as well as potential dangers to human drivers. In order to cover a wide and diverse range of all edge cases, we systemically parameterize and simulate the most common ac..."} {"title": "A Framework for Online Updates to Safe Sets for Uncertain Dynamics", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341606/", "author_list": ["Jennifer C. Shih", "Franziska Meier", "Akshara Rai", "Jennifer C. Shih", "Franziska Meier", "Akshara Rai"], "abstract": "Safety is crucial for deploying robots in the real world. One way of reasoning about safety of robots is by building safe sets through Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) reachability. However, safe sets are often computed offline, assuming perfect knowledge of the dynamics, due to high compute time. In the presence of uncertainty, the safe set computed offline becomes inaccurate online, potentially leading to d..."} {"title": "DMLO: Deep Matching LiDAR Odometry", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341206/", "author_list": ["Zhichao Li", "Naiyan Wang", "Zhichao Li", "Naiyan Wang"], "abstract": "LiDAR odometry is a fundamental task for various areas such as robotics, autonomous driving. This problem is difficult since it requires the systems to be highly robust running in noisy real-world data. Existing methods are mostly local iterative methods. Feature-based global registration methods are not preferred since extracting accurate matching pairs in the nonuniform and sparse LiDAR data rem..."} {"title": "Accurate and Robust Teach and Repeat Navigation by Visual Place Recognition: A CNN Approach", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341764/", "author_list": ["Luis G. Camara", "Tom\u00e1\u0161 Pivo\u0148ka", "Martin J\u00edlek", "Carl G\u00e4bert", "Karel Ko\u0161nar", "Libor P\u0159eu\u010dil", "Luis G. Camara", "Tom\u00e1\u0161 Pivo\u0148ka", "Martin J\u00edlek", "Carl G\u00e4bert", "Karel Ko\u0161nar", "Libor P\u0159eu\u010dil"], "abstract": "We propose a novel teach-and-repeat navigation system, SSM-Nav, which is based on the output of the recently introduced SSM visual place recognition methodology. During the teach phase, a teleoperated wheeled robot stores in a database features of images taken along an arbitrary route. During the repeat phase or navigation, a CNN-based comparison of each captured image is performed against the dat..."} {"title": "Self-supervised Simultaneous Alignment and Change Detection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340840/", "author_list": ["Yukuko Furukawa", "Kumiko Suzuki", "Ryuhei Hamaguchi", "Masaki Onishi", "Ken Sakurada", "Yukuko Furukawa", "Kumiko Suzuki", "Ryuhei Hamaguchi", "Masaki Onishi", "Ken Sakurada"], "abstract": "This study proposes a self-supervised method for detecting scene changes from an image pair. For mobile cameras such as drive recorders, to alleviate the camera viewpoints' difference, image alignment and change detection must be optimized simultaneously because they depend on each other. Moreover, lighting condition makes the scene change detection more difficult because it widely varies in image..."} {"title": "Deep Inverse Sensor Models as Priors for evidential Occupancy Mapping", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341308/", "author_list": ["Daniel Bauer", "Lars Kuhnert", "Lutz Eckstein", "Daniel Bauer", "Lars Kuhnert", "Lutz Eckstein"], "abstract": "With the recent boost in autonomous driving, increased attention has been paid on radars as an input for occupancy mapping. Besides their many benefits, the inference of occupied space based on radar detections is notoriously difficult because of the data sparsity and the environment dependent noise (e.g. multipath reflections). Recently, deep learning-based inverse sensor models, from here on cal..."} {"title": "Online Exploration of Tunnel Networks Leveraging Topological CNN-based World Predictions", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341170/", "author_list": ["Manish Saroya", "Graeme Best", "Geoffrey A. Hollinger", "Manish Saroya", "Graeme Best", "Geoffrey A. Hollinger"], "abstract": "Robotic exploration requires adaptively selecting navigation goals that result in the rapid discovery and mapping of an unknown world. In many real-world environments, subtle structural cues can provide insight about the unexplored world, which may be exploited by a decision maker to improve the speed of exploration. In sparse subterranean tunnel networks, these cues come in the form of topologica..."} {"title": "Learning Local Planners for Human-aware Navigation in Indoor Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341783/", "author_list": ["Ronja Guldenring", "Michael G\u00f6rner", "Norman Hendrich", "Niels Jul Jacobsen", "Jianwei Zhang", "Ronja Guldenring", "Michael G\u00f6rner", "Norman Hendrich", "Niels Jul Jacobsen", "Jianwei Zhang"], "abstract": "Established indoor robot navigation frameworks build on the separation between global and local planners. Whereas global planners rely on traditional graph search algorithms, local planners are expected to handle driving dynamics and resolve minor conflicts. We present a system to train neural-network policies for such a local planner component, explicitly accounting for humans navigating the spac..."} {"title": "Efficient Exploration in Constrained Environments with Goal-Oriented Reference Path", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341620/", "author_list": ["Kei Ota", "Yoko Sasaki", "Devesh K. Jha", "Yusuke Yoshiyasu", "Asako Kanezaki", "Kei Ota", "Yoko Sasaki", "Devesh K. Jha", "Yusuke Yoshiyasu", "Asako Kanezaki"], "abstract": "In this paper, we consider the problem of building learning agents that can efficiently learn to navigate in constrained environments. The main goal is to design agents that can efficiently learn to understand and generalize to different environments using high-dimensional inputs (a 2D map), while following feasible paths that avoid obstacles in obstacle-cluttered environment. To achieve this, we ..."} {"title": "Multiplicative Controller Fusion: Leveraging Algorithmic Priors for Sample-efficient Reinforcement Learning and Safe Sim-To-Real Transfer", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341372/", "author_list": ["Krishan Rana", "Vibhavari Dasagi", "Ben Talbot", "Michael Milford", "Niko S\u00fcnderhauf", "Krishan Rana", "Vibhavari Dasagi", "Ben Talbot", "Michael Milford", "Niko S\u00fcnderhauf"], "abstract": "Learning-based approaches often outperform hand-coded algorithmic solutions for many problems in robotics. However, learning long-horizon tasks on real robot hardware can be intractable, and transferring a learned policy from simulation to reality is still extremely challenging. We present a novel approach to model-free reinforcement learning that can leverage existing sub-optimal solutions as an ..."} {"title": "Reinforcement Learning-based Hierarchical Control for Path Following of a Salamander-like Robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341656/", "author_list": ["Xueyou Zhang", "Xian Guo", "Yongchun Fang", "Wei Zhu", "Xueyou Zhang", "Xian Guo", "Yongchun Fang", "Wei Zhu"], "abstract": "Path following is a challenging task for legged robots. In this paper, we present a hierarchical control architecture for path following of a quadruped salamander-like robot, in which, the tracking problem is decomposed into two sub-tasks: high-level policy learning based on the framework of reinforcement learning (RL) and low-level traditional controller design. More specifically, the high-level ..."} {"title": "Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Method for Autonomous Vehicle Behavior Planning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341496/", "author_list": ["Zhiqian Qiao", "Zachariah Tyree", "Priyantha Mudalige", "Jeff Schneider", "John M. Dolan", "Zhiqian Qiao", "Zachariah Tyree", "Priyantha Mudalige", "Jeff Schneider", "John M. Dolan"], "abstract": "Behavioral decision making is an important aspect of autonomous vehicles (AV). In this work, we propose a behavior planning structure based on hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL) which is capable of performing autonomous vehicle planning tasks in simulated environments with multiple sub-goals. In this hierarchical structure, the network is capable of 1) learning one task with multiple sub-go..."} {"title": "Reinforcement co-Learning of Deep and Spiking Neural Networks for Energy-Efficient Mapless Navigation with Neuromorphic Hardware", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340948/", "author_list": ["Guangzhi Tang", "Neelesh Kumar", "Konstantinos P. Michmizos", "Guangzhi Tang", "Neelesh Kumar", "Konstantinos P. Michmizos"], "abstract": "Energy-efficient mapless navigation is crucial for mobile robots as they explore unknown environments with limited on-board resources. Although the recent deep rein-forcement learning (DRL) approaches have been successfully applied to navigation, their high energy consumption limits their use in several robotic applications. Here, we propose a neuromorphic approach that combines the energy-efficie..."} {"title": "Learning Agile Locomotion via Adversarial Training", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341777/", "author_list": ["Yujin Tang", "Jie Tan", "Tatsuya Harada", "Yujin Tang", "Jie Tan", "Tatsuya Harada"], "abstract": "Developing controllers for agile locomotion is a long-standing challenge for legged robots. Reinforcement learning (RL) and Evolution Strategy (ES) hold the promise of automating the design process of such controllers. However, dedicated and careful human effort is required to design training environments to promote agility. In this paper, we present a multi-agent learning system, in which a quadr..."} {"title": "Stochastic Grounded Action Transformation for Robot Learning in Simulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340780/", "author_list": ["Siddharth Desai", "Haresh Karnan", "Josiah P. Hanna", "Garrett Warnell", "and Peter Stone", "Siddharth Desai", "Haresh Karnan", "Josiah P. Hanna", "Garrett Warnell", "and Peter Stone"], "abstract": "Robot control policies learned in simulation do not often transfer well to the real world. Many existing solutions to this sim-to-real problem, such as the Grounded Action Transformation (GAT) algorithm, seek to correct for- or ground-these differences by matching the simulator to the real world. However, the efficacy of these approaches is limited if they do not explicitly account for stochastici..."} {"title": "Learning Domain Randomization Distributions for Training Robust Locomotion Policies", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341019/", "author_list": ["Melissa Mozian", "Juan Camilo Gamboa Higuera", "David Meger", "Gregory Dudek", "Melissa Mozian", "Juan Camilo Gamboa Higuera", "David Meger", "Gregory Dudek"], "abstract": "This paper considers the problem of learning behaviors in simulation without knowledge of the precise dynamical properties of the target robot platform(s). In this context, our learning goal is to mutually maximize task efficacy on each environment considered and generalization across the widest possible range of environmental conditions. The physical parameters of the simulator are modified by a ..."} {"title": "Exploration Strategy based on Validity of Actions in Deep Reinforcement Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341014/", "author_list": ["Hyung-Suk Yoon", "Sang-Hyun Lee", "Seung-Woo Seo", "Hyung-Suk Yoon", "Sang-Hyun Lee", "Seung-Woo Seo"], "abstract": "How to explore environments is one of the most critical factors for the performance of an agent in reinforcement learning. Conventional exploration strategies such as \u03b5-greedy algorithm and Gaussian exploration noise simply depend on pure randomness. However, it is required for an agent to consider its training progress and long-term usefulness of actions to efficiently explore complex environment..."} {"title": "Autonomous Exploration Under Uncertainty via Deep Reinforcement Learning on Graphs", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341657/", "author_list": ["Fanfei Chen", "John D. Martin", "Yewei Huang", "Jinkun Wang", "Brendan Englot", "Fanfei Chen", "John D. Martin", "Yewei Huang", "Jinkun Wang", "Brendan Englot"], "abstract": "We consider an autonomous exploration problem in which a range-sensing mobile robot is tasked with accurately mapping the landmarks in an a priori unknown environment efficiently in real-time; it must choose sensing actions that both curb localization uncertainty and achieve information gain. For this problem, belief space planning methods that forward- simulate robot sensing and estimation may of..."} {"title": "No Map, No Problem: A Local Sensing Approach for Navigation in Human-Made Spaces Using Signs", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340813/", "author_list": ["Claire Liang", "Ross A. Knepper", "Florian T. Pokorny", "Claire Liang", "Ross A. Knepper", "Florian T. Pokorny"], "abstract": "Robot navigation in human spaces today largely relies on the construction of precise geometric maps and a global motion plan. In this work, we navigate with only local sensing by using available signage - as designed for humans - in human-made environments such as airports. We propose a formalization of \"signage\" and define 4 levels of signage that we call complete, fully-specified, consistent and..."} {"title": "Rapid Autonomous Semantic Mapping", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341564/", "author_list": ["Anup Parikh", "Mark W. Koch", "Timothy J. Blada", "Stephen P. Buerger", "Anup Parikh", "Mark W. Koch", "Timothy J. Blada", "Stephen P. Buerger"], "abstract": "A semantic understanding of the environment is needed to enable high level autonomy in robotic systems. Recent results have demonstrated rapid progress in underlying technology areas, but few results have been reported on end-to-end systems that enable effective autonomous perception in complex environments. In this paper, we describe an approach for rapidly and autonomously mapping unknown enviro..."} {"title": "Lifelong update of semantic maps in dynamic environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341516/", "author_list": ["Manjunath Narayana", "Andreas Kolling", "Lucio Nardelli", "Phil Fong", "Manjunath Narayana", "Andreas Kolling", "Lucio Nardelli", "Phil Fong"], "abstract": "A robot understands its world through the raw information it senses from its surroundings. This raw information is not suitable as a shared representation between the robot and its user. A semantic map, containing high-level information that both the robot and user understand, is better suited to be a shared representation. We use the semantic map as the user-facing interface on our fleet of floor..."} {"title": "Efficient Object Search Through Probability-Based Viewpoint Selection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340989/", "author_list": ["Alejandra C. Hernandez", "Erik Derner", "Clara Gomez", "Ramon Barber", "Robert Babu\u0161ka", "Alejandra C. Hernandez", "Erik Derner", "Clara Gomez", "Ramon Barber", "Robert Babu\u0161ka"], "abstract": "The ability to search for objects is a precondition for various robotic tasks. In this paper, we address the problem of finding objects in partially known indoor environments. Using the knowledge of the floor plan and the mapped objects, we consider object-object and object-room co-occurrences as prior information for identifying promising locations where an unmapped object can be present. We prop..."} {"title": "Dense Incremental Metric-Semantic Mapping via Sparse Gaussian Process Regression", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341658/", "author_list": ["Ehsan Zobeidi", "Alec Koppel", "Nikolay Atanasov", "Ehsan Zobeidi", "Alec Koppel", "Nikolay Atanasov"], "abstract": "We develop an online probabilistic metric-semantic mapping approach for autonomous robots relying on streaming RGB-D observations. We cast this problem as a Bayesian inference task, requiring encoding both the geometric surfaces and semantic labels (e.g., chair, table, wall) of the unknown environment. We propose an online Gaussian Process (GP) training and inference approach, which avoids the com..."} {"title": "Collaborative Semantic Perception and Relative Localization Based on Map Matching", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340970/", "author_list": ["Yufeng Yue", "Chunyang Zhao", "Mingxing Wen", "Zhenyu Wu", "Danwei Wang", "Yufeng Yue", "Chunyang Zhao", "Mingxing Wen", "Zhenyu Wu", "Danwei Wang"], "abstract": "In order to enable a team of robots to operate successfully, retrieving accurate relative transformation between robots is the fundamental requirement. So far, most research on relative localization mainly focus on geometry features such as points, lines and planes. To address this problem, collaborative semantic map matching is proposed to perform semantic perception and relative localization. Th..."} {"title": "3D Odor Source Localization using a Micro Aerial Vehicle: System Design and Performance Evaluation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341501/", "author_list": ["Chiara Ercolani", "Alcherio Martinoli", "Chiara Ercolani", "Alcherio Martinoli"], "abstract": "Finding chemical compounds in the air has applications when situations such as gas leaks, environmental emergencies and toxic chemical dispersion occur. Enabling robots to undertake this task would provide a powerful tool to prevent dangerous situations and assist humans when emergencies arise. While the dispersion of chemical compounds in the air is intrinsically a three-dimensional (3D) phenomen..."} {"title": "BARK: Open Behavior Benchmarking in Multi-Agent Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341222/", "author_list": ["Julian Bernhard", "Klemens Esterle", "Patrick Hart", "Tobias Kessler", "Julian Bernhard", "Klemens Esterle", "Patrick Hart", "Tobias Kessler"], "abstract": "Predicting and planning interactive behaviors in complex traffic situations presents a challenging task. Especially in scenarios involving multiple traffic participants that interact densely, autonomous vehicles still struggle to interpret situations and to eventually achieve their own mission goal. As driving tests are costly and challenging scenarios are hard to find and reproduce, simulation is..."} {"title": "The VCU-RVI Benchmark: Evaluating Visual Inertial Odometry for Indoor Navigation Applications with an RGB-D Camera", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341713/", "author_list": ["He Zhang", "Lingqiu Jin", "Cang Ye", "He Zhang", "Lingqiu Jin", "Cang Ye"], "abstract": "This paper presents VCU-RVI, a new visual inertial odometry (VIO) benchmark with a set of diverse data sequences in different indoor scenarios. The benchmark was captured using an Structure Core (SC) sensor, consisting of an RGB-D camera and an IMU. It provides aligned color and depth images with 640\u00d7480 resolution at 30 Hz. The camera's data is synchronized with the IMU's data at 100 Hz. Thirty-n..."} {"title": "A Framework for Human-Robot Interaction User Studies", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341286/", "author_list": ["Vidyasagar Rajendran", "Pamela Carreno-Medrano", "Wesley Fisher", "Alexander Werner", "Dana Kuli\u0107", "Vidyasagar Rajendran", "Pamela Carreno-Medrano", "Wesley Fisher", "Alexander Werner", "Dana Kuli\u0107"], "abstract": "Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) user studies are challenging to evaluate and compare due to a lack of standardization and the infrastructure required to implement each study. The lack of experimental infrastructure also makes it difficult to systematically evaluate the impact of individual components (e.g., the quality of perception software) on overall system performance. This work proposes a frame..."} {"title": "Autonomous Vehicle Benchmarking using Unbiased Metrics", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340902/", "author_list": ["David Paz", "Po-jung Lai", "Nathan Chan", "Yuqing Jiang", "Henrik I. Christensen", "David Paz", "Po-jung Lai", "Nathan Chan", "Yuqing Jiang", "Henrik I. Christensen"], "abstract": "With the recent development of autonomous vehicle technology, there have been active efforts on the deployment of this technology at different scales that include urban and highway driving. While many of the prototypes showcased have been shown to operate under specific cases, little effort has been made to better understand their shortcomings and generalizability to new areas. Distance, uptime an..."} {"title": "Integrated Benchmarking and Design for Reproducible and Accessible Evaluation of Robotic Agents", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341677/", "author_list": ["Jacopo Tani", "Andrea F. Daniele", "Gianmarco Bernasconi", "Amaury Camus", "Aleksandar Petrov", "Anthony Courchesne", "Bhairav Mehta", "Rohit Suri", "Tomasz Zaluska", "Matthew R. Walter", "Emilio Frazzoli", "Liam Paull", "Andrea Censi", "Jacopo Tani", "Andrea F. Daniele", "Gianmarco Bernasconi", "Amaury Camus", "Aleksandar Petrov", "Anthony Courchesne", "Bhairav Mehta", "Rohit Suri", "Tomasz Zaluska", "Matthew R. Walter", "Emilio Frazzoli", "Liam Paull", "Andrea Censi"], "abstract": "As robotics matures and increases in complexity, it is more necessary than ever that robot autonomy research be reproducible. Compared to other sciences, there are specific challenges to benchmarking autonomy, such as the complexity of the software stacks, the variability of the hardware and the reliance on data-driven techniques, amongst others. In this paper, we describe a new concept for reprod..."} {"title": "Provably Safe Trajectory Optimization in the Presence of Uncertain Convex Obstacles", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341193/", "author_list": ["Charles Dawson", "Ashkan Jasour", "Andreas Hofmann", "Brian Williams", "Charles Dawson", "Ashkan Jasour", "Andreas Hofmann", "Brian Williams"], "abstract": "Real-world environments are inherently uncertain, and to operate safely in these environments robots must be able to plan around this uncertainty. In the context of motion planning, we desire systems that can maintain an acceptable level of safety as the robot moves, even when the exact locations of nearby obstacles are not known. In this paper, we solve this chance-constrained motion planning pro..."} {"title": "Safety Considerations in Deep Control Policies with Safety Barrier Certificates Under Uncertainty", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341315/", "author_list": ["Tom Hirshberg", "Sai Vemprala", "Ashish Kapoor", "Tom Hirshberg", "Sai Vemprala", "Ashish Kapoor"], "abstract": "Recent advances in Deep Machine Learning have shown promise in solving complex perception and control loops via methods such as reinforcement and imitation learning. However, guaranteeing safety for such learned deep policies has been a challenge due to issues such as partial observability and difficulties in characterizing the behavior of the neural networks. While a lot of emphasis in safe learn..."} {"title": "Infusing Reachability-Based Safety into Planning and Control for Multi-agent Interactions", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341499/", "author_list": ["Xinrui Wang", "Karen Leung", "Marco Pavone", "Xinrui Wang", "Karen Leung", "Marco Pavone"], "abstract": "Within a robot autonomy stack, the planner and controller are typically designed separately, and serve different purposes. As such, there is often a diffusion of responsibilities when it comes to ensuring safety for the robot. We propose that a planner and controller should share the same interpretation of safety but apply this knowledge in a different yet complementary way. To achieve this, we us..."} {"title": "Multi-Agent Safe Planning with Gaussian Processes", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341169/", "author_list": ["Zheqing Zhu", "Erdem B\u0131y\u0131k", "Dorsa Sadigh", "Zheqing Zhu", "Erdem B\u0131y\u0131k", "Dorsa Sadigh"], "abstract": "Multi-agent safe systems have become an increasingly important area of study as we can now easily have multiple AI-powered systems operating together. In such settings, we need to ensure the safety of not only each individual agent, but also the overall system. In this paper, we introduce a novel multi-agent safe learning algorithm that enables decentralized safe navigation when there are multiple..."} {"title": "Safe Path Planning with Multi-Model Risk Level Sets", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341084/", "author_list": ["Zefan Huang", "Wilko Schwarting", "Alyssa Pierson", "Hongliang Guo", "Marcelo Ang", "Daniela Rus", "Zefan Huang", "Wilko Schwarting", "Alyssa Pierson", "Hongliang Guo", "Marcelo Ang", "Daniela Rus"], "abstract": "This paper investigates the safe path planning problem for an autonomous vehicle operating in unstructured, cluttered environments. While some objects may be accurately with canonical perception algorithms, other objects and clutter may be harder to track. We present an approach that combines two methods of risk assessment: for objects with reliable tracking, we use a Gaussian Process (GP) regulat..."} {"title": "Localization Safety Validation for Autonomous Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341434/", "author_list": ["Guillermo Duenas Arana", "Osama Abdul Hafez", "Mathieu Joerger", "Matthew Spenko", "Guillermo Duenas Arana", "Osama Abdul Hafez", "Mathieu Joerger", "Matthew Spenko"], "abstract": "This paper presents a method to validate localization safety for a preplanned trajectory in a given environment. Localization safety is defined as integrity risk and quantified as the probability of an undetected localization failure. Integrity risk differs from previously used metrics in robotics in that it accounts for unmodeled faults and evaluates safety under the worst possible combination of..."} {"title": "Human-Robot Trust Assessment Using Motion Tracking & Galvanic Skin Response", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341267/", "author_list": ["Kasper Hald", "Matthias Rehmn", "Thomas B. Moeslund", "Kasper Hald", "Matthias Rehmn", "Thomas B. Moeslund"], "abstract": "In this study we set out to design a computer vision-based system to assess human-robot trust in real time during close-proximity human-robot collaboration. This paper presents the setup and hardware for an augmented reality-enabled human-robot collaboration cell as well as a method of measuring operator proximity using an infrared camera. We tested this setup as a tool for assessing trust through..."} {"title": "Organizing the Internet of Robotic Things: The Effect of Organization Structure on Users\u2019 Evaluation and Compliance toward IoRT Service Platform", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340834/", "author_list": ["Byeong June Moon", "Sonya S. Kwak", "JongSuk Choi", "Byeong June Moon", "Sonya S. Kwak", "JongSuk Choi"], "abstract": "As robots and robotic things become to have more agency, IoRT which consists of robots and robotic things can be considered as a social organization. Accordingly, social organization structure of IoRT could affect users' behavior and perception of IoRT. In this study, in order to examine the effect of social organization structure on people's acceptance of IoRT, we conducted a 2 (social organizati..."} {"title": "Getting to Know One Another: Calibrating Intent, Capabilities and Trust for Human-Robot Collaboration", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340736/", "author_list": ["Joshua Lee", "Jeffrey Fong", "Bing Cai Kok", "Harold Soh", "Joshua Lee", "Jeffrey Fong", "Bing Cai Kok", "Harold Soh"], "abstract": "Common experience suggests that agents who know each other well are better able to work together. In this work, we address the problem of calibrating intention and capabilities in human-robot collaboration. In particular, we focus on scenarios where the robot is attempting to assist a human who is unable to directly communicate her intent. Moreover, both agents may have differing capabilities that..."} {"title": "Online Explanation Generation for Planning Tasks in Human-Robot Teaming", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341792/", "author_list": ["Mehrdad Zakershahrak", "Ze Gong", "Nikhillesh Sadassivam", "Yu Zhang", "Mehrdad Zakershahrak", "Ze Gong", "Nikhillesh Sadassivam", "Yu Zhang"], "abstract": "As AI becomes an integral part of our lives, the development of explainable AI, embodied in the decision-making process of an AI or robotic agent, becomes imperative. For a robotic teammate, the ability to generate explanations to justify its behavior is one of the key requirements of explainable agency. Prior work on explanation generation has been focused on supporting the rationale behind the r..."} {"title": "IMU-based Parameter Identification and Position Estimation in Twisted String Actuators", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341136/", "author_list": ["Simeon Nedelchev", "Daniil Kirsanov", "Igor Gaponov", "Simeon Nedelchev", "Daniil Kirsanov", "Igor Gaponov"], "abstract": "This study proposes a technique to estimate the output state of twisted string actuators (TSAs) based on payload's acceleration measurements. We outline differential kinematics relationships of the actuator, re-formulate these into a nonlinear parameter identification problem and then apply linearization techniques to efficiently solve it as a quadratic program. Using accurate estimates of string ..."} {"title": "Reliable chattering-free simulation of friction torque in joints presenting high stiction", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340753/", "author_list": ["Rafael Cisneros", "Mehdi Benallegue", "Ryo Kikuuwe", "Mitsuharu Morisawa", "Fumio Kanehiro", "Rafael Cisneros", "Mehdi Benallegue", "Ryo Kikuuwe", "Mitsuharu Morisawa", "Fumio Kanehiro"], "abstract": "The simulation of static friction, and especially the effect of stiction, is cumbersome to perform in discrete-time due to its discontinuity at zero velocity and its switching behavior. However, it is essential to achieve reliable simulations of friction to develop compliant torque control algorithms, as they are much disturbed by this phenomenon. This paper takes as a base an elastoplastic model ..."} {"title": "A Study on the Elongation Behaviour of Synthetic Fibre Ropes under Cyclic Loading", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341407/", "author_list": ["Deoraj Asane", "Alexander Schmitz", "Yushi Wang", "Shigeki Sugano", "Deoraj Asane", "Alexander Schmitz", "Yushi Wang", "Shigeki Sugano"], "abstract": "Synthetic fibre ropes have high tensile strength, a lower friction coefficient and are more flexible than steel ropes, and are therefore increasingly used in robotics. However, their characteristics are not well studied. In particular, previous work investigated the long-term behaviour only under static loading. In this paper, we investigate the elongation behaviour of synthetic fibre ropes under ..."} {"title": "Steering Magnetic Robots in Two Axes with One Pair of Maxwell Coils", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341078/", "author_list": ["Emma Benjaminson", "Matthew Travers", "Rebecca Taylor", "Emma Benjaminson", "Matthew Travers", "Rebecca Taylor"], "abstract": "This work demonstrates a novel approach to steering a magnetic swimming robot in two dimensions with a single pair of Maxwell coils. By leveraging the curvature of the magnetic field gradient, we achieve motion along two axes. This method allows us to control medical magnetic robots using only existing MRI technology, without requiring additional hardware or posing any additional risk to the patie..."} {"title": "Scaling laws for parallel motor-gearbox arrangements", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341309/", "author_list": ["Elias Saerens", "Stein Crispel", "Pablo L\u00f3pez Garc\u00eda", "Vincent Ducastel", "Jarl Beckers", "Joris De Winter", "Rapha\u00ebl Furn\u00e9mont", "Bram Vanderborght", "Tom Verstraten", "Dirk Lefeber", "Elias Saerens", "Stein Crispel", "Pablo L\u00f3pez Garc\u00eda", "Vincent Ducastel", "Jarl Beckers", "Joris De Winter", "Rapha\u00ebl Furn\u00e9mont", "Bram Vanderborght", "Tom Verstraten", "Dirk Lefeber"], "abstract": "Research towards (compliant) actuators, especially redundant ones like the Series Parallel Elastic Actuator (SPEA), has led to the development of drive trains, which have demonstrated to increase efficiency, torque-to-mass-ratio, power-to-mass ratio, etc. In the field of robotics such drive trains can be implemented, enabling technological improvements like safe, adaptable and energy-efficient rob..."} {"title": "A Concept of a Miniaturized MR Clutch Utilizing MR Fluid in Squeeze Mode", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341643/", "author_list": ["Sergey Pisetskiy", "Mehrdad R. Kermani", "Sergey Pisetskiy", "Mehrdad R. Kermani"], "abstract": "This paper presents a novel design concept of a miniaturized Magneto-Rheological (MR) clutch. The design uses a set of spur gears as a means to control the torque. MR clutches with various configurations such as disk-, drum-, and armature-based have in the past been reported in the literature. However, to the best of our knowledge, the design of a clutch with spur gears to use MR fluid in squeeze ..."} {"title": "Development and Evaluation of a Linear Series Clutch Actuator for Vertical Joint Application with Static Balancing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341293/", "author_list": ["Shardul Kulkarni", "Alexander Schmitz", "Satoshi Funabashi", "Shigeki Sugano", "Shardul Kulkarni", "Alexander Schmitz", "Satoshi Funabashi", "Shigeki Sugano"], "abstract": "Future robots are expected to share their workspace with humans. Controlling and limiting the forces that such robots exert on their environment is crucial. While force control can be achieved actively with the help of force sensing, passive mechanisms have no time delay in their response to external forces, and would therefore be preferable. Series clutch actuators can be used to achieve high lev..."} {"title": "Static Characteristics of Fire Hose Actuators and Design of a Compliant Pneumatic Rotary Drive for Robotics", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341342/", "author_list": ["Johannes T. Stoll", "Kevin Schanz", "Michael Derstroff", "Andreas Pott", "Johannes T. Stoll", "Kevin Schanz", "Michael Derstroff", "Andreas Pott"], "abstract": "In this work, we present and explain in detail the design of a new type of pneumatic actuator made of fire hose, the fire hose actuator (FHA), see Fig. 1. We model the force output of this type of actuator and we compare the theoretic results to the data measured on the laboratory test stand.Furthermore, we present the design of a pneumatic rotary drive that is actuated by four of the above-mentio..."} {"title": "Long-Reach Compact Robotic Arm with LMPA Joints for Monitoring of Reactor Interior", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341567/", "author_list": ["Akira Seino", "Noriaki Seto", "Luis Canete", "Takayuki Takahashi", "Akira Seino", "Noriaki Seto", "Luis Canete", "Takayuki Takahashi"], "abstract": "To reduce the risk of radiation leakages similar to the incident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, robots have been employed to remove fuel debris from reactors. To perform this process safely, it is important to monitor the interior of a reactor. A camera and neutron sensors are attached to the end of a robotic arm to monitor the interior of the reactor. The basic design requirement..."} {"title": "An In-Pipe Manipulator for Contamination-Less Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Pipes", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341563/", "author_list": ["Yip Fun Yeung", "Kamal Youcef-Toumi", "Yip Fun Yeung", "Kamal Youcef-Toumi"], "abstract": "The recent development of in-pipe robots (IPR) with locomotion and inspection functions provides a new possibility to water distribution pipe maintenance - to rehabilitate pipe defects internally. Yet only a limited number of Rehabilitation in-pipe robots (R-IPR) have been proposed. One primary concern that impedes the development of Rehabilitation in-pipe robots is the excessive amount of contami..."} {"title": "Design and implementation of a pipeline inspection robot with camera image compensation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341503/", "author_list": ["Zhaohan Yuan", "Jianjun Yuan", "Shugen Ma", "Zhaohan Yuan", "Jianjun Yuan", "Shugen Ma"], "abstract": "In this paper, we updated an inspection robot with passive adaptation ability, which is used to detect small size water supply pipeline. By geometric calculation and kinematic verification, static model of the robot is checked for flexible movement in the pipeline. Besides, inertial measurement unit is leveraged to simultaneously detect the attitude of robot, and different algorithm is tested to c..."} {"title": "The AmphiSTAR High Speed Amphibious Sprawl Tuned Robot: Design and Experiments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340986/", "author_list": ["Avi Cohen", "David Zarrouk", "Avi Cohen", "David Zarrouk"], "abstract": "This paper details the development, modeling and performance of AmphiSTAR, a novel high-speed amphibious robot. The palm size AmphiSTAR, which belongs to the family of STAR robots, is a \"wheeled\" robot fitted with propellers at its bottom that allow it to crawl on the ground and run (i.e. hover) on water at high speeds. The AmphiSTAR is inspired by two members of the animal kingdom. It possesses a..."} {"title": "Design of an Underactuated Peristaltic Robot on Soft Terrain", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340978/", "author_list": ["Scott Scheraga", "Alireza Mohammadi", "Taehyung Kim", "Stanley Baek", "Scott Scheraga", "Alireza Mohammadi", "Taehyung Kim", "Stanley Baek"], "abstract": "This paper presents an innovative robotic mechanism for generating peristaltic motion for robotic locomotion systems. The designed underactuated peristaltic robot utilizes a minimum amount of electromechanical hardware. Such a minimal electromechanical design not only reduces the number of potential failure modes but also provides the robot design with great potential for scaling to larger and sma..."} {"title": "Design, Analysis and Preliminary Validation of a 3-DOF Rotational Inertia Generator", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341276/", "author_list": ["Jean-F\u00e9lix Tremblay-Bugeaud", "Thierry Lalibert\u00e9", "Cl\u00e9ment Gosselin", "Jean-F\u00e9lix Tremblay-Bugeaud", "Thierry Lalibert\u00e9", "Cl\u00e9ment Gosselin"], "abstract": "This paper investigates the design of a three-degree-of-freedom rotational inertia generator using the gyroscopic effect to provide ungrounded torque feedback. It uses a rotating mass in order to influence the torques needed to move the device, creating a perceived inertia. The dynamic model and the control law of the device are derived, along with those of a comparable concept using three flywhee..."} {"title": "Development of a Spherical 2-DOF Wrist Employing Spatial Parallelogram Structure", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340844/", "author_list": ["Hyunhwan Jeong", "Sunhyuk Baek", "Wheekuk Kim", "Byung-Ju Yi", "Hyunhwan Jeong", "Sunhyuk Baek", "Wheekuk Kim", "Byung-Ju Yi"], "abstract": "A spherical two-degree-of- freedom wrist adapting the structure of the spatial parallelogram is proposed. A U type extended link out of three UU type limbs of the spatial parallelogram is selected as an output link. As a result, the wrist can be interpreted as being formed by combination of a U type limb and a (2-UU)+U type hybrid limb. Screw theory is employed to analyze its first-order kinematic..."} {"title": "Design of a Linear Gravity Compensator for a Prismatic Joint", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341700/", "author_list": ["Do-Won Kim", "Won-Bum Lee", "Jae-Bok Song", "Do-Won Kim", "Won-Bum Lee", "Jae-Bok Song"], "abstract": "Most existing mechanical gravity compensators have been developed for revolute joints that are found in majority of articulated robot arms. However, robots such as patient transport robots use prismatic joints, which need to handle a heavy payload. In this study, a high-capacity linear gravity compensator (LGC), which comprises pure mechanical components, such as coil springs, a rack-pinion gear, ..."} {"title": "Locomotion Performance of a Configurable Paddle-Wheel Robot over Dry Sandy Terrain", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340828/", "author_list": ["Yayi Shen", "Shugen Ma", "Guoteng Zhang", "Syuya Inoue", "Yayi Shen", "Shugen Ma", "Guoteng Zhang", "Syuya Inoue"], "abstract": "To access rough terrain and enhance the mobility in sandy terrain, a configurable paddle-wheel robot was pro-posed. This report addresses the paddle terradynamics, and the experimental verification of the locomotion performance of the robot over dry sandy terrain. To study the interactive forces between the paddle and the media, a terradynamic model is built and verified through experiments. To ex..."} {"title": "Optimal Design of a Novel Spherical Scissor Linkage Remote Center of Motion Mechanism for Medical Robotics", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341365/", "author_list": ["Mehrnoosh Afshar", "Jay Carriere", "Tyler Meyer", "Ron Sloboda", "Siraj Husain", "Nawaid Usmani", "Mahdi Tavakoli", "Mehrnoosh Afshar", "Jay Carriere", "Tyler Meyer", "Ron Sloboda", "Siraj Husain", "Nawaid Usmani", "Mahdi Tavakoli"], "abstract": "In this paper, a new remote center of motion (RCM) mechanism is presented whose end-effector is able to move through an entire hemisphere. In general, minimally invasive surgery (MIS) applications, an elliptic cone workspace with vertex angles of 60\u00b0 and 90\u00b0 gives the surgeon enough freedom to operate. Therefore, the majority of the developed RCM mechanisms have such a cone as the workspace. Howev..."} {"title": "Computational Design of Balanced Open Link Planar Mechanisms with Counterweights from User Sketches", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341027/", "author_list": ["Takuto Takahashi", "Hiroshi G. Okuno", "Shigeki Sugano", "Stelian Coros", "Bernhard Thomaszewski", "Takuto Takahashi", "Hiroshi G. Okuno", "Shigeki Sugano", "Stelian Coros", "Bernhard Thomaszewski"], "abstract": "We consider the design of under-actuated articulated mechanism that are able to maintain stable static balance. Our method augments an user-provided design with counter-weights whose mass and attachment locations are automatically computed. The optimized counterweights adjust the center of gravity such that, for bounded external perturbations, the mechanism returns to its original configuration. U..."} {"title": "A Multi-link In-pipe Inspection Robot Composed of Active and Passive Compliant Joints", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341478/", "author_list": ["Atsushi Kakogawa", "Shugen Ma", "Atsushi Kakogawa", "Shugen Ma"], "abstract": "AIRo-5.1 an in-pipe inspection robot comprised of two passive compliant joints and a single active compliant joint that is driven by a series elastic actuator (SEA) is presented in the course of this study. As an aid in pipeline maintenance, AIRo-5.1 controls joint angles and the torque of middle joints, to enable them to adapt to bend, branch, vertical pipes, and slippery surfaces. To sense the j..."} {"title": "Introduction to 7-DoF CoSMo-Arm: High Torque Density Manipulator based on CoSMoA and E-CoSMo", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341252/", "author_list": ["Jaeho Noh", "Jaeyong Lee", "Seyoung Cheon", "Woosung Yang", "Jaeho Noh", "Jaeyong Lee", "Seyoung Cheon", "Woosung Yang"], "abstract": "This study proposes a novel 7-DOF robotic manipulator called CoSMo-Arm for high torque density multi-link robotic platform based on a concentrically stacked modular actuator (CoSMoA) and an extended coaxial spherical joint module (E-CoSMo) introduced in previous researches. The CoSMoA is an actuator module designed to improve thermal characteristics by stacking the motor actuator parts to share th..."} {"title": "FreeBOT: A Freeform Modular Self-reconfigurable Robot with Arbitrary Connection Point - Design and Implementation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341129/", "author_list": ["Guanqi Liang", "Haobo Luo", "Ming Li", "Huihuan Qian", "Tin Lun Lam", "Guanqi Liang", "Haobo Luo", "Ming Li", "Huihuan Qian", "Tin Lun Lam"], "abstract": "This paper proposes a novel modular selfreconfigurable robot (MSRR) \"FreeBOT\", which can be connected freely at any point on other robots. FreeBOT is mainly composed of two parts: a spherical ferromagnetic shell and an internal magnet. The connection between the modules is genderless and instant, since the internal magnet can freely attract other FreeBOT spherical ferromagnetic shells, and not nee..."} {"title": "A Soft, Modular, and Bi-stable Dome Actuator for Programmable Multi-Modal Locomotion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341138/", "author_list": ["Michael A. Bell", "Luca Cattani", "Benjamin Gorissen", "Katia Bertoldi", "James C. Weaver", "Robert J. Wood", "Michael A. Bell", "Luca Cattani", "Benjamin Gorissen", "Katia Bertoldi", "James C. Weaver", "Robert J. Wood"], "abstract": "Movement in bio-inspired robots typically relies on the use of a series of actuators and transmissions with one or more degrees of freedom (DOF), allowing asymmetrical ellipsoidal gaits for use in walking, running, swimming, and crawling. In an effort to simplify these multi-component systems, we present a novel, modular, soft, bi-stable, one DOF dome actuator platform that is capable of complex g..."} {"title": "Transferability in an 8-DoF Parallel Robot with a Configurable Platform", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341108/", "author_list": ["Redwan Dahmouche", "Kefei Wen", "Cl\u00e9ment Gosselin", "Redwan Dahmouche", "Kefei Wen", "Cl\u00e9ment Gosselin"], "abstract": "Parallel robots with configurable platforms (PRCPs) combine the benefits of parallel robots with additional functionalities such as grasping and cutting. However, some of the theoretical tools used to study classical parallel robots do not apply to parallel robots with configurable platforms. This paper uses screw theory to study the transferable wrenches from the robot's limbs to the configurable..."} {"title": "Continuous Tension Validation for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341202/", "author_list": ["Diane Bury", "Jean-Baptiste Izard", "Marc Gouttefarde", "Florent Lamiraux", "Diane Bury", "Jean-Baptiste Izard", "Marc Gouttefarde", "Florent Lamiraux"], "abstract": "This paper deals with continuous tension validation for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CDPRs). The proposed method aims at determining whether or not a quasi-static path is feasible regarding cable tension limits. The available wrench set (AWS) is the set of wrenches that can be generated with cable tensions within given minimum and maximum limits. A pose of the robot is considered valid regarding ..."} {"title": "Improving Disturbance Rejection and Dynamics of Cable Driven Parallel Robots with On-board Propellers", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341033/", "author_list": ["Imane Khayour", "Lo\u00efc Cuvillon", "C\u00f4me Butin", "Arda Yi\u011fit", "Sylvain Durand", "Jacques Gangloff", "Imane Khayour", "Lo\u00efc Cuvillon", "C\u00f4me Butin", "Arda Yi\u011fit", "Sylvain Durand", "Jacques Gangloff"], "abstract": "This work studies redundant actuation for both trajectory tracking and disturbance rejection on flexible cable-driven parallel robots (CDPR). High dynamics/bandwidth unidirectional force generators, like air propellers, are used in combination with conventional but slower cable winding winches. To optimally balance the action of the two types of actuation within their saturation constraints, a mod..."} {"title": "Generating New Lower Abstract Task Operator using Grid-TLI", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340937/", "author_list": ["Shumpei Tokuda", "Mizuho Katayama", "Masaki Yamakita", "Hiroyuki Oyama", "Shumpei Tokuda", "Mizuho Katayama", "Masaki Yamakita", "Hiroyuki Oyama"], "abstract": "We propose a method of subdividing robot tasks into new lower abstract tasks. The description of robot tasks in an abstract manner is effective for motion planning for complex tasks and teaching robot movements in various environments. However, a more efficient task description may be obtained by using a lower abstraction according to the work environment. We argue that a higher abstract task can ..."} {"title": "Inner-Approximation of Manipulable and Reachable Regions using Bilinear Matrix Inequalities", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341017/", "author_list": ["Zherong Pan", "Liang He", "Xifeng Gao", "Zherong Pan", "Liang He", "Xifeng Gao"], "abstract": "Given an articulated robot arm, we present a method to identify two regions with non-empty interiors. The first region is a subset of the configuration space where every point in the region is manipulable. The second region is a subset of the workspace where every point in the region is reachable by the end-effector. Our method expresses the kinematic state of the robot arm using the maximal coord..."} {"title": "Towards Transparent Robotic Planning via Contrastive Explanations", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341773/", "author_list": ["Shenghui Chen", "Kayla Boggess", "Lu Feng", "Shenghui Chen", "Kayla Boggess", "Lu Feng"], "abstract": "Providing explanations of chosen robotic actions can help to increase the transparency of robotic planning and improve users' trust. Social sciences suggest that the best explanations are contrastive, explaining not just why one action is taken, but why one action is taken instead of another. We formalize the notion of contrastive explanations for robotic planning policies based on Markov decision..."} {"title": "Decentralized Safe Reactive Planning under TWTL Specifications", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341624/", "author_list": ["Ryan Peterson", "Ali Tevfik Buyukkocak", "Derya Aksaray", "Yasin Yaz\u0131c\u0131oglu", "Ryan Peterson", "Ali Tevfik Buyukkocak", "Derya Aksaray", "Yasin Yaz\u0131c\u0131oglu"], "abstract": "We investigate a multi-agent planning problem, where each agent aims to achieve an individual task while avoiding collisions with others. We assume that each agent's task is expressed as a Time-Window Temporal Logic (TWTL) specification defined over a 3D environment. We propose a decentralized receding horizon algorithm for online planning of trajectories. We show that when the environment is suff..."} {"title": "Fast LTL-Based Flexible Planning for Dual-Arm Manipulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341352/", "author_list": ["Mizuho Katayama", "Shumpei Tokuda", "Masaki Yamakita", "Hiroyuki Oyama", "Mizuho Katayama", "Shumpei Tokuda", "Masaki Yamakita", "Hiroyuki Oyama"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a method for automatically generating object handling actions based on simple action definitions. The need to replace workers by robots is increasing, and, in fact, many research projects on robots have worked with simple motion definitions. Many applications are for mobile robots such as drones, however, and if such methods are applied directly to object handling, like a..."} {"title": "Geometrical Interpretation and Detection of Multiple Task Conflicts using a Coordinate Invariant Index", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340690/", "author_list": ["Vincenzo Schettino", "Mario D. Fiore", "Claudia Pecorella", "Fanny Ficuciello", "Felix Allmendinger", "Johannes Lachner", "Stefano Stramigioli", "Bruno Siciliano", "Vincenzo Schettino", "Mario D. Fiore", "Claudia Pecorella", "Fanny Ficuciello", "Felix Allmendinger", "Johannes Lachner", "Stefano Stramigioli", "Bruno Siciliano"], "abstract": "Modern robots act in dynamic and partially unknown environments where path replanning can be mandatory if changes in the environment are observed. Task-prioritized control strategies are well known and effective solutions to ensure local adaptation of robot behaviour. The highest priority in a stack of tasks is typically given to the management of correct robot operation or safe interaction with t..."} {"title": "What to Do When You Can\u2019t Do It All: Temporal Logic Planning with Soft Temporal Logic Constraints", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341412/", "author_list": ["Hazhar Rahmani", "Jason M. O\u2019Kane", "Hazhar Rahmani", "Jason M. O\u2019Kane"], "abstract": "In this paper, we consider a temporal logic planning problem in which the objective is to find an infinite trajectory that satisfies an optimal selection from a set of soft specifications expressed in linear temporal logic (LTL) while nevertheless satisfying a hard specification expressed in LTL. Our previous work considered a similar problem in which linear dynamic logic for finite traces (LDLf),..."} {"title": "ReachFlow: An Online Safety Assurance Framework for Waypoint-Following of Self-driving Cars", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341122/", "author_list": ["Qin Lin", "Xin Chen", "Aman Khurana", "John M. Dolan", "Qin Lin", "Xin Chen", "Aman Khurana", "John M. Dolan"], "abstract": "Learning-enabled components have been widely deployed in autonomous systems. However, due to the weak interpretability and the prohibitively high complexity of large-scale machine learning models such as neural networks, reliability has been a crucial concern for safety-critical autonomous systems. This work proposes an online monitor called Reach-Flow for fault prevention of waypoint-following ta..."