{"id": "3231363735343535", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "List all my missed calls for yesterday", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL [SL:DATE_TIME for yesterday ] ]", "slot_string": "25:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353036303634", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:REPLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play that song 2 more times", "target": "[IN:REPLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3139393831373435", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any good concerts this New Year's Eve", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:DATE_TIME this New Year's Eve ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,28:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353437393832", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:ANSWER_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "let me take this video call with amy", "target": "[IN:ANSWER_CALL [SL:CONTACT amy ] ]", "slot_string": "33:36:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231393232383831", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "should I put on a swimming costume today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE swimming costume ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "18:34:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,35:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232343532343634", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED", "locale": "en", "input": "change my status to maybe for Gardening for Biodiversity in a Climate Crisis", "target": "[IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED [SL:TITLE_EVENT Gardening for Biodiversity in a Climate Crisis ] ]", "slot_string": "30:76:SL:TITLE_EVENT"} {"id": "3232323731353032", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Set music application as google play music for me", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME google play music ] ]", "slot_string": "25:42:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231353939353730", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "please change wake up alarm to sleep in alarm", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME wake up ] [SL:ALARM_NAME sleep in ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:ALARM_NAME,31:39:SL:ALARM_NAME"} {"id": "3231363734343232", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "What time was the call from John today?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL_TIME [SL:CONTACT John ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "28:32:SL:CONTACT,33:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353336363637", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I would like to start using the video call please", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393935313932", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me about Eileen's friend, Beth.", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Eileen ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friend ] [SL:CONTACT Beth ] ]", "slot_string": "14:20:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,23:29:SL:TYPE_RELATION,31:35:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343638333237", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for 7:45 and label it take the dog out", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 7:45 ] [SL:ALARM_NAME take the dog out ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:DATE_TIME,35:51:SL:ALARM_NAME"} {"id": "3132363131383435", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play my music on shuffle", "target": "[IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3132363135323936", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Please skip", "target": "[IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353133353736", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:RESTART_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Restart current timer.", "target": "[IN:RESTART_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3232353832313230", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "lets see video messages from Mya", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:SENDER Mya ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,29:32:SL:SENDER"} {"id": "3138393839363230", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "When did Gina attend FAMU", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT Gina ] [SL:SCHOOL FAMU ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:CONTACT,21:25:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3135323939313936", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "display all daytime alarms", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:ALARM_NAME daytime alarms ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:AMOUNT,12:26:SL:ALARM_NAME"} {"id": "3232323731363737", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "always play music through amazon music", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME amazon music ] ]", "slot_string": "26:38:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3232323930333533", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:RESUME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "can you resume the timer called meditation ended", "target": "[IN:RESUME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:TIMER_NAME meditation ended ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:METHOD_TIMER,32:48:SL:TIMER_NAME"} {"id": "39353633323832", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:RESTART_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "reset timer for jogging", "target": "[IN:RESTART_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353631393434", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Who is the female voice in this song?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "32:36:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231343631333736", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show Takisha Guyon MD parents birthdays to me", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Takisha Guyon MD ] [SL:TYPE_CONTACT parents ] ]", "slot_string": "5:21:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,22:29:SL:TYPE_CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353336363636", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "can you enable video call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393838303834", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_AGE", "locale": "en", "input": "How old is Rob going to be on his next birthday?", "target": "[IN:GET_AGE [SL:CONTACT Rob ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED his ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:CONTACT,30:33:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "3138393838343831", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_AGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Is Pete turning 40 on his birthday this year", "target": "[IN:GET_AGE [SL:CONTACT Pete ] [SL:AGE 40 ] [SL:DATE_TIME this year ] ]", "slot_string": "3:7:SL:CONTACT,16:18:SL:AGE,35:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232343532343333", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED", "locale": "en", "input": "change my status to interested for Eat Drink Play Los Gatos", "target": "[IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED [SL:TITLE_EVENT Eat Drink Play Los Gatos ] ]", "slot_string": "35:59:SL:TITLE_EVENT"} {"id": "39343738353730", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:REPLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "restart current song", "target": "[IN:REPLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "16:20:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3138393931353733", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "How long has Steven been employed by Hibiscus Homes?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME [SL:CONTACT Steven ] [SL:EMPLOYER Hibiscus Homes ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:CONTACT,37:51:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3232323731363431", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Set music application as amazon music for me", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME amazon music ] ]", "slot_string": "25:37:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231353232383838", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I listen to Mac Miller Make Believe on Spotify?", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Mac Miller ] [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Make Believe ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "16:26:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,27:39:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,43:50:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3232333436323030", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:RESUME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "my You aren\u2019t done brushing until this goes off timer can you resume it", "target": "[IN:RESUME_TIMER [SL:TIMER_NAME You aren\u2019t done brushing until this goes off ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "3:49:SL:TIMER_NAME,50:55:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343632363331", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do you make homemade spaghetti", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD homemade ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH spaghetti ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,25:34:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393932313430", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Has Dennis worked for ABC before?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Dennis ] [SL:EMPLOYER ABC ] [SL:DATE_TIME before ] ]", "slot_string": "4:10:SL:CONTACT,22:25:SL:EMPLOYER,26:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353337343238", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:DELETE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel last timer", "target": "[IN:DELETE_TIMER [SL:ORDINAL last ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:ORDINAL,12:17:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353735353334", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Are Brad and Angelina still getting a divorce?