} {"title": "Competitive Coverage: (Full) Information as a Game Changer", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340903/", "author_list": ["Moshe N. Samson", "Noa Agmon", "Moshe N. Samson", "Noa Agmon"], "abstract": "This paper introduces the competitive coverage problem, a new variant of the robotic coverage problem in which a robot R competes with another robot O in order to be the first to cover an area. In the variant discussed in this paper, the asymmetric competitive coverage, O is unaware of the existence of R, which attempts to take that fact into consideration in order to succeed in being the first to..."} {"title": "Planning for robust visibility-based pursuit-evasion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341031/", "author_list": ["Nicholas M. Stiffler", "Jason M. O\u2019Kane", "Nicholas M. Stiffler", "Jason M. O\u2019Kane"], "abstract": "This paper addresses the problem of planning for visibility-based pursuit evasion, in contexts where the pursuer robot may experience some positioning errors as it moves in search of the evader. Specifically, we consider the case in which a pursuer with an omnidirectional sensor searches a known environment to locate an evader that may move arbitrarily quickly. Known algorithms for this problem ar..."} {"title": "Deep Prediction of Swept Volume Geometries: Robots and Resolutions", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341396/", "author_list": ["John Baxter", "Mohammad R. Yousefi", "Satomi Sugaya", "Marco Morales", "Lydia Tapia", "John Baxter", "Mohammad R. Yousefi", "Satomi Sugaya", "Marco Morales", "Lydia Tapia"], "abstract": "Computation of the volume of space required for a robot to execute a sweeping motion from a start to a goal has long been identified as a critical primitive operation in both task and motion planning. However, swept volume computation is particularly challenging for multi-link robots with geometric complexity, e.g., manipulators, due to the non-linear geometry. While earlier work has shown that de..."} {"title": "PLRC*: A piecewise linear regression complex for approximating optimal robot motion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341312/", "author_list": ["Luyang Zhao", "Josiah Putman", "Weifu Wang", "Devin Balkcom", "Luyang Zhao", "Josiah Putman", "Weifu Wang", "Devin Balkcom"], "abstract": "Discrete graphs are commonly used to approximately represent configuration spaces used in robot motion planning. This paper explores a representation in which the costs of crossing local regions of the configuration space are represented using piecewise linear regression (PLR). We explore a few simple motion planning problems, and show that for these problems, the memory required to store the repr..."} {"title": "Relevant Region Exploration On General Cost-maps For Sampling-Based Motion Planning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340806/", "author_list": ["Sagar Suhas Joshi", "Panagiotis Tsiotras", "Sagar Suhas Joshi", "Panagiotis Tsiotras"], "abstract": "Asymptotically optimal sampling-based planners require an intelligent exploration strategy to accelerate convergence. After an initial solution is found, a necessary condition for improvement is to generate new samples in the so-called \"Informed Set\". However, Informed Sampling can be ineffective in focusing search if the chosen heuristic fails to provide a good estimate of the solution cost. This..."} {"title": "Robot Calligraphy using Pseudospectral Optimal Control in Conjunction with a Novel Dynamic Brush Model", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341787/", "author_list": ["Sen Wang", "Jiaqi Chen", "Xuanliang Deng", "Seth Hutchinson", "Frank Dellaert", "Sen Wang", "Jiaqi Chen", "Xuanliang Deng", "Seth Hutchinson", "Frank Dellaert"], "abstract": "Chinese calligraphy is a unique art form with great artistic value but difficult to master. In this paper, we formulate the calligraphy writing problem as a trajectory optimization problem, and propose an improved virtual brush model for simulating the real writing process. Our approach is inspired by pseudospectral optimal control in that we parameterize the actuator trajectory for each stroke as..."} {"title": "Towards General Infeasibility Proofs in Motion Planning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340804/", "author_list": ["Sihui Li", "Neil T. Dantam", "Sihui Li", "Neil T. Dantam"], "abstract": "We present a general approach for constructing proofs of motion planning infeasibility. Effective high-dimensional motion planners, such as sampling-based methods, are limited to probabilistic completeness, so when no plan exists, these planners either do not terminate or can only run until a timeout. We address this completeness challenge by augmenting a sampling-based planner with a method to cr..."} {"title": "Accelerating Bi-Directional Sampling-Based Search for Motion Planning of Non-Holonomic Mobile Manipulators", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340782/", "author_list": ["Shantanu Thakar", "Pradeep Rajendran", "Hyojeong Kim", "Ariyan M. Kabir", "Satyandra K. Gupta", "Shantanu Thakar", "Pradeep Rajendran", "Hyojeong Kim", "Ariyan M. Kabir", "Satyandra K. Gupta"], "abstract": "Determining a feasible path for nonholonomic mobile manipulators operating in congested environments is challenging. Sampling-based methods, especially bi-directional tree search-based approaches, are amongst the most promising candidates for quickly finding feasible paths. However, sampling uniformly when using these methods may result in high computation time. This paper introduces two technique..."} {"title": "Catch the Ball: Accurate High-Speed Motions for Mobile Manipulators via Inverse Dynamics Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341134/", "author_list": ["Ke Dong", "Karime Pereida", "Florian Shkurti", "Angela P. Schoellig", "Ke Dong", "Karime Pereida", "Florian Shkurti", "Angela P. Schoellig"], "abstract": "Mobile manipulators consist of a mobile platform equipped with one or more robot arms and are of interest for a wide array of challenging tasks because of their extended workspace and dexterity. Typically, mobile manipulators are deployed in slow-motion collaborative robot scenarios. In this paper, we consider scenarios where accurate high-speed motions are required. We introduce a framework for t..."} {"title": "Informative Path Planning for Gas Distribution Mapping in Cluttered Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341781/", "author_list": ["Callum Rhodes", "Cunjia Liu", "Wen-Hua Chen", "Callum Rhodes", "Cunjia Liu", "Wen-Hua Chen"], "abstract": "Mobile robotic gas distribution mapping (GDM) is a useful tool for hazardous scene assessment where a quick and accurate representation of gas concentration levels is required throughout a staging area. However, research in robotic path planning for GDM has primarily focused on mapping in open spaces or estimating the source term in dispersion models. Whilst this may be appropriate for environment..."} {"title": "Intent-driven Strategic Tactical Planning for Autonomous Site Inspection using Cooperative Drones", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341440/", "author_list": ["Dorian Buksz", "Anusha Mujumdar", "Marin Orli\u0107", "Swarup Mohalik", "Marios Daoutis", "Ramamurthy Badrinath", "Daniele Magazzeni", "Michael Cashmore", "Aneta Vulgarakis Feljan", "Dorian Buksz", "Anusha Mujumdar", "Marin Orli\u0107", "Swarup Mohalik", "Marios Daoutis", "Ramamurthy Badrinath", "Daniele Magazzeni", "Michael Cashmore", "Aneta Vulgarakis Feljan"], "abstract": "Realization of industry-scale, goal-driven, autonomous systems with AI planning technology faces several challenges: flexibly specifying planning goal states in varying situations, synthesizing plans in large state spaces, re-planning in dynamic situations, and facilitating humans to supervise, give feedback and intervene. In this paper, we present Intent-driven Strategic Tactical Planning (ISTP) ..."} {"title": "Extended Performance Guarantees for Receding Horizon Search with Terminal Cost", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341582/", "author_list": ["Benjamin Biggs", "Daniel J. Stilwell", "James McMahon", "Benjamin Biggs", "Daniel J. Stilwell", "James McMahon"], "abstract": "The computational difficulty of planning search paths that seek to maximize a general deterministic value function increases dramatically as desired path lengths increase. Mobile search agents with limited computational resources often utilize receding horizon methods to address the path planning problem. Unfortunately, receding horizon planners may perform poorly due to myopic planning horizons. ..."} {"title": "Path planning for mobile manipulator robots under non-holonomic and task constraints", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340760/", "author_list": ["Tommaso Pardi", "Vamsikrishna Maddali", "Valerio Ortenzi", "Rustam Stolkin", "Naresh Marturi", "Tommaso Pardi", "Vamsikrishna Maddali", "Valerio Ortenzi", "Rustam Stolkin", "Naresh Marturi"], "abstract": "This paper presents a path planner, which enables a nonholonomic mobile manipulator to move its end-effector on an observed surface with a constrained orientation, given start and destination points. A partial point cloud of the environment is captured using a vision-based sensor, but no prior knowledge of the surface shape is assumed. We consider the multi-objective optimisation problem of findin..."} {"title": "Fast Sequence Rejection for Multi-Goal Planning with Dubins Vehicle", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340644/", "author_list": ["Jan Faigl", "Petr V\u00e1\u0148a", "Jan Drchal", "Jan Faigl", "Petr V\u00e1\u0148a", "Jan Drchal"], "abstract": "Multi-goal curvature-constrained planning such as the Dubins Traveling Salesman Problem (DTSP) combines NP-hard combinatorial routing with continuous optimization to determine the optimal vehicle heading angle for each target location. The problem can be addressed as combinatorial routing using a finite set of heading samples at target locations. In such a case, optimal heading samples can be dete..."} {"title": "Experience-Based Prediction of Unknown Environments for Enhanced Belief Space Planning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340867/", "author_list": ["Omri Asraf", "Vadim Indelman", "Omri Asraf", "Vadim Indelman"], "abstract": "Autonomous navigation missions require online decision making abilities, in order to choose from a given set of candidate actions an action that will lead to the best outcome. In a partially observable setting, decision making under uncertainty, also known as belief space planning (BSP), involves reasoning about belief evolution considering realizations of future observations. Yet, when candidate ..."} {"title": "Anytime Kinodynamic Motion Planning using Region-Guided Search", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341349/", "author_list": ["Matthew G. Westbrook", "Wheeler Ruml", "Matthew G. Westbrook", "Wheeler Ruml"], "abstract": "Many kinodynamic motion planners have been developed that guarantee probabilistic completeness and asymptotic optimality for systems for which steering functions are available. Recently, some planners have been developed that achieve these properties of completeness and optimality without requiring a steering function. However, these planners have not taken strong advantage of heuristic guidance t..."} {"title": "MPC-Graph: Feedback Motion Planning Using Sparse Sampling Based Neighborhood Graph", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341225/", "author_list": ["O. Kaan Karagoz", "Simay Atasoy", "M. Mert Ankarali", "O. Kaan Karagoz", "Simay Atasoy", "M. Mert Ankarali"], "abstract": "Robust and safe feedback motion planning and navigation is a critical task for autonomous mobile robotic systems considering the highly dynamic and uncertain nature scenarios of modern applications. For these reasons motion planning and navigation algorithms that have deep roots in feedback control theory has been at the center stage of this domain recently. However, the vast majority of such poli..."} {"title": "Adaptive Reliable Shortest Path in Gaussian Process Regulated Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341736/", "author_list": ["Xuejie HOU", "Hongliang GUO", "Yucheng ZHANG", "Xuejie HOU", "Hongliang GUO", "Yucheng ZHANG"], "abstract": "This paper studies the adaptive reliable shortest path (RSP) planning problem in a Gaussian process (GP) regulated environment. With the reasonable assumption that the travel times of the underlying transportation network follow a multi-variate Gaussian distribution, we propose two algorithms namely, Gaussian process reactive path planning (GPRPP), and Gaussian process proactive path planning (GP4..."} {"title": "Exploration of unknown environments with a tethered mobile robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340993/", "author_list": ["Danylo Shapovalov", "Guilherme A. S. Pereira", "Danylo Shapovalov", "Guilherme A. S. Pereira"], "abstract": "This paper presents a tangle-free frontier based exploration algorithm for planar mobile robots equipped with limited length and anchored tethers. After planning a path to the closest point in the frontier between free and unknown space, the robot computes an estimate of the future length of its tether and decides, by comparing the anticipated length with the minimum possible tether length, whethe..."} {"title": "Completeness Seeking Probabilistic Coverage Estimation using Uncertain State Estimates", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340786/", "author_list": ["Aditya Mahajan", "Stephen Rock", "Aditya Mahajan", "Stephen Rock"], "abstract": "This paper develops a coverage-centric adaptive path planner to visually survey a planar environment. This is achieved by modifying an existing path planning architecture to use a novel coverage estimation approach called convolved coverage estimation (CCE). The planner maximizes the probability of terrain coverage and exploits terrain features for loop closure to keep path uncertainty in check. T..."} {"title": "Max orientation coverage: efficient path planning to avoid collisions in the CNC milling of 3D objects", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340853/", "author_list": ["Xin Chen", "Thomas M. Tucker", "Thomas R. Kurfess", "Richard Vuduc", "Liting Hu", "Xin Chen", "Thomas M. Tucker", "Thomas R. Kurfess", "Richard Vuduc", "Liting Hu"], "abstract": "Most path planning algorithms for covering a complex 3D object ignore physical limitations or constraints on a robot's motion. Adhering to such constraints for a given path can slow down the time to cover the path because the motion may need to be adjusted. This work considers a scenario in computer numerical control (CNC) milling applications, where the robot is a cutting tool that needs to cover..."} {"title": "Task Planning with Belief Behavior Trees", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341562/", "author_list": ["Evgenii Safronov", "Michele Colledanchise", "Lorenzo Natale", "Evgenii Safronov", "Michele Colledanchise", "Lorenzo Natale"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose Belief Behavior Trees (BBTs), an extension to Behavior Trees (BTs) that allows to automatically create a policy that controls a robot in partially observable environments. We extend the semantic of BTs to account for the uncertainty that affects both the conditions and action nodes of the BT. The tree gets synthesized following a planning strategy for BTs proposed recentl..."} {"title": "Cleaning Robot Operation Decision Based on Causal Reasoning and Attribute Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340930/", "author_list": ["Yapeng Li", "Dongbo Zhang", "Feng Yin", "Ying Zhang", "Yapeng Li", "Dongbo Zhang", "Feng Yin", "Ying Zhang"], "abstract": "In order to improve the operation ability of cleaning robots, this paper proposes a decision method for cleaning robot\u2019s operation mode. Firstly, we use the hierarchical expression ability of deep network to obtain the attributes of garbage such as state, shape, distribution, size and so on. Then the causal relationship between the attributes and the operation modes can be built by using joint lea..."} {"title": "Robust Task and Motion Planning for Long-Horizon Architectural Construction Planning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341502/", "author_list": ["Valentin N. Hartmann", "Ozgur S. Oguz", "Danny Driess", "Marc Toussaint", "Achim Menges", "Valentin N. Hartmann", "Ozgur S. Oguz", "Danny Driess", "Marc Toussaint", "Achim Menges"], "abstract": "Integrating robotic systems in architectural and construction processes is of core interest to increase the efficiency of the building industry. Automated planning for such systems enables design analysis tools and facilitates faster design iteration cycles for designers and engineers. However, generic task-and-motion planning (TAMP) for long-horizon construction processes is beyond the capabiliti..."} {"title": "DeComplex: Task planning from complex natural instructions by a collocating robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341289/", "author_list": ["Pradip Pramanick", "Hrishav Bakul Barua", "Chayan Sarkar", "Pradip Pramanick", "Hrishav Bakul Barua", "Chayan Sarkar"], "abstract": "As the number of robots in our daily surroundings like home, office, restaurants, factory floors, etc. are increasing rapidly, the development of natural human-robot interaction mechanism becomes more vital as it dictates the usability and acceptability of the robots. One of the valued features of such a cohabitant robot is that it performs tasks that are instructed in natural language. However, i..."} {"title": "Leveraging Multiple Environments for Learning and Decision Making: a Dismantling Use Case", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341182/", "author_list": ["Alejandro Su\u00e1rez-Hern\u00e1ndez", "Thierry Gaugry", "Javier Segovia-Aguas", "Antonin Bernardin", "Carme Torras", "Maud Marchal", "Guillem Aleny\u00e0", "Alejandro Su\u00e1rez-Hern\u00e1ndez", "Thierry Gaugry", "Javier Segovia-Aguas", "Antonin Bernardin", "Carme Torras", "Maud Marchal", "Guillem Aleny\u00e0"], "abstract": "Learning is usually performed by observing real robot executions. Physics-based simulators are a good alternative for providing highly valuable information while avoiding costly and potentially destructive robot executions. We present a novel approach for learning the probabilities of symbolic robot action outcomes. This is done leveraging different environments, such as physics-based simulators, ..."} {"title": "Multi-Robot Task Allocation with Time Window and Ordering Constraints", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341247/", "author_list": ["Elina Suslova", "Pooyan Fazli", "Elina Suslova", "Pooyan Fazli"], "abstract": "The multi-robot task allocation problem comprises task assignment, coalition formation, task scheduling, and routing. We extend the distributed constraint optimization problem (DCOP) formalism to allocate tasks to a team of robots. The tasks have time window and ordering constraints. Each robot creates a simple temporal network to maintain the tasks in its schedule. The proposed layered framework,..."} {"title": "Optimal Robot Motion Planning in Constrained Workspaces Using Reinforcement Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341148/", "author_list": ["Panagiotis Rousseas", "Charalampos P. Bechlioulis", "Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos", "Panagiotis Rousseas", "Charalampos P. Bechlioulis", "Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos"], "abstract": "In this work, a novel solution to the optimal motion planning problem is proposed, through a continuous, deterministic and provably correct approach, with guaranteed safety and which is based on a parametrized Artificial Potential Field (APF). In particular, Reinforcement Learning (RL) is applied to adjust appropriately the parameters of the underlying potential field towards minimizing the Hamilt..."} {"title": "Learning to Use Adaptive Motion Primitives in Search-Based Planning for Navigation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341055/", "author_list": ["Raghav Sood", "Shivam Vats", "Maxim Likhachev", "Raghav Sood", "Shivam Vats", "Maxim Likhachev"], "abstract": "Heuristic-based graph search algorithms like A* are frequently used to solve motion planning problems in many domains. For most practical applications, it is infeasible and unnecessary to pre-compute the graph representing the whole search space. Instead, these algorithms generate the graph incrementally by applying a fixed set of actions (frequently called motion primitives) to find the successor..."} {"title": "Adaptive Dynamic Window Approach for Local Navigation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340927/", "author_list": ["Matej Dobrevski", "Danijel Sko\u010daj", "Matej Dobrevski", "Danijel Sko\u010daj"], "abstract": "Local navigation is an essential ability of any mobile robot working in a real-world environment. One of the most commonly used methods for local navigation is the Dynamic Window Approach (DWA), which heavily depends on the settings of the parameters in its cost function. Since the optimal choice of the parameters depends on the environment that may significantly vary and change at any time, the p..."} {"title": "Dynamically Constrained Motion Planning Networks for Non-Holonomic Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341283/", "author_list": ["Jacob J. Johnson", "Linjun Li", "Fei Liu", "Ahmed H. Qureshi", "Michael C. Yip", "Jacob J. Johnson", "Linjun Li", "Fei Liu", "Ahmed H. Qureshi", "Michael C. Yip"], "abstract": "Reliable real-time planning for robots is essential in today's rapidly expanding automated ecosystem. In such environments, traditional methods that plan by relaxing constraints become unreliable or slow-down for kinematically constrained robots. This paper describes the algorithm Dynamic Motion Planning Networks (Dynamic MPNet), an extension to Motion Planning Networks, for non-holonomic robots t..."} {"title": "DeepMNavigate: Deep Reinforced Multi-Robot Navigation Unifying Local & Global Collision Avoidance", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341805/", "author_list": ["Qingyang Tan", "Tingxiang Fan", "Jia Pan", "Dinesh Manocha", "Qingyang Tan", "Tingxiang Fan", "Jia Pan", "Dinesh Manocha"], "abstract": "We present a novel algorithm (DeepMNavigate) for global multi-agent navigation in dense scenarios using deep reinforcement learning (DRL). Our approach uses local and global information for each robot from motion information maps. We use a three-layer CNN that takes these maps as input to generate a suitable action to drive each robot to its goal position. Our approach is general, learns an optima..."} {"title": "Collision-Free Distributed Multi-Target Tracking Using Teams of Mobile Robots with Localization Uncertainty", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341126/", "author_list": ["Jun Chen", "Philip Dames", "Jun Chen", "Philip Dames"], "abstract": "Accurately tracking dynamic targets relies on robots accounting for uncertainties in their own states to share information and maintain safety. The problem becomes even more challenging when there is an unknown and time-varying number of targets in the environment. In this paper we address this problem by introducing four new distributed algorithms that allow large teams of robots to: i) run the p..."} {"title": "Augmenting Control Policies with Motion Planning for Robust and Safe Multi-robot Navigation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341153/", "author_list": ["Tianyang Pan", "Christos K. Verginis", "Andrew M. Wells", "Lydia E. Kavraki", "Dimos V. Dimarogonas", "Tianyang Pan", "Christos K. Verginis", "Andrew M. Wells", "Lydia E. Kavraki", "Dimos V. Dimarogonas"], "abstract": "This work proposes a novel method of incorporating calls to a motion planner inside a potential field control policy for safe multi-robot navigation with uncertain dynamics. The proposed framework can handle more general scenes than the control policy and has low computational costs. Our work is robust to uncertain dynamics and quickly finds high-quality paths in scenarios generated from real-worl..."} {"title": "Lloyd-based Approach for Robots Navigation in Human-shared environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341272/", "author_list": ["Manuel Boldrer", "Luigi Palopoli", "Daniele Fontanelli", "Manuel Boldrer", "Luigi Palopoli", "Daniele Fontanelli"], "abstract": "We present a Lloyd-based navigation solution for robots that are required to move in a dynamic environment, where static obstacles (e.g, furnitures, parked cars) and unpredicted moving obstacles (e.g., humans, other robots) have to be detected and avoided on the fly. The algorithm can be computed in real-time and falls in the category of the reactive methods. Moreover, we propose an extension to t..."} {"title": "Multi-Agent Path Planning Under Observation Schedule Constraints", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340747/", "author_list": ["Ziqi Yang", "Roberto Tron", "Ziqi Yang", "Roberto Tron"], "abstract": "We consider the problem of enhanced security of multi-robot systems to prevent cyber-attackers from taking control of one or more robots in the group. We build upon a recently proposed solution that utilizes the physical measurement capabilities of the robots to perform introspection, i.e., detect the malicious actions of compromised agents using other members of the group. In particular, the prop..."} {"title": "Game-Theoretic Planning for Risk-Aware Interactive Agents", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341137/", "author_list": ["Mingyu Wang", "Negar Mehr", "Adrien Gaidon", "Mac Schwager", "Mingyu Wang", "Negar Mehr", "Adrien Gaidon", "Mac Schwager"], "abstract": "Modeling the stochastic behavior of interacting agents is key for safe motion planning. In this paper, we study the interaction of risk-aware agents in a game-theoretical framework. Under the entropic risk measure, we derive an iterative algorithm for approximating the intractable feedback Nash equilibria of a risk-sensitive dynamic game. We use an iteratively linearized approximation of the syste..."} {"title": "Energy Autonomy for Resource-Constrained Multi Robot Missions", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341455/", "author_list": ["Hassan Fouad", "Giovanni Beltrame", "Hassan Fouad", "Giovanni Beltrame"], "abstract": "One of the key factors for extended autonomy and resilience of multi-robot systems, especially when robots operate on batteries, is their ability to maintain energy sufficiency by recharging when needed. In situations with limited access to charging facilities, robots need to be able to share and coordinate recharging activities, with guarantees that no robot will run out of energy. In this work, ..."} {"title": "Improving Autonomous Rover Guidance in Round-Trip Missions Using a Dynamic Cost Map", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340912/", "author_list": ["G.J. Paz-Delgado", "M. Azkarate", "J. R. S\u00e1nchez-Ib\u00e1\u00f1ez", "C.J. P\u00e9rez-del-Pulgar", "L. Gerdes", "A.J. Garc\u00eda-Cerezo", "G.J. Paz-Delgado", "M. Azkarate", "J. R. S\u00e1nchez-Ib\u00e1\u00f1ez", "C.J. P\u00e9rez-del-Pulgar", "L. Gerdes", "A.J. Garc\u00eda-Cerezo"], "abstract": "Autonomous round trip missions arise as an interesting topic since ESA and NASA agreed to bring soil samples from Mars. This work proposes a new method to improve autonomous rover guidance for this kind of missions. It is focused on the use of dynamically updated cost maps that are used to plan the rover path for a round-trip. The main advantage of the proposed method is the use of gathered inform..."} {"title": "A Comprehensive Trajectory Planner for a Person-Following ATV", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341717/", "author_list": ["Huckleberry Febbo", "Jiawei Huang", "David Isele", "Huckleberry Febbo", "Jiawei Huang", "David Isele"], "abstract": "This paper presents a trajectory planning algorithm for person following that is more comprehensive than existing algorithms. This algorithm is tailored for a front-wheel-steered vehicle, is designed to follow a person while avoiding collisions with both static and moving obstacles, simultaneously optimizing speed and steering, and minimizing control effort. This algorithm uses nonlinear model pre..."} {"title": "Energy-Efficient Motion Planning for Multi-Modal Hybrid Locomotion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340761/", "author_list": ["H. J. Terry Suh", "Xiaobin Xiong", "Andrew Singletary", "Aaron D. Ames", "Joel W. Burdick", "H. J. Terry Suh", "Xiaobin Xiong", "Andrew Singletary", "Aaron D. Ames", "Joel W. Burdick"], "abstract": "Hybrid locomotion, which combines multiple modalities of locomotion within a single robot, enables robots to carry out complex tasks in diverse environments. This paper presents a novel method for planning multi-modal locomotion trajectories using approximate dynamic programming. We formulate this problem as a shortest-path search through a state-space graph, where the edge cost is assigned as opt..."} {"title": "Navigation on the Line: Traversability Analysis and Path Planning for Extreme-Terrain Rappelling Rovers", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341409/", "author_list": ["Michael Paton", "Marlin P. Strub", "Travis Brown", "Rebecca J. Greene", "Jacob Lizewski", "Vandan Patel", "Jonathan D. Gammell", "Issa A. D. Nesnas", "Michael Paton", "Marlin P. Strub", "Travis Brown", "Rebecca J. Greene", "Jacob Lizewski", "Vandan Patel", "Jonathan D. Gammell", "Issa A. D. Nesnas"], "abstract": "Many areas of scientific interest in planetary exploration, such as lunar pits, icy-moon crevasses, and Martian craters, are inaccessible to current wheeled rovers. Rappelling rovers can safely traverse these steep surfaces, but require techniques to navigate their complex terrain. This dynamic navigation is inherently time-critical and communication constraints (e.g. delays and small communicatio..."} {"title": "PC-NBV: A Point Cloud Based Deep Network for Efficient Next Best View Planning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340916/", "author_list": ["Rui Zeng", "Wang Zhao", "Yong-Jin Liu", "Rui Zeng", "Wang Zhao", "Yong-Jin Liu"], "abstract": "The Next Best View (NBV) problem is important in the active robotic reconstruction. It enables the robot system to perform scanning actions in a reasonable view sequence, and fulfil the reconstruction task in an effective way. Previous works mainly follow the volumetric methods, which convert the point cloud information collected by sensors into a voxel representation space and evaluate candidate ..."} {"title": "Reactive Receding Horizon Planning and Control for Quadrotors with Limited On-Board Sensing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341306/", "author_list": ["Indrajeet Yadav", "Herbert G. Tanner", "Indrajeet Yadav", "Herbert G. Tanner"], "abstract": "The paper presents a receding horizon planning strategy for a quadrotor-type mav to navigate through an unknown cluttered environment at high speed. Utilizing a lightweight on-board short-range sensor that generates point-clouds within a narrow Field of View (FOV), the reported approach generates safe and dynamically feasible trajectories within the fov of the sensor, which the mav uses to navigat..."} {"title": "Motion Planning for Collision-resilient Mobile Robots in Obstacle-cluttered Unknown Environments with Risk Reward Trade-offs", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341449/", "author_list": ["Zhouyu Lu", "Zhichao Liu", "Gustavo J. Correa", "Konstantinos Karydis", "Zhouyu Lu", "Zhichao Liu", "Gustavo J. Correa", "Konstantinos Karydis"], "abstract": "Collision avoidance in unknown obstacle-cluttered environments may not always be feasible. This paper focuses on an emerging paradigm shift in which potential collisions with the environment can be harnessed instead of being avoided altogether. To this end, we introduce a new sampling-based online planning algorithm that can explicitly handle the risk of colliding with the environment and can swit..."} {"title": "Localization Uncertainty-driven Adaptive Framework for Controlling Ground Vehicle Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341427/", "author_list": ["Daniel Kent", "Philip K. McKinley", "Hayder Radha", "Daniel Kent", "Philip K. McKinley", "Hayder Radha"], "abstract": "Modern localization techniques allow ground vehicle robots to determine their position with centimeter-level accuracy under nominal conditions, enabling them to utilize fixed maps to navigate their environments. However, when localization measurements become unavailable, the position accuracy will drop and uncertainty will increase. While research and development on localization estimation seeks t..."} {"title": "Skill-based Programming Framework for Composable Reactive Robot Behaviors", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340985/", "author_list": ["Yudha Pane", "Erwin Aertbeli\u00ebn", "Joris De Schutter", "Wilm Decr\u00e9", "Yudha Pane", "Erwin Aertbeli\u00ebn", "Joris De Schutter", "Wilm Decr\u00e9"], "abstract": "This paper introduces a constraint-based skill framework for programming robot applications. Existing skill frameworks allow application developers to reuse skills and compose them sequentially or in parallel. However, they typically assume that the skills are running independently and in a nominal condition. This limitation hinders their applications for more involved and realistic scenarios e.g...."} {"title": "Expedited Multi-Target Search with Guaranteed Performance via Multi-fidelity Gaussian Processes", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341395/", "author_list": ["Lai Wei", "Xiaobo Tan", "Vaibhav Srivastava", "Lai Wei", "Xiaobo Tan", "Vaibhav Srivastava"], "abstract": "We consider a scenario in which an autonomous vehicle equipped with a downward facing camera operates in a 3D environment and is tasked with searching for an unknown number of stationary targets on the 2D floor of the environment. The key challenge is to minimize the search time while ensuring a high detection accuracy. We model the sensing field using a multi-fidelity Gaussian process that system..."} {"title": "Adversarial Generation of Informative Trajectories for Dynamics System Identification", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340801/", "author_list": ["Marija Jegorova", "Joshua Smith", "Michael Mistry", "Timothy Hospedales", "Marija Jegorova", "Joshua Smith", "Michael Mistry", "Timothy Hospedales"], "abstract": "Dnamic System Identification approaches usually heavily rely on evolutionary and gradient-based optimisation techniques to produce optimal excitation trajectories for determining the physical parameters of robot platforms. Current optimisation techniques tend to generate single trajectories. This is expensive, and intractable for longer trajectories, thus limiting their efficacy for system identif..."} {"title": "Target Tracking Control of a Wheel-less Snake Robot Based on a Supervised Multi-layered SNN", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341520/", "author_list": ["Zhuangyi Jiang", "Richard Otto", "Zhenshan Bing", "Kai Huang", "Alois Knoll", "Zhuangyi Jiang", "Richard Otto", "Zhenshan Bing", "Kai Huang", "Alois Knoll"], "abstract": "The snake-like robot without wheels is a bio-inspired robot whose high degree of freedom results in a challenge in autonomous locomotion control. The use of a Spiking Neural Network (SNN) which is a biologically plausible artificial neural network can help to achieve the autonomous locomotion behavior of snake robots in an energy-efficient manner. Approaches that use an SNN without hidden layers h..."} {"title": "CAZSL: Zero-Shot Regression for Pushing Models by Generalizing Through Context", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340858/", "author_list": ["Wenyu Zhang", "Skyler Seto", "Devesh K. Jha", "Wenyu Zhang", "Skyler Seto", "Devesh K. Jha"], "abstract": "Learning accurate models of the physical world is required for a lot of robotic manipulation tasks. However, during manipulation, robots are expected to interact with un-known workpieces so that building predictive models which can generalize over a number of these objects is highly desirable. In this paper, we study the problem of designing deep learning agents which can generalize their models o..."} {"title": "Synthesis of Control Barrier Functions Using a Supervised Machine Learning Approach", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341190/", "author_list": ["Mohit Srinivasan", "Amogh Dabholkar", "Samuel Coogan", "Patricio A. Vela", "Mohit Srinivasan", "Amogh Dabholkar", "Samuel Coogan", "Patricio A. Vela"], "abstract": "Control barrier functions are mathematical constructs used to guarantee safety for robotic systems. When integrated as constraints in a quadratic programming optimization problem, instantaneous control synthesis with real-time performance demands can be achieved for robotics applications. Prevailing use has assumed full knowledge of the safety barrier functions, however there are cases where the s..."} {"title": "Variable Stiffness Control with Strict Frequency Domain Constraints for Physical Human-Robot Interaction", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340895/", "author_list": ["Wulin Zou", "Pu Duan", "Yawen Chen", "Ningbo Yu", "Ling Shi", "Wulin Zou", "Pu Duan", "Yawen Chen", "Ningbo Yu", "Ling Shi"], "abstract": "Variable impedance control is advantageous for physical human-robot interaction to improve safety, adaptability and many other aspects. This paper presents a gain-scheduled variable stiffness control approach under strict frequency-domain constraints. Firstly, to reduce conservativeness, we characterize and constrain the impedance rendering, actuator saturation, disturbance/noise rejection and pas..."} {"title": "An Energy-based Approach for the Integration of Collaborative Redundant Robots in Restricted Work Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341561/", "author_list": ["Sebastian Hjorth", "Johannes Lachner", "Stefano Stramigioli", "Ole Madsen", "Dimitrios Chrysostomou", "Sebastian Hjorth", "Johannes Lachner", "Stefano Stramigioli", "Ole Madsen", "Dimitrios Chrysostomou"], "abstract": "To this day, most robots are installed behind safety fences, separated from the human. New use-case scenarios demand for collaborative robots, e.g. to assist the human with physically challenging tasks. These robots are mainly installed in work-environments with limited space, e.g. existing production lines. This brings certain challenges for the control of such robots. The presented work addresse..."} {"title": "Passivity Filter for Variable Impedance Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340758/", "author_list": ["Maciej Bednarczyk", "Hassan Omran", "Bernard Bayle", "Maciej Bednarczyk", "Hassan Omran", "Bernard Bayle"], "abstract": "While impedance control is one of the most commonly used strategies for robot interaction control, variable impedance control is a more recent preoccupation. If designing impedance control with varying parameters allows increasing the system flexibility and dexterity, it is still a challenging issue, as it may result in a loss of passivity of the control system. This has an important impact on the..."} {"title": "A frequency-dependent impedance controller for an active-macro/passive-mini robotic system", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341693/", "author_list": ["Nicolas Badeau", "Cl\u00e9ment Gosselin", "Nicolas Badeau", "Cl\u00e9ment Gosselin"], "abstract": "This paper presents an alternative impedance controller for a macro-mini robotic system in which the mini robot is unactuated. The approach is verified experimentally on a simple two-degree-of-freedom macro-mini robot. The dynamic analysis of the robot is first presented. Then, a standard impedance controller is derived and analysed. Such a controller is shown to be experimentally unstable when us..."} {"title": "Compliance Control of a Cable-Suspended Aerial Manipulator using Hierarchical Control Framework", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340703/", "author_list": ["Chiara Gabellieri", "Yuri S Sarkisov", "Andre Coelho", "Lucia Pallottino", "Konstantin Kondak", "Min Jun Kim", "Chiara Gabellieri", "Yuri S Sarkisov", "Andre Coelho", "Lucia Pallottino", "Konstantin Kondak", "Min Jun Kim"], "abstract": "Aerial robotic manipulation is an emergent trend that poses several challenges. To overcome some of these, the DLR cable-Suspended Aerial Manipulator (SAM) has been envisioned. SAM is composed of a fully actuated multi-rotor anchored to a main carrier through a cable and a KUKA LWR attached below the multi-rotor. This work presents a control method to allow SAM, which is a holonomically constraine..."} {"title": "Dual-Arm Control for Enhanced Magnetic Manipulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341250/", "author_list": ["Giovanni Pittiglio", "James H. Chandler", "Michiel Richter", "Venkatasubramanian K. Venkiteswaran", "Sarthak Misra", "Pietro Valdastri", "Giovanni Pittiglio", "James H. Chandler", "Michiel Richter", "Venkatasubramanian K. Venkiteswaran", "Sarthak Misra", "Pietro Valdastri"], "abstract": "Magnetically actuated soft robots have recently been identified for application in medicine, due to their potential to perform minimally invasive exploration of human cavities. Magnetic solutions permit further miniaturization when compared to other actuation techniques, without loss in functionalities. Our long-term goal is to propose a novel actuation method for magnetically actuated soft robots..."} {"title": "Formalization of Robot Skills with Descriptive and Operational Models", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340698/", "author_list": ["Charles Lesire", "David Doose", "Christophe Grand", "Charles Lesire", "David Doose", "Christophe Grand"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a formal language to specify robot skills, i.e. the elementary behaviours or functions provided by the robot platform in order to perform an autonomous mission. The advantage of the language we propose is that it integrates a wide range of elements that allows to define and provide automatic translation both to operational models, used online to control the skill executio..."} {"title": "STORM: Screw Theory Toolbox For Robot Manipulator and Mechanisms", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340991/", "author_list": ["Keerthi Sagar", "Vishal Ramadoss", "Dimiter Zlatanov", "Matteo Zoppi", "Keerthi Sagar", "Vishal Ramadoss", "Dimiter Zlatanov", "Matteo Zoppi"], "abstract": "Screw theory is a powerful mathematical tool for the kinematic analysis of mechanisms and has become a cornerstone of modern kinematics. Although screw theory has rooted itself as a core concept, there is a lack of generic software tools for visualization of the geometric pattern of the screw elements. This paper presents STORM, an educational and research oriented framework for analysis and visua..."} {"title": "Model-Based Specification of Control Architectures for Compliant Interaction with the Environment", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340718/", "author_list": ["Dennis Leroy Wigand", "Niels Dehio", "Sebastian Wrede", "Dennis Leroy Wigand", "Niels Dehio", "Sebastian Wrede"], "abstract": "In recent years the need for manipulation tasks in the industrial as well as in the service robotics domain that require compliant interaction with the environment rose. Since then, an increased number of publications use a model-driven approach to describe these tasks. High-level tasks and sequences of skills are coordinated to achieve a desired motion for e.g., screwing, polishing, or snap mount..."} {"title": "Verification of system-wide safety properties of ROS applications", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341085/", "author_list": ["Renato Carvalho", "Alcino Cunha", "Nuno Macedo", "Andr\u00e9 Santos", "Renato Carvalho", "Alcino Cunha", "Nuno Macedo", "Andr\u00e9 Santos"], "abstract": "Robots are currently deployed in safety-critical domains but proper techniques to assess the functional safety of their software are yet to be adopted. This is particularly critical in ROS, where highly configurable robots are built by composing third-party modules. To promote adoption, we advocate the use of lightweight formal methods, automatic techniques with minimal user input and intuitive fe..."} {"title": "Basic Implementation of FPGA-GPU Dual SoC Hybrid Architecture for Low-Latency Multi-DOF Robot Motion Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341602/", "author_list": ["Yuya Nagamatsu", "Fumihito Sugai", "Kei Okada", "Masayuki Inaba", "Yuya Nagamatsu", "Fumihito Sugai", "Kei Okada", "Masayuki Inaba"], "abstract": "This paper describes basic implementation of an embedded controller board based on a hybrid architecture equipped with an Intel FPGA SoC and an NVIDIA GPU SoC. Embedded distributed network involving motor-drivers or other embedded boards is constructed with low-latency optical transmission link. The central controller for high-level motion planning is connected via Gigabit Ethernet. The controller..."} {"title": "Identification of Dynamic Parameters for Rigid Robots based on Polynomial Approximation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341195/", "author_list": ["Alexander Lomakin", "Joachim Deutscher", "Alexander Lomakin", "Joachim Deutscher"], "abstract": "In this paper an approach for the identification of the dynamic parameters, i.e. base parameters, of rigid robots is presented. By using the polynomial approximation operator, an equation is obtained for the identification of the parameters which solely depends on measurable signals and thereby contains no equation error. The resulting expressions can be evaluated online or offline by filtering th..."} {"title": "Nonlinear Balance Control of an Unmanned Bicycle: Design and Experiments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341150/", "author_list": ["Leilei Cui", "Shuai Wang", "Jie Lai", "Xiangyu Chen", "Sicheng Yang", "Zhengyou Zhang", "Zhong-Ping Jiang", "Leilei Cui", "Shuai Wang", "Jie Lai", "Xiangyu Chen", "Sicheng Yang", "Zhengyou Zhang", "Zhong-Ping Jiang"], "abstract": "In this paper, nonlinear control techniques are exploited to balance an unmanned bicycle with enlarged stability domain. We consider two cases. For the first case when the autonomous bicycle is balanced by the flywheel, the steering angle is set to zero, and the torque of the flywheel is used as the control input. The controller is designed based on the Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passi..."} {"title": "Modeling Cable-Driven Joint Dynamics and Friction: a Bond-Graph Approach", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341763/", "author_list": ["Daniele Ludovico", "Paolo Guardiani", "Alessandro Pistone", "Jinoh Lee", "Ferdinando Cannella", "Darwin G. Caldwell", "Carlo Canali", "Daniele Ludovico", "Paolo Guardiani", "Alessandro Pistone", "Jinoh Lee", "Ferdinando Cannella", "Darwin G. Caldwell", "Carlo Canali"], "abstract": "Cable-driven joints proved to be an effective solution in a wide variety of applications ranging from medical to industrial fields where light structures, interaction with unstructured and constrained environments and precise motion are required. These requirements are achieved by moving the actuators from joints to the robot chassis. Despite these positive properties a cable-driven robotic arm re..."} {"title": "Cross Scene Prediction via Modeling Dynamic Correlation using Latent Space Shared Auto-Encoders", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341015/", "author_list": ["Shaochi Hu", "Donghao Xu", "Huijing Zhao", "Shaochi Hu", "Donghao Xu", "Huijing Zhao"], "abstract": "This work addresses on the following problem: given a set of unsynchronized history observations of two scenes that are correlative on their dynamic changes, the purpose is to learn a cross-scene predictor, so that with the observation of one scene, a robot can onlinely predict the dynamic state of the other. A method is proposed to solve the problem via modeling dynamic correlation using latent s..."} {"title": "Dynamic Parameter Estimation Utilizing Optimized Trajectories", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341518/", "author_list": ["Argtim Tika", "Jonas Ulmen", "Naim Bajcinca", "Argtim Tika", "Jonas Ulmen", "Naim Bajcinca"], "abstract": "We suggest a procedure for dynamic parameter estimation of serial robot manipulators. Its basic idea relies on the synthesis of an optimal manipulation trajectory, which is based on properly introduced parameter aggregates to ensure a collection of numerically well-conditioned data-sets, yielding an accurate computation of parameter estimates. The optimal trajectory itself is computed by using a m..."} {"title": "Assessment of Soil Strength using a Robotically Deployed and Retrieved Penetrometer", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341424/", "author_list": ["Victor M. Baez", "Ami Shah", "Samuel Akinwande", "Navid H. Jafari", "Aaron T. Becker", "Victor M. Baez", "Ami Shah", "Samuel Akinwande", "Navid H. Jafari", "Aaron T. Becker"], "abstract": "This paper presents a method for performing free-fall penetrometer tests for soft soils using an instrumented dart deployed by a quadcopter. Tests were performed with three soil types and used to examine the effect of drop height on the penetration depth and the deceleration profile. Further tests analyzed the force required to remove a dart from the soil and the effect of pulling at different spe..."} {"title": "Guaranteed Parameter Estimation of Hunt-Crossley Model with Chebyshev Polynomial Approximation for Teleoperation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341115/", "author_list": ["Daniel Budolak", "Alexander Leonessa", "Daniel Budolak", "Alexander Leonessa"], "abstract": "In haptic time delayed teleoperation as the time delay from the communication channel increases, teleoperation system stability and performance degrade. To increase performance and provide better stability margins, various estimation methods and observers have been implemented in literature to more accurately capture the force exerted by the remote system. Previously, solutions focused on environm..."} {"title": "Practical Verification of Neural Network Enabled State Estimation System for Robotics", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340720/", "author_list": ["Wei Huang", "Yifan Zhou", "Youcheng Sun", "James Sharp", "Simon Maskell", "Xiaowei Huang", "Wei Huang", "Yifan Zhou", "Youcheng Sun", "James Sharp", "Simon Maskell", "Xiaowei Huang"], "abstract": "We study for the first time the verification problem on learning-enabled state estimation systems for robotics, which use Bayes filter for localisation, and use deep neural network to process sensory input into observations for the Bayes filter. Specifically, we are interested in a robustness property of the systems: given a certain ability to an adversary for it to attack the neural network witho..."} {"title": "Markov Decision Processes with Unknown State Feature Values for Safe Exploration using Gaussian Processes", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341589/", "author_list": ["Matthew Budd", "Bruno Lacerda", "Paul Duckworth", "Andrew West", "Barry Lennox", "Nick Hawes", "Matthew Budd", "Bruno Lacerda", "Paul Duckworth", "Andrew West", "Barry Lennox", "Nick Hawes"], "abstract": "When exploring an unknown environment, a mobile robot must decide where to observe next. It must do this whilst minimising the risk of failure, by only exploring areas that it expects to be safe. In this context, safety refers to the robot remaining in regions where critical environment features (e.g. terrain steepness, radiation levels) are within ranges the robot is able to tolerate. More specif..."} {"title": "Contact Localization using Velocity Constraints", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341751/", "author_list": ["Sean Wang", "Ankit Bhatia", "Matthew T. Mason", "Aaron M. Johnson", "Sean Wang", "Ankit Bhatia", "Matthew T. Mason", "Aaron M. Johnson"], "abstract": "Localizing contacts and collisions is an important aspect of failure detection and recovery for robots and can aid perception and exploration of the environment. Contrary to state-of-the-art methods that rely on forces and torques measured on the robot, this paper proposes a kinematic method for proprioceptive contact localization on compliant robots using velocity measurements. The method is vali..."} {"title": "A Flexible Dual-Core Optical Waveguide Sensor for Simultaneous and Continuous Measurement of Contact Force and Position", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341573/", "author_list": ["Zhong Zhang", "Yu Zheng", "Jia Pan", "Xiong Li", "Kaiwei Li", "Zhengyou Zhang", "Zhong Zhang", "Yu Zheng", "Jia Pan", "Xiong Li", "Kaiwei Li", "Zhengyou Zhang"], "abstract": "Having the merits of chemical inertness and immunity to electromagnetic interference, light weight, small size, and softness, optical waveguides have attracted much attention in making tactile sensors recently. This paper presents a new design of waveguide using two layers of cores, one of which has an uniform width and the other has an incremental width. It is deduced and verified that the contac..."} {"title": "Bi-Modal Hemispherical Sensors for Dynamic Locomotion and Manipulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341543/", "author_list": ["Lindsay Epstein", "Andrew SaLoutos", "Donghyun Kim", "Sangbae Kim", "Lindsay Epstein", "Andrew SaLoutos", "Donghyun Kim", "Sangbae Kim"], "abstract": "The ability to measure multi-axis contact forces and contact surface normals in real time is critical to allow robots to improve their dexterous manipulation and locomotion abilities. This paper presents a new fingertip sensor for 3-axis contact force and contact location detection, as well as improvements on an existing footpad sensor through use of a new artificial neural network estimator. The ..."