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Brad and Angelina still getting a divorce ] ]", "slot_string": "4:45:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231333533373438", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SET_AVAILABLE", "locale": "en", "input": "Set me as online", "target": "[IN:SET_AVAILABLE ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353437323830", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "When did Mom call me?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL_TIME [SL:CONTACT Mom ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353137373431", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Make a call to my Anime group on Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP Anime ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:GROUP,33:41:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231333130333535", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:ANSWER_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Answer any calls from my stepfathers", "target": "[IN:ANSWER_CALL [SL:CONTACT my stepfathers ] ]", "slot_string": "22:36:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139393231323830", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "find Annette's sister", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Annette ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION sister ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CONTACT,15:21:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3232353832303130", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "get me texts from friend Raelynn", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER friend Raelynn ] ]", "slot_string": "18:32:SL:SENDER"} {"id": "3132363033363431", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_SUNSET", "locale": "en", "input": "what time is sunset tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_SUNSET [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353331333036", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "dial 5405551560", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:PHONE_NUMBER 5405551560 ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:PHONE_NUMBER"} {"id": "39343935353834", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to listen to the next song.", "target": "[IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC [SL:ORDINAL next ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "24:28:SL:ORDINAL,29:33:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3133343439363837", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Recipe to use leftover chicken", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT leftover chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "14:30:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231303230363136", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:IGNORE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Block Joe from every calling me again", "target": "[IN:IGNORE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Joe ] ]", "slot_string": "6:9:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393838373936", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_AGE", "locale": "en", "input": "What year will Nick turn 30?", "target": "[IN:GET_AGE [SL:CONTACT Nick ] [SL:AGE 30 ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:CONTACT,25:27:SL:AGE"} {"id": "39343734303633", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:RESTART_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Reset all of my timers back to one minute", "target": "[IN:RESTART_TIMER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timers ] [SL:DATE_TIME to one minute ] ]", "slot_string": "6:9:SL:AMOUNT,16:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER,28:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393830313130", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "did my friends graduate NAU", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:LIFE_EVENT graduate ] [SL:SCHOOL NAU ] ]", "slot_string": "4:6:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,7:14:SL:TYPE_RELATION,15:23:SL:LIFE_EVENT,24:27:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "39353337303938", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:RESUME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Resume the timer in 3 minutes", "target": "[IN:RESUME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME in 3 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:METHOD_TIMER,17:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323233313030", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Get rid of all reminders about the morning walking club.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:TODO the morning walking club ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:AMOUNT,32:56:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231363734323436", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "show how many time nancy called me on sunday", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL [SL:CONTACT nancy ] [SL:DATE_TIME on sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:CONTACT,35:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353832393734", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_SUNSET", "locale": "en", "input": "What time does sunset start", "target": "[IN:GET_SUNSET ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232323232313030", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "get events I RSVPd yes to", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:USER_ATTENDEE_EVENT I ] ]", "slot_string": "11:12:SL:USER_ATTENDEE_EVENT"} {"id": "3231373034353736", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_SUNSET", "locale": "en", "input": "when is dusk in bremerton", "target": "[IN:GET_SUNSET [SL:LOCATION bremerton ] ]", "slot_string": "16:25:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353433333332", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the top story in national news?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE story ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY national ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,15:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:32:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,33:37:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3232343533353137", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED", "locale": "en", "input": "interested in going to Insurgent Empire Book Launch", "target": "[IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED [SL:TITLE_EVENT Insurgent Empire Book Launch ] ]", "slot_string": "23:51:SL:TITLE_EVENT"} {"id": "39353239313439", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:DELETE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "skip this timer and start a new one", "target": "[IN:DELETE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3135323933333934", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add 20 minutes to countdown", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 20 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER countdown ] ]", "slot_string": "4:14:SL:DATE_TIME,18:27:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343636323731", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:REPLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Start the Sleep playlist from the beginning.", "target": "[IN:REPLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE Sleep ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE playlist ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE,16:24:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353534323039", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play playlist Night", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE playlist ] [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE Night ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,14:19:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE"} {"id": "3135323931333732", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Reduce my timer by 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME by 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER,16:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393830313136", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "when did my friends go to ASU?", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:SCHOOL ASU ] ]", "slot_string": "9:11:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,12:19:SL:TYPE_RELATION,26:29:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3231323337383636", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to check appointment log for baby", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO check appointment log for baby ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:43:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3138383932333831", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Does this recipe have dairy", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:METHOD_RECIPES recipe ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT dairy ] ]", "slot_string": "10:16:SL:METHOD_RECIPES,22:27:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231353534313834", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Snooze this alarm for 20 minutes", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "18:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353233323636", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play beyonce 4 album", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME beyonce ] [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE 4 ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,13:14:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,15:20:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231373034353639", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_SUNSET", "locale": "en", "input": "tell me when dusk is on sunday", "target": "[IN:GET_SUNSET [SL:DATE_TIME on sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393830383339", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Did anyone I know attend graduate school in new york", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:EDUCATION_DEGREE graduate ] [SL:LOCATION new york ] ]", "slot_string": "11:12:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,25:33:SL:EDUCATION_DEGREE,44:52:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343939343239", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I don't like this song, skip it.", "target": "[IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "18:22:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3138393931343239", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "When did Darren attend University of Michigan?", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT Darren ] [SL:SCHOOL University of Michigan ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:CONTACT,23:45:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3232343330393736", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a timer for 27 minutes and a second timer for 15 seconds", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 27 minutes ] [SL:ORDINAL second ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 15 seconds ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER,12:26:SL:DATE_TIME,33:39:SL:ORDINAL,40:45:SL:METHOD_TIMER,46:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135393637353538", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Who won the debate last night", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC won the debate ] [SL:DATE_TIME last night ] ]", "slot_string": "4:18:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,19:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323731333537", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "as my default music app use apple music", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME apple music ] ]", "slot_string": "28:39:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231363734333536", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "what time did Olivia call me yesterday?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL_TIME [SL:CONTACT Olivia ] [SL:DATE_TIME yesterday ] ]", "slot_string": "14:20:SL:CONTACT,29:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353437313631", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Have I had any video chats today?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "27:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136333338353535", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Please read the details about the murder trial today", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC murder trial ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,34:46:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,47:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393931373336", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Who did Mark work for last year?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME [SL:CONTACT Mark ] [SL:DATE_TIME last year ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:CONTACT,22:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353735333538", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "When will the timer go off next", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:ORDINAL next ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,27:31:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "3138393931383231", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Where does my brother work", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION brother ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,14:21:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "39343935393832", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:DELETE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "timer terminate", "target": "[IN:DELETE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231333439313630", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:ANSWER_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "take the new call", "target": "[IN:ANSWER_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343632343033", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "oven temperature for biscuits", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD oven ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH biscuits ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,21:29:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353438333435", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you make this a video call?", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231333533313430", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I have any family members online right now?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT family ] ]", "slot_string": "14:20:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353439333239", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel all alarms that I have set.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "3232333731313030", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Make my work timer go off sooner.", "target": "[IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER [SL:TIMER_NAME work ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:TIMER_NAME,13:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231363735353934", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SET_AVAILABLE", "locale": "en", "input": "turn on my availability", "target": "[IN:SET_AVAILABLE ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353338373539", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How much more time is left?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER time ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231353436353631", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you stop the call please.", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232333730393139", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Put my no cussing timer on hold for now.", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:TIMER_NAME no cussing ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "7:17:SL:TIMER_NAME,18:23:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231353437373736", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SET_AVAILABLE", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to be visible now", "target": "[IN:SET_AVAILABLE ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232353833313032", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Has the leaders group messaged me since Wednesday", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP leaders ] [SL:RECIPIENT me ] [SL:DATE_TIME since Wednesday ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:GROUP,31:33:SL:RECIPIENT,34:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323830393735", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "has anyone messaged me in the last hour", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT me ] [SL:DATE_TIME in the last hour ] ]", "slot_string": "20:22:SL:RECIPIENT,23:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333534343730", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "stop calling Sherman", "target": "[IN:END_CALL [SL:CONTACT Sherman ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138383934383937", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "find recipe for a mexican casserole", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_CUISINE mexican ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH casserole ] ]", "slot_string": "18:25:SL:RECIPES_CUISINE,26:35:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353436383239", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me if Sam is currently available", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Sam ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333530343132", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "end call with noah and switch to sophie", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL [SL:CONTACT noah ] [SL:CONTACT sophie ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:CONTACT,33:39:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3133343138373532", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What is a low carb food", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_QUALIFIER_NUTRITION low ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION carb ] ]", "slot_string": "10:13:SL:RECIPES_QUALIFIER_NUTRITION,14:18:SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION"} {"id": "3232353734343030", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "retrieve my text messages on Messenger", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "29:38:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "39343731303037", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How much longer on this countdown?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER countdown ] ]", "slot_string": "24:33:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3232343532343630", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED", "locale": "en", "input": "set my status as maybe for the second event", "target": "[IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED [SL:ORDINAL second ] ]", "slot_string": "31:37:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "3231323237313638", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me the next reminder.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:ORDINAL next ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,12:16:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "39353231343531", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "stop that timer", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3138393838333733", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_AGE", "locale": "en", "input": "How old is my mom?", "target": "[IN:GET_AGE [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION mom ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,14:17:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3138393934323837", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "what does he do on weekends?