} {"title": "Model Predictive Position and Force Trajectory Tracking Control for Robot-Environment Interaction", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341168/", "author_list": ["Tobias Gold", "Andreas V\u00f6lz", "Knut Graichen", "Tobias Gold", "Andreas V\u00f6lz", "Knut Graichen"], "abstract": "The development of modern sensitive lightweight robots allows the use of robot arms in numerous new scenarios. Especially in applications where interaction between the robot and an object is desired, e.g. in assembly, conventional purely position-controlled robots fail. Former research has focused, among others, on control methods that center on robot-environment interaction. However, these method..."} {"title": "Learning-based Optimization Algorithms Combining Force Control Strategies for Peg-in-Hole Assembly", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341678/", "author_list": ["Peng Zou", "Qiuguo Zhu", "Jun Wu", "Rong Xiong", "Peng Zou", "Qiuguo Zhu", "Jun Wu", "Rong Xiong"], "abstract": "In this paper, an approach for automatic peg-in-hole assembly is proposed. The task is divided into two main steps: searching phase and inserting phase. First, a multilayer perceptron network is designed to address the hole search problem and a hybrid force position controller is introduced to ensure a safe and stable interaction with the external environment. Then, for the inserting phase, a vari..."} {"title": "A Variable Impedance Control Strategy for Object Manipulation Considering Non\u2013Rigid Grasp", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341725/", "author_list": ["Michalis Logothetis", "George C. Karras", "Konstantinos Alevizos", "Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos", "Michalis Logothetis", "George C. Karras", "Konstantinos Alevizos", "Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos"], "abstract": "This paper presents a novel control strategy for the compensation of the slippage effect during non-rigidly grasped object manipulation. A detailed dynamic model of the interconnected system composed of the robotic manipulator, the object and the internal forces and torques induced by the slippage effect is provided. Next, we design a model-based variable impedance control scheme, in order to achi..."} {"title": "Towards Dynamic Transparency: Robust Interaction Force Tracking Using Multi-Sensory Control on an Arm Exoskeleton", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341054/", "author_list": ["Yves Zimmermann", "Emek Bar\u0131\u015f K\u00fc\u00e7\u00fcktabak", "Farbod Farshidian", "Robert Riener", "Marco Hutter", "Yves Zimmermann", "Emek Bar\u0131\u015f K\u00fc\u00e7\u00fcktabak", "Farbod Farshidian", "Robert Riener", "Marco Hutter"], "abstract": "A high-quality free-motion rendering is one of the most vital traits to achieve an immersive human-robot interaction. Rendering free-motion is notably challenging for rehabilitation exoskeletons due to their relatively high weight and powerful actuators required for strength training and support. In the presence of dynamic human movements, accurate feedback linearization of the robot's dynamics is..."} {"title": "Redundancy resolution under hard joint constraints: a generalized approach to rank updates", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341581/", "author_list": ["Anton Ziese", "Mario D. Fiore", "Jan Peters", "Uwe E. Zimmermann", "J\u00fcrgen Adamy", "Anton Ziese", "Mario D. Fiore", "Jan Peters", "Uwe E. Zimmermann", "J\u00fcrgen Adamy"], "abstract": "The increasing interest in autonomous robots with a high number of degrees of freedom for industrial applications and service robotics have also increased the demand for efficient control algorithms. The unstructured environment these robots operate in often impose constraints on the joint motion, an important type being the joint limits of the robot itself. These circumstances demand control algo..."} {"title": "Feedback Whole-Body Control of Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Humanoids Using Operational Space", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341197/", "author_list": ["Muhammad Ali Murtaza", "Vahid Azimi", "Seth Hutchinson", "Muhammad Ali Murtaza", "Vahid Azimi", "Seth Hutchinson"], "abstract": "We present a hierarchical framework for trajectory optimization and optimal feedback whole-body control of wheeled inverted pendulum (WIP) humanoid robot. The framework extends rapidly exponentially stabilizing control Lyapunov functions (RES-CLF) to operational space for controlling WIP humanoid robots while utilizing a hierarchical framework to compute an optimal policy. The upper level of the h..."} {"title": "Optimizing Dynamic Trajectories for Robustness to Disturbances Using Polytopic Projections", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341788/", "author_list": ["Henrique Ferrolho", "Wolfgang Merkt", "Vladimir Ivan", "Wouter Wolfslag", "Sethu Vijayakumar", "Henrique Ferrolho", "Wolfgang Merkt", "Vladimir Ivan", "Wouter Wolfslag", "Sethu Vijayakumar"], "abstract": "This paper focuses on robustness to disturbance forces and uncertain payloads. We present a novel formulation to optimize the robustness of dynamic trajectories. A straightforward transcription of this formulation into a nonlinear programming problem is not tractable for state-of-the-art solvers, but it is possible to overcome this complication by exploiting the structure induced by the kinematics..."} {"title": "Learning an Optimal Sampling Distribution for Efficient Motion Planning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341245/", "author_list": ["Richard Cheng", "Krishna Shankar", "Joel W. Burdick", "Richard Cheng", "Krishna Shankar", "Joel W. Burdick"], "abstract": "Sampling-based motion planners (SBMP) are commonly used to generate motion plans by incrementally constructing a search tree through a robot's configuration space. For high degree-of-freedom systems, sampling is often done in a lower-dimensional space, with a steering function responsible for local planning in the higher-dimensional configuration space. However, for highly-redundant systems with c..."} {"title": "A Topological Approach to Path Planning for a Magnetic Millirobot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341740/", "author_list": ["Ariella Mansfield", "Dhanushka Kularatne", "Edward Steager", "M. Ani Hsieh", "Ariella Mansfield", "Dhanushka Kularatne", "Edward Steager", "M. Ani Hsieh"], "abstract": "We present a path planning strategy for a magnetic millirobot where the nonlinearities in the external magnetic force field (MFF) are encoded in the graph used for planning. The strategy creates a library of candidate MFFs and characterizes their topologies by identifying the unstable manifolds in the workspace. The path planning problem is then posed as a graph search problem where the computed p..."} {"title": "Optimizing coordinate choice for locomotion systems with toroidal shape spaces", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341476/", "author_list": ["Bo Lin", "Baxi Chong", "Yasemin Ozkan-Aydin", "Enes Aydin", "Howie Choset", "Daniel I. Goldman", "Greg Blekherman", "Bo Lin", "Baxi Chong", "Yasemin Ozkan-Aydin", "Enes Aydin", "Howie Choset", "Daniel I. Goldman", "Greg Blekherman"], "abstract": "In a geometric mechanics framework, the configuration space is decomposed into a shape space and a position space. The internal motion of the system is prescribed by a closed loop in the shape space, which causes net motion in the position space. If the shape space is a simply connected domain in an Euclidean space, then with an optimal choice of the body frame, the displacement in the position sp..."} {"title": "Autonomous Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance of a Snake Robot with Combined Velocity-Heading Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341256/", "author_list": ["Mahdi Haghshenas-Jaryani", "Hakki Erhan Sevil", "Mahdi Haghshenas-Jaryani", "Hakki Erhan Sevil"], "abstract": "This paper presents combined velocity-heading control of a planar snake robot for the autonomous navigation and obstacle avoidance in a simulation environment. The kinematics and dynamics of the snake robot were derived using the articulated-body algorithm without considering the non-holonomic constraints. A double-layer controller was designed to control both heading direction and average velocit..."} {"title": "Dynamic Legged Manipulation of a Ball Through Multi-Contact Optimization", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341218/", "author_list": ["Chenyu Yang", "Bike Zhang", "Jun Zeng", "Ayush Agrawal", "Koushil Sreenath", "Chenyu Yang", "Bike Zhang", "Jun Zeng", "Ayush Agrawal", "Koushil Sreenath"], "abstract": "The feet of robots are typically used to design locomotion strategies, such as balancing, walking, and running. However, they also have great potential to perform manipulation tasks. In this paper, we propose a model predictive control (MPC) framework for a quadrupedal robot to dynamically balance on a ball and simultaneously manipulate it to follow various trajectories such as straight lines, sin..."} {"title": "Explore Bravely: Wheeled-Legged Robots Traverse in Unknown Rough Environment", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341610/", "author_list": ["Garen Haddeler", "Jianle Chan", "Yangwei You", "Saurab Verma", "Albertus H. Adiwahono", "Chee Meng Chew", "Garen Haddeler", "Jianle Chan", "Yangwei You", "Saurab Verma", "Albertus H. Adiwahono", "Chee Meng Chew"], "abstract": "This paper addressed a challenging problem of wheeled-legged robots with high degrees of freedom exploring in unknown rough environments. The proposed method works as a pipeline to achieve prioritized exploration comprising three primary modules: traversability analysis, frontier-based exploration and hybrid locomotion planning. Traversability analysis provides robots an evaluation about surroundi..."} {"title": "KOVIS: Keypoint-based Visual Servoing with Zero-Shot Sim-to-Real Transfer for Robotics Manipulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341370/", "author_list": ["En Yen Puang", "Keng Peng Tee", "Wei Jing", "En Yen Puang", "Keng Peng Tee", "Wei Jing"], "abstract": "We present KOVIS, a novel learning-based, calibration-free visual servoing method for fine robotic manipulation tasks with eye-in-hand stereo camera system. We train the deep neural network only in the simulated environment; and the trained model could be directly used for real-world visual servoing tasks. KOVIS consists of two networks. The first keypoint network learns the keypoint representatio..."} {"title": "FlowControl: Optical Flow Based Visual Servoing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340942/", "author_list": ["Max Argus", "Lukas Hermann", "Jon Long", "Thomas Brox", "Max Argus", "Lukas Hermann", "Jon Long", "Thomas Brox"], "abstract": "One-shot imitation is the vision of robot programming from a single demonstration, rather than by tedious construction of computer code. We present a practical method for realizing one-shot imitation for manipulation tasks, exploiting modern learning-based optical flow to perform real-time visual servoing. Our approach, which we call FlowControl, continuously tracks a demonstration video, using a ..."} {"title": "Monocular Visual Shape Tracking and Servoing for Isometrically Deforming Objects", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341646/", "author_list": ["Miguel Aranda", "Juan Antonio Corrales Ramon", "Youcef Mezouar", "Adrien Bartoli", "Erol \u00d6zg\u00fcr", "Miguel Aranda", "Juan Antonio Corrales Ramon", "Youcef Mezouar", "Adrien Bartoli", "Erol \u00d6zg\u00fcr"], "abstract": "We address the monocular visual shape servoing problem. This pushes the challenging visual servoing problem one step further from rigid object manipulation towards deformable object manipulation. Explicitly, it implies deforming the object towards a desired shape in 3D space by robots using monocular 2D vision. We specifically concentrate on a scheme capable of controlling large isometric deformat..."} {"title": "Fast Model Predictive Image-Based Visual Servoing for Quadrotors", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340759/", "author_list": ["Pedro Roque", "Elisa Bin", "Pedro Miraldo", "Dimos V. Dimarogonas", "Pedro Roque", "Elisa Bin", "Pedro Miraldo", "Dimos V. Dimarogonas"], "abstract": "This paper studies the problem of Image-Based Visual Servo Control (IBVS) for quadrotors. Although the control of quadrotors has been extensively studied in the last decades, combining the IBVS module with the quadrotor's dynamics is still hard, mainly due to the under-actuation issues related to the quadrotor control as opposed to the 6 DoF control outputs generated by the IBVS modules. We propos..."} {"title": "Robust Internal Model Control for Motor Systems Based on Sliding Mode Technique and Extended State Observer", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341220/", "author_list": ["Ping Li", "Kaiqi Guo", "Chenyang Sun", "Mingming Zhang", "Ping Li", "Kaiqi Guo", "Chenyang Sun", "Mingming Zhang"], "abstract": "Electric motors have been widely used as the actuators of robot and automation systems. This paper aims at achieving the high-precision position control of motor drive systems. For this purpose, a robust control scheme is presented by combining the internal model principle, the sliding mode technique and the extended state observer (ESO). The PID-type controller is firstly designed by using the in..."} {"title": "Trajectory Tracking of a One-Link Flexible Arm via Iterative Learning Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341215/", "author_list": ["Michele Pierallini", "Franco Angelini", "Riccardo Mengacci", "Alessandro Palleschi", "Antonio Bicchi", "Manolo Garabini", "Michele Pierallini", "Franco Angelini", "Riccardo Mengacci", "Alessandro Palleschi", "Antonio Bicchi", "Manolo Garabini"], "abstract": "Trajectory tracking of flexible link robots is a classical control problem. Historically, the link elasticity was considered as something to be removed. Hence, the control performance was guaranteed by adopting high-gain feedback loops and, possibly, a dynamic compensation with the result to stiffen up the dynamic behavior of the robot. Nowadays, robots are pushed more and more towards a safe phys..."} {"title": "H\u221e-Optimal Tracking Controller for Three-Wheeled Omnidirectional Mobile Robots with Uncertain Dynamics", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341752/", "author_list": ["Amir Salimi Lafmejani", "Hamed Farivarnejad", "Spring Berman", "Amir Salimi Lafmejani", "Hamed Farivarnejad", "Spring Berman"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present an optimal control approach using Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) for trajectory tracking control of a three-wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot in the presence of external disturbances on the robot's actuators and noise in the robot's sensor measurements. First, a state-space representation of the omnidirectional robot dynamics is derived using a point-mass dynamic mo..."} {"title": "Gain Scheduled Controller Design for Balancing an Autonomous Bicycle", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340949/", "author_list": ["Shuai Wang", "Leilei Cui", "Jie Lai", "Sicheng Yang", "Xiangyu Chen", "Yu Zheng", "Zhengyou Zhang", "Zhong-Ping Jiang", "Shuai Wang", "Leilei Cui", "Jie Lai", "Sicheng Yang", "Xiangyu Chen", "Yu Zheng", "Zhengyou Zhang", "Zhong-Ping Jiang"], "abstract": "In this paper, the gain scheduling technique is applied to design a balance controller for an autonomous bicycle with an inertia wheel. Previously, two different balance controllers are needed depending on whether the bicycle is stationary or dynamic. The switch between the two different controllers may cause the instability of the autonomous bicycle. Our proposed gain scheduled controller can bal..."} {"title": "Online System for Dynamic Multi-contact Motion with Impact Force Based on Contact Wrench Estimation and Current-Based Torque Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341472/", "author_list": ["Kazuki Fukazawa", "Naoki Hiraoka", "Kunio Kojima", "Shintaro Noda", "Masahiro Bando", "Kei Okada", "Masayuki Inaba", "Kazuki Fukazawa", "Naoki Hiraoka", "Kunio Kojima", "Shintaro Noda", "Masahiro Bando", "Kei Okada", "Masayuki Inaba"], "abstract": "Humanoid robots are expected to play a big role at distress sites and disaster sites. There is a variety of multi-contact locomotion forms other than bipedal walking such as crawling through tightly, getting on the rubble by using its knees and elbows, or jumping in and rolling over the obstacles. If such multi-contact locomotion forms can be achieved, robots can reach environments that are curren..."} {"title": "Learning-Based Controller Optimization for Repetitive Robotic Tasks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340880/", "author_list": ["Xiaocong Li", "Haiyue Zhu", "Jun Ma", "Tat Joo Teo", "Chek Sing Teo", "Masayoshi Tomizuka", "Tong Heng Lee", "Xiaocong Li", "Haiyue Zhu", "Jun Ma", "Tat Joo Teo", "Chek Sing Teo", "Masayoshi Tomizuka", "Tong Heng Lee"], "abstract": "Dynamic control for robotic automation tasks is traditionally designed and optimized with a model-based approach, and the performance relies heavily upon accurate system modeling. However, modeling the true dynamics of increasingly complex robotic systems is an extremely challenging task and it often renders the automation system to operate in a non-optimal condition. Notably, many industrial robo..."} {"title": "Unilateral Constraints for Torque-based Whole-Body Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341241/", "author_list": ["Juan D. Mu\u00f1oz Osorio", "Abdelrahman Abdelazim", "Felix Allmendinger", "Uwe E. Zimmermann", "Juan D. Mu\u00f1oz Osorio", "Abdelrahman Abdelazim", "Felix Allmendinger", "Uwe E. Zimmermann"], "abstract": "This work uses quadratic programming to perform torque control on an industrial collaborative robot, while keeping defined constraints. Limits for rotational and translational coordinates are considered at position, velocity and acceleration level. Although the problem of having hardware and safe limitations has been considered before. Solutions usually rely on functions that need a proper tuning...."} {"title": "Learning High-Level Policies for Model Predictive Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340823/", "author_list": ["Yunlong Song", "Davide Scaramuzza", "Yunlong Song", "Davide Scaramuzza"], "abstract": "The combination of policy search and deep neural networks holds the promise of automating a variety of decision-making tasks. Model Predictive Control (MPC) provides robust solutions to robot control tasks by making use of a dynamical model of the system and solving an optimization problem online over a short planning horizon. In this work, we leverage probabilistic decision-making approaches and ..."} {"title": "Squash-Box Feasibility Driven Differential Dynamic Programming", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340883/", "author_list": ["Josep Marti-Saumell", "Joan Sol\u00e0", "Carlos Mastalli", "Angel Santamaria-Navarro", "Josep Marti-Saumell", "Joan Sol\u00e0", "Carlos Mastalli", "Angel Santamaria-Navarro"], "abstract": "Recently, Differential Dynamic Programming (DDP) and other similar algorithms have become the solvers of choice when performing non-linear Model Predictive Control (nMPC) with modern robotic devices. The reason is that they have a lower computational cost per iteration when compared with off-the-shelf Non-Linear Programming (NLP) solvers, which enables its online operation. However, they cannot ha..."} {"title": "Model Predictive Control for a Tendon-Driven Surgical Robot with Safety Constraints in Kinematics and Dynamics", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341334/", "author_list": ["Francesco Cursi", "Valerio Modugno", "Petar Kormushev", "Francesco Cursi", "Valerio Modugno", "Petar Kormushev"], "abstract": "In fields such as minimally invasive surgery, effective control strategies are needed to guarantee safety and accuracy of the surgical task. Mechanical designs and actuation schemes have inevitable limitations such as backlash and joint limits. Moreover, surgical robots need to operate in narrow pathways, which may give rise to additional environmental constraints. Therefore, the control strategie..."} {"title": "\u21121-Adaptive MPPI Architecture for Robust and Agile Control of Multirotors", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341154/", "author_list": ["Jintasit Pravitra", "Kasey A. Ackerman", "Chengyu Cao", "Naira Hovakimyan", "Evangelos A. Theodorou", "Jintasit Pravitra", "Kasey A. Ackerman", "Chengyu Cao", "Naira Hovakimyan", "Evangelos A. Theodorou"], "abstract": "This paper presents a multirotor control architecture, where Model Predictive Path Integral Control (MPPI) and \u21121 adaptive control are combined to achieve both fast model predictive trajectory planning and robust trajectory tracking. MPPI provides a framework to solve nonlinear MPC with complex cost functions in real-time. However, it often lacks robustness, especially when the simulated dynamics ..."} {"title": "Learning-Based Distributionally Robust Motion Control with Gaussian Processes", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341415/", "author_list": ["Astghik Hakobyan", "Insoon Yang", "Astghik Hakobyan", "Insoon Yang"], "abstract": "Safety is a critical issue in learning-based robotic and autonomous systems as learned information about their environments is often unreliable and inaccurate. In this paper, we propose a risk-aware motion control tool that is robust against errors in learned distributional information about obstacles moving with unknown dynamics. The salient feature of our model predictive control (MPC) method is..."} {"title": "Synchronous Minimum-Time Cooperative Manipulation using Distributed Model Predictive Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340740/", "author_list": ["Argtim Tika", "Naim Bajcinca", "Argtim Tika", "Naim Bajcinca"], "abstract": "A hierarchical algorithm involving two-layer optimization-based control policies with varying degrees of abstraction is proposed, including upper layer task scheduling and lower layer local path planning. A scenario with two robot arms performing cooperative pick-and-place tasks for moving objects is specifically addressed. The main focus of the paper lies on the bottom layer of the hierarchical c..."} {"title": "Online gain setting method for path tracking using CMA-ES: Application to off-road mobile robot control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340830/", "author_list": ["Ashley Hill", "Jean Laneurit", "Roland Lenain", "Eric Lucet", "Ashley Hill", "Jean Laneurit", "Roland Lenain", "Eric Lucet"], "abstract": "This paper proposes a new approach for online control law gains adaptation, through the use of neural networks and the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) algorithm, in order to optimize the behavior of the robot with respect to an objective function. The neural network considered takes as input the current observed state as well as its uncertainty, and provides as output the ..."} {"title": "Velocity Regulation of 3D Bipedal Walking Robots with Uncertain Dynamics Through Adaptive Neural Network Controller", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341569/", "author_list": ["Guillermo A. Castillo", "Bowen Weng", "Terrence C. Stewart", "Wei Zhang", "Ayonga Hereid", "Guillermo A. Castillo", "Bowen Weng", "Terrence C. Stewart", "Wei Zhang", "Ayonga Hereid"], "abstract": "This paper presents a neural-network based adaptive feedback control structure to regulate the velocity of 3D bipedal robots under dynamics uncertainties. Existing Hybrid Zero Dynamics (HZD)-based controllers regulate velocity through the implementation of heuristic regulators that do not consider model and environmental uncertainties, which may significantly affect the tracking performance of the..."} {"title": "Aerial Transportation of Unknown Payloads: Adaptive Path Tracking for Quadrotors", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341402/", "author_list": ["Viswa N. Sankaranarayanan", "Spandan Roy", "Simone Baldi", "Viswa N. Sankaranarayanan", "Spandan Roy", "Simone Baldi"], "abstract": "With the advent of intelligent transport, quadrotors are becoming an attractive aerial transport solution during emergency evacuations, construction works etc. During such operations, dynamic variations in (possibly unknown) payload and unknown external disturbances cause considerable control challenges for path tracking algorithms. In fact, the state-dependent nature of the resulting uncertaintie..."} {"title": "Robust Force Tracking Impedance Control of an Ultrasonic Motor-actuated End-effector in a Soft Environment", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340717/", "author_list": ["Wenyu Liang", "Zhao Feng", "Yan Wu", "Junli Gao", "Qinyuan Ren", "Tong Heng Lee", "Wenyu Liang", "Zhao Feng", "Yan Wu", "Junli Gao", "Qinyuan Ren", "Tong Heng Lee"], "abstract": "Robotic systems are increasingly required not only to generate precise motions to complete their tasks but also to handle the interactions with the environment or human. Significantly, soft interaction brings great challenges on the force control due to the nonlinear, viscoelastic and inhomogeneous properties of the soft environment. In this paper, a robust impedance control scheme utilizing integ..."} {"title": "A Horse Inspired Eight-wheel Unmanned Ground Vehicle with Four-swing Arms", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341528/", "author_list": ["Miaolei HE", "Jilin He", "Changji Ren", "Qinghua He", "Miaolei HE", "Jilin He", "Changji Ren", "Qinghua He"], "abstract": "Rigid-terrain unmanned ground vehicles(UGV) can run under the field environment by the advanced adaptive ability. This paper presents a novel horse inspired rigid-terrain eight-wheel vehicle with four-swing arms. This unmanned ground vehicle is drived by distributed hydraulic motors. By cooperating with four-swing arms and eight wheels, the vehicle has the ability to work like a horse climbs an ob..."} {"title": "Non-linear control under state constraints with validated trajectories for a mobile robot towing a trailer", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341712/", "author_list": ["Joris Tillet", "Luc Jaulin", "Fabrice Le Bars", "Joris Tillet", "Luc Jaulin", "Fabrice Le Bars"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a set-inversion approach to validate the controller of a nonlinear system that should satisfy some state constraints. We introduce the notion of follow set which corresponds to the set of all output vectors such that the desired dynamics can be followed without violating the state-constraints. This follow set can then be used to choose feasible trajectories that a mobile ..."} {"title": "Robust, Perception Based Control with Quadrotors", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341507/", "author_list": ["Laura Jarin-Lipschitz", "Rebecca Li", "Ty Nguyen", "Vijay Kumar", "Nikolai Matni", "Laura Jarin-Lipschitz", "Rebecca Li", "Ty Nguyen", "Vijay Kumar", "Nikolai Matni"], "abstract": "Traditionally, controllers and state estimators in robotic systems are designed independently. Controllers are often designed assuming perfect state estimation. However, state estimation methods such as Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO) drift over time and can cause the system to misbehave. While state estimation error can be corrected with the aid of GPS or motion capture, these complementary sensor..."} {"title": "Robust Control Synthesis and Verification for Wire-Borne Underactuated Brachiating Robots Using Sum-of-Squares Optimization", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341348/", "author_list": ["Siavash Farzan", "Ai-Ping Hu", "Michael Bick", "Jonathan Rogers", "Siavash Farzan", "Ai-Ping Hu", "Michael Bick", "Jonathan Rogers"], "abstract": "Control of wire-borne underactuated brachiating robots requires a robust feedback control design that can deal with dynamic uncertainties, actuator constraints and unmeasurable states. In this paper, we develop a robust feedback control for brachiating on flexible cables, building on previous work on optimal trajectory generation and time-varying LQR controller design. We propose a novel simplifie..."} {"title": "Development of Exo-Glove for Measuring 3-axis Forces Acting on the Human Finger without Obstructing Natural Human-Object Interaction", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341609/", "author_list": ["Prathamesh Sathe", "Alexander Schmitz", "Harris Kristanto", "Chincheng Hsu", "Tito Pradhono Tomo", "Sophon Somlor", "Sugano Shigeki", "Prathamesh Sathe", "Alexander Schmitz", "Harris Kristanto", "Chincheng Hsu", "Tito Pradhono Tomo", "Sophon Somlor", "Sugano Shigeki"], "abstract": "Measuring the forces that humans exert with their fingers could have many potential applications, such as skill transfer from human experts to robots or monitoring humans. In this paper we introduce the \"Exo-Glove\" system, which can measure the joint angles and forces acting on the human finger without covering the skin that is in contact with the manipulated object. In particular, 3-axis sensors ..."} {"title": "Dynamic Stability Control of Inverted-Pendulum-Type Robotic Wheelchair for Going Up and Down Stairs", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341242/", "author_list": ["Yuya Onozuka", "Nobuyasu Tomokuni", "Genki Murata", "Motoki Shino", "Yuya Onozuka", "Nobuyasu Tomokuni", "Genki Murata", "Motoki Shino"], "abstract": "The wheelchair is the major means of transport for elderly and physically disabled people in their daily lives. However it cannot overcome architectural barriers such as curbs and stairs. In this study, we developed an inverted-pendulum-type robotic wheelchair for climbing stairs. The wheelchair has a seat slider and two rotary links between the front and rear wheels on each side. When climbing up..."} {"title": "Mapping Thigh Motion to Knee Motion: Implications for Motion Planning of Active Prosthetic Knees", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341685/", "author_list": ["Mahdy Eslamy", "Felix Oswald", "Arndt Schilling", "Mahdy Eslamy", "Felix Oswald", "Arndt Schilling"], "abstract": "One of the main challenges of the active assistive devices is how to estimate the motion of the missing/impaired limbs and joints in line with the remaining limbs. To do so, a motion planner is required. This study proposes a motion planner that can be used for active prosthetic/orthotic knees. The aim is to continuously estimate the knee joint positions based on the thigh motion, using as few inp..."} {"title": "Data-driven Characterization of Human Interaction for Model-based Control of Powered Prostheses", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341388/", "author_list": ["Rachel Gehlhar", "Yuxiao Chen", "Aaron D. Ames", "Rachel Gehlhar", "Yuxiao Chen", "Aaron D. Ames"], "abstract": "This paper proposes a data-driven method for powered prosthesis control that achieves stable walking without the need for additional sensors on the human. The key idea is to extract the nominal gait and the human interaction information from motion capture data, and reconstruct the walking behavior with a dynamic model of the human-prosthesis system. The walking behavior of a human wearing a power..."} {"title": "IMU-based Deep Neural Networks for Locomotor Intention Prediction", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341649/", "author_list": ["Huaitian Lu", "Lambert R.B. Schomaker", "Raffaella Carloni", "Huaitian Lu", "Lambert R.B. Schomaker", "Raffaella Carloni"], "abstract": "This paper focuses on the design and comparison of different deep neural networks for the real-time prediction of locomotor intentions by using data from inertial measurement units. The deep neural network architectures are convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and convolutional recurrent neural networks. The input to the architectures are features in the time domain, which hav..."} {"title": "Development of dementia care training system based on augmented reality and whole body wearable tactile sensor", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341039/", "author_list": ["Tomoki Hiramatsu", "Masaya Kamei", "Daiji Inoue", "Akihiro Kawamura", "Qi An", "Ryo Kurazume", "Tomoki Hiramatsu", "Masaya Kamei", "Daiji Inoue", "Akihiro Kawamura", "Qi An", "Ryo Kurazume"], "abstract": "This study develops a training system for a multimodal comprehensive care methodology for dementia patients called Humanitude. Humanitude has attracted much attention as a gentle and effective care technique. It consists of four main techniques, namely, eye contact, verbal communication, touch, and standing up, and more than 150 care elements. Learning Humanitude thus requires much time. To provid..."} {"title": "Examination of Screen-Indicated Methods of Gait Training System with Real-time Audiovisual Feedback Function of Ground Reaction Force", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341614/", "author_list": ["Kei Fukuyama", "Ichiro Kurose", "Hidetaka Ikeuchi", "Kei Fukuyama", "Ichiro Kurose", "Hidetaka Ikeuchi"], "abstract": "In gait training for walking rehabilitation of patients with stroke hemiplegia or bone joint conditions such as fractures, it is important to recognize the load of the affected lower limbs for improving gait ability and avoiding risks such as re-fractures. A weight scale is used at the actual rehabilitation site to recognize the load. However, in this situation, the trainee must look down to verif..."} {"title": "A Mixed-Integer Model Predictive Control Approach to Motion Cueing in Immersive Wheelchair Simulator", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341674/", "author_list": ["Le Anh Dao", "Alessio Prini", "Matteo Malosio", "Angelo Davalli", "Marco Sacco", "Le Anh Dao", "Alessio Prini", "Matteo Malosio", "Angelo Davalli", "Marco Sacco"], "abstract": "To allow wheelchair (electronic or manual) users to practice driving in different safe, repeatable and controlled scenarios, the use of simulator as a training tool is considered here. In this context, the capabilities of providing high fidelity motions for users of the simulator is highlighted as one of the most important aspects for the effectiveness of the tool. For this purpose, the motion cue..."} {"title": "EDAN: An EMG-controlled Daily Assistant to Help People With Physical Disabilities", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341156/", "author_list": ["J\u00f6rn Vogel", "Annette Hagengruber", "Maged Iskandar", "Gabriel Quere", "Ulrike Leipscher", "Samuel Bustamante", "Alexander Dietrich", "Hannes H\u00f6ppner", "Daniel Leidner", "Alin Albu-Sch\u00e4ffer", "J\u00f6rn Vogel", "Annette Hagengruber", "Maged Iskandar", "Gabriel Quere", "Ulrike Leipscher", "Samuel Bustamante", "Alexander Dietrich", "Hannes H\u00f6ppner", "Daniel Leidner", "Alin Albu-Sch\u00e4ffer"], "abstract": "Injuries, accidents, strokes, and other diseases can significantly degrade the capabilities to perform even the most simple activities in daily life. A large share of these cases involves neuromuscular diseases, which lead to severely reduced muscle function. However, even though affected people are no longer able to move their limbs, residual muscle function can still be existent. Previous work h..."} {"title": "Real-time Virtual Coach using LSTM for Assisting Physical Therapists with End-effector-based Robot-assisted Gait Training", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341523/", "author_list": ["Yeongsik Seo", "Eunkyeong Lee", "Suncheol Kwon", "Won-Kyung Song", "Yeongsik Seo", "Eunkyeong Lee", "Suncheol Kwon", "Won-Kyung Song"], "abstract": "With the development of robotic technology, the demand for state-of-the-art technology in the field of rehabilitation is rapidly increasing for the elderly and people with disabilities. In this paper, we propose a real-time virtual coach to assist physical therapists with the end-effector-based robot-assisted gait training for stroke survivors using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. Our prop..."} {"title": "Applying Force Perturbations Using a Wearable Robotic Neck Brace", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340638/", "author_list": ["Haohan Zhang", "Victor Santamaria", "Sunil Agrawal", "Haohan Zhang", "Victor Santamaria", "Sunil Agrawal"], "abstract": "Force perturbation is used in this paper to study cervical neuromuscular responses which can be used in the future to assess impairments in patients with neurological diseases. Current literature on this topic is limited to applying forces on the head in the anterior-posterior direction, perhaps due to technological limitations. In this paper, we propose to use a robotic neck brace to address thes..."} {"title": "Proactive Estimation of Occlusions and Scene Coverage for Planning Next Best Views in an Unstructured Representation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341681/", "author_list": ["Rowan Border", "Jonathan D. Gammell", "Rowan Border", "Jonathan D. Gammell"], "abstract": "The process of planning views to observe a scene is known as the Next Best View (NBV) problem. Approaches often aim to obtain high-quality scene observations while reducing the number of views, travel distance and computational cost. Considering occlusions and scene coverage can significantly reduce the number of views and travel distance required to obtain an observation. Structured representatio..."} {"title": "Indirect Object-to-Robot Pose Estimation from an External Monocular RGB Camera", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341163/", "author_list": ["Jonathan Tremblay", "Stephen Tyree", "Terry Mosier", "Stan Birchfield", "Jonathan Tremblay", "Stephen Tyree", "Terry Mosier", "Stan Birchfield"], "abstract": "We present a robotic grasping system that uses a single external monocular RGB camera as input. The object-to-robot pose is computed indirectly by combining the output of two neural networks: one that estimates the object-to-camera pose, and another that estimates the robot-to-camera pose. Both networks are trained entirely on synthetic data, relying on domain randomization to bridge the sim-to-re..."} {"title": "Peg-in-Hole Using 3D Workpiece Reconstruction and CNN-based Hole Detection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341068/", "author_list": ["Michelangelo Nigro", "Monica Sileo", "Francesco Pierri", "Katia Genovese", "Domenico D. Bloisi", "Fabrizio Caccavale", "Michelangelo Nigro", "Monica Sileo", "Francesco Pierri", "Katia Genovese", "Domenico D. Bloisi", "Fabrizio Caccavale"], "abstract": "This paper presents a method to cope with autonomous assembly tasks in the presence of uncertainties. To this aim, a Peg-in-Hole operation is considered, where the target workpiece position is unknown and the peg-hole clearance is small. Deep learning based hole detection and 3D surface reconstruction techniques are combined for accurate workpiece localization. In detail, the hole is detected by u..."} {"title": "Automated Folding of a Deformable Thin Object through Robot Manipulators", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341239/", "author_list": ["Zhenxi Cui", "Kaicheng Huang", "Bo Lu", "Henry K. Chu", "Zhenxi Cui", "Kaicheng Huang", "Bo Lu", "Henry K. Chu"], "abstract": "This paper presents a model-free approach to automate folding of a deformable object with robot manipulators, where its surface was labelled with markers to facilitate vision-based control and alignment. While performing the task involves solving nonconvex or nonlinear terms, in this paper, linearization was first performed to approximate the problem. By using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, th..."} {"title": "Uncertainty Aware Texture Classification and Mapping Using Soft Tactile Sensors", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341045/", "author_list": ["Alexander Amini", "Jeffrey I. Lipton", "Daniela Rus", "Alexander Amini", "Jeffrey I. Lipton", "Daniela Rus"], "abstract": "Spatial mapping of surface roughness is a critical enabling technology for automating adaptive sanding operations. We leverage GelSight sensors to convert the problem of surface roughness measurement into a vision classification problem. By combining GelSight sensors with Optitrack positioning systems we attempt to develop an accurate spatial mapping of surface roughness that can compare to human ..."} {"title": "Estimating Motion Codes from Demonstration Videos", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341065/", "author_list": ["Maxat Alibayev", "David Paulius", "Yu Sun", "Maxat Alibayev", "David Paulius", "Yu Sun"], "abstract": "A motion taxonomy can encode manipulations as a binary-encoded representation, which we refer to as motion codes. These motion codes innately represent a manipulation action in an embedded space that describes the motion\u2019s mechanical features, including contact and trajectory type. The key advantage of using motion codes for embedding is that motions can be more appropriately defined with robotic-..."} {"title": "Zero-tuning Grinding Process Methodology of Cyber-Physical Robot System", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341102/", "author_list": ["Hsuan-Yu Yang", "Chih-Hsuan Shih", "Yuan-Chieh Lo", "Feng-Li Lian", "Hsuan-Yu Yang", "Chih-Hsuan Shih", "Yuan-Chieh Lo", "Feng-Li Lian"], "abstract": "Industrial robots play potential and important roles on labor-intensive and high-risk jobs. For example, typical industrial robots have been used in grinding process. However, the automatic grinding process by robots is a complex process because it still relies on skillful engineers to adaptively adjust several key parameters. Moreover, it might take a lot of time and effort to yield better grindi..."} {"title": "An External Stabilization Unit for High-Precision Applications of Robot Manipulators", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341454/", "author_list": ["Tobias F. C. Berninger", "Tomas Slimak", "Tobias Weber", "Daniel J. Rixen", "Tobias F. C. Berninger", "Tomas Slimak", "Tobias Weber", "Daniel J. Rixen"], "abstract": "Because of their large workspace, robot manipulators have the potential to be used for high precision non-contact manufacturing processes, such as laser cutting or welding, on large complex work pieces. However, most industrial manipulators are not able to provide the necessary accuracy requirements. Mainly because of their flexible structures, they are subject to point to point positioning errors..."} {"title": "CUHK-AHU Dataset: Promoting Practical Self-Driving Applications in the Complex Airport Logistics, Hill and Urban Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341317/", "author_list": ["Wen Chen", "Zhe Liu", "Hongchao Zhao", "Shunbo Zhou", "Haoang Li", "Yun-Hui Liu", "Wen Chen", "Zhe Liu", "Hongchao Zhao", "Shunbo Zhou", "Haoang Li", "Yun-Hui Liu"], "abstract": "This paper presents a novel dataset targeting three types of challenging environments for autonomous driving, i.e., the industrial logistics environment, the undulating hill environment and the mixed complex urban environment. To the best of the author\u2019s knowledge, similar dataset has not been published in the existing public datasets, especially for the logistics environment collected in the func..."} {"title": "Distributed Near-optimal Multi-robots Coordination in Heterogeneous Task Allocation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341652/", "author_list": ["Qinyuan Li", "Minyi Li", "Bao Quoc Vo", "Ryszard Kowalczyk", "Qinyuan Li", "Minyi Li", "Bao Quoc Vo", "Ryszard Kowalczyk"], "abstract": "This paper explores the heterogeneous task allocation problem in Multi-robot systems. A game-theoretic formulation of the problem is proposed to align the goal of individual robots with the system objective. The concept of Nash equilibrium is applied to define a desired solution for the task allocation problem in which each robot can allocate itself to an appropriate task group. We also introduce ..."} {"title": "Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing and Teaming with Gaussian Distributed Energy Uncertainty", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341433/", "author_list": ["Bo Fu", "William Smith", "Denise Rizzo", "Matthew Castanier", "Kira Barton", "Bo Fu", "William Smith", "Denise Rizzo", "Matthew Castanier", "Kira Barton"], "abstract": "For robot swarms operating on complex missions in an uncertain environment, it is important that the decision-making algorithm considers both heterogeneity and uncertainty. This paper presents a stochastic programming framework for the vehicle routing problem with stochastic travel energy costs and heterogeneous vehicles and tasks. We represent the heterogeneity as linear constraints, estimate the..."} {"title": "Long-Run Multi-Robot Planning under Uncertain Action Durations for Persistent Tasks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340901/", "author_list": ["Carlos Azevedo", "Bruno Lacerda", "Nick Hawes", "Pedro Lima", "Carlos Azevedo", "Bruno Lacerda", "Nick Hawes", "Pedro Lima"], "abstract": "This paper presents an approach for multi-robot long-term planning under uncertainty over the duration of actions. The proposed methodology takes advantage of generalized stochastic Petri nets with rewards (GSPNR) to model multi-robot problems. A GSPNR allows for unified modeling of action selection, uncertainty on the duration of action execution, and for goal specification through the use of tra..."} {"title": "Algorithm for Multi-Robot Chance-Constrained Generalized Assignment Problem with Stochastic Resource Consumption", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341726/", "author_list": ["Fan Yang", "Nilanjan Chakraborty", "Fan Yang", "Nilanjan Chakraborty"], "abstract": "We present a novel algorithm for the multi-robot generalized assignment problem (GAP) with stochastic resource consumption. In this problem, each robot has a resource (e.g., battery life) constraint and it consumes a certain amount of resource to perform a task. In practice, the resource consumed for performing a task can be uncertain. Therefore, we assume that the resource consumption is a random..."} {"title": "The Pluggable Distributed Resource Allocator (PDRA): a Middleware for Distributed Computing in Mobile Robotic Networks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341205/", "author_list": ["Federico Rossi", "Tiago Stegun Vaquero", "Marc Sanchez-Net", "Ma\u00edra Saboia da Silva", "Joshua Vander Hook", "Federico Rossi", "Tiago Stegun Vaquero", "Marc Sanchez-Net", "Ma\u00edra Saboia da Silva", "Joshua Vander Hook"], "abstract": "We present the Pluggable Distributed Resource Allocator (PDRA), a middleware for distributed computing in heterogeneous mobile robotic networks. PDRA enables autonomous robotic agents to share computational resources for computationally expensive tasks such as localization and path planning. It sits between an existing single-agent planner/executor and existing computational resources (e.g. ROS pa..."} {"title": "The Newer College Dataset: Handheld LiDAR, Inertial and Vision with Ground Truth", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340849/", "author_list": ["Milad Ramezani", "Yiduo Wang", "Marco Camurri", "David Wisth", "Matias Mattamala", "Maurice Fallon", "Milad Ramezani", "Yiduo Wang", "Marco Camurri", "David Wisth", "Matias Mattamala", "Maurice Fallon"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present a large dataset with a variety of mobile mapping sensors collected using a handheld device carried at typical walking speeds for nearly 2.2 km around New College, Oxford as well as a series of supplementary datasets with much more aggressive motion and lighting contrast. The datasets include data from two commercially available devices - a stereoscopic-inertial camera and..."} {"title": "Faster than FAST: GPU-Accelerated Frontend for High-Speed VIO", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340851/", "author_list": ["Bal\u00e1zs Nagy", "Philipp Foehn", "Davide Scaramuzza", "Bal\u00e1zs Nagy", "Philipp Foehn", "Davide Scaramuzza"], "abstract": "The recent introduction of powerful embedded graphics processing units (GPUs) has allowed for unforeseen improvements in real-time computer vision applications. It has enabled algorithms to run onboard, well above the standard video rates, yielding not only higher information processing capability, but also reduced latency. This work focuses on the applicability of efficient low-level, GPU hardwar..."} {"title": "GPU Parallelization of Policy Iteration RRT#", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341411/", "author_list": ["R. Connor Lawson", "Linda Wills", "Panagiotis Tsiotras", "R. Connor Lawson", "Linda Wills", "Panagiotis Tsiotras"], "abstract": "Sampling-based planning has become a de facto standard for complex robots given its superior ability to rapidly explore high-dimensional configuration spaces. Most existing optimal sampling-based planning algorithms are sequential in nature and cannot take advantage of wide parallelism available on modern computer hardware. Further, tight synchronization of exploration and exploitation phases in t..."} {"title": "ROS-lite: ROS Framework for NoC-Based Embedded Many-Core Platform", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340977/", "author_list": ["Takuya Azumi", "Yuya Maruyama", "Shinpei Kato", "Takuya Azumi", "Yuya Maruyama", "Shinpei Kato"], "abstract": "This paper proposes ROS-lite, a robot operating system (ROS) development framework for embedded many- core platforms based on network-on-chip (NoC) technology. Many-core platforms support the high processing capacity and low power consumption requirement of embedded systems. In this study, a self-driving software platform module is parallelized to run on many-core processors to demonstrate the pra..."} {"title": "Sim2Real Transfer for Reinforcement Learning without Dynamics Randomization", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341260/", "author_list": ["Manuel Kaspar", "Juan D. Mu\u00f1oz Osorio", "Juergen Bock", "Manuel Kaspar", "Juan D. Mu\u00f1oz Osorio", "Juergen Bock"], "abstract": "We show how to use the Operational Space Control framework (OSC) under joint and Cartesian constraints for reinforcement learning in Cartesian space. Our method is able to learn fast and with adjustable degrees of freedom, while we are able to transfer policies without additional dynamics randomizations on a KUKA LBR iiwa peg-in-hole task. Before learning in simulation starts, we perform a system ..."} {"title": "Learning the sense of touch in simulation: a sim-to-real strategy for vision-based tactile sensing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341285/", "author_list": ["Carmelo Sferrazza", "Thomas Bi", "Raffaello D\u2019Andrea", "Carmelo Sferrazza", "Thomas Bi", "Raffaello D\u2019Andrea"], "abstract": "Data-driven approaches to tactile sensing aim to overcome the complexity of accurately modeling contact with soft materials. However, their widespread adoption is impaired by concerns about data efficiency and the capability to generalize when applied to various tasks. This paper focuses on both these aspects with regard to a vision-based tactile sensor, which aims to reconstruct the distribution ..."} {"title": "Reinforced Grounded Action Transformation for Sim-to-Real Transfer", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341149/", "author_list": ["Haresh Karnan", "Siddharth Desai", "Josiah P. Hanna", "Garrett Warnell", "Peter Stone", "Haresh Karnan", "Siddharth Desai", "Josiah P. Hanna", "Garrett Warnell", "Peter Stone"], "abstract": "Robots can learn to do complex tasks in simulation, but often, learned behaviors fail to transfer well to the real world due to simulator imperfections (the \"reality gap\"). Some existing solutions to this sim-to-real problem, such as Grounded Action Transformation (gat), use a small amount of real-world experience to minimize the reality gap by \"grounding\" the simulator. While very effective in ce..."} {"title": "Adaptability Preserving Domain Decomposition for Stabilizing Sim2Real Reinforcement Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341124/", "author_list": ["Haichuan Gao", "Zhile Yang", "Xin Su", "Tian Tan", "Feng Chen", "Haichuan Gao", "Zhile Yang", "Xin Su", "Tian Tan", "Feng Chen"], "abstract": "In sim-to-real transfer of Reinforcement Learning (RL) policies for robot tasks, Domain Randomization (DR) is a widely used technique for improving adaptability. However, in DR there is a conflict between adaptability and training stability, and heavy DR tends to result in instability or even failure in training. To relieve this conflict, we propose a new algorithm named Domain Decomposition (DD) ..."} {"title": "Sim-to-Real with Domain Randomization for Tumbling Robot Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341057/", "author_list": ["Andrew Schwartzwald", "Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos", "Andrew Schwartzwald", "Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos"], "abstract": "Tumbling locomotion allows for small robots to traverse comparatively rough terrain, however, their motion is complex and difficult to control. Existing tumbling robot control methods involve manual control or the assumption of at terrain. Reinforcement learning allows for the exploration and exploitation of diverse environments. By utilizing reinforcement learning with domain randomization, a rob..."} {"title": "Pedestrian Motion Tracking by Using Inertial Sensors on the Smartphone", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341173/", "author_list": ["Yingying Wang", "Hu Cheng", "Max Q.-H. Meng", "Yingying Wang", "Hu Cheng", "Max Q.-H. Meng"], "abstract": "Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) has long been a dream for stable and reliable motion estimation, especially in indoor environments where GPS strength limits. In this paper, we propose a novel method for position and orientation estimation of a moving object only from a sequence of IMU signals collected from the phone. Our main observation is that human motion is monotonous and periodic. We adopt t..."