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT he ] [SL:DATE_TIME on weekends ] ]", "slot_string": "10:12:SL:CONTACT,16:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333633363436", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "get remaining time on thaw turkey timer", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:TIMER_NAME thaw turkey ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "22:33:SL:TIMER_NAME,34:39:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3232323731343635", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I set my music app as deezer", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME deezer ] ]", "slot_string": "26:32:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3138393739383831", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "do i have friend living in bay area", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED i ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friend ] [SL:LOCATION bay area ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,10:16:SL:TYPE_RELATION,27:35:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231363331313239", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete wake up alarms on Wednesday", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME wake up ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Wednesday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:ALARM_NAME,22:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393930383036", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "When does Dawn graduate from the culinary school?", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT Dawn ] [SL:LIFE_EVENT graduate ] [SL:SCHOOL the culinary school ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:CONTACT,15:23:SL:LIFE_EVENT,29:48:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3231363332313530", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "delete all my gym alarm", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:ALARM_NAME gym ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT,14:17:SL:ALARM_NAME"} {"id": "39343730303331", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:RESTART_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "reset my timer please", "target": "[IN:RESTART_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231353535373833", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SILENCE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Quiet please.", "target": "[IN:SILENCE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353733303439", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:DELETE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Clear all timers", "target": "[IN:DELETE_TIMER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timers ] ]", "slot_string": "6:9:SL:AMOUNT,10:16:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353639333831", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "bbc headlines", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE bbc ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "0:3:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,4:13:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353239373036", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How long is left on the timer?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "24:29:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3133343130343238", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many cups of sugar are in a cake", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT cups ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT sugar ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cake ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:13:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,17:22:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,32:36:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363330393938", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete the alarm for this afternoon", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for this afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "17:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343739323737", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SILENCE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I'd like to reset my alarm.", "target": "[IN:SILENCE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231333532333035", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SET_AVAILABLE", "locale": "en", "input": "please i am available", "target": "[IN:SET_AVAILABLE ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3139393736343736", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any local events going on this week", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:ATTRIBUTE_EVENT local ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:ATTRIBUTE_EVENT,36:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363331363231", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me the alarms set for Monday.", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "23:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353134343730", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any new news about the Russia story?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE new ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Russia story ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,8:12:SL:NEWS_TYPE,23:35:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353733373337", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set timer for 4 hours and 20 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 4 hours and 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363037373236", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i want you to display all successful calls with Bob Andary", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:CONTACT Bob Andary ] ]", "slot_string": "22:25:SL:AMOUNT,48:58:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323330373534", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "edit one week before alert to one day before for all reminders for the month of October", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:DATE_TIME one week before ] [SL:DATE_TIME to one day before ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the month of October ] ]", "slot_string": "5:20:SL:DATE_TIME,27:44:SL:DATE_TIME,49:52:SL:AMOUNT,63:88:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232343330393837", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "put up a timer for 14 minutes and one for three hours", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 14 minutes ] [SL:AMOUNT one ] [SL:DATE_TIME for three hours ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:METHOD_TIMER,15:29:SL:DATE_TIME,34:37:SL:AMOUNT,38:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323235323837", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Change my doctor's appointment alert to 45 minutes before", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO doctor's appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 45 minutes before ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:30:SL:TODO,37:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136353036333534", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SILENCE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "turn off all alarms and timers", "target": "[IN:SILENCE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "3231333436333436", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "leave and pick up new call", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353536353533", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What`s the weather like in Australia ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Australia ] ]", "slot_string": "27:36:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231313730323035", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who's birthday is coming up in the next two months?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:DATE_TIME in the next two months ] ]", "slot_string": "28:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353735313336", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i would like to message Anna that Facebook text", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:CONTACT Anna ] [SL:NAME_APP Facebook ] ]", "slot_string": "24:28:SL:CONTACT,34:42:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231303230323037", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:IGNORE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Ignore all calls", "target": "[IN:IGNORE_CALL [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "39343734363733", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Snooze my alarm for ten minutes.", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for ten minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "16:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373236363034", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:ANSWER_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "open phone call", "target": "[IN:ANSWER_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231363037363737", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please show successful calls from mary from last friday", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL [SL:CONTACT mary ] [SL:DATE_TIME from last friday ] ]", "slot_string": "34:38:SL:CONTACT,39:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363338383132", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What will be the weather on saturday", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME on saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "25:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353534323938", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for Christmas Day December 25th at 12am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Christmas Day December 25th at 12am ] ]", "slot_string": "13:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323530323035", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "create French press timer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:TIMER_NAME French press ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "7:19:SL:TIMER_NAME,20:25:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3138393832363635", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me who works for CVS?