} {"title": "A Bayesian approach for gas source localization in large indoor environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341747/", "author_list": ["Yaqub Aris Prabowo", "Ravindra Ranasinghe", "Gamini Dissanayake", "Bambang Riyanto", "Brian Yuliarto", "Yaqub Aris Prabowo", "Ravindra Ranasinghe", "Gamini Dissanayake", "Bambang Riyanto", "Brian Yuliarto"], "abstract": "The main contribution of this paper is a probabilistic estimator that assists a mobile robot to locate a gas source in an indoor environment. The scenario is that a robot equipped with a gas sensor enters a building after the gas is released due to a leak or explosion. The problem is discretized by dividing the environment into a set of regions and time into a set of time intervals. Likelihood fun..."} {"title": "Towards Real-Time Non-Gaussian SLAM for Underdetermined Navigation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341490/", "author_list": ["Dehann Fourie", "Nicholas R. Rypkema", "Pedro Vaz Teixeira", "Sam Claassens", "Erin Fischell", "John Leonard", "Dehann Fourie", "Nicholas R. Rypkema", "Pedro Vaz Teixeira", "Sam Claassens", "Erin Fischell", "John Leonard"], "abstract": "This paper presents a method for processing sparse, non-Gaussian multimodal data in a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) framework using factor graphs. Our approach demonstrates the feasibility of using a sum-product inference strategy to recover functional belief marginals from highly non-Gaussian situations, relaxing the prolific unimodal Gaussian assumption. The method is more focused..."} {"title": "An Augmented Reality Spatial Referencing System for Mobile Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340742/", "author_list": ["Sonia Mary Chacko", "Armando Granado", "Ashwin RajKumar", "Vikram Kapila", "Sonia Mary Chacko", "Armando Granado", "Ashwin RajKumar", "Vikram Kapila"], "abstract": "The deployment of a mobile service robot in domestic settings is a challenging task due to the dynamic and unstructured nature of such environments. Successful operation of the robot requires continuous human supervision to update its spatial knowledge about the dynamic environment. Thus, it is essential to develop a human-robot interaction (HRI) strategy that is suitable for novice end users to e..."} {"title": "Pit30M: A Benchmark for Global Localization in the Age of Self-Driving Cars", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340924/", "author_list": ["Julieta Martinez", "Sasha Doubov", "Jack Fan", "loan Andrei B\u00e2rsan", "Shenlong Wang", "Gell\u00e9rt M\u00e1ttyus", "Raquel Urtasun", "Julieta Martinez", "Sasha Doubov", "Jack Fan", "loan Andrei B\u00e2rsan", "Shenlong Wang", "Gell\u00e9rt M\u00e1ttyus", "Raquel Urtasun"], "abstract": "We are interested in understanding whether retrieval-based localization approaches are good enough in the context of self-driving vehicles. Towards this goal, we introduce Pit30M, a new image and LiDAR dataset with over 30 million frames, which is 10 to 100 times larger than those used in previous work. Pit30M is captured under diverse conditions (i.e., season, weather, time of the day, traffic), ..."} {"title": "SolarSLAM: Battery-free Loop Closure for Indoor Localisation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340962/", "author_list": ["Bo Wei", "Weitao Xu", "Chengwen Luo", "Guillaume Zoppi", "Dong Ma", "Sen Wang", "Bo Wei", "Weitao Xu", "Chengwen Luo", "Guillaume Zoppi", "Dong Ma", "Sen Wang"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose SolarSLAM, a batteryfree loop closure method for indoor localisation. Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) based indoor localisation method has been widely used due to its ubiquity in mobile devices, such as mobile phones, smartwatches and wearable bands. However, it suffers from the unavoidable long term drift. To mitigate the localisation error, many loop closure solutions h..."} {"title": "Robot-to-Robot Relative Pose Estimation based on Semidefinite Relaxation Optimization", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341568/", "author_list": ["Ming Li", "Guanqi Liang", "Haobo Luo", "Huihuan Qian", "Tin Lun Lam", "Ming Li", "Guanqi Liang", "Haobo Luo", "Huihuan Qian", "Tin Lun Lam"], "abstract": "In this paper, the 2D robot-to-robot relative pose (position and orientation) estimation problem based on ego-motion and noisy distance measurements is considered. We address this problem using an optimization-based method, which does not require complicated numerical analysis while yields no inferior relative localization (RL) results compared to existing approaches. In particular, we start from ..."} {"title": "A Model-based Approach to Acoustic Reflector Localization with a Robotic Platform", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341437/", "author_list": ["Usama Saqib", "Jesper Rindom Jensen", "Usama Saqib", "Jesper Rindom Jensen"], "abstract": "Constructing a spatial map of an indoor environment, e.g., a typical office environment with glass surfaces, is a difficult and challenging task. Current state-of-the-art, e.g., camera- and laser-based approaches are unsuitable for detecting transparent surfaces. Hence, the spatial map generated with these approaches are often inaccurate. In this paper, a method that utilizes echolocation with sou..."} {"title": "TP-TIO: A Robust Thermal-Inertial Odometry with Deep ThermalPoint", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341716/", "author_list": ["Shibo Zhao", "Peng Wang", "Hengrui Zhang", "Zheng Fang", "Sebastian Scherer", "Shibo Zhao", "Peng Wang", "Hengrui Zhang", "Zheng Fang", "Sebastian Scherer"], "abstract": "To achieve robust motion estimation in visually degraded environments, thermal odometry has been an attraction in the robotics community. However, most thermal odometry methods are purely based on classical feature extractors, which is difficult to establish robust correspondences in successive frames due to sudden photometric changes and large thermal noise. To solve this problem, we propose Ther..."} {"title": "Versatile 3D Multi-Sensor Fusion for Lightweight 2D Localization", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341264/", "author_list": ["Patrick Geneva", "Nathaniel Merrill", "Yulin Yang", "Chuchu Chen", "Woosik Lee", "Guoquan Huang", "Patrick Geneva", "Nathaniel Merrill", "Yulin Yang", "Chuchu Chen", "Woosik Lee", "Guoquan Huang"], "abstract": "Aiming for a lightweight and robust localization solution for low-cost, low-power autonomous robot platforms, such as educational or industrial ground vehicles, under challenging conditions (e.g., poor sensor calibration, low lighting and dynamic objects), we propose a two-stage localization system which incorporates both offline prior map building and online multi-modal localization. In particula..."} {"title": "UWB-based System for UAV Localization in GNSS-Denied Environments: Characterization and Dataset", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341042/", "author_list": ["Jorge Pe\u00f1a Queralta", "Carmen Mart\u00ednez Almansa", "Fabrizio Schiano", "Dario Floreano", "Tomi Westerlund", "Jorge Pe\u00f1a Queralta", "Carmen Mart\u00ednez Almansa", "Fabrizio Schiano", "Dario Floreano", "Tomi Westerlund"], "abstract": "Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have penetrated multiple domains over the past years. In GNSS-denied or indoor environments, aerial robots require a robust and stable localization system, often with external feedback, in order to fly safely. Motion capture systems are typically utilized indoors when accurate localization is needed. However, these systems are expensive and most require a fixed..."} {"title": "Ultra-Wideband Aided UAV Positioning Using Incremental Smoothing with Ranges and Multilateration", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341439/", "author_list": ["Jungwon Kang", "Kunwoo Park", "Zahra Arjmandi", "Gunho Sohn", "Mozhdeh Shahbazi", "Patrick M\u00e9nard", "Jungwon Kang", "Kunwoo Park", "Zahra Arjmandi", "Gunho Sohn", "Mozhdeh Shahbazi", "Patrick M\u00e9nard"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present a novel smoothing approach for ultra-wideband (UWB) aided unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) positioning. Existing works based on smoothing or filtering estimate 3D position of UAV by updating a solution for each single 1D low-dimensional UWB range measurement. However, a low-dimensional single range measurement merely acts as a weak constraint in a solution space for UAV posi..."} {"title": "BRM Localization: UAV Localization in GNSS-Denied Environments Based on Matching of Numerical Map and UAV Images", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341682/", "author_list": ["Junho Choi", "Hyun Myung", "Junho Choi", "Hyun Myung"], "abstract": "Localization is one of the most important technologies needed to use Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in actual fields. Currently, most UAVs use GNSS to estimate their position. Recently, there have been attacks that target the weaknesses of UAVs that use GNSS, such as interrupting GNSS signal to crash the UAVs or sending fake GNSS signals to hijack the UAVs. To avoid this kind of situation, this p..."} {"title": "Inertial Velocity Estimation for Indoor Navigation Through Magnetic Gradient-based EKF and LSTM Learning Model", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340772/", "author_list": ["Makia Zmitri", "Hassen Fourati", "Christophe Prieur", "Makia Zmitri", "Hassen Fourati", "Christophe Prieur"], "abstract": "This paper presents a novel method to improve the inertial velocity estimation of a mobile body, for indoor navigation, using solely raw data from a triad of inertial sensors (accelerometer and gyroscope), as well as a determined arrangement of magnetometers array. The key idea of the method is the use of deep neural networks to dynamically tune the measurement covariance matrix of an Extended Kal..."} {"title": "An Implementation of the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for Odor Source Localization", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341688/", "author_list": ["Lingxiao Wang", "Shuo Pang", "Lingxiao Wang", "Shuo Pang"], "abstract": "In this paper, we investigate the viability of implementing machine learning (ML) algorithms to solve the odor source localization (OSL) problem. The primary objective is to obtain an ML model that guides and navigates a mobile robot to find an odor source without explicating searching algorithms. To achieve this goal, the model of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is employed to ge..."} {"title": "Visual-Inertial-Wheel Odometry with Online Calibration", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341161/", "author_list": ["Woosik Lee", "Kevin Eckenhoff", "Yulin Yang", "Patrick Geneva", "Guoquan Huang", "Woosik Lee", "Kevin Eckenhoff", "Yulin Yang", "Patrick Geneva", "Guoquan Huang"], "abstract": "In this paper, we introduce a novel visual-inertial-wheel odometry (VIWO) system for ground vehicles, which efficiently fuses multi-modal visual, inertial and 2D wheel odometry measurements in a sliding-window filtering fashion. As multi-sensor fusion requires both intrinsic and extrinsic (spatiotemproal) calibration parameters which may vary over time during terrain navigation, we propose to perf..."} {"title": "Active Perception for Outdoor Localisation with an Omnidirectional Camera", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340974/", "author_list": ["Maleen Jayasuriya", "Ravindra Ranasinghe", "Gamini Dissanayake", "Maleen Jayasuriya", "Ravindra Ranasinghe", "Gamini Dissanayake"], "abstract": "This paper presents a novel localisation framework based on an omnidirectional camera, targeted at outdoor urban environments. Bearing only information to persistent and easily observable high-level semantic landmarks (such as lamp-posts, street-signs and trees) are perceived using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The framework utilises an information theoretic strategy to decide the best vie..."} {"title": "Ground Texture Based Localization: Do We Need to Detect Keypoints?", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340996/", "author_list": ["Jan Fabian Schmid", "Stephan F. Simon", "Rudolf Mester", "Jan Fabian Schmid", "Stephan F. Simon", "Rudolf Mester"], "abstract": "Localization using ground texture images recorded with a downward-facing camera is a promising approach to achieve reliable high-accuracy vehicle positioning. A common way to accomplish the task is to focus on prominent features of the ground texture such as stones and cracks. Our results indicate that with an approximately known camera pose it is sufficient to use arbitrary ground regions, i.e. e..."} {"title": "Vision Global Localization with Semantic Segmentation and Interest Feature Points", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341069/", "author_list": ["Kai Li", "Xudong Zhang", "Kun LI", "Shuo Zhang", "Kai Li", "Xudong Zhang", "Kun LI", "Shuo Zhang"], "abstract": "In this work, we present a vision-only global localization architecture for autonomous vehicle applications, and achieves centimeter-level accuracy and high robustness in various scenarios. We first apply pixel-wise segmentation to the front-view mono camera and extract the semantic features, e.g. pole-like objects, lane markings, and curbs, which are robust to illumination, viewing angles and sea..."} {"title": "Monocular Camera Localization in Prior LiDAR Maps with 2D-3D Line Correspondences", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341690/", "author_list": ["Huai Yu", "Weikun Zhen", "Wen Yang", "Ji Zhang", "Sebastian Scherer", "Huai Yu", "Weikun Zhen", "Wen Yang", "Ji Zhang", "Sebastian Scherer"], "abstract": "Light-weight camera localization in existing maps is essential for vision-based navigation. Currently, visual and visual-inertial odometry (VO&VIO) techniques are well-developed for state estimation but with inevitable accumulated drifts and pose jumps upon loop closure. To overcome these problems, we propose an efficient monocular camera localization method in prior LiDAR maps using direct 2D-3D ..."} {"title": "Monocular Localization in HD Maps by Combining Semantic Segmentation and Distance Transform", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341003/", "author_list": ["Jan-Hendrik Pauls", "K\u00fcrsat Petek", "Fabian Poggenhans", "Christoph Stiller", "Jan-Hendrik Pauls", "K\u00fcrsat Petek", "Fabian Poggenhans", "Christoph Stiller"], "abstract": "Easy, yet robust long-term localization is still an open topic in research. Existing approaches require either dense maps, expensive sensors, specialized map features or proprietary detectors.We propose using semantic segmentation on a monocular camera to localize directly in a HD map as used for automated driving. This combines lightweight, yet powerful HD maps with the simplicity of monocular vi..."} {"title": "Learning an Overlap-based Observation Model for 3D LiDAR Localization", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340769/", "author_list": ["Xieyuanli Chen", "Thomas L\u00e4be", "Lorenzo Nardi", "Jens Behley", "Cyrill Stachniss", "Xieyuanli Chen", "Thomas L\u00e4be", "Lorenzo Nardi", "Jens Behley", "Cyrill Stachniss"], "abstract": "Localization is a crucial capability for mobile robots and autonomous cars. In this paper, we address learning an observation model for Monte-Carlo localization using 3D LiDAR data. We propose a novel, neural network-based observation model that computes the expected overlap of two 3D LiDAR scans. The model predicts the overlap and yaw angle offset between the current sensor reading and virtual fr..."} {"title": "Global Localization Over 2D Floor Plans with Free-Space Density Based on Depth Information", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340642/", "author_list": ["Renan Maffei", "Diego Pittol", "Mathias Mantelli", "Edson Prestes", "Mariana Kolberg", "Renan Maffei", "Diego Pittol", "Mathias Mantelli", "Edson Prestes", "Mariana Kolberg"], "abstract": "Many applications with mobile robots require self-localization in indoor maps. While such maps can be previously generated by SLAM strategies, there are various localization approaches that use 2D floor plans as reference input. In this paper, we present a localization strategy using floor plan as map, which is based on spatial density information computed from dense depth data of RGB-D cameras. W..."} {"title": "A Point Cloud Registration Pipeline using Gaussian Process Regression for Bathymetric SLAM", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340944/", "author_list": ["Thomas Hitchcox", "James Richard Forbes", "Thomas Hitchcox", "James Richard Forbes"], "abstract": "Point cloud registration is a means of achieving loop closure correction within a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm. Data association is a critical component in point cloud registration, and can be very challenging in feature-depleted environments such as seabed. This paper presents a point cloud registration pipeline for performing loop closure correction in feature-depleted ..."} {"title": "A Robust Multi-Stereo Visual-Inertial Odometry Pipeline", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341604/", "author_list": ["Joshua Jaekel", "Joshua G. Mangelson", "Sebastian Scherer", "Michael Kaess", "Joshua Jaekel", "Joshua G. Mangelson", "Sebastian Scherer", "Michael Kaess"], "abstract": "In this paper we present a novel multi-stereo visual-inertial odometry (VIO) framework which aims to improve the robustness of a robot's state estimate during aggressive motion and in visually challenging environments. Our system uses a fixed-lag smoother which jointly optimizes for poses and landmarks across all stereo pairs. We propose a 1-point RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC) algorithm which i..."} {"title": "Globally optimal consensus maximization for robust visual inertial localization in point and line map", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340715/", "author_list": ["Yanmei Jiao", "Yue Wang", "Bo Fu", "Qimeng Tan", "Lei Chen", "Minhang Wang", "Shoudong Huang", "Rong Xiong", "Yanmei Jiao", "Yue Wang", "Bo Fu", "Qimeng Tan", "Lei Chen", "Minhang Wang", "Shoudong Huang", "Rong Xiong"], "abstract": "Map based visual inertial localization is a crucial step to reduce the drift in state estimation of mobile robots. The underlying problem for localization is to estimate the pose from a set of 3D-2D feature correspondences, of which the main challenge is the presence of outliers, especially in changing environment. In this paper, we propose a robust solution based on efficient global optimization ..."} {"title": "Improving Visual SLAM in Car-Navigated Urban Environments with Appearance Maps", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341451/", "author_list": ["Alberto Jaenal", "David Zu\u00f1iga-N\u00f6el", "Ruben Gomez-Ojeda", "Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez", "Alberto Jaenal", "David Zu\u00f1iga-N\u00f6el", "Ruben Gomez-Ojeda", "Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez"], "abstract": "This paper describes a method that corrects errors of a VSLAM-estimated trajectory for cars driving in GPS-denied environments, by applying constraints from public databases of geo-tagged images (Google Street View, Mapillary, etc). The method, dubbed Appearance-based Geo-Alignment for Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (AGA-SLAM), encodes the available image database as an appearance map, whic..."} {"title": "CoBigICP: Robust and Precise Point Set Registration using Correntropy Metrics and Bidirectional Correspondence", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340857/", "author_list": ["Pengyu Yin", "Di Wang", "Shaoyi Du", "Shihui Ying", "Yue Gao", "Nanning Zheng", "Pengyu Yin", "Di Wang", "Shaoyi Du", "Shihui Ying", "Yue Gao", "Nanning Zheng"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a novel probabilistic variant of iterative closest point (ICP) dubbed as CoBigICP. The method leverages both local geometrical information and global noise characteristics. Locally, the 3D structure of both target and source clouds are incorporated into the objective function through bidirectional correspondence. Globally, error metric of correntropy is introduced as nois..."} {"title": "The Masked Mapper: Masked Metric Mapping", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341471/", "author_list": ["Acshi Haggenmiller", "Cameron Kabacinski", "Maximilian Krogius", "Edwin Olson", "Acshi Haggenmiller", "Cameron Kabacinski", "Maximilian Krogius", "Edwin Olson"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a flexible mapping scheme that uses a masking function (mask) to focus the attention of a pose graph SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) system. The masking function takes the robot's observations and returns true if the robot is in an important location. State-of-the-art methods in SLAM generate dense metric lidar maps, creating precise maps at a high computatio..."} {"title": "Allocating Limited Sensing Resources to Accurately Map Dynamic Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340719/", "author_list": ["Derek Mitchell", "Nathan Michael", "Derek Mitchell", "Nathan Michael"], "abstract": "This work addresses the problem of learning a model of a dynamic environment using many independent Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) with a limited number of observations available per iteration. Many techniques exist to model dynamic environments, but do not consider how to deploy robots to build this model. Additionally, there are many techniques for exploring environments that do not consider how to..."} {"title": "Adaptive Kernel Inference for Dense and Sharp Occupancy Grids", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341099/", "author_list": ["Youngsun Kwon", "Bochang Moon", "Sung-Eui Yoon", "Youngsun Kwon", "Bochang Moon", "Sung-Eui Yoon"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present a new approach, AKIMap, that uses an adaptive kernel inference for dense and sharp occupancy grid representations. Our approach is based on the multivariate kernel estimation, and we propose a simple, two-stage based method that selects an adaptive bandwidth matrix for an efficient and accurate occupancy estimation. To utilize correlations of occupancy observations given ..."} {"title": "Detecting Usable Planar Regions for Legged Robot Locomotion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341000/", "author_list": ["Sylvain Bertrand", "Inho Lee", "Bhavyansh Mishra", "Duncan Calvert", "Jerry Pratt", "Robert Griffin", "Sylvain Bertrand", "Inho Lee", "Bhavyansh Mishra", "Duncan Calvert", "Jerry Pratt", "Robert Griffin"], "abstract": "Awareness of the environment is essential for mobile robots. Perception for legged robots requires high levels of reliability and accuracy in order to walk stably in the types of complex, cluttered environments we are interested in. In this paper, we present a usable environmental perception algorithm designed to detect steppable areas and obstacles for the autonomous generation of desired foothol..."} {"title": "Accurate Mapping and Planning for Autonomous Racing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341702/", "author_list": ["Leiv Andresen", "Adrian Brandemuehl", "Alex Honger", "Benson Kuan", "Niclas V\u00f6disch", "Hermann Blum", "Victor Reijgwart", "Lukas Bernreiter", "Lukas Schaupp", "Jen Jen Chung", "Mathias Burki", "Martin R. Oswald", "Roland Siegwart", "Abel Gawel", "Leiv Andresen", "Adrian Brandemuehl", "Alex Honger", "Benson Kuan", "Niclas V\u00f6disch", "Hermann Blum", "Victor Reijgwart", "Lukas Bernreiter", "Lukas Schaupp", "Jen Jen Chung", "Mathias Burki", "Martin R. Oswald", "Roland Siegwart", "Abel Gawel"], "abstract": "This paper presents the perception, mapping, and planning pipeline implemented on an autonomous race car. It was developed by the 2019 AMZ driverless team for the Formula Student Germany (FSG) 2019 driverless competition, where it won 1st place overall. The presented solution combines early fusion of camera and LiDAR data, a layered mapping approach, and a planning approach that uses Bayesian filt..."} {"title": "Crowdsourced 3D Mapping: A Combined Multi-View Geometry and Self-Supervised Learning Approach", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341243/", "author_list": ["Hemang Chawla", "Matti Jukola", "Terence Brouns", "Elahe Arani", "Bahram Zonooz", "Hemang Chawla", "Matti Jukola", "Terence Brouns", "Elahe Arani", "Bahram Zonooz"], "abstract": "The ability to efficiently utilize crowd-sourced visual data carries immense potential for the domains of large scale dynamic mapping and autonomous driving. However, state-of-the-art methods for crowdsourced 3D mapping assume prior knowledge of camera intrinsics. In this work we propose a framework that estimates the 3D positions of semantically meaningful landmarks such as traffic signs without ..."} {"title": "Efficient Multiresolution Scrolling Grid for Stereo Vision-based MAV Obstacle Avoidance", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341718/", "author_list": ["Eric Dexheimer", "Joshua G. Mangelson", "Sebastian Scherer", "Michael Kaess", "Eric Dexheimer", "Joshua G. Mangelson", "Sebastian Scherer", "Michael Kaess"], "abstract": "Fast, aerial navigation in cluttered environments requires a suitable map representation for path planning. In this paper, we propose the use of an efficient, structured multiresolution representation that expands the sensor range of dense local grids for memory-constrained platforms. While similar data structures have been proposed, we avoid processing redundant occupancy information and use the ..."} {"title": "DenseFusion: Large-Scale Online Dense Pointcloud and DSM Mapping for UAVs", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341413/", "author_list": ["Lin Chen", "Yong Zhao", "Shibiao Xu", "Shuhui Bu", "Pengcheng Han", "Gang Wan", "Lin Chen", "Yong Zhao", "Shibiao Xu", "Shuhui Bu", "Pengcheng Han", "Gang Wan"], "abstract": "With the rapidly developing unmanned aerial vehicles, the requirements of generating maps efficiently and quickly are increasing. To realize online mapping, we develop a real-time dense mapping framework named DenseFusion which can incrementally generates dense geo-referenced 3D point cloud, digital orthophoto map (DOM) and digital surface model (DSM) from sequential aerial images with optional GP..."} {"title": "Sampling-based search for a semi-cooperative target", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340839/", "author_list": ["Isaac Vandermeulen", "Roderich Gro\u00df", "Andreas Kolling", "Isaac Vandermeulen", "Roderich Gro\u00df", "Andreas Kolling"], "abstract": "Searching for a lost teammate is an important task for multirobot systems. We present a variant of rapidly-expanding random trees (RRT) for generating search paths based on a probabilistic belief of the target teammate's position. The belief is updated using a hidden Markov model built from knowledge of the target's planned or historic behavior. For any candidate search path, this belief is used t..."} {"title": "Decentralised Self-Organising Maps for Multi-Robot Information Gathering", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341106/", "author_list": ["Graeme Best", "Geoffrey A. Hollinger", "Graeme Best", "Geoffrey A. Hollinger"], "abstract": "This paper presents a new coordination algorithm for decentralised multi-robot information gathering. We consider planning for an online variant of the multi-agent orienteering problem with neighbourhoods. This formulation closely aligns with a number of important tasks in robotics, including inspection, surveillance, and reconnaissance. We propose a decentralised variant of the self-organising ma..."} {"title": "Asynchronous Adaptive Sampling and Reduced-Order Modeling of Dynamic Processes by Robot Teams via Intermittently Connected Networks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341636/", "author_list": ["Hannes Rovina", "Tahiya Salam", "Yiannis Kantaros", "M. Ani Hsieh", "Hannes Rovina", "Tahiya Salam", "Yiannis Kantaros", "M. Ani Hsieh"], "abstract": "This work presents an asynchronous multi-robot adaptive sampling strategy through the synthesis of an intermittently connected mobile robot communication network. The objective is to enable a team of robots to adaptively sample and model a nonlinear dynamic spatiotemporal process. By employing an intermittently connected communication network, the team is not required to maintain an all-time conne..."} {"title": "Inter-Robot Range Measurements in Pose Graph Optimization", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341227/", "author_list": ["Elizabeth R. Boroson", "Robert Hewitt", "Nora Ayanian", "Jean-Pierre de la Croix", "Elizabeth R. Boroson", "Robert Hewitt", "Nora Ayanian", "Jean-Pierre de la Croix"], "abstract": "For multiple robots performing exploration in a previously unmapped environment, such as planetary exploration, maintaining accurate localization and building a consistent map are vital. If the robots do not have a map to localize against and do not explore the same area, they may not be able to find visual loop closures to constrain their relative poses, making traditional SLAM impossible. This p..."} {"title": "An Approach to Reduce Communication for Multi-agent Mapping Applications", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341117/", "author_list": ["Michael E. Kepler", "Daniel J. Stilwell", "Michael E. Kepler", "Daniel J. Stilwell"], "abstract": "In the context of a multi-agent system that uses a Gaussian process to estimate a spatial field of interest, we propose an approach that enables an agent to reduce the amount of data it shares with other agents. The main idea of the strategy is to rigorously assign a novelty metric to each measurement as it is collected, and only measurements that are sufficiently novel are communicated. We consid..."} {"title": "\u03c0-Map: A Decision-Based Sensor Fusion with Global Optimization for Indoor Mapping", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341798/", "author_list": ["Zhiliu Yang", "Bo Yu", "Wei Hu", "Jie Tang", "Shaoshan Liu", "Chen Liu", "Zhiliu Yang", "Bo Yu", "Wei Hu", "Jie Tang", "Shaoshan Liu", "Chen Liu"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose \u03c0-map, a tightly coupled fusion mechanism that dynamically consumes LiDAR and sonar data to generate reliable and scalable indoor maps for autonomous robot navigation. The key novelty of \u03c0-map over previous attempts is the utilization of a fusion mechanism that works in three stages: the first LiDAR scan matching stage efficiently generates initial key localization poses;..."} {"title": "MOZARD: Multi-Modal Localization for Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Outdoor Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341400/", "author_list": ["Lukas Schaupp", "Patrick Pfreundschuh", "Mathias B\u00fcrki", "Cesar Cadena", "Roland Siegwart", "Juan Nieto", "Lukas Schaupp", "Patrick Pfreundschuh", "Mathias B\u00fcrki", "Cesar Cadena", "Roland Siegwart", "Juan Nieto"], "abstract": "Visually poor scenarios are one of the main sources of failure in visual localization systems in outdoor environments. To address this challenge, we present MOZARD, a multi-modal localization system for urban outdoor environments using vision and LiDAR. By fusing key point based visual multi-session information with semantic data, an improved localization recall can be achieved across vastly diffe..."} {"title": "Consistent Covariance Pre-Integration for Invariant Filters with Delayed Measurements", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340833/", "author_list": ["Eren Allak", "Alessandro Fornasier", "Stephan Weiss", "Eren Allak", "Alessandro Fornasier", "Stephan Weiss"], "abstract": "Sensor fusion systems merging (multiple) delayed sensor signals through a statistical approach are challenging setups, particularly for resource constrained platforms. For statistical consistency, one would be required to keep an appropriate history, apply the correcting signal at the given time stamp in the past, and re-apply all information received until the present time. This re-calculation be..."} {"title": "Synchronization of Microphones Based on Rank Minimization of Warped Spectrum for Asynchronous Distributed Recording", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341584/", "author_list": ["Katsutoshi Itoyama", "Kazuhiro Nakadai", "Katsutoshi Itoyama", "Kazuhiro Nakadai"], "abstract": "This paper describes a new method for synchronizing microphones based on spectral warping in an asynchronous microphone array. In an audio signal observed by an asynchronous microphone array, two factors are involved: the time lag caused by a mismatch of the sampling rate and offset between microphones, and the modulation caused by differences in spatial transfer function between the sound source ..."} {"title": "Self-supervised Neural Audio-Visual Sound Source Localization via Probabilistic Spatial Modeling", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340938/", "author_list": ["Yoshiki Masuyama", "Yoshiaki Bando", "Kohei Yatabe", "Yoko Sasaki", "Masaki Onishi", "Yasuhiro Oikawa", "Yoshiki Masuyama", "Yoshiaki Bando", "Kohei Yatabe", "Yoko Sasaki", "Masaki Onishi", "Yasuhiro Oikawa"], "abstract": "Detecting sound source objects within visual observation is important for autonomous robots to comprehend surrounding environments. Since sounding objects have a large variety with different appearances in our living environments, labeling all sounding objects is impossible in practice. This calls for self-supervised learning which does not require manual labeling. Most of conventional self-superv..."} {"title": "Material Mapping in Unknown Environments using Tapping Sound", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341346/", "author_list": ["Shyam Sundar Kannan", "Wonse Jo", "Ramviyas Parasuraman", "Byung-Cheol Min", "Shyam Sundar Kannan", "Wonse Jo", "Ramviyas Parasuraman", "Byung-Cheol Min"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose an autonomous exploration and a tapping mechanism-based material mapping system for a mobile robot in unknown environments. The goal of the proposed system is to integrate simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) modules and sound-based material classification to enable a mobile robot to explore an unknown environment autonomously and at the same time identify the var..."} {"title": "Dense Decentralized Multi-robot SLAM based on locally consistent TSDF submaps", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341680/", "author_list": ["Rodolphe Dubois", "Alexandre Eudes", "Julien Moras", "Vincent Fr\u00e9mont", "Rodolphe Dubois", "Alexandre Eudes", "Julien Moras", "Vincent Fr\u00e9mont"], "abstract": "This article introduces a decentralized multi-robot algorithm for Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) inspired from previous work on collaborative mapping [1]. This method makes robots jointly build and exchange i) a collection of 3D dense locally consistent submaps, based on a Truncated Signed Distance Field (TSDF) representation of the environment, and ii) a pose-graph representation wh..."} {"title": "A decentralized framework for simultaneous calibration, localization and mapping with multiple LiDARs", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340790/", "author_list": ["Jiarong Lin", "Xiyuan Liu", "Fu Zhang", "Jiarong Lin", "Xiyuan Liu", "Fu Zhang"], "abstract": "LiDAR is playing a more and more essential role in autonomous driving vehicles for objection detection, self localization and mapping. A single LiDAR frequently suffers from hardware failure (e.g., temporary loss of connection) due to the harsh vehicle environment (e.g., temperature, vibration, etc.), or performance degradation due to the lack of sufficient geometry features, especially for solid-..."} {"title": "Better Together: Online Probabilistic Clique Change Detection in 3D Landmark-Based Maps", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341789/", "author_list": ["Samuel Bateman", "Kyle Harlow", "Christoffer Heckman", "Samuel Bateman", "Kyle Harlow", "Christoffer Heckman"], "abstract": "Many modern simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) techniques rely on sparse landmark-based maps due to their real-time performance. However, these techniques frequently assert that these landmarks are fixed in position over time, known as the static-world assumption. This is rarely, if ever, the case in most real-world environments. Even worse, over long deployments, robots are bound to obs..."} {"title": "Real-Time Multi-SLAM System for Agent Localization and 3D Mapping in Dynamic Scenarios", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340646/", "author_list": ["Pierre Alliez", "Fabien Bonardi", "Samia Bouchafa", "Jean-Yves Didier", "Hicham Hadj-Abdelkader", "Fernando Ireta Mu\u00f1oz", "Viachaslau Kachurka", "Bastien Rault", "Maxime Robin", "David Roussel", "Pierre Alliez", "Fabien Bonardi", "Samia Bouchafa", "Jean-Yves Didier", "Hicham Hadj-Abdelkader", "Fernando Ireta Mu\u00f1oz", "Viachaslau Kachurka", "Bastien Rault", "Maxime Robin", "David Roussel"], "abstract": "This paper introduces a Wearable SLAM system that performs indoor and outdoor SLAM in real time. The related project is part of the MALIN challenge which aims at creating a system to track emergency response agents in complex scenarios (such as dark environments, smoked rooms, repetitive patterns, building floor transitions and doorway crossing problems), where GPS technology is insufficient or in..."} {"title": "TartanAir: A Dataset to Push the Limits of Visual SLAM", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341801/", "author_list": ["Wenshan Wang", "Delong Zhu", "Xiangwei Wang", "Yaoyu Hu", "Yuheng Qiu", "Chen Wang", "Yafei Hu", "Ashish Kapoor", "Sebastian Scherer", "Wenshan Wang", "Delong Zhu", "Xiangwei Wang", "Yaoyu Hu", "Yuheng Qiu", "Chen Wang", "Yafei Hu", "Ashish Kapoor", "Sebastian Scherer"], "abstract": "We present a challenging dataset, the TartanAir, for robot navigation tasks and more. The data is collected in photo-realistic simulation environments with the presence of moving objects, changing light and various weather conditions. By collecting data in simulations, we are able to obtain multi-modal sensor data and precise ground truth labels such as the stereo RGB image, depth image, segmentat..."} {"title": "From Points to Planes - Adding Planar Constraints to Monocular SLAM Factor Graphs", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340805/", "author_list": ["Charlotte Arndt", "Reza Sabzevari", "Javier Civera", "Charlotte Arndt", "Reza Sabzevari", "Javier Civera"], "abstract": "Planar structures are common in man-made environments. Their addition to monocular SLAM algorithms is of relevance in order to achieve more complete and higher- level scene representations. Also, the additional constraints they introduce might reduce the estimation errors in certain situations. In this paper we present a novel formulation to incorporate plane landmarks and planar constraints to fe..."} {"title": "Robust Monocular Edge Visual Odometry through Coarse-to-Fine Data Association", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341052/", "author_list": ["Xiaolong Wu", "Patricio A. Vela", "C\u00e9dric Pradalier", "Xiaolong Wu", "Patricio A. Vela", "C\u00e9dric Pradalier"], "abstract": "This work describes a monocular visual odometry framework, which exploits the best attributes of edge features for illumination-robust camera tracking, while at the same time ameliorating the performance degradation of edge mapping. In the front-end, an ICP-based edge registration provides robust motion estimation and coarse data association under lighting changes. In the back-end, a novel edge-gu..."} {"title": "SaD-SLAM: A Visual SLAM Based on Semantic and Depth Information", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341180/", "author_list": ["Xun Yuan", "Song Chen", "Xun Yuan", "Song Chen"], "abstract": "Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is considered significant for intelligent mobile robot autonomous pathfinding. Over the past years, many successful SLAM systems have been developed and works satisfactorily in static environments. However, in some dynamic scenes with moving objects, the camera pose estimation error would be unacceptable, or the systems even lose their locations. In thi..."} {"title": "Exploiting Semantic and Public Prior Information in MonoSLAM", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340845/", "author_list": ["Chenxi Ye", "Yiduo Wang", "Ziwen Lu", "Igor Gilitschenski", "Martin Parsley", "Simon J. Julier", "Chenxi Ye", "Yiduo Wang", "Ziwen Lu", "Igor Gilitschenski", "Martin Parsley", "Simon J. Julier"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a method to use semantic information to improve the use of map priors in a sparse, feature-based MonoSLAM system. To incorporate the priors, the features in the prior and SLAM maps must be associated with one another. Most existing systems build a map using SLAM and then align it with the prior map. However, this approach assumes that the local map is accurate, and the ma..."} {"title": "Dual-SLAM: A framework for robust single camera navigation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341513/", "author_list": ["Huajian Huang", "Wen-Yan Lin", "Siying Liu", "Dong Zhang", "Sai-Kit Yeung", "Huajian Huang", "Wen-Yan Lin", "Siying Liu", "Dong Zhang", "Sai-Kit Yeung"], "abstract": "SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) seeks to provide a moving agent with real-time self-localization. To achieve real-time speed, SLAM incrementally propagates position estimates. This makes SLAM fast but also makes it vulnerable to local pose estimation failures. As local pose estimation is ill-conditioned, local pose estimation failures happen regularly, making the overall SLAM system b..."} {"title": "Deep Keypoint-Based Camera Pose Estimation with Geometric Constraints", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341229/", "author_list": ["You-Yi Jau", "Rui Zhu", "Hao Su", "Manmohan Chandraker", "You-Yi Jau", "Rui Zhu", "Hao Su", "Manmohan Chandraker"], "abstract": "Estimating relative camera poses from consecutive frames is a fundamental problem in visual odometry (VO) and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), where classic methods consisting of hand-crafted features and sampling-based outlier rejection have been a dominant choice for over a decade. Although multiple works propose to replace these modules with learning-based counterparts, most have n..."} {"title": "DXSLAM: A Robust and Efficient Visual SLAM System with Deep Features", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340907/", "author_list": ["Dongjiang Li", "Xuesong Shi", "Qiwei Long", "Shenghui Liu", "Wei Yang", "Fangshi Wang", "Qi Wei", "Fei Qiao", "Dongjiang Li", "Xuesong Shi", "Qiwei Long", "Shenghui Liu", "Wei Yang", "Fangshi Wang", "Qi Wei", "Fei Qiao"], "abstract": "A robust and efficient Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) system is essential for robot autonomy. For visual SLAM algorithms, though the theoretical framework has been well established for most aspects, feature extraction and association is still empirically designed in most cases, and can be vulnerable in complex environments. This paper shows that feature extraction with deep convoluti..."} {"title": "EAO-SLAM: Monocular Semi-Dense Object SLAM Based on Ensemble Data Association", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341757/", "author_list": ["Yanmin Wu", "Yunzhou Zhang", "Delong Zhu", "Yonghui Feng", "Sonya Coleman", "Dermot Kerr", "Yanmin Wu", "Yunzhou Zhang", "Delong Zhu", "Yonghui Feng", "Sonya Coleman", "Dermot Kerr"], "abstract": "Object-level data association and pose estimation play a fundamental role in semantic SLAM, which remain unsolved due to the lack of robust and accurate algorithms. In this work, we propose an ensemble data associate strategy for integrating the parametric and nonparametric statistic tests. By exploiting the nature of different statistics, our method can effectively aggregate the information of di..."} {"title": "Dynamic Object Tracking and Masking for Visual SLAM", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340958/", "author_list": ["Jonathan Vincent", "Mathieu Labb\u00e9", "Jean-Samuel Lauzon", "Fran\u00e7ois Grondin", "Pier-Marc Comtois-Rivet", "Fran\u00e7ois Michaud", "Jonathan Vincent", "Mathieu Labb\u00e9", "Jean-Samuel Lauzon", "Fran\u00e7ois Grondin", "Pier-Marc Comtois-Rivet", "Fran\u00e7ois Michaud"], "abstract": "In dynamic environments, performance of visual SLAM techniques can be impaired by visual features taken from moving objects. One solution is to identify those objects so that their visual features can be removed for localization and mapping. This paper presents a simple and fast pipeline that uses deep neural networks, extended Kalman filters and visual SLAM to improve both localization and mappin..."} {"title": "Comparing Visual Odometry Systems in Actively Deforming Simulated Colon Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341159/", "author_list": ["Mitchell J. Fulton", "J. Micah Prendergast", "Emily R. DiTommaso", "Mark E. Rentschler", "Mitchell J. Fulton", "J. Micah Prendergast", "Emily R. DiTommaso", "Mark E. Rentschler"], "abstract": "This paper presents a new open-source dataset with ground truth position in a simulated colon environment to promote development of real-time feedback systems for physicians performing colonoscopies. Four systems (DSO, LSD-SLAM, SfMLearner, ORB-SLAM2) are tested on this dataset and their failures are analyzed. A data collection platform was fabricated and used to take the dataset in a colonoscopy ..."} {"title": "Speed and Memory Efficient Dense RGB-D SLAM in Dynamic Scenes", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341542/", "author_list": ["Bruce Canovas", "Mich\u00e8le Rombaut", "Amaury N\u00e8gre", "Denis Pellerin", "Serge Olympieff", "Bruce Canovas", "Mich\u00e8le Rombaut", "Amaury N\u00e8gre", "Denis Pellerin", "Serge Olympieff"], "abstract": "Real-time dense 3D localization and mapping systems are required to enable robotics platforms to interact in and with their environments. Several solutions have used surfel representations to model the world. While they produce impressive results, they require heavy and costly hardware to operate properly. Many of them are also limited to static environments and small inter-frame motions. Whereas ..."} {"title": "DUI-VIO: Depth Uncertainty Incorporated Visual Inertial Odometry based on an RGB-D Camera", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341592/", "author_list": ["He Zhang", "Cang Ye", "He Zhang", "Cang Ye"], "abstract": "This paper presents a new visual-inertial odometry, term DUI-VIO, for estimating the motion state of an RGB-D camera. First, a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) to is employed to model the uncertainty of the depth data for each pixel on the camera's color image. Second, the uncertainties are incorporated into the VIO's initialization and optimization processes to make the state estimate more accurate. ..."} {"title": "Probabilistic Qualitative Localization and Mapping", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341269/", "author_list": ["Roee Mor", "Vadim Indelman", "Roee Mor", "Vadim Indelman"], "abstract": "Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is essential in numerous robotics applications such as autonomous navigation. Traditional SLAM approaches infer the metric state of the robot along with a metric map of the environment. While existing algorithms exhibit good results, they are still sensitive to measurement noise, sensors quality, data association and are still computationally expensive...."} {"title": "Robust Ego and Object 6-DoF Motion Estimation and Tracking", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341552/", "author_list": ["Jun Zhang", "Mina Henein", "Robert Mahony", "Viorela Ila", "Jun Zhang", "Mina Henein", "Robert Mahony", "Viorela Ila"], "abstract": "The problem of tracking self-motion as well as motion of objects in the scene using information from a camera is known as multi-body visual odometry and is a challenging task. This paper proposes a robust solution to achieve accurate estimation and consistent track-ability for dynamic multi-body visual odometry. A compact and effective framework is proposed leveraging recent advances in semantic i..."} {"title": "A Bayesian-Based Controller for Snake Robot Locomotion in Unstructured Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340722/", "author_list": ["Yuanyuan Jia", "Shugen Ma", "Yuanyuan Jia", "Shugen Ma"], "abstract": "This paper presents a novel Bayesian-based controller for snake robots in cluttered environment. It extends the conventional shape-based compliant control into statistical field providing an explicit mathematical formulation with Bayesian network. A sequential density propagation rule is derived by introducing several probability densities in a unified framework. Specifically, two input influence ..."} {"title": "Learning to Locomote with Artificial Neural-Network and CPG-based Control in a Soft Snake Robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340763/", "author_list": ["Xuan Liu", "Renato Gasoto", "Ziyi Jiang", "Cagdas Onal", "Jie Fu", "Xuan Liu", "Renato Gasoto", "Ziyi Jiang", "Cagdas Onal", "Jie Fu"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present a new locomotion control method for soft robot snakes. Inspired by biological snakes, our control architecture is composed of two key modules: A reinforcement learning (RL) module for achieving adaptive goal-tracking behaviors with changing goals, and a central pattern generator (CPG) system with Matsuoka oscillators for generating stable and diverse locomotion patterns. ..."} {"title": "The Omega Turn: A Biologically-Inspired Turning Strategy for Elongated Limbless Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340872/", "author_list": ["Tianyu Wang", "Baxi Chong", "Kelimar Diaz", "Julian Whitman", "Hang Lu", "Matthew Travers", "Daniel I. Goldman", "Howie Choset", "Tianyu Wang", "Baxi Chong", "Kelimar Diaz", "Julian Whitman", "Hang Lu", "Matthew Travers", "Daniel I. Goldman", "Howie Choset"], "abstract": "Snake robots have the potential to locomote through tightly packed spaces, but turning effectively within unmodelled and unsensed environments remains challenging. Inspired by a behavior observed in the tiny nematode worm C. elegans, we propose a novel in-place turning gait for elongated limbless robots. To simplify the control of the robots' many internal degrees-of-freedom, we introduce a biolog..."} {"title": "Bio-inspired Inverted Landing Strategy in a Small Aerial Robot Using Policy Gradient", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341732/", "author_list": ["Pan Liu", "Junyi Geng", "Yixian Li", "Yanran Cao", "Yagiz E. Bayiz", "Jack W. Langelaan", "Bo Cheng", "Pan Liu", "Junyi Geng", "Yixian Li", "Yanran Cao", "Yagiz E. Bayiz", "Jack W. Langelaan", "Bo Cheng"], "abstract": "Landing upside down on a ceiling is challenging as it requires a flier to invert its body and land against the gravity, a process that demands a stringent spatiotemporal coordination of body translational and rotational motion. Although such an aerobatic feat is routinely performed by biological fliers such as flies, it is not yet achieved in aerial robots using onboard sensors. This work describe..."} {"title": "A Bio-Inspired Framework for Joint Angle Estimation from Non-Collocated Sensors in Tendon-driven Systems", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341268/", "author_list": ["Daniel A. Hagen", "Ali Marjaninejad", "Francisco J. Valero-Cuevas", "Daniel A. Hagen", "Ali Marjaninejad", "Francisco J. Valero-Cuevas"], "abstract": "Estimates of limb posture are critical for the control of robotic systems. This is generally accomplished by utilizing on-location joint angle encoders which may complicate the design, increase limb inertia, and add noise to the system. Conversely, some innovative or smaller robotic morphologies can benefit from non-collocated sensors when encoder size becomes prohibitively larger or the joints ar..."} {"title": "Biomimetic Control Scheme for Musculoskeletal Humanoids Based on Motor Directional Tuning in the Brain", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340896/", "author_list": ["Yasunori Toshimitsu", "Kento Kawaharazuka", "Kei Tsuzuki", "Moritaka Onitsuka", "Manabu Nishiura", "Yuya Koga", "Yusuke Omura", "Motoki Tomita", "Yuki Asano", "Kei Okada", "Koji Kawasaki", "Masayuki Inaba", "Yasunori Toshimitsu", "Kento Kawaharazuka", "Kei Tsuzuki", "Moritaka Onitsuka", "Manabu Nishiura", "Yuya Koga", "Yusuke Omura", "Motoki Tomita", "Yuki Asano", "Kei Okada", "Koji Kawasaki", "Masayuki Inaba"], "abstract": "In this research, we have taken a biomimetic approach to the control of musculoskeletal humanoids. A controller was designed based on the motor directional tuning phenomenon seen in the motor cortex of primates. Despite the simple implementation of the control scheme, complex coordinated movements such as reaching for target objects with its upper body was achieved, and is demonstrated in the acco..."} {"title": "Development and Analysis of Digging and Soil Removing Mechanisms for Mole-Bot: Bio-Inspired Mole-Like Drilling Robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341230/", "author_list": ["Junseok Lee", "Christian Tirtawardhana", "Hyun Myung", "Junseok Lee", "Christian Tirtawardhana", "Hyun Myung"], "abstract": "Interests in exploration of new energy resources are increasing due to the exhaustion of existing resources. To explore new energy sources, various studies have been conducted to improve the drilling performance of drilling equipment for deep and strong ground. However, with better performance, the modern drilling equipment is bulky and, furthermore, has become inconvenient in both installation an..."} {"title": "A Bio\u2013inspired Quadruped Robot Exploiting Flexible Shoulder for Stable and Efficient Walking", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341444/", "author_list": ["Akira Fukuhara", "Megu Gunji", "Yoichi Masuda", "Kenjiro Tadakuma", "Akio Ishiguro", "Akira Fukuhara", "Megu Gunji", "Yoichi Masuda", "Kenjiro Tadakuma", "Akio Ishiguro"], "abstract": "While most modern-day quadruped robots crouch their limbs during the stance phase to stabilize the trunk, mammals exploit the inverted-pendulum motions of their limbs and realize both efficient and stable walking. Although the flexibility of the shoulder region of mammals is expected to contribute to reconciling the discrepancy between the forelimbs and hindlimbs for natural walking, the complex b..."} {"title": "An Earthworm-like Soft Robot with Integration of Single Pneumatic Actuator and Cellular Structures for Peristaltic Motion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341166/", "author_list": ["Mingcan Liu", "Zhaoyi Xu", "Jing Jie Ong", "Jian Zhu", "Wen Feng Lu", "Mingcan Liu", "Zhaoyi Xu", "Jing Jie Ong", "Jian Zhu", "Wen Feng Lu"], "abstract": "Earthworm-like soft robots have been widely studied for various applications, such as medical endoscopy and pipeline inspection. Many actuation modes have been chosen to drive the soft robots, including pneumatic actuators, dielectric elastomeric actuators, and shape memory actuators. Pneumatic actuators stand out since the soft robots with pneumatic actuation can produce relatively large forces a..."} {"title": "Development of a Maneuverable Un-Tethered Multi-fin Soft Robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341093/", "author_list": ["T.V. Truong", "R.C. Mysa", "T. Stalin", "P.M. Aby Raj", "P. Valdivia y Alvarado", "T.V. Truong", "R.C. Mysa", "T. Stalin", "P.M. Aby Raj", "P. Valdivia y Alvarado"], "abstract": "In this paper, the design, fabrication, numerical studies, and preliminary characterization of a multi-fin soft robot are presented. The design is simple, robust, and fully autonomous. The robot has a 216mm body length and displays great potential to achieve uncoupled surge (forwards and backwards), sway, and heave motions. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) studies are employed to evaluate appropr..."} {"title": "Emergence of Swing-to-Stance Transition from Interlocking Mechanism in Horse Hindlimb", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341026/", "author_list": ["Kazuhiro Miyashita", "Yoichi Masuda", "Megu Gunji", "Akira Fukuhara", "Kenjiro Tadakuma", "Masato Ishikawa", "Kazuhiro Miyashita", "Yoichi Masuda", "Megu Gunji", "Akira Fukuhara", "Kenjiro Tadakuma", "Masato Ishikawa"], "abstract": "The bodies of quadrupeds have very complex muscle-tendon structure. In particular, it is known that in the horse hindlimb, multiple joints in the leg are remarkably interlocked due to the muscle-tendon structure. Although the function of these interlocking mechanisms during standing has been investigated in the field of anatomy, the function related to the emergence of limb trajectory during dynam..."} {"title": "Emergent adaptive gait generation through Hebbian sensor-motor maps by morphological probing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341211/", "author_list": ["Matthieu Dujany", "Simon Hauser", "Mehmet Mutlu", "Martijn van der Sar", "Jonathan Arreguit", "Takeshi Kano", "Akio Ishiguro", "Auke Ijspeert", "Matthieu Dujany", "Simon Hauser", "Mehmet Mutlu", "Martijn van der Sar", "Jonathan Arreguit", "Takeshi Kano", "Akio Ishiguro", "Auke Ijspeert"], "abstract": "Gait emergence and adaptation in animals is unmatched in robotic systems. Animals can create and recover locomotive functions \"on-the-fly\" after an injury whereas locomotion controllers for robots lack robustness to morphological changes. In this work, we extend previous research on emergent interlimb coordination of legged robots based on coupled phase oscillators with force feedback terms. We in..."} {"title": "Soft Microrobotic Transmissions Enable Rapid Ground-Based Locomotion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341114/", "author_list": ["Wei Zhou", "Nick Gravish", "Wei Zhou", "Nick Gravish"], "abstract": "In this paper we present the design, fabrication, testing, and control of a 0.4 g milliscale robot employing a soft polymer flexure transmission for rapid ground movement. The robot was constructed through a combination of two methods: smart-composite-manufacturing (SCM) process to fabricate the actuators and robot chassis, and silicone elastomer molding and casting to fabricate a soft flexure tra..."} {"title": "An Untethered 216-mg Insect-Sized Jumping Robot with Wireless Power Transmission", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341238/", "author_list": ["Riccy Kurniawan", "Tamaki Fukudome", "Hao Qiu", "Makoto Takamiya", "Yoshihiro Kawahara", "Jinkyu Yang", "Ryuma Niiyama", "Riccy Kurniawan", "Tamaki Fukudome", "Hao Qiu", "Makoto Takamiya", "Yoshihiro Kawahara", "Jinkyu Yang", "Ryuma Niiyama"], "abstract": "We present the first demonstration of a battery-free untethered wirelessly powered sub-gram jumping robot on an insect-scale. In order to operate the insect-sized robot autonomously, the limitation in battery use emphasizes the need for a wireless power transmission system as an onboard power solution. We designed a wireless power transmission system based on inductive coupling to power the Shape ..."} {"title": "Cooperative Simultaneous Tracking and Jamming for Disabling a Rogue Drone", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340835/", "author_list": ["Savvas Papaioannou", "Panayiotis Kolios", "Christos G. Panayiotou", "Marios M. Polycarpou", "Savvas Papaioannou", "Panayiotis Kolios", "Christos G. Panayiotou", "Marios M. Polycarpou"], "abstract": "This work investigates the problem of simultaneous tracking and jamming of a rogue drone in 3D space with a team of cooperative unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). We propose a decentralized estimation, decision and control framework in which a team of UAVs cooperate in order to a) optimally choose their mobility control actions that result in accurate target tracking and b) select the desired transm..."} {"title": "SpCoMapGAN: Spatial Concept Formation-based Semantic Mapping with Generative Adversarial Networks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341456/", "author_list": ["Yuki Katsumata", "Akira Taniguchi", "Lotfi El Hafi", "Yoshinobu Hagiwara", "Tadahiro Taniguchi", "Yuki Katsumata", "Akira Taniguchi", "Lotfi El Hafi", "Yoshinobu Hagiwara", "Tadahiro Taniguchi"], "abstract": "In semantic mapping, which connects semantic information to an environment map, it is a challenging task for robots to deal with both local and global information of environments. In addition, it is important to estimate semantic information of unobserved areas from already acquired partial observations in a newly visited environment. On the other hand, previous studies on spatial concept formatio..."} {"title": "To Ask or Not to Ask: A User Annoyance Aware Preference Elicitation Framework for Social Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341607/", "author_list": ["Balint Gucsi", "Danesh S. Tarapore", "William Yeoh", "Christopher Amato", "Long Tran-Thanh", "Balint Gucsi", "Danesh S. Tarapore", "William Yeoh", "Christopher Amato", "Long Tran-Thanh"], "abstract": "In this paper we investigate how social robots can efficiently gather user preferences without exceeding the allowed user annoyance threshold. To do so, we use a Gazebo based simulated office environment with a TIAGo Steel robot. We then formulate the user annoyance aware preference elicitation problem as a combination of tensor completion and knapsack problems. We then test our approach on the af..."} {"title": "Visual Task Progress Estimation with Appearance Invariant Embeddings for Robot Control and Planning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341443/", "author_list": ["Guilherme Maeda", "Joni V\u00e4\u00e4t\u00e4inen", "Hironori Yoshida", "Guilherme Maeda", "Joni V\u00e4\u00e4t\u00e4inen", "Hironori Yoshida"], "abstract": "One of the challenges of full autonomy is to have robots capable of manipulating its current environment to achieve another environment configuration. This paper is a step towards this challenge, focusing on the visual understanding of the task. Our approach trains a deep neural network to represent images as measurable features that are useful to estimate the progress (or phase) of a task. The tr..."} {"title": "Lane-Attention: Predicting Vehicles\u2019 Moving Trajectories by Learning Their Attention Over Lanes", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341233/", "author_list": ["Jiacheng Pan", "Hongyi Sun", "Kecheng Xu", "Yifei Jiang", "Xiangquan Xiao", "Jiangtao Hu", "Jinghao Miao", "Jiacheng Pan", "Hongyi Sun", "Kecheng Xu", "Yifei Jiang", "Xiangquan Xiao", "Jiangtao Hu", "Jinghao Miao"], "abstract": "Accurately forecasting the future movements of surrounding vehicles is essential for safe and efficient operations of autonomous driving cars. This task is difficult because a vehicle's moving trajectory is greatly determined by its driver's intention, which is often hard to estimate. By leveraging attention mechanisms along with long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, this work learns the relatio..."} {"title": "Pedestrian Intention Prediction for Autonomous Driving Using a Multiple Stakeholder Perspective Model", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341083/", "author_list": ["Kyungdo Kim", "Yoon Kyung Lee", "Hyemin Ahn", "Sowon Hahn", "Songhwai Oh", "Kyungdo Kim", "Yoon Kyung Lee", "Hyemin Ahn", "Sowon Hahn", "Songhwai Oh"], "abstract": "This paper proposes a multiple stakeholder perspective model (MSPM) which predicts the future pedestrian trajectory observed from vehicle's point of view. For the vehicle-pedestrian interaction, the estimation of the pedestrian's intention is a key factor. However, even if this interaction is commonly initiated by both the human (pedestrian) and the agent (driver), current research focuses on deve..."} {"title": "Computing High-Quality Clutter Removal Solutions for Multiple Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341144/", "author_list": ["Wei N. Tang", "Shuai D. Han", "Jingjin Yu", "Wei N. Tang", "Shuai D. Han", "Jingjin Yu"], "abstract": "We investigate the task and motion planning problem of clearing clutter from a workspace with limited ingress/egress access for multiple robots. We call the problem multi-robot clutter removal (MRCR). Targeting practical applications where motion planning is non-trivial but is not a bottle-neck, we focus on finding high-quality solutions for feasible MRCR instances, which depends on the ability to..."} {"title": "Adaptive Partitioning for Coordinated Multi-agent Perimeter Defense", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341417/", "author_list": ["Douglas G. Macharet", "Austin K. Chen", "Daigo Shishika", "George J. Pappas", "Vijay Kumar", "Douglas G. Macharet", "Austin K. Chen", "Daigo Shishika", "George J. Pappas", "Vijay Kumar"], "abstract": "Multi-Robot Systems have been recently employed in different applications and have advantages over single-robot systems, such as increased robustness and task performance efficiency. We consider such assemblies specifically in the scenario of perimeter defense, where the task is to defend a circular perimeter by intercepting radially approaching targets. Possible intruders appear randomly at a fix..."} {"title": "Approximated Dynamic Trait Models for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Teams", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341107/", "author_list": ["Glen Neville", "Harish Ravichandar", "Kenneth Shaw", "Sonia Chernova", "Glen Neville", "Harish Ravichandar", "Kenneth Shaw", "Sonia Chernova"], "abstract": "To realize effective heterogeneous multi-agent teams, we must be able to leverage individual agents' relative strengths. Recent work has addressed this challenge by introducing trait-based task assignment approaches that exploit the agents' relative advantages. These approaches, however, assume that the agents' traits remain static. Indeed, in real-world scenarios, traits are likely to vary as age..."} {"title": "Cooperative Control of Mobile Robots with Stackelberg Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341376/", "author_list": ["Joewie J. Koh", "Guohui Ding", "Christoffer Heckman", "Lijun Chen", "Alessandro Roncone", "Joewie J. Koh", "Guohui Ding", "Christoffer Heckman", "Lijun Chen", "Alessandro Roncone"], "abstract": "Multi-robot cooperation requires agents to make decisions that are consistent with the shared goal without disregarding action-specific preferences that might arise from asymmetry in capabilities and individual objectives. To accomplish this goal, we propose a method named SLiCC: Stackelberg Learning in Cooperative Control. SLiCC models the problem as a partially observable stochastic game compose..."} {"title": "Sparse Discrete Communication Learning for Multi-Agent Cooperation Through Backpropagation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341079/", "author_list": ["Benjamin Freed", "Rohan James", "Guillaume Sartoretti", "Howie Choset", "Benjamin Freed", "Rohan James", "Guillaume Sartoretti", "Howie Choset"], "abstract": "Recent approaches to multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) with inter-agent communication have often overlooked important considerations of real-world communication networks, such as limits on bandwidth. In this paper, we propose an approach to learning sparse discrete communication through backpropagation in the context of MARL, in which agents are incentivized to communicate as little as pos..."} {"title": "Multi-Robot Coordinated Planning in Confined Environments under Kinematic Constraints", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341213/", "author_list": ["Clayton Mangette", "Pratap Tokekar", "Clayton Mangette", "Pratap Tokekar"], "abstract": "We investigate the problem of multi-robot coordinated planning in environments where the robots may have to operate in close proximity to each other. We seek computationally efficient planners that ensure safe paths and adherence to kinematic constraints. We extend the central planner dRRT* with our variant, fast-dRRT (fdRRT), with the intention being to use in tight environments that lead to a hi..."} {"title": "SwarmLab: a Matlab Drone Swarm Simulator", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340854/", "author_list": ["Enrica Soria", "Fabrizio Schiano", "Dario Floreano", "Enrica Soria", "Fabrizio Schiano", "Dario Floreano"], "abstract": "Among the available solutions for drone swarm simulations, we identified a lack of simulation frameworks that allow easy algorithms prototyping, tuning, debugging and performance analysis. Moreover, users who want to dive in the research field of drone swarms often need to interface with multiple programming languages. We present SwarmLab, a software entirely written in MATLAB, that aims at the cr..."} {"title": "An Actor-based Programming Framework for Swarm Robotic Systems", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341198/", "author_list": ["Wei Yi", "Bin Di", "Ruihao Li", "Huadong Dai", "Xiaodong Yi", "Yanzhen Wang", "Xuejun Yang", "Wei Yi", "Bin Di", "Ruihao Li", "Huadong Dai", "Xiaodong Yi", "Yanzhen Wang", "Xuejun Yang"], "abstract": "Programming cooperative tasks for autonomous swarm robotic systems has always been challenging. In this paper, we introduce a concept \u2018Actor\u2019, as a virtualization for robot platforms. Every robot platform in the swarm robotic system carries out the task and interacts with others as an Actor. We designed an Actor-based framework for the management of autonomous swarm robotic systems including modul..."} {"title": "A Distributed Range-Only Collision Avoidance Approach for Low-cost Large-scale Multi-Robot Systems", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341539/", "author_list": ["Ruihua Han", "Shengduo Chen", "Qi Hao", "Ruihua Han", "Shengduo Chen", "Qi Hao"], "abstract": "The challenges of developing low-cost, large-scale multi-robot navigation systems include noisy measurements, a large number of robots, and computing efficiency for collision avoidance. This paper presents a distributed motion planning framework for a large number of robots to navigate with robust collision avoidance using low-cost range only measurements. The novelty of this work is threefold. (1..."} {"title": "Automatic Control Synthesis for Swarm Robots from Formation and Location-based High-level Specifications", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341466/", "author_list": ["Ji Chen", "Hanlin Wang", "Michael Rubenstein", "Hadas Kress-Gazit", "Ji Chen", "Hanlin Wang", "Michael Rubenstein", "Hadas Kress-Gazit"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose an abstraction that captures high-level formation and location-based swarm behaviors, and an automated control synthesis framework to generate correct-by-construction behaviors. Our abstraction includes symbols representing both possible formations and physical locations in the workspace. We allow users to write linear temporal logic (LTL) specifications over the symbols ..."} {"title": "Low-viewpoint forest depth dataset for sparse rover swarms", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341435/", "author_list": ["Chaoyue Niu", "Danesh Tarapore", "Klaus-Peter Zauner", "Chaoyue Niu", "Danesh Tarapore", "Klaus-Peter Zauner"], "abstract": "Rapid progress in embedded computing hardware increasingly enables on-board image processing on small robots. This development opens the path to replacing costly sensors with sophisticated computer vision techniques. A case in point is the prediction of scene depth information from a monocular camera for autonomous navigation. Motivated by the aim to develop a robot swarm suitable for sensing, mon..."} {"title": "Indoor Scene Recognition in 3D", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341580/", "author_list": ["Shengyu Huang", "Mikhail Usvyatsov", "Konrad Schindler", "Shengyu Huang", "Mikhail Usvyatsov", "Konrad Schindler"], "abstract": "Recognising in what type of environment one is located is an important perception task. For instance, for a robot operating indoors it is helpful to be aware whether it is in a kitchen, a hallway or a bedroom. Existing approaches attempt to classify the scene based on 2D images or 2.5D range images. Here, we study scene recognition from 3D point cloud (or voxel) data, and show that it greatly outp..."} {"title": "QSRNet: Estimating Qualitative Spatial Representations from RGB-D Images", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341452/", "author_list": ["Sang Uk Lee", "Sungkweon Hong", "Andreas Hofmann", "Brian Williams", "Sang Uk Lee", "Sungkweon Hong", "Andreas Hofmann", "Brian Williams"], "abstract": "Humans perceive and describe their surroundings with qualitative statements (e.g., \"Alice's hand is in contact with a bottle.\"), rather than quantitative values (e.g., 6-D poses of Alice's hand and a bottle). Qualitative spatial representation (QSR) is a framework that represents the spatial information of objects in a qualitative manner. Region connection calculus (RCC), qualitative trajectory ca..."} {"title": "Acquiring Mechanical Knowledge from 3D Point Clouds", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341558/", "author_list": ["Zijia Li", "Kei Okada", "Masayuki Inaba", "Zijia Li", "Kei Okada", "Masayuki Inaba"], "abstract": "We consider the problem of acquiring mechanical knowledge through visual cues to help robots use objects in new situations. In this work, we propose a novel deep learning approach that allows a robot to acquire mechanical knowledge from 3D point clouds. This presents two main challenges. The first challenge is that a robot needs to infer novel objects' functions from its experience. Secondly, the ..."} {"title": "Learning visual policies for building 3D shape categories", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341750/", "author_list": ["Alexander Pashevich", "Igor Kalevatykh", "Ivan Laptev", "Cordelia Schmid", "Alexander Pashevich", "Igor Kalevatykh", "Ivan Laptev", "Cordelia Schmid"], "abstract": "Manipulation and assembly tasks require non-trivial planning of actions depending on the environment and the final goal. Previous work in this domain often assembles particular instances of objects from known sets of primitives. In contrast, we aim to handle varying sets of primitives and to construct different objects of a shape category. Given a single object instance of a category, e.g. an arch..."} {"title": "The Robot as Scientist: Using Mental Simulation to Test Causal Hypotheses Extracted from Human Activities in Virtual Reality", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341505/", "author_list": ["Constantin Uhde", "Nicolas Berberich", "Karinne Ramirez-Amaro", "Gordon Cheng", "Constantin Uhde", "Nicolas Berberich", "Karinne Ramirez-Amaro", "Gordon Cheng"], "abstract": "To act effectively in its environment, a cognitive robot needs to understand the causal dependencies of all intermediate actions leading up to its goal. For example, the system has to infer that it is instrumental to open a cupboard door before trying to grasp an object inside the cupboard. In this paper, we introduce a novel learning method for extracting instrumental dependencies by following th..."} {"title": "Learning Transition Models with Time-delayed Causal Relations", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340809/", "author_list": ["Junchi Liang", "Abdeslam Boularias", "Junchi Liang", "Abdeslam Boularias"], "abstract": "This paper introduces an algorithm for discovering implicit and delayed causal relations between events observed by a robot at arbitrary times, with the objective of improving data-efficiency and interpretability of model- based reinforcement learning (RL) techniques. The proposed algorithm initially predicts observations with the Markov assumption, and incrementally introduces new hidden variable..."} {"title": "Going Cognitive: A Demonstration of the Utility of Task-General Cognitive Architectures for Adaptive Robotic Task Performance", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340863/", "author_list": ["Tyler Frasca", "Zhao Han", "Jordan Allspaw", "Holly Yanco", "Matthias Scheutz", "Tyler Frasca", "Zhao Han", "Jordan Allspaw", "Holly Yanco", "Matthias Scheutz"], "abstract": "It has been claimed that a main advantage of cognitive architectures (compared to other types of specialized robotic architectures) is that they are task-general and can thus learn to perform any task as long as they have the right perceptual and action primitives. In this paper, we provide empirical evidence for this claim by directly comparing a high-performing custom robotic architecture develo..."} {"title": "Uncertainty-aware Self-supervised 3D Data Association", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341251/", "author_list": ["Jianren Wang", "Siddharth Ancha", "Yi-Ting Chen", "David Held", "Jianren Wang", "Siddharth Ancha", "Yi-Ting Chen", "David Held"], "abstract": "3D object trackers usually require training on large amounts of annotated data that is expensive and time-consuming to collect. Instead, we propose leveraging vast unlabeled datasets by self-supervised metric learning of 3D object trackers, with a focus on data association. Large scale annotations for unlabeled data are cheaply obtained by automatic object detection and association across frames. ..."} {"title": "F-Siamese Tracker: A Frustum-based Double Siamese Network for 3D Single Object Tracking", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341120/", "author_list": ["Hao Zou", "Jinhao Cui", "Xin Kong", "Chujuan Zhang", "Yong Liu", "Feng Wen", "Wanlong Li", "Hao Zou", "Jinhao Cui", "Xin Kong", "Chujuan Zhang", "Yong Liu", "Feng Wen", "Wanlong Li"], "abstract": "This paper presents F-Siamese Tracker, a novel approach for single object tracking prominently characterized by more robustly integrating 2D and 3D information to reduce redundant search space. A main challenge in 3D single object tracking is how to reduce search space for generating appropriate 3D candidates. Instead of solely relying on 3D proposals, firstly, our method leverages the Siamese net..."} {"title": "Anomaly Detection for Autonomous Guided Vehicles using Bayesian Surprise", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341386/", "author_list": ["Ozan \u00c7atal", "Sam Leroux", "Cedric De Boom", "Tim Verbelen", "Bart Dhoedt", "Ozan \u00c7atal", "Sam Leroux", "Cedric De Boom", "Tim Verbelen", "Bart Dhoedt"], "abstract": "As warehouses, storage facilities and factories become more expanded and equipped with smart devices, there is a substantial need for rapid, intelligent and autonomous detection of unusual and potentially hazardous situations, also called anomalies. In particular for Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs) that drive around these premises independently, unforeseen obstructions along their path-e.g. a ca..."} {"title": "3DMotion-Net: Learning Continuous Flow Function for 3D Motion Prediction", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341671/", "author_list": ["Shuaihang Yuan", "Xiang Li", "Anthony Tzes", "Yi Fang", "Shuaihang Yuan", "Xiang Li", "Anthony Tzes", "Yi Fang"], "abstract": "This paper deals with predicting future 3D motions of 3D object scans from the previous two consecutive frames. Previous methods mostly focus on sparse motion prediction in the form of skeletons. While in this paper, we focus on predicting dense 3D motions in the form of 3D point clouds. To approach this problem, we propose a self-supervised approach that leverages the power of the deep neural net..."} {"title": "Learning Vision-Based Physics Intuition Models for Non-Disruptive Object Extraction", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341675/", "author_list": ["Sarthak Ahuja", "Henny Admoni", "Aaron Steinfeld", "Sarthak Ahuja", "Henny Admoni", "Aaron Steinfeld"], "abstract": "Robots operating in human environments must be careful, when executing their manipulation skills, not to disturb nearby objects. This requires robots to reason about the effect of their manipulation choices by accounting for the support relationships among objects in the scene. Humans do this in part by visually assessing their surroundings and using physics intuition for how likely it is that a p..."} {"title": "Spectral-GANs for High-Resolution 3D Point-cloud Generation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341265/", "author_list": ["Sameera Ramasinghe", "Salman Khan", "Nick Barnes", "Stephen Gould", "Sameera Ramasinghe", "Salman Khan", "Nick Barnes", "Stephen Gould"], "abstract": "Point-clouds are a popular choice for robotics and computer vision tasks due to their accurate shape description and direct acquisition from range-scanners. This demands the ability to synthesize and reconstruct high-quality point-clouds. Current deep generative models for 3D data generally work on simplified representations (e.g., voxelized objects) and cannot deal with the inherent redundancy an..."} {"title": "UnRectDepthNet: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation using a Generic Framework for Handling Common Camera Distortion Models", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340732/", "author_list": ["Varun Ravi Kumar", "Senthil Yogamani", "Markus Bach", "Christian Witt", "Stefan Milz", "Patrick M\u00e4der", "Varun Ravi Kumar", "Senthil Yogamani", "Markus Bach", "Christian Witt", "Stefan Milz", "Patrick M\u00e4der"], "abstract": "In classical computer vision, rectification is an integral part of multi-view depth estimation. It typically includes epipolar rectification and lens distortion correction. This process simplifies the depth estimation significantly, and thus it has been adopted in CNN approaches. However, rectification has several side effects, including a reduced field of view (FOV), resampling distortion, and se..."} {"title": "AutoLay: Benchmarking amodal layout estimation for autonomous driving", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341724/", "author_list": ["Kaustubh Mani", "N. Sai Shankar", "Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula", "K. Madhava Krishna", "Kaustubh Mani", "N. Sai Shankar", "Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula", "K. Madhava Krishna"], "abstract": "Given an image or a video captured from a monocular camera, amodal layout estimation is the task of predicting semantics and occupancy in bird's eye view. The term amodal implies we also reason about entities in the scene that are occluded or truncated in image space. While several recent efforts have tackled this problem, there is a lack of standardization in task specification, datasets, and eva..."} {"title": "Data-driven Distributed State Estimation and Behavior Modeling in Sensor Networks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340838/", "author_list": ["Rui Yu", "Zhenyuan Yuan", "Minghui Zhu", "Zihan Zhou", "Rui Yu", "Zhenyuan Yuan", "Minghui Zhu", "Zihan Zhou"], "abstract": "Nowadays, the prevalence of sensor networks has enabled tracking of the states of dynamic objects for a wide spectrum of applications from autonomous driving to environmental monitoring and urban planning. However, tracking realworld objects often faces two key challenges: First, due to the limitation of individual sensors, state estimation needs to be solved in a collaborative and distributed man..."} {"title": "ProxEmo: Gait-based Emotion Learning and Multi-view Proxemic Fusion for Socially-Aware Robot Navigation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340710/", "author_list": ["Venkatraman Narayanan", "Bala Murali Manoghar", "Vishnu Sashank Dorbala", "Dinesh Manocha", "Aniket Bera", "Venkatraman Narayanan", "Bala Murali Manoghar", "Vishnu Sashank Dorbala", "Dinesh Manocha", "Aniket Bera"], "abstract": "We present ProxEmo, a novel end-to-end emotion prediction algorithm for socially aware robot navigation among pedestrians. Our approach predicts the perceived emotions of a pedestrian from walking gaits, which is then used for emotion-guided navigation taking into account social and proxemic constraints. To classify emotions, we propose a multi-view skeleton graph convolution-based model that work..."} {"title": "Semantic Graph Based Place Recognition for 3D Point Clouds", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341060/", "author_list": ["Xin Kong", "Xuemeng Yang", "Guangyao Zhai", "Xiangrui Zhao", "Xianfang Zeng", "Mengmeng Wang", "Yong Liu", "Wanlong Li", "Feng Wen", "Xin Kong", "Xuemeng Yang", "Guangyao Zhai", "Xiangrui Zhao", "Xianfang Zeng", "Mengmeng Wang", "Yong Liu", "Wanlong Li", "Feng Wen"], "abstract": "Due to the difficulty in generating the effective descriptors which are robust to occlusion and viewpoint changes, place recognition for 3D point cloud remains an open issue. Unlike most of the existing methods that focus on extracting local, global, and statistical features of raw point clouds, our method aims at the semantic level that can be superior in terms of robustness to environmental chan..."} {"title": "A Bottom-up Framework for Construction of Structured Semantic 3D Scene Graph", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341228/", "author_list": ["Bangguo Yu", "Chongyu Chen", "Fengyu Zhou", "Fang Wan", "Wenmi Zhuang", "Yang Zhao", "Bangguo Yu", "Chongyu Chen", "Fengyu Zhou", "Fang Wan", "Wenmi Zhuang", "Yang Zhao"], "abstract": "For high-level human-robot interaction tasks, 3D scene understanding is important and non-trivial for autonomous robots. However, parsing and utilizing effective environment information of the 3D scene is not trivial due to the complexity of the 3D environment and the limited ability for reasoning about our visual world. Although there have been great efforts on semantic detection and scene analys..."} {"title": "Autonomous Detection and Assessment with Moving Sensors", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340997/", "author_list": ["Steven J. Spencer", "Anup Parikh", "Daniel R. McArthur", "Carol C. Young", "Timothy J. Blada", "Jonathon E. Slightam", "Stephen P. Buerger", "Steven J. Spencer", "Anup Parikh", "Daniel R. McArthur", "Carol C. Young", "Timothy J. Blada", "Jonathon E. Slightam", "Stephen P. Buerger"], "abstract": "Current approaches to physical security suffer from high false alarm rates and frequent human operator involvement, despite the relative rarity of real-world threats. We present a novel architecture for autonomous adaptive physical security called autonomous detection and assessment with moving sensors (ADAMS). ADAMS is a framework for reducing nuisance and false alarms by placing mobile robotic p..."} {"title": "RegionNet: Region-feature-enhanced 3D Scene Understanding Network with Dual Spatial-aware Discriminative Loss", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340725/", "author_list": ["Guanghui Zhang", "Dongchen Zhu", "Xiaoqing Ye", "Wenjun Shi", "Minghong Chen", "Jiamao Li", "Xiaolin Zhang", "Guanghui Zhang", "Dongchen Zhu", "Xiaoqing Ye", "Wenjun Shi", "Minghong Chen", "Jiamao Li", "Xiaolin Zhang"], "abstract": "Neural networks have recently achieved impressive success in semantic and instance segmentation on 2D images. However, their capabilities have not been fully explored to address semantic instance segmentation on unstructured 3D point cloud data. Digging into the regional feature representation to boost point cloud comprehension, we propose a region-feature-enhanced structure consisting of adaptive..."} {"title": "Domain Transfer for Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Data using Deep Neural Networks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341508/", "author_list": ["Ferdinand Langer", "Andres Milioto", "Alexandre Haag", "Jens Behley", "Cyrill Stachniss", "Ferdinand Langer", "Andres Milioto", "Alexandre Haag", "Jens Behley", "Cyrill Stachniss"], "abstract": "Inferring semantic information towards an understanding of the surrounding environment is crucial for autonomous vehicles to drive safely. Deep learning-based segmentation methods can infer semantic information directly from laser range data, even in the absence of other sensor modalities such as cameras. In this paper, we address improving the generalization capabilities of such deep learning mod..."} {"title": "On a videoing control system based on object detection and tracking", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341721/", "author_list": ["Yanhao Ren", "Yi Wang", "Qi Tang", "Haijun Jiang", "Wenlian Lu", "Yanhao Ren", "Yi Wang", "Qi Tang", "Haijun Jiang", "Wenlian Lu"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a camera control system towards occasionally videoing preassigned objects. Based on the technique of real-time visual detection and tracking, using the Kalman filter and re-identification (ReID), we propose continuous composition of lens, based on the atomic rules of shots, and give the trajectory planning of the camera, to generate the PID controller to the pan-tilt. By ..."} {"title": "Understanding Dynamic Scenes using Graph Convolution Networks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341018/", "author_list": ["Sravan Mylavarapu", "Mahtab Sandhu", "Priyesh Vijayan", "K Madhava Krishna", "Balaraman Ravindran", "Anoop Namboodiri", "Sravan Mylavarapu", "Mahtab Sandhu", "Priyesh Vijayan", "K Madhava Krishna", "Balaraman Ravindran", "Anoop Namboodiri"], "abstract": "We present a novel Multi-Relational Graph Convolutional Network (MRGCN) based framework to model on-road vehicle behaviors from a sequence of temporally ordered frames as grabbed by a moving monocular camera. The input to MRGCN is a multi-relational graph where the graph's nodes represent the active and passive agents/objects in the scene, and the bidirectional edges that connect every pair of nod..."} {"title": "Quadrotor-Enabled Autonomous Parking Occupancy Detection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341081/", "author_list": ["Yafeng Wang", "Beibei Ren", "Yafeng Wang", "Beibei Ren"], "abstract": "Large special-events parking involves various parking scenarios, e.g., temporary parking and on-street parking. Their occupancy detection is challenging as it is unrealistic to construct gates/stations for temporary parking areas or build a sensor-based detection system to cover every single street. To address this issue, this study develops a quadrotor-enabled autonomous parking occupancy detecti..."} {"title": "Learning Consistency Pursued Correlation Filters for Real-Time UAV Tracking", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340954/", "author_list": ["Changhong Fu", "Xiaoxiao Yang", "Fan Li", "Juntao Xu", "Changjing Liu", "Peng Lu", "Changhong Fu", "Xiaoxiao Yang", "Fan Li", "Juntao Xu", "Changjing Liu", "Peng Lu"], "abstract": "Correlation filter (CF)-based methods have demonstrated exceptional performance in visual object tracking for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) applications, but suffer from the undesirable boundary effect. To solve this issue, spatially regularized correlation filters (SRDCF) proposes the spatial regularization to penalize filter coefficients, thereby significantly improving the tracking performance...."} {"title": "Learning Soft Robotic Assembly Strategies from Successful and Failed Demonstrations", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341504/", "author_list": ["Masashi Hamaya", "Felix von Drigalski", "Takamitsu Matsubara", "Kazutoshi Tanaka", "Robert Lee", "Chisato Nakashima", "Yoshiya Shibata", "Yoshihisa Ijiri", "Masashi Hamaya", "Felix von Drigalski", "Takamitsu Matsubara", "Kazutoshi Tanaka", "Robert Lee", "Chisato Nakashima", "Yoshiya Shibata", "Yoshihisa Ijiri"], "abstract": "Physically soft robots are promising for robotic assembly tasks as they allow stable contacts with the environment. In this study, we propose a novel learning system for soft robotic assembly strategies. We formulate this problem as a reinforcement learning task and design the reward function from human demonstrations. Our key insight is that the failed demonstrations can be used as constraints to..."} {"title": "Pattern Analysis and Parameters Optimization of Dynamic Movement Primitives for Learning Unknown Trajectories", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340702/", "author_list": ["Mantian Li", "Zeguo Yang", "Fusheng Zha", "Xin Wang", "Pengfei Wang", "Wei Guo", "Darwin Caldwell", "Fei Chen", "Mantian Li", "Zeguo Yang", "Fusheng Zha", "Xin Wang", "Pengfei Wang", "Wei Guo", "Darwin Caldwell", "Fei Chen"], "abstract": "A robot in the future may initially has a good learning capability but an empty library of movements. It gradually enriches its library of movements through human demonstrations. Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMPs) has been proved to be an effective way to represent trajectories. Trajectories are classified into discrete and rhythmic ones, and parameters are set for each demonstrated trajectory. Ho..."} {"title": "Robot Learning from Demonstration with Tactile Signals for Geometry-Dependent Tasks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340818/", "author_list": ["Isabella Huang", "Ruzena Bajcsy", "Isabella Huang", "Ruzena Bajcsy"], "abstract": "Deploying robot learning frameworks in unconstrained environments requires robustness and tractability. We must not only equip the robot with a sufficient range of sensing capabilities, but also provide training data in a sample-efficient manner. To this end, we identify and address a need specifically in robot learning from demonstration (LfD) literature to account for not only end-effector pose ..."} {"title": "Learning Optimized Human Motion via Phase Space Analysis", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340773/", "author_list": ["Paul Gesel", "Francesco Mikulis-Borsoi", "Dain LaRoche", "Sajay Arthanat", "Momotaz Begum", "Paul Gesel", "Francesco Mikulis-Borsoi", "Dain LaRoche", "Sajay Arthanat", "Momotaz Begum"], "abstract": "This paper proposes a dynamic system based learning from demonstration approach to teach a robot activities of daily living. The approach takes inspiration from human movement literature to formulate trajectory learning as an optimal control problem. We assume a weighted combination of basis objective functions is the true objective function for a demonstrated motion. We derive basis objective fun..."} {"title": "Tell me what this is: Few-Shot Incremental Object Learning by a Robot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341140/", "author_list": ["Ali Ayub", "Alan R. Wagner", "Ali Ayub", "Alan R. Wagner"], "abstract": "For many applications, robots will need to be incrementally trained to recognize the specific objects needed for an application. This paper presents a practical system for incrementally training a robot to recognize different object categories using only a small set of visual examples provided by a human. The paper uses a recently developed state-of-the-art method for few-shot incremental learning..."} {"title": "Voxel-Based Representation Learning for Place Recognition Based on 3D Point Clouds", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340992/", "author_list": ["Sriram Siva", "Zachary Nahman", "Hao Zhang", "Sriram Siva", "Zachary Nahman", "Hao Zhang"], "abstract": "Place recognition is a critical component towards addressing the key problem of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). Most existing methods use visual images; whereas, place recognition using 3D point clouds, especially based on the voxel representations, has not been well addressed yet. In this paper, we introduce the novel approach of voxel-based representation learning (VBRL) that uses ..."} {"title": "Robotic Understanding of Spatial Relationships Using Neural-Logic Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340917/", "author_list": ["Fujian Yan", "Dali Wang", "Hongsheng He", "Fujian Yan", "Dali Wang", "Hongsheng He"], "abstract": "Understanding spatial relations of objects is critical in many robotic applications such as grasping, manipulation, and obstacle avoidance. Humans can simply reason object's spatial relations from a glimpse of a scene based on prior knowledge of spatial constraints. The proposed method enables a robot to comprehend spatial relationships among objects from RGB-D data. This paper proposed a neural-l..."} {"title": "Understanding Contexts Inside Robot and Human Manipulation Tasks through Vision-Language Model and Ontology System in Video Streams", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340905/", "author_list": ["Chen Jiang", "Masood Dehghan", "Martin Jagersand", "Chen Jiang", "Masood Dehghan", "Martin Jagersand"], "abstract": "Manipulation tasks in daily life, such as pouring water, unfold through human intentions. Being able to process contextual knowledge from these Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) over time can help us understand manipulation intentions, which are essential for an intelligent robot to transition smoothly between various manipulation actions. In this paper, to model the intended concepts of manipulat..."} {"title": "Representing Spatial Object Relations as Parametric Polar Distribution for Scene Manipulation Based on Verbal Commands", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340925/", "author_list": ["Rainer Kartmann", "You Zhou", "Danqing Liu", "Fabian Paus", "Tamim Asfour", "Rainer Kartmann", "You Zhou", "Danqing Liu", "Fabian Paus", "Tamim Asfour"], "abstract": "Understanding spatial relations is a key element for natural human-robot interaction. Especially, a robot must be able to manipulate a given scene according to a human verbal command specifying desired spatial relations between objects. To endow robots with this ability, a suitable representation of spatial relations is necessary, which should be derivable from human demonstrations. We claim that ..."} {"title": "Weakly-Supervised Learning for Multimodal Human Activity Recognition in Human-Robot Collaboration Scenarios", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340788/", "author_list": ["Clemens Pohlt", "Thomas Schlegl", "Sven Wachsmuth", "Clemens Pohlt", "Thomas Schlegl", "Sven Wachsmuth"], "abstract": "The ability to synchronize expectations among human-robot teams and understand discrepancies between expectations and reality is essential for human-robot collaboration scenarios. To ensure this, human activities and intentions must be interpreted quickly and reliably by the robot using various modalities. In this paper we propose a multimodal recognition system designed to detect physical interac..."} {"title": "Tool Shape Optimization through Backpropagation of Neural Network", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341583/", "author_list": ["Kento Kawaharazuka", "Toru Ogawa", "Cota Nabeshima", "Kento Kawaharazuka", "Toru Ogawa", "Cota Nabeshima"], "abstract": "When executing a certain task, human beings can choose or make an appropriate tool to achieve the task. This research especially addresses the optimization of tool shape for robotic tool-use. We propose a method in which a robot obtains an optimized tool shape, tool trajectory, or both, depending on a given task. The feature of our method is that a transition of the task state when the robot moves..."} {"title": "A Causal Approach to Tool Affordance Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341262/", "author_list": ["Jake Brawer", "Meiying Qin", "Brian Scassellati", "Jake Brawer", "Meiying Qin", "Brian Scassellati"], "abstract": "While abstract knowledge like cause-and-effect relations enables robots to problem-solve in new environments, acquiring such knowledge remains out of reach for many traditional machine learning techniques. In this work, we introduce a method for a robot to learn an explicit model of cause-and-effect by constructing a structural causal model through a mix of observation and self-supervised experime..."} {"title": "Learning Object Attributes with Category-Free Grounded Language from Deep Featurization", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340824/", "author_list": ["Luke E. Richards", "Kasra Darvish", "Cynthia Matuszek", "Luke E. Richards", "Kasra Darvish", "Cynthia Matuszek"], "abstract": "While grounded language learning, or learning the meaning of language with respect to the physical world in which a robot operates, is a major area in human-robot interaction studies, most research occurs in closed worlds or domain-constrained settings. We present a system in which language is grounded in visual percepts without using categorical constraints by combining CNN-based visual featuriza..."} {"title": "Visuomotor Mechanical Search: Learning to Retrieve Target Objects in Clutter", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341545/", "author_list": ["Andrey Kurenkov", "Joseph Taglic", "Rohun Kulkarni", "Marcus Dominguez-Kuhne", "Animesh Garg", "Roberto Mart\u00edn-Mart\u00edn", "Silvio Savarese", "Andrey Kurenkov", "Joseph Taglic", "Rohun Kulkarni", "Marcus Dominguez-Kuhne", "Animesh Garg", "Roberto Mart\u00edn-Mart\u00edn", "Silvio Savarese"], "abstract": "When searching for objects in cluttered environments, it is often necessary to perform complex interactions in order to move occluding objects out of the way and fully reveal the object of interest and make it graspable. Due to the complexity of the physics involved and the lack of accurate models of the clutter, planning and controlling precise predefined interactions with accurate outcome is ext..."} {"title": "Multi-Fingered Active Grasp Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340783/", "author_list": ["Qingkai Lu", "Mark Van der Merwe", "Tucker Hermans", "Qingkai Lu", "Mark Van der Merwe", "Tucker Hermans"], "abstract": "Learning-based approaches to grasp planning are preferred over analytical methods due to their ability to better generalize to new, partially observed objects. However, data collection remains one of the biggest bottlenecks for grasp learning methods, particularly for multi-fingered hands. The relatively high dimensional configuration space of the hands coupled with the diversity of objects common..."} {"title": "Invisible Marker: Automatic Annotation of Segmentation Masks for Object Manipulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341332/", "author_list": ["Kuniyuki Takahashi", "Kenta Yonekura", "Kuniyuki Takahashi", "Kenta Yonekura"], "abstract": "We propose a method to annotate segmentation masks accurately and automatically using invisible marker for object manipulation. Invisible marker is invisible under visible (regular) light conditions, but becomes visible under invisible light, such as ultraviolet (UV) light. By painting objects with the invisible marker, and by capturing images while alternately switching between regular and UV lig..."} {"title": "Meta Learning with Differentiable Closed-form Solver for Fast Video Object Segmentation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341282/", "author_list": ["Yu Liu", "Lingqiao Liu", "Haokui Zhang", "Hamid Rezatofighi", "Qingsen Yan", "Ian Reid", "Yu Liu", "Lingqiao Liu", "Haokui Zhang", "Hamid Rezatofighi", "Qingsen Yan", "Ian Reid"], "abstract": "Video object segmentation plays a vital role to many robotic tasks, beyond the satisfied accuracy, quickly adapt to the new scenario with very limited annotations and conduct a quick inference are also important. In this paper, we are specifically concerned with the task of fast segmenting all pixels of a target object in all frames, given the annotation mask in the first frame. Even when such ann..."} {"title": "Cascaded Non-local Neural Network for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341531/", "author_list": ["Mingmei Cheng", "Le Hui", "Jin Xie", "Jian Yang", "Hui Kong", "Mingmei Cheng", "Le Hui", "Jin Xie", "Jian Yang", "Hui Kong"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a cascaded non-local neural network for point cloud segmentation. The proposed network aims to build the long-range dependencies of point clouds for the accurate segmentation. Specifically, we develop a novel cascaded non-local module, which consists of the neighborhood-level, superpoint-level and global-level non-local blocks. First, in the neighborhood-level block, we e..."} {"title": "Robust and Efficient Object Change Detection by Combining Global Semantic Information and Local Geometric Verification", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341664/", "author_list": ["Edith Langer", "Timothy Patten", "Markus Vincze", "Edith Langer", "Timothy Patten", "Markus Vincze"], "abstract": "Identifying new, moved or missing objects is an important capability for robot tasks such as surveillance or maintaining order in homes, offices and industrial settings. However, current approaches do not distinguish between novel objects or simple scene readjustments nor do they sufficiently deal with localization error and sensor noise. To overcome these limitations, we combine the strengths of ..."} {"title": "HeatNet: Bridging the Day-Night Domain Gap in Semantic Segmentation with Thermal Images", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341192/", "author_list": ["Johan Vertens", "Jannik Z\u00fcrn", "Wolfram Burgard", "Johan Vertens", "Jannik Z\u00fcrn", "Wolfram Burgard"], "abstract": "The majority of learning-based semantic segmentation methods are optimized for daytime scenarios and favorable lighting conditions. Real-world driving scenarios, however, entail adverse environmental conditions such as nighttime illumination or glare which remain a challenge for existing approaches. In this work, we propose a multimodal semantic segmentation model that can be applied during daytim..."} {"title": "PBP-Net: Point Projection and Back-Projection Network for 3D Point Cloud Segmentation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341776/", "author_list": ["JuYoung Yang", "Chanho Lee", "Pyunghwan Ahn", "Haeil Lee", "Eojindl Yi", "Junmo Kim", "JuYoung Yang", "Chanho Lee", "Pyunghwan Ahn", "Haeil Lee", "Eojindl Yi", "Junmo Kim"], "abstract": "Following considerable development in 3D scanning technologies, many studies have recently been proposed with various approaches for 3D vision tasks, including some methods that utilize 2D convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, even though 2D CNNs have achieved high performance in many 2D vision tasks, existing works have not effectively applied them onto 3D vision tasks. In particular, se..."} {"title": "Single-Shot Panoptic Segmentation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341546/", "author_list": ["Mark Weber", "Jonathon Luiten", "Bastian Leibe", "Mark Weber", "Jonathon Luiten", "Bastian Leibe"], "abstract": "We present a novel end-to-end single-shot method that segments countable object instances (things) as well as background regions (stuff) into a non-overlapping panoptic segmentation at almost video frame rate. Current state-of-the-art methods are far from reaching video frame rate and mostly rely on merging instance segmentation with semantic background segmentation, making them impractical to use..."} {"title": "Meta-Learning Deep Visual Words for Fast Video Object Segmentation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341737/", "author_list": ["Harkirat Singh Behl", "Mohammad Naja", "Anurag Arnab", "Philip H.S. Torr", "Harkirat Singh Behl", "Mohammad Naja", "Anurag Arnab", "Philip H.S. Torr"], "abstract": "Personal robots and driverless cars need to be able to operate in novel environments and thus quickly and efficiently learn to recognise new object classes. We address this problem by considering the task of video object segmentation. Previous accurate methods for this task finetune a model using the first annotated frame, and/or use additional inputs such as optical flow and complex post-processi..."