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER CVS ] ]", "slot_string": "22:25:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39353132363130", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what's the latest news about North Korea?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC North Korea ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:DATE_TIME,18:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,29:40:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3232333437373836", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "add to the Spaghetti timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:TIMER_NAME Spaghetti ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:TIMER_NAME,21:26:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3133323738303137", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How much protein is in one banana", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION protein ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT banana ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION,27:33:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3136333337363130", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Who is on Fox News", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Fox News ] ]", "slot_string": "10:18:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "3231353336373933", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I want you to change it from audio call to video call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393931313837", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "When does Katie start working for UWM as a Student Advisor?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME [SL:CONTACT Katie ] [SL:EMPLOYER UWM ] [SL:JOB Student Advisor ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:CONTACT,34:37:SL:EMPLOYER,43:58:SL:JOB"} {"id": "39343638363938", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Who was playing guitar in the last song?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "35:39:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39343534363632", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "best way to cook a pot roast", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING best ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pot roast ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:RECIPES_RATING,19:28:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393835363837", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "What city does Joe live in?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Joe ] ]", "slot_string": "15:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333534363536", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:IGNORE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "don't answer this for me", "target": "[IN:IGNORE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231333438333735", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SET_AVAILABLE", "locale": "en", "input": "Please set my availability to available now", "target": "[IN:SET_AVAILABLE ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393933333535", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "When did Bob start working at Fox?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME [SL:CONTACT Bob ] [SL:EMPLOYER Fox ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:CONTACT,30:33:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231363337373836", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Quiet alarm for 10mins", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 10mins ] ]", "slot_string": "12:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3134313539303936", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Temperature Celsius", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "3231373530333233", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me where Luminata is at", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:TITLE_EVENT Luminata ] ]", "slot_string": "14:22:SL:TITLE_EVENT"} {"id": "3231363331373431", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me my next alarm.", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:ORDINAL next ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "3135333031363336", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Pause my current timer", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231323335373534", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "view reminders for week", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER view ] [SL:DATE_TIME for week ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,15:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353734393530", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "please send Julia Peterson via Messenger a message saying talk to you later", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Julia Peterson ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT talk to you later ] ]", "slot_string": "12:26:SL:RECIPIENT,31:40:SL:NAME_APP,58:75:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3137353437303035", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many calories in an orange", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT orange ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,24:30:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231323834323139", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell Sara thank you for the invite to the luncheon next month however I will not be able to attend.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Sara ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT thank you for the invite to the luncheon next month however I will not be able to attend ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:RECIPIENT,10:98:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39343737343135", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "shuffle pop music", "target": "[IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE pop ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,12:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39343835383536", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Move my alarm to 8 am.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME to 8 am ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138383931363136", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "best blueberry muffin recipe", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING best ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH blueberry muffin ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:RECIPES_RATING,5:21:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3133343634323439", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do I make a Thanksgiving meal", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:METHOD_RECIPES meal ] ]", "slot_string": "29:33:SL:METHOD_RECIPES"} {"id": "39353736313030", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what time will it stop raining today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE raining ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,31:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333533373635", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:IGNORE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "don't answer it please", "target": "[IN:IGNORE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232333731313037", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Knock off 10 minutes from the workout", "target": "[IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 10 minutes ] [SL:TIMER_NAME workout ] ]", "slot_string": "10:20:SL:DATE_TIME,30:37:SL:TIMER_NAME"} {"id": "3231363332373937", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Change the time of the upcoming alarm to 7pm", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_ALARM [SL:ORDINAL upcoming ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 7pm ] ]", "slot_string": "23:31:SL:ORDINAL,38:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333437383539", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "add time to my Plank timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:TIMER_NAME Plank ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:TIMER_NAME,21:26:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3135323932313435", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remove 3 minutes from the last timer", "target": "[IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 3 minutes ] [SL:ORDINAL last ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "7:16:SL:DATE_TIME,26:30:SL:ORDINAL,31:36:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343535313834", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "can you make lasagna without cheese", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH lasagna ] [SL:RECIPES_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENT cheese ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:RECIPES_DISH,29:35:SL:RECIPES_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39353035373532", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Is this a country song?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE country ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,18:22:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3132353734383635", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Please shuffle my favorite songs", "target": "[IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE favorite ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE songs ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE,27:32:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3232323731393935", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Paul Kelly on google play music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Paul Kelly ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME google play music ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,19:36:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3138393835363437", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "does rich live in atlantic city", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT rich ] [SL:LOCATION atlantic city ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:CONTACT,18:31:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231313439383630", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Change my trash reminder to Monday evening at 7pm.