} {"title": "Fully Convolutional Geometric Features for Category-level Object Alignment", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341550/", "author_list": ["Qiaojun Feng", "Nikolay Atanasov", "Qiaojun Feng", "Nikolay Atanasov"], "abstract": "This paper focuses on pose registration of different object instances from the same category. This is required in online object mapping because object instances detected at test time usually differ from the training instances. Our approach transforms instances of the same category to a normalized canonical coordinate frame and uses metric learning to train fully convolutional geometric features. T..."} {"title": "Towards Unsupervised Learning for Instrument Segmentation in Robotic Surgery with Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340816/", "author_list": ["Daniil Pakhomov", "Wei Shen", "Nassir Navab", "Daniil Pakhomov", "Wei Shen", "Nassir Navab"], "abstract": "Surgical tool segmentation in endoscopic images is an important problem: it is a crucial step towards full instrument pose estimation and it is used for integration of pre- and intra-operative images into the endoscopic view. While many recent approaches based on convolutional neural networks have shown great results, a key barrier to progress lies in the acquisition of a large number of manually-..."} {"title": "LiDAR Panoptic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340837/", "author_list": ["Andres Milioto", "Jens Behley", "Chris McCool", "Cyrill Stachniss", "Andres Milioto", "Jens Behley", "Chris McCool", "Cyrill Stachniss"], "abstract": "Truly autonomous driving without the need for human intervention can only be attained when self-driving cars fully understand their surroundings. Most of these vehicles rely on a suite of active and passive sensors. LiDAR sensors are a cornerstone in most of these hardware stacks, and leveraging them as a complement to other passive sensors such as RGB cameras is an enticing goal. Understanding th..."} {"title": "LiDAR guided Small obstacle Segmentation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341465/", "author_list": ["Aasheesh Singh", "Aditya Kamireddypalli", "Vineet Gandhi", "K Madhava Krishna", "Aasheesh Singh", "Aditya Kamireddypalli", "Vineet Gandhi", "K Madhava Krishna"], "abstract": "Detecting small obstacles on the road is critical for autonomous driving. In this paper, we present a method to reliably detect such obstacles through a multi-modal framework of sparse LiDAR(VLP-16) and Monocular vision. LiDAR is employed to provide additional context in the form of confidence maps to monocular segmentation networks. We show significant performance gains when the context is fed as..."} {"title": "Localizing Against Drawn Maps via Spline-Based Registration", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341630/", "author_list": ["Kevin Chen", "Marynel V\u00e1zquez", "Silvio Savarese", "Kevin Chen", "Marynel V\u00e1zquez", "Silvio Savarese"], "abstract": "We propose a method to facilitate robot navigation relative to sketched maps of human environments. Our main contribution centers around using thin plate splines for registering the robot's LIDAR observation with the hand-drawn maps. Thin plate splines are particularly effective for this task because they are able to handle many of the nonrigid deformations commonly seen in sketches of maps, which..."} {"title": "KR-Net: A Dependable Visual Kidnap Recovery Network for Indoor Spaces", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341597/", "author_list": ["Janghun Hyeon", "Dongwoo Kim", "Bumchul Jang", "Hyunga Choi", "Dong Hoon Yi", "Kyungho Yoo", "Jeongae Choi", "Nakju Doh", "Janghun Hyeon", "Dongwoo Kim", "Bumchul Jang", "Hyunga Choi", "Dong Hoon Yi", "Kyungho Yoo", "Jeongae Choi", "Nakju Doh"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a dependable visual kidnap recovery (KR) framework that pinpoints a unique pose in a given 3D map when a device is turned on. For this framework, we first develop indoor-GeM (i-GeM), which is an extension of GeM [1] but considerably more robust than other global descriptors [2]-[4], including GeM itself. Then, we propose a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based system c..."} {"title": "Mobile Robot Localization under Non-Gaussian noise using Correntropy Similarity Metric", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340795/", "author_list": ["Elerson R. S. Santos", "Marcos A. M. Vieira", "Gaurav S. Sukhatme", "Elerson R. S. Santos", "Marcos A. M. Vieira", "Gaurav S. Sukhatme"], "abstract": "In this paper, we study the localization problem under non-Gaussian noise. In particular, we consider systems that can be represented by a state transition and a measurement component. The state transition indicates how the system evolves given a control variable. The measurement component compares, for a given state, the received and predicted measurements. Here we consider a radio based range se..."} {"title": "SpoxelNet: Spherical Voxel-based Deep Place Recognition for 3D Point Clouds of Crowded Indoor Spaces", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341549/", "author_list": ["Min Young Chang", "Suyong Yeon", "Soohyun Ryu", "Donghwan Lee", "Min Young Chang", "Suyong Yeon", "Soohyun Ryu", "Donghwan Lee"], "abstract": "With its essential role in achieving full autonomy of robot navigation, place recognition has been widely studied with various approaches. Recently, numerous point cloud-based methods with deep learning implementation have been proposed with promising results for their application in outdoor environments. However, their performances are not as promising in indoor spaces because of the high level o..."} {"title": "Online Localization with Imprecise Floor Space Maps using Stochastic Gradient Descent", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340793/", "author_list": ["Zhikai Li", "Marcelo H. Ang", "Daniela Rus", "Zhikai Li", "Marcelo H. Ang", "Daniela Rus"], "abstract": "Many indoor spaces have constantly changing layouts and may not be mapped by an autonomous vehicle, yet maps such as floor plans or evacuation maps of these places are common. We propose a method for an autonomous robot to localize itself on such maps with inconsistent scale using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with scan matching using a 2D LiDAR. We also introduce a new scale state in 2D local..."} {"title": "BIT-VO: Visual Odometry at 300 FPS using Binary Features from the Focal Plane", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341151/", "author_list": ["Riku Murai", "Sajad Saeedi", "Paul H. J. Kelly", "Riku Murai", "Sajad Saeedi", "Paul H. J. Kelly"], "abstract": "Focal-plane Sensor-processor (FPSP) is a next-generation camera technology which enables every pixel on the sensor chip to perform computation in parallel, on the focal plane where the light intensity is captured. SCAMP-5 is a general-purpose FPSP used in this work and it carries out computations in the analog domain before analog to digital conversion. By extracting features from the image on the..."} {"title": "Utilizing Sacrificial Molding for Embedding Motion Controlling Endostructures in Soft Pneumatic Actuators", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341280/", "author_list": ["Ajinkya Bhat", "Raye Chen-Hua Yeow", "Ajinkya Bhat", "Raye Chen-Hua Yeow"], "abstract": "The field of soft robotics has evolved as a domain for developing light, compliant and safe actuators. However, one of the challenges in the field is the lack of repeatable fabrication techniques as well as customizability that restricts the application of soft robots. We present a fabrication technique using sacrificial molding to fabricate pneumatic channels that are repeatable and less prone to..."} {"title": "Simultaneous position-stiffness control of antagonistically driven twisted-coiled polymer actuators using model predictive control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340727/", "author_list": ["Tuan Luong", "Kihyeon Kim", "Sungwon Seo", "Jeongmin Jeon", "Ja Choon Koo", "Hyouk Ryeol Choi", "Hyungpil Moon", "Tuan Luong", "Kihyeon Kim", "Sungwon Seo", "Jeongmin Jeon", "Ja Choon Koo", "Hyouk Ryeol Choi", "Hyungpil Moon"], "abstract": "Super-coiled polymer (SCP) artificial muscles have many interesting properties that show potentials for making high performance bionic devices. To realize human-like robotic devices from this type of actuator, it is important for the SCP driven mechanisms to achieve human-like performance, such as compliant behaviors through antagonistic mechanisms. This paper presents the simultaneous position-st..."} {"title": "Towards Gradient-Based Actuation of Magnetic Soft Robots Using a Six-Coil Electromagnetic System", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341172/", "author_list": ["Venkatasubramanian Kalpathy Venkiteswaran", "Sarthak Misra", "Venkatasubramanian Kalpathy Venkiteswaran", "Sarthak Misra"], "abstract": "Soft materials with embedded magnetic properties can be actuated in a contactless manner for dexterous motion in restricted and unstructured environments. Magnetic soft robots have been demonstrated to be capable of versatile and programmable untethered motion. However, magnetic soft robots reported in literature are typically actuated by utilizing magnetic fields to generate torques that produce ..."} {"title": "Model Identification of a Soft Robotic Neck", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341779/", "author_list": ["Fernando Quevedo", "Jorge Mu\u00f1oz Ya\u00f1ez-Barnuevo", "Juan A. Castano", "Concepci\u00f3n A. Monje", "Carlos Balaguer", "Fernando Quevedo", "Jorge Mu\u00f1oz Ya\u00f1ez-Barnuevo", "Juan A. Castano", "Concepci\u00f3n A. Monje", "Carlos Balaguer"], "abstract": "Soft links and actuators are nowadays emerging technologies aiming to overcome some problems in robotics such as weight, cost or human interaction. However, the nonlinear nature of their elements can make their characterization challenging and hinder the use of standard control engineering tools. In this paper, we explore different state-of-the-art identification methods for the soft neck, in orde..."} {"title": "Observer-based Control of Inflatable Robot with Variable Stiffness", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341785/", "author_list": ["Ahmad Ataka", "Taqi Abrar", "Fabrizio Putzu", "Hareesh Godaba", "Kaspar Althoefer", "Ahmad Ataka", "Taqi Abrar", "Fabrizio Putzu", "Hareesh Godaba", "Kaspar Althoefer"], "abstract": "In the last decade, soft robots have been at the forefront of a robotic revolution. Due to the flexibility of the soft materials employed, soft robots are equipped with a capability to execute new tasks in new application areas -beyond what can be achieved using classical rigid-link robots. Despite these promising properties, many soft robots nowadays lack the capability to exert sufficient force ..."} {"title": "Solving Cosserat Rod Models via Collocation and the Magnus Expansion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340827/", "author_list": ["Andrew L. Orekhov", "Nabil Simaan", "Andrew L. Orekhov", "Nabil Simaan"], "abstract": "Choosing a kinematic model for a continuum robot typically involves making a tradeoff between accuracy and computational complexity. One common modeling approach is to use the Cosserat rod equations, which have been shown to be accurate for many types of continuum robots. This approach, however, still presents significant computational cost, particularly when many Cosserat rods are coupled via kin..."} {"title": "Design of Fully Soft Actuator with Double-Helix Tendon Routing Path for Twisting Motion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341363/", "author_list": ["Joonmyeong Choi", "Se Hyeok Ahn", "Kyu-Jin Cho", "Joonmyeong Choi", "Se Hyeok Ahn", "Kyu-Jin Cho"], "abstract": "Soft actuators have been widely studied in recent years because of their ability to adapt to diverse environments and safely interact with humans. Their softness broadens their potential range of medical applications since they can provide inherent safety. Among the various motions a soft robot can perform, \"torsion\" can maximize the efficiency of motion in confined spaces like the human abdominal..."} {"title": "Design of a Highly-Maneuverable Pneumatic Soft Actuator Driven by Intrinsic SMA Coils (PneuSMA Actuator)", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340803/", "author_list": ["Emily A. Allen", "John P. Swensen", "Emily A. Allen", "John P. Swensen"], "abstract": "This paper presents the design of a new soft pneumatic actuator whose direction and magnitude of bending may be precisely controlled via activation of different shape memory alloy (SMA) springs within the actuator, in conjunction with pneumatic actuation. This design is inspired by examples seen in nature such as the human tongue, where the combination of hydrostatic pressure and contraction of in..."} {"title": "Multi-Modal Pneumatic Actuator for Twisting, Extension, and Bending", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341555/", "author_list": ["Roman Balak", "Yi Chen Mazumdar", "Roman Balak", "Yi Chen Mazumdar"], "abstract": "Soft pneumatic actuators are commonly used in robotics for creating single-axis compression, extension, or bending motions. If these actuators are composed of compliant materials, they can also have low off-axis stiffnesses, making it difficult to restrict off-axis motions. In this work, we exploit the low off-axis stiffnesses of pneumatic actuators to design a modular actuator system that is capa..."} {"title": "The Multi-material Actuator for Variable Stiffness (MAVS): Design, Modeling, and Characterization of a Soft Actuator for Lateral Ankle Support", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341430/", "author_list": ["Carly M. Thalman", "Tiffany Hertzell", "Marielle Debeurre", "Hyunglae Lee", "Carly M. Thalman", "Tiffany Hertzell", "Marielle Debeurre", "Hyunglae Lee"], "abstract": "This paper presents the design of the Multi-material Actuator for Variable Stiffness (MAVS), which consists of an inflatable soft fabric actuator fixed between two layers of rigid retainer pieces. The MAVS is designed to be integrated with a soft robotic ankle-foot orthosis (SR-AFO) exosuit to aid in supporting the human ankle in the inversion/eversion directions. This design aims to assist indivi..."} {"title": "Meta-Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Industrial Insertion Tasks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340848/", "author_list": ["Gerrit Schoettler", "Ashvin Nair", "Juan Aparicio Ojea", "Sergey Levine", "Eugen Solowjow", "Gerrit Schoettler", "Ashvin Nair", "Juan Aparicio Ojea", "Sergey Levine", "Eugen Solowjow"], "abstract": "Robotic insertion tasks are characterized by contact and friction mechanics, making them challenging for conventional feedback control methods due to unmodeled physical effects. Reinforcement learning (RL) is a promising approach for learning control policies in such settings. However, RL can be unsafe during exploration and might require a large amount of real-world training data, which is expens..."} {"title": "Learning Motion Parameterizations of Mobile Pick and Place Actions from Observing Humans in Virtual Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341458/", "author_list": ["Gayane Kazhoyan", "Alina Hawkin", "Sebastian Koralewski", "Andrei Haidu", "Michael Beetz", "Gayane Kazhoyan", "Alina Hawkin", "Sebastian Koralewski", "Andrei Haidu", "Michael Beetz"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present an approach and an implemented pipeline for transferring data acquired from observing humans in virtual environments onto robots acting in the real world, and adapting the data accordingly to achieve successful task execution. We demonstrate our pipeline by inferring seven different symbolic and subsymbolic motion parameters of mobile pick and place actions, which allows ..."} {"title": "A control scheme for haptic inspection and partial modification of kinematic behaviors", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341594/", "author_list": ["Dimitrios Papageorgiou", "Zoe Doulgeri", "Dimitrios Papageorgiou", "Zoe Doulgeri"], "abstract": "Over the last decades, Learning from Demonstration (LfD) has become a widely accepted solution for the problem of robot programming. According to LfD, the kinematic behavior is \"taught\" to the robot, based on a set of motion demonstrations performed by the human-teacher. The demonstrations can be either captured via kinesthetic teaching or external sensors, e.g., a camera. In this work, a controll..."} {"title": "Goal-driven variable admittance control for robot manual guidance", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341722/", "author_list": ["Davide Bazzi", "Miriam Lapertosa", "Andrea Maria Zanchettin", "Paolo Rocco", "Davide Bazzi", "Miriam Lapertosa", "Andrea Maria Zanchettin", "Paolo Rocco"], "abstract": "In this paper we address variable admittance control for human-robot physical interaction in manual guidance applications. In the proposed solution, the parameters of the admittance filter can change not only as a function of the current state of motion (i.e. whether the human guiding the robot ia accelerating or decelerating) but also with reference to a predefined goal position. The human is in ..."} {"title": "Physical Human-Robot Interaction with Real Active Surfaces using Haptic Rendering on Point Clouds", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341053/", "author_list": ["Michael Sommerhalder", "Yves Zimmermann", "Burak Cizmeci", "Robert Riener", "Marco Hutter", "Michael Sommerhalder", "Yves Zimmermann", "Burak Cizmeci", "Robert Riener", "Marco Hutter"], "abstract": "During robot-assisted therapy of hemiplegic patients, interaction with the patient must be intrinsically safe. Straight-forward collision avoidance solutions can provide this safety requirement with conservative margins. These margins heavily reduce the robot's workspace and make interaction with the patient's unguided body parts impossible. However, interaction with the own body is highly benefic..."} {"title": "Human-Drone Interaction for Aerially Manipulated Drilling using Haptic Feedback", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340726/", "author_list": ["Dongbin Kim", "Paul Y. Oh", "Dongbin Kim", "Paul Y. Oh"], "abstract": "This paper presents a concept for haptic-based human-in-the-loop aerial manipulation for drilling. The concept serves as a case study for designing the human-drone interface to remotely drill with a mobile-manipulating drone. The notion of the work stems from using drones to perform dangerous tasks like material assembly, sensor insertion while being vertically elevated from bridge, wind turbine, ..."} {"title": "Design and Implementation of a Haptic Measurement Glove to Create Realistic Human-Telerobot Interactions", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340976/", "author_list": ["Evan Capelle", "William N. Benson", "Zachary Anderson", "Jerry B. Weinberg", "Jenna L. Gorlewicz", "Evan Capelle", "William N. Benson", "Zachary Anderson", "Jerry B. Weinberg", "Jenna L. Gorlewicz"], "abstract": "Although research indicates that telepresence robots offer a more socially telepresent alternative to conventional forms of remote communication, the lack of touch-based interactions presents challenges for both remote and local users. In order to address these challenges, we have designed and implemented a robotic manipulator emulating a human arm. However, contact interactions like handshakes wi..."} {"title": "Feeling the True Force in Haptic Telepresence for Flying Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341778/", "author_list": ["Alexander Moortgat-Pick", "Anna Adamczyk", "Teodor Tomi\u0107", "Sami Haddadin", "Alexander Moortgat-Pick", "Anna Adamczyk", "Teodor Tomi\u0107", "Sami Haddadin"], "abstract": "Haptic feedback in teleoperation of flying robots can enable safe flight in unknown and densely cluttered environments. It is typically part of the robot's control scheme and used to aid navigation and collision avoidance via artificial force fields displayed to the operator. However, to achieve fully immersive embodiment in this context, high fidelity force feedback is needed. In this paper we pr..."} {"title": "Barometer-based Tactile Skin for Anthropomorphic Robot Hand", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341691/", "author_list": ["Risto K\u00f5iva", "Tobias Schwank", "Guillaume Walck", "Martin Meier", "Robert Haschke", "Helge Ritter", "Risto K\u00f5iva", "Tobias Schwank", "Guillaume Walck", "Martin Meier", "Robert Haschke", "Helge Ritter"], "abstract": "We present our second generation tactile sensor for the Shadow Dexterous Hand's palm. We were able to significantly improve the tactile sensor characteristics by utilizing our latest barometer-based tactile sensing technology with linear (R2 \u2265 0.9996) sensor output and no noticeable hysteresis. The sensitivity threshold of the tactile cells and the spatial density were both dramatically increased...."} {"title": "Adaptive Potential Scanning for a Tomographic Tactile Sensor with High Spatio-Temporal Resolution", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341436/", "author_list": ["Hiroki Mitsubayashi", "Shunsuke Yoshimoto", "Akio Yamamoto", "Hiroki Mitsubayashi", "Shunsuke Yoshimoto", "Akio Yamamoto"], "abstract": "A tactile sensor with high spatio-temporal resolution will greatly contribute to improving the performance of object recognition and human interaction in robots. In addition, being able to switch between higher spatial and higher temporal resolution will allow for more versatile sensing. To realize such a sensor, this paper introduces a method of increasing the sensing electrodes and adaptively se..."} {"title": "A Biomimetic Tactile Fingerprint Induces Incipient Slip", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341310/", "author_list": ["Jasper W. James", "Stephen J. Redmond", "Nathan F. Lepora", "Jasper W. James", "Stephen J. Redmond", "Nathan F. Lepora"], "abstract": "We present a modified TacTip biomimetic optical tactile sensor design which demonstrates the ability to induce and detect incipient slip, as confirmed by recording the movement of markers on the sensor's external surface. Incipient slip is defined as slippage of part, but not all, of the contact surface between the sensor and object. The addition of ridges - which mimic the friction ridges in the ..."} {"title": "Noncontact Estimation of Stiffness Based on Optical Coherence Elastography under Acoustic Radiation Pressure", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341235/", "author_list": ["Yuki Hashimoto", "Yasuaki Monnai", "Yuki Hashimoto", "Yasuaki Monnai"], "abstract": "In this study, we propose a method of noncontact elastography, which allows us to investigate stiffness of soft structures by combining optical and acoustic modalities. We use optical coherence tomography (OCT) as a means of detecting internal deformation of a sample appearing in response to a mechanical force applied by acoustic radiation pressure. Unlike most of other stiffness sensing, this met..."} {"title": "Deep Tactile Experience: Estimating Tactile Sensor Output from Depth Sensor Data", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341596/", "author_list": ["Karankumar Patel", "Soshi Iba", "Nawid Jamali", "Karankumar Patel", "Soshi Iba", "Nawid Jamali"], "abstract": "Tactile sensing is inherently contact based. To use tactile data, robots need to make contact with the surface of an object. This is inefficient in applications where an agent needs to make a decision between multiple alternatives that depend the physical properties of the contact location. We propose a method to get tactile data in a non-invasive manner. The proposed method estimates the output o..."} {"title": "Learning to Live Life on the Edge: Online Learning for Data-Efficient Tactile Contour Following", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341565/", "author_list": ["Elizabeth A. Stone", "Nathan F. Lepora", "David A.W. Barton", "Elizabeth A. Stone", "Nathan F. Lepora", "David A.W. Barton"], "abstract": "Tactile sensing has been used for a variety of robotic exploration and manipulation tasks but a common constraint is a requirement for a large amount of training data. This paper addresses the issue of data-efficiency by proposing a novel method for online learning based on a Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model (GP-LVM), whereby the robot learns from tactile data whilst performing a contour fol..."} {"title": "Interactive Tactile Perception for Classification of Novel Object Instances", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341795/", "author_list": ["Radu Corcodel", "Siddarth Jain", "Jeroen van Baar", "Radu Corcodel", "Siddarth Jain", "Jeroen van Baar"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present a novel approach for classification of unseen object instances from interactive tactile feedback. Furthermore, we demonstrate the utility of a low resolution tactile sensor array for tactile perception that can potentially close the gap between vision and physical contact for manipulation. We contrast our sensor to high-resolution camera-based tactile sensors. Our propose..."} {"title": "Walking on TacTip toes: A tactile sensing foot for walking robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340926/", "author_list": ["Elizabeth A. Stone", "Nathan F. Lepora", "David A.W. Barton", "Elizabeth A. Stone", "Nathan F. Lepora", "David A.W. Barton"], "abstract": "Little research into tactile feet has been done for walking robots despite the benefits such feedback could give when walking on uneven terrain. This paper describes the development of a simple, robust and inexpensive tactile foot for legged robots based on a high-resolution biomimetic TacTip tactile sensor. Several design improvements were made to facilitate tactile sensing while walking, includi..."} {"title": "TactileSGNet: A Spiking Graph Neural Network for Event-based Tactile Object Recognition", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341421/", "author_list": ["Fuqiang Gu", "Weicong Sng", "Tasbolat Taunyazov", "Harold Soh", "Fuqiang Gu", "Weicong Sng", "Tasbolat Taunyazov", "Harold Soh"], "abstract": "Tactile perception is crucial for a variety of robot tasks including grasping and in-hand manipulation. New advances in flexible, event-driven, electronic skins may soon endow robots with touch perception capabilities similar to humans. These electronic skins respond asynchronously to changes (e.g., in pressure, temperature), and can be laid out irregularly on the robot\u2019s body or end-effector. How..."} {"title": "A Miniaturised Neuromorphic Tactile Sensor integrated with an Anthropomorphic Robot Hand", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341391/", "author_list": ["Benjamin Ward-Cherrier", "J\u00f6rg Conradt", "Manuel G. Catalano", "Matteo Bianchi", "Nathan F. Lepora", "Benjamin Ward-Cherrier", "J\u00f6rg Conradt", "Manuel G. Catalano", "Matteo Bianchi", "Nathan F. Lepora"], "abstract": "Restoring tactile sensation is essential to enable in-hand manipulation and the smooth, natural control of upper-limb prosthetic devices. Here we present a platform to contribute to that long-term vision, combining an anthropomorphic robot hand (QB SoftHand) with a neuromorphic optical tactile sensor (neuroTac). Neuromorphic sensors aim to produce efficient, spike-based representations of informat..."} {"title": "Fast Texture Classification Using Tactile Neural Coding and Spiking Neural Network", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340693/", "author_list": ["Tasbolat Taunyazov", "Yansong Chua", "Ruihan Gao", "Harold Soh", "Yan Wu", "Tasbolat Taunyazov", "Yansong Chua", "Ruihan Gao", "Harold Soh", "Yan Wu"], "abstract": "Touch is arguably the most important sensing modality in physical interactions. However, tactile sensing has been largely under-explored in robotics applications owing to the complexity in making perceptual inferences until the recent advancements in machine learning or deep learning in particular. Touch perception is strongly influenced by both its temporal dimension similar to audition and its s..."} {"title": "Spatio-temporal Attention Model for Tactile Texture Recognition", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341333/", "author_list": ["Guanqun Cao", "Yi Zhou", "Danushka Bollegala", "Shan Luo", "Guanqun Cao", "Yi Zhou", "Danushka Bollegala", "Shan Luo"], "abstract": "Recently, tactile sensing has attracted great interest in robotics, especially for facilitating exploration of unstructured environments and effective manipulation. A detailed understanding of the surface textures via tactile sensing is essential for many of these tasks. Previous works on texture recognition using camera based tactile sensors have been limited to treating all regions in one tactil..."} {"title": "GelTip: A Finger-shaped Optical Tactile Sensor for Robotic Manipulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340881/", "author_list": ["Daniel Fernandes Gomes", "Zhonglin Lin", "Shan Luo", "Daniel Fernandes Gomes", "Zhonglin Lin", "Shan Luo"], "abstract": "Sensing contacts throughout the fingers is an essential capability for a robot to perform manipulation tasks in cluttered environments. However, existing tactile sensors either only have a flat sensing surface or a compliant tip with a limited sensing area. In this paper, we propose a novel optical tactile sensor, the GelTip, that is shaped as a finger and can sense contacts on any location of its..."} {"title": "Highly Underactuated Radial Gripper for Automated Planar Grasping and Part Fixturing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341103/", "author_list": ["Vatsal V. Patel", "Andrew S. Morgan", "Aaron M. Dollar", "Vatsal V. Patel", "Andrew S. Morgan", "Aaron M. Dollar"], "abstract": "Grasping can be conceptualized as the ability of an end-effector to temporarily attach or fixture an object to a manipulator-constraining all motion of the workpiece with respect to the end-effector's base frame. This seemingly simplistic action often requires excessive sensing, computation, or control to achieve with multi-fingered hands, which can be mitigated with underactuated mechanisms. In t..."} {"title": "Soft-bubble grippers for robust and perceptive manipulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341534/", "author_list": ["Naveen Kuppuswamy", "Alex Alspach", "Avinash Uttamchandani", "Sam Creasey", "Takuya Ikeda", "Russ Tedrake", "Naveen Kuppuswamy", "Alex Alspach", "Avinash Uttamchandani", "Sam Creasey", "Takuya Ikeda", "Russ Tedrake"], "abstract": "Manipulation in cluttered environments like homes requires stable grasps, precise placement and robustness against external contact. Towards addressing these challenges, we present the Soft-bubble gripper system that combines highly compliant gripping surfaces with dense-geometry visuotactile sensing and facilitates multiple kinds of tactile perception. We first present several mechanical design a..."} {"title": "Design and Experimentation of a Variable Stiffness Bistable Gripper", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341497/", "author_list": ["Elisha Lerner", "Haijie Zhang", "Jianguo Zhao", "Elisha Lerner", "Haijie Zhang", "Jianguo Zhao"], "abstract": "Grasping and manipulating objects is an integral part of many robotic systems. Both soft and rigid grippers have been investigated for manipulating objects in a multitude of different roles. Rigid grippers can hold heavy objects and apply large amounts of force, while soft grippers can conform to the size and shape of objects as well as protect fragile objects from excess stress. However, grippers..."} {"title": "Friction Identification in a Pneumatic Gripper", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341593/", "author_list": ["Rocco A. Romeo", "Marco Maggiali", "Daniele Pucci", "Luca Fiorio", "Rocco A. Romeo", "Marco Maggiali", "Daniele Pucci", "Luca Fiorio"], "abstract": "Mechanical systems are typically composed of a number of contacting surfaces that move against each other. Such surfaces are subject to friction forces. These dissipate part of the actuation energy and cause an undesired effect on the overall system functioning. Therefore, a suitable model of friction is needed to elide its action. The choice of such a model is not always straightforward, as it is..."} {"title": "Vision and force based autonomous coating with rollers", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341619/", "author_list": ["Yayun Du", "Zhaoxing Deng", "Zicheng Fang", "Yunbo Wang", "Taiki Nagata", "Karan Bansal", "Mohiuddin Quadir", "Mohammad Khalid Jawed", "Yayun Du", "Zhaoxing Deng", "Zicheng Fang", "Yunbo Wang", "Taiki Nagata", "Karan Bansal", "Mohiuddin Quadir", "Mohammad Khalid Jawed"], "abstract": "Coating rollers are widely popular in structural painting, in comparison with brushes and sprayers, due to thicker paint layer, better color consistency, and effortless customizability of holder frame and naps. In this paper, we introduce a cost-effective method to employ a general purpose robot (Sawyer, Rethink Robotics) for autonomous coating. To sense the position and the shape of the target ob..."} {"title": "Information Driven Self-Calibration for Lidar-Inertial Systems", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341612/", "author_list": ["Mitchell Usayiwevu", "Cedric Le Gentil", "Jasprabhjit Mehami", "Chanyeol Yoo", "Robert Fitch", "Teresa Vidal-Calleja", "Mitchell Usayiwevu", "Cedric Le Gentil", "Jasprabhjit Mehami", "Chanyeol Yoo", "Robert Fitch", "Teresa Vidal-Calleja"], "abstract": "Multi-modal estimation systems have the advantage of increased accuracy and robustness. To achieve accurate sensor fusion with these types of systems, a reliable extrinsic calibration between each sensor pair is critical. This paper presents a novel self-calibration framework for lidar-inertial systems. The key idea of this work is to use an informative path planner to find the admissible path tha..."} {"title": "Targetless Calibration of LiDAR-IMU System Based on Continuous-time Batch Estimation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341405/", "author_list": ["Jiajun Lv", "Jinhong Xu", "Kewei Hu", "Yong Liu", "Xingxing Zuo", "Jiajun Lv", "Jinhong Xu", "Kewei Hu", "Yong Liu", "Xingxing Zuo"], "abstract": "Sensor calibration is the fundamental block for a multi-sensor fusion system. This paper presents an accurate and repeatable LiDAR-IMU calibration method (termed LI-Calib), to calibrate the 6-DOF extrinsic transformation between the 3D LiDAR and the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). Regarding the high data capture rate for LiDAR and IMU sensors, LI-Calib adopts a continuous-time trajectory formulat..."} {"title": "Extrinsic and Temporal Calibration of Automotive Radar and 3D LiDAR", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341715/", "author_list": ["Chia-Le Lee", "Yu-Han Hsueh", "Chieh-Chih Wang", "Wen-Chieh Lin", "Chia-Le Lee", "Yu-Han Hsueh", "Chieh-Chih Wang", "Wen-Chieh Lin"], "abstract": "While automotive radars are widely used in most assisted and autonomous driving systems, only a few works were proposed to tackle the calibration problems of automotive radars with other perception sensors. One of the key calibration challenges of automotive planar radars with other sensors is the missing elevation angle in 3D space. In this paper, extrinsic calibration is accomplished based on th..."} {"title": "Robust Pedestrian Tracking in Crowd Scenarios Using an Adaptive GMM-based Framework", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341463/", "author_list": ["Shuyang Zhang", "Di Wang", "Fulong Ma", "Chao Qin", "Zhengyong Chen", "Ming Liu", "Shuyang Zhang", "Di Wang", "Fulong Ma", "Chao Qin", "Zhengyong Chen", "Ming Liu"], "abstract": "In this paper, we address the issue of pedestrian tracking in crowd scenarios. People in close social relationships tend to act as a group which is a great challenge to individually discriminate and track pedestrians on a LiDAR system. In this paper, we integrally model groups of people and track them in a recursive framework based on Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). The model is optimized by an exte..."} {"title": "Towards Understanding and Inferring the Crowd: Guided Second Order Attention Networks and Re-identification for Multi-object Tracking", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341625/", "author_list": ["Niraj Bhujel", "Li Jun", "Yau Wei Yun", "Han Wang", "Niraj Bhujel", "Li Jun", "Yau Wei Yun", "Han Wang"], "abstract": "Multi-human tracking in the crowded environment is a challenging problem due to occlusions, pose change, viewpoint variation and cluttered background. In this work, we propose a robust feature learning for tracking-by-detection methods based on second-order attention network that can capture higher-order relationships between salient features at the early stages of Convolutional Neural Network (CN..."} {"title": "Relational Graph Learning for Crowd Navigation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340705/", "author_list": ["Changan Chen", "Sha Hu", "Payam Nikdel", "Greg Mori", "Manolis Savva", "Changan Chen", "Sha Hu", "Payam Nikdel", "Greg Mori", "Manolis Savva"], "abstract": "We present a relational graph learning approach for robotic crowd navigation using model-based deep reinforcement learning that plans actions by looking into the future. Our approach reasons about the relations between all agents based on their latent features and uses a Graph Convolutional Network to encode higher-order interactions in each agent\u2019s state representation, which is subsequently leve..."} {"title": "Domain Adaptation for Outdoor Robot Traversability Estimation from RGB data with Safety-Preserving Loss", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341044/", "author_list": ["Simone Palazzo", "Dario C. Guastella", "Luciano Cantelli", "Paolo Spadaro", "Francesco Rundo", "Giovanni Muscato", "Daniela Giordano", "Concetto Spampinato", "Simone Palazzo", "Dario C. Guastella", "Luciano Cantelli", "Paolo Spadaro", "Francesco Rundo", "Giovanni Muscato", "Daniela Giordano", "Concetto Spampinato"], "abstract": "Being able to estimate the traversability of the area surrounding a mobile robot is a fundamental task in the design of a navigation algorithm. However, the task is often complex, since it requires evaluating distances from obstacles, type and slope of terrain, and dealing with non-obvious discontinuities in detected distances due to perspective. In this paper, we present an approach based on deep..."} {"title": "SideGuide:A Large-scale Sidewalk Dataset for Guiding Impaired People", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340734/", "author_list": ["Kibaek Park", "Youngtaek Oh", "Soomin Ham", "Kyungdon Joo", "Hyokyoung Kim", "Hyoyoung Kum", "In So Kweon", "Kibaek Park", "Youngtaek Oh", "Soomin Ham", "Kyungdon Joo", "Hyokyoung Kim", "Hyoyoung Kum", "In So Kweon"], "abstract": "In this paper, we introduce a new large-scale sidewalk dataset called SideGuide that could potentially help impaired people. Unlike most previous datasets, which are focused on road environments, we paid attention to sidewalks, where understanding the environment could provide the potential for improved walking of humans, especially impaired people. Concretely, we interviewed impaired people and c..."} {"title": "Deep Depth Estimation from Visual-Inertial SLAM", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341448/", "author_list": ["Kourosh Sartipi", "Tien Do", "Tong Ke", "Khiem Vuong", "Stergios I. Roumeliotis", "Kourosh Sartipi", "Tien Do", "Tong Ke", "Khiem Vuong", "Stergios I. Roumeliotis"], "abstract": "This paper addresses the problem of learning to complete a scene's depth from sparse depth points and images of indoor scenes. Specifically, we study the case in which the sparse depth is computed from a visual-inertial simultaneous localization and mapping (VI-SLAM) system. The resulting point cloud has low density, it is noisy, and has nonuniform spatial distribution, as compared to the input fr..."} {"title": "Self-Supervised Attention Learning for Depth and Ego-motion Estimation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340820/", "author_list": ["Assem Sadek", "Boris Chidlovskii", "Assem Sadek", "Boris Chidlovskii"], "abstract": "We address the problem of depth and ego-motion estimation from image sequences. Recent advances in the domain propose to train a deep learning model for both tasks using image reconstruction in a self-supervised manner. We revise the assumptions and the limitations of the current approaches and propose two improvements to boost the performance of the depth and ego-motion estimation. We first use L..."} {"title": "DiPE: Deeper into Photometric Errors for Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Ego-motion from Monocular Videos", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341074/", "author_list": ["Hualie Jiang", "Laiyan Ding", "Zhenglong Sun", "Rui Huang", "Hualie Jiang", "Laiyan Ding", "Zhenglong Sun", "Rui Huang"], "abstract": "Unsupervised learning of depth and ego-motion from unlabelled monocular videos has recently drawn great attention, which avoids the use of expensive ground truth in the supervised one. It achieves this by using the photometric errors between the target view and the synthesized views from its adjacent source views as the loss. Despite significant progress, the learning still suffers from occlusion ..."} {"title": "NBVC: A Benchmark for Depth Estimation from Narrow-Baseline Video Clips", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340817/", "author_list": ["Philippos Mordohai", "Konstantinos Batsos", "Ameesh Makadia", "Noah Snavely", "Philippos Mordohai", "Konstantinos Batsos", "Ameesh Makadia", "Noah Snavely"], "abstract": "We present a benchmark for online, video-based depth estimation, a problem that is not covered by the current set of benchmarks for evaluating 3D reconstruction, which focus on offline, batch reconstruction. Online depth estimation from video captured by a moving camera is a key enabling technology for compelling applications in robotics and augmented reality. Inspired by progress in many aspects ..."} {"title": "LaNoising: A Data-driven Approach for 903nm ToF LiDAR Performance Modeling under Fog", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341178/", "author_list": ["Tao Yang", "You Li", "Yassine Ruichek", "Zhi Yan", "Tao Yang", "You Li", "Yassine Ruichek", "Zhi Yan"], "abstract": "As a critical sensor for high-level autonomous vehicles, LiDAR's limitations in adverse weather (e.g. rain, fog, snow, etc.) impede the deployment of self-driving cars in all weather conditions. In this paper, we model the performance of a popular 903nm ToF LiDAR under various fog conditions based on a LiDAR dataset collected in a well-controlled artificial fog chamber. Specifically, a two-stage d..."} {"title": "360\u00b0 Depth Estimation from Multiple Fisheye Images with Origami Crown Representation of Icosahedron", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340981/", "author_list": ["Ren Komatsu", "Hiromitsu Fujii", "Yusuke Tamura", "Atsushi Yamashita", "Hajime Asama", "Ren Komatsu", "Hiromitsu Fujii", "Yusuke Tamura", "Atsushi Yamashita", "Hajime Asama"], "abstract": "In this study, we present a method for all-around depth estimation from multiple omnidirectional images for indoor environments. In particular, we focus on plane-sweeping stereo as the method for depth estimation from the images. We propose a new icosahedron-based representation and ConvNets for omnidirectional images, which we name \"CrownConv\" because the representation resembles a crown made of ..."} {"title": "Video Depth Estimation by Fusing Flow-to-Depth Proposals", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341659/", "author_list": ["Jiaxin Xie", "Chenyang Lei", "Zhuwen Li", "Li Erran Li", "Qifeng Chen", "Jiaxin Xie", "Chenyang Lei", "Zhuwen Li", "Li Erran Li", "Qifeng Chen"], "abstract": "Depth from a monocular video can enable billions of devices and robots with a single camera to see the world in 3D. In this paper, we present a model for video depth estimation, which consists of a flow-to-depth layer, a camera pose refinement module, and a depth fusion network. Given optical flow and camera poses, our flow-to-depth layer generates depth proposals and their corresponding confidenc..."} {"title": "Unsupervised Depth and Confidence Prediction from Monocular Images using Bayesian Inference", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341024/", "author_list": ["Vishal Bhutani", "Madhu Vankadari", "Omprakash Jha", "Anima Majumder", "Swagat Kumar", "Samrat Dutta", "Vishal Bhutani", "Madhu Vankadari", "Omprakash Jha", "Anima Majumder", "Swagat Kumar", "Samrat Dutta"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose an unsupervised deep learning framework with Bayesian inference for improving the accuracy of per-pixel depth prediction from monocular RGB images. The proposed framework predicts confidence map along with depth and pose information for a given input image. The depth hypotheses from previous frames are propagated forward and fused with the depth hypothesis of the current ..."} {"title": "TT-TSDF: Memory-Efficient TSDF with Low-Rank Tensor Train Decomposition", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341464/", "author_list": ["Alexey I. Boyko", "Mikhail P. Matrosov", "Ivan V. Oseledets", "Dzmitry Tsetserukou", "Gonzalo Ferrer", "Alexey I. Boyko", "Mikhail P. Matrosov", "Ivan V. Oseledets", "Dzmitry Tsetserukou", "Gonzalo Ferrer"], "abstract": "In this paper we apply the low-rank Tensor Train decomposition for compression and operations on 3D objects and scenes represented by volumetric distance functions. Our study shows that not only it allows for a very efficient compression of the high-resolution TSDF maps (up to three orders of magnitude of the original memory footprint at resolution of 5123), but also allows to perform TSDF-Fusion ..."} {"title": "Fast Uncertainty Estimation for Deep Learning Based Optical Flow", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340963/", "author_list": ["Serin Lee", "Vincenzo Capuano", "Alexei Harvard", "Soon-Jo Chung", "Serin Lee", "Vincenzo Capuano", "Alexei Harvard", "Soon-Jo Chung"], "abstract": "We present a novel approach to reduce the processing time required to derive the estimation uncertainty map in deep learning-based optical flow determination methods. Without uncertainty aware reasoning, the optical flow model, especially when it is used for mission critical fields such as robotics and aerospace, can cause catastrophic failures. Although several approaches such as the ones based o..."} {"title": "Diagnose like a Clinician: Third-order Attention Guided Lesion Amplification Network for WCE Image Classification", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340750/", "author_list": ["Xiaohan Xing", "Yixuan Yuan", "Max Q.-H. Meng", "Xiaohan Xing", "Yixuan Yuan", "Max Q.-H. Meng"], "abstract": "Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) is a novel imaging tool that allows the noninvasive visualization of the entire gastrointestinal (GI) tract without causing discomfort to the patients. Although convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have obtained promising performance for the automatic lesion recognition, the results of the current approaches are still limited due to the small lesions and the backgr..."} {"title": "Wiping 3D-objects using Deep Learning Model based on Image/Force/Joint Information", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341275/", "author_list": ["Namiko Saito", "Danyang Wang", "Tetsuya Ogata", "Hiroki Mori", "Shigeki Sugano", "Namiko Saito", "Danyang Wang", "Tetsuya Ogata", "Hiroki Mori", "Shigeki Sugano"], "abstract": "We propose a deep learning model for a robot to wipe 3D-objects. Wiping of 3D-objects requires recognizing the shapes of objects and planning the motor angle adjustments for tracing the objects. Unlike previous research, our learning model does not require pre-designed computational models of target objects. The robot is able to wipe the objects to be placed by using image, force, and arm joint in..."} {"title": "D2VO: Monocular Deep Direct Visual Odometry", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341313/", "author_list": ["Qizeng Jia", "Yuechuan Pu", "Jingyu Chen", "Junda Cheng", "Chunyuan Liao", "Xin Yang", "Qizeng Jia", "Yuechuan Pu", "Jingyu Chen", "Junda Cheng", "Chunyuan Liao", "Xin Yang"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present a novel deep learning and direct method based monocular visual odometry system named D2VO. Our system reconstructs the dense depth map of each keyframe and tracks camera poses based on these keyframes. Combining direct method and deep learning, both tracking and mapping of the system could benefit from the geometric measurement and semantic information. For each input fra..."} {"title": "CalibRCNN: Calibrating Camera and LiDAR by Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network and Geometric Constraints", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341147/", "author_list": ["Jieying Shi", "Ziheng Zhu", "Jianhua Zhang", "Ruyu Liu", "Zhenhua Wang", "Shengyong Chen", "Honghai Liu", "Jieying Shi", "Ziheng Zhu", "Jianhua Zhang", "Ruyu Liu", "Zhenhua Wang", "Shengyong Chen", "Honghai Liu"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present Calibration Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network (CalibRCNN) to infer a 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) rigid body transformation between 3D LiDAR and 2D camera. Different from the existing methods, our 3D-2D CalibRCNN not only uses the LSTM network to extract the temporal features between 3D point clouds and RGB images of consecutive frames, but also uses the geometric loss..."} {"title": "Latent Replay for Real-Time Continual Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341460/", "author_list": ["Lorenzo Pellegrini", "Gabriele Graffieti", "Vincenzo Lomonaco", "Davide Maltoni", "Lorenzo Pellegrini", "Gabriele Graffieti", "Vincenzo Lomonaco", "Davide Maltoni"], "abstract": "Training deep neural networks at the edge on light computational devices, embedded systems and robotic platforms is nowadays very challenging. Continual learning techniques, where complex models are incrementally trained on small batches of new data, can make the learning problem tractable even for CPU-only embedded devices enabling remarkable levels of adaptiveness and autonomy. However, a number..."} {"title": "Learning to Switch CNNs with Model Agnostic Meta Learning for Fine Precision Visual Servoing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341756/", "author_list": ["Prem Raj", "Vinay P. Namboodiri", "L. Behera", "Prem Raj", "Vinay P. Namboodiri", "L. Behera"], "abstract": "Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been successfully applied for relative camera pose estimation from labeled image-pair data, without requiring any handengineered features, camera intrinsic parameters or depth information. The trained CNN can be utilized for performing pose based visual servo control (PBVS). One of the ways to improve the quality of visual servo output is to improve the ac..."} {"title": "HD Map Change Detection with Cross-Domain Deep Metric Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340757/", "author_list": ["Minhyeok Heo", "Jiwon Kim", "Sujung Kim", "Minhyeok Heo", "Jiwon Kim", "Sujung Kim"], "abstract": "High-definition (HD) maps are emerging as an essential tool for autonomous driving since they provide high-precision semantic information about the physical environment. To function as a reliable source of map information, HD maps must be constantly updated with changes that occur to the state of the road. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for HD map change detection that can be used to ..."} {"title": "CNN-based Foothold Selection for Mechanically Adaptive Soft Foot", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340910/", "author_list": ["Jakub Bednarek", "Noel Maalouf", "Mathew J. Pollayil", "Manolo Garabini", "Manuel G. Catalano", "Giorgio Grioli", "Dominik Belter", "Jakub Bednarek", "Noel Maalouf", "Mathew J. Pollayil", "Manolo Garabini", "Manuel G. Catalano", "Giorgio Grioli", "Dominik Belter"], "abstract": "In this paper, we consider a problem of foothold selection for the quadrupedal robots equipped with compliant adaptive feet. Starting from a model of the foot we compute the quality of the potential footholds considering also kinematic constraints and collisions during evaluation. Since terrain assessment and constraints checking are computationally expensive we applied a Convolutional Neural Netw..."} {"title": "Depth Estimation from Monocular Images and Sparse Radar Data", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340998/", "author_list": ["Juan-Ting Lin", "Dengxin Dai", "Luc Van Gool", "Juan-Ting Lin", "Dengxin Dai", "Luc Van Gool"], "abstract": "In this paper, we explore the possibility of achieving a more accurate depth estimation by fusing monocular images and Radar points using a deep neural network. We give a comprehensive study of the fusion between RGB images and Radar measurements from different aspects and proposed a working solution based on the observations. We find that the noise existing in Radar measurements is one of the mai..."} {"title": "Tidying Deep Saliency Prediction Architectures", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341574/", "author_list": ["Navyasri Reddy", "Samyak Jain", "Pradeep Yarlagadda", "Vineet Gandhi", "Navyasri Reddy", "Samyak Jain", "Pradeep Yarlagadda", "Vineet Gandhi"], "abstract": "Learning computational models for visual attention (saliency estimation) is an effort to inch machines/robots closer to human visual cognitive abilities. Data-driven efforts have dominated the landscape since the introduction of deep neural network architectures. In deep learning research, the choices in architecture design are often empirical and frequently lead to more complex models than necess..."