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO trash ] [SL:DATE_TIME to Monday evening at 7pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:15:SL:TODO,25:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333438393838", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "show who is online now please", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343632393632", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there protein in eggs", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION protein ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT eggs ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION,20:24:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231333532313534", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "switch call now", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138383935313338", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Low simmer for how many minutes", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD Low simmer ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_TIME_PREPARATION minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "0:10:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,15:23:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,24:31:SL:RECIPES_TIME_PREPARATION"} {"id": "3138393933333831", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Where does Amanda work?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Amanda ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393931313430", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "when was my ex husband hired at his current job?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION ex husband ] ]", "slot_string": "9:11:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,12:22:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231363033303339", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "open Pandora and play My Everything (Italian Edition) on shuffle", "target": "[IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE My Everything (Italian Edition) ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,22:53:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE"} {"id": "3231363337373532", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Put my alarm on snooze, please.", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3132353732373235", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Turn timer off after first alarm", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:ORDINAL first ] ]", "slot_string": "21:26:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "3231353437383332", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to stop this call now", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393839373738", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "what years did jimmy attend akron u", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT jimmy ] [SL:SCHOOL akron u ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:CONTACT,28:35:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "39343532353539", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Recipes I can prepare in 15 minutes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:DATE_TIME 15 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "25:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333531333537", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "combine JT to the current call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED JT ] ]", "slot_string": "8:10:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3133343130383039", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you find a stroganoff recipe with out mushrooms", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH stroganoff ] [SL:RECIPES_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENT mushrooms ] ]", "slot_string": "15:25:SL:RECIPES_DISH,42:51:SL:RECIPES_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231323237373138", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me all the reminders pertaining to my cat.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:TODO my cat ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,40:46:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39343731343732", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "can you pause my timer please", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3139393837383931", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "is there a art showing in cleveland this week", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT art showing ] [SL:LOCATION cleveland ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "11:22:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,26:35:SL:LOCATION,36:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363734333430", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me the time of my last missed call", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL_TIME ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232313730393438", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "let's record a video message for Letitia Lombrana with instructions", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Letitia Lombrana ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,33:49:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231363031303530", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Snooze my hairdresser's alarm.", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME hairdresser ] ]", "slot_string": "10:21:SL:ALARM_NAME"} {"id": "39343631303137", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What is a good dessert recipe", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE good ] [SL:RECIPES_MEAL dessert ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,15:22:SL:RECIPES_MEAL"} {"id": "3138393932323831", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Who does David work for?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT David ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333436393338", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "disconnect current call and switch calls", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353836303435", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play WKSC FM on iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID WKSC FM ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID,16:27:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3138393835353931", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Where does Tara work in Cocoa", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Tara ] [SL:LOCATION Cocoa ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:CONTACT,24:29:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353639373933", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "If despacito is on I would skip it", "target": "[IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE despacito ] ]", "slot_string": "3:12:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "3138393838363632", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_AGE", "locale": "en", "input": "How old Is tom?", "target": "[IN:GET_AGE [SL:CONTACT tom ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363334303439", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create alarm called 'wake up' at 6am tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME wake up ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 6am tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "21:28:SL:ALARM_NAME,30:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232313933373334", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "can you hit up Ayden Padilla on WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ayden Padilla ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "15:28:SL:CONTACT,32:40:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "39353530343137", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete last alarm", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM [SL:ORDINAL last ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "3231363332373039", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "update all alarms called 'Gym' to 6:30am", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:ALARM_NAME Gym ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 6:30am ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT,26:29:SL:ALARM_NAME,31:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323430333337", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "delete my reminder for the dentist", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO the dentist ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:34:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353138373839", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "please show me all the alarms", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "15:18:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "39343836363138", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Please skip track two", "target": "[IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE track ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353336373531", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "switch it to video please", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3133303534313633", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do you cook salmon", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT salmon ] ]", "slot_string": "16:22:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3138393934383132", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me Will's favorite dishes.", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Will ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232343533323834", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED", "locale": "en", "input": "interested in going to Katja Petrowskaja: A Family Story Between Memory and Forgetting", "target": "[IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED [SL:TITLE_EVENT Katja Petrowskaja: A Family Story Between Memory and Forgetting ] ]", "slot_string": "23:86:SL:TITLE_EVENT"} {"id": "3232353832343237", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "grab video messages from my friend", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT my friend ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,25:34:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3138393831333630", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "how many graduated from SMSU", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL SMSU ] ]", "slot_string": "24:28:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "39353237383037", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play the Beatles oldest album.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME the Beatles ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE oldest ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,17:23:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,24:29:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231303137333636", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:IGNORE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Ignore calls after 11pm", "target": "[IN:IGNORE_CALL [SL:DATE_TIME after 11pm ] ]", "slot_string": "13:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323239383839", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "change the reminder for the chef's table group from 3 to 4", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED chef's table ] [SL:DATE_TIME from 3 ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 4 ] ]", "slot_string": "28:40:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,47:53:SL:DATE_TIME,54:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343130363031", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do you use nutritional yeast as a cheese substitute", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT nutritional yeast ] [SL:RECIPES_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENT cheese ] ]", "slot_string": "15:32:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,38:44:SL:RECIPES_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231313437333739", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call my mom in 15 minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call my mom ] [SL:DATE_TIME in 15 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:24:SL:TODO,25:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363230333836", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_SUNSET", "locale": "en", "input": "When does the sun Set", "target": "[IN:GET_SUNSET ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138383932333233", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the most important ingredient for Italian dishes", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredient ] [SL:RECIPES_CUISINE Italian ] [SL:METHOD_RECIPES dishes ] ]", "slot_string": "26:36:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,41:48:SL:RECIPES_CUISINE,49:55:SL:METHOD_RECIPES"} {"id": "3231353437353536", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Is Imran active currently", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Imran ] ]", "slot_string": "3:8:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323234353539", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I won't be able to attend Church on Sunday so delete my reminder about that.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO attend Church on Sunday ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] ]", "slot_string": "19:42:SL:TODO,53:55:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} {"id": "3231323432333432", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call work tomorrow morning.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call work ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:22:SL:TODO,23:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231303139383131", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Add my brothers to this call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED my brothers ] ]", "slot_string": "4:15:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231363735313935", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "When did I last call mum?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL_TIME [SL:CONTACT mum ] ]", "slot_string": "21:24:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323231393534", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Change my reminder for calling Mikey to 10pm tonight please", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO calling Mikey ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 10pm tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:36:SL:TODO,37:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232343436353038", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Has Arturo Malika Haydal sent me anything?", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:CONTACT Arturo Malika Haydal ] [SL:RECIPIENT me ] ]", "slot_string": "4:24:SL:CONTACT,30:32:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3138383936343832", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Can i microwave spaghetti sauce?", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD microwave ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH spaghetti sauce ] ]", "slot_string": "6:15:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,16:31:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231333436393339", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "switch to other call please", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3133323737373533", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Best cheeseburger recipe on Food Network", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING Best ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cheeseburger ] [SL:RECIPES_SOURCE Food Network ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:RECIPES_RATING,5:17:SL:RECIPES_DISH,28:40:SL:RECIPES_SOURCE"} {"id": "3231333531383134", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "who of my friends is busy now?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3135333030393035", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add 10 minute timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 10 minute ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:13:SL:DATE_TIME,14:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231333431323130", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please start a call with gregory", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT gregory ] ]", "slot_string": "25:32:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393834373731", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Does my cousin Jane live in New Jersey?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION cousin ] [SL:CONTACT Jane ] [SL:LOCATION New Jersey ] ]", "slot_string": "5:7:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,8:14:SL:TYPE_RELATION,15:19:SL:CONTACT,28:38:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231313432363535", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to plan a dinner party for the board members next week.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO plan a dinner party for the board members ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:54:SL:TODO,55:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353533313337", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please make 3 alarms for 3pm, 5pm and 8pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT 3 ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 3pm, 5pm and 8pm ] ]", "slot_string": "12:13:SL:AMOUNT,21:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323930323334", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:RESUME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "resume timer in 12 minutes", "target": "[IN:RESUME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME in 12 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:METHOD_TIMER,13:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353630343731", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:RESUME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "timer continue", "target": "[IN:RESUME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343630303434", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "I need a chicken recipe for beginners", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH chicken ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE for beginners ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:RECIPES_DISH,24:37:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39353132393635", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "what alarm did i last set", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:ORDINAL last ] ]", "slot_string": "17:21:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "3231323337393436", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "what's on my reminder list for today?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "10:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,27:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353030323833", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:DELETE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "End timer now", "target": "[IN:DELETE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231313532323933", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to create a Facebook event for back to school party.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO create a Facebook event for back to school party ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:61:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39343930323438", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SILENCE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "turn off all the alarms", "target": "[IN:SILENCE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "3135323839313931", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Who won the last presidential election in the US", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC won ] [SL:DATE_TIME the last ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY presidential election ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC US ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,8:16:SL:DATE_TIME,17:38:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,46:48:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3138393933363431", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "tell me about lisa's friend sonia?