} {"title": "Whole-Game Motion Capturing of Team Sports: System Architecture and Integrated Calibration", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341009/", "author_list": ["Yosuke Ikegami", "Milutin Nikoli\u0107", "Ayaka Yamada", "Lei Zhang", "Natsu Ooke", "Yoshihiko Nakamura", "Yosuke Ikegami", "Milutin Nikoli\u0107", "Ayaka Yamada", "Lei Zhang", "Natsu Ooke", "Yoshihiko Nakamura"], "abstract": "This paper discusses the application of video motion capturing technology (VMocap) to a competitive team sports game. The setting introduces a specific set of constraints: large scale markerless motion capturing, big recording volume, transmitting and processing gigabytes of data, operation without interfering with players or distracting spectators and staff, etc... In this paper, we present how w..."} {"title": "A particle filter technique for human pose estimation in case of occlusion exploiting holographic human model and virtualized environment", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341399/", "author_list": ["Costanza Messeri", "Lorenzo Rebecchi", "Andrea Maria Zanchettin", "Paolo Rocco", "Costanza Messeri", "Lorenzo Rebecchi", "Andrea Maria Zanchettin", "Paolo Rocco"], "abstract": "In a collaborative scenario, robots working side by side with humans might rely on vision sensors to monitor the activity of the other agent. When occlusions of the human body occur, both the safety of the cooperation and the performance of the team can be penalized, since the robot could receive incorrect information about the ongoing cooperation. In this work, we propose a novel particle filter ..."} {"title": "DR-SPAAM: A Spatial-Attention and Auto-regressive Model for Person Detection in 2D Range Data", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341689/", "author_list": ["Dan Jia", "Alexander Hermans", "Bastian Leibe", "Dan Jia", "Alexander Hermans", "Bastian Leibe"], "abstract": "Detecting persons using a 2D LiDAR is a challenging task due to the low information content of 2D range data. To alleviate the problem caused by the sparsity of the LiDAR points, current state-of-the-art methods fuse multiple previous scans and perform detection using the combined scans. The downside of such a backward looking fusion is that all the scans need to be aligned explicitly, and the nec..."} {"title": "Vision-Based Gesture Recognition in Human-Robot Teams Using Synthetic Data", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340728/", "author_list": ["Celso M. de Melo", "Brandon Rothrock", "Prudhvi Gurram", "Oytun Ulutan", "B.S. Manjunath", "Celso M. de Melo", "Brandon Rothrock", "Prudhvi Gurram", "Oytun Ulutan", "B.S. Manjunath"], "abstract": "Building successful collaboration between humans and robots requires efficient, effective, and natural communication. Here we study a RGB-based deep learning approach for controlling robots through gestures (e.g., \"follow me\"). To address the challenge of collecting high-quality annotated data from human subjects, synthetic data is considered for this domain. We contribute a dataset of gestures th..."} {"title": "HAMLET: A Hierarchical Multimodal Attention-based Human Activity Recognition Algorithm", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340987/", "author_list": ["Md Mofijul Islam", "Tariq Iqbal", "Md Mofijul Islam", "Tariq Iqbal"], "abstract": "To fluently collaborate with people, robots need the ability to recognize human activities accurately. Although modern robots are equipped with various sensors, robust human activity recognition (HAR) still remains a challenging task for robots due to difficulties related to multimodal data fusion. To address these challenges, in this work, we introduce a deep neural network-based multimodal HAR a..."} {"title": "Collision Avoidance in Human-Robot Interaction Using Kinect Vision System Combined With Robot\u2019s Model and Data", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341248/", "author_list": ["Hugo Nascimento", "Martin Mujica", "Mourad Benoussaad", "Hugo Nascimento", "Martin Mujica", "Mourad Benoussaad"], "abstract": "Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) is a largely ad-dressed subject today. Collision avoidance is one of main strategies that allow space sharing and interaction without contact between human and robot. It is thus usual to use a 3D depth camera sensor which may involves issues related to occluded robot in camera view. While several works overcame this issue by applying infinite depth principle or increa..."} {"title": "Human Gait Phase Recognition using a Hidden Markov Model Framework", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341380/", "author_list": ["Ferhat Attal", "Yacine Amirat", "Abdelghani Chibani", "Samer Mohammed", "Ferhat Attal", "Yacine Amirat", "Abdelghani Chibani", "Samer Mohammed"], "abstract": "Analysis of human daily living activities, particularly walking activity, is essential for health-care applications such as fall prevention, physical rehabilitation exercises, and gait monitoring. Studying the evolution of the gait cycle using wearable sensors is beneficial for the detection of any abnormal walking pattern. This paper proposes a novel discrete/continuous unsupervised Hidden Markov..."} {"title": "Using Diverse Neural Networks for Safer Human Pose Estimation: Towards Making Neural Networks Know When They Don\u2019t Know", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341634/", "author_list": ["Patrick Schlosser", "Christoph Ledermann", "Patrick Schlosser", "Christoph Ledermann"], "abstract": "In recent years, human pose estimation has seen great improvements by the use of neural networks. However, these approaches are unsuitable for safety-critical applications such as human-robot interaction (HRI), as no guarantees are given whether a produced detection is correct or not and false detections with high confidence scores are produced on a regular basis. In this work, we propose a method..."} {"title": "Residual Pose: A Decoupled Approach for Depth-based 3D Human Pose Estimation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340695/", "author_list": ["Angel Mart\u00ednez-Gonz\u00e1lez", "Michael Villamizar", "Olivier Can\u00e9vet", "Jean-Marc Odobez", "Angel Mart\u00ednez-Gonz\u00e1lez", "Michael Villamizar", "Olivier Can\u00e9vet", "Jean-Marc Odobez"], "abstract": "We propose to leverage recent advances in reliable 2D pose estimation with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to estimate the 3D pose of people from depth images in multi-person Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) scenarios. Our method is based on the observation that using the depth information to obtain 3D lifted points from 2D body landmark detections provides a rough estimate of the true 3D human p..."} {"title": "Simple means Faster: Real-Time Human Motion Forecasting in Monocular First Person Videos on CPU", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340999/", "author_list": ["Junaid Ahmed Ansari", "Brojeshwar Bhowmick", "Junaid Ahmed Ansari", "Brojeshwar Bhowmick"], "abstract": "We present a simple, fast, and light-weight RNN based framework for forecasting future locations of humans in first person monocular videos. The primary motivation for this work was to design a network which could accurately predict future trajectories at a very high rate on a CPU. Typical applications of such a system would be a social robot or a visual assistance system \"for all\", as both cannot..."} {"title": "JRMOT: A Real-Time 3D Multi-Object Tracker and a New Large-Scale Dataset", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341635/", "author_list": ["Abhijeet Shenoi", "Mihir Patel", "JunYoung Gwak", "Patrick Goebel", "Amir Sadeghian", "Hamid Rezatofighi", "Roberto Mart\u00edn-Mart\u00edn", "Silvio Savarese", "Abhijeet Shenoi", "Mihir Patel", "JunYoung Gwak", "Patrick Goebel", "Amir Sadeghian", "Hamid Rezatofighi", "Roberto Mart\u00edn-Mart\u00edn", "Silvio Savarese"], "abstract": "Robots navigating autonomously need to perceive and track the motion of objects and other agents in its surroundings. This information enables planning and executing robust and safe trajectories. To facilitate these processes, the motion should be perceived in 3D Cartesian space. However, most recent multi-object tracking (MOT) research has focused on tracking people and moving objects in 2D RGB v..."} {"title": "Factor Graph based 3D Multi-Object Tracking in Point Clouds", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340932/", "author_list": ["Johannes P\u00f6schmann", "Tim Pfeifer", "Peter Protzel", "Johannes P\u00f6schmann", "Tim Pfeifer", "Peter Protzel"], "abstract": "Accurate and reliable tracking of multiple moving objects in 3D space is an essential component of urban scene understanding. This is a challenging task because it requires the assignment of detections in the current frame to the predicted objects from the previous one. Existing filter-based approaches tend to struggle if this initial assignment is not correct, which can happen easily.We propose a..."} {"title": "Self-supervised Object Tracking with Cycle-consistent Siamese Networks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341621/", "author_list": ["Weihao Yuan", "Michael Yu Wang", "Qifeng Chen", "Weihao Yuan", "Michael Yu Wang", "Qifeng Chen"], "abstract": "Self-supervised learning for visual object tracking possesses valuable advantages compared to supervised learning, such as the non-necessity of laborious human annotations and online training. In this work, we exploit an end-to-end Siamese network in a cycle-consistent self-supervised framework for object tracking. Self-supervision can be performed by taking advantage of the cycle consistency in t..."} {"title": "3D Multi-Object Tracking: A Baseline and New Evaluation Metrics", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341164/", "author_list": ["Xinshuo Weng", "Jianren Wang", "David Held", "Kris Kitani", "Xinshuo Weng", "Jianren Wang", "David Held", "Kris Kitani"], "abstract": "3D multi-object tracking (MOT) is an essential component for many applications such as autonomous driving and assistive robotics. Recent work on 3D MOT focuses on developing accurate systems giving less attention to practical considerations such as computational cost and system complexity. In contrast, this work proposes a simple real-time 3D MOT system. Our system first obtains 3D detections from..."} {"title": "se(3)-TrackNet: Data-driven 6D Pose Tracking by Calibrating Image Residuals in Synthetic Domains", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341314/", "author_list": ["Bowen Wen", "Chaitanya Mitash", "Baozhang Ren", "Kostas E. Bekris", "Bowen Wen", "Chaitanya Mitash", "Baozhang Ren", "Kostas E. Bekris"], "abstract": "Tracking the 6D pose of objects in video sequences is important for robot manipulation. This task, however, introduces multiple challenges: (i) robot manipulation involves significant occlusions; (ii) data and annotations are troublesome and difficult to collect for 6D poses, which complicates machine learning solutions, and (iii) incremental error drift often accumulates in long term tracking to ..."} {"title": "Motion Prediction in Visual Object Tracking", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341158/", "author_list": ["Jianren Wang", "Yihui He", "Jianren Wang", "Yihui He"], "abstract": "Visual object tracking (VOT) is an essential component for many applications, such as autonomous driving or assistive robotics. However, recent works tend to develop accurate systems based on more computationally expensive feature extractors for better instance matching. In contrast, this work addresses the importance of motion prediction in VOT. We use an off-the-shelf object detector to obtain i..."} {"title": "Look and Listen: A Multi-modality Late Fusion Approach to Scene Classification for Autonomous Machines", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341557/", "author_list": ["Jordan J. Bird", "Diego R. Faria", "Cristiano Premebida", "Anik\u00f3 Ek\u00e1rt", "George Vogiatzis", "Jordan J. Bird", "Diego R. Faria", "Cristiano Premebida", "Anik\u00f3 Ek\u00e1rt", "George Vogiatzis"], "abstract": "The novelty of this study consists in a multi-modality approach to scene classification, where image and audio complement each other in a process of deep late fusion. The approach is demonstrated on a difficult classification problem, consisting of two synchronised and balanced datasets of 16,000 data objects, encompassing 4.4 hours of video of 8 environments with varying degrees of similarity. We..."} {"title": "CLOCs: Camera-LiDAR Object Candidates Fusion for 3D Object Detection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341791/", "author_list": ["Su Pang", "Daniel Morris", "Hayder Radha", "Su Pang", "Daniel Morris", "Hayder Radha"], "abstract": "There have been significant advances in neural networks for both 3D object detection using LiDAR and 2D object detection using video. However, it has been surprisingly difficult to train networks to effectively use both modalities in a way that demonstrates gain over single-modality networks. In this paper, we propose a novel Camera-LiDAR Object Candidates (CLOCs) fusion network. CLOCs fusion prov..."} {"title": "Gimme Signals: Discriminative signal encoding for multimodal activity recognition", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341699/", "author_list": ["Raphael Memmesheimer", "Nick Theisen", "Dietrich Paulus", "Raphael Memmesheimer", "Nick Theisen", "Dietrich Paulus"], "abstract": "We present a simple, yet effective and flexible method for action recognition supporting multiple sensor modalities. Multivariate signal sequences are encoded in an image and are then classified using a recently proposed EfficientNet CNN architecture. Our focus was to find an approach that generalizes well across different sensor modalities without specific adaptions while still achieving good res..."} {"title": "3D Localization of a Sound Source Using Mobile Microphone Arrays Referenced by SLAM", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341098/", "author_list": ["Simon Michaud", "Samuel Faucher", "Fran\u00e7ois Grondin", "Jean-Samuel Lauzon", "Mathieu Labb\u00e9", "Dominic L\u00e9tourneau", "Fran\u00e7ois Ferland", "Fran\u00e7ois Michaud", "Simon Michaud", "Samuel Faucher", "Fran\u00e7ois Grondin", "Jean-Samuel Lauzon", "Mathieu Labb\u00e9", "Dominic L\u00e9tourneau", "Fran\u00e7ois Ferland", "Fran\u00e7ois Michaud"], "abstract": "A microphone array can provide a mobile robot with the capability of localizing, tracking and separating distant sound sources in 2D, i.e., estimating their relative elevation and azimuth. To combine acoustic data with visual information in real world settings, spatial correlation must be established. The approach explored in this paper consists of having two robots, each equipped with a microphon..."} {"title": "When We First Met: Visual-Inertial Person Localization for Co-Robot Rendezvous", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341739/", "author_list": ["Xi Sun", "Xinshuo Weng", "Kris Kitani", "Xi Sun", "Xinshuo Weng", "Kris Kitani"], "abstract": "We aim to enable robots to visually localize a target person through the aid of an additional sensing modality - the target person's 3D inertial measurements. The need for such technology may arise when a robot is to meet a person in a crowd for the first time or when an autonomous vehicle must rendezvous with a rider amongst a crowd without knowing the appearance of the person in advance. A perso..."} {"title": "Using Machine Learning for Material Detection with Capacitive Proximity Sensors", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341016/", "author_list": ["Yitao Ding", "Hannes Kisner", "Tianlin Kong", "Ulrike Thomas", "Yitao Ding", "Hannes Kisner", "Tianlin Kong", "Ulrike Thomas"], "abstract": "The ability of detecting materials plays an important role in robotic applications. The robot can incorporate the information from contactless material detection and adapt its behavior in how it grasps an object or how it walks on specific surfaces. In this, paper we apply machine learning on impedance spectra from capacitive proximity sensors for material detection. The unique spectra of certain ..."} {"title": "Tactile Event Based Grasping Algorithm using Memorized Triggers and Mechanoreceptive Sensors", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341130/", "author_list": ["Won Dong Kim", "Jung Kim", "Won Dong Kim", "Jung Kim"], "abstract": "Humans perform grasping by breaking down the task into a series of action phases, where the transitions between the action phases are based on the comparison between the predicted tactile events and the actual tactile events. The dependency on tactile sensation in grasping allows humans to grasp objects without the need to locate the object precisely, which is a feature desirable in robot grasping..."} {"title": "Multimodal Sensor Fusion with Differentiable Filters", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341579/", "author_list": ["Michelle A. Lee", "Brent Yi", "Roberto Mart\u00edn-Mart\u00edn", "Silvio Savarese", "Jeannette Bohg", "Michelle A. Lee", "Brent Yi", "Roberto Mart\u00edn-Mart\u00edn", "Silvio Savarese", "Jeannette Bohg"], "abstract": "Leveraging multimodal information with recursive Bayesian filters improves performance and robustness of state estimation, as recursive filters can combine different modalities according to their uncertainties. Prior work has studied how to optimally fuse different sensor modalities with analytical state estimation algorithms. However, deriving the dynamics and measurement models along with their ..."} {"title": "Multimodal Material Classification for Robots using Spectroscopy and High Resolution Texture Imaging", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341165/", "author_list": ["Zackory Erickson", "Eliot Xing", "Bharat Srirangam", "Sonia Chernova", "Charles C. Kemp", "Zackory Erickson", "Eliot Xing", "Bharat Srirangam", "Sonia Chernova", "Charles C. Kemp"], "abstract": "Material recognition can help inform robots about how to properly interact with and manipulate real-world objects. In this paper, we present a multimodal sensing technique, leveraging near-infrared spectroscopy and close-range high resolution texture imaging, that enables robots to estimate the materials of household objects. We release a dataset of high resolution texture images and spectral meas..."} {"title": "DeepLiDARFlow: A Deep Learning Architecture For Scene Flow Estimation Using Monocular Camera and Sparse LiDAR", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341077/", "author_list": ["Rishav Rishav", "Ramy Battrawy", "Ren\u00e9 Schuster", "Oliver Wasenm\u00fcller", "Didier Stricker", "Rishav Rishav", "Ramy Battrawy", "Ren\u00e9 Schuster", "Oliver Wasenm\u00fcller", "Didier Stricker"], "abstract": "Scene flow is the dense 3D reconstruction of motion and geometry of a scene. Most state-of-the-art methods use a pair of stereo images as input for full scene reconstruction. These methods depend a lot on the quality of the RGB images and perform poorly in regions with reflective objects, shadows, ill-conditioned light environment and so on. LiDAR measurements are much less sensitive to the aforem..."} {"title": "Balanced Depth Completion between Dense Depth Inference and Sparse Range Measurements via KISS-GP", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341769/", "author_list": ["Sungho Yoon", "Ayoung Kim", "Sungho Yoon", "Ayoung Kim"], "abstract": "Estimating a dense and accurate depth map is the key requirement for autonomous driving and robotics. Recent advances in deep learning have allowed depth estimation in full resolution from a single image. Despite this impressive result, many deep-learning-based monocular depth estimation (MDE) algorithms have failed to keep their accuracy yielding a meter-level estimation error. In many robotics a..."} {"title": "Polygonal Perception for Mobile Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341742/", "author_list": ["Marcell Missura", "Arindam Roychoudhury", "Maren Bennewitz", "Marcell Missura", "Arindam Roychoudhury", "Maren Bennewitz"], "abstract": "Geometric primitives are a compact and versatile representation of the environment and the objects within. From a motion planning perspective, the geometric structure can be leveraged in order to implement potentially faster and smoother motion control algorithms than it has been possible with grid-based occupancy maps so far. In this paper, we introduce a novel perception pipeline that efficientl..."} {"title": "Real-time detection of broccoli crops in 3D point clouds for autonomous robotic harvesting", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341381/", "author_list": ["Hector A. Montes", "Justin Le Louedec", "Grzegorz Cielniak", "Tom Duckett", "Hector A. Montes", "Justin Le Louedec", "Grzegorz Cielniak", "Tom Duckett"], "abstract": "Real-time 3D perception of the environment is crucial for the adoption and deployment of reliable autonomous harvesting robots in agriculture. Using data collected with RGB-D cameras under farm field conditions, we present two methods for processing 3D data that reliably detect mature broccoli heads. The proposed systems are efficient and enable real-time detection on depth data of broccoli crops ..."} {"title": "SGM-MDE: Semi-global optimization for classification-based monocular depth estimation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340766/", "author_list": ["Vlad-Cristian Miclea", "Sergiu Nedevschi", "Vlad-Cristian Miclea", "Sergiu Nedevschi"], "abstract": "Depth estimation plays a crucial role in robotic applications that require environment perception. With the introduction of convolutional neural networks, monocular depth estimation (MDE) methods have become viable alternatives to LiDAR and stereo reconstruction-based solutions. Such methods require less equipment, fewer resources and do not need additional sensor alignment requirements. However, ..."} {"title": "Multi-Task Deep Learning for Depth-based Person Perception in Mobile Robotics", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340870/", "author_list": ["Daniel Seichter", "Benjamin Lewandowski", "Dominik H\u00f6chemer", "Tim Wengefeld", "Horst-Michael Gross", "Daniel Seichter", "Benjamin Lewandowski", "Dominik H\u00f6chemer", "Tim Wengefeld", "Horst-Michael Gross"], "abstract": "Efficient and robust person perception is one of the most basic skills a mobile robot must have to ensure intuitive human-machine interaction. In addition to person detection, this also includes estimating various attributes, like posture or body orientation, in order to achieve user-adaptive behavior. However, given limited computing and battery capabilities on a mobile robot, it is inefficient t..."} {"title": "Learning an Uncertainty-Aware Object Detector for Autonomous Driving", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341623/", "author_list": ["Gregory P. Meyer", "Niranjan Thakurdesai", "Gregory P. Meyer", "Niranjan Thakurdesai"], "abstract": "The capability to detect objects is a core part of autonomous driving. Due to sensor noise and incomplete data, perfectly detecting and localizing every object is infeasible. Therefore, it is important for a detector to provide the amount of uncertainty in each prediction. Providing the autonomous system with reliable uncertainties enables the vehicle to react differently based on the level of unc..."} {"title": "Leveraging Stereo-Camera Data for Real-Time Dynamic Obstacle Detection and Tracking", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340699/", "author_list": ["Thomas Eppenberger", "Gianluca Cesari", "Marcin Dymczyk", "Roland Siegwart", "Renaud Dub\u00e9", "Thomas Eppenberger", "Gianluca Cesari", "Marcin Dymczyk", "Roland Siegwart", "Renaud Dub\u00e9"], "abstract": "Dynamic obstacle avoidance is one crucial component for compliant navigation in crowded environments. In this paper we present a system for accurate and reliable detection and tracking of dynamic objects using noisy point cloud data generated by stereo cameras. Our solution is real-time capable and specifically designed for the deployment on computationally-constrained unmanned ground vehicles. Th..."} {"title": "Robust and efficient post-processing for video object detection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341600/", "author_list": ["Alberto Sabater", "Luis Montesano", "Ana C. Murillo", "Alberto Sabater", "Luis Montesano", "Ana C. Murillo"], "abstract": "Object recognition in video is an important task for plenty of applications, including autonomous driving perception, surveillance tasks, wearable devices or IoT networks. Object recognition using video data is more challenging than using still images due to blur, occlusions or rare object poses. Specific video detectors with high computational cost or standard image detectors together with a fast..."} {"title": "Modality-Buffet for Real-Time Object Detection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340960/", "author_list": ["Nicolai Dorka", "Johannes Meyer", "Wolfram Burgard", "Nicolai Dorka", "Johannes Meyer", "Wolfram Burgard"], "abstract": "Real-time object detection in videos using lightweight hardware is a crucial component of many robotic tasks. Detectors using different modalities and with varying computational complexities offer different trade-offs. One option is to have a very lightweight model that can predict from all modalities at once for each frame. However, in some situations (e.g., in static scenes) it might be better t..."} {"title": "Deep Mixture Density Network for Probabilistic Object Detection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340882/", "author_list": ["Yihui He", "Jianren Wang", "Yihui He", "Jianren Wang"], "abstract": "Mistakes/uncertainties in object detection could lead to catastrophes when deploying robots in the real world. In this paper, we measure the uncertainties of object localization to minimize this kind of risk. Uncertainties emerge upon challenging cases like occlusion. The bounding box borders of an occluded object can have multiple plausible configurations. We propose a deep multivariate mixture o..."} {"title": "MLOD: Awareness of Extrinsic Perturbation in Multi-LiDAR 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341254/", "author_list": ["Jianhao Jiao", "Peng Yun", "Lei Tai", "Ming Liu", "Jianhao Jiao", "Peng Yun", "Lei Tai", "Ming Liu"], "abstract": "Extrinsic perturbation always exists in multiple sensors. In this paper, we focus on the extrinsic uncertainty in multi-LiDAR systems for 3D object detection. We first analyze the influence of extrinsic perturbation on geometric tasks with two basic examples. To minimize the detrimental effect of extrinsic perturbation, we propagate an uncertainty prior on each point of input point clouds, and use..."} {"title": "Active 6D Multi-Object Pose Estimation in Cluttered Scenarios with Deep Reinforcement Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340842/", "author_list": ["Juil Sock", "Guillermo Garcia-Hernando", "Tae-Kyun Kim", "Juil Sock", "Guillermo Garcia-Hernando", "Tae-Kyun Kim"], "abstract": "In this work, we explore how a strategic selection of camera movements can facilitate the task of 6D multi-object pose estimation in cluttered scenarios while respecting real-world constraints such as time and distance travelled, important in robotics and augmented reality applications. In the proposed framework, multiple object hypotheses inferred by an object pose estimator are accumulated both ..."} {"title": "6D Pose Estimation for Flexible Production with Small Lot Sizes based on CAD Models using Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341189/", "author_list": ["Jianjie Lin", "Markus Rickert", "Alois Knoll", "Jianjie Lin", "Markus Rickert", "Alois Knoll"], "abstract": "We propose a surface-to-surface (S2S) point registration algorithm by exploiting the Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces for partially overlapping 3D surfaces to estimate the 6D pose transformation. Unlike traditional approaches, that separate the corresponding search and update steps in the inner loop, we formulate the point registration as a nonlinear non-constraints optimization problem which do..."} {"title": "Learning Orientation Distributions for Object Pose Estimation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340860/", "author_list": ["Brian Okorn", "Mengyun Xu", "Martial Hebert", "David Held", "Brian Okorn", "Mengyun Xu", "Martial Hebert", "David Held"], "abstract": "For robots to operate robustly in the real world, they should be aware of their uncertainty. However, most methods for object pose estimation return a single point estimate of the object's pose. In this work, we propose two learned methods for estimating a distribution over an object's orientation. Our methods take into account both the inaccuracies in the pose estimation as well as the object sym..."} {"title": "Estimation of object class and orientation from multiple viewpoints and relative camera orientation constraints", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340771/", "author_list": ["Koichi Ogawara", "Keita Iseki", "Koichi Ogawara", "Keita Iseki"], "abstract": "In this research, we propose a method of estimating object class and orientation given multiple input images assuming the relative camera orientations are known. Input images are transformed to descriptors on 2-D manifolds defined for each class of object through a CNN, and the object class and orientation that minimize the distance between input descriptors and the descriptors associated with the..."} {"title": "Parts-Based Articulated Object Localization in Clutter Using Belief Propagation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340908/", "author_list": ["Jana Pavlasek", "Stanley Lewis", "Karthik Desingh", "Odest Chadwicke Jenkins", "Jana Pavlasek", "Stanley Lewis", "Karthik Desingh", "Odest Chadwicke Jenkins"], "abstract": "Robots working in human environments must be able to perceive and act on challenging objects with articulations, such as a pile of tools. Articulated objects increase the dimensionality of the pose estimation problem, and partial observations under clutter create additional challenges. To address this problem, we present a generative-discriminative parts-based recognition and localization method f..."} {"title": "3D Gaze Estimation for Head-Mounted Devices based on Visual Saliency", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341755/", "author_list": ["Meng Liu", "You Fu Li", "Hai Liu", "Meng Liu", "You Fu Li", "Hai Liu"], "abstract": "Compared with the maturity of 2D gaze tracking technology, 3D gaze tracking has gradually become a research hotspot in recent years. The head-mounted gaze tracker has shown great potential for gaze estimation in 3D space due to its appealing flexibility and portability. The general challenge for 3D gaze tracking algorithms is that calibration is necessary before the usage, and calibration targets ..."} {"title": "Category-Level 3D Non-Rigid Registration from Single-View RGB Images", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340878/", "author_list": ["Diego Rodriguez", "Florian Huber", "Sven Behnke", "Diego Rodriguez", "Florian Huber", "Sven Behnke"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a novel approach to solve the 3D non-rigid registration problem from RGB images using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Our objective is to find a deformation field (typically used for transferring knowledge between instances, e.g., grasping skills) that warps a given 3D canonical model into a novel instance observed by a single-view RGB image. This is done by trainin..."} {"title": "Relative Pose Estimation and Planar Reconstruction via Superpixel-Driven Multiple Homographies", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341707/", "author_list": ["Xi Wang", "Marc Christie", "Eric Marchand", "Xi Wang", "Marc Christie", "Eric Marchand"], "abstract": "This paper proposes a novel method to simultaneously perform relative camera pose estimation and planar reconstruction of a scene from two RGB images. We start by extracting and matching superpixel information from both images and rely on a novel multi-model RANSAC approach to estimate multiple homographies from superpixels and identify matching planes. Ambiguity issues when performing homography ..."} {"title": "PERCH 2.0 : Fast and Accurate GPU-based Perception via Search for Object Pose Estimation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341257/", "author_list": ["Aditya Agarwal", "Yupeng Han", "Maxim Likhachev", "Aditya Agarwal", "Yupeng Han", "Maxim Likhachev"], "abstract": "Pose estimation of known objects is fundamental to tasks such as robotic grasping and manipulation. The need for reliable grasping imposes stringent accuracy requirements on pose estimation in cluttered, occluded scenes in dynamic environments. Modern methods employ large sets of training data to learn features in order to find correspondence between 3D models and observed data. However these meth..."} {"title": "Hybrid fluidic actuation for a foam-based soft actuator", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340731/", "author_list": ["Jan Peters", "Bani Anvari", "Cheng Chen", "Zara Lim", "Helge A Wurdemann", "Jan Peters", "Bani Anvari", "Cheng Chen", "Zara Lim", "Helge A Wurdemann"], "abstract": "Actuation means for soft robotic structures are manifold: despite actuation mechanisms such as tendon-driven manipulators or shape memory alloys, the majority of soft robotic actuators are fluidically actuated - either purely by positive or negative air pressure or by hydraulic actuation only. This paper presents the novel idea of employing hybrid fluidic - hydraulic and pneumatic - actuation for ..."} {"title": "Laminar Jamming Flexure Joints for the Development of Variable Stiffness Robot Grippers and Hands", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340752/", "author_list": ["Lucas Gerez", "Geng Gao", "Minas Liarokapis", "Lucas Gerez", "Geng Gao", "Minas Liarokapis"], "abstract": "Although soft robots are a good alternative to rigid, traditional robots due to their intrinsic compliance and environmental adaptability, there are several drawbacks that limit their impact, such as low force exertion capability and low resistance to deformation. For this reason, soft structures of variable stiffness have become a popular solution in the field to combine the benefits of both soft..."} {"title": "A Two-Fingered Robot Gripper with Variable Stiffness Flexure Hinges Based on Shape Morphing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341554/", "author_list": ["Hareesh Godaba", "Aqeel Sajad", "Navin Patel", "Kaspar Althoefer", "Ketao Zhang", "Hareesh Godaba", "Aqeel Sajad", "Navin Patel", "Kaspar Althoefer", "Ketao Zhang"], "abstract": "This paper presents a novel approach for developing robotic grippers with variable stiffness hinges for dexterous grasps. This approach for the first time uses pneumatically actuated pouch actuators to fold and unfold morphable flaps of flexure hinges thus change stiffness of the hinge. By varying the air pressure in pouch actuators, the flexure hinge morphs into a beam with various open sections ..."} {"title": "A Soft Humanoid Hand with In-Finger Visual Perception", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341080/", "author_list": ["Felix Hundhausen", "Julia Starke", "Tamim Asfour", "Felix Hundhausen", "Julia Starke", "Tamim Asfour"], "abstract": "We present a novel underactued humanoid five finger soft hand, the KIT Finger-Vision Soft Hand, which is equipped with cameras in the fingertips and integrates a high performance embedded system for visual processing and control. We describe the actuation mechanism of the hand and the tendon-driven soft finger design with internally routed high-bandwidth flat-flex cables. For efficient on-board pa..."} {"title": "A Compact, Cable-driven, Activatable Soft Wrist with Six Degrees of Freedom for Assembly Tasks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341487/", "author_list": ["Felix von Drigalski", "Kazutoshi Tanaka", "Masashi Hamaya", "Robert Lee", "Chisato Nakashima", "Yoshiya Shibata", "Yoshihisa Ijiri", "Felix von Drigalski", "Kazutoshi Tanaka", "Masashi Hamaya", "Robert Lee", "Chisato Nakashima", "Yoshiya Shibata", "Yoshihisa Ijiri"], "abstract": "Physical softness has been proposed to absorb impacts when establishing contact with a robot or its workpiece, to relax control requirements and improve performance in assembly and insertion tasks. Previous work has focused on special end effector solutions for isolated tasks, such as the peg-in-hole task. However, as many robot tasks require the precision of rigid robots, and their performance wo..."} {"title": "An Untethered Brittle Star-Inspired Soft Robot for Closed-Loop Underwater Locomotion", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341008/", "author_list": ["Zach J. Patterson", "Andrew P. Sabelhaus", "Keene Chin", "Tess Hellebrekers", "Carmel Majidi", "Zach J. Patterson", "Andrew P. Sabelhaus", "Keene Chin", "Tess Hellebrekers", "Carmel Majidi"], "abstract": "Soft robots are capable of inherently safer interactions with their environment than rigid robots since they can mechanically deform in response to unanticipated stimuli. However, their complex mechanics can make planning and control difficult, particularly with tasks such as locomotion. In this work, we present a mobile and untethered underwater crawling soft robot, PATRICK, paired with a testbed..."} {"title": "A Multigait Stringy Robot with Bi-stable Soft-bodied Structures in Multiple Viscous Environments", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341059/", "author_list": ["Tung D. Ta", "Takuya Umedachi", "Yoshihiro Kawahara", "Tung D. Ta", "Takuya Umedachi", "Yoshihiro Kawahara"], "abstract": "The exploration of spatially limited terrestrial or aquatic environments requires miniature and lightweight robots. Soft-bodied robot research is paving ways for a new class of small-scale robots that can navigate a variety of environments with minimum influence on the environment itself. However, it is generally challenging to design miniature soft-bodied robots that efficiently adapt to the chan..."} {"title": "Development of a pneumatically-driven Growing Sling to assist patient transfer", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341706/", "author_list": ["Jonggyu Choi", "Seungjun Lee", "Jeongryul Kim", "MyungJoong Lee", "Keri Kim", "Hyunki In", "Jonggyu Choi", "Seungjun Lee", "Jeongryul Kim", "MyungJoong Lee", "Keri Kim", "Hyunki In"], "abstract": "In this study, a new type of sling for assisting bedridden patients is developed using a pneumatic growing mechanism. Growing Sling focuses on minimizing the labor input of the caregivers by automating the sling insertion and retraction process while maintaining safety and comfort. Improvements over the typical growing mechanism were made by reinforcing the sling with shafts and filament tape for ..."} {"title": "A Tip Mount for Transporting Sensors and Tools using Soft Growing Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340950/", "author_list": ["Sang-Goo Jeong", "Margaret M. Coad", "Laura H. Blumenschein", "Ming Luo", "Usman Mehmood", "Ji Hun Kim", "Allison M. Okamura", "Jee-Hwan Ryu", "Sang-Goo Jeong", "Margaret M. Coad", "Laura H. Blumenschein", "Ming Luo", "Usman Mehmood", "Ji Hun Kim", "Allison M. Okamura", "Jee-Hwan Ryu"], "abstract": "Pneumatically operated soft growing robots that extend via tip eversion are well-suited for navigation in confined spaces. Adding the ability to interact with the environment using sensors and tools attached to the robot tip would greatly enhance the usefulness of these robots for exploration in the field. However, because the material at the tip of the robot body continually changes as the robot ..."} {"title": "Novel Design of a Soft Pump Driven by Super-Coiled Polymer Artificial Muscles", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341366/", "author_list": ["Yu Alexander Tse", "Ki Wan Wong", "Yang Yang", "Michael Yu Wang", "Yu Alexander Tse", "Ki Wan Wong", "Yang Yang", "Michael Yu Wang"], "abstract": "The widespread use of fluidic actuation for soft robots creates a high demand for soft pumps and compressors. However, current off-the-shelf pumps are usually rigid, noisy, and cumbersome. As a result, it is hard to integrate most commercial pumps into soft robotic systems, which restricts the autonomy and portability of soft robots. This paper presents the novel design of a soft pump based on bel..."} {"title": "Integrated Actuation and Self-Sensing for Twisted-and-Coiled Actuators with Applications to Innervated Soft Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340647/", "author_list": ["Jiefeng Sun", "Jianguo Zhao", "Jiefeng Sun", "Jianguo Zhao"], "abstract": "Traditional soft robots require separate sensors and actuators to precisely control their motion. A twisted-and-coiled actuator (TCA) is a new artificial muscle with both actuation and self-sensing capability that can simultaneously serve both as a sensor and an actuator allowing to control the motion of TCAs without external sensors. This paper investigates the integrated sensing and actuation fo..."} {"title": "Exploiting the Morphology of a Shape Memory Spring as the Active Backbone of a Highly Dexterous Tendril Robot (ATBR)", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341692/", "author_list": ["Kayode Sonaike", "S. M. Hadi Sadati", "Christos Bergeles", "Ian D. Walker", "Kayode Sonaike", "S. M. Hadi Sadati", "Christos Bergeles", "Ian D. Walker"], "abstract": "Tendrils are common stable structures in nature and are used for sensing, actuation, and geometrical stiffness modulation. In this paper, for the first time we exploit the helical geometry of a shape memory alloy (SMA) tendril as a simple to fabricate highly dexterous robotic continuum tentacle that we called Active Tendril-Backbone Robot (ATBR). This is achieved via partial (120 deg) activation o..."} {"title": "SMA Actuated Low-Weight Bio-Inspired Claws for Grasping and Perching Using Flapping Wing Aerial Systems", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341741/", "author_list": ["A. E. Gomez-Tamm", "V. Perez-Sanchez", "B. C. Arrue", "A. Ollero", "A. E. Gomez-Tamm", "V. Perez-Sanchez", "B. C. Arrue", "A. Ollero"], "abstract": "Taking inspiration from nature, the work presented in this paper aims to develop bio-inspired claws to be used for grasping and perching in flapping-wing aerial systems. These claws can be 3D printed out of two different materials and will be capable of adapt to any shape. Also, they will be soft for avoiding undesired damages on the objects when performing manipulation. These claws will be actuat..."} {"title": "Simultaneous 3D Forming and Patterning Method of Realizing Soft IPMC Robots", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341062/", "author_list": ["Keita Kubo", "Hiroyuki Nabae", "Tetsuya Horiuchi", "Kinji Asaka", "Gen Endo", "Koichi Suzumori", "Keita Kubo", "Hiroyuki Nabae", "Tetsuya Horiuchi", "Kinji Asaka", "Gen Endo", "Koichi Suzumori"], "abstract": "Ionic polymer-metal composites (IPMC) actuators are popular because they can be driven at a low voltage, possess excellent responsiveness, and can perform soft motions similar to that of living creatures. Conventional IPMC soft robots are manufactured by cutting and assembling IPMC sheets. However, using this conventional process to stably manufacture three-dimensional (3D)-shaped soft robots is d..."} {"title": "Toward Analytical Modeling and Evaluation of Curvature-Dependent Distributed Friction Force in Tendon-Driven Continuum Manipulators", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341171/", "author_list": ["Yang Liu", "Seong Hyo Ahn", "Uksang Yoo", "Alexander R. Cohen", "Farshid Alambeigi", "Yang Liu", "Seong Hyo Ahn", "Uksang Yoo", "Alexander R. Cohen", "Farshid Alambeigi"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present an analytical modeling approach to address the problem of tension loss in a generic variable curvature tendon-driven continuum manipulators (TD-CM) occurring due to the tendon-sheath distributed friction force. Despite the previous approaches in the literature, our presented model and the iterative solution algorithm do not rely on a priori known curvature/shape of the TD..."} {"title": "Vacuum Driven Auxetic Switching Structure and Its Application on a Gripper and Quadruped", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341338/", "author_list": ["Shuai Liu", "Sheeraz Athar", "Michael Yu Wang", "Shuai Liu", "Sheeraz Athar", "Michael Yu Wang"], "abstract": "The properties and applications of auxetics have been widely explored in the past years. Through proper utilization of auxetic structures, designs with unprecedented mechanical and structural behaviors can be produced. Taking advantage of this, we present the development of novel and low-cost 3D structures inspired by a simple auxetic unit. The core part, which we call the body in this paper, is a..."} {"title": "Reconfigurable Soft Flexure Hinges via Pinched Tubes", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341109/", "author_list": ["Yuhao Jiang", "Mohammad Sharifzadeh", "Daniel M. Aukes", "Yuhao Jiang", "Mohammad Sharifzadeh", "Daniel M. Aukes"], "abstract": "Tuning the stiffness of soft robots is essential in order to extend usability and control the maneuverability of soft robots. In this paper, we propose a novel mechanism that can reconfigure the stiffness of tubular structures, using pinching to induce highly directional changes in stiffness. When pinched, these tubes can be then utilized as flexure hinges to create virtual joints on demand; the o..."} {"title": "Localization and Force-Feedback with Soft Magnetic Stickers for Precise Robot Manipulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341281/", "author_list": ["Tess Hellebrekers", "Kevin Zhang", "Manuela Veloso", "Oliver Kroemer", "Carmel Majidi", "Tess Hellebrekers", "Kevin Zhang", "Manuela Veloso", "Oliver Kroemer", "Carmel Majidi"], "abstract": "Tactile sensors are used in robot manipulation to reduce uncertainty regarding hand-object pose estimation. However, existing sensor technologies tend to be bulky and provide signals that are difficult to interpret into actionable changes. Here, we achieve wireless tactile sensing with soft and conformable magnetic stickers that can be easily placed on objects within the robot's workspace. We embe..."} {"title": "Fruit quality control by surface analysis using a bio-inspired soft tactile sensor", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340955/", "author_list": ["Pedro Ribeiro", "Susana Cardoso", "Alexandre Bernardino", "Lorenzo Jamone", "Pedro Ribeiro", "Susana Cardoso", "Alexandre Bernardino", "Lorenzo Jamone"], "abstract": "The growing consumer demand for large volumes of high quality fruit has generated an increasing need for auto-mated fruit quality control during production. Optical methods have been proved successful in a few cases, but with limitations related to the variability of fruit colors and lighting conditions during tests. Tactile sensing provides a valuable alternative, although it comes with the need ..."} {"title": "Wireless Electronic Skin with Integrated Pressure and Optical Proximity Sensing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340787/", "author_list": ["Eric J. Markvicka", "Jonathan M. Rogers", "Carmel Majidi", "Eric J. Markvicka", "Jonathan M. Rogers", "Carmel Majidi"], "abstract": "Electronic skins and tactile sensors can provide the sense of touch to robotic manipulators. These sensing modalities complement existing long range optical sensors and can provide detailed information before and after contact. However, integration with existing systems can be challenging due to size constraints, the interface geometry, and restrictions of external wiring used to interface with th..."} {"title": "Vision-Based Proprioceptive Sensing: Tip Position Estimation for a Soft Inflatable Bellow Actuator", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341271/", "author_list": ["Peter Werner", "Matthias Hofer", "Carmelo Sferrazza", "Raffaello D\u2019Andrea", "Peter Werner", "Matthias Hofer", "Carmelo Sferrazza", "Raffaello D\u2019Andrea"], "abstract": "This paper presents a vision-based sensing approach for a soft linear actuator, which is equipped with an internal camera. The proposed vision-based sensing pipeline predicts the three-dimensional tip position of the actuator. To train and evaluate the algorithm, predictions are compared to ground truth data from an external motion capture system. An off-the-shelf distance sensor is integrated in ..."} {"title": "A Minimalistic Hyper-Flexible Manipulator: Modeling and Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341628/", "author_list": ["Amit Prigozin", "Amir Degani", "Amit Prigozin", "Amir Degani"], "abstract": "Robotic manipulators can be found today in most industries, from autonomous warehouses to advanced assembly lines in factories. Most of these industrial robots are characterized by having non-flexible and highly rigid links. In dense and complex environments these manipulators require many degrees of freedom (DOFs) which complicates the mechanical structure of the manipulator, as well as the contr..."} {"title": "Joint-Level Control of the DLR Lightweight Robot SARA", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340700/", "author_list": ["Maged Iskandar", "Christian Ott", "Oliver Eiberger", "Manuel Keppler", "Alin Albu-Sch\u00e4ffer", "Alexander Dietrich", "Maged Iskandar", "Christian Ott", "Oliver Eiberger", "Manuel Keppler", "Alin Albu-Sch\u00e4ffer", "Alexander Dietrich"], "abstract": "Lightweight robots are known to be intrinsically elastic in their joints. The established classical approaches to control such systems are mostly based on motor-side coordinates since the joints are comparatively stiff. However, that inevitably introduces errors in the coordinates that actually matter: the ones on the link side. Here we present a new joint-torque controller that uses feedback of t..."} {"title": "Self-healing Cell Tactile Sensor Fabricated Using Ultraflexible Printed Electrodes", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341005/", "author_list": ["Masahiro Shimizu", "Toshinori Fujie", "Takuya Umedachi", "Shunsuke Shigaki", "Hiroki Kawashima", "Masato Saito", "Hirono Ohashi", "Koh Hosoda", "Masahiro Shimizu", "Toshinori Fujie", "Takuya Umedachi", "Shunsuke Shigaki", "Hiroki Kawashima", "Masato Saito", "Hirono Ohashi", "Koh Hosoda"], "abstract": "We used cells, which are the units that make up a living body, as building blocks to design a biomachine hybrid system and develop a tactile sensor that uses living cells as sensor receptors. We fabricated a novel cell tactile sensor with the electrodes formed using printed electronics technology. This sensor comprises elastic electrodes mounted on a soft material to acquire tactile information; s..."} {"title": "Self-sensing Soft Tactile Actuator for Fingertip Interface", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341087/", "author_list": ["Jung-Hwan Youn", "Ibrahim Bin Yasir", "Ki-Uk Kyung", "Jung-Hwan Youn", "Ibrahim Bin Yasir", "Ki-Uk Kyung"], "abstract": "In this paper, we report a self-sensing soft tactile actuator based on Dielectric elastomer actuator (DEA) for wearable haptic interface. DEAs are one of electroactive polymer actuators, which are reported to have large area strain and fast response speed. A soft tactile actuator is constructed of a multi-layered DEA membrane layer, a passive membrane layer, and an inner circular pillar. The soft ..."} {"title": "3D Printed Bio-Inspired Hair Sensor for Directional Airflow Sensing", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340711/", "author_list": ["Keshav Rajasekaran", "Hyung Dae Bae", "Sarah Bergbreiter", "Miao Yu", "Keshav Rajasekaran", "Hyung Dae Bae", "Sarah Bergbreiter", "Miao Yu"], "abstract": "With reduction in the scale of unmanned air vehicles, there is an increasing need for lightweight, compact, low-power sensors and alternate sensing modalities to facilitate flight control and navigation. This paper presents a novel method to fabricate a micro-scale artificial hair sensor that is capable of directional airflow sensing. The sensor consists of a high-aspect ratio hair structure attac..."} {"title": "Silicone-based Capacitive E-skin for Exteroception and Proprioception", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340945/", "author_list": ["Abu Bakar Dawood", "Hareesh Godaba", "Ahmad Ataka", "Kaspar Althoefer", "Abu Bakar Dawood", "Hareesh Godaba", "Ahmad Ataka", "Kaspar Althoefer"], "abstract": "Thin and imperceptible soft skins that can detect internal deformations as well as external forces, can go a long way to address perception and control challenges in soft robots. However, decoupling proprioceptive and exteroceptive stimuli is a challenging task. In this paper, we present a silicone-based, capacitive E-skin for exteroception and proprioception (SCEEP). This soft and stretchable sen..."} {"title": "Shape reconstruction of CCD camera-based soft tactile sensors", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341698/", "author_list": ["Gabor Soter", "Helmut Hauser", "Andrew Conn", "Jonathan Rossiter", "Kohei Nakajima", "Gabor Soter", "Helmut Hauser", "Andrew Conn", "Jonathan Rossiter", "Kohei Nakajima"], "abstract": "CCD camera-based tactile sensors provide high-resolution information about the deformation of soft and elastic interfaces. However, they have poor scalibility as it is difficult to sense a large surface area without increasing the distance between the camera and the interface or using multiple processing chips. For example, using such tactile sensors for a whole robotic arm is not yet possible. In..."