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED lisa ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friend ] [SL:CONTACT sonia ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,21:27:SL:TYPE_RELATION,28:33:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353330343531", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:ANSWER_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "get the call", "target": "[IN:ANSWER_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343630343432", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What ingredients are in rhubarb pie", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH rhubarb pie ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,24:35:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353035333537", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm to go off every 30 second for five minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD every 30 second ] [SL:DATE_TIME for five minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "20:35:SL:PERIOD,36:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138383932333330", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "salad bar ideas", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE salad bar ] ]", "slot_string": "0:9:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333938383035", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Add Tood and Greg to the call with Debbie", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Tood ] [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Greg ] [SL:CONTACT Debbie ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:CONTACT_ADDED,13:17:SL:CONTACT_ADDED,35:41:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393935313833", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who is ava", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT ava ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353436353933", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Stop ringing now", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231333431323836", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Bot, call Nikki and add her to this call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Nikki ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "39353132313835", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:RESTART_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please restart my timer", "target": "[IN:RESTART_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353035333737", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "add 5 minutes to time out timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:13:SL:DATE_TIME,26:31:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231373538323932", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call the fourth Melissa", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:ORDINAL fourth ] [SL:CONTACT Melissa ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:ORDINAL,16:23:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138383931303837", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "show me all the vegan and gluten free recipes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DIET vegan ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION gluten ] [SL:RECIPES_QUALIFIER_NUTRITION free ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:RECIPES_DIET,26:32:SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION,33:37:SL:RECIPES_QUALIFIER_NUTRITION"} {"id": "39353332373039", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "change wake up alarm to 6am on Thursday morning", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME wake up ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 6am on Thursday morning ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:ALARM_NAME,21:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363032353430", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "open Pandora and play Cloud Nine on shuffle", "target": "[IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Cloud Nine ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,22:32:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE"} {"id": "3132363238343937", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Is molasses vegan", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT molasses ] [SL:RECIPES_DIET vegan ] ]", "slot_string": "3:11:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,12:17:SL:RECIPES_DIET"} {"id": "3232353832383534", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send a message to japanese meet group that says happy new years", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP japanese meet ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT happy new years ] ]", "slot_string": "18:31:SL:GROUP,48:63:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39353035313836", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "News about Russia", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE News ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Russia ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:NEWS_TYPE,11:17:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231363336363532", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SILENCE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Ok, ok, I'm up", "target": "[IN:SILENCE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323236383533", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please erase the reminder I had to do dishes at 4", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO do dishes ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 4 ] ]", "slot_string": "26:27:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,35:44:SL:TODO,45:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353439313638", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:REPLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "replay all of today's songs", "target": "[IN:REPLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE today ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE songs ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,22:27:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323236333434", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "what are my reminders for study group this week", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO study group ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "9:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,26:37:SL:TODO,38:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138323735303137", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Is a tablespoon more than a teaspoon", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT tablespoon ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT teaspoon ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,28:36:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT"} {"id": "3230303531353933", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "what are you playing on Spotify right now", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "24:31:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231353336343433", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I don't want Rudy in this call.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED Rudy ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} {"id": "39353637303532", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:REPLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Put The System's Don't Disturb This Groove on repeat.", "target": "[IN:REPLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME The System ] [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Don't Disturb This Groove ] ]", "slot_string": "4:14:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,17:42:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "39353335363732", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Who sang that last song?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231303233303938", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "End the call with Teresa.", "target": "[IN:END_CALL [SL:CONTACT Teresa ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353734353235", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Take away 10 seconds from timer", "target": "[IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 10 seconds ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "10:20:SL:DATE_TIME,26:31:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3135323933383836", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set my timer for 1 minute and 30 seconds", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 1 minute and 30 seconds ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:METHOD_TIMER,13:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393834383733", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Does he live in the US?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT_RELATED he ] [SL:LOCATION US ] ]", "slot_string": "5:7:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,20:22:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323236323230", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Kindly remove all reminders for client lunch meetings next week", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:TODO client lunch meetings ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "14:17:SL:AMOUNT,32:53:SL:TODO,54:63:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323232323634", "split": "train", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you get some more events similar to this please?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:SIMILARITY similar ] ]", "slot_string": "29:36:SL:SIMILARITY"}