} {"title": "Personalized Online Learning with Pseudo-Ground Truth", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341632/", "author_list": ["Viktor Losing", "Martina Hasenj\u00e4ger", "Taizo Yoshikawa", "Viktor Losing", "Martina Hasenj\u00e4ger", "Taizo Yoshikawa"], "abstract": "Personalized online machine learning allows a very accurate modelling of individual behavior and demands. In particular, a system that dynamically adapts during runtime can initiate a continuous collaboration with its user where both alternately adjust to each other to maximize the system's utility. However, in application scenarios based on supervised learning it is often unclear how to obtain th..."} {"title": "Explainable and Efficient Sequential Correlation Network for 3D Single Person Concurrent Activity Detection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340846/", "author_list": ["Yi Wei", "Wenbo Li", "Ming-Ching Chang", "Hongxia Jin", "Siwei Lyu", "Yi Wei", "Wenbo Li", "Ming-Ching Chang", "Hongxia Jin", "Siwei Lyu"], "abstract": "We present the sequential correlation network (SCN) to improve concurrent activity detection. SCN combines a recurrent neural network and a correlation model hierarchically to model the complex correlations and temporal dynamics of concurrent activities. SCN has several advantages that enable effective learning even from a small dataset for real-world deployment. Unlike the majority of approaches ..."} {"title": "Faster Healthcare Time Series Classification for Boosting Mortality Early Warning System", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341483/", "author_list": ["Yanke Hu", "Raj Subramanian", "Wangpeng An", "Na Zhao", "Weili Wu", "Yanke Hu", "Raj Subramanian", "Wangpeng An", "Na Zhao", "Weili Wu"], "abstract": "Electronic Health Record (EHR) and healthcare claim data provide rich clinical information for time series analysis. In this work, we provide a different angle of solving healthcare multivariate time series classification by turning it into a computer vision problem. We propose a Convolutional Feature Engineering (CFE) methodology, that can effectively extract long sequence dependency time series ..."} {"title": "Action Sequence Predictions of Vehicles in Urban Environments using Map and Social Context", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340643/", "author_list": ["Jan-Nico Zaech", "Dengxin Dai", "Alexander Liniger", "Luc Van Gool", "Jan-Nico Zaech", "Dengxin Dai", "Alexander Liniger", "Luc Van Gool"], "abstract": "This work studies the problem of predicting the sequence of future actions for surrounding vehicles in real-world driving scenarios. To this aim, we make three main contributions. The first contribution is an automatic method to convert the trajectories recorded in real-world driving scenarios to action sequences with the help of HD maps. The method enables automatic dataset creation for this task..."} {"title": "Multi-label Long Short-Term Memory for construction vehicle activity recognition with imbalanced supervision", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341500/", "author_list": ["Haruka Abe", "Takuya Hino", "Motohide Sugihara", "Hiroki Ikeya", "Masamichi Shimosaka", "Haruka Abe", "Takuya Hino", "Motohide Sugihara", "Hiroki Ikeya", "Masamichi Shimosaka"], "abstract": "Sensor-based activity recognition for construction vehicles is useful for evaluating the skills of the operator, measuring work efficiency, and many other use cases. Therefore, many researches have explored robust activity-recognition models. However, it remains a challenge to apply the model to many construction sites because of the imbalance of the dataset. While it is natural to employ multi-la..."} {"title": "From Human to Robot Everyday Activity", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340706/", "author_list": ["Celeste Mason", "Konrad Gadzicki", "Moritz Meier", "Florian Ahrens", "Thorsten Kluss", "Jaime Maldonado", "Felix Putze", "Thorsten Fehr", "Christoph Zetzsche", "Manfred Herrmann", "Kerstin Schill", "Tanja Schultz", "Celeste Mason", "Konrad Gadzicki", "Moritz Meier", "Florian Ahrens", "Thorsten Kluss", "Jaime Maldonado", "Felix Putze", "Thorsten Fehr", "Christoph Zetzsche", "Manfred Herrmann", "Kerstin Schill", "Tanja Schultz"], "abstract": "The Everyday Activities Science and Engineering (EASE) Collaborative Research Consortium\u2019s mission to enhance the performance of cognition-enabled robots establishes its foundation in the EASE Human Activities Data Analysis Pipeline. Through collection of diverse human activity information resources, enrichment with contextually relevant annotations, and subsequent multimodal analysis of the combi..."} {"title": "Non-overlapping RGB-D Camera Network Calibration with Monocular Visual Odometry", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340825/", "author_list": ["Kenji Koide", "Emanuele Menegatti", "Kenji Koide", "Emanuele Menegatti"], "abstract": "This paper describes a calibration method for RGB-D camera networks consisting of not only static overlapping, but also dynamic and non-overlapping cameras. The proposed method consists of two steps: online visual odometry-based calibration and depth image-based calibration refinement. It first estimates the transformations between overlapping cameras using fiducial tags, and bridges non-overlappi..."} {"title": "Set-Membership Extrinsic Calibration of a 3D LiDAR and a Camera", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341266/", "author_list": ["Raphael Voges", "Bernardo Wagner", "Raphael Voges", "Bernardo Wagner"], "abstract": "To fuse information from a 3D Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensor and a camera, the extrinsic transformation between the sensor coordinate systems needs to be known. Therefore, an extrinsic calibration must be performed, which is usually based on features extracted from sensor data. Naturally, sensor errors can affect the feature extraction process, and thus distort the calibration result. ..."} {"title": "Experimental Evaluation of 3D-LIDAR Camera Extrinsic Calibration", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340911/", "author_list": ["Subodh Mishra", "Philip R. Osteen", "Gaurav Pandey", "Srikanth Saripalli", "Subodh Mishra", "Philip R. Osteen", "Gaurav Pandey", "Srikanth Saripalli"], "abstract": "In this paper we perform an extensive experimental evaluation of three planar target based 3D-LIDAR camera calibration algorithms, on a sensor suite consisting multiple 3D-LIDARs and cameras, assessing their robustness to random initialization and by using metrics like Mean Line Re-projection Error (MLRE) and Factory Stereo Calibration Error. We briefly describe each method and provide insights in..."} {"title": "Kalman Filter based Range Estimation and Clock Synchronization for Ultra Wide Band Networks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340971/", "author_list": ["Nushen M. Senevirathna", "Oscar De Silva", "George K. I. Mann", "Raymond G. Gosine", "Nushen M. Senevirathna", "Oscar De Silva", "George K. I. Mann", "Raymond G. Gosine"], "abstract": "This paper presents the development of a Kalman filter-based range estimation technique to precisely calculate the inter-node ranges of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) modules. Relative clock tracking filters running between every anchor pair tracks relative clock dynamics while estimating the time of flight as a filter state. Both inbound and outbound message timestamps are used to update the filter to mak..."} {"title": "Unified Calibration for Multi-camera Multi-LiDAR Systems using a Single Checkerboard", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340946/", "author_list": ["Wonmyung Lee", "Changhee Won", "Jongwoo Lim", "Wonmyung Lee", "Changhee Won", "Jongwoo Lim"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a unified calibration method for multi-camera multi-LiDAR systems. Only using a single planar checkerboard, the captured checkerboard frames by each sensor are classified as either global frames if they are observed by at least two sensors, or a local frame if observed by a single camera. Both global and local frames of each camera are used to estimate its intrinsic param..."} {"title": "A Learning-based Robotic Bin-picking with Flexibly Customizable Grasping Conditions", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340904/", "author_list": ["Hiroki Tachikake", "Wataru Watanabe", "Hiroki Tachikake", "Wataru Watanabe"], "abstract": "A practical robotic bin-picking system requires a high grasp success rate for various objects. Also, the system must be capable of coping with various constraints and their changes flexibly. To resolve these issues, this study proposes a novel deep learning-based method that exploits a simulator to generate desired grasping actions. The features of this method are as follows: (1) Grasping conditio..."} {"title": "Sim-to-Real Transfer of Bolting Tasks with Tight Tolerance", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341644/", "author_list": ["Dongwon Son", "Hyunsoo Yang", "Dongjun Lee", "Dongwon Son", "Hyunsoo Yang", "Dongjun Lee"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a novel sim-to-real framework to solve bolting tasks with tight tolerance and complex contact geometry which are hard to be modeled. The sim-to-real has desirable features in terms of cost and safety, however, that of the assembly task is rare due to the lack of simulator, which can robustly render multi-contact assembly. We implement the sim-to-real transfer of nut tight..."} {"title": "Combining Compliance Control, CAD Based Localization, and a Multi-Modal Gripper for Rapid and Robust Programming of Assembly Tasks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340869/", "author_list": ["Gal Gorjup", "Geng Gao", "Anany Dwivedi", "Minas Liarokapis", "Gal Gorjup", "Geng Gao", "Anany Dwivedi", "Minas Liarokapis"], "abstract": "Current trends in industrial automation favor agile systems that allow adaptation to rapidly changing task requirements and facilitate customized production in smaller batches. This work presents a flexible manufacturing system relying on compliance control, CAD based localization, and a multi-modal gripper to enable fast and efficient task programming for assembly operations. CAD file processing ..."} {"title": "Learning and Sequencing of Object-Centric Manipulation Skills for Industrial Tasks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341570/", "author_list": ["Leonel Rozo", "Meng Guo", "Andras G. Kupcsik", "Marco Todescato", "Philipp Schillinger", "Markus Giftthaler", "Matthias Ochs", "Markus Spies", "Nicolai Waniek", "Patrick Kesper", "Mathias Burger", "Leonel Rozo", "Meng Guo", "Andras G. Kupcsik", "Marco Todescato", "Philipp Schillinger", "Markus Giftthaler", "Matthias Ochs", "Markus Spies", "Nicolai Waniek", "Patrick Kesper", "Mathias Burger"], "abstract": "Enabling robots to quickly learn manipulation skills is an important, yet challenging problem. Such manipulation skills should be flexible, e.g., be able adapt to the current workspace configuration. Furthermore, to accomplish complex manipulation tasks, robots should be able to sequence several skills and adapt them to changing situations. In this work, we propose a rapid robot skill-sequencing a..."} {"title": "Sample-Efficient Learning for Industrial Assembly using Qgraph-bounded DDPG", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341390/", "author_list": ["Sabrina Hoppe", "Markus Giftthaler", "Robert Krug", "Marc Toussaint", "Sabrina Hoppe", "Markus Giftthaler", "Robert Krug", "Marc Toussaint"], "abstract": "Recent progress in deep reinforcement learning has enabled agents to autonomously learn complex control strategies from scratch. Model-free approaches like Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG) seem promising for applications with intricate dynamics, such as contact-rich manipulation tasks. However, these methods typically require large amounts of training data or meticulous hyperparameter tu..."} {"title": "LegoBot: Automated Planning for Coordinated Multi-Robot Assembly of LEGO structures", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341428/", "author_list": ["Ludwig N\u00e4gele", "Alwin Hoffmann", "Andreas Schierl", "Wolfgang Reif", "Ludwig N\u00e4gele", "Alwin Hoffmann", "Andreas Schierl", "Wolfgang Reif"], "abstract": "Multi-functional cells with cooperating teams of robots promise to be flexible, robust, and efficient and, thus, are a key to future factories. However, their programming is tedious and AI-based planning for multiple robots is computationally expensive. In this work, we present a modular and efficient two-layer planning approach for multi-robot assembly. The goal is to generate the program for coo..."} {"title": "Experiments on whole-body control of a dual-arm mobile robot with the Set-Based Task-Priority Inverse Kinematics algorithm", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341638/", "author_list": ["Paolo Di Lillo", "Francesco Pierri", "Fabrizio Caccavale", "Gianluca Antonelli", "Paolo Di Lillo", "Francesco Pierri", "Fabrizio Caccavale", "Gianluca Antonelli"], "abstract": "In this paper an experimental study of set-based task-priority kinematic control for a dual-arm mobile robot is developed. The control strategy for the coordination of the two manipulators and the mobile base relies on the definition of a set of elementary tasks to be properly handled depending on their functional role. In particular, the tasks have been grouped into three categories: safety, oper..."} {"title": "Collision Reaction Through Internal Stress Loading in Cooperative Manipulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341221/", "author_list": ["Victor Aladele", "Seth Hutchinson", "Victor Aladele", "Seth Hutchinson"], "abstract": "Cooperative manipulation offers many advantages over single-arm manipulation. However, this comes at a cost of added complexity, both in modeling and control of multi-arm systems. Much research has been focused on determining optimal load distribution strategies based on several objective functions, some of which include manipulability, energy consumption and joint torque minimization. This paper ..."} {"title": "Scalable Collaborative Manipulation with Distributed Trajectory Planning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340957/", "author_list": ["Ola Shorinwa", "Mac Schwager", "Ola Shorinwa", "Mac Schwager"], "abstract": "We present a distributed algorithm to enable a group of robots to collaboratively manipulate an object to a desired configuration while avoiding obstacles. Each robot solves a local optimization problem iteratively and communicates with its local neighbors, ultimately converging to the optimal trajectory of the object over a receding horizon. The algorithm scales efficiently to large groups, with ..."} {"title": "High-Speed Catching by Multi-Vision Robot Hand", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340968/", "author_list": ["Masaki Sato", "Akira Takahashi", "Akio Namiki", "Masaki Sato", "Akira Takahashi", "Akio Namiki"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose the \"multi-vision hand\", in which a number of small high-speed cameras are mounted on the robot hand of a common 7 degrees-of-freedom robot. Also, we propose visual-servoing control by using a multi-vision system that combines the multi-vision hand and external fixed high-speed cameras. The target task was ball catching motion, which requires high-speed operation. In the ..."} {"title": "High-speed Hitting Grasping with Magripper, a Highly Backdrivable Gripper using Magnetic Gear and Plastic Deformation Control", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341175/", "author_list": ["Satoshi Tanaka", "Keisuke Koyama", "Taku Senoo", "Makoto Shimojo", "Masatoshi Ishikawa", "Satoshi Tanaka", "Keisuke Koyama", "Taku Senoo", "Makoto Shimojo", "Masatoshi Ishikawa"], "abstract": "In this study, Magripper, a highly backdrivable gripper, is developed to achieve high-speed hitting grasping executed seamlessly from reaching. The gripper is designed to achieve both high speed and environmental adaptability. The key element is backdrivability in terms of both hardware and control. In Magripper, a magnetic gear is introduced to passively absorb shock in the moment of contact as a..."} {"title": "PnuGrip: An Active Two-Phase Gripper for Dexterous Manipulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340751/", "author_list": ["Ian H. Taylor", "Nikhil Chavan-Dafle", "Godric Li", "Neel Doshi", "Alberto Rodriguez", "Ian H. Taylor", "Nikhil Chavan-Dafle", "Godric Li", "Neel Doshi", "Alberto Rodriguez"], "abstract": "We present the design of an active two-phase finger for mechanically mediated dexterous manipulation. The finger enables re-orientation of a grasped object by using a pneumatic braking mechanism to transition between free-rotating and fixed (i.e., braked) phases. Our design allows controlled high-bandwidth (5 Hz) phase transitions independent of the grasping force for manipulation of a variety of ..."} {"title": "Design and Control of Roller Grasper V2 for In-Hand Manipulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340953/", "author_list": ["Shenli Yuan", "Lin Shao", "Connor L. Yako", "Alex Gruebele", "J. Kenneth Salisbury", "Shenli Yuan", "Lin Shao", "Connor L. Yako", "Alex Gruebele", "J. Kenneth Salisbury"], "abstract": "The ability to perform in-hand manipulation still remains an unsolved problem; having this capability would allow robots to perform sophisticated tasks requiring repositioning and reorienting of grasped objects. In this work, we present a novel non-anthropomorphic robot grasper with the ability to manipulate objects by means of active surfaces at the fingertips. Active surfaces are achieved by sph..."} {"title": "50 Benchmarks for Anthropomorphic Hand Function-based Dexterity Classification and Kinematics-based Hand Design", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340982/", "author_list": ["Jianshu Zhou", "Yonghua Chen", "Dickson Chun Fung Li", "Yuan Gao", "Yunquan Li", "Shing Shin Cheng", "Fei Chen", "Yunhui Liu", "Jianshu Zhou", "Yonghua Chen", "Dickson Chun Fung Li", "Yuan Gao", "Yunquan Li", "Shing Shin Cheng", "Fei Chen", "Yunhui Liu"], "abstract": "Robotic hands with anthropomorphism considerations are of prominent popularity in human-centered environment. Existing anthropomorphic robotic hands achieving part or most of human hand comparable dexterity have been applied as various robotic end-effectors and prosthetics. However, two deficiencies are evident that the design for a dexterous anthropomorphic hand is largely based on the intuition ..."} {"title": "Stable In-Grasp Manipulation with a Low-Cost Robot Hand by Using 3-Axis Tactile Sensors with a CNN", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341362/", "author_list": ["Satoshi Funabashi", "Tomoki Isobe", "Shun Ogasa", "Tetsuya Ogata", "Alexander Schmitz", "Tito Pradhono Tomo", "Shigeki Sugano", "Satoshi Funabashi", "Tomoki Isobe", "Shun Ogasa", "Tetsuya Ogata", "Alexander Schmitz", "Tito Pradhono Tomo", "Shigeki Sugano"], "abstract": "The use of tactile information is one of the most important factors for achieving stable in-grasp manipulation. Especially with low-cost robotic hands that provide low-precision control, robust in-grasp manipulation is challenging. Abundant tactile information could provide the required feed-back to achieve reliable in-grasp manipulation also in such cases. In this research, soft distributed 3-axi..."} {"title": "Diabolo Orientation Stabilization by Learning Predictive Model for Unstable Unknown-Dynamics Juggling Manipulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341775/", "author_list": ["Takayuki Murooka", "Kei Okada", "Masayuki Inaba", "Takayuki Murooka", "Kei Okada", "Masayuki Inaba"], "abstract": "Juggling manipulation is one of difficult manipulation to acquire since some of such manipulation is unstable and also its physical model is unknown due to the complex non-prehensile manipulation. To acquire these unstable unknown-dynamics juggling manipulation, we propose a method for designing the predictive model of manipulation with a deep neural network, and a real-time optimal control law wi..."} {"title": "Hand-Object Contact Force Synthesis for Manipulating Objects by Exploiting Environment", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341316/", "author_list": ["Aditya Patankar", "Amin Fakhari", "Nilanjan Chakraborty", "Aditya Patankar", "Amin Fakhari", "Nilanjan Chakraborty"], "abstract": "In this paper, we study the problem of computing grasping forces for quasi-static manipulation of large and heavy objects, by exploiting object-environment contacts. We present a general formulation of this problem as a Second-Order Cone Program (SOCP) that considers (i) contact friction constraints at the object-manipulator contacts and object-environment contacts, (ii) force/moment equilibrium c..."} {"title": "Functionally Divided Manipulation Synergy for Controlling Multi-fingered Hands", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341766/", "author_list": ["Kazuki Higashi", "Keisuke Koyama", "Ryuta Ozawa", "Kazuyuki Nagata", "Weiwei Wan", "Kensuke Harada", "Kazuki Higashi", "Keisuke Koyama", "Ryuta Ozawa", "Kazuyuki Nagata", "Weiwei Wan", "Kensuke Harada"], "abstract": "Synergy provides a practical approach for expressing various postures of a multi-fingered hand. However, a conventional synergy defined for reproducing grasping postures cannot perform in-hand manipulation, e.g., tasks that involve simultaneously grasping and manipulating an object. Locking the position of particular fingers of a multi-fingered hand is essential for in-hand manipulation tasks eith..."} {"title": "Maintaining stable grasps during highly dynamic robot trajectories", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341575/", "author_list": ["Giandomenico Martucci", "Joao Bimbo", "Domenico Prattichizzo", "Monica Malvezzi", "Giandomenico Martucci", "Joao Bimbo", "Domenico Prattichizzo", "Monica Malvezzi"], "abstract": "One of the key advantages of robots is the high speeds at which they can operate. In industrial settings, increased velocities can lead to higher throughputs and improved efficiency. Some manipulation tasks might require the robot to perform highly dynamic operations such as shaking, or swinging while grasping an object. These fast movements may produce high accelerations and thus give rise to ine..."} {"title": "Wet Adhesion of Micro-patterned Interfaces for Stable Grasping of Deformable Objects", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341095/", "author_list": ["Pho Van Nguyen", "Quan Khanh Luu", "Yuzuru Takamura", "Van Anh Ho", "Pho Van Nguyen", "Quan Khanh Luu", "Yuzuru Takamura", "Van Anh Ho"], "abstract": "Stable grip of wet, deformable objects is a challenging task for robotic grasping and manipulation, especially for food products' handling. The wet, slippery interfaces between the object and robotic fingers may require larger gripping force, resulting in higher risk of damaging the grasped object. This research aims to evaluate the role of micro-patterned soft pad on enhancement of wet adhesion i..."} {"title": "Identification of a Human Hand Kinematics by Measuring and Merging of Nail-Based Finger Motions", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340928/", "author_list": ["Hidenori Tani", "Ryo Nozawa", "Tomomichi Sugihara", "Hidenori Tani", "Ryo Nozawa", "Tomomichi Sugihara"], "abstract": "A method to identify the kinematics model of a human hand that less suffers from the skin artifact is proposed based on a fact that the movements of nails with respect to the corresponding fingertip bones are much smaller than that of skin. It consists of two stages. In the first (individual) stage, the most likely combination of joint assignments and angles of each finger is identified through a ..."} {"title": "Gripping a Kitchen Knife on the Cutting Board", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341373/", "author_list": ["Yuechuan Xue", "Yan-Bin Jia", "Yuechuan Xue", "Yan-Bin Jia"], "abstract": "Despite more than three decades of grasping research, many tools in our everyday life still pose a serious challenge for a robotic hand to grip. The level of dexterity for such a maneuver is surprisingly \"high\" that its execution may require a combination of closed loop controls and finger gaits. This paper studies the task of an anthropomorphic hand driven by a robotic arm to pick up and firmly h..."} {"title": "Learning Bayes Filter Models for Tactile Localization", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341420/", "author_list": ["Tar\u0131k Kele\u015ftemur", "Colin Keil", "John P. Whitney", "Robert Platt", "Ta\u015fk\u0131n Pad\u0131r", "Tar\u0131k Kele\u015ftemur", "Colin Keil", "John P. Whitney", "Robert Platt", "Ta\u015fk\u0131n Pad\u0131r"], "abstract": "Localizing and tracking the pose of robotic grippers are necessary skills for manipulation tasks. However, the manipulators with imprecise kinematic models (e.g. low-cost arms) or manipulators with unknown world coordinates (e.g. poor camera-arm calibration) cannot locate the gripper with respect to the world. In these circumstances, we can leverage tactile feedback between the gripper and the env..."} {"title": "A Thermoplastic Elastomer Belt Based Robotic Gripper", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341152/", "author_list": ["Xingwen Zheng", "Ningzhe Hou", "Pascal Johannes Dani\u00ebl Dinjens", "Ruifeng Wang", "Chengyang Dong", "Guangming Xie", "Xingwen Zheng", "Ningzhe Hou", "Pascal Johannes Dani\u00ebl Dinjens", "Ruifeng Wang", "Chengyang Dong", "Guangming Xie"], "abstract": "Novel robotic grippers have captured increasing interests recently because of their abilities to adapt to varieties of circumstances and their powerful functionalities. Differing from traditional gripper with mechanical components-made fingers, novel robotic grippers are typically made of novel structures and materials, using a novel manufacturing process. In this paper, a novel robotic gripper wi..."} {"title": "Generalizing Learned Manipulation Skills in Practice", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340739/", "author_list": ["Juan Wilches", "Yongqiang Huang", "Yu Sun", "Juan Wilches", "Yongqiang Huang", "Yu Sun"], "abstract": "Robots should be able to learn and perform a manipulation task across different settings. This paper presents an approach that learns an RNN-based manipulation skill model from demonstrations and then generalizes the learned skill in new settings. The manipulation skill model learned from demonstrations in an initial set of setting performs well in those settings and similar ones. However, the mod..."} {"title": "Robot Learning in Mixed Adversarial and Collaborative Settings", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341753/", "author_list": ["Seung Hee Yoon", "Stefanos Nikolaidis", "Seung Hee Yoon", "Stefanos Nikolaidis"], "abstract": "Previous work has shown that interacting with a human adversary can significantly improve the efficiency of the learning process in robot grasping. However, people are not consistent in applying adversarial forces; instead they may alternate between acting antagonistically with the robot or helping the robot achieve its tasks. We propose a physical framework for robot learning in a mixed adversari..."} {"title": "Blind Bin Picking of Small Screws Through In-finger Manipulation With Compliant Robotic Fingers", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341423/", "author_list": ["Matthew Ishige", "Takuya Umedachi", "Yoshihisa Ijiri", "Tadahiro Taniguchi", "Yoshihiro Kawahara", "Matthew Ishige", "Takuya Umedachi", "Yoshihisa Ijiri", "Tadahiro Taniguchi", "Yoshihiro Kawahara"], "abstract": "Although picking up objects a few centimeters in size is a common task, achieving such ability in a robot manipulator remains challenging. We take a step toward solving this problem by focusing on the task of picking a 1.0-cm screw from a bulk bin using only tactile information to achieve the task. Inspired by how humans pick up small objects from a bin, we propose a \"grasp-separate\" strategy for ..."} {"title": "Deep Gated Multi-modal Learning: In-hand Object Pose Changes Estimation using Tactile and Image Data", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341799/", "author_list": ["Tomoki Anzai", "Kuniyuki Takahashi", "Tomoki Anzai", "Kuniyuki Takahashi"], "abstract": "For in-hand manipulation, estimation of the object pose inside the hand is one of the important functions to manipulate objects to the target pose. Since in-hand manipulation tends to cause occlusions by the hand or the object itself, image information only is not sufficient for in-hand object pose estimation. Multiple modalities can be used in this case, the advantage is that other modalities can..."} {"title": "Knowledge-Based Grasp Planning Using Dynamic Self-Organizing Network", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340959/", "author_list": ["Shiyi Yang", "Soo Jeon", "Shiyi Yang", "Soo Jeon"], "abstract": "Category-based methods for task-specified grasp planning have recently been proposed in the literature. Such methods, however, are normally time consuming in both training and grasp determination process and lack capabilities to improve grasping skills due to the fixed training data set. This paper presents an improved approach for knowledge-based grasp planning by developing a multi-layer network..."} {"title": "Environment-Aware Grasp Strategy Planning in Clutter for a Variable Stiffness Hand", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340689/", "author_list": ["Ashok M. Sundaram", "Werner Friedl", "M\u00e1ximo A. Roa", "Ashok M. Sundaram", "Werner Friedl", "M\u00e1ximo A. Roa"], "abstract": "This paper deals with the problem of planning grasp strategies on constrained and cluttered scenarios. The planner sequences the objects for grasping by considering multiple factors: (i) possible environmental constraints that can be exploited to grasp an object, (ii) object neighborhood, (iii) capability of the arm, and (iv) confidence score of the vision algorithm. To successfully exploit the en..."} {"title": "Self-Assessment of Grasp Affordance Transfer", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340841/", "author_list": ["Paola Ard\u00f3n", "\u00c8ric Pairet", "Yvan Petillot", "Ronald P. A. Petrick", "Subramanian Ramamoorthy", "Katrin S. Lohan", "Paola Ard\u00f3n", "\u00c8ric Pairet", "Yvan Petillot", "Ronald P. A. Petrick", "Subramanian Ramamoorthy", "Katrin S. Lohan"], "abstract": "Reasoning about object grasp affordances allows an autonomous agent to estimate the most suitable grasp to execute a task. While current approaches for estimating grasp affordances are effective, their prediction is driven by hypotheses on visual features rather than an indicator of a proposal's suitability for an affordance task. Consequently, these works cannot guarantee any level of performance..."} {"title": "TORM: Fast and Accurate Trajectory Optimization of Redundant Manipulator given an End-Effector Path", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341358/", "author_list": ["Mincheul Kang", "Heechan Shin", "Donghyuk Kim", "Sung-Eui Yoon", "Mincheul Kang", "Heechan Shin", "Donghyuk Kim", "Sung-Eui Yoon"], "abstract": "A redundant manipulator has multiple inverse kinematics solutions per end-effector pose. Accordingly, there can be many trajectories for joints that follow a given end-effector path in the Cartesian space. In this paper, we present a trajectory optimization of a redundant manipulator (TORM) to synthesize a trajectory that follows a given end-effector path accurately, while achieving smoothness and..."} {"title": "Multi-mode Trajectory Optimization for Impact-aware Manipulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341246/", "author_list": ["Theodoros Stouraitis", "Lei Yan", "Jo\u00e3o Moura", "Michael Gienger", "Sethu Vijayakumar", "Theodoros Stouraitis", "Lei Yan", "Jo\u00e3o Moura", "Michael Gienger", "Sethu Vijayakumar"], "abstract": "The transition from free motion to contact is a challenging problem in robotics, in part due to its hybrid nature. Additionally, disregarding the effects of impacts at the motion planning level often results in intractable impulsive contact forces. In this paper, we introduce an impact-aware multi-mode trajectory optimization (TO) method that combines hybrid dynamics and hybrid control in a cohere..."} {"title": "Multi-Object Rearrangement with Monte Carlo Tree Search: A Case Study on Planar Nonprehensile Sorting", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341532/", "author_list": ["Haoran Song", "Joshua A. Haustein", "Weihao Yuan", "Kaiyu Hang", "Michael Yu Wang", "Danica Kragic", "Johannes A. Stork", "Haoran Song", "Joshua A. Haustein", "Weihao Yuan", "Kaiyu Hang", "Michael Yu Wang", "Danica Kragic", "Johannes A. Stork"], "abstract": "In this work, we address a planar non-prehensile sorting task. Here, a robot needs to push many densely packed objects belonging to different classes into a configuration where these classes are clearly separated from each other. To achieve this, we propose to employ Monte Carlo tree search equipped with a task-specific heuristic function. We evaluate the algorithm on various simulated and real-wo..."} {"title": "Learning Skills to Patch Plans Based on Inaccurate Models", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341475/", "author_list": ["Alex Lagrassa", "Steven Lee", "Oliver Kroemer", "Alex Lagrassa", "Steven Lee", "Oliver Kroemer"], "abstract": "Planners using accurate models can be effective for accomplishing manipulation tasks in the real world, but are typically highly specialized and require significant fine-tuning to be reliable. Meanwhile, learning is useful for adaptation, but can require a substantial amount of data collection. In this paper, we propose a method that improves the efficiency of sub-optimal planners with approximate..."} {"title": "Learning Topological Motion Primitives for Knot Planning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341330/", "author_list": ["Mengyuan Yan", "Gen Li", "Yilin Zhu", "Jeannette Bohg", "Mengyuan Yan", "Gen Li", "Yilin Zhu", "Jeannette Bohg"], "abstract": "In this paper, we approach the challenging problem of motion planning for knot tying. We propose a hierarchical approach in which the top layer produces a topological plan and the bottom layer translates this plan into continuous robot motion. The top layer decomposes a knotting task into sequences of abstract topological actions based on knot theory. The bottom layer translates each of these abst..."} {"title": "Objective Functions of Principal Contact Estimation from Motion Based on the Geometrical Singular Condition", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341694/", "author_list": ["Seiya Ishikawa", "Shouhei Shirafuji", "Jun Ota", "Seiya Ishikawa", "Shouhei Shirafuji", "Jun Ota"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose objective functions to estimate the principal contact between a unknown manipulated target object and its unknown surroundings from the motion of the object. We derived the objective functions based on the fact that contact involves a pair of geometrical primitives (a point of vertex, a line of edge, and a plane of face) for the singular condition of the calculation for t..."} {"title": "Variable In-Hand Manipulations for Tactile-Driven Robot Hand via CNN-LSTM", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341484/", "author_list": ["Satoshi Funabashi", "Shun Ogasa", "Tomoki Isobe", "Tetsuya Ogata", "Alexander Schmitz", "Tito Pradhono Tomo", "Shigeki Sugano", "Satoshi Funabashi", "Shun Ogasa", "Tomoki Isobe", "Tetsuya Ogata", "Alexander Schmitz", "Tito Pradhono Tomo", "Shigeki Sugano"], "abstract": "Performing various in-hand manipulation tasks, without learning each individual task, would enable robots to act more versatile, while reducing the effort for training. However, in general it is difficult to achieve stable in-hand manipulation, because the contact state between the fingertips becomes difficult to model, especially for a robot hand with anthropomorphically shaped fingertips. Rich t..."} {"title": "On Screw Linear Interpolation for Point-to-Point Path Planning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341651/", "author_list": ["Anik Sarker", "Anirban Sinha", "Nilanjan Chakraborty", "Anik Sarker", "Anirban Sinha", "Nilanjan Chakraborty"], "abstract": "Robot motion is controlled in the joint space whereas the robots have to perform tasks in their task space. Many tasks like carrying a glass of liquid, pouring liquid, opening a drawer requires constraints on the end-effector during the motion. The forward and inverse kinematic mappings between joint space and task space are highly nonlinear and multi-valued (for IK). Consequently, modeling task s..."} {"title": "Model-Free, Vision-Based Object Identification and Contact Force Estimation with a Hyper-Adaptive Robotic Gripper", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340952/", "author_list": ["Waris Hasan", "Lucas Gerez", "Minas Liarokapis", "Waris Hasan", "Lucas Gerez", "Minas Liarokapis"], "abstract": "Robots and intelligent industrial systems that focus on sorting or inspection of products require end-effectors that can grasp and manipulate the objects surrounding them. The capability of such systems largely depends on their ability to efficiently identify the objects and estimate the forces exerted on them. This paper presents an underactuated, compliant, and lightweight hyper-adaptive robot g..."} {"title": "Acoustic Collision Detection and Localization for Robot Manipulators", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341719/", "author_list": ["Xiaoran Fan", "Daewon Lee", "Yuan Chen", "Colin Prepscius", "Volkan Isler", "Larry Jackel", "H. Sebastian Seung", "Daniel Lee", "Xiaoran Fan", "Daewon Lee", "Yuan Chen", "Colin Prepscius", "Volkan Isler", "Larry Jackel", "H. Sebastian Seung", "Daniel Lee"], "abstract": "Collision detection is critical for safe robot operation in the presence of humans. Acoustic information originating from collisions between robots and objects provides opportunities for fast collision detection and localization; however, audio information from microphones on robot manipulators needs to be robustly differentiated from motors and external noise sources. In this paper, we present Pa..."} {"title": "Estimating An Object\u2019s Inertial Parameters By Robotic Pushing: A Data-Driven Approach", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341112/", "author_list": ["Nikos Mavrakis", "Amir M. Ghalamzan E.", "Rustam Stolkin", "Nikos Mavrakis", "Amir M. Ghalamzan E.", "Rustam Stolkin"], "abstract": "Estimating the inertial properties of an object can make robotic manipulations more efficient, especially in extreme environments. This paper presents a novel method of estimating the 2D inertial parameters of an object, by having a robot applying a push on it. We draw inspiration from previous analyses on quasi-static pushing mechanics, and introduce a data-driven model that can accurately repres..."} {"title": "Kinematic Multibody Model Generation of Deformable Linear Objects from Point Clouds", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340887/", "author_list": ["Markus Wnuk", "Christoph Hinze", "Armin Lechler", "Alexander Verl", "Markus Wnuk", "Christoph Hinze", "Armin Lechler", "Alexander Verl"], "abstract": "Control and localization of deformable linear objects (DLOs) require models to handle their deformation. This paper proposes an approach to automatically generate a model from available visual sensor information. Based on point cloud data obtained from a 3D stereo camera, the kinematics of a multibody model formulation are derived. The approach aims to balance the tradeoff between computational co..."} {"title": "Cloth Region Segmentation for Robust Grasp Selection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341121/", "author_list": ["Jianing Qian", "Thomas Weng", "Luxin Zhang", "Brian Okorn", "David Held", "Jianing Qian", "Thomas Weng", "Luxin Zhang", "Brian Okorn", "David Held"], "abstract": "Cloth detection and manipulation is a common task in domestic and industrial settings, yet such tasks remain a challenge for robots due to cloth deformability. Furthermore, in many cloth-related tasks like laundry folding and bed making, it is crucial to manipulate specific regions like edges and corners, as opposed to folds. In this work, we focus on the problem of segmenting and grasping these k..."} {"title": "Physics-Based Dexterous Manipulations with Estimated Hand Poses and Residual Reinforcement Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340947/", "author_list": ["Guillermo Garcia-Hernando", "Edward Johns", "Tae-Kyun Kim", "Guillermo Garcia-Hernando", "Edward Johns", "Tae-Kyun Kim"], "abstract": "Dexterous manipulation of objects in virtual environments with our bare hands, by using only a depth sensor and a state-of-the-art 3D hand pose estimator (HPE), is challenging. While virtual environments are ruled by physics, e.g. object weights and surface frictions, the absence of force feedback makes the task challenging, as even slight inaccuracies on finger tips or contact points from HPE may..."} {"title": "Affordance-Based Grasping and Manipulation in Real World Applications", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341482/", "author_list": ["Christoph Pohl", "Kevin Hitzler", "Raphael Grimm", "Antonio Zea", "Uwe D. Hanebeck", "Tamim Asfour", "Christoph Pohl", "Kevin Hitzler", "Raphael Grimm", "Antonio Zea", "Uwe D. Hanebeck", "Tamim Asfour"], "abstract": "In real world applications, robotic solutions remain impractical due to the challenges that arise in unknown and unstructured environments. To perform complex manipulation tasks in complex and cluttered situations, robots need to be able to identify the interaction possibilities with the scene, i.e. the affordances of the objects encountered. In unstructured environments with noisy perception, ins..."} {"title": "X-Ray: Mechanical Search for an Occluded Object by Minimizing Support of Learned Occupancy Distributions", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340984/", "author_list": ["Michael Danielczuk", "Anelia Angelova", "Vincent Vanhoucke", "Ken Goldberg", "Michael Danielczuk", "Anelia Angelova", "Vincent Vanhoucke", "Ken Goldberg"], "abstract": "For applications in e-commerce, warehouses, healthcare, and home service, robots are often required to search through heaps of objects to grasp a specific target object. For mechanical search, we introduce X-Ray, an algorithm based on learned occupancy distributions. We train a neural network using a synthetic dataset of RGBD heap images labeled for a set of standard bounding box targets with vary..."} {"title": "Making Robots Draw A Vivid Portrait In Two Minutes", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340940/", "author_list": ["Fei Gao", "Jingjie Zhu", "Zeyuan Yu", "Peng Li", "Tao Wang", "Fei Gao", "Jingjie Zhu", "Zeyuan Yu", "Peng Li", "Tao Wang"], "abstract": "Significant progress has been made with artistic robots. However, existing robots fail to produce high-quality portraits in a short time. In this work, we present a drawing robot, which can automatically transfer a facial picture to a vivid portrait, and then draw it on paper within two minutes averagely. At the heart of our system is a novel portrait synthesis algorithm based on deep learning. In..."} {"title": "Grasping Detection Network with Uncertainty Estimation for Confidence-Driven Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341056/", "author_list": ["Haiyue Zhu", "Yiting Li", "Fengjun Bai", "Wenjie Chen", "Xiaocong Li", "Jun Ma", "Chek Sing Teo", "Pey Yuen Tao", "Wei Lin", "Haiyue Zhu", "Yiting Li", "Fengjun Bai", "Wenjie Chen", "Xiaocong Li", "Jun Ma", "Chek Sing Teo", "Pey Yuen Tao", "Wei Lin"], "abstract": "Data-efficient domain adaptation with only a few labelled data is desired for many robotic applications, e.g., in grasping detection, the inference skill learned from a grasping dataset is not universal enough to directly apply on various other daily/industrial applications. This paper presents an approach enabling the easy domain adaptation through a novel grasping detection network with confiden..."} {"title": "Batch Normalization Masked Sparse Autoencoder for Robotic Grasping Detection", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341244/", "author_list": ["Zhenzhou Shao", "Ying Qu", "Guangli Ren", "Guohui Wang", "Yong Guan", "Zhiping Shi", "Jindong Tan", "Zhenzhou Shao", "Ying Qu", "Guangli Ren", "Guohui Wang", "Yong Guan", "Zhiping Shi", "Jindong Tan"], "abstract": "To improve the accuracy of the grasping detection, this paper proposes a novel detector with batch normalization masked evaluation model. It is designed with a two-layer sparse autoencoder, and a Batch Normalization based mask is incorporated into the second layer of the model to effectively reduce the features with weak correlation. The extracted features from such model are more distinctive, whi..."} {"title": "No-Regret Shannon Entropy Regularized Neural Contextual Bandit Online Learning for Robotic Grasping", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341123/", "author_list": ["Kyungjae Lee", "Jaegu Choy", "Yunho Choi", "Hogun Kee", "Songhwai Oh", "Kyungjae Lee", "Jaegu Choy", "Yunho Choi", "Hogun Kee", "Songhwai Oh"], "abstract": "In this paper, we propose a novel contextual bandit algorithm that employs a neural network as a reward estimator and utilizes Shannon entropy regularization to encourage exploration, which is called Shannon entropy regularized neural contextual bandits (SERN). In many learning-based algorithms for robotic grasping, the lack of the real-world data hampers the generalization performance of a model ..."} {"title": "Antipodal Robotic Grasping using Generative Residual Convolutional Neural Network", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340777/", "author_list": ["Sulabh Kumra", "Shirin Joshi", "Ferat Sahin", "Sulabh Kumra", "Shirin Joshi", "Ferat Sahin"], "abstract": "In this paper, we present a modular robotic system to tackle the problem of generating and performing antipodal robotic grasps for unknown objects from the n-channel image of the scene. We propose a novel Generative Residual Convolutional Neural Network (GR-ConvNet) model that can generate robust antipodal grasps from n-channel input at real-time speeds (~20ms). We evaluate the proposed model arch..."} {"title": "Deep Imitation Learning of Sequential Fabric Smoothing From an Algorithmic Supervisor", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341608/", "author_list": ["Daniel Seita", "Aditya Ganapathi", "Ryan Hoque", "Minho Hwang", "Edward Cen", "Ajay Kumar Tanwani", "Ashwin Balakrishna", "Brijen Thananjeyan", "Jeffrey Ichnowski", "Nawid Jamali", "Katsu Yamane", "Soshi Iba", "John Canny", "Ken Goldberg", "Daniel Seita", "Aditya Ganapathi", "Ryan Hoque", "Minho Hwang", "Edward Cen", "Ajay Kumar Tanwani", "Ashwin Balakrishna", "Brijen Thananjeyan", "Jeffrey Ichnowski", "Nawid Jamali", "Katsu Yamane", "Soshi Iba", "John Canny", "Ken Goldberg"], "abstract": "Sequential pulling policies to flatten and smooth fabrics have applications from surgery to manufacturing to home tasks such as bed making and folding clothes. Due to the complexity of fabric states and dynamics, we apply deep imitation learning to learn policies that, given color (RGB), depth (D), or combined color-depth (RGBD) images of a rectangular fabric sample, estimate pick points and pull ..."} {"title": "Adaptive Robot-Assisted Feeding: An Online Learning Framework for Acquiring Previously Unseen Food Items", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341359/", "author_list": ["Ethan K. Gordon", "Xiang Meng", "Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee", "Matt Barnes", "Siddhartha S. Srinivasa", "Ethan K. Gordon", "Xiang Meng", "Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee", "Matt Barnes", "Siddhartha S. Srinivasa"], "abstract": "A successful robot-assisted feeding system requires bite acquisition of a wide variety of food items. It must adapt to changing user food preferences under uncertain visual and physical environments. Different food items in different environmental conditions require different manipulation strategies for successful bite acquisition. Therefore, a key challenge is how to handle previously unseen food..."} {"title": "RobotVQA \u2014 A Scene-Graph- and Deep-Learning-based Visual Question Answering System for Robot Manipulation", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341186/", "author_list": ["Franklin Kenghagho Kenfack", "Feroz Ahmed Siddiky", "Ferenc Balint-Benczedi", "Michael Beetz", "Franklin Kenghagho Kenfack", "Feroz Ahmed Siddiky", "Ferenc Balint-Benczedi", "Michael Beetz"], "abstract": "Visual robot perception has been challenging to successful robot manipulation in noisy, cluttered and dynamic environments. While some perception systems fail to provide an adequate semantics of the scene, others fail to present appropriate learning models and training data. Another major issue encountered in some robot perception systems is their inability to promptly respond to robot control pro..."} {"title": "Model-Based Quality-Diversity Search for Efficient Robot Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340794/", "author_list": ["Leon Keller", "Daniel Tanneberg", "Svenja Stark", "Jan Peters", "Leon Keller", "Daniel Tanneberg", "Svenja Stark", "Jan Peters"], "abstract": "Despite recent progress in robot learning, it still remains a challenge to program a robot to deal with open-ended object manipulation tasks. One approach that was recently used to autonomously generate a repertoire of diverse skills is a novelty based Quality-Diversity (QD) algorithm. However, as most evolutionary algorithms, QD suffers from sample- inefficiency and, thus, it is challenging to ap..."} {"title": "Transferring Experience from Simulation to the Real World for Precise Pick-And-Place Tasks in Highly Cluttered Scenes", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341709/", "author_list": ["Kilian Kleeberger", "Markus V\u00f6lk", "Marius Moosmann", "Erik Thiessenhusen", "Florian Roth", "Richard Bormann", "Marco F. Huber", "Kilian Kleeberger", "Markus V\u00f6lk", "Marius Moosmann", "Erik Thiessenhusen", "Florian Roth", "Richard Bormann", "Marco F. Huber"], "abstract": "In this paper, we introduce a novel learning-based approach for grasping known rigid objects in highly cluttered scenes and precisely placing them based on depth images. Our Placement Quality Network (PQ-Net) estimates the object pose and the quality for each automatically generated grasp pose for multiple objects simultaneously at 92 fps in a single forward pass of a neural network. All grasping ..."} {"title": "Generating Reactive Approach Motions Towards Allowable Manifolds using Generalized Trajectories from Demonstrations", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340808/", "author_list": ["Cristian Vergara", "Santiago Iregui", "Joris De Schutter", "Erwin Aertbeli\u00ebn", "Cristian Vergara", "Santiago Iregui", "Joris De Schutter", "Erwin Aertbeli\u00ebn"], "abstract": "There is a high cost associated to the time and expertise required to program complex robot applications with high variability. This is one of the main barriers that inhibit the entry of robotic automation in small and medium-sized enterprises. To tackle the high level of task uncertainty associated with changing conditions of the environment, we propose a framework that leverages a combination be..."} {"title": "Simultaneous Planning for Item Picking and Placing by Deep Reinforcement Learning", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340929/", "author_list": ["Tatsuya Tanaka", "Toshimitsu Kaneko", "Masahiro Sekine", "Voot Tangkaratt", "Masashi Sugiyama", "Tatsuya Tanaka", "Toshimitsu Kaneko", "Masahiro Sekine", "Voot Tangkaratt", "Masashi Sugiyama"], "abstract": "Container loading by a picking robot is an important challenge in the logistics industry. When designing such a robotic system, item picking and placing have been planned individually thus far. However, since the condition of picking an item affects the possible candidates for placing, it is preferable to plan picking and placing simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a deep reinforcement learn..."} {"title": "Distributed Reinforcement Learning of Targeted Grasping with Active Vision for Mobile Manipulators", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9341605/", "author_list": ["Yasuhiro Fujita", "Kota Uenishi", "Avinash Ummadisingu", "Prabhat Nagarajan", "Shimpei Masuda", "Mario Ynocente Castro", "Yasuhiro Fujita", "Kota Uenishi", "Avinash Ummadisingu", "Prabhat Nagarajan", "Shimpei Masuda", "Mario Ynocente Castro"], "abstract": "Developing personal robots that can perform a diverse range of manipulation tasks in unstructured environments necessitates solving several challenges for robotic grasping systems. We take a step towards this broader goal by presenting the first RL-based system, to our knowledge, for a mobile manipulator that can (a) achieve targeted grasping generalizing to unseen target objects, (b) learn comple..."} {"title": "SQUIRL: Robust and Efficient Learning from Video Demonstration of Long-Horizon Robotic Manipulation Tasks", "detail_url": "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9340915/", "author_list": ["Bohan Wu", "Feng Xu", "Zhanpeng He", "Abhi Gupta", "Peter K. Allen", "Bohan Wu", "Feng Xu", "Zhanpeng He", "Abhi Gupta", "Peter K. Allen"], "abstract": "Recent advances in deep reinforcement learning (RL) have demonstrated its potential to learn complex robotic manipulation tasks. However, RL still requires the robot to collect a large amount of real-world experience. To address this problem, recent works have proposed learning from expert demonstrations (LfD), particularly via inverse reinforcement learning (IRL), given its ability to achieve rob..."}